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Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Monday January 21st, 2019 4:37:57 PM

"I don't know how to feel about this. Did the houses know any of this?" He asks the group, leaving the men to rest.

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25)  d20+1=20
Monday January 21st, 2019 5:48:57 PM

Hmerrin does his best to follow along, and comes to the same question as the Shepard.

"Right, now what?"

He turns to Olaf and Jared, trying to remember which House each belonged to.
"Sounds like each of you were controlled, and then made to do stuff, but independently of each other.
Hmm, betcha the other two guys were your handlers....what did we pull off those other two?"

Back to Olaf and Jared.
"So, you 're both fairly high up muckity mucks, right? If you was running this show, instead of being run, what would you be going to all this trouble for?"

[Diplomacy 20]

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Monday January 21st, 2019 9:37:19 PM

More than a little worried that innocent men might be wrongly persecuted, Ethani pulls the group aside. 'I understand the original mission, but this truly warrants more investigation. We need to discuss what our next steps are going to be before we return them to the Houses. "

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday January 21st, 2019 10:10:56 PM

Asteria honestly doesn't know what to do with all this information at once, so she falls back on doing what she does best. And that is standing around feeling dumb and looking intimidating.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 1:33:32 AM

"I cannot imagine the Houses know if we were brought in to dispatch them." Lornak says to Hmerrin. "However we cannot rule out the possibility..." Crows, I am so tired of conspiracies...

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 2:38:23 AM

Toston says, "True. We just need some way to protect ourselves from being mind controlled by whomever Golden Eyes is."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 8:13:31 PM

"I know this is all a mess, and some... terrible things have happened, but handing these men over now doesn't sit well with me either."

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 9:17:39 PM

Ethani nods at Gaffer's statement. "Perhaps our journey will be delayed slightly while we investigate? "

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 9:24:23 PM

Asteria nods thoughtfully. "Time to break out the tin foil."

Journey Home 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 9:45:05 PM

The group talks about the ramifications of the jumbled information they have just learned. Everyone is convinced that Jared and Olaf were not in their right minds of late and it would seem that would date back to at least the arms deals with both the merfolk and the sahauguin. Further investigation seems prudent, but there is not much to be done in the wilderness.

Hmerrin asks the pair, if they were pulling these types of strings, what might be there end game. "Interesting question." Olaf replies. "Destablize the Houses? Topple the current government? Frame a couple specific Houses? A lot more questions than answers or guesses I'm afraid."

The group has questions as well, but not many answers
Did the Houses of Knife and Teeth know their men were being controlled? Possibly, might be why they wanted Olaf and Jared alive.
Who or what is the being with the golden eyes?
Could the Silver Gloves be involved? Does not seem their style though

The party has a couple choices. Head further into the Wilds, head into Dirt City, return to the ruins and hole up there.

The morning is getting late, but plenty of daylight remains

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 10:24:07 PM

Weighing the options Lornak thinks they should get the pair back to Dirt City. "I say we get these two back, provide the evidence to our "clients" and have them deal with it..." Lornak says. He settles in to get his rest and volunteers for the first watch. "We should march at first light."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 12:15:09 AM

Toston says, "I can't in good conscience turn them over to their houses without figuring out what is up with the golden eyes. If we head home we should either hold them somewhere outside the city or smuggle them in and have them be our guests at our base of operations while we investigate. To keep the houses of our back we return their goods and say we are following up on leads"

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 11:52:52 AM

"I agree, I think we should take them back to a safe location and set up some wards to protect them. I do not trust them though.. enough to free them from their bindings. They could still be lying to save their skins. We hold them and approach the houses. Say we have them but we need some information before we turn them over."

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 6:34:28 PM

Hmerrin considers.

"Back to Dirt City," he agrees. "Not sure about after that. But, we got a couple days to figure that part out."

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 7:17:52 PM

Lornak agrees reluctantly and with great reservation; "We can harbor them at Shale House." Lornak says. Against my better judgement/

"The tricky part will be to smuggle them and us in without being noticed."

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 8:28:40 PM

Asteria feels a bit nervous about the whole plan. "What if the Houses find out? I mean, I could totally beat them up. But they might get a bit pissy."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 9:00:01 PM

"I'm more worried about Golden Eyes coming after us, with or without them," he nods to the pair.
He helps pack away what remains of camp and readies to leave.

Journey Home 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 9:38:45 PM

The group decides the very next move is to continue onward to Dirt City. There is at least a day where the party can talk more on the logistics of sneaking into the city and then possibly hiding them at Shale House. Gaffer is concerned about whatever the creature with golden eyes is, and possibly it coming after them. New and unknown enemies are the worst.

The group gets going and Olaf and Jared offer no resistance and do not seem to be doing anything to slow or hinder the group. Jared looks about quite often, checking the horizons and looking to the sky now and again. If asked, he shrugs, "A habit picked up long ago when in open spaces."
Olaf inquires at lunch, "You guys were whispering up a storm this morning, anything we should know about?"

Lunch is over and the journey continues into the late afternoon and eventually into night and to the next day when the journey continues. Dirt City is a day and a half away.

Lunch finds the group and today, so does something else. Several of you, including Jared spot the riders to the North. They close quickly and soon, you spy the white flag flying high above one of them. Four in all, they stop one hilltop away and it is here where you can pick out additional detail.

The four riders are orcs and they are riding Dire wolves. It is hard to see what they are wearing but likely combat gear. One orc stands in the stirrups and waves the white flag vigorously about.

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 9:53:12 PM

Ethani frowns as the orcs arrive. "I think I heard my Mom speak of a friend who grew up in an honorable tribe of orcs, but that was far from here... everyone please be extra cautious."

That being said, the cleric retrieves her wand of Cure Moderate Wounds and her Bull's Strength wand, wanting to be ready.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24  d20+7=16 ; d20+14=15 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 3:40:12 AM

Toston says to the prisoners, "If you must know all that whispering is temporary good news to you. We have decided that thanks to your story about the Golden Eyes we will not be turning you over to your Houses at least right away. We do have to turn your gear over to your houses, convince them you got away but we are following leads and smuggle you into a safe house while we investigate this Golden Eyes character. Given your background if you two have any ideas on how we could accomplish that let us know."

When the orcs show up Toston says, "I'm not sure what to make of them." (Sense Motive:16; Perception:15)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)   d20+13=15 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 7:22:56 PM

"A white flag, that's a good sign for us? Right? I can't see too much else from here." He asks the others for reassurance. Hoping the Orcs aren't hostile, they nearly made it back without incident...

He glances over at their prisoners to see if they have any reaction to this.

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Thursday January 24th, 2019 7:34:39 PM

Hmerrin looks over at the hill.

"Well, if they wanna talk, we should probably talk. But seven, well, nine of us headed their way might make them nervous.

So, me and somebody who speaks orc will head to the bottom of this hill. If they got any brains, they'll send two of theirs down as well."

He looks around.
"Course, if they all go down, a few more of you are welcome to join us."

With that, the young fighter walks to the bottom of the hill, and waits.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=30 ;
Thursday January 24th, 2019 8:24:32 PM

Will waits with little faith in the orcs surrender. "Do orcs wave white flags?"
Perception: 30
Will prepares an Antimagic field to cast if things go bad.
"They could be assassins. We need to be prepared to protect these men."

Journey Home 
Thursday January 24th, 2019 10:27:30 PM

Olaf answers Toston with a slight smirk, "I wouldn't say need to know, more of self preservationaly curious."
Other than cutting them loose, giving them some of their equipment back so that they could sneak in on their own, Olaf and Jared dont have any brilliant plans.

With that arrival of the orcs, Jared and Olaf simply keep their eyes peeled in that direction, though Jared continues to scan in other directions as well. It is pretty clear, they are as puzzled, perhaps more so, than you.

Hmerrin suggests someone who knows orc go down the hill and heads out.

As he does so, one of the riders moves down the hill and the group can now see they do not rides wolves but Hyenas. The rider, still carries the white flag and those he left behind have turned their mounts to be able to run quickly.

The rider stops about halfway down the hill and pulls what looks to be a strongbox from a saddle bag
"We thank!" he yells a dn drops it. he then takes off back to his group and they quickly take flight

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+7=19 ; d20+8=21 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 12:49:49 AM

Lornak walks down to meet the rider being cautious and aware of the orc's intentions. (Sense Motive d20=21)

He yells back in Orcish I hope. a question hoping to be understood. "This for taking out raiders?" He intones gutterally. (Linguistics d20=19)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Friday January 25th, 2019 12:54:16 AM

"Why are orcs thanking us?" Toston asks

"This is odd. Wil check the strongbox for traps please."

