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Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Monday February 17th, 2020 9:13:00 AM

Stock shrugs and proceeds forward. Even for him though, the voice of a god deserves respect. Stock stares openly at Z, trying to see if his physical wounds manifest here.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) -33/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30 
Monday February 17th, 2020 10:13:36 AM

Coming out of the river Zanderallen follows the compulsion without hesitation. Seeing Gargul himself Zander bows deeply as he approaches the throne. Unable to stop it his spirit shudders slightly. He was a devout servant of Domi and felt his power often, but Gargul was something else. He snaps to attention next to the throne, aghast and shocked at what irreverence Carver committed to draw such a statement from Gargul.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16 Swim: 60] 
Monday February 17th, 2020 10:59:06 AM

Dorbin can do little but stand still, his mouth opening and closing like a fish as he tries to comprehend who he is standing in front of.

I Got Ya [DM Jerry] 
Monday February 17th, 2020 11:34:40 PM

Stohp and Sid are unable to glean any knowledge that gains them any insight or advantage in dealing with the God of Life and Death. In fact, so completely are the two trying to figure things out that they forget to move forward and the rest of the party leaves them behind!

Carver receives no indication as to whether he was heard or not.

Then comes the next unexpected event. Large hands from behind Zanderallen softly grip his shoulders. When Zander looks around, he sees Domi, his patron god.

Domi whispers. "Ssh, be at peace son. I got ya."

Gargul turns his head. His eyes get very big, but his facial expression does not change. He turns back o the group.


Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 51/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Monday February 17th, 2020 11:47:16 PM

Carver remains silent, the others know him better and have been his friends, having just met him, Carver will speak last....

Bartomus(Rod) HP:48/59 AC: 19; Melee +7 +1CrvrSpell;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 12:46:19 AM

"well, there was this tall tower, and at the top a room guarded by shark things, as we were underwater, and we then got rid of them, and went into the room they were guarding, and there was this nasty big eyed thing next to the alter where the Princess was tied down about to be sacrificed," Bartomus just started talking and really, it was more like a stream of consciousness aloud. "The nasty thing, it had big claws and a mouth full of teeth, and Zander, well Zanderallen is his full name, but its a mouthful so I just call him Zander, well he fought the thing with gusto, and got a few good blows, but yea, I said it had big teeth and claws. They did him in."

The taur went silent, shrugged and then sniffed. Then he shrugged again, "It was underwater and blood just floated away."

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 10:34:52 AM

"...don't forget the part about the chanting deep one priestess and the black orb. It looked like she was somehow using the bound merfolk princess to try to summon some unspeakable horror out of the abyss. So Z went after the big deep one with the claws with Carver here while I took down the priestess. By the time I had the priestess in hand, Z had fallen and we had chased away that big deep one. That priestess is still alive by the way in case you want to swap her soul for Z's...just a suggestion of course since I doubt anybody would miss her."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) -33/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 11:19:35 AM

Zander almost jumps as the hands clamp around his shoulders, but something about them feels right. Turning around he sees who the hands belong to and his eyes get very big. Clasping his fist to his heart in military salute he manages to get out a simple, "My lord". He eases back to an at attention stance, still respectful but much less cowed than before. Listening to the words of his companions he thinks back to the fight. Weighing the action of those involved in his own mind.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 11:42:31 AM

Stohp figures Gargul cares less about the specifics of the blows that felled Z and more about the situation and cause that lead to his demise. "He died fighting nobly to stop a dark ritual of unknown purpose being done by eldritch beasts. We know not what the ritual intended to do, only that it required a sacrifice and seemed to harbor ill intent."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16 Swim: 60] 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 12:29:20 PM

Dorbin joins in the babbling Bartomous, talking at the same time, adding in, "Yeah. And then there was this giant thing. I don't know what it was. It was huge. Some ancient thing. No, I'd never seen anything like it before, but we were under water and swimming around. And that was after the giant room that looked like it had tombs in it, but still completely under water. It was in the city and where that guy tried to betray all of the Floating City, at least we think he did, but..."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 6; CMD: 16 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 7:25:58 PM

"I didn't see him fall myself," Sid frowns and looks at Z. "Sorry, I was working over the chanting priestess to make sure she was tied up and not making mischief." He looks at the Lord of Life and Death, "You know how those caster types can be troublesome. I do know that he swam straight up to that big... ugly... thing. No offense to anyone, but there have been too many eyes and limbs for my taste. Anyway, sorry, anyway he was right up there at the big bad thing after Carver took the Princess off to safety. Gods those teeth Zander," he says looking at him, "those had to hurt."

Micah (John) HP: 65/80 +9 temporary AC: 22/11/22 (add +2 to AC when within 10' of Stock) CMD:17 (Swim 30)  
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 8:07:53 PM

When Micah first sees who has joined Zanderallen and Gargul, he blinks his eyes in disbelief. When he realizes it is not his father, as he first thought, but rather the Champion of the Gods, his own Lord, he is completely nonplussed.

