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Appolo Ac30 Hp88 Airwalk Greater Invisibility Silenc Botts of Speed +4 Gloves of Dexierity+ 2  d20+18=27 d20+18=28 d20+18=31 d20+18=21 d20+18=24 d20+18=29 d10+6=13 d10+6=9 d10+6=11 d8+6=8 d8+6=14 d8+6=14 36d4(4+2+2+4+1+2+1+1+4+4+3+3+3+3+3+3+2+2+3+4+4+4+2+1+3+2+3+1+1+2+4+2+1+3+1+1)=89
Friday September 14th, 2007 11:09:57 PM

Appolo aproaches the tower rises and disappears inside takes position,then waits for AShira adn bart to arrive.Once the begin thier attack Appolo backstabs Ashira's target 6 times. Fighting in complete silence.

Attack 27 28 31 21 24 29

Damage 13 9 11 8 14 14=69 Backstab 89
Crippling strike 1 point of Strenght for every successful backstab.

(Chris, I am not seeing where you are getting 6 attacks from, at least not with the PC sheet I have for Apollo. Even with two weapon fighting long sword primary and short sword secondary with hast I only can get you to 4 and then you need to look at the attack bonuses as your short sword has to be you secondary weapon if you are fighting with two blades. The sheet I have for you has atta bonuses of +11/+6. So as it should be according to your sheet, would be

Longsword +11/+6/+11(hasted attack)
Short sword +13

If this is not an updated sheet, I need your new ASAP. The one I have dated 7/07 is level 12)

Bart and Nezamil attacks  d20+21=34 d10+11=15 d20+13=29 d8+4=5
Friday September 14th, 2007 11:36:24 PM

Not wanting to give away the groups position and surprise the agile warrior disdains his shield and strikes with his bastard sword with two hands for a more powerful blow at one of the quad members on the right side as instructed bt Rigging

Barts attack d20+21=34 dam 1d10+11=15
Melee +16/+11/+6 base +12/+7/+2 strenght +4 (+2 gr weapon focus bsword)(+1 haste,+2 herosim)

note Barts Ac w/o shield is Ac 29 w/shield is Ac 32

Waiting for the right moment the dwarf watches as sparks and blood splatter marking Barts strike......keying in on that Nezamil launches his own attack againist the same Quad member hoping to beat him down quickly.....his mace finding it's mark as it crucnhes it the Quad member "Grr not as much cruch as when i was bigger " growls Nezamil to himself as he muses how to remedy that

Nezamil's attack d20+13=29 damage 1d8+4=5

Each had single attack !! I believe we were waiting to the bell tower attack then quickly engage these Quad's

I expect William(Bart) back on Monday to take over his own character again

Sunday September 16th, 2007 10:53:28 PM

Hey guys. We are in combat now for dragon status where things are supposed to be tougher. We can't miss anyone's posts. Whats going on here?

Mykael HP: 91/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+16=35 d20+16=24 2d10(10+5)+4=19 3d6(4+3+5)=12
Monday September 17th, 2007 12:44:03 AM

Mykael steps though the 'Dimension Door' and moves with Appolo and Nezamil to the first target. He moves to Nezamil's left side and takes a large swing, he connects for a vicious blow and lets loose his stored spell, (Vampiric Touch).

Hit, AC: 35 (crit), crit roll, AC: 24
Weapon Damage, with crit: 19
Vampiric Touch damage: 12 (hps gained to Mykael)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 11/11 mins
Heroism: 70/70 mins
Stoneskin: 70/70 min, 70/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 4/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 2/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Monday September 17th, 2007 12:51:52 AM

Ari also has invisibility wand that can be used if the others in the group need it.

Who still needs to post?

Monday September 17th, 2007 7:02:42 AM

I see the assault begins separating the posts but am I supposed to assume we get the drop on those in the bell tower? I was waiting for something to tell me we successfully got up the tower and what we saw. Some people rolled attacks and I have no idea why.

Monday September 17th, 2007 11:39:02 AM

Which was why I was asking who we were waiting for because I saw that Rigging opened up the dimension door and I did not know that was coming when I posted before him.

Now if Kent's comment is considered a DM post, then that might change things somewhat.

Monday September 17th, 2007 4:57:31 PM

Hey Guys, While making my post friday night Lightening hit a transformer and box outside my house and left me with a few electrical issues over the weekend. I have power again and am basically up an running. I am currently downloading my back up hard drive to get my files etc. (just backed them up on Thursday after a 4 month lay off - so that's lucky.) Anyway I will be posting this evening as soon as I can and with luck there should not be any other delays for this module.)

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 120/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+16=25 d20+18=23 d8+11=13 d20+13=27 d8+11=15 d20+8=13 d20+18=19 d20+9=29 d20+9=14 d20-1=5 d6+8=12
Monday September 17th, 2007 5:42:11 PM

The invisible ranger moves stealthly toward the Quad group at the bell tower. There is the fainest clinking from her armor as she travels (Move Silent=25) but hopefully not enough to give her away. Ashira waits until her fighting buddies are gathered (namely Bart) and then works in coordination with Appolo, striking from a flanking position if possible.

Full Attack??? (Flanking not calculated in)
AC23 for 13
AC27 for 15
AC19 (nat.1)
AC29/14 for 12

OOC: A little confused about the timing of the attack...Bart was supposed to come with us, but I see that Rigging's now DDing him in. I appologize in advance if this post makes little sense...not getting much sleep now-a-days.

DM Kent (Rd 1)  d20+15=29 d20+11=31 d20+11=29 d20+7=23 d20+15=34 d20+15=28 d20+10=19 d20+10=28 d10+8=17 3d4(2+2+1)+3=8 3d4(1+1+3)+3=8 3d4(2+3+2)+3=10 3d4(1+3+4)+3=11
Monday September 17th, 2007 6:32:17 PM

Apollo, Ashira, Val and Ari make their way to the tower top and step on to the tower in between the two Ballista. Ashira and Apollo break right and Val and Ari break left. Apollo moves to the rear and lays into his opponent as Ashira steps to the front.

Ashira attacks with her normal flashiness and connects twice once critically.

Apollo attacks his opponent flashing visible at each strike and feels his blade connect three times and everyone hears the sound of metal striking metal. And as he steps back the Quad member he and Ashira were attacking falls to the ground.

Ari and Val move to attack their opponent as well.

Waiting for the signal, the Saints and Defilers move forward to attack the quad at the outer door. Rigging realizes that there is no way that15 people are going to effectively be able to fight in the area infront of the gat and goes back to his original plane to drop the rest of the Wildcards at the base of the inner steps. (if you want to bring a few of the NPC groups with you let me know in your next post)

Outside the main gates the saints and Defilers attack en masse and the sounds of fighting and several screams are heard. The Defilers seem to be in a full battle rage and without any apparent worry toward defense charge in weapons flying, while the Saint seem to be much more methodical and move in with what appears to be a calm purpose. As soon as they attack though each of the outer Quad mambers suddenly enlagers to over twelve feet tall and begin to retalliate.

Stepping out of the dimension door Nez and Bart move to the right and attack the quad member there while Mykael and Cosmo move to the right and toward the one there. All three connect though Nez's attack seems to just graze his opponent and Mykael can tell his attack wasn't quite as damaging as it could have been.

Tower combat --

On the tower's roof top there is a moment where shock is evident on the faces of the quad members and their priest handler as the attack happens an one of their member falls to the ground a bloody mess. The other quad members and the priest charge forward and get halfway there when the priest stops and yells. "SOUND THE ALARM BELL!" The one quad member stops in his tracks and charges back toward the rope pulley. The other oves forward but sees nothing to attack. the other quad near to the ballista also looks down at his fallen comrade and begins to turn and run for the bell pull as well.

Garden Combat --

At the bottom of the steps the attacked quad members move into action swinging at where the attacks seem to be coming from Bart is hit once AC 30(-4 invisible) damage 17 points

The attacks aimed at Mykael miss if just barely. The two guard at the top of the stairs draw their weapons and head down to the fray and as they come four sets of magic missiles streak from each quad member's hand striking at Mykael for 16 points and Riggin for 21 points

(Please make sure to list magics cast on you in posting field. and durations at the bottom of your posts. Spell casters once you have posted your spell lists you need not keep posting them each post keep track of what you have used on hard copy. this will keep the posts a bit shorter.)

-- Maps in route --

Val (AC 28, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=31 d20+13=25 d20+8=26 d8+6=7 d8+6=13 d8+6=7
Monday September 17th, 2007 9:46:26 PM

Positioning herself for the best tactical advantage (E12) Val let's loose with her warhammer, hoping to bash the priest to the point where he can't speak. She would like to be back firing off arrows but this was a close quarters situation.

"Dagger through the rope. No pulley no bell."

OOC: 1st attack ac 31 for 7, 2nd attack ac 25 for 13, 3rd attack ac 26 for 7

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 120 pts

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+10=24 d20+10=25 d20+10=17 d20+10=25 d20+10=18 d20+10=27 4d6(6+5+4+3)=18 4d6(1+5+4+1)=11 4d6(4+2+4+5)=15 4d6(6+3+5+3)=17 4d6(4+6+3+5)=18 4d6(6+5+6+1)=18
Monday September 17th, 2007 10:12:40 PM

Rigging smiles as the magic missiles hit his shield spell and fizzle. He wonders how they could target him in the first place while he is invisible. Still he doesn't like being targeted so he fires back with two spells, one quickened from his rod.

6 scorching ray beams lance out and strike the Quad member at I4. If the first spell kills him, I will shift fire to H4. Hit touch ac24,25,17,25,18,27 First ray does 18, second does 11 and third does 15 (total 44 with no save) The second spell does
17, 17, and 18. (total 53 with no save) Both combined assuming all hit does 97)

"Gang up and bring them down quickly! We need to get inside"

Rigging checks in with his wife via message spell, "Everything going ok honey?"

Swirl drops another 100' and watches Rigging's wife to make sure she is doing ok

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Cosmo greater invisibility 7/7
Nezamil greater invisibility 6/7
Mykael greater invisiblity 5/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 4/7

All have haste 3/12

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+10=13 d20+10=30 d20+10=26 d20+10=25 4d6(3+2+3+4)=12 4d6(6+4+2+2)=14 4d6(3+5+6+3)=17 4d6(6+2+4+5)=17
Monday September 17th, 2007 10:20:39 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 7/7 rounds (from Rigging)

Cosmo doesn't like how close he is to the front lines. He knows he will not be of any help if he starts to take damage. He takes a 5' step back to stand next to Rigging. As Cosmo tries to decide what to do, he sees Rigging Scorching Ray one of the quad members. That is quite a nice spell and he thinks he will cast one himself. If the quad member(s) Rigging hit is still alive then Cosmo will attack him (I4 or H4). Otherwise he will attack the quad member in G5.

From this safer position he casts Scorching Ray, targeting a live quad member in this order: I4, H4 or G5.

Ray #1 - TAC 13; damage 12
Ray #2 - TAC 30(26); damage 14+17 = 31
Ray #3 - TAC 25; damage 17

Location: H7

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Mykael HP: 75/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+16=19 d20+11=15 d20+16=35 d20+16=26 d10=3 d10=7 d10=5 d10=4
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 1:57:13 AM

Mykael takes a 5ft step to the left, so he isnt in the same spot as before for defensive purposes and to hopefully gain a flank attack. He takes a full attack on the quad memeber he previously wounded in G5.

(1st atk, AC: 19 dam = 3+4 = 7)
(2nd atk, AC: 15 dam = 7+4 = 11)
(3rd atk, AC: 35 crit, crit AC: 26 dam = 5+4 = 9, crit dam = 4)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,0/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 5/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 3/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Bart Ac 30 Hp 78/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=31 d20+15=33 d20+11=20 d20+21=33 d20+15=18 d10+11=21 d10+11=21 d10+11=17
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 4:31:49 PM

A savage grin on his face as the agile warrior launchs his full fury at the Quad member (j5) in front of him ...swinging his bastard sword with both hands.

1st swing d20+21=31 hit!! damage d10+11=21
2nd swing d20+15=33 crit hit!! d20+15=18 miss damage d10+11=21
3rd swing d20+11=20 miss
4th swing d20+21=33 hit (hasted)d10+11=17
total damage 21+21+17=59!!!!

(posted by adm-Chris)(Bart is supposed to be back but i haven't hard anything yet from him)(if he posts he can delete this post)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undeead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+15=24 d20+10=11 d20+15=23
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 4:44:03 PM

Watching as the Quad member in front of him take a beating.....Nezamil piles on to his fellow wildcards assault.....flanking (+2 to hit)the poor Ga'alian.

The dwarfs mace weaves it's deadly dance but fails to find its mark.

1st swing d20+15=24 miss
2nd swing d20+10=11 miss
3rd swing d20+15=23 miss (hasted)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 5/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (who cast and for how long?), Silenc  d20+9=28 d20+4=12 d20+10=17 d20+9=10 d6+3=9 2d6(4+4)=8 d6+3=9 2d6(4+6)=10 d6+3=4 d6=4
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 5:13:46 PM

Seeing the priest take a bashing and is the closest target, Ari moves up to help out. Ari feels his blood start to sing as he lets his frustration with the priesthood gather in his blows.

(Attacks added if they are available. Sword of Alemi Pri attack)

AC 28 (no crit AC 10), 9+8(evil)=17
AC 12 9+10(evil)=19
AC 17 4+4 (fire)=8

(ooc I didn't see the post from Cosmo about invisibility. Just need info on the spell if Cosmo did cast it otherwise I'll use wand. Also need info for the silence that was supposed to be cast. If I missed any of this than I apologize.

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 120/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+18=29 d8+11=14
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 6:42:10 PM

Val's got the priest and Ari's helping out...that just leaves the wanna be bell ringers. We'll just see about that.

The now visible (I think I was using the ring and not a spell...correct me if I'm wrong!) ranger flies over to one of the nearest Quad members and hacks into him (Q4). "Appolo, take out the other one going for the bell." she whispers over the Message spell.

Her longsword sings through the air as she looks for the telltale signs of weakness in her heartseeded opponent. She smiles as she spears the side of the heartseed (AC29 for 14). She whispers back a return Message to her husband. "Oh, just peachy...but they're trying to get to the bell. Hopefully we can shut them down or things are going to get a whole lot busier!"

Appolo Ac 30 hp 88Hasted Airwalk Invisible Silence  d20+11=29 d20+6=10 d20+11=30
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 8:08:36 PM

Appolo moving complete silence follows Ashira and backstabs her opponent twice.The whole tower is quiet as Appolo drops the stone silenty in the coner.