"Does anyone know how to make a disguise? Could we disguise Olaf and Jared as 2 of us, but injured...putting them on litters. We would then carry them into the city and into Shale House directly. Two of our number then also disguise themselves and make their way into the city separately making their way into Tombo's. Any wholes in this plan?"

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=21 ; d20+9=14 ;
Friday January 25th, 2019 9:27:35 PM

(Perception for trap: 22)
Will inspects the box for traps and if no traps opens it. If it is a trap,
(Disable device: 14
"Now that I've moved to a lighter side my black robe is unneeded. We could dress them in cloaks to disguise them."

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Saturday January 26th, 2019 9:40:01 AM

Hmerrin watches the orcs scamper away.

"huh", he utters.

"Guessin' those ogres had these guys under their thumbs.
Well, darn nice of them, as long as nothing nasty jumps out of the lockbox."

The young fighter looks over to see what Wil's work reveals.

Journey Home 
Sunday January 27th, 2019 7:43:30 PM

Lornak and Hmerrin are at the bottom of the hill as the rest look on intently. Lornak calls out if the strongbox is in thanks for taking out the raiders. The riding orcs do nothing more than raise hand. Hmerrin lifts the box and sees no lock upon it and the pair return to the group.
Wil examines the box and concludes it is not trapped and nor is it locked, though it is capable of being padlocked from the outside. The strongbox itself is well made, tight fitting oak boards banded in steel with steel reinforced corners. Opening the box cautiously, you find 6,000 gold and a rolled leather hide which opens to reveal what appears to be a treasure map. Runic characters are placed about that you cannot read as they are not in a specific language, but seem to be a combination of orcish, tauric, and dwarven. It is definitely a code and will require some research to crack
None of the labeled landmarks are known to any of you. Upon the back of the skin is a brand that resembles a unicorn.
Local Know DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: { There is a rumor of a good orc tribe that bears the symbol of the unicorn}

On other matters Toston asks if any in the group are skilled at disguise. This question causes Jared to tentatively raise his hand. "Though without any kind of supplies, anything i do will not pass very close inspection for Olaf or I to appear as any of you."

The party is awarded a Hero point for completing the orc freedom encounter.
Also last scene was 4k XP each

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Sunday January 27th, 2019 9:24:56 PM

"Huh... that was... unexpected. "

Unusually quiet, Ethani mulls over the captive situation. "I really don't have anything that can help. Sorry. "

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Sunday January 27th, 2019 11:11:25 PM

Asteria watches the orcs leave curiously. "You think we'll ever see them again? I wanna be friends with them."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Monday January 28th, 2019 12:04:55 AM

Toston says to Wil, "You have that disguise kit still? If you do mayhap you and Jared whip some disguises up?"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Monday January 28th, 2019 2:20:21 AM

"That... was a nice surprise." Gaffer says with a smile, watching the Orcs ride away. Good to know there has been something positive.

"If we could make one of them look like me, it would be easier for me to make my own way back to the house." He suggests to Wil

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25)  d20+6=16 ; d20+3=11 ;
Monday January 28th, 2019 7:10:47 PM

"Ooooooo, treasure map," Hmerrin coos, looking over the hide.

It becomes obvious the lad hasn't the least idea what to make of it, though, and he sighs regretfully.

"Nuts. Well, back to matters at hand. We can talk AND walk people. Let's go.

As Hmerrin doesn't disguise well, he stays out of the conversation.

[Knowledge 16
Perception 11]

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+9=17 ;
Monday January 28th, 2019 7:16:13 PM

"I do have a disguise kit. I forgot all about that. We can use that. Jared, I believe can go invisible but why wouldn't he run if we couldn't see him?"
"Does this unicorn mean it's a one of a kind map? Anything on the map that can help us now where it's supposed to be?"

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+7=9 ;
Monday January 28th, 2019 8:05:24 PM

Lornak has no knowledge of what the Unicorn means. (Knowledge Local d20=9)

"I can create a decent disguise, a better one if someone has a kit about them." Lornak says.

"That is a brilliant idea Gaffer, one can stand in for you and one can be Dusan." Making one of them look like him will be easy enough. "Our numbers will match the compliment that we left with anyway."

"Mark this area." Lornak says to Asteria. "You may yet find them here again."

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday January 28th, 2019 9:44:02 PM

Asteria mentally marks the area in her head, and promptly forgets it. "Got it!"

"I'm not a sneaky person, but I can definitely act sad if that's what you'd like!"

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47)  d20+8=25 ;
Monday January 28th, 2019 10:02:26 PM

Ethani glances over at the map. "Oh, hey...i think I do remember something being said at the Temple of Waard about a group of good orcs. They used a sigil of the unicorn, just like that. Cool, huh?"


Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Monday January 28th, 2019 10:40:42 PM

Toston says to his friends, "Good idea. Make one of them Dusan and one of them Gaffer and then we don't even have to really sneak in separately. I'll ask around the WLA chapterhouse in Dirt City when I get a chance about the map. Don't worry I'll be discrete about it."

Journey Home 
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 10:21:23 AM

The group comes up with a plan.
Using Wil's disguise Kit, Jared will work on making himself look like Garret and Olaf to look like Dusan. Jared points out that both Garret and Dusan are armed and carry quite a bit of gear and currently he and Olaf are quite light in all departments.
Garret can then simply make his way into the city as a bird and the The Tide will look to be of their normal contingent as they were when they left

Ethani recalls hearing about the Unicorn Orc Tribe, purely a fantasy legend invented by those who wish the bloody wilds to not simply be a place of hardship and death by all accounts. Until now.
Toston will take the map to the WLA to see if he can learn more, and he'll do it real quite like.

The big question is, does the party equip Jared and Olaf.

The party is about 2-3 hours outside of Dirt City

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20=9 ; d20+11=22 ;
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 3:24:50 PM

"I don't trust arming these men. I would need a declaration of no harm to anyone in the party and half a scalp as collateral but a limp will do. Volunteer a foot so I can stomp on it." He says to Jared. "It will sell the fact that we have to carry all your gear due to an injury... wait.. maybe Ethani wants to do the stomping?"
"... and your friend too. Volunteer crushed toes or something less pleasant."
After a moment...
"If I could step in and out of the present I could just deliver them in a moment but looks like I will just have to help sneak them in."
(Perception: 22 - to see any house guards when approaching Dirt City)

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 6:44:13 PM

Hmerrin shrugs.

"Cloaks will hide the fact your not armored, not that Gaffer or Dusan are all that armored anyway. If we swap a couple around, that'd mix it up.

And if one of you carry a quiver and the other a staff, we should be close enough, right"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)   d20+13=22 ;
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 8:06:01 PM

Gaffer hands over his shield saying, "A little armour shouldn't hurt. I don't think it is in their favour to kick up a fuss at this point."

He will turn into a bird not long after, saying beforehand "I'll fly nearby until we reach the city, then move around a while before meeting you back at the house."

As always he enjoys taking to the sky, the clear view and feeling of wind beneath his wings, slightly away from the stress of escorting prisoners, he relaxes for a few moments beats, before taking in their surroundings as they travel.

Perception: 22

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+8=21 ; d20+14=16 ;
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 9:40:22 PM

Lornak wordlessly applies dyed clays and minerals to Jared and Olaf. He makes "Dusan" as disheveled as ever. He even adds brambles and twigs to his cloak mimicking a long march. He does his best to capture the spirit of Gaffer as a man. (Disguise d20=21 without the disguise kit bonus)

He is wary of arming the men but suggests that they wear what Dusan and Gaffer usually brandish. He hands over the weapons and says; "Especially as we are their only allies..." Rage burns behind his eyes. I will regret this, watch.

As the group is in eyesight of the city Lornak floats his Ioun stone and gets his gameface on. (Perception d20=16) (OOC he must be consumed by rage)

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 9:55:43 PM

Ethani shakes her head at Wil's offer at retribution. "It is not Alemi’s way, my friend. "

Very leery about arming the prisoners, Ethani watches Lornak carefully. He has been very on edge recently, and she makes a note to talk to him soon.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 10:33:20 PM

Asteria does not trust the men with weapons whatsoever, and makes sure they can clearly see her blood-stained axe. Just in case they get any ideas. She grins. "Well, if we really HAVE to make them look beat up... I wouldn't mind lending a helping hand."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Tuesday January 29th, 2019 11:20:50 PM

Toston puts up a hand to his friends before they hand out weapons and says, "Should we break the weapons before we hand them over?"

If the group assents he purposely starts beating the weapons with fists until he has inflicted enough damage for them to get the broken condition.

