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Moonbeam Vale

Just Outside Fae Skimier (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 6th, 2013 7:22:04 AM

Eclip wisely asks Nonam's Ring if it is safe to teleport to the city.

The ring chuckles. "I have been amusing myself with your dithering, wondering how long it would take you to ask your actual guide for guidance. In short, you may not teleport within the Mythal, that is, the dome-like barrier that surrounds the city. You can teleport to the edge of the city, next to but outside the Mythal, without danger."

Hearing this, Gio accedes to the plan, makes sure his air supply is safe, and pops into the bag of holding.

Server offers to occupy the bag as well if needed.

But it is a moot point. Lenna brooks no further delay, and she casts the spell to bring the group to its next destination. And as you blip away, you hear the sound of Nonam's Dragon Ring of Teleportation chuckling ...

You arrive without mishap, discovering that the lands outside the city are beautiful, covered with small lakes and lightly wooded. Most trees are laden with all kinds of fruit. But your attention is taken by the translucent dome that covers the city. You can see that it sparkles and throbs with power. The city within is illuminated by the setting sun behind it. A sign in elvish says, "Welcome to the Moombeam Vale."

You are standing on a dark red stone road that leads west across a bridge over a lake and into the domed city.

You note that large magical-seeming creatures are roaming the area. There are especially large ones not too far away north and south.

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76  d20+32=50 ; d20+23=24 ; d20+23=26 ; d20+23=28 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+21=35 ;
Monday May 6th, 2013 10:08:16 AM

Lenna gives a satisfied sigh of satisfaction. The party are one step closer to their destination because of her. But there is no time to pat herself on the back now.

"Remarkable" she says admiring all around her - the fruit trees in particular. Hopefully one day she will be allowed to return here to examine things in more detail. The setting sun (which some might consider beautiful) concerns her. "If this environment is anything like those in the Wold then things will become more hostile come nightfall. I suggest we pick up the pace with our task, whilst staying alert for any shelter should we require it later"

Lenna prepares to walk down the path, but certainly not first. If any tree branches are close enough to the edge of the path Lenna will pick a piece of the fruit and store it in her pack to examine later.

Skill checks:
Knowl Arcana: 50 - Does Lenna recognise the creatures?
Knowl History: 24 - Does Moonbeam Vale ring a bell?
Knowl Nature: 26 - Do the fruit trees seem normal or familiar?
Perception: 28 - Specifically looking down the path towards the bridge
Survival: 18 - Best guess on how long til nightfall
Stealth: 35 - Trying to move quietly

OOC: Question to DM: The creatures that we can see - are they both inside and outside of the dome? Do we witness any passing through the dome?

Q&A (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 6th, 2013 11:02:44 AM

Knowl Arcana: 50 - Does Lenna recognise the creatures?

Some are draconic ... some likely magical beasts ... all powerful seeming ...

Knowl History: 24 - Does Moonbeam Vale ring a bell?

Nope ...

Knowl Nature: 26 - Do the fruit trees seem normal or familiar?

They are unfamiliar ... maybe some seem like things youmight recognize ... a form of apple or pear ... but mostly unusual ...

Perception: 28 - Specifically looking down the path towards the bridge

You see the sign ...

Survival: 18 - Best guess on how long til nightfall

Time seems very strange in these parts ...

OOC: Question to DM: The creatures that we can see - are they both inside and outside of the dome? Do we witness any passing through the dome?

You have not yet seen any creature inside the dome ... significant? coincidental? ...

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble  d20+28=43 ; d20+43=54 ;
Monday May 6th, 2013 11:46:49 AM

Now safely teleported, Thar moves out front again, invisible still... He takes the lead, but before crossing the bridge, carefully observing the area, bridge, sign, etc.. for any dangers, traps, interesting things...

Perc = 43
Stealth (Inv) = 54

Eclip & Artan Character Sheet  d20+28=46 ; d20+28=31 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+22=31
Monday May 6th, 2013 12:04:37 PM

Eclip makes sure that Gio is let out of the bag, as he remarks "Strange the sun was overhead at the hill and showed no sign of moving, and here it is setting after what should have been seconds."

