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The Crossing

The Ancient Turtle - DMAl 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 9:13:57 PM

The next morning, the Crimson Shields pack for a journey. In the Floating City it's just another day, and, on the way down from Merchant Level, through Barracks Level, to Fence Level and through the streets to the Docks, the people of Floating City move about their morning tasks. The docks themselves are bustling with activity. Many heads turn as the Shields follow Tionel to a certain peer where his turtle waits. Many even pause in their work to watch. Many eyes watch the Crimson Shields as they leave.

Tionel's turtle appears much bigger than the others that work around the docks. It also lacks the rings and holes drilled into its shell for the attaching of ropes and fixed seating. This is a wild turtle, and from the looks of things, it must be many hundreds of years old.

Tionel boards first, scrambling over the shell to the turtle's head and whispering at the place where an ear might be. "Alright!" Tionel announces. "Everyone on board."

Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 10:00:49 PM

Wynn spends the evening before the trip back at the apartments preparing his pack and supplies for their journey to the Crying Woods. He takes time to consult with Syr about the answers provided by the scroll. "I don't even know why I bother with this, it never provides a straight answer, always riddles and rhymes. Do you think this first part is about Xenia?" he asks the elf. "Do you think she's in trouble? I haven't had even a hint of contact with her for a long time..."

Wynn shows Syr the scoll...

The real identity is to be had in the place to which she has gone.
I have felt her fear, and they are one.
Evil is as evil does.
A threat too, is as you make it,
Quiet till a threat makes itself known.

[OOC Wynn carries the scroll in a scroll tube inside his pack. The tube is watertight and the scroll wrapped in oil paper for further protection.]

Jass AC 13 HP 60/60 (Tongues) 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 10:12:46 PM

Jass-Birch admits to no knowledge of a dwarf or the land of Turak Nor. As quickly as he can, he extracates himself from the situation and goes to the bathhouse. There, in the steam room, he becomes a non-descript human and wanders out. Another change in an tapestry merchants, and a errand boy runs to deliver a message to the Crimson Shields construction company and never comes out. Instead, it is Jass again who returns to the apartments.

He definitely tells Wynn and the others about the drawbacks of a persona with no background.

For the turtle, Jass hops aboard, eaget to see the lands around Floating City.

Tongues (Permenant)

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/0/0/0/0

Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 11:03:39 PM

The halfling cleric looks up when Florin approaches with a request.

"Certainly, friend! I would be more than willing to take Jella to one of the temples of Alemi. Maybe even the main Temple, up on Gold Level. When would she like to go?"

If time and schedule permits, Belkior will guide the girl to the Temple on Gold Level and show her about. Even though Belkior doesn't carry candy and other treats like some of his brethren, Belkior does his best to encourage children and young people to study and stay healthy. This is merely another way of doing so.

As they pass through the Temple, Belkior describes the major tenets of worship for Alemi. True to his nature, though, Belkior cannot help but discuss the public clinics and other services that the Temple provides to the people of Floating City.


The halfling cleric carefully follows his companions down towards the dock and the waiting turtle. Unlike his relatively carefree companions, Belkior jumps carefully down to what looks like the least slippery portion of the turtle's broad back. Once there, he moves to a dry spot where he can be out of the way but also have a good chance of getting a handhold in case something untoward happens.

"Jass? Wynn? I've been working in my rooms for the last several weeks. Is there any particular reason why everyone was watching us as we left?"

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 12:16:29 AM

The elf takes the scroll from Wynn's hands and his heart leaps into his throat and he stares wide eyed at Wynn searching for answers. He stumbles over his words a bit, as his mind races ahead of his fears. However his composure never waivers and he grins at the half-elf before shrugging casually and suggesting calmly. "Who? Xenia? Nah it couldn't be about her. You know her, as tough as they come. You've seen her face down all sorts of fears. Remember all her solo scouting trips that you hated? She's a tough one our Red."

His thoughts scramble for any other female they might know to distract Wynn, "It's probably about this Sabara girl and our little camping trip planned in the Woods. I mean turning into a forest? Who wouldn't be scared at that. In fact, maybe you should use one of your songs or tunes to try and determine if someone near is evil?"

The next day, the Syr is cheerful and almost eager to spend time in the woods. The monk leaps easily onto the shell with a grin calling out to Tionel, "Hey! Does your friend have a name?" He then spends the ride telling the others of the group's encounters in the woods from the killer vines to meeting the Anvil Hearts.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 11:32:38 AM

OOC: Sorry for the short posts folks.

Brahmah follows and still is lost in his own little world.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 8:14:02 PM

Florin doesn't mind if Belkior wants to take Jella to the temple of Alemi before the group leaves and will see that Jella knows. However if it needs to wait then he doesn't mind either, Florin just wants Jella to be as knowledgeable and open to the Wold as possible.

When the group heads for the docks and such, Florin of course comes along. He is suited in his normal armor and traveling gear, leaveing nothing behind of his equipment for this just incase.

Vastness of the Lake - DMAl 
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 9:00:38 PM

All manner of thoughts go through the minds of the Crimson Shields as they depart the Floating City for the infamous Crying Woods. Concerned over the cryptic verse produced by the Scroll of Answers, both Wynn and Syr recall the description of the item that they had paid for in the Catacombs.

... this item calls upon some powerful entity, who will answer a question put to it. The entity is wise and knowledgeable ...

Wise and knowledgeable. Wise. And Knowledgeable.

At the docks, Belkior asks Jass and Wynn why it is that everyone might be looking at them. Perhaps the little cleric has indeed been cooped up in his room too long. Both Wynn and Jass know that fame turns heads, and the Crimson Shields have certainly garnered a great deal of fame lately.

Then again, Jass has recently had a taste of just how closely things are watched in the Floating City. Who knows whether one of those many pairs of eyes might be reporting to a higher authority on the departure of the Crimson Shields?

But, on yet another hand, it could be no more than an interest in the owners of the extremely unusual ancient turtle that has been docked in its berth for the past three weeks. "Everything has a name, Syr," Tionel replies, then he shakes his head and laughs. "Listen to me? Doesn't that sound too serious and mystical?" Then the elf grows quiet. "But it's true. This one, his name is Steady Heart." Tionel pats the shell. "Or, at least that's as close as I can come in Common."

With everyone aboard, Steady Heart pulls gently away from the dock. Syr and Florin mark this as a distinct departure from their very first ride on a turtle ferry so long long ago. Giant clawed feet churn at the water on both sides, propelling the turtle forward. The docks grow small. The tower of Floating City disappears into the horizon. Soon there is nothing but water as far as the eye can see.

Thursday July 23rd, 2009 11:22:45 PM

The halfling cleric sits quietly atop the shell of the great turtle, looking around at his companions and the wider vastness of the lake. Out here, away from the noisy tumult of the Float, Belkior has a strange mixture of relief and apprehension. He is relieved because he and his companions are away from the machinations and schemes of people like the Diamonds. Out here, he and his companions should have fewer things to worry about. Of course, that very thing is what makes him apprehensive. Once they get away from the Float, they have nothing or nobody else to rely upon. It's simply themselves.

Belkior continues to reflect on this while he continues his silent prayers to Alemi. Hopefully, this mission will not require him to call upon the healing provided by Alemi but, somehow, that never quite works out.

Mac: AC:26, HP:137  d20+7=19 ;
Thursday July 23rd, 2009 11:23:00 PM

Whilst Mac has travelled much and sailed often, this is the bit that still troubles him: Oceans and Seas are expansive - going days or even weeks out of the sight of land isn't uncommon if the captain no longer needs land reference points to make the journey. A Lake, on the other hand, is rarely big enough to get out of view of all its shores. The fact is present in his mind from the moment it occurs to him until it is finally otherwise. Even whilst listening or participating in general conversations he is regularly checking the horizon for... well... anything. [Spot: 19]

At a point in proceedings when they might happen to be otherwise undisturbed, Mac quietly asks Brahmah in Tauric, "What troubles you, Captain?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Friday July 24th, 2009 5:42:50 AM

"Nothing Mac. I'm going to see if I can be of help anywhere." He looks around the ship and is most at home. As a former sailor/pirate, Brahmah can respect anyone who has their own ship and any ship for its design. He asks around to see if he can help with anything while he is aboard, assuming the Shields aren't in need of his skills.

Jass AC 13 HP 60/60 (Tongues) 
Friday July 24th, 2009 8:44:21 AM

Jass cheerily waves at the crowd as the great turtle begins to move off. He's away from the city, and it will give time for the heat to go down on Birch and Master Kriegsgaard. "Don't think I'm going to use them for a while.", he murmurs to himself.

It quickly becomes apparent to the straw-haired man that this is a great hulking lake!

"Amazing!", he stares in wonder, "Fantastic!"

"And this is all fresh water? How long does it take to get to the far side? How do you know what direcion you are going? I can talk to Steady Heart. Should I talk to the turtle or would that distract him?"

Jass continues sticking his comments in everywhere, not really worried about the answers as long as it doesn't involve manual labor.

Tongues (Permenant)

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/0/0/0/0

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Friday July 24th, 2009 4:54:33 PM

Syr reflects over the name, "'Steady', Now that's a name I can like in a turtle that is giving us a lift." His eyebrows lift in curiosity when Jass states that he can speak turtle but he says nothing.

Sliding across the shell to Florin he looks at the man's face closely realizing that yet another departure from Bella might sit hard on him. To distract him he comments, "Hey think of the fun Ajax will have. How long has he been couped up in the city when you needed him? It might be a good time for him to roam around once we get ashore."

A Night on the Edge - DMAl 
Friday July 24th, 2009 9:24:29 PM

The sun rises to its apogee, and still there is no land in sight. Mac sees nothing on the horizon. Brahmah stands form his confused funk to help in any way he can. But, there is nothing to help with. Steady Heart ploughs on through the water at a steady pace, nearly two knots per hour by the minotaur's reckoning.

Jass claims to be able to speak the language of the ancient turtle. Tionel smiles, but does not bother to contradict him. The day wears on. Jass upon occasion, hears Tionel speak to Steady Heart in comforting tones. Though he understands what Tionel says - words of encouragement and generally companionable chatter - Jass cannot identify the language. No one else can understand what Tionel is saying. Jass never hears Steady Heart reply.

The noon meal passes, and the sun begins its descent into night. Pale orange tints begin to color the sky as the yellow orb above approaches the edge of the Wold. Soon it would be dark. Then Mac calls out, pointing in the direction in which Steady Heart is headed. Is the horizon just that shade darker than it has been up to now? Or is it a trick of the light? The Wold dims to a silvery twilight. Was that land ahead? If so, how soon would they arrive?

The moons rise. Stars fill the open sky. Somehow, the gentle lapping of the waves against Steady Heart's sides seems louder in the darkness, a calming night rhythm. The two moons of the Wold, both crescents of light, rise to their greatest height when Florin, Syr, and Wynn spy the shoreline as it looms out of the night. With their elf-born vision they see a pebble beach rising from the lake to a forest-line made impenetrable by a darkness into which even they cannot see. The edge of the woods seems to be composed of a chaotic variety of trees. Pines mix with deciduous and a scattering of palms.

Soon enough, Steady Heart grounds in the shallows, and pulls himself the remainder of the way to the shore. Across a twenty-five foot expanse of beach, the Crying Woods awaits.

Friday July 24th, 2009 11:31:21 PM

The halfling cleric begins arranging his gear when he first notices that Steady Heart is approaching the shoreline of the lake. Belkior quickly settles his armor, checks that his staff and wands are tightly secured and does a quick check of the potions and materials that he keeps in pouches at his waist. Once everything is in order, to his own satisfaction, Belkior sits quietly and meditates until the turtle's arrival on shore brings him back to the here and now.

Once the turtle is settled, Belkior rises to his feet and continues to wait. Tionel will surely have some news, or instructions, or the like. That certainly seems to the be the way of things. Besides, someone else is responsible for being the first one on shore, or whatever. The Paragon of Alemi stays back, ready to heal and protect.

Monday July 27th, 2009 7:07:15 AM

Wynn waits until the giant turtle has come to a comlpete stop before jumping down. His legs are heavy from the long period of inactivity and it takes a few moments befire they regain some spring. The bard keeps a watchful eye on the edge of the woods for he has been here before and knows just how dangerous this place can be.

Mac: AC:26, HP:137 
Monday July 27th, 2009 10:10:08 AM

Mac leaps down from the great turtle - his cloven hooves causing pebbles to crunch, scrape and fly. He offers a hand down to any who wish it. The woods behind him will only become a concern once all are ready to move on.

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d10=3 ;
Monday July 27th, 2009 10:57:27 AM

Jass holds on while Steady Heart lurches up to the sandy shore. Once the great turtle stops moving, he nimbly hops down and bows. Using the same language Tionel spoke to the turtle, Jass thanks him for the ride.

"Wow! It sure feels nice to stretch my legs again!" And Jass mimes doing exactly that.

Placing a couple of protective spells on himself, the sorcerer looks to the leaders of the Crimson Shields to lead the way.

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 12 hours +4 AC
False Life; 12 hours +13 temporary hit points

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/1/0/0/0/0

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 
Monday July 27th, 2009 7:09:08 PM

(OOC:I'm going to try and have my CS updated by tomorrow. I tried updateing it over the weekend but I noticed today the changes didn't save for some reason. Sorry Al.)

Florin looks out and notices the land comeing into sight. With this he shifts his backpack some and looks to the others and gives Syr a small playful shove, "With any luck we will beable to stay out of trouble this time around or maybe I should say, trouble won't find us, right?" Florin smiles as he knows he nor the other Shield's really mind helping those who need it, thats partly why he likes them...the group and him for the most part share the same ideals and goals.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Monday July 27th, 2009 8:20:42 PM

Syr steps off the turtle lightly and pats it firmly in thanks. "Certainly, that was one of the smoothest rides that we have ever had."

Looking deep into the woods, the elf sighs once in remembrance. He mutters a quiet prayer to Domi before turning to the druid, "Tionel, lead on? or would it be better to enter during the daytime?"

The Malevolence of the Crying Woods - DMAl 
Monday July 27th, 2009 9:01:44 PM

Contrary to Belkior's expectation, it is not Tionel who is first off of Steady Heart's back. Rather it is the brothers Trueflight. They leap to the pebbles of the beach, each taking a stance at an invisible perimeter, watching into the night.

Tionel debarks with the rest of the Shields. He turns a curious eye at Jass when the man of Downs begins speaking to Steady Heart. Tionel places a hand on Jass' shoulder and steers him quietly to the side.

"Sorry, Jass, but you know that turtles don't speak the druidic language, don't you? They have some intelligence, and they communicate in their way, but I don't think that any animal really has an actual language. I'm sorry if I lead you to believe that I was speaking with Steady Heart. I think he enjoys hearing my voice, but outside of a special spell that I know, I don't really talk with him. I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, I think he took your words well."

When everyone has debarked, the Trueflight twins lead the way up the beach. From out of the dark sameness of the lower canopy, a path resolves, at least for those with elf-born sight. The twins tread lightly, as though with caution. They appear to hold their breaths as they enter the Crying Woods.

For about a split second - EVERYTHING in the jungle goes completely silent. Then it starts up again as though nothing had happened. None of your senses can identify it. You can see nothing, smell nothing - but coming from somewhere is a gut feeling of shock, growing hostility, and the sense that someone or something is watching. This is the malevolence of the Crying Woods.

The twins turn to Tionel and the three form a triangle. Crossing the fingers of both hands, the reach out until their crossed fingers nearly touch. In unison, they speak some words in elfish. Those who speak the language pick out the words "beseech" and "peace". The oppressive feeling from the Woods abates somewhat, but, for the most part, it remains. Starminder looks at Finbrush and says in elfish, "Sabara is weak today."

All three, Tionel, Starminder, and Finbrush, take out everburning torches. The darkness under the canopy of the Crying Woods is so great that all is blackness, even for those with low-light vision. "Please remain close," says Finbrush in his stunted Common. "Is greater danger this day than was expecting."

Monday July 27th, 2009 11:05:39 PM

The halfling cleric very carefully keeps within the boundaries lit by the torches held by Tionel and the two Trueflight brothers. It had been quite a while and Belkior had almost forgotten the sensations of being inside the Crying Woods. It was bad enough in the daytime, shortly after joining the Shields when they fought the plant creatures, but this was night. Besides the omnipresent oppressive threat of the Forest, there were the unseen dangers lurking in the darkness beyond.

Unconciously, Belkior moves closer to the large minotaurs as they group moves deeper into the Crying Woods. If nothing else, he might go unnoticed next to the bulk of Mac or Brahmah.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147)  d20+23=27 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+18=38 ;
Monday July 27th, 2009 11:36:33 PM

"Nature is great." He hops from the deck and looks around. He checks for any signs of animal activity. (Survival 27, plus enemies.... spot 26, listen 38)

Mac: AC:26, HP:137  d20+7=20 ; d20+2=6 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 7:40:55 AM

"Great! Just let me know if there is something that requires my attention - I can't see my hand in front of my face here." [Spot = 20, Listen = 6]

Tuesday July 28th, 2009 7:47:32 AM

Wynn follows the two forest elves and Tionel. The malevolence of the Crying Woods is troubling, for he has experienced it before during the Fey King uprising when the forest almost destroyed Floating City. Wynn tries to keep his thoughts positive, recalling the wonder he felt at hearing all the elven voices together, and how beautiful the forest city was. With some luck, the forest will sense his feelings the way he has sensed the forest.

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+6=13 ; d20+3=6 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 11:41:52 AM

Jass shrugs off Tionel's apology as unneeded. "My magic only lets me speak with other creatures who have a language, mere sounds is not enough. Go ahead and speak with the animals, friend druid. Me, it sounds like too much like work in talking to someone who can't talk back."

Stepping into the Crying Woods is something else again. The carefree sorcerer gets quiet. He keeps to Finbrush's side and keeps looking around as if expecting to be struck at any moment.

Spot: 13
Listen: 6

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 12 hours +4 AC
False Life; 12 hours +13 temporary hit points

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/1/0/0/0/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 5:11:52 PM

Prepped spells: Alarm x2, Hold Animal, Water Walk

Brahmah makes himself useful as a guide and show his love of nature by doing so. "Now, look at this tree. See how its branches reaches for the sun and its roots to the water." He smiles and follows.

Mac: AC:26, HP:137 
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 5:40:32 PM

Mac looks at the tree - looking like every other tree in the dark. Maybe there is something magical about it that Brahmah and others can see, but it eludes the taur fighter. He continues along.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 8:22:23 PM

Florin glances around when he gets off the turtle with everyone else but otherwise he shakes his head at the feeling as it reminds him of the few times he been over in the forest before this. He can't help but think of how beautiful the place is but the hostile feeling causes that thought to slip abit as he reminds himself of how dangerous it can be also.

The Dark Hours - DMAl 
Tuesday July 28th, 2009 9:10:33 PM

Sounds of life come through the trees - screeching, whooping, humming, a distant growl. The uneasy feeling is ever present, skin prickling, hair raising, unseen. Occasionally it appears as though some of the plant life swivels in your direction, watching, following your movement. Everything here is different in some way. Ferns grow huge, arcing over the trail. Shelves of bright orange fungus grow from the sides of massive tree trunks.

The jungle to either side of the trail is virtually impenetrable. It would take a slow and torturous effort with a very sharp blade to make one's way through the dense foliage. The trail branches at various places, but Starminder and Finbrush never hesitate. They seem to know the way well.

Brahmah and Mac spy a clutch of tiny, white-furred monkeys huddled together in the crotch of two thick branches up above at the outer edge of the weak torchlight. Their black eyes are as big as saucers. They blink as though with curiosity. Brahmah, particularly keen of ear, hears a low, eerie moan that seems to track from some point ahead to some point behind. The odd thing, to the minotaur ranger, is the absence of any sounds of footfalls, and the absence of the crack and break of the thick vegetation.

Brahmah's wood trained eyes spot the small questing plants that hide in the detritus of the forest floor. They move slowly, and seem to pose no immediate threat. But, to a sleeping traveler, it appears possible that they could present some danger. Rather than speaking of this, though, the ranger chooses the more optimistic path. He speaks of how the trees reach for the sun and the water. Would that the sun would rise, and banish this oppressive darkness. The journey is tiring, not only because of the heat and the physical exertion, but because of the ever present prickly feeling of danger that weighs upon the soul, draining the spirit, breaking it down.

Hours pass. The Wold seems contracted to the tiny spheres created by the three everburning torches. Tiny fragile globes that keep out the massive darkness beyond. Will this night ever end?

Starminder stops. He holds up a hand, an abrupt movement that carries in it the sudden alarm in his posture. He raises his torch on high, slowly moving up the trail. It rises out of the forest floor growing ever taller as it is gradually exposed by the approaching torchlight. A dense wall of sharp thorns that completely blocks the way. Over forty feet tall, the top disappears into the darkness of the canopy above.

"This wasn't here when we came through on the way to Floating City," Tionel says.

Starminder and Finbrush argue quickly back and forth in whispered elfish. "There is other way," says Finbrush at last. Take last turn. It going around." He looks to Starminder. "But ... "

Tuesday July 28th, 2009 11:37:17 PM

The halfling cleric doesn't like this. Not one bit.

Too many unknown, unseen things out there somewhere in the darkness for Belkior's taste. It's all well and good for this companions to act so cool and confident, but they're big. At least Brahmah and Mac are, and the others ... well, they're big enough. What seems inconsequential when you're a minotaur or ... whatever Jass really is ... can be downright scary when you're barely 3 feet high on a good day and only 30 pounds without armor. Speaking of which, Belkior checks once more to ensure that everything, particularly his armor is in place.

