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Invitation from a Dragon

A Bright Flash of Light [DM Jerry] 
Friday May 25th, 2007 9:35:59 AM



With a bright flash of light and an echoing sound of thunder, two adventurers appear near the mast of the ship.

One is dressed in emerald green from head to toe, a glowing sword at her side. Her bright hair waves in the wind and her cloak billows.

She is K'nara, leader of the Emerald Dragons!

The other is dressed in silver--platinum, if you will--with accents in gold. He stands tall and very muscular for a half-elf. The dragonstone glows on his chest, and his sword, "The Drqagonslayer", hangs off his hip. His confident smile lets you know that he's not being agressive.

He is Valdor, leader of the Platinum Dragons and the Dragonstone of the Dragon Consortium.


[OOC, K'nara and Valdor will speak for themselves when they post today. Feel free to react as you wish. ;)]

Friday May 25th, 2007 10:05:00 AM

At first glance she appears to be a dark elf wearing a fine suit of mithril chain holding a bow with a notched arrow. But her hair is the color of sunset and one eye is gold and the other green. Val doesn't like it when people just appear on their ship while its sailing. Especially people who look like they have had the pick of at least one dragon horde.

"State your names and purpose." She said and kept the arrow drawn. Just because they looked nice didn't mean anything. Priests of Ga'al would smile in your face as they implanted you with a heartseed. Val really hoped they just stopped for a chat with the captain.

Friday May 25th, 2007 11:17:38 AM

Valdor smiles at Val. He bows deeply and says,"Our apologies for surprising you my dear. I am Valdor of the Platinum Dragons, leader of the Dragon Consortium. This beautiful woman is K'Nara, the leader of the Emerald Dragons, newest members of the Consortium. She has a few things to say."

He winks at Appolo, nods to Rigging and Ashira with a smile and awaits K'Nara.

Friday May 25th, 2007 12:02:05 PM

A fraction after the flash and the appearance of the two "adventurers" Barts sword appears in his hand (glove of storing) But he sees a familiar face. Is it you Valdor it is along time ago we met, we where both undead at the time as i remember well
Which consortium do you speak off, cerainly not our starting enterprise on this island

Friday May 25th, 2007 12:04:01 PM

You and your friend K'nara are welcom on this ship. (Barts sword disappears again)

Friday May 25th, 2007 12:11:42 PM

Standing near the bow of the Sword .....Nezamil quickly turns around as the flash catches his eye

Looking down at the two new arrivals the 9'6" dwarf smiles .........having grown up in Plateau city he instantly recognizes the famed warrior as Valdor

"its an honor to have you both aboard.....i watched the Dragon ceromony at the Giggling Ghost.....quite an intresting party "

"The leaders of two Dragon groups want to talk to us ......must be something dire happening?"

K'Nara, an Emerald Dragon 
Friday May 25th, 2007 1:24:43 PM

(OOC: sorry for the delay--would've posted earlier, but I'm a bit under the weather.)

The tall human woman bows to Valdor.

"Thanks for the introduction, Valdor." she says, then turns canny hazel eyes to the group. "We two are here because the Dragon Consortium has become aware that your group has exhibited amazing potential to do great things in the Wold. Quite frankly, we like what we see. So we're inviting you all...to breakfast at the Emerald Dragons' Tower at Maryn, where we'd love to make you an offer. We'll provide the transportation to breakfast in the morning." She looks around, smiling, holding out her left hand, upon the palm of which is tattooed the colorful figure of a rearing unicorn.

"So...see you in the morning...yes..?"

Friday May 25th, 2007 8:14:04 PM

Rigging with a stern look on his face walks up to the two dragons and bows, "My name is Arrack Von Palin and I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption and leader of the Wildcards. I would consider it an honor to have breakfast with you but these are hostile seas and we have reports of a rover in the area. Will you be bringing us back? I can't leave my ship and crew leaderless for the long voyage home."

Friday May 25th, 2007 10:16:51 PM

Val eases her bowstring forward and slides the arrow back into her quiver. "No offense but how did we make news to the degree which people of your status has taken notice? We've been on an island, cut off from the wold for a while now. I never thought killing overgrown snakes was such a big deal."

DM Kent 
Friday May 25th, 2007 10:40:55 PM

Well the early morning launch was easily taken care of and then just about an hour after you left, you have a visit from none other than Valdor of the Platinum Dragons and K'nara of the Emeralds.

Caught a bit off guard, as no one expects company to drop in from nowhere in the middle of the sea, the group is momentarily wary until they speak their piece and then the questions begin to flow.

K'Nara, an Emerald Dragon 
Friday May 25th, 2007 10:53:24 PM

The tall human female with the chestnut hair thinks over the extremely logical questions, nodding as she considers all the angles. Then she leans forward with a smile and a twinkle in her hazel eyes:

"The Wold is full of magic...there's more than enough of it to go around and keep any mission that you are currently engaged upon quite safe!" K'Nara announces. "This is the same magic that has allowed your exploits over the past year to be reviewed. This is the same magic that will return you to your ship a mere hour after you've been picked up--because, yes, you will not only be travelling...you'll be time-travelling!" She shrugs.

"And it's a free breakfast." K'Nara adds. "Who in their right mind turns down a free breakfast..?"

Saturday May 26th, 2007 1:34:38 AM

Valdor chuckles and says,"Yes Bart, it is me. That seems a lifetime ago, does it not? Much has changed for us all and that is why we have come. But, we'll discuss that tomorrow, if you accept the invitation. At dawn, your...means of travel will arrive and trust me when I say, you will all know when it is time.

And Val, my status is below a farmer. Just because I am fair with a sword doesn't make me important. The farmer grows things and struggles daily to eke out a meager existance. Something to remember. But enough of that, everything will be discussed at breakfast, and I'd imagine that a what, nine plus foot dwarf, could probably eat you out of this ship. If he's anything like my friend Clanggden, that is."

He turns back to Rigging and says,"All that K'Nara says is accurate. There will be no real time lapse from when you depart your ship. So, can we count on your group's presence?"

Saturday May 26th, 2007 7:42:01 AM

Having been caught off guard by the sudden arrival of the new guests. Ari eyes them momentarily until comprehension dawns on him as to at least who one of the people are.

Listening to what is said Ari raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Who indeed refuses a good breakfast prepared with good facilities with all the foods of the Wold available to them.

We will surely have to see this wonderful magic in order to appreciate what it can do!"

ooc Am I included in the spell sharing? My name wasn't mentioned?! :)

Saturday May 26th, 2007 10:20:17 AM

Rigging says, "Time travel? The tales of your exploits and power must be true if you can control time itself. Yes I am willing to go."

He looks over at Ari and says, "Relax, of course your going. No one was invited by name."

Saturday May 26th, 2007 1:59:39 PM

Cosmo listens to the new comers and their offer of breakfast in Maryn. And traveling there and back without losing any time. Time travel, who would have thought of such a thing. Maybe he can learn how to time travel is he watches closely enough.

The little halfling rushes back to his room and grabs his things. He then rushes back on deck.

"I'm ready to time travel. Let's go"

Saturday May 26th, 2007 3:36:14 PM

The ranger smiles at the appearance of Valdor. She nods approvingly at the breakfast offer, though there is a frown on her face. Seemingly caught up in thought, she looks over at Rigging. "Captain, shall I inform the crew that we will be departing shortly?"

