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Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Saturday October 12th, 2019 12:34:40 AM

"Who is it?" Sarge whispers.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Saturday October 12th, 2019 1:19:31 AM

Toston remains vigilant

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Sunday October 13th, 2019 10:17:03 AM

Des goes to wake the others and Sarge heads downstairs to check things out.
The dwarf is perfectly at home in the darkness and arrives at the front door easily.
Des wakes Toston and then Wil.

Sarge opens the door slightly and almost smells the visitor before she sees him. He is against the door jam, trying to be as small as possible while tapping on the door. Sarge would guess him to be early 20's, His clothes are covered in waste, as is he, from nearly head to toe. Sarge sees no weapon and the man does not seem to pose a threat to her, let alone the Tide who will be arriving shortly.

Toston is halfway down the stairs, sword in hand and ready to act

Wil is at the top of the stairs

Dez has woken Hmerrin and Gaffer, all of whom are upstairs currently

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26  d20+17=24 ;
Sunday October 13th, 2019 10:13:36 PM

Toston continues to monitor the situation. His Elvish Curveblade being a two handed weapon he doesn't want to accidentally injure anyone.

(Perception: 24)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 4/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=26 ;
Monday October 14th, 2019 1:15:51 PM

Gaffer hurries downstairs to join the others. He looks out onto the street to see if there are any prying eyes before pulling back into the house with the others. (Perception:26)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday October 14th, 2019 1:32:23 PM

Desdichado tries to keep from scowling and covering his nose as the smell overwhelms him. "Hello. Do you need help?" he says.

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27)  d20+6=10 ;
Monday October 14th, 2019 6:47:53 PM

Hmerrin remains on the second floor, trying to listen to what's going on below, while also keeping watch for any sneaky business up here.

[Perception 10]

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Monday October 14th, 2019 9:50:55 PM

Gaffer moves past Hmerrin and Toston to come up next to Sarge The dwarf has not opened the door very far and Gaffer can see little beyond the foul smelling man in the doorway
The stench is powerful and the druid wonders how long he might be able to keep his stomach in check

At this late hour, or early, based on your point of view, there is no one about

"Please sir, let me in" he begs in a quiet voice "It was horrid, they came in without warning, and just started killing." He voice breaks and tears well in his eyes, "Boggs just grabbed me and took me into the privy."
"I didn't even argue, just cowered. I heard fighting, screams, and I just prayed they wouldn't find me. I was there for hours. crawled out and made my way here. Boggs said you were friends and I could trust you."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Monday October 14th, 2019 10:19:58 PM

Toston runs down the stairs sheathing his elvish curveblade as he goes.

He had heard some of what the man said and says, "Don't just stand there, let the man in. Who is this they you speak of and by what you are saying you mean to say they struck Crescent Moons Trading Company? Did anyone beside you survive? Pray tell us what happened."

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy)  d20+16=18 ;
Monday October 14th, 2019 10:37:43 PM

Sarge steps back, opening the door wider. "Nice to know you don't always smell like that," she says, but her voice is kind and her grip is firm as she guides the young man to a chair.

She takes a quick look, just to see if he has a life-threatening injury or other condition. [Heal 18]

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 10:30:21 AM

"What's going on here?" Wil said as he made it down the stairs. "More trouble?"
"What can you tell us about who and what did this?"

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 4:04:34 PM

"Please try to calm yourself, you're safe now and among friends," says Desdichado. "Try and think if you can - did you see them? Do you know how many there were? Do you remember anything that was said?"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 4/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=30 ;
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 6:24:13 PM

"I'm going to keep watch outside, whoever is doing this knows we are expecting them and I don't like it."

Gaffer shapes into his usual Hawk form and flies out of the building, circling a wide area overheard, but staying close to the rooftops, aware that he is exposed.
(Perception: 30)

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 6:38:09 PM

Hmerrin, listening from the second floor, spends the next several minutes loudly shouting every epithet he can think of, while slamming his axe into stuff that looks like it needs broken.

When he runs out, he switches to Dwarven, and works his way through the list again.

After that, having calmed down a bit, the lad moves to the kitchen and brings a bucket of water, some soap, and a towel for the man.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 10:40:33 PM

"What's your name, son?" Sarge asks.

[OOC: MikeK, I think you mean epithet, not epitaph. Unless Hmerrin is yelling out tombstone engravings, in which case, carry on. :D]

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Tuesday October 15th, 2019 10:50:24 PM

The man is ushered in and the questions come fast from the Tide. He answers the best that he can.
"Yes, they hit the CMTC and I don't know. I don't know if anyone else got out or who they were."

Sarge gives him a look over and through the human waste she is able to determine he has no wounds of any kind.

Wil asks who did it, and he does not know. He did not even know what was going on until Boggs grabbed him. "There were raised voices, anger it seemed, but I did not hear anything specific. I was not hiding in the bathroom, I was IN the privy."

Gaffer shifts and flies up into the dark of the early morning hours

The man, introduced as Marcus, a freelance merchant with a shipping license, cannot recall any specific conversations

Hmerrin collects himself and some kindling and then moves into the Buttering Ram to return shortly with some water and soap.

Gaffer shoots up and climbs high. The city appears as much as he would expect. Marcus's tale puts the attack at nearly 3 hours old

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26  d20+17=22 ; d20+16=23 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 12:57:32 AM

Toston says, "We must away to the CMTC office at once. Sadly this seems to be just like the WLA. I wish we would have noticed the pattern before now. Tomorrow, We need to reach out to Brother Elthorn, the Merchants of Clover Way, Paul Fisher and anyone else we've had dealings with in the past to take precautions. Obviously they are targetting us through our friends and history. I wish I had spotted the pattern, mayhap the CMTC would have been prepared."

He takes off towards the Moons Office.

(Perception: 22)
(Stealth: 23)

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 8:53:34 AM

To Toston, "what if they target Brother Elthorn? Should we pay him a visit if we are being watched? They are destroying everything. I've experienced this before..." Will began to visibly shake. His anger escalating.
"They killed everyone in my family one by one till it was only me. I hid like a coward within the grubbers!"
Wil began screaming till the emotion in his face suddenly left and replaced by a somber expression.

"Sorry, Wil is out of order. I will be taking over till he settles," a personality informed the group.
"We will be joining Toston to check out the CMTC office and Boggs."

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 1:38:35 PM

"We could head over there now," Sarge says. "After people get their armor on, obviously. I know not everybody can see in the dark, but I hate to wait for hours before doing anything."

She looks at Marcus. "I think you should stay here. We don't know if they're still after you."

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 3:27:15 PM

"If this Brother Elthorn is in danger, then we should help him. I wonder, though - is there a pattern to how they've been going after people? Has it been, say, in order of how you've met the previous victims? Or the layout of the city? I feel like no matter what choice we make they end up being one step ahead of us."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 4/4 LL 9/9)  
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 4:36:59 PM

Seeing the party head out Gaffer flies with them, keeping an eye on them from above and helping them steer clear of any House patrols.

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27)  d20+1=9 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 6:21:21 PM

"No order that I can think of," Hmerrin answers Dez. "We started with the CMTC. WLA came later, and Shale House was after that."