The Druid tries to determin if the sun is moving here, and ask the ring if the teleport took longer than normal here. He also keeps watch to see if any of the beast seem unduly interested in us.

Perception: 46
Knowlage Nature: 31
Survival: 38
Spell craft: 22

Q&A (DM Cayzle) 
Monday May 6th, 2013 1:18:47 PM

Eclip puts some thought and investigation into the soalr phenomona. He is drawn to an unusual conclusion ... is it possible that the position of the sun is not based on the passage of time, but on some other variable?

Server (Jennessen) AC 16/28/16 -- HP 180/180 -- Zach R.  d20+47=66 ; d20+50=61 ;
Monday May 6th, 2013 2:35:08 PM

The Server takes in all of the sights of Moonbeam Vale and she looks for any threats or anything seemingly out of place. She also looks at the creatures to see what sort of threat they might post.

Perception: 66 (Arcane Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Read Magic)
Sense Motive: 61

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d20+13=20 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+24=42 ;
Monday May 6th, 2013 4:13:48 PM

Larien nods as the ring confirms her belief that teleporting outside the magical dome is safe (after all, the gnoat did it...). Unfortunately, it did not occur to her to simply have Nonam's Dragon Ring of Teleportation do the teleporting. D'oh!

After arriving in Moonbeam Vale and seeing that Gio is safely removed from the Bag of Holding, Larien quietly asks the ring, "Nibelung, besides the magical gate we just left, do you sense any other magical gates around, and if so, in what direction are they? Also, is there any danger from passing through the Mythal; physical damage, an alarm being triggered, etc...?"

Thinking to the group, "Yes, let's get moving."


K. History 20 (Does Moonbeam Vale ring a bell? -- I assume no, since Lenna rolled higher)
Perception 31
Stealth 42

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP 
Monday May 6th, 2013 9:16:27 PM

Tired of the ring, Gio takes it off and places it into Eclip's hand--even if he doesn't want it. "Enjoy, he's a real pip." Glad to be unburdened by the crappy ring of Nonam, Gio's mood perks up and says, "Okay, which way?"

Enter Two Great Monsters (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 6:47:07 AM

OOC: If you are invisible, you can make stealth checks, but they fail automatically against true seeing, tremorsense (if you are also touching the ground), blindsense, etc. If you are not invisible, you cannot make stealth checks unless there is also cover or concealment for you.

The nearest fruit trees are 20-30 ft away, so no fruit has been harvested.

Invisible Thar, at point, is looking over the sign and road for traps when Server calls out that the sign is magical, with an enchantment school aura.

Gio asks for directions, and the ring answers: "Forward, across the bridge, through the Mythal, and into the City."

The ring tells Larien that there are no gates nearby, and that if the mythal accepts you, that is, if you meet the entrance criteria, you will pass it without problem. If you do not meet the criteria, you may not pass.

Meanwhile, the monsters north and south run closer. The one to the north looks like an extremely daunting constrictor, with a dragon head on one end, and another dragon head on the other end. The one to the south is a very very big ooze or gelatinous sphere. As it rolls closer, you see it forming pseudopod-like feet to give it more speed.

The one to the north shouts (both heads calling in unison): "Ugh, get away from that nasty jelly ball. We are the ruler of the lake! Declare yourselves our ally now!"

A giant mouth forms on the bouncing sphere as if gets closer. "Ignore that slithery snake! I am the ruler! Ally with me and we will drive this serpent out of this garden!"

Both creatures are gargantuan. They are about 100 ft from the road, thus 200 ft from each other. The one to the north, the snake with two dragon heads, has an aura of fear. Please make will saves vs DC27 or be shaken

Server thinks they are here to fight. Lenna and Eclip thinks they are both fey -- one draconic and fey, the other ooze-like and fey.

