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Wednesday October 25th, 2006 10:42:37 PM

"OK folks, Let's see what is inside this big box. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you. Cosmo lets find a way to turn this thing off or at least disable it for a while. I am tired of things coming up behind us."

Rigging waits for the other in the lead to head off and then he follows, glancing behind every few seconds to check the rear.

Mykael  d20+5=7
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:19:15 PM

Ghem, find a hiding place with a great view of the pyramid and the area surrounding it. Stick to the trees. Stay away from the pyramid, the snakemen may appear on top of it. I need you to tell me if snakemen show up and watch for Romeo.

Mykael falls in line, and waits for Apollo and Ashira to enter. He allows Apollo and Ashira a 5ft lead then follows keeping the distance.

Mykael ponders the shafts that enter the pyramid. (Knowledge Arch/Eng = 7)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(1+8)+5=14 2d8(7+4)+5=16 2d8(7+1)+5=13
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:38:52 PM

Moments before they head into the depths of the pyramid Nezamil steps over to Ari " this should help ya get back on ya feet " as he taps him three times with a wand (total cured 43 pts)"and welcome back "

The 10'1" dwarf then waits a his turn and follows Mykael thru the tunnel ...squeezing his way carefully after the others.

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+12=32 d20+11=19 d20+16=23
Thursday October 26th, 2006 12:53:15 AM

Moving quietly about 15 feet behind Appolo, Ashira carefully examines the pyramid as she goes (Spot=nat. 20, Listen=19, Move Silent=23). I have a feeling this is going to be bad... she thinks as she walks along.

Ari 68/72 HP's  d20+13=30 d20+12=29 d20+10=21 d20+9=22 d20+9=25 d20+9=27
Thursday October 26th, 2006 7:35:35 AM

"Do you want any special abilities as we descend in side? I mean I could turn into an elf or something so that more than one of us can see in the dark? I might also cast spider climb so that I could be an anchor or move on walls if we need it?"

Looking UP at the DWARF Ari says, "Thanks Nez. But I'm not asking for a hug anytime soon!", and then Ari smiles up to him."

Ari takes some time to ponder his surroundings and see if anything comes to mind before they disappear into a could be a featurelss tunnel.

(Craft Blaoksmith 30, Spellcraft 29, Knowledge (nature) 21, Knowledge (arcana) 22, Knowledge (religion) 25, Knowledge (Geography) 27)

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Thursday October 26th, 2006 9:27:00 AM

Cosmo takes his place in line and prays for the best.

"Are we sure we want to bring our magic inside?"

Cosmo contemplates packing all his magic into his backpack and leaving it outside.

"Should we go in magicless first?"

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Thursday October 26th, 2006 9:51:55 AM

Rigging listens to Ari and says, "Don't bother casting any spells. The pyramid seems to interrupt them in some way.

Cosmo, I to am worried about the magic items but I don't want to be caught without them if something bad is in there either. I think we should go with them and try to make this a quick scouting trip. So far the pyramid has only disrupted enchantment spells. If you are more comfortable leaving your items, feel free but realize that something might come along and use them against you in the future."

Rigging squares his shoulders and heads in.

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Thursday October 26th, 2006 9:55:11 AM

Val decided to exchange her bow for the golden battle axe. Inside a temple meant close quarters and lots of movement. Something that could lead to a comrade taking an accidental arrow.

ooc: since I wasn't told the outcome of every shot could you please do so in the near future so I may keep track of what arrows get recovered?

arrows used: 20

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+9=26 d20+10=24 d20+8=16
Thursday October 26th, 2006 11:09:12 AM

Appolo reports back to the others"All is clear no traps on the entrance.'He then takes point entering the pyaramis a few steps ahead of ashira.Moving quickly as he searches for more traps or anything of intrerest.

Search 26 Spot 24 Listen 16

Cosmo #2 
Thursday October 26th, 2006 1:12:25 PM

Moves into the pyramid with all his items.

Dm Jim: Tight Quarters 
Thursday October 26th, 2006 1:16:25 PM

Ashira and Appolo cross the threshold of the archway and enter the tunnel. The tunnel is flat and level and the two scouts move easily.

It is a different story for Nezamil, he can move along, but he is scraping the sides and the ceiling and he stoops his way through.


ooc: Nezamil can move only at half speed and no once can effectivly see past him.


Mykael and then the rest of the Wildcards follow Nezamil and they bunch up as Nezamil struggles along the tunnel.

Ari can not wrack his brain for anything of interest that may help the group in the tunnel. The pyramid he visited the was not far from the Valley of Life seemed to have more religious significance that this one. This one is less ornate and non descript.


ooc: Mykael is paired with Nezamil. You can place yourself in front of or behind Nezamil, but not next to him. Please choose.


Ashira and Appolo enter the area of shadows and start to light it up with all of the magic they are carrying. Up ahead the two scouts see murals and frescos on the walls depicting Yuan Ti life and the cooking and preparation of humans. There is alot of "red" used and it is very gruesome.

Also up ahead is a blue color on the ceiling and walls maybe 30 or forty feet farther in. The blue color on the ceiling is the same shade as that of Ashira's hair. The blue color is also at least 25 feet deep.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 3:20:39 PM

In we go then, maybe a atupid question Nez, but you can cast enlarge cant you cast a reverse? .. I know it is stupid otherwise you had done it before. Hmm maybe if you stay in this pyrimad that enchantment on you wears off too.

Thursday October 26th, 2006 10:58:20 PM

Rigging sees that Nezamil is going to have problems, so he makes a quick decision. "Nezamil, please allow us to move ahead of you. You will bring up the rear. Maybe this temple will speed up your shrinking. Seems to end enchantments and you have a whooper on you. Don't get stuck, hate to have to burrow through you."

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+12=23 d20+11=19 d20+16=23
Thursday October 26th, 2006 11:14:28 PM

Ashira moves along carefully (Spot=23, Listen=19, Move Silently=23). When she spots the blue stuff, she looks at it carefully. Whistling to Appolo, Ashira points up at the stuff. She shrugs her shoulders as if to say "What in the Wold is that stuff?"

Thursday October 26th, 2006 11:23:55 PM

Mykael follows Ashira into the tunnel ....his eyes sweeping back and forth for signs of trouble.

The multi-talented elf concentrates on following in Ashira's footsteps....hoping to avoid tripping any traps

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Thursday October 26th, 2006 11:28:28 PM

Nezamil backs out at Captain Riggings advice " yeah thats a good idea "

The 10'1" dwarf waits for the rest of the Wildcards enter the tunnel before finally squeezing back into the tunnel and slowly making his way after his friends

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ari 68/72 HP AC 16  d20+7=20 d20+5=15 d20+3=5 d20+10=17
Friday October 27th, 2006 6:32:24 AM

Ari moves in front of Nezamil as instructed. As the party moves deeper into the temple Ari works on becoming noiseless and draws the Sword of Alemi (MS= 20). As Ari feels the weight of the temple enclose him he is glad for the presence of his friends. Hoping that some of the others have learned to get quieter, Ari listens and looks for any tell tale signs of movement or any other kind of activity that has gone on in the tunnel (Listen=15, spot 5, search 17 ). With several people sitting in front of him Ari lets a little space develop between him and the others in the procession.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo  d20+15=32 d20+10=29 d20+9=14 d20+9=19
Friday October 27th, 2006 10:32:53 AM

Appolo silently moves forward nodding at Ashira when the blue paint is spotted.He moves in silence and continues to stay three steps ahead of Ashira ,waving her back a little.He keeps his eyes and ear open.

Move silently 32 Spot 29 Search 19 Listen 14

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Friday October 27th, 2006 3:52:03 PM

Now that she's seen the inside, Val is convinced that shutting down these pyramids is essential for stopping the yuan ti.

"If these pyramids depict yuan ti, why aren't they inside trying to stop us? Why leave it empty?"

Dm Jim: Cork in the Bottle 
Friday October 27th, 2006 6:59:20 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured


The Wildcards rearrange themselves to put Nezamil in the back. Everyone, but Nezamil has no problems moving in the tunnel. Nezamil does block out most of the natural light, but with all of the Wildcards glowing like Christmas trees, there are no worries, at least not about light.


Val questions why the Yuan Ti are not defending their pyramid?

Bart questions Nezamil if he can shrink himself and have better mobility?

The rest of the Wildcards follow and watch Appolo and Ashira as the approach the blue smudge on the ceiling.

Appolo is five feet from the blue "stuff" that is mostly on the ceiling, but some is on the wall and there are a few spots on the floor under the mass on the ceiling. The blue "stuff" appears to be only two inches thick and has a very rough surface.

Wait! Appolo thought he saw a portion of the blue "stuff" move and as he looks back at Ashira the Mistress of the Sword for confirmation, she shakes her head as she saw it too.

Upon closer inspection, the blue "stuff" covers about 20 feet of ceiling.

The light at the center of the Pyramid is much brighter and has a bluish tinge to it. It is still too far away for anything to be seen in the center area of the pyramid, but its looks to be a room that is larger than the tunnel.


Ghem beams to Mykael "How are you doing in there? All I see now is a big....well, not much anymore."

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+12=26 d20+11=25 d20+16=31
Saturday October 28th, 2006 10:41:03 PM

Hmmmm...blue moving stuff...and lots of it...hmmmm...a good sign?? Almost positively not. Ashira motions Appolo back away from the blue stuff and then joins up with Rigging. "I don't like the looks of it in there. There's a whole lot of blue...stuff and it's moving. Can we have Cosmo summon up one of his creatures and send it in there first? I just don't like the feel of this." (Spot=26, Listen=25, Move Silently=31)

Ari 68/72 HP AC 16  d20+14=18 d20+9=27 d20+12=22 d20+3=23 d20+5=16 d20+7=18
Sunday October 29th, 2006 5:53:17 PM

Blue stuff. Blue stuff on the ceiling. What is it that you want that makes us shiver in dread? Ari tries to shake some ideas loose from his brain as he tries to think of what the blue stuff is.

Is it something that is used in spell components? (Spellcraft 18, or Knowledge Arcana 27)

It doesn't appear to be anything I recognize from outside in the jungle or any other place. (Knowledge Nature 22)

(Spot crit 23, Listen 16, Move Silently 18)

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=12 d20+10=26 d20+8=28 d20+15=24
Sunday October 29th, 2006 9:27:38 PM

Appolo takes a quicklook around and heads back with Ashira"Yep that stuff is moving look like it falls from the cieling down on top of who or whatever moves under it."

Spot 26 Listen 28 Search 12 Move silent 24

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+6=14 d4+1=3 d20+5=20 d20+5=6 d20+16=30
Sunday October 29th, 2006 10:16:30 PM

Cosmo thinks on the blue stuff and what it may be. Is it moving because it is alive? Or is that just a trick of the light.

Knowledge check 14 (more if it fits a particular knowledge area).

Cosmo thinks Ashira's suggestions is a wonderful ideal. Cosmo loves having his summoned friends do the work. Plus this will test his magic against the power of the pyramid. He casts SM III, summoning 3 Celestial Dogs. He spaces them out placing one on this side of the blue spot, one in the blue spot and one on the other side of the blue spot.

Concentration check 30.

He watches to see what happens.

Spot 20
Listen 6

Active Spells:
SM III: 10/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Sunday October 29th, 2006 11:28:04 PM

As the 10'1" dwarf shuffles along in the tunnel " Bart we tried to dispel the Fae King's magical hold on me but no succes....but we haven't tried to shrink me.....but that is only a temporary spell....The Fae king's magic is very powerful stuff .....will be difficult to overcome " replies Nezamil to Bart

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Mykael -- HP: 53/59 
Monday October 30th, 2006 12:49:33 AM

Mykael stops when he gets the message from Ghem.

We are fine. What did you see or notice? A big what? A big Nezamil before he entered the pyramid? Or something else? And what happened to it? Mykael inquires.

"I would have suggested testing it with mundane means first. Like a rock, stick, or even a weapon. Instead of possibly wasting a spell.

"Could be living, possibly monster or plant. Could be some form of magical creation that is affecting the magic on the island."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Monday October 30th, 2006 12:26:06 PM

Well give it a try Nezamil im sure you will be shorter at least for a few moments

I dont like it here, with that blue stuff all around

Monday October 30th, 2006 12:37:36 PM

The Wildcards seem to have the testing thing in hand so Rigging takes a moment to contact Swirl and see how they are coming.

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Monday October 30th, 2006 12:48:58 PM

Fae King, there were two words that she wasn't ready to hear again. Even now she can imagine his words whispering in her ear.

"Careful it could be an ooze or slime. I haven't encountered one myself but I've heard they were pretty nasty."

Dm Jim: Discovery!! 
Monday October 30th, 2006 1:03:45 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured.


Ashira and Cosmo set up for some testing, as the blue "stuff" seems to be alive.

Ari and Cosmo, using their vast knowledge cannot figure out what the blue "stuff" is?

Mykael suggest not wasting a spell, but Cosmo opens a portal to the celestial plan and out pops three dogs.

When he start the spell, Cosmo feels he has easy control of it, but once the dogs arrive he loses it and realizes that the dogs will not be on the material plane for long (2 combat rounds).

The dog under the living blue "stuff" smells the ground and then about a quarter of the stuff on the ceiling drops down and coats the dog. The dog yelps in pains and jumps around, but it does not seem to do much good.

The other two dogs on either side of the living blue "stuff" look at Cosmo with big sad eyes.

Bart and Nezamil discuss ways to shrink the huge dwarf.

Val seems to have guessed what the blue "stuff" may be, or has she? Appolo earlier comments confirm how the blue slime creature attacks, much to one dog's dismay.


Rigging contact Swirl "Hi, humans walk so slow some times and they talk so much."

attendence report 
Monday October 30th, 2006 2:05:52 PM

Dm Jim xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxoxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxox
Ari xxxxx

Rigging  6d6(6+3+3+6+3+6)=27
Monday October 30th, 2006 8:36:52 PM

Rigging says, "OK lets see if we can burn this thing out. "Cosmo, do you have a fireball use can use? I can use the wand if you don't but I think we will need to back out of this tunnel. Don't want to get hit with backwash. In fact let me try the wand first."

Once everyone backs out, Rigging will pull his wand and fire off a fireball. He explodes it into the center of the blue mass doing 27 points of damage.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Monday October 30th, 2006 11:26:58 PM

Ashira nods and moves out of the way so Rigging or Cosmo can hopefully clear out the blue slimy things. Sure are a lot of them. She examines the tunnel, mentally trying to calculate how long it will take them to backtrack if the blue stuff isn't killed off and starts moving after them.

Mykael -- HP: 53/59 
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 12:09:50 AM

OOC: Didnt get a response from Ghem after my last comments. Do I not get one? or did you just overlook it. Important to discern that.

IC: "Heh, heh... Fire is good!" Mykael watches the blue stuff from a distance for the reaction.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+6=10
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 12:38:11 AM

Being the last one in the tunnel the 10'1" dwarf stops and moves backwards and exits the tunnel.

standing up to his full height as the tunnel ceiling gives way to sky.....Nezamil will quickly eye the open terrain for signs of movement(d20+6=10 spot ch)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ari 68/72 HP AC 16 
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 7:04:43 AM

Seeing the celestial dog get attacked confirms everyone's suspicions. Hearing Riggings suggestion Ari nods his head and proceeds to back out of the tunnel.

As Riggings sends the fireball down the tunnel Ari thinks, 'I hope this doesn't cause anything to fragment.'

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 10:05:57 AM

"Watch out for more. We don't know if thats one or two infront of us. I think they can divide but that may just be a rumor. Maybe we can find a around through a side tunnel?"

Appolo Ac 23 HP:68 
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 10:09:06 AM

Appolo backs up as Cosmo and Rigging fire off thier spells.

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 1:07:05 PM

Waits to see how the blue stuff reacts to the fireball.

Dm Jim: Fire in the Hole 
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 1:10:05 PM

Cosmo's dogs last for about 10 secons before heading back to their plane. The one covered in blue ooze was surely being eaten alive before it thankfully was sent back. The blue slime falls to the stone floor with a wet splat, as the dog it was eating goes back to its plane.

Ghem beams back embarassed, "I was talking about Nezamil's backside."


Rigging orders everyone out of the tunnel as he is going to try his fireball.

It takes Nezamil more than a few moments to turn around, but finally does and leads everyone out of the tunnel.

Ashira drags Cosmo out as he is unmoving as he watches the blue stuff work over his dog.

Ghem beams back "I am seeing the other end emerge from the archway. Are you somewhere behind Nezamil?"


Once outside Rigging uses another charge of his wand. The fireball explodes and fills a large portion of the tunnel. After the flames dissipate, it is too dark inside to see what effect the fireball may have had on the blue ick.

Tuesday October 31st, 2006 3:09:02 PM

Well back in Rigging let us see what you ball has done with that magic blue stuff

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+6=25
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 6:14:48 PM

The 10'1" dwarf stands by the tunnel opening and keeps his eyes peeled (d20+6=25 spt ch) towards the perimeter of the village.

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+5=12
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:26:39 PM

Cosmo strains in the dim light and smoke to see the effect of the fireball spell.

Spot 12.

Cosmo waits for the go ahead from Rigging to re-enter the pyramid. He gets back in place in the marching order when his companions enter the structure..

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  6d6(1+5+6+2+6+6)=26
Tuesday October 31st, 2006 10:02:09 PM

Rigging holds up his hand and says, "I will check it out. No sense all of us trooping in and out again if we have to fireball again."

Rigging will walk in carefully letting his glow light the way. He will carefully look at the ceiling, floor and walls making sure this strange slime didn't advance. He will check out his fireball damage seeing if he can see scorched marks and if the ooze is moving. If it is, he will move back down the tunnel and say, "Needs another one and launch another fireball from his wand. He does 26 points of damage this time.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+12=27 d20+11=23
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 8:57:31 AM

The ranger waits just inside the tunnel entrance. She listens carefully for the sound of Rigging's scream, ready to go in if she needs to pull out his body. ;) (Spot=27, Listen=23)

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 9:28:58 AM

"Captain hold just a moment. The glow from our magical items is more than enough light to allow my keen elven eyes to pierce the darkness. Your taking an unnecessary risk."

Dm Jim: Progress 
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 1:29:40 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured

Nezamil's Aid spell has ended.


Val and Ashira caution Rigging to be careful.

Rigging has the Wildcards wait outside the pyramid while he goes and checks his handy work. The fireball has burned 90% of the blue slime as it has turned black and crumbly and is smoking. There are some small patches still blue and moving. Rigging feels that all of the Wildcards can safely pass, except for Nezamil.

Rigging leave the tunnel and reports back to his crew and then repeat the process.

The second fireball goes off and all of the Wildcards hope the second one does the trick.

Rigging again enters the pyramid and does an inspection. The blackened and dead ooze has been blow off the wall and there is no sign of any of the living blue ick.

Rigging returns and gets his crew and everyone lines up for a new run at the center of the pyramid.

Appolo and Ashira lead the glowing group through the archway and down the stone tunnel. Nezamil again takes rearguard.

The group passes the area where the blue stuff stopped their progress.

The tunnel will end in 20 feet and the light from the central chamber is now lighting the tunnel along with the Wildcards magic items. Appolo and Ashira see a bright light in the central chamber. There appears to be a fist sized white or clear ball floating above a stone pedestal in the center of the room. There are tendrils of blue-white light emanating from the ball and rising upwards.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+12=24 d20+1=15
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:48:05 PM

The ranger tries to examine the ball from her position on the ground (Spot=24). Noting the light, Ashira grimaces. She pulls back to Rigging. "Why do I get the feeling that that thing up there isn't some kinding of overgrown reading lamp? Oh no...I'm sure it's something quite deadly. Any ideas on what it is?" Ashira continues to look up at the ball, trying to guess what it might do (Int.=15).

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+6=16
Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:55:14 PM

The 10'1" dwarf slowly squeezes thru the tunnel behind his fellow Wildcards...reaching the chamber he straightens up "whoa...whats this " as he looks about the chamber (d20+6=16 spot ch)

ooc: how long was the tunnel ??

ooc: how big and high is this chamber ??

