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Three Parts. (SteveK) 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 7:04:24 AM

Desdichado casts Magic Circle Against Evil on the group to protect them against possession or mental control the devices might have.

Sarge casts a quick Bless on the party. "Can't hurt," she says.

Hmerrin opines they should be close together.

Nira draws in close with the others to encircle the devices.

Gaffer groups up close with the others, and casts a couple of preparation spells. A buffed Greater Earth Elemental moves off 30’ and guards the group as they prepare for the combining of artifacts.

Toston joins hands with the other members of his party.


The heroes have the initiative.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 150/150; AC:26/12/26 - CMD 28] DR:3/- 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 12:59:19 PM

"Who is holding the Twisted Core now? Nira? Gaffer? Would one of you like to follow Dali's instructions?" asks Desdichado.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 167/167 AC:32 T:18 FF:26 CMD:34)  
Thursday September 30th, 2021 5:38:58 PM

"Any time, kids" Hmerrin says.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 132/132] (Kathy) 
Thursday September 30th, 2021 7:43:25 PM

"Yep, let's do it," Sarge says. "Need me to hold anything?"

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 140/140; AC:41/25/33 - CMD 35  
Thursday September 30th, 2021 11:23:45 PM

Toston says, "Let's get this road on the show."

Destruction! (SteveK) 
Friday October 1st, 2021 4:00:35 AM

Our heroes create thier defenses, get close together, and hope to avoid having a blast (ooc: pun intended). Most of the heroes get antsy to get the road on the show!

When Gaffer is ready, there is nothing esle to do other than touch the Twisted Core to the Nullifier...

The two artifacts jump in the druid's hands, then fuse together into a "T" with a spray of heated sparks! A humming starts, and wisps of rainbow threads pulse out of the combined artifact. Gaffer's Stone of the Forge Lord begins to glow and urge forward like it did in the Spiral Maze.

The way to get out of this time loop is to destroy the Time Bubble, and someone needs to touch the Time Bubble to the Combined Artifact. Gaffer moves forward and touches the Stone...

There is a moment where nothing happens… and then there is an explosion of light and magical force! Strings of lights that brighten until they are a hot white, and then get stronger until it is only a painful brightness! A concussive force pulses again and again! But the heroes don’t seem to be affected by the light or force, just everything around them. And then all at once, the light, force, and sound is gone!!

The Pit is gone.

The Bubble is gone.

The Heroes are gone.

… And Reunion (SteveK) 
Friday October 1st, 2021 4:01:41 AM

But only for a moment!

The Tide find themselves where they started, in the mushroom cavern of the Deepforge Clan. Denli is still standing with the Tide, too, only completely bald and with a white beard. Around the heroes are several dozen piles of dust, slowly drifting away on the cavern winds. And there are items also scattered on the ground…

Teucri Nullifier (defunct)
Teucri Twisted Woldsblood Core (defunct)
Scythe +3 Axiomatic
3 sapphire gems. Each is an Elemental Gem (Water) (2,250 x3 = 6,750gp)
Boots of Teleportation (49,000gp)
Bag of Tricks (tan) (16,000gp)
Horn of Valhalla (iron) (50,000gp)
Staff of Transmutation (82,000gp)
Lump of adamantine that used to be the body of Arkus.
Scattered coins, gems, jewelry of an amazing assortment and quantity.

They also startle the beejeezus out of a team of dwarf mushroom farmers! One faints, two scream, and three run.

Soon there is noise in the cavern tunnel, and the dwarf farmers have returned with reinforcements. The ForgeLord and his guards crowd the room. Along with them are two human-sized people who look like adventurers and a gnome wizard.

It's the gnome wizard who breaks the tableau first. "TOSTON! she shouts in mingled worry, relief, and joy. It's Nissa! In the blink of an eye, there is hugging, crying, and babbling. "I didn't know where you were; I was so worried because I couldn't find you; , and so the family and I hired these two who were visiting Dirt City because they were also looking for you; and we all went looking for you at the last place you were which was the Scab; and we found the DeepForge clan; and were talking to them becuase you have been gone a year; and being a fiance' isn't good enough; and we are getting married RIGHT NOW!!!"


