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A Blow to the Heart

Acquisition (ADM Nellie) 
Friday June 29th, 2007 11:43:46 PM

With a helpful tip from Appolo, Rigging heads down to the local pub and meets up with the Fargunian Captain. Once questioned about the sale of his vessel, Captain Trask is more than willing to dispatch of his possession. "Ye can have er. I'll even give ye a discount. I tell ye I'm lucky enough to have escaped in one piece with that there black ship sinking vessels right and left. I've got no desires to visit Davey Jone's locker. No thank ye...I'll take my gold and head back home a happy man." After a pathetic amount of haggling, Rigging acquires the small sailing ship for 9,000 gold.

The Utter Silence, though small compaired to the Sword is sea worthy and looks to be well maintained. It does, however, need a new crew, as the previous one seems to have abandoned ship as soon as port was reached.

Sunday July 1st, 2007 1:41:37 AM

After purchasing the ship, Rigging with Tomas in tow will head back to where everyone is staying. After getting everyone together, he starts handing out the magic he purchased for the group.

He hands the clerical scrolls to Nezamil.
4 scrolls of restoration 3200gp
4 scrolls of heal 6600gp
4 scrolls of cure serious mass 1500gp

He makes sure that Cosmo has the wand of monster summoning 4 that they found at the temple and hands him some scrolls as well

1 teleport
1 passwall
1 prying eyes
1 break enchantment
1 wall of stone

He also hands him the braclet of friends. "You will have to attune it to the members who can't teleport. I figure Ashira, Appolo, Val and Bart

To Ari

5 disguise spells
2 knocks
1 tensers floating disk

and the wand of greater invisiblity 7th level

To Mykael he hands one of the necklaces of fireballs type 7 and the wand of dispel magic 10th level.

He hands the other necklace to Appolo (necklace of fireballs type 7

I have also bought a ship to get us there. I figure it can get us there with a crew from the Sword and then get out of the area, rejoining up with the Sword for mutual protection. Either they can both come back here or go on a supply run. Will take 10 weeks round trip but we need to get the supplies there.

Between the teleport spells I have bought, can memorize and Cosmo can memorize plus the braclet of friends, I think we can escape the city without the boats aid.

Along the way, I have purchased some scrying scrolls and we have the Wayfinder to help scout the tempe and the city's defenses. We go in, strike hard and loot the temple, killing everything in sight including that damn tree and then get out of town via magic.

We still have 15,000 gps left from the 100,000 gps given us for group purchases. I thought about getting some arrows of slaying or barrels of acid which I can shrink down. Any suggestions?

Sunday July 1st, 2007 7:41:24 PM

Appolo is still at catacombs and will have some more suggestions.But we should really have some long range Teleport spells Mass teleport.

Sunday July 1st, 2007 8:43:33 PM

Mykael is still in the catacombs, but when he returns he accepts the items from Rigging. "The should work well."

Sunday July 1st, 2007 9:15:06 PM

Rigging listens to Appolo and says, "There isn't any teleport mass that I know of. I have heard of teleport circle but can't cast it personally, the spell being beyond my skills. I could get a scroll but it still takes 10 minutes to cast. Doubt we will have that kind of time.

Not a bad idea in whole and that is why I did buy teleport scrolls (2 of them) and the braclet of friens which is sort of like teleports.

Sunday July 1st, 2007 11:26:14 PM

Ashira smiles as she sees Rigging's new purchase, but can't help a small pout. "You go shopping and nothing for me???" Making her way to the docks, she examines Rigging's new purchase thoroughly. Then she checks through her own Catacombs purchase and adds a few items to her list.

Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:57:39 AM

Just save the 10k maybe we can use it to bribe some people getting info about the temple complex. Maybe get some fire breath potions

Monday July 2nd, 2007 8:01:17 AM

"I think another elemental gem or two could be quite useful in the raid. Either to take attention from us or to help destroy the place."

Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:07:21 PM

Rigging hears Val's suggestion and says, "Your right. They could be very useful but we do already have a wand of monster summoning 4 which could be used to summon elementals. The good thing about the gems is non spellusers can summon elementals with them.

If you think our fighters need them or would be more effective with them, then I say go for it. I was thinking we might be better off with some arrows of slaying greater. Nasty item. Sort of like a bane item but when hit the person hit just dies. They are around 4000 each but good for fighters. (OOC They get a fort check of 23. Not real easy but good way to take out midlevel priests and guards. Most likely won't work on higher level npcs)

Monday July 2nd, 2007 1:09:54 PM

Ari accepts his items and continues to mull over what he should do for his catacombs purchase.

"What can we fall back upon if all magic fails, or what plans should we make if we lose all magic?"

Monday July 2nd, 2007 9:01:03 PM

"These will come in real handy.....good thinking Captain " as Nezamil accepts the scrolls

Stashing the scrolls with his others.

" now i'm just waiting to add some armor and few trinkets from the catacombs"

Moving right along...---ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 12:04:04 AM

Equipment is purchased, both vessels are outfitted and the voyage is uneventful, though tense. Several times you swear as though you spot a ship blacker than night on the horizon, though it's hard to tell whether it's imagination run afoul.

After several days, the western coast line of Aisildur is spotted. Staying well out of visual range, the first mate asks Rigging whether they should make landfall by night or day.

OOC: I'm sorry I wasn't able to get this rolling last week, but I'd like to get us up and running this week.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2007 8:50:43 AM

"Captain were being followed. We've been at sea far too long to know that things like this are always real. Could be pirates looking to take advantage of a smaller vessel. Something tells me that were going to deal with whatever that is before its all said and done."

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 1:07:06 AM

Bart takes a look with the wayfinder at the other ship maybe he can see something
I can use the wayfinder to look at the temple as well after we finish bussines with the other ship

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 1:26:39 AM

Alarmed by the potential of the black ship, Ashira awaits the results of Bart's investigation. "As long as we're free to choose, I think I'd rather make it into port at night Captain." she comments as she nervously scans the horizon.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 4th, 2007 7:14:51 PM

The use of the Wayfinder does nothing to illuminate the issue of the black ship. In fact as Bart uses it, the strangest thing occurs. At first it seems to be working correctly as he sights on the ship, and things seem to be rushing in quickly to bring everything quickly into a close up and personal view, but at the very last moment every thing scrambles up and suddenly Bart finds himself no longer able to even see the ship through the artifact at all. Lowering it momentarily to see if the ship was still there he can see it with his naked eye but when he brings the Wayfinder back up the same scrambled process occurs again.

Checking to make sure the Wayfinder is not broken, bart turns and focuses on the shore of Ailsidur and quickly he finds himself spying on a lonely shore fisherman.

The night is spent quietly in a small little cove and morning brings yet another glorious morning. Tensions are a bit high as each sword begins to think about what the day might bring knowing that by early evening they would be sailing into the Harbor at Emperor City, ready to begin the task set before them by the consortium.

Wednesday July 4th, 2007 9:47:47 PM

Val watched the sunrise, a rag moving up and down her bow. The wood sparkled in the light as it always did when it was freshly polished. She geared up as best she could. Trying to anticipate a complex enemy was a hard thing. Getting to the temple would be hard enough. Maybe such a thing is unthinkable in the eyes of their enemies. Soon they would find out.

"We should get started. Trying to get into the city during the early morning would be wise. Moreso than waiting til later in the day and everybody is fully awake."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 12:49:03 AM

OOC: Rigging in the community cash, did you include the 10,000gp that I requested for the cost of making community potions? Just making sure.

IC: Mykael spends the first half an hour walking around to the different swords and passing out potions.

