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The Opening Move

DM Post 
Monday January 31st, 2011 6:54:55 PM

The general waits to respond to Larien until out of the council room and part way down the corridor.

"Larvanya, did not say so and probably will not, but she was moments from death a day ago. And if not for Fibral she might well be. Nor will she tell you what she knows needs to be done. And in fact it is even treason for me to say it. But her elder sister must be dealt with."

He pauses a moment before continuing at a bare whisper.

"Of course killing a member of a ruling house, let alone its heir, is treason and punishable by death."

"The tension on the council is mostly about this. all three know that Artrea is at the least partially responsible for these actions, but none of the matrons is willing to say or do anything about it because she is the heir to House Bralfah." I am truly at a loss. I applaud Tiraleth's courage and wisdon in choosing Larvanya over her elder sister, but I wish SHE had taken care of this little matter prior to her death. I am afraid we are all going to regret this oversight by her."

Eclip and T'Shalla head to the SL only to find thier friends have left along with some messages they have gone to their personal abodes.


The Shadow Guardians, uneasy about things that have happened while they were away, and not happy about where things stand with the council, do their best to relax for several days taking care of personal business and occupying their time making things and relaxing perhaps for the first time in a long tile for 4 consecutive days, though every day whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner they all get together for a meal, to check in with each other and to share what they might have learned about anything.

(OOC: You have 4 days worth of down time, let me know if there is anything in partiular you are going to try and do. Make any rolls necessary etc. in this post. Tuesdays post will be the official start of the new module.)

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 13 Temp HP) 
Monday January 31st, 2011 7:01:26 PM

When Larien and T'Shalla catch up to the others, they move to a private location where they can't be overheard, and then tell them what little they learned from the Council. Afterwords, Larien goes to the Catacombs, and then returns to her quarters to unpack, and spend the rest of the day doing magical crafting.

Anyone desiring Wondrous Item crafting assistance from Larien should let me know ASAP. Larien has several items of her own to create, and Gilin's already made a request, but I'll do my best to help.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 13 Temp HP) 
Monday January 31st, 2011 7:11:37 PM

OOC - Oops, the DM post beat me. Note that Fibral was last known to be in Floating City as the It'lal Ambassador. I assume she happened to be back in It'lal (via teleport) at the time of the attack?

Are we getting today + four full days (five days total) for crafting, or just four days for crafting?

I'll post my actions, and any comments to the General, later. With only four or five days of crafting available, I won't be able to make items for anyone but Larien. Sorry.

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+21=25 ; d20+21=26 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 9:51:13 PM

Gilin throws himself wholeheartedly into finishing his Rod, working as fast as he can under the circumstances but giving heroic effort to complete the rod as a rush job, and is just barely able to complete it. (DC 26, Spellcraft Roll 25 Hero-point Re-roll 26 - completed in 4 days + 4 hours of work)

DM Post 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 2:19:42 PM

(Four days of game time, in one post)

Eclip (AC29, hp100) & Artan (AC31, hp102) barkskin+5 CharSheet Pathfinder 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 8:47:48 PM

Eclip visits the catacombs to spend some of the booty. (ooc: will make transaction in CC, but may take a few days.)

Buy the Bracers of +4AC from party 16000-10%=14,400
2x pearls of power 2nd level (4,000each) = 8,000
a rod of lesser meta extension =3,000
CC upgrade cloak of resistance from +2 to +4 = 12,000
CC Upgrade Ring of protection +3 to +4 = 14,000

Sell Bracers of +2AC 4,000-10%=3,600

Enchant Eclip's armor to +2 Already have material (4days) DC=11 vs spellcraft of +19
create another spellstaff with Heal spell in it.

Between his duties, crafting and shopping, Eclip also spends time training with Artan, and uses a few scry or greater scry spells on Atrea or her know followers.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 72/99) CharSheet 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 10:40:20 PM

T'Shalla will visit the catacombs as well, to sell one item she has no way to use anymore, other then that, she visits with the orphanage she has set up and seeing how things are, and telling stories to the children and does some training with those that want to learn more.

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet) 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 10:43:11 PM

Gilin also takes time to get the makings of Setanos' Vestments from the Catacombs, and giving them to Larien along with a little extra (500gp) to craft them for him, when she has the time. (6500gp to Catacombs, 500go to Larien)

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 13 Temp HP)  d100=6 ; d100=41 ; d100=94 ; d20+4=19 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 11:11:27 PM

Sorry for the late post, busy day, not much time for D&D. Will post to Catacombs shortly.

The wizardess listens to the General closely as he shares his opinion about Atrea, while also watching him to see if anything seems amiss. (Sense Motive 19) Replying softly, she says, "We appreciate your candor General, although since Atrea has committed numerous crimes against It'lal, including a coup attempt and forming her own "House", she's no longer even a member of House Bralfah, much less the recognized heir of House Bralfah. I do not see how she is due any protections under drow law, although I'm sure her supporters will argue otherwise regardless of the facts."

Larien manages to be quite productive over the next four days, making:

* (Day 1) 2nd level Pearl of Power (CL17+5=CL22 +5 to double crafting speed = CL27) Normal value is 4,000 gp; 2,000 gp to make. CL27 = 2 crafting days. Using Fast Forge at half time = 1 day; 6% - Success

* (Day 2) Vest of Escape (CL4+10=CL14 +5 to double crafting speed = CL19). Normal value is 5,200 gp; 2,600 gp to make. CL19 = 2.6 days. Using Fast Forge at one third time = .86 day; 41% - Success

* (Days 3&4) +1 Setanos's Vestment of Holy Incantations (Pantheon) (CL7+5=CL12 +5 to double crafting speed = CL17). Normal value is 13,000 gp; 6500 gp to make. CL17 = 6.5 crafting days. Using Fast Forge at one third time = 2.16 days; 94% - Success
(<4 hours of regular crafting time remaining; <1.33 hours using Fast Forge at one third time)

Larien has a Spellcraft mod of +27, making all the crafting checks above automatically successful.

During the short break, Larien also sets her Contingency spell to cast Greater Invisibility whenever Larien attempts to say the word "Zarsnap".

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d10+10=11 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 11:24:26 PM

Updated header with daily False Life Temp HP.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP) 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 11:49:27 PM

Oh, if it matters, my Sense Motive check vs the General was 20, not 19. I forgot I added a rank to that.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 4:46:00 PM

T'Shalla, had been staying with the monks anyways when back in the city, she spends her time after meeting up with the other Shadow Guardians, with the orphans and in meditation and training.

DM Post 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 10:07:35 PM

Your agreed upon 4 day break from responsibilities, other than your own personal agendas, comes to and rather quickly and you find yourselves at your decided luncheon at the Slaughtered Lamb a bit before the actual lunch hour.

Entering your favored establishment, you see that there are already a few patrons (two old men, a woman and her daughter?, and another man and his son?) in the place, as well as the barternder and three waitresses, all visible in the front of the hause.

One waitress, one who has only been around for a week or so , (you seem to recall her name is Lan'i) is chatting up the bartender Brai'tee, (something about how she never seems to be able to find a guy who wants to settle down for more than a night or two...) and Jan'rai who seems to have been around for everand is basically the waitress that runs things during lunch and dinner rushes, who is talking with the other waitress, also a long tim employee named Rul'are, about men and how is it that they are "loving and chatty and fun one moment and quiet and standoffish the next....

As she see you and realizes who you are, and that you have come for lunch, she quickly hustles over and ushers you to a table.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, Can I bring you all something to drink while you think about lunch?

Our trenchers today are Wild Smoked Boar, River Trout, Pickled Sausages or Roated Duck. All come with a couple of cob, spiced apples, mushroom oatcake, bread and cheese.

She looks at you semi-expectantly.

Eclip (AC29, hp100) & Artan (AC31, hp102) barkskin+5 CharSheet Pathfinder 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 2:57:37 PM

(ooc: Note Eclip renews his IronWood spell upon all his wooden weapons.)

Entering the Slaughtered Lamb, Eclip tells Larien "I liked your idea of using pearls of power and extension rod to make Barkskin a long term spell so much that I've copied it for Artan and me unfortunately its still only enough for 4 hours twice a day for each of us."

As Jan'rai greets the Shadow Guardians and sets them, the druid nods respectively to the female drow servers "Please, an ale for me and a quart of cream in a bowl for Artan please." the druid glaces at the new face Lan'i in the Lamb, making brief eye contact. Settling at the table and having Artan lay in the coroner, Eclip turns to T'Shalla "I saw some new weapons in a shop that are advertised as monkish weapons, If you would like I believe I could fashion some throwing stars from Ironwood for you."

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 4:06:03 PM

Gilin seems unsure about the food. "I haven't had roasted duck before, but it sounds tasty..." he said. "I think I'll try that. And an ale, please." Although Gilin orders the ale, and nurses it like any bar patron would, he never actually drinks any. The others may find it odd that if they think about it, none of them have ever seen Gilin eat or drink anything before.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+16=19 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 10:20:19 PM

Larien seems quite pleased that Eclip is using her pearl of power/Barkskin idea for himself and Artan. "That's wonderful. It's naturally more expensive to cover both of you, but as you get more experienced the base spell duration will increase (10 min x 13th level = 130 minutes x 2 Extend = 260 minutes = 4 & 1/3 hours)."

As the wizardess settles in and looks around, she takes her usual precautions, scanning the room and the patrons -- especially for the presence of any magic (outside of the group's, of course), along with any aura details.

Perception 19
Permanent Detect Magic; auto-success on any Spellcraft DCs of 28 or less.

When the waitress comes up, Larien says, "Jan'rai, could I have a cider and a small portion of the Wild Smoked Boar? Thanks."

As the group chit-chats, Larien mentions that she made the hard decision to release Madeline (her hawk familiar) during the break. "It was tough for both of us, but she seemed more and more at risk with every mission. I would have been heartbroken if something had happened to her, and being underground so much was difficult for her. I hope she'll visit me now and then, but our link has already faded. First Grif, and now Madeline." Larien smiles at the thought of her long-time flying companions, but her eyes are a bit moist, and she must blink hard a few times to keep from crying.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 10:28:30 PM

T'Shalla greets Jan'rai, "Roasted Duck please, and ale."

To Eclip, "That could prove interesting though the range would not be as good as the crossbow I think, I will consider it for later on. Thank you for the offer though."

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp) 
Friday February 4th, 2011 5:51:34 PM

"Hmm, I'll have the fish. Extra mushrooms, forget the cob. And a beer."

Pathos leans back and sighs.

"Hot beer, cold food, no sign of imminent death. This is the life...

"Watch someone come and cock it up for us!"

DM Post 
Saturday February 5th, 2011 12:58:25 PM

Ok then that's 3 ales a cider and a beer. Let me get your drinks and then I will come back for the last meal order, glancing over at Eclip.

A few moments later she is back with your drinks and has them placed properly with each of you. So then we have two duck, 1 boar, a trout and what can I get for you today looking at Eclip? while she waits for Eclips decision she continues on.

So is it true what we have heard that the matrons were nearly all killed? I thought for sure the worst of the House troubles were behind us when the underwold was destroyed.........And now this. What do you think is going to happen? Are we heading back to where we came from? I hope not.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP) 
Saturday February 5th, 2011 10:24:51 PM

OOC: Maybe Eclip doesn't want any poisoned food.... ;-)

Larien smiles at Jan'rai reassuringly. "Be of good cheer Jan'rai. I'm sure the Matriarchs will address any rumors when the time is right. As for us, the Shadow Guardians will always stand against evil in all its forms. There will be no return to the old days."

The wizardess hopes the others will be careful not to talk about subjects the Matriarchs obviously want to keep quiet for the time being....

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet) 
Sunday February 6th, 2011 5:07:08 PM

Gilin, who feels ill at ease to speak on what he view as the internal workings of the matriarchs, remains quiet.

Eclip (AC29, hp100) & Artan (AC31, hp102) barkskin+5 CharSheet Pathfinder 
Monday February 7th, 2011 11:54:06 AM

(ooc: Not worried about any poison, but she had only asked for drink orders.)

Seeing his is the last to order, Eclip speaks up "The Trout sound good for me, and Artan would like the boar very rare. Fear not, the new It'lal is still young and bound to experience growing pains and threats from others, but the Matriarchs and what everyone has worked for to make It'lal represent will not be easily undone."

After Jan'rai leaves, the druid ask his companions "We know what must be done, but how do we proceed? Wait for them to strike again and set an ambush? Go chase them further down into their hole? Or find their liar and strike them there? Has anyone had any luck on finding information about the other girls they supposedly inducted?"

DM Post 
Monday February 7th, 2011 10:28:26 PM

sorry guys crawling in tto bed with a fever of 102. I will try and post tomorrow around 6PM.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Monday February 7th, 2011 10:31:02 PM

T'Shalla says, quietly, "I say we locate their lair and set up a decisive strike against them."

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+16=25 ;
Monday February 7th, 2011 11:17:12 PM

Larien nods at T'Shalla. Keeping her voice very low, she says, "I agree with T'Shalla. We need to end this before they get any stronger; otherwise they'll just keep hammering away at It'lal. As for the story of the other girls, I've not wanted to ask around lest we draw unwanted attention or concern. The Matriarchs are playing things very close to the vest, which ties our hands considerably. And if there have been 14 other drow kidnappings, it's hard to imagine how they could have been kept secret. Yet there's been no talk of such things at all."

Larien continues to look for magical auras and anything else that seems suspicious....

Perception: 25

Eclip (AC27, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Tuesday February 8th, 2011 9:43:52 AM

Eclip shrugs as he takes a sip from his ale, "I would expect it would be hard to keep secrete if they girls were taken from It'lal, but with the sprouting of outlying farms and hunting groups that we had no knowledge of it would be very easy for them to take the girls from there without us ever hearing of it."

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp)  d20+10=18 ;
Tuesday February 8th, 2011 5:13:51 PM

Looking for lairs is all very well, but it's a big Wold out there. In the absence of any other clues, we're left with down the hole or lay an ambush. But the big Wold comment applies there too. They could strike anywhere, particularly if all they want is attractive young females. There's no shortage of them.

And Pathos leers at the waitress in what he hopes is a charming way.(Diplomacy 18. Charming without having to fend off any uncontrolled advances. Spot on.)

DM Post 
Tuesday February 8th, 2011 7:31:25 PM

Drinks in hand, orders placed and conversation being had about what next steps should be taken.

larien keeps perusing the room and not seeing much of import. A few very light auras on a dagger here and there the young lad talking with someone who looks like some sort of minor govt official has something in a pouch that is radiating with weak magic. other than the occasional glance over at your group, no one seems to be taking any interest in your group as you drink and wait for your food. The new waitress is leered at by Pathos and returns his leer witha forward and playful meaningless wink.

About 10 minutes more pass and coupl of new patrons have wandered in for lunch when Jan'rai returns bearing your meals which she places down in front of each person who ordered it. Though when she gets to the rare boar, she looks at Artan and then places the plate on the table beside Eclip's trout.

"Ummm ifn you don't mind I'll be lettin you feed that beast."

Just about this time the young lad who you are pretty sure is a messenger of some sort takes something from the bgovt looking guy and makes his way to the door.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 1:00:44 AM

T'Shalla glances around as well as she eats, but just waits to see what might come of anything.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+16=28 ;
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 1:19:22 AM

Larien watches the interplay between the maybe-government official and the young messenger, and some vague warning bell goes off in the wizardess' head. Speaking low, so just the Shadow Guardians can hear, she says, "Quick, someone make up an excuse to stop that messenger boy from leaving. Chat him up a bit. Something might wrong."

Hoping that one or more of the Shadow Guardians acts to delay the boy, or that maybe Artan "accidentally" blocks the door, Larien activates Detect Evil using her Shadow Goggles, and scans for the presence or absence of evil (covering the boy's position for sure, but also the government official too, if possible).

Perception: 28

Eclip (AC27, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+24=29 ;
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 3:20:17 PM

When Jan'rai delvers the food, Eclip smiles "Don't worry about Artan he's really a teddy bear." The druid is setting the meal down for the large cat when Larien's makes a sudden request to stop the messenger boy, Eclip looks around (perception: 29) spotting the fellow easily. The druid grabs his ale and moves on an intersecting course, where he bumps into the fellow and spilling his ale upon him "Oh how terribly clumsy of me! I am so sorry, here let me help clean that mess up. Jan'rai do you have a drying towel or something."

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+14=33 ; d20+2=16 ; d20+24=27 ;
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 8:00:50 PM

Gilin turns his attention to the messenger's former contact, and moves discreetly to cover the escape of the Gov't guy. He doesn't talk to or engage him unless he looks uncomfortable with the messenger being stopped. He will watch him for any sign that this is the case, and if he does seem uncomfortable, Gilin will engage him in conversation to ask what is making him so nervous.

(Perception 33, Sense Motive 16, Diplomacy 27)

DM Post 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 9:46:49 PM

Eclip nearly knocks the poor little lad over as he bumps into him. (the kid is as thin as a rail and looks just like every other street urchin that every one uses for cheep messengering)

The boys first response is scabble backwards on the floor covering his head like he expects to be beaten. " I'm so sorry good sir. I should have watched where I was walking. I should have known not to get under your feet. I know I am worthless trash and shouldn't even be in the same room as you. I will leave immediately good sir. I humbly beg your forgiveness."

Jan'rai hurries over with a couple of rags for cleaning. Staring at the boy.

"Par'een get up off that floor. This man isn't going to beat you, so stop your caterwauling ang get on your feet."

Gilin makes his move and watches the official and his response and other than a quick look up as the boy falls and starts his piece he goes back to his lunch and looking over what looks to be some sort of accounting ledger/scroll.

Larien's scan of evil shows nothing or no one of evil bent within the confines of the room.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 10:31:01 PM

T'Shalla asks Jan'rai when she passes again, "That lad, does he live on the streets? The monks of my monastary run an orphanage that he can stay at if he has no home or shelter, there is no cost or anything else. He would get a warm bed, and meals."

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+16=22 ; d20+5=18 ;
Thursday February 10th, 2011 4:03:23 AM

Larien catches the eyes of Eclip and Gilin, shaking her head slightly and shrugging. No luck with the spell. She thinks to herself that something still could be amiss somehow, but the wizardess can't think of any way to prove it (or disprove it) without making a scene. Or can she?

Calling toward Eclip and the messenger boy, Larien says, "Young sir. Par'een is it? There's no need to be fearful. Please, come join us for lunch. Our treat. I think we might have a job for you."

Perception: 22
Sense Motive (Par'een): 18

Eclip (AC27, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 10:36:34 AM

Looking taken about, "No one's going to beat you young one. Par'een is it. It was my mistake, my friend is right, let me pay for your meal as way of apology." Eclip helps stand the boy up.

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp) 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 2:45:48 PM

"I rather think the question should be 'Who does beat him up so regularly that he expects it?' Or is that how all urchins are treated these days?"

"So, sonny. Are you going to get the nice druid a drink?"

Pathos' grin sets off Larien's evil detector spell...

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet) 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 5:30:29 PM

Gilin wonders suddenly why he has become so suspicious; surely a middle manager sending a message via messenger boy isn't anything out of the ordinary... He must just be jumpy and over-cautious from knowing what has happened here in the absence of the Shadow Guardians... though he wonders where the Secondus was during it all.

DM Post 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 8:18:26 PM

Jan'rai answers T'Shalla.

"As far as he knows he and a group of other yunguns live on the streets doing odd jobs and running messages for a few pence for people who want to save a bit of money. Par'een usually picks up a few jobs from our patrons and from the boss on occassion."

Par'een looks a bit leerily at Eclip as he offers to help him stand and scrambles up on his own as he looks up at Larien's offer.

"Well thank ye truly mam, That food you got looks and smells mighty good, only I've got a paid message job to do right about now and easy money too, but ifn yer offer is still open when Ima done I'd be mighty glad to join ye ifn yer still wishes."

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Friday February 11th, 2011 12:45:32 AM

T'Shalla nodds and thanks Jan'rai for her reply, and will see about talking to the boy when he comes back, to find out more about this group and see if they want to go see the building that my monastary has setup for the homeless.

Eclip (AC27, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+24=30 ; d20+13=18 ;
Friday February 11th, 2011 9:17:11 AM

Eclip shrugs and lets Larien and Jan'rai continue helping the boy. The druid checks to see if Artan has finished off the boar.

looking over at Gilin, "Why do you look so jumpy? I was thinking the young messenger might know if there are any people missing from It'lal from his social circles? Also, perhaps we have been paranoid enough lately. Watch Artan for me, I'm going to go stretch my wings for a bit." Dropping a few coins on the table, Eclip steps outside and around the side before transforming into a hawk. Taking to the air, the druid circles around gaining some altitude and waiting for the messenger to continue on his mission. The druid intends to follow the boy discreetly to see where and/or who the boy deliverers the object to.

(Perception: 30, Disguise: 18)

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+16=22 ;
Friday February 11th, 2011 3:27:46 PM

OOC to DM: Is "pence" slang for coppers here, or does it refer to an even smaller denomination?

Larien checks to see if the faint magical aura she saw in the government official's pouch is still there, or if it's now being carried by Par'een. She smiles at the young boy's smart reply. "Of course, business first. When you're done, come back and join us for lunch."

After Par'een leaves, Larien says to the group softly, "False alarm I guess. But perhaps we need to take more notice of the general conditions in It'lal. I knew there were many abandoned youth after the exodus from the underwold, hence the need for T'Shalla's orphanage, but we've seen more signs lately of poverty and borderline starvation than I ever remember in drow society. Remember the daughter of the drow seer? Multiply that by the hundreds we don't see. Such conditions are ripe for the likes of Atrea and others of evil intentions."

The wizardess continues to watch the comings and goings and doings of the Inn, just in case.

