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DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 3:01:47 PM

{ooc: Every GM’s favorite diviniation.)

Joining the conversation Edson questions one of lenders statements. " The blasted? Is their some animosity with them by the mines?" Lender stairs at him for a second before responding “This was all one city, now it isn’t. Been like this for as long as my fathers mother could remember. It’s life.”
Sense Motive DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { You get the very strong impression that Lender has put almost no thought into this state of things. It is just how the world is for some reason. }

Nodding to Lender Velarin comments "Yes of course, mines are dark. Thank you. I am hopeful that the meeting with the half orcs and others will prove helpful to all." Lender does not reply and most likely does not even notice the jab at his unhelpfulness.

Simply listening to the conversation Brom remembers that two many questions can be overwhelming. Mostly he watches the village to see what he can discern. As they leave he comments to the othere. "These people trust no one but their own. Doubt we'll get them to open up about much other than the sky is blue and the grass is green. We want them to talk they'll need to accept us." His watching the people of the town tells him little other then it is a small town full of people with small lives. If it were not for their attitude towards each other it could be almost any small town. It is noted that the area works more on barter it would seem.

Having decided coin is no good Barratore and Brom looks for small things to help with or jobs to be done asking Lender "I can lend a hand with you Lender. If you'll
let me."
. Their offer of help is met with a nod from Lender. “Outside of those banshess I don’t know of a great monster to fight. If you skilled with a hammer or ax gathering some fire wood or helping on our fence would probably be seen as an act of good will.” {ooc: I assume you two would do those things. Wood is simple and the fence is so shoddy anything you do will be an improvement.} No one approaches you but you do see the youth smile in your direction more then once.

Agreeing with Brom that the best way to win them over will be with actions Tishe’ has not further questions and assumes they will need to camp for the night.

Once they are out of earchot Emrys comments to his friends before making preparations for some diviniation magic. "By the way," he says to his friends after they're alone, "A mine in a swamp? Certainly if I were to dig a hole, a foot or more deep, it would most certainly fill with water. Are these miners of the aquatic variety?" Agreeing with him Sir Royston adds "Hmm... good question, Sir Emrys. The water table would certainly flood any mine... but these are not any regular miners. Even just one earth cleric, casting mud to stone, could create a pillar of rock going down to the bedrock. Cast and mine, cast and mine, until you are under the swamp. Perhaps they do not even use miners! They could use stone shape to turn the stone into ingots, then crack them open at the surface! They are an industrious and inventive people. It is no wonder Ffloy favors them."

Before retiering to the mansion Emrys looks for answers chanting and asking "What darkness plagues this land?" His mind fills with thoughts and images.

Emrys Only: Highlight to display spoiler: { An image of an ancient city rises long ago.
A feeling… Worldsblood merged with the earth and wonders of ancient times.
Things collapse and are still.
Life comes, two, working together find a way in.
They are happy with each other and then not. A flash of an obelisk and the visions of an underground lake rushes towards you and stops.
The world goes white and you nearly forget. Most would forget.
All would forget.

The night will pass quickly once you begin making your preparations.

{ooc: Feel free to post evening or next morning actions depending on how the group feels.}

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 8:58:06 PM

Velarin spends a quiet and restful evening. In the morning he will talk with the others. The wizard believes that regardless of what transpires at the obelisk, the group will need to venture to the mines and enter. "we should prepare for the need to see in the dark and traverse chasms and cliffs. I will prepare my mansion for a respite if and likely when we require. My advise is to let Barratore and Brom engage at will, us spell casters should be a bit more conservative."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 151/211  d20+8=17 ;
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 10:23:56 PM

Barratore gladly lends his skill and muscle to repairing the fence. it was a simple thing, but something they needed. The comment about the place being one city at some point in the past did not sit well with him.

That night as he enjoys a tankard of ale and cigar, he thinks back through the history of the area that he has been reading about in Magpie Crossing. What used to be out this direction, towards the Dread and what may have befallen a city in the time frame that Lender mentioned

Knowledge Local 17

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 11:14:27 PM

Brom lends a hand where ever he can find a need. While Tishe's suggestion is always helpful to the people, these small villages often find more everyday mundane assistance to be more helpful. It also gives the group an opportunity to maybe find a talker among the villagers.

He spends most of the day chopping wood, fixing fences, and using his great strength to make things a little easier for the people of the village.

That evening he sits down with the others. He has some drinks and a smoke while they discuss things they've learn from the day.

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 11:54:12 PM

While assisting the townsfolk would certainly help to garner goodwill, magic items do not craft themselves! Sir Royston sits himself down and continues tinkering and constructing, pouring arcane energies into a fine necklace. He is happy to be joined by the others as the day draws to a close and listens intently to what they have to share.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 51/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 10:05:01 AM

Emrys is quite fatigued from his vision. He is glad at least Daemon hung around to watch over him as he performed the ritual. That evening in the mansion, during dinner, he describes to everyone what he had saw.

"I saw an ancient city from long ago. Then all things collapsed and became bare and still. Possibly a new age coming into being or a return to the past. Who is to say."

"Life comes to the Wold in the form of two beings. They work together to find their way in. They are happy together ... at first! Then not so much. Then a flash of light and the appearance of an obelisk comes into view. Then an underground lake rushes forward!"

"As soon as the lake appeared ... everything goes white. I almost forgot what I saw. As if the memory wasn't meant to survive, but I keep it still. Many others have forgotten until all lore of this place has been lost."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 51/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 10:53:15 AM

"BLACKNESS!! All is dark!" he says as his fist pounds the table ... seemingly involuntary. A look of astonishment and embarrassment flashes across his face. What compelled him to say that! "Please excuse my outburst."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 1:47:04 PM

Edson relaxes when able to.. and takes his watches at night. He'll look around the village, but keeps out of everyones way as to not get anyone annoyed.

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 2:10:35 PM

Tishe’ also helps where she can. She’s not strong like the others nor knows domestic chores like the good people already here, but she can weave mats and bowls and hats from the swamp grass for a multitude of uses.

Retiring that night and listening to Emrys, she agrees with Velarin; it is a certainty that they will need to enter the mines! A snippet of song comes to her theough memories. “... it’s dark as a dungeon and deep as a mine...”

Take 10 Weave. 40 for various implements.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 2:37:09 PM

Having completed his ritual Emrys is fatigued but feels he is some context at least. He describes what he sees to his companions in the mansion that evening.

Working on the fence things are quiet at first but eventually Barrator is joined by Jacot who watches in silence from a distance clearly fascinated. At one point, when Barratore moves something very heavy by himself, the lad actually smiles and gives a small whistle before turning red and running away.

Brom lends a hand chopping wood and working on the fence. The pile of wood quickly grows and the woman, Strar, eventually brings him a picture of water to both Brom and Barratore. She watches for a minute before quietly saying “Thank you.” and disappearing leaving behind a small basket with a loaf of bread and some dried beef strips. If questioned she is more pleasant but really only talks about the meeting tomorrow and how the meetings make her nervous. It does not take much to get the sense she does not know why.

Tishe’ helps in her own way, not being strong she weaves mats and bowls and hats form the swamp grass for a multitude of uses. No one approaches but the job is well done and she is sure it will be appreciated. Near the end of the work the same woman, Strar, approaches her and, in her most genuine moment so far, thanks her. She explains that her grandmother did a lot of weaving and she knows how difficult it can be to get right. Again she avoids questions and it is becoming clear she is not sure how to act at this point.

Sir Royston knows that assisting the townsfolk has its advantages he is better suited to continue work on some of this magical crafting.

Velarian spends the time quiet and restful. In the morning he talks to the others about venturing into the mines regardless of what transpires at the obelisk meeting. He cautions the group to be ready to traverse chasms and cliffs.

Over dinner Emrys has a sudden outburst "BLACKNESS!! All is dark!" He seems astonished and embarrassed after this.

Edson relaxes as able and is sure to keep his eyes open on night watches.

The morning comes as all mornings do and there is nothing to break the peace/boringness of the life in the little village. Lender is near the well as the companions arrive from the mansion and if he is impressed by the magics at work it does not show. He instructs you to wait here and he will get you an a little bit returning about fifteen minutes later alone but wearing a well made sword at his him. He looks at the group and sighs.

“Right, to the meeting. “

You take the path out of town that you had noticed before and walk for about a quarter of a mile. What traces of swampy land there were pass as you move slowly up hill on your journey. While Lender is not the faster walker he does cluck his tongue if any of you move ahead of him. Clearly, he thinks he should lead you to the meeting.

The further you move the more open things are though there are still plenty of trees there is less underbrush. You arrive at the clearing and there are ten people, each standing at the end of one of the paths. In the middle is an obelisk in the middle of what was once most likely a town square. The area is aged and the stone worn with the exception of the obelisk veins of strange red ore run through the stone that makes up the obelisk and while worn it has not aged as badly as the surrounding area.

Lender stops at the end of his path and you can quickly see that the path directly across is empty. Lender nods to his right and left but the look on his face is not one of friendship. He speaks. “We have… adventures… I guess. They do not seem to wish us harm.” he pauses and stares at the empty path “Were missing Murvez did no one get him?”

The man just to the left of the empty space speaks up. His voice is high pitched but loud. “First you late Lender! Wanted to make us look bad I guess.” he looks back down the empty path. “Don’t know why you would expect them there all dead and the bodies burnt, as they should be, no thanks to you. My people did that work.”

The man on the other side of the empty path speaks. “Not true and you know it Ruhneim! My folks did more of the cleanup then yours.” The men glare at each other and then all of them, including Lender turn to look at the Keepers Of The Vale.

What are you doing now.”

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 8:43:07 PM

Tishe’ looks about. Every time she has opened her mouth first, something goes wrong. But her murcirial attention betrays her and she can’t help but clear her throat and speak up.

“I am Tishe’, a member of the Defenders of the Vale, and sent here by the Pitchfork Council to find out why the communication and trade has stopped. Maybe we can help and make your situation better?”


Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 11:24:59 PM

Sir Royston clasps his hands behind his back and stays silent. He looks sideways at Barratore and gives a wink. I know the drill...

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=44 ; d20+2=16 ;
Thursday August 30th, 2018 11:28:53 PM

Brom maintains his silence. He just watches and tries to glean any information from whispers or body language. He knows the diplomatic crew will handle the meeting far better than he.

Perception DC44, Sense Motive DC 16

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Friday August 31st, 2018 9:53:51 AM

Emrys' outburst takes Barratore back a bit, but then again. Well let's face it. The bloodwitch was an odd creature, even by for a centaur were he one.
"You all right their Emrys, I mean as right as you can be?"
Barratore chuckles as Edson takes a watch spot, "You know we're in a magical dimension. You can probably relax, unless you plan to hang out in the hamlet."
The fighter strips down and goes to bed.
In the morning he shakes the sleep off, gets dressed and has some breakfast and is ready shortly their after.

Barratore remains towards teh back so that his very much faster pace does not cheese off Lender anymore than it did earlier. So so so very slow slow slow. Killin me Smalls
The fighter tries shortening his stride and turning sideways often, as if checking behind the group for danger and followers. The path ends "Finally" he says outloud and much more so than he intended
The mention of an entire hamlet being dead immediately has his full attention and as bickering starts, the men immediately have surpassed his patience.
He barely hears Tishe and doesn't think they did either.
"Enough! Silence! An entire village is dead and you're bickering about who had clean duty!? What in the shadow realm is wrong with you?"
Barratore snorts loudly and steps up a few feet closer, "You're distrust and apathy towards yourselves and fellow man is pathetic. People have died, that you know and your reaction is to fret about
who did more work to put the dead to rest? And your lot has been put in charge? It's a wonder anyone is still breathing."

The minotaur continues on, "I am Barratore Steelwiind, Member of the Defenders of the Vale and we were asked by the Pitchfork Council to come here as Tishe has said. Now one of you knows something about what
came out of the mine, what killed all of those people and what Lender here menas when he says dwarves cannot be trusted. And I swear to Imod, if you give me garbage about not knowing, or darkness or some other
worthless phrase I will be hard pressed to not flattern the lot of you"

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Friday August 31st, 2018 2:19:34 PM

[i] {ooc: Only for posts between this and last post. I hope they can be made up.} [/i

Clapping his hands behind his back Sir Royston stays silent and gives a sideways look to Barratore.

Maintaining his silence Brom watches and tries to pick up what he can about what is going on. The first thing he notices is that every member that came to the circle is wearing a sword and scabbard that is identical to the one worn by Lender. The animosity is clear form the discussion but you do not get the idea that the swords would ever be drawn against each other, at least not without something extraordinary happening. You also, being quite observant, notice that the obelisk looks to at one point have had runes carved into it which weather and time have worn away.

With two silent Tishe’ attempts to interrupt the bickering “I am Tishe’, a member of the Defenders of the Vale, and sent here by the Pitchfork Council to find out why the communication and trade has stopped. Maybe we can help and make your situation better?” They glance her direction and do not immediately respond giving Barratore all the reason he needs to jump in with both feet. "Enough! Silence! An entire village is dead and you're bickering about who had clean duty!? What in the shadow realm is wrong with you?"
Barratore snorts loudly and steps up a few feet closer, "You're distrust and apathy towards yourselves and fellow man is pathetic. People have died, that you know and your reaction is to fret about who did more work to put the dead to rest? And your lot has been put in charge? It's a wonder anyone is still breathing I am Barratore Steelwiind, Member of the Defenders of the Vale and we were asked by the Pitchfork Council to come here as Tishe has said.

