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DM Robert - "You should be laughing,"  d20+7=18 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+7=19 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=3 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+10=16 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=13 ; 2d4+10=16 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+10=27 ; d4=4 ; d20=12 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+10=22 ; d4=1 ;
Thursday August 19th, 2021 8:44:06 PM

Stohp moves
Bartomus does some swatting (no save if they can't damage. But keep your tab running, 120 points, minus whatever gets through, so like 100/120 for example). since 6 is prone I assume you swing for him, need that prone bonus to hit.
Zanderallen steps in and starts swinging, two swings to kill 10.
Micah ruins some poorly knitted hats.
Ohen - you were attacked 2 times last round and need to make mirror image checks still.


Green man 1 in frustration says, "I swan, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself." He double moves.
5 swarms attack Bartomus again lets see if I can get past the stoneskin, +7 (you're flanked by the swarms) base, 25, 9, 25, 25, 19 you are hit 3 times. damage (2d6x3) 9, 7, 3 no damage.

Green man 2 double moves.

Cold rider 1 takes a 5 foot step and uses his icy glaive (reach) to attack Micah.
To hit 17 (d20+12) miss

Cold rider 2 moves into the cold zone.

ICE STORM For the remaining duration of the spell, heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. (40 feet high) Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain. At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt).

Cold rider 3 does a ride by attack swinging at Zanderallen (showed his path for you he ends up at AL40)
to hit 27 miss

Redcap 6 prone and laughing

Redcap 7 attacks micah
Scythe 23 miss
Boot 6 miss

Redcap 9 attack Micah
Scythe 25 miss
boot 18

r9 attacks zanderallen
Scythe 16
Boot 23 (almost, they have to roll a 20 to hit you)

r11 attacks Stock
Scythe 30 crit not confirmed. damage 16
Boot 23 miss

r12 attack Bartomus
Scythe 11 miss
boot 18 miss

Quickling 1 goes after Ohen. Reflex save vs entangle 23
To hit 27 hit, damage 4, roll for your image count again on a 1 you are hit.

q3 goes after Ohen, reflex save vs entangle 12, he's entangled, but continues to attack
to hit 14 miss

q4 goes after Ohen, reflex save vs entangle 27
to hit 22 hit damage 1 on a roll of 1 it's you.

Malici cast another spell on himself.

Quickling AC20/t19 CMD 18
Q2 - dead
Q5 - Dead
q6 - dead
q7 - dead
q8 - 18 damage

Redcap AC20 DR 10/cold iron
R6, 11 damage, laughing
R7 - hatless
R8 - hatless
R9 - 22 damage
R10, dead
R12, 21 damage

Cold rider AC23
C2, 26 points damage
Mount 42 points damage
C3, 19 damage

Stock (JonM) HP: 171/197; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 3/30 used  d20+16=25 ; 2d8+25=33 ; d6=1 ; d20+16=22 ; 2d8+25=35 ; d6=6 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+20=40 ; 4d8+50=70 ; d6=1 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+15=17 ; 2d8+25=30 ; d6=4 ; d20+6=9 ;
Friday August 20th, 2021 9:06:31 AM

Ugh. I definitely typed up a post yesterday; must not have hit submit though. The other downside is that all of my rolls from yesterday are already loaded. I'll try to make these align as well as possible but there will be some extra here since there were two AOO's and 2 crits (1 unconfirmed) so a bunch of extra rolls.

Status: #LikeaBear, #BigMan, #RAGE, #WalkingonAir

Stock shakes his head. It felt like he passed out for a moment. He then goes back to work clearing out fey and swinging his big flail left and right.
PA1 vs R8 (d20+16=25), 33 bludgeoning + 1 electricity
PA2 vs R8 (d20+16=22; this should now be d20+11=17), miss
PA3 vs R8 (d20+16=33; this should be d20+6=23), CRIT w/ improved CRIT; Confirmation: (d20+20=40 should be d20+10=30) confirmed; 70 bludgeoning + 1 electricity

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31(36 vs C3) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24  d20+22=27 ; d8+27=33 ; d6=1 ;
Friday August 20th, 2021 11:38:30 AM

Zanderallen realizes he's about to have a lot of company and the rest of the party is closely engaged. He decides it's time to start dealing with the larger threats. Ignoring the redcap dancing in front of him he follows the path of the cold rider, moving withing his glaive. "Domi take you!" he shouts as he smites the malicious fey.
True Sight
Divine Bond +3 enhancement bonus - Total bonus +4 Flaming Long Sword - Note: Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material. +3 overcomes Cold Iron/Silver, +4 overcomes Adamantine. 12 minutes
Smite Evil on C3 - +5 to AC and attack, +12 to damage

Move to AK40
Swift action - Smite C3
Standard Attack on C3
27 hits, 34 damage (33 weapon, 1 fire)

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50 
Friday August 20th, 2021 2:54:07 PM

Micah involuntarily flinches at the brutality of Stock's attack.
He then defensively casts magic circle against Evil on Stock.

Autosucceeed on concentration check to cast Magic circle against evil

Active spells
Magic Vestment on Micah's shield(12 hours)
Expeditious Retreat on Micah (17 minutes)
Enlarge Person on Stock (12 minutes)
True Seeing on Zanderallen (12 minutes)
Air Walk on Stock (120 minutes)
Magic Circle against Evil on Stock(120 minutes)

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10-Skin29/110] HP: 78/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+8=20 ; d20+8=15 ; 2d8+1=12 ;
Friday August 20th, 2021 11:59:45 PM

Bartomus swings his glave at the prone red cap feeling slightly sorry for doing so as a fey is a fey.

Melee with base bones 20 - not a crit - 12 base damage to R6

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+17=32 ;
Saturday August 21st, 2021 3:35:19 AM

Stohp moves to 10 feet to the right of R11 and tries to disarm him (V/W 50/51, 32 to disarm)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 67/91; AC 24/17/18; CMD 31  d20+17=33 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+7=16 ; 2d8+26=37 ; d8+13=15 ;
Saturday August 21st, 2021 12:14:40 PM

Delia shoots a quick look at the Cold Rider moving towards her and Stohp, but aims for the one Zander is fighting, hoping to free up their friendly neighborhood paladin to come engage the one closing on her.

