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Intruder!!! -- Jim C 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 12:03:53 AM

"Holy crap!" The first mate yells out, and then the word, "Intruders!!!" Seeing a readied bow from shore, a duo of attackers now on their ship, the crew, all eight of them, drop the lines they were dealing out and grab up hooks and poles to defend themselves.

Zeoll, unable to do anything due to the DimDoor spell effects, leaves only Restlin to handle the men.

1 round action everyone, except for Zeoll.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 12:28:25 AM

I'm pretty sure it is just Restlin and Zeoll on the ship.

No chance of a surprise round for us, kindly DM Jim?

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 43/63 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 10:31:33 AM

Question, being at the groups temporary camp, (on top of the cliff I believe), it being 1 am, Yes Zane drew out his bow, how did someone on board ship at a fair distance at that time of night, see more than just his shape and know he was armed?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 10:52:58 AM

"EVERYBODY CALM THE HECK DOWN!" shouts the wizard. "We're just here to chat. Isn't that right, Zeoll?"

Restlin nudges his taur friend, hoping he'll say something that will defuse the situation.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 11:40:46 AM

OOC: Pretty sure I can't act in the immediate aftermath of the dim door!

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 7:25:59 PM

Ooc talking is a free action

Dim Door -- Jim C 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 7:43:11 PM

"After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn." That includes free actions.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 9:06:41 PM

Restlin, seeing Zeoll sitting there not saying anything, continues...

"Heh...no, really. We're not here to fight. I mean if you WANT to fight there are some minotaurs back at the beach who will be happy to oblige, but I don't really specialize in hurting people and Zeoll here doesn't even own a weapon as far as I know, but that doesn't matter because we aren't here to fight. So, if we could all put our weapons away and talk like good folk, that would be great. Especially since we're out here specifically to make sure you all don't end up with the rest of the wreckage below us, and believe me there's quite a bit of it."

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 36/62 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 10:34:07 PM

Wyaar can't do much from a few hundred feet away unless blood starts flying, but he does activate his bond with his bow to gain Merciful.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 11:15:23 PM

ooc: is it safe to assume that if the ship can sea us on shore that we can see exactly what's happening on the lit ship and can see if the sailors attack?

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Thursday October 11th, 2012 11:23:47 PM

Bosk, I think you should get ready to cast that that spell to get us on the ship should things go bad... but let's hold back a sec. Things look a little tense up there and we don't want to ruin any chance of diplomacy.

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Friday October 12th, 2012 12:36:32 AM

Bosk nods, his sword hidden in his glove of storing and ready to be used at a moments notice. Lets give them a chance. Zeoll hasn't signaled for help yet, we got to trust their judgement.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Friday October 12th, 2012 9:34:03 PM

ooc: checking in

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Friday October 12th, 2012 10:34:08 PM

Zeoll waits until he can act.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 43/63 
Saturday October 13th, 2012 1:48:29 AM

checking in

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Saturday October 13th, 2012 1:05:02 PM

Checking in

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 36/62 
Sunday October 14th, 2012 8:17:42 PM


The Sea Nymph -- Jim C 
Sunday October 14th, 2012 9:52:50 PM

The first mate speaks loudly, "You've got three seconds to get off this ship, either the way you came, or jumping over the rail. 1.... 2...."

1 round action. Zeoll may act. They all have readied actions by their stances.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15)  d20+20=39 ;
Sunday October 14th, 2012 10:41:11 PM

Zeoll drops prone (a free action) and holds up his white flag. He makes a request (using Diplomacy, a full round action).

"Wait! I am an unarrmed messengerr with a white flag of peace! I come to help you! You arre in grreat dangerr! Please just hearr me out!"

Diplomacy check: 39.

He does not signal his allies on shore that he is in trouble.

DM Sanity Info REDUX

Active spells: Taur's Try: +1 Perception

Cradled spells prepped (underlined = cast):
lvl 0 - Det Snares & Pits, Charm Animal, Speak with Animal
lvl 1 - CLW, Heroism, Charm Person, Fog Cloud, Locate Object; Comp Lang
lvl 2 - Dim Door, Less Planar Ally, Locate Creature; Memory Lapse

Bardic Performance: 0 rounds used of 20 per day

Bard spells:
0 used of 6 1st level
2 used of 4 2nd level

Natural Divination prepped:
1 for a save - used
1 for a skill - used

Memory Subdomain rerolls: used 2 of 12
Fey Magic: used 1 of 2

CLW wand: 2 charges used (34 total available)
Staff1: 3 of 10 charges used
Staff2: 4 of 10 charges used

Hero Points Used: 1 of 2 used

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Monday October 15th, 2012 7:43:06 AM

Hmmm, looks like something is going on, but he didn't extend that flag you gave him. Shall we give him a few more seconds?

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Monday October 15th, 2012 11:45:23 AM

I can't see see a thing in this infernal blackness, but if Zeoll hasn't signaled fro help I'll trust his judgement and wait for the signal. No sense sending people to meet Gargul before their time. Bosk continues to wait for Zeoll's signal and prays his silver tongue will keep the bard out of trouble.

Continue holding action to dimension door over to the ship.

The Sea Nymph -- Jim C 
Monday October 15th, 2012 11:49:39 AM

The fishermen's eyes grow wide as Zeoll prostrates himself, then they look to Restlin to see what he is going to do.

The smell of fish guts permeates Zeoll's nostrils as he lays there waiting.