Now one of you knows something about what came out of the mine, what killed all of those people and what Lender here menas when he says dwarves cannot be trusted. And I swear to Imod, if you give me garbage about not knowing, or darkness or some other worthless phrase I will be hard pressed to not flattern the lot of you"

There is an awakard silence as each of the men stare at the miniature for a moment. A few clear their throats and the two that were bickering at least have the grace to look ashamed at their behavior. For a moment it is thought no one will speak but Ruhneim, the first to lay claim to cleaning up the bodies, coughs and starts.

“It happened at night big fella and none of us seen it. At least none of my people. Someone may have heard some yells or some such but that is it. Were forbidden to touch the door so what are we going to do? Knock and get ourselves killed. Lot of talk for a big man…..” he had started to get worked up but looks at Barratore and quickly thinks better of it. “Look, none of us are happy about this but the mine is our trade.” He takes a breath but is cut off my another man, the oldest of the group who is on the far right of the circle from where you are. His cracks a little as he talks, clearly he is not use to this much excitement. “Name it Radar, I think it was Bartanor right?” he has clearly forgotten your name already “Its been like this for a long time. We don’t touch the door. Every now and then some come from the mine with this to be sold. We do that for them. I… Why we don’t leave is beyond me. I just feel I can’t this, for what it is, is our home. In my life nothing like this has happened but I know there have been problems before. We don’t know what there doing in there.”

Lender had taken several steps away form Barratore during his speech, almost all they way to the obelisk. “Barratore, the amount we don’t know could fill many books. It’s not apathy its just what we do. When I was a kid I dreamed of leaving but just… didn’t”

The man who questioned Ruhneim finds his tongue again “We don’t mean to offend you, not when your so…. scary. We did set up a couple people watching the door since this happened, were not animals.” his look may be a little accusatory at Barratore as he says the last part.

What are you doing now.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Friday August 31st, 2018 2:45:35 PM

" So.. some of you wanted to leave but for some reason decided not to? That doesnt strike any of you as odd? What if i was to hand you a hundred gold and told you to leave the village... could you?"

The elf moves around, hands away from his weapons.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+18=35 ; d20+26=32 ;
Saturday September 1st, 2018 9:32:17 AM

V watches the entire exchange with an appraising eye, and thoughtful evaluation. While the others are speaking, and Barratore has their attention, the wizard moves toward the obelisk for a better look. He does his best to give the stone a thorough appraisal(perception 35). he then carefully studies what remains of the runes and carvings in the obelisk(linguistics 32: able to decipher incomplete or archaic texts. Trying to piece together what remains into some sort of semblance of what was once there.)

From where he stands next to the obelisk, V turns to the assembled villages. "Before we continue on with our discussions of the mine, the door, and what we intend to do, may I ask what, if anything, any of you know regarding this obelisk? It was obviously placed here for a purpose other than to be a meeting spot for the villages. Has it been here as long as any can remember? Did your kin speak of it when any of you were lads?"

V will wait for the answer, and the results of his observations, and then ask "Would it be against your customs or traditions to allow me to cast a minor spell upon myself to allow me to perhaps see more than may meet the eye regarding this obelisk? We intend to help you, and deal with whatever destroyed the other village, and in doing so, the more we know, the more likely we are to succeed." If no objections are raised, V will cast detect magic, and take a good look at the obelisk.

Active effects:
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, trues seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

and while the others are speaking, and Barratore has their attention, and thoughtful evaluation. Before speaking, the wizard moves toward the obelisk for a better look. He does his better to give the stone a thorough appraisal(perception 35). he then carefully studies the

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Saturday September 1st, 2018 9:33:29 AM

(ooc: I'm back Dan, thanks. I'll talk to you soon.)

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Sunday September 2nd, 2018 8:09:46 PM

Tishe’ breathes a sigh of relief. Having to step on pins and needles with every breath was torture; she is so happy that Barratorre cut through the night soil so effectively. And as it is, the leaders are speaking and Velarin is checking out the obelisk, Tishe’ is content to sit back and listen to the responses.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Sunday September 2nd, 2018 11:59:17 PM


Sir Royston raises a brief eyebrow at the outburst by Barratore, but takes it in stride. He addresses the gathered aldermen. "So a major trading partner and nearby settlement goes silent. No contact. You believe something very bad may have happened to them. You know nothing. Your cowardice keeps you from even knocking on their door. You don't even have the sense to seek outside assistance on your own.... What a useless bunch. Even children know to ask for help when they need it."

He crosses his arms. "But admonishing you, no matter how well-deserved, won't solve anything. We're here to fix the problem. It is in your best interests to cooperate to your fullest ability. If you do not, it will be remembered." He pauses a moment. "Now, have any of you ever been inside the mine? Anyone from your villages?"

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Monday September 3rd, 2018 10:35:14 AM

Edson puts forward a faily straight forward questions " So.. some of you wanted to leave but for some reason decided not to? That doesnt strike any of you as odd? What if i was to hand you a hundred gold and told you to leave the village... could you?"

One of the men who has not spoken, this one leaning on a stick with a bad leg. “A hundred won’t get me far. I would go for a thousand, well the same for my wife.” the man simles at Edson. Sense Motive DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { He most certainly thinks he would leave for that amount of gold. }

Velarin watches the exchange thoughtfully evaluating. As they speak his attention moves to the obelisk for a better look. He is unable to decipher the language as the runes are just too worn by time. At best you can tell that they were definatly runes. He poses other questions to the villages. "Before we continue on with our discussions of the mine, the door, and what we intend to do, may I ask what, if anything, any of you know regarding this obelisk? It was obviously placed here for a purpose other than to be a meeting spot for the villages. Has it been here as long as any can remember? Did your kin speak of it when any of you were lads? Would it be against your customs or traditions to allow me to cast a minor spell upon myself to allow me to perhaps see more than may meet the eye regarding this obelisk? We intend to help you, and deal with whatever destroyed the other village, and in doing so, the more we know, the more likely we are to succeed."

For a moment no one speaks up they just look at each other. Finally Lender chimes in. “As long as it will not damage anything a spell is fine.” He looks at the other leaders “I doubt we could stop you any way, even without your friends. The obelisk has been here for as long as my family remembers and I would guess it is the same for all. Like the doors we don’t mess with it, that is all anyone ever told us.” he pauses before mumbling the last bit “As a child I touched it on a dare.”

Breathing a sigh of relief Tishe’ is happy Barratore cut through the night soil so effectively. She is content to set back.

Sir Royston raises an eyebrow at Barratores outburst but takes it in stride. He addresses the gathering. "So a major trading partner and nearby settlement goes silent. No contact. You believe something very bad may have happened to them. You know nothing. Your cowardice keeps you from even knocking on their door. You don't even have the sense to seek outside assistance on your own.... What a useless bunch. Even children know to ask for help when they need it."

He crosses his arms. "But admonishing you, no matter how well-deserved, won't solve anything. We're here to fix the problem. It is in your best interests to cooperate to your fullest ability. If you do not, it will be remembered." He pauses a moment. "Now, have any of you ever been inside the mine? Anyone from your villages?"

Ruhneim responds first to Sir Royston, clearly you have hit a never and there is steel in his voice. Perhaps being a leader, even a bad one, does not equip him for a scolding. “Well you can go knock on the door. My fathers father told me it is a very bad idea. Also they are not the trading partner, the mine is. They were just the closest and they probably brought It on themselves. Messing with the mine or trying to cheat them. The dwarves, or the orcs, will bring the stuff to each village. Were telling you what we now mister high and mighty what more do you want.” As soon as ‘mister high and might’ escapes his lips he pales and kind of trails off the rest of things.

Lender picks up. “Don’t mind him, none of us ever do. No, we have not been inside the mine. The few that have gone, mostly looking for work, have not come out. They talk to whoever comes out and sometimes leave with them into the mine.”

What are you doing now?

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Monday September 3rd, 2018 6:22:20 PM

“Hold on. You said you are Forbidden to touch the door? Forbidden by who?” With the other things that have been said, the fighter is beginning to suspect a powerful spell Barratore smacks his lips a couple times as he watches V. The wizards body language was not promising.

Dwarves and orcs? “ you’re saying dwarves and orcs are in the mine? Working together? “. Barratore snorts. “Yea you bet your backside I’m going to go knock

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Monday September 3rd, 2018 6:22:20 PM

“Hold on. You said you are Forbidden to touch the door? Forbidden by who?” With the other things that have been said, the fighter is beginning to suspect a powerful spell Barratore smacks his lips a couple times as he watches V. The wizards body language was not promising.

Dwarves and orcs? “ you’re saying dwarves and orcs are in the mine? Working together? “. Barratore snorts. “Yea you bet your backside I’m going to go knock

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday September 3rd, 2018 8:04:05 PM

V lets slip an irritated frown as he is unable to make much of the ancient writings on the obelisk. He then casts detect magic and takes a good look at this strange stone monument.

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20=17 ;
Monday September 3rd, 2018 8:28:39 PM

The Sorceress frowns at Royston. The Dragon Disciple has a quick mind to piece things together: but adding the ‘cowards’ wasonly speculation. There were many other reasons why they wouldn’t, and Royston jumping to conclusions would only make the locals defensive. But again, and she strives to school her features: calling him out in public won’t help the situation.

Tishe’ assists Velarin to look at the obelisk, hoping she is able to help his judgement. She continues to concentrate and assist.

Aid Another. 17 for whatever skill needed. +2 for Velarin.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Monday September 3rd, 2018 9:29:38 PM

Sir Royston shakes his head and remains silent to allow Velarin and Tishe' to examine the obelisk. Even if the door were ensorceled, they could avoid physical contact themselves. Summon a monster to knock. Use a Mage Hand spell. Or if none of them can even cast a cantrip, throw rocks!

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=27 ;
Monday September 3rd, 2018 11:48:36 PM

Any of the question Brom had thought of were asked by the others. He, too, like Barratore wanted to know who had said they couldn't touch the door. That usually means the door was meant to keep something in. Maybe the something they were looking for.

Brom could tell many didn't like Royston's coward comment. He admits coward is a strong word to use at farmers and those unskilled in combat. Brom was no coward, but if someone told his a door would kill him if he touched it...he wouldn't touch it. Wise actions are not cowardly ones.

Perception DC27

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 1:50:04 PM

Shaking his head Sir Royston remains silent to allow the others to examine the obelisk thinking of many ways to not touch the door. [i] Even if the door were ensorceled, they could avoid physical contact themselves. Summon a monster to knock. Use a Mage Hand spell. Or if none of them can even cast a cantrip, throw rocks! [/b]

“Hold on. You said you are Forbidden to touch the door? Forbidden by who?” Barratore smacks his lips a couple of times looking at Velarin as he continues. “You’re saying dwarves and orcs are in the mine? Working together? “. Barratore snorts. “Yea you bet your backside I’m going to go knock

Lender sighs feeling he has already answered this question but not wanting to offend the large visitor. “It is handed down from generation to generation. Never heard of anyone touching the door and coming back. There are of course tails, touching the door burns you hand off or turns you into a toad. You know the normal stuff. Oh yeah, the older brother of a friend growing up told me a friend of his turned into water and sort of sunk into the ground. Who knows.”

Velarin lets slip an irritated frown as he is unable make much of the writings. He casts detect magic and continues his study of the obelisk. Tishe’ frowns at Sir Royston thinking he has a quick mind but adding cowards did not help things. Then she begins to study the obelisk hoping to help Velarin.

The spell and study reveals that it radiates a faint magical aura, but nothing further can be determined magically about the thing. It is truly old long and most likely a Tecuri artifact.

Brom realizes that any of the questions he would ask were asked by others. He considers the door thinking a door that can’t be touched might be keeping something in. Possibly what they are looking for. Silently he admits coward is a strong word to use at farmers and those unskilled in combat. Personally he is no coward but if someone told him a door could kill him he wouldn’t touch it.

After a moment one final man speaks up. He is dressed mostly in red, barrel chested with bit hands and if you had looked at him before you would have assumed he was not paying one bit of attention. Those that noticed him previously are surprised by the strength of his deep voice. As he talks he bushy beard bobs back and forth, almost comically belaying the seriousness with which he speaks.

“Well now we have and enough comments and speculation.” a little quieter “This is why I hate this meetings.” he straightens and looks directly at Sir Royston “Folks in my area call me Jam but my parents named me Jamzardom, why I have no idea. I am not as old as some of these but I pay a bit of attention. Forty or so years ago, when I was a lad, we went to the door at night, me and a friend. We were full of the fires of youth and foolish enough to dare each other on. Tavot, well he was braver then me, he went first a touched this palm to the door. The damndest bit of electricity, I think, came off that door. Blew his arm clean of his body.” he sighs “We took care of his body and said little of it. We don’t share information around here much, could have given my people and advantage maybe…. Still you seem decent folks and I would hate to see the big guy lose an arm.”

{ooc: Don’t bother with a sense motive, he is telling the truth as he knows it.}

What are you doing now?

[i] 10,000k experience each for navigating this enough to get some information that did not want to be given out. [/b]

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 2:04:30 PM

Brom didn't know much about magic, but he knew enough to know what Jam described is a glyphed door. A door sealed with magic and attacks magically anyone trying to touch it.

