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Running and Actions. 8 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20=12 ; d20=1 ; d20=2 ; d20=17 ; d20=17 ; d20=14 ; d20=14 ; d20=3 ; d20=13 ; d20=2 ; d20=10 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d20=3 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=14 ; d8=4 ; 2d8+10=17 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+13=29 ;
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 12:12:56 PM

Sharpe doesn't like the sniping contest, so activates his Celestial Armor to rise up and hover in mid air to see over the low platform walls! A double move, and Sharpe is 60' in the air and can see not only the Guards on the Platforms, but all of the inner compound (well, all of it not blocked if anyone is hugging a building). The fighter tries but fails to think of a hint on the whistle codes. Sharpe has no Cover penalty as long as he can keep Hovering! (ooc: Hover requires a Fly Skill Check DC 15 each round. If Sharpe makes the check, he can make a full round attack. If he fails, he has to use his move action to fly in a circle, and is able to shoot only one arrow.)

Eisenhorn tells the nearby Tide that they don't have to run all the way there: he can Dim Door closer. All Sharpe and other nearby heroes have to do is say when and gather together. He is disappointed that his illusion hasn't worked (Sense Motive DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { Eisenhorn has the hunch the archers are firing at whatever is closest to the Farm, and Desdichado was closer than the demons.}) The wizard stays where he is and lays prone to present a smaller target for the shooters.

The horde of Babau waver and become a single Babau. With Eisenhorn concentrating on the spell, it remains in effect, and the Babau races towards the wall. (ooc: DM made a mistake, as Silent Image creates a singular object, creature, or force. The spell can only create one Babau)

Sarge keeps running [ooc: 60' run puts Sarge now at CS-17]. Desdichado runs and is nearly at the Gatehouse.

Hmerrin begins to banter, and eviscerates the Monitor, who, though sorely wounded, is made of sterner stuff than the Guards. He still stands and fights!

Meanwhile, the fire elemental continues its attack on Monitor a, but misses further satisfying slams.

Toston puts his back against a wall and begins the process to have one less Monitor, scoring a savage blow.

The Platform archers continue their tactics, but start to split their attacks. The two in the north-west Platform rise and fire at the illusionary Babau. One hits and the Guard shakes his head before saying something to his partner that is lost in the battle noise. Six Guards in the south-west Platform all concentrate on Desdichado. Two more arrows strike. (Des takes 6 damage.)

The whistles... stop.

In the Guardhouse, Hmerrin and Toston ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: {

Monitor a, still screaming and on fire, continues to flail at the elemental, hitting again. (Fire Elemental takes 12 damage due to DR5, Monitor takes 4 burning. Due to DR5, Fire Elemental is at 29 total damage.)

Monitor b continues to yells and attack, but is just not connecting again.

Monitor c grunts and moves closer. "Pipsqueak hard to hit. How hard are you to grab?" He reaches out with a free hand Monitor d laughs and also reaches out. (ooc: Toston, with his Combat Reflexes, can AOO both Monitors) The first misses a grab (CMB 20), but Monitor d succeeds (CMB 29) in pulling the gnome into a Grapple!

Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-4 DEAD
6-7 DOWN
10-11 DEAD

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
a Dam 29 + burning (DC16)
b Dam 95
d Dam 17 Grappled (initiated)

Fire Elemental AC HP 60 Dam 29

Map via Email

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 1:44:33 PM

Sarge keeps running (to CG-17).

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 2:50:27 PM

Desdichado uses to move actions to get to C:17.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=17 ; d20=17 ;
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 2:54:02 PM

(Sense Motive Roll: 17 + 0 = 17) Eisenhorn remains oblivious to what anyone thinks. :)

Seing Sharpe take off and the archers seeming not to pay any attention to the illusion he has created Eisenhorn asks Shifty to try to go around the farm and stealthily check if anyone is running away or comming inside on the other side of the farm. (Shifty Stealth Roll: 17 + 12 = 29) Then Eisenhorn casts Invisibility on himself.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 4 Rnds. (32sec)
Invisibility---- Invisible---- 11 Min.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+6=17 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+22=27 ; d8+14=21 ; d8+14=20 ; d8+14=20 ; d8+14=21 ; d8+14=17 ; d8+14=15 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d8+14=22 ; d8+14=16 ; d8+14=15 ;
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 5:55:45 PM

Fly - 17
Sharpe, buffeted by the wind manages, to keep relatively upright and with a grim expression is sure that he meets the eyes of one of the final tower dwellers. He releases a volley pausing to steel himself against the fear he thinks he saw in the mans eyes, imagined or not.

He calls down, "Get ready to take us over, that tower are down or wounded the others are taking fire on approach"

Full Attack - on the same tower,
17 vs AC; 41 DMG
38 Critical, 27 to confirm; 73+8 bleeding DMG
26 vs AC; 16 DMG
17 vs AC; 15 DMG

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+19=29 ; d20+14=24 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+19=37 ; d20+14=27 ; d8+16=19 ; d8+16=24 ; d6+15=16 ; d6+15=20 ; d10+6=8 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+12=31 ; d8+2=9 ; d8=7 ; d8+2=6 ; d8=2 ;
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 6:49:22 PM

Hmerrin ducks Bugly's clumsy swing, and presses his attack.
Axes fly, as he addresses the other monitor in the room.

"Yo, Burning Man. Why don't you run while you still got the chance?"

The elemental attacks as well. It does better this time.

Hmerrin. Full Attack on Monitor b. Power attack.
Btax 1 hits ac 29 for 19 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac 24 for 24 hp damage
Btax 3 misses (ac 15)
Hdax 1 hits ac 37 for 16 hp damage
Hdax 2 hits ac 27 for 20 hp damage
Two wpn rend for additional 8 hp damage
Total = 87


Fire elemental AC 19/t15/f13, hp 31/60
Full attack on Monitor a
Slam 1 hits ac 30 for 9 dam + 7 burn (DC16)
Slam 2 hits ac 31 for 6 dam + 2 burn (DC16)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 96/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 (37 vs grapple)  d20+14=17 ; d20+14=33 ; d20+14=22 ; d8+6=13 ; d8+6=13 ; d20+13=21 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 12:22:41 AM

Attack of Opportunity 1: 17 = miss
Attack of Opportunity 2: 33 = threat of critical; 22 = confirmed 26 damage

As monitor c and monitor d come in to grapple Toston he misses c but manages to cut d in a particularly vulnerable area.

Toston isn't particularly good at grappling, but he does have a trick up his sleeve and defensively casts grease (concentration check 21 + 4 retroactive hero point vs 10 + attacker's CMB (13) + spell level (1) ) = success) opting to coat his clothing in a coat of grease.

"Hey big dumb and ugly" he says to d as the grease coats his clothing and body "Let's see you try to hold onto me now."

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 54 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 53 rounds
grease: +10 CMD to avoid being grapple; +10 CMB to escape grapple; +10 escape artist to escape grapple : 60 rounds

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 2/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   5d6=16 ; 5d6=22 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 6:44:58 AM

Gaffer finishes his spell and calls down the first bolt of lightning, aiming at the spot where he last saw Guard 1 stand up to shoot from, calling it to land behind their cover. (16 Damage) immedietly calling down a second bolt, with his action, on the same spot. (22 Damage)
[If two guards have been standing side by side, he would call it down between the two of them instead.]

**** Active Effects ****
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Running and Actions. 9 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+5=22 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+5=22 ; d20+2=10 ; d20=14 ; d20=13 ; d20=16 ; d20=18 ; d20=5 ; d20=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d20+14=30 ; d20+9=23 ; 2d8+10=21 ; 2d8+10=12 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+17=20
Thursday June 18th, 2020 8:25:20 AM

Sarge keeps running.

Desdichado trots up to the closed Gatehouse door and tries to open it, but it only rattles and shakes: it is jammed! He's going to have to break or chop a hole through the Door or the nearby Wall! (Reinforced Door - Hardness 5, HP 20, Break DC 25)(Well-built wall Hardness 5, HP 15, Break DC20)

Eisenhorn sends his Familiar on a stealthy scouting mission, and goes Invisible. Without concentration, the Babau illusion falters and is gone.

Shifty, getting the bonus of a shared Invisibility spell with Eisenhorn, flies toward the now-empty north-west platform to get a good view of 'whats going on'.

Sharpe is able to hover and kills the two remaining Guards in the north-west Platform in a matter of seconds. From his vantage, he can see there are no more guards attempting to climb up either!

Hmerrin kills his opponent, droplets of blood spraying from his axes like a mural by the local half-orc Dirt City artist, Pollock Jack's Son. He addresses Burning Man to run while he has the chance.

Fire Elemental gives a joyous steam whistle as it slams Monitor a twice! Amazingly enough, the Monitor avoids the fire damage and even puts out his burning arm!

Toston manages to cut Monitor d before he is Grappled, but then he's stuck... or is he! He attempts to cast Grease while held, and although it would have worked against a Guard, the Monitor is made of heartier stuff! The spell fizzles! Highlight to display spoiler: {(Grappled, Toston needs a 10+15+1= 26 to successfully cast the Grease. The 13 roll was due to 15 -4 [one handed] +2 [2nd attacker]. If we want to include all bonus/penalties for the Grease cast it would be DC29; 15-4+2+5 [circumstance bonus due to being grappled])}

Gaffer finishes his spell and calls down the first bolt of lightning. His initial target was the north-west Platform, but the druid just saw Sharpe pepper the platform and kill everyone. Altering his target to the south-west Platform, he puts the bolt in a target square (only 1 guard possible), and one Guard is wounded unable to avoid even a portion. (ooc: the spell only allows 1 bolt per round maximum)


There seems no giving up in the Farm Guards. The south-west Platform archers continue their tactics (unaware of the fate of the north-west platform). Since they can no longer see Desdichado, they concentrate on Sarge. Two arrows find their mark! (Sarge takes 8 damage)

In the Guardhouse, Hmerrin and Toston ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: {

Monitor a, sneers at Hmerrin's 'offer'. "The Masters will eat your liver, and will give me your kidney for a pie, meat!" He moves to block the doorway leading further into the Gatehouse and strikes at the serpent of fire. (Fire Elemental takes 23 damage)

Monitor c and d crowd into Toston, dropping their clubs to make it easier to beat on the gnome. Monitor c grabs Toston, but Monitor d loses his grip! The heroic gnome is in the same circumstance, but at least the Monitors haven't been able to start punching him ... yet.

Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-4 DEAD
6-7 DOWN
8 Dam 16
10-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
a Dam 44
c Dam 0 Grappled (initiated)
d Dam 42

Fire Elemental AC HP 60 Dam 52

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+16=31 ; d20+11=25 ; d20+6=12 ; d12+5=11 ; d12+5=8 ; d12+5=16 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 2:12:44 PM

Dez looks over the door, and can hear the sounds of battle on the other side. He hopes he can have the door down soon.

Attack vs AC: 31, 25, 12
Damage: 6, 2, 11 - total 18

Sarge [AC 21; HP 62/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=18 ; d8=2 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 3:14:35 PM

"Ow, quit it," Sarge gasps as the arrows find her.

She'd been focused on "getting to the fight," but now she has a chance to look around and see where "the fight" is actually happening. She drops to a walk and starts heading for the southwest platform. [to CD-20]

She casts Spiritual Weapon, choosing 8 as her target. A glowing hammer appears and smacks AC 18 for 6 damage.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+20=36 ; d8+14=18 ; d8+14=16 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 5:35:55 PM

Sharpe takes a pot shot at the second tower, more to get there heads down than anything else, (285ft away). He then drops to the ground next to Eisenhorn and indicates he he ready to go.

Attack - on 8
36 vs AC; 18 DMG

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+12=31 ; d20+12=29 ; d8+2=8 ; d8=4 ; d8+2=5 ; d8=2 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 7:09:15 PM

Hmerrin hears someone trying to chop through the door.

"Keep your pants on! I just about got it!" he hollers in reply.

Since Burning Man so nicely got out of the way, Hmerrin moves up and kicks out the chockblock behind the door.

The elemental keeps attacking Monitor a

Hmerrin. Move to C17, and kick out block holding door.

Full attack on Monitor a
Slam 1 hits ac 31 for 8 dam + 4 burn (DC16)
Slam 2 hits ac 29 for 5 dam + 2 burn (DC16)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 2/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   5d6=15 ;
Thursday June 18th, 2020 7:45:19 PM

Gaffer calls down another bolt of lightning on to 8, or 9 if they have been down by Sarge's spiritual weapon. (15 Damage)

He will move over towards Eisenhorne and lie down next to him. "I never thought of this. This is good."

**** Active Effects ****
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 96/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+21=27 ;
Friday June 19th, 2020 12:09:49 AM

After his spell fizzles Toston says, "Ok, let's try this again."

He then proceeds to heroically and defensively cast the grease spell again on himself and have the exact same result as his spell fizzles.