Appolo Ooc Damage  d10+6=16 d10+6=13 d6=6 d6=2 d6=2 d6=6 d6=2 d6=3 d6=5 d6=6 d6=2 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 8:12:39 PM

Sorry forgot Attack 29 10 30
Damage 16 13=29 Backstab=40

DM Kent (Rd 2)  d20+15=21 d20+15=31 d20+15=34 d20+10=16 d20+10=23 d20+10=15 3d4(3+3+4)+3=13 d10+8=15 3d4(1+2+1)+3=7 3d4(1+4+2)+3=10 d10+8=18 d100=28
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 10:02:21 PM

Tower -

Apollo and Ashira again team up effectively and drop another quad member, and Ari and Val try to do the same to the priest and are met with varying degrees of success, but the priest remains standing and holds tightly to his holy symbol. Not having a corner to drop the stone into as he was moving into the center of the tower and knowing that the spell would only cover a certain area Apollo drops he silenced stone just before he makes his attacks, putting a 20 ft radius area into silence, hoping that it will encompass the bell as well.

Garden -

Rigging's scorching rays strike out at his first target and after they clear he sees that his opponent is still standing tall and sends a second round lancing into him as well. As the second barrage clears Riggin is stunned to see him still standing, but then in almost slow motion the Quad member falls to his knees and then slumps to the ground, though a shallow breath still seems to being drawn.

Cosmo likes what he sees of Rigging's spell and emulates it attacking H4 and watches as two of his rays strike the Quad member but he remains standing.

Mykael attacks his opponent and connects once with a serious shot but it almost seems to not seem to faze him much.

Bart goes postal on his opponent and does some serious damage but finds thathis opponent has the temerity to grin at him. Thouhg Bart is unsure whether he is actually being seen or not.

Nez tries to aid Bart in his attacks but somehow seems to have lost his normal touch with his weapon.

Gate -

The enlarged Quad outside seem to stymy the two groups facing them for a moment and things look like it is going to go bad for them when Jeremy gets in a solid shot hamstringng one of the Quad and brings him to the ground where the others jump in and quickly dispatch him. This does however free his partner to freely attack and soon one of the Saints is a bloody pile and another is sorely injured. The orcs had put a seriious hurting on the two before they enlarged and their raging intensity doesn't seem to have let up any though their don't seem to be quite as effective currently and soon one of the orcs is lying motionless on the street.

Garden -

Bart once again finds himself the target of sword strikes as he is struck by mor magic missiles.
AC 21 miss
AC 16 miss
magic missiles 13 points

Mykael also finds himself trying to dodge both sword and magic missiles.

AC 31 hit 15 points
AC 23 miss
Magic missiles 7 points

Nez also finds himself dodging sword and magic.
AC 34 Hit damage 18
Ac 16 miss
Magic missiles 10 points

Rigging, Bart and Mykael make spot rolls DC 19 Highlight to display spoiler: { out of the corner of you eye you see four blurry figures heading your way from the right garden area.}

Tower -

Suddenly Ari, Apollo, and Ashira find themselves in an area of silence due to Apollo's stone drop.

Q1 and Q2 make it to the rope and pulley system and start pulling on the rope and seem to be quite surprised when the bell does not ring (25% chance spell area didn't reach high enough - 28 LUCKY)

The Priest, seeing what is coming and knowing he won't live much longer calls down the power of his God upon himself and those around him. Flame strike (maximized)- 60 points damage reflex DC 25 for 45 points

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+7=17 12d6(2+6+6+4+6+6+5+3+3+3+2+4)=50 d20+11=19 d20+11=27 d20+11=17 4d6(5+3+6+5)=19 4d6(5+5+6+2)=18
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 10:32:51 PM

Rigging spots the new group coming towards them and shouts a warning. "Incoming to the right. Here comes another quad!"

Rigging steps behind Nezamil casts a cone of cold trying to get O8, O6, and O5. He does 50 points of damage unless the make a reflex save dc 23 for half damage.

He then turns and points his fingers at H4 shooting 3 more scorching rays at the quad member. (used rod of Quicken) trying to take down opponents fast before reinforcements show.
Hit touch ac 19 for 19 points of damage, touch ac 27 for 17 points of damage and touch ac 17 for 18 points of damage (total of 54 points of damage)

On message to all "Come on! Finish these guys off. Reinforcements are coming fast!"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Nezamil greater invisibility 7/7
Mykael greater invisiblity 6/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 5/7

All have haste 3/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3


Kent - BTW not that it matters, but you do not have invisibility listed as an active spell on Rigging.

Val (AC 28, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=12 d20+18=37 d20+13=27 d20+8=16 d8+6=7 d8+6=8 d8+6=13
Tuesday September 18th, 2007 10:38:26 PM

The flamestrike catches her completely by surprise (Reflex save 12). Thankfully the magic Nez cast upon her protected her from the burn. She lashes out with her warhammer once more.

OOC: I'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing protection from energy- fire works against flamestrike.

1st attack- hit ac 37 for 7
2nd attack- hit ac 27 for 8
3rd attack hit ac 16 for 13

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 60 pts


Kent - actually only 30 points of the damage is fire damage the other 30 is holy damage so the resistance will only help with 30 points.

Wednesday September 19th, 2007 3:36:56 AM

My books aren't handy but from what you posted you said Val and I are in the silenced area. Wouldn't that mean the priest falls in it too?

Kent - No, Ari is right on the edge of the silenced area. Priest and Val are outside of it. Check the map red circle is silent zone.

Wednesday September 19th, 2007 9:55:49 AM

I got two temple maps, no tower maps. Did I miss something? (which might be why I don't see the silence circle) :)

I didn't get a copy of the tower map either.---Nellie

Appolo Ac 30 HP 88 Airwalk Invisible Hasted  d20+15=26 d20+14=25 d20+10=19 d20+14=28 d10+6=16 d10+6=7 d6=6 d6=4 d6=3 d6=5 d6=2 d6=4 d6=5 d6=3 d6=2 d6=2 d6=6 d6=1
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 10:46:16 AM

Appolo dances through the flame strike unfazed.He moves quickly to flank the last Quad member backstabbing it tthree time hitting twice with his longsword.

Reflex 26 Attack 25 19 28 Damage 16 7
Backstab Damage 44 Opponent loses 1 point of strength per succesfull backstab.

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 90/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+13=21 d20+18=29 d8+11=16
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:17:39 PM

Noticing the wall of flames too late, Ashira grunts as the flames lick her body. Thank goodness for Nezamil's spell!

Moving out of the errie silenced area, the ranger makes for the priest. Flying quickly and efficiently, she is determined to cut the abomination down quickly (AC29 for 16).

OOC: Ref. =21. Evasion takes off 1/4 of damage, Prot. from Evil takes care of the other 1/4 fire damage. 30 pts. divine damage taken.

Bart Ac 30 Hp 78/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=41 d20+21=33 d20+16=35 d20+16=18 d20+11=20 d20+21=30 d10+11=19 d10+11=14 d10+11=19 d10+11=16
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:24:58 PM

Feeling emboldened by his succesful attack the agile warrior again concentrates his full attention on the grinning quad member " i'll wipe that smile off your face " barks Bart

With anger boiling in his veins Barts bastard sword slices and slashes at the grinning quad member with deadly efficiency

1st swing d20+21=41 crit hit !! d20+21-33 made it!!damage d10+11=19,d10+11=14 total=33
2nd swing d20+16=35 crit hit!!d20+16=18 no crit hit damage d10+11=19
3rd swing d20+11=20 missed
4th swing hasted d20+21=30 damage d10+11=16
Total damage 68!!

(posted by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 64/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+15=24 d20+10=11 d20+15=27 d8+4=9 d8+4=10 d20+4=19 d20+6=17
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:38:24 PM

Growling in frustration at his earlier misses the dwarf again joins(flanking +2) Bart in attacking the same quad member ......his mace tracing arcs thru the air searching for its target

1st swing d20+15=24 if hit 1d8+4=9 damage
2nd swing d20+10=11 missed
3rd swing d20+15=27 if hit 1d8+4=10 damage

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 3/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

d20+4=19 Barts spot check,d20+6=17 Nezamils spot check )

attendence report 
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 2:52:21 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Rigging xxxxo
Ashira ooxxo
Appolo xxxxo
Val xooxo
Bart xxxxo
Nezamil xxxxo
Mykael xoxxo
Cosmo ooxoo
Ari xxoxo

We're in combat folks lets make the extra effort to post !!! Cosmo only one post all week !!!??? lets do better

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (10 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+8=24 d20+9=15 d20+4=24 d20+4=21 d20+10=13 d6+3=4 2d6(2+3)=5 d6+3=4 d6+3=6 2d6(3+4)=7 2d6(6+2)=8 d6+3=6 2d6(1+2)=3
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 5:33:37 PM

(ooc still need the stats for invisibility, silence and I think Ari was to have Fly also)

Ari winces in anticipation of the pain as he feels himself engulfed by the flames of the spell. Ari continues his attack on the priest (if he is still there, otherwise he'll begin movement to the next quad member and attack).

AC 15 4+5(evil) = 9 points
AC 24 (crit, with crit success) 4+7(evil)+6+8(evil) =25 points
AC 13 (used Alemi damage by mistake) 6+1(fire)=7 points.

Ari is slightly surprised when he finds that his skin has not been charred. Stoneskin, good stuff

Kent - Bad news, Stoneskin only functions against physical cuts, slashes etc from weapons. It has no effect on magical damage.

darain - ooc 
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 8:08:42 PM

cant make rolls with pda. software isnt fully compatible. still at work. wont be home for about another 3 hours. if wont work with you, kent, then please make mykaels attacks.

please delete

Mykael HP: 63/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+12=29 d20+10=18 d20+16=23 d20+11=31 d20+11=29 d20+16=28 d10=1 d10=1 d10=8 d10=5
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 10:42:28 PM

While in the swing of combat, Mykael tries to discern where the magic missiles are coming from as well as how.

(Spellcraft: 29)
(Knowledge Arcana: 18)

(1st att: AC 23, dam 1+4 = 5)
(2nd att: AC 31 crit, confirm AC 29, 1+4=5, +8 if crit)
(Haste att: AC 28, dam 5+4 = 9)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,0/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 5/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 3/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

DM Kent (Rd 3)  d20+11=22 d20+11=20 d20+11=17 d20+11=14 d20+11=30 d20+4=15 d20+15=35 d20+15=17 d20+15=30 d20+10=19 d20+10=27 d10+8=18 d10+8=11 d20+9=16 d20+9=23 d20+9=19 d20+9=22 8d6(2+6+5+5+3+6+3+6)=36 8d6(6+1+2+6+3+5+3+5)=31 8d6(4+4+5+2+1+6+3+6)=31 8d6(4+3+3+2+1+5+1+6)=25
Wednesday September 19th, 2007 10:48:26 PM

Tower -

Smoking a bit from the flame strike (only 30 points is fire damage and can be reduced by resitance or reflex save) Val lashes out at the priest who having not made his save collapses as her blades cut into him.

Apollo charges toward the last two quad members and reaches Q2 and makes his one attack (took full move to reach him and haste only works with a full attack option) and flashes visible as he swings and misses with his strike.

Ashira rushes to attack the priest and finds him lying in a charred puddle at Val and Ari's feet.

Ari begins to give thanks for the stone sjkin spell and then realizes that he is feeling more than a bit scorched (stone skin is only good against physical weapon damage). Seeing that the priest is dealt with, Ari takes a run at Q1 and makes his attack missing with his one swing.

Garden -

Rigging sends his 2 spells on his way and he notices that the cone of cold seems to have a better than normal effect for some reason. He follows that with more scorching rays which drop another quad member in his tracks. His third ray he switches target and hits the Quad meber facing Mykael.

Bart and Nez once again team up and thankfully Bart is extremely effective this round as Nez seesm to have lost his touch and yet another quad member hits the dirt.

Mykael attcks his opponent and connects one time on his opponent, and though he still stands he is looking a bit wobbly Rigging's last scorching ray finishes him off as well. He is pretty sure that the missles were coming from the fighters hands, and he is just as sure that there were no spells being cast.

Gate -

The battle at the gate continues going fiercly and true to their word the Saints and Defilers seem to be hoding their own and perhaps even winning a bit as another enlarged quad member goes down. Though not without casualties of their own as yet another Saint bites the dust.

Tower -

Up on the tower things get a bit tense for Aria nd Apollo as they realize they are both facing off with a Quad member momentarily on their own.

Ari's opponent takes a swing at him immediately after his attack and hits with a serious, but not critical, strike in the ranger's side. AC 35 Damage 18 points The quads return strike though misses as the wily ranger steps out of the way.

Appolo also feels the cut of a blade as it catches him just as he returns to being invisible AC 30 damage 11 points and the return cut actually shaves a few hairs off the top of his head as he ducks down.

Garden -

The four blurred figures move in but stop at a distance of ten feet from the wildcards and fiery bolts spray out from each one.
Scorching rays -
TAC 16 Mykael damage 36 No save SR20,
TAC 23 Nez damage 31 No save SR 18,
TAC 19 Bart damage 31 No save SR 18,
TAC 22 Rigging damage 25 No save SR 20

Mykael HP: 63/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Gr Invis, Haste)  d20+9=22 d20+16=33 d20+16=20 d10=4 d10=7
Thursday September 20th, 2007 12:59:12 AM

OOC: Mykael took no damage from Schorhing Rays, TAC: 17. (TAC: 10 + 4(dex) + 3 (ring))

IC: Turning on the new quad, Mykael charges Q8 and attempts an overrun (cant avoid, improved overrun), and moves to L3.

Overrun Str Check: 22

(Since charge is a full attack, does Mykael get his Haste attack? rolled just in case)

Whirling on his downed opponent, Mykael makes a quick attack.

(if I win, he is prone. Can I get a Coup de Gra? if not regular attack, if I get one at all with haste.)

att: AC 33, crit roll: AC 20
dam: 4+4 = 8, if crit +7

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,10/70 dam left
Greater Invisibility (from Rigging): 7/7 rnds
Haste (from Rigging): 5/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Val (AC 28, HP 106/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=27 d8+14=22
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:39:09 AM

Val doesn't stop to smell the roses after the priest drops. She moves over to one of the standing tower guards (moved to c9 to attack Q2). She raises her warhammer bringing it down hard.

ooc: power attack -8/ +8 dmg. Hit ac 27 for 22

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 90/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+18=35 d20+18=29 2d8(8+3)+22=33 2d8(7+7)+3=17
Thursday September 20th, 2007 10:21:12 AM

Frustrated that her target was dropped before she could even attack, Ashira watches the combat with the last remaining Quad member carefully. If it looks like Ari, Appolo and Val need help taking him down, she will join in the fray (AC35/29 for 33).

Otherwise she flys out a little way to check on the other groups. Seeing the Saints and Defilers in need of assistance, she calls out over the Message spell to Apollo. "The enlarged Quad is outside the tower, I'm going to help." Flying rapidly down to ground level, Ashira engages any enlarged member that looks like it might be a spellcaster (AC35/29 for 33).

OOC: Sorry, making a lot of assumptions here. I assume that Ashira can make it to one of the enlarged Quad members without making a double move. If not and her attack is not needed, she will pull out her wand and heal herself.

