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DM Robert - "You're worried about dirty guardsmen aren't you?" 
Thursday June 13th, 2019 8:28:34 PM

Looking at the map you can see that the circle areas are merchant's shops. There are arrows leading down lanes and then ending in question marks.

You recognize one face on the wall as one of the guys that Lukas brought in the other day. There's another picture of what appears to be a bald Orc, or maybe a bald half-Orc. However you really recognize none of the individuals pictured on a personal level (ie you've never seen them before and no amount of knowledge local is going to get you any information on them).

In answer to Micah's question, Lestrade gives a quirky nod to Lukas and they both flip the boards over. You can now see that what you took as bulletin boards were actually the backs of the bulletin boards. They have been ingeniously hung with hidden hinges. On the sides now showing you can see a variety of crime reports, detailing burglary and petty larceny complaints on all 5 levels.

Lestrade sits behind his desk. The room is very cramped darn those oversized taurs. "We believe that there is a protection racket going on. Unfortunately the racketeers seem to be frightening the merchants more than the promise of ridding the streets of them is worth it. We've had reports of increased activities among the clerics providing minor healing. The clerics have told us they've been healing what they think are severe injuries due to fights or beatings. When we go to question the individuals they deny anything or make up some excuse about falling down stairs, having shipments topple on them and the like. We've tried to bring in some suspects but they manage to be freed withing a few hours." He harrumphs, and says "Lawyers." He motions to Lukas. "Lukas has tried to stake out some of the shops and follow individuals that don't quite belong shopping there. The usual one is this bald half-orc."

Lukas takes over. "Every time I start out I can follow him for a bit then he turns a corner and by the time I get there he's disappeared. The last 2 times I didn't even try to hide the fact I was following him. He just turns the corner and within seconds when I round it as well he's no where in sight."

Lestrade chimes in again in response to Stohp. "Dirty Guardsman has a bad taste to it, I prefer to say compromised. And we're not sure how far it goes. Those lawyers show up pretty quick. Recently when we go to speak to a potential witness they have become too busy or are out running errands, like they know we are coming. The only one's I absolutely sure about are Lukas and another corporal named Jaden."

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Friday June 14th, 2019 10:17:53 AM

"That orc giving you the slip is just like that bard that tried to jump us. Ha! His buddies got theirs! Anyway dirty guardsmen is a sorry state...."

Stock mulls over the situation for a minute and then says, "I'm just spitballing here but what if we work together to "apprehend" one of these low level thugs and bring them back to the HQ for questioning..."

He finishes, giving an almost sheepish look at Z and Micah for suggesting something that is at best legal-ish, if not flat out illegal.

"Either way, do you have any idea how we can track down this orc?"

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Friday June 14th, 2019 12:17:34 PM

Dorbin thinks back to his time growing up on the trash level. He mumbles, "We need some sources of our own. We either need someone on the inside to turn, or we need to recruit someone else, someone who is already out there watching, who has seen something."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Friday June 14th, 2019 2:46:19 PM

Zander listens to Lestrade's account, "That sound about what we picked up from our investigation. We got to get one of their leaders, the street level thugs probably don't know a thing. How is this guy giving you the slip so readily Lukas?" He shakes his head until Stock speaks up,"Say that again Stock. No, no, no, the part about the bard giving us the slip. He used invisibility magic right? Could this guy be doing the same thing? Dorbin, Micah, do we have a way to test that? Do you know where this guy is likely to be Lukas? If he's playing so hard to catch maybe he actually knows something, and your attempts to apprehend him might be what's putting the target on your back Lukas."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Friday June 14th, 2019 9:48:20 PM

“Many yeses,” replies Micah to Zanderallen. “Yes, it sounds like invisibility magic. Yes, we have seen it used before by that bard criminal leader. And, yes, there are countermeasures. In fact I have prepared the same spell I tried to use the last time. If He gets close to me while it’s active, the magic invisibility will be nullified “.

To lestrade and Lukas he asks, “any ideas as to how to set that up?”

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Saturday June 15th, 2019 9:46:17 AM

"I can be pretty sneaky when I need to be, but I can't stop anything like Micah can. I will say that no matter the plan, Lukas should do what he would normally do. Him suddenly not dogging the trail of this guy will be a larger flag than anything. Also, we have to assume that they know the Shields are in on this. With people watch, us, you, and 'Compromised Guards' we, whatever we have will have to assume that they will be wary." Sid smiles and looks around, "Now I'm not a strategist, so I'll leave the actual planning to the professionals."

DM MikeK - How do we track down this orc? 
Saturday June 15th, 2019 10:34:23 AM

The Shields, Lukas, and Sgt Lestrade discuss the situation.

Stock asks what would happen if the Shields, ahem, apprehended some of the low level thugs, and brought them in.
Lestrade shakes his head.
“I’d expect pretty much the same thing when we brought them in. They don’t know anything, and some lawyer would be here in minutes to get them released.”
He gives a snort and glances at Stock.
“Probably on an illegal arrest argument.”

Dorbin suggests finding their own informant.
“Any leads you got on that would be helpful,” Lestrade agrees.

Micah, Zanderallen, and Sid think about the sudden disappearance of the half-orc. The consensus is he’s likely using some kind of invisibility magic.
Micah points out he can detect such, if he’s close enough.
The question is, how to do that?

Just then, the group hears a commotion from the Front Desk room.
A female voice, loud and frustrated - “I am NOT leaving until I talk to my brother!” - comes in loud and clear through the door over placating sounds from the desk sergeant.

Micah - Perception 5 Highlight to display spoiler: { The voice, and tone, sounds a lot like your sister. }

Lukas give Micah a puzzled look, crosses the room and opens the door.
“Jetta?” he calls.
“There you are!” comes the response. “Lukas, you need to help us! The shop is in trouble!”

Lukas invites his sister in to the room, while Lestrade hurriedly flips the bulletin boards back around to hide the investigation.

Micah’s sister strides in, stopping abruptly at the presence of a roomful of adventurers, including...
“Micah? What are you doing here?”

Lukas responds for his brother.
“They’re helping us with a case. Why are you here? What’s happening?”

After some quick introductions, Jetta hastily sketches out her story:

This morning, three creeps showed up at Smith's smithy and asked about their "fire Insurance" and how it might be a good idea to buy fire insurance from them. Micah's dad told them to be on their way. But the creeps said they would be back tomorrow at 4pm, just to see if he'd changed his mind. Jetta describes the creepers as “two low life human guys, early 20s, and this half orc with a shaved head.”

“A bit after they left, I found this balanced on the shelves.”
She hands over a small bottle.

Craft Alchemy DC 10 OR Knowledge Arcana DC 20 - Highlight to display spoiler: { It’s Alchemist’s Fire }

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Saturday June 15th, 2019 12:10:42 PM

Bartomus was dozzing by the door and the room came back into focus from his day dream of the plains of his youth. As Micah's sister came and shared her story about their business.

As she talked and shared that the enforcement effort was now going directly at Micah's family, he glared at no one in general. "So, how can we use tomorrow at 4 p.m. to our advantage? I mean on thought I have is if this half-orc goes and uses some invisibility spell, I could toss at him faerie fire and that could let us see what can't be seen. I mean it might work."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+1=6 ; d20+5=12 ;
Sunday June 16th, 2019 6:30:03 PM

Since, Lukas, as is typical, speaks for him, Micah watches silently as Jetta enters and tells her story.

"Thank you, Domi," he whispers softly as he realizes along with Bart that they have been given the time and place of the next appearance of the thugs.

He takes a look at the vial, but does not recognize it. He gestures for the others to take a look, but expects it to be some type of incendiary. He then casts detect magic and takes another look.

He then explains to the others, "The spell I have ready will cancel his invisibility. Unfortunately, he might notice he is no longer invisible. That may mean our only play here is to capture them. Perhaps this half-orc might not be so ignorant."

He gestures to Lukas and Lestrade to cover their ears and lowers his voice before continuing, "We would have time to interrogate him ourselves before the authorities arrive."

Gesturing again, he then resumes for all to hear, "I could also prepare a spell that enables me to see invisibility, but I can only cast it on myself, so I would have to be the one to lead and tailing of them. Even without this armor, I am not that stealthy."

Detect Magic
Craft Alchemy 6
Knowledge Arcana 20
The spell Micah has prepared is invisibility purge.
Also, I put a question on the Rules Center board about how invisibility purge works.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Sunday June 16th, 2019 7:47:00 PM

"Leave him to me." Stohp says. "I don't care if he can turn invisible, once he's got an 800 lbs Taur sitting on him he won't go anywhere visible or not."

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20=3 ;
Monday June 17th, 2019 9:50:26 AM

"Yeah, even if he's invisible, I should be able to smell him. It would be a bit like whack-a-mole but would probably be fun." His eyes drift off for a second and then he says, "What's whack-a-mole? Oh that was a game I played as a kid in the tunnels. Sometimes we'd get these oversized moles digging through our walls. The kids would have to run around and pull them out. Roasted over a fire with a little salt and pepper - them's good eating."

"I will say though, I REALLY don't like the idea of these guys threatening Lukas or the Smith Smithy. You guys may have to restrain me...On the bright side, now we have a time and a place."

Craft Alchemy 3

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+17=36 ;
Monday June 17th, 2019 12:31:06 PM

Dorbin watches as the woman barges in. When she shows the flask, he just glances at it and mumbles, "That's alchemist's fire. Nasty stuff. I would say they're serious about their fire insurance."

Knowledge, Arcana, DC 20: 36 Success

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Monday June 17th, 2019 5:07:45 PM

Zander takes several loud deep breathes to steady himself, the sound of metal scraping on metal quite obvious as he clenches and unclenches his mailed fists. "I think apprehending him may be our best and only choice. Even if Micah were to follow him with the ability to See Invisibility I think he would notice he was being tracked somehow and take evasion action, and would most likely be able to easily lose us. Tagging him with fairie fire, sitting our big taur on him, and bringing him in for questioning. That sounds like we'd have a chance. I vote we ambush him at the Smith's shop tomorrow at 4. And Stohp, they put alchemist's fire in a friend place, I wouldn't be too gentle with the sitting."

DM Robert - "So, how can we use tomorrow at 4 p.m. to our advantage?" 
Monday June 17th, 2019 8:18:38 PM

Bartomus suggests a little faerie fire.

Micah has invisibility purge but is not sure if it will work the way they want it. Tailing him might be pretty hard as he's not stealthy.

Stohp just wants to sit on the half-orc.

Stock thinks he can track by scent.

Dorbin identifies the alchemist fire almost as an afterthought.

Zanderallen thinks capturing him and questioning him might be their best bet.

- - -

Lestrade grunts and shrugs. "Capturing them has not been the issue. They claim up and wait for their release. We did have one person that was willing to press charges, we brought a couple of those guys in. But then the next day he said he was mistaken and could not identify them for sure. I later learned that he had to call for the clerics in the night because his wife and son had been severely beaten. He told the clerics that there had been an accident with loading stock, but the cleric knew the difference from the wounds inflicted."

Lukas smacks his fist into his open palm. "Dang that half-orc and his jaunty cap. It's almost like he's throwing it in my face whenever I try to follow him."
Perception 15 or Knowledge Local 15
Highlight to display spoiler: { Jaunty cap? no one has mentioned before that the 'bald' half-orc had a hat. Stohp has a jaunty looking hat she used to wear..maybe she still does...}

Lestrade drums the desk with his fingers. "I really wish we could recruit a cleric or wizard for the guard. I've heard of spells they could use to find people and things. That would certainly make a lot of aspects of our job easier."
Knowledge Arcane 15 or Spellcraft 15
Highlight to display spoiler: { He might be talking about Locate Object or Locate Creature }
If you succeed on the above check...
Intelligence check 15
Highlight to display spoiler: { Now if you could get the person to accept payment with a special coin, one that you'd marked in some way or that unique, well then you could use the lower level Locate Object spell.}

Lestrade motions you all out. "You'd best be going before someone gets nosy."

