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Dark Fae Rising
The Big Dream [CDM Jerry]

The Big Dream [CDM Jerry] 
Saturday March 19th, 2005 11:39:14 AM

The Swords reach out sadly and tentatively to their dead comrade. All is calm for the moment. Her touch is cold. Unwoldly.

Without warning it begins. Ashira begins to glow and with her the party touching her.

The clearing lights up with it. The area begins to sing with the effect.

Some sort of collective elven effect is at work!

As the pirate adventurers struggle to come to grips with these events, their conscious minds fade and a waking dreamlike state begins.

There is then a joining of minds. Elven minds. Minds that look at life in terms of centuries instead of years.

Nearby elves join in with this union. Some join to a lesser extent being half-elves or other relates species.

The pool of collective thought grows until it becomes Woldwide!

The overwhelming thought becomes "Why?"

An ancient being joining the mix replies, "This has happened twice before. This is the third time."

"What has happened before? comes the overwhelming response."

"This. Prepare and listen."

A common Elven Dream begins.


You are floating...in space..?

You can see The Wold turning lazily beneath you, so very far below--slow but steady, the planet rotates, basking blissfully in the light of the bright golden disk hanging above it. Sunlight dapples the large fertile brown expanses of land dotted with areas of green forest...it sparkles across the waves of the blue-green ocean.

The Wold is as it is.

Suddenly you become aware that there are three smaller discs approaching the bright one, also at a slow but steady pace...you realize that the bright disk must be the sun, and the others are the moons of The Wold.

The three new discs align to cover the sun completely, leaving it and The Wold in darkness. But there--right in the middle of the now-black sun-disk--a pair eyes blink open, as though awakened from sleep.

The almond-shaped eyes--the bright, brilliant hue of sky and sea--look down upon The Wold. They widen in surprise, as though viewing the burgeoning world for the first time in a very, very long time...then the expression in the turquoise eyes grows rather sad. A tear forms and falls from one of the eyes as it blinks.

The eyes in the black sun narrow slightly--as though the unseen person to whom they belong has suddenly begun contemplating...and then the eyes blink again, once more brightening with the enlightenment of a great idea..!

The eyes glow warmly--if there were a face to go with them, you just know that it would have a happy, friendly grin in place--and The Wold, turning in its slow, steady pace, begins to grow green. Focusing on the planet, you can see that the forests of The Wold flourish and grow lush once more, spreading their fertile growth across the faces of the both the continent of Yrth and the Fragmented Lands, as the owner of the eyes laughs delightedly.

You swoop down from your lofty perch and find yourself standing in an ancient forest, Culverwood, breathing in the good green scent of the ancient trees. There is a dark, malevolent blot at the edge of your senses whom the collective knows to be Parnoth the oppressor--then suddenly, the blot disappears from sight and you hear the great beast's agonized screams.

More screams and cries ring in your ears now--the voices of those who oppose and harm Nature, the voices of those who would hold back the elves and make them lesser beings, the voices of evil. Too long they have been allowed to run free, but now they face their just reward. Through it all, the owner of the eyes continues to laugh.

The dream ends and the personal you physically awakens with laughter still ringing in your ears.

Jager  d20+6=21
Sunday March 20th, 2005 8:49:44 AM

Jager stops dead in his tracks and drops the leg of the dead assassin (E4) he was dragging and exclaims mostly to himself but loud enough for all to hear. "That was different."

Jager looks to the other wildcards and to Mrs. Ashira's spirit and adds "Did anyone else get a strange vision?"

Shaking his head. "Could this be a further attack or just emotions overtaking me or us."

Jager scans the area just in case, but he doubts it is an attack, just yet (spot 21).

Sunday March 20th, 2005 5:15:35 PM

I too had an sudden and strange vision. About trees and elves and some kind of God the removal of evil. I wonder... did it really happen or was it a dream? Nezamil you know more about the ways of the gods, enlighten us. Once i had a simular experience 2-3 years ago, we even did fight in a kind of dream.

Bart William OOC 
Sunday March 20th, 2005 5:22:38 PM

Can someone take over my char for the next week, leaving for a short divingtrip to Egypt back on next wednesday (29th)

Sunday March 20th, 2005 9:56:37 PM

Rigging will try to absorb the information from the waking dream. "What do you suppose this means? It seemed to include the whole Wold, not just us? I wonder if we are in for cataclysmic times again. Hope we don't have to turn into mummies again."

Sunday March 20th, 2005 11:59:43 PM

Nezamil's mind staggers under implications of what he dreams " such power " wonders the stunned dwarf

" what does this do to the power and balance of the gods ......the balance of life in the wold " such thoughts and more race thru the Clerics mind

As Nezamil awakens and the echos of the Elven music ringing in his head he drops to his knees and raises his arms skyward " Domi guide us in these times of peril ....watch over us ....grant us the courage to carry forth and make the wold a better place for all " cries out the dwarf in prayer

With a look at the mists of Ashira floating about the Cleric continues his prayer

" guide our mistress of the sword Ashira to a place of peace.... her journey is shrouded in mystery and uncertainty....dont let her spirit wander lost " the dwarf touches his Anvil pendant the symbol of Domi as a tear runs down his cheek

Nezamil stares around in wonder at the forests around seeing it with fresh eyes..... too stunned at the revelations to say anything else

Ari  d20+8=21
Monday March 21st, 2005 6:45:43 AM

twice before..... twice before....
Ari tries to wrack his brain and try to match up what he might know about such things. (knowledge religion=21)

Looking around at the other group members, Ari tris to judge who might have participated in the dream.

As he looks across the faces of the group, he realizes that there is one face short. Ari does a double take as he realizes how the dream started. Ashira has fallen?!

Appolo Hp 13 Ac 23 
Monday March 21st, 2005 10:24:09 AM

Appolo follows Ashira and experiances the vision.When they come down.He walks over to Ashira's body."My friends I think Ashira's death triggered something or awoke it.That is an ancient power long forgotton.Older then the gods.We left the wold and veiwed it from above.No something is now awke that hasn't been awke for millenia.Did you hear the screams of those who would harm the elves.No I think that wasancient elven god.Not a gos of men or dwarves,but elves.>"he then turns his attention back to Ashira's body ang waits.

That Was...Weird---ADM Nellie 
Monday March 21st, 2005 11:36:38 PM

As the vision ends, Ashira fades drastically, as though it took all of her strength to allow the Card's to witness the vision. And then, suddenly, Ashira begins to glow and take on color...looking almost alive (though she is still very dead as Appolo's examinations attest to). She beams a radiant smile, and it is apparently easier for her to talk now. She floats over to Rigging's side once more. "Isn't it glorious? Something is coming to set things right. The elves oppressors will be crushed to the ground! Finally we will no longer be outcasts in the lands of men." Ashira's ghost looks over at her husband and shrugs as she chuckles. "Not that all men are the same..."

The day progresses, and the sun begins to set. Taking stock of things, you note several very important facts... First, the horses are very dead. Second, the group must either risk traveling by night or set up camp. And of course, there is the hostage.

OOC: Dominic will be taking over tomorrow. It's been real fun. :)

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 9:12:32 AM

Valanthe staggers back and falls on her bottom as the dream overwhelmed her. She has never dreamed before and couldn't hope to understand what dreams were...until now. Val sits there and recounts the dream over and over again in her mind so she never forgets it. When she regains her composure Val slowly recounts the dream for those of non-elven blood. Partly because something of this significance has to be shared and partly to make sure that it really happened.

ooc: I was under the impression that only those with elven blood had the dream.

Jager  d20+4=22
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 9:12:59 AM

Jager watches Mrs. Ashira's spirit in awe and thinks to himself, she must have been something special if she became a spirit.

Jager awe turns to seething and he turns to the prisoner. "Your turn. I have several questions for you and I expect answers or you can expect pain." Jager finds a nice nerve cluster in the back on the assassins arm and applys pressure.

Jager looks the captive in the face. "That was just a nice sample. Question 1, who sent you and why? Question 2, how were you contacted and paid? Question 3, Why were you sent and how did you find us? Question 4, Who escaped and should we expect them to return?"

Jager will warn the scum "Be ware of your answers as if I do not like them our fallen comrade husband will deal with you directly."

Jager will await answers before dealing out an more pain and attempt to detect if the assassin is lying (sense motive 22).

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 1:47:55 PM

Rigging will look at his spirit wife and wonder aloud at her statements, "I didn't know the elves were oppressed anymore than any other race in the Wold. This force coming seems to be a force of nature. Nature can be one of the most capricious and demanding of masters. Consider the tornado...it destroys all in its path..not just evil.

Rigging's mind will turn to other matters, "Are you still alive? How is it your still with us? Do you wish to be reconnected with your body? The emperor has offered to raise you. Is this your wish?"

Rigging will give his shade of a wife a chance to consider and say, We can't camp here. We also aren't in shape to move very far today. Let's find a suitable campsite that we can defend and rest in. Val and Appolo, can you take care of that?

Everyone else salvage what you can and lets get ready to move. Rigging suddenly glances at the Jack and the Emperor and adds..."ahhhh if that is OK with you that is."

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:12:14 PM

The dwarf struggles to his feet staring upward seemingly searching the heavens for the almond shaped eyes of the dream.

With a shake of his head the Cleric turns and looks for there charges the Emperor and Hegna "good to see you alive sir" remarks the dwarf to the Emperor

"good idea Captain we should at least move a little but from here , lets salvage some food stores from the carriage while Val and Appolo scout ahead "

Taking a few steps towards Bart " we will count on your strength and courage more then ever , with Ashira's loss it's just you and Val as our leading warriors" pausing a moment " i have faith that your courage will guide us to our destination " Nezamil slaps the big fighter on the back

"As for what the dream pertains too , i don't know it is beyond me , i know of gods and people this...this force of nature as Rigging described is not my realm of knowledge " replies the dwarf to Bart " but it is mighty indeed and we best beware of its wrath "

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:36:48 PM

Bart nods at Nezamils's reply about the dream

Taking his cue the big warrior helps to salvage some food stuffs from the carriage , also salvaging a couple of pole or boards useable to make for a litter to carry Ashira's body .

Once the litter is completed the big warriors eyes settle on the Sword mistress's still form and his eyes flash with fire ......a dangerous fire.....fire burns those it touches.....a firestorm is brewing......and that storm has a name......Bart!!!

OOC this is chris i posted for Bart since he is away

Appolo HP13 Ac 23 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 11:06:35 PM

Still hurting and emotionally distruaght Appolo moves of into the woods with Valanthe to find a place to make camp.

OOC:Did anyone heal Appolo.I think he is still hurt quite badly.

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 11:21:38 PM

The silent mage has been contemplating their situation and the available means of transportation. He reaches into his sack and pulls out a scroll that he was given to study and copy. "Rigging, allow me to provide for the groups needs in transportation to the next town. Rather, let me be plain, I don't want to walk. Those horses you have just need a bit of animation to get them going. I'm going to need to replace this once we get back, but I'm just going to animate these 4 horses here. Someone'll need to help get them hitched to the wagon, it looks like a lot of the tack also was burnt. This will be so much fun, riding into the next town with undead horses."

Ashira's spirit 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 11:47:15 PM

Ashira's ghost shrugs at Rigging's questioning. Her laugh is hollow, like a long winter wind. "No, I am not among the living. I'm not sure what has given me the strength to resist the Realm of Shadow, but somehow I do. But I cannot resist it much longer... I feel that somehow it is safer there now. Perhaps I shall rest...but not for long. There is so much left to do." Her ghostly hands move to caress her husband, but move right through him. Sadness mixed with resolve fills Ashira's eyes. "Yes, I wish to rejoin my body...should Gargul approve."

Pulling Together and Setting up Camp -- DM Dominic 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 2:53:53 AM

All of you slowly shake off the last bit of fuzz headedness that you have from the dream. As this happens you recall in the back of you conscious thoughts that you all shared this dream because a member of you family just died but remained with you somehow tying you all together.

The Jack and the Emperor look about the battlefield then both look to Rigging. Both tell him "it would be good to move on and find a different location to rest. We will help you with the costs of bringing your lost back to you."

Bart and Nezamil with the help of Hegna recover enough food and supplies to last a couple of days for the group. They also find that the carriage is damaged but if they had horses again that it would be usable.

The prisoner looks at Jager with calm eyes as Jager questions him. The prisoner says "1) I have no idea who hired us. 2) contact and payment was taken care of by one of our clerics. 3) I only know that we were sent to kill whom ever was in the carriage. 4) I am not sure who may have escaped but with the loss of the two golems I doubt that they will return."

Appolo and Val find a place to setup camp not far from the battlefield but well covered by trees and bushes.

Ari (12 hp) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 7:02:02 AM

"does anyone know how close we are to the city? Since the carriage seems to have been a target, would it be any faster to have the all the leaders ride, and the rest protect. Then if another attack happens, we could potentially have the leaders take off towards the city?"

Looking at Ashira Ari prays, Alemi, let the rest of my family and friends watch over Ashira while she is near Gargul's realm.

Jager 43/57 Hp 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 7:57:53 AM

Jager looks from the assassin to Captain Arrack and says in Heit Volken. "Captain Arrack, the prisoner is at your mercey, shall I dispatch him for you?"

After the prisoner is dealt with, Jager will attempt to salvage what he can of the supplies and ask Captain Arrack. "Do we attempt to pull the carriage ourselves or burn or hide it, before we move off?"

Ashira's spirit 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 8:52:59 AM

Watching the exchange between Jager and the captive, Ashira looks intently at Rigging, and then respons in none other than Heit Volken. "Enough blood has been spilt today. Let's just take him to the authorities in the city. I don't want to have to travel to the Shadow Realms with the likes of him!"

Ashira's spirit chuckles at Redux's solution. She wonders what the local populace will think of a carriage drawn by undead horses and trailed by a ghost.

Valanthe Ac 23 HP 28/ 100 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 9:42:23 AM

Valanthe is silent as they looked for a suitable camp. Her body hurt all over but right now she felt no pain. Blood soaked into her clothing at several places, turning some of the links of her elven chain red. The pain of her body was irrelivant to what she felt inside. Even now she still can't get a grip on what she felt during that dream. While the others talk and plan Val makes a slow and steady patrol around the camp.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 11:42:43 AM

Rigging remembers the slaying of the slaver with sadness. He is getting to bloodthirsty and it is going to cost him his soul if he isn't careful. He knows the fighter isn't evil, since his holy dagger didn't seem to do much to him.

Rigging looks up to the Emperor and the Jack. "Sirs, I believe this man is telling the truth. He has a sound blade but was only a lacky. It is your choice. We can slay him here, take him with us, which means we have to guard him, or just let him go.

We will claim his magic and money as a penalty, for attacking us but I would give him provisions and some small weapon to defend himself. I am tired of the blood. I think he was just a mercenary hired to do a job. What do you want. You were his intended targets."

Rigging will agree to Redux's plan and then give the mage a quizzical look and ask, "So how did you get here anyway? Not that I am not happy to see you but are you scrying on us or something?"

Rigging will finally pull out his wand of detect magic and burn a charge to look at the loot gotten from the fallen enemies.

Jager (second illegal post) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 1:17:38 PM

Jager just beams when Mrs. Ashira responds in Heit Volken.

Jager is a bit distrubed and appeals to Captain Rigging, The Emperor, and Jack. "This assassin took money to kill you and you wish to let him live to do it again. This scum does not seen the remorseful type and he was an indirect cause of Mrs. Ashira's death. He does not deserve your mercy." Jager looks to Mrs. Ashira's floating spirit.

Jager places his hands on the sides of the assassin head waiting for the signal to end his existance.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 7:08:58 PM

Appolo helps set up camp.Then finds Valaanthe and walks beside her,"Don't worry it's not your fault.We'll bring her all the way back.She obviously wishes to stay with us."He then gives her a kiss and holds her.Grunting with pain as he does so.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 8:30:40 PM

The dwarf smiles at Redux's idea " sure beats walking " chuckles Nezamil " i'll help harness the horses to the carriage "

Turning to Bart " c,mon big fella give me a hand hooking up the horses"

Nezamil leaves the prisoner to the Captain but suggests " maybe we can turn him into the authorities in Plateau city "

"lets get moving to a safer campsite "

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 8:43:25 PM

Bart likes the idea of not walking the rest of the way and by helping the level headed dwarf it takes his mind off of Ashira's loss.

The strong warrior hooks up the horses with ease , using his strength to guide the horses into postion "good thinking Redux " chimes in Bart

[i] this is Chris posting for Bart again

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 11:09:25 PM

The mage mumbles, "...good...good..." as the others get on board with his plan. He instructs the 'horses' as needed since no one else seems to be able to control them. He is also a bit surprised that no one objected to having undead horses. To Rigging, "Yes, I was scrying. There are a few benefits to the organization the Jack set me up with. The problem I have now is that the scroll I used to raise these horses wasn't meant for this use; they should understand and I should be able to replace it anyway, soon. Don't forget to load Ashira's body somewhere. I don't have another scroll to have her walking behind us." Ya' know? From anyone else this would be a very weird, matter-of-fact conversation.

Nights Camp, Arrival in Plateau City -- DM Dominic 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 5:53:41 AM

Hegna seeing Appolo and Valanthe still seriously wounded walks over to them and hands them each 2 potions of CMW. He then asks "I hope this will help?"

After Redux gets the horses animated and into position Hegna helps Nezamil and Bart hook them up into the harness for the carriage.

