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DM Kent  d20+18=25 d20+15=20 d20+15=31 d20+10=13 d8+6=10 d20+18=37 d20+18=22 d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+18=20 d20+18=38 d10=8 d10=6 d10=2 2d8(6+3)+10=20
Thursday January 24th, 2008 6:56:29 AM

Ashira lays into the priest connecting twice and easing some of the tension that has been building upo inside of her. (ooc, A charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity)

The three apes are ordered past and barrel past Val and Ashira only as they do the vanish out of sight and Cosmo can tell they are no longer in existance.

Rigging watches as his thin green ray moves toward the beast and then vanishes without ever touching the HoG. Knowledge arcana roll DC 18 and then Highlight to display spoiler: { After sering the wall of fire , Vals arrows, the strange reaction of the fireball, the disappearance of the apes and his ray, Rigging is pretty confident that there is an area of anti magic in operation covering some area in front of him.}

Out in the hall Cosmo begins casting again.

Nez, feeling a bit battered takes a moment to do a bit of healing and frowns as his SW mises yet again.

Appolo moves into flanking position and as he does so he suddenly feels like he weighs and extra 50 pounds or so and is clearly shocked when his strikes end up not connecting at all.

Bart springs forward to attack the priest but misses.

Ari casts suggestion at the priest the priest takes a second to smile at him from the distance and shake his head.

Val sends another arow streaking toward th e plant and connects.


Th priest sees Apollo coming and takes an attack of opportunity to slap at him with his mace but misses as he was smiling at Ari.

His focus back on Val he renews his attack with great zeal connecting once more for 10 points of damage.

The flowers finding no other target to attack once again focus on Nez as three more ras arc aout and connect with him.

Nez feels a shock of negative energy and recognizes the wound causing spell. 20 points, Will DC18 for 10. The second raysends waves of fear crashing into him and he feels like he must escape from the room. Will Dc 18 or flee in fear. The third flower seems to be sending reassuring energy at him and seems to want to make Nez his friend. Will DC 18 or become charmed. The other two stems' rays miss.

Heart of Ga'al AC 33, flower stems AC 35
Priest Ac 30

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 7:59:27 AM

Oh well, you never know when the simple stuff can trip someone up Trying another idea Ari casts entangle and attempts to use the plant matter from the Heart against the priest, attempting to tie up the Heart so it has no attack and of course seeing if they pieces parts can do anything to hold up or trip up the priest.

Appolo Ac 30 hp 70/88 Haste 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:24:18 AM

Seeing that his attacks have no effect Appolo leaves the area quickly as possible and heads back down the hall."i'll be back need to go get something."He says as he walk away back the way he came.

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+17=32 2d6(1+6)+12=19 d20+12=22 d20+7=27 d20+17=37 d20+17=37 2d8(3+4)+16=23 d20+8=13 d20-2=8 d20+17=23
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:27:13 AM

The rangers smile curls into an evil mask. "How sad...how truly sad. You know Ga'al is disappointed with you." Sneaking past his guard, Ashira's longsword rips into his chest and then she follows up with a horrible thrust to the heartseed (AC32 for 19, then AC37/37 for 23). The hunter of Ga'al spits in the high priest's face. "Let's see if you're precious little Ga'al can save you now!"

She shouts to the others over her shoulder. "Leave this fool to me! Obliterate the Heartseed!"

OOC: Still need to know if Haste is active. 94 damage done thus far by Ashira (grin).

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=36 d20+16=34 3d8(3+6+7)+15=31
Thursday January 24th, 2008 11:30:08 AM

Val feels her armor hold under the impact. She holds her breath for a moment and doesn't feel the blood running down her side. Oh she would feel it later. Maybe some bruised ribs but for now the adrenaline kept her focused. She pulled out another arrow and took careful aim. Her lungs burned for air but she still did not breathe. Val adjusted her aim slightly and released the arrow.

ooc: one attack against the body. crit- ac 34 confirm for 31

Arrows used: 16
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=35 d20+15=35 d20+15=29 d20+10=20 d20+10=17 d10+11=13 d10+11=15 d6=6 d6=5
Thursday January 24th, 2008 1:20:29 PM

Bart attacks the priest and hits him (ac 35 for 13+6 shock, threat no crit ac 35 for 15+5 shock, miss

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 35/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw ,Righteous might  d20+17=23 d20+17=24 d20+17=29 d20+12=32 d20+12=22 d20+7=13 d8+3=9
Thursday January 24th, 2008 3:28:47 PM

Waethering the assault of the stalks the dwarf fights off their affects " Grrrrrr "

"Pesky stalks .... gotta do something about dem " growls Nezamil

will save vs wounding d20+17=23 made takes 10
will save vs fear d20+17=24 made
will save vs charm d20+17=29 made

" it's like fighting a damned beholder " grumbles the dwarf

Ggetting angry as the stalks pester him he continues to let his spiritual mace assault the High Priest and asmile appears to crease the dwarfs face as the mace of force finds its mark

1st swing (d20+12=32 nat 20!! crit swing d20+12=22 missed damage 1d8+3=9
2nd swing d20+7=13 missed

Looking about the room Nezamil tries to understand the structure .... looking for structual points " HEY CAPTAIN CAN WE BRING DOWN THE ROOF ON THIS VILE THING " shouts the dwarf " bring da house down like a mountion of stone "

Feeling battered the Cleric of Domi prays to release Domi's divine might " Domi grant your humble servant rightious strength " (casting righteous might)

AS the Dwarf rises to new heights and strength he readies himself defensivly with his best shielding techniques ( combat expertise +5 to Ac )knowing the stalks will continues their relentless attacks

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?
Spirirual weapon (9/11)rds
Righteous might (11/11) rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:39:17 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 7/7
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo finishes casting his SM IV spell. He summons a Lantern Archon and has it appear in the doorway. The creature immediately begins to attack.

Once again, Cosmo casts SM IV from the wand of SM IV.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 13)

Lantern Archon - 1  d20+2=22 d20+2=6 d20+2=19 d6=5 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:44:05 PM

OOC - What is the big things TAC?

LA #1
Hit AC's: 22(6) & 19
Damage: 5 + 6 = 11 (add 3 if the TAC is 6 or less)

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Rigging  d20+13=18 d20+6=26 d20+13=22 d20+10=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=30 24d6(1+4+6+4+4+6+4+5+6+5+5+1+3+2+6+4+2+4+3+1+5+5+4+2)=92 24d6(3+2+5+3+5+2+5+2+6+6+5+6+1+2+2+4+2+1+3+2+3+1+3+1)=75 d20+14=25 5d6(1+1+4+4+3)=13 5d6(4+6+6+5+3)=24
Friday January 25th, 2008 8:38:24 AM

Rigging growls in frustration as he sees one of his most powerful spells wasted. His intelligent mind goes to work and he realizes that the creature is protected by some kind of anti-magic area. (dc check 18 on the nose)

He will calculate where his fireball went off and where his ice storm seemed to affect and try and figure out if the flower tentacles are in the anti-magic radius. He doubts it since they seem to be doing magic themselves.

He then hears Nezamil's call for the roof and quickly studies the roof to see if a disinegrate spell could bring down the roof. (engineering check 22) If it is possible, he will attack the roof, otherwise he will attack on of the flowers.

Explanation of rolls:
Rolled 18 to see if I could figure out anti-magic
Rolled 26 natural 20 for an intelligence check to see if the flower tentacles are in the anti-magic
Rolled 22 engineering check to check the ceiling
Rolled 11 to hit my target (natural 1)
Rolled again using a hero point hitting a natural 20
Rolled critical hit and rolled another natural 20 to make critical hit
Rolled a 25 to get past spell resistance)

Rigging does 167 points of damage to the tentacle if it fails fort save or 37 points of damage if it makes it.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2**

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 3/7

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me? Still looking for volunteers

Friday January 25th, 2008 10:51:59 AM

Ack. I let time catch up on me. I'm leaving for India on Sunday and I need someone to play Ari too. I'll be gone until Feb 8th.

DM Kent  d3=2 d10=5 d20+18=22 d20+15=26 d20+10=23
Friday January 25th, 2008 6:28:20 PM

Rigging is pretty sure that the white flower at the front of the plant is what is causing the anti magic zone and thorough some quick considering knows that anything he casts at the HoG this moment, unless he moves, is going to have to enter that field of anti magic. Rigging is also pretty sure that if he used it against the cieling that while some damage might be done, it wouldn't be enough to collapse it. Feeling something has to be done Rigging moves over toward the area behind Nez is in and casts again. He is rewarded by another shrill shreik but the HoG is still there though it seesm to be smouldering a bit where three of the side flowers once were.

Ari casts his spell and while there seems to be no effect from the HoG the bloody gras around the feet of the Priest begins writhing and twisting around him, causing the priest to swear and start muttering to himself.

Ashira connects again and definitle does some damage, but her sword has a wierd feel to it every time she steps forward to strike the priest, sort of like it isn't quite as effective.(Yes, Haste is gone)

Val sends another arrow streaking in and strikes solidly.

Bart too feels that his sword isn't as effective and in fact he feels like everything he owns is quite a bit heavier, but does manage to strike the priest, though he notices that no electricity emmantes from his sword strike.

Nez mutters about the HoG and its flower attacks and goes to attack with the SW again and sends it in to where the priest is now and as he does watches as it vanishes and is no longer there. He then casts his spell and gets ready for the plant's next assault.

