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All aboard! (DM BatMark) 
Friday August 24th, 2018 9:51:57 PM

Haemir makes his goodbyes to a not-very-pleased Principal, completes his shopping, and heads to the Nixie Queen. He gets his gear safely aboard, then

Bigby boards cautiously with Wolfgang, and spots the others moving toward the ship as well.

’Lil walks up to the bossy dwarf, and introduces herself. The busy dwarf woman stops her chatter with the other fellow to shake her hand. Maybe not unfriendly, just busy?

Sol follows ‘Lil over to the Captain, and greets others from the party as they move into the area.

Barnaby procures an amazing assortment of oddments, but who knows, maybe they will prove useful after all. Looking around, he spots that cute blue macaw and heads that way.

The female dwarf nods to as ‘Lil and Sol approach, with the others straggling in. "You must be the new hires. I am captain of this expedition." She taps the hammer against her chest in salute. "Signi Harvaldar. You do whatever I tell you and we will get along just nicely."

Signi Harvaldar

The male dwarf closes his book with a smile. "And Signi does whatever I tell her. I am Askel Sturmsen, chief of operations. I lead the spellcasting contingent."

Askel Sturmsen

Signi gives Askel a sideways glance and a small sneer, but holds her tongue. Askel continues, "We will have plenty of time to become acquainted during our journey. For now, get below deck and stow your belongings. We set sail within the hour, weather permitting. Signi, please motivate this lot." He motions dismissively to the dwarves checking the cargo.

"Alright, team! You heard 'im! Get moving! Burn me if we're late in leaving this dock. You! Paitr! What do you think--" She moves off to provide ... individual coaching to one of the workers.

The Nixie Queen is three masted, with one deck above and two below. A quick check reveals the bottom deck is stuffed to the brim with supplies. A small part is set aside for crew, with hammocks and footlockers.

You appear to have approximately one hour until the crow's nest calls Blue Peter. What do you do?

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Saturday August 25th, 2018 4:09:57 PM

Bigby gives a nod to Signi Harvaldar and to Askel Sturmsen. Bigby's wasn't one for receiving commands but he felt he was out of his element to make any sort of retort. We really are on a druid wood boat aren't we. We will have to trust these dwarves won't we Wolfgang, Bigby thought to himself. You have to be practical about these things after all. Bigby and Wolfgang head down below deck to stow away his pack.

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+5=10 ; d20+5=22 ;
Saturday August 25th, 2018 9:29:52 PM

Haemir greets everyone and approaches Wolfgang cautiously, holding his hand out to let the wolf recognise him before scratching him behind the ear. Reaching in his pocket he offers some seeds and nuts out. "I'm sure Fand won't mind sharing" he mutters and smiles at Bigby.

"Good morning Sol. I slept very well thank you. You? That will robably be our best nights sleep for a while. It can take a while to get used to things on a ship".

Stashing his gear below Haemir watches the crew for a while. He wonders if he should offer to help (Sailing: 10), but not seeing any obvious problems he is unsure if they need it. Also hearing orders being barked makes him think again. Two decades of sailing - he contemplates is more than his fair share. There's a difference between being a guest and having orders barked at him. In the end he tells himself assisting the crew is in everyone's best interests and waits for a quiet moment to approach Signi Harvaldar.

"Captain, I have some experience at sea is there anything I can do to help?
(Sailing: 22 - if she tests him or finds him a task).

Fand meanwhile finds a Spar to rest on and prunes herself.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Sunday August 26th, 2018 7:01:16 AM

Sol smiles at Haemir and the others.

"I slept well enough, still I feel that the quantity of ale I drank at the Giggling Ghost was perhaps a miscalculation on my part... I am still feeling a little bit under the weather."

Sol does as he is commanded, he stores his things below decks, and then returns to the deck to speak to Signi.

"Captain, I wish to be of service, how can I help?"

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Sunday August 26th, 2018 4:28:43 PM

'Lil smiles as Signi shakes her hand. She's sure she and Signi are going to get along real well. Askel rubs her the wrong way, but he knows it's wrong to judge someone so quickly.

She knows nothing about sailing, and decides the best way to help is follow the captain's instructions and stow her belongings below deck.

That done, she finds a place along the railing of the top deck that is out of the way, but allows her to watch the activities on the dock below. She strains her eyes for the rest of her new friends, hoping no one's backing out already.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Sunday August 26th, 2018 5:23:29 PM

Wolfgang eyes Haemir carefully looking back at Bigby. Bigby nods. Wolfgang enjoys the nice scratch behind his ear from Haemir and tries the seeds and nuts in Haemir's hands. Wolfgang looks warmly to Haemir and wags his tail in appreciation. Bigby smiles and nods a thanks to Haemir. Bigby states, "we've never been on a boat before. We're a little nervous."

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+2=16 ;
Sunday August 26th, 2018 6:49:49 PM

Haemir returns Bigby's smile. "It'll be fine...".
Hmm, best not tell him the last ship I was on was struck by lightning, capsized in a storm and the crew were all eaten by a massive undead sea monster.
"Yep. Nothing to worry about Bigby" (Bluff: 16)

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11  d20+2=20 ;
Sunday August 26th, 2018 7:06:36 PM

Barnaby approaches the boat and comes on board, saying quick hellos to hai comrades and listening to Askel. When they are done speaking, he approaches.

Barnaby Filius Volant reporting for duty, sir. I hear you are heading the spell casting contingent. I am a wizard, so I suppose that makes me one of yours. I look forward to working with you, and seek any knowledge you may have on the Sargrass or any of the obstacles we may encounter..? . (Diplomacy 18+2=20)

He hopes Askel will be open to speaking with him now or in the near future about his plans.

Aside from that, he finds a place to put his things below deck and rejoins the deck, looking for his crew. He is looking in particular for Wolfgang and Bigby as he has yet to make their personal acquaintance, the wolf’s stature proving somewhat intimidating to the eagle man.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Sunday August 26th, 2018 8:49:25 PM

Having finally shaken off the effects of his drunken night, Ungy listens attentively to Signi and Askel. He quietly scurries, per their orders, downstairs and gets settled.

Ungy looks around, not quite sure why the ship's name is the Nixie Queen, but he's sure that he does not like the sound of it. Not one bit.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Sunday August 26th, 2018 9:11:13 PM

Caelwyn walks swiftly up the gangplank and onto the Nixie Queen. He had acquired all he could easily carry, and having a few gold pieces left over might come in handy. It was time to board.

He walks over and introduces himself briefly to Signi and Askel: “A pleasure to be working with you both. My name is Caelwyn, and if I can be of any assistance on the voyage please let me know.” He then heads below to deposit his gear before returning to the deck.

Standing at the rail, Caelwyn looks out over the endless grass sea before him. He breathes deeply. Maybe here, he thinks. Maybe this will be the place. He turns back to his comrades, glad to see them all assembled here and ready to offer whatever help he can.

Scynir (Amy) HP: 9 - AC/T/FF 17/12/15 -CMD 13 
Sunday August 26th, 2018 10:56:21 PM

After having a rough night of drinking, Scynir realizes that she may need to slow down on the drinking as she almost missed the boat. Scynir walks up onto the boat and nods to Signi and Askel. She says hello to the crew on board and then heads down to put her stuff away. She walks back up and awaits the adventure.

Last chance to see.. (DM BatMark) 
Monday August 27th, 2018 8:22:54 PM

Signi looks Sol over with a smirk at his spindly arms and offer of help, but Askel steps in and says, ”You look like a learned fellow, how about you help the Quartermaster with the accounting of stores?” He directs Sol to a harried looking human with wispy hair sticking up every which way, a pencil behind his ear, and a truly complex looking piece of scroll work.

’Lil returns Signi’s firm handshake, and counts off the boarding party members. Eight, most excellent! And most seem well recovered from last nights entertainment.

Haemir reassures Bigby about the safety of ships, and hopes that Bigby doesn’t remember the tale of woe so recently told in the Giggling Ghost. Maybe all that mead killed those brain cells? Captain Signi is glad to hear of his sailing skills, and even more impressed to see them in action, quickly putting Haemir’s skills to use making the ship ready to get underway.

Bigby appreciates Haemir’s courtesy to Wolfgang, and may get some comfort from his kind words.

Barnaby makes a well received introduction to Askel, who unfortunately is quite busy at the moment. ”Look me up later, young lad, and it would indeed please me to trade knowledge with one such as yourself. Most interesting, yes, yes, most interesting indeed!”

Ungy scurries aboard with his gear, and is silently relieved to not find any actual nixies on board. Unless they have cunning disguises...

Caelwyn gets a polite but curt greeting from the busy expedition leaders as he boards. Captain Harvaldar looks him up and down with what apparently passes for an approving glance and admits, ”Looks like you might be handy in a tough spot, if you are half as hard as you are pretty. Keep your weapons close at hand, the Wold still teems with trouble.”

Scynir gives and gets head nods as she boards with her gear and finds a place, if not a comfortable place, to bunk.

Preparations ready, the Nixie Queen and her five companions push off from the pier, and set sail. You can practically smell the adventure on the wind, despite the other scents wafting from the surrounding docks and water! Looking back at the city, slowly receding as you make your way offshore, the City of Magic is truly a wondrous sight. The mysterious Tecuri Hooks holding up the Bridge, with bustling merchants like little ants scurrying about their business so high above. Closer at hand, Labor Town slowly slides by, yielding eventually to Mudtown, with caravans vying for space as they wait in line of the Front Gate. Even that fades in the distance as the small merchant fleet heads south along the coast. Take a last long look, this may be the last that you see of civilization for some span of years!

What do you do now?

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Monday August 27th, 2018 10:15:51 PM

Caelwyn was no sailor, but had always loved the ocean. He stands at the rail of the ship, looking back for a minute at Hook City. He then turns to face forward, to the horizon and the distant coastline. He closes his eyes, enjoying the feel of the wind on his face, his heart full of hope. He offers a prayer to Domi for protection and guidance on this journey. Whatever they may encounter, he would face it with all the courage he could muster.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 12:43:34 AM

Bigby tries not to think about sailing and focuses upon his teammates. Bigby notices that everyone's here and ready to go. He will be spending a lot of time with these people. He was looking forward to working with them. Bigby was a bit surprised at that last thought.

Bigby saw Barnaby and thought to talk with him. "Ahem...names Bigby." Of course they all know your name at the 'oath' thing. "Well, it's nice to meet another 'whatever' you call us. This is Wolfgang. He's tough but he can be a softie when it comes to friends and family." Bigby motions for Barnaby to scratch Wolfgang behind his ear. "He likes that."

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 12:51:36 PM

'Lil watches Hook City retreat until it's gone completely. It's the first time she's been away from home. She acknowledges the worry and fear she experiences as natural and nothing to be ashamed of. She closes her eyes, takes a few deep breaths, and decides not to let those fears taint what could be the start of something amazing.

She does her best to stay out of the sailors' way, but if anyone's amicable, she'd love to learn. She knows they'll be travelling on a boat made of druid wood across the plains; it would make sense to have a few competent sailors.

She butts in when Bigby announces it's ok to pet his wolf. She wondered about their relationship. Bigby was part wolf. Wolfgang was all wolf. Did that give them a kind of empathy? She wasn't sure if it would be rude to ask, so she doesn't.

...but she absolutely will shower Wolfgang with affection. "Always wanted a dog, but Ma said we couldn't afford all the licenses and fees Hook City makes ya pay to have one." She scratches behind Wolfgang's ears. "Not sayin' your buddy here's a pet, by the way. You twos obviously got some...whats the world...symbiosis? Yea. You gots some real symbiosis. Can't wait to see this guy in a fight."

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 1:50:45 PM

Sol chuckles as he is given a once over.

"That is perhaps a wise course of action Captain, otherwise my erstwhile physique may just get in the way and make things more difficult for those who actually have some strength in their bodies."

He does however make a note of Barnaby's conversation with Askel, and makes a mental note to see if he can swing an invite to that conversation

With that he moves over to the Quartermaster, to offer his services and intellect to help.

During the beginning of the journey, he finds a moment to himself where his services are not required and heads over to the bow, looking out at the City they're leaving, and with a sad smile, he quietly whispers to himself. (Perhaps a DC 15 Perception check to hear)

{Highlight to display spoiler: {"It makes me miss Silveront... how I wish I could return home..."}}

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11  d20+4=18 ;
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 2:50:04 PM

Barnaby is very pleased that Bigby invites him to meet Wolfgang.

"Thank you, Bigby, it is quite nice to meet both of you, as well. Right here did you say?" Barnaby tentatively scratches Wolfgang behind the ear, but gladly moves aside as 'Lil rushes over, and continues to Bigby "You are right, of course, I am a, well, I suppose a 'whatever' is as good a description as any! I'm sure we have much in common, though you appear to descend from a pack whereas I come from a convocation. Still, I would be curious to hear your story, if you were open to telling it. How and why did you come to Hook City? I don't mean to pry, so no hard feelings if that's a story you wish not to share."

As the ship leaves, Barnaby walks to stand next to Sol, just in time to hear his whisper. (Perception = 18). He's unsure how to react, and doesn't want to pry, however, so he says to Sol instead,

[i]"Sol, my friend, do you happen to have any experience with board games?"[/]

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 5:54:37 PM

Haemir busies himself in the rigging. Securing and double checking and generally makes himself useful. Fand watches him in between preening herself. And the two exchange a few comments up in the sails.

The Elf watches the group bonding and smiles ... it's good to see friendships being made.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 7:34:22 PM

Ungy takes in the breeze and stares at the receding harbor. He had spent almost no time at all in the city and wasn't upset about that at all. The open seas were calling.