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 9:49:30 AM

"It seems everyone wants to fight each other and to ally with us" Lenna notes with a raised eyebrow. The dragon-headed creature is certainly getting more imposing the closer it gets to the party. Lenna tries to hide her fear from the rest of the party (Will save vs DC27: 24 = Fail. Lenna is shaken.) Her backpack trembles as inside Rico feels his master's emotions.

"Are we attacking either of them or staying clear?"

Eclip & Artan (shaken) Character Sheet  d20+26=30 ; d20+12=28 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 11:02:04 AM

(Ooc Fear save Eclip 30, Artan 24 (roll included +4 devotion , but it dosen't apply))

Artan moves closer to the Druid away from the fearsome double headed dragon Fae clearly shaken. Eclip not impressed by the twin headed Fae reassures his companion.

Eclip thinks to the others, <Not quite sure how far from us the two monsters will collide, but if we can make a run we might avoid a fight!>

(Ooc DM, how far is it across the bridge to the city, how quickly will the two monsters reach the midpoint between them, and how far along our path is the midpoint?)

If it looks feasible, Eclip can run 200ft and Artan can run 250ft while carrying 750lb more than what he has now. So Gio and one other could ride him. But Eclip doesn't want to leave anyone who can't make it clear or fly over them.

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble  d20+21=32 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 11:58:42 AM

(Fear Save = 32)

Thar sees these gargantuan creatures coming their way, but his strength of will allows him to ignore their immensity and powerful auras...

While he's not afraid of either one, he doesn't feel like getting into a battle between the two... "I say we run and see what we can do to avoid a fight... They look like they hate each other and will attack us if they get a chance... Shall we cross the bridge and try to enter the mythal? That seems the wisest way to avoid a fight..."

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP  d20+21=38 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 12:04:41 PM

"Let it be known!" Gio says in a loud commanding voice, obviously unaffected by the presence of the gargantuan beasts (Will save 38), "Anyone, and I mean anyone, who attacks our group will not be considered for redemption and will certainly not return with us when we leave. All decisions about who will leave with us will be made just before we leave and not before, so consider that if we do not immediately accept your help!"

Thinking to the others, "I'm all for avoiding a fight, we don't know whats here and it could be a very long day."

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP  d20+32=42 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 12:05:39 PM

Diplomacy 42 for the above statement

Enter Two Great Monsters (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 12:40:23 PM

(Ooc DM, how far is it across the bridge to the city, how quickly will the two monsters reach the midpoint between them, and how far along our path is the midpoint?)

The bridge is 200 ft away. It spans 600 ft of lake before it touches the mythal dome. It looks like the monsters will be pretty close next round. They are each 100 ft away. The snake dragon moves at 40, and the rolling blob moves at 60.

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 1:13:14 PM

It sounds like the majority are up for a run. If they make a break for it Lenna runs at top speed with the pack (160ft). "Unless, of course, the ring wishes to teleport us 780ft closer to the dome?"

OOC: By my count Eclip, Thar and Gio are for running and avoiding a fight. Including Lenna that would make 4

Enter Two Great Monsters (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 2:15:57 PM

OOC: Recall that to use the ring, you must all be touching it. You must all gather in a circle and each lay a finger on it.

Eclip & Artan (shaken) Character Sheet 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 2:34:31 PM

Agreeing If the ring can teleport us closer to the dome then that would be the quickest way, otherwise Eclip will delay allowing Gio to ride upon Artan befor making a run for the bridge. "Gio, a haste spell would for the party would be great ,if you can cast one while riding a tiger at a full run. Otherwise I fear not all of us can out run the jelly thing."

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76 
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 2:40:09 PM

"Running it is then" Lenna hastily agrees, still fearful of the creature

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d20+20=28 ; d20+19=33 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 4:23:30 PM

OOC to DM: Stealth checks can be made successfully without cover if you have not already been observed/detected. "Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you....If people are observing you using any of their senses (but typically sight), you can't use Stealth. Against most creatures, finding cover or concealment allows you to use Stealth."[/b] Note that it says "are observing you" not "trying to observe you". Think of it this way: the perception check at a distance vs someone moving silently, making no sudden moves, and moving with the terrain (even if the terrain doesn't actually provide cover per se) is going to be significantly higher. Trees may be 20-30 ft away, but anyone beyond them in those directions will still be screened off, and anyone in the opposite directions may just see the trees in the distance rather than the (slight) movement in front of them. Just something to consider.