"Hmerrin! These guys won't let go of me. A little help?" He calls out

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 53 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 52 rounds

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Friday June 19th, 2020 7:27:54 AM

Eisenhorn will dimension door himself, Gaffer and Shapre to the North Wetern Tower, remaining prone and hopeing it will give them a good view of the Southern Tower and anything beyond the building.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 3 Rnds. (32sec)
Invisible---- Invisible---- 11 Min.

Assault the Farm! 10 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+5=19 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+2=6 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+6=14 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=12 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+20=25 ; d20+17=32 ;
Friday June 19th, 2020 10:33:03 AM

Desdichado looks over the door, and begins chopping it down. His sword splinters the hard wood and scatters the metal reinforcements; it is nearly down!

Sarge had been so focused on getting there, it takes her a blink to realize the getting has got. She casts Spiritual Weapon, creating a hammer of force. Flying towards Guard 8, the hammer misses because Guard 8 is in Total Cover. (ooc: Sarge would need to Ready a Standard action to wait for them to pop up to have a chance to strike.)

Sharpe, 60' in the air, takes a pot shot at the second tower, and even with it being so far away ( 2range increments = -4 to hit), he hits and kills Guard 8. He then drops to the ground next to Eisenhorn and indicates he he ready to go.

Hmerrin hears someone trying to chop through the door, and kicks out the wedge behind the door, enabling it to be opened normally (ooc: with a standard action).

The elemental keeps attacking Monitor a, striking twice, but not getting a satisfactory burning flame. It hisses in anger.

Gaffer calls down another bolt of lightning, this time on Guard 9, and also moves to Eisenhorn, laying down.

Toston heroically tries to cast the grease spell again, and again it fizzles! Knowing he has allies in just the next room, he calls out for some assistance.

Eisenhorn remains prone and, getting in touch with Sharpe and Gaffer, casts Dimension Door, sending the trio into the north-west Platform. Because Eisenhorn and Gaffer are prone, they can't see anything except the platform's walls, the dead bodies of four Guards (2 fell out), and the sticky, smelly blood now seeping into their clothing.

Sharpe on the other hand, can see the Guards in the other platforms, and can observe the yard of the Farm (but not anywhere within 15' south or west of a building), and can see at least six Guards formed up in a defensive stance at a natural choke point between the Gatehouse and the Large Building. The front row has tower shields providing full cover to the west (which includes Sharpe), and the back row has bows at the ready.

The south-west Platform archers ignore their losses and continue the hide-and-shoot tactics. They also continue to target Sarge. Three arrows find the mark! (Sarge takes 10 damage)

In the Guardhouse, Hmerrin and Toston ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: {

Monitor a continues to block the door to deny anyone to get further into the Gatehouse, and assaults the fiery serpent, missing both times!

Monitor c and d continue to attempt to immobilize and beat the gnome to a bruised pulp. The first thing they have to do, however, is keep ahold of the wriggly Toston. Wardd again smiles on our hero: Monitor c loses his grip as Monitor d grabs hold!

Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-4 DEAD
9 Dam 15
10-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
a Dam 57
c Dam 0
d Dam 42 Grappled (initiated)

Fire Elemental AC HP 60 Dam 52

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Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+17=34 ; d8+16=19 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=27 ; d8+2=6 ; d8=1 ;
Saturday June 20th, 2020 9:25:16 AM

"Door's open!" Hmerrin yells at whoever is chopping it down.

The young fighter moves up, and takes a chop at Burning Man.

"Hang in there, Toston! This guy's blocking the hall. A couple more whacks to clear him."

Elemental does its elemental thing.

Move to C18.
Attack monitor. Power Attack
Hit ac 34 for 19 hp damage.

Slam 1 misses (ac20)
Slam 2 hits ac 27 for 6 hp damage + 1 burn.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=1 ; d6=6 ;
Saturday June 20th, 2020 1:27:24 PM

"Gah... this is disgusting." Eisenhorn will quickly stand up and look around. If he can see the guards he will quickly lob an Extended Black Tentacles centered on Guard 29 before ducking down, hopefully out of sight of the archers.

(BT Grapple Roll: 1 + 16 = 17; DMG Roll: 6 + 4 =10)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 2 Rnds. (32sec)
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 22 rnds.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 96/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+10=13 ;
Saturday June 20th, 2020 11:33:46 PM

Toston decides to take a different tack. He will use an unarmed strike combined with a stunning fist against monitor d. Being a monk Toston can use other body parts in making the attack so presumably it doesn't matter he is holding the curve blade. Toston uses a swift action to charge his fist with arcane energy via arcane strike and then lets d have it or he would have if he could hit d but sadly like his spell that fizzled Toston's attack missed.

Toston calls out to Hmerrin, "It seems like I'm at an impasse, they can't hit me, but they can grapple me, though they are having trouble holding onto me and I can't cast a grease spell to make it really difficult to grapple me and I tried to hit one with a stunning fist but somehow I missed. just now"

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 52 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 51 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 1/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 1/4

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 2/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   5d6=18 ;
Sunday June 21st, 2020 1:29:27 PM

"Wha- Where are we?" Gaffer will stand up for a moment alongside Eisenhorn and, "Ohh, ok!" assuming he can now see the guards too, will call lightning down between U20,V20,U21,V21 hopefully hitting all four figures. (18 Damage)

**** Active Effects ****
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes/12 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Sunday June 21st, 2020 5:52:21 PM

Desdichado opens the door, not sure what to expect on the other side. Seeing a fire elemental and a creature he's never seen before fighting each other, he asks Hmerrin, "Is one of those on our side?"

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Monday June 22nd, 2020 7:23:39 AM

Sharpe uses his flight to bounce across the rooftops to e26.

Assault the Farm! 11 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+5=19 ; d20+2=16 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=14 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+14=30 ; d20+9=19 ; 2d8+10=20 ; 2d8+10=17 ; d20+17=22 ; d20+22=33 ; d2+10=12 ;
Monday June 22nd, 2020 11:25:57 AM

Hmerrin, the door now unblocked, moves up and wounds the Monitor he designated as 'Burning Man', and shouts encouragement to Toston.

The Fire Elemental hisses and strikes, throwing off sparks when the Monitor avoids getting on fire ... again!

Eisenhorn is disgusted by the blood, but it doesn't stop him from thinking of tactical advantages. He stands from a prone position, quickly casts Extended Black Tentacles centered Guard 29, and ducks down to get Full Cover from the half-wall, using the archers own tactics against them! The Black Tentacles, however, seem to take a moment to fully form, allowing all the Guards to dodge through the tentacles and escape! (Nat 1 auto fail)

Toston stops trying to cast and instead uses his monkish skills to attempt to stun a Monitor with a well-placed knee, but fails to connect a significant blow. The gnome also returns Hmerrin's banter.

Gaffer, like Eisenhorn, stands and sees the guards readying their defense, and calls down another lightning bolt on one of them. (ooc: Call Lightning targets a Square, not a point. It can't target multiple squares at the same time.)

Desdichado slides the sagging reinforced door open and observes the combat inside.

Sharpe uses his flight to bounce across the rooftops to take a position on the Guardhouse with a good view of the south-west platform and the open area of the Farm all the way to the Main House. Because he is now rooftop level, Guards in platforms again have Total Cover.

Sharpe, Gaffer, and Eisenhors also can't target an opponent within 15' of the opposite side of a building (nor they target you).

Shouts from Platforms and the ground indicate the Guards are organized to a level that would make a mercenary Fist company proud. "Inside! Inside! Three on Platform 1!" "One flying towards Platform 2!" "Agh! Black Tentacles! Scatter!" "Defense Plan Charlie! Zulu authorized!" Whatever the motivation, it doesn't look like the Guards are giving up.

Eisenhorn and Gaffer note that the Guards previously in the other Platforms are no longer seen. Whether they are ducked below their half-walls or have climbed down is unknown.

The south-west Platform archers see Sharpe is now closer to them than Sarge, and focuses on the Fighter. Sharpe, however, is well-armored and none of the arrows draw blood!

The disciplined defensive wall of guards scatter as Black Tentacles erupt from the ground trying to grab everything. The spell is initially weak, however, and fails to grab even a single guard! (nat 1 auto fail for combat rolls) They all manage to get out of the area of effect, but their careful formation is a shambles.

In the Guardhouse, (Hmerrin, Desdichado, and Sarge can see the first room) Monitor a continues to block the door to deny anyone to get further into the Gatehouse, and assaults the fiery serpent, smashing it back to the plane of Fire with a final blow. He tries to direct his follow-up into Hmerrin, but the lad is able to deflect the greatclub.

In the second room, Monitor c and d continue to attempt to immobilize and beat Toston to a bruised pulp. Monitor c fails to find a good hold, but Monitor d maintains his grip and punches hard! (Toston takes 12 damage)


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-4 DEAD
9 Dam 15
10-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD
32 Dam 18

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
a Dam 82
c Dam 0
d Dam 42 Grappled (initiated)

Fire Elemental AC HP 60 Dam 52

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+16=31 ; d12+5=10 ;
Monday June 22nd, 2020 3:31:57 PM

Desdichado moves toward the monitor (E:18) and attacks, striking a blow with his greataxe.

31 vs AC; 10 damage.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+19=22 ; d20+14=29 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+4=5 ; d8+16=17 ; d8+16=24 ; d8+16=23 ; d8+16=17 ; d3=1 ; d8+16=23 ; d6+15=17 ; d6+15=19 ; d6+15=17 ;
Monday June 22nd, 2020 3:42:05 PM

(Posting for Hmerrin)

Hmerrin full attacks the monitor with power attack, doing a lot of damage.

Battleaxe 1 - 22 vs AC; 17 damage
Battleaxe 2 - 29 vs AC; 24 damage
Battleaxe 3 - 29 vs AC (crit); 63 damage
Handaxe 1 - 38 vs AC (crit); 53 damage
Handaxe 2 - 5 vs AC (critical miss)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+10=30 ; d20+10=19 ; d8+2=6 ;
Monday June 22nd, 2020 10:07:23 PM

Toston uses his swift action to activate arcane strike then attempts another stunning fist against monitor d.

He hits (30 vs AC; threat of critical; 19 to confirm; no crit) for 8 (OOC:forgot to add+2 for arcane strike) damage and d must make a fort save vs DC 18 or be stunned which would cause d to drop everything held including a certain gnome dragon disciple.

if d lets go Toston flies directly to the opposite corner of the room and up to the height of the ceiling to c21

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 51 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 50 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 1/4

Sarge [AC 21; HP 62/70] (Kathy) 
Monday June 22nd, 2020 11:35:16 PM

Sarge continues angling toward the platform [to CA-23]. She waits for an archer to show himself, then casts Spiritual Weapon on him. [If possible, I'd like to use the previous rolls for this: AC 18 for 6 damage.]

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d4=2 ;
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 5:46:41 AM

Eisenhorn will peak over the wall to see how effective his spell was. Seeing that no one is caught up by the tentacles he mutters "Damn it... Well now they've scattered... Any ideas?"

He will then cast mirror image on himself with 5 illusory duplicates apearing and duck down behind the cover again.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 1 Rnds. (32sec)
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 22 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 5 images---- 11 Min.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 2/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   5d6=12 ;
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 6:28:17 AM

[Yep, sorry. Missed that line when I read the spell.]

As the enemies in the center spread out, Gaffer casts a Spike Stones around the compound. Filling a rectangle Q12-Q31-W12-W31 (Hopefully I have counted correctly, using 10 20foot squares in 2 columns of five)

If the terrain is not rocky enough, he will simply call down another lightning bolt (12 Damage) onto Guard 32.

**** Active Effects ****
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes/11 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Assault the Farm! 12 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+11=30 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=23 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=25 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+22=24 ; d20+2=21 ; d20+2=4 ; d20+2=14 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ;
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 7:47:38 AM

Desdichado and Hmerrin make short work of the Monitor blocking the doorway, despite Hmerrin not actually getting any critical strikes.

Toston empowers his foot with arcane energy and plants one on Monitor d. The monitor is very hearty, and shrugs off he stunning effect and keeps ahold of a certain gnome dragon disciple.

Sarge continues angling toward the south-west platform. Waiting for an archer to show himself, she has her already cast Spiritual Hammer strike him before he shoots!

Eisenhorn does a peek and is disappointed he didn't bag anyone. He mutters to himself, or maybe to Gaffer "Any ideas?" Then casts a defensive Mirror Image on himself.

Gaffer estimates the hard compound ground is rocky enough for Spike Stones, and he is right! A large portion of the open compound is filled with hard to see rocky spikes!

The guards around the compound continue coded shouts and shorthand commands. From across the compound, Gaffer, Eisenhorn, and Sharpe can see a Guard has gone into each of the six buildings identified as barracks...

Shifty, from his perch on top of the roof of the north-west platform reports to Eisenhorn. "Shhhh, the figuresss in the fieldsss beyond the buildingsss are all dissspersssing and running away. They are not approaching the buildingsss."

