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RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 9:29:24 AM

Tink peers down over the side of the wall and admires the destruction caused by Restlin's summons.

"Looks like you had some fun"

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 311/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 10:07:49 AM

Zane lands and as he nears the bulwark, he revers to 'Taur form and will follow along when they head off to see the Elder Gnomes....

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 11:38:41 AM

Garret turns and watches the light with the gnome. He says, "They said that with the light? Neat." He trots along as the group heads for the elder meeting.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 (Spells) Luck Points: 9/29 Quest Items 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 12:36:01 PM

Restlin takes a moment to thank all his summons, including the Lillend, before letting them return home.

"Would that all our enemies just line up like that, our jobs would be much easier," is all he has to say on the matter, but he's sporting a pretty big grin. "Let's go see what those elders want."

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 7:18:17 PM

"do any of your people require healing?" Wyaar asks of the monk "if so have them gather to me and I will channel for them."

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 9:06:56 PM

Beri changes back into human form and joins the others.
Looks like we missed quite the fight over here. I'm surprised that the humans and orcs didn't try to stop eachother. Well, if the elders want to see us we probably shouldn't keep them waiting.

Beri instructs the summons to assist in any way they can before they disappear, figuring that their size and strength may come in handy.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Wednesday August 21st, 2019 11:53:26 PM

Sesha shrugs.

"I wonder if the attacks will stop once we take the artifact from here. It would be nice for the monks to catch a break."

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 2:24:06 AM

Is there any chance you could teach them the spell you used to trap enemies and bury them undetectable underground? Then might not fear death, but the threat of eternal imprisonment might just have an effect.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 4:17:49 AM

Tink nods to the gnome. She's a little worried now. Would removing the artifact from here stop the attacks? Could it make things worse?

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil  9d6=27 ;
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 1:44:34 PM

If any monks gather around Wyaar channels positive energy into them to heal 27 hp

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 311/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 3:20:56 PM

Zane double checks that things are well in hand and then follows the others down the tunnel, bringing up the rear.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 5:53:36 PM

Garret meanders down the hall, strolling about, checking things out, as usual.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 9:19:15 PM

I hope this is the correct direction to get to the elders, don't want to keep them waiting.

DM Hugh - The Orb of Chaos, what does it do?  d20+9=13 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+9=20 ;
Thursday August 22nd, 2019 11:00:12 PM

Tink peers down over the side of the wall and admires the destruction caused by Restlin's summons. She remarks that Restlin had some fun. She nods and wonders if removing the artifact could make things worse.
Zane lands and as he nears the bulwark, he reverts to 'Taur form and will follow along when they head off to see the Elder Gnome. He makes sure things are well in hand and then brings up the rear as the group heads down the tunnel.
Garret turns and watches the light with the gnome. He observes how the gnomes communicated with light before trotting along as the group heads for the elder meeting. He meanders down the hall, checking things out as usual.
Restlin takes a moment to thank all his summons, including the Lillend, before letting them return home. He observes that if all their enemies lined up like that their job would be much easier.
Wyaar offers healing to the monks and channels 27 hp into those that take him up on it.
Beri reverts back to human form and notes they missed quite a fight. He also remarks about how the half-orcs and humans didn’t fight each other. He uses his summons to help with some minor repairs and moving debris. He remarks that he doesn’t want to keep the elders waiting.
Sesha shrugs and wonders if things will calm down once the artifact is taken away.
Bosk asks Sesha if she could teach the gnomes the spell she used to imprison enemies underground suggesting that might be an appropriate deterrent.

The gnomes escort you to a smaller chamber than the one before. The old green skinned gnome sits alone on a chair by a small fire. The rest of the gnomes give you your space.

The old gnome beckons for you to sit down. He says, “Apologize I must. Asked of me what the Orb of Chaos you did. Forthcoming I wasn’t but Trust had to be earned.”

“Worth, you have proven. Wars not make one great yet great warriors you all are. What’s more spare the lives of your enemies you tried and regret the pointlessness of the assault you did.”

He pauses for a moment to stare into the fire and then sets his gaze on each one of you in turn.
“Orb of Chaos it is called...What is more chaotic than disrupting nature’s course? Death is a natural part of life yet prevent the natural order the orb does. Not possible to die from natural causes while the orb remains here. Those that fall in battle will never rest either. Turns the fallen to ash the orb does. Uses the energy released to reincarnate the fallen as well. Endless waves of bodies for the meat grinder the orb produces. Not meant to be this way, things are, therefore decided to grant your request I have.”

He takes another pause and says
“Ask me what you will before you go. Soon will I rest, yes, forever sleep. Earned it I have. Twilight is upon me, and soon, night must fall. That is the way of things or at least it will be, once gone the orb is. When 900 years old, you reach...look as good, you will not.”

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Friday August 23rd, 2019 10:49:03 AM

Beri thinks of whether he has any questions for the elder.
As you didn't tell us everything at first, are you able to tell us more now about why and how this place came to be? Was this set up as a punishment or an experiment to see if peace would ever be attained? And who would have set this realm with such rules? Is there a greater power here that created this Wold?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 (Spells) Luck Points: 9/29 Quest Items 
Friday August 23rd, 2019 11:38:07 AM

"I mean, I won't look that good in 879 years, but I'd bet money that Sesha will be much better looking..."

"The Watcher had mentioned he may be able to come and assist with the ritual we need to perform." Restlin looks around. Is The Watcher still here?

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Friday August 23rd, 2019 1:18:43 PM

Garret remains quiet, but he ponders how this world will change. Will the others keep attacking once they know they will die? Will they realize that before they attack and die? Will everyone in the entire place die when the orb is removed?

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 311/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Friday August 23rd, 2019 4:55:38 PM

Zane just waits and sees if he's needed to respond, he usually lets the others handle this type of thing, he's more comfortable commanding (I.E. talking) on a ship....

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Friday August 23rd, 2019 7:20:27 PM

900 years was an astounding number. Even Elves died of old age. Sesha grins at Restlin.

"By that point, I think the only one of us who would still be around is Garret. Aren't you effectively immortal now?"

DM Hugh - The claiming of the orb 
Friday August 23rd, 2019 10:54:31 PM

Beri thinks if he has any questions before asking more about how the place came to be and what the point of it all was.

The gnome looks at Beri and says, “Said it has been, that long ago and far away 3 tribes existed in constant strife. Disruptive to all others they were so isolated from the rest they became. Perhaps someday they can return to the rest if tolerance can be learned. All I know of what you ask this is.”

Restlin comments over the rings about how he wouldn’t look that good in that period of time but Sesha is probably another story. He then asks about the watcher

As if on queue the Watcher does the trick of disengaging from a wall and becoming visible.

“I’m ready to depart whenever you are.” The watcher says to Restlin

Garret remains quiet but ponders the fate of those who dwell in this world once the orb is gone.

Zane waits to see if anything is asked of him. Usually he lets the others handle this sort of thing.

Sesha grins at Restlin. She points out that Garret may be the only one around in 900 years asking the monk if he is effectively immortal.

With no more questions and those that are asked answered the elder rings a small bell. The two gnomes who were guarding the gate when you first approached from the underground take you to where the orb of chaos is housed, sitting on its pedestal.

The female gnome looks at you and says, “The elder has said the orb is to be entrusted in your care and you are going to be taking it far from this place. Who among you will carry it?”

The watcher says, “I’ll guide you back to the portal through the underground paths once you are ready to go.”

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Saturday August 24th, 2019 1:05:29 AM

Tink looks at the orb, then to her hands, then back to the orb. There's really no way she could physically carry it.

Instead she looks around to the others to see who will be the one to take it.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Saturday August 24th, 2019 1:53:53 AM

Bosk shrugs his shoulders. I honestly do not know how long I will live. I fundamentally changes when I became an agent of vengeance. Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. To my knowledge, there are no reports on one of us dying of old age...

Ooc: Honestly, I do not know if there has ever been another level 10 Avenger.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 (Spells) Luck Points: 9/29 Quest Items 
Saturday August 24th, 2019 11:45:58 AM

Orb of Chaos? Restlin can handle that. He raises his hand.

"I'll hold onto it. Not sure the rest of these guys should be touching something like that."

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 311/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Saturday August 24th, 2019 2:01:44 PM

"Well, Restlin, I was going to volunteer to carry it, It seems completely opposed to my innate nature, but I also have the strength of Dragon's to resist it. Your Call, You're the smarter one.'

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Sunday August 25th, 2019 9:05:51 PM

Sesha considers the orb. She also considers Restlin holding it. And how long the little wise man has lasted hanging on to it.

