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The Charter

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Sunday January 3rd, 2021 8:04:26 PM

As construction on the ship nears its end, Virgil decides that the Sentinels should take the first one to be completed out for "sea trials." He suggests that they find a crew that they trust from among the workmen.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Monday January 4th, 2021 11:45:44 AM

Haemir suggests bringing along one of his coven members plus after a series of brief interviews collects a handful of people the group has bonded with and trusts (Ref would you like to define them as not sure how many we need?).

"Now we discussed this before n' decided against a leader, I'm ok with that but I think we need a captain O' th'ship. Th'Cap'n don't need to be in control when we're off th'boat, but we can't have five people yelling different orders to whoever is steering can we"? He shrugs. "Also, we need to decide where we're taking this beauty fer his test-run n' a name. Do we use the name the Ent had"?

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Monday January 4th, 2021 12:52:32 PM

(Akuno bought 3 pastes, and 50 dhasa, for 80 gold.)

Akuno doesnt think they will need much of this stuff, but as they travel through different towns and villages, OTHER people might be well served by these things, and she was all for helping people who had it tough.
She is a bit surly over how things turned out with Conner, but no one outright labeled them as bandits, so her wrathful tongue was kept in check throughout the affair.

As time passes, she finds herself adapting a bit more and more to the tougher lifestyle of the grass. As the issue of captaining a ship comes up, Akuno thinks it over.

"Haemir don't you know how to sail already? I believe its best to let people do what they are good at. I also think that all of the alpha type heroes here could very well all start yelling commands when something gets weird. I'll follow your suggestions, and toss my catnip in the bag to support you decisions at sea ..er.. um.. grass."

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 17/12/15, CMD 17, HP 39/39 Llew AC 15/14/11, CMD 15, HP 21/21 
Monday January 4th, 2021 1:10:03 PM

Grindar says, “I have no problem with you being Captain on board the boat, but we will need to choose a 1st mate who’s in control when we are off ship, me thinks. Hey I have an idea for a maiden voyage. Why don’t we head over to Zaran City, I’d like to see the largest city in the area, plus I’ve heard there is a weapon smith there who has the skills to reforge my father’s ax.”

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Monday January 4th, 2021 2:29:41 PM

"Yup, I've sailed th'seas for three decades"... he catches himself before he tells everyone that the only reason he stopped was because of the undead whale - I mean the chances of meeting one of them here had to be slim..!
"Don't think I been to Zaran City, so tha' sounds like a good destination Grindar - works fer me"!

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Monday January 4th, 2021 3:49:26 PM

Flying back to the newly completed ship, two eagles alight on the mast. One drops down to the deck, and turns into a well-rested looking elf.
"I'm back, and I agree. Haemir should captain this ship. Going to Zaran City sounds fine to me."

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Monday January 4th, 2021 6:03:39 PM

Captain Haemir? Sure, that sounded right. 'Lil ain't got no issues with that.


I went full blackout during the slowdown and am not back up to speed yet. I'll get that taken care of asap.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Monday January 4th, 2021 8:39:33 PM

Caelwyn smiles at his companions, glad to have them all back together. "Haemir, your experience certainly qualifies you for this position. In matters of sailing the ship, you have my support to act as captain."

Caelwyn also agrees that Zaran City is a good destination. They may make useful connections and be able to pick up some useful items there.

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Monday January 4th, 2021 11:06:10 PM

The Sentinels agree that Haemir is best qualified to be their captain, but Grindar does bring up a point about choosing a first mate. Haemir suggests interviewing people the group has bonded with and trusts, and talks about naming the boat. The group considers Zaran City as a possible first destination.

Likely first mate candidates include Donald, Ian, and Charles, all sailors who came with the groups hired to build the boats. In the interviews, the Sentinels hear that. . .
Donald is older than the other candidates. He came to the profession of sailing as an adult, using it to improve his lot after a difficult childhood. He avoids conflict when he can, but is capable when he cannot. Donald is a tall and lean man who maintains a well-kept but serviceable appearance. His hair is long and he has a short beard, both immaculate.
Ian has experience as a sailor and a druid. His companion, a hawk, has learned tricks that help with navigation. In his opinion, his orisons and healing expertise are of more use on a ship than combat experience. Ian is a stocky man with wild hair and an unruly beard. He dresses in greens, browns, and grays. His clothes are loose-fitting.
Charles has lived around ships all his life. He is youngest of the three, but feels comfortable with the duties. Unlike the others he does not display armor or a weapon, but he has been through a handful of battles. Charles is a stocky man, obviously not afraid of labor. His hair is short cropped (so that he doesn’t have to think about it). His clothes are worn.
Each of the three has different ideas as to which of the workmen would make the best crew.

Profession: Sailor check, DC 15: Highlight to display spoiler: {A crew of 4 to 8 sailors could operate a vessel this size.}

Virgil gets word of the Sentinels considering naming the boat for Genyielt, and tells them the name is already taken. There are two other boats soon to be finished, and Virgil plans on using the name himself, for the (slightly) largest of the three. He also warns them not to name the vessel for any Powers, for political reasons. "Although the Maab would sound nice. . ."

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells  d20+11=23 ;
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 9:51:03 AM

'Lil's on board with having a knowledgeable local as first mate. "Makes sense. Gotta be someone who knows sailing, and really that ain't any of the rest of us. Also the first mate's job to kinda be the devil's advocate, isn't it? Someone to tell the captain when he's bein' stupid? Someone who ain't a Sentinel would be good for that.

None of the candidates stands out to her right away. She decides to listen to her gut on the matter.

Sense motive: 23 - Which of these candidates seems like they'd fit in best w/ the existing Sentinels members? Which seems like they'd be likely to cause problems?

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp  d8=6 ;
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 10:20:23 AM

(Oops. Accidental d8. )

Akuno tries her best to inspect the three candidates. She knows nothing at all about sailing, especially on magical grasses. Still, she would have a real expectation of knowing how to promote talent one day. Many a kingdom was won or lost based on the merits of appointed advisors.

Of the three, Donald seems the most impressive to her. Seeking to improve your life means you have a clear distinction between what you have to lose versus what you've got. His hesitance to rely on violence and his good appearance, which means he will probably have standards for the crew as well, all sit well with her.

"I like this one!" she says, referring to him. The sentinels are the only Druids I need in my life after this last ordeal, and I don't want a young or inexperienced first mate either. Donald also seems to have drive and a grooming standard.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 11:53:54 AM

"I don't have the ability to judge character or sailing experience. I say we let Haemir pick the first mate, I have heard that is something the captain of a ship usually does."

He looks up at the mast and asks Haemir.
"Mind if I use a woodshape spell to make that crossbeam fit Aewen's feet better? I imagine he will perch there often when she is not flying, keeping watch for us."

If allowed, Thorondir will shape the wood to make a better perch for two eagles at the top of the mast or crossbeam.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+7=15 ; d20-1=17 ;
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 12:47:21 PM

Fand looks almost imperious perched on Haemir's shoulder looking candidates up and down with a raised eyebrow.

"Well we'll need a crew of 4 to 8 sailors to operate a vessel this size. I quite like Donald too, fer th'same reason Akuno said, a hesitance to rely on violence is something we could do with around here" he says with a grin.
So that the prospective candidates don't feel left out they are welcome on the boat as well (after all its the only boat up and running so far) and who knows maybe the role can rotate later on...

"Thorondir rather than reshaping the mast may I propose adding a small ahem.. Crow's nest just fer th'birds. Crow is just a word though - call it what ye like". He assists in showing where to shape some wood around the mast to achieve the job Thorondir is after. Fand loves the idea and for the first time in ages swoops around all over the place like an excited kid.

"Anyone any good at naming"?

(Profession Sailor:15 with an assist from Fand).

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 1:06:45 PM

Sol, having very much kept to himself over the time it has taken for the boat to be built, finally returns, with new items in tow, including a headband of some description, sitting atop his head in a very noble fashion, it appears to have some silk mixed in with the metal. He also appears to have a scroll case made of Electrum with him. He seems to have gained some magical items at some point, and has returned more reinforced than ever.

He smiles as he approaches as the group is ready to leave.

"Apologise for my disappearance, I have been... preparing my arcane abilities so they are now greater than they once were. I have learnt a great many spells that we are now able to make use of."

He sits to one side, apparently more relaxed than he has been previously, his backpack, scroll case and spellbook the only things he has hanging on his person other than his clothes.

After discussing the options for first mate, Sol simply shrugs.

"I know nothing about sailing or what would make a good first mate, apologies. I will leave it up to you Haemir, you have a good head on your shoulders for these sorts of things. Call me if Arcane knowledge is needed."

He smirks at his own ineptitude when it comes to sailing.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 1:29:25 PM

Grindar is fine with any of the 1st mate options, as they all seem to have their merits, so he is fine with Donald as the man. He ponders a name for the boat and offers, “Since we are the Sentinels, why not choose a name that coincides with ours, I don’t know, something like The Guardian, or some such. This of course is just a suggestion, I’m open to other suggestions.”

OOC.. Grindar is ready for inspection

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 3:32:16 PM

Taking Haemir's direction, Thorondir climbs the mast and using wood shape spell creates what he is calling an eagle's nest.

"It is an eagle's nest, but Fand of course is welcome to it as well."

Aewen swoops down and perches on the edge of the nest, getting a feel for the perch high above the deck.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 10:24:23 PM

Caelwyn looks over the candidates. All three seem to have merit to him. "Haemir, I also believe you would be best suited to make this choice. I confess, sailing is not my forte, and I am not certain of the ideal qualities to look for in a first mate."

