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Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Friday February 21st, 2020 3:41:44 AM

Everyone else was having fun, and Edson was training for a long distance run. He still was so far away... and Emrys Dragon wasn't close. He keeps pumping... maybe one day.

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+20=39 ; d20+20=31 ; d20+20=22 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+21=28 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 5:30:06 AM

Tishe’ is getting worried. The skeletons and zombies are only nussiances to the Keepers, but deadly for the people they are trying to protect, and they are moving further into Effacia. What’s more, twice now her spells have been no more effective than blowing grass stems at a Rapke! She studies the magical effects on the undead water monster as she thinks to the Keeper and talking out loud for Charles.

“The Wall defense is unraveling. Old packmate of mine told me a mobile defense is better than a static one if you don’t have a big wall to hide behind. Time to set up a next line of defense. I will DimDoor the three of us out of here, and I’ll be back for the other teams.”

Tishe’ Delays, waiting for Lanliss and Charles the Seeker to give a final set of whacks, then grabs them and Defensively casts DimDoor to take the three of them to R,39. (Seen while hovering 50’ above the wall).

Know Arcana 39,31,22,34,21
DimDoor Charles, Lanliss, and Tishe’ to R,39
Defensive Cast. 28 vs 23 for 4th lvl spell cast without AOO

Endure Elements
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 2. 2. 3. 6. 3. 1

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  5d4+14=28 ; 18d6+9=67 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+21=25 ; 2d10+9=27 ; d20+10=15 ; d3=3 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=30 ; 2d6+13=20 ; 2d6+13=21 ; 2d6+13=18 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 10:05:23 AM

"Good call Tishe'. Get them out of there. I'll keep killing as many of the undead as I can, but it won't be too long before I'm running out of spells, And my elementals are taking a beating as well. I'll try and remove the ones moving farther into the city before putting some walls up in front of them."

V quickens a magic missile at the undead water creature for 28 damage, and then flies to AH 25, farther away from the dangerous flying undead. He then targets the undead at AQ27 with a chain lightning which then arcs to up to 18 undead within 30' of AQ27. damage is 67. primary target at AQ27 reflex save 27 to take half damage, all others reflex save 25 to take half damage.

The greater earth elemental continues it's assault on the undead water creature. hitting ac 35 and missing ac 25 for 27 damage.

The large earth elemental keeps swinging at the undead surrounding him. pa5 hitting ac 15 and 28 with a cleave swing hitting ac 30. damage 20, 21, 18

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 19 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 7 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx2
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx1, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -100 from damage
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Large Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 68 (8d10+24) -42 damage
Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +6
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Power Attack

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 237/237 Barratore Steelwind  
Friday February 21st, 2020 2:04:51 PM

The minotaur continues to haul horns towards the front gate mentally nodding as the reports of the undead and now super storm at the palace come in. Bow still in hand, he begins planning his initial assault in his mind. An all too familiar stupid grin splays across his face

Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
Protection from evil - 36 mintues
Haste- extended 23/36 rounds
Freedom of Movement 70 minutes
Fly 35/50 rounds

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:89 /141  d20+19=31 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+14=20 ; d8=2 ; d20+14=30 ; d8=4 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 9:10:31 PM

Feeling a little bit threatened from the situation he found himself in.
Lanilss decides to cast on himself some cure spells.
He quickly takes the wand he labeled carefully and does the same movements he saw on of the keepers do while casting a beneficial spell.
Actions: Use Magic Device on/with Wand Of Cure Light Wounds.
Magic Device roll= 20
Result of the healing= 2
Will do the same action again if possible and if recommended !

Rolled a d8 if I remember correctly

OOC: Ignore first three rolls

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Sunday February 23rd, 2020 11:06:28 PM

Emrys continues to race forward so that he can get within range to dispel the Storm of Vengeance. He hopes he can before the palace collapses under its assault.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d20+6=25 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+11=19 ; d8=6 ; d20+7=17 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+7=15 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=21 ; d8+3=9 ; d8+3=11 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 1:49:41 AM

Edson keeps running. He runs 325 ft per round, and he is moving from L8 to I5, call it 6,000 ft. He will take 18 rounds. He is on Round 8 of 18. He looks for Emrys to come pick him up ... maybe some round? He keeps on running.

Barratore arrives at the south gate! He sees the three dragon turtles! See South Map!

Lanliss cures himself.

Tishe' moves to Lanliss and the Skullhead, then dimension doors the three to a place of greater safety, at R-39.

Velarin's quickened magic missile hits the the undead water creature for 28 damage (187 total damage). Then he flies over and zaps 18 undead in a cluster of electrical death!

Then the elementals.

The greater earth elemental swings at the wounded undead water thing and hits once for 27, 214 total.

The large earth elemental takes out two undead.

Draco-Emrys flies another 480 ft. You have just one more round to travel to get in range to dispel the ongoing Storm of Vengeance.


Hampton casts flame strike on the wounded water undead -- the fire makes no nevermind, but the divine damage inflicts the sufficient damage to remove the last 17 hp it has. The undead is defeated. There is another one still on the other side of the battlefield.

The other Skullheads get innocents into buildings and then regroup.


A wraith, a shadow, and a skeleton attack the greater earth elemental. The shadow does 6 points of Str damage. The elemental takes 2 hp negative energy damage from the wraith and 4 con damage. The skelly misses. That's 104 damage total, plus the con damage makes it 104 out of 110. It has 6 hp left.

A number of undead surrounding the large earth elemental inflict 10 hp damage. That's 52 damage of 68.

The unwounded undead sea monster moves off he wall and down into the city.

Other enemy undead shuffles around, moving deeper into the city. The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.

And the North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+18=34 ; 18d6=67 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+19=32 ; 2d10+8=12 ; 2d10+8=23 ; 2d10+8=24 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=19 ; 2d6+8=14 ; 2d6+8=17 ; 2d6+8=20 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 9:05:28 AM

V moves to AM 28, still 230' in the air, and reassesses the situation. V quickens a targeted dispel magic(dispel check 34) at the watery undead hoping to end a buff the creature may have. As he does so, he momentarily ponders having just used the last charge of his two quicken rods.

V then casts an empowered chain lightning at the undead at AS26 with secondary bolts hitting up to 18 other undead withing 30' of him. He would have preferred to cast an empowered fireball from a scroll, but was concerned about setting the city on fire. Damage 109. reflex save for 59 damage. reflex save is 29 for primary target and 27 for secondary targets.

The greater earth elemental continues to attack the undead around him, hitting ac 36 and 32 with a cleave hit of ac 32 if applicable. damage 12,23,23

The large earth elemental does the same. hitting ac 27, and 20 with a cleave hit of 19. damage 14,17,20

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 18 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 6 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx2
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx1, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) 6hp remain and -6 str
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Large Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 68 (8d10+24) -52 damage
Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +6
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Power Attack

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  15d6=49 ; 15d8=56 ; d4=4 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 9:49:01 AM

Tishe’ is glad the Skullheads are moving and supporting the people: she’ not going to have to use all of her high spell slots to teleport people to safety! She thinks and talks at the same time. “Sieur Lanliss, Sieur Charles, I recommend to keep healing and prepping to go in support of the other Skullheads when they need it”, she points down the road towards the wall at the rest of the team. “I’m going to move up and give Sieur Velarin some backup on that second Undead Water Monster!”

The Sorceress flies nearly vertical to get visibility, then casts an Enlarged Freezing Sphere on the UWM! Tishe’ thinks is may be only see the top of its head, but I will still hit any undead in the street within 40 feet!’

Move to S,38 30’ up
Enlarged Freezing Sphere on UWM. Centered above its head. 40’ radius! 49 damage. Reflex DC 26 for half
- if water subset is d8. 56 damage and staggered for 4 rounds. Reflex DC 26 for half

Endure Elements
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 2. 2. 3. 6. 3. 1

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 237/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+26=35 ; d20+21=23 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+26=39 ; 2d6+20=26 ; 2d6+20=25 ; 2d6+20=31 ; 2d6+20=23 ; 2d6+20=23 ; 2d6+20=23 ; 2d6+20=26 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 1:28:33 PM

Barratore takes aim at the Dragon turtle directly before the gate. As much as he wanted to leap down into the fray and start cutting into the enemy with his blade, he did not think time was on his side.

Deadly Aim Hit AC 35 / 23 / 32 / 31 crit 21 / 39 (If w/i 30 +1 all hits)
Dmg 26 / 25 / 31 / 23 Crit 23+23 / 26 (If w/i 30 +1 all Dmg)

Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
Protection from evil - 36 mintues
Haste- extended 23/36 rounds
Freedom of Movement 70 minutes
Fly 35/50 rounds

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Monday February 24th, 2020 6:03:54 PM

Edson continues running, more than halfway there. His lungs hurt, but be wasn't giving in.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Monday February 24th, 2020 10:11:53 PM

Draco-Emrys continues to race over the city and readies to unleash a powerful abjuration focused on the Storm of Vengeance. Hopefully there is still a palace left standing after the storm ... if he's able to stop it!

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:89 /141 
Monday February 24th, 2020 10:43:42 PM

"Charles, Can you tend to my wounds?", Lanliss asks.
He was losing blood and felt his body, every part of it.
Body Knackered, Lanliss knew he can't tempt luck again and fight the undead without improving his immediate condition.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d20=12 ; d20=5 ; d20=5 ; d20=17 ; d20=17 ; d100=88 ; d100=75 ; d20=3 ; d6=5 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+7=10 ; d3=3 ; d20+7=11 ; d20+7=24 ; d8+3=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=7 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ; d8=3 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 11:36:59 PM

Edson keeps running. He runs 325 ft per round, and he is moving from L8 to I5, call it 6,000 ft. He will take 18 rounds. He is on Round 9 of 18. He looks for Emrys to come pick him up ... maybe some round? He keeps on running.

Barratore quickdraws his bow and shoots at a turtle. He hits and damages it!
Please make a Will save vs DC21, and then three Will saves vs DC20.
See South Map!

Draco-Emrys flies another 480 ft. You will be in range to try to dispel the ongoing Storm of Vengeance. next round. You are at H7 on this map. The Storm of Vengeance is at the intersection of I-J-6-7 and has a radius of 360 ft.

Tishe' rises and cast a very very cold spell. And in this way she learns that not only is this opponent not an outsider and immune to lightning, but also immune to cold. [OOC: Sorry!]

Velarin flies to AM-28. He tries to use a quickened dispel magic on the watery undead. Unfortunately, it is an undead thing with no magic items and no spells cast on it. Then Velarin casts an empowered chain lightning at the undead at AS-26 with secondary bolts hitting up to 18 other undead within 30' of him. One of those is the watery-looking undead thing, but it is immune to lightning, as Tishe' has discovered. The spell does take out a lot of undead.

The two elementals take out four undead.

Lanliss starts the round at only 13 hit points, by my calculations. He asks Charles of the Skullheads for curing.

Everybody, PLEASE keep your hit point total up to date in your header.


Charles casts a cure on Lanliss. That's 38 hp curing to Lanliss!

The other Skullheads move south.


A wraith attacks the greater earth elemental. Five more points of Con damage kills the greater earth elemental.

A number of undead surrounding the large earth elemental inflict 5 hp damage. That's 57 damage of 68. It is still up and fighting!

The unwounded undead sea monster moves off he wall and down into the city. A double move suggests that it is heading toward Charles and Lanliss!

Other enemy undead shuffles around, moving deeper into the city. The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.

Note that three wraiths are flying up toward Velarin!

And the North Map!

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+15=23 ; d20+30=50 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 5:30:13 AM

Tishe’ grimaces, the monster undead is posing a real threat and she hasn’t been able to touch it. The General having a Protection vs Sonic attacks and this monster near immune... Ideas flash around her head and meet with the Storm of Vengeance over the palace that has the portal. Thinking and speaking: “There is no way the Sahaugin should target the Portal and defend against our usual battle pattern unless they have a spy traitor inside Effacia. And that means we need to be creative in fighting back.”

“Lanliss sweetie, you were just using a healing wand on the Wall, keep healing yourself! I’ll try to at least slow this thing down. I’m going to try to make myself into a big Immovable Rod. This is the most sun-baked idea I’ve ever had...”

Tishe’ speeds off to meet the UWM alone, acrobatically flying to where she is between two buildings and 15’ off the ground. (Move to W,37). “Lord Saar, Ma’ab, and Gray Wanderer, I hope this works...”. And Defensively casts Resilient Sphere on herself, encasing her in a 19’ diameter wall of unmovable, impenetrable Bubble of Force!

Move to W,37. 15’ up
Acrobatic to avoid AOO if the creature has Reach. 23
Defensive cast. 50
Resilient Sphere. 19 rounds, 19’ diameter bubble acts as Wall of Force
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 2. 2. 4. 6. 4. 1

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  5d4+14=29 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+15=32 ; 2d6+8=17 ; 2d6+8=16 ; 2d6+8=14 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 9:27:18 AM

V shares his beliefs with the other keepers. "Tishe' and Lanliss, I think this watery undead guy is some sort of undead golem. It seems to be immune to most spells. Barratore, how goes it with the Dragon turtles?

"Tishe', I think I have an idea. If you guys can draw him out in the open and away from the buildings as much as possible, I have a reverse gravity memorized. I should be able to leave him hanging 45' in the air for awhile. My only other option is bringing in more elementals, which I am running short on,but have a couple left.

V casts a magic missile at the wight closest to him(29 damage) and then moves to AE36, still 230' in the air. He hopes that by casting before he moves, it will prevent them from being able to track him.

The large earth elemental keeps swinging at the undead around him. hitting ac 31 and 28 with a cleave hit of 32. damage of 17,16, and 14.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 17 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 5 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx3
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx1, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Large Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 68 (8d10+24) -57 damage
Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +6
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Power Attack

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 1:43:16 PM

A song pops up in his head as he runs, maybe that would help with the pain in his body.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:51 /141  d20+22=38 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 9:34:11 PM

"Thanks", Lanliss says as he simply moves to near the buildings (39V if possible).
He tries to focus on the sounds and what he sees.
"Should we focus on the big thing or just kill the small units of the undead that are in the city he wants to ask.
But Velarin plans makes sense so he proceeds, he takes a peek and then shouts at the monster,"Come here you ugly nasty thing, I bet you can't catch me".
Lanliss will then ready himself to run from what currently, guarantee him a probable chance to die.

Perception 38

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 10:12:13 PM

Emrys finally gets within range and he unleashes the magical force of his spell.

(Emrys casts Greater Dispel Magic on the Storm of Vengeance. Targeted Dispel. Empowered by Surrender Blood and Reach Spell. Range: Long 1,280 ft. Dispel Check: d20+22 = 39. This was copied over from last week, so you don't have to.)

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 237/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+16=20 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+26=38 ; d20+21=23 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=26 ; d20+26=37 ; 2d6+20=27 ; 2d6+20=27 ; 2d6+20=30 ; 2d6+20=26 ; 2d6+20=29 ; 2d6+20=25 ; 2d6+20=32 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 10:45:31 PM

Barratore draws back on his bow and lets another volley fly.
Everything is under control at the gate, be done in about a minute. Ive got the cure to a golem right here with me. Sounds though as if I should've went north. It'll take me a couple of minutes to get all of the way at this point

Deadly Aim Hit AC 38 / 23 / 32 / 31 crit 26 / 37
Dmg 27 / 27 / 30 crit 26+29 / 25 / 32

Will Save 20 vs DC 21
Will Save 34,22,35 vs DC 20

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d8=4 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=19 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=10 ; d8+3=9 ; d8+3=10 ; d8+3=11 ; 4d10+15=31 ; 4d10+15=38 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+10=17 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 12:35:38 AM

Edson keeps running. He runs 325 ft per round, and he is moving from L8 to I5, call it 6,000 ft. He will take 18 rounds. He is on Round 10 of 18.