The south-west Platform archers continue their disciplined fire at Sharpe, and two arrows strike! (Sharpe takes 5 damage)

The Guards from the previous defensive wall hug buildings to keep out of sight of Eisenhorn and Gaffer, maneuvering among warehouses and latrines to form a defensive ring around the Gatehouse exit door. Some (ooc: darker icons) still carry Tower Shields, the rest have discarded and gone to bows. Many run through Gaffer's Spike Stones, and even though wounded, continue to carry out their orders. They run through the stones until they drop dead! Only one runs through an edge and is still alive.

In the Guardhouse second room, the fight is down to who can grab and punch more. Wardd intervenes in the struggle again, because both Monitors fail to grab or keep ahold of the wriggly gnome. At least momentarily, Toston is free!


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-4 DEAD
6-8 DEAD
9 Dam 21
10-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD
24-28 DEAD
29 Dam 12
32 Dam 18

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
c Dam 0
d Dam 42

Map via Email

Sarge [AC 21; HP 62/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=20 ; d20+8=11 ; d8=1 ;
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 12:38:28 PM

Trusting her Spirtual Weapon to keep attacking, Sarge double-moves over to Sharpe. Well, the other side of the fence from Sharpe. [to E-27]

Meanwhile, the ghostly hammer continues to attack. [Hit AC 20 for 3 damage; hit AC 11, which is probably a miss.]

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+20=39 ; d20+24=30 ; 4d8+14=39 ; 2d6=4 ;
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 2:19:27 PM

Still eyes out and seeing the organisation of the merc's Sharpe begins to worry, he steals himself and jumps back up to get line of sight on the second tower.

Attack - on 5
39 Crit; 30 to confirm vs AC; 81+4 bleeding DMG

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 4:09:56 PM

Hmerrin strides briskly over the downed monitor, through the hallway, and into the next room.

In the corner, he spots Toston and his attackers.

"Hello!" he calls out cheerily, while moving toward the monitors.

"We hear you've been picking on our friend.
We don't like people picking on our friends."

Double move to H24
Flanking monitor c with Toston.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 4:24:57 PM

(OOC: Oops! I got confused going back and forth looking up weapon types, damage die, and crit threat range and forgot to confirm! Too much math - that's why I try to make sure Dez never crits. Ahem...)

With the monitor down, Desdichado follows Hmerrin, running into the room to flank monitor 6 (F:26)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+14=20 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=23 ; d8+12=16 ; d8+12=15 ;
Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 9:46:06 PM

Toston was going to do things way differently but with his allies in position as flankers he power attacks monitor d.

He misses on his first attack but critically wounds monitor d on his second swing.

20 vs AC: miss
29 vs AC - threat of critical; 23 vs AC to confirm; 31 magic(+2) slashing damage

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 50 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 49 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 1/4

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 2/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   5d6=10 ;
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 6:04:22 AM

Gaffer winces on seeing the guards run themselves to death. "That's some commitment..."
He calls down another lightning bolt, directing it at Guard 32 (Damage: 10)
To Eisenhorn, "Erm, should we go try and free the prisoners?"

**** Active Effects ****
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 6:28:36 AM

Eisenhorn stays agrees with gaffer and let's the druid lead the way toward the prisoners. (ooc: sorry for the short post busy couple of days)

A New Development! 13 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d8+8=14 ; d8+8=9 ; d20+2=13 ; d20+6=17 ; d20=4 ; d20=5 ; d20=4 ; d20=17 ; d20=8 ; d20=15 ; d20=2 ; d20=4 ;
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 10:49:35 AM

Sarge trusts her Spirtual Weapon to keep playing whak-a-mole with the Guards, and hustles over to the wall opposite Sharpe. attacking, Sarge double-moves over to seeing Sharpe standing on the roof of the Guardhouse. Her Spiritual Hammer continues its last command, Readied action and attack, but misses.

Sharpe worries at the Guard's organization. Individually, they are hardly a threat to the Tide, but they are a tight unit! To get a line of sight on the second tower, Sharpe jumps into the air, flying to overcome the half-wall, and fires a single arrow into Guard 5, who falls pierced to the breast! (single arrow at d8+8 DM roll for 14 damage + 9 crit damage, +4 bleed damage = 27 dam to Guard 5) Highlight to display spoiler: { Your DM interpreted that Sharpe is using his Celestial Armor to fly vertically 30' and shoot Guard 5 with ONE arrow without Readying a shot. NOTE 1: The Feat: Many Shot only works in a full attack. Sharpe can only fire a single arrow with a Standard action. Rolling the multi-die damage, I couldn't determine what is the correct damage. NOTE 2: If Sharpe succeeds on a Fly Skill DC 15, he can hover and do a full round attack. Please tell me if this is incorrect.)}

Hmerrin strides briskly to the next room and flanks Monitor c, delivering his battle banter with aplomb.

Desdichado follows Hmerrin, running into the room to flank Monitor d! Oh, how the tables have turned!

Toston, with allies now flanking and NOT grappled, goes on the attack, giving Monitor d a wicked wound.

Gaffer winces on seeing the guards run themselves to death. "That's some commitment..." He calls down another lightning bolt, directing it at Guard 32, who is unable to dodge and dies where he stood.

Eisenhorn stays agrees with gaffer and let's the druid lead the way toward the prisoners

The guards seem to be in position to defend the compound to the last man. Gaffer, Eisenhorn, and Sharpe can hear screams of terror coming from the six buildings identified as barracks...

Shifty, from his perch on top of the roof of the north-west platform reports to Eisenhorn. "The figuresss in the fieldsss are ssstill running away."

The south-west Platform archers, now only five, continue their disciplined fire at Sharpe, and all miss.

In the Guardhouse second room, the Monitors find themselves in dire straits. "All I wanted was free money and chicks!", complains one, and they concentrate to beat on Toston, but without Grappling, Toston is harder to damage, and all punches miss.


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-4 DEAD
5 Dam 23
6-8 DEAD
9 Dam 21
10-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD
24-28 DEAD
29 Dam 12

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
c Dam 0
d Dam 75

Map via Email

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 11:22:19 AM

Sharpe's head whips round toward the barracks. Concerned for slaves he flys full speed toward the barracks lands runs to AK20. Looking into the barracks as he goes.

OOC - The multiplied damage was for a single arrow crit x4 my crit range is 19-20, 4d8+14 didn't add 14 on each roll so I just added it, sorry that was confusing. I could be wrong let me know.

Also I can get clear rules but I don't think I can "run" whilst flying but I think I can land and still run?

Sarge [AC 21; HP 62/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=26 ; d8=5 ;
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 1:55:41 PM

Sarge examines the wall. Is it climbable? She calls to her companions on the other side. "Hey! Uh...little help?"

If she can't climb the wall, and nobody has a way to get her over it, she will head north to go through the door.

[Spiritual Weapon hits AC 26 for 7 damage.]

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+18=35 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+8=22 ; d12+5=12 ; d12+5=7 ; d12+5=8 ;
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 2:18:51 PM

"Ugh, look at these yo-yos" remarks Desdichado as he unleashes several attacks on monitor D.

35 vs AC; 12 damage
31 vs AC; 7 damage
22 vs AC; 8 damage

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 4:19:55 PM

Eisenhorn will move 30ft. east towards the barracks and use his Wand of shield to recast shield on himself. "Were the people running away armed?" He'll ask Shifty as he does so.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 10 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 21 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 5 images---- 11 Min.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+19=23 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+14=19 ; d8+16=18 ; d6+15=18 ; d10+6=12 ;
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 6:46:43 PM

Hmerrin slashes monitor c with his axes.
The fighter notes he needs to concentrate a bit more on what he's doing.

"You drop that club and answer a couple questions, and we'll let you run off," he offers.

Hmerrin. Full Attack on Monitor c. Power attack.
Btax 1 hits ac 23 for 18 hp damage
Btax 2 misses (Nat 1)
Btax 3 misses (ac 18)
Hdax 1 hits ac 36 for 18 hp damage
Hdax 2 misses (ac19)
Two wpn rend for additional 12 hp damage
Total = 48

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+16=28 ; d8+6=13 ;
Wednesday June 24th, 2020 10:24:15 PM

Toston says to both monitors, "Aye. Surrender your weapons, answer our questions and no further harm will come to you. Continue to resist or attack us and you die. Simple as that."

As a gesture of good faith Toston does not attack this round but he readies an attack action against monitor d should the man decide to not take their offer and continue to act hostile.

(OOC if the readied attack triggers : 28 vs 18; 13 damage)

A New Development! 14 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+6=9 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+14=28 ; d2+10=11 ; d2+10=11 ;
Thursday June 25th, 2020 9:52:35 AM

Sharpe's head whips round toward the barracks. Concerned for the slaves, he flies, hustling towards the barracks. (ooc: yes, that's right. Flying can only do two move actions, not a 'run'. He can land and run, but he probably wants to fly over the Black Tentacles and Spike Stones first?)

Sarge examines the wall. Is it rough and 10' high, she decides it depends on how nimble she is on how climbable it is. (Climb DC 25). She also sees Sharpe, the only companion near her, fly quickly away into the compound. With an improbable climb, and nobody nearby to get her over it, the grizzled dwarf heads north to go through the door.

Her Spiritual Hammer dispatches a wounded Guard in the Platform. Not having Sarge to direct it to another target, the force weapons stops attacking.

Desdichado calls the Monitors yo-yos, and wounds Monitor d three times, laying him lifeless on the floor!

Eisenhorn will move east towards the barracks and recasts Shield on himself. He asks for more information from the Air Mephit, but Shifty can't tell. "They are too far away for me to sssee." (DM rolled Perception: 9)

Hmerrin slashes Monitor c with his axes, but can't get his full 'ginsu' effect. He tries to entice the Monitors to give up the fight.

Toston chimes in on the surrender and live, and doesn't attack but prepares his counter if Monitor c doesn't give up.


Gaffer, Eisenhorn, and Sharpe can hear more screams, some cut off suddenly...

The south-west Platform archers, now down to four, don't have any targets to shoot at, and hold their arrows...

The other Guards in the compound don't fire at Sharpe who flew overhead and can't see anyone else...

In the Guardhouse second room, Monitor c ignores the death of his companion, and the words of Hmerrin and Toston. He gains a wicked slash from Toston, but takes a step to block the door and strikes back at his most dangerous opponent, Hmerrin! His first hit is devastating, but the second misses (crit! Hmerrin takes 22 damage) "That's the way you do it!" he froths.


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD
24-28 DEAD
29 Dam 12

Monitors AC 21 CMD 24
c Dam 59

Map via Email

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 2/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Thursday June 25th, 2020 10:00:57 AM

Gaffer shifts his form into a Large Air Elemental so that he can take flight and follows Sharpe in heading towards the screaming as fast as he can, maintaining his altitude.

**** Active Effects ****
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Thursday June 25th, 2020 11:19:08 AM

Desdichado raises his eyebrow at Hmerrin and Toston's remarks to the creatures. He moves a few steps forward (H:25) and takes another swing at the Monitor.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+16=34 ; d12+5=8 ;
Thursday June 25th, 2020 11:21:04 AM

(OOC: Sorry, posted accidentally before finishing.)

34 vs AC; 8 damage

"Hey," he says to his companions, "no offers of mercy to the strange creatures working for the SLAVER OUTSIDERS. Okay?"

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d100=1 ; d20=17 ;
Thursday June 25th, 2020 4:04:10 PM

Seeing Gaffer take off Eisenhorn suddenly finds himself feeling quite vulnerable. So he will reach into his Handy Haversack and pull out the Bag of Tricks, Rust. He'll move 30ft East to P7 carefully checking corners as he moves. If he sees anyone advancing towards him while peaking a corner he'll throw the ball from the Bag of Tricks at them and scream "EAT THEIR FACE RUSTY!" and keep moving towards P7. (Percentile Roll: 1 - Wolverine) (ooc: Don't know if you need an attack roll for whether I hit them in the face with the ball or not, but I've rolled anyways. It's 17 + 8 = 25)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 9 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 21 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 5 images---- 11 Min.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 62/70] (Kathy) 
Thursday June 25th, 2020 4:58:34 PM

Sarge rounds the corner and heads into the building (to E-22).

She knows that her spiritual hammer has returned to her, but she doesn't have a new target for it yet.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+13=21 ;
Thursday June 25th, 2020 5:02:33 PM

Perception - 21
Sharpe moves to AK20 looking in the barracks for the source of the screaming, if he can't see in he move to were he thinks the screaming is coming from and opens the door.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 47/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+19=34 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+19=30 ; d20+14=32 ; d8+16=18 ; d8+16=20 ; d8+16=19 ; d6+15=20 ; d6+15=18 ; d10+6=7 ;
Thursday June 25th, 2020 6:36:55 PM

Hmerrin turns his head to answer Dez, and gets a club in his ribs for his effort.

He turns back to the monitor.
"That's the way you do it? No, my friend."

The young fighter proceeds to take a great many chunks out of the guy.

"THAT'S the way you do it."

"And, Dez. I'm just saying it woulda been really nice to know how many Slaver Outsiders are here, where they are, and what they're armed with. And this guy is obviously not a threat, so I'm thinking it woulda been worth the trade."