As you leave, Lestrade loudly proclaims. "Lukas, you need to keep your family affairs out of the office. Now get out there and get to work!"

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+4=8 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+1=4 ;
Monday June 17th, 2019 9:20:34 PM

Micah stops his hand halfway on its trajectory to slap his forehead as he realizes his hands also are gauntleted. "Lestrade, that's it. Unfortunately, divine magic does not provide for the casting of locate creature, but I can magically locate an object. Dorbin, do you happen to know locate creature. If not, perhaps we can track a unique item this half orc keeps with him."

As they leave, he takes the time to finally greet his sister, lifting her with a hug. "Have you lost weight?" he asks, repeating an old joke of theirs.

Perception 8 vs 15
Spellcraft 15 vs 27
Int 4 vs 15

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+13=27 ;
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 9:12:49 AM

"Jaunty cap? What? Why would that even stand out to you? Stohp, do you still have that funny hat? I always thought of it as kind of jaunty."

Perception 27

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+17=19 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+17=35 ;
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 12:08:41 PM

Dorbin ponders a moment and then says to Micah, "No, I don't know anything like that. I might be able to find that spell, as I do believe I've heard of it. Clerics do know it as well. And we could use something, maybe a marked coin, to pay the fellow and follow him if we had access to that spell."

OOC: Knowledge, Arcana, DC 15: 19 Success
Knowledge, Int, DC 15: 22 Success

Knowledge, Local, to know if Dorbin might know anywhere he could buy access to locate object or a scroll: 35

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+5=9 ; d20+5=23 ; d20+1=16 ;
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 5:22:59 PM

Once they are clear of eavesdroppers Zander voices a plan, "We could try to slip something to him that we could track magically. Might actually lead us somewhere. Micah could have it prepared for tomorrow. Anybody here think they could get something into his pocket either unseen or by trickery?"
Perception 9 vs 15
Spellcraft 23 vs 15
Int 16 vs 15

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 6:30:26 PM

Bartomus followed along and added, "they ate going to want money. Why not give them what they want?

He blinked and kept talking. [B]"We get a few gems that we get laced w a spell and track that. We're c might loose the gems, but might get a few leads as well."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 6:50:25 PM

Stohp shakes her head at Lestrade before they go. "Micah's sister just told us they've been targeted. I'm sure his family would cooperate and we can protect them from any retribution. I'm new at this so maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that you've got your cooperating witness right there, plus the alchemists fire that just magically showed up after threats were delivered. We should still try to figure out his vanishing trick and follow him to his cohorts, but I don't see any reason why we can't bring him in directly afterwards."

After they leave Stohp listens to everyone else's discussion before putting her two cents in. "I do still have that hat." she says, tipping it jauntily. "It lets me appear to be someone else in an instant. It could easily be how he's shaking his tail, and less risk the true invisibility in a crowded street. Someone just make walk into you if they can't see you."

Stohp ponders for a moment. "So how's this for a plan. We work with Micah's family to plant a traceable coin on the orc. How good of an actor is your father Micah? We'll need him to sell to the orc that he's intimidated enough to pay after finding the alchemist's fire. If possible he could even bait the orc into saying as much as possible about the plot so he can testify about it later. Once the orc is paid maybe have a few of us hanging around in side streets, see if we can catch him at his vanishing act. I don't know, is that too risky?

Still, once he's on his way we can trace him with locate object, or at least the coin. If we're lucky we catch him with his gang and bring them all in, or maybe he gives it to his boss and finally get a name on the boss, or at least a face If we're out of luck he goes home and goes to sleep with it. This may require a stakeout and several peeks at the location of the coin to catch as many of them as we can. Is there any sort of scrying magic we can use to watch the area the coin is taken too? That'd be super useful."

DM Robert - "Lestrade, that's it." 
Tuesday June 18th, 2019 8:41:51 PM

Micah realizes the power of locate creature and locate object.

Stock asks about Stohp's hat.

Dorbin suggests paying the fire insurance with a marked coin.

Zanderallen asks if anyone could slip something into his pocket so they could track it.

Bartomus suggests paying the insurance with gems.

Stohp thinks that maybe the half-orc is using a hat of disguise. She suggests Micah's father be a witness in the court. And Micah's father could plant the locate object coins during his payment. She also asks if anyone can scry/spy on the coin should they lose track of it.
- - -

The party exists the building and looks for a somewhat private out of the way location.
Perception 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {That desk sergeant was eyeing you but if you notice him, he just smiles and gives you a little nod.}

Lukas quickly goes off on his patrol.

Locate Object would best work with a specific item. Now a gold coin could be specific but it could be one of many. Bartomus suggests paying the insurance with gems.

Jetta pipes up. "Gems might be overkill, they are only demanding 10 gold pieces a week. It's enough to be payable without bankrupting us. After all you don't slaughter the cow when you're just trying to milk her."
Knowledge Local 20
Highlight to display spoiler: {A unique gold coin, now that's different you could try and get an old gold coin from some collector, or you could see if some money changer has a gold coin from a far off region.}
Craft 20 or Profession 20
Highlight to display spoiler: {Someone skilled could try and create a coin that was unique.}

While the sum does seem small, if they have enough of the merchants on the level cowed, then that could mean a couple hundred gold pieces a week. Two gold a day is a good income for most. The book states that a skilled hireling costs 3 sp a day, but that assumes you are providing food and boarding.

You find an a small cafe serving coffee, hot chocolate, and tea as well as some croissants and cream puffs. It's after the morning rush so it's pretty quiet and empty. You can smell fresh bread being baked in back.

Dorbin is reasonably sure he knows where he can pick up a scroll of locate object. And that place would probably be the Sage's Guild.

Something Stohp said is playing around in the back of your minds...
Knowledge Arcane 15 or Spellcraft 15 or Knowledge Local 20
Highlight to display spoiler: { A hat of disguise would work to have the half-orc change his appearance, then again maybe the hat of disguise is already working when people are seeing the bald half-orc, i.e. that the bald half-orc is not his true self.}

It is still morning. You have all of today and most of the next to prepare for the meeting with at 4pm. What is on the agenda for the Shields?

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+13=29 ; d20+3=14 ; d20+3=15 ;
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 9:09:23 AM

"Glad you guys are around to help figure this out."

He stops by the cafe and grabs a cream puff, leaving a silver. "So do we just hold up waiting on our "meeting" tomorrow?"

Perception 29
Local 14
Local 15

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+12=26 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+7=10 ;
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 10:25:50 AM

As they left the station, he noticed that the desk sargeant seemed to be interested in their being there. "Hope it's a quiet one for you guys," he said to the guy and anyone else listening.

As they were talking with Jetta, he nodded adding with a shrug his thoughts. "Well, I was thinking of something small like a pearl or garnet, but even those might be too much. Just something we could track somehow. Stohp's got it down, just need to get that scroll. We could bite a gold coin, did we get any odd ones from the Folk we could us? "

He got in line at the cafe, his mouth watering at the mix of smells and his mind envisioning a fresh croissant or two and some strong tea. "We gotta go fine a few more books today, right?"

P 26; KnL 9; Cft 15; KnL 10

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+17=37 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+17=28 ;
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 11:54:57 AM

Dorbin watches as the desk sergeant watches them depart. After they are outside and out of earshot he says, "I don't think I trust that desk sergeant there."

As the group gathers at the cafe, Dorbin says, "You know, we could likely get a coin that's unique that hopefully the bad guys won't recognize, maybe from a collector. I wonder if we might even just be able to nick one in such a way that the spellcaster would be able to use the spell on it."

"Oh, and while we're thinking about that, I'd need to go pick up a scroll for that spell myself. I'm pretty sure the Sage's Guild would have one, but we don't want to wait for the last minute to pick that up."

He ponders another moment and then says, "And hey, if that guy has a hat of disguise, the bald orc might actually be the disguise and he just takes it off when he wants to disappear into the crowd! Then it could anyone, even Red Herring!"

Perception, DC 15: 16 Success
Knowledge, Local, DC 20: 37 Success
Knowledge, Arcana, DC 15: 28 Success

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+5=20 ; d20+5=7 ;
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 5:17:18 PM

Zander ignores the desk sergeant as they leave, poor man was probably having his family threatened to report on the guards. Once they're at the cafe he gets a cup of tea and sums up the groups plans, "I think we go to Lord Yeager and the Sage's guild to collect the last two stolen items still in the city. Look like business as usual, while we're at the Sage's guild we can get Dorbin his scroll and see if we can find a coin with some unique non-suspicious feature that we can magically track. Plant it on our guy and see where it takes us."
Perception 20
Spellcraft 7

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+4=20 ; d20+4=14 ;
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 6:35:03 PM

As they leave Sid takes out a gold and a chisel. He takes his tea and a scone, dropping a silver as well, and as they sit he starts defacing the gold, as if a bored rich kid was being stupid. He drops it on the table when done and says, "Here, a common, uncommon coin. Eh?"


Dex(+4): 20 ((Not sure what else to add so I just did my dex to deface the coin in a unique, but banal looking way.))

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 6:35:19 PM

Stohp had already guessed the orcs form wasn't his true form, but thought it obvious and didn't mention it. Seriously, who would go around extorting people looking like themselves if they had an easy means of disguise?

As for the coin, she puts her two cents in. "Do we really need to go to all of that trouble? Why can't we just take a coin, gouge out part of it or get a horse to step on it a few times so that it's unique? If we get something to obviously different it'll make the orc suspicious and he might know enough to worry about being trace via an object. A coin that just looks like it got beat up through use, but is unique enough for the spell to recognize, seems like it'd be best to me."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+4=23 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+18=32 ;
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 6:38:02 PM

Micah pauses a moment at the door to see if he can get a read on the desk sergeant. After they get out of the range of hearing, he says to his sister, "Next chance you get, tell Lukas that the desk sergeant was paying us a little more attention than usual. He should look into it."

"Unusual coins should be easy enough to come by. Customers occasionally pay in foreign or unique coinage. Father, likely has one we could use.

OOC: Is the collection today at 4:00 or tomorrow at 4:00?

Sense motive 32 to determine any intent behind the desk sergeant's scrutiny

Perception 23 vs 15 success
Craft 13 vs 20 failure
Spellcraft 24 vs 15 success

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 6:52:50 PM

"Yeah, like that" Stohp says after Sid finishes defacing the coin.

DM Robert - " I'm pretty sure the Sage's Guild would have one." 
Wednesday June 19th, 2019 8:16:23 PM

Stohp downs a cream puff, but can she stop with just one.

Bartomus wonders about getting an odd gold coin as well as the scroll. Croissants are served and then a jar of honey and butter... He wonders about the other stolen items as he eats.

Dorbin ponders on many things.

Zander is for business as usual which means fetching the other stolen items.

Sid starts working over a coin.

Stohp thinks they should just try to make the coin look well used.

Micah wonders about just using a foreign coin.

Stohp admires Sid's work.

OOC the meeting for the fire insurance is tomorrow at 4....in game time, not real time.

Sid please make a craft check at +17 to deface the coin but make it still look normal.
Interestingly this was done during WWI by soldiers and was called Trench Art. The faces on the coin would be 'altered' to make them look like someone else. Sometimes a whole side would be redone into something completely different. But for our purposes you're trying to make the 'face' on the coin look like one of your companions, you pick who.

With both Stohp and Sid massively overpaying your service is good and frequent.
Diplomacy 15 to get the waiter to let you have some peace and quiet.

With your morning snack done it seems the majority who voiced an opinion seem to think heading to the Sage's guild should be the first order of business. And thus after giving Sid a decent amount of time to start his work you trudge off to the Sage's Guild, all the way up on the Gold Level. The Headquarters of the Sage’s Guild is in the Floating City, on the Gold Level [at location No. 24], at the former site of Kerracle's Temple of Unity. The public entrance is an unassuming gateway leading onto a grand circular courtyard bordered by the three domed buildings of the Symposium chambers. In the center of the courtyard is the small but elegant Chancellor's Tower. Each chamber has workrooms, studies, and living quarters in the upper levels and a network of rooms and tunnels beneath that connects to the other buildings and to the Vault of Records below. The Vault is a vast warehouse in a magical space that is much larger inside than out. This Vault, controlled by the Librarians, holds everything ever collected by the Sage’s Guild.