Sunday May 27th, 2007 2:57:45 AM

Appolo is not on deck when Valdor and K'nara arrive.In stead he wonders up half naked ,with a young attractive human woman under each arm>It's clear what he spent the night doing and the reason for his laye rise.

Seeing Valdor and K'nara he smiles and waves"Excuse me ladies a couple of old friends have arrived."He says Then makes his way over to the guest.He is very relaxed and happy."So Valdor my friend come to get a rematch on that dagger throwing contest we had awhile back.Oh and how's your beautiful daughter.You spirited her away just when I was about to close my trap."he says witha smile.Turning to K'nara"You're as beautiful as ever.To bad I didn't get the chance to dance with you before you cut out of the party with that short barbarian fellow.Guess that means I owe you one."He bows to her rather gracefully.Hiw incredibly long hiar flipping and flying thrying the wind.Right at 6 and half feet tall and arounf 190 lbs bronze skinned tattoed Appolo is every bit the pirate.

Looking at them"So what truely brings you out here?"

Sunday May 27th, 2007 11:57:08 AM

Valdor and K'Nara, two mighty adventurers as you can maybe help us to retrieve an artefact that was stolen from us, it is the counterpart of this one, and it is called the wayfinder. If there is a way you can help us it will be most appreciated

Sunday May 27th, 2007 11:16:58 PM

Valdor simply raises an eyebrow at Appolo, knowing the youth is trying to goad him. He replies to Appolo, then to Bart,"We are here to invite you to a breakfast. That is all we are at liberty to discuss presently. Bart, you are quite capable as a group of completing your task, and we are both currently on our own separate quests, so I'm sorry to decline your request for aid. But, you will succeed...I have that much faith in you."

He turns back to Rigging and says,"So, it is settled then? Your group will attend? As I said before, you will know when it is time to go. K'Nara, anything you wish to add?"

The six-foot-tall blade singer shakes her head.

"The invitation has been extended...and the rest is up to you." She bows to the group.

OOC: Edited to add K'Nara's response before the next DM Jerry post.

Monday May 28th, 2007 12:32:33 AM

After hearing strange voices on deck, and gaining some unheard information from his familiar Ghem, Mykael decides to have a look for himself.

A lightly armored elf, Mykael, emerges from below decks and the little dragon, Ghem, lands on his shoulder and curls himself around the back of the elf's neck resting comfortably.

Both stay in the background quietly observing the preceedings.

Out of the Sun [DM Jerry] 
Monday May 28th, 2007 2:26:49 AM

Valdor and K'nara depart with an explosion of fireworks that dangle over the sea making the shape of a dragon for just an instant.

The rest of the day is spend in curiousity, as well as the daily tasks of being aboard the ship.


Early the next morning, flying out of the sun is a glint of gold.

The lookout sounds the alarm.

As everyone hits the decks, the shape pulls out of the sun enough that you can tell what it is...


It flies a circle around the ship as if to ascertain that this is indeed what it is looking for.

Then it hovers.

Deciding that this is indeed the right ship, as it is very unique, it smiles.

Dipping a wing to show it's intent, it beats its wings and lands carefully on the rear end of the boat.

It then pivots to the starboard and lowers a wing and extends a leg, turning its face towards the fore of the boat to watch.

Once again, it smiles.

Monday May 28th, 2007 8:48:14 AM

Once Ari realizes it is a Gold Dragon, Ari stands and watches in awe as it circles around the ship. Glad that they are having a friendly encounter (or so he hopes), Ari watches until the Dragon alights on the back of the ship.

"They weren't kidding when they said we'd know when it was time."

Waiting to see whether his friends get the same idea Ari then moves slowly and carefully climbs onboard the Gold Dragon Express. He keeps an eye out on the smile to make sure that he's moving where and the way he should to get onboard.

"Thank you friend Dragon for the offer of transport."

Grinace? [DM Jerry] 
Monday May 28th, 2007 9:50:16 AM

The dragon "grins" at Ari...or was it a grimace?

Nope it was a grin.

Monday May 28th, 2007 2:16:21 PM

Bart is a bit disappointed by the refusal of Valdor, only a small hint would have helped to go back on the road. But they sure know how to make an disappearance. And now a dragon, just jump on his back to have a ride to breakfast?

Monday May 28th, 2007 4:32:11 PM

Rigging comes on deck when he hears the commotion. "Thomas, the ship is yours. Sounds like we are going to be right back but you never know. Just follow the course I have laid out on the charts below."

Rigging will walk up to the dragon and bow, "Thank you for the ride. I some how doubt you do much ferrying around and I am honored."

Rigging will then climb up and find a comfortable spot, glad that he memorized his overland flight spell for the day.

Monday May 28th, 2007 4:38:13 PM

Looking more than a bit uncomfortable about climbing onto a dragon's back, Ashira moves deftly to position herself right behind Rigging and grips him in a bone crushing hug. If we fall, at least we'll go out together... Closing her eyes, Ashira prays that the trip is a short one. Never one for much more than a small combat flight, Ashira's stomach churns at the imminent high altitude trip.

Monday May 28th, 2007 5:06:36 PM

The 9'4" dwarf awakens too the noise and quickly gets dressed.

Climbing up on the dragons Nezamil takes a seat near the back .

Spotting Ashira's discomfort "Hey Ashira if ya wish to borrow my ring of featherfall your more then welcome to it.....but dragons are expert flyer's so i don't see any problems they can't handle"

DM kent 
Monday May 28th, 2007 5:57:25 PM

Their awaited transpot having arrived, has several of the swords feeling a bit anxious, while others seem to be looking forward to the ride. The crew however seems to be the most nervous, but not so much over the dragon but rather how close the stern is getting to the water and the cresting waves.

Monday May 28th, 2007 7:31:51 PM

Appolo shows up sober and wearing his finest armour and weapons all his gear and everything about him vlean and neat.His hair is neatly braided and he looks over the dragon then nonchalantly climbs aboard.

attendence report 
Monday May 28th, 2007 8:16:16 PM

Dm Kent oxxxx
Ashira oxxox
Appolo ooxox
Rigging oxxxx
Val oxxxo
Bart oxxxx
Nezamil oxxxx
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo oxxox
Ari oxxox

posted by adm chris

Monday May 28th, 2007 9:39:18 PM

Cosmo hops on board the dragon, not at all afraid of being eaten. He tries to maneuver as close to the front as he can.

He looks around excitedely waiting to leave.

Monday May 28th, 2007 9:57:22 PM

Val climbs up after the others. She's not worried about falling or anything else of that nature. She's wondering how the tales of men killing dragons could even be true.

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 1:30:48 AM

Ghem, I doubt you will be able to keep up. Hold on to me, I will hold you under my arm.

Mykael slightly bows his head to the dragon and climbs on with the others. He makes sure to get a good hold on Ghem and the Gold Dragon.

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 2:30:57 AM

Bar5t hops on as well wondering what will hapen at the meal

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 9:01:45 AM

Rigging notices Mykeals actions and wonders if Swirl would be able to keep up. He calls out to him to join on the dragons back since teleportation might be involved.

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 11:47:32 AM

Ari studies the back of the Dragon as best he can, since he may not get a peaceful up front view of any Dragon, again.