Nezamil - Potion of Protection from Arrows (7th lvl)

Bart or Val(one of you asked for these) - 2 Bulls Strength Potions (7th lvl)

Cosmo, Ari, Rigging, Mykael - one Potion of Displacement and one potion of Stoneskin each (all 7th lvl)

Val, Bart, Appolo, Nezamil, Ashira - 2 Potions of Displacement and 2 Potions of Stoneskin each (all 7th lvl)

Val, Bart, Appolo, Ari - one Oil of Keen each (all 7th lvl)

Ashira - receives 2 Oil of Keen (7th lvl)(one for each blade)

"That is what I was able to get made for everyone. Lets hope they last."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 5:24:47 AM

"I would think we have to determine if the black ship is related to our task or not. Can we afford the time to slow down on our task. Should we let others take care of the black ship knowing that we have another task before us at this point."

Thursday July 5th, 2007 2:34:52 PM

Appolo accepts his gifts and thank both Rigging and Mykeal."I told you we needed the sword.My bet is that that ship is going let us go and go after the sword.Now if we were aboard the Sword we turn make sword work of that floating dung oile and then resume out mission.Now the Sword and it's crew will probably have to fight it with out us."

Appolo OOC 
Thursday July 5th, 2007 2:35:51 PM

Appolo is still in the Catacombs.

DM kent 
Thursday July 5th, 2007 6:17:35 PM

No sign is seen of the black ship the next day and the sail into the Emperor City Harbor is smooth and easy. In fact the wind was such that the trip was shorter than expected and it is only late afternoon and not evening when you arrive.

Things get a bit more interesting as they enter the mouth of the harbor themselves and are greeted by the sight of a very congested channel.

It seems that every ship entering the harbor is being boarded and at least questioned, with the exception of the galleys, both small and large which bear Ga'al's holy symbol on them.

Further on in the harbor it is very obvious that the "recruitment" of new heartseed recipients has been very good as there are at least twelve galleys already tied up at the docks and at least 6 others heading through the channels to the large Ga'alian church's docks.

The other docks are fairly busy as well with the local fishermen alread setting up their evening stalls along the pier and hanging out their wares for sale.

The merchant dock, while less busy have obviously been fairly well used during the day as groups of dock workers seem to be either finishing unloading several ships or are moving unloded crates and such into nearby warehouses.

The final two docks, used primarily for visitors, are less busy and currently only have two fairly small ships tied up.

Thursday July 5th, 2007 8:29:12 PM

Cosmo is still in the catacombs deciding on what to buy. In the meantime he looks over the items that members of the group have been giving to him.

To Mykael:

"Thank you for the Displacement and Stoneskin potions. They will come in handy on this trip."

To Rigging:

"I will use the items you gave to me to help the party on this next adventure. Unfortunately, I cannot use the Break Enchantment scroll. It is forbidden to me."

Cosmo hands back to Rigging the one scroll and packs away the following:

Wand of Monster Summoning IV
Scrolls - Teleport, Passwall, Prying Eyes & Wall of Stone
Bracelet of Friends (attuned to Ashira, Appolo, Val & Bart)

Thursday July 5th, 2007 8:53:29 PM

Rigging winces as he sees the ships being boarded. "OK we are traders trying to offload our cargo. Have supplies on board for the colony which can pass as trade goods or we can use some of the gems we have got left over as trade items too.

We also need to change some of our looks. Ashira, Val, myself, Ari and Appolo might be to well known for this mission. I think Cosmo should play the part of a merchant trying to sell his gems in the city. We four need to get invisible or hidden or disguised somehow. Then we head over to the merchant docks.

OOC to Mykael, No I didn't figure it in but yes we have enough funds to cover it.

Friday July 6th, 2007 6:11:34 AM

"We do have the disguise spells that we could use. (ooc what level cast? 10 mins per level). It would last (ooc see previous) minutes. So I don't know if we want to use it now or afterwards."

Friday July 6th, 2007 12:26:17 PM

The ranger sighs as the inspections begin. "If they're smart, they'll check for magic...let's pray they're not. I really don't want to fight my way into the harbor. Bart, why don't you use Wayfinder and see what kind of inspection they're performing. That way we'll have a better idea of what's in front of us. If they are looking for magic, then I've got an idea or two of how to get in."

Friday July 6th, 2007 9:43:27 PM

"Captain they have no idea who I am. This body was a gift from the mother of elves. Besides if they check half as well as they should they will identify us. Unless they could be too overwhelmed with work. By the way somebody can have the oil of keen. My weapon is blunt and not affected by the magic. But thanks for the other two potions."

Rigging "illegal post" 
Friday July 6th, 2007 9:56:46 PM

That is a good idea Bart. Just use Wayfinder to leave look. Don't go etheral.

Val, yes I know you have a new body, but it still stands out. You don't see that many drow featured elves and I am sure they are gonna take a hard look at you.

I look different to. My face is the same but my equipment is totally different. No sword and dagger anymore. Still better safe than sorry.

DM Kent 
Friday July 6th, 2007 10:32:20 PM

Bart takes a look at the different boats that seem to be the ones checking the incoming ships and what he sees both shocks and surprises him and yet nothing seems to be out of the ordinary at least at first glance.

Each ship seems to have a five persons aboard in addition to a small crew. One seems to be a scribe type and is writing things down as each ship checks in. The other four are obviously a quad. Bart spot DC 19. If pass then highlight spoiler. Highlight to display spoiler: { each member of each quad seems to have a red scarf somewhere on their person though they are not openly obvious}.

There are two other small merchant type boats ahead of you in the particular channel that you are heading down before you are to be inspected.

Saturday July 7th, 2007 1:44:44 AM

OOC: What is the minimum crew required for the ship we are on?

IC: "Cosmo and I are unknown to them. If they are paying attention to what is on the ship and not looking hard at the outside, then everyone just slide into the water and hide by the rudder. Those that need air to breathe, should still find enough space to hide there and breathe. Most likely they wont look there, and if you are worried, you can always drop under for a few moments holding your breathe."

"Once in the dock, you can either sneak aboard or ashore."

Bart  d20+4=23
Saturday July 7th, 2007 7:43:15 AM

Bart Notices the squad and the red scarfs. Well they have a warm welcome for us i see squadmembers with red scarfs. I think it is not a good isear to enter the harbor, we sail away and beach the boat nearby.

Saturday July 7th, 2007 10:56:08 AM

Appolo looks at the scene"You can bet they're looking for us.I think we should just turn around and head down the coast alittle wait for night."

Saturday July 7th, 2007 9:43:15 PM

"The gates are probably not much different. Maybe we should try to sneak into the city after dark."

Sunday July 8th, 2007 5:09:58 AM

"Can you get a look at the city gates to see how things are done there. Whether we might be able to goto land outside of the city and come in?"

Sunday July 8th, 2007 10:53:35 AM

"I doubt they are looking for us in particular. I am assuming this is just a normal security precaution for them. If we turn away now, I would expect to be chased. It might look more suspicous if the boat turns away after taking a look at the procedures. No, I think we need to try and bluff our way in.

Still I think it would be wiser to get some of the more notorious Wildcards off the boat. Ashira is at home in the water, and I can polymorph into a dolphin and help tow people.

I think we need to get Val, Ari and Appolo off as well. They are the more recognizable or more exotic looking members. Bart, you can disguise yourself to look like a sailor or maybe Cosmo's bodyguard and stay quiet and in the back. Nezamil, you might want to don the same role and hide your holy symbol. Doubt that will go over big here. Mykael, you can either be a gem merchant or a sailor. I don't like breaking up the group but this seems to make the most sense to sneak in.

