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Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20'  d100=30 ;
Tuesday November 12th, 2013 5:12:17 AM

Karnas eats his meal and sleps. The next day, he elects to stay in the room and finish up the ring, Leaving Cark outside to pull him out if neccesary

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Tuesday November 12th, 2013 6:32:52 AM

"This is most perplexing," Emeralda says out loud, "Never in my life do I remember ever having to deal with anything so...so...bureaucratic..." She heaves a gusty sigh.

"I should hope that can make some progress on this matter today..."

In spite of the mind-numbing effects of the slow, slow wheels of procedure, the friendly cleric of Domi waves back to the gnome who bothered to acknowledge the fact that the dwarves were present.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Tuesday November 12th, 2013 1:03:50 PM

It's so strange. It's like they don't want our money. Other than a pittance for rooms and food. I'm sure what we're after would be much more lucrative for them.

Terser heads back to the Guild to talk to the gnomes standing there.

Good morning, sirs. I'm looking for an employee of Deep Guild Umbra. Can any of you fine gentlemen help me? He suggestively pats his coin purse as he speaks.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Tuesday November 12th, 2013 1:55:10 PM

Having nothing else to do, the Oathbreaker joins Terser, standing a few feet behind the dwarf in a vague attempt to make their presence larger.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Tuesday November 12th, 2013 3:20:44 PM

Bruagh shrugs to Sam and follows him knowing that the warrior no longer has the silver-tongue he once did.

Domi, how he missed Tahni.

The Settlement of Brightnstone; The Enhanced Equipment Guild 
Tuesday November 12th, 2013 10:47:16 PM

Terser greets the gnome and tells the lot of them, that the group is looking to speak with an Employee of Deep Mine Umbra. A pat to a small bag of coins to let them know he is willing to pay for the information. The gnome at the front of the line casts his eye up and down Terser and the band of dwarves arrayed about and with a small tug to his slender slightly upturned nose, puts a pair of fingers in the air and speaks. "I am with Deep Mine Umbra master dwarf. I might be able to save you some time, no matter what it is you wish to sell, Deep Mine Umbra has a trade agreement to purchase all supplies through the Enhanced Equipment Guild." He holds up a hand interrupting the very next thing Terser begins saying and speaks right over him, "We don't care how wondrous your craftmanship skills are or care to hear the tale of how magical and deep into the Wold you traveled, the dragon you slew or the ancient fey you bargained with to gain whatever trinket you wish to sell. I can assure you Deep Mine Umbra is not interested in any direct purchase."

He begins to turn away when Terser tells him what the group is after, Figmatous Residue. The other two gnomes in line stiffen slightly and look to the third. Slowly turning his head and then his body back to square with Terser and gnome runs an open hand across his mouth and again tugs his slender nose. He tone is much more even now, his words far more measured with thought and purpose behind them, "Figmatous Residue is a controlled substance master dwarf." He pauses to let the words hang about and settle in the air.

One of the other gnomes then speaks, though a bit timidly, "If I may Master Glistergim, the good dwarven company seems to be of the noncompeting variety. Affidavits could be secured on the matter and perhaps a meeting with your Headmaster."

The gnome, now identified as Glistergim, pulls his head back slightly and frowns. He then turns his gaze back upon the group and seems to consider your bearing again. "A possibility Goodman Tharbuckle. You do indeed have a sharp eye and keen understanding I think." Glistergim pauses again, obviously mulling over the proposition before him as presented by Tharbuckle.

At last he pops his lips and nods, "Done and done Goodman Tharbuckle. Draft the writs and i shall put our guests on the docket."

The gnomes shake hands firmly and then turn to you again. Goodman Tharbuckle speaks, "When my business is concluded here, I will prepare the affidavits for your signatures for delivery by dinner this evening. If you can have them signed and returned to my office by say, mid morning tomorrow." which he points out just a few doors down, "then Master Glittergim can schedule you to meet with the Headmaster. Satisfactory?"

Karnas steps in the Forge Fey realm and continues his work on the ring with Cark curled up comfortably watching the room.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Wednesday November 13th, 2013 7:09:51 AM

Unsure of the dialog that was just spouted in front of her, Emeralda looks expectantly at Terser, wondering if they've actually made any progress on their mission.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Wednesday November 13th, 2013 10:45:29 AM

Thank you, good sir. You've been most helpful.

Terser's thoughts are running between the tediousness of it all and the fact that it seems they have finally made some progress on their business here. One step at a time and all that.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Wednesday November 13th, 2013 6:45:29 PM

While the Oathbreaker is not a stupid dwarf, the words spoken by the gnomes pass in one ear and out the other quickly. He looks to Terser, who seems satisfied, which is good enough for him.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20'  d20+31=39 ;
Wednesday November 13th, 2013 10:18:49 PM

Karnas, 8 hours later, comes out of the room, the ring completed. Cark looks up as he comes out, grinning at her, before looking down to the band of metal in his hand. "The ring's done, let me check to make sure that the fey didn't screw with it and you'll have your protection." He casts identify and analyses the ring, and provided he doesn't see anything odd, gives it to Cark, who places the ring on the end of her tail, disappearing from sight for a moment. She then reappears and grins up at him, flying up to his shoulder and nuzzling him as she purrs on his shoulder.

Karnas looks up and begins heading out the door, petting her back as he searches out the rest of the group.

OOC: Cast identify on ring, if anything is abnormal aside from what the ring of invisibility should be, he doesn't give it to Cark.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Thursday November 14th, 2013 9:18:04 AM

"We've been dealing with the gnomish system of doing things," Emeralda tells Karnas once he rejoins the group. "On the bright side--the food here is really quite excellent..."

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Thursday November 14th, 2013 10:44:51 AM

Bruagh sits back and let Terser handle this.

OOC: Odd, I remember posting yesterday. Not sure what happened.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Thursday November 14th, 2013 2:52:31 PM

Sam observes the now all to familiar occurance regarding signing papers and cringes. He wonders how badly things might go if they get in trouble, after signing all of these documents...

The Settlement of Brightnstone; On the Docket 
Thursday November 14th, 2013 5:20:26 PM

The gnomes return to small talk about weather, business, food and family.

The papers get delivered just before dinner as promised. They turn out to be a small book, roughly 50 pages in tightly scripted penmanship. It takes the better part of 3 hours to read the complex document. At its core, it is a document stating that the party are not merchants, affiliated with and merchants or have alternative motives of purchasing anything from Deep Mine Umbra other than personal use. The document includes all animal companions, bonded mounts, familiars and any other sentient associated directly and indirectly with the party. All in all, it is a very thorough document. The last page contains signature and date lines for each member of the group.

