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DM MikeK - Pirates Rd 9.5   d20+8=22 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+3=16 ; d20+3=13 ; d20+3=7 ; d20+3=21 ;
d20+9=14 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=16 ;
d20+9=19 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+8=28 ;
Thursday May 20th, 2021 7:45:28 PM

Rolling, rolling, rolling....

DM MikeK - Pirates Rd 10 
Thursday May 20th, 2021 8:00:38 PM

Sid moves along the surface of the water, and then rises up to attack Boss Bugbear.
He misses.

Stohp drops down, and reaches over Sid to successfully grab Boss Bugbear.

Micah works on processing what just happened, and figures it out a lot faster than Lord Rothchild, who's still looking about wildly.
At the cleric's question, the Councilman pauses, and seems to regain his faculties.
"I'm afraid I'm at a loss about them," he replies. "They came upon us during the night, and before I knew it, I was tied up and in a hold."
Micah casts a spell on himself.

Ohen gives Lord Rothchild a salulte, and dutifully Dimesion Doors he and Micah back to the dragon boat.
Ohen - Highlight to display spoiler: { There is an invisible person at AD93. Well, there was. After Malici's spell below, you can't see that spot.}

Bartomus fades away from view and flies higher and over the ship's mast.
There is no sail, because Ohen done went burnt it up.
The druid drops an acorn on #9. It hits the deck and explodes nicely.
Bugbear 9 dies.

Stock hits twice, slamming Boss Bugbear hard.

Zanderallen kills Bugbear 7 and Bugbear 6.

Malici casts a Glitterdust spell at AD87.
It does not reveal the bugbear/dragon
Bugbears 5, 8, and 12 are blinded.
THEN, he gets nasty.
He casts a spell at the stern of the ship, causing a yellowish green cloud to envelope it.
The appearance of the cloud is accompanied by the sounds of gagging, retching, and dying horribly.

Delia steps away from the doglike thing.
She does not see a bedazzled sorcerer.

Of course, the whole back end of the vessel is opaque, poison gas.
So, most of the crew can't be seen.

There are a few splashes, as the more fortunate bugbears in the stern abandon ship to escape the cloud.

The Boss Bugbear makes no attempt to break Stohp's grasp.
Letting his blade fall to the deck, he drops to his knees, and raises his hands.
"All right, all right. We give."

The rest of the bugbears follow the lead of their boss.

- Sid is at elevation 5'
- Stohp is at elevation 5'
- Micah is on the deck (Sanctuary)
- Ohen is on the deck (See Invisible)
- Bart is at elevation 30'
- Stock is at elevation 5'
- Delia is at elevation 5'
- Malici is at elevation 15'
- Zanderallen is on deck.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Friday May 21st, 2021 6:22:33 AM

Oh hey. Sensible bad guys. Stohp briefly wonders why so many bad guys seem so determined to fight to the death briefly. She keeps holding onto the captain until his magical companion appears and also surrenders.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Friday May 21st, 2021 10:34:25 AM

Zander almost blinks in surprise as the captain surrenders, but not one to miss an opportunity to avoid needless bloodshed he lowers, but does not stow, his weapon. "We accept your surrender. Malici drop your gas. Everyone else, pile your weapons in the bow and sit around the mast. Spell caster, unless you drop your invisibility and return to the deck we will consider you to sill be hostile." He continues looking around, weary of the invisible spell caster.

Stock (JonM) HP: 98/180; AC: 27/25/15; DR 2/-; CMD: 33; Rage: 2/28 used; Fly: 90' 
Friday May 21st, 2021 11:00:37 AM

Fly, Haste, Bless, Protection from Evil, Bear's Endurance, Greater Rage

"What do you mean you give!"

Stock casts his eyes about sniffing at the air in a feral manner. "Where's the half dragon!"

Still raging to use rage power: scent
The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.

When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When the creature is within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source’s location.

If he smells half dragon he will take a move action beelining for it

Sid(Andrew) Fly: 90' High: 15'(Above waterline) HP: 30/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Friday May 21st, 2021 12:10:51 PM

Sid holds Mildred to the Bugbear Captain's neck, ready to attack if he makes moves Sid doesn't like. "Stock buddy, they've given. That's the sign that the good guys stop." He says to Stoph, "Do you have rope to tie up this guy?"

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+14=30 ;
Friday May 21st, 2021 9:13:23 PM

Bartomus moves his hands and lips and points at where the fire was burning. Water soon appeared and drenched the area.

He looked about for the half-dragon that Stock was asking about.

Call water onto the deck and flames.
Perception 30

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 22/12/22 CMD:20 Fly Speed: 70 ft. 
Friday May 21st, 2021 10:14:28 PM

Micah nods appreciation to Ohen and keeps an eye on the sorcerer counting on his magical senses to perceive what is going on.

He does glance at the deck where the cloud is knowing that it holds no danger to him while he is wearing the necklace gifted him from the lizardfolk.

Sanctuary (duration 10 rounds). Will Save DC 17.
Magic Vestment
Owl's Wisdom

Delia (Hannah) HP: 76/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29; Fly Speed: 90' 
Saturday May 22nd, 2021 2:32:48 AM

Delia spares the surrendering captain a suspicious glance before continuing to hold her shot for dragon/bugbear, but will now only fire if she is threatening versus surrendering.

Readied Attack repost: 28 (+20)
Damage: 14 P + 6 C

Malici AC 28 (now a dragon w/mage armor always on) f15, t21: HP (123/132)108/108 CMD 25 Spell Resistance 24, Acid Resistance 10.  d4=2 ;
Saturday May 22nd, 2021 8:42:13 AM

"I'm sorry sir knight. I cannot end the spell as it is such that does not allow that." Malici keeps an eye out for the half dragon somewhere on deck. At least he hopes she is on deck his quest is going to continue. The cloudkill drifts 10 feet away from him toward the aft of the deck.

Anyone still in the spell area, Fortitude save 23 or 2 Con damage.
A living creature with 4 to 6 HD is slain unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save (in which case it takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage on your turn each round while in the cloud). A living creature with 6 or more HD takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage on your turn each round while in the cloud (a successful Fortitude save halves this damage). Holding one’s breath doesn’t help, but creatures immune to poison are unaffected by the spell. Unlike a fog cloud, the cloudkill moves away from you at 10 feet per round, rolling along the surface of the ground. It should affect 16,13,17,18,11,20,19,14,15,21

Spells active
Glitterdust 12 rounds.
Cloudkill 12 minutes
Fly on Micha, Zanderallen, Sid, Stohp
Spell resistance on self (25)
Form of the Dragon I on self.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Saturday May 22nd, 2021 11:44:04 AM

Ohen will look into the fog, waiting for the invisible dragon bugbear to appear.
SR 23, 5 images, AC 24

Haste on everyone: 2 rounds.
Fly on Delia, Stock, Bartomus: 11 minutes
Mirror Image: 5 images, 11 minutes
Spell Resistance: 23, 11 minutes

DM MikeK - Sensible bad guys 
Sunday May 23rd, 2021 5:25:53 PM

The poison cloud drifts sternward, gradually revealing more bodies. Of the original crew of 40 rowers, only 10 are alive. And all of them have been burned, blinded, and/or gassed.
Per Zanderallen's instructions, they meekly unload javelins and falchions in the bow, and take a seat.

Malici spots the bugbear/dragon in the water to port.
She drops her invisibility spell, and everyone can see her struggling back to the vessel.

Two of the bugbears move to the side to help the badly burned, and now nearly drowned sorcerer to the deck.

The fight is most definitely over.

The prisoners look to the Shields next move, as the Mary Celeste eases in next to the dragon ship.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday May 23rd, 2021 8:25:01 PM

"Should maybe someone help them out of the water? I would but I doubt I could." Stohp wonders as she looks at the stronger people in the party.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 76/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29; Fly Speed: 90'  d20=19 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 3:36:16 AM

Delia watches in slight confusion and unnocks her arrow, used to fighting creatures to whom surrender is a foreign concept. She'll wonder aloud, "What do we do with them?"

She will fly up about 20 feet and keep a watchful eye on the situation, alert for signals, whispering, or any other actions by the bedraggled pirates that would spell danger.