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 9:43:23 PM

ooc Not sure where we are supposed to post. Here or on the Emeralds board. No spot seems to be prepared for us

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 10:16:45 PM

OOC: same thing with me. Unable to post where the e-mail indicated.

Tuesday May 29th, 2007 11:55:59 PM

Arewe supposed to post there or here.Becuase I can't poast on the Emerald Dragon Board either.

Bart Aka William 
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 1:54:53 AM

i cant either

Wednesday May 30th, 2007 7:38:04 AM

Have put a post up on the DM board asking someone to fix the permission rights. Should be taken care of sometime today. Sorry for the delay guys!

The Flight [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday May 30th, 2007 8:23:33 AM

Once everyone is aboard, the dragon roars a warning to all and then tenses, leaps, and jumps giving everyone a second of freefall before using his powerful wings to rise into the air and head to the NE.

The flight is amazingly fast. Soon the shore is below and the Minotaur Islands approaching. Some archer sends an arrow your way as you cross the island. Then it's into northern Aisildur and towards Shadow Mountain. Skirting that to the south, you're soon following the southern edge of Culverwood and into the Emerald Kingdom.

Eventually a lone tower comes into view poking out amongst the trees. The dragon circles it and sets down just outside.

Some dwarves are in a huddle pouring over plans and documents outside, while workers are clearing trees and carting in construction materials.

The dragon lowers its leg and wing to let you descend. Once you have landed, it flies off again on some other mission.


[You should now begin posting on the Emerald Talon board. If you don't have permissions, hopefully Nellie is taking care of that. I'll send an email to Kim as well.]

Wednesday May 30th, 2007 8:54:17 AM

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to post on the Emerald board! ;)


Walter OOC 
Monday June 4th, 2007 7:43:19 PM

Personally I want the epic adventures. I don't know about everybody else but normal D&D adventures are easy to come by. Even tabletop games aren't that epic. I would like to see what happens when an apparent dark elf joins the consortium. How will the wold take it?

Todd OOC 
Tuesday June 5th, 2007 9:48:48 AM

There already is a dark elf with the Storms. :)

Walter OOC 
Tuesday June 5th, 2007 9:53:30 PM

Okay why don't we take an unofficial vote here and post the results on the other board? I have a feeling we could debate forever on this. When I first joined the Wold I wanted to be a part of the dragons. I want to take things to the next level. Arguments can be made for or against without end. Some have said that we haven't cleaned up our own land yet. Well what's the good of trying to clean up the land if some rogue dragon wipes out half the country because some of our group didn't want to join the consortium. I'm a bit confused on the nature of the voting though. We get individual votes but its a group as a whole. So is it one group vote or one individual vote?

Wednesday June 13th, 2007 8:10:44 PM

"Normally I'm one to kick in the door and rush in but even this is making me stop to think. After listening to the dragons, some of their comments really stick out. We need to have a solid plan and a good backup for when things get crazy. I suggest we divide up the loot taken from the snakes. Each of us can use what we have for gear. The gift given should be used for group items. The little things needed to keep us alive. Wands of healing, potions of healing, scrolls of ressurection, wands of dispel magic, something to detect evil, ect... I'm sure we all remember how they like to keep their priests in the back and hit us with blindness and other effect magic. We need to be prepared for that."

Wednesday June 13th, 2007 10:34:08 PM

"I tend to agree with Val, I think we need to use the 100k on group magic. Possibly a wand of dispel magic, and other magics that can get us into and out of rooms. Passwalls, dimension doors, etc. Healing scrolls or wands and the same for restoration and such.

Wednesday June 13th, 2007 11:13:05 PM

We could pass out multiple wands to all the wand users and have a determined order that they are used in. Like if we have 4 dispel magic wand, each time one is needed Rigging could call for it and #1, #2, #3, or #4 would activate depending upon where in the order we are.

Keep in mind they probably know our tactics too, so we might want to device some stuff that's way off for us?!

Thursday June 14th, 2007 12:02:00 AM

Aglow with excitement, Ashira listens in to all the ideas presented. He hands instinctively grip her swords in her excitement. "We'll definately need a lot of party resources. Val, your idea of using the money to buy wands and scrolls is a good one." She frowns a little. "I would love to bring our companions with us, but I don't think they belong on a mission like this. It's going to be hard enough to keep ourselves alive this time..." Ashira face breaks out into a full out grin as the frown melts away quickly. "First thing we need to do is gather some good information. Find out as much of the layout of the building as we can...entrances, exits, strengths...weaknesses. Which of course, will be tough, considering we will be in enemy territory." She looks over at Appolo and slaps the thief happily on the back. "Think you're up to the job little bro?"

Thursday June 14th, 2007 1:14:28 AM

Mykael appears a little un-nerved. He hasnt had much dealings with the heartseeded or Ga'al. This is all new to him. The enthusiam to destroy and kill, is getting under his skin.

Mykael interupts all, he is somewhat forceful as the questions begin to roll off his tongue.

"Is there a way to save those that have been seeded? Wasnt the Emperor saved from a heartseed? Has the process been perfected? How dangerous, hard, and expensive is it?"

"I cant believe that all the seeded wanted it or are evil. Is there a way to save them? Death cant be the only option we have for all those we meet. Can it?"

Rigging "illegal post" 
Thursday June 14th, 2007 7:44:34 AM

Upon hearing Mykael's questions, Rigging almost snaps off a sarcastic answer but looking deeper upon Mykael's face, he relents. "Mykael, you have a good and generous heart but most of us have been fighting Ga'al and his minions since our teens.

The heartseeded aren't necessarily evil in themselves. Many of our parents have the heartseed. My own father was freed of its influence from actions done by the Gold Dragons.
Still we have seen an entire town rise up against us under the heartseeds and Ga'als influence. Bart's own father tried to kill him. My first love died in that battle, sacrificing herself to save the rest of us.

We do have some cure which we call Alemi's blessing. We used it to save Ashira. I don't think we are going to get anymore and have limited doses, so no we can't cure them. Besides we are making a strike on the temple of Ga'al itself. The main temple. I doubt the clerics of Ga'al would want to be freed from his influence. They tend to have the same kind of thinking that he does."

Thursday June 14th, 2007 8:46:36 AM

"Yes we are going to have to do this alone. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage. Maybe leave the Sword sailing the coast so when we show up in the temple they will be completely off guard. Remember they said evil person and things. besides self defenses, heartseed or no heartseed, non evil people get to live. Were purging evil from the world, not reveling in mass slaughter. So we need to buy something that detects evil. A wand of hold person could be useful in determining who's evil or not."

DM kent 
Thursday June 14th, 2007 10:19:08 AM

As each of the Swords steps through the tent opening they feel a major sense of dislocation and dis-equilibration, so bad as to nearly allow their breakfasts to vanish from their bellies in a most unpleasant fashion. Fort save DC 5.

As each of the swords closes their eyes to and relax in the sudden darkness, they are once again thrust into the light as they drop several inches onto the deck of the Sword, surprising the crew at work on the deck.

By the sun and the amount of work that has been done on the deck, it seems as though you might have been gone less than five minutes. This is further emphasized when Thomas steps forward and looks at you quizzically. " I thought you were off for a breakfast with the dragons?"

