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Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Monday January 27th, 2020 2:19:10 PM

"Lead can shield against most forms of detection, but there are spells that can do much the same thing," Sarge says, keeping her voice low. "Maybe whoever built this doesn't trust magic?"

Sarge looks around. "Which way?" she asks.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17] 
Monday January 27th, 2020 3:20:54 PM

"Correct Madam Deepforge. Lead is an effective impediment to a number of the more common divination spells." Eisenhorn says as he regards the hallway. " While there are spells that could grant the effect, I think this has the benefit of being very permanent and does not require a spell caster to set up or keep going. However, it would not be an effective detterent against some of the more powerful divination spells." Eisenhorn considers a bit while scratching Shifty's ear. "Quite an investment to protect oneself from casual snooping...won't you say?"

Eisenhorn regards the party. "So should I do some reconoitering or are you content to lead the way?"

--------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 3min
Invisibility 10 min - 1min
Detect Magic 10min. - 1min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday January 27th, 2020 3:26:27 PM

Desdichado walks with the others, listening to the conversation and thinking about what they might expect at the end of the hallway.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=36 ;
Monday January 27th, 2020 5:35:33 PM

Gaffer gestures for his elemental to follow behind him as he follows the others forward. He nervously glances around, (Perception: 36) "I think we should assume they know we are here, or at least that they are ready for us."

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 97 minutes - +4 to NA
Medium Air Elemental - 7 rounds - AC 19, HP 38/38
Haste: Duration: 7 Rounds; Effects: One Extra Attack; +1 to Attack Rolls; +1 Dodge Bonus to AC and Reflex Saves; +30ft Movement

**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Monday January 27th, 2020 6:07:25 PM

Hmerrin puts away his axes, and responds softly to Eisenhorn.
"If you can check this floor out, go for it."

Then, to Gaffer.
"If they know we're here, all the better to find out where they are before we meet them."

To Sarge, he points down the hallway to the right.
"Soon as E does his thing, we'll head thataway."

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Monday January 27th, 2020 9:33:59 PM

According to Three Bits, the suite you are looking for is 3 doors down.
Toston suggests possibly freeing a tile or two as a souvenir if there is time.
Talk goes to the lead, and Eisenhorne confirms its likely purpose. It would prevent basic detection and scrying spells with the advantage of not being able to be dispelled and thoroughly permanent.
Eisenhorne asks and Hmerrin agrees that a quick scout would be a good idea

The group waits for Eisenhorne to do so

Sharpe, I am not overly concerned about arrow count for normal arrows.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26  d20+17=19 ; d20+16=29 ;
Monday January 27th, 2020 10:18:14 PM

Toston waits patiently for Eisenhorne to show being quiet and keeping an eye open

Active effects
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 10 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 38 rounds left
Perception: 19
Stealth : 29

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday January 27th, 2020 10:38:14 PM

Desdichado continues to wait in silence, reflecting on the events of the evening, wondering what they'll find down the hall. He leans with his back against the wall, waiting for the mage to tell them what's ahead He's a little disconcerted about only hearing Eisenhorn's voice with no body to accompany it.

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] 
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 11:09:31 AM

Sharpe moves a little way down the corridor trying to see as far down it as possible. Sticking to the wall he watches for any enemies that my rush down whilst the wizard is casting.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 1:34:58 PM

"Yeah, go take a look-see," Sarge tells Eisenhorn. "We'll wait here."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 5:15:09 PM

Gaffer waits at the back of the group, distracted by watching Shifty and wondering how Eisenhorn formed a bond with them.

**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=3 ; d20=9 ;
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 7:13:37 PM

"OK Shifty, stay here I'll try to see what awaits us in this extravagant establishment". He says, with false bravado, and slowly moves forward trying to remain as quiet as possible, trusting in his spells to keep him concealed. On edge, he counts down the time until Invisibility ends to ensure he can get back before he can be seen with the naked eye. (Stealth Roll: 3 + 28 = 31)

He looks around using mundane and magical senses trying to pick out anything unusual and hoping that he can spot any potential traps or adversaries before it is too late. (Perception Roll: 9 + 10 = 19)

--------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 3min
Invisibility 10 min - 1min
Detect Magic 10min. - 1min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 7:58:48 PM

Hmerrin blinks a couple times as he realizes Eisenhorn has left.

"I was kinda expecting magical spying," he notes with a shrug.

The lad keeps Sharpe in sight, figuring he'll react first if anything happens to E.

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 9:25:44 PM

The wizard turns invisible and then moves bravely ahead of the rest of the group.
Sharpe and Dez keep an eye out as well and Hmerrin is taken a bit aback. Not every day the wizard takes point.

Eisenhorne moves down the hall, the soft light providing adequate lighting to his surroundings and soon enough he finds himself before the 3rd door. Made of mahogany and inlaid with silver and gold, is quite a stunning piece of craftsmanship. It is slightly larger than a normal door and has an arch, instead of square top. There is no sound and no light from the other side. Indeed as he studies it, the door seems to perfectly fit the arch to which it is seated. It looks to open outward.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=7 ; d20=19 ;
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 2:05:19 PM

Eisenhorn looks at the door and considers his options. "Should I go back and inform the others... but what would I tell them... Hey look I found a door! No... I need to see if I can open it at least." he thinks to himself.

Eisenhorn moves 50 feet back from the door concealing himself as best possible and casts Open/Close on it in an attempt to open the door and see or sense what's behind it. (Stealth Roll: 7 + 48 = 55; Perception Roll: 19 + 10 = 29)

OOC: DM for the active effects, I don't know how much time has passed so I'm working on the assumption that you'll tell me when/if any of them have ended or will end soon.

--------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 3min
Invisibility 10 min - 1min
Detect Magic 10min. - 1min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+12=30 ;
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 3:37:15 PM

(Perception - 30)
As Eisenhorn moves down the corridor Sharpe listens carefully for his footsteps and, with bow raised, attempt to keep him in covered.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 4:20:37 PM

Desdichado waits to find out what their next steps will be.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 5:44:10 PM

Gaffer smiles as Eisenhorn turns invisible, enjoying that particular magic being used for rather than against their party for once.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 6:21:45 PM

Hmerrin watches Sharpe.

The lad has both axes out, and is nearly vibrating with anticipation.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26  d20+17=24 ; d20+16=30 ;
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 9:26:20 PM

Toston remains quiet his breathe on edge waiting for any word as to what is going on from the invisible mage.

Active effects
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 11 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 37 rounds left
Perception: 24
Stealth : 30

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 9:53:08 PM

"Well, technically, turning yourself invisible is magical spying," Sarge tells Hmerrin. Like the others, she keeps her voice low, and one hand on her weapon.

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Wednesday January 29th, 2020 10:11:38 PM

Sharpe loses Eisenhorne as the wizard moves away. Currently Sharpe has no idea, other than somewhere ahead, of where the wizard is.

Due to the slight curve of the outer wall, Eisenhorne finds 40' is as far as he can be from the door and still see it. So from there, he casts Open The door does not move. Locked is the easiest conclusion, but it could certainly be more than that.

The party waits and seconds become moments. Standing, exposed utterly, in the hall of the 5th floor. 120' back down the corridor and out of sight, is the stair leading back to the 4th floor and upon that floor lies the crumbled heap of a Flesh Golem. Any moment, panic says in your mind. Any moment you will be discovered and very possibly trapped. But in reality, it has been less than 2 minutes since the fight to gain the stair.

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+12=30 ;
Thursday January 30th, 2020 4:10:38 AM

(Perception - 30)
As Eisenhorn moves down the corridor Sharpe listens carefully for his footsteps and, with bow raised, attempt to keep him in covered.

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 6:21:13 AM

Having lost Eisenhorn, Shape listens for any signs of danger or a struggle. He start to slowly creep forward.

OOC - sorry for the re-post, I refreshed the verification page.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17] 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 8:07:41 AM

Seeing his spell fail to open the door Eisenhorn decides to go back to the group. " I was not able to discern much. There is another door a short way along the hallway and I was not able to open it. I reckon it would best if we try to open it together."

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 5min
Invisibility 10 min - 3min
Detect Magic 10min. - 2min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 2:47:25 PM

"Right. Let's go see about this door." Sarge doesn't lead the way, but she goes with her companions to examine the door.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 5:11:36 PM

"The old fashioned way, huh?" says Desdichado. Pulling out his greataxe he adds, "Shall we try to pull the doorknob first, or just go straight for smashing it down?"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 6:30:29 PM

"I don't suppose anyone here is any good at picking locks," Hmerrin asks, without much hope for a 'yes'.

He glances at Dez.
"If it won't open for E's spell, I guess we smash. Turnabout being fair play and all."

The fighter heads for the door.
If someone wants to try the locks, he lets them.
Otherwise, he asks Sarge, "you got a strength spell you can hit me with?"

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 10:33:09 PM

Eisenhorne comes back to tell the group of the locked door
Hmerrin and Dez ready to chop through it.
Hmerrin asks if Sarge has a strength spell or if anyone can pick a lock.

If not, the pair lay into the door and about 30 seconds later, it is destroyed and the party can push their way in.
The room is an 12' wide and 20' long and designed to impress with gold accents and green marbled tile on the floor. The ceiling arches to a point with a crystal chandelier and above that is a fresco painting of the sky. The air is scented with perfume and incense burns from decorative statuettes adorning small enclosures in the walls. There are several gilded paintings on the walls as well. Opposite the door you just destroyed is a pair of double doors. They are painted bright red, with black accents and gold hardware.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 
Thursday January 30th, 2020 10:51:16 PM

Toston says, "Hopefully we'll have time to take souvenirs from these walls too on our way out. As far as I'm concerned if the ownere of these suites are behind the concentrated attack on us and our friends their wall decorations are fair game for restituition."