Hmerrin. Full Attack on Monitor c. Power attack.
Btax 1 hits ac 34 for 18 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac 23 for 20 hp damage
Btax 3 hits ac 28 for 19 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac 30 for 20 hp damage
Hdax 2 hits ac 32 for 18 hp damage
Two wpn rend for additional 7 hp damage
Total = 102

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Thursday June 25th, 2020 11:11:25 PM

Toston says to Des, "I was trying to find out about what was going on with those screams coming from the barracks. That seemed more important than sparing the slaver and hey he died anyway."

Toston flies 5 feet out the door over the body of the dead monitor. He then gains 20 feet of height to be flying 21 feet above the ground. He then expends the rest of his move to end at AB25 as he too is concerned about what is going on in the barracks.

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 49 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 48 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 1/4

A New Development! 15 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20=15 ; d20=6 ; d20=10 ; d20=11 ; d20=6 ; d20=11 ; d20=14 ; d20=5 ; d20=9 ;
Friday June 26th, 2020 1:14:22 PM

Gaffer shifts his form into a Large Air Elemental (standard action), then flies (move action) towards the barracks following Sharpe!

Desdichado requests no offers of mercy to the creatures working for Outsider Slavers, and strikes Monitor c.

Eisenhorn feels he needs some additional defenses ready, and pulls out his Bag of Tricks, Rust. The wizard continues to move forward, checking corners as he moves. At the first corner he sees a Guard 60' away looking in the other direction, and is able to keep moving undetected.

Sarge rounds the corner, Spiritual Weapon floating by her side, and heads into the building. She catches up with Hmerrin, Toston, and Desdichado.

Sharpe can tell screams had been coming from all six barracks. Barracks 1, 5, and 6 are now silent. He moves and opens the door to Barracks #2. In the dim light, Sharpe can see a thin, ill-clad woman laying in a pool of blood with a sword slash diagonally across her body. There is a Guard standing over her, a bloody sword in one hand and a frightened, screaming boy no more than 6 years old pinned to the Guard's chest with the other arm. "Back off hero. Or you have killed an innocent child!" The Guard's sword is Ready...

Hmerrin makes short work of the last Monitor, lamenting that it would have been better to get more information.

Toston agrees with Hmerrin that information was important. He flies out the door and a hail of nine arrows greets him; but the gnome is near-immune to the Guards attack and is not hit at all! (Readied Guards). Toston then gains 20 feet of height to be flying 21 feet above the ground. He then expends the rest of his move to end at AB25 as he too is concerned about what is going on in the barracks.

Terrified screams continue from Barracks 1, 5, and 6, but barracks 3, and 4 are now silent.

The south-west Platform and compound guards hold their arrows...

The door to Barracks 5 opens and out comes a Guard with blood splatter soaking his armor and sword. He has a thin woman, feebly struggling and pinned in an iron grip. Spotting Toston, he places the woman as a shield. "I'll kill her if you come any nearer!" His sword is ready.


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD
24-28 DEAD
29 Dam 12

Monitors DEAD
Map via Email

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+20=29 ; d8+14=20 ; d20-1=7 ;
Friday June 26th, 2020 1:59:31 PM

Diplomacy - 7
Looking the boy in the eye Sharpe takes a deep breath and in a calm voice...

"What is your name..... (pause for response if not continue) (name if available) I am Sharpe and I want you to think very carefully, you can see and hear that you have no chance of surviving us, no chance of escaping us and no chance seeing tomorrow. Let the boy go and walk away and I will not follow, I will consider you as having saved his life and there will be no debt to be paid. But I need you to choose now, choose a good life."

If moves to attack the boy Sharpe attacks:-
29 vs AC; 20 DMG

Sarge [AC 21; HP 62/70] (Kathy) 
Friday June 26th, 2020 2:30:00 PM

*Huff* "Hey, guys." *Huff*Puff*Puff* "Are we winning?"

Sarge keeps moving [to M-25].

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 47/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+17=35 ; d8+16=24 ;
Saturday June 27th, 2020 9:58:11 AM

"No idea", Hmerrin answers Sarge. "But, you are just in time to apply some healing to your favorite hatchet man!"

Sarge moves out into the compound, and Hmerrin follows.
Black Tentacles, Spike Stones, screaming from building WAY over there, and ominous silence from others....oh, and these two guys.

The young fighter's jovial banter falls away in the face of what appears to be happening.
Grimly, he pivots left, and plants an axe into the nearby guard.

Move to J 21
Attack guard 22. Power attack.
Hit ac 35 for 24 hp damage

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Saturday June 27th, 2020 11:45:42 AM

Eisenhorn will keep moving east, back of tricks in Hand, to T7. From there he will use Dimensional Steps to teleport 55ft to AE7 inside Barracks 1.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 8 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 20 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 5 images---- 11 Min.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+3=16 ; 6d6+6=29 ;
Saturday June 27th, 2020 7:58:43 PM

Intimidate: 16

Toston stops the forward movement of his flight and raises his hands slowly. He calls out to the guard holding the woman, "Think very carefully about your next move, pal. What happens next is the difference between you leaving here alive and becomming fertilizer for the crops here. Drop your sword, let the woman go without further harm,and you have my word that you may leave here unscathed. Do anything else and you are a dead man."

He readies an action to drop a fireball (OOC: outlined on map in black; should miss the woman, but roast the guard) if the guard moves to use the sword against the woman. 29 fire damage DC 18 reflex save for only 14 fire damage.

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 48 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 47 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 2/4 (+1 usage if guard triggers the readied fireball)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Sunday June 28th, 2020 11:08:20 PM

Gaffer halts on all his movement upon seeing that a hostage has been involved. Unsure how to respond he simply goes still and keeps watch from afar.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 11 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 110 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday June 29th, 2020 12:46:39 PM

Desdichado runs toward the warehouses (K:20). (OOC: I assume he can't hear what's going on with the hostages, and is too far away to take action, in any case.)

Hostages and Ambushes. Rd16 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20=2 ; d20=14 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=12 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d20+4=19 ; d8+2=5 ; d20=3 ; d20=16 ; d20=14 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=22 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20+6=22 ; d6=3 ;
Monday June 29th, 2020 2:41:08 PM

Sharpe tries to diplomatically talk to the Guard holding the boy, but it doesn't appear the Guard is in a diplomatic mood. He spits on the floor in rejection to Sharpe's line of inquiry. "Last time I tell you, 'hero' (he makes the word sound like a curse), back out of the door NOW, or the boy dies." His sword is ready. The child continues wailing and struggling without success.

Sarge keeps moving. *Huff* "Hey, guys." *Huff*Puff*Puff* "Are we winning?" Her immediate answer out the door are nine arrows fired at the next person coming out of the Gatehouse Door. Three arrows strike the dwarf, one with critical force (Sarge takes 18 damage)

Hmerrin follows Sarge and takes in the scene. His jovial banter falls away, and, grimly, he plants an axe into the nearby guard, wounding him deeply!

Eisenhorn keeps his bag of tricks out and moves forward until he can see the side of the first barracks. With a little Dimensional Step, he arrives inside Barracks 1. The inside is dimly lit, only by the cracks and gaps in the shoddily constructed walls, but it is easy to see the Guard only an arms-length away standing over two cowering women in the opposite corner!

Toston concentrates on Guard 18 and it works: he is shaken! Becoming frightened, Guard 18 however, perceives this as an attack so cuts the woman hard (Readied Attack goes before Toston's Readied Attack). And Toston responds with a Fireball that fries the Guard to a crisp. It also catches Barracks 5 on fire! The woman drops to the ground, very hurt but still alive.

Gaffer halts when he sees the battle devolving to hostage situations, and keeps watch from afar.

Desdichado runs to confront the nearest Guard at K20 (will update map next round)


Terrified screams continue from Barracks 1, 5, and 6.

Two south-west Platform archers have Hmerrin in their sights and fire, missing the Fighter, but one strikes the Guard in melee, who falls!. Two hold their arrows ready for a target.

Three compound guards Near the latrines have Sarge as their targets and fire. Guard 31 holds up his Tower Shield for any inevitable counter-attack. (Sarge takes 6 more damage)

Guard 21 lets out a startled "Wha!" at Eisenhorn's appearance, but recovers quickly. His sword snakes out, not for the slaves, but for Eisenhorn. He hits, but all he does is remove a Mirror Image!

The wounded woman in front of Toston holds her side and stumbles around a corner to hide from any other Guards. "Kill them all", she grits through her pain.


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
1-11 DEAD
14-15 DEAD
18 Shaken -2 attack, saves, skill and ability checks
24-28 DEAD
29 Dam 12

Monitors DEAD

Map via Email

Sarge [AC 21; HP 44/70] (Kathy)  d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ;
Monday June 29th, 2020 3:01:51 PM

"Ow! Goblin-loving son of a troll!" But, wound or no, Sarge has a job to do. She jogs over to Hmerrin [to J-22] and casts Cure Critical Wounds on him.

Hmerrin heals 28.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday June 29th, 2020 6:50:55 PM

Desdichado moves toward the latrines (O:24).

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Monday June 29th, 2020 7:01:22 PM

"Thanks, Sarge."

Hmerrin takes in the guards firing at them from both the latrine and the platform.

"Hey Dez, let's swing down through these sheds. But slow enough so Sarge can keep up."

The young fighter stows his axes, and then moves to put a shed between him and the platform, while also pulling out his bow.

Stow weapons.
Move 30' to L26 while pulling out bow.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 12:15:33 AM

Again thanks to the pythagorean theorem Toston is able to move forward while reducing his height. He moves 50 foot forward on a diagonal to end at AK25 and then enters the burning building barracks 5.

(OOC: as a gold dragon disciple; Toston has resist fire 5; probably relevant)

a = 20
b = 45

200 + 2025 = 2445
square root of 2445 = approx. 50)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 47 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 46 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d100=47 ; d20=12 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 5:46:57 AM

Taking in the situation Eisenhorn will try to move around the guard to AF7 get a hold of the two women and then Dimension step along with them to AH7. When they get outside Eisenhorn tells the women " Don't worry we'll get you out of this. Try to find a place to hide for the next minute or so while my companions deal with the rest of the guards."

(OOC: Not sure if this provokes AOO's as the description specifically states " such movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity", but if it does, Casting Defensively roll: 12 + 17 = 29 vs DC: 23. For the spell level I used 4 as you get Dimensional steps at 8th level, the maximum spell level you can cast at that point is 4th. Also Ignore the d100 roll please, clicked it by mistake.)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 7 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 19 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 4 images---- 11 Min.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+23=33 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 6:27:06 AM

Stealth - 33
"ok ok, I'm backing up". Sharpe back out of the barracks, and lets the door shut, then as quietly as possible he fly up to the roof and quietly lands at AK14 facing south.

Hostages and Ambushes. Rd17 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+6=17 ; d20+6=18 ; d6=2 ; d20+2=18 ; d20+6=23 ; d6=1 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+6=9 ; d6=2 ; d20+6=10 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=13 ; d6=6 ; d20+6=25 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 9:15:42 AM

Note: My apologies for not giving out a couple Hero Points earlier
Hmerrin gets 1 Hero Point for successfully engaging the Monitors at great personal risk until the rest of the Tide arrived!
Toston gets 1 Hero Point for successfully engaging two Monitors At great personal risk until the rest of the team arrived (without which Hmerrin would have been in a lot more trouble!)

Sarge is getting peppered by arrows, but maintains her concentration on what is important now. She moves to Hmerrin, which puts her in line-of-sight of two archers on the south-west tower, and they shoot (both missing!). Arriving next to the young human, Sarge heals Hmerrin. Sarge is awarded 1 Hero Point for selfless healing!

Desdichado moves toward the latrines and the four Guards still on their feet.

Hmerrin thanks Sarge, and calls out a plan for Desdichado. He then moves out of sight of the tower and pulls out his bow.

Toston gives a silent paean of thanks to the immortal of mathematics, and enters the burning building barracks 5. It's pretty easy to bust in the rickety and on fire door, and the Dragon Disciple is surrounded by flame! Which doesn't hurt him any. He sees a couple of bodies in the barracks, now well-lit thanks to being on fire. There is also a dirty woman clutching a young child near the back, and a hole in the far wall where a guard smashed an alternate exit from the burning building. The woman and child are screaming in terror.

Eisenhorn steps deftly past the Guard, gets hold of the two women, and DimSteps to safety! (A 5' step and the DimStep don't provoke AOO, but grabbing the women does. The only effect, however, is to dissipate another Mirror Image!) The mage reassures the women, and gets ready for his next heroic action. The women nod and cower down, trying to look like not-a-target. Eisenhorn is awarded 1 Hero Point for a successful rescue inviting personal danger!

Sharpe backs out and shuts the door, but then gets sneaky...


Terrified screams continue from Barracks 5 only. Sharpe can also hear some repetitive cursing and pounding coming from Barracks 3

Two south-west Platform archers have Sarge in their sights and fire, both missing.