DM Steve -- Crew Selection  2d4+28=34 ;
Tuesday January 5th, 2021 11:06:59 PM

The Wold has 10 months of 20 days each year. The estimated three years would therefore have been 30 months. The boat will be finished in a total of 28 months. (If others were going to be built, they should go faster since there will be less to relearn.)

The craftsmen are glad to show off the boat to the Sentinels. The boat is essentially a 20' x 20' platform with druidwood joists and frame, with a tight grass basket woven around it. The lower deck, where the frame is fastened, is 8' below the main deck, which is open to the air. The main deck also has railings. Eight small cabins have been constructed on the lower deck, ensuring that the Sentinels will have their privacy but halving the amount of cargo the boat can carry. The only shelter on the main deck is a small "house" with navigation tools and a table for maps -- two humans might be able to squeeze into it as well. However, there are several small "masts" on the main deck that on closer inspection must be stanchions for securing cargo or hammocks.

The mast and the arrangement of sails is more complicated than the Sentinels have seen on any sea-going vessels, and there are anchors at each corner of the boat. A narrow ladder that the sailors insist on calling a stair connects the two decks and is located at the center of the decks. The ropes and sails are made of grass as well.

In addition to the sails that the Sentinels expected to see, an incomplete device hangs off the back of the ship. "That's the fan," one of the men explains. "The fan's sails are stowed until you need them. We found some records in the museum. It's not fast, and it takes a lot of work to use, but you may need it in the seasonal doldrums."

The first mate candidates accept Haemir's offer to see the vessel with the Sentinels, as they wait for him to decide. It is clear from their dealings with the craftsmen that they have all seen it before. Donald and Ian hover around the Sentinels, ready to show off their knowledge. Charles spends as much time talking with the craftsmen as he spends talking to the adventurers.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 8:15:46 AM

Grindar is impressed with the ships construction, and can't wait to set sail on the maiden voyage. "That fan device is pretty neat, how does it work?"

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 11:51:18 AM

Akuno takes a look up at the Eagles nest, and gives it a frown. "I'm not climbing that.", she announces to whomever is listening. Instead, she taps the nose of one supple hide boot, dyed red with black trims and golden buckles, on the ground. She secures her dresses, then prompty levitates up to the top where she can offer to "preen", not pet, Aewen. She checks the feathers for bugs and mites, flicks one away, and leaves a bit of saved animal scraps on the railing for the pretty bird.

She leaves the eagle to her business, and takes advantage of the view. "You can see so much up here Thorondir. Nothings going to sneak up on you!" She sighs. "We are pretty lucky you've stuck around, Mr. Druid. I think you are going to be super important to the boat. I'm not quite sure what I can do though. It's been two years, I've only figured out two more magics, and well...I'm not sure at all how I can help on the ship." She pouts a little, droopy tailed.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 3:25:33 PM

Sol smiles at Akuno.

"I would be glad to share some of my knowledge if you would like... I learnt quite a bit over the last few years... but after all... that is what I enjoy."

He looks over the boat enjoying getting to know it. He spends time chatting with the candidates trying to get to know them all a bit better.

"I would quite like to learn that spell you have just used... I found the ability to Fly, but not the ability to just levitate... which I suppose is somewhat odd..."

((OoC: Sol is not quite ready to be looked over))

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 6:56:37 PM

Thorondir smiles as he sees Akuno levitate up and preen Aewen.
"Levitating is a nice new trick. Not only can you come up and help at the eagle's nest, but if danger is on the ground you can do your magic up where it is safer. I think you are going to be a lot of help. Sol too. So you can fly now? Do you grow wings or have you found a way to fly without them?"

Thorondir looks over the ship.
"So, have we picked cabins yet? I don't like being hemmed inside. I suppose I'll use one on occasion, I really don't have anything to store and Aewen likes being outside too."

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 8:17:07 PM

Most of her dudes seem to be gravitatin' towards this Donald fellah. She figures she'll take a close look at the other two, figuring the last thing they need right now is a bandwagon.

One'a them's a druid, and though she ain't proud of the thought, that's a deal breaker to her. The Sentinels have enough, and the ones that ain't with them have caused some significant trouble. The other though...he seems like an alright guy. She can see him being a good first mate, but not good enough to warrant debating her dudes when they seem on board with Donald. She still wants her gut to chime in on the issue, though.

Sense motive: 23 - Which of these candidates seems like they'd fit in best w/ the existing Sentinels members? Which seems like they'd be likely to cause problems?

She looks at the three of them, waiting to prove themselves while her dudes fawn over the new ship. Ain't nothing wrong with fawning over it; it's a fine vessel. She assumes, anyway. It looks good, but she's no expert. Charles seems to be the only one talking with the craftsmen instead of waiting to prove himself. That right there endears him to her, yes it does.

She clears her throat, trying to get her dudes' attention. "Think we should have a discussion with our potential first mates here, don't ya think?" She looks expectantly at Haemir, figuring the captain should kick things off.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+7=22 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+3=13 ; d20+7=18 ;
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 10:41:05 PM

Haemir studies the arrangement of sails noting the differences and similarities, considers the implications
(Prof Sailor:22 (granting himself a +2 bonus using 1/8 'guide/mislead') he ponders the best way to sail this unique vessel).
Then he says to Thorondir: "We can always ask'em to remove some o'th'cabins but during the day th'shade below deck will be soothing "!

Excusing himself he walks away and places his bag down gently, the professor and the parrot exchange a glimpse and Fand suddenly bolts upwards and then dives back down in an arc whilst the professor places his hands against his thighs, pauses and then forward sumersaults, as he does Fand flies through the doughnut he makes. (Acrobatics:22 and Fly:13 for Fand). They execute the manoeuver flawlessly - like they'd been practacing for years. Who'd have figured? One boat and suddenly it felt like a hundred years had melted away. Fand's coat even seems shinier too!?

After his discreet-ish juvenile flip he returns and if all the sentinels agree regarding Ian (the druid)?: "Think you'd be a valuable asset n' sound perfect but we already have a crow, a macaw, an eagle.. well two n'occasion! So we've got every compass point covered. Plus we literally got a boat load o'druids"...

Then when 'Lil mentions talking to the candidates Haemir almost breathes a sigh of relief. Initially he'd been leaning towards the older guy, but now he watched them some doubt set in. If the group came to combat on the ship, someone would still have to do the actual sailing, yeah it's great if they can fight but we technically we'll do that bit. Duncan seemed eager to impress yet Charles was listening and probably asking questions, plus he'd lived around ships all his life. Also something grated on Haemir about the way Donald looked immaculate, did it mean he paid attention to detail? Or did it mean he spent a lot of time grooming himself? Haemir wasn't the most confident of his ability to read people (ironically he related to plants better), so he decides on another plan.

Staring at Charles, then Donald (using 'guide/mislead' on each (3/8) he grants -2 on their next Sv or skill) and then he turns his back and walks around moving his hands discreetly through complex finger-gestures. When done he turns around and asks them. "So, how old are ye both n' how many years ye been sailing"? He monitors the conversation whilst the sentinels ask a few other questions, it's not really about what they say, Haemir will be looking for what they don't...

(Sense Motive:18)
(Silently casts detect thoughts - (Will DC:17) they both get -2 on Sv's).

DM Steve -- Crew Selection  d20+3=21 ; d20+4=11 ;
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 11:34:02 PM

Grindar asks about the fan and receives an explanation. It's not exactly like the ones they found descriptions for, because there was not enough room for it all. This would require sailors to operate it, more or less like some ships have rowers.

Akuno, Sol, and Thorondir chat with each other. Thorondir mentions how he prefers being outside before he actually sees the cabins and realizes how cramped they are. There's room in each for a small bed, with storage under the bed or high on the walls. The Sentinels who use them will definitely learn to sit up slowly so as not to hit their heads. But each represents privacy that the crew won't have. In fact, the crew will sling hammocks where they can each night, and may have them three high if everyone tries to be out of the weather.

'Lil tries to get a bead on their candidates, more than what they say about themselves. 'Lil: Highlight to display spoiler: {All three of the candidates seem trustworthy. Everything Ian emphasizes as his strengths is something one or another of the Sentinels can already contribute. Between the two, Donald may be a slightly better fit than Charles.}

Haemir lets Ian know that he would not be the best fit for this group, and turns his attention to Donald and Charles. After surreptitiously casting a spell, he asks the two about their experience. Charles reiterates that he has grown up with boats. He has been working on or around them as long as he can remember, although he supposes that he's only actually been sailing a dozen of those years. He's in his early mid-twenties. Donald says he has also been sailing a dozen years, although he was getting close to twenty when he started. Haemir: Highlight to display spoiler: {Charles has no guile in his thoughts. Haemir cannot get a read on Donald.}

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Wednesday January 6th, 2021 11:41:11 PM

Caelwyn is impressed with the ship, and pleased with the work that has been done. He takes time acquainting himself with the vessel and its particulars.

He also has an eye on the remaining candidates, curious as to who Haemir thinks would be the best fit as first mate on the ship.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21  d20+14=23 ;
Thursday January 7th, 2021 5:43:49 AM

Grindar has made it clear that he has no preference towards who the 1st mate will be so he decides to go hunting with Llew. Before he heads out he asks Thorondir if he would like to join the hunt. (survival 23)

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Thursday January 7th, 2021 10:11:59 AM

Akuno blinks, then sticks out one small foot. "Its my boots I made that levitate. I can't do it alone. I wanted an accessory for my dress, so I made these. I had a wizard cast the spell for me at the right time."

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Thursday January 7th, 2021 6:36:12 PM

Sol smiles at Thorondir, as he takes out a handful of seed and Corbin, the rarely present raven sits on Sol's shoulder and begins pecking at the seed. Thorondir and Akuno are sure, and would swear they heard the Raven say "Thank you!"

