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Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Friday March 26th, 2021 9:09:21 PM

Micah nods in assent to Ohen's request for the rod.

"Sounds like a plan," he agrees with Stohp and sets out to head the way she indicating, looking for Delia to take point and lead them away.

Sid(Andrew) 10' High HP: 13/66; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+16=25 ;
Friday March 26th, 2021 11:52:38 PM

Sid nods, "Anything not claimed I'll but in the Shield Bag. Do we need to look for Jasper? I don't like assuming that they will meet us. Here let me see if I find anything and if nothing else I'll feel better."

Sid will put anything not claimed (final list please be provided) into the bag of holding and will then see if he can find any signs of Jasper, and will look as they go.


Perception: 25

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~70 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4) 
Saturday March 27th, 2021 1:21:17 AM

Delia thanks the trees and wishes them deep roots, good rains, and strong sunshine before returning to the main group and stating, "The trees say that Jasper went east and was alone," as if that's a perfectly normal way to gather information, "I'll keep asking as we head towards his people to make sure we're on the right track." She heads towards the rest of the plant-baddy force with the party.

After learning why Malici left, she'll ask "Do you think the medallions pull towards each other and he'll be able to find us no matter where we go? If so, our watches will have to be extra vigilant from until whatever he's got going on is resolved."

DM Robert - "Yes, let's go find Jaspar and lift the siege off the pyramid." 
Saturday March 27th, 2021 10:58:22 AM

Bartomus puts on his new headband and suggest heading east.
Stock thinks Jasper went back to the last camp.
Ohen starts picking up loot and suggests heading to the pyramid.
Zanderallen helps gathering up loot and agrees to head to pyramid.
Micah gets the plan moving.
Sid gives a final look but finds nothing.
Delia worries about the medallions calling to each other.

Delia heads east trying to find signs of a flying beast folk. Perception 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {You do find signs of a broken twig and you assume you are on the right path.}

The party moves along at a fairly good pace, still being under the influence of the fly spell. After a few minutes you cross from the forest in to a semi manicure pasture. Ahead you can see a step pyramid. You also see Jasper flying toward a line of beast folk that appear to have come out of the pyramid. They are semi-armed, which is to say armed as you would expect townsfolk to be when trying to stand up to an invading force and not having any professional soldiers to help. (Insert your own movie reference).

Behind Jasper and going at a much slower speed than him you note several moving plant creatures.
Knowledge Nature 25 for C Highlight to display spoiler: {Blood bramble}
Knowledge Nature 18 for numbers 1-6 Highlight to display spoiler: {assassin vine}
Knowledge Nature 18 for numbers 10-16 Highlight to display spoiler: {vampire rose}

Another map

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 62/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+5=19 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+5=24 ;
Saturday March 27th, 2021 9:53:59 PM

As they watched Jaspar fly on overhead, Bartomus moved quickly through the forest and pulled up where there were a whole lot of nasty plants. He focused on things to his left and to his right. His eyes went wide.

He moved a bit further and continued to examine the plants. "Hold up everyone, just hold up."

"Those roses will suck the life right out of you. Then there's some vines that can grab you and mash you into the dirt. We gotta think about how we want to make a path for ourselves."

Move to G24/25

KnowNat- C = 19

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 81//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday March 28th, 2021 8:46:38 PM

"We're still flying. We can just float over them and rain death on them." Stohp points out.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~70 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4)  d20=9 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=17 ; d20+11=12 ;
Sunday March 28th, 2021 9:15:13 PM

Before getting to the pyramid, Delia will point to a broken twig along their path, "This forest has no animals to do that. Probably was Jasper."

Once they get within sight of the pyramid and its siege line, Delia will indicate the large, thorny bramble bushes, "Blood Brambles. They'll try and eat you. Don't recommend letting them do that." She will also identify any weaknesses or special attacks/abilities that she knows about them.

To Stohp she'll reply, "As long as the beastfolk don't engage and need our protection, I like that plan."

Perception vs 30: 30 (9+21)
Nature vs 25: 31
Nature vs 18: 17
Nature vs 18: 12

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 110/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Monday March 29th, 2021 2:08:53 PM

Zander breathes a sigh of relief when Jasper is spotted. However when the danger posed by the plants chasing him are revealed Zander comfort level decreases significantly. He yells out loud enough for Jaspar and the beastfolk to hear, "Jasper! You're being pursued by some very bad things. Get inside the pyramid with your people NOW! We'll handle them." He'll pause for just a moment looking if Ohen or Micah have any spells they wish to cast on the group before double moving, at a height of 40 ft to S20.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Monday March 29th, 2021 2:53:38 PM

Micah quickly surveys the situation, thankful for the intelligence provided by Bartomus and Delia. He casts bless on the Shields then moves forward.

bless duration 10 rds.
Single move to P20 at the greater of 20 ft or the minimum height necessary to stay out of reach of 13, 3, or 4.

How much time expired since combat, for spell duration purposes?

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Monday March 29th, 2021 4:33:43 PM

Ohen will caste haste on the group as everyone moves out.
Move to G20, 40' up.
Haste 11 rounds.

Sid(Andrew) 10' High HP: 13/66; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+16=30 ;
Monday March 29th, 2021 5:02:33 PM

Sid will follow along with Branwen out.


Perception: 30

DM Robert - "Get inside the pyramid with your people NOW!"  d20+7=25 ; d20+6=12 ;
Monday March 29th, 2021 8:15:01 PM

Let's see you were a mile out when Malici cast the fly on everyone, and it took you 1/2 of his duration to hustle to the camp. Then your battle and looting, which probably took like 2 minutes. Then following Jasper, and they were a mile from the pyramid. SO I'd say 5 more minutes have passed, you are with out the flight spell as of now. (7 minutes from when the fight began or 42 rounds)
Bartomus identifies some of the plants.
Stohp makes an ironic comment.
Delia succeeded in her identify where Bartomus failed, what a team.
Zanderallen tries to say up up and away, but realizes that the fly spell is over.
Micah casts bless and moves forward.
Ohen casts Haste as he walks forward. Your fly spell is over as well.
Sid moves forward (I'm sorry I don't have your character sheet always out it would help rather than the name of your weapons you use for flavor text, to just let me know what weapon it is as well.)

As Zanderallen went forward he failed to remember that the assassin vines have a 10 foot reach, as does the Vampire Rose, there was no way to avoid either.
AOO Assassin vine #3 attempts to grab, To hit 25 (d20+7) miss.
AOO Vampire Rose #13 attempts to grab, To hit 12 (d20+6) miss

Jasper flutters to the ground as the Fly spell ends. He begins to speak emphatically to the beast folk.

Delia and Bartomus try to call out what they can about the plants.
Assassin vines, Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist cold 10 and fire 10 reach.
Vampire Rose: no special immunities other than plant traits. reach
Blood Bramble: DR 10/slashing; Immune plant traits Weaknesses vulnerable to fire, reach.
And actually while the assassin vines and vampire rose's would not pose a serious threat to you they would to the poor beast folk. The Blood Brambles are clearly the greatest threat.

The plants advance, seeming not to care about the ruckus going on behind them. Actually the numbered plants double advance, so 10 feet of movement total. However the Blood brambles have a normal move of 40, so double moving for them puts them dangerously close to the poor beast folk. It's quite the loud affair with so many rustling plant leaves and creaking plant bodies. You cannot hear what Jasper is saying and you wonder if he heard Zanderallen's shout.

What is more of a concern is that the Blood Brambles with their REACH, could move next round and the beast folk would be in striking range!! The beast folk seem to realize this as well as you can clearly see a wavering of the weapons and a shifting of feet. que ominous music Dum Dum Dummm


Sid(Andrew) 10' High HP: 13/66; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+11=18 ; d3=1 ; d20+11=18 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ;
Monday March 29th, 2021 9:36:30 PM

Sid will race forward 30ft with Branwen his Magincal +1 Longbow that Elly got him as a gift, and will rapidly shoot twice at one of the Bramble Bushes.


ToHit1: 18(20 if Rapidshot = FALSE)
Damage: 1
ToHit2(RapidShot, if Applicable): 18
Damage: 4

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 62/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  3d6=6 ;
Monday March 29th, 2021 11:22:56 PM

Bartomus looked out and saw that Jaspar was going to be in trouble. Delia said that the Brambles were more vulnerable to fire and that at least gave him an idea. He looked across the field and saw the Bramble approaching Jaspar. He moved his hands and blew at the back of the bramble and set a ball of flame into it.

Flaming Sphere at space AL 21; Reflex save against 16 by Bramble to avoid fire damage of 6.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft  d20=18 ; d20=4 ; d20=10 ;
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 12:43:10 AM

Seeing the blood brambles advancing on the beastfolk, Delia takes off at a sprint towards the beastfolk, switching her bow to her left hand and drawing her longsword in her right. She either runs and plants herself in front of Jasper and the other ratfolk, or is stopped short by something grabbing at her. Either way, she yells "RUN!" to them whenever she reaches her ending square.

Run to at least AQ20(38 squares out of 56), if I can take Jasper with me I would keep barreling forward a few more squares. Nothing that I could find says you can't tumble while running (this would take up more movement, but I have quite a bit to spare), so I'll roll for them, but if that doesn't make sense I will potentially provoke from 3 different things and my AC will be 22.

Acrobatics 1 vs AV#3: 23 (18+5) (Z hopefully burned his AOO)
Acrobatics 2 vs VR#13: 9 (4+5) (Z hopefully burned his AOO)
Acrobatics 3 vs BB: 15 (10+5)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 81//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 8:05:49 AM

Well so much for that plan. Stohp runs after the others, manauvering to pass by the same enemy and end up slightly in front of Z (X/Y 19/20)

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 7/28 used 
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 9:14:14 AM

#Blessed, #OneFastDwarf

Stock shakes his head and snaps his attention downward at the plants. He then hits the ground and begins sprinting forward at an unnatural pace for a dwarf trying to bust through the initial line of defenders and hopefully making it past the second line as well.

Run to AX19; Run Speed = 240
AC33 while moving for AoO's from Movement

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 110/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d20+18=32 ; d8+11=13 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 3:37:50 PM

Sped up by the magic of his new sorcerer friend speeding him up Zanderallen charges forward. Seeing Delia blocking the center plant, and Stock in front of the top plant he charges the flank of the bottom plant. Dipping and dodging to avoid the vines coming at him he hopes to prune a little off the blood bramble.
Haste +1 Att, Ref, AC, + 30 ft base speed, +1 attack
Bless +1 Att

Charge to AM25, +2 Att, -2 AC (This will provoke from both Blood Brambles at AC 28) (105 of 120 ft moved)
Attack bottom Blood Bramble
32(+18) to hit, 13 slashing + 4 fire damage

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   11d6=45 ;
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 6:43:28 PM

Micah, oblivious to the threat and reach of the violent vegetables, rushes forward and readies to cast blade barrier to guard the beastfolk.

Land speed is 80 feet (20 base + 30 from expeditious retreat +30 from haste)
Single move to w21, provoking.

Readied action to caste blade barrier between Jaspar ( and the other beast folk) if the brambles advance. Note Micah will not cast it on the brambles squares; rather, her will cast it in front of them. Damage is 45; Reflex Save DC 22 for half.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+24=44 ; d4=2 ; 2d4+2=6 ; 2d6+13=20 ;
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 7:17:14 PM

As Ohen descends to the earth as the fly spell wears out, he sweeps his arms to the side and summons a wall of fire to protect the beast folk. He does his best Gandalf impression and shouts "You shall not pass!". Hoping and praying that the fire will deter the fire vulnerable Blood Brambles.
Intimidate 44 for funsies. Wait I guess I nat 20'd that.
Cast Wall of Fire after Delia passes centered at AP 20 going 110 feet north and south of that.
3 damage if 20' away
6 damage if 10' away
20 damage if anyone passes through
All fire damage, no save, the heat is facing the plants

Haste 12 rounds left

DM Robert - "You shall not pass!"  d20+6=20 ; d20+8=22 ; d4+2=5 ; d4=4 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+17=36 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=2 ; d20+17=29 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=5 ; d20+17=31 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+17=33 ; d8+6=13 ; d8+6=7 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ;
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 8:53:12 PM

Sid....You can't move more than 5 feet and do a 'full-attack action' which is what rapid shot calls for. From your post I interpret moving as more important than shooting. Also looked over your character sheet, Shoot-on-the-run doesn't really translate well in Wold posting, I would recommend changing that to Many Shot. Also I think you really screwed up on your bonuses, why +11 on your roll, with rapid shot it should be +12 (your base with that weapon is +14, also you are blessed, another +1, so technically you would have a +15 with one shot, you rolled a "7" which would be a 22, still a miss. DON'T forget the +1 magic adds to hit as well. AND you know these plants have reach and shooting an arrow provokes. Sid moves and fires one arrow, missing.
Bartomus casts Flaming Sphere.
Delia runs forward trying to do some summersaults to avoid the AOO's, well 13 already took its, so 3 doesn't get a chance as you beat his CMD, but alas the big bush has a CMB of 35, it gets one.
Stohp moves forward (don't forget you are hasted, for an extra 30 movement once/turn).
Stock runs forward, through the plants that already AOOed.
Zanderallen charges, CC3 only get an AOO, you hit (and they are vulnerable to fire)
Micah (having a clear AOO path) moves foward and will cast (1 and 2 will advance, I went max on the distance if you want to amend location let me know.
Ohen casts a mighty spell, unfortunately your intimidate is not going to work on things that don't speaka the language.
Vampire Rose 13 takes an AOO on Sid. To hit 20 (d20+6) hit, grab check CMB 22 (d20+8)
Sid takes 5 damage (d4+2) and with the grab 4 Con drain (d4) The rose is sucking your blood, must have hit an artery.