Perception: 22

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Friday February 11th, 2011 5:05:37 PM

T'Shalla nodds, "Perhaps I should make some inquiries at the orphanage with the other members of my monastary and see if they can shed some light on things, or even those housed in it, I'm sure they don't stay there all the time, and ask them to keep their eyes open and to pass any information along to the monks, and they in turn can pass it along to us."

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet) 
Monday February 14th, 2011 12:29:49 AM

"Well, whatever we decide we need to do it soon. Pretty soon this place is going to turn into a police state with all the paranoia that's growing. Even I'm getting affected by it, and I normally consider myself very laid-back."

DM Post 
Monday February 14th, 2011 10:32:05 PM

In hawk form Eclip. watches as the boy heads down the street about 8-9 bocks, turns down and side alley and walks another 3 blocks up to a door and knocks. A momwent later a drow female comes to the door Par'een hands her something and then turns around and heads back toward the inn. This all takes about 15 minutes.

Eclip Highlight to display spoiler: { Fort DC 22 or begin cramping and vomiting violently }

Artan Highlight to display spoiler: { Fort DC 22 or begin cramping and vomiting violently }

T"Shalla Highlight to display spoiler: { Fort DC 22 or begin cramping and vomiting violently }

Pathos Highlight to display spoiler: { Fort DC 22 or begin cramping and vomiting violently }

Larien Highlight to display spoiler: { Fort DC 22 or begin cramping and vomiting violently }

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+18=27 ; d20+16=32 ;
Monday February 14th, 2011 11:34:06 PM

OOC: Told ya it was poisoned. Free food at the Inn is usually an ominous sign. ;-)

Larien smiles after a fine meal. "Boy, that was good. I'm going to thank the cook personally." The wizardess gets up and starts to head toward the kitchen.

Fort Save: 27 (Success)
Perception: 32

Eclip (AC27, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+14=27 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+24=39 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+24=32 ;
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 10:02:00 AM

Seeing where and who the boy delivered his message, Eclip marks the place in his mind and returns to the the Inn. Landing and transforming back into himself the druid joint the others.

(ooc: Which drow house section of the city was the delivery made to and did Eclip recognized the female drow Perception: 39)

(ooc: 9th level druids gains immunity to all poisons, If it's not poison Eclip Fort Save: 27)

While Eclip is gone, Artan tries a few bites of the boar but finds the flavor is off (Fort Save: 23) perhaps the overcooked the very rare dish, the large cat stops eating food. He waits for Eclip to return.

Walking back into the S.L. Tavern, Eclip comments to the others "Ok the boy made his delivery, we can check it out later, Artan, you not hungry today is it over cooked? " Looking around at the others "Hey are you all alright?" (heal check: 25 to see if any are suffering ill effects.)

Suspicious, Eclip looks around the tavern to see who has left since and who is new since they ordered (Perception: 32) (Ooc: is he government Official and/or the new waitress still there, or armored group?)

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: &2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260mr, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr)

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp)  d20+10=18 ;
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 6:00:50 PM

"Uh-oh!" (Fort save 18)

Pathos looks around for a spittoon or similar as his fish begins to make a reappearance.

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 55/92) (PF Sheet) 
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 10:26:12 PM

"Are you alright Pathos? You look a little green around the gills... is the fish spoiled? This is why I never eat fish!"

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+12=29 ;
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 10:46:51 PM

T'Shalla enjoys the meal, and ale, as she converse with the rest of the group and watches about as well.

ooc: at lvl 11, T'Shalla is immune poisons of all kinds as well, but she saved: Fort save: 29)

DM Post  d2=2 ;
Wednesday February 16th, 2011 10:14:25 PM

Larien gets up and heads back toward the kitchen going through the swinging doors, to have a chat with the cooks. Larien needs a second Fort save DC 22.

Pathos nearly immediately begins feeling sick and cramping. Highlight to display spoiler: { 1-dex, -1 strength and -2 Con, effective immediately}

Eclip feels a moment of queesiness which passes quickly, watches Pareen's delivery (leather guild mistress) and begins walking back to the tavern (unless you are running it will be a few before you are back to the tavern)

Gilin begins joking around with Pathos and then realizes his friend is quite sick and in pain.

T'Shalla feels a momentary queesiness which goes no further.

Artan stops eating and swats at his boar sending it across the room. and begins to head out the door to find Eclip.

The other patrons, all of which are still eating or were, begin looking abit nervously at their food and drink. Several offer queries of whether Pathos is all right and several others begin looking around at for the waitressesand barkeep and begin questioning them.

Thr waitresses and bartender all seem visibly upset and are getting nervous about the possibility of a mass exodus and what it could mean to business.

Suddenly there are 6 brutish looking individuals that appear in the inn just 10 feet from the parties table. they all have weapons to hand.

(OOC: Any who can see invisible objects and still in the main room) Highlight to display spoiler: { There is a seventh man just off to the side that is invisible}

****We are now in combat******

Map is on its way.

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp) 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 2:19:25 AM

Pathos folds up under the long trestle table. He tries to throw up quietly.

No singing today!

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+18=25 ; d20+17=29 ; d6+4=5 ; d20+16=18 ;
Thursday February 17th, 2011 4:02:08 AM

OOC: I'm assuming the box labeled "E" is actually Larien, halfway through the kitchen door, since Eclip is still outside. I'm further assuming that "K" is actually bad guy 5, as there's no "5" on the map, and no Shadow Guardian with the first initial K.

Are we going to have grid numbers for posting spell locations and movement?

Fort Save: 25 (Is that the worst poison you have?) ;-)

Larien glances over her shoulder and sees the brutish looking individuals (drow?) appear out of nowhere. She casts Black Tentacles defensively (auto success, Concentration +27) centered on the far wall between the 3rd and 4th square from the right. That should trap all the bad guys, while missing Artan, Pathos, and all the patrons and staff.

Tentacles CMB: 29
Damage (1d6+4): 5

Larien calls out, "T'Shalla, there's an invisible man off to the side. Cast your Faerie Fire on him!" Larien knows the exact position of the invisible man and gives T'Shalla those details, but the specifics ("he's next to x") were not listed in the DM spoiler.

The wizardess then attempts to say "Zarsnap", which activates her Contingency spell, Greater Invisibility. Larien is now invisible. The Shadow Guardians have been informed of this new "trick", and will not be surprised by Larien's disappearance. She looks to see what weapons the bad guys are carrying, any identifying marks, symbols, etc.... Also, whether she knows any of them by sight.

Perception: 18

Holding move action pending the DM indicating where the invisible bad guy is. (Kent, e-mail me privately or list it here as a spoiler. Thanks).

Highlight to display spoiler: {Invisible is the grey K. the 6 is not actually invisible just not able to be seen clearly by anyone.}

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP) 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 4:04:08 AM

Active spells/items - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
See Invisibility -- Permanent
Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- ?/24 hours; Extended
Black Tentacles -- 12/12 rounds
Greater Invisibility -- 12/12 rounds

Eclip (AC27, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+24=33 ; d20+16=24 ; d20+16=34 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+18=26 ; d20+18=23 ; 2d6+11=23 ; 2d6+11=19 ;
Thursday February 17th, 2011 10:54:54 AM

Eclip was in the form of a hawk which has a fly movement speed of 60ft, If he feels the queasiness is due to a poison attempt the he will fly at a run (~240ft/r) to get back, otherwise he will just fly hastily (double move 120ft/r) in order to beat the boy back to the tavern. If Eclip sees Artan heading away from the tavern, he'll land and transform back into a drow, otherwise he does transforms just before entering the tavern.

(ooc: A few questions about the map which doors lead outside and to the kitchen? From the map I take it Artan hasn't made it outside yet. Is that Eclip in the doorway at the bottom of the map or Larien if not Eclip then how far from the tavern is he?)

Artan wouldn't attack without direction, but if Eclip has just reached the door and transformed back into his natural form (standard action) (Perception: 33) the druid then direct Artan to attack the nearest foe #1 (hit ac 2xClaw 24, 34 dam 10+1shock, 15+3fire , hit ac 2xBite 26, 23 dam 23, 19 )

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: &2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260mr, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr)

Gilin Underlane (AC21/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+7=11 ; 4d6=15 ; d20+7=15 ; 4d6=18 ; d20+7=15 ; 4d6=20 ;
Thursday February 17th, 2011 5:28:16 PM

Gilin takes one look at all the thugs and sighs. "How dead do we want them?" he asks the others wryly. "Incapacitated for questioning, crispy for Artan's lunch, or dust for the innkeeper's broom?" He shoots the innkeeper a quick glare. "Speaking of innkeepers, we'll be having a chat after this," the half-drow says menacingly.

Sizing up the brutish attackers, he decides it's too cramped for fireballs and tosses out a Scorching Ray at the three nearest of the attackers (1,2,4) before drawing his Maximize Rod out of his Pants O'Plenty

Scorching Ray 1: Thug #1
To Hit Touch: 11
Dmg: 15 fire

Scorching Ray 2: Thug #2
To Hit Touch: 15
Dmg: 18 fire

Scorching Ray 3: Thug #4
To Hit Touch: 15
Dmg: 20 fire

Spell Slots Remaining:
1: 5/8 - 2: 7/8 - 3: 8/8 - 4: 8/8 - 5: 6/6 - 6: 4/4

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 10:27:25 PM

T'Shalla nodds, and uses her innate ability of Faerie Fire to illuminate the invisible one that Larien gave her directions to aim at.

DM Post  d20=10 ; d20=16 ; d20=5 ; d20=12 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+10=26 ; d8+6=8 ; d8+6=14 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+10=24 ; d8+6=10 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=23 ; d8+6=12 ; d8+6=10 ; d20+15=24 ; 3d6=11 ;
Thursday February 17th, 2011 11:31:55 PM

Pathos moves under the nearby table and review his luncheon.

Larien forgoes entering the kitchen and casts his tentacles spell covering much of the inns common room in its spread. Including Pathos and several patrons.

None of the 5 patrons manage to make their saves are are now being pummeled and likely will be killed by the spells effects.

Pathos make your CMD roll vs 29 or become grappled and take 5 points this round.

Eclip gets back to the inn and opens the inn door only to begin being pummeled by Larien's tentacles Roll CMD vs 29 or become grappled. through the door he can just make out Artan just outside of the tentacled area.

T'shalla illuminates Thug "K" with her fairie fire

Gilin sends rays streaking out to strike three opponents connecting all three times with the touch attack.

Artan only connects with tow attacks on #5


None of the Thugs seem to have any problems moving through the tentacles and manage to get out of them with little more than a few bruises.

#5 attacks Artan back connecting twice AC 32 & 26 for 22 points

#1 joins the attack on Artan flanking the cat connecting once AC 26 for 10 points

#2 comes running and jumping over the table at Gilin and hits Gilin Critically AC 35 (AC 23) for 22 points

#4 runs at T'Shalla sword swinging but misses.

#6 casts a spell and T'shalla is faced with the most hideous fearful thing she can imaging. [b]Phantasmal Killer, Will save DC 20, if fail then make fort save DC 20, if fail fort die, if save take 11 damage.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP) 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 11:42:45 PM

OOC: Thanks for the info Kent. I still don't see 7 bad guys, just 6 (#5 is missing), but I'll just assume they're in the target area of Larien's spell.

[kent: #1 & 5 are attacking artan as noted. All opponents are on my map I sent out.

Larien moves forward 5 ft, and then 10 ft to her left, into the corner.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP) 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 11:54:23 PM

Ignore Larien's movement post from last round, since it doesn't seem to matter.

Kent, you've miscalculated the area of effect of the Black Tentacles spell. Go to this page and scroll down to see what squares half of a 20 ft radius spell affects. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magic.html#aiming-a-spell

[Kent}Actually as a radius is part of a circle not a cross the graphic is wrong. As such and now as shown on the map, though not perfect, both Pathos and the customers would be in area of effect.

You will see that neither Pathos nor the patrons are inside the spell.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP) 
Friday February 18th, 2011 12:00:46 AM

"OOC: Also, I would think that Eclip would not be affected by the spell unless he stepped into the room. The door was closed (on the map) when the spell was cast, so it would not extend outside the room."

{Technically you are correct. I went by his previous post saying he would enter back into the inn. If he is outside and not knowing what is going on that is fine too. (Eclip is now stationed outside the door.)

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 70/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+7=19 ; 26d6=96 ; 5d6=19 ;
Friday February 18th, 2011 7:32:50 AM

OOC:(Gilin's AC is actually 24. If I had kept it updated as I should have I wouldn't have been critically hit, but that hardly matters. I'll take it because it's my fault for not staying on top of it.)

Gilin casts Disintegrate on thug #2
To Hit Touch: 19
Damage: 96 (Fort Save DC24 to take only 19 damage)
(If this damage reduces the target to 0 hp or less, they are entirely disintegrated into a fine dust, but their equipment remains intact)

Spell Slots Remaining:
1: 5/8 - 2: 7/8 - 3: 8/8 - 4: 8/8 - 5: 6/6 - 6: 3/4

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102/70) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+23=43 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=24 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+18=28 ; 2d6+11=15 ; 2d6+11=15 ; d20+21=30 ;
Friday February 18th, 2011 12:39:04 PM

(Ooc: CMD is a fixed number not something you roll. Eclip's CMD is 29 which means he would be grappled by a CMB roll of 29. As pointed out the black Tentacles wouldn't have line of effect though closed door, and they don't reach outside the effected squares. I guess once Eclip opened the door the square outside would be in line of effect and the effect could spread to cover Eclip. Eclip wouldn't purposely enter a square with black tentacles upon opening the door and seeing them there. So is Eclip grappled?)

Seeing Artan is surrounded, Ecip directs him to shift and continue attacking grabbing with the last attack (handle animal: 43). Grappled by the Tentacles, Eclip wild shapes into a Huge Elder Elemental. If not grappled or no longer grappled due to of higher CMD, or just growing in size due to wildshape Eclip will move/take-up to flank #5 & #1 (A5-C7, yes in Black Tentacles)

(Gain: immune to bleed damage, critical hits, and sneak attacks while in elemental form and gain DR 5/-- , +4 size bonus to your Strength, +6 size bonus to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 120 feet (perfect). darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind. New: AC 30, +DR 5, CMD: 34, size: 15ft; reach 15ft, Att 2x 17 Slam (2d8+3), whirlwind 6r max DC19)

Artan shift 5ft to A3 and continues attack #5 (hit ac 2xClaw 27, 24 dam 11+2Shock, 11+3fire, 2xBite 35, 28 dam 15, 15 {+grab with last attack 30 vs foes CMD})

Artan dam 102-22-10=70

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: &2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260mr, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr)

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp)  d20+12=29 ;
Friday February 18th, 2011 4:56:37 PM

(CMD only 25 after sickness mods. Is there any protection/cover/concealment from being under the table and benches?

(Escape grapple DC 29) Pathos wriggles and squirms under the table and benches towards Gilin and (2). (Can't attack this round as escape rapple is a standard action, but next turn, Betsy will hamstring him...vbeg)

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+13=21 ; 24d6=81 ; 5d6=18 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+16=28 ;
Friday February 18th, 2011 5:58:10 PM

Still hidden by Greater Invisibility, Larien casts Disintegrate on the spellcaster (#6), and moves forward a bit (to E2). She also hides, just in case someone can see through her magic.


Ranged touch to hit vs #6: 21
Damage: 81 (Fort Save DC23 to take only 18 damage)
(If this damage reduces the target to 0 hp or less, they are entirely disintegrated into a fine dust, but their equipment remains intact)

Hide: 24
Perception: 28

Active spells/items - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
See Invisibility -- Permanent
Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- ?/24 hours; Extended
Barkskin (+5 Natural AC, armor bonus) -- ~200/260 minutes; Extended
Black Tentacles -- 11/12 rounds
Greater Invisibility -- 11/12 rounds

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+12=28 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+5=16 ; d20=5 ; 2d6=12 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=12 ; 2d6=6 ;
Friday February 18th, 2011 7:10:54 PM

ooc: Ignore the first roll, it was a fort roll not will, 2nd was will roll)

T'Shalla is taken back for a moment as the 'creature' appears before her then disappears again <will save: 33>, and then does a flurry of blows against #4.

attk 1:tohit: 25, dam: 12
attk 2:tohit: 22, dam: 5
attk 3:tohit: 13, dam: 12 -> probably a miss
attk 4:tohit: 16, dam: 6 -> probably a miss
attk 5:tohit: 5 <definately a miss>

ADM Andy 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 2:45:40 PM

Since Kent has sort of disappeared and isn't replying to e-mail, I've contacted Jerry and Cayzle to let them know, and to request a fill-in DM. Hopefully we'll be back on track very soon.

In the meantime, feel free to post your character's mid-battle thoughts, if any....

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+23=40 ; d20+27=36 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 2:57:21 PM

As Larien waits to see the result of her spell, she wonders for a second or two how these thugs arrived without her noticing, given that she was watching the Inn closely and can See Invisibility. Perhaps they teleported in? Maybe her magical expertise will give her the answer....

Knowledge Arcana 40
Spellcraft 36

DM Post  d20+15=22 ; d100=19 ; d20+9=11 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=27 ; d8+6=11 ; d8+6=8 ; d8+6=8 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+6=12 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 9:35:22 PM

(Sorry all, Computer died and no longer have access at work)

Larien moves into the corner and cast disintegrate at #6 who is still standing aftert the disintegrate attempt. She wonders how they got in without being seen and figures it was some sort of travel spell.

Gilin casts disintegrate at Thug 2 opening himself to an attack of opportunity but is missed AC22. Thug two becomes a pile of dust.

Eclip breaks the grapple as he shifts into a huge air elemental (32 feet tall in a 18-20 foot ceiling) and moves up to support Artan.

Pathos continues to squirm out the tentacles taking a bit more damage as he does.

T'Shalla attacks #4 after shaking a off a bit of fear and connecting twice.

Artan connects with #5, 3 times and does significant damage.


#1 & #5 take their full attacks on Artan connecting 3 times ACs 32,30 & 27 for a total of 27 points

#2 dies at the hand of Gilin's disintegrate.

#3 closes in on T'Shalla (opening himself up to an attack of opportunity) and attacks missing badly.

#4 takes a full out attack on T'Shalla as well connecting once AC 32 for 12 points

#6 doesn't appear to do anything except move.

Larien sees K move but he also doesn't attack.


K - AC 32 (invisible) - Unharmed
Thugs 1 AC 22 -- down 8
Thug 2 AC 22 - dead
Thug 3 AC 22 - unharmed
Thug 4 AC 25 -- Down 17
Thug 5 AC 25 - Barely standing
Thug 6 AC 22 (displaced) - down 18

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 10:20:24 PM

Oh, they're going to be so disappointed in me--leaving and all without so much as a goodbye, Gio thought to himself as he ran up the road to the Slaughtered Lamb, after hearing the Shadow Guardians may be there. As he approached his place, well, not completely his place, he was afterall just a minor partner, Gio first heard the din of battle and then his eyes set upon black tentacles and a huge air elemental swirling within the Lamb, "Going to need some remodeling after that elemental gets done with the place," Gio quipped aloud. Then through the morass of creatures, spells being invoked, and patrons, he spied his friends--the Shadow Guardians.

Gio moved forward to the door, loading his halfling sling staff along the way, but stayed clear of the clutching black tentacles blocking his way. Activating his Bull's Strength tattoo, "Bovis Vires!", the spry halfling felt the power surge through his feeble muscles, making him an equal to most other men (10 strength, rawr! :), then began to call out to his friends, hoping to bolster there courage:

Am I late for the party?!
I hope not!
There is much to be done,
As a Guardian well knows!

Fame and fortune endear us not,
and into this arena, my hat I do throw!
So here I am!
Amongst friends once more!

Inspire Courage as a swift action, +3 to Hit, Damage and saves vs Charm and Fear


Spells/effects in Use
Bulls Strength 30/30rds
Inspire Courage 169/169rds

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  12d6=31 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+16=26 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 3:34:09 AM

Kent, A reminder that T'shalla illuminated Thug "K" with her fairie fire. Everyone can see Thug K now.

Larien casts Chain Lightening on Thug #4, which then arches out to hit Thugs #1, 3, 5, 6 & K. She then moves to across the table to C1, and hides (in addition to her Greater Invisibility).

Hearing Gio burst out in song, the wizardess smiles at the halfling's arrival, but she remains quiet, lest her location be discovered.


Casting defensively (auto-success)
All thugs are within 30 ft of the original target (Thug #4)
Chain Lightening damage: 31 (reduced to 15 damage with Reflex DC24, or DC22 for secondary bolts)

Hide: 34
Perception: 26

Active spells/items - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Lesser Metamagic Rods: Empowered (3/3 available), Extended (4/6 available), Silent (3/3 available)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
See Invisibility -- Permanent
Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- ?/24 hours; Extended
Barkskin (+5 Natural AC, armor bonus) -- ~200/260 minutes; Extended
Black Tentacles -- 10/12 rounds
Greater Invisibility -- 10/12 rounds
All spells are cast on the defensive. Larien's Concentration mod for casting defensively is +27 and the DC for defensively casting 6th levels spells is DC27, so she is always successful.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102/43) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+16=31 ; d20+16=36 ; d20+16=17 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=32 ; d20+18=20 ; 2d6+11=20 ; 2d6+11=18 ; 2d6+11=19 ; 2d6(4+4)+14=22
Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 9:21:27 AM

Hearing Giovanni's bardic song, inspires both Artan and Eclip. (edited to hits & dam to include Inspire dam)

Artan makes his attacks on the drows first he attempts to finish off drow (5) then any remaining attacks will be against the other drow (1) (Hit ac 2xClaws 34, 39 {nat 20 crit 20 non-confirmed} dam 13+2shock, 18+2fire; 2xBite hit ac 41 {nat 20 crit 35 confirmed), 23 dam 23+21=44, 22?) A flury of claws and teeth from the tiger strike at the two drow (#5 & #1).