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Monday October 15th, 2012 12:43:47 PM

ooc: Zane and Wyaar should both be at 62 HP

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Monday October 15th, 2012 12:59:49 PM

"Oh for crying out loud," Restlin thinks to himself. The wizard follows suit and drops prone, keeping his hands where everyone can see they're not busy casting anything. He clamps his mouth shut and lets Zeoll handle the situation.

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Monday October 15th, 2012 3:15:20 PM

"Trust in Zeoll. He will let us know when he needs us. "

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 62/63 
Monday October 15th, 2012 3:35:47 PM

Zane remains quiet, it's just that he's not at the boat, so he really can't assist with that end, just be ready on this end, and he's been ready.....

The Sea Nymph -- Jim C 
Tuesday October 16th, 2012 2:07:54 AM

"Listen, uh, you two. I don't care what you want. Get off the ship now. Now!"

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15)  d20+20=32 ;
Tuesday October 16th, 2012 7:01:29 AM

Zeoll views his diplomatic success (he has not been attacked) with satisfaction, and keeps on keeping on.

"Good captain, we'rre herre to help. Therre is a drragon herre, one that prrotects the magic goldfish! It killed one of us. It is a huge dangerr, and yourr ship and yourr lives are at terrrible rrisk!"

Zeoll pitches his voice so that everyone will hear.

"We rrescued two childrren who werre trrapped herre. Please, take the two childrren, and then flee forr yourr lives!"

He goes on at length, hoping to persuade the ship to depart.

Diplomacy 32. If that's not good enough, Zeoll can add another +2d4 via Gallant Inspiration.

[OOC: Sorry, friends on shore, to be hogging the action!]

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells)  d20=9 ;
Tuesday October 16th, 2012 7:48:08 AM

Restlin holds for a moment. If it looks like these idiots insist they get off this ship, he does the following:

"Fine," the wizard sighs. He slowly rises to his feet, making no sudden moves, and walks over to the edge of the ship. "I just hope some giant dragon doesn't come and kill everyone. Zeoll, get the rest of the guys over here before I drown...and when we get through with this mess, we're having a chat on how you make an entrance." With that, the wizard heads overboard.

Swim: 9 - Restlin's basically treading water, but that water breathing potion should still be in effect unless it's been several hours longer than I realize.


If they decide they want to hear about what Zeoll has to say, he'll continue looking harmless & nod sagely at appropriate times as Zeoll speaks.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Tuesday October 16th, 2012 8:34:57 PM

No war cries yet Bosk. I wonder what's going on out there.

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Tuesday October 16th, 2012 11:59:44 PM

Bosk remains silent as steadies his breathing and remains focused on the flag, still ready to leap inti action.

The Sea Nymph -- Jim C 
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 12:05:43 PM

"I'm not the captain, and i'll once again give until the count of three before I drive this harpoon into your neck."



1 round action please

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 62/63 
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 5:17:08 PM

Zane will hold his action, waiting to see if either of his friends are attacked. (struck at)
His held action will be the casting of Enlarge Person on himself.

"This could get messy, if they are attacked...."

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 0

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 9:41:35 PM

Bosk, any brilliant ideas?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 10:05:32 PM

Restlin continues with plan A & gets out of dodge. He'll add "When you're getting slaughtered by the inhabitants of this island later, remember we tried to warn you..." right before he heads off the edge.

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 10:11:26 PM

It appears Restlin was allowed to walk over to the edge of the boat and jump off, hopefully Zeoll will be allowed to do the same. I can't hear anything from over here, so we will have to keep waiting for his signal.

ooc: I will post my action after I see Zeoll posts.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15)  d20+18=23 ;
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 11:14:20 PM

Zeoll casts a still silent charm person on the guy threatening him as he pretends to cower.

Bluff to cower convincingly (maybe with a circumstance bonus because he actually is?): 23.

Will save DC vs the charm: 22

Move action to stand up after casting.

DM Sanity Info

Active spells: Taur's Try: +1 Perception

Cradled spells prepped (underlined = cast):
lvl 0 - Det Snares & Pits, Charm Animal, Speak with Animal
lvl 1 - CLW, Heroism, Charm Person, Fog Cloud, Locate Object; Comp Lang
lvl 2 - Dim Door, Less Planar Ally, Locate Creature; Memory Lapse

Bardic Performance: 0 rounds used of 20 per day

Bard spells:
0 used of 6 1st level
2 used of 4 2nd level

Natural Divination prepped:
1 for a save - used
1 for a skill - used

Memory Subdomain rerolls: used 2 of 12
Fey Magic: used 2 of 2

CLW wand: 2 charges used (34 total available)
Staff1: 3 of 10 charges used
Staff2: 4 of 10 charges used

Hero Points Used: 1 of 2 used

Bosk AC: 29/14/26 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Wednesday October 17th, 2012 11:49:25 PM

Bosk continues holding his action dimensional hop to the boat.

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Thursday October 18th, 2012 10:44:28 AM

Wyatt puts an arrow on his now, but continues to wait.

The Sea Nymph -- Jim C  d20+15=22 ; d20+15=34 ; d8=4 ; d20+15=19 ;
Thursday October 18th, 2012 12:34:22 PM

With Restlin over the side, that leaves Zeoll all by his lonesome. When he rises and see's the twitch in the first mates eyes, the grimace on his face and an immediate, "Son of a..." blurt out of his mouth--things don't look good. The point is driven home that the first mate is pretty pissed off at Zeoll and his covert spellcasting as he drives a harpoon into the gut of the liontaur and then tries to drive home his point once more, but misses.