"I managed to find a copy of the spell during the last couple of years... and several other spells besides. I can now allow myself to fly for a few minutes at a time. I thought it may be useful to help avoid engagements I do not wish to be on the ground during. But we shall see how much use it turns out to be, in either case, it has increased my arcane knowledge, which I feel can only be a good thing."

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Thursday January 7th, 2021 7:24:29 PM

There wasn't much between them other than maybe levels of ambition?!
"I think Donald, but I'd like Charles on the crew. He's got the makings of a good n' honest sailor""!

"Let's crew it with six, so choose two each n' I think it'll be hammocks on deck for now he slaps them on the backs and congratulates them before joining the Sentinels.

"It's good to see you all again. You've all grown on me n' not in a carbuncle, or barnacles.. Well anyway, we all went through a big change in our lives, moving to the Plains two years ago. So fer a name.. The 'Last-change' spelt L.A.S.T.C.H.G."!? Some of you may hear him mumble under his breath something about initials?!

He wasn't sure why but he felt like it was a new chapter in his life, things were going to change and he could smell the fresh air.
Later that day he created his first ever captains log.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16  d20+6=19 ;
Thursday January 7th, 2021 7:52:56 PM

"Boots?" Thorondir looks at Akuno's feet and carefully assesses them. "I expected they were a fashion item only, I think you will surprise a lot of folk who seem to overlook you and expect you all pomp and circumstance."

"Well Sol, it appears you have used your time wisely. Though Ravens will eat seed, I would think he would prefer a bit of meat from time to time. They really like to scavenge, which of course is a good thing. Folks seem to look down on scavengers, but they are very important."

Thorondir is most excited though when Grindar invites him to hunt. He changes into an eagle and follows after them with Aewen.

Survival 19

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Thursday January 7th, 2021 9:04:30 PM

'Lil nods, her own gut agreeing with Haemir. She really does hope Charles sticks around though. 'Lil ain't a sailor, and knows her head ain't big enough to fit learning how to sail without sacrificing something else. Can't put two gallons of smarts in a one gallon bucket...

She does want a cabin though. Thought of living on a boat was hard enough for the city girl. Not even having a proper four walls and a door to go along with it was too much.

She wonders what's next...

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Thursday January 7th, 2021 10:22:13 PM

Caelwyn familiarizes himself with the ship while waiting for Haemir to decide who should be first mate. Haemir proposes having Donald as first mate, and Charles on crew. 'Lil agrees. Haemir also suggests the boat be named the L.A.S.T.C.H.G.

Charles declines the offer to crew. "Thanks for the offer, but there's three of us, and three boats being built," he explains. "I like my odds of a top spot on one of the others."

Seeing that Haemir seems to be in charge of the crew decisions, Donald offers to point out a number of men that would be good crew. Haemir said he was looking for about six; Donald* knows of eight likely candidates. The Sentinels can all decide after meeting them, or Haemir can.

Grindar and Thorondir, having seen enough of the ship to satisfy themselves, go hunting. They bring back enough food for all of the Sentinels plus some.

Akuno and Sol talk shop, and fashion. And combining the two.

There is a bit of a christening ceremony planned for the end of the week, and after that the boat will be ready for a trial run.

* Edit -- I mistakenly said "Haemir knows of eight. . ." when Donald is telling Haemir about eight he may consider.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Friday January 8th, 2021 5:48:27 AM

"I don't know about that name brother" Grindar says as he tries to pronounce it but for some reason seems to struggle. "Of course, I'm fine with the majorities choice, but what about "The Guardian" or "The Warden", as those would be a names that applies to us as well, us calling ourselves Sentinels and all, or for a more traditional name, how about, "The Maiden of the Plains". That's just my 2 coppers worth of ideas, anyone else have a name to throw out?"

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Friday January 8th, 2021 7:07:23 AM

"Actually I quite like The Maiden of the Plains"!

If having reviewed the boat and assessed the space if it needs eight - eight it is (if they can all fit), otherwise six.. Haemir is not fussed if Donald chooses the crew and looks forward to the journey.

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Friday January 8th, 2021 2:47:29 PM

Akuno beams. "Feel free to call me the Maiden of the Plains." She puts a finger on a lip. "I mean, Princess of the Plains or something might be more accurate, but I'm not to my knowledge pledged to anyone so.."

She floats down back to the deck below, giggling at the cute name she thinks Grindar just gave her.

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells  d20+11=27 ;
Friday January 8th, 2021 4:37:13 PM

Maiden of the Plains? Yea...yea she dug that. She's sad to see Charles head out, but sure can't begrudge him. Sounds like he's doing what's best for him.

What she's not on board with is Douglas just picking all the crew. 'Lil trusted her gut. She didn't really want to let folks who tripped her alarms serve on what looked like it would be a kind of home to her.

"Haemir, you sure you don't want to have some say in who's gonna crew your vessel?" She waits for an answer and observes should he choose to interview anyone.

Sense motive for potential crew mates, looking for signs of future trouble: 27

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Friday January 8th, 2021 9:10:52 PM

Haemir's initial funk was over Connor walking away, he liked the guy but would put in a good word for him. 'Lil's question breaks its spell and he snaps back. "Hmm? Yes, 'Lil. Let's see the ones Duncan suggests first".

There's a week till we sail so plenty of time. Haemir proposes a plan to interview them with some well thought out questions and between Caelwyn detecting evil, himself mind-reading and'Lil people-reading hopefully they had most angles covered?!

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Saturday January 9th, 2021 9:57:13 AM

Not caring much for formalities, Thorondir doesn't care what it is named. "Call it what you will. To me it will be an eagle's rest. Closest thing to a tree out here in the plains."

Thorondir spends time with Aewen flying as an eagle while the group struggles with naming a ship and picking a crew.

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Saturday January 9th, 2021 1:23:59 PM

While the final touches are being made to the vessel, the party engage in their various pursuits. This includes Haemir, Caelwyn, and 'Lil selecting a suitable crew. Haemir finds the men Donald has pointed out are all capable sailors, and Caelwyn finds no evil intent among them. 'Lil is a little uneasy.

'Lil: Highlight to display spoiler: {The men Donald points out seem quite earthy and unrefined. Maybe it's just a sailor thing. 'Lil thinks the Insiders might feel they "eat grass." (That is, they might rub the locals wrong.)}

The name Maiden of the Plains seems to resonate with most of the Sentinels. Especially Akuno.

Grindar realizes the cabins are not big enough for him to share his with Llew.

Haemir considers crew size. Donald recommends a larger crew in anticipation of long journeys. He agrees that a crew of four can readily handle the boat for shorter stretches. The question is, what sort of mission are they preparing for? Sea trials would normally mean sailing around in the area to make sure the boat works as expected. But after a week or two of that, the Sentinels must have something in mind.

While the boat is being finished, the Sentinels also have opportunities to visit with Virgil, Sprocket, and Attius if they wish.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Saturday January 9th, 2021 6:13:05 PM

Sol agrees that Maiden of the Plains is a good though he mentions being partial to The Warden too. However, like most things, he's willing to go with the groups decision. He doesn't get involved with picking the crew, but he does watch and listen to understand HOW Haemir comes to his decisions so he can learn about choosing the right people for the right job.

Sol will spend the rest of the time they have spare familiarising himself with the ship in more detail, trying to get an understanding from Haemir or Donald (or both, if possible!) which parts of the ship are likely to get damaged/broken in the event of battle, so he can be ready to use Mending on them if needs be, he will also check in with the Druids to ensure that casting Mending on the boat won't offend them in anyway.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Sunday January 10th, 2021 4:45:53 PM

Grindar smiles to himself that his name suggestion went over so well, and smiles even harder when Akuno thinks he is referring to her. He doesn't have the heart to tell her he was referring to the boat.

When Grindar realizes Llew won't fit with him inside the cabin assigned to him, he grumbles a bit. He realizes he has no use for a cabin that doesn't accommodate his needs. Though he's frustrated by his findings, he opts to sleep on the deck, at the front of the boat, curled up in his bedroll, using Llew as a pillow, his gear and weapons by his side. When he had heard he was going to have his own cabin, he was looking forward to having a place of his own to share with his feline friend, a place the two could call home, but after seeing the hopelessly small accommodations, he just shakes his head and walks away from it, He's not even sure if he would have enough room to stretch out his 6'10" frame, in such a cramped space.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Sunday January 10th, 2021 6:32:33 PM

Thorondir goes to his cabin next to Grindar's. He starts working using his dagger as a tool, and soon the wall between them is gone.
"Grindar, come and see your new cabin. I hope it is big enough for you to share with Llew now. I only ask that in the event of rain you allow me to huddle in a corner. Since rain comes rarely to the Sargrass, I don't expect that to occur."

He then goes and talks to Virgil.
"The druids are divided. Please tell me what you would have me do."

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Sunday January 10th, 2021 10:51:15 PM

Caelwyn accompanies Thorondir to see Virgil. Once he has spoken with him, he hopes to ask Virgil more about the rift between the druids. He is also curious how Virgil feels about 3 ships being made from Genyielt's body, and whether he intends to captain any of them as he previously suggested.

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Monday January 11th, 2021 10:35:46 AM

'Lil ain't too concerned with a small living space. Her own bedroom back at her Ma's was barely bigger than a closet anyway. She would like some hooks on the wall to make sure Maya and Ramona are in easy reach, but that seems easy enough.

