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Into the Heart of the Temple

DM Kent 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 6:59:34 AM

Apollo opens the door and immediately, you all feel and hear what sounds like the unison beating of a number of hearts, thumpthump, thumpthump, thumpthump.

As you each step through the door you get a better look a what is inside.

The room is more of a mausoleum with tiered rows of stone biers running along the side walls of a spiral walkway that leads downward and has no railing leaving spaces between the biers that could alllow a fall 3-40 feet below.

On each beir is what appears to be a stone effigy with what looks like a live and beating heart/heartseed, lying in a hollow on the chest of each body. There is a small plaque attached to the edge of each bier that is enscribed with the name and dates of sevrvice for each Ga'alian high priest that has ever served in the post.

Bart, Val, CosmoHighlight to display spoiler: { Again that voice speaks to you in your head. If you continue upon this path you will bring death and destruction to all that you hold dear and love. You bring death to all those around you or close to you.. But that is your gift, for you are my creature. I could end your life in a heart beat, but why should I when you are so entertaining? Your friends already begin to wonder about you. You can no longer trust them.}

Rigging ac 23 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, , message x2 prayer mirror image see invisible haste  d20+10=25 d20+10=21 d20+10=24 d20+10=30
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 9:50:03 AM

Rigging holds up his hand to slow down the group for a second and fires of his wand of dispel magic hoping to disable any spell traps ahead.

Area dispel magic: made 4 rolls just in case. 25,21,24,30

"Appolo, head to the right. That is where I dispelled. You are leading the way and then Val, Bart and Ashira. I will follow next, then Ari, Nezamil Cosmo and finally Mykael will bring up our rear.

Swirl will fly top cover for us." Not sure how high the room is but Swirl will head to the ceiling above Rigging.

"I wonder if this is some sort of group mind for the heartseeds. Someone try and pry a seed off the chest and see what happens?"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Val (AC 29, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 5:58:53 PM

Val grips her warhammer tighter. Her eyes dart to the front and back. Her breathing is quicker and sweat begins to form on her brow. Her left hand reached up an grasped the holy symbol which hung under her chain shirt. Her thumb ran across the symbol of gargul, the god of death.

"Gargul give me the strength and peace of mind to do what needs to be done." She prays quietly.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 3/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Wednesday November 28th, 2007 7:09:07 PM

Appolo comes back and reports what's in the next room."We need oil wood anything flamable.That place is fulll of living dead high prieats We can burn them out. I didn't see anyone or thing else in there."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine favor,Divine power,Haste 
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 7:50:41 PM

Standing off to the side to let the 1st wave of wildcards thru the Cleric of Domi concentrates on detecting the undead they were warned about "Domi show some light on the walking dead " prays Nezamil as he lets his senses search out the targets

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine favor 1 min (10 rds)1st lvl 1/10
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 2/11
Haste ?/?

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 120/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+19=36 d20+19=22 d8+11=17 2d8(6+4)+22=32
Wednesday November 28th, 2007 11:22:20 PM

Ashira looks at the heartseed display with disgust. Hearing Rigging's order her face spreads in a unpleasant looking smile. "Oh, I think I can do better than pry one out..." Performing a quick search, Ashira locates the name of the high priest that heartseeded her. Sword raised high, Ashira plunges it into the heartseed, knowing full well exactly where to cut to do the most damage.

AC 36/22 crit? 17 or 32 dam.

OOC: Didn't up the stats due to the Enlarge yet, so there would probably be more damage. Need to work those numbers out for tomorrow.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday November 29th, 2007 1:56:11 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 10/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 10 more rounds!

Cosmo takes a moment to activate his Pearl of Power 2nd level to recall a Scorching Ray spell.

"If need be I can use my Pearl of Power 3rd level to recall the Haste spell I just cast."

"We should hurry as the Haste spell will only last another minute."

"Rigging I can summon Fire Elemental's to do some burning."

Cosmo is very jittery and keeps looking around expecting the worst.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

DM Kent  5d6(4+3+6+4+5)=22 5d6(5+5+2+3+3)=18
Thursday November 29th, 2007 5:55:56 PM

(Hey has anyone heard from William (Bart). He hasn't posted in over a week.)

Swirl heads up to the center of the cieling which is about 30 feet above the top of the stair where you are and about 80 ft from the very dark bottom. "Hey boss, there is movement on the stairs about 20 feet below you."

Rigging casts his spell and nothing seems to have happened, and then makes his suggestion about poking and prying at the heart/heartseeds.

Val seems to be a bit more stressed than usual and is seen holding on to her holy symbol and talking to herself. Highlight to display spoiler: {Foolish one don't waste your time with him or staying with these ignorant fools. They can no longer help you. Only I can help you now. You see how they send you to the front so they can be behind you. They don't trust you and you can no longer trust them. they will try and kill you as your back is turned. already they whisper between themslves behind your back.}

Apollo comes back and reports what he sees at best guess he figures there are atl least 50 beirs in all if they are spaced evenly as the stairs spiral down.

Nez casts and starts looking for any undead that might be about and nothing registers at all, infact the heart/heartseeds seem to actually be still alive somehow. Nez does however feel very uncomfortable in this area as the nearly overwhelming aura of evil weighs heavily on him.

Ashira hears her husband's request and smiles happy to do this duty and plunges her sword into the heart/heatseed in a way to do the most damage. She nearly pulverizes the thing and then is engulfed by an explosion of rock and gore as the bier, and effigy explodes sending rock shards and unholy energy radiating outward for 30 feet catching Apollo, Rigging, Nez, Cosmo, Bart and Val in the explosion as well.

Ashira, Bart, Val, Rigging, and Apollo - 22 points rock shard damage, Relex DC 25 for half damage + 18 points of unholy damage.* (* not reducable)

Cosmo and Nez - 11 points shard damage, Relex DC 25 for half damage + 18 points of unholy damage.* (* not reducable)

Val reflex save DC 16 or be blow off the edge of the stairs

Cosmo feels very anxious and is showing signs that not all is right but he still seems to be functioning. Highlight to display spoiler: {Foolish one don't waste your time with staying with these ignorant fools. They can no longer help you. Only I can help you now. You see how they keep you to the rear so they can leave you behind. They don't trust you and you can no longer trust them. They will try and kill you when your back is turned. Already they whisper between themslves where you can not hear them.}

Bart moves forward with Val as requested by Rigging though he too is looking and acting a bit more nervy than usual. Highlight to display spoiler: {Foolish one don't waste your time staying with these ignorant fools. They can no longer help you. Only I can help you now. You see how they send you to the front so they can be behind you. They don't trust you and you can no longer trust them. they will try and kill you as your back is turned. already they whisper between themslves behind your back.}

Immediately upon the conclusion of the expolsion Val, Cosmo, and BartHighlight to display spoiler: { "See what did I tell you. Already it starts. They are laying traps for you. They will betray you. You will only be safe with me. You must flee them."}

Ashira AC30 hps 91/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+13=15
Friday November 30th, 2007 12:40:53 AM

The ranger ducks out of the way of the largest slivers of rock, but still ends up looking remarkably like a pincushion in her torso (Refl.=15, Evasion for 1/2). Skewered and fried, Ashira mutters a half hearted "Whoops". Noting Val's situation, Ashira flys over to where she is hoping that she can lend her a stabilizing hand, or even catch her should she begin to fall. "You ok?" she asks anxiously.

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Friday November 30th, 2007 12:59:06 AM

"I dont think we need to worry about these right now. I believe these are just here for the living to consult with. I am sure there is much more immediate problems here to deal with. We need to move on."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste)  d20+10=19 d20+10=23
Friday November 30th, 2007 6:49:56 AM

Just shut up! I am not listening to you. I've gone through this once already and bear the marks upon my neck to prove it. I welcome death over the safety you offer.

Val doesn't seem to notice that rock shards pepper her body. Luckily she manages to keep her footing an doesn't tumble down the stairs. Val holds her ghostly warhammer tightly. She turns and charges recklessly down the stairs.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 4/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Rigging 51/80  d20+10=27
Friday November 30th, 2007 4:51:25 PM

Rigging makes his save but still feels the brunt of the blow and says, "Ah dearest, could you please refrain from doing that again? I don't think that was a good idea! Are these relevant to our mission? Is this like a common brain for the heartseed plant. Does it store the memory of all its high priests here? We should destroy it if we can but not that way!"

Sorry quick post from work

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 63/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Divine power,Haste  d20+9=21
Friday November 30th, 2007 5:20:50 PM

Throwing up his left arm as a shield from the blast of the effigy but to no avail as shards damage the dwarf (d20+9=21 failed reflex save takes 11)(+18 unholy)

"By Domi " growls Nezamil " doon't try that again .... unless we can do them all at one ...
that would bring da walls down on this place "

Smiling as he spots Val charge the stairs " go get em girl .... thats the spirit " growls Nezamil "Domi bless her "

"Lets get moving !!! no time to waste !!" barks out the dwarf

Continuing his concentration of sensing the undead Nezamil focus's his attention inside the room (2nd rd of concentrating) as he moves into the room (moves to T8)

Nezamil grimaces as he feels some of his magic dissapate

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Divine Power 1 min lvl (11 rds) 1/11
Haste ?/?

(Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(will stoneskin absorb shard damage ?? book says only weapon damage ??)

KENT -- I would say that in this case the physical damage due to the rocks could be absorbed becasue the rocks are not magical in and of themselves and stone skin protects from slashes, cuts and stabs.

Appolo ac 30 HP 70/88 Haste  d20+15=31
Friday November 30th, 2007 7:51:50 PM

Appolo easily dodges the shards and watches as Val charges off."Wal get back here.I got a plan.""Ashirs leave those things alone.Like I said we should burn them down.We need oil wood anything flamable.We pou the oils all over the bodies and burn them along with the Tree,Undead and plants don't do well with fire."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63)  d20+12=15
Saturday December 1st, 2007 12:11:22 AM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 9/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 9 more rounds!

Cosmo takes the shard blast full in the face. Or at least that is how it feels after he cannot dodge the blast (reflex save 15).

"Rigging I could summon some creatures to try and destroy these hearts while we move on. Perhaps a few Lantern Archons using there rays from a distance can get the job done."

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Saturday December 1st, 2007 8:15:53 AM

"We might be able to use the fire from the necklace that you gave my Mykael"

Ari looks around and feels a small shiver in his back as he remembers the days of his heart seeding.

DM Kent (Round 55) 
Saturday December 1st, 2007 9:35:49 AM

(OOC I have sent an email to William and have gotten no response as yet)

Ashira dodges the barrage of flying rock shards and moves forward to lend Val a hand if needed and sees that Val doesn't even really see her.

Mykael urges that the group keep on and move forward.

Rigging asks that his wife not do that to the hearts again and then remembers that it was kind of his idea in the first place.

Nez moves a bit further in and still registers nothing of any undead.

Val doesn't seems to be physically aware of the damage she took or that Ashira came to help her but simply grips her hammer even harder so that her knuckles are actually turning white.

Val hears Nez cheer her on and tell her to go ahead and rush forward and those sentiments seem to be echoed by Mykael as well, but they don't seem to be coming with her yet in fact they seem to be stopping and discussing something leaving her alone.......... She waits for the voice to say something and realizes that the voice doesn't need to as she is already thinking it.

Apollo tries to call Val back and puts forth his idea.

Ari looks around and sees that Bart seems to just be standing there doing nothing but looking at each of you very suspiciously.

Cosmo fights off his inner demon for a moment at least and puts forth a plan of his own.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Saturday December 1st, 2007 11:04:06 PM

"We can't let her go by herself ??!!!" growls Nezamil as he watches Val charge down the stairs alone " right behind ya Val " as Nezamil charges after Val

Nezamil follows in Val's foot steps taking the steps two at a time trying to keep up with the fleet footed elven warrior

"Domi be proud of her " smiles the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(adjusted Hp's by +10 to reflect the stoneskin absorbing most of the shard damage)

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 12:54:20 AM

Mykael waits for the rest of the group to get moving, he is the back guard and cant move yet.

"Dont let them run off on thier own, come on people lets finish this."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Ashira AC30 hps 102/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(1+7)+3=11
Monday December 3rd, 2007 7:29:48 AM

Grinning, Ashira flys down with Val. "No way I'm letting you have all the fun!" As she flys along she taps herself with her healing wand, knowing that she'll need all the strength she can get for the upcoming battle.

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste)  d20+20=39 d20+20=33 d8+6=13 2d6(2+4)=6 d8+6=13 2d6(1+5)=6
Monday December 3rd, 2007 11:02:29 AM

I'm in this alone. They can stand an discuss things all they want. Gargul tonight I dine with you.

Val rushes the first undead smashing it as hard as she can with her ghostly warhammer. Due to the magic infused within her body Val brings the warhammer back down upon the blasphemous undead.

ooc: 1st attack ac 39 for 13 normal and 6 bane. 2nd attack ac 33 for 13 normal and 6 bane. Weapon is +4 vs undead and ghost touched.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 5/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Appolo Ac 30 HP 70/88 Hastte 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 1:02:49 PM

Appolo looks around"Mykeal Aris find as much flamable matiereal as you can,especially iols and flamable liguids.The rest of us will go support Val.We can't destroy these things one by one we need turn this place intoa funeral pier and burn them all along with the heartseed tree.Hopefully the resulting explosions will cave in this whole place."He then turns and sprints down stare activating his spider climb ttatto."Nal we're coming or at least I am."He yells after her while cursing her impatience.

attendence report 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 2:19:32 PM

Dm Kent xoxxoxo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira xoxoxoo
Appolo xxxoxoo
Val oxxoxoo
Bart ooooooo
Nezamil xoxoxxo
Mykael oxooxoo
Cosmo oxoxoxo
Ari oxoooxo

Tis the season to go shopping but we're in middle of combat !! please lets try and survive ;-)

Bart another week of non posting!!!!

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Monday December 3rd, 2007 2:39:12 PM

Looking at Bart Ari asks, "Bart are you okay?"

Hearing Appolo Ari comments, "If we find any material I can set it ablaze" Ari then proceeds to find any burnable material (or glance around at least) while he waits for a response from Bart.

If it comes to being left behind, Ari will follow up with the others that are following Val.

Cosmo  d20+3=16
Monday December 3rd, 2007 5:56:46 PM

Cosmo waits for the group to start moving and takes his place in the middle.

He keeps alert for any dangers.

Spot 16

DM kent  d20+10=11
Monday December 3rd, 2007 11:22:31 PM

Bart looks distrudtingly at Ari, even draws his sword and starts backing away from the others and back toward the stairs going back up.

"Stay away from me. I can no longer trust you and so I am leaving you to your doom."

Nez, Apollo, Mykael, Cosmo, and Ashira start down after Val although she is moving relatively quickly and swinging her hammer at things none of the rest of you see.

Ari looks around for flammable material and finds there are lots of clothes linens and bedding, but little of anything else that is flammable. He is alos a bit unclear about what it is exactly he is supposed to burn.

Rigging  d20+10=24 d20+10=23 d20+10=12 d20+10=20
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 1:59:24 PM

Rigging sees that something is wrong with Bart and remembers the mind assualt when they first opened the door. Worried that Bart is acting strangely, Rigging tries to discretely hit him with a dispel magic hoping to break any hold on the fighter.

dc rolls against spells 24, 23, 12, 20

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 3:38:12 PM

The Cleric of Domi continues his pursuit of Val as he chases after her " thata girl take the fight to them "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic?  d20=12
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 4:52:29 PM

Ari pitches his voice loud enough so that the others in the group can hear what's going on.

"after years of friendship Bart, what have we done to deserve that makes us so distrustful?"

Ari is trying his best to keep Bart in the area without spooking him. Ari tries to wrack his brains for a way out of the current situation. (general skill check roll 12)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 7:22:03 PM

Appolo moves quickly to catch up to Valanthe"Wait.Charging off by yourself isn't going to help."He thinks to himself great Valanthe goes nuts and Bart goes AWOL.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63)  d20+25=38
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 8:56:38 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 7/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 7 more rounds!

Cosmo catches Rigging casting a Dispel magic on Bart (Spellcraft 38). He thinks about saying something, but the strange voice and its message comes back to him and he remains silent.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Ashira AC30 hps 91/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 9:41:09 PM

The ranger watches as the group slowly begins to unravel. Val's bolting downstairs and Bart's headed the other way. Not good...really, REALLY not good! She looks over at Nezamil and Appolo who have given chase. "Guys, we need to stick together. Something's wrong with Bart, see if you can get Val to get back here with us before we head down. Not knowing exactly what might be the best thing to do, Ashira gives chase to Bart, hoping to at least slow him down.

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 11:35:10 PM

With a need for mobility, since the group is splitting, Mykael downs a Fly potion and takes off after the dwarf.

'Need to watch over the healer, he may have alot of work to do. And his valor sometimes overrides his common sense.'

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

DM Kent (round 57)  d20+15=25 d20+15=30 d20+15=32 d20+15=25
Tuesday December 4th, 2007 11:58:28 PM

Rigging casts his spell and nothing apparent seems to happen.

Nez and Apollo rush down to try and catch up to Val.

Ari tries to talk to Bart to find out what's wrong.

Cosmo seesm to be having a battle himself and watches with some suspision as Rigging casts the spell at Bart.

Ashira reverses her direction deciding to try and catch up to Bart and stop him.

Mykael quaffs a potion and begins to fly.

Bart looks at Ari and for a moment it looks like something like clarity reaches through and then it shuts off completely as he turns and screams at Rigging.

"Don't think I don't feel what you just tried to do. You just cast a spell on me trying to make my magic no longer function. He is right, I can no longer trust any of you. You are trying to kill us. With a final glare at Rigging and Ari, Bart bolts for the stairs.