If I need to 5ft step to see him better, I'd go left/back from the tree

Attack 1: 33
Damage: 37 w/ 2 CI arrows

Attack 2: 29
Damage: 15

Attack 3: 17

Attack 4: 16

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 77/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis  d6=4 ; d4=4 ; d6=2 ; d4=3 ; d3=2 ;
Saturday August 21st, 2021 12:36:56 PM

Ohen and his single remaining image narrows his eyes in annoyance at the Quicklings needling him. He gives up on trying to escape the entangle. "Slowing a quickling hurts it..." He will then cast slow on q1, q3, q4 and c1.
AC 20 while entangled
The first attack missed by 5 or less, so it still destroys an image.
Attack 2 against 5 images and me: rolled a 4
Attack 3 against 4 images and me: rolled a 2 (the d4 was a mistake, there were still 5 potential targets)
Attack 4 against 3 images and me: rolled a 3
Attack 5 misses by more than 5
Attack 6 against 2 images and me: rolled a 2
1 image for 12 minutes
30 cold resist for 120 minutes
Ohen auto-succeed the concentration check for being entangle and casting defensively for 3rd level spells.
Slow: Will save DC 21 or they are staggered (only move or standard action not both), its move speed is halved, and it gets a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and reflex saves.

DM Robert - fighting in silence  d20+10=18 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+11=24 ; d6=3 ; d20+12=23 ; d10+6=13 ; d20+12=25 ; d10+6=11 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+4=22 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+4=20 ; d4+6=8 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+7=14 ; 2d6=9 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+8=25 ; d4=2 ; d20+6=24 ; d4-2=0 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+12=22 ; 13d6=57 ;
Saturday August 21st, 2021 4:12:27 PM

Stock kills redcap 8.

Zanderallen moves away from the redcap and goes after the cold rider, drawing an AOO from the Red cap and from the Cold rider. Though clearly he hurts the Cold rider.
Redcap AOO 18 miss
Cold Rider AOO 24 miss

Micah continues to make Stock a power house.

Bartomus tries to impale a redcap, he hits, alas tis only a glancing blow (they gots lots of hp and with Dr10/cold iron your glaive ain't doin' much).

Stohp moves, (actually you need to be 5 feet from someone to 'reach' them, unless you have a reach weapon I don't know about. You're flail is not a reach weapon so I'm moving you 5 foot close, but still 5 foot away from him) and disarms R11.

Delia....(technically Bartomus and the statue are clipping most of your target, however you have improved precise shot (cause ranger archers are broken) shoots at Cold Rider 3 hitting him multiple times and killing him.

Ohen tries to slow his attackers. rolling saves...26, 15, 11

Zanderallan and Delia witness the death of the cold rider. Before you're eyes you see his armor melt like ice in a desert, his glaive too melts away, left with only rags the skeleton underneath collapses, at that point you realize that his mount too was undead in nature as it too collapses in a pile of bones.

Green man 1 moves up to Zanderallen and with his left hand (his right is holding a wooden club) reaches out to touch him.
Touch attack - 24 (d20+11) success, Spell in effect Rusting Grasp. Zanderallen's armor takes 3 points AC damage. (note according to the spell, when the armor takes damage equivalent to the bonus it gives it is destroyed, does that bonus apply to the magical plus, or just the metal base bonus?)

Green man 2 moves and casts Wall of Thorns. I'm going to color code the wall to a purplish color 'cause my browns and greens are most of the background, at least the one's that show up pretty. He's caster level 17 on that spell group so that explains the size. Further, since Stock is no large, he's made it 10 feet high instead of the normal 5. No save, no spell resistance, however...
Any creature within the area of the spell when it is cast takes damage as if it had moved into the wall and is caught inside. In order to escape, it must attempt to push its way free, or it can wait until the spell ends. Creatures with the ability to pass through overgrown areas unhindered can pass through a wall of thorns at normal speed without taking damage.
DAMAGE: Any creature forced into or attempting to move through a wall of thorns takes piercing damage per round of movement equal to 25 minus the creature’s AC. Dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC do not count for this calculation. Creatures can force their way slowly through the wall by making a Strength check as a full-round action. For every 5 points by which the check exceeds 20, a creature moves 5 feet (up to a maximum distance equal to its normal land speed). Of course, moving or attempting to move through the thorns incurs damage as described above.

I believe that means Stock takes 2 damage and Micah takes NOTHING? really really????? We're going to have to fix that...

Cold rider 1 rides on Ohen and attacks him with his icy glaive.
To hit 23 (d20+12) roll d2 on a 1 it's you. Damage 13 (d10+6) and loose 1 point dex.

Cold rider 2 moves on Malici and attacks him.
to hit 25, hit damage 11 and 1 point dex

ICE STORM For the remaining duration of the spell, heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. (40 feet high) Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain. At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt).

Redcap 6 prone and laughing

Redcap 7 attacks micah
Scythe 11 miss
Boot 23 miss

r9 attacks zanderallen
Scythe 19
Boot 22

r11 takes a 5 foot step back while snatching his weapon.

r12 attack Bartomus
Scythe 18 miss
boot 20 hit, 8 more off your stoneskin

swarm..i forgot the swarm..
5 swarms attack Bartomus again lets see if I can get past the stoneskin, +7 (you're flanked by the swarms) base, 12, 12, 27, 18, 14 you are hit 1 time. damage (2d6x3) 9, off the stoneskin

Quickling 1 goes after Ohen. Reflex save vs entangle 18 entangled
To hit 25 damage 2, roll for your image count again on a 1 you are hit.

q3 goes after Ohen, entangled, sickened
still tries to swing on Ohen, 24 (d20+6) damage 0, although I think 1 is minimum. roll to see if its you or the image.

q4 goes after Ohen, entangled, sickened
to hit 18 miss

Malici does acid breath on the cold rider, DC 22 save...of course he rolled a 22, so half damage...
damage 57 halfed is 28 points damage.
And then he flys up 5 feet.

Quickling AC20/t19 CMD 18
Q2 - dead
Q3 - entangled, slowed
Q4 - slowed
Q5 - Dead
q6 - dead
q7 - dead
q8 - 18 damage

Redcap AC20 DR 10/cold iron
R6, 10 damage, laughing
R7 - hatless
R8 - dead
R9 - 19 damage
R10, dead
R 11 disarmed
R12, 18 damage

Cold rider AC23
C2, 49 points damage
Mount 42 points damage
C3, Dead

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday August 22nd, 2021 10:35:28 PM

(I thought swarms didn't roll to hit, just hit automatically if you're in the space with them. Also Stohp is a large creature with 10 feet of reach regardless of weapon.)