(ooc picked who I did for these reasons. Appolo is a sicko and most likely has a reputation amongst the Ga'alians. Ari is are oldest member who has a better chance of having wanted posters up, me because I am the captain and leader and might be recognized, Ashira because she was once a quad member and being a sea elf, is exotic, and finally Val though in a new body, that new body will arouse curiosity.)

spell list:
0 level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

Sunday July 8th, 2007 2:38:08 PM

Sounds good to me rigging

Sunday July 8th, 2007 8:02:51 PM

"Ok Rigging I will act as a merchant trying to sell gems and other items. Do you want me to appear as myself or do you want me to use the Hat of Disguise to alter my appearance?"

Cosmo gets ready for the officials to board the ship.

OOC - updated character sheet on its way.

Rigging illegal post 
Sunday July 8th, 2007 11:11:11 PM

"Up to you I guess. I think the less magic we use, the less suspious they will be but they might like dealing with a human more. It was only recently that they would even heartseed anything else.

I will try and tow Val and Ari to the docks. Ashria you help Appolo. Gather your things but leave the armor for now. Don't want to push you along the bottom. Slows things down."

When everyone is ready, Rigging will tell Swirl to head out to sea. An air elemental is to much of a give away. He can sneak in tonight and join them.

Monday July 9th, 2007 2:42:51 AM

Bart still wears his chain his weapon isnt vissible. Keep an eye on us if we have trouble please help us

DM Kent 
Monday July 9th, 2007 9:14:55 AM

Preparations are made and several of the Swords head overboard while the others sail on toward the meeting with the inspectors.

As you pull in behind the boat currently being inspected things get tense for a moment as one of the people on the ship obviously didn't like what was going on and drew a long bladed knife and lunged toward one of the quad members.

In a blink the quad member was no longer there and reappeared about 5 feet away with his red scarf in his hand. Casually throwing the scarf toward the knife wielder the scarf darted forward and totally wrapped around the target's face, who immediately began screaming and fell to the deck writhing in pain. In mere moments it is over and the scarf flew back to the priest who rewrapped it around his neck.

No one else onboard even seems to have noticed what was going on, as noone moved or even glanced to see what was happening. The captain of the ship gave a little shrugg and handed over a small sack and then the quad and the other priest stepped back on to their boat to await the arrival of the Sword.

As the Sword's ship moves forward, it is suddenly no longer in the control of the person steering and comes to a sudden stop alongside the Quad's boat, who moments later appear on board along with the priest scribe. Standing near the rail they seem to be awaiting whoever is in charge.

attendence report 
Monday July 9th, 2007 3:27:12 PM

ok everyone Dm kent is back !!! time for posting to get back on track !!!

5 posts per week everyone !!!!!

welcome back Kent !! ;-) did you bring us back any souvenirs???

posted by adm chris

(Of course I brought souveniers. I brought every one honest to goodness Cuban cigars, but they confiscated them at customs)

Monday July 9th, 2007 9:44:03 PM

Rigging polymorphed as a dolphin will allow Val and Appolo to grab on to his fin and then start swimming strongly towards the shore. He will submerge to keep out of sight, coming up every 20 seconds or so for a breath and to let his passengers breath as well.

He will bring them under the dock under the water and then morph into an elf. Treading water he will slip off his invisiblity ring and hand it to Val. (Not sure who has them right now but I know Appolo and Ashira has one. Use the rings to climb up and find a place to hide. Keep a watch for me. I am going to go back and check on the ship."

Rigging will then shift back to dolpin form and speed out towards the ship as fast as he can swim (Base speed 80). Going by Ashira and Ari and making sure they are ok.

Val (invisible) 
Monday July 9th, 2007 10:18:10 PM

Val takes off her partner ring and slips on the normal one. She activates the ring turning herself invisible. Val sticks to the side of a ship that has already passed inspection. She doesn't move in case her motion disturbed the flow of the water making her presence obvious. SHe didn't dare climb out of the water. Just in case they had magics to see her even invisible.

Monday July 9th, 2007 10:41:55 PM

Cosmo watches the activity of the other ship and the apparent death of one of the people on the vessel. He notes the effect of the scarf and wonders what kind of magic it is. He also notices short teleportation magic that the quad member displayed when attacked.

Cosmo moves over to the railing of the boat where the 5 people are waiting. He notes their race, gender and any items of interest that they are carrying. If one of them has the appearance of being the leader, Cosmo will address him or her.

"Greetings. I assume you are from this city's port authority and are here to collect a docking fee. This is our first trip to your fair city so I am unaware of the amount needed to be able to dock this ship. If you would be so kind as to tell me the amount, I will gladly pay the fee so you may continue on with your work. Perhaps you could also suggest a fine eating establishment that is nearby as we have been traveling for quite some time and would like to get a bite to eat."

Cosmo acts like he has done this a million times before. He smiles and waits patiently for an answer.

Ashira (Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II)  d3=1
Monday July 9th, 2007 11:20:47 PM

Ashira nods and accepting Rigging's orders slips under the waters. Once there, she casts Speak with Animals and then Summon Nature's Ally II, all the while speaking in Aquan underwater (Kent, just let me know if this is stretching it too far). She sighs as only one dolphin answers her call. Speaking very politely, she asks the creature to ferry her and Ari across to the docks following a very similar pattern to the dolphin in front of them (Rigging). Finally, grabbing ahold of the dolphin, she activates her Partnered ring of Invisibility just in case.

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 12:24:34 AM

The dwarf unobtrusively tucks his holy symbol under his armor and clothing.

Nezamil leans againist the ships railing and looks about as if sight seeing.

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 8:01:19 AM

Bart waits for the reactions of the gaalian priest and quad, ready to react if neccesary

Appolo  d20+8=24
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 11:26:23 AM

Appolo strips down and stores his gear ina locked then pouts the locker in the ships bilges Stuffing in he close the door and th activates his ring of invisibility and hits the water swimming strongly to shore.

Swim check 24

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 10th, 2007 5:17:52 PM

The five staep forward almost in unison as Bart says his piece. The priest/scribe steps one step futher forward.

Your name?
Ship's owner?
Where are you coming from?
What is your purpose here?
What cargo do you cary?
How many crew are on board?
How long do you intend on staying?

Tuesday July 10th, 2007 9:50:08 PM

Cosmo answers the questions to the best of his ability.

Your name? "My name is Cosmo."

Ship's owner? "I am the owner of this ship."

Where are you coming from? "We are coming from the port city of insert last port we were in here."

What is your purpose here? "I am here to check out the possibilities of adding this port to my trade route."

What cargo do you cary? "Not a lot at this time. Just some raw materials and gems."

How many crew are on board? "Not sure of the exact head count, but not more than twenty. If need be I can ask the man who runs the ships' crew for an exact head count."

How long do you intend on staying? Not that long. Maybe 2-3 weeks.

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 12:55:59 AM

Mykael stands slightly behind and to the side of Cosmo, it could be perceived as a body guard position or an advisory one. He remains calm and at ease, as he observes the verbal exchanges.

Ashira (Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 10:33:00 AM

Continues happily swimming with her new dolphin friend, oblivious to the potentially tense exchange going on up above her.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 6:51:58 PM

The scribe looks up as Cosmo starts answering questions and waits until he is finished and then looks around the deck.

Is Cosmo your given name or you paternal sir name?

Docking fee of 5 gold plus 1 silver per person/being on board.

He finishes filling out a piece of paper and hands it to Cosmo nearly dropping it on the floor.

This is a 1 week trade/dock permit.

You may extend it one week at a time at the trade office near the main dock at that time. If you do not renew by week's end and you are still docked you will forfiet your ship and all aboard it.

If this occurs you may of course appeal at the next days grievance call in front of the main temple.

