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Stohp (Mitch) HP: 22/45hp AC: 19/13/15 (Poisoned: 16/10/15) CMB: +9 (Poisoned, 6) (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Thursday June 28th, 2018 9:20:30 PM

Stohp barely even registers the Sar's death. She's to busy staring at her distance corpse and her comrades crying over it. It's a very weird experience.

DM MikeK - messenger of the gods 
Thursday June 28th, 2018 9:53:48 PM

As you see and hear the three new Immortal Powers of the Sargrass, a mist rises from the Plains and forms into a light grey cloud over the three newborn immortals at the center of your circle. In the rising mists you see the avatars of gods ... a great silver dragon ... a greater gold dragon ... an all-seeing eye ... a waxing moon ... a blue-eyed dove ... and others besides.

But, as impressive as a circle of gods may be, the emotion of Stohp's death is too much to ignore. The Shields slowly circle their fallen companion.

"Oh hello!"
You jump in alarm as you are greeted by a small fellow who appears in the middle of your group!
He is a funny-looking thing, with a body shaped kind of like a strawberry, but with long spindly arms and short spindly legs. He has mud on his feet -- red glowing mud, though the redness fades away after just a moment. Something about him seems a little bit infernal ... the tiny horns? The scaly skin? Something. But surely no evil demon could sport such an honestly happy grin!

Know Planes or Religion DC14: Highlight to display spoiler: { You deduce that this is Gimp, messenger of Gargul! }

"Well, now! Nicely done! NICELY done, indeed," the happy outsider declares. "While you all distracted that crazy Sarr, the gods have set things to right and anchored the Plains right where they belong. Good job."

The funny fellow walks over to the unconscious Bartomus.
"What's this? Slacking off? Lying down on the job? We can't have that!" He touches Bartomus with a thin, twisted finger, and the taur is fully healed.

Then, he turns, tilts his head, and regards the two halves of Stohp.
"You too. I mean, look at you! You're just falling apart on me!"
Again, he touches Stohp... and raises her from the dead!
Stohp feels a tug, and is yanked back down to her body, where she awakens fully healed.

"Oh, and you," he declares to the elf guy, "many thanks, nice seein ya here, but we're done now. You can go."
With a dismissive wave of the short guy's hand, elf guy disappears.

There is some kind of sound from the convocation of gods, and the he looks back at them guiltily.
Turning back to you, he murmurs, "right, speech stuff."

The short guy glances down at his hands, assumes a regal bearing, and then says formally,
"The blood of the Wold has returned where it belongs. The infection called the Bloodgrass is beaten back and tamed. The Plains, preserved by the power of the Fey Queen, are returned and tied into the Wold as they should be. And now life will spring anew throughout this land. You who have responded to the call of the gods, you have earned a place in the history of the Wold, and you have the gratitude of the gods."

The goofy devil bows and tips an invisible hat to you. He grins again.

"Formalities over. You got questions, ask 'em. You wanna kvetch, I'm all ears. And if we're done, then it's time to send you home."

If you are looking toward the center of the circle, you see the three new Powers merging with the mist and joining the gods.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  
Thursday June 28th, 2018 11:31:55 PM

Darkness - all darkness. Yet there was a voice, sounds, like that distant rumble of storm as it passed. The peace of the darkness was a draw. In the far off a shimmering green light. A faint music reached out to him from the darkness and he felt himself drawn to it and the light.

Then something red flashed across everything. The music ended with a sharp note, like someone had pulled the instrument away from the musician mid movement. He found himself watching the redness grow in intensity. He shifted direction and followed the red. Then there was a tingle that grew in tandem with red light that soon was so bright as it came right in front him. "WE CANT HAVE THAT."

He slowly opened his eyes. He looked about and there was a short, bright red devil like thing. He took a second and listened to the thing talk about gods being grateful. As he listened, he felt and it seemed like he felt good. He sat up and listened to the talking red voice.

"I can say thank you, and yea, thank you.' He pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around his knees. He took in everything about him. They had been hit hard and while he felt good, the others were breathing heavy and a few were standing about Stohp with looks of bewilderment and shock on their faces. In the far off, there was a mist with new symbols rising to join others and one he knew. One he recognized and in his mind he gave a simple note of thanks to Lord of the Fey, Eberyon.