Artan dam 70-27=43

Eclip in the form of an Air Elemental, begins to spin forming a whirlwind 20ft high, 5ft at the base and 10ft at the top. He moves though the squares containing the bad drow possibly injuring them and/or sucking them up into the vortex (Reflex vs DC19 or take slam dam 2d8+3. 2nd Reflex vs DC19 or be sucked up into the vortex Whirlwind

movement path for 5ft base: B4(#5), A3(#1), B4(#5), C5, D6, E6(#4), F5(#3), E6(#4) ~55ft out of 100ft move. End movement on K if withing range and can see where he is. Est room for 4 medium creatures in Vortex.

(Elder air Elemental Form Gains: immune to bleed damage, critical hits, and sneak attacks while in elemental form and gain DR 5/-- , +4 size bonus to your Strength, +6 size bonus to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 100 feet (perfect). darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind. New: AC 30, +DR 5, CMD: 34, size: 15ft; reach 15ft, Att 2x 17 Slam (2d8+3), whirlwind 6r max DC19)

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: &2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Extended Barkskin (8am, 260mr, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr)

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 70/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+10=11 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=16 ; 4d6=20 ; d20+10=26 ; 4d6=13 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 4:45:13 PM

Gilin casts a Maximized, Empowered Scorching Ray at the two thugs to his north using his Maximize Rod.

Scorching Ray 1: Thug 5
To Hit Touch: 11 (critical miss) (Hero Point Re-Roll 11, critical miss)

Scorching Ray 2: Thug 1
To Hit Touch: 11 (critical miss) (Hero Point Re-Roll 16)
Damage: 24 + 10 = 34 Fire

Sorching Ray 3: Thug 1
To Hit Touch: 26
Damage: 24 + 6 = 30 Fire

If Thug1's Touch AC is 16 or less, he takes 64 Fire damage
If Thug1's Touch AC is 17 or more, he takes 30 Fire damage.
Thug 5 is unaffected because fate loves him too much to let him die!

Spell Slots Remaining:
1: 5/8 - 2: 7/8 - 3: 8/8 - 4: 8/8 - 5: 5/6 - 6: 3/4

DM Post  d20+8=15 ; d3=3 ; d20+8=26 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+8=28 ; 2d8+3=15 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+17=26 ; d20+13=24 ; 5d6+13=30 ; 5d6=17 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+8=18 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 10:26:09 PM

Giovani enters the inn looking for his friends and finds a whole new kettle of fish.

Larien sends her lightening forking out all over the inn #4 gets a full blast while 1, 3, 6 get partial and K doesn't seem to be effected at all.

Artan finishes off #5 and takes a chunk out of #1

Gilin sends scorching rays at several opponents connecting with #1 dropping him, as K seems to just step aside.

Eclip starts whirling causing major havoc in the inn sucking up #3 as he passes. K easily sidesteps the whirling dervish
K strikes at the elemental Eclip as he finishes up but misses with all attacks

#6 casts something and Gilin feels a light touch on his shoulder Touch AC 15, Maximized Vampiric touch, No save, SR 15, 30 points.

#3 tries attacking from within the vortex trying to connect with Eclip but misses with all attacks.

K - AC 32 (invisible) (fairy fired)- Unharmed
Thugs 1 AC 22 --dead
Thug 2 AC 22 - dead
Thug 3 AC 22 -- down 35 and in vortex.
Thug 4 AC 25 -- dead
Thug 5 AC 25 - dead
Thug 6 AC 22 (displaced) - down 10 (30 temp points)

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+17=25 ; d20+12=17 ;
Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 10:39:28 PM

T'Shalla takes up her crossbow, and if she has a clear shot at K she will fire at that one, though she misses on both shots.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 40/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+10=13 ; d20+10=13 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+10=21 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=16 ; 4d6=9 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2011 12:42:15 AM

"Ow, that hurt!" Gilin fumed. He quickly turned and fired another Maximized, Empowered Scorching Ray at Thug 6, wanting to take care of him quickly.

Scorching Ray 1: Thug 6
To Hit Touch: 13 (Hero-point Re-roll 13)
Dmg: 24 + 7 = 31 Fire

Scorching Ray 2: Thug 6
To Hit Touch: 22
Dmg: 24 + 8 = 32 Fire

Scorching Ray 3: Thug 6
To Hit Touch: 21
Dmg: 24 + 4 = 28 Fire

Spell Slots Remaining:
1: 5/8 - 2: 7/8 - 3: 8/8 - 4: 8/8 - 5: 4/6 - 6: 3/4

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+18=23 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+13=20 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2011 1:44:32 AM

What lies behind us, and what lies before us,
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us!

Continuing to inspire courage in his fellows, Gio calls upon the arcane power residing within himself and lets loose a precise deadly point blank shot at the faerie fire ensorcelled foe (K), then quickly reloads as he steps forward a stride and lets loose another sling bullet from his halfling sling staff.

Maintain Inspire Courage +3; free action
Invoke Arcane Strike; swift action
Bulls Strength 29/30
Bardic Performance 34/35

Attack1 vs (K): 17base to hit, +1Pointblank, +3Inspire, -3DeadlyAim: Hit AC 23
Damage if hit: 17 + 2Shock (3roll, +3Inspire, +3Arcane, +6DeadlyAim, +1PB, +1Sling, +2Shock)

Attack2 vs (K): 12base to hit, +1Pointblank, +3Inspire, -3DeadlyAim: Hit AC 20 (hero point reroll)
Damage if hit: 17 + 2Shock (3roll, +3Inspire, +3Arcane, +6DeadlyAim, +1PB, +1Sling, +2Shock)

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,43hp) 
Thursday February 24th, 2011 4:33:54 AM

Pathos squints out from his haze of yukkiness and sees that everything is under control. He retreats back into his own misery. Under the table and just out of reach of the tentacles.

If it all goes pear shaped in the next few minutes, he'll gird himself to be dynamic. But otherwise...

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102/43) CharSheet Pathfinder  2d8+6=14 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2011 9:49:13 AM

Eclip remains in the form of a whirlwind and makes another pass at the remaining foes on the ground for a chance to damage and/or suck them up. Also automatically damaging the one trapped in the vortex. (Dam to #3 14)

Without direction from Eclip, Artan remains where he is attack only if attacked.

Eclip in the form of an Air Elemental, begins to spin forming a whirlwind 20ft high, 5ft at the base and 10ft at the top. He moves though the squares containing the bad drow possibly injuring them and/or sucking them up into the vortex (Reflex vs DC19 or take slam dam 2d8+6. 2nd Reflex vs DC19 or be sucked up into the vortex Whirlwind )

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11 Temp HP)  d20+20=37 ; d20+16=26 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2011 6:55:19 PM

Where is Thug 6 on the map? He had to be next to Gilin to use Vampiric Touch, but he's nowhere to be seen. I'm having a lot of trouble reading the symbols -- the yellow and light gray text are nearly invisible.

{Kent}#6 was nearly across from Larien and has been on the far suide of the in. he isn't supposed to be easily seen as he is displaced as mentioned on the Map. As for needing to be next to Gilin to use vampiric touch, you are not totally correct there.

Larien dismisses the Black Tentacles. Staying clear of any remaining enemies, she moves to A3 and hides again (still protected by Greater Invisibility).


Stealth (hide): 37
Perception: 26

Active spells/items - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Lesser Metamagic Rods: Empowered (3/3 available), Extended (4/6 available), Silent (3/3 available)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
See Invisibility -- Permanent
Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- ?/24 hours; Extended (cast by Gilin using Larien's Extend Rod)
Barkskin (+5 Natural AC, armor bonus) -- ~200/260 minutes; Extended (cast by Eclip using Larien's Pearl of Power & Extend Rod)
Black Tentacles -- 9/12 rounds
Greater Invisibility -- 9/12 rounds
All spells are cast on the defensive. Larien's Concentration mod for casting defensively is +27 and the DC for defensively casting 6th levels spells is DC27, so she is always successful.

DM Post  d100=54 ; d100=65 ; d100=13 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=24 ; d20+7=23 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+13=16 ; d6+4=10 ; d3=3 ; 2d8+6=21 ; d100=48 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2011 10:31:18 PM

T'Shalla fires and misses K.
Gilin fires more scorching rays missing with the first, the second hits squarely but the third seems to miss and hit the wall several feet to the side of #6
Gio also fires at K but misses.
Pathos moves a bit further and settles himself.
Eclip begins whirling again causing damage to #3, and manages to suck up K as well along with the patron who was standing behind him about to stab K himself.
Larien dismisses his tentacles and moves again.
Artan waits for further directions.
K tries attacking from within the vortex (-2 on attacks) and manages to connect once with Eclip nearly critically AC 34 (not confirmed) for 10 points; Eclip make Fort roll DC 24 or -3 dex penalty
#6 seeing his leader sucked up and everyone else down and out departs the building with
K - AC 32 (invisible) (fairy fired) -- down 40, in vortex
Thugs 1 AC 22 --dead
Thug 2 AC 22 - dead
Thug 3 AC 22 -- down 49 and in vortex.
Thug 4 AC 25 -- dead
Thug 5 AC 25 - dead
Thug 6 AC 22 (displaced) -- 42 No longer in the inn.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+18=24 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday February 24th, 2011 10:49:12 PM

"Fight on dear friends! We are nearly there!"

Gio spurs his friends to action, then quickly moves after the fleeing miscreant (#6). Loading his sling staff on the move, once he reaches the door where he was once, he looks for the cowardly man and summons forth his arcane strike power more to strike him down on the run.

Maintain Inspire Courage +3; free action
Invoke Arcane Strike; swift action
Load sling staff; move action

Attack vs (K): 17base to hit, +1Pointblank, +3Inspire, -3DeadlyAim: Hit AC 24
Damage if hit: 17 + 4Shock (3roll, +3Inspire, +3Arcane, +6DeadlyAim, +1PB, +1Sling, +4Shock)

Eclip (AC30, hp100/95) & Artan (AC26, hp102/43) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+14=22 ; 2d8+6=18 ; 2d8+6=18 ; 2d8+6=14 ; 2d8+6=13 ; 2d8+6=18 ; 2d8+6=11 ; 2d8+6=15 ; 2d8+6=20 ; d20+16=36 ; d20+16=31 ; d20+16=25 ; d100=37 ; d100=17 ; 2d8+6=21 ; 2d8+6=14 ;
Friday February 25th, 2011 9:39:26 AM

Eclip ejects the helpful patron who got sucked up into the vortex, but otherwise he will keep the Whirlwind going (up to 4 more rounds) doing damage to K & 3 until there is only one left conscious where the druid uses subdued slam attacks against the one left.

Eclip 100-(10-5DR)=95
Fort Save 22 vs DC24 for -3Dex (unless it is poison or a critical hit which Eclip is immune) Adjusted AC 28 with -3dex

free action: eject patron
standard action: Maintain Whirlwind (dam #3 18, K 18)
move to center of Inn

Additional round if needed
standard action: Maintain Whirlwind (dam #3 14, K 13)
standard action: Maintain Whirlwind (dam #3 18, K 11)
standard action: Maintain Whirlwind (dam #3 15, K 20)

Around after only one if left or 4 rounds
Stop Maintain Whirlwind
Full action: 2xSlam (non-lethal) {+17+3bard-4subdual=+16} hit ac 31, 25 (if K %miss 37, 17 {drat} else non-lethal dam 21, 14 )

Eclip the air Elemental "Weee Whaant Hiim Aliive!"

(Elder air Elemental Form Gains: immune to bleed damage, critical hits, and sneak attacks while in elemental form and gain DR 5/-- , +4 size bonus to your Strength, +6 size bonus to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 100 feet (perfect). darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind. New: AC 30, +DR 5, CMD: 34, size: 15ft; reach 15ft, Att 2x 17 Slam (2d8+3), whirlwind 6r max DC19)

bard song +3 makes slam +21 (2d8+6).

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+16=22 ;
Friday February 25th, 2011 5:54:07 PM

T'Shalla moves to K and attacks the thug, but misses her attack.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+13=31 ; d6+5=8 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+16=20 ;
Friday February 25th, 2011 6:57:19 PM

OOC to DM: If there was a Spectral Hand being used, we would have seen it, no? "A ghostly hand shaped from your life force materializes and moves as you desire." It's Incorporeal, not invisible (which Larien would have seen anyway). Can you confirm whether it was a Spectral Hand?

Kent (It was spectral hand and it was being used from under the table)
I also seem to recall that some PrC class can cast touch spells as short-ranged spells instead, but maybe I'm misremembering. Anyone have any ideas?

Larien moves to get the best angle while still keeping a safe distance (DM can determine the appropriate location), and casts a coruscating Ray of Enfeeblement at Thug K. She then hides again, keeping her eyes pealed for more threats.


Ray of Enfeeblement Touch Attack vs Thug K: 31
Damage: -8 Strength (-4 Strength with DC18 Fortitude save) -- lasts 12 rounds

Stealth (hide): 28
Perception: 20

Active spells/items - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Lesser Metamagic Rods: Empowered (3/3 available), Extended (4/6 available), Silent (3/3 available)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
See Invisibility -- Permanent
Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- ?/24 hours; Extended (cast by Gilin using Larien's Extend Rod)
Barkskin (+5 Natural AC, armor bonus) -- ~200/260 minutes; Extended (cast by Eclip using Larien's Pearl of Power & Extend Rod)
Greater Invisibility -- 8/12 rounds
Ray of Enfeeblement -- 12/12 rounds
All spells are cast on the defensive. Larien's Concentration mod for casting defensively is +27 and the DC for defensively casting 6th levels spells is DC27, so she is always successful.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 40/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+21=23 ; d20+13=24 ;
Saturday February 26th, 2011 7:11:22 AM

Gilin does nothing this round, but prepares an action to counterspell should thug K begin to cast any spells.

Spellcraft DC23 (identifies any spell level 8 or less)
Counter with appropriate spell if possible, or with Dispel Magic if I do not know the appropriate spell.

If forced to counter with Dispel Magic:
Dispel Check: 24 (Will counter/dispel any spell with caster level 13 or less)

DM Post 
Saturday February 26th, 2011 7:21:58 PM

K sucumbs from his wounds pummeling and the helpful hand of the bystander who leaves his blade in K's side as he is carefully ejected from the vortex, leaving only #3 who is too battered and bruised to do anything at this time.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=22 ; d20+5=14 ;
Saturday February 26th, 2011 8:48:12 PM

The wizardess dismisses her Greater Invisibility and calls out, "Eclip, deposit the remaining Thug on the floor so he can be grappled/tied up/secured. T'Shalla and Gilin, help Eclip secure him please. Everyone else, stay back."

Larien then makes her way swiftly to the bystander, positioning herself between him and the remaining Thug, so that the bystander isn't inclined to "help" any more. Upon reaching the bystander, she says, "Thank you for the assistance -- you can obviously handle a blade. I am Larien Bancurpi of the Shadow Guardians." She extends her hand in greeting, and waits for the bystander to make a return introduction. She watches the bystander closely, as she wonders if he might have killed the Thug-leader intentionally to keep him from talking.

Perception: 22
Sense Motive: 14

Active spells/items - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Lesser Metamagic Rods: Empowered (3/3 available), Extended (4/6 available), Silent (3/3 available)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
See Invisibility -- Permanent
Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- ?/24 hours; Extended (cast by Gilin using Larien's Extend Rod)
Barkskin (+5 Natural AC, armor bonus) -- ~200/260 minutes; Extended (cast by Eclip using Larien's Pearl of Power & Extend Rod)
All spells are cast on the defensive. Larien's Concentration mod for casting defensively is +27 and the DC for defensively casting 6th levels spells is DC27, so she is always successful.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 40/92) (PF Sheet) 
Saturday February 26th, 2011 10:18:12 PM

Gilin helps to secure the prisoners as requested.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d8=4 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ;
Sunday February 27th, 2011 1:54:15 AM

Gio walks over to Gilin, "Hey Gilin, hold still, it looks like you could use some healing." Gio intones words of power that immediately begin to heal Gilin's wounds, but see's that just one spell will not be enough and casts another.

Heal Gilin for +52hp (2xCSW), brings him up to full.

"Anyone else? Eclip, how about Artan there?"

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,67hp) 
Monday February 28th, 2011 2:00:45 AM

Pathos emerges from under the table, looking a bit sheepish and green around the gills.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Monday February 28th, 2011 4:15:08 AM

Pathos - I can't access your character sheet so I don't know if you need healing or not :)

Eclip (AC30, hp100/95) & Artan (AC26, hp102/43) CharSheet Pathfinder  d8=5 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ;
Monday February 28th, 2011 9:07:58 AM

Making sure all the bad guys are taken care of and battered thug is tied up, before he reverts back to his natural drow form.

Looking back over the carnage, Eclip comments with a grin "Looks like a tornado hit this place. Sorry about that."

The druid looks to see if any other bystanders need help, if not he goes to check Artan, casting a cure Critical on the Large bloody Tiger (cure 5+5+7+1+13=31) "Yes, Gio Artan could use some more healing if you have some to spare, who still poisoned?" Eclip, checks his companions for continues signs of poison.

Artan 43+31=74 of 102

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: &2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260mr, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr)

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Monday February 28th, 2011 6:02:28 PM

T'Shalla moves to Eclip to help with binding the thug or at least pin him while Eclip binds him.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d8=8 ; d8=4 ; d8=5 ; d8=8 ; d8=6 ; d8=8 ;
Monday February 28th, 2011 7:00:22 PM

Gio nods and heads over to Artan, making sure to offer a little bacon treat to the bear before healing him.

Heal Artan for +65hp (2xCSW), bringing him up to full.

DM Post 
Monday February 28th, 2011 10:52:03 PM

As things settle most of the patrons hurridly make their way to the door while the employees move to the bar and start whispering amongst each other.

The remaining thug is tied and bound and Larien approaches the bystander who she realizes is the gentleman who had been talking with the boy earlier.

As she offers her hand he takes the proffered hand shaking it lightly as he offers his name in return.

"I am E'sco Selio, Junior Minister of Trade for It'lal I am originally from house Mylyl. It just didn't seem right that no one was trying to help you and the opportunity arose...

Meanwhile Gio works on healing folk.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d8=2 ;
Monday February 28th, 2011 11:51:06 PM

After fixing up Artan, Gio looks about--perhaps one or more of the other patrons of the Lamb needed healing. Gio will offer his services, for free of course, using a kindly bedside manner to put the injured at ease.

Gathering the wounded together if needed, Gio gives them soothing words to help heal them. Soothing Performance: +15hp, relief from fatigued, sickened, and shaken condition to anyone within 30'.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 12:58:15 AM

"Thanks for that, Gio. I feel so much better now! You have impeccable timing!"

Gilin turns to the bystander. "Well met, Minister Selio."

Spell Slots Remaining:
1: 5/8 - 2: 7/8 - 3: 8/8 - 4: 8/8 - 5: 4/6 - 6: 3/4

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+14=34 ;
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 10:51:29 AM

As Gio offers Artan a bacon treat the large Tiger sniffs the offered food and hand of the familiar halfling before snapping the morsel up leaving the hand untouched. Feeling much better after the tasty bite and the healing magic the larger cat purrs as it rubs against the halfling.

(ooc: Jim -- there aren't any large bear animal companions in Pathfinder, so Artan was converted to a large Tiger.)

Seeing Pathos isn't seeing so hot, Eclip gives him a vial of antitoxin to drink and treats him for poison using his first aid (heal: 34 vs DC22 give +4 competence bonus to next save, & antitoxin give +5 alchemical bonus vs poison for 1 hour.) After treating Pathos, the druid suggest to the other "We need to pick up a wand of lesser restoration and/or scrolls of restoration, to heal the poison's damage. Thanks Gio and T'Shalla"

The druid goes ahead and cast belated extend barkskin on Artan to keep his companion safe.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 1:12:38 PM

"My, how you've grown so...plush, Artan. Your fur is so soft, so so soft," Gio murmurs as he nuzzles up to the great feline. "Has Eclip been bathing you? I smell the faint scent of juniper berries...mmm." Gio continues to engross himself into Artan's pelt, hugging the large tiger like a plush toy.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=34 ; d20+5=8 ;
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 3:22:19 PM

Larien listens to E'sco, and reviews her memory to verify that he was one of the 35 House Mylyl children rescued from suspended animation many months ago by the Shadow Guardians. (The Shadow Guardians would presumably know all of them by sight, not only because of the rescue, but because Larien, Gilin and T'Shalla (at least) have their quarters in House Mylyl. There are no other original members of House Mylyl, which otherwise died out 2,000 years ago. It was clarified some time later that the "children" include some young adults, including Dis'ulder, an arcane caster who is, or was, the leader of Shadow Guardians Secundus, sort-of a junior Shadow Guardians.)

Replying to the bystander, Larien says, "Well, it's much appreciated E'sco. Pardon my asking, but what do you mean "originally from house Mylyl"? Have you left Lady Yasume's service?"

She again watches for any deception or out-of-place behavior, but also also focuses on him to see what magic he possesses, or is under the influence of, in case she missed something before.


See: http://www.woldiangames.com//archives/index.html?game=ust&start=1233068181&end=1233849646
It'lal - House Mylyl. (dm Glenn) -- Thursday January 29th, 2009 10:27:29 AM

Perception: 34
Sense Motive: 8

Use Permanent Detect Magic.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+20=28 ; d20+26=44 ;
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 10:08:45 PM

While hugging on Artan, Gio turns an eye and ear to what E'sco is saying--concentrating for any sense of deception or motive.