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=20 ;
Friday January 31st, 2020 8:16:01 AM

Eisenhorn considers Toston's suggestion. "Hmmm... I wonder what the property laws are in Dirt City. Given the lax morals around here it may very well be possible that acquisiton through murder is quite legal." he turns to Toston, " In which case, no need for souveniers we could just move in. Place seems significantly more secure than Shale house." (Knowledge Local Roll: 20 + 11 = 31, to see if Eisenhorn knows what the local laws state regarding acquisitoin and transfer of property interests or at least where to find a lawyer.)

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17] 
Friday January 31st, 2020 8:17:22 AM

(OOC: Forgot to add active effects to my post)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 5min
Invisibility 10 min - 3min
Detect Magic 10min. - 2min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20=4 ;
Friday January 31st, 2020 8:27:29 AM

(Perception - 16)

Trying to ignore the disembodied voice discussing the legal loopholes for murder and larceny, and very much hoping he hasn't just gone insane, Sharpe move up to the hole in the door. He moves into the new room checking his corners and then refocusing the bow on door in front of him.

"This feels too easy"

He approaches the door checking for any traps and presses his ear to it listening for anything on the other side.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Friday January 31st, 2020 3:41:42 PM

Desdichado nods at Sharpe's remark. "I agree," he says, "I'd have expected some sort of response - that flesh golem was much too easy to beat to be the only defense here."

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Friday January 31st, 2020 5:24:26 PM

"No strength spells at the moment," Sarge says. "But I got something that'll do in a pinch."

[OOC: Sarge has the Strength domain, so she can give somebody a Strength surge that will give them +3 to strength-based checks for 1 round. She can do it several times per day, so it's good for something like busting down a door.]

In the fancy hallway, Sarge looks around. Are there any other doors apart from the ones they just bashed and the red ones across from them?

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Friday January 31st, 2020 7:12:37 PM

Gaffer takes a moment to look at the paintings, curious what the owner chose to hang up here.
"Still harder than it was for them to get to us..."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27)  d20+6=16 ;
Saturday February 1st, 2020 10:42:12 AM

"Hey, we like Shale House," Hmerrin responds, offended by Eisenhorn's suggestion.

The young fighter gets back to the task at hand.

He lets Sharpe do his thing, while nervously scanning the room.
[Perception 16]

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K  d20+9=20 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=22 ;
Sunday February 2nd, 2020 10:55:17 AM

Toston brings up getting the decor in the suite as well. This sparks a minor conversation to legality of it or even moving in. It is basically how the party ended up with House Silver.
It would depend on if those in the suites were considered the owners. The Arena is owned by the Prince and it is very likely those using the 4th and 5th floor suites pay the Prince rent. Killing the owneres would not entitle the killers to move in
Dez and Sharpe are more concerned with the lack of response thus far.
Hmerrin as well.

Sarge, Hmerrin and Sharpe look about the hall and see no other direction to go then through the red doors at the far end.
Sharpe is at the door, he finds no traps, the door is locked and he hears nothing stirring beyond

There is no sound, save your own that you can detect. Perhaps the owners are not here, or perhaps Warrd is finally on your side and they are currently unaware
Or, of course, perhaps they are aware and are lying in wait further in

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] 
Monday February 3rd, 2020 8:21:35 AM

Sharpe tries to open the door. Failing that he backs up. "You guys got another door in you?"

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Monday February 3rd, 2020 11:57:30 AM

"I think we can do another door, sure," Sarge says. She will continue to use her Strength Surge ability to help whoever is trying to bust down the door.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday February 3rd, 2020 1:45:11 PM

"Onwards and inwards," says Desdichado. He helps break down the next door, if necessary.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=19 ;
Monday February 3rd, 2020 2:35:27 PM

Eisenhorn follows the party scanning the area around them with mundane and arcane senses. (Perception Roll: 19 + 10 = 29)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min
Invisibility 10 min - 5min
Detect Magic 10min. - 4min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Monday February 3rd, 2020 6:00:05 PM

Gaffer stays at the back, keeping an eye out for anyone behind them, as they go through the doors ahead.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27)  d20+7=21 ;
Monday February 3rd, 2020 6:54:55 PM

Hmerrin nods, takes Sarge's strength surge, and tries breaking through the door in one rush.
[Str check 21]

Failing that, its back to the axes.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 
Monday February 3rd, 2020 9:20:38 PM

Toston says, "When you break down the door, would it be worth it for me to rush in and hit them with a breathe weapon?"

Active effects
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 21 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 27 rounds left

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K  d20+9=28 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+15=18 ;
Monday February 3rd, 2020 10:09:28 PM

The group sets up and Sarge provides a bit of Strength to Hmerrin, who takes a few steps and puts a solid boot into the door.
Success! The door blasts open.

The room is 15x40 with an overall slight curve. Multiple layers of silk curtains flow from the high ceiling to the floor along one wall. The center of the room has a large ornate oval table of rich wood inlaid with gold and gemstones. The 12x12 floor tiles are a beautiful pattern of turquoise obsidian and jade. A pair of 18” diameter hand blown crystal spheres glow high overhead softly illuminating the room. The ceiling fresco is inlaid with wood, crystal and gold. To the side on the wall with the tapestries, is a jet black door and at the far end of the room is another.
The table is set for 8
There is no one here at this hour

Moving into the room, the door along the wall
Perception 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {you hear a very faint sound of movement.}
The door at the far end
Perception DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {there is no sound beyond the door}

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d20+6=19 ; d20+6=14 ;
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 12:23:22 AM

Sarge looks around, impressed in spite of herself. "Fancy," she says. She notices nothing untoward.

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+12=18 ;
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 7:49:27 AM

(Perception - 18)
Sharpe looks wistfully back down the corridor and then into the room, his eyes frantically darting around.

“I hate this so much, nobody leaves this much wealth so poorly guarded, especially in this city”

He again checks the corners and positions himself in the back left scanning the room with bow raised.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+15=19 ; d20+15=33 ;
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 2:58:10 PM

"This is strange," says Desdichado, "it's just so quiet."

He thinks for a bit. "If one of these doors was unlocked, or someone could pick one open, maybe Hmerrin and I could charge in and catch them by surprise. If there's even anyone here..."

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=17 ; d20=18 ; d20=17 ; d20=5 ;
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 3:35:31 PM

(Perception Rolls: 17 + 10 = 27; 18 + 10 = 28)

"Hmmmm, it would seem our hosts have been expecting us, or maybe someone else. A bit gaudy for my taste, but maybe they have some decent wine at least." hearing the faint sound of movement he turns to the party. "It sounds as if our hosts may be joining us shortly from the door along the wall."

Eisenhorn instructs Shifty to hide in Auran and then moves a couple of steps from his last position and continues to remain as still as possible, hoping his magic will conceal him successfully. (Stealth Roll: 17 + 40 = 57; Shifty Stealth Roll: 5 + 12 = 17)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min
Invisibility 10 min - 5min
Detect Magic 10min. - 4min

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=35 ; d20+17=34 ;
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 5:18:36 PM

Gaffer moves the gesture silently towards the side door but is interrupted by Eisenhorn.

He dusts off his, casting Long Strider on himself, in preparation for the fight likely about to kick off.

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed

**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 6:37:30 PM

Hmerrin is about to make a comment, but at Eisenhorn's warning, he is all business.

The lad pulls his battleaxe and a potion while positioning himself some 10' from the door.

Watching the door, he drains the potion, and flicks the vial away.


Potion of Divine Favor. 1/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 10:03:52 PM

The group moves into the dining room and Eisenhorne hears something beyonnd the black door in the west wall.
This news sets the group to guard and action
Hmerrin drinks a potion
Gaffer casts Longstrider on himself

A few moments pass
[2 rounds]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26  d20+17=32 ;
Tuesday February 4th, 2020 11:49:01 PM

(Perception: 32)

Toston says, "Sounds like there is movement behind the far door. Should we tear it down and I use my breathe weapon on whoever is hiding back there?"

He asks his companions.

Active effects
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 23 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 25 rounds left

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17] 
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 3:15:55 PM

Eisenhorn waits attentively for whatever is about to come through the door.

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min 12 sec
Invisibility 10 min - 5min 12 sec
Detect Magic 10min. - 4min 12sec

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 3:46:40 PM

Desdichado moves in a readied position toward the side of the door (far back enough to be out of range of Toston's breath weapon) hoping to catch someone unaware who might come out.

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] 
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 3:54:51 PM

Sharpe takes cover, readied on the other side of the table.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 5:33:07 PM

"Let's give it a little more time, Toston," Sarge says. Conversationally, she adds, "I wonder whose spells will wear off first?"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 6:32:42 PM

Hmerrin, who is more than ready for something to happen, makes a face at Sarge's suggestion.

The lad gives it a little more time, but if nothing happens, he whispers over to her.

"Can you hit me with that strength thing again?"

Nodding at Toston,he heads for the door.


Potion of Divine Favor. 2/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 7:29:42 PM

As Hmerrin approaches the door, Gaffer conjures a swirling sphere of fire into the air beside it, ready to send it into the room and towards whoever is on the other side.

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 9 Rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere (x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 9:34:43 PM

Toston moves to where he can pour his breath weapon through the door
Eisenhorne waits for something to come through the door
Des moves to the other side, flanking the door with Toston and out of his breath weapon area of effect
Sharpe takes some cover behind the table, but still in view of the door
Hmerrin gets a Strength boost from Sarge after waiting just a few moments more and then drinks a potion and heads for the door
Gaffer conjures a sphere of Fire and prepares to send it rolling into the room beyond the door

Hmerrin opens the door (presumably with a Break DC of 18)
The door open inward to a small 8x8 area with a set of stairs leading up to the left and down to the right

It is hard to tell where some fo the earlier sounds came from, they were muffled and barely audible.