Kent >> No way can you make it to one of the enlarged Quad as you are more than 160 feet up. Also there are still two quad members on the roof Ari is facing one and apollo is facing the other. As you are currently not in any major danger of dying and you were going to attack one of the enlarged quads I will move you in suport of Ari and let you attack go toward that Quad member.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 64/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  4d8(4+8+3+6)+11=32
Thursday September 20th, 2007 7:18:49 PM

Feeling frustrated at his inability to strike the Quad's with his mace the Cleric of Domi changes tactics and reaches out to Bart .....tapping him on his shoulder " May Domi grant you health and courage" prays Nezamil as he infuses the agile warrior with Domi's divine power .

(spontanously casting cure critical wounds on Bart in place of 4th level spell deathward)(4d8(4+8+3+6)+11=32 Hp pts)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 2/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 79/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=27 d20+16=34 d20+16=26 d20+11=26 d20+21=29 d10+11=16 d10+11=21 d10+11=14
Thursday September 20th, 2007 7:36:47 PM

Grunting in pain as the scorching rays burn the agile warrior eyes the new Quad " your going to pay for that " barks Bart

Suddenly feeling the cool infusions of Domi's healing touch Bart Launches(spring attack feat) himself at the nearest Ga'alian Quad member (Q5)......his sword held in both hands as he springs forward the Bart swings his weapon....slashing his foes .

1st swing d20+21=27 hit or miss?? damage if needed 1d10+11=16
2nd swing d20+16=34 crit hit!! d20+16=26 miss most likely damage 1d10+11=21 !!!
3rd swing d20+11=26 missed most likely
4th swing hasted d20+21=29 hit or miss ?? damage if needed 1d10=11=14

Continuing his spring attack Bart leaps by the Quad to (L4) hoping to out flank them for his next attack

(posted by adm Chris)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 20/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (52 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+9=24 d20+4=12 d20+10=12 d6+3=8 12d6(4+5+4+6+2+4+5+2+1+1+4+4)=42
Thursday September 20th, 2007 8:53:20 PM

Feeling a little woozy at the blood loss (ooc and reality shift. ;)) Ari prays fervently that he can either take this quad member down, or hold long enough until the others free up.

AC 24 for 8 + 9(evil) = 17 damage (other 6's were acident.
AC 12
AC 12

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 77/88 Hasted Invisible Airwalk 
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:08:35 PM

After taking a hit Appolo goes invisible and retreats silently moving to his rightas he backs up.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:11:29 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 6/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: starts next round

The area around Cosmo starts to be cleared of the enemy. He decides to summon some of his friends to help in the battle. This will provide more bodies for the Ga'alians to attack and hopefully relieve some of his comrades from being attacked. Cosmo casts Summon Monster IV.

Location: H6

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Rigging ac 24 hps 56/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  10d6(2+4+2+3+6+5+2+5+6+5)=40 d20+8=19 2d6(5+2)=7
Thursday September 20th, 2007 9:27:48 PM

Rigging will move to I9 and turn and cast a lightning bolt catching O7 and 06 in its path. He does 40 points of damage to them unless they make a reflex save dc 20 or take half.

Swirl darts down towards his master and does a flyby attack on O1, hitting ac 19 (with flanking). If he does damage he will do 7 points. He will keep going heading down to check on Rigging's wounds

Swirl: Large sized air elemental familiar hit points 53, Initiative +11, speed 100 fly (perfect)
Armor class 26, slam +6/+12, damage slam 2d6, full attack is 2 slams special attacks air mastery, and whirlwind Str. 14, Dex, 25, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Saves +5 fort, +13 reflex, +5 will Spell resistance of 17Skills listen +7, spot +7 Feats: flyby attack, improved initiative, weapon finesse (slam) Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master.

Rigging will message, "Ashira, haven't you killed your quad yet? You must be slipping. We are already on our second one down here."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Mykael greater invisiblity 7/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 6/7

All have haste 4/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

DM Kent (Round 4)  d20+15=28 d10+8=10 d20+15=23 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d10+8=11 d20+15=32 d10+8=14 d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d10+8=17 d20+9=29 d20+13=32 d20+13=30 d20+15=33 d20+15=29 2d10(9+5)+16=30 d20+10=17 d20+15=34 d20+15=18 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d20+15=16 d10+8=12 d20+9=19 d20+9=25 d20+10=23 d20+10=22 8d6(3+6+1+2+5+6+3+2)=28 8d6(1+2+1+4+5+1+4+1)=19 d20+15=35 d20+15=26 d10+8=10 d20+10=23 d20+9=23 d20+10=19 8d6(6+2+1+4+3+6+4+5)=31
Thursday September 20th, 2007 10:25:43 PM

Tower -

Apollo, Val and Ashira all seemingly cross paths though none of them see apollo and only his nimbleness keeps him from being run into.

Ari attacks Q1 and soundly whiffs three times and then is showered in blood as Ashira cleaves into him from the side as she opened herself up to an attack of opportunity AC 32 for14 points.

Val steps forward to attack Q2 and opens herself up to an attack of opportunity AC 28 for 10 points and then she too joins Ari in the whiff parade.

Garden -

Mykael aatempts to overrun his opponent opening himself toan attack of opportunity AC 34/16 for 17 points and then feels like he ran into a stone wall as he hits the quad member and is shunted off to the side, opposed roll DC29. His quick follow up attack however does connect solidly and staggering him badly.

Nez quickly reaches out and does some healing of Bart 32 points returned.

Bart feeling the extra energy from Domi springs forward and takes a fullattack on Q5, trimming some hairs from the man's beard with his firat attack connecting solidly with his second missing with his third and just catching him with his final strike as he leaps past him as he drops to the ground.

Cosmo feeling a bit safer, at least for the time being begins casting his summoning spell.

Rigging steps back a few and lines up two of the quad for a lightening strike and sends it streaking at them, but the bolts seem to skitter past and around them doing no damage made save 32 &30 and evasion

Swirl heads down with his fly by but doesn't eve come close to connecting with anything.

Gate -

Outside the gate the Saints put forth a massive concentrated and well timed attack and their opponent hits the ground leaving only one Quad member remaining who seems to be moving very quickly and manages to catch a charging orc on his bastard sword and nearly cuts him in half, though the other orcs get some pretty good licks in as well.

Tower -

After the attack of opportunity on Val, the quad member Q2 attacks in earnest connecting a second time AC 30/23 nearly critically for 11 more points

Q1 while aware of Ashira's presence concentrates on the opponent right in front of him and attacks in earnest. AC 33/29 critically for 30 points and then follows up with a miss.

Garden -

Q6 & 7 move in on Nez (provoking attacks of opportunity) and begins major assault upon the weapon mage. beginning with a strike with a bastard sword AC 34/18 for 12 points and following it up with a barrage of scorching rays. TAC 19 & 25, SR 23 & 22 for 28 points and 19 points

Q8 now at the side of Bart launches his attack and connects AC35/26 for 10 points and misses with his second attack. He too sends a barrage of scorching rays at Bart TAC 23 SR 19 for 31 points

All three of these quad members seem to be moving with great agility and are blurred.

OOC: Darain 
Friday September 21st, 2007 12:04:55 AM

OOC: Kent, think you got a couple of things messed up, between looking at what you posted and the map you sent.

Since Mykael didnt get his Overrun, he should be in J4 or J5 and prone. This also means he didnt get his attack on Q8.

****Quad member did not try and knock Mykael down just blocked his overrun attempt therefore Mykael never went pron, unless you want him to be.

According to the map, Q6 & Q7 converged on Nezamil and not Mykael for all thier attacks.

**Yes should be Nezamil

Also, just want to be clear, they have a +9 to dex or str for an opposed overrun attempt? Didnt really matter in this case, with a nat 20 and they win anyways. I know you said they are moving fast, but wow! Or... oh hell!

***Yes this particular quad is blessed with and abundance of speed bonuses. so they aer indeed +9 dex.

Val (AC 28, HP 87/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=37 d20+13=30 d20+8=25 d8+6=10 d8+6=7
Friday September 21st, 2007 6:39:56 AM

Val takes the stinging hits and the blood is already starting to run beneath her armor. She lashes out with her warhammer.

ooc: sorry post is so short. Only have a couple minutes before work to get the post out. Will not get home from work before rnd 5 is posted.

1st attack ac 37 for 10
2nd attack ac 30 for 7
3rd attack ac 25 miss

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 20/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (22 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+9=12 d20+4=12 d20+10=28 d20+10=30 d6+3=4 d6+3=9 d6=2 d6=1 d10=5
Friday September 21st, 2007 10:21:55 AM

Ari continues to chop away at his opponent. Ari gains some confidence as he feels more than sees others joining him on his opponent. With a solid hit with his fire sword, Ari is surprised a bit when the extra burst goes off from the sword (ooc first crit with this weapon).

AC 12
AC 12
AC 28 crit attack (AC 30) 4+2(fire)+9+1(fire)+5(burst) =21 points of damage (8 of which is fire damage).

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste 
Friday September 21st, 2007 4:00:22 PM

Nodding to himself "yup gotta keep us fresh to deal with all these Ga'alian Quads " as Nezamil spats out the last tow words with disgust

Quickly fetching a scroll the Dwarven Cleric of Domi snaps it open and quickly intones the words of power written "Domi grants us health and courage " prays Nezamil as the power from the scroll is released (scroll of cure mass light)(d8+11=19 cured)

(targets are Nezamil,Bart,Rigging,Mykael and the 3 remaining Defilers and 3 Saints of Ost)

Glaring at the two Quad members near him (Q6,Q7) "Domi will see that you fail your vile master" growls the dwarf

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 4/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 1/7 (from Rigging)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

[b]everyone in the group has "hide from undead cast upon them from earlier, i noticed only a few have it posted in the header

Appolo ac 30 Hp77/88 Invisible haste Airwalk  d20+14=31 d20+10=22 d20+14=33 d20+10=17 d20+14=24 d20+10=12
Friday September 21st, 2007 5:06:21 PM

Appolo steps forward ,flanks Q2 and unleashesa full attack.Hitting solidly twice aw he attempt to backstab his opponent 6 times.

Appolo OOC  d10+6=13 d10+6=9 d6=3 d6=2
Friday September 21st, 2007 5:10:05 PM

Attack 31 33 Damage 13 9 Backstab 3 2 Total 26
Opponent looses 2 point of strenght due to feat.I think I only hit twice.

Mykael HP: 36/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+16=35 d20+16=23 d10=8 d10=4 d20+16=21 d10=8 d10=5 d20+16=35 d20+16=36 d10=6 d10=8 d20+11=29 d20+11=17 d10=7 d20+16=27 d10=10
Friday September 21st, 2007 9:11:52 PM

OOC: Dont want to miss a post, and still no comments on my previous ooc statements and questions. Thus I will post with things as is.

Dont know where he is, but since they could attack him, Mykael can strike back.

IC: Mykael takes his punishment with gritted teeth and grins with the healing flow of Domi's power provided thru Nezamil.

AoO on Q6: AC 35, crit: AC 23
Dam: 8+4 = 12, +4 if crit

AoO on Q7: AC 21
Dam: 8+4 = 12

(ignore d10 roll of a 5, click once too many)

Full round of attacks on Q6, then to Q7 if Q6 falls.

1st: AC 35, crit AC 36
Dam: 6+4 = 10, crit dam = 8, total = 18

2nd: AC 29, crit AC 17
Dam: 7+4 = 11

Haste: AC 27
Dam: 10+4 = 14

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 5/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+12=22 d20+12=17 d20+12=32 d20+12=31 d100=95 d100=80 d100=41 4d6(6+3+4+6)=19 4d6(1+6+3+6)=16 4d6(3+6+6+6)=21 4d6(2+6+5+4)=17
Friday September 21st, 2007 9:22:12 PM

Rigging slides 5' to the right and casts his last scorching ray hitting O7 with 3 rays.

(ooc hit touch ac 22,17, and 32 which was a natural 20, rolled critical hit and hit ac 31 so third ray is critical. I believe you mentioned they are blurred so rolled chance to miss and didn't get a 20% or below. 95%, 80% and 41%

ray one hits tac 22 for 19 points of damage
ray two hits tac 17 for 16 points of damage
ray three hits ac 32 (confirmed critical hits tac 31 for 39 points of damage)

Rigging will have Swirl do a quick fly by around the temple to see if he can see any reinforcements coming.

Rigging takes a moment to glance around and sees the mounting pile of bodies among their allies and winces. He knew they weren't going to be able to handle this and shouldn't have come along but at least they tied up one of the quads. He hopes their honor is satisfied and they get out of the church area now.

He calls out on the message, "Tower group check in. How goes it up there. Our allies need some help but we are totally engaged. Can you help them?"
total damage to O7 is 73

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Bart greater inivisiblity 7/7

All have haste 5/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 57/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=35 d20+16=34 d20+16=25 d20+11=19 d20+21=38 d20+21=24 d10+11=20 d10+11=17 d10+11=12 d10+11=15 d10+11=17 d10=9 d10=7
Friday September 21st, 2007 9:23:07 PM

The sting of burning rays and slashing still pains the agile warrior but it only steels his resolve as he eyeballs his next target (Q8)

"Die Ga'alian scum......you have walked this land to long " as Bart weilds his sword in both hands

1st swing d20+21=35 hit damage d10+11=20
2nd swing d20+16=34 crit hit !! d20+16=25 hit?? damage d10+11=17 crit damage if needed d10+1=12
3rd swing d20+11=19 missed
4th swing hasted d20+21=38 crit hit! d20+21=24 hit?? damage d10+11=15 crit damage if needed d10+11=17
(d10=9 damage and d10=7 damage is shocking burst damge from bart's magical bastard sword)(i just peeked at Bart's character sheet and saw that, guess the Quad's got lucky that last couple rds )(maybe Ga'als hand in that ;-)]

"For Asilidur's freedom " Barks Bart as his blade slices the Quad which brings a grin to his face.

(posted by adm Chris)

DM Kent (round 5)  d20+15=27 d20+15=32 d20+15=28 d20+10=29 d20+10=26 d20+10=16 d10+8=17 d10+8=17
Friday September 21st, 2007 10:36:34 PM

Tower -

Val attacks along with Apollo and togehter they put a hurting on Q2 but he is still standing though a bit wobbly.

Ari too goes on the offensive and connects solidly and is momentariyl surprised by the fire that erupts from his sword. He does notice however that the fire does not seem to have any effect upon his opponent.

Garden -

Nez reads his scroll leaving himself open for attacks of opportunity. but his healing magic flows out and renews his allies.

Bart makes his attacks connecting twice nearly critically but even with that damage Q8 falls to the ground. As he falls the last two Quad members lose their blurred look and now just seem to be moving really fast.

Rigging's well used scorching rays make quick work of Q7 and he drops to the ground a smoking cinder.

Mykael managing not to hae been knocked over takes his attack of opportunity and connects solidly and drops the last quad member in the garden.

Gate -
Feeling the healing energy flow through them the Saints and the Defilers somehow manage to coordinate their attck and the laslt enlarged Quad goes down.

Tower -

Q2 lashes out with his sword and catches Val with his return stroke after having just missed with his first AC 29/26 for 17 points

Q1 also manages to connect with Ari and nearly critically AC 32/28 for 17 points but misses with his second swing.