Stohp double moves around the tree to the south to get around the Redcap and approach the Greenman to hopefully disrupt his casting next round (L/M 50/51)

Stock (JonM) HP: 170/197; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 4/30 used  d20+16=24 ; 2d8+25=33 ; d6=4 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 9:31:18 AM

Status: #LikeaBear, #BigMan, #RAGE, #WalkingonAir, #MagicCircle
"Ouch. What in the name of..."

His head pivots to the green man and bursts through the thorn wall to wallop at the fey.

Wall of thorns' damage description is one of those PF1E descriptions which is just overly complex. Anyway:
Current AC = 24 - 1 (DEX) - 1(Dodge) = 22; so 3 points of damage except Stock has DR 2/- so that's 1 point.
Move to O49/P50; to me this looks like 2 more points of damage from the wall.
PA vs G2 hits AC24, 33 bludgeoning + 4 electricity

Stock (JonM) HP: 168/197; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 4/30 used 
Monday August 23rd, 2021 9:31:42 AM

Header updated

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10-Skin45/110] HP: 78/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+9=23 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 10:06:48 AM

Bartomus decided that he needed to do something different. He lunged for the prone laughing redcap's hat.

CMB roll for 23 w/o prone add-ons

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 74/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis  d2=2 ; d20+23=33 ; d20+23=43 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 6:18:59 PM

Ohen's last image fades as the cold rider attacks the wrong Ohen. Ohen, pelted by snow, covered in vines, and stabbed by a couple of quicklings, waves goodbye to the cold rider, smirks, and disappears.
Reappearing instantly in AW46.
Concentration for casting while entangled: 33
Concentration for casting defensively: 43
Cast Dimension Door to AW46
Cold Resistance for 120 minutes

Delia (Hannah) HP: 67/91; AC 24/17/18; CMD 31  d20+18=27 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+8=19 ; 2d8+28=40 ; d8+14=21 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 6:40:17 PM

Seeing/hearing the Cold Riders close in on both of her sorcerous allies, Delia glances between the two for a moment, torn between who to help as Ohen's mirror images vanish. Then as Ohen vanishes as well, she shrugs and steps behind Malici, aiming for the rider on him and readying herself for the possibility of Ohen's foes closing on her.

Move to AA48 and attack C2 with CI arrows

Attack 1: 27
Damage: 40 w/ 2 arrows

Attack 2: 35
Damage: 21

Attack 3: 21
Attack 4: 19

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50 
Monday August 23rd, 2021 6:45:13 PM

The screech of thorns on metal causes Micah's teeth to clench. Realizing it is not actually harming him and knowing that the redcap would be difficult for him to harm without cold iron, he decides to boost his allies and casts bless from his wand.


Bless 10 rounds. + 1 to Stock, Micah, Delia, Stoph, and Malici.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24  d20+22=38 ; d20+17=30 ; d20+12=13 ; d8+27=31 ; d6=3 ; d8+27=28 ; d6=2 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 6:53:20 PM

[OOC: From the target despriction and ending sentence of the first paragraph "Magic items made of metal are immune to this spell" I don't think it works against Zander's magic plate armor?]

Zander watches in disgust as the cold rider melts in front of him. But his attention is soon turned to the green man that approaches and attempts to destroy his armor. He turns with grim anger and unleashes more holy justice.
True Sight
Divine Bond +3 enhancement bonus - Total bonus +4 Flaming Long Sword - Note: Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material. +3 overcomes Cold Iron/Silver, +4 overcomes Adamantine. 12 minutes
Smite Evil on G1 - +5 to AC and attack, +12 to damage

Smite Evil on G1
Full Round Attack on G1
38 to hit, 34 damage (31 weapon, 3 fire)
30 to hit, 30 damage (28 weapon, 2 fire)
13 misses (Nat 1)

DM Robert - fighting in silence  d20+11=21 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+12=25 ; d10+6=15 ; d20+11=18 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+11=26 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+13=30 ; 2d4+10=16 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+4=7 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+7=12 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=6 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=17 ; 5d4+5=16 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 8:16:46 PM

Stohp - Yes, but 10 foot reach means they have to be inside that zone doesn't it? space and reachsee about half way down. Oh and you're right on Swarms, thanks, more damage to be dealt to Bartomus now that on three of them I don't have to roll. moves around.

Stock bursts out of the wall of thorns and swings at the greenman...but misses.

Bartomus a large creature tries to swipe off the hat off a small creature (3 foot tall), it's rather comical looking but he succeeds.

Ohen goes poof and gets away from the baddies.

Delia rounds the tree and plants some arrows in the cold rider. The cold rider staggers and goes down. However, his gear is not dissolving like the last cold rider....could the zone of cold be a clue.

Micah calls on Domi to bless the actions of his companions. I wonder who kept that cold iron sword you guys found earlier.

Zanderallen CRAP, CRAP, CRAP, all my beautiful spells for naught. Zanderallen whacks on the green man.


Green man 1 is not used to things not working for him. Seeing his touch spell not work, and just taking a walloping, he attempts to grapple Zanderallen.
CMB 21 (d20+11) miss

Green man 2 see's the huge dwarf take a swing at him. He slams back.
Slam 1 - 21 (d20+11) miss
Slam 2 - 13 (d20+11)

Cold rider 1 is dissapointed by Ohen's tricks, seeing his buddy go down he decides to ride on Delia and attaks her with his icy glaive.
To hit 25 (d20+12) Damage 15 (d10+6) and loose 1 point dex.

ICE STORM For the remaining duration of the spell, heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. (40 feet high) Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain. At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt).

Redcap 6 prone and laughing

Redcap 7 attacks micah
Scythe 18 miss
Boot 12 miss

r9 attacks zanderallen
Scythe 26
Boot 5

r11 takes a 5 foot step and attacks Stock from the rear. (flanking)
Scythe 30 (d20+13) damage 16 (2d4+10)
Boot 13

r12 attacks Bartomus
Scythe 13 miss
boot 7 miss

5 swarms attack Bartomus again lets see if I can get past the stoneskin, +7 (you're flanked by the swarms) base - 3 swarms auto hit you and 1 more is successful, 25, 12 you are hit 4 times total. damage (2d6) 7, 8, 9, 6 off the stoneskin

Quickling 1 entangled attempts escape artist 28, success.
He moves.

q3 entangled, ,slowed, sickened, tries to escape artist 32 success.
He moves

q4 entangled, slowed, sickened tries to escape artist 17, fail.

Malici casts magic missile at q4. dealing out 16 points damage.