To think that it was only yesterday ... if it's past midnight ... that he was thinking about how uneventful life in the Float was. It may be complex and somewhat chaotic with all the people and their competing or oblivious schemes and plots and plans, but there is a basic order to the Float. Things like streets, walls and guards, not to mention the Temple. Belkior can barely think of how he will conduct his dawn prayers when it comes time.

Tuesday July 28th, 2009 11:50:24 PM

Wynn notices the hesitancy of their guides and asks more of them, "The Culverwood is much like this place...the trails ever changing, the trees partly alive and sometimes they walk in the night, but somehow this wall of spines does not belong...is there someone who does not want us present at the ceremony? More importantly, is there some special reason that Prionel wants us there?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 3:51:24 AM

"Here the moan? There is no sound of crackling undergrowth or the like. Maybe tree dwellers or possibly..." he pauses. "...an incorporeal being? By Domi I hope not."

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+6=8 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+17=21 ; d20+19=35 ;
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 10:39:53 AM

Jass keeps up a low muttering to himself as if to banish the unnatural quiet of the woods. "Dumb plants...mumble mumble...can't talk to em...mumble... hot and wet... mumble, mumble, mumble..."

The Wall of Thorns gives him something to concentrate on. "If its a magikal wall, I can dispel the thorns", he says confidently, happy there is a problem where he has the available solution. The socerer casts Detect Magic and looks at the thorns for a full 20 seconds (3+ rounds).

"I would rather go through than to go on a path Finbrush doesn't like."

Spot: 8
Listen: 12
Know Arcana: 21
Spellcraft: 35

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 12 hours +4 AC
False Life; 12 hours +13 temporary hit points
Detect Magic

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/1/0/0/0/0

The Wall of Thorns - DMAl 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 9:06:48 PM

As Belkior notes, the Crying Woods can be a frightening place, the most frightening aspect of which being the unknown. There seems unknown aplenty this night for the Crimson Shields.

"The Crying Woods moves and shifts like the Culverwood, Wynn. Not as much, though. And never for those who've been born here. Who would put this here? I don't know of anyone who'd put this in our way." Over his initial shock, Tionel now looks more hot, tired, and annoyed. "And I know that Prionell would have told us before we left if there was any danger involved. What would be the point of keeping us in the dark?"

"Tell us more about this other way, Finbrush," the ex-urban druid continues. "You said, 'But ... " But what?"

Meanwhile, Jass begins a simple cantrip, a spell known to almost any magic user.

"Other way," Finbrush begins, "go through woods of ... " and he speaks an elfish word.

"Tendriculos," Tionel translates, the annoyance still plain in his voice. "Large plant creature."

"If swift and quiet, is possible to sneak through," Finbrush continues. "Other way is shorter. We sneak through often."

By now, the spell that Jass has cast begins to show results. The towering mass of tangled thorns does indeed glow with magic. Jass identifies it as of a moderate strength from the school of Conjuration.

"Let me see how far back this goes," Tionel says with a sigh. He slips, unhindered, off the five foot wide trail and into the tangled brush, disappearing from sight almost immediately save for the glow from his torch. The crackle and snap of his passage grows faint, muffled by the underbrush. Then it grows louder as he returns.

"It's big," Tionel informs the Shields as he steps back onto the trail. Over 20 feet off to either side of the trail and thirty feet deep." He looks to Jass for the results of the sorcerer's examination.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 
Wednesday July 29th, 2009 9:54:56 PM

Florin listens to everything that is being said and awaits to see what is decided. He doesn't like the idea of fighting more plants then he has already in the past in this same forest but if it comes to that. He also can't help but wonder if it comes to that if it actually upsets the forest more if there is things that live in it killed.

Wednesday July 29th, 2009 11:26:28 PM

The halfling cleric shudders, trying to keep his reaction to himself. Belkior remembers these plant-things from past encounters and the things were nasty. Lookign around at his companions, he can't help but wonder which of them will trip and fall to give themselves away as they sneak through the territory claimed by this predatory plant.

Even though it pains him to admit, even plants have their place in the grand scheme of things. Especially intelligent plants like this. Belkior can't help but think that destroying this predator will merely create an opportunity for some other predator in the area. And, for that matter, perhaps interfere with the smaller plants and creatures that rely on the tendriculos for scraps of food, protection or shelter.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Thursday July 30th, 2009 1:20:58 AM

Brahmah listens and thinks.

Mac: AC:26, HP:137 
Thursday July 30th, 2009 3:17:23 AM

Mac shakes his head and whispers, "This doesn't play to my strengths, but it would be nice if we could get passed this... plant without it coming to that. I won't speak for Brahmah, but something that could make me smaller must help some, right?"

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday July 30th, 2009 8:53:21 AM

Syr stares at the two guides in frustration. He grinds his teeth in frustration as they speak elvish, reminded once again of the loss of his parents during childhood. He looks over at Jass with his gift of tongues with envy. "What's the verdict, can you dispel it? I don't think our larger friends will be very subtle."

(OOC: Sorry guys, We had another fun filled OSHA visit)

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+16=22 ; d20+12=31 ;
Thursday July 30th, 2009 3:44:34 PM

Jass' eyes glow as he reads the thorny wall. "Yep, a conjuration, probably a Wall of Thorns." The way he says it indicates more than a thorny wall. "The spell is of long duration but not permenant, so I can get rid of it easy."

The sorcerer steps forward in an everything-is-fine-because-I'm-here attitude and levels a strong spell to clear the way.


Cast targeted Greater Dispel Magic
Spell Penetration: 22
Dispel DC: 31

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 12 hours +4 AC
False Life; 12 hours +13 temporary hit points
Greater Dispel Magic

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/1/0/0/0/1

Sorcerer Jass and the Wall of Thorns - DMAl 
Thursday July 30th, 2009 9:06:38 PM

While the rest of the Crimson Shields gather around, Jass begins an incantation. With the might granted him by his years of experience with the arcane arts, he calls for the towering blockade of thorns to begone!

The barrier of cruel thorns melts away. But, beyond it, not ten feet further in, is yet another one.

Tionel sighs and puts his forehead in the palm of one hand. "It was thirty feet deep," he says. Sorry I can't help you with this. I didn't expect to need that spell today."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Friday July 31st, 2009 6:12:21 AM


Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d20+16=18 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+16=24 ; d20+12=16 ;
Friday July 31st, 2009 10:14:00 AM

Jass is not dismayed. "And this is where a sorcerer earns his keep", he laughs. "When subtley doesn't work, raw power sometimes provides."

And the sorcerer, casts Greater Dispel Magic again. SpellPen: 18 Dispel: 26

And again! SpellPen: 24 Dispel: 16

DM Highlight to display spoiler: {If that doesn't work, Jass will hold his last spell slot for the day in reserve and shrug. "I guess the Woods wants us to go another direction."}

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 12 hours +4 AC
False Life; 12 hours +13 temporary hit points
Greater Dispel Magic

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/1/0/0/0/3

Sorcerer Jass and the Wall of Thorns: Addendum - DMAl 
Friday July 31st, 2009 12:29:07 PM

Jass tries again to subdue the towering mass of thorny brambles that block the way. Again he casts his abjuration magic, but this time the wall remains unchanged.

He tries yet a third time, but again, he fails to break the magic that holds together the wall.

Jass shrugs. "I guess the Woods wants us to go another direction. What now?"

Mac: AC:26, HP:137 
Friday July 31st, 2009 6:51:14 PM

Mac shrugs his shoulders.

OoC: Waiting - DMAl 
Friday July 31st, 2009 9:09:23 PM

Holding for more responses.


Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 
Friday July 31st, 2009 10:07:21 PM

(I didn't read the header of the post that well and over looked you posted Al, sorry.)

Florin awaits the others to decide, specially the leader of the group since Florin has been trying not to step on toes to much after his previous bouts at being leader and seeing some of his plans fail, sometimes with some hazards to the group. He does remember camping in these woods before and does not like the idea of haveing to do so inless that is a have too thing, "I hate to say this people but we should decide fairly quick. I remember camping in these woods before and no offense to mother wold here but it wasn't a friendly enounter with just that."

Friday July 31st, 2009 10:11:14 PM

The halfling cleric watches as Jass attempts to dispel the thorns blocking the path through the Crying Woods. Having observed what Jass has managed to accomplish, Belkior shrugs apologetically.

"If you cannot manage it, Jass, I doubt that my spells would be able to accomplish it."

Belkior looks around at his companions in the flickering light cast by the Everburning Torches, seeing if any of them have better ideas.

"We could, of course, simply try to wait it out couldn't we? Or one of us fly over to scout? Tionel, instead of trying to find our way through the territory of the tendriculos, wouldn't it be shorter to skirt the edge of the thorn wall? Whay can't we simply do that?"

Decision to Make - DMAl 
Saturday August 1st, 2009 10:03:31 AM

Belkior offers several practical alternatives to taking the route through the territory of the Tendriculos.

"No need to fly over, Belkior," Tionel says. "I was on the other side. It looks clear." The druid looks up at the mound of thorns and scratches his head. "From the size of these things, we might have to wait around two and a half hours before the spell gives out. If they weren't placed here permanently."

"It would take us longer than that to cut through it. Estimate that would take over three hours. Probably longer to cut our way around it through the brush. And with the way we've been marching all night, we might be pretty fatigued by the time we cut our way to the other side."

"Sneak by Tendriculos," says Starminder, eying the armor worn by each member of the party, "is not so difficult. And if Tendriculos come out from his bog, we run." The elf looks at his brother and he shrugs.

Saturday August 1st, 2009 2:36:28 PM

Wynn awaits a decision, confident that the druid and his two local companions are most capable and have the advantage of familiarity with the Crying Woods and its denizons..

Mac: AC:26, HP:137 
Saturday August 1st, 2009 5:48:11 PM

Mac looks incredulously at Tionel. "Three hours? I reckon I could rough hew a channel through solid wood that I could comfortably walk the 20' through in half that time, but if that's not an option, and the wall of thorns poses no other threats, I volunteer to push through it back and forth a few times to flatten a path for everyone else. It won't be quite, and I'll probably need scratches attended to at the end of it al, but I can't see why it wouldn't work." Mac looks around the rest of group for their opinions.

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Sunday August 2nd, 2009 9:58:12 PM

Jass shrugs at Mac's pronouncement. "Magic thorns, there taur-boy. Mashing back and forth will only wear you down without getting a path. Now, if we really want to go OVER, I can bespell Mac and Brahmah with Fly spells and they can carry the rest of us over."

As with most of his suggestions, Jass is perfectly willing to let someone else have the decision (and responsibility) for the group.

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 12 hours +4 AC
False Life; 12 hours +13 temporary hit points

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/1/0/0/0/3

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 6:01:56 AM

"Well, that makes sense, and I've carried people flying before - though I was enlarged and invisible at the time. The captain of the ship we boarded was not happy. Nice idea, Jass - count me in."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 10:36:22 AM

"We shouldn't try to master nature. We should work with it, but I only support my comrades, I no longer command. What do you need from me?"

Prepped spells: Alarm x2, Hold Animal, Water Walk

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 5:23:20 PM

"Fly? Interesting option and might be useful later. Does the fly spell last long? We could also use it for an advance scout until the spell expires. Jass, what about your resources would casting it twice be too costly for you?" His eyes glaze over as if remembering and he looks at Starminder, "I'm not sure what 'Tendriculous' is but I'm willing to bet that I don't want to."

Looking at the others, "I say we go for the aerial route."

What's on the Other Side - DMAl 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 9:07:45 PM

Included in the initial flight over is Starminder. (Or is it Finbrush?) The elf's torch lights the way. The first group, on their way over, disturb a small colony of three dire bats. The large leather winged creatures flap off into the dark middle tier of the jungle.

Tionel, of course, has no need to be flown over the thorn barrier. He simply slips into the brush at the side of the path, his druidic powers parting the way for him, and he walks around. Last, comes Finbrush (or, is it Starminder?) bringing up the rear to ensure that neither group is without light during the brief transit.

Syr's plans for using Jass' magic of flight to scout the way ahead would have been much more effective during the daylight hours. In the pitch dark of the Crying Woods at night, though, they are somewhat stymied. Neither Mac nor Brahmah can effectively see no further forward than the twenty foot radius of torchlight. Speed-wise, it would be just as effective for Syr himself to scout ahead as he can walk faster than they can fly. Not to mention the fact that his elfish sight lets him see well even into the dim fringes of the torchlight.

The Crimson Shields continue their way along the trail as it winds its way through the Crying Woods. At times, they skirt rock formations that thrust up from under the soil. At other times they travel beneath the bulk of massive trees, toppled to form unintentional bridges. The trail winds through darkness. The fly spell ends, and the two minotaurs drift softy to the ground. Thirty or forty minutes later, the dawn breaks above. Here, down below the thick canopy of the Crying Woods where the sky shows not his face, it is as though the air itself begins to lighten.

Up ahead, the trail appears to split, one path leading right to the east while the other leads left to the west. Suddenly, from the west comes the muffled sound of an explosion. Shouts and the sounds of battle come to the Crimson Shields form the left-hand trail.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156  d20+3=16 ; d20+3=8 ;
Monday August 3rd, 2009 10:13:23 PM

Florin hears the noise and frowns as he glances towards the others and then speaks to Tionel, "That the village we are heading to or such?" Florin is unsure but thinks it should be checked out, surely it wasn't some type of trap by the Crying Woods itself.

Florin slides his bastardsword free from it's sheath, the high Woldian runes along it's length glowing slightly as he begins to move ahead to checkout what the sounds is for sure.

(Spot:16 Listen:8)

Belkior - Status(x2) 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 11:12:57 PM

The halfling cleric perks up as he hears the sound of battle. Belkior looks to Tionel and the twin elves to see how they react. The Paragon suspects that his companions will move towards the sound of battle, though, so he quickly ensures that he has cast Status so that he can monitor his companions and, if permitted, Tionel as well.

"So? Should we see what we can do? Or whether we should do anything?"

(spell list to follow tomorrow)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 4:29:22 AM

"The forest could be luring us."

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 9:43:14 AM

As respectfully as possible Mac asks Brahmah, "How does that fit in with our working with nature, not mastering it?"

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d4=3 ;
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 11:55:17 AM

Jass inclines his head and casts the two Fly spells; one on Mac and one on Brahmah. The thin human doesn't even put one on himself, but catches a ride with one of the large minotaurs. "The only way to fly!"

"The spells will only last 12 minutes or so", Jass informs Syr, "and I'll be able to cast the spell a dozen more times before having to rest. Um, we are going to be able to rest when we reach this village, right?"

When the explosion rings out with the sounds of fighting, Jass speaks as if a couple hours haven't gone by. "I guess not."

The sorcerer weaves a spell about himself, and now there are seven Jass' standing on the trail. "Looks like we have to help someone, eh?"

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life; 10 hours +13 temporary hit points
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 7 images

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/2/0/0/3

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 4:30:43 PM

Hearing Jass' response of a dozen or more times, the elf smiles at the thin man, his opinion of him going up a bit more. "You know, you are really becoming handy to have around. Even with Angus, I never really saw much practical use for a sorceror but you are changing my opinion."

As the explosions ring out, the elf barely pauses, "Trap or not, something different is going on." If any of the elves respond that they are close to the village he suggests, "We should help the elves, why don't the two big guys lead the way? Mac, myself, Tionel, Starminder, and Jass go down the left side while you guys move down the other. If it's the village, we may have whatever it is sandwiched and considering how close the sounds are, we won't be too far apart. If we aren't close, then maybe our guides would be best leading each group more cautiously. Belk, want to do your status thingie once again?"

Approaching the Sounds of Battle - DMAl 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 9:04:15 PM

"Elvenguard is this way, Syr." Tionel points to the right-hand trail. "But it's at least another hour away.

"That way," Finbrush points to the left-hand path, the one that leads in the direction of the explosion and the sounds of battle, "that way toward Tendriculos lair," he says. "Short way come to here."

Tionel and the Trueflight twins look at each other. A second explosion goes off in the direction of the left-hand trail. The thunk and slice of weapons filters through the thick humid air and vegetation. The is a scream of pain. All three elves begin the casting of spells. With the crackle of dry leaves, their skin becomes hard as bark. Then they hurry off down the left-hand trail after Florin, toward the sounds of fighting.

Belkior - Status(x2) 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 10:29:34 PM

The halfing cleric trots along with the other Crimson Shields, trying to maintain his place in the middle of the group. Belkior checks the magical communication that he now has with Florin to ensure that the paladin has not already run afoul of whatever lurks ahead. Whatever is occuring, the battle sounds as if lots of magical attacks are being used. If nothing else, Belkior can help patch up the survivors of the battle with the tendriculos.

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Wednesday August 5th, 2009 7:42:22 AM

Wynn activates his ring of blinking, speaks the words that activate his boots, and speeds off down the path after the two forest elves.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 11:33:35 AM

(Fly active)

He follows Syr and the elves, about 30ft above the undergrowth.

OoC to Brahamah - DMAl 
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 12:16:44 PM

Fly expired over 20 minutes ago.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 8:14:19 PM

The elf looks down the dangerous path and shudders once before thanking Finbrush for the reminder of which path to pursue.

Syr watches Brahmah jump up a couple times without much success before grinning at the minotaur and giving him a shove in the back. "Get a move on, ya bull!" (OOC: I hate it when I do that too :)

He follows everyone to the sounds of the approaching battle. (OOC: I'm guessing an order of Florin, Starminder, Finbrush, Mac, Brahmah, Tionel, Belkior, Wynn Jass, Syr, and whenever possible players side by side unless someone objects)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 01 - DMAl  d20+15=21 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+4=9 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+23=34 ;
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 9:21:48 PM

It cannot be much more than one hundred feet down the trail. No less than fifty. The trail opens up for the Crimson Shields onto an enormous primordial glade. To the right covered in trailing vines and thick patches of wet moss, a granite cliff rises straight up from out of the murk of large pool of still and brackish water. A fallen tree, as big around as a wagon lies like a bridge from a the cliff top above to the near edge of the pool below. The glade itself is littered with skeletons and fragments of broken bone.

Across the glade, five people, two human men, a female half-orc, a male dwarf and a female half-elf, face off against a huge mound of jungle detritus surrounded by whipping vines that stands at the water's edge - the Tendriculos. A cavernous opening in the mount opens, and then slams shut with a snap.

The human male is as large as either Brahmah or Mac, he swings a spiked chain in a buzzing circle. The female half elf stands poised between the enlarged man with the chain and the female half-orc. The half-elf apears unarmed. The half orc holds a Falcion in two hands. The dwarf and the other human male fly up above.

The flying human quickly draws two arrows and fires in quick succession. One arrow sinks deep into the Tendriculos, the other misses. As the arrow hits, the Tendriculos surges forward. The opening in the face of the Tendriculos gapes once again and clamps down on the enlarged human's arm. Tendrils whip, and, big as the human is, he is still pulled into the mouth.

Neither the party of five, nor the Tendriculos seem to have noticed you yet.


Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

You are now just off the map near the AQ/AR columns. You may enter and act.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2)  d20+8=11 ;
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 10:06:55 PM

The halfling cleric looks around to see where Tionel and the other two elves have gotten themselves. Are they helping these people or waiting to see what happens? But, regardless, Belkior is unlikely to spot the elves unless they are not attempting to hide.
Spot = 11

Hoping to strengthen his companions, Belkior casts Bless before anyone moves into the clearing. After that, Belkior simply tries to stay with his companions and if that means moving at his top speed, he will do so.

Standard - Cast Bless
Move - 30 feet (if required to stay with others)

Active Spells
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 11:47:56 PM

Florin frowns as he looks at the distance between the group and the others and speaks quickly to Jass, "Hey friend, if you happen to have a way to move some people quickly from here to there, this would be a great time to use it."

Depending on what Jass says or does, Florin will take off running to help out.

(Hanging on to the longstrider spell on the tattoo so just useing a normal run to increase ,movement. I'll post positive location depending on what Jass might beable to do.)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 3:17:52 AM


"Hey, I have one like that!" Looking at the orc and smiling, he draws his falchion.

"There's going to be ascrappin' I think!" He twirls his blades.

He moves to the same foe Syr decides to move to. One at a time.

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 88 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 7:58:17 AM

Wynn races into the clearing and circles to the south. He is far from quiet about it, but rather he breaks into loud song along the way, partly in hope of distracting the tendriculous and partly in hope of encouraging those that now face it.

[Bardic music, inspire courage +2 to atk and damage rolls for all allies; +2 versus fear]

Forget not the field where they perish'd,
The truest, the last of the brave,
All gone - and the bright hope we cherish'd
Gone with them, and quench'd in their grave!

Oh! could we from death but recover
These hearts they bounded before,
In the face of high heav'n to fight over
That combat for freedom once more;


New Position = AF-19

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 8:01:18 AM

Active Effects: Bless

Mac moves up at a run (up to 150') passing beneath the floating combatants and offers assistance, "Can we lend a hand?"

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 S24 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 8:33:20 PM

Seeing the trouble the other group is in and recalling the dangers of what the elves told them of the Tendriculous, the elf tells the others. "I'm not sure who they are but we have to help them." Pausing before running past the halfling, he whispers in his ear, "Belk, hang back a bit and find out what you can about

Giving the big minotaur a quick tap, "Brahmah, be Mac's wingman, Help him out, I'm a bit too fast for you." He takes off running to position himself on the other side of the plant. Unsure of it's reach, he stops well away from it.