Garden -

The last of the two garden quads lies quiescent and spattered with blood and the Wildcards begin to look around for any new opponents. They do see that the fighting at the Gate has ended and the six remaining adventurers are drinking a few potions and seem to be talking strategically together.

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 7:47:42 PM

Rigging will activate one of his pearls of power getting a scorching ray back.
As he does this he will scan the area for more enemies and wave to the allies to form up.

Via message he will say, "What is our status? Ashira, is everything OK up there?

Cosmo, can you detect magic to see if we have anything useful lying at our feet? (Not sure if you ever summoned a monster but you might want to rethink what your summoning since we will have a couple of rounds.)

Rigging will check in on Swirl who was doing a fly around to see if he could spot enemy reinforcements (two rounds ago)

Rigging will move to N5.

Message to everyone, "Lets form up and down here and get ready to enter the temple."

Rigging is worried about the lack of news from topside.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 6/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d3=3
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 9:15:01 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 4/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 11/11

Cosmo finishes his Summon Monster IV spell. He summons his favorite creature, the Fiendish Ape. His spell is able to summon 3 of the creatures. He has them appear down the pathway a bit (in row 1)

Cosmo retrieves his Maximize Rod and the SM IV Wand from his haversack.

Location: H6

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Fiendish Apes
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  2d8(1+2)+5=8
Sunday September 23rd, 2007 11:59:39 PM

Holding his position (J5) as Captain Rigging moves past him " Captain where to next ?/....do we break thru the inner gate ??" as he points towards the gate

"what about our friends ?? at the front gate??" adds Nezamil " they did quite well....we could use their help "

"Barak !!" shouts the dwarf as he waves those at the front gate towards them

Seeing Mykael wincing in pain the Cleric of Domi fishes out a wand and taps him on the shoulder (Mykael is cured 2d8(1+2)+5=8!!)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 4/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 1/7 (from Rigging)

everyone in the group has "hide from undead cast upon them from earlier, i noticed only a few have it posted in the header

Mykael HP: 44/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 12:51:10 AM

Mykael stands near the temple doors surveying the goings on. Keeping watch for trouble. While doing so, he uses his rod and casts a maximized 'Shocking Grasp' into his sword.

"We should have one or both of the lesser groups collect our dead and take them to the safety of the inn. Also, they should hide the enemy dead, to keep suspicion from arising too much. Perhaps they should even put on the armor and stand guard to keep up a ruse."

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Heroism: 0/70 mins
Stoneskin: 0/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 0/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 6/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 57/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=38 d20+21=26 d10+11=16 d10+11=16 d6=3 d20+16=32 d10+11=21 d20+11=23 d10+11=17 d6=4 d6=1 d20+21=25 d10+11=14 d6=6
Monday September 24th, 2007 2:27:49 AM

Bart turn to the nearest opponent and attacks his first attack is well placed (threat crit ac 26, for 16+16+3 shock), his second attack hits as well (ac 32 for 21+4) his third attack is well placed as well but if it hits? (ac 23 for 17+1). His hasted attack is not as good as it can be (ac 25 for (14+6)

ooc good to be back William

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 20/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?)  d20+9=24 d20+4=21 d20+4=19 d20+10=18 d6+3=9 2d6(4+5)=9
Monday September 24th, 2007 3:30:30 AM

Doing his best to hold on, Ari continues to try to do some damage. Ari begins to grit his teeth as he prepares to take some damage on top of the burn damage from the flamestrike.

AC 24
AC 21 Crit hit no crit damage 9+9(evil)= 18
AC 18

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=34 d20+13=28 d20+8=10 d8+6=13 d8+6=7
Monday September 24th, 2007 8:05:24 AM

Val grits her teeth as the quads blade slices into her skin once more. A fresh wound and fresh blood flowing under her armor. She raises her warhammer bringing it down upon the wobbly man.

ooc: 1st attack ac 34 for 13, 2nd attack ac 28 for 7, 3rd attack miss ac 10

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

Appolo Ac30 Hp77/88 Hasted Invisible  d20+14=34 d20+14=30 d20+14=30 d20+14=19 d20+14=24 d20+14=18 d8=1 d8+6=14 d10+6=15 18d6(6+5+3+6+6+3+3+2+2+1+4+3+4+3+2+4+6+1)=64
Monday September 24th, 2007 4:44:17 PM

Appolo agian repositons himself and luanches full attack on his oppponent backstabbing him 6 times as he flanks him.He does this right after Valanthe attacks.Appolo connects solidly 3 times.

Attack 34 Critical 30 30 Damage 10x2 =20 14 15
Backstab 64 Opponent looses the more points of strength due to feat Total=49+64=113

DM kent (Round 6) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:18:01 PM

Tower -

Val and Apollo shred their last opponent into little pieces and Ari's final strike is just enough and he watches his opponent slip to his knees and fall over.

Garden -

In the garden Cosmos's three apes appear and move where directed.

Bart for some mysterious reason continues to slice into the dead quads lying around.

Rigging worries about those above as his wife has not answered him recently.

Nez moves forward does a bit of healing on Mykael and asks his boss what they should do next.

Mykael casts a spell into his sword and adds to Nez's query thinking also that their allies should come inside.

Gate -

Out side the gate some sort of concensus has been reached between the remaining members of the two groups and suddenly the gate has been opened and they are strolling in. Swords are put at the ready as the Apes are viewed.

In the Air -

Swirl cycles back over and passes a couple of quick messages to Rigging. "They seem ok upstairs all bad guys are dead, but they are some hurt too. And Boss, you aren't gonna like this, but the other two groups are battling it out with the Quads at the back doors."

Current Combat is ended.

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 10:37:57 PM

"Normally I say lets loot these bodies for anything of real value but we need to move. Is there any word from the others?"

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

Mykael HP: 44/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Monday September 24th, 2007 11:17:17 PM

Knowing the amount of magic that Rigging had tossed around in thier encounters, Mykael fishes out some scrolls and hands them over to the Captain.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

"If you dont use all of these, I would like them back please." Is all that Mykael says as he hands over a nice stack of prepared magic.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Heroism: 1/70 mins
Stoneskin: 1/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 7/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  2d8(6+4)+3=13
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 7:57:57 AM

Frozen in helpless contemplatation, Ashira watches in shame as her brothers and sister struggle and then cut down the last of the Quad. Hmmmph...some hero! Can't even muster up the energy to take down the lackies...how are you going to fare when things really get going?!

Finally rousing herself, Ashira moves over toward Ari and taps him with her wand (13 hp to Ari). She looks over at Val. "Rigging says they're done with their Quad. We should link back up with them." Pointing her finger in Rigging's general direction, she whispers back to him. "We're finished up here too. Must be the gout in my shoulder...had to fight with one hand behind my back." Ashira's tone is as jovial as she can muster. She heard the worry in Rigging's voice and she really doesn't want to distract him by sharing her own personal doubts and fears.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29/27 (if not evil) HP 33/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), some kind of invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 3:07:56 PM

Ari breathes a sigh of relief as the battle ends and stretches a little bit as he feels the burn and their effect recede a little bit.

Feeling the healing energies come into his body, Ari looks over at Ashira and smiles his thanks for the helping hand.

Responding to Val "I think we'd not want anything random to be left behind that might come to haunt us later. I've at least got detect magic so we can make a quick snatch on most things. We'll have to hope that nothing is too hidden."

Casting Detect Magic Ari will point out anything that is magical on the dead bodies and currently in the room. Then he'll move with the rest of the group to join up with Rigging.

I imagine we still have a lot of work to do in order to get to the heart seeds

(ooc Monday night will be my last post before leaving for Peru for 10 days. My internet access will probably be very limited (not in the home I'm staying at) so I'd appreciate any help in posting. Let me know if I should send Ari's character sheet out to the group, or just an individual. Thanks)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste  2d8(8+2)+5=15
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 4:17:09 PM

Seeing as things are quirt for the moment the Cleric of Domi again taps Mykael with the wand of curing (2d8(8+2)+5=15 cured).

"This should help ya get back up to fighting speed " grins Nezamil

"Captain we hafta get thru to the inner grounds of the temple.....how do you wanna go about that ?"

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 4/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 0/7 (from Rigging)

(glad to have you back William .....almost sent Bart on a suicide mission ;-)hehe )

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 6:52:53 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 3/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 10/11

Cosmo looks towards Rigging for direction.

"These apes will only be around for a short amount of time. Where do you want me to send them?".

Location: H6

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 8:58:25 PM

"Alright let's move it then. We have to keep moving. It's only a matter of time before they notice something is wrong. Like a shift change in the tower." Val says and starts heading back down.

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 90 pts

ooc: this has to be my Tuesday post. Under the weather, going to be early and working a lot tomorrow.

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 9:01:28 PM

Rigging tries to contact the people whom he cast the message spell on in the other 2 groups, trying to get an update.

He will look at the 6 remaining warriors from the gate battle and say, "Your comrades are in battle with quads in the back. I am going to send you to their aid. We will move on into the temple where things are going to even get more dangereous. Collect your friends and get back to the Inn or any safe house you have set up. You have conducted yourselves with honor and I am honored to join in battle with you, but we need to go on quickly before any more reinforcements arrive. May Alemi and Domi protect you, now hurry!"

Rigging will take the scrolls from Mykael with a nod of thanks and stow them away. Once, the others join us, I want to cast a passwall through the wall to the boy's dormitory and heartseed room. Hopefully we will avoid some of the more obvious traps that way."

Rigging will point and start moving to that wall. I will open the passage and then we can send the apes through first. We need to get to the alter area and move down the secret doors that priest told me about to the lower levels. I bet that is where the plants are kept."

Rigging will pull out a passwall scroll and prepare its casting.

"Ashira, hurry up and get down here!"

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 6/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 2/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Tuesday September 25th, 2007 9:05:32 PM

Appolo looks around"yep better get downstairs."Appolo heads downstairs and appeats next to Rigging."OkLet's get the bodies outside inside and close those gates.Then head into the tample itself.That's when the party will really start.That's whne the real fun begins."

DM Kent (round 7 &8) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2007 10:50:38 PM

round 7
Some healing is done, the tower crew quickly makes there way down to join the others, and the other adventurers hear their orders and begin to head back through the gate.

Round 8

After the others join the group Riggin casts his passwall spell into the boys heartseeding room. As the final part of wall dissapates and the opening into the room is complete, the air is uddenly no longer quiet as the screams of multiple children split the night. Calls and pleas for mommy and daddy are heard as well as deep throated sobs and wails, intersperesed with what can only be the sound of bones being broken. The air is heavy with blood as the group enters and sees a sight possibly more gruesome than they have ever seen.

Lying on the floor are fourteen young boys in the beginning stages of being heart seeded. Their chest cavities have been cut open and the the immature heartseed plant is laying on top of their bellies and moving toward the bloody openings, small tendrils waving in the air. In one or two cases the heartseed has reacched the opening and its roots are digging into the chest and you can see the heart which is being pulled forward as the roots join with it. As the heart seed begins its entry into the body you can actually see the childrens' wounds begin to heal and regenerate as the blood flows freely and runs into runnels cut in the floor, where it drains somewhere.

Beside each child is a priest chanting and casting spells.

Right in front of the newly made tunnel is an alter/work area with a desk and chair.

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+20=22 d8+11=12
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 12:03:06 AM

Oh by the gods... Ashira's stomach churns as she watches the heartseeding, threatening at any moment to empty its contents. She hears her own screams over the ones of the children...screams of pain.

We can end this anytime you want...
Just say the word and the pain will stop and Ga'al will bless your wounds...
Why do you struggle so? Do you really think your friends will come for you?! You are dead to them. Only Ga'al loves you, why do you spurn him so?

Pain racks her body, it's hard even to breath. For the briefest of seconds, the stalwart ranger is glued to the floor, paralyzed by her memories...

But then comes the rage. Ashira's face contorts into a mask of rage and vehemence that is horrible to look upon. Without thought, she flies directly toward the nearest priest. "No!! No-one will bow knee to your b****d of a god!! Not this day or any other!"

So consumed by her anger, Ashira's initial attack is poorly aimed and less effective than she would like. (AC22 for 12)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+16=28 d8=8 d10+21=26 d6=5
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 6:40:51 AM

Bart rushes forward as well, aiming at a priest (spring attack, power attack+5), ac 28 for (26+5 shock)

attensence report 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 5:02:47 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Ashira xxxoo
Appolo xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxox
Ari xxxxx

good week of posting people !!!!! lets keep this up as we are still in combat!!!!

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Greater inviso,Haste 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 7:02:20 PM

Eyes going wide in Horror "By Domi......." stammers the dwarf

Frozen for just a moment Nezamil springs into action and steps towards the nearest boys and attempts to knock the heartseeds off their chests then stomp on the writhing seeds.

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso1/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste 0/7 (from Rigging)

( not sure what i need to knock the heartseeds away, let me know and i'll roll whatever is needed _)

>>>> Let's go with base attack + dex bonus for your unarmed attempts at knocking off the heartseeds. Now if you are using a weapon.... you may need to roll to see if you hit the child or not. (oooo this could get ugly)

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  5d4(4+4+4+2+2)+5=21
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 8:47:06 PM

Rigging orders, "Take out the priests first! Then we save the children!" Rigging raises a hand and shoots a magic missile at the farthest priest away. 5 missiles strike into him doing 21 points of damage to him/her.

Rigging will take his movement to pull out a wand of dispel magic

Rigging will message the other allies to find out how they are doing in their battle and tell them to come here after they finish off the quads. They will need to get the kids out.

ooc Kent, can we please get a map. 14 priests!! Yikes.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 8/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+10=27 d8+14=19
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:08:03 PM

Val moves forward after Ashira, striking without hesitation. Surely this was the purest of evil. Inflicting their religion upon children. Val snarls as she brings her warhammer down hard.

ooc: power attack -8/ +8. hit ac 27 for 19

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Fire- 90pts/ 120 min

Appolo Ac 30 HP 77/88 Haste Invsible  d20+14=26 d20+14=18 d20+14=30 d10+6=11 d10+6=12 d8=4 d8=5 d8=7 d8=1 d8=2 d8=5 d8=3 d8=2 d8=5 d8=4 d8=6 d8=4
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:21:02 PM

Appolo follows Ahira and vlanks her opponent backstabbing it 3 times.Hopefully hitting twice.

Attack 26 30 Damage 12 11 Backstab 48

Mykael HP: 59/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Wednesday September 26th, 2007 10:34:57 PM

Having only heard stories of Ga'alian rituals before, his first witnessing of such an event, triggered a steel resolve within his soul.

Using the full ability of the haste, Mykael takes a blurring full run past all the priests, boys, and Wildcards. He takes a route that will ensure he ends where he wants on this round, however, he tries to avoid entering any combat.

Stopping finally at the other end of the room, he takes a stance to block the exit.