Anxious to do his last name proud, Ungy starts roaming the ship, eager to find something to help out with.

Hello, my name is...rrraallff... (DM BatMark) 
Tuesday August 28th, 2018 8:31:31 PM

Caelwyn enjoys the wind and spray along the rail, then offers a prayer to Domi for protection and guidance. "You’re going to need it," says a voice in his head. "Or did he imagine it?"

Sol makes himself useful, and appears to have pleased the Quartermaster with his assistance. Once given some free time, he takes a moment to look wistfully at the receding city.

Bigby seems surprised to have started developing a bond with the party already. Striking up a conversation with Barnaby, he turns to Wolfgang as something familiar to talk about.

Barnaby makes friends with Wolfgang before being brushed aside by the party’s alpha female. He deflects the encounter into a deeper conversation with Bigby, then inquires into Sol’d interest in games…

’Lil takes a deep breath of adventure, then shows her dominance by assuming grooming duties. Wolfgang basks a bit in all the attention.

Haemir earns curt praise from the Captain for his work in the rigging. "At least one of you lot is good for something more than counting past his number of fingers."

Ungy looks about for something to do and finds that the crew is excited to have a musician aboard. "Play us a fiddle tune to make the time pass, please sir!"

Scynir looks a bit overwhelmed by all the goings on, and rushes to the rail, just in time to lose her breakfast into the sea. She continues to hug the rail in misery for the next few hours...

The ship continues south, staying in sight of the coast, where the city gives way to farmland, then sage wildlands, getting more jumbled and hilly as you go. Scynir finally seems to catch her breath after what seems like an eternity of retching.

With perfect timing, a halfling emerges from below decks, along with a heavenly scent of baked goods and meat. Well, heavenly to all but Scynir, who takes one whiff and hurries to her bunk, looking green as an orc. "Time for lunch!" the halfling announces.

What say you?

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 6:00:39 AM

Sol smiles at Barnaby’s offer.

“I know a little, I used to play a few when I was younger. Card games as well. Why would you happen to have a Chess Set or something on board with you? Or perhaps a game that we could all...” he is speaking just as Scynir makes it to the side and begins to relieve their sea sickness “... though maybe not Scynir, partake in? It maybe helpful to help us all bond further to our time in the Giggling Ghost?”

When the food comes out, Sol tries anything and everything that he can, if he has not tasted it before he, while eating takes out his notebook and writes in it, things about taste, consistency, flavour, and something odd called “mouth-feel”.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+8=28 ;
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 10:10:40 AM

'Lil's never been on a boat before, so likely doesn't have her sea legs either. She's pretty tough though. She watches the horizon and breathes deep until she gets acclimated.

She sticks out her hand to the cook and introduces herself. It's important to be friendly. As she eats, she looks over at Sol's writing, trying to get a peek. "Whatcha got there? You keep a food journal? You draw little pictures of the food too?" She takes a bite. "Good food, though. All the stories talk about hard tack and weevils being typical boat food. I'm glad they were wrong."

'Lil will tend to Scynir during the trip. She had a hunch other cleric here would be healing them all up plenty, so it seems fair that she gets taken care of as well. She knows a thing or two about mundane healing, but supplies are probably limited here on the ship. She does what she can.

Heal: 28 - nat 20

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 1:27:06 PM

Bigby understands Lil's comment about pet and nods head. It's a good feeling to have a partner by your side. It's strange how we both bonded. Not sure how that happened but I'm just glad it did.
Maybe one day you'll get to experience that as well. Suppose we are all partners in this journey as well"
Bigby felt kind of surprised at his insight and sudden confidence in social skills. Best not to think too much on that and just accept what good happens when it does, he thought.

Bigby responds to Barnaby, "I can't say that I fully understand how I came to be. Honestly, all I know is I wake up with the ability to do things and know things. I admit that seems odd. I was awoken by this guy here Wolfgang. He seemed to take a liking to me. He seemed a bit lost himself from his pack. He had agreed to travel with me to find out more about how I came to be. There's a connection with this 'Sargrass' business. I know it. On another note, I thought it was a good idea to learn more about the world."

Bigby's eyes get wide by the scent of food and Bigby says "excuse me Barnaby and Lil' but this pack needs to eat. Care to join? You have to be practical about eating when you can". Bigby takes some food to eat and gives some food to Wolfgang.

Bigby sees Scynir looking ill and Bigby directs Wolfgang to go comfort Scynir a bit. Who wouldn't like to cuddle up next to a wolf? Bigby tells Wolfgang "sure vomit will come out of your fur. Oh, don't tell me you never had that in your fur before. Yes, I'll wash it out myself if you do get vomit in your fur." Wolfgang seems satisfied and heads down to comfort Scynir.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 5:51:27 PM

Barnaby is very interested by Bigby's story.

"That must have been very disconcerting, indeed! Although for different reasons, I am also searching for how I came to be. Hopefully, we will both find answers out here in the Sargrass together.. I look forward to speaking with you about it more!" he said dipping his head and patting Wolfgang a couple times in an, admittedly awkward, display of affection..

Before the food is brought out, Barnaby says in response to Sol, "...Quite, perhaps not Scynir, poor lady, but yes, I've a few games I brought on board to help whittle away the time, in fact! Not chess, though, that would have been good now you mention it... But it's a mystery game. Assassin? Have you heard of it? Search the castle? Find the king's assassin? Seemed fun, I thought, though I've never played."[/i]

[Ooc: Essentially the game Clue but made for the Wold.]

When the scent of food hits Barnaby's beak, he distractedly says, My that smells good! Perhaps we shall revisit the game idea later on.

He makes his way down and to the halfling says, "And who might I thank for this fine feast, sir?"

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+5=24 ;
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 5:58:02 PM

Feeling recluse Haemir decides to skip dinner and climbs up the mast like a monkey. On his way he secures a few loose knots, (sailing: 24) and relieves the crows nest watch. The sailor is surprised but doesn't take much persuasion for extra time off. Fand lands next to him and the two engage in some discussion for a few minutes.

He glimpses now-&-then at everyone below but despite being back on a ship (his home for nearly three decades) his stomach tightens. His life was in their hands now. Some of them were young, others not so. He had no doubt they were heroes in the making. He just didn't feel like one himself. Being called a hero didn't make him one he reasoned.

"You think too much..." he tells himself.

The two companions watch the churning waves in silence.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 7:50:04 PM

Caelwyn looks with pity at Scynir, sympathizing with her illness. He thinks about going over to tend to her, but sees that ‘Lil and Wolfgang are already doing an excellent job at this. He decides not to crowd her with too many people, and heads toward the food instead. He can check in on her later.

Smiling at the halfling, Caelwyn walks up beside Barnaby: “Indeed, this smells delicious! Who knew we were going to be fed so magnificently on our expedition?”

It's a feast! (DM BatMark) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2018 9:23:47 PM

Sol shows interest in Barnaby’s game, then takes careful notes on the fine dinner produced by the halfling.

’Lil compares notes with Sol, before moving over to comfort Scynir.

Bigby and Barnaby trade stories before Bigby and Wolfgang excuse themselves for dinner. Wolfgang gives some much needed puppy love to Scynir, who is still looking green around the gills despite ‘Lil’s efforts.

Caelwyn and Barnaby compliment the halfling chef, Gyleon Mynge, who beams with pride, before getting a wistful look. With a wild windmilling of his fortunately short arms, he laments, Alas, the fresh food that the good Duke has laid on for us will not last. Then it will be sea rations for the lot of us, I am afraid.

Haemir skips the feast, to take a turn in the crow’s nest. As he watches the churning waves, he thinks he sees something, or was it just a shadow? (Haemir, make a perception check vs DC 15; if you succeed, Highlight to display spoiler: {Ooh, you spot a pod of orcas sporting in the waves, most beautiful but also a bit fearsome.})

Ungy is apparently unwilling to fiddle for the crew, which leaves them a little nonplussed.

As dusk comes, you can see dimly the outline of even more rugged terrain along the coast. The first hints of a chillier wind begin to cut through the evening. Perhaps it would be more comfortable below decks?

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+1=3 ; d20+2=10 ;
Thursday August 30th, 2018 5:14:28 AM

(Both Haemir & Fand fail their perception rolls)
Below deck Haemir sees Scynir still looking somewhat green around the gills.
"Hey, you'll get used it to after a while. Chew this, it will help settle your stomach" he says taking a small lump of ginger from his pocket and breaking some off to pass to Scynir. Noticing the parrots hungry look he reaches in again and feeds her. "Sorry buddy was wrapped up in my own thoughts, here you go".
They head through the ship chewing on nuts and seeds. Reaching his hammock with a well practiced ease he jumps in and angling one of the lanterns begins reading a book. Noticing no one is trying to sleep, every now and then he quietly speaks a word, practising Terran and watches people coming and going about their business.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Thursday August 30th, 2018 7:37:54 AM

Ungy enters just in time to watch Haemir jump into his hammock and pull out a book. Whilst he climbs into a hammock next to Haemir, he reflects on the rugged coast. "I think I might have rescued a fair maiden on that coast once", Ungy says, talking to nobody in particular and also lying through his teeth.

Lost in his own daydream whilst he continues talking about the rescue of the fair maiden on the rugged coast, he hears a loud cry: "LIES!". Ungy swings his head around and sees Scynir staring at him, but not a word comes out of his mouth. It must have been in his thoughts.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Thursday August 30th, 2018 12:46:34 PM

Bigby decides to head down below deck. He doesn't care for the looks of how the weather is looking. Bigby is also looking forward to seeing Wolfgang, who he left in the care of Scynir. Bigby heads over to Wolfgang and scratches behind his ear.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 3:20:17 PM

"Master Barnaby that sounds like very good fun, should you decide to play a game, please, do not hesitate to call me."

Sol smiles at 'Lil's suggestion, and between mouthfuls explains and shows her the book. It is filled with notes on all sorts of things, some diagrams, some that look like they might even be arcane, some that just look like musings, and something that looks like it might be a notation of dreams.

"I enjoy noting things downs." He takes another bite of the food and once he has swallowed speaks again. "It is not so much a food journal as a life journal. I note nearly everything I find of interest down in the book."

He chuckles at her comment about hard tack and worm infested food, and nods his agreement and assent.

As night falls, Sol heads to the bow, to look out over the black ocean and up at the stars. He sits alone, but does not complain if someone comes to speak to him. He stares wistfully out over the ocean, bundling into his own clothes more as it gets cooler, though the cold doesn't seem to bother him too much.

Corbin flies back to him from where ever the bird had been for a while and sits on Sol's shoulder, pressing against his master in a display of affection as Sol takes out a small piece of his provisions to feed to the raven.

Once the moon is fairly high in the sky, and tiredness begins to get the best of Sol, he will head below decks, yawning and stretching as he does.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Thursday August 30th, 2018 6:33:41 PM

'Lil goes to bed.

Ooc: in Atlanta for wife's surgery. Low effort posting rest of the week.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11  d20+3=6 ;
Thursday August 30th, 2018 6:52:26 PM

Barnaby gratefully finishes his meal, and heads below deck to his own hammock. It doesn't take long, what with the swaying of the boat and the quiet conversation, for him to fall fast asleep, waking in the middle of the night when all else has quieted down.

He decides to take a jaunt upstairs to get some fresh air, saying a hello to whomever is about. He looks at the stars and contemplates his ideas. He had had a dream a few nights prior about a moving map, and while the others had described the real and potential danger of mapping the Sargrass, he wanted desperately to discover a way to situate himself. Everything seemed so foreign. Even Bigby, who was the most like himself, was one of the recently changed beastfolk, and Barnaby had spent a good 26 years as himself. Still, he felt somewhat unprepared for this and truth be told, he missed home.

He considered the idea of making a game of it again, but felt that even a game situated on a map of the Sargrass or one in which the landmasses and cities were game pieces, was likely to provoke the ire of his fellows, and possibly speed the moving of the lands. Perhaps I'll ask my companions what they think. They seem forthright folk, he thought. He had intended to ask Sol this afternoon, before the food had come out.

He regarded the stars again, trying to judge where he was in relation to Shadow Mountain, but does not recognize these constellations (Knowledge nature = 6). He wonders if mapping the stars above the Sargrass would hasten the same change as mapping the land and sets it aside as something to consider further.

He decides to stay up and wait for the sunrise, offering help if help is needed.

What happens below decks stays below decks (DM BatMark) 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 9:12:56 PM

Haemir finishes his turn in the crow’s nest and heads below, where he shares some ginger with Scynir, who still isn’t looking well. He then tucks into a good book in his hammock.

Ungy let’s his inner voice out a little bit as he tells some tall tales. Will anyone call him out on it?

Bigby goes below to get out of the weather, and is reunited with Wolfgang, who is happy to see him.

Sol explains his notetaking habit to ‘Lil, then gets some alone time on the chilly deck before heading back below for some shuteye.

’Lil is worn out by taking care of the lady, and turns in himself.

Barnaby gets to sleep early and then rises for a midnight conversation with himself. The night watch is happy to have him to help keep an eye out for threats.

You are awakened in the morning by a sustained clatter in a nearby compartment below decks, accompanied by what must be some cursing in dwarven...although truth be told, the guttural dwarf language often sounds like cursing to the untrained ear, if we’re being honest. After a while, you hear an exasperated harumph, a final-sounding clunk, followed by some footsteps in your direction.