"Alright, I think we've bothered these folks enough for now." He says. "Let's have a chat about the info." He continues. "Think we all know our next move. So let's get ready."

"Thanks fer gittin' together and talkin' with us."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 8:36:38 PM

" Lets go look at the door. It'll be easier for our spell casters to know what they're dealing with and I can see if its a more mundane trap. "

Edson looks at tge people and shakes his head. " This seems like a long con to me. Seems like someone plays the game to make these people act how they want to act. "

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 8:39:37 PM

Barratore opens his mouth to reply to Jam, but closes it shortly after inhaling. Take more than some little magical glyph to do that pal Changing his mind he opens it again and speaks aloud, "What you have all shared and help us understand is why perhaps you should have these meetings a bit more often. Different views can bring better understanding and sharing ideas strengthen us all at Imod intended." The minotaur offers a grin and adds, "Few can relate to what not communicating can do like the tauric people."

Barratore raises his hand and thanks them all for coming and turns to agree with Brom, "We have plans and preparations to make. I say we stay right here and let them leave."

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 10:44:10 PM

Sir Royston rubs his chin in thought. "A glyph, most likely. Some sort of modified explosive runes. Or perhaps the door is a magic item itself? Regardless, some dispelling or testing with summoned creatures should glean us valuable information."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 51/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless.  d20+14=16 ;
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 11:20:23 PM

Relieved that some truth has finally come out. For the first time, Emrys is beginning to feel a little sympathy for these people. Their bravado is mostly a product of fear and darkness of this otherwoldly place. He tries to recall anything in history that involve the ancient Tucri. Had he seen any such runes or similarly styled obelisks in the Floating City. (Knowledge [History]: 16 ... bah!)

Emrys asks, "What of the underground lake at the bottom of the mine? What can you say of it?"

(Sorry for not posting ... I pretty much shut down over Labor Day Weekend.)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 8:54:27 AM

"I can learn nothing more from the obelisk. The runes have long since faded beyond recognition. The magic is very faint, and very old. It is most likely a Tecuri artifact. It appears that we have a door to investigate. Most rumors and legends have a basis in fact, and extreme caution would be warranted until proven otherwise."

Active effects:
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, trues seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 11:33:41 AM

“Teruci artifact”, Tishe’ confirms of the obelisk, “always chancy to deal with.” She doesn’t have any other brilliant ideas other than examining the door. Tishe’ thinks that the ... well, it’s not despair, more of a resigned inevitability of the people... needs to be addressed.

“I think we will be able to help, and will need to look at the destroyed village and then the door, if there is a guide who can show us the way?”

“And Cinnamon Valley is concerned for your well-being, so much so that they sent us here. If things do become untenable for your people, you will find welcome in the Valley. And now that the banshee and carnivorous plants are killed, the way is open.” and so is Hope, Tishe’ adds silently.

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 2:41:32 PM

Thought he does not know much about magic Brom figures they are dealing with a glyphed door. "Alright, I think we've bothered these folks enough for now." He says. "Let's have a chat about the info. Think we all know our next move. So let's get ready. Thanks fer gittin' together and talkin' with us."

Agreeing Edson would like to take a look at the door as well. " Lets go look at the door. It'll be easier for our spell casters to know what they're dealing with and I can see if its a more mundane trap. " Seeming to be on the same page as his companion Sir Roysgon agrees and offers a potential test "A glyph, most likely. Some sort of modified explosive runes. Or perhaps the door is a magic item itself? Regardless, some dispelling or testing with summoned creatures should glean us valuable information."

Emrys is relieved that some truth has finally come out. For the first time he feels sympathy for these people. Before moving on he has one additional question. "What of the underground lake at the bottom of the mine? What can you say of it?" The assembled men glance at each other and there are shrugs as no one speaks up immediately. From someone to the left you here a simple “The what now?”

Opening his mouth to reply to Jam Barratore thinks better and takes a breath before responding. "What you have all shared and help us understand is why perhaps you should have these meetings a bit more often. Different views can bring better understanding and sharing ideas strengthen us all at Imod intended. Few can relate to what not communicating can do like the tauric people."

After studying the artifact Velarin remarks that he can learn nothing more form it, "I can learn nothing more from the obelisk. The runes have long since faded beyond recognition. The magic is very faint, and very old. It is most likely a Tecuri artifact. It appears that we have a door to investigate. Most rumors and legends have a basis in fact, and extreme caution would be warranted until proven otherwise."

Tishe’ mentions how artifacts are chancy to deal with and she thinks the resigned inevitability of the people needs to be addressed. She informs them that they will look at the destroyed village and the door. Finally saying “And Cinnamon Valley is concerned for your well-being, so much so that they sent us here. If things do become untenable for your people, you will find welcome in the Valley. And now that the banshee and carnivorous plants are killed, the way is open.”

The news of the banshees being killed draws a positive murmur form the crowd. It does not quite get to thanks but clearly is welcome news. There is little reaction beyond that and you can almost feel the pervasive reluctance to no leave the area.

Lender quickly lets the party know that all they need to do is follow the path without a leader and they will reach the destroyed village. No one volenteers immediately to go with you but after a moment Jam simply moves to the path and starts walking down it, away from the group. As the keepers follow they hear a low comment and you could only guess it came from Ruhneim. “Now don’t be a coward just run up and knock.” you also quickly hear a new voice “Shut the hell up you moron.”

The walk to the village is about the same as what got you to the obelisk. When you are a few hundred feet away you can see where the village was and a low large hill begin to rise behind it. It is easy to assume that the mine entrance will be there.

The village has been nearly completely destroyed. The remains of five or six building are scattered about with only a few leaning walls or leftover heavy support structures still standing. There are burnt areas and also large sections that clearly took heavy bludgeoning damage. Finally here are there a deep troth has been cut into the earth itself. There are not bodies, as the neighbors took care of them, and there is not a bit of a sign of life.

The entrance to the mine is further on, maybe two hundred yards and there is no sign of movement you would guess the mentioned guards are in the nearby trees.

What are you doing now?

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211  d20+12=15 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 10:06:03 PM

Barratore follows to the destroyed village and upon seeing it, he draws his sword and straps on his shield. He steps past Jam and into the village area proper. Not taking his eyes off what is in front of him, he asks, "Were the builidings destroyed and burned then. Not part of cleaning up right?"

Perception 15

"Head on back Jam, no need for you to stay here. Barratore motions with his head to a few buildings, "Something big, or somethings big." with a smile he adds, "Maybe another dragon if we're lucky"

At this point it was time for the casters to start making with the spells. Just past the village they should find a door and a mine. Barratore could hardly contain his excitement

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 51/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 11:06:39 PM

To answer the man, Emrys repeats himself, "An underground lake ... " and he sighs, as he recalls the issues with memory. He asks a second question, "I know this might sound strange, but has anyone among you had problems with memory ... like not being able to remember what you have done or where you have gone during the day. Moments of your life unaccounted for with no explanation?"

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=35 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 11:07:23 PM

Brom walks down the barely recognizable path to the village. He is surprised by just how bad it is. Must have been like this for years. He thinks.

He echos Barratore's hope. "Gods willing."

While the others prepare or discuss things, Brom decides to take a peek see around the village for signs of recent activity (tracks and the like). "Gonna take a look around ta see if anything er'one's been here."

Perception DC 35

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 11:55:29 PM

"Brom, are you certain you want to do that? This scene is just bubbling with ominous foreboding. We can summon some monsters to walk around and trigger anything nasty. We could even go back to the village and rustle up some barnyard animals to herd ahead of us." Sir Royston sighs. "Regardless, I'm not staying on the ground. Does anyone have an invisibility spell they can spare for some reconnaissance?"

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+30=45 ;
Thursday September 6th, 2018 9:15:10 AM

Edson moves with Brom. He stops at sir Royston's question and looks at the barbarian. " He might be right.. I can do my best to look, but some traps are even beyons the legendary Edson Kazil."

Trap Finding 45
Perception 38

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 9:29:01 AM

"No Emrys. No memory issues that I can recall. If things regarding this issue change, or you feel that you know something about what is coming or exists, keep us advised. We already know that the Gods are sometimes involved in things we mortals deal with. Sometimes intuition or a feeling is more than what it seems."

"I think I'm in agreement with the going airborne idea Royston. Here is an invisibility for you. Take a look, but let us all try and stay relatively together."

"I only have one summoning spell at the moment, and it's a big one. I would prefer to save it for something important instead of a bunch of scouts. at least until we know that something is actually here. Brom and Barratore, stay near each other. At the first sign of trouble, I will hit you both with a haste spell."

V casts invisibility on Royston, and then fly on himself, and then moves to 20' in the air trying to maintain position over Brom and Barratore.

Active effects:
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, trues seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+3=10 ; d20+3=22 ; d20+3=16 ; d20+3=5 ; d20+3=20 ; d20+3=17 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=24 ;
Thursday September 6th, 2018 11:45:58 AM

Tishe’ gives a forced laugh. “I think Sieur Emrys was asking the villagers”, she says in response to Velarin. At the same time she is looking quizzically at Barratorre and Brom, “that is the most sun-baked wish I have ever heard.” But she doesn’t pursue it.

The destroyed village and gouges makes Tishe’ wonder aloud. “Can there still be distinctive prints or markings; maybe a scale or tuft of fur that can identify what types of creatures did this? And to confirm that they came from the mine entrance?”

She does her best to assist whoever is making the main investigation. The Spellweaver knows she doesn’t know a lot, but can be a pretty good help to someone who does!
Know : Aid Another. Can give +2 on another roll for any Knowledge except Know Nobility.
Arcana. 17
Dungeon. 10
Engineer. 22
Geography. 14
History. 16.
Local. 12
Nature 24
Nobility 5
Planes. 20
Religion. 17

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 1:00:12 PM

Before the group moves on Emrys continues thinking about the underground like in his vision and asks a followup question. "I know this might sound strange, but has anyone among you had problems with memory ... like not being able to remember what you have done or where you have gone during the day. Moments of your life unaccounted for with no explanation?"

No one speaks up immediately until Jam again chimes in. “That’s a new one. Some of the older folks have had issues but that just happens with time. No, nothing like that I have heard.” he looks at the others who remain silent but shake their heads.

With the village silent Velarin answers "No Emrys. No memory issues that I can recall. If things regarding this issue change, or you feel that you know something about what is coming or exists, keep us advised. We already know that the Gods are sometimes involved in things we mortals deal with. Sometimes intuition or a feeling is more than what it seems." Tishe’ gives a forced laugh. “I think Sieur Emrys was asking the villagers” [/b]

Arriving at the village Barratore straps on sword and board while talking to Jam. "Were the builidings destroyed and burned then. Not part of cleaning up right?" he looks around and after an answer says "Head on back Jam, no need for you to stay here. Something big, or somethings big. Maybe another dragon if we're lucky"

Jam has already stopped walking “This is how we found it. The bodies were taken away and disposed of. You lot have fun with this, watch your arms.” He departs quickly unless something else is asked of him.

Having followed the others Brom looks around the village. It does take long to see that the damage is not old. While the wood is worn where it has been broken appears fresh, not even a full season he would guess. He finds the odd nick nack or personal item left by the townsfolks but nothing of real note. He does fine a few silver pieces about, 31sp, that he can take if he wants. If nothing else it is a sign of no looting.

Sir Royston cautions Brom "Brom, are you certain you want to do that? This scene is just bubbling with ominous foreboding. We can summon some monsters to walk around and trigger anything nasty. We could even go back to the village and rustle up some barnyard animals to herd ahead of us." Sir Royston sighs. "Regardless, I'm not staying on the ground. Does anyone have an invisibility spell they can spare for some reconnaissance?"

Joining brom Edson looks about the wreck of a town. " He might be right.. I can do my best to look, but some traps are even beyons the legendary Edson Kazil."

Edson has sharp eyes and senses but finds little more about the town then Brom did. There are no traps but he does find, tucked in what looks like a smashed chest. A small silver pocket knife, probably belonging to a child or from some childhood. It is not magical just a sign that life was once here.

Agreeing with a flying arroach Velarin offers invisibility to Sir Royson. Regarding summoning he adds. "I only have one summoning spell at the moment, and it's a big one. I would prefer to save it for something important instead of a bunch of scouts. at least until we know that something is actually here. Brom and Barratore, stay near each other. At the first sign of trouble, I will hit you both with a haste spell."

With an educated eye Tishe’ also looks about the wreckage. Wracking her mind cannot come up with what the source of the damage was.

By the mine, still two hundred yards away, one of what you would guess are the guards steps out. He holds a longbow it is clearly pointe at the ground and no arrow is at the ready. He gives a little wave and starts to walk towards you when he gets closer he speaks.

“I saw Jam, figure your suppose to be here.” he stands up straight “Nothing to report.” as he finishes the word report his shoulders slump and you can see he must not be more then 16 “This mean I can go back to town. Right scary sitting out here looking at the wreckage and an unmoving steel door I’m not to touch.” he looks around and adds quickly “I threw a rock at it, nothing happened, barely a noise even.”

The door, in the distance is a simple steel thing with some rust and large rivits. Form your distance no visible locks can be seen. Also no hinges but that means little.

What are you doing now?