"It's a shame it will likely be consumed in our ritual Mage Priest. With that thing, our lifetimes could flame out together"

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Sunday August 25th, 2019 10:14:24 PM

We'll I have no idea how long I live, but since I can pick my appearance I'm sure I'll look amazing on the day I die... well, in our line of work I'll probably look amazing up until the last five minutes or so.

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Sunday August 25th, 2019 11:08:11 PM

"I am not sure it would like me touching it, or I it" Wyaar agrees.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Monday August 26th, 2019 11:54:42 AM

Garret replies to Sesha, "I wouldn't say that I don't age, but perhaps I just don't feel it quite as much as some others do."

When they arrive at the orb, Garret steers clear of the thing. He says, "Indeed, that is not for me."

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Monday August 26th, 2019 6:36:53 PM

Wyaar abides.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Monday August 26th, 2019 9:03:16 PM

I think we may be overthinking this. Elders, you have been with this orb for centuries what would you suggest is the best way to transport the orb safely? If I understand the orb's properties, am I correct that the watcher would be unaffected by it as they are outside the influence of natural life and death? And that the watcher by their very nature is trustworthy? That they couldn't have fulfilled their roll here if this wasn't the case?

DM Hugh - The orb 
Monday August 26th, 2019 10:55:31 PM

Tink looks at her hands and then at the orb and then to the others.
Bosk shrugs his shoulders and makes an observation about not knowing how long he will live considering his soul and body have become one.
Restlin volunteers to bear the orb
Zane says he was going to carry it but it seems opposed to his nature. He differs to Restlin as he is smarter.
Sesha says that it is a shame the orb will be consumed in the ritual for with it her and Restlin's lives could flame together.
Beri also has no idea about when he will die but given his ability to change appearance he figures he'll look good when it happens well up until the last 5 minutes. He then observes they may be overthinking things. He suggests the watcher may be uneffected by it and trustworthy so why couldn't the Watcher carry it.
Wyaar says he doesn't think the orb and he would like being in contact before abiding by what the group decides
Garret says that he wouldn't say he doesn't age he just doesn't feel it as much as the others do

One of the gnomes standing by the orb speaks up, "The watcher could bear the orb yes. However the death altering power of the orb seems to be related to where it is currently. When you move it from this realm it will still have power but it won't resonate the way it does here. One of you could take it or you could trust it to the Watcher. Either should work."

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 (Spells) Luck Points: 9/29 Quest Items 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 7:07:25 AM

Restlin shakes his head. "Watcher is way too valuable. Just let me take the thing." He punctuates the statement by taking the chaos orb. It'll be fine, he's sure.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 8:55:33 AM

Tink assumes it is probably safe to touch or hold. The gnomes seem pretty intelligent and they likely wouldn't leave it standing about where it could hurt someone who might brush up against it.

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 311/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 10:28:19 AM

Zane is ready to proceed...

(sorry short post, blew a tire on interstate 13 hours ago, just got home from being out all day yesterday.. g'night.)

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 1:13:14 PM

Garret steps back from Restlin when he reaches for the orb. He cringes, waiting to see if Restlin will explode.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 1:48:33 PM

Sesha watches intently. She was certain Restlin wasn't going to explode, but she had spells ready to heal him in case things went awry.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 9:16:41 PM

I think it's okay as long as nobody dies... are we ready to head out?

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 9:26:07 PM

Just in case, Wyaar does a detect evil on Restlin after he takes the orb. just to be sure.

DM Hugh - The orb 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 10:23:27 PM

Restlin confirms he's willing to carry it, reasoning the Watcher is too valuable.

Tink assumes it is probably safe to touch or hold.

Zane is ready to proceed.

Garret steps back from Restlin, waiting to see if the mage priest will explode.

Sesha doesn't think Restlin will explode but has the healing spells ready to go just in case.

Beri suggests taking the orb should be ok as long as no one dies.

Wyaar detects evil on Restlin as he grabs the orb.

Restlin reaches out to take the orb and Restlin only: Highlight to display spoiler: {Holding the Heart of Chaos makes you feel vaguely angry and anxious. Thoughts are slightly more disorganized and odd tangents/associations happen, sometimes leading to novel new ideas.

With the heart of chaos in hand and the Watcher recruited you are able to quickly make it through the underground to the clearing with the gate where you originally arrived.

You activate the gate and step through to find Megaman, Chuck, Dock, the Custodian and Uthras waiting for you where you left them. You have collected the hearts of order, chaos, balance and evil. One final heart remains, 1 arch remains un-visited and 1 ritual participant remains unidentified.

The Custodian asks your group as you arrive, "What now?"

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Tuesday August 27th, 2019 11:36:46 PM

Bosk smiles. I have a bad feeling about this next one. I say we rest up and recover our spells before continuing.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 7:53:59 AM

"It's the last one we have to find. Couldn't hurt to be a little extra cautious"

Tink checks to see where all the hearts currently are. Did the party leave the other hearts back here, or have they been carrying them the whole time? She isn't keen to let them out of sight. Not when the party are so close to the goal.

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 311/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 9:57:51 AM

"Well, Custodian, it seems we must adventure into the final gate in search of the last two parts of the ritual. We need to locate the final Heart and the last participant to complete the Ritual to open the Prison so that the Power leak can be closed off, or rather opened up so it can be controlled rather than uncontrolled.
There have not been more troubles have there?"

Zane pulls out a couple Taur sized meals and offers those who have volunteered to help the Iron Dragons to help themselves. He then digs into one himself, sitting cross-legged as he starts to rest and recover....

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30  d8+10=13 ;
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 11:15:09 AM

If a break is called for, Sesha adds her usual meal, an Extended Heroes Feast, to Zanes preparations. (in addition to all the bonuses from the spell, everyone gets 13 temp hp for the next 24 hour period.)

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 9/29 Quest Items 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 12:09:08 PM

Restlin holds onto the orb. His eyes flit about a bit as his thoughts rearrange themselves. He would love to sit and experiment with this thing. Who knows where it could lead? It's too valuable, though. He puts it with the rest of the orbs.

OOC: We're leaving the orbs behind, not taking them with us, right?

"I could use some time to regain spells too. I burned through most of my high-level ones to summon that army." He casts Mage's Magnificent Mansion to give everyone a comfy place to stay, sleep, eat, whatever. Obviously all their collected undead & constructs are invited as well.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 1:06:45 PM

When they arrive back, Garret starts to walk towards the other portal, but then turns at the last minute when Bosk mentions resting. He says, "Oh yes, of course." He starts salivating as Sasha prepares "the usual."

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 9:00:41 PM

Beri eagerly agrees with the others on resting and recovering some spells
I agree, with all the moving around and giving chase I burned through summons faster than normal. Watcher, what can you tell us about the last portal? Has there been any change since we last talked? We don't want to unexpectedly end up in a war zone.

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 10:05:23 PM

Wyaar Shall listen to what the watcher has to say before enjoying the feast and downtime to trapper and pray.

DM Hugh - The Last Supper? 
Wednesday August 28th, 2019 10:19:33 PM

Bosk suggests they take some time to recover before heading out to the last arch.

Tink decides to check on the hearts to make sure nothing happened to them.

(OOC: As far as I knew you guys were carrying the hearts with you as you journeyed to the other realms once you started collecting them. Please tell me otherwise if that isn't the case)

Zane answers the Custodian's questions and asks a question of his own about anything changing with respect to the final world. He then starts pulling out some food.

Sesha contributes to Zane's offering by preparing a Hero's Feast

Restlin considers experimenting with the heart of chaos but figures it is too valuable so he puts it with the other hearts. He too echoes the calls for rest that others in the group have made. He does provide a magnificent mansion for his friends and allies to spend the night in.

Garret being a nonspellcaster is ready to hoof it to the next arch but seeing as everyone else is going to wait he salivates at the idea of partaking in the "usual" instead.

Beri also agrees about the need to rest and asks the Custodian some questions of his own.

Wyaar listens to what the Custodian has to say before partaking in the food and praying

(OOC: NPC recap - Watcher = construct man with gears from chaos world; Custodian = intelligent sphere of annihilation; Megaman = half undead / half construct from balance world; Chuck = human author from strange universe; Dock = formerly flying intelligent construct turned into a golem to help with the ritual; Uthras - undead paladin taken from order world )

The Custodian responds to Zane and Beri.

He says to Zane, "Nothing has really changed in the tower or the final portal of late."

To Beri he says, "There isn't really anything to report. It seems like things have been relatively calm for about 30 odd days and nights. That is really all I can tell."

The party has a feast and stay in Restlin's magical dwelling getting a good meal and a good night's rest. The next day you awake refreshed and ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.

Any last preparations before entering the final portal you have yet to visit?

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects  d20+43=53 ; d20+50=62 ;
Thursday August 29th, 2019 7:05:03 AM

Tink is happy that the hearts are staying with the party. Leaving them at the tower - virtually unguarded - would be asking for trouble.