It is most likely the book would be in the Chamber of Records. Whereas obtaining a magical scroll would most likely be done in the Chamber of Instruction.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 9:53:19 AM

Stock takes a long look around the Sage's guild as they enter. "So this is where you escape to, Dorbin. It's pretty quiet here." Not surprisingly, Stock is not being all that quiet.

"Micah - I'm sure that desk sergeant was just surprised to be in the presence of the Shields. Even if he knows you are Lukas' brother, it has to be distracting to see us in person. Probably nothing too suspicious there."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Thursday June 20th, 2019 10:06:23 AM

The food was delicious, the service constant, which wasn't too bad except being interrupted a bit too often by servers wanting to make sure that everyone was satisfied. As they ate, he thought a bit more about their plan.

"What if we asked the young guy to be there in the shop with you disguised as one of his buddies? No one is going to suspect a couple of young thugs. Especially if they are ordered out of the place as the insurer's arrive?" He shrugged as he laid out his idea. "The others might be interested in tracking down the pair moving in on their territory, that could give us a bit more of angle to play."

He was amazed at the Sage's Guild's size and suspected that a person could spend weeks, if not months, just wandering about the various dome filled chambers. "So, Dorbin, we just follow you, or um do you want us to wait out here and what don't touch things?"

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 11:25:04 AM

Dorbin smiles and nods to those he knows once they enter the chamber. He almost forgets that he has brought and entire entourage with him until he gets a few looks from some of the staff. When Bart asks, Dorbin replies, "I think if we just stay together, I should be able to lead us where we need to go." He gestures towards the chamber of records, indicating that the others should follow. A moment later he looks back, quite surprised that he's actually leading such an esteemed group.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+17=20 ;
Thursday June 20th, 2019 6:43:01 PM

Zanderallen courteously gets the waiting staff to give them a little space to talk privately. Once they head into the Sage's guild he very quickly realizes just how lost he could get in here. He is amazed at the young wizard's ability to navigate through the seeming maze of knowledge, "Lead the way master Dorbin. By all the gods, this place is huge. Do you think anybody has actually read all the books in here?"
diplomacy 20

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Thursday June 20th, 2019 7:19:00 PM

Stohp grunts. "We established the guards have problems, I think that's more than enough reason to be suspicious. Especially with how everyone was speaking loudly so the desk Sargent would hear our excuses."

DM Robert - "Do you think anybody has actually read all the books in here?" 
Thursday June 20th, 2019 8:29:41 PM

Stock seems to think the desk sergeant was just taken in by their heroic presence.

Bartomus proposes a plan. Not sure who you mean by young guy and disguised as one of his buddies.

Dorbin takes the lead.

Zanderallen thinks the place is huge.

Stohp is suspicious of the guard in general.

Sid? Working on the coin?



As a reminder Sid please make a craft check at +17 to deface the coin but make it still look normal.
Interestingly this was done during WWI by soldiers and was called Trench Art. The faces on the coin would be 'altered' to make them look like someone else. Sometimes a whole side would be redone into something completely different. But for our purposes you're trying to make the 'face' on the coin look like one of your companions, you pick who.

The hall of records is indeed huge. In fact through not small magical feat, the inside is many times larger than the outside. A quick look around the help desk reveals one attendant with the shortest line. Dorbin recognizes him as the fellow he dealt with previously. It is Gargamel. His robes are not the finest quality. He is bald on top with disarrayed black hair on the sides and back. His bulbous nose looks like it could scent a truffle in the woods. It is either to him they must go to or wait possibly a half hour while other scholars put in their complex requests for material on matters hopping there is a volume dealing with their question. (Which is why the attendants are always busy, trying to decipher what the scholar really needs to answer their research questions.)

Knowledge Local 20
Highlight to display spoiler: { Gargamel is a misanthrope, hating pretty much everyone, though he will sometimes feign friendship if there is something in it for him that he can either earn or steal. He is also an abject coward, surrendering or fleeing upon the merest hint of personal risk or harm. It is rumored that he has a seemingly endless library of spellbooks ("grimoires"), potions, and gimmicks for his life's passion.}

Of course acquiring the volume "An Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" which records showed was sold to a representative of the Sages Guild, may simply be going up and asking for it and pointing out it's stolen property.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+7=16 ;
Friday June 21st, 2019 12:02:52 AM

"Yea, if we could get Sean and Thomas to act like they are there to shake the place down on a regular basis," Bartomus started up again on his idea. "The half-orc might see them as cutting into their territory, make it where the shop owner shoes them out as the half-orc shows up and then here's your money, go tell them to leave us alone."

He looked about and followed along with the others.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+3=8 ;
Friday June 21st, 2019 8:54:15 AM

To Bartomus, Stock says: "That could work although I wonder if the two kids are ready for that. I hate to put them in danger - and they would certainly be in danger. I'm more of a fan of staking out the Smithy and then following the insurance collectors in to the building. Keep them contained inside and capture them. If needed we could bring them back to the warehouse for a more detailed conversation."

He then looks over at the docent and sighs. "OK. An Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Let's find it."

Local 8

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Friday June 21st, 2019 12:15:27 PM

"Hopefully this is an easy request. Go ahead Dorbin, it will probably be received better as coming from one of their own members. The rest of us will wait here so we don't goon squad some poor desk attendant. We don't exactly look like their normal customer." He chuckles as he looks around at the groups abundance of arms and armor.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+17=30 ; d20+17=33 ;
Friday June 21st, 2019 1:35:40 PM

Dorbin recognizes Gargamel and waits his turn in line. When he reaches Gargamel, he tries to talk Gargamel's language (Profession, librarian: 33). He asks if Gargamel knows about the book and tries to suggest there might be a reward for this particular book.

Knowledge, Local, DC 20: 30 success
Profession, Librarian: 33

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Friday June 21st, 2019 4:55:27 PM

Micah takes the time in the guild to relax, pondering what they have learned and trying to think of the best way to follow the thug without endangering his family any more than necessary.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+17=22 ; d20+5=18 ;
Saturday June 22nd, 2019 9:08:50 AM

Sid carves the coin into Micah's likeness. He looks as Z and Stohp for a long moment, but decides it should be some that more closely resembles the figure on it. He ages it a bit and is satisfied with his work.

At the library his eyes go wide and he looks at what titles he can, cooing to himself.

So, I'm sorry I missed so much this week. It was a weird one.

For the coin:

Sid will take the image and match it to the closest person of the party. Assuming a human he chose Micah, but he will make the most logical choice for the picture itself. Oh, and if it is an Elven figure he will of course make it look like Elly.

Craft(Coin): 22
Knowledge(History): 18

DM Robert - "We don't exactly look like their normal customer." 
Saturday June 22nd, 2019 11:49:09 AM

Sid has made a good likeness of Micah on the coin. But not one that would stand out unless closely examined. This would be the perfect coin for anyone that wanted to cast Locate Object upon. A little time spent memorizing and holding the coin would do nicely to get a lock on it.

Gargamel eye's Dorbin. "You're saying it's stolen?" Gargamel sighs and wipes his nose. "Statue 14b subsection 13 states that anyone that tries to make a profit in return of stolen goods is subject to de facto after the fact accessory of said stolen goods." He sighs again and hops off his stool. "Wait here." He goes off and is gone for ten minutes and then returns. He is carrying a book and several papers. He plops the book down on the counter and flips the papers down next to it. "Sign here, initial here, and sign here." He indicates the appropriate locations.
Knowledge Local 15 or Linguistics 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {These are pretty straight forward release of stolen documents forms. There is also a release to have said item removed from library records. And a third release stating that you are taking possession of said stolen item as a representative of the courts to return it to its rightful owners.}

Upon signing and initialing where indicated the book is turned over.

Gargel looks at Dorbin. "Is there anything else? He asks with a rather annoyed tone of voice.
Sense Motive 10
Highlight to display spoiler: {It's not that he's really annoyed, just bothered that he has to man the desk and wait on others in general.}
IF you made the roll above successfully then Knowledge Local 15 or Profession Sage 10
Highlight to display spoiler: {Manning the desk at the hall of records is sometimes meted out as punishment to a Sages that have irked someone higher up. It can also be a duty someone volunteers for in order to gain access to materials not for general public consumption.}

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 9:16:06 PM

"Well that seemed pretty quick and easy," Bartomus said as he watched the old man eventually return with the book. He watched as Dorbin signed various forms and then got distracted by the settin gthey were in. It was a place he had never been before and it was just exciting to see another part of the Float that he hadn't realized existed before joining the Shields.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+15=17 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+12=25 ;
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 9:49:46 PM

Sid's interest in the papers shifts as he thinks about Gargel's position. He looks at him for a moment with jealous and envious eyes. He looks around to see if there's anyone more than curious about them.


Knowledge(Local): 17 (I think I have more than a plus 15, but I'm not sure. I can't quite check my sheet right now)

Perception: 29 (I'm sure I have a plus 12)

((Please ignore the second one, it was a miss roll))

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+5=11 ;
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 10:07:11 PM

Micah inspects the coin Sid provides. "Nice job. This will work nicely," he thanks the
elf as he focuses on committing it to memory.

Auto success on sense motive
DIsregard profession check. Just realized it can only be used trained.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Sunday June 23rd, 2019 11:27:09 PM

"Where were we going to get the scrolls? Next building over right?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Monday June 24th, 2019 10:15:32 AM

When the librarian starts talking like a lawyer, Stock rolls his eyes so hard that you can almost hear them. Instead of listening in, he walks away and tries to take an interest in the architecture of the building.

"What? Yeah a scroll. Let's go find it. Come on Dorbin, keep up."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+20=25 ; d20+2=3 ;
Monday June 24th, 2019 11:55:21 AM

Dorbin recognizes the papers and quickly signs them. He thanks Gargamel profusely, but is distracted by their next goal and in trying to shield Gargamel from Stock's reaction, so he doesn't see Gargamel's mood. Instead he tries to hurry everyone along after grabbing the papers and book, "Yes, this way, we should be able to get a scroll pretty easily from this next hall over."

Linguistics, DC 15: 25 Success
Sense Motive, DC 10: 3 Failure

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Monday June 24th, 2019 6:04:29 PM

"Thank you good sir." Zander bows to the librarian as Dorbin escorts them away. "Well that was pretty easy. Good work Dorbin, I assume the forms were routine?"

ADM Zach subbing for DM Robert - "Next building over right?" 
Monday June 24th, 2019 8:40:28 PM

Stock would really rather not be wandering a library but he does find interest in a building that has been magically altered to fit more space than it physically has.

Bartomus happily wanders this new place, well new to him.

Dorbin shines everything to satisfaction and hurries everyone along before they cause any disruptions.

Zanderallen thanks the clerk and asks about the papers.

Stohp is ready to move to the next point on the agenda.

Sid looks around for trouble in the library, other than a grumpy old wizard two rows over yelling about getting the wrong addition of a tome nobody stands out.

Micah familiarizes himself with the coin for future spellcasting.


Dorbin leads the Shields out of the Chamber of Records and towards the Chamber of Instruction. They all hope he knows the way through the seeming maze. Hallways and extra dimensional spaces don't always seem to line up.
As they come across an intersection there is a loud crash and papers fly everywhere as Dorbin and another equally distracted wizard run full tilt into one another. He recognizes him as a young wizard named Fergus who joined the guild about the same time who up until the collision was carrying a mound of books and scrolls that are now scattered across the intersection. "Ah, w-w-watch out." He stammers before adjusting his spectacles and seeing the group he just ran into. He lets out a squeak and then starts apologizing as he bends over to pick up his papers, "S-s-s-sorry mil-l-lords and ladies. I sho-o-ould have been w-w-watching where I was g-g-g-going...."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Monday June 24th, 2019 9:44:08 PM

Micah suppresses a smile at being called a lord and takes a surreptitious peak at Stock's reaction. To avert any more awkwardness, he bows slightly and courteously replies as if he truly were nobility, "No worries, friend mage. Please do not let us further disrupt your studies."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Monday June 24th, 2019 10:09:43 PM

"It's fine, it happens." Stohp says amiably and she bends over to help collect the scattered objects.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 9:30:13 AM

"No harm, no foul. Hey Dorbin, you know this guy? He reminds me of you!" Stock's voice is definitely louder than it needs to be and certainly louder than it ought to be in this place.

