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Giovanni AC25(27p)/15(17p)T/21(23p)FF HP77/77 *MESSAGE*EXP RETREAT(49)*-- Blinky AC23(25p)/15(17p)T/19(21p)FF HP48/48 *MESSAGE* 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 2:37:01 PM

House Mylyl? What the deuce is going on here, why does it seem she's wrested control of the council and of this city, Gio thought to himself. Stepping forward, Gio also states, "Aye, please inform the council we have returned and have important information of the Crying Woods."

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 6:00:38 PM

T'Shalla snickers a little to Pathos, "You do need a comb, your hair is a mess indeed."

ADM Andy - It'lal at last 
Tuesday July 6th, 2010 9:43:44 PM

Out of the darkness, a sharp voice cuts the shouts of the guards short. "Stand down! By the Gods, didn't you notice the griffon and large bear?" A powerfully built drow of perhaps middle age moves forward, and the guards deferentially fall back slightly. As he nears, some of you recognize him as an officer of the home guard from House Bralfah. When he stops before you he gives a crisp salute.

"Apologies Shadow Guardians, we didn't know you were arriving tonight, otherwise this lot wouldn't be quite so jumpy. Half of them are trainees." The man's eyes scan the group, pausing slightly at the dead hobgoblin, Gilin and Y'lara, but he makes no comment. "Anyway, it's good to have you back." Motioning to one the guards, a young woman dashes to his side. "Alert the Council that the Shadow Guardians have returned." Instantly, the guard races off.

Turning back to the group, the officer continues. "The Council has standing orders for you to proceed directly to the Council chambers upon your return, but it sounds like that's already your intention. Is there anything I can assist you with? I'd offer an escort, but I don't expect you need it." He adds the last line with a smile, and waits for any orders.

Giovanni AC25(27p)/15(17p)T/21(23p)FF HP77/77 *MESSAGE*EXP RETREAT(49)*-- Blinky AC23(25p)/15(17p)T/19(21p)FF HP48/48 *MESSAGE*  d20+28=33 ;
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 2:40:55 AM

"No apologies needed, sir. Vigilance in the service of It'lal supercedes any formalities of decorum--and it makes me feel safer knowing such men guard my home. So thank you, sir."

Diplomacy 33

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 8:39:56 AM

Gilin waves off the guards' diligence as only their job, and goes along with the group to see the Council, taking in the sights as he goes.

Eclip (ac27*, hp 89) and Artan (ac27*, hp*83) *G.Fang,FoM,barkskin CharSheet 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 9:24:16 AM

Eclip nods to the Bralfah officer , "The decision to return, didn't allow time to send a message first, so your guard's challenge was appropriate. Keep up the good work! Also, Gilin and Y'lara are to be considered as Shadow Guardian until further notice."

Eclip heads off with the other Shadow Guardians to face the council. The druid uses the drow magic of prestidigitation to clean and make presentable both Artan and himself. Meanwhile, Eclip looks around to see what has changed in It'lal over the past month or two that they have been gone.

(Ooc: Andy, your doing a great job as DM! Keep up the good work. Everyone: I still need a sub for Eclip for next week any takers?)

Y'lara (AC 25, HP 59) *Haste* 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 1:21:50 PM

Y'lara watches the guards' reactions to the Shadow Guardians in something close to amazement. Her brother had told her that Larien was doing something big, but she had never realized exactly what that meant. Seeing the deference given to the group, Y'lara was beginning to understand.

Following the rest of the group, Y'lara kept her eyes open and looking around with a new understanding.

Pathos (AC23,54hp) 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 6:36:08 PM

"The old home town looks the same as I step along in the rain
and there to meet me is my Mama and Papa.
Down the road I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly.
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home."

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 9:04:31 PM

T'Shalla gives a little chuckle and replies, "I guess that is why there was no fan-fare waiting for our arrival? I'm sure that is a let down for Gio and Pathos! They are always looking for attention." smirking at them, "Perhaps it is Pathos hair that is making the guards so jumpy." with another snicker.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 11:31:12 PM

Sesha stays quiet, ignoring the guards for the large part. Most of them probably wouldn't recognize her if not for her clothing which marked her as "that drow raised by barbarians.", and even that she had a feeling would change before she left the city this time around. The leadership had made quite clear their disapproval of her tenacity in clinging to her roots that were non-drow.

Which coincidently, was pretty much all of them.

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59) 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 2:55:08 AM

Nodding her thanks to the officer, Larien suppresses a laugh at T'Shalla's jibes as she moves off with the group. Following Eclip's example, she uses Prestidigitation to tidy herself, Grif, and those around her who don't think to do likewise.

ADM Andy - It'lal at last 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 4:48:22 AM

The officer acknowledges the words of Gio and Eclip with a short "Thank you sirs", but you can tell he is pleased. As the group moves off, you can hear him rounding up the men and women of his command, instructing them on how they might handle such an encounter more deftly next time.

Moving down the main road toward the Council's meeting hall, you can see that construction and cultivation has proceeded steadily in your absence. With the influx of residents halted after the closing of the Dradah Delmah gate, you do not notice tremendous growth, but what is newly built seems to be well planned and designed. It also appears that additional watch posts and defensive positions have been established too. Gilin, seeing it all for the first time, is struck by the remarkable mix of ancient and new bended together -- the roadway they walk on and the adjacent aqueduct are small marvels given their obvious age.

Most of the residents you encounter greet you warmly, some just smiling and waving, others giving a cheer or even coming up to shake the hand of some of the veteran Shadow Guardian's. Traffic seems a little light for this time of the evening, but the sounds from the nearby taverns tell you that life goes on much as before.

As you near the Council's chambers, the female guard who was sent ahead reappears. She motions to one side. "If you like, accommodations are available for your larger animal friends while you meet with the Council." Once those tasks are settled, the guard takes you into an anti-chamber leading to the main room, and says simply, "They're ready for you." She then departs the way you came.

Stepping through the double doors, you immediately see the three Matriarchs seated behind a large curved wooden table of exquisite quality. Lady Larvanya Bralfah, Matriarch of House Bralfah and leader of the Council; Lady Yasume Mylyl, Matriarch of House Mylyl; and Lady Athena Bancurpi, Matriarch of House Bancurpi. A number of servants, advisers and other hangers-on are buzzing around, but with your entrance, the chatter dies, and by the time you reach the center of the room, virtually all of the retainers have departed through side doors.

Smiling, Lady Larvanya, speaks. "Greetings Shadow Guardians. Your safe return is most welcome. No doubt you are tired from your journeys, but we are eager to hear what news you bring since you left the Float. We will not keep you overlong." She then looks directly at Y'lara and feigns bemused surprise. "And if I'm not mistaken you are joined by Y'lara Bancurpi. I rather suspect that will be a story all its own." The Matriarch then sits back, clearly inviting you to make your reports.

Eclip (ac27*, hp 89) and Artan (ac27*, hp*83) *G.Fang,FoM,barkskin CharSheet 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 10:31:17 AM

Eclip accepts the guard's offer for Artan, knowing how the bear isn't fond of formal meetings.

Upon entering the Council room, the druid bows to the three House Matriarchs. When asked for news, Eclp glaces to his fellow Shadow Guardians, before steeping forward,

"Matriarchs, As you know we left the float when word reached us that Hoary Belinda was kidnapped by the Green. The lake upon which the Float sits has a incursion of saltwater creatures, one of which a krakan nearly ended our journey before it started, but we managed to drive it off.

Inspecting what was left of Hoary Belinda's home we found clues that the Greens had captured her and information about a place called the Serpent's Maw. We joined our reptilian allies, who are not all as defenseless as we first thought. We learned there are several races of reptilians and not all are under the clawed foot of the Green. Unfortunately, an attack on the village by some type of plant controlled reptilians, caused us to become cut off from our allies.

Perseverance on, we made for the Serpent's Maw. We were delayed by an odd silence valley and pool of water, but we did make it to the Serpent's Maw. Due to Y'lara's earlier encounter while scouting the woods we had reason to believe Hoary Belinda was being held inside and proceed to rescue her. Haven taken out the plant/ape and treants guarding the cave we discovered it was not as appears, but some entrance to an army of snake people about to make war on the Green and Crying woods. It seems our entrance triggered the larger battle. We managed to fight our way out from between the two armies, with only one casualty of ours which was Sesha. We did manage to kill, the adult Green who attacked up outside the float, she was still seeking vengeance on us.

We did find Hoary Belinda being held in a wagon near by and freed her. It was she who called upon Gargul to restore Sesha to life. It was after meeting Gargul that we chose to return home.

The hobgoblin body brought with us is a fellow captive of Belinda who died. He was the chief of a local tribe. Belinda believes his death may enable the more violent faction of the tribe to take control, and become a threat to It'lal.

I'm sure the others have more details to fill in. "

Pathos (AC23,54hp) 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 4:55:20 PM

"Tell them about how Sesha turned herself into a troll! That was totally awesome! "

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 6:05:33 PM

Sesha frowned when her name was mentioned. Attention from these women she did not want. Matrons had a much different way of doing things than the witch-women and shamans of the plains tribes.

That they were generally spellcasting women with powerful egos was pretty much where the similarties ended. Still...

Sesha patted the leather on her skirts, more to buy time before she spoke than for any other reasons.


Sesha frowned. Something struck her suddenly. In her village, before she left, she and her teacher were the same status as these women. Leadership by right of power rather than right of blood, but still leadership. And now she was bestowing honorifics upon these women before her. Granted, to them she was likely viewed as a child by age, and that much of it was true. Still, the notion of deference bothered her.


It's true I spent some time in the guise of a troll. My powers and training allow much more control over my physical self than even the most powerful mages. My death was .. uncomfortable.. but my time detatched from this world and with the spirits of the wold was wisening. My death itself was humbling. I have not met such adversity before. The raiding of one tribe upon the Ga'alin is little to weigh against these dragons. I suspect I shall require more training.

I have a request, if I might make it. I would like a book of the creatures of the Underdark from which those with blood like mine made their history. I should like to study as well with a Conjurer, should one be here. The more shapes known to me the more use I will have to the shadow guardians.

Lastly.. the woldsblood has shifted... it's power is richer. There is much more available to shamans and witches like myself. It is unimportant to any but us, but I felt I should tell you. It feels like something large is on the horizon. "

She defers her eyes from the Matriarchs, hiding her eyes behind her snow white hair. She sneaks a sideways glance at Larien, to see if she handled the situation adequately.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 7:43:15 PM

T'Shalla inclines her head to the matriarchs, having nothing to really add to what Eclip has mentioned already, waiting quietly.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Thursday July 8th, 2010 8:17:53 PM

Gilin, being led into the presence of the council of Matriarchs, barely resists the urge to genuflect when he realizes nobody else is on their knees, even the other men. Having grown up in a more... traditional drow settlement Below, sinking to one's knees in the Presence is a deeply-ingrained reflex.

After Sesha finishes speaking, he instead gives a courtly bow, in a manner more similar to the customs he learned during his time in Hook City. "Honored Matriarchs, I am Gilin Underlane, a Spellweaver who chanced to join with the Shadow Guardians upon their journeys. You might say I was 'recruited' by Gaerin Bralfah, when his time on this plane ended and he went to the Lands of Rest."

"The manner of his passing is not really known to me, I had talks with him for a mere few days, but he told me about It'Lal, and what you are trying to build here, and it warmed my heart to know that not all of my father's people were like my father. I am but half-drow, my mother was a human slave woman, and my father was a cruel taskmaster. There were no sorcerors in my father's House, and when the Matriarch's wizards were unable to train me in their way, they became afraid of me, mistreating me, if such a thing means anything to a slave who is already treated badly, and calling me demon-spawn."

"It does me great good to see that the people here are not people who live in fear and superstition, but in hope and unity, to rebuild something which was lost."

His smile turned to a stone-cold serious look as he took a breath to begin the next part. [b]"I too have lost something precious and would like it found. The Shadow Guardians attempted to resurrect Gaerin Bralfah, and he interceded with Gargul to send me back instead. I perished not too long ago in the pursuit of my sister. I didn't know I even had a sister until a few years ago; my mother had smuggled me out of the Hall of my father and sent me north across the Sargrass to Hook City. I vowed that I would grow strong enough to come back and rescue her, but when I returned, there were no people left in the Halls of our House. I found my mother's grave in the low part of the catacombs there, though; with letters hastily scratched into a dirty wooden plaque; 'Mileena, the loving mother of Gilin and Reilara'. It must have been carved by one of her few friends, as none of the drow would have bothered marking the grave of a slave woman. I searched through the catacombs there from top to bottom and found no grave for Reilara."

"She is out there somewhere, Gargul says, and I intend to find her and see her safe and happy. I have little idea where to begin the search, though, so in the meantime I serve the Shadow Guardians, helping them do whatever needs to be done in whatever small ways I can."[b] he says, bowing once again, this time staying bowed to await their response and as apology for taking up so much of their time with his story.

Y'lara (AC 25, HP 59) *Haste* 
Friday July 9th, 2010 3:02:16 AM

Y'lara listens to the speakers and realizes she is expected to speak soon. Drawing her breath and the last bit of courage she has she steps forward a bit before beginning. She nods to her cousin and the other two matriarchs before she begins.

"There is not much to my tale. I have been living in the Crying Woods for some time now. I happened to chance upon the Shadow Guardians while out. Seeing Larien in the group, I went with them to try and help. They seen to have recruited me. The more I am with them, the more I begin to understand what they are trying to do."

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59) 
Friday July 9th, 2010 3:49:44 AM

Seeing Sesha catch her eye, Larien gives a subtle nod to reassure the witch that she struck just the right tone. The wizardess wonders again at the young drow's poise, although she gets the sense that Sesha is not particularly comfortable with these proceedings. But then again, who is?

Larien has little to add after the detailed reports of her companions. However she does hand the Council the map that the hobgoblin was carrying for their inspection. "It might be wise to preserve the chief's body magically. Should we find his tribe, they might be more inclined to parlay -- or at least not be outright hostile -- with such a gesture of respect for their former leader."