When the nod is given, Tink will step through the final portal. The party are nearing the end of this challenge.

"Let's do this"

Perception: 53
Stealth: 71

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 10:19:28 AM

Zane will step through with the rest, ready to play bodyguard as usual.....

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 11:14:46 AM

Restlin wakes, limbers up, casts all his dailies, and follows Zane into the last portal.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 1:17:06 PM

Garret eats the magical food, then eats some more. He lets out a huge belch and says, "Now there's room for more!" He starts eating until he passes out in a nice food coma, safe inside the mansion, but still at the massive table of food. His head falls into a plate of mashed potatoes, fortunately to the side, and he starts snoring.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 6:55:44 PM

Restlin smiles at his sleeping friend. He casts a quick telekinesis spell and picks up the sleeping halfling before guiding his sleeping body to one of the bedrooms. He casts a prestidigitation to clean the potatoes off his face, then pulls the blankets over him. Tomorrow may be tough. Best if the little dude is properly rested w/o a crick in his neck.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 8:47:50 PM

Sesha watches Restlin, glad that he at times, felt as paternal as she did maternal. She sometimes forgot she knew Garret longer than anyone else here.

"Just imagine mage-priest, there will come a time when it's a tiny half-drow with dark skin and light hair you are moving around. And it will be half you."

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 9:08:26 PM

Beri finishes up his daily spell preparations, grabs a cup of coffee, and joins the group.
I think I'm about as prepared as I'm going to be. I wonder what kind of spiritual upheaval we are about to walk into. Somehow I doubt this is going to be a simple matter of right and wrong, and no doubt the last heart is somehow at the center of all this. If I recall, the last heart somehow embodies goodness, that might be worth considering as we see how things unfold and the roll the heart plays in this struggle of ideas..

DM Hugh - A forested path 
Thursday August 29th, 2019 10:23:21 PM

That night Garret eats, eats some more, lets out a belch and then eats some more. Eventually he falls asleep in his mashed potatoes.
Restlin smiles at his sleeping friend telekinetically moving him to one of the bedrooms and then cleaning his face with magic.
Sesha observes Restlin interact with Garret and observes that one day he’ll have to deal with a half-drow that will be half his

The next morning…
Tink is happy that the hearts have been traveling with the party and they won’t have to worry about them being undefended. She stealthily and with sharp senses steps through the portal when the nod is given.
Zane steps into the portal, ready to play bodyguard once again.
Restlin wakes up, limbers up, casts all his dailies and follows Zane through the portal
Beri grabs a cup of coffee, finishes his spell preparations and joins the rest of the group. He says he’s prepared as well as he can be. He suggests that this won’t be a single matter of right and wrong and wonders what kind of upheaval they are about to walk into.

One by one you step through the portal…

When you emerge you are in a wooded area. You notice a little path near wear the arch exits out of.

Following it down you see a well, with a dim light at the bottom of the well.

You hear a chorus of voices of varying timber calling out.

"Do it!!!" a high pitched child like voice says

"You know you want to!" A rich silky feminine voice says

"Think of what you could achieve if you just reclaim what is yours." a man's voice with a tenor like timbre to it says

"Take it and become whole" A baritone chimes in

"Save your people." A very deep voice finishes.

Another voice responds to the chorus. "No, I created that artifact in order to gain peace for myself and my kingdom. I'm not going to throw everything away."

What ever could be going on at the bottom of the well?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Thursday September 5th, 2019 10:03:38 AM

Restlin wonders what ever could be going on at the bottom of the well. He looks down, trying to gauge the distance and see if anything's visible. Can they fit down there, or will they all need to shrink?

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Thursday September 5th, 2019 10:06:19 AM

Sesha looks down the well, then casts dancing lights. She sends the little balls slowly down the well, observing as they go.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic]  d20+34=48 ;
Thursday September 5th, 2019 11:36:41 AM

Garret looks around, steps closer to the well and away from the well. He is trying to determine if the sounds are really coming from inside the well or if it is some sort of distortion (Perception: 48).

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Thursday September 5th, 2019 4:13:57 PM

"We can always just drop (or push) Garret down the hole. He can tell us how deep it is for one, and the other, he's probably the least threatening looking of our group."

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Thursday September 5th, 2019 4:42:32 PM

Wyaar ponders a moment before fishing a coin out of his pocket and tossing it down the well. "Making a wish"

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Thursday September 5th, 2019 9:01:10 PM

Beri peers down the well to get an idea of how deep it is and whether he can see the sources of the voices, then addresses the rest of the party over their rings.
The way I see it, we have two options. We can announce our presence, or we can wait a minute or two and get a better idea of the people and their motives before becoming a third party to an already tense situation.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Friday September 6th, 2019 12:27:58 AM

I suppose if we wanted to keep our presence unknown, it would have been better not to drop a skin and lights down the well. Still, the people sound distracted, and he mentioned an artifact.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Friday September 6th, 2019 4:33:20 AM

"At least we have the high ground" Tink observes with a grin

"I'm happy to drop down first and look around. Any trouble and I can teleport back up here"

DM Mitch 
Friday September 6th, 2019 4:49:06 AM

Restlin wonders what is going on at the bottom of the well. He tries to gauge the distance in order to see if anything is visible.
Sesha casts dancing lights and sends the orbs of light slowly spinning down the well.
Garret looks around, stepping first closer to the well and then away from the well. He confirms the sounds are coming from the well.
Zane suggests they send Garret down to see what is going on down there as he is the least threatening looking.
Wyaar fishes a coin from his pocket and tosses it down. He tells the others he’s making a wish.
Beri says over the rings they can either announce their presence or wait a moment to get a better idea of the situation.
Bosk comments that if they wanted to remain hidden they probably shouldn’t have thrown things down the well.
Tink offers to go down and check it out.

As the light slowly glides down the well it reveals what appears to be chamber stretching further into the darkness, roomier than the shaft of the well itself. The well shaft is medium so large folks would have to be reduced to fit down it but the chamber at the bottom looks roomy enough.

Apparently some of the voices from the conversation you overheard at first have noticed Sesha’s dancing lights.

"Interlopers!!!" the high pitched child like voice says

"Who dares disturb us?" the rich silky feminine voice says

"I thought you agreed to come alone? You assured us your people would not be here" the man's voice with a tenor like timbre to it says

"Are they going to get in the way?" the baritone chimes in

"Just ignore them and proceed. You can deal with them after in the same fashion you used to deal with all who opposed you." the very deep voice finishes.

The other voice responds to the chorus, “I don’t see anything. Are you sure someone’s there? As you asked I did come alone so if someone is there they are not with me. With that being said, even if I did reclaim the artifact why should whoever they are perish for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? The only reason I’m even entertaining your offer is because of the threat to my city, but there has to be another way, right?”

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Friday September 6th, 2019 11:33:50 AM

Garret says, "Hey, anyone see any evil down there? If not, this might just be a few people selling wheat to one another for all we know."

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Friday September 6th, 2019 2:57:42 PM

"Sounds like the only reasonable person down there needs help with some threat. Maybe we go down there and see what's what?"

Restlin doesn't have any shrink spells for the taurs.

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Friday September 6th, 2019 4:19:24 PM

Zane looks to Bosk, "Smaller? And Beri you got yours right?"
Zane reduces himself and will reduce Bosk as well if wanted.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Friday September 6th, 2019 9:13:36 PM

I can be pretty much any size needed, but let's give them a beat before heading down to make sure we don't make things worse.

Beri calls down the well.
We aren't here to cause trouble and have no intention of opposing anyone. We were just passing by, and heard people stuck at the bottom of the well.

Would you feel more comfortable if we were to send someone down so you can see we are no threat, or would you prefer we keep our distance up here?

If our presence here is going to lead to problems we can also leave. That said, if there is a threat to a city, perhaps we can be of service? In our homeland we've been called on to protect the people of several different cities form all kinds of threats. As long as we are on the side of good we try to led aid where we can.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Friday September 6th, 2019 9:53:57 PM

Sesha nudges Bosk.

"Think that thing where we stomp loudly at first, then do it quieter to make it sound like we walked away is a good idea? I bet we could pull it off."

Over the ring, she adds.

"I can send down some prying eyes. Its a nifty spell that makes little invisible peepers. Worth it?"

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Saturday September 7th, 2019 8:33:37 AM

Bosk shakes his head in response to Sesha. I think we have interacted too much for them to fall for it. And given what were are seeking, I do not want to start our meetings off with and deciet.
Bosk accepts the offer to reduce his size and waits with the others.