The next five weeks is taken up with the daily chores and jobs of sailing the Sword in good weather. Several times you sight a few sails in the distance and once you come across a smoldering barely floating shell of a ship that had obviously been attacked and destroyed. It is with a sense of trepidation and relief that you finally see the coastline and harbor opening from whence you departed.

OK all. Take the next two days to post what you want to accomplish on your trip home, plans you might want to make, go to the catacombs, etc. When I get back in town and to my computer, on Saturday, I will post the list of "things" you took from the YT.

Cosmo- yes to the 1st, No to the 2nd.

Nellie - Are you up for DMing for me for about two weeks staring the 22nd and going through the 3rd?

Thursday June 14th, 2007 11:44:46 AM

(OOC:Rigging needs to see the last post Valdor made on the Emerald board for his gift)

Cosmo  d20+8=15
Thursday June 14th, 2007 10:12:12 PM

Fort 15

Cosmo is glad to be back. He wonders how they will accomplish their first task.

"When do you think we will start on this task we have been assigned? Do you think we ahve a deadline on when to get it done?"

Thursday June 14th, 2007 11:40:43 PM

Ashira listens to the conversation, though her excitement is not deminished by Mykael's questions. She looks him full in the face as she speaks to him. "Mykael, I don't expect you to understand this. I have been fighting Ga'al and his priests for all my life. It started when they butchered my mother in front of me as a child. Then they captured me, tortured me and put one of those cursed things in me." Ashira shudders with the memories she's worked so hard at surpressing. "I don't say these things because I want your pity. But if I seem particularly zealous about killing priests of Ga'al, those things might have something to do with it. Knowing that, I'll have you know that I have never once killed anyone that I knew was good, and I don't intend to start on this mission. But as far as the priest of Ga'al are concerned, I will happily dispatch every single one of them to Gargul."

Ashira spends her five weeks drilling the Swords over and over on both basic and advanced combat techniques. She triples the workout schedule and makes sure that even the mages are refreshed on basic melee combat. Any free moments are spent thinking through new combat techniques as she readies herself for the upcoming battle.

Friday June 15th, 2007 2:10:49 AM

Mykael, some could fight the hartseed, but you wont find them in the temple, it is our belief that a priest is willing to follow Ga'al, so he is more vulnerable for his wishes, ahum instructions. And yes they can be cured with Alemnis water stored in the Feybelle bottle we retrieved from the old city Isuldur, The ghost Father Farkus trold us that the well we get the water from soon would lose its magic, it was only active for a limited time.

Bart is training and preparing himself on the voyage back home. Knowing this temple raid could make the difference in Aisuldur. Maybe it is their last raid on a temple.

When they are together Bart tells his friends
We did raid a lof of raids on temples, not all off them where a success. I remember my first raid, we lost a friend there, Domi bless her. I think we must by some stoneskin scrolls, make us less vulnerable. Could we heigten our resistances with scrolls as well? (giving us higher saves).

Personally if i have enough money i want to buy a better chain and sword.

Friday June 15th, 2007 5:29:01 AM

"I don't remember us having any good times with any priests."

During their time of preparation Ari will work with the other mages to get some new spells put into his book.

Friday June 15th, 2007 11:21:00 AM

OOC Kent, I believe that we have once been to this cathedral years and years ago but I might be mistaken. If we have, can you verify that? If you don't want us to have once been there that is cool too but it will change some of our planning.

Rigging during the long voyage back works on putting some spells into his spellbook from Comso's and Mykael's respective books.

He then calls a meeting of the Wildcards, sits them down in his and Ashira's cabin and starts a planning session.

"We have to think very carefully about this raid. I don't think we are allowed to bring henchmen and followers on the journey and I also don't think we should bring the Sword either. It is to well known and I think our chances of sneaking in will be nullified. We will have to find regular shipping or go the overland route.

We need to plan for a long drawn out battle. First we need to get past the regular temple guards. They won't present much of a challenge but will waste resourses. I bet we can expect a couple of upperlevel quads who will prove more challening. I also think we will face several high level priest plus their underlings. It is the High Temple and the High Priest will reside there I assume.

Finally we need an escape route. Once we start this raid, we will need magic to escape. The whole city might raise against us and though we are powerful, we aren't ready to slaughter an entire city.

Here is what I am thinking on our using the 100,000 gps. To escape, we need one braclet of friends. It should be worn by either myself or Cosmo. We can then teleport away carrying a friend or two with us and then summon the rest with the braclet. 19,000 gps

I would recommend 2 type 7 fireball necklaces to be worn by our fighters or non spell users. It will give them a mass punch and free up our spell users spells for other useful things. Both cost 17,400

I believe we are going to run into many magical traps, glyphs, symbols etc. so we either need a way to circumvent them with spell immunity or eliminate them with with dispel magic. I think we should buy a wand of dispel magic 10th level for 22,500.

Finally we are going to need healing. My first assumption is we should buy a staff of healing, but upon reflection I think we would be better off eithen penning scrolls or buying them. A staff can be sundered, disarmed and ties up the hands.

After the above purchases we still have 41,100 gps to make party purchases. We could load up on scroll and potion to distribute to all of us or we can make one more major purchase. What do you think? I was tinkering around with the idea of a rod of quicken lesser. It costs alot but it allows one spell user to cast 6 spells in one 3 rounds. That could be a lot of fire power or healing. What do you think?

OOC Kent, how long of a journey will it be for us to get to where we are going by land or sea?

Friday June 15th, 2007 11:35:09 AM

Appolo spends his time on the jounery back to prctise his craft moving silently hiding and back stabbing.Picking locks setting traps disabling them.He practises alot woth Eli driving his proyege to ehuastion,Appolo also works the crw hard.Vert few object becuase most think he'sa bit mad and none want to anger him.

Friday June 15th, 2007 10:21:34 PM

"Don't forget something to detect invisible people and dispel it as well. They love to use that invisability. Also I suggest picking up a few bags of holding. We need to bring some rations with us in case we get trapped in the cathedral and have to hold up for some time. Also the bags could be useful if we find anything that may be too valuable to leave behind. Also I remember a spell. One that lets people climb up a rope into an extradimensional pocket. A scroll or two of that might be useful. Once we sell the loot we just acquired we can get a better idea of what we can each buy ourselves for this mission."

ooc: Val spends the next few weeks dodging Ashira's crazy training schedule. She knows her skills are sharp. She doesn't need physical training. She needs something else. Val uses her time for meditation and self reflection.

Saturday June 16th, 2007 11:46:51 AM

Some stoneskin scrolls could be handy too

Saturday June 16th, 2007 2:50:48 PM

Appolo finds Riggingas they enter port"We'll need sp,e mas Teleportation Scrolls and something to protect us from Dispell magic.So we can dispell thiers but they can't dispell ours.As well as s crolls that heal and enhance our attack capabilities."

Saturday June 16th, 2007 3:33:49 PM

As they sail towards there destination.....the fae kings magic slowly continues to fade from the large dwarf.....by journey's end Nezamil stands about 5'ft tall.

the dwarf enjoys the hard workouts the Ashira leads....knowing they need to be ready they they'll surely will be walking into a vipers nest of Ga'alian horror at their temple.

Finding some down time the Cleric of Domi mediates to Domi...feeling his power increase from his training and prayers.