Perception DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {}To the right and up the stairs there is movement. Over 50' away, but there

4 more rounds have passed.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26  d20+17=29 ;
Wednesday February 5th, 2020 9:49:10 PM

Perception: 29

Toston says, "Up the stairs on the right, that is where the movement is coming from about 50 feet away! sounds like they are fleeing!"

Active effects
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 27 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 21 rounds left

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] 
Thursday February 6th, 2020 12:00:22 PM

(Activate quick runners shirt).
(Movement, 200ft toward fleeing "enemy", 40ft x4,+40ft)

Sharpe mutters to himself, “This is such a bad idea” and then louder, “I got it”. He breaks into a flat sprint up the stairs to catch toward whoever is fleeing. Mid stride slaps his shirt and lurches forward with a small burst of speed.

Only Core equipment in the Wold, sorry that i missed the Runners Shirt, but it is an unavailable item

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Thursday February 6th, 2020 1:39:33 PM

"Or regrouping," Sarge says. "Sharpe, wait! Don't get too far ahead!" Sarge begins clanking and huffing along in Sharpe's wake.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Thursday February 6th, 2020 2:58:39 PM

Desdichado follows after as quickly as he can in full plate.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17] 
Thursday February 6th, 2020 4:30:56 PM

"Shifty after it!" Eisenhorn bellows and he runs up to Desdichado grabing the paladin by the waist. "I'm not much of a runner, RA KYA!" (Cast: Dimension Door on myself and Desdichado; aiming to appear as close as safely possible to the thing running away)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min 36 sec
Invisibility 10 min - 5min 36 sec
Detect Magic 10min. - 4min 36 sec

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Thursday February 6th, 2020 7:17:08 PM

Gaffer takes up the chase, making sure to stay behind a few of the more frontline party members.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Thursday February 6th, 2020 8:19:46 PM

Hmerrin raises his eyes heavenward in supplication.
"I don't suppose we could not get ambushed," he asks no one in particular.

The fighter races after the others.

Potion of Divine Favor. 3/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26  3d4+3=9 ;
Thursday February 6th, 2020 9:15:14 PM

If Toston can actually see the thing fleeing he fires off a magic missile at it and moves 30 feet closer other wise he takes a double move action (60 feet in hot pursuit)

magic missiles (3d4+3) = 9 damage
Mage Armor : 5 hours - 28 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 20 rounds left
4/7 first level spell slots left

The 5th Floor-DM Dan K 
Thursday February 6th, 2020 10:37:12 PM

Sorry post will be tomorrow

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 1 - DM Dan K 
Friday February 7th, 2020 8:26:10 PM

Toston calls out that the movement is up the stairs to the right and perhpas they are trying to flee
Sharpe takes off in that direction. First he has to get to the door from the back area behind the dining table where he took up his initial position
Sarge cautions, they may be regrouping
Des heads out on Sharpe's as Sharpe passes him and they head up the stairs
Eisenhorne comes in behind the paladin to Dmiension Door further ahead, but here on the stairs, he can't see a target
Hmerrin and Gaffer both fall in after the others. The Flaming Sphere Gaffer had conjured earlier remains put, destroying a section of tile and carpet.

Sharpe gets to the top of the stairs and down the elagant hall another 70' is a bald man with a trident
The rest of the party bottles up behind him, Des is at the top of the stairs but everyone else is onthe stair or still in the entry room

The bald man calls out "This is the private suite of Ralsiner and the church of Ga'al. You have but one warning to exit"

You see no one else, but you can see 5 doors down the right side of hall.

The Party has the initiative. We are going by Rounds


Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=7 ;
Saturday February 8th, 2020 9:21:47 AM

Eisenhorn takes a bit of wax from his component pouch and mutters the appropriate mnemonic as quietly as possible. (Cast: Ghost Sound on the stairs. A sound of 30 - 40 men in heavy armor comming up the stairs in a very loud manner)

"Surrender now and you may be spared! The Prince's men have the place surrounded and more are comming up as we speak!" Eisenhorn shouts back at the figure, and then tries to conceal his presence as best as possible in the tiny hallway. (Stealth Roll: 7 + 20 = 27)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min 36 sec (76 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 56 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 46 rounds

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Saturday February 8th, 2020 11:32:26 AM

Desdichado momentarily looks askance at Eisenhorne mentioning the Prince's guards, but ignores it.

"Church of Ga'al, huh?" he says in response to the man. "Well, Domi," he looks briefly around at the others in the Tide, " - and I think a couple of other gods...do not approve of your wanton destruction of lives and property."

He moves a few steps forward (N:13), to allow the others space forward and also to block the door nearby, and pale blue lines begin to fill the air as he asks for Domi's support. (Magic Circle Against Evil, centered on Desdichado.)

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 70 minutes

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Saturday February 8th, 2020 4:12:44 PM

Not wanting to be a bottleneck, Sarge moves forward as much as she is able. Then she casts Prayer.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Sunday February 9th, 2020 4:46:22 AM

Gaffer will do his best to move into the wide corridor and creat some space for the others to pass through.

With a gentle wave of his focus, he casts Faerie Fire on Ythryn, as a burst of violet light fills the area and clings to their form.

He will move the Flaming Sphere to block the doorway behind them, but be ready to dismiss it if they need to retreat.

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 6 Rounds
Faerie Fire - 9 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere (x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26 
Sunday February 9th, 2020 11:52:56 PM

Toston says, "What business does Ralsiner and the church of Ga'al have hiring assassins, arsonists and thugs to go after the citizens of Dirt City? The way i see it this is self defense and we tailed the threat to us and our friends back to its source. "

Toston moves to R13 and reads his scroll of Cat's Grace

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 29 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 19 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - +4 to Dex

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles] 
Monday February 10th, 2020 5:16:14 AM

Sharpe moves to check the door to his right and check if its open, If it opens he looks in and if nobody is in there steps in, If locked he stays where he is.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:24 CMD:27) 
Monday February 10th, 2020 6:36:30 PM

Hmerrin, who is still in the entry room, looks around. Nothing.

"How 'bout we all head up, or make a hole, or something so I can get up there?" he calls up the stairway.

Potion of Divine Favor. 4/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 2 - DM Dan K 
Monday February 10th, 2020 8:05:26 PM

Eisenhorne casts Ghost Sound in an effort to give the impression a great many armed men are coming
Des casts Magic Circle Protection from Evil and moves forward
Sarge moves forward and casts Prayer. Gaffer Tostons an Hmerrin are not in the area of effect when the Prayer is cast
Gaffer moves forward and casts Fairie Fire on the cleric of Ga'al. Flaming Sphere requires a move action to move
Toston heads up the stairs and into the hall where he can see the man and pulls out a scroll to cast. Move action to get scroll and move upstairs to the hall
Sharpe can partially see to the door, but Des is directly in front of it and so the fighter cannot attempt to open the door.
Hmerrin is pinned in the waiting room as the stairs and upper hall is full

The man glances at the glow that erupts about him and then unconcerned back to the group. "You're devotion to a lesser being like Domi who needs the protection of others is pathetic. As is your bluff that the Prince's men are here."
The bald man casts a spell Spellcraft DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {Spell Resistance}

Stepping out of a door 10' from Des and Sarge is a Liontaur. His fur looks to have the mange, he's filthy and covered in scars and brands and long black greasy hair hangs unkept to just below his chest. He wields a hand axe in each hand, no armor, a cloak and a thick leather belt studded with gems. He issues a feral growl, his front paws clawing slightly into the wooden floor

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_l8ST1mE6s9-SnnAbFozXzjvhqFOUQTBcFTLnyJc4k/edit?usp=sharing make sure you look at Rnd 2 tab

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d20+9=28 ;
Monday February 10th, 2020 10:33:46 PM

Sarge takes a step forward [to O-14]. "Well, hi there," she says to the big liontaur.

Sarge fights defensively [taking -4 to temporarily raise her AC to 22]. She waves her warhammer about in what she hopes is a convincing manner.

[Use the Aid Another action to give Dez a +2 bonus to his attacks against the liontaur.]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26 
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 12:07:07 AM

Now Toston casts Cat's Grace.

(OOC: what is with that black line?)
(OOC: where can I even move to if we are all bunched up in this hallway? I would like to move somewhere but is really the only place I can move is P14 and we all kind of want to be there?)

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 30 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 18 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - +4 to Dex

DM the blocks that are black is to represent a solid wall. And yes currently the entire party is crowding into a hall 10' wide and approximately 65' long

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+18=28 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+13=30 ; d8+22=28 ; d8+22=24 ; d8+22=26 ; d8+22=24 ;
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 11:29:20 AM

As the towering creature steps out of the doorway Sharpe’s eyes go wide. “Good! Waard!”. Deciding this can only get worse from here he pulls his string back the last inch and begins to loose arrows.

Full attack on Lionataur. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Magical
28 vs AC; Dmg - 52
36 vs AC; Dmg - 26
30 vs AC; Dmg - 24

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 9 rounds

(OOC - for future can I shoot past enemies? Ie, could I hit the bald man?)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+18=27 ; d20+13=32 ; d12+6=13 ; d12+6=10 ;
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 1:10:40 PM

Desdichado takes a 5-foot step forward (N:14), toward the liontaur. "You're a big one, aren't ya? But, since you don't much look like the talking type..." he says and swings hard at the beastman.