The lad races upstairs to put on his armor, all the while trying to come up with a plausible list of who else might be in trouble.

[Int Check 9 to come up with some clues]

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 10:29:10 PM

Toston wnats to head to the CMTC as soon as possible
Wil brings up getting word to Brother Elthorn and then takes a small detour. What might be going on in the young man's mind is anyone's guess. At the end he plans to go with Toston
Sarge suggests Marcus stay in Shale House, at least for now
Dez agrees that getting word to Brother Elthorn a prudent move and asks if anyone sees a pattern
Gaffer circles above and will follow the party shortly
Hmerrin lays out that each target so far has been a place where the, now Tide, have lived or stayed.

The group gets armor and ready and 5 minutes later are heading to the CMTC. The group picks their way down the streets and alleys. Haste, but caution guide their steps and soon they arrive at the CMTC house. A relatively small two story building in a squat square layout that creates an interior courtyard. From the outside, things appear relatively normal, the front door is even still closed. The party spies a pair if entries though, 2 widows on the first floor.

The party follows in the footsteps of the attackers and is on the inside of the house. All is silent and dark. The smell of copper is in the air and Sarge can see a body 30' down a hall to her left. It appears to be a human male with a rapier and dagger lying near by

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26  d20+17=18 ; d20+16=20 ;
Wednesday October 16th, 2019 10:51:13 PM

(Perception: 18)
(Stealth: 20)

Toston moves down the hallway stealthily prepared to check just who the body is. He is trying to figure out if the assailants are still in the building.

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=28 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2019 10:01:17 AM

Wil has taken on a new personality. Cicero has completely taken control. Wil's heavy crossbow is at the ready. Wil stands straight and he has a noble flair... with a hint in arrogance. He walks as if his feet have hooves, which is very awkward.
(Perception: 28)
Wil makes his way toward the front. He searches for any danger in a very uncharacteristically serious manner.
Wil casts Shield of Faith to protect himself from an ambush and presses forward.

Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1
Granted Powers D: Resistant Touch - D: Touch of Good -
Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith - used - D: Sanctuary
Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Shield Another (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds)
Lv3: Magic Vestment, Magic Circle against... - D: Protection from Energy
Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Dispel Evil

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+15=25 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2019 11:30:32 AM

(Perception: 25)

Desdichado recognizes the overwhelming smell of blood at once. "This is horrible...it's just..." Overwhelmed by the gross evil from whoever keeps doing these things, he takes a moment to compose himself.

"Well, it's been a while since this attack happened. Either they've long gone or they're in here waiting and already prepared for us to come. I'm going to add some light." He takes out a bullseye lantern and turns on the light.

"And I suppose we might as well prepare for a fight too, just in case."

He casts Magic Circle Against Evil, effecting anyone in range.

Active Effects
Magic Circle Against Evil (70 minutes)

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy)  d20+16=20 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2019 12:29:30 PM

Sarge moves to the body to examine it for clues. She is a newcomer to the city, so she probably won't recognize any insignia or anything like that, but she can try to figure out what killed him.

[Heal check 20]

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 4/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=18 ;
Thursday October 17th, 2019 5:05:16 PM

Gaffer remains outside, not truly expecting anyone to show up but feeling it is best to be careful. (Perception: 18)

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Thursday October 17th, 2019 6:33:51 PM

Hmerrin puts a hand on Wil's shoulder.

"Just hold on there, fella," he murmurs.
"Not sure who's running the show inside, but outside you're still a sneaky type with not much in the way of armor. So, how 'bout you let me an' Dez keep being the targets, OK?"

The fighter presses forward, stepping past Toston, Sarge, and the body to provide protection from anything coming down the hall.

He doesn't look at the body. He really doesn't want to know.

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Thursday October 17th, 2019 11:24:25 PM

Wil and Toston make ready to go right in, when Hmerrin steps up to be first with Dez. Gaffer stays outside as a watch and the group is soon in and moving through the place. The CMTC house is empty, save for 5 bodies and only 3 look to have fallen while defending themselves.
One blessing, none of the dead are known by anyone. The CMTC is a collection of merchants and tradesmen of Dirt City and these five were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Tide conducts a thorough search of the house. The office fronted by Madie and occupied by Boggs is relatively in tact as is the rest of the house. This was a kill mission, pure and simple. Even obvious valuables are still present, including the petty cash in Boggs's top drawer, nearly 2,500 in trade gems.

Sarge examines each of the bodies and takes in the splatter of other rooms and is confident that there were multiple wounded in the fighting inside that left, survivors or wounded assailants. Some blood pooled by a window tells her a wounded person stood here for a few minutes before leaving.

Clues as to who carried out the attack are not found

Gaffer spies nothing out of the ordinary outside. The sun will be up in about an hour and here or there in the city, he can see a light come on in a window here and there.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Friday October 18th, 2019 12:29:54 AM

Toston asks, "Should we take the petty cash for safe keeping? Assuming we manage to track down survivors if there were any it might help them secure passage out of the city or added security. I think we need to go to the folks in the past in the city we've had dealings with and warn each one to be extra cautious. Off the top of my head I'm thinking Paul Fisher, the guy I used to crew for, The merchants of Clover Way as we helped them with that fake ghost. Brother Elthorn as we helped him with the undead problems he have. Those merchants we traveled to Acid City with. Am I forgetting anyone? I don't think we can take any chances we need to warn everyone we know."

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=31 ;
Friday October 18th, 2019 12:47:52 PM

"I take great offense," Wil begins. "I have been a warrior three times longer than you. I've fought in wars when you were in diapers..." He then abruptly stopped realizing he was no longer the celebrated warrior centaur and now was a young cleric.
"Um... I apologize. I have gotten carries away and over excited with the opportunity to run this show," Wil said pointing to himself. "Please."
Wil then allows Hmerrin to move forward while he tries to protect the group from any surprises.
He casts Detect Magic to attempt to locate any clues or traps set to ambush the group.
(Perception: 31)
Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1
Granted Powers D: Resistant Touch - D: Touch of Good -
Lv1: Protection from Evil/Chaos..etc, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith - used - D: Sanctuary
Lv2: Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Consecrate, D: Shield Another (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds)
Lv3: Magic Vestment, Magic Circle against... - D: Protection from Energy
Lv4: Holy Smite, Summon Monster IV - Domain: Dispel Evil

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Friday October 18th, 2019 2:47:10 PM

"Yeah, but I'm thinking we shouldn't go ourselves," Sarge says. "We seem to bring trouble with us. Maybe hire messengers?"

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+12=32 ;
Friday October 18th, 2019 4:09:27 PM

"That is a great idea. I wonder if I can find anyone around here trustworthy?"
(Know Local: 32)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Friday October 18th, 2019 4:40:56 PM

"So, what do we do? Just go back to Shale House and wait? I don't like this at all. I'd rather take the fight to whoever is doing this, but there's not much to go on."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Friday October 18th, 2019 6:55:56 PM

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary Gaffer flies down to the others to join the conversation, returning to his human form for the moment.

"Who do we think is the most likely target? We could wait with them tomorrow night, see if anybody, or anything, shows up."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Saturday October 19th, 2019 12:04:54 AM

Toston says, "I don't know is there really a pattern? First it was the WLA, then it was Marsh House, now its CMTC. Perhaps They'd go after Three Bits? She did speak of Boggs in our most recent dealing with her and we've been treating with her since we started."