Larien concurs with the run-for-it plan -- presumably if the ring could have teleported them closer per their instructions, it would have. To the group she thinks, <I'll cast Haste; that leaves Gio more casting flexibility.>

She barely avoids the fear-effect (Will 28), but gathers herself to mount Artan, and casts Haste on everyone (including companions/familiars), granting everyone greater speed, among other things. All the while she looks around for other dangers, and tries to make sure the bridge isn't an illusion or anything like that.

Thinking again to the group, <Eclip and Artan might want to move ahead of the others slightly, in case there are other threats on the bridge, or a delay entering the mythal. We don't want to be too bunched up.>


With Haste, even those with a 30 ft base move will now be able to run 240 ft a round (30+30*4=240). The Concentration check for casting while moving should not be necessary in this case, but if so, it's passed automatically, as Larien's Concentration mod is 34. Eclip (320 ft) and Artan (370 ft) can actually move even faster if they choose to do so.

If Larien is too far away from Artan to mount him and cast a spell in the same round, she will draw her Lesser Quicken rod to facilitate her casting. As a last resort, she can draw the rod, cast the spell on everyone, and run (Hasted) under her own power if mounting Artan and casting simply isn't possible. In this case, she would be able to run 240 ft a round.

Perception 33

Server (Jennessen) AC 16/28/16 -- HP 180/180 -- Zach R.  d20+26=32 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2013 5:27:53 PM

The Server, still invisible, takes off behind her friends. Her flying carpet is still in hand should it be needed. 70ft x 4 - 280ft per round running. She also calls out what she noticed about the sign, and other things that stood out.

Will Save: 32

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble 
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 9:31:19 AM

(Post 2)... Since haste is cast upon them, and assuming he didn't see anything threatening on or around the bridge,Thar will take off running too

Eclip & Artan (shaken) Character Sheet  d20+17=20 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 11:02:07 AM

(Ooc with haste Eclip would have a move of 60' and Artan 70'. Run rates would be 240' {x4} and 350'{x5})

Give the haste, Eclip spends a action to dismiss reduce anaimal on Artan, followed by a quick mount (ride check 20) and a haste galip for the city. (Artan at large size can carry 2000+lb at a run, so should easily carry Eclip, Gio, Larien and more.)

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP 
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 11:18:21 AM

Gio goes along with the ride atop Artan.

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 1-4 (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 12:54:51 PM

You are 200 ft from the bridge and then another 600 ft from the mythal.

A super-quick discussion leads to general flight. Larien casts Haste and mounts Artan.

Gio mkes a loud declaration ... then ...

Eclip and Gio also mount the companion.

Lenna, Larien, and Thar run too.

The slowest is Thar, at 30 base hasted to 60, who runs 240 ft.

Lenna, at 40 base hasted to 70, runs 280 ft. Server too.

Artan, carrying three people, moves at base 40 up to 70 hasted, times 5 with Run feat, moving 350 ft per round.

The two ginormous monsters move closer. The dragon-serpent moves 80 ft closer, then breathes a single line of electricity at the blob thing. The blob thing charges the serpent with two heads and lashes out with a pseudopod. It forms a mouth and an eye that look towards the group.

"Go ahead, chickies," says the blob. "We'll see how tasty you are when the Mythal rejects you!

That concludes the first round of the combat.

The next round sees everyone keep running, onto the bridge and toward the dome. Artan has run 700 ft. Lenna and Server have run 560 ft, and Thar has run 480 ft. The monsters are engaged in a titanic struggle.