Cosmo casts again after sending his Lantern Archon to attack which sends its ray streaking toward the plant, where it connects solidly and a shrill screech emminates from the plant.

(TAC 23)


The shrieking Hog starts writing and its flowers, the ones remaining, begin waving violently and a thin greenins ray, that looked very similar to Rigging's comes shooting out at Nez, but just misses and a section of the floor beside him dissipates into dust.

The Priest swings wildly this time and misses twice. there is a fatalistic look in his eyes.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste 
Friday January 25th, 2008 6:47:26 PM

Using his boots of speed Appolo searches Mykeals stuff and finds to 5 gallon barrels of acid.He hefts the barrels up on his shoulders and quickly as possible carries them back to the battle.Once he arrives"Got some acid here let's dump this stuff on that thing and see what happens."

Nezamil Ac 34(39 w/CE) Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might 
Friday January 25th, 2008 11:45:15 PM

Quickly fishing out a scroll from his haversack the Cleric of Domi reads it .... realeasing its' energy (Heal )

Feeling his health return to top form Nezamil hears the light footed Appolo idea " good .... i'll distract the stalks as best i can " growls the dwarf as he moves closer to the Heart of Ga'al (moves to D6) hoping his moven again attracts the remaining stalks and the Heart of Ga'als attention

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (10/11) rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(George i'll run Rigging for you , send me his sheet)

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Enlarge)  d20+17=22 d20+12=28 d20+7=24 d20+16=28 d20+8=15 d20-2=11
Friday January 25th, 2008 11:56:32 PM

Years of pent up anger and murderous rage spew from the ranger as she whips her blades around in a vicious, but ultimately futile effort to down the high priest. She looks over at Bart, barely able to keep the lust for the kill under control. "Finish him Bart! Let's send this heart seeding son of Ga'al to the Realms of Shadow!"

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d20+10=27 d10+11=21 d10+11=13 d6=3 d6=6
Saturday January 26th, 2008 11:50:56 AM

Bart attacks the priest again, he HAS SOME ANTIMAGIC SHALL AROUND HIM MY SWORD DOESNT WORK AS WELL AS IT NORMALLY DOES Bart growls, He manages to hit the priest with 2 of his 3 blows (ac 39 threat no crit for 21+3, ac 34 threat no crit for 13+6, miss)

attendence report 
Monday January 28th, 2008 1:26:16 PM

Dm Kent xxoxxoo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira ooxxxoo
Appolo xoxxxoo
Val xxoxoxx
Bart xxxxoxo
Nezamil xoxxxoo
Cosmo xoxxooo
Ari oxoxooo

Remember we are in combat so please make sure you post !!!

Nice work Bart !! 5 posts !!!

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=23
Monday January 28th, 2008 4:31:00 PM

Val draws another arrow, sending it streaking toward the HoG but misses badly.

"This is going to take forever. Lucking I have a couple hundred arrows. The thing may be immune to magic but what about as simple as oil and a lit torch?"

Arrows used: 17
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Rigging ac 22 80/80 
Monday January 28th, 2008 4:31:53 PM

Rigging knowing his magic is mostly expended smiles as Appolo comes up with an idea " well it won't hurt to try that .... and besides i'm not that effective againist that anti-magic shield it has up "

Moving swiftly Rigging goes to aid Appolo with his acid bomb .... fetching his holy dagger he will help pop the cork and assist Appolo in throwing the casks on the Heart of Ga'al

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 2/7

(posted by adm chris)

Appolo Ac 30 hp 70/88 Haste 
Monday January 28th, 2008 7:04:28 PM

Appolo smiles as Rigging comes over to help"Boss do you know were the source of the anti=magic shield is,We could tsrget it.Taking that out would make things easier."He continues to prepare the acis to be thrown.

DM kent  d20+15=32 d20+15=30 d20+15=33 d10=7 d10=5 d10=4 d10=10 d10=8 d8+10=15 d20+18=34 d20+18=35 d20+18=32 d10=6 4d8(6+6+1+4)+12=30
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:31:50 PM

(OOC - note that Mykael's sheet has 4 pint flasks of acid on it just for the record.)

Apollo goes and rifle's through Mykael's stuff and retrieves some acid he remembers being there, and gets ready to distribute it somewhere.

Nez heals himself with a quick scroll and moves forward a few feet.

Ashira lets her rage get in her way and misses her attacks on the priest.

Bart however manages to connect again solidly and rocks the priest.

Val keeps up the arial assault but once againmisses.

Rigging comes to Apollo's aid in readying the acid.


As Nez moves closer the once quiescent tendrils come active and lash out at the cleric all just missing. He also attracts the attention of two of that side's flowers. he feels negative energy once again flow into him, Cause moderate wounds 15 points Will Dc 19 for 8 points, and feels himself begin to fell disassociated with the area, teleport will Dc 19 or be randomly dropped somewhere.

The third remaining flower targets Apollo as he moves in with the Acid to where Riggin was. Apollo begins to feel fear take hold of him fear will dc 19 or flee for two rounds.

The priest obviously in a bad way steps backwards 5 feet and casts a spell on himself. Some of his wounds disappear.

HoG AC 33(TAC 23)
Priest AC 30

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:54:25 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 6/7
SM IV (from wand): 7/7
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo finishes casting his second SM IV spell. He summons another Lantern Archon and has it appear next to the first one. It attacks.

Cosmo moves into the doorway opening. He is not sure what to do as magic does not appear to be working very well in the room. He decides that he will keep any other creatures from entering the area and let his comrades deal with the heart in the room. He casts SM IV from the wand again.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

Lantern Archon - 2  d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=12 d20+2=12
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:56:03 PM

LA #1
Hit AC's: 9 & 12
Damage: 0

LA #2
Hit AC's: 12 & 12
Damage: 0

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 84/92 (106/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+15=20 d20+15=33 d20+15=21 d20+10=14 d20+15=26 2d6(3+2)+8=13 2d6(1+6)+8=15
Monday January 28th, 2008 10:37:51 PM

Nezamil shakes off the flowers attacks only taking slight damage .

(d20+15=20 will save , made!! only takes 8!)
(d20+15=33 will save , made ! stays put :-)

Feeling Domi's righteous might flow thru him Nezamil steps forward to attack the flowers(moves to D5) to help clear a path for Appolo's and Captain Riggings acid bomb attack.

Activating his magical boots(boots of speed +1 ac)

"Feel Domi's wrath and power " bellows the Cleric of Domi as his mace lashes out to bash the flowers

1st swing d20+15=21 , damage if hit 2d6(3+2)+8=13
2nd swing d20+10=14 missed (i'm pretty sure about that)
3rd swing d20+15=26 , damage if hit 2d6(1+6)+8=15

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging ac 22 80/80 
Monday January 28th, 2008 10:45:19 PM

Smiling at Appolo " The white follow is our target !! "

Taking a couple of the acid flasks from Appolo .... Rigging pops the stoppers on them .

" don't throw them lets just step next to it and pour it so we don't miss "

With that said Rigging moves forward to the white flower and pours the scid bombs on the pretty white flower ..... hoping the acid will also flow over the Heart of Ga'al too.

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Enlarge)  d20+17=24 d20+17=19 d20+12=20 d20+7=23 d20+17=18 d20+8=12 d20-2=3
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 12:17:19 AM

Shaking her head in distaste as the priest falls back, Ashira takes a swing due to her enlarged reach, but can't manage to disrupt the priest's spell (AC24). The ranger flies 5 feet forward to cut off further retreat and presses her attack, but once more her blind rage renders her attacks useless. Her smile unpleasant to look at, she encourages Bart to press the attack. "C'mon Bart, you've almost got him. Look, the coward's trying to back out of the fight!"

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste  d20+8=19
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 10:01:35 AM

Appolo shakes off the fear and looks up with acid flasks ready.Appolo smiles wickedly waitsa few second then sprints forward after Rigging.When reaches the Heart of G'aal he pours his acid all over it while being carefull not to get any of it on himself.He pours as close to the top as possible hoping the acid will eat straight throught the monsterous creature.

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=24 d20+10=20 d10+11=17 d6=1
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 12:11:43 PM

Bart follows the priest and attacks him once more he hits him only once (ac 39 for 17+1)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=34 d8+5=10
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 1:30:05 PM

Val pulls another arrow from her quiver and launches it firmly into the HoG.

"This thing doesn't even bleed. I think I'm just annoying it."

ooc: hit ac 34 for 10

Arrows used: 18
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Wednesday January 30th, 2008 12:38:07 PM

come on guys the final days of the swords have begun lets make it some nice ones

Wednesday January 30th, 2008 4:28:11 PM

Trying to Bart...just need a DM post to work with. I hear Kent has some RL stuff going on.

DM Kent  4d6(4+6+3+5)=18 d20+20=31 d6+4=6 d20+20=31 d6+4=10 d20+20=36 d6+4=9 d6=2 d6=4 d6=6 d20+20=40 d20+20=24 d6+4=10 d20+18=33 d10=3 d20+20=26 d20+20=35 d20+18=34 d20+18=31 d6+4=9 d10=7 2d8(1+8)+10=19 d6+4=6 d10=1 d20+15=34 d8+6=8 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+18=38 d20+18=19 d20+18=24 d10=3 d10=5 d10=1 5d6(2+2+6+2+5)=17 d20+20=30 d20+20=31 d20+20=25 2d6(6+1)+8=15
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 6:09:59 PM

Cosmo brings a second anter into being and it joins its fellow near the forefront and they attack the HoG though they do both miss with their attack. And Cosmo beigns casting yet again.