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ari 68/72 HP AC 16  d20=12
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 5:37:40 AM

Ari follows everyone done the tunnel. Looking at the ball, Ari wonders whether it is a power source, or living entity, or whether it is related to what makes the magic items glow. (d20 roll without modifiers)

(ooc sorry about missed post)

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Rigging  d20+4=16
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 8:11:14 AM

Rigging looks at the glowing light and tries to put things together. (Intelligence roll of 16). He glances at the other mages and clerics in the group and says, "Ahhh my studies of engineering and navigation have cut into my time to study the arcane. Do you guys have any ideas on how to turn this thing off?"

Appolo Ac 23 HP:68  d20+10=27 d20+10=23 d20+2=13 d20+15=31
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 11:09:17 AM

Once the all clear is given Appolo agian takes the lead heading down the tunnel.When the reach the chamber with the ball of light,he steps into the room and examines the ball closely"Well folks I think this is the source of our magical troubles.Best figure out what it is and how to destroy it."

Spot 27 Search 23 Int 13 Reflex 31

Thursday November 2nd, 2006 11:41:50 AM

Bart stays on watch when the other debates how to turn the pyramid off. if something need to be crushed let me know! In the meantime I watch the entrance

Dm Jim: The Heart of the Pyramid 
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 1:15:22 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured


Bart stays by the archway that leads into the central chamber as all his crewmate head inside.

Nezamil thinks the tunnels we at least 80 feet long maybe more.

The central chamber is roughly a 50 diameter circular room, with sloping dome sides. There are no ornaments or carvings like the tunnel and the walls have an unfinished look to them and the lines of the stone blocks used to construct the pyramid are clearly visible.

In the center is the stone pedestal that the glowing ball floats above. There are three other archways leading into the chamber and the Wildcards assume they lead to the other archways they have seen on each side of the pyramid.

The ceiling is also circular and there are small openings in the ceiling that bring in light, not that any is needed with all the magic glowing from the Wildcards. The ceiling is about 20 feet at the center.

The floating ball when viewed at this distance actually appears to be a diamond, a fist sized diamond that has its own light. The blue white light from the diamond is focused on the ceiling. Directly above the diamond is what appears to be a map on the ceiling that contains six smaller diamonds, but still some of the largest the group has ever witnessed.

The larger floating diamond's light is being absorbed by one of the smaller diamonds in the map that is directly above the main diamond.

Rigging can see that the ceiling map is embedded on a stone tablet that seems to be on some sort of movable tract.

The room is warmer than expected or is everyone a bit nervous.........

After a few moments the blue white light from the large diamond starts to pulse and feed the smaller diamond in the ceiling map. Something seems to be happening, but what.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+12=18 d20+1=10
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 2:10:25 PM

The ranger stumbles back at bit as the light show begins. "What in the seven seas..." She tries to put all the pieces together, but no torches are igniting (Spot=18, Int.=10) She looks over at Rigging as she shrugs her shoulders. "Is that a good sign or a bad sign?"

Thursday November 2nd, 2006 2:43:22 PM

Rigging looks at the diamonds and says, "I don't know how it works but I guess that each diamond is related to a pyramid. The big one is for this pyramid and the others different pyramids at different points. I would guess we could disable this thing by taking out the diamonds. Should slow them down until they could find replacements anyway.

I would also guess that this light show is either this pyramid or some others being activated. Mykael, get into contact with Ghem and see if he reports any activity on the top of the pyramid.

Appolo, Do you think you could get up there and steal some diamonds? I think it will shut down. Who knows, we might even catch some Snake men in midtransport." Rigging finishes with an evil grin

Mykael (53/59)  d20+10=21 d20+10=17 d100=58 d20+5=24 d20+7=11 d20+12=17 d20+5=11 d20+5=16 d20+9=17
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 9:23:42 PM

OOC: I would like to appologize for my absence the last couple days. Real life got in the way and I was stuck without any way to post.

IC: Mykael examines the room and nods with Riggings accessment, "I would guess that you are correct. Everyone stand back, I am not sure what is going to happen. But I dont like the idea of more Yuan-Ti appearing."

Mykael takes his heavy winter blanket and tosses it over the glowing orb.

"Lets see if that is enough to break up the transportation."

"I would also suggest that we all exit the room for just the fact that this thing absorbs magic. Being this close, it may start drawing it directly from our items."

Mykael also shields his eyes a bit in preparation for the brightness, and casts 'Detect Magic'. (spell failure = 58%, success)(Concentration = 24)

"I dont know how long I am going to be able to hold this, but there could be magical script in here that is protected from the effects of the pyramids. Detecting for Magic may be able to provide some answers, even if I am only able to gather school information on all the effects in this room."

Ghem... Do you see anything appearing on the top of the pyramid? Keep an eye there while continuing to watch the surroundings, please.

(Gemcutting = 21)
(Know. Arcana = 17)
(Spot = 11)
(Spellcraft = 12)
(Decipher Script = 11)
(Search = 16)
(Reflex = 17)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+19=25 d20+24=30 d20+5=25 d20+5=17 d20+9=20
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 11:03:16 PM

Cosmo also tries to unravel the mysteries of the diamonds and the map. There is a link here, hopefully he can figure it out.

Knowledge arcana 25
Spellcraft 30
Decipher Script 20

Cosmo moves back as he watches Mykael throw his blanket over the orb. He remains alert as who knows what will happen.

Spot 25
Listen 17

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+6=14
Thursday November 2nd, 2006 11:26:25 PM

Nezamil peers up at the ceiling trying to discern the map(d20+6=14 spot ch)hoping to see if anything is familiar.

His eyes widen as Mykael tosses his blanket over the diamond " daring move " grins the dwarf

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Friday November 3rd, 2006 3:51:03 AM

Appolo smiles at Rigging"Sure With a little help from Nez.I should be able to."When Mykeal throws his cape over the glowing Diamond Appolo steps clean back in to the tunnel.

Ari 68/72 HP AC 16  d20+14=17 d20+9=28
Friday November 3rd, 2006 6:19:23 AM

"If there's no movement up top, I'm wondering whether all the temples power the transport, but only one at a time, showing where ever this current temple is the continent. I wonder if there is a control elemnet somehow, that controls when the teleportation goes down, or if it's a magic item is all that is required. The snake heads were definitely quick to jump on my swords."

Ari nods in acknowledgement of Rigging's comment.

"Diamonds, diamonds, what can you do with diamonds." (Spellcraft 17, Knowledge Arcana 28)

Muttering to himself hoping that he can remember something that he's seen. Ari will move out of the chanmber as others start to experiment with the active diamonds.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Friday November 3rd, 2006 11:41:16 AM

"I think taking our time with this is very important. The yuan-ti are letting us walk in here unchallenged. Which can only mean they want us in here. Before we do anything we need to make sure that disabling anything in the pyramid isn't helping those snakes."

Dm Jim: Problems!!!!!  10d10(8+10+4+10+2+3+8+7+6+6)=64
Friday November 3rd, 2006 9:06:40 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured


Ghem relates to Mykael "The big snake people with no legs just arrived in a blue-white light. Are you still alright?"

Ashira is not sure if the pulsing light is a good or a bad sign.

Bart watches from the Archway.

Rigging remarks on a possible relationship between the map and the pyramids.


OOC: 500 experience points for Rigging for his correct assumption.


Rigging suggests that Appolo check out the diamonds and see if he can shut the pyramid down. Appolo thinks that he and Nezamil should be able to work together, but he steps back to the tunnel waiting for the results of Mykael's bold move.

Cosmo also moves back as Mykael tries to play hide the diamond with his blanket.

Val cautions against any bold moves and wonders why they are unchallenged by the Yuan Ti.

Ari is curious about the mechanism of the teleportation and looks for a possible way to shut the pyramid down.

Cosmo and Nezamil study the ceiling map and try to see if they can tie it in with everything else they know.

Mykael casts his detect magic spell and realizes that in or on the pyramid concentration spells will only last a matter of second.

Mykael tosses the blanket over the diamond.


OOC: Hero point for Mykael for the bold move!


UNFORTUNATELY, things go amiss as Mykael throws the blanket over the diamond.

The blanket weighs down the diamond and it can be heard to scrap the stone pedestal the pulsing blue-white light is broken to the diamond in the ceiling. The blue-white light is leaking out from the blanket and is seeking out all six diamonds on the ceiling in addition to all of the glowing magic items and the four arcane spell casters (Cosmo, Rigging, Mykael, and Ari).

The big diamond explodes and all of the Wildcards a showered with needle sharp shards. The other diamonds are unaffected.

DC 20 reflex save for half damage 64

Damage reduction applies: For each point your AC is over 15 reduce the damage by 1

Rigging, Ashira, Nezamil, Cosmo, Ari get +2 on the save based on location

Bart get +4 on his save for location

Appolo gets +6 on his save for location

Cosmo gets +1 on his save for size, Nezamil --1

The diamond shower is not the worst. In it death throes, the pyramid is drawing on the arcane spell caster and all the magic items.

Magical Disjunction: Permanent Magic item drain.

DC 3 save for all permanent magic items
DC 2 save for all artifacts
DC 5 save for all temporary magic items (scrolls, spell book pages, wands, potions, etc.)

Arcane magic only: divine magic is unaffected: example -- cure potions

Some of the blue-white light being drawn from everyone's magic items is also going through Rigging hand and the captain screams in pain and grabs his head with his glowing hand and then collapses.

The room is now filled with stone dust as the diamonds chipped the walls of the chamber.


OOC: Rigging does not have to roll for his magic items as his ring of Wizardry took the brunt and was drained. The ring actually disintegrated along with all of the summoning spells in his spell book.


Rigging feels irrevocably changed.

Ghem attempts to connect to Mykael, but there is soo much pain "What is happening??!!?? Wow!! The top of the pyramid exploded; there are Yuan Ti everywhere. Looks like some even survived. Very messy. Mykael?......Look there are a few Yuan Ti that came out of the jungle across from the village. They are just staring at the pyramid."


Ooc: Cosmo gets 500 experience points for correctly identifying that the pyramid is very dangerous to magic items. The bonus could have been higher if he convinced his friends....


The chamber is not as bright as it was before and all the groups' magic items do not glow quite as bright as before the explosion.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 31/63)  d20+14=15 d20=8 d20=20 d20=13 d20=9 d20=11 d20=5 d20=19 d20=7 d20=14 d20=7 d20=17 d20=20 d20=12 d20+14=29 d20=11
Friday November 3rd, 2006 10:38:47 PM

Reflex save (+11, +2 for location and +1 for size) 15; natural 1

I think I will burn a hero point

Reflex save (+11, +2 for location and +1 for size) 29
Damage 32

Headband of Intellect 8
Ishgaran Gloves of Dexterity 20
Ishgaran Amulet of Health 13
Cloak of Resistance 9
Metamagic Rod, Maximize 11
Metamagic Rod, Extend 5
Metamagic Rod, Enlarge 19
Figurine of Wondrous Power 7
Wand of Unseen Servant 14
Handy Haversack 7
Pearl of Power 17
Hat of Disguise 20
Spell Book 12
Weasel Familiar 11

Cosmo reels from the blast as the shards of the diamond slice his whole body. At the last possible moment, perhaps even with some help from the beyond, he ducks behind a wall and is protected somewhat from the blast. Before he can even catch his breath Cosmo can feel some powerful force tug at the magic items he has in his possession. Trying to take them from him. The force is over quick and Cosmo takes inventory of his items. Thankfully all are still there and appear to be fine.

Cosmo stands up, not at all happy.

"I bet we got the attention of the Yuan-ti now," Cosmo says a little sarcastically.


Dm Jim: Cosmo must roll for each spell in his spell book not for the entire book: DC 5

Saturday November 4th, 2006 12:46:33 AM

Just a reminder...

According to the DMG...

Damaging Magic Items
A magic item doesn't need to make a saving throw unless it is unattended, it is specifically targeted by the effect, or its wielder rolls a natural 1 on his save. Magic items should always get a saving throw against spells that might deal damage to them-- even against attacks from which a nonmagical item would normally get no chance to save. Magic items use the same saving throw bonus for all saves, no matter what the type (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will). A magic item's saving throw bonus equals 2 + one-half its caster level (round down).


DM Jim: This is a magical disjunction similar to the 9th level spell, except not as brutal, hence the much easier saving throws for the magic items.

Rigging  d20+10=28
Saturday November 4th, 2006 4:27:35 PM

Rigging dives out of the way of the exploding diamonds making his save and using evasion. He then clutches his head and screams in pain as he slumps to his knees. Incredible pain rushes through his body. He feels parts of his brain contract and expand. He feels like he is being transformed by the pyramid. It is somehow giving him knowledge and taking others away. Overwhelmed Rigging groans and collapses to the floor.


Dm Jim: Rigging sucessfully uses the best shield for the needle sharp diamond shards, Nezamil.

Bart hp 66/86  d20+13=28 d20=14 d20=18 d20=5 d20=17 d20=19 d20=20 d20=11 d20=6 d20=3 d20=3 d20=9 d20=7 d20=9 d20=6
Sunday November 5th, 2006 6:26:07 AM

A big explosion luckily bart avoids most of the shrapnells
ref save 28
chain 14
amulet of armor 18
sword 5
shield 17
cloak 19
ring of prot 20
ring of lev 11
glove 6
potion endurance fail
potion cure light fail
cure mod 9
bull str 7
seal 9
wayfinder (artifact 6)


Dm Jim: Bart can not have a potion of cure moderate drained as it is divine magic.

Cosmo - Supplemental  d20=8 d20=14 d20=20 d20=7 d20=3 d20=3 d20=1 d20=10 d20=8 d20=5 d20=5 d20=15 d20=5 d20=8 d20=19 d20=17 d20=6 d20=9 d20=15 d20=16 d20=6 d20=3 d20=1 d20=7 d20=14 d20=13 d20=13 d20=9 d20=20 d20=9 d20=20 d20=2 d20=7 d20=8 d20=4 d20=14 d20=3 d20=17 d20=6 d20=3 d20=4 d20=8 d20=17 d20=17 d20=15 d20=3 d20=15 d20=10 d20=7 d20=10 d20=6 d20=14 d20=19 d20=5 d20=12 d20=11 d20=19 d20=13 d20=4 d20=8
Sunday November 5th, 2006 12:10:14 PM

16 0 Level Spells - 8, 14, 20, 7, 3, 3, 1, 10, 8, 5, 5, 15, 5, 8, 19 & 17

LOST - Daze, Dancing Lights & Flare

10 1st Level Spells - 6, 9, 15, 16, 6, 3, 1, 7, 14 & 13

LOST - T. Floating Disk & Exp. Retreat

8 2nd Level Spells - 13, 9, 20, 9, 20, 2, 7 & 8

LOST - See Invisibility

10 3rd Level Spells - 4, 14, 3, 17, 6, 3, 4, 8, 17 & 17

LOST - SM III, Lightning Bolt, Displacement & Phantom Steed

6 4th Level Spells - 15, 3, 15, 10, 7 & 10

LOST - E. Black Tentacles

10 5th Level Spells - 6, 14, 19, 5, 12, 11, 19, 13, 4 & 8

LOST - Wall of Stone

Cosmo is now very sad and angry.

Val AC 19, HP 100/ 127  d20+10=26 d20=20 d20=19 d20=12 d20=4 d20=1 d20=13 d20=13 d20=17 d20=5 d20=17 d20=19 d20=20 d20=12 d20=7
Sunday November 5th, 2006 4:04:52 PM

Val dove for cover. She was prepared for the explosion but not for the wave of magic draining energy. Something bad was going to happen. The snakes wouldn't stay out without a good reason. But whats done is done. The big question in her mind was what did they just do? What did causing the diamond to explode do? It wasn't probably good.

"We need to worry about this later and figure out what was the result of exploding the diamond. I know people are hurt and disoriented but thats not important right now. Maybe the pyramid was keeping something imprisoned. Maybe it kept the island hot. We need to figure it out."

Golden Axe +3 Serpent Bane: 20
Heavy Flail +1: 19
Ring of Water Walking: 12
Potion of CLW: 4 (destroyed)
Potion of CSW: 1 (destroyed)
Barksin +2: 13
Ring of Partner Invisibility: 13
Elven Chain +2: 17
Cloak of Resistance +1: 5
Belt of Giant Strength: 17
Mighty Composite Longbow of Alemi +1 Distance: 19
Quiver of Ehlonna: 20
Rage tattoo 1: 12
Rage tattoo 2: 7

ooc: not sure if her rage tattoos are suceptible or not. Since they were given by the fae king and seem to be a divine gift.

Ari 5/72 HP AC 16  14d20(9+15+1+10+9+7+18+18+5+2+14+9+19+17)=153 27d20(3+15+18+19+7+16+20+20+17+17+8+1+11+15+14+12+14+12+18+8+20+18+6+13+9+10+13)=354 6d20(19+11+15+3+6+20)=74 d20=6 d20=4 d20=20 3d20(2+2+15)=19 d20=17 d20=9 d20=15 d20+7=8
Sunday November 5th, 2006 10:41:01 PM

Ari screams as he gets a close and personal comparison between how it feels to be fire balled, and hit with millions of shards of diamond (8+3 that I forgot when I rolled) (This roll came at the end of all the item rolls.

Falling to his hands and knees, and groans as his joints flex with the shards lodged in his skin. Ari tries to quiet himself down as he waits to see the results of what just happened.

Resistance(9), Ray of Frost (15), Detect Poison(1 lost), Daze (10), Flare (9), Light (7), Disrupt Undead (18), Mage Hand (18), Mending (5), Open/Close (2 lost), Arcane Mark(14), Detect Magic(9), Prestidigitation(19), Read Magic (17)

Alarm(3 lost), Identify(15), Protection from Evil(18), Shield(19), Magic Missile(7), Endure Elements(16), Hold Portal(20), Animate Rope(20), Burning Hands(17), Chill Touch(17), Detect Secret Doors (8), Detect Undead(1 lost), Enlarge(11), Expeditious Retreat(15), Grease(14), Hypnotism(12), Jump(14), Mage Armor(12), Message(18), Obscuring Mist (8), Reduce(20), Shocking Grasp(18), Spider Climb(6), Tensers Floating disk(13), Unseen Servant(9)

2-level (4)

Alter Self (10), Arcane Lock(13), Resist Energy(19) , Protection from Arrows(11), fog cloud(15), flaming sphere(3 lost), cats grace(6), bulls strength(20)

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy(6)

blasting sword (4) (Alemi sword should be divine based)

Quiver of Elhonna(20)
scroll organizer 1 (2 lost)
scroll organizer 2 (2 lost)
scroll organizer 3 (15)
bracers (17)
+1 keen rapier (9)
cloak of resistance (15)

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20=11 d20=10 d20=12 d20=8 d20=11 d20=15 d20=2 d100=57 d20=10 d20=6 d20=10 d20=17 d20=5 d20=13 d20=6 d20=11 d20=17 d20+14=30
Sunday November 5th, 2006 10:53:26 PM

Hearing the sound of shattering glass, Ashira rolls nimbly out of the way of the fragments(Refl.=30, Evasion, no damage). "What in the name of Waard's whiskers..." she mutters as the magical wave rips through her and her equipment. The ranger breathes a sigh of reflief as almost all of her equipment continues to glow as before. She looks over at John with concern to see how he has faired.

Hearing Rigging scream, Ashira makes it to his side in a heartbeart, examining his body for the mortal wounds she expects to find given his cries. Stumped, Ashira rolls Rigging back on his back and splashes some water on his face. "Rigging, what's wrong?! You're ok...I'm here. You're going to be ok." Seeing that Ari looks pretty bad off, Ashira yells down the tunnel. "Nezamil, we need you on the pronto down here!!"