Cosmo  d20+25=41 d20+25=31
Sunday June 17th, 2007 9:54:33 PM

Cosmo spends some time at the Star Mages Guild. He learns the 2 new spells for the new level he as attained (spellcraft 41 & 31). He also spends at the guild penning into his spellbook the spells that were destroyed by the pyramid.

After that Cosmo heads over the to catacombs. He needs to gear up for this next expedition. He contemplates what he will buy.

Sunday June 17th, 2007 10:14:47 PM

Guys, Rigging would like a some time to create some magic items. I don't mind making some for the group but it does take a while. I would like to say we spend 3 months in town, refitting, studying etc. It only has to take one post but I am gonna need that kind of time to create some things that could be beneficial to the group. Is everyone OK with this? Doesn't seem like we have a time limit according to Jerry but he doesn't want us to be bored.

Here is what I am thinking about making:
For myself: +4 headband of intellect (get me some exta spells)
16,000 gps normal my cost 8,000 gps 16 days to make and 640 xp
+3 cloak of resistance
9,0000 gps normal cost, my cost 4,500 9 days to make and 360 xps

For the party: Will require party funds
Wand of dispel magic 10th level
22,500 normal cost, my cost 11,250 will take 23 days and cost 900 xps points

Wand of greater invisibility:
21,000 gps normal cost 11,500 my cost will take 21 days. 840 xps

Figure those two wands will come in handy on the mission. I also want to spend some time improving my spellbooks. Basically jumped up 4 levels in mage with the change and really short on spells

I encourage anyone else who can create scrolls, potions etc to do so.

Monday June 18th, 2007 12:49:53 AM

Mykael will be almost unseen to all those except a few that may catch him in the Star Mages Guild.

He will be working on an extensive upgrade to his spellbooks, along with brewing potions and scribing scrolls.

I need a list from each person in the group that would be interested in some of the potions he can brew, both types and numbers of each.

The costs for the potions will come from either party treasure or each individual paying the brewing costs for what they desire.

Mykael can make up to 30 potions with the time he has. The following list is what he can make and the cost per potion. He brews them at 7th lvl ability.

Enlarge Person = 87.5gp each

Protection from Arrows = 175gp each
Resist Energy = 175gp each
Blur = 175gp each
Invisibility = 175gp each
Bear's Endurance = 175gp each
Cat's Grace = 175gp each
Bull's Strength = 175gp each
Levitate = 175gp each

Protection from Energy = 262.5gp each
Heroism = 262.5gp each
Fly = 262.5gp each
Keen Edge(oil) = 262.5gp each

Stoneskin = 350gp each

I was thinking of enhancing the fighters with what I can make as much as possible. So warriors you probably need to step up here. I may be able to get more than 30, but that would cut into my spells, so we may need to plan out what would benefit us the most as a group.

Let me know, so I can post accordingly.

Appolo OOC 
Monday June 18th, 2007 1:20:07 AM

That's fine with me.We need to make a good plan and Appolo is now level 12 So I go to re do his charactor sheet and send it in.

Monday June 18th, 2007 1:47:20 AM

Forgot one...

Haste = 262.5gp each

Monday June 18th, 2007 9:52:30 AM

Does someone have the list of spells I can try to add to my spell book up to 3rd level that they could email to (todd@peeterson.com).

If not I'll update tomorrow or Weds.

DM kent 
Monday June 18th, 2007 10:41:24 AM

Homecoming is not as sweet as it could be as it seems noone knew you were coming and none of your relatives seem to be anywhere near.

The governing council calls for you the second day back for a report on what occurred on the island and what progress was made in starting the port colony. There seems to be quite a bit of anxiety exuding from them.

The meeting goes as well as can be expected with no one truly happy but at least realistic.

A day or so later you reboard the Sword and make your way to Adorus, where again your homecoming is a bit lacking. In fact many seem to view you with some sense of unease or suspicion.

Over the next few days you rest and relax and finally feel nearly normal again and have all regained your land legs. There have been some disturing things that you have been hearing, but nothing concrete and nothing nearby that you can do anything about.


Rumors that you are hearing.

That there has been an increase in the number of forced heart seeding in many of the smaller rural towns and villages.

There is a large, dark and unhallowed ship coming to shore at night and kidnapping individuals, though no one seems to know who has been taken.

There has been a majore offensive by the church against the Pirates of Jack and several Jack ships were sunk and a number of Jacks captured.

There has been a big upswing in recruitment for the church and quite a few new alcolytes have been brought into the church.

Quads have been routinely spotted in the larger cities and have killed or taken away a number of influential people; though again no one can name any names.

There is even a rumore about a more evil sect of Ga'alian priests who have designed a new type of heartseed, but no one knows anything about it, where this sect is located, or even if it exists.

While these rumors are disturbing to you, none of them can be substantiated enough to warrant an investigation.

The next few months drag by and while rested you are becoming a bit bored and such by this lazy lifestyle. The rumors have continued to be heard, perhaps even a bit more frequently, but the only thing solid is that the Ga'alian presence is definitely more prevalent; as a month ago a large contingent of Ga'alina priests along with what appeared to be two quads came to town and took residence in several of the temples in town.

Monday June 18th, 2007 2:13:46 PM

Bart has not a lot to do while his fri4ends are working on potions and magic items. He does his daily training. He tries to do some investigation he asks Appollo to do the same maybe there are some sewers the could use to enter the temple complex.

Monday June 18th, 2007 9:37:02 PM

Rigging will follow Cosmo to one of the Star Mage guilds and join up paying 1,500 gps for a lifetime memebership. Though he can cast the 5th level spell, Rigging has never been published so will have to settle for a journeyman's title.

He will then utilize their libraries and labratories to pen spells into his spellbook and make the items mentioned above.

Before he does that, he will take a crack at identifying the potios. (Rigging has a spellcraft skill at +16 so he should statistically get 55% of the potions. If you want me to roll 50 times, let me know.)

He will give the other items (including the anmimal summoning wand not listed from Jim) to Ashira and send her off to the catacombs to get them identified. (not the potions)

Once all of these chores are done he will run to the catacombs himself to make some purchases.

Again before the two months, he will call a meeting and ask, "I don't want to bring henchmen and don't think we are allowed to in any case. We need to pay the men, make sure the crew has enough supplies while we are gone and give them something to do during our absense. Should they take some supplies back to our island? (I think we should take 10,000 K off the diamond totals to pay the men and get supplies.)

Bart I want you to look into shipping for us. We will need to get to the capital city some how unseen or at least unnoticed."]

Character sheet to follow with new spells and magic when we find out officially about the loot and how we are going to divide it.

Monday June 18th, 2007 10:01:37 PM

"I think its a great idea. Those who have chosen to walk our path have just begun their journey. Giving them something to do while we are gone will keep them from thinking we just abandon them when it suits us. Running supplies to the island should be relatively trouble free. What does come up unexpected they should be able to handle. I suggest that we not tell them exactly what we are doing. Some of them may be foolish enough to try and follow."

Appolo  d20+15=31
Monday June 18th, 2007 11:59:01 PM

Appolo spends a couple of days gethering imformation on the G'aalians and thier allies trying to find out what they are up to.

He reports what he finds out to Rigging.

"I think we should use 20,000 to pay the crew.Keep all the weapons and give the magical ones to our followers.We should also see about getting more ships and colonists.Perhaps a couple of small warships to patrol the waters around the island and help deal with the sea serpent."