Now pull starboard follow the channel and dock at the last pier on end.

(OOC: still missing PC sheets from the three A's. Please send them soon or the upcoming combat could be devestating for someone. My emails are lemberno@nc.rr.com or strunklew@nc.rr.com)

Val (Invisible) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2007 8:01:29 PM

Val waits in her hiding place listening for the sounds of battle since she can't see Cosmo and the others.

Wednesday July 11th, 2007 9:56:43 PM

"Cosmo is my first name."

"Ok hold on I will get an exact head count."

Cosmo steps back and quietley confers with Mykael. He makes it look like he is asking him the ship's headcount. Cosmo then reaches into his pocket and gets some loose coin and hands some of it to the clerk.

"Here you go. Five gold and eighteen silver. Thank you. If we stay longer I will make sure to get another permit."

CDM Jerry 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 10:00:32 AM

I need the posting report please. Post it here for last week and send me a copy via email please. ;)


Appolo  d20+8=25 d20+8=13 d20+8=27
Thursday July 12th, 2007 11:31:57 AM

Appolo continues to swim.

Swim checks 25 14 27

Ashira (Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 12:07:13 PM

Ashira continues on her ride with the dolphin, but is getting nervous. What if Cosmo and the others are being attacked up there?? Still she is disciplined enough to stick with the plan and not surface to check on the others.

OOC: Wrapping up the Catacombs as quickly as I can.

Thursday July 12th, 2007 2:50:44 PM

The tension flows away, well that has gone good. Ihope our attack on the temple goes the same way

Thursday July 12th, 2007 3:35:55 PM

The amored dwarf rests againist the ships railing .....caually listening to the conversation and smiling slightly at the lack of respect from the Ga'alians

attendence report 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 3:44:49 PM

Well the attendence has been off due to Dm Kent on vacation and the lack of a ready module for the swords quest for Dragon status.

My understanding is that Dm Kent had a module that was ready but that Jerry instead wanted the Swords for a Dragon status quest.

So while posting both Emerald Dragon boards and our own Swords of Rredemption board... posting was discombobulated and unco=ordinated...so i'm giving the group a perfect score the week and starting fresh with this week.

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Aari xxxxx

also those who haven't sent updated character sheets to Dm Kent please do it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Rigging polymorphed into a dolphin 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 7:44:54 PM

Rigging will move himself towards the ship. (Not quite sure where I am in the timeline)and follow it back to the docks if he can. Otherwise if the other boat has left, he will transform back into himself, activate his invisiblity ring and climb up the side of the boat using his slippers of spiderclimb. He will sneak below deck and then come up when the timing is right.

DM kent 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 10:40:38 PM

Fees paid and directions noted, the ship and crew move down the channel to the appointed dock. By the time the ship is docked and settled in the sun is just about to go down. Decisions need to be made but then only half the groups is there. Where will the group stay for the night? The ship, or will they try and find an inn, where they might also get some needed info? It is these questions that Cosmo is pondering as the ship is tied up.

Val (Invisible) 
Thursday July 12th, 2007 11:01:48 PM

Val remains where she is because the quad is still in the area.

ooc: sorry for the short post but I have no idea if I will get home from work tomorrow in time to beat the friday post.

Mykael  d20+3=21
Friday July 13th, 2007 3:34:09 AM

After the ship is docked. Mykael bends down and speaks quietly to Cosmo, "I will return shortly. I am going to see what basic information I can find out. I will be within sight on the docks."

Walking fluidly down the gang-plank onto the dock, Mykael strolls down the docks portraying the visiting merchant. He stops and speaks with some sailors, dock workers, guards, and just anyone about that might have the time and patience to speak with him.

He inquires about inns, pubs, markets, and places of interest that a vistor may like to see. He also asks for a layout of the city, so he can get his bearings and has less chance of getting lost. He may even try to get a map.

Once he has made a round of the dock area, he will meet the others back on board the ship.

Diplomacy: 21

OOC: Mykael doesnt have Gather Information skill, so if diplomacy doesnt work. Roll something for me please.

Friday July 13th, 2007 4:15:50 AM

Cosmo do you want to go in the city as well? I will escort you as guard keeping up our role.

But i prefer to wait for the others, see what they are up to.

Friday July 13th, 2007 9:23:11 PM

"Well once we confer with the Captain i think we should try and find a suitable inn and taveren to stay at......should be easier to gather infomation then staying aboard the ship.....might not be as safe but i think worth the effort"

"what say you Cosmo?"

Saturday July 14th, 2007 12:25:13 AM

"You're right Bart. We should stay here until the group returns. Let's keep an eye and ear out for them."

DM Kent  d20=20
Saturday July 14th, 2007 7:04:26 AM

The rest of the swords eventually make their way to the ship and dock while Mykael goes wandering for information.

Most of the sailors give him the names of some seedy inns near the docks as places to stay, and respond with a wary strange look when asked about a map. One goes so far as to incredulously ask.

"Why in the Wold would you want a map of this God forsaken town? You take your life in your own hands when you venture too far from the harbor."

While wandering about he does spot a couple of people of interest that appear to be listening in to his questioning and show some interest in you. The two in question are in fairly nice armor and well armed and both have a the symbol of a flame on their shields and their tabbards.

As Mykael's latest iformation source walks off shaking his head the two mailed gentlemen look around and make their way over to you.

"Newly arrived, are you? We couldn't help but over hear you as we were trying to listen in."

(The man has a broad smile on his face.)

"If I were you and interseted in getting "information" about this city and needed a place to stay I believe I would try the Jack's Booty, across the square from Heartseed Catherdral. Have a nice day.!

And just like that they were losing themselves in the light crowd.

Sunday July 15th, 2007 9:37:11 PM

Making his way back to the ship, he confers what he has heard.

"I believe that two just tried to set me up for a heartseed," He jokes about the last encounter.

Monday July 16th, 2007 11:14:33 AM

Appolo pulls himself abord heads downstairs and dries himself off.He then gets some shut eye.He will sleep until awakened.

Monday July 16th, 2007 2:07:08 PM

We have to be carefull if we gather information, to many ears and eyes here. Appollo do you thibk there is a thieves guild around here? Maybe the know some underground passages to the temple

Monday July 16th, 2007 5:58:13 PM

"Yeah dem Ga'alians are a trcky lot for sure Mykael" grins Nezamil

"Well Captain i think it's very important that we all stick together....no wandering solo missions"

"Make sure guards are posted day and night"

Monday July 16th, 2007 9:26:08 PM

Rigging will say to Cosmo, "Well your officially the leader so it makes sense for you to do some of the things you said you were going to do. I am sure we are being watched and it would be good for you to move around the city with some of your body guards to do some business.

Might give us a chance to scout out the temple, figure escape routes and such. We also need to send out the ship when we are getting ready for the assault. Want to give them a head start from any pursuit. So we need to find a place where we can hole up for a day or two. "

Monday July 16th, 2007 9:51:16 PM

Val pulled the hood of her cloak up to hide her midnight black face. Her long red gold hair spilled out near her neck. Hopefully her hair color will dissuade people from the fact she looked like a drow. She haded rigging back his ring and watched people nervously.

"We need to get off the street."

Cosmo  d20+7=15 d20+8=23 d20+7=17
Monday July 16th, 2007 10:17:41 PM

OOC- What time of day is it?

Cosmo listens to Mykael's info gathering. He is concerned about the 2 soldiers that approached Mykael. He contemplates the Flame symbol on their shields and tabbards.

Knowledge Religion 15
Knowledge Nobility/Royalty 23
Knowledge Local 17

"Does anyone recognize the Flame Symbol?"