Two south-west Platform archers can see Desdichado, and fire, one striking! (Desdichado takes 2 damage)

Three compound guards near the latrines have Desdichado as their closest target and fire. Guard 31 holds up his Tower Shield for any inevitable counter-attack. (Desdichado takes 6 more damage)

Guard 21 runs out of Barracks 1.

Guard 20 comes out of Barracks 2 with a Child pinned to his chest and begins backing away to the Large Building. His sword is ready.

Gaffer, Sharpe, and Shifty only Highlight to display spoiler: { From his height, they can see a Guard climb into the south-east platform. }

Note: Guard 24 was alive but listed in stats as Dead. Since Hmerrin, Sarge, and Desdichado ignored Guard 24 and the stat mistake was the DMs, I have simply removed Guard 24 from the map for simplicity.

Guards AC 18 CMD 16
29 Dam 12

Map via Email

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 9:27:22 AM

Finally noticing the four guards still atop the southwestern guard tower, Gaffer flies over, using a double move to make it beneath the platform until next round.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+19=36 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+9=15 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=22 ; d8+15=16 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 11:10:56 AM

As the guard steps out of the barracks pinning the boy Sharpe thinks a prayer not daring even to whisper, "Warrd protect and Liberate this boy and grant this man a swift death" and looses at the guards back.

Full Attack on 20
36 vs AC; 37 DMG
33 vs AC; 19 DMG
28 vs AC; 22 DMG
15 vs AC; 16 DMG

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 12:17:10 PM

Shifty will double move 120ft. flying to AE5 and shout out to Eisehnorn what he's seen.

Hearing no screams from Building #2 Eisenhorn will presume that whoever was in there has likely managed to escape or more likely is already dead. Setting the grim thoughts asside for now and with the women relatively safe the Wizard will move to AL6 behind the building and cast Fly on himslef.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 7 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 19 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; 11 Min.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 99/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  5d6=15 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 4:47:51 PM

(Lay on Hands: 15)

Desdichado swiftly heals himself, and acknowledging Hmerrin's plan, makes a double move to the shed (P:29), keeping himself in front to draw the guards fire.

Lay on Hands: 15/16 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+16=33 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+6=24 ; d8+3=6 ; d8+3=10 ; d8+3=9 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 5:16:06 PM

"Watch your step. Spike Stones." Hmerrin points out to Dez.

Taking a step forward, he takes aim at a fellow in the latrine.
"Let's see if I remember how to use this thing".

Three arrows fly in rapid succession, embedding themselves in #30.
"Looks like," he smirks.

Calling over his shoulder, he yells, "Sarge! You comin?"

5' step to M27.
Full attack on #30
Arrow 1 hits ac 33 for 6 hp damage
Arrow 2 hits ac 30 for 10 hp damage
Arrow 3 hits ac 24 for 9 hp damage.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 44/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=20 ; d8=2 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 6:23:09 PM

Sarge re-tasks the Spiritual Weapon to attack 31. It hits AC 20 for 5 damage.

Sarge moves to K-26.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+18=30 ;
Tuesday June 30th, 2020 11:08:04 PM

Toston approaches the woman and child holding his hands up in a non-threatening manner. (Move to AK 31)

"My name is Toston Lotor and I'm here to rescue you." He tells them, "Do you need help to get out of here?
If not I suggest you exit towards the back in the hole that guy just made. If you are worried about him still I can go first and engage him if he is still around."

(Perception: 30 to look for anything pinioning the woman or child)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 46 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 45 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

End Game. Rd18 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+6=24 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+6=20 ; d6=3 ; d20=16 ;
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 7:52:54 AM

noticing the four guards still atop the southwestern guard tower, Gaffer flies over, using a double move to make it beneath the platform!

Sharpe, as the guard steps out of the barracks pinning the boy, thinks a prayer, and skewers Guard 20 with his first two arrows, not even needing to continue. The Guard, having not noticed the hero above him, can't use his readied action and falls like a sack of potatoes! The child, freed, scampers back into the Barracks.

Eisenhorn, with the women relatively safe, moves behind Barracks #2 and casts a Fly Spell.

Shifty can feel through the Familiar Empathic Link that Eisenhorn wants to know what's going on ahead of him. Not being very bright, Shifty wonders why, but obediently flies closer to his Master so he is close enough to hear verbal instructions.

Desdichado swiftly heals himself, and acknowledging Hmerrin's plan, moves to a nearby shed, and tries to draw the guards fire.

Hmerrin, not used to his bow, mutters to himself, but he needn't worry: three arrows strike true and Guard 30 falls forward onto the Spike Stones. Ewww, messy.

Sarge re-tasks the Spiritual Weapon. She can't hit Guard 31, because his Tower Shield is giving him total cover, but Guard 29 is exposed, and the hammer begins hammering. The ex-sergeant then takes cover behind a shed and Hmerrin.

Toston approaches the woman and child, explaining he is a good guy and here to help. The woman stops screaming, but still looks very frightened. She does, however, have enough motivation to stand, pick up the child and repeatedly nod at the gnome, fearfully looking at both the approaching fire and the smashed hole in the back of the building. The child keeps wailing its head off.


A child's wail is heard from the burning barracks. The other slaves still alive are surprisingly quiet. Sharpe can also hear some repetitive cursing and pounding coming from Barracks 3.

The south-west Platform archers know Gaffer is beneath their platform, but don't panic. In fact, they have another surprise! The shoddy construction of the platform give the Guards enough space to shoot straight down! Four arrows fly towards Gaffer-Elemental, but none find a mark!

Guard 23 (hidden behind Guard 31's Tower Shield) and Guard 29 concentrate on Desdichado, one hitting. (Desdichado takes 3 damage)

Guard 21 runs around some corners and is lost to sight. Well, except for Shifty who calls out. "Hey Boss! One of them is climbing this Platform here!"

Guard 19, from the south-east Platform, shoots at Sharpe, then ducks under the platform's half-wall. He misses.


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
29 Dam 17

Map via Email

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+23=31 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=24 ;
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 10:06:39 AM

Stealth - 31
Perception - 32
Sharpe drops down and through he door calls, "Everything will be ok stay here, I'll get you when its safe." He then quietly moves to the door. Over the sound of battle he strains to make out details from inside the barracks before entering, how many people, what are they cursing about and from where in the room.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=8 ;
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 12:16:08 PM

At Shifty's prompt Eisenhorn will turn towards the guard climbing the stairs and cast Grease on and around the Ladder hopping that that will make it tough for the guard to climb up, or with any luck make him fall and break a leg or something. (Cast Grease DC:17 Reflex or Fall Prone) He'll then call out "Come on Shify, this way!" and take to the sky flying slightly below the rooftops of the barracks in order not to expose himself to any archers that may be around. He will then fly to AN14 hopefully with shifty in tow. (Fly Check Roll: 8 + 18 = 26)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 6 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 18 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; 11 Min.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 1:20:01 PM

(OOC) - sorry didn't say where I was moving. AN15 try to get a bit of cover from archers and listening to barracks 3.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 3:56:36 PM

Desdichado stands at the edge of the shed, near the spiked stone. He drops his axe and takes out and loads his crossbow. "Ugh, I'm not made for ranged combat," he mutters.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d8+3=4 ; d8+3=9 ; d8+3=7 ; d8+3=4 ;
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 5:02:54 PM

Gaffer allows the winds of his elemental form to expand and pick up speed, easily transitioning into a living whirlwind, as large as he can be. (40 feet tall?). He flies out from beneath the tower to make himself level with the guards, and flies through each of their spaces.

[I am not sure the best way to do this, but I believe it is a DC (10+3 strength + 5 HD) 18 Reflex check. One to take damage, and a second to be pulled in. Below is the damage if pulled in.
Guard 12: 4
Guard 13: 9
Guard 16: 7
Guard 17: 4

After sweeping through each of the guards, if he has succesfully pulled any into the whirlwind, Gaffer will fly upwards into the air about half 30 feet, and eject any guards it has managed to grab.

On the off chance Gaffer can fit and successfully pulls all guards into the whirlwind, he flies the rests of his movement upwards and ejects them at the top.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 6:38:16 PM

"You just stand there all pretty an' target-like," Hmerrin assures Dez. "And I'll go 'round and dig 'em out."

The lad strides between and around the sheds, popping out into the open near the three guards.

Move 60' to S33

Sarge [AC 21; HP 44/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=24 ; d20+8=12 ; d8=7 ;
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 7:27:53 PM

The Spiritual Hammer continues thwacking. [Hit AC 24 for 9 damage]

"Is Gaffer gonna be okay over there?" Sarge nods toward the platform.

But for now, she'll stick with Hmerrin and Dez. She double-moves to O-29.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 84/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+18=33 ; d20+12=31 ; 4d6+4=18 ;
Wednesday July 1st, 2020 9:30:10 PM

Toston says to the woman and child, "Come with me if you want to live."

He then proceeds to move 25 feet to AL35 shepharding the Woman and Child out the makeshift exit.

(Perception: 33)

He keeps his eyes peeled for threats and tells the woman and child, "I'd recommend going to the other side of the building to the left of this one. There is another woman, wounded but alive."

He continue the rest of his move to AS65 and fires off a scorching ray at guard 19.

(31 vs touch; 18 fire damage)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 45 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 44 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 1/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4

End Game. Rd18 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+2=21 ; d20+2=19 ; d20+2=8 ; d20+2=8 ; d20+2=12 ; d20+2=17 ; d20+2=8 ; d20+2=14 ; 5d6=19 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=19 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday July 2nd, 2020 7:27:12 AM

Sharpe drops down from the roof, reassures the boy, then quietly moves to Barracks #3 door. Listening intently, he can only hear what appears to be one person near the middle of the barracks. "You're not" (thud) "Can't make" (thud) "Ain't gonna" (thud)... and the sounds repeat.

Eisenhorn casts Grease on and around the Ladder, then directs Shifty as both fly between two barracks and rendezvous with Sharpe.

Desdichado stands at the edge of the shed, near the spiked stone. He drops his axe and takes out and loads his crossbow. "Ugh, I'm not made for ranged combat," he mutters.

Gaffer allows the winds of his elemental form to expand and pick up speed, transitioning into a living whirlwind! Forty feet high and 20 feet across the top, he doesn't even have to move to assault all four Guards on the south-east platform! The platform shakes and three of the Guards are caught up and spinning around! And the druid isn't done yet, speeding straight up for 50 feet in the air, he then ejects the hapless Guards to come crashing back down to earth! Two die from the impact, and one doesn't look too well.

Hmerrin offers Dez to keep being a target, and the lad maneuvers to get a shot.

Sarge's Spiritual Hammer continues thwacking, and the Guard goes down. The dwarf spares a thought for Gaffer, but the huge tornado over the platform indicates the druid is in his element, and Sarge then closes up with the Paladin.

Toston shepherd's the woman holding the child out the back of the barracks, and gives her instructions, then moves towards the Guard on the south-east platform, but can't target the Guard in total cover (behind the half-wall)

Guard 12, having avoided Gaffer's whirlwind, shoots at Hmerrin, missing.

Guard 17, battered, stands up from prone.

Guard 31 glares at Hmerrin; he can only block one direction with the tower shield! But he continues to block Desdichado and Sharpe, protecting the archer behind him.

Guard 23 (hidden behind Guard 31's Tower Shield) shoost at Desdichado, missing.

Guard 21 is able to not fall due to Eisenhorn's Grease, and, with careful footing, makes it onto the platform, pulling his bow.

Guard 19, from the south-east Platform, shoots at Toston, hitting, then ducks under the platform's half-wall. (Toston takes 4 damage)

Sharpe and Shifty saw one Guard go into each of the six barracks. Barracks 1, 2, 4, and 5 have been cleared...


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
17 Dam 23

Map via Email

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+21=31 ; d8+15=17 ;
Thursday July 2nd, 2020 12:18:06 PM

Sharpe look at Eisenhower and gives him a grin, then kicks in the door to barracks 3 and fires at any guard in there.

Attack on closest guard if any, if its unclear if it is a guard Sharpe doesn't fire.
31 vs AC; 17 DMG

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+12=13 ;
Thursday July 2nd, 2020 2:16:48 PM

Desdichado fires a bolt at the tower shield, knowing he can't do any damage, but trying to keep the guard occupied. His shot goes wild anyway.

"I hate using these things," he mentions to Sarge as he reloads.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+16=36 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+6=12 ; d8+3=9 ; d8+3=5 ; d8+3=4 ;
Thursday July 2nd, 2020 6:25:29 PM

Sarge asks about Gaffer being all right, and Hmerrin glances over at the tornado flinging around guards.
"Gonna go with 'yes'", he answers.

Turning his attention to the guy with the Tower Shield protecting from Dez, and not him, he mutters,
"Well, call me insulted."

The fighter fires three quick shots. The first shot is darn near perfect.
Hmerrin spends some time admiring it.
So much time, in fact, that he doesn't even bothering aiming on the next two attempts.