In the third round, a double move brings Artan to the mythal boundary on the bridge. Larien, Eclip, and Gio can act (remember dismounting is usually a move action). Larien and Lenna run another 240 ft and arrive. Thar runs another 240 ft ... he has run a total of 720 ft, and is 80 ft from the mythal.

First thing, please, Larien, Eclip, and Gio can post your actions for round three.

Also in the third round, the Dragon Snake disengages and retreats from the Blob. The Blob forms mouths that cackle madly. It takes a swipe (AOO), then lets the Dragon Snake go and runs 240 ft to the bridge, hot on your trail.

At the beginning of the fourth round, Gio, Eclip, Larien, Lenna, and Server are at the Mythal. It looks like a shimmering, sparkly wall of force that spans the bridge and beyond -- a dome over the whole city. You five, please also post another set of actions for round 4. Thar, post your action, but odds are you will want to take a double move to get to the mythal.

At the start of Round Four, Thar is still 80 ft from the mythal. By the end of round 4, the Blob will have travelled another 240 ft, total 480, and will be only a couple rounds away.

Let's take actions to get everyone caught up to the end of Round 4, please.

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76 
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 3:04:22 PM

Round 4
Lenna feels slightly bad that Thar isn't able to keep pace. He is the one she finds easiest to tolerate after all.
"If we plan on fighting it I believe it may be some kind of ooze-like fey. Cold iron weapons are known to be effective versus fey, so you may consider using them against this" she relays the facts as she knows them.

OOC: With the dragon-snake gone, is Lenna still shaken? Also, how wide is the bridge - are we single file? Final question - what's the bridge made of?

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 1-4 (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 6:03:33 PM

Bridge is 20 ft wide, with a 5 ft wide railing on each side, total 30 ft wide, and made of stone and red bricks, and let's say that seeing the dragon run away ends its frightening aspect.

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble  d20+28=46 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 6:12:15 PM

Thar smiles as he huffs and puffs to follow up with Lenna and the others... He sees that she has some pity on him, but his disembodied voice says, "I'll catch up eventually..." as he takes a double move to get to the Mythal...

While running, he looks behind him from time to time to see if it appears the enemy has seen his invisible form... Perc = 46 (Still invisible yet not skulking to be stealthy... Hopefully with all the sounds of battle and people running, that'll block some of his sounds...)

(OOC - DM, if we're still considered in a "forest," that's Thar's favored ranger terrain, so he does NOT leave any trail and can't be tracked.)

Server (Jennessen) AC 16/28/16 -- HP 180/180 -- Zach R.  d20+47=55 ; d20+42=47 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 6:41:44 PM

The Server decides now is a good time to get mobile. She hops on her Carpet of Flying and moves 40ft straight up. She then pulls out her Rod of Extend, holding it in her hand.

Please note the Sserver and her Carpet are both invisible.

Perception: 55 Searching for additional threats.
Stealth: 47 (Invisible 40ft up in the air.)

OOC: Remember that the Server can use that aid in magic ability to metamagic your spells for free. If you want that to happen, tell me so I can fly beside you and make it happen.

Permanent Abilities:
Arcane Sight (120ft)
Read Magic
Darkvision (60ft)
See Invisibility
Special Abilities:
Channel Energy (3d6) - 3 x day
Rebuke Death (1d4+3) - 13 x day
Sacrificial Bond - 13 x day
Act of Valor +20 - When in need
Send Hope (1 Hour 40 Minutes) - 1 x day per person
Send Supplies - 1 x day per person
Unseen Helper - When in need
Send Sacrifice - 1 x day per person
Life Gift -
Mark of Justice (From Walkers) - 1 x day
Quicken Rod - 3 x day
Extend Rod - 3 x day
Ring of Invisibility -
Carpet of Flying
Spells: (All Cure Spells are Empowered Free)
Level 0 - DC 20: Create Water, Light, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1 - DC 21: Bless, Command, Deathwatch x2, Remove Fear, Sanctuary x2, Domain Spell: Shield Other
Level 2 - DC 22: Calm Emotions x2, Consecrate, Entrhall, Hold Person x2, Remove Paralysis, Silence, Domain Spell: Aid
Level 3 - DC 23: Create Food, Daylight , Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge , Remove Curse, Speak with Dead, Domain Spell: Helping Hand
Level 4 - DC 24: Deathward, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Holy Smite x2 (Merciful), Restoration, Domain Spell: Imbue with Spell Ability
Level 5 - DC 25: Break Enchantment, Flame Strike x2 (Merciful), Hallow, Scrying,True Seeing, Domain Spell: Spell Resistance 28
Level 6 - DC 26: Heal x4, Word of Recall, Domain Spell: Heal
Level 7 - DC 27: Control Weather, Repulsion, Summon Monster VII, Scrying, Greater, Domain Spell: Holy Aura
Level 8 - DC 28: Silent, Still Heal x2, Silent, Still Dispel Magic, Domain Spell: Foresight (other)