Attack 1 vs AC 27: 13 damage
Attack 2 vs AC 32: 10 damage

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 699 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 9 rounds
Aid another (Sarge): +2 attack

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=17 ; d20=3 ; d20=5 ; d20=6 ;
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 3:02:07 PM

(Spellcraft Roll: 17 + 19 = 36)

"Damn, I was sure that would work." Eisenhorn mutters to himself. Seeing the Liontaur burst forth from the door Eisenhorn's adrenalin kicks in and he focuses in on the situation; the time for games seems to be over. He glances over at the Liontaur as the immediate threat trying to recall any particular weaknesses of their race or anything about this particular specimen that could be useful. (Knowledge Nature Roll: 3 + 20 = 23)

He then focuses his attention on the mysterious bald man with the trident as the greater threat as he figures out the spell. "He's protected himself from spells with that little trick, it will be more difficult for any spell to take hold on him.." Eisenhorn whispers to Toston while examinig the figures magical aura and trying to figure out how he's making his spells work. There must be a focus of some sort, likely divine magic given that Ga'al bull earlier. (Knowledge Religion Roll: 5 + 20 = 25; to try and identify what baldy's spellcasting focus is)

Eisenhorn moves 10ft back up the hallway to give Hmerrin some space to come up and listens for any other enemies close by with Shifty's help takin on a defensive posture.(Perception Roll: 6 + 10 + 4 = 20; +4 from alertness due to familiar being close; Action: Total Defense)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min 42 sec (77 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 57 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 47 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 9 rounds
Total Defense: +4 Dodge AC 1 Round

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 9 rounds

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d3=2 ;
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 7:05:27 PM

Gaffer looks back and forth between Des and the bald man, not knowing the intracies of the two dieties, then he catches sight of the Liontaur.

Subconscioucly backing up against the wall, as the fight breaks out Gaffer begins casting Summon Nature's Ally V, aiming to summon (1d3) 2 medium fire elementals to surround the bald man.

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 6 Rounds
Faerie Fire - 9 minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere (x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 108/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 7:12:07 PM

Hmerrin looks around the corner, and takes in the scene.

"Terrific," he mutters irritably. "Nothing like a nice, long, killing zone to make everyone's day."

The fighter squeezes around various friendlies.
"Coming through, one side please."

Until he's standing behind Sarge.
"What say you slide on back there behind Dez, Sarge?"

Moving through friendly squares to O13

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 3 - DM Dan K  d20+19=38 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+17=37 ; d8+3=8 ; d8+3=10 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6+3=4 ; d6+3=8 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; 3d6=10 ; 3d6=6 ; 3d6=14 ; 3d6=15 ; d4=3 ; d20+23=42 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+17=33 ; d3+13=14 ; d3+13=16 ; 7d6=23 ;
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 10:27:36 PM

Sarge moves forward to engage the Liontaur and lend her assistance to Des
Sharpe fire an impressive volley into the Liontaur's chest, eliciting howls of rage and pain
Des steps forward and attacks, drawing more deep wounds
Eisenhorne looks at the liontaur, but the thing is already nearly dead. No need to waste a thought i=on it. The wizard recognizes the spell and lets his companions know about it
As to the Ga'al holy symbol? It could be his trident, the weapon of Ga'al, or a host of smaller items on his person. The wizard also sees a glint of jewelry at his neck and wrists
Gaffer casts a spell to bring in more allies
Hmerrin makes his way upstairs and towards the front

The liontaur staggers a moment and looks back at the bald man, who shakes his head. "You really are worthless and I don't know if Ill bring you back this time." He says in a harsh tone
as the creature collapses dead to the floor.

A word of power erupts from his lips and peels down the hall into the party. FLEE! the word tears into your mind and flesh alike
All PC's Will DC 20 failure you run from him as fast and far as possible

Eisebhorne cries out as his flesh is torn to the bone. The assault is fierce and devastating
Hit AC 38 / 25 / 26 / 39
Dmg 8+4 cold +10/ 10+4 Cold +6/ 4+6 Cold +14/ 8+4 Cold +3 Bleed Total =77

Toston feels the impact into his shoulder and center back
Hit AC 42 crit 37 / 33
Dmg 14 / 16 total 30

Appearing from the air now that they have attacked, are 2 small humanoids. The one that attacked Eisenhorne looks like a feral gnome with needle like fangs and talons at the end of slightly elongated arms

The other, just further back, looks like a halfling equipped with sling and breastplate armor

The door opens of its own accord right next to Hmerrin. Moments later. lashes of blue energy leap into the young fighter.
Reflex DC 17 Dmg 23 save 11
Standing in the doorway is a man of tower height at 6' 8", but instead of a human head, it is that of a tiger. The creatures hands seem to be completely backwards and the overall visage gives
you little reason to believe it belongs to this Wold

The floor beneath the fleet of Sarge, Hmerrin and Dez becomes one of magical Grease
Reflex DC 17 or fall Prone If you make the save A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Acrobatics check.


Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 44/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26 
Tuesday February 11th, 2020 10:31:12 PM

(OOC: Checking in; I don't see what could have attacked Toston...are there invisible assailants?; I'll make my actual post in the morning if I can.)

DM some how left off the description of the 2 new assailants. Corrected now

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 82/82; CMD 17]  d20=3 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 3:52:44 AM

Will Save: 3 + 9 + 1 = 13

The savage attack and the spell are too much. Eisenhorn is gripped with fear and tries to run as far as he can from the bald man.

------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min 48 sec (78 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 58 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 48 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 8 rounds

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 8 rounds

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+6=24 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+17=21 ; d8+15=16 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=23 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 1:45:59 PM

(Will 24 vs fear)
The word "FLEE" booms in Sharpe's mind and he clutches his head, there is noise from all around him, Eisenhorn cries and Toston grunts. He focuses in on the the man at the end of the corridor resists the urge to run.

Drawing back his bow he loses a volley at the bald man.

Full attack on Bald man. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Magical
23 vs AC; Dmg - 37
29 vs AC; Dmg - 18
21 vs AC; Dmg - 23

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 8 rounds

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d20+16=23 ; d20+7=25 ; d20=20 ; 4d8=14 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 4:13:05 PM

Sarge hears the command to FLEE, but she ignores it. It's no time to leave; the party's just getting started!

Miraculously, she makes her save against the Grease as well, and, as a further miracle, manages to be nimble enough to take a single step out of the treacherous stuff. [Nat 20 on the Acrobatics; step to O-15]

She drops a Holy Smite on the gnome and the halfling. If they are evil, they take 14 damage and are blinded for a round. If they are evil and make a DC 20 Will save, they take 7 damage and are not blinded. If they are not evil, they take 7 damage and are not blinded. If they are not evil and make a DC 20 Will save, they take 3 damage and are not blinded. Let me know if I need to roll an SR check.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB LL 9/9)   d20+13=20 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=24 ; d6+3=4 ; d6+3=7 ; d6+3=6 ; d20+12=15 ; d6+8=12 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 5:34:31 PM

(Will Save: 20) For a moment Gaffer's mind swims and he feels his feet automatically start to push him down the corridor, and then he stops with a jolt.

The last seconds of his spell still in his hands, he finishes casting and summons the three elementals on N22,N24,O23.

The elementals immediately attack.
FE1 - Hit 21 - Damage 4
FE2 - Hit 14 - Damage 7
FE3 - Hit 24 - Damage 6

Raising his left hand to point at the Liontaur, placing his right at elbow, he fires off a flash of blue lightning that Lance's in the Liontaur's direction (Storm Burst Hit 15; Non-Lethal Damage 12)

**** Summons ****
Medium Fire Elemental - FE1 - 38/38
Medium Fire Elemental - FE2 - 38/38
Medium Fire Elemental - FE3 - 38/38
**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 4 Rounds
Faerie Fire - 8.8 minutes
Summon Nature's Ally - 9 Rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere (x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 96/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27)  d20+15=18 ; d20+7=24 ; d20+7=24 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 7:03:30 PM

The command to flee is overwhelming, and Hmerrin scurries away.

In doing so he is somehow able to elude the lightning, and navigate the grease spell.

Spent Hero Point on Will Save...and still failed. (18)
Reflex saves 24 and 24.

Potion of Divine Favor. 6/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 44/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+13=23 ; d20+10=14 ; 4d6+4=24 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 7:24:04 PM

Will: 23 = Success

Toston attacks the halfling with a scorching ray.

14 vs Touch; 24 fire damage if it hits.

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 31 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 17 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 1 round - +4 to Dex

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+16=23 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+11=25 ; d12+6=10 ; d12+6=7 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 8:51:48 PM

Desdichado shrugs off the command to flee (23 will save). "Really, you're gonna try that kind of stuff on us? Pfft."

(reflex save 27) "Hah! Domi must be watching over us tonight, huh Sarge" shouts a surprised Desdichado, after not tripping in the grease.

He then turns to the strange Tiger-man. "Gonna guess you're not much of one for talking either, huh?" he says as he swings at the creature.

Attack vs 21 AC; 10 damage
Attack vs 25 AC; 7 damage

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 698 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 8 rounds

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 8:54:07 PM

(OOC: Mike - Did you count the +2 from being in range of Dez's Magic Circle Against Evil? If not, that would put Hmerrin right at a 20 save for the command to flee.)

