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Attack On The Water - DMAl 
Saturday November 28th, 2009 8:44:39 PM

The burly halfling turns at the question. Then, with a sheepish look, he shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. That's why it's experimental." He turns and cups his hands, shouting up to the figures in the window above. "HOW LONG WILL THE POTION LAST?" One of the five in wizard's robes shrugs his shoulders too. Then, with a second thought, lifts a hand holding out five fingers.

"Five hours?" The halfling shrugs again. "Means it should be wearing off pretty soon. Good luck. I hear it hurts like a pixie tearing your nose hairs out."


Come late afternoon, a runner arrives at the door of the Shield residence. He wears the livery of the City Guard. From his heavy breathing he's made triple time from wherever he's come.

"ATTACK AT THE DOCKS!" He pounds on the front door. "CAPTAIN ELVARAN CALLING FOR HELP FROM THE CRIMSON SHIELDS!" What could it be this time?

The Crimson Shields make their way down two levels and hustle to the great City Gate that pierces the outer wall and lets out onto the Docks. As usual, the docks are bustling with activity. All of the people from sailors to dock workers to customs officers, seem to have their eyes trained out to the open water.

The Shields make their way through the labyrinth of docks in the direction in which everyone else is staring. They make their way past ships of all sizes, from small barks to three masted sailing ships to the scattered turtle ferries, giant partially domesticated turtles, each with its own handler. At the group's back rises the enormous bulk of Floating City. Five levels it rises out of the lake. So large that from the docks it obscures half of the sky.

To one side, an opening between two boats reveals the extensive dry dock facilities, in which the Wrath still undergoes repairs. Finally, the Shields make it out to the pier furthest away from the city. Off in the distance - a little over a thousand feet away - something is happening on the water. Figures dive from the air down upon something on the surface of the water itself.

(Spot Check if you'd catch more of the action.)

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn)  12d6=37 ;
Sunday November 29th, 2009 2:13:42 PM

In the dawn's early light the, Shadow Guardians get their first good look at the tremendous structure call the Float, they can make out individual building on each of the five level suspended between huge pillars at each corner. It an amazing thing to behold!

As everyone stares at the city ahead, Giovanni hear a whistle of air as it moves quickly across thick cloth, the bard looks to the sky towards the early sun.

T'Shalla and Blinky also, glace up at where Giovanni is looking in time to see a green spray start to issue fourth from a point of nothingness fifty feet above them. As the green acid spew forth the head of a huge green dragon becomes visible as the magical invisibility dissipates along the body revealing the entire dragon. The breath of acid quickly envelops the entire deck of the Black Swanboat.

The dragons' flight path shifts to the side some twenty feet and is still about 50ft up. The monster raises it head as it roars in raw rage "Death will come quickly to you dark one for the murder of my children!"

(all on the swan boat, Acid Breath take 37 Reflex save DC25 for half 18) {Everyone should be at full after a night rest}

SwanBoat Battle Map & Dock

(Note the Swanboat is moving 60ft per round towards the float any creature in the air needs to spend 60ft movement each round just to keep pace with the boat. If taking off or landing on the deck of the boat reduce the 60ft movement to half for that round. If you don't spend the required movement to keep abreast of the boat then you will fall behind (left of map) by the amount short. All map movement will be keep relative to the boat)

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP24/61 -- Blinky *Blinking* AC19/13T/16FF HP4/41  d20+13=18 ; d20+8=20 ;
Sunday November 29th, 2009 4:15:46 PM

Awash in pain from the green death, Gio quickly barks to his blink dog to get off the ship and to make for the shore--almost unconscious from the dragon's attack, Blinky reluctantly complies and starts blinking just before he dimension doors away.

Turning to see the mother of the three juveniles the Shadow Guardians had slain, Gio yells back, "You probably don't want to hear that after we killed them, we skinned them and ate them, do you?" The spry halfling waits a moment to let his fellows blast the creature then decides what to do.

Ref saves: Gio18, Blinky20 Both Fail

Blinky can dim-door 720', so he will dim-door just above the water, slip in, wait so as to not to draw attention to himself, then dim-door again next round to the docks.

Gio holds his action

Belkior - AC 25 - HP 136 - Magic Circle vs. Evil - Bead of Karma  d20+9=15 ;
Sunday November 29th, 2009 9:39:49 PM

The halfling cleric trots along with his companions towards the docks of Floating City. Like them, Belkior is wondering exactly what is happening. Once they reach the dock, he peers ahead to try to make out more details of what is happening on the water.
Spot = 15

Belkior has activated his Bead of Karma just before reaching the docks. Once he stops running, the Paragon casts Magic Circle Against Evil and casts Status on all of his companions.

Items Used
Bead of Karma

0 - DC 18 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic
1st - DC 19 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 20 - Silence(x2), Sound Burst(x2), Status(x2)**, Zone of Truth (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 21 - Daylight, Invisibility Purge, Water Breathing, Water Walk, Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 22 - Air Walk, Control Water, Death Ward(x2), Neutralize Poison(x2) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 23 - Greater Command(x2), Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 24 - Greater Dispel Magic, Heal(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 25 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP24/61 -- Blinky *Blinking* AC19/13T/16FF HP4/41 
Monday November 30th, 2009 1:33:58 AM

Just in case a Monday post is required:

The group quickly forms a plan and puts it into motion:

1. Larien hands off the scroll of dimension door to Gio as Grif comes to her, then she quick mounts Grif. She then casts haste on everybody she can and flies away.
2. Gilin casts fly and has his familiar Sonia deliver it onto Artan, then the familiar hitches a ride on Eclip as he mounts and flies away on Artan.
3. Gio puts the dim-door scroll in his pants o/plenty pocket for safe keeping, then casts dimension door himself that takes T'shalla, Pathos, Gilin and himself 800' closer to the docks (about 1' above the water), after the three move to grab onto his arms.
4. Once in the water, Pathos flies towards the docks.

Next round if all goes according to plan, Gilin casts fly on Gio who gets out of the water, but only enough to get the scroll from his pants o'plenty and will then cast dim-door from the scroll (680') and take T'shalla and Gilin, after they grab onto him, to the docks-- whereupon he will call out for his blink dog, blinky, to join his side.

Pathos (AC23,16hp)  d20+9=15 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 2:21:31 AM

"Again!" Pathos reels in pain from the Acidic goo. Then Dan has to go to work!

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 13/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 7/25)  d20+4=7 ; d20+5=15 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 6:44:31 AM

Gilin and Sonia take the worst from the acid (37 and 18 respectively). Howling in pain, Gilin follows the slapdash plan and casts Fly, sending Sonia to deliver it to the large bear before Gio ports them away. Gilin instructs Sonia to hide herself safely in one of Eclip's Pants o'Plenty pockets. She'll be fine there for ten minutes, which will be enough time to resolve this one way or the other.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Monday November 30th, 2009 7:57:07 AM

Unable to walk on water, yet, the former leader of the Chosen of Domi and now low end lackey of the Crimson Shields draws his weapons and waits. Not else can be done at this distance. Then he remembers his bow. Nah, preparation would take too long. He continues to wait. His thought sway back to the bear in the enclosure.

Jass-Lizardman AC 25 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, Alter Self, False Life, Fly)  d10+10=16 ; d20+6=20 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 11:58:35 AM

...(ooc: on arrival of messenger)

Jass places his teacup on the table and instructs his Unseen Servant to wash up. "I'll meet you down there, Syr, but if its a fight, I've got some preparations to make."

Going into his rooms, he checks to ensure the Private Sanctum is still intact on the headquarters, then grabs staff and backpack, and begins casting. Mage Armor is followed by Alter Self, False Life, and Fly before the sorcerer Dim Doors to the docks to meet his companions.

As soon as he spells out, the Unseen Servant winks from existance.

...(ooc: on arrival at docks)

Looking out over the water, Jass will relate to his friends anything he sees. "And whatever it is, Syr, it looks like we need to do some flying, eh? Tell me 'when' and I'll Dim Door me plus three 900 feet out there!"

With those words, the sorcerer reaches out and gives Macasthai a Fly spell.

Casting in Room
Spot: 20
Cast: Fly on Mac the minotaur.

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Alter Self: 140 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 armor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Fly: 138 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

Mac Fly: 140 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/1/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP77/61) Artan (AC 23, HP 67/51) CharSheet  d20+8=18 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+20=34 ; d8=1 ; d8=6 ; d8=5 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 1:51:04 PM

(Dragon breath: Eclip Reflex save 18, Artan Reflex save 21)

Both Eclip the drow druid and his brown bear animal companion Artan are caught off guard taking the full brunt of the dragons's acid breath attack! Artan howls in pain from the burning acid, as Eclip utters a few explicative.

Hearing the Halfling bard Giovanni first taunt the dragon then quickly making plans for the group, Eclip hopes most of the Shadow Guardians can make it to safety. "Larien, get on Grif and get out of here!'

Delaying for as long as he can for Larin to cast her haste, before the druid takes a five foot step next to Artan. Eclip quick mounts the war-mount trained bear (ride 15, fail w/Hero Point reroll 29) with a heroic effort to jump up into the military saddle. Talking to Gilin's bat familiar, "Thanks for the spell and hang on Sonia." the druid spurs Artan to fly forward (ride 17, handle Animal: 34) as quickly as he. As they move Eclip cast a shared Cure Moderate spell upon them both (concentration DC13 vs +14 auto, heals 6+5+10=21 each)

Looking back seeing Larien is still in danger, druid taunts the dragon, "HAY Dragon! I personally skinned one of your whelps and I have the hide to prove it. Come and get me if you can!" the druid pats the roll of dragonhide tied behind his saddle.

Artan double move flying 60ft with taking off from the boat +30ft puts them 150ft closer to the dock (w/haste 210ft closer to the dock) on the 14/15 line 1,085 or w/haste 1025 from the dock. Flying 5 feet above the water.

If need be, Eclip can call Artan to him and quick mount then the druid can use a move action to push Artan to fly forward (move action). This would place him 60 to 90ft further away from the dock.

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { { *denotes spells cast.}
0: (6) DC14 -- *2xCure Minor, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Resistance
1: (5) DC15 -- *CLW, Produce Flame, *Pass without Trace, *Longstrider, Entangle
2: (5) DC16 -- 2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm
3: (4) DC17 -- *Magic Fang Greater, *Cure Moderate, Protection from Energy, spike growth
4: (4) DC18 -- Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement
5: (2) DC19 -- Animal Growth, wall of Thorns.

Mac: AC:27, HP:149  d20+6=23 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 4:01:23 PM

Effects: Fly (from Lizardboy): 140 rounds; Movement Fly(60'), good manoeuvre.

Mac looks out over the water from his natural vantage point Spot:23. "Well, it isn't another kraken!" Mac relates what he sees. Unfortunately, the swanboat is a minute away at full flight (no Running Fly - sigh), and he hasn't got a gauge on its speed as yet. "Count me in on the door. In the meantime..." Mac draws his bow and knocks an arrow.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 24/59)  d20+13=33 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+1=10 ; d20+4=21 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+1=8 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+10=26 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 5:25:12 PM

Larien manages to dodge the worst of the acid blast, but Grif takes it full-on. Fortunately, Madeline is in the air scouting, safely away from the blast.

The wizardess glances around, hearing the yells and suggestions of her companions. She nods at Eclip, and quickly moves past Gio (to H11). Pointing at her pack's side-pouch where a mapcase protrudes, she tells Gio, "Grab the Dim Door scroll from the mapcase!" While Gio retrieves the scroll tube, Larien casts Haste on herself, Artan, Eclip, Gilin, Gio, Grif, Pathos, Sonja and T'Shalla. Immediately after doing so, she sees Eclip mount Artan, and the two of them fly off.

Once the scroll tube is safely in Gio's hand, Larien fast-mounts Grif (free action, automatic success w/ Ride mod of +20), and she urges the magic beast to fly as fast as possible toward the Float. Grif springs into the air, and soon passes Artan. If Larien can spare a moment for her familiar, she calls out to it in their shared language "Madeline, stay well clear of the dragon. Fly to Float when you can do so safely." Regardless, the intelligent bird (Int 10) should be able to figure out what's happening and act accordingly to stay safe.


Grif's Hasted fly speed is 110 ft, double move for 220 ft, +30 ft for the boat movement = 250 ft? If a fly-run is possible here, Grif can move 110 ft x 4 = 440 ft.

Listen -- Larien (10), Madeline (21), Grif (7)
Spot -- Larien (8), Madeline (29), Grif (26)

Active spells - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
Haste (Artan, Eclip, Gilin, Gio, Grif, Larien, Pathos, Sonja and T'Shalla; extra attack, +1 to attack, dodge bonus to AC & Reflex saves, double speed) -- 9/9 rounds

Spell list -- cast spells appear in bold -- E = extended (5/6 available), S = silent (3/3 available)
0 - Wizard (DC15) - Acid Splash (Conj), Mage Hand, Message, Message, Read Magic - Cleric (DC11) - Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink
1 - Wizard (DC16) - Feather Fall, Mage Armor (Conj) (E), Mount, Mount, Mount, Mount, Shield - Cleric (DC12) - Comprehend Languages, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith
2 - Wizard (DC17) - Invisibility, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Web
3 - Wizard (DC18) - Dispel Magic, Fly, Fly, Haste, Summon Monster III (Conj)
4 - Wizard (DC19) - Invisibility Greater, Invisibility Greater, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph
5 - Wizard (DC20) - Summon Monster V (Conj), Summon Monster V (Conj), Summon Monster V (Conj)
Spontaneous spells (three per day) -- Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestidigitation; Shadow Goggles -- Detect Evil , Detect Evil, Bear's Endurance, Blur

Pathos (AC23,16hp) 
Monday November 30th, 2009 6:00:34 PM

Wiping gook from his eyes, Pathos lurches aft to grab a piece of Gio.

"I dreamed last night that I was on the boat to heaven
And by some chance I had brought my dice along
And there I stood
And I hollered 'Someone fade me!'
But the passengers all knew right from wrong...

"And the people all said 'Sit down, sit down you're rocking the boat!'"

Bard Song +1 attack and fear saves. I feel we're going to need it.

Corvis Zurvich 
Monday November 30th, 2009 6:35:19 PM

Corvis glances at the other Shields and notices some are breaking into movement already but he himself is unsure of what to do. He doesn't feel like swimming so far out and he has no magical means so he smiles abit as he glances towards Belkior, "Well, whatever it is has to come to me. I'll do my best to keep you safe little buddy too." Corvis hopes that whatever is going on will beable to be met on the ground or he might be alittle less effective.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Monday November 30th, 2009 6:54:06 PM

Syr jumps up from his tea with Grigory. "There's a first, we usually call her not the other way around." He hustles down to the docks with the rest of the group to witness the attack.

Arriving at the docks he turns to Jass, "What do you think of holding off before joining them, it looks like they are abandoning ship. No sense going out there if the dragon is chasing them here. Can you also get Brahmah into the air? If we do that, the the taurs and I can use your door to keep it a bit occupied."

Turning to one of the newest members, "Corvis, time to earn your keep. Do you think you can pilot that barge to somewhere in between, We could use a mobile platform."

Without thinking he asks, "Wynn, you have gills, why don't..." The thought goes unfinished as he realizes the bard is no longer with them. With a sigh, he turns his attention back to the dragon.

Using his new pouch, he quickly reaches inside and draws forth a potion of Flying, preparing to swallow it with a gulp.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP24/61 -- Blinky *Blinking* AC19/13T/16FF HP4/41 
Monday November 30th, 2009 7:22:00 PM

After grabbing the scrollcase out of Lady Larien's pack, Gio casts Dimension Door while T'shalla, Pathos and Gilin hang on to him or each other. 800' closer to the docks and then a quick splash in the water, Gio comments on Pathos clothes as he fights the nausea, "First swamp water, then dragon spit and now this lake water. You're going to have to get that outfit I gave you a professional cleaning!"

Dragon Sign - DMAl 
Monday November 30th, 2009 8:50:48 PM

It's difficult, from the dock to pick out the figures on the dark boat approaching across the water. It is not, however, difficult to identify the creature that suddenly appears in the sky.


Cries go up from all points upon the docks. Somewhere, an alarm bell rings. It's been a while since Syr and Belkior have seen a dragon. From a thousand feet away, this one looks every bit as big as Hotshot had been. This one, however, is green.

Suddenly, a small dark figure pops into the air some three to four hundred feet away, then drops down into the water. Other figures begin lifting off the deck of the dark boat, flying into the same air commanded by the dragon. Another group of three figures appears in the air and then falls down into the waters at about the same place as the first.

At the speed that the dragon soars through the sky, it can easily be on the four figures in the water within a few short seconds. The figures in the water have a few hundred feet of water to cross. Unless they have a trick up their sleeves, they'll never make it to the docks before the dragon is upon them.


To anyone currently in the water:

1) You must make a swim check vs DC10 in order to move, and then it is at 1/4 speed.
2) You cannot cast a spell with Somatic components and remain afloat. Attempt this and you sink. See rule 3.
3) You cannot cast a spell with Verbal components unless your head is above water, or you can breath water.
4) If you are treading water and casting a Verbal only spell, you must make a Concentration check vs DC10 or lose the spell.
5) If you can breath underwater, you must still make a Spellcraft check vs DC10+Spell Level in order to successfully cast. If you can speak Aquan, however, you need not make this check.

All other rules involving water and combat can be found here.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 39) CharSheet  d20+14=20 ; d20+1=7 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 9:15:33 PM

T'Shalla curses while getting sprayed by the dragons breath and then dropping into the water when Gio pulls us through the dimension door, sputtering in the water, again having knowing why she dislikes deep water as she has trouble keeping herself afloat.
<Dragon breath save: 20 failed, half damage due to Improved Evasion>
<Swim check: 7, failed again! She hates deep water! lol>

Belkior - AC 25 - HP 136 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Status, Water Walk - Bead of Karma 
Monday November 30th, 2009 9:43:11 PM

The halfling cleric casts a spell to grant himself and his companions the ability to walk on water. Once Belkior has touched all of his companions, Belkior calls to Jass.

"Ready to go! If you take me, I'll touch those people out there and do the same for them!"

Items Used
Bead of Karma

Active Effects
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC (deflection), +2 saves (resistance), etc., 190 minutes
Status - on all members of Crimson Shields, 18 hours
Water Walk - 180 minutes (applied to Belkior, Brahmah, Corvis, Grigory, Jass, Mac, Syr and held for up to 11 others)

0 - DC 18 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic
1st - DC 19 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 20 - Silence(x2), Sound Burst(x2), Status(x2)**, Zone of Truth (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 21 - Daylight, Invisibility Purge, Water Breathing, Water Walk*, Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 22 - Air Walk, Control Water, Death Ward(x2), Neutralize Poison(x2) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 23 - Greater Command(x2), Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 24 - Greater Dispel Magic, Heal(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 25 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn)  d20+27=28 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 11:25:54 PM

The Halfling bard Giovanni and his Blink dog cohort, both take the full blast of acid. Hurt badly, Blinky instinctually dimension door way from the boat towards the float phasing as he splashes into the water some 500 feet from the docks.

The Halfling cleric Belkior, is the first to respond to the alarm at the docks in time to see nearly a quarter mile away a black Swanboat get blasted by acid from a huge green dragon nearly a quarter mile away.

Forming a plan, Giovanni calls for a dimension door scroll from Larien, and calls for T'Shalla, Pathos & Gilin to gather around him. He also, tells Gilin to put a fly spell on Artan.

The half-drow sorcerer Gilin and his bat familiar Sonia howling in pain from the burning acid follow the bards' plan. Casting a fly spell, Gilin uses Sonia to deliver the touch spell to the large bear, as he himself closes next to Gio.

The once Captain of the Chosen a large Minotaur Brahmah is the second to reach the docks and join Belkior. The Ranger draws his weapons and waits knowing the battle is out of reach.

Receiving the alarm, the human Sorcerer Jass-Lizardman calmly sets aside his tea, and goes to his Private Sanctum. Despite taking his time, Jass is the third to arrive at the dock appearing in a flash through a dimensional door.

Both the drow druid Eclip and the brown bear Artan are caught off guard taking the full brunt of the dragon's breath. Hearing the halfing's plan, Eclip calls for Larien to go.

Another minotaur warrior arrives at the dock, Mac takes in the scene nearly a full minute flight away.

Surveying the distance trouble Jass-Lizardman calmly advises uses flying and the a Dim Door to get there. The sorcerer uses his magic to invoke the power of flight upon Macasthai (Mac).

Drawing his bow, Mac reserves a slot on the door spell of Jass.

Somehow managing to dodge part of the blast, the drow enchantress Larien, moves past Gio to her Griffon Grif who unfortunately took a full dose of acid breath. Calling to Gio to grab the mapcase from her pack with the scrolls.

The halfing grabs the scrollcase from Larien's pack, just before Larien jumps onto Grif and urges it forward as she cast haste upon everyone on the boat. Hasted the Griffion rockets forward (ooc: yes can run/fly. Note you need a move action available to quick mount, so the spell has to cast after mounted which would be in motion requiring a DC 18 concentration check which you pass automatically.)

Reeling in pain from acid and another ruined outfit, the drow warrior/bard Pathos complies and moves to Gio and bellows out a tune inspiring confidence in the Shadow Guardians.

Cursing the burning dragons' breath, the drow monk T'Shalla move to Gio's side.

Gio begins casting his own dimension Door upon himself, Pathos, Gilin and T'Shalla. All four vanish form the boat's deck and reappear some 800 feet closer to the dock as they splash into the water.

Having delayed a moment, Eclip steps up to his war-mount bear and with a heroic effort leaps into the saddle, and directs Artan to fly as fast as he can and for Sonia to hang on. As they fly the druid uses the forces of nature to heal some of the bears and his own wounds. Then turning he taunts the dragon trying to draw it next attack from the others, but being the slowest it's probably not necessary.

Joining the others on the dock, Corvis offers some light banter and to guard Belkior. (ooc: Can't access Corvis character sheet and no info on the woldipedia. So I have no idea what race or class Corvis is.)

The alarm also interrupting tea for the Elfin hand of Domi monk Syr, He hustles to the dock to witness the attack. Seeing the people jumping ship, Syr advises the others as he gulps down a potion of flying.

Belkior activates his bead of Karma covering his companions.


Snarling with hatred, the dragon bellows out "Yes flee like the rats you are! You'll just die tired! But you'll be my first kill darkling." the dragon swoops forward and down to attack Eclip with it bite (hit ac 28 {nat 1}), but in its haste and rage it badly misjudges the attack and misses.


SwanBoat Battle Map & Dock

(Note the Swanboat is moving 60ft per round towards the float any creature in the air needs to spend 60ft movement each round just to keep pace with the boat. If taking off or landing on the deck of the boat reduce the 60ft movement to half for that round. If you don't spend the required movement to keep abreast of the boat then you will fall behind (left of map) by the amount short. All map movement will be keep relative to the boat)

(Note what Al said on swimming rules. Thanks Al!)

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP24/61 -- Blinky *Blinking* AC19/13T/16FF HP4/41  d20-2=5 ; d20-2=17 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+22=36 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 2:43:51 AM

I knew I should have taken those swimming lessons offered at the Woldian League of Adventurers last time I was there, thinks Gio as he slips under the waves, then with a heroic effort he manages to break the surface of the water and starts to tread water as he takes out the dim-door scroll he grabbed from Lady Larien. "Hang on you two, and we'll see you on the docks Pathos!" the spry halfling cries out as he invokes the spell and dimension door's himself, T'shalla, and Gilin to the docks. Just as quickly, Blinky dim-doors next to his master.

The waves of nausea almost overcome Giovanni, but as he lays there slumped on the docks, he gives out a weak greeting, "Hail citizens of the Floating City, I bring welcome and glad tidings from It'lal, first home of the drow." Then he vomits lakewater.

Swim check: 5 fail, Use Hero Point reroll: 17
Concentration check: 17
Diplomacy: 36

Halfling Grigory  d20=8 ; d20+12=17 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 5:59:11 AM

OOC sorry I missed Monday's post - I've had a lot of catching up to do.

Grigory eventually flies down to the docks. He gently drifts down and remains hovering around 4' above the ground near to Syr and Mac.
"Sorry, I was distracted on my way here by... Oh wow. Beautiful. Look at that dragon. Syr, Mac, you can see it right? Where's my sketch pad. Is that why everyone is here? Amazing. See the crest beginning near the rear of the head, on the head, close to the eyes, which runs the length of the body and the tail. And the smaller horns on the chin, hornlets. Definitely a green dragon. Definitely. Incredible colouring too. Green. Astonishing. Emerald too, can you see that too? I hope it comes closer, I'd like to see more detail, particularly of the claws and teeth. I've never seen a green dragon so close before. Actually, all I can really make it is a huge green dragon, rest is simply memorised."

"Oh, here, where was my mind. Enjoy the show. This little trick is called Haste, it sort of tingles but more importantly it looks like everyone has slowed down. Of course, what I've actually done is imbued you with a little of my arcane powers, poured it into your blood stream. You can now move, act and react faster than anyone else here. Enjoy the feeling. Tends to produce headaches later in the day. Mac, I'm particularly interested in knowing how it feels for the taur races as I've had little experience of them to date."
Spot 8
Knowledge (Arcana) 17

Cast on the Crimson Shields: Haste

DM Sanity Info -- Available / Used
Spells in effect: on Grigory: Overland Flight, Protection from Arrows (cast first thing most days)
Cast on the Crimson Shields: Haste
Spells: 4/6/6/6/5/4/4/3
0: Message, Open/Close, Ghost Sound, Resistance
1: Endure Elements, Shield, Grease, Feather Fall, Feather Fall, Floating Disk
2: Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Fog Cloud, Glitterdust, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace
3: Fly, Haste, Slow, Fireball, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt
4: Minor Creation, Dimension Door, Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
5: Overland Flight, Empowered Fireball, Major Creation
6: Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Disintegrate, Disintegrate
7: Greater Teleport, Prismatic Spray, Summon Monster VII

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 13/50) Hasted(8) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 7/25)  d20+7=16 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 7:28:33 AM

Gio manages to cast Dimension Door from the scroll before Gilin can even get off his Fly spell, depositing them on the docks. Gilin, startled slightly by the abrupt change of location, squints to see the dragon. He casts Fly on Gio as planned, offering him some mobility, and reaches back into his Handy Haversack for his Enlarge rod.

0: 6/6 (DC16)
1: 6/8 (DC17)
2: 8/8 (DC18)
3: 6/7 (DC19)
4: 6/6 (DC20)
5: 4/4 (DC21)

Eclip (AC24*, HP77/61) Artan (AC 24*, HP 67/50) *Haste CharSheet  d20+14=19 ; d20+14=27 ; d20+13=16 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 9:59:55 AM

Feeling the bone snapping crack of the dragon's jaws just inches from his back, Eclip defensively cast Air Walk upon Artan (concentration 19 vs DC19, second check if needed for moving 27), then Spurs Artan into an all out run plus some (ride Spur mount 16 +10ft, +1pt dam).

Feeling the air solidify under his paws and Eclip's painfully jab to his side for speed, Artan runs full out (40ft +10ft spur +30ft haste = 80ft x 5 run feat = 400ft) leaving the dragon in the virtual dust at a dead run.

The dragon still get an opportunity attack (at +2) as Eclip and Artan streak away. With the wind ripping through his hair, the drow turns looking back and stick his tongue out at the dragon.

Air Walk on Artan.
Haste on Artan & Eclip +30 speed, +1 AC&Att, additial attack.
Fly on Artan +60 fly speed.

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { { *denotes spells cast.}
0: (6) DC14 -- *2xCure Minor, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Resistance
1: (5) DC15 -- *CLW, Produce Flame, *Pass without Trace, *Longstrider, Entangle
2: (5) DC16 -- 2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm
3: (4) DC17 -- *Magic Fang Greater, *Cure Moderate, Protection from Energy, spike growth
4: (4) DC18 -- *Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement
5: (2) DC19 -- Animal Growth, wall of Thorns.

Jass-Lizardman AC 26 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, Alter Self, False Life, Fly, Waterwalk, Haste) 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 12:37:30 PM

Jass feels the magics of the two halflings, Belkior and Grigory, wash over him and the others. "Excellent work, couldn't have done better myself", he says in highest praise. "Now let's help those people closest to the dragon. Hang on, Furball!"

Jass grabs Mac, Syr, and Corwin. "Hang on!", he calls, and Dim Doors to the water close to the flying drow and girffin. (Dim Door to AB,11 near Swan Boat)

"OK, spread out and get the attention of the dragon!", Jass calls to his companions while standing on the water. Furball the mink keeps a low profile inside the sorcerer's backpack.

Cast Dim Door to AB,11 near Swan Boat with Mac, Syr, Corwin. Able to bring 4 medium sized creatures with. Mac counts as "2".

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Alter Self: 140 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 armor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Fly: 137 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)
WaterWalking (from Belkior)
Haste (from Grigory) +1 AC, +1 Reflex, +1 full attack, +30' move

Mac Fly: 140 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/0/0 Used

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn) 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 1:32:11 PM


Jass - Just to make sure we are on the same wave length. The six characters in the upper right portion of the map are not to true scale position-wise to the dragon or boat.

Poping in next to Grif and Larien would still put you some 350 feet from the boat and some 305 feet from the dragon. Was that your intent?

Sorry if my map is confusing. Only the dragon and Artan/Eclip are shown in their true positions relative to the boat which is 1140 feet from the dock.


Jass-Lizardman AC 26 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, Alter Self, False Life, Fly, Waterwalk, Haste) 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 1:40:40 PM

DM : thanks! I thought Larian and Grif were closer to the dragon than that. Jass would like to Dim Door in about 100 feet in front of the dragon. His range on Dim Door is 960'.

The intent is to give the Dragon some more targets (and threats) than the fleeing group from the boat. Jass is also anticipating that a flying Eclip can go 120 feet in 6 seconds and should be beyond the arriving Crimson Shields this round.

(ooc: No problem. 960' will put you about 140' from the dragon, placing your group between the dragon and Eclip/Artan who are now travailing at 400ft per round. -Dm glenn)

Mac: AC:27, HP:149  d20+21=37 ; d8+7=13 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+16=30 ; d8+7=14 ; d20+11=23 ; d8+7=11 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 3:48:22 PM

Fly (from Lizardboy): 139 rounds; Movement Fly(60'), good manoeuvre.
Haste (from Grigory): 14 rounds; +30' Speed, additional attack at highest bonus in Full Attack action, +1 to Attack, +1 to AC*, and +1 to Reflex Saves.

Mac lets loose at the dragon with a chorus of +1 arrows (full attack + haste) and drops (yes, hopefully it floats) his bow, moving 5' towards the dragon.

AC37(13 damage), AC22(miss), AC30(14 dam.), and AC23(11 dam.). AoOs(up to 7) Horn gore (+21 att., d8+8 dam.)

Pathos (AC23,16hp)  d20+1=21 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 6:02:42 PM

Swim check 21. Natural 20, what a waste!

Pathos activates the flying ability of his celestial armour so quickly, his toes barely graze the water. He shoots straight up. Height is everything in an aerial battle.

"Or the devil will drag you under
by the sharp lapels on your checkered coat
Sit down Sit down Sit down Sit down
Sit down you're rocking the boat"

Bard song

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 38/73 [59])  d20+1=20 ; d20+4=12 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+1=6 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+10=19 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 6:31:52 PM

As Grif continues flying full-out toward the docks (run move; 440 ft), Larien glances back worriedly toward Artan and Eclip. She sees them pull away from the dragon, and then observes several figures appearing in front of the dragon and apparently engaging it in combat. The drow wizardess briefly considers the short list of spells that might help at this range, but ultimately opts to boost Grif with a Bear's Endurance spell, touching her Shadow Goggles to activate it.


Listen -- Larien (20), Madeline (12), Grif (11)
Spot -- Larien (6), Madeline (28), Grif (19)

Active spells - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
Haste (Artan, Eclip, Gilin, Gio, Grif, Larien, Pathos, Sonja and T'Shalla; extra attack, +1 to attack, dodge bonus to AC & Reflex saves, double speed) -- 8/9 rounds
Bear's Endurance (+4 Constitution; +14 HP, +2 Fortitude) -- 30/30 rounds (3 minutes; cast on Grif)

Spell list -- cast spells appear in bold -- E = extended (5/6 available), S = silent (3/3 available)
0 - Wizard (DC15) - Acid Splash (Conj), Mage Hand, Message, Message, Read Magic - Cleric (DC11) - Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink
1 - Wizard (DC16) - Feather Fall, Mage Armor (Conj) (E), Mount, Mount, Mount, Mount, Shield - Cleric (DC12) - Comprehend Languages, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith
2 - Wizard (DC17) - Invisibility, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Web
3 - Wizard (DC18) - Dispel Magic, Fly, Fly, Haste, Summon Monster III (Conj)
4 - Wizard (DC19) - Invisibility Greater, Invisibility Greater, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph
5 - Wizard (DC20) - Summon Monster V (Conj), Summon Monster V (Conj), Summon Monster V (Conj)
Spontaneous spells (three per day) -- Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestidigitation; Shadow Goggles -- Detect Evil , Detect Evil, Bear's Endurance, Blur

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 39) CharSheet 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 6:39:40 PM

T'Shalla looks around quickly and stands by Gio while he recovers, though she really wants to get back to help take on the dragon though she has no way to get at it, feeling helpless when the attacks are coming from the air,

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207  d20+18=20 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 6:51:14 PM

Syr's heads spins with the abrupt change of location. "I guess we run a delaying action until they get to the docks?"