"Perhaps we should take a walk to this inn the Jack's Booty. Does anyone else think that the Jack's Booty might be a spy location for the Jack? Maybe these guys recognized us and are trying to point us to "friendly" location."

"Who wants to go check it out with me?"

DM Kent 
Monday July 16th, 2007 10:19:54 PM

Mykael is fairly sure that the two adventurer types were being very straight forward with him. In fact now that he thnks about it the did not speak with a local accent. In fact it was more of Faragunian accent.

So decisions need to be made and Rigging and the others seem to be looking foe Cosmo to make them.

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 3:06:00 AM

The JAcks Booty that's too obvious. But it can be a start to gather some info.

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:19:49 AM

Making sure that the Quad is no place to be found, Ashira once more activates her invisibility ring and slinks back to the ship. Once there she listens in. "Well, Fargunians are mostly the independent type, so I say we check out the Jack's Booty. Worth a try and we're going to have to find a place to hole up."

OOC: Sorry about the missed posts...recovering from Girl Scout trip this weekend. ;)

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 12:52:12 PM

Appolo wakes up jions the others and quietly listens"I say we go to this place scout the area then hit the temples and burn it down."

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 3:35:19 PM

Working his way back to the ship Ari joins the others in conspiring to get further into the continent.

"It has been awhile since we've been in the heart of things, so maybe a little caution would help out."

ooc sorry for missed posts. lemberno@aol.com?

(No lemberno@nc.rr.com)

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 5:02:16 PM

" A walk in this city should be intresting .....but i think it's a good idea so we can at least get an idea of what is really happening beneath the surface of the Ga'alian society"

" I'd like to learn more about those two Mykael chatted with.....if it's like he said they were pretty open about talking with him they could be allies or of course a trap by Ga'al's minions"

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 9:35:55 PM

"We can't take too long. The more questions that we ask the more interested people will be in us."

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 10:12:22 PM

Rigging will look at Cosmo and say, "Well why don't you take a scouting party out and take a look around. We need to get the lay of the land, maybe get rooms. We can check out the place those two Mykael suggested. If we don't like the look of it, we can always move on."

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 10:55:51 PM

"Scouting party sounds like a plan. I dont like splitting the group, however, walking the city with you well known and noticable folks, seems to make it a necessity. Captain Cosmo, his advisor, and his brute?," Mykael smirks at the reference to Bart, trying to keep the tension from getting too high.

"Of course, walking around with a dragon on my shoulder will catch some eyes also. But thats half the fun!"

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:48:11 PM

"Sounds like a good plan. Mykael, Bart and I will scout out this inn. We shouldn't be that long."

OOC - Anything on the Flame symbol from my Knowledge checks?

Tuesday July 17th, 2007 11:48:44 PM

Pulling two small hats from her pack, Ashira places one on her head and then hands the other to Val. Whispering a word, Ashira's appearance changes entirely...and suddenly a very plain clothed, very plain looking human woman stands next to Rigging. The woman smiles shyly at Val. "Figured you might want one too, so I picked you up one. Might help us enjoy our time around town a little better." she chuckles through crooked teeth.

OOC: Hat of Disguise, just like Cosmo has.

Mykael - extra post 
Wednesday July 18th, 2007 12:05:15 AM

"Cosmo? you bringing your two wives with us?" Mykael jests while pointing behind him at the new form of Ashira and soon to change Val.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 2:48:55 AM

Appolo any news about a thieves guild in this city?

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 8:15:52 AM

(Sorry all, I hadno power from about 3 pm until this morning due to storms)

----- other business-----

The time at this moment is dusk, probably about 1 full hour of light remaining.

There is not thieves guild as heart seeding removes that need and slags can't really function that well in any sort of organized fashion. There are probably individual or smal groups of thieves operating in the city, most of them are foreigners. There is most likely a small smugglers band operating that is loosely affiliated with the Jacks.

Cosmo seems to vaguely recall hearing something about a relatively new, but up-and-coming group of adventurers called the Keepers of the Flame, but doesn't really know any info about them.


A possible scouting trip is discussed and the desire for not splitting the party is weighed as well, particularly with the daylight running out. Over toward the center of the city a tall bell tower can be seen poking up over the other buildings and trees.

Nearby there are one or two very run down looking inns, a large number of warehouses and about 75 temporary or semi temporary merchant stalls in various stages of closing down for the day.

There are quite a few people on the streets still, some obviously on their way home with dinner that they just purchased. Others, dockworkers by the looks of it are finishing up loading warehouses, unloading ships, or heading off to the local inn.

There is some not very good music coming out and clashing from several of the inns and as inn doors are open you hear a smattering of arguements, singing, and the occasional fight.

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 1:57:32 PM

"Maybe we can speak to some of the sea animals to see what has been going on in the bay, while we wait for the scouting party?"

(ooc I sent an email to that address several weeks ago and got no response. I'll send another one out in a moment.)

Wednesday July 18th, 2007 9:56:27 PM

Val takes the hat and nods her thanks. She slips it on her head and takes the appearance of an old human female in ragged clothing, clearly a beggar.

"I can't think of anything that blends in more."

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 1:00:09 AM

"Oi...I was thinkin I should probly get us some veggies so I can cook for the good 'ol captain...maybe hit some of the shops in the monin. Whatcha think?" Ashira tries out her new accent, hoping it's not too over the top. "But for tonight, I was thinkn we should find a place to rest...unless yer wantin to sleep on the ship Cap'n." Ashira looks over at Cosmo and winks.

Thursday July 19th, 2007 1:54:23 AM

I wont mind to sleep in the ship, i want see and investigate that bar the mentioned "the Jack's" Mykale , Cosmo do you come with me?

Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:33:20 PM

" So i'm hoping we all keep together.....i don't like the idea of seperating here "

The 5'ft tall dwarf eyeballs Cosmo " guess i'll have to act as yourbody or something akin to that " growls Nnezamil

Thursday July 19th, 2007 6:38:58 PM

Rigging will also dress down like a normal sailor and be prepared to head off the ship. "I think we need to find some information and check out the temple. We will need to watch and see if we are being followed and observed.

Appolo I want you to trail us in the shadows and when possilbe invisibly to see if we have a tail. We then go check out this bar mentioned and see if we can pick up any information.

Cosmo, you need to go and make an appearance of the merchants to look for markets. We can pick up whatever information we can that way and then head to the bar. Bart and Mykael can be your body guards, I will be a servant carrying goods along with Val. Ashira and Ari can be going on a supply run to the market but will stay close and in sight.

Appolo will trail. Sound good? Lets go."

Thursday July 19th, 2007 11:08:31 PM

Appolo listens carefully to everyone"Well boss I can garauntee that we havea tail.So we'll have to shake it when we make our move on the temple.I'll do as you say.They peobaly already have this place we're going staked out as well."

DM kent 
Thursday July 19th, 2007 11:52:48 PM

Plans are made and the group sets off, apparently to try and find a market for whatever goods they have and some needed supplies, as well as any info they might be looking for. Apollo stays in the shadows and trails behind the group watching for anyone who might be showing undue interest in the group. He sees nothing out of the ordinary and finds that most of the people merchant and shoppers alike seem to be pretty much ignoring the newcomers, as they close up shop or head home with their purchases.

(if you are going to do anything specific in the way of info gathering, etc please list it out and how you are trying to accomplish your tasks along with any appropriate skill check rolls.}

Friday July 20th, 2007 12:49:31 AM

Cosmo doesn't ahve any skill in information gathering. But he can play the part of the merchant surveying the town.

"Ok let's go and check this place out."

With that Cosmo heads towards the inn with the Wildcards that are coming with him.