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211  d20+7=21 ;
Thursday September 6th, 2018 9:56:55 PM

Barratore steps up to the guard, "Get going. No reason for you to hang around here. Thanks"

The fighter looks about and offers to help Brom with checking for any signs of creatures in the wreckage.
Aid Another Survival 21 success

After giving the village a walk through with Brom, he suggests heading up to the door. Barratore will listen to V and stay within 20' of Brom. The actual investigation was really up to the others, Brom and him were there in case something came out or gets conjured.

"You guys are up" he calls to the others

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 11:12:59 PM

V follows above the others until the door is reached, and then casts a detect magic and takes a good look. "Let's see what magic might be here. Unless something significant is revealed, it may be up to Edson."

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 11:46:10 PM

Sir Royston stops Velarin before he can cast the spell. "Ah, thank you, sir, but it appears we are moving forward en mass." He squats down, and leaps into the air as wings burst from his back. "I am going to circle overhead, ladies and gentlemen. We do not know entirely what is going to happen, and I aim to maintain air superiority! Excelsior!" The dragon-man will maintain an altitude of 100 feet above the party and will patrol in a figure-8 centered on the door.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Friday September 7th, 2018 12:04:01 AM

Brom also listens to V and stays back from the door. He waits patently for the others to deal with the door.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless.  d4=2 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+20=29 ;
Friday September 7th, 2018 12:04:13 AM

"Let's see if my wand will allow us to see through this door." Emrys pulls out his Invisibility wand. "But first, let me cast a quick necromancy to be safe." ... He smiles as he realizes the irony in that statement.

(Casting Spectral Hand. -2 hitpoints. Duration: 16 minutes)

As soon as the ghostly hand appears, he then gives his wand a twirl. (Use Magic Device: 26, success.)

(Casting Invisibility on the Metal Door. The Spectral Hand delivers the touch. If required, Spell Resist Check: 29.)

Emrys scrutinizes the door to see if it is becoming any more translucent ... like he hopes.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+30=42 ;
Friday September 7th, 2018 2:59:21 AM

Edson stands idly by, waiting to be called to check on the door. Knowing the power of his friends.. he'd only be needed if it was a mundane trap and not so magical.

" Just let me know when I'm up..."

If given the chance to look at the door for traps, he'll move up and search.. trap finding 42

DM Ryan - "The villages."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  6d6=18 ;
Friday September 7th, 2018 2:23:08 PM

Additional XP earned for getting to the mine with cooperation from the locals.” 90,000 xp each

Dismissing the guards Barratore helps Brom scout the area and tells they others that they are up. At Barratores words the guard that approached whistles and when nothing happens yells. “That the its safe signel!! Lets get out of here.” Three more guards, two human and a half-orc come out of the nearby trees and quickly scamper away towards the obelisk.

Sir Royston declares he is going to circle overhead for air superiority. He acends to 100 feet and patrols in a figure eight. From this vantage point he can see that he door is set in the side of a hill that eventually rises up to a couple of hundred feet. It is a small slope so the summit is over a mile away. Really it is just a rise in earth that probably gave some protection to the back of the city, when it existed.

Letting Velarin work Brom steps back and waits patently for the others to deal with the door.

Likewise Edson simply says " Just let me know when I'm up..." and waits.

Looking at the two huge metal doors, each twelve feet wide and twenty feet tall, Velarin casts detect magic and studies what he fines. The doors radiate a strong aura of evocation magic.

Confirming the presence of evocation magic Emrys summons a spectral hand that floats forward and attempts to deliver a spell to the door. The door does not become invisible but does pulse with power as the hand takes damage from the door itself. {Dam: 18}

With the hand failing Edson examines the door and finds it is indeed magically trapped. He is confident that it would be possible for him to disable the magic for a short time to get the door open.

What do you do now?

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Friday September 7th, 2018 3:41:16 PM

Tishe’ keeps a little back, enabling the others to use thier skills. When she hears about the magical door trap, she nods. “If Edson can’t disable the trap, a Dispel Magic can temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item.”

“How big is this door?”, she wonders aloud, and turns to Brom, “could a monster big enough to make those tracks in the dead village squeeze thorough this door?” It is possible the monsters were summoned and so the team would have to be aware of spellcasters too...

Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Detect Magic: concentration

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Friday September 7th, 2018 11:47:00 PM

Answering previous questions:

Royston & Edson- "I know. The kind that means I get ta use my sword. This way I get ta have a little fun 'fore you casters spoil it fer me."

Standing there waiting for the door to be opened, Brom responds to Tishe's comment from a few minutes earlier. "That wish may be half-baked fer some. But, ya see me and Barratore have fought a lot of things: giants, vampires, sea monsters, dragons, demons, giant mixed up animal things, and even a dragon turtle while underwater." He pauses and turns looking down at the little lass. "Ya know. All those things didn't last more that thirty seconds...well the giant was a good fight. We had a Gargul priest that keep healin' everyone, me and the giant. So it took a little longer than it should have. But in the end, the joy of combat, of testing yerself against a great opponent, earning glory so that yer tales are told all the way to the halls of Domi...and if yer deeds are grand enough and yer valor supreme...yer name may even be spoken by Domi himself." He again pauses looking at the woman and smiling."That is why we fight. So that someday when I've passed beyond ta the Land of Rest, I'll find myself in those hallowed halls and I'll hears the whispers of my name from all the heroes who came before. And I'll have earned my place there."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Saturday September 8th, 2018 8:09:03 AM

Velarin slightly raises an eyebrow at the results of the detect magic spell.

"Strong Evocation. Interesting. Strong could indeed blow a villager apart, much as I could. This door was made by someone with significant power. Caution on our parts would be wise. Giving Edson a go at it seems a reasonable conclusion. And, as Tishe' has stated, should he be unable to temporarily disarm it, then we will go the route of Dispel magic. Does anyone have the ability to assist Edson in this? Other than that....You're up Edson."

V then ascends to 40' in the air in case something comes charging out once the doors get opened.

Active effects:
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Sunday September 9th, 2018 6:33:44 PM

Barratore remains back and let’s Edson do his thing

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Sunday September 9th, 2018 11:59:30 PM


Sir Royston calls down. "Does anyone have a distintegrate or disjunction spell!?"

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday September 10th, 2018 7:32:02 AM

"Does anyone have a disintegrate spell? Of course I have a disintegrate spell. That's what I do. I would prefer to try the route of letting Edson give it a go, followed by a nice dispel before going all the way up to disintegrate."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Monday September 10th, 2018 10:43:04 AM

"We don't need to be so destructive ... could a simple Knock spell work? Im afraid however, I don't have one on me."

He looks to Brom with a smile and replies, "My apologies ... I'll try and restrain myself."

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Monday September 10th, 2018 10:43:27 AM

Tishe’ smiles and gives a short laugh. “A sensible and reasoned plan, how novel!”

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+31=45 ;
Monday September 10th, 2018 2:14:00 PM

Edson moves closer and does his best to figure this out, to see if he can disable anything,

Disable Device 45

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Monday September 10th, 2018 3:07:49 PM

Holding back Tishe’ offers to try magic if disabling the door does not work. She also wonders how large the door is. {ooc: 12ft wide and 20ft tall each} Brom holds back and answers some of the previous questions. Barratore also holds back waiting on the others.

Flying up to about forty feet in the air Velarin comments that someone poweful made the door and that Edson should use caution. Also in the air Sir Royston asks if anyone has a disintegrate or disjunction spell they could use. Velarin reports that he does but he would prefer to try the less arcane rout first.

Emrys comments that they do not need to be so destructive before commenting about restraint which amuses Tishe’.

Finally Edson moves closer and toughly checks the door with out touching it. After a moment he is sure he has it and can do it in a way so as not to become a lighting rod. He works for a moment, then a moment more before there is a small humming noise of something powering down.

The doors are unlocked and will not cause damage, in Edson’s estimation, for the next ten minutes.

What are you doing now.

There is a map of just outside the door if you wish to position yourselves. That is not suspicious at all.

Also not suspicious, do you have a standard marching order for in a mine?

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Monday September 10th, 2018 4:17:03 PM

Edson steps to the side of the door to let the others by. (E row.. cant see the numbers). He keeps his back to the wall.

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Monday September 10th, 2018 7:21:25 PM

Tishe’ keeps her place, placing a Light on her staff to be ready to see into the doors.

She falls into place where Velarin decides the marching order should be.
Active Spells and Effects
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Monday September 10th, 2018 8:17:24 PM

Barratore tucks an Everburning torch into his belt and waits for Brom to assume the point. The fighter then drops in directly behind him, sword and shield at the ready. "If one of you mystic masters can push more daylight in front of us, that would be just great."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=30 ;
Monday September 10th, 2018 11:10:41 PM

Brom pulls his everburning torch and with torch in one hand and sword in the other, he moves through the door into the mines.

Perception DC 30

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Monday September 10th, 2018 11:15:34 PM

"Here's an idea, chaps.... What if no one takes point? I can land on top of the lintel and push open the doors with my feet. You all stand to either side. That way, nothing can obliterate the party with a readied action... er, I mean, a calculated ambush."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 9:52:16 AM

I'm good with Royston's plan. Everyone stand to the side while he opens doors from above. Once open, if nothing bad happens, Brom, Barratore, and Edson should lead, then possibly Emrys who's healing abilities may be best suited near the front, followed by myself and Tishe', and then if Royston doesn't mind, he could take the rear and guard our backside, preventing Tishe' and I from being unpleasantly surprised.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 12:50:00 PM

Emrys is amazed that is a non-magical way to disable a magical trap ... he is quite impressed with Edson. "Good show, Edson! That was extraordinary!"

"I don't need to be in physical reach to heal you good people," he reminds his friends. Emrys isn't particularly fond of 'the front'. With that he casts another Spectral Hand spell, to be ready.

If it is too dark to see, he will summon an Unseen Servant to carry his bullseye lantern.

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+16=26 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=25 ; d8+10=11 ;
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 12:58:31 PM

Stepping to the side Edson keeps his back to the wall to let the others by. Emrys is amazed at the skill with which the trap was disarmed, rembering that things do not need to be only magical or mechanical but can be both. He comments that he does not need to be in physical reach and holds back with the others

Holding her position Tishe’ lights her staff and waits.

Tucking a torch into his belt Barratore takes point with Brom beside him ready to move into the mine. Before the move Sir Royston has an idea that has no element of metagaming in his explination. "Here's an idea, chaps.... What if no one takes point? I can land on top of the lintel and push open the doors with my feet. You all stand to either side. That way, nothing can obliterate the party with a readied action... er, I mean, a calculated ambush."

Velarin agrees with Sir Royston’s plan and the dragonkin flies up to the door. Sadly when he flies to the top he sees that the door is recessed some into the hill and there is no real way open the door w/o being in front of it. Almost as if this was thought of. {ooc: There may have been a gap in my description but the top is set back just as the sides are on the map.}

That plan failing the beefy members of the group execute their initial plan. The doors are pulled outward on well oiled, hidden hinges and there is a small moment of silence in which you can take in the chamber. Several barrels and crates are around the room giving it the appearance of a staging area for items moving out of the mines. The few items you can see appear of exceptionally high quality. There are three doors leading off of this room each made of steel and each closed.

A voice yells. “Get them!! Keep them out!”

Also in this room are several guards who were clearly alearted by the failed mage hand and are at the ready. Two of the guards, hiding behind a statue of a half-orc warrior made of a strange red-veined rock in the middle of the room, fire their bows at Brom and Barratore. {Hit Brom: 26/28/7 – all miss} {Hit Barratore: 34/15/11 – all miss} The arrows that do hit simply bounce off the well armored intruders to the mine.

As the arrows fly two more of the half-orcs chage with their orc double axes again at Brom and Barratore. {Hit Brom: 35 | Damage: 11} {Hit Barratore: 28 – Miss}. Only one half-orc connects for minimal damage to someone as powerful as Brom.

The remaining half-orcs bellow in rage but are not in position to attack.

Round 1
The party is up.
Map is updated, if you delete it there is a backslide as well.

Red: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Raging
Orange: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Raging
Yellow: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Raging
Pink: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Raging
Black: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Raging
Lt Blue: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Raging

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 44 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 9:09:12 PM

Barratore takes a purely defensive posture. His voice booms into the room "Hold your fire, we are Heroes of the Realm and WLA. Asked to come here by the Pitchfork council to Aid you. Stand down!

Total Defensive AC adjusted to 44

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=39 ; 2d6+34=41 ;
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 11:22:31 PM

The bash brothers enter the room and the guards attack mistaking them for plunderers. One of the guards manages to draw blood on Brom. Just as the barbarian was about to send the half orc to the afterlife, Barratore shouts out. Seeing the possibility of ending the fight without having to severely maim any of the guards, Brom opts for another form of deterrent. With a quick strike (dropping his torch), Brom brings his sword down across the head of the double axe wielded by his attacker.

"I'd listen. Cause if I get mad I ain't gonna be so nice."

Sunder (improved sunder, PA): AC 39, damage to weapon 41 (ignoring hardness less than 20)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  d20+43=57 ;
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 11:46:36 PM

Sir Royston lands with a whump beside Brom. "Mark my words!" He points an imperious finger toward the half-orcs and snarls. "You will stand down, or you will perish! NOW!"

ooc: Intimidate check 57

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 6:56:27 AM

V waits for the muscles to flex and either create a cessation of hostilities or kick some butt.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 1:44:38 PM

Edson waits to see if the tactic works. Maybe Brom and Barry had this.