Congratulations to the Tide!

All Tide heroes in the last adventure gain:
180,000xp (All PCs now have a minimum of 635,000xp. If you PC doesn't, make the adjustment to 15th level)
enough wealth to have a minimum of 240,000gp
One Hero Point

Yves and Brian may now Post and introduce thier PCs!!!

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 150/150; AC:26/12/26 - CMD 28] DR:3/- 
Friday October 1st, 2021 5:46:07 PM

Desdichado gives a respectful nod to the ForgeLord. "Hello again. I imagine you didn't expect to see us again so soon. Gaffer I'm sure can explain what happened better than I can - but, well, let's just say we ended up somewhere we didn't expect."

The paladin isn't surprised, and is actually somewhat relieved when he hears Nissa say they've been gone for a year. "A year, eh? We'd best hightail back to Dirt City, then. I'm afraid of what may have been going on there in our absence. We'd only just moved into Tide House - I wonder if our agreement will have been kept at all while we've been away."

"Do you mind if we make use of a washroom?," he asks, "I need a to trim this year of growth, and I apologize if we smell too much."

"Oh yeah, and from now on, I'm walking."

Nira Wynvyre (RobC) [HP: 92/92 - AC:21/13/18 - CMD 19] 
Friday October 1st, 2021 9:52:37 PM

Nira has no idea who these people are. It then occurs to her. She's been gone for over a hundred years. How many people will she actually know in the Wold now? Will everyone be a stranger? That's an interesting thought.

She tries to stay out of the way and let the others have their reunions.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 167/167 AC:32 T:18 FF:26 CMD:34)  
Saturday October 2nd, 2021 9:40:55 AM

Hmerrin tries to process events, but there's a lot going on.

He gives Denli a clap on the shoulder.
"I don't suppose you could turn that hunk of Arkus into a war hammer?"
But he leaves the introductions and explanations to Sarge.

Toston also looks like he's got a large piece of jerky to chew on.

The man merely nods in response to Dez.
In a year, nearly anything could have happened at home.

And then there's Nira.

The young man leans over to the elf.
"We're headed back to Dirt City."
It occurs to him that it might not have existed when Nira was in the Wold, which is mind-boggling.
"Uh, it's our home town. You are most definitely welcome to join us."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 135/135 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:30) 
Sunday October 3rd, 2021 3:16:33 PM

Gaffer nods and waves in greeting to the group before them.

"We may have forgotten that teleportation isn't without risks over here, and the Stone of The Forge Lord I possessed turned out to be a te... t.. tecruee artifact?" He smiles over at Des, "Not to worry, I have spells for two new ways to get home, and only one of them is teleporting! But really, it sounds like congratulations are to be in order Toston!"

Gaffer imagines a day or two won't make much difference to anything after a year, and hopes they can make use of beds, washbasins and the dwarven cooks before they head back to Dirt City.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 140/140; AC:41/25/33 - CMD 35  
Sunday October 3rd, 2021 5:19:26 PM

Toston raises his hands in surrender and says to Nissa, "I never thought I'd end up in a Teucri artifact for a year. You have no arguments from me. In fact it isn't far to you for me to marry only to continue on these adventures. Let's get married and settle down someplace quiet like."

Toston says to the Tide, "Look's like it is here we part ways my dear friends. It has been a real interesting journey and I feel like we've been through a lot but now I think my path leads another way. I don't know where Nissa and I will end up with all these gnome relations but Dirt City doesn't seem to be the place. I'll send you a post card from wherever we end up and if you are ever in the area pay us a visit."

Wedding and Words (SteveK) 
Monday October 4th, 2021 2:54:23 AM

Desdichado gives his respects to the ForgeLord (who chuckles), then the paladin learns they have been gone a year. His immediate worry is Dirt City and what may have been going on: Tide House, the agreement of the Houses, the Rakshasa.

Nira has no idea who these people are, but how many people does she really know after a hundred years? She tries to stay out of the way and let the others have their reunions.