The following morning a young gnome is at breakfast and approaches to inquire about the Affidavits and if they are prepared. Being handed the book, he departs with a polite nod and thank you.

The same young gnome returns to the inn about an hour later to inform you 'Good master dwarves, the Headmaster of Deep Mine Umbra has agreed to meet with and is in the process of clearing his docket to meet your needs. A representative will meet you here in the common room in 4 days and escort you." He nods politely again and turns to leave

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Thursday November 14th, 2013 6:07:46 PM

After hearing the "4 days" info, Sam, with an exasperated look on his face, gives a gesture of appeal to Bruagh.

Ooc- "gesture of appeal" refers to an appeal like in court, not like appeal as in he's coming on to Bruagh. :)

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Thursday November 14th, 2013 6:45:18 PM

Are we required to remain in Brightstone while we wait for our appointment? There is other business we could attend to and easily be back in time.

If this causes any problems, Terser will spend the time exploring the community and brushing up on his bartering techniques.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Friday November 15th, 2013 4:50:41 AM

Karnas Nods to esmeralda as he heads back in, and read through the document with everyone else. At the 4 days mention, he shrugs. "Hmm, Either way I have some work I could do in the downtime, perhaps fiddle with a new spell."

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Friday November 15th, 2013 12:08:36 PM

Say Karnas, since I can't wear my belt here anyway, do you think you could do anything to improve it? I have cash to buy materials you may need...

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Friday November 15th, 2013 4:46:04 PM

Emeralda blinks the eyes she is named for, throwing a bewildered green gaze at the messenger.

"I don't understand..." she says, her brows knitting, "...we need something of most urgent importance...something to save the very soul of innocents...and you're telling us that we have to wait days upon days for your procedures to...to...proceed...???" The young cleric of Domi is looking appalled as she asks this, crestfallen that the gnomes here do not seem to care about the salvation of souls.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Friday November 15th, 2013 11:34:12 PM

Bruagh grabs the lad before he can run off. "Will a generous donation allow him to meet us sooner? Say today?"

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Depp Mine Umbra 
Sunday November 17th, 2013 10:29:27 PM

Bruagh snags the young gnome who stops immediately. "I have no control over the headmasters docket, but I can certainly express your urgency again."
Terser inquires at whether or not the group must remain in Brightnstone. "I suppose not, but if you're not here for your spot on the docket, it will be cancelled. I know that."
Looking to Emeralda, his look is one of apology, "Most favored of Domi, I am sorry. I am but the messenger for Deep Mine Umbra, Like you good dwarves, I have no diplomatic training and simply report what i am told to report. If it helps, Headmaster has never cleared his docket before that i am aware of." He adds the last with hope that it bestows hope to the group.

Terser asks Karnas if there is something that can be done with his belt, seeing as he currently cannot wear it. Now might a be a good time.

The gnome departs leaving the group for the day. That evening however, he does return with a rather excited look on his face. "Head Master Vasphour of the Deep Mine Umbra has gotten you to his docket for tomorrow night. I told him you expressed to me that the time of day was of no consequence and so I will be returning for you tomorrow night." The gnome practically beams with excited energy, being witness to something that has never happened before in Brightnstone.

The night passes as does the following day and evening. Well past midnight comes the knock from the young messenger of Deep Mine Umbra. He nods with a smile and escorts the party through the dark streets to the back of the settlement. A great vault like door is opened before you to a passage deeper into the rock. The group passes through several well worked rooms, some furnished some not and through one of those doors the group finds themselves in a 20x30 nicely appointed room with rugs, bookcases, a dozen good chairs, sofa and tables. Standing in the center of the room is a gnome in blue leathers with soft boots, gloves and a cape. Several pieces of jewelry can be see about his neck and head along with 4 floating stones encircling it. He is flanked by a dwarf in full plate and similarly armored gnome. Both guard are standing about 12 feet away. Several trays of refreshments are on the tables.

The messenger makes introductions. "Head Master Vasphour of the Deep Mine Umbra, may I present masters Karnas, Terser, Bruagh, Taggart, Sam and Emeralda of Domi." he bows and exits the room.

Vasphour gestures to the chairs with a wave, "Please be comfortable." He sits and the trays move to each of you in turn, "Help yourself, please." He pauses, taking a wine goblet from a tray with a small handful of nuts. "I am told you have business that deals with life and death." He sits back...

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Monday November 18th, 2013 4:30:30 AM

Karnas looks to Terser and Nods. "Sure, I can do something for it, what did you have in mind? Oh, and to everyone else, I can help you with your gear issues to a degree. Give me your materials and provided it's within what I can do I'll tell you how long it'll take and when I can start on it."

At the meeting he would stay silent upon entry, taking a couple morsels from the tray but leaving the opening word for another in the group.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Monday November 18th, 2013 8:09:57 AM

The Oathbreaker shifts uncomfortably, still not used to being called by his true name. He simply nods to the Head Master, allowing someone else to speak. He would likely just make things worse.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Monday November 18th, 2013 11:14:44 AM

Emeralda resolved to try to work on her patience. As if in answer to her silent prayers, the messenger returned relatively quickly and reported that the group would not have to wait quite so long.

To be sure, it was longer than the cleric of Domi would have preferred, but compared to the originally-projected timeline, it was an improvement.

Now that the group was in the presence of the Headmaster for the Deep Mine Umbra, perhaps things would be accomplished a bit more speedily...

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Monday November 18th, 2013 8:36:33 PM

To Karnas:

I was hoping you could improve my belt to enhance my endurance as much as it does my strength.
3000gp in material to add +2con to +2str belt.

To Master Vasphour:

Yes, we have a mission of some importance, among which is saving the life and soul of the daughter of Lord Ironbane, and possibly the lives of many other innocents, not least among which is Bruagh's dear friend, though he can tell you more of that.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Monday November 18th, 2013 9:18:46 PM

Bruagh, having nothing else to lose, presents the tombs they have received and recites what each said. He then details the residue.

You see, Head Master Vasphour, I am no diplomat, I have no gilded tongue. I will not try to win you over with honeyed word, nor will I withhold information or try to deceive you. My dearest friend Tahni Wyrmrider was taken by necromancers in legion with demons. They plan to use her to unleash undead and demonic beings on the Wold. We believe, according to these tomes, that the residue that you have in your possession will aid us. Please... you are her... our... only hope."