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+15=27 ; d20+15=17 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 2:09:37 PM

{ooc: Good god man! Plus 4 to intimidate. You are a scary guy!}

As quick as lightning Brom sunders the orc double ax of the attacker who, despite his rage, looks pretty shocked. This is quickly followed by Barratore yelling "Hold your fire, we are Heroes of the Realm and WLA. Asked to come here by the Pitchfork council to Aid you. Stand down!

Landing Sir Royston adds “Mark my words. You will stand down, or you will perish! NOW!"

Velarion and Edson hold back to see what will happen.

The half-orc with the broken ax, orange, deflates visibally when Sir Royston speaks having already been shaken by the quick loss of his weapon. His partner in front, red, stands frozen in his place and drops his weapon shaken by the dragonkin. They gape for a moment at the might warrior presented in front of them before attempting to bolt through the open doors past the Keepers. {acrobatics 27 and 17 respectively which will do them nothing} {ooc: Up to you what you want to do about that.}

The remaining half-orcs in the room, also shaken, flee. One makes it to each side door, getting it open and ready to run. To the north the pink half-orc gets the door open and the black half-orc flees down the hall.

Also with more time to looks the group can see an additional detail of the room. The rock on the north side is run though with the same red substance that is in the statue.

Now what?

Round 1
The party is up.
Map is updated, if you delete it there is a backslide as well.

Red: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – trying to run off
Orange: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – trying to run off
Yellow: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – at west door
Pink: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – at north door
Black: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – Run down north hall
Lt Blue: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – At east door

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 2:24:48 PM

"You have a few choices to make gentlemen. Our warriors could mutilate you beyond even Gargul's recognition. Our we casters can either reduce you to ash or twist your bodies completely inside out ... OR you can lay down your arms and have a talk with us. Your decision!"

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 6:53:13 PM

Tishe’ doesn’t want to count on any of the half-orcs sticking around and weaves a quick spell. In between the light blue and pink orcs, a scintillating pattern made of every color of the rainbow captures the attention!

Rainbow Pattern; Will DC 21 or. 20’ radius; fascinate 24HD of creatures who will try and follow to stay in the light, even if restrained.

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 44 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 9:42:11 PM

Barratore simply blocks the half orc that for a reason he cannot fathom tries to get past him and Brom. Royston could scoop up the fellow in a moment. Barratore moves forward into the room to the statue. Move 35'

"I think you jogged them a bit much Roy"

Barratore has no intention of pursuing the fleeing and nearly panicking guard. For him, they would simply move further in and hopefully encounter some less trigger happy fleeing types. He maintains his defensive posture

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+21=32 ; d3+20=23 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 10:14:11 PM

Brom turns his head slightly at Royston's overwhelming presence used against the guard.

Meantime, the half orc attempting to get past Brom gets a fist to the face. "Where ya think yer goin'?"

Fist (pa, imp unarmed combat): AC 32, damage 23 (nonlethal)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 11:41:56 PM

ooc: Fun fact -- I can now literally lift a ton over my head.

"Well," Sir Royston stands akimbo, "that did the job." He spies the half-orc attempting to flee on his side and getting a fist in the face from Brom. "Give him what for, Sir Brom! Hopefully fisticuffs and magical rainbows will secure us a willing informant."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday September 13th, 2018 8:39:32 AM

V rolls his eyes as the half orcs try and flee in every direction after having been terrified by Royston. He drops down and hovers at 10' in the air, waiting for some of the guards to be detained for a possibly useful conversation.

Active effects:
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Thursday September 13th, 2018 1:11:27 PM

Emrys looks at each of his friends with a guilty smile. In a low tone, he asks, "Is it wrong of me to receive a great deal of amusement from this? Poor misguided fools ... apparently they hadn't allowed enough time for their eyes to adjust to the light."

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Thursday September 13th, 2018 1:51:53 PM

" No Emrys. Funny is funny. Orks getting scared and running is funny. " Edson still waits.. unsure if these orks will turn and have to be dealt with.

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+9=19 ; d20+9=13 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 2:30:54 PM

Blocking one of the half-orcs Barratore comments gI think you jogged them a bit much Roy.h As he talks he moves into the room towards the statue not bothering with those that flee. {ooc: assuming you took the half-orc with you.}

Glancing at Sir Royston Brom quickly smacks the fleeing half-orc in the face to slow him down. It works.

Attempting to stop some of the fleeing half-orcs Tishef casts a spell. The two half-orcfs attention has been captured and they stop where they are

Showing he can use more than his muscles Sir Royston encourages Brom to lay out the fleeing guard. Seeing the guards flee and the other chaos Velarin rolls his eyes and drops down to ten feet above the ground. Emrys looks at his friends with a smile. "Is it wrong of me to receive a great deal of amusement from this? Poor misguided fools ... apparently they hadn't allowed enough time for their eyes to adjust to the light."

Edson agrees g" No Emrys. Funny is funny. Orks getting scared and running is funny. "

The yellow half-orc completes his exit slamming the metal door behind him. The half-orc Barratore stopped is regaining himself somewhat and looks at the group. gLook I donft care if you go in. Not worth getting killed over.h

The other half-orc holding his blood nose interrupts. gDonft tell them anything!h he looks at Brom fearful but also angry gLet us go. Tell them were dead.h

What do you do now? Do you move into the room? Where?

Perception 30 in room. Highlight to display spoiler: { There are two pit traps in the room. The half-orcs knew where they were and avoided. }

Red: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – with Barratore
Orange: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – with Brom
Yellow: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – run down west hall
Pink: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – fascinated
Black: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – run down north door
Lt Blue: AC 19/14/15 | HP: 109 | Shaken – fascinated

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 44 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 167/211 
Thursday September 13th, 2018 10:10:36 PM

Barratore drops the half orc and moves to the door that got slammed. He simply grimaces at it. he turns to the half orcs and repeats his earlier words, "We are here to help. I am Barratore Steelwind, Champion of the WLA. What is happening here?"

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Thursday September 13th, 2018 11:56:25 PM

"Who's gonna kill ya?" He says to the half orc. "Tell us and run out of this place an' don't come back. Yer best option." He tells him. Brom waits for the orc to talk.

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Thursday September 13th, 2018 11:57:58 PM

Sir Royston comes up beside Barratore and claps him on the arm before addressing the half-orc. "My friend here asked a question, chap. It would seem in your best interest to answer before we turn you into a sock-puppet."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+18=20 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 8:23:05 AM

Failing to notice the pit traps avoided by the orcs, V continues to hover at 10' in the air and wait for the interrogation to yield results.

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Friday September 14th, 2018 9:27:42 AM

Tishe’ continues to concentrate on her Rainbow Pattern until a pack mate is able to get ahold of each fascinated orc.

Rainbow Pattern; Will DC 21 or. 20’ radius; fascinate 24HD of creatures who will try and follow to stay in the light, even if restrained.

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+21=31 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 10:12:41 AM

Edson has a hearty chuckle as he moves up behind Barratore.

He points out the pit traps to anyone who hasnt seen them yet.

Finally he moves behind one of the orks Tishe has entranced and grabs him by the scruff, placing a kukhri at his spine incase he fights. " Let me know what you want Tishe"

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Friday September 14th, 2018 2:14:15 PM

Before much else happens sharp eyed Edson notices two pit traps in the floor. {ooc: Disable device needed to, well, disable them}. This allows Barratore to move around the pit to the door instead of falling in which he was about to do. Barratore again repeats that they are here to help.

Brom questions how is going to kill them before Sir Royston delivers the thread of making the half-orc into a sock puppet. At first the half-orc is confused and then realization dawns and his eyes go very very wide.

Velarin maintins his position in the air while Tishef makes sure her spell remains active. Edson moves behind one of the fascinated half-orcs, knife to its spine.

The doors that had been opened have slowly drifted back closed by this point. The hinges are well oiled so all that is heard is the sound of them finishing closing.

The half-orc who may become a sock puppet speaks quickly. gThe dwarves. Look this is just a job. Let us go. The dwarves are the real issue I think. They might work for someone butch he is beginning to panic gWefre just guards. Not enough pay to make me care this much.h

The other non fascinated half-orc starts to tell him to shut up and thinks better. gLook we are not allowed in most places. Itfs the dwarves. Rumors of monsters in here too but never seen them.h

Two half-orcs have fled into the mine. You have three captaives who you think have told you what you know. There are pits to be careful off and three doors, at the cardinal directions.

What are you doing now?

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=31 ;
Saturday September 15th, 2018 12:15:39 AM

"Alright. Leave the rest ta us. If they got monsters in here, we'll take care of 'em. Now take what ya can and leave." He says. He steps aside and lets the half orcs pass by and out of the mines.

After the half orcs leave, Brom moves into the room and says. "We got monsters and crazy dwarves. We're gonna have ta figure out if the dwarves are like those guys. So I guess monsters we smash and dwarves we be gentler until we find out the deal."

He also notes the stone. "Anyone got an idea 'bout the stone?"

Brom doesn't care the direction, but once in the tunnels, Brom will take lead.

Perception DC 31

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 44 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 193/211  3d8(7+6+8)+5=26
Sunday September 16th, 2018 9:51:12 AM

Barratore agrees, "Sounds good. "Subdue any dwarf and kill whatever it is that has stirred this all up." Brom already gave the half orcs leave, no need to repeat that part, but he had a question and it required one of them. Barratore steps over to the captives, "There any more traps and such that we need a password or such to enter, or in general just other traps in this place. OH yeah! and where is the one place you're not allowed to go. Which door leads to there?"

"Edson, muck these pits so we dont have to worry about them and lets get going."

hopefully one of the halforcs provided an initial direction, otherwise Barratore points at the door on the far right, "Edson, after you."

Barratore drinks a potion of healing

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Sunday September 16th, 2018 11:08:37 AM


"I don't know about letting all of them go. It may be prudent to take their leader with us as a tour guide."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday September 17th, 2018 7:59:31 AM

I have one question as well before you leave. "What was responsible for the destruction of the village nearby? If you guard this gate, you must have seen it leave."

"In addition, you will go nowhere near the other villages in the area, or we will find you"

Active effects:
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+31=50 ;
Monday September 17th, 2018 10:04:48 AM

Edson realeases the ork and moves to disarm the traps. He takes out his tools and goes to work. ( Disable device 50)

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Monday September 17th, 2018 2:25:01 PM

As requested by others [b Edson [/b] takes his time and jams the pits so they will not open if stepped on. Brom is about to release the prisoners but is stopped by some questions from the others. Sir Royston suggests it may be prudent to keep one as a guide while Velarin warns them not to go near the other villages or there will be consequences.

The half-orc that had been speaking readily agrees that they will not go near any villages or even any people nearby. Simply leaving is good enough for him. At the thought of being a guide he pales. You can see the gears turning quickly in his head. gThatfs a death sentence I am sure.h he looks around and focuses on Velarin before speaking again. gLook here is what I know. The mines are too the left. Less people in there. I think they connect to the rest but donft know for sure. North, thatfs the living quarters and what not, lots of dwarves and other stuff.h he looks to the west gFungus growingc for wine. Never been in there so far.h he shrugs gLookc we only go in a small area to the north. The mine is off limits and the fungus areas as well. Even to the north we cannot go very far. We only know about these traps butc blazesc. I donft know. There are no passwords, the door keeps people out pretty much all the time.h

Before any attempt to move on Brom questions if anyone has an idea about the stone because he does no.

Brom and Barratore a ready to move on once it is decided where to go.

The doors to the east and west appear to be unlocked and not trapped. To the north it is apparent that the door has been barred from the other side, most likely after the half-orc managed to flee in that direction. {ooc: The break DC is high though possibly doable. It would not be quiet, put possible.}

What are you doing now.

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Monday September 17th, 2018 6:54:29 PM

Tishe’ nods towards the north door. “That was some shady picks asking who’s around where. I think we should pay the dwarves a visit.”

As ever, she is ready to follow Valerin’s lead.

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 44 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 193/211  d20+9=15 ;
Monday September 17th, 2018 10:36:36 PM

Barratore waves off Royston, "No we don't need a guide." He thumbs towards the exit, "Get yerself gone, very gone."

Barratore moves over to the north door as Tishe has suggested, "I agree, let's go say hi to the dwarves."

The fungus farm gives him a thought though and he spends a moment to think of what he has read and heard when it comes to fungi and controlling other creatures

Know Dungeoneering 15

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Monday September 17th, 2018 11:12:42 PM

"Very well. Let us go and greet these dwarves. Hopefully they will have the answers we seek."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Monday September 17th, 2018 11:22:01 PM

"Great ... it's been a while since Ive rolled a dwarven double-R. Ive found the dwarven words the hardest to pronounce. I believe intoxication is the technique they use to train their vowel sounds. Ahhh, they're making fungus brew ... very traditional ... toxic as well."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=42 ; 2d6+34=42 ;
Monday September 17th, 2018 11:51:02 PM

"Shall we go say hello to the dwarves?" He says moving over to the northern door. "Barred. Shouldn't be a problem. Should we knock loudly and wait for them to open or" He lifts his sword up. "Knock and enter?"

If Brom is asked to open the door, he will strike the door with his sword.