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 4 - DM Dan K  d20+7=16 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+16=35 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=22 ; d4+4=5 ; d4+4=5 ; d4+4=7 ; d6+1=6 ; 4d8+10=20 ;
Wednesday February 12th, 2020 10:30:23 PM

Eisenhorne succumbs to the Ga'al spell and flees
Sharpe resists and fires several deadly shots into the enemy cleric
Sarge resists, doesn't fall down and is even able to exit the Grease. She then turns and casts Holy Smite at the newcombers who attacked Eisenhorne
Please roll a for Spell Resistance once
Gaffer finsihes his spell, but something is wrong. The Air Elementals do not appear. Something has blocked the summons. The Liontaur is dead, Gaffer targets the
human with the tiger head that just cut into Hmerrin with a Lightningbolt. The creature snarls.
Toston turns and casts a Scorching Ray at the halfling, catching him in the chest but the spell does not seem to harm him much.
Hmerrin too, succumbs to he spell from teh cleric and runs from the battle Protect from Evil Spell is a Resistnace bonus and does not stack with Cloak of Res
Des turns on the Tiger amn and attacks, neither of his strikes land, as the creature parries each attack with a well placed Kuhkri.

The gnome and halfling both cry out in pain and grab at thier eyes. "Ah she Domi witch blinded me!" screams the halfling
The tiger man growls, or is that a smile, at Des. He lashes out with a clawed hand, eh kuhkri and lunges with tiger fangs agape
Dez Kuhkri Hit AC 35 crit 32 / 22 Claw 17 Bite 22 Dmg 5 crit 5 / 7 / miss / 6 total 23

The cleric steps out of the hall and into a nearby room.

The Halfling backs up spewing curses at Domi and his pet cleric.
The gnome snarls but does not back away

Gaffer, Toston, Sarge, Sharpe and Des Will Save DC 19 Failure Slow

Eisenhorne also continues to bleed from the viscious woulds received from the gnome Dmg 3
Eisenhorne and Hmerrin can make another Will save DC 20 to shake the Command spell


Cleric Dmg 58 SR
Halfling Dmg 18 Blind
Gnome Dmg SR
Tiger man Dmg SR

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+11=20 ; d20+17=22 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+17=23 ; d8+15=22 ; d8+15=23 ; d8+15=20 ; d8+15=22 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 7:13:50 AM

"OH NO YOU DONT" Sharpe pursues the Cleric carefully making his way through the grease (acrobatics check - 20). Moving against the wall up (to O18) he keeps his bow drawn, preparing to shoot at the cleric should he come into sight.

Readied Full attack on Cleric. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Magical
22 vs AC; Dmg - 45
25 vs AC; Dmg - 20
18 vs AC; Dmg - 22

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 7 rounds

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+3=13 ; d20+3=20 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 11:22:16 AM

Will Save For Slow (Hero Point Used)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 92/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+16=32 ; 5d6=13 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+14=26 ; d12+26=29 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 1:44:26 PM

(Will vs slow: 32)
(Lay on Hands: 13)

Desdichado grunts as the tiger man's kukri's slice across him, and shrugs of the sluggish feeling trying to slow him down. He holds his hand up to himself, and heals some of the damage done by the creature.

Seeing how powerful the beastman seems, and that he appears to be not of this Wold, Desdichado quickly offers a prayer to Domi that he be granted strength to defeat this enemy (Smite Evil vs rak).

22 vs AC; (miss?)
26 vs AC; 29

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 697 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 7 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 11/12 remaining

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17]  d20=8 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 2:08:00 PM

Will Save Roll: 8 + 11 = 19

Eisenhorn tries to compose his mind as he reaches relative safety, but with the grevious wounds he can only think of getting away as far away as possible.

------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 7min 48 sec (78 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 58 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 48 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 8 rounds

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 8 rounds

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB LL 9/9)   d20+13=18 ; d20+9=27 ; 3d6=9 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 6:08:26 PM

Gaffer grunts in frustration as he feels his spell slip away from him. Frowning, he is just about to search for another spellcaster when he feels his body turn sluggish, (Will save: 18) and his limbs unresponsive.

With an effort, he raises his hand and a whisp of flame curls out, forming a second flaming sphere on the spot (M13) where the Tiger man stands. (Assuming SR is Spell Resistance, I believe I need to roll to beat it: 27; 9 Fire Damage; Reflex Save DC 15 to Negate)

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 3 Rounds
Faerie Fire - 8.7 minutes
Flaming Sphere: 9 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, Dispel Magic (x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 96/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27)  d20+7=21 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 7:11:11 PM

Sprinting down the hallway, Hmerrin frowns.
"What? Where?" he mutters.

The lad skids to a stop, and reverses course.
Back up the stairs.
A fight to the left, and this nasty looking gnome to the right.

"I'm guessing you should be dead," he tells the critter. "Here, allow me."

Will Save 21

Double move to N8.

Potion of Divine Favor. 7/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d20+8=11 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+14=27 ; d8=2 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 7:52:27 PM

[From last round: SR check 11, which I assume fails.]

Sarge feels a compulsion to slow down, but resists it [Will save 23].

Everybody who is making saves: please remember you have +1 from Prayer.

"I'm not a pet cleric," Sarge grumbles. "Who would have a pet dwarf?" She tries to cast a spell on tiger-man. [SR check 21, which is at least worth a try] If it succeeds, a glowing hammer appears next to him and swings, hitting AC 27 for 4 damage.

Leaving the hammer [maybe] to do its thing, Sarge turns down the hall. "Where ya going?" she asks the cleric. [Move to O-19]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 44/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+13=30 ; 3d4+3=10 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 8:53:40 PM

30 vs will = success

Toston shakes off the new spell and then fires off 3 magic missiles at the halfling this time. (10 damage)

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 32 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 16 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 2 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
1/5 second level spells cast

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 5 - DM Dan K  d4=2 ; d20+20=34 ; 7d6=25 ; d4=2 ; d4=4 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+20=39 ; d8+3=9 ; d6=5 ; d4=4 ; d6+3=5 ; d6=2 ; d6+3=6 ; d6=2 ; 4d8+10=24 ;
Thursday February 13th, 2020 9:39:25 PM

Sharpe navigates the Grease spell and moves further down the hall. That was a 40' move. the Grease spell squaress were x2 so you cannot Ready an action
Des keeps on the Tiger man, but again is countered at each strike
Eisenhorne, bleeding and under a powerful compulsion, keeps running
Gaffer feels the Slow spell take ahold and conjures a Flaming Sphere on the tiger man. The fire does not appear to harm him
Hmerrin shakes off the spell and reverses course to return to the fight
Sarge resists the SLow and casts Spiritual Weapon, which does not effect the Tiger man. She then heads after the cleric
Toston casts Magic Missile at the gnome Halfling retreated around the corner. please roll v SR

The tiger man blinks and turns his head slightly and winks. Pointing a finger, a arc of blue ightning peels into the paladin. Reflex DC 16 Dmg 25/12

From behind the tiger man, Des hears a voice. "Enough Raihajeb, stop playing with your food." A sheet of Fire erupts down the hall, splitting it in half
Orange Line, Wall of Fire. Heat side towards Des
Des and Toston Fire Dmg 6

The gnome snarls as Hmerrin returns and leaps at the fighter. The gnome tears into Hmerrin with needle like teeth and his taloned claws
Hmerrin Hit AC 27 / 29 Claw 33 / 39 Dmg miss / 9+6 Cold +3 Bleeding Claw 5+2 Cold / 6+2 Cold Total 23+10 Cold you are bleeding

Heat pours into the half of the hallway where Des and Toston stand, along with the Tiger man. The creature before Des does not seem to mind the magical heat, nor does
it appear to be causing any damage to the room

Cleric Dmg 34 SR
Halfling Dmg 18 Blind
Gnome Dmg SR 20
Tiger man Dmg SR 25


Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 82/82] - [Charles]  d20+18=28 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=29 ; d8+16=21 ; d8+16=20 ; d8+16=20 ; d8+16=23 ;
Friday February 14th, 2020 4:31:05 AM

(OOC - Sharpe has 40' of movement from his boots)
The wall of fire forces Sharpe to press himself harder to the wall but he stalks the the rest of the way (move to O23) to get a shot on his quarry.

Full attack on Cleric. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Point Black Shot; Magical
28 vs AC; Dmg - 41
28 vs AC; Dmg - 20
29 vs AC; Dmg - 23

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 6 rounds

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB LL 9/9)   d20+9=29 ;
Friday February 14th, 2020 8:43:42 AM

[With the +1 from Sarge, Gaffer saves against the slow last turn]

Flinching back as the wall of fire roars along the corridor, Gaffer pushes his hands forward and sends a wave of rippling magic along the wall. (Dispel Magic on Wall of Fire: Spell caster check = 29)

He frowns again as he sees his flaming sphere have no effect on the Tiger man, but leaves it where it is for the time being.

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 87 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 9 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 2 Rounds
Faerie Fire - 8.6 minutes
Flaming Sphere: 8 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17]  d20=8 ;
Friday February 14th, 2020 12:51:20 PM

(OOC: I assume I get another save?)

Will Save Roll: 8 + 11 = 19

Eisenhorn continues fleeing.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 76/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+11=12 ; 5d6=15 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+14=24 ; d12+26=37 ;
Friday February 14th, 2020 2:55:34 PM

(Reflex: 12)
(Lay on Hands: 15)

Desdichado winces and cries out as the lightning tears into him. "Oof - this guy is tough." He heals himself with Lay on Hands and continues to try and attack the tiger man.

27 vs AC: 37
24 vs AC: Miss

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 696 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 6 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 10/12 remaining

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+5=16 ; d20+12=25 ; d8+6=14 ;
Friday February 14th, 2020 8:11:40 PM

16 vs SR = fail (OOC: Toston has resist fire 5 so he only took 1 fire damage)

Toston takes a 5 foot step drawing his elvish curve blade as he does making an attack against the tiger man.

25 vs AC; 14 magical slashing damage w/ +2 blade

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 33 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 15 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 3 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
1/5 second level spells cast

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 63/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) - Bleeding  d20+18=20 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=28 ; d8+11=18 ; d6+10=15 ; d6+10=12 ; d8+11=17 ;
Saturday February 15th, 2020 9:24:49 AM

Hmerrin hisses as the feral gnome's claws rip his skin.
"This one too," he answers Dez.