Blood Bramble (CC2) manages somehow to shift itself away from the flames of the Flaming Sphere.

Blood Bramble (CC2) takes an AOO as Delia zips by. TO hit 36 (d20+17)
Delia take 10 piercing (d8+6) AND BLEED 2 (d6)

Blood Bramble (CC3) takes an AOO on Zanderallen, to hit, 29 (d20+17)
Zanderallen take 11 piercing (d8+6) AND BLEED 5 (d6)

The Micah's and Ohen's spells seem to stop the blood brambles advance, but it also traps Delia and Stock on the other side of the combat.

Blood bramble 1 starts to advance, and Micah's spell goes off in front of it. Since it was not charging it stops since it's not a dumb plant. But then takes some damage from the fire and then moves away.

Blood bramble 2 starts to advance, and Micah's spell goes off in front of it. Since it was not charging it stops since it's not a dumb plant. But then takes some damage from the fire and then moves away.

Blood Bramble 3 decides to whack at Zanderallen.
4 attacks 31, 32, 23, 33 (d20+17) 3 hits
Zanderallen take 13, 7, 19 piercing (d8+6) AND BLEED 4, 2, 6 (d6)

1-6 assassin vine all double move toward the nearest food source.

10-12 vampire rose move to a food source

13 has Sid grabbed. So it does it's special attack and sucks blood (technically I guess I should have done that here instead of when I AOO'd you since it's listed as a special attack. Consider yourself drained here from above).

Vampire Rose 14-16 move to a food source.

The Beast Folk and Jasper were starting to waver, but when Delia and then Stock joined their line their resolve firmed. They were readying their weapons. And then up sprang two walls between them and their plant enemies. Jasper says "Well that was a close one. But we are ready to join you. Right!" The Beast folk yell "Yeah. Sure. Um."

Blood Bramble 1 damage 14
Blood bramble 2 damage 14
Blood bramble CC3 AC 24 damage 28 (yes I took off damage from the fire wall)
1-6 assassin vine
10-16 vampire rose

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 62/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  3d6=7 ;
Tuesday March 30th, 2021 10:09:10 PM

Bartomus shifted back slightly as the other plants advanced towards all of them. He pulled the flaming sphere back at the bramble that had avoided his earlier attempt to set it aflame. "What's another way to kill these things? Anyone?"

Shift to EF23
Pull the flaming sphere to attack CC2
--> Reflex save against 16
--> 7 points damage, 1/2 that if makes save

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 81//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 8:00:35 AM

(I did forget that or I would have moved further)

Stohp moves to provide flanking to Z, to the south of C3

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 31; Rage: 7/28 used 
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 9:18:19 AM

#Blessed, #OneFastDwarf, #EverSeenADwarfFly
Stock turns around feeling good about how he came to the rescue of the beastfolk.He turns around just in time to see the twin barriers. He throws his hands in the air and yells "Warn me next time!"

He grabs a potion from the side of his pack and downs it quickly. His boots begin to lift off the grounds slightly.

Potion of Fly

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20+16=28 ; d8+7=13 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 10:10:06 AM

Based on elapsed time since last combat, I think Zanderallen and Stock are still large and other buffs are still active. (See spell durations in the bottom of this post.)

Micah nods in grim approval at the combined protection of blades and flames. He looks around assessing the battlefield. Seeing Sid in trouble, and noting the proximity of the other vines, he says to himself, "This is going to get ugly" as he rushes to the elf's aid, trying to flank with the vine attached to him.

Move to O21.
If #13 is evil, Micah and Sid's AC is increased by two from Magic Circle. Micah's AC becomes 29/14/29.
Attack #13, To hit 28+2 (14 normal, +1 haste, +1 bless, +2 flank, -2 power attack); damage 13 bludgeoning.

Active Spells
Bless (10 rounds remaining)
Haste (10 rounds remaining)
Blade Barrier (11 minutes - 1 round)

Airwalk on Zanderallen (duration 106 minutes-85 rds)
Enlarge Person on Stock (duration 11 minutes-80 rds)
Enlarge Person on Zanderallen (duration 11 minutes-77 rds)
Remove Fear on Stock, Sid, and Delia. (duration 10 minutes-78 rds)
Owl's Wisdom on himself with metamagic rod of extend (duration 22 min - 81 rds)
Magic circle against evil on himself (duration 110 min-83 rds)
Expeditious Retreat on Micah (from shield) (duration 17 minutes -77 rounds)

Land speed is 80 feet (20 base +30 from expeditious retreat +30 from haste)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+11=25 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+16=28 ; 2d8+22=29 ; d6=2 ; d8+11=17 ; d6=6 ; d8+11=17 ; d6=1 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 2:54:40 PM

"OW!" Zander screams as the blood bramble starts ripping him apart. Focusing to heal some of his wounds and stop the bleeding he returns the favor. The flames on the blade of his sword flare as they meet nice flammable plant flesh.
Haste +1 Att, Ref, AC, + 30 ft base speed, +1 attack
Bless +1 Att

Smite Evil 2/4
Lay on Hands 7/10

Swift action - Lay on Hands 20 Healed

Full Attack on CC3
34(+16) hits, 32(+16) confirms crit - 29 slashing + 2 fire damage
25(+11) hits - 17 slashing + 6 fire damage
11(+6) misses
28(+16) hits - 17 slashing + 1 fire damage

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/66; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d6=1 ; d20+15=27 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6+3=7 ; d20+3=19 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 5:28:26 PM

Sid yells out as the Blood Bramble badly bleeds him. He switches to him shortsword of subtly, Mildred, and hacks at the vine holding him. "That's right. Stay over here you petty peony. Leave the good folk alone.


Constitution 8, -1 mod
HP Total: 55
Current HP: 50

Blessed +1 Att

ToHit1: 27 (32 if Flanking)
Damage: 3
SA Damage: 5 + 16 = 21
ToHit2: 19

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft  d20=14 ; d20=14 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 5:48:37 PM

Thank you for the status effect hashtags, they're wonderful
Bless, Haste, Longstrider(N/A with haste), Forest Terrain +4, Bleeding

Barely flinching as the wall of fire whooshes into existence inches from her face, Delia will mutter, "I guess that makes this easier." She'll turn to the beastfolk and say, "Um, hi. So you guys don't know me, but I'm one of the Silver Shields. They're super tough and strong and will protect you, but these plants-" she'll indicate whatever bleeding wound the Blood Bramble inflicted, "-will literally eat you if you fight them. So stay safe and let the Shields do their thing." She'll look at Stock for support, wondering how the two least wordy people ended up in the middle of scared and possibly gung-ho civilians.

I'm guessing that will need a diplomacy check, so uh how about a 13
If I can be binding up my bleeding wounds while talking, I would do so as well Heal check to stop bleeding: 26

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  10d6+10=44 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 7:31:23 PM

"Well, at least these ones are vulnerable to fire." Ohen says, as he blasts his last maximized fireball for the day.
"I wonder if this thing has any charges left in it?" Ohen says, as he attempts to cast quickened fireball with the metamagic rod of quicken.
Two fireballs centered on AJ20/AI19. The first one deals 70 fire damage, the second one, if it goes off, deals 44 fire damage. Both of them DC 21 reflex saves for half.

Then move back to A24.

DM Robert - "This is going to get ugly"  d20+13=31 ; d20+17=23 ; 3d6+12=23 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+17=28 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+17=27 ; d20+17=35 ; d8+6=9 ; d8+6=8 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+7=26 ; d8+7=13 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+7=15 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+7=25 ; d4=1 ;
Wednesday March 31st, 2021 8:33:08 PM

Bartomus takes a step and moves the sphere.
Stohp moves to aid Zanderallen with a flank move, but draws an AOO.
Stock takes a potion (which is a standard action, technically you could move this round).
Micah moves (not provoking since it only has 1 appendage which is grappling Sid) and attacks (they are not evil)
Zanderallen brings the flaming sword of retribution, but does not manage to kill the plant.
Sid whips out his special short sword (remember it gives you +4 to hit and damage in sneak attack situations...like when you're flanking so technically another 3d6+12, so another 23 points damage) and kills the rose on the first hit.
Delia manages to bind her wounds as her feeble attempts at diplomacy seem more than enough to convince the beast folk to exercise the better form of valor.
Ohen casts two massive fireballs (do you ever wonder if fireball creates an air vortex as air rushes in to feed the fire?)

Blood bramble (takes the 1/2 damage I forgot about last time) and saves against the fire again (d20+13=31). 1/2 damage but then 1/2 again as much, so 5 damage again.

Blood Bramble 3 takes it's AOO on Stohp.
TO hit 23 (d20+17) MISS

BB2 fails once succeeds once. 157 total damage... it dies.
BB1 fails once succeeds once, 157 points damage, it too dies.


The beast folk (villagers) shout encouragement to the Shields as they advance to the rear.

Blood Bramble 3 is very wobble but is now trapped on 3 sides, it splits attacks between Zanderallen and Stohp.
2 attacks on Zanderallen 28 and 24 (d20+17) both miss.
2 attacks on Stohp 27 and 35 (d20+17) both hit take 9 and 8 piercing (d8+6) AND BLEED 1, 6 (d6)

1,2,5,6 assassin vine all double move toward the nearest food source.

Assassin vine 3 moves 1 and then attacks Micah.
to hit 26 (d20+7) MISS

Assassin vine 4 is in range and attacks Sid.
to hit 25 (d20+7) HIT, damage 13 (d8+7) which takes Sid down but not out I believe, the vine does not elect to try to grab as the prey is no longer struggling.

10-12 vampire rose move to a food source

13 has Sid grabbed. So it does it's special attack and sucks blood (technically I guess I should have done that here instead of when I AOO'd you since it's listed as a special attack. Consider yourself drained here from above).

Vampire Rose 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 move to a food source.


Suddenly there is a billowing yellow green cloud on the battle field. Spellcraft 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {it's a Cloudkill spell}
Assassin vines 1 and 2 croak.
vampire rose 11 takes some con damage 1

Ohen and Bartomus Perception 27 Highlight to display spoiler: {You see Malici at the tree line several yards behind you, it looks like he just finished casting a spell}

Blood Bramble 1 damage 171 dead
Blood bramble 2 damage 181 dead
Blood bramble CC3 AC 24 damage 105

1-6 assassin vine

10-16 vampire rose
VR 13 AC 17 damage 36

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 57//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+13=26 ; d10=4 ; 6d6=17 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2021 6:13:22 AM

Stohp grimaces as she's struck and then flails at the thing with her flail. She's surprised when she actually does decent damage (26 to hit, 5 damage +17 sneak attack for 22 total)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 62/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+12=22 ; 2d8+1=10 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2021 2:37:39 PM

Bartomus wanted to just shift between the plants, but Sid had been dropped to the ground and so, he moved to assist the fallen Shield hoping that Micah could try to keep the accursed plants at bay. As he did so, he looked back over his shoulder at Ohen.

"Did you do those big flaming areas? Can you teach me that spell?" He tried to extract his rather small fire ball from the unleashed inferno that was towering ahead of him.