Full attack on #31
Arrow 1 - Nat 20. Crit threat hits (ac 34) for 18 hp damage
Arrow 2 miss (ac16)
Arrow 3 miss (ac12)

Sarge [AC 21; HP 44/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=30 ; d8=4 ;
Thursday July 2nd, 2020 6:45:27 PM

Sarge watches Hmerrin. "Hey, flanking moves. I like it."

Sarge moves to R-26. If she can target 31 or 23 with her Spiritual Weapon, she does that, hitting AC 30 for 6 damage.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 80/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+14=33 ; d20+14=30 ; d8+6=13 ; d8+6=8 ;
Friday July 3rd, 2020 3:34:38 AM

Toston advances towards the gaurdsmen hiding out in the tower and attacks with his curveblade. (move to where I can hit with melee where the guy is behind the wall; I have a 60 ft fly speed and he's less than that away from me)

(33 vs AC; threat of critical; 30 to confirm; 21 damage)

Once he gets in position he critically wounds the guard.

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 44 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 43 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Friday July 3rd, 2020 5:05:41 AM

Seeing Sharpe, Eisenhorn will take the time to cast Haste on him, Shifty and himself. He'll instruct Shifty to cast Blur (Concealment, 20% Miss Chance, 11min.) on the fighter and come back into cover.

Eisenhorn will then hold his position between the buildings in relative cover.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 5 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 17 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 11 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 11 rnds.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d8+3=4 ; d8+3=6 ;
Friday July 3rd, 2020 8:41:41 AM

Gaffer flies down and attempts to repeat the same maneveur on the two remaining guards. If he fails to pick up Guard 12 in particular, he will remain nearby him and try again next turn, determined to clear out the tower.

Guard 12: 4
Guard 17: 6

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

End Game. Rd19 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+2=15 ; d20+2=7 ; d20+2=5 ; d20+2=13 ; 5d6=22; 5d6+6=18 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=23 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20+6=11 ;
Friday July 3rd, 2020 9:51:52 AM

Sharpe looks at Eisenhorn and gives him a grin, then kicks in the door to barracks 3 and ... The scene before him looks like the Guard who came in this barracks wasn’t prepared for what happened. Ten feet away from Sharpe are two dead women slashed open. A third woman, streaks of blood on her skimpy clothes, is straddling a Guard laying on the floor with his face smashed in. It is the woman who is muttering. “You're not" (thud) "Can't make" (thud) "Ain't gonna" (thud)... and the sounds time with a rock the woman uses to smash into the ruin of the Guard’s face.

Desdichado fires a bolt at the tower shield to keep the guard occupied.

Hmerrin keeps his situational awareness of the battle, and finds such an excellent position that he nails Tower Shield Guard once.

Sarge approves flanking moves, and attempts the same. Her Spiritual Weapon hits for 6 damage, and Guard 31 slumps down, impaling himself on Spike Stones.

Toston, flying, makes bow-work unfeasible. His curved blade gives a nasty cut! 21 damage)

Eisenhorn casts Haste on himself, linked with Shifty, has his Air Mephitic cast Blur on Sharpe, and stays ready to assist between the buildings.

Gaffer repeats his whirlwind effort, picking up both Guard 12 and Guard 17, lifting them fifty feet in the air, and ejecting them to land in a satisfied crunch of snapped necks and broken bones!


Guard 23, now exposed to all three heroes, shoots at Desdichado, and gets a critical hit, but only for 4 damage.

Guard 21 also shoots at Desdichado. Another strike for 4 damage.

Guard 19 tosses his bow and pulls his sword. His first slash misses Toston.

Sharpe and Shifty saw one Guard go into each of the six barracks. Barracks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been cleared...


Guards AC 18 CMD 16
19 Dam 21

Map via Email will update on Monday

Sarge [AC 21; HP 44/70] (Kathy)  d20+13=33 ; d20+13=33 ; d8=6 ; d8=4 ;
Friday July 3rd, 2020 1:49:26 PM

Sarge re-directs her Spiritual Weapon to guard 23. It clobbers him! [Hit AC 33, critical threat. Confirmed to AC 33 for 12 damage.]

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+12=24 ; d8=7 ;
Friday July 3rd, 2020 2:51:40 PM

Desdichado takes another shot at the guard and reloads.

24 vs AC; 7 damage.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 80/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+12=25 ; d8+12=19 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=9 ; d8+12=17 ;
Friday July 3rd, 2020 11:17:19 PM

Toston continues to press the attack against the guard, confident in his abilities. He uses power attack as he does so and scores two more hits on his opponent with his flexible blade.

(25 vs AC; 19 damage)
(27 vs AC; threat of critical; 9 to confirm = no crit; 17 damage)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 43 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 42 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+16=22 ; d8+3=8 ;
Sunday July 5th, 2020 9:49:43 AM

Seeing both Dez and Sarge connect on the last guard, Hmerrin decides to add one more arrow and move on.

He takes a quick shot, and works forward to the barracks.

Attack #23 hits ac 22 for 8 hp damage.

Move 30' to Y33

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Monday July 6th, 2020 3:47:19 AM

Eisenhorn will move towards AP 24 to have a good view inside of the building once some of the more robust party members go in.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 4 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 16 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 11 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 10 rnds.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Monday July 6th, 2020 4:29:26 AM

Sharpe closed the door again and whispers "Well we can deal with that in a moment"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Monday July 6th, 2020 6:19:09 AM

With his targets down Gaffer flies directly east to get closer to the few remaining combatants.
Realising that his Spike Stones spell is block his companions way, and most the enemies are dealth with, he will dismiss the spell as he moves over.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

End Game. Rd20 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=2 ;
Monday July 6th, 2020 10:35:05 AM

Sarge, Desdichado and Hmerrin combine to eradicate the last Guard around the latrines. Only then does Sarge discover the effects of the Spike Stones she ran across to get her shot at the Tower Shield Guard (ooc: chalking up to Sarge's adrenaline and so totally not the absent-mindedness of the DM!) Crossing 2 spaces of Spike Stones means Sarge takes 3 damage and needs to make 2 Reflex Saves DC18 or be at half speed until receive a Cure spell.

Toston also presses his attack and kills the Guard in the south-east tower.

Eisenhorn and Shifty fly across the open ground in front of the Large Building, preparing to support any Tide heroes going into either of the last barracks or the Large Building itself. He notes the large double doors in the Large Building are solid wood reinforced with iron.

Sharpe closeds he door To Barracks #3 and whispers "Well we can deal with that in a moment"

Gaffer-elemental, sans enemies to toss about, flies east to get closer to the few remaining combatants, and dismisses the Stone Spike spell! The Black Tentacles, however, are still waving and seeking to grab anything within reach!


Guard 21 continues to shoot at Desdichado, missing. Desdichado, at personal risk has stoically and deliberately made himself a target the Guards can actually shoot. The effect has now not only saved Sarge but also Eisenhorn from arrows keen sting over many rounds of combat! Desdichado gains a Hero Point!

A single archer in the north-central tower causes the surviving slaves (all women or young children) to move and find total cover from that direction.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles...

Sharpe and Shifty saw one Guard go into each of the six barracks. Barracks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been cleared, and the heroes haven't seen the Large Building's doors open since they've had line of sight...


Black Tentacles 9 rounds

Guards AC 18 CMD 16

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday July 6th, 2020 4:14:51 PM

Desdichado picks up his axe and begins moving toward Archer 21 (S:27).

Sarge [AC 21; HP 64/70] (Kathy)  d20+8=26 ; d20+8=9 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ;
Monday July 6th, 2020 5:18:46 PM

Sarge swears in Dwarven as her feet start to hurt. She would be moving at half-speed if she were moving, but she is not moving because she can't tell where the spike stones are and doesn't want to step on more of them.

She channels positive energy to heal herself and Dez. Both heal 23 damage.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Monday July 6th, 2020 6:49:48 PM

Hmerrin swings around the latrines, head on a swivel.

To his left he spots a raggedly clothed woman, who looks scared out of her mind.
The young man gives her a little salute, and keeps moving.

After a few more steps, he's worked his way around the Black Tentacles and back into the central drive.

Now, hopefully, he can get a decent idea about what's going on.

Move 60' to AD24

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Monday July 6th, 2020 8:26:45 PM

Seeing that there is little resistance left and no one trapped by the tentacles EIsenhorn dismisses the Black Tentacles spell. He sits tight waiting for the party to regroup and following the ongoing fire in Barracks 5 to get a sense of whether there is a risk of the fire engulfing the entire compound.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 3 Rnds.
Black Tentacles (Ext.)---- AOE Grapple---- 15 rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 11 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 9 rnds.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 80/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+14=34 ;
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 2:41:16 AM

(Fly: 34)

Toston takes a double move action to land outside the door of Barracks 6 hovering a foot off the ground.

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 42 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 41 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+23=25 ; d20+13=23 ;
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 3:51:16 AM

Stealth - 25
Perception - 23
Sharpe continues his quiet steps, bow raised he moves to AS20 and listens into the building.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 4:42:47 AM

Noticing the arrows still pinging towards Desdichado, Gaffer pivots north and double moves over to the remaining archer. flying into their space and giving them a good chance to get caught up in his whirlwind, shortly before the whirling air begins to slow and his elemental body is revealed, to tired to continue on as a swirl of energy, he readies himself to simply attack the Archer next turn.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

End Game. Rd21 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+2=4 ; d8=2 ; d20+6=21 ;
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 12:09:15 PM

Desdichado picks up his axe and begins moving toward Guard 21.

Sarge swears in Dwarven as her feet start to hurt, and channels positive energy to heal herself and Dez.

Hmerrin swings around the latrines, head on a swivel. He works his way around the Black Tentacles and back into the central drive.

Eisenhorn sees there is little resistance left, and dismisses the Black Tentacles spell. He sits tight waiting for the party to regroup. Checking on the Barracks 5 fire, it may or may not spread. (Skill Check Nature DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: { probably a 50/50 chance. }

Toston moves to land outside the door of Barracks 6 hovering a foot off the ground.

Sharpe continues his quiet steps, bow raised he moves to the Large Building and listens. It is very quiet.

Gaffer pivots north and double moves over to the remaining archer. flying into their space and giving them a good chance to get caught up in his whirlwind, shortly before the whirling air begins to slow and his elemental body is revealed, to tired to continue on as a swirl of energy, he readies himself to simply attack the Archer next turn.

Guard 21 gets buffeted and sucked up into the Gaffer-Whirlwind-Elemental, pulls a dagger, and tries to cut wind, missing.

The surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles...

Sharpe and Shifty saw one Guard go into each of the six barracks. Barracks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been cleared, and the heroes haven't seen the Large Building's doors open since they've had line of sight...

Guards AC 18 CMD 16

Map via Email

Sarge [AC 21; HP 64/70] (Kathy) 
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 1:21:30 PM

"Why would anyone in their right mind booby-trap the latrines?" Sarge asks. Carefully, she double-moves [to U-24] and waits to see whether she gets impaled again.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=16 ;
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 2:06:21 PM

(Knowledge Nature Roll: 16 + 21 = 37)

Seeing that there's no way to tell if the fire spreads Eisenhorn keeps an eye on it and waits for Toston to enter the barracks and provide help if necessary.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 2 Rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 11 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 8 rnds.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+13=30 ;
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 4:03:12 PM

Perception - 30
Seeing the other outside barracks 6 Sharpe zips up to the top of the large building, AW20, and looks out for signs of runners or reinforcements.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 6:00:27 PM

Desdichado moves a little closer to where the action is (W:21)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 80/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Tuesday July 7th, 2020 11:50:23 PM

Toston opens the door of the last unexplored Barracks and enters.

He calls out, "I don't know if you were planning on doing the hostage schtick but the last guy who tried it on me got burnt to a crisp and the hostage survived so I would find it really tedious to have to go through that again but if you lay down your weapons and leave whoever is in here unscathed you may leave with your life"

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 41 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 40 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d20+11=21 ; d20+11=24 ; d8+3=11 ; d8+3=9 ;
Wednesday July 8th, 2020 6:43:48 AM

[Unclear on the rules for whirlwind and whether I can reenter it iimmediately after ending it]
Having had a moment to recouperate, Gaffer's form becomes a whirlwind once more, attempting to repeat the same maneuver, picking up the one Guard this time and flying high into the air to drop them.

If he cannot use the whirlwind again so soon, he will make 2 slam attacks instead.
Attack 1 - Hit 21 - Damage 11
Attack 2 - Hit 24 - Damage 9

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Wednesday July 8th, 2020 7:50:33 AM

Hmerrin answers Sarge.
"Pretty sure that was one of us"

The fighter moves on toward Sharpe, checking down various alleys as he goes.

Move 60' to AO21

End Game. Rd22 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+2=22 ; d3=3 ; d20+2=16 ; 5d6=11 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ;
Wednesday July 8th, 2020 9:21:02 AM

Sarge carefully double-moves and waits to see whether she gets impaled again. She doesn't.

Eisenhorn sees the fire may spread or may not. The wizard waits for Toston to enter the barracks and provide help if necessary.

