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Heading for Home?

DM kent 
Tuesday April 17th, 2007 8:58:25 PM

Rigging sends Swirl off with the note to Thomas and then issues marching orders which are smoothly and effectively carried out. The slaves willingly carry what ever is handed to them though they don't move very quickly. In fact, you figure at the shuffling rate they are going the 3-4 hour journey to the bay is probably going to take about double that.

In any case you figure that even with a stop for something to eat for lunch you should be back by dark. That is of course as long as you don't get lost....


Which way are you heading and how are you choosing your way?

Wednesday April 18th, 2007 2:17:06 AM

The strong Bart carries his load of the treasure Rigging we have to give a part of the treasure to the freed slaves, they have worked for it.
Bart helps the former slaves where he can. Encouriging them trying to get them walk faster.

Val AC 19 HP 81/ 127 (18 subdual) (Haste, Freedom of Movement) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 10:01:58 AM

"Let's not forget that freeing the slaves cost us quite a bit. We are in a war people and war's aren't cheap."

Rigging  d20+11=30 d20+5=8 d20+7=26
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 11:30:29 AM

Rigging circles around the group looking for trouble, possible ambushes and the best path to take to get back to the Sword. Swirl will do the same, reporting any findings he get with Rigging who then passes them on to the group.

navigation roll of 30
spot roll of 8
swirl's spot roll of 26

When Rigging hears Barts comments, Rigging will respond. Bart I don't mind sharing some of the gold with the refugees but we will take the lion's share. Of course we will also be providing them transport if they want to leave or jobs and partial interest in the mines if they want to stay.

We have a huge amount of expenses coming up since we have already lost 2 ships by all reports. Don't forget we are supposed to be sharing with the govenors and other investors, but that is down the road a bit once we get the colony set up. Still, I consider the loot ours by combat. We were the ones taking the burns and bruises for it and we are giving the refugees their lives back."

Wednesday April 18th, 2007 1:36:25 PM

Nezamil helps guide the ex-slaves in following Appolo's and Ashira's footsteps.....adding words of encouragement along the way

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Entropic shield,Endure elementsx4,Sof(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid x2*,Resist energy x2**,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Prayer,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Magic vestment(magic vestment*)
4th-Magic weapon greater*,freedom of momement*,neutralize poison,restoration(spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike*,greater command*,wall of stone(Sr*)

( check whats cast on you please)
Aid-Mykael (16 hp's)
RE -Ashira (pick your energy type)(20 pts per)
RE -Bart (pick your energy type)
Aid -John (15 hp's )(if he comes along)
Freedom of movement-Val

Appolo Invisible  d20+10=22 d20+8=11
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 8:10:15 PM

Appolo leads the way back to the ship>He follows thier map and any imformation thart Rigging comes up with.While keeping an eye out for trouble.

Spot22 Listen 11

Cosmo (AC 20; HP 63/63; Str 5) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 9:35:07 PM

Cosmo is glad to be out of the caves. It is quite depressing to be below ground and not outside. But then again this the volcano and the humidity isn't exactly paradise either.

"Rigging, I can teleport back to the ship with the most injured miners if need be."

DM kent 
Wednesday April 18th, 2007 9:36:00 PM

Between the map, Riggin and Swirl a route back to the temple and then through the woods is found and the six hour return journey, while slow passes uneventfully. It is just turning dark when you arrive back at the beach.

There are several large fires burning whole bunch of tents, lean-tos amd other temporary shelters covering the beach and very nearly blocking the route to the Sword.

There are large groups of people hanging out around the fires, doing what people do and doing it loudly.

That is when it hits you. The Sword is no longer where it was when you left.

Ashira (AC28, HP 81/112) Protection from Fire (20 pts), Haste, Location P5  d20+12=27
Thursday April 19th, 2007 8:32:33 AM

The ranger looks around the landing, very concerned. "And where in the seven seas has the Sword gotten off to? It's not like she's a skiff and can just get washed out to sea!"

Gruffly make her way through the crowd of people, Ashira tries to locate Thomas in order to get down to the bottom of things (Spot=27).

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 60/68 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 11:25:45 AM

Appolo arrives afew minutes after Ashira and moves throught the crows.Looking around he quickly becomes extremely angry when finds the ship gone"OK You @#$%$!! WHERE IS OUR @@@URRRR SHIP?!!!"He yells etremely loudly as walks toward the nearest group of poeple findling abucket of water and throwing it on the fireHe is clearly pissed off"IRepeat WHERE IS THE SWORD?GRRHe half yells half growls.His eyes are bow grey it now clear that he is getting close to slicing some one up."He stand there tall covered insweat and grime his haoir having come undone hangs about him in a mad tangle.He looks more likeanharbinger of death thena man.

Thursday April 19th, 2007 12:27:07 PM

Calm down im worried as hell too, but maybe it is out for a test... i hope....

Ari 69/72 (str -2) 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 2:13:50 PM

Ari does his best to help out with the procession as they head back to the ship.

Once the destination is reached Ari looks on with concern as he realizes that the Sword is gone. Then he looks on with unabashed horror as Appolo appears to go off the deep end before finding anything out.

I wonder how this will play out

Thursday April 19th, 2007 3:48:53 PM

Rigging darts higher into the sky looking for the ship with the remains of his overland flight spell. He isn't panicking yet assuming that the ship has been repaired and floated in the bay. He doubts that Thomas would allow the ship to be stolen.

He can't help himself and smirks before saying, "What's the matter Appolo? Don't you like it here? Face it, but this snake infested island is going to be our new base of operations and we are going to be spending a lot of time here."

If Rigging doesn't spot the ship, he will fly towards the village and land and ask politely where the ship might be. Once he gets that answer, he will inquire to everyone's health and start greeting some of the colonists.

Thursday April 19th, 2007 3:52:10 PM

The 9'11" dwarf smiles as he see's the crew enjoying themselves "heh....a cookout....and i'm starving "

Looking at the empty place where the Sword was beached and repaired he then turns and looks out to where 's now anchored "it's all fixed up !!!!....sweet !!!....well done lads !!"

Nezamil then guides the ex-slaves he's escorting to a spot and see's to there needs.....getting them food and water after the long walk from the mine.

Spotting Appolo blowing his stack about the ship the dwarf just laughs heartily and waits till he spots in anchored offshore.

Finally Nezamil sits down and grabs some food and drink .....relaxing on the beach " i can get used to this " grins Nezamil "with most of the snakes gone this place is a lot safer.....i have no doubt there's a few stragglers on the island someplace but we'll track them down.....could be a job for Romeo "

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Entropic shield,Endure elementsx4,Sof(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid x2*,Resist energy x2**,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Prayer,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Magic vestment(magic vestment*)
4th-Magic weapon greater*,freedom of momement*,neutralize poison,restoration(spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike*,greater command*,wall of stone(Sr*)

Mykael -- AC: 27, HPs: 39/59 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 6:17:59 PM

On the trip, Mykael decides this may be a good idea to voice a plan.

"Rigging, we have yet to find any way the sea snake is controlled. If its controlled and free, it will still give us problems and if not us, others. We need to kill it. I think I have a plan."

"We lure it into the cove with summoned fish. Once inside, Nez and the more skill mages can seal it in using Wall spells."

"I dont know if it can move on land, but it would be in our element now, and we can hammer it with distance spells and weapons, if it comes out of the water to fight or to escape."

"I dont believe there is enough room in the cove for it to get enough speed going to jump out of the water and therefore escape. Therefore, it would be trapped and either choose to fight us or try and climb over a wall."

"Once the snake is dead, we burn the corpse and dispell the walls. All done."

"I think the sea snake should be our next priority. Since it seems the Yuan Ti, have retreated."


Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63; Str 5) 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 7:19:24 PM

Cosmo is amazed at all the activity that is going on by the ship. But then where is the ship he thinks. We watches a some of the wildcards go off in search of the ship.

Cosmo looks around for a familiar face from the crew. He especially looks for the wizard that Rigging apprenticed to him.

"Mykael I can polymorph people into sea creatures that can fight the snake also."

Val AC 19 HP 81/ 127 (18 subdual) (Haste, Freedom of Movement) 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 8:28:01 PM

Val drops to her knees and laughs. All she was looking forward to was some good wine and an evening with Melonie. Now their ship was gone and with it the rest of the crew. "May Gargul take us. Let the gods sort all this out."

DM kent 
Thursday April 19th, 2007 9:46:30 PM

As Apollo goes off on some poor traders and sailors that had not been there when the Swords were here last and scares the heck out of them, almost to the point where they can't answer, but manage to point out into the bay.

Ashira can't seem to see Thomas anywhere.

Rigging goes up higher and once over the tops of the trees he sees the familiar sight of the Sword's masts just around the bend of the shoreline. She seems to be simply floating there at anchor. There is a flurry of activity on board as it seems one of the ships boats is being lowered and a crw is dropping down to man it.

Mykael and Cosmo try to plan out some ways to counter the sea snake on their way back.

Several minutes later the ship's boat makes its landing on the beach and Thomas comes hurrying up.

Val AC 19 HP 81/ 127 (18 subdual) (Haste, Freedom of Movement) 
Friday April 20th, 2007 10:55:50 AM

Val climbs back to her feet wondering just what else could happen. Nearly dying more than once was eventful enough for her. Dealing with the giant snake right now would be just too much.

Friday April 20th, 2007 12:10:41 PM

Mykeal i had a plan to deal with the seasnake, I already toldyou a couple of days ago. We khave to make long sharp poles thet can reach underwater far enough to puncture the snakes skin. we can also attach sharp point to the hull so if the snake attacks our ship it will dammage it self

Friday April 20th, 2007 4:17:30 PM

Appolo just turns and walks inthe direction he is pointed to and waits while the boat is rowed to shore.He will let Thomas give his report and Rigging do the talking.He is still not ina dood mood.

Friday April 20th, 2007 7:33:48 PM

The 9'11" dwarf peers over the crowd and watches the longboat come to shore " ah there's our crew......good to see them ......and everyone here is in good spirits......i think we should be able to get a good nights rest without too much worry about the snakemen

Spell list
Zero-Create water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Entropic shield,Endure elementsx4,Sof(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid x2*,Resist energy x2**,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Prayer,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Magic vestment(magic vestment*)
4th-Magic weapon greater*,freedom of momement*,neutralize poison,restoration(spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike*,greater command*,wall of stone(Sr*)

DM kent 
Friday April 20th, 2007 10:21:10 PM

Thomas looks a bit harried and worn as he stops in front of Ashira and waits for Rigging to descend. Welcome back. I hear you have been a bit busy. Should I be concerned about all that smoke we see, coming from the north?

Romeo and some of the others say that it is nothing to worry about that it happens every 6 months or so and that each time the majority of the Snakes leave the island for a week until it settles back down...

Friday April 20th, 2007 11:00:16 PM

Rigging lands and gives Thomas a hug, thumping him on the back. "You did an excellent job in getting the Sword repaired. We are hoping that we have stopped the snakemen from coming back having disabled all of the pyramids. I am sure there are some stragglers but hopefully they are done as an effective force on this island."

Rigging askes for a the status of the ship and crew. He then askes about who is leading the colonists and what Thomas's thinks that should be done next to get things up and running here.

Once the leaders of the colonists are identified, Rigging will make sure to meet them and introduce the other Wildcards. He will suggest that most of the six hundred get off the beach and move to the nearest village about an hours march away.

He then gathers the other Wildcards plus Thoms and brings them out to the ship to help inspect the repairs. He will call a meeting in his cabin and ask, "I think we need to stay for a couple of days to make sure that the scene is settled down and the colonist and refugees get settled in. We need to organize them housing, food collection and eventually getting this colony set up."

Seeing Val's and Ashira's almost identical looks of impatient, Rigging holds up his hands and say, "I know that you want off this island and I too am ready to head back to civilization but we made a deal with those colonists and we need to see it through."

Rigging looks at Bart and points at the figher, "I want you to take the ship's carpenters and start looking at the housing situation. We need to figure out the best way to temporalily house all of these folks, but we also need to figure out how to organize a town for future business and living space. Bart I want you to organize the work force. Cosmo, I want you to help him put also do a survey of possible townsites relative to the harbor."

Rigging turns to Ashira and Nezamil. You two are in charge of food. We can't leave these people to starve. We need to figure out what they can harvest short term in both plants, local game and fish. Ashira, you are in charge of the game and Nezamil take care of the local possibilites of fruit and other edible plants. Check with the colonists and see who has skills in this area and recruit them."

Rigging turns to Appolo and Val. You two are in charge of security. Recruit a guard force. We know this island still has nasties on it. They have to be able to defend themselves.

Mykael, you are in charge of the mine. Talk to the locals and find out who can mine those diamonds. First I want you to inspect the stuff we took and let me know the values. We need to figure out how we are going to control this source of wealth in the future. Obviously we own the mine since we are claiming the island as our new base but we need to come up with a fair plan to share the wealth so no hard feelings come up.

I will try to get a feel for the local leadership. We are going to have to leave someone behind in charge. Maybe appoint a council. Anyone have any opinions?"

Ari 69/72 (str -2) 
Saturday April 21st, 2007 6:09:38 AM

"Do you want me to make some local contacts within this group?"

Mykael -- AC: 27, HPs: 39/59 
Saturday April 21st, 2007 1:33:47 PM

Mykael pulls Bart aside before the meeting. "I heard your plan and was waiting on the captain's reply, however, since he hasnt, I will offer you my opinion."

"I think it could work as a last resort. We would be fighting the snake in its element, not a good idea. Also, the ship barely handled the assault of the snake before, if the snake rammed the ship with a hull fitted with poles to harm the snake, it could get stuck and thrash the ship to bits. Then ones on the hull would have to be break off poles to prevent that. I just prefer to fight the snake on our terms, if it is possible."


In the meeting Mykael listens as he plans are decided and he nods his acceptance of the task he was assigned.

"Captain, I truly like the possible fairness of a council. However, this is our colony and islands. If the council decides to work against us, dealing with a group will be tougher than just a magistrate. Proving and illustrating the corruption of a council is harder to show and believe, than a single person or two. I would suggest a Magistrate and perhaps 2-5 magisters below him. That way the Magistrate has power, but there are people of some power under him to keep him in check."

Sunday April 22nd, 2007 9:52:15 AM

You have a point Mykeal, but we need potions or rings of free action and waterbreathing to fight it on our terms.

Thomas, did you saw the big seasnake? Is it gone?

If this will be our new base of operations, we have to see where we an build the harbour. We have to survey this area the depths the entrance from open sea and so on. Can you help me with that Ashira?
Maybe Romeo knows a better sport to build a harbor.
Until that time we can build small houses and tents.

Rigging sent the leaders of the colonist to me, they must have craftsmen that can help this town starting. Wait i will ask for myself. Bart goes and searches the leaders.