Perception: 36

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 22/12/22 CMD:20 Fly Speed: 70 ft.  d20+8=22 ; d20+20=21 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 8:59:14 AM

Micah shakes his head sadly as the dead are revealed. If only their leaders had surrendered earlier.

He then returns his focus to the survivors. Seeing the half dragon in the water, he flies to meet her, stretching out his hand to offer her assistance and using the opportunity to survey her wounds and injuries. Despite his offer of aid, he remains wary and suspicious of her surrender.

Fly to half dragon.
Heal 22 to inspect and assess her injuries
Sense Motive 21 to get a hunch about her intentions

Active spells
Sanctuary (duration 9 rounds). Will Save DC 17.
Haste 2 rounds
Magic Vestment
Owl's Wisdom

Stock (JonM) HP: 43/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used; Fly: 90' 
Monday May 24th, 2021 9:19:52 AM

No more status effects...temporarily fatigued but not noted in stats

Stock pointedly does not go help the half dragon out of the water and instead lands on the deck. "Seems to me we need to take possession of this ship and sail towards The Float. We put half the crew on the other boat, half here. Maybe keep the half dragon here so we can keep an eye on it. I'm happy to let the legal apparatus on The Float figure out what to do with these guys. It's not really my strong point."

He is doing his best to not show the evident aches and pains in every movement.

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+11=29 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 10:29:37 AM

Bartomus moves downward and lends a hand to the effort to bring the very injured sorcerer up onto the deck. In the process, Bartomus assesses the damage and offers first aid.

If accepted, heal skill check for 29 - just trying to stabilize until we get a sense if we should heal this sib of our guest.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Monday May 24th, 2021 3:39:21 PM

Zanderallen takes charge of the situation on the deck. He turns to the bugbear captain, "We will be taking you back to the Floating City. I do not know the customs of your people but please perform whatever rites or practices are customary for your dead." He motions with a sad look to the bodies in the rear of the ship, "We will not stand in your way." With others keeping close watch on the prisoners Zander stands to the side, waiting for the Mary Celeste to close the gap and begin the journey back to the float.

Sid(Sub by Z) Fly: 90' High: Deck HP: 30/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Monday May 24th, 2021 3:42:39 PM

Sid glances warily around as the bugbears move. He release the Captain but keeps Mildred ready if any of the bugbears make any sudden moves for the weapons piled in the front.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Monday May 24th, 2021 5:57:57 PM

Ohen will use his Arcane Sight on the Bugbear/Dragon to determine how powerful she is, and also to make sure she has the medallion.
SR 23, 5 images, AC 24

Haste on everyone: 1 rounds.
Fly on Delia, Stock, Bartomus: 11 minutes
Mirror Image: 5 images, 11 minutes
Spell Resistance: 23, 11 minutes

DM Robert - "We will not stand in your way."   d20+15=24 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+9=11 ;
Monday May 24th, 2021 8:19:18 PM

Stohp asks about helping people out of the water.
Delia is not used to surrender, and keeps a watch on the bugbears.
Micah flies over and helps the half dragon out of the water.
Stock is for taking possession of the boat.
Bartomus offers first aid.
Zanderallen tells the captain to perform rites for his dead.
Sid keeps a wary eye out.
Ohen eyes the half dragon.

Those with healing asses the damaged, and determine that most are half-dead at least. Except the captain fared slightly better. While all the live bugbear's weapons are in the aft, there are numerous javelins and falchion's in with the rowers. The weapons lie near that strange doglike creature. Knowledge Planes 19 Highlight to display spoiler: {It is a Barghest. an outsider, how it came to be a dog like creature for this pirate crew you are not sure.}

Please note: You can watch the Captain, The Crew, Or the Sorceress, You only get to perception who you are watching.

The captain nods and being the most fit, of the 10 bugbears goes about stripping the dead bugbears and tossing them into the water. Zanderallen begins to wonder if the bugbears have any form of religious rites for the dead. The captain is taking off their cloaks and breastplates. Watching the captain perception 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {You see him slip a potion from his belt and get ready to drink it.}

The 10 living bugbears gather around the mast. You note they are all wearing chain shirts, interesting, they appear to be armed and armored differently than the 30 that are dead. They moan a lot and make a show of being wrongfully attacked. Anyone watching them Perception 16 Highlight to display spoiler: {As the crew move around you note they are attempting to reach into pouches and take out potion bottles.}

The female bugbear/half-dragon is dragged from the water. There is quite the overpowering smell of wet dog. She coughs a lot, which sounds weird from her dragon/dog face. Anyone watching her Perception 9 Highlight to display spoiler: {She tries to slip her hand into a belt pouch and extracts a small potion vial.} Also you do know that these half-dragons have a breath weapon, you've seen Malici use it. Ohen observing her gets the sense that she is about on his level of magical ability. You also note she has several magic items about her person.

Malici lands and transforms back into his elf self. "Friend Dwarf, I do not think it wise to send half these ruffians to join captain Ahab. Half of them would about number his crew and that could put the Mary Celeste in danger. It looks like there were at least 15 rowers a side for this craft. I suggest we put them to work on this boat if you wish to take it into The Float." He casts a minor spell of detect magic. "You guys do know that those rowers the bugbear captain is stripping are all wearing magical cloaks don't you? For that matter, the bugbears all appear to have some form of magic about them."

OOC, we are not in rounds anymore.

10 bugbears
1 captain
1 sorceress

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=19 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 7:49:33 AM

Stohp watches the captain, having just had her hands on him and him being the one most likely to lead the others to cause trouble. (Perception 19)

Stock (JonM) HP: 43/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used; Fly: 90'  d20+17=20 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+1=13 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 9:43:40 AM

"Fair point Malici. I worry a little about keeping all the trouble on this boat too but I guess if Ahab doesn't have the muscle to keep down these brutes and if we can convince them to row toward the Float, we'll be better off."

He wanders over to the Captain and says, "What's your story, Cap? That Half Dragon convince you that this would be a good idea?"

DC25 Perception 20
Perception 36, Perception 35 - I didn't understand the point about only watching one of the three until I rolled all three perception rolls....I'll just go with the first which failed.
Diplomacy 12 - maybe not Stock's strong point

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft  d20+7=9
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 3:09:12 PM

Zanderallen keeps an eye mostly on the crew. He answers Malici, "We will collect their equipment when we have finished securing the ship. Thank you for noting the magic. With a start he asks Malici a sharp question, noting the differences in the appearances of the living and the dead, "Malici, Ohen, can you identify the school? There isn't illusion magic afoot here is htere?"

Perception 9 on crew

Delia (Hannah) HP: 76/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29; Fly Speed: 90'  d20+17=23 ; d20+14=20 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 5:34:11 PM

Delia will keep her eyes on the dragon/bugbear, judging her as the greatest threat.
Easily noticing her pulling out the vial, she will call out, "Hey. Dragon-lady trying to be sneaky. What's that potion ya got there?"

She is still about 15ft up and hovering just off deck.

DC 9 vs 23 perception (+17)
Fly DC 15 vs 20 fly check to hover (+14)

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 22/12/22 CMD:20 Fly Speed: 70 ft.  d20+13=30 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 5:43:21 PM

"Not so fast," Micah states calmly as he slaps the vial out of the half dragon's hand. "If it is healing you need, we can provide that. I will not, however, allow you to use magic on your own."

Perception 14 (taking 10) on half dragon.
Uses Weapon Master domain power to gain access to improved disarm feat.
CMB 30 to knock the vial out of the half dragon's hand.

Sid(Andrew) Fly: 90' High: 15'(Above waterline) HP: 30/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+16=26 ; d20+19=34 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 7:09:50 PM

Sid's freehand snakes out and like a shadow snags the vial. He looks and moves Mildred to his neck. "Seems to be something of interest here," he says glancing at the Captain, "I think you should start emptying your pockets."


Perception: 26
Sleight of Hand(To snag the vial): 34

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=30 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+15=23 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 7:25:53 PM

Ohen will focus further and try to find the medallion among the magical auras.
Perception min 16
Some arcana checks: 30, 23, 23

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20=17 ;
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 8:01:08 PM

Bartomus watched the soaked dragon lady and saw her slip her hand into her clothing. He saw extract a vial.

"Lady, I am only going to say this once, don't move and you sure as heck don't want to drink that vial." He says rather loudly.