"Do they have names? " He nodded towards the center and looked back at the avatar among them.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:36/40 CMD:15] 
Friday June 29th, 2018 11:53:40 AM

Dorbin openly gasps when Gimp appears and quickly raises the dead without any effort. Still flying, he assumes the position of sitting in the air and grabs his leather-bound book once again. He is looking around the battlefield, looking at the new gods, looking at Gimp, looking at the healed and writing furiously.

Stock (JonM) HP: 40/65; AC: 21/14/18; CMB: 11; CMD: 23 
Friday June 29th, 2018 12:51:07 PM

Stock is immediately intensely suspicious when the devil appears...but he is simply too tired to interpose himself between it and the bodies of his friends. And then they are healed.

"By the bearded halls of my ancestors...I've never...Who are you? What is happening? And who were those elf guys?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 61/67 AC: 23(25 vs evil, 28 vs Nessian) T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20   d20+5=7 ;
Friday June 29th, 2018 5:53:39 PM

Zanderallen barely even notices as the creature moves among them. He has no idea what it is and some part of him thinks he should not have dropped his sword. But as it speaks and heals Bart his worry disappears. The look in his eyes is hopeful as it moves toward Stohp. As her body knits itself back together and she draws breath again he looks at the creature, "Good fellow, you have no idea how thankful we are to you. How much of the world has changed?"
Know(Reg) 7

Sid(Andrew) HP: 9/34; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Friday June 29th, 2018 10:05:24 PM

Sid has had enough. He puts his bow in his efficient quiver and just slumps to the ground. A wail that is part anguished sob, adrenaline, and the physical pain escapes him and he curls up a moment, sitting with his head in his raised knees with one hand up warding anyone off. Like a summer storm it is over, with just the light muttering of dock language until he sighs, deflated. "Ye gods that was close."

He wipes the tears from his face, sniffs and sighs gustily, and crosses his legs. "Alright Mr. Man, are you buying the drinks as well because I think I need one. How long have we been gone? I've read stories of time being wonky when you travel planes."

Micah (John) HP: 25/52 AC: 23/11/23 (25/13/25 vs evil) CMD:17 (19 vs Evil)  d20+12=18 ;
Friday June 29th, 2018 11:32:16 PM

Micah reluctantly raises his mace and shield at the sound of the new arrival. His eyes grow wide as he realizes who is speaking to them. Self consciously he belts his mace and stows his shield.

When Gimp heals Bart, his smiles sadly. When Gimp raises Stohp, he abandons all reserve. Rushing to to her side, he grasps her in a hug of relief. After a few moments, he releases her and returns to his feet, saying quietly, "Welcome, back."

Know Religion 18

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 22/45hp AC: 19/13/15 (Poisoned: 16/10/15) CMB: +9 (Poisoned, 6) (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Saturday June 30th, 2018 10:09:56 AM

Stohp finds the whole being dead and then not thing rather bewildering. She just sort of sits there staring vaguely as Gimp backs away and Micah hugs her. When he finally lets go she manages to go, "Uh... thanks?"

DM MikeK - Gimp the Imp 
Saturday June 30th, 2018 3:09:23 PM

The Shields regard the strange looking messenger with varying degrees of awe as he casually brings back Stohp from the Lands of Rest. A couple of you even recognize him.

Questions abound, not the least of which is Sid's about buying the drinks.

"Oooo, GOOD question!" the creature responds. He waves a hand, and a mug appears before each of you, and himself as well.
He grabs his, raises it toward the group, shouts "Here's mud in your eye!" and guzzles down the whole thing.
The liquid is refreshingly cold, and tastes perfect, exactly what each hero deems most delicious.
Oh, also, everyone is completely healed of all wounds, poisons, and any other deleterious effects.

Gimp gets down to answering the rest of the questions.

To Bart - "Names? Well, yeah. Alemi, Domi, Wardd, Flower, Gargul, Maab, Eberyon, etc, etc, etc. I'm sure you've heard of them. Oh, you mean the new three? Uh, I don't think so. Just got born an all. Well, I mean, they probably got names. But no ones told me yet."

To Stock - "I am Gimp, thanks for asking. I'm pretty much Gargul's right arm, herald, guy Friday, confidant, errand boy, yada, yada, yada.
What's happening is you won, the Wold is saved, the Sargrass is back in its rightful place, and that trio of powers is gonna be handling it from here.
The elf guys are extraplanar creatures called Bralani Azata. Those crazy Iron Dragons summoned a half dozen in to help with the battle. Some called it cheating, but hey, all's fair, right?"