'No adult gets away from here.' His form is perfect, eyes of steel resolve, shield and sword up and ready. He will die, before he allows a priest to escape.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Heroism: 1/70 mins
Stoneskin: 1/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 7/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

DM Kent (round 9) 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 6:23:38 AM

Ashira flies into a rage as she sees and hears what is happening. In her haste she misses with her attack. Attacking #1

Appolo follows his standard op and comes in behind in support of Ashira also connecting only once with his attack. Attacking #1

Rigging whips off a quick magic missile aiming for the furthest away priest which is closest to the exit door The missiles strike in their effective way staggering the priest badly. Hit # 10

Val begins to growl and snarl as she weighs into the room and before she knows it she is across the room and battering on a new foe. #3

Bart too flies into the room a look of disgust on his face and finds himself standing over a child the suddenly screms "Help me papa!" Nearly causng him to miss the doughty fighter connects with his attack. Attacking #14.

Mykael truly horrified at the scene around him gets a steely resolve that decides that not one priest is going to escape this room and he charges all the way to the door Full run 100 ft, and plants himself there breathing hard and drawing his blade.

Nez moves quickly into the room horrified at the sight of the heartseed plants crawling towards the gaping chest wounds and decides to try and do something about it. In his haste he nearly forgets about the priest standing there which causes his fist to travel a bit higher than planned. it still connects and with a little resistance and an additional scream from the child the heartseed is knocked to the ground. You are near #2

Ari and Cosmo seems almost overwhelmed by the sight before them and thoughts race through their minds about friends they one had as children and family members that had to go through this and stand frozen where they are.

The priests do not retaliate and have barely registered your presence until the blood starts flowing, due to the suprise of actually being attacked during a ceremony and without warning.

The childrens calls for help truly begin to echo through the room now as they realize that someone other than the priests are in the room with them.

(That was your surprise round)

Priests 1&9 AC 31
Priests 2,3,4,5,14 are AC 26
Priests 6,7,8,10,11,12,13 Are AC 23

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=36 d20+16=34 d20+16=35 d20+11=17 d20+21=32 d20+11=18 d10+11=18 d10+11=17 d10+11=12 d6=4 d6=5 d10+11=21 d6=1 d20+21=27 d10+11=16 d6=6
Thursday September 27th, 2007 12:23:52 PM

The priest are tougher then it seems, Bart launche a series of blows against the priest in front of him trying protect the boy (ac 36 for 18+4, threat crit ac 35 for 17+12+5, miss, haste attack ac 32 for 21+1= tot dam 79) (including last round 101 dammage, i presume #14e is dead, cleave attack on 13 ac 27 for 16+6)

Mykael  d20+16=19 d20+11=18 d20+16=27 d10=6
Thursday September 27th, 2007 6:38:09 PM

(OOC: Not at home, cant cut and paste or access map using a public terminal.)

IC: Mykael makes sure to keep an eye on the exit, both for people entering and those trying to exit.

He does start eliminating priests starting with those closest to the exit, always keeping himself between them and the exit.

He attacks #10
1 hit
AC: 27, 6+4 = 10 dam

Fiendish Apes - 3 total  d20+9=18 d20+9=18 d20+9=24 d6+7=11
Thursday September 27th, 2007 8:00:26 PM

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Cosmo comes out of the shock at what he is seeing. He quickly orders the apes to attack. The apes quickly move forward and attack clerics 4, 5 & 6.

Ape 1 claw attack #4:
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Ape 2 claw attack #5:
Hit AC's 18
Damage 0

Ape 3 claw attack #6:
Hit AC's 24
Damage 11

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+13=23 11d6(4+6+6+1+3+2+4+6+5+6+3)=46
Thursday September 27th, 2007 8:22:40 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 2/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 9/11

Cosmo watches as his apes move out and attack the vile clerics. There are a lot of Clerics in this room. If they get organized they may cause some problems for the Wildcards. Cosmo decides to try out one of his new spells that is specifically designed for situations like this. Cosmo casts the spell Chain Lightning.

Spell: Chain Lightning
Primary target: 6
Secondary targets: 5, 7, 4, 8, 3, 9, 13, 14, 1 & 12
Spell resistance check: 23
Reflex DC: 22 (10 + 6 + 6)
Damage primary target: 46/23
Damage secondary targets: 23/11

Location: P2

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+15=34 d20+10=17 d20+15=25
Thursday September 27th, 2007 9:37:43 PM

As emotions about the horror wash across his face.....Nezamil eyes settle on the priest (#2) next to the boy...... "Your gonna die for this you vile ..........."activating his magical boots...... the dwarf doesn't even finish his sentence as his mace smashes into the ga'alian priest......landing a heavy blow but he fails to finish off the evil priest.

The 5'ft dwarf moves to step between the boy and priest as he attacks the Ga'alian priest

1st swing d20+15=34 hit
2nd swing d20+10=17 missed
3rd swing d20+15= 25 (darn it missed by 1 )

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 1/10 (1 rd used)(boots of speed)

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

[b]everyone in the group has "hide from undead cast upon them from earlier, i noticed only a few have it posted in the header

Val (AC 28, HP 70/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=26 d20+13=28 d20+8=25 d8+6=13 d8+6=14
Thursday September 27th, 2007 9:55:42 PM

Seeing the priest temporarily stunned by her viscious hammer blow, Val brings her hammer back up and down hard again. Her strikes are savage and brutal hoping to hurt the priest before sending him before Gargul.

ooc: 1st attack hit ac 26 for 13, 2nd attack hit ac 28 for 14, 3rd attack miss ac 25

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Fire- 90 pts/ 120 min

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+17=34 d20+17=36 d20+17=18 d20+12=32 d20+12=30 d20+7=23 d20+17=20 d20+8=16 d20+2=6 d8+7=10 d8+7=14 d6+4=9
Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:49:30 PM

Ashira launches into a full attack against cleric 1.

Ashiria hits ac 34 (possible critical hit, then hits ac 36 confirming it for 28 points of damage

She then hits ac 32 (missed critical roll for another 9 points of damage) The rest of her hits fall short but does a total of 37 to cleric 1.

She mutters savagedly, "You will pay for your evil ways you son of a goat!"

(posted by George)

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Thursday September 27th, 2007 10:52:39 PM

Rigging is at a loss of what to do, so he uses his next pearl to retrieve another scorching ray spell. He is getting ready to burn down the lead cleric as soon as he can identify him.

He contacts Swirl and says, "Keep an eye out on our friends. When they are done with combat, find a way to get them here if you have to carry one of them."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 9/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Appolo Ac 30 Hp77/88 Haste invisible  d20+14=34 d20+14=22 d20+14=21 d20+14=19 d20+14=30 d10+6=14 d10+6=7 d6=6 d6=3 d6=2 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=3 d6=4 d6=4 d6=1 d6=3 d6=4
Thursday September 27th, 2007 11:43:07 PM

Appolo sideteps slightly then luanchesa full attack of his own on priest one backstabbing it and hitting twice.

Attack 34 30 Damage 14 7 Backstab 45 points Total 66

DM Kent  d8+4=9 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d20+8=18 4d8(7+4+8+5)=24 d20+8=24 d20+8=19 d20+8=25
Friday September 28th, 2007 6:53:36 AM

Bart cuts poor cleric 14 to ribbons showering the young boy with more blood and body parts. The heartseed now bathing in blood actualy seems to grow several inches in a quick spurt and dives into the chest cavity eliciting a scream from the boy unlike any previously heard. Bart then turns his attention to #13 leaving him wobbly.

Mykael moves slightly to attack #10 and cuts him down easily.

Following Cosmo's directions the Apes close with their targets and are prtty much ineffective scoring only one hit between them.

Cosmo sends off a a bolt of lightening that seems to split apart and go every which way connecting with priest after priest and causing everyone in the room some trepidation when the light show ends several more priests are down and several are not looking to well. Unfortunately as well several of the boys got caught in the blasts as they were being touched by attacked priests.

Nez goes on the offensive against #2 and connects with one strike, and the heart seed begins moving along the floor back toward his intended host.

Val quickly attacks again and this time connects twice causing her opponent to scream in pain.

Apollo and Ashira finish up work on #1 after he was also glancingly hit by the lightening bolt that weaved between the two Wildcards.

Rigging prepares another spell retrieved from his pearl and looks around for might be the lead cleric in the group.


Mykael, having isolated himself finds himself nearly surrounded and is attacked by all four of his new attackers while another seems to have moved farther out of harms way.

AC 22 for a miss
AC 25 for a miss
AC 22 for a miss
AC27 (nat 20) for 9 points

Then from out of seemingly nowhere Mykael feels his sight going dim. Blindness Fort save DC 20, SR 30 or go blind.

Val's opponent takes a five foot step back into the corner and sends a ray of light straight at her. Searing Light - No save SR 18 - for 24 points

#4 & 5 facing the apes also take five foot steps backwards placing their backs against the wall and cast dispel magic spells targetting the apes facing them.

#4 Ape dispel check 24 (cosmo make a dispel check DC 11 + caster level)
#5 Ape dispel check 19 (cosmo make a dispel check DC 11 + caster level)

Nex's opponent also steps backwards and casts a spell and Nez feels his vision begin to fade as well. Blindness - Fort save 18, SR 25

Friday September 28th, 2007 12:30:52 PM

Sorry for my missed post. Weds I had a computer job go longer than anticipated and then worked taxi on both sides of that. So that I was up for about 55 hours before I got some sleep last night.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 33/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement 
Friday September 28th, 2007 12:34:10 PM

Coming out of the shock of being in the presence of heart seeding and the memory it triggered of his own similar heart seeding, Ari comes out of his trance and takes a look around. With all the priests around Ari decides it's time to add something else to his arsenal. Taking out a potion Ari quaffs his potion of displacement.

If there is time he'll tap himself with invisibility.

(OOC) Todd, I will allow Ari to use his last round to drink his potion and this round to make himself invisible.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp77/88 Haste Invisible  d20+14=26 d10=4 d6=4 d6=2 d6=6 d6=1 d6=5 d6=3
Friday September 28th, 2007 7:21:06 PM

Appolo moves silently and quickly to Mykaels aid.He backstabs priest#7 once.

Attack 26 Damage 4+6=10 Backstab 21 Total31

Rigging ac 24 hps 75/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Friday September 28th, 2007 8:30:57 PM

Rigging says, "Take down the clerics and Cosmo and I will start saving the children. We have to move fast!

Appolo, you team with Val! Bart and Ashira help out Mykael! The fool has gotten himself surrounded!

Ari help Nezamil! Gang up and bring them down fast!

Cosmo, get your apes to tie up the rest. Keep them from casting spells! Have them grapple.

Rigging will move towards the child near the dead C1, grab the heartseed and fling it to the floor.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3*, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 10/12

Mykael HP: 59/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+8=13 d20+8=15 d20+8=26 d20+16=27 d20+16=17 d20+11=20 d20+16=31 d10=3 d10=5
Friday September 28th, 2007 10:27:08 PM

Mykael staves off the blindness, (Fort save = 26, burnt two Hero Points).

Mykael tears into #8, then he takes a 5ft step back to block the door.

(ignore the 17... clicked button twice)

1st att: AC 27, Dam 3+4 = 7
2nd att: AC 20, miss
Haste att: AC 31, Dam 5+4 = 9

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Heroism: 1/70 mins
Stoneskin: 1/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 1/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 10/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Val (AC 28, HP 46/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+18=27 d20+13=19 d20+8=27 d8+6=14 d8+6=14
Friday September 28th, 2007 11:42:56 PM

Val growls as the pain wracks her body. She takes a step forward, further cornering the cleric. She smashes him with her hammer yet again.

ooc: hit ac 27 for 14, miss ac 19, hit ac 27 for 14

protection from evil- 11 min
protection from fire- 90pts, 120 min

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 83/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+14=33 d20+15=21 d20+10=30 d20+10=21 d20+15=26 d8+4=11 d8+4=7
Saturday September 29th, 2007 9:32:00 PM

Blinking away the Ga'alian Cleric's spell (d20+14=33 fort save) "heh by Domi ya gonna hafta do better then that " growls Nezamil as he moves to attack.

"We'll see who can see after this " grunts Nezamil as he swings his mace in sweeping arcs.

1st swing d20+15=21 missed
2nd swing d20+10=30 crit hit!! d20+10=21 missed crit hit damage d8+4=11
3rd swing d20+15=26 hit damage d8+4=7 (hasted attack)
total damage =18

"Grrrrr"" this was easier when i was taller " growls Nezamil as the Cleric of Ga'al still stands

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 10/12 (from Rigging)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+21=40 d20+21=30 d10+11=15 d10+11=16 d6=5 d20+16=20 d20+11=16 d20+21=25 d10+11=18 d6=2
Sunday September 30th, 2007 11:05:35 AM

Bart attacks the prioest in front of him (crit ac 30 for 15+16+5) his second and third attack are miss hi last and final attck hits the priest once more ac 25 for 18+2

Fiendish Apes - 2 total  d20+9=11 d20+9=16 d20+4=8 d20+9=26 d20+9=21 d20+4=22 d6+7=10
Sunday September 30th, 2007 9:13:39 PM

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

The 2 remaining apes attack again. Ape #3 joins Ape #2 and attacks Cleric #5.

Ape 1 - dispelled

Ape 2 attacks #5:
Hit AC's 11, 16 & 8
Damage 0

Ape 3 attacks #5:
Hit AC's 26, 21 & 22
Damage 10

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d4+1=3 d4+1=2 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Sunday September 30th, 2007 9:25:08 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
Greater Invisibility: 1/7 rounds (from Rigging)
SM IV: 8/11

Cosmo wonders if magic missile might help kill these heartseeds off. Doesn't hurt to try. Cosmo casts the spell hitting the heartseeds of 6, 5, 7, 4 & 8.

Damage 3, 2, 5, 5 & 3

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 60/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+14=26 d8+7=12
Monday October 1st, 2007 12:59:57 AM

Ashira hears her husband's instructions and nods at Mykeal's brave but dangerous situation and moves forward to attack as well. She charges to cleric 12 and hacks into him hitting ac 26 for 12 points of damage. She enjoys watching Ga'alian priest blood flow.

Posted by George

DM Kent  d100=8 d8+10=15 d20+10=27 d20+10=23 4d8(4+7+5+8)+7=31 d20+7=24 d20+7=25 3d8(4+4+3)+5=16 d20+5=19 10d6(6+1+6+5+4+1+4+1+1+6)=36 d20+10=27 4d8(6+5+6+1)+7=25 d20+7=19
Monday October 1st, 2007 7:27:54 PM

Having drunk his potion Ari takes out his wand and gives himself a charge becoming a displaced invisible troglodyte.

Apollo moves and backstabs #7 dropping the cleric to the floor.

Thinking about what might be going on with swirl, Rigging moves forward to remove a heartseed from a child's chest and grabs hold and gives it a tug. The child screams and the heartseed seems to be somehow attached to the child. It is about that time that he hears a close response from Swirl. Boss they're still fighting at the back door facing two quads and four priests. It was looking kind of bad for our guys and then the reinforcments you sent from the front arrived. There are several down from each group and it looks like we have the upper hand, but they may be tied up a while.

Mykael drops #8 and steps back toward the door.