He moves 70' closer to place himself between the dragon and the drow, staying out of it's immediate attack range. (OOC: I know the map isn't quite accurate so I will rely on DM discretion as to Syr's placement?) "Hey Greenie! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" The elf stands tall on the waves to swell his chest on his not so towering 4'10" frame. (Intimidate 20) Failing that, he grins sheepishly and points to the bow wielding minotaur behind him. "Mac, he's all yours!"

The Crimson Shield - DMAl 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 8:49:29 PM

Belkior calls upon Alemi for a useful spell. Before he can the Crimson Shields much about what the spell does, four figures suddenly appear on the docks along with them. One of the figures is a halfling. At the halfling's side appears a dog. The other two are drow, as dark of skin as Xenia had been. One of the drow is male and the other female. Unlike Xenia, however, her the female drow has the classic white head of hair. Out on the water, a fourth drow flies up from the surface and heads in the direction of safety. From over the water drifts the melody of his song.

The newcomers find themselves among a group of seven, including a halfling, two dark minotaurs, an elf, and two humans. As they stand, dripping water from the lake, another halfling flies down out of the sky and begins a discourse of facts, jaw dropping in their almost complete disassociation with the dangerous reality of the dragon's presence.

The full contingent of Crimson Shields do not remain long on the dock. Jass locks onto Mac, Syr and the new man, Corvis, and suddenly they appear above the water. Each one drops to the water below, but each also lands with their feet firmly planted in the water. The secret of Belkior's spell is revealed. The Crimson Shields walk on water. Over their heads another drow rides on a great brown bear. (If the AoO doesn't get him.) Another female drow to the east flies to the docks upon the back of a griffon.

Mac launches a few arrows at the green dragon, enough to annoy it no doubt. The the Crimson Shields then fan out, standing between the dragon and the city.

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn)  d20+27=29 ; 2d8+8=17 ; 5d6=13 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 10:01:24 PM

The Halfling cleric Belkior imparts to his friends the divine power to walk on water and offers to do the same to the others.

Struggling to keep his head above water, Giovanni manages to cast the soggy scroll, taking T'Shalla, Gilin and himself the rest of the way to the docks. Dripping wet the diplomatic bard offers flawless greeting before feeding the fish the contents of his stomach. Blinky joins his leader on the dock and shakes the water from his fur.

Arriving late to the dock, Grigory hovers in the air the Halfling prattles on about the green dragon's philology, before coming around and using his magic to haste everyone's movements describing spells properties in great detail.

Barely having time to get use to the water, Gilin is suddenly deposited by Gio on the docks. Sputtering out water the half-drow completes his spell of flight upon the bard Gio. Then getting his bearing, Gilin reaches for one of his meta rods.

With the dragon teeth inches away, Eclip calls upon natures power to solitify the air underneath Artan's paws allowing the large bear to break in to a dead run for the docks with the Druid spurring him on. The dragon snaps at the Eclip as the pair flees (AoO hit ac 29 {nat 2} dam 17 + 13shock =30tot) the dragons' teeth catch the druid this time is just barely cutting deeply and discharging an electric charge through the druid's body with a thousand tiny bolts of lighting. Still twitching for the shocking injury, the drow turns and sticks his tongue out at the dragon as Artan puts distance between them.

Grabbing Mac, Syr, and Corwin?, Jass transports the four of them nine tenths of the way to the dragon strategically placing them between it and the bear with rider. The four stand upon the lightly rolling surface of the water.

Attacking Mac sends four arrows at the dragon and only two hit causing the monster some discomfort. The Minotaur drops his bow ready as he shift forward. The bow bobs in the water floating.

Pathos activates his armor's flight before he can start to sink and shoots up into the air getting a good view of everything.

Continuing to fly full out, Larien ridding Grif closes in on the dock. The wizardress uses an item to boost Grif's endurance.

Dripping wet on the dock, the drow monkT'Shalla quickly orients herself.

With his head spinning from the relocation, Syr gives a belated suggestion even as he moves forward and tries to taunt/Intimidate the dragon.

The dragon glances at Syr and merely snorts as her gaze returns to the fleeing drow, "flee for now dark rats, you will feel my teeth soon enough!" the dragon then speaks words of magic vanishing from sight.
Spell check DC17 Highlight to display spoiler: { cast invisibility }

The black swan boat slightly damaged from the acid spay continues forward.


Dragon AC 27, touch ? , dam 13+14=27

SwanBoat Battle Map & Dock ( someone flagged the map document as inappropriate and it was taken off line. I requested a review. )
(update: No notification, but it allowed me to publish the document with a new link. odd?)

(Note the Swanboat is moving 60ft per round towards the float any creature in the air needs to spend 60ft movement each round just to keep pace with the boat. If taking off or landing on the deck of the boat reduce the 60ft movement to half for that round. If you don't spend the required movement to keep abreast of the boat then you will fall behind (left of map) by the amount short. All map movement will be keep relative to the boat)

Corvis Zurvichocs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AS- AC:30 HP:130/130  d20+8=22 ; d3=1 ; d20+8=14 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 10:22:15 PM

Corvis glances to the others and slides his longsword and shortsword from their sheathes since this will add to his defense and seeing as how the dragon is/was air born, his ranged weapon wouldn't reach it no matter.

Corvis is abit worried when it vanishes too and calls over to Syr, "Uhh, not sure about you but something that big suddenly vanishing can't be good. An if we can't get it on the ground if it does reappear then I'm of less help. Or inless someone can get me in the air if it is still here."

Corvis does his best to keep his eyes and ears open for anything, figuring that if the thing is still around that it has to make some noise moving even in the air.

(Spot: 22 Listen:14)
(Please ignore the d3, it was suppose to be doing a d20 instead.)

Belkior - AC 25 - HP 136 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Status, Water Walk - Bead of Karma 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 10:49:22 PM

The halfling cleric can't quite make out what the dragon did but does see it disappear from sight. However, Belkior and his companions have recently fought another opponent who also used invisibility so he is prepared. He casts his spell and then starts moving towards his companions farther out towards the boat.

Standard - Cast Invisibility Purge
Move - Move 60 ft closer to the boat, hopping down to water if needed

Items Used
Bead of Karma

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge -
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC (deflection), +2 saves (resistance), etc., 189 minutes
Status - on all members of Crimson Shields, 18 hours
Water Walk - 180 minutes (applied to Belkior, Brahmah, Corvis, Grigory, Jass, Mac, Syr and held for up to 11 others)

0 - DC 18 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic
1st - DC 19 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 20 - Silence(x2), Sound Burst(x2), Status(x2)**, Zone of Truth (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 21 - Daylight, Invisibility Purge*, Water Breathing, Water Walk*, Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 22 - Air Walk, Control Water, Death Ward(x2), Neutralize Poison(x2) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 23 - Greater Command(x2), Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 24 - Greater Dispel Magic, Heal(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 25 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP24/61 -- Blinky *Blinking* AC19/13T/16FF HP4/41  d8=2 ; d8=7 ; d8=6 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 1:12:35 AM

Gio pats his dog and looks over to Gilin, "Sorry Gil, I forgot about the Fly spell and didn't want to drown. Here, you look a bit ragged." Gio invokes one of his healing spells and restores some of Gilin's health.

Cure Serious Wounds: +25hp

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 38/73 [59])  d20+1=21 ; d20+4=7 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+1=17 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+10=15 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 4:04:39 AM

Even flying in the opposite direction, Larien can hear the dragon speak a familiar incantation (Spellcraft +23). Calling out as loud as she call, the drow wizardess yells, The dragon's cast Invisibility on herself!

Using her knees to guide him (Ride +20; auto-success), Larien directs Grif to circle their current location (roughly 800 ft from the dragon's last known position), and the mighty griffon obliges, cutting his speed by increasing their altitude and banking around in a gradual circle. Muttering something about having to use all her scrolls to save them from dragons, Larien deftly grabs a scroll from her map case and casts See Invisibility on herself (Concentration +18; automatic success even if "violent motion" applies), and looks to see where the dragon is.

She immediately yells out the green beast's location as helpfully as she can, and continues to do so as long as necessary (i.e., "I can see her now! She's flying east, 100 ft away from the Minotaur", or whatever applies, so that the other heroes may act accordingly).


Listen -- Larien (21), Madeline (7), Grif (13)
Spot -- Larien (17), Madeline (22), Grif (15)

Active spells - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
Haste (Artan, Eclip, Gilin, Gio, Grif, Larien, Pathos, Sonja and T'Shalla; extra attack, +1 to attack, dodge bonus to AC & Reflex saves, double speed) -- 7/9 rounds
Bear's Endurance (+4 Constitution; +14 HP, +2 Fortitude) -- 29/30 rounds (3 minutes; cast on Grif)
See Invisibility -- 30/30 minutes

Spell list -- cast spells appear in bold -- E = extended (5/6 available), S = silent (3/3 available)
0 - Wizard (DC15) - Acid Splash (Conj), Mage Hand, Message, Message, Read Magic - Cleric (DC11) - Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Purify Food and Drink
1 - Wizard (DC16) - Feather Fall, Mage Armor (Conj) (E), Mount, Mount, Mount, Mount, Shield - Cleric (DC12) - Comprehend Languages, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith
2 - Wizard (DC17) - Invisibility, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray, Web
3 - Wizard (DC18) - Dispel Magic, Fly, Fly, Haste, Summon Monster III (Conj)
4 - Wizard (DC19) - Invisibility Greater, Invisibility Greater, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph
5 - Wizard (DC20) - Summon Monster V (Conj), Summon Monster V (Conj), Summon Monster V (Conj)
Spontaneous spells (three per day) -- Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Flare, Prestidigitation; Shadow Goggles -- Detect Evil , Detect Evil, Bear's Endurance, Blur

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 4:06:09 AM

Brahmah kind of stands stunned that he was left alone. He was expecting to fly. Then is shocked by the Waterwalk from Belkior.

He casts his own Long Strider. The ranger moves alond behind the group.

Prepped spells (3,2,2,1):
Longstrider*, Charm Animal, Speak with Animals
Barkskin, Bear's Endurance
Waterwalk, Reduce Animal
Freedom of Movement

(OOC: Thanks Belkior)

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 38/50) Hasted(7) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 7/25)  10d20=114 ; 10d6=30 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 6:40:16 AM

Feeling much better thanks to Gio's healing, Gilin says, "Thanks, Gio!" He then focuses on the dragon again as it disappears.

"Crap!" he exclaims. "I can't shoot the damn dragon if I can't see it!"

Gilin will ready an action to cast Fireball at the dragon if it becomes visible within range (800ft) of his position on the docks.

If it does, he will launch a Fireball at the most convenient vector that doesn't involve hitting any Shadow Guardians or Crimson Shields (30 damage, ref save DC19 for 15damage)(OOC: I much prefer my accidental 10d20 roll of 114 save for 57...)

0: 6/6 (DC16)
1: 6/8 (DC17)
2: 8/8 (DC18)
3: 5/7 (DC19) (4/7 if Fireball is cast)
4: 6/6 (DC20)
5: 4/4 (DC21)

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn) Update  d100=40 ; d100=99 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 9:54:41 AM

(update: No notification, but it allowed me to publish the document with a new link. odd?)

SwanBoat Battle Map & Dock

Larien the drow riding the Griffon, yells out that the dragon is flying south and climbing about 170 feet southwest of the Minotaur and about 75 feet up. Of course this is an estimate from someone on a fast moving Griffion 800ft away.

Eclip (AC23, HP77/31) Artan (AC 23, HP 67/51) CharSheet 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:17:34 AM

Still feeling the painful bite and electric shock from the dragons parting attack, Eclip continues to drive Artan to the dock, but the druid isn't spurning him on this time.

Hasted Artan continues to run on air as if it was solid ground covering about half the distance left to the dock.

Run (40+30=70ft x 5= 350ft) Distance left to dock 690-350=340
Air Walk on Artan.
Haste on Artan & Eclip +30 speed, +1 AC&Att, additional attack.
Fly on Artan +60 fly speed.

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { { *denotes spells cast.}
0: (6) DC14 -- *2xCure Minor, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Resistance
1: (5) DC15 -- *CLW, Produce Flame, *Pass without Trace, *Longstrider, Entangle
2: (5) DC16 -- 2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm
3: (4) DC17 -- *Magic Fang Greater, *Cure Moderate, Protection from Energy, spike growth
4: (4) DC18 -- *Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement
5: (2) DC19 -- Animal Growth, wall of Thorns.

Jass-Lizardman AC 26 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, Alter Self, False Life, Fly, Waterwalk, Haste)  d20+18=22 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+14=33 ; d20+14=30 ; d20+14=24 ; d20+14=22 ; d20+14=23 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 2:14:31 PM

Jass frowns as the dragon fades out. "Now that's not nice", he gimaces, "we can't play if you don't stay. Ollie ollie oxen Free!" The griffon riding lady confirms the dragon hasn't moved since it disappeared, and Jass will make it pay for its mistake.

A few quick passes of his hands and some words escape the sorcerer, and a targeted Greater Dispel Magic strikes the location where the Green Dragon was last seen. Jass feels resistance to the spell, and heroically redoubles his efforts.

Once the spell is complete, Jass rises in the air 5 feet and flies back towards the Big Float 20 feet to give a little distance from his companions.

Cast; targeted Greater Dispel Magic on Green Dragon.
Spell Penetration: 18 Use Hero Point reroll: 36
Possible Dispels: 32 ,33, 30, 24, 22, 23
Move: up 10 and backwards 20 (90 foot possible with Fly and Haste)

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Alter Self: 140 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 armor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Fly: 136 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)
WaterWalking (from Belkior)
Haste (from Grigory) +1 AC, +1 Reflex, +1 full attack, +30' move

Mac Fly: 138 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 38/73 [59]) 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 3:34:53 PM

OOC to Stephen/Jass (sorry to post here, I don't have your e-mail): You may have mis-read my post and/or the DM's post. I didn't say the dragon hasn't moved. The dragon "is flying south and climbing about 170 feet southwest of the Minotaur and about 75 feet up". From what I can tell, Mac was previously 135' west of the dragon (more-or-less). That means the dragon has gained about 65 ft in altitude. He does that at half speed (poor maneuverability), which equals 130 ft of his movement for the round. He's limited to a 150 ft move, so the most he could move south (in addition to the altitude gain) is 20 ft. This all assumes Larien's observations (and the DM's and my math) are accurate. :-)

I assume you meant to make your best guess at the dragon's current position based on Larien's description. Your spell has a range of 240 ft, so you should be able to hit him if you're fortunate enough to select the correct coordinates.

ooc:Jass: yes! Where Larien says it is, please! :-)

Mac: AC:28*(32 Mobility), HP:149  d20+6=17 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 4:14:54 PM

Fly (from Lizardboy): 138 rounds; Movement Fly(60'), good manoeuvre.
Haste (from Grigory): 13 rounds; +30' Speed, additional attack at highest bonus in Full Attack action, +1 to Attack, +1 to AC*, and +1 to Reflex Saves.
Water Walk (from Belkior): 180 minutes
Good Hope (potion): 70 rounds; +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage

Mac watches carefully for signs of the dragon. Spot:17 Whilst awaiting a sign, he draws and downs his potion of Good Hope, and rises another 5'.

AoOs(up to 7) Horn gore (+24 att., d8+10 dam.)

Halfling Grigory AC 24, hp 70. 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 6:10:52 PM

"Oh, my, my. I hate Invisibility. It disrupts the process of study, of investigation."
He turns then, addressing anyone on the dock nearby, "I'm going to go out there - I can offer a ride to four of you, more or less. Who wants to come?" He holds out his hands, takes a deep breath and begins to cast a spell.

Actions: Grigory casts Dimension Door and reappears 960' closer to where the dragon was - with some companions perhaps... He can take 4 Medium sized creatures.

DM Sanity Info -- Available / Used
Effected by: Water Walk, Resistance, Protection from Arrows, Haste, Overland Flight.
Spells: 4/6/6/6/5/4/4/3
0: Message, Open/Close, Ghost Sound, Resistance
1: Endure Elements, Floating Disc, Shield, Grease, Feather Fall, Feather Fall
2: Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Fog Cloud, Glitterdust, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace
3: Fly, Haste, Slow, Fireball, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt
4: Minor Creation, Dimension Door, Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
5: Overland Flight, Empowered Fireball, Major Creation
6: Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Disintegrate, Disintegrate
7: Greater Teleport, Prismatic Spray, Summon Monster VII

Pathos (AC23,31hp)  3d8+5=15 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 6:34:27 PM

Pathos reaches into his trousers of plenty for a potion of cure serious wounds (15pts cured)

"And there I stood on that little boat to heaven
And by some chance found a bottle in my fist
And there I stood
Nicely passing out the potion
But the passengers were bound to resist...

Glug glug glug

And the people all said sit down. Sit down you're rocking the boat"

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 7:06:21 PM

T'Shalla uses her Wholeness of Body to heal most of her wounds, she stays by Gio and Gilin, taking in her surroundings, and those around her, not knowing still how drow will be accepted or friends of drow will be accepted in the city. She makes no outward hostile actions to those around her, but she does keep wary, and will keep defensive in all actions.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 7:27:41 PM

Syr jogs along the waves looking for signs of the dragon. Heeding Larien's direction, he moves to the general area where Larien thinks she sees it. He calls back, "Point let me know how far?" If the dragon is revealed by Dispel Magic, he is content to parallel the beast moving beneath it preparing to attack if it comes near.

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn)  d8=7 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 8:45:47 PM

With the dragon vanishing from sight, Corvis draws his weapons and looks around, but the location of the dragon eludes him.

Figuring the dragon went invisible, Belkior cast a spell that reveals anything invisible within 70 feet of him.

Patting Blinky, Giovanni uses his bard magic to heal some of Gilin's wounds.

Hearing the dragon cast invisibility, Larien continues to guide Grif to the dock as she retrieves and cast a see Invisibility scroll. Looking back she calls out the dragons location from the Minotaur some 140ft southwest and 75ft high heading south.

Feeling short changed on spells, Brahmmah makes due with the water walking as he heads out across the water from the dock using magic to increase his stride.

Cursing, Gilin can hit what he can't see, but he holds his fireball ready incase it appears within range.

Wounded Eclip continues to ride the huge brown bear towards the dock.

Calling out a child's rhyme, Jass uses his magic to try and dispel the dragons invisibility from the directions given by the new comer Larien. Unfortunately the area effect spell either misses or stops another spell. The human sorcerer float up and back.

Watching carefully, Mac drinks a potion while floating up.

His study inconvenience by the dragons' invisibility, Grgory dimension door out offering to any four with him.

Getting a potion and drinking it, Pathos heals some wounds, as he continues to sing a tune.

Using her monk powers, T'Shalla heals her own wounds then stands around looking friendly for a drow.

Jogging along the water, Syr tries to tail the dragon. Move to where he think it's over head.

Still invisible the Green Dragon's powerful wings can be heard as it picks up speed and moves away. Larien can be heard calling out that the dragon is quickly flying south covering several hundred feet, it appears to be withdrawing.

----- Status ------

At the Dock: Corvis, Giovanni & Blinky, T'Shalla, Gilin
40' from dock: Brahmah (water walk)
60' from dock: Belkior (water walk)
300' from dock: Grif & Larien (flying 10ft)
340' from dock: Artan & Eclip (flying 5ft)
415' from dock: Pathos (flying 60ft)
940' from dock: Jass (flying 10ft)
960' from dock: Corwin?, Gregory
965' from dock: Mac (flying 5ft)
1090' east and 65' south of the dock: Syr (water walking)

Dragon is 1090' west & 665' south, and flying 75' up

Dragon AC 27, touch ? , dam 13+14=27

The Defenses of the City - DMAl 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 8:57:56 PM

The dragon suddenly vanishes, an invisibility spell to be sure. Now there would be no telling which direction the creature would attack from. One of the drow, the female riding the griffon, shouts directions into the whipping wind of her passage. The words come garbled to the front line of the Shields over five hundred feet away.

Jass uses a targeted spell on the air which the form of the dragon just vacated. Nothing happens. Either the spell failed to defeat the dragon's defenses, or the dragon is no longer in that spot.

More Crimson Shields move off the docks and over the water. The drowish crew from the dark boat are now, for the most part, within safe distance of the docks. Somewhere out over the water is the green dragon. The griffon-back drow had looked somewhere to the south. Has the dragon veered from its direct path to the city? Is it coming around to flank the Shields? Or, is it possibly giving up. The defenses of the city will most certainly be marshalling at this time. Powerful mages, the same ones who had fought the orcwarts during the wakening of the Fey King Ebyron, would be arriving soon.

On the docks the small contingent of drow and halfling hear the pounding of armored feet. Behind them a phalanx of city guards charge up the dock in their direction. They slow and hold up at fifteen feet from the small group. Many of the guards are human, though there are a smattering of elves, dwarves, and a single half-orc. Most of they eye the drow with caution. Through the ranks walks an elven woman, also armored in guard livery. Her eyes are stern, brooking no nonsense. She barks orders, and men with longspears array themselves in a defensive cordon while crossbow men take up position behind them.

The woman scans the skies. She eyes the Crimson Shields scattered about across the waters of the lake. Then turns her attention to the small drenched group on the dock. "I'm Captain Elvaran of the Floating City Guard. You look like people with an explanation for all of this," she says.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP24/61 -- Blinky *Blinking* AC19/13T/16FF HP4/41  d20+22=33 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:11:20 PM

Gio smoothed back his hair and wiped his face as he stood aright. Approaching Elvaran, the spry halfling bowed respectfully, "Your Grace, I am Giovanni Thornhill, Shadow Guardian of Itlal, First Home of the Drow. My companions and I are on a diplomatic mission to foster new alliances and open new trade routes. During our travel through the Crying Woods we encountered a race of good-natured reptilians that have been subjugated to near slave-like conditions. In our efforts to free them from their captivity, we slew three juvenile green dragons--the mother of which has followed us to this point. The reptilians and the spirit of the Woods are still endangered by this green dragon and her kindred, so we have come here to bolster our strength and find help in this matter if possible. We were told by the Awakened that we captured, that the Floating City was off-limits to the green dragons, as is evidenced by the withdrawal of the dragon that attacked us. I hope we haven't been a bother." Gio bows respectfully once again.

Diplomacy 33

If any other Shadow Guardian wants to help out (Aid Another DC10 Diplomacy roll), then I'll receive a +4 to my roll due to Oathbound.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Fly, Haste, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Status, Water Walk - Bead of Karma 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:23:14 PM

The halfling cleric wants to catch up with his companion out upon the water. So Belkior concentrates for a moment to activate his armor and rises into the air slightly before flying quickly towards his companions.

Standard - Activate Celestial Armor
Move - Fly 90 ft towards his companions on the water

Items Used
Bead of Karma
Celestial Armor

Active Effects
Haste (from Jass)
Invisibility Purge - 90 ft radius, 17.9 minutes (CL 18)
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC (deflection), +2 saves (resistance), etc., 188.9 minutes (CL 18)
Status - on all members of Crimson Shields, 18 hours (CL 18)
Water Walk - 179.8 minutes (applied to Belkior, Brahmah, Corvis, Grigory, Jass, Mac, Syr) (CL 18)

0 - DC 18 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic
1st - DC 19 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 20 - Silence(x2), Sound Burst(x2), Status(x2)**, Zone of Truth (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 21 - Daylight, Invisibility Purge*, Water Breathing, Water Walk*, Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 22 - Air Walk, Control Water, Death Ward(x2), Neutralize Poison(x2) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 23 - Greater Command(x2), Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 24 - Greater Dispel Magic, Heal(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 25 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 38/73 [59])  d20+12=17 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+1=19 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+1=2 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+10=16 ;
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:42:13 PM

OOC: Note that per prior post, Larien is still 350 ft west of the docks, and now has an estimated elevation of 70 ft (Grif gained elevation and did a wide circle around their position to slow himself to hustle speed from run speed).

Watching as the dragon continues to move south, the drow wizardess yells in fury. "NO! Stand and fight you miserable coward!" Nevermind that a moment ago it was she that was fleeing for her life.

Larien whips Grif around and urges him to match the dragon's altitude and fly within 800 ft of the dragon so that she can cast a spell. (Grif should be able to do this making a Haste-adjusted hustle move (220 ft), but can make a full run of 440 ft if needed for some reason. Concentration +18 means that Grif's violent movement is irrelevant when Larien's casting a 1st level spell.)

Once within range, the conjurer casts her drow Faerie Fire. She can feel the dragon's natural spell resistance fight her, and even a heroic effort cannot overcome it. Sweat beading on her forehead, the drow wizardess calls on her divine luck, and the dragon's defenses are breached. The dragon is now surrounded and outlined by a pale blue glow, effectively negating her invisibility. (SR rolls 17, 15 and 29)

Larien shouts in triumph. "Take that dragon! Everyone -- there she is! Get her!" The wizardess can only hope that some of the others still have magic to catch up....

ALL: The dragon is now visible.


The Dragon is 1090' west & 665' south, and flying 75' up. A straight line to the dragon from the dock (excluding altitude) is 1276.84 ft. (see: http://www.csgnetwork.com/righttricalc.html for a simple tool). Larien is already at 350 ft. and 70 ft up, which means she's currently 926.84 away from the dragon plus 5 ft of elevation. Grif only needs to move 130 ft toward the dragon plus 5 ft of elevation (10 ft of movement; 140 ft total) to put Larien in range to cast her spell. But if he needs to move closer he will.

Faerie Fire range: 800 ft. "Drow with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher may spontaneously cast one of the following spells once per day: dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire, prestidigitation, and flare. These are arcane spells. Treat the Drow as a sorcerer of the Drow's character level for all spell effects dependent on level." See: http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Surface_Drow

Listen -- Larien (19), Madeline (14), Grif (17)
Spot -- Larien (2), Madeline (25), Grif (16)

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 38/73 [59]) 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:53:34 PM

OOC: Sorry, my math above was a little off; I should have measured from Larien's current position, not from the dock - 350 ft. Larien's actually 994.9 ft away from the dragon, but getting within 800 ft is still fine w/ Grif's Hasted hustle movement of 220 ft. (195 ft movement toward the dragon + 5 ft of elevation/10 ft movement = 205 ft).

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70  10d6=36 ; d20+16=20 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 5:12:37 AM

Perceiving that the green dragon is still too far away, Grigory sends one of his favourite little friends after the dragon -- the Fireball. He smiles as he moves another 40' closer towards the dragon, watching the pea-sized ball of plasma streak across the sky exploding on the dragon.
"Hey!" he yells as the dragon emerges unscathed, "come back and fight, you flying kobold!"

SR check 20 = fail
Grigory is 250' from the dragon at the end of his turn.
DM Sanity Info -- Available / Used
Effected by: Water Walk, Resistance, Protection from Arrows, Haste, Overland Flight.
Spells: 4/6/6/6/5/4/4/3
0: Message, Open/Close, Ghost Sound, Resistance
1: Endure Elements, Floating Disc, Shield, Grease, Feather Fall, Feather Fall
2: Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Fog Cloud, Glitterdust, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace
3: Fly, Haste, Slow, Fireball, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt
4: Minor Creation, Dimension Door, Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
5: Overland Flight, Empowered Fireball, Major Creation
6: Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Disintegrate, Disintegrate
7: Greater Teleport, Prismatic Spray, Summon Monster VII

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 38/50) Hasted(7) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 7/25)  d20+10=25 ; 10d6+10=34 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 5:23:58 AM

Gilin makes as though he will help Gio, but sees Larien's Faerie Fire and smiles. "Hold that thought," he says, bringing his Extend Rod up to cast a Fireball at the dragon. He feels his spell blow through the Dragon's natural spell resistance and watches the tiny fireball bloom from this long distance. (Fireball, Dmg 24, Ref DC 19 for 12)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 6:46:25 AM

Active Spells: Haste, Water Walk, Longstrider, Bear's Endurance

Brahmah follows Belkior and casts Bear's Endurance on himself.

Prepped spells (3,2,2,1):
Longstrider*, Charm Animal, Speak with Animals
Barkskin, *Bear's Endurance
Waterwalk, Reduce Animal
Freedom of Movement

Eclip (AC23, HP83/37) Artan (AC 23, HP 67/51) CharSheet 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 10:31:01 AM

(ooc: Note adjusted incorrect hp totals for Eclip in header. Max hp & current hp were 6pt low.)

Seeing the Guards arrive on the dock with Longspears and crossbows taking up defensive stance beyond his fellow Shadow Guardians, Eclip slows his and Artan's approach to a jog.

Other than approaching at a good clip, the drow ridding a large brown armored bear doesn't make any threatening moves and lets Giovanni do the talking for now.

Hasted x3 run (40+30=70ft x 3= 210ft) Distance left to dock 340-210=130ft.
Air Walk on Artan.
Haste on Artan & Eclip +30 speed, +1 AC&Att, additional attack.
Fly on Artan +60 fly speed.

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { { *denotes spells cast.}
0: (6) DC14 -- *2xCure Minor, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Resistance
1: (5) DC15 -- *CLW, Produce Flame, *Pass without Trace, *Longstrider, Entangle
2: (5) DC16 -- 2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm
3: (4) DC17 -- *Magic Fang Greater, *Cure Moderate, Protection from Energy, spike growth
4: (4) DC18 -- *Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement
5: (2) DC19 -- Animal Growth, wall of Thorns.

Jass-Lizardman AC 26 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, Alter Self, False Life, Fly, Waterwalk, Haste) 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 11:42:45 AM

Jass is absolutely confident that his targeted Dispel Magic could have burned through every spell on the one Green Dragon... "if the elf-lady told me the right place", he finishes in disgust. Yet the sounds of the gigantic wings are moving south, so there is nothing much else to do except pick up some Crimson Shields and catch a ride back to the Big Float.

Jass the Lizardman will turn himself Invisible with a wand and wait for the elven boat to arrive, and then fly aboard, helping his companions to board the craft if necessary too.

"It seems I'm getting into the habit of getting ahold of wrecked ships", he quips to anyone who will listen, "this is the third one in a month!"

Cast; Invisibility (via wand)
Move: board ship

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Alter Self: 140 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 armor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Fly: 136 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)
WaterWalking (from Belkior)
Haste (from Grigory) +1 AC, +1 Reflex, +1 full attack, +30' move

Mac Fly: 138 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 38/50) Hasted(7) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 7/25) 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 1:50:41 PM

OOC: Last post typo: It was his Enlarge rod (extending range) not the Extend (duration) rod. Enlarge makes the Fireball's range 1600ft

Mac: AC:28*(32 Mobility), HP:149 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 3:44:29 PM

Fly (from Lizardboy): 137 rounds; Movement Fly(60'), good manoeuvre.
Haste* (from Grigory): 12 rounds; +30' Speed, additional attack at highest bonus in Full Attack action, +1 to Attack, +1 to AC, and +1 to Reflex Saves.
Water Walk (from Belkior): 180 minutes
Good Hope** (potion): 69 rounds; +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage

Mac reaches down and grabs his bow. He has no feud with the dragon (infact, he has quite liked most of the dragons he has previously met), but now it is clear it is not posing a threat to the float... Still, you don't leave a man alone and under threat, so Mac Flys 60' toward Syr, dropping to skim the lake (so next round he can Waterwalk&Run next round. Somewhere in there he'll shoulder the wet bow.
"I'll have your back shortly, Syr"

AoOs(up to 7) Horn gore (+24 att., d8+10 dam.)

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 4:55:41 PM

Syr grins thanks at the minotaur as he watches the dragon depart, "I never doubted it. You stay airborne, otherwise you'll slow us down. I'm kinda curious why some of Xenia's cousins have come here. Think it might be something to interest us? She certainly didn't seem too fond of them."

Assuming the dragon is leaving, Syr keeps a watchful eye and resumes his slow jog, returning to the docks to rejoin the others.