To Zanderallen - "Your Welcome. Well, the whole Wold has changed some. You can't be having tidal waves and earthquakes and meteor showers without stuff changing as a result. For you guys, The Crying Woods is a lot more powerful, but in a lot smaller area, maybe a sixth of its previous size. So you folks are heading back to some seriously interesting possibilities!

To Sid - "Oh, bout a week. Everyone you left is still there. The Float is fine. The street is fine. The girl is fine. You're fine. I'm fine. It's all fine."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  
Saturday June 30th, 2018 7:44:56 PM

Bartomus reaches out and grabs the mug. He grinned when he realized it was cold and took a sip, followed by a deep gulp. "Delicious, just delicious."

He nodded as Gimp listed off the deities of the Wold then cocked his head to the side and looked back at the center of the circle. The one had invoked the images similar to his own lord Eberyon, and that intrigued Bartomus as to if there might be a connection. As he continued to drink, there was a cool feeling that flowed through him. He felt good, really good. He finished off the drink as he listened.

"Oh, oh, Sid, what girl is that?" Bartomus asked with a grin. Then he thought for a second, "oh you meant Stohp, Glad we taurs are still here!"

Sid(Andrew) HP: 9/34; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Sunday July 1st, 2018 8:07:32 PM

Sid looks relieved and drinks from his mug. Wanting a beer he tastes something thick and malty sweet with a nice mild hopy flavour(think of a Belgian Strong Gold) and sighs." A small smile plays upon his face as Bartomus speaks. He looks at him incredulously and says, "Elly Bart, we own the Arrow together, been together for about forty years, was with all of us for a week or so in the HQ while the Wold started ending? I mean, why do you think I spend most nights away from HQ?" Sid turns to Stoph, "Not that I'm not happy that you are back together again. To Stoph the heart of the Shields, may we get you better armor or something!" Sid downs his drink and says to Gimp, "Thanks."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 34/34; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Sunday July 1st, 2018 8:08:12 PM

((Updating Header))

Stock (JonM) HP: 65/65; AC: 23/13/20; CMB: 10; CMD: 23; Rage:17/17 
Monday July 2nd, 2018 10:40:16 AM

Stock begins to feel more himself. When the mug appears in his hand, he furrows his brow assuming it to be beer. He is therefore surprised to see steam rising from it. He smells it and his mind takes him back home, watching his mother make a sludgy tea of roots and subterranean mushrooms. It doesn't look like much but it tastes wonderful and really sets a dwarf up.

He takes a sighs and smiles. "Well lads, I'm ok if we get a week off or so before the next time we have to save the Wold."

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Monday July 2nd, 2018 11:41:43 AM

Dorbin is surprised when the floating mug appears next to him while he is still flying. He turns his nose up at it at first, but when he takes a second look at it, he shrugs and grabs the mug. He was expecting a frothy mug of dark, horrible beer, so is quite surprised when he looks and smells it and finds it is a nice, cooling mug of cold tea. He smiles and takes a drink, then quickly gets back to writing.

Micah (John) HP: 25/52 AC: 23/11/23 (25/13/25 vs evil) CMD:17 (19 vs Evil) 
Monday July 2nd, 2018 1:09:16 PM

Micah is a little abashed at his emotional outburst and is quite pleased to have a drink in his hand as a distraction. Taking a sniff, he is surprised to at the pleasant smell of fermented sassafras roots. After seeing the obvious satisfaction of the other Shields, he takes a deep draught. As the carbonation tickles his mouth and throat, he cannot resist smacking his lips in satisfaction. A bit of foam still on his lips, he raises his mug to Gimp in silent salute.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 61/67 AC: 23(25 vs evil, 28 vs Nessian) T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  
Monday July 2nd, 2018 5:37:48 PM

Taking the mug, Zanderallen remembers how parched he is after their fight. Taking a deep gulp of his cold cider he sighs appreciatively. "I'll drink to that Stock. But wow, we've been gone a week here. I hope Cutter's village is doing alright. And everyone back at the Fence. I hope they didn't think we'd been killed, which most of us haven't. And not even death seems to have stopped Stohp, at least with your help, friend Gimp. I guess we'll have to wait and see what adventures come our way next, I sure there is bound to be need of us soon."

DM MikeK - End Matters 
Monday July 2nd, 2018 9:03:43 PM

Gimp looks at Zanderallen, and takes on a deeply hurt expression.