WoodWise AC 29
G1 - 64 damage

Quickling AC20/t19 CMD 18
Q2 - dead
Q3 - entangled, slowed, sickened
Q4 - entangled, slowed, sickened, damage 16
Q5 - Dead
q6 - dead
q7 - dead
q8 - 18 damage

Redcap AC20 DR 10/cold iron
R6, - hatless, 10 damage, laughing
R7 - hatless
R8 - dead
R9 - 19 damage
R10, dead
R12, 18 damage

Cold rider AC23
C2, 110 dead?
Mount crumbles

C3, Dead

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=34 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 8:39:41 PM

Stohp takes a 5 foot step up to flank the Green Man and grapples him (34 to grapple)

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10-Skin75/110] HP: 78/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+8=15 ;
Monday August 23rd, 2021 9:47:59 PM

Bartomus could see the wasps and see them chipping away at the armor, but he also had the red caps to deal with and that was equally frustrating. He shifted about and swung his glave at the red cap slashing at him and he was off swinging his glave widely. He took a deep breath and bellowed in frustration.

Melee - 15 missed, skin updated

Stock (JonM) HP: 154/197; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 5/30 used  d20+19=26 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+9=12 ; 2d8+25=32 ; d6=2 ; 2d8+25=39 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday August 24th, 2021 9:10:18 AM

Status: #LikeaBear, #BigMan, #RAGE, #WalkingonAir, #MagicCircle, #Blessed

Stock feels the presence of the redcap on his back but decides to ignore it. Instead he goes after the green thing in front of him.

"That's how we do it Stohp!"

FYI - Stock can't be flanked (Improved Uncanny Dodge) but that didn't impact the last round
PA1 vs G2 hits AC26, 32 + 2 electricity
PA2 vs G2 hits AC26, 39 + 1 electricity
PA3 vs G2 hits AC12

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50  d20+9=14 ;
Tuesday August 24th, 2021 5:48:47 PM

Micah decides it is time to leave the thorns, but even calling upon Domi's strength, he is unable to break free.

Full round action attempt to break free of thorns.
Str check 14 vs 20, failure.
Used one round of Might of Gods domain power. (+6 to strength checks)

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 74/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis  12d6=36 ;
Tuesday August 24th, 2021 6:44:48 PM

Ohen stretches his shoulders after being entangled and battered.
"It's shocking how much nicer it is over here. Actually... that gives me an idea."
Ohen will move up slightly to be able to see the cold rider that struck his image better, then he reaches out his hand and a bolt of lightning strikes Quickling 1, then branches out to q4, q3, c1, r6, and r12.
Moves to AW40 then casts Chain Lightning.
36 Lightning Damage DC 24 Reflex save for half
The DC is 22 for everyone but Quickling 1
I believe q4, q3 c1, r6, and r12 are all within 30' of q1. Unfortunately I can't target the swarm :(
If c2 is still alive I'll shoot him too. I think I can see him from AW40.
Cold Resistance 30 for 120 minutes

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24  d20+22=40 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+17=18 ; d20+12=16 ; d8+27=31 ; d8+27=29 ; d6=2 ; d8+27=28 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday August 24th, 2021 6:51:41 PM

Zanderallen shrugs off the arms of the green man and continues his crusade against evil fey.

True Sight
Divine Bond +3 enhancement bonus - Total bonus +4 Flaming Long Sword - Note: Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material. +3 overcomes Cold Iron/Silver, +4 overcomes Adamantine. 12 minutes
Smite Evil on G1 - +5 to AC and attack, +12 to damage

Full Round Attack on G1
40 to hit, 31 confirms crit, 62 damage (60 weapon, 2 fire)
36 to hit, 18 fails crit confirm 29 damage (28 weapon, 1 fire)
16 misses

Delia (Hannah) HP: 52/91; AC 23/17/17; CMD 30  d20+18=34 ; 2d8+28=35 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+8=22 ; d8+14=18 ; 3d8+42=55 ;
Tuesday August 24th, 2021 6:56:19 PM

Blessed, Dex drained

Delia gasps as the glaive connects with her, ice seeping into her veins. She shudders as she steps back from him and tries to take him out. "Malici! Can you burn the unmelted cold rider or anything?"

Attack 1: 34
Damage: 35

Attack 2: 33
Damage: 18

Attack 3: 33 w/ 20; confirm 32
Damage: 55

Attack 4: 22 (dang dex drain)

DM Robert - "It's shocking how much nicer it is over here."  d20+11=24 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+12=30 ; d10+6=15 ; d6=4 ; d20+9=28 ; d6+3=6 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+4=9 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+10=26 ; 2d4+10=17 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+7=24 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=5 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+12=15 ;
Tuesday August 24th, 2021 8:16:24 PM

Stohp steps up and grapples the green man.

Bartomus swings his glaive and misses, probably the tight quarters.

Stock lays into the green man, only managing to hit because Stohp was hanging onto him.

Micah tries to move but finds the thorn bush particularly strong.

Ohen lets loose with a chain lighting. (save q 24, 13, c 29, r 11, 15) q4 + 3 dies, no one else does.

Zanderallen concentrates his attacks and kills the woodwise (green man 1, it did take both swings, but the second swing only needed to do 3 points damage).

Delia fires at the mean cold rider. (Which provokes I believe since he has reach.) She kills the Cold rider with her 3rd shot, but he would get his AOO... to hit (30, d20+12, damage 15 (d10+6) and 1 dex drain.


Green man 2 grappled, activates swift action power, Spines (Ex) As a free action, a woodwose can cause sharpened wooden spines to protrude from its body. Any creature in contact with the woodwose or grappling with it takes 1d6 points of piercing damage each round it remains in contact with the woodwose
Stohp takes 4 damage from the wooden spines that spring out of the green man's body.
hmm, I'd like to cast contagion but that's going to provoke..
HE will slam Stohp. (-2 stupid grapple rules, he should get a free rib grabs)
punch 1, 28 damage 6 (d6+3)
punch 2, 12 miss.

ICE STORM For the remaining duration of the spell, heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. (40 feet high) Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain. At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt).