Active Spells: Waterwalk, Haste

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn)  d20+12=20 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 5:20:50 PM

(ooc: sorry for early and short post, but it can't be helped. Note my post primary deals with dragon and those who are interaction with it. Al is handling what is happening on and near the docks.)

On the dock, Giovanni talks to the guard.

The Halfling cleric Belkior after a moments concentration rises into the air and heads away from the docks.

Feeling frisky, the drow Larien guides her mount closer to the fleeing dragon and through heroic and divinely lucky effort she uses her innate magic outlines the invisible dragon with fairy fire calling for everyone to get the dragon.

The halfing Grigory out from the dock moves towards the highlighted dragon and sends a fireball out engulfing the dragon, but doesn't think it caused any harm to the beast. He's taunts don't seem to hurt it ether.

On the dock sounded by guards, the half-drow Gilin cast an attack spell with a long range fireball at the dragon. He's lucky a trigger happy guards didn't shoot him or maybe one did? The spell hits the dragon, but you can't tell how much it hurt the dragon (reflex 19)

Following Belkior, Brahmah cast enhancement magic upon himself.

The drow Eclip riding the bear towards the dock slow to a jog upon seeing the guards and tries to look non-threatening.

Blaming the missed spell on the elf-lady's direction, Jass turns invisible and catches the unmanned black swanboat as it floats by.

Not having anything against the dragon, Mac retrieves his bow and moves up to guard Syr.

Grinning, Syr watches the dragon depart as he chats with Mac, before turning to job back to the docks.

The dim outline of the dragon turns southeast and quickly flies further away dropping to just above the water. It is obviously leaving now about 2,000 feet from docks and more than 1,300 feet from Syr and Mac. (flying at a run + double for the descending. Covering 740ft more.)

(ooc: Look for Al's DM post about whats happening on the docks.)

----- Status ------

At the Dock: Corvis, Giovanni & Blinky, T'Shalla, Gilin
80' from dock: Brahmah (water walk)
130' from dock: Artan & Eclip (flying 5ft)
150' from dock: Belkior (flying 5ft)
415' from dock: Pathos (flying 60ft)
420' east and 100 south from dock: Grif & Larien (flying 75ft)
940' from dock: Jass (on the swan boat)
960' east and 40 south from dock: Gregory
1090' east and 65' south of the dock: Syr (water walking), Mac (flying 5ft)

Dragon is 1600' west & 1190' south, and flying 5' up heading south east away from the float.

Dragon AC 27, touch ? ,SR 21, dam 27+ Highlight to display spoiler: { +12-10DR = 29 }

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 5:39:33 PM

Pathos does some sums and decides that he would prefer to be over something dry when his fly spell runs out. He turns to the great floating platform and heads towards this wonder of the Wold.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 38/73 [59])  d20+23=24 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 7:01:21 PM

Larien cheers the efforts of Grigory and Gilin to fireball the dragon, although at this distance it's hard for the wizardess to tell who exactly did the firing. But when the others fail to pursue the Green and continue the attack, Larien lets out a string of curses that would make paint peel. Grif, understanding every nasty word, makes a sympathetic sound, but otherwise tries to keep a low profile.

Muttering about "fat and happy" heroes growing complacent in their declining years, Larien reluctantly turns Grif around, moving at Hasted hustle-fly speed back for the docks (220 ft move). Flying at a downward angle, the pair approach the docks quickly, but seeing the large number of guards gathered around, Larien makes a point to direct Grif to an open part of the dock, not wanting to startle some bow-string happy lead-head guard.


Spellcraft check 24 (to consider why the second fireball, which seemed to hit the dragon, may not have done the expected damage)

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet  d20=12 ;
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 7:36:43 PM

T'Shalla though wary, bows slightly to the female elf, saying, "Greetings Captain Elvaran, as my companion Giovanni has so nicely put, we are here on a diplomatic mission, we mean no harm, or ill intentions to your city." not wanting to say too much yet until others with better words can help out here.
<diplomacy: 12> - hope that helps Gio! :)

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70  d20+10=14 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 6:28:16 AM

"G'ah!" yells the Halfling in rage, "Flying skink-lizard! COWARD!
"B'ah! I've never ever come across anything of a dragon turning tail and leaving a fight, and I've read everything in the greatest cities on the Wold."

He sits back in the air, crosses his feet at his ankles and retrieves his sketch book from his pack. Drifting backward towards the dock Grigory makes a quick sketch of the magic-outlined dragon. Craft (Illustrating) 14
"M'eh. It will do for now."

DM Sanity Info -- Available / Used
Effected by: Water Walk, Resistance, Protection from Arrows, Haste, Overland Flight.
Spells: 4/6/6/6/5/4/4/3
0: Message, Open/Close, Ghost Sound, Resistance
1: Endure Elements, Floating Disc, Shield, Grease, Feather Fall, Feather Fall
2: Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Fog Cloud, Glitterdust, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace
3: Fly, Haste, Slow, Fireball, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt
4: Minor Creation, Dimension Door, Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
5: Overland Flight, Empowered Fireball, Major Creation
6: Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Disintegrate, Disintegrate
7: Greater Teleport, Prismatic Spray, Summon Monster VII

Welcome to Floating City - DMAl 
Friday December 4th, 2009 7:30:58 AM

The elfish woman raises her hands as the halfling addresses her with a title suited for the nobility. "Captain, if you must, Sirrah Thornhill," she says. "Off duty, though, I am Myra. Floating City is off-limits to any who would disrupt the peace, and that includes dragons. You may be assured of sanctuary here."

The Guard captain's elfish eyes follow the green dragon, aglow with eldritch faerie fire, as it decamps to the southwest. Again she barks commands to her armored men and they break their formation, some arranging a turtle ferry to follow in the direction of the dragon's departure in order to ensure that it does not return, others policing the docks to calm the citizenry.

"I cannot speak for the Overlord," she says as she returns to the halfing and drow, "but I welcome you to Floating City, and hope that your diplomatic mission meets with success."

"If you don't mind me asking, what house do you represent? I hope that you can understand our wariness of the drow, based upon their reputation, and I have never heard of Itlal. But, it must be an unusual and ... progressive ... Matron Mother who allows a halfling to speak for them."

"Hail, Crimson Shields." The captain raises a hand as the Shields return from the water. "As usual, you deploy more swiftly than the Guard.

"If you seek to bolster your strength, Sirrah Thornhill, I would suggest that you befriend these people. They are the Crimson Shields of Hope, and they are champions of Floating City. I have known them for many years, and there are few better."

The black swan boat pulls into the dock, and the Captain of the Guard introduces the Crimson Shields to the Shadow Guardians.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d8=7 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ; d8=3 ; d8=6 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 12:33:30 PM

"We represent the three houses of Bralfah, Bancurpi and Mylyl which form the Council that presently rules It'lal," Gio said in reply to the Captain's query, "and I thank you for your welcome." Turning to the Crimson Shields and bowing, "And we thank you for your assistance in this matter. We were caught by surprise by that Green Dragon, hopefully next time the tables will be turned and we will have the upper hand." Motioning to his friends, Gio introduces them to the Crimson Shields, then he heals his Blink Dog and then himself.

CMW on Blinky +20
CLW on Blinky +8
CMW on Gio +25
CLW on Gio +11

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 38/50) Hasted(7) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 7/25)  d20+8=12 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 4:42:21 PM

"Giovanni speaks for them because he is the best at public speaking," the half-drow sorceror says. "I have never been to this It'lal myself, having joined these fine people on the road, but so far they have seemed honourable and forthright, and I am proud to call them friends. They saved me from a fate worse than de... actually, no, pretty much just death."

(Assist Gio, Diplomacy: 12)

Eclip (AC23, HP83/37) Artan (AC 23, HP 67/51) CharSheet  d8=1 ; d8=2 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 5:32:25 PM

Eclip slows Artan to a walk for the rest of the way to the dock where he parks behind Giovanni and the others.

The druid dismounts off his armored bear nodding to the Captain of the guards, he begins to check Artan for wounds ignoring his own for the moment, "Giovanni, if you have some healing left, both Artan and myself could use some. That green mosquito seem to have injured us."

Picking Sonia up gently, Eclip returns the small bat to its master Gilin, "Thanks for the flight spell, and here is your familiar. I'll let Gio do his magic, and if she is still injured I'll use my wand to heal her the rest of the way." Taking out a pearl Eclip uses it to recall his low level healing spell which he then cast upon Sonia (clw 7pt).

Smiling the drow adds a few words to the what the others already spoken to the Captain and the Crimson Shields, "My matriarch lady Larvanya of House Bralfah is very progressive indeed. Her forethought and wisdom in offering master Giovanni a place with the Shadow Guardians of It'lal has been very advantageous. You may have heard of House Bralfah, we did reside at Dradah Delmah on the Second Plateau in New Elenna until very recently when we had the opportunity to return to our ancestral home."

The drow bows to the Crimson Shields in greeting, "Thank you sirs, your timely appearance and actions in driving off the dragon was most welcome. I would be happy to buy you all an Ale in thanks."

Eclip is a Surface Drow's with night blue skin, blond hair dyed with greens and reds resembling fall colors, and has eye the color of green like new growing plants. He is of light build and moves with the grace of a cat. He normally dresses in green and brown colors. Currently his is wearing well-made leather armor. He has a shortsword sheathed at his waist and a darkwood shield slung over his back. Standing next to the colorful drow is Artan a large brown bear who sports Mithral chain shirt barding and a military saddle

Air Walk on Artan.
Haste on Artan & Eclip +30 speed, +1 AC&Att, additional attack.
Fly on Artan +60 fly speed.

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { { *denotes spells cast.}
0: (6) DC14 -- *2xCure Minor, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Resistance
1: (5) DC15 -- *CLW, Produce Flame, *Pass without Trace, *Longstrider, Entangle
2: (5) DC16 -- 2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm
3: (4) DC17 -- *Magic Fang Greater, *Cure Moderate, Protection from Energy, spike growth
4: (4) DC18 -- *Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement
5: (2) DC19 -- Animal Growth, wall of Thorns.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Friday December 4th, 2009 5:46:19 PM

Syr contines his jog, easily keeping up with the flying Taur. "What do you think of that one's mount?" He nods his head toward the docks, "A tame Griffon can be potent so I've heard. I gotta admit, I like her courage, risking herself to tweak the dragon one last time."

He glances back occasionally but begins to focus on the group at the docks as they near. "I've a feeling that we should alert the elves in the area to let them know a dragon may be here."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d8=4 ; d8=4 ; d8=6 ; d8=5 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d8=2 ; d8=8 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 5:57:04 PM

"Oh yes, Eclip, where are my manners." Gio quickly attends to healing the injured in his company.

(2) CSW on Eclip +24 +21 = +45
(1) CMW on Artan +22
(1) CLW on Gilin +9
(1) CLW on Sonia +9

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 43/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 41/73 [59])  d8+1=3 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 7:32:06 PM

Larien and Grif join the conga line of adventurers, flying gracefully down to the docks. Hearing Gilin speaking about death, the conjurer chimes in. "That was twice you almost died on us, wasn't it? She gives the half-elf a big smile, her anger over the dragon's retreat and the end of the "battle" forgotten for the moment. "By the way, nice idea with the fireball. I assume one of those was yours. Who fired the other one?"

The wizardess dismounts, and offers her respects to Captain Elvaran and the assembled Crimson Shields with a slight bow. "I am Larien Bancurpi, representative of House Bancurpi and a fellow Shadow Guardian. Thank you for your assistance. This is my faithful friend and steed Grif. We are honored to meet you." As the introductions continue, Larien does what she can for Grif's wounds, casting her last CLW spell (heal 3HP, replace Comprehend Languages). Just then a hawk flies down onto Grif's saddle, squawking to Larien in some private language about female wizards taking foolish chances against huge dragons.

The tall and lean drow conjurer is rather distinctive with her lighter than normal blue skin (as opposed to the vary dark-blue/black of most drow), long white-blond hair, and jet-black eyes behind some sort of eyewear. She carries a surprising amount of gear for a wizard -- a composite longbow, quiver, rapier and pack are added to the more typical spell pouch -- and her clothes are something of a hodgepodge of drab but highly utilitarian garments. Not surprisingly, she wears no armor. However, a keen eye will also notice something else (DC10 Spot check): Highlight to display spoiler: {A wooden holy symbol can be glimpsed inside her cloak)}

Accompanying Larien is Grif, a full-grown griffon measuring nearly 8 feet long and wearing chain shirt barding. Combining the features of a lion (body) and an eagle (head, talons), Grif sports a pair of broad, golden wings which span roughly 25 feet at full extension. Standing on Grif's saddle at the moment is a hawk, Madeline, who seems to be the wizardess' familiar.

Corvis Zurvichocs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AS- AC:30 HP:130/130 
Friday December 4th, 2009 7:38:07 PM

Corvis guesses since the dragon looks to be retreating that he would return towards the docks. He calls out to Jass, "If this spell wears off before I reach the docks I hope you might be open to giving me a hand."

Corvis if need be will move quicker towards the docks, not really running but willing to jog or such.

Jass-Lizardman AC 26 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, Alter Self, False Life, Fly, Waterwalk, Haste) 
Friday December 4th, 2009 7:45:45 PM

Arriving by slightly-damaged elven boat, Jass dismisses the Invisibility spell and alter self. When close to the dock, he uses his Flying to make his entrance to the throng of Crimson Shields, City Guards, and the strangers.

The slightly thin man with a shock of unkempt blonde hair has a self-confident smile as he gives a cheery wave. Jass stares avidly at Eclip, T'challa, and Larien while he makes his introductions. "I am Jass of Downs, a recent refugee to the Floating City from the lands of the Southern Continent. Looks like you make some fine enemies, there, but I have to wonder what is the hoopla about having elves that are colored like a bruise coming to the Big Float?"

He gives a grin to Larien, and a wink. "Any reason the big lizard was trying to eat you?"

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Alter Self: 140 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 armor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Fly: 136 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)
WaterWalking (from Belkior)
Haste (from Grigory) +1 AC, +1 Reflex, +1 full attack, +30' move

Mac Fly: 138 rounds; flies 60 ft, good maneuver (40' in heavy armor).

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d8=5 ; d8=2 ; d8=8 ; d8=4 ; d8=2 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 8:08:16 PM

Seeing that Larien was also hurt, Gio adminstered to her and Grif's wounds.

CSW on Larien: +25hp
CMW on Grif: +16hp

Enter the Crimson Shields of Hope - DMAl 
Friday December 4th, 2009 8:24:56 PM

"I have heard of House Bralfah located somewhere on the Second Plateau. But I've never heard of Itlal." The elfish guard captain says to the bear riding drow as she waits for the Crimson Shields to come back in from the water. "If it's near the Crying Woods, though, that would not be unusual. Few venture near the Crying Woods willingly, and only the foolish do so lightly."

The wheels of daily life begin to turn once again across the surrounding docks. Shouts, the creak of rigging, the wooden roll of barrows across the docking planks, and the sounds of carpentry from the nearby dry dock rise to their normal levels. Sailors and stevedores find tasks convenient to view the newcomers. They pass by with curious eyes proving that drow are not a common sight in Floating City.

Jass lands just ahead of the docking Swan Boat, his eye on the slim dark ladies.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Friday December 4th, 2009 8:29:40 PM

T'Shalla bows a little to the Crimison Shields, "Thank you for your assistance, it was greatly appreciated and timely." and to them and the guard captain, "I am T'Shalla of the house Bralfah." she is still wary though everyone seems to have been outwardly friendly not showing any hostility.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Friday December 4th, 2009 8:55:16 PM

"The only drow I've met were less than polite. I guess its like anyone else though, nice ones and bad ones."

Once he meets the drow, he says....
"I'm Brahmah. Pleasure to meet you all."

Active Spells: Haste, Water Walk, Longstrider, Bear's Endurance

Prepped spells (3,2,2,1):
Longstrider*, Charm Animal, Speak with Animals
Barkskin, *Bear's Endurance
Waterwalk, Reduce Animal
Freedom of Movement

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Friday December 4th, 2009 9:19:38 PM

"Brahmah? Funny that, I have a tattoo with that maker's mark upon it, got it at the Catacombs." Gio thrusts out his open left hand and upon his palm was a tattoo imbued with Protection from Evil. "Been thinking of getting another one on my right palm, just not sure what though."

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Fly, Haste, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Status, Water Walk - Bead of Karma 
Friday December 4th, 2009 10:29:48 PM

The halfling cleric circles back to land upon the dock beside his companions. Seeing that introductions are being made, Belkior waits until there is a quiet moment before speaking.

"Belkior Orvisson, Healer and Paragon of Alemi. I am one of the Crimson Shields and I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+14=29 ;
Saturday December 5th, 2009 8:31:14 AM

Jass' ears perk up when the guard captain begins to speculate on Itlal and the proximity to Floating City. "Close to Floating City, eh? Hey, you may have a problem that we can help out with, ya know." He casts a glance at Syr and gets a nod before continuing. "Why don't you all come up to our Headquarters? We can feed you, get yourselves dried off, and you can talk to us about how we can learn more about each other and if the Crimson Shields can't help you take care of any little problems like a very large green dragon."

Jass looks at the, well, drow is what they are called, and tries to assess thier reactions to his words and bantering demeanor.

Sense Motive; 29

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Mac: AC:28*(32 Mobility), HP:149 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 8:45:30 AM

Effects: Several, but few of relevance at the moment.

"Mac." says the darker, taller minotaur in a straightforward fashion. Then he waits to hear more - trying to reconcile words and deeds recently passed and coming to pass. "Wold-famous!" he mutters to Captain Brahmah in a respectful tone at an appropriate juncture.

Dragon attack at Float (dm Glenn) 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 1:43:59 PM

The dragon continues to fly south and east, until it's beyond even the sharpest pair of eyes. It may be gone for now, but you are sure it hasn't forgotten you.

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 2:25:30 PM

With their wounds healed, Eclip scratching Artar behind the ear as he answers the elfish guard, "The ancient city of It'lal is where it is, but in fairness I don't think the Woods were as forbidding in our ancestors time as they it is today. As it is It'lal is a day's travel into the mountains from the Woods' boarder. Due to how we traveled to It'lal we didn't know of the Crying Woods as you call them, but it not so bad I was thinking it would be a good spot for a summer home." the druid grins slyly as he talks about a summer home. Continuing, "How did you come to reside so close to the Woods?"

Turn to the Halfling bard, "Thanks for the healing Giovanni."

Seeing Jass change from lizardman form to human, Eclip cocks he head "Bruised Elves? No just more colorful. I for one would like to see your headquarters, perhaps you can show us a bit of this most unusual city along the way, and then we can talk. What of our animals are there stables available? By the way do you know if there is a master armor maker in residence?"

Looking very curious, the drow just has to ask Jass, "Pardon, but I'm curious, is your natural form human or lizardman?"

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 3:22:57 PM

"Headquarters? I like the sound of that!" Gio quips as he scratches his blink dog behind the ears. "I wish we had a headquarters, then we could put those Hydra heads and Chimera mounts in there, and those dragonhides Fint had taken back to It'lal. Yes, a headquarters would be nice."

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 4:44:54 PM

"Yes Larien, one of those fireballs was mine. It wasn't a very forceful one and so I don't think it really did much, but at least I got a parting shot in. As for the other, I was too focused on waiting for the dragon to appear and casting my spell as soon as I saw it to notice who threw the other."

He expresses his thanks at Eclip and Gio as Sonia flies over to him and crawls inside his cloak to settle in her pocket with a relieved squeak. He reaches in and gives her a reassuring stroke on the head. "You did great," he whispers to the little bat.

He looks out over the water and notices the dragon is gone from sight. "And good riddance!" he mutters.

Hearing Gio's comment about a headquarters, he chuckles. "You don't want a headquarters, Giovanni, you seem to want a hunting lodge..." he says with a playful smirk.

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 5:05:35 PM

Grigory continues to float backwards to the dock, completing his sketch as he goes. Hearing conversations behind him the Halfling deduces that he is near enough to the docks that it requires his attention. He turns and, now only a few feet from the dock's edge says, "Greeting to the Drow. I am pleased to meet you, though the circumstances are... unusual. I am Grigory Hamwich Fern Pipewood Trufflefinder, Scholar, Chronicler and Mage.
"That was a fine dragon you brought along. I take you you've had some unpleasantness with him in the recent past."
The hylfling is wearing a white academic robe, with a black hood with gold lining. He wears a circlet with a gem on his forehead, and fine white gloves. He wears no armour, and a rat keeps its head poking out of his backpack.

"Oh, the other Fireball was mine. I wasn't as focused as I should have been, and I don't think it actually hurt the dragon. I wasn't thinking about such long-ranged combat this morning, and I've never read about a dragon fleeing from a fight like that before. Isn't it wonderful to come across something new each day?"

Grigory will continue to talk and ask questions as they travel back together to apartment.
"I would assume that we shall billet these fine people in our apartment. I have room enough for two or three in my room."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 6:23:23 PM

Gio let Grigory's slight pass, he was afterall just a halfling amongst the evocative looking drow, so easily overlooked. Addressing Gilin's comment, "Never thought about a hunting lodge, might come in handy, but I was thinking more of a trophy room--a large one."

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 6:50:10 PM

Eclip chuckles, "Why not turn it into a museum and sell tickets to all those who want to see."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Saturday December 5th, 2009 8:30:01 PM

A light shone in Gio's eyes, "Jester's Bells! I never thought about that, Eclip! You would make a fine merchant, yes indeed!"

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Sunday December 6th, 2009 12:43:55 PM

"Don't you already have an opera house, Gio? Credit where it's due mate. That was your work. And it's a very good place to mount hydra heads and dragon's wossnames. OK perhaps not dragon's actual wossnames. There may be ladies present.

"Pathos. Dashing blade, raconteur, wit and mutilator of other composers' songs. Pleased to meet you, one and all."

And Pathos doffs his once-fine hat with a graceful flourish.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59])  d20+1=6 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+1=10 ; d20+16=18 ; d20+10=26 ;
Sunday December 6th, 2009 10:38:42 PM

Larien smiles wanly at Jass. "Actually the 'big lizard' was a she. We killed her three evil dragon-children, who have been subjugating a race for reptilians and forcing them to live in poverty as near-slaves. In fact it seems a large family of green dragons have been ruling over much of the Crying Wood for hundreds of years at least. Anyway, it seems their mommy got a little upset and came after us."

The wizardess lets out a sigh of relief when Gio's healing magic washes over her and Grif. "Ah, many thanks. That dragon acid is nasty stuff. It looks like Grif will need more healing attention, but that will have to wait for now." Speaking softly so that no one else can here, she adds, "By the way, I noticed that Captain Elvaran has taken a liking to you. 'Off duty, though, I am Myra'. I think she's fallen for your bardly ways!"

Turning back to Jass as he offers the hospitality of the Crimson Shields' HQ, Larien responds. "That sounds like an excellent idea. Perhaps we can all share what we know about the Crying Woods and the likely enemies and allies within. We're also anxious to make what friends we can here in the Floating City, and would appreciate your guidance. Sadly, the old prejudices against drow still remain in some quarters."

Larien nods at the fireball explanations from Gilin and Grigory. "They were good efforts regardless. I too did not expect the beast to retreat so quickly. She must have known the entire city would soon rally against her. Still, we did enough to make her think twice about approaching your fair city."

With the danger apparently past, Larien follows the Crimson Shields off the docks and into the city when invited to do so. She motions her animals to do likewise, soaking in the sights and sounds of the city with the usual degree of caution for an experienced adventurer. She moves deliberately, taking the opportunity to use her Detect Magic powers to identify and analyze the various magical auras around her -- particularly of those not seem affiliated with the Crimson Shields. Should any invisible creatures be present, she'll see those too (at least for the next 29 minutes or so).


Listen -- Larien (6), Madeline (5), Grif (17)
Spot -- Larien (10), Madeline (18), Grif (26)

Active spells - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
Bear's Endurance (+4 Constitution; +14 HP, +2 Fortitude) -- 20/30 rounds (3 minutes; cast on Grif)
See Invisibility -- 29/30 minutes

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Monday December 7th, 2009 2:59:30 AM

"Diversify, Pathos, diversify, never put all your eggs in one basket as they say."

In quiet response to Larien's comment about Captain Elvaran, "I think you're bonkers." Lightly chuckling at his comment, he wondered if Larien was trying to push him into some dangerous liason because she felt sorry for him. Hmph, I know it's been a while, but hells bells, they didn't call me the silver tongue of Greendale because of my words.

Mac: AC:28*(32 Mobility), HP:149 
Monday December 7th, 2009 3:26:13 PM

After a few moments consideration of Larien and Jass conversation, the dark taur finally, briefly cracks a smile. "That, makes much more sense. Of course, that doesn't bode well for our immediate future." Mac turns an empty vial about in his fingers.

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+2=13 ; d20+21=26 ;
Monday December 7th, 2009 3:50:24 PM

"Well!", says Jass brightly, and begins the parade to the Crimson Shields headquarters, "we'll show you the sights and you can tell me why black elves have a bad reputation. In all my years travelling the Southern Continent, I've never met a 'drow' as you call yourselves."

And with that, Jass is off. He points out this sight and that landmark, speaking with great confidence on the things he knows (Local Knowledge: 13) and even greater confidence on the things he doesn't know (Bluff: 26)

At the building complex of the Crimson Shields, Jass tells Florin's widow of the guests and ensures she has help by whipping up a couple Unseen Servants to walk around with trays of mugs and pitchers of cider or wine or ale.

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Monday December 7th, 2009 5:36:40 PM

The druid with his bear at his side follow the Crimson Shields as they lead them through the city nodding at their vast local knowledge unable to tell when Jass is pulling his leg.

Eclip makes note of any shops he might wish to visit later. Upon reaching the Shields headquarters, the drow speaks up "Do you have stables or spair room for Artan and Grif?"

Accepting a mug of ale, Eclip picks up on something Jass said, "Southern Continent? Is that the same place that the god recently took apart and reassembled like patch work quilt?"

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Monday December 7th, 2009 5:58:15 PM

Pathos 'oohs' and 'aahs' his way through the retail sections of the Float. Eleven thousand is a bit much to fritter away on tourist tat. He misses the Al Mathira chaps from the village.

"I wonder if I can get them anything. Some metal tools would help them immensely...."

"If I had a hammer
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening
A-all all over this land"

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Monday December 7th, 2009 6:35:24 PM

Upon hearing some of the comments from the dark elves, he feels a bit intimidated by this new group. Whispering in hushed, yet slightly awed tones to Brahmah, "Summer Homes? Stabling of Griffon's? Hydra Heads? Dragon's Hides? The only trophy we have is wooden bowl! Maybe these people should stay with the Gold Dragons and not us?"

He moves to offer his hand to the newcomers, addressing Larien, "A member of our group was half-drow. She was a very reliable person over the years, although I never quite figured out her House or the whole relationship thing." With a simple smile and no florishes, "The name is Syrdeth or Syr for short. Like Jass said, you are more than welcome to stay with us." Syr appears to be an extremely young elf, that carries himself with a certain amount of physical presence in a very compact body. As he walks beside Larien, his black ponytail glitters with several spindly jewels stuck in his hair. He listens attentively to her words regarding the woods, "Have you seen these dragons have any dealings with others. We just returned from the Woods and lost a member to some dark druids."

He nods once to Eclip, "We have a small stable that Florin once used." Strangely, the elf gets quiet and introspective after that during their walk.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Monday December 7th, 2009 7:32:14 PM

T'Shalla listens to all that is said, and says, "Thank you for the invitation to stay with you, it is appreciated." to the Crimison Shields. Her most distinctive feature is, she keeps her head shaved, and her clothing though drenched nicely are of a grey and brown colours, and mostly loose around her giving her full movement when needed, she being of a slight build and her eyes being that of a light green in colour when not wearing her goggles. She follows along with the rest, looking around, taking in the sights but still being somewhat wary of those around her.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Monday December 7th, 2009 7:46:13 PM

Gio stops and snaps his fingers, "That's it! Dark druids! They must be the ones hurting the Woods, which has caused the Woods to enter into their arrangement with the Green, dragons that is." Nodding to himself, "Yes, this is a most fortuitous meeting indeed. This may even be more difficult than fighting all those Driders and that foul wench, Atrea."

Corvis Zurvichocs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AS- AC:30 HP:130/130 
Monday December 7th, 2009 8:19:29 PM

Corvis looks to the new comers and wonders some as he moves along with the others and only when time comes open too does he speak to any of the drow, "Greetings to you. Sorry for being so quiet but that flying nasty out there has me abit concerned. My name is Corvis Zurvich, a bounty hunter by trade and a new commer to the Shields." Corvis offers his hand to any of the drow who wish to shake it.

Corvis can't help but grin some as he gives Syr a small nudge, "Old flying lizard back there better becareful. I mean if Florin can he might punish the dragon if it lands in the wood you know." Corvis can't help but smile some thinking of a forest like Florin slapping a dragon with vines and such.

Floating Ciy: Wonder of the Wold - DMAl 
Monday December 7th, 2009 8:45:44 PM

Introductions go around on the end of the crowded dock, and then Jass invites the group of drow and one halfling to the properties that the Shields keep on Merchant Level.

"We've been closer to the Crying Woods before." Captain Elvaran swings along beside the two groups of heroes as they make their way back up the docks toward the great gate that opens into the city. And, as they walk, she answers one of Eclip's questions. "Floating City moves about Turtle Lake. No one knows how the city moves or what course it takes. It was all designed by the Teucri, and they're no longer here to tell us."

The giant gate, comes up soon enough. Traffic streams in and out, to and from the Docks. Madeline and Grif, the two creatures that accompany Larien, with their eyes alert, note that many eyes watch the large colorfully mixed group as they enter. Their entry does not fail to be noticed.

The party from Itlal enter with both the Shields and a contingent of guards led by Captain Elvaran, and the first thing to greet them is ... the sky. From up above streams the light of the sun, the clouds move, birds fly. The effect is nothing less than being in a giant walled city with four massive pillars at each corner. And yet the walls of this city do not reach to the heights of the tower that is Floating City. They end, capped by the sky. A very odd effect "More Teucri magic," the guard captain explains when she notes the looks on the Guardian's faces. "Somehow the ceiling lets the sky through. Both the view and the sunlight. No rain, though." This magic ceiling must be reasonably high, though, as some of the buildings are three and four stories tall. In the center of the buildings, a massive pillar thrusts upward as though literally supporting the sky.

"This is Fence Level," the captain says. The group moves through the streets toward the Central Pillar. On the way, Pathos notes a sign for the Wold famous Catacombs. When the group reaches the Central Pillar, the party from Itlal find an enormous ramp built into the pillar that ascends to the next level. "This is Barracks Level," Captain Elvaran says as they emerge from the pillar. Above, again is the sky. "I'll leave you here with the Crimson Shields," and she marches off followed by her men.

The group continues up the ramp to the next level above Barracks and come out onto a part of the city that has much finer buildings. The people here dress better than they did two levels down on Fence Level. Not that the people on Fence Level where shabby, but they were more workman-like.

The Crimson Shields, it appears, own two properties that share a common boarder. On the properties are two buildings both of two stories each, a small stable, a smithy, and a garden. A gate off the back of the properties lets into a small strip of woods that boarders the outer wall of the city.

The noise of the two groups as they enter through the front door of the main house brings an attractive human woman down to investigate. A dark haired girl peeks out from behind the woman's skirts. Jass introduces them as Ivy, the wife of one of the Crimson Shields who recently met something of an end in the Crying Woods, and their daughter Jella.

Ivy puts Jass to work serving beverages while she goes about preparing rooms for the guests from Itlal.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Fly, Haste, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Status, Water Walk - Bead of Karma 
Monday December 7th, 2009 9:31:17 PM

The halfling cleric allows the guests to enter the house before going in himself. Being careful not to get underfoot, Belkior slips through the room to where the other halflings have seated themselves.

"So, can you tell us more about how you managed to get that dragon so upset? During all of our explorations of the Crying Wood, we never heard any rumours of their presence let alone actually encountering one."

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Monday December 7th, 2009 9:32:10 PM

Larien misses most of Jass' erroneous landmark dissertation, as the wizardess falls in step next to Syr and the two begin chatting. "Thank you Syrdeth. Yes, there are many drow without Houses -- those who renounced the ways of evil were not always well received when we still lived underground. Perhaps some day your friend will make it to It'lal. All of good heart are welcome there, regardless of race."

Before she can respond to Syr's question about the dragons and the Crying Woods, Gio pipes up with a clever connection. "Indeed, Giovanni may be correct. We have been told by more than one source that the Crying Woods are hurting in some way, and have perhaps allied themselves with the green dragons as a result. If these druids are the cause of the Woods pain, then they are perpetrating a great evil. And if the druids and the dragons are actually working in concert, then the danger is far, far worse.