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Monday November 18th, 2013 11:03:17 PM

Headmaster Vasphour's face is like a wall of granite, as Terser and Bruagh relay the tale and need of the Residue. His eyes flit over each of you as they talk and when they are finished he still simply sits quietly, stoic, like the unyielding mountainside. After what seems an eternity he speaks, "Master Sam. He is the one who led you here." Upon confirmation of this he continues, "As I am sure you have been told the Figmatous Residue is a controlled substance. It is quite, or it could be quite, dangerous in the wrong hands and so it must be controlled and so it is through Deep Mine Umbra and has been for nearly 100 years. Normally i would at this point deny your request and wish you well and good journey upon your endevours." He stands and exchanges his goblet for a full one and after taking a great drink, he continues, "But Warrd is smiling upon you on this visit for I have a problem and your skill set seems to be the solution."

Vasphour sits back down and looks sternly at you all, "Deep Mine Umbra has been attacked and is currently unsafe. I have lost 7 good men and do not intend to lose anymore. You are a battle tested group of fighters with arcane and divine support. Something I cannot match or muster without drawing far too much attention to Deep Mine Umbra." He nods to the side and a tray floats across the room with about a dozen small books.

"Those are affidavits permitting you use of arcane and divine magic, along with enhanced equipment within Brightnstone and Deep Mine Umbra. My deal to you is this. If you go into the mines and destroy what lies within, I will barter 5 vials of Figmatous Residue, show you its application and point you towards the nearest ley line. You will also find on that tray an affidavit of secrecy about all you know involving the residue."

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Tuesday November 19th, 2013 7:19:25 AM

Sam sits silently and smiles at the striking success of the situation.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Tuesday November 19th, 2013 2:52:16 PM

"Finally, something we're good at." The masked dwarf does not think before he speaks, cracking his knuckles awkwardly as he glances around at his teammates. "Can we go today?"

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Tuesday November 19th, 2013 8:33:17 PM

I think I speak for the group when I say we agree. However, we need more information on what is making the mines... unsafe."

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Tuesday November 19th, 2013 9:46:59 PM

any information may be of use, no matter how trivial you consider it to be. it may make all the difference in our preparations.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Tuesday November 19th, 2013 10:13:57 PM

"Where do I sign...?" Emeralda says, plucking up the available stylus. "We surely need the Residue, and it seems you surely need our help..." The young cleric scribbles madly as she flips through page after page, making no pretense at even trying to read the fine print.

"If you would be so kind as to answer the questions of my colleagues, though," the brunette said earnestly, "They're quite right--if we are to do battle on the behalf of yourself and the Deep Mine, please tell us what's happened..."

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 12:30:13 AM

Sam produces his own writing utensil and signs the document.

Ooc-Assuming now that we are able to carry weapons, is there any place in this settlement where Sam can trade in his crossbow for a short spear and magical backpack?

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 2:02:47 AM

OOC: If i'm upgrading a +str belt to a +str +con belt do i need both enhancement spells or only one? The message to terser will change depending on if I do or not

(OOC: If I only need one enhancement spell)
Karnas looks to the belt and nods. "So, A belt of physical might then. Yeah, I can do that in 2 days or so."
(OOC: If I need both)
Karnas looks to the belt and then back to Terser. "Well, let's see. If you don't want to risk loosing your gold, I need a scroll of bear's endurance or bull's strength, which is 150 gold or so."

Karnas nods at the request. "Combat, is something we are very good at. As our group has mentioned however, some extra information would be useful. If you know anything of the weaknesses or strengths of what we shall be engaging, it would be helpful."

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 8:14:47 AM

Vasphour nods at the groups agreement, it certainly seems that the gnome was fully expecting the enthusiastic cooperation of the group. "Afraid I don't have much, but as you say anything could be something and so this is what we know. About 2 months ago Agatetious and Filimous simply disappeared. About 1 week later Porthmit, Allstaires and Magree disappeared. I ordered the area closed and sent in specialist Therus and Sam. A Status spell tells us that Sam died nearly instantly. It took Therus nearly 5 minutes. They were in the closed section for nearly an hour before they were attacked and killed. Something is in there, something that 2 very capable arcanists who know the mines like you know your weapon could not handle and weer surprised by given Sam's fate. Divination, scrying, detection and spells of such nature tend to not work in Deep Mine Umbra." Vasphour sits back, speaking of his fallen gnomes, and you realize probable family members has taken a bit out of him. "That is what we know."

ooc there is no catacombs or location in the settlement to trade in his crossbow for a short spear and magical backpack.

you need both spells, bull str and bears endurance

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 10:52:42 AM

"We kick down the door and run in. No different than every other time, eh?"

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 11:39:02 AM

Well, if that's all you have to tell us, we will make our preparations. Is there a place here that sells scrolls and potions, perhaps?

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 10:09:43 PM

Emeralda could only hope that the more experienced members of the party had some idea on the best way to handle...the unknown...

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 10:35:25 PM

Sam shrugs at the lethality of whatever waits deep in the mines for the mighty Grim Guard. The bard has witnessed the sheer strength and iron-like fortitude of Bruagh and Terser as they have held their own against every foe encountered. He has watched Oathbreaker's precision and speed as he single handily fired volleys of arrows that few can avoid. With the magical support of Karnas and Emeralda, how could they lose? What could the Scab possibly throw at them that they haven't seen before.

The silent gnome heads for his gear with whatever permit is required. On the way he focuses his mind on the upcoming battle. He imagines scenarios that could happen. As a bard with no specific specialty, he must prepare for any purpose that he might serve.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 10:49:45 PM

Knowledge:dungeoneering (or whatever knowledge is required) = 31 (nat 20 1/day)

Does Sam have any knowledge on what type of creatures might inhabit this mine and would need this substance?

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Wednesday November 20th, 2013 10:55:39 PM

Bruagh signs the affidavit.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Thursday November 21st, 2013 4:13:06 AM

Karnas shrugs. "We've dealt with less information, we should be ok."

@Terser I actually need 6 scrolls, not 1. Or, wait till we level again and I can do it then. or a +2 int belt would work too

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Thursday November 21st, 2013 11:43:46 AM

Ah well, I suppose it can wait a while. I may need the belt during the foray into the mine anyway.

He signs the affidavits, snaps his belt back into place, and girds himself for the trip into the supposedly dangerous mines.