ADM Andy - It'lal at last 
Friday July 9th, 2010 5:30:44 AM

The Matriarchs listen intently to the reports of the Shadow Guardians, and all voice their satisfaction as to the group's accomplishments. "It is no small feat to have made allies with the Reptilians and aided them against the Woods and the Green, and in doing so, you have learned much that we did not know," says Lady Larvanya. "Far better that we face the dangers of this land with eyes open and prepare ourselves accordingly. As for the hobgoblin tribe, we will carefully scout the nearby areas immediately."

When Sesha finishes, Lady Yasume of House Mylyl speaks. Like most in House Mylyl, the Matriarch is still quite young, although not so young as Sesha to be sure. "I am sorry we did not meet before your departure Sesha. You were here for but a short time, and your assignment to the Shadow Guardians was abrupt. You honor our House with your bravery and insights. You have my leave to use the House library at your need, and I will arrange time for you to study and train with both divine and arcane conjurers. As for the shifting of the woldsblood, do you have a sense as to what the coming event might be?"

After Gilin's report, Lady Larvanya speaks again. "If Gaerin recruited you, then we are lucky indeed to have you. It'lal is a new beginning for all of us -- drow and non-drow alike. Regarding your sister, we have read the prior reports about this, and inquiries continue to be made, both here and through our channels at the Float and beyond. I will see to it that you are informed as soon as we get any leads."

Lady Athena greets Y'lara in a friendly, if somewhat reserved manner. "It is well that you are home Y'lara. I'm glad Larien has been a positive influence on you -- I was sorry to lose someone of your talent, and worried at times for your safety. Indeed, I know your mother would have been eager to see you, but she just left to assist Ambassador Firbral at the Floating City." It is difficult for Y'lara to tell if the Bancurpi Matriarch is just being solicitous, or if she has tried to make some indirect reference to the rift between Y'lara and her mother.

As the discussion winds down, the group learns that the truce with the kobolds has been holding, and that there has been no sign of Atrea, although steps have been taken to strengthen the guard and It'lal's defenses. What's more, the Catacombs has just opened a branch in It'lal, bringing new avenues of high-end trade.

Seeing that the Shadow Guardians are weary, and that the hour is growing late, Lady Larvanya raises her hand. "We will keep you no longer. Go rest in your own beds. General Kahlag will brief you further tomorrow afternoon, but the short of it is we'll be keeping you in It'lal for a while." And with that, the Matriarch's take their leave, and you are left to your own devices.

If you have any questions of the Matriarchs, ask them in your next post, and I'll handle them retroactively. Or you can hold them until you meet with General Kahlag. Post your actions for the rest of the evening and into the morning. Remember that the group has yet to fully evaluate the loot; you'll probably want to do that (and divide things up) before you visit the Catacombs.

Eclip (ac27*, hp 89) and Artan (ac27*, hp*83) *G.Fang,FoM,barkskin CharSheet 
Friday July 9th, 2010 9:36:42 AM

Eclip will take his leave, collect Artan and return to his druid cave on the backside of It'lal. Any Shadow Guardian's who have no place to stay are welcome stay there.

Artan is glade to return to the cave where he stretches out for a long nap.

In the morning, Eclip will help to evaluate the loot the best he can (ID potions, detect magic, He has 5x 100gp pearls. That the party can borrowed if needed to ID stuff.)

(ooc: No sub, but It is during adventure downtime. I will have a computer with me, and may get a post or two in during the week, but don't count on that.)

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Friday July 9th, 2010 7:30:52 PM

T'Shalla inclines her head again to the Matriarchs then exits and heads to the orphanage she and the order of monks she is with, have set up, and ensure everything is going well, before resting for the evening, and meeting up with the others in the morning so we can go through the loot.

ooc: will get my character sheet updated during the weekend, who should I send it to? You Andy?

Giovanni AC25(27p)/15(17p)T/21(23p)FF HP77/77 *MESSAGE*EXP RETREAT(49)*-- Blinky AC23(25p)/15(17p)T/19(21p)FF HP48/48 *MESSAGE* 
Saturday July 10th, 2010 12:26:29 AM

Gio remained quiet, his usually happy demeanor still changed since meeting Gargul face to face once more. Eclip had pretty much summed everything up neatly, it was really unnecessary for him to add anything else that could help. "Y'lara, Sesha, if you don't have a place to stay, you're more than welcome to stay at my Villa till you find more a more permanent residence."

Taking his leave of the Council, Gio headed back to his Villa. Knocking at the front door, he awaited Pidgeon's response after opening the small peephole in the door,

"Eh, who's der?"
"A wee little chicken looking for it's coop."
"Wha? Who... master?" Quickly the half-orc unbolted the door and flung it open. Upon looking down and seeing Gio, he scooped up the spry halfling--much to Gio's protests, and carried him inside calling out to the rest, "Master is home! Master is home! Prepare yourself for inspection!" Carrying Gio to the center of the courtyard, Pidgeon was soon joined by his wife, Dove. "Okay, thank you Pidg, you don't have to carry me in all the time." The half-orc complied, "Sorry master, me just so happy to see you." Pidgeon promptly picked Gio up again and gave him a spine numbing hug and then put him down again. Soon Gio's house attended to him, all 38 of them--a few of them, drow, he didn't recognize.

If anyone came with him, Gio introduces them at this point.

For the rest of the night, there is much singing, dancing, eating and Gio telling the story of his adventures. With 35 performers, there is much merriment--the voices and instrumental accompaniment of which carries across the lonely mountaintop, into some of the nearby homes and hearts of It'lal. Gio was glad to be home and gave each of his followers--his friends, a hug and in the end cried in thanks for their warm welcome.

Y'lara (AC 25, HP 59) 
Saturday July 10th, 2010 4:12:32 AM

The tiny knot of fear that Y'lara was hiding from the others, began to dissipate at her cousin's words. Her mother was gone from It'lal for the time being and it didn't sound like she would be returning any time soon. She ducks her head to try and hide the joy on her face from the Matriarchs.

"I am glad to be of service to the family in this manner. These people are doing amazing work and I am proud that they consider me one of them. I hope to bring honor, in some small way, to them and to you."

Just because the politics of her family was something she hated, didn't mean that she didn't know how to use it when necessary.

Turning to both Gio and Eclip, she thanks them for their offers of housing.

"Thank you both for your offers, but I believe I will go to my family's home. I have a brother there I very much wish to see. And I am sure my father and sister would like to see me as well."

Y'lara travels to her family home to see if she is welcome and gain news of the family and the few friends she has among the craftsmen and rangers.

Weekly Posting Report - ADM Andy 
Sunday July 11th, 2010 3:58:44 AM

Ust Delmah - Weekly Posting Report (June 28-July 4) - ADM Andy

Name - MTWTFSS -- Posting%

DM Jerry ) X X O O O O O
ADM Andy O O X X X O O
(5 DM posts total this week)

Y'lara (BW) -- O O O O O X X -- 40% (Sunday post was actually on Monday, before the next DM post)
Larien (Andy) -- X X 2 X O O X -- 100%
Gilin (Dai) -- X O O X O X X -- 80% (Sunday post was actually on Monday, before the next DM post)
Pathos (Dan) -- X X X X O O X -- 100% (Sunday post was actually on Monday, before the next DM post)
Eclip (Glenn) -- X X X X X O O -- 100%
Giovanni (Jim) -- O X 3 X X O X -- 100% (Sunday post was actually on Tuesday, before the next DM post)
Sesha (Ken) -- O X 2 O X O X -- 80% (Sunday post was actually on Monday, before the next DM post)
T'Shalla (Todd) -- X X X O X O O -- 80%

X = Posted once (number listed if multiple posts, follow ups, etc...)
O = Non-post or player on vacation (may include turns covered by other players)
E = Exempt from posting

ADMs Notable Player Posts -- The idea is to track and acknowledge really good/notable player posts, which should help the DMs tally and award hero points as appropriate. If you have other nominations from the last week or two, just e-mail me. Some posts are noted for other record keeping purposes, and will not be counted toward hero points.
* Eclip, July 8 -- Nice summary.
* Sesha & Gilin, July 8 -- Good job of weaving in your backgrounds/specialties into your reports.
* Gio, July 10 -- Funny scene with your followers.
* Y'lara, July 10 -- Good to see Y'lara beginning to find her footing in the group.

Summary: The Shadow Guardians finish saying their piece to Gargul, who then asks Sesha if she wants to return to life. She does, and Gargul then brings her back abruptly (and painfully) into the land of the living. It seems Gargul does not like witches. The group decides to return to It'lal that night, and after sharing a meal with Hoary Belinda and bidding her farewell, they activate their teleportation items/scrolls. Appearing in the gateway plaza, the Guardians are immediately challenged by guards wearing the insignia of House Mylyl.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Sunday July 11th, 2010 7:12:45 PM

After being dismissed, Gilin begins looking for a place to set up his house. He doesn't need anything fancy, but a parlor, a bedroom, and a workroom would be ideal. He had plans for something bigger, but for now, that would suit him best.

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59) 
Sunday July 11th, 2010 7:42:27 PM

Realizing that Sesha and Gilin may not have anyplace to stay, Larien mentions House Mylyl as an option. "We have a standing offer to use some of their rooms since we freed the young House Mylyl members from 2000 years of stasis under an evil Lich. Long story. Anyway, they have room to spare if you're not too choosy. I have my personal quarters there so I don't have to impose on my family or buy/rent anything. I even have enough space for a small magical research lab. Come along if you're interested."

If anyone wants to join her, Larien will bring them along as she collects Grif and takes him to his regular stall. After Grif is settled, she'll head to the Mylyl guest rooms, and inquire as to the availability of rooms for the new Shadow Guardians who are interested (if appropriate). Once accommodations are arranged, Larien will head off to her room for a well deserved night's sleep.

In the morning, Larien will join the others to review the loot, using detect magic as needed, and she begins to think about her long backlog of magical projects.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Sunday July 11th, 2010 7:58:43 PM

"Thank you, Larien. I really just need space to sleep and a workroom, so it sounds ideal." Gilin replied.

Pathos (AC23,54hp) 
Monday July 12th, 2010 2:21:29 AM

Pathos retires to his rooms at House Mylyl. He has a long bath; does some laundry (yech) and repairs.

Later, he goes out to the temple and the opera house. Before he left he had set up a choir, so he checks in on them.

ADM Andy - It'lal at last 
Monday July 12th, 2010 4:21:47 AM

The Shadow Guardians go their separate ways for the evening.

Eclip makes the long walk to his druid cave, and he and Artan bed down for the night.

T'Shalla stops by the orphanage (also located in House Mylyl), and although most of the children are already asleep, she takes the opportunity to speak with the supervising monks and to review the financials. As it turns out, the orphanage appears to be in excellent condition. Costs are down sharply due to the rent-free space and increased donations, and adoptions are up now that people in It'lal have become more settled. The monks assure T'Shalla that they have more than enough funds for the foreseeable future, and T'Shalla is well-pleased by what has been accomplished.

Gio greets his followers, and an all-night party ensues, with much eating, singing, playing and dancing (the sounds of which carry some distance). From the rumors alone, it's the talk of It'lal for several days.

Y'lara heads to her family's home in the Bancurpi district (on the 2nd level), where they are shocked -- but very pleased -- to see her. As Lady Athena inferred, Y'lara's mother teleported to the Floating City just a few days ago, and will be aiding the Ambassador and trade delegations for a few months at least. Y'lara's father considered joining her, but his own obligations and the temporary nature of the assignment made it impractical. They talk for several hours, mostly about what each of them has been doing. A few of her old friends (mainly craftsmen and rangers) have stayed in touch with the family, and will be glad for news of her.

Larien heads for her quarters in House Mylyl, and helps secure similar accommodations for Gilin. Pathos goes with them to his rooms as well, but later heads back out to check on his recently formed choir. Unfortunately, he realizes that the hour has gotten quite late, and he has to settle for just a brief chat with the choir master, who reports that things are going quite well, although he's having some trouble keeping the tenor/baritone slots filled.


In the morning, after everyone has eaten, the group gathers at House Mylyl since at least four of you reside there. All but Gio are well-rested. The halfling is very happy but fatigued, and due to the lack of sleep he's unable to ready any new spells today. House Mylyl provides a private meeting room for the group's use, and Lady Yasume even stops by briefly to welcome the Shadow Guardians home more personally. "I just wanted to thank you again for all your work on behalf of It'lal. In fact, I'll send a few of my wizards down in a little bit to Identify any of your new magic items. We can bear that cost far more easily than you, and we will receive the benefit from your future deeds, I am sure."

The group begins to spread out the items, separating magic from non-magic, identifying potions, checking armor and valuing gems, before calling in the Mylyl wizards to Identify what still remains unknown....

I'll pause there to let people catch up on any additional role-playing, to keep this post from getting too long, and to heighten the anticipation for the loot since I wasn't able to do a proper reveal before.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Monday July 12th, 2010 9:13:43 AM

Gilin asks to be present for the identification as he wishes to make a study of how it's done. Seeing the pearls that are needed for the spell, Gilin begins to think of a way to make the magic flow the same around a purely magical construct. He activates Detect Magic and watches very closely at what the wizards do.

Giovanni AC25(27p)/15(17p)T/21(23p)FF HP77/77 *MESSAGE*EXP RETREAT(49)*-- Blinky AC23(25p)/15(17p)T/19(21p)FF HP48/48 *MESSAGE* 
Monday July 12th, 2010 4:59:07 PM

Gio tried to maintain some semblance of decorum, but the music in his head and the wine flowing through his veins made it hard to manage. Saying nothing to Lady Yasume, but giving her a proper bow, Gio sat steadfastly in his seat lest it try to run away from him.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Monday July 12th, 2010 5:23:58 PM

T'Shalla says to Gio, "If anyone puts a candle or something infront of you when you exhale, we can call your firebreath." with a snicker.