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Sunday September 8th, 2019 7:03:48 PM

Wyaar waits for the response from down below after Beri yelled.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Monday September 9th, 2019 3:02:07 AM

Tink nods to Beri's sentiments. He has phrased the response perfectly in her opinion.

DM Mitch 
Monday September 9th, 2019 7:07:07 AM

Garret asks if anyone sees any evil otherwise they might have happened upon a wheat transaction for all they know.

Restlin suggests the reasonable person needs help and they go down and investigate.

Zane looks to Bosk and asks about becoming smaller. Ensuring that his fellow taur has the ability to shrink to go down there.

Beri calls out down to the well. He explains they were passing by and heard voices down the well. He explains they were just passing by and were planning on opposing anyone. He asks if the people down the well would be happy if they sent someone down or would they like to come up. Beri also offers their help explaining some of what they did before.

Sesha suggests sending some prying eyes down or using subterfuge to make it look like they go away

Bosk disagrees with Sesha’s suggestion saying he doesn’t want to start their interaction off with lies and deceipt

Wyaar waits for a response to Beri.

Tink nods in approval to Beri’s statements.

The chorus does not seem to like what was shouted down.

The high pitch voice cries out, “Go Away. We don’t want any.”

The silky seductive voice says, “Yes, you would be a hindrance to what we are trying to accomplish here.”

The tenor says, “Everything’s perfectly alright now. We’re fine. We’re all fine here now. Thank you. How are you?”

The baritone says, “We have things in hand. I suggest you go help someone else.”

The deep voice says, “Your presence is problematic. Please vacate.”

The female voice says, “If you folks are who you say you are and not some kind of trick then maybe you are the other option I’ve been searching for. Please, come down. I’d like to learn more about the cities you’ve protected in your homeland. We don’t get many foreigners so it never occurred to me to seek help from abroad as we’ve cultivated a difficult reputation in the past. Though if you haven’t heard of it then maybe you are from a long way away.”

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Monday September 9th, 2019 7:58:55 AM

"It sounds as if at least one of them is seeking aid. I think we should venture down and see what is going on" Tink is ready to fly down the well "If anyone would prefer, I'd be happy to scout it out first and report back over the rings with what I find"

Tink will look down over the edge of the well and then start to slowly descend into it

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Monday September 9th, 2019 11:03:22 AM

Restlin had faith in Tink's ability to remain unseen. He lets her do her thing, but is prepared to dimension door down immediately should she need help.

Readied action: Dimension door to bottom of well if Tink gets in trouble.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Monday September 9th, 2019 11:11:50 AM

Garret is prepared to walk away when the last voice pipes up that she would like help. As Tink floats over the edge, Garret says over the rings, "Well, that one person has asked for help and they're clearly outnumbered. I don't know how we can refuse that, but I'll wait for Tink's recon before I jump in the hole."

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Monday September 9th, 2019 6:35:08 PM

Zane reduces himself and Bosk when he asks for it., then will be ready to drop of the edge and use his wings to descend quickly but safely... Carrying whomever else needs a lift....
It's good to be strong.....sometimes.

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Monday September 9th, 2019 7:55:43 PM

Wyaar clicks his heels together to activate his flight and heads on down with the others.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Monday September 9th, 2019 9:18:37 PM

It sounds like it's the person in need is requesting our assistance, so we are sending a representative down. While we are happy to tell you about our past deeds, please know that we will also want to know both sides of what is going on, as well as what exactly you mean when you say you "cultivated a difficult reputation in the past."

Beri addresses the rest of the party over their rings.
Hopefully by adding that last part the others down there will be more willing to hear us out, as well as make sure nothing is left out regarding their reputation. We don't want to find out that they have a history of backtracking on promises or of deceiving people.

The druid then transforms into an air elemental and prepares to take the dimensional door down should things go bad.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 12:34:10 AM

Bosk makes sure his air walk is activated follows the others

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 11:39:34 AM

As everyone else heads down the hole, Garret jumps over the edge and tumbles and bounces past those gently flying, saying, "Excuse me" as he bounces along.

Slow fall, any distance

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 2:38:38 PM

"Watch for falling halflings!"

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 9:02:04 PM

I wonder if the people in this realm know what a halfling is...

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 9:52:11 PM

Zane curls his wings and just before hitting the bottom, he spreads them and lands lightly.....

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 11:18:42 PM

Sesha shapechanges back to her regular form, and featherfalls herself down the well.

DM Hugh - The bottom of the well 
Tuesday September 10th, 2019 11:51:12 PM

Tink surmises that one of them is seeking aid. She suggests they venture down and see what is going on. She alternately offers to scout down first and report back. She looks down over the edge of the well and then slowly descends.
Restlin has faith in Tink’s ability to remain unseen. He lets her do her thing and prepares to dimension door down there should Tink get in over her head.
Garret was prepared to walk away when the last voice asked for help. He points out that the one person asks for help and they are clearly outnumbered but he’s willing to wait for Tink before heading down.
Zane reduces himself and Bosk when he asks for it. He prepares to drop down and give a lift to anyone else who needs it.
Wyaar clicks his heels together activating his flight and prepares to head down with the others.
Beri explains to the people in the hole that they are sending a representative down. He says they’ll tell them about their past deeds but he also wants to know both sides of what is going on as well as what was meant by that difficult representation. He explains to the other Iron Dragons over the rings why he was saying what he said and then prepares to descend the well in Air Elemental form.
Bosk makes sure his air walk is active and follows the others.

Tink descends the well.

She is joined by the others. Garret simply jumps down the well, excusing himself while the others fly down. Wyaar calls out, “Watch for falling halflings!” Beri puzzles over the rings if the people of this place know what a halfling even is. Zane curls his wings right before hitting the ground. Sesha returns to her normal size and feather falls down the well.

When they get to the bottom they see a medium human-sized woman on the shorter side with 4 gossamer wings coming out of her back. She has dark brown hair worn in a pixie cut. She is wearing a green outfit with a silver tiara. Near her on a pedestal sits what appears to be a heart carved out of stone inset with a gold locket.

Opposite her is: a tiny bug eyed being; an unnaturally beautiful long legged buxom woman with dark black eyes, pale skin, red lips and crimson locks; a creature that is unnaturally tall and slender with sharp claws and an unsettlingly blank face; a bald muscular creature with red eyes, sharp teeth and a scowl that crawls about on 4 limbs that bend in an unnatural way; and a massively obese creature that locomotes using many small legs and has two obese arms. It also has a grotesque face with a large prehensile tongue that occasionally darts out. It spits a glob of something on the ground.

The voices react to the Iron Dragons’ presence.

The tiny bug eyed creature says in a high pitch voice, “We told you to go away!”
The black eyed unnaturally beautiful woman says in a seductive tone, “Well they’re here now. I don’t think this is one of those instances where it’s the more the merrier.”

Somehow the unnaturally slender creature with the blank face says in a tenor tone, “I don’t suppose you’d believe we’ve got a reactor leak going on down here and you need to give us a few minutes to lock it down. It’s a large leak, very dangerous.” The creature has no mouth or face to speak of.

The creature with the unnaturally bent limbs and red eyes says in a baritone, “Just what we need. Some kind of tiny creature putting its nose where it isn’t wanted. We already have one tiny one down here and it is annoying enough as it is. I don’t think its friends will be any better either”

The obese creature says in a deep voice, “This is an invite only gathering. As we’ve previously informed you, your kind are not welcome here.”

The woman in the tiara with the gossamer wings says, “I, Queen Esmerald do formally invite, what’s your name dear (to Tink) and her companions down here to our discussion.”

She continues, “I’m more than happy to give you all an explanation as to what you just walked in on as well as why my land might not have the best reputation as the 2 subjects are intertwined. However I would like to know more about your past exploits.”

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 8:02:19 AM

Tink smiles and gives a little bow "I'm Katinka, but most people just call me Tink. These are my friends..." Tink gestures to each of the party as she introduces them by name.

"Our past exploits? Well, your typical adventuring things mainly. Lots of travelling, meeting new people, fighting evil. That sort of thing"

Over the rings Tink lets the others topside know what is going on "Pssst! Restlin, there's a bit of an introduction session happening down here.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 10:26:12 AM

Sesha considers the others coming down. Restlin couldn't see in the dark, so she maneuvers her dancing lights spell, spreading it out to make sure everyone can see just fine.

"Humans.", she says with a gruff demeanor, and spits a gob of phlegm right into the middle of the other creatures gob of phlegm. She winks at the Queen.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 11:15:36 AM

Garret is intrigued by the interesting creatures. He looks to each one as they speak, trying to respect them, but he bounces along and looks closely at the creature with four limbs and the obese one with many legs.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items  d20+47=63 ;
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 12:06:07 PM

Restlin can see in the dark just fine, thank you (permanent darkvision).