Redcap 6 prone and laughing

Redcap 7 goes after Stock.
Scythe 12 miss

r9 attacks zanderallen
Scythe 29 miss
Boot 9 miss

r11 attacks Stock from the rear.
Scythe 21 miss
Boot 18

r12 attacks Bartomus
Scythe 26 hit, damage 17 (2d4+10, so 10 off stoneskin and 7 actual damage)
boot 14 miss

5 swarms attack Bartomus again lets see if I can get past the stoneskin, +7 (you're flanked by the swarms) base - 3 swarms auto hit you and 1 more is successful, 10, 24 you are hit 4 times total. damage (2d6) 9, 6, 8, 5 off the stoneskin

Quickling continues to follow orders (kill the casters first) and goes after Ohen. (120 move is nice, He will draw an AOO from Bartomus, because of Bartomus's reach).
he attacks Ohen, 11 (miss)

Malici casts dispel magic at the cold zone. (rolled a 15, the cold zone stays in place, you will need a 21 to dispel it).

WoodWise AC 29
G1 - dead
G2 - 74 damage

Quickling AC20/t19 CMD 18
Q2 - dead
Q3 - dead
Q4 - dead
Q5 - Dead
q6 - dead
q7 - dead
q8 - dead

Redcap AC20 DR 10/cold iron
R6, - hatless, 46 damage, laughing
R7 - hatless
R8 - dead
R9 - 16 damage
R10, dead
R12, 51 damage

Cold rider AC23
C1 dead

C2, 110 dead? armor and stuff is still there.
Mount crumbles

C3, Dead

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+20=23 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 7:30:24 AM

Stohp grunts as she gets stabbed and punched. She tries to pin him down and tie him up so she won't be stuck holding onto his thorns anymore (23 to maintain grapple, greater grapple lets her take 2 actions while grappling, one to pin one to tie up with silk rope)

Stock (JonM) HP: 154/197; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 6/30 used  d20+17=19 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+7=23 ; 2d8+25=29 ; d6=5 ; 2d8+25=36 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 9:31:31 AM

Status: #LikeaBear, #BigMan, #RAGE, #WalkingonAir, #MagicCircle, #Blessed

Stock grunts at Stohp as she tries to pin the green man and whirls on the little fey behind him, pummeling it.

PA1 vs R11 hits AC19
PA2 vs R11 hits AC28, 29 + 5 electricity
PA3 vs R11 hits AC23, 36 + 5 electricity

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10] HP: 65/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+8=15 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+8=18 ; 2d6+8=16 ; d4=1 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+8=18 ; 2d6+8=17 ; d4=4 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 10:03:02 AM

He felt a slash and then a few stings. And something ran by his blade and he swung at the moving blur, but it kept on blurring.

He also saw that his skin was skin. There were wasps and one frustrating little man coming at him still.

"Let there be fire," he bellowed. Within a few seconds he was a thing of fire, a huge, thing of fire with a bull horns and face and a curling tail. The latter he slammed into the slashing little red capped man

[I]AOO - 15, miss
Wild Shape - Huge Fire Elemental - 2 slam attacks, guide says Melee attack +15, will roll that and regular melee attack as I am not sure if I use it's monsters stats for the attack (Crit, not confirmed //A miss if I use my CMD of 8)
==>possible damage of 16 plus burn +1, reflex save against I believe 17 (10+my 4+their con mod) to take 1/2 burn damage
2nd slam against the swarm AG42 - 21 w+15, 18 w+8 ==> 17 damage +4 burn reflex reduces 1/2
I honestly have no clue what happens to those that all about me when I do this.[/i/

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24  d20+17=34 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+7=17 ; 2d8+32=38 ; d6=3 ; 21d8+16=107 ; d8+16=24 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 5:10:07 PM

Zanderallen finally turns his attention to the little runt that has been doing a number to the shine of his leg armor. Motivated by a dislike of buffing out scratches he really gives the redcap the business.
True Sight
Divine Bond +3 enhancement bonus - Total bonus +4 Flaming Long Sword - Note: Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material. +3 overcomes Cold Iron/Silver, +4 overcomes Adamantine. 12 minutes

Full attack on R9
34 hits, 21 confirms crit, 41 damage (38 weapon, 3 fire)
26 hits, 27 damage (24 weapon, 3 fire) (Please ignore the 21d8 roll)
17 misses

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 74/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis  5d4+5=14 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 6:16:24 PM

Ohen will snap his finders in annoyance, summoning balls of force that slam into the quickling attacking him.
Magic Missile 14 damage

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50  d20+9=27 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 7:11:52 PM

Micah breaks free of the thorns.

Strength check 27
Move to p47; route s46, r46, q47, p47

Blanikig R7w ith Stock

Delia (Hannah) HP: 52/91; AC 23/17/17; CMD 30  d20+17=23 ; d20+17=37 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+7=19 ; 2d8+13=16 ; 3d8+39=57 ; d8+13=19 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 7:46:46 PM

blessed, dex drain 1

I didn't designate a square when I said "step back" last post my bad, but I intended to take a 5ft step to AB47

Delia will turn her attention to the Red Caps harassing Bart. Still keeping an eye on the as of yet unmelted Cold Rider she calls out to Bart, "You think you could bring some of that fire over to this one?"

Starting with r6 will move to r12

Attack 1: 23
Damage: 26 (only added one arrow worth of damage)

Attack 2: 37; confirm 29
Damage: 57

Attack 3: 25
Damage: 19

Attack 4: 19 (again, dang dex drain)

DM Robert - "Let there be fire,"  d20+20=31 ; 2d6=9 ; d6=1 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+7=21 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=4 ; d20+10=25 ; d4=2 ; d20+12=25 ;
Wednesday August 25th, 2021 8:16:00 PM

Stohp - His CMD is 25. I think that means you've failed to maintain the grapple. Greater Grapple says maintaining the grapple becomes a move action. It allows you two grapple checks to move, harm, pin, etc. It does not give you two actions. However, if I'm interpreting the reading right, you would still get another roll. I rolled a 31 for you, so you are able to maintain the grapple.

Stock - misinterpreting what's going on with the Greenman, turns and destroys the redcap behind him.

Bartomus - actually I don't believe Wild Shape is a swift action. It says per the spell Beast Shape 1. Also it appears there's a feat that allows you to do it as a swift or move action but it is not allowed with the Wold's rule-set. So you are a huge fire elemental, but no attacks this round. However, the wasp swarms on you are in your fiery presence and they do take damage. So 9 damage to three of the swarms.

Zanderallen manages to kill the red cap annoying him.

Ohen gives some magic missiles to the quickling. Unfortunately that's the first time he's taken any damage so he's still up.

Micah comes around the thorn bush.

DELIA, Who posts late after I've started typing forcing me to redo stuff. Kills both redcaps.