Sunday April 22nd, 2007 11:03:16 PM

"aye Captain i'll get on that .....i'll have a talk with Romeo...he knows what is edible and what is not.....he might also know how to detox the newly freed people"

" I think we should gather whoever is the spokesmen of the colonists together so we can all question them at once....makes it simpler and efficient"

"As for governing the island ....let us not forget Romeo and his family...plus all the newly freed people....we must give them a say in what happens .....they have payed a terrible price under the reign of terror of the Yuanti"

"we also need to build an infrastructure so an economy can grow .....if we build the main structures everyone else can build cottage industy's off that...this way we maintain control while allowing free choice and hope for a better future for everyone else "

" we can each choose an area of the economy and infrastructure to build.....should be an intresting discussion to say the least "

OOC: (kent as night falls Nezamil will cast his remaining spells as spontanously cures to heal the party, if you need me to roll i will,should easily be able to cure everyone back to full health )

Ashira  d20+12=25
Monday April 23rd, 2007 8:24:45 AM

The ranger nods at Rigging's order. Taking a net from the Sword, she strips down and gets straight to work setting up her fish traps. (Surv.=25) As she works, she thinks through the problem of the sea snake. Neutralize poison...big spears...a couple of walls of force...

Appolo  d20+10=29
Monday April 23rd, 2007 3:10:25 PM

Once they reach the ship Appolo immediately heads for his quarters and strips down completely.He then wraps himself ina blanket and heads up top walking to the back of the ship.He drops the blanket and dives off the stern and into the lagoon witha bar of soap in his hand.Appolo wahes up and swims forawhile until he gets all the blood and grime off of himself.He pays particular atttention to hi overly long hair.

When Rigging holds his meeting ,he will notice Appolo is not there.

When Ashira jumps into the water to set her traps,she finds a naked Appolo already swimming around.

Rigging illegal post 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 4:51:30 PM

Rigging will slap himself on the forehead and say to Ari, "Sorry old friend. I didn't mean to forget you. I want you to second me in my trying to organize some leadership with this crowd. I like Mykael's idea for a magistrate. It can't be any of us since I expect to be gone quite a bit but still, this colony is going to be ours. Can you and Mykael work some kind of government out between you. One that answers to us for the big items but can handle the day to day.

I was thinking something like a mayor who is in charge and then a council to advise him and us. Each council member will have control over one area.

councilor of war obviously taken by a fighter.
councilor of housing
councilor of food production
councilor of industry.

That sort of thing to keep things moving when we aren't here."

Rigging will be disturbed when Appolo isn't at his meeting. He goes looking for him and is even more upset when he sees Appolo frolicking around naked with his wife nearby. An evil grin
he points a finger at the water about 20' from Appolo and a cone of cold erupts from his palm striking the water and dramatically cooling it very quickly. (ooc Rigging won't do this if he thinks Appolo or Ashira could come to any harm by it) He will call out to the thief, "Just making sure that your ability to perform is somewhat limited when you are bathing so close to my wife!"

attendence report 
Monday April 23rd, 2007 9:32:10 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xoxox
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxox
Val xxxx?
Bart oxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxo?
Cosmo xxxox
Ari xoxox

9 missed posts for the group !! we can do better!!

? = still has time to post before Dm post

posted by adm -Chris

Monday April 23rd, 2007 11:44:56 PM

Ashira watches Rigging's little display of jealousy with mirth. Sooo...the fires weren't dead, eh?? Looking over at the shivering Appolo, Ashira shoots him a mock look of concern. "I'd get out of the water if I were you, before he decides to turn you into a Appolocicle and use you as live bait for the sea snake!!"

Finishing up her work with the nets, she makes a mental note to make a private display of affection toward her husband in their quarters tonight. It had been far too long!!

DM Kent 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 6:37:39 AM

(OOc sorry for the short and late post, had an emergency come up. I will post again this evening.)

Thomas looks around at Rigging and the others on land with a little look of concern in his eye, and then looks up at the rapidly decscending darkness.

Boss, why don't you all get something to eat and a good night's rest and I will get things arranged for tomorrow for your meeting with those who seem to think they are in charge. While you eat we can fill each other in on what has been going on over the last week.

Tuesday April 24th, 2007 2:18:47 PM

The 9'11" dwarf will heal up his fellow wildcards with his remaining spells before heading to sleep " see ay all in the morning"

Ari 69/72 (str -2)  d20=2
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 4:59:36 PM

Getting the cue from Rigging Ari comments to Mykael, "But what do we chose the one person from? Leadership? Belief? skill set? Does he have the ultimate authority, or is he only a guiding authority over 4 others and his is the deciding vote in a tie? How do the 4 get represented, by district, by beliefs, by race?"


In order to collect some intel on the locals, Ari spends part of the evening drinking and carousing with any he can find of the mood. (gather info=2 (well... at least it's not a 1))

Val AC 19 HP 81/ 127 (18 subdual) (Haste, Freedom of Movement) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 5:23:37 PM

Not feeling like a swim, Val settles for a bucket of cold water dumped over her head. Drudgingly she heads back to her quarters where she removes her gear and bandages her wonds. When that is finally done she falls into a much needed reverie.

Tuesday April 24th, 2007 5:45:22 PM

Rigging will join Ari in his meet and greet role. When he gets a free moment, he will say, "I have never set up a government before but we need to be on the top of the pyramid. Maybe one of us needs to be the governor or high mayor or whatever you want to call it but the others below him have to have a fair amount of power to make decisions in his name while we are travelling."

Rigging won't focus on anyone person to long tonight but try to meet as many people as he can and make all feel welcome.

As he heads back to the ship, he will pull Tomas aside to get his impressions and to congratulate him on his keeping as many safe as possible.

He will then head back to his cabin and an enjoyable night alone in a soft bed with his wife.

Rigging the next morning will wake up and study his spells

Spell list to follow.

Appolo  d20+14=22
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 6:52:28 PM

Rigging sees that Appolo easily evades his cold spell as Appolo dives deep just the spell is cast.He comes up near Ashira"H e'll have to catch me first won't he big sister.Besides I think he's the one that's going to have to do the performing tonight.Don't you."He says witha wicked grin. The swims away.Heading for the side of the ship Appolo climbs aboard,not in the least worried about being seen.He finds his blanket dries off as much as possible,then heads down stairs with the towel wrapped around his waste.Appolo checks on Val and finds her in reverie.He thinks good she needs the restHe just stands there for a few and watches her rest,then moves on leaving w trail of water as he heads for his quarters.He find more towels and blankets and continues to dry his hair.He spends about an hour drieing brushing and combing his hair.Then dresses and heads up to the galley were he grabs a bite to eat and some rum.

Mykael  d20+1=17 d20+3=19 d20+10=17 d20+5=21
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 7:31:12 PM

Mykael will cool himself off, then he cleans himself and his gear.

That evening, Mykael makes the rounds among the refugees along with Ari and Rigging.

He brings Ghem with him, sometimes using the little dragon as a conversation piece or in a way to allow Mykael to look more approachable, since he is caring for a small creature.

Ghem, you may get alot of attention tonight. Please be nice. I am trying to learn all I can about these people. How smart they are, how much they know, and what kind of person and character they are. So keep your so listen closely and watch carefully to all that is going on. Let me know if you hear or see anything, but dont let anyone else know..

Mykael shows interest in all the conversations, and adds a few things here or there. He mostly listens, but will guide the conversation some, to try and learn a few things about all they have been through, where they came from, who they were/are, and personal beliefs, which include philosophical, racial, and spiritual.

He also takes note of how the refugees interact with one another, who has respect and what kind of respect.

He takes a special interest in both Romeo and his sorcerer friend.

(Listen = 17)
(Diplomacy = 19)

Mykael will hang pretty late, with any that want to chat. He will retire with enough time to get enough sleep to refresh his spells.

He awakes in the morning and studies his spells. Then he starts organizing all the diamonds they looted. He inspects for quality and appraises them for value. He takes a tally, of:

# of cut
# of uncut
# of each kind and there value
Total value of cut
Total value of uncut

(Gem Cutting = 17)
(Appraise = 21)

DM kent 
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 9:36:46 PM

Nez heals everyone up, with the exception of the missing abiliy points. (unless you have some restorations spells to use)

Much conversation is had about fighting the snake and setting up some sort of government.

Ghem does indeed make quite the impression and while he shows patience with all the adults, he actually lies down and rolls onto his side for a belly scratch when Mykael approaches a group of curious native children.

There is no real tension in the camp and though it is very obvious that there are factions that are staying together and not doing much mingling, everyoe seesm to be at peace with each other for the time being.

The only real feeling you get is that the group of Nobles is already beginning to get on everyones' last nerves.

Thomas sits with you as you eat and catches you up on what you missed over the last 4 days. It seems that two days after you left they were woken by the crashing of a ship against the rocks, little did they know it was realy two.

Apparently the two colonist/supply ships were set upon by The Ghost ship (the Dreadnaught) and its cutter and were about to be captured when the sea litterally erupted and this huge sea monster / snake began attack the ghost ship, which allowed them the chance to escape, at least so they thought. It seems the dreadnaught and its cutter either chased off the snake or managed to escape them selves and head back out to sea, for the snake suddenly was boucing the two merchant ships around the water like jester tosses balls through the air. Trying to flee and defend themselves as best as possible they ended up ripping out their keels on the reef and only managed to get ashore safeley with the help from the natives and the crew of the sword.

Once wrecked the snake seemed to have lost interest and gona away and a salvage operation began to recover supplies etc.

Romeo and his people were extremely helpful in getting the newcomers settled and taken care of. And over the last two days we scavenged actual ship timbers from the other two ships to complete and make the Sword's repairs, and with the extra hands to float her and turn her we were able to cut the repair time by at least 9 days. There is probably about 3-5 more days of finishing that needs to be done before she is truly seworthy again but it is mostly easy repairs and can be done while she is afloat.

There seems to be five different factions that have emerged from within the new arrivals.

The first faction is made up of the two captains and their crews. I think most of them are actually planning on staying here, though there may be a few that might wish to sign on with us. (60)

There is a military faction apparently run by Marshall Strongarm. He is a Centaur by the way. Ths contingent is the smallest but posssibly the most organized and dangerous.(20)

There is a merchant/trader faction that is apparently run by Master Trader Gerint Wirenose. He is the oddest fellow I think I have ever met. He seems to be part gnome and part dwarf. They are already trying to set up guild partnerships and recruit people from the natives. They are a bossy bunch but overall harmless. (40)

Then there is colonist faction headed by Smith Lareth. He is the broadest human I have ever seen. He is easily as wide as he is tall. But he is very affable and and willing to lend a hand with whatever needs doing. He and Romeo seem to be gertting along just fine. He is in firm control of the others in his group and nothing is done without his ok and knowledge. (120)

And finally there is a group of "Gentlemen" led by Lord Bascomb of Fargunia. He seems to quite the prissy type, but the others all seem to follow his lead. What's more is he actually has Jobe's share writ in his possesion, which gives his claim to leadership a bit more credence. He claims to have won it in some sort of contest. This group is already complaing about the food and the accomodations and trying to boss everyone around like they were the Lord mayor of Plateau City. (25)

All in all there are 265 from the two ships. That along with all the folk that have been pouring in from the villages and the ones you have sent we had near to 700 people here two days ago.

Romeo stepped in and started sending some of his people to the two nearest villages and so now there are the 265 from the ships, about 125 of the locals us and 70 of the most recent evacuees that you have sent us and of cours the children.

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 1:21:35 AM

It seems the control is getting out of our hands. Still things has to be done. I will talk with Romeo if he thinks this is the best part of the island to start a harbor

OOC: Darain 
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 1:45:41 AM

Kent can I get the info on the diamonds we looted. As per in my post.

Also, what of the sorcerer friend of Romeo's?

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 2:18:32 PM

Val avoids Lord Bastion and the nobles. She's snapped at them more than once and really doesn't want to hurt them. Until they hear from Jobe that writ doesn't mean anything. For all they know he stole it and fled on the ship.

Val looks at the mass of people and sighs. They had the population of a large village without any of the resources. Not enough shelter, no reliable food source. She had the monumentous task of setting up some form of security. The problem as she saw it was unless each of the factions had an equal role those not involved would never accept it.

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 5:21:53 PM

the 9'11" dwarf will mingle among the diffrent groups of people......greeting them and being friendly to all.

Nezamil will also invoke Domi's power to heal any ability loss to a fellow wildcard (will cast restoration on one of the wildcards)making sure he does it in full veiw of all the people ....letting Domi's name be hard for all to hear.

Dm Kent (addendum) 
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 6:11:58 PM

After closely inspecting the all the different diamonds the Swords recovered, Mykael is pretty sure that they all work out to a nice total value, rough and cut to around 99,000 gps.

(If you want a diamond by diamond break down I can do it, but it may take a day or so.)

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 6:28:34 PM

Rigging will call an officers meeting of the Sword including all the Wildcards anb also including the stranded Captains and the other ships officers from the wrecked ships. He will invite Romeo, he will invite the centaur Marshall Strongarm, the master trader Wirenose, Smith Lareth and Lord Bascomb. Before all of them assemble, he will pull Nezamil aside and ask him to cast a Detect alignment on the major group or at least a detect evil.

The meeting will be on the Sword in the officers mess.

When all arrive or all who are going to, Rigging will say, "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Captain Arrack Von Palin. I am the Captain of this ship and leader of the Wildcards who are trying to tame this island and start this colony which I am going to call Redemption after my ship.

Redemption is going to be a good name for this colony because this colony is going to be a place for people to get a fresh start. A place where all will live free. The charter for this colony was agreed upon by the Jack of Pirates, the Emperor of Aisildur, and the High Lord Mayor of the Plateau City. It is to be an open city where people are free to worship as they see fit and won't be forced into anyone religion.

Still we need to come up with a government for at least the short term to handle the problems. This is what I think should happen. I nominate the cleric of Domi Nezamil for the job of Govenor. He will be in office for 5 years where he can be replaced by people who have the shares in the company that is starting this endeveor after that time.

Below him will be a council to advise him and take over the actual day to day operations of the colony. This coucil will have 5 members and will be lead by the chief magistrate. He will be the judge for the colony on day to day affairs.

The next council seat will overlook security. They will look to the defenses of the colony and the day to day policing of it.

The third council seat will overlook trade. They will encourage commercial development and run the mines we have found.

The fourth will be concerned with food production and housing. Obviously important things especially to start. This person will be building our city.

Finally the last position will be the peoples position. Their sole job is to listen to the citizens and represent the common man.

Any questions so far or objections so far?"

Rigging will look to the Wildcards to make sure they are comfortable with this set up.

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:31:05 PM

Appolo listens to Romeo describe the situation then gets the some rest the next morning he shows up for riggings meetingin full battle dress everything clean,his hair braided and combed.The tall lanky piarete takes his seat and listens to Rigging.He says nothing and waits for the others to reply.