Appolo OOC 
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 12:00:50 AM

Gather Imformation 31

I'll be traveling for a couple of days probably going to miss posting tomorrow night.Family Emergency in Nashville TN.
Thanks YOu, Chris

Tuesday June 19th, 2007 12:23:39 AM

Continuing her personal training regime, Ashira lets the others rest as much as they wish, not wanting to tire them out before their test. Neither does she want to draw unneeded attention to the group considering the rumors of all the Quad activity. Her training increases her abilities, and Ashira grows restless for the upcoming battle. Still, she knows the value of gathering information, and she sends Appolo out on several scouting missions, curious about the activities of the local priests.

OOC: Kent, I'm confused. Are we in the town where the mission is located, or is this the town that we have an alliance with. I'm assuming the later. If so, how far away is the temple of Ga'al that we will be assaulting...in Aisildur, but what town?

(OOC: Neither. You first went to south harbor and then went to Adorus the home town of most of the original Swords hailed from and where Wynd died. The temple you are going for, I believe is in Emperor City.)

Tuesday June 19th, 2007 11:05:59 AM

Having come back to his home town, Ari decides to check out what has changed since when his father died in town, the last time the Swords were here.

(ooc my domain registration expired and I didn't know it was a problem until this morning. My email should be returning to normal now.)

Tuesday June 19th, 2007 5:00:49 PM

Feeling more comfortable as his height and weight returns closer to normal.....Nezamil takes some time to keep training to re-adjust himself to fighting techniques as his size changes.

The cleric of Domi smiles and agrees with Val's idea's of keeping their followers behind and working "good thinking "........thinking to himself " i like this new side of Val....more vocal and taking more of a leadership role.....a good example for our followers"

Searching out Mykael " i'll take you up on brewing a few potions.....one of those anti-arrow potions would be nice .....go good with a fly potion too.....so i'll take one of each "

Nezamil frowns at the continued romuors of Ga'alian activity " they are growing bolder for sure......hopefully if we succeed that will curb them somewhat......that news of that dark ship is unsettling....seems to be stalking the high seas...wondering if that is the one we spotted by the island "

DM Kent  4d4(4+4+3+2)=13
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 6:36:08 PM

(OOC: Please let me know what amount of time you are putting into what for what is roughly 800 hours of time. 90 days @ 10 hours work per day minus 100 hours for miscelaneous activities. Or you can figure out what you can scribe in to spell books or create etc.)

(OOC#2: Ok who might still have relatives still living in Adorus or nearby? Bart, Ari, Rigging, Apollo?)

Training continues as does study and crafting.
Mykael goes to sell his two personel that he cut and is suprised to find that he did quite a good job and increased their value to a total of 1300 gp.

Apollo works people fairly hard but really doen't find anything new or solid out about the Ga'alians and their activities.

Rigging easily ids the potions as the chest of 50 are identical. The light purple sweet smelling liquid turn out to be Cure Light Wound potions.

Rigging hands over the other items and send Val to find out what they are.

Rigging  d20+24=37 d20+24=34 d20+24=34 d20+24=28 d20+24=28 d20+24=31 d20+24=35 d20+24=43 d20+24=40 d20+24=33 d20+24=35 d20+24=40 d20+24=25 d20+24=32 d20+24=43
Tuesday June 19th, 2007 11:39:58 PM

ooc Who was keeping track of the crew, the ship, and its arms? How much ship money do we have?

Rigging will take 5000 gps in gems and hand them to Thomas. "Have these converted to money and pay the ship and make sure we have provisions for a journey back. Buy whatever is on the list from the colonists and get the ship loaded. I think you will be taking the ship back to the island and then coming back here. Figure on leaving in a week. Rigging will call upon the other Captain who joined his crew and say, "Right now Thomas is acting Captain of the Sword of Redemption but I want you as his first mate. Help him with the navigation and keeping the crew sharp."

Rigging will make his headband of intellect +4 first and then the other magic items. He will then scribe the following spells into his spellbook. Figure I get 11 spells with the guidelines you gave abovei port and 4 more on the sailing journey from Cosmo's spell books. Had supplies on ship for 4 spells

Made all my spellcheck rolls but one so I get 14 spells. Basically only fail on a 1.

2nd level: melf's acid arrow and blur
3rd level: shrink item, blink, arcane sight
4th level: stone skin, enervation, arcane eye
5th level: fabricate, break enchantment and sending
6th level: true seeing, dispel magic greater, bears endurance mass

2 free spells for turning 12 level are: passwall and move earth.

ooc Kent if this list is ok, then give me the go ahead and I will add to character sheet.

After his creations, Rigging will head off to the catacombs.

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 1:58:28 AM

Bart is looking for a small ship, big enough for them to use to sail to the capital

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 1:05:54 PM

"Bart I have an idea. Instead of a small ship to sail in ourselves what if we join a crew thats already heading to the capitol? We can make up a cover story about the Pirates sinking our ship and were the only survivors. I think it would look less suspicious if we were part of a trade ship crew on shore leave."

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 9:13:40 PM

Nezamil pitches in with sailing the ship....trying to learn more about what it takes and how to get better(new skills )

Taking a few days the dwarf will spend a time down in Redux's old lab to mix up a few potions (brewing 3 potions of resist energy type 30)

Once done Nezamil wiil seek out Ashira,Bart and Val " these might come in handy soon....they will help resist a type of energy....just choose the type you wish when you consume it"

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 10:16:26 PM

Cosmo continues his studies at the Star Mages Guild. All the while trying to figure out what he should buy at the catacombs that will help him on this next mission.

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 10:50:47 PM

Ashira contemplates both Bart and Val's ideas. "Emporer City is several hundred miles to the West. Teleport would make things easier...but I don't think Rigging or Cosmo can cast it..." Ashira sighs. "The problem with getting on with a crew is that we're pretty well known. Still, if we could find some out of towners...merchants for outside of Aisildur, we might stand a chance."

Wednesday June 20th, 2007 11:24:05 PM

During my coversation with Kent today, he informed me we are only 2 sailing away from the captital city and maybe 5-6 if we walk. I was surprised to but what the hay!

DM Kent 
Thursday June 21st, 2007 6:51:24 AM

(OOC: I promise I am not stalling on purpose. I do not have a module from Jerry yet and I literally have nothing to post. I do need completed lists of what you have added/created for your PCs if possible by this evening.

I leave for Costa Rica tomorrow morning and Nellie will be subbing, that is if there is anything to sub. If not I don't know what else to do/say.)

Thursday June 21st, 2007 8:12:10 PM

Appolo reports he can find nothing out about the G'aalians other then the rumours they already heard.

He practices his crafta little more,then finds the others"I don't think we should send the sword away for such a long period.We will need it to amke our escape.If we succeed in taking out this temple,the priests and the heartseed device inside then we will create mass panic,confusion and hysteria throughout the realm and th army in the captial will fall on us with everything it has.So I suggest we keep the sword nearby and havea couple of mass teleportation spells on both for the infiltration and the exfiltration.Also we'll need plenty og healing snf buffing.

Thursday June 21st, 2007 10:51:01 PM

Rigging listens to Appolo and shakes his head. "The Sword is to well known and hated by the Aisidurans. We would never make landfall in it. No it is better to keep it, the crew and our henchman out of Ga'al's reach on this mission. Besides, it is our mission to do this and we were instructed to include no one else.