(OOC: purposely damage any weapon we plan to hand over to them giving it the broken condtion; If the item is a weapon, any attacks made with the item suffer a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Such weapons only score a critical hit on a natural 20 and only deal ×2 damage on a confirmed critical hit.)

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Wednesday January 30th, 2019 6:16:50 PM

"I think handing them enough to look the part is fine. I am a bit disappointed that I cannot hurt them on purpose but Ethani you are right. With respect to Gargul, I've spent most of my life under a dark cloud of bitterness and darkness."

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+14=25 ;
Wednesday January 30th, 2019 8:14:52 PM

Lornak raises an eyebrow at Toston. I would never believe him to be more adamant about something than I.

"If you feel that is necessary..." Lornak says. He pats the mules to keep moving. He keeps his eyes up scanning for any trouble. (perception d20=25) "If for any reason we get separated stay with these two until we get them into Shale House. If the House reps show up, produce the chests and say we lost their trail."

He looks at the pair; "I hop you have someone within the Houses that you Trust to plead your side to, perhaps lend you aid or our "protection" will be very short lived."

(OOC thats better)

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47)  d20+10=12 ;
Wednesday January 30th, 2019 9:34:40 PM

Ethani casts about restless, anxious to have this encounter behind her. She finds herself unable to focus on much beyond Lornak. Perception=12

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Wednesday January 30th, 2019 10:20:03 PM

Toston says, "Well they did kill Ethani even if they were mind controlled. I mean it is possible adventurers weapons get broke in the course of adventuring and I mean I'm sure someone can just repeatedly cast mend later or make whole to fix the damage."

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Wednesday January 30th, 2019 10:23:09 PM

Asteria waits nervously, just wanting to get on with it quickly.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Thursday January 31st, 2019 4:14:21 AM

Gaffer circles in a wide area, unsure as they get closer to the city, whether the Houses will simply wait for them to turn up at their doorstep.

Journey Home 
Thursday January 31st, 2019 10:15:31 AM

Olaf and Jared raise eyebrows and take a few steps back from the group at large as the conversation turns to the joy and rapture it would apparently bring multiple members of the Tide to beat the unarmed prisoners.
Lornak is the only one who seems willing to arm them and Toston wants to break the weapons before doing so.
Jared and Olaf's weapons are magical and Toston cannot damage them.

Jared meets Lornak's glare with one of his, "Perhaps next you will wish to gouge out our eyes because you don't like how we look in the disguise."

Olaf holds his hands open, "How about a nice deep breath Jared."

To the group, Olaf then says, "Your choice on how we do this, but might I point out, you want good enough to pass though the gates of Dirt City where you left maybe a week ago on a mission for two prominent houses of the City and you're going to stroll back in without us and 2 mules and 4 chests you did not have on the way out. They might not know you have us, but they will know you are back and with 4 strongboxes of loot."

Olaf pauses and then adds, "Course you could bribe the gate, it's what I do. You could work on your silver tongue. So far it seems from my view to need practice."

With Gaffer present, Jared was able to make himself with the disguise kit look mighty convincing. Neither men know what Dusan looks like so much, and so it is completely up to Lornak on that.

The disguises are done.

How do you want to proceed. Specifically, anything about the mules with the strongboxes where 2 of them have House emblems on them?
At this point, Olaf and Jared are unarmed, wear no armor, other than Jared holding Gaffer's shield. Dusan had no armor and only carried a Heavy Crossbow, and so it is not so much a thing. Even his tattoos were almost always hidden beneath a cloak and his clothes

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Thursday January 31st, 2019 2:37:23 PM

Wil takes in a breath. "We can address the questions about Jared and Olaf missing by stating the obvious. We do not trust the Houses to act honorably so we sent the two men, plus a guard, ahead with instructions. The men are sequestered in a Safe house till a safe deal can be made. We should allow relative armament to pass as adventures. Any questions can be dismissed as 'We lost the weapon or shield."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Thursday January 31st, 2019 5:39:03 PM

Toston says, "I don't think we want the houses to know we even have the men. The point was for us to buy time to figure things out. For all we know The Golden Eyed Being is controlling or in league with those who sent us on the quest in the first place. We were going to tell them they escaped I thought and we needed more time to track Jared and Olaf down. I thought we were just going to cop to having their purloined goods and return them. Is there a reason why we shouldn't keep the bargain we struck with respect to returning the houses' goods?"

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)   d20+13=23 ;
Thursday January 31st, 2019 7:06:44 PM

Gaffer continues flying higher up, looking to see if it is possible to get a view on the Orc riders in the distance (Perception: 23)

From higher above he enjoys the spreading views and glides as leisurely as he can to not wear himself out.

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Thursday January 31st, 2019 7:46:12 PM

Hmerrin is surprised.

"Gate? Most of the town is rubble. Just walk over a convenient pile of masonry and be on our way."

The fighter sighs.

"Course if we have to walk through, then I say walk through. We found goods belonging to the Houses, which we did, and we're planning to take it to the Houses, which we are, and we'll decide what we're gonna do next after that."

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Thursday January 31st, 2019 10:28:12 PM

Ethani nods at Toston's plan, very much in agreement. "The simpler we keep our lies, the less delicately we have to tread."

As she runs her fingers through her red hair, Ethani is suddenly weary. The past few days of trauma finally catching up to her.

Sliding up beside Lornak, she gently leans into him. "I am more than ready for a long bath when we get home. I long to have some time alone with you. We have much we need to talk about."

As they travel, Ethani spends most of het time talking to the captives. She finds it her duty as Shepard to assure the Jared and Olaf that she will allow no harm to come to them. "I know you do not even remember what you did back in the Tower. And I will not hold you responsible for actions you were not in control of. I give you my word as a Healer of Alemi that i will not tolerate any violence against you as long as you do not attempt to harm us or run from us. However, you do need to understand that you killed me in a very brutal manner, and my friends have not yet processed all their emotions, so they are likely to be... less forgiving than they would normally be."

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Thursday January 31st, 2019 10:56:37 PM

"Maybe we just say we could only find their crap because these goons left them at the place? We could say we're still looking for them and we just wanted to give them their stuff back." She shrugs.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 70/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+8=22 ; d20+7=8 ;
Thursday January 31st, 2019 11:26:40 PM

Lornak takes a moments pause as Ethani nudges up to him. "It would be nice." He answers her with only a hint of passion. If we get half a bloody chance.

He is fairly confident the group has the plan down in their minds.

As the group moves up to the "gate" of Dirt City Lornak will pass through amicably. If there is any suspicion raised he asks the guards to turn a blind eye; "We would like to keep a low profile, if you know what I mean." He pleads. (Diplomacy d20=22) In an attempt to be nonchalant about it he produces gold very much out in the open, regrettably. (Stealth d20=8)

I guess it really does not matter who sees this transaction here in good ol' Dirt City "Business as usual." He says under his breath.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+12=17 ; d20+12=15 ;
Friday February 1st, 2019 5:22:52 PM

Wil agrees to follow the plan. He helps Lornak with any Diplomacy Needs.
If he can get away with it. Wil attempts to get a good Stealthy position.

(Diplomacy: 17)(Stealth: 15)

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Friday February 1st, 2019 10:52:22 PM

Staying close to the prisoners, Ethani smiles as they approach the gate for Dirt City, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. She watches Lornak carefully, very concerned about his recent behavior.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Saturday February 2nd, 2019 6:37:44 PM

Flying high above Gaffer circles a small ways behind the party, keeping an eye on them, and waiting for trouble.

Shale House 
Sunday February 3rd, 2019 3:48:51 PM

With a plan in mind, the group heads into Dirt City. While much of the city is very damaged and sections of the wall are destroyed, the city gates are still the standard means of entrance and where those sections are destroyed, a group of guard are always on duty. Leading the pack mules in, you are asked some basic questions, Lornak hands the man a gold piece which he nods and pockets. The questions are at an end and you enter without any fuss.
Gaffer soars overhead and does not seem to attract any attention himself and from his vantage point he does not notice anything unusual.
The group enters with a few others, and still others are heading out. All in all, quite ordinary

The party soon arrives at Shale House

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Monday February 4th, 2019 12:06:21 AM

Toston puts his bags in his room then wanders down to Tombo's to try to get a handle on the latest scuttlebutt.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Monday February 4th, 2019 5:46:30 PM

Gaffer joins the rest in the room and helps find space for their captives, not forgetting to get back his shield.

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Monday February 4th, 2019 7:08:58 PM

Hmerrin keeps Olaf and Jared company in the common room as the others go about their tasks.