Giovanni AC25(27p)/15(17p)T/21(23p)FF HP77/77 *MESSAGE*EXP RETREAT(49)*-- Blinky AC23(25p)/15(17p)T/19(21p)FF HP48/48 *MESSAGE* 
Monday July 12th, 2010 5:35:47 PM

Gio looks straight faced at T'shalla and says, "Gunga dew ball," then goes back to trying to stay awake.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Monday July 12th, 2010 8:16:10 PM

Sesha thanks Larien for the invitation, and is careful to pick up after herself regardless of what she is doing.

Aside from any chance meetings with the others, Sesha is somewhat of a recluse. Locked away with the cleric and wizards of the houses, she has them again and again summon all the magical creatures in their arsenal with a level of power similar to her shapeshifting limits.

The study is exhausting for both Sesha and those volunteers aiding her efforts. She could have volunteered to aid with the item identification, but House Mylyl kindly volunteered. Instead, Sesha concentrates fully on the summoned creatures of the drow, in order to learn their shapes for her own use... In time, she will move on to the recorded monsterology of the underdark.. but only one thing at a time.

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59) 
Monday July 12th, 2010 10:24:48 PM

Larien listens to Gio and T'Shalla, and puzzles a bit over what "Gunga dew ball" might mean. A lot of Gio's halfling slang sounds like drunken nonsense, but in this case it's particularly hard to know for sure.

Giovanni AC25(27p)/15(17p)T/21(23p)FF HP77/77 *MESSAGE*EXP RETREAT(49)*-- Blinky AC23(25p)/15(17p)T/19(21p)FF HP48/48 *MESSAGE* 
Monday July 12th, 2010 11:31:18 PM

Speaking to no one in particular, "Ya know what... exactly."

The All Powerful ADM Andy -- Fear Him!!! 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 2:11:24 AM

I take it Sesha isn't with the group identifying the loot? That's fine, I just want to be sure. Sesha can meet with the Mylyl spellcasters each day to see new monsters close up, but there is naturally a limit to how many summonings each caster may make, as they frequently have to reserve most of their spells for other duties, emergency defense, etc..., which slows the process considerably. Most of her days will still be free for other tasks.

As it turns out, only a handful of items need to be Identified, and the two Mylyl wizards quickly cast their spells, report their findings (with a look of amazement in the case of the stout and sturdy darkwood staff), and depart, leaving the group to consider some very large piles of booty.

Everyone please make Spot and Listen checks.

The loot summary is as follows.

From the silenced pond-area, you found:
Full plate armor w/ Faint Illusion; +2 Shadow armor (1,650gp+4,000gp+3,750gp = 9,400gp)
[Note that Y'lara wasn't with the group yet when this was recovered]

From the covered cart you found the following items stashed here and there with no particular identification:
1 potion of Jump (50gp)
1 potion of Fly (750gp)
1 potion of Gaseous Form (750gp)
1 oil of Keen Edge (750gp)
1 potion of Water Walk (750gp)

1 rod, Immovable (5,000gp)

1 arcane scroll of Mirror Image (150gp)
1 arcane scroll of Knock (150gp)
1 arcane scroll of Hold Person (375gp)
1 arcane scroll of Illusory Script (425gp)
1 arcane scroll of Stone Shape (700gp)
1 arcane scroll of Repel Vermin (1,000gp)
1 arcane scroll of Control Water (1,650gp)

1 divine scroll of Shatter (150gp)
1 divine scroll of Divine Power (700gp)
1 divine scroll of Freedom of Movement (700gp)
1 divine scroll of Liveoak (1,650gp)
1 divine scroll of Implosion (3,825gp)

1 staff, Size Alteration (29,000gp)

1 Silversheen (250gp)
1 Feather token, bird (300gp)
1 Feather token, tree (400gp)
1 Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000gp)
1 Candle of Truth (2500gp)

Gems: 22,330gp value
Coins: 6,450gp value

Sub-total 1 value: 82,755gp

Also from the covered cart, you found a large sack containing a number of potions, with a list inside detailing what the potions were. As it turns out, the list corresponds accurately with your own knowledge of what the potions actually are:
1 potion of Enlarge Person (250gp)
1 potion of Invisibility (300gp)
1 potion of Levitate (300gp)
1 potion of Spider Climb (300gp)
6 potions of Cure Serious Wounds (750gp each x 6 = 4,500gp)
1 potion of Gaseous Form (750gp)

Sub-total 2 value: 6,400gp (These items do not count toward your wealth values, they are a reward to the group from Jerry for quickly updating some of Ust Delmah's player/character info.)

Finally, and also from the covered cart, you found a number of items that appear to have come from the hobgoblin chieftain:
3 divine scrolls of Cure Serious Wounds (375gp each x 3 = 1,125gp)
+2 Leather Armor (5,160gp)
+2 Heavy, wooden Shield (5,157gp)
Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword (330gp)
2 Javelins of Lightening (1,500gp each x 2 = 3,000gp)
A non-magical scarab of office (worth 100gp to sell, but possibly worth more to the hobgoblins)
A crude map roughly indicating the areas the tribe has explored (currently in possession of the Council)
A few personal items of nominal value

Chief sub-total: 14,872gp

Grand total value: 9,400gp + 82,755gp + 6,400 + 14,872gp = 113,427gp

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33)  d20+12=15 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+8=10 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 2:38:43 AM

Listen: 15
Spot: 7

Spot: 10

(Wow, I don't think I could have rolled worse if I was actually TRYING to)

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59)  d20+3=20 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+16=27 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 3:22:53 AM

Larien does some mental calculations, and then lets out a long whistle. "That'll buy a lot of trail mix. Even if we keep a few items for the group, I should be able to make a few nice magic items. Assuming there's enough time...." She sighs wistfully at the thought of having enough time to make all her precious magic items. But the gleam in the wizardess' eyes is obvious even from across the room.


Listen -- Larien (20), Madeline (23)
Spot -- Larien (13), Madeline (27)
+2 on Larien's Listen & Spot checks if Madeline is w/in 5 feet; +3 on Larien's Spot checks in bright light if Madeline is w/in 1 mile (included).

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP48/48  d20+7=21 ; d20+8=20 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 4:39:23 AM

"Poppa needs a new pair of shoes," Gio says as he hears the large amount of wealth they've finally amassed--although in his travels he has heard of larger sums of treasure being earned for far less effort.

Spot 21
Listen 20

Pathos (AC23,60hp)  d20=13 ; d20+6=10 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 4:40:55 PM

Pathos' eyes go fuzzy and he sees a parade of stylish hats and shoes pass in front of him.

(spot 13
Listen 10)

"Maybe I could buy a trombone..."

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP48/48 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 4:54:51 PM

"I didn't know you could play a trombone, Pathos."

Y'lara (AC 25, HP 59)  d20+15=19 ; d20+15=22 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 5:21:56 PM

Y'lara watches wide eyed as the loot is sorted and identified. She wonders what the others will do with all the money they can get from it.


Spot 19
Listen 22

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP48/48 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 5:51:14 PM

"Say Y'lara, my offer still stands. If you need some help convincing your mother about your future, I can help. Well, just not right now that is."

Eclip (ac27*, hp 89) and Artan (ac27*, hp*83) *G.Fang,FoM,barkskin CharSheet  d20+13=24 ; d20+10=13 ;
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 7:56:38 PM

Eclip( spot: 24, listen: 13) watches the process of treasure and loot identification. He looks well rested after the night's sleep.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 8:55:06 PM

T'Shalla glances at the stuff though not much of it interest her, though knowing the others can find some use for the items.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 9:08:21 PM

Sesha finds time from her studies to be available when the loot is counted and the shares decided. The treasure is indeed impressive, and there are a few things she needs to avoid coming face to face with Gargul again.

" I have money still from my departure gift from the Ga'alin. With what this fetches, I have some ideas. "

Sesha is carrying a particularly large book under her arms, printed in common. The title is partially obscured, but the words "Wizard of ?Z.". The cover has detailed art of a witch in black leather trappings flying on a broomstick.

She looks down at her dusty tanned hide clothing and an eyebrow raises in thought.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Tuesday July 13th, 2010 11:17:08 PM

Gilin has an idea while watching the identification process, and goes off to his private rooms to research. "I'll be available if you need me, but please, knock first. There could be danger in my workroom if you don't."

In the room lit only by a candle in each corner, Gilin glances over his shoulder through the doorway at Sonia, who is sleeping hanging from a bit of moss on the ceiling. He smiles, and closes the door, then stands at the head of the room. On the other end of the room he puts a rock, and tries over and over to cast a spell at the rock with more magical power than necessary to make the spell work. He tries varying amounts, but notices no effect until he puts in more than twice as much as necessary. The rock that had been his target for the Scorching Ray went from merely blackened to scorched. Not what he'd been hoping for, but it was only a first attempt. He continued to work on adjusting it, making tweaks to the weave of the spell as he went. By the end of the day, he was exhausted, and slept a full eight hours even with his Ring of Sustenance on his finger.

Benevolent ADM Andy - Loot loot loot for the home team 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 3:25:04 AM

meant to provide a spoiler last post and forgot, so I'm going to move the action along slightly to make up for it.

As the Shadow Guardians start to discuss how to divide the loot, and what group items to keep/sell, Madeline cocks her head and makes a strange kee-eeeee-arr sound, and says a few more hawk-like things while looking directly at a modest sized and very worn box that sits empty on the table. It's maybe one feet tall and wide, and reinforced at the corners with metal. The wood was once very nice. Teak perhaps. The lid is already sitting on the table. Larien looks at the bird, and then the box, and says, "Madeline heard something like a chirp come from in there, but doesn't think it's a bird. I think I heard something too actually."

Both Gio and Y'lara agree they heard something, with Y'lara fairly sure it was indeed a chirp.

Benevolent ADM Andy - Loot loot loot for the home team 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 3:27:13 AM

Oh, please investigate however you see fit, and make any rolls that seem appropriate. :-)

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58  d20+24=39 ; d20+28=48 ; d20+2=10 ; d20+17=36 ;
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 3:33:12 AM

"Ya know," Gio said through bleary eyes, "I have a feeling something good is going to come our way." Gio then breaks out the lute and starts singing,

Just wanna know ya
Just wanna talk to ya
I wanna hear about your day
I'd never leave ya
Never be mean to ya
I'd always let you get your way

Something good will come our way
And maybe this good thing's gonna happen today


When he hears the chirp, he stops and takes a look in the box--his eyes wide open to see what it is.

"Hello? Hello in there..."

Diplomacy48 Nat20!
Handle Animal36

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 6:27:36 PM

T'Shalla just watches Giovanni with some mirth in her eyes at his sleep deprived antics.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Wednesday July 14th, 2010 11:21:41 PM

Before he dropped off to sleep, Gilin sat down to write down his findings. He'd need more parchment soon, or maybe a small book, to write his notes in. He'd been having so many ideas lately, ideas for new spells, ideas for new ways to change spells, ideas for how to craft spells that he'd seen other mages cast, curiosity about what might happen if he wove certain patterns of magic on sheer creativity and aesthetics...

His head was swimming in them, lately. Gilin had always been the quiet type as a boy; as a slave, talking when you weren't wanted to was frowned upon, sometimes even severely punished depending on his father's mood. He'd always been good at thinking, but his thoughts had never been so prolific as they have since he met Larien and they began talking about the theory and rules of magic. Gilin had never been one to accept rules and boundaries as simply being the way things were. Often "
because you'll be punished otherwise" had to suffice for his curiosity in his youth, but with his freedom from his father, his curiosity had been freed as well.

As he sat scratching away on the parchment, he noticed himself dozing off, but struggled to put down what he thought was important before succumbing to the lure of sweet rest. He barely put the pen down and stumbled to his bed before he crashed on top of it, fully clothed and with ink-stained fingers, fast asleep.

Pathos (AC23,60hp) 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 2:11:08 AM

ze vorld
go round
ze vorld
go round
ze vorld
go round

Money Makes ze vorld go round
zat clinking
It makes ze vorld go round

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59)  d20+3=10 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+5=12 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+16=30 ;
Thursday July 15th, 2010 2:54:01 AM

Larien leans over the table and peers into the box, trying to find the source of the sound. If the box is empty, she'll pick it up and examine it more closely. Madeline hops onto the table and circles the box warily.


Listen -- Larien (10), Madeline (6)
Search -- Larien (12)
Spot -- Larien (11), Madeline (30)
+2 on Larien's Listen & Spot checks if Madeline is w/in 5 feet; +3 on Larien's Spot checks in bright light if Madeline is w/in 1 mile (included).

ADM Andy - Loot loot loot for the home team 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 3:49:05 AM

Only Gio and Larien show much interest in the chirps, or the box they seemed to emanate from.

Giovanni sings a tune, whispers enticing greetings into the box, examines it somewhat half-heartedly, and looks for a trained animal to handle. Yet all he finds is an empty box. Strange.

Larien also checks out the box to no avail, finally picking it up for a closer look. At which point Madeline starts to chatter loudly, pointing her beak at the bottom of the container. With the box being held up by Larien, everyone can see there's a small hole there, maybe an inch and a half wide. Suddenly, a little gecko pokes it's head out, makes a scared chirping sound, and immediately pulls it's head back into the hole. Yet when Larien looks inside the box again, it's still empty.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 6:46:15 AM

"Interesting. I'd normally say we should carefully examine the thing, perhaps use some spells, and whatnot. However, I'm so tired right now I'd be willing just to smash the thing open with a mace--so perhaps I shouldn't touch it right now."

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 7:36:31 PM

T'Shalla muses, "A little animal inside yet when opening the box it is empty...hmm." though it doesn't really interest her too much since magic is not her are of expertise.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 9:14:53 PM

Sesha, curious, walks and peers inside the box. Stepping back, she takes an arrow him her pack and puts it in the box.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Thursday July 15th, 2010 9:20:29 PM

"Perhaps it's a box of holding?" Gio, after Sesha puts in the arrow, takes the box and carefully tips it on it's side to pour out anything that may be hidden inside, all the while thinking about the Gecko--"Maybe this is all the gold I could have saved by switching to... ah, never mind."

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59) 
Friday July 16th, 2010 5:16:32 AM

Puzzled, Larien and Madeline watch the efforts of the others, and waits to see what happens.