The young fighter goes on the attack, and then steps toward his friends.

Full atk
Btax 1 hits ac 20 for 17 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac 27 for 18 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac 28 for 15 hp damage
Hdax 2 hits ac 28 for 12 hp damage

5' step backwards toward party.

Potion of Divine Favor. 8/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Saturday February 15th, 2020 12:57:06 PM

Sarge is a little concerned that the group is so spread out, but somebody needs to have eyes on that cleric. She continues down the corridor [to O-23], and looks to see if the cleric is still in the room.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 7:13:20 AM

Time slows down and Toston gets a brief instant to observe the combat happening around him. He hopes that he and Des can prove to be a match for the tiger-man. (OOC: don't know when I'll be able to post if I don't get something in)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 76/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 1:41:27 PM

In the heat of the battle, Desdichado is concerned about how well-prepared these enemies are. "They've been one step ahead of this the whole time," he thinks to himself.

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 6 - DM Dan K  d20+18=21 ; d20+13=28 ; d8+9=16 ; 7d6=24 ; d20+19=37 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=21 ; d8+3=5 ; d6=2 ; d4=4 ; d20+16=36 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+16=26 ; d8=5 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=2 ; d8=3 ; d8=5 ; d4=4 ; d4=4 ;
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 4:14:26 PM

Sharpe moves further down the hall to where he remembers the door to be. The Wall of Fire is Opaque, preventing the fighter from deeing a target beyond. The Fighter Readies
Gaffer flinches and then casts a spell, the Wall of Fire blinks out of existence.
Sharpe fires, 2 arrows from one pull, hitting the cleric hard
Eisenhorne continues to flee and is now on the 3rd floor
Des heals himself and with the Smite Evil power, rips one of his attacks through the Tiger man.
Toston steps forward and engages with his cuved blade, missing
Hmerrin attacks the fiendish gnome and catches it 3 times, which only seems to delight the mad creature
Sarge keeps with Sharpe down the hall

The cleric of Ga'al, bleeding badly moves forward to engage Sharpe with his trident
Sharpe AC 21 /28 Dmg miss / 16 + 24 Will save DC 14 for 12 Total 40 or 28 if save
The gnome follows Hmerrin without pause and attacks. He only manages to bite him
Hmerrin Hit AC 37 / 18 Claw 21 Claw Dmg 5 + 2 Cold + 3 Bleed + 3 Bleed Total 13 2 wounds are bleeding
The Tiger man hisses, steps back and casts a spell Spellcraft DC 16Highlight to display spoiler: {Mage Armor}
From just beyond the door, 6 energy rays blast into Des
Des Touch Attack AC 36 crit 19 / 20 / 20 / 18 / 19 / 26
Dmg 5+ sickened 4 rnds/ 5+ Fire Damage 4 / 7+ nauseated / 2+ staggered / 3+stunned / 5+knocked prone Fort 19 for each affect to avoid after the +
Total Damage 27

It was not the Tiger man that attacked Des, but some other opponent as of yet unseen


Cleric Dmg 75 SR
Halfling Dmg 18 Blind
Gnome Dmg 45 SR 20
Tiger man Dmg 37 SR 25

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 72/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+17=37 ; d20+17=27 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+17=29 ; 5d6=23 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+14=27 ; d12+26=28 ; d12+13=24 ;
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 4:35:23 PM

(Fort saves: 37, 27, 25, 32, 25, 29, 23)
(Lay on Hands: 23)

Desdichado uses lay on hands to recover some damage from the energy rays. He then takes a 5 foot step forward (M:13) again toward the tiger-man and lets loose an attack.

32 vs AC: 28
27 vs AC: 24

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 695 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 5 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 9/12 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 50/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) - Bleeding  d20+18=23 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+18=34 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=31 ; d8+11=17 ; d8+11=17 ; d6+10=13 ; d6+10=14 ; d6+10=11 ; d6+10=11 ;
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 6:40:23 PM

"Guy, you are not right," Hmerrin informs the gnome.

Not much to it but to keep on hitting the psycho.
So, he does. Really hard.

Again, he follows with a step towards his friends.

Full attack on gnome
Btax 1 hits ac 23 for 17 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac 22 for 17 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac 34 for 13 hp damage
Hdax 2 - NAT20 - Crit threat hits ac 31 for 36 hp damage

Another 5' step back toward party.

Potion of Divine Favor. 9/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17]  d20=9 ;
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 7:52:35 PM

Will Save Roll: 9 + 11 = 20

Eisenhorn finally manages to recover from the sheer terror he felt. He stops and looks around considering his options.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB LL 9/9)  
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 8:37:05 PM

Gaffer casts his second Faerie Fire, hitting squares K12,K13,L12,L13, hoping to reveal the invisible mage he suspects is within the room.

If the spell does reveal anyone besides the tiger man, he'll use his move action to send his Flaming Sphere into their space.

[Updated some effecy durations. Had previously listed them at caster level 9, not 10]
**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 97 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere - 1 Rounds
Faerie Fire - 9.6 minutes
Flaming Sphere: 7 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d20+14=23 ; d20+9=23 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ;
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 10:21:07 PM

Sarge is pretty sure she isn't as good with her hammer as Sharpe is with his blade, but she's anxious to finish this part of the fight and get back to the rest of the group. "Worth a try," she mutters, and starts swinging.

[Hit AC 23 for 8 damage; hit AC 23 for 8 damage. Sarge is very consistent today.]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+11=13 ; d20+16=24 ;
Tuesday February 18th, 2020 10:22:54 PM

Toston attempts to acrobatically move through M13 around the tiger man through L 14 to end up in K13 flanking the tiger man. (Acrobatics: 13 vs Tiger mans CMD to not provoke an attack of opportunity)

24 vs AC; miss

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 33 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 14 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 4 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
1/5 second level spells cast

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 54/82] - [Charles]  d20+18=29 ; d3=2 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+13=31 ; d8+16=21 ; d8+16=21 ; d8+16=18 ; d8+16=21 ; d20+3=21 ;
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 5:42:41 AM

(5ft step N24)
(Will Save Roll - 17+3+1=22)

Seeing the cleric rush toward him Sharpe steps to the side and just manages to avoid the first trident strike but get caught with the second, he draws his bow back trying to end the cleric before his next swing comes in. (AoO)

Full attack on Cleric. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Point Black Shot; Magical
29 vs AC; Dmg - 42
35 vs AC; Dmg - 18
31 vs AC; Dmg - 21

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 5 rounds

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB LL 9/9)  
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 7:43:46 PM

Gaffer struggles to look into the room, hoping to find the mage and wondering whether his summoning failed because of a counterspell or because of defenses around the floor.

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 7 - DM Dan K  d20+16=22 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+16=18 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=4 ;
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 8:35:51 PM

Des heals himself again and attacks, striking once and following the Tiger man into the room
Hmerrin attacks the gnome and hits him hard two times
Eisenhorne finds himself on the 3rd floor promonade and considers what to do. The rest of the group is 4 rounds of running away
Gaffer casts Faerie Fire into the room. Please make a Spell Resistance check
Toston tries to Acrobatically slip past Tiger man, but is not fast enough. He slashes out with the Kuhkri. Toston is quick enough to avoid the strike. I have that 3 diagonal move at 40 using Acrobatics
Toston also collides with an invisible being, just behind Tiger Man. He calls it out
Sarge and Sharpe kill the Ga'alina cleric.
Gaffer moves the flaming sphere to the position Toston calls out Will have to wait on SR check for the Faerie Fire spell

Tiger man moves to the corner and casts another spell Spellcraft DC 16 Highlight to display spoiler: {Shield}


Cleric Dead
Halfling Dmg 18
Gnome Dead
Tiger man Dmg 65 SR 25

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d100=82 ; d20+12=15 ;
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 10:05:53 PM

(OOC: Toston has blindsense with range of 30 feet. I guess I can automatically pin point invisible attackers within 30 feet though I still have the total concealment miss chance.)

Toston grabs one of his sticks of chalk, crushes it in his hand into a dust and attempts to hit the invisible attacker within 5 feet of him with the chalk dust.

82 vs 50 for concealment miss chance = success

Attack Roll + Size bonus + Dex = +12 = (15 OOC: I'm not sure if this is vs touch or what this would be since I'm trying to hit the invisible guy with the chalk dust to make him less invisible)

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 34 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 13 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 4 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
1/5 second level spells cast

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Wednesday February 19th, 2020 11:11:35 PM

"Nice work," Sarge tells Sharpe. She turns and hurries back to the main battle, taking care to stay out of that confounded Grease spell. [Double move to O-15]

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 54/82] - [Charles]  d20+12=32 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 11:08:52 AM

(Move to N12)
(Acrobatics 32)
Sharpe goes to high five Sarge, as she turns away, he puts his hand awkwardly on his bowstring. Hearing the ongoing fighting he runs to try and get a bead on the other combatants.

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 4 rounds

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 91/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+19=28 ; d20+14=28 ; d12+26=33 ; d12+13=21 ; 5d6=19 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 3:19:30 PM

Dez heals up and goes for the rakasha one more time.

28 vs AC: 33 damage
28 vs AC: 21 damage

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 694 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 4 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 8/12 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 50/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) - Bleeding  d20+6=19 ; d20+17=24 ; d10+17=20 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 7:03:31 PM

Hmerrin walks into the hallway, and gingerly steps into the greased area.

"Who's next?" he asks brightly.
Locking eyes on tiger man, he grins. "Looks like you."