While he's sitting there, he thinks back to recall what it was they were supposed to do once they had these two.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Monday February 4th, 2019 8:58:03 PM

Lornak is relieved that there were no snags at the gate but only lets his guard down a bit when the group enters Shale House unabated. He is hopeful that the refugees that were living here have moved on to better quarters and better quality of living.

He volunteers to get the chests off the hitched litter and up into the Receiving Room vault and off the street. When everyone is settled in he will stable the mules for later use.(Let me know where and how much this will cost) I am sure we will need to move the 'stolen property' evidence to the Houses eventually. "Stow the extra weapons in the armory, we will go through it and the booty later." He says. "Lock it and the vault up tight."

Once in the Common Room he turns to their guests. "Clean yourselves up. I am sure you are not comfortable in those getups. You may help yourselves to some food." He points towards the pantries. "Tombo keeps the stores up here well stocked, I am sure you will not need for anything."

"We happen to have a few rooms open for occupation at the moment..." He says to the House pair. "...you can stay in them if you behave." He points them out. "If you do not behave, there are two Cells upstairs." He says, aware of his tone. He is doing his best to be civil considering the circumstances.

"If my memory serves me we are too send a messenger to the Houses when we have returned from our excursion." He says to the group once they are gathered. "Judging by our passage here we may actually have pulled off slipping in with a low profile. We will hold off on contacting the Houses for as long as we can."

"I say we have about three to four days to investigate whether or not it was an inside job before someone notices we are back. Get some rest. Tomorrow we reach out to our contacts..." He looks at Wil, Hmerrin and Asteria. "...Quietly... and then move on from there."

With that he walks over to the landing above the stairwell, opens the large window and whistles distinctly. A few moments later Vin the owl lands upon his outstretched arm. He gives the bird a morsel from his pocket and strokes head and neck. "Kept the home fires burning, My Lady?" He asks. The owl squawks. He perches her upon his shoulder and comes back to the room proper, kisses Ethani(careful not to let any beak in the way and enters the night air. He makes his way to the stables with the mules.

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Monday February 4th, 2019 9:03:31 PM

Breathing in a big sigh of relief as they make it back to Dirt City, Ethani pulls Lornak aside. "I know now is not a good time, but I really feel we need to talk. In the meantime, should we arrange a meeting with the Houses like we did before? How long do you think we can stall them? I think I should ask Alemi for guidance, but the soonest I can do so is tomorrow"

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Monday February 4th, 2019 9:09:40 PM

Lol... we posted at pretty much the same time.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 4th, 2019 9:29:35 PM

Will takes in a breath and relaxes.
"You should get on that white coat," whispers Cicero.
"That's a good point. Is anything heading to the Catacombs. I would like to purchase a nice armored coat and I think we need to get an assortment of potions to hide if needed. Maybe some invisibility and smoke bombs. I have 100 gp. This may help us with our next fight. I'm greatly disappointed in myself and wish to do better."

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 4th, 2019 9:30:47 PM

"Ha.. I said anything. I meant anyone."

Shale House 
Monday February 4th, 2019 9:37:32 PM

The group disburses through Shale House and though there are still some using the place as home, it is not packed as it was last week. Olaf and Jared both say thank you for the offer of food from Tombos. Olaf has heard good things about it and is more eager than Jared on that account.
Lornak and Ethani both recall that the Houses would be waiting to be contacted by the group. How long can you wait before they come knocking? The consensus is 2-3 days.
The four chests are put into the vault and as Lornak locates where to put the mules he finds that the reputation of The Tide, proceeds him to a stabling free of charge

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday February 4th, 2019 11:03:42 PM

Asteria enjoys being back, and hopes to get some relaxation time before their next skirmish. She looks up at Lornak at his glance. "What? Do I stink or something? I guess it has been a few months..."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24  d20+4=7 ;
Monday February 4th, 2019 11:35:48 PM

Toston enjoys the food from Tombo's. He tries to use diplomacy to gather information about the latest news around town. (Diplomacy: 7) (OOC: +3 from Cha; +1 vs Noble races from openly wearing WLA badge)

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 7:08:54 PM

Hmerrin gives Lornak his best "Big Eyed And Innocent Face".
"Wha-at?" he sing-songs.

But, it looks like the young man is destined to stay at home for a bit while the sneakers do their sneaking.

So, Hmerrin appoints himself Olaf/Jared watcher, and tries to be around them..a lot.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+9=23 ; d20+14=32 ;
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 8:54:12 PM

Before Lornak returns to Shale House he uses the night to his advantage to skirt The Tides notoriety. (Stealth d20=23)

As he walks the streets of Dirt City to find and make contact with Three Bits he keeps his eye peeled for any signs he's being watched or followed. He also uses the time get a vibe of the city by listening to conversations of passersby on the street, loudmouths inside pubs and House acolytes on the prowl. Perhaps a guard or two. (Perception d20=32)

The past week has been trying, I hope I was not too harsh with the others. I would hate that they not follow up any leads. I just wanted them to do it quietly...

When he reaches Three Bits, he asks if there are any rumors about possession or actions of anyone out of character, particularly members of any House. Legitimate talk of traitors. "Has anyone dreamed of eyes of a Golden hue?" He asks as he offers the usual payment.

I forgot to ask Olaf and Jared if They have anyone specific to reach out to, now that we are here...

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 9:12:18 PM

Wil has little to say at the moment. He concerns himself with securing Olaf and Jared. Adds some comforts for them.
After he goes through the house and sets traps at all but one entrance. After, he tells only the team the trap locations.

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 9:42:21 PM

Worn out from the day, Ethani remains in her shared room with Lornak and thinks through which spells ake will ask Alemi for tomorrow. As she ponders, she remembers back to her encounter with Alemi and Gargul, cherishing the memory of being with Alemi.

Asteria (sub Nellie) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 9:47:31 PM

Cracking her knuckles, Asteria heads down to Tombos. "I hate to be a party pooper, but that Ale isn't going to drink itself..." she mutters as she orders herself a tall one.

Shale House 
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 10:55:58 PM

Lornak heads out as the rest of the group secures the House, settles in and gets food and drink. Several hit Tombos, which is extremely crowded as it has been since the quake. Tombo is practically giving away food and drink to any who come and word has obviously spread

Out in the evening, Lornak is reminded by a set of 6 men from House Wolf that a curfew is still in effect. If Lornak has business, "You need to keep your step, you only have a 3 hours." The men are matter of fact, but not hostile or beligerent in tone. They nod and move on.

Lornak make his way to Three Bits and finds the small curio shop open and empty as usual, save Three Bits and a wiry man sitting by himself at a table pretending to look at a shadow box. Three Bits gives a small grin and waves you over, "Lornak my fine dark friend. Good of you to stop by."

Lornak asks about possession or actions of anyone out of character, particularly members of any House. Legitimate talk of traitors. "Has anyone dreamed of eyes of a Golden hue?

Three Bits arches a brow and accepts the offered gold without comment or barter. "Possession? That would take some time to look into, not simply stuff i know. On out of character, I have heard a bit here and there, but not so much more now than before. " he pauses, "Although now that I think about it, there is a rather disturbing rumor about the fighting school and the church of Warrd. Shuffling of personnel and such that stands out you might say. Don't have much else and Golden Eyes? No certainly nothing there."

The meeting is brief, not remotely confrontational, and nearly pleasant. Lornak heads home to arrive in time with a stop at a couple pubs. There is no real street talk about, beyond the normal stuff. Dirt City is dangerous and there are plenty of examples, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Tuesday February 5th, 2019 11:30:10 PM

Toston enjoys the food at Tombo's, settles his tab and then heads to his room. He resolves to wake up early tomorrow and head to the WLA house to see what he can find out about the Golden Eyes.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)   d20+13=20 ;
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 8:02:29 AM

Gaffer asks around the group to see if there is any aid he can offer them in their current tasks, otherwise he will spend some time the next day flying and resting as a bird around Shale House, and keeping a general eye for house activity around their lodgings. (Perception: 20)

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25)  d20+1=8 ;
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 6:08:08 PM

Hmerrin shrugs at Gaffer's request.
"Nothing I really need right now," he answers.

In the morning, the young fighter will head over to a couple of the inns/taverns where he'd done some pro bono carpentry work to see if anybody has heard anything "weird" going on with the Houses.

Diplomacy 8

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 8:04:10 PM

Lornak sneaks into Shale House without fanfare and makes his way to his bunk. He checks the watch rotation with whoever is on duty guarding 'The Pair' and thankfully finds out he is not on the list.