Barratore sees a huge mass of shifting colors, but the magic has no effect on him! He continues hitting the dragon turtle with arrow after arrow. By my reckoning, Barratore has inflicted a truly punishing 373 hp damage to this turtle! Where arrows hit the head or feet, there is blood. Where arrows hit the shell, they make puncture wounds that ooze. And yet the turtle, while swaying on its feet, remains up and attacking! See South Map!

Barratore, see below for enemy actions.

Draco-Emrys, at H7 on this map, dispels the Storm of Vengeance. The storm clears, and you see that the damage has been awesome. Buildings are damaged. You see some corpses on the streets (though you hope most people have sheltered in basements). The palace is damaged, and parts of a roof are caved in, but it is still intact.

Tishe' hovers right in front of the undead sea thing and casts Resilient Sphere in an attempt to stop the monster's advance.

Velarin hits a wraith with a magic missile. Then he moves off, hoping to be undetected. He ends move about 200 ft over the last remaining undead sea thing, which does not sense him (it has blindsight, but only to 120 ft).

The last elemental takes out two undead.

Lanliss moves up behind the resilient sphere, almost taunting the undead sea thing to attack.

Everybody, PLEASE keep your hit point total up to date in your header.


Charles sticks with Lanliss and asks him "what's the plan?" He casts a cure light wounds -- That's 13 hp curing to Lanliss!

The other Skullheads use ranged attacks and reach weapons to attack the skellies and zombies swarming the elemental, and take out several. Sister Wendy also takes out a nearby wraith with a flame strike.


A number of undead surrounding the large earth elemental inflict 15 hp damage -- it served well, but now it is returned to the elemental plane, defeated!

The unwounded undead sea monster moves to attack. It slams the resilient sphere twice, inflicting 31 and 38! The sphere, like a wall of force, has hardness 30, so the sphere takes 1 and 8 hp of damage!

A grand total of 23 skeletons, zombies, and shadows have scattered into the city. That's going to be a problem, but considering how many swarmed the wall, maybe this counts as a small victory!

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.

Three wraiths continue flying up toward Velarin's last location, but they do not see where he is now.

In the south, the three dragon turtles ignore Barratore and breathe onto the gate house. Already melting, it will soon be a steaming hole in the wall, open to any invading force! A ray comes from nowhere from in front of Barratore and hits his touch AC -- he is blind for next round. Two targetted dispel magics also hit him, dispelling magical effects with rolls of 21 and 17. [OOC: Dan, you tell me what effects if any are dispelled, or list all your active effects and their caster levels and I'll figure it out.]

And the North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  5d4+14=27 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 8:08:08 AM

V frowns slightly as he sees the last elemental return to the elemental plane of earth. He then frowns further as he sees Tishe' not only not try to draw the watery horror into the street, but block his path and keep him next to the buildings. "Alright, new strategy" he thinks to himself.

"Alright Tishe', I gotta get closer first, but I'm gonna summon another big earth elemental to beat on him. Then I'll summon some air elementals to fight the Wights.

V fires another magic missile at the wight he hit last round for 27 more damage. and then moves to AO36 dropping down as far as he can as he does(I believe he is 160' in the air at AO36)

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 17 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 5 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx1, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d100=79 ; d20+25=43 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 7:47:18 PM

Tishe’ sighs: something worked! ‘And if it continues to think I am in here, it should continue beating on the bubble even when Im not here!’ And then (assumedly) Barratorre describes his blind and dispelling situation via the telepathic link.

‘I’m going to meet Sieur Barratorre and help take care of the South Gate, and then teleport us both back to the North Gate to deal with the UWM.’ Tishe’ weaves another spell, “I wish to teleport 40’ north of the South Gate!”

Tishe’ immediately looks for Barratorre and (using her move action) Readies a Dispel Magic Counterspell for the first spell to be shot at Barratorre!

Limited Wish to Teleport. -1 diamond. 79% on target for ‘seen casually’. 40’ north of the South Gate, 15’ up.
Readied Dispel Magic Counterspell. DC 43

Resilient Sphere. 18 /19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 2. 2. 4. 6. 4. 2

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:64 /141  d3=1 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 9:31:21 PM

"I have no plan", Lanliss says as he sees Tishe' handling the monster very well.
"We either observe or we go back to help", Lanliss says as he refers to the SKULLHEADS.
Lanliss takes a coin and flips/ throws it into the air.
"Let's let luck decide", He says firmly with confidence.

rolled a 3d dice for the DM to choose what happens !

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 9:47:34 PM

He keeps running, moving in a systematic fashion. Something to kill the time. One leg... othe leg... back and forth

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 237/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+26=33 ; d20+21=27 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+26=44 ; d100=1 ; d100=22 ; d100=11 ; d100=20 ; d100=53 ; 2d6+20=28 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 10:47:48 PM

The first spell hits and the everything goes black, OK, Looks like things are a bit more complex down here. Spellcasters are loose and I just got blinded.
Not sure how premanent it is. Also, Something odd about the Dragon turtles. I have really unloaded on one and he is still standing

Welcome to the South gate Tishe.
Barratore grins a bit and takes aim at the Dragon Turtle he has been shooting at.
Can you cast Resist Fire so I can go down there?

Deadly Aim Hit AC 33 / 27 / 19 / 24 / 44 Miss % 1 / 22 / 11 / 20 / 53
Dmg miss / miss / miss / miss / 28

CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 1 Protection from evil - 36 mintues
CL 18 Haste- extended 22/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes
CL 5 Fly 35/50 rounds

Given the 21 and 17, I am going with the Protection From Evil and Flying spells to be dispelled

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+22=36 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 11:22:03 PM

Emrys is glad the storm has ended, but regrets not getting there sooner. He looks around to see if he can spot the source of the spell ... that being the evil archcleric he had heard about. (Perception: 36)

If he doesn't spot the cleric, Emrys will land on the nearest solid, flat surface (roof, wall, etc.) and polymorph back to his normal form (free action) and casts a divination. Does he feel a pull in any direction?

(Emrys casts Locate Creature. He wishes to locate a high-level sahuagin cleric. Range: Long, 1120ft. Area: circle - centered on Emrys with a radius of 1,120 feet. Duration: 180 minutes.)

Emrys also listens to the others, via Party Radio. "The storm is over ... the palace is a wreck! Tishe ... is it the cleric attacking Barratore? I wasn't aware of other casters ... of course, I wasn't privy to the roster of this school of fish."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday February 27th, 2020 9:36:29 AM

V listens to the reports coming in from his fellow keepers and grimaces, thinking to himself "This is going all wrong. We've got the wrong people in the wrong places. The size of this battle field is a nightmare."

V ponders what to do next as Tishe' takes a poof pill and wanders over to Barratore.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Thursday February 27th, 2020 11:09:11 AM

"Tishe, do you have multiple teleports. can you grab me if I describe where I am at and bring me to Barry?" Edson says through the mental chat. If the answer is yes, he begins rattling off all his surroundings. Name of inn or stores, roads, any landmarks.

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 237/237 Barratore Steelwind  
Thursday February 27th, 2020 8:51:20 PM

Up since 3am traveling home. Just got in. I’m beat. Posting tomorrow

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d4=4 ; d4=4 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=12 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+8=12 ;
Friday February 28th, 2020 12:48:41 AM

Edson keeps running along the top of the town wall, headed north. He runs 325 ft per round, and he is moving from L8 to I5, call it 6,000 ft. He will take 18 rounds. He is on Round 11 of 18.

Barratore, blinded, loses his Protection From Evil and Flying spells. He shoots blindly. The blindness, which required just a ranged touch and had no save, lasted only a round. For the moment, his vision clears, and he sees that the wounded Dragon Turtle is lying there dead. The other two are still melting a hole in the gatehouse (presumably to open the way for a larger invasion?) Barratore, facing multiple caster if he has figured this out, calls for back-up. See South Map!

Emrys lands in H7 on this map, casts Locate Creature, but does not find the Sahuagin Caster within the 1,100 ft spell range. He coordinates with telepathy.

Tishe' makes a wish and blips out of the sphere to a spot 15 ft above the road, 40 ft north of the gatehouse. She readies a counterspell. [OOC: Can you do that if the caster is invisible? Moot this time because the casters are not casting dispels.] Tishe' sees two living turtles and one down. She sees no casters.

Velarin takes out a wounded wraith with a magic missile. (They are wraiths, not wights.) Then he flies down to AO-36, hoping to be undetected. He ends move about 160 ft in altitude.

Lanliss and Charles race north to join the other Skullheads.


The Skullheads attack the lesser undead and the ghast in the road in front of them. They take out the ghast and two skellies this round.


A few remaining lesser undead attack the Skullheads. Sister Wendy takes some damage.

The unwounded undead sea monster again attacks the sphere, inflicting minimal damage.

A wraith charges Velarin, since it is within 60 feet and has the lifesense ability. It attacks, but misses!

Another wraith descends towards the Skullheads.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


One dragon turtle is dead. The other two wait for their breath weapons to recharge.

Two rays comes from nowhere toward Barratore and one hits his touch AC -- he is blind AGAIN for next round. In addition, a scorching ray comes out of thin air to hit Barratore for 25 fire damage.

South Map!

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+27=43 ; d20+27=39 ;
Friday February 28th, 2020 8:29:05 AM

V curses himself for being too focused on a single opponent. This Undead water monster could wait. The much greater threat to the city was the gates being breached and a full invasion. Unfortunately, he was out of teleports, and his dim doors wouldn't get him there quick enough. "Should have had Tishe' give me a lift. They will have to handle that side for now"

Hoping to pen the undead sea monster in for a few, V will defensively cast a wall of force from AD 38 to AD 34 that is 33' high(concentration check 43, success)

V will then heroically Dim door to AT25 and be 30' off the ground(cast defensively 39, success)

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 16 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 4 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+25=42 ;
Friday February 28th, 2020 6:01:12 PM

Tishe’ thinks and responds to Edson: ‘I can, but it’s going to take a minute to help Sieur Barratorre with a couple troublesome Mages. I believe you should start flying and I’ll tell you when we are ready.’

The sorceress notes she is not noticed right now, so she first weaves a Quickened See Invisible on herself and looks about to spy the two invisible spellcasters. And then she weaves a Glitterdust spell, trying get both casters in the spell effects. (Success if within 20’ of each other)

And THEN, Tishe’ uses her move action to Ready a Counterspell for the first of the two casters to try to cast.

Glitterdust! 10’ radius. -40 Stealth! Will DC 20 or blind
Counterspell. (Dispel Magic). 42!

Resilient Sphere. 16 /19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 3. 2. 4. 7. 4. 2

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:64 /141  d20=20 ;
Friday February 28th, 2020 9:26:55 PM

Lanliss goes near the small skirmish (Z27).
He tries to assess the situation and will aid the skullheads in their fight, he helps in a way....
He Decides not to attack at but help in a different way

Aid another
D20=20 (Natural Success)

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 212/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+18=24 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+27=43 ; 6d8+28=53 ; d100=66 ;
Friday February 28th, 2020 10:46:18 PM

Barratore's vision returns for a hot second and then goes black again. Oh this could get tiring. Shifting his stance to about his 7 o'clock Barratore tosses Tishe a wink. More than 1 way to find a turtle Barratore draws his sword

The fighter then pivots right and takes 4 great strides to his right and launches himself off of the wall in the direction where he had last seen the Dragon Turtle

Acrobatics 26 for long jump = 25' forgot Base speed is greater than 30
Acrobatics 21 to ignore 10' of fall.

If the Dragon Turtle strikes at him, Barratore, now knowing where the creature is and strikes from his prone position

Grtr Vital Strike Power Attack Hit AC 43 Dmg 53 Blind Miss 66

Barratore has Blind Fighting and can move full speed while blind and keeps his Dex for AC

CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 21/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Saturday February 29th, 2020 9:47:48 AM

Edson keeps running, his question unanswered.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d6=6 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=11 ;
Saturday February 29th, 2020 9:58:03 AM

Edson keeps running along the top of the town wall, headed north. He runs 325 ft per round, and he is moving from L8 to I5, call it 6,000 ft. He will take 18 rounds. He is on Round 12 of 18. [From his spot on the wall, Edson sees a pack of four ghouls and a ghast chasing a mom and two children.

Emrys stands on a roof in H7 on this map. [OOC: We'll retcon his actions when he gets a post in.] Over near the palace, Emrys sees a dust cloud, as if part of the structure has collapsed. That's a good 1,000 ft away ... 2 rounds by flying dragon.

Velarin traps the undead water thing with a wall of force and then dim doors away from his attacker.

Lanliss helps the Skullheads as they attack the undead near them.

Tishe' casts See Invisibility an spies two Sahuagin casters, flying, 50 ft apart. Careful not to hit Barratore (he has had enough problems with vision!), she is able to glitterdust Caster One.

Barratore, blinded, is inspired by the heroism of the DAY and makes an incredible LEAP of faith that is also a literal LEAP. Indeed, this is truly his LEAP DAY! [Please accept a hero point!! Well played!] He takes a small bit of falling damage (6 hp) and lands prone as a move action. Lying on the ground, he readies a mighty blow for the moment he is attacked by a dragon turtle.


Lanliss and the Skullheads take out three skellies and a zombie.


The unwounded undead sea monster, trapped by force, takes the easier way out. It starts slamming into the building next to it. Normally it uses this power to sink ships at sea, but it works just as well on buildings. People start running in terror as the building starts to collapse. (Light brown on the map next to the monster.)

Two wraiths, high in the air, fly down through walls and roofs into buildings.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


One dragon turtle is dead. The other two breathe on the wall. Barratore feels the heat, hears the roar, but it is not aimed at him.

The glitterdusted caster (C1) is now visible but makes his save vs blinding. For just a second, Barratore can see -- he sees the caster above him -- an unarmored sahuagin. Then that glittery caster points at Barratore, shooting out a ray, hitting touch AC11, a miss. [This is a class ability, not a spell, so no countering.] Caster 1 flies down and hides behind the corpse of the dead dragon turtle. (Still on the map but no one has line of sight to him.)

C2, visible only to Tishe', flies down, such that Tishe' no longer has line of sight to him. From Barratore's perspective, another ray comes out of nowhere. This one is also a miss!

Finally, Tishe' sees -- barely, through the rubble -- that the area outside the gatehouse is now foggy! Barratore, please Highlight to display spoiler: {This is a solid fog spell -- look it up please. Your moves, attacks, and vision are all hindered. There is no save. Finally, you hear the turtles moving around in the fog -- the map positions shown are likely now wrong. Within five ft, concealment (20 % miss), further out, can't see. On the plus side, you are not blind!}

South Map!

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Saturday February 29th, 2020 2:19:37 PM

V thinks to Lanliss. "You guys try and save the people, and if the skull heads can do something about the flying undead, I'd appreciate it. I'm gonna start bringing in some muscle."

V calls forth a scroll from his haversack and casts the summon monster7, bringing in another greater earth elemental at AJ25 and instructing it in Terran to kill the undead inside the city walls but leave the living unharmed.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 15 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 3 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) 6hp remain and -6 str
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. +3AC defense (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+25=44 ; d20+20=36 d20+25=29
Saturday February 29th, 2020 5:09:15 PM

Tishe’ thinks and responds to Edson: ‘I can, Sweetie, but it’s going to take a minute to help Sieur Barratorre with a couple troublesome Mages. I believe you should keep going and I’ll tell you when we are ready.’