The fighter swings his battleaxe as hard as he can.

Move to N13. Acrobatics check 19
Attack Tiger Man, Power Attack
Btax hits ac 24 for 20 hp damage

Potion of Divine Favor. 10/10 rds. +1 to hit and damage.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9)   d20+10=13 ; d20+12=17 ; d6+5=8 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 7:19:07 PM

(Spell Caster Check for Faerie Fire: 13)
His first Flaming Sphere finally blinks out of existence.

While Hmerring moves in on the tigerman, Gaffer keeps an eye along corridor he walked out of, covering their backs incase anyone else is lurking and hoping Eisenhorn returns soon.

If any foes do appear, Gaffer will send out another Storm Burst (Hit: 17; Damage: 8)

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 97 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Faerie Fire - 9.5 minutes
Flaming Sphere: 6 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17]  d20=3 ; d20=3 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 7:54:05 PM

Eisenhorn begins to make his way back towards the party as stealthily as possible while keeping an eye out for any potential threats. (Stealth Roll: 3 + 28 = 31; Perception Roll: 3 + 14 = 17)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 8min 06 sec (81 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 61 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 51 rounds

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 8 - DM Dan K  d20+16=29 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+16=33 ; 9d6=32 ; 7d6=26 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+14=16 ; d3+15=16 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 9:44:56 PM

Toston can sense another being in the room, just north of the Tiger man.
Toston pulls some chalk from his magical Haversack and hurls the dust across the room
The Tiger Man slashes at Toston as he throws the dust, but misses AoO Hit AC 29
The dust partially falls on a figure R
The group now knows he is there, though you cannot see much.
Sarge moves back towards the fight
Sharpe moves back towards the fight as well, navigating the Grease. From his position outside he cannot target either opponent
Des heals himself again and attacks, but misses.
Hmerrin moves up and onto the Grease spell and attacks. His ax deflects off the Tiger man without harm
Gaffer keeps an eye on the hall from where Hmerrin came from, but can see little from the corner. The Faerie Fire was unsuccessful. Gaffer must make a move into the hall to see down it
Eisenhorne begins making his way back, carefully. FYI At this rate you are 20 rounds away. Stealth is at half speed and for 2 rounds you were running at x4 speed

The partial outline in the chalk dust steps back into the Flaming Sphere and sends a blast of lightning into Des and Hmerrin.
Reflex DC 18 Half Des and Hmerrin Dmg 32 or 16
The Tiger Man then steps in front of Des and sends another lightning blast
Reflex DC 16 Half Des and Hmerrin Dmg 26 or 13

A Halfling steps out and send multiple bullets from his sling
Sharpe Hit AC 21/33/16 Dmg Miss/16/Miss Total 16

Hmerrin spills more blood from the bite wounds Hmerrin Dmg 6

Cleric Dead
Halfling Dmg 18
Gnome Dead
Tiger man Dmg 65 SR 25
Ralsiner Dmg 0 SR 23 Total Concealment


Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+14=34 ; d20+14=31 ; d8+6=10 ; d8+6=12 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=28 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 10:14:19 PM

Toston fully attacks the tiger man. (Natural 20; 34 vs AC; 31 to confirm; 10 damage if normal; 22 if crit is confirmed)

21 vs AC on second attack miss

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 34 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 13 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 5 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
1/5 second level spells cast

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ;
Thursday February 20th, 2020 10:29:44 PM

Some of her companions are banged up, so Sarge does what she can to address that. She backs up a bit [to O-17], then channels positive energy, using her Selective Channeling feat to exclude tiger guy. That should get everybody but Eisenhorne, and I think that puts invisible R guy out of range.

Heal 17

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 50/82] - [Charles]  d20+17=37 ; d3=2 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+17=31 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+21=33 ; d8=5 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=17 ; d8+15=21 ; d8+15=22 ; d8+15=16 ; d8+15=18 ; d8+15=18 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 3:50:18 AM

Sharpe sees a bullet ricochet of the wall before feeling a second finds the gap his armour, he lets out a gasp but he keeps his feet. A warm energy engulfs him and he whips around to fire back at his attacker a dark grin on his face.

Full attack on Halfing. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Magical; Improved Critical; Critical Focus
37 Critical vs AC; 24 vs AC to confirm; Dmg - 38/76 if critical confirmed
36 Critical vs AC; 33 vs AC to confirm; Dmg - 22/56 if critical confirmed
31 vs AC; Dmg - 18

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 3 rounds

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17] 
Friday February 21st, 2020 6:12:45 AM

"They may already be dead and you've done nothing except cower in fear" he thinks to himself "some powerful wizard you are, running in a panic from a God Damn priest of all things!" He casts Detect Thoughs on himself in the hope that it will provide at least some warning if there are any further concealed enemies in his path.

Sensing the wizard's anxiety Shifty pulls out the wizard's Wand of Shield from the efficient quiver and holds it in front of him, consistently moving it just out of reach in an effort to frustrate the wizard and get him to move quicker. "Give me that you little shit! This is no time for games!" Eisenhorn yells as he chases after the mepthit full speed towards the battle.

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 8min 12 sec (82 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 62 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 52 rounds
Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 1 round

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 84/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+19=26 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+11=26 ; d20+11=25 ; 5d6=22 ;
Friday February 21st, 2020 1:00:47 PM

(reflex: 26, 25)
(Lay on hands: 22)

Desdichado swiftly heals himself from the magical damage as Sarge does her healing as well. He makes a 5 foot step to L:12 to make way for others into the room, and tries to attack the rakasha again.

"This weirdo tiger guy is really tough! Anybody have a way to bring his armor down?" he asks.

26 vs AC: miss
21 vs AC: miss

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 694 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 4 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 7/12 remaining

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9)   d20+10=30 ; d20+3=7 ;
Saturday February 22nd, 2020 7:44:46 AM

Gaffer raises a hand towards the Tigerman, clutching into a first as a burst of energy wraps around the Tigerman. He casts Baleful Polymorph, attempting to change the Tigerman into a Common Cat (Spell Caster Check: 30; Fortitude Save DC 19)

[If he needs to step into the Grease to target, Acrobatics: 7, he fails)

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 97 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere: 6 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 32/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) - Bleeding  d20+9=23 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+17=22 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+12=23 ; d8+10=12 ; d20+6=18
Saturday February 22nd, 2020 9:45:15 AM

Hmerrin frowns as his attack is turned aside, and then lets out a YIP as various electrical discharges erupt around him. Fortunately, he's able to avoid the biggest bolts.

Sarge's healing helps a bit. Still, the lad is not doing well.

Panting heavily, he takes a step toward Sarge.

"Got anything a bit stronger?" he asks.

Reflex rolls 23 and 16

Move to O14. Acrobat check 18.

Disregard attack rolls. Thought I was next to him, and rolled before understanding he'd moved.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy) 
Saturday February 22nd, 2020 6:29:53 PM

"You bet," Sarge says, and gathers herself to cast another spell.

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 9 - DM Dan K  d20+11=21 ; 4d4+4=13 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=26 ; d20+16=35 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=4 ; d4+2=4 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+2=6 ;
Sunday February 23rd, 2020 9:32:38 PM

Toston connects with his curved elvish blade, but the blade does not harm the Tiger man
Sarge channels positive energy and heals Sharpe, Hmerrin and Gaffer Line of effect is blocked to Des by the wall
Sharpe turns and with deadly accuracy, puts three arrows into a stunned and shortly thereafter dead halfling
Eisenhorne picks up the pace
Des heals himself again and advancing a but attacks, but his attack is parried
Gaffer casts Baleful Polymorph, but the Tiger man remains as is
Hmerrin backs off a bit and asks Sarge for something a but stronger

The tiger man advances towards the doorway and sends a barrage of Magic Missiles into Des
Des Dmg 13
Stepping from the flames, barely noticable as the chalk is more faded, the invisible creature attacks Des
Des Hit AC 20/31/18/28/32/26/35 Dmg 5/6/miss/6/4/4/3 Total 28 + 6 Will Saves DC 19 or be confused.


Cleric Dead
Halfling Dead
Gnome Dead
Tiger man Dmg 65 SR 25
Ralsiner Dmg 0 SR 23 Total Concealment

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17] 
Monday February 24th, 2020 4:48:55 AM

Eisenhorn continues to make progress towards the site of the battle. (OOC: Don't know how many rounds of running I have left, as the map still shows me 150' away.)

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 8min 18 sec (83 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 63 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 53 rounds
Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 2 round

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 59/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  5d6=22 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+14=30 ; d12+26=37 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 3:20:06 PM

(Will save: 31)
(Lay on Hands: 22)

(He should be at L:12 from the 5 foot step in Round 7.) Desdichado easily shakes off the feeling of confusion that comes over him.

"We could use some help in here!" he yells to the others in the hall, and goes for the rakshasa again.

26 vs AC: Miss
30 vs AC: 37 damage

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 693 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 2 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 6/12 remaining

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 50/82] - [Charles]  d20+3=23 ; d20+17=18 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+12=17 ; d8+16=19 ; d8+16=20 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 3:49:59 PM

(5ft step to N11)
Sharpe feels yet another assault on the mind but deep in his battle focus he maintains control. He steps back from tigerman and flattens himself against the wall firing at whatever he can as parts of the creature appear from behind the door frame.

Full attack on tigerman. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Magical; Improved Critical; Critical Focus; Point Blank Shot
19 vs AC; miss (natural 1)
33 vs AC; Dmg - 19
18 vs AC; Dmg - 20

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 2 rounds

OOC - forgot prayer bonus

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9)  
Monday February 24th, 2020 4:17:38 PM

Gaffer slumps slightly as his spell is yet again ineffective. Seeing the Tigerman approach the doorway he grits his teeth and starts reshaping his form, turning himself into a Medium Earth Elemental, pressing his stone fists together.