Magical Item's checks
+2 Long sword Save=11
+2 Short sword Save=10
+3 Mithral Breast plate armor Save=12
Potion of Endurance Save=8
Oil of Timelessness Save=11
+1 Cloak of Resistance Save=15
Potion of Lesser Restoration Save=2...Lost
Potion of Tongues Save=57
Quaal's feather token-whip Save=10
+2 Ring of Protection Save=6
Everburning torch Save=10
Gauntlets of ogre power +2 Save=17
Amulet of health +2 Save=5
1 potion of Remove Paralysis Save=13
Potion of Fly (Cosmo) Save=6
+2 Gloves of dexterity Save=11
+1 Animated mithral "heavy steel" shield Save=17

John (AC16, HP22/35) NPC Nellie  d20+7=12 d20+7=22 d20=14 d20=6 d20=10 d20=16 d20=18 d20=15 d20=6 d20=16 2d8(5+1)+5=11 d8=8
Sunday November 5th, 2006 11:19:05 PM

The young ranger starts as he hears the sound of the explosion. Watching the shards head toward him as if in slow motion, the ranger moves out of the way of some of the fragments, but gets hit by a good deal of them. Screaming in pain, John watches in horror as his armor is quickly drenched in his own blood. Reaching into his pack, he pulls out Ashira's wand and taps himself lightly with it. (Cure Moderate Wounds=10+8...rerolled the one).

OOC: I am assuming that I can use one of Ashira's hero points to reroll John's Reflex save. If not, then the boy is very, very, very dead.

Magic Item's saves:
Leather armor +1 Save=14
Tatoo Green Tree that will give him Heroism for 24 hours Save=6
Potion-Shield of Faith+2 (3)Save=10,16,18
Slippers of Spider Climb Save=15
Potion-Barkskin +2(2)Save=6,16

Mykael -- HPs: 33/59, AC: 27  d20+9=22 d20=20 d20=17 d20=3 d20=20 d20=14 d20=13 d20=7 d20=13 d20=6 d20=8 d20=2 d20=16 d20=18 d20=3 d20=5 d20=3 d20=1 d20=3 d20=18 d20=16 d20=12 d20=5 d20=13 d20=2 d20=17 d20=9 d20=11 d20=18 d20=9 d20=8 d20=18 d20=8 d20=10 d20=17 d20=8 d20=4 d20=6 d20=4 d20=5 d20=4 d20=16 d20=1 d20=19 d20=17 d20=3 d20=8 d20=7 d20=17 d20=19 d20=16 d20=16 d20=7 d20=3 d20=20 d20=17 d20=16 d20=2 d20=4 d20=13 d20=3 d20=12 d20=20 d20=11 d20=13 d20=13 d20=7 d20=9 d20=19 d20=18
Monday November 6th, 2006 12:24:46 AM

Mykael pulls up his shield and drops to the floor behind it(Reflex save = 22).

Headband of Intellect - 20, saved
Heward's Handy Haversack - 17, saved
Mithril Chain Shirt - 3, saved
Mithril Heavy Shield - 20, saved
Ring of Protection - 14, saved

Scroll of Dispel Magic - 13, saved
Scroll of True Strike X5 - 7, 13, 6, 8, 2, lost 1
Scroll of Feather Fall - 16, saved
Scroll of Comprehend Languages - 18, saved
Scroll of Tongues - 3, lost
Scroll of Waterbreathing - 5, saved
Scroll of Lightning Bolt - 3, lost
Scroll of Fireball - 1, lost

Resistance - 3, lost
Acid Splash - 18, saved
Detect Poison - 16, saved
Detect Magic - 12, saved
Read Magic - 5, saved
Daze - 13, saved
Dancing Lights - 2, lost
Flare - 17, saved
Light - 9, saved
Ray of Frost - 11, saved
Ghost Sound - 18, saved
Disrupt Undead - 9, saved
Touch of Fatigue - 8, saved
Mage Hand - 18, saved
Mending - 8, saved
Message - 10, saved
Open - 17, saved
Close - 8, saved
Arcane Mark - 4, lost
Prestidigitaion - 6, saved

Alarm - 4, lost
Shocking Grasp - 5, saved
Mount - 4, lost
Comprehend Languages - 16, saved
Identify - 1, lost
True Strike - 19, saved
Magic Missle - 17, saved
Magic Weapon - 3, lost
Feather Fall - 8, saved
Charm Person - 7, saved
Chill Touch - 17, saved
Floating Disk - 19, saved
Animate Rope - 16, saved
Ray of Enfeeblement - 16, saved

Web - 7, saved
See Invisibility - 3, lost
Spider Climb - 20, saved
Knock - 17, saved
Scorching Ray - 16, saved
Invisibility - 2, lost
Cat's Grace - 4, lost
Bull's Strength - 13, saved
Darkvision - 3, lost

Fireball - 12, saved
Haste - 20, saved
Water Breathing - 11, saved
Tongues - 13, saved
Major Image - 13, saved
Summon Monster III - 7, saved
Vampiric Touch - 9, saved
Slow - 19, saved
Lightning Bolt - 18, saved

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+5=20 2d8(2+3)+5=10 d20=16 d20=14 d20=5 d20=14 d20=12 d20=13 d20=11 d20=5 d20=19 d20=17 d20=8 d20=2 d20=14
Monday November 6th, 2006 1:14:58 AM

Somehow avoiding the full force (d20+5=20 reflex save !!! woohoo!!) Nezamil grimaces slightly as the diamond shards reach thru his armor's crevices to find him "Grrr"

As the 10'1" dwarf hears Ashira's call for help he turns and seeks her out " ya sure i'll deal with Ari " growls Nezamil as he grits his teeth from the diamonds sharp needles.

Quickly fishing a wand he reaches out and taps Ari with it (2d8+5=10 cured to Ari )(1 charge used)

Spotting Mykael hiding behind his shield " nice going " smirks Nezamil " glad your on our side "

Ring of protection +2 (d20=16)
Amulet of Wisdom +2 (d20=14)
Ring of featherfall/leviate (d20=5)
Boots of speed (d20=14)
Wand of dispel magic (d20=12)
Feather token-anchor (d20=13)
Elixer of truth (d20=11)
Wand of detect magic (d20=5)

Potion of remove fear (d20=19)
potion of bull str (d20=17)
potion of displacement (d20=8)
potion of displacement (d20=2 lost)
potion of cats grace (d20=14)

(didnt roll for 2 wands of CMW's and scrolls which are divine )

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+20=24 d20+2=6 d20+2=9 d20+2=8 d20+2=21 d20+2=9
Monday November 6th, 2006 5:19:10 AM

Appolo dodges out of the way,then feels the pull on his magic items.

Reflex 24
Magic Saves
Swords 6
Assins Dagger 9
Leather Armour of Slipperiness 8
Ring of invisibility 21
Clooak of Protection 9
Everything Makes save

Dm Jim: The Dust Settles 
Monday November 6th, 2006 1:06:15 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured

The temporary tattoos from the Mother of the Valley and the Fey King are unaffected.

All divine magic items are unaffected: potion of healing, barkskin, restoration, etc.

Please update your character sheets and send them to Kent.


The fine stone dust is starting to settle as the Wildcards take stock of themselves, their magic items and one another.

Nezamil finds several of his friends were able to seek refuge from the diamond needles behind his bulk.

John lets out a deep sigh. "I thought I was a gonner there for a second."

The ceiling map is just hanging and the hinges cannot hold it weight and it falls rotating once and smashing upon the stone pedestal. Another large plume of stone dust fills the room and rolls down the tunnels. The map side is facing up, but it is broken in several large heavy pieces. Five of the six diamonds seem is good shape, one seems blackened and burnt and appears to be the one that had the connection to the main diamond that Mykael covered with his blanket.

Mykael with a successful DC 17 gemologist check can identify their value at 7500 gp each. The main diamond must have been on the order of 25,000 gp, but no more.

Ghem beams to his master "Mykael are you still in there? The big snake things are starting to shake off some of the effects of being blown off the pyramid and their friends from the jungle are rushing to their aid. Mykael, it feels like something bad just happened?" A concerned Ghem lets the question hang.

Swirl chimes in to Rigging "Almost to the ship. What was that noise? Everything still good?"

Rigging shakes his head a few times as it to clear it, but seems to be getting his senses back. There are a few blue-white marks on his hand, the one that was wearing the ring of wizardry, maybe they will fade with time, maybe not.


Ooc: Thank you for the opportunity to be your Dm for the last 20 months or so. It was a privilege and I hope you enjoyed our time together. Please welcome Kent and cut some slack as he has to pick up mid module and that is never easy.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68 
Monday November 6th, 2006 2:01:37 PM

After checking himself out finding everything is ok.Appolo looks around steps forward and collects the diamonds"Turning to Rigging.Well boss here's the diamonds you wanted."

Appolo then looks over the others"Everyone ok.If so let's form up,the snakes are sure to be waiting for us when we come out.Man are we ever going to corner the market on snakeskin clothing."

attendence report 
Monday November 6th, 2006 2:45:25 PM

Dm Jim xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xoxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxoxx
Bart oxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xooxx
Cosmo oxoxx
Ari xoxxx

Thanks Dm Jim for letting us barely survive the past 2 years :-)

Everyone please welcome Dm Kent to our game !!

Welcome !!!

adm - Chris

Bart hp 66/86 
Monday November 6th, 2006 2:49:48 PM

So now we now how to dismantle these things we only need to finetune our method!

Appolo OOC 
Monday November 6th, 2006 4:29:38 PM

Yeah Thanks Very much Jim I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 31/63) 
Monday November 6th, 2006 10:02:27 PM

Cosmo picks himself up off the ground and dusts himself off. Wow that stung ... alot. He checks himself over once again, thankful that all his magic items are in one piece. He lets loose a big sigh when he opens his spellbook and a whole bunch of burnt out pages float gently to the ground.

"You know I am a pretty reasonable Halfling. I try not to get into other people's business or hurt the innocent or almost innocent. But I think from this day forward all Yuan-ti must die. And every third snake I see is going to get a swift kick. Stupid snakes couldn't just let us fix our boat and let us get out of here."

Cosmo reaches into his belongings and retrieves his Rod of Enlarge and his Griffon Figurine. You two are going to get a good workout over the next few days.

Cosmo wonders how mad Rigging will be when Cosmo decides to pay the Yuan-ti village a small visit by air. Everyday until. Until the village is snake free.

Let's see ... how many fireballs can I study for daily. Hmmm that's alot.

Mykael -- HPs: 33/59, AC: 27 
Monday November 6th, 2006 10:25:45 PM

Mykael shakes the ringing from his head. "Wow, didnt see that one coming. Magic draining items normally dont act and explode like that."

"Well as you said, Rigging, they were teleporting here. That stopped the pyramid, but a number of Yuan Ti made it. And according to Ghem, a few of the ones that survived being blown from the top of the pyramid are being helped by a group that entered from the trees."

"There is alot of company up there."

Ghem, we are alive. Can you tell me which side or sides of the pyramid the Yuan Ti mostly located at? Use the tunnel that we went in as a reference point. We may be able to sneak up on the Yuan Ti and surprise them, if we know which one or two tunnels to exit from.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(3+2)+5=10
Monday November 6th, 2006 10:53:24 PM

Nezamil nods at Mykael's words " more snakes outside ?......well now they can't hide.....we can fight in the cleared village " growls the dwarf

"here's alittle something to get ya ready " as he taps Mykael with a wand (2d8(3+2)+5=10 cured to Mykael)(2nd charge used)

Looking up athe the ceiling Nezamil wonders if it will hold "hope this doesn't collapse on us "

With a look down at the map now lying on the floor " we hafta save that map somehow...we definitly gotta retrive it after we send some snakes to visit Gargul " growls Nezamil

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Rigging 75/75 
Monday November 6th, 2006 11:25:59 PM

Rigging looks up into Ashira's face feeling very light headed. Something happened to him. Something huge. He felt the magic flow through him. It changed him somehow. It changed him fundamentally. Certain things he knew are just gone. Other things his mind seem to understand better. He knows he can remember more spells now but his thief skills seemed to be burned out off his body.

He looks up into his wife's eyes and accepts her helping hand. He checks himself over as he listens in to the reports. He says, "OK we have trouble up top that we need to take care of. Ashira, you are the battle mistress. You take over and figure out our tactics. I have prepared haste spells and I can make most of us pretty big for combat.

Remember we haven't checked out the other tunnels and their could be slimes or oozes in them as well. Let's get them while they are clumped together."

Rigging will grab Ashira's arm and whisper, "I need you to run this one. Something strange is happening to me and I don't know if I can trust my combat skills"

Rigging will beam to Swirl, "Hey buddy, We are all still standing but are getting into another fight. The Pyramid is down but they got a few nasties through before we accomplished our task. Finish up with those ladies and then get back here with Romeo."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+1=16
Monday November 6th, 2006 11:41:00 PM

Ashira listens to Rigging somberly. "All right." she whispers softly. Listening to the comments of the others, she starts issuing orders. "John, Nezamil see what you can do to heal up the worst of the damage. Cosmo, let's see what affect if any the destruction of this temple had on your casting. If you could cast a small time dependent spell to see if you can keep a hold of it any longer, I'd appreciate it." As the healing is taking place, Ashira looks over at Appolo. "We need to quickly scout out the rest of this temple. I don't like it, but I need you to head out and take a quick look around. Don't go to far without checking back. And don't get into trouble!" Ashira winks at the rogue. Then ranger then turns to Bart. "Ok, big guy, I need you to watch our backs while we come up with some earthshaking plan to save our bacon. Ashira looks over at Val, Cosmo and Mykael. "Ok, we're in completely unfamiliar territory, we're looking at being surrounded, and we're not sure whether we can trust our magic or not.....ideas?"

OOC: Int. check =16

John (AC16, HP22/35) NPC Nellie  2d8(8+8)+5=21
Monday November 6th, 2006 11:44:17 PM

The ranger looks down at his blood soaked armor and then over at the wounded Wildcards. "I'm not exactly a cleric..." he mutters as he staggers over to Cosmo and taps him lightly with the wand. (21 pts. restored)

Ari 15/72 HP AC 16 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 7:39:53 AM

(ooc rushed for time)

"I'm not sure what happened either. But the bigger question is whether they are waiting for us outside, or whether they look to be coming inside to track us down. We at least know they are out there, so we might be able to set up some ambushes as they decide to come in. The weirdness of what just happened might have them a bit thrown off, too."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:53:02 AM

Appolo looks around"So you want me to go do some scouting.Find out just what they're up to.We are not glowing any more."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(1+3)+5=9
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 2:36:43 PM

Nezamil taps the daring Mykael with the wand again (2d8+5=9 cured) " this will help ya keep being daring " chuckles the dwarf (toatl 19pts in last 2 rds to Mykael)(3rd charge used)

"You betcha Ashira " reply's Nezamil

"John i've started on Mykael you get Cosmo.....he looks angry enough to lead the charge himself so you better get a little color back in his pale little cheeks " as he organizes the healing of the group before they assault the snakes outside .

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Bart Hp 83/86  d8+6=13 2d8(8+3)+6=17
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 2:43:45 PM

I will watch our back, Bart sips down a cure moderate potion

Val AC 19, HP 100/ 127 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 5:49:32 PM

"I still have some arrows left. If I get to a good position I could by us some time by keeping the snakes in the jungle. It won't last forever but its an option. Also this place works to our advantage. We can use vertain hallways to our advantage. Perhaps create defensive barriers for spellcasters and wounded. If we can force them into certain areas their superior numbers won't mean much. The trouble is while some of them are unskilled in battle, others are quite formidable. The problem is telling them apart."

Val AC 19, HP 100/ 127 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 5:51:04 PM

"We need to find another one of those diamonds if possible. If it looks bad, I mean real bad, I can lure them close and explode the jewel. They won't expect the explosion and should suffer serious casualties."

DM kent 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 6:44:36 PM

(thanks for the welcome all. Be aware that my desk top is still down and I have limited and intermitant acces with my laptop.(which means I have no access to the module or any PC sheets, other than what I had in my head). I will do my best this week to keep things going and hope that by week's end I will have my desktop back in order.)

People start picking themselves up off the floor and plans start gelling and some healing is done. There is only a very little glow left from only the strongest items and magic, so it is fairly dark in the pyramid.

The five remaining diamonds are removed from the map and placed safely in a pack somewhere. (who is carrying them)

Ghem is querried as to what is going on above and seems a bit freaked out about everything that is happening. I'm not sure I feel exactly right. Are you sure everything is ok? there ae lot of snakes and men. Some on the the triangle thing's sides some on the ground some in the woods some in the village. I'm really not happy and ..... Mykael gets a feeling of major stress, a bit of pain and fear eminate from Ghem and for several moments there is no more communication. Then almost as if he is whispering Ghem starts back up. Boss I don't like it out her any more something I didn't know was there and can't see just slammed into me. I hurt.

Rigging sends a brief message to swirl and gets a snort in return. Finish up? I am waiting on you. As to another fight. Why am I not surprised? You are always in a fight. If not with snake folk then you are fighting with 'Shira and if not with her then something or someone else. Why should it be different now? But if you want to get out of there you better hurry it up....... ooohhh that had to hurt. Something I can't see just sent little flier about thirty feet in to some bushes.

Nezamil comments about saving the map somehow and knows just by looking at it that it wont transport well and if they are going to take it with them they are going to have to copy it.

Rigging 77/77 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:18:13 PM

Rigging takes the diamonds from Appolo and stores them in his pouch. He looks to Ashira and says, "What is the plan battle mistress? Do we hit them outside our lure them in. We can be defensive here but will be vulnerable to mass spells and monster summons.

I think we should hit them outside while they are still grouped together. We know who some of their leaders are. Lets try to take them down and kill as many as possible.I say we get out and hit them and we can always retreat into here.

We don't know how are spells are going to work on the pyramid so if we could lure them off of it, it will help."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:31:58 PM

Ashira listens carefully to the opinions of the others and weighs their options. She sighs...sometimes Rigging makes the leadership thing look too easy. "We're in a bind. I'm guessing from the decorations that those Yuan Ti know this temple better than we do. And knowing their normal tactics, there's probably a few more traps out there. I would love to bottle neck them in here, but I think the best plan is to fight them outside the temple, in the village. Appolo, scratch that last order. We're headed back outside. Get ready for combat folks, because it's coming at us just as soon as we stick our heads out of the temple. But at least we can do a little buffing before we get into the thick of it. And remember..we need to double team our opponents. Get a partner and stick with them!!"

OOC: Are our magical items still glowing or not?

John (AC16, HP22/35) NPC Nellie  2d8(5+8)+5=18
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:51:45 PM

Though he grumbles a bit before hand about no one looking after the little guy, John taps Cosmo with the wand once more (18 hp restored). When Ashira makes her decision, John sighs. He's not really looking forward to another combat so soon after his near death experience with the diamond, but then again, anyplace has got to be better than this death trap. Readying his equipment, John makes his way toward the back of the group and remembers to activate his ring of invisiblity before they head out of the temple.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 52/63)  d20+16=26
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:56:21 PM

"Thanks for the cure John. I sure did need it."

Cosmo hears Ashira's request to test his magic now that the pyramid has been destroyed. He picks a 0 level spell to test.

Cosmo casts Detect Magic and tries to detect magic on everyone and see how it reacts and how long he thinks the spell will last.

Concentration check 26 (if needed)

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 10 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Cosmo - Supplemental 
Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:59:14 PM

Hit points are back to full after John's second cure.

HP's 63/63

Mykael -- HPs: 52/59, AC: 27 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 1:13:41 AM

"Thanks Nez... uh...," Mykael states, then a worried look strikes his face.

Ghem... were you hiding when it hit you? Can you see the pyramid? If you were hiding, then it can see you. Hiding will do no good. You have to run. If you can see the pyramid, fly here as fast as you can. Come into the same tunnel that I went down. IF the Yuan Ti are in the way and you cant get down the same tunnel, then fly around in the jungle staying away from it until you see me outside. Then come hide near me.

"Buff and heal quickly, they are getting the same amount of time to organize as we are. And I think the more time we take, the more it favors the Yuan Ti."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Wednesday November 8th, 2006 1:25:01 AM

Let's go outside then, and see what we can do there. I'm ready for it says Bart as he leaves the room back to the entrance of the pyramid

Ari 15/72 HP AC 16 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 6:32:59 AM

Waiting for the results of the magic test, Ari winces as he moves from foot to foot.

Those shards are everywhere. I wonder what would happen if you could combine a crushed diamond with a fireball spell.