With a poof, the Mendicant appears in everyone's midst. "Our past exploits? I don't think this room has the patience needed to hear all of them, tough crowd and all, but I can give the highlights! I am Restlin, Mendicant and servant of Wardd, god of luck. You've met Tink, our hard-nosed Justicar. We also have Bosk, Sesha, Zane, Garret, Beri, and Wyarr, noble paladin of Maab, the fey queen."

"Figured that might have some weight with this bunch. Don't let it go to your head."

"We are the Iron Dragons. We have slain illithid demigods, fought off undead invasions, cleansed an entire land stolen out of time of its corruption, and cured a giant space whale of her stomach ache. We have guided the richest city in the Wold back from economic collapse, sacrificed our favorite robes, befriended giant turtles, restored the honor of murdered parents, made friends of our enemies, been objects of worship for an entire crew of kobolds, and turned an evil, intelligent asteroid's brain into this!" He pulls Waddles out of a belt pouch, showing the rubber pig that was once a nerve cluster.

"We have ridden on the backs of dragons, wrestled dragons, slain the oldest and most powerful dragons, and even reunited a dragon with their grandma after attacking it with a straight razor." He puts Waddles away. "We are recognized everywhere in our world as a powerful force for all that is good and right, and we have a great time doing it.

"In short, we are kind of a big deal."

Diplomacy: 63

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 2:52:51 PM

Zane furls his wings back in and crosses his arms in his usual intimidating manor, then remembers he's not any bigger than the rest, except Garret.

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil  d20+25=37 ;
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 6:43:56 PM

Wyaar detects evil towards the group found below and then nods along to what Restlin says. "We are something of a big deal, it's true"

Diplomacy aid another: 37

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23  d20+12=16 ; d20+33=44 ;
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 9:03:29 PM

Beri joins the others and returns to human form.
And I am Beriothian Galanodel, druid of Hook City. Hopefully we can find a way to be of service to everyone here.

The druid watches closely for any signs that what they are being told is anything other than the truth. He also keeps an eye out for the other party, and readies an action to cast reverse gravity should any of them decide violence is preferred to talking.
sense motive = 16
perception = 44

DM Hugh - Introductions all around 
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 10:56:02 PM

Tink introduces herself.
Sesha spits, then winks at the queen.
Garret shows great curiosity towards the strange creatures.
Restlin regales the group with the feats of the Iron Dragons.
Zane looks scary.
Wyarr admits they’re something of a big deal.
Beri joins the others and add his introduction to the rest.

Wyaar: Highlight to display spoiler: { all 5 of the strange looking entities radiate overwhelming evil. Queen Esmerald does not register as evil.}

Queen Esmerald seems to perk up a bit and asks, “That is an impressive introduction. With all those accomplishments I don’t suppose something like negotiating peace between a beleagured city and the army of undead who are threatening it be beneath you?”

The bug eyed creature calls out in a high pitched shout, “You don’t want their help.”
The black eyed beauty says seductively, “We can solve your problem in a way that is much more satisfying. Don’t you remember the way things used to be? Noone would dare stand against you. You could have that again and more.”

The blank faced horror says in his tenor, “So they call you guys Dragons and you’ve wrestled dragons, ridden dragons, reunited dragons and slain dragons. Seems like you guys got dragons on the brain. How are you guys against I don’t know Demons?”

The bent limbed baritone says, “A Justicar? I knew the tiny one would be trouble and they have a paladin too? This just keeps getting better and better. Your highness are you sure your current plight is one that can be solved using lawful means considering the reputation you’ve cultivated in the past?”

The obese creature says in its deep voice, “This place is getting rather crowded. I’m beginning to think maybe we should pull our offer. These folks may sound impressive but you know first hand what we are capable of Esmerald. Maybe you should be sure these newcomers are who they say you are. You wouldn’t want to regret betting on the wrong horse with so much at stake.”

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Wednesday September 11th, 2019 11:45:16 PM

Zane, does 2 things; first he designates the Queen as his target for Bodyguard and second, the more impressive one.
"Nah... We don't have Dragon's on the Brain....While we are collectively are known as The Iron Dragons. Personally, I'm known as the Bronze One."
(Reduce Person is suppressed by dragon form, but still running) He finishes his spell and turns into a Large Bronze Dragon.
"And I don't think you really want to make us mad. And until we know the entire story, She falls under our protection since you outnumber her. If the numbers were the other way around, it'd be different."

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 7:08:48 AM

"First hand what we are capable of? That's sounding like a threat to the Queen"

"I've been called far worse than trouble. But then again, only by troublemakers" Tink responds to the bent limbed one. She then looks to the Queen "We would happily lend our services to aid in peace negotiations"

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 11:57:53 AM

Restlin chuckles. "It's almost like they're trying to be threatening. Anyway, yea, we're game. Looks like you're a bit out numbered here, your highness."

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 12:20:09 PM

Garret moves over and stares at the creature without a face that talks. He wonders how it does that.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 3:39:24 PM

"If anyone can see through a fair deal, its a Justicar, o' Queen."

Sesha thinks for a moment, then considers the fact they are a party of casters and large creatures squeezed into a small space literally right next to the enemy.

"We might be at a disadvantage. We are on their lands, and they know our measure, but we do not know the same."

She turns her gaze on the queen. Does she have adventuring gear? Weapons? Magical equipment? A component pouch? (Tink is always detecting.) She pokes a finger at Baritone. "Don't threaten ladies with their reputation. It's not proper. And among royalty, that goes double."

If something goes crazy and they are attacked, Sesha readies an action to teleport, with the Queen, to the top of the well.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 9:21:36 PM

Bosk turns to look at the other party. We have killed daemons and demigods, and we have worked with them. In our world daemons are inherently evil, yet we have also come across the exceptions and are capable of keeping an open mind. Although not daemons, two of us are outsiders.

I am Bosk DeOx, Agent of Vengeance for the goddess of revenge, holy servant to the god of life and death, dual citizen of the land of the living and the land of the dead, and an intermediary between the gods where death and unfulfilled vengeance overlap.

Although I do not know your situation, it sounds like we are uniquely qualified to help.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 9:42:32 PM

Demons... have we? I don't.... maybe? Bosk, do you remember? I suppose it's possible, when you start defending realms from evil demigods you start to lose track of things like that. But I can assure you that we are exactly what we claim to be. One of the perks of being a good guy, you don't have need of bluffing. Fortunately, that's also what makes ideal if you are serious about negotiating peace.

Beri listens to the others trying to persuade the queen to their side, and to what they choose not to bring up.

It seems to be we are tiptoeing around the obvious. It was asked whether your current plight is one that can be solved using lawful means considering the reputation you’ve cultivated in the past, yet nobody has mentioned either your past or why it wouldn't be solvable through legal means. Well, if that's the case we have no problem admitting we aren't the group for you. As pointed out we have a paladin and a justicar with us, we aren't about to go against what is righteous. But it is always better to walk in the light, and if anyone can help you though lawful means it would be us. So why don't you fill us in on what is going on, and we will let you know if we are the ones that can broker your peace.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 9:44:38 PM

Ah, thank you Bosk, I was pretty sure we had a few demon run ins under our belt but for the life of me I couldn't remember when that was.

DM Hugh - War and Peace 
Thursday September 12th, 2019 11:41:44 PM

Zane shows off his dragon form and declares the queen under their protection.
Tink offers their services.
Restlin is amused by the implied threats.
Garret continues to stare.
Sesha tries to take the measure of everyone and prepares to flee in case things go badly.
Bosk further introduces the group by means of explaining their dealings with Demigods and Daemons. He further explains that 2 of their number are outsiders and that he himself is a Grim Avenger and that their group is uniquely qualified to help.
Beri backs up that they are who they claim to be. He also questions the mysterious past of the queen and why the current predicament can’t be solved through legal means. He suggests she just tell them all what is going on and the dragons can figure out if they are the ones to broker this peace. He also thanks Bosk for filling in the details regarding their demonic encounter.
Sesha / Detect Magic : Highlight to display spoiler: {The queen radiates an aura of sanctuary}
Sesha notes that the queen does not carry any weapons nor component pouch. Her raiment looks like it was made to move around in but that it doesn’t even provide the protection that cloth or padded armor would. She also doesn’t appear to have anything magical on her save for the aura the bloodwitch noticed previously.