Striking the door (PA) AC42 damage 42 (ignoring hardness less than 20)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+28=40 ; d20+22=38 ; d20+24=30 ; d20+24=33 ; d20+24=30 ;
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 8:57:44 AM

"Before we go say hi to the Dwarves, let me take a quick look at the stone as Brom has suggested." (Know arcane 40, religion 38, history 30, local 33, planes30)

"The Dwarves are very cunning with stone and very protective of what is theirs, and will likely have traps laid out for unexpected visitors. Especially those initially entering their area. I would suggest that after the Bash brothers open the door, Edson leads the way checking for traps. At least for the initial area past where the guards here are allowed to go."

"Unfortunately, I don't have a knock handy. They likely know we are here already, so how we get through the door is likely irrelevant. Dwarves have darkvision, and there will likely be no light ahead. If we pull out our own, it will illuminate us a long way off as targets approaching. Who besides me would like a darkvision? I have plenty?

V pulls out his wand of darkvision and uses it upon himself, and anyone else who wants/needs one

Active effects:

Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 12:32:48 PM

"Dwarves? A knock on the door sounds in order, if it was orks.. I'd say let B and B bash it down. " Edson moves towards the door, waiting to see what the final game plan is.

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 6:54:38 PM

Barratore dismisses the idea of a guard and sends the half-orcs on their way. {ooc: Any sense motive would tell you they are 100% beating feet} He likes the idea of tackeling the dwarves head on, in case they may not want to fight, and knows little about fungus other then it exists. Agreeing they should pay the dwarves a visit Tishe’ waits for Velarin to lead the way. Likewise Sir Royston agrees to go to the dwarves, hoping for answers.

Emrys comments on the the dwarves accents and readies himself.

First Velaring gives some inisite regarding dwarves, traps in particular. Velarin studies the stone and comes up with an odd thought. Woldsbloos? Infused into the very structure of the stone? Yes! He also gives anyone who needs darkvision.

Edson tries a simple knock on the door which gives no response what so ever leading to Brom’s very different approach. His sword flashes in a great arch and destroys the metal door as well as the wood beam that was holding it in place.

The group is faces with a narrow hallway, the large members will have to squeeze though the five fot wall coridore. The sides are smooth and there is no light, very smooth but not completely straight thus you cannot see if you can see in the dark. Small pieces of wood settle to the ground in a brief moment of silence before a voice, almost board, can be heard as a wall of fire fills the hallway in front of you.

“Kill whatever makes it this far.”

What do you do now?

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 39 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 193/211 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 10:40:42 PM

Barratore will take V up on the Darkvision wand before Brom takes out the door. He is about to enter behind Edson and Brom, when the wall of fire fills the hall.

Barratore will delay on the spellcasters. "Someone tap Brom and me with some fire proofing and we'll move in and drop 'em"

With that Barratore will wait for a spell, then activate his Ring of Spell Storing Freedom of Movement, followed by the Haste power of his family Torc and last, he moves swiftly into the room to engage as many opponents as he can

Spell effects
Freedom of Movement
Haste 10/10

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 11:06:24 PM

"So, woldsblood. Anyone know what that does ta people livin' near it?" He says looking at Emrys.

Brom also takes V up on his darkvision. He also agrees with the fireproofing.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 11:34:51 PM

Emrys answers Brom, "Woldsblood tugs at your soul ... siphoning your lifeforce and diminishing your will to live (penalties to Will and Con. The stronger your soul, the harder it pulls. Those born without souls are immune to its effects."

He then casts a ward on Brom to protect him from the fire.

(Casting Protection from Energy [Fire] on Brom. 120 points of Fire protection. Duration: 160 minutes.)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 11:56:02 PM

"Let us see what kind of berserker we can make our friend, Brom."

Sir Royston lays a hand on Brom's shoulder. "Krif voth ahkrin!"

ooc: Cast heroism. The target gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 110 minutes.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 7:34:49 AM

(ooc: only Brom, Barratore and V needed darkvision? going to adjust cs so if you needed it, let me know)

V looks at Brom getting a quick beefing up, and turns his attention toward Barratore. "Wouldn't do to let Brom have all the fun." V casts Resist fire on Barratore, Giving him DR 30 vs. fire for 160 minutes.

"Tishe, if you have one available, perhaps a dispel focused on that fire might allow the rest of us to move in as well?"

Active effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+21=24 ;
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 12:43:55 PM

Edson steps in first.. looking for traps and any ambushes. Perception 24, Trap Finding 33.

" If I see nothing as far as traps and you want to move in you can."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 1:11:12 PM

(Emrys could use Darkvision, but if you wish to save a charge on your wand, he can turn himself into a half-orc, or any other humanoid with darkvision, if need be.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless. 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 1:14:00 PM

(ooc: Or he can cast True Seeing ... he has several options.)

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+19=31 ; d20+19=35 ;
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 1:44:10 PM

GM Note: Although only Barratore said he was moving into the room if anyone wanted to follow please do so. The wall does 2d6+6 when you pass thru it.

Brom accepts takes up the offered darkvision and questions what living so close to Woldsblood would do to people. Looking at the wall of fire Barratore askes that he and Brom be fire proofed.

Emrys answers Brom "Woldsblood tugs at your soul ... siphoning your lifeforce and diminishing your will to live (penalties to Will and Con. The stronger your soul, the harder it pulls. Those born without souls are immune to its effects." before casting protection from fire on Brom.

Sir Royston wants to see what Brom can do and cast heroism.

Not wanting Brom to have all the fun Velarin cast Resist Fire on Barratore.

Edson steps in first, avoiding the fire, and checks for traps but finds none, well other then the wall of fire.

Once all is set Barratore activates his freedom of moment of ring and haste before moving swiftly into the room. The room itself is roughly 75 feet wide and 55 foot deep at its biggest part. There are creates and barrels around the room, most likely future shipments waiting to be sent out. The majority would appear to be alcoholic spirits. The walls are irregular but very smooth.

Inside the room he sees a dwarf wielding an earthbreaker on the far side of the room. At his feat is a dead half-orc, one of the guards who fled. The earthbreaker has fresh blood on it. This dwarf is flanked by to archers wielding bows. Between the opening and them are four more dwarves, each wielding a shield and a Warhammer.

The dwarves with the bows each let lose with a shot of two arrows each, at Barratore as he bursts though the fire. All four arrows bounce off the well armored Barratore.

Earthbreaker - AC 27

Ranged Blue - AC22
Ranged Red - AC22

Warhammer Red – AC27
Warhammer Green – AC27
Warhammer Blue – AC27
Warhammer Yellow – AC27

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+17=20 ;
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 1:49:52 PM

Tishe’ waves at Velarin in acknowledgement and casts a targeted Dispel magic on the Wall of Fire. P

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+16=21 ;
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 2:56:03 PM

V watches as Tishe' targets the fire with a dispel. If successful, he moves into the room after Edson and Brom. If it failed, He will cast his own dispel at the fire wall(21. stupid die roller)

Active effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+22=32 ;
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 6:44:54 PM

Tishe’ growls at herself, losing focus on the middle of a fight! She vows to not let that happen again.

If the wall of fire is STILL there after Tishe’s and Velarin’s spectacular average-ness, Tishe’ will cast a Quickened Dispel Magic targeting the Wall!

Dispel 20
Quickened Dispel. 32

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 0. 1. 2. 0. 0

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 181/188 (236/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 10:49:15 PM

Not wanting Barratore to get all the fun, Brom moves through the fire (resist fire protects against all of it). Unfortunately for Brom, no one is within reach.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See. 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 10:58:55 PM

Emrys knows that when Tishe's Dispel Magic removes the wall of flame, he will need to know that he can see in this darkness ... magical or not ... an whatever other things are set in our way.

(Casting True Seeing on Emrys. Duration 16 minutes. Visual range: 120 feet. Seeing through a long list of various things.)

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 11:54:31 PM

ooc: I just realized I am not on the map...

Sir Royston casts the same spell on himself.


Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 39 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 193/211  d20+23=25 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+23=41 ; d20+23=40 ; 2d8+23=30 ; 2d8+23=29 ; 2d8+23=31 ; 2d8+23=38 ;
Thursday September 20th, 2018 12:28:29 AM

Barratore grimaces and as he swings at the nearest dwarf he continues to insist

Yellow Hammer Dwarf PA non lethal Hit AC 25/28/28/15/41 crit 40 Dmg miss/30/29/miss/crit 31+38 =128 non lethal

"We..WAP..Are here...WAP...to help..WANG!

Spell effects
Freedom of Movement
Haste 9/10
Resist Fire DR 30 vs. fire for 160 minutes.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 1:27:02 PM

Edson waits to see if Tishe takes down the flames before following the others. This whole business of enemies not being enemies is a little off putting. Still Edson gets his flaming bow ready incase this goes south.

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+23=36 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=16 ; d8+10=13 ; 2d6=4 ; d8+5=9 ; d6=5 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+21=32 ; d20+16=24 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+21=37 ; d8+11=12 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday September 20th, 2018 2:03:48 PM

Tishe quickly attempt to dispel the wall of fire but fails to do so leaving it to Velarin who also fails. Tishe’ takes another crack at it with a quickened spell and this tim succeeds. Edson, notes that this was caused by a magic trap that was most likely triggered from inside the room purposefully. {ooc: Use your last roll for that.}

Getting his bearings in the room Sir Royston casts heroism on himself. {ooc: your on the map now.}

With the fire clear Brom charges into the room but cannot quite make it to a target.

Emrys knows he will need to see in the darkness and cast True Seeing on himself.

As the wall of flame vanishes Edson prepares to move down the now dark corridor.

Barratore does have a target and lands several very hard blows bending and denting armor into flesh and rending it in other places. The dwarf is bloody but still standing.

As Brom enters the room those with very sharp ears could hear one of the archers whisper “A human.” as a grin breaks onto his dwarven face. The red archer takes a small step to the side to open a line of shot and lets fly with multiple arrows, first two at once and then one alone, at the barbarian. {Hit: 36/33/16 – Dam: 13+4acid / 9+5acid}

The blue archer shifts slightly as well but does not fire. Instead he touches the dwarf with the earthbreaker and casts protection a quick spell. Spellcraft DC18 Highlight to display spoiler: { Protection from energy. } The dwarf with the earthbreaker smiles “The half man, who do you think wants help? Who? Not a deep thinker are you? We run this mine and you are uninvited! A trespasser? A thief wielding a veil of the right! Tell your case to the lord of the dead when you see him.” He looks at the archer and casts a spell on him. Spellcraft DC20 Highlight to display spoiler: { He cast cats grace on the blue archer. }

The yellow and blue dwarfs wielding warhammers each strike out at Barratore with their weapons. All of their attacks miss even when flanking. {Hit: 38/32/34/26}

The light green dwarf with the warhammer holds back a moment while the other, in red, steps up to attack Brom. +{Hit: 40 – Dam: 12+5acid}

What do you do now?

+ + + + + + + + + +

Earthbreaker - AC 27 - - SR25

Ranged Blue - AC22 - - SR25
Ranged Red - AC22 - - SR25

Warhammer Red – AC27 - HP 19/174 - - SR25
Warhammer Green – AC27 - HP 147/174 - - SR25
Warhammer Blue – AC27 - HP 147/174 - - SR25
Warhammer Yellow – AC27 - HP 147/174 - - SR25

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 2:52:02 PM

V takes a quick peek into the room and steps back out of the way of the ranged fire. He turns to the remaining group. "Looks like there's only 4 Dwarfs. I wouldn't burn many prep spells unless they last a long time. The fighters can probably handle this in relatively short fashion, especially if Edson gets in there with a flanking sneak attack or two. As much as Brom complains that we take all his fun, he would probably appreciate us staying out of his way at the moment. After Edson, heads in, we can probably move in to make sure nothing unexpected happens."

V waits until Edson and Royston move into the room, and then he will follow.

Active effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 7:25:33 PM

Tishe’ feels Velarin’s assessment is accurate, but “Trellus never liked the word ‘probably’ in a fight”.

Still, she’s not really prepared to go in yet and make herself a target, so she casts ‘Extended Fly’ and moves closer to the entrance.
Move to right side of cave entrance, 5’ above floor

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 1. 1. 2. 0. 1

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 39 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 193/211  d20+23=43 ; d20+23=28 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+23=37 ; 2d8+23=28 ; 2d8+23=39 ; 2d8+23=29 ; 2d8+23=28 ; 2d8+23=35 ;
Thursday September 20th, 2018 9:10:19 PM

Barratore's sword, shield armor and a bit of luck ward off each and every attack aimed at him. "Yes to help you daft dirt digger You need it, but don't know it"
Barratore parries another thrust, "You just don't have the will or brains to realize when your taken."

Barratore cleaves across and down, turning his blade just a bit, so as not to slice the dwarf in half
Yellow Dwarf PA non LethalHit AC 43 crit 28 Dmg 28+39

The fighter then brings his weapon up quick and hard to his left, catching the other dwarf in face. A side launch cracks the dwarf again and a third time
Blue Dwarf Hit AC 33/32 crit 23/21/37 Dmg 29/28/miss/35 = 92

Spell effects
Freedom of Movement
Haste 8/10
Resist Fire DR 30 vs. fire for 160 minutes

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 10:54:40 PM

Sir Royston moves up behind Brom (move action) and casts a spell on himself (standard action). "Vahzah nos."

ooc: Cast true strike on myself.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See.  4d6=10 ; 4d6=20 ; 4d6=20 ; 4d6=10 ;
Thursday September 20th, 2018 11:30:19 PM

Emrys moves forward as far as he can go (just behind Edson) and he begins a creepy spell with words of power that sounds of clicks and wet slurpy sounds.