"Give him a weapon then send him on his way. He is only a mercenary paid to do a job. He may have a change of heart on what he does for a living with us setting him free." The Emperor says to Rigging. The Jack nods in approval.

The Jack walks over to Ashira's body then carefully picks her up in his arms and carries her to the carriage and places her inside. The Emperor follows suit and carefully gathers up any of Ashira's equipment and places it with her inside the carriage.

After a couple of hours of resting The Jack says to the Wildcards let us get to Plateau City. He then turns and climbs into the carriage with the Emperor and Ashira's body. When everyone has climbed aboard Hegna starts the carriage out as fast as it will move with the damage it has acquired.

After approximately 2 hours you can see the main gates to Plateau City. As you approach the city guards at the gates call out "Halt!"

Hegna stops the carriage then one of the guards comes over and asks "Who are you? Why are you using undead horses? What is your business in Plateau City?"

Ashira's spirit 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 8:44:41 AM

Not wanting to draw too much attention to the group, Ashira hovers high in the air above the group. Since she can, she also scouts out the area for the Wildcards, making sure that there are no ambushes waiting up ahead for her family.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 12:45:13 PM

Jager is somewhat disappointed that he is not instructed to kill the prisoner and even more so when the emperor suggest that he let him go.

Jager will untie the assassin feet but not his hands and will strip him of any gear, specifically any magic pointed out by Captain Rigging. Jager will then kick him in the hindquarters and send him on his way (no weapon).

Before leaving Jager will help gather up the gear from all of the foes of the wildcards for later inspection.

Jager will jog along side the reamimated horses intrigued by Redux's magic.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 6:29:04 PM

Redux, who's been up on the driver's seat, stands up to address the guards with his hands out and his palms up. "Gentlemen, these are of my creation to expedite our haste away form the scene of a battle. A group of mercenaries and mages were in hiding in wait for the blood of two of the members of our party. Thankfully, we were able to hurt them into retreat, but not before one of our own had fallen. In the battle, an attempt was made to destroy our carriage by fire. If it were not for my humble magic, we would be still on the road walking, instead of finishing a two hour travel by carriage." Redux sits, satisfied about his explanation then calls down for Rigging to come respond to the guard's challenge.

Valanthe HP 28 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 9:12:13 PM

Valanthe thanks Hegna and drinks down the healing potions. The magical wave that fills her body and eases her pain causes Val to sigh in relief.

ooc: please roll up the healing for me. I'm not sure the exact numbers on a potion of CMW

Thursday March 24th, 2005 9:22:04 PM

Rigging will listen to Redux's explanation and add, "We are visiting this fine city for some shopping, study and rest. Is there any special laws we should know about? Is there a fee or toll to enter your fine city. No worries, my companion will be glad to send these poor beasts back to their rest, now that we have reached our destination."

OOC Did Rigging detect any magic on the bodies of the fallen?

Friday March 25th, 2005 12:40:19 AM

Nezamil settles in on top of the carriage for the last several hours of the trip to Plateau City " will be good to be home and visit " muses the dwarf as they approach the gates to his hometown

" this meeting between all the powers to be ought to be intresting in itself just to see who else shows up "

Checking out the guards at the gate to the city Nezamil just waits patiently for entrance to the great city

Friday March 25th, 2005 12:43:17 AM

Tthe big warrior rides atop the carriage quietly contemplating the dream.

Bart casually obesrves the guards sensing that they're no danger to the group

OOC : Chris

Crowded and Busy Streets -- DM Dominic  (cmw potion val) 2d8(5+7)+3=15 2d8(2+7)+3=12
Friday March 25th, 2005 4:08:39 AM

The guard listens to your explanation about the horses then says "if you need to be getting anyone brought back you will want to go to the temple of Gargul in the Hindquarter. You will need to leave the carriage here with the undead horses as I can not allow them into the city." He then waves you into the city.

Val feels warmth spread throughout her body as she drinks down the two potions (heals 27.)

Nobody spots any form of threat to the group only a general threat to the animated horses.

You enter into Plateau City's Shanty town quarter.

As you enter into Plateau City you find that the road is packed with people moving about doing their daily routines.

The Jack looks to everyone then suggests that you quickly head to the temple of Gargul like the guard said.

The Emperor pulls his hood over his head covering his face some what.

Hegna tells Rigging "I will help you carry Ashira's body."

Treasure found on bodies:
Masterwork Scalemail
Warhammer (magical)
Halberd (magical)
Masterwork Banded Mail
Masterwork Chainmail
Heavy Flail (magical)
light steel shield (magical)
Ring (magical)
Studded Leather (magical)
arrows (16) (magical)
19 potions (magical)

Friday March 25th, 2005 6:06:11 PM

Jager is excited to see a new city, but not under the current circumstances, as he takes a look over his shoulder at Mrs. Ashira spirit, and smiles up at her.

Once inside the gate, Jager insists on helping escort Mrs. Ashira body to the temple in order to join body and spirit again. "Lets use my cloak to carry Mrs. Ashira, it will be easier and more dignified to the great lady."

Jager looks to Captain Rigging. "What of our charges?" glancing at the Emperor and the Jack. "Do they come with us or do we split the group? We must take care of Mrs. Ashira first."

Saturday March 26th, 2005 11:37:47 AM

Rigging will repy to the monk's question, "I think we all need to go to the temple. I think it might do the Emperor well to see the handiwork of other Gods.

Besides I want my wife alive and well and holding my hand as soon as possible. They will just have to wait."

Sunday March 27th, 2005 9:22:37 PM

The dwarf nods at Riggings wise words " i agree....we should head directly to the Temple of Gargul and see about the mistress of the Swords soul "

" I think we should stick together, theres safety in numbers " interjects the dwarf " plus its important for us to see that this meeting takes place for the sake of bringing peace to this area of the Wold "

"and not to mention finding out what in the wold is happening with the strage dream we've had "

Sunday March 27th, 2005 9:29:08 PM

The big warrior silenty nods his agreement with Cleric of Domi " wise words indeed " adds Bart

With a look at Ashira's still form "yes we should all go together, we'll be better off incase we get ambushed again "

The big warrior's gloved fist clenches and unclenches reflexively waiting to unleash the steel within as a smoldering spark glints in his eye.

Ooc : Chris

Sunday March 27th, 2005 9:52:43 PM

Redux protests with a "...but my horses...but..." He stops sputtering, clearly outnumbered in the decision to just leave his horses. He calls back to the guard, not wanting to be separated from the group, "You will keep them safe for me, right?" Bringing up the rear, Redux hustles and rejoins the group as they walk to the temple.

ooc: Redux could use some of the treasure to sell for his magic supplies, but its fine for him to get a smaller cut. He just has a 'borrowed' scroll of Animate Dead to replace. ;)

Monday March 28th, 2005 1:41:46 AM

Appolo climbs on to p of the Carriage for the ride to platue city.He then slam the potion down after thanking Hagna and sleeps during the ride.

Once they rach the city he follows behind the group silently watching as they move to Gargul's Temple.He is still in a bad mood.

Monday March 28th, 2005 7:03:36 AM

Ari climbs up onto the carriage for the rest of the ride. Ari doubts he'd be able to keep up with the carriage in his current condition. When they talk about going to the temple Ari pipes, "Let's get to the temple and restore our party, it seems obvious that someone is watching or waiting for us."

Valanthe 55hp 
Monday March 28th, 2005 7:53:15 AM

The magical healing helps a great deal but Val hopes for a week of peace and quiet so her body can mend. It's been a long time since she was this busted up but at least she's alive. Which is more than Ashira can say.

"It's a good start. We can regroup and clear our heads at the temple."

Interview with Gargul

Temple of Gargul -- DM Dominic 
Monday March 28th, 2005 6:02:02 PM

Moving through the busy streets you are bumped and jostled several times as you head to the temple of Gargul. Asking directions a couple of times finally leads you to a large triple domed temple with the symbol of Gargul carved intricately on the doors.

Upon entering you are met by an elf with ice blue eyes and ebony black hair wearing black knee-high soft leather boots, medium grey pants with a light grey shirt. "Welcome to the house of Gargul. I am Kedarn Shadowglade. I see that you have a fallen comrade, are you here to seek Gargul's assistance in bringing your comrade back to you? Please follow me and we will see if Gargul is able to aid you."

Kedarn leads you further into the temple to a small room with an altar to Gargul. When you enter Kedarn tells you "please place her body next to the altar." Kedarn then begins to pray to Gargul for his aid.

Monday March 28th, 2005 11:28:45 PM

The Cleric of Domi steps forward " thank you we would be very grateful for Garguls assitance in bringing our friend back to the living " replies the dwarf respectfully

Nezamil will help carry Ashira's body near the altar of Gargul and step back to observe the Cleric of Gargul at prayer " he has aself assured presence about him " thinks the dwarf " he's been out in the wold himself doing Garguls work....a seasoned adventurer no doubt "

[i] "good to have a experienced hand in guiding Ashira's soul back to her body "

Nezamil respectfully keeps quiet as the grey clad elf prays for the sword mistress

Monday March 28th, 2005 11:37:34 PM

The big warrior quietly follows the group to the temple of Gargul keeping his thoughts to himself .

With a respctful bow to the blue eyed elf Bart lends a hand to carry Ashira to the altar and steps back near the dwarf ;)

The big warrior's seasoned eye takes a measure of the Cleric of Gargul and takes comfort in the fact the Ashira is in experinced hands instead of a junior Cleric

Ooc " Chris "

Monday March 28th, 2005 11:41:27 PM

Rigging will look around the temple and keep glancing at his wife's body and his wife's ghost. "Don't worry dear. We will have you rejoined real soon."

When the elf priest starts to pray, Rigging will drop to his knees and join in with his own prayers. "Please Gargul, I can't lose her. She is my soulmate. I am not strong enough without her. Please grant her life again."

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 7:08:30 AM

Jostling throught the crowd, Ari does his best not to gawk as they pass the various parts of the city.

Once they get to the temple, Ari looks around at his first real temple of Gargul. Ari is reminded about how people in this city have a choice as to who they can worship.

Gargul, help my friends. is all that Ari can think of, with the enormity of the task.

Jager 43/57 Hp  d20+6=13
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 9:00:39 AM

Jager marvels at the sights and sounds of another big city and mumbles almost to himself. "Are all cities sooo big." (spot 13)

Jager is quite and respectful in the temple of Gargul. Once the cleric of Gargul begins to pray, Jager will sit down and begin meditating.

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 10:28:09 AM

By the time they arrive at the Temple Appolo is silently fuming.Imside the Temple he listens to the Priest.Thinking it's wether or not he can,it's will he.Seeing Rigging on his knees begging and pleading only infuriates Appolo more,but he remains silent.He thinks to himself alomst wanting to shout.Arrack Van Palin stand up and show some dignity.Gargul knows what you want.Either he will or he won't.Instead appolo just pulls out one of of his daggers and idally fiddles with it.

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 11:27:17 AM

Ashira's eyes open, and her spirit finds itself back in its corporeal place. Kedarn transforms into a little guy, short for a halfling, and ugly. He says, "Please step this way," and he opens a door that you had not noticed before.

The Emperor and the Jack seem to be sleeping. They do not join you.

You file through the door and into a dusty tavern, empty of all people except for one man sitting at a table. He is strong-looking and dark-haired, dressed in dusty black clothes.

"Sit down," he says.

He looks at Ashira, and his face contorts. Is he smiling or grimacing? "Oh, you elves! The eldest this, the greatest that. So full of yourselves. Well, missy, why do you defy me? You are dead, but your spirit does not pass on. Do you think the power of the elves should prevail over my own? But it is good that you came here, before my Grim found you."

The man, who can only be Gargul, looks at each of the rest of you in turn.

"Arrack, you tell me you are not strong without her -- but she was not strong without you. Why did she not have your strength to aid her when she perished?"

"Valanthe, your sister elf died following you into battle, You were at her side when she died. Will you mindlessly lead other elves astray? And asked to choose, would you favor your fellow elves over all others? Your beloved is human -- will you cast him aside if your raging elf blood demands it? Soon others than I may ask you that question."

"Appolo, put your blade away. Will your anger lead you to act rashly, as you rashly followed Valanthe into danger? Understand me clearly, mortal: This woman, Ashira, is dead. I claim her as my own. If you ask for what is now mine, do so with respect. Do you so ask?"

"Albarth, you hung back when others dashed ahead. How did your hesitation serve your friends? How did it serve Ashira?"

"Jager, you were busy on the other side of the field of battle when Ashira died a needless death. What could you have done differently to save her? What lesson has her death taught you?"

"Arislan, where were you when Ashira died? You guided the emperor away from danger -- as your friends ran towards the danger. Why?"

"Nezamil, you were busy healing another when the gravely wounded Ashira dashed into battle. Why heal one instead of the other?"

"Alreduxar, while Ashira died you stood and gaped. Explain yourself."

The god of death glares at you, demanding answers. You have the clear intuition that the wrong responses will sentence Ashira to the the Lands of Rest.

Jager 43/58 hp 
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 1:29:01 PM

Jager is stunned that Gargul even mentioned his name let alone his deeds from hours ago. It takes Jager several moments to gather himself before answer the dark one. "I have sent many to stand before you from my days in the fighting pits, but I was alone then. It has been so long since I have been apart of a group, even though not for long, the loss of Mrs. Ashira is just too great. I see now that Mrs. Ashira is the glue that holds the Wildcards together."

Jager takes a moment to dry his eyes. "It took me too long to send one of the assassins to stand before you. I took more interest in my saftey than that of finishing my for opponents and my sloth contributed to Mrs. Ashira falling. I will not make the same mistake twice!"

Jager is exhausted from the exchange and plops down on the floor cross legged with his head hung low.

Valanthe 55/ 100 hp 
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 7:30:16 PM

Valanthe doesn't say anything as the harsh nature of the questions and the presence of Gargul himself overwhelm her. When she does speak her voice is softer as she is a little shaken up. "Your words make me think that you feel we did the wrong thing. She died fighting creatures that excist outside the cycle of life and death. Creatures that excist outside of your realm. Mighty Gargul you are a god, one of the greatest in the wold. We were ambushed and too much thinking gets you killed. I mean no offense but I fail to see how you can understand mortality and the overwhelming nature of that situation. I moved into battle to dispatch my enemies quickly and hoping to draw their attention away from the others. There was no leading in that battle. We had to scramble and fight for our lives. As to my elven loyalties, honestly I can't say at the moment. That's not something I can answer honestly without being in the moment. Without taking the current situation and future experiences into account. You imply that I led her into that battle. Fine take me instead."

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 7:34:37 PM

Appolo steps forward,he is clearly defiant"Don't blame us for Ahira's death.She chose to follow myself and Valanthe.I follow Valanthe into battle becuase she's my team mate and my love.As far as my anger goes.It now serves me.If had given into it I would have sent the Emperor to you,but Ahira's death wasn't his fault either.I ask nothing of for I am not dead.Ashira is the one wishes to come back.She is responsible for her own life.I love her dearly.So either ypou will or you won't.I have no control over it.I am quite angry to say the least,but my anger will avail me nothing at this time.Just don't hold us responsible for some one elses action,besides we won.We protected our charges and got them here.The price of victory is often high."Appolo renains angry but very controled and defiant.Gargul will noytice he never did put his dagger away.

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 7:41:10 PM

As the dwarf steps into the dusty taveren he stops and stands frozen for several moments realizing he is standing in the presence of Gargul himself before regaining his senses.

The dwarf listens as Gargul puts each wildcard to the test with a question

The Cleric of Domi looks up at Gargul and takes a step forward " in answer all i can say is it was free will we all made choices in the battle , i healed the ones i could to help turn the tide of battle ....Ashira charged in knowing it could cost her life but did so selflessly in order for another to be healed to help turn the tide of battle againist the evil constructs"

taking a deep breath the Cleric of Domi continues " we here are all brothers and sisters of the wold ....elf human and dwarf ...we have all walked different paths but our journey's have brought us together to battle to make the wold a better place for all , i would not place one above the other for we are all of the same heart"

" I know i would of freely made the same choice as Ashira did , giving my life to save my fellow brothers and sisters but alas that is the price of free will and i would not give up my free will " Nezamil stands up ramrod straight hoping....praying that Sword mistress will be granted life again to exercise her free will

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 9:25:58 PM

Rigging looks at Gargul and grimaces. "Oh holy one, I wish I could have done more to help my wife. Unfortunately we were seperated during the battle and I couldn't reach her without possibly causing another family member danger. I was fighing a strong fighter who could have hurt another one of my family. Ashira would have hated it if I caused another of my family's death protecting her.

Ashira fell defending her family and fullfilling her mission. We are hopeful that the Emperor of Aisidur and the Jack of the pirates will be able to find a way to free all the people of Aisidur. Ashira fell defending that dream. She didn't fall because any of us were weak or uncaring. She fell because sometimes the other side is skilled too or just plain lucky.

We all form one body with our unique skills. I am our front or face. Appolo is our rage. Val and Bart are our sword and shield. Redux is our brain. Nezamil is our conscience. Ari is our curiosity. Though Jagar is new with us, I believe he is our drive, but Ashira is our heart. You can live without most of the others but the body dies without a heart. Please restore our heart."

Rigging falls silent after his plea.

Ari (12 hp from battle, unknown regain any more) 
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 10:12:49 PM

Entering the tavern, it takes a moment or two for the presence to register. As soon as he starts talking, and asking the hard question, Ari understands that this is some kind of test. Hoping he can give the truthful answer, Ari begins.