Bartomus steps closer and prepares to headbut the woman.

DM Robert - "What's that potion ya got there?"  
Tuesday May 25th, 2021 8:18:17 PM

Stohp watches the captain but doesn't notice anything.
Stock watches the captain but also sees nothing, he asks some questions.
Zanderallen watches the prisoners and asks about magic.
Delia spots the bugbear/dragon trying to get to a potion.
Micah notices bugbear/dragons attempts to get a potion and puts an end to it.
Sid spots the captain trying to get a potion out and goes into full threat mode.
Ohen scans for magic.
A brief update, I have more information than when I first posted. The sorceress is severely burned, she is struggling to breath she is down to almost 9% of her starting hitpoints. The captain is barely able to stand he is at about 4% of his starting hitpoint. The 10 remaining bugbears are all down 10 about 15% of their starting hitpoints and 2 of them are blinded, all of them are suffering from Con loss as well.

Micah surveys the motley crew of bugbears and realizes they are indeed in a sad state. The sorceress looks up at Micah and floating Delia. "So this is human mercy after surrender. No you won't sully your hands with actually doing the deed but will stand by and let us bleed out and die slowly."

The captain wearily eyes Stock and the blade Sid has placed at his throat. He drops the potion in Sid's hand and says "A little up and to the left more if you want to nick the carotid artery, or are you trying for a slow torturous death like humans do so often?" He shifts a bit to look at Stock "She's a valued crew member. I reward such that can lead us to profitable ways." Sid notices that the Captain is not really emptying his pockets, he doesn't have any, but he does have a couple of belt pouches.

Zanderallen notices that the 10 grouped bugbears seem to be breathing a little easier, less wheezing and pain in their breath.

Ohen looks around and announces that there are several magical items.
The captain is sporting the following magic: a potion; full plate, falchion, amulet, boots, cloak, and a ring.
The sorceress has the following magic: 1/4 of a medallion, potion of cure moderate wounds; +1 quarterstaff, amulet of natural armor +2, cloak of resistance +1, headband of alluring charisma.
The 10 bugbears each have the following magic items: some potions, composite longbow
The 30 dead bubear rowers had the following magic: a potion, a cloak (so 30 of each).

Malici answers Zanderallen "I see no illusionary magic." He steps toward the bugbear/dragon. "She has the medallion."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=25 ;
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 7:05:00 AM

Stohp raises and eyebrow, then does a quick headcount. Ok yeah, counting Malici there's 5 humans and 3 non-humans. She decides not to take offense at the generalization. She does look around to try to determine if anyone is bleeding out that they can save. While everyone seems battered, there doesn't actually seem to be a risk of them bleeding out, but maybe she missed something (perception 25)

She replies to the captain, "We are offering to use magic to heal your wounds, we just aren't going to let you drink unknown potions. Now that the battle is over no one dies unless you try to fight or escape us."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 76/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29; Fly Speed: 90' 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 12:14:29 PM

Delia looks back at the sorceress a bit incredulously, "I'm sorry, did the people who just murdered an unarmed hostage just try to moral high ground us? You've been offered healing, accept that and don't try to sneak things by us."

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 22/12/22 CMD:20 Fly Speed: 70 ft. 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 2:34:48 PM

Micah is angry. Angry that these pirates have slaughtered an entire diplomatic delegation, except for one they kept as a hostage. Angry that they killed that hostage needlessly. Angry that a great number of these pirate died horribly from Malici's spell. Angry that these foul medallion pieces are causing so much harm.

Rather than let that anger erupt, Micah holds it in, like hot coals banked in the forge for later use. He does not, however, restrain his tongue, "Seriously? Did your wounds damage your healing, too? Did you somehow not just hear me offer you healing?" He motions contemptuously to the deck where the bugbears are, "Now get over there so we can tend to your wounds all at once. But first. Everyone disarm yourselves, including magical equipment."

Stock (JonM) HP: 43/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used; Fly: 90' 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 2:49:44 PM

Stock snickers at Delia's attitude. "Ok then madame half dragon sorceress - hand over your heirloom. Your half brother would like to unite it with his pieces."

He then says, "Let's get the bodies of the oarsmen out of here and get the remaining bugbears rowing toward the Float.

AHAB! Lead onward! We'll follow!"

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 3:11:34 PM

With what is already said Zanderallen just adds one last comment directly to the Captian, "You should be glad we don't offer you the same mercy you gave Lord Rothchild's companions and their turtle. Now get that gear off and stand with the others so Micah can tend to your injuries." He then aids the captain in removing his magical equipment none too gently, muttering under his breath that if someone hadn't defiled themselves with greed and destruction maybe they would be capable of laying on hands and healing others.

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+7=23 ;
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 4:30:04 PM

"You heard them - empty the pockets, and the cinch purses. You will get it all back once we know we don't have daggers, darts, and other nasty things to worry about." Bartomus said quite loudly and with a tired of all this attitude. He pointed at the dragonette and then glared at the captain.

"Zander & Micah, I can help with the group heal as well," Bartomus offered up to the Shields.

Intimidate 23

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 5:46:15 PM

Despite the numerous retorts and spells Ohen thinks of to use on the Sorceress and Pirate Captain after their 'human mercy' comments, Ohen will simply watch over the disarming of magic items and make sure they don't try to keep any.

Sid(Andrew) Fly: 90' High: 15'(Above waterline) HP: 30/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 6:08:46 PM

Sid raises an eyebrow at the Captain. "Bart! Micah!" He yells, "The Captain here is in serious of medical attention as he seems to not be able to tell an Elf or a Taur from a Human. Drop your pouches and as long as don't do anything to make the Lady object," he says nodding to Stohp, "you'll get them back. If you need to sit then you may do so." His sword doesn't leave the Captain's neck.

DM Robert - "empty the pockets, and the cinch purses"  
Wednesday May 26th, 2021 8:10:47 PM

Stohp doesn't take offense.
Delia can't help being a little judgemental.
Micah's anger is showing a little.
Stock starts taking charge.
Zanderallen is non too gentle in getting the job done.
Bartomus add his voice to command the prisoners.
Ohen watches over the magic.
Sid is bit contemptuous of the captain.

The loot is piled up...
Captain: potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear +3 full plate, +3 falchion, mwk javelins (2), amulet of natural armor +2, boots of striding and springing, cloak of resistance +3, ring of protection +2, 973 gp

Sorceress potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear +1 quarterstaff, mwk dagger, mwk shortbow with 20 arrows, amulet of natural armor +2, cloak of resistance +1, headband of alluring charisma +2, 1/4 medallion, 117 gp

Living Bugbears: potions of cure light wounds (3x10); Other Gear chain shirt x10, +1 composite longbow (+3 Str) with 20 arrows(x10), mwk scimitar(x10), 2840 gp total

Dead Bugbears; Other Gear breastplate(x30), javelins (150), mwk falchion(x30), cloak of resistance +1 (x30), 6570 gp total

1 longship, value 10,000gp

There's also 40 pounds of gold in the hold. You know that came from their raid on Lizard Folk town, and some semi spoiled casks of fruits and vegetables.

Stock retrieves the medallion from the bugbear/dragon. As he does so there's an "Ahem." from behind him. He turns and see's Malici standing nearby with his own 1/2 medallion in his hand. Malici smiles at Stock but says nothing.

The bugbears gather around the mast and look at Micah and Bartomus for the promised healing. Heal Check 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {}It looks like the 10 bugbears are in better shape than previous, they may have 25% of their hitpoints. They may not really need healing to bend their backs to the oars. And the Captain is bleeding somewhat, but almost all the sorceress damage was burning.[/b]

The bugbears grumble but get into oar benches and begin to row. Progress will be slow with the boat so large and so few oarsmen. Anyone with sailing experience could try to guide everyone with using the lone sail. Also someone is going to need to steer with the rudder.

You're pretty sure that even at this point the sorceress is probably the greatest threat, especially if she can spit acid.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=28 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 7:19:44 AM

Stohp continues to keep a close eye on the prisoners (28 perception). She doesn't let herself get distracted by the gear piling up, figuring what it all is can wait until after they've met with the authorities.