You can't tell if he raised his voice on accident or on purpose.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 12:41:10 PM

Dorbin starts picking up the papers and cringes, waiting to be yelled at by some superior, and is surprised when he hears Fergus' voice. He stops and looks up, saying, "Oh, hi there, Fergus! It's me, Dorbin!" He cringes when Stock talks so loud and glares at him a moment.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 5:11:37 PM

Zanderallen grins and starts to help until he realizes there are more than enough people picking up papers and steps back to give every else room. "A friend of yours Dorbin? Pleased to meet you Fergus. Sorry about the bump, Dorbin has his hands full keeping us in line."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 6:58:21 PM

Bartomus watched the two run into each other but couldn't do anything to stop it or warn them. He tried helping with picking up dropped items and holding them out to Fergus for his retrieval. "so any chance he has what we might be looking for? I mean this place is huge."

He still was trying to understand how something so big could fit into The Float which already was a wonder that caused his mind to just freeze in contemplative thought.

DM Robert - "We don't exactly look like their normal customer." 
Tuesday June 25th, 2019 8:07:03 PM

Micah diffuses the situation.

Stohp helps to pick things up.

Stock, for one so small, acts more like the bull in the china shop than the Taurs.

Dorbin greets Fregus.

Zanderallen tries to pass the time of day with Fergus.

Bartomus is still stunned at the weird arrangement of large things inside small things.



Fergus quickly retrieves his items and gives out some advice. "Hey Dorbin, how's the field work going? Guess you're in here for some instruction help?" Since you are now in the tower of instruction. "Watch out for old Elimster he's in a foul mood. You might check with some of Edvard's staff, he seems to be going light on them these days."

Dorbin leads the party through halls where you can see instruction rooms. As you pass one room you note that the professor there is in his late 30's dressed in a tweed jacket. There are a large number of females in the class. He seems to be archeology.

At last Dorbin comes to the rooms he was seeking, which were up another flight of stairs. He enters and there are 3 desks, one on each wall away from the door. Behind each desk is a person in black robes quietly writing on a scroll. They appear to be copying something from a large book on each of their desks. Going around the room to your left is a male halfling with curly blond hair. Across from you is a female dwarf with the blackest hair you've ever seen. On your right is a human male with chestnut brown hair.

The human finishes first and looks up. "Yes, may I help...you?" He stares at all you gathered in the doorway and in the hall.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 9:18:06 AM

As Dorbin takes care of business, Stock walks over to Micah, "Hey man, I'm sorry your family has been pulled into this. We'll get this done. So let's make sure I understand the whole plan: We help your family pay the protection money with Sid's marked coin. We then follow the coin to some place where we bust in the doors and get even? Did I get that right? And after we get this scroll I guess we could try to pick up the final book from Lord Yeager?"

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 12:10:22 PM

Dorbin clears his throat and says, "Greetings, I am Dorbin, Associate Sage of the Chamber of Records. I have need of a scroll with a spell to locate an object on it. Would you be able to help me with that item?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 4:38:25 PM

Wishing Fergus a good day, Zander continues following Dorbin. He makes a mental note to take some archeology classes at some point soon. He stays away from the tomes, afraid to damage what he assumes to be spell books.

(OOC: ELMINSTER! You can't hide behind poor spelling.)

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 6:15:56 PM

Micah nods in appreciation as Stock expresses his sympathy, but the nod quickly changes direction to indicate negation as the dwarf continues with his interpretation of the plan.

Before responding, however, he stops his head's motion altogether, responding thoughtfully "At first, I thought your summary of the plan is a bit abrupt, but you may actually have it. I would clarify that "even" is not our likely objective here. It is "answers". We need to find out who is pulling the strings. The coin and its possessor might not lead us directly to our objective, but, hopefully, it will give us some further leads to follow. Then," he continues with a smile, "we get even."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 7:07:04 PM

Bartomus followed along with the others in line behind Dorbin. "so are there like scrolls that can turn me into a dragon about here? I mean being a dragon would be cool I would think, just for a little while of course. "

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 7:15:53 PM

Stohp is all business, pulling out a coin pouch to be ready for the inevitable payment request.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20=19 ;
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 7:26:18 PM

Sid quietly walks through the halls with a somber reverence. Here was a path he didn't walk, couldn't have really. He felt the stub of his missing pinky and the callouses of his hands and smiles a bit. Whatever the maybes would have been, the reality of it was a good one.

DM Robert - "And after we get this scroll I guess we could try to pick up the final book from Lord Yeager?" 
Wednesday June 26th, 2019 8:50:49 PM

Stock asks about the plans for the day.

Dorbin asks for the locate object scroll.

Zander considers taking an archeology class some day.

Micah considers and agrees with Stock's assessment of the plan.

Bartomus ask about a scroll to turn him into a dragon.

Stohp pulls out a bag to make some payments.

Sid contemplates the choices of life's paths and the quirks of fate.
- - -
OOC it wasn't bad spelling, it was deliberately misspelled to see if anyone would pick up on it. Apparently no one caught the other famous D&D wizard reference.

The human looks at Dorbin. "Now were you wanting a scroll or were you just wanting to add the spell to your existing spell book?" He pauses and then continues. "Now a scroll of that spell would cost 150 gold pieces, but if you wished to copy the spell to your spell book it is only 40 gold pieces."

The dwarf pipes up. "Shut up Skeeve, you're costing us money, he asked for a scroll sell him a scroll."

Skeeve, the human, rolls his eyes. [/b]"Azh, you know that good service leads to repeat customers."[/b]

Skeeve awaits Dorbin's answer.

The dwarf, Azh, then turns to Bartomus. "A scroll to turn yourself into a dragon? Well for that you'd need Greater Polymorph. Yes sir, only 2,275 gold, ready for any competent Arcane caster."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+13=27 ;
Thursday June 27th, 2019 10:58:00 AM

Dorbin smiles at the discussion between the two. He replies, "Indeed, Azh, as a member of this fine institution, I do appreciate all the opportunities that can be had here and can understand the desire for not just learning, but for finding ways to help finance that learning." He turns and starts walking along the wall as he continues, "Yes, while learning for learning's sake is a fine endeavor, how can one sustain such a pace when there is no financing? Yet if there is financing, the would not the financee be indebted to, and even beholden to, the financer? And would that no disrupt the entire process of independent exploration and discovery of magics?"

Dorbin has accidentally slipped into teaching mode (profession, teacher: 27) and starts a lecture on how research can be independent and self-financed. He starts to go on and into what might be an hours-long lecture, but then he catches himself and stops. He says, "Yes, then, perhaps I would have both -- the scroll and the copy for the spellbook so that I can both provide more financing to this august institution and have a longer-term investment in my own studies."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Thursday June 27th, 2019 2:51:41 PM

Zander stares dumbfounded at his young companion as he launches into full lecture mode. Where has this side been hiding?, he thinks. "Bart, you as a dragon terrifies me a little. But I'm sure it would scare our enemies even more. But I guess first we need to find them which goes back to needed the locate object spell."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+18=26 ;
Thursday June 27th, 2019 3:55:06 PM

Micah finds himself suppressing a smile yet again as Dorbin goes to the head of the class. To pass the time, he watches the scholars curious as to what their reactions are.

Sense motive 26 to see how the scholars react to Professor Dorbin

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Thursday June 27th, 2019 4:59:21 PM

"Really," he said as he turned to the dwarven wizard. He pulled open his cinched purse after fussing it out from his tunic. He saw the glint of gold and gems, thought for a moment, then rubbed his chin. "Next time I guess, but that seems like a great thing to even know it exists. Probably don't have the skills to cast it, but guys we could be dragons. Wouldn't that be cool?"

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Thursday June 27th, 2019 7:29:36 PM

Sid smiles and listens to Dorbin's mini-lecture and nods. "I love it when he forgets to be shy," he mutters. "Yeah Bart, that would be cool. We should have a dragon adventure at some point! I've always wanted to be a Gold Dragon."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Thursday June 27th, 2019 7:30:05 PM

Stohp finds the idea rather silly. [b]"No, we wouldn't fit into any of the buildings, probably not even any of the streets. I prefer not to pin myself in so tightly to a place that I'm defenseless Not to mention the panic of a dragon suddenly flying around town. Maybe while we were out in the woods, but not in a crowded city.."[b]

DM Robert - "And after we get this scroll I guess we could try to pick up the final book from Lord Yeager?" 
Thursday June 27th, 2019 8:24:04 PM

Dorbin pontificates about fiscal policy.

Zander is in awe of Dorbin and a little wary of Bartomus the dragon.

Micah watches the other scholars.

Bartomus is really wondering what it would be like to be a dragon. You are right you don't it is strictly an arcane spell.

Sid agrees with Bartomus.

Stohp is more prudent about being a dragon.

Micah watches the scholars and notes Ahz's bored expression and Skeeve rolling his eyes slightly. Only the female seems inclined to pay attention to Dorbin.

Skeeve smiles at Dorbin, "Okay you can use my desk while I go get the scroll."

Ahz pipes up, "That will be 190 gold bub." Then he looks over at Bartomus. "Dragon's ain't all that, and you really don't want a young one as a pet. Dealing with mature dragons is dangerous and can get you in all kinds of trouble. And the overhead of trying to appease one. Don't get me started." He shakes his head.

Skeeve comes back with a book and a scroll. Dorbin will have to stay here to copy the spell, he can't take the book with him. Dorbin must spend 1 hour studying the spell from the book. Then he will need to make a Spellcraft check of 17 to successfully copy the spell.

What are the rest of you going to do while Dorbin is occupied? You could make a run to Lord Yeager. You could go into the library and read a book or a newspaper. You could ask the scholars random questions, but they may charge for the answer.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Friday June 28th, 2019 9:32:33 AM

"Dorbin, as much as I've enjoyed the opportunity to visit the Sage's guild, I'd like to head over to Yeager and see about that final book. This is starting to feel like a series of Float Express Delivery adventures. HA!...anybody else want to come?"

Unless he faces total opposition and will be going on his own, Stock will head out to find Lord Yeager.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Friday June 28th, 2019 9:57:08 AM

"So, no dragon as a pet, but some folks could change into a dragon. So, are there like small dragon like things that maybe a person could change into? That might be fun to try, was fun to be tiny zephyr." Bartomus was geninuenly interested in what Ahz had shared.

When Stock mentioned finding the final book, Bartomus nodded, but looked about and then back at the learned dwarf. "I think I gotta go, but hey, would you all happen to have some like old, first settlement of the Float old, maps of the areas around the lake? See we keep coming across these things, like the Folk and then the black building thing. It kinda seems like there should be something kept by someone about some of these things."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Friday June 28th, 2019 1:58:01 PM

"Hold up their Stock, if you're going to meet Lord Yeager somebody with manners better go with you. Don't want the guards getting reports of dwarves breaking into houses, stealing paintings, and eating children would we? We'll meet you back in the entrance hall Dorbin."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+17=32 ;
Friday June 28th, 2019 5:46:13 PM

Dorbin's eyes light up and he quickly takes a seat when the documents are presented. He barely listens as Stock mentions heading off somewhere else. Without looking up from the words on the page, he nods and waves, clearly focused on his work (Spellcraft: 32).