She ponders the "what to do next" question. Since the start'a all this, she's been pretty convinced that Rattledam's future is made or broken on getting good folks there safely. Be them folks merchants on trade routes or tradesman looking to help start the town, getting people into Rattledam safely has been her #1 goal. She ponders a moment to make sure it still is, and finds it is.

She looks at the boat. Is it big enough to carry folks? Folks and gear? Folks and gear and materials? She tries to figure out how much stuff can be carried on it other than the Sentinels and the ship's crew.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Monday January 11th, 2021 7:18:45 PM

“Thanks Brother! Of course we will find a place for you and yours should it ever become a need!” Grindar says as he is blown away by Thorondir’s generosity.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Monday January 11th, 2021 7:59:41 PM

Crew wise it makes sense to train all eight but for shorter journeys use fewer.

"Well dunno about any of ye but I've never sailed across a sharp sea before, every sailor knows if ye fall overboard into th'sea ye just need t'know how t'swim. Falling overboard in th'Plains will have a hard landin if yer lucky. Unlucky folk end up run through by steal-grass. So, try notta fall off"! He says breaking into a jovial grin. " I suggest those that can have standby spells, those that can't" he holds up several lengths of rope (probably bought at the bazaar made of lots of vines interwoven and just as tough). "might be worth securing yerself"?!

In the two years Haemir would have read everything he could about these druid-boats but it someone mentions something he hasn't read (especially stuff no one has translated yet) he'll spend some more time reading and chatting with the crafters and where there texts/notes came from etc.

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Monday January 11th, 2021 8:55:14 PM

Akuno doesn't really have a lot to do on the boat. That doesn't stop her from trying to pitch in. Anytime there's simple labor or rote chores, she sets her minions to it whenever she can. "Swab faster, you blobbery whotsit!" She overlords her unseen servants with an iron fist.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Monday January 11th, 2021 11:16:42 PM

Caelwyn is sure to give Thorondir his chance to speak with Virgil privately, if he desires it, before posing his own questions.

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Monday January 11th, 2021 11:25:03 PM

The days pass quickly, and the Maiden of the Plains is ready to launch.

Haemir, watched by Sol, does his best to make sure that Donald makes competent recommendations for the crew. Haemir makes sure eight men are familiar with the vessel, although for shorter trips he will probably not use them all. This leads them to raise the question of where their home port will be then.

Grindar and Thorondir customize the non-structural elements of the living quarters somewhat. (Grindar may want to work on the furniture, too, which seems absurdly large to the Manfri weavers when sized for an average human.)

Thorondir and Caelwyn talk to Virgil about the druids. Virgil is more surprised to hear Thorondir asking about this than Caelwyn. "We've been divided a long time, and you've never had much to do with either side," he mentions. "In any case, as you know the majority of druids await the return of the forest. A smaller number of us worry that the plains have their place, too, after so long. When Maab told me to allow a boat to be built, she put me firmly in opposition to the majority of our family. But she told me that this group of outsiders would be able to find a solution to the divisions we insiders have made. . . As for having three ships instead of one, it surprised me when the sailors said it could be done. But you were at the negotiations as well as I was. You will have the use of one ship, the Maiden, for yourselves and Rattledam. I will have the Genyielt. The sailors would have us keep the ships together, so they can help each other out. But I believe the politics of the situation lends itself to letting local communities benefit equally from the third."

'Lil worries about what to do next. The Maiden has lost half her carrying capacity to the cabins for the Sentinels. It can still carry about five tons of cargo (according to the sailors) or 15 men in addition to the Sentinels. 'Lil can tell those won't be fun conditions for travel, though.

Akuno has her servants pitch in where she can. She becomes very popular with the crew.

At the christening ceremony, Virgil presents each of the party members with a gift that he tells them comes from Maab: Each character receives a ring -- a broad, gold band with the scene of a ship. The group as a whole receives back from Virgil the compass that they gave to him when they met. Virgil stresses how important it is that they keep this compass safe. Finally, Virgil presents them with an agreement that he wishes them to sign. It contains a code that the Sentinels are to abide by while they use the Maiden of the Plains, and charges them to return the boat to Virgil under a variety of circumstances including failure to follow this code. He doesn't think it should be a problem, as the words are not his. . .

Our desire is to be the kind of people others can look to as heroes. We will strive to remain impartial when dealing with the different groups here in the Plains, though if one of more of the peoples here wishes to adopt us in spite of that, we would see the honor in that and accept graciously. We are Sentinels, or guardians of you prefer. We guard the innocent and the weak. We guard against injustice and wrong doing. We guard against evil in all it's forms, both intentional and unintentional.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 6:01:38 AM

Grindar accepts his ring from Virgil, thanking the druid for the thoughtful gift. when he reads the code Virgil asks them to sign, at first he almost bursts out laughing, as he realizes his own words are on the parchment, and this "Code" is part of his argument from the druid council, but eventually tears begin to well up, in his eyes, as he realizes the strength his word carried. He gladly signs the agreement, as he says, "It's strange to see my own words in writing, but I believed in them then, and still believe in those words now. When I look at my comrades, I see the same belief in all of us. After all, we are the Sargrass Sentinels!"

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 11:26:11 AM

Sol smiles at the ring, and carefully puts it on a thread and ties the thread around his neck, wearing the wide band as a necklace. He warmly smiles at Grindar's response.

"Truer words have never been spoken Grindar. We are the Sargrass Sentinels." he says as he signs his own name.

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 3:39:31 PM

'Lil slips the ring on her finger. She's not a lover of jewelry, but it's simple and pretty. "We sure seem to be swearin' to a lot of stuff lately, don't we? Folks really seem to wanna be sure we're on the up and up." She takes the oath, of course, mostly cause she's gonna do all that stuff anyway.

"There's more room for stuff on this ship than I thought there would be," she notes happily. She lightly elbows Haemir. "So what we gonna use it for, Cap? Way I remember not too long ago, we all agreed to get ourselves a ship before moving on to the part where we start bringing Rattledam all the stuff and people it needs to grow. I know I still think that's a good idea, but it's something we ain't discussed in a while. Also, Thorondir and our princess weren't around back then. They should probably get some input too." She leaves out the part where Haemir came back as something completely different.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 9:11:23 PM

Speaking to Virgil, Thorondir explains:
"Please do not be surprised at my question. We both know the divisions of the druids. I merely stated a fact and asked a question "The druids are divided. Please tell me what you would have me do." So my question remains, what would you have me do? If the Sentinels are attacked by deadly force again by Connor or another, I would prefer a clear path of action. The strength of our group in battle can have deadly consequences, for ourselves as well as our adversaries. So, do you have advice for us in this matter?"

Thorondir takes the ring and puts it in his pouch and then signs the paper. When alone, he asks Sol if the rings radiate magic.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 10:00:40 PM

Haemir reads (and assuming it's ok) signs the paper.
"Thanks fer the compass Virgil! If my memory serves me didn't ye tweak it so it directed us to th'druid wood"? He enquires if the compass can point to places they know of (e.g. Rattledam, the newly created pass). "Because let's face it everything moves around down here, so maps n' conventional navigation are useless"...

To the party: "Can't speak for yer all, remember I'm only in charge o'the maiden. But I kinda made a promise we'd go get Grindar's ancestral axe some juju. But then like ye say 'Lil, we need to look at the big picture. Maybe we can take this journey to discuss the future"!?

No doubt some of the Sentinels may have noticed some weird things kept happening around Haemir, like when he vomited spiders, or when he blinked in-and-out of reality for a while, but so far either by luck or the extreme kindness no one had challenged him about it all. Which was good because it saved him the embarrassment of saying he didn't have an explanation or a clue.

Haemir wasn't really sure where all this came from and didn't really see any reason for secrecy but Coven's were traditionally witchery secret stuff and so by nature Haemir felt kind of obligated to keep it quiet that he'd discreetly formed one, and even if he did (their names changed to protect their identity) with the scribe 'Idiya' at the Stone Temple and 'Stardust' a manfri who enjoyed facepaint, all it would take was one person in Rattledam to join the 'coven of the Silver Dragon' and then the Sentinels would be able to instantaneously communicate between New Rattledam, the Stone Temple, the Manfri and the Maiden (or wherever the party was) through them or cauldrons. That could prove to be interesting! So, there was certainly a reason for Rattledam plus 'have we not seen it for nearly there years' he wonders. In reality though he was up for anywhere.

Haemir also finds a quiet moment to ask: "Sol, any thoughts on these rings"?

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 10:37:14 PM

Akuno looks at the ring. "It does have some rustic charm I suppose. It's a pretty trinket, and it has some nice meaning. Its value is in the heart, not the gold." She smiles, then slips it on. "MY intentions are clear, Thorondir. Next time someone raises force to one of us, the threat should be removed! I won't stop until it is!" She shifts her eyes left and right, looking for gainsayers or laughter at her small stature compared to such a large boast."I don't consider deadly force off the table! We will do good in this world, but we won't make ourselves victims in doing so!"

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 11:24:51 PM

Caelwyn smiles, bowing to Virgil as he receives his ring. "I will gladly sign this contract, for it does but state again the basic tenants of my own devotion to Domi. May we guard the lives of the innocent as best we are able!"

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Tuesday January 12th, 2021 11:40:03 PM

With the Sentinels on board, the sailors begin the work of putting the Maiden of the Plains through her paces in the area around the Stone Temple village, not venturing far from the town yet. Riding on the boat, above the grass, is a very different perspective than slogging through the grass provided -- one that only Thorondir has really enjoyed until now.

For instance, not far west of town and slightly north, near the area where the ground is strewn with boulders, the Sentinels can now see there is a gap in the mountains. But the grasses there grow so thick and tall that someone moving among them can hardly see forty feet.