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 7:56:03 PM

Appolo listens to Romeo describe the situation then gets the some rest the next morning he shows up for riggings meetingin full battle dress everything clean,his hair braided and combed.The tall lanky piarete takes his seat and listens to Rigging.He says nothing and waits for the others to reply.

Wednesday April 25th, 2007 8:52:11 PM

The ranger nods at Rigging's assesment of the future government. He always did have a mind for such things. She looks around at all the candidates, wondering how much of their future is going to be wrapped up in these people's lives. She does, however ponder the notion of losing their cleric for the next five years. She looks over at the huge dwarf to gauge his reaction to Rigging's suggestion.

DM Kent 
Wednesday April 25th, 2007 11:55:19 PM

Those invited to the meeting, show up in good spirits, with Lord Bascomb showing up last, to ensure some sort of entrance.

NezHighlight to display spoiler: { the detect evil/ alignment spell shows no one of evil bent. Romeo NG, centaur Marshall Strongarm LG, the master trader Wirenose LN, Smith Lareth NG, and Lord Bascomb CN}

The only nose out of joint at Rigging's suggestions is, as you could have predicted, Lord Bascomb's. He obviously expected to be running the colony and while he is well bred enough not to challenge anyone over it during this meeting, he is definitely in a pissy mood by the end of the meeting.

Thursday April 26th, 2007 12:25:05 AM

Mykael listens in the meeting. He watches the non-Wildcards closely.

He sits quietly and waits for all to leave, while he contemplates on things.

Thursday April 26th, 2007 10:03:40 AM

"Bascomb you have some nerve. Not only do you act like more than you are you honestly expect to be given everything. You insult those that have died already as well as the blood we have shed to get this far. Oh I'd love to just snap you in half but the captain would frown upon such things. I tell you what, when the snakes come back next week or the week after you can stand on the front lines with the rest of us. Avoiding sword and fang would take you a lot farther than your going to get."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 2:54:18 PM

After the very interesting meeting is over Bart aproaches Romeo. So what do you think of it? I didn't know riggings plan either bit is sounds good to me. Im not sure if i can stay this long at the island. Im looking for a good spot to build a proper harbor and wharf, is this bay the best spot on the island? Or do you know a better one.

Thursday April 26th, 2007 5:26:20 PM

As Captain Rigging gives his speech the 9'10" dwarf will nod in acceptance at his nomination.

Concentrating his spell on the assembled group the Cleric of Domi will assess their reactions.

The big dwarf will also gauge his fellow Wildcards reaction to what has transpired.

Towering over everyone " we would like to hear everyone's opinion and idea's on this matter....it's very important that we all work together as much as possible"

Thursday April 26th, 2007 6:28:57 PM

Appolo sits quietly watching and listening.He nearly laughs out loud when Val jumps on Bascomb.Finally after everyone else has had his or her say Appolo speaks up"Oh one other thing.No Gods of testing.No followers of G'aal,Maetreus or Caeroldra.They are not allowed.Also I don't think Nez should be Mayor.No offence big guy.He'll be traveling with us alot.The Mayor and council members hsould be poeple who are here all the time.Of course The Wildcards are going to be sticking around for awhile,but when we do leave we will be gone for months at a time if not years.So the people running the day to day operations of this place need to be hear full time.I nominate Smith Lareth for Mayor and Marshal Strongarm for Vice Mayor.Any objections.He then sits back down and waits."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 6:47:55 PM

Rigging listens to Appolo's speech and steps forward again. Appolo, I understand your thinking but I don't agree with you. Yes Nezamil is going to be gone quite a bit from the colony and we are going to have to rely on the council to run the colony and build it to our dreams very heavily, but still it is our colony. We need ultimately to be in charge of it.

The council and especially the magistrate will bear a heavy load and will deal with the day to day running of things. I doubt that we will counteract their decisions but still I want the ability to do so if we see the colony going off in the wrong direction morally.

This is why a Wildcard needs to be govenor. I think Nezamil is well suited for the job in both training and temperment.

Still I would like to get to know the others before I nominate anyone else for the council. If you think you would be good for a job, please come see me and I will discuss it with you." Rigging gestures towards Nezamil and then all the Wildcards and says, "All of us want to get to know you. You are our future."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 9:14:57 PM

The tension is a little tight, so Mykael decides to try and ease it a little. With a smirk on his face, he jests, "So you are saying out of all the Wildcards.... you chose the dwarf. And he isnt just any dwarf but a frakking abnormally large one. I am not sure you understand the situation. We are trying to get this place up and running. Now most of us have been subjected to the sight of Nezamil eating. Would someone please tell me, how you expect to have a profitable colony with the dwarf eating all the profits?"

Mykael jestures somewhat wildly, to accent his joke and ensure that the non-wildcards understand it was just a joke.

OOC: Darain 
Thursday April 26th, 2007 9:37:33 PM

OOC: Kent... still didnt say anything about Romeo's sorcerer friend. The one we saved that Romeo was so concerned about. Figured he was important, since he was part of the storyline. Did we find anything about about him? His plans? Skills? Alignment?

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63; Str 5) 
Thursday April 26th, 2007 9:55:09 PM

Cosmo nods in agreement at Rigging's choice of Nezamil for governor of the island. Given the circumstances of the island a powerful cleric is a good choice. However, Nezamil might not be the best choice as he will be away from the island for significant lengths of time.

"Rigging, I think Nezamil would be a fine choice for Governor, if we were to be on the island permanently. However, given the nature of the Wildcards, we will probably be gone for extended lengths of time. Possibly even over a year. It would not fair to the citizens of Redemption if their governor is not here."

"In your plan, the Chief Magistrate may end up being the most influential and powerful person on the island. He or she will be leading the counsel of 5 and I would imagine be interim Governor when Nezamil is off saving the world with us."

"How will these counsel seats be filled? How long will their term be? How can someone be removed from there counsel seat? Perhaps these issues need to be addressed also."

Cosmo quiets down and listens to the other ideas that people ahve.

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Thursday April 26th, 2007 10:38:41 PM

"Cosmo, your right. The magistrate is going to be the real ruler of the colony while we aren't here. The govenor is going to choose his cabinet. If Nezamil is chosen govenor then he will make the decisions.

The govenor can hire or fire his council or cabniet as he sees fit. Now the Govenor is elected and the only people who can vote are people who own shares in the colony. They either have to be here at the colony or send their proxy vote in. Right now that is all of us and the investors who bought shares when this venture was started. For now, I am proposing that the only people who can stand for election are us. If all of you disagree with me, then give me a better idea. Remember that this is a democracy though. On the outset we need to control this colony. We have to be its moral force and guidance. Otherwise what we are trying to achieve here will be lost."

Thursday April 26th, 2007 11:41:04 PM

The ranger watches the back and forth of the political discussion with mirth. Rigging was in charge, and there is not changing that. She really doesn't care about the appointment, but she won't let on to that.

DM kent 
Friday April 27th, 2007 12:20:20 AM

(ooc: Just Strongarm is a centaur. The rest of the colonists are a mixed bag 45% human, 15% gnome, 15% halfling, 10% dwarf, 7% 1/2elf, 5% elf, 3% 1/2orc. All of the natives appear to be humans.

Romeo's friend, Gerome, is still very much only partially comatose, as he is down 16 con points. While he can communicate for short periods of time he is very much worn out and tends to sleep alot. Though his physical wounds seem to be healed.)

After the Swords speak their piece there is a stir in the crowd as several people begin to move.

Marshall Strongarm steps forward and looks around at the assembled group. With a foghorn like voice, he begins to speak.

"I am hearing some interesting things being said here and I am all for a firm hand at the reigns, but I think I bear issue with the only ones being able to vote being shareholders AND the only ones being able to stand for governor being yourselves. And then the Governor, being one of you appointing the entire council. I believe you are likely to have some very surly people over the long haul and possibly are asking for open rebellion when disagreements come up and your people are the only ones able to and being the only ones, making the decisions. If you are going with a council, I would suggest that at first the major groups choose 2 possible representatives and then let the Governor choose one of each pair. As for the Governor's position, I agree that it should be a stakeholder, that holds that position, but I believe that Lord Bascomb does hold one of the writs, which should I believe allow for his eligibility for the position. If he can garner the needed votes. Though I am not sure that there is going to be any fair and equitable vote from someone's point of view."

With that he moves back out of the center, and the gnome Wirenose quickly steps forward. His voice is very reedy and sharp.

"The council should definitely not be appointed by the governor as that make them merely his lackeys. They should be chosen from the populace. We are here afterall to make a profitable enterprise for everyone, and that will not be possible if all the members of the council are beholden to a single individual."

As quickly as he stood he returns to where he was seated. He is replaced by Lord Bascomb, who surprisingly has steadfastly ignored the jibes sent his way by Val. His voice is smooth and almost oily, with a singsong lilt to it.

"It is disappointing to hear from those thought to be partners in this venture, that they believe that they and only they should be the primary and deciding leadership of a colony meant to represent a larger consortium.
I find myself wondering exactly what the Jack, the Emperor and the Lord Mayor would think of this decision. I could agree with this policy if we were talking about the running of your boat, but it is plainly obvious that you have little idea what it takes to start and run a colony of any size, let alone keep it growing and profitable. Surprisingly, I find myself agreeing with Masters Wirenose and Strongarm. If there is going to be a council it needs to be elected or appointed outside of the venue of the colony's leader. I also believe that it will be very important to not only include the ntives in our growth plans, but that they too should be represented in any government that we set up." With a slight nod to both Rigging and Val, he moves back to where he was sitting.

Almost immediately Smith Lareth stands up and actually looks surprised that he did so. he ducks his head for a moment and then His slow baratone rumbles out with likability.

"If the council is going to represent the interests of the populace as well as the shareholders. I think that the council should be as representative of the populace as possible. With that said, I believe that the governor should in all likelihood be one of the shareholders and that they should appoint the Mayor, who will be the leader of the council and someone who will remain with the colony. The rest of the council should be either voted on by the populace or two representatives from each major group including the native population and one should be chosen from each group by the mayor and governor together. The mayor and the council should serve for 3 years unless they need to be removed by council vote, want to resign or can no longer fulfill their duties." The governor should be able to be removed by a majority vote of the shareholders and council together, with the councils vote being equal to one shareholder.

As Lareth finishes speaking he seesm to be blushing and nods to Romeo as if inviting him up to speak as well.

Looking to Rigging for a moment he gets no major response either way and steps forward.

"Umm, well, I thank all of you for your thinking to include us in your colony as we already live here. I think that it will be very important for all of us to work together to make whatever happens work out."

He quickly makes his way to the back of the group where he was previously.

Just as everyone thinks that everyone who wanted to speak had spoken, a very weather beaten grayhaired man steps forward. Most will recognize him as the Senior captain of the two trade vessels that brought the colonists to the island. His name is Eli Wynd.

"Well, all this talk is fine and dandy, and I'm a not sure I ken all of it, howe'er as this is gon be a port city and a trade cen'er yore gon to need to include someone who has water sense on that council of yourn. Most of my boys and those of the Dark Lady are planning to settlen down heres with you and well, I ken we should be included in this here conversation."

Ari 69/72 (str -2) 
Friday April 27th, 2007 12:39:31 AM

Listening to everyone as they have their say, Ari shows a little annoyance as jibes are tossed back and forth between some of the various camps.

"What is important here. The Leadership, or what this colony is here for?! Should the leadership be held accountable for what the colony is to accomplish, or does the colony accomplish what the Leadership wants to do?

I for one would think that we first need to define what the primary purposes are for this colony, and whether any leadership has the ability to do anything that might be contrary to that.

How do our sponsors play in the colony and/or the leadership of the colony? Since they helped to get things going, I think they should be considered partners in this endevor and treated as such.

Just because Nezamal happens to be away from the colony does not mean he does not have the colony's interest at heart?! When a sailor leave on a trade route, or for any other reason, does he lose a say as to what his family should be doing? When he comes back does he try to undo all the decisions that have been made in his absence?

Just some things to bear in mind"

DM (addendum)  d4=2 d4=4
Friday April 27th, 2007 12:57:40 AM

With a night of rest, Ari and Cosmo both regain another ability point. and Nez uses a couple of lesser restorations and both are back to full fettle.

Friday April 27th, 2007 1:33:18 PM

This was why Val hated politics. She never got used to human cities. Never really felt comfortable in them. Maybe it was because she lived in the wilds most of her life. Maybe it was something else. Now she had to deal with the politics of a city. Deal with all the individuals that wanted their 'cut' of the pie. Before this was over there was going to be blood spilled.

Nezamil - Canidate for Govenor 
Friday April 27th, 2007 2:12:42 PM

Waiting till others have spoken Nezamil will again step forward " this is a good sign that we have people stepping forward to express their veiws....it's a good template for future discussions....but i think there is some confusion....we have no intention of leaving anyone out or placing any lackeys on the council.....but we need to start someplace.....if i may suggest that we appoint a few people to help us get started on a 30 day trial period......this way after 30 days everyone could vote on who shall be council members.....the 30 days will give canidates a chance to campaign for themselves and the citizens a chance to get to know and hear the canidates.....not to mention will give us 30 days to set up a voting systym"

The Big dwarf surveys the room as he talks making eye contact as he talks

" we need a sysytm that should be fair to all the citizens ....and one that will help build this island into a thriving community"

With a look at Lord Bascomb "i'm sorry that your disappointed.....you question our intregity in our decision making and our abililty to build and run this colony....and yet you won your writ in a gambling contest of some sort??.....not exactly qualifications to lead the colony." Nezamil makes eye contact with Lord Bascomb as he talks to him " but you have spoken up for the natives of this island so i say there is hope for you ..."looking back to the crowd".....we are willing to listen and include everyone's idea's in this process......we have heard many good idea's and we need to keep these lines of discussion open.....for we will face many challenges ahead...the most important part is we all need to work together on this and help each other out"

" i beleive this colony can be a place we raise our family's and have a bright and safe future for all"

" so let the discussions and idea's flow"

The Cleric of Ddomi will then stand back and let the discussion continue

00c: Nezamil will take several "restoration spells " to try and heal up Gerome the Sorcerer over the course of the next few days

Friday April 27th, 2007 4:43:16 PM

Noting Val's look, Ashira puts a restraining hand on the elf's shoulder. She whispers in her ear in elven "Easy sister. Though we both detest such mindless prattle, these types are needed. Life is more than just killing enemies. If this colony is to survive, then we're going to need oily people like this. Better to have them on our side than working with someone else."

Lines of fatigue creeping onto her face, Ashira pulls Val even closer. "Hey, what do you say we have a girls night out after this is all over? You, me, Melonie and Mary. We could go out for a swim and then get nice and toasted afterward."