Nez speeds things up a bit and moves in closer and attempts to wail upon the flower but misses all three times.

Rigging and Apollo move forward so as to pour or throw the acid on the white flower, putting themselves in the path of the thorny tentacles. The acid is poured and splashed with some success as their is an additional shriek from the plant and the white flower begins to shrivel.

Ashira again finds that she is her own worst enemy as her rage interfears with her attacks.

Bart comes in swinging again and manages to connect once but in doing so his movement takes him forward and he actually feels his magic return to his sword and armor.

Val senda another arrow streaking into the HoG.

As Rigging goes forward to pour acid he gets smacked by one of the tentacles (AoO). He feels the thorns rip into his flesh as he fights his way through. AC 31, for 6 points.

Apollo too finds himself whacked solidly by a tentacle and feels the thorns sink into his flesh. (AoO)AC31,10 points

As Bart move forward to attck the priest, he too attracts the attaentin of the HoG's tentacles. (AoO) AC 36, 9 points

Nez finds himself attacked by a tentacle AC 40 crit threat, damage 10 and another flower sends a ray streaking at him TAC 33 and he feels his body begin to stiffen. Fort save DC 19 or turn to stone.

Apollo and Rigging each find themselves the target of tentacle and a flower as well.

Rigging gets torn again by a tentacle AC 26 for 9 points and feels negative energy pour into him TAC 34, Cause moderate, 19 points, will DC 19 for 9 points.

Apollo too gets slapped around by a tentacle. AC 35, 6 points and feels a presence in his mind commanding him to attack Rigging with his sword. [b] Command, Will DC 19 or attack Rigging.

The priest swings his mace and looks Bart right in the eyes as he does so. Fort save DC 19 or be turned to stone. Bart then feels the mace crash solidly into his side and feels negative energy course through his body. [b]AC 34, 8 physical damage and 10 negative energy damage Bart also attracts the attention of 3 of the HoG's flowers. As the first ray hits him he begins to feel quite sleepy. TAC 38, Will Dc 19 or fall asleep. The second ray begins to make his feel really badly as if he just wants to fall apart. Disintegrate - TAC 19 - 82 points damage, Will DC 19 for 17 points. As the third ray strikes him he feels a presence in his mind that commands him to turn ans attack Ashira. Command TAC 24, Will Dc 19.

Several tentacles lash out at Ashira trying to catch hold of her and two manage to snag her AC 30, 31 for 15 points. Alarmingly the two tentacles that snagged her seem to be trying to pull her into the HoG itself. Grapple 34 Base att + Gargantuan + strength.

HoG AC 33,(TAC 23)
Priest AC 30

Rigging Ac 22 Hp 56/80  d20+13=20
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 9:51:59 PM

Rigging grimaces as the tentacles tear his skin(d20+13=20 made !! phew glad Nezamil has magic circle vs evil up)
feeling blood run down his body Rigging uncorks another bottle of acid and again pours it over the Heart of Ga'al and it's flowers "Burn .... burn.... burn " yells the bloodied mage

(there was 4 flasks of acid , i figured we could only our one per round with 2 each held by Rigging and Appolo), i of course could be wrong)

Rigging then steps back away (5'ft move)from the Heart of Ga'al " Appolo stab it .... use you blades !!!"

"Ari stop standing still !! attack the evil heart .... now !!! "

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 74/92 (96/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=19 d20+17=35 d20+12=13 d20+17=36 d20+17=21 2d6(2+2)+8=12 2d6(5+1)+8=14
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 10:12:07 PM

As the tentacles pierce his body the dwarf growls "Grrrrr"

AS the flowers ray strikes Nezamil he feels his body start to harden to stone " Domi save me " cries out the Priest of Domi ..... and the feeling of being turned to stone fades (d20+14=20 made it !! phew !! )

With renewed faith Nezamil weaves his giant mace in deadly swwps as he smahes at the Heart of Ga'al

1st swing d20+17=35 damage 2d6(2+2)+8=12
2nd swing d20+12=13 missed
3rd swing d20+17=36 damage 2d6(5+1)+8=14(hasted swing)
Total damage 26!

"Domi power shall slay you !! " shouts Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp55/88 Haste  d20+8=28 d20+14=24 d20+14=34 d20+14=24 d20+14=33 d10+6=12 d10+6=13
Thursday January 31st, 2008 12:12:40 AM

Appolo takes the hits with a grimace and spins into action with his blades easily resisting the command.
Slicing into the beast twice as he connects solidly.

Attack 34 35 Damage 12 13

Bart Ac 31 44/95 Ac 32 to priest  d20+15=34 d20+13=28 d20+13=20 d20+13=21 d20+20=31 d20+15=31 d20+10=11 d10+11=16 d10+11=17
Thursday January 31st, 2008 2:56:55 PM

Bart feels the magic return to him.

can someone destroy his magic protections!!

The return blows from the priest hurts him (fort save 34, will save 28, will save 20, will save 21

Bart returns the blows to the priest ac31 for 16 ac31 for 17, miss he the steps away a bit giving him a greater distance to the HOg

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday January 31st, 2008 9:43:10 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 5/7
SM IV (from wand): 6/7
SM IV (from wand): 7/7

Cosmo finishes casting the third SM IV spell. He summons another Lantern Archon and has it appear next to the other two and it attacks with them. Cosmo eyeballs the wand, expecting smoke to be coming out of it after all the use it has gotten.

Cosmo remains in the doorway. He burns another charge off the SM IV wand.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 15)

Lantern Archon - 3  d20+2=6 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 d20+2=21 d20+2=18 d20+2=4
Thursday January 31st, 2008 9:44:44 PM

LA #1
Hit AC's: 6 & 15
Damage: 0

LA #2
Hit AC's: 7 & 21
Damage: 0

LA #3
Hit AC's: 18 & 4
Damage: 0

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

DM Kent  d20+20=39 d20+20=39 d20+20=25 d20+20=36 2d6(4+1)+8=13 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6 d20+18=27 d20+18=21 d10=3 d10=1 d6+4=5 2d6(6+4)+8=18 d20+18=33 d20+18=37 d10=9 d10=3 3d6(2+1+1)+13=17 d6=4 d6=3 d6=1 d6=6 d20+18=18 d20+18=21 d10=2 d10=6 d20+18=38 d10=4 d6+4=9 d20+4=10 d20+18=25 d10=4 5d6(6+6+3+3+1)=19
Thursday January 31st, 2008 11:37:41 PM

Rigging pours his second vial of acid on the HoG eliciting another piercing shriek from the plant.

Nez fights off being stoned and makes his attacks tearing a few chunks off of the gargantuan plant.

Apollo lashes out with his sword and connects with the HoG as well.

Bart takes some damage and then dishes some out to the priest dropping him to the floor.

Cosmo summons another lanterns which joins the others and then charges up his wand yet again.


The HoG starts lashing out with all its tendrils and its remaining flowers.

Nez gets struck and grabbed by two tentacles Ac 39 & 39 for 13 points and feels himself being dragged toward the plant grapple DC34.

Rigging has two flower rays streak toward him TAC 27 7 TAC 21 and feels a presence in his mind commanding him to attack Apollo. Command Will DC 19 or attack apollo[b] The second ray makes him feel really sleepy. [b]Sleep Will save DC 19 or fall asleep. He also feels the tell tale smack and tear of the tentacles as he is struck by another AC 25 for 5 points

Apollo is targeted by two more flower rays as well TAC 33 & 37. He too feels quite sleepy suddenly and needs to make a will save DC19 or fall asleep. The second ray is a black one and he feels a massive jolt of negative energy strikes him. ger of death -Fort Dc 19 or be slain save for 17 points

Ashira feels the thorns dig deeper into her as she is dragged into the main plant.18 points Ashira also finds two rays coming her way TAC 18 & 21. the first ray goes harmlessly by, the second strikes her and she feels everything begin to slow down. Slow - Will DC 19 or be slowed.

With the anti magic field apparently no longer operational, Val finds herself the target of a flower ray herself and finds her self feeling a bit stiff. TAC 38 - Flesh to stone- Fort DC 19 or be turned to stone.

Bart finds himself the attention of a tentacle again Ac 36 for 9 points. He also finds that a ray streaks out from one of the flowers at him, TAC 25 making him feel tingly all over. Disintegrate - Fort DC 19 - 50 points damage or svae for 19

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 61/92 (83/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+20=33 d20+17=21 d20+12=32 d20+17=25
Thursday January 31st, 2008 11:58:10 PM

The large sized dwarf holds his ground from being pulled towards the Heart of Ga'al

d20+20=33 (+2 more from magic circle of protection from evil =35 !!)

(d20+ 8 base,+4 str , +4 str RM , +4 size bonus = total +20)

" Feel Domi's wrath .... Domi shall send ya to da shadows " shouts Nezamil

Hi large mace keeps swing at the Heart of Ga'al but his zeal throws off his aim slightly with one near miss

"It's senses it's end ... now everyone attack the Hheart of Ga'al ... send it to the shadowland "

1st swing d20+17= 21 missed
2nd swing d20+12= 32 near miss
3rd swing d20+17=25 missed hasted swing

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent did you account for the 5/evil in damage reduction againist the mighty dwarf )

Rigging Ac 22 Hp 51/80  d20+13=17 d20+13=26
Friday February 1st, 2008 12:06:03 AM

The Captain of the swords fights off the magical attacks of the tentacles (d20+13 = 17 will save , d20+13=26 will save , made both !!)