I propose we use some of those funds to buy a small ship or a large boat. We sail it to the city where we infiltrate quietly. We can take rooms in the city and perform some scouting of the temple.

When we strike, we strike hard and fast. I think night would be the best time since we don't want the temple filled with innocent worshipers who could interfer with our mission.
We can enter the temple either through the walls utilizing passwall spells or find a more mundane way in.

I want Appolo and Ari to be our primary scouts running ahead and warning us of trouble. They will need to be protected as best as possible. We will all be invisible and some fighter can be silent as well. I want those two though with extra protections since they will be springing the static traps guarding the temple. Resist fires, and spell immuntiities to glyphs to start.

I think we need to buy as much firepower with the rest of the money as possible as well as a means to escape. A braclet of friends will allow either Cosmo or myself to escape and summon some of you to us. I think 2 necklaces of fire, several javelins of lightning and anything else non spells users can get to make them more effective in taking out large groups of enemies.

Finally we will need a way to kill that damn tree. Anyone know of magic that will kill a tree? We can only get as prepared as we can. I am sure we will run into some unexpectant unpleasantries and will have to have enough fire power, healing and diverse magic to take it out."

Mykael  d20+12=32 d20+12=23 d20+12=31 d20+12=15 d20+12=16 d20+12=17 d20+12=24 d20+12=28 d20+12=22 d20+12=21 d20+12=24 d20+12=14 d20+12=16 d20+12=19 d20+12=32 d20+12=32 d20+12=15 d20+12=22 d20+12=17 d20+12=27 d20+12=20 d20+12=31 d20+12=15 d20+12=31 d20+12=22 d20+12=32 d20+12=30 d20+12=27 d20+12=18 d20+12=20 d20+12=14 d20+12=23 d20+12=14 d20+12=18 d20+12=26 d20+12=15 d20+12=24 d20+12=15
Friday June 22nd, 2007 4:11:48 AM

The Great Works of Mykael, while in the Star Mages Guild. He will also be going to the Catacombs, after loot is split


Attempted Spells learned:

Endure Elements
Enlarge Person - failed
Expeditious Retreat
Reduce Person

Arcane Lock
Protection from Arrows
Resist Energy
Locate Object
Invisibility - failed
Bear's Endurance - failed
Cat's Grace
Whispering Wind - failed

Dispel Magic
Protection from Energy - failed
Phantom Steed
Arcane Sight
Hold Person - failed
Tiny Hut
Keen Edge
Shrink Item

Black Tentacles - failed
Dimension Door
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser - failed
Ice Storm
Invisibility, Greater - failed
Polymorph - failed
Stone Shape - failed
Wall of Fire
Wall of Ice - failed

Learned for Free from leveling.

Remove Curse


Potions Made:
Protection from Arrows = 1
Bulls Strength = 2
Fly = 1
Keen(oil) = 6
Displacement = 16
Stoneskin = 16

Scrolls Made:
Dimension Door
Wall of Fire X2
Ice Storm
Remove Curse X2
Tiny Hut
Dispel Magic


Leaves one day left for Catacombs business.

Friday June 22nd, 2007 8:03:46 AM

What if we sent the sword on a mission to the Aisuldurion cost? Under guidance of our followers. I suggest near Ilthmar. We could ask the Jack for help as well
In the meantime we go to the capitol and do our thing.

OOC we have to divide treasure soon so we can shop)

Friday June 22nd, 2007 9:00:28 AM

two +2 composite longbowsbows (+2 strength)
five +1 keen long swords
Chest of 50 CLW potions
+2 amulet of health
+2 headband of intellect
+2 periapt of wisdom
+2 gloves of dexterity
Pearl of Power (2nd lvl)
Glove of Storing
Periapt of Wound Closure
Hand of Glory
3 MW Composite longbows (+2 strength)
one monster summoning wand 4th level from Jim

We need to deduct 1500 from the treasure for identifies.

Who wants what? I think we should keep the potions (not worth selling, Rigging would like the pearl of power. Makes sense that the wand of monster summoning should stay group treasure and go to Cosmo for his use.

Friday June 22nd, 2007 7:37:09 PM

"If were not that far away then why not ride in. maybe some potions to change the way we look. That would solve a lot of our initial problems."

Friday June 22nd, 2007 10:03:59 PM

Ashira mulls through the different courses of action. "Land based might be nice, but the towns in Aisildur can be pretty tight nit. It might arouse more suspicion with a group of strangers riding around throughout the country." Ashira runs her fingers through her hair as she thinks. "So far I think our best option is to get a ship and sail in...though I will agree to whatever the Captain decides is best."

ADM Nellie 
Friday June 22nd, 2007 10:05:30 PM

I'll be taking over for Kent starting tonight. Only problem is Jerry still hasn't gotten a module to me. So, I will be winging it for a while. Please be patient with me while I get all of this ironed out.

Course of Action (ADM Nellie) 
Friday June 22nd, 2007 10:19:12 PM

The time ashore is spent in various ways as some choose to spend their time teleporting back and forth between the Star Mages guild (BTW...that is how you guys are getting there, right, because I don't believe there is a chapter in Aisildur) while others soak in the local scene.

For those of the original group in some ways it is heart breaking to be back "home" in Adorus. Though the Swords maintain a low profile, double takes are made by several passers by and everyone is keenly aware that it is only a matter of time before they are identified.

In many ways the town has changed very little. Although heartseeding is no longer requesit, it would appear that it is still in high favor as all of locals are seeded. There is are a few more non-Aisildurian tradesmen, but other than that, Aisildurian life seems to have changed little.

After a small amount of poking around, Appolo finds a Fargunian sailor who is looking to forgo the open sea. "Just too dangerous out there with that black ship prowling the harbors..." he mentions to Appolo over a pint. "Besides, I've made me a decent wage over the years, won't be such a bad thing to go back to Fargunia and raise me a family..."

Not trying to steer the planning one way or another. Whatever we decide is fine with me...just want you guys to have options.---Nellie

Friday June 22nd, 2007 11:26:37 PM

WIth all the quiet time Val spends time with Melonie away from the sword. Hunting, tracking, sparring and anything else they can find to do.

ooc: None of the items identified are on my list of things to buy. So I pass.

Saturday June 23rd, 2007 3:12:20 PM

OOC: Not interested in any of the magic.

As for the star mages guild, if Cosmo or Rigging cant teleport us there, then Mykael will send a message to a mage or two in the guild in Plateau City. He will ask for transport for Cosmo, Rigging, himself, and Ari?. I am sure we are willing to pay for the transportation, as long as it is a fair to above average price. I am not sure of the distance, so if we have to use mundane means for a message, or if there is a mage here that would send us, those are options also. Cosmo? Rigging?

Saturday June 23rd, 2007 7:30:15 PM

Appolo takes the glove of dextrity and storing.He then says"We shouldn't seel anything but use these items to equip our followers and crew.qw have enough gold diamonds and gems.We should be able to out fit ourselves quite nicely."