Larien pauses to consider this bleak scenario before continuing. "There are at least two glimmers of hope. First, the reptilians we encountered have tasted freedom, and will be constant thorn in the side of the Green from now on. Also, the Woods have created many awakened animals to serve them, and these awakened in turn are commanded by the Green. However, the awakened do not seem pleased with this arrangement. We think they would be glad to live at peace with the reptilians and serve the needs of the Woods, if only the Green were not lording over them. Even the Woods might turn against the Green if we could prove that the druids and the Green are working together, either directly or indirectly."

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Monday December 7th, 2009 10:21:50 PM

As Captain Elvaran guides the groups along, Larien is astounded repeatedly by the feats of magic that make up the great city. "Wonderful. Truly fascinating." She can hardly keep herself from gawking. "Imagine what the Teucri could teach us. Ashame they're not still around...."

Before Captain Elvaran can depart, Larien asks, "Captain, I understand there's a WLoA post here, but do you know if there's a Star Mage Chapter House too?" The wizardess glances hopefully at Grigory and Jass, who also seem likely to know such a thing.

As the group approaches the Crimson Shields HQ, Larien excuses herself and detours with Grif to the stable. With Grif's help, she quickly has the griffon out of his barding so that he can rest and groom himself. She tosses him a large chunk of dried meat (which he tolerates on journeys such as this), and promises to bring him something better later. "Behave yourself now and stay put. We're guests here. Leave any livestock alone. But they'd probably be glad for any rats or mice you eat." Grif nods solemnly, and licks his chops at the mention of rats and mice. He's become an expert at making do on small game when necessary.

Soon Larien makes her way into the house, apologizing to Ivy for the inconvenience, and smiling at young Jella. At Belkior's question (who must not have been within earshot earlier), she repeats what has already been said by herself, Eclip and Gio (see prior posts), and continues to compare notes with the others. "Where in the Woods are these evil druids of which you spoke? Do you have any ideas? And I take it there are elves in the Woods too? Surely they must know of the green dragons?"

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d20+20=39 ;
Monday December 7th, 2009 10:24:41 PM

Gio gives many thanks for the Ale when it comes, "The natural spirits distilled by the Reptilians were a little hard on the palate, this is much more to my liking." Easing his pack off and taking a seat, Gio pulls out his halfling lute and begins to play a soothing tune as he ruminates on the future, "If we can somehow remove the Dark Druids from the equation, then perhaps the Woods will cease their affiliation with the Green, thereby making it somewhat easier for us to rid the land of them. Crimson Shields, I thank you for your hospitality, may I impose a little and ask you to tell us a bit more of these Dark Druids?"

Perform 39 (near perfect :)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 4:13:12 AM

"Giovanni, I can help with a new tattoo if you like."

"That sounds like a Domi philosophy Patho.... hammering on the land and all. Fixing the Taur Isles." The dark haired minotaur laughs. His hand absently moves to his missing left ear. The ranger is also missing his race's iconic tail.

"These reptilians sound interesting for sure."

He takes in all the info he can, not likely retaining much but makes an effort.

(OOC: Sorry for the lack of posting... holidays, family/friends, unemployed and school)

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 6:49:54 AM

Gilin looks curiously around the Crimson Shields' apartment. "Nice digs..." he says with smirk. "But then, my last 'digs' were literally a hole in the ground, so..."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/61 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 10:56:18 AM

"That is very kind of you, Master Brahmah, I did not want to ask such an imposition of you, having just met. I'm sure you must get many an admirer seeking your tattooing skills." Gio continues to play and drink, sometimes at the same time. "Would a Protection from Energy tattoo be alright, Master Brahmah?" Occasionally Gio digs into his pocket and takes out a bacon treat and gives it to his dog, Blinky.

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life) 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 11:49:44 AM

On the Southern Continent moving... Jass laughs. "Yes, the very lands shifted and flew about. We called it the Great Migration. And that's the reason I'm here now, too. I got caught in a random teleportation circle and popped into the water next to the Floating City docks. Good thing the Crimson Shields were here and needed some magical support!"

"Alas", responds Jass to the discussion of Dark Druids and Green Dragons, "we don't know where the druids are, and neither do our elven friends in the Crying Woods. They may know the location of a Green Dragon (we didn't ask), but if your story on the general animosity between white and black elves is even close, they wouldn't be very happy with you or us if we brought you to Elvenguard."

"The elves have a guardian that is melded with the Crying Woods and keeps them safe. The Dark Druids tried to usurp that position the last time we fought them, and the druids almost won! Only through the sacrifice of Florin the Paladin did the Crimson Shields hold off that evil day."

"And we also have another mystery. The Lake the Floating City is in is always fresh water, but there have been salt-water animals and monsters getting into the Lake somehow. Haven't been able to figure out how that is happening."

An idea lights up Jass' face. "You know, we could go looking to take care of this Green Dragon for you, and you can go looking for the source of salt water in the Lake for us!"

He beams, basking in how smart Jass is and how lucky these Crimson Shields and Guardians are to have him around.

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 12:04:09 PM

Gio nods at Jass' comments, but says nothing in return, he would leave that up to Lady Larien. If the Crimson Shields did go after the Green, they would need to be informed of what they were really getting into, also, that meant his purchase of certain items in the Catacombs would change because of the situation. The spry halfling ruminated on these thoughts as he played, hoping someone else could shed more light on the dark druids, or the salt-water incursions of late.

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 3:18:29 PM

Looking at the city, Eclip is amazed at the magical sky on each level "You say the Teucri built it? Amzing, T'Shalla and I have come across on other artifact created by the Teucri some device that turn a pool of water into holy waters that would heal any injury or scar" the druid glances over at T'Shalla's head and face which bear no sign of the scars they once held.

Upon reach the Headquarters, Eclip tends to Artan his bear making sure he has food and water, and a place to rest, then taking to the animal "No rough housing with Grif."

Inside, Eclip is keenly interested in the dark druid, he comments "Some of the awaken animals we fought used druid powers, but they didn't seem overly dark. Tell me, why do you call them Dark Druids? Are they physically dark or is it that they follow a dark path? What race are the Dark Druids? Salt water creatures in a fresh water environment. Are you sure they were salt water creatures and not just a close cousin that adapted to fresh water? It these creatures are truly from some sea, then it could be the Dark Druid's work, or some sort of portal, but then I would think the fresh water would be turning brackish if it's mixing with any salt water. Has anyone tried talking to the fish or larger water creatures? I could ask around?"

With the Shield's' interest in going after the dragon, the drow set aside his ale and speaks up "I'm afraid, the Green isn't just one dragon, but a family or clan of Green dragons. The awaken rat we captured told us the Green is a family of dragons who are organized. The younger one subservient to the older ones until they gain power and position within the family. By the will of the Woods the Green oversee the animals, awakened and humanoids reptiles. The trees and plants are given favored status over the beasts. The rat told us about a temple where one branch of the Green command the awaken from. The first daughter runs the temple, She has three adult children and awakened who do her bidding. The Juveniles we killed were the offspring of the adult dragon you meet. The Juveniles were leading a group of awaken making one of their periodic tribute collection from the Reptilians. The rat also mentions seeing others from a different branch of the Green, but he didn't know what they did. Apparently the temple is one of the places where the Woods communicate more directly."
(ooc: Information from the questioning the rat Nov 13, 2009 post)

Thinking for a moment, "You said the elves have a guardian that is 'MELDED' with the Crying Woods? I wonder if the Greens has a similar power over the woods?" The druid shivers at the idea.

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 3:37:34 PM

"Um, Larien, I've only been here a day now. I've not looked for asked about the Star Mage's. Yet.

"I am chronicling such things as the Crying Woods. Everything actually." Grigory pulls a half-filled volume from his pack, and begins to fill it with the details of the Dark Druid, the Green, this group of Drow (and Halfling).

As he sits on the floor, busy with scribing this new information, he slowly, gently floats up off the ground, the effect of the the Overland Flight subconsciously working.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 5:16:20 PM

"What do you guys think about all of us attacking this Temple that the Green are hold up in? It would be a huge fight, probably three adult dragons, then their mother, and a whole bunch of awakened." Strumming his lute a bit more, "Yeah, it would be suicide."

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 5:56:18 PM

"Even with the Crimson Shields along, three adult dragons, whatever remains of their children, their mother, and an army of awakened animals and trees is asking for it. We would need to grow stronger and develope a plan. Not just tactically, but strategicall. This is a long-term goal, so we need to start thinking long-term. 'Get them!' is not a workable plan anymore."

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 7:34:32 PM

T'Shalla inquires of Jass for some water, thanking him, and nodding to Eclips words saying, "I was burned over most of my body, but when going into the pool, the burned skin 'peeled' away and I was healed. Also why I am more darker then my kin." and when listening about the dark druids, she comments, "I think that we should then try finding these dark druids and destroying them, for if it is indeed them that are wounding the Woods, then perhaps the Woods would not harbor ill feelings towards others entering, and would perhaps make it more easier for others to travel to It'lal."

Background, And, a summons. - DMAl 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 9:07:37 PM

Over beverages and snacks, the stories about the Crying Woods go from one group to the next and then back again. What is the true nature of the Woods? Could there be a connection between the evil druids and the green dragons?

The Crimson Shields, freshly returned from the Entwining, from the pyramid deep within the Woods where they had lost Florin, cannot help but remember that moment. The druid that had beat Prillana into a bloody pulp had called themselves Darkwood. Just before nearly succeeding in taking Prillana's place as the chosen of the woods, he had screamed words in the voice of a fanatic.



Were it not for Florin, the druid would have made good his words. But the paladin had been quicker and took Prillana's place in the Entwining. The druid was killed, but the rest that had escaped swore bloody vengeance before fleeing. A sobering thought, even over snacks and beverages in the comfort of one's own home.

Fortunately, in such safe and secure surroundings one can simply turn to other matters, and put dark thoughts behind. Larien asks after a chapter of the Star Mages' Guild. There is not one currently in Floating City. The ambitious Star Mages' Guild is seen with suspicion by the guiding bureaucracy of Floating City. There is, however, an unofficial liaison with the Guild in the Manor of the Mage on Fence Level. There is also a full fledged Guild Tower in Plateau City. Travel to Plateau City from Floating City can be accomplished through the teleport circle on Gold Level.

Thoughts run to shops, and specifically the Catacombs. The local outlet, as Pathos noted before, is on Fence Level.

And, there is the matter of the Master Armorer that Eclip had asked about. Perhaps if the Crimson Shields were to know specifically what he had in mind, they might be able to steer him in the right direction.

As the group from Floating City entertains the group from Itlal, an knock comes to the door. It's one of the three guards that Brahmah had encountered outside the Ursidaes compound the other day. He asks for Brahmah.

"Lord Bael requests your presence at the House of Ursidea as soon as is convenient," the guard says. "It's in regards to Polo, if you will, Sirrah Brahmah."

Both Syr and Belkior recognize the name of Lord Bael Ursidae as the noble who they met at the Giggling Ghost during the Awakening of the Fey King.

Corvis Zurvichocs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AS- AC:30 HP:130/130 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 9:13:22 PM

Corvis listens to what is said but otherwise stays silent since he hasn't been with the Shields that long he only knows what he has been told about the woods and such. He does for now lean against one of the walls and sips his glass of wine that he is offered while just keeping out of the way and such.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 9:40:38 PM

"Hence the phrase, 'it would be suicide', Gilin," Gio retorts as he finishes his song. "Longterm, if we are to help the Woods and the Reptilians, would be to first sever the ties that unite the Woods with the Green. Once that is done, then we can go after the Green one at a time. This would be a long endeavor, one we may not be suited to accomplish, furthermore, our mission is to establish trade and diplomatic ties with the outside world and some among us may not think we have a dog in this fight--I however, disagree. The Crying Woods lie between It'lal and other civilizations, and with that route made impossible to travel through, we will have no trade, no lasting relationships with anyone as long as that danger remains between us and our friends. What we need to do, in my opinion, is to find out how the Crying Woods are hurting, help it and convince it that it no longer needs the Green. This may be the dark druids doing, but right now we just don't know. Perhaps if our envoy, the awakened rat we captured, returns with news of our message we sent the Woods, it would help. Perhaps there are other Reptilians who would know more than the village of Reptilians we helped, I don't know, but we need to find out before we decide on a course of action." Thinking about it a little, "Maybe my friend 'The Bruce', who owns Woldwide Transport, may be able to help, anyone here ever heard of him?"

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 10:13:35 PM

The halfling cleric perks up when the guard from House Ursidae comes looking for Brahmah. The conversation about the Crying Woods has been quite interesting but Belkior really can't contribute too much. As much as he feels that the Crying Woods are a potential threat to the Floating City, the creatures and people there still have a right to live out their lives.

"There's a possibility that we might learn more by returning to the Woods and asking Prionel. But travelling through the Crying Woods is discomforting at best and downright dangerous at worst. How exactly did you manage to travel through there without much difficulty?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 11:52:25 PM

"Sure Gio, we need to take care of a few things first prior to any tattoos."


"Polo? Oh yes, the brown from earlier. I'll come now. If the Crimsons don't need me any longer, I'll be as House Ursidae. While I'm there ask about a few other things too..." He leaves with the messenger.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 1:39:03 AM

"Thank you, Sirrah Brahmah!" Gio replies courteously. Looking at eye level with his Blink dog, Gio barks, yips and yaps, "And you, I think we'll get you a nice little Eberyon's Tear, eh Blinky?" The dog cocks his head and wonders if it can eat it.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 3:08:27 AM

Larien nods at Eclip's explanation. "Couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, it would have taken me much longer." The wizardress smiles slightly, knowing her reputation for longwindedness within the Shadow Guardians.

She listens as Gilin and Gio spar with each other, growing more somber before continuing. "Gio is right about our duty, but partly wrong I believe about the Crying Woods lying between It'lal and the outside world. That is but one path, and involving ourselves too deeply in the matters of the Woods, the Green and the Dark Druids at this time could well put It'lal at even greater risk, which absolutely must be avoided. Indeed, those evils make finding an alternate route to and from It'lal even more essential. There are still several missing keys to the It'lal gates, and I am certain that one of them was in this area at some point. We must carefully investigate that possibility. Perhaps that task will overlap with others involving the CWGDD, but we must not become sidetracked."

Remembering what Jass said about the Elvenguard. Larien adds one bit more. "As for your elven friends, if they are truly a just people, good of heart, they will be able to see us for who we are and not what we were. And we are not afraid to present ourselves honestly and respectfully to the Elvenguard on those terms. And if they are friends of yours, I believe they would give us a fair hearing."

Larien considers the news that there is an unofficial liaison with the Mage Guild in the Manor of the Mage on Fence Level. "Does anyone here have contacts in the Manor of the Mage? Or who could at least accompany me to Fence Level? I need to see if they can accommodate my training here, or if I'll have to arrange access to Plateau City via the teleport circle on Gold Level. I hope this doesn't get too complicated."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 4:44:17 AM

"I would have to respectfully disagree with my companion. I don't believe that leaving an angry Woods at It'lal's front door is in the best interest of our city. Further, I do not believe a gate key resides here, but I do believe one does exist at the Green temple." Spreading his arms, Gio continued, "But this doesn't really concern the Crimson Shields, no offense. It was not our intention to bring our problems to your doorstep."

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 5:22:53 AM

"I have to agree with Gio. We have just breezed through the woods and completely upended the Al Mathir lifestyle. We promised them that we would make life better for them by removing the green. Now, at the time we didn't realise that there were three generations of the bloody things, but I don't believe that absolves us of our responsibility to them.

"Now the green has been weakened by the not inconsiderable amount of three dragons plus some loose change. The woods are a big place. They must be stretched somewhere. Tribute doesn't gather itself you know. Either gathering parties will get smaller and weaker, or they'll get bigger (scary) and further apart. But at the moment, the Green know that the Shadow Guardians are here. They will be watching for our departure. It would be best if they missed it!

"Could they attack a whole city?"

He goes quiet at the thought.

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 10:43:59 AM

Looking at Pathos, "This city is like a fortress, I don't think the Green would have much luck attacking it even with the awakened. I agree with Pathos, we should try to avoid alerting the Green when we return and if the Green Temple is too well protected, they must have other softer targets like another Tribute, patrol or something else they hold. We should be wary of these darkwood druids too. It would simplify things if we could locate another It'lal gateway device. Perhaps we could find another way to bypass the Woods."

In response to Belkior's question, Eclip shows him a green crystal pendent he wears about his neck, "At first we found the Crying Woods to be very dangerous and discomforting, but we found overgrown ruins in the woods where some reptilians had been tunneling into an old pyramid, in a chamber we found picture graphs Reptilians history, from the time of the war. Oddly even though the pyramid was overgrown, we couldn't feel the wood's discomfort inside. There was a hidden room which contained a cash of these crystal pendents. The seem to block the Woods discomfort and offer some protection from plants. We found the source of the raw crystals, but these seem to be enchanted in some way."

Disappearing outside for a moment, Eclip returns carrying a large roll of hide, glancing around at the Sheilds, and Jass in particular "Since most of you know the city, where could I find a master who could turn this dragon hide into armor for me?" The druid unrolls the hide reviling a carpet of shiny green scales.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 10:54:31 AM

Gio doesn't know why he didn't think of this before, it was staring him right in the face, "You know it occurs to me, this former member of yours, Florin? If he is joined with the Woods, perhaps he can tell us what is ailing the Woods and perhaps help us help the Woods. Would you Shields be willing to setup a meeting?"

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life) 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 11:39:30 AM

Jass puts information together in his mind like a puzzle. "From what we know from our friends in Elvenguard, the Crying Woods itself isn't evil. As I said before, Florin the noble paladin is melded with the Crying Woods and protects certain people who move through the area. But we also know of an opposing power, this Darkwood cartel and thier Gray Majesty. Niether of those names sounds similar to the Green, but I could easily see that Darkwood and the Green both work for this Gray Majesty, just in a different part of the Crying Woods."

He sits up with conviction. "I think we definitely need to work together. If we are able to reduce or eliminate the influences of Darkwood and the Green on the Crying Woods, it would be a much better place for everyone to live in, eh?"

But then his face clouds over. "Now all we have to do is find out where the Darkwood or Greens ARE. We lost the trail on the Darkwood and haven't a clue where to begin to look. Can you help us there?"

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 11:48:40 AM

Gio nods, "I cannot speak for the rest of my companions, but I think routing the Dark Druids from their grasp on the Woods is where we should begin. I have a feeling they are in someway linked with what is hurting the Woods, and if we can alleviate that pain, then perhaps we can break the Woods dependence on the Green, furthering some of our desires to free the children of the Al-Mathir once and for all."

Looking to Lady Larien, "I'll try to meet up with my friend, 'The Bruce', and see if he has any contacts that I can work on some trade contracts with."

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 5:08:02 PM

Larien simply shrugs at the differing views of her companions. "The decision isn't ours to make in any event. We serve at the pleasure of the It'lal Council, and we are sure to hear from them very soon -- in fact I am worried that they have gone a week without contacting us. Perhaps Kaido's return satisfied them as to our initial progress, but much has happened since then. We also need to make contact with Airin soon, as she may be gathering information that will help the Council in their deliberations. In fact I am rather concerned for her safety given the concerted hunt we were subjected too."

Turning to Gio, "Yes, any contacts should be pursued while we have the time. A formal diplomatic meeting with the leaders of the Float seems to be in order as well -- I assume you will lead that Gio? That may take time to arrange. I will find out what I can at the Manor of the Mage; maybe Gilin and Grigory would accompany me? There must be sages or libraries here as well that we can try to gain access to. What other contacts should we make here?" The wizardess looks hopefully at the Crimson Shields for suggestions. "I for one must train for several days before we go anywhere. I also need time to do some arcane crafting. If I delay much longer, my usefulness to the group will suffer."

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 5:43:04 PM

"No offense, but I'm not sure I want to go after anything that can give you guys trouble; you're a lot more experienced than we are, and more powerful. I'm not keen to go back to Gargul at the very least until I've found my sister and made sure she's safe and happy. Trying to keep up with you would probably cause just that: My return to being dead, as well as probably several others of my party. Gilin says, more than a bit scared of peoples' talk of rushing off to the rescue.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 6:34:43 PM

"It's true that we work at the pleasure of the Council, but they also expect us to show some initiative and proceed as we see fit, so far they have not found fault with us in that aspect. To merely wait for word as an excuse, well, I don't see it." Pausing momentarily, "Perhaps one of us can use the teleport badge, go back home and make a full report, then get teleported back here to the Floating City."

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 7:24:22 PM

Mulling over the comments from everyone, "I suspect if we find the saltwater gateway, we will find the druids. I've been wrong before, but I just don't see the Greens creating a gateway to help their cause. As to the Dragons? with your ...rat? you have information to find the home of the dragons?"

Syr listens with interest and is quite intrigued by the thought of an alliance with these elves, "Hmmm, I don't think the elves would mind meeting with you. After all, while they didn't embrace Xenia, who was another dark elf, they didn't greet her with hostility. Prionel has even allowed some trade with the Float, right Jass?"

Smiling at Larien, "Contacts at Mage Manor? No. However, I would be happy to escort you to the fence level, we have business down there to check up on. Giovanni, would you like to join us? We have a warehouse down next to the docks and I can introduce you to some of the players down there. It might speed up your trading process. Although without a reliable route, it's a moot point. Maybe later, we can go up to the Gold level to inquire about an audience with the Overlord. No guarantees there, of course." (OOC: Shield Construction is adjacent to the number 56 on the fence level map.)

(OOC: sorry Xmas at Big Brown is a bit demanding)

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 7:35:52 PM

T'Shalla listens to the both sides of the argument but she still thinks that trying to defeat the darkwood druids and making the woods safe again, would be a primary function in getting trade relations started.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 8:17:16 PM

Gio absentmindedly scratches Blinky's chin as he ponders and asks, "Syr, are you the same Syrdeth that brought Eberyon's Tears to the general populace? If so, then we are truly in esteemed company with you and Master Brahmah indeed."

Thinking about the waterway and the dark druids, "You may have a point there Syr, if the two are linked then all the better as it would help our cause too. And thank you, yes, I would love to meet some of the traders and get the ball rolling. Ours is a preparatory mission, to make introductions as intermediaries, the actual signing of trade contracts lie with the Council, so your help would be invaluable, thank you again!"

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 8:46:45 PM

As things get heated Grigory is very busy scribing the details and thoughts shared between friends. He carefully interrupts, "Er Gio, could you repeat that last bit for me. It's not that I am taking notes against you, I am attempting to gather as much information as possible together in the one place."

Up to Gold or Down to Fence - DMAl 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 9:01:25 PM

The guard in the livery of House Bael lead the way one level up to Gold Level. Though he specifically asked for Brahmah, he makes no complaint to or injunction against the presence of anyone else should the decide to tag along. The compound of House Bael is as it was the other day. A different three guards are on the gate. As before, one wears dual weapons while the other two carry longspears. The double-door gate opens into an open courtyard. A broad paved stone walkway bisects the courtyard running from the gate to the front door of a large manor house in the Teucri style. As before, trios of guards patrol the grounds and each trio is accompanied by a large brown bear.

Off to one side of the path a caged bear restlessly paces the length of its prison. In front of the cage stands a dark-haired man of nearly seven feet tall. The girth of the man's arms and legs would put many mid sized trees to shame.

"Lord Bael." The guard salutes by crossing his arms over his chest with fists closed. "I've brought the one I spoke to you of, Lord Bael."

Lord Bael Ursidae turns from his contemplation of the bear in the cage, and, at the same time, the bear also turns. It stops with eyes fixed on Brahmah, and then it lets out a low and mournful cry. Lord Bael looks from Brahmah to the bear and then back again.

"Polo hasn't known anyone for days now," he says. His dark and serious eyes bore into Brahmah as though searching the Minotaur's soul. "But he knows you. Will you feed him? He hasn't eaten for days either. He must eat or he will die."


Meanwhile, some of the Crimson Shields and the Shadow Guardians find a mutual interest in a trip to Fence Level. Talk of ridding the Wold of powerful evil forces is very well and good, but there's only so much one can do in a day. Even if you're two powerful adventuring groups. It's still only a little past noon. Plenty of time for a visit. Among the possible destinations are Shield Construction, the Manor of the Mage, the Wold famous Catacombs, and the Giggling Ghost. Fence Level is also where most of the craft trades are practiced. It may be a good place as well, to begin asking around for a master armorer.


OoC: Give me some idea of where each of you go, and I'll roleplay the different encounters. Also, if there are some questions that you want answered, or things that you want played and I miss, please don't hesitate to write me a DM note. There's a lot of good roleplaying, and there's a good chance I'll miss something in the sheer volume of it all.

BTW, roll Gather Information for the presence of a Master Armorer.

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25)  d20+8=11 ;
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 9:35:36 PM

Gilin follows the others down to the fence level. He spends some time talking to shopkeepers, casually asking about goings-on, and where the best places to get different things are. (Gather Information: 11)

"I think I need a stop in the Catacombs as well, guys. I need to change out some of my gear. I've got with me what I had when I died, but it's not well-suited to the work I'm doing with you guys, so I need to pick up some necessities." he grinned.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 9:45:57 PM

The halfling cleric tags along with Brahmah when the minotaur follows the guard up to Gold Level to House Ursidae. If nothing else, the Temple to Alemi is close by and Belkior can stop there to ask more questions about teh Darkwood Druids. The walk towards the upper levels of Floating City is also a chance to enjoy the beautiful day, just like the many children who are out playing. The Paragon quickly attracts a small crowd of children as he walks until he moves out of the neighbourhood and onto the ramps.

What holds the most interest for Belkior within the courtyard of House Bael aren't the men training or the fancy stonework, but the normally wild creatures accompanying the guards. And, most of all, the large caged animal. When Lord Bael describes the bear's behaviour, Belkior is about to volunteer to examine and treat the animal but the noble's words give him pause. Instead, the Paragon waits for Brahmah to act.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d20+22=32 ; d20+9=13 ;
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 10:12:54 PM

Gio will accompany Syr down to his warehouse and talk business with the "players" as Syr put it, and see's if there is any interest in opening some trade contracts with the drow of It'lal. Gio does have copies of all the paperwork given to them by the council which gives him authority to talk about any offers from the merchants he meets, and what the drow can offer, but not to sign or finalize any contracts--that is left to the Council to decide.

Gio will also look for his friend he met in Plateau city, The Bruce, who was a rich merchant that owned Woldwide Transport and frequented the Floating City often. (Gio met him in the Fort Silence game)

Diplomacy for business talks: 32
Gather Info: 13

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 3:25:31 AM

The minotaur ranger heads off and meets with the people at the House of Ursidae. "I can help Polo if you like." He feeds and cares for the bear.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 3:55:41 AM

Larien tries to find out what she can from the Crimson Shields about the teleport circle at Gold Level, and whether there is anything she should know about the Gold Level, so that she is not asking ignorant questions or making any missteps in public. She also asks where the local WLoA office is so that she can schedule time for some training.

The wizardess then joins those headed to the Fence level, but at the first opportunity she will detour to the Catacombs and the Manor of the Mage (not necessarily in that order), leaving the more general information gathering and diplomacy to those better skilled at it. She is hopeful that someone will accompany her, but if not she will forge on solo.

At the Catacombs she'll sell the group items as agreed (DM's, just give me the thumbs up and I'll start that transaction). The wizardess also reminds Gilin that if he's planning to sell his Feather Fall ring, she'd be interested in buying it from him.

At the Manor of the Mage, Larien finds the owner or manager, and quietly inquires about their unofficial liaison with the Star Mages' Guild. She identifies herself as a Journeymen Mage, and explains her desire to travel to Star Tower in Plateau City and back. Normally she would do this via a Chapter House as a member in good standing, but she is unsure if those services are available here, or if the Manor of the Mage has any special arrangement with the teleport circle on Gold Level (and what the terms of use, wait, and other details are surrounding the teleport circle are). If there are fees involved to facilitate this that are more than nominal, Larien will see if she can provide spellcasting services to the Manor of the Mage instead. Presumably they are regularly engaged to cast spells such as Endure Elements, Identify, Darkvision, Water Breathing, and the like. She also has Cure Light Wounds at her disposal if that would be helpful.

Mac: AC:28*(32 Mobility), HP:149 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 7:17:16 AM

Seeing noone else stepping up, and recalling how he felt trying to learn some of the lay of the land aboard the Float, the dark taur offers to direct and accompany Larien. "We can start with the WLA, and we can get directions to nigh on everywhere else from there, once we're finished on Fence level."

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+10=27 ; d20+14=26 ;
Thursday December 10th, 2009 8:22:20 AM

A few passes and magical words, and the human Jass turns into an average-looking elf with long silver hair. (Alter Self). "Yes, Pironel has allowed one of his elves, Silverleaf by name, to start a trade route with Floating City". Jass-Silverleaf preens to show exactly who he is talking about. "I've got some home-made curios that may sell very well in a jaundiced and civilized society that is looking for the unique and new. And if the Elvenguard accepted this Xenia girl you all keep talking about, I'm sure a couple more... drow, is it? Yes, a couple more drow would not be a big problem."

Having made his point, Jass-Silverleaf dismisses the Alter Self and becomes Jass once more. "Silverleaf and the Crimson Shields are not associates, however, and no nothing about one another."

Not interested in bears or armorers, Jass sees opportunity in accompanying Larien and Mac. With a freindly demeanor and some well placed questions, the human sorcerer is confident that he can answer all of Larien's questions about the Teleportation Circle, Giggling Ghost, Catacombs, and lead the way to the Manor of the Mage. Accompanying him while going out is the curious mink, Furball, who rides on the sorcerer's shoulder and occasionally Mac and Lariens too!

Gather Info - 27
Diplomacy - 26

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d20+3=11 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+12=17 ;
Thursday December 10th, 2009 9:48:02 AM

Leaving Artan at the shield's headquarters, Eclip follows along with group going down to the Fence Level, asking the Shields "If you don't mind my asking, what are you constructing on the Fence level you already have a Headquarters?"

Eclip notes the locations of the Catacombs and Giggling Ghost. While visiting the Catacombs the druid will ask to talk to someone to someone privately in the office about the possibility of having one of there magic entrances located at It'lal. While there he will check on some prices, but want to see how much he has left finding how much armor making will cost.

The drow will inquire at several places for the best armorers in the Float, if he see any well armored city guards he'll ask them too (Gather Information: 11). Once Eclip locates an armorer or two he'll go and ask them about the possibility of turning dragonhide into armor and if they have ever done such work. The druid is very interested in how long it would take to make studded leather and a shield, also at what cost with the understanding that Eclip would be providing the dragonhide. Minding his manners the drow tries to get the best deal he can (Diplomacy 27).

Mulling the darkwood druids over in his mind, Eclip wonders if he recalls ever hearing anything about them from his druid training (Knowledge nature: 17)

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 5:58:31 PM

Pathos joins his friends on their shopping trip. It occurs to him just how long it has been since he was in a thriving urban environment. It'lal is really only a village by comparison. He looks at mundane tools that he could potentially get to the Al Mathir; but if they are all in hiding it would be a pointless gesture.

Otherwise he is looking for some sort of weapon which would not require him to get close enough to count a dragon's fillings.

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 7:06:56 PM

Corvis thinks things over and decides to speak to Mac since he might beable to give him a few opinions, "Hey Mac I got a question. You seem like a military type or atleast a good fighter. I use darts as my long ranged weapons but thats not going to be very helpful against something like that dragon out there earlier. Do you think I should invest in a longer distance weapon."

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59])  d20+1=18 ; d20+1=16 ; d20+6=20 ; d20+6=20 ;
Thursday December 10th, 2009 7:09:50 PM

Larien thanks Mac and Jass profusely for their offer to accompany her. "Starting with the WLoA is fine by me. Maybe I can schedule some training for tomorrow and then we'll head to the Catacombs and the Manor of the Mage. So if you don't mind my asking, how did you two come to join the Crimson Shields?" When Furball appears on one of Larien's shoulders for a brief visit, the wizardess' hawk Madeline eyes the mink from the other. It is surely a sight to behold. Larien chuckles and pats both familiars affectionately.

In addition to generally keeping her eyes and ears open, the wizardess will use her Detect Magic ability as they move around, taking note of any interesting auras (especially if they're in unexpected places, or on unexpected objects).

Also, before the adventurers fan out, Larien shares anything she knows about the Float's politics and hierarchy from her years of travel and study. Probably a meager lot, but maybe something will help Gio with his diplomatic endeavors, or prompt some further information from the Crimson Shields.