Stock (JonM) HP: 43/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used; Fly: 90'  d20+9=11 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 9:05:09 AM

Stock turns to face Malici, squints his eyes and hands over the amulet. He then turns away abruptly and shouts - "I'll take the rudder!"

The burly dwarf walks to the rear and grabs hold of the tiller. "Excuse me though but I'm not quite tall enough to see where we're going. Just let me know which way to turn."

Sense Motive 11

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 4:22:25 PM

Zanderallen guides the caption to a rowing bench after healing is given. Hard labor would keep him out of trouble. He then watches as Malici receives the third medallion quarter, "Feel anything different?' He stands near the half-dragon sorceress. Aware of the danger she still poses.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Thursday May 27th, 2021 5:40:08 PM

"Should we tie up or blindfold the sorceress? Or should she row too?" Either way Ohen will be standing in the aft near Stock, ready to counterspell her if she causes any magical trouble.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 22/12/22 CMD:20 Fly Speed: 70 ft.  d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d8+1=8 ; d8+1=8 ; d8+1=2 ; d8+1=2 ; d8+1=4 ; d8+1=8 ; d8+1=8 ; d8+1=6 ; d8+1=5 ; d8+1=7 ; d8+1=9 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 5:56:44 PM

Once everyone is gathered together and the pirates are suitably disarmed, Micah moves to the middle of the injured.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, and says, "In the name of Domi." He then channels healing energy, excluding no one.

After that is done, he seeks out Stock and Sid to further cure them with his wand.

Channel energy 20 pts.

Stock: 6 charges for 42 more hit points.
Sid: 3 charges for 21 more hit points.

Sid(Andrew) Fly: 90' High: 15'(Above waterline) HP: 51/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+15=29 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 6:29:01 PM

"Thank you Micah," Sid says and once the Captain is suitably disarmed and healed he will remove Mildred from his throat. He says to the Captain, "Unless overruled I won't sully your honor, as it is, by making you row, but besides that 'Human' crack I have to say that you were going to kill you hostage, and you Ate a Dragonturtle." Sid shakes his head without taking his eyes off the Captain and searches his memory to see if he knows him or of him.


Knowledge(Local): 29

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29  d20=17 ; d20=15 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 8:03:45 PM

Delia will nod her thanks to Micah for the healing, then will go stand next to Ohen and Stock, watching the sorceress's reaction to Malici's 3 medallion pieces. She will continue to keep a close eye on the female bugbear, ready to alert the group to any funny business.

She says straight faced to Stock, "Maybe someone can find you a box."

Sense Motive on sorceress: 20
Perception on sorceress: 32

DM Robert - "Feel anything different?"   d20+9=25 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 8:15:56 PM

Stohp keeps an eagle eye on the bugbears.
Stock grabs the rudder (you should be able to see well enough, generally the aft deck is built up a little).
Zanderallen imprints his presence on the bugbear captain and sorceress.
Ohen is wary of the sorceress and stands ready to counter her spells.
Micah does the healing.
Sid is overruled and the captain is rowing, he has never heard of bugbear pirates, but its a big world.
Delia cracks wise at Stock.

"Thank you Stock." Malici's hands tremble slightly as he begins to put the pieces together. Before he can the smaller piece fairly leaps from his hand and you hear a metallic clink as the separate pieces hit. This time there is a brief flash of light. Malici staggers a bit and reaches out a hand to steady himself. His brows are furrowed as if in concentration or pain.

Heal check 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {it's pain: sudden onset migraine }

The bugbear/dragon whips her head around. Malici must sense her stare for he opens his eyes and stares back at her.

Sense Motive 10 Highlight to display spoiler: {That is definitely a death stare coming from Malici, or maybe a "do you feel lucky punk" stare.}

Very shortly the sorceress seems to bow and duck her head, returning to rowing. (Speaking of rowing, remember rowers sit with their backs facing where they are going, so they are all pretty much still looking at you since you were gathered at the aft section). Malici shakes his head and rubs his brows, his eyes seem squinty. "Well that was a bit of shock and slightly painful. Definitely could use something cold and alcoholic."

If anyone wishes to look at the medallion now, It requires a Linguistics 10 roll, it's in a combination of Draconic and Old High Woldian.
Highlight to display spoiler: {, outer edge "My Legacy, Will Aid, …. "
inner edge "Let your …… Dominate the ….. "

The Marie Celeste is out in front of you. Perception 20 hearing Highlight to display spoiler: {Seems like the councilman is making a fuss and wanting Ahab to get a move on and get to the Float post haste.}

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+11=31 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+14=19 ;
Thursday May 27th, 2021 11:25:23 PM

Bartomus just was staring about the deck and looking at the cast of rowers. He snapped out of his thoughts and noticed that Malici suddenly winced in pain. He suspected it was one of those headaches that hit with a vengeance.

And, Bartomus thought of moving forward and offering to try a cranial massage, but when he saw the dagger look he tossed the dragon princess that was his half-sister, he felt that maybe that wasn't the best of ideas.

"So we go to the Float and do what?" Bartomus asked the other Shields.

Heal - 31
SenMotive - 20
Perception - 19

Stock (JonM) HP: 105/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used; Fly: 90'  d20+9=17 ; d20+17=20 ;
Friday May 28th, 2021 9:40:05 AM

Stock watches with interest as the medallion is joined and pointedly ignores Delia's comment about needing a box. He just mumbles, "Nevermind...I can see fine."

Stock motions ahead at Ahab's ship and says, "Looks like the big shot wants Ahab to get moving. Might be tough to keep up. Somebody ask the captain if he has any more ships out here that we have to watch out for."

DC10 Sense Motive: 17
DC20 Perception 20

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft  d20+5=6 d20+7=15
Friday May 28th, 2021 12:11:24 PM

Zanderallen reaches ever so slightly for his sword as the two half-dragons have their stare off. With the bugbears seemingly cowled for the moment he relaxes ever so slightly. He does take a position near both captain and sorceress for the rest of the journey back to the Float. "We can hopefully get you something once we're home Malici. We head back to the float and hand over the prisoners to the proper authorities. Resupply and then its off to stop the last of the rampaging half-dragon siblings from making a mess of our neighborhood."
Heal 6
Sense Motive (auto)
Perception 15

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+1=12 ; d20+1=16 ; d20+15=18 ;
Friday May 28th, 2021 6:58:26 PM

"Let the Mary Celeste go on ahead, and tell them to have guards waiting for us. We'll get there when we get there."
12 sense motive
16 linguistics
18 perception

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 22/12/22 CMD:20 Fly Speed: 70 ft.  d20+6=26 ;
Friday May 28th, 2021 7:08:56 PM

Micah winces in sympathy when he sees Malici's pain. He also notices the exchange between the two half dragons, filing it away for future reference.

However, when he hears the councilman complaints, he does not let it go. He stands up and shouts, "Lord Rothschild! Do you need assistance? If so, I will gladly come aboard the Mary Celeste to render aid!"

Take 10 for 20 on heal
Autosucceed sense motive
Perception 26 succeed.

DM Robert - "We'll get there when we get there."  
Saturday May 29th, 2021 10:44:23 AM

Bartomus looks on.
Stock takes to water, like a dwarf takes to water, however, he seems to steer okay.
Zanderallen has some sympathy for Malici but wants the prisoners taken care of.
Ohen says the Marie Celeste should go ahead and get things ready.
Micah trys to sooth Lord Rothchild.

The row back is long. The Mary Celeste keeps pulling away from you. You note Captain Ahab wave to you and sort of make a shrugging his shoulders motion and then thumbing toward Lord Rothchild. You find a spyglass on board the dragon boat and you can see Rothchild standing near the mast, arms crossed and in soiled and tattered clothing. You suspect he can't stand being dirty.

At long last you arrive at the docks. Captain Ahab and his crew are standing in the Marie Celeste watching you dock. They all have smiles on their faces and are saluting you. On the docks, you find a contingent of guards waiting. You also spot Paragon Belkior, Pepper Plate, Tangleweed, and a whole slew of Fence folk cheering and hoopin' and a hollerin'.

Belkior comes aboard and sort of makes a waving motion to you, indicating you should head off the boat. The guards are with him. He begins to cast, and casts Geas on the Sorceress, forbidding her to use any of her powers without permission from a city official. (It's a 10 minute spell so not sure you want to wait around for it.)