Zeoll takes 14pts of damage

Everyone on shore can see Restlin swimming away and their favorite Liontaur getting stabbed with a harpoon.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 62/63  d20+5=22 ; 3d6+6=20 ;
Thursday October 18th, 2012 2:53:20 PM

Having been effected by the held action, Zane has become HUGE. As he draws the arrow back to his ear, he channels arcane energy (arcane strike activated). Aiming at the guy who just stabbed Zeoll, he lets the arrow fly, drawing another one, as he's moving closer.

Attack, Bow shot 22, damage 20

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Thursday October 18th, 2012 5:06:54 PM

Bosk watches in dismay as Zeoll gets attacked and wonders if he tried casting some sort of spell. The group seems to have had horrible luck with casting calming spells lately. As he tries to decide what the best course of action is he quickly accesses the situation on the boat.

ooc: Before I move, can we tell how many crew on board the ship, and if the fishermen are any wearing armor?

Added +1 to my AC, I forgot to do that when I bought a new shield at the catacombs before we started this module.

Active spells:
Ant Haul - 13 hrs 59mins 18sec left
Fly - 64 rounds left (6 min 24 sec)

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62  d20+10=23 ; 2d8+14=25 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ;
Thursday October 18th, 2012 8:26:56 PM

Aiming for the one getting violent with Zeoll, Wyaar quickly puts another arrow to the bow and fires bother him at once.

Multistort ht AC 23 for 29 non lethal damage.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Thursday October 18th, 2012 11:12:02 PM

What do you think, is Zeoll going to head back or stay on board?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Friday October 19th, 2012 10:33:21 AM

(Are people able to fire on the ship from shore? Am I missing something?)

Bosk AC: 31/15/28 (+1 dodge added for haste) CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Friday October 19th, 2012 11:28:10 AM

As the arrows fly Bosk decides to charge into combat rather than using dimension door. Activating his boots of speed the cleric takes off, flying at full speed to rescue Zeoll. Although the horned cleric has no weapon drawn, his horns and armor spikes should keep him protected while he keeps a hand free for rescuing his fellow taur. As he passes Zeoll he reaches his arm down for Zeoll to grab (Bosk has 10ft reach). If Zeoll takes hold Bosk fill fly away with Zeoll, if not, the minotaur will stop and hover above Zeoll (and to the side if there is room).

Activate Boots of speed and cast haste on self (+1 ac +30ft to speed)
Fly to boat (Fly speed = 70ft x 4 = 280ft)
If Zeoll can / will grab on Bosk will fly him off the boat), if not Bosk will hover above him to draw the enemies attacks and to defend him.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Friday October 19th, 2012 7:22:46 PM

Restlin surfaces after diving into the water just in time to see Bosk zoom by. "Well, that can only mean one thing," he says aloud to himself. He activates his boots of levitation and casts greater invisibility on himself as he rises.

"When we get out of this, we need to have a chat about the consequences of trespassing..."

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Friday October 19th, 2012 8:00:18 PM

While there are few things more terrifying as a taur flying through the air, that guy was my way onto the ship. I guess he must be trying to go the non-combat route and get Zeoll out of there.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Saturday October 20th, 2012 10:10:19 AM

Checking in until I can post!

Good luck, everybody! Especially me!

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Saturday October 20th, 2012 10:20:15 AM

ooc: Bosk, where are you ending in relation to the shore?

Bosk AC: 31/15/28 (+1 dodge added for haste) CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Saturday October 20th, 2012 2:07:45 PM

Assuming Zeoll grabs my arm, if I can double back after grabbing Zeoll, about 230 ft from shore. If I missed some rule about turning while flying a straight line would be 280 ft from shore.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Saturday October 20th, 2012 2:31:33 PM

If I can I will ... but I may have used all my actions casting and standing up.

Sunday October 21st, 2012 2:18:33 PM

Zeoll has already used his actions this round, Bosk would reach him and that would be it.

Bosk AC: 31/15/28 (+1 dodge added for haste) CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Sunday October 21st, 2012 3:43:25 PM

Then Bosk will hover by Zeoll.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 62/63 
Monday October 22nd, 2012 5:47:44 PM

checking in

Actions  d20+15=21 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+15=35 ; d8=3 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=5
Monday October 22nd, 2012 7:16:39 PM

With a few more stabs, Zeoll is struck again (13pts damage) as Bosk flies in to the supposed rescue. However, Bosk himself finds that out of 4 harpoons thrown his way, 3 hit. (Bosk takes 41pts damage).

Both Wyaar's and Zane's arrow slam into the side of the ship as Restlin goes invisible.

1 round action by Monday Night

Zeoll (HP23 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Monday October 22nd, 2012 7:28:37 PM

If Bosk is offering a ride out of there, Zeoll is glad to hang on for dear life. If he can do so with total defense, even better.

If the water breathes are still in effect, a flight into a dive is even sweeter.

AC23 / 26?

Bosk AC: 31/15/28 (+1 dodge added for haste) CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Monday October 22nd, 2012 7:43:17 PM

ooc: Since the men threw their weapons are now unarmed, can I assume they are not threatening the air born Bosk with an AoO if he acts? If so I will be using Dimension Door to bring Zeoll and I as close to shore as possible.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells)  3d6=9 ; 3d6=13 ;
Monday October 22nd, 2012 7:46:48 PM

Restlin casts ball lightning, summoning two orbs of electricity on either side of the sailor who first attacked Zeoll.

Reflex save DC 20 to negate; damage is 9 and 13 for the two orbs.

He will then levitate down below the edge of the ship.

OOC: I hurt my back yesterday. I'll be posting, but they'll be brief.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 62/63  d20+5=13 ;
Monday October 22nd, 2012 8:11:49 PM

Zane repeats his prior actions with his last shot and lets fly another arrow. Missing by miles....