Hmerrin tries to process events, there's a lot going on! Turns out Denli can totally make Hmerrin an adamantine Warhammer. Re-introductions seem to be better left for others, which leaves… an invitation to Nira to stay with the Tide.

Gaffer waves at the group and admits their oversight about teleportation and the Scab. He isn’t concerned, the druid has another magical way to get home quicky! And congratulations to Toston!

Toston has no arguments after a year in a Teucri artifact. “Let's get married and settle down someplace quiet like."


Desdichado’s need and Gaffer’s imagination comes to pass, and everyone can make use of beds, washbasins and the dwarven cooks before the wedding.

The wedding? Yes, turns out Nissa didn’t leave Dirt City without a plan: a plan to track down and be ready to marry ‘that man’. Along with the two, currently quiet, hired adventurers, Nissa has every one of Tostons Followers here, plus the couples’ parents! There is a wedding very next day in the Great Hall. Dwarves and gnomes pack the space. Silver and gold, delicately worked to look like flowers are on every column with a gnomish Dancing Lights by each one, making the hall a rainbow of bursting colors. And the bunting draped wherever there isn’t a column only completes the look of celebration. Only an aisle and the dais is relatively uncrowded.

The Tide (even Nira) are asked to stand as Toston’s witnesses, and Nissa has an equal number of gnomes. Sarge is asked to preside. The wedding goes off without a hitch, and the feast afterwards has meat and drink and confectionaries from far and wide, even a pyramid of famed Faragundian chocolate. Music. And Dancing. And Laughter and speeches and more dancing…

And Nissa gets a mischievous look in her eye. “Not quite settling down yet, husband of mine” (she says with possessive pride), “we still have a Night and a Year of a Honeymoon, and I intend to use every hour!”


The next day ’dawns’ near noon in the halls of the Deep Forge clan. Before the Tide and Mr. and Mrs. Lotor leave, there is a last get together. Turns out, Nissa has some information since she was keeping tabs on Dirt City and the Tide’s WLA contacts. She will try to answer everyone's questions...

All heroes can ask questions
Yves and Brian, please introduce yourselves!

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 Hp122/122 CMD32 
Monday October 4th, 2021 9:57:12 AM

A man approaches the group. As he walks up to you, his cloak changes color from a dull faded green to a more festive and lively yellow. Greetings! My name is Ramirez. I have been asked by the WLA to report for an assignment. How may I be of assistance?

Appearance: Ramirez is a good looking man of above average height. He has a full head of hair and is typically found clean-shaven and sports a well-trimmed goatee. When he is in a new town, he will quickly adopt the latest fashionable hairstyle so as to better fit in. His clothing tends to be of good quality, but serviceable durability. He makes frequent use of his cantrip to adjust the color of his cloak. He has done this for so long, that he is barely consciously aware that he is doing it.

DM Note: Ramirez is one of the WLA heroes ‘hired’ by Nissa in Dirt City. He had been looking for the Tide for a year, and Nissa implicitly trusts him. End DM Note

Danko Pureheart ( YvesB)  
Monday October 4th, 2021 6:30:12 PM

" Hello my new friends. My name is Danko Pureheart, full time sorcerer, part time rogue. I certainly hope that we can find some shenanigans to get into?? "

Danko is a human male. He has a light bronze skin tone. His slicked back raven black hair has streaks of reddish bronze. His thin black mustache gives him the look of a wealthy dandy. He wears a short hooded white robe tied to the waist. He carries a short sword at his belt, a brace of daggers across his chest and a quiver across his back. He possesses a red-ish colored staff and is currently leaning on same. Black pants and boots finishes his attire.

ooc> Just back from vacation. I'll work on finishing/submitting my character tomorrow.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 167/167 AC:32 T:18 FF:26 CMD:34)  
Monday October 4th, 2021 6:35:50 PM

Hmerrin is clean and fed and drunk and happy and sad.
So, a full day.

The fighter pulls in Toston and gives gnome a tight hug.

"It's been an honor, and congratulations again," he says.

At some point in the evening, he'll ask, "Does anyone know if Shield House is still up, independent, and making money?"