He enters his room and finds Ethani there. He carefully crawls under the covers doing his best not to disturb her. He sleeps solidly. Probably more out of exhaustion than actual rest. In the morning he reveals what Three Bits has for The Tide;

"a rather disturbing rumor about the fighting school and the church of Warrd. Shuffling of personnel and such that stands out. Nothing of the Golden Eyes."

"Whoever trains at the school can follow up that lead." He says to the group. "Ethani, I would like you to show yourself at the temple of Warrd and see what is going on there." He steels a mouthful of his breakfast. "No one go alone. I am thinking pair up. That will leave two of us here to meet with anyone Olaf and Jared may contact.

"The stables and Three Bits know I am here. Tread softly and do your best not to be noticed."

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 9:11:50 PM

Ethani nods at Lornak's suggestion. "Yes, I can see what might have occurred at the Temple. If possible, I prefer to take Asteria or Gaffer with me."

Heading toward the Temple, Ethani heads into her normal routine of assisting with healing. As she does so, she makes subtle inquires into what might have occurred while she was gone and if any strange illnesses have cropped up that she can be helpful in healing.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 10:06:57 PM

Wil heads to bed for the night..

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 10:26:25 PM

Asteria eagerly agrees to go with Ethani to the Temple, enjoying being able to get out and about. She stays close to her sister the entire time, never letting her out of her sight.

Day in the Dirt 
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 10:47:51 PM

Lornak gives everyone the overview of his night and specifically his meeting with Three Bits the following morning
Olaf and Jared both simply remain in Var's old room on the second floor.

In the morning the group splits up to run down a few very vague leads.
Toston takes the map and Wil, and head to the WLA.
Gaffer goes with Asteria to the temple of Warrd
Lornak and Asteria stay at Shale House
Hmerrin feels he can take care of himself and heads to a couple taverns

Deciphering the map is going to take time, likely a couple weeks to comb through the literature in the library to start piecing together what languages are involved.
Aside from going through the shelves of books, how does Toston wish to look into the Golden Eyes?

At the temple of Warrd, Ethani finds there is plenty of people in need of help. Kind words of encouragement, healing and the basics of food and water. It is not surprising as nearly 25% of the city has no where to live. Ethani asks here and there, but uncovers nothing nor does she personally see anything amiss. The acolytes are there, the head cleric, and all seem to be doing what they can.
When Gaffer and Ethani exit the temple for home, Gaffer spies a shadow disengage from an alley a few streets away. It's a good bet a House spy just picked off the pair

Hmerrin has the same level of success at the taverns. Dirt City is a pretty tight lipped place on a normal day and today is just as normal as any other.

Clarification note. To my knowledge no Traps have been constructed in Shale House

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24  d20+12=26 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+1=7 ; d20+1=9 ; d20+1=5 ; d20+1=9 ; d20+1=19 ; d20+1=3 ; d20+3=16 ;
Wednesday February 6th, 2019 11:17:46 PM

Toston combs through the library at the chapter house looking for any clue about the Golden Eyes or the Map.

(OOC: 3 was a misclick)

Know(arcana): 26 to try to determine if the map or the golden eyes involves magic that might be referenced in the WLA library
Know(religion): 25 to try to determine if the map or the golden eyes have any religious significance referenced in the WLA library
Know(planes): 21 to try to determine if the map or the golden eyes have any planar significance referenced in the WLA library
Know(nature): 22 to try to determine if the map or the golden eyes have any natural significance referenced in the WLA library
Know(local): 7 to figure out if there are any local accounts of the Golden Eyes or any of the references in the treasure map look like anything in the area
Know(geography): 9 to figure out if the map might look like anything in atlases the WLA has in the library
Know(dungeoneering):5 to figure out if the golden eyes phenomenom could be aberrant in nature
Know(nobility):9 to figure out if the cache the map references might be from some noble's missing treasure or if any nobles have golden eyes
Know(engineering):19 to figure out if any structure referenced in the map looks like any reference in the WLA libary

Toston also asks the people around the guild if there had been any rumors of beings with Golden Eyes being able to dominate someone. (diplomacy 16)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Thursday February 7th, 2019 12:28:24 AM

(OOC - There aren't any traps set up in Shale House but we did have Wards up. I think they were set by Toston or Dusan)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Thursday February 7th, 2019 5:01:54 PM

At the temple Gaffer puts his knowledge of healing and herb to as much use as he can, and introduces himself to the other healers there.

He tries to hide any reaction when seeing the houses eyes on the street. Whispering to Ethani only when they are out of sight.

"Sadly I think that might be our time about up."

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+12=31 ;
Thursday February 7th, 2019 6:48:22 PM

(Ooc: I dont believe we set up traps either but possibly wards. Wil used the material from the earlier encounter to set up these traps. This is not the first time we held onto VIPs)
"Maybe this guy has golden-like eyes?" He says.
He also tries to help with Diplomacy and questioning. He also takes some time to talk to grubbers in the neighborhood. (Diplomacy: 31)

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25)  d20+3=15 ;
Thursday February 7th, 2019 6:50:34 PM

Hmerrin returns to Shale House, and relays that he struck out.

He's not particularly surprised about it. Sneaking and info gathering are not really his thing, but hey, at least he got outside.

Looks like its his turn to babysit. The lad checks in on Jared and Olaf, and then gives the rest of the House a patrol, just because.

[Perception 15]

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Thursday February 7th, 2019 7:58:31 PM

Ethani nods at Gaffer's assessment, truly trusting Tyne druid. "Yes, I agree with you friend. It is time to head home. " she says quietly. Catching Gaffer's eye, she makes it clear that she understood him.

Fulfilled from the healing work she has done, Ethani is frustrated with the complete and utter lack of information she gathered. Considering how closely she has worked with the priests in the past, she is surprised that they are being so tight lipped. As she ambles down the side streets, she concentrates on what she might be able to do to gather information in the short amount of time they have left.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+3=8 ; d20+3=8 ; d20+14=28 ;
Thursday February 7th, 2019 9:43:11 PM

Lornak mills about Shale House while keeping an eye on The Pair. In the peaceful confines of his home tries again, twice, to open the chest of "stolen" goods they are said to have stolen from their Houses. I only want to know what is inside before they are delivered...

When idle with their charges he asks them reluctantly what is inside them, keep on not letting them know of his failure to open them; "Do you know what is in those chests? Was it payment, barter, pilfer, information? Golden Eyes wanted them for something."

When Wil returns to Shale House he asks if he can take a crack at the locks on the chests. "Our time grows short, we need to know what are in those chests."

When Hmerrin relieves him of guard duty he makes his way down to Tombo's. He chooses a window seat and watches for anything or anyone out of the ordinary as he takes a load off and enjoys a hot meal and a crisp ale.

Active Abilities:

Trap Sense

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Thursday February 7th, 2019 9:48:53 PM

Toston peruses the books and listens to the responses he gets regarding his inquiries.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Thursday February 7th, 2019 10:43:56 PM

Asteria feels nervous as the Houses are clearly bearing down on their necks, and stays in the Shale House to keep an eye on the former prisoners. She lets Lornak do most of the talking. "Yeah, what's so special about these boxes that everyone wants em?"

Day in the Dirt 
Thursday February 7th, 2019 10:49:44 PM

Toston hits the books, he has a vague idea of what he is looking for and so has narrowed his search to only a few hundred scrolls and tombs to check with regards to the map. As to beings with golden eyes, nearly all angelic beings fall into the category and again, hundreds upon hundreds of books on a varying matter are available. It will take time. The WLA has several in house at the time, mostly martially experienced. Toston engages all of them about a creature capable of powerful domination that is known to have golden eyes. He does so casually with finesse, but quickly spies the signs of 'I Smell Adventure' for which members of the WLA are rather famous for as the questions begin...
Where did you come across the information? Do you have some personal experience? To what extent of domination are you talking about? You're thinking this beyond just a powerful mage aren't you? Toston deftly shifts the conversation and curiosity of the others, though he is pretty sure a couple might now begin pursuing it themselves

The clerics and priests and acolytes were not tight lipped about the happening about the temple, they simply do not have any information that fit Ethani's inquiry. They simply know of nothing 'odd' or 'disconcerting' that is happening. One of the clerics phrases it, "You are not part of the temple, but you do come when you can and my thanks and that of the others is boundless.. You have been gone for nearly a week this time. I have been here for 12, 14, 16 hours a day, everyday for the past month with no end in sight. Hundreds have come today, hundreds more will be here tomorrow and thousands in the days before that. I know nothing more than the suffering and need in front of my face at any given moment"

Lornak speaks with Jared and Olaf specifically about what is in the chests and more specifically, what is in the House chests. Both men lean forward as one might casually do before speaking, but then their eyes draw out and look far beyond the room, but only for a moment and were Lornak not paying very close attention he would surely have missed it. Both men then give identical responses, "A few choice magic items and as much of the open vault I could get my hands on"

Ethani and Gaffer return and deliver the news that almost certainly a member of either House Knife or House Teeth is delivering a message that The Tide is back in Dirt City.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Friday February 8th, 2019 6:09:33 PM

"Well, we have something coming up soon then... If the Houses know. We should hide the two yahoos in a secret room and be as welcoming as possible.. too exhaustion. That should help avoid suspicions."