He worked his hand into one of the pouches on his belt and pulled out a healing potion. "Alright Sid, take a drink now."

Walk to L 22/23
Pull fireball, if possible, to AA 22 (moves only 30 ft)
Administer the potion for a total of 10 points.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20=3 ; d20=12 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+11=20 ; d8+7=14 ; d8+7=15 ; d8+7=15 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2021 3:48:18 PM

I am confused. It appears Sid started the round with 50 hp and took 13 hp from AV 4 and is described as down and not struggling. Is Sid at negative or not?

If Sid is down, Micah will attempt to pull Sid from the Vampire Rose and drag him to safety. He will use his Might of the Gods domain power as a free action to boost his strength to 27 (+13 bonus) if necessary to be able to carry him as far away as he can, using a hero point if necessary to get the actions needed to get him out of harm's way. First roll is a 3--don't know what I need to add. Second roll is a reroll, using a hero point, provided I didn't need it for the actions.

If Sid is not down, Micah will attack #13 (I think it is the "x" at N22).
To hit 29, 30, and 20. (14 normal, +1 haste, +1 bless, +2 flank, -2 power attack) including attack from haste. Damage 14, 15, and 15 bludgeoning.

Active Spells
Bless (8 rounds remaining)
Haste (9 rounds remaining)
Blade Barrier (11 minutes - 2 round)

Airwalk on Zanderallen (duration 106 minutes-86 rds)
Enlarge Person on Stock (duration 11 minutes-81 rds)
Enlarge Person on Zanderallen (duration 11 minutes-78 rds)
Remove Fear on Stock, Sid, and Delia. (duration 10 minutes-79 rds)
Owl's Wisdom on himself with metamagic rod of extend (duration 22 min - 82 rds)
Magic circle against evil on himself (duration 110 min-84 rds)
Expeditious Retreat on Micah (from shield) (duration 17 minutes -78 rounds)

Land speed is 80 feet (20 base +30 from expeditious retreat +30 from haste)

Full round attack of #3, To hit 29, 20, and 30 (from haste attack) for 14, 15, and 15 bludgeoning.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft 
Thursday April 1st, 2021 6:12:42 PM

Delia will sigh in relief as the beastfolk retreat to safety. She'll then run south around the dual magical walls, muttering about not being used to all this mystical, magical stuff and sheath her sword and switch her bow back to her main hand.

Double move to AM46

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 27/24/15; DR 2/-; CMD: 33; Rage: 7/28 used 
Thursday April 1st, 2021 6:53:50 PM

#Blessed, #OneFastDwarf, #EverSeenADwarfFly, #BigAgain
Stock flies up at a 45 up to the height of the twin walls (20') and soars over the wall, drawing out his axe as he moves.

He continually mutters in dwarven about walls springing up out of nowhere.

Fly up to 20' to clear the walls, double move, I think I end up at AG10/AH11 @ 20' up
...I'll get in this fight sooner or later...

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=24 ; d20+15=32 ; d4+1=3 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2021 7:21:55 PM

"Teach you? I can try, it did just sort of happen one day... Long story."

"Cloudkill, where did that come from? Ah, hello Malici, nice of you to join us again." Ohen will say, as he puts his metamagic rods away, draws his wand of magic missile and shoots 14 for 3 damage.

DM Robert - Mia Copa guys  d20+15=18 ; d8+1=8 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+9=15 ; 2d4=5 ;
Thursday April 1st, 2021 8:31:19 PM

RET CONNING, sorry for some reason I thought Sid had less hitpoint than he had. HE's still up...

Stohp attacks with a weapon and kills it!!
Bartomus moves the flaming sphere, it doesn't say you can't move it twice, so I used both your move actions to move it.
Micah, 13 died that's why it's an x. 5 foot step to N20 and full attack the Assassin Vine, KILLING it.
Delia moves.
Stock flies...The northern things are going to be taken care of by the rolling cloud, there's more bad things to the south. So I'm repositioning you that away. If you want to go northerly let me know and I'll change your position.
Ohen uses a wand.
Sid, mia copa, I'm going to say Sid without a flanking bonus, opts to move back and use his bow again. to hit 18 (+1 for bless) damage to #4 is 8.
Zanderallen /?? must be stunned by Stohp making a kill.

No, AOO's this round, though Stohp was hit twice last round and bleeding continues until healing is made. Bleed damage is, 6 and 4 (d6 each time, I looked it up because it's listed as a d, then the die is rolled each round). The party has made a pretty good amount of damage in a short time. Those fireballs are deadly.

4,5 and 6 assassin vines continue to move all double move toward the nearest food source.

Vampire rose 10 moves away.

11 is still in the cloud kill and must make another fortitude save (21), failing it begins to wilt and fall to the ground.

Vampire Rose 12 moves and is in range of Micah. It lashes out with it's stalk.
To hit 17 (d20+6). Micah realizes that in his metal armor the vampire roses would have to get pretty luck to get through and do any damage to him.

14, 15, 16 move to a food source.


Again from far away in the treeline a spell is cast. This time a greenish bolt flies into vampire rose 14 hitting it. The bolt seems to spray the plant with an almost florescent green liquid.

Spellcraft 17 Highlight to display spoiler: {cast acid arrow}

Blood Bramble 1 damage 171 dead
Blood bramble 2 damage 181 dead
Blood bramble CC3 AC 24 damage 127 DEAD

1-6 assassin vine
Assassin Vine 3 AC 15 Damage 44 dead.
AV 4, AC 15, damage 8.

10-16 vampire rose
VR 13 AC 17 damage 36 dead
VR 14 AC 17 damage 8.

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 27/24/15; DR 2/-; CMD: 33; Rage: 7/28 used  d20+17=36 ; 2d8+16=28 ;
Friday April 2nd, 2021 8:59:40 AM

#Blessed, #OneFastDwarf, #EverSeenADwarfFly, #BigAgain

Stock angles southwest again and picks up speed as he closes on one of the writhing vines. He raises his axe and follows through cleanly.

Flying Power Charge!
Move to V30/W31
PA vs 6 hits AC36, 28 damage
AC for AOO in case it matters is 31
After power attack, AC is 2 less.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d20+5=8 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Friday April 2nd, 2021 3:04:11 PM

Shaking himself out of the shock of Stohp's weapon proficiency, Zanderallen notices the extreme amount of blood loss the taur is suffering. "Stohp, let's make sure you don't bleed out." His hand glows as he channels divine energy into his companion's wounds.
Haste +1 Att, Ref, AC, + 30 ft base speed, +1 attack
Bless +1 Att

Smite Evil 2/4
Lay on Hands 6/10

He moves next to Stohp AK27-AL28

Lay on Hands - Stohp heals 18 HP and bleeding stops

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft  d20+18=36 ; d8=4 ; d6=4 ;
Friday April 2nd, 2021 4:13:30 PM

Bless, Haste, Longstrider(N/A with haste), Forest Terrain +4, Barkskin

Delia will head into the fray, moving and firing a single shot at #16.

Move to Z44
Shoot #16
To hit: 36
Damage: 15 P + 4 cold

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 62/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  3d6=13 ;
Friday April 2nd, 2021 4:34:58 PM

Bartomus stood where he was at and pulled the fireball towards the nearest moving long vine plant he can ensuring to hold the flaming sphere over the plant.

"Sid, hey are you ok, do you need a healing potion, got one here if you do," Bartomus shouted over his shoulder.

I believe that 5 is within range, 4 out of it unless the double move. I will attack 5. 3d6 = 13
Reflex save against a 16 avoids all damage.

SID - if he needs that potion that was offered before the ret con, Bart will hand it to him

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=22 ; d4+1=3 ;
Friday April 2nd, 2021 6:01:15 PM

Ohen will magic missile 14 for 3 damage.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20+16=20 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+11=13 ; d8+7=14 ; d8+7=14 ;
Friday April 2nd, 2021 10:26:56 PM

Micah notices the additional spells targeting the plants, and nods to himself as he concludes Malici did not, in fact, leave them.

Seeing that no one else appears to be in imminent danger, the priest takes the opportunity to indulge in the direct engagement with his foes, connecting twice with his mace.

Active Spells
Bless (7 rounds remaining)
Haste (8 rounds remaining)
Blade Barrier (11 minutes - 3 round)

Airwalk on Zanderallen (duration 106 minutes-87 rds)
Enlarge Person on Stock (duration 11 minutes-21 rds)
Enlarge Person on Zanderallen (duration 11 minutes-79 rds)
Remove Fear on Stock, Sid, and Delia. (duration 10 minutes-80 rds)
Owl's Wisdom on himself with metamagic rod of extend (duration 22 min - 83 rds)
Magic circle against evil on himself (duration 110 min-85 rds)
Expeditious Retreat on Micah (from shield) (duration 17 minutes -79 rounds)

Land speed is 80 feet (20 base +30 from expeditious retreat +30 from haste)

spellcraft 20 vs DC 20 (from previous round)
spellcraft 33 vs DC 17

5' step to M20. Hit rolls: 29, 21, 11 for two hits on #12 for 14 points and 14 points of bludgeoning. (28 total to #12.) NOTE: if first attack fells #12, Micah will move to engage AV4, taking the AoO.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Saturday April 3rd, 2021 7:13:04 AM

[b]Holy carp I finished one."[/.b] Stohp says. As an equally surprised Z heals her she thanks him. Deciding to continue to put her newfound prowess to use she moves to AA/AB 29/30 so she can hit 6 next round

Sid(Z subbing) High HP: 61/66; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+12=15 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+12=14 ; d8+1=7 ; d8+1=9 ; d8+1=9 ;
Saturday April 3rd, 2021 11:20:06 AM

Sid keeps firing at the vampire rose nearest him. He sticks it with three arrows, even with haste and rapid shot.
Constitution 8, -1 mod
HP Total: 55
Current HP: 50

Blessed +1 Att
Haste +1 Att

Full attack on 14, forgot bless and haste bonus so the 15 is a hit
15+2(+12) hits, 7 damage
28+2(+12) hits, 9 damage
20+2(+7) hits, 9 damage
14+2(+13) misses,

DM Robert - "let's make sure you don't bleed out."  d20+1=6 ; d20+6=12 ; 5d4+5=19 ;
Saturday April 3rd, 2021 2:01:09 PM

Stock flies in and starts making salad (kill confirmed).
Zanderallen lays some healing on Stohp.
Delia moves and pings a vampire rose.
Bartomus moves the spongy ball of fire. The vine burns nicely but not dead.
Ohen fires off another magic missile.
Micah moves and commits some battery, not quite killing the plant.
Stohp is on the move but notes the Dwarf is stealing her targets.
Sid fires arrows and it takes all 3 to put the plant down.

The battles rages...well not so much raging since the blood brambles were toasted, it looks more like angry chefs preparing salad for ungrateful diners.

Assassin vine 4 moves toward some food.

Vampire rose 10 continues to move away.

Vampire Rose 12, with many broken leaves and branches attempts once more to strike at its chosen target of Micah. It lashes out with it's stalk.
To hit 12 (d20+6).

Vampire roses 15, 16 move to a food source.


Malici fires magic missile at #10. Five missiles fly into #10, unfortunately not killing it.

Blood Bramble 1 dead
Blood bramble 2 dead
Blood bramble 3 DEAD

1-6 assassin vine
Assassin Vine 3 AC 15 Damage 44 dead.
AV 4, AC 15, damage 8.
AV 5, AC 15, damage 13
AV 6 dead

10-16 vampire rose
VR 10 AC 17, damage 19
VR 12, AC 17, damage 28
VR 13 AC 17 damage 36 dead
VR 14 AC 17 damage 36 dead.
VR 16 AC 17 damage 19

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday April 4th, 2021 7:22:07 PM

Stohp sees most of the targets start to go down. With a shrug she sheaths her weapon and waits for the cleanup to finish. It doesn't look like she'd reach anything in time to kill it anyway.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 62/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  3d6=15 ;
Sunday April 4th, 2021 11:56:51 PM

He watched as more of the plants fell to the blades of the other Shields. He continued to focus on the fireball and held it over the one vicious plant that had felt its flames and realized that he wasn't really sure of the best way to rid their path of the noxious plants quicker.

Flaming Sphere being kept on 5
Reflex save by Assassin Vine 5 against a 16 avoids 15 points flame damage.