He offers a hand to Ramirez and Danko.
"We just got out of shenanigans, so give us a minute, alright?" the fellow chuckles.

"I'm Hmerrin. Me and whoever is still coming with me is The Tide, and you are certainly welcome to join our company."

Hmerrin is a young human man with long brown hair that curls at his neck. He has intense green eyes, and an easy smile within a square jawed face. He's also decked out in full platemail, with a battleaxe on his left hip, and a hand ax on his right.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31) 
Monday October 4th, 2021 7:54:43 PM

Gaffer is very glad for both the rest and celebrations, the tide have been on a good run lately, but proper chances to blow of steam are still rare.

When the glad tidings are finally over, Gaffer steps up to shake Toston's hand before they leave, "We'll definitely take you up on that visit once your honeymoon is over!"

He'll offer a similar welcome to Dank and Ramirez, "Glad to have your assistance. As mentioned, we've been away from Dirt City for a while, and last we left was just after clearing out a few Rakshasa from just about every group inside. Not sure what we'll be going back to now, but if you're up for a challenge, I'm sure we'll find one.

Speaking of, Nissa, has there been any follow up on this since we left?"

[OOC: I have just remembered, back after we took over the temple (October 20th) Gaffer bought 5 Quarterstaffs which need to be polished for 28 days for the Changestaff spell. I'm not very clear how many days have passed since then.]

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 150/150; AC:26/12/26 - CMD 28] DR:3/- 
Monday October 4th, 2021 8:23:09 PM

Desdichado greets Danko and Ramirez as well, "Glad to have you aboard. If Nissa and the WLA trust you, so do I."

"I'm guessing you already know something about the troubles in Dirt City," he continues. "As the others have said, we've got a big Rakshasa problem we were investigating before coming out here to help Sarge's clan."

When the Tide has time to themselves, Desdichado asks a few...okay, a lot of...questions:

"What is the latest intelligence on the Houses and the Prince that would be of interest?"
"Has there been any overt rakshasa activity?"
"Is it known if any of the Houses have removed rakshasa from their midst?"
"Are any of the Houses publically denying any rakshasa infiltration?"
"What, if anything, has the WLA been doing about the rakshasa? Or just in general?"
"How is the Temple of Warrd doing? Any rakshasa reports from them?"
"Have there been any escalation of hostilities between Houses?"
"What's going on at Tide House?"

Desdichado nods his head at Hmerrin's question about Shield House. "Oh yes, I hope Tombo and the others are safe."

Sarge (Kathy) 
Monday October 4th, 2021 8:55:05 PM

"Ramirez, Danko, nice to meet ya," Sarge says.

To the rest of the group she says, "Fellas, it's been great, but I think this is it for me. Seeing Toston married reminds me that I've got a husband of my own. It's high time I looked in on him again. I left 'cause I thought I could still do some good in the Wold, and that's what I did. And now, I'm retired. For good, this time."

She grins. "Well. Probably."

Nira Wynvyre (RobC) [HP: 92/92 - AC:21/13/18 - CMD 19] 
Monday October 4th, 2021 9:59:33 PM

Nira gives a smile to Hmerrin. "Dirt City? No. I can't say I've ever heard of the place. Is.. is it nice there?." It's true. The city didn't exist when Nira got trapped. She isn't going to say no to the offer of joining the group though. She has a lot to catch up on and these people are very friendly (not to mention very capable adventurers).

She doesn't really have any clue as to what is happening. She does manage to catch on to a few tidbits. Something about rakshasa activity, a place called 'Tide House', and of course, Dirt City. She tries to stay close to Des. He has a lot of questions and hopefully that means a lot of answers to things Nira could learn.

If anything it is a relief to meet these two representatives of the WLA. People newer to this little group than she is. "Nira. Pleasure to meet you" she gives a nod to Ramirez and Danko.

Nira is a young elf girl who doesn't look a day over 116, despite actually being 216 thanks to getting stuck in a Teucri time bubble for the past hundred years! Her skin is quite pale from spending so much time indoors and away from the sun, and her hands are soft from avoiding any sort of manual labor. She is both short and lean for her race, with barely any discernable muscle. She has no visible weapons or armor, instead relying on magic to help her get by.