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Friday June 28th, 2019 6:31:44 PM

Stohp heads along with the rest, commenting to Bart along the way, "If you're really that fascinated by the idea then investigate the Dragon Disciples. They devote themselves to draconic lore and the most powerful can turn into dragons at will, so I've heard. Still seems impractical to me."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Friday June 28th, 2019 11:00:49 PM

"I'll stay with Dorbin and we'll meet you at Lord Yaeger's. We shouldn't just leave one of us like that right now. Besides, I'd like to do a little research myself."

He goes up to the sages and says, "Barkeep! I'ld like anything on Fae Skymeir if you please, and if there are any books of Elven, Halfling, or Orcish poems of love I'd like one of those as well."

If pressed he will mention that while he was traveling through the Twilight Vale he saw a city that resembled Fae Skymeir and that he wants what research he can find

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Saturday June 29th, 2019 9:33:17 AM

Micah nods in agreement as Sid offers to stay with Dorbin. "I propose an alternative suggestion, Sid. You and Dorbin should stay here and wait until we return. Things are a bit," he pauses to look at the nearby sages before continuing, "tense. It would be safer for you two to wait for us."

Assuming agreement, he joins the others who are going to Yeager's.

DM Robert - "And after we get this scroll I guess we could try to pick up the final book from Lord Yeager?" 
Saturday June 29th, 2019 9:53:25 AM

Stock wants to head out.

Bartomus is ready to go with Stock but asks if there are real old maps of the surrounding country side.

Zander doesn't want Stock to be the voice of the party when going to Yeager's.

Dorbin plops down and starts to study.

Sid asks for some books by insulting the scholars.

Micah is set to see Yeager as well.


Ahz tells Bartomus, "You need to go to research-main library."

Ahz gives Sid a look that could melt bricks. "Barkeep? Barkeep?" He gets up from his chair.

Skeeve steps over to him and whispers. Perception 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {"Remember we're just here trying find out some information and letting me get some research time in. Don't blow it."} He then turns to Sid. "I'm afraid you're in the wrong place for that. You will need to return to the library if you want to check out books. This is strictly arcane scrolls and the like."

OOC - Sid can either chill while Dorbin studies or go to the Library. However, I got nothing on Fae Skymeir and thus you will find nothing in the library.
OOC 2 - There are no maps of the surrounding region. It's our DM design area and even from when I came on board it has changed.

The rest of the gang heads over to Lord Yeager's. His mansion is impressive but in good taste. Unfortunately he is occupied at the moment. The servant ushers you into a billiard room and brings some scones, hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. The butler informs you that you may take your leisure here while you wait.
Perception 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {It's a nice room, several nice chairs, even a few taur sized chairs. The billiard table is sturdy and looks to be well made. There are several pool ques, a scoring board, and all the usual stuff you would find in a pool room but on a high class scale.}

After waiting approximately thirty minutes Yeager comes into the room. He is well dressed seems in a good mood. "Gentlemen and lady, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
Perception 20
Highlight to display spoiler: {He appears to be dressed in a business suit. You note that his shoes bear the marks of walking about on the streets.}

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+12=32 ; d20+12=18 ; d20+12=26 ;
Saturday June 29th, 2019 2:47:31 PM

"Library, ok, maybe next trip, don't want to get separated from the others," Bartomus said after a focused clarity on the side conversation that was going on that he wished sometimes to have while in the field. "Pretty impressive place you all have here, glad to visit with you both, and see you in a bit Dorbin."

He followed along with the group to Yeager's mansion. He looked about at the finery as they were lead into a billiard's room with its well carved table topped in a rich cloth. After taking a cup and filling it with tea, he walked over to the table and held up one of the billiard balls in his hand. He put it down and sent it in motion towards the other end of the table. "We should get one of these for our place, bet a few of us could work together to even carve the legs and such. Someone really knew their craft making this and those."

He had pointed at the cues. He walked about a few times and then took a seat in one of the taur sized chairs, nodding in approval at the chair as well. "A very nice room indeed."

When the well dressed man walked into the room, his bearing making it very clear that he was the lord of this manor, Bartomus put his last bit of tea aside and rose. He quickly looked over the "Your lordship, a beautiful place you have here. Was it a pleasant walk back?"

Perception 32 - though think that was aimed at someone else; P = 18; P 26 - Bartomus seems to be in the zone for a moment at least.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+12=24 ;
Sunday June 30th, 2019 11:35:03 AM

He looks at them and says, "I'm sorry, I can be such a klahd when it comes to social situations. This is just a pervect mythunderstanding. I really don't get to come to the library often. I'll just be quietly waiting for my friend."

Sid goes and sits down and pulls out one of the books he borrowed from the WLA library in Old High Woldian.


Perception: 24

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+5=11 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+18=29 ;
Sunday June 30th, 2019 9:52:18 PM

Micah waits patiently for the master of the house, taking a rest in one of the fine chairs.

When Lord Yeagar enters he rises in response. Speaking deferentially, he gets quickly to the point, "Lord Yeagar, we apologize for the intrusion. We have been helping Daneel at Rosebud to recover items stolen by Sir Stephen Imbry. It appears that one of those items may have been sold to you, a book titled [Pharoah]. Is our information correct, that you have it?" He pauses politely awaiting a response.

diplomacy 30 to garner a favorable reaction from Yeagar.
Sense Motive 29 to gauge his reaction

Perception 11 fail
perception 16 fail

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+13=14 ; d20+13=21 ;
Monday July 1st, 2019 9:35:17 AM

Stock is still studying the carvings on the legs of the billiards table when the others begin talking. He straightens and does his best to look serious but not too imposing. "Hello Lord Yeager. Remind me where again you purchased this book?...Do you often take interest in old books?"

Perception 14...ugh
Perception 21

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Monday July 1st, 2019 12:24:51 PM

Dorbin continues copying and studying the scroll and book. He mumbles to himself often but never looks up or around.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+5=14 ; d20+5=25 ;
Monday July 1st, 2019 4:50:31 PM

Zanderallen waits patiently, he has no expectation of being the top of Lord Yaeger's schedule. When he enters, Zander notes his attire and shoes but does little except bow respectfully as Micah takes the situation in hand.
Perception 14 vs 15 fail
Perception 25 (NAT 20!) vs 20 success

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Monday July 1st, 2019 6:27:44 PM

Stohp lets Micah do the talking since he's been really good about remembering what they're getting at each location. She has trouble keeping the list strait in her head (or maybe that's just her player :P)

DM Robert - "Do you often take interest in old books?" 
Monday July 1st, 2019 8:18:13 PM

Bartomus complements Yeager and asks about his walk.

Sid displays remarkable clarity of mind.

Micah asks about the book and watches for a reaction.

Stock wades in almost demanding where the book was purchased.

Dorbin gets down to business. You have succeeded.

Zanderallend remains quiet.

Stohp lets Micah do the talking.

- - -

Lord Yeager's eyebrows go up at Bartomus's inquiry. "Well walking is the oldest mode of transportation, and it's not like all of us have time and resources to scare up a magic carpet ride."
Sense Motive 10
Highlight to display spoiler: {Well he neatly deflected answering where he has been.}

Micah's question is out the blue (for Yeager). Micah notes that Lord Yeager seems momentarily puzzled and perhaps somewhat taken aback. "Sir Imbry was a thief?" He seems stunned somewhat. "Well I guess there's no end to the lengths someone will do once they have strayed to that path." He pauses lost in thought.
Perception 25
Highlight to display spoiler: { Lord Yeager's eye's are unfocused and almost glazed over.}
Sense Motive 20
Highlight to display spoiler: { Lord Yeager has left something unsaid, you think he is having a personal moment or memory.}

Stock's comment breaks in and Lord Yeager arches one eye brow as he turns a penetrating stare toward Stock. "I would not say I'm an avid collector or reader. As to where I acquired it, it was most likely on the merchant level somewhere. I don't remember exactly where." He signs, "Never the less if it is stolen property then by rights it must be returned."

He goes to a wall and pulls on a hanging rope. As this is the second high end fancy house you've been in you're getting the sense that these ropes in the rooms serve as some sort of signalling system. The butler walks in. Lord Yeager turn to him, "Smithers would you look in the library for a book called Pharaoh. I believe it has a blue cover." Smithers nods and turns smartly around and leaves. A few minutes later he returns bearing the book.

Lord Yeager takes the book and looks at it. "I remember this, it's the story of a group of adventurers in the desert looking for lost treasure and having to deal with a long dead pharoh, that's not quiet dead." He shrugs. "Unfortunately this is part of a trilogy, I'm not sure how the it turns out, this is the first book of a trilogy." He hands the book to Micah.
Perception 10
Highlight to display spoiler: {This book matches perfectly the description you have of the stolen property.}

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+12=20 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+12=21 ;
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 12:06:35 AM

Bartomus felt that he hadn't really gotten an answer but got distracted by the questions of the others and then the arrival of the book.

"So, was the story a thing of fancy or was it a retelling of something that might have occurred?" He asked after hearing that there was more to the story.

Perception 20; 17; SM 18; Perc 21

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+6=18 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+13=27 ;
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 10:45:09 AM

"Fascinating", Stock deadpans. Eyebrow raised, he asks "Have you ever been to an establishment called Sturgeus Selling?"

Sense Motive 18
Perception 30
Sense Motive 15
Perception 27

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 11:56:43 AM

Dorbin finishes up his writing then sits back to admire his work. He smiles and nods as he checks to ensure he's got everything correct. He finally looks around and notices that nearly everyone else has left. He looks confused and says, "Hey, where did everyone else go?"

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+5=24 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+5=21 ; d20+18=26 ;
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 4:01:07 PM

Micah realizes he was a bit unkind with his brusqueness, exposing Lord Yeagar to unexpected and shocking news, and attempts to make amends, "I must apologize for my bluntness. I was, after all, raised in a smithy and things tend to be a bit... direct there." He pauses to watch his reaction, then continues, "You reference 'a path' that Sir Imbry set upon. What path is that, if I may continue to be so bold as to ask?"

When Stock blurts out his question, Micah barely manages to suppress his own reaction, rather, he focuses on Yeagar's.

As he watches and listens, Micah considers the fact that Yeagar immediately knew the book and its location and did not hesitate to acknowledge that it was stolen property.

As he accepts the book, he bows and acknowledges the giving of the book, "Thank you, Sir Yeagar. Your honor in this circumstance is worthy of admiration and a testimony to your good name."

SM >10
Perception 24 vs DC 25 fail
Sm 38 vs DC 20 succeed
Perception 21 vs DC 10

SM 26 to gauge Yeagar's reaction to mention of Sturgeous (where's that 20 roll now?)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+14=19 ; d20+5=17 ; d20+14=31 ; d20+5=22 ;
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 5:15:04 PM

Zanderallen has a very brief image in his head of how to make a dwarf muzzle but his mind moves in other directions as he notes a few possible irregularities in Lord Yeager's answers. Maybe it was just a noble being a noble but someone on the council was involved in nefarious business. He really wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery, because at the end of it was somebody that probably needed punching.
Sense Motive 19 vs 10 success
Perception 17 vs 25 failure
Sense Motive 31 vs 20 success
Perception 22 vs 10 success

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 6:15:50 PM

Sid looks up from his book, "Oh, they went to see Lord Yeager for more questioning. I'm just here to make sure you have back up if there are any issues. You know," Sid waves a hand, "This whole thing. I'm not sure if we are supposed to meet them there or what though. Didn't think about that. One moment while I finish this paragraph."

Sid takes a minute to finish the section, notes where he stopped and stands, stretching a bit. "Alright, I'm ready. To Yeager's then?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 7:13:24 PM

Stohp is not particularly interested in the lord or his doings, her mind has already moved on from these errands to the tracking of the half-orc that was probably not an orc of any sort. It'll be good to finally know Crimson isn't a threat, though they have to be careful not to screw it up and let him evade them again.

DM Robert - "Do you often take interest in old books?" 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 8:35:19 PM

Bartomus asks about the book.

Stock starts asking about Sturgeus Selling and if Yeager has been there.