Green man 2 grappled, still has spines up, Spines (Ex) As a free action, a woodwose can cause sharpened wooden spines to protrude from its body. Any creature in contact with the woodwose or grappling with it takes 1d6 points of piercing damage each round it remains in contact with the woodwose
Stohp takes 1 damage from the wooden spines that spring out of the green man's body.
He's going to try and reverse the Grapple.
CMB 24 (d20+11) so according to your stat you would have a CMD 26 vs grapples. he fails.

ICE STORM For the remaining duration of the spell, heavy snow and sleet rains down in the area. (40 feet high) Creatures inside this area take a -4 penalty on Perception skill checks and the entire area is treated as difficult terrain. At the end of the duration, the snow and hail disappear, leaving no after-effects (other than the damage dealt).

Redcap 6 prone and laughing

Redcap 7 still attacks Stock.
Scythe 23 miss
Boot 11 miss

r12 attacks Bartomus
Scythe 11 miss
boot 15 miss

The swarm cannot not attack you, further they can't move away. The ones on you already took their burn damage this round.
5 swarms attack Bartomus again lets see if I can get past the stoneskin, +7 (you're flanked by the swarms) base - 3 swarms auto hit you and 1 more is successful, 7, 21 (a huge fire elemental is AC 21) you are hit 4 times total. damage (2d6) 8, 8, 6, 4 (Hmm, does Stoneskin transfer with your new shape?)
For my ease, the 4th swarm takes 9 fire damage and like the other two I'm just going to say they fail their save and are on fire, so they will burn next round for 1d6, and the three in your space will also take 2d6 more.

Quickling 1, the only one left. Attacks Ohen again.
he attacks Ohen, 25 hit, damage 2 (1d4)

Malici again casts dispel magic at the cold zone. (rolled a 25, the cold zone goes away and the cold rider in the zone has his armor and equipment melt and his bones settle to the ground.).

WoodWise AC 29
G1 - dead
G2 - 74 damage

Quickling AC20/t19 CMD 18
q1 - 14 damage
Q2 - dead
Q3 - dead
Q4 - dead
Q5 - Dead
q6 - dead
q7 - dead
q8 - dead

Redcap AC20 DR 10/cold iron
R6, - Dead
R7 - hatless
R8 - dead
R9 - 16 damage
R10, dead
r11 dead
R12, dead

Cold rider AC23
C1 dead

C2, 110 dead? armor and stuff is still there.
Mount crumbles

C3, Dead

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+20=31 ;
Thursday August 26th, 2021 8:07:13 AM

Stohp grunts in annoyance as the green man makes things difficult for her but this time manages to succeed in the pin (31 to maintain, pin for move action, tie up for standard action)

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10] HP: 39/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+8=25 ; d3=2 ; 2d6+8=18 ; d4=3 ; d20+8=12 ; 2d6+8=16 ; d4=3 ;
Thursday August 26th, 2021 10:10:56 AM

Bartomus lashed back out with the curled tail at two

Stoneskin was damaged the previous round and is no more. I took the additional damage. Sorry to stumble through this type of change.
Using my combat mods for this and not the +15 for the creature class
Slam Attack on AG 42 --> 25, 18 damage + 3 burn, reflex to reduce burn by half
Slam Attack on AG 45 --> 12, if successful 16 damage plus +3 burn

Stock (JonM) HP: 154/197; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 6/30 used  d8=7 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+9=20 ; 2d8+25=34 ; d6=1 ; 2d8+25=34 ; d3=2 ; 2d8+25=36 ; d6=5 ; 2d8+25=32 ; d6=6 ;
Thursday August 26th, 2021 12:42:41 PM

Status: #LikeaBear, #BigMan, #RAGE, #WalkingonAir, #MagicCircle, #Blessed
Stock sees Stohp making progress on the Green Man and turns now on the vicious little redcap behind him. A small part of Stock's conscience feels sorry for what happens to the redcap. Fortunately though, in the midst of his rage he does not think too hard about it.

d8 was a misclick
PA1 vs R7 hits AC 26, 34 damage + 1 elec
PA2 hits AC32 critical threat, confirms vs AC21 70 damage + 5 elec
PA3 hits AC20, 32 damage + 6 elec

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24 
Thursday August 26th, 2021 3:33:30 PM

Zanderallen finds himself out of combatants, he thinks about going after the swarms but decides to not risk getting burned. So instead he jogs around Bart towards Delia and Malici. [b]"Who's still fighting?"[b]
True Sight
Divine Bond +3 enhancement bonus - Total bonus +4 Flaming Long Sword - Note: Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material. +3 overcomes Cold Iron/Silver, +4 overcomes Adamantine. 12 minutes

Double move to AD-47 giving a wide berth to Bart

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50  d20+8=23 ; d6+9=10 ;
Thursday August 26th, 2021 4:14:54 PM

Micah lifts his shield to prevent the splash from Stock's ferocious blows on the redcap. Seeing that Stohp is succeeding in incapacitating the green man, he moves around stock and gets next to their foe, pulling out his sap along the way. He stands ready to strike the green man with it, should he try to cast a spell.

Move to n50
Readied action to power attack the green man with sap should it try to cast.
To hit AC 23 (Pinned green man's AC is -4 from pin and he is denied his dex. If dex modifier is 2 or more, then its a hit) for 10 points on non-lethal bludgeoning damage.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 52/91; AC 23/17/17; CMD 30  d20+19=25 ; d8+13=20 ;
Thursday August 26th, 2021 4:49:42 PM

blessed and dex drained


Delia fires a single shot at Ohen's foe before answering Zander, "Not sure. Some of the others disappeared behind that giant wall of thorns--" she cuts off as her arrow connects. Glancing at the flame-that-is-Bart she mutters, "Hopefully he has that handled..." she then jogs down to get a better assessment of what is happening behind the vine wall.

She winces as she moves just in time to see Stock mutilate the red cap, calling back to Zander, "One-a those green guys is still alive, but Micah and Stohp seem to have him handled. Stock... dealt with the last red cap over here."