"Ashira I could possibly hang back with you and we could be the arrow brigade. I'm not up for any kind of toe-toe battle just yet. What kind of spells do they like to use because of the resist energy spells ready for either a fighter or spell caster if we think the spells could be effective. Would looking like any of them add to any confusion or would that not help, since I could alter self too."

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Invisible  d20+14=20
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 2:27:37 PM

Appolo smiles a wicked smile and activates his ring of invisibility and heads quickly down the hall.Moving as silently as possible.

Move silent 20

Val AC 19, HP 100/ 127 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 2:54:21 PM

Val readies the deadly golden axe and begins pacing about nervously. She knows that things look grim. The Yuan-ti have the resources to keep the battle going indefinately. Eventually fatigue and exhaustion will do them in just the same as a blade.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(5+4)+5=14
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 3:35:31 PM

Nezamil surveys the group and his eyes settle on Ari wincing and quickly taps him on the shoulder with a wand (2dd(5+4)+5=14 cured)(4th charge used)

" that should help ya a little ....let the big boys run out first and i'll sooth your pains a little more "

Nodding at Ashira's words as he works on Ari " yeah teamwork.....pick a partner and don't lose'em " growls the 10'1" dwarf

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

DM kent 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 5:37:27 PM

Guys and gals the post may be late tonight depending on airport traffic, but I will post tonight.

(ooc: I think last night's post mentioned that there still was a very slight glow left from only the strongest magic and items, so it is quite dark in the pyramid.

DM kent 
Wednesday November 8th, 2006 11:18:07 PM

Rigging and Ashira talk strategy and Ashira suggests everyone partner up.

The invisible Apollo and the visible Bart head back up the passage they just came down to see what there is to see.

Ari wears a pained expression that matches the pain he feels in his body and talks about hanging back a bit

Cosmo casts his spell and it seems to working correctly.

Mykael contacts Ghem, who still frightened, shakliy responds wiih a quickI'm on my way.

Nez does a bit of healing on Ari but there appears to plenty more to do.

Ever the pesimist, at least of late, Val shoulders her axe and prepares herslf for what is to come.


If you go up another tunnel other than you came down please post that

Ari 29/72 HP AC 20 (shield) 
Thursday November 9th, 2006 6:30:58 AM

Ari decides it's time to do his own experimentation. He decides to cast his shield spell while he's being tended to.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger
Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(5+3)+5=13
Thursday November 9th, 2006 2:02:39 PM

Nezamil reaches out and taps Ari again with a wand (2d8(5+3)+5=13 cured)(5th charge) " go support the others outside "

Ashira i'll go last up the tunnel so i won't clog it up " grins Nezamil

" lets him them before they can get organized and still are in the open "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Invisible  d20+10=23 d20+14=17 d20+15=30
Thursday November 9th, 2006 2:08:16 PM

Appolo moves silently down the tunnel and pops just outside stepping quickly to the side he looks around.Hoping to spot the snake men before they get organized.

Spot 23 Hide 17 Move silently 30

Thursday November 9th, 2006 5:00:07 PM

Hmm Appollo are you near me? I will wait here in the shadow do you see the foes?

Rigging ac 18 haste invisiblity 77/77  d20+12=20
Thursday November 9th, 2006 7:44:37 PM

Rigging will slide on his invisiblity ring and activate it. When the group gets to the end of the tunnel, he will caste a haste on everyone. He then whispers, "Lets go people, this doesn't last very long! Take advantage!"

If we are considered in combat rounds then I will caste the haste.

concentration check 20

haste 1/11
invisiblity 2/7

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 63/63) 
Thursday November 9th, 2006 10:04:31 PM

Cosmo lets everyone get in front of him except Nezamil. He will follow everyone down the hallway, back to the outside.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM kent 
Thursday November 9th, 2006 11:05:03 PM

Apollo, just ahead of Bart, makes his way out into the sunlight and surprised at what he sees. There is debris averywhere from the top of the pyramid and there are several dead YT just outside of the entry and several dozen assorted live and/or wounded YT in several smaller groups around the pyramid. There are also a number of humans aiding the YT and carrying weapons. None of the YT appear to be aware of your presence, though several groups keep looking back at the pyramid and pointing at it.

About half way up the tunnel each of the swords in front of Mykael nearly get run over and run into by a speeding familiar that is oozing fear and dive bombs past his companion landing on Nez's back digging is claws in and tightly wraping his tail arond his neck and clinging closely behind Nez's head and shoulders.

As Rigging and the others make their way to the tunnel exit they see the scene above and get a haste spell cast upon them.

(OOC: Combat will start on Monday. Use to morrow to prepare and organize. Hopefully I will have my desk top back this weekend so I can get to all my files, the module and make a map)

Val AC 19, HP 100/ 127 
Friday November 10th, 2006 9:39:04 AM

"Just once I would like to ambush them." Val mumbles as she looks at the mass of yuan-ti that have gathered before them. With many others hiding in places unseen.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Friday November 10th, 2006 4:30:17 PM

Appolo smiles at wht he sees and slips quietly back inside to Rigging,Deactivating his ring"Hey boss.If you and the other mages unload your best Aoa effect spells on them ina wide 180 degree arc from the mouth of the pyramid I think we can hurt them real bad perhaps make them break and run.That explosion cuaght them in mid teleport took out a whole bunch of them and left the others dazed and confused.Perhaps if you used you rinviisbility to climb to the top of the Pyramid to cas t your spells while th others worked from ground level.If can hit them hard enough now we can keep them disorganized and divided."

Mykael -- HPs: 52/59, AC: 27 
Friday November 10th, 2006 9:30:47 PM

"Ghem, you stay here. Dont leave the tunnel, until I tell you too. ok?"

"Those humans are probably charmed, if we use area effect spells we take a chance of hitting them. We should becareful and give the humans as much of a chance as we can."

Mykael waits for orders near the entrance.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(7+7)+5=19
Friday November 10th, 2006 11:01:48 PM

Ducking to the avoid the speeding familiar without success " ouch......easy there little fella " soothes Nezamil to Ghem " what are you afraid of ??.......whats out there ?"

Nodding at Mykael words " yeah stay close ...and stay behind me "

"Ashira if Appolo is right we should hit them hard while they are confused.....and make sure we work together "

With an appraising look at Ari " maybe a little more of Domi's healing touch for you " as nezamil reaxhes out and taps him with a wand (2d8(7+7)+5=19 cured to Ari)(6th charge used)

"i'll be the last one out of the tunnel "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste 
Friday November 10th, 2006 11:13:41 PM

Ashira nods at Nezamil's suggestion. "I agree. Let's move hard and fast. C'mon folks, no time to loose, the clock is ticking!!" Grabbing Appolo's shoulder she whispers "You're with me. Everybody link up and take them down fast!" Checking to see if anybody has any last minute spells or suggestions, Ashira unsheathes her swords and makes a bee line for the nearest Yuan Ti.

Haste: 1/1

Saturday November 11th, 2006 9:16:43 AM

Appola use your ring and go out first make sure you sneak attack one off their bosses, our spellcasters can fire off area off attack spells first i will run into melee just after that

Rigging 74/74  d20+12=21 d20+12=31
Saturday November 11th, 2006 5:15:21 PM

Rigging growls at Mykael, "You might be right but if those humans attack any of us, put them down. We don't know they are charmed and I have met plenty of evil humans in my days. We know the snakemen have allies on the outside wold feeding them slaves and other things.

Rigging still invisible will wait for the others to come out of the pyramid and then cast his mass enlarge. He targets Val, Bart, Ashira, Mykael, Ari, and John. He leaves out the already huge Nezamil, Cosmo and himself.

Rigging rolls concentration checks on for haste and mass enlarge and makes both.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

Invisibility 3/7 rounds
haste 2/11 rounds
mass enlarge 1/110 rounds

Enlarge gives those mentioned above 10' reach, adds one to your strength, but minues one from you AC

Haste gives everyone an extra 30' to their base speed, +1 on AC, +1 to hit, and one extra primary hand attack. Go get them fighters!

(DM Kent: Unless the spell has changed since I last used it, in addition to increased size and reach, enlarge person gives a +2 size bonus to strength, a -2 size penalty to dexterity AND a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC.)

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 63/63) 
Sunday November 12th, 2006 7:42:09 PM

Cosmo joins everyone down at the exit from the pyramid. He accepts the haste spell from Rigging and is glad when he is excluded from the Enlarge spell. While Rigging is casting his spells, Cosmo will cast a spell of his own. He will cast Polymorph using his Rod of Extend. The creature he picks is a sprite

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite): 20/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged NPC Nellie  2d8(8+7)+5=20
Monday November 13th, 2006 12:18:56 AM

Popping back into view as soon as Rigging activates his ring, John is clearly uncomfortable. Taking the wand, he taps himself, reasoning that in order to be of any help he's got to be up to full speed. Since he's visible, John hangs back on the battlefield, waiting to see who needs healing first.

Ari 48/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste 
Monday November 13th, 2006 6:51:24 AM

"Thanks Nez, I imagine we should start following the others out."

Once Ari can see outside, Ari will summon a friend to help with air cover.

"We'll have a friend that will try to keep spell casters and bowers busy"

Summon Nature's ally (hawk I think).

"Friend hawk, we need a distraction with these snake people."

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Val AC 17, HP 100/ 127 (Enlarge) 
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:11:53 AM

"In the future could everybody please stop from making me bigger like this. It's a real disadvantage in combat. Personaly I don't think it gives more than it takes away." Val says with a frown as she looks at her now massive body.

ooc: enlarge basically balances out to -2 to ac, -1 to dex skills and ref saves, and +1 to damage.

Attendence report 
Monday November 13th, 2006 1:41:31 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Ashira xxoxo
Appolo xxxxo
Rigging xxxxo
Val oxoxo
Bart xxxxo
Nezamil xxxxo
Mykael xxoxo
Cosmo xxxxo
Ari xxxoo

Dm Kent has had computer problems but has stated they should be fixed by Monday !

DM Kent 
Monday November 13th, 2006 6:38:53 PM

(OOc: still no computer and no files so we will go with what we have. If you can each resend your PCs to Lemberno@nc.rr.com I will download the sheets to my laptop and at least have those.) I usually post between 6-8 PM est.

Bart, Nez, Rigging discuss attack plans and whether or not to attack the humans, but don't seem to come to any set plan. However, Rigging casts enlarge on Val, Bart, Ashira, Mykael, Ari, and John and hastes everyone as well.

Surprisingly the swords begin to slip out of the pyramid pretty much unnoticed and head into the open with Ashira leading the way.

Cosmo changes himself into a sprite while Ari begins casting for some air support.

The swords all exit the shelter of the pyramid and just moments later there is a shout and suddenly the swords have mmany eyes almost simultaneuously focused upon them.

Arranged in front of the Pyramid are 4 groups of six each consisting of 2 Yuan-Ti, 3 strange looking smakes with arms (that you haven't seen before and 1 human. They seem to be generally occupied with helping the YT in each group and occasionally looking back over their shoulders at the top of the Pyramid. No notice seems to be paid to the swords as they leave the pyramid.

Apollo Will DC 15
Everyone else will DC 17

new map coming.

Rigging  d20+7=16
Monday November 13th, 2006 8:06:38 PM

Rigging makes will save of 16

Rigging is astonished to see the amount of the enemy. He quickly casts a spell casting Evard's tentacles centered on the right top diagnal of Number 11 trying to get as many of the enemy ensared as possible without effecting our fighters.

"Take out the southern group first!" Rigging calls.

Rigging will hold his ground and pull out a wand

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 3/11 rounds
mass enlarge 2/110 rounds
Evards 1/11

DM kent 
Monday November 13th, 2006 8:16:10 PM

(Todd I would love to have it posted.)

Ashira (AC26, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged  d20+8=27 d20+15=33 d20+15=17 2d6(5+3)+6=14 d20+10=22 2d6(6+3)+6=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=23 4d6(4+3+1+5)+12=25 d20+15=26 d8+4=9 d20+7=10 d20-3=5 d20+15=25 2d6(2+1)+6=9
Monday November 13th, 2006 8:39:27 PM

Ashira grins as she squints in the sunlight and easily shrugs off the magic slung at her (Will=27). Excellent! So many victims! Her now huge swords whirl and slice into the Yuan Ti that are now easily within reach of her massive arms. (AC33/17 for 14, AC22 for 15, AC25/23 crit? for 25, AC26 for 9, AC25 for 9). She watches each blow carefully to see if they down her target. (First target 3, then 6, then 7)

Spells in place
Haste: 2/11
Enlarge: 1/110

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

Monday November 13th, 2006 9:05:03 PM

damage modifiers from table 2-2 in the DMG

I'm only posting for one size category because I do not believe anyone else needs it.

Here is the size damage increase for the shift up of one category.

If your damage is......it moves to

d2 d3
d3 d4
d4 d6
d6 d8
d8 2d6
d10 2d8
d12 3d6
2d4 2d6
2d6 3d6
2d8 3d8
2d10 4d8

If anyone else needs something different, just let me know.

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged NPC Nellie 
Monday November 13th, 2006 10:57:16 PM

John looks over to where Rigging has just appeared. "You know...I work best with the ability of the ring. You don't mind if I use it now, do you?" John waits until he gets Rigging's approval and then (hopefully) activates his ring, becoming invisible once more. He watches the battle, waiting for the moment when his skills will be needed.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+13=21
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:12:27 PM

Emerging last out of the tunnel the 10'1" dwarf grins as his shipmates grow in size " Hahaha ....your all still shorter then the dwarf " roars Nezamil with laughter

Shaking off the magical energy (d20+13=21 will save ) "hrmmf"

With a quick survey of the action Nezamil steps forward (to K-12)(move action)and fishes out a scroll " this should help everyone " without missing a beat the Cleric of Domi quickly recites the divine writings on the scroll " Domi protect and guide us .....thwart our foes as you grant us courage "(casting Prayer from a scroll)

A burst of Domi's divine power washes across the field and spashing friend and foe alike

Range: 40 ft.

Area: All allies and foes within a 40-ft.-radius burst centered on you

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and your each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a --1 penalty on such rolls.

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 10/10 rds

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 63/63)  d20+10=30 d20+12=25
Monday November 13th, 2006 11:36:52 PM

Will save 30; natural 20

Cosmo the Sprite-Pixie, flies straight up from his current position, retrieving a Rod as he moves. He ends up in the same square, but at a height of about 40'. How convenient, Cosmo thinks that the snake creatures are all grouped together. He has a big smile on his face as he lets loose one of his more potent mass spells.

Cosmo casts fireball spell using his Maximize Rod. The fireball engulfs enemies 19 to 24, but not M.

Fireball - maximum damage 60/30
Spell resistance - 25
Saving throw - Reflex 19

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 20/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ari 48/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+7=14 d20+7=10 d20+7=12 d20+7=17 d20+7=23 d20+2=7 d8+2=4 d8+2=10
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 7:04:38 AM

(will save 14, used hero point for 10 - failed)

With his latest spell finished, Ari pulls out his bow and fires in the direction that Rigging ordered (hoping to pick on #21)

(AC 12, AC 17 for 4 points , AC 23 for 10 points, AC 7)

Ari expects that he will probably be in close melee. Ari also keeps an eye out as to how he can guide the hawk to keep magic users or anyone that has a distance attack busy.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Val AC 17, HP 100/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste) 
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 10:36:31 AM

Val wanted to leap into the fray and start swinging wildly, cutting the snakes to pieces. Instead she follows orders and begins moving toward the southern group (L12)

Val's Will Save  d20+7=19
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 10:41:27 AM

WIll save 19 or 21 if its an enchantment.

Tuesday November 14th, 2006 2:31:18 PM

Walter/Val I think you can reach the southern group without any problems. Remember you have haste on which adds a +30 to your base. You also have a 10' reach so you can effectively attack a square 70'away. Good tactic is to attack a medium sized creature utilizing your longer reach and when he closes with you, you get an AOO. If you have combat reflexes you get as many AOO as your dex bonus against different opponents. So if 3 close with you, and you get +3 on dex, you could attack them all. (assuming they have a 5' reach)

Bart ac 27 hp 86  d20+7=20 d20+15=34 d20+15=18 2d8(2+8)+14=24 d6=1 2d8(7+2)+14=23
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 2:37:08 PM

Will save 20
Bart moves forward and attacks # 12 (spring attack powerattack+2 threat crit ac 18? for 24+1shock (+23 if crit) Bart makes sure he keeps more then 5 ft distance between his opponent and him

Appolo Ac 27 HP 68 Bless+1 Invisible Haste +4  d20+7=21 d20+14=15 d20+19=20 d20+19=26 d10+5=11 d8+5=11 d6=5 d6=6 d6=3 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=6 d6=6 d6=4 d6=3 d6=6 d6=5
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 4:08:18 PM

Appolo shakes his head and goes invisible he moves qquickly and silently.Circling wide as looks for the snake leader of the southern group.Thinking the whole time{No don't listen to me let them get organized.}He decides to close with the one Bart just attacked and backstab it.He swings two timeat the creatures back.

Will 21 Move Silent 15

Attack 20 ,26 Damage 11 11 Backstab damage 28.30 For a total of 80

DM Kent 
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 5:48:06 PM

Rigging casts his tentacles and the spell goes off without a hitch encircling 7 of the enemy and begins to batter at them. Riggin then pulls out a wand getting ready for his next round.

Ashira moves in thinking it kind of strange that the different groups of the enemy appear to be made up of the same numbers of races. But she has little time to ponder that as she jumps to attack her blade literally spinning and slashing through a first, second and yet again her third opponent. It is then that she realizes that the groups are identical and illusional.

John gets the ring and become invisible yet again.

Nez cats his scroll thinking to aid his family and foul up the enemy and afterwards realizes that there isn't an anemy currently as he can actually see through the illusional figures.

Cosmo the sprite zips upward and once ataining his chosen height casts a fireball down upon the group he knows is below him even though for some reason he can no longer see them from directly above, Moving down slightly for a second he ses that his targets are indeed still there but don't seem to be affected by the fire, whicich is when he realizes that he is watching an illusion.

Ari sends his arrows arcing toward the now engulfed #21 and sees his second arrow strike true. and gets ready to send his next volley in.

Val charges in and lashes out and through her chosen opponent realizing that these opponents were nothing more than elaborate glamours.

Bart too attacks his chosen foe and watches for a moment in horror as his blade seems to sice right through him with no apparent damage. It is then he realizes what his mind was trying to tell him. The scene infront of him wasn't real.

Apollo moves around to one of the YT in the non fireballed group and seemingly with not so much as a inkling that he is there walks up behind his foe and literally slits his throat. Ready for the spray of bllod and the need for a quick backstep, Apollo is momentarily taken off guardas he finally catches up to what his brain was trying to tell him. None of this is real.

DM Kent  d20+17=37 d20+7=15 d20+25=45 d20+15=18 d20+6=14 d20+12=19 d20+7=23 d20+10=24 d20+3=6 d20+12=21 d20+5=25 d8+5=8 d8+5=7 d8+5=9
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 10:11:14 PM

As rigging and Ari get ready for another round of combat the other cease their attacks and explain to them that the identical groups are illusions and that there is in reality nothing there.

About that moment ten arrows come streaking out of the wooded areas around the clearing. Three of them find a home with the firt hitting Ari for 8 points. the second strikes Ashira for 7 points and the last one strikes Val for 9 points. The other arrows missed. Arrows seem to have come from each side of the camp is specific directions. Basic common sense tells you the general direction of the archers if not their ecact location.

Ac 37 (nat 20)
AC 45 (nat 20)
Ac 25 (nat 20)

Mykael -- HPs: 52/59, AC: 27  d20+8=26 d20+7=11
Tuesday November 14th, 2006 11:56:20 PM

Upon noticing the illusions(Will = 26), Mykael turns and looks at the top of the pyramid. Does it appear that any Yuan Ti survived?

(Spot = 11)

"Dont these idiots ever learn. They suck as archers and even if they get lucky, armor protects us from serious harm."

"Split up or all charge one side?"

Enlarge - 2/110
Haste - 3/11

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

ooc: Chris, cant post tomorrow night, hook me up please. Thanks

Ari 40/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste 
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 7:40:28 AM

"I should have realized that about the images."
"Friend hawk please locate the archer over there and attack if you can" 21P if possible.