Stock (JonM) HP: 142/158; AC: 25/24/13; DR 2/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 8/28 used  d20+20=27 ; 2d8+21=31 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 9:19:57 AM

#Blessed, #OneFastDwarf, #EverSeenADwarfFly, #BigAgain, #RAGE

Stock finishes off the plant and howls in triumph and enters a rage. He half runs, half flies at top speed at the next nearest angry plant and tries to decapitate it.

Charge to J30/K31
Charging PA hits AC27, 31 slashing damage
AC for AOO's is +4 from mobility
After attack, AC is -2 from charge

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20+16=22 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+16=33 ; d8+7=13 ; d8+7=12 ; d8+7=12 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 9:19:59 AM

"The battles rages...well not so much raging since the blood brambles were toasted, it looks more like angry chefs preparing salad for ungrateful diners." Nice. Very Nice.

Micah continues battering the plant before him. Once it crumples, he moves to the next nearest one.


Active Spells
Bless (6 rounds remaining)
Haste (9 rounds remaining)
Blade Barrier (11 minutes - 4 rounds)

Airwalk on Zanderallen (duration 106 minutes-88 rds)
Enlarge Person on Stock (duration 11 minutes-22 rds)
Enlarge Person on Zanderallen (duration 11 minutes-80 rds)
Remove Fear on Stock, Sid, and Delia. (duration 10 minutes-81 rds)
Owl's Wisdom on himself with metamagic rod of extend (duration 22 min - 84 rds)
Magic circle against evil on himself (duration 110 min-86 rds)
Expeditious Retreat on Micah (from shield) (duration 17 minutes -80 rounds)

Land speed is 80 feet (20 base +30 from expeditious retreat +30 from haste)

Hit #12 with a 22 for 13 points bludgeoning. Can hit twice more at 30 and 33 for 12 + 12.

If the first attack fells #12, Micah moves to L22. If it takes more than one hit on #12, he five foot steps to L21.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Monday April 5th, 2021 12:37:39 PM

Zander finds himself out of reach of any of the plants and jogs towards the combat, positioning himself in the middle to be able to help finished off whatever is left.
Haste +1 Att, Ref, AC, + 30 ft base speed, +1 attack
Bless +1 Att

Smite Evil 2/4
Lay on Hands 6/10

Move to R21-S22

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/66; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+14=33 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+5=22 ; d8=6 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 4:45:20 PM

Sid sights over to 4 let's a barrage go again.


Sid keeps firing at the vampire rose nearest him. He sticks it with three arrows, even with haste and rapid shot.
Constitution 8, -1 mod
HP Total: 55
Current HP: 50

Blessed +1 Att
Haste +1 Att

ToHit1(RapidShot): 33
Damage: 6
ToHit2(RapidShot): 25
Damage: 3
ToHit3: 22
Damage: 7

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Monday April 5th, 2021 4:52:35 PM

(Updating HP)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft  d20=9 ; d20=10 ; d20=6 ; d20=6 ; d20=20 ; d20=11 ; d8=5 ; d6=5 ; d8+11=12 ; d6=3 ; d8+11=19 ; d6=6 ; d8+11=19 ; d6=3 ; 3d8+33=53 ; d6=4 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 5:28:04 PM

Bless, Haste, Longstrider(N/A with haste), Forest Terrain +4, Barkskin, Remove Fear

Delia watches as her allies run around cutting down enemies and will attempt to take out any survivors.

(OOC) I'm not sure how many things are still alive at this point, so I'm kind of spreading the love around and hoping everything dies

Attack 1at #16: 27(+18)
Damage (x2): 16 piercing + 5 cold and 12 piercing + 3 cold

Attack 2 at #4: 28(+18)
Damage: 19 piercing + 6 cold

Attack 3 at #5: 19(+13)
Damage: 19 piercing + 3 cold

Attack 4 at #15: 14(+8) - miss

Attack 5(haste) at #10 (I don't know that I can see it through the spell effect, but if I can I'd bet it's dead lol): crit; 27 to confirm(20+16; 11+16)
Damage: 53 piercing + 4 cold

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d4+1=5 ;
Monday April 5th, 2021 6:47:21 PM

Ohen will use his wand again on whichever enemy is closest to him that survives. 5 damage. He will also look back to where Malici is and see what he's doing.

DM Robert - " " 
Monday April 5th, 2021 7:53:52 PM

Stohp sees nothing in range and considers the value of ranged weapons.
Bartomus continues the heat making some cooked greens.
Stock continues to make chopped salad.
Micah finishes pulverizing the plant (it had 2 hp) and moves.
Zanderallen moves surveying the battle.
Sid decides the Assassin vine(4) is closer than the nearest vampire (16) rose and drills it. However, not quite killing it.
Delia spreads the love (at this point it's 4 and 16, 10 is obscured by the cloud kill spell) so two to each, killing both.
Ohen fires his magic missle at 10, leaving it with 1 hit point.

Vampire rose 10 wobbles and sways. Then 5 more magic missiles from Malici slam into it exploding it like a plant in the way of a charging wild boar. The devastation is complete, the plants have been rendered into common compost, or charred like over cooked spinach (wilted in the pan to the point of not having any body and just limp and shriveled).


Silence reins, except for the crackle of Bartomus's fireball, and of course the whooshing flames of the wall of fire, and the whistle of a thousand blades of force cutting the air.

Everyone gets an additional 1,555 experience points.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Monday April 5th, 2021 8:34:13 PM

Silence reins, except all the very loud not silence in the area. Stohp looks at the conflagration with some concern. That'll burn itself out right? They aren't going to set wide swaths of the forest on fire are they? With the way the vegetation grew and fought any other kind of life wildfires might be a severe risk now that the magic is gone.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 8:53:06 AM

Micah surveys the battle field, taking a moment to accept that the field is clear. Once satisfied that it is, he dismissed the wall of whirling blades and starts heading towards the survivors on the other side of it, realizing he will have to either wait or run around the wall of flames.

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 10:51:51 AM

Stock makes sure that his feet are firmly planted when the fly potion wears off and hustles to regroup with the party. "That was an impressive sight...those two walls. Well done protecting Jasper's buddies that way.

Sid! You all right? I could have sworn I saw you in some dire straits at one point."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 11:28:14 AM

Zanderallen takes a final look around to satisfy himself that all plants of the carnivorous variety are no more. He then sheathes his sword and join up with the rest of his companions. Having not been as directly involved in the final moments of combat he noticed the extra spells flying around. "Malici, if that's you following us we'd love for you to rejoin us. As long as you can accept our apprehension and refusal to rejoin unknown magical items." If no response is given he waits for a few seconds, and then with a shrug of his shoulders, air walks over the Wall of Fire to check on the beast folk. "Think any of those plants have anything inside them?", he muses as he passes by.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  2d8+2=4 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 12:37:04 PM

"Well now, don't think I will look at the plant sellers in the float with the same unguarded delight ever again," the taur said as he walked along the battlefield shifting the remains about with his glave and remembering what their leaves, flowers and such looked like. It was something he wanted to make sure he committed to memory. He looked at the flaming sphere and simply sent it upwards and away from any trees not wanting it to start fires they didn't need. Eventually, it would just die out.

He wriggled out another one of the potions to heal up from the earlier scrape with the running veggies, and in the course of popping off the waxed cork spilled more of it down the front of himself than actually swallowing. It provided some aid, but not what he had hoped for.

[/b]"So, my question is this, folks," Bartomus said as he got a bit closer to the familiar pyramid. [b]"Was this part of the same group back with the walking trees and veggies, or part of another one of the four dragonkind?"

CMW potion - 4 lol...well ok double ones - thus the explanation.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft  d20+21=30 ;
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 2:34:43 PM

As calm descends, Delia will glance over the plant carnage and then look around to verify there are no more threats in sight.

"It seemed like these were part of the same group as dragon-plant-boy. We just chose to take out the more mobile force first so that their siege line couldn't get any reinforcements. We should double check with the beast folk, that these two groups are the only ones around though." That said, she'll jog around the wall of fire and go to check up on Jasper and his people.

Perception: 30

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 3:53:18 PM

"I'm good, guys, though I am a little roughed up. I think I blacked out there for a moment. Are the civilians alright?" Sid will gather his arrows, feeling achy from the draining that he received. "I was afraid they'd get to them before we could stop them."

Constitution 8, -1 mod
HP Total: 55
Current HP: 50

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 7:10:52 PM

"Yes, the wall of fire will burn for about another minute. Let me know if any forest fires start."

"Malici, we thank you for your help with the plants. Are you rejoining us?"

Ohen will look at the plant bodies looking for magic.

DM Robert - "As long as you can accept our apprehension and refusal to rejoin unknown magical items." 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 7:46:11 PM

Stohp wonders how all the fires will affect the forest.
Micah dismisses his spell.
Stock gives some praise.
Zanderallen welcomes Malici but is firm in his resolve.
Bartomus tries to heal (I think any healing attempt is allowed to reroll 1's, thus the need to roll individually).
Delia thinks the plants were minions of the vege-dragon.
Sid is okay but a little out of breath (Con damage).
Ohen welcomes Malici back and searches the plants for some loot.

Alas the plants are devoid of loot. They were in fact minions summoned by the druid vege-dragon. On the plus side this area of the forest has pretty much been cleaned out of the wandering destructive plant creatures that the former Crying Woods was prone to populate it's realm with. (I'm going to say that it takes a minute to confirm there's no loot, so the wall of fire comes down. Also there was no danger of the woods catching fire as your wall of fire was in the grass/field area around the pyramid.)

Malici looks glum as he walks forward. He casts dispel magic at the cloud-kill spell. (It's not able to be dismissed and it was going to go for minutes/level and there was no way to stop its movement.) He sort of nods to Zanderallen and Ohen. "I was content to go, but I found that the further away from it I got the more I felt pulled back."

Jasper comes forward following by many of the beast-folk. "We thank you Silver Shields. Once again you have saved us beast-folk as those creatures were the ones that had laid siege to our home. How can you thank you....um, in a non-monetary way that is. Please come in and rest, we can at least offer you a place to rest for the night and a good meal." The beast folk come up to you and offer to carry anything that seems too heavy in your hands or on your back.

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2021 10:58:54 PM

Sid will talk to Jasper about any contacts that wish to help with the trash collection and recycling on the Float, as a paid consultant of course ((Though I reached out to them to try and hire a consultant, I don't think anyone took the job, though please correct me if I am wrong)). Though he does get tired quickly ((Con Damage)) and will take his rest early this time instead of the split shift.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 8:14:04 AM

Stohp is happy to hang out with the ratfolk for a bit and learn how they've been holding up out here.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 1:05:02 PM

Ohen will cross his arms and turn to Malici. "So while we do appreciate your help with the plants, what is your goal here Malici? You come to the Float because the medallion brought you here, and you come back to us because the medallion brought you back. Are you here to help, or are you just doing what the medallion tells you?"

Ohen will let the beastfolk carry his wand and metamagic rods, if they offer. "A warm meal and bed would be thanks enough I think, although we should also arrange for you to talk to my father. The Floating City is in great need of trading partners. Perhaps we could help you find or manufacture goods that would benefit the city?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 5:02:35 PM

Zanderallen raises an eyebrow at the sass of their new sorcerous companion, not entirely disagreeing with his statement but wondering if it could have been said in a more gracious manner. However Malici's admittance that the stones are affecting him just reinforces his resolve that they be very careful with them. "It seems you are connected to the stones Malici. In ways that we don't understand and could potentially be quite dangerous. While we will be careful in how we handle them we will gladly include you in whatever happens. I feel that is a fair right for how you've been dragged into this situation."

As they enter the Beastfolk's home he gladly accepts any food they offer. "How are things, other than the recent attack? We need to talk about something Jasper. These attacks have revealed how long it takes information to travel around the lake. While the Silver Shields live in the float we feel we need to be more connected to our friends in the surrounding area. We don't quite know how to set it up yet but we want to organize a means of magical communication that you can reach us if something happens."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 6:28:00 PM

"Thank you, Malici. That needs to be said a few times, I think." Bartomus said in an effort to try to make it clear that they were grateful for the much-needed help. Then looking at the pyramid, "Malici, by any chance are you familiar with that structure and who built it? We had to deal with a few challenges it presented and now the beastfolk are calling it home."

As they continued walking to the Beastfolk settlement, he turned to Ohen and Malici, "which one of you knew the fancy giant fireball spell? Would love to learn that if it's something that can be taught."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 27/17/21 (w/ Barkskin ~60 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 70ft 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 6:40:09 PM

Delia uncomfortably accepts the thanks of the beastfolk, trying to fade into the background of the group now that the action is done and small talk has begun.