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Thursday November 21st, 2013 12:03:49 PM

Vasphour shakes his head to Terser's question. "Brightnstone does not deal in such materials." he collects the signed documents and stores them in the bottom drawer of the desk he sits at and takes out a small gavel. Vasphour taps a small square metal disk on the desk and a section of one bookcase slides away in response to reveal a staircase. "At the bottom you will find several small rooms that i have furnished with beds, study tables and the like. You can prepare in private down there. My valet will be nearby and a similar gavel to this one can be used to summon him if you need. He has been instructed to provide you with any assistance he can. There is food and drink cached below to last 5 days. If you require additional time, just let him know. When you are ready, he will escort you to the closed section."

Sam realizes as he starts to think about what it is they may encounter below that without knowing what Figmatous Residue is, it's very much impossible to know what creatures might be attracted to it.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Thursday November 21st, 2013 6:05:16 PM

Being of no immediate help, Sam gathers his things and head to his room.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Thursday November 21st, 2013 9:14:30 PM

Emeralda begins to prepare...

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Thursday November 21st, 2013 9:46:49 PM

"Once more into the breach friends."

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Friday November 22nd, 2013 12:08:49 AM

The Oathbreaker snorts. "Five days? Take it with us, and let us be off. I am tired of sitting around."

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Friday November 22nd, 2013 4:52:54 AM

Karnas nods " Yes, let's begin"

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Friday November 22nd, 2013 11:05:00 AM

"Yes let us start as soon as we can."

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Friday November 22nd, 2013 6:19:46 PM


Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58 
Saturday November 23rd, 2013 9:43:13 AM

"Whatever may be in there," Emeralda points out, "It's fast and it's ruthless. I have some protective magic for people who may want it..."

Emeralda has magic wands that may dispense: Endure Elements (be comfy in extreme hot or cold for 24 hours), Protection from Evil (+2 to AC and to saves versus Evil effects), and Magic Weapon (temp +1 to any non-magic weapon.)

Emeralda may cast one each of Aid (+1 to attack & save rolls and temp 1d8+7hp), Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Bull's Strength (+4 Str) and/or Enlarge Person (gain +2 Str and -1AC by becoming Large.)

Emeralda will be casting Bless (herself, as opposed to from a wand) before the party goes in to face the unknown, so everyone will have a +1 to attack and saves vs. Fear.

So who wants what...?

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Saturday November 23rd, 2013 10:51:23 AM

The group makes the quick decision to go and once they have put their magic items back on declare themselves fully prepared. Emeralda casts Bless and the party heads down the stairs. They find a gnome valet at the bottom of the 2 flights of steps the passage splits in a T. At one end, standing silently with an open door in his hand. Beyond is a three room suite, nicely furnished as Vasphour described. The other direction heads dead ends at an iron and stone door framed in wood, similar to the main gates.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Saturday November 23rd, 2013 12:42:06 PM

Sam smiles and shakes his head "no" to Emeralda. It is known by his longtime companions that he is generally self-sufficient in battle. He generally does his best to avoid needing assistance.

He awaits the decision of the group to rest or proceed.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Saturday November 23rd, 2013 1:47:28 PM

Bruaghs smiles to Esmerelda and Sam. "Many speak of our abilities in battle, and how deadly we are, but truth be told it is the support that we receive from each other, like this, that ensured our victory over the forces of evil. " I will take and endure and perhaps a protection from evil (should get a +1 from it)when the time comes. When the time comes if no one else needs it more, the aid will be welcome as well."

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Sunday November 24th, 2013 9:30:30 PM

"I would be enlarged when the time calls for it," the masked dwarf growls, taking point as the group heads down. "I can take a beating."

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless 
Monday November 25th, 2013 1:06:53 AM

Everyone in the party will be Blessed for the next six minutes. Emeralda also casts Bear's Endurance on Bruagh.

"Which way do we go..?" the lass with the brunette braids asked. "I...um...didn't pay attention to that part..." She makes a mental note about casting the Enlarge spell on Oathbreaker when the time comes.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Monday November 25th, 2013 5:03:50 AM

karnas follows with the group

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Monday November 25th, 2013 9:09:27 AM

"I would guess the path is this way." If no one takes the lead, the Oathbreaker moves to the iron and stone door, ignoring the gnome valet that stands nearby.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Monday November 25th, 2013 12:01:46 PM

Terser follows down the path, ready to embark.

I would appreciate an enlargement spell as well, though only if the passageways are at least 15 feet tall.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Monday November 25th, 2013 5:57:06 PM

Bruagh is willing to either be in the very front of the formation or the very rear, depending on whether the group wanted him him the most.

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Monday November 25th, 2013 9:24:20 PM

Emeralda casts Bear's Endurance on Bruagh as the group heads away from the valet and towards the door of iron and stone. A brief discussion on an Enlargement spell upon Terser in battle occurs, but if the mines are like this passage, it might not be a good thing. Within the passage the ceiling is only 8' up at best.

The Gnome valet rushes past you pulling a wand as he does so. When the party reaches the door, he taps it with the wand the the door swings open. the valet steps in and turns to the right as four small balls of light appear spaced out about 15' in front of him.
Spellcraft DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {Dancing Lights}

The Valet moves down a passage that you estimate to be about 300', passing several other branching passages. All of which sloped down to staircases taking them lower and most with embedded rails to guide a mine cart. The valet stops and taps on the wall to the left with the wand and a door is revealed, which opens into a 10x10 room. The valet enters and stands off to the side and awaits the party to enter. When you do, the valet says, "Obsidian" and the room begins to descend. It is about a 5 minute ride to the bottom where the doors open and the gnome valet exits and turns right. He leads you through several turns and all about you down the passages you pass, you can hear the sounds of mining. Steel on stone and the humming rhythm of song. After another 20 minutes, you arrive at another stone and iron door framed in Oak. the valet pulls a flaming torch from his pocket and sets it in a holder on the left side of the door.

"I will wait here for your return for 3 days. After that, I will return twice each day, once in the morning and once in the evening until Headmaster Vasphour declares you lost. On the other side of this door is an iron bell. Strike it three times sharply, count to 3 and then strike it once more and let the final toll ring. That is the only single upon which I shall open the door and no one else but we here know of this order. If there are no questions then?" The valet raises his wand to tap the door.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Monday November 25th, 2013 11:33:15 PM

Sam keeps the valet's words in his head as he takes his place in the middle of the marching order. With a quick hum, he casts dancing lights. Orbs that glow in a soft light circle the bard and provide light for the group.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Tuesday November 26th, 2013 12:27:48 AM

Terser will take his customary place as second in line.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Tuesday November 26th, 2013 8:39:23 AM

Three hits, three counts, one hit. Seems easy enough. "I will need to be a bit closer to the front. Unfortunately, my skills lie in much closer combat these days." The masked dwarf sounds a bit more depressed than usual as he mentions this, but looks at his allies with his usual steely gaze.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless 
Tuesday November 26th, 2013 3:10:39 PM

OOC: sigh. I hate juggling several things at once, because when I do, I ALWAYS miss something.