The brief moment of mistaken identify upon seeing Domi brought to mind his own father's wisdom, and he paused a moment to reflect upon the elder Smith's advice, Son, never blame others for your own shortcomings. A man of integrity takes responsibility for his own choices and actions.

Only after most of the others had spoken, is he able to respond to Gargul's request. "My Lords," he begins somberly, "Zanderallen died the way he lived: boldly rushing in and facing evil head on, heedless of the consequences to himself.

Resisting the urge to bow his head, he faces the two gods head on, continuing, "I fear that I am to blame for Zanderallen's death. I made at least two major tactical mistakes. First, I failed to prepare magic to protect us from magical fear attacks. Had I been prepared, Stock would have been able to engage that abomination side to side with Zanderallen. The two of them together have defeated many an evil foe.

"Second, seeing that, aside from the summoned creatures brought to bear by Bartomus and Dorbin, that Zanderallen was facing this dread creature alone, I chose to attack rather than to heal him, overestimating my own offensive capabilities. Possibly had I taken that time to heal his wounds, he might of stayed up longer, staying alive until Carver found the courage to join in the melee."

He releases a heavy sigh, then looks at his brother in arms while saying, I am deeply sorry, Zanderallen."

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used  d20=8 ;
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 9:57:47 AM

Stock looks around at each of the party as they share their view of the battle, nodding. He turns forward and sees the...person(?) behind Z. He mumbles, "Wait wait wait..."

Whispering (as much as a barbarian can), "Micah, is that Domi?!" He subconsciously grabs the sash dedicated to the god that he is always wearing.

Ignore the d20 roll...that was a misclick.

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 51/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 10:44:28 AM

Carver still standing at parade rest, basically, thinks back over the battle....
I charge in striking the one that killed Zander.... It strikes back hard enough that without my armor I too would be here standing before Lord Gargul. I pull the target of the ritual to safety and while doing a little healing ask for room to get in so as to attack. Zander goes down, I charge back in, the deep one retreats through a window, then proceeds to flee.... Without room to get to the fighting, healing myself was smartest choice considering the deep one could have stayed after I charged back in. I am sorry Zander fell in combat, but removing the target of the Ritual there by stopping it prevented whatever they were trying to do, and I expect we will eventually see that Deep One again in the future, I very much doubt he'll give up on whatever the plan was. Yep, that's pretty much how I remember it, now if I am asked to speak, just get it out without the flourishes of my habit....

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16 Swim: 60] 
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 12:08:54 PM

Dorbin keeps babbling, "Yeah, and then there was a princess there, I mean, not the princess we were there to rescue, but another one. Maybe she was more of a priestess than a princess, but still. And some of the Shield, they took care of her and tied her up, but that was after the giant fish thing slammed into Zander and Zander started floating around..."

You Did Well. Do Better [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 4:43:02 PM

Gargul nods to Domi.



He pauses and looks at each singly searching mind and soul. "I AM MADE PROUD BECAUSE OF YOU."

Finally, he says, "ZANDER, SON, GO JOIN YOUR FRIENDS."


Gargul almost cracks a smile. Domi definitely does.



There is a popping sound and instantly you are back where you were.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 1/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30 
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 5:46:37 PM

Zanderallen listens carefully to Domi, taking his every word to heart. There were things they needed to work on. Fixing them would take hard work and courage. Those were comfortable ideas. He bows deeply to Domi, still in awe of having met his patron. He can't help but smile when Domi smiles. The return to his body is a shock, all the more so because of the sudden return of the pain of his wounds. But of even more anguish to him is the guilt of his friend. Somewhat stiffly he marches up to Micah, and clasping him firmly by the shoulders, forces Micah to look him in the eyes. "Micah Smith, I know your head is about as thick as mine but I will beat this message in. YOU hold no blame in my death. You heard the words of Domi himself, we fight against mighty foes, the Silver Shields have to rise to that challenge. The responsibility is on all of us. This fight has exposed weaknesses in us that we must face and overcome. Now embrace me brother, for Domi has decided you aren't to be rid of me yet." With a huge grin Zanderallen embraces Micah manfully, wincing at his wounds but overflowing with joy. Eventually letting go of Micah he turns to all the original Shields and thanks them each for their words and support in going to the lands of rest. He gives Carver a nod.

Micah (John) HP: 65/80 +9 temporary AC: 22/11/22 (add +2 to AC when within 10' of Stock) CMD:17 (Swim 30)  
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 6:32:14 PM

"Yours is much thicker," mutters Micah as he returns the hug.