Attack, Bow shot 13, damage 0

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Monday October 22nd, 2012 8:49:32 PM

Umm, aren't we trying to be peaceful?

Zeoll (HP23 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Monday October 22nd, 2012 9:05:08 PM

LOL! *I* was trying! They attacked first!

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 9:06:11 AM

Beriothian puts away his ion torch and pulls out his bow and a cold iron arrow, hoping that the fishermen won't attack the retreating party.

Back on shore 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 12:06:52 PM

In a flash of light--mainly from the twin balls of lightning conjured up by Restlin, Bosk and Zeoll are back on shore and the fight is basically over, unless the group wishes to continue it.

With raised fists and many a foul word hurled at the group, the fishermen remain on guard for any further attacks.

Bosk AC: 31/15/28 (+1 dodge added for haste) CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells  2d6=8 ; 2d6=5 ; d8+5=13 ; d8+5=6 ; 2d8+7=18 ; d8+5=6 ; d8+5=12 ;
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 1:42:13 PM

Relieved to have made it back to shore without any further incident, Bosk gently sets Zeoll down before landing on the ground. Well that was a warm welcome considering we were only try to keep them from becoming dragon food! The cleric grimaces has he pulls the first spear from his hide, looking like a porcupine with the spears sticking out at odd angles. Does anyone have a spell that we can use to communicate with them? Perhaps we should try one last time to warn them before they have to explain to Gargul why they ignored his servant's warnings and died in the process. The cleric pulls out the second spear. On the plus side, at least they willingly surrendered their weapons to me. He then pulls out the last spear and looks the blood dripping down his side and collecting in the grooves of his armor.

He then places a large hand on his holy symbol as he says a quick prayer to Gargul for protecting them in battle and allowing their spirits to continue on this plane. Those injured feel a sudden warmth wash over them as he channels positive energy towards them, healing their wounds.

Channel energy twice healing everyone of 13 dmg.
Cast CLW in place of command, heal Zeoll for 13 dmg (26 total)
Cast CLW in place of detect evil, heal Bosk for 6, rerolled 1 for 6, rerolled 1 for 12 dmg
Cast Cure Moderate Wounds in place of gentle repose. Heal Bosk for 18 dmg (43 dmg total)

ooc: Are these magic spears that skewered me by any chance?

Jim: are you casting detect magic?

James: Yes

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 2:10:43 PM

Having stopped the flow of blood and removed his new piercings he turns to Zeoll and adds, That was a close one! Another few strikes and I would have bled out like a stuck pig. If it wasn't for this new shield and Restlin working on my ring of protection I might be exploring the realm of shadows now....You tried to use magic to calm them down or to charm them, didn't you? We haven't had much luck with that recently, almost like the gods want us to fight and strike them down.

Zeoll (HP23 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 3:32:10 PM

Zeoll grins at Bosk's remarks. "I gotta look into getting a new specialty! This charrms-and-enchantments gig ain't payin' the rrent!"

He urges the group to pepper he ship with arrows until they go away. That way we help Restlin keep his word. In the morning, our ship is supposed to come, and we can put the kids on that one.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 4:05:21 PM

Seeing his friends have retreated, Restlin will ease back down in the water and start swimming back to shore...

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 6:39:14 PM

Absorbing the healing to finish off the little healing he still needed Zane feels a bit better.

"I don't believe we need to chase them off. We've attempted to warn them, they attacked in response. I thought you said WE would not hurt the Goldfish, the Dragon can worry about those fishermen himself. I already know where one wrecked ship is in the bottom of that little cove, another is just that much more to salvage once it's resting on the bottom."

Zane keeps his bow out, but will only launch more arrows at them if they push the attack to his friends.....

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 6:51:54 PM

I think our first priority must be to keep an eye on the fishermen and make sure they don't try to come ashore and finish us off.

When Restlin gets back to shore Bosk lends him the blanket to dry off with and helps him to warm by the fire. Restlin, can you elaborate more on what the dragon asked you to do, or at least if we need to prevent the fisherman from hooking the goldfish?

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 8:10:15 PM

I think we need to consider catching that fish before they do. Anybody know how we can catch a fish that size?

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 9:31:37 PM

"Zeoll warned those men under a flag of peace and still they attacked. They deserve what date comes their way, but hopefully they'll see wisdom and leave. As for the fish.. I am at a loss. To catch it without Harmon it we would need a very large net. "

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Tuesday October 23rd, 2012 9:36:56 PM

Somehow I don't think the dragon would approve of catching the fish, even if it is without hurting it and to protect it.

Zeoll (HP23 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Wednesday October 24th, 2012 10:19:44 AM

Bosk, didn't you get punctured like? Did you cure yourself? Zeoll is thinking of digging out the cure staff, so what's your hp total.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Wednesday October 24th, 2012 10:46:34 AM

Looks like they hit you harder than I thought. I healed everyone after we got to shore, just in case they decided they wanted their spears back.

Bosk will also cast Detect Magic on the spears

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Wednesday October 24th, 2012 4:42:30 PM

Having returned to normal size, Zane places his back towards the heated up anvil, and watches out towards the bay, expecting to see the Dragon sink another ship.....

"Toby, if you keep watch out there, you'll see why it's dangerous for little boys to go on adventures. I expect them to be sunk before dawn. It is a lesson you should learn before you try something else. Know what you're getting into, or pay the consequences, which could mean paying with your life, or the lives of your friends." Indicating his little friend, the girl he brought with him.