She will be keeping a careful eye on Malici, especially when he is close to the party member with the medallion (Ohen?), after he admits that the medallions have such a strong pull on him. After returning to Delia, Hawky will also fix his beady bird eyes on Malici.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d4=3 ;
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 6:48:33 PM

Micah watches the interaction of the others with Malici, but says nothing.

When he notices Sid's condition, he comes to the elf's aid. "Once we are secure, I can help you with that." He warmly accepts the beastfolks offer and finds a quiet place to pray, beseeching Domi for the power to heal Sid's lost vitality.

How much con damage did Sid take?. If only 2 or 3 points, he will pray to fill his open 2nd level slot with lesser restoration. If it is more than that, he will pray to fill his open 5th slot with 4th level restoration. For lesser, he heals 3 points of con damage; for restoration, he fully heals all con damage.

DM Robert - "A warm meal and bed would be thanks enough I think." 
Wednesday April 7th, 2021 8:16:12 PM

Sid tries to talk up some business but still feels weakened from the blood loss.
Stohp hangs with the beast-folk.
Ohen tries to intimidate Malici and then turns around and plays nice with the beast-folk.
Zanderallen questions Malici and makes some queries to the beast-folk.
Bartomus makes some overtures to Malici.
Delia is suspicious of Malici and eyes him repeatedly.
Micah says he can take care of Sid. (He's down 4 con).
Stock ??

The group is ushered into the pyramid where you find it well lighted and quite clean. It's obvious the new residents are doing a good job of cleaning up and making it into a space they can use. You are shown to several rooms, it looks like you'd have to sleep 2 to 3 to a room. Jasper says you can freshen up and the dinner meal will be served in a few hours.

Malici looks at the pyramid. "I'm afraid I have no knowledge of that structure. My father's fortress was more along the lines columned palatial type buildings sort of woven in with the trees, along with some rather large doorways and treetop platforms. I got the sense that some of the buildings were older than he was like he'd moved into the place and it sort of refashioned itself over time to suit him. It was strange and unlike anything I've ever seen since." He notices Delia giving him the eye. "Fair lady, forgive me but I am not in this for romantic dalliances." He turns to Bartomus, "Noble sir I thank you in turn, you seem quite able to handle all that was on the field I was merely trying to take of straglers. Alas I do not know the fireball spell."

Malici sighs and seems rather uncomfortable. "I have some inkling that the medallion is in some way a heritage from my father. Granted he was dragon and was very self interested. DM aside, Dragons in the Wold are rare and wonderful and do not necessarily adhere to the moral values good/evil etc that the monster books have labeled them, thus you could have a neutral gold dragon, a lawful good blue dragon and a chaotic good red dragon, etc. I have done some research and it appears his home was never located, and thus his treasury still lies in the forest. As I have no way of knowing where that location is in this vast forest I was half hoping that the medallion since it called me to the area, would lead me to his home. I would offer you an equal share of the hoard, with the understanding that as heir I get the first choice of valuable items."

Dinner arrives and you see that is in fact quite simple fair, berries, nuts, some vegetables and some small breads. Perception 20 or Sense Motive 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {ala the peasants from 7 Samurai or The Magnificent Seven, they are feeding you better than they are eating themselves.}

Jasper agrees that there should be better communication between the Float and the village. He offers some advice to Sid but mostly from what Sid imparts to him, Cutter seems to be doing a better job of trash disposal and reclamation than they ever did. As to commodities that they could offer the Float, it is hoped that once they get the fields going they can offer fresh vegetables and such. Knowledge Nature 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Although there is plenty of planting space there is also enough land for doing some raising of chickens, sheep, lamb, or maybe even cows, but they would have to get some breeder animals first.}

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+14=21 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 8:27:05 AM

Stohp still isn't really sure why the party spontaneously decided not to let him hold the medallion in the first place. Looking to Ohen she asks, "I think I missed something. Was there a particular reason you felt we should hold onto the medallion we found?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used  d20+17=33 ; d20+10=29 ; d20-1=12 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 9:30:39 AM

Stock notices the difference in the food between what the party is having and what the locals are having. He surreptitiously sneaks a few pieces of food off his plate and then finds a couple small children and gives a portion of his meal to them.

"Malici, you'll forgive me for being blunt but...I'm a blunt dwarf. I don't trust you. You don't leave your party after a fight. Now I appreciate you coming back and it seems that these things will keep pulling you back so we may have to learn to live with each other."

Perception 33
Nature 29
Sleight of hand 12...untrained makes it a 10

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d20+17=24 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+21=38 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 12:31:58 PM

Several things click in Zander's understanding as Malici reveals his intentions, although he does watch him as he speaks to see if he appears to be telling the truth. "So you're looking for something to claim as your legacy from your childhood. I can empathize with that. If these medallions can lead you there that is an opportunity I think is worth pursuing." Turning to include Stohp in the conversation, "But until we know more I think it is wise to keep the parts separated. For one they hold powerful draconic magic, of which a powerful pervasive geas is but a part. And what concerns me the most is if joining them would alert the holders of the other two parts. I'd rather they not know someone was after them."

As they sit down to dinner Zander notices the difference in food. Working to befriend the little ones running around he invites them to his lap to share his plate.
Sense Motive 24 - Dinner
Sense Motive 32 - Malici's honesty
Diplomacy 38 - Graciously sharing his food

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 26/16/21 (w/ Barkskin ~50 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 50ft  d20=12 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 1:06:18 PM

Delia raises her eyebrow at Malici, unsure if she should be offended or confused at his ...rejection? "Do you... do you not understand the difference between suspicious glares and doe-eyed girls? You got mad and left because we wouldn't give you the shiny magic thing that is magicking you to want it. But hey, if nothing sketchy is going on, welcome back." Delia, made uncomfortable, will try to be more subtle about her observation. Hawky is still openly staring at him though.

At dinner, Delia also noticed the difference in food quality and will start out trying to subtly give food to the beastfolk, but after Zanderallen openly begins sharing she will follow suit in that.

During the conversation about trade between the Beastfolk and the Float, she will jump in and comment on how the surrounding area could also make good land for animal husbandry, once they got in good animals.

Perception +21
Know nature: 24(+11)

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Thursday April 8th, 2021 4:33:47 PM

Micah releases a sigh of relief when the magic restores Sid to full vigor.

At supper he allows the others to discuss the matter with Malici. Noticing the disparity of the food, Micah politely eats very little. When Delia responds to the half dragon, he is rewarded for his choice; otherwise, he might have choked.

sense motive 20 autosucceed

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Thursday April 8th, 2021 6:20:18 PM

Sid talks to Jasper about the efforts of Cutter to develop mulch and fertilizers. Thinking about it he also suggests that Jasper talk to the Lizardfolk ambassador as they might know what crops are best situated in the area and any local agricultural traditions the Beastfolk might need to know. Then they could work on specialized fertilizer to augment was the soil is lacking. He also brings up Tea Trees to see if those can grow in the area... in fact he starts making a list of things to look into once they make it back to the Float and suggests that they might want their own ambassador if things start progressing as they are.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+1=9 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 6:40:34 PM

[b]"You all could see the medallions pulsing together when they got close. We should not lightly recombine such a powerful artifact we know little about, treasure or birthright notwithstanding.
"That is a good idea Delia. I will speak with my father about bringing in seeds and breeding stock. There is also always lumberjacking, the city could always use more wood, and you'd clear out land for pasture or farms.
"Would we be able to magically aid their first crops, perhaps with Druidic or Divine power? Does anyone know the growing seasons in these lands?

DM Robert - "Do you... do you not understand the difference between suspicious glares and doe-eyed girls?" 
Thursday April 8th, 2021 8:18:14 PM

STOCK and DELIA are each awarded a hero point for selflessly rushing forward to try to defend the beast-folk not knowing what Ohen and Micah planned.

Stohp wonders why they did not turn over the medallion to Malici.
Stock is blunt that he doesn't trust Malici.
Zanderallen theorizes that if the two parts came together then the other 'players' would know.
Delia is a bit uncomfortable about Malici.
Micah quietly watches all.
Sid is full of ideas and suggests that the beast-folk need an ambassador on the Float.
Ohen is adamant that the medallions are not to be joined.

Talk is lively as the Shields offer a variety of advice and plans for the beast-folk to work on. As you recall we are in Spring and many crops would just now be in the planting stage. Like as not you are eating the last of the stores they brought with them. Most of the Shields notice the disparity in meals and surreptitiously work at giving the food back to the children.

The land here is fertile and doesn't need any more additives. Briadoc Greenstocking comes up and explains the work he's been doing on selecting the right crops for the climate and time. They have seed and some of it was planted before the siege started. As to lumberjacking, they really don't have the manpower (size wise and strength wise) for that. Besides the Lizard-folk lumberjacking put the lumberjacks at Cutter out of business so odds are the beast-folk can't even compete. Briadoc also mentions that he may be on to some medicinal plants and that there is a variety of mushrooms which may grow well in the forest if he can locate them.

Everyone EXCEPT Delia Perception 20 - Delia can read without rolling Highlight to display spoiler: {You spot Malici speaking quietly and privately with Jasper. They are saying something you can't make out with this roll. At the end you see Malici pass a pouch to Jasper who nods and clasps Malici's hand with both of his little hands. Malici then departs to one of the rooms.}

IF you made the above Perception roll then you may at this time make ANOTHER perception roll, listening based Target 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear Malici talking to Jasper and saying that he understands the need to make one's own way, but that there are times when one must allow others to help if for no other reason than it would allow the one offering to help to feel better. in other words 'I'm not helping you, you are helping me to feel better about myself' logic. Jasper is a bit resistant and then Malici keeps talking and explains that it takes money to make money, with this money they can afford to purchase enough chickens and rabbits to establish a quick food supply and they would help with the control of insects and weeds. Plus the children could be put to work caring for the stock. Jasper relents and thanks Malici profusely.}

What do you wish to do about sleeping arrangements. As stated previously there are limited rooms, in fact there are 4.

And is there anything you wish to do before sleeping or during the night?

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+12=28 ; d20+5=13 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 8:20:50 PM

Bartomus looked about and soon realized that they were being given the choicest of everything. He followed suit with the others and shared food as well.

"Could we be the investors in some farming enterprise?" He asked thinking that helping to incubate a business that's mutually beneficial could have great results.

Perception on food, but failed know nature

Thursday April 8th, 2021 9:19:56 PM

Something Zanderallen said that I meant to follow up on and forgot...

Knowledge Arcane 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Joining together two magical items that were sundered will make the whole stronger. While it is possible other fragments would then know the location of the larger piece it is FAR more likely that the larger piece will know the locations of the missing pieces.}


Knowledge History 22 Highlight to display spoiler: {There are ancient tales of a hero having to go on a quest to find an ancient magic item or legendary weapon, or some such that had been broken. joining together two magical items that were sundered will make the whole stronger. The hero was then able to locate the other parts of the whole much easier for the larger segment helped point the way.}


Knowledge Religion 24 Highlight to display spoiler: {Ancient texts often say how a great magical seal was broken and the demons got out. But a noble hero was able to reassemble the fragments of the magical seal. Joining each piece of the seal led the hero to the other hidden pieces.}

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=36 ; d20+16=25 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 9:40:30 PM

Stohp had noted the food situation but decided not to make a fuss (rolled the check yesterday, didn't bring it up) She notes the other's noting though and takes stock - is this the kind of food that can make good leftovers, or is it just going to spoil if not eaten? Similarly she notes the quiet conversation going on in the background (46, 25). She makes a note to follow up on that later.

She considers and nods along at the other's explanation. "That seems fair. Sooner or later though we're going to have to figure out their purpose, how to disable them if nothing else. Otherwise Malici here will be trapped by their draw forever, and who knows who or what else they will bring?"

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 61/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+16=34 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+16=19 ;
Thursday April 8th, 2021 11:20:11 PM

Sid nods nods along with the conversation, "Well, you might not need fertilizer now, but give it a couple of hundred years eh? It'll happen soon enough. The wilds balance themselves well enough, but when we start mucking with it we really have to pay attention to it. I think we could work out some workers from Cutter to clear the land, by the way, we just couldn't expect it to pay for itself. You could still dry and use the wood at home and not have to import it, but you'd have to foot the bill, as it were." Sid thinks about it, "I could probably chip in on that to make sure that our Cutterfolk have work, but I don't know for how many years I could fund that." He writes on his list, "I'll do some accounting and see what I can do. And make no mistake," he says, smiling at Jasper honestly, "You're bound to have some good bow-wood out here."