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Saturday October 19th, 2019 3:41:56 PM

Hmerrin keeps watch, but again, they're too late to do anything.

"Time to head back," he declares. "Take the cash. We can give it to Marcus to bring back whenever Boggs regroups."

The lad is as frustrated as Dez, but the simple answer is there's nothing else he can think of to do.

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Saturday October 19th, 2019 10:13:00 PM

Toston asks the groups opinion on keeping the petty cash for safekeeping and makes a quick list of those the group has helped in the past. Could they all be in danger as well?
Wil casts Detect Magic, but there is nothing out of the ordinary that he discovers. There are auras in multiple places throughout the house, Protections, minor illusions and several fake auras to throw off precisely what Wil is doing
Sarge agrees with Toston on the warnings, but thinks messengers would be the way to go.
Wil knows of a several possibilities of messengers, most are affiliated with the CMTC, with the biggest rule of Dirt City being applicable to all.
Dez does not want to go home a wait, but what else can be done?
Gaffer lands and offers that perhaps the group could wait witht he most likely target, but who?
Toston lays out the attacks. The WLA, a point of information and support for the group. 2 days later Marsh House, where the group used to live. 2 Days after that, CMTC, the first place that the group called home and safe. Is Three Bits on the list?
Hmerrin says take the coin and can't think of anything other than heading back to Shale House

And so the group heads back and arrives at Shale House. The sun rises as they make their way through the streets and while the city is never empty the city is waking with the most sound coming from the docks.

Shale House feels wrong as you enter the Foyer and head upstairs. The Buttering Ram would normally be waking up with Tombo in the kitchen and several staffers clanking dishes and someone dashing out to the market at this time. Mezea Ironthane would be mildly cursing as she woke earlier than she wished to begin another day and Sunny would be straightening and setting up her shop and school. But they are all gone and the building stands dark and empty. You find Marcus upstairs asleep in one of the spare rooms

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Sunday October 20th, 2019 9:46:29 PM

"I think we need to deploy a different ploy." Wil says. "I think we should provoke whoever is after us to come after us. We have to draw them to us instead of our contacts. Make sure they know they have hurt us and we are on our knees and ready to give up. Maybe, it will draw them out."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Sunday October 20th, 2019 11:40:53 PM

Toston says to Wil, "That is all well and good but how? The only thing I have is we get a fortified position put everyone in it and then guard from the outside but I don't think that will work."

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday October 21st, 2019 10:20:48 AM

"My thought was to set up some traps and wait but how to we provoke an unknown enemy to approach us? I think we should send out some provocation, via messenger... or here is an idea. How about we insist they meet us at the arena. I'm sure there are some magic protections.. ie rules that may make things a little easier on us. We can declare publicly that we will stand at the arena for anyone that wants to take us on. That way, we can make it public... said persons obvioiusly want all this public. Let's give them a public battle."

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Monday October 21st, 2019 1:03:43 PM

"They attack in the night," Sarge says. "They don't target us; they target people who have helped this group in the past. That doesn't say 'we want a public fight' to me."

"We need to warn people," she continues. "If we can't trust messengers, we need to do it ourselves, but we should move quickly."

More quietly, she mutters, "I'm tired of being one step behind."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Monday October 21st, 2019 5:51:29 PM

"I don't think they will come to us in the open. I reckon an ambush, we stay at one of our contacts while they stay at Shale House, and we see who comes. It isn't perfect but it beats waiting and it beats showing all our cards."

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Monday October 21st, 2019 6:05:53 PM

Desdichado goes to his room, feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally. After removing his armor, he rests for a while and then prays to Domi for guidance, feeling like he just doesn't know where the Tide should go next.

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Monday October 21st, 2019 6:42:00 PM

"We could go to the Prince," Hmerrin offers. "He told us not to take sides, which was fine. But, at this point we're running out of options other than pitch in with a House in order to get some help. We tell the Prince we may have to join a House to keep our people safe, maybe he'll be able to get us some info."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Monday October 21st, 2019 9:21:21 PM

Toston says, "Besides having some of us being recognized has friends of the prince, how many favor tokens do we have amongst the houses? Maybe we go to the prince first and if the outcome is less than satisfactory we start shopping around for allies of convenience. As much as I loathe officially working with the houses, our friends are dying and we are seemingly powerless to stop it."

I'm going to stop by everyone I can think of today and tell them that people we've done business with in the past are being targetted and that they might want to either leave the city in the short term or shelter below if possible."

That includes Paul Fisher, Brother Elthorn, The Merchants of Clover Way, Those merchants we caravanned with to Acid City. Those we engaged for help translating the unicorn map, am I missing anyone?"

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Monday October 21st, 2019 10:40:06 PM

Wil formulates out a plan to perhaps get the unknown antagonists to come at them more in the open. Announcing the groups desires in the Arena perhaps.
Gaffer and Sarge do not think, the enemy who has always come in the deep night would strike openly in an arena contest.
Gaffer suggests staking out a location while those they seek to protect take sanctuary in Shale House. But which one and what if you guess wrong?
Hmerrin options up going to the Prince. Try and gain an audience and lay down what is going on. The group may get some information
Des seeks solace in prayer to Domi
Toston agrees with Hmerrin and as much as it pains him, he offers up calling in favors on some of the Houses. The Tide does have a couple. He also lays out his intention to personally visit and warn past associates. Including Paul Fisher, Brother Elthorn, The Merchants of Clover Way, The merchants the group caravaned with to Acid City.

Des seeks prayer and in his prayers he sees the sun set, then rise and set again and then nothingness. Not dark and a sense of quiet, but a horror chilling nothingness to even Domi being removed from him

Hmerrin arrives at the castle and is promptly detained at the gates. He is escorted to a side room, a well detailed foyer with drinks and fruit snacks and informed to wait. It takes a couple of hours, but a well appointed man enters and informs Hmerrin that the Princes schedule is full for the next few days, but he will make sure The Tide has an audience as soon as possible. "Unless you have some special circumstances you want to share that I could take into consideration?"

Toston heads out into the city and over the course of the day meets with Brother Elthorn the Merchants of Clover Way and the Acid City Merchant crew. Paul Fisher is about town and Toston is never able to catch up with him. The rest listen well and take heed of the warnings. Brother Elthorn says he will be a bit more on guard, but has no intention to let some threat such as this to deter him from his calling. "And if something should befall me Toston, I command you to not blame yourself. You have done what you feel right, just as I will" A blessing and solid handshake sends Toston on his way. Both Merchant groups have a good deal of business going on in the city and to turn away from it could end them as a company. They believe the threat is real and will take precautions and appreciate the heads up

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 1:55:25 PM

Sarge gives the matter some thought. She has already been in Dirt City long enough to know that information is a commodity. So, theoretically, they should be able to figure out who is behind this simply by finding the right person and paying them enough money.

Of course, in order to do that, they'd have to ask around. And the fact that they're asking around would be information that somebody could sell.

But would the information they would obtain be worth having the information of them obtaining it get out? And could they also get information on people who were buying information on the fact that they were looking for information?