The Sahaugin Mages dropped back, and Barratorre did some inspiring heroics, thinks the sorceress, and so can I do less? she keeps a running inner monologue so the other Keepers know what’s going on. The answer is no, and the refugee from the Sargrass Plains rises into the air in pursuit, flying forward and at an angle to get a view on the other side of the wall, (Fly to W,15. 45’ up) and looks about for the two spellcasters. (Perception. 44), and sees “Its Solid Fog! (Know Arcana 36)

Tishe’ defensively casts a Targeted Dispel Magic (Dispel 29) on the Solid Fog to clear the way for Barratorre. Then she shouts in Aquan at Caster #2, “playing with a Warrior is just poor sport, why don’t you pick on someone who can fight back?”

Perception 44
Know Arcana 36 vs 19 to see Solid Fog
Defensive Stance. +3 AC
Dispel Magic 29 vs dispel a 19th level spell

Resilient Sphere. 15/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 2. 3. 3. 4. 7. 4. 2

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 206/237 Barratore Steelwind  
Sunday March 1st, 2020 8:49:24 AM

Barratore gets up and gives a quick scan if the Solid Fog is gone with Tishe's Dispel, Barratore will move in on the Dragon Turtles.

If the Solid Fog is still in effect, Barratore will move away from the City 20' then turn towards the gate house and move 30'.

Freedom of Movement grants unrestricted move in Solid Fog

CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 21/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+22=36 ;
Sunday March 1st, 2020 10:31:02 PM

Emrys eyes and other senses scan the area. With all the chatter over Party Radio, he feels pulled in every direction. He growls in frustration. With the sight of the dust cloud and the partial collapse of the palace, he launches himself (in dragon form) in that direction (fly 480ft). Along the way, he is continuously mindful that the evil cleric may be near. He isn't sure what he will do at this point if he senses the cleric with his divination (locate creature). Until then, he needs to rely on his other perceptions (low light, darkvision, blind sight, scent, true seeing).

(Perception: 36)

Reporting to the others he says, "The palace is collapsing ... I'm moving in!"

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:64 /141 
Monday March 2nd, 2020 9:36:58 AM

"Wraiths !", Lanliss shouts.
"I am going to fight these two", Lanliss says and points at them.
Lanliss starts to move closer to them, ready to make a defensive maneuver if necessary.

Action: move to AC 28
Action#2: act defensively, but not total defense.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+20=29 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+10=25 ; d8+4=5 ; d8+4=10 ; d8+4=9 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ;
Monday March 2nd, 2020 11:29:37 AM

Edson closes his eyes for a split second. the mother and child needed him, but if he didn't make it to help, the whole city could be lost. Still......

He stop and fire at whichever undead is head out, hoping he can cause enough damage with his fire and arrows to have the rest of the undead stumble into it and give the family time to run.

Hit ac 29 5 dmg +5 fire
hit ac 18 10 dmg + 5 fire
hit ac 25 9 dmg +6 fire

No matter the outcome, he turns and continues running, hoping he bought them enough time and doesn't hear screams

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d20+9=21 ; d4=4 ; d4=3 ; d20+6=23 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ;
Monday March 2nd, 2020 3:42:00 PM

Edson is in K5 on this map. Last round he saw a Ghast and a pack of Ghouls chasing a family. Luckily with bow already at hand, he stops to fire at the undead. He takes out the ghast with his first two shots and then downs a ghoul with his third shot. He starts running again along the top of the town wall, headed west. He runs 325 ft per round, so he has six more rounds of running to go. The Ghouls follow him!

Over the course of last round and this one, Draco-Emrys flies from H7 to I7 on this map. He ends move over the palace. Looking down, he sees a Blade Barrier almost 100 ft in diameter, protecting several large earth elementals within who are tearing down walls and attacking the structure of the palace. ALSO, 1,000 ft away in J7, Emrys senses the caster himself!

Velarin takes out a scroll and starts summoning help. You can specify the summoned monster and its map placement at the top of your turn next round. [OOC: Is Velarin flying, and at what altitude? The DM seems to have lost track.]

Lanliss moves right next to the building and readies his defense.

Tishe' flies forward and scans. She sees THREE casters -- one had been out of line of sight near the ground! [OOC: Okay, she sees two unglittered casters C2 and C3, and she suspects that the glittered caster C1 is hiding behind a dragonturtle body.] She dispels the Solid Fog.

Barratore, free of fog and blindness, steps up to a Dragon Turtle. Honestly, that's just a five ft step. Feel free to take actions to complete the round and we'll retcon it in.


Lanliss and the Skullheads maneuver to be ready for the coming wraith attacks. Tim, the surviving dwarf who specializes in using a reach ghost touch weapon to fight incorporeal enemies, advises Lanliss. "Dude, you gotta not stand next to walls. They pop out, hit ya, and then pop back in. Make them travel to get to ya, then you can attack as they come at ya. Just watch they don't come through the ground!"

A couple Skullheads are helping people run into buildings away from the Undead Sea Monster. One old man runs by a wraith, and gets TOUCHED with an undead drain as he passes by. The elder stumbles and falls (pink "p" on the map).


The unwounded undead sea monster continues to attack structures so as to get itself free.

Two wraiths fly out of their hiding places, attack with Flyby Attack, and then retreat. One attacks Lanliss, and it hits Lanliss (even with his extra defense!) for 2 hp negative energy damage AND 6 hp CON damage. The CON damage means 54 more hp lost, so Lanliss is down 56 total this round!

The other wraith gets hit with a readied magic missile, an AoO from the undead-bane ghost touch reach weapon, a readied attack with the undead-bane ghost touch reach weapon, and a thrown returning undead-bane dagger. It goes down!

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


One dragon turtle is dead. Another attacks Barratore but misses wildly. The last one pulls its head and legs into its shell as it waits for its breath to recharge.

The glitterdusted caster (C1) points at Barratore. The warrior taur (wartaur?) sees him, and sees the beam fly out at him. It touches him, and Barratore is blinded again! That glittery Caster 1 flies back into cover behind the dead dragon turtle.

Sahuagins C2 and C3 look at each other after Tishe' looks at them and taunts them. Clearly, invisibility is no defense against this human caster. They both decide that it is time to cast Mirror Image. There are now 8 C2s and 7 C3s. They both also ascend.

ALSO, Barratore, please make a Will save vs DC21!

South Map!

North Map!

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 206/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+31=37 ; 6d8+28=61 ; d20+21=32 ; d20+31=40 ; d20+26=34 ; d20+21=23 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+31=47 ; d100=72 ; d100=82 ; d100=23 ; d100=44 ; d100=68 ; d100=57 ; 2d8+28=39 ; 2d8+28=40 ; 2d8+28=35 ; 2d8+28=37 ;
Monday March 2nd, 2020 5:15:27 PM

Last Round 5' Step Barratore swings once, needing a Move to get up
Grt Vital Strike Power Attack Hit AC 37 Dmg 61

Things go dark. Will Save 32 Barratore holds onto his bow in one hand, blade in the other and tears into the Dragon Turtle
Power Attack Hit AC 40 / 34 / 23 / 30 / 47 Blind Miss 72 / 82 / 23 Blind Fight reroll 44 / 68 / 57
Dmg 39 / 40 / miss / 35 / 37

Emrys, dont worry about what going on here. focus on what you can do where you are. Laniss, you should have that whole area secure by now. All right Edson, next time I'll carry you

CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 20/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday March 2nd, 2020 7:40:33 PM

(02/28 post: V will then heroically Dim door to AT25 and be 30' off the ground(cast defensively 39, success))

The greater elemental appears, centered at AR37, and V then instructs it in Terran to kill the undead water monster.. V then flies to AT37, still at 30' off the ground and dismisses his wall of force.

The earth elemental takes a move and a move and arrives, centered at AJ37, and eyes his opponents backside as he tries to bust through the walls of the building.

V speaks telepathically to Lanliss, "Let the skullheads know to leave the earth elemental alone. You all kill whatever undead you are able to, and keep each other safe. The undead water thing is the biggest threat on this side of the castle, but other than summoning elementals, there's not much I can do to him. If the wraiths go after the earth elemental, see if the skull heads can clear them away."

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 14 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 2 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) 6hp remain and -6 str
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. +3AC defense (Freedom of Movement) HP 148/164 Tishe’ (SteveK)  5d4+5=17 ; 5d4+5=21 ; d20+20=26 ;
Monday March 2nd, 2020 8:50:56 PM

Tishe’ sees the third caster and how they prep to box her in. “Oops, this is going to take a little longer than I thought, packmates. Sieur Barratorre and I can still handle it. It sounds like we all have people to Keep.”

The Spellweaver flies to confront Caster 2 (and incidentally closer to Barratorre), and takes stock of the Mirror Image spell... and she smiles. “I believe the pattern has a loophole”, she says, and weaves a Magic Missle spell, sending 5 Missles unerringly into the Caster and ignoring the images! Then she comments as if reciting an old spell primer, “Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your figments”, and she weaves a Quickened Magic Missle spell for five more Missles!

Move to AF,21. 40’ up
Know Arcana. DC 26
Magic Missle. 17 damage
Quickened Magic Missle. 21 damage

Resilient Sphere. 14/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 3. 3. 5. 7. 4. 2

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+18=35 ; d4+2=5 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=28 ; d3=1 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+15=29 ; 2d6+9=13 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=18 ; 2d6+9=15 ; 2d6+9=16 ; 2d6+9=15 ; 2d6+9=20 ; 2d6+9=14 ; 2d6+9=20 ; 2d6+9=19 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+18=22 ; d20+18=34 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+18=25 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+18=28 ;
Monday March 2nd, 2020 9:16:47 PM

Emrys looks down at the elementals within the blade barrier and then his senses begin to tingle and he looks in the caster's direction.

In a sinister tone, he says chillingly "Ahhh .... Dinner is served!"

But what to do, stop the elementals from collapse the palace or stop the cleric ... why not both. With his claw, he pierces the thin veil between the Living Wold and the Realm of Shadow. He becomes bathed in the gloom of the void. The light of day seemingly retreats from his draconic form. The darkness coalesces in his gaze as it springs forth like a beam at the area where the elementals stand crashing in a 20-ft radius burst.

(Using a Hero point for an extra Standard Action: Emrys casts Greater Dispel on the area of the elementals and blade barrier. Type: Area Dispel. Range: 280ft. Area: 20-ft radius burst. Greater Dispel Check: 35)

Emrys turns his terrifying gaze at the cleric, he chants a few words of power and flexes his claws with measured movements and suddenly the ground erupts around the cleric.

(Emrys casts Shambler, empowered by by Reach Spell. Range: Long, 1,120-ft. Area: Surrounding the Cleric. # of Shamblers 1d4+2 = Five (5) Advanced Template Shambling Mounds.)

Each of the giant shamblers appear surrounding the poor cleric. They all flank one another as well and they each wail on the cleric ... grabbing him after each successful hit.

(Shambler Attacks: Hit AC: 28, 23, 31, 28, 24, 19, 28, 22, 27, 29. Damage: 13, 17, 18, 15, 16, 15, 20, 14, 20 and 19. Grabs with each hit: CMB +18 grapple: 30, 28, 22, 34, 19, 27, 25, 27, 35 and 28.)

Emrys commands them, "TEAR HIM APART." He then launches himself in the cleric's direction.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:8/141 
Monday March 2nd, 2020 9:16:59 PM

Lanliss feels pain from this drain of energy and stumbles back from the building (AC 25), he makes a defensive stance, now totally prepared for the wraith.
He also thanks the dwarf for the helpful advice.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 10:27:52 AM

Edson continued running, hoping the undead kept following him and didn't chase after another target. He had to be getting close to the battle, but he still was a little off.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d3=1 ; d8=6 ; d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; d20=14 ; d20+9=16 ; d4=3 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 1:59:52 PM

Edson keep running -- he has five more rounds of running to go. He outpaces the ghouls, and eventually they drop back.

Draco-Emrys, in square I7 on this map, casts a greater dispel magic. It has a 20 ft radius, and the blade barrier is 100 ft across. Hmmm, how many elementals can she catch in the dispel radius? Let's roll a 1d3 ... ONE. The blade barrier goes down and so does one of three large elementals. [OOC: Please save your hero point -- just the dispel happens this round, see next.

Now, let us talk about this Shambler spell. You cannot see the Caster because he is in a building. Like I said, you can SENSE him, that is, you know the right direction. You know that he is not moving. You guess the distance of about 1,000 ft because he came into range just now. But you do not know the exact distance. Given all that, how do you know where to put your shamblers? If they land in the building and the building collapses, will you have the blood of innocents on your hands? What if it is not even the right building? How will the shamblers even find the Caster? Your kindly DM assumes you will not cast the spell yet.

Velarin summons a greater earth elemental and commands it to attack the undead sea monster. It lumbers forward but cannot reach the monster yet. Velarin flies south and dismisses the Wall of Force so that there is no barrier between the elemental and the undead.

Near death, Lanliss moves back and assumes a sturdy defense.

PRIOR ROUND RETCON: As Barratore faces off with the dragon turtle and engages it in melee, he sees that Highlight to display spoiler: {There is only the translucent outline of a dragon turtle, not a flesh-and-blood monster!} THIS ROUND Barratore, blind again, swings wildly and misses every time -- Highlight to display spoiler: {as if there were nothing there at all!}

Tishe' moves forward and unleashes two magic missiles on Caster 2 for 38 damage.


Sister Wendy sees that Lanliss is in bad shapes and drops a Cure Serious Wounds spell on him, curing Lanliss for 26 hp! LANLISS, remember that with your -6 Con drain your max hp is reduced by 54!

The other Skullheads make a wall in case the undead sea monster breaks through. They ready attacks. Except for the sneaky beastkin who tries to circle around to the monster's rear.

There is no sign of the final wraith. Perhaps it has gone in search of easier prey.


The unwounded undead sea monster breaks through a building and moves toward the Skullheads, ignoring the elemental.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


Glittery Caster One flies up and away from the dead turtle, points at Tishe', and misses with a ray.

Wounded (-38) Caster Two with Mirror Images points at Barratore, hits Touch AC16, exactly what he needed, and blinds Barratore for another round.

Caster Three with Mirror Images casts Cloudkill in the air to hit both Tishe' and Barratore. The could starts out 10 ft off the ground, extending 40 ft up to total 50 ft. Then it sinks down 5 ft down and 5 ft over. Barratore and Tishe', take 3points of Constitution damage on your turn each round while in the cloud (a successful DC19 Fortitude save halves this damage). Note that the cloud also limits vision.

South Map!

North Map!

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+22=34 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 5:56:17 PM

Recovering his sight but now in yet another fog cloud Barratore is tempted to simply sit down. Every single move has been perfectly countered and every single choice the group has made has been incorrect and while it takes them 20-30 seconds to get anywhere, the bulk of the power of the enemy forces seems to be able to teleport at will. His blade is worthless and so he sheathes it. If he leaves the cloud, he will be struck blind again and so he has to stand still. By all reports from Emrys, the city has already fallen

We need to get the people to the Teleport Circle. There are far too many too powerful casters spread out and moving at will across the city.

Fort save 34
-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 19/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 6:58:09 PM

"you are right Barratore, This is definitely not going well. Hopefully I can finish with this thing momentarily and head to help either you or Emrys."

V mentally calls to Lanliss. "Lanliss, tell the skullheads to draw it out into the middle of the square so I can send it airborne for awhile and go help the others."

V flies 60' towards the water creature, and the Elemental moves 40' towards the water creature

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 14 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 2 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) 6hp remain and -6 str
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 120/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+12=18 ; d20+25=26 ; d20+25=41 ; d20+26=46 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 7:40:24 PM

Tishe’ is not prepared and takes a hacking breath of the poisonous vapors. Quickly, she weaves a Dispel Magic, and Heroically overcomes another coughing fit that threatens to break her concentration.