Saturday June 23rd, 2007 10:43:05 PM

Some quick calculations:

Paying the crew and reprovisioning the boat: 10,000

Paying for the identifies. 1,500 gps

Our share per person is 10,833 gps 3 silver 3 cp

two +2 composite longbowsbows (+2 strength)15,345
five +1 keen long swords 37,417.5
Chest of 50 CLW potions (keep)
+2 amulet of health 3,600
+2 headband of intellect 3,600
+2 periapt of wisdom 3,600
+2 gloves of dexterity 3,600
Pearl of Power (2nd lvl)3,600
Glove of Storing 9,000
Periapt of Wound Closure 13,500
Hand of Glory 7,200
3 MW Composite longbows (+2 strength)1,620

total value 102,082 gps or another 11,342 gps 4 sps 4 cps per character.

So if we sell all the magic minus the potions and the wand which we keep as party treasure, we would receive basically $22,175 gps each

Now as part of your share, you want to keep some magic items and give them to your henchmen, go for it but Rigging wants his money so he can buy some better magic to make him more effective. I will take care of Thomas too.

Sunday June 24th, 2007 12:02:20 AM

the 22k sounds good to me. I have already bought my follower magical gear.

Ari  10d20(8+19+9+18+7+2+11+6+20+11)+14=125 15d20(1+12+11+8+17+12+14+4+7+12+9+15+5+1+6)+14=148 19d20(7+14+20+1+15+5+16+17+18+15+4+6+6+9+6+9+14+1+12)+14=209
Sunday June 24th, 2007 1:12:31 PM

Gaieed all first level spells

Cause fear
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Feather Fall
Floating Disk
Ray of Enfeeblement
True Strike

Bear's Endurance - failed
Continual flame
Detect Invisibility
Locate Object
M. Acid Arrow
Resist Elements
Scorching Ray
Sum. Monster II
Touch of Idiocy
Web -failed
Whispering Wind


Arcane Sight
Clair-audience / voyance
Dispel Magic +2
Fireball -failed
Hold Person -- failed
Lightening bolt
Keen Edge
Phantom Steed
Tiny Hut
Shrink Item
Sum. Monster III
Vampiric Touch - failed
Water Breathing

Sunday June 24th, 2007 9:33:29 PM

"I have teleport as a spell and am willing to help people get around while we do our equipping."

"None of the magic items are beneficial to me. I will just take my share in gold."

Cosmo heads back to the catacombs with his share of the treasure and purchases his new equipment.

Monday June 25th, 2007 5:32:07 AM

"Since we're doing a major equippage before we go out, I think I'd like to take all my stuff in gold"

"Should we contact the Jacks and maybe work our way to the temple that way, or at least a nearby town where we could come together?! I think the issue is getting there, or whether we want to make the sword sail the coast in such a way that they might think we're somewhere else."

(ooc I haven't had time to look back when we last came into Adorus when we saw the doppleganger. I know for sure my Dad was killed, I'm not sure about Mom and I cannot remember how many people of the town were killed.)

Monday June 25th, 2007 2:43:15 PM

Appolo looks around says "Ok we'll sell it.I'm taking my share and heading for the catacombs."
With that said Appolo heads out.

OOC:Remember The consortium gave us 100,000 as well.That's and additional 12,500 a piece.I'm going to be working on Appolo sheet as well.He's going to be spending close to 100,000 gold and he has moved up 10 level 12

Monday June 25th, 2007 3:22:38 PM

Well it looks like i can do some major shopping now

Monday June 25th, 2007 3:23:19 PM

Chris, Don't count on the 100K from the consortium. We are spending some of it in making some wands (dispel magic and greater invisibility) I am also looking at buying some human slaying arrows, 2 necklaces of fire, heal scrolls, restorations scrolls etc. I am also getting a braclet of friends so we can teleport away when we need to.

I have been looking for input on things to buy so if you have any good group item ideas, speak up. In the catacombs now.

Monday June 25th, 2007 10:45:02 PM

The ranger continues her logistical planning as well as taknig a trip to the Catacombs.

ADM Nellie 
Monday June 25th, 2007 10:46:30 PM

Ok guys, I have been trying to get in touch with Jerry since Thursday now and he has not written me yet. I have no module. I may need to wing a fill in adventure. I will let you know.

Monday June 25th, 2007 11:04:10 PM

"Besides the items, we may want to co-ordinate the spell casters too. Either getting different type of spells with different people, or cover as many spell types with each caster.

I could have all fire based attacks, or I could be a mix of fire, cold, sonic, etc...

I wonder if we want some of the higher castors to cast alter self, or the next spell up for best natural defenses. We could also use this to somewhat disguise ourselves as we travel. But we'd have to be carefull with our numbers, because that could give us away to.

With this much gold do we want to invest in mis-detection and mis-direction? We couldn't do it a couple of years ago, but maybe we can get those amulets now, or any other divination spell blocking?!"

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 12:12:25 AM

Group items I am thinking about with the 100K

Group Purchase:
Materials needed to make a greater invisiblity wand 10500gp
Materials needed to make a dispel magic 10th level wand 11250gp
Braclet of friends 19000gp
2 type 7 necklaces of fire 17400gp
4 scrolls of restoration 3200gp
4 scrolls of heal 6600gp
4 scrolls of cure serious mass 1500gp
Group purchase total: 69450gp

We can also buy some greater slaying arrows against humans 3 would cost 12,171 gps. Target hit would need fort save of 23 or die. Good way to take out some mid level npcs quickly

We might also consider a ship. Gonna need another one soon and a cargo ship costs 10 K. Could be a way to get us into the city without exposing the Sword. Have it drop us off and then join up with the Sword for a supply run.

couple scrolls of passwall might come in handy.

Any other ideas?

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 1:14:19 AM

I posted some about an hour before you George, not sure if you saw them or not.

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 11:47:52 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging"Some mass teleport scrolls would help with the infilitration and the exit.Long range would be good."

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 12:08:59 AM

Ashira nods. "You're right Appolo. I can provide a couple of Barkskin spells to boot. I like the idea of disguising ourselves as well. I for one stick out like a sore thumb...though I could just get a hat of disguise for myself." Ashira thinks for a minute. "So I guess the big question is whether we go overland or get ourselves another boat. Whatever we do, we've got to find a place to hole up so we can gather some information and not go into this thing flatfooted."

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 4:54:52 AM

"I wonder if there could be a way to make it look like we've been captured and someone, an ally, is taking us to the temple for questioning?"

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 6:46:24 PM

Is very bored in the catacombs waiting for service.

Moving Forward (ADM Nellie) 
Thursday June 28th, 2007 1:03:08 AM

Plans are made and provisions are acquired.

OOC: Please let me know whether we are traveling over land or sea.

Thursday June 28th, 2007 11:21:38 PM

Rigging comes out of the Catacombs with bunches of new stuff. He sticks most of it in his new haversack and then heads down to the docks to see if he can purchase a ship. They will need one for this next adventure and they will need another ship besides the Sword to make regular supply runs to the new island.

He will take Tomas with him after presenting him with his new chain mail shirt that he upgraded to +3 and get his opinions on the different ships they might purchase. "We will need to hire a good crew and find a Captain for her as well."

Friday June 29th, 2007 2:32:10 PM

"What about pooling our resources and maybe getting some extra good magic items, maybe a ring of freedom of movement?"

Friday June 29th, 2007 9:41:54 PM

Val waits patiently in the catacombs, hoping the others don't leave without her.

Friday June 29th, 2007 10:54:18 PM

Spends her dwindling free time looking over nautical maps and continuing to hone her combat skills.

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