Sarge's head hurts.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 2:18:41 PM

Desdichado is concerned by what he saw in his prayers, and talks with Sarge about them, thinking that as a cleric she may know better how to interpret what the vision.

"Do you think we should tell the others about this?" he asks, "I don't understand it, other than there seems to be some urgency."

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 6:51:13 PM

“Staying at one of the locations. May be a viable option,” Wil says then abruptly. “The cowardice of all this. It just burns me up. Wil is a mess and will be away for a while. “

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 6:52:28 PM

Hmerrin paces around the well detailed foyer.

He drinks the drinks.

He eats the fruit snacks.

He takes a nap.

At the sound of the well appointed man's feet at the door, the young fighter is awake.
By the time the fellow has opened the door, and entered the room, he is standing.

The teenager takes in the man's brush off, considers for a very brief moment, and responds,

"Yes, there are special circumstances. Our friends are dying. And absent some helpful information in the next day or so, The Tide will have no option but to throw in with one of the Houses. And that will do horrible things to the peaceful balance His Grace really wants to maintain.

Yes sir, I'd hate to be the guy that knew it was coming, but never told the boss."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 7:05:41 PM

Gaffer visits the stores below Shale House to make sure they are doing ok before taking a trip to the Temple to see how they are fairing as some time has passed.
He ask if they have heard of anything going on in the city that could be of interest. He extends the warning to the healer's there, not sure if they would be targeted but aware how bad it could be for the city if they were.

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019 10:49:38 PM

Dez confides in Sarge on what his prayers revealed. What could it signify? Whatever it was, happens in a day and half, 2 days since the attack on CMTC
Hmerrin offers up a bit more and specifically that The Tide might need to ally with a House and that would fly in the face of what the Prince is trying to do
Gaffer starts to go down stairs, but then remembers that on the word of the The TIde, Tombo and the others left. The shops are closed. The healers at the temple listen and tell him they will keep their ears and eyes open.

The man with Hmerrin leans back a bit and looks at the young man. "You're baiting me young lord. People die in the city all of time and the Prince cannot leap everytime it happens. Dirt City tends to return to a neutral state and perhaps you've grown to big for your britches and the city has decided your time is over. You surely know you are not the first 'hero' group to rise here, nor do i suspect shall you be the last. It is not my command though, and I will take your matter before the Prince. You can expect an answer relatively soon

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 12:01:13 AM

Toston says, "What places hold meaning to us in the city that they can hit besides Shale House? Mayhap we figure out one of those places and try to lie in ambush? I mean they hit CMTC, the WLA and Marsh House, surely there has to be other places of significance to us that they could hit."

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 12:52:31 PM

Sarge listens grimly to Dez's description of his vision.

"Yeah, we should tell the others," she says. "Looks like we're on a clock. It's be nice to have some kind of idea what we're supposed to do before time runs out."

She pauses, then says, "what if these people--whoever they are--are just trying to get us off-balance? They know something's coming, and they know we can stop it, so they're trying to distract us."

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 5:44:30 PM

Desdichado goes downstairs and talks with the others (waiting for everyone out of the house to return) and tells them about his vision.

"I've talked with Sarge about this. We're not sure what it means, but it seems as if we're under the cosh here...if it means anything."

"Other than setting up even more defenses here at Shale House, I'm not sure what other options we have, but I don't like this feeling of doing nothing."

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 6:48:46 PM

Hmerrin nods, and leaves.

On the way back to Shale House, he replays the conversation.

"People die in the city all of time", he grouses, in a high pitched, poor imitation of the man.
"Yeah, well not our people. Our people stay safe, and its not happening."

He kicks at a stone in the road.
"Grown too big for my britches? Really? I oughtta go back there and take an axe handle to yours, Crusty Guy. Stick it so far up your backside you taste cedar. Then we'll see who's too big for what."

"You surely know you are not the first 'hero' group to rise here, nor do i suspect shall you be the last."
The lad kicks at another stone.
"We'll see Old Man. We'll see. See what tune you sing when we pull this whole place down around your ears. Then, we'll see."

Hmerrin arrives at Shale House, walks in, and sits down.
"The guy said they'd get back to us," he reports. "I'm not optimistic".

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 6:51:59 PM

"That does sound like we need to do something soon, or maybe a warning, are they coming for us tomorrow night? I think we should assume someone is getting attacked tomorrow night, what would be our worst case scenario then?"

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 9:13:49 PM

Toston says,"For me personally it would be my fiance Nissa and the rest of the gnomes in her contingent. Perhaps I should stay with them in the city below in case trouble comes a knockin' for them. Either that or send them back to Plateau City until things die down here? For us? I don't know at this point what is there really left to hit besides Shale House. Yes we've moved our tenants out but they could destroy our home and base of operations or kill us all."

"I'm going to warn Nissa. I know she's been taking precautions since this whole thing started but maybe she should get the heck out of Dodge until we can thwart whoever is targetting those at our periphery."

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2019 11:17:20 PM

Toston, thinking the targets are places The Tide hole meaning with, wants to figure our what could be the next likely target.
Sarge thinks Dez needs to tell what he saw in his prayers and Dez does so. The paladin also brings up possibly adding additional defences aroung Shale House. But ow exatly?
Hmerrin has a good discusion with himself on the way back to Shale House and lets the group know that the Prince will get back with them, yeah right. In his humble opinion.
Upon hearing Dez, Gaffer concures that the vision seems very time sensitive. Tomorrow night, 2 days since the CMTC attack.
Toston circles back around on his thought. Personally, his followers and Nissa are most important. But that would not be The Tide. That leaves Shale House. Still Toston feels compelled
to speak to Nissa and perhaps send them all away.

What actions does the group or individually does the party want to do?

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 1:03:18 PM

Will clears his throat. His demeanor changes. He returns to himself. "I guess we will have to set up a guard schedule at the house." His voice also returning.
"I guess we are just going to have to wait for them to escalate or attack us. Out of ideas. Can we set up any sort of offense at the house?"

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 7:16:12 PM

"I'm not sure what else is left to do," Sarge agrees. "Toston should warn his girl, by all means, but from what you tell me, the City Below should be safe from all this. I guess all we can do is be on alert."

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 7:59:03 PM

Hmerrin considers Dez's dream.

"Tomorrow night, huh? Well, that's something. So, let's all get rest tonight, no shifts. Everyone stays inside like we've done the last few nights.

Tomorrow, I'll grab up more wood, and bracket the third floor.

Then, I say tomorrow night we change our pattern. Get outside on patrols, or just up an move to a different building. Something other than stay here in a place they've been scouting for who knows how long."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 9:16:05 PM

Toston heads down to the city below to speak to Nissa and the rest of his followers.

He is ready to tell her that he would never forgive himself if anything ever happened to her or her kin because of him. He says, "I know it took you a while to track me down here in Dirt City, but I honestly don't think it is necessarily safe here for you anymore. A lot of people and places we were aligned with have been hit recently and we were powerless to defend them. It would put my mind at ease to not have to worry about the chaos impacting all of you and when we have routed whatever this is I will send for you to come back, but in the meantime mayhap you should visit our parents in Plateau City and give them my regards."