Perception: 28
Sense Motive: 44

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 10:29:59 PM

T'Shalla nodds to Eclip, "Anytime. It was about the most help I was during this scuffle. What I would like to know is how it seems only our meals were tainted."

DM Post 
Tuesday March 1st, 2011 10:33:53 PM

Esco seems quite relaxed as he talks with you and watches what you are all doing as much as you are watching him and others in the inn. Larien is pretty sure for her recollection that Esco was one of the young adults of the Mylyl rescue.

He replies to Larien's question

Left her service. Not per se, but several of us from each of the houses have kind of been lent to It'lal as, hmmmm, kind of independent government contractors working more directly for the good of It'lal and its needs and priorities. We check in and are expected to work within a budget of sorts but we are to pursue that which will most benefit Itl'al as an independent citystate.

Experience for scenes 1 & 2 - 14,443 points

Hero point - Eclip

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 1:07:09 AM

...kind of independent government contractors."

Gio asks, a little confused, "Isn't that what the Shadow Guardians do? Or have things changed since I've been away?"

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=17 ; d20+5=9 ;
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 1:40:10 AM

Finishing up with E'sco, Larien says, "Ah, I see. That sounds like an excellent idea. If we can ever assist somehow, just ask. We'll also be sure to mention your help today to the Council."

Hearing T'Shalla's remark about the food, the wizardess replies, "We should collect a few samples of our food -- I'm sure someone can figure out the poison used. It might help. I'll go talk to the staff."

Motioning for Gio to accompany her, she leaves the others Shadow Guardians to deal with the food and to continue guarding the prisoner. Larien looks for the four employees she knows where present when the fight started -- Lan'i, Jan'rai, Rul'are, and one other -- and beckons them over to one corner, away from any customers. Once they're assembled, she says quietly, "Our food was almost certainly poisoned. We need to know who prepared it and who had access to it besides Jan'rai, who served it to us." The wizardess waits for their reactions and replies. She knows Gio will be better able to accurately read them than she will.


Perception: 17
Sense Motive (Aid Another; Gio): 9 (fail)

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 5:07:10 AM

GIlin is also as confused as Gio. "I realize I'm new to It'lal, but I was under the same impression as Gio."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=41 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+26=29 ;
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 1:18:51 PM

Gio moves along with Larien, noting her fine form, but does not let his eyes tarry for long. Looking at the serving girls with a kindly smile, "As part owner of this fine establishment, my word carries weight here." Raising his hand, "But worry not, tell the truth and your jobs are secure, this is an important matter. Now please, answer Lady Larien's questions truthfully and to the best of your ability--hold nothing back."

Diplomacy: 41
Perception: 38
Sense Motive: 29

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 3:02:34 PM

Pathos takes a deep breath, searches for his pint (hope it's not been spilled), sniffs it carefully and (subject to suitable olfactory assessment) takes a deep draught.

"Did I..."


"...miss much?"

DM Post_Jeff 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 3:49:23 PM

"Well it seems we have similar agendas then" Esco responded. "Perhaps there may be some opportunity for us to work together in the future for the betterment of It'lal".


"Poisoned?" Jan'rai the waitress said in absolute disbelief. "That's impossible, for it was me that brought you the food and I most certainly never poisoned it. And our cook is hardly the poisonin sort... he's as gentle as... well I don't know what he's as gentle as... but he's gentle. I'll tell you THAT!"

She finished with a vigor that told you she had taken some offense, and that she was dangerously close to loosing her cool. It was then that Giovanni spoke, and his words seemed to calm her somewhat.

"No, it couldn't have been Xunolu" she said to herself in a soft voice to herself. "He may be as off-balance as... well I don't know what... but he's not the poisoning sort."

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 6:00:49 PM

Eclip keeps an eye on the prisoner, while Larien and Gio question the staff and bystanders.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 8:11:53 PM

"There, there," Gio says softly as he places his hand on her forearm and says reassuringly, "it's probably nothing, it's as you say. Maybe he saw someone and just didn't realize something amiss was happening, so we should talk to him--to get his help in this matter. We should probably leave as soon as possible, before he forgets something crucial, yes?" Gio pats her on the arm and smiles, wishing he had a skill in hypnotism. (if you've ever watched The Mentalist, this is Gio's tact.)

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 10:35:51 PM

T'Shalla also watches over the prisoner as well with Eclip.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=19 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 3:48:15 AM

Seeing that Gio has things well in hand as he and Jan'rai try to find the cook, Larien steps away for a moment, and places a few samples of the presumably poisoned food into a pouch for later testing. She then moves over and whispers to Eclip and T'Shalla (and Gilin, if he is also guarding the prisoner), "We should get this Thug to a secure location for interrogation as soon as Gio finishes questioning the staff, and the city guards arrive. We can't risk him being killed. Nor should we let him out of our sight until he's been thoroughly interrogated using Dominate Person, or something similar."

Perception: 19

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 2:59:56 PM

Gio continued to reassure the waitress and managed to convince her to take the group to Xunolu, who you learned happen to be the cook.

“Yes, mayhaps he saw something†she said as she led you to him.

Moments later you entered the small, but impressively clean kitchen. Standing facing you was a freshly shaven human male that was dressed in spotless chef whites. With impressive skill he was chopping a tomato as he looked up at you. Apparently he wasn’t too shaken by the action outside.
“Eh-ya… get’ta out of Xunolugios kitchen, eh!â€

OOC- sense motive check please.

Charging into the dining room of the restaurant were ten guards, all of whom had their weapons drawn.

“Drop your weapons!†a very enthusiastic young guard yelled out threateningly as he waved his sword around and searched for someone to arrest.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=30 ; d20+26=28 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 3:20:05 PM

Gio raises his hands at Xunolu's protest, "Please sir, we were just hoping you could help us in an important matter. May we ask you some questions?"

Diplomacy: 30
Sense Motive: 28

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 4:39:06 PM

OOC: In the interest of keeping it moving...

Xunolug faced Gio with a somewhat expressionless look. His pupils seemed overly dialated given the light, and they seemed slightly glazed over. It was a look Gio had seen before.

An enchantment Gio realized.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+13=31 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 5:11:33 PM

Gio nods as he surmises the man is under the ensorcellment of another, then the spry halfling immediately casts Dispel Magic--targeting Xunolu, followed quickly by a Charm Person on him.

Dispel Magic: DC 31
Charm Person: DC 18

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp)  d20+8=23 ;
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 5:17:47 PM

"More enchantments? It's time to invest in a tinfoil helmet, methinks"

Sense motive 23

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Thursday March 3rd, 2011 10:48:28 PM

T'Shalla steps infront of the prisoner, basically keeping herself between Eclip, Artan, Larien and the prisoner, and the guards that have entered, saying, "Everything is under control here. The Shadow Guardians have everything in hand now."

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=18 ;
Friday March 4th, 2011 1:24:52 AM

Larien stifles a laugh at Pathos' joke, shaking her head at his antics.

Knowing that the drow guards will respect women in authority, Larien backs up T'Shalla. "Guardsmen; we're glad you're here. Please escort the customers outside and collect their names and places of residence in case we need to talk to them later. Then cordon off the building while we finish our investigation and talk to the staff. We'll alert you when we're done. Thank you." As the customers file out, she thanks them for their understanding, and apologizes for the inconvenience and undue excitement.

Once they're gone, Larien begins searching the Thug's bodies for weapons, valuables and any identifying marks/information. "Gilin, could you give me a hand? You too Pathos, if you're up for it." I presume Eclip and T'Shalla have already searched the tied-up prisoner, who they're still guarding, and have removed his weapons and valuables. Everything will go into the group bag of holding for safekeeping.

Perception: 18

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Friday March 4th, 2011 9:22:54 AM

Eclip nods he makes sure to search the captive and remove weapons and items, from him. The druid makes sure Artan knows not to attack the new guards, after all they should be on our side.

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp)  d20+6=10 ;
Friday March 4th, 2011 5:16:56 PM

Pathos prods at bodies in a desultory manner. (perception 10)

His head still feels cloth-filled, and off-green is not a good look for a drow.

DM Post_Jeff  d20+11=25 ; d20+1=10 ;
Friday March 4th, 2011 10:37:37 PM

"Shadow guardians..." the enthusiastic young guard said with obvious surprise. And then he did exactly as he was told.

"Okay everyone out... quick, there is an investigation going on here" he ordered. "And nobody leaves without giving up your names and places of residence."

Moments later the room was cleared, and you began searching the prisoner and his dead thug friends. To your surprise you find nothing that reveals any identifiers on them... no symbols or markings of consequence, other than scars which they had plenty of.

To your disappointment you also found most of their pockets to be empty, but their weapons, armor and equipment were all of very high quality.


Gio cast dispel magic and instantly the look on the cook's face changed. Then Gio cast charm person and the cook's eyes changed once again... this time they were gleaming. Apparently the spell had worked.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=45 ;
Monday March 7th, 2011 5:43:00 AM

"Ah, my good friend, Xunolu. I hope I find you in good spirits! if you do not mind, I'd like to talk to you about something very important--so please, discretion is paramount." Gio will be charming and good-natured to the cook, he may not know anything, but with Gio's careful direction, he may yield some important information for the Shadow Guardians.

Gio will try to cover these topics and get some answers, but never in an accusatory tone, no matter what I may be asking below:

* Did someone force you to poison the Shadow Guardians' lunch?
* Did someone ask/tell you to do so? If so, who? Did you see the person? Hear them? Describe. (Male/female, approximate age, drow/non-drow, accent (anyone not part of the It'lal community would likely have a different accent), height/weight, clothing, weapons, unique features, etc....) If he saw them, we might even have him work with a sketch artist later.
* When and where did this person approach you? Had you ever seen/heard this person before? If so, when?
* Do you know how this person knew the Shadow Guardians were having lunch at the Slaughtered Lamb today?
* What kind of poison did you use?
* Did the person who asked you to do this give you the poison? Where is it now?
* How long have you been in It'lal? How did you come to It'lal? Where do you live in It'lal?
* Where did you live before moving here? (We can follow up on this if it seems appropriate, but it's probably a dead end.)
* Have you committed crimes before? Specify.

Diplomacy: 45; to shift him from friendly (thanks to Charm person) to helpful.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Monday March 7th, 2011 11:32:29 AM

Eclip stands guard over the prisoner, while Giovanni questions the cook. The druid doesn't expect the cook to be much help, most likely after being charmed he was give the poison reassured by his new best friend that it was a spice the Shadow Guardians would like.

Knowing that one foe escaped, the druid looks around for anything he might have left, but since he was a spell user of some sort the only thing might be a few drops of blood.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=36 ;
Monday March 7th, 2011 3:42:48 PM

Larien listens intently through the open door to the kitchen, curious to see what Gio can learn from the cook. To the rest of the Shadow Guardians, she whispers, "When Gio's done, we need to take the prisoner someplace to be interrogated. Any ideas? We should assume there's a spy among the Council staff and not let the Thug out of our sight until the interrogation is completed to our satisfaction. We also need to speak to the Council, but this doesn't seem like a good time to surrender our weapons and magic. Although now that a few days have passed, perhaps they have realized how self-defeating their draconian security measures are, at least with respect to their elite adventurers."


Perception: 36

DM Jeff: Can we get a list of the collected items/weapons from the Thugs? Larien will use her permanent Detect Magic to see which items are magic.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Monday March 7th, 2011 6:05:23 PM

T'Shalla keeps watch over the prisoner as the others search the bodies, though she isn't surprised there is no identifiers. She asks, "Do the scars have any significant by chance?"

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Monday March 7th, 2011 7:18:39 PM

Gilin sets about gathering the thugs' equipment into one place. With nothing to identify any of them, it will be very difficult to find out who they were. Fishing in his pocket for a sheet of parchment, Gilin casts Prestidigitation and creates ink-like pictures of the men to show around and ask after their origins.

More information on the thugs, please. Are they Drow? They're described as 'brutish', I take that to mean that they're all abnormally large for Drow?

DM Post_Jeff 
Monday March 7th, 2011 9:31:46 PM

OOC- Hi everyone. I have hockey tonight. Will try to post when I get back, but it will be late. Failing a post tonight, I'll get it in tomorrow morning.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 9:20:08 AM

Eclip speaks up, "There is my druid cave on the backside of It'lal. It's private enough. If you need somewhere more remote, there is that mountain top where we killed the chimera's"

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 9:28:13 AM

The cook was very cooperative with Gio. He explained how he felt as if someone was in his head, stealing his thoughts and controlling his actions. He recalled reaching into the cabinet, pulling out a small vial, and adding this unknown ingredient to the meals, all completely against his will. He also recalled the small sweet voice that echoed in his mind. He described the sound of the voice as his own, but the words were clearly someone else’s. The sweet voice had been in his head for three days, but he has no idea who was making the voice. He assumed it was one of the Gods bending him to their will.

He also went into detail about his life. He had grown up in It’lal and has never gotten in any trouble with the law. He lives in a small apartment not far from the restaurant, and happens to be in love with Jan’rai, your waitress.

“She is the love of my life†he explained.


“If you need a place to interrogate the prisoner, I can make arrangements with one of the local inns in the area†Esco offered. “It’s one of the perks of being the Junior Minister of Tradeâ€

“It also seems that you’ve done quite well on this day†Esco continued as he motioned to the booty you’ve collected from the fallen. “I have another contact that has a natural talent for identifying the unique qualities of items. I would be happy to have him investigate the magical booty you’ve acquired, at no charge of course.â€

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 9:47:34 AM

OOC: List of magical equipment as determined by Larien

Six Falchions
Six suits of breastplate armor
Six vials of blue liquid
One vial of pink liquid

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 6:09:53 PM

"I'm not up to eating or drinking anything for a while, unless it's milk of magnesia."

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 6:13:09 PM

Note to DM: Nobody grew up in It'Lal. We've all been living here for probably less than a year (certainly no more than maybe two), and the only people living here at that time were children (who now make up House Mylyl) that the Shadow Guardians rescued from suspended animation. The rest of It'Lal had been lost and abandoned for centuries.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 6:34:15 PM

T'Shalla says to Pathos, "Why don't you go get some rest, we can handle it from here."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=43 ; d20+26=35 ;
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 7:14:33 PM

Gio thanks Xunolu sincerely for all of his answers under these times of distress, then spry halfling asked one last question, "My friend, you said you took the vial from the cabinet there, do you still have it?" If he does have it, Gio will take it in a handkerchief, so as not to cloud the impressions already upon it; if not, he thanks Xunolu once more and rejoins the group and tells them all he knows on the matter.

Sizing up Esco, Gio introduces himself and asks the man if his group has a name and if they work for anyone in particular.

Diplomacy vs Esco: 43
Sense Motive vs Esco: 35

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2011 9:26:00 PM

OOC - Wouldn't Esco have been escorted out by the guards with the non-staff? I also don't think Eclip would have spoken about where to interrogate the Thug in such a way that non-Shadow Guardians could overhear (but I admit his post wasn't specific).

And I'd like to see Gilin's question answered from Monday March 7th, 2011 7:18:39 PM:
"More information on the thugs, please. Are they Drow? They're described as 'brutish', I take that to mean that they're all abnormally large for Drow?"

If Esco is indeed still there, Larien replies to him after he and Gio are done talking. "Thank you for the offers Esco. However, we won't have any trouble identifying these items, and I think it's best for the interrogation to be done someplace more secure. We don't want to put other lives or property at risk." Turning to all of the remaining non-Shadow Guardians (including Esco) except the cook, Larien continues. "I'll need to ask the rest of you to wait outside while we finish up here. Naturally, we'll ask the Council to pay for the damage that was done to the Inn, and hopefully to compensate for the lost business."

When they have left, she turns to the halfling bard. "Gio, could you ask the cook where he was when the voice in his head started? Perhaps he'd met someone new just before then?"

Larien proceeds to quickly identify the magic items. Does anything about the types of items hint at the work of a particular drow House?


Using her permanent Detect Magic spell, Larien's Spellcraft mod (+27) w/ a Take 10 allows her to automatically identify anything with a DC37 or below.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+14=31 ;
Wednesday March 9th, 2011 9:09:59 AM

After the others have left and it is only the Shadow Guardians, Eclp comments "Could someone cast a message spell so we can speak without being eavesdropped on." Once a message spell is cast, the druid suggest "It sounds like a dominate spell was used on the cook, I know the druid version for animals the control is limited in range, I don't think that is the case for the other two versions. Also, it sounds like the same sort of control the dragon was suffering under. As for question the thug, it occurs to me me if the people who sent him want him silenced they might send a someone if they know where the fellow is being held, perhaps we could set a trap? "

(spell craft check for workings of others spells: 31)

If Larien need help with identifying items, Eclip has a +14 spellCraft.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 9th, 2011 12:33:50 PM

Gio casts the Message spell as requested by Eclip.

DM Post_Jeff 
Wednesday March 9th, 2011 4:50:34 PM

OOC1- Thanks for the clarification on It’lal. I’m sure I’ll make background errors in the future as well… just continue to let me know. In regards to the module, just assume the cook came from a small town and has been a cook for most of his life… Nothing that made you suspicious.

OOC2- Regarding Esco, he wasn’t escorted out by the guards. It seemed obvious that he had some pull with the guards. That being said, he’s not in the kitchen with Gio and the cook. He’s still in the dining area.

OOC3- The “brutish†attackers were not drow.

OOC4- The cook first heard the voice in his head when he was in the kitchen. He didn’t recall seeing anyone around at the time, and he hasn’t met anyone new.

In the kitchen
The cook seemed to grow more eager to help Giovanni. He reached up, opened a cupboard, and pointed to the vial.

“That’a it†he said. “I’a hope it’a help you find who’a did this to meâ€.

In the dining area
“I understand your desire to identify these items yourself and to conduct interrogation in a more secure location†Esco said. “If there is anything I can do to help in this regard, please just come and see me in my place of workâ€. With this, Esco handed over a hand drawn business card complete with his official title- Junior Minister of Trade for It'lal.

“In the meanwhile, I will see what can be done to compensate the owners of this establishment†Esco continued. “I have an account or two that I may be able to draw from to cover some of the expenses.â€

And with that, Esco bowed and bid you farewell.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday March 9th, 2011 6:00:15 PM

T'Shalla watches as everyone exits, and moves by the door, when everyone is out.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 9th, 2011 6:52:39 PM

Gio whispers to the rest via message, "Okay, who was that guy? Esco something or other, and who does he work for? Is there another Shadow Guardians type of group being sanctioned by the Council? (this reminds me of the Three Musketeers with the two groups of the Cardinal's men and the Muskeeters.) Sorry I've been away, but things seemed to have changed with the Council, can anyone give me a brief synopsis?"

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 3:40:28 AM

OOC to DM - So if the Thugs aren't drow, what are they? And if they're a race we know, do they share any specific characteristics with a known group or tribe (hair/skin color, height, weight, hair styles, piercings, tattoos, clothing, etc....)? Were either of the evil drow Houses we've encountered known for using other races as mercenaries/assassins?

Also, is there some reason why your quotation marks and apostrophes are displaying strangely?

Lastly, we still need the magic item details, unless Larien failed a Detect Magic/Spellcraft check (unlikely).

Whispering back to Gio, Larien says, "We don't know anything more about Esco than you Gio. What we do know is that the Council members were attacked and nearly killed a week or so ago while we were chasing down two long lost drow Houses that kidnapped a nearby drow farm girl and attacked a tribe of human hunters (allies of It'lal). We killed some of them and rescued the girl. Atrea has thrown in with these evil Houses too, and they may have kidnapped 14 or 15 other girls, although we've gotten no confirmation that any of the other girls were from It'lal or are even drow. Anyway, these evil Houses also tried to kill the Council (apparently with some help or spying from the inside), and since then security here has gone through the roof. Even the Shadow Guardians were required to surrender their weapons and wear magic-blocking devices to see the Council, which all of us objected too. And as we've just seen, it's not hard to teleport in to most places. When we returned to It'lal and heard what had happened, we advised the Council to let us immediately launch a counter-attack, but the Council has said nothing since then; four days now. I think it's time to take matters into our own hands if they won't act decisively -- turning It'lal into a police state will only play into the hands of those with evil intentions."

Larien stops, and shrugs when she catches herself being long-winded again. Continuing to whisper, she says, "So, where have you been the last week or so? Not around here I gather. We thought maybe the Council had sent you on some mission."

Whispering to the group, she says, "If we've learned all we can from the cook and the bodies of these Thugs, I suggest we go interrogate our prisoner, assuming we have the skills/magic to succeed at such a task. We could teleport to Eclip's cave if that seems safe enough, although Esco now knows we may be using that location. And there's the matter of reporting to the Council. But personally I think that should wait until we've learned what we can."

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 9:08:49 AM

"I'm in favor of going ahead and using the cave, if something does happen, then just another thing to suspect Esco of. Also, we should try and find out the history on Esco. Which house he belongs to, how long he has been Junior Minister of Trade for It'lal. I know almost everything about It'lal government is new, and there are new drow showing up all the time, but there is more than meets the eye about this guy."

"Also, we don't have much time, before we need to report to the Council."

(ooc: Strangely display quotation marks and apostrophes are probably because his is cut and pasting the post from MS Word. I've had the same problem before, but I haven't had a problem with it since I switched to Open Office.)

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 4:11:37 PM

OOC: The thugs were human. Please make a local knowledge check for more information.
OOC2: I am indeed using word. Hmmm... I wonder if I will have the same problem if I use word pad?
OOC3: I'll update the list with auras in a moment.

Larien gives a detailed account of recent events, as the group ponders if they should teleport to the cave to collect more information.

OOC: Just need to know who will be casting teleport, and who will be going with who.