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+3=16 ;
Friday February 8th, 2019 7:07:50 PM

Lornak listens to The Pair and notices something out of place. That is not good...

As the group filter back in to Shale House he makes sure to beckon each into Tombo's before they journey upstairs. He relays to them the dreadful news he has found out;

"Be careful with everything you do and say while in eye and earshot of Olaf and Jared. I spoke to them today and it was as if they were not there, rather being piloted by someone I can only assume is 'Golden Eyes'." He shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "The enemy is within our home and will be prepared to match whatever move we make save ones we ABSOLUTELY set outside of its purview. We must be cautious."

"Perhaps we can use its eavesdropping to our advantage somehow..." He muses. "If you have a suggestion please bring it up in confidence."

To Wil he reiterates the need to see in the chests; "Please take a crack at those chests I do not trust what The Pair divulged as to their contents. I will help you when you are ready." (Disable Device to help another d20=16)

Active Abilities:

Trap Sense

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Friday February 8th, 2019 8:07:33 PM

"Could we set our own trap, pretend we are going to move them somewhere and see who interferes? Do we have a way to make sure golden eyes can't do that to us??"
Gaffer offers his suggestion to Lornak, but he worries that between holding prisoners, the houses and golden eyes, something is going to break very soon.

"I don't suppose we could simply dispel the magic on them?"

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Saturday February 9th, 2019 9:38:28 AM

Hmerrin ponders.
"So, the Houses are gonna show up any minute. Well, send word more likely, and want to meet and get their stuff."

Glancing at Lornak, he adds "and now we got other whatevers that know all about us."


The lad spends a good portion of breakfast poking at his food, and thinking. All this sneaking and spying and plotting and counter plotting stuff is beyond him.
Resolving to do something, the lad heads out, to locate a purchase several sets of small bells, like the ones store owners hang on their doors to signal customers coming in or out.

Once he's got that, the young fighter returns, and ties them to the windows, so that opening a pane will cause it to chime. He'll start with the windows in his room, and his room's door, and then work out from there, depending on how may he can get.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+9=10 ; d20+9=14 ;
Saturday February 9th, 2019 10:01:52 AM

Wil tries again to pick the locks on the chests but again struggles. (Disable Device: 10 and 14 minus assistance from Lornak.)

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Monday February 11th, 2019 9:03:14 AM

Ethani nods her gratitude to the priests. "I apologize. You are correct. I wish I could help you more. I will spend as much time as I can helping. Thank you so much for looking out for the citizens of this city."

When she returns to Shale house she is much subdued and even a little down. She is not suited for investigations like this, and the one thing she is good at she is kept from. She spends much time in thought.

Delivery Due / Delivery Duo (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 11th, 2019 4:33:57 PM

Wilford comments on the captive duo and "IF the Houses know." Well, it is a sure bet that the Houses know you are back, and they will be wanting delivery ...

Lornak is concerned, and wants to help open those chests ... but help who?

Gaffer is worried too, and he is thinking about countermeasures and strategems. Maybe dispel magic?

Hmerrin ponders the inevitable visit from the Houses in question. Wanting to so something, he affixes small bells to all the doors and windows.

Ah, Wil steps up to try his lock picking skill. Alas, his technique does not seem up to the task.

[OOC from DM Cayzle: Since there is no trap, you CAN take 20 on the locks if you just sit and work at it. Then again, and correct me if I am wrong, aren't these the chests that go back to the Houses? Should you guys be poking around in there? Correct me if I am wrong, as I take a seat in the DM Chair.]

As Ethani leaves the Temple, she is approached by a professional-looking human wearing black leather armor and wearing a rapier. She sidles up and speaks softly. "The Teeth are eager to meet with your group. Do not delay in contacting them." Then she slinks away.

Back at Slate House, there's a knock on the door, and a street urchin delivers a note: The Tide has come in, and that's always a good sign for your friends who swim in the sea. We are waiting to hear from you. We will not wait much longer. There is a shark's tooth attached to the note. A bloody tooth.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 11th, 2019 5:09:07 PM

Wil reads the note and smiles, "they had to beat up a shark to send us a warning. How cruel of them."
In other action items Wil does puts away his frustration with the locks, picks one and begins to work on it paitently. (Takes 20)
He is aware of the potential problems with his actions but curiosity has taken over. With the lock pick in his mouth,
"So, we are not going to resolve the Golden Eyes problem before the Hiuses send their guards. Howbare we going to handle it."

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Monday February 11th, 2019 6:05:59 PM

Hmerrin shrugs.

"We could try honesty. Take them their chests, and then tell them what we know of Golden Eyes, and that we're not quite ready to just hand Olaf and Jared over, and see what they say.

If nothing else, they'll never expect it."

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Monday February 11th, 2019 6:48:33 PM

Gaffer mimics Hmerrin, feeling woefully unprepared to hide from the houses.

"I don't know if we are prepared for much else. Are we meeting them like last time? At least have it to be on our terms"

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Monday February 11th, 2019 8:08:51 PM

Lornak makes sure that the urchin gets a tip(insert amount here). Before he goes he asks them to deliver a message back to the sender.

As a shore after a monsoon, debris and detritus litter the landscape, it must be cleared before truly returning home. Hosts will be able to entertain as the sun goes down on the morrow.'

Lornak will help with further with the chests.(Disable Device, take [I didnt think we could take 20, only 10])

Away from the eyes and ears of the prisoners. Lornak will speak to the group; "First we attempt dispelling the magic, who feels confident enough to do this?"

"If that does not work we will have to cover their eyes and ears while we set up the detail on the plain and prepare to deliver the chests. Doing so will hopefully keep Golden Eyes in the dark about what we are doing."

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Monday February 11th, 2019 8:51:49 PM

Ethani nods her understanding to the leather clad woman before she slinks away.

Once home, she takes off her traveling cloak and lays out down in the entry way. "Honey... I'm home." She calls out as she notes three passing of an urchin. She sidles up to Lornak and wraps him in a big hug in an attempt to slough off some of her frustration from the day. "Well, if there ever was any doubt, the Teeth definitely know we're here and are anxious to meet."

Ethani's sharp eyes spot the note and the shark's tooth. "And it looks like they're not alone." Rubbing her temples, Ethani nods when Hmerrin speaks his peace. "I agree. I would feel much better telling them the truth. I, myself, am not gifted at subterfuge. I feel as though we will dig an even deeper hole by trying to hide more from the Houses. Besides, perhaps they would be willing to help us uncover this Golden Eyes."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Monday February 11th, 2019 11:11:12 PM

Toston says, "As I said I have no objections to handing the houses their goods; my objection is if Olaf and Jared were mind controlled to do they things they did then even if they are general ne'erdowells in this particular case it was the golden eyes fault not theirs so I don't think they should be murdered by their respective houses just for failing to resist domination. The question is did our disguise trick work or not? If it didn't work then we probably should be honest otherwise I wonder if the houses would send people after Jared or Olaf. If it did work then maybe we could stick to the original plan that we found them and retrieved the stuff but Jared and Olaf got away and we need more time to follow leads"

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday February 11th, 2019 11:45:58 PM

Asteria is pretty troubled by all this, but she was never quite the thinker. She just bites her lip and hopes the others can think of something smart to do. Whatever they chose to do, she's pretty sure they're going to have some fighting to do, so she passes the time looking over her axe and armor.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Tuesday February 12th, 2019 6:54:38 PM

"There is no indication that anyone knows we have them here except for whomever or whatever is possessing them." Lornak says. Lornak oversees them into the cells for the evening; "Believe it or not, this is for your protection..."

The next morning Lornak helps with the raising of the detail as before. Along the way he hatches a plan for tonight's meeting.

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Tuesday February 12th, 2019 8:00:26 PM

"I vote we host the meeting the same as last time. Well maybe without the furniture." Gaffer suggests, thinking that even if they were handing the men over, he'd still expect trouble from the houses.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2019 9:46:37 PM

"What if we hand over Jared and Olaf to the houses without a fight? Can we still investigate golden eyes guys? The only reason to keep them is if they still have information we can use..."
"I don't know, what do you think? Maybe we can speak to golden eyes through them, but I would hate to cause trouble if it's not needed."
Will thinks, "If this is an evil act would casting positive energy possibly help. I don't know.. idea."