But the a tentacles slashes the mage again making more blood run down his body .

"Nezamil is right !! everyone gand up on the Heart !! lets finish it !!! end it's vile life " shouts Rigging

"Freedom for Ga'al ..... Freedom for Ga'al !! " chants the native of Ga'al as he tries to rally the swords to finish

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+15=25 d20+16=19
Friday February 1st, 2008 9:24:49 AM

Val takes a step back as the ray washes over her body but doesn't feel anything further. She draws another arrow and takes aim. Val smiles as the arrow bursts into flame during flight but the shot sails high.

ooc: for save 25. missed attack

Arrows used: 19
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo Ac30 HP 53/88 Haste  d20+8=24 d20+9=20 d20+18=36 d20+18=26 d20+18=36 d20+18=20 d20+18=22 d20+18=23 d10+6=13 d10+6=15
Friday February 1st, 2008 10:41:30 AM

Appolo shake of most the effects of the dark magic and strikes back spitting blood covered in blood seet and grimes heaad to toe as he swings at the creature."A boss that Freedom from G'aal not for G'aal.Oh Nez buddy you got any healing magic left.If I reemeber correctly I could be wrong but ifa goos alinged cleric casts a hwaling spell on a evil creature doesn't that actually damage the creature not heal it."

He then yells for Ari"Ari go find some oil lantern oil.I'm going to chop this thing up then havea barbeque."
Appolo swings 6 times at the vile creature. Connecting with it twice.He watches as he cuts in to it and the acis continues to eat away at the creature causing more damsge.

Attack 36 36 Damage 13 15=28

Bart Ac 32 16/95 +21  d20+17=37 2d8(7+4)+10=21
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 8:06:19 AM

Bart feels one of the flowers but luckily not all of his magic affects him. The heavily wounded fighter retreats a bit keeping distance to te plant he pulls out a potion of cure moderate and drinks it (heal 21)

DM Kent  d4=3 d20=17 2d6(5+2)=7 d20+20=23 d20+20=25 d20+20=25 d20+20=34 d6+9=10 d6+9=15 d20+18=18 d20+18=36 d20+18=29 d20+18=19 d20+18=24 d20+18=26 d6=3 3d6(2+6+3)+13=24 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2 2d8(4+7)+13=24 d6+9=12
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 8:52:42 AM

The acid keeps doing its work and another flower falls, leaving only 6 apprently functioning in addition to the white one at the rear.

Ashira gets pulled into the center of the Hog and feels the thorns sink ever deeper into her. She can actually feel the blood being siphoned out of her. 3 points constitution loss

Nez fights through the HoG's grapple attempt but does'nt mangae to connect with his own attack.

Val avoids being stoned and takes another shot with her bow but the arrow flies wide.

Rigging shakes off the magical attacks of the HoG and tries to rally the troops to finish the HoG off.

Apollo also avoids the HoG's magical assault and at Rigging's urging continues his slicing and dicing.

Bart manages to make his save and doesn't fall to pieces but he isn't feeling too well and drinks a potion.

Cosmos fourth lantern arrives and takes up position.


As the fight coninues there is a slidind / grating sound heard from above. It isn't really loud enough to warrant any major attetion but suddenly the entire room is being soaked, by what appears to thick rusty smelling rain. It wouldn't seem that being covered in blood would be that much of a problem but the Wildcards feel each drop as a burn eating into them like acid 7 points damage to all. The HoG stills for a moment as if relishing the downpour and soaking it in and then actively begins attacking again.

Rigging is struck by one tentacle AC 23 for 10 points as is Nez Ac 34 also for 10

Two other tentacles miss Nez and Apollo, but the lone unoccupied tentacle on the otherside connects solidly with Bart AC 34 for 12 points

The flowers send out their magical beams and two just miss Bart. The remaining four each targets one of the other Cards.

Nez is struck by a ray and begins to feel chilled all over. Tac 36 - Finger of Death Fort save Dc19 or die save for 19 points.

Rigging feels a presence begin to enter his brain. Tac 24 - Charm- Will DC 19 or attack Apollo.

Apollo starts to feel a bit sluggish Slow -Tac 29, Will Dc 19 or be slowed to 1/2 speed.

Val feels negative energy begin to flow through her. Inflict moderate wounds - Tac 26, 24 points, Will Dc 19 for 12[/b]

Matt C. - OOC 
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 9:52:38 AM

Does the blood rain affect Cosmo since he is not in the room? If it does affect him, can he see how far back from the room where it is not "raining"?

*** No it doesn't effect Cosmo as he isn't in the room. As far as he can see the "rain" is falling through out the entire room.

Val (AC 29, HP 66/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=10 d20+16=36 d20+16=36 3d8(7+5+7)+15=34 d6=6 2d10(9+10)=19
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 10:52:33 PM

Val doubles over as the negative energy leeches the life force from her. Her lungs labor to draw breath, vision blurry for a moment. She staggers but does not fall. Val draws an arrow firing with instinct and reflex. Her arrow ignites in flight and much to her delight, explodes upon impact.

ooc: failed will save. attack is a crit, ac 36 to confirm for 34 normal and 25 fire.

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 35/92 (57/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=24 d20+17=27 d20+12=25 d20+17=31 2d6(4+2)+8=14
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 11:28:39 PM

The dwarf tries to avoid the ray from the heart of Ga'al but no avail .... but Nezamil fights off (d20+14=24 fort save made!!)

Not so lucky with the rain of blood as it burns him ..... " we have to end this " cries Nezamil

Continuing to assault the heart with his large mace .... weaving deadly arcs .... finally landing a blow

1st swing d20+17=27 missed
2nd swing d20+12=25 missed
3rd swing d20+17=31 hit!! damage 2d6(4+2)+8=14 (hasted)

"Domi shall see you smashed to pulp" yells the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent did you account for the 5/evil in damage reduction againist the mighty dwarf )

Bart Ac 32 18/95 +19  d20+20=30 2d8(4+5)+10=19
Monday February 4th, 2008 10:54:46 AM

once again bart retreats knowing he cant do a lot in this weaken state he makes sure he is out of the room as he drinks another potion

Appolo Ac 30 Ho 47/88 Haste  d20+8=20 d20+14=16 d20+14=20 d20+14=34 d20+14=15 d20+14=22 d20+14=20 d10+6=7
Monday February 4th, 2008 12:10:07 PM

Appolo sees Ashira get pulled into the foul creature shakes off the lates attack and lays into the creature qitha full attack.He connects only once.

Attack 34 Damage 7

Ari Posted By Chris R 
Monday February 4th, 2008 12:13:48 PM

Aris follows Appolos advice and quickly heads back down the hall to to the stairs.He looks around for iol and torches lanterns as well.He heads upstairs to continue the search for lantern oil or larnterns.

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday February 4th, 2008 9:23:30 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

Cosmo is not happy when the blood rain comes and sends al the lantern Archons back to there plane of existence. He remains alert an activates his Pearl of Power 4th level to get his Polymorph spell back.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM Kent  2d6(1+3)=4 d20+20=28 d20+20=35 d20+20=30 d2=2 d6+9=11 d20+18=32 d20+18=32 d20+18=23 d20+18=31 d3=2 d3=1 d3=3 d3=1 2d8(4+7)+12=23 20d6(5+6+2+2+4+3+3+5+3+2+2+1+2+1+2+3+2+6+5+3)=63 5d6(2+5+6+4+5)=22 3d6(6+3+6)+12=27 d4=4
Monday February 4th, 2008 10:10:25 PM

All but Cosmo and Ari take an additional
4 points of acid damage, but the bloody acid ceases falling for now.

Bart makes a hasty retreat and joins Cosmo outside of the room and drinks a potion.

Cosmo uses his pearl and retrieves a spell.

Ari searches the lower level and while there is some wood available the only likely source of oil is above in the barracks typs rooms.

Val fires off her arrow and is rewarded with the satisafaction that its magic worked as it hit the HoG.

Nez finally connects with the Hog and does some damage.

Apollo also connects once and finally the Hog looks a bit worse for wear.

With the additional damage inflicted another two flower stem seem to no longer be able to function leaving only four blloms plus the white one at the rear.


Nez is missed by the two tentacles that try to capture him, However Apollo is struck by one AC 30 for 11 points

The four blooms attack once again sending rays streaking at Rigging, Apollo, Val and Nez.

Rigging - TAC32 - flesh to stone Fort Dc 19 or be turned to stone.

Apollo - TAC23 - Inflict moderate wounds - 23 points - Will Dc 19 for 12 points

Val TAC 31- Disintegrate - Fort save DC19 63 points - Fort save Dc 19 for 22 points.

Nez TAC32 - Finger of death - Fort DC 19 or die. Save for 27 points.