Emeralda would NOT cast the Bear's Endurance and the Bless spells until such time as the group are on the verge of going into wherever it is that all the gnomes have been disappearing from. If she casts it before all the walking and elevator ride time, then the danged spell would expire before the group actually enters the area of contention. Emeralda isn't as bright as many, but she's wise enough to withhold casting her spell until the group is within "striking distance" of their destination.

"Are there any questions...?" the young cleric asks her group. "I know I can't think of any..."

DM- No one asked and seemed to be running on the assumption that at the bottom of the initial staircase was the final destination, I am ruling you cast the spells.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Tuesday November 26th, 2013 11:11:24 PM

Karnas nods and heads with the group inside

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101  d20+11=14 ;
Tuesday November 26th, 2013 11:14:28 PM

Bruagh smiles towards the group and says... "And we are off."
He keeps his eyes peeled for any threats as the traverse the area.

Perception : 14

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Wednesday November 27th, 2013 6:05:10 PM

"So," the Oathbreaker calls out suddenly. "How much gold are you all willing to put on the idea that this is likely due to the [dwarven word for something bad] we deal with on a daily basis?" He turns to Braugh, the hint of a grim smile on his face. "It seems the necromancers have no problem getting around. Cutting off a mine for supplies seems right up their alley."

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Wednesday November 27th, 2013 6:20:24 PM

The orbs of light shine on the silent bard's pale-skinned face as he proceeds deeper into the mine. His mind is focused. His heart set on the task at hand. He knows that nothing short of a god could slow these dwarves. Their convictions are ironclad. Sam feels no fear as he and the Grim Guard head towards their next challenge.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless 
Wednesday November 27th, 2013 6:45:48 PM

Emeralda looks around her.

"Are we there yet...?"

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Wednesday November 27th, 2013 7:46:00 PM

"I wouldn't put it past them."

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+11=17 ;
Wednesday November 27th, 2013 8:03:54 PM

Terser has his senses alert and his glaive at the ready.

Perception 17

The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Wednesday November 27th, 2013 8:49:03 PM

The group moves into the section and the door swings shut behind them. The area plunges into complete and utter darkness past the 60' of darkvision. All sound of mining that was heard in the other are, also disappears completely. The ceiling is like the other sections you have walked through, ranging from 7 to 8'. Several passages can be seen pushing out away from you, rails embedded in the floor. You do not see any mining equipment about, it would appear the closing of this section was done purposefully and with a great degree of order.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Thursday November 28th, 2013 6:56:46 PM

"Alright, let's be on our guard. Are we ready?"

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24  d20+15=35 ;
Friday November 29th, 2013 12:50:08 PM

"As ready as we will ever be." The Oathbreaker cracks his knuckles. "Let's do this quickly so we can get out of here. I have grown sick of this place." The masked dwarf keeps and eye out as they trek forwad, urging his allies as far as they can go as quickly as possible. (Perception: Nat 20! 35)

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Friday November 29th, 2013 7:18:44 PM

Sam follows along. His crossbow is slung and hands empty. He knows from experience that the Grim Guard does not rely on him for his marksmanship.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Saturday November 30th, 2013 12:07:23 AM

ooc: hope everyone had a lovely thanksgiving, or just a nice end of the week if you don't celebrate. Ready to move on on Monday. =)

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Saturday November 30th, 2013 5:45:27 PM


The Settlement of Brightnstone; Deep Mine Umbra 
Saturday November 30th, 2013 10:32:07 PM

The dark awaits and the Forged are eager. The group begins exploring the area.

More on Monday....

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 1:19:12 AM

Emeralda looked around her, not knowing exactly what to expect.

"So...uh...who wanted that Enlarge Person spell again...?" she asked, twirling one of her long brown braids around her left index finger, idly scratching the outside of her right thigh with the head of the war hammer in her other hand.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 5:53:03 AM

"That would be Terser or myself," the masked dwarf growls.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 1:40:02 PM

It would be wasted on me unless we come into an open area. I would take a strength enhancing spell if you have one to spare.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 2:18:29 PM

Karnas shrugs and just keeps heading in with the group

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 8:00:49 PM

Bruagh smiles. "The enemies won't like me why I am enlarged... of course, they probably won't like me when I'm angry either."

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 10:15:16 PM

"I knew a dwarf that used to say that, back..." The Oathbreaker shakes his head. "Last I saw him, he was running down a tunnel after a group of drow. Never saw him again. Had quite a temper."

Exploring Deep Mine Umbra 
Monday December 2nd, 2013 10:59:01 PM

The group moves into the section and the door swings shut behind them. The area plunges into complete and utter darkness past the 60' of darkvision. A large iron bell, nearly 2 feet in diameter, sits in a cradle made of granite. All sound of mining that was heard in the other are, also disappears completely. The ceiling is like the other sections you have walked through, ranging from 7 to 8'. Several passages can be seen pushing out away from you, rails embedded in the floor. You do not see any mining equipment about, it would appear the closing of this section was done purposefully and with a great degree of order.

The group begins to move through the closed mine area. What becomes very evident is that this is a large mine. Taggart is able to detect a sloping away from the door in all directions. It would seem that if you become lost, uphill is the direction to go. What Taggart and Terser both notice, or rather what strikes them, is how clean the mine is. Even the rails for the carts moving ore are missing. The floors are not unusually smooth, nor are the worked walls or ceilings. The lack of supporting timber is unnerving knowing how deep you are, though 200' or 2,000' it makes little difference.

A randomly chosen passage comes to an end abruptly around a hairpin turn. White veins of stone and flakes like snow cover the area. Appraise DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {raw mithral}

The party has been exploring for roughly 45 minutes. No one knows how much territory you may need to cover or how much relative territory you have covered.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless  d20+6=15 ;
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 5:23:50 AM

"Right...strength..." Emeralda echoes, distracted by the utter lack of ambient sound in their surroundings. She peered around her as she took a step or two towards Terser and almost absent-mindedly cast her Bull's Strength spell on him.

"There..." she said, "...now you can pummel your foes with impunity..." Clearly, however, the young adventurer is trying to see if she can actually SEE anything worth seeing...

OOC: Perception check: 15. Meh.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24  d20+10=28 ;
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 8:36:44 AM

The Oathbreaker pauses momentarily to admire the shining rocks (Appraise: 28) but urges the group forward. "We need to keep moving. No telling how far to go. Anyone know about anything that could make a tunnel like this?"