Attack: 25 @ q1
Damage: 20

Move to V52

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 74/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis 
Thursday August 26th, 2021 6:12:21 PM

Ohen raises his hand to strike the quickling a second time, then stops as it is pierced by an arrow and falls to the ground.
"Thanks Delia. There's also the insects on Bart, hopefully he has those under control."
Then he will run closer
Double move to AK47

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 74/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis 
Thursday August 26th, 2021 6:12:23 PM

Ohen raises his hand to strike the quickling a second time, then stops as it is pierced by an arrow and falls to the ground.
"Thanks Delia. There's also the insects on Bart, hopefully he has those under control."
Then he will run closer
Double move to AK47

DM Robert - "There's also the insects on Bart, hopefully he has those under control." 
Thursday August 26th, 2021 8:29:24 PM

Stohp manages to take down the green man and lob some rope around him.
Bartomus does some more burning (note, burn means take extra damage this round, the save to avoid catching fire. They are wasps, their wings are crisping. There's a lot of them, so hp damage is essentially killing groups of them).
Stock ..... makes his flail hum like the blades of a fan as they rapidly repeatedly plow through the red cap. (The gore is like a scene from a Rob Zombie movie and chainsaws.)
Zanderallen goes looking for a fight.
Micah's shield vibrates as blood, bones, gristle, bits of cloth, and what not spatter toward it. It's almost as if the shield is vibrating the detritus off as it hits. Micah then makes his way over to the greenman ready to wallop him.
Delia sticks an arrow through the quickling pestering Ohen.
Ohen thanks Delia.


By the way Bart, I did mention previously, swarms can't move. All you have to do is move out of where they are.

More bugs fry on Bart, the sizzle and pop of their bodies exploding with heat would normally be unnoticeable but there's just so many of them.

The green man looks to be in a foul mood, he retracts his spikes.

Malici looks around and begins floating forward. He is looking around.

I'm going to call combat done. This ice storm destroyed some of the canopy that used to exist here.


Anything you wish to do?

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Friday August 27th, 2021 6:15:48 AM

Stohp looks down at her prisoner. "So you realize we didn't come here for a fight? Could have avoided all of this. What made you decide to attack?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 118/161; AC: 24/23/12; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 6/30 used 
Friday August 27th, 2021 9:44:53 AM

Status: #LikeaBear, #BigMan, #WalkingonAir, #MagicCircle, #Blessed

Stock takes a knee, breathing heavily and listens to Stohp begin interrogating the prisoner. "What were you guys even DOING here? Do you make it your habit just to waylay random travelers?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24 
Friday August 27th, 2021 3:03:26 PM

Zanderallen stands down from fighting stance, seeing the last combatant under control of his allies. He turns his attention to Malici, recognizing this locale might be a trigger point for whatever is going on. He moves next to the half-dragon , or below and alongside depending on his elevation and says, "Feel anything Malici? This place seem familiar?" He watches the half-dragon closely, concerned for whatever might come next.
True Sight
Divine Bond +3 enhancement bonus - Total bonus +4 Flaming Long Sword - Note: Weapons with an enhancement bonus of +3 or greater can ignore some types of damage reduction, regardless of their actual material. +3 overcomes Cold Iron/Silver, +4 overcomes Adamantine. 12 minutes

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50 
Friday August 27th, 2021 5:44:53 PM

Micah lowers his sap, but remains where he is. He adds another questions to the those of the others, "Your companion mentioned a plan. Why were you expecting us and what did you plan to happen?"

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10] HP: 51/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  2d8+2=12 ;
Friday August 27th, 2021 10:13:09 PM

After watching the swarming wasps sizzle and pop in the flames of his skin, Bartomus slithered off to near the standing stone lizard men. He changed back into his taur self and realized he was injured.

"Next time, I am just going to go all flame, that was pretty rough." He fished into his jacket for one of the potions. When he had the opportunity he drank one of them hoping it would make him feel better.

Move ten feet and shift back.
Eventually, drink a CMW for 12

Delia (Hannah) HP: 52/91; AC 23/17/17; CMD 30  d20+23=30 ;
Friday August 27th, 2021 11:49:08 PM

Delia decides that the trio holding the Woodwose have him well in hand and jogs over to join Zanderallen and Malici, keeping a sharp eye out for danger. (Perception 30)

As she passes Ohen, she says, with no hint of sarcasm, "Well I figured Zander was observant enough to see the giant flaming thing right in front of his face, so reporting on it seemed redundant."

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 74/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis 
Saturday August 28th, 2021 12:42:53 PM

Ohen will walk over to the Woodwose prisoner and consider what to say to him.

DM Robert - "This place seem familiar?" 
Saturday August 28th, 2021 3:59:05 PM

Stohp asks, "So you realize we didn't come here for a fight? Could have avoided all of this. What made you decide to attack?"

The Woodwose replies. "Been keeping tabs on you for about a day. Didn't care if you didn't want to fight, the cold riders were looking for more souls to gather, and you looked like a tasty treat to the rest of us."

Stock asks, "What were you guys even DOING here? Do you make it your habit just to waylay random travelers?"

The Woodwose scoffs. "Pish posh, we're here because their ain't no spirit more evil than us inhabiting the wood anymore. Seemed like a perferable place to come live instead of dwelling with Eberyon. He's gone all soft on you mortals claiming live and let live. And yes we do waylay random travelers. What's it to you?"

Zanderallen queires Malici, "Feel anything Malici? This place seem familiar?"

Malici absently responds "It seems familiar." He continues to drift/fly northward about 10 feet off the ground. Perception 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You can see he's taken out the medallion again and is rubbing it with his thumb as he holds it in his hand.} and yes I know he still has a protection from evil spell on him.

Micah prods the Woodwose. "Your companion mentioned a plan. Why were you expecting us and what did you plan to happen?"

The Woodwose grimaces and replies, "Yes the plan was to kill you and drink your blood and eat your flesh. I'm a woodwose, intimate connection with nature or don't you followers of Domi know anything outside your narrow religion?"
Knowledge Nature, Arcane, or Religion 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {The woodwose or green men are wicked male counterparts of the dryad. Guardians and protectors of forests and woodlands, woodwose have a cruel streak, feeling it better to bury an intruder amongst the trees than ever let them leave their forested sanctuaries again. Due to their malign nature, woodwoses do not associate with dryads, most sprites, or other benign woodland creatures. They do however sometimes form bonds and alliances with other evil fey creatures (such as redcaps and quicklings).
Woodwoses have great magical powers like those of a druid, whom they seek to thwart and destroy when given the opportunity.

Bartomus changes back from a fiery elemental and downs a potion trying to cure some wounds.

Delia tags after Malici.

Ohen walks over to the Woodwose.

Now that you have a bit more time to look around you can tell the different gender's of the lizard folk statutes.