(OOC: I still have not heard from William after several emails, so I am currently exiting Bart from the game, until such a time as he is able to come back)

Rigging 67/80  2d8(5+8)+3=16
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 5:48:27 PM

Rigging watches Bart leave in dismay as one of their best fighters deserts them. His spell obviously did no good but at least the fighter was leaving and getting out of harms way.

(ooc normally wouldn't allow Bart to go running off alone under the influence of a spell but since the DM wants it this way...so be it)

Rigging turns his attention to the room and calls to the others, "Does anyone see any kind of plant? This seems to be a place where they bury the dead and if we have time, we should deal with it but lets move on to the other rooms for now. Seems like the quads were defending the side rooms. Let's check them out first and then deal with this."

Rigging will take the opportunity to suck down a potion of moderate healing.

When the group forms on him, he will point to the left hand side of the map and say, "Lets go that way first."

Appolo Haste Spider climb Ac 23 Hp 70/88  d20+10=20
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 7:04:23 PM

Appolo continues to pursue Valanthe down to the bottom of the stairs.He doesn't even hear Rigging or know that Bart has run off."Vlanthe come back."He says as watches for anything dangerous.

Spot 20
OOC Appolo should be able to cath up to her by now.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 7:16:12 PM

Torn between the two choices of following after Val or chasing Bart, Ari turns to Rigging, "We're going to have to figure out what's going on or who's effected and how can we tell?"

Ari's mind races with all the implications as he waits for Rigging to answer.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 7:37:53 PM

Val!!! slow down !! wait for for us !!' yells the dwarf

Nezamil continues to try and keep pace with the fleetfooted elven warrior.

"This ain't da brightest thing i've done " worries the Ccleric of Domi

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 9:53:41 PM

Val keeps running all out swinging her warhammer at foes that aren't there. Try as they might Val keeps pulling farther ahead.

ooc: val has a higher base movement and is hasted. Not sure if haste helps any. Sorry about a short post but there has been a death in the family and things have been a bit crazy.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 6/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(1+5)+3=9
Wednesday December 5th, 2007 11:34:58 PM

The ranger takes a deep breath. Bart was beyond their reach, but maybe they can still help Val. She flies as quickly as possible toward Val and Nezamil. As she does she taps herself with her healing wand, not knowing what they might be up against when they head further into the temple.

DM Kent 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 5:05:15 PM

Rigging reluctantly watches Bart depart and then tries gathering his troos together to try one of the side doors, when he realizes that only cosmo and Ari are any where near him and Cosmo is strangely quiet and looking at you all like you are crazed.

Ashira and Mykael decide that by flying the can cut Val off and suddenyl up ahead Val sees the two of them drop to the stairs in front of her cutting her off. Behind her she hears two more sets of runniing footsteps coming up on her as Apollo and Nez try catching up to her. Val realizes that she is about to be surrounded on a railess staircase with a drop of about 25 feet to her left.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 10:35:01 PM

The dwarf keeps chugging along after the fleetfooted Elven warrior .... hearing footsteps behind he peeks over his shoulder and spots Appolo gaining on him

"Whats gotten into her ??? .... i think she might be enspelled .... i wonder what she is trying to draw us too?"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging 80/80  2d8(3+7)+3=13
Thursday December 6th, 2007 10:49:37 PM

Rigging is pissed! Bart runs off! Val runs off! Cosmo is looking squirrely and everyone is running around accomplishing nothing. "Everyone reqroup on me now!"

Rigging pulls out another cure moderate potion and sucks it down.

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(6+5)+3=14 d20+8=13
Thursday December 6th, 2007 11:40:23 PM

The ranger puts her hands up. "Val, it's me. I only want to help. Here..." she reaches out carefully with the wand and touches the dark elven warrior (14 hp if Val lets her). "Come back with us Val. It's too dangerous to go in there alone. Let's go back to Rigging and regroup...then we can take down the rest of those scum suckers!" (Diplomacy=13) Ashira watches anxiously to see how Val will react.

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste, Fly) 
Thursday December 6th, 2007 11:52:32 PM

Unsure if whether the Elven Barbarian will stop, Mykael puts his shield at the ready and stands with his back to the wall. He listens as Ashira speaks her peace, then adds his two cents.

"We fight as a team, remember? Alone you are exposed with no one looking out for you. Calm down and dont get too reckless. We are in the enemy's base, they are strongest here in both mind and body. We have to stay together to watch out for each other."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 2/11 mins
Fly: 1/7 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Friday December 7th, 2007 10:07:05 PM

it's happening just like he said. they turned on me. they are coming for me. i can't let that happen.

With her free hand, the one that has her buckler strapped to her arm, Val pulls a feather token from her belt pouch. She turns and jumps off the side, activating the tree token beneath her.

ooc: Val's trying to soften the fall by using the feather token- tree to grow a tree under her as she falls so she lands upon that instead of the ground.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 6/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used yet

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+5=22
Saturday December 8th, 2007 12:44:56 AM


Ashira watches Val take the plunge with dread in her heart. Knowing what she has to do, Ashira begins to rapidly fly down after the falling barbarian (accelerated flying) and attempts to catch her before she falls. (Grapple=22, included +4 bonus due to the Enlarge)

OOC: Since Ashira didn't get to heal Val, I'm assuming that I can change my action for the round.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste Invisible Spider Climb  d20+10=11
Sunday December 9th, 2007 7:18:26 PM

Appolo goes invisble and then over the side of the using his spider climb to move quickly down the wall to the bottomThinking he'll have to complete this mission himself.The group has lost all sense of cohesion.He keep as sharp eye out for trouble.
Spot 11

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Sunday December 9th, 2007 9:26:40 PM

Looking at Rigging Ari comments, "obviously something is wrong. Do you have any ideas as to what is going on?"

Looking away from Rigging and towards where Bart went, Ari wonders what is happening and what will happen next.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Sunday December 9th, 2007 9:59:49 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 6/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 6 more rounds!

Cosmo remains near Rigging as he calls everyone to him. He remains quiet as he watches the leader of the wildcards.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

DM Kent (round 59)  d100=73 d100=1 d100=7
Monday December 10th, 2007 5:15:57 PM

Many things happen as things seem to go from bad to worse.

Val jumps over the edge tossing out her feather token as she does so and suddenly there is a tree spinging up from the floor below all the way to the roof where Rigging and Ari are situated. Branches fill and cross much of the stair causing the walkway to become very treacherous and hard to maneuver through and along. While not trapped as such Mykael and Nez find the going now slow and prickly.

Having jumped and then set her feather go Val finds herself being lofted back to the upper levels as she gets caught in the instantly expanding branches. Re-orienting herself she finds that she can easily climb in the branches and starts descending again a fair rate.

Ashira dives down to catch Val and also gets caught up in the branches and finds herself nearly pinned to the top of the cieling by the multitude of sprouting branches. with a moment or two work she begins to free herself but the flying part is very difficult.

Apollo begins to climb down the walls and biers as the tree explodes upward and outward and nearly gets scraped off the wall. He soon finds that climbing down the tree will be easier than using the wall now.

Rigging losing his temper issues a regrouping order and is suddenly met with tree branches poking out at him as the large oak tree fills the area.

Cosmo watches hearing the tumult being caused by Ashira and the voice in his head chuckles Highlight to display spoiler: { see what is happening to her, your friends caused this they will be after you next you know. You see it's true. See how the one is already screaming at you?}

attendence post 
Monday December 10th, 2007 10:05:02 PM

Dm Kent xxoxooo
Rigging oxxxooo
Ashira xxxxoxo
Appolo xxxooox
Val xoxoxoo
Nezamil oxxxooo
Mykael xxoxooo
Cosmo xxoooox
Ari xxxooox

Bart is on walkabout !!! Dm Kent has removed him from the game (3 weeks of missed posts )

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Monday December 10th, 2007 10:23:03 PM

"By Domi !!" growls Nezamil " whats's gotten into that girl "

" Val whats gotten into you ??" barks the dwarf

"Everyone stop chase her .... let the spell run it's course we need to destroy the seeds and the tree of Ga'al" shouts Nezamil

Quickly fishing a wand out of a pouch he aims it at the tree and activates its power (wand of dispel magic 12 th lvl)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Monday December 10th, 2007 10:39:49 PM

Once Val gets down to the bottom she starts running down the first hallway she sees. Val glances back and pulls a gem from her pouch.

Gargul grant me your blessing. Protect me as I do your work.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 7/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used ye

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Woodland Stride??) 
Monday December 10th, 2007 11:35:43 PM

Sighing, Ashira moves easily through the entangling branches (Woodland Stride) and back over to Rigging.

Not again. I won't fight her again. She calls out to Val. "Val, something's wrong...for Jack's sake let us help you. Quit fighting us."

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), resist energy (fire), detect magic? 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 4:30:18 PM

Worry start to set in as Ari takes inventory of the remaining members.

Staring at Cosmo, Ari takes in his concerned look and wonders aloud, "What is the problem Cosmo, how can we help?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 9:12:17 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 109+/110 minutes
Haste: 5/11 rounds
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Everyone is hasted for 5 more rounds!

Cosmo steps back away from the growing tree so it does not entangle or harm him. He listens and watches as some of the Wildcards go chasing off after Val. Cosmo hears Ari ask him a question.

"Nothings wrong. This um tree growing startled me," Cosmo says with both confusion and distrust on his face.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 9)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste Spider Climb 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 10:39:54 PM

Appoloheads back to Rigging"Ok boss we can set that tree on fire using some oil and magic.We should also burn all the bodies interned here,This place will make a great fire pit.So what do you say."

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste, Fly) 
Tuesday December 11th, 2007 10:46:02 PM

Mykael turns to the dwarf. "Back to the boss."

He escorts Nez to Rigging's side. "We cant go chasing after her, it will only lead us into bad circumstances. It hurts, I know, but we must think of the greater good of the mission. You all know that better than I. With luck she and Bart will be ok, we finish what we started and we all meet up in the end."

"Lets do this, carefully. Also, remember what the seer informed us, especially you, Apollo. Fire is bad, it will alert the town and they will save the tree. Acid or other means, that are not so easily spotted are the key."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 6/11 rds
Fly: 1/7 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Wednesday December 12th, 2007 12:26:28 AM

Rigging looks on in dismay at the state of the group. "I know you don't want to here this but I think we have to consider retreat. We have just lost 2 of our best fighters, who we can't afford to lose right now. We are down on resources and spells. I think we need to retreat and rethink. We have hurt them badly and they won't be able to restock on those trained quads and priest that easily. If we come back in half a day, we can finish this mission much easier. I think this is the best course but want to hear what you think."

DM kent 
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 10:33:47 PM

Val continues downward and make the floor of a very darkened room 20x20 that has a tree now growing out of the center of it there is a body of what could be a priest under part of the trees new root system and there is what appears to be a very thick double stone door straight ahead. Something has her cry out to Gargul as she reaches the bottom. Val make will save DC 19

The rest of the Swords regroup back top around Rigging and he asks if they want to continue on in their current condition and down at least one fighter possibly two or regroup and retry the next day.

Cosmo backs warily from the tree and then keeps a bit of didstance between himself and the othher Wildcards.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Wednesday December 12th, 2007 11:15:43 PM

Making his way back to the Captain ..." we need to keep moving ... don't want to be ambushed while we wait "

"Somethings gotten into that girl " growls Nezamil " she is certainly enspelled by something"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste)  d20+9=22
Thursday December 13th, 2007 5:11:45 PM

Val stops short of entering the room. Whatever was inside wasn't good. Probably a few priests or one really powerful one. Something she had to be very careful about before doing anything. Did she summon an elemental now and send him in first? Or just barrel in and bust as many heads as possible.

ooc: will save 22

Thursday December 13th, 2007 9:26:02 PM

"Val come back! We are going to leave! Don't listen to the voice in your head. We know you and love you. We have to make sure Bart is OK. Remember Bart? He is your friend."

Rigging looks to the others and says, "Without Bart and Val, we don't stand a chance. We need to leave and rethink this. Nobody ever said it had to be one massive attack. I doubt they will be able to replace everything we killed so quickly. Prepare to move out."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Thursday December 13th, 2007 11:23:12 PM

"Move out ? ... we're so close to finishing this off " replys Nezamil

"We cannot leave Val !! " growls the dwarf " i'm not leaving without her !! "

DM Kent 
Thursday December 13th, 2007 11:31:30 PM

Discusion continues above while below Val gets a solid moment of clarity as Gargul sends her some needed support. Looking around her she finds herself alone and in an unfamiliar area with a palpable feeling of evil pushing in on her.

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Woodland Stride??) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 12:51:08 AM

Ashira nods at Nezamil. She turns to her husband. "I'm sorry dear, but I won't leave her behind. Fall back if you need to, but I'm staying."

Friday December 14th, 2007 1:47:52 AM

"Captain, either we are worthy of being called Dragons or we are not. Here.. Now... is when and where we find out. If we leave, the whole city will be alerted of what has happened and we will have them all to deal with. We still have surprise on our side in that respect. More quads and priests can be called and teleported in. The plants could be moved. Now is our best chance, probably our only chance."

"With all do respect, Rigging, your thinking is faulty. We must continue for the good of all. We chose this quest, we cant back out because the going is tough, or because our strength is waining. Now is when you find out if you truly have what it takes to be a hero."

"I am staying."

Mykael looks each individual in the group in the eyes, so they may know the truth of his words and the conviction in his heart.

Friday December 14th, 2007 1:35:08 PM

Rigging smiles at the loyalty and determination of his friends. "OK if that is the decision, I will stand with you, but before we do anything, we have to find out what is wrong with Val and see if we can fix it. I do have a break enchantment scroll but it takes a full minute to cast so you will need to find a way to immobilize her for that time."

Rigging then sighs to himself, "Well they will probably sing songs about the fall of the Wildcards in taverns for years to come."

CDM Jerry 
Friday December 14th, 2007 3:54:27 PM

Greetings Woldians!

I am excited to tell you that BIG, even HUGE changes are coming for The Wold. The Wold is evolving and everyone one of you will be affected. But I'm not going to tell you about it here. I'm just going to whet your appetite:

--A new type of game
--Major changes to the website
--Greater choice for both DMs and players!

I will begin introducing the new material in the LnB sometime between now and Monday. You will need to start watching that board daily to understand what is going to be happening. This process will be ongoing for a bit, so you really do need to view the Loot 'n Booty board daily starting now.

I'm mass emailing this and also posting it on every game board so everyone sees it.

Enjoy your weekend!


Appolo Boots of Speed, Haste,Invisible  d20+18=38
Friday December 14th, 2007 5:53:19 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging abit angry at the suggestion that they leave Val here."we're not leaving.Until we're down."he says ina cold menacing way and then heads back down,turning invisible as he does so.Once at the bottom he heads for Val moving silently and swiftly.

Move Silent 38

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 7:55:32 PM

"I vote we stay too."

"Let's finish what we started."

Friday December 14th, 2007 11:27:07 PM

Surveying his fellow Wildcards the dwarf nods as they concur about not leaving Val behind.

"Domi bless you all "

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste) 
Friday December 14th, 2007 11:27:27 PM

Val takes the gem in her off hand and squeezes it tightly. She felt the presence of her god. A feeling she hadn't felt since the father. But this was different. It took away her fear and left her with this utter calmness. Val threw the gem to the ground shattering it and summoning the elemental in the process.

"Destroy this temple. Reduce it to rubble." Val said without hesitation. She was alone in the battle against evil but that was alright. Death was but another step in the journey. Val takes her holy symbol from around her neck and wraps it around the shaft of her warhammer.

ooc: Val uses one of her two elemental summoning gems.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 9/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (0/5) -not used ye

Saturday December 15th, 2007 1:49:24 AM

"I agree with the others in that we probably won't get another clear chance at this. We've always been known as a threat and if we leave now they'll never take their eyes off of us.

We also have to make sure that they don't end up with control of any of us, otherwise they could use one of our group against us. They could use their magics to have any one of us say that we are traitors, or whatever or however they want to paint things. So we've got to bring the temple down in order to make sure that one of your numbers has not been left behind under their control."

DM Kent 
Saturday December 15th, 2007 11:53:04 AM

The final decision is made by the team and they turn as one and "hastily" begin making their way down to the bottom searching for Val.

Cosmo feels apprehensive about the final decision as the voice has been telling him he shold leave and not trust his companions, but somehow finds the conviction to continue on. Highlight to display spoiler: { That's right come to me, bring them to me. And we will all feast on their traitorous blood. Come join your friend who is already here.}

Val removes her holy symbol wrapping it around her weapon and smashes her elemental gem to the ground, beginning the summoning process. (What kind of elemental?) From above she hears the sounds of people calling her name and they seem to be coming slightly closer.

Sunday December 16th, 2007 8:26:05 PM

Mykael stays one step behind the dwarven cleric, watching over Nez, as the group continues toward fate.

Mentally sending a message to Rigging through his spell. 'Rigging, I have kept watch on Val. Her mind is conflicted and lost. She may be more easily swayed or subject to mental spells than the rest of us. She had issues with the Farie King before, and her relationship with Apollo, seems to be at an end.'

'This isnt the place or the time to try and work any or all of that out. We dont have the time or the safety. All that we can do, for the good of the mission, is to watch over her the best we can. Try to guide and use her confusion to our advantage and thus hers. In truth a Barbarian rage may be what is needed to help focus her toward our enemies and help clear her head.'

'Afterwards, we can take a break and do our best to help her through her issues. Apollo will not listen to me, perhaps not even you. His devotion to her is admirable. However, given thier relationship past or present, his actions may push her, further compounding her internal conflict. I suggest trying to keep him away from her. If she saw him as her rock to help her, then she would have already gone to him.'

Mykael shakes his head in sadness for Val, wishing he had the answers she and Apollo both needed.