Sharpe zips up to the top of the large building and looks out for signs of runners or reinforcements. Scanning the fields, Sharpe can't see anyone standing up or running. There appear to be no reinforcements.

Desdichado moves a little closer to where the action is.

Toston opens the door of the last unexplored Barracks, enters, and gives a warning. The barracks is empty, but there is a jumble of wooden cots in the south-east corner of the barracks; and there is heavy breathing coming from behind that barrier!

Gaffer immediately becomes a whirlwind again, picks up the hapless Guard and drops him on his head. Bye bye Guard 21. (ooc: Bestiary rules for Whirlwind is 3/day, 1 round for every 2 HD [which means Gaffer can whirlwind for 5 rounds per use] and no listed action, so I'm calling it a free action. Gaffer is good-to-go!)

Hmerrin thinks the Spike Stones was Tide-made, and moves towards the Large Building, checking alleys to ensure no more Guards. There are no more in this section of the 'Farm'.


The surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles...

Sharpe and Shifty saw one Guard go into each of the six barracks. Barracks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been cleared, and the heroes haven't seen the Large Building's doors open since they've had line of sight...

Guards AC 18 CMD 16

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday July 8th, 2020 4:05:14 PM

Desdichado runs to catch up with Hmerrin. (AI:21).

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy)  d8=5 ;
Wednesday July 8th, 2020 7:51:06 PM

Since she seems to have gotten away from the spike stones, Sarge casts Cure Light Wounds on herself, then hurries after Dez. [to X-21]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 80/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+14=31 ; d20+12=13 ;
Wednesday July 8th, 2020 11:25:27 PM

(Fly: 31)

Toston calls out, "Are you seriously going to make me come back there?"

He advances 30 feet to AO 32 remaining hovering a foot off the ground

He calls out "Olly Olly Oxen Free"

He readies an action to power attack the guard should the guard rush him.

(13 vs AC; nat 1; miss)

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 40 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 39 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Thursday July 9th, 2020 4:24:39 AM

Comfortable that they are safe for the moment Sharpe fly's down to the ground. "I'm going to check on the prisoners, i'll gather them outside in sight of the open gate, not sure they will appreciate being forced back inside and locked in."

He makes his way to Barracks 3, taking a deep breath for this part.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Thursday July 9th, 2020 6:01:41 AM

(OOC: Thank you, good to know!)
Not seeing any combatants left, and the rest of the party all moving towards the final large building, Gaffer does the same, positioning himself above the entrance within the compound.
He will maintain his position above the ground to make sure he doesn't accidentally catch any of his friends.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24 - WW 1/3 : Turn 2/5
Spike Stones - Reflex Save DC 18 - 11 hours
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, Flame Strike D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Thursday July 9th, 2020 7:52:19 AM

Hmerrin puts away his bow, and pulls back out his axes.
The lad is trying to watch the doors of both the big building and barracks 6 at once.

Swap weapons

End Game. Rd22 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20=1 ; d20=9 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20=10 ;
Thursday July 9th, 2020 7:59:32 AM

Desdichado runs to catch up with Hmerrin.

Sarge, breathing a sigh of relief on not being in the Spike Stones. She casts Cure Light Wounds on herself, then hurries after Dez.

Toston calls out, "Are you seriously going to make me come back there?" Taking some preventative steps, he advances and gives the hapless Guard his last chance. As close as he is, the Dragon Disciple can see through the jumble, and ... there is no one there! And then the sounds of heavy breathing stop.

Sharpe tells the others he is going to gather up the former prisoners, flies down, and steels himself to confront the woman in Barracks #3. The hero can't hear the muttering or thudding.

Gaffer doesn't see any combatants left, moves to join the rest of the party going towards the final large building. Gaffer-Whirlwind does position himself above the entrance and away from the ground to not accidentally catch any of his friends.


The surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles. The fire crackles and gives off intense heat. Eisenhorn, keeping an eye out for the flames, notes the shoddy barracks construction is beginning to catch fire on Barracks #4 and #6 too! Looks like a 50/50 chance is now a certainty that the fire is spreading.

Eisenhorn and Toston, make a Perception Check DC 33 Highlight to display spoiler: { an invisible someone just went out the door of Barracks #6!}


Map via Email

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Thursday July 9th, 2020 10:41:51 AM

Sharpe stows his bow, walks into the room. "hey in there, i'm coming in". Hands visible in-front of him.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d4+1=4 ;
Thursday July 9th, 2020 1:00:53 PM

Allowing the swirl of his whirlwind body to slow once more, Gaffer returns to a more stable elemental form
He immediately begins casting Summon Nature's Ally at 4th Level to conjure 4 Small water Elementals, planning on having them deal with the spreading fire.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24 - WW 1/3 : Turn 2/5
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 9th, 2020 1:29:54 PM

Sarge runs to AJ-24.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=16 ;
Thursday July 9th, 2020 2:03:50 PM

(Perception Roll: 16 + 11 +4 (Alertness from Shifty)= 31) Eisenhorn doesn't see anything amiss.

Noticing that the fire seems to be spreading Eisenhorn flies 5 feet higher and moves 5ft away from the fire to AP23. "Should we try to put this out or are we going to let this place burn to the ground?"

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
Shield---- +4 AC (Shield) ---- 1 Rnds.
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 11 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 11 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 7 rnds.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Thursday July 9th, 2020 5:33:36 PM

Dez moves to AO:21.

"Hey, wait up!" he calls. "I'd rather we be together before taking a look inside the big building" he says as he nods toward the doors.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 80/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+18=21 ; d100=83 ; d20+12=16 ; d100=5 ;
Friday July 10th, 2020 12:28:25 AM

(Perception: 21)

Last Round:
As he detects the presence of the invisible foe he lashes out with a kick meant to deliver a scorpion strike that if successful will hobble the invisible guy's speed down to 5 feet.
83 vs 50% miss chance; high = success
16 vs AC = miss

He uses all of his 60 foot flight move to stay on this guy if possible remaining within striking distance if possible.]

This round==

He calls out to his friends, "There's an invisible guy near me! He's {insert direction here} {insert distance in feet} feet away"

He tries another scorpion strike attack but misses the guy do to him being invisible. Still though he uses his superior speed and senses to remain close to the invisi-guy.

5 vs 100 = fail

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 39 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 38 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Resist Fire 5
Blindsense 30 ft

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Friday July 10th, 2020 7:52:07 AM

Hmerrin answers Eisenhorne, "Well, I'd like to keep the one Toston is in fire-free. Gaffer? Can you put out the fire there [points at Barracks 6].

The fighter yells back to Toston.
"That buildings on fire! Leave him and get out!"

End Game. Rd22 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+16=35 ; 2d4=5 ;
Friday July 10th, 2020 8:33:28 AM

Sharpe stows his bow, walks into the room. "hey in there, i'm coming in". Hands visible in-front of him. The woman, smeared in even more blood than before, breaks off her repetitive action and mantra. “You… you’re not one of them”, she half-sobs and drops the rock. “Are… are we getting out of here?”

Gaffer-elemental ends his swirling whirlwind, and begins casting Summon Nature's Ally to conjure 4 Small water Elementals.

Sarge runs.

Eisenhorn notes the fire seems to be spreading. He flies a little higher and moves away. The wizard questions if the heroes will extinguish the fire or allow it to let this place burn to the ground?

Dez moves up beside Hmerrin and calls the need to not split the party before they take a look inside the Large Building.

Toston, as he entered the building, immediately detected the invisible person with his blindsense. A kick lashes out that misses! He alerts the Tide to the invisible foe, and flies after him. (ooc: See email for Following While in Combat)


Toston’s invisible opponent, now found by the perceptive gnome, doesn’t run out the barracks, but instead backs further into the building. A malevolent bass voice exclaims in mild annoyance. “Bah! Your meddlesome ways will come to an end at the hands of Mascachal!” An Acid Arrow leaps from the no-longer-invisible Mascachal and strikes Toston, for 5 damage. It also reveals an elephant-headed humanoid in rich silken robes, and backward-bending fingers!

The other surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles. The fire crackles and gives off intense heat. Eisenhorn, keeping an eye out for the flames, notes the shoddy barracks construction is beginning to catch fire on Barracks #4 and #6 too (currently only on the roof).

Map via Email

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Friday July 10th, 2020 11:01:33 AM

Seeing the now visible Rakshasa Eisehnorn quickly lobs a Glitterdust spell its way to make sure that it can't hide itself and maybe blind it for a while. He'll try to avoid hitting Toston with the spell if possible. "Now now, none of that skulking about you hear!" (Visibly outlined while invisible; -40 to Stealth Checks; Will Save DC19 or Blinded)

He'll then fly back 30 feet to AP16.

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 6 rnds.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Friday July 10th, 2020 2:04:23 PM

Sarge keeps moving up [to AO-24]. She casts Prayer, which should affect herself, Eisenhorn, Dez, Hmerrin, and Gaffer.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Friday July 10th, 2020 4:39:51 PM

Hearing the commotion of Toston engaged the enemy, Desdichado groans aloud. "Ugh, these guys again. Guess it's no surprise they're here." He moves as closely as he can to the building. (I think AQ:25)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Saturday July 11th, 2020 9:26:15 AM

"Pickles," Hmerrin mutters sourly.

"Gaffer, need you to put out this roof."

The fighter plunges into the building to aid Toston.

Double Move 60' to AP32

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Sunday July 12th, 2020 11:43:38 PM

Toston says, "So what are the odds that the elephant in the room turned out to be a literal elephant in the room?" he laughs, "The Gods certainly have a sense of humor."

He then takes a 5 foot step backwards (AP 27) and casts resist energy (acid) immediately followed up by a heroic casting of resist energy (fire).

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 38 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 37 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 600 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 600 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 2/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles] 
Monday July 13th, 2020 4:05:33 AM

Felling a bit like lie he might be in a horror ballad Sharpe approaches the woman and walk around her so she can see him. "It's ok, you' re are, they are all gone now, you are safe"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)  
Monday July 13th, 2020 8:30:27 AM

Completing his spell, the 4 water elementals all spring into existence on the ground below.

Gaffer calls out in Aquan for the elementals to put out the spreading fires. Starting at barracks 4 and 6, then converging on 5.

**** Active Effects ****
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24 - WW 1/3 : Turn 2/5
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 10 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 109 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday July 13th, 2020 3:04:36 PM

Desdichado moves to AQ:28.

Not sure where others are standing, but assuming Hmerrin and Toston are within 10 feet, he uses Aura of Justice (will include Sarge and Gaffer if they come near, too).

Aura of Justice:
All allies in 10 feet add +5 to melee attack roll and AC, 11 to damage, x2 level evil outsider. Allies must use this smite evil ability (free action) by the start of the paladin's next turn. Bonuses last for 1 minute.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Monday July 13th, 2020 8:33:59 PM

"I may have mentioned this before," Sarge huffs, "but I'm getting too old for this."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 12:06:28 AM

Toston designates his smite from Des's Aura of Justice against the elephant headed creature with the backwards hands.

(OOC: with Aura of Justice Toston's AC vs the elephant head is 37 / 26 / 29))

Active Effects
aura of justice: +5 to melee attack roll and AC, 11 to damage, x2 if evil outsider - 10 rounds
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 38 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 37 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 600 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 600 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 2/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

End Game. Rd25 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+8=9 ; d20+11=25 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 8:17:25 AM

Eisenhorn can't see the now visible Rakshasa because the Wizard is 20' in the air and can't see through the door at ground level. The noise of combat in the barracks is unmistakable, however, and Eisehnorn, to assist, has to first move, landing, and then cast a Glitterdust spell into the now lit barracks (because of the fire). Mascachal is blinded!

Sarge moves up to join most of the Tide and casts Prayer, affecting herself, Eisenhorn, Dez, Hmerrin, and Gaffer! "I may have mentioned this before," Sarge huffs, "but I'm getting too old for this."

Desdichado groans and hustles into the Barracks #6. As Hmerrin joins him and Toston, the paladin shines with an Aura of Justice, giving all three heroes enhanced powers against evil.

Hmerrin curses with feeling, "Pickles," and plunges into the building to aid Toston, but stops short after getting in range of the elephant-headed rakshasa.

Toston comments on the god's sense of humor", taks a step back and casts two resistance spells, the first overcoming the lingering effects of the Acid Arrow, and the second for 'just in case'.

Sharpe feels a bit like he might be in a horror ballad, he approaches the woman and walks around her so she can see him. "It's ok, you' re are, they are all gone now, you are safe"

Gaffer completes his spell, and directs 4 water elementals against the fires on Barracks #4 and #6. "After they are extinguished, go against Barracks #5".

Two water elementals each move to Barracks #4 and #6 respectively, but are able to do little. The fire is on the roof and the Small Elementals are on the ground. They are, with their Drench ability, able to stop the non-magical fire from moving down the wall.


Mascachal, blinded, stumbles back to get a step of room, and casts Dispel Magic to end his glittery blindness. Seeing not one but three heroes, all glowing with righteous justice, the rakshasa bellows "A Paladin!" He doesn't seem as arrogant...