Through a hatchway, a muscular dwarf appears, with smooth brown skin, a bald pate, and bright blue eyes reflecting the lamplight. He looks a mix of cross and sheepish as he mutters, "Just reassemble the boat, he says. It’ll be simple, he says. Tab A, slot B, piece of rumcake, hah!" Noticing the bleary stares of the recently awakened party, he curses again, then stops himself, mustering some patience and more courteous words. " Ach, sorry good folks, my work just wasn’t going so well. How can the Captain expect me to work on such things. Plants or tree bits or wood or whatever you call it, what fickle, inconstant stuff. Now give me some honest iron, and Throri Smeltmaster can show you a thing or two! I don’t suppose any of you know something about lumber or boats or such? I’d be much obliged..."

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Thursday August 30th, 2018 10:31:54 PM

Startled out of sleep, Caelwyn looks over at the dwarf, blinking in the light. “If I can be of help, my friend, I will certainly try. But I suspect that some of my comrades may have greater knowledge in this area?” He glances around at his new companions.

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Friday August 31st, 2018 7:30:41 AM

"Greetings Throri Smeltmaster..." Haemir says sitting up and wiping sleep from his eyes. Focusing on the Dwarf he swings down from his hammock and approaches him.

"Help you say? Well I'm sure we can do that. This lot is an intelligent bunch and if all else fails we have a Druid.". He smiles at Throri whilst gesturing behind him towards the group."Lead on... Sounds like you're trying to put something together?"

Good opportunity for an Unseen Servant? he muses to himself.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11 
Friday August 31st, 2018 10:08:58 AM

Having heard the exclamations, Barnaby approaches Thori Smeltmaster from the deck where he has been helping to keep watch.

"Sir, I'd happily lend a hand if directed to a task," he says, "I have some skill with crafting is that is what is needed?"

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Friday August 31st, 2018 12:07:29 PM

Bigby offers any help with weather detection and with basic direction for the boat. "I suppose I can assist with anything weather or direction related? I can't do much with the wood though. I'm better with animals." Bigby thinks to himself. You know, my kind.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Friday August 31st, 2018 1:55:52 PM

"Nope!" exlaims 'Lil. "But I've got a real big hammer if you need it!" She holds out her hammer as proof.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Friday August 31st, 2018 3:11:20 PM

Ungy jerks up and lets out a yelp at full volume. "Who dares to disturb my sleep?", he gasps. After a look at the dwarf's sheepish demeanor, he drops his concern and listens.

After the dwarf is done, Ungy stretches and jumps out of the hammock. "I'll help you!" he says as he cracks his back.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Friday August 31st, 2018 3:28:15 PM

Sol, still sleeping until the loudest noise semi-rouses him, stumbles from his hammock, falling face first on the floor, grunting as he does so.

Upon hearing dwarven, he responds in kind almost without thinking Highlight to display spoiler: {"Master dwarf, I would be very happy to help..."} before realising that his compatriots may not understand him.

Standing up, and rubbing the sleep from his bleary eyes, he yawns and speaks in common again.

"I can prepare the Mending spell a few times today if you have need of it... it would suffice I suspect to patch holes in the boat if that is required? It may take an hour or so to prepare my spells but that is amongst those in my spellbook."

His half asleep self smiles proudly before splashing his face with some cold water and trying to wake himself up, giving a sleepy nod to anyone one of his party members as he passes them, before preparing his spells and following the to wherever he could be useful.

Flotsam and Jetsom (DM BatMark) 
Friday August 31st, 2018 4:53:51 PM

The party offers a mix of skills, spells, and enthusiasm in response to Throri’s request for assistance. Surprisingly, Sol lets loose with a bit of what sounds like the dwarf’s language, which elicits a smile, as does the quite proper hammer wielded by ’Lil.

”Yes, well, I’m much obliged for your assistance. Please come this way, and I’ll show you this infernal puzzle that the Captain has set before us.” He turns back into the hatchway, and is almost bowled over by two more dwarves emerging from the same hatch. They exclaim, "So sorry Master, but we think we might have figured out one bit...maybe." They see you and pull up short. Throri gruffly thanks them, but then motions to you and his assistants to follow.

He leads you into the next section of the ship, where you see a storeroom. The center of the room has been cleared away, and various planks and other oddments laid out in an attempt to reshape what must be a boat, but one arrayed by someone who has only seen a few in his life. Some of the pieces are damaged or broken, which only makes the pattern even harder to discern.

Throri turns to you with an almost pleading look. "Do you think you can help reassemble this boat?"

(It seems that you must try to discern the correct pattern to reassemble the boat, and then try repair and put it back together. Your characters can try various skills or spells to help out with those tasks. Perhaps appropriate Craft or Profession Skills, Knowledge, the previously mentioned Mending or Unseen Servant spells, Perception, lots of potential options. Barring that, you might make an intelligence or wisdom check to discern or intuit some clues. Just lay out your logic about what you are attempting in your post, and make an appropriate roll, with the usual skill or ability score modifiers. We’ll adjudicate from there.)

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+5=20 ; (INT check) d20+1=6 ; (WIS check)
Friday August 31st, 2018 5:09:01 PM

Sol smiles, and with his Mending Spells prepared, he goes to help.

Looking over the boat he first tries to see a logical pattern that may allow it to be put together (INT check) to see if there is a pattern to the pieces, or if it is like any puzzles he has completed in the past. He has a rather happy smile pasted across his face, as this is exactly the sort of thing he enjoys doing, puzzles and using his magic to help along the way.

Afterwards, he goes to a pair of broken pieces that fit together into one single piece and casts MENDING on them to help the pattern emerge more clearly.

He also tries to see if he can intuit anything else just by looking at it, and if anything leaps out at him. (WIS check)

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Friday August 31st, 2018 11:39:43 PM

'Lil isn't much for puzzles, and knows nothing about boats. She hangs back, watching her new friends. She's curious to see her in action.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+3=7 ; d20+6=19 ;
Saturday September 1st, 2018 11:42:49 AM

Bigby will try to assist Elijah with any knowledge that he can. He's never worked with druid wood, but hey he thought, I mean I am a druid...that has to count for something.

(Wis check=7) Bigby has difficulty understanding how druid wood works but tries to use his nature knowledge to assist again (knowledge nature=19). Bigby makes a suggestion to Sol that he isn't for certain is helpful but he certainly hopes it is.

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+5=9 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=12 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+5=25 ;
Saturday September 1st, 2018 1:53:04 PM

Having heard about these Druid wood Boats but not having seen one before Haemir tries to discern a plan. Firstly he looks at all the wood to see if it is indeed one of these boats.(Prof: Sailing:9). Also Det Magic if needed? Having spent two decades in a library and having an interest in designing ships he thinks about what he can recall reading about them: (Prof: Librarian:10) and looks at it from an Engineering prospective as well: (Prof: Engineering:12). Pondering this (Intelligence check:12) he's all in. He has back up mends if needed and the unseen servant can act as extra help if need be under his direction.

"We may not get this perfect first time around but how about this for a draft plan?" he shows his sketches and listens to any suggestions and will adjust any plan accordingly. He suggests nothing is hammered in place till we're sure. Lastly considering all this he sits down and outlines a final plan of action. Then using unseen servant and any help to hold things in place he tries to get a better idea of how it all lays out. Haemir is in his element Engineering/Sailing or Teaching (they're all +5 take your pic refs) (25 - nat 20)

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11  d4=1 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+3=11 ; d20+3=20 ;
Sunday September 2nd, 2018 11:08:09 AM

Barnaby scans the pieces looking for patterns of breakage that might fit together and casts mending on a couple that appear to fit together, (d4=1 hp), and seems to have some minor effect.

He hears Haemir's suggestion to not nail anything in quite yet, though, and believes it makes good sense so leaves the mending to later. He looks over the rest of the boat, seeing if he can rearrange any of the pieces to their proper location (Perception 15).

He looks over the plans Haemir has drawn, and while he does not fully grasp them (Knowledge engineering = 11), he feels that when the time comes, and everything is rearranged, he will be able to help reconstruct the boat. (Intelligence check = 20)

Waiting til that time, he stands back with Thorin Smeltmaster to ask him some questions,

[i"]Thorin, might I ask, do you know what has happened to the ship to put it in such a state?"[/i]

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Monday September 3rd, 2018 6:59:51 PM

Ungy, having no engineering or shipbuilding skills, climbs back in the hammock and relaxes. He sings a working song, hoping to lift the spirits and disguise his uselessness.

Puzzle, Puzzle, Toil, and Trouble (DM BatMark) 
Monday September 3rd, 2018 9:11:27 PM

Sol and Barnaby immediately make a critical contribution by determining that the boat is flatter-bottomed--and twice as wide--as what the dwarves seemed to be working towards. (Success on the INT check!) A quick calculation, confirmed by a grateful if somewhat embarrassed Throri, reveals that it would not fit through the hatchway if fully constructed, so you’ll need to move it to the main hold. This gives the powerfully built ’Lil a chance to show some muscle if she likes. Ungy is able to help out by singing a sprightly tune that moves things right along.

Bigby Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice something interesting about Haemir’s hat. (Successful Knowledge Nature check) That hat is made of Sargrass! You notice that when Haemir bends over smaller pieces of the boat’s wood, they move slightly, away from his head! This must be druidwood.}

Haemir makes some arcane gestures and mutterings and looks over the boat pieces, frowning in concentration for a few moments. Haemir Highlight to display spoiler: { The pieces of wood all radiate a moderate abjuration aura.} Taking on board Sol’s observations, he looks closer at the pattern of the pieces, and is able to point out that this boat seems to have very few places where metal is used for mechanical benefit. It would appear that the wood pieces assemble like a puzzle, with a few acting as lynchpins for the whole.

Barnaby is also able to mend a few of the pieces. As he handles them, he notices that many have a faint arboreal pattern etched into their surfaces, and that it might be useful to use the pattern to help determine which exactly pieces go where. (Perception success!) In response to his question about the provenance of the boat, Throri asserts, "The Captain says that such things are rare in the extreme outside the Sargrass. The Duke was apparently able to procure this vessel from a museum, at great expense."

Despite this excellent progress, it rapidly becomes clear that this will be a work of many days, even aided by spells. Throri implores you continue to assist as much as you are able, given your obvious talent for this work. Will you do so?

(OOC: Feel free to share the information in your spoilers if you like. I just didn’t want to start making assumptions about your characters’ actions.)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+8=24 ;
Monday September 3rd, 2018 9:49:42 PM

Bigby stares at Haemir's hat for a second and blinks. ahem Haemir, your hat seems to be reacting to the druid wood. I think it's made of Sargrass. I guess that's one way to determining what is druid wood and what isn't."

Bigby will assist where he can. He whistles for Wolfgang (handle animal roll: 24) to assist him carrying pieces to where they need to go to. "Come on Wolfgang we got some work to do. Better to get the work out of the way and we can always rest later. Now if only we had a tune to work to."

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20=10 ; d20=15 ;
Monday September 3rd, 2018 10:12:36 PM

Caelwyn does not have much experience building boats. He offers to help move pieces into the main hold (STR 13) and offers a word of encouragement where appropriate to those working (CHA 19).

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+2=6 ;
Monday September 3rd, 2018 10:18:49 PM

'Lil gives Caelwyn a hand in holding stuff together, but those pieces are heavier than they look! (STR 6)

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20=17 ; d20-2=18 ; d20-2=0 ; d20-2=16 ; d20-2=2 ; d20+5=17 ;
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 3:48:44 AM

Sol watches the others for a moment and decides that despite his lack of strength, it may be worth attempting to help them shift the wood. ((STR Check, -2 modifier))

((OoC please ignore the first flat D20 roll, though Nat 20 on the actual strength roll))

He seems pleasantly surprised when he picks up a piece of wood and actually manages to carry it with ease through to the main hold, he decides to try a few more times, attempting to pick one up but being seemingly completely unable to, he then attempts another which he manages to bring through.

The final piece settles it for him, there are only larger pieces left and he is not anywhere near as strong as his colleagues. He decides to start trying to figure out the best applications for each team member based on what they said he they were capable of, and then tries to get some semblance of order in the proceedings. ((INT Check, +5 modifier))

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+5=18 ;
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 5:59:23 PM

"Ah. Yes you're correct this hat is made of Sargrass Bigby. A lovely lady named Tishe' made it for me, well spotted. Dare I say that was very Eagle-eyed of you." he grins a cheeky grin before continuing, "so I would assume that the druids wood goes towards the bottom. Perhaps the grass and wood repel each other levitating the boat?"

Taking off his hat and grabbing a peace of chalk Professor Haemir easily slips back in to teacher mode. He requests a volunteer and asks them to place the hat near each bit of wood in turn. "All the pieces of wood radiate a moderate abjuration aura so no help there. Perhaps if you could mark the ones that make the hat wriggle with a tick and the ones that don't with a cross. That way we will know which bits probably need to be near the bottom or lower sides." he reasons.

"Thank you for helping carry the wood Caelwyn and Lil." then he spots Sol and even Wolfgang helping and shakes his head... No longer can I hold off using magic. he mutters an Unseen servant spell and directs it to arrange and carry staying close to him. I just don't want to endanger anyone. He thanks everyone for their help. Noting the bards absence but shrugging it off. Perhaps he's feeling ill...

(Engineering:18) he points out the puzzle shapes and thanks Sol for his observations. "It looks like a few bits of wood act as lynchpins for the whole and the rest is held together with brackets of metal and such, a sort of inner group that interlocks and an outer that supports it"

He wipes his hands down his front and breathes a sigh.

"We can do this Throri. Leave it to us" a giant puzzle... have I just died and gone to heaven...?