Monday December 17th, 2007 2:55:08 PM

"OK we are staying, we need to work together. Everyone try and stick behind Val and protect her but we need to get moving fast! Same plan as before and obviously since we have lost Bart and Val, we need to be smart and work together.

(OOC Kent little confused on what is where and where everyone is. Where is the tree? Is it sticking up throught he ceiling? Please advise)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste, Displacement)  d20+18=33 d20+18=32 d8+6=8 d8+6=9
Monday December 17th, 2007 3:07:43 PM

Val doesn't take a deep breath. Doesn't wipe the sweat from her brow. For she isn't nervous or frightened. She's filled with an eerie sense of calm. She moved into the room bringing her warhammer down upon the priest.

ooc: its an earth elemental. forgot to mention that. Val's attacking the priest. 1st attack ac 33 for 8 and 2nd attack ac 32 for 9.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 10/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (1/5)

Appolo Ac30 Hp 88 Hasted Boots of Speed Invisible  d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+15=28 d20+15=33 d10+6=15 d8+6=12 12d6(4+2+6+2+4+3+2+3+2+4+1+4)=37
Monday December 17th, 2007 4:47:22 PM

Moving silently and quickly forward Appolo follows Valanthe into the room.When Valanthe attacks thr priest.Appolo flanks it and backstabs it twice then gsteps back goes invisible again.

Mave Silent 35 Hide 23

Attack 28 33 Damage 15 12 Backstab damage 37 Total 64

Monday December 17th, 2007 9:45:18 PM

The party is currently split.

Apollo and Val are at the bottom of the spiral staircase, while the rest of you are at the top of it. The tree actually runs from the cieling above you down to the floor where they are. The branches are sticking out all along the way making the staircase more than a little bit more treacherous.

attendence report 
Monday December 17th, 2007 10:28:52 PM

Dm kent xoxxoxo
Rigging ooxoxoo
Ashira xooxooo
Appolo oxooxoo
Val xooxooo
Nezamil xoxxxoo
Mykael oxooxox
Cosmo oxooxoo
Ari oxoooxo

Hmm not good , hopefully everyone is out christmas shopping ;-)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Monday December 17th, 2007 11:33:15 PM

" LETS GO HELP VAL "growls Nezamil

The dwarf starts towards the tree " i think climbing down da tree is easier then the pathway with all da branches in da way "

Aapproaching the tree Nezamil starts to climb down towards the elven warrior .

"We're coming to help ya Val " shouts the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Mykael HP: 65/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste, Fly) 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 12:38:21 AM

Mykael moves down through the tree, half flying and half climbing. He moves ahead of the group to play point and be ready to assist anyone that may slip.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Heroism: 8/70 mins
Stoneskin: 8/70 min,60/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 8/11 mins
Haste (from Cosmo): 10/11 rds
Fly: 1/7 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2**
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

30+ bastard swords
3 rings
15 pale green potions
15 angry looking red and black mixed potions
4 bright blue potion (cure mod wounds)
6 vials of blue liquid
Jewlery & Book

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Woodland Stride??) 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 1:57:33 AM

The ranger slides easily in and among the branches, working her way down toward where Val disappeared (Woodland Stride).

Tuesday December 18th, 2007 11:06:45 AM

"right, work together" Ari starts working his way down the tree. "Can anyone maybe carry me, if it helps us get to the bottom faster?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 9:55:21 PM

Cosmo waits until everyone starts towards Val. He moves into last in line and makes his way through the tree branches. In one of those rare instances his small size helps him negotiate the branches.

A look of confusion is still on Cosmo's face.

DM Kent 
Tuesday December 18th, 2007 10:32:09 PM

As Cosmo steps in at theend of the group and starts down the tree, he isn't quite sure if he hears something from behind him or not, but he certainly hears his friend again.Highlight to display spoiler: { Ahhhh, good idea to let them go first, it is less likely they will stab you from behind. Or was it your idea? Perhaps they are trying to leave you behind because they do not trust you...}

Val and Apollo put the already injured and partially pinned priest out of his misery and Val is pretty sure she could not have made all the wounds that showed up on the body by herself. Above she hears the others making their way down the tree and they should be with her in a few more moments (next round they arrive). There is stil the heavy stone double door in front of you.

Wednesday December 19th, 2007 12:44:37 AM

OOC sorry for the missed post. I could swear I did it. Getting senile in my old age.)

Rigging hurries after the others trying to keep the group together before they stumble into the trap.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 2:16:23 PM

The dwarf continues in his decent in the tree to the bottom to help Val " hurry guys " growls Nezamil

"Carry you ?? ... i'll throw ya down to the bottom " growls Nezamil sarcasticaly

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste, Displacement) 
Wednesday December 19th, 2007 9:14:16 PM

Val moves over to the door and tries to open it. Whatever was behind there would be deadly and terribly evil. At least she guessed it would be.

Arrows used: 8
Haste 11/11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (2/5)

Appolo Ac 30 HP88 Haste Boots of Speed 
Thursday December 20th, 2007 10:23:17 AM

Appolo appears behind Valanthe"I woulddn't do that if I were you.Why don't you stand back and let me check it for traps and locks."He says calmly and loud enough to be heard.

Thursday December 20th, 2007 4:05:00 PM

Seeing no offer to speed his descent, Ari works his way down the tree.

Ari stops for a moment when he hears Nez's comments and understands his sarcasm as quickly as he is surprised by it.

"If I was a cat, maybe that would be the way to go"

Thursday December 20th, 2007 8:00:42 PM

The dwarf continues to make hi way down the tree towards the bottom

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 34/63) 
Thursday December 20th, 2007 8:39:54 PM

Cosmo follows along at the rear of the group as they make there way down the stairs.

Ashira AC30 hps 100/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Friday December 21st, 2007 1:15:55 AM

Slipping and sliding...dodging and weaving. Making her way toward her wayward friend, and hoping she's not in big trouble yet.

DM kent 
Friday December 21st, 2007 8:15:03 AM

The others make the bottom just as Val reaches the door and ponders how to open it, and Apollo suggests that he be allowed to do that job and moves forward.

There is an overwhelming evil feel down here that is amking everyone's skin crawl and there seems to be a wary presence watching from somewhere or so it feels.

The double door is very very very very large, being nearly 8 feet wide for each door and 12 feet tall. The dwarf whistles when he sees it as he recognizes the dwarven work and that the two doors seem to have been cut from the same single piece of granite. There are old Woldian runes all around the edges and four large runes, two on each door, about shoulder height. There appears to be no handle or lock visible and those who can see invisible things Highlight to display spoiler: {see none either}. Those who can see magical aurasHighlight to display spoiler: { find that the all the runes on the door emanate magic.}

The earth elemental that was conjured by Val's gem begins to follow her orders to destroy the temple and starts ripping into the wall opposite the door, though it doesn't seem to be have quite the effect that you might think it would. In fact the wall almost seems to be repairing itself about half as fast as the elemental is destroying it.

Friday December 21st, 2007 12:15:50 PM

Bart finds himself on the middle of the street his sword is in his hands, he feels very strange in his head. He remember he was in a temple fighting... wait where are my companions... oh no are they dead? I must go back.. The priest must have cast an spell on me i would never leave my friends. Bart looks around and orientates himself he rushes back to the temple. The sameway as the did get in. Trying to be back as soon as possible

(sorry about missed post, all is well)

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Haste, Displacement) 
Friday December 21st, 2007 10:13:21 PM

"Well lets get these doors open. Destiny can't be kept waiting."

ooc: what of the earth elemental Val told to destroy the temple? Don't want to waste a gem.

**** OOPs forgot about him, will go back and edit my post to reflect his work - KL

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (3/5)

Riggging 80/80 hps  d100=75
Friday December 21st, 2007 10:43:30 PM

Rigging catches up with the others and says, "What! We need to prepare before blundering in. Obviously their is some kind of bad magic going on. Those doors have runes all over them. Lets slow down and use our heads.

I am going to cast another passwall by the door to see if we can avoid some obvious traps. Cosmo, can you summon some creatures to lead our way? They might as well spring the trap. Make sure that they are good so those traps affecting good will go off.

Does anyone else have any ideas? Cast whatever protections you have left. This is gonna be the final push and I suspect the hardest part of the battle.

Rigging will first cast Blink and then passwall from a scroll. (just in case I need it, 75% for the blink)

OOC, Kent I know these are wierd circumstances but does the magic circle agains evil help with the mind affecting spells? It acts as a protection from evil and that spell normally helps"

**** OOC - Yes that spell would indeed help against mind affecting spells - KL

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Wednesday December 26th, 2007 11:06:01 PM

Is anyone gonna post?

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste  d20+3=11
Wednesday December 26th, 2007 11:10:13 PM

Getting to the bottom the dwarf steps away from the tree to give others space to reach the floor unhindered .

Ttaking a peek at Val to see her reaction as they all join her " i hope she ain't gonna run away again " hopes Nezamil

As the elemental attacks the door Nezamil gasps "By Domi .... it heals itself "

"Can anyone read dem symbols ?" as the Cleric of Domi attempts to decipher them (d20+3=11 knowledge religion check)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

OOC: Ok folks lets try and start posting again and get this game moving forwrd !!!

Val (AC 29, HP 96/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Displacement) 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 9:27:38 AM

"Destroying the temple may be harder than we thought. If magic infuses the entire place we will have to cut the magic off at the source. I have another earth gem to use but I think I should save it. Hopefully the elemental will be drawing power away from this room. Maybe the magic used against us won't be as strong."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (4/5)

ooc: I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one insanely busy this last week.

DM kent 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 2:21:37 PM

The elemental continues working on the wall opposite of the door ans works more furiously as it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere fast. Rigging thinks about where to place his passwall and whether to use it in light of the most recent discovery.

Hurrying back into the temple, Bart qickly makes his way through the dead bodies in the dormatory and then into the sanctuary. Surprisingly enough, he has run across no one still living though he does here what might be sounds of combat coming from where the girl's dormatory is supposed to be. just behind the alter and statue of Ga'al the door to below is still open wide and Bart feels a bit of trepidation as he passes through it and makes his way down the stairs. At the bottom he finds himself where he last remembered being and fighting but now there seems to be a tree growing through the middle of the spiraling staircase. he gets the sense that his friends are below.

Nez takes a look at the glyphs on the door and recognizes the symbols around the perimeter of the door as dire warnings and curses dedicating and desecrating the space beyond to evil

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 88 Haste 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 6:32:13 PM

Appolo look around"Ok why don't we use Cosmos's pets' to trigger those markings.While we gi back up those stairs and waita few minutes before coming back down.Or we can use the passwall but I'm fairly sure that whole wall might just be enchanted and protected in some way.Oh I don't think we have to worry about anyone arriving soon.If there were more of them I think they would be here by now."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Thursday December 27th, 2007 11:10:08 PM

"Captain those symbols and glyphs upon the doors warn of curses an evil beyond the door "

"I hate to admit it but Appolo has the right idea ... sending in Cosmo's conjured friends will help trigger any traps and show us what to avoid " growls the dwarf

"Ready when you are Captain " as Nezamil ready's to enter the room of evil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

ooc: map ??

Kent -- Ummm posting from the road and no access to my files, I will send a map as soon as possible although I thought I send one along with the last emails i sent with map attachemtns.

Friday December 28th, 2007 3:39:12 AM

ooc Is the tree blocking Bart's way?

it is certainly impeding the safe use of the stairs though not stopping it. Depending on how dexterous Bart is the 40 foot climb down through the tree itself would be quicker.

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  2d8(2+6)+3=11 2d8(6+1)+3=10
Friday December 28th, 2007 10:51:16 PM

The ranger watches as Rigging summons a new hole in the wall. As she waits for Cosmo to summon something to set off traps she taps herself lightly with her wand and then taps Val if she will let her (or Nezamil if she doesn't). 10 hp returned.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Friday December 28th, 2007 11:48:28 PM

The Cleric of Domi glances around at the others
as they ready themselves for the next step

Spotting Ashira tapping herself with the wand the dwarf smiles and nods towards Val (will accept if Val doesn't, but 1st choice is for Val to get the cure)

ooc: hopefully the rest of the people start posting again soon

Friday December 28th, 2007 11:51:06 PM

Rigging looks at Cosmo and says, "Use the wand to summon some help. Make sure that they are good. Everyone else back off a little so we aren't caught in any blasts or spells. Cosmo, only send them in one at a time."

Bart  d20+13=33
Saturday December 29th, 2007 8:44:28 AM

Bart sees the climbing down the tree is much quicker he takes his change and goes down. (dex 16 climb check =33 natural 20!)

Saturday December 29th, 2007 11:57:34 AM

Greetings Woldians,

I hope you've been keeping up with the changes we've been discussing on the LnB. If not, you have a novel to read amongst all the posts.

Basically, we're doing the following things:

--purging all 2nd characters from everyone except DMs...that's their reward for being a DM.
--We're adding a new type game: Challenge Games. It is a 2 year campaign game. We're calling our normal games Career Games.

Anyway, because of the Challenge Games, which will begin ASAP for their first 2 year run, as well as the pruning of the 2nd characters, we'll be holding a vote starting


...and ENDING on


We'll be voting on one thing only:

Do you want to play in a Challenge Game or a Career Game?

If you choose Career Game, I"ll want a second piece of information. I will need to know if you want to remain in your current game or move to another.

That's it.

Voting is NOT accepted until January 2nd and all votes will be emailed to me here at gericko@gmail.com. I will not accept votes that are made on the LnB, though you may post your vote there if you want.

If you don't vote, then the ACDMs and I will be PLACING you into a Challenge game by default as that is the "new thing" and we're kinda pushing it as a new option.

Let me repeat that and reword it:

If you don't vote you lose your right to choose your game and WILL be placed. Yeah I know that is hard, but we're moving forward and don't want to have votes trickling in weeks later.

This email is just to get your attention in case you haven't been following the information overload on the LnB.

If you have a question about all this or are now totally confused, reply to me only or post on the LnB where you'll get 100s of people telling you what is going on. :)

Or you can IM me on AIM. My handle is Gericko.

Enjoy your day and don't freak out!

CDM Jerry

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin, Displacement) 
Saturday December 29th, 2007 9:52:16 PM

Val accepts the cure. "Maybe this door only opens for one of the faith. Maybe we need to cut off the dead priests hands and use them to open the door. There has to be a way to open it."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min
Potion of Displacement (5/5)

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Sunday December 30th, 2007 12:06:39 AM

The ranger grins as she hears Val's comment. "Now that's more like the Val I know! Still, why go through the door when we can go around it?" Ashira winks hoping that whatever was messing with Val has finally left her friend alone.

DM Kent 
Sunday December 30th, 2007 4:46:05 PM

Apollo suggests that cosmo bring in some extra friends to help with the door and Nez seems to agree.

Ashira watches the Wall in hopes of something happening and then disappointed taps Val with a wand healing some 10 points of damage.

Val looks at the priest and wonders if perhaps they could use its hand for entry through the doors.

From above everyone hears a bit of rustling from the tree, though there is no wind.


Bart starts down the tree and seems to be making fairly good time, but is making a bit of a ruckuss doing so.

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 1:06:48 AM

The ranger waits for the animals to be summoned, picking nervously at her nails.

OOC: Could have sworn I saw something about a Passwall spell in one of Rigging's posts. Shrug.

--You did it was discussed but never cast. Kl

Cosmo  d3=2
Monday December 31st, 2007 11:50:08 AM

Cosmo summons some apes from the SM IV wand and directs them to activate the glyphs.

He stands back not wanting to get caught in any blast.

Monday December 31st, 2007 11:56:53 AM

Rigging will cast his passwall from his scroll as Cosmo summons his monsters. "Have them go through the passwall Cosmo and we can all follow."

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 2:30:28 PM

"I'm not sure a passwall will work. Look at what the elemental is doing. Earth elementals are great and destroying stone structures and the wall is rebuilding. With a passwall we might get stuck in transit or the spell might not even work. I think we have to find the right way in or we don't get in at all."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Monday December 31st, 2007 5:35:17 PM

The dwarf eyes Val " That is an intresting idea but maybe they have a key or symbol that helps them open the door ?" adds Nezamil

"Anybody grab anything off any of the quads or priests ?? " as Nezamil scans about for any Ga'alian bodies

If Rigging's passwall spell works Nezamil will follow behind Ashira

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Monday December 31st, 2007 6:09:37 PM

(ooc sorry guys. Girlfriend emergency, had to concentrate on writing a personal statement for her before a deadline came due. But I have also seen where posting sporatic at best during this time, so I wasnt' sure whether things would get too far)(not sure if I'm on the posting report chart)

"I'm afraid that I'm not much help here, I don't know that I have too many ideas here. Do you think a dispel would work at all?"

Monday December 31st, 2007 6:17:02 PM

Appolo replies'Well let's see what happens to Cosmo's creatures and the passwall first.We could alsways have Val's earth elemental use the tree asa battering ram and smash through the door."He then looks up as he hears some thing the tree"Oh someone or some thing is in the tree coming down toward us I believe,"

DM kent 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 6:22:07 PM

(OOC I need to know where you are placing the passwall spell, as it can possibly make a whole lot of difference. Use the coordinates I gave on the map I sent. I will post as soon as I have this. Thanks)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 9:36:37 PM

"I hope this spell works. I'd hate to get all the way here and not be able to finish the job because we didn't get a banish evil scroll to unlock the door. Or whatver is needed to get through this thing."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

ooc: not able to wait for the DM post. have to work early and wanted to get my post in for the day.