The people come forward to welcome you home. Pepper Plate practically jumps at Zanderallen. As she hugs him you can hear, "Oh, Zander, I was so worried. You must tell me everything that happened." Happy starts parting the crowd and ushering you forward. "This way. Make way up there. Make way." At last you come to the Giggling Ghost where smells of cooked food, ale, and stronger spirits are wafting through the doors.

Malici is sort of staggering along behind all of you, but seems to be kept with you by the press of the people cheering you loudly and reaching out to slap you on the back.

Of Lord Rothchild you see nothing.

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+5=23 ; d20+14=29 ;
Saturday May 29th, 2021 11:49:13 AM

"Oh Zander," Bartomus repeats a few times batting his eyes and rolling his head - with his tongue hanging out to the side and rolling his eyes. But, he gives Zander a wink and smile.

As they move through the crowd following Happy back to the Ghost, he tried to figure out where their rescued Lord went. Then took stock of all those about them.

"Hey Malici, you gonna be ok? You are looking a bit wearier than expected, you got two of the pieces, time to celebrate!

Bartomus smiled at the well wishers and said thank you, you're too kind, oh how sweet, many, many times and found relief when he sat his haunches down on a stout chair. "Let that sweet honey amber mead flow, right?

Perform skill to tease Zander - 23, cause hey I haven't used that yet I don't think.
Perception - 29

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday May 30th, 2021 7:52:08 PM

Stohp makes sure that the prisoners are taken away safely before following the rest.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday May 30th, 2021 10:05:24 PM

Along the way she also expresses concern for their new companion. Apparently the coin is starting to take energy to reforge or use. There's still a missing piece that might be even more draining once they have it.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29  d20=20 ;
Monday May 31st, 2021 2:05:09 PM

Delia snaps out of the 1000-yard stare she fell into as the Float comes into view. She'll tense as she notices the crowd waiting for them and automatically scan it for danger. (Perception 39 (nat 20+19))

Before the crowd sweeps them away, she'll find Pip and return his spyglass to him, ruffling his hair as she thanks him for the lend.

Noticing Malici lagging behind, she'll drop back to slide an arm underneath his for support, "Come on, easy now. We'll get you a meal and bed as soon as we make it to the Ghost." She'll do her best to encourage him quietly, but it definitely sounds like what someone would say to a tired or spooked animal instead of a person.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20+10=15 ;
Monday May 31st, 2021 2:48:47 PM

Micah is concerned as to what Lord Rothschild may be up to and frustrated that the councilor completely ignored him while on the lake, but shifts his attention to the flagging Malici.

"Ohen," he asks, "Do you see anything with your magical sight?" The priest then conducts his own, more mundane, examination as to what may be ailing the half dragon.

Heal 15 to inspect Malici's health.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=32 ;
Monday May 31st, 2021 6:23:39 PM

Ohen will concentrate on the medallion again, and see if its auras have changed, or if there is any new magic on Malici.
32 spellcraft.

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Monday May 31st, 2021 6:24:23 PM

Zanderallen stops worrying about the prisoners as soon as he sees Lord Belkior taking care of them. Calling out to have the pile of magical gear from the bugbears to be carried to Shield headquarters, he then turns his full attention to Pepper. But not before faking a glare over at Bart, that quickly loses it's menace and turns into a grin. "I'll tell you all about it dear, but first food. The bugbears were not the most gracious of hosts. And there's still one half-dragon out in the woods so I'm afraid we can't stay long."

DM Robert - "Let that sweet honey amber mead flow, right?"  
Monday May 31st, 2021 8:16:09 PM

Bartomus teases Zander and shows some concern for Malici.
Stohp watches the prisoners and then Malici.
Delia returns the spyglass and offers some words of encouragement to Malici.
Micah is frustrated with the councilman and tries to diagnose Malici.
Ohen concentrates on the medallion.
Zanderallen makes sure the loot gets taken to Shield HQ and promises Pepper the story later.

Sitting at the table Micah is able to conduct a swift examination of Malici. After giving Malici the once over Micah thinks Malici is under some sort of strain. As if he was in the early stages of a massive head cold and trying to stave it off by sheer will power. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience Micah. It's just when the medallion merged this time I was momentarily overcome with strange visions. Truthfully I'm still having some trouble focusing to see, it's almost as if I'm looking at two scenes at the same time, one in the here and now and then there's another almost layer of seeing superimposed."

Ohen asks to see the medallion which Malici fishes out of his pouch and slowly puts on the table. Again the magical aruas strive almost against each other and with overlapping: Universal, Abjuration, Conjuraction, Divination, Enchantment, and Transmutation. However, it does seem like the Enchantment aura is strobing brighter or more frequently. It does not appear that Malici is being affected by any spell right now as he is free of aura's other than the magic he is wearing.

If anyone wishes to look at the medallion now, It requires a Linguistics 10 roll, it's in a combination of Draconic and Old High Woldian, Draconic one side and Old High Woldian on the other.
Highlight to display spoiler: {, outer edge "My Legacy, Will Aid, ... "
inner edge "Let your ... Dominate the ... "

Happy brings over jacks of frothy ale, pitchers of honey mead, and a bottle of something marked Chaotic Neutral. Opening the bottle you can fairly see the alcoholic fumes waft out and when it hits your noses sweet, slightly cocoa and caramellic with wine. The glasses that go with the bottle are on small stems, rounded at the bottom and rising to a more narrow lip. Malici slugs down ol' Chaotic Neutral in one gulp, to which Happy cocks an eyebrow to but when Malici holds out the glass for more he still fills it up. "Now go slow on that, and maybe have a bit to eat first. That's powerful stuff." Happy says.

Then comes out the meal, a brisket sliced and accompanied by some aromatic mushroom sauce. A roast ham, a mixed salad, baked potatoes, some loaves of bread, brussel sprouts roasted and wrapped in bacon, and in the end, a triple layer carrot cake.

During your entire meal the Giggling Ghost is quiet, but you notice as you eat that there appears to be a crowd, quietly sitting around and watching you expectantly. You're pretty sure you're not going to get out of here without telling them something.

As you finish the carrot cake a fancy looking woman come in. She is dressed in the livery of a servant of someone from the top levels of the Float. There appears to be some sort of small crest over her left breast.
Knowledge Nobility 15 or Knowledge Local 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {It's Rothchild's crest}

She looks about and then heads to you table where she throws a bag onto it. "My lord wished to compensate you for his return." She spins on her heel and haughtily walks away. Happy shakes his head, "That Lord Rothchild certainly continues to think himself better than others. Even got his servants acting that way." The bag contains 1000 platinum pieces.

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+7=11 ;
Monday May 31st, 2021 10:01:50 PM

Bartomus was enjoy the food and drink. He smiled when Happy cautioned Malici on the special brew that was being shared. Bartomus noticed the growing crowd. He looked over at Zander and Micah.

"You all know you are going to have to say something right? One pirate ship down, but, you know, we still have some work to do."

A woman that looked vaguely familiar, but Bartomus, in spite of his efforts to learn more about the Float, he couldn't place her. When she tossed the bag on the table, it landed with a heavy thud and the tinkling of coins moving about.

"Nice to meet you, thanks for coming. Send his lordship our very best," Bartomus yells after her after Happy identified the woman. He leaned in and opened the bag. His eyes went wide and pushed along towards Micah and Zander.
KnowLocal - 11

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 7:23:08 AM

Stohp eyes the interested crowd before giving them a short summery of the situation. "There are multiple enemies attacking our friends and allies outside the float. We have dealt with two thirds of them. We'll be leaving soon to finish the job."

Stock (JonM) HP: 105/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used  d20+3=9 ;
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 9:59:24 AM

Stock munches away contentedly, barely noticing the servant when she drops off the reward. The count of platinum in the bag certainly gets his attention though. "Not too shabby. Takes a well-healed sort of git to pay that kind of coin. I'd save him again for that much." He smiles at his witticism and continues eating.

"Anybody talk to Ahab about leaving in the morning?"