Appolo  d20+8=26
Friday April 27th, 2007 6:23:09 PM

Appolo watches and listens intently.as things are discussed.He sees the look of consternation on Vlanthe's face and then over hears Ashira's comments to her.He smiles wickedly at ashiea and Val as if he knows something.He really could careless about who runs what.If they mess up badly enough he'll just have to kill them.Appolo for all intents and purposes is quite happy for the most part.He sits back and relaxes.

Lord Bascomb (conversational Post) 
Friday April 27th, 2007 6:51:11 PM

After Nez says his piece, Lord Bascomb rises again and addresses the cleric and the rest of the room.

"For some reason, I get the feeling that you all seem to think I want to run this colony. I have never said that I wanted the Governor's position, and the first I heard the thought was when it was mentioned by Marshall Strongarm.

As for how I have the share writ: Yes, I won it in a game of chance that started out as a friendly game and ended up not so friendly. However, I never asked for, or pushed any bet until it was thrust upon me. You make me sound like a bad person or one that can not be trusted, and yet you have never met me until now and know little if anything about me.

Yes I made some comments earlier that may have sounded harsh and critical, but those comments about my disappointments were solely based on words I have heard tonight, put forth by your own voices. I am but a simple man and expect that what I am hearing is what is being said."

Friday April 27th, 2007 8:47:08 PM

Rigging stands up and starts pacing with his hands clasped behind his back (Wildcards know that there is a speech coming) He says, "I know that everyone wants a say in the running of their homes. I can understand that and even applaud it but we don't have a home yet. We are sitting on an empty beach on a volcanic island whose waters are surrounded by dangereous shoals and populated by a giant snake with the taste for merchant ships.

I think we need to have a plan for the here and now and then a plan for when we have a city. First we have to survive. My friends and I just last night washed off the blood and gore of slain enemies who would like nothing better to use you as cattle. I am not sure if we have driven them off permanantly or they are coming back.

This island was given to us, the Wildcards to make into a base and a home with an expressed charter. That charter is to help free the people of Aisildur from the stain of the heartseed and give them back their free will. Already we are attracting enemies. You have seen them in those ships that attacked you before the snake did. I don't have time for these politcal games and won't play them.

I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption and right now the only authority on this island. I have earned this responsibility by getting my friends, no my family, and my crew through hell and back. I have earned their trust and I hope to earn yours but for now you are going to have to take my decisions at face value. This isn't a democracy....yet. Someday...someday soon it will be, for I truly believe for our dreams to come true, it will have to be, but we aren't there yet.

Right now we are at war. We are at war with that damn snake that will kill us from lack of supplies, we are at war with that sun which will bake the skin off our backs without shelter, we are at war with the quads who are running that ship and who will gladly torture you into accepting a heartseed. We are at war with our hungry bellies. We have to much work to do."

Rigging points at Ashria and then at Smith Lareth. "I want you two together to facilitate getting enough food to feed this crew. We need a plan by tomorrow on how we can do this with the resources at hand on the island. Their seems like a lot of food but how long will it last?"

Rigging then points at Nezamil and Lord Bascomb and says, "Everyone is going to need shelter from the rain and the sun. You two work together to come up with a plan that makes the most sense. Do we want one localized base or several. Romeo if you could work with them as well since you know the island the best out of all of us.

Rigging then points at Bart, Val and then the centaur Strongarm. I want you three working on some defensive positions. Do we want fortifications? A militia? Take a poll and find our fighters.

Rigging points at Mykeal and Ari and then Wirenose. You guys are in charge of tapping this islands potential. We know we have the mine, but we need to take a look at the natural resources of the island. Eventually we are going to be looking to interact with the outside Wold. We will need things to trade or we will wither on the vine.

Finally Rigging points at the two merchant captains ands says, "You are with me. We need to look at the possible harbors, places where we might build some ships, and develop the life lines for this city.

Cosmo and Appolo don't think you are getting off without an assignment. You have the toughest jobs of all. You are the brains of our little operation. Everyone is going to have an opinion, a need, a priority. You get to make the decisions based on all the facts."

Rigging looks around at all of the faces staring back at him, some with anger, some with thought. This island can be a paradise but we need to make it into that. Right now figure this island is a ship and I am its captain but I know that for it to grow and become a paradise, I will need all of you. We all have the potential to get what we want. A base to build empires from, a place to retire and stare at the waves, a place to raise our children in safety, a place where we can fullfill whatever your dream is, but first we have to survive. You aren't slaves here and if you don't like it, I can arrange transport off the island...eventually but for now we all have to work together and survive.

Lets get busy people, I want those first basic plans to Cosmo and Appolo by the day after tomorrow. I want to launch the Sword after those enemy ships in three days, and I am still wanting to hear plans on killing that snake. Lets get to work.

DM kent 
Saturday April 28th, 2007 5:33:26 PM

It is about the exact time that Rigging finishes his assignments that the door to the room flies open and a woman with long gray hair strides in and stops in the center of the room and turning in a circle catches everyone's eye. She seems to stare deeply into your being, though each can see the total white of her eyes as she looks at each peron in turn.

From the back of the room you hear Romeo speak. "Lizeth, what do you do here. There is no time for your ramblings. There is ..."

Turning sharply at the sound of his voice, the woman briskly cuts him off. "There is always time to listen to wisdom, Romeo of the Sarced Oak. As well you should know.

Without another word she lifts her arms and her head tilts back. As her body begins to convulse, a full and deep male voice comes from her.

Keep to the straight and narrow,
Search both far and wide.
To find the right place, where safety abides,
Enemy and friend must live side by side.
For the day will soon come, when the sword is sheathed,
Decisions be made by those of good seed.
Then knowledge, through water, will rule on the land,
With those of the fire lending a hand.
The blind will help lead through alternative sight.
Though tis the one who is hoarse who will govern the fight.
The nose sniffs out falsehood and keeps others to task,
While working with Woldfire, in Domi's eyes does bask
Treasure the silent, keep them close at hand,
For sure as you breathe, they're the savior of man.
When the day turns to night with the sun in the sky,
The one who seems false will be shown true by and by.
Hear the tree, it is steadfast and able,
Helping to keep all at the same table.
If all this is done as it comes by and by,
Redemption shall flourish underneath sacred skies.

Ari 69/72 
Sunday April 29th, 2007 10:30:53 PM

Ari was ready to say something and get started with the job he was given. But then the interruption comes and Ari looks to Rigging to see what will happen next.

Just when we might be moving forward, we have to take time to unravel a prophesy

Ari does his best to locate pencil and paper and try to copy down what was just said to the Swords.

Monday April 30th, 2007 3:01:49 AM

Bart was just starting to move to Val and Strongarm to discuss how they could organize their defence. Bart listens to the entity speaking through the woman's body. Which God could it be? I don't have a clue what he has said, speaking in riddles. Nez will explain it later.

Monday April 30th, 2007 12:05:25 PM

Val leans over toward Ashira and whispers, "I reall think we need that night out now. Things just went from bad to wtf and I'm stressed enough as it is."

Val turns to Bart, "Well that I don't know but if the voice is true then there is a place to start building homes but we haven't found it yet. Right now the nest thing I think we could do is build a wall between us and the forest. Oh and take that tree line back a good twenty yards. Really take away their advantage with arrows from the jungle."

Monday April 30th, 2007 3:00:24 PM

Nezamil turns and observes the newcomer " a friend of yours Romeo?"

As Lizeth breaks into verse the big Dwarf stays silent taking in the context of her crytic message

Afterwards " intresting poem Lizeth.....is there anything else we can help you with ??....perhaps you can help enlighten us on what it means"

Monday April 30th, 2007 3:44:18 PM

Rigging sighs as he listens to the poem. "Why is it always riddles?" he asks into the air.

"Romeo, I am assuming that you know this woman, how she got onto my ship, without the guards notifing me, we will ask in a minute. Still you have earned our trust, if you vouch for this woman, then I will take what she has to say to heart. I am just hoping she can explain it to me."

Monday April 30th, 2007 4:04:18 PM

Ashira's eyes glance back and forth between Romeo, the prophetess and Rigging. "Uhhhhhhh..." is the most intellegent thing she can manage, the prophesy stretching her already taxed mental capacities. She looks over at Val and sighs. "Yep. Definately girl's night out."

Monday April 30th, 2007 5:11:11 PM

Appolo was just watching and listening to the others,when first Rigging gave out hisa instructions and then this crazy women bursts in with her poem and riddles.Apolo stands"It's ok folks all this means is that there are more big nasties out there and our work is never done.Now I think the meeting is adjourned for the time being we have out assingments.Now let's get to work."

Appolo walks out of the room quite happilywhistling as he does so.He is not the least disturbed by the woman.Although he nearly put his sword into her.He'll have to talk to the watch about that.

DM Kent 
Monday April 30th, 2007 6:38:29 PM

Romeo looks at Lizeth and then at Rigging.

"Sometimes I wish I could not vouch for her, but as she is my grandmother, I suppose I must. She is also the lead elder on the women's council.

As to how she got by your guards, I would guess because they never saw her. Amongst other things, my grandmother is also a fairly adept witch and the leader of the Island's small coven. And as you have heard she is sometimes the conduit for prophecy.


Jobs are assigned and folks head out to do what needs being done without a single grumble from any of the colonists.

Before leaving Romeo approaches Rigging again.

"I will be glad to help out where you want me to, but I was thinking that if I could have 10 of Strongarm's men or maybe a group of hardy colonists, I might lead them to take out the last YT temple, that you haven't visited. With the Yt it shouldn't be too dangerous and it should truly impeade their ability to return to the island."


Lizeth waits in the center of the room keeping "eye" contact with Rigging as he and the others digest what has just occured. When asked, she will tell rigging that she has no idea what she just said, but that she would try and help deciher it if he wanted her to.

When she gets the chance to hear it read to her, she nods a few times and then speaks. Well some parts are fairly clear to me and others make no sense. It doesn't seem overly ominous if you ask me.

It seems to be written in stanzas of four lines; most dealing with aspects and people of your proposed colony.

Keep to the straight and narrow,
Search both far and wide.
To find the right place, where safety abides,
Enemy and friend must live side by side.

This sounds like where you should build your town. Somewhere far from here, perhaps in a straight line from here, or maybe near a strait.

For the day will soon come, when the sword is sheathed,
Decisions be made by those of good seed.
Then knowledge, through water, will rule on the land,
With those of the fire lending a hand.

This be a bit more vague but I am only assume here that the sword being sheathed is you folk leaving. the next two lines seem to suggest who might be in charge and helpp lead after you depart. As do the next four lines.

The blind will help lead through alternative sight.
Though tis the one who is hoarse who will govern the fight.
The nose sniffs out falsehood and keeps others to task,
While working with Woldfire, in Domi's eyes does bask

I'm not at all sure about this next section.
Treasure the silent, keep them close at hand,
For sure as you breathe, they're the savior of man.
When the day turns to night with the sun in the sky,
The one who seems false will be shown true by and by.

This last part seems to also be key for the success of your colony and I think implies another of the leadership.

Hear the tree, it is steadfast and able,
Helping to keep all at the same table.
If all this is done as it comes by and by,
Redemption shall flourish underneath sacred skies.

Well that's what I think. I hope it was helpful in some way. I suppose of course it could all be wrong, but then again maybe not.

(ooc I am resending the map of the whole island.)

Monday April 30th, 2007 9:40:55 PM

Cosmo has his mouth open ready to say something after Rigging gives the group their marching orders. But then the strange lady walks in and proceeds to sing in a man's voice some prophecy or riddle that pertains to the Wildcards.

Cosmo ponders her words and the words of the other people that have spoken at this meeting. He listens to Lizeth's interpretation of the song. He likes the part where they will be leaving the island.

Not sure what to say or do, Cosmo just closes his mouth and leaves. He tracks down Romeo and tells him he will be doing scouting trips of the island for Rigging. Cosmo will ask Romeo if he would like to be included as part of the scouting team.

attendence report 
Monday April 30th, 2007 10:29:04 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira oxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart oxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxoo
Cosmo xxxxx
Ari xoxxx

posted by adm - Chris

Monday April 30th, 2007 10:40:03 PM

Pondering Lizeth's Nezamil adds his thoughts "well i'll start with the 4th stanza....(Treasure the silent, keep them close at hand,
For sure as you breathe, they're the savior of man.
When the day turns to night with the sun in the sky,
The one who seems false will be shown true by and by)......i believe has to do with the children we found, they were silenced somehow so we should take extra precautions with their safety.......the last part about the sun could mean an eclipse is fated to happen in the near future"

" but this will give us something to think about"

Monday April 30th, 2007 11:51:39 PM

Ashira listens carefully to the old woman's possible interpretation of the prophesy and nods enthusiastically when Nezamil mentions the children.

She mulls the prophecy over. "You don't think that....To find the right place, where safety abides,
Enemy and friend must live side by side.
is talking about Aisildur do you??"

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 12:35:04 AM

Mykael listens as all ponder the words, "Anything is possible, Ashira. Who the enemy is could be anyone at this point. Hell, it could mean we need to reach a truce with the Yuan-Ti, in order to live safely here."

"We can ponder on it later, I am more interested in who sent the prophecy, rather than what it means. Or is it just a power? The gods can manipulate anyone, and it doesnt even have to be a god. Of course it could be just a pure prophecy."

Mykael turns to the old woman and sincerely states, "I appologize m'lady, but I put much stock in prophecy. The powerful love to meddle. But I believe that I control my destiny. However, I do believe it foolish to ignore such things. I am just skeptical."

"Well, onto chores. Mr. Wirenose, interested in touring a mine with me? Do you know of anyone here, with skills and/or knowledge in mining, geology, or gem-cutting?"

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 9:33:44 AM

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Lets just take things step by step and see where we end up. Now Captain I need to know if we are going to camp here on the beach by the sword or expand one of the villages for temporary housing."

Ari 69/72 
Tuesday May 1st, 2007 10:52:52 AM

"We are tasked by the Emporer, so in one sense of the word we are working with the enemy.

I could also see where the good seed comment could be someone that is seeded but not under control, or something of that nature, since we've seen hints of that.

I wonder if that means that if we put out the word that not all seeded people are bad or necessarily dangerous"

Hearing Mykael Ari comments, "I think we need to make it more a survey of the whole island and find things that look promising. We know the mine is promising so we can send a specialized group down there, but we probably need to do a walk about of the whole island.

We know there are some interesting creatures around and I'm wondering whether we might try finding Blue or something of his kind to maybe help us with finding what's on the island"

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 11:20:27 AM

Appolo finds Eli,his long lost protege and begins his training.He has him practise stealth slight of hand pick pocketing and back stabbing.He'll work with him for most of the day.Training him to be come an efficient ruthless killer.

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 7:46:12 PM

Rigging listens to the interpretations of the prophecy and says, "Thankyou Madam, I am sure the meaning will be made clear in time. Still we have to see about our everyday survival.