Esmerald looks at you and says, “Well this is rather embarrassing. You see I wasn’t always as I am now and neither were my people. How to put this, well this land was one of constant conflict. Those who dwelt here lived in constant conflict with one another in a brutal struggle of kill or be killed. My house led both my people and an army of the undead against the forces of the other beings that used to dwell here. My grandfather and father made a deal with the creatures you see before you in order to gain the power to turn the tide of the “Forever Wars� as we called them in our favor. When they died in combat, no less, I inherited their mantle, the undead army, their demon enchanted weapons and at the time I’m ashamed to say that I was hell bent on revenge. From a young age I trained in one thing, Combat and I was good at it. Tactics, Strategies, Martial Arts, you name it and I could handle it. With my training, my army, my equipment and my natural talent I was able to wipe out the other factions. At first I did it one by one but as some of the sides started falling those that were left formed an alliance of sorts to try to stop me. They failed and I broke their forces and put an end to their threat leaving my people the sole inhabitant of this island. The problem is we had adapted to being a warrior race and we were starting to turn that same aggression that won the war against each other. I knew that if I didn’t do something we would be destroyed by the same foul drive that had enabled us to win. I considered moving beyond this island, but the question remained could we hold the expanded territory we would win in the future when we couldn’t hold the territory we had won in the past? It didn’t seem like we could, so in order to save my people I did something drastic. I ordered the undead army to stand down and to seal themselves away in a tomb, then I removed my heart. You see I was the last of my line and I didn’t take a spouse or have children so if I died the deal would be null and void and my people would be free or so I thought. The conflicts that were occurring between members of my people seemed unnatural and I think being in proximity to the undead army and weapons granted by the demonic pact fueled them on. The thing is I removed my heart and I didn’t end up dying somehow but the pact was physically separated from my being and sealed away in the organ which transformed into the stone artifact with the gold locket on the altar right there. I don’t know why I didn’t die but I wonder if some force opposed to evil blessed my sacrifice because I developed new powers that replaced the ones I had lost. I became protected by an aura that made it hard for me to be attacked and I could calm people’s emotions as well. I also found the plans for the city I ended up building nearby and the walls of the city resonated with my emotional calming ability to blanket the area and aid in my people changing as well. We took our swords and turned them into plowshares, seeking peace and prosperity instead of war and ruin. Things were going remarkably well until the undead army escaped their tomb and started attacking my city.
The walls are holding for now but I don’t know how long they will last. My people are defenseless. They no longer bear weapons. The demons contacted me and asked to meet with me in this well where my heart resides. They want me to use my heart to gain the power of the pact in order to save my people once again, but if I do that that will destroy all the progress we’ve made and probably us all in the end. I don’t think the undead necessarily want to destroy us all. I think it is possible they feel betrayed by me for having sealed them in a tomb for all eternity. I mean they are skeletal in nature but they are very cunning and while they had to obey my every order while the pact was in effect they do seem to have a will of their own, now. I think if they can be treated with respect and some sort of apology delivered for using them and tossing them away then maybe a peace can be had with them and the pact does not need to be renewed.”

The bug eyed tiny creature shouts to Esmerald in her high pitched voice, “You can’t trust the undead. They’d soon as kill you the moment you tried to have a peace talk with them.”
The black eyed woman chimes in, “Why take the chance? Your heart and the promise it contains are within your grasp. Take it and be done with these games. Crush the leader of the uprising as an example to any who would dare question your authority.”
The faceless clawed entity adds, “Suppose they do meet with you? What then? Who’s to say the undead won’t demand your death as an apology? Would your fancy walls still work if you were no longer there to resonate with?”
The bent limbed creature says, “I will tell you what will work. The pact. It saved your people in the past and it will save them now. Why gamble on some outsiders you just met and undead killing machines being reasonable when you could trust in us and be done with the threat they pose in the time it takes to reclaim your heart?”
The obese creature says, “We saw greatness in your bloodline. That is why we made the deal with your sire and grand sire in the first place. You can surpass them and gain an even greater power than that which you used to command. You said it yourself. Your people have grown soft and defenseless. You may be able to negotiate this threat away but what happens in the future when a new threat emerges that you can’t negotiate with? Your instincts were right the first time. You should take our power and move beyond this island. Bend this entire world and then the worlds beyond it to your will. Things will only be well and truly safe for your people when there are none left standing to possibly threaten them.”

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Friday September 13th, 2019 12:50:24 PM

Garret backs away from the demons, now that it appears that they really are demons. As he eyes them, he says to the queen, "This doesn't seem like a deal. This seems like they're trying to make you do something bad. That seems kind of clear to me, but I like things simple."

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Friday September 13th, 2019 3:54:51 PM

Restlin defers to Tink. He's sure she knows best how to handle this.

*Leaving for vacation today = low effort post.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Friday September 13th, 2019 9:04:08 PM

Beri scratches his head as he takes in the queens story.
Ahh, I think we understand your plight. As it turns out, we have actually worked with an undead kingdom in the past, they were people who's kindness and understanding were far beyond any mortal rulers I've met.

While I don't know the skeletal warriors you talk of, it sounds to me that your intuition and ability to read people and situations has been very keen. I know what you are saying is possible, and if you believe the warriors would listen then we would be honored to assist you in negotiating a lasting peace.

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Saturday September 14th, 2019 4:20:08 PM

Zane just nods his Dragon Head while Beri talks. He doesn't feel he needs to add anything else.
His presence should be enough, still, he remains ready to act as Bodyguard....

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Sunday September 15th, 2019 7:59:28 AM

"What you want sounds quite noble. Much better to seek a peace than to dominate over others" Tink nods to the Queen "We haven't met these undead you speak of so I can't speak to their motives, however I fear that the demons here might be trying to coerce you into a path of conflict. I think it best we proceed without their interference"

Tink is giving a not-so-subtle suggestion that either the demons leave, or the party (along with the Queen) do. She has some thoughts for the Queen but is wary about revealing them.

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Sunday September 15th, 2019 10:30:03 PM

Wyaar nods too to Beri's words. well said.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Monday September 16th, 2019 12:23:04 AM

Bosk scratches his head. I do not see what the problem is. It sounds like you have to options.

Option one: we aid you in seeking peace. If we fail, option two is always an option.

Option two: you form a pact and things can never go back to how they were and one group is lost.

In my experience, peace is always the better option, especially when it is the one that does not eliminate the other options.

DM Mitch 
Monday September 16th, 2019 7:41:08 AM

Garret backs away from the demons and advises against taking any sort of deal.
Restlin defers to TInk.
Beri explains they’ve worked with an undead Kingdom in the past who had a very high amount of kindness and understanding. He says while he doesn’t know who the undead are she speaks of but he’s willing to defer to her insight and will help if she thinks it is possible.
Zane nods his dragon head while Beri talks.
Tink says the queen has noble goals and that while she doesn’t know what the undead want she says the demons are trying to coerce her into a path of conflict and it is best to proceed without their interference.
Wyaar nods at Beri’s words.
Bosk points out the only two options he sees.

Queen Esmerald says to the Iron Dragons, “Do you mean it? Will you really help me in my pursuit of a peaceful solution? What do I do about the Demons? I don’t want to see them dealt with them violently, either. That isn’t the way I do things anymore. Plus they seem very persistent. They also raise a valid point about what happens in the future with the next threat after the Undead.”

The tiny bug eyed demon shouts, “Hey Esmerald. You don’t get to decide when this is over. We get to decide when this is over.”
The black eyed woman says, “Yes you’ve agreed to the terms of this discussion although you invited these interlopers into it who I might add are ruining it.”
The faceless entity says, “You just can’t leave...at least without giving us an answer that is.”
The bent limb entity says, “You know what answer we want and the answer that will save your people not just now but into the future as well: the pact.”
The obese creature says, “Iron Dragons is it? How do you know Esmerald won’t betray you in the same way she betrayed our pact, our wishes concerning this discussion and the undead forces she once commanded. This isn’t your world and it isn’t your fight. Clearly you’ve come here seeking something as you’ve said it yourself you aren’t from around here. I’ve got a proposition or deal for you too. Let us have Esmerald and we will aid you in finding whatever it is you are seeking here so you can get it and be on your way. In this way we can all get what we want. You get what you came for, Esmerald gets to save her Kingdom, and We get a very powerful agent in this world once again. What do you say?”

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Monday September 16th, 2019 11:02:33 AM

Garret turns his back to the demons and says, "Why can't you just walk away? Why can't we all just walk away?"

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Monday September 16th, 2019 12:14:06 PM

Restlin lived a life with few hard and fast rules. If he had more, he's positive that not making deals with demons would be one of them. He looks incredulously at the obese demon.

"What part of anything I just said makes you think we'd be ok with a deal like that? Making a deal with a demon because something bad might happen in the future is...well, that's not a solid idea. Of course there's going to be a next threat. That's just life." He puts his hands up. "We've offered our help, but the choice isn't ours, your highness. Our word is solid. You want our help pursuing peace, you've got it."