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Tuesday February 12th, 2019 10:08:21 PM

"Maybe we just explain the situation to them? Who knows, maybe they'd listen? It is kind of crazy though, so I dunno."

Delivery Due / Delivery Duo (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2019 10:09:43 PM

Wilford takes 20 plus an aid another -- total 31. But a superior lock, per the PHB, has a pick DC of 40. Sorry. Still locked.

Lornak sends the Teeth a message that suggests meeting tomorrow evening.

Gaffer wants to meet the House representatives on the party's terms. WHat would those be?

Hmerrin suggests leveling with the Houses.

Toston Toston is okay with returning the goods, but he fears that innocents will be killed if they turn over the thieves.

Ethani also thinks hiding things from the Houses is a bad idea.

Asteria leaves the plotting to others, and tends her gear. Any special idea for what you are doing with your weapon or armor?

There is discussion about what to do. Let's advance the time to the next day -- the meeting with the Teeth is tonite. Do you also send word to the Knives, who have seemed a bit more laid back? Also, since your DM was not here for the last meet, please mention the details. If no one objects, we'll play the meeting tomorrow.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Tuesday February 12th, 2019 10:46:58 PM

Toston says, "Mayhap we should have both houses present so that no one thinks they are getting a raw deal? After all we have goods we need to return to both houses."

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Wednesday February 13th, 2019 8:45:21 AM

Ethani nods at Toston. "Yes, it's definitely a good idea to meet them together so there is at least the appearance of transparency. And I do like the idea of meeting outside of town like we did last time. "

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+10=28 ;
Wednesday February 13th, 2019 1:57:51 PM

Before the break of dawn, Lornak gathers The Tide in Tombo's away from The Pair; "We are going to set up the detail as we did for the first meeting. We are going to deafen and blindfold our prisoners and "move" them by taking them in our wagons around a block or four and then put them bound back into our brig, hopefully they won't know where they are." Lornak pauses to make sure he keeps his voice down. "If they are behind bars then Golden Eyes cannot posses them and use them against us with any teeth."

"Asteria and Gaffer will pose as Olaf and Jared after we disguise them with their armor and weapons. They will accompany Me, Wil and Hmerrin, with heads covered, to the detail outside the city. We will meet with the House Representatives, give them the chests and not relinquish our "prisoners" until we plead our case. If a fight breaks out we spring to meet it."

"Now for the tricky part..." Lornak continues. "...Toston and Ethani are going to have to stay behind and manage the prisoners. If any agents try to free or kill them while we are separated you will need to hide them in our false walls and potentially subdue them if Golden Eyes takes them, or both." Lornak hands them a sheathed dagger and a small bottle. "Drow Poison to knock them unconscious and anti-toxin to keep it from killing them."

"I do not like separating us up like this but I believe we have no choice. The only one of us that can shore up either group will be Gaffer. If signaled from Shale House, you can fly there quickly."

Lornak helps set up the detail. He also helps disguise Asteria and Gaffer. (Disguise d20=28, +2 from Disguise Kit.)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Wednesday February 13th, 2019 8:00:42 PM

Gaffer listens carefully as Lornak outlines a plan and is impressed with how quickly and concisely he came up with it. He looks to the others to see their reactions before hesitantly voicing, "I think that is a good plan, I would rather we yield if we are sure the houses won't though, rather that then start a fight we can't win."

Delivery Due / Delivery Duo (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday February 13th, 2019 9:22:49 PM

Toston, Ethani, Lornak, and Gaffer all agree that meeting both houses at the same time in the same place is the best choice.

Lornak goes farther, with an audacious plan to mislead the prisoners, fool the representatives of the houses, and have fellow heroes pretend to be condemned prisoners. Gaffer is on board. Anyone else? If I get a majority, I'll assume that's what goes down. Any other plans?

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Wednesday February 13th, 2019 10:12:49 PM

Toston says, "I'll defend the fort, literally. The only thing is that since this is home I'm a little hesitant to use fire even if it is effective against groups. I wouldn't want to burn the place down around us. Still though I'm fairly formidable with my fists or my blade and with Ethani we should be all right. Gaffer will be the calvary if need be."

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Wednesday February 13th, 2019 10:42:39 PM

"I have to say, I am still leaning toward just admitting everything to the parties and figuring out the next step. I mean poking a dragon may not be the best idea. I say we ask both about some sneaky plans to provoke a war with some golden eyed scary dude."

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Thursday February 14th, 2019 2:11:41 PM

Hmerrin rubs his head as he works through Lornak's plan.

"Well, if that's how we're gonna play it, I guess I'm in."

The young lad again goes out to borrow the wagon and gear for the small pavilion and tent like before - a small table, a few folding chairs, a decent carpet - and loads them up.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Thursday February 14th, 2019 6:25:21 PM

Lornak is ready to take in everyone's responses to his plan. He is doing is best to keep The Pair alive. Against my own desires...

"We better be ready to defend them AND keep them alive if we come clean." He says to the group. "That is if we indeed intend to make their lives priority over just having it all out..."

If the group decides to come clean Lornak will double check their bonds and keep them hooded while re-iterating the stakes; "We lost one of our number when just fighting these two, we cannot afford a slip here."

Delivery Due / Delivery Duo (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday February 14th, 2019 11:52:45 PM

Lornak has presented his plan: Mislead the prisoners so that they think they are being moved. Then, Asteria and Gaffer will pose as Olaf and Jared in disguise, hooded. These two pretend-prisoners will be “taken” by Lornak, Wil and Hmerrin to meet with the House Representatives, give them the chests and negotiate. Toston and Ethani are going to have to stay behind and guard/protect the prisoners. Gaffer, if signaled from Shale House, can fly there quickly.

In favor: Gaffer, Toston, Hmerrin, and of course Lornak are in favor. Hmerrin seems slightly on the fence-ish, if the kindly DM interprets his nuance correctly.

Wil, with a clever turn of phrase, suggests that “poking a dragon may not be the best idea.” He favors a more honest approach, without deception or chicanery.

Ethani and Asteria are a bit quiet.

The consensus is 4 to 1 with 2 abstains. The plan proceeds.

Both houses are invited to the site outside the city. At the meeting location, some watch the “prisoners” while others set up. The tent, tables and chairs, and sygils each representing the factions are as before. An entangling roots spell is prepped underneath again [OOC: if this ends up mattering, your DM will need details, because ... what is this spell/magic exactly?].

Each representative comes with a few bodyguards, but only the one representative from each house actually enters the tent. From the Knives comes an elderly gentleman dwarf, immaculately dressed in a suit and walking stick. From the Teeth comes an adventurer decked out like an assassin or dark thief: pure black outfit, and a magic item in every one of her slots - head, headband, amulet, belt, gloves, bracers, cloak, vest, etc. etc.

They have brought gifts. The dark thief offers a small box of heavy brown confections to each of the boys. The dwarf offers Asteria and Ethani each a red rose.

They sit still and silent each in the chairs you have provided. The dwarf grins, and waves a hand. “Go on, then, tell us everything.”

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Friday February 15th, 2019 8:04:45 AM

[I believe we used the Overgrowth aspect of Plant Growth last time to surround the area we met in with overgrown plants. We left a ten foot wide path from the outside to the center for everyone to enter by and a second escape path, probably hidden behind five feet of Overgrowth on each end, for our party.]

Taking the roll of a prisoner has Gaffer nervous, acting is certainly not his strong suit and he focuses on keeping his head down, shifting uncomfortably and avoiding eye contact. He isn't sure how a prisoner should act, but supposes quiet and sullen will have to do.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)   d20+8=10 ; d20+8=24 ;
Friday February 15th, 2019 4:40:03 PM

Lornak greets the House representatives as they sit. He then proceeds to tell them the circumstances of The Pair's capture; "We found them holed up in a tower where they had met up with two others. We dispatched them at great cost." He points to the chests. "There is your stolen property, take it freely."

"Before we hand over the prisoners we must inform you that it is our belief that they were not acting of their own volition when they stole from you and fled." He shifts uncomfortably in his chair. It does not sit well with Lornak protecting The Pair even now as memories of Ethani's death flash in his mind. He pauses and composes himself; "They fought like men possessed and through the journey displayed similar behavior." (Diplomacy d20=10)

"We believe they have been compromised by something or someone with Golden Eyes." Lornak divulges, waiting for any kind of recognition from the House representatives.