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 4:26:13 PM

Six Falchions- faint evocation
Six suits of breastplate armor- faint abjuration
Six vials of blue liquid- faint transmutation
One vial of pink liquid- faint conjuration
Belt- moderate transmutation
Bracers- moderate conjuration
Robe- moderate transmutation

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 7:03:48 PM

DM Jeff - Per the new Pathfinder rules, we can now use a Spellcraft check to "Identify the properties of a magic item using detect magic [DC]15 + item's caster level". Using her permanent Detect Magic, Larien's Take 10 modifier allows her to automatically identify anything with a DC37 or below.

In other words, Larien should be able to Identify all the properties of virtually any magic items, assuming she has a few rounds to do so. She is not limited to detecting auras.


1st Round: Presence or absence of magical auras.

2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.

3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Knowledge (arcana) skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each. (Make one check per aura: DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect.) If the aura eminates from a magic item, you can attempt to identify its properties (see Spellcraft).



Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+11=31 ;
Thursday March 10th, 2011 7:17:20 PM

Local Knowledge: 31 (Woo Hoo!)

Replying to Eclip, Larien whispers, "Esco said he was from House Mylyl, and he does look familiar. But we should verify that and the rest of his story for sure."

The wizardess waits for the others to speak up before moving ahead with the teleport idea.


OOC - Two Teleport spells should be enough to transport everyone to Eclip's cave. But it only makes sense to do that IF we have the skills/magic sufficient to interrogate the Thug. Charm Person might work, but "If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw." And since he'll be tied up, I think that qualifies as threatened. So the odds of success may be somewhat low. A Dominate Person spell would have a much better chance of success.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 7:37:09 PM

T'Shalla says, "I also agree that we should interrogate the prisoner before going to the concil again with our findings."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Thursday March 10th, 2011 10:15:26 PM

Gio ponders what Lady Larien says, taking in what has been said, what he learned from his recent mission and the musings of his followers.

Gio will Take 20 with Local History knowledge check (allowed as part of his Bard abilities), giving him a 33

"I was on a mission for General Khalag," he whispers, "He sent me off to do some investigating about the emergence of several partial groups of former Underwoldian drow houses that apparently survived the fall of the underwold--to see if it was true and to see what information I could dig up." (as per email from DM Kent; nothing more was said to me on the subject and I can forward you the email if needed DM Jeff).

Thinking a moment, "I know this may sound like some grand conspiracy theory, but ever since we were at the Float and learned of Matriarch Mylyl's increase of responsibilty, a position I don't think was earned yet, I've had this bad feeling about her House. Her guards are at the Portals, her minions in key positions of power far too soon I think. Maybe it's just me, but I think she's making a power play for complete dominion, or maybe a shared position with Atrea. House Mylyl never adopted the new ways formally like the other Houses, I think she's of the old ways, and that spells trouble."

Looking to the Thug, "Shall I attempt a Dominate Person on him as suggested?"

If everyone agrees, Gio will attempt a Dominate person on the prisoner, DC21

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Friday March 11th, 2011 10:40:03 AM

Eclip shugs, "If Dominate person will get him to talk, or show us were others are then sure. otherwise, I'd suggest using read thoughts while questioning him. "

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Friday March 11th, 2011 2:57:26 PM

Larien adds, "Detect Thoughts could work, but we'd need to buy some scrolls -- I don't think any of us know that spell. We might as well let Gio try Dominate Person first. Do we still want to teleport to Eclip's cave? I'm concerned we get interrupted here soon."

"As for House Mylyl, we should keep an open mind both ways. Personally, I don't suspect Lady Yasume in the least, but I agree that other members of House Mylyl might be less trustworthy."

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Friday March 11th, 2011 6:02:10 PM

T'Shalla nodds, "Try it Gio, we have nothing to lose."

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Friday March 11th, 2011 6:21:31 PM

"Hey, dominate person work, but it may be what got him into this trouble. The bad guys may do this sort of stuff, but I'm not comfortable with it. It's kinda what makes us the good guys."

"and I'll walk to the cave if it's this side of the ocean..." Pathos REALLY hates teleporting. Just call him BA Baracus.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Friday March 11th, 2011 9:49:33 PM

OOC: I'll be without reliable e-mail access from Wednesday March 16th to Wednesday March 23rd. If someone can cover for Larien, great, otherwise I'll leave it to Jeff to use her as an NPC as needed.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Saturday March 12th, 2011 3:22:02 AM

Gio will cast Dominate Person on the prisoner, DC21

DM Post_Jeff  d20+6=11 ;
Saturday March 12th, 2011 10:25:01 AM

OOC- BA Baracus... that's classic. I have no background on the cave. How far away is it? This will determine Pathos action, so it would be helpful to know.

OOC2- It was never stated who was casting teleport, so I am going to assume Larien will cast teleport and Larien will cast Transport via plants. Correct me if I am wrong.

OOC3- I have no background on the cave. How far away is it?

OOC4- I typed this time in word pad... please let me know if the quotes, etc. look messed up.

Larien and Gio scan their memories for any clues that might help solve this puzzle. The fact that no symbols or markings were found on any of the attackers made them think that a local guild might be responsible. Scanning deeper into their memories they recalled three guilds in the area. They are:

The White Rose- primary jurisdiction is in urban areas. Involved in extortion, gambling, thievery, and assassination.

The Wiggly Dagger- primary jurisdiction is in urban areas. Involved in entertainment, gambling, general thievery, and assassination.

The Roadway league- primary jurisdiction is outside of major cities. Involved in extortion and paid protection of traveling merchants, as well as bandit activities.


The group of you teleport and transport yourselves to the cave. Soon after, Gio successfully cast dominate person.


Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d100=72 ;
Saturday March 12th, 2011 1:51:21 PM

Eclip's cave is in an undeveloped part of It'lal (on the right side of the 2nd level I think). Not that far, but distances have never been spelled out clearly.

Since Pathos refuses to teleport and is reluctant about using Dominate Person, Larien asks Pathos to wait for the group to teleport away, and then he should inform the guards that the Shadow Guardians investigation inside the Inn has been completed, and that the rest of the Shadow Guardians are continuing the investigation elsewhere. Pathos should then supervise the guards as they collect the Thug bodies (in a covered cart or wagon I presume -- you don't want to scare the locals or inflame anti-human feelings) and transport them to the Council hall. There, Pathos can inform the commander of the Council's elite guards that there was an attack at the Inn which the Shadow Guardians defeated, and that the full group is investigating leads now, and will report to the Council as soon as possible. Pathos can then supervise the official examination of the human bodies if he's up for it, or seek medical treatment if required. He should not walk to Eclip's cave, as he could be easily followed.

Larien roll (Very familiar or Studied carefully): 72% - On Target

DM clarification request: Regarding the guilds, I'm assuming these are human guilds that either predate the re-discovery of It'lal within the last year (and were/are based in the local human villages, none of which are particularly large), or have sprung up since that time. Please confirm. Keep in mind that the primary population of new-It'lal were "good" drow that gated in from Dradah Delmah. There were some other races that came along to escape persecution or start a new life, but these were by far the minority. That gate is now non-operational. So besides some minor teleportation traffic (mainly to and from the Floating City), It'lal is cut off from the "civilized" Wold. If there is a significant human population in It'lal, the vast majority of them undoubtedly came from the human villages in the surrounding region within the last year.

That said, it is highly unlikely that the "good" drow Council/city of It'lal would tolerate an evil guild -- much less three evil guilds -- to flourish in or around their newly founded city. Especially given the long history of these drow to escape the evil of the Underwold. And since this is primarily a drow city, evil human guilds would especially stand out and be relatively easy to neutralize.

It would be great if we could reconcile these issues with the long-established history and plot of the Ust Delmah campaign before we go much further.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Saturday March 12th, 2011 3:03:29 PM

I concur with Andy/Larien, when It'lal was first found by the SG, there was nothing but undead and us (all drow with two halflings). Since that time I've gained a lot of followers and all but three of the 70+ followers were drow, so it's always been a predominately drow city. With the recent plotlines involving nearby human villages, these evil guilds would stick out and would more than likely be terminated--unless something else is going on in the background, a line of investigation we might want to pursue. But anyways, a clarification as Andy/Larien asked for would be appreciated and helpful so my character doesn't become the greatest conspiracy theorist/goofball It'lal will ever encounter--on the other hand, that might be fun to play :)

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 9:45:28 AM

(ooc: Sorry, I've was busy and missed Monday's posting.)

It'lal is a ancient drow mountaintop city which was abandon about 1400 years ago due to a war with reptilians and the crying woods. Only recently, 1-2 years has it been rediscovered by the Shadow Guardians and resettled primarily by three drow houses. The population is primary surface drow, the standard language is Under-common (also known as Woldian Below). In fact only about 20% of the drow in It'lal know common. The Mountaintop is surrounded to the north and east by a mountain range and to the south and west by the Crying Woods. We have contact and trade with the Float city on the Crying Woods lake and with a few reptilian tribes in Crying woods. Apparently there are a few mountain valleys with human hunters and drow farmers who have appeared and trade with It'lal.
(added the above info to the Woldipedia page for the game.)

The druid's cave is a cave with a few chambers and a natural pool. It was the home to a family of hydras before the Shadow Guardians cleared it out, and Eclip took it over has his home. I believe it was about a third of the way around the back right side of the second terrace level of It'lal. Looking at the map if you were looking down from above it would have been about the 2 o'clock position on the map. Depending how many of the terrace areas have been cleared of overgrowth and are being cultivated now would determine how long it takes to walk there. For the most part I figured at the widest point the city is about a mile across, so you can get pretty much anywhere walking within 30min. Each level represents about 150 -- 200ft elevation change, so it would take longer to go from the bottom to the top then top down. See Archives: Guardians run across the lair of a family of CryoHydras and the battle map I may still have the map somewhere if needed.

PC post:

Eclip shrugs, "We could walk to the cave it should take less than half an hour, flying would take even less, or we can use Teleport and Transport via Plants. If dominate person works then, I suspect we could get what information we can in only a few minutes then turn him over to the Council."

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: &2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260mr, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr)

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 3:19:31 PM

T'Shalla takes a moment to get her berings after the teleport, and then watches as the others uses dominate person and get what information they can from the prisoner which will hopefully lead us to where Atrea and her crew are.

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 4:54:01 PM

In truth, we haven't written a long background on the guilds. We've merely written what we deemed sufficent to use in the module.

Anyhow, thanks for the background that you posted. Given what I read it doesn't seem reasonable that these guilds would be from the local area (but I can assure you that they have reason to have come to the local area). I think it would be reasonable to say that they are from a larger settlement that's within reasonable teleportation distance.

Given the distances, I think it's reasonable to assume you can walk to the cave, if you want to. Just let me know how you all traveled to the cave, and if Pathos came along (by foot). In the meanwhile, we'll assume you arrived safely at the cave.

You arrive safely at the cave with your prisoner closely in tow. He stares at Gio with admiring eyes, apparently ready to serve.

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 4:56:19 PM

MAGIC ITEM LIST: Here are the items that were identified by Larien:

Six Falchions +1
Six suits of breastplate armor- +1
Six vials of blue liquid- expedious retreat
One vial of pink liquid- cure moderate wounds
Belt of physical might +2
Bracers of armor +3
Robe, Monk's

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 7:48:22 PM

"Y'see. Fresh air, exercise, birds singing, grass under your feet, the cool mountain wind flapping at your cloak. Who'd teleoport?

Glad we can walk. I was in danger of ICing my way out of this interview... Pathos is still not happy with the whole dominate thing, though. He considers the inside of his head very much his own private place, and wouldn't want anyone else rummaging around in it. Particularly as his wisdom would not keep out the lightest probe. He'll shut up about it, but don't expect him to sing any choruses of "Dominate the weak willed henchman for +2" .

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 16th, 2011 3:41:06 AM

Gio smiles at his new friend and motions for him to make himself comfortable--it wasn't needed of course, but why do away with niceties when domination was in play. "Now, just relax and answer truthfully, and to the best of your ability, any questions put forth to you by myself or my friends here." Gio turns and nods to the rest then moves and sits some short distance away, trying to understand it all--things had changed since he had been away.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Wednesday March 16th, 2011 9:45:43 AM

Eclip send any druid student's way on task while they question the captive. The druid also, makes sure they keep the captive away from any part of the cave that have been placed under a hollowed spell. The other cave defense would be a live oak spell.

Once alone, Eclip ask the captive "Who send or hired you to attack us and why? What was the objective of your mission? Where did you come from, and how did you know we were at the tavern? Who are your contacts in It'lal. Anything helpful we should know?"

DM Post_Jeff  d20+11=23 ;
Wednesday March 16th, 2011 11:45:39 PM

As soon as Eclip asks the first question, the prisoner's face begins to show sign of strain. Gio senses some new wall of resistance within his dominated man that is much stronger than before.

Unusual Gio thought as he felt the power of the domination fade away. It became apparent to him that something unusual was at work, but he wasn't sure what it was.

OOC- sense motive checks please everyone

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=32 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2011 3:55:39 AM

Sensing his domination waning, Gio quickly (swift action) attempted to gain the man's attention (Fascinate), then asks (Suggestion) him, "Please answer my friends questions truthfully and to the best of your ability."

Sense Motive: 32
Fascinate: DC23
Suggestion: DC23

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+2=22 ; d20+21=38 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2011 6:04:42 AM

As Gio's domination wanes, Gilin casts Detect Magic and watches the man carefully to try and determine if they are under a Geas.

Sense Motive: 22
Spellcraft: 38

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Thursday March 17th, 2011 12:37:05 PM

Since the man was unarmed and tied up, Eclip restrains him if he tries to escape or become combative.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+16=36 ;
Friday March 18th, 2011 12:58:39 PM

T'Shalla watches the captive, and raises an eyebrow at the expression and all.
<sense motive 36>

ooc: sorry for the missed posts, I've been off all this week, and things have slipped my mind! lol

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp)  d20+8=25 ;
Friday March 18th, 2011 7:43:36 PM

Sense motive 25)

"Is this the time for a quick 'I told you so'? Nothing good will come of this, you mark my words" preaches Pathos in an unusual turn of sincerity, erm seriousness.

DM Post_Jeff  d20+11=27 ; d20+11=30 ;
Monday March 21st, 2011 6:04:06 PM

Gilan scanned the man with detect magic, but did not notice any auras. He also did not detect any sign of Geas.

Meanwhile, Gio felt the prisoner continue to resist his spells with amazing will.

"I'm not tellin you nothin" the prisoner said with sheer determination.

It was obvious to Gio that the enchantment had failed. What puzzled him was where this man found his second wind of mental defense, which was so much stronger than his initial resistance. Gio had a hunch that something stange was at work...

OOC- please make local knowledge check.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+11=23 ;
Monday March 21st, 2011 6:18:18 PM

Knowledge Local: 23

"He doesn't appear to be enchanted in any way; my first thought was that he was under a Geas not to speak of any of this. Hmm..."

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+2=18 ;
Monday March 21st, 2011 9:46:33 PM

T'Shalla asks, "Can it be removed so he can speak of this?"

<knowledge local: 18>

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 4:26:17 AM

Gio will Take20 (second and last time today) for his Local Knowledge check: 33

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 9:35:14 AM

Eclip wonders what would be motivating the captive, to resist telling the group what they want to know? The druid knows some controlling spells can be meet greater resistance if what your asking the person to do is overly risky or suicidal. Perhaps the person fear for his life if he talks or something worse.

Trying to reason the the fellow, Eclip tells him "You can either tell us what we want to know, in which case we will send you faraway where your boss is unlikely to find you, while telling the guard you died during unsuccessful question, or.. you can not talk in which case we could let you go informing the guard you were very cooperative and answered all our questions." The druid cuts a lock of hair from the captive, for possible scrying later.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=37 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 7:49:32 PM

"Aye, it's as he says--be cooperative and you'll be on your merry way. If not, then your days are numbered."


DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 11:25:52 PM

Gio scanned his memory and recalled hearing stories about a guild oath called Omerta. He heard that once this oath had been taken it became very difficult to extract information from the individual. The actions of this prisoner seemed to be consistent with what Gio had heard.

OOC- A 33 tells Gio pretty much everything about Omerta. Feel free to read about it in Woldipedia under the Oathbound class.

Meanwhile the prisoner's face goes stone cone. It appears for the time being... his lips are sealed.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 2:10:34 PM

Eclip looks to the others, "The direct method doesn't seem to work. Larien can you tell if he is evil or just on the wrong side?"

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 7:57:07 PM

"Ah, a Oathbound, eh? I was going down that road until recent events changed things. So, can you at least tell us why you poisoned my friends?"

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 8:33:27 PM

T'Shalla watches the prisoner incase he makes threatening moves.

DM Post_Jeff 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 11:24:42 PM

Larien scanned the prisoner and did detect an aura of evil on him.

Meanwhile, the prisoner studied Gio for a moment and then, without a trace of fear in his voice, said - "Give me your oath that you'll let me go and leave me alone and I'll tell you why you were poisoned. Otherwise, bugger off with your questions."

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Thursday March 24th, 2011 9:21:43 AM

Eclip steps up, "I will make no such deal, it's easy enough to guess why they tired to poison us. He tired to kill, and is unrepentant so he deserves no mercy. If is is no use to use then we should stop wasting time on him. Last chance prisoner, you can renounce your oaths and tell us what you know or suffer your fate."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=32 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2011 5:52:14 PM

"If I were a devious, evil sort, I'd agree to your offer--then I'd let someone else kill you." Smiling grimly, Gio continued, "But I'm not, and I'm sorry for what is going to happen to you. I can understand you desire, no, your principals of keeping your oath--oaths are very important. But your oath, it's an evil one, one that only serves the purposes of evil and therefore has no honor--no redeeming qualities to it and is undeserving of being considered in any oath." Gio sighs, knowing the possible outcome of the prisoner, "There are two paths you may take--one leads to life, the other death. We are not a bloodthirsty bunch, but if you do not help us, then we have no choice but to end you life--this will be you last hour. You are not too old, so many things to accomplish lay ahead for you, I beg you to choose life. Please help us."

Diplomacy vs Prisoner: 32

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Thursday March 24th, 2011 6:00:49 PM

T'Shalla comments, "There are some worse things then death."

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Thursday March 24th, 2011 7:40:46 PM

"Yes, murder. And I don't mean being murdered."

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet)  d20+24=27
Friday March 25th, 2011 12:59:33 AM

"Oh, for the love of... Gio, what's with all the dramatic posturing, doom and gloom? We're not killing anybody in cold blood. He didn't kill us with the poison. Execution is a little much for payback, don't you think? The drow were supposed to have left that kind of thinking down in the underwold."

Gilin turns to the prisoner and asks nicely. "Look, if you tell us, specifically, what your oath said, we will try to keep to questions that don't cause you to break it."

Diplomacy: 27

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Friday March 25th, 2011 3:07:13 AM

Gio gives Gilin a look of: you're not helping, adults are talking here, go play outside, but says nothing.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Friday March 25th, 2011 3:27:40 AM

I'm back, barely....

Larien is annoyed at the prisoner's ability to resist the interrogation, but not terribly surprised. It's always something. If he rejects the various pleas to reconsider, Larien asks him, "Will you at least tell us what we've ever done to you or your people, whoever they may be?" After listening to his response, she then moves away, turns her back to the prisoner, and covers her mouth (so that he, nor anyone else lurking around, can neither hear her nor read her lips) and whispers via Message to the group. "Maybe we can't interrogate him, but Gio could cast the spell again, verify it's working, and then order him to walk back to his camp. We might find something useful their -- maybe even his escaped comrade. Making him do things that indirectly reveal information can't be blocked by his magical oath. We could probably do it in such a way that he can't run away, or fight, or give us away if his allies appear."

DM Post_Jeff 
Friday March 25th, 2011 5:21:42 PM

Gio's words seemed to partially break through the prisoner's hard exterior.

"Life?" the prisoner explained. "What kind of life will it be if I get turned in? There's got to be something in it for me or I'm not telling you nothing. And even then, there are some things I won't tell you cause I've made my oath and I've seen first hand what happens to oathbreakers."

Moments later Larien makes also makes a plea to the prisoner to give up some information, but the man doesn't budge. It seems diplomacy on its own won't be enough...

DM Post_Jeff 
Friday March 25th, 2011 5:22:49 PM

P.S. I can post on the weekend if you guys respond soon.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Friday March 25th, 2011 5:37:11 PM

Eclip shakes his head, "He's stalling. If you can't give us information or lead us to the ones who are threatening It'lal then you have nothing to offer."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Friday March 25th, 2011 6:44:24 PM

"Can you tell me what your oath is?

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Friday March 25th, 2011 9:06:15 PM

T'Shalla just keeps watching the prisoner, and keeping alert to the surroundings just incase trouble happens.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Saturday March 26th, 2011 6:21:33 PM

Larien has made her suggestion to the group, so she simply waits for them to consider it. Naturally, they will want to have that discussion in such a way that the prisoner cannot overhear.

This man is evil, and the penalty for attempted assassination is usually either life imprisonment or death, so if he cannot be made useful, it might be best (and safest -- lest he attack the people of It'lal again) to simply kill him. The group has paid the price for not dealing with evildoers while they had the chance. She wishes there were a better way, but they must eliminate these threats to It'lal before they grow further.

On an impulse, Larien asks the prisoner, "Will you tell us which of the Gods you worship? Perhaps there is some common ground we can work from."

DM Post_Jeff 
Sunday March 27th, 2011 8:28:32 PM

"Maybe I'm not being clear" the prisoner responded with an obvious trace of frustration in his voice. "If there's nothing in it for me, I'm telling you nothing. You want to know what my oath is? Offer me something."

"As for Gods... to hades with all of them" he added. "And that's the last piece of information you're getting for free."