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 101/101  d20+5=15 ;
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 6:27:22 PM

Bruagh looks are the ore... having been a miner before starting to adventure... he should know this.

Knowledge: Mining: 15

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55  d20+7=24 ;
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 7:16:16 PM

Sam quickly recognizes the substance as raw mithral. He tugs on Bruagh's arm, points to the mithral and then his chain shirt. Appraise=24

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+11=26 ;
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 8:40:16 PM

Terser looks around for marks where tracks may used to have been. perception 26

it seems strange that this place is so orderly, if there truly was a threat and need for an evacuation.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 9:17:32 PM

"Indeed, perhaps it's a beast that killed the people within rapidly, so there wasn't a chance for it to be disordered?"

Exploring Deep Mine Umbra: Combat Round 1  d6=3 ; d20=16 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d20=18 ;
Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 10:46:38 PM

Emeralda casts Bull Strength on Terser
Bruagh, Sam and Taggart all know Mithral when they see it, but the riches of the mine is not why they are here. Though a Mithral mine of such apparent magnitude may answer other questions about the gnomes and how waving a purse of gold at them does not impress.
Terser investigates where the rails should be in the floor. The rails were clearly embedded into the stone floor. That is to say that the stone seemed to have been formed about the rails and the bottom line is that one could not remove the rails, without destroying the surrounding stone that held them in place.

The group continues to move, why are things so clean, could a creature be responsible, and could anything have made tunnels as such as these? The tunnels, according to Bruagh, are very well mined out tunnels and nothing more. A credit to the gnomes on their workmanship.

No sooner than the words reverberate off the stone walls, then a section of the ceiling drops on the dwarf
The rock seems to bend and flow about the dwarf instead of breaking and has taken on a translucent quality.
Bruagh takes 9 points damage + 5 Acid damage and is Grappled

The group is currently in a 10' wide and over 60' long section of tunnel. Assume a move action to become adjacent to Bruagh

Knowledge Dungeoneering DC 14 Highlight to display spoiler: {a Gray Ooze}

CMD 23 to break the grapple
Any weapon strike requires Reflex DC 20 else the weapon takes d6 acid damge

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 4:21:56 AM

Knowing that he can offer little direct help to Bruagh, Sam steps back from the action and starts humming. The Grim Guard feel a wave of strength from his song.

(Inspire courage +2 to all)

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24  d20+12=15 ;
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 9:56:12 AM

Bolstered by Sam's familiar tune, the Oathbreaker steps over and lashes out with his fist, somehow missing wildly.
Move action to get adjacent to Braugh
Attack: 15

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+16=27 ; d10+13=18 ; d20+7=22 ;
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 10:53:48 AM

Terser must have been so focused on the tracks that he missed the telltale shimmer of the creature that dropped from the ceiling. He moves back toward Bruagh's position at the end of the line and attempts to cut the beast off of him.

Bull's Strength +2, Power Attack -2, Bard Song +2
AC 27
18 slashing
reflex 22 - avoids acid

assuming I had to move

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26) 
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 10:54:36 AM

woops - move too far for a full attack, to finish that thought

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 87/101  d20+14=22 ;
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 1:01:15 PM

Bruagh tries to fight back and break the creatures grapple. If the grapple is broken, he will step back and try to fight the creature next round.

CMD of 25 or CMB of 22.

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless  d20=15 ;
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 5:33:39 PM

OOC: ignore the roll--Emeralda doesn't have Dungeoneering.

"What's that???" the inexperienced adventurer exclaims, gaping at the "puddle of rock" that seems to have come to life and started grappling Bruagh. Emeralda, too, moves closer to Bruagh, aiming her warhammer...but then holding her action for a moment.

"Wait--will it hurt Bruagh if I hit this...this...thing?" she asks out loud, flustered.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20' 
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 10:53:26 PM

Karnas backs up at the sludge dropping from the ceiling, and going through his arsenal he came to only one real idea. He begins casting summon monster.

OOC: Start casting summon monster 3

Exploring Deep Mine Umbra: Combat Round 2 
Wednesday December 4th, 2013 11:01:32 PM

Sam starts humming to inspire his brothers in arms
Bruagh tries to break free, but is held fast by the creature about him
Taggart and Terser, both leap into action to save their brother and both land solid blows. Taggart AC 15 hits roll damage and roll a Reflex DC 20 or take d6 acid damage
Emeralda holds her action, concerned that swatting the thing on Bruagh might also hurt him.
Karnas begins summoning assistance.

The creature continues to bind itself about Bruagh, but is unable to tighten its grip. Bruagh's armor however continues to be exposed to the creature and begins to show signs of wear Bruaghs full plate armor take 12 points of acid damage

CMD 23 to break the grapple
Any weapon strike requires Reflex DC 20 else the weapon takes d6 acid damge

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24  d8+7=10 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+7=19 ; d8+7=8 ; d8+7=12 ; d8+7=14 ; d8+7=11 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=22 ;
Thursday December 5th, 2013 12:47:20 AM

The Oathbreaker smashes his fist into the bubbling acid, gritting his teeth as the acid chews away at his fist. In spite of the pain, he continues to smash at the ooze covering his ally. He turns to Esmerelda and cries out, "He dies if we do, he dies if we don't! Just hit it!"
Previous Round Damage: 10
Previous Round Reflex: 16, take 1d6 acid (rolled by the DM I presume)
Flurry of Blows, spending a ki point to add extra attack
Attacks: 15, 25, 23, 19
Damage: 8, 12, 14, 11
Reflex Saves: 25, 21, 24, 22

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless  d20+8=21 ; d6+8=13 ; d20+5=23 ;
Thursday December 5th, 2013 11:31:17 AM

Oathbreaker's injunction is enough for her: Emeralda swings her hammer.

"HAVE AT THEE!!!" she practically yodels at the top of her lungs, using both hands to swing her warhammer at the translucent monster trying to digest her teammate...

OOC: Emeralda hits AC21 for a total of 19hpd (I seem to recall someone mentioning that using both hands to swing a weapon results in 1.5x damage; however, if this is discounted, then the damage is only 13hp.) Her Reflex Save of 23 means her hammer remains unmarred.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Thursday December 5th, 2013 2:38:29 PM

Sam continues humming his inspiring tune while staying away from the chaos. (inspire courage +2 continued)

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 67/67 - CMD 24 
Thursday December 5th, 2013 4:06:11 PM

OOC :: Wielding a weapon two-handed allows you to deal 1.5xStr damage, not total damage.