ADM Andy - Loot loot loot for the home team 
Friday July 16th, 2010 5:47:59 AM

Sesha places an arrow in the box, and it just sits there, taunting her silently.

Gio tips the box on it's side, and the arrow rolls out. As he tips it a bit further, a false bottom falls out, dropping a gecko, a number of smelly gecko droppings, and a small pouch onto the table. The pouch breaks open sending small gems all over the table, and the gecko scrambles back into the box, desperate to hide.

When the group collects the gems, you're amazed to see they are all perfect little emeralds. You estimate they are worth 1,000 gp each.

There are 115 of them.

Yes, that's another 115,000gp of loot! The combined amounts should bring everyone to roughly the minimum wealth (income-earned) for a character halfway between 11th and 12th levels. This means that a few newer characters are getting a bunch of extra gold, while some older characters are still a bit behind where they should be. It'll probably be up to whoever comes in as the permanent DM to address any lingering wealth/income shortages, but this should be a big, big improvement. Many thanks to Jim and Jerry for helping to make this happen.

As soon as Dai posts the loot distribution numbers based on these additions, and on what the group has agreed to by e-mail, you can start making catacombs purchases.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Friday July 16th, 2010 5:56:49 AM

"Jester's Bells!" Gio quickly tries to snatch up the Gecko. "The gecko must have pooped out these emeralds, we're friggin' rich!"

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 70/70) CharSheet 
Friday July 16th, 2010 8:00:41 PM

T'Shalla says, "Well that is certainly interesting, a little animal that gives out gems, will wonders never cease?" sarcasticly, but snickering.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet  d20+17=29 ; d20+17=27 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+17=24 ;
Saturday July 17th, 2010 9:12:24 PM

Eclip's eye's nearly pop out of his head as the emeralds roll all over the table, "Must be the fabled emerald gecko. A very rare breed that lays emerald eggs." The druid tries to befriend the little fellow. (Animal empathy: 29).

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Sunday July 18th, 2010 12:11:49 AM

"Hey now, I call dibs on the little fellow," but then thinking about a little, "Well, I guess he would be happier in your grotto, Eclip, instead of a fish tank in my home. Oh and by the way, take this." Gio pulls out the bottle with the little blood sucker vine and hands it over to Eclip, "Could you take care of this for me, I don't want anything to do with that forest anymore and if I kept it, well, I think I would just kill it so it doesn't spread near my house by accident and I just don't have the heart to kill something so innocent. Okay?"

Pathos (AC23,60hp) 
Sunday July 18th, 2010 2:52:24 PM

"Just so we're sure" Pathos murmurs uncertainly. "This beastie is not some younger scion of the House of Green? There's many a dragon would consider that a hoard."

"I've looked at those green tonsils twice now, and I have no desire to do so again..."

He makes no attempt to befriend the gecko.

Larien (AC 21/17T/15FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 22/12T/19FF, HP 59/59) 
Sunday July 18th, 2010 11:20:19 PM

Tried to post earlier, and it didn't stick...

Larien rolls her eyes at Gio, T'Shalla and Eclip. She starts to say, "I don't think he was pooping out emeralds....", and then shrugs deciding to let them have their fantasy. Upon hearing Pathos' thoughts, Larien muses, "Even a newborn dragon would be a lot bigger than that gecko I think."

After all the loot is finally counted, double checked, and decisions are made on what to keep/sell, Larien takes her share and returns to her quarters. She also takes Gilin's share, and knocks on his door, delivering it to him if he's there and awake. The wizardess also takes the opportunity to collect the 1,500gp Gilin borrowed a while back. In the course of their conversation, Gilin offers to take possession of the group swan feather token, and to cover Larien's expenses (pending repayment from the group later), which Larien accepts, as she can use the additional gold.

For the remainder of the morning, Larien finishes upgrading Grif's Mantle of Resistance, which she had begun but not completed at the Float. She then takes a break for lunch, and considers all the purchases she needs to make at the Catacombs....

ADM Andy - Loot loot loot for the home team 
Monday July 19th, 2010 2:27:56 AM

Gio tries to snatch up the gecko, but the gecko is far too quick. (You might have had better luck with a grapple check or a Dex roll) Still, there are many gecko poops on the table. Perhaps if Gio polishes them they will become emeralds?

Eclip takes a minute or so to calm the frightened gecko, and the druid successfully befriends the creature. It moves from the box to Eclip's hand, sniffing for food.

Before the group finishes with the loot, a note from General Kahlag arrives, stating that the afternoon briefing will be delayed until tomorrow morning. He assures you that all is well, but he is busy checking It'lal's defenses and the progress of the latest batch of guard-trainees. You are free to pursue your own activities until the morning.

Go ahead and post your actions and any non-group role-playing through tomorrow morning until you meet the general. Sorry for the quiet stretch, but we need to give everyone time to consider their purchase options, place any catacombs orders, update character sheets, submit things for DM review, etc., before we continue.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Monday July 19th, 2010 2:34:22 AM

"This is why you can't get a date," Gio thought he thought to himself when Larien tried to be so analytical, but then realized he said it aloud. "Ah, what, did I just say that aloud? Oh, well, I, um. Please don't kill me Larry! I mean Larien, please, I'm just so tired, yeah, that's the ticket, see, my eyes? No, don't pluck them out, help me, anyone, help!" Before he knew it, his hands had already grabbed his share of the loot and his legs were whisking him away before Larien could ensorcell him. When he finally realized he got back home, there was a big dog waiting for him downstairs in his hobbit hole/home.

Blinky barked, "The place is clear, what the heck happened to you?"
Gio went and put his loot away in his safe and when he came back he asked, "Are you my dog, and how can I understand you?"
The blink dog shook it's head, "Too much elven wine and too little sleep has turned you into an idiot. Come on, I'll tuck you in. Geez"
Gio shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, Mr. Talking Dog, how about a bedtime story?"

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Monday July 19th, 2010 9:39:51 AM

In the morning, Gilin tallies up all the things the group needs to sell at the catacombs, including some of the group items that were not being used. All the potions will be sold except the Cure Serious Wounds potions, and the Cure Moderate potions that the group had before will be sold, as will the Prayer Beads. Altogether, Gilin tabulates the loot as follows:

Qty Description Price Per Total
4 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 300 1200
1 Potion of Jump 50 50
1 Potion of Fly 750 750
2 Potion of Gaseous Form 750 1500
1 Potion of Water Walk 750 750
1 Potion of Enlarge Person 250 250
1 Potion of Invisibility 300 300
1 Potion of Levitate 300 300
1 Potion of Spider Climb 300 300
1 Oil of Keen Edge 750 750
1 Oil of Silversheen 250 250
1 Arcane Scroll, Mirror Image 150 150
1 Arcane Scroll, Knock 150 150
1 Arcane Scroll, Hold Person 375 375
1 Arcane Scroll, Illusory Script 425 425
1 Arcane Scroll, Stone Shape 700 700
1 Arcane Scroll, Repel Vermin 1000 1000
1 Arcane Scroll, Control Water 1650 1650
1 Divine Scroll, Shatter 150 150
1 Divine Scroll, Divine Power 700 700
1 Divine Scroll, Freedom of Movement 700 700
1 Divine Scroll, Liveoak 1650 1650
1 Divine Scroll, Implosion 3825 3825
1 Staff, Size Alteration 29000 29000
1 Rod, Immovable 5000 5000
1 Handy Haversack 2000 2000
1 Candle of Truth 2500 2500
1 Feather Token, Bird 300 300
1 Feather Token, Tree 400 400
2 Javelin of Lightening 1500 3000
1 Cold Iron Longsword, Masterwork 330 330
1 +2 Leather Armor 4160 4160
1 +2 Heavy Wooden Shield 4157 4157
1 Strand of Prayer Beads 9600 9600
Total Value of All Items 78322
Catacombs Buying Price (90%) 70489.8
Gems 137330
Gold 6453.4
Total Liquid Assets 214273.2
Share Per Person 26784.15

+2 Shadow Full Plate 9400
Share Per Person 1208.57

Larien's Share is
Share of Liquid Assets 26784.15
Share of Shadow Full Plate 1208.57
Loan Repayment from Gilin 1500

Gilin's Share is
Share of Liquid Assets 26784.15
Share of Shadow Full Plate 1207.57
Loan Repayment To Larien -1500

Y'lara's Share is 26784.15

Everybody Else's Share is
Share of Liquid Assets 26784.15
Share of Shadow Full Plate 1207.57

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Monday July 19th, 2010 3:08:02 PM

Picking up the gecko, Eclip finds some food for it. As the druid collects his share of the loot, "Hey guys, I was thinking about selling my boots of speed and getting a lesser rod of Meta Quicken. That or try to make a sun blade, not sure we can spare 50 days. Thoughts or suggestions?"

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Monday July 19th, 2010 6:10:58 PM

Sesha considers Eclips query for a moment.

"It depends if you have no intention of learning how to naturally augment the speed of your spells. If you do not, then I would recommend the rod over the boots. It might give you some chance to wound a foe before Artan simply eats it."

Sesha smiles and winks, then goes back to the drawing board.

"I actually am considering selling an item as well. My staff of fire is still unused. It could be useful, especially against plant creatures like those from before.. but with the spell slinging inherent to Larien and Gilin, I might wonder if my purchase is better spent increases other abilities."

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Monday July 19th, 2010 8:29:30 PM

T'Shalla takes her share of the loot and says, "I shall meet up with you all in the morning." then she exits to make her way to the catacombs, and also to do some more training.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58  d20+12=24 ; d20+24=28 ;
Monday July 19th, 2010 11:08:36 PM

Gio sleeps all day and when he awakens, he notices it's dark and wonders what time of the day is it. Visiting his followers upstairs, he soon learns the time and also that he has an appointment in the morning with Kahlag something or other--he's not too sure, his mind was still fuzzy from the prior night's amusement. Eating dinner with his troops and with Blinky at his side, he asks about what was going on in the last month--in particular the Kobolds. Later, he and a number of his men--those not on duty, visit the Slaughtered Lamb and Gio sings and plays a bit before retiring early for his meeting in the morning.

Info Gather on Kobolds and It'lal in general: 56 (24base, +32 from followers aid another-autosuccess & oathbound prc bonus)

Perform at the Lamb 28 ( a little rusty but still a memorable performance)

Pathos (AC23,60hp)  d20+4=20 ;
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 2:01:51 AM

Pathos hangs out with Gio. He always enjoys his shows. Gather info 20

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 3:35:40 PM

Looking over the loot items, Eclip offers to by the Tree Feather Token from the group for the same price the Catacombs would give 360gp.

The druid offers to sell his boots of speed to anyone for the same price he would get from the catacomes 10,800gp (list 12,000).

Larien (CS link and other details pending full computer access) 
Tuesday July 20th, 2010 11:07:53 PM

Before leaving for the day, Larien voices support for Eclip's plan to sell his boots of speed and get a lesser rod of Meta Quicken. "I can cover 10 of us with Haste, so you can do without the boots I think. A sun blade sounds great, but how much better is it than what you have? And how often do you fight in melee? That seems to be more Artan's gig."

ADM Andy - A brief briefing 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 3:32:28 AM

OOC - Gio can't take Aid Another rolls from his followers, since the rules refer specifically to characters aiding other characters. Followers are really just a role-playing extension of Gio, and do not grant him super intel-gathering powers. As a practical matter, your followers will simply tell you things you already know, or can fairly easily learn from other sources.


In the morning, you gather for your briefing with General Kahlag. "It's good to have you home Shadow Guardians. The Council knows that the last month was an arduous one, and they've instructed that you be given at least a month here at home to rest, train, craft, and prepare for whatever assignments come next."

The General goes on to give you updates on several matters of interest:

* The truce with the kobolds has held so far, with Secundus (officially, Shadow Guardians Secundus, but commonly referred to as just Secundus) having repulsed the original attack and taken the portal-key the kobolds held. Although the key is damaged and not 100% reliable, the portal itself is no longer accessible to them. Diplomatic talks continue (drow delegations teleport down), but progress is slow; the kobolds are highly suspicious of drow motives. This gibes with what Gio learned last night, although there are also rumors that the kobolds have tunnels leading to the surface.

* A magical solution has been discovered to prevent further sneak attacks via the portals. All the portals are now locked, and work continues on ways to create new keys which cannot be abused, and locating the other four old keys (if all of them still exist).

* It'lal's defenses have been significantly strengthened, with additional guards/militia being trained, enhanced watches put in place, and scouting of the surrounding area increased.

* Relations with the Float are going well so far. In addition to the opening of a catacombs branch, small-scale trading is increasing as diplomats and aides teleport back and forth. It seems drow goods are in high demand.

* There has been no news regarding Atrea. If she still has any hidden supporters/spies here, they have been exceedingly careful not to reveal themselves. And whatever public support she once had has long since vanished -- Ghost and several of the others she left behind saw to that.

The general waits to see if you have any questions.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 3:20:27 PM

Eclip clear's he throat, before asking "General Kahlag, So the portals are permanently protected from Atrea or anyone else with a portal key from making gate attack?"

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 3:27:21 PM

ooc: Andy, if you want to be literal about it, then yes, you are correct about your interpretation, but then no one but characters can use skills--not npcs, followers, bad guys, etc... because under using skills it only ever refers to characters using skills, no one else.

Also, if you wish to remain literal in your intrepretation, Gio's Oathbound prc allows the members of a society he is a part of--in this case House Thornhill, to give him a +4 on skills checks since it specifically refers to them as "members" and not "characters":

Novice: The oathbound gains the benefits of membership. This certainly includes role-play benefits, since all members of a group give some measure of support to each other. In addition, members of a group work well with an oathbound member. Any time an oathbound is using the aid another action (PHB 154) to help a fellow member, the bonus to attack or AC is +4, not +2. This is also the case if members are helping the oathbound. This doubling is also true for the Cooperation rule and skill checks (PHB 65): successful cooperation gives a +4 circumstance bonus when the oathbound helps others in his society or is helped by them.