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10] HP: 51/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+5=23 ;
Saturday August 28th, 2021 5:36:02 PM

"Gulp," Bartomus' swallowing of the potion was extra dramatic as he was kinda thirsty, or maybe parched was a better word. He felt the now very familiar tingle of the potion work and looked about at the stone statues, or rather frozen as stone lizards and quickly ascertained that these two were male. "Um, uh, yep, definitely male, these two."

He said as he pointed at the two stone lizardmen. He looked about and walked over towards Malici and Zander. (AH/AI 38)

"Hey, any idea what this might have been?" And, why those folks wanted to keep us out of it so bad?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Saturday August 28th, 2021 7:41:47 PM

"Right. Evil fae, murders people as is it's nature. Someone cut it's head off, there's no way it suddenly denies it's nature and stops killing people which I'm rather against." Stohp looks to those nearby with edged weapons. She'd do it herself, but is so terrible with a melee weapon it'd just prolong the thing's torment which she is not ok with even if the execution is necessary.

Stock (JonM) HP: 94/137; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 6/30 used  d20+10=26 ;
Monday August 30th, 2021 9:30:53 AM

Stock shakes his head at the randomness of it all. "Well, I suppose the Wold is a better place without these...fey.

Let me know what you guys want to do with this guy. I have no problem sending him back to Eberyon."

He gets up and follows about 15' behind Malici.

Autopass perception
Nature 26

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24  d20+7=23 ; d20+10=20 ;
Monday August 30th, 2021 5:58:43 PM

Zanderallen looks back over his shoulder at the party and decides to deal with the green man before continuing to follow Malici. He raises his sword over it, "Some evil just needs to be cleansed from the world." He brings his sword down to end the green man. After verifying the job is done he goes back over to where Malici is floating.
Perception 23
Know Rel: 20

Micah (John) HP: 72/90 AC: 30/13/29 CMD:21 Move 50  d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ;
Monday August 30th, 2021 6:27:14 PM

"It is comforting to believe that irredeemable evil does not exist, but such comfort is folly, " Micah says as he makes the symbolic double anvil stroke motion of the Domi worshipper. He nods grimly as Zanderallen ends the evil creature.

Then, seeing that the paladin is attending to Malici, he assesses the health of his companions. When everyone is sufficiently close, he channels energy to restore them. He does it again.

"Delia," he asks, "are you in need of further restoration."

Channel energy twice. Heal everyone 23 hit points and 26 hit points. (2 uses for the day)

Perception 15 (taking 10)
Knowledge religion 28 (taking 10)

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 91/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis 
Monday August 30th, 2021 7:00:46 PM

Ohen suddenly remembers something. He walks over to the two statues that were in his fireball and casts mending on them repeatedly if they look damaged.

DM Robert - "Some evil just needs to be cleansed from the world." 
Monday August 30th, 2021 8:15:31 PM

Bartomus asks what this place might have been.
Stohp feels the Woodwose is beyond redemption.
Stock shakes his head at the waste of it all and goes to follow behind Malici.
Zanderallen fulfills Stohp's request. Even as the sword rose over his head the Woodwose looked with contempt at Zanderallen and spit at him.
Micah see's to the healing of the party.
Ohen does some mending of the statues of the lizardfolk.


Malici looks at Bartomus, "When I was young and ignorant, I called this place home. It wasn't so bad as villages went. But the presence of my father was always a weight."

Malici continues his forward progress and comes to the ground at the well. There is no bucket or rope, and part of the wall surrounding the well has been damaged. Looking around it's clear that when the dragon died the Crying Wood took full vengeance upon this place. Where once there may have been a stockade wall there is nothing of note. Stone walls are knocked over and the grass and shrubs hide many a brick and stone. The flagstones of structures are cracked and have weeds trying to grow up through them.

Search all the bodies Perception 5 Highlight to display spoiler: {There is no magic item on any of the quicklings, red caps, or woodwoses. Just ordinary equipment. 12 shortswords, 7 scythes. You do oncover pouches of loot totaling 2300 gp in various gems.}

Searching the site Perception 20 (dwarves with stonecraft get a bonus, I think it's +2 but don't quote me) Highlight to display spoiler: {You uncover what appear to be a large trapdoor at AQ/AR12 and AQ/AR11. }

map I've taken all your tokens off for now since placement is not vital.

Bartomus(Rod) [CL2/10] HP: 51/83 AC 21; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 2d8+1  d20+8=17 ; d20+8=9 ;
Monday August 30th, 2021 8:51:53 PM

Bartomus continued to follow Malici and Zander as they explored the area. He looked over at Malici with a bit of surprise to hear that they were walking about a former village.

"You don't say," Bartomus said as he looked about. "A whole village was here? How many people use to call this home would you say?"

Perception on the loot - 17; on the site, complete and total failure - 8

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 64/82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+17=32 ;
Tuesday August 31st, 2021 7:13:15 AM

Stohp aides the search (32 perception). She gathers the gems, then points out to the other's a trap door she found. "Could just be an old basement. Could be something important."

Stock (JonM) HP: 137/137; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 6/30 used  d20+18=32 ;
Tuesday August 31st, 2021 9:22:29 AM

Nods appreciatively to Micah for the healing and easily spots the trapdoor.

"Hold on there. Let me take a look at this thing and make sure the previous owner did not leave behind a surprise."

Perception auto-pass both (+2 for stonecunning)
Perception 32 looking for traps (34 with stonecunning)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 24  d20+7=24 ;
Tuesday August 31st, 2021 4:19:29 PM

Zanderallen looks over the ruins trying to picture the place as it might once have stood. Some fairly sizable structures from the look of it. "Do you think these statues are more transmuted lizardfolk? If so do you think it was done to protect them from the forest or as punishment for something else? Getting anything from the medallion? Is this where it wanted you to go?" Zanderallen remembers the magical sight Micah gave him and gives everywhere a look over, especially the trap door.
Perception 24 (searching the site)

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 91/91, AC: 22(14T, 20 I, 20F, 19CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis  d20+16=23 ;
Tuesday August 31st, 2021 6:15:57 PM

Ohen will jog back over to the group.
"A trapdoor you say? We might find something interesting in there."
Passes first perception
23 on second

Delia (Hannah) HP: 52/91; AC 23/17/17; CMD 30  d20+23=29 ;
Tuesday August 31st, 2021 6:46:05 PM

Delia looked out over the clearing, sadly noting the petrified lizardfolk dotted around the ruins.

About to comment on the trapdoor, Stohp beats her to it and she instead moves into a sentry position. Making sure no other threats approach as the Shields examine the trapdoor. (Perception 29 to scan the surrounding area)

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