Listen 18
Spot 16
Knowledge Local 20
Knowledge Nobility 20

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 7:15:35 PM

T'Shalla inquires, "Are the other drow here, or have visited before?" wondering if perhaps Artea had come here or any of her cronies.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 7:54:18 PM

OOC clarification: Larien has the Detect Magic spell cast on her "permanently".

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 8:45:47 PM

Pointing to the glittering crystals in his hair, he smiles, "You mean these? It's amazing what blessings troubled times can brings us. The Tears were just one of those things."

Joining Gio and Eclip he leads them down to the docks, "Actually, we don't have any construction right now on the Fence level. It's a few levels up and deals with the city towers themselves. When the city was badly damaged during the time of Eberyon, we decided to form a construction company to help rebuild it, Shield Construction. That's what is located on the docks."

He waves his hands at certain buildings as they pass, "In the beginning we were doing work just rebuilding homes and shops. It was during this time, that we made most of our contacts with those in shipping, building materials, etc... It's also why we have a warehouse on the docks to store any building supplies that we need. I discovered our foreman... err, forewoman at the time, Dotta. She has a great eye for detail and manages all of our projects. Truth to tell, she basically runs the business and we help out when needed. Most of our group is all thumbs when it comes to building things but I chip in when I can. It feels good to do 'regular' work once in a while."

Once down on the Fence level, he makes a brief stop to check on things at the office before taking the drow to meet some of his contacts, "As far as selling anything, we can't help you much but Kanoch here is our liaison with Silver Queen trading ships. He takes care of all the importing for us. His shipping line covers two important things, reliability and timeliness." He introduces them to the rotund balding human. Also over the next few hours, he introduces Gio and Eclip to two heads of trading houses, Sir Arallo and Dame Rilae.

An Afternoon of Exploration - DMAl 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 8:57:39 PM

Before leaving the Shield properties, Larien asks about the teleport circle that lies one level up on Gold and about Gold Level itself. Gold Level, any of the Shields could inform her, is the level where the Nobility of Floating City live. The levels rise in richness and grandeur the higher they go, and Gold Level is surmounted only by Open Level, where the palace of the Overlord resides.

A great deal of commerce goes through the teleport circle to Plateau City, so, access can be difficult for the average citizen. But the Shields have recently negotiated priority privileges when, through their company, Shield Construction, they agreed to take on jobs for the Office of the Overlord.

Eclip ponders the mystery of the Darkwood druids, but his knowledge of the natural Wold cannot enlighten him as to the nature of this evil organization.


On Gold Level, Brahmah approaches the cage while Belkior looks on. The great brown bear stands nearly to Brahmah's shoulder on all of its fours. Should it rear to its hind legs it would rise a head above the minotaur. There is a wooden slaver nearby with a whole salmon on it. An antechamber to the cage would allow Brahmah to lock an outer door before entering the main cage through an inner door, without fear of the bear breaking out.

"Polo may attack you," Lord Bael warns. "We do not confine our bears in cages as a matter of course, but Polo has proven ... dangerous."

OoC: Brahmah, specifically, how do you proceed?


Larien asks about the WLA center, and Mac offers to show her the way. Jass too tags along, and the trio head to Barracks Level to the Woldian League of Adventurer's Floating City chapter where Larien makes an appointment for training. After the brief visit to the WLA center they join the others down one level on Fence. On the way, Larien wills her permanent spell to life, and sees that both Jass and Mac are lit like magical bonfires. The city too holds great swaths of magic. Some of the buildings, though are odd. They seem to radiate a magic that is a non-magic. Her knowledge of things local leads her to suspect that the buildings may be of Teucri manufacture.


Most of the Shadow Guardians visit the Catacombs. Eclip, in particular, asks to see a manager, whereupon he enquires after the possibility of setting up an outlet in It'lal. He is told the Catacombs would be pleased to establish an outlet, but a request must be submitted by someone with the proper authority in the community of It'lal.

At the Manor of the Mage, a clerk at the desk points Larien to a back room. Through a velvet curtain lies a small room with a desk and a chair. Behind the desk sits a rather ordinary looking man, but the pouch at his waist identifies him as a mage. "Yes," he smiles without further introduction, "may I help you?"


Giovani makes his way to several shops on Fence Level. At each, he charms the proprietors with his wit. He leaves each shop with new friends. But, without any concrete details or actual goods to trade, he leaves with little else than smiles.


Giovani meets up with Syr and Eclip at a building down at the docks. Syr welcomes the halfling and drow to the offices of Shield Construction. Across the street lies a warehouse full of building material. Inside the office the three are greeted by a plain faced woman who introduces herself as Dotta.

"The man from the Office of the Overlord come by again, Mister Syrdeth," the woman says. "He dropped off a bag of gold coins. Five thousand. Said it was the monthly stipend. Said he would come 'round again later with bids for the next job. Seeing as the northwest pillar on Gold is near complete, he said."


As the groups make their way from place to place, weaving and crossing Fence Level, the ask here and there, gathering information. No one that Giovani speaks to seems to know anything about a person named The Bruce.

None of the other Shadow Guardians have much luck finding a Master Armorer either. It's Jass in the guise of Silverleaf who hears of a dwarven armorer on Barracks Level who might suit the needs of the Shadow Guardians. His name is Dandur Stonebiter and he makes armor for the City Guard amongst others.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Thursday December 10th, 2009 10:14:49 PM

The halfling cleric carefully looks at the cage containing the bear, trying to determine whether the bear can get a paw between the bars. This is when Belkior very much appreciates the new magic granted to him that allows spell casting at a distance.

Whatever Brahmah chooses to do, Belkior stands ready to heal his companion if the bear reacts violently.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Friday December 11th, 2009 4:26:09 AM

Larien is pleased to hear that the Crimson Shields have priority privileges to the teleport circle to Plateau City. Speaking to the group she asks, "Not to be too forward, but would it be possible for me to make use of those privileges? Unless an alternate means of transit presents itself, I will be needing a way to get to the Star Tower in Plateau City sometime in the next few days. Also, is there a fee involved? Forgive me for not being more knowledgeable on these matters."

The stop at the WLoA is brief, but Larien is glad to be able to make an appointment for training on such short notice. After they head down to Fence level, she meets Gio in line at the Catacombs. She chats with him while they wait, and wonders which (if any) of It'lal's various trade goods will illicit interest on the Float. "We still have some of the trade-samples with us. Be sure to take those along."

(OOC to DM's: We brought along samples of many It'lal trade goods, although I suspect the larger ones may have been left behind in the Crying Wood with the reptilians. Still, smaller items that fit in our group bag of holding (or other packs/bags) would still be with us, and Gio could use those to begin preliminary discussions/negotiations. Also, might Gio be able to get an idea as to what goods are in demand on the Float, so that he can then determine which items It'lal produces might illicit the most interest, and for (roughly) what price range? We can then arrange for those items to be brought to the Float in the future. Lastly, I assume we brought a list of items that It'lal is seeking to acquire, and Gio can use his skills to talk quality, quantity and price. We don't need to spend much/any role-playing time on these matters, but it is part of our assigned mission.

After finishing at the Catacombs, Larien heads to the Manor of the Mage and is directed to a mage in the back. Larien returns the mage's smile and begins. "Thank you. I'm told your establishment may have an unofficial liaison with the Star Mages' Guild. Is that so? I'm a Journeymen Mage, and I desire to travel to Star Tower in Plateau City (and back) for training. I would normally do this via a Chapter House as a member in good standing, but I thought I would see if that service is available here." (OOC: I'll continue this conversation tomorrow; out of time right now)

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Friday December 11th, 2009 4:31:50 AM

Thank you Andy/Larien for writing all that out. I tried to keep it simple, okay, I didn't, I just wasn't sure who was processing the turn and didn't want to tell Glenn stuff he already knew, etc... Also, as Andy says, we don't need a specific list, just acknowledgement that these items are taken care of.

"(OOC to DM's: We brought along samples of many It'lal trade goods, although I suspect the larger ones may have been left behind in the Crying Wood with the reptilians. Still, smaller items that fit in our group bag of holding (or other packs/bags) would still be with us, and Gio could use those to begin preliminary discussions/negotiations. Also, might Gio be able to get an idea as to what goods are in demand on the Float, so that he can then determine which items It'lal produces might illicit the most interest, and for (roughly) what price range? We can then arrange for those items to be brought to the Float in the future. Lastly, I assume we brought a list of items that It'lal is seeking to acquire, and Gio can use his skills to talk quality, quantity and price. We don't need to spend much/any role-playing time on these matters, but it is part of our assigned mission."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41 
Friday December 11th, 2009 4:57:52 AM

"Wow," pointing to the 5000gp bag, "Maybe I'm in the wrong line of business!" Absentmindedly patting his tummy, Gio realized that with all the talking, which was accompanied by drinks and snacks of course, that he had missed a proper meal in over two hours--he would have to take care of that soon. "Well, I made a lot of friends today, but nothing concrete trade-wise. I'll have to take my sample bag with me next time and firm up some specifics of what the folks around here can offer and what they're looking for. Is it time to eat yet, cause I'm getting hungry, Blinky is too." Since the short time Blinky had been with the spry halfling, he had grown larger--perhaps it was all the bacon Gio was feeding him.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187)  d20+12=31 ;
Friday December 11th, 2009 8:43:47 AM

Being as how his former companion was a black bear, he is slightly more familiar with ursine than he may have been in the past.

The ranger removes his weapons, armor and pack. Casts Speak with Animal and steps into the enclosure, securing the first door behind him. With a door in between him and the 'dangerous' brown, Brahmah asks.
"Polo, these folks are upset. You have been behaving as if your mad... insane, so they let on. How can I help? What is it you want to do?" (Wild Empathy 31)

Prepped spells (3,2,2,1):
Longstrider*, Charm Animal, Speak with Animals*
Barkskin, *Bear's Endurance
Waterwalk, Reduce Animal
Freedom of Movement

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Friday December 11th, 2009 4:52:51 PM

Scratching his head, the druid draw a blank on any thing about the Darkwood druids.

When Syr clarifies Eclip confusion, "Oh, a construction company! Neat! Master Giovanni here is in the process of having an opera house built in It'lal, But then everything just about is being built anew in It'lal. Except for a few structures."

In talking with Sir Aralo and Dame Rilae Heads of the trading houses, Eclip lets Giovanni grease the wheels of trade. The druid can tell them of drow wines, specialty food, silk like cloth and other goods the drow can produce. He suspects It'lal will be excellent for winery and fungus farms.

Making a mental note about the information he found out, Eclip is starting to wonder if there some armorer capable of working the dragonhide, when he meets back up with the others to see if they found anything. "Many thanks Syr for show Gio and myself around and introducing us to excellent trade contacts"

Later taking with the Shadow Guardians "I can send a message to It'lal via an Animal Message it's likely to take two days to reach them, or I figure Larin with Grif or myself as an eagle could fly there in a day and be back the next."

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life) 
Friday December 11th, 2009 5:15:32 PM

Jass agrees to accompany Larien to Plateau City and make use of his Priority Pass in order to let the drow visit the Star Mage's Guild. "Never been there myself", he quips, "never saw much need of all that studying."

Jass is also excited about these Guardians who are interested in establishing trade relations. Once back under cover of the Crimson Shields' Private Sanctum, the sorcerer is feeling secure enough to talk. "I've got an alter ego who is an elven peddler in and out of the Crying Woods. While you may want one or more of the trading houses to take care of your bulky It'lal and Reptile products, you can have "Silverleaf" be your factor for some of the smaller line items! I've got a consignment agreement with a Curio Shop up on Merchant Level. I bet I could get set up with some good contacts and you with some good money that way!"

Furball chitters and nods his agreement, and then continues his game of 'tag' with Larien's Madeline.

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Friday December 11th, 2009 6:31:42 PM

Syr smiles at Dotta happily, "It looks like the city pays on time. Any troubles or issues we need to discuss?" Assuming everything else is okay, he then spends an hour just catching up with Dotta and any of the other craftsman working at Shield construction.

Bidding farewell to the others, the elf then ventures off to the construction on the pillar to help out. For the rest of the day, he spends time finishing off the construction of the. A skilled observer might notice that he is taking longer than normal for simple tasks and seems to be getting a 'feel' for the unusual building material.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d20+22=37 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+9=28 ;
Friday December 11th, 2009 7:01:51 PM

Thinking to himself, Hmm, I guess no one is hungry... well, more for me then! Exploring the city on his own, Gio found a nice little bistro that allowed his dog to accompany him. While he was eating he thought about the dealings of the day and what Eclip said about a winery being ideal for It'lal. A winery... the last time he thought about vineyards and such, he had been in the employ of Fort Silence. Fort Silence. He wondered what had become of the place, having escaped the infestation of mind worms that had taken so many he had just come to learn about. Were they all dead? Gio didn't know, and in the back of his mind he wanted to find out, but what if they started to come after him? He had spent the better part of a year using his magics running and hiding from the worms--although he never saw one to this day, he knew they were out there. When the job for the Shadow Guardians came up, it was a remote place, out of the beaten path, perfect for someone who wanted to hide from the Wold. But here he was back again, just one teleport circle away from Plateau City, then a hop skip and jump from Fort Silence. He didn't want to go to Plateau City, but he needed to, to help his trading process. Finishing up, he immediately went and found Lady Larien.

"Excuse me, mi'lady Larien. I hear you're going to Plateau city, I would like to accompany you. My long ago benefactor, "The Bruce", has his headquarters there. As I've stated before, he deals in transporting goods everywhere, but specializes in transporting lets say, 'questionable' goods to the float without using the teleport circle here. If I can get ahold of him, mayhaps he can help us with goods transports to and from It'lal and the Float, without worrying about the Crying Woods."

When the others go to Plateau City, Gio will accompany them and go to his benefactor's, "The Bruce", headquarters and talk to him about old times and possible goods transportation between the Float and It'lal, and he'll even play a jaunty tune for him to raise his spirits. (Contact info on Gio's CS)

After his meeting with the Bruce, he will adopt his human alias, Honeyboy Wilson, HW for short, via his Alter Self spell and gather some info on Fort Silence and what's been going on there in the last year or so.

Diplomacy for the Bruce: 37
Perform for the Bruce: 38
Gather Info on Fort Silence: 28

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet 
Friday December 11th, 2009 7:14:40 PM

T'Shalla exits the Crimison's Shields quarters and wanders around the current level to see what sights are around.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Friday December 11th, 2009 8:16:20 PM

OOC: Regarding Eclip being told that Catacombs would be pleased to establish an outlet, but a request must be submitted by someone with the proper authority in the community of It'lal. I believe we *are* authorized to do that sort of thing, and have papers verifying same, so long as any fees/costs to It'lal are minimal.

I'll wait for the next DM post before having Larien reply to Jass & Gio.

Authorization, in this case, refers to your DM's authorization. --Al

Comfort and Joy - DMAl 
Friday December 11th, 2009 8:59:18 PM

The great brown bear raises its nose and sniffs the air as Brahmah steps into the cage. Belkior watches as the bear suddenly rises up on its hind legs and lets out a terrible roar.

To Brahmah, however, enchanted to hear the voice of animals, the roar is a cry of joy. "You have come!" the bear steps forward, its weight balanced on two legs. Giant paws with razor sharp claws come crashing down on Brahmah's shoulders, and the bear licks Brahmah's face.

"The winds of the Wold have come to me. They spoke of my destiny and left me with your scent."

"The bears of this clan have been good to me. But if I am to fulfil a bear's destiny then I must follow you. Will you speak with them so that they will release me from my pledge of duty?"


The Liaison from the Star Mages Guild nods at Larien's request. "Yes, we provide training here, Journeyman," he says. "The only thing that we cannot provide you with are the laboratory facilities that a Chapter House would have. The truth is ... " The Liaison lowers his voice to a whisper despite the fact that there is no one else around to hear. "The government of Floating City holds the Star Mages in suspicion. They fear that had we a greater presence here, that we would steal the secrets of the Teucri. As it is they watch me with great scrutiny."

"It would be nice to be able to build a proper Chapter House here," he stands and comes around the desk. "But 'if wishes were horses', you know. What skills do you seek to improve, Journeyman?"


There is actually a great deal of interest in the drow trade items. Wines, cloth, and foods are especially welcome. The Happy, at the Giggling Ghost in particular shows an interest in Drow wines. But the questions that arise with everyone that the Guardians speak with are, firstly, do they carry samples, and secondly, how reliable is their trade route. For a city that constantly moves about a lake of immense and -as of yet- undetermined size, reliable supply is an important question.

Jass explains the inroads that he's made as an itinerate elfish trader and offers his services. At the same time, he takes the opportunity to divulge the information that he's discovered regarding a Master Armorer. The time is getting late, but maybe tomorrow a trip to Barracks Level might be in order to find the dwarf named Dandur Stonebiter and enquire whether he might be able to craft Eclip's dragon armor.


Giovani finds the Glow Worm Inn on Merchant Level not far from the residence of the Crimson Shield. It's a cozy place. The food is nothing fancy, but it is superb. Hopefully he hasn't ruined his appetite for dinner. If that is possible for a halfling.

Later, he speaks to Larien about the possibility of trip to Plateau City.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136  d20+7=23 ; d20+18=29
Friday December 11th, 2009 10:48:43 PM

The peaceful encounter betweeh Brahmah and the large bear reassures the halfling cleric. However much he trusts the big minotaur, Belkior had been ready to cast some of his most powerful healing magics ... just in case. After Brahmah asks for his new companion to be released, Belkior waits to be introduced and then politely removes himself.

The trip across Gold Level to the Temple of Alemi is relatively quiet, with few passersby attracted by the Paragon. Belkior enters the temple and makes his obeisances to the God of Life and Healing. After the halfling lifts himself from the floor, he walks to the library within the Temple. This is probably the best place to learn more about the Darkwood Druids. After chatting with the librarians, Belkior starts looking for information within the books that describe druidic practices within the Wold.
Gather Information = 23, Knowledge Religion = 29

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Saturday December 12th, 2009 3:04:20 AM

The ranger smiles and looks into the eyes of the bear. "Friend, I can tell we are destined to fight together. Come, we go now." The minotaur opens the inner and outer door and steps aside for the bear to exit.

"House Ursidae, Polo has asked to go with me."

"Polo, this is Belkior, our halfling cleric. He is a good friend and is to be protected when in danger. He helps us all to live well."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP60/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP32/41  d20+9=19 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+22=37 ;
Saturday December 12th, 2009 3:42:20 PM

In the interim before going to Plateau City, Gio decided to do something with all that green dragons blood. Asking about and even consulting his Carcer Vinco Rector for any info about a local noteworthy person or place that specialized in blood sausage, Gio looked for a sausage maker or highly recommended butcher. He had four full wine bottles of green dragon's blood taken only a little more than a day ago that he wanted to use in it's manufacture. The wine bottles had been sterilized with boiling water beforehand, so no outside contagion would make it's way inside, but the spry halfling was doubtful the dragons blood didn't bear any pathogens in and of itself. The making of blood sausage was a time revered custom handed down from generation to generation of a halfling's line and Gio could remember his mother making blood sausage from goats and it was very tasty--if it hadn't been consumed so greedily by all the halflings present, it would have kept for days if not a week or more.

Typical fillers included meat, fat, suet, bread, sweet potato, barley and oatmeal; Gio would ask the sausage maker to add bacon, the perfect food, to it when made. He knew it would probably take a few days for the cooking and smoking process, but it seemed that the group wasn't going anywhere. The thought of it made Gio smile, and he shared his happiness with the sausage maker as diplomatically as he could to get the best product available.

Gather info on sausage maker/butcher: 19
Bardic knowledge check for local notable person or location of sausage maker/butcher: 33
Diplomacy: 37

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d100=86 ;
Sunday December 13th, 2009 5:06:25 PM

Tired, Eclip brightens up when Jass divulges the information about a drwarfen Master Armorer on the Barracks level called Dandur Stonebiter. Inpatient, the drow sighs as he realizes it too late to visit the Barracks today.

Taking some time to work with Artan in the yard area, Eclip makes sure his animal companion isn't getting too board. The druid takes his time cleaning the bear's saddle and mithral chain barding, already feeling like he is spending too much time in the huge multi level city.

When Brahmah brings Polo his new companion home, Eclip smiles at the ranger's new animal friend, "Congratulations Brahmah, Polo looks like a find companion. Do you plan to train him to fight as a mount? It comes in very handy and I suspect in a combined charge your horns and the bear's attacks would do wicked damage." If need-be the druid will take on the form a bear to talk to the two bears in their natural language just to make sure they will get along.

Artan enjoys the attention from Eclip, and when the new bear show up readily accepts it company feeling out of place in the unnatural city.

The next day Eclip plans to send a message bird to It'lal for the Council, and to visit the armorer Dandur Stonebiter as early as possible.

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Sunday December 13th, 2009 9:05:05 PM

Gilin wanders around the shops, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the float, which is well beyond that which he's been accustomed to in the past. Finally, he heads into the Catacombs to do a little business.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 57/73 [59]) 
Monday December 14th, 2009 2:23:13 AM

Larien leans closer to catch the conspiratorial whisper of the mage, and nods with understanding. "I see. Thank you for letting me know. Hopefully such unwarranted fears will diminish over time. As for my training, I seek to improve my Concentration and Spellcraft skills. Do I need to allow two days?" Larien tentatively schedules her arcane training around her WLoA training, telling the mage that she will confirm her appointment tomorrow.

When she meets up again with Jass and Gio, she let's them know about her success. "It seems I can do all my training here on the Float. I believe that'll take 3 or 4 days. After that I'll be ready to go to Plateau City to create some magic items if time still allows. I can juggle my training schedule if need be, but I need time to train regardless."

Later, Larien agrees with Eclip about the communication options, but isn't keen to have either herself or Eclip make the trip. "You might as well give your Animal Message a try. Or I could attach a message to Madeline and send her. She's already outfitted with a small message holder, she knows the way, and she could fly back to us the next day (or the day after if she needs to rest) with a return message. It might take a few message exchanges to get everything settled, but at least we could get the process started."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Monday December 14th, 2009 5:35:14 AM

If Brahmah is allowed to take Polo right away, the ranger will avoid right home. He will describe the group members to the bear.

He says to Eclip. "Minotaurs can not ride. Its impossible. He will, however, have a huge set of armor though. Soon I hope."

(OOC: DM, you described Polo as large. Can I assume he is a standard brown or can I hope for a dire? ;) )

Jass AC 20 HP 86/70 (Mage Armor, False Life) 
Monday December 14th, 2009 10:12:51 AM

The haystack-blonde sorcerer enjoys the food of the drow, and the pleasure his information provides to Eclip and Larien.

When Brahmah walks in with Podo, Furball zips up a wardrobe and chitters from the top of his perch. Jass makes a mental count of the companions, familiars, and other animals in the Crimson Shields buildings and has to whistle. "Maybe we should open a menagerie for some extra coin?" he suggests with a smile and broad wink.

"Now about this Drow and Reptile goods..." and Jass works with the Guardians to secure a monopoly on an item or two. "I don't care about the money really. All profits can go to your city or Reptile people. New items, however, can get my alternate personna established in this city of too many regulations!"

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
False Life: 14 hours; Gain 16 temporary hp
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/2/1/2/1/1/0 Used

OoC: Request for Clarification - DMAl 
Monday December 14th, 2009 12:24:27 PM

Giovani: What is a Carcer? Who is Vinco Rector where do you know him from and where is he now in the Float?

The Carcer Vinco Rector is a legacy item that gives me bardic knowledge bonuses. It's on my CS. -Jim/Gio

Mac: AC:27, HP:149 
Monday December 14th, 2009 6:28:25 PM

At a convenient moment during their travels, Mac mentions to Larien that, "Actually, most associations are veiwed with some suspicion here, including the WLA. That hasn't made me want to hide this away." he adds, tapping the WLA Guardman badge secured to the oversized red bandana that is tied about his head and horns.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 59/61) CharSheet  d20+15=28 ;
Monday December 14th, 2009 6:57:01 PM

T'Shalla wanders around looking around at the shops before heading back to the Crimison Shields quarters to regroup with the rest of her group, listening to what is said to see if any information could prove useful to us.
<listen: 28>

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130 
Monday December 14th, 2009 8:56:29 PM

Corvis wonders what he should do for the time being since everyone is off doing there own thing about the city and such. He still thinks over his question he asked Mac and ponders visiting the CC to see about getting a bow or such so he has something with abit more distance.

For the moment he just mainly sticks around the Shields home and speaks to Ivy and Jella, just catching up on things he has missed after leaving the Float and to learn more about his friend Florin.

Unwelcome - DMAl 
Monday December 14th, 2009 9:02:31 PM

Lord Bael appears relieved when Brahmah appears to get on with the bear so well. "Care for him well," he replies to Brahmah. "He is a loyal friend and warrior."

Before leaving with Brahmah, the bear prostrates himself before Lord Bael. Then he rises from the ground and leaves without turning back. "They are royal bears," he says to Brahmah through the still active spell. "I honor them." Polo's explanation goes no further than that. (Regular Brown Bear. Not Dire. Sorry.)


In the great Temple of Truth on Open Level, Belkior visits the temple library. After a full evening chatting with scholars and combing through old manuscripts, the halfling cleric comes upon a treatise exploring the nature of the Crying Woods as a Power of the Wold. There are comparisons to the Culverwood that runs between the Windbourne Hills and Izen, as well as a section in which the author comes to the conclusion that the woods as a Power and a single entity, is evil in character.

Deep within the treatise, Belkior finds a small section that describes a cult that had venerated the Crying Woods as a god. The treatise describes them as having been expelled from Floating City many years ago. A librarian places an estimated date of the scholarly work at roughly a hundred years old, so it would be reasonable to assume that this group was banished from the city even long before that.

The thing that catches Belkior's eye, and the only thing to connect this group with the Darkwood druids is a drawing of the symbol of the group. It's in a cruder form, but the symbol is decidedly recognizable as a black root sundering a boulder.


Giovanni uses the rest of the evening to search for a butcher. There is an old obscure story about a butcher in Floating City who was challenged to make a sausage big enough to appease a dragon. In the tale, the sausages were so skillfully crafted that they fooled the dragon into consuming them even though they were filled with poison.

Giovanni searches out the name of the shop from the tale, and gods behold, the shop actually exists. The butcher, though he denies the truth of the story, is happy extremely pleased at the way in which the little bard has come to him. He talks merits of blood sausage with Gio for a while and agrees to make the meat products to the halfling's specifications.


T'Shalla Sunwatcher walks through the town, listening to the babble of voices that flow around her. Her sensitive ears, ears that can pick up the wind of a passing bird, pick out bits and pieces of conversation. Most harmless, some ... disturbing.

"Don't stare, darling, you'll attract the drow." A mother's whisper to a child. Some people are not as accepting as others.


Evening comes, and all gather again at the home of the Crimson Shields. Larien returns with her training sessions scheduled both at the League of Adventures and with the Star Mage representative. Ivy makes a huge meal for the two groups, and all bed down for another night.

The next morning, Eclip heads down to Barracks Level and the address of the forge that Jass had given him the day before. The forge is in a building next to the main Guard barracks. Inside it is organized and well kept. The tools hand in neat rows and the floor swept clean. A burly dwarf, bare chested save for an apron stands at a glowing forge with his back turned to the door. A gloved hand holds a pair of metal tongs in the coals of the fire.

"Hold yer water and I'll be with you in a shake," the dwarf casts over his shoulder. After a few moments, he draws the tongs out, holding a red, glowing piece of metal before him. The dwarf then freezes, his eyes going round and the veins bulging out on his broad forehead.

"WHAT YE DOING IN ME SHOP!" the dwarf bellows. "BY THE FLOWERED DUNG OF CAEROLDA! WHO LET A DARKIE INTO ME FORGE!?!?!" And the dwarf begins advancing on Eclip with the red hot metal in one hand.

Larien (AC 18/17T/12FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 55/59)  d8=3 ; d8=2 ; d8=4 ; d8+1=5 ; d20+1=17 ; d20+1=5 ;
Monday December 14th, 2009 10:15:10 PM

Larien considers Mac's words. "Interesting. Is there something specific the Float's leaders are worried about?" Before she goes to bed, she makes sure that Pathos heals his wounds further using the group prayer bead (CSW: 3+2+4=9+5=14 HP healed for Pathos; ugh, horrible rolls).

In the morning, Larien gets up early to memorize spells and check on Grif, who is doing better but is still tender from yesterday's battle (healed 7 HP overnight). Larien adds a bit of her own healing magic (cast CLW, healed 5 HP), and assures the griffon he'll be 100% tomorrow. The wizardess then starts out, first confirming her appointment for wizardry training later in the week, and then heading to the WLoA office in plenty of time for her military training session. She wants to work on jumping today, and riding tomorrow (she'll bring Grif tomorrow, assuming they have the space to accommodate griffon riding).


Listen 17
Spot 5

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Monday December 14th, 2009 10:23:49 PM

Before taking his new found information back to his companions, the halfling cleric tries to learn more about this group of evil druids. If necessary, Belkior will spend all night working in the archives to locate information about their former practices and where the group might have moved to in the Crying Woods.

Once Belkior has found all that he can, he makes some quick notes and returns to the house in time to complete his morning devotions.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41  d20+21=26
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 12:29:25 AM

Awaking the next morning in the guest room of the Crimson Shields, Gio and Blinky were very rested, and hungry. Partaking of a full breakfast, and only going back for seconds twice, Gio thanked the Shields again for their generous hospitality. Blinky barked his thanks too. Upon hearing Larien going to the WLoA, the spry halfling decides to do the same thing--after their recent encounter, Gio was going to take some swimming lessons.

It was before noon when Gio had enough swimming. He also didn't want to wait a few more days for Larien et al to go to Plateau City, and it wasn't like he needed them there. There was the matter of the Brahmah tattoo he wanted to resolve and didn't want it interrupted by his trip, so he decided to go today. Leaving a note at the Shields HQ, he made his way to the teleport pad and bought passage to Plateau City. Once there he immediately made his way to "The Bruce" headquarters and talk to him about old times and possible goods transportation between the Float and It'lal, and he'll even play a jaunty tune for him to raise his spirits. (Contact info on Gio's CS)

After his meeting with the Bruce, Gio will adopt his human alias, Honeyboy Wilson, via his Alter Self spell and gather some info on Fort Silence and what's been going on there in the last year or so.

Afterwards he will travel back to the Float for dinner, dropping his alter self persona privately before traveling.

rolls made on Friday December 11th, 2009 7:01:51 PM
Diplomacy for the Bruce: 37
Perform for the Bruce: 38
Gather Info on Fort Silence: 28

Bardic knowledge on Fort Silence: 26

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 6:40:35 AM

Before leaving the House, Brahmah says to the folks there and Lord Bael. "Polo says he is honored to have known you. Royal, he calls you."


"Belkior? Seems the little guy scampered."

"Lets rejoin everyone at the Manor after a trip to the Catacombs. We have to fit you for some stuff my friend. How do you feel about armor? Or at the very least, magic?"

Jass AC 19 HP 70/70 (Mage Armor)  d20+14=18
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 10:08:47 AM

Before going to bed, Jass retires to his rooms and casts Private Sanctum for the Crimson Shields headquarters, renewing the spell to ensure no outside forces can eavesdrop on the conversations of the Shields and Guardians. "I've found out pretty quickly that information is the most coveted goods on barter in the Floating City", he tells the Guardians. "You wouldn't believe the number of spies and late night visitors that were in and out of this place when I first arrived!"

In the morning, Jass arrives in the commonrooms in a soft homespun robe. An Unseen Servant sees to his needs at the pantryboard, and Jass breaks his fast by absentmindedly eating this or that on his plate while listening to the conversations around him. Taking a sip of some liquid, Jass' eyes light up. "Hey, this stuff is pretty good! What is it?" The Unseen Servant obediantly brings a little cannister that is only marked "Xenia". "Hey, Syr! What is this stuff?"

The conversations revolve around the Darkwood druid cult, and Jass starts thinking. "Great start there, Belkior, but it looks like that information source has dried up. What other nature sources do we have to get a clue?" Just then Brahmah arrives with Podo. "This royal bear Lord Ursidae sounds like he knows animals. Maybe he knows something about Darkwood? And I bet the Temple of Flowers on Gold Level would know a bit more too."

"Brahmah, would you like to go back to Lord Ursidae with a couple of our Guardian friends and see what he knows about Darkwood or the Green?"

"I'm on my way to the Gold Level and talk to whatever might still be at the old temple of Mittri. She is still worshipped as a Power down in the Southern Continent, you know" (he says with a superior tone) "Hook CIty has a temple to MIttri that is owned by Awakened Animals even!"

The sorcerer waits for anyone who wants to come with Jass, and then he is off to the Gold Level to find the Temple of Flowers. Using his most charming self, he asks for an archivist or sage to talk about some unusual things that the Crimson Shields encountered the last time they ventured into the Crying Woods.