Pathos (AC23,60hp) 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 6:20:04 PM

In a quiet moment (perhaps in the pub) Pathos draws his rapier and looks at it from several angles.

"Y'know, Betsy. I love you to bits, but you have to accept that you were hopeless against those plant things."

He slaps the blunt 'blade' against his hand.

"They don't care about the point; they have no vitals to strike at. And you have no edge. But...If I could get you enhanced with a plant bane, that would give me a chance. Of course, we may never face them again, but somehow I feel we will...

"Guys, gals. What do you think?"

ADM Andy - A brief briefing 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 8:28:32 PM

OOC: Jim, you're taking me too literally. NPCs (Non-Player Characters) and bad guys are characters -- they're just controlled by the DM instead of you. They're characters that can go on adventures and use adventurer-like skills. Similarly, animal companions, familiars and cohorts can go on adventures and aid you in certain situations too. But Followers are not characters in any meaningful sense, they're just role-playing flavor. They cannot go adventuring, and thus they cannot help you in that way (with one limited exception noted below). Sorry. Leadership is a single Feat. It's illogical that one Feat should allow you a +32 Aid Another modifier (and more in the future) for your skill checks, in addition to granting you the ability to have a cohort (basically a free animal companion).

Regarding your Oathbound status, the rules state that you "Must pass the initiation requirements of an organization you wish to join. If you are founding a new group of your own, then you can set your own initiation requirements, but your new organization will be a group with just one member (you) until you gain the ability to initiate others at fourth level." See "Requirements: Special". Thus you can't add your followers to your Oathbound organization until you are a 4th level Oathbound. And even then, you would be limited to a single +4 Aid Another from all your followers, since they are effectively just an extension of you.

Also keep in mind the Aid Another rules, which state, "In many cases, a character's help won't be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at once."

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 8:55:45 PM

ooc: I'm sorry, but I feel you're wrong on both counts, Andy. Instead of cluttering up this board I will be taking it to email and to the Rules Center.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Wednesday July 21st, 2010 11:23:11 PM

T'Shalla listens quietly to what has been said, and says, "It is good that the defences have been strengthened." hoping things will continue to work out.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 12:52:13 AM

"General Kahlag, any idea of what our next mission may be, so we can better prepare for it?"

Larien (CS link and other details pending full computer access) 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 3:34:28 AM

Larien listens quietly to the general. To Pathos she says, "Don't waste your money on plant bane. The problem is that rapiers usually suck for the kind of work we do. But if you insist on keeping it, add energy damage that can hurt just about anything."

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 4:17:55 AM

Gilin nods to Pathos, "I agree... energy damage, such as an enchantment of fire, would be excellent, and useful even against things with other kinds of damage resistance."

ADM Andy - A brief briefing 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 4:18:08 AM

The general turns to Eclip. "That's the idea. I suppose it's possible the steps we've taken could be countered in some way, but anyone attempting it would have to be very close to the portals for more than just a brief period, and as you saw we're taking portal security very seriously."

To Gio, the general replies, "It's hard to prepare for the unknown. If I had to guess, it'll be something involving the kobolds or Atrea -- those are the main threats facing us right now. But under what circumstances, I have no idea. I wish I could give you more guidance; there's no specific next mission set for you. Events beyond our control will determine that soon enough I expect."

The general also mentions that the Shadow Guardians being home allows him to devote greater resources to exploring the ruins and scouting the region, something he's had precious little time to do so far. It's possible something could come up on one of those fronts, but he deems it much less likely.

Unless the group has any further questions, the meeting ends, with the general assuring you that any news of import will be passed along.

The next five weeks or so will be for you all to rest, train, craft, visit with family, party, whatever you like. Your next few posts should cover this period as you see fit. Let me know off-list if there's anything specific you need my help with. Hopefully everyone is planning their catacombs purchases, and will submit them soon (T'S and Gilin are done, and Eclip is pending). Once those are all done, and your character sheets have been updated, we should be ready to move on.

Also, just a heads up that we should be getting a new temporary DM next week. I'm not sure who it will be yet, but with my time constraints and recent computer issues, I wanted a fresh body in for the start of the new module. It's been fun, but I'm eager to get back to being "just" a player. :-)

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 5:02:24 AM

I still like you Andy :)


Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 10:25:13 AM

(ooc: I imaged Giovanni and his 18 followers walking around asking everyone they meet what they know about the Kobolds and It'lal. A random person's reply would quickly become "Your the twelfth person to ask me about Kobolds, I don't know anything and I'm going to punch out the next one that ask me anything about bloody Kobolds!")

Eclip has some projects to enchant, but nothing that will take up 5 weeks, He's willing to help other players enchant a few things with his excess time, as well as help with needed spells for others. The druid also starts offering instruction in the ways of druids to any It'lal who wish to learn. Other Odd and end projects is to improve his cave's living quarters with wood shape and stone shape magic.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 12:46:18 PM

Sesha continues her studies into various forms of creatures and monsters. She also seems distracted by thoughts of what to purchase with her loot. Without a clear role in the group, her decisions are difficult.
She decides to approach the guardians with her dilemma.

"To be honest, I don't have a true role here. I am skilled with divinatio
and might keep our paths true, but Ive learned the hard way that even with my ability to hold a polymorphed shape for extended periods of time, Im not able to succeed as a fighter, at least not unaided.

To be fair however, Im not sure a fully armored warrior could have withstood those creatures must longer than I did. I fear my failing was tactical. Should I focus on enhancement and combat or more subtle ranged magical abilities? "

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59) 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 4:14:56 PM

Larien quickly accepts Eclip's offer of enchanting help, and likewise offers her arcane spellcasting abilities to anyone in need.

Considering Sesha's question, Larien replies, "I think the Troll form was a brilliant idea, and your, er, death, was more a tactical error than anything else. Standing and fighting against hordes rarely works well. But as far as your focus going forward, I think either path can work. Perhaps you could expand on the two approaches you might take? It's easier to deal with specifics."

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 5:01:56 PM

Gio also offers his spellcasting services and those of his followers if anyone crafting magic during their break.

To Sesha he says matter of factly, "The troll was a good idea, not pretty to look at, but most impressive. What Larien said about you making a tactical error was true. If you work with the group, then we can become stronger, but thinking that you're invincible and can take on a swarm, well, that'll get you killed. This time the circumstances were that we could recover a part of your body, if there is a next time, we might not be so lucky."

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 5:27:35 PM

T'Shalla goes back to working with the orphans, and helping out where she can about the city, as well as training with her masters, to learn the technics of her new skills.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Thursday July 22nd, 2010 6:19:15 PM

Gio inquires of both T'shalla and Pathos, "Pathos, correct me if I'm wrong, but you were working on a choir, right? T'shalla, would any of your orphans be interested in joining a choir? If the pair of you worked together, you could have a fine choir assembled and you're more than welcome to use my opera house when it's not being used to practice and hold an event. Just give it some thought, the offer is open."

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 12:14:37 AM

"Sesha, I think maybe if you were to get a Hat (or hairpin, headband, whatever) of Disguise, you could keep all the abilities of whatever humanoid form you used, such as trollish, without looking abnormal. You might need to adopt a somewhat taller form, but could still manage to look mostly like yourself even though your true form would be your enhanced one. They're not even that expensive. Assuming you were to choose that route. You might also want to enhance your quickness and toughness with better Gloves of Dexterity and/or an Amulet or Shirt of Constitution."

He pauses in thought, "Your spellcasting abilities could still be of use to us, whichever route you decide to take; but being tougher can only be safer for you whether you decide to engage in melee or not. A Decanter of Endless Water could also be useful for your cauldron abilities."

ADM Andy - Planning for the future 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 4:14:16 AM

The group talks about how to strengthen themselves, and various offers of assistance are made. One by one, they wander off to the catacombs, or prepare their lists for doing so.

Eclip finds several younger drow who are interested in the druidic ways, perhaps inspired by the wilds that surround It'lal on all sides. The sessions are generally quiet affairs, but Eclip feels that two or three of the students have real promise.

T'Shalla quickly becomes a fixture in the city, splitting much of her time between the orphanage and various civic projects that catch her interest or need attention. She trains with her masters too, although she notices that in truth there are few more skilled than her now (at least in It'lal). It is an odd feeling, but many of the younger Monks now even view her as a master. The renown of the Shadow Guardian's monk is considerable.

Gio ponders the idea of combining Pathos' choir with T'Shalla's orphans, and offers up his opera house if they're interested.

It'lal remains abuzz with activity. New buildings continue to go up, tents and temporary structures are increasingly being replaced, and the fields, gardens and lichen farms seem to expand by the day. What was once lifeless stone and overgrown scrub has quickly become a vibrant community.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 3:47:48 PM

Eclip sends time teaching those interested in nature, and offers further teachings to those who show promise.

Around the druid's cave/home, Eclip selects or plants a liveoak around his place to cast a Liveoak spell upon setting it up as a guardian.

To help It'lal farming, the druid wanders about the city casting Plant growth to Enrich and raise the productivity of all crops over the next year. Each spell can cover a half mile range.

As for crafting, the three projects are within the druid's ability to do solo. A cloak of resistance, a ring of ridding (thanks Larien!) and upgrading his shield from +1 to +2. Total crafting time will be 1 week. (~260xp).

Tinkering with the idea of offering spell casting servers to the people of It'lal, Eclip broaches the subject with the other members of the Shadow Guardian's "Guy's between all of us we have quite a bit of spell casting and other abilities, I was thinking we could try and supplement our irregular adventuring income with a second source. For instance I for one can cast Wall of stone, shape wood and shape stone magic which is quite valuable in the current building craze. I'm sure many of you can do the same, or help in the enterprise in some way. What ever we earn, would be split evenly among the group? What are you thoughts?"

(ooc: This is a option, I am suggesting which will allow the group to peruse wealth generating ideas, without unduly causing imbalance in individual character wealth {IE one or more PC with lots of gold/items compared to other.} It could be I am worrying about nothing. Also, this is a method where the PCs don't have to get all their wealth from looting the dead. ????)

Pathos (AC23,60hp) 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 4:24:33 PM

"Whoa! ... anna ... anna ... children's choir too. We could do Joseph..."

"Erm, who's Joseph?"

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 6:59:27 PM

"Unfortunately I don't have any spells that can help in that endeavor, Eclip. Besides, I have a lot on my plate with running the Rising Sun and performing at the Slaughtered Lamb. Speaking of which, Pathos, you have 12 weeks of business proceeds from the Lamb you have not claimed, totaling some 290gp. You should go pick that up."

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 7:10:19 PM

T'Shalla replies, to Gio, and Pathos, "You both can inquire with the orphans if they are interested in joining a choir, it would be their own choices to do so or not."
She also then helps other monks in their training then, when not helping around the city or in meditation.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Friday July 23rd, 2010 7:56:39 PM

"I don't feel right taking peoples' money for magic, Eclip. It feels like cheating, to me," he explained. "I'll be happy to help house Mylyl in whatever way I can repay them for the kindness they have shown me in letting me stay with them. Magic, or skill. I have been thinking of starting a weaving concern which might grow into a business."

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Sunday July 25th, 2010 2:05:50 PM

"Ok, I'll keep working on the concept."

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Sunday July 25th, 2010 3:55:11 PM

"Eclip, although not all of us can help with your project, you bring up a good point on building wealth while at home. As you and the others know, I'm involved in several businesses and the construction business you propose could do quite well for you, but as I've said, it doesn't apply to a lot of us. If someone is interested in building wealth, perhaps it's a personal choice. I don't think T'shalla is, alhough she could set something up to work with orphans, getting donations from the more wealthy in It'lal--well, what I guess I'm trying to say is, it's up to the individual how they perceive their future, their wealth level and how they want to act on it. If you don't have the drive to pursue it, then there shouldn't be any complaints about how you're doing."

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Sunday July 25th, 2010 11:05:57 PM

"It's just that I believe my magic is a gift from the gods for the good of everybody, and to use it directly for personal gain like that seems a bit... ungrateful. Should you and your construction company require any heavy items carted about, I will happily contribute my services and my magic free of charge, just to help the people of It-Lal, who have accepted me among them. Before I met Gaerin and you all, I just thought Drow, all Drow, must be like my father. Seeing this all has really inspired me."

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Monday July 26th, 2010 1:35:34 AM

Sesha finally makes a few decisions and gets to work crafting, borrowing the facilities of the drow. Larien had approached her privately for help in spellcasting, and Sesha would be only happy to help.

Her crafting includes the following.

Pearl of Power, 1st Level (500 gp, 1 day.)
Pearl of Power, 1st Level (500 gp, 1 day.)
Periapt of Wisdom, +4 ( 16,000 gp, 16 days.)

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59) 
Monday July 26th, 2010 2:26:17 AM

"I like your idea Eclip. I'd be willing to donate some spell casting time for the good of the group. But I suppose if half the group isn't interested in money making ventures or pooling the resources from such ventures, we could look into it ourselves as a side-business. Casters'r'Us?"

(Any OOC thoughts on how such a business venture would work?

Larien is also seen talking to some of the more flush members of the group, quietly asking for some loans to cover her expensive magic habit. Gilin agrees to lend her 1,500gp, and Larien thanks him repeatedly.

(Larien could use loans in the neighborhood of 5,000gp total, if anyone has some gold to spare. Gilin has already offered her a loan of 1,500gp (after having just repaid the loan that Larien had extended him in the same amount), so another 3,500gp or so should do it. No worries if people can't spare anything; Larien can always trim her crafting list a little.)

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Monday July 26th, 2010 2:48:19 AM

"Oh, it's not that I'm not interested Larien, I just don't have the spells for that kind of endeavor and would just be a third wheel," Gio replies rather matter of factly. "Also, I'm deciding on how much I can put towards something, a Soup Kitchen." Gio became silent for a moment. "After seeing what was going on in that lower level of the Floating City, well, I don't want that happening here in my home."

ooc: if you want to look at the business rules DM Glenn approved and what they use in the Crimson Shields game, then check out my character sheet under Business Rules, but Syrdeth in Crimson Shields has mods for construction related spells too, so I'd check him out.