The prisoner's resolve seemed to be growing with every verbal exchange. It was becoming increasingly apparent that he wasn't giving anything up for free, and that he'd probably give up his life before his oath.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Sunday March 27th, 2011 9:53:09 PM

"I can't believe this... are you kidding me?" Gilin looked a bit outraged. "I go to bat for you and you want some kind of... compensation? You're the one who poisoned us. Getting out of here with your life is kind, and more than some of us want to give you," he reminded the man.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Sunday March 27th, 2011 11:42:58 PM

Larien turns around again and walks away a bit so that she can whisper to the group without being heard by the prisoner. "We're at a dead end. Either we try another Dominate spell on him and have him lead us to his camp, as I suggested, or we need to make sure he can't try to kill us again. Even an It'lal prison cell might not do the trick given the recent problems. But if we're going to talk about this, we need to make sure he can't overhear us. Maybe plug his ears and put a sack over his head, and communicate by Message (whispers)."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Monday March 28th, 2011 4:21:48 AM

Gio shrugs, "Ah well, enjoy the afterlife." The spry halfling then quickly moves behind the prisoner and gags him so if he attempted to cast a verbal spell, it wouldn't be possible. Then just as quickly he covers the man's eyes with a blindfold. Fishing out one of his bacon treats, he rips it in half, takes the soft honey laced breading--less the bacon he rapidly consumes, and shoves a bit into each of the prisoners ears. "There, see how he likes that." Turning to Lady Larien and her whispered suggestion, he moves a bit away from the prisoner and just to be safe, whispers through the message spell, "We could do the dominate spell again, but there's no guarantee we'll be able to follow him. He seem's pretty confident--I wonder, do you think he's been tracked here? Maybe he thinks he'll be rescued. We should make sure first."

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Monday March 28th, 2011 9:08:40 AM

Eclip shrugs, "If we had time, we could turn him in to stone, or some harmless animal, but since we have an appointment at the council lets turn him over to them, maybe they will have more luck with him?"

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Monday March 28th, 2011 4:52:54 PM

"Yes. Let's see some judicial process."

Hmm, is a bard allowed to say things like that?

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Monday March 28th, 2011 7:18:40 PM

T'Shalla nodds, "Lets just execute him and get it over with." she looks at eclip, "I wouldn't even give that luxury to him unless he has his awareness, then that would be a suitable punishment for him."

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Monday March 28th, 2011 9:50:41 PM

"You're a bit vindictive for a Monk, aren't you?" he asks T'Shalla with a grin. He turns to Gio. "He's your employee, so I commend my say in his fate to your hands. Although, your employee termination policy seems a bit harsh to me. Most people just tell them not to come back..."

DM Post_Jeff 
Monday March 28th, 2011 10:34:44 PM

The prisoner remained stoned faced as his head was covered and his ears were plugged. He was certainly completely at your mercy. Given the wrongs he had committed, maybe he did deserve death. But should you be the ones to decide?


OOC: Could someone fill me in on the laws of this land? Has any background been given?

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Monday March 28th, 2011 11:23:16 PM

OOC: There isn't really any 'law of the land' except what the Council of Matriarchs decides. The standards are there for settling property disputes and assault/murder charges.

That said, the Shadow Guardians are essentially legally deputized Law Enforcement Officers, which covers a bit of abuse during interrogation. I'm not sure whether execution is part of our purview, though self-defense would be. Whether the Matriarchs agree that killing the guy who tried to poison us is self-defense is another question entirely. Which is essentially the reason Gilin's washing his hands of the matter. He still feels like an outsider and Johnny-come-lately to It-Lal, and doesn't want to presume too far upon his (possibly not even official) position as a Shadow Guardian.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 12:56:31 PM

Gio waits patiently until the group comes to some consensus.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 2:35:13 PM

(ooc: The Shadow Guardians have taken an Oath to protect It'lal from threats both external and internal. This was meant to place us outside of individuality house politics's and under the collective Matriarch's council direction. I'd imagine the individuality drow houses still have a lot of say over what happens within their house's and under their control. The Matriarch council is responsible for setting policy and making judgments that for interactions outside of the drow houses and settling issues between any houses. While we can use lethal force in defense of It'lal, I believe the council would be more upset about not being given a chance to question the pensioner, than his death.)

Eclip looks to T'Shalla "I believe he would retain his awareness as a harmless animal, but as a statue he would be unaware. The beauty of the two choices are that he can be restored to his current state if need be. I do belevive we should ask for the council's permission before killing him."

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 4:12:01 PM

OOC- Thanks for the background.

OOC2- I'll hold off posting a bit longer... I'd like to push things forward with the next post. If nobody else chimes in I'll assume you polymorphed the prisoner so he wasn't a threat, and then took him back to the council.

OOC3- sorry but more background needed... are their limits of when you can see the council? Who's your prime contact? I'd like to keep things as consistent as possible, and without that background I will certainly fail miserably.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 6:14:51 PM

OOC: The one we've dealt with most is General Kahlag, who's in charge of all of It-Lal's armed forces, technically including us, though we usually receive orders directly from the Council of Matriarchs. Kahlag is Lady Larvanya's right-hand-man. We have in the past also dealt with Lady Firbral (Lady Larvanya's younger sister and considered to be the Heir Presumptive Matriarch of House Bralfah, meaning she could be displaced as Heir if Atrea was to make a good enough claim or if Larvanya had a daughter)

The Shadow Guardians, since we report directly to the Council, are usually granted an audience when we request one... the Matriarchs trust us not to waste their time, for the most part.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 6:34:25 PM

Larien sighs. "Let's just take him to the Council. Let them deal with him. If he escapes, it's on their heads.

Following up on what Dai/Gilin said, we've always had fairly ready access to the Council, except very recently, after the newly re-discovered evil drow Houses apparently tried to assassinate them. At that time, they put in place some new security measures (those meeting them were required to remove weapons and made to wear anti-magic bracelets) which the group found fairly insulting and worrisome. For whatever reasons, they did not share their thoughts or plans with the group, which is unusual. They've also (apparently) ignored our advice to launch an immediate counter-attack, and have left the group cooling it's heals for four days. Whether these recent actions (or in-actions) are due to simple indecision, paranoia, or a lack of trust in the Shadow Guardians, remains to be seen. Although I think it's fair to say some members of the Shadow Guardians will not tolerate such behavior from the Council for much longer.

Also note that Lady Firbral is now the Ambassador to the Floating City, and would generally be there, not It'lal.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 8:38:59 PM

T'Shalla gives Gilin a little smile, "I don't much like being poisoned, so yes I can be vindicitive if the circumstances require it." she nodds to Eclip, "A little harmless animal kept in a cage would be nice perhaps, if the Matriarchs agree, it can be a sentence for him. Too bad about the stone part, that would have been better, but guess we can't have everything." and nodds to Larien, "I guess that is best, let them deal with him, and it is on their heads if he gets away. If they can come up with a decision that is."

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 10:30:40 PM

OOC- I'm not sure who is casting polymorph, or what animal you're turning him into... please clarify... turn him into a nute?

The spell is cast and the prisoner is transformed into a harmless little creature. With that business done you make your way back to the city to report to the Council.

While making your way through the city streets you hear a familiar voice behind you. "I think I've found your attackers!" the voice said with urgency.

You turn around to see a smiling and heavy breathing Esco. He repeated- "I say, I think I found your attackers. My investigation revealed it to be one of the local guilds... seems there was a contract out on your heads... such barbarism!"

"I've called in the local guard who are turning over their alleged hideout as we speak. We should have more information shortly."

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 3:49:10 AM

Gio thinks to himself, This Esco person... something isn't right about him, just too helpful for a complete stranger and he never did explain who he actually works for and with.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP  d20+26=37 ;
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 3:49:33 AM

Sense Motive on Esco: 37

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 9:44:43 AM

Eclip can cast a Baleful Polymorph (but doesn't have one prepared today). Turning him into an small animal would have to wait until the next day, but I have no problem turning over to the council. If he escapes we can track him.

Eclip also finds Esco, exceedingly efficient. Surprisingly so for a government official. The druid nods "Excellent work Esco! Perhaps you could share what you found out, it might help lead us to who hired them?"

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 3:13:40 PM

I think Esco's British accent is the most suspicious thing. "I say...". LOL.

"Thank you Esco. You'll have to teach us some of your investigative secrets. After we drop off this cretin and speak to the Council, we should go have a look for ourselves."

Larien too wonders at Esco's convenient re-appearance and assistance, and makes a mental note again to find out more about how he (and others, apparently) came to be lent to It'lal by the Council Houses as independent government contractors working for the benefit of It'lal (and who determines what those benefits are). (See DM Post - Tuesday March 1st, 2011 10:33:53 PM)

Yet another example of how the Shadow Guardians have seemingly been cut out of the information loop by the Council....

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 5:59:12 PM

T'Shalla looks at Esco, "Oh yes? That is interesting. We would definately like to know more about what you found out."

DM Post_Jeff  d20=13 ; d20=16 ; d20=14 ;
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 6:09:48 PM

OOC- Let's assume the prisoner hasn't been polymorphed. He's simply bound.

Gio studied Esco, but sensed nothing unusual about him. He seemed on the up and up.

Meanwhile Esco addressed Eclip's comment. "I have many contacts through the lands" he explained. "I won't say who this contact is, because it might put him at risk. I'd also appreciate if you kept this information confidential because there is a chance it could be traced back to him."

He paused for a moment and then continued. "As I mentioned, a contract has been placed on your heads... 20,000 gold per head, which is a staggering number to say the least. You certainly have made some rich enemies! But I digress... the contract was taken on five days ago by a group that goes by the name Wiggly Dagger. Have you heard of them? If so, you would know that they are a foul bunch of thieves and assassins."

"When I learned of this news I summoned members of the guard to help me in the investigatation of one of their strongholds. I also had several of the men in my service search the city for you. It was quite a relief when one of them turned up at the stronghold and let me know that you were walking along this very street, for I was afraid that the guild might have made good on the contract."

"That is all I know at this point. I am hopeful that the guard, though limited in skill of investigation, might learn more from the stronghold. Or perhaps you might lend your skills to this task? I feel it is the best lead we have."

OOC- Esco diplomacy check to improve attitude of the party= 44 (now cheer up sour puss!)

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 92/92) (PF Sheet) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 11:34:56 PM

"I say if we have a location for an assassins' guild's base, we should go there and knock it over just on principle. That's not even counting the fact that they just tried to kill us and we still have a bounty on our head. Twenty thousand! Sweet Domi, that's a lot of coin! Who'd hate us that much, and be rich enough to pay it? The Green? I imagine a family of dragons has a lot of big old piles of gold around. I doubt Atrea has that kind of cash to spare. Not to mention she keeps being one step ahead of us anyway." Gilin pontificated aloud.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 115/115HP 
Thursday March 31st, 2011 2:21:55 AM

Gio smiles at Gilin's call to action and says with a smile, "I agree, I aim to misbehave."

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC26, hp102) CharSheet Pathfinder 
Thursday March 31st, 2011 9:55:52 AM

Eclip rubs Artan's fur, "Only 20,000gp each? How insulting, we should go an have a talk with the despicable cad who ever they are! Now I understand why they are do this anonymously. Maybe we could have some of our other enemies kick in something? Just to help the Cad out."

Later after talking to Esco, Eclip comments to the others "You know Esco is a very likable fellow, I'd feel bad if he turns out to be working for the other side, and we had to kill him."

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Thursday March 31st, 2011 3:06:27 PM

"Let's quickly deliver our prisoner into the custody of General Kahlag, and then investigate the stronghold before reporting formally to the Council. Time may be of the essence here. Frankly, I consider the bounties to be good news -- whoever has placed them, and I think Atrea's new evil friends are most likely -- they must be very worried. In fact, they may consider themselves incapable of doing the job personally; why else would they contract out the job? I highly doubt this is the work of the Green/Crying Woods; the very idea of working with humans (even evil ones) probably repulses them, and I suspect they have their hands full with the Serpents and the rebelling Reptilians. But I suppose the kobold city deep below It'lal could be involved somehow. We should get an update from Kahlag or the Council on where relations and treaty talks with them stand."

Larien shakes her head at the growing list of enemies arrayed against the Shadow Guardians and It'lal, and the group's seeming inability to permanently end any of the threats. Lurching from crisis to crisis needs to stop, and soon.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Thursday March 31st, 2011 9:48:54 PM

T'Shalla says, "From what I understand, dragons are greedy are they not? So I doubt they would want to part with gold, but then again it might be just a ruse to get us dead, then when coming for the reward the dragons would deal with them...though I feel that might be risky." and she looks at Eclip, "Well between you and Artan, that is 40,000, that not too shabby." with a wink. She also agrees to get the prisoner into the General's hands, then to get to the stronghold and do some investigating ourselves.

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Friday April 1st, 2011 4:23:02 PM

"I'm beginning to understand why the council were so jumpy. There are a whole bunch of people doing some seriously evil stuff. But they're known friends, servants, associates; previously of good character.

"They're not being charmed or dominated. Polymorphed into lookie-likeys? Unlikely to fool close acquaintances in their manner. It could be anyone. No wonder they didn't trust us."

Pathos chatters away; glad to get off the subject of summary justice.

"I reckon we'll find something similar at the 'hideout'. It will be a regular building, but all the occupants will turn out to be psychopaths."

DM Post_Jeff  d4=4 ; d4=3 ;
Friday April 1st, 2011 5:00:48 PM

OOC- again, you're going to have to cut me some slack on the Geography because there isn't a lot written in the Woldipedia section. I understand that there are some old leftover structures from the ancient city. I also recall reading that some trade routes have been established. With that in mind, here we go...

You follow Larien's advice and quickly deliver the prisoner into custody. Moments later you are following Esco at a hustle through the streets of the city. Eventually you arrive on the first level, not too far from the Gateway Plaza.

You walk towards a cluster of old buildings that are left-overs from the ancient city. Locals tend to avoid this area, but some of the poorer travelers and traders group here due to its close proximity to the Plaza and the free shelter it provides. On this day however, the area was completely devoid of people.

"The traders must have run off when they saw the guard show up" Esco explained. "It always makes them nervous when they see guards in this area... probably afraid they'll have to start paying for accomodation. Anyhow, the stronghold is just ahead, in these buildings."

Esco led you along a pathway that formed between two four-story stone buildings. The pathway went about 100 feet, turned at a 90 degree angle, and then continued on another sixty feet.

At the end of the alley was a large set of double doors that were much newer looking then the building they hung on. "That's it" Esco said as you continued walking towards the doors.

DC- 20 perception check Highlight to display spoiler: { You hear what sounds like spellcasting coming from the rooftops to the east.}

DC- 25 perception check Highlight to display spoiler: { You hear what sounds like spellcasting coming from the rooftops to the south.}

Just then a wall of pure stone forms behind you, which cuts off the pathway from wence you came.

Seconds later a cloud of yellow gas forms around you. The gas cuts off all vision beyond 5 feet and cuts at your lungs. (4 con damage, Save Fort DC 22 for half).

A moment later you hear the sound of breaking wood and feel a shower of wood splinters coming from the direction of the double doors.

"What... What... What is this?" you hear Esco say confused from the other side of the stone wall. "Hold on! I'll summon the guard!" And with that, his voice trails away.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP 141/141 + 9/11 Temp HP)  d20+16=25 ; d20+18=22 ;
Friday April 1st, 2011 6:31:29 PM

Jeff, you can get a good idea of what structures are still standing by looking for the small black squares and rectangles here: http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Geography:It-lal

Note however that only the stone portions of the structures remain, unless they have been rehabilitated. All of the wood roofs and doors have long since disintegrated.

Also, as an aside, I think we would have been suspicious that neither the expected traders nor the searching guards who were supposedly working for Esco were present, and that Esco was hanging back as we approached the closed courtyard/ally of the building. It would be nice to have a chance to recognize a trap for what it is, and prepare accordingly, rather than simply being placed in it.

Perception: 25
Fort Save: 22 (2 damage)

Larien calls to the others, "Spellcasting coming from the rooftops to the east and south!"

Holding other actions till I have time to look things over.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 66/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet)  d20+14=20 ; d20+10=21 ;
Friday April 1st, 2011 7:05:24 PM

(Perception 20) Gilin hears the spellcasting from the east. Feeling the stone wall spring up at his back, he turns around and casts Passwall, creating a way back out for the Shadow Guardians. He will then move through the hole to hide behind the wall and escape the choking cloud of yellow gas, though it's already done its damage (Fort Save 21)

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+16=21 ; d20+11=23 ;
Friday April 1st, 2011 9:02:54 PM

T'Shalla says via the message spell, "I hear spellcasting coming from the rooftops to the east." and curse from the gas that we hurry through. <perception: 21>

Fort save: 23 <2 damage>

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 111/115HP  d20+20=31 ; d20+8=21 ;
Saturday April 2nd, 2011 12:40:57 AM

Perception 31
Fort save 21 (4 damage)

Hacking from the yellow gas, Gio spies and feels the sudden egress of the gas as Gilin makes a Passwall through the nearby wall that sought to halt their escape--and flee he did. As soon as he made it through the passwall, he planted himself against the nearest wall and muttered to the fleeing Esco, "Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

Looking about, he came to the sudden decision to activate his Brahmah tattoo, just in case. "Tutela ex navitas!" (fire protection; 50min or 60pts)

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp)  d20+6=8 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=16 ;
Saturday April 2nd, 2011 10:37:33 AM

(Weighs in with a 2 and a 1. Pathos is back to normal)[/]

"And all the people will have been nice to their mothers..." [i](Perception DC8)

And the gossiping Pathos draws in a deep lungful of something unpleasant (DC 11. Hero point. No better. -4 con. Including his disastrous lunch, he's now on 4 con total) He's barely able to breathe.

He lurches through the gap in the wall and leans against the far side, trying to keep his lungs inside his chest.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+13=17 ; 2d4=4 ; d20+16=23 ;
Sunday April 3rd, 2011 3:56:07 PM

Note: Anyone immune to poison is unaffected by a Cloudkill spell.

Larien follows the others through the Passwall, moving 40 ft to make sure she's well away from the poisonous cloud if it expands through the opening.

If either of the attacking spellcasters are visible and in-range, Larien casts Acid Arrow at the best target, or the closest target if they are equally exposed.

If neither of the attacking spellcasters are visible and in-range, Larien casts Displacement on herself using her Shadow Goggles.

Larien whispers via Message, "Pathos, pull yourself together and sing us a song to bolster our attacks!" The wizardess looks around for additional threats (and the fleeing Esco), and tries to determine the race of the attackers she can see.


Acid Arrow - Touch attack 17 (4 damage) - Round 1 of 5

(Ignore the last d20 roll; I already made my Perception check (25) above.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 66/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet) 
Sunday April 3rd, 2011 7:21:50 PM

Todd: T'Shalla doesn't take any Con damage from the spell. She's immune to poisons as a Monk.

Eclip (AC30, hp100) & Artan (AC36*, hp102/80) *barkskin CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+24=43 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+16=26 ;
Monday April 4th, 2011 9:37:06 AM

Prior to following Esco, Eclip would have cast extended barskin on Artan and renewed it on Larain.

(Eclip Perception: 43)

The druid clearly hears the spell casting from both the east and south roofs as well as the splintering wood, but his keen senses do little good with the sudden attack. Luckily Eclip is immune to the poison of the cloud kill gas, unfortunately Artan is lucky and takes a lung full of poison (save: 14, hero point reroll 21).

Eclip cast air walk upon his companion, as he quick mounts (ride check 26) Artan and the tiger and rider climb quickly into the air towards one of the spell casters.

(ooc: Artan con dam -4 18/14, -22hp due to con drop, new fort save +9.)

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: *+&2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: *Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260m, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr), Barkskin extended (pre battle, 260m, +5ac), Air walk (1r, 130min)
(note to self add delay poison to Artan as daily prep spell).

DM Post_Jeff 
Monday April 4th, 2011 6:08:24 PM

OOC: Ambush sights are always tricky things. On one hand, as a DM you don't want to tip players off... for example, if I stop you before a closed door you automatically become suspicious about what's behind the door. On the other hand, you want to give the players the chance to "preact" to things.

In this case, I chose not to stop you for a few reasons. First because Esco is exceptionally good with people (44 diplomacy check), so all of the characters would feel pretty good about him. Secondly because you probably would have walked past several suspicious areas on your guided walk with Esco and I didn't stop you in front of those either. If I had have stopped you in front of this particular suspicious area, you probably would have been tipped off to look around.

Anyhow, that's the justification. Had Esco rolled a bad diplomacy roll, the group probably would have been more suspicious and I probably would have stopped you before the ambush.

OOC2: Thanks for the additional geography notes. Let's assume the roofs are made of stone. However, the door I mentioned was made out of wood, and it didn't look old.

OOC3: On to my post now...

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Monday April 4th, 2011 6:25:55 PM

T'Shalla being unaffected by the spell, goes back inside it, and gets Pathos out, and looks up for the attackers.

DM Post_Jeff  10d6+10=40 ; 10d6+10=45 ;
Monday April 4th, 2011 6:32:02 PM

Gillan fights off the effects of the choking gas, casts Passwall, and steps through the previously conjured wall to safety. Gilin, Pathos, Larien and T'Shalla follow suit. To everyone except Larien's surprise, there is no sign of Esco.

OOC- Larien only Highlight to display spoiler: { You spot Esco standing only ten feet away from the wall. He has a blade in hand and appears to be invisible. I'll let you take your first round standard action in your next post, in case you might want to attack Esco}.

Meanwhile, Eclip casts Air Walk and takes to the skies. From this new vantage point he spots a group of absolutely identical looking drow elves on the roof on the east building, and a second group of identical looking drow elves on the south building. They spot him as well and both groups begin casting.