Not yet really to process all that just occurred, he turns to the king with a bow. [OOC: assuming he is still present]

"Thank you again, for your gifts. As you can see, they proved efficacious."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 6; CMD: 16 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 6:57:41 PM

Sid blinks, looking at the Priestess and smiles as Z and Micah start hugging. "Well Ma'am I believe I have more pressing things at the moment. If there is something you need help with, job creation or social reform, let me know. We'll help. Pardon me however."

Sid double moves and careens into Micah and Z, "Guys!"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 4:19:46 AM

What that's it? Give a short description of his death, ok you're good you can go home now? Stohp had expected it to be much, much harder. Maybe Domi had put in a good word or something.

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 9:15:18 AM

"Good thing he didn't die slipping in the shower. Our story wouldn't have been quite so touching I bet. Welcome back to the living Big Z. Next time we hit them harder."

Stock slaps the paladin on the back and looks around.

"Now what? Oh wait, we're underwater again aren't we..."

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 51/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 10:19:05 AM

Carver opens his mouth to say something and is pleased to know that the command has expired after leaving the Shadowlands.
"Welcome back Zanderallen, I too need to learn my limits in combat to help prevent a repeat visit.
I already know that I'm terrible in close quarters, I'm Calvary and if I stop moving, I'm just a practice dummy.
I've also been traveling alone for so many years, I must learn to trust you all as well as learn what each is capable of, that is if you wish my continued presence after getting back to The Float."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16 Swim: 60] 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 11:36:57 AM

Dorbin looks around, then grabs for his leather book, momentarily forgetting that they are underwater. He says, "I hope I can remember all this. There is so much I need to write down and report to the library."

Bartomus(Rod) HP:48/59 AC: 19; Melee +7 +1CrvrSpell;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 2:09:37 PM


He couldn't tell if it was his ears that popped as if there had been too much fluid in them. Or, if the otherworld bubble he had been floating in popped and he suddenly found himself rightside up but underwater. He wasn't sure, but he looked about, saw the other Shields and saw Zander standing, well float standing but not lying down and bleeding out. "So, we are back??? Oh, we are back, it's the princess, and hi, we are back, and Zander's back, and ZANDER!!!

Bartomus genuinely was grinning from ear to ear as he realized that Zander was back. Alive, standing, and back amongst the living. "So all of that was real, like, we were standing before the Gods of the Wold? Before uh...."

His face froze and his mind was trying to work it out, but it seemed like he was stuck in a moment...grinning, but stuck.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 1/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 2:13:55 PM

Zander listens to Carver's words, 'You and I must have different thoughts as what it means to be able to handle oneself in a fight.' he thinks to himself. Aloud he says, "There will be much to learn and work on as we grow as the Silver Shields. Living reality slowly making it's way back in to his immediate focus Zander realizes there are still in the merfolk castle and in the presence of royalty. Still rather weak he shakily bows to the merfolk king, "Your Majesty, I take it that you played some part of bringing me back. You have my deepest gratitude. I am afraid the leader of the attack on your kingdom escaped, but we captured his priestess, who we will leave to your justice, and the criminal we came here to hunt down. I hope the princess was not harmed by those foul creatures?"

Micah (John) HP: 65/80 +9 temporary AC: 22/11/22 (add +2 to AC when within 10' of Stock) CMD:17 (Swim 30)  
Thursday February 20th, 2020 7:35:49 PM

Micah watches the interaction of Zanderallen and Carver, but says nothing.

DM MikeK - And we're back 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 8:01:50 PM


The Silver Shields find themselves back in the tower of the merfolk castle, in the exact positions they were standing when Micah finished his spell.

The merfolk king and guards all blink in surprise as Zander gets up from the floor.

“That’s it?” the king wonders aloud, unknowingly echoing Stohp.
“You read the spell, and he gets up? Humph. I was expecting a flash of light or booming sounds or something.”

Perception DC10 Highlight to display spoiler: { Clearly, no time has passed for the other occupants of the room.}

Nevertheless, Zander is returned from the dead, and, as a bonus, everyone is fully healed.

Hugs and words of wisdom are exchanged.

The merfolk king deflects Zanderallen’s thanks.
“As I told your companions, you have saved my kingdom and my daughter. She is unharmed, and I am eternally grateful. We shall indeed deal with the deep one. Please avail yourselves of anything you want from the equipment of our former captors.”

He nods at Carver.
“You may also keep the helm, with my gratitude.”

Then, he glances over at Crimson.
“And by all means, take him.”

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 66/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Thursday February 20th, 2020 9:09:04 PM

"Thank you your Majesty, and thank you for keeping me breathing when I ended up in the cell with you.
And you Princess, be safe. I'm sure if you need us again, we are only a message away.
Have your people returned to the city?"

With Crimson all tied up, Carver tosses him over his back, not in a riding position, but like he was a rolled up rug.....