Spells: Blessed

Tendriculos Glade / Round 02 - DMAl  2d8+9=21 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+10=13 ; 2d4+7=13 ; 10d6=38 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+10=19 ; d8+4=12 ; d4+3=6 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+8=26 ; 2d8+9=15 ;
Thursday August 6th, 2009 9:33:44 PM

Belkior casts Alemi's blessing and then follows the other Crimson Shields.

Florin runs flat out into the glade. (4x speed, but Lose Dex to AC from Run action)

Wynn begins a song of Inspiration and then sprints into the glade. (Effects of Inspire Courage begin next round. Note: Effects of Inspire Courage and Bless DO NOT STACK.)

Like Florin, Mac runs out across the glade. (5x speed, retain Dex to AC from Run Feat.)

Syr speeds across the bone strewn glade to the far side of the battle. Oddly, he finds himself somewhat behind Mac. That minotaur can sure run.

Finbrush draws a rapier and handaxe and takes up a protective position just ahead of Tionel and Starminder. Starminder nocks an arrow in his bow. Tionel casts a spell on Finbrush before stepping back with Belkior


The female half elf (CL) runs beneath the tendrils of the plant monster, drawing an AoO. The flailing attack glances from her shoulder, doing no harm. She grasps a holy symbol and touches the foot of the enlarged man.

The enlarged human (F1) with the chain suddenly slips from the mouth of the Tendriculos, as though he had never been held. He takes a five foot step back and begins flailing with his chain again, his face a mask of anger and disgust.

"IT'S THEM! THEY'VE FOUND US!" Up in the air, the flying dwarf (WI) cries out in an unlikely high pitched voice. He flies to a new position, and begins casting a spell. A cone of seering cold bursts from his hands catching Syr and Mac. All the while the dwarf cackles madly. (Syr and Mac, Take 38hp Cold damage. Reflex vs DC19 for half) Seen up close, the dwarf is actually seven dwarves, and they all seem to shimmer slightly in the air.

The female half-orc (F2) takes out a potion and downs it. She grows to twice her size. Then she steps back with her falcion raised high.

The flying human (RA) falls back five feet and pours arrows into Mac. One arrow hits. (Take 12hp damage, Mac.)


The Tendriculos continues it's attack against the large human that had nearly become plant fertilizer. The bite chomps down upon the human once again, but unlike last time, the Tendriculos is not able to pull the human into it's maw. It cannot find a grip.

Then ... the glade all about both groups begins to stir. The murky water of the quarry seems to rise up with a will of it's own. Streams rush off of the form revealing a second Tendriculos, this one bigger than the other. Three patches of what appeared to be dead leaves and mulch also rise and samble forward. A large vine drops down before each of the exits to the glade. They block the way out.

T1 -13+10
F1 -21-15

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 10:59:44 PM

The halfling cleric keeps moving, trying to get closer to his companions inside the clearing. Certainly, Belkior is not going anywhere back towards that vine across the opening of the clearing. As he moves, Belkior shouts a question to Tionel and the others.

"Tionel! Who are these people? Why are they attacking us?"

Once he has moved, Belkior activates his Bead of Karma since he anticipates the need for some serious healing in the near future.

Move - 30 feet to AI-11
Standard - Activate Bead of Karma

Active Effects
Inspire Courage - +2 to attack & damage, +2 vs fear
Bead of Karma - +4 caster level (CL 18 for most effects, CL 19 for Good or Cure spells)

Active Spells
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147)  d20+16=21 ; d20+17=24 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+7=15 ; 2d4+7=12 ; 2d4+7=11 ; 2d4+7=12 ; d6+5=9 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=9 ; d6+5=11 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 4:53:39 AM

Brahmah attacks F1 (or the first target which is not flying that he can reach).

(AC 21, 24, 28, 32(threat 17), 18 and 15, for 12, 9, 11, 11(22 if crit), 12 and 9 damage respectively, plus inspirations, plus favored enemy +4 vs human damage, +2 vs magical beast)

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Friday August 7th, 2009 12:33:10 PM

The scene takes Jass by surprise, and the usually talkative human is silent and stunned for much too long. It is the dwarf targeting his friends with a spell that brings Jass out of his inaction.

Pointing a finger at the dwarf, Jass rattles off an incantation and a green glow strikes the flying mage. "Feeblemind!" commands the sorcerer.

Move: none
Standard: cast Feeblemind One Target. 100'+10'/lvl. Instant. Will DC 22 or Dwarf's Int and Cha drop to 1. -4save for arcane spellcasters.

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life; 10 hours +13 temporary hit points
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 7 images

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/2/0/1/3

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday August 7th, 2009 7:17:37 PM

Friends, with Al getting busier, our policy is that if there is no DM post by 7 pm, I'll do it. Since it might take me an hour or so to do a combat turn, that means you can expect a DM post each night by 8-9.

So here it is at 7:15, no post from Al, but the problem I have is that there is also no post from four PCs. What's worse, this is a fight, and Al makes his fights tough. Now, I don't want to kill off anyone, but I also think it is rude to make on-time posters wait.

So consider this your first and only strike. If you do not post by 7 pm each day, you may not get to act. People who do not post use full defense, and do not move or act. Sound fair? Meanwhile, I'll wait for more posts before I process the turn.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 02 - DMAl 
Friday August 7th, 2009 7:24:06 PM

Sorry, Cayzle. I'm here. I mean 7PM Pacific Time. That may be 9PM your time. Sorry for the confusion. I'll have the post out tonight.

Mac: AC:25, HP:137  d20+10=29 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 7:32:24 PM

OOC: So should I! :)

Mac: AC:25, HP:137  d20+19=20 ; d20+19=21 ; 3d6+37=43 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=34 ; 3d6+37=53 ; 3d6+37=51 ; 3d6+37=45 ; d20+19=35 ; 3d6+37=45 ; d20+19=32 ; 3d6+37=52 ; d20+19=26 ; 3d6+37=47 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 8:42:30 PM

Reflex Save 29 vs 19 for half damage.

Okay, its a trap. he thinks to himself Better to know now than when they could have drawn us all in and turned on us all at once.
Hoping Jass is successful and resisting the temptation a second time to drop his axe and draw his bow, and hoping to give Syr some room to move out, he takes two steps towards S1(from S21 to U22) and swings hard... hitting nothing but air.

Attack: hits AC:20 for, well, that's a natural 1....
AoOs: (1) AC21 for 43, (2) AC39 CritCheckAC34 for 53** CritDam 149**, (3) AC35 for 45, (4) AC32 for 52**, (5) AC26 for 47

Effects: Inspire Courage(+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam, & vs fear), *Dodge vs S1, PA(8), **FortSave for massive damage.

Mac: AC:25(26*), HP:106/137 
Friday August 7th, 2009 8:45:52 PM

OOC: Header should have read like this one. Sorry.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday August 7th, 2009 8:59:16 PM

OH! LOL! Actually, that's 10 pm my time. Okay, great, let's go with that. 10 pm eastern / 7 pm pacific!

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 u18  d20+20=31 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+21=28 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+16=18 ; 3d6+11=21 ; 3d6+11=24 ; 3d6+11=21 ; 3d6+11=20 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; 2d6+11=17 ; 2d6+11=21 ; 2d6+11=19 ; 2d6+11=16 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 8:59:49 PM

Seeing the attack coming from the dwarf, Syr dodges quickly to the side escaping it (evasion, reflex 31). He chuckles once and winks at the dwarf. Taking advantage of his shift in position, Syr carefully keeps the cleric between him and the vine. He then sends several powerful swings her way. (attack 34,25,28,26,18 damage 17+1(shock), 21,19,16+6(ice))

Calling back to the others, "Jass, Can you ground that dwarf?"

Spells: Bless, Inspire Courage

(OOC: It's no biggie Cayzle, it's Friday night and Al can post over the weekend. Also, he has been one of the more reliable DMs that we've had when it comes to posting. He deserves the benefit of the doubt. Finally, he emailed us about his personal schedule and I'm guessing that everyone was understanding.:)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 03 - DMAl  d20+9=25 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=23 ; 3d6+6=13 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+15=34 ; 3d6+6=18 ; 3d6+6=11 ; d20+15=29 ; d20+15=30 ; 3d6+6=18 ; 3d6+6=13 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 9:18:10 PM

Belkior moves further out into the glade and activates his magic bead.

Brahmah finds that the nearest target is one of the shambling mounds of vegetation. He moves 15ft towards it and takes a swing. The minotaur's falchion glances off of the mound without doing any damage.

Jass sends a glow of green at the flying dwarf named Takerk. The spell pulses as it sucks at the energy of the dwarf's mind. But his cackling laugh only grows louder as the dwarf throws off the spell.

Syr attacks the unarmed half-elven woman, but finds her more difficult to hit than one might think. His first blow lands, but she dodges the rest with skill born of wisdom.

"I have no idea who these people are, Belkior!" Tionel and his cadre follow Belkior out into the glade. "What is going on here? These different forms of plant usually attack each other as anything else. What's happening?" The druid casts a spell, and a green shell envelopes himself, Belkior and Starminder. "Stay inside the Anti-Plant shell and they won't be able to reach you," he says.

Finbrush beings to weave his two weapons in a defensive pattern, while Starminder fires two arrows at the flying, bow-wielding human. A single arrow hits, causing a small shower of frost.


"You fool!" the half-elven woman says, turning her head upward momentarily in the direction of the flying dwarf. "What have you done, Takerk?"

"Said! Thorgunna! Fall back. On his position." The female half elf (CL) ignores Syr and points at Florin. "Surround him," she says, and she falls back with the rest.

The cackle of the flying dwarf (WI) rises to a crescendo he casts a spell and points at a place near Jass. Suddenly, Jass and Starminder are enveloped in a cloud of very Solid Fog.

The flying human (RA) draws back another arrow, ready to pay Starminder back for the shaft in his leg. But his target is covered in Solid Fog. "What? What, Qillaphia?" he calls down to the half-elven woman. "It's us or them." But he doesn't fire.


T1 Moves and bites at CL, missing completely.

T2 drags itself out of the water and moves on the party grouped in the center of the glade.

S1 returns Mac's attack. Two thick arms attack. One Slams into Mac. (Take 13hp)

S2 returns Brahmah's attack. Both arms of the Shambling Mount pound into Brahmah. (Take 18+11=29hp)

S3 moves 5ft on Finbrush. It attacks with both arms. The two strikes power through the elf's defenses.

A1 moves closer to Jass. Suddenly the ground for 30ft around A1 springs to life. Jass finds, that in addition to the Solid Fog, the vegetation at his feet Entangles him. (DC13 - See the notes on Entangled Areas below.)

A2 moves toward Mac and Syr. An area of Entanglement erupts under Mac and Syr as well.


Jass (Solid Fog & Entangled?)
Mac (Entangled?)
Syr (Entangled?)

T1 -13+10+3
CL (AC29) -18
F1 -21-15
RA -11
FI -18-13

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20=2 ; d20+20=30 ; d20+18=35 ; 15d6=66 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 9:59:30 PM

The halfling cleric looks around the clearing and sees that most of the plant creatures are on one side. Belkior concentrates while he keeps watch on Tionel in case the druid starts moving again, taking the protective spell with him.
Concentration = 30

A wall of blades forms from the air just beyond the living combatants and bsisecting four of the plant creatures. Belkior hopes that Syr is the only one of his companions who is close to the Blade Barrier since he trusts that the elven monk is able to avoid the magical wall.

If Tionel moves, Belkior will try to keep pace and remain within the Antiplant Shell.

Standard - cast Blade Barrier, caster level check = 35 (in case of Spell Resistance), 66 damage, DC 23 reflex for half (line stretches from intersection of AH4 - AI5 to intersection of K24 - L25, then into distance on either side for the full 360 feet)
Move - depends on Tionel's movement

Active Effects
Inspire Courage - +2 to attack & damage, +2 vs fear
Bead of Karma - +4 caster level (CL 18 for most effects, CL 19 for Good or Cure spells)

Active Spells
Blade Barrier - 18 minutes, 66 damage to any creature crossing, DC 23 reflex for half
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier*, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+7=27 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+11=27 ; d10+10=15 ; d10+10=12 ; d10+10=18 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ;
Friday August 7th, 2009 11:39:03 PM

Florin is confused by the situation currently since they had moved in to help these people and now this. He glances to the person of the other group who looks to be giveing most of the orders and speaks, "We came to give aid and you attack? Is that truely smart with the woods trying to eat you all alive and you wish to make enemies on to fronts....if you wish our aid then you will stop attacking but if you wish our steel then I will not hold back." (Diplomacy:27 *nat:20) Florin uses his ability to detect evil as he wonders about things now, was the woods reacting to evil in it's midst or something else.

For the moment Florin holds his actions inless something moves in on him to attack.

(Can hit AC:37/22/29 *forgot to add in bonus from Wynn's song into rolls so thats why the numbers are increased compared to rolls) Damage:15/12/18 *shocking:3/1/3*)

(For some reason google isn't saveing my update on my CS. I emailed and asked what was up and will try again tomorrow. If nothing else can I email my current sheet if needed?)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 03 - DMAl 
Saturday August 8th, 2009 12:10:27 AM

OoC to Florin:

Sorry Florin, you may not make If/Then posts hoping for the best outcome. Life is about making decisions. You must make a decision on a single course of action and take only that.

As it stands, you appear to have laid out three paths.

1) Diplomacy: A hasty diplomacy check may be made as a Full Round Action at -10 Penalty to the check. I do not apply Auto Success/Auto Failure for 1's and 20's.

2) Readied Action: You state that you hold your action unless someone attacks. That is the essence of a Readied Action. But a Readied Action is a Standard Action. You may make only one attack.

3) Full Attack: You rolled for a Full Attack. If you wish to go with this option, you must do so now, and without further provocation from any other creature on the field. If you chose this path, please specify which creature you attack.

Choose young Padawan. Take a stand. Life is about decisions.

If you don't. I get to choose for you.

Mac: AC:23*(24**), HP:93/137  d20+20=39 ; 3d6+31=42 ; d20+15=23 ; 3d6+31=46 ; d20+10=29 ; 3d6+31=42 ; d20+20=28 ; 3d6+31=41 ; d20+20=29 ; 3d6+31=40 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+20=22 ; 3d6+31=41 ; d20+20=30 ; 3d6+31=49 ;
Saturday August 8th, 2009 7:03:19 AM

Mac sees no point in talking - he offered assistance already and it not happy about where it has gotten him thus far. The Plan(TM) is simple: Drop the... vegetation thing, next round (or so) move towards and have at the other vegetation thing at the middle of this annoying entanglement. "Syr, talk to me!"

Full Attack S1: AC39 for 42 damage, AC23 for 46 damage, and AC29 for 42 damage.
Move: 5' step not possible when entangled, yes?
AoOs: (1) AC28 for 41, (2) AC29 for 40, (3) AC21 for a miss, (4) AC22 for 41, and (5) AC30 for 49.

Effects: Entangled (-2 to hit, -4 Dex, i.e. -2AC*), Inspire Courage(+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam, & vs fear), **Dodge vs S1, PA(5).

You are correct. 5ft step is not possible while entangled. Did you make a Reflex Save? You may not be entangled. --Al

Jass AC 17 HP 73/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Mirror Image)  d20+8=13 ; d20+19=35 ;
Saturday August 8th, 2009 11:36:51 AM

Jass doesn't worry about the slowness of the Solid Fog and is able to avoid the entangling plants, but not being able to see puts a real crimp on his spell style.

"Quickly taken care of!" Jass laughs, and a quick verbal spell makes Jass appear directly behind Tionel. "Peek-a-boo!"

And there is nothing wrong with his ears. Jass hears the shouted commands and conversations and comes to his own conclusions. "If these plants usually attack each other, then someone is controlling the plants. If this someone are these people, then this is a very carefully coordinated trap. If not, then someone else is controlling the plants. Whichever way it is, if we take down the noble races here, then the plants will be less of a problem!"

Reflex DC vs Entangle: 13
Spellcraft on Solid Fog: 35
Move: none
Standard: cast Dim Door; verbal only; move to behind Tionel at AI,9

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life; 10 hours +13 temporary hit points
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 7 images

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/2/1/1/3

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 88  d20+18=27 ; d4+7=11 ; d100=8 ;
Saturday August 8th, 2009 12:29:19 PM

Wynn continues his song, hoping now to inspire courage only in those he knows to be true. Whilst in song he slides to his left, draws his hammer and hurls it at the nearest opponent. [Hit AC=27 for 11 HP: 20% miss chance=8 Fail!!!]

Could the chain for an instant be riven
Which tyranny flung round us then,
No! 'tis not in Man nor in Heaven
To let tyranny bind it again!

But 'tis past - and tho' blazon'd in story
The name of our Victor may be,
Accurst is the march of that glory
Which treads o'er the hearts of the free.

Effects: Blinking, Inspired +2
New Position AD-19

Mac: AC:23*(24**), HP:93/137  d20+10=21 ;
Saturday August 8th, 2009 6:00:18 PM

I knew I missed something : )
Reflex Save 21 vs DC13 to remain unentangled. Then Mac's AC and all attack rolls lose the -2 penalty applied. Assuming that it takes more that the first attack to put this creature (S1) down and that the three attacks do put it down (I have to have hope, right?) Mac takes a 5' step from U22 to T21 to be that bit closer to Syr and A1 for future actions - unless this would bring him in contact with Belkior's Blade Barrier.

Syr Ac 30/29 HP 165 Y16  d20+21=37 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+17=27 ; 2d6+11=22 ; d6=4 ;
Sunday August 9th, 2009 4:40:09 PM

Syr feels a vine wrap around his foot, with a scowl, he looks down at the offending plant before wiggling his foot out of the way (Reflex 36 not 37).

Glancing at Mac, he worries for the caught minotaur, "Mac, take care of that plant in front of you for now and use some of that mass to break out of these vines. I'm going to the source of our problems. Whatever you do, stay on this side of the blades."

The elf charges the cleric once again and lands a hard foot to her leg. (Attack 36, Damage 22(subdual)+4(shock)=26. He lands nimbly on his feet, without worrying about the large fighter behind him. "Count yourself lucky, woman, I'm holding back." Again, he tries to keep the cleric between the huge creatures behind her and himself. Out of the side of his mouth, he mutters to Florin, "You got my back?"

Unconcerned about being overheard by his foes he calls over to Jass, "My bet for the controlling is this Tendriculous that Fin warned us about. I mean, after all, it did try to eat big and ugly behind me. Either way though, we have a score to settle with a certain dwarf." Under his breath he mutters with a grimace, "It would be nice if you joined us."

If needed: Familiar by now with the spell Belkior cast, he expertly weaves through the barrier (reflex 10+19=29).

Active spells Inspire Courage, Bless

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Sunday August 9th, 2009 6:12:26 PM

(ooc:Sorry about that Al, didn't look over the rules good enough I guess. I'll keep it simple and just have Florin talk, nix the roll for diplomacy and keep a readied action useing the first attack rool I used instead of all three. Would that work?)

Mac: AC:25*(26**), HP:93/137 - Supplementary Post 
Monday August 10th, 2009 5:39:29 AM

"You pretty much read my mind Syr, but the ground cover is barely a nuisance. Hopefully Slappy here is down soon, then, well, other vegetation as necessary."

Tendriculos Glade / Round 04 - DMAl  d20+2=18 ; d20+2=8 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+4=24 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+23=28 ; 2d8+9=20 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+10=24 ; d100=2 ; d100=57 ; d8+4=12 ; d20+18=29 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+18=27 ; d4=1 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+18=23 ; d6+4=10 ; d6+4=6 ; d6+4=5 ; d12+13=18 ; d12+16=28 ; 2d8+9=20 ; d20+26=33 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+15=26 ; 3d6+6=16 ; d20+15=25 ;
Monday August 10th, 2009 9:20:46 PM

Belkior creates a barrier of translucent blades across the glade. One of the Vines, the two Tendriculos, and one of the Shambling Mounds is caught by the blades. The tip of the Vine creature to the west is caught in the spinning blades, pulled in and shredded. The area of entanglement around Mac dies as well. Of the other three monsters only the largest of the Tendriculos escapes with partial damage.

Florin holds his weapon at the ready, balancing the will to fight with words of reason.

Mac proves his fighting prowess. With powerful strokes, he sunders the Mound before him and it falls into a heap. With the Vine that had created the entanglement now slain by Belkior's Blade Barrier, Mac is now free to move.

Jass finds a neat and easy way out of the Solid Fog. He presents some interesting speculation.

While continuing his inspiring song, Wynn draws a hammer from his belt and throws it at the Mound with whom Brahmah is engaged. The bard's own blinking protection works against him, and the hammer sails past the plant creature. Wynn shifts five feet and raises a hand to catch the hammer neatly from the air as it returns to him.

Syr moves on the half-elven woman, drawing an AoO from both the man with the spiked chain and the nearest Tendriculos. Syr easily avoids the swinging chain, but the Tendriculos, even partially through the blade barrier, manages to chomp down on Syr's foot. (Take 20hp damage.) Worse yet, the maw of the Tendriculos begins to draw Syr in. The elfish monk fights, and only escapes the grapple by the grace of Wynn's inspirational song.

After that narrow escape, Syr's blow strikes the woman, powering through her defenses. The woman says nothing in reply to Syr's words. Her eyes, though, clearly assess his prowess.

"You must be right, Jass," Tionel agrees after recovering from a mild start as the sorcerer pops into the air nearby. "I can't think of any other reason these creatures would attack in such a coordinated fashion."