Later in the day, Jass takes opportunity to visit the Catacombs, too!

Diplomacy: to find sage/archivist: 18

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Unseen Servant: 14 hours
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/0/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d20+2=21 ; d20+8=27 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 10:38:32 AM

Eclip is bewildered when Brahmah told him Minotaurs don't ride, the druid smiles "I didn't know that." thinking to himself it must be a taur thing.

Over dinner or breakfast, Eclip inquires about the history of the float, "I know some general facts about the float, such that it use to be located on the New Elanna Plateau. Did anyone every discover how or why it showed up here? Was it here before?" (Knowledge local: 21 max 10)

After breakfast, Eclip lets the others know he is going to speak with the dwarf armor, if any anyone wishes to come along he wouldn't mind the company. The drow doesn't have any trouble locating the smith shop from the smell of hot fires and sounds of hammer blows shaping metal. The druid is hopeful that he armorer can work dragonhide as he enters the shop.

Startled by the vehement reaction and threatening advance of the Dwarf, Eclip Hold up his hands in defense as he tries to talk to the fellow, "Peace! I am not your enemy. Do not judge all Drow the same, just as not all dwarfs have your even temperament and peaceful personality. I only seek to do business, and I hear you can work dragonhide." (Diplomacy: 27 -10 rushed=17) If the Dwarf takes a swing, Eclip will only defend himself and try to back out of the shop. The druid will also glance around to see if there is anyone else about that could help.

Actions: Diplomacy, Total Defense +4ac { 27 AC total }

Spells: Highlight to display spoiler: { { *denotes spells cast.}
0: (6) DC14 -- Cure Minor, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Resistance, Guidance
1: (5) DC15 -- 2xCLW, 2xProduce Flame, Speak with Animals,
2: (5) DC16 -- 2xBarkskin, Ice Sickle, Resist Energy, Animal Messenger
3: (4) DC17 -- Magic Fang Greater, Cure Moderate, Protection from Energy, Water Breathing
4: (4) DC18 -- Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Scrying
5: (2) DC19 -- Animal Growth, commune with Nature

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 5:08:46 PM

After his trip to the catacombs, Gilin ponders aloud once back at the Crimson Shields' quarters with the others. "So.. a question I have wondered the answer to.... does anybody know where HERE is? From what the rest of my friends tell me, It'Lal is a couple days' march to the other side of the woods. But... they don't know where it is in relation to where they used to live in New Elenna."

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 5:57:55 PM

Muscles aching the next day from long unused muscles, the elf walks stiffly around the house. Joining the others for breakfast he wears a grumpy expression. Looking over at the cup Jass shows him, grunts out, "Tea?" before resuming his munching on the bread.

If now one asks anything of him, he decides to visit the Temple of Domi for the day to hopefully solve a few personal questions of his own.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 7:18:30 PM

T'Shalla is not really surprised by some people not accepting Drow, it is only natural, even when hearing the words of the mother, she does not look that way, not wanting to put the woman at more unease then she is already, but keeps going on her way, before returning to the Crimison Shield's quarters, she eats with the others, thanking their hosts for the wonderful meal, and gets a good night sleep.
In the morning she eats with the others, and makes an inquiry, "Would there happen to be a monastary here in the city?" since she could use some training as well, though not sure how there training might compare to what she gets from her teachers, but this could be a good learning experience.

Something Against Elves- DMAl 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 9:11:30 PM

Larien finds the facilities at the League of Adventurer's outpost to be quite nice. The training is rigorous, but, otherwise fairly standard.

Despite a long night at the library in the Temple of Truth, Belkior finds nothing more. There are lots of books. The halfling cleric returns in the morning with a panda eyes. (Belkior you are Fatigued today.)

Giovanni makes his way to Gold Level and finds a long line snaking into a building that houses the teleport circle. It'll be hours before he'll even be able to get into the building, and a chat with the people in line reveals that everyone has an appointment. The fare for use of the teleport circle is only fifteen gold pieces, but he'd need to arrange an appointment first. Unless of course, he could get one of the Crimson Shields to come with him. They're the one's with the priority access.

Jass also finds himself on Gold Level. At the Temple of Flowers he's shown to an attractive older woman. She smiles, an smile every bit as charming as Jass'. She asks him what specifically he'd like to know.

Gilin asks the Crimson Shields one of the questions that defines Floating City. Where is it? Nobody knows. History says that Turtle Lake once rested on the Elennian Peninsula, but mysterious forces in ages past moved the entire lake. Now, no one knows exactly where it is.

T'Shalla finds no monastery per se in Floating City. But the Amphitemple of Courage on Open Level is dedicated to Domi, and many warriors practice hand to hand combat there on a daily basis.

Everyone seems to be engaged in their own activities. Which leaves Eclip alone, facing the angry dwarven blacksmith with a red hot poker. "Dragonhide armor is ye wanting?" The anger fades from the dwarf's eyes to be replaced by a crafty look instead. He circles Eclip the molten steel still held menacingly in one hand. "Well, well. Looks like I got me a wee dark elfie by the nads. That is if ye got a pair, ye mincer. Ye see, I'm the only one for leagues about who knows the secret of working with the dragon hide. If ye want the work, yer going to have to pay. And why don't we start by having ye kiss the bottom of me boot. How much do ye want yer dragon armor, elfie? How much?"

Just then three human guards rush in the door, drawn by the previous shouts of the dwarf. They come in looking for trouble, but relax once they take in the situation. "What you have here, Dandur?" one of them asks. "Looks like you've cornered yourself a dark elf.

The dwarven smith smiles and gives a deep chuckle. "Plenty to go around," the dwarf says. "I'm willing to share." And all four of them begin to circle Eclip, hemming him in.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41  d20+21=25 ; d20+21=41 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 9:31:25 PM

Dejected about seeing the line and waiting so long in it, Gio left without making an appointment. He would be leaving in two days anyways, so he went back to Shield HQ.

If Brahmah was there, he would inquire when the master tattooist could start on his magical tattoo.

Deciding there was plenty of daylight left, he grabbed his sample bag and other items he didn't take the first time, and headed down to see Sir Arallo and Dame Rilae--turns out that Dame Rilae was a bit more receptive, but perhaps it was the halflings imagination.

Diplomacy w/ Sir Arallo: 25
Diplomacy w/ Dame Rilae: 41

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 10:22:06 PM

(Al: I thought I took money out for a wizard book which I was going to convert into a diary for Corvis. May I just deduct the money and put it on his sheet or you worried about it?_

Corvis sighs in the morning and besides working out for abit he finds little to due so he decides to head out and wonder the city abit. Picking up gossip if he can, specially considering the new drow in town there had to be something.

If Corvis happens to hear about a drow causing problems or such at the forge (Where Eclip is) then Corvis will hurry to get there and try to help out or atleast defuse the situation.

(Al: I tried to do a listen check to see if Corvis might hear about the disturbance but keep getting a error message....this is the message..Error loading XML document (error, undefined)Error loading XML document (error, undefined) So I guess handle this as you wish.)

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 10:28:28 PM

The halfling cleric spends a quiet day in the house recovering from his all-night effort in the library stacks of the Temple of Alemi. As the Crimson Shields and their guests come and go, Belkior relates what he learned about the history of the Darkwood Druids. Of course, he hasn't learned anything about what or where the group is now located or what they are planning.

Once he gets a chance, Belkior will pray for some divinatory magic and ask Alemi for guidance. But that won't happen today.

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 55/59)  d20+1=13 ; d20+1=7 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 1:43:22 AM

The prior day, Gilin inquires about the the location of the Float relative to New Elenna. Larien says, "I've been considering this as well. Perhaps we should think on what we do know. In point of fact, the Float used to be on the New Elenna peninsula. But it mysteriously vanished some time ago. From what we've learned so far, it floats on a lake so great that its northern and southern shores cannot be seen. Some refer to it as "Turtle Lake", but in truth, that's the name of the old lake back in New Elenna. Anyway, on its western shore lay a mighty, lush jungle, and far to the east lay the distant, snowy peaks of a great range of mountains. In that direction is It'lal. We also know that the City of Elvenguard is less than a days journey inland from the lake, but we don't know the direction (I suspect it is either north or south, but surely the Shields can enlighten us). The Crying Woods extends at least from the eastern side of the Iake, several days journey east, ending about a day from It'lal at the base of the mountains. The Crying Woods also seems to stretch at least a few days south as well, where the Green dragon temple is located."

"I will endeavor to map what we know for future reference. Perhaps we can learn more by hearing how the various Crimson Shields came to be here?"

Source material includes what we've already been explicitly or implicitly told via the DM's and the Crimson Shields, and what I think Larien would have already learned from observation: http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Geography:_New_Elenna

After her WLoA training the next day, Larien heads back to the Crimson Shields HQ, unless she should happen to hear Eclip's voice or walk by (probably unlikely timing-wise....)


Listen 13
Spot 7

Active spells - cast on self unless noted (full or remaining duration as appropriate)
Detect Magic -- Permanent
2 Mage Armor (+4 AC, armor bonus) -- 9/18 hours; Extended (cast on Larien & T'Shalla; 1 using Pearl of Power)

Full list of memorized spells is on her character sheet.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 3:36:07 AM

"Sure, we can go back and ask. I forgot to ask, didn't I? I knew there was something."

The ranger arranges to return to the House of Ursine with an entourage.

Jass AC 19 HP 70/70 (Mage Armor)  d20+14=23 ; d20+14=27 ; d20+21=34 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 10:08:49 AM

ooc: Boy, I hope Eclip has a means of contacting the others, or else we're going to witness (via postings) of the murder of a master armorer and three city guards!


Jass tries to guage the reactions and friendliness of the lady and decides to be as graciously formal as he can. After all, he thinks, old people like it when they are respected.

And so the sorcerer takes his time, admitting he is attracted to the lady, pointing out unusual and beautiful bits of flora for her to explain more about, and how nice it is to relax in a more natural surroundings here in the Temple as opposed to the crowded city about them.

Once getting around to the subject of the Crying Woods, Jass changes history a little bit. He tells her of the recent of the plant creatures in the Crying Woods, and insinuates the Darkwood Druids fought the Crimson Shields at the same place. Jass mentions the druids used elementals, summoned animals, flying halflings, and fey. He goes into great detail of the Druid riding the flying plant creature, the symbol on his chest, the Greenwood armor he wore, and his triumphant shout when he killed the elf the Crimson Shields were protecting.



After a pause to let that sink in, Jass continues. "So, the Crimson Shields would like to know all we can about the Darkwood Druids, this 'Gray Majesty' who is taking over or trying to take over the Crying Woods, and how we may be able to find them and help make the Crying Woods safer for those good woodland creatures and fey."

Once the lady tells all she will about that subject, Jass will bring up the Greens and that they are enslaving Awakened Creatures. "Anything you can tell me about thier method, history, or potential weaknesses would also be very helpful."

Sense Motive: 23
Diplomacy: 27
Bluff: 34 (to change the story and protect the Elvenguard involvement)

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Unseen Servant: 14 hours
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/0/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 10:38:02 AM

As three guards join the dwarf in harassing him, Eclip shakes his head at his turn of bad luck and wishing he had brought company.

Deciding call for the guards would would only make the odds worse, the druid opts to attract a crowd in a angry loud voice he curses in drow tongue before continuing in equal loud common tongue "Dandur Stonebiter! I have fought alongside dwarfs of the Red clan in the Scab earning their respect, and I have no intention of licking the boots of some stone bitter clan-less dwarf who needs help with fights of his picking! I came here looking to do business, not fight, but if you hate drows so bitterly then I can oblige though I would prefer a civilized challenge to a common brawl!" at one point the druid flicks his hand at his Dwarven bravery badge given by Krek of the Red Clan.

Eclip will continue to remain on the defensive hoping to buy more time and draw more bystanders.

Actions: Total Defense +4ac { 27 AC total }

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41  d20+21=41 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 5:17:42 PM

Traveling between appointments with Sir Arallo and Dame Rilae, Gio pulls out his lute and plays an old tune with new words as he walks (perform41; NAT20!):

It's not that easy being the Green
Hunting Reptilians each day the color of the leaves
When they think it would be nicer if they were red, or yellow or gold
Or something much more colorful like that

It's not easy being the Green
It seems their prey blend in with so many other ordinary things
And the Awakened tend to pass them over 'cause they're
Not standing out like bloody splashes in the water
Or dragons in the sky

But the Green's the color of Spring
And the Green can be cruel and unfriendly-like
And the Green can be big like an ocean, or important
Like a mountain, or tall like a treant

When the Green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why
Wonder, they are the Green and they'll do fine
There's no one to stop them
And I think it's not how it should be

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 6:43:11 PM

Pathos ambles around the more well to do areas of the city, marvelling at the architecture, the people, the shops, the animals, the colours, the views. All grist to the poetical mill. He also checks out clothes shops, as it seems that his suits are looking the worse for wear after several dragon spit encounters.

looks like he might end up in the same sort of trouble Eclip does, but he trusts to his charm and if necessary, his legs to get him out of trouble.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207  d20+2=10 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 7:28:41 PM

Leaving the Shield House behind, the monk moves up the Floating City to visit the Amphitemple of Courage. While there he spends some time observing those practicing combat hoping for some new moves to help him. As he is about to leave two thoughts occur to him and he approaches one of the priests nearby. He requests help understanding a spell enabling normal people to treat air as if it were ground. In passing, he also inquires about Dark Druids (Gather Info 10).

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 7:31:26 PM

T'Shalla inquires, "Would they accept someone who does not follow Domi? I do not mean to be disrepectful to those who follow dieties, for I follow no faith at all, so do not know if I would be welcomed there?" if it is figured she would not be welcomed, then she will again go around the shops and also look into picking up some more clothes due to the battle and travelling they have done, hers are getting ratty.

Good People Bad People - DMAl  d20+15=23 ; d3=1 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=28 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 8:52:38 PM

Giovanni makes a visit to Sir Arallo and Dame Rillae. They both gush over the samples of wine and food stuffs. Perhaps it's the aura of friendliness that the halfling inspires. Both ask when they might be able to receive a shipment Sir Arallo is interested in sixty cases of the wine, while Dame Rillae would like ten bolts of drow silk in pairs of green, red, orange, yellow, and blue and whether they can help expedite the deliveries.

Corvis wanders the streets as T'Shalla did earlier. He hears many things, but none of them pique his interest. (Listen doesn't get you much, Justin. New doesn't travel *that* fast. Not sure what might have caused your XML error. Die rollers work for me.)

Larien speculates further on the geography of the area before heading off to the League of Adventurer's outpost. Perhaps what she might not know is that the Crying Woods, as a Power of the Wold, and indeed the Culverwood as well, is able to change itself, shifting trails, moving landmarks, and changing its boundaries. One might walk a trail in the Crying Woods, only to turn around and find it gone.

Brahmah returns the next day to House Ursidae. Three guards stand outside the gate, as before. Polo opens his mouth wide and shakes his massive head in greeting. The guards salute Brahmah and the bear as they approach. "What can we do for you?" asks the guard wearing crossed swords.

"I'm sorry," the priestess of Mittiri replies. To Jass' eye, she appears genuinely interested in helping him to the best of her ability. "I know nothing of this group of druids, this ... Darkwood. Have you considered, though, that this Gray Majesty of which the one druid spoke is in actuality the Crying Woods itself? His use of the words 'our lord the Crying Woods' seems to indicate that. The symbol that you describe supports that idea as well. A root, you say? Sundering a stone or rock? That could possibly symbolize the dominance of plants over stone or the woods of the Wold itself."

She goes on to apologize again and say that she has heard nothing of a group known as the Greens who enslave awakened creatures.

T'shalla and Syr visit the Ampitemple of Courage. Unlike Eclip's reception at the forge, the priests of Domi are welcoming. They tell the drow monk that Domi welcome's all who fight for justice and the righteous path. Syr fares less well, and finds nothing new about the Darkwood druids. But, then again, maybe it's his inability to describe things quite correctly.

On Barracks Level, the three guards and the dwarven smith continue to circle Eclip. All four are well muscled bruisers. All four appear physically capable in the extreme.

Eclip's Dwarven bravery badge gives them pause for a moment. But they continue to circle. Occasionally, as one passes behind the druid, he reaches out to slap the back of the Eclip's head or flip a lock of hair, counting coup, just to prove that the elf can be touched. One begins making kissing noises which the others take up.

"What is going on here?" The three guards and the dwarven smith turn with a start toward the stern voice which just happens to belong to Captain Myra Elvaran. The guards snap to attention, the question unanswered. They have no excuse, and they know it.

"Don't ye threaten me, half-elven excuse for a guard captain," Dandur Stonebiter shakes he hand wielding the tongs. It appears that the Eclip isn't the only one of elfish blood that the dwarf has a beef with. "I'm not part of yer City Guard, and ye'll not find a smith of my caliber anywhere in the city."

"I don't have ta make anything this Darkie." A crafty look then steals once again into the dwarf's eyes. "But I could be persuaded ta make yer armor ... " The pending condition hands on the air in a pregnant pause. " ... if ye can prove yerself the better of us. Yes, a contest is what I'm speaking of. You and yer friends. We'll take ye all on."

And the dwarf laughs, loud and bitter.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136  d20+4=8 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=12 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 10:25:28 PM

After he has rested, the halfling cleric heads out once again. Belkior hasn't had much opportunity to consort with druids and other worshippers of nature. He doesn't know exactly where to go, but the Paragon hopes that passersby will be able to direct him where he needs to go.
Knowledge - Floating City = 8; Gather Information = 27

Having heard something about a Circle of the Alder, Belkior seeks them out on the upper levels of the Float. Once there, he tries to learn what he can about any opposing druid groups they have encountered in the Crying Woods.

After learning what he can, Belkior returns to the house and begins to collect the information that he and his companions have gathered about the Darkwood Druids.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136  d20+4=8 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=12 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 10:39:42 PM

After he has rested, the halfling cleric heads out once again. Belkior hasn't had much opportunity to consort with druids and other worshippers of nature. He doesn't know exactly where to go, but the Paragon hopes that passersby will be able to direct him where he needs to go.
Knowledge - Floating City = 8; Gather Information = 27

Having heard something about a Circle of the Alder, Belkior seeks them out on the upper levels of the Float. Once there, he tries to learn what he can about any opposing druid groups they have encountered in the Crying Woods.

After learning what he can, Belkior returns to the house and begins to collect the information that he and his companions have gathered about the Darkwood Druids.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136  d20+4=8 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=12 ;
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 10:40:14 PM

After he has rested, the halfling cleric heads out once again. Belkior hasn't had much opportunity to consort with druids and other worshippers of nature. He doesn't know exactly where to go, but the Paragon hopes that passersby will be able to direct him where he needs to go.
Knowledge - Floating City = 8; Gather Information = 27

Having heard something about a Circle of the Alder, Belkior seeks them out on the upper levels of the Float. Once there, he tries to learn what he can about any opposing druid groups they have encountered in the Crying Woods.

After learning what he can, Belkior returns to the house and begins to collect the information that he and his companions have gathered about the Darkwood Druids.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 1:38:23 AM

"Yes, friends. Hello again. I forgot while I was here that I was supposed to ask Lord Bael a few questions. Can I talk with him for a few more minutes?"

Upon talking with Lord Bael, Brahmah asks him, "Do you know of a group of druids called Darkwood or what The Green might be within the Crying Woods? I heard a few things years ago about a group in the Culverwood who killed the green dragon terrorizing the people there. Could the Green be that dragon returned?"

Jass AC 19 HP 70/70 (Mage Armor)  d20+10=14 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+22=38 ;
Thursday December 17th, 2009 10:25:41 AM

Jass thanks the nice lady for her wisdom and stays in the peaceful Temple for a little while. Wouldn't do to appear to run off once they can't help ;-), he thinks. "Don't worry that you can't answer all my questions, my lady. Sometimes not knowing an answer reduces the number of questions to ask. And really, I DIDN"T think that he was talking about the Crying Woods. That makes sense." And, he thinks, that matches with what the elves said and we glimpsed at the top of the pyramid, that Florin is going to be fighting a power all his symbiote life. He's not assisting a Good area of the Wood against a Evil area... he is the finger in the dike that holds back the flood.

He makes sure he tells the others when he sees them next.

As the sorcerer walks back to the Crimson Shield headquarters from the Gold Level, he hears some fantastic music and starts humming along... "Its not easy being the Green".... hey Sieur Giovanni, that's catchy! Mind if I weave with you for a while?"

Jass helps out Giovanni in talking with merchants in his guise as "Silverleaf" (courtesy Alter Self), ensuring that Giovanni is the one who mentions the elven peddler named Silverleaf who could be around from time to time being a factor for the Guardians.

In return, Jass flashes his Crimson Shield Priority Pass for the Teleportation Circle folks and hops Giovanni to Plateau City for a day.

Perform: 14 (singing)
Sense Motive: 18 (with merchants)
Diplomacy: 26 (with merchants)
Bluff: 39 (with merchants as convincing Silverleaf)
Disguise: 38 (12+10 for Alter Self)

Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Unseen Servant: 14 hours
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/1/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 10:38:39 AM

If it wasn't for the real threat of physical violence, Eclip would find their juvenile taunting amusing. For a moment he wondered if they would find the game so amusing if he turned into a large bear or a large deadly raptor like ones he fought in the jungles across dragon bay.

Luckily the fickle winds of fate changed in his favor, with the most welcome voice of Captain Myra Elvaran. The druid finds it interesting that the dwarf's not only dislikes drow but the entire race of elves. He wonders how such bigotry manages to fester in such a place as the Float full of a variety of races. Relaxing, Eclip greets the Myra with a nod "Captain, it's a pleasure to see you again. You have an excellent timing."

Really wanting nothing more than to be done of the raciest dwarf, Eclip is again surprised when the crafty Stonebiter offers to make the dragonhide armor, but only Eclip's friends can best his friends in a contest. Pondering the offer, the druid imagine what his friends would say; Larien would probably advise walking away and finding another master armorer, Giovanni would already be placing bets, and Pathos would look at it as an opportunity to defend the reputation of the Shadow Guardians and drow. As Eclip thinks about about it he realizes this is an opportunity for others to see the drow interacting with other races in a different light, win or lose a well fought challenge would only benefit his friends, and besides if they won it would feel good to take the raciest dwarf down a peg and as a bounus he would get the armor made too!

Speaking clearly, Eclip response to the Dwarf "I accept your challenge!" Turning to Myra Elvaran, "Captain since I am new here, would you do me the honor of working out the details of the contest with Mr. Stonebiter, so that they will be fair and in accordance with the float's customs?"

Once the matter is settled, Eclip returns to the Shield's headquarters and tell them what happen and how he came to accept the Dwarf's challenge, "Friends, you are not bound by my acceptance of this challenge, and I will face him alone if need be, but I hope you will stand with me to face down this specter of hate and intolerance of other races."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41  d20+22=33
Thursday December 17th, 2009 12:15:52 PM

Gio thanks Sir Arallo and Dame Rilae profusely for their interest and will convey their desires with the Council as soon as possible, there are also matters of determining the logistics of transportation and the spry halfling assures those will be ironed out, especially with the help of his friend, Master Silverleaf. Before he leaves, he brings out a very special wine bottle--not filled with wine, but Green dragons blood. Gio does not wish to anger or offend anyone, but if either wishes to purchase the sealed bottle, please make him an offer (diplomacy 33).

Leaving the the trade house merchants in good spirits, Gio thanks Jass very much for the kindly assist and the priority transport to Plateau City. Gio carries out his mission as he planned before, taking Jass with him to meet The Bruce if he wants to tag along, if not, Gio will meet back up with him in a few hours.

When Gio goes to adopt his other persona, Honeyboy Wilson(via Alter Self), he will pardon himelf from Jass and just explain he has some private business to attend too and will meet up with him in an hour or so. At that point he will leave, alter self, and gather info on Fort Silence and what has happened there for the last year.

When all that is done and it's safe to drop his alter self, he will meet up and travel back with Jass to the Float and upon hearing Eclip's adventure for the day, ask, "So, who do you think you'll be taking to perform this duel? I'm assuming it's 4 on 4, right? And what are the particulars? To the death? First blood? Tap out?" Gio had known Eclip for some time now and thought he knew the man, but this talk of duels was something new. Maybe it was a Float kinda thing.

rolls made on Friday December 11th, 2009 7:01:51 PM
Diplomacy for the Bruce: 37
Perform for the Bruce: 38
Gather Info on Fort Silence: 28
Bardic knowledge on Fort Silence: 26

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 1:26:22 PM

"A battle to the death would be unfortunate; if we lose, Stonebiter will kill us and Eclip will not get his armor. If we win, Stonebiter is dead and Eclip will not get his armor. While the second is preferable, the whole point is for Eclip to get his armor, isn't it? Of course, I rather do wonder what he would think of a 'half-darkie' like me. And while I would like to help, if it's to be a physical contest I'm afraid I'm probably not of much use. I don't really know the spells necessary to subdue somebody without intending to kill them. But I will help however you think I can, if I'm needed." Gilin offers.

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 55/59) 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 3:52:10 PM

Larien returns to the Crimson Shields HQ, grabbing some food and poking through the small collection of books there while relaxing for a bit after her training. Gradually, the others trickle back, and the wizardess catches up on the events of the day. "Well Eclip, I guess we can't let you go out by yourself. Larien chuckles at Gilin's observation about the drawbacks to a fight to the death, but does not voice her own thoughts until hearing the terms that Eclip has agreed too.

When Jass relates her information, Larien perks up some. "I guess we should have considered the words of the Dark Druids more literally. So by this interpretation, the Dark Druids are actually working for the Crying Woods, rather than using the name of the Woods as justification for their actions against the Woods.

Unfortunately, a literal interpretation does not explain why the Woods are hurting, which we know is true from speaking to the reptilians and the awakened animals of the Woods. Perhaps it's the saltwater intrusion that's hurting the Woods and prompting them to ally with the Green and the Dark Druids. But that still leaves the matter of what -- or who -- is causing the saltwater. And if the Druids are allies with the Woods rather than manipulators, are they also in league with the Green? We might solve a lot of problems by pitting the Dark Druids and the Green against each other."

After more discussion, Larien changes the topic again. "So we're still waiting to hear what all of you know about the region around the Float. What other cities do you know of? What other races? How did you all come to be here? Also, there seem to be a legend that the Crying Woods is able to change itself, shifting trails, moving landmarks, changing its boundaries. But we know from the drow histories that the eastern boundary of the Woods are roughly the same as they were over a 1000 years ago, and certainly the Woods have remained in the same geographic region. So if it has the power to move, the power is either limited to some degree, or the Woods choose not to use that power for some reason. And the old drow/reptilian main road still exists through the Woods headed roughly toward this lake -- the former site of Al Mathir. It's odd that the Woods did nothing to alter that, unless the road itself is protected in some way." Larien lapses into silence, having raised far more questions than answers.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 5:27:30 PM

Syr returns with T'shalla to the House and hears about the battle, "I'd like to stand witness to that if I may, it sounds like fun. I'm sure it's not to the death, not with the Captain present. The Float has strict rules about that. Are the Shields counted as your 'friends'" The elf grins slyly and cracks the knuckles on one hand.

He looks over at Giovanni, "If I might make a suggestion, push for more than just the armor. I've heard of this smith and he might make a viable trading partner for your city."

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 7:12:45 PM

T'Shalla bows slightly to the priest of Domi that met up with her and Syr, she walks about quietly watching as the others training, and does a few manuevers herself as well in training, then returns with Syr and upon hearing Eclips encounter states without hesitation, "I will stand with you Eclip."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 7:46:06 PM

Gio cocks an eyebrow, "Very cunning and shrewd of you, Syr. But it is Eclip's challenge, if he wishes for me to broker the stakes, I will do so."

Calls and Challenge - DMAl 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 8:54:20 PM

Belkior is directed to a house on Gold Level by a succession of a helpful passer's by. A human answers the door and introduces himself as Tarketh. The druid is exceptionally receptive once he finds that Belkior is with the Crimson Shields. The Shields had done some work for the Circle in the past. He shows the halfling around, but no one seems to know anything about an opposing group of druids. This shouldn't be a surprising fact, though, given that the elves of Elvenguard knew nothing of then either - until they attacked.

They do, however, have more on the group that were expelled from the Floating City so many years ago, the one which Belkior discovered about in the library of the Temple of Truth. They had called themselves The Dark Souls of the Wood back then. They would gather converts and lead expeditions into the Woods as supplicants to the power of the Crying Woods. These expeditions would turn out badly with many slain and injured. The Crying Woods, it seems, was indifferent to their worship and treated them as any other invader. Finally, they their religion was outlawed and they were banished.


Brahmah is lead into the manor house, to a large and well appointed room that serves as an office. Lord Bael sits behind a large desk, standing as the minotaur enters. He apologies when Brahmah finishes asking his questions. Neither he nor any of his people have been in the Crying Woods since the Woods attacked the city during the wakening of Ebyron. He has heard nothing of a group called Darkwood and he's never heard of Green dragons in the Woods. He adds that if Brahmah is referring to the one known as Parnoth, that even that terrible green dragon kept well clear of the Culverwoods.


Jass finds Giovanni and provides the necessary leverage to put the halfling at the very front of the line at the teleport circle on Gold Level. The pair find themselves in sprawling Plateau City. The magnificent Cathedral of Light can be seen on the skyline. It seems, though, that The Bruce is currently out of the city. Gio is very thorough and persuasive, and several sources corroborate this fact. All of the word, though, from Fort Silence, is positive. There is, at the very least, no bad news from that quarter.


It's mid-afternoon when there comes a knock on the door. The door opens to Captain Elvaran. "Well," the half-elven captain of the guard begins, "it sounds as though he's proposing a bare knuckle combat of some sort. Here are the rules he's set so far. You're welcome to invite as many friends as you like, Eclip. He'll match you one of his for every one you put forth. Besides that, no magic, no magic Items, no lethal weapons, no animal friends, no alchemical items, no Supernatural Abilities, no Spell like abilities, and no spells. Anyone who leaves the field or is knocked unconscious can't get back into the game. Those are his words."

"I still don't know exactly what he has in mind, but he said to meet him at a location on Trash Level that I happen to know is a stock yard." The guard captain faces the two groups. "Dander Stonebiter is a bigot of the worst kind. He's been a thorn in my side for years, but there's little I can do to move against him. He's that good a smith. We need him. But in the years he's been with us he's gathered a following. These men whisper behind my back and undermine my authority. If you find it in you, I'd ask that as many of you as you feel comfortable with volunteer to play this little game. He'll match you with one of his friends, and then I'll know which names to put on my list to cull from the guard."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 9:17:45 PM

"Hmph," Gio quips, "A knock down, drag-out fight. I'm OUT! But I'll be cheering for ya, Eclip!"

ooc: so if Gio was sitting in the stands or whatever, cheering on his side and perhaps Inspiring some courage and greatness, would that be breaking the rules? :)

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 10:41:35 PM

The halfling cleric returns to the houses with more information to share with his companions. Of course, what Belkior has learned has merely shed more light upon the distant history of the Darkwood Druids and nothing about their current doings.

Belkior returns shortly after Captain Elvaran has left. After listening to Eclip's situation, the Paragon offers what he can.

"I can assist you, certainly. That is more likely to be merely healing the wounded rather than fighting, of course. But I could certainly stand with you, even though I am not accustomed to doing so. So long as your opponents abide by the rules that they have set, I can assist you. And I can be there if they circumvent those rules."

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 55/59) 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 10:47:41 PM

Larien shakes her head at the stupidity of it all. "I assume there'll be no armor either? It would hardly be fair if there were. But apparently non-lethal weapons are OK? Of course, I would expect them to cheat somehow or other regardless. Those sort usually do."

She pauses and thinks about things a bit more. "As it is Captain, you already have three guards you know are allied with this Stonebiter, who can, and should, be 'culled' from the guard immediately. Won't Stonebiter just choose them as his first three 'friends'? Half of our group," pointing to herself, Gio, and Gilin, "aren't bare knuckle fighters by any stretch, and wouldn't have much of a chance against the types he'd be friends with. And whoever gets the numerical advantage in the fight will likely win. Plus, I'm not keen on accepting challenges from any scruff in town. It sets a bad precedent. But perhaps some of our Crimson Shield friends would like to join this so-called game? After all, if Stonebiter gets to pick his friends, shouldn't we get to pick ours?" The wizardress smiles at the thought.


OOC - It would be swell if the Crimson Shields would try to answer Larien's questions about the area the Float, the Crying Woods, other known races/cities/towns in the region, and where we might be relative to the rest of the Wold. (See her prior post for details.) When we were in It'lal, we felt the ground shake during the migration; does that mean we're in the southern continent, or did people in the Northern continent feel quakes too (I assume we would know this from our subsequent interactions with people in the Northern continent)?