"Sea trials" include going through the gap after a week. This requires the assistance of folks on the ground, to use the winching system laid out here. Although there is a gap here, the slope of the ground is still too steep to simply sail through. By this time, the cramped conditions on the ship make the task of guarding the ground crew in case of predators seem relaxing. Rattledam is supposed to be less than a week from the north side of the pass.

Once the trials are successful, and over, Donald asks Haemir where the boat will be headed, and when.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 5:50:45 AM

With his weapons at the ready, Grindar pitches in wherever he can put his strength to best use, during the trials. I does his best to glean any knowledge of ship craft that he can. He knows he will never best Haemir in that area, nor does he wish too, but he does have a desire to be of use while on board the Maiden.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 5:59:18 AM

"Zaran City first". Haemir tells Duncan "Then leaning to Rattledam, but we'll decide on the way".

Haemir experiments with the compass (did Virgil explain it it does anything? pls see last post). He will also cast detect magic on the rings.

Haemir is happy to instruct anyone who wants to learn

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 9:04:11 AM

'Lil's willing to learn to be helpful, though she ain't sure she's a natural and even more ain't sure she'll turn into a great sailor someday.

OOC: 'Lil gets a tiny amount of skill points :D

She had hoped to go right to Rattledam, but a quick trip to Zaran city makes some sense and she ain't gonna start questioning Haemir on the vessel he's captaining.

She ponders his leadership role on the boat. She'd never thought that put her in a leadership position above herself, nor any other Sentinel. It did give his word some weight though, at least while at sea...or grass, or whatever they say.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 12:26:59 PM

Not getting an answer to his question from Virgil, Thorondir decides that he will have to make his own decisions if the time comes. Speaking to the Sentinels he says:

"I will do my best to help the Sentinels. I was originally asked to help you until the ship was built. When I asked Virgil what he would have me do, he refused to answer my questions. So, without further instructions I am left to my own decisions. I will travel with you and fight when necessary, to the death if needed. We all will nourish the plants eventually. If this ship is attacked though, I will fight the attackers to the death. No matter who they may be."

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 6:44:28 PM

Sol looks at the rings.

"I have no idea... I did not think to check them for magic. I assumed we would have been told if they were magical... however perhaps not. As I am assuming that is what you were getting at?"

Sol will use Identify during one of the days they have downtime before the trials on the rings to see if there is anything about them that may be of use to know.

Sol spends some time trying to understand more about the boat... perhaps not enough to become skilled, but to know enough to not cause issues with it, but also helps with the trials where possible, despite is less than physically strong frame.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 10:11:47 PM

Caelwyn is pleased to see the ship perform well, and does his best to help out however he can. "Zaran City is a good first destination...and it will be worthwhile to check up on Rattledam soon as well. We need to be sure that we are keeping the people there safe."

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Wednesday January 13th, 2021 11:41:41 PM

Grindar, 'Lil, and Caelwyn pitch in onboard the boat. They find that sailing isn't as difficult as they expected, or maybe they're just given jobs suitable for beginners. 'Lil and Caelwyn mention looking forward to going to Rattledam soon.

Haemir tells Donald to plan for a trip to Zaran City first, then maybe Rattledam. Donald estimates that he will need 250 gold pieces to outfit the ship for the trip. That's mostly for food, and includes food for the Sentinels as well as the crew. Understand, there's no room for much in the way of food preparation. Everything he gets has to be preserved.

Haemir also confirms that the compass and all of the rings are magic. Virgil did not explain what the compass does when he gave it to the group. When Haemir asks, Virgil says that 'Lil gave it to him, telling him it was what the group used to find the druid grove. He figures it's safe enough back in the Sentinels' hands, unless they have misgivings about accepting it. If they don't want the responsibility of safeguarding it, he will keep it.

Sol confirms spends some time identifying his ring. He, too, decides sailing is not difficult when supervised. Sol: Highlight to display spoiler: {Sol's ring continually grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Profession: Sailor checks.}

Thorondir decides that he is a Sentinel, not merely a druid tasked with tagging along to observe them or keep them out of trouble.

As word spreads that the ship is ready and will be leaving soon, the Sentinels find themselves the center of attention in town. There are many requests for them to bring back this or that -- mostly small items (that would still add up to a lot of space), but requests for brides are also common. And enough folks are willing to pay now for the promise of something later that it's clear they're serious. Obviously it's no secret that they're headed for a real city.

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 5:46:05 AM

Grindar, happily pays his portion of the outfitting cost, and makes ready to set sail. He is surprised, when Sol tells them what the rings do, and an even greater feeling of gratitude fills him, as he realizes it is more then just a token of friendship.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 8:45:33 AM

With the breeze in his hair and the sun in the sky it felt just like sailing.. Ok it was a little wrong there was no actual sea, but the rustling of the grass sounded like waves, plus you didn't have to worry about the boat rocking, people getting sea-sick or storms! Haemir plays it fair as Captain, treating the crew respectfully, but he's seen enough good (and bad) sailors in his time to know if someone is slacking, or just needs some tuition and he doesn't suffer fools gladly. The crew should be working like a fine tuned instrument within a day or two and he chips in with his own fair share.

During the week he thanks Virgil for the compass and tries a few tests naming where they want to go etc. If he gets nothing he asks Sol if he minds identifying it?! He knows originally it simply pointed to druid wood. If it still only points to the ship he accepts it as simply a way of finding the boat which could come in handy. If anyone wishes to carry it he's fine otherwise he will put it in his bag to keep it safe.

"The food n' supplies should come from party funds" (OOC adjusted) he says then adds:
"Oh yeah th'Maiden's cramped, but bare with me I have an idea. Give me a few months n' I'll find a way to weave in some kind of inter-dimensional pocket-mansion where ye can go order food n' sleep in delicious soft beds with servants 'n all sorts, maybe even a swimming pool. Meanwhile I can happily store food n' stuff in my bag o' holding too"!

Haemir catches 'Lil giving him the same look he gave his first captain. Actually every captain he'd ever served under, that moment when you realise you're putting your trust in them, 'appraisal'. Well he had put it to the crew prior that Zaran should be the first place and no one objected, "Makes sense to drop off Grindar's axe n' if the craftsman needs a few days we can go to Rattledam. It's time to decide where we will be based n' long term plans. Do we act as merchants"? He encourages open discussion below deck about their future and thanks Thorondir for sticking around.

(Q to ref: how are we navigating? I'm assuming we can't see distant cities and there are no maps).

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 1:04:54 PM

'Lil ain't bringing no one no wife. That ain't happening.

She's fine paying a portion of the provisions, but figures the boat's gonna have to pay for itself pretty soon. Her line of work's expensive. Wearing the ring, she realizes she's picking up on the basics of sailing faster than she figured she would. That's good.

She speaks up when Haemir does. "Well, we've got a geas on us to make sure we build up a town, and we agreed to it, so that's what we should do. We already started building up Rattledam, and it needs the most work, so my vote's there." She's pretty certain that won't surprise no one.

She ain't sure of what to think about the compass. She trusts herself and her dudes to guard it, but should something so important be floating around the grasses? In the wrong hands that's a big deal. Last thing the druids here need is another baron.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 4:03:37 PM

"Thanks Sol, sounds like the ring will come in handy. I don't trust magic enough to wear a magical ring without knowing what it does. I wonder why Virgil didn't bother to tell us about them?"

"Who is collecting money for the group wands and food for the ship? I have it here." He counts out some platinum pieces to meet his obligation.

When not needed as ship crew or by the Sentinels, Thorondir spends most of his time wild shaped into an eagle and spending time with Aewen. They spend time in the eagle's nest, liking the view it gives him.

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 10:41:16 PM

Akuno does the same.

"I can use the wand in a pinch, but its best if someone who can cast cure light holds it." She shrugs on the current topic. "I kind of want to find a new place or slay a big monster. I want to bring some fame to our little village! I want our name out there!" She swings an unseen servant or two around like a pair of weapons. "Yea!"

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Thursday January 14th, 2021 11:58:38 PM

Q: How are you navigating?

A: The sailors have instruments that are pretty accurate at telling them how far they are north or south, any night they care to look. Anyone trained in survival can find north, East and west they're judging by the angle from true north to that big mountain over there. Once that mountain can't be seen, they'll pick another, so long as they can see any. The Crystal Mountains run east-west through pretty much the center of the plains. There's no humidity -- they should be able to see the mountains from a hundred and fifty miles away, maybe more.

There are "no maps of the plains" because there's not really anything to map. Rumors that there are no maps started because the old Rattledam went to great lengths to not be on any maps, and the Baron's Men kept their locations secret too. And Rattledam was pretty much the only sizeable town other than Oddholme. Nowadays, the Harvesters are nomadic, so they can't be mapped. Mapping seems foreign to the Manfri. The druids keep to themselves remembering the Baron's Men. And the monks are diminished from what they once were. Still, the crew has started their own chart, even if it's just the one village and the nearby mountains so far.

Haemir experiments with the compass and finds that it seems to point to the nearest boat, whether that's the Maiden of the Plains or one of the two still being built. At least, without straying miles from town.

Thorondir takes an opportunity to talk with Virgil to ask why he didn't tell then what the rings did. He responds it was because he didn't know. He also asks Thorondir to keep a particular eye on the compass.

Everyone is eager to set sail, and money to cover costs for the trip is readily collected, what with at least five of them ready to pitch in. There is some talk about the ship paying for itself, but that will have to be figured out at a later date.

When Haemir talks about leaving Grindar's axe a few days, Donald pipes up. "You do realize I'm laying in a month's worth of food just to get to the western edge of the plains, don't you? Don't know it will take quite that long, but I'm figuring we may have to scout about a bit, too, since we don't know exactly where it is."