Sid will make a comfortable corner and then trance his four hours there. He would see if Stock would let him crash in his room for the trance, and then would hang out in the hall or whereever and fix any arrows he can and keep a half watch.


Perception2: 20((Sigh))
Knowledge(History): 15
Perception3(Watch): 19

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20+17=22 ;
Friday April 9th, 2021 9:18:55 AM

Micah feels the after battle malaise overcome him. Not wishing to further tax the limited resources of the resources he sets up his bedding outside for the night. Any objections are quickly averted with the explanation, "Having lived my life within the artificial confines of the Float, it is such a joy to sleep in the open."

Know religion 17

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used  d20+17=36 ; d20+17=18 ; d20+17=29 ;
Friday April 9th, 2021 9:28:44 AM

Stock leans over to Stohp and says quietly, "...don't trust that Malici...Nope. What was he saying to Jasper do you think? I don't know if I trust Jasper but I don't DIStrust him...listen to me though, I sound like some old maid worrying about young ruffians walking past her window...Bah."

Stock bunks with Sid, taking first watch and spending some of the time wandering around the pyramid and remembering the previous visit here. At one point he reaches down and picks up a sharp piece of gray stone that looks to come from the pyramid itself and deposits it in his belt pouch.

[i]Perception 1 36
Perception 2 18
Perception (watch) 29

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+12=28 ; d20+12=24 ; d20=20 ; d20+12=32 ;
Friday April 9th, 2021 10:26:40 AM

Bartomus watched as an exchange occurred with Malici and Jasper. He really didn't know what to make of it. He finally resigned to keeping it in mind, nothing more.

"We might be able to see if one of the Druidic elders could come and take with the Beastfolk to see what they could do to help them get started with their efforts," Bartomus offered to Ohen in support of his idea. "They really put themselves out for benefit. We just gotta find a way to return the kindness."

He joined with the others in setting up his sleeping roll and volunteered to take the second watch.

Was late to post and sorry about that - Knowledge role of 20 but really nothing in those areas, so will let GM figure out what if anything else Bartomus might have gleaned from what he saw.

Perception for watch = 32

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 63/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d20+7=25 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+10=30 ;
Friday April 9th, 2021 11:57:25 AM

His mind and senses fully alert after a day of battle and a good meal with friends he feels no guilt in listening in on Malici's conversation. Maybe the sign of a guilty conscience or maybe trying to figure out how to do the right thing. Either way it said a lot for where his heart was now. Hopefully they could become friends.

Settling in for the night he offers to share a room with Ohen as he wants to discuss the medallion. "Ohen, my mind was wandering over dinner and I recalled various texts I was forced to read for my studies at the temple. Tales a great magical seal that was broken and released demons into the world. And they were only contained by a hero rejoining the seal which each piece leading him to the next. You don't think this medallion could be one and the same do you? If so joining it may be our best bet to find the other two half dragons before they cause more harm."
Perception: 25
Perception: 26
Knowledge (Rel): 30
Of course Zanderallen would have been paying attention to the tale involving a hero.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 26/16/21 (w/ Barkskin ~50 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 50ft  d20=13 ; d20+21=36 ;
Friday April 9th, 2021 3:24:29 PM

Delia easily filters out the noise of the crowd and tunes in on Jasper and Malici's conversation. Her expression softens just a bit as the two have their conversation. Overhearing Stock as well, she'll quietly say, "Malici just gave Jasper some money to start them out with some seeds and good breeding stock. At least underneath being magicked he seems to have a kind heart." Then she pauses and adds contemplatively, "Or he feels bad because it's technically his family that attacked them... but that's probably uncharitable."

Delia will follow Micah and Bart outside and set up her bedroll in the same general area. She'll send Hawky to roost on the window of Ohen's room with the Guard command (he's asleep, but will begin screeching loudly should someone try to open it).

She will ask Bartomus to wake her up after his watch and take 3rd.

Eavesdropping Perception: 34
Watch Perception: 36

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=26 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=30 ;
Saturday April 10th, 2021 10:36:24 AM

Ohen hears Malici and thinks better of him. He then retires for the night and discusses things with Zanderallen.
" That is an interesting thought Zanderallen. The theory is correct. Our two items would be closer to the whole, and would be more likely to find the others than the others finding us. We should sleep on it and decide what to do with it together as a group in the morning."
Succeeding on the perception checks and the Knowledge Arcana.

DM Robert - "We just gotta find a way to return the kindness." 
Saturday April 10th, 2021 12:37:36 PM

Bartomus thinks about investing and bringing some druids in.
Stohp wonders about the long term effects of the medallion.
Sid continues to talk up employing some Cutter folk.
Stock is unconvinced about many things.
Micah is content to sleep outdoors.
Zanderallen relates some religious stories about medallions.
Delia is for sleeping outside.
Ohen relates some information about arcane artifacts.

The outside night is peaceful and quiet. Too quiet for anyone that has spent any time outdoors in normal outdoors. In the woods there is still little to no animal or insect life. Thus there are no crickets, coyote calls or anything except the gentle rustle of leaves in the treetops when a gentle breeze sweeps by.

Those that elect to take a watch find that things are peaceful and quiet, inside the pyramid and out. In all it seems a very boring night.


During the night Zanderallen is awaken by Ohen's thrashing around. Observing his room mate Zanderallen see's him flipping from side to side as if shoved around by unseen forces. His hair is wet from sweat. Zanderallen decides the mage is having some form of nightmare and the best course of action is to wake him up. Thus he goes over and shoves him around a bit while calling his name. Ohen awakes eyes bloodshot and weary.
OHEN ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: {You have been having terrible dreams. What you can remember of them is that it seemed a red dragon was behind you and shoved you forward proclaiming, 'of the blood'. In front of you rested and shoved you back saying 'not of the blood'. This seemed to go on and on. Sometimes there were visions of you in a chariot leading your people to war and victory. Sometimes you were on a throne acting as a benevolent ruler dispensing justice and overseeing a prosperous kingdom. In each a green dragon would appear and pluck you off the thrown and toss you aside. The dreams went on through the night. Even after you tried to go to sleep when Zanderallen woke you up. YOU DO not get any real rest and you CANNOT regain spell. Oh you can make a new will save regarding the medallion.} unless he wants to share...

That morning the curious that look in on Malici who was sleeping alone in one of the rooms of the pyramid. He is looking out a window and eating what appears to be gruel from a plain wooden bowl. He turns to whomever enters, "Hello, this seems like a peaceful place but the country itself seems out of kilter. As if nature has been tipping the scales too far. I noticed there's not even insect life around here. One wonders how the trees and plants pollinated."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Saturday April 10th, 2021 11:50:50 PM

Bartomus woke up, stretched, and fished out a ration to chew on. He spent some time meditating on ways to ensure healing, ice and fire would be at his command. He also had an idea of how to create something flaming that he could toss and he thought he might be able to find some seeds he could use for his idea.

He got himself ready and then went exploring. He found Ohen moving about. "Seen any acorns Ohen?"

When Ohen shared what he had been observing about the forest and particularly that area around the pyramid, Bartomus shared a memory of how the grass was absolutely perfect when they first visited. "Maybe there's a bunch of tiny little creatures that take care of everything at night?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday April 11th, 2021 10:19:34 PM

"Probably magic. They might be in trouble now the magic is gone." Stohp speculates. "So what's the plan now? Head to Cutter and talk to them about the raiders? Try to use the amulet to track the others somehow? I think someone said something like that yesterday..."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; 10d6=39 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 3:33:28 PM

Before sleeping Zander channels his healing energy to top up the wounded and then heals his own more severe injuries.

Shaken by Ohen's behavior he holds him firmly after waking him to make sure the sorcerer remains calm. "Ohen, what is the matter? Is that amulet affecting you?" Once his new friend is calm he returns to an uneasy slumber before waking with the sun for early devotions. He refrains from mentions Ohen's nightmares to the others, leaving that for Ohen to bring up.

Once they are all up and gathered in the morning he will share the conversation held that evening. "I think we need to figure out what we're doing next. We know there are two other half-dragons someone in the area leading small armies. If possible I'd rather find them before they find their next target. Ohen and I were discussing last night and we both think it might be possible to track the other pieces by combining the two we have. And I remembered a certain local legend of a seal being broken and releasing evil into the world. So now that we're rested and not in a combat zone what do we want to do? Hunt down the other two half-dragons by mundane means, or risk the joining of the medallion and try to use it to find them?"
4 uses of lay on hands used to channel energy 2 times
Everyone in the party heals 38 hit points

2 uses of lay on hands used to heal self 39 hit points

2 uses remaining recharged at dawn

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Monday April 12th, 2021 5:00:12 PM

Micah spends the next morning in prayer and listens while the others discuss potential plans.

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 72/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+16=17 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 7:21:35 PM

Seeing that Jasper isn't interested in outside assistance he assures him that if he needs anything he should just ask, "I count your folk as among my friends if that's worth anything," and he will give him a bird token if he needs to get in touch.

Sid is up early fletching his arrows and fixing any that were used if they need it and will have tea ready for people when they wake up.


Perception(Just a general Perception as he keeps his eyes open): 17

DM Robert - "..it might be possible to track the other pieces by combining the two we have." 
Monday April 12th, 2021 8:01:01 PM

Bartomus asks about acorns (you find several) and wonders about magical lawn sprites.
Stohp wonders what to do next.
Zanderallen shares some stories about ancient amulets and holy seals.
Micah sits quietly.
Sid fixes some arrows and keeps his eyes open.
Ohen? Make another will save target 10.


Ohen looks terrible, as if he was hung over, and spent the night in the worst jail cell imaginable. He's probably musing about his terrible dreams.

The party wonders what their next step should be. According to what Malici indicated when you first learned of the medallions they are somewhat resistant to scrying and such spells. Perhaps divination of some sort?

Malici pulls out his portion of the medallion. "I'm not sure how to use it to sense where the others could be." He closes his eyes and concentrates for several minutes turning around a couple of times. Then he shakes his head "Alas the best I can do is judge that there is a piece over there. But I'm not sure if that is really the work of the medallion or just me already subconsciously knowing he has a piece." And he points to Ohen.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+10=27 ; d20+10=29 ;
Monday April 12th, 2021 8:23:13 PM

Ohen is not willing to talk to Zanderallen in the middle of the night, just mumbling that he was fine and needed to get back to sleep. The next morning, he is very late to get up and looks terrible when he does.

He holds his head and says hoarsely, almost whispering, "I had the most terrible nightmares last night. It felt as if my draconic ancestry was warring with the draconic origin of the medallion. Pushing me back and forth. I had dreams of myself as king, but then thrown to the ground by the green dragon. I was victorious over my foes, but then the green dragon came and crushed my victory. I had discovered the most wonderful magic, and he came and took it all away." he pauses for a moment. "I had saved a village, and the green dragon came and killed them all.

"Zanderallen spoke of an ancient seal that broke into pieces, as the heroes put it back together, the whole led them to the parts. I do not know of this tale, but the theory is sound. The half should lead us more surely to the quarters than vice versa. This isn't without danger. Even a quarter piece is perhaps the most powerful artifact I've seen. And it was made by the green dragon for an unknown purpose. I suggest now that we aren't in the heat of the moment, and we've slept on it, we discuss and vote on it.

"Either way I would be rid of it."

Ohen will hold take out the medallion and hold it up.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 7:07:41 AM

Stohp considers. "We don't really have any good way to track down the other two through mundane means do we? This seems like our best option to track them."

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used 
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 9:48:04 AM

"To me we do both - we go to Cutter and we unite the medallion pieces.

It Malici won't give up his part of the medallion, is there any magic we can use to keep him close? Maybe get a strand of his hair (does he have hair?) and keep track of him like they do in the stories? Or at least force him to tell the truth..."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+12=32 ;
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 10:08:05 AM

Bartomus listened to Ohen's dreams and shivered. None of it sounded like how he would want to spend the night. But, he had questions.

"Ohen, do you think it is the fact that you are dragon born that the medallion is having that pull on you? Would it do the same with one of us Taur?" He looked over at Stohp and pointed between the two of them.