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Friday December 18th, 2009 3:49:26 AM

"Thanks for your help." He leaves.

He returns to the group and tells them what he discovered. Nothing.

He soon goes to the Catacombs.

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Friday December 18th, 2009 3:58:59 AM

"I'm afraid without magic, well, I'm pretty useless in a fight. I'll help if you just need numbers, but don't expect much."

Jass AC 19 HP 70/70 (Mage Armor) 
Friday December 18th, 2009 9:59:10 AM

"Ugh, a fight without weapons and magic seems uncommonly like 'work' to me., sighs Jass dramatically. "Still, if it would help the noble Floating City guard identify some more idiots, I'll join Eclip for this challenge." The slight frame of the sorcerer doesn't look like it would ammount to much other than as a punching bag, but Jass doesn't really like bullies, and is pulled away from his superior facade to stand with the dark Guardian.

Now that the unpleasantness of volunteering for physical labor is out of the way, Jass tries to answer Larien's questions as best he may. "You know I've only recently got here, but let's see what I know.

First, as far as I know, the Floating City doesn't know of ANY other cities or races in the area apart from the Crying Woods and the Elvenguard. Most of the commerce of Floating City still is with Plateau City through the Teleportation Circle (which is why it is so busy). The legend of Floating City is that is was whisked here during the Year of Ascension when the Northern Gods of Wold and Testing were fighting each other. But where 'here' is, not even the mages and sages know.

Second, the Floating City is definitely in the Northern Continent somewhere. I'm from the Southern Continent and was there during the Great Migration, and here isn't there. Also, the city officials here and in Plateau City are certain that we're in the Northern Continent. Finally, we recently met a halfling merchant who claimed he sailed from New Elenna to Floating City and got here in a matter of weeks, which is too little time to sail from North to South (that takes months).

Third, from what the elves have told us, the Crying Woods has been in about the same borders as they have since the Cataclysm, but is able to shift about winthin those borders. That the Ital - Reptile road is still there seems significant to me. The Crying Woods doesn't like civilization, and would almost definitely have destroyed the Road if it could. Something must be stopping it.

Lastly, a question for you. What is Al-Mathir? And if this is the former site of Al-Mathir, where is it now and why is it not here? Things that you know may make more sense to why things have happened here on the Floating City."


Mage Armor: 14 hours +4 armor bonus.
Unseen Servant: 14 hours
Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/1/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d20+3=12 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+10=22 ;
Friday December 18th, 2009 10:57:40 AM

Speaking to Gilin and Giovanni, "Don't sell yourself short. I don't think it just a simple boxing match. Besides isn't it worth it to help help out Captain Elvaran root out the bad apples?" Speaking to everyone, "Everyone is welcome Shield's as well as Guardians!"
(ooc: Note Extraordinary Class Abilities are allowable under the rules, as is normal or masterwork items as long as they aren't lethal weapons.)

"Thanks, Belkior, Larien Gilin and Jass"

Picking up on Jass questions about the It'lal road, "The road was mostly gone, but we were tacking the signs left by it's passage. Even lost it temporally a few times."

Eclip has a few other errands to run before the day is out. First consulting with Larien he will use his magic to send an Animal Messenger to It'lal with an update of what they have found. There should be some birds about the dock area. He figures it will take two days for the animal messenger to retrace the steps to It'lal.

Then moving to the dock area Eclip will dive into the water transform into a porpoise. He will swim some ways away from from the Float about 5 miles towards the center of the lake. Using his magic again the druid will speak with animals (fish) to see if they know or sense anything abnormal about the lake. He will also, cast his magic to Commune with Nature learning what he can of the surrounding 10 miles of water looking for a source of salt water, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, general state of the lake. At any sign of trouble the druid will return to the float either by swimming or turning into a eagle and flying back and as a precaution he will cast barkskin, water breathing and Freedom of Movement upon himself. He can cast spells in animal shape. After learning what he can Eclip returns to the float and informs the others.

Use spells:
Spot: 31
Listen: 22
Animal Messenger
Wild shape into a porpoise
Speak with Animals (Gather information from fish 12)
Barkskin, Waterbreathing, Freedom of movement
Commune with Nature (10 mile radius looking for salt water, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, general state of lake.)

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41 
Friday December 18th, 2009 4:12:49 PM

Before Eclip leaves, "Just like Gilin, without my bard abilities(inspire is considered supernatural), I'm not worth anything in a fist-fight. And you need to be smart about this; every person we have join, they will match us and probably with someone who knows how to brawl, so whoever does join, well, they should have a fighting chance--We do want Eclip to win so he can get his dragonhide armor made.

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 55/59) 
Friday December 18th, 2009 4:55:55 PM

Larien listens quietly for a bit, waiting to hear more about the details of the challenge and so on. But when Jass summarizes what he knows about the Float region, Larien perks up again.

"Ah, that does help some. At least we can be sure we're on the same continent, although I'm surprised no one has investigated the region more closely. What about the jungle to the west? Surely that's not part of the Crying Woods. And what about this halfling merchant? Can we meet him? I think we should know more about this passage he's found.

As for Al-Mathir, it is, or was, the last major reptilian city. This was after the drow had been forced out of new It'lal. When the reptilian empire was about to be defeated, the reptilian God sacrificed himself to rip the entire city out of the ground and allow it to fly away to safety. Some seem to think it still flies about the Wold somewhere. The giant hole in the ground that was left is apparently where your lake is now. Supposedly, the body of the reptilian God still lies at the bottom; maybe dead, maybe in a deep coma. Did I miss anything?"
Larien glances at the other Shadow Guardians to see if she's forgotten any details. "Eclip, perhaps you should search down there as well, at the very center of the lake for signs of the reptilian god or any odd disturbances, although even if he is there he's probably long since been buried by tons of silt. But a detect magic spell might locate him if you got close enough. Although now that I say it out loud, it seems kind of risky."

Pathos (AC23,31hp) 
Friday December 18th, 2009 5:28:04 PM

"Fisticuffs? An honorable contest? Competing for the honour of the Shadow Guardians and It'lal itself? Against a rabble of cheating bruisers?

"Of course I'll be there!"

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130 
Friday December 18th, 2009 5:40:34 PM

Corvis feels sorry for Eclip considering the duel is a matter of fists and shrugs, "I would of been willing to help but my skill is with blades. I never even thought about trying my hand at unarmed combat."

Corvis otherwise after things are decided speaks up, "Umm, which of you had that griff that was being rode anyway? I was hoping maybe I could get a look at it. Meaning no harm to it of course but getting to know and see various creatures does come in handy. I believe not all creatures of that type are friendly." Corvis is interested in just seeing the creature and looking it over, even having the owner tell him some things of how it acts and such.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41 
Friday December 18th, 2009 5:58:48 PM

"T'shalla, you're going to go in the ring with Eclip, right? You should do awesome there. Man, I wish I could help, wish I had some monk skills, I'd put a hurtin' on 'em!" Gio makes a chopping motion with his hand just like he has seen T'shalla do, but his lacked a bit of finesse.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Friday December 18th, 2009 7:06:43 PM

The elf looks at Larien and shrugs his shoulders, "Larien, I wish I could help you more, we generally stay on/near the Float. The one time that we went away was to the Tower of Boydos in Cinnamon Valley... wasn't it Belk? It took a few weeks to get back. The other place we visit is our orphanage near Plat City. For that, we always use the teleporter so I don't pay much attention to location." He shrugs his shoulders once again and puts on a sad face as if asking for her forgivenesss."

When the topic of the brawl is proposed, Syr grins at the enthusiasm of the Guardians. "Sounds like my kind of fight. If I'm standing at the end of it, I'll help heal."

He reaches over to squeeze Jass' biceps with a grin, "Besides, I've never seen what these pythons here can do!"

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet 
Friday December 18th, 2009 7:43:23 PM

T'Shalla smiles at Gio's 'chop' and comments, "With a little training I'm sure you could become good at hand to hand combat too. I'm sure that chop could damage a bone." with a wink, getting serious, "I certainly will be there. At least in this contest I can hopefully prove adequate."

The Depths - DMAl 
Friday December 18th, 2009 8:58:04 PM

Both Shadow Guardians and Crimson Shields comment on the challenge from the dwarf, Dander Stonebiter. Some feel unsuited for the task. Others step up to defend honor and promote the general good.

"Well, I imagine you can make your final decision as to whether you'll stand against this challenge or not," Captain Elvaran says, "once we find out just what Stonebiter has in mind."

"I'll be back tomorrow morning to take you to the stockyards. I'm glad you decided to stand up to them," she nods at Eclip. "They've gotten away with their bullying and disrespect for far too long."


While Brahmah heads off to the Catacombs, Eclip heads back to the docks, and from there, out into the lake again. He meets a bluegill here and there. The tiny fish can't seem to talk about much other than waterbugs, and their attention wanders after but a mere moments.

Eclip the Porpoise has more luck with the Commune. He feels the general invasion of saltwater in the lake. It fills the lake around him, and even extends up some of the rivers. He does not, however, discover anything that he could say was a source. Fortunately, for the druid, he detects no powerful or unnatural creatures. And the general state of the lake as a whole is good, even peaceful.


The next morning Captain Elvaran arrives. With her is a contingent of the City Guard. The Captain, the Guards, the Shadow Guardians and the Crimson Shields all head down from Merchant Level. Such a large group of people moving together cannot help but draw attention, and nearly everyone on the streets stops to watch the three groups pass.

They head down from Merchant Level to Barracks Level, down to Fence Level, and from there, down even further to a place that the Shadow Guardians have not yet been. Trash Level is everything that the Floating City above is not. There is no magic ceiling here. The rundown streets and buildings are lit by an inconsistent scattering of continuous flames. Poverty, disease, hunger, and filth are everywhere to be seen. The stench is nauseating. (Fortitude Save vs DC12 or lose your breakfast.)

As the group walks along they are forced to detour around large wet mounds of garbage that stand in the streets, some higher than the horns of both Mac and Brahmah. People lie in the street - some missing limbs. They hold out hands to the passing group, begging coin.

At last the group turns a corner, beyond lies a series of fenced pens. These must be the stockyards.

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41  d20+6=11 ;
Friday December 18th, 2009 9:33:43 PM

"Oh goodness," Gio manages to gasp out before he hurls his throughly chewed bacon buttie, "such a waste." Wiping his mouth with a handkerchief, the spry halfling keeps it over his mouth and nose to block out the stench.

Seeing the limbless really pulls at Gio's heartstrings. He wanted to help, but knew if he gave out any gold he would be overwhelmed by panhandlers, and if he gave it out to only a few, they would be mugged by the others who didn't get anything. He would have to do something as he was planning in It'lal--a soup kitchen for the homeless and disabled.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136  d20+21=24 ;
Friday December 18th, 2009 10:39:07 PM

The halfling cleric is very troubled by the sights and smells of Trash Level but it's not any worse than what he saw and smelled during his training. Still, he can't believe that any intelligent being would wish to live like this unless something truly wrong had happened to them. While he walks with his companions and the Guards, Belkior tries to do what he can for the inhabitants. It isn't much but this walk certainly is making Belkior think about what he should do for the inhabitants of Floating City.
Fort = 24

When Belkior sees the pens, he pauses briefly. He had always suspected that this place was here since his companions had never shared his diet.

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25)  d20+8=24 ;
Friday December 18th, 2009 11:58:49 PM

Gilin goes along, to help if he can, or for moral support if he can't.

(Fort:24) Gilin steadies his nerves as the stench washes over him. "I'm never going to get this smell out of my new shirt..." he complains. Then the sights get to him as well, but he's seen just as bad in his early years as a slave - small caves where dead slaves as well as the dying and infirm were thrown for the spiders to eat and turn to compost for growing moss, so as not to waste any precious resources on those who couldn't work for their supper.

"Is this the place?. I can't wait to meet this so-called 'Dwarf'," he snarked.

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 59/59)  d20+11=16 ; d20+8=12 ; d8+1=4 ; d8+1=3 ; d8+1=3 ; d20+1=5 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+1=19 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+4=9 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2009 12:04:15 AM

Larien is annoyed when the Captain fails to reply to her points, and finds herself even less inclined to assist in the matter. Later, she helps Eclip compose the message for It'lal. She's also happy to indulge Corvis' interest in Grif, introducing him to the griffon, and talking at length about how she came to rescue and train him, care and feeding challenges, their brilliance in combat, etc... It's clear to Corvis that the bond between the drow and griffon is quite strong. And while the griffon doesn't speak pr se, he seems to understand everything Larien says, and several times nods, shakes his head, or makes various movements to answer questions.

Before the business day comes to an end, Larien heads out, finds a weaponsmith or other purveyor of weapons, and buys a good quality Sap, just in case she gets dragged into the stupid contest tomorrow (cost: 1 gp).

The next morning, Larien reluctantly accompanies the large group of guards and heroes, feeling certain that nothing good will come out of the endeavor. She brings Grif with her (now fully healed; heal 7 overnight), insisting that where she goes, he goes. She wonders how many of the guards with the Captain today are actually bigot-supporters of Stonebiter. The wizardess stays alert for the first sign of danger or treachery, and instructs Gif to do likewise.

When they reach the Trash Level, the wizardess is horrified. "My God, how can you let these people live like this?" Larien does her best to breath through her mouth, and manages not to become sick (Fort 16). The tough griffon looks a little green around the feathers, but he too manages to soldier on (Fort 12). Seeing Gio become ill, Larien casts Prestidigitation and removes any sign of the "bacon buttie". She continues using the spell as needed to aid her friends.

Twice Larien passes a small pile of rotten food, upon which she casts Purify Food and Drink to make it suitable for eating again. She makes sure that the beggars nearby see the food. Three other times, people with visible injuries Larien knows she can heal come into reach, and she touches them (avoiding any open sores or the like), curing their wounds as best she can (heal: 4, 3 & 3). Each time, she mumbles, "I'm sorry I can't do more." But her heart is heavy with this half-truth.


Listen -- Larien 5, Grif 17
Spot -- Larien 19, Grif 27

Please ignore the last d20 roll; that was a mistake.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187)  d20+15=31 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2009 1:03:57 AM

(Fort save 31)

Brahmah is sad about what he sees.

Active Spells: Helm of Comprehend Languages

Tattoos (used*): Spider Climb, Entangle, Guidance

Prepped spells (3,2,2,1)(used*):
Charm Animal, Speak with Animals x2
Barkskin x2
Waterwalk, Reduce Animal
Freedom of Movement

Mac: AC:27, HP:149  d20+14=29 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2009 4:20:55 AM

Mac forms part of the entourage headed for the stockyards. His few previous wanderings hadn't brought him to Trash level - why would they? Thoughts about the scene and people tick through his mind, and he puts those thoughts on a back burner to stew. Fort:29

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70 
Saturday December 19th, 2009 5:41:04 AM

The Halfling academic sits quietly in his (now that the spell has faded) brown batwing chair. It does not float above the floor as he is busy with quill and ink, making notes as the Shields and Guarding share their information about the Crying Woods, Dark Druids and placement of the Float on the Wold. After a time he casts Unseen Servant to continue writing as he gets up to stretch. He sits suddenly, before the Servant can move, humph, some Masters, then sends it to fetch some toast and tea with marmalade. It returns with a glass of water and dry bread, though Grigory is too busy to notice their arrival at all. The magic aura of the Servant turns slowly black before fading out of existence.

All in all, he sits so quietly, calmly scribing that it is quite feasible that no one even notices him working away in the corner.

Grigory follows the group down to the Trash Level. He follows out of curiosity, since he knows that he doesn't have the strength to put up a good fist fight. As he walks down through the levels with his book open, he is making a sketch of The Way Station as he goes. With what he can see he pauses and, in a rare moment, closes his book and simply looks about. Flabergasted.

Though he has travelled much of the Wold Grigory has not before seen such depredation. Whilst human activity has been a large focus of his studies and research, most historians leave out details of the levels of squalor that their own people live in. The levels of human suffering here amazes the scholar and leaves the wordsmith utterly speechless. The Trash Level is going to take a lot more research.

In regards to the fight, he does not intend to partake -- he could barely yield a sword let alone make a decent fist. Besides, he might damage a finger that he needs for his arcane gestures.

Jass AC 19 HP 70/70 (Mage Armor)  d20+6=20 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2009 5:26:09 PM

Jass sees Larien has some great wisdom, and buys himself a Sap and a Whilp. "While not proficient in either, I may be able to do more against a foe with such as these."

Jass has also never thought about where trash goes in the city until the combined groups descend to the Trash Level. "I...I didn't know" the sorcerer says lamely. He thinks about all the times he has left food on his plate or tossed out a garment instead of repairing a seam, and the usually jaunty man is quiet and introspective by the time the groups make it to the stockyards.

Fort vs Sick: 20

Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/1/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d20+9=12 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2009 5:52:46 PM

(fort: 12)
Heading into the lower levels, Eclip is not expecting such nauseating odors, and nearly loses his lunch. The druid is glade he left Artan at the headquarters. Making a comment to no one in particular "There is quite a difference between the top and bottom levels of the Float."

Reaching the stockyards, the druid looks around for the dwarf and his friends. He mentally tallies who is willing to join the contest on his side: Belkior, Larien, Gilin, Jass, Pathos, Corvis, Syr, T'Shalla and Eclip Undecided: Brahmah, and Mac. And Declining: Giovanni, Grigory.

When Eclip spots the Dwarf he calls out, "Ok Dander Stonebiter, what is this contest exactly? Also, to be sure of the terms if we win you'll make the dragon hide armor; I would like to know the cost and how long it would take? Of course I would be providing the dragon hide."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41  d20+22=37 ;
Saturday December 19th, 2009 6:56:17 PM

Stepping forward, "As an Oathbound, you won't mind if I witness this duel, do you Master Stonebiter? Then we can be assured that not only the letter of the law, uh, duel, be followed, but the spirit in which is was agreed upon. I will be joining my companion, Eclip, in this challenge to ensure both sides comply. Now," Stepping foward to face the dwarf and adjusting the new whip on his hip, "If you're man enough, we could wager a bit more, increase the stakes, yes? Say, making Eclip's armor for free and making a trade agreement with the drow of It'lal to sell your armor there, of course, if you're man enough?

Oh, and by the way, no armor whatsoever during the fight. You don't need the armor, do you?"

Diplomacy 37

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 59/59) 
Saturday December 19th, 2009 10:13:10 PM

Larien looks more closely at Jass and Gio, and says, "Crud. Those whips are a better idea than my sap. Anyone have a spare whip?"

Mac: AC:27, HP:149 
Sunday December 20th, 2009 4:50:29 AM

"Whips! Wish I'd heared someone say something about that last night - I could have thrown some together!"

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Sunday December 20th, 2009 5:07:33 PM

"Whips won't do anything if they're wearing armor... and armor wasn't prohibited in the rules we were given."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Monday December 21st, 2009 4:35:24 AM

"I would also witness this duel. I am knowledgable in Kayleb, the art of honorable combat among minotaurs. We uphold a fair fight. Rules must be set prior to one on one combat to ensure equal standing." The minotaur looks almost excited by the prospect of potentially being referee.

Pathos (AC23,53hp)  d20+6=19 ; d20+6=7 ; d20=2 ;
Monday December 21st, 2009 4:48:24 AM

"Gee, Toto. I guess we're not in 'honourable' any more."

Pathos keeps his lunch down. Having half your face melted with dragon bile sets you up for anything. Pathos keeps his eyes and ears open for trouble beyond the ordinary 'Let's set up a unlawful fight in the middle of the nastiest part of town' type trouble. But it's too dark and noisy. (Listen 7, spot 2)

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207  d20=12 ;
Monday December 21st, 2009 6:49:57 PM

Having grown up on the Float the elf passes through most of the trash level without blinking (Fortitude 12+). It is only when he sees the reactions in his compantions eyes that he looks around confused as to what is moving them. He frowns and puts himself in their 'shoes'. Only does he realize how tragic this area is. While they walk, he reflects on something that he took for granted as one of the necessities of life on the Float. No outward sign show as he contemplates what could be done about it from their standpoint.

The elf enters the stockyards and he looks around almost eagerly for this dwarf and friends.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet  d20+10=12 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+19=21 ;
Monday December 21st, 2009 7:27:14 PM

T'Shalla has a small breakfast as usual in the morning, and luckily when getting down to Trash level, does not lose what she ate <fort 12>. She is very perturbed at what she sees on this level, the people down here and the condition of the level, but she keeps her opinions to herself for now, and keeps extremely wary as she travels <listen: 32>, <spot: 21>, due to what she has heard about this dwarf and his flunkies, she feels he has no honor at all, and will try twisting the brawl into his favor, and very highly doubting he will go with the own rules he has stated.

The Dwarf's Game - DMAl 
Monday December 21st, 2009 8:58:25 PM

The Shadow Guardians, perhaps, are well justified in their caution as they may they way through the streets of Trash Level. People with such hatred as shown by the dwarf, Dander Stonebiter, seem to have an honor tailored to their beliefs. Still, neither Larien, her faithful griffon, nor Pathos detect anything suspicious or untoward.

Larien's treatment of the sick and injured, though, does trigger a short flurry of the poor who rush forward until Captain Elvaran halts and her guard turn smartly as one with hands on their weapons. The crowd of people pull back. The face of the half-elven guard captain is a still mask of control. She says nothing in the way of reprimand to Larien as she and her men continue on toward the Stockyards.


"There they are," Captain Elvaran points across the various pens to what appears to be a walled compound. A great number of people are standing on a catwalk on top of the wall. From this distance, there may be as many as fifty people. "It doesn't appear that Stonebiter has limited himself to just three friends."

The group of guards led by Captain Elvaran, the Crimson Shields and the Shadow Guardians make their way over to the walled compound and climb a rickety stairway up to the catwalk. Down below lies an Arena of sorts. Two sixty foot areas enclosed by the ten foot high walls on which they stand. The two areas are connected by a ten by fifteen foot passage way between them. At the north and south of each area are wooden doors that lead into smaller pens. The floor of the pens are full of filth and mud. Footing appears as though it would be treacherous down there. Oddly, the pens appear unoccupied. But still sounds drift up from below, the grunts and squeals of pigs.

"Oi! Look lads. Look what's decided to show up after all." The dwarf seems jubilant when he spies Eclip and his friends. "And ye've brought City Guard with ye too. Going to have yer rank and file do the defending for the elfies, Myra?" he goads the guard captain.

Dander Stonebiter listens with a shrewd gleam in his eye while both Eclip and then Giovanni talk terms. "Looks like ye were coming here expecting a fight. Can't have that with the City Guard here to change yer nappies, now can we? No, ye see, I've got something entirely different in mind. Yer going to be getting down into the pig dung instead. What I've got down there are thirteen pigs. I've arranged to have them made invisible. Ye field a team of however many of ye have the stomach in ye for some good honest work. I'll match ye with an equal number of me lads. Ye catch the pigs and put them into the pens assigned to ye. Elfie, ye'll take the north pens. My lads will take the south. Whoever pens more pigs than the other team wins. Thirteen pigs, that means ye have to catch seven to win."

"Do ye have that? Or do I have to explain it again for yer thick elven skulls? And if ye win, I'll even make the cursed armor for yer Elfie, ye pansy halfling poncer," the dwarf replies to Giovanni. "And if yer man enough to go without armor, me lads will do without as well."

"But ye'll get no trade agreement from me. Unless ye want to sweeten the deal for me as well." The crafty look comes into his eyes again. "Say, a slave bond contract. Five years of service from one of ye. Ye work for me. Ye sweat for me. Ye do anything and everything I ask. Ye have no rights. For five years yer me slave. After all, isn't that what yer asking of me, aren't ye? With yer limp poncing trade agreement?"

"What say ye? Have ye the stones? Or are ye going to flounce back to yer fields of elfie flowers?"


OoC: I need a show of acknowledgement as to who is participating and who is not. Please indicate in your next post, whether you'll be going into the arena or not.

Rules: Capture 7 of the 13 pigs and put them in your pen before the other team does. Using No magic, no magic Items, no lethal weapons, no animal friends, no alchemical items, no Supernatural Abilities, no Spell like abilities, and no spells. Extraordinary abilities are fine. Anyone who leaves the field or is knocked unconscious can't returned.

Also, the 13 pigs are invisible, but squeal a lot.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 
Monday December 21st, 2009 9:49:53 PM

The halfling cleric looks down into the pen with a slight frown of disgust upon his face. Hopefully, Belkior thinks, he can help his companions with this task and save some of these creatures from their fate. But he has some questions, first.

"Hey! Stonebiter!", the Paragon calls out. "How do we even know that there really are the number of pigs in each pen that you say? Can we check that for ourselves?"

"And neither of us can use magic once the contest starts, right?"

Belkior begins removing his magic items, including armor, while he is waiting for a response to his questions. Hopefully there will be agreement on how the performance of each team will be verified.

Provided that Stonebiter replies in the affirmative to his second question, Belkior will huddle with his companions and move so that the larger minotaurs are shielding him. Once he thinks that he is hidden, Belkior will reach into the pockets and recesses of his clothing to retrieve the snacks that he, like any Paragon, carries to dispense to children. As he passes them out to his companions who want, he quietly states, Not really what it's intended for but I hope these pigs like a nice healthy granola snack."

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41 
Monday December 21st, 2009 10:26:25 PM

"You misunderstand, Stonebiter, you would be fairly compensated for your armor in the trade agreement, but if enslavement is what you wish, well, I cannot help you."(in plain terms, no deal)

In the huddle with the others, Gio hands out bacon treats that he commonly carries with him in those times of need, and his dog Blinky loves them too--good thing Blinky was back with Artan, the filth in this area would have been bad for his fur. "Yeah, sounds weird, bacon to draw out pigs, but I don't think the pigs mind. Also, so we can all help each other, put your hands in and state after me:

I, say name here, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

As an Oathbound, whoever joins this group can aid another with a +4 to the roll, instead of the standard +2.

Halfling Grigory AC 25, SR 18, hp 70 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 4:43:33 AM

This halfling mage is excited by the contest, which is odd since he is going to come out quite dirty. He says quietly to his companions, "Five years of slavery against a few weeks work. We're not going to agree to that are we? Four weeks would be fair, wouldn't it?"

Assuming the five years of slaver is reduced to something reasonable:
It feels very childish to him, but Grigory is glad of it, and so he says, "I, Grigory Hamwich Fern Pipewood Trufflefinder of the Crescent Valley, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 5:33:41 AM

"I suggest throwing mud in the air and then hunting the swine." The ranger smiles. "Or you can wait for the spell duration to run out."

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25) 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 5:39:43 AM

Gilin repeats the oath as requested. "I, Gilin Underlane, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

He divests himself of his magic items, except his Pants O'Plenty, which don't give him any advantages in this contest. He takes out his rope and tosses it over his neck and shoulder to carry it the mundane way. "I wouldn't have been much good in a fight, but my ears are pretty good, and gods know I don't mind getting dirty when occasion calls for it."

Pathos (AC14 +dodge,53hp) 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 8:34:32 AM

"Eww! The things I do for my mates...

"I, Pathos, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

Pathos divests himself of magic stuff. He keeps his vest on (to please his mother), and his pants o' plenty (no point in lowering the tone here. Here gratefully accepts all piggy treats on offer. He takes his rope out of his pocket and using his dagger, cuts it into 10 foot lengths, which he knots into loops and tucks in his waistband (shouldn't use the pockets as they're magical).

"No shortage of 'mud' to throw," he muses.

"And don't forget, the other side may prefer to concentrate on preventing us from catching the beasties, so they can round them up at leisure.

"Gio you snickering pointy eared hound
when courage is needed, you're never around.
Those medals you wear on your moth-eaten chest
should be there for bungling at which you are best.

So stop the piggy
stop the piggy
stop the piggy
stop the piggy
stop the piggy
stop the piggy
stop the piggy

nab him
jab him
tab him
grag him
stop that piggy now!"

('Fraid I can't make it bardsong, but it's still what Pathos does best.)

Jass AC 19 HP 70/70 (Mage Armor) 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 10:38:12 AM

"Ewwwww..." Jass is not happy at all about pigs and filth. He looks over at Elvaren and asks, "How likely is it that Stonesucker there will cheat in some way? And how will your people be able to detect it if he cheats with invisible pigs?"

"Well, even if we lose, the reason I'm doing this is still the same. In the venacular of Rattledam, we're 'weaving to harvest some white-handed treadles'. " Jass laughs at his own wit. Divesting himself of his magic items, he takes the Oath.

"I, Jass of Downs, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability." .... "or may I get really, really dirty trying.", he adds with a twinkle in his eye.

Take Oath

Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/1/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d20+10=22 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 11:34:16 AM

(OOC: Don't get too excited about HOGs the +4 only applies to the oathbound class PC if aided or the one's they aid, not to all those who take an oath. Non Oathbound class HOGs still aid each other as normal.)

Eclip looks over the muddy pins, "I've no wish to enslave you or be enslaved, but I'll catch and pen your associates." The druid removes his items of magic except for his magic pants, leaving the items for the captain to watch over.

"Hogs for ever, I, Eclip do so hereby join the group know as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

Looking over the two pens, Eclip listens for the invisible pigs squeal (listen 22) as the others get ready.

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25)  d20+10=18 ; d20+2=22 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 6:46:35 PM

Gilin moves to the edge of the pens and awaits somebody to say the contest has begun. While waiting, he ties a lariat loop into one end of the rope around his shoulder (Use Rope: 22 vs DC15) then he focuses his attention on the pens, listening for the closest pig to go to when they begin. (Listen: 18)

Giovanni AC23/16T/18FF HP68/68 -- Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP38/41 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 7:03:55 PM

"I'm going to try some pig-calling, like they did back home." Gio whispers to his companions, ready to start the hogfest.

T'Shalla (AC: 23 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 7:44:25 PM

T'Shalla again without hesitation states, "I, T'Shalla, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability." and removes her magical items putting them into her pack, and hands her pack to one that is not joining in, so they can safe keep it for her until she returns. She muses, "I wonder if that stink is just from the pigs or from the dwarf and his cronies as well."

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 207 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 7:55:58 PM

Syr almost busts out laughing when Giovanni whispers that he is going to use some pig-calling. Then he realizes the man is serious and quickly reels in his mirth.

Solemnly declaring for the others, "I, Syrdeth Redbow, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability." He proceeds to strip down to just his pants and places his items in a bag for Belkior to hold before entering the 'arena'. The physique revealed is rather impressive for a figure so small. Everywhere a person might look, the monk's muscles bulge and hard lean lines are shown. From his belongings, he takes a rope and cuts it into 5 shorter pieces. He then puts the dagger in his waistband for the contest and loops the ropes around his forearms.

Looking at the other Shields, "Brahmah, Mac, Corvis, I'm guessing you don't want to play in the mud with the rest of us?"

Larien (AC 22/17T/16FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 59/59) 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 8:58:55 PM

Larien looks around and says, "Well, I'll have a go if we're all going without armor."

Waiting to see.... So far most of the AC's listed in people's headers indicate they're still wearing their armor and/or magic, which means the other side will be too.

The Opposition - DMAl 
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 9:01:19 PM

The dwarf lets go with a laugh at Belkior's question. "Did our half-breed captain of the guard not deliver the message to ye?" The laugh turns into a growl. "Or does associating with the likes of them soften yer brains? No magic. It's what I said. And as for yer guarantee, yer the big high and mighty adventurers with yer magic and all. Should be I worrying about that question of cheating, not the likes of ye now." And he lets go another laugh.

"If ye've not the stomach for a wager, don't ask," he snaps at Giovanni, and that's all he says.

Meanwhile, some of the guards that cluster around Dander Stonebiter begin to take note of the swearing and declaring going on in the around Giovanni the halfling.

A big hulking man with a soft vacant look in his eyes approaches. "What you doing there?" he asks. "You heard Dander's rules. No magic. If'n you gets magic, then we do too. He comes up to Giovanni and raises his right hand. "I, Karster Thip, do so hereby join the group known as H.O.G."

Soon twelve other men and women, all humans, are lining up to swear the Oath as well, not, of course, understanding that it means nothing to them. They are:

A grizzled veteran. Lean and quiet. Always assessing.

A man who carries a well worn Whip and looks like he knows how to use it.

Another man who carries a dented shield, but puts it down before entering the arena.

A short and dark wiry man with a dark drooping mustache. He leaves his shortbow behind.

A man, attractive, in a dark and dangerous fashion.

A man with a smashed nose. He bears no visible weapons.

One of two woman. Squat and thick of body, but young and clean cut with a fresh face and an appealing smile.

The other woman, tall and strong. Blonde and very attractive.