Tuesday January 1st, 2008 10:58:46 PM

Put the passwall at B8

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Tuesday January 1st, 2008 11:13:04 PM

"Don't worry Val ... we'll finish the job ... by Domi we'll finish this " growls Nezamil

Peeking up at the tree at Appolo's warning the dwarf steps to the side waiting for whatever it is to appear " we'll crunch it it's ga'alian "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 2:16:04 AM

Batr is still climbing down he tries to hear any sound of battle or other sounds that could come from his friends

CDM Jerry Voting Begins Now!! 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 3:42:58 AM


Here is the ballot: Please complete, copy, and post your vote in Lynn's Café Message Board on the site.

Please avoid any "additions" to the vote if possible. Yes, we know you're an individual.

You need to vote by Monday January 7th or you may be assigned to a game.

I'll post my vote after this one as an example.

If you have a question about voting, not a comment or discussion, post your question.

Take all comments and discussion about the votes to the Loot 'N Booty board please.




Character Name(s):

Current Character Game(s):


Place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote:

--I wish to play in a Challenge Game.

--I wish to play in a Career Game.


If you voted for a Career Game, please place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote:

--I wish to continue playing in my CURRENT game.

--I wish to play in a brand new Career game.

--I wish to play in a different Career game. (I want to join __________. Fill in the name of the game you wish to join.)


If you voted for a Challenge Game, please place an X BEFORE your single choice of vote.

--I wish to play in The Great Dwarven Adamantite Rush Challenge Game. [DM to be decided. May be Jerry(me)]

--I wish to play in The Uncharted Lands Challenge Game to be DMed by Bob and Carla.
--I wish to play in the HELL ON WOLD (Earth)!!!! Challenge Game to be DMed by Jim Frick.
(note that there may be other Challenge Games offered, but as these were the first to have an approved advertisement, I'm offering these to be filled first.)

DM kent 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 8:31:01 AM

Bart hears only the sounds of something apparently groumbling and tearing something up, (earth elelmental) and some much fainter undistinguishable sounds.

Rigging sets the place for his passwall spell and casts it and it appears to work perfectly as it extends 15 feet into and through the wall. Peering into the opening Rigging can see nothing but bed rock and dirt straight ahead of him and to the right and what appears to be more of the same wall they just ate through to the left. The wall on the left does appear to have included at least partially in the spell so it is hard to say how thick it is at this point.

Cosmo's conjured friends appear and wait for their instructions.

Apollo and Nez peer upward and await whatever is making its way down the tree.

Moments later they are rewarded for their efforts as they see a humanoid figure making its way downard through the braches. Bart, Apollo, Nezspot checks to recognize each other. DC 12

Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 3:38:25 PM

Rigging curses as his spell only tunnels into the earth. "The room is smaller than this one and my spell is wasted. Cosmo, have your friends open the door."

Bart  d20=18
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 5:26:38 PM

Bart recognizes Appola and Nez hey guys its me, donno what happend to me

Appolo  d20+10=18 d20+12=22
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 6:22:25 PM

Appolo looks up sees and hears bart"hey guys Bart's back."Replying to Bart"Hey buddy stay up there for a minute.Don't come down just yet.Trying to open some enchanted doors."When Appolo hears Rigging order Cosmo's pets to open the door Appolo goes up the tree."Any protection spells you guys got now would bea good time to cast them."He says as he climbs the tree.

Cpot 18 Climb 22

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d  d20+6=19
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 10:16:09 PM

Looking up at the movement in the tree the dwarf tenses for the worst but breaks into a smile as Bart appears

"Good to see ya back ... just in time to " growls Nezamil
as he turns back towards the rsults of Riggings spell

"Thats not a good sign " as he shakes his head

"Heya Ashira why don't ya try and knock your way thru the wall where Rigging cast his spell .... might be thin enough along that wall ... might as well try when ya super sized and strong as a dwarf " smirks Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 10:19:56 PM

"What if the door leads to a pocket dimension? Or is a portal itself to someplace else. Someplace within the domain of ga'al? I'm not sure getting this door open is that simple. I think we need to find a live priest and question him. Can anybody speak with the dead? We could ask this guy right here." She says and kicks the dead priests body.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 12:40:50 AM

"Yeah and have the rest of the wall fall in on me...hmmmm...don't think so." the ranger playfully scowls at Nezamil.

Ashira waits to see what happens to Cosmo's creatures, but is willing to try her hand at battering down the wall if needs be.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 6:55:26 PM

Glad to see Bart back, Ari acknowleges his arrival with the nod of his head.

"what about if we can get a creature with ghost like abilities that might be able to pass through the wall and tell us about either what's on the other side, or where we need to focus our efforts?"

DM kent  d6=3 d100=96
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 9:31:42 PM

I have no idea what creatures Cosmo has summoned, but I will go with his norm apes 1-3. or lantern 4-6.

Cosmo's three apes move forward toward the door and begin beating it as hard as they can. Nothing immediately happens and then one of then strikes the symbol in the center of the door. Without a sound the door opens by sliding up into the cieling revealing a lightly glowing hallway.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Thursday January 3rd, 2008 11:39:01 PM

Nodding as the door slides open " well you better lead the way Ashira ... cuz as you can see you can be replaced " laughs Nezamil at Ashira good naturedly

"Don't worry i'll be right behind ya " as he steps forward towards the door

"Not sure how long it will stay open so we better hurry " growls the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Friday January 4th, 2008 12:07:40 AM

"Alright people let's be on guard. We still haven't seen those undead. I'll go first just in case they are up ahead. If not at least I should shield the healers." Val says as she moves forward.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+12=14
Friday January 4th, 2008 12:09:20 AM

"Haha...funny Nezamil." the ranger quips with no humor. "Stupid monkeys!" she murmurs as she looks to Rigging to give her the go ahead. Barring any reservation he might have she heads into the tunnel (Spot=lousy 14).

Friday January 4th, 2008 7:50:52 AM

Well Apollo i guess it is save to come down now, lets see what we can do in there

Friday January 4th, 2008 10:55:26 AM

Rigging will look down the corridor with his see invisible and then say, "Cosmo, send your apes on ahead. We can follow behind them and see if they spring any traps."

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Friday January 4th, 2008 2:41:13 PM

Watching the apes beat on the door, Ari eyes light up in surprise when the door opens. "It seems we are too intelligent for the, 'just open the door' trap.' Shaking his head in wonder, Ari keeps his senses focused, even though he's wondering how they'll get past the next set of obstacles.

Friday January 4th, 2008 5:18:17 PM

Appolo comes down from the tree"Yes send the Apes forward and let's wait to see what happens,Remember there isan evil intellegence at work here.I thinkwe should find away to jam that door and keep it open."

DM kent 
Friday January 4th, 2008 10:20:23 PM

The apes are sent on into the rooms and each takes a straight path from where they enter the door and each meeta a different fate where they end up located on the map.

The first ape makes it 15 feet and then becomes a stone statue. The second ape makes it 30 feet and is incinerated on the spot. The third ape makes it 45 feet and simply vanishes from sight.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Friday January 4th, 2008 11:08:39 PM

As Nezamil moves forward he suddendly stops in his tracks as the apes meet their fate "Stop!! shouts the dwarf

"By Domi what happened to them ?? ... i don't like this "

"Can anyone send more apes thru to see if it is continuous ?? ... or hopefully that the trap has been sprung on the apes ?"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Sunday January 6th, 2008 8:55:26 PM

"I think there is a path down the corridoor. Like three steps forward, one step to the left, ect."

Val pulls out a copper coin and throws it down the hallway.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Sunday January 6th, 2008 9:27:25 PM

The ranger lets out a low whistle as the apes meet their respective demises. She slowly backs away from the door and waits to see if Cosmo has any more pals to send in as she taps her chin thoughtfully. "Well, it could be traps based on alignment...or it could be some kind of path like Val mentioned...or hopefully it's just some plan 'ol regular traps and we can rush through..." Ashira stares absently at the charred corpse of one ape, never letting her eyes off the thing she calls out "Hey Rigging, you got any more of those floating eyeball thingies?"

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Sunday January 6th, 2008 10:20:53 PM

"Well lets not make the trap so complex that we outthink ourselves and make us paralyzed with what to do. We don't have much time and we've got to try to move forward as best we can."

Monday January 7th, 2008 12:27:29 PM

Rigging eyes also widened at the impressive display of firepower. He pulls out a wand and activates detect magic looking for any spells that might still be active.

"No Ashira, I don't have any more prying eyes, but maybe I can try and use the dispel magic wand to eliminate any more nasty traps...if I can see them. Everyone hold for a minute and let me see what I see."

Monday January 7th, 2008 1:09:03 PM

Can anyone cast something that can fly or do u think it doesnt matter if you fly or walk?

Must we go this way or is there another, there must be a way to avoid these traps what if we carry a hartseeded priest?

Monday January 7th, 2008 1:54:02 PM

Appolo looks around"Well we could throw that fool over there in there and see what happens."He points to the dead priest.

attendence report 
Monday January 7th, 2008 2:34:30 PM

Dm Kent oxxxxoo
Rigging xxxoxoo
Ashira xooxxox
Appolo xoxoxoo
Val xxxoxox
bart ooxoxoo
Nezamil xxxxxoo
Mykael ooooooo
Cosmo xoooooo
Ari xooxxox

Mykael hasn't posted in several weeks !!

Holidays are over !!! lets get back to posting on a regular basis again !!!

continued poor posting results will be sent to jerry for action !!!

DM kent 
Monday January 7th, 2008 9:31:50 PM

The group eyes the corridor and Val believes she can perhaps make out a pattern in the way the traps went off. (50 exps) INT Roll DC15 to figure it out(I also meant to give you an experience award of 300 for the good role play with the brain invasion)

Rigging pulls out his wand and looses acharge to try and pinpoint what magic might be found in the there and the brightness nearly blinds him as apparently the self repairing walls are most definitely emminating magic as is the cieling and much of the floor, at least as far as can be seen.

Apollo suggests heaving the dead priest into the corridor somewhere.

Mykale and Cosmo seem to be just standing there with there jaws open and nearly dragging the floor.

Up around the corner you hear something that might be a door opening or perhaps closing.

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20=15
Monday January 7th, 2008 10:03:34 PM

Val pulls out another copper and tosses it down a different path. "I think I'm onto something."

ooc: no idea what int is but I know its not -1. got a 15 on a d20 roll.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d  d20+1=21
Monday January 7th, 2008 10:39:08 PM

"Good thinking Val " the dwarf peers into the room trying to discern the path (d20+1=21 int ch nat 20!!!)

" we can toss the coins on the path so we know where to walk safely " adds Nezamil

Joining Val in her efforts of tossing coins into the room to discern the path the dwarf fishes out several coins and toss them in concert with Val trying to use the coins as breadcrumbs for a path

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 12:03:35 AM

Her eyebrows arching as she watches Val and Nezamil, the ranger ponders over what must be traps ahead. "Hey Appolo...think maybe those are traps that you can disarm?"

Tuesday January 8th, 2008 2:30:50 PM

Appolo watches the coin tossing with interest and replies to Ashira"No I don't think so.They appear to be magical in nature."He looks up down the hall toward the corner"I think I heard something up ahead around that corner we could have visitors momentarily."

Tuesday January 8th, 2008 4:12:05 PM

I hope we can find the right path this way, i dont want to try to fly over it

Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:23:11 PM

Rigging winces as the blinding light flashes into his eyes. He looks down at his wand and grimaces and says, "This place is filled with very strong magic. I think it renews. Val if you think you know the pattern, then lets test it with some summoned creatures."

DM Kent 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:25:49 PM

With a bit of thought and some well placed coins Nez and Valdiscover more traps and there certainly seems to be a pattern to them. Val is sure she can get to the ned of the hallway or at least to where the turn is without mishap, but is not quite sure what lies around the bend so to speak.

Map is sent. yellow spots are the coin tripped traps which seem to be tripped each time they are hit. The blue dots are Vals projected traps based on the pattern she dicerned.

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 10:53:12 PM

It's her plan so Val goes first. She keeps tossing copper pieces on the tiles before her making her way down the hallway.

"Just step where the copper piece sits. If I toss one before each step we should make it through unharmed."

Val showed no hesitation, no fear. When you do not fear death it holds no power over you.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Tuesday January 8th, 2008 11:16:32 PM

Shaking his head at Appolo's lack of courage
" you like to let others do the work way too much " growls Nezamil at the rogue

Turning back as Val as she starts forward down the path of coins " i'm right behind ya " as the dwarf steps in the elven warriors footsteps

"Now theres courage " nods the Cleric of Domi approvingly " i've got more coins if ya need them " adds Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 2:36:11 PM

"Good job Val" Following behind the others, Ari keeps his attention on the rest of the room in case there are other things going on.

(ooc no map since 1/5)

Appolo  d20+10=30
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 8:25:02 PM

Appolo moes forward to the edge of the entrance drawing his bow he watches as Valanthe advances.When Nexamil makes his comment Appolo juast smiles and nods.

Spot 30

Rigging  d20+10=20
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:00:25 PM

Rigging does a dispel magic from his wand on some of the magic he sees trying to see if it has any effects. (dc check 20) He will then follow along wand ready to dispel any magic that comes their way.

DM kent 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:25:38 PM

Rigging tries his wand and see that it has no apparent effect on ay of the magic in the hallway.

Vall carefully leads the others without mishap down to the turn where they see in front of them about another 30 feet of wide corridor and another set of large double doors.

Nez's hair are just about sticking up on end right about now and it is taking everything he has to continue moving forward. It is ammost like some force is trying to keep him away.

OK Everyone I know things are a bit out of sorts right now with everything Woldian, but nothing is going to change until this module at least is complete. And I will tell you right now if you don't have your full complement of PCs when you enter these doors, you will die. Everyone needs to try and contact the other players and get them back posting I have sent several emailsout but have gotten no responses as yet.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Wednesday January 9th, 2008 11:44:23 PM

"By Domi i feel something .... not sure what it is but it certainly don't want me to keep going forward " growls the Cleric of Domi

Looking as Val easily moves forward " gotta have something to do with Ga'al ... dat for sure ... i bet it's Ga'al's hatred of Domi ... mortal enemy's "

"Dat ain't gonna stop me ... no way ... by Domi we'll show him what courage is all about "

Nezamil touches his anvil holy symbol " Protect us and grants us strength and courage to destroy this evil " prays the dwarf as he continues to follow the elven warrior

The rest of you coming ?"

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Thursday January 10th, 2008 1:06:32 AM

I see it Nez something is happening to you hair it looks funny I guess we are comming closer to the source of evil.
Val go further, lead us to victory!

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 8:39:53 AM

Val keeps tossing copper pieces and avoiding the trapped squares. She keeps heading toward the doors at the end of the hallway.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

ooc: here is the one problem I have. We clearly lost one player since they have't posted in at least two weeks. What you are saying is that those of us that are posting have zero chance of survival due to circumstances that we have no control over. Any one of us here could decide they don't want to do this anymore and drop off without notice and there isn't anything anybody can do about it. Mykael hasn't posted in who knows how long and Cosmo almost as much. I guess we should just quit now then.

Walter OOC 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 11:44:48 AM

Well one option we have is to go through the doors and we all die. Solves a lot of problems and would be a fitting end to the game.

Cosmo (sub George) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 3:19:49 PM

ooc Some confusion on who was posting for Cosmo. He did ask for a sub and we fell down on the job. He will be back next week

Cosmo keeps his wand of animal summoning handy as he follows along behind the others. He is nervous that Rigging's wand seems to be totally ineffective on dimming the windows.

Thursday January 10th, 2008 3:31:26 PM

Rigging wonders if they are heading into more than they can handle. The magic seems overwhelming, the foes numerous, and the traps ingenious. They are low on spells but morale is high. He is impressed with Val's working out the trap and thinks supporting her is worth the risk. Still he keeps his teleport spell ready for a quick departure.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 5:25:59 PM

Ari moves forward with the rest and continues to try to come up with other ideas about what is going on.

"I plan on going along, though I've not felt this unsure before. But this is a major effort against Ga'al and I'm tried of sitting in the shadows as his influence continues to grow."

Thursday January 10th, 2008 5:28:24 PM

Is there any way to note in the posting report who is what, or who are the regular players? I see a robertsc and Walter don't have their email addresses in the profile, evidently. It seems you should be able to email everyone from posting report.

Appolo  d20+10=13 d20+10=15
Thursday January 10th, 2008 6:41:53 PM

Appolo follows along quietly.Watching and waiting for something to happen.

SPot 15 Listen 13

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Thursday January 10th, 2008 11:46:28 PM

The dwarf keeps moving along after Val .... slowly .... step .... by ... step .... keeping his eyes on the coins on the floor.

"Glad your tired of sitting in da shadows " growls Nezamil " now is da time for action .... to help your homeland "

ooc: try and post every day even if your waiting on a post , get your daily post in as you can tell by the posting report at the bottom !!.... attendence is important !! even when you move onto other games !!! show your comminment to the wold by posting regularly !!!

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 12:09:26 AM

Ashira notices Nezamil's reaction and grins. It's out there...the big, bad something...and I'm going to chop it up into itty bitty little pieces. Ohhhh, yes I am!!

Friday January 11th, 2008 1:36:24 PM

I would note that I've been yelled at a couple of times for lack of posting, and yet I posted no less than what the DM posted.

Has there been a rule change that says you should be posting everyday regardless of whether the DM posts? (you were supposed to only have one post between DM posts when I started)

DM kent  d100=01
Friday January 11th, 2008 5:36:08 PM

(ooc: sorry about no post last night. My father was admitted to the hospital last night and had surgery this morning. He is in recovery as of 4 PM.)

The final thirty feet to the door are the hardest thing most of you have done as the nearly papable feel of evil beats against as you move forward. Val actually finds that there either no traps in this last thrity feet or she luckily picked out a path without hitting a single one. She did test all of the sections infront of the door and found them all to be apparently free of traps. There seems to be an odor in the air that is both metalic and sweet at the same time and the temperature has increased significantly as you turned toward the final door.