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP 
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 7:28:46 PM

Round 3:

Gio hops off Artan and asks Nebelung, "Ring of Nonam, is it safe for use to pass through the Mythal?"

If the ring responds positively, Gio will walk through the Mythal.

If the ring responds negatively, Gio will invoke his Brahmah Tattoo of Protection from Energy--ACID

Round 4:

Depends on the rings answer,

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d20+19=35 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2013 7:50:24 PM

Round 3:

Larien dismounts and says to the barrier, "We seek to pass into the Mythal. What are the criteria for passage?"


Round 4 post will depend on what the ring and the barrier say, if anything....

Perception 35

Seeing that Server is going mobile, Larien remembers part of a little ditty:

Out in the woods
Or in the city
It's all the same to me
When I'm driving free
The world's my home
When I'm mobile

Server (Jennessen) AC 16/28/16 -- HP 180/180 -- Zach R. 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 8:12:39 AM

Checking in.... may not get another chance to do that today.

Eclip & Artan (shaken) Character Sheet  d4=1 ; d20+17=26 ; d20+28=40 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2013 10:31:59 AM

Round 3

Eclip fast dismounts (ride check 26) and steps up to the barrier. Casting detect magic, the Druid starts studying the Mythal as it it where a magic item (takes 3 rounds to identify will wait to make spellcraft roll on final round)

Round 4
Continue to study the Mythal

Perception 40

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d20+8=17 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2013 3:15:50 PM

Eclip's post reminded me to try a fast-dismount for Larien, but she didn't quite make the Ride check, so it's a move action for her.

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 4:48:26 PM

Checking in...

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 1-4 (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 5:26:49 PM

Round 3: Larien, Gio, Eclip ...

Gio asks the ring if it is safe to try to pass the Mythal.

The ring, currently carried by Eclip, answers: "It will not harm you. It has requirements you must meet to pass. I do not know what the requirements are."

Larien dismounts and asks the mythal a question. It does not respond.

Eclip uses detect magic on the mythal.

The ginormous rolling blob runs 240 ft from 800 ft away to 560 ft away.


Round 4: Larien, Gio, Eclip, Lenna, Server, Thar ...

Lenna takes a guess on how to fight the ooze.

Thar makes a double move to get to the Mythal wall.

Server mounts her carpet and flies up (half speed ascending, please check out the rules for making fly checks to go straight up).

Eclip continues to use Detect Magic on the mythal.

Gio and Larien have yet to act.

The ginormous rolling blob runs 240 ft from 560 ft away to 320 ft away.


Round 5: Please post your actions. Gio and Larien, please post your actions for Round 4 and 5 ... and I will try hard to respond to any Round 4 actions as soon as they are posted.

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d4=4 ; d20+19=36 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2013 7:59:07 PM

Round 4:

Larien casts Time Stop to great effect, and she attempts to step into the Mythal. As she does so, she repeats, "We seek to pass into the Mythal. What are the criteria for passage?"


Larien has five additional rounds of actions remaining before Time Stop expires, after which Round 5 will occur for everyone. I will attempt to make multiple posts per day if the DM is able to respond, until such time that the Time Stop expires.