Friday July 20th, 2007 2:04:42 PM

Bart dresse normal as he always does, he is wearing his chain, a dagger and shield is visible but his sword is not. Bart keeps an watchfull eye, trying to his best as a guard

Ari  d20+4=10 d20+7=23 d20+7=19 d20=8 d20+3=4
Friday July 20th, 2007 2:31:56 PM

Ari will accompany Ashira into the market or wherever she decides to go.

"I was thinking just to try to make myself look more as a deck hand than anything else. I would either leave my weapons here, or put everything away, including my bracers. Just so that I look more the part. They've never seen this ship here before so we could gawk at things as if we're new to the port. I was also planning on just evaluating what was going on at the dock."

Should Ashira have any other ideas, Ari will listen to what she has to say.

(skill checks should we move along. Profession Merchant (10), to see what kind of valuable trade goods are on the dock, or to locate them. Listening (23) as we move about in the market for any information that could be useful. Profession Sailor (19) and Disguise (8) to walk around as a deck hand on a supply run. General Spot (4)(not! ;) ) check in case anything comes to light.)

Ashira the very plain woman  d20+4=24 d20+8=26 d20+3=7 d20+12=29 d20+12=25
Friday July 20th, 2007 8:00:37 PM

Ashira nods at Rigging's directions and starts wandering with Ari toward the closing shops. As she wanders, she keeps an eye out for a shop keep that looks to have had a bad day of sales...preferably a non-Aisildurian (Search=nat. 20). Approaching the vender, she smiles shyly, looking at the plentiful amount of produce left after the day. "Ahhh...it looks like you haven't had a very good day, eh? Well, I might be able to help with dat. See me mates and I, we just got in...orrible luck dat. And see, most of the other folk just want to get home." The plain woman sighs. "But see, I've gotta get supplies for de night or the Cap'n'll have my hide. Don't suppose you could help a gal out??" (Diplomacy=26) As she examines the wares, she makes small talk, asking about any recent juicy gossip going on around town, the best inns to stay in, and more importantly...who's who around town and if there's anyone they should make a point to avoid. (Gather Information=7...bleh)

And finally, just in case they're needed...Spot=29, Listen=25

Val, the old human woman  d20+6=16
Saturday July 21st, 2007 8:31:02 AM

As Val walks behind Ashira, Val keeps an eye open. Little children looking to pick their pockets, or older people trying to follow them around without being seen.

ooc: spot check 16

Sunday July 22nd, 2007 10:21:21 PM

Rigging will trail along, watching the people closing up shop and inquire to Comso, "Sir could we go into a restaurant to get some food. We have been at sea long enough that a good piece of beef would be appreciated.

We might be able to find out some markets for our goods too. Hang on a minute."

Rigging dashes to a booth and will inquire to its owner, "Excuse me sir, but could you please tell me where the merchants like to take an after work drink around here?" Rigging will flash a few silver pieces to the owner and continue, "Perhaps you can join us in a drink yourself?"

DM kent  d20+15=35
Monday July 23rd, 2007 11:35:45 AM

Ashira can certainly find a merchant that is delaying closing hoping to make some sort of sale to make the day at least palatable.

It would seem from the loks of things that this particular merchant has not had much custom at all for some reason as much of his produce is near the end of their "use by dates," and at least three or four days old.

The merchant is more than willing to sell you his entire stock for a more than reasonable price but there is fr more produce and grain than you could carry with you or eat before much of it spoils.

Aye lass, business hasn't been too good for me these last few days. It seems I may have pissed off a few of the wrong people. I will sell you my entire stock and the stall itself for 3 gold pieces.

At Rigging's questioning, the other merchant looks the group over assessing what they are wearing as well as their bearing and voices, as only an experienced merchant can and then nods.

"Well I think that if you want the typeof meal you're used to then yo need to go a bit more into the city maybe even to the central square. THe Silver Kingfisher and the Jack's Booty are the places I would try.

If you aren't picky The Kraken's Hole ain't too bad. As fer the drink I would love to but my wife'll skin me a live if I am any later than I am. Talk abiut a kraken. Ah well."

Val spots no one of interest following them for any particular reason. Nor does she spot any children out at all.

Ari moving alog with but behind Ashira gets a fairly good idea of the types of goods sold in this area, and it seems that it is mostly foodstuffs; fresh and cooked, with a few second hand clothing shops, a tinker, one metal smith/jeweler. The general feeling is that this area caters to a slightly less affluent clientel.

He hears very little in the way of conversation and gets a overwhelming snse of nervousness, bordering on fear from most of the people in the area.

Appolo  d20+12=26 d20+16=35 d20+17=35 d20+10=23 d20+11=17
Monday July 23rd, 2007 1:24:18 PM

Appolo goes invisble before getting off the ship,then heads for the shadows.Once hidden from view he goes visible and move slowly along behind the group watching and listening for trouble or anyone who might be following or watching them.

He will enter the Jack an Booty well after the others and head for the bar.Omce there he will start up a friendly conversation about life in general and slowly work the conversation around to anything of interest about the G'aalian's.

Movesilent 35 Hide in shadows 35 Spot 26,Listen 17 Gather information 23

Monday July 23rd, 2007 8:14:29 PM

Once the group has moved away from the merchant he says, "I guess the Jack's Booty is our destination. Let's head over there and get a bite to eat and see if we can get some info on the town."

Ashira the very plain woman  d20+3=11
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 1:34:10 AM

Ashira buys a little of the stock from the merchant (at a very generous 1 gp) as she continues to chat with him. "Ahhh...made de wrong people angry did ye? Mind tell'n me who they might be? Don't wanna find meself on the wrong side of both me Cap'n and the folks here in town!" She chuckles as she tries to get more information out of the vendor (Gather Info.=11). If she finds it a futile task, Ashira gathers her small amount of acquired produce and heads off to the Jack's Booty with the others.

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 2:16:44 AM

Mykael will let Bart take the lead and will walk behind Cosmo. He watches room tops, dark places, anywhere someone may be hiding, along with checking out all the folks he sees.

Besides keeping alert as normal, he remains quiet, and acts the part of a semi-skilled guard. He trys to play down his experience to a degree, no point in showing anyone that he is truly dangerous.

Val, old human woman 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 6:46:20 AM

Val follows Ashira, struggling to keep up with the younger woman's fast pace. She doesn't like this stalling. Val wants to head to the church and start kicking some teeth in.

Val, old human woman 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 6:47:10 AM

Val follows Ashira, struggling to keep up with the younger woman's fast pace. She doesn't like this stalling. Val wants to head to the church and start kicking some teeth in.

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 10:06:07 AM

(OOc. I'm having problems with my browser, will post as soon as I can. (I can't read about 1/2 the stuff posted))

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 11:34:24 AM

As they make their way to the Inn, Rigging will note the direction they are going, note other buildings residential and business and keep a look out for guard activity.

If they pass the temple which is their target, Rigging will look at it closely looking for entrances, guards and other details which could be helpful in planning their assault.

He will communicate with Swirl who is high above the city in the clouds staying out of trouble and sight. "I am sorry my friend, but I don't know of to many mages who are blessed with a familiar like you. Some might have you smaller cousins but very very few your size and stature. If you were with me, it would be a dead give away."

Once Rigging gets into the Inn, he will look around at the other customers trying to determine if they are locals, merchants or visitors like themselves. Rigging will find a seat with the back to the wall and order a nice meal but only sip his drink.

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 12:41:54 PM

Trying to help in the role that Ashira is playing Ari lays a hand on her arm and say, "Careful Maam, he may not be able to name what the problem is."

Ari tries to give Ashira a warning glance without making the merchant nevrvous.

Ari thinks ...