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30  d20=12 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 4:30:57 AM

"There was a lot more from out perspective, but I guess no one else can see that. God's & magic and stuff so it took no time here but a bit more for us." Stohp explains (perception 26)

Micah (John) HP: 80/80 AC: 25/12/25 CMD:17 (Swim 30)   d20+5=13 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+14=16 ; d20+14=29 ; d20+14=29 ; d20+14=30 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 8:11:17 AM

Not yet able to process what happened before Gargul, and DOMI, nor what transpired before then, Micah simple bows again in appreciation to the king and settles on the uncomfortably familiar task of plundering his fallen enemies. He cast detect magic and looks about.

Perception 13
Knowledge Arcana Checks to identify aura schools: 16, 18, 13
Spellcraft checks to identify items: 16, 29, 29, 30

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Friday February 21st, 2020 9:50:45 AM

"Thanks King. We'll take Crimson from here."

Stock moves over and manhandles "Lord" Crimson and has him ready to move. "So now we swim upward?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 94/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30  d20+5=22 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 10:32:56 AM

Zander can't help but laugh at the image of Crimson trussed up on Carver's back. Leaving the discomfort of the prisoner to others he aids Micah in securing the equipment of their foes.

Perception 22

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16 Swim: 60]  d20+20=30 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+20=38 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 12:12:41 PM

Dorbin spots Micah checking things out and helps him.

Detect magic aiding? I don't know. Spellcrafts, aid another: 30, 23, 35, 38

Bartomus(Rod) HP:48/59 AC: 19; Melee +7 +1CrvrSpell;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Friday February 21st, 2020 2:31:44 PM

"Your majesty," Bartomus said looking at the living lump tossed onto Carver's backside. "l take it we couldn't say drop him from the top of the float into the lake, cause you don't want him back, right?

He shrugged and looked about. "also, your majesty, is there a reason you all aren't like more visible with the Float? I mean there could be ways that the lake's communities could work on things that help everyone make their lives a bit better. "

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Saturday February 22nd, 2020 6:29:31 AM

"My guess is it's just that the ruling class of the Float felt no need to deal with the locals until now. With their magical gate and trade there probably seemed no point and people are slow to change or adapt to new situations. It's high time the city be part of the local area and make friends with all the locals instead of just ignoring the outside world."

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 66/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Saturday February 22nd, 2020 8:38:17 AM

"I understand the PtB at the Float probably know it moved, but I sure didn't, and I spend a good half my time there. How much of the population knows? If they knew, there are ways to get connected to the locals of the area, they just need to be instituted."

DM Robert chimes in 
Sunday February 23rd, 2020 9:32:09 AM

To all:
Actually the Float has been moved for about 12+ years real time. It happened in the Wold event "Dark Fey Rising." The Float's new location has been central to all games based here for some time, all the way back to the Urst Ma(something) campaign with the Crimson Shields being based here. The Float has been isolated because the Crying Woods has until recently been a malign power that has surrounded the Float, and kept it from being able to expand. It has had to rely on the gates just to survive. The Lords have actually been doing their best to keep the city running, however, they have also been lining their pockets as the opportunity presents itself.

The people of the Float have been getting by and over the years learned to accept their lot. The new revelations and with the Crying Woods having withdrawn itself from the whole forest has opened up new opportunities for growth and expansion. Expect an economic boom. With that will come the con artists and scammers, new 'things' moving into the forest (because the Crying Woods hated all living things, it also kept out the orcs, etc.), and other growing pains.

Lord Crimson is actually a legacy villain. His father was a villain in the Crimson Shields campaign.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Sunday February 23rd, 2020 6:51:05 PM

(All true, but Stohps point was more that everyone had been relying on portal trade and their own problems for the past dozen years. Sure the woods kept them from making friends with say the lizardfolk, but Stohps point is that they maybe could have done more with making friends with the lake inhabitants before now instead of focusing on old trade networks through the portals to keep afloat. Pun intended)

Stohp ticks things off her mental checklist. "Crimson captured. Bad guys fled, ritual stopped, princess saved. Did we ever confirm that Bardioc (probably misspelling that, it's been a while) was taken to safety? I think that's everything we came down here for."

DM MikeK - So, now we swim upward 
Sunday February 23rd, 2020 8:23:33 PM

Everyone receives 10,000 xp.

Micah, Zanderallen, and Dorbin set about checking for magic and equipment on Crimson and the priestess.

The priestess has a scroll, breastplate, spear, headband, and a dagger that are all magical. She’s also got a sack of gold, and an unholy symbol made of gold.

Crimson has a Helm of Underwater Action, which is currently keeping him alive. He’s also got a cloak, bracers, a ring, crystal lenses covering his eyes, boots, a bag of holding, and a sack of gems.