Note that Larien is a level 17 wizard for purposes of spell's known and memorized due to her Orange Ioun Stone (+1 CL), which is why she has access to a 9th level spell.

Perception 36

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 1-4 (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 8:14:21 PM

Oh gosh, sorry Larien, the ioun stone does not work that way. It boosts your CL but not your spells per day or spells in your spell book. You still prep the number of spells you get as a 16th level caster, but for effects such as spell penetration, variable effects like damage dice and duration, and how hard it is to dispel your magic, you are treated as a 17th level caster. NOT for spells per day.

My apologies for not seeing that when i vetted your sheet. Try again?

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 8:29:27 PM

Gio thinks happy thoughts--mainly dealing with the consumption of bacon, and steps into the Mythal.

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility. 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 9:13:04 PM

I'll just note that a +1 Setanos's Vestment of Holy Inc. only costs 13,000 gp and has explicit limits to CL for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables such as damage dice or range, and caster level checks, and a Bead of karma lets the wearer cast his spells at +4 caster level for 10 minutes at a cost of 20,000 gp. An Orange Ioun Stone costs 30,000 gp and makes no similar mention of limits on the scope of the CL benefit. Given the much higher cost, the lack of limiting language seems notable.

Larien skips the spell and steps into the Mythal, saying, ""We seek to pass into the Mythal. What are the criteria for passage?"

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 1-4 (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday May 9th, 2013 9:13:54 PM

The ioun stone occupies no slots. The vestment occupies a slot and has a restriction that you have to honor a particular god for it to function. That's the price difference.

Larien and Gio pass through in round 4. You are on the bridge, within the mythal dome over Fae Skimier.

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d20+19=31 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2013 10:01:01 PM

OK, that makes sense.

Game question: So the Mythal dome extends partway onto the bridge and lake? I guess I didn't understand that before.

Having passed through, Larien takes off running again, and thinks to the others, <Come on! Get through the Mythal fast -- we don't know for sure whether the ooze-thing can follow or not, and we don't want to stay exposed on the bridge on either side.>

Larien checks to see how much farther the bridge extends, what's at the end, what's beyond it, and whether there are any creatures ahead. She'll stop if she sees any immediate dangers.


Perception 31

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76 
Friday May 10th, 2013 1:46:25 AM

Lenna follows bravely behind Larien, occaisionally looking back to see if the blob follows.

OOC: Anyone familiar with "Brave Sir Robin"?

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 4-5 (DM Cayzle) 
Friday May 10th, 2013 8:41:59 AM

In round 4 Larien and Gio enter. In round 5, Lenna does too. Anyone else?

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble 
Friday May 10th, 2013 9:38:31 AM

Thar also enters.... This scene reminds me of the old Steve McQueen movie, the Blob.... A good movie, though the special affects could have used some work ;)

Cayzle Comments: More like one of the guard balloons from the old Prisoner TV show, but also able to form pseudopods and limbs and eyes and mouths.

Eclip & Artan (shaken) Character Sheet  d20+17=19 ;
Friday May 10th, 2013 1:36:33 PM

Seeing the others pass freely, Eclip abandits the detect magic spell mount Artan and attempts to ride through Mythal thinking happy thoughts.

(Quick mount ride check 19 failed)

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble 
Friday May 10th, 2013 2:40:48 PM

To quote a famous recurring conversation, "What do you want?" "Information!" "You won't get it!!!"

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility. 
Friday May 10th, 2013 3:48:49 PM

Somehow, I don't think we're passing freely into the Mythal just yet. Methinks the DM just wants to get us all inside first. "Come here boys and girls, I have some candy for you." :-)

Giovanni Thornhill 42AC/22T/37FF | CMD33 | 153/154HP 
Friday May 10th, 2013 7:22:06 PM

I like candy...wait, wut?

Battle On The Bridge, Rounds 4-5 (DM Cayzle) 
Friday May 10th, 2013 11:37:26 PM

The party passes through the dome wall and now can proceed across the bridge and into the city proper.