Ashira fels weaker and weaker as more blood is drained from her 4 points con loss.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 8/92 (30/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=15 d20+14=30 d20+17=33 d20+12=23 d20+17=31 2d6(1+4)+8=13 2d6(2+4)+8=14
Monday February 4th, 2008 11:22:38 PM

The ray washes over the mighty dwarf and he feels it's grip of death "Domi save me " as Nezamil knees start to buckle under the death ray's magic ..... but the Cleric of Domi struggles to keep his balance and somehow he does

d20+14=15 failed !!! used hero pt to reroll d20+14=30 !!! woohoo Domi is watching !!

His spirits rising as he feels Domi's divine grace Nezamil continues his assault on the Heart of Ga'al

Feeling renewed with energy the dwarfs mace bashes and smashes it's target

1st swing d20+17=33 hit ! damage 2d6(1+4)+8=13
2nd swing d20+12=23 missed
3rd swing d20+17= 31 hit (hasted) 2d6(2+4)+8=14 !!
total damage 27!!

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent have you taken in Nezamil's spell resistance ??)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 28/88 Haste =12  d20+8=24 3d8(1+3+3)+5=12 d20+14=24 d20+14=15
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 2:29:03 AM

Appolo shakes off the worst effects of the attack.Sheathes his hortsword and pulls out bottle drinking it down.{Cure moderate wounds}With his longsword he slices into the follow Heart of g'aal twice.Missing twice.

Ari Posted By Chris R.  d20+8=23 d20+8=19
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 2:31:58 AM

Ari heads upstairs and searches the area as thoroughly and as quickly as he can.Looking for flamable liquid especially oil.

Search 23 Spot 19

Rigging  d20+10=28 2d8(8+5)+3=16
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 8:25:50 PM

Rigging winces in pain as the vaious assualts hit him both in mind, body and maybe even soul. He feels the ray hit him and his body starting to get stiff but is able to shake it off. (fort save 28)

Rigging is at a loss on what to do, he spells are gone, and even if he had them, the anti magic shell is protecting the Heart of Ga'al.

All Rigging can think to do is to shout encouragement. "Hack the thing down. For the glory of Alemi and Domi! Hack it apart!"

(OOC not sure of my current status on hps, spells still standing ect.)

Rigging will make sure he is out of the anti magic area and suck down a potion of cure moderate healing getting 16 hps back.

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 5/7

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2**

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 9:12:16 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

Cosmo stays in the doorway looking at his comrades fight the heart and protecting their backs. He remains alert an activates his Pearl of Power 3rd level to get his Haste spell back.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM Kent  d20+18=19 d20+18=36 d20+18=19 d20+20=26 d20+20=22 d20+20=38 d20+20=21 d20+20=28 d20+20=34 d6+4=7
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 10:31:19 PM

Everyone takes another 4 points damage due to acid.

Weak as she is Ashira manages somehow to break free from the grapple. she is weak and a bit disoriented and slowed to half speed but alive.

(ooc I have Ashira at 64 hit points before deductions for 5 points of con loss, and she is slowed.)

Nez feels himself failing and somehow manages to resist falling to pieces and continues to battle the HoG causing significant damage to it and cutting another flower stem clean off.

Bart too manages to connect again and adds to the now very serious looking wounds that the plant is showing.

Cosmo recovers yet another spell while Rigging wonders what he should do next. Befuddles perhaps by the destruction happening around him to his friends he realises that where the area where there once was no magic, magic seems to be working again. (see post of over a week ago)

Apollo chugs a potion and feels a bit of vitality return, as does Rigging.

Ari makes it upstairs and makes his way to the barraks area where he is able to procure 8 flasks of oil.


It is obvious that the HoG is not doing to well as of its three remaining rays only one seems to strike its target Val TAC 36 will dc 19 or be slowed to 1/2 speed.

In addition only one tentacle manages to reach out and touch someone and she was kind of hard to miss standing in the middle of the plant. Ashira AC 38 for 7 points

Ashira AC30 hps ??/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+21=29 d20+21=38
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 11:21:06 PM

Weak for the heavy damage from the heart and grappled, the ranger does her best to break free of the vine that holds her fast. Grapple=29 (last hero pt. makes it a 38)

OOC: I'm sorry, we had some house, computer and RL issues. I'm not really sure what HP Ashira's at...I know she's gotten hit with a couple of Con drains.

Bart Ac 32 18/95 +19  d20+20=39 d20+20=34 d10+11=13 d10+11=12 d6=5 d6=1
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 1:00:26 AM

Bart is rushing back inside making a spring attack to the hart ac 39 (threat crit for 13+5 and 12+1 shock) Domi help us

Appolo Ac 30 Hp40/88 Haste  d20+14=31 d20+14=28 d20+14=18 d20+14=23 d20+14=31 d10+6=14 d10+6=16
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 7:10:44 PM

Appolo continues his assualt.Swings four times.
Connecting twice. He watches as the acid continues eat away at the creature."Come on people.Let's finish this thing.Rigging usea dagger or some thing Val come fire that bow.Cosmo we need some of those apes something with teath and claws.Or just some basic offensive magic."

Attack 31 31 Damage 14 16=28

Wednesday February 6th, 2008 7:12:39 PM

Ari returns with flasks of oil and some torches.Ok got some iol and some toechesBe up there ina second."

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 8/92 (30/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+17=23 d20+12=30 d20+17=34 2d6(2+4)+8=14 2d6(3+1)+8=12
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 8:42:22 PM

Smiling as he se's the Heart of Ga'al faltering
"Aslidur will be free of your domination " growls Nezamil as he tries to finish off the vile thing .... Domi's mace of rightous power swings again and again .

1st swing d20+17=23 missed
2nd swing d20+12=30 hit!! damage 2d6(2+4)+8=14
3rd swing d20+17=34 hit!! damage 2d6(3+1)+8=12 (hasted)
total damage = 26!!

"Freedom for Asildur " cheers the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging  10d6(5+3+2+6+4+2+2+6+6+6)=42
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 10:00:14 PM

Rigging decides to use one of his last offensive spells and hits the heart of Ga'al with a fireball doing 42 points of damage. He will be sure to try and keep his friends out of the area of effect.

OOC I am not sure what my hitpoint total is right now. Can you update me?

(currently Rigging is at 26 hps)

Ashira AC30 hps-3/60 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Slow) 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 12:03:11 AM

Drained and bleeding massively, the ranger is hit hard by the tentacle attack. Her arms grow heavy and she finally falls unconcious, unable to continue the fight. Her floating dying body begins to slowly fall toward the heart of Ga'al.

Bart Ac 32 30/95  d20+20=28 d20+15=32 d20+10=25 d20+20=30
Thursday February 7th, 2008 3:14:19 AM

Once again Bart attacks he misses with all of his attacks (ac28, ac 32 (near miss), ac 25) frustrated bart steps away a bit so his friends have more space to attack hopefully they have more luck

The Heart of Ga'al falls and Ga'al speaks in anger

DM Kent 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 6:49:27 AM

All take 4 points blood acid damage. This will continue until it is washed or wiped off.

A helpless feeling washes through the Wildcards as the had just seen Ashira fight her way back to her feet and then to just fall unmoving onto the Heart of Ga'al. Nez and Apollo both connect solidly with the Massive plant heart and the last of the flowers fall and amazingly the tentacles cease their flailing.

Rigging overcome by seeing the fall of Ashira and the quiesence of the Heart of Ga'al just manages to not send off his fireball hoping against hope that there is some life still left in his wife.

Ari makes it back into the room to find the fight apparently over and most of his friends in extremely bad shape.


Suddenly from out of nowhere a reddish black glow begins to fill the air above the Heart of Ga'al's remains and a form kind of seems to begin to take shape within the glow. There is a sense of great great great power. The only other times you have felt anything like this was when you were in the presence of one of the gods. It seesm Ga'al himself has decided to pay a visit. His voice booms through the room shaking it to its foundations.


As the echoes of his voice and curse die out, you realize that the shaking is still continuing and it was just his voice. chunks of the ceiling begin falling down on you and you hear loud cracking noises coming from the walls.

Val (AC 29, HP 40/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+15=34
Thursday February 7th, 2008 9:09:30 AM

Val lowers her bow and mentaly braces herself for the presence of a god. Despite her hatred of ga'al he is still a god and has all the power of one. Val is worried about being cursed by a god. Such things could be very real. But she has Gargul's symbol around her neck and the mark of the father of elves upon her flesh. Whats one more god staking a claim to her mortal form.

Val pulls out a waterskin and pours it upon the acid to hopefully remove it before it does too much dmg.

ooc disintegrate save 34

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo ac 30 Hp36/88 Haste 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 12:44:33 PM

Appolo just laughs at G'aal aluaghter of merriment and glee"Who am I.I'm Appolo.Your son.You punk.Curse us what else is new.So now your telling me you and your's are going to come after us.Tell me some thing I don't know.Why don't you take your curse and shove it where the sun do'nt shine.We maybe eventually seperated by time and distance but we will still a family.This is my familyThis is what we have.Which is everything.What do you have fear hatred mistrust.You have nothing."

Appolo then looks around smiling broadly"Well we finally got his attention I think.Rigging Nez get Ashira.Val lead the way out and take anything that might be of value.We are pirates after all."He says as groans loudly spitting blood witha happy grin on his face.He takes the oils from Ari and pour two bottle on what's left of th heats of G'aal.Then waits for the others to leave.He then walks to the edge of the room lights a torch and tosses on the heart of g'aal's remains. He use his haste and heads for the stiars a few minutes after the others as the place begins shake and crumble.As he heads up the stairs he uses what's left of the oil and pours it on the bodies of the high priests.Once at the top of the stairs he light another torch and tosses it on the oils lighting the entire terrace on fire as sprints away.