**** Active Effects ****
Wild Shape - Medium Earth Elemental - AC 25/T 21/FF 17/CMD 24
Barkskin - 97 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Flaming Sphere: 5 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Poison, Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 59/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday February 24th, 2020 5:08:02 PM

(OOC: Ah, i was looking at round 8 in the spreadsheet. I don't think it affects anything, though.)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 32/109 AC:28 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) - Bleeding  d20+6=14 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+14=17 ; d8+10=11 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 5:51:14 PM

With a glance at Sarge, Hmerrin steps up to help Dez, while still staying within her reach.

The fighter launches another set of attacks at Tiger Guy, hoping to find an opening.


5' move to N14. Acrobatics check 14
Full atk on Tiger guy
Btax 1 hits ac 31 for 11 hp damage
Btax 2 misses (ac26)
Hdax 1 misses (ac23)
Hdax 2 misses (ac17)

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61](Kathy)  d8=8 ; d8=8 ; d8=2 ; d8=7 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 6:06:16 PM

Sarge casts Cure Critical Wounds on Hmerrin.

Hmerrin heals 33.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 43/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+8=14 ; 3d6+3=13 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 8:59:24 PM

Toston takes a 5 foot step to K 14 and casts flaming sphere targetting the square where the invisible assailant is occupying.

DC 17 Reflex save or take 13 damage; success = damage negated.

(Concentration: 14 if needed)

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 35 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 12 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min - 6 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
2/5 second level spells cast

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 10 - DM Dan K  d20+5=15 ; d20+20=35 ; 7d6=29 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+16=28 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=5 ; d4=4 ; d20+16=36 ; d10=5 ; d20+16=33 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+16=25 ; d8=4 ; d8=7 ; d8=5 ;
Monday February 24th, 2020 10:21:21 PM

Eisenhorne keeps hurrying back. Distance is now accurate
Des heals himself and attacks back, but the Tiger man is able to deflect the incoming swings
Sharpe fires three arrows at the Tiger man, none of them strike true
Gaffer shifts into the form of an Earth Elemental
Hmerrin steps up, navigating the Grease spell and attacks. His ax ricochets off of the Tiger man. Grease spell inflicts double move penalty, cannot 5' step
Sarge steps up and heals Hmerrin
Toston moves back from the Tiger Man and casts a Flaming sphere on the invisble creature in the corner

The Tiger Man moves into the hallway and the Grease spell and levels another lightning bolt at Hmerrin and Sarge
Hmerrin and Sarge Reflex DC 16 Dmg 29 or 14

Appearing in the flame in the corner, apparently unharmed, is a creature of nightmares. He stands just over 6'6", with the head of a great cobra and the body of a well muscled human. Each of his arms split to form 3 great vipers.
He is wearing a gold satin robe, trimmed in crimson with an elaborate gold choker and multiple rings and bracelets. The cobra head darts between Toston and Des

He hisses, "We are not done here!"
The tiger growls back without looking, "Good luck in your next incarnation fool!"

With another hiss, the 3 left viper arms open their mouths and fire energy bolts at Des. The 3 right arms do the same to Toston
Des Touch AC Hit 33/25/28 Dmg 3+sickened/7+Burn 4 /5+nauseated 3 Fort saves DC 19 negates effect after damage Total Dmg 15 = possible effects.
Toston Touch AC 36 crit 33/20/25 Dmg 4 crit 7+Stunned /miss/5+ knocked Prone 2 Fort saves DC 19 negates effect after damage Total Dmg 16 = possible effects

map https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_l8ST1mE6s9-SnnAbFozXzjvhqFOUQTBcFTLnyJc4k/edit?usp=sharing

Cleric Dead
Halfling Dead
Gnome Dead
Tiger man Dmg 65 SR 25
Ralsiner Dmg 0 SR 23 Total Concealment

Sharpe - [AC 26/16/20 - CMD 26; HP 50/82] - [Charles]  d20+18=34 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+18=30 ; d8+16=20 ; d8+16=19 ; d8+16=20 ; d8+16=24 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 5:00:42 AM

(5ft step to N10)
Seeing the monstrosity step out into the corridor Sharpe backs up another 5 ft and continues his barrage.

Full attack on Tigerman. Deadly Aim; Rapid Shot; Magical; Improved Critical; Critical Focus; Point Blank Shot
34 vs AC; Dmg - 39
19 vs AC; Miss
30 vs AC; Dmg - 20

-------Active Effects-------
Prayer 1 rounds

Eisenhorn (David) [AC 17/17/14; HP 2/82; CMD 17] 
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 2:50:45 PM

Eisenhorn keeps moving.

-------Active Effects-------

Mage Armor (+4 to AC) 10 Hours - 8min 18 sec (83 rounds)
Invisibility (10 min) 100 rounds - 63 rounds
Detect Magic (10min) 100 rounds - 53 rounds
Detect Thoughts (10min) 100 rounds - 2 round

Shifty Stats:

Armor Class: AC 21 Touch 18 Flat 18
DR: 5/Magic
HP current/max: 41/41

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 66/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+17=32 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+17=36 ; 5d6=22 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+14=22 ; d12+26=28 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 4:46:30 PM

(Fort save: 32, 35, 36)
(Lay on Hands: 22)

“What in the name of Domi is that?” Desdichado shouts as the being appears from the flames. He winces from the attacks, and then heals the wounds. “Do I go after the guy I can’t hit because his armor is too tough, or the guy I can’t hit because he’s invisible,” he thinks to himself, “Better stay on the weirdo...er the first weirdo.”

“Hey, I think that tiger guy is trying to get away!” he yells into the hall, “we’d better stop him if we can. Who knows what kind of damage he’ll unleash out there.”

35 vs AC: 28
22 vs AC: miss

Magic Circle Against Evil: +2AC, +2 saves all allies within 10 ft of Dez; 692 rounds
Prayer: +1 attack, damage, saves, skill checks; 1 rounds
Smite Evil (on rak): +3 attack rolls/AC; +10 damage (x2 vs outsider)
Lay on Hands: 5/12 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 51/109 AC:27 T:16 FF:23 CMD:27) - Bleeding  d20+9=19 ; d20+19=29 ; d20+14=27 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 6:40:41 PM

Hmerrin gratefully gets some healing, and still has the wherewithal to avoid some of the lightning.

Hearing Dez's cry, the lad answers.
"Well, I'm open to suggestions. The guy's impossible to hit."

Needing to try something, Hmerrin drops his handaxe, switches to a two-handed grip on his battleaxe, and futilely hacks away.

Reflex 19
Drop Handaxe
Full attack with Battleaxe
Btax 1 misses (ac29)
Btax 2 misses (ac27)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:21/FF:17) CMD:24 WS 3/4 SB 5/7 LL 9/9)   d20+10=26 ; d3=3 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 7:01:56 PM

Gaffer steps to N12, making himself a.body between the Tiger man and Sharpe, who he hopes might have a chance at bringing to fearsome creature down,.

He quickly reels through what spells he has left and attempts to cast Poison on the Tigerman. managing to barely overcome its spell resistance. (Fortitude Save DC: 17; 3 Con Damage)

**** Active Effects ****
Wild Shape - Medium Earth Elemental - AC 25/T 21/FF 17/CMD 24
Barkskin - 97 minutes - +4 to NA
Long Strider - 10 hours - +10 feet walking speed
Poison - 1D3 Con Damage a Round - 6 Rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: (Faerie Fire x2), Entangle, (Long Strider), Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: (Flaming Sphere x2), (Barkskin), Warp Wood (x2) D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, (Poison), Shape Stone, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Spike Stones, (Dispel Magic x2) D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: (Wall of Thorns), (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm

The 5th Floor-Combat Round 11 - DM Dan K  7d6=19 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+18=25 ; d20+18=23 ; d4+2=4 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=6 ; d4+2=3 ; d4+2=5 ;
Tuesday February 25th, 2020 10:51:12 PM

Sharpe steps back down the hall and fires. The Tiger man deflects every incoming arrow
Eisenhorne keeps moving getting 60' closer
Des continues to attack the Tiger man, he just misses as teh wall is now providing cover
Hmerrin switches to a single weapon, but still is unable to land a wounding blow on the Tiger man
Gaffer steps inbetween the Tiger man and Sharpe and attempts a Poison Spell. Need to make a Concentration Check DC 18 and a Touch attack

The Tiger man growls at Des and unleashes a lightning at Gaffer and Sharpe
Gaffer and Sharpe Reflex DC 16 Dmg 19 / 9
The now visible Cobra man continues at Des and attacks with all of his snakes appendages
Des Hit AC 37/38 crit 38/35/36/33/25/23 Dmg 4/5+5/6/6/6/3/5 Total 40 +7 Will DC 19 saves or be confused

I have to reuse the same Round 10 map

Cleric Dead
Halfling Dead
Gnome Dead
Tiger man Dmg 65 SR 25
Ralsiner Dmg 0 SR 23

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 27/74; AC:33/22/27- CMD 26  d20+10=26 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+12=26 ; d3=2 ;
Wednesday February 26th, 2020 12:00:30 AM

(Fort = 26; 25; success)

Toston says, "I need serious healing."

He then shoots an acid splash at the snake guy since he seems to be impervious to fire and all his attacks are fire based...how inconvenient.

(26 vs touch; 2 acid damage)

Mage Armor : 5 hours - 37 rounds - time before arriving to the arena
Shield : 10 rounds left
Cat's Crace : 3 min -8 round - +4 to Dex
3/7 first level spells cast
2/5 second level spells cast

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