The doors themselves are plain granite and seem to have a reddish brown tint to them. They are unadorned with the exception of Ga'al's holy symbol which is carved into each one at about where you would normally expect a door handle.

Appolo  d20+10=15 d20+10=24
Friday January 11th, 2008 8:22:53 PM

Appolo stops and looks over the doors"Ok.Who wants to be first?"He says witha smile."I mean this should be fun."

Listen 15 Spot 24

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 8:39:17 PM

Val reaches out to touch one of the holy symbols but stops her hand short. "Everybody ready? We should assume the strongest defenses are behind this door."

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Friday January 11th, 2008 10:07:06 PM

Stopping right behind Val " right behind ya ...
"Something evil no doubt lurks behind this door ... brace yourselves "

The Cleric of Domi touches his holy symbol and then kisses it " Domi grant us all courage and strength " prays Nezamil

"Remember teamwork is important " growls the dwarf as he eyes Appolo

Facing forward Nezamil ready's for their assault "Domi's courage will prevail "

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Friday January 11th, 2008 11:17:56 PM

The ranger eyes the symbol on the door nervously. "Ahhh...crap...Appolo, I think we might need those priest's hands after all."

She turns to her husband. "What do you think the odds are that those runes have a boatload of magic associated with them??"

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Sunday January 13th, 2008 11:15:21 AM

Feeling the jangling of his nerves as the evil 'presence' pushes against him, Ari notes the others that might be struggling and the amount of brow sweat everyone has going on.

"Before we do anything should we maybe make a circle around Nez? Or can we get some more stuff against evil up?"

Monday January 14th, 2008 6:58:55 AM

I have the feeling we open the door to hell it self, the smell of blood the high temperature
Let's do it

Rigging ac 22 hps 80/80 
Monday January 14th, 2008 8:33:26 AM

Rigging holds up his hands to slow down the others, "OK this is hopefully the final push. Is everyone cured up? Does anyone have any last minute spells they want to cast. I can enlarge anyone who wants it with my wand? I can also cast a couple of improved invisibilities from my wand but they don't last long.

Nez, what protection spells do you have left? I can feel the evil. Can you do anything about it? Appolo, check out the doors for traps. I am sure their are some magical ones on it but look for glyphs ect that maybe I can surpress."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent 
Monday January 14th, 2008 10:30:54 AM

Plans are made and questions are asked as the Wildcards stand in front of the door to the Heart of Ga'al.

Further inspection of the door reveals no other writings or glyphs on it other than the two holy symbols of Ga'al.

Apollo is sure that there are no mechanical traps on the door and is fairly sure that if there are any magical traps, that they are likely associated with the holy symbols.

Monday January 14th, 2008 4:41:22 PM

Appolo looks the door over"Boss no traps I can deal with,pretty sure about the magical though.Now if you want we could go back and get that dead priest or chop down thw tree and use it asa battering ram.You could also cast Dispell magic at the door.Remember that whole room isa trap for non believers and enemies.G'aal himself might be inside waiting for us.""

attendence report 
Monday January 14th, 2008 5:42:46 PM

Dm Kent xxxoxoo
Rigging xxxxooo
Ashira oxooxoo
Appolo xxxxxoo
bart xxoxooo
Val xxoxxoo
Nezamil xxxxxoo
Cosmo oooxooo
Ari ooxxoxo

lets try harder people , we had 4 people with less then 3 posts !! not good !!!

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Monday January 14th, 2008 7:23:34 PM

"hmmm Captain i'm already encircled with protection againsit evil .... stay close by " grins Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi surveys the doors (true seeing spell active)

"do we have time to go back and geta ga'alian body ?? .... we might hafta try and just yabk da doors open " growls the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Val (AC 29, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 9:22:23 PM

"Let's get this over with." Val says and grabs the holy smbol. She uses at its apparently intended and tries to open the door.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Ashira AC30 hps 111/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge) 
Monday January 14th, 2008 10:44:57 PM

The huge ranger grins. "Yeah, let's break down this puppy!" She watches as Val works at the doors, ready to use her fists if needs be.

Bart ac 29 hp 95/95 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 1:03:20 AM

Bart drinks his last potion of heroism, he makes sure he is nearn nezamil

Rigging ac 22 hps 80/80 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 9:46:23 AM

Rigging taps himself with the greater invisibilty wand as he watches Val wrestle with the door. He hopes the fighters are prepared to deal with things as his spells are basically gone.

He looks closely at the doors waiting for the explosion.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used one
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (sub george) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 9:47:03 AM

Cosmo uses his wand to summon more apes for next round

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 49/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 4:17:42 PM

Tapping himself with the wand of invisibility, Ari readies himself for the next round. He includes a prayer to Alemi to help and guide the group through this next hurdle.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d 
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 4:58:31 PM

Grinning at the girls enthusiam " thats the spirit ... Domi will be proud of both of ya "

once Val opens the door Nezamil will pour thru the door after the enthusiastic girls " lets end Ga'als reign of terror " growls the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

DM kent  5d8(7+6+7+8+5)=33 d4=4
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 6:35:22 PM

Val steps forward and pounds her hand onto one of the symbols and is rewarded by first feeling it begin to move and then a black negaitive wave of force hits her and emanates outward hitting everyone else as well.

Unholy Blight - 33 points damaged and physically ill for 4 rounds, will save DC26 for 16 points and 2 round of sickness.

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=29
Tuesday January 15th, 2008 8:49:14 PM

Val was prepared for the unholy energy. It was expected. Maybe that was why she was able to resist or perhaps her god was with her. (will save nat 20 for a 29) Even as the sickness fills her body she tries to open the door. Or maybe the others will pull her while she held the symbol.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Sick for 2 rounds  d20+8=28
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 11:01:33 AM

Appolo is about say something when Val touches the door as thw ave of blight hits him he staggers bit and curses,but shruggs off the worse of it."Val haven't you learned not to touch anything around here yet.Be patient."He is pale and obviously not feeling to good."Let's back offa bit and let Cosmos pets push the door all the way open."
Will save Natural 20 =28

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+11=30
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 1:22:17 PM

Suddenly Bart feels sick, he wants to throw up but keeps his breakfast in
Yeah Val let Cosmos apes try the trick

Ashira AC30 hps 95/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Sick for 2 rounds)  d20+11=26 d20+4=10
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 4:51:04 PM

Feeling the negative energy rush over her, Ashira is able to shrug off most of the worst of it (Will=26 thanks to Nez's Prot. from Evil :) Seeing the doors move slightly, Ashira decides to finish the job and bull rushes the doors (AC=10).

DM Kent  d4=2
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 9:45:38 PM

As the door opens a bit and then Ashira hits it with her bull rush the groups is hit with an almost overwhelming odor of death and blood and there seems to be a reddish mist hanging in the air of the room and Nez can tell there is an unholy aura about the room. The room is dimly lit and you can see a huge sized heartseed in the middle of the room, surrounded by what appears to be some kind of grass though something seems a bit odd about it. Ashira Highlight to display spoiler: { Ashira, standing on the grass realizes that the grass is more of a marsh grass and it is very wet under her boots and yet it is kind of slimy at the same time.}

The Heart of Ga'al is horrific to look upon and yet it is hard not to look at. As the door fully opens and you spy it you all feel a sense of fear pour over you. Unlike the smaller heartseeds you are familiar with this plant has 10 flowers of different colors and 2 white flowers poking out of it. There are also six long and tough looking, thorn covered tentacles surrounding the large blood red heart center of the plant. It is so large that it would be impossible to imagin any animal or monster large enough to implant it in.

Will save Dc 20 or stand quaking in fear for 2 rounds.

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=25
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 10:44:21 PM

Val takes a step toward the giant heart unafraid. She believes Gargul is with her and thats all that matters. His presence broke her from Ga'al's influence. He will see her through this or call her down to serve at his side.

"Do not fear death and this heart will have no power of you. Death is not an end but part of the cycle."

Val hooks her ghost touched warhammer on her belt and draws her bow.

"If anybody has any oil splash it on the heart. My arrows will burn and ignite the oil."

ooc: will save 25.

Arrows used: 8
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 57/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d  d20+17=37 d20+17=19
Wednesday January 16th, 2008 11:35:03 PM

Gritting his teeth as the wave of unholy power washes over him the cleric of Domi weathers it (d20+17=37 nat 20!!)(Domi must be watching over him )

Nezamil takes a few steps after Val but the sight he see's stops him in his tracks

"By Domi the Evilness of this place " cries out the dwarf as his voice cracks with fear (d20+17=19 failed)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

ooc: Nellie i'm glad you read the spells bonus's ;-) save the dwarf save the wold ;-)

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+11=16
Thursday January 17th, 2008 1:48:57 AM

missed save
Ohh now look at this thing its huge ...

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min)  d20+9=29 d20+9=11
Thursday January 17th, 2008 4:33:25 AM

Wincing from the unholy blight, Ari is stunned with fear as he looks upon the unholy plant, animal, or whatever it is.

(ooc my character sheet wasn't available when I posted this)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88-2 sick for 2 rounds  d20+8=21
Thursday January 17th, 2008 9:55:00 AM

Appolo takes in the scene"Ok folks Ashira Val back up alittle lets go get some wood and iol then come back and light this thing up,I think we should makea giant stake out of that tree back there and drive it through that thing then light it on fire and watch those tentacles."

Rigging hps 80/80 ac 22  d20+11=14 d20+11=20
Thursday January 17th, 2008 1:58:59 PM

Rigging feels the fear start to take him but with a great effort of will, shuts it aside and concentrates on the task at hand. (missed original roll but rerolled with a hero point)

Rigging then pulls out a scroll saying to his companions, "Let me see if I can clear the way a little"

Rigging casts a wall of fire straight down the room putting the Ga'als major heart right in its path (if you figure the line dividing the blocks E and F on the map as the wall of fire, then you have it) The heat side will be to the left trying to protect Ashira.

"Lets see if this churns up anything!"

DM Kent  d20+9=11 d20+11=21
Thursday January 17th, 2008 10:01:59 PM

Rigging's wall of fire does something a bit odd and starts out moving from the edge of the room toward the heart seed but then completely stops once it is within 7 feet of it and then seven feet past the heart seed it flares up again and continues to the wall.

With the addition of the light from the fire, those that look more closely at the grass realize that it and you are standing in several inches of what appears to be blood.

Bart and Ari stand in fear as they look upon the mother of all heartseeds.

Mykael ses the heartseed and freezes in fear.

Apollo suggests that the group retreat and find some wood.

Val moves up along side of Ashira on the other side of the fire wall and draws her hammer.

Nez tries to follow Val but then gets a good look at the evil in front of him and finds he can no longer face his fear.


The heartseeds tentacles and flower stems all begin moving and thrashing though it doesnt appear to be doing anything as yet.

Val, Nez and Ashira all notice that they are now covered by a thin layer of what apears to be blood from the heavy mist that fills the room.

Val, Ashira, Cosmo, and Rigging catch a bit of movement from the corner of their eyes and see what appears to be a very fancy priest type step out from behind the heartseed. roll reflex save DC 20 to avoid eye contact with priest. If fail must make fort svae DC 19 or turn to stone.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 18/63)  d20+10=28 d20+10=16 d20+11=14 d20+11=23
Thursday January 17th, 2008 10:49:48 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

OOC: Sorry for the missed post, but between vacation and the Wold changes it has caused me some confusion.

Catch-up saves:
Unholy Blight will save 28; damage 16 and sick for 2 rounds (0 rounds left)
Fear will save 16; fear for 2 rounds (1 round left)
Eye contact reflex save 14 (hero point for 23);

Cosmo stands in the back of the group unable to move from the horror in front of him. He does catch notice of the cleric type moving towards them, but does not get a good look at him.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 11)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 73/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead .-quacking in fear for 2 rds(1/2)  2d8(3+1)+5=9
Thursday January 17th, 2008 11:08:35 PM

The Cleric of Domi stands staring at the quivering horrow in front of him .... his legs twitch in fear as he tries to comprehend this madness .

Reaching for his anvil holy symbol the dwarf prays " Domi protect us all .... grants us all strength "

OOC:not sure of the effects of fear ?

Nezamil will reach into his haversack and withdraw a wand and taps himself lightly (cmw's 2d8(3+1)+5=9 cured )(did not add this to Hp's yet as i'm not sure if he is able too will in fear)

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Ashira AC30 hps 95/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+11=28 d20+15=24
Friday January 18th, 2008 12:07:56 AM

The ranger gazes at the thing not in fear, but disgust and anger (Will=28). Then the little lackey of a priest appears. Her heart racing, Ashira easily avoids his gaze (Refl.=24).

"Nobody look at the priest!" she growls as she pulls back behind the door. Reaching into her bag, she begins rummaging around for her mirror.

Bart Ac 29 79/95 
Friday January 18th, 2008 1:35:45 AM

Bart is stil gazing in fear

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+10=23 d20+16=22 d20+11=21 d20+6=20
Friday January 18th, 2008 6:03:21 AM

Val turns her eyes from the priests head and looks at his feet. Bow in hand she fires off three quick flaming arrows at the priest.

ooc: ac 22, 21, 20. three misses I'm sure.

Arrows used: 11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Friday January 18th, 2008 9:30:48 AM

"What Priest! All I see is the huge heartseed and I know it will devour me where I stand!"

Ari continues to quiver in fear.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste  d20+13=27 d20+13=32 d20+13=18 d20+13=33 d8=5 d8=4 d8=1 d8=1
Friday January 18th, 2008 7:49:05 PM

Appolo sctivate his Boots of Speed and fires off four arrows at the Priest without looking at his face only looking at the priests chest.

Attack 27 32 18 33 Damage 5 4 1 1

Rigging ac 22 hps 80/80  d20+10=20 3d6(5+5+2)=12 2d6(6+1)=7
Friday January 18th, 2008 11:36:11 PM

Rigging is disappointed in his wall of fire spell. He wonders if any magic will effect the creature.

He then sees the priest and shudders as his evil magic runs through him. Rigging feels his joints stiffening but is able to hold off the effects.

Rigging pulls out another spell bring down an ice storm on both the priest and the heart hoping this magic works. He does 12 points blugeoning and 7 points of cold damage (no save) to both.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Monday January 21st, 2008 11:46:44 AM

Bart doesnt know what to do run away or stay and fight. He fears the tree inside he treis to fight his fear but at the moment his muscles dont want to do what a part of his mind sees as his duty, fight annd protect his friends.

"Domi please help me, help me to fight my fear, help me to fight our enemy

DM Kent 
Monday January 21st, 2008 5:03:18 PM

(OOC fear effect - is standing helplessly unable to do anything but shake in fear.)

Ashira begins rummaging through her back pack looking for something while Val lifts her bow and fires off three quick arrows with her bow and misses three times while Apollo joins her aattcak with some arrows of his own and watches as his second ant last arrows find their mark.

Rigging casts another spell and this one is more effective and watches with satisfaction as ice pelts both his intended targets.

The others fight their fear and pray to various gods and suddenly are able to start moving again.


As Rigging's spell goes off the entire group hears a soft voice inside their head. You get the sense it comes from the plant, NOT the priest.

"Why are you here to disturb me? I have done nothing to any of you and yet you attack me. And you consider yourselves either lawful or good. If you turn back now and return above, all will be forgiven you and you will be allowed to live. However if you persist in your violence and attacks of us, you will be destroyed utterly and forever."

The priest mace in hand begins slowly moving forward, obviously not in a terrible hurry, as if he is waiting for something to happen.

Appolo Ac 30 HP70/88 Haste 
Monday January 21st, 2008 8:26:16 PM

Appolo looks at the heart"Is that so/Are you not the heart of G'aal.The Mother of the Heartseed which enslves men sllows G'aal's Tyrrany to continue.If so then we are sworn enemies and I shall destroy you and rip G'aal's heart out!"He says quite loudly to the great heart in the center of the room,Then to his companions"Hold your fire"Let it reply."Then back to the heart"Besides if all you can theaten us with is death and utter destruction then you got nothing to be feared anyways.Hell every since I can remember people have been threatening me with that amongst other things.so I long ago lost my fear of that."The heart can easily tell Appolo is not afraid or even truly angry or disturbed.Appolo is judt doing ehat comes naturally killing his enemies.

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=33 d20+11=23 d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d8+5=6 d6=3 d8+5=11 d6=3
Monday January 21st, 2008 10:05:57 PM

Val turns and takes aim at the giant plant. She fires off three arrows which burst into flame in mid flight.

"Maybe this will give you an idea of our intentions."

ooc: hit ac 33 for 5 and 3 fire, miss ac 23, nat 20 on third arrow for 11 and 3 fire. I figure ac 21 does not confirm crit.

Arrows used: 11
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 57/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw  d20+12=21
Monday January 21st, 2008 10:58:06 PM

The cleric of Domi shakes off the fear he has felt the last few moments (2 rds) and rummages for a scroll in his haversack .... quickly opening the scroll he reads it releasing its magic (spiritual weapon) and sends it after the high Priest "Domi smite your foe down " growls Nezamil in prayer

Spw attack d20+12=21 (well if Val missed w/21 thne this must of missed too)

Moving a few steps to the side (5'ft move)(to D7) to allow his fellow wildcards into the room without hinderence

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?
Spirirual weapon (11/11)rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor*,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom* ,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2*,Magic circle* ,Blindness*,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power*,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

attendence report 
Monday January 21st, 2008 11:02:31 PM

Dm Kent xxxxooo
Rigging xxoxxoo
Ashira xoxoxoo
Appolo xoxxxoo
Val xxxoxoo
Bart xxxxxoo
Nezamil xxxxooo
Cosmo xooxooo
Ari oxoxxoo

We're in combat folks !!! lets post every day to stay alive !! team work !!