DC 20 Local: 9
Shields - Do we have a volunteer to divvy up the spoils? It can't be me this time, I'm in the middle of moving and a busy season at work.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 10:45:39 AM

Micah's eyes widen when he sees Malici down the obviously strong concoction. He instinctively reaches out a reassuring hand to the half-dragon's shoulder. For himself, he takes the drink slowly. However, he exercises no restraint when it comes to the food, taking large helpings of each dish and literally drowning the brisket in mushroom sauce. He pauses a moment to consider the short food supplies of the beastfolk, offering a prayer that Domi might make a way for Micah and the others to help them out once the current dangers are averted.

He immediately recognizes Rothchild's insignia on the servant. Perhaps he was not as discrete with the Chaotic Neutral as he thought he had been. Without pausing to think about it first, he pulls out out a gold piece and flips it to the haughty servant, calling out, "Do not forget your fee." Almost before the coin lands, his eyes widen in horror at his own rudeness to one who is merely conforming to the behavior of her master.

Knowledge Nobility 16 (Taking 10).

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 2:33:34 PM

Maybe it's the stress of the past couple days in the woods, maybe it's the sense of impending doom that's been hanging over the Float since the Festival of Visions but Zander has a hard time initially sitting down to a meal. He nods along with Stohp's summary adding a reassurance at the end, "I know things have been a little uncertain but most of the danger has been dealt with. We had to bring Lord Rothchild safely home but as soon as we rest we will be heading after the final invader. We have a pretty good idea where he is and how to track him. So rest easy." Starting to feel a little better he digs into the food and drink.

He eyes the servant as she comes, recognizing the insignia he worries what the dear Lord Rothchild wanted. He blinks a couple times as the coins hit the table, surprised at the reward. As Micah throws the coin he has a violent coughing fit, possibly in surprise at the priest's rudeness, possibly to cover uncontrollable laughter... He barely recovers in time for Stock's comment which launches him once again into a violent coughing fit.
Knowledge Nobility 16 (Taking 10)

I will try and give the loot a look tonight. If you don't see an email from me it didn't happen. :)

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+1=5 ;
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 6:12:06 PM

"It does appear that the enchantment from the medallion is active and powerful. I worry what will happen once the medallion is complete. Perhaps we should take precautions? Stay strong Malici."

"Well at least Lord Rothchild thanks well with coin, if not with... actual personal gratitude" Ohen remarks, as the servant leaves, and after he recovers from his own coughing fit. Whatever Zander has must be contagious.

"This good food reminds me of the lack among the Beastfolk, I should speak with my father about setting up trade. Happy! Do you happen to know where my father has gotten to?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 6:22:32 PM

Seeing the expectant crowd at the Ghost, Delia fades a little into the background, positioning herself as far from their questioning eyes as she can and digs into the food with a hearty appetite.

Seeing Micah's coin flip, she'll nudge Stock and say, "Nice to see it's not just us who can offend the toffs." and smile at his joke as well.

I cannot loot either. And if some of the Humes seem busy or distracted this week, it's my fault. I'm getting married Saturday :) (will be sending out an email asking for subs soon)

Sid(Andrew) Fly: 90' High: 15'(Above waterline) HP: 51/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 6:30:21 PM

As soon as they hit the docks Sid sends a message to Ellie and hopes that she meets them at Happy's. When she does he'll wrap her in big hug, sit her on his knee and cuddle in, whispering everything that happened to her.

DM Robert - "We'll be leaving soon to finish the job."  
Tuesday June 1st, 2021 8:04:56 PM

FYI- I'm slow pedaling here. You're in town and have a chance to get any equipment you think you may need for a forest fight. And afterwards you'll have to do some exploring because if you recall Malici originally said he thought he was compelled to come here to possibly find his father's lost dragon treasure.

Bartomus says a word or two to the masses.
Stohp tries to help out with the crowd.
Stock wonders if anyone set up a time to meet with Ahab.
Micah looks at the meal and wonders about the starving beast-folk. (Actually they are not starving, they are just near the end of their rationing and waiting for the crops to start coming in, 'course some crops were trampled in the battle.)
Zanderallen does some more summing up for the crowd.
Ohen offers some encouragement to Malici and then asks where his father might be.
Delia tries to blend into the tabletop. I need to mapquest that wedding location eventually
Sid is enthralled with Ellie.

Malici shouts at the retreating messenger in Draconic, Highlight to display spoiler: {"A ruler should be thankful and grateful in personal meaningful ways, to throw money as a reward cheapens the endeavor."} He slaps his hand on the table for emphasis. If you understand Draconic Highlight to display spoiler: {you also realize he's slurring his words a bit.}
Perception 20 anyone Highlight to display spoiler: {You realize he's on his 5th glass of Ol' Chaotic Neutral, but he's eaten only half of what any one of you has.}

The gold coin hits the messenger in the back and then pings to the floor. She turns and glances down at the coin and then back at you. You can tell her cheeks are getting a bit red, but you're not sure what emotion is striving to win out. But a gold coin is a gold coin, she quickly scoops it up and then darts out of the Giggling Ghost. The crowd erupts into laughter. You hear, "Serves the little Lickspittle right." And someone else says, "Imagine working for that Cockalorum." Someone else says, "I wouldn't call him that, he's more a Snollygoster."

Happy turns to Ohen, "Who's your da'?" Then he lets out a great laugh and slaps his belly. "If he's not up on the merchant level somewhere, he's off looking for a new trade deal."

The crowd disperses now that they have had a bit of information and a bit of entertainment. Several people give you thumps on the back or shoulder as they file out. Pepper looks at Zanderallen and everyone at the table can hear her eyes go 'Splink' 'Splink' as she bats them at him. The more perceptive of you....Perception 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {You can see she has her notebook and magical quill out.}

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=23 ; d20+16=17 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 7:56:06 AM

Stohp notes Malici's inebriation. "You might want to slow down or you'll be fighting the last group with a spitting headache." she points out.

Stock (JonM) HP: 105/125; AC: 28/25/16; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 2/28 used  d20+17=19 ; d20+17=33 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 9:43:38 AM

Stock enjoys the company and just relaxing. So much so that the only thing he notes is Ms. Plate dutifully taking notes. "...and you see Pepper, it feels like we've been taking to the air more and more lately. You ever fly? Maybe Ohen or Malici could make you fly one day..." He proceeds to relate a painfully detailed account of both encounters where a portion of Malici's amulet was won. The details he tends to focus on involve blood and injuries for the most part.

"...and so this here red mark on my forearm is the healing burns from a fireball spell...I think Micah healed that one. It seems like he always has to heal me...but I'm sure that's juts on account of my own personal bias in the situation. I'm sure he heals all of the rest of these heroes just as often..."

DC20 Perception 19
DC20 Perception 33
Congrats Hannah!

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+14=15 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 11:03:45 AM

Bartomus was really focused on the food and the good amber mead. He didn't even notice all that much Pepper googly eyeing Zander. It was really good mead, and good food, and it didn't involve attacking plant things or dragons or anything. It was just really good mead.

"Hey, any chance I could go grab a couple more healing potions and also maybe some more acorns as those were kinda nice to have? Might need some more sling bullets too? Oh, have you all tasted Happy's honey mead? Really a good batch here Happy!"
Instead of taking a 10, I rolled and got a 1 - so it's really, really good mead you all.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 5:53:02 PM

Embarrassed by his treatment of the servant, Micah stays quiet the rest of the evening.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=29 ; d20+15=20 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 5:56:45 PM

To Happy "Ha, story of my life, I'll go find him later."

To Stock and Pepper "Why yes, I'm sure we could give her a first hand demonstration of flying. I'd recommend me instead of Malici, he seems a little tipsy, and might cast the wrong spell on accident. Wouldn't want him to cast Natasha's Damsel Catapult or anything." Ohen will smile mischieviously.

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft  d20+7=21 ; d20+7=9 ;
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 6:15:27 PM

Zanderallen pushes back from the table, hoping Malici's comments aren't understood. Picking up on the not so subtle hints and wanting to escape the flood of peanut gallery comments from his companions Zanderallen requests a basket of light refreshments from Happy and gets up to leave. "somebody better make sure Malici makes it home. I have to go give an account of our actions before I'm brought before the board." He takes the basket in one arm and offers the other arm to Pepper to find somewhere quieter to tell about their adventures.
Perception 21, 9

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21; CMD 29 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 7:01:36 PM

She will smile to herself at Stock's detailed account of their adventure and Zanderallen's subsequent concern for Pepper.