Short wiry man. His fists are covered with scars.

A small muscular man with shifty eyes and a small mustache.

One of two apparent brothers. Short and brutish with shaven bullet heads.

The other brother. They look very alike. This one, however, carries a whip.

Afterward, the guards strip off their armor and move around to the other side of the arena. They line up, waiting for the collection of Crimson Shields and Shadow Guardians to go in.

Down in the arena, Gilin hears the squeal of pigs. The sound seems to come from the center of the arena. There must be several of them from the sound if it.

"I'm sorry." This from Captain Elvaran. "I'm afraid there can be no guarantee of any sort in this situation. The rules are the dwarf's. All that you can do is to have faith that he will not break them himself. Faith is all that you are left with. Faith in yourself and your own integrity."

"But I can leave you with a promise. I know these men and women, each and every one of them. They're all exceptionally well trained, matching you at least in the depth of your experience. Each of them is ruthless and efficient in their own way. Be wary of them. But whatever happens, I can give you this promise. I promise you that they will pay for putting you through this. Now that they've shown their colors, that, at least, I can do."


OoC: Last chance to opt out. If you're going in, declare your coordinates on the Map.

Rules: Capture 7 of the 13 pigs and put them in your pen before the other team does. Using No magic, no magic Items, no lethal weapons, no animal friends, no alchemical items, no Supernatural Abilities, no Spell like abilities, and no spells. Extraordinary abilities are fine. Anyone who leaves the field or is knocked unconscious can't returned.

Also, the 13 pigs are invisible, but squeal a lot.

Giovanni AC15/15T/11FF HP68/68 -- (Not Present)Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP41/41  d20+12=20 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+8=27 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 9:26:48 PM

"You bunch of dunderheads, it's not magic," Gio replies, "it's to show who's on our side, you want to join our side? Then take the oath and join the HOG's, otherwise, get lost. Oh, and if you break the oath to fight for our side, your genitals fall off in three days, still want to join?"

Once inside and stripped of his magic items and such, Gio takes up a calling position and begins immediately when the contest begins:


X6 if we can start in a pen, otherwise X7 if not.

Pig-calling: Handle Animal 20
Spot 25 (nat 20)
Listen 27

Belkior - AC 13 - HP 122  d20+3=15 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 10:07:39 PM

The halfling cleric has finished removing all of his magical armor and items, handing them to one of his companions for safekeeping. Clutching the bag of snacks, Belkior swears to join the group as some of his companions do.

"I, Belkior Orvisson, do so hereby join the group know as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

The halfling then hops as lightly as possible into the muck just inside the northwest pen. He remembers a adage that one of his early teachers repeated constantly, "It's easier to catch flies with honey, rather than vinegar."

If the hog gathering has begun, Belkior will try to persuade as many of the animals to enter the pen without a struggle. He extends a hand with a small amount of his healthy snack towards where he hops the pigs are and waits for the splashing of invisible animals coming towards him.

"He-e-e-e-e-r-e piggy, h-e-e-e-e-e-r-e piggy. Soooo-eeee!"

Handle Animal = 15 (no supernatural or magic item bonuses included)[/i]


Jass AC 11 HP 70/70 (no magic)  d20+3=10 ; d20+6=22 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 10:09:50 PM

Jass lines up and decends into the pits. "I say, Syr, I think you and Brahmah should immediately go after the pigs. Mac and Corwin should line up opposite Stonelickers team and make sure they don't interfere with us. Belkior and I can work together to try and get a pig, or to assist Mac and Corwin against an opponent's assault, eh?"

The sorcerer drops into the mud and muck, waiting for the word to begin. He listens and strains to Spot the invisible piggies.

Move to K,8
Listen: 10
Spot: 22

Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/1/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130  d20+16=24 ; d20+1=15 ;
Tuesday December 22nd, 2009 10:20:10 PM

Corvis enjoys his time listening to Larien speak about her griff and nods as he listens and even tries petting the griff a couple times and looks it over. He will make a few small notes about the gtiff also.

When the group moves out to meet up for the duel he for a moment wrinkles his nose as he walks along (fort:24), "Wow, somethings haven't changed alot since I was here when I was younger."

When they arrive and Corvis hears the duel rules and such he frowns and looks to those around him before sighing, "Great, I'm a bounty hunter and getting demoted to a pig wrangler. Guess I could pretend they got bounties on their heads. Sure won't be the ulgiest thing I ever had to collect on. I remember a tau..,,r,,,.uhh...big guy I had to get once...was rather ugle, scars all over, pretty hefty too."

Corvis looks to the others once more and then at Gio before nodding, "I'll help. Your have my oath as a bounty hunter. An know sir dwarf if something about this isn't completely legit you better hope the fair captian over there gets you before me. I been told my boots are pretty hard on a throat."

Having no armor Corvis hops into with the others, "I'll stay near you Syr, is that ok?"

(I'm going to guess that they aren't going to strip Corvis of his magical armorments since they wouldn't know without a see magic or such ability.)

Seeing the slender and attractive woman on the other team Corvis thinks a moment before giving her a wink and smile.

(Cha:15 for flirting move towards slender attractive woman.)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187)  d20+8=24 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 1:19:49 AM

"I, Brahmah, do so hereby join the group know as H.O.G. (Hearts of Gold) to win this contest of pigs to the best of my ability."

Handle Animal 24 (no Empathy check, can't see the animal)

Halfling Grigory AC 15, touch 15, flat 11, hp 70 
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 6:39:25 AM

Grigory removes his white academic robe, his gloves and his circlet, his pack and his amulet. However, he leaves his spell component pouch on his belt.
He looks around for somewhere clean to leave them. Turning round three times looking everywhere, he eventually stuffs his robes and gear into the pack, scrapes at the ground with the floor and gingerly places his bag there.

He then gleefully jumps into the pen, near Gio, "Yeahaaah!"
He slips a little, landing on his rearend, and he is soon two-thirds covered in mud, the filth coming up to his halfling knees even when he is standing.
"Ok, what's our battleplan again?"

Pathos (AC14 +dodge,53hp)  d20+10=24 ; d20+6=10 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 9:40:06 AM

Pathos heads for the flank, (AC7) takes a deep breath. "Reminds me of home!" Then he vaults the fence (balance 24), landing with the merest 'squidge'. He grasps one of his knotted ropes in one hand, the other stretches out to probe for porkers. (listen 10. Too much crowd interference.)

Entering the Arena Part 1 - DMAl 
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 10:31:37 AM

As Giovanni hops down into one of the pits of mud and years of accumulated animal dung, across the arena, the tall blonde woman (F8) climbs the low wall and prepares to drop into the pen herself. Corvis, however, catches her eye. She licks her lips and with a suggestive motion caresses her own breast before kicking off and dropping down to the filth below across from Giovanni.

The man with the dented shield (F3) leaves it behind with the rest of his armor as Belkior enters the pen. He jumps in the pen across from the halfling.

At the same time the short wiry man with the drooping mustache (F4) leaves his shortbow with his armor and hops in, taking a few short steps forward just as Jass enters.

The guard with scarred fists (F9) hops into the pen after Pathos. When he lands, he sends a great spray of mud to either side.



Corvis, Brahmah, Grigory, you have not yet declared a grid position. Please do so.

Opponent Positions:
F3 G18
F4 H17
F8 W18
F9 Z18

Opponent Definitions:
F1 : A grizzled veteran. Lean and quiet. Always assessing.
F2 : A man who carries a well worn Whip and looks like he knows how to use it.
F3 : Another man who carries a dented shield, but puts it down before entering the arena.
F4 : A short and dark wiry man with a dark drooping mustache. He leaves his shortbow behind.
F5 : A man, attractive, in a dark and dangerous fashion.
F6 : A man with a smashed nose. He bears no visible weapons.
F7 : One of two woman. Squat and thick of body, but young and clean cut with a fresh face and an appealing smile.
F8 : The other woman, tall and strong. Blonde and very attractive.
F9 : Short wiry man. His fists are covered with scars.
F10 : A small muscular man with shifty eyes and a small mustache.
F11 : One of two apparent brothers. Short and brutish with shaven bullet heads.
F12 : The other brother. They look very alike. This one, however, carries a whip.
F13 : A big hulking man with a soft vacant look in his eyes

Eclip (AC23, HP83/82) Artan (AC 23, HP 67) CharSheet  d20+10=25 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 11:51:56 AM

Eclip jumps down into the muddy pens and slogs over to his position, "I guess it time to get muddy Good luck."

The druid listens for the nearest pigs around him (listen: 25), while waiting for the the signal to start.

Position: T10

Gilin Underlane (AC15/Touch 11/FF 14 | HP 47/50) (Sheet) and Sonia (AC28, Touch 16, Flat Footed 26)(HP 23/25)  d20+10=22 ; d20+6=24 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 5:59:56 PM

Gilin strolls calmly out to the center of the east end (to W 11) and waits for the signal to begin, listening all around him to try and find the small clumps of pigs. (Listen:DC22) His pants get streaked with mud and dung, but he doesn't seem to care at all, in fact he rubs the mud and dung all over his arms and legs to help avoid making the pigs skittish with his alien scent (Disguise DC24)

T'Shalla (AC: 21 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet  d20+15=34 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 6:07:28 PM

T'Shalla enters the pit and takes up position beside Eclip, and listens for the pigs around as well, and awaiting the signal to start. <listen: 34>

Position: U10

Syr Ac 20/19 HP 165 H8  d20+18=33 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 8:29:12 PM

Nodding at Jass, he comments to the other Shields, "Sounds like a plan: pair up when possible. Oh, and lest you forget, we represent the Guardians this time and Captain Elvaran so act accordingly and don't let those guys over there drag us into a fight." He searches out one of the newest members, "Grigory, can you stay near me? Since I might be a bit faster than most, maybe I catch one and tie it? Then you can drag it back? This mud could obviously change things. I'm sure that it's going to be slippery walking as well as holding." He beckons to the halfling to jump into the mud at H7.

Looking over at their opponents' side, "That whip of theirs might prove very effective, any ideas to neutralize it?"

Taking a small run, he leaps forward into the pit, landing at H8. The elf looks across the way and uses a toe to kick some mud at F6 and calls, "Are you ready for this?" He flexes his pectorals as he shouts over at the man (Intimidate 33).

(OOC: Holiday posting: Al, I wasn't sure what you were planning but since many of us are dropping off the radar for Xmas... Can I recommend the actual commencement of rounds until Friday? That way those of us leaving for the holidaze have until Monday night to post?)

Larien (AC 15/15T/10FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 59/59)  d20+6=9 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+1=13 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 8:37:25 PM

If Dander Stonebiter isn't participating in his own pig wrestling contest, then Larien will abstain as well, instead using her detect magic to look for magical cheating in the arena (such as auras on his pig-catching allies), or any suspicious behavior from Stonebiter or his other supporters in the crowd.

If Dander Stonebiter is participating, Larien swears the oath, and removes her various bags, weapons, magic items and top-layers, leaving them with Grif for safe-keeping. The wizardess stands dressed in simple work clothes, specially picked for the occasion so they can be thrown out afterwards if need be. Having no particular idea what she's doing, she positions herself next to Gio (W7), trying to help him, but failing (Handle Animal: Aid Another 9). Otherwise she keeps her eyes open for the shadows of the moving pigs, and the sound of any nearby pig noises.

Listen: 18
Spot: 13

Entering the Arena Part 2 - DMAl 
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 8:44:47 PM

As Eclip, Gilin, and T'Shalla enter the arena, three of the guards also jump down off the wall and take up position.

The small man with the mustache (F10 at Z14) and the two brutish brothers take their places. The brother with the whip takes a place closer to the wall. (F11 at AC15) The other stands closer to the interior. (F10 at AB15)

Syr indicates a place for Grigory, and then jumps in himself. When Syr enters, Corvis takes his place next to the elfish monk. (Corvis at G8).

The scarred and grizzled veteran (F1 at L17), the man with the whip (F2 at K17), and the darkly attractive man jump down and cluster by the wall.

It does not appear as though Dander Stonebiter will be joining the others in his little game. Accordingly, Larien remains on the wall as well. (Larien: Please indicate into what quadrant you direct your Detect Magic, indicating also at what interction the cone of the spell begins and how many rounds you concentrate on the spell.)



Brahmah you have not yet declared a grid position. Please do so. Grigory and Corvis, if you'd like to change your positions, feel free to do so.

Opponent Positions:
F1 L17
F2 K17
F3 G18
F4 H17
F5 K18
F8 W18
F9 Z18
F10 AB15
F11 AC15
F12 Z14

Opponent Definitions:
F1 : A grizzled veteran. Lean and quiet. Always assessing.
F2 : A man who carries a well worn Whip and looks like he knows how to use it.
F3 : Another man who carries a dented shield, but puts it down before entering the arena.
F4 : A short and dark wiry man with a dark drooping mustache. He leaves his shortbow behind.
F5 : A man, attractive, in a dark and dangerous fashion.
F6 : A man with a smashed nose. He bears no visible weapons.
F7 : One of two woman. Squat and thick of body, but young and clean cut with a fresh face and an appealing smile.
F8 : The other woman, tall and strong. Blonde and very attractive.
F9 : Short wiry man. His fists are covered with scars.
F10 : A small muscular man with shifty eyes and a small mustache.
F11 : One of two apparent brothers. Short and brutish with shaven bullet heads.
F12 : The other brother. They look very alike. This one, however, carries a whip.
F13 : A big hulking man with a soft vacant look in his eyes

Giovanni AC15/15T/11FF HP68/68 -- (Not Present)Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP41/41  d20+22=28 ;
Wednesday December 23rd, 2009 9:38:49 PM

Gio yells out to Dander, "This is your challenge and you're not even taking part in it? Afraid of a little hard work?" Turning to the crowd, "Who here thinks that if a man talks the talk, he should walk the walk? He challenged Eclip and look, Eclip is here in the pen with us, but where is Dander? Why there he is!?" Pointing to the dwarf plain as day, "Waiting on tea and crumpets, or are you too good for the likes of us!?"

Gio tries to whip the crowd into a frenzy against Dander; Diplomacy 28

Great Pig round up (DM Glenn)  d10=6 ; d10=9 ; d10=10 ; d10=4 ; d10=4 ; d10=8 ; d10=6 ; d10=1 ; d10=5 ; d10=10 ; d10=4 ; d10=7 ; d10=10 ; d10=7 ; d10=9 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 12:27:52 AM

The mud and muck of the pigs is thick and slippery, while you can move any attempt to run will only end with you face down in the muck.

As everyone jumps in the pen the pigs get very agitated and run about squealing loudly trying to get away from any people. The sounds of the pigs squealing, oinking, or snorting can be heard all over the pen area, giving you a general idea where the pigs are, but only the sharpest hearing or eyes can pinpoint them.

Despite the calling and food the pigs don't seem to trust anyone.

Listen of DC zero or Spot 10 give you a general idea of where the pigs are to within 1 of 9 squares next to or under the Oink sound.

Listen DC20 or Spot 30 can pinpoint a pig about its oink sound. So you know which square it's in, but still have the 50% miss chance to hit or grapple the invisible swines. (ooc: Roll 1d100 for invisible cover 1-50 miss, 51-100 hit.)

Pigs will have to be physically picked up (grapple DC16) and put the pigs into the holding pins. You can move a grappled pig half your movement as a standard action requiring a DC16 grapple check. DC12 if pig is pinned.)

Grabbing a pig requires a touch attack AC 15 (with 50% miss chance if you have the right square) followed by a grapple DC16. (Note: the grapple touch attack is made at -4 unless you are trained in grappling or a monk.

***** Pigpen Map *****

"He-e-e-e-e-r-e piggy, h-e-e-e-e-e-r-e piggy. Soooo-eeee!"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187) 
Thursday December 24th, 2009 4:10:25 AM

Brahmah goes to P-Q12-13 to run interference in the passage between the two. Then he begins chucking mud around the pin, avoiding friends.

Polo does not join the fun, as Brahmah is not yet familiar with the bear.

(ooc: If your trying to mark a pig with mud then Pick a square and make a thrown range attack with -2 per 10ft range increment. -Dm Glenn)

Giovanni AC15/15T/11FF HP68/68 -- (Not Present)Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP41/41  d20+5=7 ; d20+8=24 ; d20+5=17 ; d100=4 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 5:09:03 AM

Gio picks up the oinking of the pig nearby (listen24, Z10) and races forward to grab it but misses due to it's invisibility.

Mac: AC:13, HP:149  d20+22=30 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 6:09:48 AM

Mac relinquishes equipment (most of it, actually) to the Captain's care for the duration of the contest Just trying to recalc on the fly. and Jumps[Check=30] down into the pit at D(&E)8(&9).

Great Pig round up (DM Glenn) 
Thursday December 24th, 2009 9:18:09 AM

Link to Google spreadsheet with PC stats calculated without magic. (check for errors. to err is human, but DMs are always right with a little adjustment.)


Syr Ac 20/19 HP 165 H8 
Thursday December 24th, 2009 10:23:09 AM

Seeing the minotaur heading to the center to throw mud, he calls out, "Brahmah, forgot that. Don't forget, they can see the pigs you mark too. With your tracking, you might be the best 'pig compass' in the group, locate one and grab it."

Jass AC 11 HP 70/70 (no magic)  d20+3=21 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+7=24 ; d100=87 ; d20+2=11 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 2:27:55 PM

ooc: I'm tracking Jass' AC as "11" and not "14". Everything else looks right.

Jass is able to hear with a trick of the echoing 'oinks', the exact location of one of the squealers.

"Hey Brahmah, come and help me!" The sorcerer slogs over to where he is sure he will find one, and flails around with his arms to catch a piggie. He successfully grabs an invisible oinker, but it is a light grip around one hoof!

Move to N,9
Listen: 21
Spot: 25

Attack - AC 24
Miss % - 87 success
Grapple - 11

Private Sanctum: 24 hour (cast that morning)

0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Level
6/8/8/8/7/7/6/4 Avail
0/2/1/0/0/1/0/0 Used

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130  d20+8=24 ; d20+8=22 ; d100=96 ; d20+20=22 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 4:25:53 PM

Corvis grins at the lady's reaction to his flirt and thinks a moment before mouthing the words and hoping she'll understand, "talk after this."

Corvis also doesn't want to just toss his precious weapons just anywhere so he hands the sword blet with his shortsword and longsword up to Larien, "Would you keep a eye on these for me?"

When he is in the pin Corvis closes his eyes a moment and concentrates on clearing himself of the distactions of everything else before opening them to look around the area. He is sure he has pinpointed one of the pigs and quickly moves to grapple the thing.

(Listen:24 Spot:22 Miss chance:96 GrappleL22)

Since Corivs should of been able to grapple the pig he holds on for dear life as he plans to make his way to the pen or where ever he is suppose to place it, calling over to Syr, "Well, atleast some of my talents are coming in handy already." He thinks with a little rope he could tie the thing up but that would involve someone else holding it.

Larien (AC 15/15T/10FF, HP 61/61), Madeline (hawk, AC 20, HP 30/30) and Grif (griffon, AC 24/12T/21FF, HP 59/59)  d20+1=8 ; d20+1=17 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 5:06:45 PM

Larien nods as Corvis hands her some equipment, and Grif moves to her so she can place the items in Grif's care. Grif ends up at Q/R-7/8, and Larien at R6. The wizardess leans against Grif, stroking his side, while also using her detect magic cone to concentrate on magical auras among the dwarf's supporters in the arena on the right. From this position, most of the right side of the arena is in range of her spell. Larien will be careful not to aid her friends while using her spell -- she will not track pigs for them, merely look for magic on their opponents, or magical traps in the arena.

Listen: 8
Spot: 17

Syr Ac 20/19 HP 165 f14  d20+19=37 ; d20+14=33 ; d100=56 ; d20+14=31 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 6:25:35 PM

Syr spares a final glance at Brahmah before moving toward the pigs. He spots 4 holes in the mud which he suspects is the pig's feet and races towards it. Once there, he quickly reaches down and picks the pig up with ease.

Spot 37
touch grapple 33
miss chance 56
grapple 31 to pick up.

Pathos (AC14 +dodge,53hp)  d20+6=25 ; d20=9 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 6:38:32 PM

Pathos has a rough idea from the noises that there are a couple of piggies ahead. He plots a path between them (to AC10 or 11 if he can get there)

He ignores the porkers themselves, and keeps his eyes on the opponents across the pen. (all marked F1)

Eclip and Artan CharSheet  d20+10=19 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+7=19 ; d100=83 ; d20+8=28 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 7:40:05 PM

(Listen: 19, spot: 24)

Eclip unable to pinpoint the nearest pig moves forward and makes a blind grab for one. If its there then he caught it.

Move to T15 and grabs for one in S16, touch grab 19, miss 83, grapple 28.

Guards Move 01 - DMAl  d20+1=10 ; d20=1 ; d20=13 ; d20+3=11 ; d20=5 ; d20+2=11 ; d20+3=20 ; d20=1 ; d20+11=26 ; d20-1=5 ; d20=8 ; d20+2=15 ; d20=3 ; d20+18=23 ; d100=93 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+14=17 ; d100=89 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+8=26 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 8:38:53 PM

Two more guards jump into the pen as Mac joins the game and Brahmah positions himself. (F7 at E16 and F6 at M14)

Like their opponents, they all begin to listen and look about. Only F7 and F9 appear to be able to make anything out of the general din.

F7 moves five feet (to D15) and makes a grab at something he thinks she hears just north of her. (in D14) She reaches out and touches something. (Touch attack AC23 - Miss Chance 93/Pass) She grabs a squealing armful of pig out of the mud. (Grapple Check 28)

F9 moves 30 feet (to AA12). He reaches straight forward for a pig. (in AA11) He touches pig (Touch attack AC17 - Miss Chance 89/Pass) and makes a grab. By the worst luck his hand slips on the slick surface of the pig, and the thing wriggles away. (Grapple Check 19/Nat1)

Three guards watch Giovanni wresting with an invisible pig. They all converge on the halfling, lining up

F12 to Y9 25ft move
F10 to Z9 25ft move
F11 to AA9 30ft move

F10 claps his hands abruptly next to Giovanni's ear and does a head fake. (Feint 18. Sense Motive + BAB vs DC18 or lose Dex to AC vs F10 next round.)

"LOOK OUT, DARKIE!" F8 rushes to the wall and then north as though chasing a pig. The tall blonde woman smashes into Eclip, running right over him. (Overrun 26 - Eclip is prone. Improved Overrun. Cannot choose to avoid.) She turns around and looks over her shoulder. "Oops. Sorry, elfie. Now you look even dirtier." (Move to T14 30ft move)

F1, F2 and F5 move to surround Jass. F3 and F4 move in around Syr.

F3 to G11 35ft move
F4 to I11 30ft move
F1 to M13 20ft move
F2 to L11 30ft move
F3 to L12 30ft move


Opponent Positions:

F1 L17 - Listen 10
F2 K17 - Listen 1
F3 G18 - Listen 13
F4 H17 - Listen 11
F5 K18 - Listen 5
F6 M14 - Listen 11
F7 D15 - Listen 20
F8 T14 - Listen 1
F9 AA12 - Listen 26
F10 Z9 - Listen 5
F11 AA9 - Listen 8
F12 Y9 - Listen 15

Opponent Definitions:
F1 : A grizzled veteran. Lean and quiet. Always assessing.
F2 : A man who carries a well worn Whip and looks like he knows how to use it.
F3 : Another man who carries a dented shield, but puts it down before entering the arena.
F4 : A short and dark wiry man with a dark drooping mustache. He leaves his shortbow behind.
F5 : A man, attractive, in a dark and dangerous fashion.
F6 : A man with a smashed nose. He bears no visible weapons.
F7 : One of two woman. Squat and thick of body, but young and clean cut with a fresh face and an appealing smile.
F8 : The other woman, tall and strong. Blonde and very attractive.
F9 : Short wiry man. His fists are covered with scars.
F10 : A small muscular man with shifty eyes and a small mustache.
F11 : One of two apparent brothers. Short and brutish with shaven bullet heads.
F12 : The other brother. They look very alike. This one, however, carries a whip.
F13 : A big hulking man with a soft vacant look in his eyes

Giovanni AC15/15T/11FF HP68/68 -- (Not Present)Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP41/41  d20+15=27 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+5=18 ; d100=72 ; d20+1=17 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+9=22 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 10:01:08 PM

Gio yelps out, "Hey now! Let's keep this friendly, you don't want your genitals to fall off breaking the oath you took, do you?" Successfully figuring out the man's feint (save 27; +9sense,+6bab), Gio looks and listens again and hears the piggy squealing. Reaching for it, he grabs it, picks it up and in a daring maneuver, tumbles backward through the area of the man who tried to feint on him, ending up just beyond him (Z8).

Feint save:27
Spot: 7
Listen: 20
Touch attack: 18
Miss %: 72
Grapple check: 17
Tumble through square Z9: 25
Tumble check against Y9 and AA9: 20 and 22 respectivily.

T'Shalla (AC: 21 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet  d20+19=31 ; d100=50 ; d100=68 ; d100+16=24 ; d20+16=25 ;
Thursday December 24th, 2009 10:03:31 PM

T'Shalla looks around for the closest pig <spot: 31> finding a possible one, moving to Z10 to try grappling it, <50 which is a miss, but with blind-fighting get to re-roll - 68 which is a hit incase the blind fighting doesn't count in this, then it is a miss>, <ignore the last d100 forgot to change it to a d20 sorry>, grabbing it, and start moving back towards the pin to put it in.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 187)  d20+22=34 ;
Friday December 25th, 2009 12:19:53 AM

(OOC: The idea of throwing mud wasn't to hit a specific spot. The swine will naturally flee from the group and likely head for the tunnel between the two pens. Seeing movement where there is no visible being would be a give away. Aiming is pointless.)

Brahmah continues to splash mud in broad swaths and arcs with fans of mud. (even randomly, Brahmah will hit a swine eventually) [SPOT check 34]

Halfling Grigory AC 15, touch 15, flat 11, hp 70  d20+4=6 ; d20+12=21 ; d20-1=1 ; d20=1 ; d20+2=9 ;
Friday December 25th, 2009 6:07:51 AM

Grigory rushes after Syr, standing beside him offering to help with the tying of the pig, as the elf suggested. However, his fingers are slipping due to the much. He does think through what he knows of pigs, from help his father Jonno shoo them from the truffle fields in the fringes of the Culverwood.
Use Rope 6
Knowledge Nature (animals): 21

He sings to himself, a habit that he has developed from years by himself with studying or travelling. He is slightly mad, a few screws loose upstairs. He knows this, he can see it in himself. Grigory chooses to indulge it now and then, enjoying the sense of joy and wonder that comes to the child within.
there be little pigs here that don't go moo.
They're standing in front of me, I count them: two.
The first one has no balls cos he carries a shield.
He really needs his friends cos he is slight of build.
That's why he's here and chasing round some pigs,
he's got no other friends to dance his muddy jigs."

"Do you want to hear the second verse, Shorty?" the halfling sneers at F4
Bluff 1

Spot 1 (the dice hate me)
Listen 9

Great Pig round up (DM Glenn)  d20+11=18 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=33 ; d10=10 ; d10=7 ; d10=7 ; d10=7 ; d10=8 ; d10=3 ; d10=4 ; d10=6 ; d10=9 ; d10=6 ; d10=3 ; d10=8 ; d10=5 ; d10=4 ;
Friday December 25th, 2009 5:49:01 PM

Great Pig round up (DM Glenn)

Jumping into the arena and blocking the through way, Brahmah throwing mud around.

Giovanni dives after a pig but misses.

Mac joins the fun as he lands in the mud filled pig pen.

Pinpointing a pig, Jass moves and grabs it, but the unnaturally slippery pig slips free.

Flirting, Corvis tosses his sword belt to Larien before going after a pig. Despite its invisibility the rogue/fighter grabs the slippery thing.

Standing on the sideline, Larien keeps watch over the battle and the dwarf.

Spotting four piggy feet marks, Syr races forward snatch hold of a little pig.

Locating a pig, Pathos move though the thick mud.

Unable to pinpoint a pig, Eclip moves forward and grabs blindly for a pig and misses.

The guards move into action with two more joining the contest,

Guard 7 moves up and grabs a pig. Guard 9 also moves forward and touches a pig, but it slips out of his clumsy fingers.

Three guards harass Giovanni trying to mess with him, as a female guard body checks Eclip knocking him into the mud.

The remaining guards move to surround Jass and Syr.

Giovanni yelps and retorts to the guards. (ooc: Already acted this round. Sorry I am slow, but if you want to reuse your roles just do so in your next post.)

Seeing pig signs, T'Shalla moves up and grabs a pig making good use of her blind fighting training! (ooc: touch attack +16 is to grab the pig and grapple attack is needed to hold on. DM rolled a 18)

Brahmah continues to block the tunnel splashing mud about to scare any pigs away.

Helping Syr, Grigory tires to tie a rope about the pig, but only gets the looses of knots about it. Recalling pig wisdom from his father, Grigory knows pigs are ornery, uncooperative beast that can see well in low light and have excellent scent ability. These seem unnaturally slippery.

The held pigs wiggle and swarm trying to break free from their captors. (Escape checks: 32 vs Corvis DC27, 30 vs Syr DC24, 21 vs T'Shalla DC17, 27 vs F7 DC24 ) Fighten by all the people chasing them, the unaturaly slippery pigs break free from Corvis, Syr, T'Shalla and the female guard 7! Some one greased the pigs!!!

The pig easily slips free of Girgory's rope (escape 33 vs DC6).

All the pigs dash around the pen trying to get away from the people.


Eclip is prone.

No one has a pig grappled currently.

***** Pigpen Map *****

Listen of DC zero or Spot 10 give you a general idea of where the pigs are to within 1 of 9 squares next to or under the Oink sound.

Listen DC20 or Spot 30 can pinpoint a pig about its oink sound. So you know which square it's in, but still have the 50% miss chance to hit or grapple the invisible swines. (ooc: Roll 1d100 for invisible cover 1-50 miss, 51-100 hit.)

Putting Pigs in the Pen - Pigs need to be physically picked up (grapple DC16) and put the pigs into the holding pins. You can move a grappled pig half your movement as a standard action requiring a DC16 grapple check. DC12 if pig is pinned.)

Grabbing a pig requires a touch attack AC 15 (with 50% miss chance if you have the right square) followed by a grapple DC16. (Note: the grapple touch attack is made at -4 unless you are trained in grappling or a monk.

Trying to mark a pig with mud then Pick a square and make a thrown range attack with -2 per 10ft range increment.

PC's unmodified stats

"He-e-e-e-e-r-e piggy, h-e-e-e-e-e-r-e piggy. Soooo-eeee!"

Halfling Grigory AC 15, touch 15, flat 11, hp 70  d20=14 ; d20+2=14 ; d20+4=7 ;
Friday December 25th, 2009 6:39:51 PM

Spot 14
Listen 14

"Where are they Syr? I'll try to tie it up again."

Ready Action: follow Syr and tie up the pig. Rope Use 7... :(

Belkior - AC 13 - HP 122  d20+7=18 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=25 ; d100=50 ; d100=9 ;
Friday December 25th, 2009 10:55:56 PM

The halfling cleric gets a general idea of where a pig is hiding near Jass, so he moves carefully through the muck and reaches out blindly to grab a pig.
Listen = 18, Spot = 7

Move - 20 feet to M8
Standard - Grope into 2 adjacent squares with Touch Attacks
1st - miss (=50%)
2nd - miss (<50%)

Corvis Zurvich AC:30 HP:130/130  d20+8=18 ; d20+8=27 ; d100=6 ;
Saturday December 26th, 2009 12:44:36 PM

Corvis tries to spot and hear the pig he had grappled before. He is able to pin point it but when he grabs at it he is unable to grab anything but air. Corvis frowns some at all this as he isn't thrilled with this contest, having went from thinking it would be pretty easy to suddenly got more difficult.

(Liste:18 Spot:27 Miss chance:6 miss)

T'Shalla (AC: 21 / HP: 61/61) CharSheet  d20+19=26 ; d20+15=18 ;
Saturday December 26th, 2009 2:05:19 PM

T'Shalla mutters when finding the pigs have been greased which will make it much more difficult, and might have to go about getting the opponents proned so they are out of the contest since that is probably the instructions they were given to do to us, being unable to pin-point any of the pigs this time.

<spot: 26, listen: 18>

Giovanni AC15/15T/11FF HP68/68 -- (Not Present)Blinky AC19/13T/16FF HP41/41  d20+9=24 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=17 ;
Saturday December 26th, 2009 6:11:02 PM

Gio didn't like being surrounded, so he tumbled away from the three foes, ending closer to his sides pen(X8).

Tumble rolls: 24,16,19,14,17

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