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday January 21st, 2008 11:40:28 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 11/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used

The fear dissipates from Cosmo and he is able to move again. He moves off to the side, getting out of sight of the Cleric and the horror in front of him. Quickly he casts Polymorph spell, healing himself in the process.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 11)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min)  d20=1 d20=15 d20=16 d20=15 d8=3 d8=3 d8=7
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 2:24:37 AM

(ooc sorry about that on the fear, didn't know about the no talking action too)

Feeling the knocking of knees lessening, Ari responds to the comments in his head I do not want my countryman to be enslaved any longer. I see no good from what your progeny do to them.

Meanwhile he pulls his bow and uses his silver tipped arrows. (ooc sheet now with me, I believe most of his shots are +7, but will leave unmodified)

Ari's first shot is ineffective as his nerves settle down and he concentrates on the task at hand. His next couple of shots feel better placed (AC 15, 16, 15 unmodified) (d8s are 3 3 and 7 if any hits, if there is anything to add I'd appreciate your help)

Bart  d20+18=23 d4+4=8
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 6:45:11 AM

Bart pulls out a dagger and throws it at the tree (ac23 for 8), he doesnt want to come near it for now he
doesnt want to be in the path of a fireball.But he is ready to spring attack it next round

Fireball it if you can!!

Rigging ac 22 80/80  18d6(2+4+4+2+5+3+3+3+2+5+6+6+1+6+1+3+5+2)=63 d20+12=32
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 2:31:43 PM

Rigging hears Bart's call and though fire spells haven't worked very well in the past, decided to take him up on it and launches a empowered fireball centered on the priest that he can see, but getting the heart of Ga'al in as well. (dc reflex roll of 21 for 63 points of damage or 31 if save, spell resistance check is 32, natural 20)

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me?

DM Kent  d20+5=22 d20+9=29 d10=10 d10=9 d10=2 3d6(2+6+5)+13=26 d20+19=37 d8+6=9 2d6(2+3)=5
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 6:18:15 PM

Val's arrows burst into flame for about 2 seconds before being extinguished. However she does watch her first and last arrows strike the plant. (33 and nat 20)

Nez casts his spiritual weapon and watches with disgust as it misses.

Apollo trys discussion and is rewarded with several of his compatriots attacking the plant.

Cosmo moves to the side of the door and wall and uses a wand on himself.

Ari sends off a barrage of arrows right at the heart of Gaal but watches as they all miss.

Bart throws a dagger which also misses.

Rigging casts his fireball and for a moment it doesnt seem like anything is going to happen and then the fireball envelops the priest and then spreads out in a very strange pattern.

The fireball does however catch Nez in it as well as the HoG and the Priest.

Nez make your saves as posted above in Rigging's post.

The three apes sit there at the door waiting for some direction.


The fireball goes off and while the targets, both intended and unintended were eveloped in fire, it is clear that the priest and the HoG did not take full damage.

Almost as if waiting for an attack to happen or someone to move Nez is suddenly the target of the HoG's flower stalks as three different colored rays strik him. Nez feels a whole lot of things happening to his body at the same time

Will save DC 18 or be teleported into the long hallway (random position).
Fort save DC 18 or die save for 26 points.
Will save DC 18 or fall asleep

The priest charges forward mace pulled back for a massive shot to the large fighter in front of him and connects with Ashira solidly AC 37 for 9 points + 5 point of negative enrgy strikes her as well.

Ashira Fort dc 19 to avoid being petrified.

Heart of Ga'al AC 33
Priest Ac 30

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 7:39:30 PM

Making a quick prayer to Alemi, Ari changes tactics and quickly casts a spell. Looking for a possible distraction Ari tosses a suggestion at the priest, "The Swords have infected the heart, and it must be destroyed"

(Spell Suggestion DC 17)(the suggestion is to attack the heart)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=34 d8+5=13
Tuesday January 22nd, 2008 9:35:22 PM

Val pulls out another arrow. Instead of firing as quickly as she can, the elven archer takes careful aim. She holds her breath for the instant before she lets it fly.

ooc: one arrow, hit ac 34 for 13 normal.

Arrows used: 15
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=27 d20+20=34 d10+11=19 d6=6
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 1:31:45 AM

Bart jumps (spring attack) forward and attacks the priest he is unlucky he misses he thinks but somehow with Domi's help he hits the priest (reroll) (ac 34 for 19+6 shock)

Appolo ac 30 Hp:70/88 Haste  d20+14=30
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 10:11:01 AM

Appolo drops his bow and draws his swords stepping forward and flanks and backstabs the priest 4 times.Moving in complete silence as he does so.

Appolo ac 30 Hp:70/88 Haste  d20+14=30 d20+14=24 d20+14=33 d20+14=24 d10+6=15 d8+6=8 d6=3 d6=5 d6=5 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5 d6=5 d6=1 d6=5
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 10:16:18 AM

Appolo drops his bow and draws his swords stepping forward and flanks and backstabs the priest 4 times.Moving in complete silence as he does so.Only two of his attacks seem to connect.

Attack 30 Attack 33 Critical hit
Damage 15+8x2=31 Shacking burst 6=37
Backstab Damage 43 Total= 80

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 45/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw  d20+17=33 d20+14=30 d20+17=24 2d8(6+3)+5=14 d20+12=27 d20+7=21 d8+3=4
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 3:54:12 PM

"Arggg .... Domi's might shall withstand you " "growls Nezamil as the stalks strike him

The Cleric of Domi fights off the effects of the trio of stalks

will save vs teleport d20+17=33 succeded
fort save vs death d20+14=30 succeded take 26
will save vs sleep d20+17=24 succeded

" beware of the stalks .... slice off the stalks " shouts Nezamil

Feeling battered and wounded the dwarf taps himself with a wand (2d6(6+3)=5=14 cmw's)

Hp's 57-26+14=45

The spiritual mace keeps attacking the High Priest of Ga'al

1st swing d20+12=27 hit ?? damage 1d8+3=4 !
2nd swing d20+7=21 missed

Fiendish Apes - 3 total  d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d20+9=18
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 7:49:00 PM

Fiendish Apes
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

"Attack! Attack!," Cosmo yells to the apes.

The 3 Apes move forward and spread out to attack the giant horror in the room.

Ape 1 attacks from D4
Hit AC's 28
Damage 0

Ape 2 attacks G4
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Ape 3 attacks D5
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 8:01:10 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo casts SM IV from the wand of SM IV.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 12)

Rigging  d20+10=27 5d6(2+1+1+1+5)=10 24d6(1+6+6+6+6+2+1+6+4+4+2+3+2+3+3+1+6+2+2+2+4+1+3+4)=80
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 8:48:24 PM

Rigging summons his magic again pointing a finger at the heart of Ga'al and shooting a ray of disinegrate at the monster who is attacking his friends (fort save dc 23)

00C He touch ac of 27 Either do 10 points of damage to it or 80. I can always hope!

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2*

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 2/7

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me?

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+14=21 d20+17=30 2d6(4+6)+12=22 d20+12=24 d20+7=17 d20+17=34 d20+17=37 2d8(3+2)+16=21 d20+8=15 d20-2=18 d20+17=20 2d8(6+8)+16=30 d20+17=37 d20+17=34 4d6(5+6+5+3)+24=43
Wednesday January 23rd, 2008 10:41:26 PM

Her mirror now in place on her floating shield, Ashira laughs as the priest charges her (Fort.=21). "Gee thanks...saves me the time of marching across the room to kill you!!" With savage strength born of years of hatred she lashes out viciously with her long and shortsword, cutting and slicing at the priest's heartseed. (AC30 for 22, AC34/37 for 30, hero pt. to increase damage)

OOC: Are we still under Haste? Also, shouldn't Ashira have gotten an AoO for the priest charging into her space last round? If so she hits AC37/34 for 43.

DM Kent  d20+18=25 d20+15=20 d20+15=31 d20+10=13 d8+6=10 d20+18=37 d20+18=22 d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+18=20 d20+18=38 d10=8 d10=6 d10=2 2d8(6+3)+10=20
Thursday January 24th, 2008 6:56:29 AM

Ashira lays into the priest connecting twice and easing some of the tension that has been building upo inside of her. (ooc, A charge does not provoke an attack of opportunity)

The three apes are ordered past and barrel past Val and Ashira only as they do the vanish out of sight and Cosmo can tell they are no longer in existance.

Rigging watches as his thin green ray moves toward the beast and then vanishes without ever touching the HoG. Knowledge arcana roll DC 18 and then Highlight to display spoiler: { After sering the wall of fire , Vals arrows, the strange reaction of the fireball, the disappearance of the apes and his ray, Rigging is pretty confident that there is an area of anti magic in operation covering some area in front of him.}

Out in the hall Cosmo begins casting again.

Nez, feeling a bit battered takes a moment to do a bit of healing and frowns as his SW mises yet again.

Appolo moves into flanking position and as he does so he suddenly feels like he weighs and extra 50 pounds or so and is clearly shocked when his strikes end up not connecting at all.

Bart springs forward to attack the priest but misses.

Ari casts suggestion at the priest the priest takes a second to smile at him from the distance and shake his head.

Val sends another arow streaking toward th e plant and connects.


Th priest sees Apollo coming and takes an attack of opportunity to slap at him with his mace but misses as he was smiling at Ari.

His focus back on Val he renews his attack with great zeal connecting once more for 10 points of damage.

The flowers finding no other target to attack once again focus on Nez as three more ras arc aout and connect with him.

Nez feels a shock of negative energy and recognizes the wound causing spell. 20 points, Will DC18 for 10. The second raysends waves of fear crashing into him and he feels like he must escape from the room. Will Dc 18 or flee in fear. The third flower seems to be sending reassuring energy at him and seems to want to make Nez his friend. Will DC 18 or become charmed. The other two stems' rays miss.

Heart of Ga'al AC 33, flower stems AC 35
Priest Ac 30

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/69(80) Alter self (50 min), comprehend languages (50 min) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 7:59:27 AM

Oh well, you never know when the simple stuff can trip someone up Trying another idea Ari casts entangle and attempts to use the plant matter from the Heart against the priest, attempting to tie up the Heart so it has no attack and of course seeing if they pieces parts can do anything to hold up or trip up the priest.

Appolo Ac 30 hp 70/88 Haste 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:24:18 AM

Seeing that his attacks have no effect Appolo leaves the area quickly as possible and heads back down the hall."i'll be back need to go get something."He says as he walk away back the way he came.

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+17=32 2d6(1+6)+12=19 d20+12=22 d20+7=27 d20+17=37 d20+17=37 2d8(3+4)+16=23 d20+8=13 d20-2=8 d20+17=23
Thursday January 24th, 2008 10:27:13 AM

The rangers smile curls into an evil mask. "How sad...how truly sad. You know Ga'al is disappointed with you." Sneaking past his guard, Ashira's longsword rips into his chest and then she follows up with a horrible thrust to the heartseed (AC32 for 19, then AC37/37 for 23). The hunter of Ga'al spits in the high priest's face. "Let's see if you're precious little Ga'al can save you now!"

She shouts to the others over her shoulder. "Leave this fool to me! Obliterate the Heartseed!"

OOC: Still need to know if Haste is active. 94 damage done thus far by Ashira (grin).

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=36 d20+16=34 3d8(3+6+7)+15=31
Thursday January 24th, 2008 11:30:08 AM

Val feels her armor hold under the impact. She holds her breath for a moment and doesn't feel the blood running down her side. Oh she would feel it later. Maybe some bruised ribs but for now the adrenaline kept her focused. She pulled out another arrow and took careful aim. Her lungs burned for air but she still did not breathe. Val adjusted her aim slightly and released the arrow.

ooc: one attack against the body. crit- ac 34 confirm for 31

Arrows used: 16
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=35 d20+15=35 d20+15=29 d20+10=20 d20+10=17 d10+11=13 d10+11=15 d6=6 d6=5
Thursday January 24th, 2008 1:20:29 PM

Bart attacks the priest and hits him (ac 35 for 13+6 shock, threat no crit ac 35 for 15+5 shock, miss

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 35/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Haste d ,Spw ,Righteous might  d20+17=23 d20+17=24 d20+17=29 d20+12=32 d20+12=22 d20+7=13 d8+3=9
Thursday January 24th, 2008 3:28:47 PM

Waethering the assault of the stalks the dwarf fights off their affects " Grrrrrr "

"Pesky stalks .... gotta do something about dem " growls Nezamil

will save vs wounding d20+17=23 made takes 10
will save vs fear d20+17=24 made
will save vs charm d20+17=29 made

" it's like fighting a damned beholder " grumbles the dwarf

Ggetting angry as the stalks pester him he continues to let his spiritual mace assault the High Priest and asmile appears to crease the dwarfs face as the mace of force finds its mark

1st swing (d20+12=32 nat 20!! crit swing d20+12=22 missed damage 1d8+3=9
2nd swing d20+7=13 missed

Looking about the room Nezamil tries to understand the structure .... looking for structual points " HEY CAPTAIN CAN WE BRING DOWN THE ROOF ON THIS VILE THING " shouts the dwarf " bring da house down like a mountion of stone "

Feeling battered the Cleric of Domi prays to release Domi's divine might " Domi grant your humble servant rightious strength " (casting righteous might)

AS the Dwarf rises to new heights and strength he readies himself defensivly with his best shielding techniques ( combat expertise +5 to Ac )knowing the stalks will continues their relentless attacks

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Haste ?/?
Spirirual weapon (9/11)rds
Righteous might (11/11) rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:39:17 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 7/7
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo finishes casting his SM IV spell. He summons a Lantern Archon and has it appear in the doorway. The creature immediately begins to attack.

Once again, Cosmo casts SM IV from the wand of SM IV.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 13)

Lantern Archon - 1  d20+2=22 d20+2=6 d20+2=19 d6=5 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday January 24th, 2008 9:44:05 PM

OOC - What is the big things TAC?

LA #1
Hit AC's: 22(6) & 19
Damage: 5 + 6 = 11 (add 3 if the TAC is 6 or less)

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Rigging  d20+13=18 d20+6=26 d20+13=22 d20+10=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=30 24d6(1+4+6+4+4+6+4+5+6+5+5+1+3+2+6+4+2+4+3+1+5+5+4+2)=92 24d6(3+2+5+3+5+2+5+2+6+6+5+6+1+2+2+4+2+1+3+2+3+1+3+1)=75 d20+14=25 5d6(1+1+4+4+3)=13 5d6(4+6+6+5+3)=24
Friday January 25th, 2008 8:38:24 AM

Rigging growls in frustration as he sees one of his most powerful spells wasted. His intelligent mind goes to work and he realizes that the creature is protected by some kind of anti-magic area. (dc check 18 on the nose)

He will calculate where his fireball went off and where his ice storm seemed to affect and try and figure out if the flower tentacles are in the anti-magic radius. He doubts it since they seem to be doing magic themselves.

He then hears Nezamil's call for the roof and quickly studies the roof to see if a disinegrate spell could bring down the roof. (engineering check 22) If it is possible, he will attack the roof, otherwise he will attack on of the flowers.

Explanation of rolls:
Rolled 18 to see if I could figure out anti-magic
Rolled 26 natural 20 for an intelligence check to see if the flower tentacles are in the anti-magic
Rolled 22 engineering check to check the ceiling
Rolled 11 to hit my target (natural 1)
Rolled again using a hero point hitting a natural 20
Rolled critical hit and rolled another natural 20 to make critical hit
Rolled a 25 to get past spell resistance)

Rigging does 167 points of damage to the tentacle if it fails fort save or 37 points of damage if it makes it.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2**

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 3/7

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Going to Vegas with the wife next week and won't be able to post for Rigging's final week of Sword of Redemption fame. Can someone take over for me? Still looking for volunteers

Friday January 25th, 2008 10:51:59 AM

Ack. I let time catch up on me. I'm leaving for India on Sunday and I need someone to play Ari too. I'll be gone until Feb 8th.

DM Kent  d3=2 d10=5 d20+18=22 d20+15=26 d20+10=23
Friday January 25th, 2008 6:28:20 PM

Rigging is pretty sure that the white flower at the front of the plant is what is causing the anti magic zone and thorough some quick considering knows that anything he casts at the HoG this moment, unless he moves, is going to have to enter that field of anti magic. Rigging is also pretty sure that if he used it against the cieling that while some damage might be done, it wouldn't be enough to collapse it. Feeling something has to be done Rigging moves over toward the area behind Nez is in and casts again. He is rewarded by another shrill shreik but the HoG is still there though it seesm to be smouldering a bit where three of the side flowers once were.

Ari casts his spell and while there seems to be no effect from the HoG the bloody gras around the feet of the Priest begins writhing and twisting around him, causing the priest to swear and start muttering to himself.

Ashira connects again and definitle does some damage, but her sword has a wierd feel to it every time she steps forward to strike the priest, sort of like it isn't quite as effective.(Yes, Haste is gone)

Val sends another arrow streaking in and strikes solidly.

Bart too feels that his sword isn't as effective and in fact he feels like everything he owns is quite a bit heavier, but does manage to strike the priest, though he notices that no electricity emmantes from his sword strike.

Nez mutters about the HoG and its flower attacks and goes to attack with the SW again and sends it in to where the priest is now and as he does watches as it vanishes and is no longer there. He then casts his spell and gets ready for the plant's next assault.

Cosmo casts again after sending his Lantern Archon to attack which sends its ray streaking toward the plant, where it connects solidly and a shrill screech emminates from the plant.

(TAC 23)


The shrieking Hog starts writing and its flowers, the ones remaining, begin waving violently and a thin greenins ray, that looked very similar to Rigging's comes shooting out at Nez, but just misses and a section of the floor beside him dissipates into dust.