"Nicely done, Belkior." Tionel nods in the direction of the Barrier of Blades. Then he begins the casting of a spell of his own.

Finbrush retreats into the Anti-Plant Shell while Starminder staggers through the Solid Fog, still not completely clear of it.


After receiving the punch from Syr, the half-elven woman calls again to fall back. She musters her concentration and casts a spell defensively. Then she flies up and over Syr's head to the same height as the others. (Syr, take an AoO against CL as she leaves.)

The enlarged human and the enlarged half-orc withdraw, making their way around Wynn to the edge of the clearing where they stand back to back.

"Withdraw my butt," the flying human is heard to say, he takes aim at the brace of Jass figures, newly popped from out of the Solid Fog. The first arrow destroys an image. The second arrow hits Jass. (Take 12hp damage.)

The seven dwarves flying up above all cast another spell. He points to the group clustered within the Anti-Plant shell. A field of black rubbery tentacles sprout from the ground grasping at Belkior, Jass, Tionel, Starminder and Finbrush and one of the Mounds. The tentacles miss Starminder entirely and Finbrush manages to fend them off. Mound easily bats the tentacles away. Belkior, Jass and Tionel, however, find themselves caught. (Belkior take 10hp, Jass take 6hp)


Half way through the blade barrier, T1 surges the rest of the way through. It bites at the biggest thing around - Mac. Fortunately for Mac, the maw of the Tendriculos fails to penetrate his armor.

T2 also comes to the side of the barrier where the food lies. It chooses Florin for a snack. (Florin, you may take your Readied attack against the Tendriculos.) This Tendriculos has a meaner bite. (Even rolling a d12 instead of a d20. Take 20hp damage.) It's maw closes on Florin's sword arm and the Tendriculos tries to pull Florin in. Florin is grappled! If he can't get loose soon, he may find himself swollowed whole!

S2 continues his attack on Brahmah, who stands as though stunned. This time only one attack hits. (Take 16hp)

S3 moves 30ft straight forward and attacks Wynn. The bards armor, though, deflects the blow.

A1 bind the Solid Fog moves in closer, as evidenced by the area of Entangling plants that rises up under Jass, Tionel and Starminder. (DC13 or be Entangled as well as Grappled.)


Jass (Grappled & Entangled?)
Belkior (Grappled & Entangled?)

T1 -13+10+3-66+10
T2 -33+10
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22)
S3 (AC22) -66
A2 -66 (Dead)
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4
F1 -21-15
WI (Mirror Image & Displacement - Sorry for not describing it earlier.)
RA -11
FI -18-13
TI -5

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147)  d20+16=27 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+6=21 ; d20+7=17 ; 2d4+7=15 ; d6+5=11 ;
Monday August 10th, 2009 11:55:31 PM

Brahmah swings this time, knowing he'll hit, but only doing 15 and 11 damage on S2.

Mac: AC:25*(26**), HP:93/137  d20+10=23 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 3:30:46 AM

OOC: Can the map be updated to show the Entanglement area Mac is in, please?
Might as well Roll Mac's Reflex Save while I'm here: 23 vs 13. Post to come.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 4:55:23 AM

OOC: Checking in.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 04 - DMAl 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 7:13:04 AM

OoC: Sorry, Mac. The Map is updated. The creature that had been creating the area of entanglement was killed by the blade barrier. But I forgot to edit your section to acknowledge that. (Wrote it before I rolled for their reflex.) I have edited your section in the post above.

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 88  d100=83 ; d20+18=27 ; d4+7=10 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 7:28:20 AM

Even as he assesses the newest threat, the bard continues his song.

Far dearer the grave or the prison
Illum'd by one patriot name,
Than the trophies of all who have risen
On Liberty's ruins to fame!

Wynn spins in place and hurls his hammer at F1 [Hit AC=27 for 10 HP; miss chance=83 Pass!]

Effects: Blinking, Inspired
Position = AD-19

Mac: AC:25(26*), HP:93/137  d20+18=25 ; 3d6+39=49 ; d20+13=28 ; 3d6+39=55 ; d20+8=17 ; 3d6+39=45 ; d20+18=28 ; 3d6+39=46 ; d20+18=32 ; 3d6+39=49 ; d20+18=28 ; 3d6+39=51 ; d20+18=28 ; 3d6+39=44 ; d20+18=31 ; 3d6+39=48 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 8:30:35 AM

"Now that was uncalled for!" The taur sizes up the now up-close-and-personal tendr.... thing(T1) - bigger and hopefully less capable of getting out of the way. Then he (hopefully) wails heavy metal on the offending vegetation: AC25 for 49, AC28 for 55**, and AC17 for 45

Besides, it would be good karma to drag that oversized human back out of the thing's stomach.

Effects: Inspire Courage (+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam & vs fear), *Dodge vs T1, PA(9), **Massive Damage Check potentially required.
AoOs: (1) AC28 for 46, (2) AC32 for 49, (3) AC28 for 51**, (4) AC28 for 44, and (5) AC31 for 48.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 04 - DMAl 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 9:51:29 AM

OoC: Sorry, the Map is wrong in one respect. Florin should be grappled by T2. That means that the FL icon should be in AA14, drawn into the space occupied by the tendriculos T2.

Also, WI is at X18. For some reason, the Tendriculos is covering the icon.


Tendriculos Glade / Round 04 - DMAl  d100=27 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+15=18 ; d100=74 ; 2d4+8=14 ; d20+12=13 d20+12=17 d20+17=35 d20+17=19 d20+9=24 d100=13 d100=38 d20+11=30 d20+10=20 d6+4=6
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 4:32:21 PM

50 or Lower is Miss

Wynn's attack on F1 Miss chance from Blur - Pass
AoO's on Wynn for using Ranged Weapon.
F1 Hit Wynn AC31, Miss Chance 74 Hit, Damage 14hp
F2 Hit Wynn AC18
Tionel Reflex 13 Nat1
Starminder Reflex / Pass
Tionel Concentration to Hold Spell 35 vs DC15
Tionel Concentration vs Entangle 19 vs DC19
Arrowhawk Touch AC24 Displacement 13 / Miss / Miror Image / Miss
Starminder Grapple 30 / Escape! (But not necessary)
Tionel Grapple 20 / Fail, Damage

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+23=32 ; d10+10=18 ; d6=5 ; d20+20=40 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 5:30:32 PM

(OOC: Was no real mention of it so I'm guessing the enemy rolled for the displacement effect Florin has due to his cloak.)

Florin slashes the enemy the attacks him once with his readied action. (Can hit AC:32 Damage:18 *shock:5*=23)

Haveing been grappled Florin does his best to rip his sword arm free and takes just a moment to glance towards the others. He can't help but also wonder how hard it would be to cut your way out of one of these creatures. (Grapple:42 *forgot inspired from Wynn. Also alittle weak on the grappling rules so bare with me. I believe it is base attack roll isn't it and whoever is the hire either keeps the grapple or breaks free?*)

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 145/165 Y16  d20+21=28 ; d20+19=23 ; 2d6+11=13 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 7:52:08 PM

Syr grumbles as the woman once again flees "Wait, I don't think we've been properly introduced." He grins at her mischievously before reaching for an ankle as she attempts to fly. (Touch Attack 28 Grapple check 23 Damage 13+2(shock)=15 Although, I suspect what will happen. I had to try)

He looks over at Florin and shrugs his shoulders, "That's what you get for being the nice guy and TALKING. Remember hit them harder than they hit you and then asks questions later."

More in a minute...

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+8=17 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+10=26 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 8:34:22 PM

Sub Scott (be kind, I haven't looked at a spell list in years)

The halfing uses his unique legs to jump up as the vines begin to grab at his legs (reflex 17). He tries to listen to determine what spell the druid beside him is casting (Spellcraft check 27). Belkior either targets the tentacles or the fog, in that order depending on Tionel's spell with a Greater Dispel Magic (36).

Regardless of the fog outcome, he moves forward 5' telling the others, "Stay with me guys."

Tendriculos Glade / Round 05 - DMAl  d20+15=19 ; d6+4=6 ; d6+4=5 ; d6+4=6 ; d20+16=26 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+14=22 ; d100=32 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+15=20 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 8:45:29 PM

Brahmah snaps awake and cuts twice into the Mound that he's facing off with.

Wynn cocks back his arm to throw. The enlarged man and the enlarged half-orc woman with their longer reach, take the Opportunity to Attack. The half-orc woman's blow is easily turned by Wynn's buckler. But the man with the chain slashes Wynn with the chain, hitting him while the bard is on the Material plane. (Take 14hp damage.)

The man's shape suddenly blurs, and Wynn's aim is thrown into doubt. Wynn lets go the hammer, though, and knows his aim is true. The man suddenly sees the missile heading his way. Too late, he takes a hit in the shoulder, and the hammer returns to Wynn's hand. (AC was 28, but you strike as an invisible creature (with a +2 bonus on attack rolls), denying your target any Dexterity bonus to AC. That made the difference.)

Mac cuts into the smaller of the Tendriculos, the powerful cuts from the Minotaur's axe cleave into the support structure of the creature and it collapses, dead.

Florin is able to hit the Tendriculos as it moves by him. After being grabbed, also, he manages to rip his arm loose before being swallowed.

Syr reaches up to grasp the half-elven woman. His hand touches, but when he tightens his grip, a divine power intervenes, and Syr's hand simply slides away. Syr moves only five feet to help Florin, but finds that he needs no help.

Belkior recognizes Tionel's spell as one of Summoning. The halfling attempts to cast a spell to rid he and his friends of the Black Tentacles. When he tries, though, he finds that he cannot gesture properly while being manhandled. He cannot cast the spell. (Can't cast spells with Somatic components while grappled, Scott. Sorry.)

(BTW, Grapple Check DC vs Black Tentacles is 28.)

Starminder slips the entangling plants, but Tionel has a bit of bad luck, and he is held fast within the grasping plants and the Black tentacles. Tionel too cannot move quite right and loses his spell too.

Starminder moves five feet, finally out of the Solid Fog. He struggles through the Black Tentacles to Brahmah's side.

"Go!" Tionel says, unable to escape either the entangling plants or the grappling Black Tentacles. "You can't do anything here, Fin," he says. Finbrush reluctantly makes his way out of the field of tentacles to defend his brother.


Safely up above now, the half-elven woman swoops down on the two enlarged fighters. "We're leaving, everyone!" she calls out. She casts a spell, and touches both the enlarged human (F1) and the enlarged half-orc (F2). All three of them vanish.

"Balls," mutters the flying human (RA). He sends one last arrow, this one at Starminder. The arrow misses, then the man turns tail and flies off toward the west.

"No, no! Lets play!" the dwarf (WI) cackles. He casts a spell and then disappears too. The dwarf's Black Tentacles spell continues to crush Belkior, Jass and Tionel. (Belkior take 6hp, Jass take 5hp)


T2 attacks Florin again, with bite and tendril, before its meal escapes. One tendril almost hits Florin, but, in the end, it slides instead, through the paladin's displaced image.

S2 fights against Brahmah, exchanging blow for blow. Neither of the blows, however, hit.

S3 strikes against Wynn, but the bard easily dodges these clumsy blows.

A1 encounters the Black Tentacles and begins to circle them, in search of a way in toward it's fleshy prey. As a consequence, the circle of Entangling plants envelopes Belkior as well as Jass, Tionel, and this time Brahmah too. (Reflex vs DC13 to avoid being Entangled. If Entangled, see note below.)

The flying man with the bow is fleeing to the west. The other miscreants, however, seem to have vanished.


50 and Under = Miss

Jass (Grappled & Entangled?)
Belkior (Grappled & Entangled?)
Brahmah (Entangled?)

T1 -13+10+3-66+10-49-55 (Dead)
T2 (AC19) -33+10-23+10
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22) -15-11
S3 (AC22) -66
A2 -66 (Dead)
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10
WI (Mirror Image 7 & Displacement)
RA -11
FI -18-13
TI -5-6-6

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Syr Ac 33/32 HP 145/165  d20+21=38 ; d3=1 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+21=37 ; d20+16=32 ; 2d6+11=17 ; d6=4 ; 2d6+11=17 ; 2d6+11=22 ; 2d6+11=19 ; d6=6 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 8:45:53 PM

(OOC: Belk moves to AH12)

If the grapple with the cleric succeeds then he proceeds to pound on her (attack 38,24,37,32 Damage 17+4(shock)=21, miss ,22,19+6(ice)=25 or 68)

If the Attack of Opportunity does not succeed then he moves 5' and helps pull florin from the clutches of the Tendriculous.

Active: Inspire, Bless*2

I edited my post to reflect these actions, Syr. --Al

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:136/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+23=37 ; d20+18=31 ; d20+13=18 ; d10+10=19 ; d10+10=12 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ;
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 11:33:58 PM

(Sorry, forgot to make note of the 20hps worth of damage Al.)

Florin frowns as the creature continues it's attack on him and speaks quickly to those entangeled, "Are you guys ok? Is there anything anyone can do to aid you?" Florin figures a dispel might work but that magic is beyond his ability to use. (Not to mention I forgot to list Florin's spells so by all rights he has none readied if Al wishes to deem so lol.)

Florin brings his sword to combat the enemy attacking him and speaks to Syr as Florin does so, "Yeah, leave it to my good nature. I just don't really want to kill someone that in the long run might not of had it comeing is all." Florin figures Syr might understand since Florin believes Syr has became a Hand of Domi.

(Can hit AC:37/31/18 Damage:19/12 *shock:2/5*=38)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147)  d20+12=24 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+7=24 ; 2d4+7=10 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=6 ; d6+5=10 ;
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 2:56:52 AM

Reflex 24

Swings at Mr Shamble S2. (hits AC 23, 25, miss, 30, miss and 24, for 10, 8, 6, and 10 damage.... total 34) Then takes a 5ft step from the entangled area, or whenever he is able to step away this round.

Mac: AC:23*(24 vs T2), HP:93/137  d20+17=29 ; 3d6+45=57 ; d20+17=25 ; 3d6+45=56 ; d20+15=33 ; 3d6+45=53 ; d20+15=27 ; 3d6+45=55 ; d20+15=18 ; 3d6+45=53 ; d20+15=28 ; 3d6+45=62 ;
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 7:40:55 AM

For a third time Mac denies the urge to draw his bow - this time to put arrows in the fleeing/flying oversized human. But he doesn't let the moment befuddle his strategic mind. "Just because they say they are leaving, and then most of them disappear, doesn't necessarily mean they have all left at all!" The taur looks to make ground on a surviving piece of animated vegetation, but nothing is in easy reach or springing distance. He puts his head down and Charges (35' from T21 to X16) at the remaining Tendr...thing (T2) that is harassing Syr and Florin. Attack hits AC29 for 57 damage.

Effects: Inspire Courage (+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam & vs fear), Charge (+2 to Attack, -2 to AC), Dodge vs T2, PA(12)
AoOs: (1) AC23 for 56, (2) AC33 for 53, (3) AC27 for 55, (4) AC18 for 53, and (5) AC28 for 62. :) Not that there has been an AoO for Mac this combat.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 06 - DMAl  d20+12=23 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=31 ; d8+4=10 ; d8+4=9 ; 10d6=30 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+14=16 ; d6+4=6 ; d20+26=44 ; 2d8+9=13 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+15=17 ; 3d6+6=14 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=29 ;
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 8:53:53 PM

Florin retaliates against the much bigger Tendriculos. He asks if his friends are doing alright. They're not doing well. Neither seems capable of escaping, but neither is in fear of loosing their lives soon. The Tendriculos, however, is looking over half chopped and diced.

Brahmah continues his fight of attrition with the mound of dead plants. The mound seems to have taken about half share of damage as well. Then Brahmah moves to the only place that he can in five feet. Straight toward the Shambling Mound.

Mac puts down the urge to fire parting shots at the flying man. Instead, he charges the lone remaining Tendriculos. As Mac approaches, the Tendriculos uses the Opportunity to snatch a bite at the fast approaching Mac. The charging minotaur, now an easier target for the Tendriculos, falls prey to the plant's giant mouth. It's a near thing. Had Mac not been prepared to dodge, he would have been plant food. As it is, the minotaur smacks the Tendriculos a hard one. (Actually, you had Syr in the line of your charge, but I'll let that go.) The Tendriculos looks ready to fall.


"Tionel, what can we do to get you out of there?" Finbrush calls in elfish. Starminder speaks in elfish as well, but none of the words are repeatable in polite company. He sends two arrows in the direction of the fleeing flying man. The second arrow catches the man fully in the back.

Tionel struggles to break the grapple, but he is held fast.

(Grapple check for Black Tentacles is DC28)


The flying man (RA) just can't resist. He turns, angrily with Starminder's arrow in his back and returns a single critical shot to Starminder. Then he turns back and continues his flight.

Suddenly, from the other end of the glade, a Lightning Bolt shoots through Syr, Mac, Florin, the Tendriculos, and ends in Tionel and Jass. (Take 30hp damage. Reflex vs DC18 for half.) The dwarf cackles at the end of the bolt, no longer invisible. And now he is only 5ft off of the ground.

Of the Cleric and the two enlarged fighters, there is no sign.


T2 changes its focus. It attacks Mac. One Tendril hits. (Take 6hp Damage.) The tendril snake around Mac's neck in an attempt to pull him into the creatures mouth. Mac is hoisted high up into the air and placed into the maw of the Tendriculos where the creature bites down. (Take 13hp bite damage.) The monster prepares to swallow.

(Grapple check for Tendriculos is DC36)

S2 continues to bash at Brahmah. One blow hits. (Take 14hp damage.)

S3 bashes Wynn. The bard is well armored, though, and even the strongest blow cannot get through.

A1 continues to approach. Brahmah can now see the large Vine at the edge of the Solid fog. It catches Brahmah again in its area of Entanglement. (Reflex vs DC13 to avoid being Entangled. If Entangled, see note below.)

Several Shields are now trapped in various ways. And, yet, the miscreants who attacked despite the good will of the Crimson Shields are getting away. Who are they? How did they get here? And how do they seem to have recognized the Crimson Shields?

To help your friends or pursue the enemy? That - is the question.


50 and Under = Miss

Jass (Grappled Check vs 28 & Entangled Reflex DC13)
Belkior (Grappled Check vs 28 & Entangled Reflex DC13)
Mac (Grapple check vs 36)
Brahmah (Entangle vs Reflex DC13)

T1 -13+10+3-66+10-49-55 (Dead)
T2 (AC19 - Grapple DC36) -33+10-23+10-38+10-57
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22) -15-11-34
S3 (AC22) -66
A2 -66 (Dead)
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10
WI (Mirror Image 7 & Displacement)
RA -11-11
FI -18-13
ST -19
TI -5-6-6

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 68/88  d20+18=21 ;
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 11:03:33 PM

Wynn keeps singing and takes two steps backwards before hurling his hammer once more at S2. He fails to hit and can only wait until the hammer returns to him,

Blinking, Inspired
New position = AD 21

Note mobility grants +4 AC vs AoO
Dodging vs S2 for additional +1 AC

Mac: AC:25(26 vs S3), HP:93-30-6-13 = 44/137  d20+10=11 ; d20+21=41 ; d20+22=40 ; 3d6+21=35 ; d20+22=41 ; 3d6+21=32 ; d20+17=32 ; 3d6+21=31 ;
Thursday August 13th, 2009 5:44:19 AM

Reflex Save: natural 1, full damage
I am assuming there is nothing Mac can do until he has makes the Tendriculos's DC36 with his own Grapple Check, so I will proceed along that line. Please advise if I have this wrong.

Mac struggles to break free of the massive maw. The fact that he has seen bigger - and then dived into it to rescue two colleagues - steels his resolve. Grapple Check: 41 - natural 20. The Taur extricates himself from the maw and lands... AD13 looks nice (of all the spaces adjacent to T2). The Grapple check is in place of an attack, so 2 to go (in a full attack action). Mac attacks T2 (hits AC40 for 35 damage). If this fells the Tendriculos he Cleaves into S3 (hitting AC41 for 32 damage). The third attack (against whichever target is still standing) hits AC32 for 31 damage. If that attack drops T2 then the detail for the Cleave above hold true, except it only hits AC36.

Effects: Inspire Courage (+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam & vs fear), Dodge vs S3, PA(0)

Given I barely have a handle on the mechanics, I leave the actual description of the actions as an exercise for the DM. :)

Jass AC 17 HP 40/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, Mirror Image)  d20-4=1 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+8=23 ;
Thursday August 13th, 2009 11:19:44 AM

ooc: pardon the no posts. Had back spasms that have left me bedridden and unable to post.

Stunned by the multiple attacks on his multiple self, Jass takes a while before his mind sees the battlefield again. The black tentacles easily grapple the sorcerer, but Jass is able to dodge enough to avoid the entangling vines and part of the lightning bolt.

Being grappled is nearly as bad as the solid fog, and Jass still can't do anything other than avoid. Touching Tionel and Belkior, he shouts another Dimension Door, and appears where there seems to be more breathing room.

Grapple: 4
Reflex DC vs Entangle: 20 v 13 success
Reflex DC va LIghtning: 23 v 18 success
Move: none
Standard: touch T and B and Dim Door to AA,22

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 6 images + self

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/2/1/1/3

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Thursday August 13th, 2009 1:11:00 PM

OOC: Sorry there was misunderstanding. Brahmah stepped AWAY from the Entangled area, as stated in the previous post. Not into it closer. I will happily accept AoO from Mr Shambler, but I DID state that Brahmah was moving AWAY from Entangle.