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Thursday October 24th, 2019 11:40:43 PM

Wil and Sarge, unsure of anything else suggest to certainly be on guard and have watches. They also agree Toston should tell Nissa nad his followers, which of course he will be doing
Hmerrin, with the information from Dez postulates the time line to all things dead is tomorrow night. He wants the group in and getting a good night rest, with a change to pattern tomorrow night. he drops several ideas,
go on patrol and thus not at Shale House, simply drop in on another building. The fighter is not overly found of staying in Shale House as he suspects the bad guys have been scoping it for some time.
Toston heads into the City Below and explains to Nissa what is going on. She nods and agrees that if Toston thinks it is the best, well then she will gather everyone up and do as he suggests. Planning and preparing
the week or so journey and Nissa promises to let Toston know when they depart. having done this exact same thing not too long ago, Nissa estimates that the group will be departing in 8 days. To Toston's press of urgency, his would be bride lays forth
a litany or reasons why 4-6 wagons full of gnomes, gear and supplies, scattered across the City Below who have no idea they need to leave can be made ready to leave with the means to leave on a weeks long journey in any shorter timetable. I will get started if you wish and I will also get word out to everyone as to what is going on and that we need to be on guard."

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Friday October 25th, 2019 4:19:56 PM

Desdichado agrees with Hmerrin's idea about changing up the patrols just before the deadline shown in the vision. He's worried that there's something vital they are missing - "all things dead" sounds quite ominous - but other than prepare for an attack, he's not sure what else they can do.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=35 ;
Friday October 25th, 2019 8:26:41 PM

Gaffer reminds everyone of the effects of the Hallow spell incase.it can be of help and aims to spend the day travelling the city in close proximity to shake house as an alleycat, looking for anything suspicious.
He will return by first watch and offers to take it. (Perception: 35)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Friday October 25th, 2019 9:00:31 PM

Toston says, "Potentially, we have until tomorrow night until things go down based on my group's estimation. If we can't get the group out of the city before then, is there a better place for our contingent to be beside where they currently reside that could be potentially fortified or at least provide a break from routine that could potentially throw off any would be assailants? I kind of wonder if the chaos from an improvised mass exodus might give any would be assailants cover with which to hit you with. If bugging out is not an option then maybe bugging in would be better. Can you think of anywhere fortified the group could stay at tomorrow night?"

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Friday October 25th, 2019 11:50:09 PM

"If there really isn't any kind of violence allowed in the City Below," Sarge says, "then that would seem to be the place to go to avoid all of this. True, it's kinda cramped down there, but people could probably squeeze in for a night or two if they had to."

Shale House. -DM Dan K 
Monday October 28th, 2019 8:44:52 AM

Gaffer reminds the group of the Hallow spell and the precautions on Shale House already, It is more protected than any other they could set up on the city. He plans to spend the day, or most of it at least, as a cat out and about Shale House looking for anything strange
Toston figures tomorrow night is the event and if his followers can't get out by then, is there somewhere they can fortify, Nissa says she will do what she can,but it seems to her that Toston and the others are the ones in real danger.
Sarge asks that maybe they should all head into the City below. If violence is allowed, the group could cram in and avoid the attack, by staying a night or two.

The group is at Shale House, Toston has returned from City Below, Gaffer is out on 'patrol' and Sarge's idea hangs in the air. It is noon.

Gaffer sees much, a mugging, a shakedown, 2 men heading down the street and looking like they are up to no good, grubbers going through the trash, but instead of looking for things it seems they are hiding something, he hears more than one domestic fight through a wall, several ravens, a half dozen other cats and a stray dog.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+15=35 ;
Monday October 28th, 2019 5:25:17 PM

(Perception: 35)

Desdichado walks around the block, but tries to shake things up from his typical patterns of patrolling, mainly for a way to pass the anticipation for the expected attack, as for anything else. He keeps his eye out for things unusual.

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Monday October 28th, 2019 7:01:14 PM

Hmerrin considers.

"Going Below is likely to just postpone things, not avoid them. And I much rather deal with whatever tomorrow rather than stringing this out," he answers Sarge.

"But to Toston's point, no, I don't know a better place to hole up. So, I guess we're here."

Hmerrin takes the next day to provide braces and storm shutters to secure the third floor.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Monday October 28th, 2019 7:34:14 PM

Gaffer does not feel much better after being out all day, the sights a firm reminder of the state of dirt city, he does spend a lot of the time reminding himself that even as a cat, taking action against such petty crimes could bring problems from the houses and restrains himself.

Finding a chance to talk to the others, he asks if they should all sleep in the same space over the next couple of nights to ensure they cannot be isolated. "I have also prepared spells to deal with any fires that are lit if that is their method of attack. They may not repeat their old methods, but it is all I can think to prepare."

**** Spells *****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, Barkskin, Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Monday October 28th, 2019 11:30:09 PM

Toston says, "Let's booby trap Shale House. We spread caltrops to certain areas of the premises. Board up others. We can try to control where in Shale House we send our would-be adversaries. Try to force them into would be choke points and areas where we could set ourselves up to have the advantage. Maybe figure out a place on the ground they'd be forced to bunch up and then I could be positioned there to hit them with my breathe weapon. Would have to imagine dragon's fire might take the fight out of some of them."

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Monday October 28th, 2019 11:30:17 PM

Sarge just tries to make sure all her gear is ready to go.

[Sarge was suggesting the City Below for any civilians we were worried about; not for the Tide itself.]

Wilford Grimly (HP:60/60; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 9:53:25 AM

(OOC: Hey everyone. I have some bad news. I haven't seen a group email in a while so I have to do this here. I'm going to have to retire from the wold for a while. I've just got too much going on right now with work and my art. I cannot keep up. Please let me know what I do to follow up on this.)

Wil is a little down trodden all of sudden woosh of thoughts.. he is overwhelmed and sits down.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 5:34:34 PM

After returning to Shale House, Desdichado listens to the various ideas. "I like your idea of chokepoints, Toston," he says, "and Gaffer's thought that we'll all need to keep together for now."

"Hmerrin, how much wood would it take to strongly reinforce all the remaining windows and doors, just so they really have to work hard to get in? With Gaffer's spells, even if they use fire, we might have a pretty good chance of wearing them out, or forcing them in in only one location."

(OOC: Sorry to hear it. Hope things are smoothed out for you soon.)

Final preparations Shale House -DM Dan K 
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 10:10:22 PM

The group believes, through the sight provided by Dez at prayer, that tonight will be the attack.
Hmerrin goes about shuttering in the 3rd floor and by evening, he has finished the no easy task of shuttering 16 windows on the 3rd floor.
Toston brings up trapping the place, but how exactly and where within the house
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15gN3sOs5rL392-4kbZjjNV_hZJUvGfEaXhvgmhFHHE0/edit?usp=sharing/edit Shale House]
Wil needs some time and says he will be with Nissa and the crew in the City Below. In his present state, he fears he will be more hinderance than help
Des agrees with Toston and Hmerrin, fortify as much as possible. Luckily Hmerrin has spent several days and the rest of this one shuttering the windows and adding lock boards to the doors of Shale House. No small feat at 48 windows and the 4 entry doors.