Haemir suggests open discussion about where to base themselves. 'Lil points out, "Well, we've got a geas on us to make sure we build up a town, and we agreed to it, so that's what we should do. We already started building up Rattledam, and it needs the most work, so my vote's there." Rattledam is northeast of the Stone Temple and on the other side of the mountains, but should only be four or six days by boat.

When Akuno starts swinging her unseen servants -- which probably no one realized she could do -- things get a bit distracting. It's like being hit by a large, thin-skinned, invisible bladder full of air.

When the day comes to set out, Donald asks, "Well, Captain, seems like it's fifty-fifty whether we want to be on the other side of the mountains when we reach the western edge of the plains. Which side shall we try?"

Grindar, Son of Grindor (Jeremy Canaday) AC 18/12/16, CMD 22, HP 39/39 Llew AC 20/14/16, CMD 16, HP 21/21 
Friday January 15th, 2021 6:21:02 AM

Grindar overhears Donald's comment to Haemir about the time in Zaran City, and says, "If your worried about running out of food, you should know you have two skilled hunters/foragers in our group, myself and Thorondir. I'm sure I can speak for both of us when I say we won't let anyone go hungry, and besides, we can always re-provision in Zaran City, if needed. As far as water is concerned, many of us can cast create water, and do so as many times as it takes, so don't worry about being thirsty.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Friday January 15th, 2021 12:41:38 PM

'(Pop), there it was - the sound of my bubble being burst'. Haemir was beginning to think he'd been a good teacher till he sees 'Lil tie a clove hitch and a minute later Grindar doing something whilst multi-tasking. As the half-orc drops a rope and moves away Haemir walks over to examine it, a perfect figure-8! They weren't the hardest of knots to learn but here's the thing, knots had specific uses and both of the Sentinels were bang on. Grindar's prevented the rope from running out, essentially a 'stopper' and 'Lil's 'tucked em away quite nicely'. He feels like apologising for covering everyone with brain-matter as his mind explodes, unable to think he says:
"Then of course there's the small issue - I haven't taught either of ye those knots yet"! This was getting freaky-deaky! He drops the rope and gives the pair a look like he's just figured out they're witches. One beady eye - before shaking it off and mumbling something about going senile, he turns to walk away and stops suddenly. The thing he needed to remind himself was (with this many people on a small vessel) you literally couldn't walk anywhere - never mind 'away'!

(Ref - do we need all this crew now everyone seems to know what they're doing?)

When Duncan mentions the charts Haemir is taken aback. He glimpses around the party. As far as he knew if you tried to pin the plains down on parchment they literally moved around! He didn't want to be responsible for that anymore than the messy wife-transporting-business. Was it just a fable? He wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

"Just a small footnote but the bond we gave was for three years ago n' that's up anyday now"!? Plus technically they hadn't agreed to rebuild Rattledam it was more to facilitate the duke reigning in the grasslands, the Sentinels (not that they used that name back then) had decided that rebuilding Rattledam was the first step of that path. But then he chooses not to speak because the pact was personal and who knows what that meant to each individual. Not that he disagreed - in fact he was quite eager to see how New Rattledam had grown or changed, he just didn't want to face breaking his word.
"To the business of where we go... Not heard from many of ye, but since Duncan has only just now mentioned the distances it feels more sensible t'goto Rattledam. Would ye forgive me Grindar if I changed my vote? Considering we don't even know where Zaran is n' it's possibly weeks away"?! He chews on his lip for a few seconds. "Maybe one o'th'druids could fey-realm-walk you to Zaran quickly"?

Wherever the party decides to go, Before they depart Haemir buys enough dry-rations to (nearly) fill up his bag of holding (estimating it gives the crew and Sentinels an extra two weeks of dry rations).

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+23=32 ;
Friday January 15th, 2021 3:45:54 PM

Sol is glad to have the ring, and even puts it on, despite it being a bit too wide for his finger. He happily tries to figure out what the Compass does as well, again using Identify. ((OoC: 32 on Spellcraft to figure out what the Compass actually does and how to use it))

He will also put funds in, if needed (though it seems the part gold was covering the costs of food and the like.)

He helps wherever possible on the boat, when it turns to destination he will speak;

"I also believe we should head to New Rattledam, by way of Zaran City... perhaps in Zaran City we can start up some sort of trade network to help support New Rattledam, or collect some supplies to help. Or even better pick up a scroll of Sending so we can communicate with those at New Rattledam easily."

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Friday January 15th, 2021 4:05:37 PM

"Yes Grindar, we can hunt along the way to supplement the food. Though it is best to take enough food just in case we enter an area where the game is scarce. My guess is food is better than coin for bartering out in the plains."

Upon hearing that the rings are magical, he is a bit surprised that Virgil who gave them the rings was unaware. Thorondir slips the ring onto his finger.

"A bit of magic to help sail the ship is happily accepted. Always a good idea to know what you are given before it is used."

Aewen spends her time circling above the ship, with an occasional break to get a prairie swallow or other small game.

Upon hearing the discussion of destinations, Thorondir says:
"I will go where ever you decide. Though Grindar's request is important, and we should find a way for him to fix his father's axe."

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Friday January 15th, 2021 9:40:38 PM

The movement of the land in the Southern Continent was no story, no sir. They're not constantly shifting though, they only moved during what locals call a Great Migration and when one happens you will know.

"If worst comes to worst, I can make a bunch'a food and water with Domi's magic. It ain't tasty so we shouldn't rely on it, but so long as I'm alive we ain't gonna starve." 'Lil ain't following the whole "side of the mountain" thing, so she just lets Captain Haemir worry about it.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Friday January 15th, 2021 11:52:13 PM

Caelwyn also has no opinion about which direction they try, but is in favor of checking out Zaran city. "There are some things I was hoping to purchase there, and it might be helpful for us to see what's available that could benefit New Rattledam."

DM Steve -- Crew Selection 
Saturday January 16th, 2021 3:29:15 PM

Answers to questions asked:

Q: Do we need all this crew now everyone seems to know what they're doing?
A: Probably not. You will need four to take care of the boat and move it from one place to a nearby place if the Sentinels need to be doing something else. A crew of eight would be needed to man it 24 hours a day for long distances if the Sentinels were not planning on helping out.

Q: When Donald mentions the charts Haemir is taken aback. He glimpses around the party. As far as he knew if you tried to pin the plains down on parchment they literally moved around!
A: Donald's chart is crude, but likely close enough to be useful. Here's hoping that the Plains do not actually move.

Q: "Just a small footnote but the bond we gave was for three years ago n' that's up anyday now"!?
A: In three parts --
1. When swearing the oaths to the Duke, everyone invoked their favored higher power. That may or may not mean something to each of the original Sentinels.
2. Intelligence check DC:10 Highlight to display spoiler: {Your charter. For his part of the contract, the Duke promised you passage, room and board once you arrive, a druidwood boat, and unspecified compensation dependent on your success.}
3. Know Religion DC:12 Highlight to display spoiler: {The magic to enforce your promises lasted a year. The Oathbound who would have renewed the vow annually did not make it to the Sargrass.}

Q: "Fey-walking"
A: You have not seen the creatures that do that in years.

Q: Sol happily tries to figure out what the Compass does as well, again using Identify. ((OoC: 32 on Spellcraft to figure out what the Compass actually does and how to use it))
A: This crystal always points to the nearest sizeable amount of druidwood. The nearest of the boats, for instance. If you try it out with the skiff in the museum, you have to be much closer to the skiff than to a boat for it to indicate the skiff. When the monks attuned this crystal to point to druid wood, they used an older magic item, some of which remains. No more than once a day, it will heal humanoid creatures (of all subtypes) within 50’, restoring 2d6 points plus one point per Level/Hit Die of the creature. Random activation occurs (1 in 10) when a humanoid is rendered unconscious within 50’ of the crystal. (Fate item, no value in the Catacombs)

The value of each of the rings received from Maab via Virgil is 2500 gp.

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp  d20+10=23 ;
Monday January 18th, 2021 11:03:57 AM

Whichever destination is decided on, Akuno is onboard with the plan. She buys some bolts of whatever fabric she can get ahold of before the trip. There's going to be some downtime, and she maybe might try her hand at sewing. She wants to start simple, so she finds Thorondir and sly watches him as stealthily as she can.

Her mission? Observe his feet. Does he wear socks? Does he have those weird footpad things? Its hard to say, and she wouldn't be caught dead asking about Druid feet.

Akuno Stealth: 23

DM shane 
Monday January 18th, 2021 7:16:57 PM

OOC: Hello all. we are about to start on the boat adventures, from what I've read we are planning on heading to Zaran City first? I would say that the boat leaves soon, but since you guys are the ship masters, it'll leave when you guys are ready. The crew of 8 is composed of rough and ready salty sailors tattoos, missing teeth, maybe an eye patch and lots of scars. Donald seems at home around them and the sailors give him props, so you don't think there will be any attempted mutiny on the voyage. it seems that Steve has answered most of your questions so lets get started!

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Monday January 18th, 2021 7:41:38 PM

Thorondir lands on the deck as an eagle and his shapes shifts into his eleven self. It is a quick transformation, but his taloned feet shift into elven feet with a pair of buckskin boots. He stretches and says “ it is always strange to shift back into an elf, I’m starting to feel more at home as an eagle than elf. I wonder if someday I won’t be able to change back to an elf, living the rest of my days as an eagle with Aewen. I guess that would be nice.”

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Monday January 18th, 2021 9:59:59 PM

'Lil chimes in on the whole map thing.