(Casting Creeping Doom. Four Centipede swarms, Space: 10ft square. Damage: 4d6 damage each. Poison: Fort DC: 27; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex damage; cure 1 save. Each swarm has 60hp. They occupy the back of the chamber completely surrounding the boss and the two archers in a 20x20ft square of swarms.)

Suddenly a Creeping Doom of centipede swarms materialize seemingly out of nowhere surrounding the dwarven boss and his archer minions in the back of the chamber. They bite and sting relentlessly. Filling their clothes, faces, mouths still left open from the shock.

(Damage from Swarms: 10, 20, 20, 10. Fort DC 27 vs poison.)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (193/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+30=49 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+11=27 ; 2d6+38=46 ; 2d6+38=44 ;
Thursday September 20th, 2018 11:59:09 PM

Brom burns from the acid and gets mad. They won't like him when he's mad But in the spirit of helping the stubborn dwarves, Brom goes for the weapon in his hands. After sundering the weapon, Brom attempts to smack the dwarf into unconsciousness, but only connects once with his blade.

"Ya got the Woldsblood sickness! Ya dang stubborn dwarves!"

Sunder attack (rage, PA, imp sunder, heroism) AC 49, damage to weapon 46

Non lethal attack (rage PA, non leathal, heroism) AC 22, 19, 27 damage 44 non lethal

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+17=25 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=21 ; d4=1 ; d4=1 ; d4=3 ; 5d6=23 ; 5d6=17 ; d20+25=41 ; 12d6+15=53 ; 2d6+15=22 ;
Friday September 21st, 2018 2:44:44 PM

Back in the entrance room Tishe] prepares herself by casting extended fly and moves closer to the entrance. Velarin steps back so as not to get hit by an arrow and comments that the fighters can probably handle this. He waits and follows Edson and Sir Roystong into the room.

Again claiming they are here to help Barratore knocks one dwarf unconscious and batters the other quite severally. Moving up behind Brom Sir Royston casts true strike on himself.

Yelling to the dwarves that they are sick Brom as he swings attempting to break the dwarf’s warhammer. His swing connects but…. it does not do enough damage to destroy it, only damage it. {broken condition} Hit next two swings connect with the dwarf causing some damage.

Emrys moves into the room and begins casting a spell by asking wet slurpy and clicking noises. Occupying a large area, 20x20, they damage each of the archers and the dwarf with the Earthbreaker. {Saves: 25/19/21 Dex Damage: 1/1/3} See note below.

The dwarf with the earthbreakers stats to speak again “Dummies with a sword. Always thin….. gahhh” [ /b] but is cut off by the appearance of all the centapides. He grunts in pain as he feels his fingers git a little thicker and his muscles grow less agile. With a grunt he moves forward, wading though more bugs, and brings his earthbreaker down at [b] Barratore. {Hit: 41 / Dam: 22}

The red archer yelps ins surprise and pain as he moves to the side out of the swarm. Once free he call upon his holy power to channel negative energy effecting all four swarms. {Damage: 23 DC16 of half} Also reacting poorly to the swarms the blue ranged dwarf steps to the side and likewise channels negative energy effecting the swarms and Barratore. {Damage: 17 DC16 of half}

What do you do?

+ + + + + + + + + +

Earthbreaker - AC 27 - - SR25 – 144/164 -1 Dex – Prot from Energy

Ranged Blue - AC22 – 104/124 - SR25 - -1 Dex – Cats Grace
Ranged Red - AC22 - - SR25 – 114/124 - -3 Dex

Warhammer Red – AC27 - HP 103/174 - - SR25 - -2 on attacks an damage
Warhammer Green – AC27 - HP 147/174 - - SR25
Warhammer Blue – AC27 - HP 55/174 - - SR25
Warhammer Yellow – AC27 - HP 00/174 - - SR25 – Unconscious

{ooc: I took the highest damages of in order. The swarms appear adjacent to each other per the spell. Per core “25 Diminutive creatures or 100 Fine creatures can fit into a single square” they cannot move to pile up once summoned, I am not sure if that was the idea.}

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+34=45 ;
Friday September 21st, 2018 5:55:03 PM

Tishe’ looks at Velarin and says “I’m going in to see if they need assistance.”

The Sorceress casts ‘Invisibility’ on herself and flies in, over the heads of those in the tunnel, and hugs the wall to the right. Her light spell is still on and so looks like a light with no visible source.

Cast Invisibility; 16 min. +40 stealth, +20 if moving.
Move fly 60’ into the cave and to the right
Stealth: 45

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 2. 1. 2. 0. 1

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See.  d20+3=10 ; d20+3=14 ; d20+3=18 ; d20+3=10 ; d20+3=11 ; d20+3=15 ; d20+3=6 ; d20+3=7 ; 4d6=16 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=18 ;
Friday September 21st, 2018 11:03:30 PM

All the swarms take negative energy damage. They all failed their saves, except for once ... but it only makes them more riled and hungry.

Emrys chuckles a bit at the dwarves' misfortune. He spends his time directing the swarms to creep back over on the dwarves with another round of strings, bites and poison. Writhing and undulating waves of centipedes blanket each archer. A third swarm follows the boss dwarf and engulfs him and the blue warrior (but not Barratore). The fourth swarm finds a nice meal in the green warrior. The menacing sounds of crackling, smacking and juicy slurping fills the chamber.

Swarm 1 (20/60) attacks Range Red. 16 damage. Fort Save DC 27 vs poison.
Swarm 2 (20/60) attacks Range Blue. 14 damage. Fort Save DC 27 vs poison.
Swarm 3 (29/60) attacks Boss and WH Blue. 15 damage each. Both Fort Save DC 27 vs. poison.
Swarm 4 (20/60) attacks WH Green. 18 damage. Fort Save DC 27 vs poison.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (193/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+26=30 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+11=12 ; 2d6+38=45 ;
Saturday September 22nd, 2018 12:07:47 AM

"Dummy? Brom no dummy! Brom gonna show ya shorty!"

Brom strikes non-lethal blows again to the dwarf in front of him (I think it is enough to knock the dwarf unconscious) After the dwarf falls, Brom moves over to get closer to the dwarf with the earthbreaker. As me moves he says "Roy, you him." pointing to the green dwarf.

Non Lethal Attacks (rage, PA, NL, Heroism): AC 30; damage 45

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 39 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 163/211  d20+15=35 ; d20+23=24 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+23=33 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+23=30 ; 2d8+23=34 ; 2d8+23=30 ; 2d8+23=30 ; 2d8+23=36 ; 2d8+23=34 ; 2d8+23=31 ;
Saturday September 22nd, 2018 2:43:39 PM

As the dwarf with the Earthbreaker cloese, Barratore sees him at the last moment and slashes out too high.
AoO Non Lethal PA Hit AC 24

The dwarf manages to score a superficial wound across Barratore's thigh. The negative energy that assaults him stings mildly
Will Save 35

The others have now mentioned Woldsblood and some sort of poisoning. Certainly need to try and not kill any of these dwarves then. Brom closes to the north of the earthbreaker wielding dwarf and Barratore steps back and to his right to put the man into a flanking with Brom

Orange Dwarf Non Lethal PA flank Hit AC 43 crit 33/28/30 crit 24/27 crit 8/ 30 Forgot the Flank bonus, All attacks were 2 AC better, but that does not change any outcomes
Dmg 34+30/30/36/...34/31

Barratore again, again, again and again with the dwarf. The dwarf falls hard and Barratore shifts his attention to the dwarf he was working over and blasts him 2 more times

the first 3 shot should drop Orange dwarf. Last 2 shot should drop Blue

Spell effects
Freedom of Movement
Haste 7/10
Resist Fire DR 30 vs. fire for 160 minutes

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  d20+42=44 ; d6+36=40 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6+23=27 ; d6+23=24 ; d8+26=29 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ;
Sunday September 23rd, 2018 11:25:32 PM


Sir Royston takes a step forward (5-foot-step north). In the span of two heartbeats his fingers elongate into claws, his teeth become vicious fangs, and errant sparks of flame erupt from his mouth. He attacks the dwarf in front of him with tooth and claw.

Full attack Red Warhammer

Bite PA w/ true strike
Attack 44
40 damage + 2 fire + 4 holy

Claw 1
Attack 27
29 damage + 1 fire + 4 holy

Claw 2
Attack 24, miss

ooc: Red Warhammer takes 69 damage, 3 fire damage, and 8 holy damage (whatever is applicable).

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday September 24th, 2018 8:33:13 AM

V moves into the entrance tunnel to the room and waits for the Dwarves to rendered unconscious.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+21=30 ; d4+1=2 ; 8d6=38 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+11=21 ; d4+3=7 ; 8d6=31 ;
Monday September 24th, 2018 10:40:49 AM

Edson moves up( 1 space south of red enemy). He heard and seen enough, and springs into action.. flanking with Royston.

Hit ac 30 4 dmg + 38 sneak dmg
Hit ac 27 7dmg +31dmg

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+11=12 ; d20+11=23 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ; d20+12=23 ; d4=1 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+17=32 ; 2d8+10=15 ; 2d6=5 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+16=31 ; d8+11=19 ; d8+11=14 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ;
Monday September 24th, 2018 1:58:42 PM

Tishe’ turns herself invisible and flies into the room looking mostly like a floating light.

Brom dispatches, non-lethally, the dwarf in front of him and moves to help Barratore. For his part Barratore lands blow after blow on the apparent leader of this group of dwarves. Seeing 34+30+30+36 = 130-15=115 adding 4th which takes to exactly zero. His first three blows are not enough to bring the dwarf down but a forth one knocks the dwarf cleanly out. His final blow lands on the blue dwarf with the Warhammer causing him to grunt in pain.

Sir Ryouton takes a step forward as he grows clawans and fangs while errant flames erupt from his mouth. As the dwarf directly in front of him has fallen he moves forward and bites the green Warhammer dwarf. {ooc Brom already laid that guy out so I moved you to the next closest.}

Edson moves up to flank with Sir Royston and attacks, landing two blows on the dwarf. His weapons strike hard and nearly take the dwarf out. {ooc: Think that was more then you could move but giving it to you anyway because I am lazy today and could be wrong..}

As all these blows land Emrys directs his writhing masses of bugs back to their targets. The red archer takes more damage and feels his dexterity leached away. Likewise the blue archer is damaged and loses more agility. The green warrior takes damage and, like the others, takes dexterity damage. {ooc: Wow, bad saves.}

Seeing his commander fall the red archer bolts, out of the bugs, and back up the hallway that you can just make out to the north.

{Perception: 29} The blue archer moves away from the swarm, toward an exit to the east, and with slow movements pulls back an arrow, aiming at this fallen commander. “You will not get him as hostage.” he calls as two arrows fly from his bow and the prone helpless target. {Hit: 21 / Damage: 15+5 acid.} His arrow flies true killing the fallen dwarf.

The green dwarf with the Warhammer also attempts to flee, withdrawing to the north but ending in another swarm of bugs!

The final dwarf takes a small step, into the bugs, and with a sneer tries one more time to attack, this time at Brom. {Hit: 40/31 Dam; 19+6/14+3} Both of his swings connect as he waits to be killed covering the retreat of the others.

+ + + + + + + + + +

Ranged Blue - AC22 – 80/124 - SR25 - -3 Dex – Cats Grace
Ranged Red - AC22 - - SR25 – 98/124 - -5 Dex

Warhammer Red – AC27 - HP 103/174 - - SR25 - -2 on attacks an damage
Warhammer Green – AC27 - HP 23/174 - - SR25 - -1 Dex

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 163/211  d20+27=47 ; d20+27=38 ; 6d8+23=57 ; 2d8+23=28 ;
Monday September 24th, 2018 10:51:08 PM

Barratore deactivates his Haste and turns on the blue archer dwarf. With a growl, he charges and takes a mighty swing

Non Lethal PA Grt Precise Strike Charge Hit AC 47 crit 38 Dmg 57+28

The impact is spectacular

Spell effects
Freedom of Movement
Haste 7/10
Resist Fire DR 30 vs. fire for 160 minutes

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (165/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+26=39 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+11=12 ; 2d6+38=45 ; 2d6+38=43 ;
Monday September 24th, 2018 11:22:58 PM

"Hey can ya get rid of these bugs!" He shouts back to Emrys. "Now don't wanna have ta hurt ya, but seein' ya ain't puttin' yer weapon down..." He says to the dwarf.

Non lethal attacks (rage, pa, NL, heroism): AC 39, 34, 17, 12; damage 45, 43

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20  d20+45=48
Monday September 24th, 2018 11:38:05 PM

Sir Royston circles around the swarm of bugs, not quite making it to the final dwarf. He shouts out a warning to try to stall him. "Halt, you impudent worm! Halt or I swear I will bury your corpse in an elven orchard in a frilly dress!"

ooc: Intimidate 48

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 9:42:50 AM

V Stands by, waiting for the remaining Dwarfs to be taken hostage if possible. As much as V would like to chime in with a spell or two, none were needed, and most of his spells don't have a tendency to leave survivors.

Active effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103  d20+21=34 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+11=14 ; d4+3=4 ; d4+3=6 ; 8d8=32 ; 8d8=35 ;
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 1:03:55 PM

Edson holds from slashing into the dwarf again, not wanting to kill him while it appears everything is in check. HIs weapons are ready if the dwarf continues attacking.