Please explain how Brahmah can't move to his right. There seems to be plenty of room and he wasn't Entangled last round.

Takes 14 damage.

I did have Brahmah move away from the entangled area. To accomplish this, I had him move 5ft toward the Shambling Mound. He is currently in the entangled area not because he didn't move, but because the entangled area moved again to encompass him. The entangled area moves centered on the Vine, and the Vine moved closer to Brahmah.

Aside from that, I've stated before, that unless you give me specific grid coordinates into which to move, you have little recourse to complain about how I interpret your movement. --Al

Syr Ac 33/32 HP 145/165  d20+19=36 ; d20+21=23 ;
Thursday August 13th, 2009 7:07:50 PM

Ooc my computer went boom and I'm posting with a phone which does not show the row and column headers

Syr watches with a bit of awe at Mac vicious blows. He shakes himself and moves to Wynn's side, putting himself between the mass and the singer with a kick at the creature (attack

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20=5 ; d20=7 ;
Thursday August 13th, 2009 7:11:24 PM

Belkior struggles once again to break free of the tentacles but fails miserably

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+23=31 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+13=16 ; d10+10=13 ; d10+10=11 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d20+13=22 ;
Thursday August 13th, 2009 8:08:22 PM

Florin is able to dodge most of the damage from the stupid dwarf's magic attack. (Reflex:22)

Florin aims his blows at the enemy that had attacked him or had been attacking him before since it looks to be alive yet.

(Can hit AC:31/21/16 Damage:13/11 *shock:3/6*=33)

(Going by the info it looked like the creature is still alive. Didn't notice a dead label.)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 07 - DMAl  d20+15=24 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+8=14 ; d8+1=6 ; d6=3 ; 10d6=38 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+15=31 ; 3d6+8=20 ; 3d6+8=21 ;
Thursday August 13th, 2009 8:27:21 PM

Wynn moves ten feet back out of threatened space and draws an Attack of Opportunity. The Mound swings at the elusive bard, but Wynn's protection is too great for any but the luckiest blow. The bard's hammer too misses, but only by a hand's breadth.

Mac wrenches himself out of the mouth of the Tendriculos. Bashed, bitten and electrocuted, the minotaur is in no mood form more manhandling. The minotaur chops into the Tendriculos until it's dead dead dead. He looks around for more and lands a blow against the Mound that has been menacing Wynn. The Mound collapses into a lifeless heap too.

Jass pulls out of his stunned state and attempts a spell within the grasp of the black tentacles. (Concentration 19 vs DC24.) The crushing tentacles break his concentration. Jass finds himself still trapped and his spell is lost.

Brahmah takes the bows from the mound with stoic grace.

Syr is distracted by Mac's incredible destructive power. When the elf pulls way from his awe, he shoots a blow at one of the creatures that is already dead, felled by Mac's deadly axe.

Belkior struggles too against the black tentacles, but he finds that he cannot escape either.

Florin continues to beat upon the mass of vegetable matter that Mac has just slain. Leave and twig-like matter flies up into the air.

Tionel yanks himself free of the black tentacles. He slips the grip of the Entangling plants. But what use to try and escape? Tionel remains with Jass and Belkior, moving no more than five feet. "Stay out," he replies to Finbrush. We'll find our own way out of here. Or, we'll wait out the spell."

"Alright," Fin calls in elfish back into the mass of black tentacles. "But lets take care of this one," he says to Starminder, and runs across the glade in the direction of the laughing dwarf.

Starminder shoots two arrows at the dwarf, and an arrow appears in the dwarf's leg as though by magic.

(Grapple check for Black Tentacles is DC28)


The flying man (RA) flies out of sight.

The dwarf, oblivious to the fact that he is now all alone, grins and aims another lightning bolt. It hits the approaching Finbrush, Starminder and Brahmah too. (Take 38hp damage. Reflex vs DC18 for half.) Then the dwarf flies upward again, gaining a little altitude.


S2 Without seeming to notice that it is alone now the last Shambler continues to pound on Brahmah with single minded persistence. Both arms crush into Brahmah. (Take 37hp damage.)

A large Vine (A1) slowly emerges from the Solid Fog. Its area of Entanglement continues to engulf Brahmah. (Reflex vs DC13 to avoid being Entangled. If Entangled, see note below.)

Most of the participants in this confusing conflict are now either dead or possibly escaped. What to do now?


50 and Under = Miss

Jass (Grappled Check vs 28 & Entangled Reflex DC13)
Belkior (Grappled Check vs 28 & Entangled Reflex DC13)
Brahmah (Entangle vs Reflex DC13)

T1 -13+10+3-66+10-49-55 (Dead)
T2 (AC19 - Grapple DC36) -33+10-23+10-38+10-57-35-32 (Dead)
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22) -15-11
S3 (AC22) -66-32-34 (Dead)
A2 -66 (Dead)
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10
WI (Mirror Image 7 & Displacement) -9
RA -11-11
FI -18-13
ST -19
TI -5-6-6

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Jass AC 17 HP 40/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, Mirror Image)  d20-4=15 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+17=25 ;
Friday August 14th, 2009 9:13:43 AM

"Argh!" shouts Jass in frustration, more at himself than the spell of black tentacles. "Pay attention, young man" he says aloud in an approximation of a aged voice, "or you will not live to see better spells."

He struggles in vain against the tentacles, but still manages to avoid the grasping vines. "OK old man, how's this!"

Again touching Tionel and Belkior, Jass concentrates on his magic to create another Dimension Door, and appears where there seems to be more breathing room.

"Uh huh! Uh huh! Oh yeah yeah yeah! You are a moldering pile of bones and I'm still slinging spells, old man!"

Then he nudges Belkior "Quit struggling cause you are free. Now snap some nifty god spell buddy!"

Grapple: 4
Reflex DC vs Entangle: 27 v 13 success
Move: none
Concentrate: 25 v DC 24 success!
Standard: touch T and B and Dim Door to AA,22

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 6 images + self

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/2/3/1/3

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Friday August 14th, 2009 3:07:33 PM

OOC: It will be a late post today. Sorry all.

Syr AI 19  d20+21=41 ; d20+21=26 ; 2d6+22=32 ; 2d6=7 ;
Friday August 14th, 2009 8:30:02 PM

Syr sees the one remaining foe and goes straight after it. He tells Brahmah, "Finish this one off and let's regroup." (Charge Critical-Confirm Damage 39) He looks back at Mac and flexes his muscles once to see if the big minotaur noticed.

Active: Inspire-Bless

Belkior Sub Scott  d8=4 ;
Friday August 14th, 2009 8:38:49 PM

OOC: ARGH-I hate that... delete the above post.

Belkior whispers and quick thanks in gratitude, his relief evident on his face to Jass. Then he goes straight into a spell to help everyone the best way he knows how (Cure light wounds, Mass 4+4+13=21.) (Jass, Belkior, Florin, Wynn, Finbrush, Starminder, I think)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 07 - DMAl 
Friday August 14th, 2009 8:47:12 PM

OoC: Looks like we only have three responses so far. I'll hold off posting until either later tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Friday August 14th, 2009 9:55:24 PM

Florin sees so many people moveing towards the dwarf and wonders if he will be needed over there or not. He would pull his bow but he isn't not very good at fireing around people and would rather not take the chance of shooting his friends.

For the moment Florin will move in the direction of the dwarf but tries to keep out of the entangle area if possible and the tentacles. (Sorry, not sure which letter is the dwarf on the map.)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 07 - DMAl 
Saturday August 15th, 2009 12:20:23 AM

OoC: Dwarf is WI. He is toward the West side of the map.

Mac: AC:25(26 vs S2 - next to Brahmah), HP:44/137  d20+20=32 ; 3d6+35=46 ;
Saturday August 15th, 2009 2:03:51 AM

Mac considers moving towards Belkior and healing, but that goes off before he takes a step. He watches Syr charge off intent on Brahmah's vegetation, and suspects the attack isn't going to pan out the way Syr might be thinking. Still, it is in making the effort and learning from the results that we grow, so Mac gives him a short wave as he leaves. Brahmah appeared to take a beating last round, and maybe if the two taurs are nearby each other then they'll get attention prior to taking on the vegetation coming out of the fog, so Mac manouvres from AD13 10' to AD15 and then another 20' to AG18 (avoiding moving through entangled areas), and takes one huge swing at S2 - next to Brahmah, hitting AC32 for 46 damage.

Effects: Inspire Courage (+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam & vs fear), Dodge vs S2, PA(7)

OOC: DMAl, can you please confirm the damages taken by and living/dead status of S2 and S3 - the descriptions in your last Status section don't seem to match their appearances on the map?

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147)  d20+12=31 ;
Saturday August 15th, 2009 4:29:56 AM

(Reflex 31, no damage)

He moves away, and nothing but movement, AWAY from the tangle.

"Come here you little crud!" He says to the dwarf.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 07 - DMAl 
Saturday August 15th, 2009 8:54:44 AM

You're right, Mac. The Status description is incorrect. The map is correct. S3 is dead. S2 is still active. I applied the damage to the wrong creature in the Status. It is now fixed.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 08 - DMAl  d20+15=29 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+13=14 ; d8+1=2 ; d6=2 ; d100=39 ; d100=93 ; d20+9=12 ;
Saturday August 15th, 2009 11:57:32 AM

Jass musters his concentration, and he pops out of the field of Black Tentacles, taking Tionel and Belkior with him. He shouts out at someone that he refers to as "Old Man". Wonder who that could be? Jass, Tionel and Belkior wind up across the glade, nearby, the mad dwarf cackles above.

Syr sees red and tries to charge at the last shambling mound. But, in his desire, Syr fails to take into account the fact that Starminder is in the path of his charge. Also, that the field of Entangling plants will surely slow his momentum. The elf moves in for an attack anyway. The Mound takes an Attack of Opportunity as Syr moves into its reach. The plant's blow misses, and Syr makes a strike that would have been critical in a creature with a more discernable anatomy. But who knows where a plant keeps its vitals? (No crit on plants.)

Free now, Belkior casts a healing spell. The magic heals Tionel completely. But Starminder and Florin are too far away for the effect to reach.

Florin draws his bow and walks with purpose in the direction of the flying dwarf.

Mac maneuvers carefully into place behind Syr and delivers a huge chop to the Shambling Mound. The combination of the elf's punch and the minotaur's slice drop the Mound into a pile of inanimate vegetation.

Brahmah shakes off the Entangling ground cover and makes his way slowly out of the area toward the flying dwarven mage.

"He's mad," Tionel says of the dwarf. "But we need something to bring him down." The druid begins casting another spell.

Starminder fires another two shots at one of the seven flying dwarves, then steps further away from the encroaching area of entanglement. One of the two shots pins the dwarf neatly in the neck, but too far down the shoulder to do significant harm. Imagine Starminder's surprise when the dwarf that he hit simply pops out of existence. The dwarf cackles louder.

Finbrush runs underneath the dwarf, checking the trail around the bend of trees. "They gone!" He calls back in Common. "Others not here!"

(Grapple check for Black Tentacles is DC28)


The dwarf casts a spell and then points at the approaching form of Brahmah. An arrow of Acid flies from the dwarf's fingertip, but the arrow splashes harmlessly from the field of protection provided by Brahmah's ring.

With a curse, the dwarf flies up and over Belkior's Blade Barrier, taking cover behind it.

"Crimson Shields!" he spits the name. "You're not so big! I'll kill you all!" Then all six dwarfs begin another peal of insane laughter.

Note: I've turned the dwarf Red on the map so that he's easier to spot. No chance of him becoming an ally now anyway.


The large Vine (A1) comes fully out of the Solid Fog. As it approaches, the Area of Entanglement moves to engulf Starminder, Mac and Syr. (Reflex vs DC13 to avoid being Entangled. If Entangled, see note below.)

From Finbrush's report it would appear that most of the other group has fled. Would it still be possible to catch them? Would it be worth the effort? What were they doing here in the first place? And why is it that they seem to know the Crimson Shields?


50 and Under = Miss

Mac (Entangled Reflex DC13?)
Syr (Entangle vs Reflex DC13?)

T1 -13+10+3-66+10-49-55 (Dead)
T2 (AC19 - Grapple DC36) -33+10-23+10-38+10-57-35-32 (Dead)
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22) -15-11-24-46 (Dead)
S3 (AC22) -66-32-34 (Dead)
A2 -66 (Dead)
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4 (Gone?)
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10 (Gone?)
WI (Mirror Image 6 & Displacement) -9
F2 (Gone?)
RA -11-11 (Gone?)
FI -18-13+21
ST -19
TI -5-6-6+17

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, Mirror Image) 
Saturday August 15th, 2009 8:20:50 PM

"Well, I like that", exclaims Jass as all his wounds disappear.

"Hey!" the haystack-haired sorcerer calls to Syr, "I think we want to capture the dwarf. There are too many questions about this fight and I'd like some answers!"

A quick spell gives Jass the ability to Fly, but he keeps out of the dwarf's line of sight by staying on the ground and hoofing it to the west. "Need to get closer and expand that crazy mages choice of targets", he mumbles to himself.

Standard: cast Fly on himself
Move: walk to U,22

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 6 images + self

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/3/3/1/3

header: Mac: AC:25(26 vs A1), HP:44/137  d20+10=24 ; d20+23=37 ; 3d6+29=38 ;
Sunday August 16th, 2009 2:11:51 AM

Reflex Save: 24 vs 13 - not entangled. Mac picks his way through the 15' to AI16 and takes a swing at S2 - hitting AC37 for 38 damage - erring somewhat on the side of caution given this vine has until now escaped unscathed.

Effects: Inspire Courage (+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam & vs fear), Dodge vs A1, PA(4)

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 68/88 
Sunday August 16th, 2009 9:04:59 PM

Wynn continues his song and takes a defensive posture against all that might attack.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Sunday August 16th, 2009 10:08:11 PM

With all but one of the plant creatures dead, the halfling cleric no longer sees any need for his Blade Barrier. In fact, Belkior thinks, it's now a hindrance rather than a boon so he speaks and gestures to dismiss his spell.

After that, Belkior ensures that he has his healing equipment ready to hand and does not move.

Standard - Dismiss Blade Barrier

Active Effects
Inspire Courage - +2 to attack & damage, +2 vs fear
Bead of Karma - +4 caster level (CL 18 for most effects, CL 19 for Good or Cure spells)

Active Spells
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance*(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier*, Greater Dispel Magic*(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+13=18 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+3=21 ; d8+7=12 ; d8+7=12 ; d8+7=8 ;
Monday August 17th, 2009 1:53:19 AM

Florin hears the comments on takeing the dwarf alive and shrugs abit before speaking, "Well thats beyond my powers inless he was on the ground to pound with the flat of my sword. Best bet is to really get Syr in the air with his fists of fury."

Florin notices that Mac is swinging and a surviveing enemy so will try shooting it for now instead. Trying to Aim carefully.

(Fireing into melee (Mac attacked the plant before Florin shot so took a -4 also forgot to add in Wynn's song so rolls will be mod by +2) Can hit AC:20/29/23 Damage:12/12/8)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147)  d20+20=21
Monday August 17th, 2009 4:18:16 AM

"I usually don't criticize the vertically challenged, but at the risk of sounding the bully, I think this dwarf can't do much else. All he does is talk, talk, talk..." The minotaur looks through Belks barrier and wishes he could go at the dwarf, so charges T1.

(hits AC hits AC 21, but with a nat 1. Even with Inspiration and natural 1 is still a miss.)

Mac: AC:25(26 vs A1), HP:44/137 
Monday August 17th, 2009 8:22:49 PM

OOC: Checking in.

Syr Ac 33/32 HP 145/165  d20=1 ; d20=10 ;
Monday August 17th, 2009 8:38:10 PM

Syr moves in to finish the fight vs. the mound only to find himself entangled. (Reflex 1) Calling over to Florin as he struggles with the vine, "Sorry ... Guys.... Fists want to move but feet can't."

Tendriculos Glade / Round 09 - DMAl 
Monday August 17th, 2009 8:51:10 PM

Jass, feisty after Belkior's healing treatment, calls for the capture of the mad dwarf. The sorcerer casts a fly spell, but, rather, strolls nonchalantly toward the end of Belkior's Blade Barrier.

Mac makes his way toward the approaching vine. The Vine, however, has a surprise. A tendril, a full twenty feet in length, darts out, using this Opportunity to Attack. It strikes a blow that is nearly critical. The tendril wraps around Mac's thick neck and jerks the minotaur off of his feet. The tendril constricts, choking Mac's air. The strike that Mac had intended, never reaches the plant. (Take 12Slam+9Constrict= 21hp damage. Note: AoO occurred at AH16 before Mac is pulled into the grapple. Vine Grapple DC25.)

Wynn continues his song, wary of further attacks.

Belkior dismisses his Blade Barrier

Action happens quickly in combat. Situations change before one knows better. So, it is only after Florin fires at the Vine that he realizes that it is grappling with Mac, a dangerous situation into which to fire a ranged weapon unless one is exceptionally well trained. The first arrow, fortunately, is deflected by Mac's armor. Unable to move, though, Mac fails to dodge the second and the third. (Take 20hp more damage, Mac.)

Brahmah charges the dead body of one of the Tendriculos. He swipes at the dead pile of vegetation, but misses.

Chance has turned against the Crimson Shields. Syr, by the worst of luck, finds himself entangled in the plants while, nearby, Mac is throttled by the big and deadly Vine.

Tionel finishes his casting and a Large Air Elemental appears in summons to his call. The Elemental flails arms of wind at the six flying dwarves. By chance it hits the real dwarf once. Tionel casts another spell, and a ball of red flame appears in his hand.

Starminder fires arrows again, in hopes of bringing the dwarf to ground. Both shots miss.

Finbrush waits below. He flips the axe in his off hand into the air and then catches it as though contemplating a throw.

(Grapple check for Black Tentacles is DC28)


The dwarf blanches at the appearance of the Air Elemental. He flees to the west. The Air Elemental takes another swipe at the six dwarves as they turn their backs. But the Elemental misses again. Finbrush watches as the dwarf casts a spell and suddenly the greenery of the Crying Woods explodes. Thick and impenetrable vegetation appears as from thin air, blocking the way to the dwarf.


The large Vine (A1) squeezes Mac again, but this time is not able to pull tightly enough to hurt the minotaur. (Reflex vs DC13 to avoid being Entangled. If Entangled, see note below.)

Has the mad dwarf escaped? Could the Crying Woods somehow be aiding these unknown invaders? How else to explain the sudden reformation of the terrain?


50 and Under = Miss

Mac (Grappled, Entangle vs Reflex DC13?)
Syr (Entangled)

T1 -13+10+3-66+10-49-55 (Dead)
T2 (AC19 - Grapple DC36) -33+10-23+10-38+10-57-35-32 (Dead)
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22) -15-11-24-46 (Dead)
S3 (AC22) -66-32-34 (Dead)
A1 (AC15, Grapple DC25)
A2 -66 (Dead) -12,-12,-8
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4 (Gone?)
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10 (Gone?)
WI (Mirror Image 6 & Displacement) -9,-8 - ?????
F2 (Gone?)
RA -11-11 (Gone?)
FI -18-13+21
ST -19
TI -5-6-6+17

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+20=22 ; d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ;
Monday August 17th, 2009 10:16:22 PM

The magic of his Status spell tells the halfling cleric how badly Mac has been injured. Belkior moves closer to the injured minotaur before concentrating to cast a healing spell that should affect his companion.
Concentration = 22, enough to cast defensively

Move - 30 ft to AD 20
Standard - Cast Mass Cure Serious Wounds over Summon Monster VII, healing Mac and anyone within 30 ft for 35 hps

Active Effects
Inspire Courage - +2 to attack & damage, +2 vs fear
Bead of Karma - +4 caster level (CL 18 for most effects, CL 19 for Good or Cure spells)

Active Spells
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance*(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier*, Greater Dispel Magic*(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII*(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Mac: AC:25(26 vs A1), HP:44-21-20+35=38/137  d20+10=15 ; d20+21=32 ; d20+20=30 ; 3d6+19=26 ; d20+15=17 ; 3d6+19=29 ;
Monday August 17th, 2009 11:14:57 PM

Reflex save vs Entanglement(DC13) = 15;

After the arrows, the cure is welcomed, but time and circumstance mean the acknowledgements will have to wait. Still unencumbered by the Entanglement - it must be a benefit of the armour - Mac attempts to maintain his composure and break free of the vines grasp. His first attempt to break free (32) is successful. Mac drops to his feet in AJ15 and realising that attempting to retreat is futile, he swing his two remaining blows at the Vine, hitting AC30 32 for 26 28 damage and AC17 19 for 29 31 damage.

Mac just hopes it is enough.

Effects: Inspire Courage (+2 morale bonus to Hit, Dam & vs fear), Dodge vs A1, PA(0)

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, Mirror Image)  d20+17=26 ; d20+19=23 ; 10d6=31 ;
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 8:47:39 AM

With Jass' great experience in Spellcraft, the sorcerer is able to recocnize the incantation of the dwarf. The self-assured man turns to give this information to his companions, but then sees that big, lovable minotaur getting in a hugging contest with the Vine. And even though he has momentarily escaped, another Crimson Shield may need Jass' help!

Zipping across the ground at only 5 feet above the grasses, Jass gets an angle to see the Vine without having any Mac in the way.

Then a sizzling spell flies off his tongue, and a 120 foot bolt of electricity flies from the sorcerers outstretched fingers to pass through the Vine.