I wonder if the church has been clamping down somehow and that's what has everyone nervous

Tuesday July 24th, 2007 2:06:43 PM

The dwarf will fall into step in the back of the group covering their back.

during the walk to the Inn Nezamil will keep an eye on people's reactions to their group.

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 24th, 2007 8:48:45 PM

The swords make their way along the dockside and around to the main thoroughfare and head toward the center of the town and toward their chosen destination of the Jack's Booty. When they arrive in front of the place they turn around and see that facing it on the other side of the square is Heartseed Cathedral. (I will send a basic city map when I get back in town. It is not currenty important.)

The inn looks fairly large from the outside and looks to have been around for quite a while, all that is but the sign. Its paint is fresh and clean unlike the rest of the signs on the square.

As the group enters they are indeed faced with a large interior room with a boat shaped bar running along the back wall. There are a number of long trestle tables and about 6 smaller round tables scattered through the room. Along the right wall are several humanoid shaped and sized dagger targets and several dart lanes. Along the left wall is a stairwell that apparently lead to the sleeping quarters upstairs.

Behind the bar three human males are pouring ale and other drinks and around 8 barmaids are delivering and taking orders from the partons.

The patrons of the inn are quite interestingly a mix of seafarers, pirates and other scoundrels with what appears to be a merchant or two thrown in for good measure.

Two or three groups and individuals capture your attention as you peer around the inn's interior.

At a corner round table of four sits a single man, who seems quite lost in his drink. He is wearing stained and tattered ga'alian priest's robes and spot DC 20Highlight to display spoiler: {there appears to be a tattoo on his shoulder, though all you can see of it is what appear to be three dagger tips.}

Seated at half of one of the long trestle tables is a group of six indiviuals, all of whom have the symbol of a burning flame somewhere on their gear or clothing and are heavily armed.

At another table a group of 8 armed individuals all whom have some sort of acidic green/yellow worked into their attire.

As you peruse the room an individual enters behind you and kind of pushes through you all. As he passes Rigging he speaks in a slightly sing song manner.

"Secretive enter, Bloody cut, Sharp slash, Quick depart."

The individual then moves up to the Bar where you hear him say. "Cold swallow." to the bartender who pours him a small ale as the man sets down a couple of coins on the bar top.

Over on the dagger and dart lanes another group of people, extremely neatly dressed and armed are throwing darts and daggers while they drink and talk.

Wednesday July 25th, 2007 2:47:33 AM

Looks good to me.

"He mate do you allways push yourself through people one day you get hurt when you meet the wrong people."

Bartender give me a few pints for me and my friends.

Rigging  d20+7=8 d20+7=17
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 8:57:30 AM

Rigging distracted by the sing song message doesn't notice the tattoo (rolled natural 1).

After ordering his meal, he will turn away from prying eyes, cast his message spell and whisper to the group, "We might have an ally or someone who is trying to get us to betray ourselves. he said to me.

"Secretive enter, Bloody cut, Sharp slash, Quick depart."

Mean anything to anyone? Sounds like he is encouraging us on our mission but wonder if he can offer any aid?"

While waiting for his food, Rigging will wander up to the bar close to the gentlemen and gesture to the barkeep for a refill. He will look at the man during this distraction and give him the once over (spot 17). "Nice weather we are having. We are new in the city. Would you recommend the rooms here?"

0 level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 2:08:11 PM

Hey friends. I need the report for last week posted. Email it to me too please so I can cross it off my list. ;)

Val, old human woman  d20+6=25
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 3:07:22 PM

Appearing as something that nobody takes seriously is a new experience for Val. Nobody is even looking at her as an old human woman. As her normal self everybody believed she was a dark elf. Which was true, to an extent. As she scanned the room her eyes caught sight of the fallen priests tattoo.

"M'lady the man in the corner sitting alone has a tattoo that has three dagger tips. Or so it appears from this distance." She says quietly into Ashira's ear.

Wednesday July 25th, 2007 4:50:13 PM

Lagging behind the others slightly the armored dwarf surveys the room .....looking for signs of other races hoping he doesn't stick out to much.

Deciding to copy the lone Ga'alian priest....Nezamil grabs a chair at a nearby small table .......flagging down a barmaid " pitcher of ale " growls the dwarf

putting his back to the wall so he can have a full view of the bar and waits to see if any cohorts join him

attendence report 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 4:59:07 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Ashira oxxxo
Appolo xxxoo
Rigging xxxxo
Val xxxxo
Bart xxxoo
Nezamil xxxoo
Mykael xxooo
Cosmo oxxxo

Ok people we need to get back on track with posting!! we all can do better ;-)

any issues please lets us know !!

Cosmo  d20+6=11
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 7:54:39 PM

Cosmo takes a seat with his comrades. He looks around, but doesn't see anything interesting (spot 11).

He waits for his drinks and contemplates their next move.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:14:09 PM

Her arms trembling ever so slightly at Val's comment, Ashira works very hard at controlling her emotions. Her fists clinch as the almost unbearable urge to cut down the priest creeps toward Ashira's soul. Her breathing becomes ragged and she turns away. Composing herself, she watches Nezamil approach him. Perhaps it's better that way. Ashira watches the exchange as she tries to decide whether she can join in or not.

DM Kent 
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:30:32 PM

Val notices the priest's tats and is pretty sure they are Jacktoos, and tells Ashira about them.

Cosmo and Nez Join rigging at a large round table (seats 6) and have a seat. Almost immediately a barmaid comes over and gets Nez's order. She looks questioninly at Cosmo.

After having ordered a meal, Rigging makes his way to the bar and buys the strange man a second drink. The man seems to have a slightly glazed look in his eyes and his face is very slack looking. There is a bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth and he is dressed in what appear to be mismatched rags of clothes. As the bartender lays down his second drink he looks over at Rigging and speaks.

"Very thank."

At Rigging's question, he simlpy replies.

"Soft sleep."

The three larger groups all seem to be glancing over at the Swords and then whispering amongst themselves. The two men that chatted with you earlier at the docks nod a greeting and the go back to talking.

The Priest sits quietly occasionally picking up his flagon but suprisingly never drinking.

Appolo  d20+12=25 d20+10=21 d20+10=29
Wednesday July 25th, 2007 9:41:11 PM

After entering the Jack's Booty by himself a few minutes behind the others Appolo bellies up to the bar and orders a drink .After few minutes he starts a conversation about general topics working his way around to the city and the G'aalians.Appolo is trying gather imformation or the city guard and the Temple across the street,without being so obvious.He deliberately aviods the others in his group.
Spot 25 Listen 21 Gather Imformation 29

Thursday July 26th, 2007 1:24:25 AM

Mykael takes a small table away from everyone else. He orders a drink and tells the waitress he will pay for the a drink for each of the two men he spoke with on the docks.

He awaits to see if or how they react. When they look his way, he deftly looks at the empty seats around his table, meaning for them to join him.

Thursday July 26th, 2007 2:27:21 AM

Bart sits down near mykael drinking his ale, gathering information is not his best point but he keeps an eye open on the door and he peers now and then through the window

Thursday July 26th, 2007 4:59:31 AM

Whispering back to Rigging Ari responds while wiping his nose on his sleeve, "Sounds like it's someone who is a Jack. I had wanted to ask about them and see if they could scout or help us in. I'd say friend."

Ari then takes a look around to concentrate on who might be watching the group.

Thursday July 26th, 2007 4:59:56 AM

ooc I was forgotten on the report! Not sure what to say about that! ;)

Thursday July 26th, 2007 9:05:43 AM

Rigging recognizes the heartseed gone badly patron and after a few polite moments, will head back to his seat pondering what the "Jack" said. He knows they are often allies hidden in their deformed bodies but not sure if he was just rambling on trying to pass on information.