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Wednesday October 24th, 2012 8:46:21 PM

Beriothian takes his ion torch back out and joins the group around the fire.
That's true enough Zane, but I'm sure Restlin will be quick to remind you that we aren't in a position to be lecturing about thinking of the consequences before rushing in.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Wednesday October 24th, 2012 10:36:31 PM

"We're old enough to know that we are responsible for ourselves when we jump in the deep end, Toby here, has yet to learn that lesson. That was the point of my little speech" Zane speaks softly to Beri.
He then adds, "That lesson may now be a moot point after your added words.... "

Back on shore 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 3:00:54 AM

Toby looks askance at Zane and says flippantly, "You are not my father, your words mean nothing to me. Now, when we getting off this rock?"

The fishermen maintain a defensive stance on board for a bit as the group talks about what to do.


Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 12:06:25 PM

ooc: Did Bosk's detect magic spell pick up anything on the spears?

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 1:31:16 PM

Zeoll laughs delightedly as he sees that not only does Bosk not need healing, but Zeoll himself has been cured by his fellow Taur.

"I'm sorrry, old frriend. I think I'm morre flusterred by my most rrecent failurre than I knew!"

Zeoll looks around.

"Well, why don't we wait forr ourr rride to show up, and put the kids on boarrd. Then we do whateverr Rrestlin says, until we arre frree to go. Ourr job was to find the kids, so we'rre done herre, rright?"

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 2:04:28 PM

Zane refrains from back handing Toby, it's an effort, but then again, he was raised in a temple somewhere, and that punishments were most likely dealt out swiftly and harshly for back talking to his superiors.

He walks well away from Toby and continues to watch the ship....

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 3:28:22 PM

Restlin gratefully accepts the blanket after prestidigitizing himself dry.

"Goodness but it's cold out here," he says to no one in particular. "The dragon never said I had to defend the goldfish, and frankly he's better equipped to deal with these jerks than we are. We should consider going back to Hook City to get what I'll need, but I'm not certain he'd be ok with that. He was vague & not too interested in answering my questions..."

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 8:19:12 PM

"Hmm.. can you tell us anything about what you need to do? We have some time until the ship returns."

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Thursday October 25th, 2012 11:42:01 PM

Looks like those guys are watching us. That's good, the longer they avoid fishing the better.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Friday October 26th, 2012 9:30:22 AM

Bosk listens to Restlin's comments, hoping to gain some new insight in to the situation. For now I think it best we keep an eye on the fishermen, at least until we can prepare new spells in the morning. Speaking of which, do I have any spells that might be useful to you in your quest? If so, I will gladly prepare them for tomorrow.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Friday October 26th, 2012 11:26:07 AM

Restlin thinks for a bit, turns around, and addresses his friends. "The dragon specifically told me I couldn't tell you what I need to do. Right or wrong, he'll kill us all if I do. Keeping that in mind, I'm not going to take chances and hint around at what needs to be done. He's already shown little regard for technicalities.

"Bosk, are you able to prepare any water breathing magic? That would be helpful....and I need bait...and a net. A big net, big enough to cover the entrance to the grotto where this twerp (Restlin kicks a small bit of sand at Toby) was hiding out." Restlin starts pacing back and forth. "That might just work. None of those nets with hooks in them, obviously..." he continues mumbling to himself.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Friday October 26th, 2012 11:39:29 AM

Bosk nods. Would you like me to prepare multiple castings of the spell? Also, I'm not sure if it will help, but I have a large sized fishing kit including this set includes birch poles, silk line, sinkers, hooks, lures, and tackle box.
(It grants a +1 circumstance bonus on Survival checks when gathering food around bodies of water that contain fish.)

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Friday October 26th, 2012 12:07:12 PM

Zane, stops in mid-pace and obviously starts to think on something.......
"I told you about the sunken ships in the cove, If someone can assist with a water breathing spell, I'm betting that there is either nets, or at least ropes that can be made into a net down there. The wreck I saw didn't look all that old, and I doubt it was the only one down there."

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Back on shore 
Friday October 26th, 2012 12:57:33 PM

Careful examination of the harpoons that were stuck in Bosk reveal that they are non-magical and were covered in fish guts--probably some disease will come of getting pierced by them, but nothing is discernable at this time.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Friday October 26th, 2012 8:08:40 PM

It's days like this where I wish I had studied magic instead of just how to use magic devices.

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Sunday October 28th, 2012 11:57:43 AM

"I guess we have little option than to wait until morning. I doubt we'll have much luck, but when the dragon does come for the fishermen perhaps we can convince him to scare them off rather than kill him."

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Sunday October 28th, 2012 12:19:28 PM

Zeoll looks for a protected place to wait. He says, "I just hope we get enough rrest to rrecoverr spells."

He call sit a night.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Sunday October 28th, 2012 11:53:17 PM

Bosk would also like to wait until morning to recover his spells.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Monday October 29th, 2012 2:10:00 PM

Checking in before I lose my power!

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Monday October 29th, 2012 4:06:37 PM

Restlin heartily agrees they need rest, finds someplace to sleep (hopefully next to a campfire), and promptly passes out.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Monday October 29th, 2012 4:22:51 PM

Zane will stay on guard until last shift then find someone to take over for him, then heads off and gets some rest.

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 1

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent)  d20+6=11 ;
Monday October 29th, 2012 9:09:55 PM

I don't have any spells, so I can keep watch while you guys recover and prepare. Hopefully this fish sleeps at night...

knowledge check to see if this type of fish sleeps at night.
knowledge (nature)=11

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Monday October 29th, 2012 11:08:54 PM

I don't need sleep, but I do need an hour to pray for more spells.