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Monday September 16th, 2019 1:56:19 PM

"Let me get this straight.
You made a deal a long time ago to solve a problem back then. And right now, the solution you came up with to solve that problem back then is now the problem you want to offer yet another deal to fix the last solution. What will you offer as a deal in the far future to correct whatever problem your current solution will fix for now?
As I see it, you have a never ending problem that lets you garner more and more power away from those who would use it for the Betterment of everyone, where you just want it for yourself and really don't care what the Queen gets out of it, as long as eventually you get everything.
That about sum up your deals?"

Hearing Zane's voice come out of the Bronze Dragon is strange, as usually he just uses the ring to communicate.

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Monday September 16th, 2019 9:10:34 PM

Sesha is still sure this is going to end in conflict. Her idea remains the same, she's ready to abscond with the queen if things go south.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Monday September 16th, 2019 9:11:42 PM

Wait... are you trying to bribe us into not doing the right thing? And after making such a big deal over who is in our party? Do paladins and justicars have some different roll in your realm? I'll save you a little time, in our realm we are all people that do good. We strive to only do good. And as far as we can tell, you aren't even attempting to hide the fact that your proposal goes in direct opposition to that one simple principle.

It also sounds like you are pretty afraid about letting the queen confirm a peaceful solution will work.

Beri turns to address the queen.
Your highness, you said that you think if they can be treated with respect and some sort of apology delivered for using them and tossing them away then maybe a peace can be had with them. The actions of the others seems to indicate that they fear this is true as well. Can you tell me more about why you believe this is the case. And about why you think they feel betrayed, that they are cunning, and what you see that makes you believe have a will of their own now? We have been to other realms where the undead behave thusly, and it seems to me that this is the most important piece to confirming we can broker the desired peace.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 1:35:10 AM

How do we know she will not betray us? That is something we cannot know, but you trust her and it seems the right thing to do. You seem to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 6:02:33 AM

The others have spoken all the words that came to Tink's mind

"I have said my piece. We can help you if you will let us. We should discuss how to do so in private"

DM Mitch 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 8:33:22 AM

Garret asks the demons why they specifically can’t just walk away and then why all involved can’t just walk away.
Restlin looks at the obese demon incredulously and asks it why it thinks they would be okay with a deal like that. He says the next threat isn’t a good reason because that is just life and then offers his help in pursuing peace to Queen Esmerald.
Zane uses his Dragon Voice to question the never ending cycles of deals the demons are pursuing to get power at the expense of others.
Sesha prepares to abscond with Queen Esmerald if things go pear shaped.
Beri asks the Demons if they are trying to bribe them into not doing the right thing and asks them why they think a Justicar or Paladin would go along with it. He says they strive to only do good and points out it seems like they are scared of the queen confirming a peaceful solution will work. He then asks Esmerald more about the undead and why she believes they can be reasoned with.
Bosk agrees they have no guarantee she’s worth their trust but it’s the right thing to do.
Tink agrees with everyone else and says they should discuss further in private.

The bug eyed Demon yells out to Garret, “Because thems the rules of this parley. No one leaves until straight yes or no answers are given to any offers made.”
The black eyed woman says, “Yes and we have 2 pending offers on the table though it looks like the offer we explicitly made to the Iron Dragons has been practically rejected by Beri and Zane. ”
The blank faced entity says, “Yes and while Queen Esmerald seems to be wanting to go with your offer, she hasn’t outright rejected ours. As to the question, life being the next threat eventually coming along, that doesn’t have to be life if one is strong willed enough to shape their own destiny. One can chose to be the threat and not the one who is doing the threatening.”
The bent limb creature says, “You ask why we don’t want a peace treaty between Esmerald and the undead, well we are demons. We thrive on chaos. Lasting peace is bad for business, of course there are other jokers on this rock. We could just try to find someone more receptive to our deal and come back with our new friends. That could make things mighty chaotic.”
The obese creature says, “We don’t have to limit our selections to this rock. Obviously the Iron Dragons aren’t from here. We can recruit from beyond this world. If the Iron Dragons are such a strong force for good there has to be strong forces for evil to balance them out as well.”

Queen Esmerald says to the Iron Dragons, “Do you really think the demons will offer their power to someone else and have them come back here to get revenge? Is there anyway to send them back to whence they came? I suppose it might be easy for them to get here?”

To Beri specifically she says, “Well the skeletal troopers started out as fae folk who fell in battle. Granted my people have light hollow skeletons so it took multiple remains to craft each trooper. The personality of each skeletal trooper is similar to but different from the remains used to craft it. They also retain some of the skills and abilities the corpses they were crafted from knew in life. So since the skeletal troopers used to be of my people I think they still are motivated by the same things my people were motivated by in life at least in part. It could be interpreted that we cut them off from a touchstone to their past by sealing them away from what parts of them knew when they were alive. I honestly do regret what was done to them and would like to atone for it if I could.”

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 10:23:25 AM

Wyaar watches with a frown between the groups. Demons are bad. Crafted undead from fallen fae is bad. Paladins aren't know for their love of "lesser evil" situations.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 11:51:14 AM

Garret looks around the "rock" they are on. He isn't sure how else to convince the queen that the evil things are evil and should be avoided.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 1:19:47 PM

"Yea, probably," is Restlin's simple answer to the queen. He was kind of annoyed that she wasn't seeing the enormous amount of good luck that just landed right in her lap. They were her chance to get out of this mess. He hopes she realizes that soon...

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 7:45:55 PM

Looking towards the Queen, "Most likely. But that'll be because you are unwilling to accept their solution to your current problem. And the Current problem is a result of the previous solution, isn't it?
Like I just said, in another few hundred years, they'll offer you a solution to the problem that what they offer now to fix your current problem has yet to create.
It's like one of those carousel rides that some carnivals travel with. You get on, and all you do is go around and around.
Its a decision you are going to have make on your own. We will offer our help and do what we can. Afterwards, if you can assist us with our quest we will welcome it. But we won't demand it. But you already know we are here for our own reasons."

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Tuesday September 17th, 2019 9:25:43 PM

Beri considers what the demons have said.
Well, I'm not sure what the demons abilities are in this realm. As they said, they thrive on chaos. It seems to me that there has been little chaos since you turned away from them. Keeping power within your family also seems to have been the path of minimal chaos, whereas giving power to those that were trying to oppose you seems to be more in line with their style. And they seem to have more interest in this deal than the details we've been told would naturally lend themselves to.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are somehow bound to you and your family in a way that prevents them from making a deal elsewhere. Possibly there was something in the original deal that keeps them bound to your removed heart, and keeps them from bringing others against you. In fact, by your own words "the pact was physically separated from your being and sealed away in the organ"...

That gives me an idea, you asked if we could send them back to whence they came. If I am right that the pact binds them to the heart, then I believe we can do just that. Do you happen to know the exact terms of the pact?

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 1:20:15 AM

Bosk listens, also curious about the terms of the pact.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 7:24:48 AM

"Well, we are demons" That pretty much sums up the situation for Tink. She doesn't trust these demons at all. She has some ideas for how to help with peace negotiations and coming up with some sort of mutually agreeable terms, but again, anything she suggests now would give the demons time to find ways to counter it. No. Best to wait until they aren't in earshot.

DM Mitch 
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 8:08:27 AM

Wyaar frowns at being between Demons and Crafted Undead from Fae remains as paladins weren’t known for their love of lesser evils.
Garret looks around the “rock” they are on and isn’t sure how to convince the queen that Demons are evil and should be avoided.
Restlin informs the queen that the Demons will probably be back and is starting to get annoyed that she can’t see the good luck that just landed in her lap.
Zane agrees with Restlin that the demons probably will be back but points out it is only because she is unwilling to accept their solution to the current problem. He suggests that if she did accept their offer then down the lane she’d have to make another deal to fix the problem that would arise because she’s accepted this solution. He makes a comparison to a carousel that some of the traveling carnivals have and then states plainly that they will do what they can to aid Esmerald and then afterward if she can assist with their quest they welcome it but they won’t demand it.
Beri suggests that there has been little chaos for the demons since the Queen turned away from the deal and that keeping power in the Queen’s family was also a path of minimal chaos. He also suggests that they are unnaturally interested in the deal. He further suggests that they might be bound to her in a way that prevents them from making deals elsewhere. He further suggests that if the pact binds them to the heart they could potentially send the demons away. He asks for the exact terms of the pact.

Bosk listens.

Tink thinks there’s not much else to discuss; you can’t trust demons.