"I'm sorry, but did a good looking fellow who bears a striking resemblance to myself, and who served you the best cup of cider you've ever had, not just say, like, three seconds ago, that everything is fine?"

The creature wags a finger in front of the paladin.
"You are a Worrywart, that's what you are."

"Cutter is fine. And the Fence is home to the Wold famous Giggling Ghost, which in turn are home to those Wold famous tapestries.
And THEY, lady and gentlemen, have presented any and all with a front row seat to the ferocious battle you have ever so recently found yourselves in.
So, yeah, they know you're alive.
And they know you helped saved the Wold.
Oh, and so does everyone who felt like casting a divination spell in the last hour or so.

In short, you folks are hometown heroes. Enjoy."

Gimp snaps a finger, and you find yourselves in that weird space between portals.
In front of you is Mahyawu, the manfri that started this all.
"With our thanks," he says as he presents you with a 6' by 9" by 1" deep box woven from some kind of grass.

The mist fades, and now you find yourselves on the ground floor of your HQ.
You are home.

Inside the box are seven rings, sized to match each of your fingers.
The rings are platinum, with the band fashioned to resemble a rapke - from tail around to an open mouth that forms the setting of a silver pearl, cut into the shape of a shield, as if it was blocking the bite of the animal.
The ring itself is worth 500 gp, and suffices as the material component for the Shield Other spell.
It is also a Ring of Protection +2.
Therefore, the total value of the ring is 8500 gp.


Experience. Everyone receives 10,000 xp and 2 (two) hero points

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 22/45hp AC: 19/13/15 (Poisoned: 16/10/15) CMB: +9 (Poisoned, 6) (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Monday July 2nd, 2018 9:41:21 PM

Between being dead, suddenly being alive again, and the portal, Stohp has had trouble keeping track of events. She remembers the drink in her hand and quaffs it after taking the item offered by the Manfri.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  
Monday July 2nd, 2018 11:47:33 PM

The transition from one place to another to home had part of Bartomus' mind spinning. When it settled as the box was opened and the beautifully wrought platinum rings came to light, Bartomus focused on the beauty of the rings. Each was striking in its simplistic details. He was in awe of the carving of the pearl and looked at the others. "An amazing gift, and suddenly we are here at home. A feast is in order I would say, right? Time to eat and drink, tell tales and rest, right?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 65/65; AC: 23/13/20; CMB: 10; CMD: 23; Rage:17/17 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 9:47:48 AM

"Nice ring. I like it more than my old one anyway."

Stock slips his old ring off his finger, tosses it in the air over his head and catches it behind his back. He then deposits it in the small pouch he keeps on his belt.

He sniffs. "Ugh. You'd think if they were going to heal us they would also clean us off. I still smell like the inside of that lizard...At least I don't taste it any more...I'm going to clean up. After that I'll either come down and join the festivities or pass out in my bed."

In his mind, he is already passed out in his bed.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 12:25:25 PM

Dorbin is clearly thrilled to have returned to the HQ. He looks around and blurts out, "I have got to go to the library. I have to share with them all I've seen and learned." He pauses for just a moment to see if anyone will stop him, but if not, he takes off at a run out the door. His cat looks around and plops down in the middle of the room and starts taking a bath.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 23 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 5:21:26 PM

Slightly abashed by Gimp's words, any reply he might have given is lost as they quickly jump through portals and receive their gift. Finding himself back at home he slips on the ring and finds a chair to sit down in. "As good as passing out in bed sounds I have a feeling as soon as people find our we're back they're going to want to throw a celebration. Before that happens I need to get out of this armor and have a bath. Micah let's get out of our plate." With help he removes his plate armor and goes in search of the bath to clean up.

Sid(Andrew) HP: 34/34; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 8:09:28 PM

Sid says to nothing in particular, "I guess that everyone should meet us at the Ghost for a celebration then!"

When it is his turn he solemnly takes his ring and bows and says, "Thank you."

As they appear at HQ he looks up and around and blinks and calls out, "Elly?"

DM MikeK - Time for a bath? 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 9:10:09 PM

Elly comes running to Sid about thirty seconds after the group arrives, and pretty much won't let him out of her sight.

Micah, Stock, and Zanderallen figure some cleaning up is in order, and go wash up.

Dorbin heads for the library.

Bartomus looks for a feast.

The taurs search is not long in coming, as within the hour, Happy himself is banging on the door.
"Ho there Silver Shields! I've kept the crowds back long enough, and its time for you to present yourselves at the Giggling Ghost for a party that will be spoken of for generations!"