"When we were ambushed, I took a lot of damage. Faster than I would have imagined. I am still recovering from my wounds. We've been training some new combat techniques lately. But when the ambush happened, it seemed to me that we fell apart, or weren't prepared to communicate in that kind of circumstance. Before we could even retaliate, it started to look like we were going to be overwhelmed. I could not stand for the Emperor to be killed or kidnapped on my watch. I do not want the war between the Empire and the pirates to continue. If this is the man that we might return the true crown to, I want him to live restoring our nation. As much as I'll die for my family. I think the Empire and Emperor and the Pirates are a bigger cause to die for. I was not there for Ashira when she fell. For that, I would want her to live again. So that I can try my best to remedy that, and to ask her forgiveness, if I was directly responsible for her death."

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 11:25:42 PM

ooc: Janell will be back online tomorrow night.

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 11:49:32 PM

The mage bows his head to the god, then speaks. "Yes, I was there, trying to help everyone on the battlefield with my skills. From where I was, Ashira charged the golem that took her life. Even knowing that she was weakened, she rushed to the front line of the battle, pressing the enemy. Her actions speak louder than any: she is brave and courageous. I do not begin to answer why she did what she did, maybe to sacrifice herself to give others a chance. If, on the battlefield I gaped, it was because I did not understand myself. Just prior to her advance I had dealt my hardest blow to the abomination. I may have been able to continue, if it were not for the efforts of my family also being too close to it. As it was, upon her death, a force of protection the golem had was broken and, as a team, we took the thing down. It is our way, we would never leave a member unprotected. It is our wish to bring her back. I believe it is her wish, too. You are able to look deep within us and grant this wish of ours."

Gargul (Assistant Campaign DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 1:23:12 PM

As you stand before Gargul, you realize that your wounds are healed, and your minds are fresh. No fatigue clouds your judgement, and no pain distracts you.

The God of Death looks at Appolo with eyes that have seen ages of the Wold wither and pass away. For a moment, the human figure changes, becoming a huge grey piercing lidless eye. A voice issues forth from the eye, saying, "Appolo, you come to me, but instead of asking, you order. I shall not suffer such disrespect from the likes of you, mortal. Your anger has availed you less than nothing, and although the price of victory may be high, you will find it cheap compared to the price of disrespect."

Appolo's blade, which he had refused to put away at the god's request, turns in Appolo's own hand and strikes deep into Appolo's own heart. Appolo falls onto the dusty floor, and his soul, like a plume of smoke, rises from his corpse. The short ugly fellow who guided you here grabs at it as if it were a feather or a scarf and stows it in his belt pouch, for now. Perhaps not for ever?

[OOC: Appolo is dead. Chris, I will be e-mailing you shortly about this. - Cayzle]

You see that Gargul has returned to the shape of the burly human dressed in dusty black robes. He turns to Val.

"Valanthe, your soul is not filled with the anger that led to Appolo's doom, but you are rash. You offer me your life, but I do not want a soul before its time. I will accept no more insolence. Instead, I take your voice. Think before you speak again."

Valanthe has the strangest sensation. Invountarily, she opens her mouth, and her tongue falls out onto the dusty floor. The wound sheds no blood, and the tongue is pink, healthy, and moving a little. Val can taste the dry dry dust in which her tongue lies.

[OOC: Val is mute. Walter, I'll be e-mailing you shortly as well. - Cayzle.]

"Jager, you speak with strength and respect. You look to the past to learn from your experiences. Stand, be proud, and ask me the boon for which you came here. And answer this: What will you offer to save Ashira from following Appolo to the Lands of Rest?"

"Nezamil, your motives are fair, and your heart is true, but your mind is weak. Ashira did not give her life as a sacrifice to save another. If you were to act as she did, then you too would be guilty of valuing your life too little, and risking it too carelessly. You need to learn to value life more. How will you learn that lesson? And in learning it, how will you earn my boon?"

"Arrack, you say that your duties kept you from your wife's side. So be it. You say that bad luck was Ashira's downfall. Well, we shall see if she agrees, now that she is dead. You say that Appolo is your group's anger, and I agree. You say that you can do without some parts of your group, and with this I also agree. You say that Ashira is your group's heart, without whom you cannot survive. Jager says she is the glue."

"Arrack, understand me well. I am the God of Death, the Death that is half of existence. Let the other gods deal with Life. But I do not wish Death upon the whole Wold. As I explained to Valanthe, I do not welcome those who come to me too soon. I do not want this Ashira. I do not even want this Appolo. I prefer the natural death. But there is a lesson to learn, and I will know that you have learned it before I release her. If she is so precious to you, how will you earn her back from me? Do you take me for the God of Gifts? And how will you keep her from me again?"

"Arislan, you speak well, with respect, and with intelligence. But respect will not alone cheat Death. What will you offer to bring your friend back into the Wold?"

"Alreduxar, you say you stood and did not act because you did not understand yourself. What is it you did not know, and how will you learn it? Having learned it, how will you earn the life of your friend from me?"

Gargul waits for Albarth and Ashira to answer his questions.

Ari (fully healed) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 3:49:55 PM

Realizing that he is not as injured as what he was, Ari straightens his stance in front of Gargul.

"I do not have the means to judge to the penny how precious her life is to me. I do not have the ability to even pretend to know what you might want in return. But I have begun studying trade, and how it effects everthing. I know that Ashira is precious to my friend Rigging for sure, and to the family as a whole. I would think that you have had a lot of practice in doing this. Since you do not really want Ashira, and you are not for receiving anyone's soul before their time. Then a trade of a life for a life doesn't work either. Therefore I can only offer my skills, my service, and maybe, my belief, in trade for my friend Ashira."

As Ari concludes his little speech, something dawns in him. Without pause he adds, "But if I have to name something that is most precious to me, that I can give to get my friend back. Then I would offer my freedom, for given amount of time, for Ashira. I would hope this would not be something akin to what our land suffers from. But not having the ability to decide my own fate, life, or death is the most precious thing to me."

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 6:18:35 PM

To say she was stunned would be the king of all understatements. Not only has speech escaped her but at the moment thought did as well. She crouched down next to Appolo, brushing some stray hair back into place. Try as she might she couldn't supress the tears. Gargul spoke of a choice she would have to make. It seems that he made that choice for her. The fact that Gargul felt the need to flaunt his power first by actually appearing and second by the personal display was unbelievable. Val couldn't help but wonder how a god becomes so insecure. Maybe one day Gargul will realise that mortals don't react well to anybody that just demands respect. Val wiped the tears from her eyes and thought no more. Better not take any chances. Gargul might not like her thoughts and take away her mind.

Jager (Fully Healed) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 7:36:26 PM

Jager feels strength enter his body and he stands once again only to see Appolo fall and Vals mutilation. Jager is awed and dumbstruck for the moment as his toughts race.....Captain Arrack did call Appolo our anger and anger is not well placed in a fighting unit, unless it is Val that is angry. Appolo did not seem to be a bad fellow and that was not the way to go. We have lost our anger and our sword is mute. What has Gargul done to our family....

Jager forces his thoughts back to Mrs. Ashira and Gargul question. Jager listens to Ari retort before he answers. "Gargul, I have been a slave in the Wold for most of my life. As you know all of my people has come to stand before you, so that leaves me the last of my tribe. These people rescued and freed me. I do not wish to be a slave again as Ari has pledged. I have pledged and honor debt to these Wildcards. I have fullfilled some of the debts. I have become a sailor for Captain Arrack, I have become a proper pirate for Mrs. Ashira. The others have yet to set an honor debt on me."

Jager takes a deep breath before continuing. "Honor debts of my tribe, the Heit Volken, are to those that you owe a great service. Those that are owed an honor debt, must be repaid by learning somthing of their spirit and that is what i have tired to do with the Wildcards. It would do the Wildcards an invaluable service to have Mrs. Ashira back. To that I pledge you, Gargul, my honor. Please name what I can do for you and learn from you."

Jager bows his head and goes to one knee and adds. "You choose to take from Appolo and Val; I can not speak for them, but think kindly of them as they are part of our family. A family is never the same when it has lost members. Ask what you will of my honor in order to restore our family to its whole body."

Jager will wait for the other Wildcard answers and for any retribution from Gargul.

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 11:20:32 PM

Rigging's eyes bulge when he sees the actions of Gargul towards Appolo and Val. He isn't surprised, Appolo automatic mouth and defiant attitude have often gotten him into trouble in the past but this seemed a little extreme.

Rigging squares his shoulders as he considers the God's questions and demands. He goes to one knee and says, "Sir you have wisdom beyond me. All I can offer is everything I own. My family is worth more than any possession I have.

I also humbly offer my service. Anything I need to do, I will do to have my family restored.

Once they are restored, I will do my best to lead them safely. Not just Ashira but all of them. I will try to guide them towards decisions to better themselves not only in their fighting skills but to make them better people.

I will work on Appolo's temper to see if I can curb it and heal the cause of it. I will try to guide Val into greater wisdom. I will try to be the best role model and leader I can be.

Ashira, I will protect her the best I am able as she would have protected me. I would have gladly taken that deadly blow for her if I could have."

Thursday March 31st, 2005 1:24:09 AM

Ashira is unusually silent as she listens to Gargul question herself and her family about her death...it is almost as if she can't speak. She watches and listens, stunned at the love displayed by her family and by the raw power exhibited by the god of death.

Ashira looks up at Gargul, her eyes desperately pleading with him. "My lord, I claim no hold to my elven heritage. I am at best a half-breed...outcast from both worlds...heir to the titles and majesty of neither group." There is an honesty written on Ashira's face that is found when one knows their true station in life. "I can only say this for my actions..." Ashira draws a deep breath before she continues, composing herself. "In life I fought hard, relying on my strength and skills to protect me. Like a fool I went and charged in. I knew that my family needed my sword, but I did not follow the training that I myself issued. Much of my blood was spilt needlessly. And my life..." Ashira looks briefly over at Rigging, and a small tremor shakes her body. "My life was truly given needlessly. I was stubborn, believing myself invincible perhaps... I unwittingly wagered my very soul and in the process lost it."

Ashira's eyes once more meet Gargul's, her face drawn with the painful truth that she has nothing to barter with. "My lord, even though my soul was rightfully yours, I fought your pull. I do not know how, but somehow I knew at the time that the Shadow Realms were too dangerous for my journey to you. But I stayed too long. And for that, my lord, I can only say that once more I was stubborn. I could not bear to be separated from my husband. I am sure that there are many who have passed to your halls that have said the same. My only defense, my lord, is that I could not bear to have my husband and family any further grief than they had already experienced..." Ashira pauses, knowing that her answer was weak at best...that all her words must sound feeble and lame to one who has had a myriad of souls pass through his hands.

Ashira walks toward the god of the dead and then falls down at his feet. "My lord, I am yours. I have nothing to barter with...nothing of value to offer you. Save, perhaps this. My lord, if you will release me from your lands, I offer you my very soul in life...free and openly. You, more than any, know my feeling toward the gods...nay, my anger. I lay that at your feet, and openly embrace your ways. Where you send, I will go. I will be your ambassador in life...preaching your graces wherever I go. But, my lord, if I could be so bold, I would ask for the life of my brother Appolo. For lord, I would be hollow without him. He is rash, impulsive, and angry...but he is loyal and brave as well. My lord, if you allow, I will work to refine my brother."

Having spent her best words, and offered her very soul, Ashira remains prostrate before Gargul, awaiting his judgement.

Thursday March 31st, 2005 2:00:08 AM

Redux watches the exchange between Gargul and Appolo with a small measure of mirth, and he barely manages to suppress a faint smile. Had to have seen that one coming...

Redux pauses and thinks hard about the question posed by Gargul... suddenly sobered. He rubs his chin thoughtfully as he answers. "I say that I did not understand myself. I suppose what I should have said is that I did not understand the failure of my magic. I gave the abomination what should have been a death blow, and yet it still stood." Redux pauses and then returns to absently stroking his chin. He looks deep within himself before he offers up his answer. "Perhaps I have relied too strongly upon my magics. I am no fighter, to be sure, but it would appear that in the future I need to utilize my other talents in order to prevent the family from appearing before you again."

Redux shrugs his shoulders as Gargul asks about earning Ashira back. "I am unsure how to answer you. I know better than to demand Ashira's release, but I am uncertain as to how to earn her back from you." Redux bows before Gargul. "But I humbly offer you my services, if you will give Ashira back to us."

Thursday March 31st, 2005 3:10:36 AM

Bart is shocked to see Gargul and even more shocked by the dead of Appolo and the mutilation of Val.

"Mighty Gargul before you stand the mortal Albarth Miller better known as Bart. Many times i have fought a battle, many beings are dead through my hand. I don't like the killing I and my fellow family members are not fighting for our own gain, but we are fighting for something we think is a good cause: To diminish the power Ga'al has over the people of Aisuldur.
In our last battle where we lost our beloved sister Ashira we where fighting to protect the Emperor and the Jack, two mortals who are the lever to change the things in Aisuldur.
We all did our best to save them, maybe we had to act different but each of us made his own choice I made rhe choice to not fight the construct that Val was fighting knowing that Val had suffered a lot if the construct was killed before her rage was over. It could be her dead. She did fight well and she wasn't wounded badly. If things where different i would have joined her fight and with the help of Domi we would have overcome the abonimation. Unfortunally Ashira made an other choice, if i had done the same maybe we wouldnt stand her before you pleading for the life of our beloved sister Ashira.
I feel the same is Rigging we form one body, loosing one of our companions is as loosing one of your limbs, you dont feel complete anymore. By pleaing for the life of Ashira and that of Apollo I am plea to make us whole again. To give us and me the power to do the good thing. Knowing that we all would go on a quest for you if that is you're willing.

Thursday March 31st, 2005 2:42:06 PM

The dwarf cocks his head a little to the side as he peers at Gargul" How will i learn to value life more? " the dwarf pauses a moment deep in thought "learning that lesson will take 'time' ,for you see we are all young and full of energy thinking we can change the wold in one swing or one act of desperation.....wisdom comes slowly to us mortals.....we need 'time' to learn the true value of what life is about and the consequences of our actions.... so the boon i ask is 'time' for Ashira , 'time' to grow as individuals and 'time' to grow as a family "

The Cleric of Domi waits to hear Garguls response the wieght of the wold seeming to weigh on the dwarfs shoulders as he drops to one kneee and bows his head as a single tear rolls down his cheek dropping to the dusty floor

Gargul (ACDM Cayzle) 
Thursday March 31st, 2005 5:33:57 PM

Gargul focus closely on Ashira's words. She says, "I claim no hold to my elven heritage," and he nods. She says, "Like a fool I went and charged in," and he nods. She says, "Much of my blood was spilt needlessly," and he nods.

The god of death listens to her honest appraisal, and then walks over to where she lays prostrate. "HA!" he cries, and you cannot tell if he is exultant or glad or angry. But he bends down and lifts Ashira to her feet.

"My daughter," he says, "you have answered from the heart, and from the head. You have answered well."

He bends over and kisses Ashira on the forehead, as if she were a small child. Where his lips touched, the rest of the group sees a sigul.

"I accept your service to me, child. I will call on you, and you will answer."

"Ashira has paid. Valanthe has paid. Appolo has paid. Their payments are heavy, for they defied me, each in their own way. But even a heavy weight can lighten in time, for I am, in my way, merciful. Ashira, your service to me will some day be fulfilled, and then you may leave my service, or remain, if I smile on you. Valanthe, your silence will some day end, if you only temper your quick actions with quicker thoughts. Even Appolo's exile may some day end, and he may return to your company, if he shows me that he can be the master of himself."

"You others, standing fast to support your fallen friend, have also answered well. I accept your offer to do me a service. Listen to Ashira, and when I send my will to whisper in her heart, hear her. My enemies are legion, and my works many. You will yet show your worth to me, in exchange for this life."

"But go now, for events more quickly on the face of the Wold, and changewinds blow."

You all find yourselves shepherded out the door, and back to the Temple. The short ugly humunculus hands Val her tongue. Then he closes the door, and it is gone.

[OOC: Let me add a final note. I am impressed with the level of role play here -- well done, everybody! -- and although I am sorry for the dire events that Val and Appolo met, I respect their resolve to stay in character regardless of the consequences. I'll be in touch with some of you and with Dominic to follow up on things. Thanks! -- Cayzle.]

Thursday March 31st, 2005 6:52:26 PM

Val puts her tongue in spare pouch before walking out of the Temple. Never again will she step foot in a land or place dedicated to Gargul. She almost wished she could speak so she could lay the vilest, the blackest curse upon the god of death. She wished there was a way to kill gods just to remind Gargul that mortals don't excist just for his amusement. It's irrehensable for the god of death to decide how she lives her life. Until she dies she excists outside his realm. Maybe, just maybe some other god will remind Gargul that he's the god of death. Not the god of living morality. Now she has to find a way for her soul to go someplace else upon her death. Never will Gargul have the satisfaction of having her soul no matter what. The others can rejoice or do whatever it is they will do without her cause frankly she's not in the mood for much of anything.

Thursday March 31st, 2005 10:39:06 PM

Rigging is torn with emotion. On one hand he is estatic to have his wife back among the living...but the price was heavy.

Appolo is gone and Val mutilated. He looks over at her with concern.

Friday April 1st, 2005 12:05:51 AM

As the dwarf is shepherded back to the temple with his fellow adventurers , Garguls last sentence echos in his head "But go now, for events move quickly on the face of the Wold, and changewinds blow."