Then he looked over at Malici. "Why do you think there was a pull to this place? I mean why attack the place when a lot of food and such would have probably gotten the veggie battle lord what he wanted without all the fuss?"

Perception check on Malici and his reaction to the discussion - 32

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 10:39:51 AM

Micah listens to Ohen, noting his haggard condition and obvious lack of rest. He adds to the discussion, "It is not that I do not trust, Malici--he has passed every test magical and mundane that I can consider. It is that I do not trust the medallion. If we have to join the two to proceed to the other pieces, then we have to, but, as Stock said, we probably already know where we need to go to find one."

He considers Bartomus' questions then turns to Malici with another one, "Why did his medallion piece plague Ohen, but you seem unaffected by yours?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 11:37:57 AM

Zanderallen looks to the rest of the group for disagreement as he reaches for the medallion piece Ohen holds out. If he sees none he will take it and secure it within his bag of holding, "I think out of all of us I am most likely to be protected or able to resist mental influence from the medallion. I like the sounds of Stock's plan. We can travel to Cutter and either we find a trail to follow mundanely or we join the medallions and are hopefully close enough it can lead us to the next piece."

He then ponders other questions, "I would hazard a guess that just like Malici is searching for the dragon's lair the others are as well, hoping to claim their father's wealth and/or power. The vege-dragon possibly thought the ziggurat might contain clues or atleast serve as a base of operations. The fact it was inhabited he probably viewed as only a minor inconvenience."

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 72/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 5:02:43 PM

Seeing Z put the medallion piece in his bag Sid nods. "I think we should keep them separate until we find out more information. Since we don't know the designs of your family sir, I would dare say we shouldn't test you on it. I can think of half a dozen stories that could burst forth like a tale from one of my favorite books, and most of them would not end well for you. That is no threat against your person, but the general effects of crossing maligned magics." Sid putters out and has some more tea.

DM Robert - "We don't really have any good way to track down the other two through mundane means do we? " 
Tuesday April 13th, 2021 8:15:04 PM

Ohen tells of some strange dreams and offers up the medallion.
Stohp figures there's no choice.
Stock thinks they should combine the medallions and go to Cutter.
Bartomus asks some questions.
Micah asks some questions.
Zanderallen takes the medallion and makes some talk talk.
Sid makes some talk talk.

Bluntly put since we have stalled. You CANNOT advance to another chapter until the medallions are joined. Oh sure you could in theory blunder around the forest looking for another orc and his horde. As stated though, He already left Cutter. As a reminder here's the map. There's literally over 180,000 square miles of forest on this side (west and north of Cutter and south of the plateau) of the lake for your target to be roaming in. The lake itself is around 15,000 square miles of water, so the pirates could be anywhere. Plus the fact that both are constantly moving. You have a better chance of shooting a humming bird with an arrow from a merry-go-round spinning enough to make you dizzy.

Maliki shrugs his shoulders. "From what Ohen has said I would say the medallion is affecting his bloodline. As to the disparity of the dreams, I would say because he's from the wrong bloodline. I can't say my father was nice, but he was not cruel for cruelties sake. He was demanding, for he wanted a race of nobility to deal with the lizardfolk while he did other things. My mother told me of some of the tests and the fact that those that failed, usually failed in death because they were not able to overcome the challenges set for them. None had succeeded as the time of my testing neared. I honestly don't think any creature that young would have succeeded in those tests. He was a dragon and his standards were not entirely linked to mortals concepts. Thus all the failures and all his growing..." he pauses trying to think of the right word, "disappointment is too easy but anger is too harsh. I don't know."

He watches Zanderallan take the medallion and pocket it. Absently he pats his vest where his piece of the medallion lays. "Why take this place. As Zanderallen has said it would make a good place for a base, and ..." he hesitates, "well I will admit there are some aspects of Ohen's dreams that are a bit of a revelation. I think part of what drives all dragon-born is a sense of superiority. Thus the medallions may be pinging off that or amplifying it. What better way to prove superiority than to be a ruler? I will admit I've had thoughts along these lines. But the question I keep asking myself and have asked you(all) as well, is what constitutes being a good ruler? I would say my father was an effective ruler, but not necessarily a good ruler. I've know humans and elves and such that were good rulers but ineffective in their tasks. So as to that yes, I feel the medallion is in that sense driving me. But I also think Ohen was so discomforted because while he is dragon-born, he is not the son of my father and perhaps then not 'in-line' to inherit. Perhaps the medallion sensed this as well."

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used  d20+9=10 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 9:30:45 AM

Stock smacks his forehead. "Wait a second - didn't we hear that the other horde left Cutter? We might not be able to find them there after all. I guess then we unite the pieces..."

He stares at Malici as he says this.
Sense Motive 10...apparently his distrust of Malici is getting in the way.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 10:14:09 AM

Micah shrugs.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+14=17 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 10:17:14 AM

There was a lot to figure out as they talked about the dreams and the pendants. He looked out of one of the openings and watched as a hummingbird darted by freezing for a moment looking back at them. It tilted its head from side to side and quickly flew off.

When Stock suggested that just combine the two pieces. Bartomus turned back and looked at the dwarf. "That may be our best option, right? If you think the two pieces are pinging off each other, united they probably would be able to give us some path to go along. I mean two pieces would have more power than just a single piece right? Would it also have a stronger pull to the remaining two pieces?"

Bartomus turned and had expected to watch Malici's reaction closely. But, he was pretty certain that the hummingbird was back looking in at them and his eyes wandered to see what it was doing.

Still chuckling about the hummingbird analogy.

Perception -17 so Bart's distracted

Wednesday April 14th, 2021 12:01:53 PM

Posting for Delia
[b]"The forest is very large, even with me guiding you we'd be about as likely to find them as me hitting that hummingbird over there with an arrow while being spun around. Wait, that's not right. It's about as likely as Ohen hitting the hummingbird with an arrow while being spun around.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 12:13:11 PM

Ohen looks mildly offended at Delia's comment, or maybe he's just tired.
"Malici and Zanderallen, if you are willing, I think we've decided you should combine the pieces. Perhaps Zanderallen should combine them to put everyone at ease since noone doubts him. I think it is likely it will only work for Malici, however."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 1:32:09 PM

"Well I guess the risk of letting the other invaders roam free is greater than the danger of this medallion. If we're all in agreement." Zanderallen pulls out the piece he is holding and moves next to Malici, "On three?"

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 72/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 6:41:11 PM

Sid shrugs and let's the vote continue.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 7:39:28 PM

"Both other hordes have long left their targets. It might still be worth going to Cutter to learn more about what we will face once we find them." Stohp points out. "By all means unite the coins if it's our best bet to track them. If the coins will lead us directly to the targets it may be faster and prevent more harm to go strait there, but I'd still like to know more details then "raiders" when we face the enemy."

DM Robert - "I think it is likely it will only work for Malici, however."  d20+11=29 ; d20+16=17 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 8:07:39 PM

Stock eyes Malici as he agrees to the pieces being joined.
Micah seems indifferent.
Bartomus is fascinated by a hummingbird.
Delia lets them know how easy tracking a moving target in a vast forest can be.
Ohen agrees the pieces should be put together.
Zanderallen steps forward.
Sid is indifferent.
Stohp reluctantly agrees to uniting the pieces.

Zanderallen steps forward holding the piece of medallion. Malici quickly rises and brings forth his piece. He bows to Zanderallen and hands him his piece of the medallion.

Zanderallen holds the pieces at arm's length. Upon looking at them together he can see that these two pieces seem to have a common side that matches. Like seeing two jig-saw pieces that match Zanderallen brings the pieces together. Everyone is watching intently I assume. Zanderallen makes a small face, was that a little shock when the pieces were joined? He doesn't think so. He's had worse in winter walking on the shag carpet of the training hall.

Perception 20 Highlight to display spoiler: { you notice a faint white line where the two pieces meet and then nothing else, no magic pop, no shower of fireworks, no earth shattering kaboom.}

Those that failed the perception check now see that the pieces are together. Keen examination will reveal no line, chipping, or wear, to indicate that the pieces were ever separate.

Maybe there is enough put together to make out some words running around the edge, in fact there are 2 lines one above the other...
Linguistics 20, or a knowledge of Draconic or Old/High Woldian Highlight to display spoiler: { you make out the words 'My Legacy' are on the outer rim and on the inner rim you can make out 'Let your'}

Zanderallen only Highlight to display spoiler: {Assuming you hold the medallion in your hand and spin around trying to concentrate like you saw Malici do, you get nothing. It's just a lunk of metal in your hands.}

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+14=25 ;
Wednesday April 14th, 2021 8:28:56 PM

Bartomus watched as the two pieces were joined and was surprised that there was not more of a "bang" or "glittering array of lights.' He was also a bit disappointed.

"So, Zander, is there a pull in any direction? I mean now that they are together, there should be a draw or a pull or maybe a map only you can see? Something, right?" Bartomus asked with a bit of heightened expectations.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=30 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 8:18:17 AM

Stohp, fluent in both languages, is able to translate for the others. "It says "My legacy" here. Simple enough. Below it says "Let Your". Can't really make heads or tails of it without more of the message. Honestly I was expecting more." (perception 20)

Stock (JonM) HP: 109/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used  d20+17=32 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 9:08:50 AM

"The light when the two pieces joined together was a little...more subtle than I was expecting. Nice craftsmanship though. You can't even see the break line.

So...any ideas now? Shall we just start heading south toward Cutter and see if we start homing in on the next piece?"

Perception 32

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20   d20+4=14 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 10:56:07 AM

"Sounds reasonable," Micah agrees with Stock.

He turns to Jasper, "Although unfortunate circumstances, it was good to see you again. Any thing else we can help you with the rebuilding process before we depart?"

Perception 14

Delia (Hannah) HP: 75/87; AC 26/16/21 (w/ Barkskin ~50 mins); CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4); Speed 50ft 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 3:27:37 PM

[OOC] Sorry for being MIA for a bit, school was a lot and I forgot to ask any of my 3 family members in the game for a sub until I had missed some... And thanks for the sub, Jacob. Only my brother would decide to roast himself as someone else's character... :)

Delia will watch carefully as the two pieces merge, nodding along with the others who comment on the tiny line that's all the indication of the two pieces ever not being one, "Can you pull them apart again or are they permanently bonded to each other now?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4) 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 3:29:01 PM

updated header

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc  d20+15=21 ; d20+15=18 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 5:43:44 PM

Ohen sees the connection (21) but doesn't comment on it. He will be watching the medallion with his arcane sight to see what happens, and he'll wait and see what Zander and Malici say.
18 Arcana. Ohen is too tired to think straight.

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 72/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+16=21 ; d20+13=14 ;
Thursday April 15th, 2021 5:56:29 PM

Sid watches interestedly as the pieces fuse and says to Dahlia, "I think they are one whole piece now, but what does it say? I can't tell if that is OHW or Draconic! Dorbin would have loved this I bet."


Perception: 21
Linguistics: 14(Sigh, I'm just glad botching doesn't count.)

DM Robert - "Any thing else we can help you with the rebuilding process before we depart?" 
Thursday April 15th, 2021 8:04:49 PM

Bartomus asks Zanderallen a question.
Stohp makes a translation.
Stock asks where to go.
Micah speaks with Jasper.
Delia asks if they are really whole.
Ohen scans the medallion piece, same as before.
Sid looks at the writing.


The text is a both, one side is in old Draconic and the other is in Old High Woldian. Both are languages of power. At least that's what the scholar and such say, but who knows maybe they are trying to impress others.

Jasper thanks Micah. "Oh, it's been a real treasure seeing you all again. I'm sorry I could not stay with you, but you know, duty, family and such. I do think we need to find a better way to communicate with the Float, and maybe we need a diplomatic mission there. Although we did not really leave on good terms with some in the community. There were a few that were openly and blatantly hostile."

The community of beast-folk come out to see you off. There is much waving. Though it seems the party has not really started anywhere.

Zanderallen stands holding both pieces of the medallion, now one piece in reality. He seems motionless. Malici waves his hand in front of Zanderallen's face. "Hello! Are you okay?" He turns and looks to Micah. "I think something may be wrong with him. I'm not sure if the medallion is causing it or not. Do you want me to take it from hims since I seem to be somewhat immune to all it's ill effects on your group?"