It ain't possible to map the whole Southern Continent cause it moves every few years, but it moves in chunks. Sometimes those chunks get rotated when they move, but they don't get mixed up too much. Hook City ain't never got cut in half during a migration, for example.

Likewise the Sargrass itself mostly stays the same: big bunches of grass with dangerous crystal mountains cutting it in half. The path to Zaran City will almost certainly change during a migration since it's in a different chunk. Right now though, if we figure out the way there that way will more or less work until there's a migration

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Monday January 18th, 2021 10:39:49 PM

Caelwyn stands at the prow of this ship, thinking on how different this voyage will likely be from their last one. The sensation of hovering over the grass will be a unique experience. He closes his eyes and murmurs a prayer to Domi, asking for guidance and safety on their voyage. Then he moves back to join the others.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+9=26 ;
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 9:45:46 AM

"Caelwyn, Thorondir n' Akuno have said they were ok whatever we go.
'Lil prefered Rattledam n' I also opted for it too, personally I'd rather check on my own back yard afore I go exploring fer a couple of months. Sol n' Grindar chose Zaran, so that's two for each n' a bunch o'abstains.

Here's a thing, I didn't realise till I spoke with Duncan but Zaran is a month away. Plus we only a rough idea o' th'area, so it could take a week hunting her down. The magic to enforce our promise lasted a year. The Oathbound who would have renewed the vow unfortunately didn't make it t'th'Sargrass, but never-th'-less Rattledam is about five-t'-six days away n' we know exactly where she is n' I'd kinda like to check on em, it's been a few years after all. But I'll not object wherever, I'm just making sure we still want Zaran! The easiest resolve is is t'ask one or two 'abstainers' n' that's where we go

(Know Religion:26).

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 11:06:15 AM

“I’ll go where Grindar wants, unless he changes his mind.” Thorondir states

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 11:18:43 AM

Sol nods at Haemir's words.

"You make a good point... I did say we should go to Zaran City first, but perhaps I was too hasty... going to Rattledam may be the best option, given that we will have to search for Zaran City... but, ultimately I believe the decision is yours, Haemir."

DM shane 
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 8:22:09 PM

Donald Agrees with the Sentinels.
Eye, The Sargrass does move, but the pilots and captains have learned to account for it. whenever a caravan gets to a center of civilization, they get with the dockmaster and update the master map, then if you got the gold, you can have your pilot log updated magically to the new standard. if'n you are poor like me you draw it in by hand, setting on a bench in the Dockmasters office. it's a false economy though. sometimes the sargrass moves a dozen times a year, sometimes only once. you wind up going through book after book, and books ain't cheap. I'm hoping that one day all the positions of the sargrass will be recorded, then you'll just have a set of books, the Dockmaster will post on a sign what book is currently being used and I wont have to set on that uncomfortable bench any more. but that's a long way away. I would be prudent to go to Rattledam, update the charts and then on to Zaran City.

Thorondir waxes melancholy over the difference and desire between a ground-based vs an aerial based creature.

'Lil slaps some knowledge down about the movement of the Sargrass, and is reinforced by Donald as to how those of work the Sargrass deal with it.

Caelwyn wonders how different the sargrass will be from water to sail upon.

Haemir Takes the Group consensus Rattledam or Zaran City...

Sol changes his vote to Rattledam, but ultimately he defers to Haemir.

last-minute supplies are laid in, last-minute checks are made. the hustle and bustle of a ship preparing to sail. organized chaos and ordered bedlam.
nobody notices immediately but a Halfling that almost glows with the power of holy light is standing on deck speaking with Donald.
Donald defers to the wee humanoid and points him toward where the group is standing.
The Halfling makes his way toward the group, in his passing the air seems subtly cleaner, people's heads come up a bit more, and smiles tend to pass around easier.
Grindar is setting with his back to the goings on, and does not notice the Halflings approach.

Mystery Halfling Hello, Grindar, my old friend, I see you've made friends here in the Sargrass

Grindars head whips around and in an instant, he is up and has wrapped the tiny person in a very big hug. Ha Ha. Succotash! What in Domi's name are you doing here? Guys! this is Succotash Slenderstick...he rescued my village back when I was but a lad, he healed my dad and is the reason I started the adventures life. .

the tiny halfling meets everyone, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries.
once introductions are in order he gets down to business.
Grindar, your mother and father have become very sick, they need you back home to help manage the farm until they recover. or manage the estate should they pass. I do not know how long it will take. .

Grindarlooks crestfallen, I'm sorry guys, but family calls and I am needed I must go.

he packs his stuff up and following the halfling, disappears into the glowing portal the Halfing conjures.

DM Shane: Jeremy had some personal issues he needs to work on so he has elected to quit this game for a while. please wish him good luck and good fortune going forward.

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 9:03:36 PM

'Lil's saddened by Grindar's exit, but if someone showed up saying her Ma had fallen sick she'd be taking off quick too.

She was real big on gettin' to Rattledam just a bit ago, but her dudes talked her into Zaran City. She don't see much point of stopping by Rattledam on the way, and figures folks would just wanna give them more stuff to do. She changes her vote to Zaran City.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Tuesday January 19th, 2021 11:00:24 PM

Caelwyn has come to respect the big half-orc, and has somewhat overcome his natural mistrust of orcs in general. He understands why Grindar needs to go, however. "Domi's blessing on you and your family, Grindar. May you return to join us soon, if it is his will! Safe travels."

Caelwyn is interested in Zaran City, although if the group thinks Rattledam is the place to go he is alright with that as well.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36 
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 5:04:52 AM

"I hope yer family's ok n' ye come back to us when ye can Grindar"! Haemir says.
Fand looks upset too, remembering when she first saw the half-orc in a cage.

They watch the pair leave and marvel at the portal, after a few moments of silence he mumbles:
"Not my choice but Zaran it is then"...

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 1:06:15 PM

"Zaran." Akuno says it outloud, to confirm it to her memory. What a strange name it was. Strange, but boring. "They should really change it up, go by "Magical Floating Fortress Zaran!", or something like that. Its no wonder so few people come out here. Bugs aside, that is. And murder plants aside. And lack of food and water. And the inhospitable heat. And a crazy druid on the loose. And grassfolk hillbillies with no fashion sense and backwards thinking. And.. well, you get the point."

Regarding Grindars departure, Akuno takes it with some amount of stoicism. She liked the orc, and hoped he would stay, but she also had left people behind herself. Goodbyes could be made harder for the leaver than the left.

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 7:13:22 PM

Sol looks saddened when Grindar goes, and even embraces the Half-orc in a brief brotherly hug.

"I will miss you my friend, I hope we will meet again."

When discussing the direction to go in, Sol has already cast his vote in favour of Rattledam, however if they are going to Zaran City, he will settle in for the long haul. During the beginning part of the journey he will put on his ring and help out around the ship as much as he can.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 8:57:31 PM

As Grindar walks into the glowing portal and the portal closes, a sad look comes across Thorondir’s face.
“I did not expect to grow close to a half orc, now I know he has changed me. I suppose I can’t follow him after all, I’ll go wherever you decide.”

Thorondir sits quietly while Aewen flies down to try and cheer him.

'Lil - (Carl) - 29/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Wednesday January 20th, 2021 9:38:50 PM

"Don't call them hillbillies, dude," says 'Lil, lightly chastising her friend.

DM shane 
Thursday January 21st, 2021 1:24:05 AM

'Lil" lets it be known she's for Zaran City. she says goodbye to her friend, but knows she would do the same if the roles were reversed. she chides Akuno for calling the people Hillbillies.

Caelwyn surprises himself by having grown attached to the orc, he wishes him well. the sense of adventure calls however and it's calling him to Zaran City.

Haemir Bids his friend goodbye, and feels the big half-orcs absence as soon as the portal fades. it even affects his Mccaw.

Akuno lists the sins of this continent and covers her melancholy with Stoicism. Her choice of names for the city speaks of other world and strange angularly drawn people.

"Sol" gives the big ranger a goodbye hug and wishes him well on his trip home. he's easy as far as destinations go, Zaran City is fine with him.

Thorondir is affected by the Rangers departure more than he thought he would be. Ideas for the future that has passed though his mind, now lay in waste, now that a major part of them is gone.

Donald addresses [/b]Akuno[/b] Mistress these folk cannot be hillbillies, there are no hills here. we call them lowlanders. he grins. Looks like we are heading to Zaran City then. good, if it's moved and we are the first to survey it, it pays a fair bit of gold. I'll get us underway. .

the one difference between ocean and grass transport is that instead of using tugs, men with ropes basically drag the boat out away from the docks. then the sails are unfurled and opened into the wind. she catches the wind sharply and jerks like a thing alive as she surges into the grass. Make a DC7 dex check or lose your balance and trip from the acceleration.

travel on the grass is bit different than travel on the ocean. for one the "waves" are a lot gentler, and instead of the hiss of the prow cutting through the water, there is the susurrus of the grass dragging against the hull. it's odd that a board can float on grass, but float she does and as she takes to the wind the captain judges that she can take more, he orders flying sails deployed and he gets a few more knots out of her.
as the men work that start singing a sailor's ditty.

bring me a bottle or two me lad
bring me a bottle or four
for the company fine of women and wine
are what I'm looking for.