Noticing Malici getting absolutely trashed on the Chaotic Neutral, Delia will shake her head, considering trying to stop him or make him eat, but he's a big boy and can make his own poor decisions. However, she will reassure Zander, "I'll make sure he gets to a safe bed, don't worry."

Autosucceed against DC 20 perceptions in Urban

DM Robert - "I'm sure he heals all of the rest of these heroes just as often..."  
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 8:26:10 PM

Stohp tells Malici to ease up on the booze.
Stock fills in some details for Pepper.
Bartomus enjoys the honey mead.
Micah is silent.
Ohen is off to find his father.
Zanderallen invites Pepper to a picnic nightcap.
Delia reluctantly agrees to keep an eye on Malici.

The party breaks up. Ohen goes off to find that his father is currently away seeking rumors of a lost silk caravan. Not sure if your father has a shop here or if he's more in the lines of a traveling merchant making deals between people or speculating and then delivering the goods.

Bartomus reminds himself that certain things need to be purchased. Unfortunately it's night and some shops are closed. The magical items you will need to head to the catacombs post haste to purchase. That goes for everyone. My plan is to have you back in the forest by Monday.

Zanderallen goes on his picnic and manages to get some space up in the garden. There he tells Pepper the tale of the journey. She eagerly takes notes and has some pointed follow up questions. "Who is this Malici guy. I mean is he a new member of the Shields, I see you've got two new ones with that Ohen guy and the ranger girl Delia? Is he really a half-dragon, wasn't one of those bugbears sorta dragony? That's messed up. What do you think of him? Are you helping him, is he a patron, or what?"

The rest of you I assume are going to head back to Shield Headquarters. Malici will drunkenly inform you he has rooms at the Glow-worm Inn, which you know is on the merchant level. To make matters worse, Malici breaks into what can only be called a drunken song, sung loud, but with gusto and a surprising beat.
"I've been the wild rover for manys a year
and I spent all my money on whiskey and beer
and now I'm returning with gold in great score
and I never will play the wild rover no more
And it's no nay never (4 claps)
no nay never no more (2 claps)
will I play the wild rover (1 clap)
No never no more (2 claps)
I went into an ale house I used to frequent
and I told the landlady my money was spent
I asked her for credit she answered me nay
such a custom as your I can get any day
And it's no nay never (4 claps)
no nay never no more (2 claps)
will I play the wild rover (1 clap)
No never no more (2 claps)
Then out of my pockets I took sovereigns bright
and my landlady's eyes opened wide with delight
She said, "I have whiskey and wines of the best!"
but the answer I gave her was only in jest
And it's no nay never (4 claps)
no nay never no more (2 claps)
will I play the wild rover (1 clap)
No never no more (2 claps)"

Otherwise night will pass uneventfully....

Things that may still need doin'
1-secure transportation back to the forest
2-speak to Belkior?
3-run to the catacombs?
4-shop for normal gear?

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1 
Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 9:06:39 PM

Bartomus awoke from his night of truly delicious mead to discover he had a headache. He also had a strong belief that he needed something from the catacombs but realized that he seemed to still have most of everything he thought he needed. He blamed the mead, but that caused his head to hurt.

He got himself dressed and went looking for some much-needed fruit juice or even water, but only if it could be followed by tea. He thought speaking to the Paragon might be of interest, but suspected he could also save the party time to see about negotiating a sailing back to the forest where they needed to go.

"Hey, were did Malici say we needed to go direction-wise? I can go find us a turtle boat, or another saying ship if need be. I can also visit the oak grove and see what acorns I can add to my kit, just to have them."

Head to the docks to book passage back to forest once get some idea from Malici which direction we are needed to head again.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 8:05:53 AM

Stohp realizes they didn't report to the Paragon and goes to do so (I thought he met us at the docks and we told him everything?)

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 11:50:53 AM

Micah wants to go to the catacombs, but I may not get a ticket in this week.

Realizing they do not have sufficient time for him to scribe some scrolls he wants before the next journey, Micah heads to the catacombs to buy a few from their stock.

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 4:16:39 PM

Zanderallen answers the questions put to him, "Ohen and Delia are adventures who have joined the Shields. The leaders of the various groups causing problems are all linked back to the dragons that used to rule the Crying Woods. As you have guessed they do possess draconic blood. Malici has the same connection but has chosen to reject the more destruction elements of his lineage and came to the Float to help do the right thing. They've all been draw to the area since the events of the lunar festival. Some weird dragon magic. Now as lovely an evening as it is, let me walk you home so I can go get some rest."

With Belkior and transportation being arranged Zander spends the day repairing and prepared his gear to head out again.

Sid (JonM Sub) 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 5:13:58 PM

Sid retires early from The Ghost with Ellie, not before saying to Stock, "Hey - keep an eye on Malici. Everybody needs to blow off steam from time to time...and it looks like he's done just that."

He gives a courtly bow to the assembled fans and followers and gracefully skips out of the crowded establishment like only an elf could. As he walks through the doors to the outside, he says to Ellie, " We only have one more piece of Malici's medallion to go. I'm not sure what happens when we collect them all but hopefully it ends up with us stumbling upon a giant dragon's hoard!"

Stock (JonM) HP: 105/125; AC: 28/25/16; Per: +17; Surv: +14; SM: +9  d20+4=18 ;
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 5:19:19 PM

As the party begins to wind down Stock bellows out, "Oh you can't be serious! The sun's not even up and we're not leaving today after all!

Hey Stohp! You're a clever one. You got any ideas of how we can get that gold in the hold of the dragonboat back to the lizardfolk? Speaking of which, did we leave a guard watching the boat?"

Stock is up early the next morning, checking out the docks, making sure nobody stole the dragonboat gold, and trying to find a ride for the next leg of the journey.
CON check to see how late Stock wants to stay up at the party.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29 
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 5:25:03 PM

As the Shields filter out of the Ghost, Delia will drag Malici up to the Merchant level to get him to his room. Once he breaks into song she will roll her eyes, but smile a little, unable to contain her amusement at the oddity of a human half-carrying an extremely drunk, singing drow/dragon down the streets of the Float.

Once Malici is delivered to the Glow worm, she will return to Shield HQ for a much needed rest. Early in the morning, she will go restock on regular arrows and might buy a spyglass.

DM Robert - "You got any ideas of how we can get that gold in the hold of the dragonboat back to the lizardfolk?"  
Thursday June 3rd, 2021 8:17:00 PM

Bartomus decides to hit the docks first.
Stohp (he waved you off at the docks because he was geasing the sorcerer) goes to find the Paragon.
Micah goes to the catacombs.
Zanderallen sees to his gear.
Sid hopes for a dragon horde to be discovered.
Stock heads for the docks.
Delia makes some plans to buy some gear.
Ohen ?

Stock and Stohp check out the docks. Looks like with the pirates gone the fishing fleet is getting ready to cast off and the turtles are already out making headway on goods undelivered. However, as you watch you note a rickety looking Caravel coming into port. As you watch the ship drops it's lanteen sail and smacks the dock a bit harder than it should. Then a bunch of lizard folk come scrambling out. The other people on the dock don't seem to worried.

Checking the your dragon boat you note that nothing has been disturbed. Then you see the lizard folk start unloaded a lot of wood work goods. You surmise this is just a general trade vessel.

Back at HQ, several members quickly depart for places to purchase needed gear. (Bartomus, Delia, Micah). Leaving Zanderallen alone, to go over his gear. He wonders if Ohen is still sleeping upstairs. There's a quiet knock on the door and Zanderallen finds Malici standing there. "Sorry, I don't seem to remember much beyond dinner. I hope I wasn't too much trouble. Had to take one of my healing potions this morning."

Back at docks, Stock and Stohp note that there are not really any ships available. With the pirates gone everyone is back to getting to work and making up for lost work. However, just then, there appears to be loud shouts and calls coming from over near the customs house.
fence level

Oh oh, looks like the Lizard folk have arrived just as some Drow have opened their portal to bring in their trade goods.

Meanwhile back at HQ, while standing in the doorway, Zanderallen hears the tolling of the watch bell. Someone is trying to summon the city guard, alas they still don't come down to the Fence level that much. Sounds like the bell is down by the docks.