" i wonder what is in store for us now " reflects the dwarf

Friday April 1st, 2005 12:51:39 AM

The half-elf sighs deeply as they are escorted from the temple, taken aback by the events. Breathing the air around her in deeply, she begins to smile, and then throws herself at Rigging in reckless abandon. She kisses him deeply and passionately, simply glad to be alive again. But then she catches sight of Rigging's glance toward Val, and she is suddenly ashamed of herself. For her sister had paid the highest price during her encounter with Gargul. Yes, it was true that she had sold her very soul, but Val had lost her love and her speech. Staring hard at the ground, Ashira walks over and lays a hand on Val's shoulder. "I'm so sorry." she whispers quietly.

Friday April 1st, 2005 8:01:39 AM

Jager lets out the breath he was holding while Gargul was speaking and with a sigh say. "I guess we are done here for now."

Jager looks to the fallen Appolo and thinks to himself....This is a painful lesson, that Anger and Insolence always lead to downfall...."Farewell Appolo. I trust we will meet again in this Wold or the shadow relm." Jager adds to himself and bows slightly.

Jager walks over to Ashira and touches her just to make sure she is real. "It is good to have you back Mrs. Ashira, very good."

Friday April 1st, 2005 9:59:16 AM

Val's tear filled eyes look into Ashira's. Her face was filled with exhaustion but her eyes were boiling with anger and fury. Val isn't angry at Ashira for she was just a victim of the situation as they all were. Though some more than others. She stares at Ashira for just a moment though it seems like a lifetime. She blinks the tears away and turns sharply, walking into the city with no destination in mind.

Friday April 1st, 2005 7:19:00 PM

Watching Gargul kiss Ashira, Ari wonders what the real price will be for the asking of their family member.

Whether is any chance for Appolo.

What's in store for their family.

He is glad to see Ashira alive again, but he is sad for lays ahead for the family.

Sunday April 3rd, 2005 4:04:01 PM

With tears in his eyes Bart steps away from the door He cant believe his eyes and his ears. Is this the justice of Gargul? Killing and mutilating to save a familymember? One thing Bart knows for sure Never he will go on a quest for Gargul unless Val is healed and Appollo is back to live, they have paid the price.
Nezamil could you guide me in prayer, to gather strength and faith to overcome this?

Rejoice and Loss - DM Dominic 
Monday April 4th, 2005 4:40:06 AM

Milling about outside of the temple you each rejoice in the return of Ashira while at the same time you grieve for the loss of Appolo and the maiming of Val.

Val heads off into Plateau City leaving you all behind.

The Jack and the Emperor stand off to the side letting you come to terms with the events inside the Temple of Gargul.

Monday April 4th, 2005 8:49:34 PM

The dwarf nods at Jagar's words of farewell to Appolo and walks past the Emperor and Jack numbly and stops on the steps outside the Temple.

With urging from Bart the Cleric of Domi kneels down on one knee and prays to Domi "these times are unsettled and events of a magnitude that is beyond us ......guide us in this walk thru darkness rife with unknown dangers.....guide us in this journey so we can blaze a trail of courage and hope for the wold "

Standing up the dwarf looks Bart in the eyes " be strong my brother these troubled times will fade into the past as we journey into the future"

Monday April 4th, 2005 9:00:00 PM

Where her feet take her Valanthe knows not. Her hands are clenched into fists so tight that her knuckles are white. Val walks past those in what could be reffered to as a drunken stumble though she is not intoxicated. Val focuses on the anger that fills her at this moment. She needs the anger because thats all thats keeping her from breaking down in the middle of the street. Maybe she will get lucky and some stray carriage will run her down in her blind shamble.

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 12:17:50 AM

Seeing the Emporer and the Jack, and noting the other faces of the group. Ari goes over to them and says, "We have been blessed with the return of Ashira, as you can see." Sighing Ari then states, "But the price is high, as Appollo has lost his life, and Val has lost her tongue. I have never dealth with Gargul before. So I'm not sure what this means. I just mean to inform, so that you will know."

With that, Ari will wait to see how the rest of the group reacts, and does his own silent contemplation.

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 2:22:29 AM

At a loss of what to do to help, Ashira quietly follows behind Val.

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 8:44:12 AM

Jager turns to the Jack. "What is next for us. I think we need to do something or we may become over come with our recent losses and gains." Jager smiles at Ashira.

"What are we to do with our charge." Jager motions to the Emperor.

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 4:51:35 PM

Most things will fade Nezamil but some events I can remember as yesterday... and this is such an event. I wont forget an i wont forgive never again i will step into a temple of Gargul or stand still near a shrine devoted to it. For me he is not better as Ga'al.

Suggestion from the Jack - DM Dominic 
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 6:53:09 PM

As Val moves through the streets a couple walks up to her and asks "are you ok?"

With the Wildcars standing around in a group the Jack asks "shall we continue to the High Lord's offices so we can get this meeting started?"

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 7:37:41 PM

Hearing the Jack's words, Ashira grabs Val's shoulders and stops her. "Yes, let's get this over with, she calls out. The sooner we're done, the sooner we'll have time to sort things out." Ashira's eyes search Val's, begging for forgivenss, though she knows it is too much to ask.

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 8:46:01 PM

Val turns to the couple and opens her mouth to speak. Unlike every other time in her life no words came out. This was the last straw. Val couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't hold onto the anger that was keeping her together (if thats what you want to call it). She can't answer the concerned couple no matter how much she wants to. Valanthe turns around bursting into tears. Tears flow steadily down her face as she buries her face into Ashira's shoulder.

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 9:04:36 PM

Rigging will make a sandwich of Val with Ashira on the other side. He promises, "We will find a way to get you fixed and Appolo back. I swear it. If I need to go in front of Gargul again and plea on my knees, I will do it. Please don't give up hope."

Rigging then hears the Jack's request and says, "Yes we must get you and the Emperor delivered. The price of this mission has already been to high. We can't have it fail now and make the sacrifices made, vain ones."

Rigging will call out, "Appolo! take the point..." He will then realize who he called upon and how much he has come to depend on the fiesty thief. Tears will slide down his cheeks and he will choke out, "Jagar, take the point."

Tuesday April 5th, 2005 11:29:17 PM

Unless told otherwise, Ari will let the others proceed him towards their destination, and he will bring up the rear.

Contemplation about these matters will come at another time. I must remain vigilant to the task at hand. Any words on my point will only break the camels back..... if it's not broken already.

Alemi, help my friends to remain calm.
. With that final thought, and a single tear. Ari hopes no one will take notice as he starts to scan the crowd for possible ambushers.

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 3:55:42 AM

Redux is relieved to be out of the temple. He joins Rigging as they walk. Shyly he begins, "Events have not unfolded as I could have expected. Upon entering the temple, I thought it more or less a given as to the outcome, but was very mistaken. With Appolo gone my plans become very minor indeed. I thought to enter the city, take care of Ashira and then find the nearest portal and return to my studies where you left me before. It is something I still must do. I will do my best to continue my duties given our current family state. Our next best course of action is probably continue on to the meeting for the Jack and the emperor. After that, the rest of us should get accommodations and have a memorial for our friend. I think that there are things we are able to do for both Val and Appolo, but we need to take some time to reflect. Let's not hurry into anything, just stick to the previous plan and then we can go from there.

ooc: just a note, Redux does need to be worked out, again; also, aren't Val & Ashira needed in the GG?

just have one last post of Redux leaving (going back on walkabout.) Yes Ashira and Val should be also in the GG.

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 9:28:56 AM

Jager will get quick instructions from the Jack or Emperor before taking off toward the High Lord's offices as Captain Arrack instructed. Jager will stay in front of the group about 30 to 40 feet and will look out for possible pitfalls and problems and maintain a clear path for the group.

Plateau City - the High Lord Mayor's Castle (Jan) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2005 1:38:50 PM

The residence of High Lord Mayor Sturtavent faces the river, with an excellent view of the huge gladitorial arena and park on the other side.
It's an imposing building; quite grand - although some of the upper quarters appear to have been the victim of a fire or some kind of explosion. Masons and carpenters are busy on the walls, repairing the damage.

There are guards stood outside, and to a local - they look a little more alert than usual.

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 3:53:23 PM

The dwarf moves forward following the fleet footed Jagar but letting him stay on point.

Nezamil mulls over what Redux has said "he's leaving again .....we lose Appolo .....winds of change are blowing hard "

The dwarfs feet pound the roads stony surface behind Jagar ....eager to reach the the HighLords residence " Redux has a good point we must take time to reflect but alas that is one thing we are short on right now ......time.......hopefully the high lord will have some answers for what is coming to bear in the wold "

The Cleric of Domi observes the workers rebuilding the High lords residence " what has happened here? " blurts out the dwarf " destructive forces abound the wold over it seems "

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 6:52:35 PM

Val doesn't notice the grand buildings or anything other than the ground infront of her. She still can't believe what happened or begin to come to grips with it. All she wants is to crawl into a deep hole where the sun can never touch her.

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 10:39:36 PM

Rigging will look on with concern as he sees the recent damage. He will call out, "Look lively, Wildcards. Looks like it has been exciting around here too."

He sighs and reaches out and squeezes Ashira's hand. " I was hoping for a rest."

Thursday April 7th, 2005 3:05:28 AM

With trouble Bart sets aside his concerns. He sees the dammage of the building"Hmm looks like an experiment in a wizzardsworkshop that has gone wrong"

Thursday April 7th, 2005 8:42:53 AM

Jager call to the Wildcards before the group enters the building. "Wildcards, we are moving so quickly. I am new to being a priate and am unsure how pirates are to react when one of their member dies. We would regale tales of the fallen one when the Heit Volken clan was still whole. Even in the fighting pits we honored the fallen. What can we do for Apollo?" Jager waits for answers on how to act from his fellow pirates.

Thursday April 7th, 2005 5:14:23 PM

Whistling at the amount of damage done to the area. Ari decides to put himself more on alert. If the guards are being more alert, than maybe it is even more possible for some kind of ambush inside the city.

Ari then scans the area for any signs of trouble.

Plateau City - High Lord Mayor's Castle 
Thursday April 7th, 2005 6:04:11 PM

As the group approach, the guards stand to alert, and one steps forward dressed in superior livery, clearly waiting for someone to announce themselves.
He looks expectant, non-aggressive, apparently expecting someone of note to arrive at the gate.

Thursday April 7th, 2005 7:11:16 PM

Val can't but help to chuckle when Rigging calls for them to look alive. She couldn't think of anything farther from the truth right now.

Thursday April 7th, 2005 9:45:42 PM

Rigging will step forward, bow and say, "My name is Arrack Von Palin. We are the escorts of the Jack of Pirates and the Emperor of Alsidur. I believe we are expected? Please lead us to our quarters as our trip was very trying. Our notables will want to clean up and get changed into more suitable clothing before meeting anyone."

Thursday April 7th, 2005 10:12:03 PM

Jager seems frustrated that no one besides Val is taking much note of Apollo's demise. "Does no one have a story to tell of Apollo's life?"

Once let onto the grounds, Jager will move off to survey the surrounding and collect his thoughts. Jager will look for quick points of ingress and egress as may be required of the group if the abode comes under attack. Jager also wonders to himself about pirate life and his too brief time with Apollo. Jager resolves to himself to get to know each of the Wildcards better so that he can regale their tales when and if they die.

Friday April 8th, 2005 1:17:09 AM

The mage looks around at the damage and quickly puts his own line of work in perspective. He sidesteps to where Bart is, keeping his hands still and beside him. "Yes, yes, it could have been, friend," he says to Bart. "But it could also been out-of-town mages. Then i wouldn't be very welcome unless i came with someone like the Jack & Emperor to vouch for me." He smiles a forced smile as he looks around at the guards and hopes to stay on their good side, or at least the good side of Bart's sword arm.

Friday April 8th, 2005 2:30:57 AM

Ashira sighs, tears forming in her eyes. "I know, I know." she whispers to Rigging. She sticks close to Rigging, but not too close. She knows that Val is mourning, and she doesn't want to further disturb her with PDA between her and her hubby.

Friday April 8th, 2005 3:40:10 AM

Once Rigging has spoken, brushes his hand through his hair in an attempt to 'neaten' his appearance. He then pipes up,

"We too have suffered from being attacked. Our journey was not uneventful, as we might have planned. So please forgive our appearance if we don't quite look the part."

Friday April 8th, 2005 8:46:23 AM

Maybe it was a priest Redux or an Alchemist trying to make gold!

I have Jager, I know Appolo from longtime ago since we where kids in Ailthmar. His temper did get us in trouble a couple of times. I will tell you a famous one later on..

Friday April 8th, 2005 11:46:58 AM

The dwarf feels a certain comfort in being in his hometown again "yeah will be good to get some rest ...i hope " remarks the dwarf

Nezamil casually mills around the entrance of the high lords residence awaiting the next step in getting the 2 leaders to their meeting

Plateau City - High Lord Mayor's Castle 
Friday April 8th, 2005 8:23:31 PM

The man clips his heels together and gives the group a formal bow.

"This way, please ladies and gentlemen, and I'll have the Housekeepers show you to your rooms. We expected that your journey would leave you travel weary. It is a long way between our two lands after all.
"The Mayor offers his entire guest quarters for your disposal and chance to rest, and gives you a formal invitation for breakfast tomorrow.
"It will be in the ballroom I'm afraid. The smaller dining room met with some misfortune. It will be another few days before it's restoration will be complete.
"The Mayor also wished me to tell the Emperor and Sir Jack, that he is ready to recieve them immediately if that is their preference."

The Jack, the Emperor and the Wild cards are whisked inside.
The guest quarters are magnificent. Marble floors, sunken baths, huge beds, silk robes, and a bevy of servants to cater to every whim. Cherry blossoms in huge pots cast the occasional white petal on the shiny floors. The view from the window over the river is magnificent and restful.

Friday April 8th, 2005 8:35:55 PM

Jagers restless spirit is calmed immediately at Bart's words. "I welcome the stories of Apollo. I would be honored to hear your story of our angry comrade in arms. I think Apollo will be happy with it also."

Jager hangs to the back of the group as he seems uncomfortable with all of the finery. Once he sees the Wildcards quarters he lets our a low whistle and exclaims mostly to himself, but all can hear. "This is how the slave masters lived." Jager is unconcerned with his past as he head over to the sunken baths to inspect the possiblity of eliminating the road grime from his body.

Saturday April 9th, 2005 4:59:19 PM

Rigging will head over to the wine glasses and fill a glass for everyone. "Wildcards! Emperor! Sir Jack! I would like to propose a toast to our fallen companion Apollo. He was a mighty friend. I hope we can convince Gargul to release him and let him rejoin our number."

Rigging will take a sip from his glass and continue. "To Val, Who was willing to trade places with Ashira. She shows us all what true friendship and love of family is all about. We need to see if we can get her tongue regenerated while in this big city."

Rigging will take another swallow.

"And finally to peace and freedom for all of our people. May our leaders find compassion in their hearts and resolve in their wills to do what is right for all."

Rigging will take his final swallow while staring at the two leaders.

Sunday April 10th, 2005 4:46:18 PM

The optimism of Rigging helps Bart to overcome his negative thoughts. In the past they also had their problems and most of the times it did worked out well.
To Appollo! the best friend I have! I hope we can free him from Gargulls chambers

Sunday April 10th, 2005 10:05:43 PM

Redux inspects the guest quarters with approval. He joins in the toast to Appolo and Val. His smile flattens somewhat at the toast to the freedom for all; times were troubling. He too wished the leaders were able to show wisdom and strength to do what needed to be done. He slipped out of his outer robe and began to take in all of the surroundings. This too would pass, but it was good while it lasted. Maybe he could be of more help here; time would tell.

Sunday April 10th, 2005 10:30:31 PM

The dwarf walks into the mayors guest quarters and admires the poshness of it .

grabbing a glass he raises in salute to their fallen wildcard " to appolo " toasts the dwarf simply and drains his glass

"A bath would feel great....cleans the grime and blood off ....not to mention baths can seem to cleans the soul a little too....."trails off Nezamil

"some good food after" smiles the dwarf " i believe i'll eat out on the balconey ...what a splendid veiw "

Nezamil will follow his whims and relax in comfort

Monday April 11th, 2005 1:41:17 PM

Val decided to participate in the toast until Gargul's name was mention. The apathetic and depressed look on her face twisted into an angry scowl. Val tossed the cup aside, spraying wine all over the wall and floor. She twisted without hesitation and walked out of the room to hide in her quarters.

Monday April 11th, 2005 8:51:16 PM

(sorry for delay)

Taking in the surroundings, Ari is just about to disappear for a bath when Rigging jumps up with the toast.

Ari will raise his as each toast is said, and then a quick gulp afterwards. Not wanted to antagonize any parties involved, Ari wisely keeps his mouth shut and just concentrates on just drinking the wine.

Once the toast is done, Ari will make his own arrangments to enjoy a bath before the meeting with Mayor.

Who would have ever thought we were in the middle of so many great events. I wonder how this meeting will go down, and what it means for our future..