Val steps forward and drops her foe with two well placed shots.

Nez begins mace lessons with unwilling pupil and causes a bit of damage, but his opponent yet stands firmly infront of him.

Bart quickly drops his opponent and begins looking around for his next victim.

The two remaining apes join forces against #5 and combine for a total of one hit.

Cosmo decides to try something a little out of the box and sends a barrage of magic missiles streaking across the room targeting several of the small heartseed plants. What he sees is somewat promising and a touch horrifying as well. With heartseeds 6,5 & 7 the missiles go streaking connect with their target and are destroyed. However with 4 & 8 the missiles connect and the children scream in anguish as the heartseed is destroyed and they begin to bleed out faster than before.

Ashir also rushes to Mykael's aid and smashes into #12 nearly cutting him in half with her stroke.


Seeing that he is currently left without an opponent after his ape was dispelled,#4 begins casting a spell. Inflict light wounds mass - Both Apes, Val, Rigging, Bart, Nez, and Ari take 15 points damage, Will save DC 22 for 8 points, SR 27 negates

Once again Nez's opponent casts a spell, reaching out and touching the dwarf. Touch attack AC 23 - inflict critical wounds - 31 points, will save DC 20 for 16 points, SR 24 negates the cleric then takes a five foot step backwards.

Momentarily witout an opponent, but seeing the writing on the wall cleric 11 too casts a spell and steps forward and touches Ashira. Touch attack AC 25 - Inflict serious wounds - 16 points Will DC 17 for 8 points SR 19 negates

Watching things from the corner Cleric 1 again cast a spell and this time a column of fire engulfs the northern end of the room catching Mykael, Apollo and Ashira in it. Flame strike - 18 points fire damage - Reflex DC 22 for 9 points + 18 points unholy damage. SR 27 negates

Now faced with a couple of apes #5 reaches out and touches Ape 3 with a spell. Inflict critical wounds 25 points, Will save DC 18 for half, SR 19 negates.

Val (AC 28, HP 38/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+9=28
Monday October 1st, 2007 10:10:47 PM

Val grits her teeth as the wave of pain washes unexpectedly through her body. She was trying to restrain herself because of the children but with priests throwing down holy fire they were the biggest threat. Val hooks her warhammer on her belt and draws her bow.

ooc: protection from evil 11 min, protection from fire 90pts/ 120 min

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 18/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement  d20+8=12 d20+9=26 d20+9=14 d20+4=7 d20+10=17 2d6(5+3)=8 d6+3=8 d6+3=4 d6=1
Monday October 1st, 2007 11:37:22 PM

gritting his teeth in pain, Ari moves over to help Nez.

AC 26 (non crit with AC 14) 8+8(evil)=16 pts
AC 7
AC 17 4+1(fire)=5

(sorry for quick post. Last post before heading to Peru. Back on the 13th. No volunteers that I saw).

Rigging ac 24 hps 67/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+11=29 d20+10=17 d20+10=15 d20+10=16 4d6(3+4+6+4)=17 4d6(1+6+5+4)=16 4d6(1+4+3+5)=13
Monday October 1st, 2007 11:49:28 PM

Rigging grunts in pain as he sees wounds open up on his body. He looks sadly down at the boy who the heartseed has taken hold of. "I am sorry my lad. I am sorry we were to late for you."

Rigging will move to G11 and cast a scorching ray at cleric 9 hitting touch acs 17,15,16
first ray does 17 points, second does 16 and third does 13 for a total of 46 points of damage. No save

"Hurry up, we need to finish them off before we see more reinforcements. You can bet the girls are going through the same thing on the other side."

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3*, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 11/12

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 75/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+11=23 d20+17=36 d20+11=24 d20+17=21 d20+15=22 d20+10=30 d20+10=13 d20+15=35 d20+15=33 d8+4=7 d8+4=11 d8+4=8
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 12:41:19 AM

Grimacing as the inflicted pain overcomes his magical resitance (SR-27=d20+11=23 fail)the dwarf grits his teeth and shakes off part of the pain (will save d20+17=36 made !!)

"Some powerful magic here " growls Nezamil

Feeling another wave of pain crash againist him .....but feels his magical resistance hold (SR-20=d20+11=24 made !!!)(will save d20+7=21 made)

"Where do ya think your trotting off to " barks Nezamil at the Ga'alian cleric stepping away

Stepping towards the Cleric of Ga'al to close for another attack

The dwarfs heavy mace misses wide at 1st but he quickly corrects and lands two smashing blows on the Cleric of Ga'al

1st swing d20+15=22 missed
2nd swing d20+10=30 crit hit!! d20+10=13 missed crit damage 1d8+4=7
3rd swing hasted d20+15=35 crit hit !! d20+15=33 crit made !! damage d8+4=11 damage d8+4=8 total 19
total damge = 26

"Don't count ya heartseeds just yet " growls Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 9/12 (from Rigging)

Bart Ac 30 Hp 68/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+16=28 d10+21=25 d6=2
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 3:05:01 AM

Bart makes a spring attack towards priest #4 (power attak+5) (ac 28 for 25+2)

Fiendish Apes - 2 total  d20+2=20 d20+2=14 d20+2=17 d20+9=26 d20+9=14 d20+4=20 d6+7=12
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:26:29 PM

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's -/37, 22/37 & -/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Will save Ape #2 - 20
Will save Ape #3 - 14 & 17

The last ape attacks cleric #5

Ape 1 - dispelled

Ape 2 attacks #5:
Hit AC's 26, 14 & 20
Damage 12

Ape 3 - dead

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:42:38 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 7/11

Hmm Cosmo thinks as he sees the magic missiles have their desired effect and a side effect he does not like. He uses the Wand of SM IV this round summoning a Lantern Archon.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 1)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp 77/88 Haste Invisible  d20+18=27 d20+14=22 d10+6=7 d6=1 d6=2 d6=5 d6=5 d6=4 d6=5
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:52:38 PM

Appolo dances through the vlames unscathed and makes a beeline for Priest one.Going invisible and running silent he sidesteps flanks and backstabs Priest one

Attack 22 Damage 7 Backstab 22 Total 29

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 52/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+9=24 d20+17=24 d20+17=24 d20+12=32 d20+12=14 d20+7=22 d20+17=37 d20+17=30 d20+8=22 d20-2=3 d8+7=12 d8+7=15 d8+7=9 d6+4=9 d6+4=9
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 7:53:01 PM

Ashira winces in pain but is able to shake off some of the damage from the cleric 11's evil spell. save 24

Ashira says to Appolo, "Go take out that priest! I will finish playing with these scum.

She attacks C12 first while he is in front of her. If C12 falls, then she shifts to C7. If C7 falls, then she shifts to C11

AC 24 hit 12 points of damage
AC 24 hit 15 points of damage
AC 32 hit missed critical 9 points of damage
AC 14 miss
AC 22 miss
AC 37 hit made critical with ac 30 18 points of damage
AC 22 miss
AC 3 miss

posted by George

Mykael HP: 23/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste)  d20+13=15 d20+16=20 d20+11=13 d20+16=29 d10=7
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 8:39:53 PM

Refusing to move from protecting the exit, Mykael takes the full brunt of the priests dastardly spell. (Reflex save = 15)

Mykael assualts priest #11.

(dice roller sucks)

Att 1 & 2 miss

Haste Att: AC 29, for 7+4 = 11 dam

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 11/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

DM Kent (round 12)  d20+10=24 d20+13=30 3d6(1+6+2)+13=22 4d8(8+4+6+4)+7=29 d8+10=18
Tuesday October 2nd, 2007 10:45:20 PM

Val puts her hammer away and draws her bow looking forward to placing a few well aimed arrows in some Ga'alian Priest.

Ari moves up in support of Nez and conects once momentarily flashing into a blurred version of himself.

Rigging moves forward and targeting what he believes is the head cleric in the room sends three rays of scorching fire at him. but when the smoke clears he is still standing as he cant beat Riggin's Spell resistace (please roll spell resistance rolls in future. I rolled for you this time, darn it SR 30.)

Nez steps forward and drops his and Ari's opponent.

Bart springs forward with a mighty strike and connects solidly with his blow.

The final ape continues his assault and does a bit more damage to his foe.

Cosmo begins casting with his wands and waits for the arrival of his next creature.

Mykael and Ashira finish the job on the remaining priests in their area. While Apollo goes dancing around after his newest foe connecting once.


A cold chilling voice comes from priest 9 as Apollo strikes him. "I see you little thief and so now you must die! As he finishes speaking he points his finger at Apollo and Apollo feels like a cold hand is reaching into his chest and grabbing hold of his heart. Finger of Death - Fortiude DC 22 or die, save for 22 points damage,

#5 reaches forward and touches the ape again Inflict critical wounds 29 points, Will save DC 18 for half, SR 19 negates

#4 again casts and black negative energy begins spreading out from him engulfing Rigging, Ari, Val, Nez, Bart and the Ape. Inflict light wounds mass - 18 points damage, Will save DC 22 for 9 points, SR 25 negates

George  d20+14=32
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 8:42:02 AM

Kent, Not sure you rolled Rigging spell resistance right. D20 +12 (level) +2 for spell penetration. I didn't realize we needed to roll it. Do you want us to always roll for spell resistance as a standard course?

I rolled a 32 if you want to use it. By the way, that is a crazy spell resistance to have to beat! Almost need natural 20's!

Why do we have Ari's character sheet attached to the map? Do you need someone to play him?

>>>>>I actually had only given d20 +13 but as I rolled a 30 for him vs my 25 there is no issue. But yes it would be best to start rolling SR as a normal thing at this level.

Val (AC 28, HP 29/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+9=25 d20+19=33 d20+14=30 d20+9=24 d8+5=10 d6=1 d8+5=11 d6=5 d8+5=9 d6=5
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:34:50 AM

Val grimmaces as the wave of pain washes over her once more. Val draws her arrows and send the flaming death right at that evil cleric (#4)

ooc: will save 25. 1st attack ac 33 for 10 normal and 1 fire. 2nd attack ac 30 for 11 normal and 5 fire, 3rd attack ac 24 for 9 normal and 5 fire.

arrows used: 3
protection from evil- 11 min
protection from fire- 120 min- 90 points.

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:04:23 AM

Please submit the posting report for last week and email me a copy please. Ceil says 3 weeks in a row now we've forgotten. Not sure about that. Please email me Kent if you think we have a problem with the reports. ;)

No worries. Hope you're having fun sacking the temple!

Bart Ac 30 Hp 59/95 Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste  d20+9=24 d20+21=32 d20+16=31 d20+11=30 d20+21=41 d20+21=36 d20+21=29 d10+11=13 d6=3 d10+11=21 d6=2 d10+11=14 d6=6 d10+11=17 d10+11=17 d6=2 d10+11=14 d6=4
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 12:39:50 PM

luckily bart prevents most of the dammage from the spel. Bart attacks the priest in fornt of him and is ready to make a cleave attack (at#5) if the priest he is fighting against is dead and another one is nearby, (ac 32 for 13+3, ac 31 for 21+2, crit ac 31 for 14+17+6 haste ac 36 for 17+2 (total 95 dam) cleave ac 29 for 14+4)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 66/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead,Haste  d20+17=23 d20+11=12
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 7:24:08 PM

As the priest falls in front of of Nezamil quickly turns and surveys and assess his fellow wildcards.

Feeling his body wracked by pain Nezamil barely shakes off some of the magical pain (will save d20+17=23 phew!! )(d20+11=12 SR)

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.....good everyone is still standing " mutters the dwarf

His head swinging back and forth between Val and Ari " hmm... Ari follow me " growls the dwarf as he heads toward Val pulling out a scroll as he goes .....stepping Next(Move to O-15) to the Elven warrior Nezamil quickly intones Domi's words " heal this warrior of courage " prays the Cleric of Domi (scroll of Heal)as the Divine power leaves the scrool and infuses Val

Cured Val 110 pts !!!)

"that should make ya feel better " growls Nezamil to Val

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Haste 8/12 (from Rigging)

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 9/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement  d20+10=30
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 7:38:20 PM

Continuing to Grimace as waves of magical pain crash over him.....Ari fights off this lastest attack (Will save d20+10=30 !!made it)with Nezamil's Aura of Domi (magic circle gets +2 to saves vs evil)(Ari gets +8 himself and Nez's help gets +2 more )

Following the dwarfs advice the multi talented Wildcard moves(Moves to n-14) after Nezamil "Right behind you" as he watches the dwarven Ccleric heal Val "Hope i'm next " whispers Ari to himself with envy

(Posted by adm Chris)(George i needed Ari's sheet to play him )

Appolo Ac 30 Hp55' /88 Haste  d20+8=27 d20+14=30 d20+14=24 d20+14=22 d20+14=33 d10+6=15 d8+6=13 d10+6=16 d8+6=8 d6=6
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 8:23:03 PM

Appolo shakes fights of the speel and unleashes afull attack on Priest 9.Appolo does so with outa word fighting in almost total silence.A reuely emotionly shark like look in his a eyeas he slice into 9.

Attack 30 24 22 33 Critical hit Damage 15, 13x2=26, 16,6 Shock Damage 6 Total 71

Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 8:54:48 PM

attendence report

Dm Kent xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxxx
Ari xxxox

great week of posting people !!!!! lets keep this up as we are still in combat!!!!

Fiendish Apes - 0 left 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:01:23 PM

Ape 1 - dispelled

Ape 2 - dead

Ape 3 - dead

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d8+3=7
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:09:25 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 6/11
SM IV: 7/7 (from wand)

Cosmo directs the Lantern Archon, "Go start casting aid spell on them."

The Lantern Archon moves to the nearest child and casts Aid spell for 7.

Cosmo uses the wand again to summon another Lantern Archon.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Mykael HP: 23/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead, Haste) 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 10:15:35 PM

Seeing that the other priests seem to be getting taken care of, Mykael finally turns his attention to the boys.

He looks for any heartseeds that havent taken root yet and for any boys still alive that dont have a heartseed attached to them.

He will try and prevent any heartseeds from gaining a hold, if they dont already. And he will use healing skill to help boys that havent been heartseeded.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Haste (from Rigging): 12/12 rnds

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Ashira (AC31 (33vs. Evil), 43/120HP) Protection from Fire, Barkskin +2, Haste, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, Airwalk, Fly  d20+9=23 d20+19=32 d8+7=10
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:35:40 PM

Ashira again shakes off the spell ignoring the minor pain that it still causes. (will save 23) Ashira moves to B17 either by flying or the haste spell and slashes Cleric 9 who is causing so much pain.

She hits ac 32 for 10 points of damage anticipating the storm of blows coming next round

Rigging ac 24 hps 49/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2  d20+11=16 d20+10=22 d20+10=16 d20+10=28 d20+14=25 4d6(1+6+2+5)=14 4d6(6+4+1+3)=14 4d6(5+4+6+1)=16
Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 11:46:23 PM

Rigging is wracked in pain failing his saving throw and watching wounds open up all along his body. Will save 16

He has had enough of this pesky cleric and raises his arm again summoning his scorching ray spell. He then holds his attack as he sees Bart slice and dice him and switches targets to cleric 4. spell resistance 25

first ray hits tac 22, second tac 16 and 3rd hits tac 28 doing a total of 44 points of damage.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3***, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste*, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

All have haste 12/12

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent (round 13) 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 7:15:59 AM

Val's well timed and placed arrows drops # 4 a spell already on his lips which will never now come into being.