First off, I think Cosmo and I should do an ariel scout of the island, checking in on the last village but also looking for the snake and those other ships we got reports on. Then with the help of Romeo and Strongarm we will shutdown the other pyramid and secure our flanks. Cosmo, do you have an overland flight spells ready? If not, start studying now.

Val I would like to keep a presense at the beach to help with security of the Sword. If we lose her, we are done. Still scatter some of the colonists between the nearby villages. We will quickly exhuast the food supplies here with this many people.

Romeo, Can you tell us if the food supply was being drugged by the Yuan-ti? Or is something naturally in the food to dull our wits? That could be real important.

Lets get busy, but be smart. We have a lot of potential enemies out there."

DM kent  d4=3 d4=3
Tuesday May 1st, 2007 9:48:08 PM

Romeo informs Rigging thaht the YT were indeed doctoring the food supply and using some natural plants to keep the natives tractable.

Hunting parties are set up spreading out from the two nearby human villages and the beach, after it is decided that the groups be split up between three different areas: the Beach, Village 1 and Village 2. By mid afternoon enough meat has been killed to last a couple of days, at each place. In addition the groups sent out to forrage have found a variety of eatible plants, nuts, and fruits.

It is also suggested that for now that the majority of the natives be housed in one village and the majority of the colonists be housed in the other while a select group from each be chosen to stay at the beach with the Sword and her crew.

Rigging and Cosmo prepare for their flight and head out as early as possible first following the coast south and west, evenrtually coming to another even more sheltered bay area that is very near the last YT temple. There is little activity to be seen at this temple, and though it is definitely occupied, it appears that the only inhabitants seem to be of the human variety.

Proceeding northerly and inland a bit another human villlage is spotted. It seems to be almost exactly the same size as the other two, and set up similarly.

Nez's sorcerer patient begins to respond to the restoration spells and after the second one aftually tries to sit up, but cant quite manage that yet as his muscles seem to have little or no memoery of how to function properly.

Then it hits you, most of the glow you once had from the pyramids is gone there is just a slight tinge of a glow until you approach the last village and then you begin to see the effects fairly strongly again.

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 10:34:15 PM

After being ignored by Wirenose, Mykael turns to Ari, "We need to get a cash flow set up as soon as possible. The Diamond mine is the best option. Next we need to bring in tools and seed for farming, to feed the populace and perhaps cash crops. Then we can get a 'Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection', and search for other options."

Mykael starts talking to all the inhabitants of the island. He inquires about any with mining or gem-cutting knowledge or skills.

Whether he gets a crew or not, he heads to the diamond mine to search for tools and equipment with or without the crew. He maps out the mine and uses his Architecture and Engineering skills to figure out a plan to re-inforce the mine for safety.

(oops sorry Darain, the gnome didn't intentionally snub you.)

Tuesday May 1st, 2007 11:24:31 PM

Sighing, Ashira goes to check on her fishing nets and gets a good swim in to clear her head. It would be nice to get off this island and get back on the seven seas. Though, in a way...the place was quant. A little more refreshed, Ashira clothes herself in an adventure outfit and finds Val and the girls. Seeing that the men folk seem to have things under control, Ashira figures that the girls deserve a little rest.

Appolo/Eli  d20+6=19 d20+8=15
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 11:29:50 AM

Appolo continues the training of his protege Eli,through most of the day.He then decides to have him follow Ashira around.Instructing him not to be detected.

Eli does as instructed and does his best to follow Ashira around without being detected.He does his best to move unseen and in silence.
Hide 19 Move Silently 15

Appolo meanwhile alerts the crew when nessecessary imforming them to keep quiet and let Eli do what he is doing.

Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 6:31:41 PM

The big dwarf tends to Gerome " don't worry this process might take some time but i have faith that you will get better.....just not sure you'll be as strong as you once was but we'll work on that " assures Nezamil

Nezamil will help build some temporary shelter on the beach using any left over timber that was scavenged to help repair the Sword and the previously cast wall of stone.

The bash brothers Hal and Kirk will assist him

ooc: kent don't forget Nezamil had cast a wall of stone before on the beach as protection .

Ari 69/72 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 7:18:20 PM

"Since you seem to have things well in hand for the mine, I'll scout the rest of the island to see what is out there. Rigging did put Ashira and Smith on the food detail so I'm not sure how what we're doing is related"

Asking Wirenoe "who else might know the island pretty well?"

If Ari gets no response he'll approach Romeo and see if he might know who in the ranks of people might be good for pointing out trade items that the island can produce. Ari figures he might want to talk to a Gardener for spices, a farmer for obvious reasons, maybe a merchant if there is one, and a few others to try to pinpoint what there might be to look for over the whole island.

Ari doesn't know if he might be able to use one of the Arial creatures to help out with identifying possible areas where the things these people he thought of would be looking for.

Rigging  d20+5=20
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 7:24:47 PM

Rigging will say to Cosmo, "I am going to go have an invisible look. Stay here with Swirl and cover me if something bad happens."

Rigging will activate his invisibility ring and land at the edge of the clearing, looking at the activities of the humans in camp. Do they look drugged? Do they seem afraid? If he can, he will try to find a lone one or a few that he might be able to talk to and question.

spot roll of 20

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+16=23 d20+4=14
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 9:53:20 PM

Having spotted her shadow (Spot=32, nat. 20), Ashira decides to have a little fun. Knowing that she can move twice as fast as the young lad through the undergrowth, she heads a little way into the jungle and casts Snare on a nearby tree (of course, she makes sure the area is free of snakes and Yuan Ti first). She makes sure that she leaves a trail that a blind man could follow, straight to the Snared tree (Search DC23 to discover the trap), and then doubles back on the rogue to see how he fairs with her little surprise. (Move Silent=23, Hide=14).

DM Kent 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 10:49:17 PM

The different trainings go well, the colonists group heads help where and when needed, though they know very littl of the island as yet.

Gerome is looking better and is beginning to be able to chat for longer lengths of time. mush of his skin is sloughing off due to prolonged extreme exposure and for some reason his hair is also falling out. But he reports that he is feeling better and stronger.

Rigging investigates the slaves and they are pretty typical of the groups they found at each of the pyramids. They are certainly drugged but seem able to function and complete whatever their assigned duties seem to be.

In all there seesm to be about 35 humans here moving about entering and leaving the pyramid and the other structures. Some are carrying things others aren't. No Yt are in evidence.

Mykael makes his way back to the mine and finds that there is now almost 10 inches of ash on the ground and more is falling though perhaps not quite as heavily. The survey of the mine finds quite a number of shafts all leading to dugout caverns most of which seem to have been cleared out and abandoned. There is the one cavern they we in where the dead YT and slave bodies still remain and the smell is getting a bit rank. There is also one more shaft which was obviously still under construction as it goes nowhere except into mountain wall.

Things are moving at the three separate temporary settlements and soon routines are inplace and talk turns to where the port building will take place. There are a few who think that where they are would be best, though many argue that the presence of the sea snake would be bad for business. Others think that the rumored safe harbor will be better though no one seems to know where that might be located. All in all the mood is positive though there seem to be more questions than answers forthcoming.

Cosmo  d20+3=21
Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 11:19:38 PM

Cosmo keeps watch as Rigging goes invisible and scouts the encampment. He stays rather high up in his flight pattern, hoping anyone looking up will just think he is a bird.

Spot 21

Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 11:57:05 PM

Mykael continues to survey the mine.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 1:17:27 AM

Bart is staring with the defense cutting back the treeline, the bigger logs can be used for houses and the smaller ones for firewood or tools. If there are enough logs he orders to star building a watchtower later on they can turn the lower parts into rooms for the guards.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 6:19:38 AM

Leaving her equipment back in her cabin, Val and Melonie enjoy a leisurely swim. They know Ashira will be joining them soon along with Mary. Hopefully the captain has some ideas on how to keep everybody from going crazy with everything thats going on.

Appolo /Eli  d20+6=19 d20+9=15
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 6:20:18 PM

Appolo sits on the deck with a wide brim hat on just watching things.When Ahira leaves the ship answims to the beach Elia decides to wait then after about 10 minutes follows her by joining some workmen and taking the boat to the beach he then helps crry lumber and stuff wj hile trying to keep an eye on Ashira.When she heads into the jungle he decides not to follow her and just main tains his watch on the beach and the surrounding area.He waits for her to come back out.

Spot 19 Disguise 15.

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:23:26 PM

After building some shelters along the wall of stone the big dwarf decides to take stock of his equipment.....cleaning , repairing and reorganizing his stuff.....once that is done he'll take a quick swim before relaxing on the beach ......after all it's been a hectic several months

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 7:49:55 PM

Rigging will approach one of the slaves, dispelling his invisibility ring and ask, "Are any of your masters the Yuan-ti here? Can you tell me where they are?"

If Rigging doesn't get an answer, or finds out that none are here, he will wave Cosmo down and say, "Don't think the snake men are here but we should take a quick look in the temple together just to make sure. If there isn't, then one of us can strip down of magic and disable this bear. Lets go take a look."

Rigging will start moving towards the pyramid.

DM kent  d20-6=14
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 10:17:54 PM

Various work continues to be done and some recreation occurs as well as various members of the Swords relieve the stresses of the past weeks.

Mykael and Wirenose find little of interest in the mine though the gnome is critical of the work that was done calling the mining operation amateurish and not very well planned out.

Rigging waylays a slave suddenly appearing out of the air in from of him and just about turns the poor soul to apuddle of quivering flesh, but somehow he manages to pull himself together as he realises it isn't one of the YT (nat 20). Obviously drugged and not in charge of all his facilities, the man mumbles "nope" to his first question and elicits a slight shrug with his second.

Ashira  d20+12=20
Thursday May 3rd, 2007 11:22:52 PM

After waiting around for her shadow, Ashira shrugs and heads back to the Sword. Noticing Eli among the workers (Spot=20), she shrugs and hooks up with Mary and the other gals.

Once joined up with Val, Ashira points out Eli. "Looks like we're being followed. You want to prepare a little surprise for him, or shall I?"

Friday May 4th, 2007 12:51:51 AM

"Mr. Wirenose, we need to concentrate on getting this mine producing, so we can get a cash flow going. Would you organize this and get a crew going? Also, are there anyone with gem-cutting skills and/or tools among the populace?"

Mykael escorts Wirenose to where he wants to go, then he heads back to the ship. He makes his way back to his cabin, pulling out his tools, Mykael gets to work cutting as many of the diamonds they found as he can before his eyes get too heavy.

Friday May 4th, 2007 11:55:26 AM

"You better do it. My suprises often involve violence and pain. Besides I'm not so good with sneaky stuff."

Friday May 4th, 2007 3:13:19 PM

Rigging will go explore the pyramid looking for the map room so they can disable it. He is also looking for anything else of interest..loot!

He turns to Cosmo, "I wonder if we can find out about this drug. Bet it would sell on the mainland. Keep prisoners in line and such.

Not the most moral thing to sell but profitable!"

Swirl will keep a high cover over the village looking for trouble.

Appolo/Eli  d20+12=27
Friday May 4th, 2007 6:02:10 PM

Appolo appears next to Vlanthe and Ashira"You two be nice to my protoge there.He is trying you knowbesides Eli's not the one you should be keeping an eye on.You know,becuase I am good at the sneaky stuf."He says as he walks away having secrely planted a yellow flower in Vlanthes hair."See ya later sunshine and not all you surprises are painful."He says with a smile.

Pick Pocket 27

Friday May 4th, 2007 6:05:24 PM

Appolo finds Eli and Eli looks at him"She spotted me."Eli states"Yes she did.I expected her to.,but you did well and I am glad to see you didn't follow her into the jungle.That would have been a big mistake.You're learning."

Eli smiles and follows Appolo back to the ship.

Friday May 4th, 2007 7:00:55 PM

The big dwarf continues to soak up some sun lounging on the beach......but as the day wears on he gathers the bash brothers Hal and kirk " lets get some lunch and see if we can gather all the notable people together.....be good to just share a meal with everyone and set the tone for civil dissucions about the governing later "

Once lunch is (or dinner, not sure what time of day it is )ready Nezamil just makes small talk with everyone .....just making everyone at ease.

Friday May 4th, 2007 8:03:58 PM

Cosmo lands when he sees Rigging waving to him. He shrugs his shoulders when Rigging suggest selling the drug back on the mainland.

"Do you want me to hold your magic items while you explore the pyramid. This way you will not lose any of them if the pyramid acts the way the other one did."

Rigging "illegal post" 
Saturday May 5th, 2007 6:34:13 PM

Comso, I want you to come in with me to explore it and make sure that their isn't any surprises and then I will let you hold my magic items as I try disable it.

DM Kent 
Sunday May 6th, 2007 2:18:22 PM

Wirenose tells Mykael thet he certainly has some ideas, though how effective they will depend on who is doing the work and how much of the mine is still going to produce diamonds. In any case it won't be as profitable as the YT operation as there woun't be slaves working the mines.

Girls night out gets a mid afternoon start as they have a bit of fun at Eli's expense, though they do notice that his skill are progressing well.

Cosmo and Rigging enter the pyramid, and find nothing amiss. the only problem seems to be the actuall disarming of the diamond, as usual. Rigging does not that five of the diamonds on the map are no longer clear and shimmering which leaves only 3 that might be salvageable after the dismantling.

Sunday May 6th, 2007 9:52:43 PM

The big dwarf continues to soak up some sun lounging on the beach......but as the day wears on he gathers the bash brothers Hal and kirk " lets get some lunch and see if we can gather all the notable people together.....be good to just share a meal with everyone and set the tone for civil dissucions about the governing later "

Once lunch is (or dinner, not sure what time of day it is )ready Nezamil just makes small talk with everyone .....just making everyone at ease.

Monday May 7th, 2007 12:24:41 AM

Mykael will go up for a quick meal at Nezamil's request, but he then retreats back into the ship to continue working on the diamonds.

Monday May 7th, 2007 2:46:25 AM

Bart is still working on the watchtower. He works as hard as he can. Making the tower at least 3 storeys high, complete with rooms for the guards

Monday May 7th, 2007 1:34:20 PM

Ashira laughs at Appolo. "Oh please little brother...you're not sneaky...you're annoying." With a wink, she heads back to the ship...and the cellar. Picking out several bottles of Aisildurian red, she hands them to Val. "You want to get right to the fun, or should we start out with a light lunch?" she chuckles as she contemplates the prospect of some much needed down time.

Monday May 7th, 2007 3:42:00 PM

Appolo laushs with Ashira"I'm annoying becuase I'm sneeaky.Just ask anyone who've I put a flower in thier hair."He says in a reference to the flower he sureptiously placed in Vlanthe's haira few minutes back.

Attendence report 
Monday May 7th, 2007 8:21:45 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxoxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxx?
Val xoxx?
Bart ooxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxx?
Ari xxoo?

posted by adm - Chris

DM Kent  5d10(10+8+2+10+8)=38
Monday May 7th, 2007 9:51:53 PM

The final pyramid is dismantled with no further loss of magic. Whoever stay inside to disengage the central diamond as it shatters takes 38 points damage, reflex save DC 14 for 19 points.