Night is falling.
Shale House map for battle available now. Where do you want to be? If indeed the fight is imminent

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Tuesday October 29th, 2019 11:12:24 PM

Sarge positions herself at the top of the stairs, say AM-15.

[The map link in the DM post is messed up somehow. This may be a better link. ]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 12:08:19 AM

Toston stands at AQ-11 in the common room, giving him a pretty good chance to scorch a group of assailants with dragon fire.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=21 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 4:14:26 AM

Gaffer takes a seat at AS-19, giving him line of sight into a few different rooms and the stairs.

He volunteers for first watch, (Perception: 21)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 2:29:46 PM

Desdichado waits on the second floor, in the middle of the room (AO:11).

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 6:27:13 PM

Hmerrin looks over the five remaining member of the Tide, wondering how some of them can get some sleep.

"Gonna take a chance they don't come 'til late," he says.

"Gaffer, you're up first. But, you'll be alone. Come wake someone up if something feels wrong. No investigating on your own.

"Me and Toston, second. Dez and Sarge, third."

Hmerrin spends first watch trying to get some sleep in his room, without armor.

For second shift, he spends most of the time in the second floor common area, but will occasionally (and randomly) go to another floor, listening, watching, and checking doors and windows.
[Perception 16 [Take 10. If he can Take 20 - 26]]

Third shift is back in his room, but he remains in his armor.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 11:01:00 PM

Sarge stays up to watch with Gaffer. And she leaves her armor on all night. She'll catch up on sleep tomorrow.

Onslaught Shale House -DM Dan K  d20+10=29 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+10=13 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+10=13 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+12=26 ; d8+12=16 ; d8+12=15 ;
Wednesday October 30th, 2019 11:55:10 PM

The Tide take up positions for their watches and Hmerrin lays out an order. Gaffer will be on his own at firs, but Hmerrin is betting the attack comes later in the night. Everyone has been up and active all day, staying up all night is asking for trouble and so the group gets rest where they can.

Hmerrin and Sarge stay in the their armor, they will be fatigued, but better that than engaging a force in cotton and wool

The second watch is under way. Gaffer, Dez and Sarge are in their rooms and sleeping. Toston and Hmerrin are on the second floor, though Hmerrin has moved through the first and third floor once on the shift. Currently both men are on the second floor. Upstairs the shattering of wood can be heard along with shattering glass.

Shale House.

Sleeping people. Perception DC18 to here the noise and wake up

OoC: my next post will be Friday. Tomorrow is kind of a big thing at my house :)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26  d20+17=22 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 12:34:54 AM

Toston casts mage armor and keeps his eyes open for anything odd (Perception: 22)

Active Effects:
Mage Armor = 5 hours +4 to AC

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23]  d20+15=24 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 3:26:35 PM

(Perception: 24)

The sounds of wood and glass breaking upstairs wakes Desdichado. He jumps up and in a stage whisper says, "Sarge, wake up - company's here!"

Since he didn't sleep in his armor, he asks Sarge if she can help him don the armor - he fears every second is lost at a dear price.

Dm.. it takes 40 rounds to don full plate

Hmerrin(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27) 
Thursday October 31st, 2019 5:31:55 PM

OOC - I'm assuming we're in rounds?

Happy he spent the first shift sleeping out of his armor, Hmerrin immediately moves to Gaffer's door / side and wakes the fellow up.

"Party is here. Something pretty heavy just smashed through a barricaded window upstairs."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:21(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+17=30 ; d20+9=15 ;
Thursday October 31st, 2019 6:44:11 PM

Gaffer nods gravely in response to Hmerrin, casting Barkskin on himself as he gets up from his bed and moves back to his watch position. He tries to locate exactly which direction the sounds are coming from. (Perception: 30) Keeping his movements as quiet as possible (Stealth: 15)

**** Spells *****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, Barkskin, Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:27/20/23- CMD 26 
Thursday October 31st, 2019 10:28:16 PM

It took Toston a moment to realize that glass broke. Someone or something was here. The question was, is this like last time when someone running from those that were targetting their friends and allies or was this trouble coming for them.

Sarge [AC 21; HP 61/61] (Kathy) 
Friday November 1st, 2019 1:03:13 AM

Sarge awakens when Dez calls her name. She's willing to help him don armor, but-- "That's gonna take a while," she says. "Maybe get a Mage Armor or Barkskin from somebody instead."

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Friday November 1st, 2019 10:59:26 AM

I have sent this game a lengthy email friends.

We are down to 5 players: Players must recruit at least one player by Dec 1 or I will close the game.

We are 10th level: We will change to a veteran game on Feb 1st. After that point, the players may no longer recruit "newbie" Woldians.

[greater detail on the email]

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:20/10/20 - CMD 23] 
Saturday November 2nd, 2019 6:08:16 PM

Desdichado thinks for a moment. "You're definitely right, Sarge. Wasn't thinking in the heat of the moment - hopefully Gaffer or Toston will have something to spare."

Onslaught Shale House -DM Dan K 
Saturday November 2nd, 2019 9:48:11 PM

Hearing the commotion above, Toston casts Mage Armor
Des wakes and starts to don his armor. It will take 4 minutes to Don Hastily or with help to do so properly
Hmerrin moves to Gaffer's door to wake the druid
Gaffer wakes and casts Barkskin
Sarge bwins helping Dez, but it's going to take a while. Sarge has been sleeping in her armor and is fatigued
Dez agrees, he hopes Gaffer or Toston can help.

Toston hears some movement upstairs

Shale House.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26  d20+17=19 ;
Sunday November 3rd, 2019 9:52:20 PM

Toston casts shield to with his mage armor.

He then tries to pinpoint what is near them.
(Perception: 19)

(Ooc: sorry for short post; on my phone)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)  
Monday November 4th, 2019 8:53:50 AM

Gaffer shakes his head apologetically to Des, his only Barkskin spell already cast.

He pokes his head around AS21, taking in the stairs and looking for any movement, he readies himself to try and cast Faerie Fire on any assailants who come down the stairs.

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 100minutes - +4 to NA
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) 
Monday November 4th, 2019 11:55:58 AM

[Question about the map: if Dez just woke up Sarge, shouldn't they be closer to each other?]

"Oh, or I could give you a Shield of Faith," Sarges tells Dez. "Sorry; forgot I had that."

She casts Shield of Faith, giving Dez +3 to AC.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:13/10/13 - CMD 23] 
Monday November 4th, 2019 2:29:35 PM

"Thanks, Sarge!", says Desdichado, and he runs toward the middle of the room. He looks up towards the stairway. "Seen anything yet?", he asks to whoever may be nearby.

(OOC: I'll assume Dez is standing outside your door AH:23 at the start. By the end of this post, he's moved to AP:15)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27)  d20+6=16 ; d20+6=16 ;
Monday November 4th, 2019 6:25:36 PM

After waking Gaffer, Hmerrin moves up the side wall to get on line with Toston while giving him a clear field.

[Move to AT12]

He does his best to keep an ear on what's going on upstairs.