Ari quickly shuts down any other thoughts that his musing might make him try to answer.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 12:27:09 AM

The half-elf sighs...breathing in deeply. It sure feels good to breath again! She smiles at Rigging's toast, raising her glass and drinking the alcohol down quickly. But Val's antics are not lost on her. Pulling Rigging aside, Ashira speaks in low whispers to her husband. "My love, you know my heart is with you, and I long to crawl into your arms and forget about this crazy Wold for at least the night..." Ashira sighs deeply, and there may just be the beginning of tears in her eyes. "But I think I should spend tonight with her. She's been through more than we could possibly imagine. She needs me." Her kiss is long and passionate before Ashira turns to leave. Finding one of the house staff, Ashira finds a suitably strong bottle of Elven wine and heads to Val's quarters. She knocks until Val opens the door, threatening to break it down if need be. Once inside, Ashira pours a glass of wine and drinks it down quickly and then pours one for Val. Knowing that there will be no conversation tonight, Ashira tries to help Val deal with her unimaginable pain the only way she knows how...by getting good and drunk. As she continues to slam home the wine, Ashira tries very hard not to think of the pain and misery ahead of her in the morning.

Breakfast greetings - DM Dominic 
Tuesday April 12th, 2005 5:01:19 PM

The following morning, there is more evidence of repair as the group make their way to breakfast. There is a smell of fresh paint; men are working on the tiled floor inlays, and two halflings pass by carrying a huge roll of brocade on their shoulders.
The ballroom is enormous, and a dining table has been set up at one end of it near the windows. An enticing aroma suggests juice, freshly baked bread, coffee, bacon, spicy meats and eggs.

Sturtavent steps up to greet the party. He's a big man with a regal bearing, dressed in ceremonial clothing fit to meet leaders of other realms.
"Welcome to Plateau City, and I hope you are well rested," he says with a smile, after all the formal greetings are through. "Please, take a seat and lets eat breakfast. I apologise for the venue, but we had some... dragon trouble a few days ago. Rest assured, it's been taken care of."
A closer inspection might give the impression that the Lord Mayor seems a little tired, or perhaps recovering from an illness. A slight shading under the eyes, and a distracted, troubled look if he thinks no one is watching.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 9:00:37 PM

The next morning Val welcomes the hangover. The pounding in her head the moment she hears anything is a welcome relief from the recent thoughts that plagued her mind. Val stood in the back where she can be out of the way and hopefully out of sight since her presence now is more of a liability than anything. Thankfully the fresh paint goes a long way to hide the smell of wine that is still working its way out of her pores. As for breakfast Val swipes a few pieces of fruit and some bread before slipping back to let the others engage in discussions that are no longer part of her life. It has only been a day and already she can feel herself distancing from the others. What's the point in greeting someone that can't greet you back. She can see the end of idle comments about the weather as the Sword cuts through the ocean waters. Valanthe actually wishes she died yesterday because to her being cut off from the world in this way is a fate worse than death. She silently curses Gargul yet again for all the good it will do.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 10:40:34 PM

Having slept fairly well, after cleaning up from the grim and grit of the road. Ari dresses up in his finest clothes, and prepares to meet the mayor.

Not knowing what to expect, Ari lets the others of the group do the first talking with the Mayor. As they talk, Ari will try to examine more of what's going on around them, and what the mayor has around him.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 11:57:45 PM

Large dark circles under her eyes, hair slightly askew and reeking of wine, Ashira enters with the others. Shades, she was definitely too old for this kind of stuff. Thunk, thunk, thunk...is that the workmen hammering or her head?! Ashira turns to check on Val, but the ever so slight motion sets her stomach on edge. And by the gods, what was that stench?! She glares over at the offending dinning table as though it were filled with all manner of vile unspeakables.

When approached by Sturtavent, Ashira bows low, but the action causes her stomach to lurch. Turning a slight shade paler than her normal bluish green, Ashira's forehead breaks out in a slight sweat. She mumbles a polite greeting and then grabs Nezamil's arm and drags him out into the hall. Her eyes blearly focus on the dwarf as she does her best to speak in a whisper. "Alright, dwarf. You and I haven't exactly seen eye to eye before... But due to present circumstances, I am forced to ask for your help. This is a big meeting, and I can't screw this up...not for Rigging. So, I'll make it simple. Is there anyway you can cast one of those Remove Poison spells and make this hangover go away? It's not so much for me...more for the reputation of the Pirates." Ashira leans up against the wall as she awaits the cleric's answer, head in hands and eyes closed.

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 8:18:52 AM

Rigging notices Ashira's condition and frowns. She has been drinking a lot lately and he is starting to wonder if it is a problem. He will have to keep an eye on it in the future and try to guide her away from the wine.

He will walk up to the mayor and bow. "Sir I am Arrack Von Palin, Captain of the Sword of Redemption and leader of its Wildcards." He will spread his hand indicating the others.

"I want to thank you for hosting this meeting. I can't stress enough how important it could be for the nation of Aisildur. I am hopeful that the pirates can finally stop fighting and find more peaceful pursuits."

An Hour of Silence - DM Donna 
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 1:12:23 PM

This board will now observe an hour of silence
in honor of Lynn Beck (and her husband Dave)
who was taken away from The Wold before her time...

Good-bye Dave & Lynn Beck - DM Donna 
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 2:12:42 PM

The hour of silence is over now. Posting may resume. Thank you and let's all hope for the best for young Alex Beck.

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 5:41:13 PM

The dwarf stumbles slightly as he gets yanked out into the hall By Ashira but doesnt lose his footing .

Listening to the sea-elfs plea the Cleric hides a smile but replies in a comforting voice " of course i can help you " the dwarf pauses a moment to think thru his spells for the correct one "ah i'm ready " withdrawing a small piece of charcoal the Cleric of Domi invokes Domi's divine powers into Ashira (casting Neutralize poison)

As the spell finishes Ashira regains her color to her cheeks " now lets go see your husband and high lord Sturtavent and pay our respects "

"this should last a little more then an hour which will give your own body time to recover before the spell wears off so eat lots and drink plenty water "

With a grin at Ashira " i promise no long winded lectures if you promise not to puke on my boots " laughs Nezamil

Making his way to the food table the dwarf makes sure Ashira sees him pile his plate high with eggs, bacon , buttered bread and large mug of coffee " eat up " chuckles Nezamil to the Swords mistress "this smells great "

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 6:25:11 PM

Bart is interested to hear about the dragon, he looks for someone who can tell hem more about the creature. Wich colour whas it? Did they kill it in the end or has the dragon gone away? How did it look like, how big was it. Bart fires a lot of questions. In return Bart tells of the construct he has seen in the old city of Ailthmar

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 7:45:35 PM

Jager feels excellent after the bath last night and getting to sleep in so soft a bed.

"Lord Mayor, thank you for you hospitality. The room are just unbeliveable and this food and the fresh juice, amazing." Jager can't seem to get enough of the juice and seems to drink a gallon of it.

"Lord Mayor, your city is quite fine as cities go. Cities are new to me. We have brought you important guests, what of the Wildcards now." Jager finishes as he pushes away from the table, taking what may be a last glass of juice.

Thursday April 14th, 2005 10:27:00 AM

As Nezamil's healing power flows through her, Ashira beams at the dwarf. As they pass back into the dinning hall, Ashira punches him playfully in the arm "Thanks Nezamil."

Filling her plate with the now delicious food, Ashira notes the absence of juice on the table and shoots Jager a dirty look. She pours herself a cup of coffee and greedily gulps it down. Her eyes widen in surprise, and she looks down at the cup with a grin. Hey, this stuff's pretty good. I'll have to pick me up some more of it before we leave.

Ashira listens to the conversation around the table and then chimes in herself. "Lord Mayor, we are pleased to be a part of this auspicious meeting. We pray that it may herald a new era of peace between our countries and perhaps the Wold itself. As my husband has already said, we Pirates look forward to a time when we can put a end to fighting and begin rebuilding our own country. Ashira chuckles "Though I fear that would bode ill for people such as myself...who make their living by the sword."

Some Answers and Thank You - DM Dominic 
Thursday April 14th, 2005 6:20:20 PM

"I am happy to hold such a meeting as it will try to bring some peace to an area that has seen more than its fair share of conflict." the Lord Mayor says to Rigging.

Bart does not find anyone that will talk about the dragon troubles.

After a short time the Jack comes walking into the room. He heads straight to Rigging and the other Wildcards. Once he meets up with the Wildcards the Jack hands Rigging a pouch and says "Thank you all for your sacrifices and your unfailing loyalty to your mission. I know this can not undo some of what has happened over the last few days." When Rigging looks into the pouch he finds several small gems (4500gp worth (500gp each))

A few minutes later the Lord Mayor tells you "After talking with the Emperor and the Jack, we think I have found you a new member for your group. You can meet him outside of the Star Mages Guild hall tomorrow at 3 candle marks after midday (3pm)."

The Jack looks to you and says "I have rented rooms for you at the Morning Star apartments. I will expect to see you in 2 weeks. I suggest you start working on gettng yourselves setup now that you are 'freelance'." The Jack then nods to the Lord Mayor and both exit the room leaving yourselves to finish your breakfast.

EXP and Hero points coming in an email this weekend. I will be wanting an updated CS from each of you if you go up in level or other changes to your sheet, by the first of May this gives you two weeks.

Thursday April 14th, 2005 9:22:06 PM

Rigging will thank the Jack and the Mayor for their kindness. "If you could direct us to the your local branch of the Catacombs, we would be appreciative."

As the group gets back to the apartments, Rigging will ask, "We need to get the magic from the golem fight identified and decide if we want to keep it or sell it. We also have these gems to split up. Who wants to go to the catacombs?.

OOC Dominic, do our characters have 2 weeks to play with? Can we write scrolls and make magic items and such? Also does Redux get a cut of this magic? Is he coming back? Same questions for Appolo?

yes there is 2 weeks of game time to do other things like take jobs with a merchant, do odd jobs for others etc. you have to find some way of supporting yourselves during the time. :-) Yes Redux and Appolo should get a cut of the loot from the last battle.

Friday April 15th, 2005 8:35:45 AM

Jager is please to hear that he has time off, but unsure of what to do with it as he has never had time off before. His former life as a slave was always busy. Maybe Jager can find a new hobby, like sleeping.....

"I will go check out our new apartments and meet our new member." Jager adds. "I just want to go wander the city and see the sights. Anyone want to come?" Jager finishes as he stands up ready to go.

Friday April 15th, 2005 10:11:54 AM

Val's purse may be light but thankfully she has more than enough gold for these next two weeks. Instead of standing around and trying uselessly to convey her wishes with hand gestures Val simply leaves. There has to be someplace in this city that has a comfortable dark room and a ready supply of wine bottles.

Friday April 15th, 2005 2:56:03 PM

"two weeks to rest relax and visit friends in town .....we all could use some time off to reflect on recent events " remarks the dwarf

Turning to Rigging "i'm thinking of heading to the catacombs myself , dont have much to spend but thinking of exchanging a few items "

"Captain if i may suggest we have a meeting among ourselves in the next couple days to discuss what direction we shall freelance in "

"also to meet our new friend and get his measure " remarks Nezamil

Saturday April 16th, 2005 2:34:08 AM

I'm thinking of a better armor, a more powerfull chain shirt but i dot know if i have the money maybe i can exhange some items from the golem fight.
I wonder who our new friend may be

Saturday April 16th, 2005 9:34:05 PM

The half-elf beams...two weeks...two whole blissful weeks with no one to kill, no sea rations. Her smile is quickly overshadowed by Val's actions. At first she goes to stop Val...but then she figures that Val really could use some time alone...time to mourn..time to figure things out on her own. Ashira would always be there to help, but she knew all too well from personal experience that sometimes people need to work through things by themselves. She watches Val carefully, making sure that she knows where the Elven warrior holes up.

As the others chime in with their plans of going to the Catacombs, Ashira smiles. "Naw, I think I'd just like some down time...maybe just sit and relax for a while with Rigging. You guys go ahead. I'll meet up with you when we go to meet the new guy."

Saturday April 16th, 2005 10:55:19 PM

Redux sighs. He looks around at everyone and shuffles his feet. "Well, ... this seems a bit more fitting. I couldn't say a word last time. I just had to get to the job. It really is a good place to learn as well as a fine opportunity to earn some gold and be a better member of the party. It was timed poorly, and for that, I apologize. But, as you saw, I could see you and find you. I should be able to do that same thing next time I join back up with you." He tries to end with a smile. "I won't be long, and if you need me, just call out. Let's have a bite and a drink, then I'll head back via the Star Mage guild's port."

Restfull Day - DM Dominic 
Sunday April 17th, 2005 2:42:24 PM

You each spend the rest of the day catching up on some much needed rest. That evening you find that you have no problem finding a variety of different foods and drinks. You see that for the most part the citizens of Plateau City are a fun loving and industrious people.

OOC: Sorry for the late post I had to format and reload my computer as I was having problems with Windows.

Monday April 18th, 2005 1:26:59 AM

Ari begins making contacts and sniffing around the town. He begins looking around the town and seeing what kind of merchants, traders, and services are available in the town. He'll also try to see what kind of buildings are available to open a trading house, and possibly to have some apartments from, or whether the apartments they have are secure enough.

Ari doesn't dwell too long on the events in Gargul's temple.

Monday April 18th, 2005 12:34:53 PM

For those two weeks Val isn't seen at all. She stays in her room and only opens the door for the occasional meal and fresh bottles of wine from the inkeeper. What others may think of this doesn't even enter her mind. All she wants is for it not to hurt for two weeks.

Monday April 18th, 2005 2:57:32 PM

Ashira spends the first half of her day just lounging around the appartment...soaking in the vacation. She grins mischieviously at Rigging and heads out on her own in the afternoon...where she tries to find something suitable for the night....something silky and, well...mostly insubstantial, yet tasteful.

Monday April 18th, 2005 4:37:00 PM

Nezamil spends a quiet day , enjoying the veiw of his birthplace from the balconey of the High Lords residence.

"ah a nice peaceful sunny afternoon" remarks the dwarf to the cloudless sky

maybe i'll head over to the catacombs later "muses the dwarf as he sips some sweetened tea " yeah a nice lazy afternoon without those dark and depressed members of the wildcards.....they just must learn to deal with things better and relax and enjoy what they have instead of being angry and hateful of everything "

pushing those thoughts out of his mind Nezamil grabs a couple of grapes from the nearby fruit bowl and pops them in his mouth " mmmmm " the dwarf closes his eyes and leans back in his chair and lets the sun warm him as he naps .

Monday April 18th, 2005 5:14:14 PM

Rigging thinks about making a wand but realizes he doesn't have his workshop handy. He thinks about scribing some scrolls but isn't motivated.
Finally he pulls out the map that was given to the party from the Jack.

He starts perusing it closely and wondering about the Sword's future and the Wildcards. That night at dinner, he will call everyone together and say, "I would like to take this time to ask all of you, What is next?" He will branish the map and continue. "We are free from our obligations from the Pirates. We have a possiblity of a interesting location for a base. Who wants to go check it out?"

Dominic - the Jack did not give you a map something was found on the wreckage of that Redux thought might be a map of some sort. He still has it. I will say that he will have handed to you as he left.

Monday April 18th, 2005 8:00:40 PM

Jager is disturbed when he returns to the group as he was unable to locate the newest member of the Wildcards. Jager thinks to himself, maybe he was given the wrong direction or he got himself lost or had the wrong time. Jager will check with Bart to make sure he got his information correct. "Bart did you get the info on how to find our new Wildcard?"

At Captain Arrack prodding during dinner Jager suggests. "I thought is was great when you freed me, maybe we can end the slave trade in the Wold? Sound like a fair challenge." Jager waits for an answer with a beaming expectant face.

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 8:35:20 AM

Well Jager the mayor said we could meet him outside of the Star Mages Guild hall at 3 candle marks after midday (3pm). I will ask Nezamil if he could bring us there. Who wants to come with us?
Bart will look for the mayor to ask him how they could recognize this man or is it a woman? Does he or she knows that he/she could join the wildcards?

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 10:10:31 AM

Great, Val thought as she watched the proceedings unfold. There was another soul unfortunate enough to get sucked into the black hole of suffering that was the wild cards. Things have been getting harder and harder the more they fought and lately it has been too much. Two of the wildcards died recently and she herself was unjustly mutilated. Well thats not entirely true. Valanthe blames herself for the mutilation. After all it was her own fault that she assumed a god would see the meaning behind words instead of being stupid like the rest of mortality. The way she sees it the more temper tantrums he throws the less respect he gets...and deserves. Val moved over and sat in a nearby chair. She sighed deeply as she propped her feet up on another chair. She was going to make herself comfortable. There was no way she owuld be going to meet a new recruit. It's not like she could welcome this person or do anything else worthwhile. It was ironic actually. Before when she could speak she said little but she always voiced her opinion on stuff. She was a fiery warrior that loved the thrill of battle. Now all she was was a silent killer that was a liability to those around her. On the battlefield communication could be vital to survival. Yes the next time battle was upon them she would act solo. She would be responsible for noone but herself and maybe, just maybe if she was lucky enough death would claim her. Then she could spit in Gargul's face. Being tormented for eternity would be well worth it. Beneath the cowl of her cloak Val smiled at that thought.

New Day, New Friend - DM Dominic 
Tuesday April 19th, 2005 6:43:49 PM

Jager comes back and tlaks to Bart about not finding the new member. Bart then heads out and goes to see the Lord Mayor about it. When Bart is able to finaly see the Lord Mayor the Mayor tells Bart "it is tomorrow that you are to meet him." With that Bart heads back in a better mood.

Valanthe spends the day drinking and in quiet retrospect of what has happened. At one point she could have sworn that she felt her tongue tingle slightly then nothing.

Nezamil enjoys relaxing for the day.

Ashira has a wonderfull day while she is out and about the city.