Carver asks about the city.
“Yes,” the king answers. “They have. They have also gone through the castle, and have found evidence of your encounters. I have had my men round up the fallen’s magical equipment for you.”
The king motions for the group to view out the recently made hole in the wall. Outside, several merfolk warriors are carrying large nets full of armor, weapons, and assorted other items.
“They will accompany you to the surface, and help get that on your ship.”

Stock and Carver truss up Crimson, and sling him over the centaur’s back.
The grunts and groans coming from the manhandled, uh, man confirm he’s not at all comfortable.

Bartomus asks about cooperation with the Float.
The king considers this for a bit.
“We are a reclusive race,” he muses. “But, you have proven the usefulness of having allies.”
The king gives the minotaur a half smile.
“I will think about it.”

Stohp asks about Briadoc.
The halfling was definitely not in his quarters, and not with Crimson.
If the nixie followed Bart’s direction, he should be up with Rick and James.
The merfolk can only shrug. They’ve no idea where he is.

As Stock says, now we swim upward

For your reference, and convenience, here’s all your stuff:

potion of cure moderate wounds (10)
potion of greater magic fang (6)
potion of bull’s strength
potion of lesser restoration
scrolls of barkskin (12)
scroll of cure critical wounds
Scroll of raise dead
wand of protection from good [5 charges] (9)
wand of cure moderate wounds (11 charges)
Megalodon Great Sword (9): A +1 greatsword made from two planks of wood and a set of razor sharp sharks teeth. Deals 3d4 slashi-ng damage. Does not take penalties for slashing under water (a +2 enhancement bonus)
+1 trident (5)
+1 spear
+1 elf-bane bolts (24)
Phurba dagger, this is a +2 silver dagger that also grants the wielder the Augment Summoning Feat when in his/her possession (+2 Enhancement Bonus)
+1 studded leather (7)
+1 breastplate (2)
Ring of protection +3
frost amulet of mighty fists
Bag of holding - type 2
belt of giant strength +2 (2)
Boots, winged
Bracers AC 4
cloak of resistance +1 (7)
cloak of resistance +2 (2)
Cloak of resistance +3
Eyes of doom
headband of inspired wisdom +2,
Helm of Underwater Action

gold unholy symbol (worth 100 gp)
gold unholy symbol (worth 250 gp)
bronze-and-agate pendant worth 50 gp (6)
Gems worth 5,000 gp
6,300 gp

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 66/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Sunday February 23rd, 2020 10:36:35 PM

Carver thanks the Merfolk again, he even considers brushing the wall or a door frame to make the ride more uncomfortable, but he doesn't. He's a prisoner and deserves fair treatment, at least until he's convicted.

"Some of the magic gear, should be kept. I know I'm replacing my wand, after I lodge a complaint at the Catacombs.
I'll swim up with everyone, unless my horseshoes take over once I'm in open water. If that happens, should be one heck of a ride up. Matter of fact, Maybe everyone should grab a hold of my harness just in case."

Carver turns to the King and the guards.
"See the blue glow around my hooves? Normally, I stay on average about 6" above the surface of wherever I am, that includes the Water's surface. It must be something here in your Castle that is effecting how work."

Once everyone is ready, Carver will see if it's a long swim, or a quick ride....

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Monday February 24th, 2020 8:27:00 AM

Stohp looks at the giant pile of loot and grimaces slightly at having to sort and divvy up the stuff. New toys are nice and necessary to survive in this business but man is it a pain to work out who gets what. At least they won't have to carry it this time. To the king she says, "If you ever wish to approach our city just send someone to talk to one of the turtle riders. I'll put out word to them what to do if a merfolk approaches them. Allies are important for everyone - it's easy to think you're fine on your own right up until someone or something unexpected causes major problems. That's when you need all the friends you can get."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 94/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30 
Monday February 24th, 2020 10:05:32 AM

Zanderallen bows to the king for his generosity and aid in collecting the spoils. "Thank you, your Majesty. It is most kind to honor us with their gear. If you ever wish to open terms with the Floating City just ask for the Silver Shields. Most on the lower levels should know how to get in contact with us. The Council's customs can be tricky to navigate and we would be honored to aid you as advocates or advisers in starting talks with them. I hope we meet again, Your Majesty, hopefully in much happier time. Domi bless you and your people."

Zander gathers with the others to begin their ascent to the surface and the finding of their boat. He gives Crimson a spiteful look and comments to no one in particular, "Now off to the task of making sure this murderer pays for his crimes."
(OOC: I will add this loot to the party treasure later today. We'll have quite a bit to sell off to the catacombs and divvy out. )

Bartomus(Rod) HP:48/59 AC: 19; Melee +7 +1CrvrSpell;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Monday February 24th, 2020 10:29:09 AM

Bartomus smiled and bowed his head when the King said he would consider the suggestion about closer ties to the Float. He looked over the collected loot and noted a few items that would be worth considering adding to his collection of things. When Carver started talking about his hooves, the Taur took a closer look and saw the blue he was talking about. Bartomus shrugged and grabbed a hold on the centaur's harness when they assembled to leave.