If needed:

Hit ac 34 4 dmg+32 sneak dmg
hit ac 27 6 dmg+35 sneak dmg

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See. 
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 1:06:15 PM

Emrys responds to Brom's request. With a few flourishes of his hand, he parts the waves swarms out of the paths of everyone. After about two minutes they disappear ... returning to their home realm with full bellies.

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 1:48:18 PM

Barratore steps to the blue archer and knocks him out. Using non-lethal force despite the fact that the archer just murdered his commander. Matching Barratore Brom lays out the remaining dwarf with a Warhammer.

Sir Royston circles around the swarm and yells for the final fleeing dwarf to halt. His voice booms. Perception DC30 Highlight to display spoiler: { You think the dwarf peed a little. } but he continues to flee to the north, not getting all that far.

Velarin stands by, waiting to see how many hostages they have. Edson like wise holds his action but keeps his weapons at the ready.

Emrys listens to Brom and with a flourish waves the swarms to harmless locations where they will disappear after a short time.

In the room are several unconscious dwarves and one dead dwarf. The captain has been killed by the arrows of the blue dwarf. One dwarf is almost off the map to the north while the fleeing archer is off down the dark pathway.

What do you do now?

+ + + + + + + + + +

Ranged Blue - AC22 – 00/124 - SR25 - -3 Dex – Unconcious
Ranged Red - AC22 - - SR25 – 98/124 - -5 Dex – Run off map to the north.

Warhammer Blue – AC27 - HP 00/174 - - SR25 - -Unconcious
Warhammer Green – AC27 - HP 00/174 - - SR25 - Unconcious

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 7:28:38 PM

Tishe’ flies after the fleeing dwarf and casts Grease at his feet, hoping it will trip and slow him down enough for easy capture.

Move to north entrance
Cast Grease. Reflex. DC 20 or fall prone. 10x10 square of greasy rock.

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 2. 1. 2. 0. 1

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 163/211  d20+12=32 ;
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 8:38:33 PM

Barratore looks at Royston and then at the fleeing dwarf. The Dragon Disciple had an aura about him all right. Tishe was after the fleeing dwarf and Barratore collects the dwarves that he and Brom had knocked out. He also drags the body of the dead dwarf off to the side and lays him in repose. These folks were not enemies or monsters or evil creatures, they were overcome by the woldsblood running through the ore. That part though, also puzzled him slightly.
"Surely the Woldsblood has been infused in the ore and rock for sometime. What may have triggered this behavior? Could this be an after shock so to speak?"

Barratore has a seat next to the unconscious prisoners and decides to hang out until they can be brought around or the group decides to move on. There was probably not much informatioin that would be forthcoming from them, given the recent battle.

Oh and that reminded him, "Roy, Emrys. We are not trying to kill the dwarves." He stands back up. "No more lethal attacks."

Perception 32

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (165/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 11:20:49 PM

Brom mirrors Barratore's sentiment.

"Is there a spell that can cure 'em of the Woldsblood madness?" He says to Emrys.

"So, what now?" He says. "Wait fer these guys ta wake? Or press on?"

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Tuesday September 25th, 2018 11:41:08 PM

"It is a mercy, Sir Barratore." Sir Royston allows the fleeing dwarf to escape, turning back toward the cavern. "They are infected with madness. Madness that we do not know can be cured. Madness that drives them to murderous actions. To chaos. Who knows what foulness we will find deeper in these mines? What if their madness spreads?" He shakes his head, but makes a conciliatory gesture with his hands. "Rotted flesh must be cut away. I will constrain myself for now, but if these poor souls cannot be healed, then I will grant them mercy."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+28=35 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+24=33 ; d20+24=38 ; d20+24=26 ;
Wednesday September 26th, 2018 8:45:49 AM

"A slight problem with not killing anything.... Being an Evoker, very few of my spells are designed to take prisoners. I will mostly be reduced to following behind, and throwing a minor support spell or two here and there. I think we need to determine what is going on, whether there is an actual madness, whether it can be cured, and what's the actual cause of what is going on here."

"I think we need to have a chat with a survivor. It doesn't seem highly likely that they are going to be willing to talk, but we need answers. I would suggest that we either tie one up, or Brom and Barratore hold one down and then we speed the recovery time with a little healing."

V uses his knowledge to try and remember anything he can regarding a Woldsblood madness or the effects of working in close proximity to it. (know arcane 35, religion, 31, history 33, planes 38, local 26)

Active effects:

Resist energy(fire) (Barratore)
Darkvision(V, Brom, Barratore)
Contingency: Break enchantment activated when affected by mind or body control spells or effects

1st: Protection from evil, Mage armor(extended)-C, endure elements, Magic missileX4, Shield
2nd: InvisibilityX2-CX1, Bulls strengthX2, resist energy-C, Mirror image, See Invisibility
3rd: Fireball, lightning bolt, Haste, Haste, Dispel Magic-C, Fly-C, Fly
4th: Dim Door, Stoneskin, black tentacles, empwr scrch ray, Dim Door, silent Dispel MagicX2
5th: teleportX2, Cone of Cold, empower Lightning bolt, Empower fireballX2, Wall of force
6th: Chain lightningX2, Greater dispel magic, Disintegrate, true seeing
7th: Mage's mansion, Empower cone of cold, Summon Monster 7, Limited wish, Banishment
8th: Polar ray, Maximized cone of cold, empowered chain lightning, Sunburst

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac19 hp 49/71. rituals: Warding, Spiritual Healing, Bless, True See.  d20+18=26 ; d20+22=34 ;
Wednesday September 26th, 2018 11:47:26 AM

"I wasn't trying to kill them either ... I wasn't going to allow the swarms to devour them completely ... just a taste. Mainly to incapacitate and thwart any range or spell attacks."

Emrys considers several things and continues, "A Heal spell cures most of anything ... but some afflictions are so dire that it takes special magiks ... like Miracles or Wishes. I'm uncertain of contaminating effects from prolonged Woldsblood exposure. I touch Woldsblood daily and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me!"

However, he considers what information he knows about the subject. (Knowledge [Planes]: 26. Knowledge [Religion]: 34.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 103/103 
Wednesday September 26th, 2018 12:31:45 PM

"Someone want to wake one of these guys up and start the questioning. I'd do it, but I am not the most tactful when it comes to a situation like this. "

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork  d20+5=11 ; d20+5=15 ;
Wednesday September 26th, 2018 1:54:11 PM

Seeing the dwarf flee Tishe’ flies forward and brings him to a slipper halt by casting grease which drops him prone. {Ref: 11}

Barratore continues the theory that the woldsblood is causing the problems. "Surely the Woldsblood has been infused in the ore and rock for sometime. What may have triggered this behavior? Could this be an after shock so to speak?" He also lets Emrys and Royston know that they are not trying to kill the dwarves.

Brom asks if there is a cure for Woildsblood madness and askes if they should press on or wait for the dwarves to awaken.

Sir Royston responds to the idea of not killint the dwarves. "It is a mercy, Sir Barratore. They are infected with madness. Madness that we do not know can be cured. Madness that drives them to murderous actions. To chaos. Who knows what foulness we will find deeper in these mines? What if their madness spreads? Rotted flesh must be cut away. I will constrain myself for now, but if these poor souls cannot be healed, then I will grant them mercy."

Velarin expresses concerns that not killing will make him somewhat ineffective. He suggests restraining one of them to speed the recovery time. He considers the idea of woldsblood madness but cannot come up with an example of this sort of effect. . It is not ruled out but not in his experience or learning.

Emrys also points out that he was not trying to kill anyone just let his bugs take a taste. He comments on healing and the idea of madness. "A Heal spell cures most of anything ... but some afflictions are so dire that it takes special magiks ... like Miracles or Wishes. I'm uncertain of contaminating effects from prolonged Woldsblood exposure. I touch Woldsblood daily and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me!" Like Velarin he does not come up with anything directly related when he considers the idea. It is not ruled out but not in his experience or learning.

Edson wants to wake someone up for questioning.

The dwarf in the grease struggles to his feet and attempts to run off again but once again falls prone.

What are you doing now?

{ooc: Just as a recap. One dwarf made it out. One is in grease. One is dead. Three are unconscious. There were two other exits from the initial room; west is the mines and east is the fungus.} You do not know what is further north other then probably more dwarves}

Ranged Blue - AC22 – 00/124 - SR25 - -3 Dex – Unconcious
Ranged Red - AC22 - - SR25 – 98/124 - -5 Dex – Run off map to the north.

Warhammer Blue – AC27 - HP 00/174 - - SR25 - -Unconcious
Warhammer Green – AC27 - HP 00/174 - - SR25 – In The Grease
Warhammer Yellow - Unconcious

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (165/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged) 
Wednesday September 26th, 2018 11:28:09 PM

Brom nearly goes off at Royston's comments, but restrains himself. A difficult task. "Think we're gonna have some words when this is done." He says.

Brom moves off to deal with the slippin' and slidin' dwarf.

Sir Royston Scalesworth IV (Tanner) -- HP 169 | AC 27/16/24 | CMD 35 | F+19/R+14/W+20 
Wednesday September 26th, 2018 11:52:07 PM

Sir Royston gives a bow from the waist. "By all means, Sir Brom. After we have dealt with the situation."

He approaches the wriggling dwarf and plants his fists on his hips. "I don't really want grease all over my clothes, dwarf. Stop flailing about, answer our questions, and you have my word you will not be killed."

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 130/130, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday September 27th, 2018 5:19:41 AM

"As far as my knowledge goes, there is no madness associated with close proximity to Woldsblood. It's not necessarily impossible, but I have never heard of such a thing. Therefore, other options should be examined. The most likely being that either something else controls or has affected the Dwarves, or they are just evil. Perhaps a clerical divination would assist in that matter if anyone is able to that. Otherwise, perhaps a detect evil, or a spell to end an outside influence to see if one exists. Once Brom and Royston have gathered our slippery Dwarf, let us see what we can learn through old fashioned interrogation."

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+20=31 ;
Thursday September 27th, 2018 5:28:11 AM

Tishe’ is content to hover nearby as Royston collects the greasy dwarf and takes him to the others. She keeps watch while the poor fellows are questioned by the others.

Perception. 31

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 2. 1. 2. 0. 1

DM Ryan - "The one with the mine door."| Tactical Maps and Artwork 
Thursday September 27th, 2018 2:39:39 PM

Brom looks at Sir Royston "Think we're gonna have some words when this is done." [b] In response [b] Sir Royston agrees but after this situation is dealt with. He then asks that the dwarf stop flailing in the grease. Tishe’ stays near Royston while the others collect the dwarf for questioning.

Velarin lets the others know what he knows about Woldsblood madness and suggests some other methods.

Hearing Velarin the dwarf in the grease stops struggling and speaks. “Right, yous want to talk. Right. Right. Ok. Right. Ok. We can does that. We can does that.” he yells down the passageway “Theys just wants to talk.” and then yells much louder. “ALABASTER!” he looks back at the group “That a code word, I;m sure they heard since Grunth run off to tell them trouble to much fer us.” He swallows laying in the grease and forces a smile to his mouth as he turns his palms up.

What are you doing now?

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 38 (T 17 FF 31), CMD:42; HP: 163/211 
Thursday September 27th, 2018 4:05:21 PM

"Might be an option you start looking into when we are done here V. I was told an aweful lot that 'you need to have a solution that leaves 'em breathing'.

Barratore took a few moments, but he answers Royston. "Just everything you just said is wrong. You don't know it is a Madness and you don't know if we cannot cure it and killing anyone who does not instantly surrender to us because we asked is not a mercy. Until we know" he looks at V, Emrys and Roy, "No killing." hBarratore shakes his head, "I can't believe that Brom myself and Edson have become the voices of restrain and reason."

Barratore looks at he prone dwarf, "Oh see now I am impressed. You have code words and paige boys.
So who'd Grunth prance off to tell. See I'm all keen and such to hunt about the these mines and put folks down one at a time, or in bunches like here. But who'd yer girlfriend run off to tell."

AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD20. HP 129/129. Tishe' (SteveK)  d20+20=38 ;
Thursday September 27th, 2018 8:00:51 PM

Tishe’, visible since her Grease spell, continues to hover and watching the corridors as the others glean information. She nods decisively at Barratorre’s words. “That’s the pattern I see too, the poor dwarfs. The things we don’t know about this situation is so much more than what we do know. We need to tread softly until we know more, and perhaps help everyone. A little mercy now can be a great justice in the future.”
Perception 38

Active Spells and Effect
Endure Elements: 24 hours
Detect Scrying: 24 hours
Light. On her staff
Fly. 32 minutes.

Lvl.... 0.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 3
Used. * 1. 2. 1. 2. 0. 1

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 30 (T 16, FF 30, Raged 28), CMD: 38 (41 Raged); HP: 188 (165/236 raged); DR 4/- (7/- raged)  d20+25=38 ;
Thursday September 27th, 2018 11:39:51 PM

"Alabaster? Why not granite, or onyx, or carbuncle? Ya know yer the only one that's killed anybody." He says to the prone dwarf. "We're just here ta investigate under orders from the Pitchfork Council.[/b]" He says with his sword on his shoulder. "Honestly, I love a good fight as much as a good ale, but you guys are not gettin' me excited. So can we quit the games?"

Perception DC 38

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