When his meal arrives he will fall to it with a gusto enjoying the red meat. He will still keep an eye out for any trouble or possible information.

He will send out a message to Appolo, "Check out the temple's more obvious guards please? Roving patrols and stationary. Oh and don't get caught."

Thursday July 26th, 2007 5:21:22 PM

The armored dwarf sips his ale quietly......just eyeing his fellow patrons in return ......gauging their intrest in them

Thursday July 26th, 2007 9:34:12 PM

Cosmo puts his drink order in with the bar maid. He continues to look around for any one or thing of interest.

He keeps up the appearance of someone out having fun for the evening.

Val, old human woman 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:10:53 PM

Val stays behind Ashira keeping up with her role as an elderly servant.

DM Kent 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:41:41 PM

Apollo works his way ovr to the group by the dagger lanes and starts up a conversation with a couple of the watchers and begins his search for information. The group seems to be fairly forth coming. Apollo finds out that they are the adventuring group called Acid and are actually from Ailsidur themselves. While talking he finds out an intrestion tidbit of knowledge. It seems thay are waiting on some fairly high level adventuring group that, rumor has it, is supposed to be going to be taking out the Cathedral and so they are here to help with some of the aftermath clean up and other things. He also learns that this inn actually is owned by the Pirates of Jack. The ranger apolo is talking with says that there seems to be at least two separate gates and inner and outer one that have to be breached and are gurded, in order to even get into the sanctuary. The man also has heard a couple of rumors that he passes on. First he has heard that there is a new quad being trained that can enlarge themselves to an incredible size. And that apparetly Ga'al's real heart in hidden somewhere inside Heartseed Cathedral.

Over at the bar, the bartender makes an offhand comment to Rigging that that apparently he has been hanging out around Heartseed cathedral alot lately. He shrugs and maves back to the table to eat where he sends a message to Apollo across the room.

Mykael sends the drinks over to his two acquaintences and they grin back at him and motion to him that they are with a group but that he would be welcome to join them, and they both motion to him to come over and join them at their large table.

Ashira grimaces at the "priest" until Val mentions the tattoos and then gets a bit intrigued.

Cosmo, Ari, Nez and Bart eat and drink and watch the patrons catching a number of different patrons occasionally looking over at the new comers.

Val stays with Ashira also intrigued by the "preist."

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday July 26th, 2007 10:57:35 PM

Getting a grip on herself, reason starts to filter through. True, she herself had once worn Ga'al's symbol and the swords of the Pirates...but then again, she had proudly displayed her affiliation with Ga'al. Which is not exactly like this fellow. What self respecting priest would allow his robes to look like that?! Perhaps things were much different than she first assumed. She walks slowly toward the priest and takes up a non-obtrusive position beside him. "Oi, s'cuse me sir, but do ye mind if I take a seat?" Assuming she is offered a seat, the woman kicks off her dirty shoes and tenderly rubs her toes. "I hope ye don't mind me asking, sir, but I'm new to town... Ain't ye one of the priests that's in charge 'round here?"

Friday July 27th, 2007 7:00:10 PM

The armored dwarf sips his ale .....keeping an eye on Ashira out of the corner of his eye without looking over.

Making small talk with his fellow Wildcards Nezamil just try's an acts casual

Appolo  d20+12=16 d20+10=19 d20+10=21
Friday July 27th, 2007 8:33:20 PM

Appolo gets the message from Rigging,witha slight grimace,but basicly ignores it and the other wildcards/He continues his conversation with the people around the dart boards.He's not happy about the message."Well I'm just asimple sailor moving from port to port.Not much interested in G'aal's catherdral,but thanks for the info."He sticks around drinks alittle bit throws a few darts,then goes to see about getting a room,After saying goodnight and good luck to the poeple st the dgger lanes..

Spot 16 Listen 19 Gahter imformation 21

Val, old human woman 
Friday July 27th, 2007 10:21:15 PM

Val moves behind Ashira and pulls out a chair for her just in case she wished to sit.

DM Kent 
Saturday July 28th, 2007 1:01:10 PM

Ashira approaches the old priest and invites herself to have a seat and then asks her question.

His response is immediate and unexpected.

"If'n I was, don' yu think I'd ha' me some bett'r clothes?"

He then lays his his hands flat on the table to Ashira's dismay, and shows that he has not one complete finger on either hand.

"I ain nuthin at all now. Ain't a priest, ain't a Jack. Ain't nuthin but worthles. Now go 'way an leave me to my drink."

Apollo cuts short his time at the dart lanes though while there he hears speculation on who might be coming to take down the cathedral. Various folk have different ideas, but the majority think it will be one of the two current dragon groups as they have helped out in Ailsidur before. There are a few that even mention the Wildcards, but those folk are hushed down with talk that the Wildcards seem to have left the mainland for their own purposes and not returned. Some even seem to think that they have disbanded or been killed off.

Saturday July 28th, 2007 2:01:58 PM

I wonder if we get more info in this inn, maybe if we sta overnight Bart whispers to Cosmo

Saturday July 28th, 2007 11:52:43 PM

Standing up and deliberately walking over and taking an extra seat at the table his two acquaintences and thier group.

"Evening fellas, thanks for the invite. This is a good place."

He orders a full round for the table, and makes small talk with a few questions tossed in.

"Whats with the name or the inn? And what do your emblems mean?"

Ari  d20+7=19
Monday July 30th, 2007 12:55:12 PM

With his meal done, Ari pushes back his plate and begins to enjoy his wine. He quickly goes through the first couple of rounds. As he continues to order his speech does become distinctly slurred. During all of this he keeps listening in to the sounds of the bar area and keeping an ear out for any tidbit of information (listen=19)

Monday July 30th, 2007 1:23:55 PM

The armored dwarf relaxes slightly.......taking a few more sips of his ale he chats quietly with those at his table......but keeps a wandering eye on Ashira and the Cleric

Monday July 30th, 2007 7:57:59 PM

After saying good night and paying for his drinks Appolo goes and gets aroom for the night."Wondering by Ashira"Hey pretty lady.If you want to have good time to night try room number 10."He the stumble his way upstairs takes a right down the hall to room 10.

Monday July 30th, 2007 8:15:50 PM

Rigging hears the rumors but finds it very strange that these people would so openly be in defiance of Ga'al several hundred yards away from the main temple in the capital city.

Still rumors are out flying and if these people heard them, who else has?

Rigging finishes his dinner and also gets a room for the night. Still before he goes up, he will buy another pitcher and amble over to the cleric's table and sit down the back of the chair in front of him. "Sir, I am not from around here and wonder if you could answer a couple of questions for me?" He holds up the pitcher eyebrows arched asking if he wants a refill. If he agrees, he will top him off.

"You said you were a priest? How does one stop being a priest? I must admit that the outside world has many questions about your religion. You have been locked behind walls for so long. I would be glad to buy you a meal and pay some coins for some new clothes for some conversation."

Ashira the very plain woman  d20+8=24
Monday July 30th, 2007 8:34:25 PM

The woman stares briefly at the digitless hands and then looks away. "Oh...hey I'm sorry dere sir....didn mean no offense. I can see yous been through alot. Here, let me buy you a drink." Ashira orders the "priest" a pitcher of whatever he prefers and gives it several more minutes before continuing (Diplomacy=24). "Beggin your pardon sir, but I'm new to these regions..." Ashira lowers her voice, apparently not wanting to be overheard. "But I thought the Jacks and the priests were enemies...how'd you come to belong to both?"

Ashira chuckles at Appolo's advance. "Eh...he must be pretty drunk, that one!"

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