Esmerald says to Beri, “I’m sorry but the exact details of the pact are rather hazy. It is like when my heart got separated from my body everything that represented the pact got physically separated including some emotions and memories tied to the pact. As I said I’m fairly convinced that something, maybe a Deity or Archon intervened on my behalf but you do raise a good point about maybe the presence of the heart is acting as a blocker for any future deal they would make with anyone else and Garret, Wyaar and Tink seem earnest. Furthermore Restlin shows wisdom with respect to future threats just being the way of life. One can’t sit by thinking about what danger might be lurking out there while ignoring the clear and present one staring you in the the face.”
Esmerald is further moved by Zane’s statement and says, “Then Iron Dragons I accept your offer and 5 Demons I reject yours.”
A gong sounds. Whatever the rules of the parley were it seems like the sentiments the Iron Dragons expressed previously and the Queen’s outright rejection of the offer ended whatever hold the parley had.

The bug eyed demon screams, “You’ll regret this!” and disappears in a puff of angry smoke.
The black eyed woman says, “We could have been so good or rather so evil together again...such a pity. We will be back...with new partners in the future. Don’t be too jealous. Ta Ta.” and she blows a kiss before slinking away in a curl of seductive smoke
The slender blank faced entity says, “To come away empty-handed after all that. I’ve got a bad feeling about this...for you that is” and he too vanishes but doesn’t leave a trace.
The bent limbed creature says, “I suppose thems the breaks. At least for us for now. I imagine they’ll be a whole bunch of breaks in your future when we return and you probably won’t like ‘em.” He disappears in a mushroom shaped cloud.
The obese creature says, “We tried. You could have been Queen of many realities, feared and revered for many years as a conquerer who scoured whole existences in order to keep her people safe from any who would dare harm them. Instead you’ll be forgotten after we return as a temporary ruler of one small insignificant city on one small insignificant continent on one small insignificant planet amidst many vast and promising realities. You really blew it. We won’t make you as sweet an offer ever again. The next time you hear from us, it will most likely go something like submit to our new pact partner or die. Your choice.” The obese creature exits in a mini tempest complete with lightning crashes.

Sense Motive 45 : Highlight to display spoiler: {The black eyed woman seems to not quite be telling the truth related to the regret shown at not being able to partner with Esmerald again. There also seems to be a hint of uncertainty about being able to find a new partner. }
Sense Motive : 62 Highlight to display spoiler: {The Obese creature is outright lying with respect to the offer not being made again. It seems like the offer is still on the table. Furthermore it seems like the talk of finding a new partner is rather blusterous}
Sense Motive 62 + Know Arcana 50 Highlight to display spoiler: { It would appear that Beri’s surmization that as long as the queen has access to her stone heart the offer is still technically on the table as the queen is physically capable of reabsorbing the artifact and the pact it represents. The pact isn’t so much as turned off as it is suppressed. Might Beri also be right about the demons having so much of their energy tied up in a suppressed pact that they don’t have much to offer a would-be future partner?}

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic] 
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 11:26:59 AM

Garret, happy that the demons are gone, wanders over to the stone heart. He reaches his hand out as if to poke it, but looks back to see if Sesha is watching him.

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23  d20+12=17 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=32 ;
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 9:36:25 PM

Beri watches as the demos disappear in a flash of sound and fury, but their motives are inscrutable to the druid, who has apparently spent so long studying the living that the nonliving leave him puzzled.

He turns toward the queen and bows.
Thank you for putting your trust in us and for continuing down the path of goodness. We promise we will do all we can to broker a lasting peace.

It seems that your people acknowledge the code of parley, and that the skeletal warriors remember at least part of what they used to. Do you think they would agree to hold one so the mistakes of the past could be addressed and a peaceful path forward for both of you can start to be worked out?

(nat 20 on the final sense motvie, not sure if that let's me deduce it)

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 10:40:44 PM

Zane reverts back to Taur (still reduced) He cracks his neck to get a kink out and than waits to find out the next move of the group.
On a good day, he can sense that water is wet.....

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items  d20+41=46 ; d20+41=49 ; d20+41=60 ;
Wednesday September 18th, 2019 11:40:22 PM

Restlin exhales, glad the queen saw the right course of action.

"Demons aren't known for their win-win negotiating tactics, your highness. You made the right call here."

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 1:50:38 AM

[b]I suggest we prepare, just in case there was any truth to their words...although I sense their promises are like those of a little boy. Even if you accepted they would twist the words and means into something unrecognizable that would better suit them.

Before we start, I am sure you must have assume questions for us.[/b

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects  d20+27=44 ;
Thursday September 19th, 2019 6:50:21 AM

Tink is keen to get down to business. Peace negotiations and treaties often involve some form of paperwork, right?

"We'll need to understand a little more about these undead enemies. What sort of things they might want as part of a lasting peace, and what you would be prepared to offer. It is often the case with these things that deals need to be done"

Sense motive check vs DC45: 44 = Fail

DM Mitch 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 8:22:35 AM

Garret reaches a hand out to touch the stone heart but then quickly removes his hand on the off chance that Sesha is watching.
Beri watches as the demons disappear in a flash of sound and fury but he doesn’t know what to make of the demons motives. He thanks Queen Esmerald for putting her trust in them and then asks if the undead would be open to parley.
Zane reverts back to his taur form still reduced and stretches the cricks in his neck out.
Restlin points out demons aren’t likely to give good deals.
Bosk compares demons to children and asks the queen if she has questions.
Tink asks several questions.

Queen Esmerald says to Beri, “Well thank you for giving me an alternative to something I knew to be wrong but I felt due to dire circumstances I might have been left with no choice. As to your question with respect to the Skeletal Troopers, they might be compelled by the rules of parley, though I’m not sure if the result will be as impressive as it was here with respect to the demons. This well is technically a revered place. It is why I came here to remove my heart and why I chose it to remain the resting place for the artifact that it became. I don’t know if whatever fell energies the demons use interacted with the parley and the well to give us those interesting exits the demons gave or what. It is possible we could do a parlay and they wouldn’t be as heavily bound as the Demons were. Furthermore the possibility exists that some of their number might take an initial approach by myself as an opportunity to end my existence so perhaps a messenger who isn’t me bearing the flag of truce approach to make the offer for a talk?”

At the offer of information from the Dragons she pauses. ”I’m sure I'll think of a thousand, but I need a moment to consider. There are rather a lot of things on my mind.”

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 38*/25*/28* (Blur, Add+2 vs Evil) -- CMD 29 -- HP 233/233 -- Spells -- Active Effects 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 8:53:48 AM

"Of course. Perhaps there is somewhere we could retire to? Somewhere to take all of this in, to process what has happened and what IS to happen"

They can't spend the day standing around at the bottom of a well.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:51/51/40; (Blur) +4 vs AOO; HP: 243/260 Ki:19/21 CMD: 55 SR: 30 DR 10/Chaotic]  d20+34=54 ;
Thursday September 19th, 2019 11:41:06 AM

Garret doesn't see Sesha watching, so he touches the heart. He wants to see if it is really stone, or if it is still beating (Perception: 54).

Restlin (Carl) -- AC +20/+10/+16 CMD: +20 SR: 18 HP: 207/207 + 13 temp (Spells) Luck Points: 10/29 Quest Items 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 2:06:23 PM

Restlin could always conjure up his mansion, but this was royalty they were talking to. Surely she had somewhere nicer for everyone to talk than...this?

Zane (JCC) AC 37(31), CMB 25, CMD 32, HP 324/311, Blindsense 60' Character 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 5:26:05 PM

"I imagine that a group of unknowns, like we are, might be able to at least get them talking while under a flag of truce. After that, it all comes down to if an agreement can be reached or not. Most of it's attitude.
But before we continue, we should retire to a more comfortable location, my spell will be wearing off shortly and it'll become a bit more crowded in here."

Wyaar ( Sheet) AC 38/20/33, CMD 44 , HP 73/169, DR 5/Evil 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 5:50:42 PM

"Zane has the right of it. let's find a better place to talk before we are overly cozy."

Sesha - 102/202. AC 30 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 7:38:26 PM

"Second the part about going somewhere else. I like being underground, but this is stifling."

Beriothian -- AC:38+4/18/36+4 HP: 258+13/258 Blink: 50% Blur 20% miss, CMD = 23 
Thursday September 19th, 2019 9:07:47 PM

Beri looks around the shadows of the well,and while it feels infinitely safer now than when the demons were here he does agree that it is best to head out right away now that parley appears to be ending.

Yes, it would be a good idea to return. Besides, I any plans we are making would be better servered being completed away from the corrupting influences that seem to be leaking out of the heart and the pact that is bound within it.

If you believe a neutral flag bearer would be best, I see the silver tongued among us are already offering their services.

Bosk AC:45/20/40 blink&invis, DR10/magic, electric/10, CMD: HP 255/221 Spells 
Friday September 20th, 2019 12:57:20 AM

I can cook us up something to eat, if you all are interested. Food always helps me think.

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