She thinks. ‘Sieur Barratorre, the second Turtle must be an illusion, but there is another close by. Use my directions and get to the third Turtle!’ She will give directions mentally to help Barratorre get close enough to where his Blind-Fighting can kick in. ‘The City hasn’t fallen, I think the Palace attack is a surgical strike. Sieur Emrys will deal with it. And we will deal with this threat!’

Tishe’ knows she can’t duel with three mid-sized magicians; she has to whittle down the competition quickly! Using her sorcerous powers to weave Metamagic with no loss of time, weaves a Maximized Magic Missle spell against Caster 2! (25 damage)

Then she readies to counter the first spell any of the casters attempts! (Dispel Magic as Counterspell- 46)
Save vs Cloudkill. 18 miss! -3 Con (28 hp)
Hover at AF,21. 40’ up
Quickened Dispel Magic. Nat1! Hero Point reroll. 41 to dispel Cloudkill. (Dispels caster Level 30)
Maximized Magic Missle. 25 hp
Readied Counterspell. 46

Resilient Sphere. 14/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 1. 3. 3. 7. 7. 4. 2
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20+22=37 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 7:48:04 PM

Lanliss looks for signs of the wraith, he tries to look or smell and hear something that might give clue to the wraith whereabouts moving a few steps away.
Move action (AE 26)
Perception 37

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp96/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+18=19 ; d20+18=19 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 11:30:57 PM

Emrys throught he saw the cleric in the streets, but that was merely an echo ... a lingering aura. Possibly a side effect of the divination and his draconic eyes. He knows now that the cleric hides within the building nearby... where he saw the phantom essence. 'Let him believe he is hidden for the moment; it will be his undoing.'

Emrys turns back to the palace and casts another spell to dismiss the elementals that are pummeling its walls.

(Emrys casts Greater Dispel on the elementals. Type: Area Dispel. Area: 20-ft radius burst. Greater Dispel Check: 19, natural 1. Hero Point Reroll: 19, NATURAL ONE! Seriously! My luck has turned.)

The Dragon growls in frustration ... "Gods Hooks!! Darn this forked tongue!"

Emrys reports via Party Radio, "The palace is taken a great deal of damage. Parts have collapsed. I'm currently finishing off a few stray elementals that are continuing to beat at the walls. I sense the cleric nearby ... the coward hides in a building. He currently isn't moving. The fool thinks he's hidden! Only the palace and some surrounding buildings have taken damage. Why are there still civilians? Weren't they evacuated before this fight?"

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Wednesday March 4th, 2020 9:18:27 AM

Edson looks back over his shoulder to see the ghouls falling away, he silently prayed they would stay away from any townspeople. He turns his gaze back to the fight, knowing he was getting closer. one day, maybe he would be able to fight.

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind  
Wednesday March 4th, 2020 10:08:58 PM

Tishe, why are the Dragon turtles trying to destroy the gate?

Barratore saw no troops, no others about, no creatures waiting to move through the gap. They seemed to be simply destroying it fro the sake of doing so. Throw away pieces on field.

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 18/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d20=3 ; d20=9 ; d20=5 ; d20=10 ; d20=7 ; d6=5 ; d20+22=38 ; 4d10+15=48 ; d20+9=19 ; 5d4+5=15 ;
Wednesday March 4th, 2020 10:51:57 PM

Edson keep running toward the north battle -- he has four more rounds of running to go.

Draco-Emrys, in square I7 on this map, tries to dispel the remaining elementals, but luck frowns on him. He asks about civilians. In fact, some people chose to hide rather than flee. That happens in all disasters. And some people are soldiers who fled and hid in buildings when the northern wall was overrun by the undead horde.

Velarin and his greater earth elemental move closer to the undead sea monster, a huge wave made of undead flesh with two wild eyes.

Lanliss moves and searches for the wraith or any other foes. The Wraith is either hiding or has flown away to seek easier foes. The only other enemy at the moment is the massive undead wave of flesh bearing down on the Skullheads.

Barratore, discouraged, stands and waits. But he is beginning to wonder if the entire assault on the gatehouse may actually just be a distraction?

Tishe' dispels the Cloudkill and offers a more positive take on the battle to Barratore.


Sister Wendy channels healing to Lanliss and her friends. (Velarin is unwounded) The Skullheads and Lanliss are all healed 23 hp. "That's it, I'm tapped out on channels," Sister Wendy says.

Other Skullheads unleash on the undead sea monster. The necromancer only has Disrupt Undead cantrips left, but he shoots and hits for 5 -- first damage to the thing. The dwarf readies his reach weapon. Two other Skullheads shoot and miss against the monster's AC30.


The slightly wounded undead sea monster advances on the Skullheads. It has reach 20, so the dwarf never gets to use his 10 ft reach weapon. The monster swings and slams vs AC38 for 48 damage to the soulseeker! Another hit like that would kill him.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


Glittery Caster One flies up (20 ft altitude), points at Barratore, and hits touch AC19 with a blinding ray. Barratore is blind again!

Wounded (-63) Caster Two with Mirror Images tries to teleport away, but Tishe's spell counters that! He looks stunned and very wounded.

Caster Three with Mirror Images casts Magic Missile on Tishe for 15 damage.

South Map!

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=28 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2020 7:59:00 AM

(ooc: I don't think you moved V or the earth elemental last round on the map. Elemental has moved 2x at 40' each since arriving at AR 37. He should start this round at AB37.)

V flies to U44 and begins casting a summon monster 5

The elemental moves up to the water beast and takes a swing. missing.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 14 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 2 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) 6hp remain and -6 str
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 105/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK)  5d4+5=15 ; d20+25=37 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2020 10:25:41 AM

Tishe’ rolls with the bludgeoning force of the Magic Missles. She momentarily feels sorry for these Sahaugin: homeless and driven from place to place looking for a home. But they were going about it in an evil way; killing and enslaving innocents; and they cannot be allowed to continue. She weaves another set of Magic Missles to strike Caster 2! (15 damage)

And she thinks on group channel. ‘Sieur Barratorre, That blind ray caster must specialize in illusions, that is thier power, but he has a limited number of rays and must be close to his limit. So too, he must be as powerful as you, otherwise you would only be dazzled, not blinded. I also think that if he is reduced to irritation Magic, he is mostly out of spells or a diversion.’

Tishe’ herself is running out of spells and doesn’t cast a Quickened spell this time, but does ready a Counterspell for the next spell cast by any of the three casters.

Magic Missle. 15hp
Readied Counterspell. 37. Dispels CL 26 or less

Resilient Sphere. 14/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.

Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 3. 4. 7. 7. 4. 2
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  
Thursday March 5th, 2020 1:59:07 PM

Sorry, forgot to move Velarin and the Earth Elemental on the map. Just fixed it.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Thursday March 5th, 2020 7:33:45 PM

Edson continues running, getting ever so close.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+18=24 ; d20+18=25 ; d12=4 ; d12=10 ; d12=5 ; d12=10 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2020 8:08:45 PM

Draco Emrys doesn't want to waste another Greater Dispel Magic. So this time, he casts a necromantic spell that drains his lifeforce into his next spell. He then casts Greater Dispel Magic on the last two elementals. He hopes his draconic blood and forked tongue doesn't fail him.

(Emrys casts Surrender Blood. Deals 20 points of damage. Boosts next spell's caster level by +4.)

(Emrys casts Greater Dispel Magic. Empowered by Surrender Blood. Type: Area Dispel. Area: 20-ft radius burst. Dispel Check: 24+4=28. Hero point reroll: 25+4=29. Sigh, I doubt this does it.)

Having inflicted so much damage on himself in this battle, he decides to do a quick cure spell.

(Emrys casts a Quickened Cure Critical Wounds on himself. Empowered by Spiritual Healer. Cures: 4d12+18 = 4+10+5+10+18 = 47 points.)

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+26=40 ; d20+21=28 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+26=30 ; d100=12 ; d100=24 ; d100=6 ; d100=42 ; d100=35 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2020 10:02:15 PM

Knowing a turtle was straight across when he was attacking the illusion. Barratore fires a few arrows that direction as he takes a 5' step

Deadly Aim AC 40 / 28 / 18 / 15 / 30
They all miss

That's all well and good Tishe, but doesn't do any good to know. Sorry I let Effacia and you guys down. Their battle plan was far superior than the drivel I put together.

Hey V, remember to keep an eye on the portal back home. They don't have to take the city to use it and as they have known everything else of the defenses and our positions, bet your pointed hat, they know about the portal

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 18/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20+14=22 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2020 10:47:02 PM

"Be careful Velarin, we have a wraith that gone away or is hiding", Lanliss relies to Velarin.
Lanliss then takes a look at the greater earth elemental, 'what a marvelous thing' , he thinks.
'No need to flank from there', he thinks.
Lanliss moves closer to the skullheads (Y or X 26)
"Anyone have an idea what to do apart from fighting this forbidden things?" , Lanliss asks the Skullheads.
"I can either enlarge one of you.....or I can try another crazy idea that might not work", He says loudly.
If someone agrees for enlarging, Lanliss will enlarge them otherwise......
Lanliss trembles with fear but he takes his reduce person wand and points it the thing that he fears
and starts to cast a spell that might or might not work.

OOC: Gragul save my soul..........this is what my character would do...

Action: move to Y26

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday March 5th, 2020 11:20:50 PM

"You're right Barratore. Pretty sure we are screwed on this one. I'm about out of everything. I'm gonna take a few more seconds here to give the skullheads a shot against this damn water golem elemental thing, and then I'm heading for the portal to disable it. On the way I'm gonna send a message to Dulcet letting her know we failed and to take necessary measures."

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 105/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday March 6th, 2020 5:11:54 AM

Tishe’ scoffs mentally. ‘A strike team just on the palace, a couple blocks of damage, and a few stray undead in a city that is a mile across? Hook City would have events like this every other week! Effacia hasn’t fallen and we haven’t failed. Yet. ‘

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday March 6th, 2020 11:05:48 AM

“Tishe’ is right. It’s not over until it’s over. As long as the walls hold, we can yet pull this off. I definitely underestimated the amount of power that they could and would bring to this fight.”

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d20=14 ; d6=6 ; d20+21=15 ; d20+16=17 ; 4d6+15=36 ; 4d6+15=29 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=30 ; d6+9=10 ; d6+9=15 ; d20+22=41 ; d20+22=31 ; 8d10+20=66 ;
Friday March 6th, 2020 2:40:56 PM

Edson keep running toward the north battle -- he has three more rounds of running to go.

Draco-Emrys, in square I7 on this map, tries AGAIN to dispel the remaining elementals. The caster is CL18, so he needs a 11+18=29 to succeed. That's exactly what he got, so the enemy elementals are dispelled. Emrys senses that the enemy Caster is on the move. You can tell direction only, and that he is in range.

Velarin's map position has been retconned, sorry for DM error. The caster begins another summons. His greater earth elemental advances on the undead sea monster, swings on the AC30 thing, and misses.

Lanliss offers to enlarge one of the Skullheads, and Tim the Dwarf says, "OOH, me, me, please! That'll double the reach of my trusty bec de corbin here."

Blinded for the moment, Barratore still knows there is a dead dragon turtle, an illusionary dragon turtle, and a third unwounded dragon turtle. He quickdraws his bow and fires blindly ... but was the brave minotaur turned around or something? Every shot is wild!? The city wall takes damage!

Tishe' please make a DC21 will save. If you succeed, then Highlight to display spoiler: {Barratore's wildly fired arrows actually do not reach the mostly melted gatehouse. They are halted in midair and fall to the ground, as if they hit a wall of force or something.}

Tishe' correctly identifies the casters' blinding beam power ... and logically deduces that the ones who have blinded Barratore with it -- one ... two ... all three of them?! -- are all more powerful than Barratore and Tishe' herself! [more powerful = higher level] And yet, the most potent spell you have seen from them is ... 5th? 6th? level? How to explain the discrepancy? There is something tricksy going on here! Tishe' please accept a hero point for sussing this out!

But there is a battle to fight! Tishe's Magic Missile does the job, and Caster Two falls out of the sky, dead! If the magic missile damage did not do the job, the splat at the end of that fall sure did!

Velarin and Barratore seem despondent about your "defeat" here. Tishe' sees the glass as half-full, and notes that the enemy has not committed ANY large army of Sahuagin to the battle. Afraid of more Forbidden Rains, or other area spells, maybe? It is true that the enemy has died or fled from you, not the other way around. Tishe's positivity encourages Velarin, at least.


Charles the very wounded soulseeker backs out of the fight and casts CLW on himself. Tensmith the necromancer tries another Disrupt Undead, which inflicts another 6 damage. Sister Wendy casts a Bless -- you can tell that she is pretty much reduced to her least powerful spells. BigTim takes two whacks at the monster with his enlarged reach weapon -- he rolls well, hitting AC36 and AC33 with that undead bane weapon of his, for 2d6+9+4+2 +2d6 = 36 + 29 = 65 damage! That's 76 damage to it so far. Hampton the Undead Hunter shoots his short bow again ... but this time he is en fuego! Man, the die roller or Wardd or someone is smiling on the Skullheads. Hampton hits AC33 and AC30 for 1d6+2+4+2+1= 10+15 = 25 damage! 101 total to the undead monster!


The more-than-slightly-wounded undead sea monster wants revenge! It takes a five ft step closer and swings twice at Hampton, slamming ACs 41 and 31! Two hits inflict 66 damage to the already wounded undead hunter! He is DOWN!

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


Glittery Caster One tries to teleport away, and is countered by Tishe'! With his remaining move action, he flies down behind the corpse of the dead dragon turtle, out of sight.

The remaining Caster Three with Mirror Images figures he has a chance to get out now! He does teleport away. No enemy casters are now in line of sight of T or B.

The last dragon turtle breathes on the gatehouse, melting it almost all away!

(Yay, no blindness for anyone!)

South Map!

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+15=19 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+22=27 ; d20+22=28 ;
Friday March 6th, 2020 7:09:54 PM

Velarins newly summoned large earth elemental appears just south of the sea creature, it is also instructed in terran to kill any undead or sahuaguin within the city, and it swings twice at the water creature, missing both times.

the greater elemental takes a 5' step and swings twice. Missing with both.(are you kidding me with this stupid die roller???!!) V reaffirms to the greater elemental to kill the water creature and then any undead or sahaguin it finds within the city

V yells to the skullheads and Lanliss "These two elementals have have been instructed to kill all undead and sahaguin in the city after killing the water creature. Look after each other and try to stay alive. Things seem to be worse elsewhere and I need to go. hold the wall.

V flies 60' south and then dim doors another 1120' south before calling to the others. "how we holding up people? i'm airborne and on the move if someone needs me. The north gate is holding, but shaky." (Cayzle, I may want to retcon his dim door direction depending on the location of the portal. Where was it located? I'm assuming near city center)

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 13 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 1 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65)
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Large Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +6
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Power Attack

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20+14=18 ; d20+14=22 ;
Friday March 6th, 2020 10:50:32 PM

Lanliss offers to try another enlarging (does it stack ?) or perhaps he will give/apply bless weapon to Tim.
Lanliss casts Cure Light Wounds on whoever needs it the most.

Use magic device 18,22
Rolled twice just in cast it is allowed to do both actions at once OR casting Cure Light Wounds twice.

OOC: sorry for the super short post, forgot to post

AC 25/ T25/ F23 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 105/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+18=31 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=30 ;
Saturday March 7th, 2020 9:34:42 AM

Tishe’ relays her thoughts, including the fact that other than elite, they haven’t seen any Sahaugin(!), and wonders ‘what is going on? Even if they used thier more powerful spells already, it’s like the casters, powerful casters, are sacrifiTcing themselves here to delay us, when a concentrated push could have defeated us. What is going on?’