"Gotta say," Bartomus began as he looked over his shoulder back at the castle, "telling this adventure is going to be a lot of fun at The Ghost and I can't wait to see what the Paragon's reaction is going to be about all of it."

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Monday February 24th, 2020 12:12:54 PM

"Agreed. It will be nice to kick back for a while. I'm sure there won't be another Wold ending apocalypse to help avoid. Hey Carver - What are you going to do now? Feel like becoming a permanent member of the Shields?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Monday February 24th, 2020 12:17:00 PM

Before swimming upward, Stock darts down to the bottom of the lake and grabs a small stone as a memento. "Can't say I'll miss this place too much."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16 Swim: 60] 
Monday February 24th, 2020 2:49:34 PM

Dorbin also thanks the king and reminds him, "Just mention us, the Silver Shields, if you or any of your friends come to the float. Someone will be able to find us!"

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 6; CMD: 16 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Monday February 24th, 2020 6:02:11 PM

"Thank you your Majesty, Princess," Sid says as he bows to them. "Thank you for your largess in the matter of the spoils and hopefully we can visit under more auspicious times. Please also note that our good friends [name drop the girl and her uncle that helped us originally] were also vital to all of our success."

Sid packs what he can in the party pack and says as they are finally swimming away, "We can go home now right?"

Micah (John) HP: 80/80 AC: 25/12/25 CMD:17 (Swim 30)  
Monday February 24th, 2020 6:07:33 PM

Micah assists with the final stages of preparing to depart, gladly allowing the others to speak.

He does, however, slap Stock soundly on the shoulder in agreement at his statement.

He swims toward the surface on his own power, wondering how easily Rick and James will be able to find them.

DM MikeK - We can go home now, right? 
Monday February 24th, 2020 7:00:23 PM

After some final words to the king inviting him to the Float, and how he can find them if he does, the Silver Shields return to the surface.

The group breaks into open air once again.

Someone remembers Rick gave you a smokestick, and soon it is billowing smoke into the air.

Carver, now standing nice and dry above the water’s surface, is the first to spy a fast approaching Turtle Boat.

James the turtle, and Rick the driver, arrive in about ten minutes.

Rick gives Carver a looking over, and then watches in surprise as merfolk appear to push nets full of gear onto James.
The driver looks down at Zanderallen.
“Just how many more are we taking back than we left with?” he asks, before jerking a thumb toward the rear of the ginormous turtle’s shell.

Briadoc gives the group an “am I in trouble?” half wave, half cringe.

Soon enough, everyone is finally out of the water, and on James’ back.
The turtle turns and races for home.

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 66/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Monday February 24th, 2020 9:13:47 PM

Responding to Stock, before the Turtle and Driver show up.
"Well, I do like the Float, And if as a Group you'd accept me I'd not say no, but there is one thing, well two actually you need to know before I'd be willing to join. It wouldn't be fair to any of you not to know about them before you all decide if you want me or not.
First, I go by Carver but my actual name is Makellan Skyrunner. My parents run a Centaur only Calvary unit which they wanted me to take over for them. In fact they are still looking for me.
Second, you already know I'm a Grim, or at least working at it. But I also seem to have a spirit guide that shows up at unexpected times. Her name is Matilda and is one of my Great Aunts. She was the Commander of one of the Invasions during the Wars. Well,anyway she keeps an eye out for me, alerting me of when one of the units that are searching for me are near by. At other times, just giving me advice. She's the reason I was out here running around, there was a squad on the float looking for me.
I used to have a hat that helped hide me, but well, It was on loan and The Mailed Fist wanted an Arm and two Legs for it when I was discharged.

So, if you all still want me to join up, I'm willing."

Carver removes the Helm from Crimson, no more water breathing for him, now that they are on the surface.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 5:48:17 AM

Stohp has to spend a bit blinking at the much brighter light of the surface and habitually gasping for air on surfacing, even though she could breath just fine underwater and most of the light penetrated the liquid. Old habits die hard, it's not like this is a thing she's done a lot.

At Carver's comments she snorts. "Pft, you think you're the only person who's run away from home and ended up on the float? My sister and I vanished on our parents and snuck off here too. They were bigshot Pirates of Jack who expected us to be mighty warriors as well, but I don't have the strength for it and my sister hated killing so we figuratively jumped ship. Jokes on me now that I've been an adventurer for years, though I'd still never claim to be a real warrior."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 94/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 11:53:55 AM

Zander smiles gleefully as they break the surface and he can breathe air again. Once Rick gives him the hard eye Zander just smiles, "You always knew working with us was unpredictable Rick. Don't worry, we'll make sure James gets his fair payment for carrying us."