Larien (AC 44/26T/37FF, HP 199/199 Temp HP 219) Permanent Detect Magic & See Invisibility.  d20+19=37 ;
Saturday May 11th, 2013 2:26:38 AM

Larien arches an eyebrow in surprise, but they're through, and that's all that matters. Looking back to see what the ooze-creature is doing, Larien thinks, <Come on, let's get off this bridge.> She then sets off at a jog toward the city, unless the ooze is able to follow them, in which case she takes off at a run.

She again checks to see how much farther the bridge extends, what's at the end (if anything in particular), what's beyond it, and whether there are any creatures ahead.


If nothing seems to be following the group, Larien will stop jogging once they're off the bridge.

Perception 37

Server (Jennessen) AC 16/28/16 -- HP 180/180 -- Zach R.  d20+47=52 ; d20+42=51
Sunday May 12th, 2013 11:26:14 AM

The Server mutters something under her breath about so far no creature here being worth taking back. She forgets about the telepathic link which lets everyone hear what she is muttering. She decides to keep her mouth shut and and her eyes open from behind the Servers mask. Passing judgement was so unbecoming of one in her position.

Perception: 52
Invisible Stealth: 51
Permanent Abilities:
Arcane Sight (120ft)
Read Magic
Darkvision (60ft)
See Invisibility
Special Abilities:
Channel Energy (3d6) - 3 x day
Rebuke Death (1d4+3) - 13 x day
Sacrificial Bond - 13 x day
Act of Valor +20 - When in need
Send Hope (1 Hour 40 Minutes) - 1 x day per person
Send Supplies - 1 x day per person
Unseen Helper - When in need
Send Sacrifice - 1 x day per person
Life Gift -
Mark of Justice (From Walkers) - 1 x day
Quicken Rod - 3 x day
Extend Rod - 3 x day
Ring of Invisibility -
Carpet of Flying
Spells: (All Cure Spells are Empowered Free)
Level 0 - DC 20: Create Water, Light, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1 - DC 21: Bless, Command, Deathwatch x2, Remove Fear, Sanctuary x2, Domain Spell: Shield Other
Level 2 - DC 22: Calm Emotions x2, Consecrate, Entrhall, Hold Person x2, Remove Paralysis, Silence, Domain Spell: Aid
Level 3 - DC 23: Create Food, Daylight , Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge , Remove Curse, Speak with Dead, Domain Spell: Helping Hand
Level 4 - DC 24: Deathward, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Holy Smite x2 (Merciful), Restoration, Domain Spell: Imbue with Spell Ability
Level 5 - DC 25: Break Enchantment, Flame Strike x2 (Merciful), Hallow, Scrying,True Seeing, Domain Spell: Spell Resistance 28
Level 6 - DC 26: Heal x4, Word of Recall, Domain Spell: Heal
Level 7 - DC 27: Control Weather, Repulsion, Summon Monster VII, Scrying, Greater, Domain Spell: Holy Aura
Level 8 - DC 28: Silent, Still Heal x2, Silent, Still Dispel Magic, Domain Spell: Foresight (other)

Eclip & Artan (shaken) Character Sheet  d20+28=39 ;
Sunday May 12th, 2013 6:31:34 PM

Eclip riding on Artan scouts forward along the bridge putting some distance between the them and the ooze, but keeping an eye on it seeing if it too passes the Mythal.

(Perception 39)

RobC - Lenna Feychild AC 31/19/26 -- CMD 34 -- HP 152/152 ---- Rico AC 27/16/24 -- CMD 28 -- HP 76/76 
Sunday May 12th, 2013 7:37:36 PM

Lenna slows her pace slightly so as to much that of Thar (still remaining ahead of him however).

Thar (Ken M, Sheriff), Life Bubble  d20+28=38 ;
Sunday May 12th, 2013 9:04:21 PM

Thar busily catches up with the rest, watching the city and their new surroundings... He keeps his invisibility on, helping scout their flanks...
Perc = 38

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