Winter is Coming... (DM BatMark) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 8:48:38 PM

Bigby announces that Haemir’s hat is made of Sargrass, and seems to repel the druidwood! Haemir reveals that the hat was gifted to him by a lady named ‘Tishe, before thanking the others for their help, casting a spell to hasten the work, and resuming full-on Professor mode. Caelwyn and ’Lil pitch in with willing hands, and the two together are able to manage even the larger pieces of wood with only an occasional catch from one of the dwarves. Sol struggles a bit with the wood, but then suggests a clever pattern of work movements that makes everyone just a little more efficient. Now if you only had more singing from Ungy, then everything would be perfect!

You spend several days on and off, working on the druidwood boat. You can start to see it taking shape, and so far you haven’t had to backtrack and begin again. During breaks from this labor (or dream come true, for Haemir), you are free to move about the ship. When you venture topside, you immediately notice that the weather has grown decidedly chilly, with occasional ice patches appearing on the waves. Looking toward shore, you can see only the tops of mountains, due to the chill mists and fogs shrouding the lower slopes. At night, you only see the stars rarely, when a cold wind blows from the shore out to sea. The danger here is icebergs calving off from glaciers. The Captain announces that this nearby land is the Ice Vein, and calls for assistance from all hands in navigating the hazards.

(Please make a skill check or other contribution to surviving these dangerous waters. Perhaps a Perception check to spot hazards, and Survival check to aid in navigation, a relevant Knowledge check? Feel free to be creative, but please explain how what you are doing might help!)

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11  d4=1 ; d20+4=13 ;
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 8:57:35 PM

Barnaby tries his hand at mending a few more pieces of wood (d4 roll = 1 hp).

And works with the group to put them together. (Perception=13).

(Ooc: second attempt at this post, lost earlier work, sorry it came in late)

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20=17 ;
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 10:05:51 PM

Caelwyn, recognizing the potential danger in the water, dedicates some of his time to watching for icebergs and other obstacles (Perception 19). His keen half-elven eyes scan the turbulent ocean, alert for anything that might pose a danger to the ship.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+9=16 ; d20+7=18 ;
Tuesday September 4th, 2018 11:50:04 PM

Bigby takes note of the shifting weather and makes effort to assist where he can. Perception check for any trouble (16). Bigby will cast light spell if it's dark to assist and can cast know direction if needed. Bigby then makes a survival check to assist in avoiding any natural hazards such as icebergs (18). Bigby does this with Wolfgang at his side. "I know it's scary up here Wolfgang, but we need to help to avoid these icebergs. That would be bad for the boat if we crashed into one."

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 10:23:49 AM

'Lil takes a moment to stop and pray to Domi.

"Hey boss man, We got some nasty weather brewin' down here. I'ma gonna do you proud and do my best to protect folks, but I'd sure appreciate some help if yer able."

That done, she heads up top. She doesn't know how to help navigate or steer the ship. She doesn't have Caelwyn's eyes. What she has are muscles, a pretty smile, and a real good head on her shoulders. She keeps an eye out for any sailors doin' stuff that could be risky. She helps those folk best she's able, even if that's just keeping a hand on them so they can use both of theirs to work.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10   d20=17 ; d20=19 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 10:41:07 AM

Ungy looks out at the coast. He recognizes the landmass (knowledge history check: 22)! History dictates that this area of the seas have known trouble before, but it has known peaceful tides as well. Having conjured up this useless and vague information from his memory banks, Ungy heads back downstairs, thinking he just might do a yodel or two this time (perform sing check: 26).

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+9=11 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 1:39:00 PM

Sol tries to remember if there are any safe paths that may have been mentioned or he picked up in his reading. ((History Check 11)).

However, he does stay up on deck near the bow, trying to keep the cold air our of his clothes by wrapping himself up in extra layers as needed, but whenever someone spots a particularly large piece of ice, or one that is particularly dangerous, he will cast Magic Missile in an attempt to break up the piece or push it out of the way, providing a clear path for the ship.

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+5=9 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 5:46:06 PM

Haemir sends Fand to scout and report on the ships path. (Sailing: 9 to lend a hand)

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = Dancing Lights  d20+4=7 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 6:27:15 PM

Barnaby resolves to help the team through these rough waters, and stands on a side of the ship looking about for possible danger. (Perception = 7). But can't see too well so he casts Dancing lights, creating four torches that he moves around in front of the ship at a distance of 50 feet, hoping it will help reveal any imminent dangers in their path.

Death of the Titanic (DM BatMark) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 8:31:50 PM

The Nixie Queen slides through the icy waters, and even the Captain looks a little tense. Ungy realizes that the red glow in the distant lands is probably cast by the active volcanoes reported to exist within the Jagged Jaw mountains. Either that, or by the great red wyrm who dwells there. As night falls and the mists blow in, it becomes truly chilling, figuratively and literally. Magic light provided by Bigby and Barnaby does help some, as does the scouting by Fand.

Suddenly, Fand squawks, "Hard to port!" just as Caelwyn cries out "Iceberg!" The Captain and pilot respond instantly, and the ship makes a hard turn as an enormous gray shape looms out of the murk. Slowly, too slowly, the ship begins to come around. It is almost enough, but the starboard bow glances off the iceberg, sending a strong shudder down her keel. Caelwyn and Sol, on watch at the bow, are almost knocked overboard to a cold watery doom, but are saved by a quick grab by ’Lil. With a sickening scrape, the ship slides by the iceberg and then is in the clear. Haemir is able to help the crew determine that damage was minimal, but it was close. The Captain swears a dark oath at the near miss, but thanks you all the same for your role in saving the Queen.

Your relief is short lived, however. Off to your starboard side, and a little behind, you hear the sickening crunch of wood splintering, followed by more cracking and wails of distress in Common and Dwarven. You can barely make out flickering lamps through the fog, but as the crunching and screaming continue, the lights seem to drop lower and lower..and then suddenly are snuffed out. Captain Signi swears a great deal more, but grimly carries on. "To turn about would risk even greater losses, and they will not survive these waters long enough for rescue," she declares. You see some of the crew look at one another in dismay, but they keep their low muttering from the Captain’s ears. Everyone is startled when Ungy breaks out into an ill-timed yodel, but then nervous laughter breaks out, as the tension is somewhat relieved by this inappropriate behavior. Even Signi chuckles a little, but calls out, "Look sharp, we’re not out of this yet!"

What more can you do to survive the night?

(OOC: Sol realized before using a spell slot that magic missiles only target creatures, so he was unable to unleash destruction on the incoming iceberg. At least you still have your spell.)

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20=1 ; d20=18 ;
Wednesday September 5th, 2018 9:24:59 PM

Caelwyn thanks 'Lil for her help and sends up a prayer of thanks to Domi. "Please, see us all through this night..." he whispers, as he peers ahead into the fog. There may be more icebergs about. Unfortunately, even his sharp eyes are unable to discern what lies ahead (Perception: Natural 1...).

He holds tightly to a nearby rope, to avoid the possibility of being knocked overboard should another collision occur. "Take heart, friends", he calls to those near him. "Domi has work for us to do - he will see us through this peril!" (CHA 22)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+8=16 ; d20+9=15 ;
Thursday September 6th, 2018 3:06:55 AM

Bigby feels sorrow for the lost shipmates and considers jumping off to help, but then hears the Captains somber words and Bigby thinks to self I need to help who's still here. You have to be realistic about these things. If only he were a stronger druid to help.

Bigby focuses on the task before him and tells Wolfgang to go check on Scynir to make sure she's ok down below (handle animal: 16). Bigby continues to use his light to assist and attempts to plant himself firmly on the boat, all the while looking for more icebergs to avoid (perception: 15) and calling out any warnings that would be appropriate. If the mist becomes a problem with determining north Bigby will cast know direction to assist the captain to determine north.

Death of the Titanic, part two (DM BatMark) 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 6:37:44 AM

(OOC: just to be clear, the sounds you heard were from another ship, lost behind you in the mists. No one from your ship has gone overboard.)

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Thursday September 6th, 2018 9:53:00 AM

Enthused by the lukewarm response to his yodel (he will take whatever he can get. Adoration is so sparse these days), Ungy grins widely and looks over the water, helping Bigby to check for icebergs.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Thursday September 6th, 2018 10:37:21 AM

Everything about her wanted to go save those men, but 'Lil can't think of any way to do that. Someday, if Domi's willing, she'll be strong enough to prevent stuff like this. She prays for their souls, then goes back to work keeping the other folks on-board.

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+1=10 ; d20+1=3 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+5=9 ; d20+5=11 ;
Thursday September 6th, 2018 11:33:54 AM

Haemir runs to the back of the ship and for a second looks like he's about to jump in and try to save the crew ... then as the fog rolls over the flickering lights he realises that they would be long dead before he could even reach them and his shoulders sag in despair. Loosing more people to the sea and so soon - it feels like a part of him tears off and drifts away. "Oh Maab..." is all he can muster as his voice fails him.

He watches in silence grimacing and clenching the rail tighter with each muffled scream. Remaining there for a while even after the silence. Eventually he notices Bigby (Sense motive:10) and realises they had shared similar intentions.

"I know friend... his voice crackles with emotion. "But jumping in wouldn't save anyone. You'd probably die before you reached the wreck and every time you dived underwater to find them - the surface above you would freeze over... Trust me when I say if there was even a slim chance of saving them I would be half way there by now". Gritting his jaw with determination he finally pulls himself away from the edge - patting Bigby on the back as he passes, "The living need us more now Bigby".

He takes the emotion roiling around inside him and uses it to fuel his actions, redoubling his efforts. Climbing the mast he tries to keep a lookout (Perception:3), but his eyes keep misting up with thoughts of the crew. He casts his own Dancing Lights and looks for any gaps between Bigby and Barnaby's lights. Fand also carries on scouting (Perception:10) and Haemir attempts to help as best he can. (Sailing:9 & Survival:11)

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 1:04:36 PM

Sol, surprised by almost being knocked overboard steadies himself, this was not his forte... not even close.

He also hadn't prepared any spells worth the paper they were written on today. Perhaps... though...

He runs below deck to try and find the damage, and use the Mendings he had available to try and repair the damage, hoping that even a small amount of work may help steady them for the night.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none  d20+4=22 ; d20+3=16 ;
Thursday September 6th, 2018 8:00:43 PM

Barnaby is saddened by the loss of the other ship, but continues to keep watch. He racks his brain for any information he may have read about these ice flows (Knowledge nature = 16).

He also will prepare magic missile should another iceberg come into their path. He continues to look ahead, (Perception =22), readying to shoot his spell if the need should arise.

That was close! (DM BatMark) 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 8:36:43 PM

Caelwyn says words of thanks to ‘Lil and prayers to Domi, holds tight to a line, and bucks up everyones’ spirits.

Bigby and Haemir share a moment bonding in grief before accepting the inevitable. Along with ’Lil, they swear to become able to do more next time.

Ungy shows some enthusiasm for the first time in living memory, and perks up enough to help look out for more icebergs, assisted by Barnaby.

Sol is able to help mend the minor damage below decks, plugging some slow leaks and seeps from the collision with the iceberg.

With skill, spells, spirit, and prayers to Domi and Maab, the party manages to survive the night, and by morning the skies have warmed. There is still fog, in fact even thicker than before, and the Captain explains that the coast along this mysterious land is quite treacherous, so he has sailed away from the shore for a while to avoid the hazards. You occasionally see glimpses of the other remaining ships--now only four others accompany you on your journey. Captain Signi dismisses you to go below and get some sleep, and you realize that you have been awake for more than a day and a half now. The tension and adrenaline from the night before have worn off and a deep weariness seeps into your bones. Your spaces in the hold below beckon…

(Please choose a hammock in the top right corner of the main hold (below decks in the general area of squares Q-S, 11-14 on the map of the Nixie Queen.)

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 9:10:23 PM

Haemir bunks down in the bottom right hammock (R14) after feeding Fand. Fand is snoring within seconds.
"We made it..." he says to no one and everyone. Too tired to eat himself he drifts in to a dream he won't remember when he awakes.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Thursday September 6th, 2018 9:33:48 PM

Bigby will curl up with Wolfgang in S14. Bigby acknowledges Haemir's and his shared moment with a comment: "we certainly did Haemir. We worked as a..." Bigby hesitates, but says it anyhow,"as a pack." Bigby then laughs and thinks...but then decides to just say it out loud, "You should laugh every moment you live, for you'll find it decidedly difficult afterward."

Bigby weary lays down with Wolfgang and decides to get some much-needed rest. we made it through another day and that's good enough for me," Bigby thought to himself.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Thursday September 6th, 2018 10:17:06 PM

Caelwyn chooses bunk R12 and settles down. While grieved at the loss of a ship and so many souls, he realizes there was nothing he could have done to save any of them. He offers up another prayer to Domi, thankful that they have made it this far, and focuses his mind to rest.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Friday September 7th, 2018 2:56:27 AM

Sol takes a deep breath before following the instruction to get some rest, his eyelids drooping from tiredness, he heads down and stumbles into hammock S11. However, before he falls asleep, he takes out the book he’s been writing in and writes down the events of the day, desperately resisting sleep until he can get some coherent notes down.

Once he’s finished writing in his book, he looks around at his compatriots, and smiles softly to himself, satisfied and happy with those that are with him. He makes a couple more notes in the margin of his book, but seems to fall asleep before finishing the line that says “These are good people... I lik...” it then trails off as Sol falls into a deep, satisfying sleep.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none 
Friday September 7th, 2018 10:18:21 AM

Barnaby's eyelids are very heavy by the time they make their way below decks, having been up since before dawn of the day before. He greets hammock Q11 quite gratefully. As he lays down he reaches over to his fortune telling card and flips one over, getting the 9 of swords, a man sitting in bed with his hands covering his face. Bad dreams. Sorrow. Barnaby thinks of the lost ship, May their gods greet them and keep them well. He falls fast asleep, with a slight sense of foreboding of things to come.