In Barracks #3, Sharpe ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: { sees the woman blink as Sharpe tries to convince her she is safe. The woman smiles with eyes that don't look crazed. "Thank you, hero. Can you collect all the personal items at the back of this building?" Sharpe must make a Will Save DC 16 or do what she tells you. She then takes a step forward to stand next to the fighter. }

The other surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles. The fire crackles and gives off intense heat. Eisenhorn, keeping an eye out for the flames, notes the shoddy barracks construction is beginning to catch fire on Barracks #4 and #6 too (currently only on the roof).

Map via Email

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17]  d20=7 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 9:00:36 AM

Eisenhorn figures that between the three men the Rakshasa is likely done for. He pays close attention to the Rakshasa making mental notes on how the fiend reacts to the situation and any potential weaknesses it might display. He also stands at the ready to counterspell should the rakshasa try anything fancy. (Using Dispel Magic, Greater; If needed, Spellcraft Roll: 7 + 20 + 4 = 31)

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 5 rnds.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 91/91] - [Charles]  d20+5=9 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 9:35:03 AM

Sharpe smiles warmly at the woman, he then checks around for any personal items and gathers them at the back of the barracks.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+22=26 ; d12+28=34 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 5:36:56 PM

Hearing the sound of flames overhead, and seeing the strange creature before him, Desdichado takes a deep breath and moves toward the vilian (AO:30).

"No talking. Only ending," he thinks for a moment and adds, "uh, you, I mean."

26 vs AC; 34 damage

Aura of Justice: +5 to melee attack roll and AC (vs rakshasa), +11 to damage (first attack/round), x2 if evil outsider; bypass DR - 9 rounds
Bless: +1 attack/damage

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy)  d20+11=12 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 5:37:36 PM

Sarge moves into the building [not sure of grid coordinates; the map was in pages for some reason]. Since she still has a Spiritual Weapon, she directs it to attack Mascahal, just to see what will happen.

[I'm thinking SR check? If so, that's a whopping 12.]

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:(33 v rak)28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29)  d20+21=33 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+21=32 ; d20+16=28 ; d10+28=29 ; d10+17=26 ; d10+17=20 ; d6+16=22 ; d6+16=18 ; d6+16=20 ; d10+6=13 ;
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 6:54:38 PM

Hmerrin feels the power of Dez's aura encompass him, and grins widely at Elephant Man.

"Oh," he coos, "yeaahh".

The fighter steps in, and his axes sing.

5' step to AQ30
Full attack, power attack on Elephant Man, bypasses DR

Btax 1 hits ac33 for 29 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac29 for 26 hp damage
Btax 3 hits ac27 for 20 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac32 for 22 hp damage
Hdax 2 hits ac28 for 18 hp damage
If ac32 hits - two wpn rend for another 13 hp damage

In effect
Prayer: +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks
Aura of Justice: +5 to melee attack roll and AC (vs rakshasa), +11 to damage (first attack/round), x2 if evil outsider; bypass DR - 9 rounds

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27  d20+19=20 ;
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 12:34:29 AM

Toston moves to AP30 and power attacks the elephant creature (nat 1; miss) but his aim is off and he misses.

(OOC: with Aura of Justice Toston's AC vs the elephant head is 37 / 26 / 29))

Active Effects
aura of justice: +5 to melee attack roll and AC, 11 to damage, x2 if evil outsider - 9 rounds
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 37 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 36 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 599 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 599 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 2/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

End Game. Rd26. COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+16=23 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+11=15 ; d4+4=6 ; d4+4=6 ;
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 11:01:27 AM

Eisenhorn pays close attention to the Rakshasa and stands at the ready to counterspell should the rakshasa try anything fancy.

Sharpe smiles warmly at the woman, he then checks around for any personal items and gathers them at the back of the barracks.

Desdichado takes a deep breath and moves toward the villain, and slices through Mascachal’s vaunted damage resistance like a soft cheddar cheese.

Sarge moves into the building, and directs her Spiritual Weapon, but it fails to pass Mascahal’s spell resistance!

Hmerrin feels the power of Dez's aura encompass him, and grins widely at Elephant Man. He steps in, and his axes sing.

Toston moves to the elephant creature, but his aim is off and he misses.

The small elementals continue to be able to contain the fire and stop it from spreading.


Mascachal is torn into a bloody lump of bleeding outsider flesh at the combined assault of Desdichado and Hmerrin!

In Barracks #3, Sharpe ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: { Sharpe turns to look for objects in the corner, but doesn’t get far. As soon as he turns to leave, the woman begins to tear into the hero with spectacular claws popping out of her fingernails! “I am Renfear, meat, and know you are privileged to be the first to die.”
Caught flatfooted, Renfear gets in two quick raking claws, one almost a critical strike! The Suggestion spell is broken and Sharpe can act normally. Sharpe takes 12 damage.

The other surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles. The fire crackles and gives off intense heat.

Rakshasa AC 25 CMD 22 DR 15/ good and piercing SR 25

Mascachal DEAD

Map via Email

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 12:03:47 PM

"Well, we took care of that guy in a hurry - much better than last time, at least!" says Desdichado, "better go check on the survivors". Not wanting stay inside the burning building, he walks toward the exit (AO:26).

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 79/91] - [Charles] 
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 12:09:56 PM

As Sharpe turns to walk off a claw slashes him on the left of his neck, his eyes focus in from the shock as a second claw rips between his Armour and shoulder spinning him around, he scream a second later his mind still foggy. As his mind is still recovering his body starts to react year of practice see him draw his bow and use it to fend off his attacker.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 94/94 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 1/4 SB 7/7 LL 6/11)   d20+17=37 ;
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 6:24:37 PM

Seeing that everything below seems to be under control, and pleasantly surprised by how quickly the trio seem to have took down the Devil.
Gaffer focuses on flying upwards and taking in their surroundings. (Perception: 37) Concerned that any potential reinforcements would certainly have noticed the smoke column.

**** Active Effects ****
Summon Nature's Ally - 4 Small Water Elementals - 7 rounds
Wildshape - Large Air Elemental - AC 24 - WW 1/3 : Turn X/5
Call Lightning Storm - 5d6 Damage; Save DC 19 - 7 Minutes/10 Bolts
Longstrider - +10 movement - 11 hours
Barkskin - +4 AC - 107 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Pass Without A Trace, Entangle, (Long Strider) D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Chill Metal, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, Poison, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, (Spike Stones), Dispel Magic, (Flame Strike) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Call Lightning Storm), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm
Level 6: Transport via Plants D: Control Wind

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:(33 v rak)28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 7:03:49 PM

Hmerrin looks down at the bloody carcass with grim satisfaction.

"Right," he answers Dez. "Let's get back out and regroup on this big building."

Hmerrin moves back out of the barracks building, still talking with the paladin.

"How often can you do, whatever you just did, anyway?"

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Wednesday July 15th, 2020 10:43:12 PM

Sarge follows Dez. "Yes, lets find the survivors, see if anybody's hurt. Where's Sharpe?"

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 75/96; AC:32/21/23- CMD 27 
Thursday July 16th, 2020 1:31:16 AM

Toston drags Masachel's bloody Raksasha's corpse outside of the burning building figuring it wouldn't do to have whatever clues and/or gear it had on it to burn up. Toston should be at AP 24; Masachal's corpse at AP25(OOC: I'm assuming I can't fly drag the Raksasha out of there; it takes a standard action to grab the corpse and am limited to land speed for movement; [b]if I can fly drag then add 30 feet to put Toston at AP18 and the corpse at AP19[b])

He says to his friends, "I don't want to lose whatever leads and/or treasure the dead elephant guy's corpse might contain considering the elemental can't put out the fire completely:

He then calls up to Eisenhorne, "Hey Eisenhorne; You are our eyes in the sky; have you or Shiny seen Sharpe?"

Active Effects
mage armor : +4 AC : 6 hours
shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; immunity magic missile : 36 rounds
fly : 60 ft fly speed : 35 rounds
Resist Energy(Acid) 10 : 598 rounds
Resist Energy (Fire) 10 : 598 rounds
Stunning fists attempts used: 2/6
1st level slots used: 4/7
2nd level slots used: 2/5
3rd level slots used: 3/4
Passive Effects:
Blindsense 30 ft

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 13/13/10; HP 82/88; CMD 17] 
Thursday July 16th, 2020 5:55:01 AM

Eisenhorn sees the trio take down Masachal swiftly "Well...that ended a lot faster than expected. Thanks for bringing out the body Toston, will be good to autopsy it for my archives." at Toston's question he looks around a bit. "I think I saw him entering the barracks over there." pointing at Barracks 3. "Should we go check on him?" Eisenhorn flies up to the door of Barracks Three yelling "Sharpe are you OK in there?"

--------ACTIVE EFFECTS--------
Mage Armor ---- +4 AC (Armor) ---- 10 H
MIrror Image ---- 3 images---- 10 Min.
Fly---- Flying Speed 60ft.(Good); +5 to Fly Skill Checks; ---- 10 Min.
Haste---- +30fr Movement; +1 Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge to AC & Reflex ---- 4 rnds.

End Game. Rd27 COMBAT ROUNDS (DM SteveK)  d20+16=36 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=20 ; d4+4=8 ; d4+4=8 ;
Thursday July 16th, 2020 8:04:12 AM

Desdichado sees that with his Aura of Justice, the Tide is able to take care of Rakshasa quickly: at least when there is only one target. Not wanting to stay inside a slightly burning building, he moves to the exit intending to check on survivors.

Sharpe turns to walk away and is shocked out of the Suggestion spell by sharp claws! He draws his bow to fend off his attacker!

Gaffer, pleased at the sounds of congratulations coming from Barracks #6, flies up and takes in their surroundings. Although the smoky pillar from the fire, Gaffer can't see anything moving towards (or away from) the Farm.
(Up 100')

Hmerrin looks down at the bloody carcass with grim satisfaction. He looks at Dez "Let's get back out and regroup on this big building." and "How often can you do, whatever you just did, anyway?"
(30' out)

Sarge follows Dez. "Yes, lets find the survivors, see if anybody's hurt. Where's Sharpe?" Yes, everyone else is here but not Sharpe...

Toston drags Masachel's bloody Raksasha's corpse outside of the burning building for clue and gear checks. He calls to the Wizard, "Hey Eisenhorne; You are our eyes in the sky; have you or Shiny seen Sharpe?"
Toston at AP18 and the corpse at AP19[b])

Eisenhorn agrees with clue-looking on Mascachal, and confirms Sharpe went into Barracks #3. The Wizard calls out, "Sharpe are you OK in there?"

The small elementals continue to be able to contain the fire and stop it from spreading down the walls, but can't get to the roof.


In Barracks #3, Sharpe ONLY Highlight to display spoiler: { The woman grins ferally. "Your friends are too late, Mouse, and your bow is no good when Renfear is at your throat!" Claws flicker out at Sharpe, and the Fighter, being more nimble, is able to avoid two attacks, but the first is devastating! Sharpe takes 16 damage }

The other surviving slaves (all women or young children) continue to hide and cower.

Black smoke billows into the sky from the burning Barracks #5. All of the heroes can see it would be easily visible for miles. The fire crackles and gives off intense heat.

Rakshasa AC 25 CMD 22 DR 15/ good and piercing SR 25
Mascachal DEAD

Map via Email (Will update tomorrow)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 96/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Thursday July 16th, 2020 2:25:27 PM

Dez continues walking into the courtyard with the others (AO:22). "Domi has granted me the power to gift those near me with the power to use their righteous fury to smite an evildoer," he responds to Hmerrin. "I can't do it all that often, though - once or twice a day."

He looks around the yard looking to see where Sharpe is, or any of the women and children.

Sharpe - [AC 27/18/22 - CMD 26; HP 63/91] - [Charles]  d20+19=24 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+9=23 ; d8+15=23 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=19 ; d8+15=22 ;
Thursday July 16th, 2020 6:42:27 PM

Sharpe dodges a weaves to avoid the blows from his attacker, he sees an opening to open the distance but miss-times his move and catches another slash across the thigh and limps back. Gritting his teeth his he says, "Well its time for you to meet the rest of the nest, WE HAVE AN ISSUE IN HERE!".

(5ft step back)

Full attack on creepy woman
24 vs AC; 42 dmg
26 vs AC; 21 dmg
17 vs AC; 19 dmg
23 vs AC; 22 dmg

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 75/109 AC:(33 v rak)28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:29) 
Thursday July 16th, 2020 7:04:14 PM

Hmerrin's head snaps toward the door of Barracks 6 as he hears Sharpe's cry.

"Twice might be good," he asides to Dez.

The young fighter bounds into the barracks building.

Not entirely sure of current position, but
60' move to or into barracks 6.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 70/70] (Kathy) 
Thursday July 16th, 2020 10:44:18 PM

Sarge trots along in Hmerrin's wake. [Sorry; there wasn't a map this morning and I've forgotten where we all were. Sarge double-moves toward the barracks.]

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