ADM Andy - Planning for the future 
Monday July 26th, 2010 2:53:08 AM

OOC to Ken - I don't think you can craft a Pearl of Power, as it requires CL17.

More and more of the group makes a journey (or two) to the Catacombs, and much time is spent on individual projects. For a few weeks at least, It'lal is undisturbed by any threats needing the Shadow Guardian's attention.

Now's the time to submit your Catacombs orders and update your on-line character sheets if you haven't already. We're going to start the next module with DM Kent in the next few days, and I'd like to have all purchases in the pipeline ASAP. I think myself, Dan and Ken are the laggards. BW too, but real life issues may keep her away for a while.

Thanks for your patience through the on-going DM transition. Things should get exciting again very soon!

ADM Andy - Planning for the future 
Monday July 26th, 2010 3:14:50 AM

OOC to Ken 2 - I should have mentioned that materials for creating magic items have to be purchased in the Catacombs. So you should consolidate that list with your pending Catacombs order. And the +4 Periapt of Wisdom will only cost you 8,000gp to craft (half the normal cost), but you also have to deduct 640 Experience Points.

As an aside, T'Shalla has a spare Pearl of Power that she'd probably sell you. Before Gilin joined the group, she used the Pearl to have Larien re-cast Mage Armor on her once a day. But now that's not necessary.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Monday July 26th, 2010 3:31:39 AM

Also, it should be noted that a Pearl of Power is useless to Sesha, since Witches are spontaneous casters, and Pearls of Power are only good for re-casting prepared spells.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Monday July 26th, 2010 2:19:35 PM

For the first week Eclip works on enchanting his cloak or resistance, ring of ridding and upgrading his shield from +1 to +2.

On the second week, the druid is interested in raising some coin for further enchanting work and for a Project to be selected by Shadow Guardians (IE. Group items, and building Homes or schools for drow that can't afford it). Eclip offers to cast 2x walls of stone(720gp@), 2x shape stone(360gp@) and 2x shape wood(240gp) spells each day to those who can afford spell casting services. If there are not buyer's for a particular day then, the druid will use the spells directly for charity building project. Of the income earned for the week Eclip will take 400gp/day share and the rest less whatever It'lal tax will go into the Shadow Guardian fund. Others are welcome to raise the income for the fund too!

On the third week the Shadow Guardian fund be divided among all those who volunteer their week working on the Shadow Guardian project less whatever material. Depending on how well the first week goes Eclip will ether continue to raise funds, work on the project or craft more.

Now then what projects would the Shadow Guardians what to undertake? Group items, Home base, charity building homes, schools or other? Assuming there is any fund raised.

Pathos (AC23,60hp) 
Monday July 26th, 2010 5:23:16 PM

Pathos works with his choir. He teaches them many chants from the temple.

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Monday July 26th, 2010 7:22:10 PM

Gio spends many weeks crafting, playing and performing in both the Rising Sun and the Slaughtered Lamb--both completely different types of venue. He's not sure which one he prefers more--he does like being called Maestro at the opera house, but then again, having your name yelled out in praise at the Lamb was intoxicating too. Near the end of their break, he began scouring the town for support for his Soup Kitchen/Food Bank/Clinic--donations and such to start his non-profit organization that would help the less than fortunate and those in sudden need within New It'lal. To this goal, he set aside 1000gp of his own money to start it all and ran the place with several of his cleric followers--naming the place,New It'lal Community Soup Kitchen.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Monday July 26th, 2010 7:41:05 PM

( The pear of power are for Larien, so she can daily cast Shield and Mage Armor into Sesha's new Ring of Spell Storing. )

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Monday July 26th, 2010 8:02:50 PM

T'Shalla continues with training, and helping around the city, as well as training others, and spending time with the orphans, telling them more stories of our adventures and places we have seen.

Gilin Underlane (AC16/Touch 12/FF 14 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Monday July 26th, 2010 8:30:45 PM

"Building a home base for the Shadow Guardians would be an excellent and worthy cause." Gilin opined. "I will be glad to help with that anyway I can; blasting tunnels, hauling earth or stone, I can even cover a tunnel end with illusion to make it look solid."

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 12:04:57 AM

(OOC Hey all, Kent here. I am reading through the new module, catching up on old module, checking out PC sheets a bit and will make my first Post Tuesday around 8PM est. I will not post again until 8 PM on Wednesday and am planning to make a post by 8PM est nightly whether or not everyone has posted. If you haven't I will assume you were either continuing what you were doing previously or are stopped stock still. If we are in combat I am sorry but if you are stock still you are more likely to become a pin cushion.

Please try to have all PCs up dated and note to me stating that by Monday. If I haven't heard from you then I will assume you are good to go and everything you are supposed to have is there and no changes will be accepted until a later stated time.

I am looking forward to seeing where the game I started has gotten to and am excited to be gaming with you all. Selah!!)

Giovanni AC25/15T/21FF HP77/77 -- Blinky AC23/15T/19FF HP58/58 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 1:39:12 AM

ooc: Welcome back to the game, Kent :)

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59) 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 4:06:34 AM

Larien notes that she too could cast Wall of Stone several times a day. Perhaps healing spells would have value too, although Larien's are of the lesser variety. The wizardess also speaks to Sesha, and is more than happy to use Pearls of Power on her behalf as needed.

When not talking shop with her adventuring friends, Larien spends a great deal of time crafting magic items (details to follow pending catacombs confirmation). Some of this time is spent working with Eclip, who kindly comes by once a day for a week or more to provide his casting assistance with Cat's Grace and a version of Resistance that's slightly better than Larien's.

ADM Andy - Planning for the future 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 4:25:18 AM

The days continue to slip by, and the group falls into a routine of work and play in It'lal. Eclip and Gilin talk about ways to build a headquarters for the Shadow Guardians. Pathos works with his choir, and the tenor/baritone holes are soon filled. Gio starts planning a self-sustaining food-bank financed with a bit of his own seed money. T'Shalla continues her training and good works, making a life-long impression on many of the orphans. And Larien dives into her magic item crafting projects with abandon. Life is good.

Great to have you here Kent! I had no idea you were the first DM for this game. You should recognize T'Shalla and Eclip already then. :-)

It looks like everyone but BW has catacombs orders approved or pending. I'll check on her status. Please remember that catacombs orders must be submitted to me for review/approval before they become official, and that your on-line character sheets also need to be updated (see Kent's note on the Monday deadline). Handling those tasks will be my last DM duties while Kent settles in.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 12:16:23 PM

Eclip continues to work on his plan to sell spells and building.

(ooc: Welcome back Kent! Glade to have you back as DM.)

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 6:32:50 PM

The week winds down and another weekend passes and you all are feeling good, but perhaps a bit bored and certainly more than a bit restless. However for some reason, you all wind up sitting a one of the few outdoor tables at the Slaughtered Lamb right at midmeal. having ordered, you are all drinking and chatting with each other.

It is nice out cool weather is certainly coming though not quite here yet. From what you hear the first harvest should be decent ones even with the late planting. The hunting has been extraordinary, with city groups as well as local vicinity hunters bringing their catches to market for butchery and sale. At this point there seem to be many more non city hunters than city ones so fresh meat is currently being supplied thusly.

There are a number of very well known, frequent visitors amongst the hunting families and groups some numbering 200 -300 per clan.

You meal arrives and you are about half way through it when you hear a disturbance of some sort over toward the gate way. Doesn't sound to bad, but then a few minutes later you seem to see quite a bit of foot traffic shift and head toward the gate.

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 6:43:50 PM

Gio casts Message on the group and then barks to his dog, "Blinky, go check it out quickly and tell me what's going on," then rises and heads for the gateway. Blinky quickly complies as he begins to Blink and then Dim-doors towards the gateway (720'/round +60' double move).

If he has time, he'll cast Expeditious Retreat on himself so he doesn't get left behind at 20'/round

Spells Used
Message: 110 minutes. All 8 members of the group including Blinky, Grif and Artan.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 6:59:48 PM

T'Shalla stands up when noticing activity heading towards the gate, and is ready to head towards it if the distrubance becomes greater, so to find out what the problem is.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 7:09:06 PM

Welcome back Kent! :) Good to see you again! :)

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13  d10=6 ;
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 7:21:27 PM

Sesha is curious about the disturbance and moves alongside Giovanni, not willing to leave the halfling behind.

Gilin Underlane (AC20/Touch 12/FF 18 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Tuesday July 27th, 2010 10:38:22 PM

Gilin, curious of what's going on, quickly casts Telepathic Bond, bonding him to Eclip, Giovanni, and Larien before they all leave the table. Gilin then runs outside, and conjures himself a Phantom Steed, repeating the feat to conjure one for Larien, and places a Shield on himself using his extend rod.

"Come on Larien, let's go see if we're even needed. We can let Eclip know what's going on before he gets there."

Turning to Eclip, Gilin says, "I would conjure a Phantom Steed for you too, but I assumed you'd want to be with Artan, if it turns out we're needed at all..."

Then he climbs up on the steed, and clings tightly as the ghost-like horse takes off toward the gateway plaza at breakneck speed, moving at a Hustle (440ft/rd).

Total time of actions: 4 rounds

Spells Per Day Remaining/Total
0:6/6 1:5/8 2:8/8 3:5/7 4:6/6 5:3/4

Spells/Buffs Active:
Mage Armor, Extended (22 hours from waking time)
Telepathic Bond - 1097 rds
Phantom Steed - 6598 rds
Shield, Extended - 218 rds

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59)  d20+3=16 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+6=10 ; d20+3=17 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+10=28 ;
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 3:15:02 AM

Larien hesitates for a moment, not really wanting to leave Grif behind, but not wanting Gilin to charge into danger by himself. "You know, the spellcasters usually stay near the back...."

Despite her misgivings, Larien follows the sorcerer outside, with Madeline clinging to her shoulder. But Larien Fast Mounts Grif rather than the steed (Ride +32, no roll needed), and casts extended Haste on the entire group plus Artan, Blinky (if he's still there) and Grif, using her Rod of Extend. At her urging the griffon then takes to the air toward the gateway plaza (double move for Grif; 220 ft per round while Hasted; he flies at the minimum safe altitude), before Gilin has even had a chance to climb aboard his magic mount. Larien also takes the opportunity to cast Shield on herself and Bear's Endurance on Grif (the latter using her Shadow Goggles). They look ahead to see what's going on at the plaza.


Three rounds of activity, with Grif flying 440 ft. (total) in the latter two rounds.

Listen -- Larien (16), Madeline (6), Grif (10)
Spot -- Larien (17), Madeline (18), Grif (28)
+2 on Larien's Listen & Spot checks if Madeline is w/in 5 feet (included). All three have darkvision.

Spells/Buffs Active:
Mage Armor, Extended (22 hours from waking time)
Haste 18/20 rounds
Shield 99/100 rounds
Bear's Endurance 30/30 rounds

Eclip and Artan CharSheet  d20+14=29 ;
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 10:11:08 AM

As Gilin is busy summing mounts and casting spells, Eclip follows Larien's lead and quick mounts Artan (free action, ride check +22 auto success), then cast air walk upon Artan so as to avoid all the foot traffic the ground that will undoubtably slow down Gilin and his Phantom Steeds. The druid directs his large brown bear mount to catch up with Larien.

The hasted Artan takes to the air moving at a run (5x70=340ft per round Haste & run feat), he speeds past Larien and her Griffon while they both have left Gilin in the dust still casting spells.

The druid grins as the wind blows his colored hair about. Looking forward to the gate, Eclip tries to see what is going on there (spot: 29) he'll report back to Gilin letting him know what's up.

(ooc: Note daily spells already cast on Artan, Eclip & Grif. Used extend rod on GMF, used pearl of power to cast second longstrider.
Larien - do you have an extend slot on your rod for the daily Greater Magic Fang on Grif??? )

Eclip's Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { Spells marked with * have been cast:
0Lev 6x DC14: Create water, Cure Minor, Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & drink
1Lev 6x DC15: Cure Light, **Longstrider, Pass without Trace, 2xProduce Flames, speak with Animal
2Lev 5x DC16: 2xShape Wood, Barkskin, Ice Sickle, Bull's Strength
3Lev 5x DC17: 2xShape Stone, **2xG. Magic Fang, Cure moderate Wounds
4Lev 4x DC18: *Air Walk, Dispel magic, Freedom of Movement, Cure Serious.
5Lev 3x DC19: Animal Growth, Wall of Thorns, Cure Critical Wounds.
6Lev 2x DC20: 2xWall of Stone
Spells in Effect: name (round cast, shared, duration, misc)
Eclip: Longstrider (12hr)
Artan: G. magic Fang extended (24hr), Longstrider (12hr), Air walk (120m)
Grif: G.Magic Fang extended? (24hr)

Pathos (AC23,60hp) 
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 5:49:51 PM

Pathos finishes his dinner, perhaps slightly faster than usual. He wipes gravy off his chin and heads for the door.

He checks and returns to the table.

Grabs the wine.

Heads out into the street.

"Hmmm, can I get done for flying a suit of armour while under the influence? Up, up and away!"

And he heads towards the portal at upstairs height.

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 6:45:47 PM

T'Shalla then follows the rest of the group out and towards the gate where the disturbance is.

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59) 
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 7:18:24 PM

OOC: Yes, Larien lends Eclip her Extend Rod each day when Eclip casts Greater Magic Fang on Grif. I'll note that in my next full post. Thanks for the reminder. I also need to note that Larien uses Sesha's Pearl of Power to cast Mage Armor on her each day.

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 8:07:29 PM

( Larien. Sesha bought two pearls of power for a casting of mage armor and shield. She also bought a ring of spell storing for you to cast them into, so she can recall the spells when needed. )

Gilin Underlane (AC20/Touch 12/FF 18 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 10:47:37 PM

Shield can't be cast on you, Sesha... it's a Personal range spell that targets the caster. I'm not totally sure, but I think that also means it can't be cast on/into a Ring of Spell Storing, since the spell can't be targeted at the ring to get it in there in the first place.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 28th, 2010 10:52:31 PM

Gio Highlight to display spoiler: {Blinky pops back to Gio a short time later while he is making his way and convey that the dark guards are barring the way in of a relatively large group of no dark guards some of which seem to be very dead.}

The group makes its may quickly to the gate passing by, over and or through a throng of people that are heading toward the gate. there is definite tension in the air, as if there si something big about to happen and noone wants to be left out or not be able to say they saw it. Very Mob feel to the area as you move by.