(ooc: using this free online deck: https://serennu.com/tarot/pick.php?nc=16)

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Friday September 7th, 2018 10:32:43 AM

'Lil beds down in Q12, wanting to be somewhere in the middle of everyone. She sits up cross-legged in the hammock, enjoying the gentle swaying of the boat. It's not long before she's forced to lie back and sleep.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Friday September 7th, 2018 11:21:11 AM

After carefully examining the remaining hammocks, Ungy climbs into R13. None of them will beat a thick, feather bed, but when one is very tired it hardly matters anymore. Ungy falls asleep halfway into the hammock, his right foot still climbing in as his snoring sets in.

Enter the...what are those things? (DM BatMark)  d20+6=26 ; d20+6=7 ;
Friday September 7th, 2018 8:09:58 PM

Bigby and Haemir settle in as a pack, finding comfortable hammocks near the stairway from above decks. Caelwyn says a last prayer to Domi before nodding off. Sol makes a few quick notes on the day before slumber sets in. Barnaby draws an ominous card, the 9 of Swords, which is sure to disturb his sleep, it seems. ’Lil seems more content near the center of the group, and Ungy is soon snoring like a lumberjack.

All in all, you sleep the honest, welcome sleep of those who have seen death and walked away. Near dusk, however, there is a commotion.

(Make a perception check at -10 to be awakened by the ruckus. Those who fail vs DC 7 remain asleep and are surprised. Those who succeed vs DC 7 will act in the upcoming surprise round (move or standard acton only.)

Those who waken can hear the sound of battle on the deck above. More importantly, there are two fish-like humanoid creatures at the base of the stairs, each carrying a wicked looking trident. They are coming your way! Prepare to defend yourselves!

Combat map on the Nixie Queen.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20=13 ;
Friday September 7th, 2018 10:21:51 PM

Caelwyn turns in his sleep, disturbed a bit by the noise from above, but does not awaken, exhausted as he is from their journey (Perception 5).

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20-10=0 ; d20-8=4 ;
Saturday September 8th, 2018 6:10:10 AM

Haemir and Fand don't even stir (Perception: Rubbish)

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Saturday September 8th, 2018 11:37:11 AM

Sol takes a deep breath before following the instruction to get some rest, his eyelids drooping from tiredness, he heads down and stumbles into hammock S11. However, before he falls asleep, he takes out the book he’s been writing in and writes down the events of the day, desperately resisting sleep until he can get some coherent notes down.

Once he’s finished writing in his book, he looks around at his compatriots, and smiles softly to himself, satisfied and happy with those that are with him. He makes a couple more notes in the margin of his book, but seems to fall asleep before finishing the line that says “These are good people... I lik...” it then trails off as Sol falls into a deep, satisfying sleep.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20-9=3 ; d20-4=3 ;
Saturday September 8th, 2018 11:41:49 AM

((OoC: Please ignore previous post, somehow my iPad reposted my response from last night.))

Both Corbin and Elijah continue snoring softly as the attack begins, staying up that little bit later to write in his book was obviously not wise.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+9=18 ; d20+2=22 ;
Saturday September 8th, 2018 11:59:52 AM

(perception bigby is 18-10=8, and wolfgang is 22-10=12). Bigby and Wolfgang reluctantly awaken from the ruckus stirred on the ship. Bigby gets his gear on (armor and spear) and readies for battle. Wolfgang awaits for Bigby to jump on him for the next round to charge. As a free action, both Bigby and Wolfgang make as loud of a wolf howl as they can to awake whoever they can. ""ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Bigby prepares his mind by saying to himself, I'm the big bad wolf little fishies and your my next meal.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20-6=-5 ;
Saturday September 8th, 2018 2:59:13 PM

'Lil is so asleep, even the wolf doesn't wake her...

Perception -5

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10   d20-10=9 ;
Sunday September 9th, 2018 12:39:44 PM

Ungy jerks up and sees the twisted humanoid creatures. "Oh, great." Ungy sarcastically mutters under his breath.

He jumps out of the hammock and readies himself. He came aboard to sing songs and to fulfill his charter... and he is all out of songs...

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none  d20-6=8 ; d20+6=15 ;
Monday September 10th, 2018 10:39:02 AM

Barnaby awakens to the ruckus and senses the danger lurking at the bottom of the stairs. He thinks of casting magic missile, but fears for the ships safety. He whips out of bed approaching silently down the row (Stealth = 15) with his quarterstaff, poking and hissing a free action at 'Lil and Caelwyn as he goes, "Wake, wake! There is mischief afoot."

Something fishy is going on... (DM BatMark)  d20+5=8 ; d20+5=9 ; d8+3=6 ;
Monday September 10th, 2018 8:33:39 PM

Caelwyn, Haemir, Fand, Sol, Corbin, and ’Lil sleep the sleep of the soon-to-be dead. Bigby, Wolfgang, Barnaby, and Ungy, on the other hand, come alert in response to the racket, and see the two menacing fish-men advancing to attack.

(Note that putting on armor properly takes 1-4 minutes, depending on type. Search “donning armor” on the Equipment tab of the PRD CRB for more details. You can don a shield in 1 move action. You can sleep in light armor without penalty, however, so you can have that type of armor on if you like. Drawing a weapon is also a move action, although if your BAB is +1 or better, you can draw a weapon as part of a move.)

The nearest of the attackers closes in on Bigby (5’ step to S15) and takes a hasty attack with his trident. Fortunately, he rushes the thrust and gets a little tangled up in the hammock, so the strike misses! The second steps up near the slumbering Haemir, and lashes out around the cover provided by corner of the bulkhead. He just barely connects, one tine of his trident gouging Haemir for 6 hp of damage.

Bigby, Barnaby, and Wolfgang (and perhaps the wounded and now awake Haemir) raise holy heck, rousing the rest of the party from their dreams or nightmares.

(Bigby, Wolfgang, Barnaby, and Ungy get one action (standard or move) this round. Next round, everyone can act normally. Here’s an updated map showing where everyone one is when your turn begins in the surprise round. You can roll out of your hammock for free. Note that the entryway that the fishmen are approaching through is narrow, so there isn't enough room for everyone to crowd up there and take a swing.)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+2=14 ; d6+1=5 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+7=12 ;
Monday September 10th, 2018 11:45:24 PM

Bigby pats down his body and realizes he's wearing armor. hahaha...silly Bigby...you slept in your armor again didn't you. Well, at least it works to your advantage this time.

Bigby hops onto Wolfgang for a move action (he decides to forget the spear and use his claws when he gets the chance to attack next round) and decides to fight defensively (for the extra 2 to his ac). Wolfgang will take an attack and a trip action (should the attack hit) against the fishy thing that attacked Bigby (14 att roll, 5 damage if hit, and then trip for a 10). Bigby will use his mounted combat to defend for Wolfgang should Wolfgang get attacked (12). Bigby snarls at his adversary and yells "get him, Wolfgang!"

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 6:16:02 AM

Sol, fast asleep up to this point, hears the fight begin, and awakens, looking around bleary eyed and half asleep, he notices the interlopers, but doesn't seem to put two and two together for a moment.

He rubs the sleep from his eyes, looking closer at what is going on before realising that they are under attack, and he climbs out of his hammock and retrieves his staff, still rubbing sleep from his eyes and trying to wake himself up.

HAEMIR - (RICH) HP:2/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 10:17:51 AM

Sighing Haemir rolled on to his side. All was peaceful, the beach was beautiful and the blue sky cloudless. 'Life could not be better...' The heat from the sun was beginning to burn his shoulder but he ignored it as he looked over at her. She was swimming ...

A wolf howled somewhere in the distance but the dull pain in his shoulder distracted him as it grew exponentially. Suddenly he was ripped from the peaceful, light and warm beach to the dark, damp and cold ship, rocking and lurching. The pain now excruciating he cries out in shock. Touching his shoulder he can barely make out details but his fingers are covered in something dark, wet and metallic smelling, he blinks trying to focus. For a brief second both scenes overlap - the dream beach and the the cold reality of the fish creature with its trident. His other arm flailing knocks Fand off the side of the hammock and the Macaw flaps around flustered. He shakes his groggy head and refocuses. Cold reality floods in like a barrel of strong coffee and he realises - he has seconds to do something or he is about to die...

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 3:48:02 PM

'Lil does not like being poked awake. "Aye, you get your bleedin' stick outta my side ya blasted gobermouch." She rubs her eyes awake just in time to see Haemir get poked.

Fun fact about 'Lil: she just loves to hit bad guys with her hammer.

The priest gets a wild look in her eyes with a devilish smile to boot. "Well it's 'bout time I get ta earn my pay. LET'S GET CLOBBERIN'." 'Lil hops down from her hammock and grabs Ramona (her hammer), ready to start smooshing some heads.


Don't forget to update your HP in your headers, folks. You want those of us with healing to know if you're gonna die.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = Ray of Frost  d20+1=10 ; d3=3 ;
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 4:40:00 PM

Barnaby is horrified as he watches the fish creature stab Haemir. He casts Ray of Frost at it, ranged touch attack roll = 10. I if it hits, it causes 3 damage (ooc, I hope I did that right!).

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 5:49:04 PM

Ungy grabs his short bow and loads an arrow, hands quivering with anticipation (move: draw weapon).

Time to go fishing... (DM BatMark)  d20+5=8 ; d20-1=19 ; d20-1=6 ; d4+1=5 ;
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 8:24:33 PM

Bigby leaps atop Wolfgang and directs him to attack. With a sharp snap, Wolfgang’s fangs clang shut, just missing the fishman who leans back in alarm.

Barnaby tries to thread a ray of frost through a wall of companions, but the required caution forces a miss. (OOC: Ayla, for a Ray of Frost, a ranged touch attack, you add your DEX mod of +2, your size bonus of +1, and your BAB, for a total of +3 to hit. In this case, however, you get a whopping -8 penalty for shooting at a target with cover that is also in melee.)

Haemir is shocked from his dreamstate by the violent assault, and is confronted by the reality that he is already severely injured--but not so much so that he can’t send Fand to safety. Sol and Caelwyn more slowly realize what is going on and prepare to join the fight, as does ’Lil with a wild gleam in her eye that almost seems to reflect off Ramona. Ungy, too, is quivering in anticipation of getting into the fight.

The fishman (S1) in front of Bigby continues to press his attack, despite his apparent concern over Wolfgang’s powerful jaws. He pokes at Bigby again, equally ineffectually (to hit = 8), but also opens his maw to reveal a nightmare of fishy fangs. He takes a chomp at Wolfgang that almost catches him by the throat (critical threat, not confirmed), dealing 5 hp to your lupine companion. The other fishman grins wickedly down at Haemir, seeming to enjoy twisting his trident as he pulls it back from Haemir's flesh. He glances towards the back of the party, then withdraws from sight, moving around the corner toward the port side of the ship. You hear screams of alarm from the colonists bunked down in that direction, as well as continued sounds of heavy fighting above decks.

(The map of what you can currently see is here. You now may each take a full round's worth of actions.)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17   2d20+3=19 ; d20+3=7 ; d20+3=10 ; d20+2=17 ; d6+1=2 ; d20+2=4 ; d20+7=22 ;
Tuesday September 11th, 2018 11:45:26 PM

Bigby attempts to claw but misses twice (please disregard the first roll. I did that wrong). Wolfgang takes a bite at the Fishman (17, 2 damage for a bite, trip 4 miss). If he attacks Wolfgang Bigby will use mounted combat for a dodge (22). Bigby thinks to himself, these fish sticks are harder to hit than I thought they'd be...can't seem to get a break...grrr. Bigby yells, "maybe if we flank this guy."

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d8+1=6 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 10:30:54 AM

'Lil starts heading towards the stairs, cursing up a storm all the while. She stops to punch Haemir in the arm, hard. It hurts, but he finds the gashing wound in his side stitches itself up and stops hurting. "Them's the rules, bud. You make me stop beating on things to heal ya, ya get punched."


Move: Q14
Standard: Spontaneously cast CLW (swapping out Prot. from evil). 6 healing to Haemir.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+5=8 ; d6-2=-1 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 1:16:14 PM

Sol, finally clearing the fog of sleep from his mind, realises he hand actually grabbed his weapon, but the pole the hammock was attached to. After realising that he actually hasn't had time to Prepare his spells, and as such is without his Arcane abilities, settles on a slightly unusual course of action, actually trying to physically fight.

This is not something I thought I would have to do...

He immediately grabs his actual staff, and focus his will around it, causing it to fly at the enemy from his hand and attempt strike the fish person.

He then commands Corbin to fly and seek out the other attackers and let Sol know where they are so that Sol and his compatriots can find them and deal with them.


Move Action - Pick up Staff
Standard Action - Use Hands of the Apprentice

Attack roll = 8
Damage roll = 0

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none  d20+4=7 ; d20+4=22 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 5:53:49 PM

Barnaby curses to himself as his ray of frost misses and seeing 'Lil and Bigby handling the two fish creatures at the end of the row, decides that his skills may be better put to use up on deck. Since the way at the end of the row of hammocks is blocked, he decides to jump through the hammocks between R/S 11-12 (Acrobatics = 7) and run up the stairs on his left (assuming this goes to the top deck).

He scans the deck to see where his help might best be put to use. (Perception = 22).