Catching Up (SteveK) 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 6:16:18 AM

Ramirez introduces himself, informing that he has been sent by the WLA!

Danko also introduces himself, commenting about shenanigans and the predilections thereof.

Hmerrin settles in to listen and ask questions: clean and fed and drunk and happy and sad.

Gaffer loves the rest and celebrations to blow off steam. The druid give a quick recent history of their exploits, then listens as he does his last day of polishing of his fifth Quarterstaff.

Desdichado greets Danko and Ramirez: if Nissa and the WLA trust them, so does the Paladin.

Sarge meets Ramirez and Danko, and announces her retirement. Again. And she (mostly) means it this time. She takes her leave.

Nira decides to join the Tide! There are things happening and she has no idea what has changed after being trapped for a hundred years. (DM Note: Per Woldipedia: Geography, Dirt City has been a city for at least 400 years. It was founded 300 years before the events of Violet and Arturo, which was pre-YOA. Year of Ascention has been nearly 100 y

Toston has some catching up to do with his parents and relatives and followers, so is absent getting things ready for he and Nissa’s extended honeymoon.


Ramirez, Danko, and Nissa provide all the information they have. The Tide (Hmerrin, Gaffer, Desdichado, Nira, Ramirez, and Danko) are able to listen and provide follow-up questions.

Dirt City. Things are cautiously optimistic. Nissa and the gnomes coordinated with the underground WLA to keep up the appearance that The Tide was close by; even (occasionally) seen. Whether that is the reason or not, the Houses have so far kept their bargain with the Tide in keeping House business away from the unaffiliated area of Dirt City. There is still crime and violence, just not with House backing. Shield House is still up, independent and making money.

Prince and Houses. There seems to be a confidence shake-up because of the Rakshasa infiltration. Prince and Houses aren’t airing dirty laundry, but there have been some internal reorganizations happening, but Nissa and the WLA in Dirt City don’t know what. No one is denying the Rakshasa existed, but no one is trumpeting it either.

Temple of Wardd hasn’t said much. Just that the high priest in Dirt City has privately mentioned to Ramierez and Danko that the portents only say that Cataclysm may be averted by a rising tide. She also gave Ramierez a sealed scrollcase with instructions to only open only with the hero group The Tide.

Rakshasa. There has been no overt Rakshasa activity in Dirt City. The WLA, however, has been working with the Dragon Consortium to locate and eliminate as many Rakshasa dens as possible. The WLA have found and destroyed 3 more ‘farms’ but agents kept getting away and the WLA didn’t win without cost. They have word that the Mailed Fist encountered Rakshasa as well. The WLA looks to The Tide as the most knowledgeable and capable: the tip of the spear against this incursion!


Ooc: The heroes can ask more questions, do the Catacombs, upgrade PC Sheet, and/or thank Nissa so she can leave and the Tide can open the scroll.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 Hp122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 6:16:56 PM

Thank you Nissa, for your support. It looks like we can take it from here. I'm glad I was able to help you cover for the Tide's absence. As he speaks, Ramirez's cloak shifts to a combination of mottled gray and green.

Rakshasa can be bad news, Ramirez hopes this new team is up for the challenge, with some of them retiring the new Tide will need to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses pretty quickly.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 150/150; AC:26/12/26 - CMD 28] DR:3/- 
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 6:47:28 PM

"Thank you, Nissa," says Desdichado. "Now you and Toston go enjoy your honeymoon."

The young man is eager to see the contents of the sealed scroll. With the major changes happening in Dirt City, has had a feeling the Temple might be their best hope of support against the rakshasa threat. He's very glad to hear that the WLA and Mailed Fist have had their own share of successes.

The paladin chuckles to himself. "They thought we've been in town all this time? I'd love to hear how they pulled that off!"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 167/167 AC:32 T:18 FF:26 CMD:34)  
Tuesday October 5th, 2021 8:24:25 PM

Hmerrin also thanks Nissa for a job well done.
The fighter also checks in with Denli about that Arkus hammer.