The east and west walls haven’t fallen, or Emrys would have seen from his draconian flight above Effacia. There hasn’t been a secret entrance that flooded Effacia with Sahaugin or Edson would have bumped into them during his route. ‘The undead; are they Sahaugin?’ But she and Barratorre are fighting, and if they move somewhere else, the casters and remaining dragon turtle WILL break into the city. They have to end this threat.

She assessed the minotaur’s shots. ‘Sieur Barratorre, there is a Wall of Force between you and the last Turtle! Can you jump over or run around it?’ Now that B is not blind, he should be able to see the shimmering outline of the Wall. Tishe’, herself, attends to Glittery Caster, by flying over to where he can be seen (AL,24) and Coalesces 2 3rd spells lots and weaves a Ray of Dimensional Anchor (use New Hero Point if needed) to ensure he can’t get away.

She calls in Aquan and Common, “We can talk or you can die, your choice, sirrah!”

Will DC 31
Fly to AL,24
Coalesced Dimensional Anchor. Touch AC 14 (Hero Point 30).blocks all DimDoor, teleport, and dim travel.

Resilient Sphere. 12/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 3. 5. 7. 7. 4. 2
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+15=21 ;
Saturday March 7th, 2020 10:22:12 AM

Tishe's mental deductions prompts a thought with Barratore. Could the caster be part of a coven, Emrys pushes his caster power beyond his own, could this be a larger coven come together to do so?

Barratore looks to the last turtle. A Wall of Force is invisible and so it is highly unlikely Barratore can perceive it. So Barratore will move towards the turtle until he hits it and reaches up to see if he can feel the top. If not, he turns left and tries to follow it

Move speed 60' Going towards col Q then towards row 30
Perception roll 21 but I think ineffective with WoF being invisible

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 17/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Sunday March 8th, 2020 3:22:18 PM

He was getting closed, close enough he could hear sounds of battle. Close enough that his adrenaline was pumping.

OOC Question: Is the distance traveled to get even with the group and skullheads or to get into firing range of the bow. Would I be able to stop a round sooner and start firing?

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+22=32 ;
Sunday March 8th, 2020 8:42:51 PM

Draco Emrys is rather satisfied that the last of the elementals are gone. However he senses the cleric is on the move. He turns his head in his direction and says in a low, guttural growl, "The hunt is on!"

His draconic form instantaneously transforms into a small, swirling wisp of air and he darts off at breakneck speed (120ft fly x4 = 480ft, perfect flight). He stays close against the rooftops, using their bulk and height to block the view of people at street level. (Perception: 32)

(Emrys shapechanges to a Small Air Elemental)

(From his elevation, does Emrys sense that the target's direction is low (street level) or high (airborne)?)

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d8=3 ; d20+22=30 ; d20+22=31 ; 8d10+20=53 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 11:19:12 AM

Edson is now 650 ft from the north battle. He is running atop the north wall, headed west. He can see the ramp and the mob of undead clustered on the ramp and on the ground next to it. He could shoot at undead at something like a -10 with a longbow. If he keeps running, at the end of the round he'll be 325 ft away. He has just entered square I5 on this map.

Lanliss thinks about a Bless Weapon, but the elemental is immune to critical hits, so he decides to cast a cure on Tim. That's 4 hp to the enlarged dwarf.

Velarin's earth elementals attack the undead sea monster but they miss.

Velarin flies south and then dim doors. He is just south of the line between I6 and I7 on this map. The portals and the mage's mansions (where the Queen and her court are hiding) are both in the palace, at the center of I7.

Draco-Emrys chases off after the enemy caster. Flying as a dragon for the whole round, he covers almost half the distance between himself and the caster, so far as he can reckon, since the divination only shows direction. He senses the caster is not high in the air. He sees Velarin pop into the air not all that far away. Emrys ends move at the border between I7 and J7.

At the gatehouse, the DM clarifies -- Barratore's arrows that went wild hit an "invisible wall" at the gatehouse, not near the dragon turtle. There is no sign of a wall of force at the dragon -- maybe back at the gate.

Tishe' flies over to the other side of the dragon turtle corpse and sees -- nothing! The enemy caster is not there. Tishe' has a standard action if desired.

Barratore looks around, vision and senses unimpeded for a change. He sees three motionless "dragon turtles" ... the corpse, the illusion, and the turtle that just breathed, but is now just using total defense with his head and legs tucked into his shell.

The minotaur moves toward the defensive turtle, expecting to hit a wall of force, but there is none! He moves about 50 ft forward and ends a hustle just five feet from the monster.


The Skullheads hear Velarin and make a retreat, dragging the unconscious leader Hampton along. Tim stands at the rear and stays on defense. Sister Wendy tries to bring Hampton back. The beastfolk rogue tosses daggers around the Sphere and taunts the sea monster, trying to attract its attention.


The sea monster swipes at the smaller elemental. It hits ACs30 and 31 for 43 damage.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay. These undead. BTW, are skeletons and "brine zombies" -- a mix of humanoids, sahuagin, and others too bloated to tell.


Is there even a fight going on here? One caster is dead. Another blipped away. A third has vanished into thin air! So odd! The only remaining turtle is using full defense.

South Map!

North Map!

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Monday March 9th, 2020 12:12:08 PM

(OOC: In the previous round, Emrys changed to a small, air elemental ... for perfect flight and to be less noticeable.)

Cayzle: I thought you changed after flying as a dragon ... dragon is faster right? And seeing Velarin appear, maybe you choose not to change at all, so he can see you? Your call.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=32 ; d20+22=26 ; 2d10+10=16 ; 2d10+10=25 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=26 ; 2d6+7=12 ; 2d6+7=14 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 2:53:55 PM

(are you already accounting for DR when giving damage to the elementals Cayzle?)

The greater earth elemental attacks the water thing hitting ac 32 and 26 for 16 and 25
the large earth elemental does likewise hitting ac 30 and 26 for 12 and 14

Velarins Greater Invisibility ends and he becomes visible as he moves 60' towards the mages mansions

assuming all the teams are relaying info as it happens, since they can... "Emrys! I am almost to city center. How we looking here? Everyone... I don't like how this is going. They have had an unlimited time to plan this attack. Something just doesn't feel right right about this whole scenario. Aside from the fact that they seemed to know who was where, and what there strengths and weaknesses were, They have kept us running around, allocating resources, and defending specific spots, almost as a distraction to their real goal. I don't know what it is, but at this point, logically, i think a strategic retreat is in order. As a group, we are more suited to retaking the city than defending it. Let's get as many people as we can through that gate before I have to disable it. Barratore, I know this is not gonna sit well with you, but i think we should go. Feel free to kill everything you come across on your way back. Unless you all are opposed, I'm going to get Queen Effacia and as many people as possible through the circle while you all are on the way, and calling to those hiding in the buildings to join you. Effacia can be rebuilt, I will spend years doing so if needed. The people on the other hand cannot. If we cannot defend Effacia, then we shall avenge it!!"

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 12 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 0
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx1, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65)
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Large Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +6
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +16; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Power Attack

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK)  2d8+3=14 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 3:03:30 PM

Tishe’ can’t figure out what’s going on, but with the casters gone for now, she (last round) touches her Brahmah’s Tattoo to heal herself a little, and looks back at Barratorre, Turtle, and Wall. She considers the wall and who would be more likely to cast a Wall of Force protecting the gatehouse? It doesn’t seem like it would have been done by the Sahaugin! “I wonder if we aren’t the only people the Sahaugin are fighting right now?” No time to consider, she has to be ready to support the minotaur!

Tishe’ flies, hustling to O,22 and taking up a Flanking position with her Quarterstaff opposite Barratorre to make it easier for the Fighter to smash the Turtle! ‘Strike hard Sieur Barratorre!’

Cure Mod Wounds -14
Fly to O,22 AC 14

Resilient Sphere. 11/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 3. 3. 7. 7. 4. 2
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+32=37 ; d20+27=39 ; d20+22=38 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+32=41 ; 2d8+36=39 ; 2d8+36=48 ; 2d8+36=45 ; 2d8+36=45 ; 2d8+36=46 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 4:33:46 PM

The City is in rough shape and if this was phase 1 we should probably be looking to get the civilians and leaders out. Before that, though, you guys have to get into the palace and get an assessment there. The bad guys lost several dragon turtles and an kraken plus whatever it is you are playing with along the north.

Barratore drops his bow for a moment and grips his blade with both hands
PA Hit AC 37 / 39 / 38 / 32 / 41 Hasted and Flanking
Dmg 39 / 48 / 45 / 45 / 46

The fighter feels some frustration leave him with each hit

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 16/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Monday March 9th, 2020 7:48:22 PM

Draco Emrys notices Velarin pop into the area and he swings around to join with him. The huge gold dragon, in a deep voice, says out loud, "Be not alarmed Velarin, it is I, Emrys!"

He then continues in mental conversation, "The palace was being bombarded by a storm of vengeance and several huge elementals ... I've dispatched them all! I'm now hunting the evil cleric that caused this destruction...my divination detects its location and movement. Let's reduce this fish to bone and cinder!"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d12=7 ; d12=9 ; d12=10 ; d12=10 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 7:53:11 PM

During the conversation with Velarin, he casts Cure Critical Wounds on himself.

(Emrys casts Cure Critical Wounds on himself. Empowered by Spiritual Healer. Cures 4d12+18: 7+9+10+10+18 = 54 points. Healed to max.)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20+22=23 ; d20+10=16 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 8:25:13 PM

Lanliss will accompany the skullheads for now.
He doesn't try to gather any attention.
Lanliss tries to understand or figure out if something is being planned and why ?
Looking around him and trying to sense if something is not right in the current situation.
"I can't understand what is the meaning of all this attacks on different front, I just can't grasp it"
Perception. (rolled 1) = 23
Sense motive 16

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)   d20+22=24 ; 4d10+10=43 ; d20+22=42 ; d20+22=25 ; 4d10=27 ; d20=13 ; d6=3 ;
Monday March 9th, 2020 11:29:59 PM

[OOC: Yes, your clever DM remembered the large elemental's DR5; it took 43 damage in two blows last round instead of 53.]

Edson is now 325 ft from the north battle, and we can put him on North Fight Map. He is running atop the north wall, headed west in square CU12. He does not have line of sight to the undead sea monster, but he can see the ramps where the battle has been taking place.

Lanliss tries to make sense of the battle. He ponders, and comes to some conclusions. The north was ignored by you guys initially, and the Skullheads could not keep the horde back, though they tried hard. You stopped the Kraken in the east and the general in the west -- but the kraken's rider, a powerful caster, snuck into the city center and attacked the palace. The general basically gave up when he saw there was no decent melee fight to be had. And in the south, the gatehouse has been attacked by casters and dragon turtles. In the north, the undead are fighting to destruction, but elsewhere the enemy has generally not chosen to fight to the death, instead choosing to flee or move to another part of the battlefield when challenged. The armies of Sahuagin you might expect in this kind of fight -- the kind the Queen told you was there initially -- has been held back ... maybe as a reserve, or maybe just because the enemy general has no desire to throw his soldiers' lives away in a blade barrier / forbidden rain meat grinder!

Velarin's earth elementals attack the undead sea monster. The greater hits AC32 for 16, reduced to 6 with DR, and the larger hits ac 30 for 12, reduced to 2. The undead sea monster has taken 109 so far.

At the partly ruined palace, Velarin finds the portals have survived OK in a relatively untouched portion of the palace, on the ground floor. The entrance to the Mage's Mansion, in a more ruined area, is now 10 ft above a broken floor, but also OK. Velarin ponders the need for a retreat!

Draco-Emrys communicates with Velarin and cures himself.

Tishe' flies over to flank the last dragon turtle.

Barratore swings and swings. His attacks pass through the dragon as if it were not there. It is clear to Tishe' and Barratore that this dragon turtle is also an illusion.


The Skullheads continue to retreat. They plan with Lanliss to attack it if it turns to come after them, or if it heads off to attack the town. The beastfolk Skullhead continues to taunt the monster from the safety of the spot behind the resilient sphere and the greater elemental.

The retreating necromancer fires off a Disrupt Undead before backing away. It hits the sea monster for 3 damage, 112 total.


The sea monster swipes at the smaller elemental. It hits AC24, a hit, for 38 damage, sending the large earth elemental back to the plane of earth. A second swipe at the greater elemental hits with a natural 20, following up the crit threat with a confirm vs AC25. That's a confirm, but oh yeah, elementals are immune to crits. Oh well. The greater elemental still takes normal damage of 27 after DR.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay. These undead. BTW, are skeletons and "brine zombies" -- a mix of humanoids, sahuagin, and others too bloated to tell.


The middle dragon turtle is an illusion. The leftmost one is an illusion. What about the "corpse" siting in plain sight? ALSO an illusion! Tishe' and Barratore figure this out when the last caster flies up OUT of the corpse, within which he had been hiding! "Ha ha!" he exults. "Our plan has worked! We knew you would defend the gatehouse first! While you were here tied up by us illusionists, our Kraken has by now destroyed your east wall, and our siegebreaker dragon turtles have knocked a hole in your west wall! Your armies are engaged in the north! It is too late now for you to stop the invasion!"

Cackling, he teleports away. The battle at the gatehouse is over.

South Map!

North Map!

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK)  d100=84 ;
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 5:18:57 AM

Tishe’ relays the taunt of Glitter Caster, not without some relief! ‘The Sahaugin have the same communication problem we have had, and they think they have won! Please don’t urge evacuation, we have stopped them cold on three fronts! Sieur Barratorre and I are off to the North Wall. Sieur Lanliss, is the spot where I DimDoored you and Charles open of undead?’

Close to the Minotaur, the middle-aged woman flies over while getting the situation report from Lanliss. Then she reaches out, weaving and stating, “I Wish to teleport Sieur Barratorre and I to the intersection near the North Wall where I previously DimDoored!”

Fly to Barratorre
Limited Wish (lose diamond) to Teleport to T,40. (Seen casually 88, roll 84, on target!)

Resilient Sphere. 11/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 3. 3. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 7:25:21 AM

Inspiration strikes Tishe’, and she speaks with the other Keepers. ‘It fits the pattern. The Wall of Force at the South Gate. The Sahaugin Casters would have put it up and stood behind it to get people to waste spells. It would have worked if we started at the South Wall.’

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=36 ; d20+22=37 ; 2d10+10=18 ; 2d10+10=22 ;
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 8:56:33 AM

The greater elemental swings again as the large elemental is returned to it's home plane. Hitting ac 36 and 37 for 18 and 22 damage.

V flies flies around at 20' in the air, using his true sight to look for the cleric, but remaining close to the portal and the mansion. "Where is he at Emrys? He is a dangerous fellow, and needs to be removed from the area before he does more damage. I do not think we should leave the mansion entrance completely unguarded until we are sure he is gone. I'm going invisible again, but will keep you advised of my location."

V casts greater invisibility

"Tishe', if you and Barratore are going to the north wall, there is mostly only one real threat there at the moment, and he is hopefully heavily wounded. As soon as you can, we need to check the other walls. There is nothing saying they don't have another Kraken or more dragon turtles busting a hole in the walls somewhere else."

"Edson, where are you at? can you confirm no current threat to whatever side of the castle you are nearest to?"

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 11 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 18
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx1
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -27
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+18=31 ;
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 4:09:14 PM

Barratore is infinitely impressed with the breadth and scope of the illusions at the gate area. After the first swing passes through it, he stops and picks his bow back up.

Emrys, you're very much airborne, climb up a ways and confirm the east and west walls are still intact. Should be easy enough to do

Barratore is ready as soon as Tishe is for the teleport to the north

Acrobatics check in case we are arriving mid air 31

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 15/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20+22=42 ;
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 9:33:08 PM

Lanliss replies as he keeps an eye on the surroundings.
Perception 42 (natural 20)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 9:37:51 PM

Edson thinks better of it, and keeps running i stead of firing. He needs to get closer, and line of site on the monster and needed to get a better shot.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing  d20+22=25 ;
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 9:59:09 PM

Emrys answers Velarin mentally, "I sense his direction only. The cleric is that way," and he motions in that direction. "From what I can tell, he is either on foot or close to the ground."