The Watchtower (at the beach?) that Bart is working on with lots of help from people who know what they are doing goes up fairly rapidly and without difficulty.

Wirenose sends a couple of gem cutters to Mykael to see if he would like their assistance, for a reasonable fee of course.

And for once the majority of the swords are able to relax and kick back without any major worries.

Each of the colonist group leaders are at the fore front of their groups working and trying to get things ready. And suprisingly it is Lord bascomb that seems to be doing alot of the dirtiest and hardest work. In fact he almost seems untiring, often working through lunch and sometimes even foregoing lunch in order to get a last little thing done.

But even with all that is being done and accomplished there is a bit of grumbling going through the different groups as they want to know when and where they are going to be building the PERMANENT settlement and how things are going to run after the swords take off.

Monday May 7th, 2007 10:38:43 PM

Rigging staggers out all bloody and sticky pulling diamond shards out of his body and waves Cosmo in. He collects any decent diamonds left and looks for other loot before heading back into the air and flying back to the beach.

Once he gets there, he will gahter all of the potential leaders and any others who are interested and say, "The last pyramid is shut down. We should be safe from any more Yuan-ti coming to the island. There might still be some left so we need to keep on our toes but things should only get better as they are hunted down if any are left at all.

Our next task is to try and get kill the snake or at least get past it. I want that to happen in two days. Between now and then, we need to scout the rest of the island and figure out where construction should begin, arm the Sword for a snake hunt and provision it.

There is a natural harbor not far from the pyramid that we just disabled. We might want to build there. I would like our two sea captain's opinion on the two harbors."

Rigging looks at Nezamil, "Ah Nezamil my friend, I am feeling a little woozy. How about some healing?"

Monday May 7th, 2007 10:51:25 PM

Cosmo leaves the pyramid when Rigging dismantles it. He looks a little concerned for Rigging's well being when he stumbles out of the structure. Rigging seems to be ok and the two of them collect any valuables in the pyramid before heading back.

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 2:48:53 AM

Mykael accepts the help of the other gem-cutters and attempts to work up a friendship with them while they work. He observes thier skills and attempts to determine just how skilled they are.

Ari 69/72 
Tuesday May 8th, 2007 6:27:04 AM

Ari talks with Romeo and continues to scout out other resources that the colonists might be able to use. If Romeo has nothing to help, Ari then goes to the colony leaders looking for ideas as to what kind of materials would be needed to establish some trade.

Ari tries to co-ordinate the writing down and creation of a rough map.

(ooc sorry for my missed posts. I went to Alaska on Thursday and thought I'd be able to post from there. It just didn't work out, albeit I'm back at home now)

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 8:10:03 AM

"We better eat now. Appolo and Eli will probably try to do something else. Maybe some food will help keep Mary and Melonie hurt poor Eli for seeing things he shouldn't. I have a feeling that we won't be getting another chance to relax for a while."

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 4:57:32 PM

"I'll take care of your cuts and bruises " grins the dwarf (will cast cures as needed, if you want me to roll i will )

after lunch the 9'10" dwarf will gather the bash brothers Hal and Kirk ......then head over and assist Lord Bascomb and the others in work,using his size, strength and magic if nessacary.

"I'm impressed with all of your hard work....it's a good start.....if we all try work together as hard as you have today this island will flourish "

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 6:54:21 PM

Appolo let's the women go eiths hsndsome smile sbd a wave of his hand then takesa row boat fishing pole and wide brimmed har.He rows down the shore a ways then kicks back and starts fishing.Just sitting there enjoying the day.
Eli mean while figuring the days lessons done takes the rest of the day off as well.

Tuesday May 8th, 2007 10:49:31 PM

Ashira nods. "Alright then. Let's go get some supplies." Ashira puts a light hand on Mary's shoulder. "And if we should run into Eli...you and Melonie can arrange a little sparring session with him." Ashira laughs...a light, happy laugh that hasn't been heard in quite some time.

DM Kent  d100=1
Tuesday May 8th, 2007 11:13:28 PM

Cosmo helps Rigging carry the few diamonds they were able to salvage and lends a helping hand to his friend as he stumbles along.

Nez sees to Rigging's wounds and then grabbing the Bash Bros, heads over to do some physical labor with the Bascomb and while not a cold shoulder the reception is a bit on the snooty side.

Mykael keeps working with the two gnomes and realizes that one is a master in his craft and the other is a very good journeyman.

Apollo goes fishing and doesn't even get a bite. But has a relaxing time anyway.

Val and Ashira head out to find some picnic supplies.

Ari finds Romeo working hard to get the natives more organized and lucid after getting the drug out of their system. He finds that Romeo does indeed have some ideas for local trade and possible exported trade, the main export possibly being good solid lumber.

Gerome is beginning to actually look human again and is asking for food all the time.

The babies seem to be doing everything that babies do except make any noise.

Ari also takes a good bit of time to sharpen up the YT's island map adding things to it as people come back with more details in new areas.

The night is falling the cooking fires at all three temporary settlements are lit and simmering assorted things.

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 10:19:49 AM

"I'm suprised the captain is letting us play hookey with everything there is to do. But truthfully I'm looking forward to getting back on the high seas. I don't like dealing with politics and the situation we find ourselves in now is a real mess."

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 10:26:45 AM

Melonie wrapped a simple cloak around her nude body as they went for food. "If Eli is around doing things he shouldn't I'll find him eventually."

Melonie was glad she got invited to this little private time. When the Wildcards went off to fight the serpents she felt left out. She understood why but that did little to change things. From the looks of things Val was going to need her support for the difficult times ahead. While she can't help much she can do her best at the things she can do.

Ari 69/72 
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 12:18:15 PM

Ari decides to start helping Romeo with the rivival of the natives. Ari figures they could also be a source of information about the animal life and anything else that he'll need to know to pass on.

As he gets time to help Romeo Ari tries to engage him more about the lumber. Is it good lumber for housing, for building boats, should we think about maybe a shipyard in this area. Maybe with a separate sheet of paper Ari shows Romeo how to sketch in some ideas. Could we build a shipyard over here, where might we look at habitation.

As Ari gets some more information from Romeo he'll move to each of the groups that Rigging has made and ask them for their ideas on a blank sheet of paper. He's not looking to give away anything to anyone, but he wants to get a whole bunch of ideas and they try to come up with a conglomerate both for trade and any other ideas that come his way.

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 6:45:17 PM

The big dwarf will help serve dinner to all the workers " a well deserved meal ....ya all worked plenty hard for it" as he dishes out food

Nezamil chats with all the workers asking them what they would like to do and their skills to help the islands future

Wednesday May 9th, 2007 8:16:00 PM

Rigging will call the principal leaders together over dinner and talk about the sundry of tasks going on. He will then announce that the Sword will set sail on the day after tomorrow to scout the island and search for the sea snake and then make its way back to civilization.

His command structure will stand for now, with Nezamil being the Govenor. Since he has been impressed with what he has seen so far, he is going to form a council to run the community while the Sword is away. On the council will consist of 7 members.

The two ship captains, who will start looking at setting up a harbor, and possible ship yard. Definitely need some docks.

Strongarm who will be in charge of defense.

Lareth who will be in charge of food production, farming and ranching.

Bascomb and Wirenose who will be in charge of housing and warehousing. You are also in charge of getting the diamond mine up and working. Set up a fair agreement for the miners for pay and I will be fine with it. That is our best short term cash flow source and we will need to tap it for supplies and ships

Finally Romeo who will assist everyone since he knows the island the best of everyone. It will take a majority vote to make major decisions and I expect you to work together. I don't expect to be back for at least 3 months maybe longer. I expect to see people settled in and productive when I get back.

You have tomorrow to come up with wish lists on supplies and people you need to accomplish your goals. Let me know.

Wildcards, You have until the next morning to come up with a plan to defeat the seasnake. I know we have started on some, but we need a good plan or we might all be marrooned here."

Cosmo  d20+19=38 d20+24=34
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 10:53:42 PM

Cosmo remembers the strange babies that they found in the pyramid. He wonders how they are doing and finds out where they are being cared for. He goes over and studies them for awhile to see if he can determine if it is something magical about them that is keeping them silent.

Knowledge arcane 38
Spellcraft 34 (36 if conjuration)

Cosmo also pays Gerome a visit. He asks the sorceror if he knows anything about the strange babies.

DM Kent 
Wednesday May 9th, 2007 11:34:12 PM

As soon as Rigging makes his announcement about who is going to be on the council, the youngest of the captains stands and faces Rigging.

"Umm Captain Von Palin, I actually had never planned on staying here and was hoping to catch a ride back with you on board the Sword. I hadn't had the opportunity to ask you before as you have been busy and not around much?"

Other than that the others seem satisfied and happy at how things seem to be working out, though there still seesm to be a bit of concern over where the permanent settlement is going to be located.

Gerome says he knows nothing about the babies and Cosmo's inspections show nothing of a magical nature that is keeping them silent. They seem to even have grown a bit in the last 2-3 days they have been with you all.

Ari works closely with the natives and Romeo setting up small organized work groups and more planned hunting and gathering plans and even sets up a plan for a larger co-op garden.

(Ok all I will temporarily lift the one post / day rule for the purposes of community discussion. As this is all ROLE play right now, self monitor on necessary rolls, I will post intemittently adding anything I see that is needed and any roles I might need to make. This will last only through the weekend and then I plan on starting the next module, whether you are done here or not.)

Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:17:31 AM

Well the watchtower at the top of the beach is almost ready, we can also use it as a lighthouse. Do we know where to make the harbor and the rest of the town. If we do it here we can go further and make some houses next to it.

I agree that we have to hunt the seasnake, the best option is if we can breath underwater and have a freemovement spell on us

Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:24:12 AM

Overhearing Cosmo talking with Gerome about the babies, he waits for them to finish then he gets Cosmo's attention.

"Have you checked if its some sort of illusion? For all we know we could have save Yuan-Ti eggs that just look like babies that dont make sounds. I have heard of illusions that mimic everything, and if we believe in them enough they feel real.

Magical silence on them, or something they have eaten? Tongues cut out? hmmm... no, then they wouldnt have appear to have magic on then. Guess it could be a lack of a tongue, plus something else magic related that isnt affecting they ability to produce sound.

I will ponder on it, back to the gems. Good luck"

Mykael does stop to speak with Rigging after the meal.

"Bossman, if we can lure the sea snake to shallow water with summoned fat fish, then use walls of iron, stone, and force to corral it against the shore we can attack it from the shore. I think it foolhardy to even think of risking a battle with that thing in its element with our only ship. If it cant move on land or is extremely handicapped in doing so, we have the uppper hand."

"On another note, while we still have time, I would like to get us mages together for a spell swappin."

Thursday May 10th, 2007 1:39:05 AM

Appolo rows himself back to the Sword and finds Rigging.Afterlistening to Rigging he speaks up"Boss I thinkwe should stick around here for awhile.We can't engage that sea serpent in the open water.We need to draw it into this bay and shallow water.Then use nets and magical means to trapp it and kill it here were we have over whelming superiority of numbers and weapons.I think we should spend some time building some of the worlds largest fishing hets and some very large garpoons.Along with catapults.If we trap here in relatively shallow water then we can kill it." Appolo really doesn't care who runs the town.One way or the other he'll get his fair share.

Ari 69/72 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 8:34:25 AM

"We have enough magical skill that why don't we just ask the snake why it attacks? Surely someone can talk to it somehow?"

Having taken the time to acquire as much information from everyone and filled in a master Map as much as possible. Ari will turn over a Master Map to Rigging. Speaking to Rigging, "I'm not sure who else you might want to have this information. I could possibly make some 'trade' maps that show where trade items might be."

Thursday May 10th, 2007 9:39:33 AM

Rigging will look at Mykael and say, "Lets concentrate on the projects here first. We have a 5-6 week sail ahead of us to get back to civilization and we can swap spells then."

Rigging will get Cosmo and say, "We know that the snake likes sharks since it chased ours all over the place. I think the snake is attacking the ships for food. If the Yuan-ti was directing it, we never found any evidence of it. Still it is posssible. Why don't you memorize as many summon monster spells as you can to summon sharks to try and lure the creature in. You are going to need a way to communicate with them, since your directions are going to be more detailed than normal."

Rigging looks at Appolo and smiles, "I want off this freaking island. We need these people to get organized. They are going to have to be self reliant and we need to test what they can do. Besides we are hunters and their are to many Galian priests sill alive."

Thursday May 10th, 2007 9:48:58 AM

"I think Ari is onto something. Last time it caught us by suprise but we still threw everything we had at it and nearly got killed for the effort. This thing killed massive sharks like they were goldfish. Unless the means to trap the snake on land is putting a mountain behind it I see no real way to do so."

Thursday May 10th, 2007 5:37:19 PM

Listening to the banter back and forth at Riggings meeting the 9'10" dwarf takes in the young Captains request to return with them .

Captain Rigging since the young captain has declined a position in the council i would like Romeo's friend who had the vision to take his place .....Lizeth is her name i believe .....would be good to have a women's voice on the council since they do make up a large majority of the islands population "

Turning to adress the others at the meeting "also since we will be leaving but we will be able to bring equipment back to help build the islands projects ....so please put together a list of some of the things you might need and we'll try and bring back what we can "

Thursday May 10th, 2007 10:12:27 PM

While Cosmo is talking to Gerome, he will also ask the man about the sea snake. He asks him if the Yuan-ti were controlling it.

"Mykael I do not think it is an illusion. From what we have seen the Yuan-ti dislike arcane magic and only use divine magic. So I doubt they would be using illusion."

"Rigging I will take extra SM spells. Perhaps we can lure it to the other cove with the summoned monsters and then trap it there."

Thursday May 10th, 2007 11:06:38 PM

Rigging nods at the Captain and says, "Of course you can have a space on my crew. I warn you though, we seem to attract trouble. I doubt that has changed much."

He turns to Nezamil and says, "Hey, you are the govenor. You want her on the council, so be it. Your are right too..we need more woman."

DM kent 
Thursday May 10th, 2007 11:35:48 PM

Discussions take place about the babies and snakes and the council. With differing opinions coming forth on all of them. Ari even thinks it might be worthwhile to try and communicate with the sea snake.

Gerome doesn't necessarily believe the YT were controling the snake, but it was trained to come at their call as it was always well fed by the YT, Though he isn't absolutely sure.

When asked, Lizeth doesn't even think about it or hesitate and accepts readily saying that there should be at least one sound mind on it.

Ari 69/72 
Friday May 11th, 2007 4:33:26 AM

Hearing that the snake was fed by the YT Ari pipes up, "Besides trying to talk to it, has someone just tried to feed it on a regular basis? If the YT were feeding it and had trained it, what would happen if someone else were to feed it and teach it about which ships are protected, or some such. Maybe the YT did not have enough time to fully train it or what not.