As you get closer the noise level rises significanlty and there are around 125 assorted people crowding toward and around the inside of the gate, they seem to be dividing up into separate groups, some yelling at each other, some yelling at others and some pushing to see what is going on that everyone is yelling about. Standing between this mob and the gate are 4 drow guards, two nervously facing the crowd and two facing the othersideof the gate.

On the far side of the gate is a group of about 20 human and halfelf hunters from a locel hunting clan that has been doing a lot of business with the drow. They appear to be extremely agitated and borderline angry. while no bows are nocked and drawn, many are strung and other weapons can be seen as well.

Intermingled within the hunters are 5 pack mules, each of which seems to be carrying a grisly burden.

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58  d20+30=33 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2010 2:32:44 AM

Gio immediately relays the information he learns from Blinky to the rest of the Shadow Guardians as they make way for the gate way. When he arrives and see's the throng of people gathered so closely, he yells at the top of his lungs, "Make a hole! Shadow Guardians coming through!"

When Gio makes his way under magical speed to the drow guards, he has them stand aside and addresses the human and halfelf hunters, "Greetings, I'm Giovanni Thornhill of the New It'lal Shadow Guardians. I see there is a problem here, could you please enlighten me on what has transpired here?" (diplomacy 33)

Eclip and Artan CharSheet  d20+8=16 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2010 11:09:42 AM

Eclip seeing the drow guards nervously facing the near mob, Eclip rides Artan through the air (air walk) to land next to the four guards, hoping that the sight of a Shadow Guardian mount his large bear will help keep both crowed under control Speaking to the drow crowed "Settle down. The Shadow Guardians are here to looking into this matter. Please Backup and give us room." (Diplomacy 16 )

(ooc: DM Kent, Is this disturbance happening at the Gateway Plaza where the magical portal is located, or a physical gate that controls access to the trail down the mountainside? )

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59)  d20+3=15 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+3=6 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+10=20 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2010 3:50:06 PM

Larien and Grif follow Eclip's lead, landing on the other side of the guards, and thus reinforcing his message.

The wizardess and her animals look closely at the hunters and the "grisly burdens" carried by the mules. As usual, Madeline will tell Larien if she sees or hears anything of note (using their shared familiar language), while Grif will point with her head or a claw to alert Larien to anything of note.

OOC: To clarify Glenn's question, there are 5 magical portals at the gateway plaza. But since there are also more than four guards regularly stationed at the gateway plaza (this was strongly implied in a recent DM post by me), I'm guessing the "gate" in this case refers to a physical gate that controls access to the trail down the mountainside.

Listen -- Larien (15), Madeline (11), Grif (26)
Spot -- Larien (6), Madeline (30), Grif (20)
+2 on Larien's Listen & Spot checks if Madeline is w/in 5 feet (included).

Pathos (AC23,60hp)  d20+2=20 ; d20+6=16 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2010 6:30:59 PM

Pathos continues to fly top cover, circling the melee from rooftop level

Spot 20 Listen 16

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet  d20+21=41 ;
Thursday July 29th, 2010 8:19:25 PM

T'Shalla moves through the crowd, towards the four guards, moving past them into the plaza facing the hunters, asking, "What have we here?" in a neutral tone, trying to see what the 'grisly burdens' are as well.

<spot: 41 nat 20! Why can't I do this in combat?! <sigh> LOL>

DM Kent 
Thursday July 29th, 2010 10:30:10 PM

(Ooc: The gate in question is indeed the gate that controls access to the trail down the mountainside, but then also lead up to and into the Gate Plaza and further into the city.)

With the arrival of some of the shadow guardians the four guards in any case seem to gain a bit more backbone, or it could just be relief that control has been taken over by someone else. The crown moves a bit, though not much to allow you by, but then close back in around you all. Some in fact seem to still be trying to move forward to get a better look at what's going on. If things in this area don't improve drastically and soon someone is going to get hurt.

Those of you who are trying to see the grisly packages they are burdened with can clearly see that there are at least 7 severely mutilated corpses draped over the mules.

The hunters who befor all seemd to be yelling at the guards in some manner or other, seem now to look to one man in particular and while not actually hostile at this moment, the jury is still out which way things might go. Tensions don't seem to have eased much on this front, as yet.

The man they seem to turn to is the one closest to the gate and the one that seems to think that Gio is addressing. He is a well built muscled but lithe human he is gressed in mottled grey and brown leathers, (you get the impression he would be near invisible in the woods), twin rapiers are in a cross harnessed back sheathe, and you can almost palpably feel his presence from the other side of the gate.

"Enlighten you? Who are you, some PET of the darkskins? If that's the case, you are as guilty as they are. Our men, our family members were set upon, attacked and killed and then further mutilated by these, he spits on the ground, DROW. We demand an explanation AND satisfaction, why drow of House Bralfah would do this to our people who hunt and trade with them."

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58  d20+30=47 ;
Friday July 30th, 2010 2:53:10 AM

"A pet and guilty? My, my, my, an insult and an egregious accusation railed against me all in the same breath--it's a wonder why I don't get mad and stir up the crowd to kill you all. But wait, that's not what you want, surely not, a sane, reasonable and intelligent man wouldn't walk up to a giant and kick it in the toe and say, 'hey bub, you're in my way,' no, no, no, you're not that kind of man, are you? Certainly not, and not an actor by the looks of it, for in fact you would have to be the Wold's finest actor to come here and risk life and limb to insult and hurl accusations at someone like me and my friends with such indignation. No, you must truly be wounded, not physically although I'm sure it hurts inside, but emotionally at the loss of your comrades here at the hands of House Bralfah, but wait, that means you have some proof as to who did this, that House Bralfah did this, otherwise, it would be pure insanity to come all this way, insult us, accuse us, without some modicum of proof of this dastardly deed, right? May I see this proof? For surely if House Bralfah is responsible for committing an unprovoked attack, it was unprovoked right? Then they will surely face justice like any of us would." (diplomacy 47)

Gilin Underlane (AC20/Touch 12/FF 18 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Friday July 30th, 2010 3:09:12 AM

Gilin takes offense to the presumed ranger's tone. "And considering how hard I am told It-lal is struggling to make allies of the peoples around here, attacking an outsider would likely be judged even more critically than attacking one of our own..." he added to Giovanni's testimony, hoping to soften the harsh and sarcastic, but nonetheless accurate and effective, tone of the halfling.

"Have you managed to capture any of the attackers, or recover any of their bodies for identification?"

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59) 
Friday July 30th, 2010 3:42:06 AM

OOC to Sesha and Dai - Actually, based on my reading of the item, I think Shield can be cast into the ring, and thus activated by Sesha. Nice workaround. However, it appears to me that the Shield spell will only last one minute, and the Mage Armor spell will only last one hour:

"A minor ring of spell storing contains up to three levels of spells that the wearer can cast. Each spell has a caster level equal to the minimum level needed to cast that spell."

The minimum caster level for both spells is 1, and the spells last one minute and one hour, respectively, per caster level. That might be OK for Mage Armor if you cast it not long before battle, but might be kind of short for Shield. Does anyone read this differently?

Note, you might be able to have Gilin cast Mage Armor on you each morning and it would last 11 hours. 22 hours if you bought a Rod of Extend for 3,000gp, and let him use one of the charges each morning (and you could lend it to Larien once a day to cast extended Shield, which would last two minutes instead of one, but would take up two spell slots).

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Friday July 30th, 2010 3:48:20 AM

"Wait," it suddenly occured that there may in fact be truth in the lie before them. "Good sir, when you say House Bralfah, do you mean the house lead by Lady Larvanya Bralfah, or the one by her sister that traitorous, evil, back-stabbing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey poo, Atrea Bralfah?"

ooc: yeah, nice workaround for the spell ring. casting it extended would make it 2 spell levels and increase it to 2min for shield or 2hours for mage armor, but not both cause they wouldn't fit. Has Ken E worked on his Legacy Item, that's how I got mine. Or buy a wand of Mage Armor and Shield if her UMD is high enough.

Sesha should really get a monks belt cause that would be +7AC right there thanks to her high wisdom, since she does not use armor or a shield.

Gilin Underlane (AC20/Touch 12/FF 18 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Friday July 30th, 2010 4:08:29 AM

Some more digging has shown me that you can in fact cast ANY spell into a ring of Spell Storing that you are wearing. It doesn't say it's a Spell Trigger item, so it can be activated by Command Word, meaning Sesha should be able to cast the spells out. If Gilin were to cast a Silent, Stilled Shield spell into the ring, it would last for 5 minutes (CL 5 being the minimum required to cast a Silent, Stilled shield spell) but it would take up all the ring's 3 spell levels, and use one of Gilin's 3rd level slots...

As for Mage Armor, Gilin will happily cast it on waking for any party member who wishes.. it should last all day, as Gilin now has 2 extend rods, and has a couple of free charges per day, still...

Eclip and Artan CharSheet  d20+8=20 ;
Friday July 30th, 2010 4:21:37 PM

Eclip turns to Larien and T'Shalla, "The crowed needs to be dispersed, perhaps they will listen you you two. I could wall off this gate temporary if need be."

Looking at the Lead hunter, "Sir, If drow are responsible for the attack on your men, then we have a obligation to bring them to justice. Please tell us what you know, and may we examine the bodies. As Master Bard Giovanni said there is a renegade drow who has in the past attacked our allies for their own gain. Let us work together to get to the bottom of the attack on your people." (diplomacy aid Gio: 20 (+4 bonus due to oathbound prc))

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet  d20=1 ;
Friday July 30th, 2010 6:56:14 PM

T'Shalla nodds to Eclip, and turns to face the crowd and say, "Please go back about your business, I'm sure everything will be made clear once we get down to the bottom of this business please move along."

<diplomancy: 1 lol she was never a good talker! lol>

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59)  d20-1=3 ; d20+3=22 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+3=5 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+10=11 ;
Friday July 30th, 2010 7:11:47 PM

Larien raises an eyebrow at Gio's odd diplomatic efforts, which seem aimed more to inflame the upset stranger than to sooth him. But the wizardess shrugs inwardly and hopes the halfling knows what he's doing. At least Gilin and Eclip seem calm.

At Eclip's suggestion, she reflects that it's probably unwise to ask a charisma-challenged wizard to handle an unruly crowd, but seeing no-one else in position to help besides T'Shalla, she gives it her best try. From astride Grif, Larien says loudly to the crowd, "Friends, please allow the Shadow Guardians to sort this matter out. You have my word that we will get to the bottom of things, and report everything publicly. Please, clear the road now and return to your homes and businesses. Many thanks."

If necessary, Larien will call out people she knows by name, and ask them specifically to move along, setting an example for the others. "Come on Brell, head back to your farm. You too K'ral. Thanks everyone." Etc....

Just Diplomacy 3 on the roll, but I'm assuming the crowd is already Friendly or Helpful with respect to the Shadow Guardians, so their attitude should be unchanged.

Listen -- Larien (22), Madeline (12), Grif (19)
Spot -- Larien (5), Madeline (28), Grif (11)
+2 on Larien's Listen & Spot checks if Madeline is w/in 5 feet (included).

DM Kent 
Friday July 30th, 2010 10:22:15 PM

While the mood of the crowd doesn't seem to be changed much by T'shalla and larien's efforts, neither does it get worse. And the movement of their mounts toward the crowd does quite a bit for backing people up. As word spreads that the SGs are taking care of things and that there doesnt appear that a fight is going to occur, the crown begins to slowly disperse, though it is very slow as there are still a bunch of folks heading to the gates to see what everyone is doing, thus blocking the crowd from leaving.

The man looks at Gio as he spouts his oration and it is clear that the man is not really listening and that he is actually getting angrier. As Eclip adds his piece the hunter momentarily shifts focus and then snaps to Eclip. IF the DROW did this? and YOU want PROOF. I suppose you mean, other than the fact that I saw the attack with mine own eyes and badly cut up one of the spawn that attacked us. Our clan has been trading with Bralfah since you got here supplying you all with fresh meat and the such. We made the bargain with Larvanya herself. So I know your badge as well as I know my own kin. If you aren't going to believe my eyes then you can have your proof.

At that he turns to the first mule and takes a wrapped packet of the side and flings it through the gate at your feet.

There is your proof! We pulled each of those arrows out of our people. I am sure even you can see the fletcher's mark near the nock. We expect, NO demand that the ones responsible for this are turned over to meet our justice, and until that happens the hunting clans are ceasing trade wit I'tlal until this is resolved.

As he finishes speaking he signals his fellows and they each quickly unload the bodies and dump them on the ground in front of the gate and begin to leave.

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58  d20+2=13 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+1=11 ; d20+14=24 ; d20+13=30
Friday July 30th, 2010 11:43:27 PM

Gio inspects the bodies to see if they are of It'lal's House Bralfah, or Atrea's House--specifically anyone his bardic knowledge would tell him something about. "Marked arrows, gods, that's the oldest trick in the Wold, you would think anyone with half a brain could see through that."

Gio also brings Blinky forward to look at the bodies and asks him if he recognizes any of them, to which the dog replied basically, "Pfft, they all look the same to me."

Search: 13 gio, 11 blinky
Spot: 32 gio (nat 20), 24 blinky
Knowledge-history: 13 (any notable bralfah amongst the dead)

Bardic knowledge-notable person: 30 (any notable bralfah amongst the dead)

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59)  d20-1=19 ; d20+3=8 ; d20+4=20 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+3=20 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+6=21 ;
Saturday July 31st, 2010 4:09:25 AM

Shocked by Gio's continuing outrageous behavior in this delicate situation, Larien whispers to Grif, "Hold your ground and stay calm big fella, I need to get down for a minute."