Upon hearing Barratore's request, Draco-Emrys ascends and gives a quick glance to all four sides. He reports what he sees.

(Perception: 25)

"Me thinks I will take this cleric's corpse back to Culverwood myself ... a fine meal for the the slitherine roots!"

He prepares to race off in the cleric's direction.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac18 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Tuesday March 10th, 2020 10:19:12 PM

Back at the Manor House, the tall, slender fellow known as Angus, cohort to Emrys, nods in acknowledgement upon hearing Emrys' words. He then turns and gives a quick glance at Sister Madeline. She too nods to the unspoken command, gathers up a small cauldron and a few tiny jars. Brothers Elbereth and Ian soon enter and begin their preparations. Out in the garden, Brother Lucas immediately stabs his spade into the earth and returns to the house. The rest of the coven eventually make their way. Angus turns away, satisfied with their quiet efficiency. He checks his knives and forms the slightest hint of a wicked smile.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  
Wednesday March 11th, 2020 6:51:26 PM

Edson runs to meet Lanliss and the Skullheads.He can just barely see the undead sea monster around the corner.

Lanliss, sticking with the Skullheads, sees his friend Edson run up. The Sea Monster is not pursuing yet.

Velarin's greater earth elemental attacks the undead sea monster. It hits twice for 40 damage, reduced to 20 by DR 10. The undead sea monster has taken 132 so far.

Tishe' and Barratore pop in at T40.

At the partly ruined palace, Velarin casts greater invisibility and communicates with his friends.

Draco-Emrys flies up up up to about 500 ft above the town. He sees no enemy activity on the south, east, and west walls. He sees a few bands of minor undead that have made it into the city, looking for living people to destroy. In the north, far away, he sees the ongoing fight against undead forces now being waged by Lanliss, Edson, Tishe', and Barratore. Closer by, he sees about 750 away as the dragon flies, that the direction his divination points is to a one-floor building with a darkness on the roof.

The Skullheads continue to retreat with Lanliss.


The sea monster swipes at the greater elemental. It hits ACs

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


Emrys feels that the enemy caster, about 750 ft from himself, 1,000 ft from Velarin, is in a dark patch atop a building.

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=32 ; d20+22=41 ; 2d10+10=23 ; 2d10+10=22 ;
Wednesday March 11th, 2020 7:08:27 PM

(did the elemental get hit last round?)

The elemental continues to swing at the water creature. hitting ac's 32 and 41 for 23 and 22.

V briefly considers wiping out the top of the building, but isn't sure if the cleric has done something sinister and loaded it with hostages. "Emrys. I'm to far out to do much to him without blowing up the top of a building I can't see. I'll head that way, but I don't want to get too far from the portal or the mansions for fear of something worse happening. If you can get close enough to make him visible, I can light him up."

V takes a move and a move climbing another 30' to 60' in air as well as getting 60' closer to the clerics believed location, but keeps his eye to the rear as well to make sure nothing heads for portal or mansions.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 10 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 17
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -27
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday March 11th, 2020 9:14:57 PM

Tishe’ keeps hold of Barratorre for a moment, and weaves a spell of Invisibility around the warrior. “There you go sweetie, perfect position to charge in without getting thwacked.”

The Spellweaver then rises into the air to gain some height. “Sieur Lanliss, Sieur Edson, where is your position? We are going to need to heal up and man the battlements again before their casters dispel my Grease spells keeping the undead horde at bay.”

Invisinlbility on Barratorre
Fly up 30’ at T,40

Resilient Sphere. 10/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 3. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141 
Wednesday March 11th, 2020 9:53:59 PM

Lanliss keeps company to the skullheads for now....
Lanliss waves at Edson.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp97/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing,  d20+22=24 ; d20+22=31 ;
Wednesday March 11th, 2020 9:59:38 PM

"Agreed," Emrys replies to Velarin's request.

With a few brief gestures, Draco Emrys offers his own blood to sacrifice to add to his power. His golden scales loses a little of their luster.

(Emrys casts a Quickened Surrender Blood. Deals 20 points of damage to himself. Adds +4 Caster Level to next spell.)

Emrys then sacrifices a higher source of power to cast a slightly lesser spell ... but still a very potent form of magic. He twists reality to narrow the gap in the space in between himself and the dark shroud of the cleric.

(Emrys casts Greater Dispel Magic, with a 7th level slot, and empowers it with the Reach Spell feat. Range: Long/1,280 ft. Area: 20 ft radius burst. Type: Area Dispel. Target: Dark shady area on roof. Greater Dispel Check: d20+22 = 24, a natural 2, seriously! Last Hero Point Reroll: 31.)

Emrys is ready for this to end. He has suffered greatly, by his own hand, to defeat this enemy. He's called every favor he's had with fate and beyond. His name will be written in the stars. He will earn his existence, one way or another.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Thursday March 12th, 2020 2:20:05 PM

Edson waves back, and seeing his friend and skullheads, he pulls out the bow and knocks an arrow. "I'd say your savior is here, but I am only one elf and I just ran across town. where are you guys falling back to... and what is that thing(Pointing to the elemental). "

If any undead start follwing the skulheads, Edson starts picking them off.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle) RETCON!!!  d20+22=26 ; d20+22=30 ; 8d10=44 ;
Thursday March 12th, 2020 3:18:04 PM

OMG! I forgot to roll the undead sea monster's attacks on the greater elemental!


The sea monster swipes at the greater elemental. It hits ACs 26 and 30. That's two hits! The damage to the elemental is 44 total after DR!

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+35=42 ; 6d8+28=51 ;
Thursday March 12th, 2020 3:46:27 PM

Barratore spies his target and then goes invisible, Thanks Tishe The fighter turns on his heel and charges in on the undead sea thing.
Move 25' to row 36

Charge PA Gtr Vital Strike Gtr Penetrating Strike ignores 10 DR of any type 5 of DR - Scarab of Golemsbane
Hit AC 42 Dmg 51

-1 Con
CL 18 Invisible / disappears after my attack
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 13/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday March 12th, 2020 7:01:45 PM

(elemental damage updated. Since DM hasn't posted yet due to RL, this is a filler post until tomorrow morning when i will post regular)

V waits to hopefully see the priest appear on top of the building in order to enact some arcane revenge.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 10 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 17
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  d20+22=26 ; d20+22=25 ; d20+22=38 ;
Thursday March 12th, 2020 9:22:47 PM


Edson meets Lanliss and the Skullheads and prepares to shoot if an enemy approaches.

Lanliss greets Edson and sticks with the Skullheads.

Tishe' makes Barratore invisible so that he does not provoke AoOs ...

Barratore charges the sea monster, a standing wave of undead flesh the color of the ocean deep. He is invisible, but the monster has blindsight and reach, so it still gets an AoO as the minotaur advances. The AoO hits AC26, a miss. Barratore does not miss, beating the thing's AC30 and inflicting 51 damage, that is, 183 hp total to the monster.

Velarin's greater earth elemental also hits for 13 and 12 after DR. That's 198 hp to the monster.



Velarin starts the round 1,000 ft from the caster, and ends it ... 950 ft away. We're talking very long range spells, or dim doors or 3ish rounds of running.

Draco-Emrys starts 750 ft from the caster. He dispels the darkness, exposing the caster, a tall sahuagin, the same one who was with the Kraken. Emrys is about 750 ft away.



The sea monster swipes at Barratore. It hits ACs 25 and 38, both misses.

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


The enemy caster disappears. Note that the range of True Seeing is 120 ft. He's still over in that direction.

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=39 ; d20+22=31 ; 2d10+10=21 ; 2d10+10=16 ; 2d6+12=15 ;
Thursday March 12th, 2020 9:53:28 PM

The greater earth elemental continues to attack the sea monster thing. Hitting ac 39 and 31 for 21 and 16 damage.

"Emrys. this guy is really pissing me off. It's on now. V calls forth a scroll from his handy haversack and casts a limited wish to teleport him to 20' above the edge of the rooftop. If he is within true sight of the Cleric, he will heroically cast Crushing hand to grapple and squeeze the life out of the cleric. Grapple check of 31. 15 damage on a successful grapple

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 10 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 17
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday March 13th, 2020 6:46:23 AM

Tishe’ considers aloud and in thoughts to the Keepers. “The massive undead monster is immune to everything I can do, but I think Sieur Barratorre and the elemental will end that knot. I’m going to weave to the Skullbreakers and get ready to re-man the walls to deal with the undead army still on the ramps.”

Flying higher and angling to stay well out of reach of the Undead Monster, the Spellweaver goes directly west for 60’, then angled north-east for 60’ more until she is above an alley and can wave at Lanliss, Emrys, and the Skullbreakers.

Double Move to AM,32 at 45’ up

Resilient Sphere. 9/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 3. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp97/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing, 
Friday March 13th, 2020 1:57:33 PM

Emrys considers a few things. He wonders if his Greater Dispel (area dispel) had removed the magical darkness, what other magics were also dispelled? What would be a Fish's strategy be if they suddenly found themselves without their magical defenses; knowing that your pursuers can probably see through Invisibility. Welll ... a fish will dive for the murky depths!

"Valarin ... you stay top side ... I'm going to dive below and see what I fish up!"

With a few quick gestures, a protective wards envelops him. With a few other words of power, he passes through the thin veil of this reality and into the next ... disappearing from view.

(Emrys casts Ethereal Jaunt on himself. Duration: 18 rounds. Enters the ethereal plane. Sight limited to 60-ft.)

As he moves through the ether, the Living Wold around him looks gray and ghostly. He moves in the direction of where he senses the cleric, even though he can't see him yet. At least the cleric can't see him either. Draco Emrys' huge form flies through the ethereal plane as fast as his wings can take him. Passing through solid buildings along the way ... hoping to surprise his prey!

(Emrys casts a Quickened Death Ward on himself. Duration: 18 min)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20=13 ;
Friday March 13th, 2020 10:50:44 PM

Lanliss continues to accompany to the Skullheads.
Aid another roll 13

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 13th, 2020 11:54:46 PM


Edson and Lanliss hold down the reserve with the Skullheads.

Tishe' takes a double move, flying.

Velarin's greater earth elemental hits for 17 after DR. That's 215 hp to the monster.

Barratore has not posted, but the DM is going to assume at least one attack that hits the undead sea monster for at least 16 damage, because such an attack would put this monster to rest!



Velarin teleports over, sees the invisible caster (because True Seeing) and sends a Crushing Hand his way. However, he is protected by Freedom of Movement and the spell has no effect. [OOC: That's how we played it when Barratore was grappled by the Kraken ... but I'm not sure we're playing it right. We'll follow precedent for now and "grapple" with a stricter ruling later!]

Draco-Emrys protects himself from negative energy, goes ethereal, and moves closer. With a draco-move-action that puts him ... about 630 ft from the caster.



The sea monster has (most likely) been defeated!

The grease continues to keep the ramp undead at bay.


The enemy caster is not pleased to see Velarin, and responds. He casts Implosion, forcing Velarin to make a Fort save vs DC25 or take 180 hp damage.

North Map!

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+16=33 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+18=29 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+18=31 ;
Saturday March 14th, 2020 8:15:34 AM

The greater elemental will spend the remainder of his time on this plane moving throughout the city and looking for undead to destroy, as he was instructed

V curses as the crushing hand has no effect. "Found him Emrys. he's on the rooftop."

Velarin's jaw drops a bit as he recognizes the spell just thrown at him, and a wave of relief quickly follows as his body withstands being imploded(fort save 33)

"Emrys, this guy just tried to implode me. He's as powerful as we are. I'm gonna need some help here. My body can't withstand the kind of damage he can do to it. I'm going to try and remove some of his buffs."

V moves 30' higher in the air and casts a targeted Greater Dispel at the cleric, hoping to remove a few buff spells, specifically hoping to get the freedom of movement spell to allow the crushing hand to do it's job. (Dispel check 24, 29, 21, 31 to negate up to four spell effects, most powerful to least powerful. Although after thinking about it, you prob just use the 24 and apply it against every effect from top to bottom until it gets 4 effects)

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 10 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 17
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Saturday March 14th, 2020 8:17:22 AM

V is still invisible by the way, in case the cleric doesn't have or loses true seeing.

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Saturday March 14th, 2020 9:14:37 AM

Tishe’ flies down in relief and joins Edson, Lanliss, and the SkullBreakers. She shoves her hand into her pockets of the Pants O Plenty, pulls out her Wand of Cure Lights Wounds and her Gem of Brightness, and hands them to Charles. She can’t fail to see the wearied nature of the remains of the two groups. Digging deep into her past, she recalls Trellus rallying the BloodPack, and attempts to emulate the cleric of Domi.

“Many Shadows, but list! The undead horde on the ramps is only delayed, not stopped. Sieur Barratorre is dealing the death blow on the Undead Kaiju, and will then weave the defense of the West ramp. We must rally and defend the East ramp! Take these (and she explains their use), and prepare yourselves. When we move, the cry is ‘For Effacia!’ “

Move to AQ, 23 at 1’ above the ground.

Resilient Sphere. 7/19 rounds, hardness 30, HP. 181 / 190
Grease spells. 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 3. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Saturday March 14th, 2020 9:35:40 AM

"Man, i spend half the day running and you guys just pop in last minute and save the day. "

He looks around and makes sure no undead are sneaking up on them.

" Where to now? Theres still much going on here.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp97/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing,  d20+22=30 ;
Saturday March 14th, 2020 4:21:54 PM

Emrys hears Velarin's confirmation that the cleric was simply invisible. "Curses!" He obviously gave the fish cleric too much credit.

(ooc. How did the cleric's Freedom of Movement spell survive the area dispel? Unless FoM is from a magic item, my bad.)

Draco-Emrys dismisses the Ethereal Jaunt spell (standard action), and suddenly appears in the sky over the city. His dragon eyes see the cleric more clearly now. There isn't much he can do at this distance. What he'd like to do would require his most powerful magic (9th level) but all he has left of that is a domain spell. He makes a few quick gestures (swift action) and time and space twists and warps. The cleric is suddenly assaulted with necromatic energies. He then races forward at max speed (120ft).

(Emrys casts a Quickened Blindness/Deafness, empowered by Focus Curse and Reach Spell. Cast as an 8th level spell. Range: Long 1120-ft. Target: Cleric. Fort Save: 28. Spell Resist Check: 30, if necessary. Effect: Permanent Blindness.)

(Dan K) AC: 40 (T 16 FF 29), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+33=38 ; 2d8+28=32 ;
Saturday March 14th, 2020 6:47:23 PM

Barratore hits the undead creature
PA gtr penetrating strike hit AC 38 DMG 32

He then heads towards the ramp. Move 60' towards the wall

-1 Con
CL 18 Invisible / disappears after my attack
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 12/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  d20+17=36 ;
Monday March 16th, 2020 2:47:25 PM

[OOC to Emrys: Area Dispel is different from Targeted Dispel. To get the Darkness you needed to use an Area Dispel AND it also took out one effect on the Caster. Targeted dispel takes out up to four effects on a single creature.]

[OOC to all: I have not described the architecture of the town much, but it is noteworthy that almost all the roofs of the buildings are flat, and used by the people for planters or chairs or laundry. (The Palace is actually an exception -- it did have a tall angl;ed roof, not that that matters.) The Enemy Caster has not been perched on an angled slate roof. He's been standing there next to a door with stairs down.]


Tishe' flies down and around. She hands off some helpful items to Charles of the Skullheads. She directs Barratore to the West Ramp, and the Skullheads, Lanliss, and Edson to the East Ramp.