We'll have to see if it is intelligent or not, as it might have something to say about us establishing a colony. I wonder if it could be the enemy that we have to work with?"

Friday May 11th, 2007 1:51:05 PM

I like the idear of trapping the snake but first we have to see him. Can you communicate with the monsters you summon Mykeal, see what they see?
Maybe we can use sirl as an arial look out. Is swirl spots the snake we can sent the monsters in the direction swirl gives us

Friday May 11th, 2007 6:51:52 PM

Appolo just shrugs his houlders and wonders of.He heads down to his bunk to get some rest.Thinking great we're going to leave behind a ramshackle colony ,with apowerful enemy patroling the area.he then hunkers down for the night slightly irritated.

Friday May 11th, 2007 7:01:01 PM

" ok if we are gonna try and trap that big sea snake then we should discuss spells and tactics.......also hopefully we are successful " chuckles Nezamil " then what to do with the sea snakes carcass ......might make for some good leather armor "

Nezamil will continue to talk to the those on the beach about any tools are equipment that might be useful to bring back to help build the island

Sunday May 13th, 2007 9:49:56 PM

Cosmo wonders how the YT were able to feed a snake that big. It would take an awful lot of food.

He ponders the snake situation and all the ideas that have been thought of.

Monday May 14th, 2007 1:14:16 AM

"Cosmo, is the expert summoner, he knows more about that than I. If we could befriend the snake, that would be excellent. However, I do not believe we have the means at our disposal, and attempts would probably be more costly, than just killing something that big."

Monday May 14th, 2007 8:35:53 AM

Having been reluctantly drawn into the conversation, Ashira sighs. So much for girl's night out. Still, the question of the sea snake was a big one.

Being a little closer to nature than some others, Ashira dislikes the idea of killing the beast if they don't have too. But still, unchecked, that thing could do a lot of damage! She chimes in. "I can speak with animals and breath underwater...so I would probably be the best choice for a diplomatic mission if there is one. Still, I'd like to have some assurance that the thing isn't going to just swallow me whole. Any ideas on a way to pin that massive thing in? Any way to call up some walls of force? Other than that, I'm running a little blank..." Ashria comments as she thoughtfully taps her chin.

Monday May 14th, 2007 12:24:28 PM

We had an idear to lure him into shallow water, but first we have to find him. If i could breath underwater ass well with a spell or something i will back u up

DM Kent 
Monday May 14th, 2007 5:10:22 PM

The discussions over the snake seem to have boiled down into two camps. Snake Hunt or Snake Charming. Kill it or communicate with it. The path of violence or the path of peace.

What will it be? What will they decide? Will they Decide in Time, or will the decision be taken from them. Or Is there really a decision to make?

Ari 69/72 
Monday May 14th, 2007 7:35:39 PM

"Then my main question is this, just because we do not know how to communicate with the snake, does that mean we should destroy it then, because we don't understand it?

If we have to get underway right this minute, then I'll understand.

On another thought, I know I can hide from animals if I really wanted to. Is there anyway we could cast something like that on the ship?"

attendence report 
Monday May 14th, 2007 7:46:39 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Ashira xooxo
Appolo xxxxo
Rigging xxxoo
Val xxxoo
Bart ooxxo
Nezamil xxxxo
Mykael xoxxo
Cosmo xxxxo
Ari xxxxo

posted by adm chris

Monday May 14th, 2007 10:47:17 PM

"It is possible that the snake was only hanging around because the Yuan Ti were feeding it. Now that they are gone and we are not feeding it, it may move on. We dont have enough ship traffic here, right now, to probably keep it fed."

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 7:57:17 AM

The ranger shrugs at Ari's comments. "Like I said, I'm willing to try and talk to it. I just want to make sure I don't end up becoming lunch because of my heroic deed." She turns to Mykael. "There's a lot we don't know about this situation, but I don't feel good about just leaving a potential threat behind...especially since we're going to have more ships landing here just about every month. If we can persuade the beast to be peaceful, then fine...otherwise I think we need to take it out. I for one, don't want to get stuck here for months next time."

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 10:22:57 AM

"Cast the spell on me and I'll swim out there and talk to the thing. If it swallows me I'll cut my way out of its gut with that axe that seems to work so well on snakes." Val said with a sigh. She really wanted that night out to relax but this snake discussion just won't go away. "Then if it eats me you'll know that its hostile and to kill it."

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 4:35:01 PM

"i'm fine either way.....talk to it or kill it.....at least if we kill w will eat good and it's thick skin will make excellant snake leather armor for the islands defenses "

" just lets make this quick.....the faster we make a choice the faster we can get this island up and running "

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 6:44:20 PM

Rigging decides, "Lets be ready for both possibilities. We need to sail around this island and see what kind of navigational problems it represents while also looking for that ghost ship. If the snake finds us and attacks, we can try to talk to it. If it remains agressive, then we try our best to kill it.

Nezamil, I suggest you prepare water walking, water breathing and freedom of movement spells for our fighter types. Cosmo prepare summoning spells and enlargement spells. I will try for more direct damage spells.

If we have to fight this creature we need to inflict massive damage. All of you think of the best way for you to do that personally and then with the aids of spells.

If we hurt it badly enough and it still escapes, then hopefully it tries to find less harmful hunting grounds.

After we circle the island, fight the snake, fight the ghost ship, we then need to head back to civilization for supplies, ships and green gnomishes at the Giggling Ghost."

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 7:11:18 PM

Meanwhile Appolo continues to lounge in his bunk.Not doing much of anything.

Tuesday May 15th, 2007 8:16:57 PM

Cosmo listens to the plan from Riggingand his spell suggestions of Summon Monsters and Enlarge Person spells. Cosmo will also take a Hold Monster spell, perhaps he can paralyze the beast.

Cosmo grabs his spellbook and finds a quiet place to study.

DM kent 
Tuesday May 15th, 2007 9:26:43 PM

A final quasi plan is formed and decidedupon and the swords get to work preparing for the next mornings island sojourn.

The night goes quietly and things seem to be functioning fairly smoothly. The swords wake and check things out on shore, leave their final directions with the council members, reboard the Sword and raise anchor, anxiety beginning to rise amongst the crew as the sword makes its way into the bay toward open waters.

The morning is clear and cloud free allowing the clear sight of a smoke collumn rising into the air from where the volcanoes are. The wind is brisk and steady. about 300 yards off to starboard occasional rippling is seen in the water running parallel with the ship.

Mykael  d20+7=8
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 12:11:04 AM

Mykael speaks to all the crew, "Remember this thing hits hard, and we may not see it coming. So two hands on something solid at all times. If it decides to attack, we dont want anyone tossed overboard."

Mykael stays in the aft of the ship, he is braced and watches both starboard and port of the ship along with the aft.

(Spot = 8, nat 1, ouch!)

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 1:18:22 AM

Bart prepares the long polearms the can use to attack the snake from the deck. He also adjust their ships armory so they can shoot down, even making a harpoon attached to a rope with a barrel

Ari 69/72 
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 8:04:56 AM

Ari prepares the spells he things he needs.

"I have the ability to cast a few more spells, but I have not had much luck finding stuff that I can add to my spell book."

0-level (5)

Resistance x
Detect Poison x
Daze x
Detect Magic x
Read Magic x


Shield x
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Grease x
Spider Climb x

1-level Ranger

Speak with Animals x


Alter Self x
Resist Energy x
cats grace x
bulls strength xx


Protection from Energy xxx

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:23:31 AM

The ship is already undersail by the time Appolo awakes.He wonders into the galley with just his pants on and gets alate breakfast.He finds Eli sitting there eating as well.He sits down and silently eats.

After breakfast Appolo heads back to his bunk and suits up,then heads up on deck to see what he can see.Eli also suits up and follows him.The two just stand there watching the ocean.

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 6:52:09 PM

Nezamil wakes from a good nights sleep after a quick breakfast the Cleric of Domi finds a quiet spot and meditates.

As the Sword gets ready to sail the 9'8" dwarf boards....taking up a position near the bow he survey's the water for signs of the hugh seasnake .

Spell list
0-Light x2,Create water x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Shield of faith,Bless,Endure elements,Divine power,Command,Protection-from-evil(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid,Spiritual weapon,Mkae whole x2,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Water breathing x3,Waterwalk(MV)
4th-Air walk,Freedom of movement x3(SI)
5th-Flame strike,break enchanment,Slay Living(SR)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=20
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 9:27:35 PM

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Griffon: 6 hours

Cosmo finishes up studying for his spells. He casts Mage Armor upon himself and takes his position on the ship. Once the ship has set sail and is out in open waters he activates his Griffon figurine. Cosmo climbs aboard the magic animal and takes flight. He and the Griffon fly lazy circles around the ships looking for both the sea snake and for other ships.

Spot 20

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x2, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Hold Monster

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+7=22
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 10:24:21 PM

Rigging will pull out Wayfinder and scan the ripples that he sees off the side of the boat trying to determine if it is a school of fish, a reef or a giant sea snake getting ready to pounce.

(Rolled a 22 without the aid of Wayfinder for my spot check)

Rigging will direct Cosmo over towards the area for a closer look if he can't tell what it is.

Dm kent 
Wednesday May 16th, 2007 10:36:55 PM

(ooc > No prob)

Cosmo and Rigging move to the starboard side of the ship to see what everyone is going on about but can't see very well and realize that a pod of dolphins is paralleling the ship. So far there has been no sign of the snake.

The trip southward and westward around the island goes smoothly and quickly and within just after lunch a small island is seen ahead, and there appears to be a channel running behind it between the main island.

Rigging believes this is thebay that was near the last temple area he and Cosmo just dimantled.

Wednesday May 16th, 2007 11:01:06 PM

Almost giddy at the thought of being back on the bounding main, Ashira paces the deck. She readies herself for the arrival of the sea snake. Having stripped herself down to the necessities she restlessly peers over the rail, waiting for the inevitable confrontation.

Thursday May 17th, 2007 5:23:56 AM

Ashira cant you speak with the dolphins? maybe they have seen something?

Thursday May 17th, 2007 10:04:26 AM

Val was wearing her elven chain. Which was freshly polished. The giant snakes hide was so thick that arrows couldn't pierce it. They were not going to kill the snake with steel. Perhaps the right combination of magical spells but that wasn't her field of expertise. Val held her bow and sent a silent prayer to Gargul.

Thursday May 17th, 2007 4:00:19 PM

The 9'8" dwarf stands tall near the bow of the Sword.....his chain shirt wet with sea spray.

Taking some time with the bash brothers Hal and Kirk , Nezamil will discuss some defensive tactics

Spell list
0-Light x2,Create water x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Shield of faith,Bless,Endure elements,Divine power,Command,Protection-from-evil(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid,Spiritual weapon,Mkae whole x2,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Water breathing x3,Waterwalk(MV)
4th-Air walk,Freedom of movement x3(SI)
5th-Flame strike,break enchanment,Slay Living(SR)

Thursday May 17th, 2007 6:13:47 PM

Rigging makes sure that they circle the entire main island making some charts and taking soundings of the immediate area. He will then direct the Sword towards the other island still looking for both the ship and the snake.

"Cosmo, scout ahead to that other island please to see if we have any surprises over there."

Thursday May 17th, 2007 8:35:20 PM

It had been months since Ari was out on the sea. Returning to the sea brought a flood of memories. Keeping an active eye out, Ari enjoys the feel of the wind against his face again.

0-level (5)

Resistance x
Detect Poison x
Daze x
Detect Magic x
Read Magic x


Shield x
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Grease x
Spider Climb x

1-level Ranger

Speak with Animals x


Alter Self x
Resist Energy x
cats grace x
bulls strength xx


Protection from Energy xxx

Thursday May 17th, 2007 8:49:23 PM

Appolo heads to the crows nest and takes up residence sitting on the bench and putting his feet up.He is quite relaxed.Eli meanwhile prctises his kife throwing.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=10
Thursday May 17th, 2007 9:53:52 PM

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Griffon: 6 hours

Cosmo flies on his Griffon towards the island. He slowly flies around the island trying to determine its size and if it has any inhabitants or structures.

Spot 10

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x2, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Hold Monster

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Friday May 18th, 2007 4:28:42 AM

It feels good to be back on sea, and the dolphins swimming around the ship is a good sign. Can none of you spellcasters talk to them? Maybe they have seen something?

DM Kent 
Friday May 18th, 2007 6:27:28 AM

Cosmo's inspection of the smaller island reveals that it is inhabited by several groups od goat like animals and othe furry creatures. There is no sign of humanoid life. The island itself sits in the mouth of a large, kind of double bay making two channels that lead in/out of the bay. The bay itself is large and calmer than the one where the sword was beached with no reef ot shore rocks and a very gentle shore break.

Rigging is fairly sure that going around the island will take atleaset three complete days.

As the journey continues the ship and crew head west and then begin to curve northward around the island. The wind changes quite a bit and the gowing gets much slower and choppier. By mid afternoon you come across a beautiful sight as a 150-200 foot waterfall pours into the ocean off the steep cliffs that suddenly break from the normal forested shoreline. As evening comes you can see what you think to be the edge of the mountains where you will be making ans eastward course change. So far though nothing larger than the porpoises has been sighted.

Friday May 18th, 2007 2:32:43 PM

When evening come Appolo climbs down from the crows nest and makes his way down below to the galley.Where he grabs a bite to eat.

Friday May 18th, 2007 2:35:22 PM

"Maybe the creature is gone. There is that possability that with the yuan-ti gone the snake went back to whatever place it called home."

Friday May 18th, 2007 6:26:22 PM

"Our history has been that we should always look to the worst"

Then on another thought, " Should we be watching for other things that might clear up some of that prophesy stuff?!"

0-level (5)

Resistance x
Detect Poison x
Daze x
Detect Magic x
Read Magic x


Shield x
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Grease x
Spider Climb x

1-level Ranger

Speak with Animals x


Alter Self x
Resist Energy x
cats grace x
bulls strength xx


Protection from Energy xxx

Friday May 18th, 2007 6:34:23 PM

As the skeptics discuss the lack of the giant sea snakes appearance " it's out there some place.....just a matter of time......with all those ship wrecks we saw it proves this is one of it's hunting grounds "

"Captain that Bay we passed looks like a good place for a harbor.....we should take a better look when we have time"

"thats an amazing waterfall.....further proof of the islands beauty .......possibly a good site for a temple " grins Nezamil

Spell list
0-Light x2,Create water x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Shield of faith,Bless,Endure elements,Divine power,Command,Protection-from-evil(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid,Spiritual weapon,Mkae whole x2,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Water breathing x3,Waterwalk(MV)
4th-Air walk,Freedom of movement x3(SI)
5th-Flame strike,break enchanment,Slay Living(SR)

Friday May 18th, 2007 7:40:02 PM

Mykael stays on deck and keeps watch. He makes mental notes of the island.