Back on shore 
Tuesday October 30th, 2012 3:50:08 AM

Several hours pass uneventfully. The wind blows hard and the water across the lagoon turns choppy and none of the fishing lines have had a bite, yet. The sound of spellcasting drifts on the wind toward the group and it's a simple light spell on one of the large hooks they lower into the water. It isn't long until they get a hit, and it's a whopped. All twenty feet of the great goldfish jumps out of the water and then back into it, dragging the line deep into the lagoon. The block and tackle of the winch that the line is hooked to can barely manage the load, but it holds. The crew, all boisterous about their catch, begins to reel in their prize.

It is not morning yet, you have not regained any spells.

1 round of action from everyone unless you all wish to do nothing.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2012 7:58:54 PM

Sorry, no web no power no chance to do much.

One of my only spells left is fog cloud. Zeoll can cast that if others want to swim up to but the line and free the fishie.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2012 9:38:31 PM

I don't have much that can help here... any thoughts?

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Tuesday October 30th, 2012 10:44:44 PM

We warned them and tried to stop them. If Restlin didn't promise to help the Goldfish, then I say we let them deal with the consequences. Still bitter about being stabbed and having fish guts under his skin he adds, Perhaps we should signal the dragon and call him over, just to make sure he knows we weren't involved and so we aren't the ones to have to endure his wrath.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2012 10:52:51 PM

The wizard blinks himself awake and sighs.

"Damnit. Look...knowing what I know, letting them catch and kill that fish would be evil. Don't ask me why, just trust me. Dragon or no, we cannot sit by and let them do this. If they won't listen to us, then they get to deal with the consequences...

"That said, I have no way of getting us on to that boat. Except for these." He holds up the two swan boat tokens. "Anyone feel like taking a trip out there to save a fish?"

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Wednesday October 31st, 2012 12:20:13 AM

"Any water breathing potions left? or anyone got a way of cutting that rope from a distance? A bow shot from here would be just nigh on impossible, and I'm only bow trained from the WLA, it's not something that comes natural to me, even though I have a few ideas on how to improve my shooting."

Zane casts a Mage Armor spell, getting prepared to get closer to the ship.

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 2

Spells in effect:

Mage Armor, Duration 4 hours

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Wednesday October 31st, 2012 10:00:48 AM

The blond taur turns to look at Restlin, I thought you said that this thing could take care of itself? My spell selection for the day has become a bit depleted, although they wouldn't have done us much good anyway as they were more focused on helping us find Toby. Beri and I have some magic rings that may allow us to transform with an alter person spell. Perhaps we could turn into merfolk and swim over there. With boots of speed it shouldn't take too long. I also have a summon monster spell that we might be able to use once closer and obscuring mist to cover the boats along with two scrolls of sanctuary.

Also, as opposed to attacking the line, what about hitting the block and tackle of the winch that the line is hooked to? It appears to already be under considerable strain and should be easier to to hit and to break. Another option would be if we could enlarge the fish. I doubt the winch could hold double that weight.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Wednesday October 31st, 2012 6:06:46 PM

The wizard looks back at Bosk. "So can you. That doesn't mean I sit around while you get attacked."

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Wednesday October 31st, 2012 6:14:24 PM

"Hmmm. I can fly and turn invisible for a short time. That may give me enough cover to get to the rope and cut it while you cover me with fog?"

Standard action to activate fly from armor.

Q: how far to the rope and is it something that can be cut? Not a chain.

Jim: 200' give or take. Looks to be rope.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Wednesday October 31st, 2012 10:16:25 PM

I wouldn't cover you in fog, that will just make them suspicious. Invisible and in the dark is probably better.

Back on shore 
Thursday November 1st, 2012 1:50:36 AM

The winch keeps turning--albeit slowly.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Thursday November 1st, 2012 10:38:17 AM

"Some acid or oil then lite on the winch or rope would be good too....."

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Thursday November 1st, 2012 6:50:48 PM

I have plenty on oil with me, but I am unsure how we would get it on the winch.

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Thursday November 1st, 2012 10:10:04 PM

"We are planning on someone flying invisibly already, over to the boat already. I just thought a couple different areas of attack might be handy."

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Thursday November 1st, 2012 10:39:36 PM

"If Wyaar can go out there, I imagine any blade would make short work of a rope under that much strain. We should really get moving, though."

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Friday November 2nd, 2012 12:51:48 AM

Guys, can we survive an attack by these men? We may want to avoid letting them know it's us.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Friday November 2nd, 2012 10:00:37 AM

Zeoll sees no use in sitting around talking. He casts Fog Cloud to cover the winch area of the boat and the sea surface under it.

If he has any water breathing potion duration left (and I think he does?), then he will start swimming to the boat. If he sinks (and he will, because his swim is horrible), he walks along the bottom to get to the sea floor under the boat. It will take a while, and likely not work, but at least he is doing something.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Friday November 2nd, 2012 1:25:07 PM

Bosk also quickly checks to see if his water breathing potion remains in effect.

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Friday November 2nd, 2012 8:53:42 PM

Wyaar uses his Hidden Away Fey domain ability to turn invisible and fly to the rope. It will take 4 rounds.. plus whatever it takes for him to cut through the rope with his dagger. He can be invisible for 7 rounds total.

OOC: My bad, completely missed that Jim posted and we were in the round!

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Saturday November 3rd, 2012 12:34:14 AM

ooc: can you give us a quick estimate of how long it will take to reel in the fish? I know it takes a while for deep sea fishing.

Jim: it could take 10 seconds, it could take an hour. These things don't run on a schedule.