Rigging gathers you all during the evaning meal and puts to everyone the questions 'We are free from our obligations from the Pirates. We have a possiblity of a interesting location for a base. Who wants to go check it out?'

The next day you awake from a restful night then headout with the knowlege that you will be growing in numbers again.
Around the time you were supposed to meet the newest member you arrive outside of the Star Mages Guild tower. You can see several people heading in and out of the tower and moving around the area. You see one person just outside of the tower that seems to be waiting for someone.

OOC: Ok Darain you can introduce yourself to the group now and start posting.
Sorry for the missed posts I have had a bad week with my computer and getting it up and running. Everything should be back to normal now.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 6:32:58 AM

A tall well-built, dark haired human notices the group aproaching. He is clean shaven and well groomed and has a small smile on his face. He is dressed in a chain shirt, black breeches, and boots. He has over one shoulder is a large metal shield, over the other is a long bow and quiver of arrows. There is a large sword in a scabbard stapped to his back and a back pack in his left hand.

The man waits for the group to get closer and then asks, "Wildcards?"

Once he is assured this is the group he is looking for, he will introduce himself, "I am Mykael Arliin, adventurer extrodinare. I was informed that you may have room in your group for myself. Pleased to make your aquaintances."

Mykael secretly looks them each over and sizes them up as introductions are exchanged.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 7:25:52 AM

Rigging will step up and hold out his hand. He will test the grip and look for calluses at the same time. "My name is Arrack Von Palin. This is my wife Ashira." He will go forward and introduce the others.

"I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption and leader of her Wildcards. Many of us have been together for years and everyday we face a greater challenge it seems. Can you tell us a little about yourself, your skills, your background. Also, why you would want to join a group that is hunted by Ga'alian priests all over the seas?"

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 7:57:51 AM

Jager, a human of average height and moderate build with close cropped black hair, will wait his turn to meet Mykael and shake his hand. Jager will also look Mykael up and down to appraise him. "I am the newest member of the Wildcards, next to you that is. I was recently freed from the slave lords and have pledged my service to the Wildcards. We have been on many adventure since. Look forward to having you aboard. I trust you are strong, quick and smart or you will not last long." Jager finishes with a wink and he twirls his quarterstaff before moving off to let someone else have at Mykael.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 10:17:30 AM

Valanthe is a beautiful elven woman with coppery red hair. She wears fine elven chain with a slender sword at her hip and a shield on her back above a low strapped quiver. Val glances at Mykael only briefly as she wonders how she got dragged along in the first place.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 2:08:16 PM

Her mithral armor gleaming sharply in the bright sun, Ashira flicks back her blue hair as she examines the new guy. Hands on her hips, she makes no fact of hiding her swords. She smiles when introduced. "Greetings Mykael Arliin. I am Ashira, Mistress of the Sword, and it will be my job to find out whether you truly are an "adventurer extrodinare". We will have sparring practice at dawn. Everyone is expected to attend." Ashira keeps it short and sweet. Although she had a fantastic night, Ashira had awoken in a fowl mood, and the arrival of the new guy only reinforced the thought that she has to rethink the battle groups. Ashira sighs and walks over to Val, grabbing her shoulder. "C'mon Val, let's head back...I've got a lot of work to do, and I need your imput."

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 3:27:51 PM

Mykael smiles slightly at Rigging's questions and responds, "Yes, of course, I was a soldier and sailor, then I found the call of the arcane arts. I struck out on my own after my apprenticeship was over, doing tasks here and there and small adventures on my own. I have been hard at study though for the last year and have missed the adventure. I love the arts, and to read to increase my knowledge, but that can get boring without some excitement. I am a fair salior and I was informed that your group was in town. As for the priest's, I have heard of them, but know little about them and I dont scare easily. So to be blunt, the answer is adventure, treasure in all forms, and exploration."

Then Mykael, turns the questions on Rigging, "You say that your challenges get tougher with each one you face. Why is that? What is the plan for the groups future? What skills does the group have? What is the group lacking the most in? Am I going to be able to count on any or all of you to watch my back as I watch yours?"

Mykael stops suddenly, and puts up his hand in a motion to say stop, "Perhaps we should continue this in more confortable settings. Lets head to a tavern, get a quiet table and I will buy the first round. How does that sound, Captain?"

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 3:34:09 PM

With a laugh at Ashira's comments " well met Mykael " as the stout looking dwarf reaches out and shakes hands with the newest wildcard " she is quite the taskmaster indeed "

"I'm Nezamil and its good to have you aboard , these times are intresting and we could use the extra sword"

As he steps back to allow others to introduce themselves the sunlight flashes off a pendant hanging from around his neck shaped as an anvil.

Resting his right hand on top of the head of his mace in a ring holster Nezamil turns and scans the crowd showing a heavy shield of his shoulder

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 4:19:20 PM

Valanthe wasn't sure what type of input she could give on anything but she had nothing better to do. So without hesitation she turned away from the others and walked off with Ashira. Even though she just heard about the impromptu sparring session Val is already trying to figure out ways to skip out. Why practice when it doesn't really matter? Besides she would much rather nurse a hangover.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 7:28:49 PM

Upon hearing Mykael claim to be a wizard of sorts, Jager will exclaim as he strikes his own forehead. "Another wizard, just great. I am surrounded by them now! I get trained for years in the slave fighting pits to kill wizards and now they are everywhere." Jager finishes in m ock ignidnation.

Jager adds. "If Ashira leave anything left of you, which I doubt. I will have to see how you fair against one who used to relish killing wizards." Jager this time bow with his bow in one hand before stepping back once again.

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 8:32:39 PM

Having nosed around the area for a full day. Ari joins the others at the star mage guild.

Meeting the new person, Ari smiles at him and extends his hand in greeting. Standing at 5' 9", the blonde haired, blue eyed fighter introduces himself, "I am called Ari. We've been told to expect you."

At quick glance, you can see the cloak that covers Ari shoulders, along with a dagger and a scimitar. Strapped over his back is a bow that looks well used.

Thursday April 21st, 2005 8:54:35 AM

Rigging smiles at the newcomer and says, "Yes I think a meal might be in order and who knows, if they happen to bring of picture of ale along, it might get emptied. Just no Green Gnomishes!" Rigging winces at the very word. He seems to have had a bad experience with the evil drink recently.

Rigging is disappointed that Val and Ashira walked off, but knows the elven barbarian is going through a very rough time. He prays that she finds herself and can get her tongue back soon. Gargul said something about "Forethought" to her. Does she have to plan for the future more?

Rigging turns his attention back to the newcomer and answers some of his questions. "I am mainly a mage, but have had some thief training. Ashira, Val and Bart are the main swordswingers of are little band. Ari both swings a sword and casts a spell. Jagar is a monk and can run incredibliy fast. Sometimes he even avoids those trees when he watches where he is going." Rigging glances at the monk to see if he gets a rise out of him.

Nezamil is our cleric and is good a patching us up. Redux, who is off studying now, is our most powerful mage. He specializes in death spells. We had a thief named Appolo recently die but we haven't given up hope he might rejoin us soon, if we can get Gargul to turn him loose.

Our lives are dangerous because we are committed to the freeing of the people of Aisidlur and have had some small successes with that goal. We have come to the attention of the Priest of Ga'al and they seem to want to kill us all."

Rigging watches Mykael's face for reactions to his words.

Down Time---ADM Nellie 
Thursday April 21st, 2005 9:17:31 AM

Rigging guides the party to a suitable looking Inn called The Hitching Post. Though the Inn is bustling, Rigging is able to find a table for the group, and everyone relaxes in the comfortable Inn. The food smells spectacular, especially the kitchen's specialty, a dish called chop chey, which looks to be a kind of stir fry made of beef and spinach. And the view is, well, breathtaking...a quick glance around reveals that all of the wait staff are voluptuous scantily clad women. A few minutes after the group is seated, a rather well endowed maiden leans over Rigging, grabbing the cup in front of him...her busts brushing against his arm in the process. "Oh, sorry about that dearie." the woman states in over exaggerated embarrassment that leads everyone at the table to believe that the act was far from an accident. The waitress goes quickly around the table filling the glasses in front of each man with water, and managing some form of not so covert physical contact in the process. "Hey there fellas, my name's Delia. Haven't seen you boys around before, you new in town? What can I get you to eat?"

Meanwhile, Val and Ashira make it back to the apartments. Ashira grabs a small black board that she purchased during her outing and puts it in front of Val. The sea elf looks over at her friend. "Look, Val, I know you're having a hard time with all of this, but I really need your help. We've lost Redux and Appolo, and if we don't modify our attack plan, I'm afraid I'm going to get us all killed. So, what do you think? How can we reorganize to be the most effective?"

Thursday April 21st, 2005 12:41:20 PM

Val takes the board and writes Good Question across it in big letters. She turns the board around for Ashira to read before wiping it clean. Val begins to write again. This time the chalk clicks on the board much longer than before. When she turns the board around it reads: 1)Need to know what the new recruit can do. 2) Simplify. Main attack and support?

Valanthe OOC 
Thursday April 21st, 2005 12:42:39 PM

OOC: I believe Gargul said think before you speak. It makes it hard to do when Valanthe can think all she wants but can't speak. Even if thats true I don't know why Val would attempt to speak when she doesn't have the capability to do it.

Thursday April 21st, 2005 3:09:55 PM

Mykael listens to Rigging's answers and looks around at those here, try to put name and abilities to faces. At the mention of a lost comrade, Mykael head bows a little and when Gargul is brought up he smirks to himself. Mykael raises an eyebrow at the mention of freeing the people of Aisidlur and the comments about the priests, he seems to not care about.

I have read a little on Aisidlur although, I admit I know little. Are you trying to start a revolution within the people and over throw the Emperor? Secondly, what brings you here when your task is there? And finally, what are the plans for the groups future?

Mykael smiles at Delia and then takes a long pull on his mug of Ale.

Thursday April 21st, 2005 4:14:45 PM

Jager spits out ale when Mykael mentions the Emperor. "Hey do you want to meet him. We have an in." Jager slaps him on the back but gives no more information.

Jager eyes Delia as she goes around the table and asks after she passes him "Delia please excuse me, but have have not been in decent society long and do not know all the interactions between men and women. Are you offering more than food and drink at this time? A friends wife has show me some pleasantries, but you are confusing me. At this point, how an I to react to your advances." Jager finishes with a twinkle in his eyes.

Thursday April 21st, 2005 9:16:37 PM

Rigging will take a swig of his ale and answer the newcomer's questions. We just escorted the Emperor of Aisidlur and the Jack of Pirates to a meeting with each other.

This is, to my knowledge, the first time they have ever met in person. To understand our quest you must know what you will face. Ga'al has a very effective weapon and bribe for his people. It is called the heartseed. It is a plant that grows through your chest and around your heart and spin.

Through it, you become a willing slave to Ga'al. He can totally control you, like a mage controls a zombie. He can also bestow bliss and other things through it. Strength and the ability to limit pain.

We can never overthrow Ga'al or his evil priests through a general populace revolution. Every adult is controlled by Ga'al and he would willing let them all die."

Rigging pauses and takes a sip of his ale whetting down his throat and then continues. "Something has recently changed. It used to be only humans were given the heartseed and no demihumans were allowed in the empire. Everyone conformed to each other...you will notice most first names of people born in the empire begin with the letter A. At the age of 13, every child was heartseeded without choice.

Now things are different. You must consent to the heartseed. Somehow the famous Golddragons were able to cure the Emperor of the heartseed and force Ga'al into letting everyone have this choice. I am not sure how they did it but they have my salute.

Ga'al has responded by allowing the other races become heartseeded. Now you will find elves, halflings and even some of the monster races heartseeded."

Rigging's face darkens in anger as he says, "Ga'al and his accused priest don't always play fair either. They can coerce your choice as well. With a blade to your wife's throat or through torture they can force your decision. Ask my wife, Ashira. It happened to her." Rigging's tone will lighten as he says, I suggest you ask after your sparring session tomorrow though."

Thursday April 21st, 2005 11:46:52 PM

The half-elf is in rapt attention to Val's board, reading and contemplating. It is several long minutes before she speaks again. "Well, looks like the new guy is something of a fighter, by the looks of his gear. A little cocky too, by his tone. But I suppose we'll find out better tomorrow, huh?" Ashira lets out a wicked little chuckle. "Adventurer extraordinaire..." she mumbles under her breath.

As she continues to ponder the groups tactics, Ashira unconsciously rubs her chest where the heartseed used to be. "I don't know Val, I think the combat groups still have merit...but they need improving. Maybe it's just more drilling. You know, we really screwed up that battle with the golem...especially me." Ashira trembles at the thought of the massive flesh creature that killed her. "Let's see here...what are our assets?" Ashira borrows Val's board and begins writing...

Val---Front line Fighter
Ashira---Front line Fighter
Bart---Front line Fighter

Jager---Good backup fighter

Rigging---Good backup fighter, mage
Nezamil---Good backup fighter, healing
Ari---Good backup fighter, mage
New Guy?????

Ashira stares at the board for a long time, leaving it where Val can see it to. She sighs deeply. "Shades, I wish Redux hadn't left. We really need a full time mage." Ashira rubs her temples where the beginning of a headache is forming. "Flanking is the key, I know it is, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to break it up."

Friday April 22nd, 2005 12:25:39 AM

Nezamil enjoys the walk to the Inn , taking in the sights and sounds that were familar in his youth.

Taking a seat next to Jagar the dwarf grabs the nearest pitcher of ale and fills his mug and listens as Rigging and the others banter about.

With a grin on his face he can't hide Nezamil is glad the 2 women aren't here to see waitress " Ashira would slap her around for sure .....then what kind of service would we get " chuckles the dwarf

As the conversation turns to talk of Domi's arch enemy Ga'al the Cleric pipes in " yes that is what brought me to work with these fine people....they're battle againist Ga'als domination of Asildur and to free the people of his terrible deeds "

"but onto more important subjects at the moment ..... whats to eat " laughs Nezamil " think i'll try the lamb chops and whatever veggies of the day "

"lets enjoy this meal because you know Ashira is gonna make us work it off in the morning with her training sessions "

Friday April 22nd, 2005 5:56:18 AM

Mykael listens to Rigging intently, raises an eyebrow at Jager conversation with Delia, and smiles at the dwarf when he speaks of getting a meal.

After any fireworks from Delia are over and she leaves, Mykael looks at Rigging and unleashes the flood of questions.

"ok, so the Emporer is free of the control. Does he still have control of the nation? If so, what is he doing to thwart Ga'als plans? And Ga'al cant afford to send all those under his control to war, because if he has no followers what will become of him? Was the Emporer ever able to tell you how he was freed from the heartsead?"

Mykael pauses, takes another long pull on his ale and rambles on somemore, "I appologize for all the questions, this is an interesting situation but the problem doesnt seem too great anymore. Since people are given choices. And the fact that many need to be 'convinced' to give permission seems to mean that the truth of the heartseed is known, at least in Aisidlur and its bordering areas. I am not trying under-state the task at hand, but it would seem that the Golden Dragons have confronted and defeated the most difficult battle in the war. I have many more questions, but if the Emporer knows how to free those that are seeded, then you start at the positions of power within the nation and work down, using the military or perhaps even sign treaties with neighboring nations that are also threatened by Ga'al and his priests. Casualties will happen, yes, but they cant be helped in a war. If the Emporer does know how or to free those affected, then perhaps a quest to find the Dragons is in order."

"Just a quick un-studied opinion," Mykael shrugs his shoulders, "what were the group's plans from here?

Friday April 22nd, 2005 7:18:48 AM

Seated at the table with the rest of the crew, Ari smiles at the antics of their server. But this is not the time to play around.

Ordering up a simple fair of food, Ari listens to the conversations around the table.

Not wanting to confuse the issue, Ari lets Rigging do his best to answer the newcomers questions.

We don't get many chance to eat at a table.

Friday April 22nd, 2005 12:34:53 PM

Val takes the chalk and her hands starts to shake. So bad that Val has to grab it with her free handu. She takes a deep breath and writes: Its hard to flank without people that can get there undetected. It's only something that we can use if the situation happens to fall in our favor.

Rigging the long winded 
Friday April 22nd, 2005 11:13:25 PM

Rigging will listen to more of the newcomer's questions and look around to see if anyone else wants to answer any of them. The ring of silence is deafening.

He looks over to Nezamil and can't believe the dwarf popped a whole lambchop into his mouth. Ari is being his usual quiet self. The young leader sighs, picks up a roll and carefully butters it. Takes a bite with relish and says,
"Mykael we really don't know where we are going from here. We have been freed from our vows with the pirates, but still value their ideals and goals. Not all of their methods but then wars can get ugly.

The Jack has given us a map to a possible location for our own base. I would like us to go check it out, look it over and decide if it will be suitable for us.

If it is, then I would like to go clean out any nasty and possibly dangereous denizens that already might live there and then bring in some colonists. I envision a free port. One where both ships from the Empire, from the Jack, and from other nations could stop and trade at.
Of course this will take lots of work and we will have many enemies who won't like the idea of a free flow of ideas flowing back and forth. It will be to much for our one ship to protect and make prosper.

We will need many others to help. Skilled help not only in fighting and defense, but in building and a host of other activities. Years down the road, this could become a major port.

I ask myself if this will help the cause and truthfully I must say 'Not directly.' It won't free the people already heartseeded, but sometimes ideas and education can be stronger than a sword.

Many of us have been fighting since our teenage years. We have killed scores of priests, taken down quads and raided temples. We have even found a cure, though it can't be mass reproduced. We need to find a different way to achieve our goals.