Sarge deciding to retire is a surprise, and the young man gives her a heartfelt hug as well.
"We couldn't have made it this far without you," he tells her.

Later, with The New Tide, he looks around at Nira, Ramirez, and Danko.
"Any of you a healer?" he asks. "We tend to need one, so I might be buying up some potions if not.
Also, these Rakshasa cats are bad news. Spell resistance, weapon resistance to anything except holy piercing ones. So, if you're a melee person, get yourself something blessed and pointy.
Option two is stick close to Dez here, 'cause it turns out paladins really do a number on rakshasa."

Hmerrin ducks into the local Catacombs entrance himself to stock up.

Nira Wynvyre (RobC) [HP: 92/92 - AC:21/13/18 - CMD 19] 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 3:05:32 AM

"I'm pretty good at healing things. Well, most things." Her inability to treat the ability drain caused by the wraiths is certainly a weak point. "I'll try and keep you alive as best I can."

Nira nods as Hmerrin heads off to the Catacombs and then turns her attention to Ramirez.

"That's an interesting cloak you have."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31) 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:10:34 AM

Having experienced Dwarven homes and hospitality for the first time, Gaffer can understand why Sarge would be happy to retire, "All the best to you Sarge, you deserve some peace and quiet."

To Nira he smiles, "I can keep some restorations ready if you've got the rest covered."

Once everyone is ready to leave, he doesn't forgot to offer "Are we about set to head off then? Des, hear me out, I can now turn us all into birds, and we can fly back!"

Catching Up (SteveK) 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 10:20:20 AM

Ramirez reveals he was part of the deception plan covering for the Tide, and privately considers what it will take for the new Tide to be successful.

Desdichado chortles at the deception in Dirt City, and is eager to see the contents of the sealed scroll.

Hmerrin focuses on the Tide’s logistics situation, getting ready for the next challenge whatever it may be. Adamantine Hammer? Healer capability? And providing what they know of Rakshasa from several encounters!

NIra gives some information about her own capabilities.

Gaffer enjoys his time in the dwarf hold, then asks Desdichado ‘hear me out!’


Training. The heroes know that in order to be ready for the next challenge, they need to train and reinforce the experience they have had. There isn’t a crisis that requires their attention either! So, with new WLA personnel and the entire Deep Forge Clan trainers available, the heroes avail themselves to practice new- and hone current abilities. This takes a month.

Preparation. Visits to the Catacombs and the forging of the Arkus Hammer also take a month. (ooc: Heroes can freely go to the Catacombs to purchase.) Denli is as good as his word. He not only provides a masterwork hammer of solid adamantine, but he is a mystic smith, and is able to put enhancements on the hammer as well! (ooc: MikeK, you are authorized to add the Adamantine Hammer to Hmerrin’s PC Sheet with any magical enhancements you want as long as it is annotated in Hmerrin’s WBL limitations.) Denli also has enough adamantine to do other weapons or armor in the same way for other members of the Tide. (ooc: post or email if a hero is doing this)


DM Note: I am deliberately not revealing the contents of the scroll for 2 reasons.
1. To take care of the administrivia
2. To get approval for the next Module.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 150/150; AC:26/12/26 - CMD 28] DR:3/- 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:44:02 PM

"I can provide some healing as well - definitely not as well as Sarge, could, though," says Desdichado.

As the New Tide takes time getting to know one another and improving themselves, the paladin makes a trip to the Catacombs.

Danko Pureheart ( YvesB)  
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:45:03 PM

Danko's appearance starts to blur ... and he now looks like Ramirez... looking at Ramirez, who's looking back at Danko who looks like Ramirez.... before blurring again and looking like himself... or is this how Danko really looks?

That was... awkward?

Danko Pureheart ( YvesB)  
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:45:43 PM

" No to the healing question,, not much anyway... "

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 167/167 AC:32 T:18 FF:26 CMD:34)  
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 6:57:35 PM

Hmerrin considers the 'no healing' answers.