"What now boss?" Ari holds action looking for a clear target. If one presents itself he'll unload 4 arrows. If anyone attempts to close to melee Ari will draw his swords.

Wednesday November 15th, 2006 2:11:23 PM

That leaves me no choice Bart runs towards the treeline (didn get a map yet)

(Kent: Not sure why. I have sent them to your addy and none have been returned. wvanruiten@home.nl - correct?)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac ,Prayer 
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 3:28:19 PM

"They reacted faster then i expected " growls Nezamil " so much for getting the drop on them "

"Well lets see what we can do about dem pesky archers " as he fishes out a feather and small fan "Domi shield us with your breath "as he blows a puff of air towards the archers to the north "(casting windwall)(H6 to Q6)(100'long by 50' high)

"that should stop the shooting from the north"

Looking about as his fellow Wildcards seek out the enemy "team work people...lets work together "

With Ghem still attached to his shoulder " keep an eye on Mykael.....let me know if he strays too far away " remarks Nezamil to Mykaels familiar

" come out and fight you cowardly worms " roars Nnezamil

(everyone has Prayer cast upon them )
bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and your each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a --1 penalty on such rolls.

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 9/10 rds
Windwall 10/10 rds

Appolo Ac 27 HP 68 Haste+4 Bless+1 Invisible  d20+14=27
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 3:50:08 PM

As soon as he realizes that he is attacking an illusion Appolo goes invisble agian and heads quickly toward the location of the nearest Archer<Move silently as goes.

Move Silent 27

OOC Not recieving map E-Mail marcus_arelius@earthlink.net Thank You.

(Kent:My emails to you are getting returned for some reason.)

Rigging  d20+9=26 5d4(4+2+4+4+2)+5=21 d20+13=33
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 4:16:18 PM

Rigging curses in frustation as he sees his spells wasted on illusions. He yells, "Get into your fighting pairs and lets kill some snakes. Work together and take them down fast!"

Rigging takes a hard look at the jungle trying to spot where some of the arrows are coming from. spot check 26

If he sees an opponent, he will cast a magic missile at them doing 21 points of damage. spell resistance roll 33. Rigging will then move towards the tree line base speed 60 trying to stick close to Ashira

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 4/11 rounds
mass enlarge 3/110 rounds
Evards 2/11

Ashira (AC26, HP 101/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 5:31:34 PM

Ashira looks at the smoke puffs that dissipate as she cuts through them, and then down at the arrow sticking in her arm. "Alright...that's it...I've had enough of these games..." Linking up with Rigging, she heads toward the position of the archers. As she does, she yells out "No cowboys...everybody find a partner. Appolo, link up with Bart, Val team up with Ari. We're finishing this once and for all."

Spells in place
Haste: 3/11
Enlarge: 2/110

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

Val AC 17, HP 92/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste)  d20+22=36 d20+22=28 d20+17=32 d20+12=20 2d6(5+2)+11=18 2d6(1+6)=7 2d6(6+3)+11=20 2d6(4+3)=7 2d6(2+1)+11=14 2d6(1+2)=3 2d6(6+5)+11=22 2d6(2+2)=4
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 6:05:29 PM

Val turns to the closes Yuan-ti (#13). She raises the now massive glowing golden axe and brings it down hard upon the snake creature. Enchanted with speed the axe is a blur of death and carnage.

ooc: 1st- ac 36 for 25, 2nd- ac 28 for 27, 3rd- ac 32 for 17, 4th- ac 20 for 26

DM Kent 
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 7:07:24 PM

(ooc, Not sure why Bart is not recieving maps as I have sent them to the addy I have, wvanruiten@home.nl. As for Apollo, all my maps are being sent back as undeliverable.)

Mykael looks up on the pyramid and sees what apear to be few bodies and then his eyes boggle out as he sees one of the scaiest things he has ever seen in his short life. About halway down the pyramid and moving quickly is a monstrous beast 20 feet tall and 36 feet long. It has large snake like body with four legs and a whip like tail wih pincers that is lashing from side to side, but perhaps more worrisome are the eight snakelike necks and heads that surround a primary, what can be described no other way as a toothy maw.

Ari sends his hawk on amission and moments later whether by plan or chased out a purblood and an armed snake come from the woods, swords drawn and being harried by the hawk.

Bart charges forward and stops short as he sees several foes being to come toward him from the trees and the buildings. (one pureblood and 2 armed snakes)

Apollo moves forward and soon is seeing an abomination ans an armed snake coming toward him.

Val continues wailing on the illusion for a moment in frustration and then sees a pureblood ans an armed snake coming toward her.

Nezcats his spell and moments later he sees a halfbllo an abomination and two armed snakes come out of the trees.

Rigging spots the abomination just as it drops from the trees and hits it with a magic missile. It hisses at him and a very scary look crosses the large creature's fanged maw.

Ashira yells for fighting pairs to form up and moves forward stopping when Rigging joins her and they see their fos approaching.

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 63/63) 
Wednesday November 15th, 2006 8:52:19 PM

Cosmo looks around trying to find out where the arrow shots are coming from. He doesn't have to look long until snakes and Yuan-ti start to pore out of the woods towards the Wildcards. When Cosmo looks back towards the pyramid he is shocked to see a monstrosity climbing down the side of the structure. Cosmo judges the size of the creature to his position in the air, hoping he is out of its reach (will move higher if necessary to not get attacked, but will try to fly/hover where he is).

Cosmo begins casting a spell. It will come into affect at the beginning of the next round. He casts the spell SM V.

Location: I12 about 40' in the air, unless he has to go higher to stay out of the large creatures attack range.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Mykael -- HPs: 52/59, AC: 27 Enlarge,Haste,Prayer 
Thursday November 16th, 2006 12:12:00 AM

The elf's heart cataches in his throat as the 8 headed beast climbs down from the top of the pyramid "wha.....wha....what is that thing "

Thoughts flash thru his head.....some good...some not so good.....but suddendly he grins " yeah i'll give that a try " as he reaches for a bit of spider web from his pouch ...with quick reflexes he weaves his magic and releases it at the beast (casting web) aiming for all the weaving snakeheads " i hope they all stick together "

The multi talented Elf holds his position waiting for the effects of his spell to bear fruit.....with a quick look about to keep his fellow Wildcards location in his mind he turns back to the beast on the pyramid

Enlarge - 3/110
Haste - 4/11
Prayer -2/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Spells cast *

)posted by adm-Chris)

Ashira (AC26, HP 101/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer  d20+15=20 d20+10=12 d20+5=25 d20+5=17 d20+15=29 d20+7=15 d20-3=5 d20+15=26 2d6(3+3)+7=13 2d6(2+5)+7=14 2d6(1+4)+7=12 d8+4=6 d8+4=7 d8+4=8 2d6(2+1)+7=10
Thursday November 16th, 2006 12:13:07 AM

Grinning as the Yuan Ti crawl out of the woods, Ashira moves over into range (5 foot step to K8). She launches a full attack on K.

AC20 for13
AC12 for14
AC25/17 for 12
AC29 for 6
AC15 for 7
AC26 for 10

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 49/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac ,Prayer ,SR 
Thursday November 16th, 2006 12:38:25 AM

As the enemy surge out of the surrounding woods "maybe i should be more careful for what i wish for " growls Nezamil

Remembering the snakemens heavy use of spells Nezamil quickly touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi shield thy servant of their magic"(casting spell resistance 12+10 level=22 Sr)

The 10'1" dwarf slowly spins in a circle....survey the battlefield .....making mental notes of his friends and enemy's location.

His eyes widen at the sight of the 8 headed beast "by Domi protect us from that vile beast " growls Nezamil as he stands his ground

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 3/10 rds
Windwall 2/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)

Ari 40/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+7=12 d20+7=26 d20+7=25 d20+7=16 d20+2=3 d8+2=5 d8+2=3 d8+2=6
Thursday November 16th, 2006 5:50:50 AM

Ari hears Rigging call out to join up in battle pairs. Briefly he thinks that's something new. I wonder what he means by that, he did not mention anything about it Then Ashira at least guides him by telling him to stick with Val.

"Friend Hawk can you distract that ugly thing behind you. Attack if you can, but don't put yourself in danger unless you are confident."

Ari then moves towards Val at the same time he's releasing Arrows into (N17) (moving to keep a line of fire).

AC 12 for 5 points, AC 26 for 3 points, AC 25 for 6 points and AC 3. (16 was an accidental extra roll)

Evidently walking and aiming the bow is a little too much for Ari as he sees his last arrow go skitting out of control.

( would you allow an extra round of shots from holding action last roung?) (I didn't roll them assuming no, but wanted to ask anyway)

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Rigging hps 74/74 ac 17  d20+9=16 d20+9=24 d20+9=28 d20+13=31 4d6(5+4+1+6)=16 4d6(5+6+1+5)=17 4d6(3+5+5+4)=17
Thursday November 16th, 2006 7:25:27 AM

Rigging sees his wife attack K and decides to help her take one down quickly. He casts a scorching ray spell shooting three rays at K, hitting touch ac of 16, 24, and 28. spell resistance 31. Damage is 16 for 1st ray, 17 for second and 17 for the third. Total damage is 50.

OOC which abomination did I hit with the first magic missile spell?

Rigging will move to H8 up the pyramid stairs trying to keep an eye on things but out of the Hyrda's? way.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3**, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 5/11 rounds
mass enlarge 4/110 rounds
Evards 3/11

Val AC 17, HP 92/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste) 
Thursday November 16th, 2006 7:07:44 PM

Figuring that the giant creature is the worst thing on the field of battle, next to herself of course. Val decideds to head for the massive creature. If she survives that then she can worry about the other snakes.

"What is that thing?"

ooc: move to I13

Appolo Ac 27 Hp68 Haste+4 Bless+1 Invisible  d20+14=23
Thursday November 16th, 2006 7:25:43 PM

Appolo looks around and links up with Bart.Move as silently as possible he will attack and backstab any opponent Bart engages.

DM kent  d20+9=27 9d6(2+5+3+3+3+5+2+5+3)=31 d20+10=18 3d8(5+1+2)+5=13 d20+5=21 d20+10=29 d20+10=22 d8+4=5 d20+25=41 d20+15=22 d20+7=15 d8+10=17 d20+12=28 d20+7=13 d20+9=25 d8+5=11 d8+5=6 d20+10=12 d20+10=17 d20+10=11 d20+10=29 d20+10=19 d20+10=14 d20+10=26 d20+10=14 d20+10=12 d20+10=24 d20+10=15 d20+10=13 d8+6=11 d6+4=8 d8+6=7 d6+4=9
Thursday November 16th, 2006 9:14:45 PM

K - AC 25
H - Ac 25
Ha - AC 20
P - AC 20
R - AC 20
s - Ac 16
C - Ac 28

While some of the swords move positions others jump to the attack while a few cast spells and prepare and some do some combination of the above all to some success.

Bart awaits the group coming toward him and is rewarded for his patience as they quickly close with him. (attack of opportunity on snakes)

Apollo moves up alongside Bart to support him with the foes that are closing in on him, and also sees another group moving by (Attack of opportunity on a snake for Apollo if wanted).

Val moves toward the Pyramid with its newest inhabitant ready to engage it and it responds by nearly arriving at the smae spot at the same time.

Having already successfully hitting R with the magic missile Rigging follows that up with some scorching rays.

Ari fires at Ha hitting it several times as it moves into melee with him. Meanwhile the hawk moves carefully upward trying to find an opening where it can waylay the serpentine creature.

Nezamil casts a spell upon himself and then begins to scan the battle.

Ashira unloads a barrage upon K and then realizes that only some of her attacks hit and that she is now nearly surrounded. (attack of opportunity on snakes)

Mykael casta quick web hoping for a bit of delay or at least a bit of a sticky situation and for a moment perhaps it looks like he might have succeeded but the web finds nothing for sturdy solidness to afix itself to and after a moment of two falls harmlessly to the ground.

Up in the air cosmo begins a spell trying to come up with something to help his family.


Abomination H moves forward more toward the middle and cast a spell with Nez being his target of choice. Suddenly a column of fire pours down on Nez 31 points Reflex dc 22 for 15 points. Sr 27

Abomination R reaches out and touches Ashira sending negative energy coursing through her 13 points - will Dc 18 for 6 points SR 21
The two snakes slice at Ashira with their sword and one connects AC29 5 pointswhile the other misses by just inches. The halfblood K leaps into the fray against ashira as well sword flying left and right AC 41, 22, 15 connecting one time for 17 points

Ari bow still in hand finds himself suddenly alone and facing two opponents with two more closing fast. The pure blood Ha attacks a sword in each hand Ac 28, 13, 25 connecting with both blades for a total of 17 points

The other pure blood P and two snakes all attack Bart and all three miss badly in their hurry to reach him.

The Creature moves quickly for something as large as it is and meets Val on the Pyramid just as she arrives.

The first four head strike out at Mykael with the first connecting AC 29 11 points and the fourth coming very close AC26 fort save DC 15 or take and additional 8 poison damage

The last four snake heads lash out at Val also only connecting once [b]AC 24 - 7 points fort save dc 15 or take an additional 9 points poison. The scary looking mandible claw tail whips around at her as well but misses closing just inches from her middle.

Mykael -- HPs: 41/59, AC: 26 Enlarge, Haste, Prayer  d20+7=22 d20+7=17 d20+13=25 d20+8=17 d20+13=24
Thursday November 16th, 2006 10:39:28 PM

ooc: Kent, Mykael would have taken damage from the other attack. I forgot to add benefits for spells. AC is 26.

IC: Mykael fights off the poison from both attacks(fort. saves = 22, 17).

"Stupid Dwarf! Heal yourself. I can see the wound, quit worrying so much about us that your forget about yourself. Gargul may not let you back out to play this time."

Mykael chides at Nezamil, as he is swinging at the beast. (all misses)

Enlarge - 4/110
Haste - 5/11
Prayer -3/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Rigging 77/77  d20+13=27 d20+9=25 d20+9=25 d20+9=18 4d6(6+6+4+6)=22 4d6(5+4+2+6)=17 4d6(4+5+3+6)=18
Thursday November 16th, 2006 10:54:38 PM

Rigging is torn on which direction to go. Should he attack the abomination or the hydra. Rigging is suspicious of the hyrda? Where did it come from? Illusions have been cast already. Could this be a shadow illusion. The web didn't work. Still he isn't sure enough to stick his neck into the fray

He decides to take down another spelluser and casts his last scorching ray hitting the abomination R 3 times AC 25 ac 25, ac 18 spell resistance 27 damage 22, 17 and 18 for 57 more points of damage.

If the abomination is still up, he will yell, "Ashira, finish the abomination off. It is a spelluser."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3***, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 6/11 rounds
mass enlarge 4/110 rounds
Evards 4/11

Ashira (AC26, HP 73/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer  d20+9=20 d20+15=29 d20+10=11 d20+5=11 d20+15=22 d20+7=11 d20-3=-2 2d6(2+2)+6=10 d20+15=31 2d6(4+4)+6=14
Thursday November 16th, 2006 11:58:54 PM

Once more, Ashira resists the magical energy being channeled her way (Will=20). She rolls her eyes at Rigging's comment. "You know dear...I'm just a little busy right now...what with being surrounded and all. But that's ok...I'll try and do your dirty work for you..." Though her words are calouse, Rigging can tell that Ashira isn't really angry with him...just...busy. The ranger launches another full attack on K if he's still alive or R if K has fallen, but once more does only a minimal amount of damage. (AC29 for 10, AC31 for 14)

Spells in place
Haste: 5/11
Enlarge: 4/110

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

OOC: Kent, just a quick question...you say K is a halfblood, but on the map he looks large. Is he enlarged, or is that just a typo?

Kent: He is indeed enlarged.

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged, Invisible, Prayer NPC Nellie  2d8(1+3)+5=9 d8=8
Friday November 17th, 2006 12:07:01 AM

John watches the Wildcard's combat with cool, detached interest. When Ashira gets hit pretty hard he snaps into action. Moving swiftly out of the shadows, he brings himself closer to Ashira (K10). Using his abnormally large arms, John reaches out and taps Ashira with the wand (16 healed).

Spells in place
Enlarged 4/110
Invisible 4/7
Prayer 3/10

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 33/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments,Prayer,Haste,Sr 22  d20+6=11 d8+10=11 d8+10=15
Friday November 17th, 2006 1:16:08 AM

Nezamil shudders as the pillar of flame cascades down (d20+6=11 reflex save failed)grimacing in pain he eyes catch Ari's plight "well i better do as Mykael says " which brings a smirk to the dwarfs face

"Domi heal thy faithful and couragous " prays Nezamil (casting mass cure light d8+10=15 cured to all )(1st roll was a one so i used a hero pt to reroll)

)everyone gets 15 hit pts cured)

The big dwarf moves forward to assist Ari(moving to M-13)(to 10' range)and drawing his mace

" lets get that abomination " growls Nezamil

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(Sr)*

(ooc: Rigging cast haste on the entire group earlier nov 9th post)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 4/10 rds
Windwall 3/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 5/11

Bart  d20+17=33 2d8(8+5)+10=23 d20+17=22 d20+17=37 d20+17=35 d20+12=18 d20+7=17 2d8(1+8)+10=19 2d8(6+5)+10=21 2d8(6+3)+10=19 2d8(1+4)+10=15 2d8(3+6)+10=19 d6=5 d6=3 d6=3 d6=2 d6=4 d6=3 2d8(5+3)+10=18 d20+17=20
Friday November 17th, 2006 2:54:03 AM

Bart uses his attack of opportunity to attack one of the snakes (ac 33 for 23+5)
He just swings around hitting hard around him (ac 22 for 19+3 , 18 for 21+3, 17 for 19+2 extra haste attack cit ac 37/35 for 15+19+4) (in case he can make a cleave attack ac 20 dor 18+3)

Ari 38/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+10=19 d20+10=30 d20+10=11 d20+9=15 d20+4=17 d8+3=5 2d6(6+3)=9 d8+3=11 d6=2 d10=3 d8+3=10 d6=6 d8+3=11 d6=2
Friday November 17th, 2006 6:31:46 AM

Switching weapons Ari swings with as much gusto as he can on the snakeman. (Fire Sword as Primary)

AC 19 (11 points + 2 points fire) 1st swing fire sword

AC 30 (regular hit (11)) (10 points +6 points of fire) (does the d10 burst for the sword happen on a crit, or on the successful 2nd hit? If it's just a critical 3 more fire points) Hasted Swing

AC 15 5 points (+9 points vs evil) Off Hand swing
AC 17 11 points + 2 points of fire. 2nd Primary Swing.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 63/63)  d4+1=2 d20+9=21 d20+9=11 d20+4=23 d20+9=27 d20+9=10 d20+4=19 d6+3=8 d6+7=11 d20+11=17 d20+11=20 d20+12=25 4d6(6+5+3+6)=20 4d6(5+5+5+3)=18
Friday November 17th, 2006 9:23:56 AM

Cosmo completes casting his SM V spell. He summons his ever faithful fiendish ape friends. This time he is only able to summon 2 of them. Looking around the battlefield he sees on opponent without any Wildcard attacking it. Cosmo places the 2 Fiendish Apes by Abomination H, flanking it. They immediately begin to attack the snake creature. Each one scoring one hit.

Ape 1 attacks "H" (added +2 to above rolls for flanking)
Hit AC's 23, 13 & 25
Damage 8

Ape 2 attacks "H" (added +2 to above rolls for flanking)
Hit AC's 29, 12 & 21
Damage 11

Ape 1: O14
Ape 2: O16

Cosmo flies over to cell L11 and casts another spell. This time he casts Scorching Ray at Abomination H.