Once they're on board he sits down next to Briadoc, "Briadoc, you remember your old friend Crimson here right? You've got a choice to make now. Crimson also known as former Lord Perimon, is going to be put on trial just as soon as we land and make our way up to the council. Now you can either be the accomplice of a murderer and criminal, or you can be the kidnapped victim of a criminal mastermind willing to share everything you know about his organization. If you choose the second we'll no longer need to keep you protected and you'll be free to go. Although I would advise you be more discerning of your employers in the future."

Zander listens to Carvers story, "If you're of true heart and have a desire to help others the Silver Shields are open to you. By joining us you will open yourself up to the public eye, so be prepared for those looking for you to find you. We will keep your real name secret if you desire."

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 1:16:16 PM

[b]"Ok so Carver's in....Briardoc - What did happen with Crimson? How did you end up below? I should tell you that Micah can make you tell the truth if need be. I'm sure you don't want him to call on Domi just to make you tell the truth though."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 6; CMD: 16 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 7:41:39 PM

Sid looks at Carver, "Honestly I don't care. You are welcome to join if you want. Let's be perfectly clear though, if your kin comes looking are they going to take 'no' for an answer? It's not a problem, but as our patrons and lords above pointed out, we need to start actually planning these things."

Sid goes to Stoph and softly asks, "You still have the hat of disguise right? Is that something you can loan out to Carver? No pressure."

Micah (John) HP: 80/80 AC: 25/12/25 CMD:17 (Swim 30)  
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 8:09:01 PM

After seeing everything is attended to, Micah quickly doffs his soggy, kelp armor and lays on to dry on the turtle's deck.

He smiles at Stock's prompt, raising his head momentarily to stare expressionlessly before lowering his head back down.

DM MikeK - To the Float 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 9:18:24 PM

Having been invited to join the team, Carver finds it necessary to first give everyone the lowdown on his family troubles and spirit guide.

The team welcomes him regardless.

Meanwhile, Zanderallen, Stock, and Micah want to know where Briadoc stands on all of this.

“I AM a kidnapped victim of a criminal mastermind,” the halfling objects heatedly.
THAT man broke into my room, and stuffed me into a sack...a sack! When he finally dumped me out again, I was in a strange room surrounded by water. Oh sure, the kelp problem was fascinating, what with the photosynthesis somehow interrupted by a fungus with incredible properties. I had just managed to, uh, isolate, the, um….right. You don’t care.”

The halfling sighs, and then straightens.

“Thank you for rescuing me. I plan to sing like a bird, and then take the portal to Plateau City, and then ride until I find a place where no one’s ever heard of the Float. And, then ride for a couple more days after that.”

It’s a day’s journey back, during which the team can get out of their underwater gear, dry off, rest, eat, and generally get as relaxed as you can on a giant turtle speeding over the water.

Dawn brings the welcome sight of Floating City.
Rick guides James to the dock, where a contingent is waiting.
At the forefront are the three Council members - Lord Jones Yeager, gripping his cloak tightly in suppressed anger, the beautiful Lady Bethany Cowl looking bemused, and the halfling Paragon, Lord Belkior, beaming at the Shields.
Behind them is arrayed a score of impressive looking Gold Level guards.

As James swims in, Lord Yeager calls, “Lord Peerimon, in the name of the Council, you are hereby under arrest for murder and treason. Guards!”
Several of the guards descend to the Turtle Boat, hoist up Peeriman by the arms, and drag him off.

Lord Yeager and Lady Cowl turn and trail them.

Lord Belkior lingers long enough to give the Shields a beaming smile and nods his thanks.
“Well done. Very well done. I have to go with them and make sure no one accidentally stabs Peerimon before trial. If you feel like coming by the temple later, feel free.”

With a wink, the halfling turns and trundles off after the rest.

Carver (JohnC) AC 21 (23)/10/22, CMB 11, CMD 24, HP 66/66, +4 v Fear if within 10', Speed 65' swim 30' Character 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 11:45:12 PM

As the halfling talks about getting away from the water, "Well, I passed through a place called Cinnamon Valley a couple years ago... The closest to water you'll get is one of the wells they have. "
Not familiar with which Council members they are dealing with, so Carver remains quiet.

Bartomus(Rod) HP:48/59 AC: 19; Melee +7 +1CrvrSpell;Perc+12;Heal+9 d8+1 
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 12:36:18 AM

Bartomus listened to the others talk about their arriving at the Float and got lost in his thoughts of how he too had left a different world that had been his home, but not really his home. He watched the pattern of the waves as James swam through the lake towards a distant tiny square that loomed bigger and bigger on the horizon. His mind wandered back into the time being part of a large tribe on the plains. He was different, adopted in, but felt mainly as a part of the group, but different. He kept to himself and eventually wandered off into sleep.