Now the Emperor and several others including my father have been cure of the heartseed. I understand it is a long process and painful to boot but at least it is a cure. We need to find out more about it. It does represent hope.

We also need to find a way to break the cycle of parents taking their kids to be heartseeded. A parent is a huge influence on a child and will tell the child to say yes to that dreadful question. Most kids obey their parents. I don't know how to battle this."

Rigging will look up and smile, "Lately we have several new members to our merry little band. Nezamil has been with us for a while but is still relatively new, Jagar has just joined us and now Mykael. I am hopeful that you three can help us restore our hope and see things we are missing. Many of us oldtimers are losing hope."

Elven Song

The Dream Song---ADM Nellie 
Saturday April 23rd, 2005 1:12:39 AM

The food arrives for those of the group that ordered it, and it is found to be simple, yet extremely tasty. As the food and ale is enjoyed, the conversation flows as Rigging, Mykael and a few of the others consider the future of the Wildcards and even the country of Aisildur. Ideas ebb and flow like the currents of a river...sometimes fast and shallow, other times slow and deep. The continual mention of the Emperor of Aisildur and the Pirates of Jack does attract the attention of a few people around the group, but on the surface they appear to be common folk caught up in the excitement inherent in the tales of the adventurers, rather than anything malicious.

Delia is kept busy tending to the party's orders and keeping the ale flowing. When she is questioned by Jager as to the intentions of her flirtatious advances, Delia laughs...a light tinkling sound. "Oh, no sir...I'm afraid there's a strict no touch policy at The Hitching Post. Or, as old Zax says "Ya can look all you want, but ya can't touch.". Delia leans in close to Jager and the smell of the woman's perfume practically begs Jager to nibble on the neck that is sooo close. She speaks in a guarded whisper as she grabs his muscular arm. "But, I get off in a couple of hours... And what I do in my own time is my own business." Delia returns Jager's wink as she slowly pushes away and heads back to the kitchen.

And then, something strange begins to happen...several patrons jerk suddenly to their feet as if compelled by some strange magical force. Suddenly, a chorus of song is heard from outside the Inn, soft in the beginning, but building in both volume and intensity. As you look around, you notice that all of the patrons who have risen seem to be of Elven lineage. The Elves cock their heads, listening to the singing. Then one by one, all of the Elves begin to join the song, adding to its potency. The tune is alluring and vaguely disturbing, though none but the singers can understand the words.

Meanwhile, as Ashira and Val continue to ponder the difficult task of battle tactics, they are suddenly brought to their feet by some strange persuasive magical force. They too hear the chorus of voices outside in the city streets, though the song seems somehow closer, both in vicinity and relevance. Their blood runs hot with excitement and somehow, they know it is time! The decision must be made...will the King be awakened or continue to slumber?? The song burns in their ears, and Ashira and Val feel compelled to give an answer. Join the song and awaken the King, or remain silent. Stranger still, though Valanthe's tongue remains safely tucked in her pocket, her powers of speech are miraculously restored during the song!

The words of the song ring clear in Val and Ashira's ears...
Highlight to display spoiler: { Starless night will cover day, the veiling of the sun,
Dark sleep broken, here comes the one!

No more will you wander, on dark journey of dreams.
The woods have awoken, the power of living things!

Our love for this land is deeper than the deepest sea.
The bonds are sundered, and we will have our king!

Saturday April 23rd, 2005 10:30:34 AM

Jager is intoxicated by Delia's offer, but all he can do is wink back and say "Later then.". Jager wishes Mrs. Ashira was here to ask guidance, how is a man to act with a women when neither of them are slave. Jager resigns himself to find out with or without counciling.

When the elves rise Jager thoughts once again drift to Val and Mrs. Ashira and how they are reacting to the phenomenon. "Captain Arrack do we check on the ladies?" Jager interjects as he stands up.

Sunday April 24th, 2005 4:56:13 PM

Nezamil licks his fingers after finishing the lambchop and reaches for a 2nd reaches a 2nd "By Domi these are good......hmm....Rigging pass the rolls please "

Just then all the elves stand up and start singing "what ?? .......this must have something to do with the dreams "

"anybody know what their singing about ? " remarks Nezamil hoping someone would hear him over the din of the song

With a look at Jagar sitting next to him the dwarf see's the fleet footed Jagar lips move but can't make out what he is saying

" By Domi will ya keep it down we're trying to eat in peace " shouts the dwarf to the singers

sliding his chair back and standing up " Hey
...whats the song about ? ......you hear me ? "
shouts the dwarf as he waves a lambchop in his hand at the rowdy elves

Sunday April 24th, 2005 10:55:55 PM

The song runs hot in her veins, promising deliverance and revenge. Her lips itch to join, but she cannot. No, what good did a higher being ever do for her? She has always known that she needs to depend on herself. No matter the problems, she would deal with it on her own. Ashira stands silent as the song winds around her.

Monday April 25th, 2005 7:24:41 AM

Realizing the import of what they're talking about. Ari look around nervously to see who's paying attention to their conversation. As Ari is looking around, he notices the patrons that seem to stand and join the singing. Ari wonders whether they should drop a note to Redux, to see what he can come up with from the guild about this phenomenon. He might even make a visit to the local Alemi temple to see what they know.

Monday April 25th, 2005 11:05:27 PM

Valanthe sings with passions. For the brief moment she hears her own voice once more. The song flows effortlessly from her lips like she's known it all her life. The need and desire for vengence burns hot in her veins. When the song ends it takes a tremendous amount of will not to head and and find somebody to fight.

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 6:39:47 AM

Rigging will pause mid fork full of food to his mouth and look at the strange antics of all the elves in the tavern. He will wonder what is going on?

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 7:11:30 AM

Mykael sits back in his chair quietly and watches the scene before him unfold. He trys to understand what the elves are singing about in elvish.

Awakening (ADM Nellie) 
Tuesday April 26th, 2005 9:45:41 AM

As Val adds her voice to Elven song, Ashira obstains. The song rises in intensity, and then, as suddenly as it begins, it is gone. Val feels a faint tingling and finds, much to her disappointment that her ability to speak is once more gone.

Back at the Inn, the non-elven patrons stare at the Elven singers, the gawking continuing even after the song is concluded. Several patrons echo Nezamil's questioning. The Elves, however, simply leave the Inn as a group, speaking excitedly of the return of the Sleeper in Elven...once total strangers, now united by the shared event.

With the departure of the Elves, there is much consternation and conversation about the oddity of Elven folk, but by in large things settle down once more...and then...

The Wold stirs....

A breeze springs up, seemingly from out of nowhere. On the Sargass Plains, the unending grasses begin to move and toss, and the rapkes pace, restless and uneasy. In the Windbourne Hills, horses whinny and break into a run for no reason. In the tunnels beneath Dirt City, sewer rats begin to flee their hiding places, running into well-traveled corridors while the people wonder what it all could mean. And in the Emerald Kingdom, the anticipation is very nearly palpable as the animals awaken and the trees stir in the wind.

Something is coming.

The Wold seems to hold its collective breath as the Sleeper stretches, turns, sighs...and awakens. Eyes the color of the sea blink and focus as the Sleeper regards the Wold around him. The expanse of New Elanna, the great bulk of Shadow Mountain, the mysteries of the Southern Continent, even the wonder that is Floating City--all of these are known to the Sleeper in a heartbeat. A frown of concentration crosses his face, then a satisfied smile as he begins to know what must be done.

The Sleeper takes a breath and stretches out his hand...

Though each of the Wildcards witness the vision, a casual look at the rest of the Inn's occupants reveals that they haven't a clue.

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 2:08:25 PM

Very very strabge first dreams, then that elvensong and now that vision, What does it mean who is comming an elven god who was hybernating for long time? I dont have a clue do you Nezamil?

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 9:50:36 PM

Rigging hears the song and knows that the elves are voting on releasing this sleeping powerhouse. He is hoping for the best but doubts it will turn out that way. Nature run amok is a scary thing.

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 11:24:05 PM

Nezamil remains standing,watching as the elves file out the door oblivious to his outburst

realizing he is pointing at the departing elves with a lambchop inhand he takes a bite out of it and in muffled tones " hey ya gonna explain all the song " inquires the dwarf with sarcasm

Turning to Bart " not a clue ma friend....this is something out of Domi's realm as far as i know "

"well lets get back to what we were discussing " mentions Nezamil as he reaches for the rolls " so where were we ?" as the dwarf surveys the table

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 12:26:36 AM

Seeing the vision, seeing the elves, seeing the patrons. Ari shivers. Whispering to Rigging, "Should we try to find a more secure spot to discuss the varioius events going on? I'm not sure whether we should worry or not."

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 1:35:33 AM

Jager looks stunned. "That was different. What is going on? Anyone know this Sleeper character?" Jager just watches the elf and non-elf reactions to the vision. Jager thinks to himself that Dalia may be getting to him more than he thought......

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 2:25:24 PM

Mykael has a confused almost frightened look on his face for a moment, then calm. He looks around the table and around the room, not saying anything. Just observing and comtemplating to himself, 'What the hell? Who is accessing my mind? I must study a mind shielding spell, or get an item. Access to my mind??? Got to becareful.'

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 4:48:13 PM

The fact that she probably heard her voice for the last time quickly ruins her good mood. Pissed off once more Val rummages through her pack looking for that wineskin she knew was in there only to find it empty. Frustrated Val throws the empty skin back into her pack and sighs.

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 6:04:29 PM

Nezamil you where talking about this delicious food dont you? Dont ypu think this is more interesting? Even Val could speak for a moment!

Rumblings (ADM Nellie) 
Thursday April 28th, 2005 12:35:33 AM

Though the events with the Elves prove extremely interesting, nothing more is seen of them, and the evening winds on uneventful. Nezamil's lamb chops are very tasty, and the ale lifts everyone's spirits. Most of the conversation in the Inn centers around the antics of those odd Elves, with several off colored jokes flowing around.

After their meal, the guys head back over to the apartments to find both Val and Ashira in contemplative moods. Neither seem particularly talkative...though Val once again experiences that strange tingling sensation, and she swears for a few brief seconds that she can "feel" the strange roughness of her shirt pocket on the inside of her mouth. How odd.

After gathering, everyone shares the strange events of the evening. But night rolls on, and soon it is time for bed. Everyone heads to their respective rooms and settles in for the night. The beds are soft, and the rooms are warm...soon everyone is fast asleep.

And then, suddenly there is a loud rumbling, and the all the rooms begin to shake. Furnishings move about as if animated, and the beds pitch and roll much worse than out on the bounding main (Dex DC 20 or be thrown out of your bed...Dex DC 25 to get to your feet).

Rigging  d20+4=5 d6=4
Thursday April 28th, 2005 7:31:38 AM

Rigging is tossed out of his bed like a leaf on a windy day. He hits the floor hard and rolls into a chair taking 4 points of damage.

He looks up in shock and surprise as the room vibrates around him and his most intelligent remark is..."Huh?" as he rubs the back of his head.

Rigging only gets 2 hours a night due to his belt of sustenance but those two hours are deep sleep.

OOC Rolled natural 1 for save, so I played it up a little.

Nezamil  d20+1=2 d20+1=14
Thursday April 28th, 2005 1:40:47 PM

The loud rumblings awaken the dwarf and he is rewarded by being thrown off his comfortable bed(d20+1=2 dex ch) "ouch!" groans Nezamil as he reaches up for the corner bedpost to drag himself to his feet but an animated chair slams into hom from behind "Grrrrr" growls Nezamil as his hand slips(d20+1=14 dex ch) from the bedpost and falls flat on his back .

"think i'll just stay on the floor where its safer " mutters the dwarf but he keeps an eye on the sneaky chair as he waits for the rumblings to cease.

Valanthe  d20+3=20
Thursday April 28th, 2005 4:25:33 PM

The room starts shaking pulling Valanthe from her reverie. Instantly her hands grab the headboard keeping her from being tossed hard to the floor. Now what Val thinks and waits for the shaking to stop or get worse.

Jager  d20+4=12 d20+9=13
Thursday April 28th, 2005 4:35:43 PM

Jager is bounced out of bed (failed dex and balance rolls)and rolls around on the ground with the end table. Jager tries to rise but end up falling each time. It appears that Jager is dancing with the end table.

Several lound curses can be heard from RJage, but no one understands them as he did not teach anyone how to swear in Heit Volken.

Ashira  d20+3=7 d4=1
Thursday April 28th, 2005 11:06:05 PM

"Yeah, baby, yeah..." Ashira mumbles as the bed begins to vibrate. But then suddenly there is a bone jarring thud as she is thrown from the bed toward the dresser. Her head smacks into the corner, and Ashira's eyes open as the pain brings her to her senses. "What in the..." she mumbles as she desperately searches for something immobile to latch onto.

Aftermath and Aerobics---ADM Nellie 
Thursday April 28th, 2005 11:21:26 PM

The shaking continues for several long minutes as all of the rooms very furnishings seem to turn against their occupants, chasing and crashing into you. Finally, the trembling settles down, and you are left in peace in your disheveled rooms. Though the loud clambering coming from other nearby rooms, and indeed out in the city streets themselves indicate that the rumbles were felt by most of the buildings in the quarter.

The rest of the night passes uneventfully, and true to her word, Ashira awakens all of the Wildcards at dawn, pounding on doors when needed until the occupant emerges. The Mistress of Sword if possible looks even more cranky than the day before. There are small bags under her eyes, and a small cut on her forehead. After leading everyone to an isolated city park, Ashira leads the Wildcards in a few vigorous warm up exercises, and then quickly gets down to business. "Alright, everyone...time for sparring drills...personal defense is always important, so I'm going to go one on one with each of you... Let's get started..." Ashira draws her swords, animates her shield and stands in the center of the square, ready for her first attacker.

Alright guys, let's have fun with this one... Go ahead and roll up 3 rounds worth of attacks (no spells, buffing or otherwise, please). I'll post up some rolls for Ashira either throughout the day, or in the next DM post, depending on how much time I have....

Please list the attacks in this format...
Attack one...
AC 28 for 28, AC 18 for 3...etc.
Attack two
AC9, AC 33 for 48...
Attack three
AC19 for 30, AC 15 for 14...

Ari  d20+1=5 d20+1=15 d20+7=20 d20+2=7 d20+8=27 d20+7=12 d20+2=22 d20+8=27 d20+7=11 d20+2=20 d20+8=16 d6+3=5 d6+3=9 d6+3=6 d6+3=7 d6+3=6 d6+3=6 d6+3=9 d6+3=6 d6+3=8
Friday April 29th, 2005 1:59:18 AM

Having been roughed up in the middle of the night. Ari is not exactly happy when Ashira gets him up in the early morning.

Though not personally worried about his sword play. The groups tactics weigh heavily in his mind as he does his morning routine with Ashire.

It has been a little while since Ari has been able to use his sword and dagger together.

Round -1
AC 20 for 5
AC 7 for 9
AC 27 for 6

Round 2
AC 12 for 7
AC 22 for 6
AC 27 for 6

Round 3

AC 11 for 9
AC 20 for 6
AC 16 for 8

Mykael - AC 23  d20+9=26 d20+9=17 d20+9=15 d10+3=12 d10+3=10 d10+3=8
Friday April 29th, 2005 5:11:02 AM

Mykael is interested to see how the others perform along with the female elf as the leader. He has trained quite a bit on his own and is battle tested, but has been hitting the books more than sword-swinging lately, so perhaps a little playing is worth his time.

RD #1
AC 26 for 12

RD #2
AC 17 for 10

RD #3
AC 15 for 8

Bart AC 25  d20+15=31 d20+15=21 d20+15=33 d20+10=19 d20+10=12 d20+10=29 d20+10=15 d10+9=13 d10+9=18 d10+9=15 d10+9=12 d10+9=10 d10+9=10 d20+10=22 d6=2 d6=4 d6=3 d6=5 d6=4 d6=2 d20+13=30 d20+13=15 d20+13=28 d20+13=30 d20+13=24 d20+11=23 d20+11=22 d20+11=19 d20+8=18 d20+8=12 d20+8=10 d10+7=16 d10+7=12 d10+7=16 d10+7=11 d10+7=8 d10+7=14 d10+7=15 d4+4=8 d4+4=6 d4+4=7 d6=6 d6=3 d6=2 d6=3 d6=2 d6=2 d6=2 d6=5 d6=6
Friday April 29th, 2005 6:08:13 AM

Bart prepares his sword he covers it with layers of cloth so the risk of hurting Ashira is minimized also he tries to stop the swing right before impact. Ashira if it is alright with you i will fight with you twice. Once with my sword 2 handed and once 1 handed with in my other hand a dagger. I could use my spring attacks as well, but that probally means you cant hurt me so i wont use it.