Hit TAC 17 & 20
Spell Resistance 25
Damage 20 & 18

Location: L11 about 40' in the air.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 10/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Appolo Ac 27 Hp 68 Haste +4 Bless +1 Invisible  d20+18=33 d20+18=37 d20+18=33 d20+18=31 d20+5=12 d10+5=13 d10+5=15 d8+5=6 d8+5=9 d6+1=5 d6+1=2 d6+1=6 d6+1=5 d6+1=6 d6+1=4 d6+1=7 d6+1=2 d6+1=3 d6+1=5 d6+1=3 d6+1=7 d6+1=4 d6+1=2 d6+1=4 d6+1=4 d6+1=7 d6+1=2 d6+1=2 d6+1=4 d6+1=5 d6+1=4 d6+1=6 d6+1=5
Friday November 17th, 2006 10:43:12 AM

Appolo back stabs the nearest snakemen left standing after Barts assualt, unleashing a full attack.
As his opponents fall he moves on to the next one.

Attack 33 37 33 31 Damage 13 5 6 9
Backstab Damage 28 22 20 24 Ttotal Damage 127

Val AC 17, HP 86/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste)  d20+13=25 d20+17=32 d20+17=27 d20+12=32 d20+12=28 d20+7=15 2d6(3+6)+16=25 2d6(6+4)=10 2d6(1+6)+16=23 2d6(1+6)=7 6d6(5+4+3+1+5+3)+48=69 2d6(6+2)=8
Friday November 17th, 2006 8:07:39 PM

(fort save 25)

Val dodges, or tires to as the swarm of snapping maws streak towards her. Gritting her teeth in defiance Val strikes at the beast with the golden axe.

ooc: power attack -5/+5. The axe is serpent bane so I'm assuming it affects the hydra in the same fashion.

1st attack ac 32 for 25 normal and 10 bane
2nd attack ac 27 for 23 normal and 7 bane
3rd attack crit w/ ac 28 to confirm for 69 normal and 8 bane
4th attack misses with ac 15

DM kent  d20+9=18 d20+10=15 d20+5=17 d20+10=28 5d6(1+5+1+5+4)=16 d20+10=16 d20+3=23 d3+1=4 d20+3=13 d20+12=17 d20+7=24 d20+10=12 d20+3=20 d8+7=9 d3+1=4 d20+10=27 d20+10=14 d20+3=20 d20+3=21 d8+4=8 d20+25=43 d20+25=28 d20+15=25 d20+6=16 d8+10=15 d8+10=17 d20+10=14 d20+10=13 d20+10=14 d20+10=12 d20+10=24 d8+6=7 d6+4=6 d20+10=27 d12=8 d20+15=22 d20+10=18
Saturday November 18th, 2006 11:18:42 AM

(OOC: Imagine my surprise hen I went online this morning and my post wasn't there. Grrr here it is again)

Mykael's body fights of the poison as he yells at Nez to heal himself and while his body obeys the battle against the poison, it fails him as he attacks and misses with each thrust.

Rigging decides to take down another spelluser and casts his last scorching ray hitting the abomination R 3 times. He is rewarded by seeing the beast fall to the ground. As he wonders about the reality of the hydra, he feels somthing knock up against his leg. looking down he sees it is a severed snake from the beast he thought was an illusion.

Ashira launches another full attack on the enlarged halfblood K, doing some damage but apparently not hurting it very badly as it is still there and looking quite angry.

John heals Ashira for 16 points as he moves closer to his leader.

Nezamil shudders as the pillar of flame cascades down and engulfs him winking out moments later. The dwarf regains his composure and looking around the field of battle casts a mass cure spell (everyone recieves 15 hps back.
He them moves forard to support Ari.

Bart catches one of the snakes unawares as it comes in for an attack and cuts into it very deeply and while not quite dead it falls to the ground nearly spent. Bart then tries to turn himself into a wind mill swingling right and left with his blade and is quite effecive dropping the other snake and finishing off the one he hit first.

Apollo, ready to assist bart with the snakes is momentarily startled by bart's sudden ferocity and isn't fully prepared for the necessity to move before attacking himself but manages to recover and gets in a solid single strike at the Pureblood YT.

Cosmo brings a couple of Apes into existance near to H and they immediately make themselves known. Cosmo then flies toward the center of things and casts a spell and is rewarded by seeing the rays strike home.

Ari strikes as well and connects three times on the armed snake elicits a grimace and a hiss from his foe. though not down, the snake seems to be on its last legs. (burst is only on a crit)

Val too fights off the poisonous bites and then leaps to attack herself and happily watches and three heads go flying off the beast.

K - AC 25
H - Ac 25
Ha - AC 20
P - AC 20
R - AC 20 (down)
s - Ac 16 (dead)
s - Ac 16 (dead)
s - Ac 16
s - Ac 16
s - Ac 16
s - Ac 16
C - Ac 28


P surprised by the sudden appearnce of Apollo and being struck misses again with both attacks and is suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed.

H, struck by Cosmo's rays, responds in kind with a spell of his own. Casting defensively (con 22), A single ray of light strikes Cosmo (searing light: Tac 18, no save, SR 28 for 16 points damage) causing the mage some deal of pain.

Nez is attacked by one of he snake men and while the sword strike misses the beast's lunge forward with his jaws clamp down AC 23 for 4 points damage Fortitude save DC 18

The pure blood YT and the snake facing Ari circle around trying to get an open attack and mange to connect several times. The pure blood connects with his backhand slash AC 24 - 9 points and the snake man manages to get through with a bite AC 20 4 points - fort dc18

Encircled, Ashira tries her best to defend all sides at once. and dodges three out of four strikes from the snake men, with only one sword strike making it through he defenses AC 27 - 8 point She isn't quite as lucky with the enlarged half blood as its sword strikes home once with a massive strike AC 43 (Crit AC 28)- 32 points of damage

With a roar that would probably break glass the thessalhydra responds to losing its heads by focussing all its attention on Val but once again has little luck hitting her connecting only with one bite AC 24 - for 7 points + fort dc 15 or take an additional 6 points poison The beast's tail alo swings around and manages to grab hold AC 27 - 8 points Reflex Dc 18 to avoid being entangled

Rigging ac 18 hps 74/74  d20+9=24 d20+13=30 d6+5=10
Saturday November 18th, 2006 11:29:07 AM

Rigging is torn on what to do next. He is quickly running out of spells. Damn that pyramid for eating his wizardry ring! He winces as he feels the gore from the hyrda spatter him. So much for that guess! He scans the situation and decides to help Ashira.

He summons his magic once more reveling in its increased strength. A beam strikes out at K. (Is this the archer who has shot Rigging so many times?) I hit touch ac 24, spell resistance check of 30 strength reduction of 10 for 11 minutes)

Rigging will yell to Cosmo and Bart, "Take down that other abomination! Gang up on it and take it down!

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2*, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3***, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 7/11 rounds
mass enlarge 5/110 rounds
Evards 5/11
ray of enfeeblement 1/110

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 27/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment +2 ac,Prayer,Haste,Sr22  d20+10=28 d20+16=20 2d6(2+6)+8=16 d20+16=22 2d6(3+6)+8=17 d20+11=30 2d6(2+5)+8=15 d20+16=24 2d6(1+2)+8=11
Sunday November 19th, 2006 1:16:46 AM

Nezamil grits his teeth as the snakemans fangs sink thru his chain shirt but with no ill effect(d20+10=28 fort save)(+2 more vs poison)

(Nezamil has 15' reach he should get AoO)
The big dwarf's mace lashes out at the fanged snake (AoO d20+16=20 Ac)(2d6(2+6)+8=16 damage)the mace bashes the beast.

"Ya gotta do better then that ya worm" growls Nezamil " i'll show ya how it's done"

His mace lashes out like lightning.....landing solidly (d20+16=22 Ac 1st swing)(2d6(3+6)+8=17 damage)the backswing also finds it's mark (d20+11=30 ac 2nd swing)(2d6(2+5)+8=15 damage)
....Riggings magical spell enables Nezamil to continue his assault (d20+16=24 Ac hasted swing) finishing with an overhead smash(2d6(1+2)+8=11 damage) "ya all shall feel Domi's power "roars the dwarf

(if 1st snakeman falls with AoO then Nezamil strikes vs H)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 5/10 rds
Windwall 4/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 6/11

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 haste enlarge  d20+12=28 2d8(7+5)+20=32 d6=2 d20+7=22 d20+2=14 d20+12=25 2d8(8+7)+20=35 2d8(4+3)+20=27 d6=1 d6=5
Sunday November 19th, 2006 12:51:02 PM

bart moves foreward to the pure blood (q11) and attacks him (power attack +5) (ac 28 for 34, ac 22 for 36, miss, ac 25 for 32)

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 47/63)  d20+9=12 d20+9=25 d20+4=17 d20+9=10 d20+9=23 d20+4=14 d6+7=12 d6+7=10 d20+11=30 d20+11=20 d20+12=27 4d6(4+1+6+3)=14 4d6(1+2+5+6)=14
Sunday November 19th, 2006 3:37:37 PM

OOC - Was there an AoO for the Apes when the Abomination cast his spell at Cosmo?

OOC - Was the d20+10 roll for 28 that you marked as SR actually the touch attack roll for the Searing Light? If not, Cosmo's TAC is 16 with the Haste spell.

Cosmo's 2 Fiendish Apes friends continue their attack on Abomination H. Their claw and bite attacks rip into the Abomination. Once again they each score 1 hit.

Ape 1 attacks "H" (added +2 to above rolls for flanking)
Hit AC's 14, 27 & 19
Damage 12

Ape 2 attacks "H" (added +2 to above rolls for flanking)
Hit AC's 12, 25 & 16
Damage 10

Ape 1: O14
Ape 2: O16

Cosmo is not happy when the Searing Light spell slams into him. If Abomination H is still standing after the Apes' attacks, Cosmo will attack it again with a spell. He casts another scorching ray at Abomination H.

Hit TAC 30 & 20
Spell Resistance 27
Damage 14 & 14

Location: L11 about 40' in the air.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 9/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Haste+4 Bless+1  d20+18=36 d20+18=35 d20+18=35 d10+5=12 d10+5=9 d8+5=7 d8+5=8 d20+11=21
Sunday November 19th, 2006 6:21:27 PM

Appolo moves forward with Bart luanching a full attack on the same creature that Bart attacks.Hoping to bring it down quick."Just like thf good old days.Fighting side by side agian."Appolo and Bart have always been an efective tag team.

Attack 36 35 35 21 Damage 12 9 7 8 Total 36

Ari 26/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+9=20 d20+11=14 d20+10=28 d20+10=11 d20+4=6 d8+4=9 d6=1
Sunday November 19th, 2006 7:50:37 PM

Made Fort Save (20). AC 28 only hit for 9 points+ 1 point of fire.

"Friend hawk do what you can to distract or take out the eyes of this beast (hydra)"

Ari then returns his attention back to the task at hand. Unfortunately fate has other things in store for him as he starts to try to take down the snakeman. (AC 28 for 10 points of damage). The sword slips in his and he loses the rest of his attacks while he concentrates on keeping the sword in his hand.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Mykael -- HPs: 56/59, AC: 26 -- Enlarge, Haste, Prayer  d20+13=33 d20+13=14 d20+8=23 d20+13=14 2d8(7+4)+5=16
Sunday November 19th, 2006 11:52:58 PM

Mykael swings 3 more times with a full attack, the first one looks like a powerful blow, but not knowing the anatomy of the creature prevents it from being a critical. The second two miss.

AC - 33 (nat 20)(not confirmed)(failed confirmation with a nat 1)

Dam = 16

AC - 23
AC - 14, (nat 1)(dice rolls... lol)

Enlarge - 5/110
Haste - 6/11
Prayer -4/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste


OOC: Chris, probably wont be able to post again, on Monday night, please hook me up again. Thanks

Ashira (AC26, HP 64/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer  d20+15=31 d20+10=14 d20+5=22 d20+15=21 d20+7=12 d20-3=10 d20+15=24 2d6(6+2)+7=15
Monday November 20th, 2006 5:59:22 PM

Ashira grunts as she is hit hard by the abomination. "So that's the way you want it, eh?" Ashira grins in determination, though she can feel her limbs weakening...the damage starting to take its toll. Still, she is far from giving up. Slicing and stabbing with her sword, Ashira manages only one blow, but she knows that at least her efforts are keeping the abomination tied up...until...well until somebody can come and lend her a hand. (AC31 for 15)

Spells in place
Haste: 6/11
Enlarge: 5/110
Prayer: 4/10

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged, Invisible, Prayer NPC Nellie  2d8(3+4)+5=12
Monday November 20th, 2006 6:07:06 PM

John sighs as he sees his healing work rapidly undone. Is this how it feels to be a cleric?! Patching people up just for them to continue to throw themselves upon the swords of their enemies? Hmmph...if things keep going at this pace, he may just have to draw his axes and get into the fight...something that he didn't relish. Tapping Ashira once more with the wand (12hp), he fingers his hand axes.

Spells in place
Enlarged 5/110
Invisible 5/7
Prayer 4/10

Val AC 22 , HP 86/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste)  d20+13=23 d20+10=20 d20+17=22 d20+17=36 d20+12=13 d20+7=9 2d6(5+1)+11=17 2d6(1+5)=6
Monday November 20th, 2006 7:56:36 PM

OOC: fort save 23, ref save 20, combat expertise -5 to hit/ +5 ac

Val sighed as the massive creatures snapping jaws didn't tear her into little pieces. Thankfully her armor was holding. The beasts fortitude was impressive as it didn't seem the slightest bit phased by the wounds she inflicted. Val waited patiently before bringing the deadly golden axe down on the beast again and again.

ooc2: one hit, ac 36 for 23

DM kent  d20+20=28 d20+10=28 d20+7=20 2d8(1+5)+10=16 d8+5=7 d20+10=27 d20+10=16 d3+1=3 d20+10=18 d20+10=12 d20+20=43 d20+10=29 d20+6=16 2d8(6+2)=8 d20+12=27 d20+7=13 d8+3=11 d20+3=6 d20+10=15 d20+10=17 d20+10=26 d20+10=27 d8+6=8 d8+6=11 d6=5 d6=6 d20+22=36 d12=3
Monday November 20th, 2006 8:09:57 PM

Bart and Apollo effectively and decisively remove the pureblood from the picture ad soon findthmselves standing over three serpentine bodies.

The apes and Cosmo keep up their assault on the abomination and seem to making progress as the YT has several chunks missing from its side.

Rigging casts his spell and somehow it looks like the beast actually gets a bit smaller somehow, if that's possible. Ashira continues to slowly batter away at the beast as well.

John heals ashira for a few points and begins to finger his axes.

Mykael connects once solidly with the hydra and wishes he knew more about the beasts. He is rewarded by watching a severed head fall to the ground.

Nez takes out his snake and mananges to get a strike in against the Yt as well.

Ari kills his snakeman and is now faced with a pureblood YT.

The hawk moves in and swoops down trying for the eyes of one of the heads, but misses as the heads are writhing around AC 6.

Val once again steps in and her blade again slices through another neck severing yet another head from the beast.


Having captured his attention Nez catches the full brunt of Thr YT's anger and gets hit hard twice by the beast's longsword and once by its shrt sword. AC 28, 28, 20 for a total of 23 points

Still encircled, Ashira is attacked again by the abomination and the snakes. on snake connects with a bite AC 27 for 3 points and fort save DC 15 while the other snake misses. The YT methodically measures its opponent and connects twice more and while the strikes are accurate, they dont seem to have much umph on them. AC 43, 29 for 8 points

Ari's opponent also attacks hitting one time AC 27 for 11 points

The three remaining heads on the hydra split and attack both of their foes with the one attacking Val missing. Mykael is not as lucky as both heads connect AC 26,27 19 points and two fort saves DC 15 or take an additional 11 points from poison

The tail pincers tugging on Val begin to draw her toward the body proper, when she gives a dexterous twist and escapes being pulled into the large gaping mouth near the center of the beast.

K (halfbreed) - AC 25
H (abomination) - Ac 25
Ha(pureblood) - AC 20
P (pureblood) - AC 20 (dead)
R (abomination) - AC 20 (down)
s (ophidian) - Ac 16 (dead)
s (ophidian) - Ac 16 (dead)
s (ophidian) - Ac 16 (dead)
s (ophidian) - Ac 16 (dead)
s (ophidian) - Ac 16
s (ophidian) - Ac 16
C (thessalhydra)- Ac 28

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 47/63)  d20+9=13 d20+9=16 d20+4=11 d20+9=29 d20+9=15 d20+9=25 d20+4=9 d6+7=11 d6+7=13
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 12:18:38 AM

The 2 Fiendish Apes friends continue their attack on Abomination H. This time one misses and other connects twice with his claws.

Ape 1 attacks "H" (added +2 to above rolls for flanking)
Hit AC's 15, 18 & 13
Damage none

Ape 2 attacks "H" (added +2 to above rolls for flanking)
Hit AC's 31(17), 27 & 11
Damage 11 & 13

Ape 1: O14
Ape 2: O16

Cosmo casts another summon monster spell, summoning more of his friends (cast SM IV).

Location: L11 about 40' in the air.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 7/10 rounds
SM IV: starts next round

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 4/81 Endure elements,Mmagic vestments +2 ac,Prayer,SR22,Haste  d20+17=32 2d6(5+1)+8=14 d20+12=13 d20+17=27 2d6(6+5)+8=19
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 1:05:06 AM

" Domi give me strength and guide my hand " chants Nezamil as the Abominations blades slash thru his armor and draw blood.

Feeling this might be his last chance to vanquish the Abomination the mighty dwarf takes the snakeman head on "Come on worm....feel Domi's power " growls Nezamil as his mace weaves a lethal pattern before striking (1st swing d20+17=32)(damage 2d6(5+1)+8=14) grinning as he feels his mace crunch into the beast Nezamil's mace keeps weaving in deadly arcs but misses his next strike (2nd swing d20+12=13 missed) the grin dissappears but with renewed vigor from Riggings magical spell his mace again finds its mark (3rd swing hasted d20+17=27)(2d6(6+5)+8=19 damage)(total=33)with a satisfying crunch and the toothy grin returns " i bet dat scratches your itch " taunts Nezamil

Badly wounded .....Nezamil eggs Ari on "Come on finish this vile beast off " as he sways slightly ....praying to Domi that the Abomination will fall to his friends blades

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 6/10 rds
Windwall 5/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 7/11

Ari 15/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+11=31 d20+10=16 d20+10=25 d20+4=16 d20+11=15 d8+3=11 2d6(4+6)=10 d8+4=11 d6=3
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 6:37:29 AM

AC 31 (crit roll of 15), AC 16, AC 25, AC 16
11 points (10 points if evil), 11 points+3 points fire.

Ari focuses his attention on his other opponent and begins his swings. Starting their deadly dance Ari connects solidly with two of his swings awfully close with the other two.

Ari starts to sweat with nervousness as he feel like he's holding on by a string.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Rigging hps 77/77 ac 18  d20+10=23 d20+10=24 d20+10=27 d20+10=21
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:30:16 AM

Rigging feels his options lessen as his spells dwindle. Bart! Help Ashira! Appolo help finish off the other abomination!

Rigging then decides that if his orders are followed he should try and take down the other spell user. He casts a dispel magic on H hoping to bring down some of his protections.

dispel checks 23, 24, 27, 21

Not sure how many I need so rolled four. If I need more, let me know.

OOC Val remember that you are enlarged and hasted. Have you been taking your extra attacks? You get +4 for grapple since you are big.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2*, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3***, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic*, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 8/11 rounds
mass enlarge 6/110 rounds
Evards 6/11
ray of enfeeblement 2/110

Ashira (AC26, HP 65/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer  d20+13=29 d20+15=33 d20+15=24 d20+10=30 d20+10=14 d20+5=21 d20+15=31 d20+7=13 d20-3=7 d20+15=33 d20+15=35 2d6(4+3)+7=14 2d6(5+3)+7=15 d8+5=7 2d6(2+2)+14=18
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:03:54 AM

Feeling very much like a ping pong ball, Ashira decides to end this little game. This time she slows her breathing and takes her time, watching for the right moment to place her attacks...and she is well rewarded (AC33/24 for 14, AC30/14 for 15, AC31 for 7, AC33/35 for 18...54 total damage).