Dorbin finishes his spell.

Micah puts in some extra questions.

Zanderallen wonders if the dwarf knows the meaning of tact.

Sid finishes reading his paragraph.

Stock concentrating on the quest ahead.

Lord Yeager shrugged and as he answered Bartomus. "Well it's billed as fiction but you never know. They say truth is stranger than fiction."

Stock's abrupt questions causes Lord Yeager to straighten. "Sturgeus Selling? I don't recall the name. Where is that?"
Sense Motive 25
Highlight to display spoiler: {He seems a little put off by the dwarf's candor, but you don't think he's lying.}

He nods to Micah. "As I understand it you, adventurer types are often rather to the point." He smiles wanly. He pauses a little with Micah's question about Sir Imbry.
Perception 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {He's fidgeting with a ring he's wearing, turning it around on his finger over and over.}
If you made the above roll successfully... Perception 25.
Highlight to display spoiler: {The ring appears to be a large type ring. There appears to be an emblem on it that looks like a diamond.}
If you made the second perception check above then..Knowledge Local 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {It appears to be a common lodge type ring, or perhaps a signet ring. You do know there is a club on this level referred to as the Diamond Club.}

He answers Micah. "I guess you could call it the path to fast fortune. Imbry was a gambler, but not a very good one. He often bet big at the table and would have to pay off an IOU later." He shakes his head sadly.
Sense Motive 25
Highlight to display spoiler: {There seems to be something else troubling him, besides Imbry. Maybe something on a more personal manner than what he has revealed.}

"Well then if there is nothing more Smithers will see you out."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+8=24 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+8=11 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 10:19:59 AM

Bartomus laughed at the response from Yeager, "Yea, yea, I get that. Could even say have lived that." He listened to the exchange with the others, noticed that the Lord spun the ring he was wearing about his finger and Bartomus turned to look at the ring he was wearing and remembered how he got it. Yea, truth can be a lot stranger than fiction," he thought to himself.

"Well, it's been a pleasure to visit your beautiful estate," Bartomus said with a large smile as he rose from his taur sized padded chair.

SenMot 24; Per 30; Per 23 - failed; listening to Micah SenMot - 11 failed

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 11:56:16 AM

Dorbin shrugs and takes a last look around. He says to Sid, "Sure, let's go find them."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+18=36 ; d20+5=11 ; d20+18=20 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 12:36:34 PM

Micah perceives that Yeagar honestly has not heard of Sturgeous and is begrudgingly grateful to Stock for creating the opportunity to test the noble's character and relieved that the result appears to have been a positive one.

"Ahhh," replies Micah. "We have become aware of Sir Imbry's unfortunate addiction. His downfall should be a lesson for us all."

Micah then waits for the others, prepared to say his goodbye when appropriate.

Sense Motive 36 vs 25
Perception 11 vs 15
Sense Motive 20 vs 25

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+14=16 ; d20+5=21 ; d20+5=23 ; d20+14=21 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 2:46:54 PM

Zander reads the all clear signs Micah's demeanor is giving off and makes his goodbyes, "Thank you for your assistance in this unfortunate task, it is a pleasure to work with an honorable man. We will not take anymore of your time." Bowing he takes the book and follows Smithers out. Once they have departed the mansion Zander turns to his fellow shields, "My guess is he got the book from Imbry in payment for gambling debt. He doesn't seem to be involved in the shadier side of this deal. Let's go meet back up with Sid and Dorbin."
SM 16 vs 25 fail
Percep 21 vs 15 success
Percep 23 vs 25 fail
SM 21 vs 25 fail

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+12=23 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 7:04:22 PM

Sid waves as they leave and he follows Dorbin out, keeping a watch as they go.


Perception: 23

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 7:33:07 PM

Gambling has been the ruin of many a man. Have a good day sir."

DM Robert - "Gambling has been the ruin of many a man." 
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 8:19:03 PM

Bartomus readies to go.

Dorbin leaves the Sage's Guild.

Micah is ready to go.

Zanderallen takes the book and is ready to go.

Sid leaves with Dorbin.

Stohp bids Yeager good day.

As Smithers leads you out he seems distant and does not really respond to you.
Sense Motive 25
Highlight to display spoiler: {You get the feeling he does not like you.}

It is a quiet walk to the exit, even though it is relatively close. The house itself is quiet.
Perception 20
Highlight to display spoiler: {You note paintings along the wall. There are two that seem to jump out at you, Lord Yeager as a younger man, with a lovely woman on his arm and a small boy standing in front of them. The second painting show's a somewhat older Yeager (but still younger than he is now). There is a young man next to him wearing the military uniform (of an officer) of The Float. Yeager's smile is present but the eyes show sadness.}

Smithers opens the door for you but you note he does not bow to you.
Perception 20
Highlight to display spoiler: {He is downright glaring at you.}

You stand on the threshold.

Sid and Dorbin are walking in the street and spot Lord Yeager's house. The rest of the party seems to be standing at the threshold of the doorway.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+8=24 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+12=31 ;
Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 10:16:06 PM

Bartomus walked and kept his eyes dancing about the halls as he took in the mansion. He noticed the portraits of Lord Yeager. He seemed to have had a wife and son, then just the son. Bartomus wondered where the son was serving. That might be worth pursuing.

As the approached the now opened door, Smithers was glaring at him. "Well my good sir, truly a pleasure. Always wanted to see the inside of one of these places. Shields may need to visit again, so it's nice to know the lay of the place. Do hope that your day improves, I mean must be hard work holding doors and such for the people of the float."

He smiles with a big grin as he walked outside. A few steps away from the door, he turned slightly and waved at the glaring doorman. As they walked away he shared a thought, "Yeagar lost his wife it seems, but his son served, if not still serving, with the Float's guard. Could be a person to learn more about."
[i]SenMot-24; Perc 29, Perc 31

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+6=20 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+13=22 ;
Thursday July 4th, 2019 9:26:07 AM

"Exxxxcellent, Smithers. We will have to do this again sometime." He then nods and makes his way to the exit.

"OK. We got the book and I'm glad Bart got something else out of that situation? I could not read that guy. at. all. The nobles in this town keep things close. Now looking at my datebook, it doesn't look like we have anything after we drop off this book until tomorrow's meeting with the Smith's, right?"

Sense Motive from Yesterday - I know I missed posting but I really wanted to hit that one for some reason
Perception 15, 22

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+14=34 ; d20+5=8 ; d20+5=6 ;
Thursday July 4th, 2019 1:46:05 PM

Zander picks up on Smither's dislike and chuckles at his party members antics. He restrains himself from adding to the abuse. Poor man probably thought they were beneath the honor of the house. Once they are clear he spots Dorbin and Sid and walks over to join them. "Got the scroll? Good. Let's drop this book off at Rosebuds and then we're clear until the setup at the Smiths. Lord Yeager doesn't seem to be involved with any of the Lord Crimson plot but I would guess he sat at the gambling table with Sir Imbry. Probably got the book as payment for gambling debt. I wonder if Lukas knows anything about his son?"
SM 34
Percep 8
Percep 6

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 1:49:05 PM

Dorbin trots up to the others and replies, "Yes, indeed, we have the scroll. We're ready to go. Now where we were going again?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Thursday July 4th, 2019 6:05:59 PM

"Now we make sure everything is set up with Micah's family. And go eat lunch probably."

DM Robert - "Gambling has been the ruin of many a man." 
Thursday July 4th, 2019 8:11:31 PM

Bartomus takes a verbal jab at Smithers and notes the paintings.

Stock tries to sum up the agenda.

Zander thinks Lord Yeager is in the clear with regards to Crimson.

Dorbin joins the gang.

Stohp is ready to find that half-orc.

The party goes down the stairs to the merchant level. There they stop by Rosebud Publishing and drop off the last of the stolen items to be found in the float. Miss Daneel is overjoyed with your efforts. She again asks the party about maybe a group auto biography. But the consensus seems to be that it would be better for the group to remain in somewhat of an anonymous state.

Stohp is ready for some lunch and the group heads down the stairs again. This time they stop in at the Giggling Ghost for some luncheon. The meal is good and tasty if only simple fair.

Now the group can head for home, and wait until tomorrow. Perhaps to discuss plans on how to follow the notorious bald half-orc. Will they all be waiting at Smith's Smithy, or stationed along the routes around corners. Or will they just allow things to happen and then use the spell to home in on the coin.

Or maybe to inquire about Yeager's son being/have been in the Float's guard. There's Lucas to question about that, but there's also Rodrigo.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Friday July 5th, 2019 8:34:43 AM

"How about we talk with Rod about Yeager's son? If he doesn't know anything, I'm sure we'll see Lucas tomorrow."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+18=25 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+5=10 ;
Friday July 5th, 2019 11:31:07 AM

Micah remains silent at Smithers apparent distaste for them. He understands the jabs of the others, but chooses not to join in.

He does a double take at Bart's announcement about the wife and son, and asks, "What are you talking about? How do you know that?

Sense Motive 25
Perception 19
Perception 10

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Friday July 5th, 2019 2:29:02 PM

"oh, I am guessing based upon those paintings we passed by as we left. First seemed to he a family portrait, while the second showed only the fastest and son. Of course something else could have happened to the woman in the first one. You know parting ways as n DC such. "

Bartomus shrugged.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Friday July 5th, 2019 6:30:39 PM

Dorbin says, "Rrrrodrigo. RRrrrodrrrrigo. That is fun to say. Rodrrrrrrrigo..."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Friday July 5th, 2019 6:55:01 PM

"Hey, is that all of them? How many more of these things are there?"

DM Robert - "Rrrrodrigo. RRrrrodrrrrigo." 
Saturday July 6th, 2019 10:41:51 AM

Stock is for finding out about Yeager's son.

Micah wonders how Bartomus knows all that.

Bartomus explains some deductive reasoning from looking at the portraits.

Dorbin calls for Rodrigo.

Sid is wondering if that is it.


Rodrigo comes over to the Shields. When asked about Yeager's son, he pauses and then begins pacing a little. "Yes, I remember him. It was when I was first coming onto the Guards. This was some time ago, 5 or 6 years ago. He was made captain after only 6 months service. He was a good man but became involved with a..." He pauses and considers how to word it. "Let us say a woman of ill repute, or perhaps bad reputation. She was milking him for gifts and information. It turns out she was working with the thieves guild and using what she learned to help the guild rob everyone, but I get ahead of myself. Yeager could not afford her taste on his salary, and from what I understand he could not get the money from his father because he objected to the women. So he turned to gambling. Initially he had good luck but then it started going bad. It was about then that his superiors found out about the woman he was with being part of the thieves guild." Rodrigo stops and faces you he continues. "Captain Yeager was disgraced. He was banished." Rodrigo shrugs. "Needless to say there was quite the crackdown on the thieves guild after that."

The party has returned all the stolen goods they can. It is a time for contemplation and preparation for the great sting operation.

[i]i.e. you guys need to decide how you want to approach the coin exchange. Perhaps to discuss plans on how to follow the notorious bald half-orc. Will they all be waiting at Smith's Smithy, or stationed along the routes around corners. Or will they just allow things to happen and then use the spell to home in on the coin.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Saturday July 6th, 2019 11:43:17 AM

"We need to have someone following him if possible. He might pass the coin off to an employer, or if we're unlucky buy something with it on the way home. With my own hat of disguise I can follow him without being recognized."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Sunday July 7th, 2019 12:50:34 AM

"Using both is probably a good idea. Hand off the coin to him with the payment, and the Stohp follows along. Be nice if we could talk with you Stohp as yo ufollow along. " Bartomus said as they continued on. "We may need to get a sense of where they are operating out of and with whom to know what makes the most sense in taking this goon squad out of the Float."