Lornak continues cautiously, hiding his truth about wanting to protect The Pair; "We do not feel comfortable handing them over to you if you intend to prosecute or kill them. (Bluff d20=24)

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+12=26 ;
Friday February 15th, 2019 5:29:47 PM

"We found your thieves holed up in an old tower outside of the city. They claim that some being with golden eyes had specific instructions for them. Would anyone know anything about this golden eye thing?
We found that someone may be stirring up more trouble in Dirt City. Said person may be the same one that has been sowing trouble since the fight with the Sanquin."

Orisons: Detect Magic x1, Resistance: x2 Light: 1
Lv1: Sanctuary, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith - D: Resistant Touch -
Lv2: Shield Another, Resist Energy, Darkness, D: Fly (if needed - Cure moderate Wounds)
Lv3: Wind Wall, Glyph of Warding
Lv4: Imbue with Spell Ability, Planar Ally, Lesser - Domain: holy smite
-- Channel energy 3d6

Legacy Item (20% hit chance(Shadow))
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day 3 rnds -
SM3 1/day 5 rnds -
SM4 1/day 7 rnds -

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Friday February 15th, 2019 7:25:34 PM

Not very comfortable with the plan in general, Ethani paces the floor at the Shale House as she watches the prisoners. She readies a Command spell in case either of the duo begin to get out of control.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Friday February 15th, 2019 7:47:42 PM

Although she had previously been enthusiastic about the plan, Asteria is now having second thoughts. Separating from her sister had already made her nervous, but now that she stands in front of the House representatives, her anxiety has risen to new levels. She keeps her head down and avoids all eye contact. She is suddenly very worried that this entire plan is going to come crashing down on them. She gives Lornak a particularly nasty look when he mentions turning over the prisoners, not willing at all to go with any of the Houses.

Delivery Due / Delivery Duo (DM Cayzle) 
Friday February 15th, 2019 10:08:26 PM

[OOC: Sorry, my bad. The House reps only offer chocolate, not roses, since Asteria is a “prisoner” and Ethani is not even there!]

Back at the House, Toston and Ethani keep watch at home.

In the tent, Asteria and Gaffer pose as prisoners. Nervously.

Lornak takes the time to explain everything in detail.

Wilford chimes in with details.

Hmerrin lets his friends do the talking.

The House reps take the boxes and look inside. They both seem pleased.

“OK,” the Tooth says, “so we can take our prisoner and sit on him for a while. Until you finish your investigation. How much time do you need?”

“Now wait,” says the Knife. “Can’t we just unpossess them with Protection from Evil or Exorcism or something? Why is this even a thing?”

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Saturday February 16th, 2019 9:07:11 AM

"What if you allow us to keep the prisoners under our protection? We need to continue to investigate and these two are the only witnesses to this golden eye mystery. If they were to "disappear" then it may be more difficult to resolve. With an instigator in the city all the Houses will benefit with a resolution to this problem."
"Can we also negotiate a promise to help us resolve the issue?"
(Diplomacy: 26 - from previous post)

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Saturday February 16th, 2019 8:44:09 PM

Gaffer is glad Wil quickly brought the conversation around, now they are in the moment he is much more afraid of a fight breaking out.

He makes sure to keep an eye out towards the city, looking for signs from Shale House.

***** Spells *****
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1: Entangle, Faerie fire, Endure Elements, Magic Fang, Pass Without A Trace D: Obscuring Mist
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Barkskin, Chill Metal, Warp Wood. D: Fog Cloud
Level 3: Plant Growth, Quench, Call Lightning, Spike Growth D: Call Lightning
Level 4: Cure Serious Wounds, Flame Strike x2 D: Sleet Storm

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24  d20+14=28 ;
Sunday February 17th, 2019 9:36:34 PM

Toston keeps his gnome senses sharp for anything and readies a stunning fist in case the prisoners get too rowdy just in case.
(Perception: 28)

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Monday February 18th, 2019 7:47:54 PM

Hmerrin, as he did last time, waits outside the tent with the other guards.

And again, he pretty much stands so as to be blocking the way to the tent.
Which they know he's doing, so he's not subtle about it.

And, also again, he doesn't say much.

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 18th, 2019 8:05:01 PM

Wil waits for an answer.. (OOC: feeling sick today. Not much in me :(

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Monday February 18th, 2019 8:55:14 PM

Pace, pace, pace, pace.

Worry etched in her face, Ethani turns to Toston. "I should have at least thought to cast Status before the meeting. This waiting is killing me."

Smacking herself in the thigh, she mutters "Stupid!" as she paces at a faster pace.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP: 59/59; AC:22/20/18 - CMD 24 
Monday February 18th, 2019 9:19:35 PM

Toston says, "Does status have a maximum distance? I don't mean to poke holes in your regret but if they are moving beyond the range of the spell it wouldn't have mattered anyway."

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday February 18th, 2019 10:19:02 PM

Asteria nervously waits for the Houses to hopefully let them leave without a fight.

Delivery Due / Delivery Duo (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 18th, 2019 10:25:01 PM

Wilford asks that the prisoners be allowed to remain in the party’s custody.

Lornak and Asteria are quiet.

Gaffer keeps alert. As alert as possible when you are a hooded “prisoner.”

Hmerrin waits outside.

Toston and Ethani stay on guard back at the house.

The House reps look at each other. The thief shrugs. “Okay,” says the gentleman dwarf. “You check them out, and report back to us in a week or earlier. If you need help with spellcasting let us know.” They take the items you have delivered, and depart.

Soon you are back at home. But look! Ethani and Toston did not notice, and the others discover ... a message, impaled on a dagger stuck fast into their front door! It is a plain yellow thick parchment envelope. It must have been delivered within the last hour, likely sooner.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP: 79/79 AC: 23(T:13/FF:10) CMD:15(16)  
Monday February 18th, 2019 11:07:33 PM

Lornak is very relieved as the House representatives leave. He speaks under his breath; "The gamble paid off..." He stands from the table and moves to help his friends shed the hoods they are under. "It worked thank the Gods, I am sorry you had to play these parts."

On the way back to Shale House, Lornak mulls over the exchange. They did not seem to show any indication that they know who Golden Eye's is. This does not help our cause in the slightest... "Why did we not think of Protection from Evil or Exorcism?" The loss of Dusan leaves a weariness in Lornak's heart. A weight that deepens upon discovery of the dagger stuck fast to the front door. "Who among us is the best suited to try...?"

Lornak eagerly rushes into the home of The Tide to learn what has happened in his absence. He seeks out Ethani and Toston. "The ruse worked. Every thing work out here?!" He asks tersely.

Wishing to bask in his tactical success Lornak slumps into one of the Common Room couches. Once he sees everything is as he left it he settles down a bit; "The ruse worked, we have bought ourselves more time." He shifts in his seat. "We did not learn anything new. Mayhap that letter will open our eyes."

Hmerrin(HP 83/83 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:25) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2019 5:51:00 PM

"Well, maybe it worked," Hmerrin counters. "Maybe it didn't. All we know is they gave us a few day's grace to figure this out."

The fighter takes the envelope from the door, opens it up, and reads aloud whatever he finds.

Shepherd Ethani (Nellie, AC 20, HP 47/47, CMB 4, CMD 17) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2019 6:57:05 PM

Wrapping Lornak in a huge hug as soon as he enters, Ethani is ecstatic that her fears haven't come to fruition. "Thank Alemi you guys are ok! I was so worried! " She waves a dismissive hand toward the prisoners "Yeah, everything was ooooo..." Ethani is stunned by the note in the door. "Guess we're not that observant. It's a good thing the messenger didn't mean us harm."

The cleric listens intently as Hmerrin reads the note. "

Gaffer (Courtney HP: 59/61 AC:21(T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 LL 0/8)  
Tuesday February 19th, 2019 7:51:06 PM

"Whew, it is good to be out of that hood. It gets hot in there. I was surprised by the lack of complaint but I suppose we did give their treasure back."
Gaffer rambles a little once the hood is removed before turning to listen to Hmerrin. Hopefully some good news?

Asteria Amarante [HP: 84/84; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Tuesday February 19th, 2019 7:57:39 PM

Asteria breathes a sigh of relief as they are finally able to drop the ruse and rushes home with the rest, nervous to see how the others have faired. She strains her head to look over Hmerrin's shoulder, despite not being able to read. "Well? What does it say? Read read read read!!"

Wilford Grimly (HP:47/47; AC: 19; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2019 8:50:19 PM

"Ok, awesome." Wil smiles thankful to have accomplished something important.
"That leaves the two gentlemen to give us clues.. maybe we should try some spells when we get back."
Wil thanks the House members and watches them leave. He trails the others to the Shale House.

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