OOC: Fort. save=29

Spells in place
Haste: 7/11
Enlarge: 6/110
Prayer: 5/10

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged, Invisible, Prayer NPC Nellie  2d8(6+5)+5=16
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:08:11 AM

John cracks an invisible smile as Ashira finally dishes out some damage to the snake man. Now that's more like it...'bout time too, 'cus I'm burning through this wand like there's no tomorrow... John reaches out once more and taps Ashira again. She better hurry up though because I'm running out of time on this ring...

Spells in place
Enlarged 6/110
Invisible 6/7
Prayer 5/10

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 haste enlarge  d20+12=25 d20+12=24 2d8(2+1)+20=23 2d8(2+7)+20=29 d6=1 d6=3
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 11:01:34 AM

Bart attention goes to the snakes near ashira at L9
he makes an spring attack (power attack +5, not sure if he can make two attcks due to haste ) ac 25 for 23+1 and ac 24 for 29+3

attendence report 
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 2:27:01 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxoxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo xoxxx
Ari xxxxx

Walter OOC 
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 5:34:21 PM

Yes I have been using the extra attack. What puzzles me is the line the tail is still grabbed onto Val. My previous post stated my refles save 20 when I needed an 18 to avoid being entangled. Yeah Val gets a +4 for her roll but the creature is bigger so her bonus is negated. Iknow when we went through this last time that I have no chance of beating a 36. I don't even get a roll according to Wold rules. If a yuan-ti effectively killed me when I had more HP there is no chance that I will survive against a Hydra. I will never be able to escape the grapple.

(Kent : Walter you had not posted when I started my writing my post at 6:45. Apparently we were typing our posts at about the same time, so I did not have a post for you to work from. No big deal and easily fixed.)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 Haste +4 Bless+1 Invisible  d20+18=24 d20+18=25 d20+18=28 d20+5=11 d10+5=10 d10+5=14 d8+5=10
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 7:47:36 PM

Appolo follows Bart and again attacks the same opponent as his long time firend.

Attack 24 25 28 Damage 10 14 10 for attotal 34

OOC I still don't have map so Appolo will jusr follow Bart around and trie to flank Barts target adding his damage to Barts.

Kent > Send me an email so I am sure I have your correct addy. I have sent the map to the one I have and it has been returned everytime as undeliverable. I also need a copy of your PC sheet as everything I had on my dsk top is gone.

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 26 -- Enlarge, Haste, Prayer  d20+7=12 d20+7=26 d20+13=33 d20+13=16 d20+13=20 d20+13=28 2d8(5+3)+5=13 2d8(4+6)+5=15
Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:32:21 PM

Concentrating so intently on his attacks allows the two heads to get good bites on Mykael, one bite seems to be more vicous as the the other, since Mykael can feel the poison injected into his body.(fort saves = 12, 26)

Attacking again, Mykael just cant get the physiology of this creature down, as his near critical strike, once again, hits only meat.

AC - 33(nat 20, not confirmed)
AC - 20
AC - 28

Two hits, dam = 13 and 15, for 28 total.

Enlarge - 6/110
Haste - 7/11
Prayer -5/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

William OOC 
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 6:03:30 AM

Walter a tried to start a discussion on the rules board because the special attack rules used in the wold S***S your change in succes in normal dnd rules is around 10 times less then in woldian rules, But noone is interested in this discussion. Pitty because there is a good solution for it (making an advance AoO roll at the begining of an fight for ex)

Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 7:35:02 AM

William why haven't you posted? I think Kent is holding off on posting until you do. He agreed with your concern and said he would fix it.

Val AC 22 , HP 86/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste  d20+17=35 d20+17=37 d20+17=35 d20+12=19 d20+7=15 2d6(6+4)+11=21 2d6(3+1)=4 6d6(4+3+5+5+5+3)+33=58 2d6(1+6)=7
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 12:51:13 PM

ooc: combat expertise -5 to hit/ +5 ac

Val takes the golden axe in both hands and brings it over her head. With a mighty shout Val brings the axe down into the creature as hard as she can.

ooc: 1st attack ac 35 for 25. 2nd attack crit, ac 35 confirm for 65. 3rd and 4th attack miss

DM Kent  d20+20=29 d20+20=39 d20+20=32 d20+20=26 d20+10=14 d20+10=11 d20+14=29 d20+10=27 d20=12 d20=17 d6=6
Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 3:55:10 PM

Between Cosmo's ape's and Nez's attacks, H falls to the ground.

Ari continues to weave his blades in a dance of death reaching out and striking the pureblood infront of him.

Rigging sees that H is falling and at the last moment chages his target over to Ashira's opponent hoping to dispel somthing to help Ashira overcome the brute.

Ashira finally clicks and sends pieces parts flying all over and yet when she is done her opponent is still standing in front of her.

John does a bit more healing hoping to keep his mistress alive.

Because of having to avoid and go around the flailing tentacles, Bart is able to get to off a single attack on the snakeman, but that one strike does the job and cuts the creature in twain.

Appolo rushes along after Bart but as he was about 15 feet futher awy cant quite mak it to attack but he sees he is not needed as his friend downs the chosen snake.

Between Mykael and Val the last remaing heads are cut from the main body leaving only the tail and the main mouth, which has not been a factor so far left for the beast to fight with. Val's second cleave cuts into the beast's body and elicits a roar of pain.


With the fall of H at the hands of the Apes and Nez, the fight seesm to go out of the remaining two YT and they take a full withdrawal and disapear back into the woods, leaving the solitary Ophidian and the Hydra to continue the fight.

The snake man obviously is distracted as he lunges at Ashira and misses badly.

The Hydra truly feeling pain for the first time from that last strike of Val's turns and goes after the Barbarian trying hard to take a big bite out of her connecting solidly AC 29 for 12 points = fort save DC 18 or take an additional 17 points damage.

Mykael takes an additional 6 points of poison dmage as the poison continues to ravage the neophyte weapon mage.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 6:29:00 PM

Shouldn't Ashira get an AoO on K when he retreats?

***With the full withdraw action there is no Attack of Opportunity. PHB 141

Ashira (AC26, HP 81/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer  d20+17=23
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 12:08:09 AM

Ashira frowns at the the coward halfblood running away from her. "Oh no buddy, I don't think so!" Using her hasted movement, Ashira quickly gives chase to the retreating Yuan Ti (60 foot movement or 180 feet if she has to make a double move...Attack=23 if needed).

Spells in place
Haste: 8/11
Enlarge: 7/110
Prayer: 6/10

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged, Invisible, Prayer NPC Nellie  2d8(8+1)+5=14 d8=3
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 12:15:56 AM

John sighs as Ashira bolts toward the retreating enemy. She can be so flighty sometimes... Scanning the battlefield, John sees that the new guy (Ari) could use some help. He moves over toward him (K13) and using his magical reach, taps him lightly with the wand. "Hey...I'm friendly..so don't slice me up, ok?" he whispers as he reaches out. (16 hp healed)

Spells in place
Enlarged 7/110
Invisible 7/7
Prayer 6/10

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 haste enlarge  d20+17=24
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 1:55:26 PM

Bart sees Ashira running after the snake man, let her he rhinks, he turns around and goes back to help Val he makes a spring attack to the hydra (ac 24 miss)

Rigging hps 77 ac 18  d20+6=23 6d6(6+5+2+4+2+5)=24 d20+9=28
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 10:24:49 PM

Rigging yells to the others, "Kill that thing!" He then chases after Ashira to give her some back up. If he sees the Halfblood after he moves 60' he will fire a fireball at it from his wand. It takes 24 points of damage or 12 if reflex save is made of 17.

If he doesn't see it, he will just follow after Ashira looking for it.

spell resistance roll 23
spot roll 28

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2*, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3***, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic*, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 9/11 rounds
mass enlarge 7/110 rounds
Evards 7/11
ray of enfeeblement 3/110

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 26 -- Enlarge, Haste, Prayer  d20+13=23 d20+8=16 d20+13=19
Thursday November 23rd, 2006 11:18:49 PM

Mykael tries his best to help Val, but he cant seem to get any attacks through the tough hide.

Enlarge - 7/110
Haste - 8/11
Prayer -6/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Ari 31/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+7=15 d20+7=11 d20+7=24 d20+2=5 d8+2=3
Friday November 24th, 2006 6:35:51 AM

Seeing the snakemen retreat, Ari quick switches back to his bow. At the same time he gets some healing help which makes him feel better for being able to use the bow.

Staying focused on hand, Ari barely notices that he can pull the bow slightly better due to the healing he just received. Ari frowns a little bit when he sees only one of his arrows strike, barely sinking in to his intended target.

(aiming at the one that was my original combatent)

"Friend hawk can come and slow these snake men down?"

(ooc the hawk is good for 10 rounds, so he'll be leaving soon)

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 4/81 Endure elements,Mmagic vestments +2 ac,Prayer,SR22,Haste  4d8(6+7+4+4)+10=31
Friday November 24th, 2006 11:07:34 AM

Swaying slightly on his feet the badly wounded dwarf turns at the sound of Riggings command and stares at the creature but in his weakened state decides to heal himself first "Domi heal thy humble faithful " prays Nezamil as he infuses Divine power into himself (4d8+10=31 cured)(spontantously casting cure critical wounds in place of freedom of movement)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3*Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 710 rds
Windwall 610 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 811

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Haste+4 Bless+1Invisble  d20+18=35 d20+18=32 d20+18=30 d10+5=12 d10+5=9 d8+5=6
Friday November 24th, 2006 3:39:59 PM

Appolo continues by the creature that Bart destroyed and heads for the Hydra.He luanches swing thre times at the thing.

Attack 35 32 30 Damage 12 9 6 = 27 Total

DM Kent  d20+10=27 d8+4=12 d20+12=16 d20+10=27 d12+4=16 d6=6
Friday November 24th, 2006 6:35:32 PM

Forgetting about her other opponent, Ashira charges after the retreating YT hoping to catch it before it can get away. She is hopeful as she as there is plenty of blood along the ground, until she passes through the wind wall and enters the trees and she finds that there is no sight of the beast and moving at her rate of speed she was unable to see any not so obvious signs of its passing. Suddenly from behind her and to her left she hears something moving rapidly through the woods coming her way and manages to stay her swords as Riggin pops in to view from throigh some underbrush.

Nez casts some healing for himself and begins to feel dwarven again.

Ari sends an arrow after his former opponent and believes he sees it strike the YT but the Yt is soon out of sight. and then he feels the presence and hears a whisper from behid him and then feels the rush of a bit of healing run through him.

Bart and Appolo charge up the Pyramid to Join Val and Mykael in their combat with the Hydra. Both get their from ther respective positions but are only able to get a single strike in. Bart's misses, but Appolo scores with his drawing blood from the beast.

Mykael again tries to connect with the beast but this time has no luck with his blade.

Cosmo finishes his spell and some new beasts arrive to help the mage in his battle. The apes, now without a target begin to look around as if waiting for direction.


As Ashira goes charging off the little snakeman left behind lashes out at her and connects solidly AC 27 for 12 points. Then seeing no further targets nearby and everyone seemingly abandonning the field of battle goes into the woods in a place away from where the humans went.

The Hydra again bites at Val but misses this time as it is struck by someone else from another side. Watching as Bart arrives on the scene the beast whips its tail around to go after the new arrival and grabs hold of the beast AC 27; 16 points + 6 points poison: Relex DC 18 to avoid being being grabbed.

Friday November 24th, 2006 11:45:05 PM

Rigging sighs as this half blood yet again escapes from them. He will grab Ashira's arm and say, "He either turned invisible or changed shape or something but he is gone for now. Let's get back and help the others. I am sure we will see him again. You can kill him then dear, I promise."

Rigging turns around and starts running back towards the pyramid and the others.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2*, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3***, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic*, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 10/11 rounds
mass enlarge 8/110 rounds
Evards 8/11
ray of enfeeblement 4/110

Bart ac 27 hp 54/86 haste enlarge  d20+9=22 d20+17=29 d20+12=14 d20+7=12 d20+17=26 2d8(2+1)+10=13 d6=6
Saturday November 25th, 2006 2:09:50 PM

Bart attacks the hydra but only manages tohit the beast once (ac 29 for 13+6 shock)

Sunday November 26th, 2006 2:28:14 PM

OOC im going away for a short diving trip to Egypte last post will be on monday evening back december the 6th plz take over Bart

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 26 -- Enlarge, Haste, Prayer  d20+13=16 d20+8=9 d20+13=25
Sunday November 26th, 2006 7:33:39 PM

With a quick glance around, Mykael notes all the dead Yuan-Ti, "Quick everyone surround and pound this thing!"

Unfortunately, his slight attention to the rest of the battle-field causes significant distraction from his attacks and he is unable to wound the creature.

Enlarge - 8/110
Haste - 10/11
Prayer -8/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 47/63)  d3=1 d20+9=15 d20+9=27 d20+9=27 d6+7=9 d6+7=9
Sunday November 26th, 2006 7:45:14 PM

Cosmo directs his apes (1 from SM IV) to move and attack the hydra. They surround the creature and attack with a claw swipe.

Ape 1 attacks "C"; add +2 to above for flanking
Hit AC's 17
Damage none

Ape 2 attacks "C"; add +2 to above for flanking
Hit AC's 29
Damage 9

Ape 3 attacks "C"; add +2 to above for flanking
Hit AC's 29
Damage 9

Ape 1: near creature C
Ape 2: near creature C
Ape3: near creature C

Cosmo remains where he is alert for any more enemies.

Location: L11 about 40' in the air.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 6/10 rounds
SM IV: 8/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37, & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Ashira (AC26, HP 101/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Sunday November 26th, 2006 11:58:07 PM

Spitting on the ground in disgust, Ashira turns and follows Rigging back to the battle proper. Next time I'll kill him...you got that right...

Spells in place
Haste: 9/11
Enlarge: 8/110
Prayer: 7/10

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 35/81 Endure elements,Magic Vestments+2 ac,haste,Prayer,SR22  d20+10=19 d20+5=9 d20+10=12
Sunday November 26th, 2006 11:59:04 PM

Feeling slightly better Nezamil drops his mace and grabs his heavy crossbow and quickly aims and fires at the creature but somehow misses the large beast.
1st shot - d20+10=19 missed
2nd shot - d20+5=9 missed
3rd shot - d20+10=12 missed (hasted shot)

With a look of disgust " how do i miss that thing " growls Nezamil as he kicks the dirt in anger

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3*Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 8/10 rds
Windwall 7/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 9/11

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged, Prayer Invisible NPC Nellie 
Monday November 27th, 2006 12:02:11 AM

Popping back into view momentarily, John quickly reactivates his invisibility ring and shifts his position. He makes sure he stays near the new archer since he intends to heal him next round, but no need to remain a stationary target.

Spells in place
Enlarged 8/110
Invisible 1/7
Prayer 7/10

Val AC 22 , HP 57/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste  d20+17=18 d20+17=21 d20+12=25 d20+7=21
Monday November 27th, 2006 12:02:22 AM

ooc: combat expertise -5 to hit/ +5 ac

Disoriented from the poison that's making her blood burn, Val sways on shaky legs and looks upon the beast with blurring vision. She lashes out but her arm trembles and aim is off.

ooc2: I believe the hydra had a listed ac 28. Val got an 18, 21, 25, and 21. All misses I believe.

Ari 31/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+7=25 d20+7=10 d20+7=27 d20+4=10 d20+7=26 d8+2=3 d8+2=10
Monday November 27th, 2006 6:20:09 AM

With no other target Ari turns towards the fighting on the Pyramid. If he has a shot he'll add 4 more arrows to the fray.

AC 25 for 3, and crit (with AC 26) 10x3 for 30 points.

Ari then looks at the creature to assess how much damage has been done.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Haste+4 Bles +1  d20+18=35 d20+18=38 d20+18=37 d20+18=37 d10+5=11 d8+5=9 d10+5=9 d8+5=8 d6=2 d6=4
Monday November 27th, 2006 10:14:09 AM

Appolo luaunches a full attack on the Hydra creature."Hang on sunshine I'll cut this thing up good for you."Skicing into the thing four times.

Attack 35 38 Crtitcal 37 Critical 37 Critical
Damage 11 9x2=18 9x2=18 8x2=16 2 electrcial hits 6 electrical Total of 69

attendence report 
Monday November 27th, 2006 1:32:51 PM

Dm Kent xoxox
Ashira xoxox
Appolo xoxox
Rigging xoxox
Val xooox
Bart xoxox
Nezamil xoxox
Mmykael xoxox
Cosmo xooox
Ari xoxox

This was Thanksgiving week with many people traveling

DM Kent 
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 5:23:23 PM

(ooc: soory about the missed ost yesterday. Real life reared up and bit us on the arse. My next door neighbor and friend had a heart attack and died, so I was dealing with traumatized kids all evening.)

As the major brunt of the Swords' force is brought to bear and focused upon the injured Hydra, it looks like it might do a good bit more damage to the party as they whittle it down until Ari and Appolo add their expertise into the attack and strike with some near perfect shots that bring the beast to its knees and then prone on the pyramid as it dies sending blood spraying all around as it struggles to lift itself and then succumbs to its many wounds. [Geesh, 136 points damage done in one round. Next time you get four of these guys.. :>) ]

Ashira and Rigging reapear in the clearing from the woods as the beast falls and as they all look around they realize that once again they are still alive and standing with a number of corpses lying around, and the remains of the temple and little village to look through.

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 10:16:03 PM

Rigging will call out, "Nice job guys! Anyone hurt? Check the enemy and make sure they are all dead. Search the bodies and lets get out of here before anything else happens!"

Rigging then pulls out a wand and activates a detect magic. He will look around for any signs of magic.

He contacts Swirl saying, "Everyone is OK here. How is everything at the ship?"

Ashira (AC26, HP 81/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 10:56:13 PM

Sighing, Ashira sets about the process of looting, moving the equipment off of the dead bodies and laying them out so that Rigging can cast detect magic. As she labors she calls over her back. You know honey...maybe we should track down the one that got away."

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 27 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 12:07:11 AM

Ghem, its safe. Come to me. Lets have a look at you.

Mykael helps bandage the wounds on all that need it.

Then he moves over to the hydra, and starts to cut into it carefully. He will attempt to extract the poison glands and tie them off. He is careful not to get any poison into his open wounds.

"When we get the Yuan-Ti handled, there sure is going to be a mess for us to clean up." Mykael comments as he surveys another battlefield full of dead Yuan-Ti.

Ari 31/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 7:35:20 AM

Ari takes a second to look around and confirm there are no more enemies alive or otherwise. Ari then turns towards the hawk, "Thank you for your help friend hawk."

"I'm not feeling so hot but I don't know if there's anyone worse off or not."

Ari then works on retrieving the arrows he had shot off. (ooc I think around 16)

Val AC 22 , HP 57/ 127 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 11:58:37 AM

"Let that last one go. He won't tell them anything they won't figure out anyway. Let's go back to the ship and relax. I'm hurt, sweaty, and exhausted." Val says as she slowly sits on a large rock."

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 1:10:12 PM

Appolo moves over to Val"Hey Nezamil we could use some healing over here."

Looking down at Val"Well sunshine another day another pile of bodies.I hope Gargul appreciate all the business we send his way."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 35/81 Endure elements,Magic Vestments+2 ac,haste,Prayer,SR22  4d8(2+4+7+1)+10=24
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 3:31:29 PM

Watching as the creature slumps to the ground brings a grin to the big dwarfs face " yeah " shouts Nezamil as he pumps his fist in the air

Appolo's call for healing help catches his attention " sure thing be right there"

The 10'1" dwarf steps over to the elven warrior and touches her shoulder " this should lift ya spirits " (4d8(2+4+7+1)+10=24 cured to VAL)(spontanously casting Cure crit in place of freedom of movement 4th level)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3**,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 9/10 rds
Windwall 8/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 10/11

Bart ac 27 hp 54/86 haste enlarge 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 6:34:28 PM

The big warrior steps away from the creature and cleans his weapon before helping gather their foes equipment

(post by adm- Chris)

DM Kent  d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+5=16
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 7:00:11 PM

***Please keep posting HPs until totalyy healed.

Ari goes off looking for what arrows he thinks he might retrieve.