Ohen doesn't get any kind of sense that the medallion is doing anything. It just glows with it's aura's nothing seems to be flashing or activating in the magical sort of way.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Friday April 16th, 2021 8:12:44 AM

Stohp shrugs. "Give him a second, if he still isn't moving go ahead and take it."

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Friday April 16th, 2021 8:58:48 AM

Micah reaches out to gently grasp the paladin by the shoulders, seemingly coincidentally blocking Malici's access to him.

"He seems fine," he states. Turning to Stock, he adds, "It appears we are heading toward Cutter. We might as well get going." Putting actions to words, he gestures to the others to start heading that way.

Refresh my memory. are there boats waiting for us somewhere? Since we are no longer flying, how long a walk is it?

Stock (JonM) HP: 125/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used 
Friday April 16th, 2021 10:45:55 AM

"OK. Let's do this then. I don't believe the boat is still waiting for us..."

The only note I could find about our return trip was Z saying: We'll be contacting the Temple to Alemi to arrange our return

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1 
Friday April 16th, 2021 5:23:05 PM

Bartomus watched as Zander imitates a statue on the Float. "Sorry, Zander, but not needing a model for a future statue marking the battle w the veggies right now. But, will tell you if I feel the creative need to carve your wholesome goodness in bone in the future."

Bartomus started heading with the others towards Carver. "we should have a marching song, isn't that what those singers always croon about?

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Friday April 16th, 2021 5:25:52 PM

Zanderallen shakes himself out of his concentration on the medallion. "Sorry everyone. It is intensely fascinating but I've got nothing. Malici, maybe you should give it a try." Zanderallen holds the medallion out to the half-dragon, figuring they're going to have to trust him at least somewhat.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4) 
Saturday April 17th, 2021 12:38:48 AM

Delia relaxes as Zanderallen moves again, she will watch if the medallion or Malici react at all when they come into contact.

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Saturday April 17th, 2021 4:49:29 AM

Ohen will also watch Malici, and is ready to begin the journey to Cutter. Hoping that he'll be able to get some proper rest the next night.

DM Robert - "Malici, maybe you should give it a try.,"  d20+3=11 ;
Saturday April 17th, 2021 12:06:54 PM

Stohp advises wait and see.
Micah blocks Malici and wants to get headed to cutter.
Stock is for heading out.
Bartomus tries to provoke Zander and suggests a marching song.
Zanderallen finds the medallion unresponsive and offers it to Malichi.
Delia watches Malici intently
Ohen watches Malici.

Indeed you don't have a scheduled pick-up. That was partly because you didn't really know the nature or extent of what you would face. You have the ring gate which is connected to the temple and Paragon Belkior has it watched 24 hours a day...waiting for a report or request from you. When you departed the boat Zanderallen indicated that he would send for it again when you were ready.
See the close up map with more description.

As the crow flies it's about 180 miles through difficult terrain to get to Cutter. If I'm reading and understanding the overland travel stuff correctly then I think you can do 10 miles a day.

When Malici is subtle blocked by Micah those watching him note him raise his eyebrows at the action. At Bartomus's suggestion of a marching song Malici, "Oh that would be entertaining to some extent. Is there a bard among you, or just rousing singing by all?"

When Zanereallen hands him the medallion, Malici will bow. "Thank you. I see that trust seems to be a precious and not easily given commodity among you all. I shall endeavor to earn it and your faith in my abilities."

He holds the medallion in his hand and closes his eyes, those watching with arcane sight note no real changes in magical aura's or new spells being activated. Malici slowly turns making two complete circles. "Yes, yes, I can sense that one piece lies in that direction and another piece that way. Alas I cannot determine distances just directions."

From his direction you have the following map.

You can now make a choice as to which medallion you wish to track and we can advance the chapter.

As you walk Malici breaks into a song (perform 11) it's not great, but you've heard worse...just not in a professional setting, yet it does have a certain cadence to it.

"There she was just a-walkin' down the street, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
Snappin' her fingers and shufflin' her feet, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
She looked good (looked good), she looked fine (looked fine)
She looked good, she looked fine and I nearly lost my mind

Before I knew it she was walkin' next to me, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
Holdin' my hand just as natural as can be, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
We walked on (walked on) to my door (my door)
We walked on to my door, then we kissed a little more

Whoa-oh, I knew we was falling in love
Yes I did, and so I told her all the things I'd been dreamin' of

Now we're together nearly every single day, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
A-we're so happy and that's how we're gonna stay, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
Well, I'm hers (I'm hers), she's mine (she's mine)
I'm hers, she's mine, wedding bells are gonna chime

Whoa-oh, I knew we was falling in love
Yes I did, and so I told her all the things I'd been dreamin' of

Now we're together nearly every single day, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
A-we're so happy and that's how we're gonna stay, singin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
Well, I'm hers (I'm hers), she's mine (she's mine)
I'm hers, she's mine, wedding bells are gonna chime

Whoa-oh-oh-oh, oh yeah
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do, we'll sing it
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do, oh yeah, oh, oh yeah
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do onal setting, and yet, it has a certain cadence to it."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1 
Sunday April 18th, 2021 8:08:37 PM

"That's the facts, Jack!" Bartomus offers in response to the great little Diddy that Malici let down. He had a want to add a rythmatic tempo with the stomping of his feet, but resisted that.

"Hey, so we are just going to walk until the pendant draws us to something? No one has a feeling which of the two ways we were supposed to be going?" Bartomus asked the others.

Watched that movie with my USAAC vet grandfather the week before I went off to USAF basic training, he assured me it would not be like that. BUT, that movie has forever been part of my USAF memories as a result.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)  
Sunday April 18th, 2021 10:01:33 PM

"The fastest way to Cutter would be to head back to the lakeside and take a boat or turtle right? Fighting out way through the woods the whole way will take weeks and they were attacked via water so that'll even give us a chance to have the medallion lead us to wherever the pirates went ashore to make a base at."

Reminded about the ring gates by... something, Stohp writes up a report of events so far to send to the paragon.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4)  d20+16=30 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 12:33:13 AM

Delia will use her navigational and geographical skills to advise the party on what she thinks the fastest way to their next destination is.

"Hawky and I can scout ahead as needed again, once we decide where to go."

Know (Geo): 30 (14+16)

Stock (JonM) HP: 125/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used 
Monday April 19th, 2021 9:20:46 AM

"Yeah, let's get a message to Belkior and then setup camp on the shore. We can make a signal fire or something to draw the boat close. Make sure to write in your note that we will setup the ring gate at dawn each day - don't worry, I'm already awake at dawn - to receive any information from Belkior."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24 
Monday April 19th, 2021 4:53:14 PM

Zanderallen nods at Malici, he trusted him well enough, if only he couldn't get over the nagging feeling that Malici could be under compulsions. But he was the best option to find the others before they caused more death and destruction.

"I agree that boat is going to be our best option. We can have Belkior send one to meet us on the shore and then Malici can point us to the next group. We sail until it points straight into the woods and then land."

Ohen Kuldrven (Jacob H) HP: 83/83, AC: 23(15T, 21 I, 20F, 20CMD); SR 21; Permanent: Arcane Sight(120'), Darkvision(60'), See Invis, Perc 
Monday April 19th, 2021 6:14:27 PM

"Is the plan to head towards the orc raiders that left north into the forest after attacking Cutter then? That seems somewhat more pressing than the bugbear pirates. Cutter fared worse than Rivertown, by the sounds of it."

Sid(Andrew) High HP: 72/72; AC: 19/16/14; CMB: 7; CMD: 22 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.)  d20+10=11 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 7:32:09 PM

Sid MAY have a plan if he can figure out the logic of it. In his studies of Engineering he would have run into problem that academically relate to two points. If they have a map they can orientate it so that when Malici points to a direction before they left the beast-folk they can mark that on the map, travel three to seven miles, and then do another reading. This will try to talk this out with Stock, but I don't know if it will be coherent.


Knowledge(Engineer): 11

DM Robert - "No one has a feeling which of the two ways we were supposed to be going?" 
Monday April 19th, 2021 8:21:34 PM

Bartomus asks what's the plan man.
Stohp says the fastest way to cutter would be to go by boat.
Delia offers to navigate but realizes that boat would be faster than overland.
Stock is for messaging Belkior and getting a ride.
Zanderallen is for getting a boat.
Ohen asks if the bugbears or the orcs are the next target.
Sid wondering if orienteering would work.
Dang it I lost a line on that tracking map from when I made it to when I posted it. Sometimes Google docs is not as friendly as photoshop. Let me know when something is broken like that, there was supposed to be 2 lines.

The party notifies Belkior of what has happened and that they are headed to a more northern shore line for pickup. You get a note back: "Glad to hear you are safe as are the beast-folk. I will try to have someone there by tomorrow morning if all goes well."

You will reach the shore late in the day, very tired, near exhausted. Ohen is barely able to keep his eyes open.

Malici walks along after singing his song he pauses, and says, "Excuse me that was a bit out of character. I guess I was feeling rather happier than I thought." He seems to be musing as you walk. If queried he will say [b]"Well as I said I'm feeling happier, lighter almost. I don't know if it's being around others or just you. Usually I spend many days alone. I guess by choice mostly. As I said previously I've never been in a community accepting of me for one reason or another. Sometimes it's because I'm half-drow, sometimes because I'm half-dragon. It's a lonely existence never really belonging to anyone or anything."

When you get to the shore, tired and footsore (except those like Delia and Bartomus who are unhindered by the terrain). Malici will once again go into his thing with the medallion. Now you have some new reference points.

Normal watches?
Please make 1 perception check for each watch. (specify if you want to use eyes or ears, since it's dark out).

Also please, some indication of which group you want to go after.

okay here's a revise 'orient map' with 2 different times of locating.

Micah (John) HP: 84/84 AC: 27/12/27 CMD:20  
Monday April 19th, 2021 8:53:53 PM

As they set up camp, Micah agrees to take the last watch, so that he can end it by resuming his morning prayers. If anyone is not at full hit points, he will heal them before they go to bed.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 66/76 AC 19; CMD 20 Melee +8;Perc+14;Heal+9 d8+1  d20+14=19 ;
Monday April 19th, 2021 11:50:04 PM

Bartomus offered to take up the first watch as the others seemed to have had the rougher go at the day's hike to the lakeshore. He took the time to enjoy looking up at the sky in the darkness and avoiding the bright light of the fire as he walked about the camp or standing looking about.


Perception 19 - Elf vision allows 60' night vision

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 75//82 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +13 (17 Grapple, 15 Trip, 17 Disarm) CMD: 22 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm)   d20+16=29 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 8:07:32 AM

Stohp will join Bart on first watch and peruse a map. Judging from the rough angles Malaci pointed out they maybe should cut right across the lake. Unless the enemy has climbed deep into the mountains they have to be in that narrow stretch of land between the lake and the foothills. At least if they landed and weren't on the lake, but the medallion would let them track the group regardless. That would put them closer and easier to track down on the way to the other target.

Putting the map away she focuses on doing a good job at watch (perception 29). They can make a plan come morning where she'll share her thoughts.

Stock (JonM) HP: 125/125; AC: 29/25/17; DR 2/-; CMD: 32; Rage: 8/28 used  d20+17=23 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 9:28:10 AM

"Stohp makes a good point that Riverton would be closer. (ooc: That's across the lake near the mountains, right?). If I remember correctly the lizardfolk there were attacked by bugbear pirates who escaped into the lake. The folks down south near Cutter were attacked by orcs that disappeared into the woods.

From what we know today, neither sounds much better than the other so I think expediency is the best guide. Cross the lake and take out the pirates."

Perception 23 on watch
Previous watch order edited with Bart first and adding in Stock and Stohp:
First Watch - Zanderallen, Bartomus
Second Watch - Ohen, Stock
Third Watch - Delia and hawk?, Sid?
Fourth Watch - Micah, Stohp

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 119/119 AC: 29 T: 13 FF: 28 CMD: 24  d20+7=16 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 3:29:51 PM

"Hm, we should prepare ourselves for ship board combat then, but they do seem the closer threat."

Zanderallen takes his standard watch. Mostly relying on the fading light unless he hears something.
Perception: 16

Delia (Hannah) HP: 87/87; AC 23/16/18; CMD 29; Forest terrain (+4)  d20=7 ; d20=4 ;
Tuesday April 20th, 2021 7:34:12 PM

Delia will cast Darkvision on herself at the start of her watch and take 3rd watch as proposed.

Perception: 28 - mostly hearing, but for closer range still vision
Hawky Watch: 15

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