Know Arcana: 26 (recognize/understand tough cryptic phrase)
Spellcraft: 23 (able to recognize an 8th level spell as it is being cast)
Move: Fly 5' high to V,10
Standard: cast Lighting Bolt, 120' Line from V,10 to AM,14 31 damage, Reflex 20 for half

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 6 images + self

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/1/3

Tendriculos Glade / Round 09: Addendum - DMAl 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 9:12:39 AM

The dwarf's spell is easily identified by, Jass, the man from the south. The dwarf was casting an illusion spell commonly referred to as Hallucinatory Terrain.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 1:45:32 PM

OOC: I know I typed T1 but meant TI! I misspoke. Sorry. I wish to attack TI. Brahmah would know a dead body from a live one. IN fact, T1 is grayed out for that very reason! :)

Pauses for DM approved corrections.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 09: Addendum - DMAl 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 2:46:08 PM

OoC: Sorry, "TI" is Tionel. He's on your side.

I have, however, learned a lesson from this. Next combat, I include a Legend describing what each icon is.

Mac: AC:25(26 vs A1), HP:38/137 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 5:38:10 PM

OOC: While we are on the legend / status / damage track, the damage from the attacks made by Florin against the vine A1 (most of which ended up Mac) has all been noted against the already dead A2. :)

Tendriculos Glade / Round 09: Addendum - DMAl 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 5:46:28 PM

OoC: Now that you mention it, I wonder where all of my dice rolls went too. To another board? I composed and rolled at work, then went home and posted. The dice rolls were there in the browser whenI posted, but it wasn't until just now that I noticed that they didn't make it to the final post. Odd.

But, at any rate, those damage were just there for reference. Percentage rolls for Florin to hit either Mac or the Vine went to Mac. Three rolls, all over 50.

Mac: AC:25(26 vs A1), HP:38/137 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 6:04:56 PM

OOC: All good - just checking.

Syr Ac 33/32 HP 145/165 R22  d20+7=10 ;
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 8:11:04 PM

Syr continues to grunt and struggle against the vines holding him (strength check failed).

If the damage to the vine eliminates A1, then Syr runs to an area near Finbrush just to prevent the return of the other group. "We need to regroup and recover."

Active Spells: Inspire, Bless

Tendriculos Glade / Round 10 - DMAl  d20+12=20 ; d20+20=22 ; d20+9=25 ; 2d4=4 ;
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 9:05:29 PM

Watchful, always, of the health and well-being of his friends, Belkior reaches across the distance and pulls Mac back from a possible bad spot.

Mac, for his part, stands and fights for his life. He hits the vine hard twice. The Vine is rent wide in two places, but the wounds are not enough to bring it down. It sways, shaky, but rising up to strike Mac again.

Jass has but a moment to think on the spell that the mad dwarf had just cast. He easily identifies the spell as an illusion called Hallucinatory Terrain. None of the jungle that has sprung up in the path of the Crimson Shields is real. But matters of life and death now ride on swift action. Jass flies to a point of more advantageous aim, and sends a lightning bolt at the Vine. The electricity crackles around the Vine -- and then passes harmlessly by. The Vine appears immune to the electricity.

Syr struggles against the plants that entangle him, seeking to burst his bonds. But, the elf struggles to no avail.

Tionel, flame burning in his palm, scratches his head in puzzlement. "Wait here, he commands Finbrush and Starminder. The jungle shouldn't deter me." The ex-Crimson Shield walks up to the wall of brush and enters, as he had done at the side of the trail near the Walls of Thorn. He is gone for but a moment, and then his voice shouts out. "An Illusion! It's an Illusion!"

(Grapple check for Black Tentacles is DC28)


The dwarf's voice breaks from behind the illusory vegetation, another spell, followed by a sizzling sound. Tionel's voice screams out in pain. "Ahhhh, get it off me, it's burning! It's burning me."


The large Vine (A1) sways. Sliced nearly in twain, it sways unsteadily. Driven by it's primal directive to feed, the Vine lashes out with another tendril at Mac. The effort, though, appears to be the straw that breaks this camel's back. The Vine collapses, either dead or dying. The Area of Entanglement disappears.

The glade beside the dark water filled quarry is now still, empty save for the Crimson Shields and the bodies of the dead plant monsters. But what is going on beneath the illusory jungle wall? Tionel's voice still continues to scream in pain. And where is the mad dwarven wizard?


50 and Under = Miss

T1 -13+10+3-66+10-49-55 (Dead)
T2 (AC19 - Grapple DC36) -33+10-23+10-38+10-57-35-32 (Dead)
S1 (AC22) -42,-46,-42 (Dead)
S2 (AC22) -15-11-24-46 (Dead)
S3 (AC22) -66-32-34 (Dead)
A1 (AC15, Grapple DC25) -32,-28, -1 (Dead)
A2 -66 (Dead)
CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4 (Gone?)
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10 (Gone?)
WI (Mirror Image 6 & Displacement) -9,-8 - ?????
F2 (Gone?)
RA -11-11 (Gone?)
FI -18-13+21
ST -19
TI -5-6-6+17-4

AREAS OF ENTANGLEMENT: The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check. A creature that succeeds on a Reflex save is not entangled but can still move at only half speed through the area. Each round on your turn, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures that have avoided or escaped entanglement.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+9=18 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=20 ; d20+18=25 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+18=32 ; d20+18=32 ;
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 10:41:41 PM

The halfling cleric hears Tionel shouting inside what is now revealed to be an illusion spell. Hoping to aid his former companion and the Shields, Belkior turns about and moves towards where the sound of spellcasting has come from. As he does, he tries to recall the direction and distance of the dwarf's spellcasting.
Listen = 18, enough for ?

Once he is in position, Belkior casts his last remaining Greater Dispel Magic at the area, hoping to remove both the illusion and at least one of the magics protecting the dwarf.

Move - 30 ft to X 20
Standard - Cast Greater Dispel Magic, 20 ft radius burst centred at J22 / K23 (Dispel checks = 38, 20, 25, 30, 32, 32 ...)

Active Effects
Inspire Courage - +2 to attack & damage, +2 vs fear
Bead of Karma - +4 caster level (CL 18 for most effects, CL 19 for Good or Cure spells)

Active Spells
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance*(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier*, Greater Dispel Magic**(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII*(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 12:22:56 AM

Florin calls over to Mac as he frowns some at his own over sight, "Sorry Mac, I really wasn't trying to plug you but trying to help out." Florin now glances towards where the dwarf has locked himself away and is dang near to the point of saying kill it and have done with it.

Florin does call over to Jass, "Keeping him alive is a good idea but from the looks starting to turn into more trouble then it's worth. How many lives do we need to possibly loose?" Florin wonders where best to help out now.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 4:30:10 AM

Brahmah moves to attack the next living foe, whoever that may be. He scans the area with his eyes. "Weren't there more of them?"

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, Mirror Image) 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 8:07:14 AM

DM: I need to know what Belkior has revealed from his Greater Dispel Magic before I can effectively post. :-)

Mac: AC:25, HP:38+17=55/137  3d8+5=17 ;
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 8:57:06 AM

Mac takes a knee, pulls a potion from his pack, and drinks from it. (Cure Serious Wounds: 3d8+5 = 17 healing)
"Apology accepted." he replies to Florin.

Tendriculos Glade / Round 10: Addendum - DMAl 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 10:17:41 AM

Belkior places his dispelling magic in hopes of catching the mad dwarf in its circle. The jungle illusion immediately vanishes, revealing the dwarf 25 feet in the air and *just* outside the circumference of Belkior's spell. (He's in G26.)

Tionel, on the other hand, caught, very much, within the scope of the Area Dispel (He's in M23.) retains his Anti-plant Shell, and the burning Acid that eats at his flesh, vanishes.

(You nearly sunk my battleship. Came *that* close.)

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, Mirror Image)  d20+16=29 ; d20+16=29 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=28 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=13 ;
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 3:47:57 PM

"Awright!" calls Jass as the halfling takes down the Hallucinary Terrain and helps Tionel at the same time. He flies back across the glade to close distance with the dwarf and targets the laughing opponent with his most powerful spell.

"Laugh this off, tweedledumb!" he says with a laugh. "Why don't you park yourself and we'll talk?"

Move: Fly 15' high to O,17
Standard: cast Greater Dispel Magic
Spell Penetration: 29, 29, 27, 17, 28, 17
Dispel: 28, 24, 32, 19, 28, 13

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
MIrror Image: 12 minutes; 6 images + self

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/1/4

Tendriculos Glade / Round 10: Addendum - DMAl 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 5:21:21 PM

Upon the execution of Jass's spell, the mad dwarf sinks slowly to the ground.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165  d20+19=22 ; d20+19=30 ; d20+19=34 ; 2d6+11=22 ; d6=1 ;
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 5:52:35 PM

Syr sees an opportunity that is too good to pass up. "Time to shut up that dwarf." Seizing the moment, he dashes forward and grabs the dwarf at the ankle as he drifts downward. In one smooth motion, he throws him to the ground and jumps on top of him (Touch AC attack 26 (forgot charge and inspire), Grapple check 30 Damage 22+1(ice)=23, subdual damage mainly).

Active spells: Inspire, bless

Tendriculos Glade / Round 10: Addendum - DMAl  d20+10=16 ; d20+10=21 ;
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 8:58:43 PM

Florin has about had it with the crazy annoying dwarf. Might be best to just kill it and get it over with. And there he is, flying high up over the ground, suprised that his illusion of jungle has been dispelled. Before acting, Florin apologizes to Mac for having sunk a couple of arrows into the minotaur.

With the illusion dispelled, Brahmah makes a bee line in the direction of the flying dwarf. He recalls the others, the half-elven woman, the human with the spiked chain, the female half-orc, and the flying bowman. Brahmah wonders where they've gone.

Mac accepts Florin's apology and takes on more healing.

Jass follows up Belkior's dispel with one of his own. Six dwarves, shift suddenly in place, their skin loses, a hard brown look, and they sink slowly to the ground, their faces a mask of comic suprise.

Syr is all the way across the glade, but he rushes after the dwarf anyway with startling speed. As fast as Syr is, though, he can't make it across the glade to grapple with the dwarf.

With the cloak of illusory jungle gone, Tionel's Air Elemental swoops in after the dwarf. It turns into a whirlwind and sweeps over the dwarf, but the dwarf manages to avoid the swirling winds.

Tionel casts a spell and a wall of fire springs up, cutting off the dwarf's avenue of escape. Finbrush rushes up to the dwarf, brandishing his two weapons while Starminder readies a shot against the dwarf should he begin casting another spell.

The six mad dwarves begin to gibber, their faces crumble into mask ofs terror and they go down on their knees as the rest of the Crimson Shields arrive to surround them.


OoC: Combat can now be over. You may choose, however, to pursue the remainder of the other party. If you chose to do so, Tionel will dismiss the Wall of Fire and we will remain in limited Combat Rounds for a while longer. The choice is up to you.

50 and Under = Miss

CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4 (Gone?)
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10 (Gone?)
WI (Mirror Image 6) -9,-8
F2 (Gone?)
RA -11-11 (Gone?)
FI -18-13+21
ST -19
TI -5-6-6+17-4

THIS MAP shows the state of things at the end of the latest combat round.

Click this link for the Map. If you have trouble viewing it, please email me.

Please provide specific grid coordinates for your position. If you do not, I will place you wherever I feel appropriate. You many not like that.

We are in combat rounds now. Please restrict yourself to one round's worth of actions.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 10:02:00 PM

Florin moves over to Mac and and looks to the large taur before placeing a hand on Mac and allowing the healing energies he has to flow into Ma. (lay on hands:24hps). After that he shrugs and smiles sheepishly which really can't be seen through Florin's visor helmet or atleast the helmet his hat of disquise make it look like he is wearing, "Sorry I can't do better then that."

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d8=3 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ; d8=8 ;
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 10:54:15 PM

The halfling cleric is in favor of learning more right now rather than pursuit into a possible trap. In the meantime, Belkior moves towards Mac so that he can heal the minotaur.

Move - ?
Standard - Cast Cure Critical Wounds, healing 45 hps

Active Effects
Inspire Courage - +2 to attack & damage, +2 vs fear
Bead of Karma - +4 caster level (CL 18 for most effects, CL 19 for Good or Cure spells)

Active Spells
Bless - 14 minutes - +1 on attacks & saves vs. fear (all allies within 50')

Spell List
0 - DC 17 - Create Water, Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 18 - Bless*(x2), Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x3) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Hold Person, Remove Paralysis(x2), Sound Burst, Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2)** (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Daylight, Prayer, Remove Disease(x3), Searing Light, (D - Magic Circle Against Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Restoration(x2), Tongues (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance*(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Blade Barrier*, Greater Dispel Magic**(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII*(x2) (D - Regenerate)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147)  d20+16=23 ; d20+17=30 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+7=10 ; 2d4+7=14 ; 2d4+7=13 ; d6+5=6 ;
Thursday August 20th, 2009 4:31:09 AM

Brahmah attempts to attack the dwarf, if he can reach.

(Hits AC 23, 30, 12 (nat 1), 27(threat 15), 16, 26(threat 10), for 14, 15 and 8 damage on all the 20+ hits. If anything lower hits, let me know... can't remember if any ACs were mentioned.)

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor)  d20+14=18 ; d20+12=18 ;
Thursday August 20th, 2009 9:28:50 AM

Jass agrees with Syr and Belkior, that answers are more preferable than a headlong pursuit into a hostile forest. But first the Crimson Shields have to make sure Brahmah doesnt' take the head off of thier information source!

The sorcerer zips down from the air and tries to interpose himself in front of the charging minotaur. (Not completely stupid, Jass allows enough space to get out of the way, too)

"Hey hey, he's prisoner now. Just swat him until all the extra images are gone, and swat him if he tries to move his hands for a spell. Other than that, let's see what Laughing Boy knows, eh?"

As the combatants get calmed down, Jass puts on a radient smile. "Hi, I'm Jass of Downs, a traveller from the Southern Continent. I was wondering why you toasted me with a lightning bolt a moment ago, there?"

Diplomacy: 18 (can alter Unfriendly to Indifferent. No effect on Hostile person)
Sense Motive: 18 (fail for hunch)

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/1/4

Mac: AC:25, HP:55+24+45=124/137  d20+17=34 ; d8+7=13 ;
Thursday August 20th, 2009 6:02:04 PM

"Thanks to you both" says the taur to Belkior and Florin. Over the course of a round or two he reshoulders his backpack, slides his greataxe away behind him, draws his bow and knocks an arrow - the bone, wood and sinew offering up creaks and groans of resistance and tension. Eventually he takes aim at the dwarf and holds off on the shot until such time as the dwarf does something menacing.

If/when the shot is provoked, it hits AC34 for 13 damage, not counting miss chances or other effects.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Thursday August 20th, 2009 8:08:45 PM

Finally relieved to be untangled, Syr arrives on the scene and comments to Jass, "Nice work... is it laughing boy or lightning boy? I'm not quite sure which." He peers down at the dwarf as the others slowly eliminate his copies. He searches the dwarf's eyes for signs of the madness he seemed to be displaying earlier.

Tendriculos Glade / Post-Combat Combat - DMAl  d100=78 ;
Thursday August 20th, 2009 8:55:08 PM

No one seems in favor of pursuing the rest of the dwarf's group, wherever they might have gone to.

Florin heals Mac, with apologies for not being able to do any better. Belkior follows suit.

Brahmah comes across the glade and cuts one of the six dwarves with his falchion. All six of the dwarves sprout the same wound, blood running down their robes.

Jass attempts to intercede, offering words of direction for the enraged minotaur. He also posses a question to the dwarf.

Jass offers thanks to both Florin and Belkior. He pulls together his equipment with the aim of disrupting the dwarf, should he try any more magic trickery.

Syr arrives as well, staring down at the six bloody dwarves, he sees, a cowering simpering creature in the place of what was, before, a power-mad fiend intent upon the pain of others'. If such a change is madness, then this one is definitely mad.

Tionel, satisfied that the dwarf is under the control of the Crimson Shields, dismisses his Wall of Fire. Finbrush whirls, and runs down the trail, his eyes quickly scanning the ground for tracks.

"They go this way!" he calls back. "Two! Both very big feet."

The dwarf grovels at Jass' feet. Lifting obsequious eyes to the sorcerer, the reply he gives, the answer he offers as to why he had unleashed the painful bolt of lightning at Jass and the others is ... "Sorry?"


OoC: Due to violent content, this game will continue in combat rounds. Please post only one round per action.

50 and Under = Miss

CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4 (Gone?)
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10 (Gone?)
WI (AC19 - Mirror Image 6) -9,-8,-14
F2 (Gone?)
RA -11-11 (Gone?)
FI -18-13+21
ST -19
TI -5-6-6+17-4

THIS Map shows the state of things at the end of the last proper combat round. If you have trouble viewing the map, please email me.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Thursday August 20th, 2009 10:21:00 PM

Florin moves to where the dwarf is or atleast makes his way that direction for now. He calls out to the others, "He is secure right? I really don't want to have to put a few arrows in him."

Florin other wise stays silent and such and doesn't do much beside move to place his bow and such away for now.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Thursday August 20th, 2009 10:34:23 PM

The halfling cleric moves back towards where the others are questioning the dwarf. As he mvoes, Belkior considers calling for peace and a stop to the hostilities. Whatever has happened, he isn't (yet) convinced that this group is evil in intent. For that matter, he feels that the dwarf should not be killed.

"Leave the dwarf be!"

As he gets closer he mutters loudly enough that some others overhear.

"Maybe we can talk some sense into him. Or, I can determine what is wrong with him."

Move 60 ft

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147)  d20+16=24 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+17=34 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+7=15 ; d100=89 ; d8=5 ; d100=26 ; d100=99 ; d100=36 ; d100=49 ; d100=38 ; 2d4+7=12 ; 2d4+7=11 ; 2d4+7=11 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=9 ; d6+5=8 ;
Friday August 21st, 2009 4:46:21 AM

Brahmah curses. "Illusions. The sign of insecure people." (Hits AC 24, 35(threat 34), 20, 15, 19 and 15, for 14,13(crit 21),13,10,13 and 11 damage respectively)(Miss chances 89, 26, 99, 36, 49 and 38......)

"Wait, what!? The dwarf is good?"

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137  d20+7=20 ; d20+2=22 ;
Friday August 21st, 2009 6:36:06 AM

Mac is a study in concentration. Not even Florin's call (which he personally finds very amusing) causes him to do anything more than shift the odd pound of his weight from one hoof to the other and adjust the pull on the bow by a similar amount. If he had meant the dwarf dead, he'd have not put the axe away. Now, having taken the time to adjust his mindset (or to count to ten, if you prefer), he observes and remains ready. Spot:20, Listen:22

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Friday August 21st, 2009 8:36:03 AM

"Brahmah, STOP IT!!!", shouts Jass. "I meant slap them away with your hand, NOT a SWORD!"

Hoping the dwarf mage is still alive, the seven forms of Jass provides the dwarf with the best defense his sorceries can concoct; a chance to end the wounding.

Jass takes extra time and casts a Heightened Charm Person on Brahmah, and uses his best persuasive voice. "OK, buddy, there there. The dwarf is captured, you don't have to attack anyone right now."

Brahmah Will Save DC 22 or Charmed (as Brahmah is a Woldian minotaur, he's a monstrous humanoid, humanoid, and person and so possibly affected by the Charm.

Full Round: 5th Level Heightend Charm Person on Brahmah

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165  d20+19=25 ; d20+19=23 ;
Friday August 21st, 2009 8:25:53 PM

Syr gapes in shock as the minotaur continues to attack the dwarf. Thinking to himself, 'where did we go wrong.' Quickly shouting, "Tionel, can you and your friends keep an eye out for the return of his friends. We are having some internal problems here. Wynn, Do you think you can get rid of these other clones by slapping them?" He then throws himself on the minotaur's axe wielding arm (touch AC 25, grapple 23) attempting to stop the blows.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Friday August 21st, 2009 8:34:47 PM

Florin looks to the others and shrugs decideing to use his ability to detect evil and see what he picksup from the dwarf. He knows what to expect from the woods since he has used the ability while in them before.

While doing this he speaks to the others, "Well for the heck of it I'll see what I pickup on him with my abilities. From there we can question him if he still breathes and then deal with him afterwards. Depending the others who left him may come for him which could be good or bad depending."

Tendriculos Glade / Mad and Madness - DMAl 
Friday August 21st, 2009 9:13:54 PM

Florin stays, for the main, silent. The paladin's intent, however, is clear, none the less.

Belkior follows Jass's call for lenience for the dwarf. If not lenience, at least a halt in order to find out what might be at the root of this group.

Brahmah's attack is unrelenting. His first strike draws blood again from the six dwarves. The minotaur's whirling blades slice through three more dwarves, two disappear. The remaining four receive another cut, their blood spilling across the forest floor.

Brahmah seems to realize that someone is speaking to him. He asks whether this simpering dwarf who had attacked with such abandon only moments ago, might be good of heart.

Mac retains his focus, despite the heat of the action across the glade. He spares a moment to take in the glade with his senses. He finds the Crying Woods quite silent in comparison with the riot of night noises that had followed the group on their march inland. Whether that is natural for morning, or for this lair of the carnivorous Tendriculos, is a question he has not the answer to. Across the flooded quarry, at the top of the granite cliff, Mac spots a trio of dire bats, roosting under the limb of one of the great trees. Could these be the same three the group had seen fly off when they flew over the Wall of Thorns?

Jass, backs both his will and the will of Belkior, with a little influential magic. (Brahmah, Will Save vs DC22 or you find Jass the most excellent of persons, a person who's wishes you very much wish to please. Not at all a bad person at all. For a human.)