[Perception 16]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:31/20/27- CMD 26 
Monday November 4th, 2019 11:31:42 PM

Time slows down for Toston (OOC: checking in) as he tries to get a bearing on just what is going on

Onslaught Shale House Round 3 -DM Dan K  d20+14=23 ; d20+21=35 ;
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 8:47:36 PM

Toston casts Shield
Gaffer apologizes to Dez, he only has 1 Barkskin spell and he has already cast it. The druid moves to get a look for anyone coming down the stairs, Readied with Faerie Fire.
Sarge casts Shield of Faith on Dez
Dez heads off to get with the others
Hmerrin heads towards Toston's position

The DM had started Dez ans Sarge in their own rooms, assuming the pair did not share one with such ample space. I didn't kabosh Des waking Sarge, should have but didn't so I am going to roll with it put you in where you now are

The group does not have to wait long to discover thw source of the commotion from upstairs
First down is a Half orc with a great ax. He darts down the stairs taking in the room quickly and closes directly on Gaffer. Gaffer coats him in Faerie Fire even as he closes. The Half orc is male, about 6'5", maybe 250 pounds and solid muscle.
Dressed in tunic breeches and boots he comes in on Gaffer and levels a kick. Gaffer deflects it with his shield.
Hit AC 23 miss
The second man down the stairs is a human in full plate with a morning star and Heavy shield. Upon making the second floor, he turns and heads directly at Dez. Closing with tremendous speed he strikes a sweeping blow into his legs. Dez is swept from his feet and lands prone
Greater Trip CMB 35 v Dez CMD 23
The third down the stairs. Also dressed in full plate with a heavy shield and the symbol of Ga'al clearly on his shield, breast and right shoulder. He holds up a styliezed leaf of the Heartseed plant and issues for a Command.
Dez, Toston and Hmerrin Will Save DC 19
Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless.
Fourth, is a human in studded leather, black cloak and pants with a Kurkri in each hand and one of them has gleaming green eye gems stones in the handle of the serpent head guard. He too, is inhumanly fast as he makes it down the stairs and heads over to look to flank Gaffer
Lastly, a half elf actually floats down the stairs, inches above the ground and a cruel glint in his eye. He slides left, disappearing from everyone's line of sight, but Hmerrin who sees his outline appear blurred, shifting, and wavering.

Shale House.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) 
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 10:38:30 PM

Sarge double-moves [to AK-15].

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:13/10/13 - CMD 23]  d20+14=21 ;
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:19:13 PM


Desdichado shakes off the command of the Ga'al priest and stands up, preparing himself for a blow from the human who tripped him as he rises.

"This is gonna hurt," he thinks to himself, as he grimaces and stands with his feet firmly planted to steady himself and pulls out his axe.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 102/102; AC:13/10/13 - CMD 23] 
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:25:06 PM

(OOC: ack, just remembered that I have fatigued mercy. Should have just slept in heavy armor and used a LoH charge.)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:29/18/25- CMD 26  d20+13=27 ; d20+12=16 ;
Tuesday November 5th, 2019 11:37:49 PM

(Will Save: 27)

Toston charges the guy that tripped Dez drawing his curveblade as he goes and finishing with a power attack as he closes. (16 vs AC; miss) moving to AP14.

Active Effects:
Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours
Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 49 rounds
Charging = +2 to hit/ -2 to AC

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+22=42 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 3:45:58 AM

Landing hard on his back foot Gaffer takes a second to stabilise himself before chanting a hastily chosen spell.

[Spending a hero point for a +8] Gaffer casts defensively as he targets Baleful Polymorph On DW, attempting to turn them into a Newt.
[And rolled 20 anyway]

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 100minutes - +4 to NA
Faerie Fire - 10minutes
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie fire x2, Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, Baleful Polymorph D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 109/109 AC:27 T:15 FF:23 CMD:27)  d20+7=8 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 6:27:01 PM

The voice from the cleric reverberates in Hmerrin's head.

The young fighter finds himself unable to anything but think on it.

[Will 8. Fail.]

Onslaught Shale House Round 4 -DM Dan K  d20+7=19 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=22 ; 2d6+5=14 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+21=28 ; d8+12=17 ; d20+17=31 ; d8+10=14 ; d6=2 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+19=31 ; d3+4=6 ; 2d6=2 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 10:11:55 PM

Sarge moves towards the fighting
Dez resists the Command and gets to his feet, knowing what is coming and draws his ax
Toston moves in on the warrior on Dez and strikes with his sword, but misses
Gaffer casts a spell at the second man, the one with the serpent dagger, but he is able to resist the Baleful Polymorph
Hmerrin is caught in the Command from the Ga'al cleric Will DC 19 to escape the Command spell

Having missed his opening attack, Gaffer's first assailant strikes out his a quick jab, followed by a pair of kicks and a shot to his nose. Only the initial punch lands however
Hit AC 30/24/12/22 Dmg 14
The man in full plate brings the flail into Dez as the paladin stands, somehow missing
AoO Hit AC 22

With a spit of disgust and mumble Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {Three Bits is gonna pay for this wild goose chase} He swipes hard into the weapon in Toston's hand
Disarm attack 39 v Toston CMD 26 Toston is disarmed
A second swipe, takes the ax from Dez
Disarm Attack 26 v Dez CMD 23 Dez is disarmed
He then catches Dez with a hard backhand
Hit AC 28 Dmg 17

The Ga'alian cleric moves in on Gaffer as well and stabs him with his trident
Hit AC 31 Dmg 14 + 2 non lethal

The man in leather with the green eyed serpent dagger tries to slide into a flank on Gaffer, and while he does so, he provokes an AoO from Gaffer
Acrobatics 19 v Gaffer CMD 20 Gaffer make AoO vs DW
He takes the hit and stabs Gaffer in the small of back
Hit AC 31 Dmg 10 + 2 + poison Fort DC 13 Fail 1d2 Wis

Floating into view is another assailant into the Common room. He gestures to a point behind Toston and Des which explodes into a glittering ball.
Toston and Des Will Save DC 20 or be blind

Oa Leather Great ax AC
Sh Ga'al cleric AC
Tr Full plate AC
Dw serpent dagger AC
Ft Fly AC

Shale House.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy)  d20+13=30 ; d8=6 ;
Wednesday November 6th, 2019 10:54:43 PM

Sarge moves to where she can see the fight [AN-13].

She calls a quick prayer to Domi, and a glowing translucent hammer appears next to Serpent Dagger. It strikes! [Hit AC 30 for 8 force damage.]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:29/18/25- CMD 26  d20+13=22 ; d20+17=27 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+4=11 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 1:09:54 AM

(Will Save: 22 = success)
(Perception: 27)

Toston says to the disarming guy, "So you guys know Three Bits? Were you her patrons or did you torture the information out of her as you presumably attacked other people we know?"

Toston then uses a swift action to trigger arcane strike, charging his attacks with magic.

He then makes a flurry of blows against the disarmer missing on all attempts before taking a 5 foot step to AP15

(15 vs AC; miss)
(15 vs AC; miss)
(11 vs AC; miss)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 85/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+10=18 ; d8+3=11 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 6:15:13 PM

Gaffer seizes the opportunity to lash out with his Scimitar (Hit: 18; Damage: 11) Looking around quickly as he realises he is surrounded and isolated.

He takes a full round action to withdraw and tries to escape the encirclement, moving to AS12 to stand beside Hmerrin.