Will Ohen wake up?

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=23 ;
Friday June 4th, 2021 7:47:45 AM

Stohp moves to locate the source of the trouble keeping a sharp eye out (23 perception)

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Friday June 4th, 2021 8:27:22 AM

Micah hears the bell. Knowing that the Fence level typically has to fend for itself, he surmises that whoever rang that bell must be desperate. He quickly resolves what he was doing and heads toward the watch bell..

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29; Urban +2 
Friday June 4th, 2021 9:29:38 AM

As a previous town guard member, Delia snaps to alertness at the first bell toll, looking around for her squad out of habit. Realizing she no longer needs her squad leader's permission to head down to the Fence level, she drops what she's doing and takes off towards the sound.

Stock (JonM) HP: 105/125; AC: 28/25/16; Per: +17; Surv: +14; SM: +9  d20+17=30 ;
Friday June 4th, 2021 10:59:32 AM

Stock walks over to the Lizard folk caravel and scans the crew for anybody he may know and then picks up the pace and heads toward the custom house when he hears the bell.

"Don't stand around looking Stohp, come on!"

Perception 30 Lizard folk

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Friday June 4th, 2021 2:49:20 PM

Ohen was enjoying his morning safe back in a somewhat familiar bed, relaxing after the craziness that has been his life since he met the Shields. He was reading a book about the history of the Float before planning to find his father later. He then hears the watch bell.
"Hmm that's probably importantant. Oh well this'll probably be more interesting than my book anyway"
He will spring up, grab his things, and rush out the door with Zander.

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+14=32 ;
Friday June 4th, 2021 2:50:53 PM

Bartomus had wandered down to the docks, having changed his mind about equipment, and was looking about trying to figure out what boats they could rent. Though they had their own boat, they needed a crew and Bartomus tried seeing if he could find a captain to talk to about a new enterprise.

As he worked his way down along the fish market and really looking at the different boats in the wharf, he heard a clanging of the bells. He looked about and headed in the direction everyone was looking.

Down at the Fishmarket, Turtle Taxi end of things
Perception 32 when bells start going off. Move in that direction.

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft 
Saturday June 5th, 2021 12:13:06 AM

Zanderallen grins at the abashed Malici, motioning him inside. "Nothing too embarrassing, although I did hear you're an accomplished singer." When the bell starts tolling he starts running to check on Ohen, meeting the soceror halfway down the stairs he calls to Malici, "Sounds like trouble, we're going to see what's up." Not waiting for a response he starts a steady jog towards where the alarm is being sounded.

DM Robert - "Don't stand around looking Stohp, come on!"  
Saturday June 5th, 2021 11:27:20 AM

Stohp looks around for the source of trouble.
Micah runs toward the bell sound.
Delia runs toward the bell sound.
Stock heads for the custom's house.
Ohen rushes out the door.
Bartomus heads toward the bell sound.
Zanderallen rushes out of the house toward the Bell sound.
Sid follows suit.

Malici follows Zanderallen and Ohen.

Those first on scene can see that the Lizard Folk from the rickety looking Caravel, are near the front of the customs house, goods set down willy nilly upon the street. Also gathered there are several well dressed (but not noble well dressed) Drow with their goods stacked neatly along the street. Both the Lizard Folk and the Drow appear to be yelling at each other, with much shaking of fists and barring of teeth. The custom's official stands at his storefront, looking anxious and scared as what appears to be the leader of the Lizard Folk and Drow stand nearby shouting at him. The bell ringing is located on one end of the Custom house and is being desperately rung by what appears to be one of the workers of the house.

Those that understand Draconic can hear the Lizard Folk hurling fairly nasty slurs about Drow parentage, born traitors, instigators of war, lying, cheating, scum, etc.

Those that understand UnderWoldian can hear the Drow hurling fairly nasty slurs about Lizard Folk hygiene, born traitors, instigators of war, lying, cheating, scum, etc.

From way back at the end of the line, since that's where you are in the scheme of things, since the Lizard Folk and Drow are occupying the street with their bodies and goods, you can't make out what the two 'leaders' are shouting at the customs official, but both leaders point fingers at each other, at the different groups, at each other, at the customs official, back at each other, and then back toward their own groups.

Bartomus(Rod) Fly - 70' HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+26=37 ;
Saturday June 5th, 2021 11:36:25 PM

Bartomus watched all of it and decided to boost his efforts and started dashing towards the customs house. He realized he would be needing a boost to try to make his point, or any point.

He got to the outer circle and calculated the distance to the leaders and the customs agent. When he got close enough, he faded out of sight and dashed right up to the three of them.

He reappeared next to the two leaders and put his hands on each of their shoulders

Oh, my friends, it's so wonderful to see you and I am so glad that you are here to visit the Shields who did so much to help you all. Obviously, you are asking this poor official of the Float where to find our headquarters and where to store your goods? Right?"

Fade away to dash
Cast Glibness - +20 Bluff +6 = 37
magic saves against 26

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday June 6th, 2021 9:59:33 PM

Stohp comes behind Bart and eyes the group. She speaks both languages and it's obvious that both are upset. What's not so obvious is if anyone is understanding anyone else. She provides translation as needed to try to calm the dispute.

Stock (JonM) HP: 105/125; AC: 28/25/16; Per: +17; Surv: +14; SM: +9 
Monday June 7th, 2021 2:59:18 PM

When he fails to see any bloodshed, Stock gets bored. He waves over the others as they round the corner and calms the rising tension among his colleagues. "Don't worry - Stohp and Bart seem to have it handled. Some kind of civilized trade dispute." He notices that his flail had sprung into his hand and was dropping sparks on the ground. He smiles sheepishly and hooks it into his belt loop.

Delia (Sub by JonM) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29; Urban +2   d20+19=37 ;
Monday June 7th, 2021 3:06:37 PM

Delia slows down once she sees Stock and hears his story. She shakes her head as she approaches the ruckus and takes a long look at the two sides looking for weapons and any troublemakers in their midst. If she sees anything troubling, she will make sure to move into a location where she has an unobstructed shot and casually watch the confrontation.

Perception 37

Sid (JonM Sub)   d20+1=12 ;
Monday June 7th, 2021 3:13:04 PM

Sid moves past Stock and joins the conversation. He also understands both languages and blanches at the talk.

"I really don't think there's cause for that kind of talk - there is a big enough market here for all of your goods. Let the customs man do his job and I'm sure everything will be fine..."

He then turns to the lizardfolk - "Oh and by the way, have you seen or heard from Cactusflower or Elderberry lately? We had the fortune of getting even with a certain piratical menace your village may have known. The Silver Shields would like to share the good news!

He is switching languages between common, underwoldian and draconic so quickly, he's only mostly sure he addresses everybody in the correct language.

Diplomacy 12

Zanderallen 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 Fly 70ft  d20+21=40
Monday June 7th, 2021 3:33:07 PM

Marching up to the commotion Zanderallen sizes up the situation and gets a pretty good grasp of what's going on. Even if he only understands one side of the conversation, he guesses it's a fairly mirrored argument from body language and tone. He grabs Malici about the shoulders and whispers in his ear, "I'm really sorry about this friend but there's tension needs clearing and you're going to be a big help in clearing it." He then marches Malici into the middle of the discussion, staring down any who look at him. He speaks to both groups in Common, "What's the meaning of all of this? Since when did anger and judgements rule our dealings with each other? Are a few troublemakers moving into the area all it takes to break down our friendships? You should all be ashamed of yourselves, causing a scene like this in the middle of the street. Oh, by the way have you met our newest friend Malici? He's helping track down the troublemakers." With that Zanderallen stands there, staring down the crowd, daring anyone to point a finger at Malici.
Diplomacy 40

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 24(16T, 22 I, 20F, 20CMD); Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Monday June 7th, 2021 5:10:35 PM

Ohen will hang back and wait to see how everyone reacts to Zander.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Monday June 7th, 2021 5:30:56 PM

As Micah advances, taking in the scene, he pulls out a wand and casts comprehend languages on himself and blushes once the magic takes effect.

He continues to push forward through the crowd and is relieved to see that the silver-tongued paladin is working his own kind of magic.

comprehend languages. duration: 10 minutes

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