Thursday February 7th, 2008 1:03:10 PM

Things are starting to get pretty hectic in here. Why would the god destroy his own temple? Have to think on that some more.

"Rigging how do you want to get out of here?"

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 4/92 (26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 2:47:32 PM

Watching almost with disbelief as the Heart of Ga'al stops moving "By Domi it's done "

Spottong Ashira's still form nezamil quickly fishes out a scroll .... stepping over to the couragous ranger he quickly reads the the scroll and releases it's magic "Domi heal this humble soul ... onewho has dealt your enemy Ga'al a mighty blow " prays the dwarf (heal spell , 110 pts cured to Ashira)

As Ga'als voice booms in the room Nezamil holds up his anvil holy symbol towards the God "we og courage shall never fear you .... Asildur is free of your grip of evil " growls Nezamil

As the room shakes Nezamil picks up Ashira (he is large sized, righteous might) and plants her on her feet " lets go " as he makes his way out of the room ..... stopping only to grab the high priest of ga'al and sling him over his shoilder like a rag doll " let the people see the high priest has fallen ... i'll throw him out in the street for all to see "

"Ari the temple is most likely held to together not only with stone and masonary but magic ... with the Hearts demise some of that magic will not retain it's hold on the structure "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might 6/11) rds
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Thursday February 7th, 2008 7:59:51 PM

Rigging says to Cosmo, "I have a teleport scroll you can use and between us we should be able to get almost everyone out of here. (Rigging can bring himself plus 4 others) Can you use the spell? If so, lets get back to the ship and out of this cursed city!"

To the others, "Quickly loot this place before the roof comes down! Nezamil, shrink back down so we can more easily teleport you. Lets move people, I don't want to die now!"

Ashira AC30 hps 60/60 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Slow) 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 10:28:31 PM

Pale but mobile, the ranger gratefully accepts Nezamil's help to rise to her feet. Grabbing up her sword once more, she leans on her husband as her arms shake. "C'mon let's get out of here." She smiles as Nezamil takes the priest with him. "If we can only teleport 5 then we better get moving. This place isn't going to last long."

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) - 2nd post  d100=36
Thursday February 7th, 2008 10:57:45 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

"Rigging, I have the Bracelet of Friends that is attuned to Ashira, Appolo, Val & Bart. I can cast Teleport spell to take Nez, Ari, you and me out of here and then activate the bracelet."

"Are we leaving the other groups that are upstairs on their own?"

"Nezamil I'll need you back to normal size."

If Rigging agrees to the plan then Cosmo will cast Teleport, teleporting them back to the ship (36%). He then activates the Bracelet.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM kent 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 11:15:17 PM

Those who haven't wiped or washed off the blood acid take an additional 4 points of damage.

Chunks of the cieling start coming down as Apolo and Ari splash oil on the HoG and light it.

Discussions about teleporting are had as the group moves back into the hall way where they find traps being set off right and left filling the passage with fire and bolts and blades and other nasty things.

Bart Ac 32 22/95  d20+20=31 d10+11=12
Friday February 8th, 2008 1:29:58 AM

Bart makes a n final attack to the heart making sure its dead (ac 31 for12) he jumps away from it out of the room (spring attack)
lets going teleport us out of here cosmo

(just to late to made the post)

Val (AC 29, HP 40/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Friday February 8th, 2008 6:37:09 AM

"Let's just get out of here. I have no desire to finish off any left over priests or soldiers. It's been a long day." She said with a sigh.

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Rigging  d100=55
Friday February 8th, 2008 6:29:49 PM

Rigging will try and reach out with his message spell to any of the survivors, "We are victorious! The heartseed is dead! Fall back! The temple is collapsing!"

Rigging then nods at Cosmo and says, "Save the braclet! I have the spell memorized! Head back to the ship." Rigging will hand Cosmo his scroll if he needs it, otherwise just start his own casting

Rigging will then call out to Ashira, Swirl, Nezamil, Bart, and Val having them join hands. He will teleport back to the ship. (occ assuming I get Swirl as a freebie since he is my familiar, but if not, then he will book out on his own flying at full speed. base 100)

Rolled 55 so assuming I made it.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 15 26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  2d8(2+2)+11=15
Friday February 8th, 2008 11:18:34 PM

Feeling the burn from the acidic blood from the HOG Nezamil knows he has to act quickly ... "Domi heal us all " prays the dwarf (casting cure mod wounds mass (2d8(2+2)+11=15 cured to all}

feeling slightly stronger from the cure Nezamil
Quickly dismisses Domi's Righteous might the dwarf regains his normal form .... taking a monet as the others gather together to for the teleport spell he rifles thru the High Priests gear and stuffs what he finds into his haversack
Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Saturday February 9th, 2008 8:03:19 AM

Bart grabs hands with rigging and the wounded fighter hopes they will all teleport back to the ship

Appolo Hp 55/88 
Saturday February 9th, 2008 9:09:30 AM

Appolo recieves some healing from Nezamil"Thanks my friend."He then proceed upstairs come on people Let's not leave just yet.This city going to be in kaos.Let's do some pillaging.Any ways don't worry about me."He then heads swiftly upstairs pouring oil on the bodies of the high priests,using his spider climb ttatto once at the top,he tosses a torch on them as the building rumbles grumbles and continues to collapse.Once the bodies of the high priests are on fire move quickly as possible back all the upstairs and inot the main room.He'll head outside as quickly as possible using his ring of invisibility to stay unseen.He wants to watch as the catherdral collapses.

DM kent 
Saturday February 9th, 2008 9:34:04 AM

Apparently several of the group want to hang around and watch what happens as others want to depart immediately.

The feelings of the day are mixed as they definitely struck a serious blow to Ga'al and his minions, but realized that they did nit totally accomplish the goals that they set out to do. The alter and stautue still stands, and there are at least two gardens of heartseeds still in existance, at least for now, hopefully the fire and collapse of the cathedral will take care of them, but who knows. The feeling is that you have done what you could do, but there is a feeling of was it enough, that niggles at your heart and mind.

Those tha teleport directly to your most recently purchased ship in the harbor, pop aboard and start looking around and waiting for the others to show when you realize there is an awful lot of chaos at the docks.

Looking around you see thoudandss of people just lying motionless in the streets. You realize after a moment that these are all everyday Ailsiduians as the foreigners seems to be the ones running around scared. Around a few of the motionless bodies you see children, all under the age of 12, crying and clinging to their fallen parent.

Back at the catherdral things get interesting for those trying to escape the normal way, as the way is treacherous with falling rock, furniture and fires springing up. Interestingly enough though there seem to be no quads, guards, priests around, until you get to the sanctuary. There Apollo and whomever is with him find the pews filled with the midday whorshipers, all of them collapsed across each other in the pews and over the floor. Here you do find a few pirests etc but they too are sprawled on the floor. Making your way out of the building, you open the exterior doors and see what must be thousands of commoners, shop keepers, militia, teenagers all lying on the ground where they fell. Ocasionally you hear and see a small child wandering around crying or huddled next to a still figure on the ground weeping. Other than a few foriengers there seems to be noone alive except for those under twelve.

Appolo  d20+10=12
Saturday February 9th, 2008 4:27:34 PM

Appolo continues to loot and rob what he can of the dead,He is after alla thief,He is enjoying himself emensely.He will head over to the Jack an Gooty across the street,Order a pint and watch the Cathederal and the general caos witha broad smile on his face,Patrons will notice that despite usinga rain barrel to wash most of the grime off him self he is stil covered with bllod guts dirt and sweat.He also looks for any survivors of the other groups or any other pirates of Jack that might be around.

Spot 12

Sunday February 10th, 2008 9:20:07 AM

(ooc sorry for the sudden disappearance, I didn't plan that well. I'm back from India, though I'm not sure how Ari is leaving.)

If Ari is coming back by foot then he says, "we must see who we can help in the temple, or see if we can get any outside help" and Ari will check a body to see if it's dead or unconscious.

If Ari is teleported he'll look around the docks with the rest of the cards.

Sunday February 10th, 2008 12:31:07 PM

Not quite sure that anyone is coming by foot. Both Cosmo and Rigging each had teleport spells which should have easily gotten everyone back.

Sunday February 10th, 2008 10:22:03 PM

Still depending to a large degree on Rigging to help her support her weight, Ashira waits expectantly at the docks, eager to spot the return of those who went on foot. As she surveys the damage, Ashira shakes her head sadly. She had been in such a rush to charge in and kill priests... All this destruction and loss...this is my fault. She looks over at the weeping children, wondering whether their parents are merely fainted or truly dead. There is true sorrow in her eyes as she looks up at Rigging. "The children" she croaks. "What will happen to all the children?"

Monday February 11th, 2008 12:13:40 AM

Batis shocked from what he is seeing, my what have we done Freed from Ga'al but for what prize. Are they dead or unconsious?

Monday February 11th, 2008 12:14:55 AM

Come let us have a look and see if we can do anything for them

Val (AC 29, HP 55/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Monday February 11th, 2008 8:27:04 AM

"This has never been done before. Nobody could have known what would happen. Let's not forget while we fight the good fight this is a war. People will adapt and survive. I wasn't much older when I was orphaned alone in the wild."