Bart is just ready to put a hurting on #4 when he suddenly becomes a pincushion with Val's arrows. A bit awkwardly he shifts focus to #5 and connects several times there dropping him in his tracks.

Nez pushes past the wracking pain to overcoe it and takes a look around at his fellow Cards,noting with relief that at least presently all were still standing. Seeing Val struggle to pull her bowstring back he sends healing her way, and suddenly her arrows fly straight and true imbedding themselves in her target.

Ari unseen and dislocated, limps over nearer to Nez and whispers that he was close.

(Chris, Wasn't Ari's sheet attached to the last map I sent?)

Apollo manages to hold off the cold hand wrapped around his heart and without saying a word methodically chops into #9, who with a very shocked look on his face slides to the floor dead.

Rigging tired of watching his friends being hurt focuses in on #4, but watches Val's arrows drop him, shifting focus again to #5, he watches as Bart who had been about to attack #4, shift gears and drop #5 in his tracks, smiling to himself, if just a little bit for a moment, Rigging once again shifts foocus and gets ready to target #9 when he sees Apollo flash in to being and do his thing and #9 slides to the ground. Seeing that his spell is not needed he holds it for later and gets down to the business of getting some people healed.

Ashira also sees that this battle is currently over and relaxes for just a moment and then she starts hurting for real as the adrenaline starts leaving.

Mykael hurriedly begins going after heartseeds and finds that most of the remaining children can be saved.

combat currently over
Cosmo instructs his new friend to start aiding the children and it does so quickly and effectively.

Thursday October 4th, 2007 3:32:28 PM

Hmm could use soem healing now, but see what i can do for those boys first. If there are any hartseeds bart slices them in two with his sword.

Thursday October 4th, 2007 4:04:12 PM

Haste spell officially over! Whoever had it from Rigging it is done now.

Rigging will say, "Quickly help the boys who can be saved. Rigging will rush up to a child with a heartseed on his chest and try to take it off him without causing to much damage.

Nezamil, Do you have a cure light wand? Maybe you can give each boy a hit when we pull them off. Any we can't get the heartseeds off, need to be restrained since they are Ga'al's creatures now."

Rigging will reach out to Swirl and tell him, "We are through the first group of clerics. So far so good. How are our friends making out? Will they be able to get here soon?"

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  d8+11=18
Thursday October 4th, 2007 8:21:38 PM

Nodding as the Ga'alian Clerics fall to their attacks the dwarf withdraws another scroll.

"I don't have light cure but one that is slightly stronger "responds Nezamil " i cando some minor cures also.....but let me just do some healing for all us Wildcards " as he waves the scroll at Rigging

"Domi heal these brave souls " prays Nezamil as he releases the pent up magic on the scroll

d8+11=18 cured to everyone in the group

The 5'ft dwarf will do his best to make sure none of the children's haertseeds take root...squashing the heartseeds whenever possible "vile things" grimaces the Cleric of Domi "also touching any child with a minor cure (1 pt) who needs it

"How much time to we have Captain ???.....they undoubtedly will send reinforcements "

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

( Kent - yup i got Ari's character sheet ....thanks )

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 27/80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 8:45:41 PM

Acting quickly as he feels the healing magic soak his body....Ari will move to help the children......dispatching the heartseeds with zeal.

Anger in his voice " this could of been us a few years ago " remarks Ari " hopefully this is the beginning of the end for this forced practice "

"Rigging i have an idea that might help confuse them in our next attack......i have a disguise spell and both Val and Ashira have disguise ability from their hats ......perhaps we could impersonate Cclerics of Ga'al in the intial attack next time just to buy us a moment....what do you think ???.....the magic is easily dismissable so we won't couse friendly fire damage "

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic
1-level wiz
comprehend Languages - used
Protection from Evil
Spider Climb (spell mastery)
True Strike
1-level Ranger
2-level wiz
Alter Self - used
Resist Energy
Locate Object
3-level (3)
Dispel Magic
Suggestion X 2

(posted by adm Chris)

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 8:50:02 PM

"Thanks Nez. I was getting a bit light headed from the blood loss. Is there anything that can be done for these kids?"

ooc: protection from fore 90pts/ 120 min
Arrows Used: 3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d8+3=6 d8+3=7
Thursday October 4th, 2007 9:17:31 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 5/11
SM IV: 6/7 (from wand)

Cosmo directs the new Lantern Archon to cast Aid spell like his brethren, "Go start casting aid spell on them."

The 2 Lantern Archons cast Aid spell for 6 and 7.

Cosmo holds his ground. Waiting for instruction or for more enemies.

Location: P2 with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Ashira (sub George) 61/120 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 10:47:07 PM

Ashira also feels better with the healing but is definitely still battered looking. She also scrambles to pull off the heartseeds of the children left in the room.

DM Kent (rd 14) 
Thursday October 4th, 2007 11:28:46 PM

The party goes to town getting rid of the last heart seeds and are successful with the exception of two boys, whose heart seeds had made their way to the chest cavity and latched on to the heart. With the Lantern's aid spells and Nez's use of the scroll which takes His meaning literally and actually heals a couple of the boys as well as the group.

There are 9 boys total 2 with heartseeds whose wounds actually are nearly healed already due to the heart seeds efficacy. So currently there are 3 boys who could use some permanent healing but are currently stable with temporary hit points from the Lanterns.

About this time Rigging hears from Swirl again and the contact is much closer than he expected. "Hey Boss, The boys won and are on their way. They should be with you in a few moments.

Bart Ac 30 Hp 77/95 
Friday October 5th, 2007 1:13:51 PM

Is there anything else we can do here or dow go to the nest room? I can use a bit more healing

Friday October 5th, 2007 6:44:56 PM

Rigging is sad that they lost a few children but this city is filled with heartseeded people and a few more wouldn't sway the balance.

"Our allies are coming according to Swirl. I want them to take all the children out of here. We then need to come to what we want to do next. I have a feeling that the main temple is going to be well guarded. If we attack there next, I doubt any of the girls will be savable from the heartseeds. So here our our options...1 we can go out into the main temple and fight, losing the girls but killing off more priests and hopefully bring the temple down. Or our second choice is to cast another passwall through the outside wall and redo this battle. It might take to many resourse for us to then succeed against the bigwigs. What are your thoughts. I do have a prying eyes spell on a scroll I can cast to check out what we would be facing but it could summon the bad guys as well. I have to admit I am surprised we aren't be attacked already. Must be thick sound proof walls. I guess that makes sense with all the screaming."

Mykael HP: 23/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Friday October 5th, 2007 6:48:05 PM

"Stabalize the boys, and move in and down. I know the girls are in the same situation as these boys were, but we dont know if we have the time and strength to try and save them and still handle our number one objective. As much as it pains me to think it, but I dont think we have the power to do both. We have already depleted many spells and healing."

Mykael begins searching and collecting loot from the fallen priests and the room as quickly as he can, while the group desides on a course of action.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Appolo Hp75/88 
Friday October 5th, 2007 7:43:51 PM

Appolo steps forth"Yes we need to move on to our main objective.Our new allies can get the boys out of here and come back for the girls if they wish.If our imformation is correct.Once we succeed,heartseeds will be useless anyways and thr priests will loose thier contact with G'aal and there for temporily loose any magic or power that they derive from him.So let's move on to a our main objective we can mop up later."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  d8+11=19
Friday October 5th, 2007 8:53:28 PM

"Captain i think we should move quickly.... let's not let up on our attack.... i'd rather attack then defend a position"

"As for healing we can take a moment to cure us up......i have a wand of cure that someone can activate while i cast spells.....this way we can heal up faster......Ashira can activate the wand but can anyone else......Ari ??" questions Nezamil

Sizing up the wounded the dwarven Cleric withdraws yet another scroll "this should bring everyone close to peel health "

Waiting till their new friends join them Nezamil will release the scrolls healing magic "Domi heal all of these people of courage" prays Nezamil(scroll of cure light mass)(1d8+11=19 pts)

(cured 19 pts to Bart Ari Appolo Rigging Mykael Ashira and 5 of our friends the arrive )

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 46/80  2d8(2+1)+5=8 2d8(8+5)+5=18
Friday October 5th, 2007 8:59:48 PM

"yeah i can activate the wand .....let me see it " responds the multi talented human

After recieving the CMW wand from Nezamil Ari will tap himself first then walk over to Ashira and quickly tap her on her arm

Feeling slightly better Ari looks to the new arrivals to see if he can heal them also

Ari - 2d8(2+1)+5=8
Ashira - 2d8(8+5)+5=18 !!

"Maybe we should have them help us in this attack ?? " inquires Ari "we can overwhelm them "

(posted by adm Chris)

Hit point totals 
Friday October 5th, 2007 9:04:20 PM

Rigging 80/80
Ashira 120/100
Mykael 65/60
Cosmo 63/63
Appolo 88/88
Ari 80/56
Bart 95/95
Val 136/136
Nezamil 92/84

Kent this is the count i have of eberyone's Hit pts after the last 2 rds of cures , if you have any questions let me know

(adm Chris)

everyone peek above to see current health info.....very important

DM Kent (rounds 15 & 16) 
Friday October 5th, 2007 10:23:35 PM

Opinons are said, options are weighed, plans and decisions are yet to be made. Some healing is done and as Nez casts his spell the remainer of the four assistance groups come pouring through the passwall tunnel. Poison seems to have lost a member but their leader and the others have smiles on their faces even with their numerous injuries. The Flames seems to have perhaps had the worst luck of the groups as only their leader and one other member seems to still be with the group. Of the Defilers and the Saints they appear to have joined forces and created quite a fomidable group and seem to have take the leadership of the rag tag squadron.

There is the tunnel you made to get in that would lead you to the front door, and there is the door that Mykael was trying so hard to not let anyone to escape through.

Mykael finds that the priests' swords all look pretty nice and apparently they each had three potions on them, but other than that there does not seem to be a whole lot of stuff aon them, but they arepriests and perhaps they took vows of poverty.

Mykael HP: 60/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Friday October 5th, 2007 11:49:18 PM

"While we pause for a minute, I suggest that someone run out and loot the quads we killed, perhaps more than one to make it fast."

"Rigging, I still think we should have some of our help dress up like quads and take the posts of the guards. This could keep our actions hidden longer. Once there is clearly going to be trouble they will be able to alert us through your spell and retreat into the safety of the night. While they are posing, they can disable that alarm bell for good, by taking the clacker out under the safety of the silence spell."

Mykael will take a quick look at all the potions, using the combined skill of his alchemy and brewing potions. He figures that each priest has the same group of potions, but does some checking to be sure, along with trying to discern what the potions may be.

OOC: 12 priests total? so 12 swords and 36 potions?

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Saturday October 6th, 2007 10:08:10 PM

"Not a bad idea. They can pose as a quad or two and the others can remain hidden for when they are discovered. Soon our actions will be discovered. It is inevitable."

ooc: protection from fore 90pts/ 120 min
Arrows Used: 3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95/95 
Sunday October 7th, 2007 4:16:13 AM

Maybe our allys can go to the girls room if we go into the main hall. The allys can also loot the squads lets push forward

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Sunday October 7th, 2007 10:59:15 PM

"We need to free the girls. We can't leave them to these evil clerics. Maybe a couple of us can go to that side as the rest push forward."

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead  2d8(6+2)+5=13
Monday October 8th, 2007 7:19:10 PM

Seeing most of the group is feeling healthy again the dwarf steps over to Ashira and fishes out a wand .....quickly tapping the sea elf with it she feels more of Ddomi's healing touch

(2d8(6+2)+5=13 cured to Ashira 113/120

Turning to the newly arrived friends " can i assit any of you in healing ?" asks the Cleric of Domi

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 54/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), invisibiilty (?), Silence (?), fly(?), displacement  2d8(1+2)+5=8
Monday October 8th, 2007 7:25:00 PM

Copying Nezamil Ari uses his wand to tap himself (2d8(1+2)+5=8 cured) and feels slightly better.

"Nez must have a better touch with this thing" wonders Ari to himself

Ari joins in with Nezamil to assit any of the four friendly groups in healing with the wand

(posted by adm Chris)

attendence report 
Monday October 8th, 2007 7:38:22 PM

Dm Kent xxoxxso
Rigging xoxxx
Ashira oxxxo
Appolo oxxox
Val xoxxxs
Bart oxoxxos
Nezamil xoxxxs
Mykael oxxo2s
Cosmo oxxxoos
Ari 2oxxx

posting on Monday hoping to avoid Ceil's wrath ;-)

(AtABoy - I Like you now. Adm Ceil

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Monday October 8th, 2007 8:38:50 PM

Rigging says to the allies, "We need you to lead these children to safety. Can one or two of you do this? We could still use your help but the next part of the attack is going to get even more dangerous and I can't ask you to keep with us. You have done more than your share already and you have my graditude. If you decide to go, could you quickly drag the bodies of the quads we killed into this room? I can do a quick detect magic spell and maybe we can find something useful."

Rigging will then say, "I agree, we must have the strength to destroy the leaders of the temple and kill the heartseed plant. If we save a few tonight, but fail, we are dooming countless more in the future.

I like the idea of getting the fighters close using the robes of the priests and spells but the drawback is we won't be able to hit them with mass spells and not get them too."

Rigging stops for a second and then says, "Maybe we can weaken them further. Ashria with your hat, you can take the form of one of the priests and try and summon more of the guards to this room. We can lay an ambush and try to overwhelm a few while they get organized. We can make some quick barriers to slow them down and put Appolo in position to hit some of those vital points he is so good at. Then we can make a quick dash into the main room and get into the real battle. At least we can fight some of them on our terms first. What do you think?

Rigging will also take the time to use his third level pearl of power to get his haste spell back.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

DM Kent 
Monday October 8th, 2007 9:27:00 PM

Jordy looks around at the remainder of his group Acid, and the others that have joined in the fight and nods at Rigging's request.

"I will send Joel and Julie back out with the boys and they will then make sure they get to their homes or somewhere safe. After that they may return if they wish to. I myself do not plan on leaving this temple again, until it is falling or burning to the ground though. I would like to resuce the girls, if for no other reason than that Wynd would want me to, though if you decide to do otherwise we can try to do that while you take care of the rest."

Darain - OOC 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 2:10:01 AM

Did Mykael learn anything about the potions?

OOPs sorry > Each Priest had a bright bllue potion, a pale green potion and an angry looking red and black mixed potion. He is fairly confident that the blue potion is of a healing variety.