Haemir - (RIch) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d6+1=6 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+1=20 ; d20+1=12 ; d20+1=16 ; d4=4 ; d4=3 ; d4=3 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 6:17:27 PM

Haemir winces at the punch and looks to see who his latest attacker is. As a warmth flows through his shoulders and the wound closes (he misses what Lil says) he rolls off of his hammock (free action) in to row Q grabs his trident (move action) & concentrates looking at the remaining fish creature. His eyes crackle like lightning and a vortex of wind and rain whips around the fish-man. (Ranged touch attack roll:12 - for 5 points of nonlethal damage & -2 penalty to fishy-things attack rolls for 1 round).

"Take him Fand..." he mutters.

Fand who was virtually on top of the fish-thing explodes in to action as a frenzy of feathers (Bite:20 (4 dmg), Talon:12 (3 dmg), Talon:16 (4 dmg) squawking & cursing)

(Standard: Storm Burst 1/6)

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10   d20=5 ; d6=4 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 6:32:27 PM

Ungy pulls back the arrow and shoots at the Fish-man! (attack roll = 5, damage roll = 4. Hope I did that right).

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 7:27:50 PM

Caelwyn, now fully awake, immediately draws his longsword and picks up his shield. Regretting that he has no time to put on his breastplate, he asks Domi for protection and heads into the fray. Seeing his companions dealing with the first sea creature, he turns and heads around to the other side of the below deck area, following the screams of the other passengers. Hopefully he can intercept the monster and kill it before it hurts anyone else...

They went that away... (DM BatMark)  d20+6=9 ; d20=5 ; d20+5=18 ; d20-1=4 ; d8+3=7 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 9:10:52 PM

Bigby flails with his claws, but distracts the fishman long enough for Wolfgang to sink his fangs into the thing (2hp damage to S1).

’Lil moves up and gives Haemir some tough love, courtesy of Domi (6hp of healing).

Haemir takes step clear of the fishman’s reach and lets loose a crack-a-lackin Storm Burst at the thing. Unfortunately, his aim is spoiled by all the flailing of Bigby and Wolfgang, who he has to be careful about hitting. (OOC: Check out the rules for ranged attacks against targets in melee, which is a -4 penalty.) Fand, on the other wing, is a frenzy of feathers, with his bite and one talon digging into the sushi-man (total of 8hp)!

Ungy lines up a shot, but it thunks into the wall, narrowly missing several of his companions (OOC: just for flavor, there is no chance in Pathfinder of accidentally hitting your friends, but you did take the same penalty for shooting into melee. Don’t forget to add +3 from your DEX mod to future ranged attack rolls, such as with your bow!)

Sol staff flies through the air, propelled by his magic, but does not connect with the slippery fishman.

Caelwyn and Barnaby heroically move to the assistance of the colonists. They find that there is a wall between them and the port side of the ship, but they know there is a path up the ladder and across that compartment to the ort side of the ship. They move that way... (OOC: I’m assuming you would choose that path, as it is the only one open to you to achieve your stated aim. Let me know if you disagree.)

The fishman (S1) near Bigby is gravely wounded, but hasn’t given up the fight. In fact, the damage only seems to have made it furious, and it is practically bubbling at the mouth in a fishy frenzy. It strikes at Bigby, but is apparently too angry to swing straight. It’s bubbly bite is no more effective against Wolfgang. This sea creature must carry some sort of curse to be so ineffectual!

Caelwyn and Barnaby seem to have discovered where the other fishman went...he was coming around behind you! Or at least it looks like him, what with the trident covered in what might be Haemir’s blood. You encounter him inside the compartment at the top of the ladder, and he takes a vicious stab at Caelwyn, hitting for 7hp. His bite snaps at thin air, so that’s something to thank Domi for!

(OOC: You may now each take a full round of actions, with the current map here.)

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20+3=4 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 9:55:31 PM

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Caelwyn pulls away from the fish-man's trident. He knows he has taken a fairly serious wound, but there is no time to patch himself up now. He immediately steps forward, swinging his longsword at the creature's head.

(Ooc: Looks like a natural 1 on that attack role...drat)

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17   d20+3=13 ; d20+3=9 ; d20+2=20 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 11:31:34 PM

Come on Wolfgang...don't let Fand have all the fun! Bigby thinks to himself but doesn't say outloud, good thing Fand is here. Can't let Wolfgang know I thought that though.

Bigby goes for two more swings at fish sticks with his claws (13, 9...ooc: assuming those are misses). Bigby's convinced he's really doing a number on the creature and he shouts, he can't take much more of this fury!"

Wolfgang goes for a bite againt fish guy (20

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17   d6+1=5 ; d20+2=8 ; d20+7=24 ;
Wednesday September 12th, 2018 11:35:08 PM

(damage 5). Wolfgang goes for a trip (8). Bigby will use mounted combat to attempt to dodge any attack at Wolfgang (24 for mounted combat dodge). Bigby's glad that Wolfgang is making contact against fish guy and says We're doing it! Bigby's convinced that his attacks are helping this combat.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20-1=12 ; d6=5 ; d20+1=20 ; d20+1=8 ; d20+1=9 ; d4=1 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 5:36:35 AM

Haemir concentrates again and the flurry of wind & rain circles around the fish creature (Ranged touch attack:12 (-4 ranged/+3 Dex) for 5 points of nonlethal damage & -2 penalty to fishy-things attack rolls for 1 round). Then seeing how crowded it is he drops his trident (free) and grabs his cross bow, fumbling for a bolt to load (move)

Fand carries on his swooping attack (20 for 1 point dmg) missing with his other attacks as the wind slightly buffers him.

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10   d20=13 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 9:43:11 AM

Ungy can't believe he missed. "How dare this arrow defy me!" he cries out. Fumbling around, he manages to find another arrow and loads. He eyes the blubbering Fish-man and locks in his aim...

Attack roll = 13+3 -> 16 (I have precision shot so no penalty for shooting into melee).
Damage roll = 5

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20=1 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 10:41:14 AM

'Lil steps aside to try and attack the fishdude, but gets Ramona tangled up in the hammock (nat 1). "Let go'a my hammer, you stupid cot!" she shouts as she frees it.


Move: R14
Standard: Attack - nat 1

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d20+5=15 ; d20-2=4 ; d6-2=-1 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 12:52:34 PM

Sol, cursing his inability to hit his opponent takes a moment to marshall his Will again.

I suppose I shall try again to defeat aid in the defeat of this monstrosity.

Again he holds the staff, it floats slightly between his hands for a moment before flying through the air of it's own accord fo strike the fishy person.


Standard action - Hands of The Apprentice (15 to hit, 0 damage)
Move action - Not used

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none  d4=4 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 8:37:20 PM

Barnaby yells "Get down!" as Caelwyn swings and misses at their opponent, and casts magic missile at the fish man. (d4=4+1=5hp).

Barnaby attempts to climb up the second staircase towards the main deck calling to Caelwyn, "Hurry! We must get out into the open!"

Current prepared spells:
0 level
Mend item
Ray of frost (used).

1st level
magic missile (used).

One down... (DM BatMark)  d20+6=24 d8+4=9
Thursday September 13th, 2018 9:20:36 PM

Caelwyn bolds faces down the fishman in the other compartment, but cannot connect against this slippery foe. Barnaby puts a magic missile into the fishman (for 5hp), causing it to hiss in pain and fury, then Barnaby moves up to the main deck, calling out for the party to move up into the open. Barnaby Highlight to display spoiler: { On deck you see that there has been a great battle, and there are crewmen, colonists, and fishmen dead all over the deck. The Captain is surrounded by a great heap of slain fishmen, and roaring in fury as she swings her hammer about again. Fortunately, it looks like the battle up here has swung in favor of the crew of the Nixie Queen, and the remaining fishmen are beginning to withdraw over the side of the ship into the water.}

Meanwhile, down in the hold, Bigby continues his flailing fury, apparently setting the fishman up for a hard bite from Wolfgang (for 5hp damage.) Haemir also connects with his spell, dealing some nonlethal damage and slowing the thing down, while Fand swoops in for another claw attack that leaves a small trail of blood behind. An arrow from Ungy slams home as well, dealing an additional 5hp. Sol’s staff flies through the air but doesn’t do much, and ’Lil steals a tactic from the fishmen and gets her weapon tangled up in a hammock, but it doesn’t matter as the fishman is simultaneously pummeled, scraped, and skewered into a quivering blob of fishman parts.

The remaining fishman begins to froth at the mouth in anger and skewers Caelwyn again for 9 hp of damage, leaving him unconscious and bleeding on the floor. The party down below hears his cry of pain and the thump of a body hitting the floor, then sees the fishman grinning malevolently down from the top of the ladder...

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17   d20+5=6 ; d20+5=11 ; d2+2=4 ; d20+4=16 ; d6+1=3 ; d20+4=21 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 10:15:03 PM

Bigby and Wolfgang howl in unison and begin their charge against the other fish guy who hurt their pack member. Bigby takes two claw attacks as his primary natural attack with a bonus of charge (6, 11: 4dmg if hit). Wolfgang takes a bite attack with the charge (16: 3 damage, trip: 21cmb). Bigby once again convinced that he's taking this guy down..."get some fishy." Bigby makes a swift mounted combat roll to dodge if Wolfgang is attacked (

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17   d20+7=18 ;
Thursday September 13th, 2018 10:15:49 PM

mounted combat roll is (18).

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17  
Thursday September 13th, 2018 10:31:18 PM

ooc: forgot to mention with the charge ac should be lower for both.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20=14 ; 2d6+2=9 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 10:17:24 AM

'Lil gets her hammer unstuck and follows Bigby up and onto the upper deck. If there's any fishmen what need smackin, she smacks'em.

Move: Head upstairs
Standard: Attack fishdudes - Hit AC 14 for 9 damage

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None  d4+1=4 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 3:32:18 PM

Sol, hearing the thump of Caelwyn's body whips round to see the fishman at the top of the ladder, and he immediately moves away from it. He then begins intoning his magical and arcane might into a simple Magic Missile Spell directly at the fishman.

"We need to help Caelwyn! There are a pair of healing potions in my pack, but I fear I would not make it past this fish creature!"


Move action - Move to S13
Attack action - Magic Missile at S2 (dealing 4 points of damage)

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10   d20+3=7 ; d6=5 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 5:19:37 PM

Ungy spits at the dead fish-man and spins around. He spots the creature at the top of the ladder, inches a step closer and attempts to shoot (attack: 7, damage: 5)

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+1=5 ; d20+1=10 ; d20+1=11 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 5:25:21 PM

Haemir hears Sol's shout to assist and thinks for a second.

He casts Daze at the fish creature he can see. (Will negates (DC:14) - SR: yes). If it's dazed he rushes past it to go to try and save the paladin If it's not he realises he would just be jeopardising the party by making himself another casualty and opts to shoot the creature - loading his crossbow (move action).

Fand flys at the creature (fly: 80') and attacks as many times as possible (highest roll was 11 so I'm assuming all Miss).

Fish Stick Day (DM BatMark)  d20+4=16 ;
Friday September 14th, 2018 10:02:30 PM

Sol moves away, then fires a magic missile at the leering fishman above, striking him for another 5 hp of damage. He shouts for the others to help Caelwyn, if only they can find a way to reach him with the fishman blocking the top of the ladder…

Ungy takes a shot too, but it thunks harmlessly into the bulkhead.

Haemir tries to daze the slimy creature, but it merely blinks slowly for a moment before returning to its menacing antics. (Save = 16 vs DC14) Fand manages to fly up in front of it, but cannot land a blow.

’Lil manages to disentangle Ramona and beats Bigby to the ladder up. With a mighty blow, she smashes the light out of its beady fish eyes, and it drops past her to land with a wet thud on the deck of the hold.

Bigby and Wolfgang hold their charge, with the last foe down, and realize belatedly that the ladder would have prevented a charge anyway. (OOC: Stairs and the like are generally difficult terrain, so prevent a charge unless you have some special ability.)

It is suddenly quiet on the ship, the sounds of battle above and below having faded. There is just a strange, wet sucking sound coming from the compartment up where Caelwyn and Barnaby climbed to meet the fishman looping around behind you. Caelwyn Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a DC12 Con check to stabilize, otherwise lose 1hp as you bleed out.}

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d8+1=5 ; d8+1=5 ;
Saturday September 15th, 2018 10:12:26 AM

Haemir looks around and sees no more creatures and heads off to help Caelwyn. He won't rudely push anyone out of the way, but if left to do it he will lay a hand on Caelwyn and mutter some words. (Cure Light Wounds 5 hp). "Hmmm, I think he needs more... I shall get this one as you helped me Lil. Thank you by the way... I suspect he will still need more anyway." (if we are out of combat now he has one more heal which he'll use as well. (for another 5 HP's) and he will step back and pick up one of the tridents (as he dropped his) he will examine it later, but for now he grimaces at the amount of blood on it (some of which he realises is his own) and brandishing it he moves to check the rest of the ship is clear. Fand flaps to land on his shoulder.

"Is everyone ok?" He calls out.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 14/19 -AC 17   d20+9=11 ;
Saturday September 15th, 2018 10:28:36 AM

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" screams Bigby as he attempts to charge, but then suddenly realizes that he and Wolfgang are simply moving behind Lil due to stairs. hmmm...can't seem to charge up these stairs...say something about Lil...say she can really hit something hard. Bigby and Wolfgang will attempt to go up the stairs and follow Haemir up and past Lil. Bigby will attempt to check for dangers while Haemir heals. Perception roll (11).