The Priest swings wildly this time and misses twice. there is a fatalistic look in his eyes.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 70/88 Haste 
Friday January 25th, 2008 6:47:26 PM

Using his boots of speed Appolo searches Mykeals stuff and finds to 5 gallon barrels of acid.He hefts the barrels up on his shoulders and quickly as possible carries them back to the battle.Once he arrives"Got some acid here let's dump this stuff on that thing and see what happens."

Nezamil Ac 34(39 w/CE) Hp 92/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might 
Friday January 25th, 2008 11:45:15 PM

Quickly fishing out a scroll from his haversack the Cleric of Domi reads it .... realeasing its' energy (Heal )

Feeling his health return to top form Nezamil hears the light footed Appolo idea " good .... i'll distract the stalks as best i can " growls the dwarf as he moves closer to the Heart of Ga'al (moves to D6) hoping his moven again attracts the remaining stalks and the Heart of Ga'als attention

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (10/11) rds

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(George i'll run Rigging for you , send me his sheet)

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Enlarge)  d20+17=22 d20+12=28 d20+7=24 d20+16=28 d20+8=15 d20-2=11
Friday January 25th, 2008 11:56:32 PM

Years of pent up anger and murderous rage spew from the ranger as she whips her blades around in a vicious, but ultimately futile effort to down the high priest. She looks over at Bart, barely able to keep the lust for the kill under control. "Finish him Bart! Let's send this heart seeding son of Ga'al to the Realms of Shadow!"

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d20+10=27 d10+11=21 d10+11=13 d6=3 d6=6
Saturday January 26th, 2008 11:50:56 AM

Bart attacks the priest again, he HAS SOME ANTIMAGIC SHALL AROUND HIM MY SWORD DOESNT WORK AS WELL AS IT NORMALLY DOES Bart growls, He manages to hit the priest with 2 of his 3 blows (ac 39 threat no crit for 21+3, ac 34 threat no crit for 13+6, miss)

attendence report 
Monday January 28th, 2008 1:26:16 PM

Dm Kent xxoxxoo
Rigging oxxoxoo
Ashira ooxxxoo
Appolo xoxxxoo
Val xxoxoxx
Bart xxxxoxo
Nezamil xoxxxoo
Cosmo xoxxooo
Ari oxoxooo

Remember we are in combat so please make sure you post !!!

Nice work Bart !! 5 posts !!!

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=23
Monday January 28th, 2008 4:31:00 PM

Val draws another arrow, sending it streaking toward the HoG but misses badly.

"This is going to take forever. Lucking I have a couple hundred arrows. The thing may be immune to magic but what about as simple as oil and a lit torch?"

Arrows used: 17
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Rigging ac 22 80/80 
Monday January 28th, 2008 4:31:53 PM

Rigging knowing his magic is mostly expended smiles as Appolo comes up with an idea " well it won't hurt to try that .... and besides i'm not that effective againist that anti-magic shield it has up "

Moving swiftly Rigging goes to aid Appolo with his acid bomb .... fetching his holy dagger he will help pop the cork and assist Appolo in throwing the casks on the Heart of Ga'al

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 2/7

(posted by adm chris)

Appolo Ac 30 hp 70/88 Haste 
Monday January 28th, 2008 7:04:28 PM

Appolo smiles as Rigging comes over to help"Boss do you know were the source of the anti=magic shield is,We could tsrget it.Taking that out would make things easier."He continues to prepare the acis to be thrown.

DM kent  d20+15=32 d20+15=30 d20+15=33 d10=7 d10=5 d10=4 d10=10 d10=8 d8+10=15 d20+18=34 d20+18=35 d20+18=32 d10=6 4d8(6+6+1+4)+12=30
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:31:50 PM

(OOC - note that Mykael's sheet has 4 pint flasks of acid on it just for the record.)

Apollo goes and rifle's through Mykael's stuff and retrieves some acid he remembers being there, and gets ready to distribute it somewhere.

Nez heals himself with a quick scroll and moves forward a few feet.

Ashira lets her rage get in her way and misses her attacks on the priest.

Bart however manages to connect again solidly and rocks the priest.

Val keeps up the arial assault but once againmisses.

Rigging comes to Apollo's aid in readying the acid.


As Nez moves closer the once quiescent tendrils come active and lash out at the cleric all just missing. He also attracts the attention of two of that side's flowers. he feels negative energy once again flow into him, Cause moderate wounds 15 points Will Dc 19 for 8 points, and feels himself begin to fell disassociated with the area, teleport will Dc 19 or be randomly dropped somewhere.

The third remaining flower targets Apollo as he moves in with the Acid to where Riggin was. Apollo begins to feel fear take hold of him fear will dc 19 or flee for two rounds.

The priest obviously in a bad way steps backwards 5 feet and casts a spell on himself. Some of his wounds disappear.

HoG AC 33(TAC 23)
Priest AC 30

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:54:25 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 6/7
SM IV (from wand): 7/7
SM IV (from wand): /7

Cosmo finishes casting his second SM IV spell. He summons another Lantern Archon and has it appear next to the first one. It attacks.

Cosmo moves into the doorway opening. He is not sure what to do as magic does not appear to be working very well in the room. He decides that he will keep any other creatures from entering the area and let his comrades deal with the heart in the room. He casts SM IV from the wand again.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

Lantern Archon - 2  d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=12 d20+2=12
Monday January 28th, 2008 9:56:03 PM

LA #1
Hit AC's: 9 & 12
Damage: 0

LA #2
Hit AC's: 12 & 12
Damage: 0

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 84/92 (106/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+15=20 d20+15=33 d20+15=21 d20+10=14 d20+15=26 2d6(3+2)+8=13 2d6(1+6)+8=15
Monday January 28th, 2008 10:37:51 PM

Nezamil shakes off the flowers attacks only taking slight damage .

(d20+15=20 will save , made!! only takes 8!)
(d20+15=33 will save , made ! stays put :-)

Feeling Domi's righteous might flow thru him Nezamil steps forward to attack the flowers(moves to D5) to help clear a path for Appolo's and Captain Riggings acid bomb attack.

Activating his magical boots(boots of speed +1 ac)

"Feel Domi's wrath and power " bellows the Cleric of Domi as his mace lashes out to bash the flowers

1st swing d20+15=21 , damage if hit 2d6(3+2)+8=13
2nd swing d20+10=14 missed (i'm pretty sure about that)
3rd swing d20+15=26 , damage if hit 2d6(1+6)+8=15

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging ac 22 80/80 
Monday January 28th, 2008 10:45:19 PM

Smiling at Appolo " The white follow is our target !! "

Taking a couple of the acid flasks from Appolo .... Rigging pops the stoppers on them .

" don't throw them lets just step next to it and pour it so we don't miss "

With that said Rigging moves forward to the white flower and pours the scid bombs on the pretty white flower ..... hoping the acid will also flow over the Heart of Ga'al too.

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Ashira AC30 hps 81/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Enlarge)  d20+17=24 d20+17=19 d20+12=20 d20+7=23 d20+17=18 d20+8=12 d20-2=3
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 12:17:19 AM

Shaking her head in distaste as the priest falls back, Ashira takes a swing due to her enlarged reach, but can't manage to disrupt the priest's spell (AC24). The ranger flies 5 feet forward to cut off further retreat and presses her attack, but once more her blind rage renders her attacks useless. Her smile unpleasant to look at, she encourages Bart to press the attack. "C'mon Bart, you've almost got him. Look, the coward's trying to back out of the fight!"

Appolo Ac 30 Hp70/88 Haste  d20+8=19
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 10:01:35 AM

Appolo shakes off the fear and looks up with acid flasks ready.Appolo smiles wickedly waitsa few second then sprints forward after Rigging.When reaches the Heart of G'aal he pours his acid all over it while being carefull not to get any of it on himself.He pours as close to the top as possible hoping the acid will eat straight throught the monsterous creature.

Bart Ac 29 79/95  d20+20=39 d20+20=21 d20+15=24 d20+10=20 d10+11=17 d6=1
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 12:11:43 PM

Bart follows the priest and attacks him once more he hits him only once (ac 39 for 17+1)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+16=34 d8+5=10
Tuesday January 29th, 2008 1:30:05 PM

Val pulls another arrow from her quiver and launches it firmly into the HoG.

"This thing doesn't even bleed. I think I'm just annoying it."

ooc: hit ac 34 for 10

Arrows used: 18
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Wednesday January 30th, 2008 12:38:07 PM

come on guys the final days of the swords have begun lets make it some nice ones

Wednesday January 30th, 2008 4:28:11 PM

Trying to Bart...just need a DM post to work with. I hear Kent has some RL stuff going on.

DM Kent  4d6(4+6+3+5)=18 d20+20=31 d6+4=6 d20+20=31 d6+4=10 d20+20=36 d6+4=9 d6=2 d6=4 d6=6 d20+20=40 d20+20=24 d6+4=10 d20+18=33 d10=3 d20+20=26 d20+20=35 d20+18=34 d20+18=31 d6+4=9 d10=7 2d8(1+8)+10=19 d6+4=6 d10=1 d20+15=34 d8+6=8 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+18=38 d20+18=19 d20+18=24 d10=3 d10=5 d10=1 5d6(2+2+6+2+5)=17 d20+20=30 d20+20=31 d20+20=25 2d6(6+1)+8=15
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 6:09:59 PM

Cosmo brings a second anter into being and it joins its fellow near the forefront and they attack the HoG though they do both miss with their attack. And Cosmo beigns casting yet again.

Nez speeds things up a bit and moves in closer and attempts to wail upon the flower but misses all three times.

Rigging and Apollo move forward so as to pour or throw the acid on the white flower, putting themselves in the path of the thorny tentacles. The acid is poured and splashed with some success as their is an additional shriek from the plant and the white flower begins to shrivel.

Ashira again finds that she is her own worst enemy as her rage interfears with her attacks.

Bart comes in swinging again and manages to connect once but in doing so his movement takes him forward and he actually feels his magic return to his sword and armor.

Val senda another arrow streaking into the HoG.

As Rigging goes forward to pour acid he gets smacked by one of the tentacles (AoO). He feels the thorns rip into his flesh as he fights his way through. AC 31, for 6 points.

Apollo too finds himself whacked solidly by a tentacle and feels the thorns sink into his flesh. (AoO)AC31,10 points

As Bart move forward to attck the priest, he too attracts the attaentin of the HoG's tentacles. (AoO) AC 36, 9 points

Nez finds himself attacked by a tentacle AC 40 crit threat, damage 10 and another flower sends a ray streaking at him TAC 33 and he feels his body begin to stiffen. Fort save DC 19 or turn to stone.

Apollo and Rigging each find themselves the target of tentacle and a flower as well.

Rigging gets torn again by a tentacle AC 26 for 9 points and feels negative energy pour into him TAC 34, Cause moderate, 19 points, will DC 19 for 9 points.

Apollo too gets slapped around by a tentacle. AC 35, 6 points and feels a presence in his mind commanding him to attack Rigging with his sword. [b] Command, Will DC 19 or attack Rigging.

The priest swings his mace and looks Bart right in the eyes as he does so. Fort save DC 19 or be turned to stone. Bart then feels the mace crash solidly into his side and feels negative energy course through his body. [b]AC 34, 8 physical damage and 10 negative energy damage Bart also attracts the attention of 3 of the HoG's flowers. As the first ray hits him he begins to feel quite sleepy. TAC 38, Will Dc 19 or fall asleep. The second ray begins to make his feel really badly as if he just wants to fall apart. Disintegrate - TAC 19 - 82 points damage, Will DC 19 for 17 points. As the third ray strikes him he feels a presence in his mind that commands him to turn ans attack Ashira. Command TAC 24, Will Dc 19.

Several tentacles lash out at Ashira trying to catch hold of her and two manage to snag her AC 30, 31 for 15 points. Alarmingly the two tentacles that snagged her seem to be trying to pull her into the HoG itself. Grapple 34 Base att + Gargantuan + strength.

HoG AC 33,(TAC 23)
Priest AC 30

Rigging Ac 22 Hp 56/80  d20+13=20
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 9:51:59 PM

Rigging grimaces as the tentacles tear his skin(d20+13=20 made !! phew glad Nezamil has magic circle vs evil up)
feeling blood run down his body Rigging uncorks another bottle of acid and again pours it over the Heart of Ga'al and it's flowers "Burn .... burn.... burn " yells the bloodied mage

(there was 4 flasks of acid , i figured we could only our one per round with 2 each held by Rigging and Appolo), i of course could be wrong)

Rigging then steps back away (5'ft move)from the Heart of Ga'al " Appolo stab it .... use you blades !!!"

"Ari stop standing still !! attack the evil heart .... now !!! "

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 74/92 (96/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=19 d20+17=35 d20+12=13 d20+17=36 d20+17=21 2d6(2+2)+8=12 2d6(5+1)+8=14
Wednesday January 30th, 2008 10:12:07 PM

As the tentacles pierce his body the dwarf growls "Grrrrr"

AS the flowers ray strikes Nezamil he feels his body start to harden to stone " Domi save me " cries out the Priest of Domi ..... and the feeling of being turned to stone fades (d20+14=20 made it !! phew !! )

With renewed faith Nezamil weaves his giant mace in deadly swwps as he smahes at the Heart of Ga'al

1st swing d20+17=35 damage 2d6(2+2)+8=12
2nd swing d20+12=13 missed
3rd swing d20+17=36 damage 2d6(5+1)+8=14(hasted swing)
Total damage 26!

"Domi power shall slay you !! " shouts Nezamil

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp55/88 Haste  d20+8=28 d20+14=24 d20+14=34 d20+14=24 d20+14=33 d10+6=12 d10+6=13
Thursday January 31st, 2008 12:12:40 AM

Appolo takes the hits with a grimace and spins into action with his blades easily resisting the command.
Slicing into the beast twice as he connects solidly.

Attack 34 35 Damage 12 13

Bart Ac 31 44/95 Ac 32 to priest  d20+15=34 d20+13=28 d20+13=20 d20+13=21 d20+20=31 d20+15=31 d20+10=11 d10+11=16 d10+11=17
Thursday January 31st, 2008 2:56:55 PM

Bart feels the magic return to him.

can someone destroy his magic protections!!

The return blows from the priest hurts him (fort save 34, will save 28, will save 20, will save 21

Bart returns the blows to the priest ac31 for 16 ac31 for 17, miss he the steps away a bit giving him a greater distance to the HOg

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Thursday January 31st, 2008 9:43:10 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
SM IV (from wand): 5/7
SM IV (from wand): 6/7
SM IV (from wand): 7/7

Cosmo finishes casting the third SM IV spell. He summons another Lantern Archon and has it appear next to the other two and it attacks with them. Cosmo eyeballs the wand, expecting smoke to be coming out of it after all the use it has gotten.

Cosmo remains in the doorway. He burns another charge off the SM IV wand.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 15)

Lantern Archon - 3  d20+2=6 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 d20+2=21 d20+2=18 d20+2=4
Thursday January 31st, 2008 9:44:44 PM

LA #1
Hit AC's: 6 & 15
Damage: 0

LA #2
Hit AC's: 7 & 21
Damage: 0

LA #3
Hit AC's: 18 & 4
Damage: 0

Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Full Attack: 2 light rays +2 ranged touch (1d6)

Light Ray (Ex)
A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.

DM Kent  d20+20=39 d20+20=39 d20+20=25 d20+20=36 2d6(4+1)+8=13 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6 d20+18=27 d20+18=21 d10=3 d10=1 d6+4=5 2d6(6+4)+8=18 d20+18=33 d20+18=37 d10=9 d10=3 3d6(2+1+1)+13=17 d6=4 d6=3 d6=1 d6=6 d20+18=18 d20+18=21 d10=2 d10=6 d20+18=38 d10=4 d6+4=9 d20+4=10 d20+18=25 d10=4 5d6(6+6+3+3+1)=19
Thursday January 31st, 2008 11:37:41 PM

Rigging pours his second vial of acid on the HoG eliciting another piercing shriek from the plant.

Nez fights off being stoned and makes his attacks tearing a few chunks off of the gargantuan plant.

Apollo lashes out with his sword and connects with the HoG as well.

Bart takes some damage and then dishes some out to the priest dropping him to the floor.

Cosmo summons another lanterns which joins the others and then charges up his wand yet again.


The HoG starts lashing out with all its tendrils and its remaining flowers.

Nez gets struck and grabbed by two tentacles Ac 39 & 39 for 13 points and feels himself being dragged toward the plant grapple DC34.

Rigging has two flower rays streak toward him TAC 27 7 TAC 21 and feels a presence in his mind commanding him to attack Apollo. Command Will DC 19 or attack apollo[b] The second ray makes him feel really sleepy. [b]Sleep Will save DC 19 or fall asleep. He also feels the tell tale smack and tear of the tentacles as he is struck by another AC 25 for 5 points

Apollo is targeted by two more flower rays as well TAC 33 & 37. He too feels quite sleepy suddenly and needs to make a will save DC19 or fall asleep. The second ray is a black one and he feels a massive jolt of negative energy strikes him. ger of death -Fort Dc 19 or be slain save for 17 points

Ashira feels the thorns dig deeper into her as she is dragged into the main plant.18 points Ashira also finds two rays coming her way TAC 18 & 21. the first ray goes harmlessly by, the second strikes her and she feels everything begin to slow down. Slow - Will DC 19 or be slowed.

With the anti magic field apparently no longer operational, Val finds herself the target of a flower ray herself and finds her self feeling a bit stiff. TAC 38 - Flesh to stone- Fort DC 19 or be turned to stone.

Bart finds himself the attention of a tentacle again Ac 36 for 9 points. He also finds that a ray streaks out from one of the flowers at him, TAC 25 making him feel tingly all over. Disintegrate - Fort DC 19 - 50 points damage or svae for 19

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 61/92 (83/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+20=33 d20+17=21 d20+12=32 d20+17=25
Thursday January 31st, 2008 11:58:10 PM

The large sized dwarf holds his ground from being pulled towards the Heart of Ga'al

d20+20=33 (+2 more from magic circle of protection from evil =35 !!)