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 15 26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead 
Monday February 11th, 2008 4:37:27 PM

Being teleported back to the ship Nezamil smiles as he knows Ga'al's domination of Asildur has been given a devastating blow .

Standing aboard the ship he again snatches a scroll from his haversack and quickly reads it and releases its magical powers (Casting Restoration on Ashira)

His smile fades as he see's the level of the fallen Asildurian citizens {b]"By Domi ........."[/b] as the Cleric of Domi stops in mid sentence

Taking in the toll of the scene in front of him on the docks "Captain we cannot leave the children like this ..... at least i'm not leaving .... i will stay and help rebuild Asildur ..... this is where i will call home from now on " adds the dwarf with determination in his voice

"I cannot walk away from this " as tears run down his face

"Captain we should start to set up a relief center here on the docks this way we can direct all the ships that come in and how they can help"

"we cannot let Asildur get looted .... we must call on others to help "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

DM Kent 
Monday February 11th, 2008 9:42:16 PM

Apollo heads over to the Jack's Booty, passing by quite a number of fallen Ailsidurians and even finds a couple of the inn's patrons laid out on the floor as well. The mood is silent indise for some reason and there is an awful lot of blood around the entry way and trailing into the back rooms.

Getting his ale Apollo heads back toward the door so as to watch what's ging on at the Cathedral.


Back at the docks, there is general consternation as the Wildcards watch the unexpected results of their concluded business. Bart, Ashira, and Nezamil seem horrified at the fact that they may have just orphaned tens of thousands of children under the age of 12 and killed everyone elso over the age of 12, while Val seems to take a more mercenary viewpoint.

Bart and Ari move back on to the docks themselves and make their way toward the nearest bodies to take a look.

Val (AC 29, HP 55/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 12:01:30 AM

"I imagine that those under the influence of a heartseed lives through torment each day. Not able to express their free will. While appearing tragic this is also merciful."

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo Ac 30 Hp45/88 Haste Invisible  d20+10=28 d20+8=20 d20+8=23 d20+18=31
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 12:56:05 AM

Appolo notices the blood on the floor,draws his swords while keeping his eyes and ears open for trouble.He follows the blood trail.He thinks this interesting.He moves silently while he does activating his ring of inviisbility.
Spot 28 search 20 Listen 23 Move Silent 33

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 7:40:37 AM

Ari checks out one of the fallen bodies with Bart. "I wonder how the Jacks came out of all this. "

Ari offers up a prayer to Alemi for guidance. All these bodies, I hope what we've done is right. I hope this finishes everything too!

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 1:48:33 PM

Rigging will check several of the fallen bodies to find out if they are truly dead, unconcious or some other.

OOC Kent if you can let me know the condition, then I will post again Rigging's portion of the plans.

Rigging 2nd post 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 8:10:33 PM

If the population is still alive but only unconcious, Rigging will pull everyone back to the ship and say, "We have a couple of choices to make. We need to decide if we want to cut and run right now or stage another raid while the population, priests, and soldiers are down. The morals are a little murky since we would be killing people unable to fight back but we could take out every priest in the city.

I can't make this decision, but I will stand with the majority vote. Right now we haven't accomplished our mission that the Dragon Consortium put in front of us. The temple is still standing and we saw the gardens of the heartseeds which we left behind. Do we want to finish it? Or have you had enough blood?"

If the population is dead, Rigging will say, "I think we need to stay and try and help the children. We should send the ship to the nearest non Aisidlarian port and have them bring back help. We can try to salvage what we can here."

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 15 26/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 8:32:05 PM

Listening to Captain Rigging the Cleric of Domi chimes in " well i up for finishing it .... just give me a few minutes and i'll burn thru my healing wands to bring everyone back to health "

"Of course we won't have many of Domi's spells left to use but ... muscle power will hafta do " grins the dwarf as he shakes a fist playfully

Looking about at all the fallen citizens " we must finish this ... this is just too much to take if we don't ...... " trails off Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste (8/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 10:14:11 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

"Rigging, I am up for going back in. We need to make sure we have finished everything we were supposed to do. Now would be a good time while the city is in chaos. I do have some party scrolls that may help us. They are Party Scrolls - Teleport, Passwall, Prying Eyes & Wall of Stone. I also have the Wand that can summon Lantern Archons to search out the temple as they are very fast and very mobile even if they are only around a short period of time.."

"I am getting a little short on studied spells though."

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport *
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 10:14:38 PM

The color returning to her cheeks after Nezamil's Restoration and healing, Ashira listens to her husband. "I'm all up for destroying the temple and any remaining heartseeds...but I won't attack a defenseless enemy. If they are alive they may be free of Ga'al's influence."

Val (AC 29, HP 55/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 10:36:16 PM

"I would like to finish the task at hand. Destroy the temple and everything in it. Realisticly we have done all we can. Were hurt, tired, and lucky to be alive. Magical strength is all but gone. The smart move would be to get out of here before reinforcements arrive. No doubt ga'al has his followers traveling magically to our location. I would be suprised if we had more than a couple hours."

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

DM Kent 
Tuesday February 12th, 2008 11:09:01 PM

As you first inspect the prone population you find that there are no heart beats or any breaths being taken. This is true for each of the persons clsely surrounding those you first look at. Then almost as if on cue, there is the sound of an inhaled gasp and then those on the ground seem to be breathing once again. During your inspection you found what appeared to be a shiveled heartseed and a bit of bllod on the chest or abdomen of each peron.

Apollo follows his blood trail to the back room where he finds 5 members of the teams that went in with them originally. They are in pretty bad shape but they will at least live and heal.

Outside and from the docks a dark column of smoke can be seen as the fire begins to spread inside the cathedral hopefully completing much of the job that was left undone as you left.

Tuesday February 12th, 2008 11:21:34 PM

Rigging smiles when he hears the population start breathing again. "Nezamil, Try your wand out on one of them. Lets see if they can be cured."

Rigging looks up at the Cathedral's fire and smoke and grins. That decides it for me. We are getting out of here. Get aboard the ship. Where is Appolo?"

Rigging reaches out with his message spell to see if he can find him. "Appolo, get back to the ship now! We are getting out of here."

Rigging looks at Cosmo and says, "If Appolo doesn't show up in the next 15 minutes, use the braclet to get him here."

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 1:01:51 PM

Bart is glad their raid on the temple didnt turned out as the jhazzard it seems to be

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 6:03:00 PM

Ari sighs in relief as the collective takes their first breath of freedom. "I'm glad they all chose to live, assuming that ga'al wanted to take them away"

Moving back towards the ship Ari says to Rigging, "they'll be wondering what happened. Do you think some kind of message should be left? Anonymous of course"

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 6:58:48 PM

Appolo looks becomes visible snd shesthes his sword"Hello my friends.Great job.You guys did well.You look alittle beat.I think it's best we get you out of here.Let's head for the docks,unless you guys have your own exit strategy.The Cathedral is burning and the heart of g'aal is dead.So we better move quick before the enemy regroups."He says to them.They can see he is still injured and bloody.Appolo will then head out the back and make his way to the ship.Hopefully the injured heros will follow him.

Nezamil  2d8(2+7)+5=14
Wednesday February 13th, 2008 8:18:01 PM

Daring to hope that all the citizens are still alive the Cleric of Domi quickly taps the nearest one with a wand of cure(2d8(2+7)+5=14 cured)

"I hope this is true " hopes the dwarf

Hearing Captain Rigging mesage Appolo " Captain aren't the other leaders hooked up with your message spell ?? .... hopefully some of their leaders survived .... ask how they are and if we can help "

"Get Swirl to do a fly by of the temple and gives us a report " adds Nezamil

" hold on Rigging lets take some time to see how the people react to their freedom from Ga'al .... it could be a big shock to them ... we don't want the whole city panicing and falling into chaos now do we "

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 10:40:43 PM

"See they are all freed of the heartseed. Perhaps it was luck, fate, or the hand of an unseen force. Regardless the rebellion just got a lot stronger."

Wednesday February 13th, 2008 11:49:41 PM

Ashira breathes a sigh of relief as the commoners show signs of life. She smiles and nods at Nezamil and Val. "Rigging, Nezamil is right. Someone needs to stay and make sure that things don't descend into chaos. It might as well be us."

DM Kent 
Thursday February 14th, 2008 8:50:17 AM

Appolo is met by the wounded heroes and when he suggests that they come with him to the docks to depart they each shake their heads. "No, we are needed here. Someone will need to stay and help our people transition into the future whatever that looks like.

Nez looks to use some healing on one of the survivors and does but sees no real change in his patient as there are no apparent physical wounds. There does appear though to be a decided lack of awareness at the moment, which hopefully will wear off as Nez doesn't think and entire country of imbeciles would make for a positive place to live.

Discussions are made about whether they should leave or stay or perhaps they should split for a while and do both. Appolo is looked for and not located around the docks, but then he can take care of himself. Rigging suggests that Cosmo use the bracelett to bring him back.

All around the area most of the people are getting back on their feet though their appears to be a major lack of emotion from any but the children, and not much direction of drive to do much of anything.

There are a few that do not reawaken, so to speak, and when checked are found to be truly dead. those waking and not are from all walks of life and ages and it appears to be absolutely random. Here and there priests wake and then down the way several do not. There doesn't seem to be any reason for who returns to conciousness, though it appears that about 85% are doing so.