Suddenly a ball of flame shoots at Eclip from both directions. The balls explod in mid-air and engulf Eclip and Artan in flame. (OOC- DC 20 reflex save for half on each ball of flame; first ball does 40 damage; second does 45 damage).

OOC- I have a map, but no time to post it, as I need to catch a train. Coming tonight.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 66/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet) 
Monday April 4th, 2011 8:57:23 PM

Gilin, now free of the gas, casts Resist Energy (Fire) on himself.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d3=3 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+12=24 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=9 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=7 ; d4+4=8 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=26 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 1:45:27 AM

Thanks for the explanation Jeff. That makes sense.

(1st round) Larien notices Esco as she passes through the wall, and his translucent appearance makes it obvious that he's invisible to the rest of the group. It seems as if Esco has walked the group into a trap, lied about getting the guard, and is preparing to literally stab them in the back. Changing her magical plans, Larien makes an unorthodox decision and casts Summon Monster VI. To the group she whispers via Message, with her head turned so Esco can't read her lips, "Esco is still here, invisible. Don't be surprised at the reinforcements I summon."

(2nd round) Three Babau Demons, who can see invisibility, appear at Larien's summons. One directly in front of Esco, one to his side nearest the Shadow Guardians (blocking Esco's escape), and one behind Esco. In Celestial, Larien immediately orders the demons to communicate with no one but her, and to inform her telepathically of any additional enemies/threats they spot. They then attack Esco.

Larien whispers again, "T'Shalla, cast Faerie Fire where the demons are attacking. That will light up Esco" The wizardess then casts Mirror Image, causing 8 duplicates to appear around her.


Note, per a ruling by a prior Ust Delmah DM, it is acceptable for a good character to summon evil creatures, so long as it is for a good purpose, and is only done infrequently. Larien has considered using this strategy before, but this is the first time she's actually done it. Under the circumstances, it seems quite important to bring in some more "allies" who can see invisibility.


Demon 1 (front): claw 17, claw 32 (crit threat, 25), bite 21 -- possible damage 7, 11 (crit 9), 8
Demon 2 (side): claw 22, claw 13 (miss), bite 26 -- possible damage 10, -, 7
Demon 3 (back): claw 14, claw 29, bite 24 -- possible damage 11, 11, 7 (any hits by Demon 3 also get sneak attack bonuses of 2d6 per hit, since Esco is flanked and the demons have a sneak attack ability. I'll let the DM roll those this round)

Larien: 27
Demon 1: 39
Demon 2: 35
Demon 3: 26

Eclip (AC30, hp100/55) & Artan (AC36*, hp102/35) *barkskin CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+13=28 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=16 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 9:19:16 AM

Eclip's saving throws: 28, 30 takes dam 20+23=43
Artan's saving throws: 21, 19 {HP. reroll 16} takes 0 {evasion} + 45

(Gee 2nd saving through missed by 1, where are the bard songs when you need them?)

{I'll post action after map is posted.}

Eclip (AC30, hp100/55) & Artan (AC34*, hp102/35) *barkskin & charge CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+15=22 ; 13d6=51 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+18=29 ; d20+18=27 ; 2d6+11=23 ; 2d6+11=15 ; d6+9=13 ; d6=5 ; d6+9=12 ; d6=5 ; d6+9=14 ; d6+9=13 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 5:39:41 PM

Steamed by the drow's ambush, Eclip lays down a firestorm over the roof tops and alleyway between the stone wall and door. (Fire storm two 10ft cubes per level = 26 {shareable} fire 51 pt reflex save DC24 for half (25). Creatures that fail their Reflex save catch on fire, taking 4d6 points of fire damage each round)

(ooc: Should be able shape the Fire Storm to catch all seen bad guys and non the good guys. With out know the foe's positions: Painting all of the left side roof top 4A: -1B, Along the left/west side roof top -1A : 0P, The alley area with the cloudkill 1F : 5O, The bottom/south rooftop 5F : K8)

Eclip lets Artan charge one of the lucky drow caster on the roof tops that didn't catch on fire.
(Charge {+2att & -2AC} /Pounce{get all attacks} Bites hit ac 24, 33 dam 23, 15; Claws hit ac 33, 31 dam 13+5shock, 12+5fire; Rakes hit ac 29, 27 dam 14, 13)

The druid yells down to his companions "Dismiss the pass wall to block off the other attackers!"

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: *+&2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: *Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: *Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260m, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr), Barkskin extended (pre battle, 260m, +5ac), Air walk (1r, 130min)
(note to self add delay poison to Artan as daily prep spell).

DM Post_Jeff 
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 10:21:22 PM

Guys, I'm going to give the others a chance to post because lives could be at stake in this battle. I'll check again tomorrow morning (in about 12 hours)... hopefully everyone will have posted by then.

P.S. I emailed the batle map earlier today... check your emails.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet 
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 12:08:02 AM

T'Shalla nodds, and casts Faerie Fire at where the demons are attacking.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 111/115HP  d4=4 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 1:13:19 AM

Gio yells out to inspire courage (swift action) in his friends:

Once more the fight is joined,
Once more the enemy slain!
Our numbers are fewer,
But our strength still reigns!

Then takes a step away and draws out his wand of spectral hand from his pants o' plenty and casts Spectral Hand.

Inspire Courage +3 hit/damage/fear checks
Spectral Hand (4hp)

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,73hp) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 2:12:53 AM

Pathos pulls himself together. The show must go on

"Libiamo, libiamo ne'lieti calici
che la bellezza infiora.
E la fuggevol ora s'inebrii
a voluttà
Libiam ne'dolci fremiti
che suscita l'amore,
poiché quell'ochio al core onnipotente va.
Libiamo, amore, amor fra i calici
più caldi baci avrà"

[i]Seems appropriate as the singer has consumption in the opera. Bard song +2 all round/i]

DM Post_Jeff  d20+8=19 ; d20+8=14 ; 2d6=2 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=7 ; d20+8=25 ; 4d6=15 ; d20+11=17 ; d20+12=29 ; 10d6+10=44 ; d4=3 ; d20+28=38 ; 2d10+16=25 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 2:26:33 PM

Action from Round 1:
Larien noticed Esco, quickly warned the group, and then started spellcasting.

Actions from Round 2:
Eclip managed to avoid the bulk of the damage from the fireballs, and quickly responded with a spell of his own. Instantly the rooftops erupted in flame, and the enemy spellcasters lit up like dried wood.

From below you heard their screams. You also heard the songs of Pathos and Giovanni, though not all of their words were easily understood. Nonethless, you felt the fortifying affect of the words.

Meanwhile, Larien and Gilin gave further fortification by casting defensive spells on themselves. At the same time, Larien's summoned demon's attacked Esco. This attack caught Esco completely off guard. As a result, four painful blows were taken from the demons. His mood only further soured when his invisibility was stolen by T'Shalla's Faerie Fire spell.

Blast them! Esco commanded as he suddenly took flight, withdrawing from the direct conflict.

Only the spellcaster on the eastern rooftop responded with a spell, which proved quite difficult because he was still burning (the other caster spent the round putting out his flames successfully). Nonetheless, he managed to hold his concentration as a fireball erupted from his hands... this one more powerful than his last and with a different target, for it was aimed at the group in the alley below. (OOC- Everyone except Artan and Eclip needs to make a DC 20 reflex save or take 61 damage from the empowered draconic fireball).

The force of the blast smashes the stone wall into pieces, which to your dismay causes the cloudkill spell to continue rolling in your direction (OOC- Pathos and Gio must make a DC 12 dexterity check or they must make another DC 22 fort save or take 3 con damage; half if they save).

If that wasn't enough, from the cloud you see a massive iron humanoid that stands close to 12 feet in height. You also hear the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the cloud, which indicates to you that this creature is not completely alone.

The iron creature swings a massive backhand in Gio's direction, which scores and sends Gio flying into the back wall (damage 25).

DM Post_Jeff 
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 2:34:30 PM

Map is here:


Eclip (AC30, hp100/55) & Artan (AC34*, hp102/35) *barkskin & charge CharSheet Pathfinder 
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 4:31:08 PM

ooc: I'm unable to see the map. Check the shared option on it.

Also, I'm not sure if you included Artan's attack after the fire storm.

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+18=30 ; d20+16=18 ; 2d6=5 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 7:19:54 PM

T'Shalla manages to avoid the fireball blast <improved evasion> <save reflex: 30>, and looking from Esco, towards the large iron creature, then moves towards the large iron creature, to attack it, using Ki Strike <Magic>.

Attk: tohit: 18, dam: 5 <if I managed to hit, very highly doubtful or affected>
OOC: I do not have a google account, will set one up so to view the map.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 61/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet)  d20+9=19 ; d20+9=17 ; 3d8+5=26 ; d20+20=36 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 7:54:38 PM

Gilin's attempt to evade the damage of the incoming fireball is unsuccessful despite a heroic effort (Ref 19, Hero Point Re-Roll 17). He takes 31 damage from the flames, and fishes the Wand of Cure Serious Wounds from the pocket of his Pants O'Plenty. Using it on himself (DC20, UMD +19 = auto-success), he expends a charge to heal himself from the worst of the burns (26hp).

With dismissing the Passwall spell now a moot point, there no longer being a wall to pass, Gilin becomes concerned about two things: The escaping Esco, and the large iron Golem that just smacked Gio into next week. Racking his brain for what he knows about the monster (DC23, Knowledge Arcana 36) he remembers pretty much everything there is to know about Iron Golems, and what he remembers makes him go pale...

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 111/115HP 
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 9:20:05 PM

ooc: same here on the map. Publishing it to the web will fix the probelm.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+21=28 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=30 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 9:50:48 PM

Larien avoids the Fireball easily (ring of Evasion, Reflex 28), looks around, listens to the telepathic reports from the demons (if any), and prepares to act.

Larien: 30
Demon 1: 39
Demon 2: 39
Demon 3: 30

Holding other actions pending map publication.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF 111/115HP  d20+16=26 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=10 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=10 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 10:09:56 PM

Gio also avoids the fireball (reflex 26, ring of evasion), but after a series of heroic attempts (2 hero points) to avoid the shattered wall, he fails twice and takes the 3 con damage.

Holding other actions pending map access, but I will be healing Eclip this round.

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 9:42:59 AM

OOC- I published the map last night... are you still unable to view it?

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 9:56:07 AM

OOC2: I did miss Artan's attack. My apologies. To simplify things, let's assume he charged the closer spellcaster (the one on the south roof). Based on your rolls, he's now down.

Caster (south)- DEAD
Caster (east)- 51
Esco- 60
Iron Golem- 0

Eclip (AC30, hp100/55) & Artan (AC34*, hp102(temp max 80)/74) *barkskin & charge CharSheet Pathfinder  4d8+13=39 ; d20+23=29 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+23=41 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+21=31 ; 2d6+14=21 ; 2d6+14=18 ; d6+12=17 ; d6=1 ; d6+12=13 ; d6=2 ; d6+12=14 ; d6+12=18 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 12:36:42 PM

(ooc: still get "you don't have permission to view the document." on the Google doc, but I did get the map via e-mail attachment.)

With the south caster demise, Eclip reaches for his spellstaff from it's saddle sheath on Artan and uses the stored spell Cure Critical Wounds upon Artan (curing 39pt) the druid mutters to Artan "Sorry, I should have updated it the staff to a heal spell during break."

Holding on tight, Eclip directs Artan to charge via air walk the other spell caster on the east wall.

(Charge {+2att & -2AC} /Pounce{get all attacks} w/bard +3 song
Bites hit ac 29, 32 dam 21; 18
Claws hit ac 36, 24 dam 17+1shock, 13+2fire;
Rakes hit ac 30, 31 dam 14,18 )

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: *+&2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: *Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: *Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260m, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr), Barkskin extended (pre battle, 260m, +5ac), Air walk (1r, 130min)
(note to self add delay poison to Artan as daily prep spell).

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF (60con)86/115HP  d20+26=35 ; d8=4 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=7 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 1:07:02 PM

"Ow, ow, owwwww! Ugh, that's not going to buff out." Trying to get his wits about him, Gio knew he had to get out of the way of the big metal statue seemingly determined to turn him into pate. Tumbling away (acrobatics35--no aoo, move to C5). Gio, his face straining under the pain of all the sudden damage he just took, casts a healing spell, "Rememdium velico vulnus!" The disembodied Spectral Hand speeds away and delivers much needed healing upon Eclip immediately (+36hp healed).

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,27hp)  d20+17=30 ; d8=5 ; d8=4 ; d8=6 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 2:28:40 PM

Pathos realized that this fireball may have his name on it. With an effort he knew would be paid for later he dives to a corner of the wall as it collapses (Reflex DC 30, one thing he can do) and outpaces the cloud as it rolls outward (bigger plus than DC!

Unfortunately the flames are almost more than his weakened body can take. He stays crouched out of trouble and casts Cure Serious wounds on himself (15+5 =20 healed)

"Look at the knees on these trousers. This mud will take ages to come out. And I'll be lucky if it's just mud."

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+10=18 ; 2d6=10 ; d20+10=17 ; 2d6=9 ; d20+5=15 ; 2d6=5 ; d20+5=18 ; 2d6=9 ; d20=17 ; 2d6=4 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 5:32:26 PM

T'Shalla does a flurry of blows, using Ki Strike <magic>, against the iron golem, hoping she can affect it.

attk1: tohit: 18, dam: 10
attk2: tohit: 17, dam: 9
attk3: tohit: 15, dam: 5
attk4: tohit: 18, dam: 9
attk5: tohit: 17, dam: 4

DM Post_Jeff  d4=1 ; d4=3 ; d20+28=47 ; d3=3 ; d20+28=41 ; d20+28=42 ; 12d10+16=72 ; 2d10+16=30 ; 2d10+16=22 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=21 ; 4d6=10 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=8 ; 5d6=16 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+12=30 ; 4d6=19 ; 4d6=24 ; 4d6=13 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 5:47:25 PM

OOC: Try the grid now... hopefully it works.
OOC: I assumed that you would continue backing up as the cloudkill spell rolled in your direction. Correct me if you want to stop backing up.
OOC: Larien can back post for this round.

The cloud kill spell continues to roll towards you, forcing you all to back up. Only Larien's summoned monsters were too slow to escape (DC 22 fort save or take 1 con damage; zero if they save).

Meanwhile, Pathos, Gio and Eclip cast healing spells, which provided much needed healing to the group.

At the same time, Artan charged the remaining spellcaster and dug his claws and teeth in deep. The struggle lasted until unconciousness swept in.

With two enemy now down Larien pondered his next actions.

Meanwhile, The massive Iron Golem stepped forward and breathed. From his mouth poured a reddish colored gas that quickly engulfed Larien, Pathos, Gio and T'Shalla. (Poison- Fort save 19; frequency 1/round , 3 Con damage, cure 2 saves required). At the same time the massive creature swung at the closest demon (hit AC 47, crit confirmed for 60 damage; hit AC 42, damage 22; total 82-20 for damage reduction = 62).

Esco took little comfort in the Iron Golem's attack, for he had lost most of his advantages and had personally witnessed Artan devour two of his allies. Nonetheless, he held his ground. From his belt he drew a small rod and, with stunning quickness that would catch most offguard, he cast two very quick spells both of which targeted Artan. (see summary below for effect).

Summary: Effects against you
1) Demon #1- (I put a white circle around him)- Fort DC 22 or -1 to con; 62 damage
2) Demon #2- (I put a white circle around him)- Fort DC 22 or -1 to con
3) Demon #3- (I put a white circle around him)- Fort DC 22 or -1 to con
4) Larien, Pathos, Gio and T'Shalla. (Poison- Fort save 19; frequency 1/round , 3 Con damage, cure 2 saves required).
5) Artan- spell #1- scorching ray with impromtu sneak attack- hit touch AC 27 and 25; damage 10+(16 sneak)=26, 15
6) Artan- spell #2- scorching ray- hit touch AC 22 and 30; damage- 19, 24

Summary: Effects against enemy
Caster (south)- DOWN
Caster (east)- DOWN
Esco- 60
Iron Golem #1- 0
Other enemy???- 0

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 5:50:45 PM

map is here:


hope it works...

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF (60con)86/115HP  d20+8=22 ; d8=8 ; d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; d8=4 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 8:14:11 PM

Gio barely keeps ahead of the Golem's breath (fort save 22) and moves down the alleyway whence they came (move 2 squares to the left of A6). Turning and looking upwards, Gio wished he still had the 3 Dragon Blood Bottle, but that was a different time and place. "Rememdium velico vulnus!" the Spry halfling intoned, sending his Spectral Hand out to heal the much injured Artan (CCW; +36hp).

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+12=32 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=31 ; d6+5=6 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=10 ; d20+13=18 ; 2d4=7 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+12=14 ; d8+7=13 ; d8+7=14 ; 2d6=9 ; d8=6 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=29 ; d8+10=17 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+15=16 ; d8+10=14 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=26 ; d8+10=15 ; d8+10=13 ; d8+10=14 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=16 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=9 ; 2d4=5 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 8:18:37 PM

One of the demons has been moved, which I do not believe should have been allowed. If the golem wanted to move into that space, he needed to make the appropriate attack.

Last Round:

The demons attack Esco as he flees (AoO's). At Larien's urging they then draw their longspears and attack the golem, moving forward as needed (demons 1 and 3 may attract AoO's). Larien falls back to C6, draws her Extend rod, and casts Acid Arrow at the golem.

AoO vs Exco (adding +3 for Gio's song, which I forgot to add in my rolls)
Demon 1: Hit AC35 (crit threat, AC27) - 9 damage (+14 if crit)
Demon 2: Hit AC23 - 11 damage
Demon 3: Hit AC34 - 13 damage

Attacks 1 (+12) vs Golem (adding +3 for Gio's song, which I forgot to add in my rolls)
Demon 1: Hit AC31 - 16 damage - 15DR = 1 damage
Demon 2: Hit AC32 - 17 damage - 15DR = 2 damage (add 2d6=9 damage if flank bonus applies)
Demon 3: Hit AC17 - miss

Attacks 2 (+7+3=10) vs Golem
Demon 1: Hit AC17 - miss
Demon 2: Hit AC14 - miss
Demon 3: Hit AC29 - 17 damage - 15DR = 2 damage (add 2d6=8 damage if flank bonus applies)

Acid Arrow: Touch AC18 (hit) for 7 damage - round 1 of 10

This round:

Demon 2 gets an AoO as the golem pushes past him. The golem risks 6 acid damage by attacking demon 1 (Reflex DC18 to avoid). All three demons attack the golem again. The Demons ignore the poison gas, as they are immune to poison. Larien moves to B6 and casts an Acid Dart (a Conj. bonus ability) at the golem.

"Any creature that strikes a babau with a natural attack or unarmed strike takes 1d8 points of acid damage from this slime if it fails a DC 18 Reflex save."

AoO vs Golem
Demon 2: Hit AC35 (crit threat 24, threat not confirmed) - 14 damage - 15DR = 0 damage

Attacks 1 (+12+3=15) vs Golem
Demon 1: Hit AC22 - miss
Demon 2: Hit AC21 - miss
Demon 3: Hit AC16 - miss

Attacks 2 (+7+3=10) vs Golem
Demon 1: Hit AC14 - miss
Demon 2: Hit AC30 (crit threat 28, confirmed, 3x damage for longspear) - 15 damage + 13 damage + 14 damage = 42 - 15 DR = 27 damage
Demon 3: Hit AC26 - miss

Larien's Acid Dart - Touch AC 33 (crit threat 16, confirmed) - 11 damage + 9 crit damage = 20 damage

Larien's Acid Arrow - 5 damage - round 2 of 10

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 8:49:01 PM

A minor correction for my demon's prior round attacks. Demon's 1 & 3 had to move 10 feet to attack, so they were not entitled to a 2nd attack. Therefor, please ignore the 2 damage by Demon 3 for the prior round.

Also, a clarification for demon 1's AoO on Esco. If the critical hit was confirmed, the damage would be 9 + 14 = 23 damage total. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. I assume that both the demon 1 and demon 3 AoO attacks are hits, but I didn't put the damage in bold, since Jeff didn't confirm that they could make AoO's on Esco. I assume they can since Esco had to fly through a square (5 ft in the air) threatened by at least two of them to escape, but I've been wrong before.

Oh, and the map link works now. :-)


Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 61/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet) 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 8:55:15 PM

OOC: Jeff, how are you getting Sneak damage on a Scorching Ray? Even cast as a quickened spell, Artan's not flatfooted, nor is Esco flanking him. Quicken reduces the casting time of a spell, it doesn't confer any bonus to attacks or allow an extra Surprise round in the middle of combat.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 61/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet)  d20+13=30 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2011 9:45:28 PM

Gilin, seeing that the Cloudkill could become a major problem if the fight goes on much longer, casts Dispel Magic at it.

Dispel Check: 30 (dispels the spell successfully if it was cast by a 19th or lower level caster)

DM Post_Jeff 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 11:58:06 PM

I am on a cell, so I wil be brief.

See arcane trickster impromptu sneak attack ex ability.

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF (60con)86/115HP 
Friday April 8th, 2011 3:34:45 AM

BTW, unless I state otherwise, Gio will continue Inspiring Courage as a free action until otherwise noted.

Eclip (AC30, hp100/90) & Artan (AC34* touch 12ac, hp102/48) *barkskin,Growth & charge CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+27=39 ; d20+27=40 ; d20+30=35 ; 2d6+19=24 ; 2d6+19=24 ; d20+25=43 ; d20+25=31 ; d6+16=21 ; d6=6 ; d6+16=18 ; d6=2 ; d20+25=34 ; d20+25=36 ; d6+16=17 ; d6+16=21 ; d20+30=32 ; d20+30=31 ;
Friday April 8th, 2011 10:19:59 AM

(ooc: yes I can access the map without a problem now.)