Edson and Lanliss head to the East Ramp with the Skullheads.

Barratore heads to the West Ramp, and is in position to start killing undead. But there is a 10x10 patch of Grease there!



Velarin's dispel has no effect, because the Caster is level 18, so you need to roll a 29 or better to end his magic.

Draco-Emrys casts Blindness ... and the Caster rolls a 36 to make the save! Emrys flies 120 ft closer; he is now 510 ft away.



The remaining undead do not look like they will take much mopping up, since they are weak, although the Grease is in the way


The enemy caster descends down into the building, out of sight.

Central Map Note that most of the buildings on the Central Map are one-story. A couple darker brown buildings have two or three storys. Velarin is at U23 on this map. X marks the spot for the stairs that the Caster went down.

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK)  d20+20=31 ;
Monday March 16th, 2020 3:18:36 PM

Tishe’ moves with Edson, Lanliss, and the Skullbreakers. “Yes, Sieur Edson, it would have been faster for you if you had teleport magic of your own or waited a handful of seconds or two and gotten a lift from Sieur Velarin, but your run was not in vain. In fact, if we didn’t know from your scout of a quarter of the wall that the Sahaugin hadn’t breeched somewhere else, we may have retreated because we were fearing the worst!” She gives him a pat on the arm, “And the only ‘saving of the day’ I have done this day has been delaying the army until others can get into position. And I am here to help again!”

Keeping at a hover 15’ above the wall by the East Ramp, Tishe’ considers then discards the idea to dispel the Grease; “although it will be a quarter hour before they disappear on their own!” She tells the team. She takes a steady and lasting gaze out at the waters, seeing if she can find a hint of how the Sahaugin can manage so many undead at once..
Perception. 31

Grease spells. 17 / 19 minute duration

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 3. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

(Dan K) AC: 41 (T 17 FF 30), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+16=25 ; d20+31=46 ; d20+31=32 ; d20+31=45 ; d20+31=34 ; d20+31=45 ; 2d8+28=38 ; 2d8+28=37 ; 2d8+28=30 ; 2d8+28=31 ;
Monday March 16th, 2020 3:46:19 PM

Barratore is about to head down the ramp, the Grease spell was of no impediment to the fighter, but then has another idea and jumps off the wall 15' to the left.

He lands, rolling with the fall and hopping back to his fee.
acrobatics DC 25 jump down and then move action to stand

The fighter gives a loud whistle to the undead

10' reach AoO Combat reflexes as they come at him.
Hit AC 46 / nat 1 miss / 45 / 34 / 45
Dmg 38 / miss / 37 / 30 / 31

-1 Con
CL 18 Invisible / disappears after my attack
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 11/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday March 16th, 2020 5:50:10 PM

"Emrys, he's playing a cat and mouse game with us and distracting us. He had a goal when he attacked the palace, and you interrupted that. They aren't done yet. Instead of trying to chase him around and play his game, I'm going to return to the palace, and safeguard the hundreds of people in the mansions, and the gateway home. No matter what else happens, they must not be taken. If I can, I'm going to start sending the people through the gate. Things are far from settled here"

V flies 60' back towards the castle, and watches and readies for the cleric to show himself. If he does, V will hit him with an empowered lightning bolt.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 10 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 17
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp97/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing, 
Monday March 16th, 2020 9:02:55 PM

"Velarin, go ahead and secure the mansions and evacuation. I will take out the cleric. If he's alone in that building, I'll turn it into a blast furnace or bring it all down on top of him!"

Draco-Emrys races forward to the building at full speed (x4 480 ft).

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20=20 ;
Monday March 16th, 2020 10:19:29 PM

Lanliss keeps an eye on the surroundings but lets his intuition to guide him about what the right action might be.

Aid another 20 (natural success)

OOC: not sure what to do actually....

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Tuesday March 17th, 2020 2:00:36 PM

"Aye.. aye. Captain" Edson replies, as he makes his way for the east ramp. His flaming bow is out and ready incase any undead pop out.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  d20-1=14 ; d20=3 ; d20=13 ; d20=2 ; d20=1 ; d20+28=35 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+11=21 ; d8+20=25 ; d8+20=26 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 12:26:19 AM


Tishe' scans the land ahead. It is a broken field, once devoted to wholesome crops, now a ruin of battle and tumult. She rolls a 31 Perception. Her foeman rolls a 14 stealth. But there is a -1 penalty per ten feet of distance. Does Tishe see the enemy trying to hide far out on the field? Let's just say that her intuition suggests such a foe maybe present ... but her despite her skill she fails to perceive him directly.

At the East Ramp, Edson and Lanliss with the Skullheads tackle the undead mob on the Greased East Ramp. With the undead unable to get past the grease, it is like shooting targets at a carmival game, only easier.

Barratore jumps to the side of the West Ramp, and down (that's a move action) and he gets ready to fight! He kills two undead, with an AoO and a standard attack after his move.



Velarin flies back toward the palace. He is 940 ft from the building. He readies a powerful spell.

Draco-Emrys devotes the full round to flying, and now he is just 30 ft from the building with the caster! He has either landed on or is hovering above a nearby building as wide as he is!



The remaining undead continue to serve as target practice. The Skullheads take out a few with missiles and Tim's enlarged reach. Another few rounds should do the trick. Edson and Lanliss, feel free to shoot at the undead milling about just 20 ft away on the ramp.

On the ground, four of the skellies and zombies attack Barratore, looking for natural 20s, and they all miss.


The enemy caster shoots from the cover of a window. His stealth check is a 35. So you have to beat that with a perception check to see him before he shoots. He fires a crossbow at Emrys, boosted with Divine Power and Magic Weapon. The Caster hits ACs 39, 36, 23, and 21. Using Emrys's draco-stats secret post from March 9, his AC31 means only two of those bolts hit. Emrys takes 1d8+20=25 and 1d8+20=26. That's 51 hp damage to Emrys.

After firing, the Caster, a Sahuagin using a crossbow with one set of arms, and a wand and a shield with the other set, is now visible. Velarin, you can take your readied action before he shoots if you beat that DC35 Stealth check. After that you can take your usual action for the round.

Emrys, he is immune to your frightful presence because of his hit dice, and his bolts bypass your DR.

Central Map Note that most of the buildings on the Central Map are one-story. A couple darker brown buildings have two or three storys.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=33 ; d20+22=31 ; 10d6=39 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 7:44:08 AM

V fails to spot the arrow firing sahaguin as he suddenly appeared(perception 33). V attempts to spot him again if that is still needed(perception 31). If he has a target, he will unleash his empowered lightning bolt for 67 damage, reflex save 26 for 1/2

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 10 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 17
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

(Dan K) AC: 41 (T 17 FF 30), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+31=51 ; d20+31=33 ; d20+31=48 ; d20+31=38 ; d20+31=50 ; d20+31=46 ; 2d8+28=32 ; 2d8+28=35 ; 2d8+28=39 ; 2d8+28=35 ; 2d8+28=32 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 9:50:53 AM

Barratore gets 5 AoO's due to Combat reflexes

Barratore wipes out the remaining undead about him
PA hit AC 51 / 33 / 48 / 38 / 50 / 46 Dmg 32 / 35 / 39 / 35 / 32

Nothing out here but junk. Eyes in the sky. Do we have another wave coming, or does it look like they are waiting for darkness to drop the next big shoe not that they know our defenses, and have weakened the walls?

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 10/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+20=31 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+20=30 ; d8+4=6 ; d8+4=9 ; d8+4=7 ; d8+4=9 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 12:38:51 PM

Edson just keeps firing, arrows appearing in his hands and flying out. Flames erupt every time they hit.
Hit ac 31 6 dmg 3 flame
Hit ac 34 9 dmg, 3 flame
Hit ac 30 7 dmg, 2 flame
Hit ac 30 9 dmg, 3 flame

" Barry's right.. this seems easy. We're probably needed elsewhere. "

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. +3AC defense (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 6:10:23 PM

Tishe’s is saddened at the waste of the brutally reaped fields; Effacia will need help even if there is no further loss of life. She thinks to Barratorre, Edson, and Lanliss. ‘I think there is an enemy directing the undead north of the wall in the ruined fields, but is too far away. Can the three of you move out and flush that Bounder? I know my Grease spell could hardly affect two rogues!’

The Spellweaver considers Edson, Barratorre, and Velarin’s words. She tries to put herself in the Sahaugin General’s point of view before responding. “Maybe we are just in the ‘mopping up’ stage of today’s battle. Last week the vanguard attacked the Gate. Today, they put their illusionists to work at the Gate and attacked three sides. We stopped the East and West attacks before they could breach the walls, and defeated their Gate stratagem. They actually topped the North Wall, but we were able to delay enough for Sieur Velarin and Sieur Barratorre to kill the two Undead Kaiju. I don’t believe the Palace attack is anything but a beheading attempt, and that has now failed too. If I were the General, I’d be saving my army and try to come up with another plan.”

She takes out her castanets, and begins the rhythm of a well-known tune to inspire all who can hear her. (Inspire Courage)

Inspire Courage: all within 30’ gain +1 attack, weapon damage, and save v charm

Grease spells. 17 / 19 minute duration. Reflex DC 18 or fall prone

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 3. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp83/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing,  d12=1 ; d12=5 ; d12=11 ; d12=3 ; d20+22=26 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 7:12:18 PM

"A crossbow?! The cleric is using a crossbow on me!" He winces a little ... that stung! "I'm not an eye in the sky anymore," he answers Barratore, "V and I are fighting that cleric you couldn't kill; near the Palace." He fully expects to feel the ground tremble from minotaur's charge after that statement.

After a few quick gestures, a wave of healing energy washes over him.

(Emrys casts a Quickened Cure Serious Wounds on himself. 7th level. Cures 3d12+18: 5+11+3+18 = 37.)

He then casts a wicked little curse that should cause a little distress in the fishy cleric. Emrys' eyes suddenly turn dark and begin to ooze an ichor that's black as pitch. So does the cleric's eyes as well. They both can no longer see ... at least Emrys enjoys the benefit of blind sense and a divination.

(Emrys casts Living Voodoo Doll on the Cleric. No Save. Spell Resist Check: 26, if necessary. Range: Med, 280ft. Duration: 18 rounds. Blind as a totally blind person.)

Draco-Emrys' Gold Dragon Stats:
Size: Huge
AC: 31
Hit Points: 154/188
Movement: 120ft Fly
Damage Reduction: 10/magic
Frightful Presence: DC 31
Resist Fire 20
Blind Sense: 60ft
Darkvision: 120ft
Attacks: Bite: 2d8+6, (2)Claws: 2d6+4. (2)Wing: 1d8+4. Tail: 2d6+6
Breath: 12d8 Fire, 50ft cone. Reflex DC: 31 for half. Can breath every 1d4 rounds.

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141  d20+14=22 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 9:06:20 PM

Lanliss uses the Wand of Cure Light Wounds to deal some possible damage to the undead.

Use Magic Device 22

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  d20+13=20 ;
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 11:31:00 PM


Tishe' talks about her suspicion that there is an enemy commanding the undead off in the distance.

At the East Ramp, Edson, Lanliss, Tishe, and the Skullheads work together to destroy seven undead.

At the West Ramp, Barratore took out four undead last round and takes out another five this round.

One more round of this and the problem will be solved.



Velarin hits the Enemy Sahuagin Caster with a potent lightning bolt. He fails the save and takes 67 damage.

Draco-Emrys blinds himself and the enemy caster!



The last of the undead on Barratore's side fill in to attack him, but after the inevitable attacks of opportunity, it is safe to say that the undead on that side are done for.


The blind enemy caster in the window steps back into the room, moving out of line of sight. You hear him casting. Note that identifying a spell with Spellcraft requires line of sight. (The window on the map is a black line, only 3 ft wide.)

Central Map Note that most of the buildings on the Central Map are one-story. A couple darker brown buildings have two or three storys.

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Thursday March 19th, 2020 7:44:04 AM

Tishe’ still thinks the undead master or commander is out there in the stubble somewhere. With so many corpses and types of undead they have seen, anyone who can do that will remain a potent threat to Effacia. “Come, Keepers! With two Rogues, you can both flank and quickly sneak attack anyone into meeting Gargul. There is more work to be done!”

Tishe’ touches Lanliss and Edson (if they accept the spell) and weaves a DimDoor spell to get between where she thought she saw the person and the shoreline!

“Okay, My packmates, act now. Perceive the enemy tha should be around here and attack!”

Dim Door. (Coalesce spell, use 2 3rd level slots) Tishe’, Lanliss, and Edson; halfway between suspected person and northern shoreline; up to 1160’ away from North Wall.

Grease spells. 17 / 19 minute duration. Reflex DC 18 or fall prone

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 5. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+22=39 ; 10d6=44 ;
Thursday March 19th, 2020 10:46:47 AM

"I got him with the lightning bolt Emrys, but he's likely healing himself now. If not he's casting something else. We definitely don't want him getting away, and I'm running out of spells."

V moves to 23R and attempts to spot the cleric(perception 39 and true sight) if V can see him, he will call forth a scroll from his handy haversack and hit him with an empowered lightning bolt for 75, reflex save of 26 for 1/2 damage. If he can't see him, V will cast a disintegrate and wipe out the wall of the building that he's hiding behind.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 8 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 15 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt-c, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp83/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing, 
Thursday March 19th, 2020 10:55:38 AM

Answering Velarin, "Same here ... I would have melted his flesh from his bones, but I don't know if there are innocent people inside that building. My dragon breath doesn't discriminate. If I knew he was alone in there, I'd let him have it. For now, I'm relying on my blind sense and a divination to discern his location ... I blinded both him and myself!"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp83/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing,  2d6=6 ;
Thursday March 19th, 2020 8:21:38 PM

(ooc: When I thought of this blindness strategy, i mistakenly confused the dragon's Blindsense ability with Blindsight ... big difference! My Hindsight ability is 20/20 though.)

Emrys speaks to Velarin through party radio, "This may appear a bit drastic, but I must know that there is no one else inside the structure. I may look dead, but I'm not!"

Draco-Emrys lands on the ground (centered on U25) directly in front of him. With a sigh, he mutters a few buzzing words of power and his huge frame collapses to the ground as if he were dead. His soft flesh comes alive, and breaks away from his bones, in a mass of undulating centipedes. They all crawl away from the dragon's skeleton and move into open window of the structure (Movement: 30ft).

(Emrys casts Swarm Skin. Form: two 10-ft swarms of Centipedes. Damage: 2d6 = 6. Fort Save: 28 vs Poison (frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, 1d4 Con) and Distraction (nauseated condition). They are blind, like drac-emrys, but these guys have Tremorsense 30ft.)

(Dan K) AC: 41 (T 17 FF 30), CMD:43; HP: 186/237 Barratore Steelwind   d20+15=18 ;
Thursday March 19th, 2020 11:12:31 PM

A deep growl through the mental link

Barratore looks about, he's not about to spend the next couple of minutes running out into the middle of no where to hopefully see anything. He would either not see, or would be far too late in the first place.

Barratore sheathes his sword and heads up the ramp to the top of the wall

Bow in hand, Barratore keeps an eye out, kinda.

Take 10 Acrobatics = 26
Perception 18

-1 Con
CL 18 Hero Feast- +1 Morale Will save +4 vs poison and fear
CL 18 Haste- extended 9/36 rounds
CL 18 Freedom of Movement 70 minutes

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  d20+11=31 ; d20+24=27 ; d20=18 d20+3=14 d20+3=19
Thursday March 19th, 2020 11:43:27 PM


Tishe' invites Edson and Lanliss to go hunt for the undead master that she suspects is out there on the land between the town and the north coast. Lanliss and Edson, do you agree? We'll leave resolution of this to await their responses.