The next day he was excited to see that the distant square was looming ever closer. When they were approaching the Float he got the same thrill he had gotten the first time he had seen the remarkable structure with all of the hustle about the docks. He stood and smiled at the reception they were given with three members of the Council no less. As the guards dragged Crimson off the turtle, he said rather loudly, "still think we should see if dropping him from the top of the float into the lake would have any impact upon his disposition."

When offered the opportunity to visit the Paragon, Bartomus turned to Carver. "He is an amazing leader. We'll introduce you, and we gotta return some of the gear he lent us for the journey down under. but, you'll like him. Oh, and we gotta figure out what works for you at the headquarters."

Bartomus looked about the docks for a few younglings - "We need a few porters to help us get stuff to headquarters, there's a few gold for the help, possible meal as well, who's willing to earn a few coin?"

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:53/53 CMD:16] 
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 11:28:44 AM

Dorbin is relieved to return to the float. He wants to quickly head back to headquarters so he can write down everything that's he's learned and share the notes with the library.

Stock (JonM) HP: 36/96; AC: 24/21/15; Per: +14; Surv: +11; SM: +7; 30 ft Swim; Rage: 19 of 24 used 
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 1:38:29 PM

Remembering the events prior to the party's hasty trip below the waves, Stock wonders what condition the HQ is in. Between the break-in and the murders, it might be a rough sight. "Now with Rodrigo passed, should we even look to hire anybody to mind the shop while we're gone? Sid - Make sure you give Elly a kiss for me."

At that moment he nearly steps on Emily Jasmine, pivoting at the last moment and slightly turning his ankle. "Dorbin! What did you even do with her while we were underwater? Bah! Wizards and their cats!"

Micah (John) HP: 80/80 AC: 25/12/25 CMD:17 (Swim 30)  
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 1:48:11 PM

Micah bows his head as Stock mentions Rodrigo and the others.

Crimson brought to justice, the previously unknown sahaugin threat averted, their friends avenged, the dark forces that had been threatening the Float for years finally averted. He was expecting to feel some sort of jubilation, but discovered he only felt tired.

He realizes, rather than looking forward to returning to their headquarters, he is dreading it.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 94/94 AC: 23 T: 13 FF: 23 CMD: 22 Swim: 30  d20+18=37 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 2:42:30 PM

Zander is somewhat surprised to see the high and mighty council lords and lady down at the docks, this many Gold level guards was sure to be causing a stir down on the docks. When the guards the Lord Peerimon into custody he makes sure to stand just enough in the way to make sure he is noticed. "Lords and Lady, we thank you for taking such a personal interest in securing this dangerous criminal. We shall hold ourselves at your disposal to provide testimony to his crimes. Briadoc also has insider testimony as a kidnapped victim of the accused, he will be staying with us until the trial is finished. We all wish to see justice done." His tone and words are polite enough, but he let's just enough of his hatred of Peerimon sneak through to let it be clear just how he feels. Especially the very slight but unmistakable emphasis on the word "justice". He smiles warmly at Belkior, although whether as the halfling or the thought of someone stabbing Peerimon is anybodies guess. "We will make sure to stop by, after we return this underwater gear. Thank you." (Diplomacy 37 to convey his true feelings to the council)

He exchanges a look with Micah. The image of the last time they were in the headquarters in his mind. He clenches his fists and suppresses the urge to go cut Peerimon down in the street. Shaking himself free of the notion he goes to help Bart round up some help to carry their gear, glad someone is thinking straight. He wondered how long it would be before Pepper came looking for that exclusive he promised. Why did he ever open his big mouth?

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 6; CMD: 16 Speed: 30ft, Swim 30ft.) 
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 6:46:09 PM

Sid Writes to Elly via bird token:
[i]My Dearest,
We have risen from the cold depths
of the lake and should be home via
Jimmy come tomorrow morning. I look
forward to your smile, warmer than the

To his business partner, the leader of the forresters who they are starting a trash collection agency:

[i]To My [my future business partner whose name I cannot find at the moment],
I apologize for the delay in finalizing our business venture as there was pressing business of a political interest that I had to attend to. I will be arriving at the Float tomorrow morning and will be around by the afternoon to finish up the documentation.[i/]

"Don't worry Carver, we'll show you around and catch you up to speed to all the drama and intrigue that this band of craftsmen and artisans have been involved in," he says as they are greeted at the docks.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 37/60 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (14 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+4 vs grapple,+2 disarm) swim speed 30 
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 7:06:47 PM

Stohp suddenly feels very tired. She didn't until they got here, but now her body is just screaming "home, bed" and she can't wait to do as it suggests.

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