"Gaffer, you got those healing potions we took off the giants, right? Might want to pass those out."
[OOC - I believe there are four CSW potions.]
Hmerrin will keep any left over.

The fighter then asks Denli to make that a +1 Arkus Hammer, goes to the Catacombs to get some protective goodies, and then the WLA to work on some archery practice.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 Hp122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday October 6th, 2021 10:06:23 PM

Well, thank you Nira.The cloak is nothing special really, aside from the usual enchantment. One of the first spells I ever learned can change its' color and still my favorite. I used it so much sometimes I don't even think about it. Do you have a favorite color? I could change something for you as well?

Ramirez listens to the the comments regarding the Rakshasa with concern. I do know a few healing spells, but those talents pale compared to a dedicated healer. Maybe some scrolls?

Danko, that was....interesting. Maybe we could fool some adversaries with that trick sometime?

Catching Up (SteveK) 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 2:41:22 AM

The hero’s continue coordinating skills and getting to know each other.


DM Note: I am deliberately not revealing the contents of the scroll for 2 reasons.
1. To take care of the administrivia
2. To get approval for the next Module.

Nira Wynvyre (RobC) [HP: 92/92 - AC:21/13/18 - CMD 19] 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 3:02:28 AM

Nira grins to Ramirez. "I've always liked bright purple. Not exactly the best color for blending in to things though"

In her downtime Nira sets to very carefully studying the now the defunct Nullifier and Twisted Woldsblood Core. It's unlikely other scholars have had the chance to see devices like these before. She doesn't cast any spells in their vicinity - just in case she accidentally powers them on. She makes detailed drawings of the devices and writes up her observations of them, as well as how they were found and previously used.

After that, she hits the books. Specifically she's looking for history books. She smiles at the thought. She was likely born before most of these history books were written. As soon as she has read one pile of books, she sets to creating a new pile of books to be devoured. Apparently the Wold is now in a 5th Age. Can you believe Eberyon is awake? So much time has passed and so many great events have taken place.

When she finally has a chance to go to the Catacombs there is one thing she wants to buy over all others: a silver mirror. That night, Nira ducks away from the group for a little privacy and tries to Scry on her mother. Highlight to display spoiler: {I'm happy to play this however you want me to, DM}

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31) 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 10:46:41 AM

Gaffer inquires with the Dwarves as to the state of the caverns since they dealt with the crystal, offering his help if there have been any remnant creatures yet to be cleared out, or if they have any parties above ground who could use some temporary help.

He is a firm believer that practical experience is the best training and his mind is on finding better ways to overcome the resistance to magic that the Rakshasa, and other potential threats, possess. If he can help the Deepforge Clan and try out some new ideas in the process, excellent.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 150/150; AC:26/12/26 - CMD 28] DR:3/- 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 2:23:54 PM

Desdichado wants to hear more from Gaffer about turning into birds. "That...doesn't sound much better to me! What happened to good old fashioned walking, or riding a horse? But, I suppose as long as we don't wind up trapped inside an ancient artifact it won't be a terrible alternative."

The paladin also spends some time talking with the newcomers, getting to know them better.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 167/167 AC:32 T:18 FF:26 CMD:34)  
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:12:55 PM

Hmerrin is totally with Dez on this one.

"Firm believer in walking," he declares. "Riding is good too. Turning into a bird, not so much."

Danko Pureheart ( YvesB)  
Thursday October 7th, 2021 7:36:17 PM

Danko smiles, looks at Ramirez as his face changes to that of Nira.... before changing back to his own.

" Yes, I can get us in all kinds of shenanigans with this trick.. "

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 Hp122/122 CMD32 
Thursday October 7th, 2021 9:10:13 PM

Well, how far are we walking? I might be able to shorten that trip a little.

Ramirez decides to practice a few of his own illusions. He makes some illusory people holding what appear to be shining weapons. Myabe they would fool the Rakshasa? I'm not sure how good these will be against Rakshasa. We may need to check some other options.

OOC- Ramirez has a little cash leftover, I think I'll have him stop by the catacombs over the weekend.

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