Syr is also appalled at Brahmah's continued attack of an apparently defenseless person. He throws himself on the minotaur with the intention of restraining him. Syr grabs hold of the big Man-Bull, but he has a little trouble keeping hold. (Brahmah's Grapple DC is 32 with no enhancements.)

Florin uses his god gifted ability as a paladin, focusing on the four dwarves. The aura that cloaks them tells Florin that they - or, rather, the real one among the images - is as evil in the eyes of Domi as he has proven through his cruel and cowardly actions.

The four remaining dwarves, for their part, say nothing. Rather, they grovel on the ground in front of Brahmah, kissing at the minotaur's hooves. They quite bloody and half gone.


OoC: Due to violent content, this game will continue in combat rounds. Please post only one round per action.

50 and Under = Miss

CL (AC29) -18,(-22),-4 (Gone?)
F1 (AC28/FF27 - Burr)-21,-15,-10 (Gone?)
WI (AC19 - Mirror Image 4) -9,-8,-14,-14,-13
F2 (Gone?)
RA -11-11 (Gone?)
FI -18-13+21
ST -19
TI -5-6-6+17-4

THIS Map shows the state of things at the end of the last proper combat round. If you have trouble viewing the map, please email me.

Also, please list AC and HP in your header, and active effects below your posts.

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137  d20+19=20 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+14=31 ; d8+9=10 ; d20+9=13 ; d8+9=12 ;
Friday August 21st, 2009 10:45:03 PM

"I'm not convinced he is acting of his own free will. If it was me, having said and done what he has, grovelling would be the last thing I'd do. I have a suspicion - follow these!" Mac launches three shots in rapid succession at the direbats, guessing that even if they are near misses, real bats might choose to roost somewhere less busy..
Attacks (Range Increment 110', not factored in -2 or -4 penalty): miss, (second roll in error), hit AC31 for 10 damage, and AC13 for (who am I kidding?) 12 damage.

Effects: Inspire Courage

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+3=20 ;
Saturday August 22nd, 2009 5:24:27 PM

Florin looks to Jass and the others and then to Syr mainly and speaks simply and clearly to his friend, "The dwarf reeks with evil. When we get the answers needed then he should be dealt with." Florin looks towards Tionel, "Do the elves have a prison? Evil or not I refuse to spill a defenseless persons blood and like the others I will not allow others. In defense of ones live or others lives I could understand but defenseless and cowering is a different story. Domi would frown on such actions and someone doing such a act could not call themselves a good person."

Florin after speaking his piece looks to what Mac does and stays quiet now as he wonders, If he can he will concentrate on his detect evil to see what he spots from the direction Mac shoots.


Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor)  d20+21=36 ;
Sunday August 23rd, 2009 8:25:15 PM

Jass isn't willing to anything more, um, permenant to Brahmah if his Charm spell doesn't work. And so the sorcerer simply waits to see if he has been effecitive in stopping the rampaging minotaur ranger friend.

He turns his attention, then, to the problem of what to do with an evil captive. "I'm not one to kill a helpless person, but if condemned in a trial by a judge who has 'high justice', why, an execution of a condemned criminal is just fine!" he smiles, turning to Florin and Syr. "In the Southern Continent, we have Protector Groups who are hired by local authorities to keep the peace. Many of them are given 'high justice' to allow them to kill armed people in the heat of battle, or to judge and condemn prisoners when taking them to a magistrate is not possible."

He lets this information sink in before continuing. "Does the Crimson Shields have this authority? Or does Tionel have it within the bounds of the Crying Woods here?"

Jass smiles disarmingly, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Bluff: 36 Opposed Sense Motive DC 36 to see Jass' thoughts Highlight to display spoiler: { Jass doesn't care a moldy turnip about the appropriate laws, but knows that sticks in the mud like Syr and especially the paladin Florin need some justification to enable a permenant solution for the evil dwarf. }

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Sunday August 23rd, 2009 10:32:58 PM

The halfling cleric continues to move closer to his companions and the dwarf. Belkior wants to answer Jass' question and be close enough for the others to hear.

"No! No, we don't have that authority! And even if we did, we're not in the Float here but in the Crying Woods."

"Tionel! What do you say about this? What do your laws command you to do?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Monday August 24th, 2009 4:30:32 AM

"I didn't quite understand what was happening! I am SOOO sorry!" In an uncharacteristic gesture, the minotaur throws his swords to the ground and drops to his knees and returns the graveling. "Please forgive me! This is not the way I was raised. I don't kill defenseless people and a follower of Domi, I am NOT evil. I give you my life. I'm not worthy of forgiveness." The taur openly weeps about his mistakes.

He retrieves a wad of his own cure scrolls and begins casting on the dwarf he attacked, still on his knees and defenseless himself, swords easily ten feet away. (I will mark off however many scrolls I need to use. He will use them all if he needs too.)

If he actually killed one of the dwarves, he offers his life to the nearest one.

(No spell was needed. He realized with is last stroke he was wrong. The spell should remain unused.)

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 68/88  d20+17=36 ; d20+17=20 ; d8+7=10 ; d8+7=9 ;
Monday August 24th, 2009 7:42:40 AM

Wynn keeps a careful eye on the mad dwarf during the tussle between Syr and Bramah. Should the dwarf do anything but act subdued, Wynn will run it through with his sword. [Hit AC=36 crit; confirmed AC 20 for 10 HP, 19 if Crit confirmed]

Sorry for the absence, on the road and laptop died

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Monday August 24th, 2009 8:14:05 PM

Standing, the elf is eye level with Brahmah. He snorts in disgust at the minotaur before grabbing his shirt, "I don't know what you are used to but this is one of those times you should be ashamed of your actions. It certainly does not reflect well on your character." Pushing at the huge creatures chest and stopping him from casting more than a single cure he directs Brahman, "Now get over there and guard the escape route the others used while cooler heads deal with the dwarf."

Turning around, he proceeds to slap at the images as he can, attempting to dispel the copies."Jass, to answer your question we don't have the authority. In the past, we have turned the guilty over to the authorities."

Evil and Enemies / End of Combat Rounds - DMAl  d100=2 ; d100=25 ; d100=4 ; d8+1=3 ;
Monday August 24th, 2009 8:49:14 PM

Mac fires three arrows at the nearby Dire Bats. The Crying Woods echo with a high pitched scream as he hits one of the three bats.

Florin, instantly taking Mac's lead, turns his divine gift to sense evil in the direction of the three bats. The distance is possibly too great. The cliff face across the water is roughly fifty or sixty feet away. Distance, it turns out, though, is less important than time. Just a little more time, ten, maybe fifteen seconds longer, and Florin might have been able to determine the nature of the bats. As it is, though, with the arrival of Mac's arrows, the three Dire Bats drop from their perch and fly off into the Crying Woods, disappearing into the morning gloom. Florin is left with only the knowledge that Evil is present. Whether the aura had come from the bats or from the Crying woods itself is something that is now, no longer possible to determine.

Jass waits to see how things will work out with Brahmah. In the meantime, he offers his opinion on the execution of evil captives.

Belkior comes down decidedly against the idea. Both he and Jass look to Tionel for a decision on the problem.

Brahmah, finally realizes what the's doing. Somewhere in the confusion, he also mistakes dwarf and his Mirror Images for real live dwarves. He tries to heal the images. As he touches each image, it disappears, until all that remains is the one lone dwarf who stands looking up at the minotaur with a puzzled look on his face. (Only one scroll necessary, Brahmah.)

Wynn does not easily forget the cruel laughter of the dwarf, nor the destruction he is capable of. He watches over him with deadly intent, lest this be some sort of ruse.

Syr takes charge. Sending Brahmah to guard the path taken by the rest of the dwarf's group, Syr turns to find all of the images of the dwarf already sent away by Brahmah. He answer's Jass's question before settling down to business.

Tionel stares after the departing dire bats with narrow suspicious eyes. "That was odd," he says, agreeing with Mac. "But I can't put my finger on why that might be. They may have had something to do with the attacking plant creatures. I don't think that would have been this group's style." The ex-urban elf indicates the dwarf, and begins to scratch his head in puzzlement. But he snaps to when Belkior calls out to him in a loud voice asking for pronouncements of law.

"Don't look at me," he says, putting up his hands in a gesture of helplessness. "I don't know anything about the law here. I haven't even been here for a year yet. Starminder? Finbrush?" Tionel passes the questions on to the twins.

Starminder looks at Finbrush and Finbrush looks at Starminder. "We do not keep captives. We no have need. Crying Woods give many hard justice," says Starminder in his broken Common. "We understand. You have law. We kill him instead you. If you wish," adds Finbrush.



50 and Under = Miss

WI (AC19 - Mirror Image 4) -9,-8,-14,-14,-13,+3

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+4=6 ; d20+28=48 ; d20+7=11 ;
Monday August 24th, 2009 10:54:45 PM

The halfling cleric looks from Starminder to Finbrush and back again. Belkior sincerely hopes that he hasn't condemned the dwarf to a summary execution here in the Crying Woods. He should have known better, really, since this place isn't anything like the orderly routine of Floating City with rules and rulers and people to enforce the rules.

"No! That's not what I meant!"

"Nobody has spoken to him. No one has asked him anything - not why he did this, or anything about his companions, nothing! I mean, maybe he isn't even responsible for his actions. Doesn't your code here in the Woods consider that people might be forced to do something against their will? Does it?"

Belkior moves to examine the dwarf, trusting his companions and his own defenses to keep him safe from attack. While he works, Belkior attempts to strike up a conversation with the dwarf and begin learning something. Unfortunately, he isn't likely to achieve anything but it might set the stage for someone else.
Diplomacy = 6 (8 if the dwarf follows the Gods of the Wold)
Heal = 48

"I'm Belkior Fitzhugh, Healer and Paragon of Alemi. Let me look at your wounds for a moment. Is that okay?"

If given a chance, Belkior will cast Detect Magic and examine the dwarf using that magic in case there is some malignant magic lingering. If he has even more time, and his skills haven't told him anything, he will also cast Detect Poison and examine the dwarf.

"Is there anythign troubling you?"

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Monday August 24th, 2009 11:26:53 PM

Florin looks to the others and shrugs some before speaking his mind, "We have a long way to go yet and this guy will be needing watching then everyone. This area wasn't suppose to be safe so if we are going to question our stout captive then it should be some place more safe. However here is my small issues as they stand. First, it wouldn't be good to turn back and take him back to the Float, turning him loose is not a good idea and I'm actually worried about takeing him to the elven village since his friend's could follow maybe or track him or us too it." Florin doesn't want to condem anyone but he doesn't want to risk the elven village either which this all poses a serious problem with him.

Looking to Syr, Florin makes one comment to Syr since Syr should understand more then anyone what Florin means by it, "Burnt Orphanage, death of the orphanage care taker ring a bell;;;;" Not to mention Florin still shoulders the burden of causeing that incident from not takeing a life when it might of been needed.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 3:01:27 AM

Brahmah stops, stands and looks at Syr seriously, unwavering. "If you were any other man... I would kill you where you stand." If the elf only understood what the ranger has done, he wouldn't criticize him.

He remains in front of the dwarf. He is sure he feels secure with his decision to stop attacking. Domi is right.

The minotaur will not guard a route which is no longer occupied and is surely not going to be used again.

After a minute of cool down, the minotaur says, VERY calmly (which is a bit unnerving), "I can track if anyone would like assistance." He eyeballs the dwarf.

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 68/88 
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 7:40:02 AM

Wynn maintains his watch over the dwarf as Belkior treats his wounds and tries to determine something about him.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor)  d20+21=41 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+12=15 ;
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 11:09:38 AM

Jass shrugs, knowing it will do no good to argue right now. Besides, there is enough friction in the air between Brahmah and Syr. The glib tongue of Jass isn't needed to stir things up.

"The glib tongue of Jass is needed to see if our crazy dwarf knows anything", he says out loud and turns to squat next to the dwarven prisoner.

"So... hey!" exclaims Jass to the dwarf in happy amazement. "I know you! We've had some good times recently together. What with all your friends and all my friends, ya know?" He shakes his head rather sadly. "If we were only able to get together again..." but then Jass smiles again. "You think you could help us all get together again? Do you?"

Jass will continue a couple different approaches to see if the crazy dwarf will spill the beans on his friends or thier plans.

Bluff: 41
Diplomacy: 25
Sense Motive: 15

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137 
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 5:06:11 PM

Warily, Mac reshoulders his bow - not at all convinced this is the end of the matter. He remains quiet now that rational conversation has broken out, and alert.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165  d20=9 ;
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 8:19:34 PM

Syr meets Brahmah's eyes without flinching before turning them to the dwarf. "Actions speak louder than words and yours are shouting."

He carefully watches the dwarf's reaction to Belkior and Jass. If the sorcerer remains cooperative, he moves to him and explains, "Let me help you with these things so you don't set off our horned friend again, okay?" (Diplomacy 29) He finishes with a not so subtle nod at Brahmah. He then proceeds to divest the creature of all but the most basic clothes moving everything into a pile near the Paragon of Alemi. He takes particular care to only use his gloves when handling the items.

Once done, he sighs with relief and whispers to Florin, "Yeah, we've been down this road before. I hope the destination is different." His eyes drift as thoughts of the orphanage spring to mind.

Quiescent and Cooperative - DMAl  d20+11=22 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+1=20 ;
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 8:39:05 PM

"Takerk," the dwarf replies as Belkior introduces himself. "Takerk Hibblebimblebeeber." The dwarf's voice is high and reedy. "Troubling me?" He scratches his beard as though considering the idea. "Troubling me ... "

Belkior, the dedicated pacifist, works to save the life of the dwarf who, up until moments ago, had been bent upon inflicting as much harm as possible on the Crimson Shields. The dwarf stands quietly while the halfling performs a quick medical examination. It reveals nothing other than the injuries that the dwarf received in combat. Belkior also probes the dwarf with a spell to detect magic influences. He finds ...

A shell of faint abjuration magic that surrounds the dwarf.
A band around the dwarf's forehead that glows with moderate transmutation magic
The dwarf's cloak with glows with faint abjuration magic
The dwarf's gloves, also faint abjuration magic.
A necklace of balls, some of which appear to be missing, aura unknown.
Something within the dwarf's pouch that radiates a faint transmutation aura.

Belkior also examines the dwarf for poison. He finds none.

Pangs of guilt sting at Florin's heart as he recalls a similar situation in which he had ordered the release of the evil Anvil Hearts. The result had been the destruction of the orphanage and the death of Mamma Flaust, all part of the Anvil Heart's revenge. He points out that the problems in taking the captive to the elven village. Floating City is quite far away. And this place? Is it safe here?

Brahmah regains some of the dignity worthy of the Captain of the Chosen of Domi. He offers to track the dwarf's companions. Finbrush shows him the place at which he had found the pair of tracks. Both pairs are large sized, fitting the two fighters who had been enlarged during the fight. One set of tracks definitely belongs to a human. The other must be the half-orc. The tracks flee away down the trail.

Brahmah also picks out the tracks of all five, showing their arrival to the glade. At that time, all five had been of medium size. Brahmah is able to pick the dwarf's foot prints out from the others.

Wynn watches quietly.

The dwarf appears to still be mulling over the idea of whether something might be troubling him or not when Jass comes over with his questions.

"Good times," the dwarf repeats, and a cruel glint touches his eyes. "Get together again ... " His eyes glitter with madness, then dim and grow lucid. "They're probably half way back to Floating City by now. Cowards," he growls.

Then the dwarf sighs. "Thank you," he says to Jass, his manner turned a near 180 degrees. "You've been very decent. I know that I've caused you grief, all of you, and I hate to hold you up here. Tie me up." He holds out his wrists. "I'll come along quietly. You can deliver me to the authorities when we arrive at your destination."

Mac puts up his bow, watching like Wynn.

The dwarf smiles at Syr and raises his wrists to the elf when he approaches. But the smile turns to a frown when the elf begins to remove the headband, the cloak, the gloves, the pouch and all the other gear. Still, the dwarf does nothing about it. What can he do in the face of such overwhelming odds? His eyes follow the pile of items.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147)  d20+18=25 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+23=30 ; d20+23=38 ;
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 3:18:20 AM

(Listen 29 vs human, Spot 30 vs human, Survival tracking 34 vs human, Survival for weather prediction 38)

Brahmah looks at the tracks and turns to the group. "Do we continue? The group is currently large enough to track. They could split at any point and I am no expert on dwarven trails."

The minotaur ranger pulls Syr off to one side, away from the group. "I usually do not and am not accustomed to explaining myself to anyone. And I won't start now. I just wanted to let you know, because being an elf, I suspect you might be a bit naive of your statements to a taur. No offense meant. I suggest that you avoid telling people what is a good or poor reflection upon their character. I had made an error of judgment within combat, which DOES happen. I attempted to remedy my mistake and you hindered that. That then reflects poorly on my honorable actions trying to help the one I hurt. By doing so, you may have tried to stop my actions, which I had already done, but you were also asking me to act dishonorably. THAT is not within my character." He waits for his statement to sink in before he continues.

"And please know I am not a lumbering troll who can commanded like one. Asking me and telling me often gets better results. Please feel free to tell the rest the same."

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 7:12:00 AM

Getting the name of Floating City out from the dwarf makes the wheels in Jass' head begin to spin. But there is only the piece and not the whole puzzle. The sorcerer keeps silent for a wonder, and steps back so the others can do what they will to the dwarf and choose thier next course of action.

Bluff: 41
Diplomacy: 25
Sense Motive: 15

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 68/88 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 7:34:29 AM

Wynn casts a quick glance at the taur who continues his argument with Syr and then back to the dwarf. He cannot help but wonder if the Shields will remain true to their ideals or if they will be swayed by the likes of this taur and Florin who seem a little more expedient with their brand of justice.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 1:07:43 PM

Florin glances to the others and sighs softly as he thinks to himself at the moment, He wasn't trying to persuade anyone on killing the dwarf, just that he is leary of takeing him to the elven village and takeing him back to the float is way to far for a person to travel easily.

Florin grins some as a idea does come to mind and he looks to Jass, "A idea comes to mind that may help out. Jass can you teleport to the Float with the dwarf here? We don't risk the village in that case and you could catch up with us quick couldn't you? If nothing else we could walk the dwarf to a safer position where we could hopefully wait for you to return."

Florin looks to the others and speaks up more, "If Jass could do this it would suit everyone right? The dwarf here could be turned over to the Floating City guards and we could be done with the matter."

Florin watches Syr and Brahmah and thinks a moment before decideing to speak his mind and try and smooth things over some, "Domi is a god of protection Syr...you and I have training in that area. Me being a paladin and you being a Hand. I'm not doubting Brahmah's abilities or his knowledge and service to Domi either. Errors however do happen. I for instance almost strangled someone to death to get info on Jonas once the orphanage was burnt down. I made a poor choice and started down a slippery path that could of lead to worse things, however I made up for it. Atonement isn't beyond even the eviliest of creatures and not above the dwarf here also...however in the dwarf's case, he should go before those more suited to see everything and go from there. That "justice" would be fair I would expect since those judgeing wouldn't of been here or been harmed by the dwarf....anyway, this is a good moment to mention that all our goals, all our ideals may be different but we work as a group. We all have and will make mistakes but it is our job to move past those and be willing to forgive those who make them. Otherwise you specially should hold a degree of dislike towards me since Mamma Flaust was pretty much your mom." Florin lowers his head some, the memory of all that was very haunting and he felt tears sting his eyes and the words towards the end were heavy as his throat was tightening and some what choked. He clears his throat from this though and tries to let the memories lay once more.

Florin glances to the others and then Belkior, "I might of come off as blood thirsty myself earlier and such but it's simply a tragedy happened and it was mostly my choice at the time as leader that caused it. That burden lays on my shoulders and children lost their lives over it. Children that had a future ahead of them and already hadn't been handed a fair deal in life....I don't want to be part of the cause of someone showing up where we are going and killing innocent people again. Not to mention the only ultimate justice I am willing to deal would be to undead. As a undead hunter I believe that is part of my training...all though I would consider the undeads actions and such before placeing sword to it."

Florin glances to Tuinel, "You said something about a guard outpost or such didn't you? If Jass can't take the dwarf back could we drop him off there? I mean it would be safer there if anything happened then at the village, right?"

With all this said Florin finally speaks once more, "Beyond that we need to get moveing again. We are just standing around and that means we are open game for anything that happens through here and if we are in those plant creatures area then I'm sure we just didn't kill the only ones that could be roaming."

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 7:32:10 PM

Jass holds up his hands in a warding off gesture to Florin. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. Noble Guy. No can do. My Dimension Door can only move a short distance at a time, and I don't have a Teleport spell handy."

The talkative sorcerer mimes thinking hard and then grins. "Why, if I did I would have just teleported back to the Gateway Downs and never met you nice Crimson Shields!"

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 8:21:27 PM

Syr hears the paladin's words and nods. He pats the armored shoulder once in sympathy before saying anything. "Beware the burden of leadership, eh? Rest assured, there is only one name I associate with Mother's death."

Syr looks up at the minotaur trying to determine if there is true regret behind those words, "I hear your words and will give you the benefit of the doubt. Look at me, for an elf I am extremely young but I've been in heated situations before and never had we had to cast spells on our own or even grapple a weapon out of a friend's hand." He coughs and then adds under his breath, "Well, except for the time the vampire charmed..." Refocusing on Brahmah, "Would you feel better bearing the responsibility of transporting Takerk?"