Giovanni's healing revives Eclip's life energy, and bodily health (55+35=90).

Unfortunately, due to Artan's size he's almost as easy as hitting a side of a barn for energy attacks, and the great cat takes Esco's barrage of sneaky fire attacks. The pain and fire is overcomes the Tiger causing it to succumb to unconsciousness and is near death. Collapsing upon his latest kill.

(Artan 74-26-15-19-24=-10 {temp con is 14})

Thanks to Giovanni's timely healing, Artan isn't down long as the healing magic renews his life force and body. (-10+36=26) Rubbing Artan's black and orange fur, Eclip encourages his companion to getup and attack again. While doing so, the druid uses his natural magic to increase Artan's size, strength and vitality (Animal Growth: Huge 15size, 10ft reach, +8str, +4con {+22hp}, -2dex, +2nat ac

At Eclip's direction, Artan leaps up and charges the flying glowing Esco {if still invisible, Artan counters with his scent } and attacks
(Charge {+2att & -2AC} /Pounce{get all attacks} w/bard +3 song & +4str adj
Bites hit ac 39, 40 dam 24; 24 +free Grapple 35
Claws hit ac 43, 31 dam 21+6shock, 18+2fire; +free Grapple 32, 31
Rakes hit ac 34, 36 dam 17,21 )

(Artan's current CMD is 35)

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: *+&2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm,
4Lev 5x DC21: *Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: *Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260m, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr), Barkskin extended (pre battle, 260m, +5ac), Air walk (1r, 130min)
(note to self add delay poison to Artan as daily prep spell).

DM Post_Jeff 
Friday April 8th, 2011 2:33:59 PM

Quick note on the demons movement:
I made a judgement call on all of your movement last round, because I felt you'd probably want to back away from the cloudkill spell. Likewise, I backed up the demons, though in retrospect they're immune to poison so likely they wouldn't have moved.

Anyhow, I'll give the demon the AOO, though frankly the Iron Golem's actions probably would have been slightly different if the demon didn't move (I won't change the Golem's action because it would require substantial revision of my last post).

However, something to keep in mind is that DMs are often in a position where we either follow what you post exactly, or we add a little of our own judgement to what you post. DMs also want to minimize revisionist history in our posts because it makes for bad "roll" playing... as such, in the future I may avoid making DM judgement calls on your actions (like the one I made in my last post where I backed you all up to keep you out of the cloudkill spell), so I can minimize the revisionist history.

Not trying to ruffle any feathers with this post. I just want to have an agreed upon method as a group... DM judgement or literal interpretation? If the answer is the former then quite often we need to accept my judgement even if it's flawed and try to minimize the revisionist history.

Personally, I'm cool with it either way. Let me know what you think, hopefully in a less wordy fashion than I have in this post.

P.S> Friday!!!

DM Post_Jeff  d20+5=10 ; d3=2 ; d20+5=12 ; d20+5=22 ; d20+5=20 ; d8=3 ; d8=2 ; d8=6 ; d20+28=46 ; d20+28=44 ; 2d10+16=26 ; d3=2 ; 2d10+16=28 ;
Friday April 8th, 2011 3:30:00 PM

OOC- I gave the AOO to the demons on Esco, and the AOO on the Golem (threat didn't confirm).
OOC2- Make sure you roll your fort saves for the Golem's poison (see effects from last round).

The heroic rise and charge of Artan completely unnerved Esco. He backpeddled, began to fall, and then tossed his arms in the air and yelled "I SURRENDER!" Less than a second later Artan slammed Esco to the ground with one fling of his jaw.

"I KNOW THINGS!" Esco called in desperation as Artan's claws sunk in and unconsciousness stole Esco's words.

With Esco's potential final words echoing in the alleyway the rest of you took action. Gilin successfully dispelled the cloudkill spell. Gio continued to sing. Larien and his demons continued to attack, scoring multiple hits with weapons and spells.

With the cloudkill spell now gone, a new threat became apparent; a second Iron Golem. The massive creature seemed eager to join in the battle, but was unable to reach past the sheer bulk of the first Golem.
At the same time the first Golem swung both of its fists, and landed solid blows on demon #1 and #2. (both hits; demon #1 takes 26 damage; demon #2 takes 28 damage; acid- Golem saved)

Summary: Effects against you
1) Demon #1- (I put a white circle around him)- 88 damage
2) Demon #2- 28 damage
3) Demon #3- 0
4) Larien, Pathos, Gio and T'Shalla- don't forget poison save from last round... also second poison this round- Fort save 19; frequency 1/round , 3 Con damage, cure 2 saves required).

Summary: Effects against enemy
Caster (south)- DOWN
Caster (east)- DOWN
Esco- DOWN
Iron Golem #1- 65 damage
Iron Golem #2- 0 damage

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Friday April 8th, 2011 4:37:16 PM

Jeff, normally I'm fine with DM interpretation. It only became a problem last round because you didn't give us access to the map until halfway through the posting period, and you didn't give us any extra time to compensate. Real life being what it is, I can't always change my posting availability when something like that happens. It worked out fine -- I made my retroactive actions as best I could, pointed out the issues I saw with movement and AoO's, and left it to you to adjudicate the details. I'm totally fine with that approach. Thanks.

I do have a question about damage. Larien and the demons did 1+2+7+27+20+5=62 damage to the golem, not counting any acid damage for the golem touching the demons. Based on your rolls it looks like the golem failed two saves and took an addition 3+2=5 damage, for 67 damage total. But the summary says 65 damage. Could you clarify?

Lastly, do we have a new map this round? Folks have moved since last round, and I'd like to know where everyone is.

Larien shrugs off the effects of the poison gas-breath without missing a beat. (Fort mod +18; auto-success with a minimum roll of 19. However, per my last post, Larien would not have held her ground -- being a wizard an all -- so it's really a moot issue.).

Demon 1 dies from his wounds. Larien whispers to the group, "I don't have enough useful magic to kill two Iron Golems. So we better come up for a plan to deal with the 2nd one toot sweet!"

Holding movements/actions pending new map.

DM Post_Jeff  d20+5=9 ; d8=8 ;
Friday April 8th, 2011 4:56:44 PM

I appreciate the explanation. I'll continue to try to make the best interpretations that I can. I'll also try to give you more time if there is a technical problem with a map... yesterday I could only post in the afternoon, so I didn't wait.

Regarding the poison, the golem has hit four times, and managed to save 2/3 times. I missed the 4th so I rolled it here... failed. So it's taken acid damage twice for 3+8 = 11 damage. So the correct damage is:


Note: the other d8 dice I rolled were a mistake. Only meant to hit the button once.

Map: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B53obWePMipmZjU1MmVkOWItNzlhMS00ZmY0LWE0YTctNWEwYzY5YmJiMmZl&hl=en

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF (60con(-6)86/115HP  d20+8=16 ; d8=3 ; d8=5 ; d8=6 ; d8=5 ;
Friday April 8th, 2011 8:24:07 PM

Gio made his first poison save with a 22

Lingering effects of the Golems breath caught Gio by surprise--having thought he had gotten out of it quick enough, the spry halfling began an uncontrollable fit of coughing, blood lacing the phlegm spewing from his hacking. Continuing down the alley (now 6 squares left of A6), Gio called back, "There's nothing I can do against the Golems." Then he invoked the spell of critical healing once more, and sent his Spectral Hand out to further heal Artan.

+32Hp to Artan

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+17=19 ; d20+17=30 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+7=25 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=8 ;
Friday April 8th, 2011 9:05:10 PM

T'Shalla keeps attacking the iron golem, with a flurry of blows, unless they are having no affect, the poison not affecting her due to her immunity to poison from her training.

attk1: tohit: 19, dam: 8
attk2: tohit: 30, dam: 8
attk3: tohit: 15, dam: 8
attk4: tohit: 13, dam: 4
attk5: tohit: 25, dam: 8

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,27hp)  d20+10=13 ; d20+10=18 ;
Saturday April 9th, 2011 3:48:25 PM

Fort roll DC 13, hero point reroll DC 18, fail again. Pathos is down to 1 con. He's outta here. And I forgot to roll based on his reduced con

Pathos is no longer interested in golems, demons, traitors, songs or even sartorial elegance. The next breath is the best he can manage as he crawls away down the alley. If there's a doorway he'll huddle for shelter.

(I have no idea what his hitpoints are, but I would expect something in the teens at -5 per dice)

Eclip (AC30, hp100/90) & Artan (AC34* touch 12ac, hp102/80) *barkskin,Growth & charge CharSheet Pathfinder 
Saturday April 9th, 2011 5:24:56 PM

Artan is starting to look better after Gio's additional healing. The druid nod's his thanks.

Looking to see if Esco is dead or just mortally wounded, Eclip comments "Too bad, he was a likeable fellow, but diffidently not a cat person." The druid keeps Artan in the air above the iron golems attacks and their breath weapon as he calls down to the others "Don't try fight the golem, if you can get up here out of there range. I'll summon an earth elemental to fight it, but I don't think it will last long. What's magic is good to hit them with anyway?" Eclip begins casting a summon nature spell using the energy from his transport via plant spell. The spell casting takes a while to cast, but once it is done a Huge Earth Elemental will appear behind the second golem at the beginning of next round.

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: *+&2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm
4Lev 5x DC21: *Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: *Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: *Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: *Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260m, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr), Barkskin extended (pre battle, 260m, +5ac), Air walk (1r, 130min)
(note to self add delay poison to Artan as daily prep spell).

Eclip (AC30, hp100/90) & Artan (AC34* touch 12ac, hp102/80) *barkskin,Growth & charge CharSheet Pathfinder 
Saturday April 9th, 2011 7:57:54 PM

(ooc: T'Shalla - don't forget you have the has a Eberyon's tear of shocking (ie Electrical damage ) and a Eberyon's tear of frost.)

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+15=22 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+10=23 ; d8+10=13 ; 2d4=6 ;
Saturday April 9th, 2011 11:45:26 PM

OOC - The map is wrong. T'Shalla did not fall back (for one thing, she's still attacking the golem).

Todd are you adding the +3 to hit and the +3 for damage to your attacks (from Gio's bard song)? In addition to the Eberyon's tears that Glenn mentioned?

Also, the demons get 10DR per hit, which changes their damage-taken numbers to:
Demon #1- 78 damage (still dead)
Demon #2- 18 damage

Larien has the remaining demon's slide down 5 ft each to C2 and C3, as T'Shalla continues to block the first golem's forward progress. The demons continue to stab at the golem, but they can't seem to do further damage. The wizardess activates her winged boots and she and her eight duplicates fly 25 ft straight up into the air (auto success on DC20 Fly check).

As Larien does this, she whispers via Message to the group. "Eclip, stabilize Esco if possible. Pathos, fly up to Esco and guard him if he's still alive." (Once Pathos gets there, you can ready a blow to knock him out again if he starts to wake up.) Continuing she says, "T'Shalla, hold your ground as long as you can. We just need to slow the golem down while the acid works on it."

Attacks 1 (+12+3=15) vs Golem
Demon 2: Hit AC22 - miss
Demon 3: Hit AC24 - miss

Attacks 2 (+7+3=10) vs Golem
Demon 2: Hit AC29 - 13 damage - 15 DR = 0 damage
Demon 3: Hit AC23 - miss

Larien's Acid Arrow - 6 damage - round 3 of 10 (the golem has now taken 79 damage).

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 61/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet) 
Sunday April 10th, 2011 3:01:15 PM

Gilin casts Fly on himself and launches himself 30ft straight up into the air. (Fly +25, auto success)

DM Post_Jeff  d20+28=29 ; d20+28=33 ; 2d10+16=29 ;
Monday April 11th, 2011 2:35:18 PM

OOC- Not sure I'd say the map is wrong... T'Shalla didn't post last turn, so I made a judgement call about her movement. In any case, I'll revise the map and say that she didn't move and give her full attacks this round. That being said, the Golem might have acted differently had T'Shalla not retreated, but I won't revise that action. However in the future I'd really like to minimize the amount of revisionist history because it wastes time and kills the storyline.

Gilin cast fly on himself and took off, finishing his turn 30 feet in the air.

Larien's acid continues to burn.

Eclip summons a massive earth elemental that appears behind the second Golem.

Pathos makes a crawling retreat away from the Golems.

T'Shalla holds her ground and connects with one blow. However, it seems to have no effect on the Golem (8 damage -- 15 DR/adamantine = 0).

Gio moves to a safer location and heals Artan again.

Demons attack but the blows are turned aside by the massive Golem.

Meanwhile the first Golem continued to attack the wounded Demon, missing badly with his first attack but connecting solidly with his second (33; 29 damage -- 10 = 19). The second golem tried to advance but couldn't because the way was blocked by his remaining ally.

Golem #1- 79
Demon #1- Dead
Demon#2- 37
Demon #3- 0

MAP: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B53obWePMipmZmJmZTlmNGItMWE1Ni00OGEwLWE5NGUtYzUwODhhYTA0NWI1&hl=en

Pathos Pathfinder (AC23,27hp) 
Monday April 11th, 2011 3:44:47 PM

Fly? Fly! What's the point, I can't even breathe. I can't sing, can't dance, can't act. I'm a complete waste of space.

Pathos rummages in his pockets for a harmonica to really get the blues, when his hand clunks against a potion.

Neutralise poison it says on the label (gods bless the catacombs). He can't remember buying it, perhaps one of the guys asked him to carry it. (I can't emember either; I was looking on my character sheet for where I keep my hero points)

He glugs it down gratefully, (Unfortunately, I have no idea how effective it will be. The spell description seems to say that it does not repair any damage already done)

The dose clears his head of the vapours and he understands the advice just given.

"Up, up and away!" and he takes off straight up. More blue sky than blues

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP)  d20+15=19 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+10=18 ; d8+10=15 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d4=4 ; d6=2 ;
Monday April 11th, 2011 8:54:48 PM

OOC to DM: Just a reminder that Larien flew 25 ft in the air. Also, please roll the golem's Reflex DC18 save to avoid 1d8 acid damage for hitting demon #2.

Larien whispers via message, "T'Shalla, slide over (to C4) so the demon can take your spot."

Once T'Shalla does this, Larien has demon #2 move 5 ft up and over (to D1) while demon #3 moves 5 ft to T'Shalla's vacated spot (to D4), and they continue to jab at the golem. The wizardess then moves closer to the golems (C2) and Channels Energy to heal 2 HP of damage for demon #2, Gilin, and maybe Eclip & Artan (unless the latter two have total cover from Larien's position).


Note that Channel Energy (a benefit Larien has as a 1st level Cleric) works in a 30 ft burst from the caster, affecting only living creatures (i.e., not golems). It does not work around corners, thus creatures with total cover to the caster (such as Esco on the roof, if he is unconscious rather than dead) are not affected.

Demon#2 is now down only 35 HP.

Attacks 1 (+12+3=15) vs Golem
Demon 2: Hit AC19 - miss
Demon 3: Hit AC33 - hit for 15 damage + 6 damage (flank/sneak attack) - 15 DR = 6 damage

Attacks 2 (+7+3=10) vs Golem
Demon 2: Hit AC24 - miss
Demon 3: Hit AC18 - miss

Larien's Acid Arrow - 4 damage - round 4 of 10 (the golem has now taken at least 89 damage).

Giovanni Thornhill 27AC/18T/21FF (60con(-6)86/115HP  d20+18=29 ; d6+12=18 ; d6=5 ;
Monday April 11th, 2011 10:08:14 PM

Continuing to inspire courage in his fellows, Gio moves 5ft back towards the golem putting him into point blank range--loads his halfling staff as he moves, then unleashes an arcane strike with the staff's bullet that strikes the monster solidly.

Attack vs Golem1: +17base; +3bardsong;-3deadlyaim;+1pointblank: Hit AC29
Damage: +3bard;+3ArcaneStrike;+6deadlyaim;+1pointblank;-1str: 18 - 15dr = 3 damage
Shock (electrical) damage: 5

T'Shalla (AC: 32 / HP: 99/99) CharSheet  d20+13=30 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+3=19 ; 2d6+3=6 ; d6=6 ;
Monday April 11th, 2011 11:33:55 PM

T'Shalla moves to C4, and does another flurry of blows against it, managing to hit only once.

attk1: tohit: 30, dam: 6 + 6 (electrical dam) = 12, didn't get past the DR.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 61/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet) 
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 12:35:22 AM

Todd, the Electrical damage (like all energy damage) is separate, and is not reduced by a monster's DR. While T'Shalla's fist doesn't do enough damage to penetrate the DR, the Golem will take the full Electrical damage and be Slowed.

Gilin Underlane (AC24/Touch 13/FF 20 | HP 61/66 (-4 Con)) (PF Sheet)  d20+10=14 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 3:00:47 AM

Gilin flies forward to hover over E2. He casts Disintegrate at the feet of the rear Golem, disintegrating a 10' cube of ground below its feet, essentially creating a 10x10x10 pit trap.

Attack: Disintegrate
To Hit Touch: 14 (I think it's AC5 to hit a specific map square. I'm contending with shooting around the Golem, but the Golem's own touch AC is only 8... even if you added them together I should hit the ground with no troubles)

This spell should vanish all of the dirt, rock, and cobblestone, water, etc beneath the Golem's feet. Any living matter, like plants or worms or what have you, will not be affected by the Disintegrate spell, but would be affected by gravity and fall to the bottom of the new hole. The Golem will take 1d6 falling damage, but that will be absorbed by its DR, so it will not take damage and fall prone, it will simply be in a hole approximately the same size as it is.

Larien (AC 28/19T/21FF, HP [-2 Con = 128/128] 141/141 + 11/11 Temp HP) 
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 3:33:56 AM

Just to clarify Larien's move, she's still 25 ft in the air, but has moved over square C2.

Eclip (AC30, hp100/90) & Artan (AC34* touch 12ac, hp102/99) *barkskin,Growth & charge CharSheet Pathfinder  d20+19=32 ; d20+19=37 ; 2d8+17=26 ; 2d8+17=26 ; d8=4 ; d8=6 ; d8=1 ; d8=3 ; d20+25=26 ; d20+25=44 ; 2d6+22=26 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+23=38 ; d6+20=22 ; d6+20=25 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+23=26 ; d6+20=21 ; d6+20=25 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 9:48:26 AM

Seeing that Pathos has manage to save himself, Eclip is free to concentrate on the golems.

The first huge earth elemental appears flanking the second Iron Golem, and being an elemental it is immune to all poison. The Elemental attacks the Iron foe using it full power attack(-2,+4), Earth mastery(+1), and even inspired by Giovanni's music(+3) (att Golem#2 2x Slams hit AC 32, 37 dam 26-15dr=11, 26-15dr=11 total=22)

Huge Earth Elemental

Eclip still mounted heals more wounds on Artan (cure mod 9+10=19), and directs Artan to pounce from above on to the first Iron Golem using full power attack, the huge cat descends upon the foe (w/bard{+3}, enlarged{ +4str adj}, charge{+2att&-2AC}, Power attack {-2att, +4 dam}
Bite hit ac 26 {miss}, 44 dam 26-15dr=11
Claws hit ac 37, 38 dam 22-15dr=7+3fire, 25-15dr=10+1shock
Rakes hit ac 43{crit hit 43}, 26{miss] dam 21+25-15dr=31 total 69+3fire+1shock)

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast, & used pearl of power(3-1st, 2-2nd), +Exteneded, Lesser(6)
0Lev 6x DC17: Create water, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC18: Cure Light, *&Longstrider, Pass without Trace, Produce Flames, speak with Animal, Entangle
2Lev 6x DC19: *+&2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Reduce Animal, Warp Wood
3Lev 5x DC20: **+2xG. Magic Fang, *Cure moderate Wounds, Sleet Storm
4Lev 5x DC21: *Air Walk, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, 2xCure Serious Wounds
5Lev 4x DC22: *Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, *Cure Critical Wounds,
6Lev 3x DC23: *Transport via Plants, Wall of stone, Mass Cure Light Wounds
7Lev 1x DC24: *Fire Storm
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Larien: Extended Barkskin (8am, 260m, +5ac)
Eclip: Longstrider (8am, 13hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (8am, 26hr, +1 all att), G.Magic Fang (8am, 26hr, +3 bite), Longstrider (8am, 13hr), Barkskin extended (pre battle, 260m, +5ac), Air walk (1r, 130min), Animal Enlarge

DM Post_Jeff  d20+5=17 ; d8=2 ; d20+28=43 ; d3=3 ; d20+28=43 ; 2d10+16=32 ; 2d10+16=27 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 3:51:53 PM

OOC: Golem took 2 damage last round from the acid.

Pathos glugs down a potion and instantly feels as if his poisoned condition has bottomed out.

Larien channels energy and heals the demon and Gillin (2 HP). Meanwhile the Demons continue to attack and manage to score one hit.

Gio inspires the group with his song and scores a solid hit with his sling staff. Suddenly, the golem's movement slows.

T'Shalla continues to keep the golem busy with flurry of blows. The blows don't do much, but the electricity does.

Gilin makes a "golem in the hole" by blasting the ground with a disintegrate spell.

Eclip's massive elemental begins pounding on the smaller golem. Meanwhile Eclip heals Artan, and directs his mount to attack the first golem. Artan savagely claws and rakes large chunks of iron from the golem. Finally, the construct stops moving.

The remaining golem continues to fight, focusing its attacks on the nearby elemental. Both of the golem's attacks hit solidly (first strike: 32 dam -- 5 DR = 27; second strike: 27 dam- 5 DR = 22; total = 49)

Golem #1- Down
Golem #2- 22
Demon #1- Down
Demon #2- 35
Demon #3- 0
Elemental- 49

Map: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B53obWePMipmYjIxYTc5MGQtMTkxZC00ZTE2LTkxZjctZGRmZmQ0NTFjYzll&hl=en

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