And away we go... 
Saturday November 3rd, 2012 2:36:35 PM

Impatient, or perhaps knowing the end will come soon for the goldfish, Zeoll casts Fog Cloud on the winch area, obscuring the entire lower deck of the fishing vessel, much to the consernation of the fishermen. Then takes a swim--his potion of water breathing having exhausted itself at this point.

Wyaar also takes action, turns invisible and now flies towards the obscured winch--he should arrive shortly.

The rest continue to talk about what they should do.

Zeoll and Wyaar just need to check in unless the rest of the group acts.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Saturday November 3rd, 2012 4:28:40 PM

If Zeoll has no water breathe potion, he is totally NOT swimming! Cats hate water, and he would totally drown!

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Saturday November 3rd, 2012 8:42:39 PM

Wyaar continues on his way, move action to be invis, move action to move

Graceful combat bonus towards AC while in transit - AC 31/21/26

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Sunday November 4th, 2012 6:37:44 PM

If possible, Bosk will cast Guidance on Wyaar before he leaves.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Sunday November 4th, 2012 8:44:32 PM

Restlin will wait and hope for the best. Surely cutting a simple fishing line is something Wyarr can handle, right?

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Monday November 5th, 2012 6:19:02 AM

"Good Luck, Wyaarr," calls Zeoll. "I hope you'll have morre than I did!"

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Monday November 5th, 2012 11:52:34 AM

Zane once again draws out his bow and is ready to lend fire support....

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 2

Spells in effect:

Mage Armor, Duration 4 hours

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Monday November 5th, 2012 8:12:46 PM

Try to be stealthy, and come back in one piece.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Monday November 5th, 2012 9:04:27 PM

"I wonder if Wyarr's invisibility is the kind that lets him attack and remain invisible...otherwise he may end up visible and at the mercy of those fishermen. Eh...he's tough, right?" Restlin elbows Beri in the ribs & looks for an affirmative response of some kind.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Monday November 5th, 2012 11:10:28 PM

*Beri frowns*

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Monday November 5th, 2012 11:20:36 PM

Checking in...

And away we go...  d4=4 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 12:05:54 PM

Turning back, Zeoll reaches shore again as he is a big furry cat and cats hate water.

Wyaar reaches the winch while the rest wait on shore. The rope is thick and he begins to cut at it when he becomes visible. Luckily the fog is hiding him from sight from the rest of the crew, except for the winch operator who is very surprised at Wyaar's sudden appearance. The call goes out that there is an intruder and the winch operator grabs up a harpoon.

1 round of action. Wyaar has initiative and the rope is almost cut through.

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62  d20+10=20 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 2:02:59 PM

Wyaar will continue to cut. If through and can still move wil drop straight down to try to hide against the hull of the ship. Stealth 20

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 3:14:20 PM

Zeoll says a prayer to any god who might be listening. "Please let him pull this off!"

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63  d20+6=15 ;
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 5:28:53 PM

Hearing the yell of alarm, Zane gives them a bit more to worry about than just Wyaar. He draws the arrow and releases at the men on the deck.

Attack 15

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 2

Spells in effect:

Mage Armor, Duration 4 hours

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 9:10:37 PM

Bosk, any tricks up your sleeve?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Tuesday November 6th, 2012 11:06:43 PM

"Welp...looks like this is going to get violent. Let's hope Wyarr can get back here. No need to fight on their turf if we can avoid it."

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Wednesday November 7th, 2012 8:48:52 AM

Bosk shakes his head grimly. I got nothing. Looks like I will be picking up some scrolls with long range spells if we survive this.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Wednesday November 7th, 2012 1:13:33 PM

Zeoll wishes he could be of more help. He thinks about his few remaining tricks ...

Hey! The range on his Calm Emotions spell is 170 ft. He'll wade chest-deep into the water to get as close as possible (move action) and cast his Calm Emotions spell on the ship, into the fog cloud -- Will save DC 23. He'll concentrate on it. Who knows? Maybe it will stop an attack on his friend.

DM Sanity Info

Active spells: Taur's Try: +1 Perception

Cradled spells prepped (underlined = cast):
lvl 0 - Det Snares & Pits, Charm Animal, Speak with Animal
lvl 1 - CLW, Heroism, Charm Person, Fog Cloud, Locate Object; Comp Lang
lvl 2 - Dim Door, Less Planar Ally, Locate Creature; Memory Lapse

Bardic Performance: 0 rounds used of 20 per day

Bard spells:
0 used of 6 1st level
3 used of 4 2nd level

Natural Divination prepped:
1 for a save - used
1 for a skill - used

Memory Subdomain rerolls: used 2 of 12
Fey Magic: used 2 of 2

CLW wand: 2 charges used (34 total available)
Staff1: 3 of 10 charges used
Staff2: 4 of 10 charges used

Hero Points Used: 1 of 2 used

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent) 
Wednesday November 7th, 2012 11:54:34 PM

checking in

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 50/50 (Spells) 
Thursday November 8th, 2012 7:13:43 AM

I'm still here!

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63 
Thursday November 8th, 2012 8:52:13 AM

Checking in, as I'll be gone all day

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Thursday November 8th, 2012 9:24:25 AM

Wyaar breaths in the sea air.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Thursday November 8th, 2012 10:30:00 AM

Zeoll concentrates on calming things down. Or he swims a little ways out, if the range is close-but-not-quite 170 ft.

Towing the line...  d20+15=19 ; 10d6=37 ; d20=16 ; d20=6 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 12:08:24 PM

If Zeoll moves out 30', I'll need a swim check. The edge of the shore drops off rapidly into the lagoon and he'll be in deep water.