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Monday July 8th, 2019 9:46:04 AM

"[b]I'm not really one for disguises...and I feel we're probably too recognizable to just pretend to be guards or something. That being said, do we have any way to be invisible? I think I have one potion although it probably won't last too long. I would think Sid and Stohp could effectively tail the bad guys after they leave. Bart - Can't you turn into a bird or a squirrel or something? I might like to be in a back room of the Smith's shop, listening in as best as I can."[b]

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Monday July 8th, 2019 3:00:38 PM

Dorbin says, "Can I see the coin? I need to study it carefully." As he looks at the coin, memorizing the details, he continues, "The spell will only last for a short time. I can sense the direction of the coin, but that is all. In fact, we may want to not even cast the spell until after we're sure we've lost him, or even later."

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Monday July 8th, 2019 5:24:52 PM

"Good point, Dorbin," agrees Micah, "You and I can both have the spell ready to cast and take turns as needed to give us more time. I will also have see invisibility ready to cast in case that is how he disappears. Dorbin, I believe you know the message cantrip. Dirk used that to help us coordinate while spread out.

"Do we have an idea of his likely route? If so, we could post lookouts there who could report to Dorbin should he go that way.

"Stohp, with her hat, should definitely be the primary tail, but Sid would be effective at it, too."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Monday July 8th, 2019 6:46:15 PM

"I agree that Stohp should be our gal on the street. I'll be on the street and follow quietly from an oblique angle. If it works they won't expect to be surrounded, but we'll see. That sound good to everyone?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22 
Monday July 8th, 2019 7:04:19 PM

"Sid and Stohp will be our eyes on the street, tail the bad guy. Stock, I think we should stay with MIcah and Dorbin be their eyes while they focus on their spells. Plus that keeps us out of the way. Bart you can group with us or if you want to go wild and follow him incognito."

DM Robert - "Stohp, with her hat, should definitely be the primary tail, but Sid would be effective at it, too." 
Monday July 8th, 2019 8:18:58 PM

Stohp suggests she follow them using her own hat of disguise.

Bartomus thinks that's a good idea.

Stock soundly realizes that he may be pretty recognizable. OOC actually on the Fence level I would agree, but the merchant level is different. You're known as a group there, but not immediately recognizable. Plus the merchant level gets a lot of traffic from outside the Float as well due to the portal to Plateau City.

Dorbin asks to study the coin.

Micah asks if they have any kind of likely route.OOC see below...

Sid thinks that he can tail them indirectly.

Zander thinks the group has the workings of a plan.

There is much discussion about what to do. The plan sounds like it's solidifying. However, there are some points that general discussion brings out. First off, you need to get the coin to Micah's father before payment time. It's likely Crimson's men would at least be alert as to who you are and you don't want to be hanging around the Smithy at that time. At least you suppose Crimson's men would have a description of you, after all any competent evil villain would be sure to alert his underlings about the heroes that have caused him, or her, trouble in the past.

As to what route the "half-orc": would take. You really don't remember the map on Lestrade's office very well. Do you risk going back and asking to get a copy or making your own copy while there?

However, you get the nagging feeling you've heard of this before. Then it pops into someone's head. Pepper Plate was speaking to Zanderallen when she said "Well okay Mr. High and Mighty. I think I've got their routine established, I'll just follow them tomorrow." That's right she said she has their (the 'insurance sales men/Protection Racket guys) shop visit routine figured out and she's going to be following them tomorrow.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)   d20+12=25 ;
Monday July 8th, 2019 8:24:08 PM

Stohp lets the others drop off the coin. She puts her extensive wardrobe to good use. Sure she'll be using the hat, but best to use a standard disguise with magical assistance. She takes the time to get it right (if she can take 10 or 20 then she has +22 between her skill and the hat (32 for 10, 42 for take 20), otherwise 35 for disguise)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9  
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 10:09:00 AM

"I could figure out something that wouldn't be seen as odd bouncing about the Float," Bartomus nodded at Stock. He thought a bit longer and came up with a few ideas, "[/b]maybe a cat or could try to be a bit of dancing wind again, that was a lot of fun actually. So yea, that's an option for sure."[/b]

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 10:09:10 AM

OoC: Regardless of if Stohp takes 10 or 20

Stock looks at the woman that his brain is telling him is Stohp for a long time and says, "Yep. That will work. Now, getting the coin to the Smithy...I think either Sid could sneak in or Micah could go. Micah is a part of the family after all so it isn't totally unexpected he'd be there. Alternatively I do have a potion of invisibility that any of us could use to get in. Maybe we go visit Ms. Plate about documenting her suspected route too. I'm game for visiting her."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 1:02:48 PM

Dorbin continues to study the coin so he is sure that he will be able to follow it. He shares it with Micah and points out some of the features of the coin.

When Stock mentions visiting Pepper he says, "Sure, let's go see her."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+17=31 ; d4=2 ; d20+1=16 ;
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 5:20:04 PM

"We probably should go see Pepper, even if we have to eat some crow to get her information. I'll put on my best smile." He goes with whoever else is interested to track down the reporter.
Diplomacy 31 (d20+17)
Know(local) 16 (d20+1)
both rolls for asking where to find Pepper

(OOC: Ignore the d4 roll)

DM Robert - "Stohp, with her hat, should definitely be the primary tail, but Sid would be effective at it, too." 
Tuesday July 9th, 2019 8:36:36 PM

Stohp wants to try to use her disguise skills to aid the magic of the hat. OOC the hat acts as a Disguise Self Spell. "You can make youreself look different, you can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat or in between. You CANNOT change your creature type (although you can appear as another subtype)."

Bartomus contemplates what to assume shape wise. OOC At your level you can range from Huge to Diminutive.

Stock makes suggestions for getting the coin to the Smiths.

Dorbin finishes examining the coin and agrees to go looking for Pepper.

Zanderallen agrees to make nice with Pepper.

Micah ?
Sid ?


All this talking and planning has seen the day wane. It's approaching the evening now and you realize that by now most of the shops on the Merchant will probably be open only for a little longer waiting to get some last minute sales before closing for their late dinners. Still there's the chance to find Pepper, maybe some new clothes for a disguise, and perhaps get the coin to Micah's family.

Those wishing to go to the Merchant level...

#1 Sense Motive 15
Highlight to display spoiler: { You now realize that when some merchants see you they dart their eyes around to see who else is nearby. }
#1 Perception 20
Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice that the merchants that have the little symbol on their storefront (the circle with a diamond inside) seem the most nervous when you are around. You also notice for the first time that there is a small wooden barrel near their doorway. Closer examination reveals that is says water on the barrel, and there is a sign nearby saying, use in case of fire.}

Going to Micah's parent's Smithy...
#2 Perception 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {There does not appear to be anyone watching the store.}

Looking for Pepper Plate.
#1 Knowledge Local 15
Highlight to display spoiler: { If you go to the Paper, you can approach the 'news' room and hear someone shouting about "Where's Pepper! She promised me a story today." Apparently she is not at the Rosebud Publishing, Weekly Bugle news office.}
#2 Sense Motive 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {Could be she's still moving around the merchants. But you didn't see her moving around, time to check some alleyways.}
#3 Perception 25
Highlight to display spoiler: {You have located Pepper, in a back alley. She looks to be a in a bad way, Severely beaten and dumped behind some trash cans! Heal check 15. You can tell she's about to breath her last unless something is done immediately!}

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+3=8 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+13=17 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 9:05:01 AM

"Any guesses where we can check for Pepper? My only guess is to check some of the alleys around the Merchant Level. Sid - Do you still have one of those bird tokens? Would it find her to tell her where to meet us? Anybody else coming with Dorbin, Z and I?"

Knowledge Local 8
Seems like I should know this but can I roll #2 and 3 if I miss #1 or is it kind of like a series of skill challenges that stops if you fail one? Because I'm not sure, I'll keep rolling
Sense Motive 21
Perception 17

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+14=21 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=21 ; d20+14=24 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 2:46:50 PM

Following the clues with his fellow Shields Zander keeps his eyes peeled as they search the merchant level for the missing reporter. "She's got to be around here somewhere following up on her leads. I hope she hasn't gotten into some trouble. Let's keep looking, and keep on eye on the merchants. They looked worried."
Merchant level
Sense Motive 21 succeeds
Perception 10 fails

Pepper Plates
Know Local from yesterday 16 succeeds
Sense Motive 24 succeeds
Perception 21 (23 with Stock's roll aiding another 1 more successful aid and we spot her)

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+9=25 ; d8+1=5 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 3:58:29 PM

Dorbin, headed with the others around the search for Pepper, spots her in an alley! He calls out to the others, "That's her, over there! On the ground." He rushes over, gently lifts her head into his lap, pulls out a healing potion, and tries to pour it in her mouth.

Perception, aid another: 25, that should do it!
Cure light potion, d8+1=5

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18  d20+5=12 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 5:44:41 PM

Micah tells the others he will take care of the delivery and heads to his parents' home and business that evening. He goes without his normal plate armor, carrying his backup breastplate instead.

He lets himself in and greets his family warmly. Taking them in he explains their plan and gives them the coin. He then asks if they happen to have a chain shirt available offering to trade his breast plate in for it. If not, he will leave it for "repair".

After an evening of catching up, Micah returns to the Shields' quarters to work out any last details before heading to bed.

Sense motive autosucceed
No perception check attempted except at the Smith house. 12 to spot anyone watching.
Note that breastplate costs twice as much as a chain shirt, so PF rules apply and Dad is making a killing.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 6:57:51 PM

Sid pulls out a token, "Yeah, as long as... Wardd's Shank! Dorbin is she alright?"

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+8=23 ; d20+12=15 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 7:02:22 PM

Bartomus followed the others as they headed unbutton into the Merchant's level. He couldn't help but think that he was being avoided like a wounded steer on the range might be by the rest of it's herd. "Not sure we're as welcomed here as we thought, he said aloud.

SM 23, Percp 15

DM Robert - "That's her, over there! On the ground." 
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 8:22:13 PM

OOC no, it was not a cumulative, you need to make each roll, it was rather different skills so everyone could give it a try based on what their better skills are.

That said, no sum up today.

Micah returns home and speaks with the family. Mattus takes the coin. "I'd be more than willing to testify against the scum, but Jetta say's it's deeper than just a couple of goons." He then looks at Micah when he offers to trade his armor and says. "Are you daft son?" Where upon Esma gives him a whack on the back of the head. "Don't ask questions when your hero son asks for a favor man." With that Mattus will gladly exchange the breast plate for a chain shirt. "Here you go son, brand new never worn. Try it on." A few minor adjustments later and Micah is leaving heading for home.

The rest of the party searches around the merchant level.
Merchant level map
They find Pepper Plate in a bad state. She is in an alley in the southeast corner of the float, below the Doc Exhange street. Dorbin rushes forward and tries to get her a to drink a potion. Some of it manages to trickle down her throat. You stare in wonder of magic as her bruises slowly fade. But she does not seem to wake up.
Heal Check 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {She had sever trauma to the head from that beating. She may need more serious healing, or curing of some sort.}
Knowledge local 15
Highlight to display spoiler: { Merabor's Infirmary (Shrine of Flower) is only a few minutes away.}
Perception 20, searching Pepper
Highlight to display spoiler: { You do find a map.}

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)   d20+10=14 ; d12=3 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+14=21 ;
Wednesday July 10th, 2019 8:30:11 PM

(I am aware of the limits of her hat; she can use it to pretend to be other Taurs and can swap disguises at will to avoid suspicion) "We'd better split up, if I"m seen with you my disguise won't be much use. I'll go ahead and head towards the family forge and look busy. Once the Orc shows up I can follow him."

Stohp grabs a big box from her room - something that looks like it would be heavy if it was full, but empty is manageable (with a lid so it isn't obvious). Her disguise is of a Taur laborer and she heads in the general area of Micah's family smithy. She's to focused on looking the part to notice the merchants (sense motive 14, perception 15) but she is able to confirm the smithy isn't being watched yet (perception 21).