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+13=30 ;
Thursday December 5th, 2013 7:02:55 PM

Seeing that it looks as if his comrades have this creature well in hand, he scans the rest of the corridor intently, searching for more of them. Watching Bruagh's armor dissolve, it is clear why the mine is so clean.

perception 30

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 87/101  d20+14=31 ; d20+4=22 ;
Thursday December 5th, 2013 10:31:33 PM

Bruagh makes his reflex save and fights valiantly to free himself.

Reflex: 22
grapple: 33 (+2. From Sam)

Exploring Deep Mine Umbra: Combat Round 3  d6=6 ; d20=13 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday December 5th, 2013 11:51:47 PM

Taggart burns himself once on the acid that this creature exudes during a devastating 12 seconds of actions from his fists. Taggart take 6 damage acid
Emeralda strikes hard as well only str is 1.5 with 2 hands so in your case it adds +1 damage for 14 total.
Sam continues to inspire his fellows and Terser takes a moment to look for additional trouble. Which he spots a mere 40' away and gliding across the ceiling
Bruagh is able to get free.

A pseudo pod reaches out from the creature and again grabs Bruagh
Bruagh is Grappled and takes 10 damage + 4 Damage from acid

Terser feels his mind assaulted as he spots the second creature/
Terser WIll Save DC 12 or become confused http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/glossary.html#_confused please roll and react appropriately if the save is failed

CMD 23 to break the grapple
Any weapon strike requires Reflex DC 20 else the weapon takes d6 acid damage. Please roll your own acid damage

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Friday December 6th, 2013 12:02:18 AM

Seeing that Bruagh is again targeted, Sam continues to hum the inspire tune, but adds a special spell for grappled dwarf. Sam casts grease on Bruagh.

Inspire courage +2 continued
Bruagh covered in grease= +10 vs grapple

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20'  d3=3 ; d20+6=23 ; d20+6=10 ; d20+6=11 ; d6+4=8 ; d6+4=6 ; d6+4=6 ;
Friday December 6th, 2013 1:06:12 AM

Karnas finishes his summon spell, and summons forth 3 small earth elementals to attack the ooze. Thinking quickly, he casts Grease on Braugh's armor, in attempt to help him escape the ooze.

3 earth elementals, attack the ooze, from underground if possible.
Attacks: 23/10/11
Damage: 8/6/6

Cast Grease on Braugh's Armor, Requires a reflex save to resist, but this is being done to buff and not to harm and buffs don't require saves. Gives braugh a +10 bonus to escape the grapple.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Friday December 6th, 2013 1:42:40 AM


Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 100/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+12=21 ; d20+20=24 ; d10+16=17 ;
Friday December 6th, 2013 4:48:25 PM

How dare someone try to mess with his mind? Terser's anger responds to the assault on his senses.

Will save 21

He charges at the creature and strikes mightily for its transgression.

Attack vs ac24 for 17damage
-4 ac (rage and charge)

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 73/101  d20+14=29 ;
Sunday December 8th, 2013 2:36:19 PM

Bruagh keeps fighting to break free and tries to fight defensively once he does so. He will not flee, he would rather the creature focus its attacks on him than anyone else.

Grapple: 29 CMB, without the +10 from Grease, CMD is 35.
Fight Defensively for +2 to AC

Exploring Deep Mine Umbra: Combat Round 4  d20=18 ; d20=9 ; d20=9 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d20=6 ; d20=15 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ;
Monday December 9th, 2013 8:02:02 AM

Sam continues his inspiring song and casts Grease on Bruagh to aid further in his grappling
A trio of earth elementals appear about the creature and attack. Stony fists rain down upon it. elementals cannot attack from underground
Karnas, then also casts Grease at Bruagh, however the spell provides no additional assistance to the grappled dwarf.
Bruagh, now covered in Grease, easily escapes the grasp of the creature and goes on the defensive

Terser charges the new coming creature and strikes hard. [i]Terser Reflex DC 20 Else Weapon takes d6 Damage from acid.

Each elemental is burned as they contact the creature
Elemental 1 Reflex 18 takes 6
Elemental 2 Reflex 9 takes 5
Elemental 3 Reflex 9 takes 5

The creature attacks Bruah again, but this time cannot get a hold of the slippery dwarf

Terser is attacked a further 40' away and finds himself grappled by the creature he faces
Terser Grappled Damage 11 + 5 Acid

CMD 23 to break the grapple

Any weapon or natural attack requires Reflex DC 20 else the weapon takes d6 acid damage. Please roll your own acid damage

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless  d20+8=23 ; d6+9=15 ; d20+5=14
Monday December 9th, 2013 11:20:27 AM

(OOC: Sorry about losing track and not posting here--events conspired against me. Sigh

Emeralda sees Terser hare off and attack...something else over there and charges to his assistance, hollering at the top of her lungs and swinging enthusiastically in that two-handed grip that seems to be a bit effective (as long as she actually connects)...

OOC: Emeralda hits AC23 for 15hp damage
LATER ADDITION: I only just noticed that I forgot to roll Reflex Save for Emeralda if she ends up hitting Terser's monster--her Save is only 14, darn it!

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 14 -- HP 55/55 
Monday December 9th, 2013 5:44:04 PM

Sam sees Terser in an all too familiar situation. His song continues as he casts grease on Terser while still doing his best to stay away from danger.

Inspire courage +2 continued
Cast grease on Terser

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 73/101  d6=1 ; d20+15=19 ; d10+15=18 ; d10+15=23 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+3=11 ;
Monday December 9th, 2013 8:58:03 PM

Bruagh swings at the ooze twice in rapid succession.

Attack: 17 (Fight Defensively)
Damage: 18
Attack2: 26 (Fight Defensively)
Damage: 23

Reflex: 11
1 Point of Acid Damage

Bruagh will not be fighting defensively any more, so next round he will not have the penalties.

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 57/67 - CMD 24  d20+13=22 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+8=23 ; d8+7=12 ; d8+7=12 ; d8+7=15 ; d8+8=10 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=13 ; 3d6=4 ;
Monday December 9th, 2013 10:28:19 PM

The Oathbreaker continues to lay into the creature attacking Braugh, grunting with each hit.
Flurry of Blows
Attacks: 22, 30, 23
Damage: 12, 12, 15
Reflex: 10, 13, 13
3d6 acid damage: 4

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 85/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+7=18 ; d6=1 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=12 ; d4+9=12 ; d4+9=13 ; d4+9=12 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+7=10 ; 2d6=5 ;
Tuesday December 10th, 2013 1:41:33 AM

reflex 18 - 1 damage
DR1 - 15 total damage

Ignoring the creature with its pseudopod on him, Terser draws his knife and stabs at it repeatedly.