Back at the city wall, Barratore and the Skullheads finish off the last of the undead horde. The minotaur regains the wall.



Velarin flies forward, toward the building where the caster is hiding. He disintegrates away a wall and exposes the caster, now clearly visible and losing cover. He seems healed up. There is no one else in that building with him.

Draco-Emrys lands next to the open building, senses no creatures other than the enemy, and floods the area with two swarms made of his own flesh! Emrys, please accept a hero point for finding a useful spell when you are blind! Also for risking your precious flesh in this situation!

[OOC: This spell needs some adjudication. The text says, "These swarms have all their normal qualities and abilities." I interpret that to mean that they have their usual poison save DC. That's a DC13 for 1d4 DEX damage, unless you know something I don't?]



The undead horde is destroyed. We'll see what happens beyond the wall after we hear from Lanliss and Edson.


Turns out the caster healed himself last round, but his eyes are closed. Velarin only: If you make a Sense Motive check vs DC31, then please email me to find out something.

Concentrating hard, the blind enemy tries to speak a word of power. His level is 18 and his casting stat gives a +6 so that's +24 to make a DC27 check ... he makes it exactly! The spell he casts is Blasphemy. The spell kills both swarms outright, and both Velarin and Emrys must make Will Saves vs DC23 oe be dazed for a round. Dazed means unable to take actions for a round. Emrys's flesh reforms. The caster takes 6 damage and rolls a nat 18 against the poison.

[OOC: I rolled two Will saves at +3 (nat 20s needed) for the swarms, but it occurs to me that Emrys should roll those. So feel free to roll. If the saves vs death fail, there's more vs paralysis, etc. You might be better off choosing to fail so you can get your flesh back.]

Central Map Note that most of the buildings on the Central Map are one-story. A couple darker brown buildings have two or three stories.

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Friday March 20th, 2020 5:50:41 AM

Tishe’ has a moment of concern. ‘I hope they accept, or I will be horribly exposed and unable to react while recovering from the DimDoor’.

Grease spells. 17 / 19 minute duration. Reflex DC 18 or fall prone

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 5. 7. 7. 4. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle) 
Friday March 20th, 2020 8:36:45 AM

Note: After Dim Dooring, the caster can't take actions, but passengers can. So Edson and Lanliss would have chances to act on arrival.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+24=33 ;
Friday March 20th, 2020 10:35:51 AM

Edson accepts and takes the dimension door. On arrival he activates his invisibility. Mentally he relays I work down the west side you the east? Using the shore as north. Barratore does the middle. "

Edson begins searching
Perception 33, 40 for traps

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+19=36 ; 36d6=130 ; 5d6=19 ; 18d6=57 ;
Friday March 20th, 2020 2:02:44 PM

(ooc: well done Cayzle. I haven't hated a bad guy this much in a long time. V has a 5 sense motive, so I wont bother. fortitude save is 36. correction. 33. I added the will modifier by accident.)

V relays the info from his end of the battle mentally, including the casting of blasphemy after he shakes off it's effects.

"Emrys? you still with us? that was a hefty spell..."

"Man I hate this guy. Dinner and drinks for a week on me for the first person to cut this guy in half or put a blade through his evil little heart.... That is, if I can't kill him first. I don't have much left, but he's getting it all, Cuz I've had all I can stand, and I can't stand no more."

V casts a disintegrate on the now exposed cleric, doing 139 damage. fortitude save of 27 makes damage 29. He heroically then casts an empowered chain lightning at him if he still stands.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 8 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 15 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt-c, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday March 20th, 2020 2:05:37 PM

(PC locked up. chain lightning damage 94, reflex save of 29 for 1/2 damage.)

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 8 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 15 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt-c, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate-c, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx1, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+12=14 ; d20+12=15 ;
Friday March 20th, 2020 2:08:45 PM

ranged touch attack for the disintegrate 14

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday March 20th, 2020 2:09:14 PM

(15 was a double click)

Lanliss Drakeguard Michael A; AC: 26 (T 19, FF 18), CMD:31 HP:34/ (87)141 
Friday March 20th, 2020 7:58:29 PM

Lanliss agrees
"Of course !, We are going for a hunt", Lanliss says

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp83/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing,  d20+20=27 ; 12d8=62 ; d4=3 ;
Friday March 20th, 2020 8:37:12 PM

(ooc: Cayzle - Emrys completely accepts your Saves for the two centipede swarms. I was wanting to retreat them back to the body once they had determined that the structure was empty of innocent victims with their tremorsense. Failing those saves sped up that process ... and if I had rolled those saves, Fate would've given me two natural 20's out of spite ... so thank you! :)

Draco-Emrys' fleshy body reforms after the extermination of the two swarms. It was a painful transition but he was glad not to be a large pile of dead vermin. He shakes off the Dazed effect from the Blasphemy spell with a draconic hiss. (Fort Save: 27)

"Yess ... I am alright... he really doesn't like centipedes!," he says with a chuckle. "There's no innocents in the building ... SURE, i'LL TAKE YOU UP ON THAT WAGER!"

Upon accepting the bet, he takes a 10-ft step (centered on T23) for a better position. His chest expands as he inhales a great deal of air. The spaces between his scales begin to give off a white, hot glow. Then suddenly a blast of dragon's fire completely engulfs the interior of the structure.

(Dragon's Breath Attack: Area: 50ft cone. Damage: 12d8 = 62 Fire. Reflex: 31 for half. Can breath again in 3 rounds.)

Draco-Emrys' Gold Dragon Stats:
Size: Huge
AC: 31
Hit Points: 154/188
Movement: 120ft Fly
Damage Reduction: 10/magic
Frightful Presence: DC 31
Resist Fire 20
Blind Sense: 60ft
Darkvision: 120ft
Attacks: Bite: 2d8+6, (2)Claws: 2d6+4. (2)Wing: 1d8+4. Tail: 2d6+6
Breath: 12d8 Fire, 50ft cone. Reflex DC: 31 for half. Can breath every 1d4 rounds.

TOTAL BATTLE: all combatants (DM Cayzle)  d20+17=32 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+21=31 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+11=24 ; d8+20=25 ; d8+20=24 ; d8+20=21 ; d8+20=28 ;
Saturday March 21st, 2020 12:16:30 AM


Tishe' dimension doors out ahead 500 ft beyond the wall with Edson and Lanliss. Edson becomes invisible. You can see the enemy, an armored Sahuagin, hiding behind the ruins of a farm building. Of course, now that you are behind him, he has no cover and cannot hide from you. He's 250 ft from you, back towards the town.

Back at the city wall, Barratore and the Skullheads stand on the wall looking out over the bodies. Most of the Skullheads are quite wounded and winded. "It has been an honor to fight with you, Sir Barratore," says Charles, one of the two co-leaders of the group.



Velarin saves vs the Blasphemy and offers a Disintegrate in return. However, Disintegrate requires a ranged touch attack (it is a ray) as well as a save. Velarin, please make a touch attack against touch AC 17 to make sure it hits first (I was fine without the roll against the building, but against a person, you gotta roll.).

Assuming the Ranged Touch hits, then the Enemy Caster gains a fort save at +17, and rolls a 32. He saves and takes 29 damage. Velarin, determined to take this guy down, follows up with a heroic lighting bolt, which forces a Reflex save. The Enemy Caster rolls at +13 ... getting a 30 and taking 47 more. In addition to the swarm damage of 6, that's 6+29+47 = 82 damage to the enemy.

OH WAIT! Velarin posted that ranged attack, and it missed! Let's revise the damage taken ... 53 damage to the enemy.

Then Blinded Draco-Emrys steps up 10 ft, directly between Velarin and the Enemy! Velarin, what's your altitude, sorry I lost track. Either way, though, with that giant frickin dragon in front of the broken building, the Enemy and Velarin now have soft cover with respect to each other, because, again, dragon.

Perfectly positioned so that even a blind dragon cannot miss, Draco-Emrys now follows up with a dragon breath! [OOC: You are of course blinded for the duration ... until you take a round to dismiss the spell, but I'm fine with you aiming the breath based on blindsense.] The Enemy Caster has to make another reflex save ... he rolls a 31, exactly what he needed, and takes another 31 damage, that is, 84 damage total!.

[OOC: The die roller is en fuego for me today! #SorryNotSorry!]



The only enemy in the north is the enemy armored sahuagin who was just surprised by Tishe, Edson, and Lanliss ... surprised, he loses his action for this round. He is 250 ft away.


Turns out that the Enemy Caster used a Heal spell to heal himself before, and that also healed the blindness. He pretended to be blind while casting Blasphemy, but now he chooses to use his eyes.

He raises his crossbow and shoots at Emrys again! He's using deadly aim, point blank range, in fact, for extra damage. Note that the enemy is actually within the dragon's melee reach, and firing a crossbow does provoke attacks of opportunity, except that if you are blind, you can't take AoOs. Also, being blinded, Emrys takes a -2 on AC and loses his dex bonus to AC. So instead of AC31, he's 29 minus his dex bonus ... With his Divine Power spell, he has two attacks at +21, another at +16, and a fourth at +11. The Enemy shoots ACs 31, 38, 31, and 24 for 25hp, 24hp, 21 hp, and 28 hp (if that last one is a hit). Emrys takes 70 hp, maybe 98 but I doubt that.

You know, being the curious DM that I am, I went and looked up Emrys's Dex Bonus to AC. It's a +4, by the PC sheet, so looks like blinded Draco-Emrys's AC is looking like AC25 ... so that last bolt hitting AC24 was almost certainly a miss. We'll let Emrys tell us for sure.

Central Map Note that most of the buildings on the Central Map are one-story. A couple darker brown buildings have two or three stories.

AC 26/ T26/ F24 CMD22. (Fdom of Move) HP 119/164 -3CON Tishe’ (SteveK) 
Saturday March 21st, 2020 10:39:25 AM

Tishe’s eyes light up. “There he is, we just need to get In melee range for you two to do your Rogue thing, so hold on, then cut his threads!”

The Spellweaver, able to se invisible, touches both Edson and Lanliss and weaves another DimDoor, this time only 5’ feet away from the armored Sahaugin!


Dim Door using 6th level spell, 5’ away from Armored Sahaugin with Lanliss and Edson.

Grease spells. 17 / 19 minute duration. Reflex DC 18 or fall prone

Endure Elements
See Invisible
Detect Scrying
Coven Member (from Emrys) Warding: +1 AC and saving throws.; Healing no effect; Charming: Ignore target’s racial immunities when casting charm/ compulsion/ mind-affecting spells.
Heroes Feast : 12 hours. +16 temporary HP; Neutralize Poison. +1 morale Attacks and Will Saves. +4 morale vs. Poison.
Extended Fly 38 minutes. 60’
Extended Resist Energy. 380 minutes (30/Fire).

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 7. 6. 3
Used. * 3. 4. 5. 7. 7. 5. 3
2 of 2 Bloodline Power

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 142/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  10d6=49 ; 15d6=41 ;
Saturday March 21st, 2020 6:28:43 PM

(V dropped down to look straight into the window, so he is at ground level.)

"Emrys, either heal yourself or get your draco butt out of there."

Not waiting for Emrys to move or possibly be killed, V calls forth two scrolls from his haversack and flies past him and stops 10 feet from the cleric. "My turn."

V hits the cleric with an empowered lightning bolt for 82, reflex save 26 for 1/2 damage, and then heroically(I've used half my hero points in this fight. Totally worth it.) casts a 15th level chain lightning for 50 more, reflex save 27 for 1/2 damage.

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells
extended Fly: 36 minutes
Extended haste: 7 rounds, +1 attack and dodge, +30 move, extra attack on full attack
Protection from Evil (on Barratore and Lanliss) 36 minutes
Greater invisibility, 14 rounds
True Seeing: 18 minutes
Heroes Feast: +1 Morale Will/+4 Morale vs Fear and Poison Tmp HP +12

1st: Mage armor(extended)-C, Protection from evilX2-cx2, Magic missile X5-cx4
2nd: Invisibility X2, Mirror imageX3, resist energyX2
3rd: Lightning Bolt x2-cx2, Haste-c, Dispel magicX2-cx1, Fireball-c, fly-c
4th: Dim Door X3-cx2, Greater Invis.x2-cx2, Black TentaclesX2
5th: Teleport-c, Emp. Lightning bolt-c, Emp. fireball-c, Wall of force X2, Summon 5X2-cx2
6th: Chain lightning-c, Greater dispel magic-c, true seeing-c, Disintegrate-c, wall force-c
7th: Summon 7 X4-cx4, reverse gravity,
8th: empowered chain lightningX2-cx2, reverse Gravity, SunburstX2-cx2
9th: Meteor Swarm-c, Wish, crushing hand-c, Time stop-c

Greater Earth Elemental:
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21, (–1 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
hp 136 (13d10+65) -71
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +8
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d10+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 34
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Overrun, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp83/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing,  d20+30=48 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=20 ; 3d6+15=25 ; 3d6+15=19 ; 3d6+15=27 ; 3d6+15=26 ; d20+16=32 ; 2d8+9=15 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=23 ; d8+7=13 ; d8+7=14 ; d20+11=23 ; 2d6+9=16 ;
Saturday March 21st, 2020 9:27:19 PM

"Ohhhh oh ohhh, I am HATING this guy more than you, my friend!!!"

Draco-Emrys summons up every last drop of heroic fortitude, just so he can MURDER this cleric HARD! Every deal with Fate is totally worth it at this point. He joins Velarin in this covenant of vicious righteousness!

FIRST ... a halo of healing light bursts all around him and he is immediately healed of all damage.

{Hero point Extra Action: Emrys casts Heal on himself, using an 8th level spell slot. Casting Defensively (just in case the cleric has some trick): d20+30 = 48, success! Curing him 150 points and removing his Blindness.)

SECOND ... Draco-Emrys makes a few quick gestures ... so very QUICK!! The air around Emrys fills with the scent of evergreen, moss and other musty odors. Emrys seems to be divinely favored for combat.

(Emrys casts Quickened Divine Favor on himself. Swift Action. +3 Luck bonus to hit and damage.)

THIRD ... His claws take on the appearance of thick, spikey wood ... yet still very flexible. His hide sprouts a thorny bramble ... taking on the appearance of a half dragon, half briar patch.

(Emrys activates his Wooden Fists and Bramble Armor. Plant Domain SU abilties. Both are Free Actions. Wood Fists adds 1d6+9 to claws. Bramble Armor deals 1d6+9 to any melee attacks without reach.)

Then Draco-Emrys lets loose the furies of war!

(Full Round Attacks:)
2/2 Claw Attacks: Hit AC: 27, 20, 30, 20. Damage: 25+19+27+26 = Possible 97.
Bite Attack: Hit AC: 32. Damage: 15.
2 Wing Attacks: Hit AC: 30, 23. Damage: 13+14 = possible 27.
Tail Attack: Hit AC: 23. Damage: 16

Draco-Emrys' Gold Dragon Stats:
Size: Huge
AC: 30
Hit Points: 188/188
Movement: 120ft Fly
Damage Reduction: 10/magic
Frightful Presence: DC 31
Resist Fire 20
Blind Sense: 60ft
Darkvision: 120ft
Attacks: Bite: 2d8+9*, (2)Claws: 3d6+15**. (2)Wing: 1d8+7*. Tail: 2d6+9*
Breath: 12d8 Fire, 50ft cone. Reflex DC: 31 for half. Can breath every 1d4 rounds.
*Divine Favor
**Divine Favor and Wooden Fist

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac22 hp117/117. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Charming, Contingency: BoL. Bless, Fly, Resist Energy {Fire), True Seeing 
Saturday March 21st, 2020 9:28:50 PM

(Corrected my hp in the Name Line.)

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