Thursday February 14th, 2008 5:01:04 PM

We need to dig graces for thes people and hold a funeral for them Nez can u say some words?

Thursday February 14th, 2008 6:11:48 PM

The ranger looks over at her husband. "It's up to you, but I would think that right now we should focus our energies on helping to restructure the country, rather than resuming our attack on the temple." Ashira looks out on the populace and begins to ponder how long it will take to teach an entire nation how to think for themselves again.

Appolo HP 45/88 Haste Invisible 
Thursday February 14th, 2008 7:33:32 PM

Appolo smiles at them"Well suit yourselves and good luck.Remember when they get organized the first place they are going to look is here.So I suggest you find some were else to rest and heal."He then heads out the back boots of speed ring of invisibility.Appolo heads back to the docks.He finds the ship and reappears next to Rigging and Ashira"I'm sorry but we need to go back to the cathedral and finish this.Make sure those heartseed rooms are destroyed.I says we head out to sea find aplace to rest and come back at night or go back right now.I also found some of our friends from the attack.They are resting and healing.Only five left of the groups that helped us."Appolo is stil injured and spits a little blood on the ground."We need to press the attack while they are still disorganized and confused."

Thursday February 14th, 2008 9:28:58 PM

"There were five survivors ?? .... are they in good shape ?" asks Nezamil " back at the Inn?"

" I would like to help them .... i think i'm gonna stay .... there is much work to be done to rebuild peoples faith here ... give them choices other then Ga'al ..... not sure how open they would be about gods anyway ... but hafta start somewhere " as the dwarf keeps talking he becomes more resolute in staying and helping

" Captain it doesn't seem like there is any threat anymore ... i mean after all the link between the heartseeds and Ga'al has been broken .... people will be able to make their own choices .... at worst they wil have to make their own choices without Ga'al's influence "

"By Domi i'm gonna stay " growls the Cleric of Domi

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday February 14th, 2008 9:31:49 PM

"Hey Nezamil I could use a cure. I have a few more wounds than I would like."

Cosmo is glad when Apollo shows up so he does not have to use the magic bracelet.

Cosmo waits for Rigging to make his final decision on what to do.

Thursday February 14th, 2008 11:24:17 PM

Rigging nods at all the advice coming his way and says, "I think we have accomplished our goals here but I also think we have a responsibility to these newly freed peoples."

Rigging looks at his friends who have become his family and says, "I think it is time us to seperated. I have lost my ambition to be a dragon and I think this my place for now. Ashira and Nezamil feel the same way so I think we need to stay, work with the underground and try to help the people from within.

I very much doubt that Ga'al is going to let this happen this easily. Who knows if the seeds will grow back, if there is another heartseed queen plant waiting to take over, but if these people are free, then we need to assist people like the Empereor and my father in leading them to a better life.

Still we need to hedge our bets and develop our town, and have some of us become Dragons. We can then call on the Dragon Consortium to aid us if Ga'al gets nasty." Rigging walks over to Val and says, "I am making you temporary Captain of the Sword. I am resigning. You are in charge until you can have an election to confirm you as leader. I am sure you will do a great job. You have grown to be an incredible leader and a wise fighter who I trust to keep my crew and people alive.

After we do some work here, I am hoping to return to our new colony and do some good works there. It is time for me to build instead of tear things down. I hope you understand."

Rigging leans in and kissing Val on the cheek. "Be wise and kind in your leadership. Now get out of here. I will be in touch occassionally. Listen to the winds or pay attention to your dreams."

Rigging collects his things and says, "Use my portion of the treasure to help build the colony. Buy ships! We need more ships!"

Rigging holds out his hands to Ashira and says, "Coming dear?'

OOC Guys this seems like a logical part to leave the group. I hate going but I can only play in one game. Good luck and know I will be keeping tabs on this game!

Friday February 15th, 2008 11:12:08 AM

"I too wish to stay and help out and maybe help to establish a stronger merchant base or help the jacks, or something to give people a place to fall back to should things go awry for some reason. I also need a release from all this blood and gore. Maybe I'll go out into the forest for awhile and see what kind of shape things are out there. I don't know."

Looking at his friends Ari offers hugs to those that might take them.

(ooc I'm taking George's cue for Ari too. If this is not a place to do so, just let me know)

Friday February 15th, 2008 11:51:21 AM

I feel that i have reponsibilty to these people, they need help and it is good to know that they are in good hands Rigging, but i think my sword can be used better in other places, there are other people who needs help. The help here i can give isn't much, i am no nobleman like u im only an orphant who has lost his real family. I understand u want to stay here, but i feel my path goes another way. I will allways remember u all and i think if Domi grants us that we will see each other in the future

Friday February 15th, 2008 12:45:16 PM

She knew this day would come. Although it was sooner than she expected. At some point all humans she meets will choose to settle down and take things easier. Such is the way of the shorter lived races.

"This is the logical decision. I am no nursemaid nor do I have the desire to stay. Trying to fight thegood fight when the desire no longer burns is all but a deathwish. Our paths may cross again though the wold is a big place. I shall make it a point to keep an eye on your children and grandchildren in the decades to come."

DM Kent 
Friday February 15th, 2008 8:14:54 PM

The Wildcards make their plans, some to saty and some to go, but in either case communication will be had between the groups whenever possible. After all there was a black ghost ship still to chase down, a colony to get up and running, and now a country to help rebuild itself. Needless to say there is work enough for all, but at least one of the major stumbling blocks was considerably lessened if not eliminated.

The party members say their farewells and soon the ones staying behind watch their friends sail off into the sea.

(OOC: Ladies and Gentlemen, It has been my great fortune and honor to have been your DM. Good gaming in whichever game you remian.)

Saturday February 16th, 2008 12:02:59 AM

As always Kent, thank you for DM'ing and taking up the mantle. Hopefully my posting schedule and other things didn't make you fudge things too badly and I hope you were able to enjoy yourself during this last module before the changeover.

William aka Bart 
Saturday February 16th, 2008 5:04:41 AM

Thanks all it was fun all these years pitty this game is ended but new paths lie in front of us
have fun!

Rigging "Final post" 
Saturday February 16th, 2008 9:06:12 AM

Before the groups can seperate, Rigging's will board his little ship and say goodbye to his crew. He will then pull Val aside and give her Wayfinder, the magical artifact telescope, which is so much of an advantage at sea.

"I charge you with finding its brother. That black ship is probably going through some rough times right about now! Good time to track her done, kill the swine and take what is yours back! Some how I doubt that crew is suddenly going to see the light and come to Domi!"

Rigging will also give whatever treasure he was holding in his bag of holding from the last adventure to the new Captain of the Sword of Redemption.. "Remember to buy at least one ship with some of this! The colony is going to need ships! I am sure our paths will cross again."

Rigging pulls Val into a hug and whispers, "Remember to uphold my habit of making long speeches. The crew loved em!"

Rigging makes his way from the ship his eyes strangly watering.

George  d4=4
Saturday February 16th, 2008 1:24:54 PM

Rolling hps for who knows...maybe someday

Matt C. /Cosmo 
Saturday February 16th, 2008 10:29:02 PM

OOC - Thanks for Dm'ing Kent.

OOC - "Wildcards" it has bee a fun time gaming with you.

Cosmo gets sad as the group he only just recently joined starts to disband. It seems so final.

"Rigging I will stay here and help out as best I can. You need my magic to keep out of trouble."

Cosmo says goodby to all the members that leave on the ship.

Sunday February 17th, 2008 12:23:05 PM

Rigging i had the wayfinder in possesion but i have no problem to hand it over to Val

Monday February 18th, 2008 10:54:42 AM

Looking downcast, the ranger takes her place by her husband. Never did she dream that she would put her sword aside and take up a more domestic role. As a matter of fact, there was a time that she would have killed herself rather than let that happen. But somehow she knows that this is the right path for her and her husband. Aisildur needed a strong set of hands to help shape its new future and who better than those that had fought so hard for this day.

Trying to keep a smile on her face, the ranger hugs those who have chosen to continue on. "Be brave and look after each other. I hope there is a time that our paths will cross again. But until then, we will be depending on you to keep us out of trouble." Grinning, the ranger pulls Val and Appolo in for another hug. "And you two...you watch each other's backs. You won't have your big sister to look after you anymore, so I expect you two to behave!" With one last lingering glance toward the vessel that had been her home for so long, Ashira links hands with Rigging and makes her way into town.

OOC: It has been an honor and a priviledge to game with you guys! Keep up the good fight!

Monday February 18th, 2008 6:02:21 PM

When Rigging announces and the others announce there intention to leave,Appolo looks absolutely shocked.He is angry a,look of betrayal crosses his face."So you're all going to leave.We're on verge of total victory andgeatness.You going to quite."Hr jus turns anmd walks away muttering dome very profane curese in three languages all of them running together.The still injured Appolo is enraged.{No one ever cast healing on him.Hes tomps his way on to the ship.

OOC What is going to happen to the Ship and the colony.Also there should be WOLDWIDE effects of what we have done.

Tuesday February 19th, 2008 2:27:30 PM

loose ends:
what about our dragon status?
black ship?

Tuesday February 19th, 2008 3:46:19 PM

I'm guessing the black ship will go unresolved. As for Dragon Status, that was a multiple quest thing. As for what next, I have no idea.

William aka Bart 
Thursday February 21st, 2008 2:02:29 AM

Thats what i said an ending this game doesnt deserve

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