Bring my trusty old knife me lad
bring my shield of clan gun,
for the women and wine aint' coming for free
and there is plenty of work to be done.

there's plenty of folk hereabouts me lad
who's bellies and wallets are fat
they are driven in coach cars
smoke expensive cigars
and have men to take care of their hat.

the don't give a damn about us poor hatless fools
though out in the gutter we sit
but the thing about bellies and purses me lad
is that both are well easy to slit.

so bring me a bottle or two me lad
bring me a bottle or four
shake the dust off me cloak
bring me my best smokes
and leave all your regrets at the door.

so make sure that your ole knife is sharp me lad
make sure your spell powders are dry,
for the world is awash in fools, blood, and gold
and all men are just waiting to die

these sailors have some really morally reprehensible songs they like to sing.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+3=13 ; d20+3=22 ;
Thursday January 21st, 2021 7:24:05 PM

([i]Dex check:13[i]) Haemir braces himself as the Maiden takes off.
It was a new day, a fresh start and the breeze felt good in his hair.
He grins at the morally reprehensible song, he'd sung a few of those in his day.

DM shane 
Friday January 22nd, 2021 12:27:24 AM

OOC; Only one post? eh...okay

Another difference between ocean travel and sargrass travel is that the ships crossing the Platic are fairly well apportioned, the ships have quite a bit of refinement, this ship does not. The rails and prow are simply blocked off wood, the scuppers chiseled out from the raw wood, the wheelhouse is nonexistent and the rudder is a simple wood beam that must be handled by main force. Stil the sailors know how to work their craft and get the most out of the ship.

'Lil - (Carl) - 43/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells  d20+2=21 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 3:48:57 PM

Well geez. I typed a whole post out yesterday and evidently didn't hit submit.


'Lil gets her sea...well, grass legs quickly. In no time she's walking around like she owns the place. Does she own part'a this place? She still ain't sure. Doesn't matter. What matters is that this girl can get around on the boat just fine (dex 21).

With the ring helping her out, 'Lil starts learning all she can. With weeks of voyage in front of them, she ain't got much else to do. "At least we ain't gonna get attacked by fish men again, right dudes?"

Every now and then it dawns on her that she's on a magic boat sailing on grass and she's gotta stop and process it before moving on.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16  d20+4=13 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 7:21:46 PM

Thorondir keeps his balance as the ship moves, swaying with the motion. Aewen hangs onto the eagle's nest when she is not circling the ship from above.

He doesn't sense there is much for him to do, except to learn how to sail. He puts all his effort into that.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:36/36  d20+10=15 ;
Friday January 22nd, 2021 10:40:01 PM

Haemir shivers at the mention of the fish men, remembering the sentinels first ever fight here...
It started with Haemir waking up with some scabby-faced-fishbrain's trident buried in his stomach.
"Yeah not the best of ways to wake up"... shaking the thought away he grins.

"Strikes me this lot may be a bit noisy when we next meet the Manfri".

(Sailing:15 - he joins in, mixing captain, teaching and helping out).

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15 
Friday January 22nd, 2021 11:41:12 PM

Caelwyn smiles at Lil's comment. "No fish men perhaps, but we know there are certainly dangers enough on this grassland...who knows what we may encounter?"

He enjoys the feeling of "sailing" on the ship immensely. He was never much of a sailor himself, but the exhilaration of speed and the wind in his face is an exciting change.

DM shane 
Monday January 25th, 2021 12:28:33 AM

it's cooler up here, above the grass, yes the sun is hot, but the oppressive humidity of the deep grass is absent and while the wind sucks the water from your body, it does make for cooler running than travel through the grass.

shortly after noon, the man in the crows' nest calls out, Movement off the Port bow, 15 degrees to port.
. This means that the man in the rigging has spotted some movement and if the prow of the ship is 0 and the rear of the ship is 180 then the movement is just a little ways left of the centerline of the ship.

If you move to the front port section of the ship you may make a DC 15 perception roll to see what the lookout sees.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:41/41  d20+1=5 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 12:57:10 PM

Well he'd seen a cheeky shark leap outta the sea and bite 'Dart 'Two-Finger' Abram's ear off once, mind you he always fished off the same spot every day, but could that sort of shenanigans happen here?
'Ye gads yes'! he quickly concludes and further realizes how daft he'd feel if they crashed into something sleeping and tries to look (Perception:5).
"There's too much mast n' sail in th'way, Fand"... He stops as she flies towards the area and turns to the crew.
"Noise to the minimum men, slow Her slightly n' steer another 5'degrees starboard" he says quieter before muttering something and 'finger-tutting'.

If there are any sentinels below deck he sends a shipmate to quietly wake them as quickly and quietly as possible.

(Casts Bloodwitch Lore).

[OOC: Found a handly DIRECTIONS link for quick reference].

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16  d20+10=27 ; d20+10=13 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 7:49:11 PM

Thorondir sits in the eagle's nest with Aewen and looks when the crew member mentions motion.

Perception Thorondir 27
Perception Aewen 13

'Lil - (Carl) - 43/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells  d20+9=17 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 9:18:22 PM

Perception 17 - pass

'Lil ain't one to be caught sleeping in the middle of the day, no sir. She leans her head around the mast and sail to get a look at what that guy saw.

Caelwyn Alterius (Casey M.) AC: 19/10/19; HP: 44/44; CMD: 15  d20+2=15 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 11:11:15 PM

Caelwyn is on deck and alert, scanning the horizon as he enjoys the wind on his face. He too leans forward to see what has been spotted ahead, readying his longbow as he does just in case.

Perception 15

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp  d20=15 ; d20=10 ;
Monday January 25th, 2021 11:47:45 PM

Akuno smiles at the subtle correction. Hill people. Perfect!

She is in for a treat she wasn't expecting when the singing and shanties begin. For someone who tries so hard to be proper, something about to bawdy men singing songs of love and travel and cutthroat wealth really inspires her.

For a day or so, she's humming it all as she skips about her business. Perhaps its her small stature, but she moves about the deck easily. Sometimes she skips about on all fours if needed, but she seems to like the constant motion.

Looking for things though, she does a terrible job of that. Perc: 10.

DM shane 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 4:09:45 AM

Haemir gives an order to the bridge crew. the men look at him then look at Donald. He frowns then Asks. Do you wish to parley with the anomaly sir? looks to be 5 of them, and they are moving quite fast. I don't know what it is. but I do know that most things out here are not friendly, I would rather the ship remain on course and the men rig to repel boarders sir.

Thorondir sees something moving in the grass, 5 tracks. moving quite fast. but shorter than the grass, which is over 10ft tall.

"Lil" sees the same thing.

As does Caelwyn but with a readied action should things turn unruly.

Most ships get a cat before too long, they are kind of a ship's good luck symbol and they help keep the rodent population under control. it seems that everyone on the crew has fallen in love with Akuo and where ever she goes smiles and scratches are plentiful should she allow them.

looks like the 5 anomalies are about 3 rounds from reaching the boat. you need to figure out how you intend to respond before they get to the boat.

'Lil - (Carl) - 43/43 HP - AC 19/12/17 - CMD 17 Spells 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 12:21:43 PM

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

"Ok Domi. May be getting ahead of myself here, but just in case I end up needing it I hope you'll help me with yer grace and whatnot." She casts bless on as many folks what can get within 50' of her, which should be just about everyone.


Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. Duration is five minutes.

Thorondir (KellyB) -- AC 18/14/14 -- HP: 32/32 -- Aewen: AC 11 -- HP 16/16 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 1:34:51 PM

"They should slow down when approaching strangers in the grass, it is common knowledge to announce yourself and come slowly. Perhaps they need help doing so."

Thorondir casts entangle just in front of the approaching strangers, so that it captures them all if possible.

Haemir (Rich) AC:13/13/10 - HP:34/34 - CMD:14 - Fand AC:20/24 - HP:41/41 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 4:47:14 PM

So far Haemir hadn't seen anything indicating the ship steered any differently than a normal boat - which took a second or two (as long as it wasn't major).
"I certainly don't intend parlaying - hence th'adjustment away from them. Putting them on our port side stops them from attacking us on both sides a'once - if tha's how this ends up going. Also it stops us plowing in to what may not be an enemy because we think we have right o'way"!

He says something in Draconic!? and moves his fingers - a black mist raises from his hand and floats to where it rests. It almost looks like someone is stood behind him with only their hand visible on his shoulder.
If it wasn't smoke...

"Prepare to prevent frothy urchin-snouted flirt-gill's from boarding us" he yells brandishing a claw-shaped morningstar, "If that's what it comes too, meanwhile we won't be plowing through them. So Duncan steer her to one side"! If in the 1% chance they were grass-eating livestock or giant cuddly Fey he didn't wanna smash a boat in to one of their skulls.
"Only attack if they try something - if they don't hold yer hand". Jeez Duncan was salty.

Fand continues to fly towards 'them' (80 ft/rd staying about 60' above the grass and slightly off to one side).

(Q: how fast are we/they travelling - ft/round please?[i])

([i]Haemir locks 'arcane mark' & his (BW cantrip version of) 'dancing lights' out for the day and Coalesce Spells Spectral Hand

Elijah "Sol" Solomon (Daniel) HP: 17/20 AC/T/FF:15/11/10 Active Spells: Mage Armour (duration - 5 hours) 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 6:05:57 PM

Sol comes back up from below decks having gone down there to check the bump on his head he got falling over after the acceleration started, and looks around, seeing Lil cast Bless and Thorondir cast Entangle he prepares himself, but casting Mage Armour on himself.

"Are we expecting some enemies to attack us? Or just being wary?"

Akuno Neko (Ken) AC 19 / CMD 17 - 26/26 Hp 
Tuesday January 26th, 2021 10:52:21 PM

Akuno frowns, doing a good bit of grumbling to keep up with the sailors. However, inside she was a bit giddy. This time! This time she would show the others she was ready to contribute!

"To whomever has the wand of mage armor, I require a magical booping!" For her own part, she keeps her unseen servant close, and activates her boots of levitation after making sure she's got plenty of sail, rigging, and mast to hold on to.

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