Motioning for T'Shalla, Pathos and Sesha to stay and continue dispersing the crowd, Larien does a fast dismount, and moves to the gate. She turns first to Gio, and says loudly, "What in the Wold is wrong with you Gio!?! Show some respect. And if you can't do that, mind your tongue." There is true anger in her voice over the bard's behavior, and she turns dismissively away from him. This is no bluff. Larien is pissed.

Deciding that honestly is the best diplomacy, she turns and begins speaking to the leader of the hunters, keeping her movements and gestures entirely peaceful. "Sir, I am Larien Bancurpi. Please accept my deepest sympathies for your horrible loss. And forgive us for how we have reacted. You have shocked us greatly with your news, and we are horrified that any drow would do this. Please believe us that we will spare no effort to find the perpetrators. But we need your help. Where exactly was the attack, and when? How many were there, and can you describe them or guess there motive? Did they say anything that give us a clue as to who exactly they were? Where did they attack from, and what direction did they go? Talk to us, please -- I promise you we are not your enemies."

Pausing, Larien makes one last effort to get through to the man, if she has not convinced him of her sincerity. "If you will allow it, I would accompany you and help heal your people to the best of my meager skills. To offer whatever aid I can. And I know others here would do likewise. We are deeply, deeply sorry and wish to help you and your people."

The wizardess speaks from the heart, and she is nearly overwhelmed by visions of past drow atrocities, of Atrea's senseless murders in New Elenna, and of the evil artifact that Atrea likely possesses. Not again. Tears well up for a moment, but she forces them back. There's no time for that sort of weakness.

Diplomacy 19 (Nat 20!)

Listen -- Larien (8), Madeline (20), Grif (21)
Spot -- Larien (20), Madeline (30), Grif (17)
Knowledge Local (21; to see if she recognizes any of the dead, items they're wearing if any, etc...)
+2 on Larien's Listen & Spot checks if Madeline is w/in 5 feet (included).

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Saturday July 31st, 2010 5:01:55 AM

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I was your PET mi'lady. Shall I fetch your slippers for you? Get the paper? Anything else I can do for you? RESPECT! Bah! You have none except for yourself, so before you start ordering me about as if I was a lackey of yours, maybe you should hold your tongue!" Gio was in no mood to be talked down to again and have to suffer insults when someone like Larien would do no better. If she wanted to trade spells, so be it, he was tired of being taken advantage by her any longer.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Saturday July 31st, 2010 9:32:38 AM

Eclip goes to look at the dropped bodies as he ask "I don't doubt what you saw, I am just seeking the truth of what you saw. We will find the ones responsible for this and see that they pay for the evil they'd done. One more thing, where did the attack occur?"

Examining the bodies with Gio, the druid looks to Id the bodies (human or drow? who), how they died, use detect magic to see if there is any residue auras on them? Whispering to Gio, "What's gotten into friend, you were being as diplomatic as a porcupine is cutely? Perhaps your words did avert a battle, but after he's had time to thinking about it he may not quite be so friendly next time. Maybe that as friendly as he gets anyway."

See the crowed, isn't even being swayed by prominent female drow, "Let's take this matter to the council. Maybe if there isn't anything to see the crowed will disperse.

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Saturday July 31st, 2010 2:56:22 PM

Gio whispers back to Eclip, "I was being friendly in the beginning, remember? (dip roll33) But all that got me was being insulted, so I changed tact like a sailor changes tact to sail into an oncoming wind to still make headway, but even with your help, his course was unchanged(dip roll51). So, it's very apparent he's not a sailor." Thinking about it a bit, "And porcupines are cute, little ones, especially hedgehogs too."

Sesha - 43/43 HP - AC 13 
Saturday July 31st, 2010 4:52:46 PM

Sesha frowns as she watches the unfolding events. The marked arrows were a bit of concern, but further more aggrivating was the treatment of the dead. She took close note of the man and his companions, then looked at the dead drow on the ground.

Her eyes burn as she watches the man leave unharmed after smearing insult and dishonor on the drow. She still didn't consider them her people yet, but there's was a pang of indignance that these people would endure so much from this man.

She spoke aloud to the mans back, uncaring of who listened or who heard what she had to say.

"Let him leave Larien. Among the Ga'alin he would be dead where he now stands. It is taking much for me to remember right now that I am NOT among my people. Although, among my people, that man would have had challenge rights to remove Giovanni's head from it's shoulders. Diplomacy is a curious thing among the drow."

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Saturday July 31st, 2010 5:43:11 PM

Gio mutters under his breath, Let him try it.

Pathos (AC23,60hp)  d20+7=18 ;
Sunday August 1st, 2010 4:07:32 AM

Pathos swoops down and lands causing a section of crowd to step back a little.

"Come on now mister. Has there never been a criminal or a bandit in your culture? I find that hard to believe. If there has been a crime, tell us all about it, and we'll go and visit some justice. You can come if you like." Dip 18

Gilin Underlane (AC20/Touch 12/FF 18 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33) 
Sunday August 1st, 2010 9:08:34 PM

"Giovanni, I hold you in the highest of respect, but you were out of line. Yes the man was accusing It-lal of something that it may not have done. But he was grieving, angry, and not thinking right. You were the one who was supposed to be calm, and compassionate. You were not." Gilin privately agreed with Sesha; where he had been raised, Giovanni would be twitching on the floor right now, and nobody would blink an eye at it.

The half-drow turned toward the rest of the group. "Elf-made arrows are a commodity... Do the drow of It-Lal count their arrows among their exports? If they do, then the fletcher's mark may not be significant; anybody around these parts could have Drow-made arrows. However, if he says that he saw the drow attacking him, then we unfortunately would seem to have some marauders to capture."

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Sunday August 1st, 2010 9:21:24 PM

"I was out of line? Excuse, me, did you forget where I was polite at first? Yes you did (first diplomacy roll of 33). YOU took offense to his tone, or did you forget that? Then he insulted me and further and most heinously, he dumped these MUTILATED drow bodies on the ground like they were sides of beef. So before you talk to me about respect and being out of line for being less than compassionate about a man who treats your brethern as pieces of meat, maybe you should stop and consider that maybe he's the one who doesn't deserve any compassion because of the way he's killed and disrespected your people, or are you the pot calling the kettle black?" Completely disgusted at the way some of the Shadow Guardians are kissing the murderers ass and pampering his feelings as if he were a small child who had his toys taken away, he adds, "I can see it in your eyes, some of you. If you think he can take me in a fight because of the way he looks, then that says a whole lot more about you and your lack of respect than it does him throwing your kind on the ground and you simply looking away. I've proven myself in battle and to think any less of me, well, that makes you as bad as him."

Gio was really angry, and his behaviour should come as no surprise to anyone in the group based on prior experiences where he was insulted and returned the favor in kind, but even worse. Besides Sesha, was he the only one outraged by the way the humans and half-elves had treated the bodies of the drow, mutilating them--even cattle were treated with more respect. Gio had over 50 drow followers in his care and he could never imagine any of them simply looking the other way if one of them was killed in this fashion--and neither could Gio. He may be halfling by birth, but his heart was drow and he shared the same joys and pains they were going through and it completely unhinged him to see his fellow drow treated in such a fashion and it disgusted him to his bones to see Larien sucking up to the mutilator of the people of her birth.

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58  d20+30=49 ;
Sunday August 1st, 2010 10:40:34 PM

Against all his feelings on the matter, Gio didn't want a war. Looking back at the crowd, he did not want to be blamed for any of their deaths and yes, he would be blamed since it seemed some of the Shadow Guardians would rather shake the hand of a murderer than talk about the 800lb white elephant in the room. Taking a deep breath, Gio approached the leader and said in a strong voice, "You don't like me, it's apparent I don't like you, but neither of us are here to make friends and swap old stories. What we are here for is justice and to have that served to the best of it's ability, we need to work together and work peaceably. I offer you that peace, now, to put aside our differences so we can find the people who committed these crimes and bring them to justice--drow or otherwise. Deal?" Gio extends his hand to seal the deal. (diplomacy roll 49)

T'Shalla (AC: 27 / HP: 78/78) CharSheet 
Monday August 2nd, 2010 6:27:33 PM

T'Shalla tries to continue dispersing the crowd, while the others continue talking with the elves and half-elves.

DM Kent 
Monday August 2nd, 2010 7:21:17 PM

(ooc; Hold on ALL there is some miscommunication here.

The bodies dropped on the ground are not drow, they are his clan mates, half elves and human.

Gio: remember when you are using diplomacy skill, please make sure you know the rules.

<<<PHB p 72

Diplomacy -

Try Again - "Optional, but not recommended because retries usually do not work. Even if the
initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can be persuaded only so
far, and a retry may do more harm than good. If the initial check fails, the
other character has probably become more firmly committed to his position, and a
retry is futile."
<<< )

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Monday August 2nd, 2010 7:36:04 PM

ooc: well that changes everything doesn't it, especially Gio's complete mindset towards what has happened.. thanks for the clarification now. As for the diplomacy rules, yes, I know them and know it was optional so I tried again since it seemed that my first attempt of 33 failed.

I don't understand why he's dropping off his clanmates here and not with their families, but oh well.

DM Kent 
Monday August 2nd, 2010 7:48:27 PM

The crowd is beginning to thin, but still not fast enough to lesson the tensions in the four guards helping T'shalla. Though more are leaving than arriving now it is just slow getting everyone turned around.

Eclip's inspection of the dead shows 8 bodies 6 human and 2 half elf. The humas are riddled with arrow wounds (possible 6-8 each) The two half elves tell a different story. There do not seem to any wounds on either body and his detect magic spell screams death magic.

As the lead hunter turns to go several of his clan mates begin urging him to to leave while others are trying to get him to stay. As several of the other S.G.s continue efforts to get to the bottom of things he stops and turns as Pathos makes his plea.

"Sure we have our Criminals, but they don't usually pretend to be friends and ready to trade and when you approach pop up from out of hiding and slaughter you."

As Gio approaches he shifts his weight slightly forward on to the balls of his feet and looks down at the halfling. He listens to what he has to say and then looks at the proferred hand, and then pointedly ignores it.

" What is it you are proposing? We want justice and recompense for our fallen members, so as to provide for their families and kin. And we want the guilty parties to be turned over to us to meet our justice."

Giovanni AC23/17T/18FF HP88/88 -- Blinky AC22/14T/18FF HP58/58 
Monday August 2nd, 2010 9:25:46 PM

Gio looks at his hand and sighs, "Ah well, maybe you could take us to the scene of the crime and we can use our magics and other skills to track down these killers."

Gilin Underlane (AC20/Touch 12/FF 18 | HP 67/67) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC25, Touch 16, Flat Footed 23)(HP 33/33)  d20+17=19 ; d20+17=34 ;
Monday August 2nd, 2010 11:30:33 PM

Gilin closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them. They seem to glow a very faint pale blue. He examines the half-elf bodies closely, attempting to determine the strength and specific school of the magics that killed them in an effort to learn more about their murderers.

Spellcraft Rolls for each body: 19, 34.

Larien (AC 26/17T/20FF, HP 67/67), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 33/33) and Grif (griffon, AC 23/12T/20FF, HP 59/59)  d100=8 ; d100=9 ; d100=60 ; d100=57 ; d100=54 ; d100=25 ; d100=20 ;
Tuesday August 3rd, 2010 3:47:48 AM

Crafting flashback

During the last month, Larien spends much of her time creating or upgrading materials for herself and Grif, and at various points she accepts offers of spell-casting help from Eclip or Sesha. The wizardess makes great time thanks to her Time Forge Feat. Initially she plays it safe, speeding the process by just a factor of two (1% chance of fey), but with the last three items, which are more complex and time consuming, she risks speeding the process by a factor of three (10% chance of fey). Fortunately, luck is with her, and she avoids attracting any fey creatures to the portal.

* Finish Grif's Mantle of Resistance +3 -- .37 day (Time Forge roll already made)
* Craft Ring of Protection +2 -- (8 days normal) 4 days with Time Forge (8%)
* Upgrade Shirt of Dex +1 to +3 -- (8.8 days normal) -- 4.4 days w/ Time Forge (9%)
* Enchantment for +3 Stud Leather Armor (9 days normal) -- 4.5 days with Time Forge (60%)
* Upgrade +3 Cloak of Resistance to +4 -- (9 days normal) -- 4.5 days with Time Forge (57%)

* Upgrade +3 Mantle of Resistance to +4 -- (9.9 days normal) 3.3 days with Time Forge (54%)
* Upgrade +4 Headband of Intellect -- (12 days normal) -- 4 days with Time Forge (25%)
* Craft +4 Shirt of Health - (17.6 days normal) -- 5.86 days with Time Forge (20%)

Total days spent crafting: 30.93
(Total days available: 37)

Kent > Actually all partial days count as full days as you can only enter in to the space with the material for the one specific item you are working on. Dont forget to subtract any and all monetary and experience costs necessary please.

Eclip and Artan CharSheet 
Tuesday August 3rd, 2010 11:23:26 AM

Eclip finds it odd too that dropped their dead at our doorstep, never the less the druid treats the bodies with the same respect he would a fellow drow, as he shares his findings with the others.

Joining Giovanni and the Ranger Leader, "Yes, Justice and compensation will be yours whether it is rouge house members or as we believe another group. You are our allies and neighbors, if it is rouge drow then they have harmed when they harmed you. If it is another, then by posing as drow they have they wronged us as they have you. So, it is in It'lal's interest to find and put a stop to these thugs. Time is important, we need to see the site of the attack and learn if they have left any trails. Also, is this the only attack? When did this attack and any other attacks take place? Can you take us there now?"

Talking to the gate guards and the other shadow Guardians, "If this is indeed the traitor Atrea, last time she stirred up trouble between us and New Elanna by attacking drow disguised as humans and humans disguised as drow. We need to send a message to the matriarchs warning them against such attacks. And to get the councilor's orders for us."

Eclip is ready to accompany the hunters back to the site of the attack, but hopes we can talk to the Matriarch Council first and catch back up with the hunters.

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