"I wonder if there is anything behind the waterfall."

Friday May 18th, 2007 8:50:43 PM

The ranger paces. "I just can't believe that thing is gone. Ari's right. It's out there waiting for us... Everybody keep a close eye out."

Saturday May 19th, 2007 8:43:54 AM

Nez i agree it looks better as the area where we have stayed before. It could be a nice harbor. If we have time we could launch a longboot for closer inspection.

Saturday May 19th, 2007 11:51:14 AM

Rigging keeps his chart making up, drawing in the islands, reefs and noting good beaches, waterfalls and other notable facts.

Hearing the question, he will send his halfling airforce over to check out behind the waterfall. He will send Swirl over as well. ooc How big is the island, is it that big? or is it taking that long because we are mapping.

Rigging will keep double watches out at night and set the anchor since they might miss something in the dark. He seems to be pleased that his fingers are stained with ink instead of blood for a change.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 2:39:19 PM

Cosmo continues his aerial recon of the island and the waterfall. He notes anything interesting and relays it back the group.

Once it gets close to 6 hours of flying he will head back to the ship and de-activate his griffon figurine.

DM Kent 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 3:43:18 PM

(ooc. The island is fairly nice sized, think Kauai and you are trying to map.)

Cosmo and Swirl go check out the water fall and there is indeed what appears to be a fairly large cave behind it and the cave extens into the water as well though hard to tell how far.

Darkness is falling anf the crew is going to continue sailing or hove to for the night.

Monday May 21st, 2007 12:16:16 AM

" do we have time to explore this area of the island ??......exactly what is our next mission ?" questions Nezamil to Captain Rigging

Monday May 21st, 2007 1:43:35 AM

"Captain, I suggest we anchor in as shallow water as possible, preferably in that bay. Staying out here for the night, could make us sitting ducks for a snake attack, whether we are anchored or not. We dont know for sure of all the snakes sensory capabilities, but we must assume the worse and plan for the possibility that night wont impair it at all."

Monday May 21st, 2007 8:21:46 AM

The ranger nods at Mykael's assesment. "Besides, gods forbid, but if we are forced to abandon ship in the dark, I'd rather do it in shallow water. Not that it's a problem for me...it's just that the rest of you don't breathe water too well..."

Monday May 21st, 2007 9:39:30 AM

Holding her bow, Val sits in the crow's nest looking for any sign of the creature.

Monday May 21st, 2007 12:17:26 PM

Good thinking, if we see some dolpins try to talk to them maybe they know something about the whereabouts of the snake

Monday May 21st, 2007 12:28:07 PM

"Do we know whether the snake attacks in deep water or shallow water? We might be able bring the ship in to a cove or protected area. We might have to sound out the depth of the water, to find out."

0-level -Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1-level - Shield, Magic Missile, Burning Hands,
Grease, Spider Climb
1-level Ranger - Speak with Animals
2-level - Alter Self, Resist Energy, cats grace,
bulls strength x2
3-level - Protection from Energy x3

Monday May 21st, 2007 2:49:41 PM

Appolo is wondering around not doing muchmwhen he over hears the others."I would say deep water.Based onit's size and tha fact that it hasonly attacked ships approaching the Island from deep water.Remember it chased the Sword into the bay,but turned and left once the sword was in the bay."

Monday May 21st, 2007 6:18:01 PM

Rigging listens to all the advice and sighs, "The truth is we really don't know much about this creature. For all we know, the creature lives behind the waterfall. Sounds like a possiblity anyhow. I would think it prefers deeper water due to its size but normal sized sea snakes can go on land. Not sure if this one can.

Cosmo, do you have a prying eye spell? If you do, why don't you send into the cave and see what we can see. Might be a way to pass the time.

We will drop anchor close to shore and ride out the night and resume our survey in the morning."

Monday May 21st, 2007 9:54:34 PM

"Sorry Rigging, no Prying Eyes spell today. Didn't think I would need it."

"I could summon some creatures and have them look behind the waterfall."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: ?/10 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x2, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Hold Monster

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

attendence report 
Monday May 21st, 2007 10:25:20 PM

Dm kent xxxxx
Ashira xoxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxxx
Bart oxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxoxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Ari xxxxx

good week of posts !!

Bart thats 4 straight weeks of at least 2 missed posts , lets get back on track !!!

posted by adm - chris

DM Kent 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 6:19:57 AM

There is much talk and speculation over the snake and where it may live and whether it is still around.

Bart sugests asking some dolphins whether the snake is around.

Rigging ponders the possibility of the snake living in the cave and suggests checking out the cave behind the waterfall, but finds they don't have the means to do it the quick way right now.

Thoughts are put forth about what to for the night and the concensus seems to be to take it into the shallows and drop anchor until morning.

Whiole no real "Bays" are to be found on this point of the island, there are a few small inlets and coves that should allow anchorage for the night. Rigging and the rest of the crew decide on the best one and drop anchor for the night.

When morning comes the Sword sets off to hopefully complete the rest of the journey around the island.

Just about two ours after sunrise the sword is cruising along when the crows nest lookout calls down.

"Capt'n ther's a major change'n water color ahead. Looks t'be a bright green instead of blue grey. Covers as far as I can see ahead."

The area in question is about 1 mile ahead.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 5:07:40 PM

Bart gets the wayfinder climbs up the crownest and looks through it maybe he can see something more. Maybe it is the outlet of a underground river or the blood of the snake!

Ashira  d20+6=20
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 11:35:04 PM

Looking out over the stern, Ashira concentrates on the water ahead, trying to determine whether she's seen this phenomena before (Know. nat.=20).

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 12:45:58 AM

Mykael stays alert and waits. He looks at the surrounding area of the color change, curious if he can see a reason for the change.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 12:55:35 AM

Sleeping late the 9'6" dwarf awakens at the lookout calls down his news

Quickly dressing Nezamil heads towards the bow of the Sword and looks in the direction of discoloration of the seas

Ari  d20+12=15 d20+9=24 d20+9=28
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 8:31:13 AM

Ari joins the rest of the crew at looking at the disturbance.

Knowledge Nature (15)
Knowledge Geography (24)
Knowledge Arcana (28)

0-level -Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1-level - Shield, Magic Missile, Burning Hands,
Grease, Spider Climb
1-level Ranger - Speak with Animals
2-level - Alter Self, Resist Energy, cats grace,
bulls strength x2
3-level - Protection from Energy x3

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 12:45:47 PM

Cosmo heads over to the group and tries to figure out what everyone is looking at.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 2:39:22 PM

"Captain I recomend a full stop while we take a longboat out to investigate. It could be something dangerous. Acid to eat away the hull or something similar."

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 5:07:11 PM

Rigging will cast his overland flight spell and then say, "I will go check it out with Swirl. Keep the ship away until I have given the OK. Just might be shallow water giving off a different color but never hurts to play it safe."

Rigging picks up one of the sounding ropes and then gains around 50' of altitude before heading over to the area in question. He will fly around the area first looking for danger. If things look OK, he will get closer to the water and take a sounding.

DM Kent 
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 6:45:31 PM

Once checked over the area seems to be relatively normal, except that the water here seems to be at least 75 degrees and there is an over abundance of green and green-blue algea and other sea plantlife growing in the area.

If sailed through, there could be a chance of fouled rudder etc., but then again maybe not.

The sword easily gets around the area and spend the rest of the morning sailing past muntains and visible live volcanoes. By mid afternoon they are back with a wooded shoreline and are soon passing a small little beached cove on the north east corner of the island. By late afternoon they are turning southward again and are soon in sight of the original bay and beach and by the fall of the evening they are back in their safe anchorage.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 7:22:05 PM

Rigging will smile at his crew, friends and extended family. He will then shout up at the crew and say, "Enjoy your last night on shoreleave boys because in the morning we are heading back to civilization. Rigging will lead the Wildcards ashore, call the council together and discuss the findings of the survey, mention the waterfall as a possible source of waterpower, and moving the harbor and intial settlement to the other harbor. That is the leeward side of the island, seems safer and a better natural harbor. Send a land party to scout it out and see if it makes sense. There is a nice island protecting it as well from the weather and a possible location for outer fortifications."

Rigging will spend the evening going over final instructions with the council and anyone else interested. Walk the settlements collecting mail or other items to send home and get final lists needed for supplies both material and manpower.

Come the next morning, The Sword sails with the tide. During the sail, Rigging will sit down with Cosmo and see about sharing some of his spells in each others spell book.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 8:06:28 PM

Appolo spends his time aboard ship continueing to intensely train Eli in the thiving arts.Once they arrive back at the camp he goes ashore and finds some wine ale and some female companion ship for the hight.he spends the night enjoying himself with the women and brings to of them aboard to his cabin as is aslep with them when the ship sails.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 1:40:58 AM

"Ashira, you probably still should ask any of the sea life around that you can converse with about any knowledge they may have of the snake and/or its where abouts."

Mykael will continue working on the uncut gems, both the party's and his.

He will take a break to join Rigging and any other mages in the spell swapping get together.

Once finished swapping spells, Mykael returns to the gems. Before bed time he will pay the gem-cutters that assisted him a fair price with a tip, along with a hearty thanks.

OOC: Need a price on fee for the other gem-cutters and a total list of diamonds. Along with numbers of cut and uncut and values. Please.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:55:47 AM

My father was a miller, i do know something about mills. Maybe the waterfall can be used to drive a mill.
But we must set up some farms first wothout any cereal it wont give flour!

Thursday May 24th, 2007 10:12:24 AM

Despite the normal scowl she wears, Val's thoughts lie elsewhere. Ever since she lost her original body Val has felt lost. Her previous self was defined. She knew who she was. Since she woke in the body of the mother of elves, she hasn't been so sure. Val believes that the mother could change her appearence with thought, since she didn't appear as Val does now, but Val was stuck. not that she cared much. Once people got to know her they looked upon her with fear and distrust. The jet black skin just speeds that up. Once she gets back to civilization she can slip off and take care of some buisness. But until then some sparring on the beach with Melonie will have to do.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 4:38:59 PM

After arriving back at the safe anchorage the 9'6" dwarf will visit those on the beach and put together a list of helpful things that could be brought back to help build the island .

Then Nezamil will return to the Sword and prepare for the moring sail

Thursday May 24th, 2007 9:36:54 PM

Cosmo welcomes Mykael and Rigging in sharing spell books.

"Unfortunately, I do not have any of the necessary writing materials to permanently add any spells from your spell books. Rigging if there is any spell from your spell book that you want me to study, let me know and I will try. Just remember I cannot learn any Necromancy or Abjuration spells."

"My spell book is quite thin after getting zapped in one of the pyramids. I cannot wait to get back to town as I need to visit the Star Mages guild and get all those missing spells back."

"Here is a list of my spells."

OOC - It is quite long. If there is anything in particular you are looking for let me know and I will tell you if I have it.

In the morning, Cosmo studies for his spells, and he is pleased to find that his daily spell capacity has increased.

Ashira, Speak with Animals 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 10:18:23 PM

The ranger nods at Mykael's request. "I will do that." Casting her spell, Ashira strips down and heads into the water. Approaching the nearest wildlife, she queries them about whether they have seen a large snake recently...and if so, where.

After she has finished up her questioning session, Ashira towels off and suits up again. She finds whoever is in charge of the defenses and approaches them. Reaching across her back, she hands the snake bane axe to him. "I almost forgot...I think you should have this since the snakes rightfully fear it. Use this in defense of the colony." Leaving it at that simple explaination, Ashira heads back to the ship and spends the night there...comforted by just being back on the ship.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 10:20:33 PM

Ari walks around the area and takes one final look around to see if there are any more clues he can pick up about the island, before departing for awhile.

DM Kent 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 11:44:06 PM

Spells are shared, plans are amde with the council for the move and settlement of the other bay.

Mykael places the value of the gems he has cut at 109,000 of various sizes and cuts. Pay for the other gem cutters work 8 gold.

The night passes quietly and it is soon morning once again.

Friday May 25th, 2007 12:05:32 AM

Mykael smiles at Cosmo and Rigging, "I am looking for ANY spell that I dont have. You never know when one may be of use. I have some materials. We can use them all for transfering spells, and making scrolls on the way back. I can replenish my supplies on the mainland. I will also need to visit the Star Mages guild. I am not sure how much longer the rest of the uncut gems are going to take me, therefore, I wont be able to do much scroll work. But since I am donating some of the supplies, perhaps you more talented types couple make me a couple?"


OOC: My less than stellar spell list:

1 lvl: Shocking Grasp, Comprehend Languages, True Strike, Magic Missle, Feather Fall, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Floating Disk, Animate Rope, Ray of Enfeeblement

2 lvl: Web, Spider Climb, Knock, Scorching Ray, Bull's Strength

3 lvl: Fireball, Haste, Water Breathing, Tongues, Major Image, Summon Monster III, Vampiric Touch, Slow, Lightning Bolt

Also, Mykael can cast above what he has, his book just hasnt caught up to his ability.

Matt C. - OOC 
Friday May 25th, 2007 12:16:07 AM

My spells:

1st Level Spells
Magic Missile
Reduce Person
True Strike
Enlarge Person
Mage Armor
Feather Fall
Unseen Servant

2nd Level Spells
Sum. Monster II
M. Acid Arrow
Scorching Ray
Alter Self

3rd Level Spells
Sum. Monster III
L. Tiny Hut
Shrink Item
Clair-audience / voyance

4th Level Spells
Sum. Monster IV
Invisibility, Greater
Dimension Door
Ice Storm

5th Level Spells
Sum. Monster V
Dominate Person
Cone of Cold
Animal Growth
Overland Flight
Prying Eyes
Hold Monster

George ooc 
Friday May 25th, 2007 7:54:31 AM

Spell list:

Zero level. Have all in book
First level Cause fear, Charm Person, Hypnotism, Mage armor, Magic missile, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Animate Rope, True strike, Burning hands, Shield, Identify, Alarm, Shocking grasp, Reduce person, Tensors Floating Disc, Unseen Servant, Detect Secret doors, Comprehend Languages
Second level Fog cloud, Flaming sphere, Invisibility, Detect Invisibility, Bull strength, Resist Elements, Protection from Arrows, Mirror image, Cat's Grace, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust, Continual flame, Dark vision, Scorching rays, Whispering Wind
Third level Haste, Lightning bolt, Invisibility sphere, Fireball, Dispel magic, Suggestion, Fly
Fourth level: Polymorph, Rary's Menomic Enhancer*, Greater Invisibilty, Lesser Globe of invulnerability, Dimension Door, Mass Enlarge person,Evards Black Tentacles, Locate Creature
Fifth Level Teleport, Cone of Cold,, Overland Flight
Sixth Level , Chain Lightning, Shadow Walk, Disintegrate
Seventh Level Morenkainen's Magnigicent Mansion, Power Word Blind
Eighth Level Power word stun

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