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+5=18 ; d20+1=12 ; d20+5=19 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d20+8=25 ; d4=3 ;
Thursday July 11th, 2019 10:19:12 AM

Zanderallen swears violently under his breath as they rush to Pepper's side. Letting Dorbin get the healing potion down her throat to stabilize he starts checking on her more extension wounds (Heal 18). "She's in a bad way. That potion puts her out of immediate danger but she's suffered some serious head trauma. Where is the nearest healer, she needs expert attention sooner rather than later. I'll use what power Domi grants me to do what I can before we move her." Kneeling beside Pepper he offers a quick prayer and his hands glow with a faint blue light that focuses around the worst of her wounds.
Heal 18
Know(local) 12
Perception 19

17 healed plus Mercies (Fatigued, Shaken, Remove Disease (CL check 25)) from Lay on Hands
Lesser Restoration heals 3 temporary ability damage

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15]  d20+17=37 ;
Thursday July 11th, 2019 2:08:08 PM

Dorbin watches Zander do his thing and then replies, "Merabor's Infirmary (Shrine of Flower) is only a few minutes away. It's that way."

Knowledge, local: 37

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+9=29 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+12=32 ;
Thursday July 11th, 2019 4:29:30 PM

"Oh she's in rough shape, she needs some more help than we can give." He bends down and scoops the reporter into his arms. Looking around, he couldn't find anything familiar. He shook his head in frustration asking, "Where do we need to take her to get her some help?"

As he moved her and looked about for some direction, he caught a glimps of something folded. "Hey, someone check that pocket there, there's something there it seems."

Heal-29; KnwLoc-9; Perc 32

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 26/12/26) CMD:18 
Thursday July 11th, 2019 5:50:20 PM

Micah's face is completely devoid of expression as his mother whacks his father.
"Thank you, sir," is his only response as he checks out the new armor. He puts it on, says his farewell, and heads back to the Shields' quarters.

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 21/12/21) CMD:18 
Thursday July 11th, 2019 5:54:00 PM

Corrected AC

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+16=29 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=15 ;
Thursday July 11th, 2019 7:22:33 PM

"Right Dorbin Merabor's Infirmary (Shrine of Flower) is only a few minutes away and we need to be careful." Sid checks her quickly and pockets the map. "A map! No time," he pulls his sword and leads the way. "Stock or Bart, if you would be so kind as to carry her, I'll lead the way." Once ready Sid will lead the troupe to Merabor's Infirmary (Shrine of Flower) while watching for anyone or thing."


Knowledge(local): 29
Perception: 20
Perception(for travel to Merabor's Infirmary (Shrine of Flower) is only a few minutes away.): 15

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Thursday July 11th, 2019 7:38:12 PM

Stohp continues to stake out the forge blissfully unaware that of the struggle to save a life going on elsewhere.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+3=5 ; d20+3=14 ; d20+13=26 ;
Thursday July 11th, 2019 8:16:37 PM

"Oh man. She's hurt bad. Check out this map she had. Is that the route? Here, I'll carry her."

Heal 5
Local 14
Perception 26

OoC: Sorry for the short post. Long day.

DM Robert - "I'll use what power Domi grants me to do what I can before we move her." 
Thursday July 11th, 2019 8:24:29 PM

Stohp followed Micah to his parents but did not see any evil doers. It's still a day early for the Orc to show up.

Zanderallen rushes forward and does a Mr. Miyagi on Pepper.

Dorbin points the way to Merabor's Infirmary.

Bartomus scoops up Pepper and notices some papers in her pocket.

Micah returns home.

Sid pockets the map and leads the way to Merabor's Infirmary.

Stock tries to take Pepper from Bartomus but gets distracted by the map.

Micah returns home ahead of the others.

Stohp, still near the Smithy, fills a chill in the air as night settles in. There's a breeze blowing in from the north west, probably going to rain tonight. Not that it matters that much since technically the Float is a big multilevel pavilion.

As Zanderallen pulls back his healing hands, Pepper's eyes flutter open. "Oh Zander, I knew you'd find me." She smiles and then closes her eyes.
Healing 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {She is out of danger now, but probably still needs a good night's sleep.}

Bartomus scoops up Pepper and the party quickly makes it to Merabor's Infirmary. It is a simply two story building painted white. An attendant priest see's you and quickly comes forward. When you explain what has happened she nods. "Fortune has favored her, and the Float, for Miss Plate is well known to us. She has paid for several of the many healings we've had to do lately. There's far too much fist-a-cuffs going on lately. She said she was going to get to the bottom of it." The attendant ushers you upstairs and has Pepper placed into a two bed ward. Fortunately there is no one else in the ward.

The attendant then adds, "I will see she is fully recovered before I let her out. Perhaps..." she pats down Pepper's pockets. "Oh, fiddle de dee. I was hoping her notebook would be here and was going to ask you to look into all the fighting that's been going on. Seems like not a day goes by but someone is being brought in with injuries obviously from fighting, despite their claims of falling accidents and the like. I've half a mind to tell the authorities about suspected spousal abuse, and maybe some child abuse."
Knowledge local 5
Highlight to display spoiler: { You're pretty sure the attendant is talking about the 'damage' the protection racket is dealing out when making sure payments are made and new customers accept membership.}

There being nothing else to do here, Zander, Dorbin, Bartomus, Stock, Sid, and Dorbin return to their headquarters. There they find Micah, Rodrigo and the kids. But no sign of Stohp. Rodrigo says she went out shortly after Micah did and she was laborer.

OOC you can sum up to each other, and rest the night. If you want to do anything in the day before 4pm please state it in your post.

Stock (JonM) HP: 88/88; AC: 24/21/15; DR 1/-; CMB: 13; CMD: 27; Rage: 20/22  d20+3=12 ;
Friday July 12th, 2019 10:04:16 AM

"Oh Zaaaaander...hehe...at least she seems like she'll be alright."

"Anyway the map seems to show buisnesses and times. I'm guessing that is a path she's observed them on. Micah - Is the Smithy on here? I'm hoping we can use this to tail these guys at a distance. At what point do we close in though? Are we going to tail them back to their 'hideout'?"

Knowledge Local 12

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 47/52 AC: 19; Melee +7;Perc+12;Heal+9   d20+9=17 ; d20+7=14 ;
Friday July 12th, 2019 10:27:00 AM

Bartomus chuckled at the ribbing that Stock gave Zander. But got serious as he listened to the description of an increase in "falling injuries." The found paper was Pepper's map and that was information they needed. As they headed back, he asked "so now should we stake out the Smithy and their last stop? That might be a way we can get the most evidence needed to convict the lot of these goons."

[i]Healing - 17; KnowLoc - 14[/1]

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 88/88 AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 24 CMD: 22  d20+5=23 ; d20+1=10 ;
Friday July 12th, 2019 2:00:12 PM

Stock's friendly ribbing causes Zander to flush as he is caught in emotions ranging from embarrassment to guilt. He ignores it and pulls the attendant aside. "We did find a map that it looked like Miss Plates was making of their routes. It should help us with another plan we're working on. We're not going to let this terror continue. I'll be back tomorrow to check on her. Here's a few gold to help the infirmary, I have a great respect for followers of Flower." Zander pulls 5 gold coins from his purse and hands them to the attendant with a smile, thinking of K as he does so. He briefly wonders what K was up to these days?

Once they're gathered back up at home that evening and looking over the map he says, "Well, this should tell us where they'll be coming from to be at the Smithy by 4pm and where they might be headed next. We can set Stohp and Sid along those routes to be on the look out."

The next day he takes a quick trip up to the the merchant level to check on Pepper. He asks the attendant about her recovery and if she is still there he goes to check on her. Still somewhere between embarrassed and guilty he wishes her well and tells her they are working an angle and if she promises to stay out of the way and do whatever the healer says he'll let her know what is going on, just as long as she doesn't publish anything that would hurt their investigation. He takes his leave and heads back home to prepare for possible confrontation that afternoon.

Heal 23
Know(local) 10

Micah (John) HP: 52/52 AC: 21/12/21) CMD:18 
Friday July 12th, 2019 5:14:50 PM

Micah is troubled deeply upon hearing of Pepper's plight. He sighs deeply as he recalls sending her into harms way. "What is done, is done," he says aloud to no one in particular. Then he focuses on the map, the potential routes, and the plans for the next day.

He points on the map to Stock where the smithy is.

He turns directly to face Bartomus though when he talks about the goons, "These are underlings. It is Crimson that matters. It is imperative that we track them back in hopes of finding him." He pauses a moment, thinking back on Shredds before continuing, "I doubt it will stop at merely obtaining evidence. Once Crimson is revealed, I expect a fight, and not an easy one. Yes," he says, pausing thoughtfully, "We must follow these thugs, but be prepared for war."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:48/48 CMD:15] 
Friday July 12th, 2019 6:43:08 PM

Dorbin turns to leave the temple and looks over at Pepper's peaceful face. He runs back to the attendant and says, "Please let us know if she needs anything else. Could you send word on her condition? To the Silver Shields? Thank you."

When they arrive back at HQ he examines the map with the others. During the evening he prepares to memorize the locate object spell so that in case the scroll runs out and Micah runs out, they'll have a backup.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 42/42; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16)  d20+15=20 ; d20+15=16 ;
Friday July 12th, 2019 7:32:12 PM

Concerned and lost in thought, Sid walked home and helps with the shop until he and Elly turn in. The next day he does the following:

1) Stop by a flower shop near the infirmary and buys a gold's worth of flowers and tips another gold to have them delivered to Pepper's room with a note that says, "Their beauty pales to your's, but may they brighten your day and you do mine -Z"

2) Stops by the lumber mill and signs the business documents to create their trash collecting business.

3) Haves lunch with Elli.


Stealth: 20 (To quietly go around town)

((Please ignore second roll))

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 49/49 hp AC: 25/15/21 CMB: +10 (12 Grapple, 12 Trip, 14 Disarm) CMD: 20 (+2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Saturday July 13th, 2019 1:32:06 AM

Having tested her disguise and gotten the lay of the land Stohp returns to the HQ and wonders where everyone is. This was clearly all a scouting trip and not her player getting the days confused.

DM Robert - "We must follow these thugs, but be prepared for war." 
Saturday July 13th, 2019 10:18:14 AM

OOC There is some confusion about the map, the map depicted the route on the DAY Pepper was following them. It will not be any good until another week has passed.

Stock looks at the map. Unfortunately the map only depicts the villains route for today, tomorrow is a different day and they only collect 1/week.

Bartomus asks if they should stake out any place in particular. Sadly Micah's parent's shop is the only place you know they will be coming to on your quest.

Zander passes some coins to the attendant.

Micah realizes there may have been ways they could have intervened but what's done is done.

Dorbin talks to the attendant and prepares spells that night.

Sid turns in and the next day makes SURE that Pepper knows Zander is worried about her.

Stohp has tested her disguise and is assured of it working.


Night comes, sleep blessed sleep. Dawn breaks. The heroes rise and go about their preparation. Sid is departs to work but is ready at 4.

For some reason Pepper comes to the HQ about noon. She inquires about Zander and how the party is doing. She seems fine. Zander opts to take the better part of valor and has Rodrigo cover for him saying that he is out and about. Those in the HQ at the time can see a pretty pout start to form on Pepper, but she quickly shakes it off. She thanks whoever is present for helping her and then trots off, inscribing notes in a new notebook.

As the hour nears the party will converge on the Merchant level.

Please let me know where you want to position yourself relevant to Smith's Smithy. Realize that the map of the size of the city is only an approximation. Also how are you dressed?

Anyone near the Smithy may want to make a Stealth roll.
Anyone near the Smithy may want to make Perception rolls.

Tailing the half-orc is going to require both Stealth and Perception.
You can use Knowledge Local to keep track of the route and lay signs for others to follow you if you are following the half-orc.
You will need to make Knowledge local to keep track of the trackers signs.
You could also use Detect Magic, Detect Evil (paladin), or any other spells if you want to try and observe the half-orc. Of course then you need to be near enough to observe him.
If you want to follow from the rooftops it is going to require, Perception and Acrobatics, and if you really mess up with Acrobatics then Stealth.

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