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 85/102; AC:13/10/13 - CMD 23]  d20+14=24 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+15=19 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 6:56:55 PM

(Will: 24)
(Perception: 25)
(Attack: 19)

"It sounds like your old 'friend' Three Bits isn't so trustworthy after all..." says Dez as he tries and fails to avoid the disarming attack from the enemy.

"Hey buddy, you are really annoying, you know?", he says to the enemy who has tripped and now disarmed him, as he picks up his greataxe and then goes for an attack. (Attack 19 vs AC. Guessing not a hit.)

HP: 85/102
Shield of Faith: +3 AC 95/100 rounds

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 109/109 AC:28 T:15 FF:24 CMD:27)  d20+15=32 ; d20+16=33 ; d8+16=23 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 7:31:57 PM

[Using Hero Point for +8 bonus on Will Save: 32]

Gritting his teeth, Hmerrin overcomes the urge to just stand there.

As Gaffer backs up, the young fighter is moving forward.

Pulling both axes, he crosses to the flying fellow and tries very hard to plant his battleaxe in the guy's spine.

Move to AQ17 if he can get there in 30', else AR17, while drawing axes.
Power Attack on Ft hits ac 33 for 23 hp damage

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 57/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+12=29 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 7:59:48 PM

(Fortitude Save: 29) Gaffer bites his lip as he resists the poisons effects but still bares the pain of multiple attacks.

Onslaught Shale House Round 5 -DM Dan K  d20+17=36 ; d20+17=34 ; d4+8=12 ; d4+8=10 ; d20+21=28 ; d8+12=14 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+23=33 ; d4+8=11 ; d20+17=32 ; d8+10=18 ; d6=3 ; 5d6=16 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+21=27 ; d8+12=15 ; d8+12=17 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 11:02:36 PM

Sarge moves arouind the stairs and casts a spell. The force Hammer of Domi strikes (Hit Dw Dmg 8) AN/15 is a solid wall i slid you to AN/13
Toston resists the blinding effect, but notes that he and Dez are covered in glitter. He picks up on the mumbling as fires a couple questions about Three Bits in reply. He also strikes back in a Flurry, but cannot penetrate the fighters defenses.
Gaffer slashes with his scimitar at the opening, but misses. With 3 assailants, Gaffer withdraws. He can avoid 2 altogether, but Dw swipes at him with the emerald serpent. The Kukri strikes deep injecting more poison
Hit AC 36 crit 34 Dmg 12+10 +poison Fort DC 13 Fail 1d2 Wis
Dez grabs his weapon, and the man strikes during the distraction. Weapon in hand, dez swings, but gets blocked by the shield
AoO Hit AC 28 Dmg 14
"You truly have no idea" he replies and he attacks Dez fully, The Flail cuts through the paladins defences twice
Hit AC 21/23/27 Dmg -/15/17
Hmerrin pushes away the Command heroically and moves in on the floating fellow. Drawing his axes, he plants one firmly into him

The Half Orc in leather comes in on Hmerrin, but misses
The man with the serpent Dagger closes from the other side and slips the wicked knife into Hmerrin
Hit AC 33 Dmg 11 +poison Fort DC 13 Fail 1d2 Wis
The Ga'al priest moves in on the young fighter as well, Calling out to Ga'al for assistance he strikes. As teh trident hits, Negative energy coarses through it
Hit AC 32 Dmg 18 + 3 non lethal + Will Save DC 14 +16 Dmg Save for 1/2
The man in flight lets out a howl of pain, floats 5' from Hmerrin and then vanishes from sight

Oa Leather Great ax AC 26
Sh Ga'al cleric AC 28
Tr Full plate AC 25
Dw serpent dagger AC 20 Dmg 8
Ft Fly Invisible AC 23 Dmg 23

Shale House.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy)  d20+13=21 ; d20+8=17 ; d8=5 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 11:29:38 PM

The Spiritual Weapon continues to attack Serpent Dagger. [Hit AC 21 for 7 damage; hit AC 17, miss.]

Sarge shoves her way forward [to AQ-16]. Now standing directly behind Hmerrin, she uses her Resistant Touch domain ability to give Hmerrin +2 to all saves for 1 minute.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 74/74; AC:29/18/25- CMD 26  d20+10=11 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+5=10 ;
Thursday November 7th, 2019 11:47:14 PM

Toston takes a 5 foot step to AO16 gaining flanking on the Tr guy with Dez.

He then swiftly charges his attack with magic and flurries at Tr guy again.

(11 vs AC; miss)
(11 vs AC; miss)
(10 vs AC; miss)

Active Effects:
Mage Armor: +4 AC - 5 hours
Shield : +4 shield bonus to AC; magic missile immunity - 47 rounds
Flanking with Des against Tr + 1 to hit (OOC: not that it helps any)

Desdichado(Ryan) [HP: 85/102; AC:13/10/13 - CMD 23]  5d6=18 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+12=31 ; d12+5=16 ; d12+5=15 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 2:07:19 PM

(LoH: 18)

Desdichado uses Lay on Hands to heal a portion of the damage he's received so far. With Toston taking position behind Tr, Desdichado gives a full attack, hitting the enemy both times for 31 damage.

HP: 57/102
Shield of Faith: +3 AC 94/100 rounds

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 35/85 AC:29(25)(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 3/4 LL 9/9)   d20+12=23 ; 3d6=15 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 4:48:19 PM

(Fortitude Save: 23) Gaffer winces heavily but manages to resist the poison and keep moving as he gets distance from his assailants.

Turning back around he conjures a Flaming Sphere on top of the DW. (15 Fire Damage; Reflex Save DC 16 to negate)

**** Active Effects ****
Barkskin - 100minutes - +4 to NA
Faerie Fire - 10minutes
Flaming Sphere - 10 rounds
**** Spells ****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Faerie Fire (x2), Entangle, Long Strider, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere x2, (Barkskin), Warp Wood x2 D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Wind Wall, Stone Shape, Call Lightning, Neutralize Poison D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Air Walk, Quench x2, Dispel Magic D: Sleet Storm
Level 5: Wall of Thorns, (Baleful Polymorph) D: Ice Storm

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 69(3)/109 AC:28 T:15 FF:24 CMD:27)  d20+12=22 ; d20+7=15 ; d20+17=28 ; d8+10=13 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=18 ;
Friday November 8th, 2019 8:20:35 PM

[Fort save 22, Will Save 15]

Hmerrin twists and blocks as best he's able, but several blows get through.
He able to power his way past the poison and some of whatever the cleric did to him.

Sarge hits him with some more resistance, which is good, cause he'll probably need it.

Backing up a step, he attacks the guy with the poison blade, but not well.

5' step to AR16
Full Attack on Dw
BtAx1 hits ac 28 for 13 hp
HdAx 1 miss (19)
BtAx 2 miss (15)
HdAx 2 miss (18)

- Great. I've caught whatever dice disease Toston has


Resistant Touch domain ability to give Hmerrin +2 to all saves for 1 minute.

Sarge [AC 20; HP 61/61] [Fatigued](Kathy) 
Saturday November 9th, 2019 2:47:58 PM

"What was that about Three Bits?" Sarge asks.

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