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 12:58:29 PM

"We have to save the girls too. We don't have time to wait. Surely the are being seeded at this very moment. We need to move now."

ooc: protection from energy- fire- 90 pts/ 120 min

arrows used: 3

Tuesday October 9th, 2007 4:44:29 PM

Appolo just shrugs"Whatever we do.It has to be done now,just remember we don't have enough strength to fight to many major battles like the one's we just fought.I vot we head downs tairs straight to our targets destroy the hearseed plant and the heartseeds and hopefully cut G'aal's heart out."

DM Kent (Round 18) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2007 10:17:32 PM

The two chosen by Jordy begin herding the boys out the tunnel while the rest turn to Rigging and other Wildcards looking for their marching orders. There seems to be some debate on their next move and the choices seem to be, save the girls, hit the santuary/temple/alter/main room or head directly below and go ofter the heartseed plants and the heart of Ga'al.

Wednesday October 10th, 2007 1:14:39 AM

Let us see if we can lure some of them in here

Mykael HP: 60/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:32:36 AM

Mykael hands out one blue potion to everyone in the party and takes one for himself. He then gives the extra 3 blue potions to Nezamil.

"I am pretty certain these are healing, however, until we test one, we wont know for sure or how strong they are."

Mykael puts the other 24 potions in his pack and bundles up the swords for easy carrying.

If Rigging does cast a 'Detect Magic' spell, to look at the loot from the fallen quads, then Mykael will show him the swords also for inspection.

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 6:55:20 AM

Val starts to pace quietly as her patience is reaching its limit. They had to move and move now. If it wasn't feasible to save the girls now they still needed to do something.

ooc: protection from energy- fire- 90pts/ 120 min

arrows used: 3

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, message x2 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:34:55 PM

Rigging nods at Val's impatience and says, "Your right, time to move forward. Let's see if we can lure a quad in. Val, Bart and Appolo, I want you by the door. Ashira, change into one of the priests, and try to get some visitors for us. We take them out quickly and then start are main attack on the alter room."

Rigging will wait a few moments and then motion Ashira to go forward.

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Ashira 120/120 Posted by Sub George  2d8(5+5)+3=13 d20+12=27
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 2:40:55 PM

Ashira gratefully accepts Nezamil's healing and then gets herself totally heathly by sucking down a potion of moderate healing.

She takes a good look at one of the underpriests memorizing his features, robes and then using the hat of disguise, changes her appearance to his. She does a quick glance around to make sure everyone is ready and then moves over to the door, opens it and steps out with a frantic look on her face.

Looking around to take in the scene, (spot check 27) she looks at someone and beckons for them to hurry. In a deep male voice, she says, "Hurry, we need some help in here!" and then darts back into the room leaving the door slightly open.

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88 Invisible Haste 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 6:35:13 PM

Appolo nods and goes invisible.He takes up position near the near and will backstab the last quad meber to enter the room.

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 65/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), fly(?), displacement  2d8(1+5)+5=11
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 8:20:12 PM

While waiting for their next move Ari taps himself with the wand again (2d8(1+5)+5=11 cured)and watches as it's glow fades and knows its magic is gone .

Dropping it to the ground he moves forward drawing his short sword as he goes and stands by a fallen priest of Ga'al .....quickly withdrawing a potion out of his pouch and holding it in his left hand.

Readying himself to wave his weapon and draw attention to himself when the Ga'alians storm into the room so his fellow Wildcards by the door can hopefully surprise the enemy.

Sword in his right vial in his left "ok...ok...plan is once they enter i wave and get myself noticed......then once they see me i'll drink my potion of displacement" mutters Ari to himself as he sets about his first moves of the coming fight

(posted by adm Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer 
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 8:40:41 PM

The dwarf moves towards the door on the right side but not all the way to it.

"we'll hit dem from all sides " whispers Nezamil to Ari as he passes him " may Domi grant you courage " nodding at the humans selfless and brave move to put himself in danger to help their attack

Drawing forth a scroll Nezamil starts to intones it's magic but holds it for the first sigh of the Ga'alian's falling for their ruse readied action-scroll of Prayer

Waving the Saints and Defilers over to him " form a fighting wall here with me .... we'll crush them between us and our friends awaiting to ambush the Ga'alians whispers Nezamil

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 11/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl

(Prayer gives +1 on attack, damage, skill, saves to everyone ...important to read this ... it's a readied action so any attacks you can add this immediately !!)

DM Kent  d20+9=11 d20+6=10 d20+6=9 d20+6=8 d20+6=9
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 9:42:52 PM

Assuming her new form, Ashira frantically opens the door and calls out to the quad and priest that are patiently standing guard.

"Hurry, we need some help in here!"

and she then turns quickly darting back inside as if to defend herself or some such.

Without even thinking about why the inside priests didn't use the alarm bellpull by the door or anything else DC 11, DC 10,9,8,9 they pull their weapons and rush in to the room a good 10-15 feet before they stop and look around finally noticing the dead priests and children lying around.

***Surprise round***

Val (AC 26, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire)  d20+14=28 d20+14=33 d20+9=27 d20+4=13 d8+5=12 d6=3 d8+5=11 d6=2 d8+5=6 d6=6
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 10:00:39 PM

Val had taken a spot in front of the door where she could fire away with her bow. With the close quarters all they could do is move right toward the others. She takes aim on the first through the door, bowstring thrumming away.

ooc: using rapid shot. first attack hit ac 28 for 12 normal and 3 fire. second attack hit ac 33 for 11 normal and 2 fire. third attack hit ac 27 for 6 normal and 6 fire. fourth attack misses ac 13

arrows used: 7
Missed Shots: 1

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+2=13 d20+2=15 d6=5 d6=5
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 10:00:49 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours
SM IV: 3/7 (from wand)
SM IV: 4/7 (from wand)

"Attack them," Lang says to the lantern Archons as the guards enter the room. The two lantern Archons move into position, about 25' away from the enemy, up in the air and start blasting away with their light rays.

Hit TAC 13 & 15; damage 5 & 5.

Cosmo watches the battle to see if his comrades have trouble with these new opponents..

Location: Behind group with Rod of Maximize and Wand of SM IV in hand.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2 *, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2 *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning * & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod & Wand Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3
Wand of SM IV (charges used 2)

Mykael HP: 60/65, AC: 28 (Aid, Stoneskin, Heroism, Hide from Undead)  d20+16=21 d20+11=14 d10=7
Wednesday October 10th, 2007 11:34:43 PM

Mykael surveys the group as they run in. Robes catch his eye, 'This priest will meet his god shortly.'

Mykael steps forward and unloads a full attack on the unsuspecting priest.

1st- AC: 21, dam = 7+5 = 13
2nd- AC: 14, miss

Upon scoring a strike, Mykael unleashes his stored spell in his sword.

Shocking Grasp, maximized, - 30 dam

(not sure if first attack hit, but since surprised he loses dex bonus, thus, I think its a hit)

Active Spells:
Aid (from Nez): 2/11 mins
Heroism: 2/70 mins
Stoneskin: 2/70 min,30/70 dam
Hide from Undead (from Nez): 2/11 mins

Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2*, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Rod of Maximize, Lesser 1/3

12 pretty nice swords
12 pale green potions
12 angry looking red and black mixed potions

Rigging ac 24 hps 80/80 mage armor, shield, protection of arrows, haste, message x2 
Thursday October 11th, 2007 7:39:18 AM

Rigging will cast his haste on the group and as many of the allies as he can get, starting with the obvious fighters. (Get 12 targets)

everyone gets +1 to hit, +1 on AC, +1 on reflex saves, an extra 30' of movement, and 1 extra attack with their primary weapon at full bonuses to hit.

haste 1/12

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, shield*
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3**, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly*, blink, fireball, lightning bolt*
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2*,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Scrolls given to Rigging:
Dispel Magic
True Strike X2
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Dimension Door

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88 Haste Invisible  d20+15=32 d20+15=28 d20+15=26 d20+15=31 d20+15=28 d20+15=29 d10+6=11 d8+6=13 d10+6=14 d8+6=9 d10+6=14 d8+6=11 36d6(2+3+1+3+3+2+5+3+1+5+2+1+4+3+2+6+4+2+2+2+5+5+6+3+5+1+1+3+1+6+3+4+6+3+3+2)=113
Thursday October 11th, 2007 3:32:10 PM

Appolo waits calmly for the laste enemy to enter the room the shuts the door and launches afull attack on the last enemy in line.Backstabbing it 6 times.If his opponent goes down while his swing he will step foward to the next closest and deliver his blows to that opponent.

Attack 32 28 26 31 28 29
Damage 11 13 14 9 14 11=72 Backstab113

Ashira 120/120 ac 25 haste (sub George)  d20+18=38 d20+18=19 d20+18=37 d20+18=27 d20+13=32 d20+13=30 d20+8=9 d20+18=35 d20+18=31 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d20-2=9 d8+7=12 d8+7=8 d8+7=9 d8+7=12 d8+7=14 d6+4=9 d6+4=6 d6+4=7 d6+4=8
Thursday October 11th, 2007 6:42:18 PM

Ashira, also wades into the group chopping away with her blades with a song in her heart. Nothing makes her happier than chopping up Quads of Ga'al and priests of Ga'al. She is pleased that her rused worked and they can weaken the defenses even more before they enter the main alter room.

Longsword hit ac 38 critical hit, 19 miss critical Damage doing 12 points of damage

Longsword haste attack, hits ac 37, critical follow up roll hits ac 27 total damage is 8 or 17 if it is a critical hit.

Longsword hit ac 32 possible critical hit, follow up strike hits ac 30 doing 12 and 14 points of damage for a total of 26

Final longsword hit misses natural 1

Short sword ac 38 natural 20 and follow up critical hits ac 35 for 9&6 points of damage total of 15

Shortsword swing hits ac 29 natural 20 and follow up strike hits ac 23 damage is 7 or 15 if critical hit.

Final shortsword swing misses.

I didn't take any other modifiers like flanking, or prayer into account. Nezamil had it as a ready action last round so should have gone off first. Total damage is 85 points if all criticals count.

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer  d20+6=8
Thursday October 11th, 2007 8:05:04 PM

As the Priest and Quad burst thru the door the Cleric of Domi's Prayer spell is triggered.

Watching as his fellow Wildcards attack with a vengence on the surprised group ... the dwarf smiles " to arms brothers " encourages Nezamil to the remaining Saints, Defilers and fellow allies as he rally's those nearby to work as a team " keep together brothers ... hold the line .... crush them with steel "

Knowing he can afford to Nezamil looks past the charging Quad into the next room to see what else is there (spot ch 20+6=8 )

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 10/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl

(Prayer gives +1 on attack, damage, skill, saves to everyone ...important to read this )

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward*(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

* cast spell

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 65/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), displacement 4/5,haste  d20+13=29 d20+8=10 d20+13=32 d20+13=20 d6+3=7 2d6(6+5)=11 d6+3=9 2d6(2+3)=5
Thursday October 11th, 2007 8:19:03 PM

Stepping foward Ari engages one of the quad members ... his short sword flashing in the torch light ... the holy weapon finds its mark twice on the evil warrior of Ga'al .

1st swing d20+13=29 hit!! damage d6+3=7 , holy damage 2d6(6+5)=11 total=18
2nd swing d20+8=10 missed
3rd swing hasted d20+13=32 crit hit!! d20+13=20 crit missed i think ,damage d6+3=9 holy damage 2d6(2+3)=5 total =14
total damage =32 !!

"For a free Asildur " rages Ari

(posted by adm Chris)

DM Kent (round 18)  d20+12=21 d20+12=30 d20+12=22 d20+12=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=21 d20+12=24 d20+12=14 d20+12=15 d20+12=30 d20+12=28 d20+12=21 d20+12=23
Thursday October 11th, 2007 11:50:54 PM

As they are caught by surprise and flat footed, three of four of Val's arrows find their mark in #1.

Cosmo sends his Lanterns in to fight for him and both connect on their surprised foe #1

Mykael leaps into the fray buat misses with both attack and holds his spell for another try.

Riggin casts his spell and suddenly everyone seems to be moving a bit faster.

Appolo drops number four and gets one shot in on #3

Ashira lays into #2 and slice him to small pieces.

Nez sees what might be a large bunk room beyond the door.

Ari flies in the attack adding to #1s woes and drops him to the floor.

The Flames, Acid Saints and Defilers leap to the attack as well dividing up on the defenders and add to the general mayhem and connect several times on the remaining quad member and the priest but both are still standing.

Quad member AC now normal AC 32
Priest AC 30

Wild card innitiative.

Val (AC 27, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Energy- Fire), Haste  d20+17=31 d20+17=37 d20+17=30 d20+12=15 d20+7=10 d8+5=8 d6=5 3d8(5+1+4)+15=25 d6=3 2d10(7+2)=9
Friday October 12th, 2007 4:22:46 PM

Aided by the infusion of magic, Val's arm is nearly a blur as she pulls arrows from her quiver and fires them off. With two down Val has turned her attention to the priest.

OOC: attacing the priest. 1st attack hits ac 31 for 8 normal and 5 fire. 2nd attack is a crit, ac 30 to confirm for 25 normal and 12 fire. Attacks 3 and 4 miss.

Protection from energy- fire- 90 points/ 120 min

arrows used: 11
missed shots: 3

Troglodyte Ari AC 29 HP 65/80 Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (5 of 70 points), Shield ( 5 min),protection from evil (5 min), displacement 3/5,haste  d20+13=17 d20+8=14 d20+13=15
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:02:25 PM

Ducking slightly as Val's arrows whistle by into the priest of Ga'al .... Ari charges the same target but his short sword fails to find its mark.

1st swing d20+13=17 missed
2nd swing d20+8=14 missed
3rd swing hasted d20+13=15 missed

Cursing his bad fortune "Asildur shall be free of Ga'als grip" shouts Ari at his foe ...... Ari moves closer to the door (moved to D14)

(posted by adm Chris)

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 84/92 SR-23,Spell immunity,Magic vestment,Shield of faith,Magic circle,Stoneskin,True seeing,hide from undead,Detect undead ,Prayer ,haste  d20+11=23 d20+6=11 d20+11=19
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:13:37 PM

Grinning as Val's arrows strike the Priest the dwarf decides to add his own to the target and quickly unslings his heavy repeating crossbow and lines up the priest in his sights "stay still .... hold ... still " whispers Nezamil to himself as he fires the bolts

"By Domi " growls Nezamil in frustration as the bolts whiz thru the doorway

Realizing his skills don't match the elvish warriors "maybe i'll get closer ... that should help " grunts Nezamil as he moves(to G14) forward for a closer shot.

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Prayer 9/11 1rd/per lvl 3rd lvl
Haste (from Rigging)

Appolo Ac 30 Hp88 Haste Invisible  d20+15=35 d20+15=24 d20+15=34 d10+6=11 d10+6=8 12d6(4+6+1+4+5+2+5+3+6+6+3+2)=47
Friday October 12th, 2007 8:18:17 PM

Appolo moves quickly forward ignoring the Priest and engaing the Quad member fighter bacstabing him 3 time connecting twice.

Attack 35 nataral 30 Dritical 34 also Critical
Damage 11x2=22 8x2=16 Backstab 47 Total 85
Oppoment also looses 2points of strenght

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