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d6=6 ;
Saturday September 15th, 2018 5:11:15 PM

"WOOOOO!" shouts 'Lil as her hammer brains the fishman. "That's what you get for tryna stab folks what don't deserve stabbin'!"

She looks around and realizes combat's done already. "Hey everyone! Come to me if yer hurt!" She'll head over to Caelwyn, wait for any others who need healing, then channel some positive energy. Everyone in range gets healed for 6 HP.

'Lil is pumped. "Our first fight, guys! We should drink tonight to celebrate."

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Saturday September 15th, 2018 5:30:07 PM

Sol, his staff in hand moves over to his pack, taking out the two healing potions, taking them over to both Haemir and Caelwyn.

"Do you think these may be of benefit? I know little of the healing arts but felt that procuring some magical assistance could have been a good idea."

He'll smile weakly as he offers the potions.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Sunday September 16th, 2018 1:54:38 AM

"Very kind Sol... but I think you should save them for now. Caelwyn How are you?"

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14  d20=20 ;
Sunday September 16th, 2018 10:52:57 PM

Caelwyn awakens, coming back to consciousness as the pain from his wounds is greatly lessened. "Thank you, Haemir", he says, as he gets to his feet. He looks around at his companions and down at the fish-monster, shaking his head. "He turned out to be more than I bargained for...I wasn't much help in this first battle, I fear. Except perhaps as a distraction." He chuckles. "Ah well. Excellent work, everyone. I am fine, thanks to you. Come, we should check above decks and make sure that everyone else is alright!"

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Monday September 17th, 2018 10:27:26 AM

Ungy stares at the fish-creature and then looks at his compatriots. "That could've ended a lot worse than it did, no offense Caelwyn."

He starts moving above deck.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none 
Monday September 17th, 2018 5:49:56 PM

Barnaby wakes from his stupor at the sight of the violence on the top deck and realizes Caelwyn has not joined him. He hears the sounds of battle echoing in his ears coming from below, and he rushes down. Seeing Caelwyn injured, he swallows hard, hardly breathing until Caelwyn comes to. He lets out a large sigh of relief.

"Caelwyn, I am so sorry to have left you to battle the fishman alone. Are you alright? Please, by Grandfather Wind, I pledge that where I failed this time, I will not fail again.

Oh Captain, My Captain (DM BatMark) 
Monday September 17th, 2018 8:07:19 PM

Haemir quickly moves to Caelwyn’s side, and bestows sufficient healing to bring him back to the land of the living. This ends the nasty wet sucking sound from his lungs, punctured by the fishman’s trident. Speaking of tridents, the ones dropped by the dying fishmen are of very fine quality, superior to your own.

Bigby follows Haemir up the ladder, looking impressed at the devastation wrought by ‘Lil’s hammer. Bigby and Wolfgang detect no additional threats when they scan around.

For her part, ’Lil exults at your victory, then channels a wave of healing energy over the party. Caelwyn’s wounds fully close, between this and Haemir’s previous ministrations. He wakes with a start, and thanks his newfound friends for their timely assistance.

Sol generously but uncertainly offers up healing potions, but they are no longer needed after ‘Lil and Haemir are done with their own healing powers, so the potions can be saved for another day, as Haemir suggests.

Barnaby returns below, and is relieved to find that Caelwyn has been rescued. He makes and oath to do better next time.

Ungy offers a characteristically quasi-optimistic appraisal of the situation, and begins to head above decks when he is interrupted by the Captain descending the stairs.

Captain Signi makes a tour through the hold, checking on the colonists and ship. She looks on in approval at seeing how thoroughly you dealt with the fishmen who came below. "Well done, taking out these two vile sahuagin who managed to sneak below decks during the fight. It would have been much worse down here had you not stood your ground. Their spoils are yours to keep, as a reward for your efforts." With that, she continues her tour of the ship, leaving you to sort yourselves out as you see fit.

When you search your fallen foes, you find an unexpectedly robust trove of treasure. There are two masterwork tridents, two masterwork heavy crossbows, 40 bolts, and 800gp worth of pearls. These are yours to distribute as you see fit.

(OOC: Congrats on surviving your first combat! Just a small taste of things to come, though… Everyone earns 350 XP, bringing you to a total of 550 XP each. With respect to the treasure, I would appreciate it if someone in the party would volunteer to track the party’s acquisition of treasure, using some sort of shared online spreadsheet or similar tool. That will help us all keep track of what is available, wealth by level, and so forth.)

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Monday September 17th, 2018 9:50:37 PM

Caelwyn smiles at Barnaby: "Fear not, my friend, I am alright. I should have been able to handle a single fish on my own." He turns to look at the sahuagin. "These two are better equipped than I had thought...can anyone make use of their weapons?"

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 12:50:05 AM

Wolfgang feels the healing surge from Lil's channel and is grateful. At the sight of the coast being clear, Bigby and Wolfgang settle down and are a bit relieved to find that everyone in the pack are now ok. "Honestly, I wouldn't know what to do with those things. I'm glad you are well now Caelwyn. It looks like you took a mighty blow from that one. It surely was something that would have taken any of us out."

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 10:54:59 AM

"Those tridents are really pretty, but I don't think I could replace Ramona here." She notices there are fish brains on her hammer. "Eww. Anyway, I doubt there are just two sahuagin out there. Maybe we should set a watch from now on. I'm all pumped up, so I'll take first. I'll wake one a ya up in about two hours."

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 12:48:46 PM

Haemir nods to Caelwyn and helps him up with a hearty pat on the back but he doesn't relax, gripping the trident tightly - it's only when he finally accepts the ship clear that his grip eases and he returns to his hammock and finally examines the weapons: "Wow this is fine work. Better balanced than my own. I'm actually not very good with traditional Elf weapons, tridents, nets and cross bows are about the only weapons I can use. They're both my weapons of choice. However, if anyone else prefers them..."

He listens to Lil's suggestion.
"Sure, why not. I'll take the watch after you Lil. I'm not sure I'm going to sleep after that anyway".
As he checks his hammock he notices his blood and shudders before moving one bunk over for now (from R14 to Q14).
"Ungy know any good bed time stories or songs?"

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 1:09:46 PM

Sol puts the potions back in his pack, partly happy they weren't needed.

"I am not skilled with any weapons beyond my staff I am sorry to say. Though I thank you for the offer."

He climbs back into his hammock.

"A bed time story or a song would be execellent. I am willing to take a third watch if required as well. Though I dare say it may be difficult to rouse me... I am quite a heavy sleeper."

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 3:51:42 PM

Ungy pets his trusty bow and bolts. "I would never replace you guys. You are... my everything..." His passionate interlude is interjected by Haemir.

"Bedtime stories or songs, hmm. Well, I do know this one ballad. It's about how a very brave bard took on treacherous fish creatures and saved the day. I think you'll like it. It's autobiographical. Also, very, very true to what actually happened."

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 8:27:31 PM

Caelwyn encourages Haemir to take one of the tridents and crossbows. "They are your preferred weapons, after all! I suppose I shall take the others for safekeeping, for now, although I don't see myself using them. Unless someone else wants them, of course. We should hold onto the pearls as well, perhaps we can sell them, or they will be useful in the future. Would you all like me keep them safe?"

Hull Mettle Jacket (DM BatMark) 
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 8:33:21 PM

Caelwyn reassures Barnaby, and then takes stock of the sahuagins’ gear. He’s not much interested in them, but offers to keep the loot safe if folks want.

Bigby basks in the healing glow from ‘Lil, and appreciates Caelwyn’s survival more than the loot.

’Lil, ever the practical one, suggests setting watches as she decides to favor Ramona over the tridents, even covered in nasty fishman goo.

Haemir enthuses over these very nice sahuagin weapons, both types of which are right up his alley. He takes some back to hammock to keep him company. Then he asks for a story or song from Ungy, which is actually more disturbing.

Sol carefully repacks his potions, saving them for another day. Not interested in the weapons, he climbs back into his hammock and supports the call for a bedtime story.

Ungy comes up with a whopper of a "fish tale" song that you are pretty sure is fake news. That’s a little less disturbing than when he pets his bow and bolts. Is it your imagination, or can you hear him muttering, "This is my bow. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My bow is my best friend. It is my life. Without me, my bow is useless. Without my bow, I am useless. Before Pantheon, I swear this creed. My bow and myself are defenders of the Sargrass, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but Peace."? Nah, must be your imagination.

After all the excitement, things eventually calm down and you are able to make it through the rest of the night, under the watchful eye of some of your party. What would you like to do in the morning?

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Tuesday September 18th, 2018 11:59:53 PM

Bigby wakes up to meditate on the mysteries of nature and prepares for the day spells air bubble and read weather. Bigby will check out the weather outside and if nothing is amiss he will cast read weather to assist with any future weather issues for the next 48 hours. After that, Bigby will wake up Wolfgang and look for breakfast.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d20+4=11 ; d20+5=19 ;
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 3:16:22 AM

Haemir agrees with Caelwyn looking after the loot and makes a point of loading the heavy crossbow and placing it on the floor next to his hammock before settling down. It takes him a while to get back to sleep, both before and after his watch. In the morning he wakes early and walks around the ship groggily (actually his movements resemble a zombie in his half asleep state) till eventually he realises there is no where he can go far enough away from everyone to ensure refreshing his spells is totally safe, so he settles for the most secluded spot he can find - at the front of the ship on deck.

He meditates and performs his visualisation. In his mind he feels for a crack in the universe - much like feeling along a wall for a secret door. When he finds it he coaxes gently at the edges until he feels the veins or the Wold. The Shadow Realm, Wolds Blood starts to drip and in his mind he catches it (Concentration check:11 Vs DC:11) feeling it metaphorically flow through him his energy refreshes and he is suddenly wide awake and alive. Voices from the crack whisper at him, some promise things others cry out. Never a good place to linger he closes the gap and withdraws mentally stepping back in to his body and opening his eyes to the breeze.

Fand is soaring around and heads off in the direction the ship is going. Scouting perhaps he thinks 'I'm sure she will report anything interesting'. Refreshed and invigorated he enthusiastically helps out with the ship (Sailing:19) climbing the mast and securing a few ropes and whatever tasks Captain Signi needs help with (or whoever is in charge of the deck) he also asks what the plans for the day are before rejoining the others.

"Good morning! he says smiling and almost glowing with energy, he chuckles at the groans as some of the group awake.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 9:51:42 AM

'Lil sleeps in since she had first watch. She throws a nearby cup at Haemir as he wakes. "Shut yer gob, dude. It takes a lotta rest to look this good."

When she does wake, she'll spend time continuing training with any sailors she can sweet-talk into helping her out.

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 1:44:14 PM

Sol rolls out of bed, later than all the others and immediately goes in search of food, and a quiet place to read his spell book. Upon finding something for breakfast, he takes it back to his hammock and begins to prepare his spells (0th Level: Light, Mending x2, 1st Level: Magic Missile, Charm Person, Summon Monster I). Once that is finished he will go above deck and offer his help the captain or anyone else who he feels may need it.

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 8:06:02 PM

Barnaby is grateful and thanks Caelwyn for his graciousness about the fight with the fish folk.

When he lays down in his cot again, he resists the urge to pick another fortune teller's card, unsure he wants to know what the future holds, but ultimately his curiosity gets the better of him and he pulls a card.

He gets card number 5, the Hierophant. Barnaby hasn't studied the occult in depth, he got the deck more for fun than for it's potential use in fortune telling, but he reads this card as meaning that a holy man waits in their path, or possibly a teacher...

He can't keep his eyes open and falls heavily asleep, waking in the morning refreshed.

He comes on deck deciding that it's time to revisit Askel and see what he can learn from the dwarf. He looks for him on board and asks the crew if they know where he can be found.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 8:11:35 PM

While unsettled after being nearly stabbed to death by a fish-man, Caelwyn eventually does drift off to sleep. He awakens thankful to be alive, and determined that he won't be caught unawares so easily in the future. After finding some food, he takes time to offer prayers to Domi in a secluded part of the ship, then stands at the rail watching the water and the horizon. He is continuously on the alert for other dangers.

Rise and Shine! (DM BatMark) 
Wednesday September 19th, 2018 8:49:56 PM

Bigby awakes early, and rises for some early morning meditation. Something must be interfering, however, because he doesn’t get what he was seeking…

(OOC: Remember that only spells in the CRB are valid, unless you have some special permissions or are using one of the special Woldian spells. Here’s a link to a spell list that makes it easy to stay within the CRB. The Woldian spells are on the Woldipedia.)

Haemir also rises early to do a zombie-like shuffle around the decks. He finds a quiet spot for his dangerous morning ritual, which he completes successfully, putting a little color back in his cheeks. Full of vim and vigor, he helps the crew for a while, earning their thanks and praise from Captain Signi, who waves him over to meet another dwarf woman. "Haemir, this is Luri Frostbrand, one of our scouts. Luri, Haemir is one of the ones I told you about, took a sticking but kept on ticking. Mighty glad to have him on board for this expedition." Luri looks you up and down, and comments, "Doesn’t look like much, but probably keeps to the old ways, so that’s alright!"

’Lil sleeps in, despite a few disturbances from Haemir and others. She eventually clambers into the light, and continues to charm the sailors into showing her the ropes.

Caelwyn gets a good night’s rest, mentally recovering from his near death experience at the hands of the sahuagin. In the morning, he joins the others for breakfast before spending some time in quiet communion with Domi. He eventually rises to stand alert for new dangers, but blessedly sees only the rolling waves and Fand sporting with some gulls.

(OOC: Don’t forget to roll a perception check for such things. Nothing to see this time, but you never know...)