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 34/34 AC: 13 (11+2); Perc+7;Heal+8  
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 11:06:31 PM

While others crashed and talked of baths, Bartomus sniffed and agreed that he needed one. Badly. He worked his way to the bath and made himself a bit more presentable. When he emerged, he felt better. He found his way back to his room and to the clean clothes he had available. He tossed the torn, tattered and soiled shirt to the floor near the door so it could be burned, and pulled out the blue and green silk woven shirt. It was clean, he was clean, and he felt better.

He looked at the ring on his finger, each of them having taken one that was made for them. They had survived it all, well with the help of Gimp they had survived. He understood his fellow Shields wanting to rest. But, he wanted food, drink, some laughter, and celebrating. He headed back down to the common room and on the way disposed of the battle worn shirt. He was restless and when there was a knock on the door, he jumped to it and was delighted in the news Happy was sharing. "We have a party at the Ghost! We got invited to a party at the Ghost!"

Bartomus had a wide, beaming grin.

Micah (John) HP: 25/52 AC: 23/11/23 (25/13/25 vs evil) CMD:17 (19 vs Evil) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2018 11:48:03 PM

Micah would normally be embarrassed by such an elegant give, but the artistry and the functionality of it are irresistible. He spends some time appreciating its elegance.

Micah, expecting a reception committee will inevitably arrive soon, quickly washes up and changes into a simple tunic. Though weary, he makes sure his plate mail is in order and properly stowed before coming downstairs.

When he hears Happy's voice, he resigns himself to not having a peaceful, quiet evening. Knowing that this celebration is as much for the celebrants as for themselves as likely guests of honor, he cheerfully heads toward the Ghost.


Stohp (Mitch) HP: 22/45hp AC: 19/13/15 (Poisoned: 16/10/15) CMB: +9 (Poisoned, 6) (11 w/flail on disarm/trip) CMD: 19 +2 vs grapple, disarm)  
Wednesday July 4th, 2018 10:54:28 AM

After getting her bearing Stohp goes strait to bed. She doesn't even bother to clean up beyond stripping her filthy clothes on for some sleep wear. Then someone comes to wake her up all excited about a party. She has to resist the urge to punch them in the face. After a few moments searching through her extensive wardrobe she snarls, throws back on her dirty, blood-streaked clothes, and joins the rest of the group leaning on a wall and fuming. Let the party-goers see her as she is right after the battle, maybe it'll make someone decide she can go back to bed.

Bed sounds nice.... she dozes off leaning against the wall and ever so slowly starts to slide sideways.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 67/67 AC: 23 T: 11 FF: 22 CMD: 20  
Wednesday July 4th, 2018 11:34:16 AM

Having bathed cleaned his armor and weapons and changed into clean hose and tunic of simple brown emblazoned with Domi's crest, Zanderallen is just coming downstairs when Happy knocks on the door. He opens it and greets the tuar warmly having been expecting him. "Happy! Oh it's so good to see you. Come on everyone, it's time to celebrate. Then we can all sleep for a week."

Sid(Andrew) HP: 34/34; AC: 18/15/14; CMB: 2; CMD: 16) 
Wednesday July 4th, 2018 12:20:16 PM

Sid lifts Elly and spins her around and holds her close. He kisses her for a long time and then pulls her to the far side of the HQ 1st floor. He pulls of the ring on his right finger and holds it in front of her. In Elven he says, "I know this is more of a human thing, but this ring has helped me come home safely to you time and again. I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?"


((Sorry if this is tortured but no one ever talks about Elven mating rituals and this is the personal/embarrassing type of thing I do in private in real life.

Dorbin (JeffO) [AC:13/13/10 HP:40/40 CMD:15] 
Wednesday July 4th, 2018 12:34:55 PM

As Dorbin heads out the door, he nearly runs into Happy mentioning the party at the Ghost. Dorbin pauses, then says, "I've got to at least stop by the library! I'll... I'll see everyone over at the Ghost later!" With that he dashes off to the library to share all that he's learned from and about the Sargrass and the Sar.

Stock (JonM) HP: 65/65; AC: 23/13/20; CMB: 10; CMD: 23; Rage:17/17 
Wednesday July 4th, 2018 2:52:18 PM

Stock finishes cleaning himself off and then decides, ”I guess I have one party in me. We do have reason to celebrate after all.”

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