Arrows and Bolts that hit their target are destroyed. Any arrow that missed has a 50% chance of being found or destroyed. Roll d2: 1 being destroyed, 2 being recovered

As Mykeal gets to work on the hydra. It is an extrmely messy and painstaking jod but after a bout 30 minutes he is able to recover 4 small poison sacks (approximately 8 dosings - poison info: fort save DC 16 1d6 damage)

Rigging activates his wand as Ashira and Bart go about stripping bodies. Three times they are nearly bitten by small adders as they remove armor, boots or when they rolled a YT over, They quickly and efficiently dispatch the small snakes and continues about their business.

Bart and Ashira pull a number of interesting things out or off of bodies and lay about 9 plain scimitars and a dozen plain daggers on the ground. Nearby they lays out 3 nicer looking scimitars and three nice looking bows as well as a decent set of chain armor and a medium shield. In a third area they lay what looks like a scepter, several rolled pieces of parchment and vellum, 6 wrapped arrows. There are also 8 small vials found in a small box on one of the YT. Finally in a nother pile they drop three small pouches, after looking inside and whistling at their contents.

Riggings wand shows that the six arrows, one scimitar the scepter the scrolls and the vials all radiate magic. Ashira knows through her knowledge of weaponry that the three scimitars and bows as well as the chain and shield, while not magic, are of extremely good quality.

Val and Apollo move near to each other and lean up against a rock and ask Nez for a bit of healing, which he immediately provides to Val who receives 24 points back for the spell.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 47/63) 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:01:08 PM

Cosmo moves over to Rigging.

"Well what do we do now? Head to the boat and regroup? Or keep moving towards their base camp?"

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 6/10 rounds
SM IV: 8/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC26, HP 81/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 10:20:04 PM

Ashira gathers all the equipment and divides it out amoung the Wildcards to carry. She looks over at Rigging. "Well hun, what are we going to do now. I'm still not sure I recommend going back to the ship, but then again, maybe we killed off all the guys hunting us...maybe."

Ari 31/72 HP 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 7:39:12 AM

"Guys hunting you? The ship is nearby? What's been going on since I left? Do you think there's anything more to look at inside the temple? Does anyone have any spare paper so we can sketch out what we saw and analyze it later?"

Thursday November 30th, 2006 10:20:10 AM

Appolo looks around then heads over to Rigging."I think we should get that map out of the Pyramid and loomk it over.At least we'll know were they're major poitns of concentration.Also I thinkwe broke them up pretty good in this general area and wouldn't suggest chasing any of the remaoning snakemen through the jungle.They have alot of well made prepared traps set out there.Looking at the map and trying to figure which Pyramid to hit next might be a good Idea."

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 27  d20+1=8
Thursday November 30th, 2006 10:26:57 AM

Mykael looks Ghem over to see where he is wounded and how bad.

(Healing = 8)

Mykael moves to the village. He takes off his armor. While in the shade, he uses bucket after bucket of water to wash and cool himself. Then he cleans his equipment.

"I think we should wait for the weird human with all the wives. Have him lead us towards thier city. We find a good place to use as a base and just hit them over and over again. If we take the fight to thier turf, they should leave the ship alone. And dont we want to drive them from these islands?"

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 35/81 Endure elements,Magic Vestments+2 ac,haste,Prayer,SR22  4d8(1+8+4+1)+10=24
Thursday November 30th, 2006 2:25:32 PM

The big dwarf continues his healing of the elven warrior " gonna make sure your in top health since you take the brunt of the battledamage for us " as he again touches Val on her shoulder infusing Domi's healing power (4d8(1+8+4+1)+10=24 cured to Val)(spontanously casting CCW in place of freedom of movement)

" i agree with Appolo .....that map has me intrigued....it could answer many of our questions about this place and the snakemen "

"there is an aboundance of resources on this island ....it has great potential as a base of operations for us "adds Nezamil

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 10/10 rds
Windwall 9/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 11/11

Bart ac 27 hp 54/86 haste enlarge 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 2:33:17 PM

The big warrior listens to the conversations of his friends and ponders the various options.

" we should be careful in investigating the pyramids as those were guarded by those gooey creatures"

(posted by adm-Chris)

Thursday November 30th, 2006 6:16:43 PM

Rigging looks at his wounded companions and at the battlefield. He examines all the dead snakemen and listens to his comrades opinions.

"Nezamil, use the rest of your spells to try and get everyone healed up. Appolo and Cosmo, take another look at that map. Trace it if you have to but get the information down. After we do that, I think we should head back to the ship for some rest and resupply. We can carry on with our plan after our spellusers have recharged.

Since this pyramid is out of commission and we have killed so many of the minions, it should be safe enough to rest for one night."

Rigging will have the loot gathered, maps made and healing commenced. He will then start leading the others towards the ship.

DM kent 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 10:40:03 PM

(ooc: Thanks for your patience.)

Ashira starts gathering the obvious magical things and the apparent master work stuff and begind to distribute it for carrying. While putting forth her opinion about where they should go.

Cosmo puts for what seem to be the best two options of return to the boat or keep hunting snakes.

Appolo wants a better look at the map as does Nez and they both go back inside despite Barts warning and mention of the need for caution, but not before Nez casts yet another healing spell for another 24 points.

Mykael checks out Ghem and finds his friend is in good shape and strutting around abit like he personally defeated the YT. He themn moves off from the others checks himself over finding that while he will live he doesnt feel to awfully good and could really do with a rest. so he removes his armor and starts cleaning up.

Swirl reports back that basicaly everything is ok at the ship but that there are the occasional 1/2 dozen to dozen arrows that come from the tree line to harry the group so repairs are going slowly and a couple arrows have found their mark though no one has died.

Rigging calls out for Nez to use his spells for healing and then realizes that Nez went into the pyramid with Appolo. He mutters a under his breat about something and waits for them to come back out.

Appolo and Nez go back inside and find that things are retty much the way they left them and find that the map itself is quite an interesting device. For device it is. It seems to actually have been paced in such a way that the entire map rotated according to which of the pyramids needed to be activated. The map is sketchable but will take a Craft skill roll of DC 12 to ensure it is done accurately.

As Nez and Appolo lookat it closely and attempt to recreate it, they begin to notice a few things. Knoledge Geography DC16 (can add 1/2 your ranks in seamanship as a bonus) 30 - 40 minute later the two re-emerge from inside.

Friday December 1st, 2006 12:13:24 AM

The ranger shifts about restlessly as Nezamil and Appolo scout the temple. Yeah, they'd won this battle, but they were still out in the open with an enemy that could set up an ambush in the jungle at any time. She is relieved when Rigging orders the withdrawl to the ship, but worries that the crew will be attacked with the arrival of the Wildcards. The fact that this "temple"...or more honestly teleportation device is now non-functioning calms her nerves a little. She heads over to Rigging. "When those two get back, I'd like to scout a trail back. I really don't like the idea of using the path...too easy for ambushes and booby traps like we've seen in the past. Why don't you let me cut a trail for the return trip?"

Val AC 22 , HP 105/ 127 
Friday December 1st, 2006 5:13:28 AM

"Thanks Nez. Now it doesn't hurt so much." She says after the dwarf healed her for the 2nd time. Grudgingly Val rises to her feet and starts heading for the trail that will send them back to the ship.

"They aren't done. I bet they aren't trying to win yet. They are sending their shock troops to wear down our magic, supplies, and strength. They are going to keep hitting us until we are so exhausted to fight effectively. So far its working."

Ari 31/72 HP 
Friday December 1st, 2006 6:41:37 AM

Ari does what he can to help clean up the area and wait for the other to return.

(ooc Rigging's post said Cosmo and Appolo)

Friday December 1st, 2006 8:52:57 AM

While Rigging is waiting for the mapping party he will take a look at the scrolls he detected earlier. He will carefully open them up and see if he can read anything on them.

When Ashira comes to him with her question, he ponders for a minute or two. "Your plan has merit but I think we should try to use the normal path. Hacking a new one out of the jungle will take a long time and we need to rest, heal up and respell. Once we leave the ship, we will stay off the normal paths and hopefully our friend Romeo will be able to guide us to there village.

I will have Swirl fly back to us and check the path for ambush as best as he can. I have a feeling we have earned a small reprieve before the next storm. We have killed a lot of them including some of their leaders. We can do a quick attack on the harrassing force tonight and see if we can eliminate them. Might be a good chance for some of our younger members to show their stuff.

I am concerned now that the stakes have been raised. I almost get the feeling the YT didn't really respect us. I bet they do now or at least respect our battle prowness, so things are going to get tougher. We need to change tactics and bring it to them."

Rigging summons Swirl and tells him to take a highspeed run down the trail to see if he can find anything. He isn't supposed to really look hard but hope to surprise things by coming fast and silently.

Rigging will hurry the others along and when all are ready start them down the trail at a trot.

"Nez Please make sure we get everyone healed up incase we run into some surprise along the way."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/55 Mmagic vestments ,SR22,Endure elements  4d8(4+2+4+5)+10=25 3d8(3+2+2)+10=17 3d8(3+6+7)+10=26 3d8(1+1+5)+10=17 2d8(6+4)+10=20 2d8(1+1)+10=12 2d8(8+4)+10=22 2d8(3+7)+10=20 d8+5=13 d20+4=7
Friday December 1st, 2006 3:33:09 PM

following Captain Riggings orders of healing the group quickly ....Nezamil works on the groups warriors first ....finishing Val's healing .
(4d8(4+2+4+5)+10=25 cured to Val)(in place of Dismissal 4th lvl)
(3d8(3+2+2)+10=17 cured to Ashira)(in place of deeper darkness 3rd lvl)
(3d8(3+6+7)+10=26 cured to Bart)(in place of dispel magic 3rd lvl)
(3d8(1+1+5)+10=17 cured to Mykael)(in place of dispel magic 3rd lvl)
(2d8(6+4)+10=20 cured to Ari )(in place of darkness 2nd lvl)
(2d8(1+1)+10=12 cured to Cosmo)(in place of RE 2nd lvl)
(2d8(8+4)+10=22 cured to Ari)(in place of RE 2nd lvl)
(2d8(3+7)+10=20 cured to Nezamil)(in place of Aid 2nd lvl)
(1d8+5=13 cured to Mykael)(in place of remove fear 1st lvl)

(all cure spells cast spontanously)

Nezamil tries to help Appolo copy the map but the poor lighting affects his attempt (d20+4=7 dc geo know ch)

After his poor attempt he notifies Captain Rigging " Captain this map is very important ....i feel we need to copy it or secure it some how.....i can cast a wall of stone on the inside of the temple to hopefully seal it off till we can make it back here sometime "

"Hopefully Appolo has better luck in copying it....it could hold many clues about the island and our enemy"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2**,darkness*,RE x2**,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2**,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness*(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal*,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Windwall 10/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)

(everyone tally up you cured hit pts!!)

DM Kent 
Friday December 1st, 2006 11:45:37 PM

The talk continues as does the healing after Nez leaves Appolo to take care of the map stuff.

Appolo eventually emerges with what seems to be a fairly good representation of the map you all saw.

Rigging calls for Swirl and he gets a "Sure thing Boss" response and then he sirts down to look at the scrolls and parchments they found. As he opens them for a quick glance he gets fairly excited.

scroll 1 - Monster summon IV (x2)
Scroll 2 - Telport, cone of cold, Overland flight
Scroll 3 - Chain lightening, Shadow walk, Disintegrate
Scroll 4 - Power word Blind Mordenkainen's mansion
Scroll 5 - can't read
Scroll 6 - can't read
Scroll 7 - Power word stun
Scroll 8 can't read

As cosmo studies the map he is pretty sure he recognizes some of the landmarks NOT associated with where they currently are and he begins to worry a great deal more than he had before.

About 45 minutes later Swirl arrives and Rigging is finished looking at scrolls and everyone seems to be ready to go, much to Ashira's and Val's relief.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 59/63)  d20+7=24 d20+6=8
Friday December 1st, 2006 11:52:12 PM

Cosmo ends his polymorph spell. He is happy when Nezamil heals him of most of his wound. Cosmo follows them back into the pyramid when they say they want to check out the map some more. He views the map carefully, pointing out the information that he finds.

Knowledge Geography 24

Cosmo attempts to draw a diagram of the map, but gives up when the chalk he is using just cannot show the detail that is needed for accuracy.

Craft 8

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil A c 20 Hp 75/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac,SR22, 
Sunday December 3rd, 2006 11:53:10 PM

Walking over to Captain Rigging as he study's the some of the snakemens stuff .

"Captain ....everyone is healthy enough to move out ......so whats the plan ?? ....hole up back at the ship for the night? and then head out to investiagte the snakemens other camps ??"

"maybe the new guy .....whats his name .....Romeo... yeah thats it ......he might be able to guide us to their other encampments"

With a quick peek at Appolo's handy work " hey good job.... you might have a future in map making " laughs the 10'1" dwarf

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2**,darkness*,RE x2**,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2**,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness*(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal*,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
SR 1 min level (10 mins)

(everyone tally up you cured hit pts!!)

Ashira (AC26, HP 112/112)  2d8(8+4)+5=17
Monday December 4th, 2006 7:48:54 AM

Ashira looks a little flustered at her husband's decsion, but then again, she knows that there's no way that the rest of these slow pokes could keep up with her in the jungle. And begrudingly, those Yuan Ti could be dangerous when you go off all on your own. As she heads out, she asks John to tap her once more with the wand, putting her back up to full strength.

Monday December 4th, 2006 10:15:28 AM

Appolo heads inside draws his map mwith the help of Cosmo and Nezamil.When they leave he finishes up and comes out with his copy.He shows the copy to Rigging and the others"Ok we got this copy of the map it shows where the rest of their pyramids and villages are locatedj.I think we should head back to the ship and get some rest.We've hurt them real bad during the last couple of weeks and destroyed one of thier teleportation sites.Unless I'm wrong it should be at least two more days before another large enemwy force can arrive here from the nearest village.What do the rest of you think?"

Monday December 4th, 2006 11:38:21 AM

Rigging agrees saying, "Yes I want to go back to the ship as well. These scrolls are interesting and I might be able to quickly copy a spell or two into my spellbook which will be benifical down the road.

Something changed in me in that pyramid. Whatever it was that destroyed my ring also changed me. I feel magic better now and I know I can now cast more powerful spells. My thieving skills have been stripped from me. It is going to change my tactics quite a bit in battle I believe.

Still if I can incorporate this shadowwalk spell and some others, we might be able to really surprise the snakemen."

I want to head back to the ship and see if we can kill off the harrassment force left behind. While you are doing this, I can work on my spellbook. Then in a day or two, we can move on to the village led by Romeo."

Rigging seeing that the group is ready to go, leads the way down the path back towards the ship.

OOC Rigging is now a 11th level straight mage losing his 3 thief levels.

Mykael -- HPs: 56/59, AC: 27 
Monday December 4th, 2006 4:13:11 PM

Mykael prepares to head out.

Ghem, fly from tree to tree above me. Let me know if you notice anything.

"Rigging, we need to push them as much as we can. Lets not rest too long at the ship. They havent earned a reprieve from us, and lets not forget that there are supposed to be captives that could use our help."

Bart Ac 27 Hp 80/86 endure elements 
Monday December 4th, 2006 4:22:28 PM

The big warrior falls in step next to Ari and claps his old friend on the back heartily

" i'll fill you on a few things since you've been gone .....we no longer work for the Pirates of Jack.....we're independant now.....striking out to build our own base.....this island might be it....a good base of operations.....a freeport of sorts "

"well its good to have you back...we could use the help "

(posted by adm-Chris)

DM Kent 
Monday December 4th, 2006 5:46:56 PM

Surprisingly the 1 1/2 hour journey back to the ship actually takes place without incident though Ashira does locate another pit trap and uncovers it so it is visible to any who come across it.

Ghem also spots a couple of small adders periodically but they actually seem to be just adders and merely hunting small rodents.

You arrive back at the at the lagoon to what appears from this didstance to be a HOLEY mess. The Sword, if anything, actually looks worse than it did when you left, with a large gaping hole where the previous a damage had been.

As you get closer you realize that it is only by look as the damaged wood has already been cut away, squared off and smoothed in prepatartion for the new planks to go in. The second thing you notice however are the nearly 36 broken arrows either sticking in or on the ground nearby the two worksites. It is obvious to anyone that repairs have been difficult.

Over on the more proteted side of the ship you see what appears to be two new graves, and you hear the sounds of sawing coming from within the ship. Surprisingly you also see quite a lot of blackish smoke rising from what appeard to be the stern hatch.

As you break the treeline you hear a call from halfway up the starboard ratlines. "Woods Ho!!" and the sudden cessation of hammers and saws and a rush of feet and clanking of steal. By the time you are all out of the trees the slanted deck and ends of the ship are manned with armed sailors ready to defend the Sword.

attendence report 
Monday December 4th, 2006 6:30:07 PM

Dm Kent oxxxx
Ashira oxxxx
Appolo oxxox
Rigging oxxxx
Val oxoxo
Bart oxxox
Nezamil oxxxx
Mykael oxxox
Cosmo ooxox
Ari oxxxo

we can do better people , 7 people missed a post !!!!

DM Kent 
Monday December 4th, 2006 9:39:43 PM

(ooc - Does anyone have stats and info on the Sword? Like what kind of ship it is, how many masts, how many oar locks how many crew are needed? armament? what kind, if any smaller boats does it carry, etc? If so Can someone send it to me. It will become very important to know in the not so distant future.)

Ari AC 16 (fully healed) 
Monday December 4th, 2006 10:15:29 PM

"Thanks Bart. We've been separated for a long time and I was not sure if I would ever come back to you guys again."

"Did you guys do so much damage that the Pirates had to distance themselves from you?" Ari chuckles and watches to see if his friend took the jest or not.

Hearing Rigging and his comments about becoming a mage, "Does that mean you'll also be co-ordinating the spell casters then? I'm a little light on spells myself, though I'm probably not a similar power level like most of you. I even lost some when I went through this Teleport stuff."

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:41:44 AM

The sight of the sword never looked so good. The small bunk she shared with Melonie was cramped but that was the first place she was headed. Val couldn't wait to get this armor off and lie down.

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 9:05:07 AM

Appolo looked the Sword and the surrounding area over"Looks like they've hada bit of action as well,but work seems to be progressing. So boss Iguess I'm the only thief left around here.Have to start raining my pupil."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 75/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 3:06:04 PM

The big dwarf smiles as they reach the Sword.....his smile broadens even more at the quick reaction by the defenders "home sweet home "

With a wave of his big hand the 10'1" dwarf walks towards the ship and stops momentarily at a strategic spot and fishes out a small granite stone and quickly touches his anvil holy symbol
"Domi shield us from the vile and evil snake creatures (casting Wall of Stone)(10 ft high with 3 ft' of it under the surface leaving a 7 ft' high wall)(built in a semi-circle on the beach side of the ship)(200' in length )

"that should help ward off the attackers better...just gotta build up the backside some so we can have the high ground "

Finished with the defensive wall Nezamil greets the crew of the ship and seeks out Hal and Kirk (bash brothers)to see how they are faring

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2**,darkness*,RE x2**,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2**,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness*(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal*,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone*(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
(everyone tally up you cured hit pts!!)

Bart Ac 27 Hp 80/86 endure elements 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 3:15:37 PM

Bart trudges along the jungle trail with his friends ....as the ship and smoke comes into veiw he quickly draws his weapon but moments later resheaths it as the crew shouts out their greetings .

The warrior checks out the damage and the ongoing construction as he ambles about the camp.

(posted by adm-Chris)

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 7:23:34 PM

Rigging sees the ship and his heart swells with pride at his crew and their bravery. He leads the Wildcards in and grins as Swirl darts around in excitement.

His smile turns to a frown when he sees the graves and the arrows and he points to Ashira and says formally, "Battle Mistress, the spell users will be taking a break and recharging our batteries. While we do this, I want you to organize our own snake hunt. It is time to clean up those harrassing forces."

Rigging will then break into a run and climb up on to the ship greeting the crew, slapping some backs and giving so "Attaboys"

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 7:29:39 PM

Cosmo is glad to get back to the ship. He checks in on his apprentice to see how he has been doing.

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