"As for the comanding, You DO look big enough to be a troll." He grins to take any sting from his words, "I only sought to get you away from a bad situation of your own making. Our relationship is still young and we are obviously still learning of one another."

Depending upon Jass' answer to Florin, Syr follows up with a question "Jass, what is the risk and really the danger of betrayal if we bring him with us? Can you assess that? or at least how we can neutralize him for now."

"A few things for us to decide but a Red Headed rogue dear to my heart would remind me of something right about here. Mac, after seeing those forearms and back in action, do you think you could hold on to the dwarf's possessions for now?" Looking around the clearing at the carnage, "Finbrush, these Tendriculous things have been here a while, right? I mean you knew there were here... After they fed on whoever they ambushed, where do you think they would drop their possesions? The water? across the pond? What say we look?" The elf hopes to steer the conversation away from Brahmah's actions and get people focused on something more positive.

Who What Why - DMAl 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 9:01:11 PM

The Crimson Shields sink their teeth into meaty moral issues, leaving the basic Who? Why? What? questions for later.

The dwarf offers his wrists again to be bound. His eyes stray, every so often to his gear, lying on the ground. His frown deepens even more at Syr's idea of taking fuller possession of his things.

"Was only one tendriculos living here," Finbrush replies to Syr. "Where is others come from don't know." He looks in the direction in which the dire bats had fled before beginning to scuff with his feet through the bones and detritus on the forest floor. "Tendriculos here not eat people or elves. No people come here. Tendriculos can't catch elves." He reaches down and pulls a skull from the muck. "This manticore. He tosses the skull to Syr so that the monk can get a better look. "That dire ape," he says, pointing to a large leg or arm bone.

"Doesn't look as though there will be any loot here, Syr," Tionel says, fully divining what the monk might be after. Then, "Listen here, Takerk Heeble .. beeb ... beeble-whatever," Tionel turns to the dwarf. "What are you and your party doing here in the Crying Woods? How do you know we're the Crimson Shields?"

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+18=19 ;
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 10:17:29 PM

OOC - Apologies for missing yesterday. My older daughter spent 6 hours in Emergency with what turned out to be a badly sprained finger.

The halfling cleric listens to the conversation between his companions, Tionel and the dwarf. Belkior is particularly interested in how the dwarf and his companions recognized the Shields and their reasons for being there. Hopefully the dwarf will respond to Tionel's questions.

While he is waiting, Belkior thinks back on what he knows about the ways of druids and others who commonly work with nature. Unfortunately, he can't recall anything at the moment but maybe the Shield's ranger would know.
Knowledge Religion = 19 (natural 1)

"Brahmah, is there any way that a druid could share his ability to take the shape of an animal? Could they take the shape of a dire bat?"

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 5:00:11 AM

Mac nods - he's done this before, though many years have since passed. In fluent Dwarven he states, "Takerk Hibblebimblebeeber, for the duration of your stay in our custody some of your possessions shall be secured by me. Some of these items have already been identified and removed. I now ask you to relinquish to me custody of any items which may be (or may be mistaken to be)..." Many years of training in the Heranmar city militia return to the fore - up to and including the appropriate method for frisking a being in custody. It is only when he gets to, "You will be provided with a receipt for all items we receive..." that he breaks out of the patter and back into common for the Shields, "Can someone write up a receipt in common and dwarven, or if not then can someone provide me with the tools to do so? I am happy to state what needs to be written if someone else is scribing. And we need a copy transcribed as well." Returning his attention to Takerk he continues in Dwarven, "...so that they may be returned to you, or the bearer of the receipt, or your new custodians in the event that your custody is transferred to the officers of another recognised jurisdiction. Do you understand?"

Assuming Takerk remains agreeable, Mac begins providing a detailed description of the mundane appearance the objects already removed, those handed over, and any found during the subsequent search that would appear to constitute a threat. When the receipts are produced, he makes his mark on both pages, placed to prevent the addition of items on either page, and asks the dwarf to do likewise, before letting him keep one page. He then takes the time to respectfully place his sheets and the other smaller items into the box in the sack in his backpack, and the other items in the sack with the box. At the end of the proceedings he adds in Common, "My intention is for these items to leave my custody in the condition received, and whilst I have gone to lengths to achieve this, I will not be held responsible for any damage or loss sustained in the course of my duties."

At an appropriate moment Mac asks Takerk about his deity - mostly prompted by not having recognised a symbol about his person or effects.
"That was my suspicion Belkior, but the way they took off after I put a few arrows over their way didn't arouse my suspicions, so I put it down to a little post-combat paranoia. Maybe Takerk was right about their being home again by now..."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 5:19:53 AM

He nods his consent about Takerk to Syr. "I have nothing against that. IN fact, I too, prefer to protect. However in the heat of battle..."

The ranger then turns to Belkior and answers. "I have a druid friend once, he rarely transformed directly in front of me, but I suspect a druid of significant power would be able to do so, yes. And as you know, tracking a flier is near impossible, unless your an arcanist of some power and that is something I do not possess, sadly." He thinks a moment and reflects. "I had a cape once which allowed me to fly, but no more."

"Is the dwarf alright?"

Wynn AC = 31, HP = 68/88 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 7:54:26 AM

Wynn listens to the explanations, apologies, and regrets with interest, but does not relax his guard until the dwarf is poperly bound and his possessions secured at some distance.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 1:04:57 PM

Jass ponders the questions.

"Well, if I were Mr. Takerk here, and someone else was holding my magic items, then I would be much less inclined to run away without them. I think keeping the stuff and the dwarf separated and the dwarf tied could be as much as can reasonably be expected under the circumstances."

Jass thumps his forehead with the heel of his hand as Tionel questions Takerk. "Of course! We've been missing the obvious for the hidden!" The sorcerer turns his charms on the dwarf. "Yes, good buddy Takerk, what WERE you and your friends doing here in the Crying Woods? How do you know we're the Crimson Shields?"

ooc: I"m assuming that with the healing provided, the dwarf is OK and bound and separated from all magic items (per the detect magic spell)

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+3=6 ; d20+3=22 ;
Thursday August 27th, 2009 7:18:59 PM

Florin listens to the questioning once more now and remains silent himself. Florin figures he has already said enough and that this area is as easily to defend as any other.

Florin does decide to be ready then caught less aware so he slips his sword from it's sheath and moves to the side.

(Spot:6 Listen:22)

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 8:15:19 PM

Syr snaps his fingers when the question of the loot is resolved.

Looking over at Mac, he watches in amazement at the minotaurs organizational skills, he mutters to himself, 'Never judge a book by the size of it's horns?' Louder still he interjects with a flick of his wrists towards the bats, "The last time we were in these woods were similar to what you just saw. The plants turned on us, in the middle of a jungle, that can never be a good thing." He shivers once with the memory. "Maybe this time something is affecting the animals too?"

Divergent Diversions - DMAl  d20+1=21 ;
Thursday August 27th, 2009 8:38:55 PM

Belkior speculates upon the possible implications of the dire bats that Mac had driven off, wondering whether a druid might impart his or her ability to change shape to anyone else. Belkior's study of religions has been extensive, but he's never heard of such a thing ever having been done. (No 1-Fail/20-Success on skills in this game.)

Mac begins the lawful confiscation of the dwarf's gear, announcing to the dwarf the conditions of the seizure first before beginning. He admits that he had been thinking along similar lines as Belkior, but now thinks less of the whole thing.

Brahmah speculates that anything might be possible with enough power, but has no way of confirming the possibility. The bats are long gone, and, without magical means, they would be near impossible to find. He looks at the dwarf, and, despite his injuries, he appears well enough.

Wynn, continues his wary vigil over the dwarf as Mac continues to catalog and store each item.

Jass pounces upon Tionel's questions, echoing his interest.

Florin, like Wynn, slips his sword from his sheath and watches for danger.

Syr marvels at Mac, and passes off the possible threat of the dire bats.

"I've never heard of a druid giving someone else the ability to shape themselves, Belkior." With a puzzled look in the direction in which the bats had disappeared, Tionel continues the speculation. "I can't do it. I'll bet Prionell can't either, and he's much more accomplished than me. I would guess that if those things weren't dire bats, then they were druids. Or, maybe wizards under a polymorph spell."

As Mac continues from one piece of equipment to the next, the dwarf becomes more and more tight lipped, drawing into a stubborn silence. Then, "We had nothing to do with the bats," he blurts out suddenly, without answering Tionel's questions. "Or the plant monsters. They came out of nowhere. And I think you're right. Seemed a lot like they were being controlled." He nods his head in agreement with himself.

As Mac moves to the dwarf's pouch, he finds a scroll, three pieces of chalk, a smaller pouch from which comes the clink of coin, and a piece of folded parchment bearing a wax seal, already broken, upon one flap. Florin catches the seal from the corner of his eye, and he recognizes it at once. It bears the crest of House Perimon.

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137  d20+2=9 ;
Thursday August 27th, 2009 11:03:55 PM

"Then please explain why, when people arrive announcing their intention to lend aid you shout It's them. They've found us." and then attack them, rather than accepting the offer and putting the wildlife issues to rest first?" <Sense motive: 9>

The scrolls (and other items that may require further identification) are provided to Shields' for that purpose. Every coin and item is efficiently counted, examined and noted.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 11:21:49 PM

The halfling cleric watches as the dwar fis relieved of his belongings, including all of the magical items and components that he might require to cast spells. Most importantly, Belkior is becoming concerned about standing in the middle of a big clearing next to several large heaps of rapidly decaying plant matter. Not to mention the remains of the creatures eaten by the tendriculos that originally hunted in this area.

"Uhhh ... Mac? Brahmah? Tionel? Shouldn't we get moving? Is there any chance that the sounds of our combat will draw creatures from the forest? Even scavengers that come to clean up what's left by the tendriculos?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Friday August 28th, 2009 1:20:52 AM

"Well, of course. If they were close enough and curious, Belkior."

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Friday August 28th, 2009 9:49:18 AM

Jass chuckles at Belkior's nervousness. "The plants got stomped by the Crimson Shields. If anything shows up, we can just stomp them again, eh?"

The sorcerer catches up the letter-like object and gives it a read, using a Read Magic cantrip if necessary. The man squats to allow Florin to read over his shoulder. When the paladin mentions the significance of the seal, Jass raises an eyebrow. "Mean anything special?"


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Friday August 28th, 2009 8:49:25 PM

After florin gazes at the seal, the elf wanders over and comments, "perimon is a lordling that is very ambitious towards these woods."

Looking at the defeated dwarf he casually asks "meet perimon did you? By the way, how many were in your group and what are their names?"

A Break in the Case - DMAl  d20+1=21 ; d20+8=12 ;
Friday August 28th, 2009 9:02:25 PM

Mac asks a very pointed and interesting question. The dwarf turns his eyes to the ground. It appears as though he may begin to become uncommunicative. "Look, we were attacked," he finally says. "You show up. We thought they were your work. You've got a druid after all." The dwarf seems sincere to Mac.

"Do you really think it was the bats that might have been controlling the plant monsters?" he asks, as Jass picks up the folded square of parchment. "Druids, you think?"

Jass finds that the square with the wax seal is a piece of parchment with the corners folded in and, at one time, secured with the lump of hot wax. When he unfolds the corners, he reads the following.

"Follow the Crimson Shields when they leave with the elves. First priority is to find Prionell's village. Second, is to re-acquire Prionell himself. Or, if possible, someone less dangerous. The elves are the key to the Crying Woods. We must discover their secret."

"Initial payment for your commission is 2000 gp. A further 10000 gp will be paid upon return with the location of the elven village. 10000 gp more if you return with a hostage."

"Qillaphia will lead your team and call you to the docks when the Crimson Shields leave."

The note is unsigned.

The dwarf is silent as Jass reads the note. His demeanor is cool and calm, difficult to read. Finally, at Syr's words, he break's down. "Five of us," he replies. "Qillaphia, Said and Thorgunna, the ranger Sodorn and me. We didn't bring the plant monsters, though. Do you think we'd *plan* to get caught like that?"

"You never answered my questions," Tionel says. He stares at the dwarf as though trying to read his mood, but he finally shakes his head.

"We guard," Starminder says to Belkior. He and Finbrush go to opposite sides of the group and ready their weapons.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Saturday August 29th, 2009 9:28:23 PM

Jass' interest is piqued with a named bad guy and several named stooges. "Well, if this guy wants Pironel and the elven village, then the worst thing we could do is take dwarf-boy to the village. If you don't want to kill him now, I think the best thing to do is tie him up, toss his magic items in the water, and leave."

"Cause you know, if we have any connection to the dwarf, they'd be able to track us easily with magic." Jass stops and thinks. "By the Powers, since they have our likenesses and have met us, they could scry us pretty easy anyways!"


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+9=27 ; d20+8=16 ;
Sunday August 30th, 2009 10:26:10 PM

The halfling cleric frowns as Syr reads the note, staring at the dwarf. Belkior doesn't appreciate that their connection with the elves of the Crying Wood is being exploited in this fashion.

"Jass ... aren't there spells that can prevent scrying or divination magics? Would these people be able to follow just knowing our names and likenesses, or would they need something to use as a connection?"
Spellcraft = 27, Knowledge Arcana = 16

"But you're probably right that they can easily track this fellow. Or, maybe, something on him. Of course, do you suppose that this group was merely trying to grab Tionel or one of the twins? Wouldn't they be "less dangerous" than Prionell?"

Monday August 31st, 2009 7:52:58 AM

"Perimon is a danger" the bard recalls their last encounter. "It was he who first attacked the crying woods, collecting elves like they were specimens. We cannot let him discover the whereabouts of the village. We must be sure we aren't followed! Tionel, I have heard that druids can walk through the trees, is his within your grasp?"

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Monday August 31st, 2009 5:15:22 PM

Syr sighs at Jass, "Your words are correct. We need to think carefully about leading the mouse to the cheese. However, I'm not convinced that killing him is the answer. As you said, they can still scry us just as well." Intentionally giving the minotaur his title as a reminder, "Hey Cap, can you blindfold your prisoner and are there any suggestions you have for securing him?" He pauses for a moment to wonder at Mac's background previous to the group before asking, "Mac?"

"I'm still more tempted to push on, deal with the immediate, rather than a potential threat. Hey Fin, how much further must we trod?"

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Monday August 31st, 2009 7:38:13 PM

Florin shrugs some as he listens to what is said and looks towards Syr, "Sounds like we could be up a creek no matter which way we go. Take him they could follow, don't we could be followed." Florin glances towards the dwarf and shakes his head once more before speaking, "Let us be on our way with our new little burden and deal with it once we get some place safer. We have enough people with us to keep a eye on him surely for now and as Syr said, we'll deal with what comes. Just hopefully nothing happened to get us neck deep in trouble with the elves."

With Great Reknown Comes Great Responsibility - DMAl 
Monday August 31st, 2009 8:52:54 PM

Jass suggests binding the dwarf and consigning his gear to the depths of the nearby dark and murky quarry. He shows concern, however, that Perimon and his minions might be able to scry upon them regardless, using little more than their descriptions and the fact of their acquaintance.

Belkior thinks along similar lines and sets his mind upon the spell in question. Both Belkior and Jass know that a scrying spell can be cast upon anyone with little or no knowledge of them. However, the chances of success are greater the more intimate the caster is with the subject. They also know, however that the scrying spell only allows the caster to see within an area limited by the scrying sensor. Scrying an area would not be the same as locating that area. The danger, of course, would come from using a Teleport spell in conjunction with scrying.

"I can take us through a tree, Wynn." Tionel nods. "But not today. We'd have to camp here and go tomorrow."

Both Finbrush and Starminder prove that they are listening. Both turn, at various times, and eye the dwarf with hostility. "Children are in Elvenguard too," Finbrush says in Common. "Elf children are not many. We protect them very valuable." In his passion, the elf's Common deteriorates noticeably. It takes a moment before he cools his head enough to answer Syr. "Is one hour to Elvenguard," he says in reply. Neither Brahmah nor Mac reply, both wrapped, no doubt, in contemplation of the best course to chart in through this moral dilemma.

Florin suggests taking the dwarf with the group. That brings a smile to the dwarf's face, and he lifts his hands once again, this time to Florin, so that he can be bound and taken along.


Looks like opinions may be split fairly evenly here. You might want to try to come to a consensus as to what you want to do with the mad dwarf.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Monday August 31st, 2009 10:12:37 PM

The halfling cleric is becoming increasingly as his companions discuss the killing of the dwarf.

"No! It isn't right to simply kill him to remove a problem!"

"Not because it's the easiest thing, nor because it might be the safest thing. Whatever his faults, whatever he has done, Alemi breathed life into him and Alemi forbids me from having any part in his death. No way, no how. Sometimes, in the heat of battle, it happens but even then I have to take no personal role in the deaths. This ... this deliberate murder, there's no way I could personally countenance that nor justify it before Alemi."

"If you don't want to take him, leave him here. If you don't trust him, leave someone to guard him. I'll do it myself if no one else wishes to do so."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 12:42:23 AM

"I heard recently that the Emerald Kingdom had no choice but to remove, kill, Parnoth, the tyrant dragon, after many years, money and man power to do diplomatic things to remove him. If they had gotten rid of him early on, maybe lives, money and land could have been saved. Since Parnoth was killed the Culverwood has woken." Puts in his two cents.

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 3:39:05 AM

"Aren't any of you listening?!!! Finbrush and Starminder, please stay in Tionel's company and away from Takerk - he may have surrendered for the moment, but we do not know what he will do from one moment to the next, plus having any of you out on point/guard duty with three others still out there somewhere doesn't seem wise to me. Ambush, grab and bolt and they have most of what they need to get paid - with or without their friend here." He gestures towards Takerk and draws breath before continuing. "I've promised to keep his things safe, so please ensure they come back to me promptly. That said, I don't know spellcasting well enough to know if he can still cast spells if he is bound and gagged. If there's a chance he can, then I would suggest knocking him out - the method can be discussed. I'm not saying that it is a perfect solution, but it does limit the bloodshed. How does that sound?" Mac pauses to see what response that generates, before adding, "And if we are staying here we need a more defendable position."

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 8:45:13 AM

The more his companions get agitated, the more Jass seems to relax. "Hey, no dust off of my shelf here. We're not killing Mister Terkek. Mac will keep his gear safe as his promise. So that leaves us with how to transport a dwarf working for the enemy who wants to find the place we need to go to?"

He sends a nod to Belkior's direction. "And while there are spells to confound scrying and even stop teleportations to the scrying location, I don't have any of those spells. But that gives me an idea."

"How does this sound? We camp out the night and in the morning Belkior gets some Dimensional Anchor or some such spell to stop people popping into the elven village. Then we bring alone Terkek with hands tied and a bag over his head. He doesn't see anything and we can do all we can to protect the elves."

Whatever is decided by the others is fine with Jass. He's made his suggestion and will wait on those who care more to decide.


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/1/2/4/3/2/4

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 7:46:13 PM

Florin shakes his head at some of the talks and figured the decision had been made of just moveing on and keeping a eye on the dwarf and being done with it. When the group is ready to move on Florin will keep his sword out anyway just incase and move with the rest of the group. He will offer to help track if anyone would like the help anyway.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 8:25:08 PM

Syr looks at the dwarf, "It looks like you are coming with us now." He bends down and uses the rope to tie him, "Brahmah, will you do the honors of his blindfold?"

"Guys, we either have one hour to the village or nine hours to the village after rest, I vote we push through now. Any other opinions out there?"

New Spells and Morning Light - DMAl 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 8:59:06 PM

Several things come clear as the Crimson Shields discuss the problem of the dwarf. First, taking the dwarf's life is out. Second, they need a way to make their way to Elvenguard without compromising the location.

The most feasible ideas involve waiting for a time at which new spells will be granted by various patron deities. One small obstacle is the fact that it's already morning. Soft light is filtering through the thick canopy of trees above. Without having had any rest the night before, there would be no new spells for anyone today. The Crimson Shields would have to wait the day out and then through the night again before gaining new spells. Syr, still not yet completely familiar with the full requirements of spell casting, believe it to be 9 hours until new spells will come, when the actual time is more likely near to 24 hours. It's a fortunate thing that the Shields started out a week early. There are still six days left before the new moon.

Mac packs away the last of the dwarf's possessions, and his bound and gagged. Those more knowledgeable in the ways of Spellcraft, know of feats of magic that allow casters to perform magic without a sound, without a gesture, without, even, the components of a spell. The dwarf, however, has shown no such abilities. Yet.

With the Tendriculos, the owner of this glade, now deceased, the open area provides as defensible a spot within the Crying Woods as the Crimson Shields have seen so far, with one flank protected by the water, and a stout tree truck to climb up to the cliff above in case retreat becomes necessary.

Push on? Or spend some time camping in the Crying Woods?

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Tuesday September 1st, 2009 9:51:21 PM

The halfling cleric suddenly realizes that dawn is close or already upon. Belkior apologizes to his companions and hurriedly begins preparations for his morning prayers to Alemi. Of course, he is unable to request any additional spells from his God but he did not deplete his resources too badly.

"Excuse me, I need to complete my prayers to Alemi. I will be as quick as possible while you are deciding what to do."

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 9:14:34 AM

Jass again is easy enough in following along to what the other Crimson Shields want. As his earlier Mage Armor has worn off, Jass spells up another one to give him a modicum of protection while in a potentially hostile environment.

To while away the time, he plays hide-and-seek with Furball; placing a treat somewhere in his clothing and letting the ferret hunt for it.

cast Mage Armor

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/2/2/4/3/2/4

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