Barnaby sleeps heavily, dreaming of men turning into trees and back, walking among the beasts, and other interesting things. Upon waking, he is seized with the urge to find Askel, and promptly does so, finding him talking to yet another dwarf, this one also wearing robes as well as the familiar symbol of Ffloy.

Sol rises last of all, and studies his books over a hearty breakfast prepared by Gyleon. He then heads up to the deck, where he spots Haemir talking to the Captain and another, weather-beaten dwarf woman.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17  
Thursday September 20th, 2018 10:49:50 AM

Bigby looks out into nature expecting to be one with the universe. Bigby waits and waits and waits. Bigby frowns and thinks to himself, I got nothing. Meh, the weather's not my stick anyhow...you have to be practical about these things. Say something about Bigby...say he's not good at determining the weather. Bigby shrugs and moves on with his day.

(OOC: I will double check and use the CRB on spells. I didn't realize there was restriction on spells but that makes sense now and thanks for pointing that out.)

Bigby will see where he can help. Bigby heads over to Haemir with Wolfgang and waits till he's done talking with the captain. "Haemir mind if you teach me some about sailing. Honestly would never see myself being a sailor but then again here we are. Can't beat em, I guess you join em."

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 2:03:53 PM

Sol goes and stands next to Haemir, the captain and the other dwarf woman, waiting a respectful distance away until he is either acknowledged or feels he can add something of value, assuming it tends towards anything arcane in nature.

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13  
Thursday September 20th, 2018 3:17:57 PM

'Lil takes one look at Luri and wants to be her friend. THERE was a woman who didn't take no nonsense. She butts in when Bigby asks about sailin' lessons.

"Yea, I've been tryin' ta learn the ropes myself, but there's so much to it. I didna think it was going to be easy, but there's a lot that can go wrong and a lotta bad that can happen when it does. These sailors are tough cookies." She offers a hand to Luri. "Hi ma'am, I'm 'Lil. Nice to meetcha."

Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 7:53:22 PM

Barnaby approaches Askel and his companion and introduces himself,

”Ah a follower of Floyd, good morning to you, I am Barnaby. And greetings Askel, I am happy to see that you evaded being injured during the battle with the fish folk. Any idea what prompted the attack? I’d be happy to offer my services as may be needed..? I am starved for information, honestly, this whole land is foreign to me. I would be very grateful for anything you could tell me about where we are and the current course of action if you are able?”

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 8:35:30 PM

Caelwyn drifts toward the conversation, listening for any word about what prompted the attack or more information about the creatures which had tried to kill them.

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 8:37:23 PM

'There are so many Old Ways - which one does she mean?' Haemir wonders as he looks up and spots Fand in the distance. Reaching in to his belt he extracts something from his lanyard and puts it to his mouth blowing it. As he does he watches Sol, Wolfgang and Bigby out of the corner of his eye. To the humans & dwarves there is no obvious sound from the whistle but within seconds Fand swoops in and lands in his shoulder. He beckons Bigby and Sol over with a warm smile.

"It's not much of an introduction... 'Hi this is one of the passsengers, yeah the one that got stabbed...'. But hey we survived" he says to the dwarf chuckling. "This is Bigby & Sol, both I suspect follow their own versions of old ways. Sol, Bigby this Luri Frostband. Luri is one of the scouts.". He gestures to blue Macaw - which turns to face the dwarf. "hello" the parrot says.
"This is Fand. Fand, Luri is a scout, perhaps you can assist her?"
Fand almost does a double take on Haemir's shoulder before bowing. Haemir is impressed with her lack of back-chat and gives her a slightly suspicious look before reaching in to his pocket and feeding her some seeds as they chat.
"Which old ways do you follow Luri?"

After the conversation when Bigby mentions teaching him about sailing he breaks in to a big smile.
"You know I was thinking the same thing. The fact is we are all going to need to know something about it - especially if we end up sailing the boat we spent a few days putting together. That could very well end up our main mode of transport and .. well I am going to need to sleep sometime. I was thinking that maybe I could run a class later on? Rather than repeat myself, perhaps everyone who wants to learn can attend?" He pauses for a second and then shakes his head "Sorry, you'll have to forgive me, it's the pragmatic Professor in me rearing its head" he gives Bigby and Barnaby a shrug followed by a cheeky smile.

DM Tanner 
Thursday September 20th, 2018 11:22:31 PM

ooc: Hello, players!

The morning is peaceful as your party engages in light banter with the crew. They appear to be competent, pleasant company, and lift your spirits regarding the potential success of this endeavor. You will not be alone in attempting to tame the Sargrass Plains, and will be joined by dedicated professionals. Quiet a relief! The sweet salt-air and the rhythmic swaying of the ocean waves only adds to your feeling of centered calm.

A shout emerges from below deck. Several male dwarven voices arguing, muffled by the thick wooden timbers of the main deck. It is coming from the crew quarters. Askel Sturmsen gives a worried look to Signi Harvaldar, who nods and quickly hustles toward the stairs. She is only out of sight for a few seconds before more shouting is heard, this time quiet clear.

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"It is Melin, Signi! Melin! He's been stealing!"}

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"No, I haven't! You elf-loving liar!"}

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"Call me a liar, huh, you shale-livered piece of dross? Things have been disappearing for days and you've been saying it's rats! But I saw you hide my silver weed-pipe under your bed!"}

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"Lies! Lies, all of it, Signi!"}

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"Shut your flaming gobs before I put my bloody fist down your throats!" Signi roars. "Melin... flip your bed."}

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"... I don't have to. You don't have anything on me, and it's my property!"}

DWARVEN Highlight to display spoiler: {"This isn't a dwarfhold, Melin. It's a ship, and I'm the law, and I don't give a flaming bucket of piss what you think. Now flip your bed!"}

You hear sudden pop, followed by shouts and tumbling. You hear what appears to be the sound of a bed being slipped over. Several seconds of silence pass before the thumping of Signi's boots march methodically across the crew deck and up the stairs to the main deck. She is dragging a dwarf sailor by the collar. He is not quite unconscious, but is bleeding profusely from a laceration above his right eyebrow and looks to have a concussion.

Askel Sturmsen puts his fists on his hips. "What is the meaning of this!?"

Signi Harvaldar drops the sailor on the deck. "Melin, sir. He's been caught stealing from the crew. I demanded to search his belongings, and he struck me."

Askel raises an eyebrow. "He struck you?"

Signi flares her nostrils and stares daggers at the dwarf lying on the deck. "He.... surprised me."

Askel shakes his head in disappointment. "This is intolerable. Unworthy, dishonorable, and intolerable. Stealing from crew? Striking an officer? The penalty for that is... is..." He reaches into an inside pocket of his vest and produces a small booklet. He flips through a few pages before stopping his finger at an entry. "Keelhauling! Melin is to be tied securely to a rope passed under the bow of the ship, and pulled underneath from the other side." He closes the book and places it back in the vest pocket. "Perhaps some razor-sharp barnacles across his backside will teach him honor!"

Askel looks at Haemir. "Haemir, please fetch some rope. You should know the right knots to tie."

Ungy (Jort) - 10/10 HP - AC 13/13/10 - CMD 10  
Friday September 21st, 2018 10:22:03 AM

Ungy, unfazed at the disturbance of a tranquil morning, looks after Haemir as he takes his leave to go find a rope.

He turns to Askel. "A rope and barnacles. Is that really necessary? Seems a bit harsh to me." Realizing he probably spoke out of turn, Ungy takes a step backward and lets the others carry on this social awkwardness.

BigbyWolf ( Michael) 10/10 HP - AC/T/FF: 16 /13 /14 - CMD 13 -Animal Companion: HP: 19/19 -AC 17   d20+2=3 ;
Friday September 21st, 2018 11:22:33 AM

ahem...I'm not one to question your judgment captain sir. I'm not one usually to question anyones judgment for that matter. After all we are all just merely guests on your mighty ship. But it seems to me that we may need...how do you say...all hands on deck for this adventure. We have had many troubles so far...and I'm certain many more to come. Perhaps this punishment may not be practical. We've lost members due to the fishmen. We've seen boats and crew crash before that. Should we lose one man which most certainly could happen I would think as he would be underwater, plus getting wounds, plus perhaps getting sick...well I'm guessing we need every man...er and woman (looks at Askel and realizes his mistake in gender descriptions). Well, just a suggestion...maybe he could go to the brig? And maybe he will change his ways. And we wouldn't have lost another party member who we will desperately need. I'm only thinking practically. I'm guessing we will not get reinforcements for this excursions. Of course this is only a suggestion."

Bigby shifts a bit and feels a bit awkward having done so much talking and knowing full well he's risking upsetting the captain. He rubs Wolfgangs ear for some comfort for his anxiety. say something about Bigby, face some fishmen in a fight for your life he is at ease, but have him do diplomacy and he is not comfortable.

(ooc: of course I'd roll a 1 after saying all of that).

ELIJAH "SOL" SOLOMON (DANIEL) HP: 6 AC/T/FF:11/11/10 Active Spells: None 
Friday September 21st, 2018 1:07:18 PM

((OoC: Please ignore my previous post, as somehow I double posted again from my phone))

Sol watches the unfolding scene with a sort of odd horrified fascination.

"What on the Wold is Keelhauling? Surely he will drown?"

Sol looks to someone for an ansswer before thinking for a moment. He moves over to Signi, and speaks quietly to her.

"Forgive if this is rude or presumptuous, I do not mean to be, though is it not possible he was framed? Is it not his word against the other sailor's?"

'Lil - (Carl) - 13/13 HP - AC 17/11/16 - CMD 13   d20+8=19 ;
Friday September 21st, 2018 2:56:48 PM

My word, these new friends of hers needed some diplomacy lessons.

"Woah guys, stand down. Last thing these folks need on top of'a thief is a lesson on maritime law by a couple'a greenhorns like us. The cap's a fair man who's no doubt dealt with this kinda thing before. Surely he's thought of checking under the bed im'self or havin' someone else do it."

She turns to Askel and shrugs her shoulders. "Adventuers, right? If We can help, we're at yer service." She does a little curtsy.

Diplomacy: 19

Haemir - (Rich) HP:8/8 - AC/T/FF:15/13/12 - COMPANION: HP:18/18 AC:17  d100=67 ; d20+1=16 ; d20+2=4 ; d20+5=22 ; d20+2=13 ;
Friday September 21st, 2018 5:23:06 PM

As the arguement below deck kicks off Haemir mumbles (Casts: Comprehend Languages - Arcane fail: 67%) & listens in. As Signi drags Melin up and dumps him on the deck he studies her for evidence of his assault (Perception: 16) and whispers to Fand "Where was she hit Fand?" Fand shifts around a bit on his shoulder (Perception:2) and shrugs.

He purses his lips and moves to grab a rope. 'I hate this but rules are rules' he thinks as he slowly unravels it running the conversation over in his head. As he does he listens to Bigby's argument and answers Sol.
"Keelhauling is when someone is tied to a rope that's passed under the ship. The rope is then pulled and they are dragged under the ship's keel, along the bottom from one side to the other. Sometimes, if there's a lot of sharp stuff stuck or growing on the keel it can be fatal".

As Haemir prepares the rope (Sailing: 22) he listens to everyone's suggestions and thinks for a moment before stepping closer to Askel and Signi and keeping his voice low. "Sir, something's bothering me about this. Would you object to me asking a couple of questions? Before I had the honour of traveling on your ship I was a professor and you'd be surprised how often kids would plant crap on each other to get them in to trouble. It's the oldest trick in the book. I admit Melin was very defensive about anyone searching his bed and that looks bad by itself. So, he may - or may not be guilty of theft. But the assault is a different subject. Is there any possibility that the assault was not him...?" he asks Signi gesturing towards Melin. "I mean you said he surprised you - so was it from behind? The reason I ask is because if you were facing him and he assaulted you - you could say it was him without any doubt and striking an officer is sufficient for a good keelhauling. In that sense weather he committed theft or not becomes irrelevant" He lets that sink in for a beat then continues:
"If you are not sure where there any other witnesses other than his accuser to the assault? I'm not saying you weren't assaulted but I have seen kids throw things at teachers to get other kids in trouble and the sad thing is it usually works. Anyway, I'm sorry. I hope my actions so far have shown you I mean well. I'm just concerned that both Melin and your good self..." he says gesturing to Signi "aren't being played for the fool by someone. Forgive me if I have overetspped my mark".


Barnaby Filius Volant - (Ayla) - 7/7 HP - AC 14/12/14 - CMD 11, Active Spells = none 
Friday September 21st, 2018 7:00:57 PM

Barnaby becomes downcast as his attempt to talk to Askel is ended by yet another interruption, but he listens to the argument unfold, feeling his stomach drop.

He watches as Signi brings the accused on board and resists the urge to involve himself.

Remember, you are here to observe, Barnaby, he thinks, Not play detective.

However, somewhat encouraged by Haemir, Sol, and Bigby, he can't help but saying aloud to no one in particular.

"Ah, is it not commonplace, then, to have a trial aboard a ship when there has been a crime? Surely, it is not regular practice to convict on conjecture alone? He looks around innocently seeing if anyone will answer his question.

Damn, damn, he thinks, this non-interference directive is proving more challenging than I thought it would be... but surely this is a harsh punishment for such a crime? How can I just stand by.

Caelwyn Alterius - (Casey) - 13/13 HP - AC 19/10/19 - CMD 14 
Friday September 21st, 2018 8:10:06 PM

Caelwyn backs up 'Lil: "She is right, my friends - should we truly be questioning the captain's judgement in such a situation?" He looks down at the bleeding dwarf. "Has he said anything, before or after he struck you?"

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