With a thrust of his harpoon, the winch operator misses Wyaar before he can finish his cutting of the towline--which snaps under the enormous strain of the goldfish. Taking refuge from further attacks, Wyaar ducks under the curve of the ship, out of sight.

A very rude expletive that even causes Wyaar to blush, comes from topside. It is the captain and he is none too happy about what has happened and turns his attention to the group on shore."Incendia!" he yells out as he points to the group and then suddenly all around them a fireball erupts.

Everyone, except Wyaar, make a DC19 Reflex save or take 37pts of damage from a fireball. Save for half.

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15)  d20-3=5 ; d20-3=-2 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 12:51:19 PM

On Oct. 29, Kindly DM Jim said, "The ship is approximately 250' from your camp/shore." Zeoll's range is 170 ft for Calm Emotions. So Zeoll would have to move 80 ft into the sea from shore to cast the spell, the last 50 ft in water over his head.

His swim check has an armor check penalty of -1 and a racial penalty of -2, so Zeoll is at -3 to make swim checks. For him to swim 50 ft out, per the rules, would take him 5 move actions (2.5 rounds). Add in the 30 ft of shallow water as a move action, for 6 move actions total (3 rounds); and at the end of one round, Zeoll would be 40 ft from shore, if he makes his swim check.

Zeoll rolls a 5 on his first check and a -2 on his second check.

I think it is safe to say that per the Swim rules, Zeoll is 40 ft from shore and completely underwater when that Fireball hits. He is holding his breath (first round of 12).

Needless to say, he has NOT cast his Calm Emotions spell. :-)

Towing the line... 
Thursday November 8th, 2012 7:31:07 PM

On Nov. 7th, Mr. Knowitall Zeoll wrote: "He'll wade chest-deep into the water to get as close as possible (move action) and cast his Calm Emotions spell on the ship."

chest deep is about 3 feet off the ledge of the shore into the lagoon,

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells  d20+19=38 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 7:55:25 PM

As Bosk watches Zane rescue the fish he gasps as he realizes a ball of fire is crashing down upon him. He has just enough time to yell Look Out!!! before the flaming ball of death is upon him. He has just enough time to dive out of the way, and in front of the children so he can shield them from the blast.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells  d20+12=29 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 8:01:35 PM

Bosk winces as the flames wash over him, the smell of singed fur raising to his nostrils. He prays the kids were spared.

Reflex Save to shield kids = 38
Fort Save = 29

Zane Stormfront AC 27 CMD 23 HP 63/63  d20+11=31 ; d20+6=7 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 8:10:57 PM

Zane sees the fireball coming and he twists as it explodes, seeming to magically avoid the fire. (save w/evasion feat)

This irritates Zane, He again draws the bow, this time actually aiming for the captian.

Attack, 7, a obvious miss.

He shifts to the side, spreading out the group, so as not to be a bunch of targets.

Zane's Spell Info:

Level ----- 0- 1
Available-- *- 5
Used ----- *- 2

Spells in effect:

Mage Armor, Duration 4 hours

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells 
Thursday November 8th, 2012 8:15:47 PM

ooc: Can you let me know if the kids are injured before I take an action.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 17/14/15 CMD: 15 HP: 31/50 (Spells)  d20+8=27 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 11:06:43 PM

Restlin knows a fireball when he sees one, and is already hiding behind Bosk when it hits (Reflex save 27).

"Hey guys, I don't want to alarm you, but that was a really powerful fireball. We should probably get those kids out of here...unless we want to use Toby for bait or something."

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent)  d20+14=25 ;
Thursday November 8th, 2012 11:27:05 PM

Rachel, Toby... RUN!
Beriothian tumbles across the sand as whirling balls of fire fly past him.

If I shoot flaming arrows at the ship will it ignite, or is there something about this situation that would prevent this?

Zeoll (HP49 of 49, AC23, CMD15) 
Friday November 9th, 2012 8:18:47 AM

No prob, thanks DM Jim! When the first spell falls short, Zeoll swims out further and tries to swim and cast again. He sinks, per yesterday.

Bosk AC: 30/14/27 CMD:23 HP 64 of 64 Spells  d20+7=22 ; d20+5=6 ;
Friday November 9th, 2012 12:04:34 PM

Once the heat dissipates Bosk looks down to ensure that the children are alright and were shielded from they blast. If they were uninjured he will move them to a more sheltered or shielded location (worst cast scenario they may be able to lay down behind the large anvil for cover). If they were injured badly he will heal their wounds first and then get them to safety.

Get the children to safety
Heal them if necessary

Perception check to find a sheltered location for the children = 22
Survival Check to find shelter for the children = 6

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/16/16 HP: 62/62 CMD = 23 (hero point spent)  d20+12=25 ; d8+2=10 ; d6=6 ; d20+6=24 ;
Friday November 9th, 2012 3:36:56 PM

Beriothian quickly takes what he knows about engineering to determine if the ship's sails (or any other part) would catch fire if hit with a flaming arrow. He pulls out his his bow and a flaming arrow and sends the arrow flying (at the boat if he determines it will catch fire, at a sailor otherwise).

fire damage = 6
(ooc; since you didn't respond I figured a knowledge roll would be my best alternative for making the determination of targets)

Wyaar (JonL) AC 27/17/22 CMD 23 HP 62/62 
Friday November 9th, 2012 7:01:00 PM

Wyaar uses his time to speed away from the ship and then direction upwards so he's 30' above the water and 60' awaqy from the ship.

Double move, 60' away towards shore, 30' straight up

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