(d20+ 8 base,+4 str , +4 str RM , +4 size bonus = total +20)

" Feel Domi's wrath .... Domi shall send ya to da shadows " shouts Nezamil

Hi large mace keeps swing at the Heart of Ga'al but his zeal throws off his aim slightly with one near miss

"It's senses it's end ... now everyone attack the Hheart of Ga'al ... send it to the shadowland "

1st swing d20+17= 21 missed
2nd swing d20+12= 32 near miss
3rd swing d20+17=25 missed hasted swing

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent did you account for the 5/evil in damage reduction againist the mighty dwarf )

Rigging Ac 22 Hp 51/80  d20+13=17 d20+13=26
Friday February 1st, 2008 12:06:03 AM

The Captain of the swords fights off the magical attacks of the tentacles (d20+13 = 17 will save , d20+13=26 will save , made both !!)

But the a tentacles slashes the mage again making more blood run down his body .

"Nezamil is right !! everyone gand up on the Heart !! lets finish it !!! end it's vile life " shouts Rigging

"Freedom for Ga'al ..... Freedom for Ga'al !! " chants the native of Ga'al as he tries to rally the swords to finish

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 1/7

(posted by adm chris)

Val (AC 29, HP 90/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+15=25 d20+16=19
Friday February 1st, 2008 9:24:49 AM

Val takes a step back as the ray washes over her body but doesn't feel anything further. She draws another arrow and takes aim. Val smiles as the arrow bursts into flame during flight but the shot sails high.

ooc: for save 25. missed attack

Arrows used: 19
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Appolo Ac30 HP 53/88 Haste  d20+8=24 d20+9=20 d20+18=36 d20+18=26 d20+18=36 d20+18=20 d20+18=22 d20+18=23 d10+6=13 d10+6=15
Friday February 1st, 2008 10:41:30 AM

Appolo shake of most the effects of the dark magic and strikes back spitting blood covered in blood seet and grimes heaad to toe as he swings at the creature."A boss that Freedom from G'aal not for G'aal.Oh Nez buddy you got any healing magic left.If I reemeber correctly I could be wrong but ifa goos alinged cleric casts a hwaling spell on a evil creature doesn't that actually damage the creature not heal it."

He then yells for Ari"Ari go find some oil lantern oil.I'm going to chop this thing up then havea barbeque."
Appolo swings 6 times at the vile creature. Connecting with it twice.He watches as he cuts in to it and the acis continues to eat away at the creature causing more damsge.

Attack 36 36 Damage 13 15=28

Bart Ac 32 16/95 +21  d20+17=37 2d8(7+4)+10=21
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 8:06:19 AM

Bart feels one of the flowers but luckily not all of his magic affects him. The heavily wounded fighter retreats a bit keeping distance to te plant he pulls out a potion of cure moderate and drinks it (heal 21)

DM Kent  d4=3 d20=17 2d6(5+2)=7 d20+20=23 d20+20=25 d20+20=25 d20+20=34 d6+9=10 d6+9=15 d20+18=18 d20+18=36 d20+18=29 d20+18=19 d20+18=24 d20+18=26 d6=3 3d6(2+6+3)+13=24 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2 2d8(4+7)+13=24 d6+9=12
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 8:52:42 AM

The acid keeps doing its work and another flower falls, leaving only 6 apprently functioning in addition to the white one at the rear.

Ashira gets pulled into the center of the Hog and feels the thorns sink ever deeper into her. She can actually feel the blood being siphoned out of her. 3 points constitution loss

Nez fights through the HoG's grapple attempt but does'nt mangae to connect with his own attack.

Val avoids being stoned and takes another shot with her bow but the arrow flies wide.

Rigging shakes off the magical attacks of the HoG and tries to rally the troops to finish the HoG off.

Apollo also avoids the HoG's magical assault and at Rigging's urging continues his slicing and dicing.

Bart manages to make his save and doesn't fall to pieces but he isn't feeling too well and drinks a potion.

Cosmos fourth lantern arrives and takes up position.


As the fight coninues there is a slidind / grating sound heard from above. It isn't really loud enough to warrant any major attetion but suddenly the entire room is being soaked, by what appears to thick rusty smelling rain. It wouldn't seem that being covered in blood would be that much of a problem but the Wildcards feel each drop as a burn eating into them like acid 7 points damage to all. The HoG stills for a moment as if relishing the downpour and soaking it in and then actively begins attacking again.

Rigging is struck by one tentacle AC 23 for 10 points as is Nez Ac 34 also for 10

Two other tentacles miss Nez and Apollo, but the lone unoccupied tentacle on the otherside connects solidly with Bart AC 34 for 12 points

The flowers send out their magical beams and two just miss Bart. The remaining four each targets one of the other Cards.

Nez is struck by a ray and begins to feel chilled all over. Tac 36 - Finger of Death Fort save Dc19 or die save for 19 points.

Rigging feels a presence begin to enter his brain. Tac 24 - Charm- Will DC 19 or attack Apollo.

Apollo starts to feel a bit sluggish Slow -Tac 29, Will Dc 19 or be slowed to 1/2 speed.

Val feels negative energy begin to flow through her. Inflict moderate wounds - Tac 26, 24 points, Will Dc 19 for 12[/b]

Matt C. - OOC 
Saturday February 2nd, 2008 9:52:38 AM

Does the blood rain affect Cosmo since he is not in the room? If it does affect him, can he see how far back from the room where it is not "raining"?

*** No it doesn't effect Cosmo as he isn't in the room. As far as he can see the "rain" is falling through out the entire room.

Val (AC 29, HP 66/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire, Barksin)  d20+9=10 d20+16=36 d20+16=36 3d8(7+5+7)+15=34 d6=6 2d10(9+10)=19
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 10:52:33 PM

Val doubles over as the negative energy leeches the life force from her. Her lungs labor to draw breath, vision blurry for a moment. She staggers but does not fall. Val draws an arrow firing with instinct and reflex. Her arrow ignites in flight and much to her delight, explodes upon impact.

ooc: failed will save. attack is a crit, ac 36 to confirm for 34 normal and 25 fire.

Arrows used: 20
Barskin 60 min
Protection from fire- 77 points/ 90 min

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 35/92 (57/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=24 d20+17=27 d20+12=25 d20+17=31 2d6(4+2)+8=14
Sunday February 3rd, 2008 11:28:39 PM

The dwarf tries to avoid the ray from the heart of Ga'al but no avail .... but Nezamil fights off (d20+14=24 fort save made!!)

Not so lucky with the rain of blood as it burns him ..... " we have to end this " cries Nezamil

Continuing to assault the heart with his large mace .... weaving deadly arcs .... finally landing a blow

1st swing d20+17=27 missed
2nd swing d20+12=25 missed
3rd swing d20+17=31 hit!! damage 2d6(4+2)+8=14 (hasted)

"Domi shall see you smashed to pulp" yells the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent did you account for the 5/evil in damage reduction againist the mighty dwarf )

Bart Ac 32 18/95 +19  d20+20=30 2d8(4+5)+10=19
Monday February 4th, 2008 10:54:46 AM

once again bart retreats knowing he cant do a lot in this weaken state he makes sure he is out of the room as he drinks another potion

Appolo Ac 30 Ho 47/88 Haste  d20+8=20 d20+14=16 d20+14=20 d20+14=34 d20+14=15 d20+14=22 d20+14=20 d10+6=7
Monday February 4th, 2008 12:10:07 PM

Appolo sees Ashira get pulled into the foul creature shakes off the lates attack and lays into the creature qitha full attack.He connects only once.

Attack 34 Damage 7

Ari Posted By Chris R 
Monday February 4th, 2008 12:13:48 PM

Aris follows Appolos advice and quickly heads back down the hall to to the stairs.He looks around for iol and torches lanterns as well.He heads upstairs to continue the search for lantern oil or larnterns.

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Monday February 4th, 2008 9:23:30 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

Cosmo is not happy when the blood rain comes and sends al the lantern Archons back to there plane of existence. He remains alert an activates his Pearl of Power 4th level to get his Polymorph spell back.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste *
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM Kent  2d6(1+3)=4 d20+20=28 d20+20=35 d20+20=30 d2=2 d6+9=11 d20+18=32 d20+18=32 d20+18=23 d20+18=31 d3=2 d3=1 d3=3 d3=1 2d8(4+7)+12=23 20d6(5+6+2+2+4+3+3+5+3+2+2+1+2+1+2+3+2+6+5+3)=63 5d6(2+5+6+4+5)=22 3d6(6+3+6)+12=27 d4=4
Monday February 4th, 2008 10:10:25 PM

All but Cosmo and Ari take an additional
4 points of acid damage, but the bloody acid ceases falling for now.

Bart makes a hasty retreat and joins Cosmo outside of the room and drinks a potion.

Cosmo uses his pearl and retrieves a spell.

Ari searches the lower level and while there is some wood available the only likely source of oil is above in the barracks typs rooms.

Val fires off her arrow and is rewarded with the satisafaction that its magic worked as it hit the HoG.

Nez finally connects with the Hog and does some damage.

Apollo also connects once and finally the Hog looks a bit worse for wear.

With the additional damage inflicted another two flower stem seem to no longer be able to function leaving only four blloms plus the white one at the rear.


Nez is missed by the two tentacles that try to capture him, However Apollo is struck by one AC 30 for 11 points

The four blooms attack once again sending rays streaking at Rigging, Apollo, Val and Nez.

Rigging - TAC32 - flesh to stone Fort Dc 19 or be turned to stone.

Apollo - TAC23 - Inflict moderate wounds - 23 points - Will Dc 19 for 12 points

Val TAC 31- Disintegrate - Fort save DC19 63 points - Fort save Dc 19 for 22 points.

Nez TAC32 - Finger of death - Fort DC 19 or die. Save for 27 points.

Ashira fels weaker and weaker as more blood is drained from her 4 points con loss.

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 8/92 (30/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+14=15 d20+14=30 d20+17=33 d20+12=23 d20+17=31 2d6(1+4)+8=13 2d6(2+4)+8=14
Monday February 4th, 2008 11:22:38 PM

The ray washes over the mighty dwarf and he feels it's grip of death "Domi save me " as Nezamil knees start to buckle under the death ray's magic ..... but the Cleric of Domi struggles to keep his balance and somehow he does

d20+14=15 failed !!! used hero pt to reroll d20+14=30 !!! woohoo Domi is watching !!

His spirits rising as he feels Domi's divine grace Nezamil continues his assault on the Heart of Ga'al

Feeling renewed with energy the dwarfs mace bashes and smashes it's target

1st swing d20+17=33 hit ! damage 2d6(1+4)+8=13
2nd swing d20+12=23 missed
3rd swing d20+17= 31 hit (hasted) 2d6(2+4)+8=14 !!
total damage 27!!

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

(Kent have you taken in Nezamil's spell resistance ??)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 28/88 Haste =12  d20+8=24 3d8(1+3+3)+5=12 d20+14=24 d20+14=15
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 2:29:03 AM

Appolo shakes off the worst effects of the attack.Sheathes his hortsword and pulls out bottle drinking it down.{Cure moderate wounds}With his longsword he slices into the follow Heart of g'aal twice.Missing twice.

Ari Posted By Chris R.  d20+8=23 d20+8=19
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 2:31:58 AM

Ari heads upstairs and searches the area as thoroughly and as quickly as he can.Looking for flamable liquid especially oil.

Search 23 Spot 19

Rigging  d20+10=28 2d8(8+5)+3=16
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 8:25:50 PM

Rigging winces in pain as the vaious assualts hit him both in mind, body and maybe even soul. He feels the ray hit him and his body starting to get stiff but is able to shake it off. (fort save 28)

Rigging is at a loss on what to do, he spells are gone, and even if he had them, the anti magic shell is protecting the Heart of Ga'al.

All Rigging can think to do is to shout encouragement. "Hack the thing down. For the glory of Alemi and Domi! Hack it apart!"

(OOC not sure of my current status on hps, spells still standing ect.)

Rigging will make sure he is out of the anti magic area and suck down a potion of cure moderate healing getting 16 hps back.

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Mirror image 3 images left 12 minutes
see invisilbe 120 minutes
improved invisiblity 5/7

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2**, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible*, prot from arrows*, mirror image*
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles*, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball*, teleport,Cone of cold x 2**,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic*, distergrate x2**

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic used
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2 used two
Ice Storm used
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 29/63) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 9:12:16 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
See Invisibility: 107+/110 minutes
Polymorph: 10+/11 minutes
Pearl of Power 2nd level: used
Pearl of Power 3rd level: used
Pearl of Power 4th level: used

Cosmo stays in the doorway looking at his comrades fight the heart and protecting their backs. He remains alert an activates his Pearl of Power 3rd level to get his Haste spell back.

Location: with group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility * & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 **, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 14)

DM Kent  d20+18=19 d20+18=36 d20+18=19 d20+20=26 d20+20=22 d20+20=38 d20+20=21 d20+20=28 d20+20=34 d6+4=7
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 10:31:19 PM

Everyone takes another 4 points damage due to acid.

Weak as she is Ashira manages somehow to break free from the grapple. she is weak and a bit disoriented and slowed to half speed but alive.

(ooc I have Ashira at 64 hit points before deductions for 5 points of con loss, and she is slowed.)

Nez feels himself failing and somehow manages to resist falling to pieces and continues to battle the HoG causing significant damage to it and cutting another flower stem clean off.

Bart too manages to connect again and adds to the now very serious looking wounds that the plant is showing.

Cosmo recovers yet another spell while Rigging wonders what he should do next. Befuddles perhaps by the destruction happening around him to his friends he realises that where the area where there once was no magic, magic seems to be working again. (see post of over a week ago)

Apollo chugs a potion and feels a bit of vitality return, as does Rigging.

Ari makes it upstairs and makes his way to the barraks area where he is able to procure 8 flasks of oil.


It is obvious that the HoG is not doing to well as of its three remaining rays only one seems to strike its target Val TAC 36 will dc 19 or be slowed to 1/2 speed.

In addition only one tentacle manages to reach out and touch someone and she was kind of hard to miss standing in the middle of the plant. Ashira AC 38 for 7 points

Ashira AC30 hps ??/120 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge)  d20+21=29 d20+21=38
Tuesday February 5th, 2008 11:21:06 PM

Weak for the heavy damage from the heart and grappled, the ranger does her best to break free of the vine that holds her fast. Grapple=29 (last hero pt. makes it a 38)

OOC: I'm sorry, we had some house, computer and RL issues. I'm not really sure what HP Ashira's at...I know she's gotten hit with a couple of Con drains.

Bart Ac 32 18/95 +19  d20+20=39 d20+20=34 d10+11=13 d10+11=12 d6=5 d6=1
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 1:00:26 AM

Bart is rushing back inside making a spring attack to the hart ac 39 (threat crit for 13+5 and 12+1 shock) Domi help us

Appolo Ac 30 Hp40/88 Haste  d20+14=31 d20+14=28 d20+14=18 d20+14=23 d20+14=31 d10+6=14 d10+6=16
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 7:10:44 PM

Appolo continues his assualt.Swings four times.
Connecting twice. He watches as the acid continues eat away at the creature."Come on people.Let's finish this thing.Rigging usea dagger or some thing Val come fire that bow.Cosmo we need some of those apes something with teath and claws.Or just some basic offensive magic."

Attack 31 31 Damage 14 16=28

Wednesday February 6th, 2008 7:12:39 PM

Ari returns with flasks of oil and some torches.Ok got some iol and some toechesBe up there ina second."

Nezamil Ac 39 Hp 8/92 (30/114Rm) SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead Righteous might  d20+17=23 d20+12=30 d20+17=34 2d6(2+4)+8=14 2d6(3+1)+8=12
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 8:42:22 PM

Smiling as he se's the Heart of Ga'al faltering
"Aslidur will be free of your domination " growls Nezamil as he tries to finish off the vile thing .... Domi's mace of rightous power swings again and again .

1st swing d20+17=23 missed
2nd swing d20+12=30 hit!! damage 2d6(2+4)+8=14
3rd swing d20+17=34 hit!! damage 2d6(3+1)+8=12 (hasted)
total damage = 26!!

"Freedom for Asildur " cheers the dwarf

Active magic
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunnity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 60/70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Magic weapon +1 ,11 mins (on heavy crossbow)
Righteous might (9/11) rds
Haste (10/10) boots of speed

Nezamil has true seeing spell active - displacement/invisibilty has no affect for him ;) )

(everyone within 10'ft of Nezamil gains protection from evil , please read spell for bonus's)

Rigging  10d6(5+3+2+6+4+2+2+6+6+6)=42
Wednesday February 6th, 2008 10:00:14 PM

Rigging decides to use one of his last offensive spells and hits the heart of Ga'al with a fireball doing 42 points of damage. He will be sure to try and keep his friends out of the area of effect.

OOC I am not sure what my hitpoint total is right now. Can you update me?

(currently Rigging is at 26 hps)

Ashira AC30 hps-3/60 (Fly, Prot. from Fire, Haste, Enlarge, Slow) 
Thursday February 7th, 2008 12:03:11 AM

Drained and bleeding massively, the ranger is hit hard by the tentacle attack. Her arms grow heavy and she finally falls unconcious, unable to continue the fight. Her floating dying body begins to slowly fall toward the heart of Ga'al.

Bart Ac 32 30/95  d20+20=28 d20+15=32 d20+10=25 d20+20=30
Thursday February 7th, 2008 3:14:19 AM

Once again Bart attacks he misses with all of his attacks (ac28, ac 32 (near miss), ac 25) frustrated bart steps away a bit so his friends have more space to attack hopefully they have more luck

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