AC 31 and 30 - crit confirm vs AC 12
damage 12 and 25
reflex 16, 10, 2d6 damage to weapon - 5

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20'  d20-1=3 ; d20-1=10 ; d20-1=0 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=23 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=23 ; d6+4=9 ; d6+4=10 ; d6+4=5 ; d6+4=8 ; d6+4=7 ; d6+4=10 ;
Tuesday December 10th, 2013 5:34:13 AM

Karnas shrugs, not seeing great oppertunity for spell aid, as he casts haste on Terser, Braugh, Taggart, Emeralda, and the 3 elementals

Cast haste above targets

Elemental 1, 3 fail saves, elemental 2 succeeds. HP of the 3 are 7/13/8 respectively
Elementals, with haste, strike twice. If the target dies, then the elementals move to the next available target and do a single attack.
Attacks (with +1 from haste)

Also, I'm confused. You say that any weapon or natural attack causes acid damage to the weapon, but natural weapons can't be damaged as far as I know except by killing the creature who has them

DM: you are the natural weapon and thus take d6 points of damage with every strike unless you succeed a Reflex DC 20 save

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless 
Tuesday December 10th, 2013 2:09:13 PM

It's as though time itself were strangely suspended for the over-eager fightin' cleric of Domi, as her warhammer swings towards its intended target in super-slow-motion...like an ancient Peckinpaugh film...

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 73/101 
Tuesday December 10th, 2013 8:22:28 PM


Exploring Deep Mine Umbra: Combat Round 5  d6=2 ; d20=19 ; d20=19 ; d20=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d20=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday December 10th, 2013 8:49:14 PM

Emeralda charges after Terser and strikes the creature, a sizzle comes from her hammer where it his the creature Hammer took 2 points Acid Damage
Sam continues his inspiring dirge and casts another Grease spell, this time at Terser.
Taggart rains another flurry of blows upon the thing attacking Bruagh and with his final strike it seems to collapse into a puddle that lies still.
Terser pulls his knife and stabs the creature twice. The acid from the thing dissolves his knife nearly completely on the second strike, rendering the weapon useless
Karnas casts Haste. Terser and Emeralda are 40' away and cannot be targetted with everyone else
The creature dead, the Elementals move down the passage and attack the thing assaulting Terser. Each connects a single time, resulting in minor burns to themselves.
E1 takes 5
E2 takes 5
E3 takes 1

The creature Continues to wrap about Terser. Smoke and the smell of acid come from both the barbarian and his armor.
Tersers Armor takes 12 Acid damage. Terser takes 15 damage + 3 Acid

Terser is Grappled
CMD 23 to break the grapple

Any weapon or natural attack requires Reflex DC 20 else the weapon takes d6 acid damage. Please roll your own acid damage

Terser, Emerlada and the Earth elementals are 40' away from the rest of the party.
The nearest adjacent square to the creature a 50'

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless  d20+8=13 ; d6+8=13 ; d20+5=16 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 12:14:16 AM

Emeralda shows a particular habit while attempting to hammer away at the thing trying to digest Terser: she apparently is a very noisy sort of fighter, as she continues to (more or less) yodel as she attempts to strike at the oozy monster.

OOC: Emeralda's attack hits AC13 for 13hp damage; if she actually managed to connect, she's failed her Reflex Save (it's only 16) and her warhammer suffers 6hp Acid damage.

Karnas (L1-7 L2-7 L3- 5): AC12/12/10 - CMD13 - HP40/40 , Cark AC: 19/16/17 - CMD 14 - HP 20/20, Blindsense 20'  d20+6=25 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+6=11 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6+4=7 ; d6+4=5 ; d6+4=8 ; d6+4=7 ; d6+4=7 ; d6+4=5 ;
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 4:42:00 AM

Karnas holds off from moving, not wanting to risk a counterattack from the oozes, as the elementals keep pressing the attack.

Elementals at 2/8/7
All full attack the target.
Ele 1 Attack: 26/22
Damage: 7/5
Acid Damage: 5, kills elemental 1, only delivers 1 attack, ignore second if both hit.

Ele 2 Attack: 26/8
Damage: 8/7
Acid Damage: 1, 6 . Ele 2 survives with 1 hp if both hit

Ele 3 Attack: 20/12
Damage: 7/5
Acid Damage 4,5, ele 3 dead after 2 attacks if both hit.

Also, is this a special gray ooze? From the PRD, it says ooze acid only damages wood or metal.

DM. Yes they are modified

Terser, Honored of Clan Ironbane (Warren G): HP 82/82 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 24 (raging HP 68/100, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 26)  d20+8=19 ; d20+12=30 ;
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 11:31:40 AM

DR1 - 17 damage, reflex 20 (+1 from haste)

Seeing that he no longer has weapon capable of easily damaging this creature, Terser easily slips out of the thing's grasp, helped along by the grease. He moves back into charging range and readies his glaive, ignoring for now the acid burning his skin and clothing.

move back 15 feet - draw glaive

Emeralda Everbrawl AC20/12/17, HP58/58; Bless 
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 2:21:28 PM

OOC: Emeralda can channel energy or heal as needed, but people getting damaged by monsters (and such) need to remember to note their reduced HP so that I know when to have Emmie dispense with the healin' love.

Bruagh Stormbringer (Zach R.) AC 22/12/16 -- CMD 23/27 -- HP 73/101  d20+15=24 ; d20+10=17 ; d10+15=22 ; d10+15=20 ;
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 5:17:38 PM

Bruagh, being hasted, runs up to help Terser by slashing the creature.

Attack: 24
Damage: 22

Ignore second rolls, forgot haste bonus attack only applies on full round attack.

Exploring Deep Mine Umbra: Combat Round 6 
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 9:04:39 PM

Emeralda strikes the creature again.
The elementals are pound upon the thing and two of the elementals are destroyed in the process
Terser easily disengages from the grapple and moves back to get ready for another charge
Bruagh moves up and slams the creature with a powerful blow

Terser and Bruagh feel their minds assaulted.
Will Save DC 12 or become confused

Taggart Oathbreaker (Ian) 21/18/18 - 57/67 - CMD 24  d20+15=17 ; d8+7=10 ; d20+8=24 ;
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 11:21:29 PM

The Oathbreaker charges the creature with his new-found haste, striking fast and hard.
Charge remaining enemy
Attack: 17
Damage: 10
Reflex: 24

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