Bart animates his shield also and prepares to spar

Round 1
ac31 for 13+2(shock)
ac12 for 18+4
ac21 for 15+3
ac29 threat no crit for 12+5
ac33 threat no crit for 10+4
ac22 for 10+2

2 weapon fighting
ac30 threat no crit for 16 +6
ac 23 for 8
ac 18 for 12+2

ac28 for 16+3
ac 22 for 6
ac 12 for 11+2

ac30 crit 24 for 8+14+2
ac19 for 7
ac10 for 15+6

Nezamil  d20+11=31 d8+5=12 d20+6=23 d8+5=10 d20+11=19 d20+6=10 d20+11=26 d8+5=6 d20+6=17
Friday April 29th, 2005 1:51:32 PM

Nezamil watches as others spar with Ashira and as the match between Bart and Ashira finishes the Cleric of Domi quickly evokes several divine words of power and points above the sea-elfs head (casting create water)

The Swords mistress gets doused with water from above throughly soaking her(16 gallons worth)

"Hahahhahah" laughs the dwarf heartily " looked like you were getting a little dehydrated so i decided to help ya out " smirks Nezamil

The dwarf steps forward and prepares to take his turn sparring a big ear to ear grin stuck on his face " shall we dance " chuckles the dwarf as he raises his shield and hefts his mace .....quickly attacking Ashira (d20+11=31)(nat 20!!) smacking her (d8+5=12 dam) and trying for another smack (d20+6=23)( d8+5=10 dam)

" heh thats just too easy " teases Nezamil as he comes in for rd 2 (d20+11=19) (that misses)(d20+6=10) Nezamil is just to laughing to hard after his quick hits in 1st rd of sparring witha waterlogged Ashira " well well guess your light on your feet after all " grins the dwarf

Nezamil closes in for his last round of sparring his mace lashing out quickly (d20+11=26)smashing into ashira (d8+5=6 dam) and quickly closes in to the finishing touch in his attack (d20+6=17)(that misses)
rd 1

Ac 31 for 12 Ac 23 for 10
Ac 19 Ac 10
rd 3
Ac 26 for 6 Ac 17

Valanthe Ac 23, Hp 100  d20+15=29 d20+10=26 d20+10=30 d6+7=11 2d6(4+3)+14=21 d20+15=18 d20+10=28 d20+10=29 d6+7=12 2d6(5+5)+14=24 d20+15=28 d20+10=18 d6+7=9 d6+7=11
Friday April 29th, 2005 4:11:48 PM

Val was up next. She should be sleeping, or so she believed. If Ashira was going to insist on combat training then Val would make her feel it. Normally she would banter and talk herself up but that was impossible with her current positoin. Val came at Ashira, using strength to push past her defenses.

OOC:Round 1 hit ac 29 for 11, crit hit ac 30 to confirm for 21.

Round 2 hit ac 18 for 12, crit hit ac 29 to confirm for 24

Round 3 hit ac 28 for 9, hit ac 18 for 11

Rigging  d20+7=20 d100=58 d20+7=8 d100=97 d20+7=16 d100=76
Friday April 29th, 2005 4:59:39 PM

Rigging smiles at his wife's graceful form as she whirls her blades around defending herself. She is so graceful and controlled in combat.

She controls her attacks and gives advice on footplacement and body dynamics as she thrusts and parries.

Val strongarmed attacks have Rigging concerned. He knows Ashira can handle herself but doesn't like to see Val so enraged. He doesn't know what to do about it though. Val has to work this out herself.

Rigging activates his ring of blinking when it is his turn. He looks at his weapons and knowing he can't match Ashira on these terms, decides to have some fun. He leaves the weapons in their sheathes and moves into the circle.

He blinks behind her and with a touch attack kisses the back of her neck. Hit ac 20

+5 base +2 flanking (made 20% miss roll)

As she whirls around, he tries to blink behind her and kiss her on the ear. Unfortunately he slips in the puddle Nezamil made and lands up on his butt. Rolled natural 1

For his third attack, he grabbs her by the ears and plants a kiss right on her lips.

Made all 2 blink miss rolls.

Jager AC 22  d20+8=10 d20+8=17 d8+3=10 d8+3=8 d20+8=9 d20+8=19 d20+12=30 d20+9=25 d20+12=16 d20+8=14 d20+8=14
Saturday April 30th, 2005 12:01:21 AM

Jager was sitting cross legged waiting for the dawn as Mrs. Ashira bursts into the room. Jager was having trouble sleeping as he was excited about the sparring session.

Jager is dissapointed when Mrs. Ashira's warm up excerses end so soon. "Wait, I have not even worked up a sweat yet. We should do much more stretching. I do not want anyone to get hurt."

Jager waits his turn, but it take all of his patients to do so.

Jager bows to Mrs. Ashira when his turn comes and then launches himself at her. Jager starts with a jumping side kick that is much to obvious, but follows it up with a spinning hammerfist as he gets close.

Round 1

AC 10 for 10 damage
AC 17 for 8 damage

Now that Jager is almost body to body with the blue haried warrior he changes tactics and attempts to sweep Mrs. Ashira off her feet, but his feet get stuck in the mud created by Nezamil (nat. 1), but his second attack sweep attack is much better.

Round 2

AC 9 (touch attack: assuming a miss)
AC 19 (touch attack)(Opposed roll 30)

Mrs. Ashira is sweeped off her feet (assuming) and Jager decided to change tactics again, depending on what Mrs. Ashira does.

If Mrs. Ashira attempts to stand, Jager will attempt to sweep her again with the AoO

Round 3

AoO if Mrs. Ashira stands AC 25 (touch attack) (opposed roll 16)

The follow takes place weather Mrs. Ashira stands or not: Jager will attempt to disarm Mrs. Ashira and take both of her swords.

Opposed roll 14 for right hand sword.
Opposed roll 14 for left hand sword.

If Mrs. Ashira is still on the ground at the end of combat, Jager will help her up and then return any of her swords he may have taken. Jager will then deeply bow to Mrs. Ashira again. "Thank you for the lesson."

Sparring Results (ADM Nellie)  (Ari)d20+12=26 d6+7=13 d20+7=8 d20+12=29 d20+12=21 2d6(1+6)+14=21 d20+4=9 (rd. 1)d20+12=13 d20+7=21 d6+7=13 d20+12=30 d20+12=14 d6+5=8 d20+4=18 d6+5=10 (rd.2) d20+12=13 d20+7=17 d20+12=30 d20+12=22 2d6(1+3)+10=14 d20+4=19 d6+5=7 (rd. 3) (Bart) d20+12=24 d20+7=18 d20+12=22 d20+4=19 (rd. 1) d20+12=29 d20+12=21 d6+7=12 d20+7=13 d20+12=20 d20+4=20 (rd.2) d20+12=29 d20+12=21 d6+7=9 d20+7=15 d20+12=25 d6+5=9 d20+4=10 (rd. 3) d20+12=18 d20+7=22 d20+12=29 d20+12=23 d6+5=11 d20+4=12 (rd. 4) d20+12=16 d20+7=27 d20+7=16 d6+7=10 d20+12=13 d20+4=12 (rd.5) d20+12=29 d20+12=31 2d6(2+4)+14=20 d20+7=27 d20+7=16 d6+7=9 d20+12=29 d20+12=28 2d6(5+5)+10=20 d20+4=17 (rd.6) (Nezamil) d20+12=27 d6+7=13 d20+7=8 d20+12=25 d6+7=11 d20+4=7 (rd.1) d20+14=21 d20+9=24 d6+7=13 (rd.2) d20+12=21 d20+7=13 d20+12=23 d6+5=8 d20+4=5 (rd. 3) Valanthe d20+12=13 d20+7=9 d20+12=32 d20+12=24 2d6(1+5)+10=16 d20+4=22 d6+5=7 (rd. 1)d20+12=27 d6+7=9 d20+7=23 d6+7=13 d20+12=17 d20+4=20 (rd.3) d20+12=23 d6+7=12 d20+7=18 d20+12=25 d6+5=9 d20+4=8(rd.3) Rigging (rd. 1 activate ring) d20+16=22 d100=22 (no hit)(rd. 2 invis) d20+12=27 d100=98 (hit) d6+7=10 d20+7=16 d20+12=23 d100=79 (hit) d6+7=9 d20+4=11 (rd. 3) (Jager) d20+12=19 d20+7=23 d6+7=10 d20+12=17 d20+4=7 (rd.1) d20+14=22 d6+7=9 (AoO for 1st trip) d20+14=19 (AoO for 2nd trip) d20+3=11 (tripped) (rd. 2 activate ring) d20+16=22 d6+7=9 (rd. 3) (Mykael) d20+12=23 d6+7=12 d20+7=22 d20+12=17 d20+4=11 (rd. 1) d20+12=16 d20+7=10 d20+12=27 d6+5=9 d20+4=12 (rd. 2) d20+12=17 d20+7=11 d20+12=22 d20+4=16 (rd. 3)
Sunday May 1st, 2005 1:03:40 AM

One by one, the Wildcards take their place and match their skills against Ashira.

The half-elven ranger has very little problem dodging most of the attacks waged by Ari, but gets pegged pretty good by two of them (AC of 25). She smiles as she circles around her long time companion, watching, pacing... and then she moves in. Her blades move rapidly as she scores several solid hits against the archer. "Come, now brother, has it really been that long since you've been on the front line? Really, you should make sure you follow through so that you are lined up for the next attack..." RD1
AC26 for 13
AC29/21 for 21
AC21 for 13
AC30/14 for 8
AC18 for 10
AC30/22 for 14
AC19 for 7

Ashira smiles at the new guys form. "Not bad, not bad..." she says as he scores a solid hit with his first attack...which she promptly returns with one of her own. Dodging and weaving, Ashira scores another solid blow in round 2, but she remains unable to touch the warrior in the third round. "All together not too bad." Ashira calls out. "Though it looks like you could use a little more practice. Why don't you pair up with Bart later."
AC23 for 12
AC27 for 9
Ashira smiles at the warrior. "Alright, big brother, show me how it's done." Ashira winces and grunts at the pounding she takes for the skilled warrior, but she doesn't give up. She watches and waits, and patiently takes advantage of the openings presented. Though she doesn't dish out quite the wooping that she received, she does hold her own.
AC29/ 21 for 12
AC29/21 for 9
AC25 for 9
AC29/23 for 11
AC27/16 for 10
AC29/31 for 20
AC27/16 for 9
AC29/28 for 20

Though the dwarf was sarcastic in his remarks, Ashira is indeed dehyrdrated after her extra long session with Bart, and actually looks relieved as she is drenched. Sporting a wolf grin, and a hungry look, Ashira watches the clumsy dwarf slip and slide in the puddles of his own making...and takes full advantage of the situation... She quickly scores two hits on the dwarf in the first round and then switches tactics in the second, striking only with her main shortsword. Then, just as the dwarf readjusts his timing, Ashira unleashes another full attack on his with both weapons. "You see, Master dwarf...our actions do not always turn out as we anticipated. Not all surprises are pleasant..."
AC27 for 13
AC25 for 11
AC24 for 13
AC23 for 8
AC5 (rd. 3)

Ashira winces as the Elven warrior takes her frustrations out on her. But, she figured, this was good for her..a nice Ouch, constructive Ooof, safe Grunt way to work it out. Still, she determines to dish out a few lumps of her own...and does so...
AC32/24 for 16
AC22 for 7
AC27 for 9
AC23 for 13
AC23 for 12
AC25 for 9

Ashira frowns at Rigging's clownish tactics. "This is no time for fooling around, Captain. Your enemy will have no mercy with you, and neither will I..." Though Ashira speaks harshly to her husband, she is sure not to hurt him too bad... As Rigging activates his ring of blinking, Ashira sighs. "So might view the Captain's actions as cheating...however, there is much to be said for preparation..." Fiddling with her ring of invisibility, Ashira activates it and disappears. Quietly, she circles around to the other side of her husband and attacks, aiming well, but is disappointed as Rigging blinks harmlessly out of the way. Ashira, however, recovers well in the third round, landing two solid blows on her husband. "However, deception and preparation will always loose out to training!"
Activate ring
AC22 d100=22 (no hit)
AC27 d100=98 (hit) for10
AC23 d100=79 (hit) for 9

Ashira smiles warmly at Jager's zeal. Finally! Someone who takes practice and preparation as seriously as she does! Ashira watches Jager's preliminary attack with mirth. Her swords dance and whirl, smacking the agile monk once. Ashira laughs at Jager's first sweep and smacks him on the leg with her sword. She takes a poorly aimed swipe at his leg on the second sweep. "C'mon is that all you've..." OOOfff!! Though she tries to keep her balance, Jager manages on knocking Ashira to the ground. She smiles as she lays there. "Ahh...a master of tactics. However, the enemy is not always as honorable as you are..." Ashira activates her invisibility ring, disappearing from view. She crawls just out of Jager's reach (10 feet) and then rises to her feet (beg..rd 3). Taking a 5 foot step toward the monk, the invisible Ashira brings her sword down and smacking Jager hard in the chest. A large smile on her face, Ashira bows to Jager. "Well met, brother. You are indeed a fine warrior."
AC23 for 10
AC22 for 9 (AoO for 1st trip)
AC19 (AoO for 2nd trip)
STR 11 (tripped)
Activates invis. Ring, crawls 10 feet away
Rises from prone
Takes 5 foot step
AC22 for 9

Covered in welts and bruises after the through sparring session, Ashira smiles at the Wildcards. "Not too bad. But, looks like we've gotten a little too accustomed to the easy life... Three mile run for everyone, then we're done for the day." Ashira leads the others on the run, making sure that everyone participates. When they are finished, Ashira heads over to her apartment and collapses on the bed. Every single part of her body hurt...but somehow it felt good... It felt good to watch that fat dwarf sweat and grow stronger...to watch the way Jager performed every drill as though it was the most fascinating thing in the World...to watch Rigging whine and complain as he huffed and puffed on the run. Yes, life was good!

Monday May 2nd, 2005 1:17:56 PM

OOC: Nellie, Jager has the improved trip feat and does not invoke a AoO from his attackers, same for improved disarm.

Jager is invigorated by the activity and wears a big smile on his face as he begins short 3 mile jaunt. "Mrs. Ashira now that we have completed the warm up, what is next?" Jager beams after he wins the race. Jager is still jogging in place as each of te Wildcards crosses the finish line.

That's fine Jim. I don't have anyones sheets, so I opperate in the dark.----Nellie

Monday May 2nd, 2005 7:22:42 PM

" well done " says Nezamil to Ashira as he smiles at her all the while feeling the welts delievered by the sea-elfs sword.

" hehe" chuckles the dwarf as Ashira turns the tables on rigging's use of magic " now you see her and now you don't "

" three mile run ?" groans Nezamil as he see's Jagar sprint off to lead the wildcards " he's too fast for me , i'll just pace myself " mentions the dwarf as he chugs off after Jagar settling at a steady pace .

"this ain't like mage school is it " laughs the dwarf to Mykael as he chugs along

Monday May 2nd, 2005 11:09:52 PM

Rigging jogs along bemoaning the day he married this harridan. What was he thinking!? Was he insane? First she beats him with a sword and now she is making him jog for 3 miles. Hasn't she ever heard of teleport spells, dimension door spells, even his blink ring can help move him around without so much effort. Shoot...he even knows how to ride a horse. Maybe he should summon a horse! No if he did that, she would just make him start over or do 1000 pushups or something.

When she inquires if he likes the run, he meekly replies, "Yes dear."

Business Dinner (ADM Nellie) 
Monday May 2nd, 2005 11:56:46 PM

After the morning's drills, Ashira leaves the Wildcards to their own devises for the afternoon, figuring they need a break. However, she does slip a note under everyone's door inviting them to dinner at an Inn down the street called the Old Friend.

When you arrive, you find that Ashira has arranged for a private room for the group. As everyone gathers for dinner, Ashira waits for everyone to order their food and get comfortable. Then she stands. "Great practice this morning everyone!! I'm sorry if I was a little rough with you guys, but I figure we need to stay in shape especially since we're on vacation. And speaking of vacation...I know we haven't been here long, but we really should look into some way to earn a little gold while we're waiting for the meeting to conclude. I know some of you are rich, but I'm not..." Ashira winks. "So what do you guys think? You wanna hire out our muscles guarding some dumb merchant, or you wanna snoop around and see if there's any small adventures to be had around town?"

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 3:29:24 AM

Well i'm more of the adventerous type, did you hear any interesting rumours that could guide us to an enormous treasure hord?
Speaking about money what happend with th magic items we collect last time?

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 8:59:02 AM

Jager pipes up after Bart. "I am not familiar with this part of the Wold. Is there a slave trade here we can disrupt? I am all for freeing slaves and all of you did such a good job last time you tried." Jager smiles at the Wildcards.

Jager continues again somewhat sheepishly. "If there are no slaves to free, lets just take the jog the pay the most gold, as I think I could use a magical upgrade for my boots."

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 9:04:43 AM

Valanthe shurgs as if to say whatever. One good thing about being mute is that she can eat during the meetings instead of wasting her breath. Wether they became mercs or not was irrelivant to her. She just wanted to get back to her room so she can get reacquanted with a dear old friend, Mr. wine bottle.

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 1:11:06 PM

Rigging will cock his head at his wife's questions with a look of puzzlement on his face. "How does helping out a merchant help free our people for Ga'al's tyranny? I think we either should do some raiding, remember we don't have to cut in the Pirates anymore. They took half of our earnings, but we get to keep it all for ourselves.

If we are going to establish a base of our own, we are gonna need a lot of cash. We will need to bring in settlers and get them started. We will need shipwrights, sailmakers, carpenters etc. Eventually they will all be self supporting but at first, they will need our help both finacially and for protection.

We still need to find where that base is gonna be? Do we really want to waste time, guarding some rich merchant. Maybe we should find an evil slaver and knock them over and free their slaves? We could use the money and the personnel"

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 4:28:33 PM

Mykael listens to the views at the meeting and then adds his opinion, "Well I could use some more studing at the guild, however if or when the group gets a job, cash is most welcome also. Rigging has the right idea, although, helping a rich merchant that may help us in the trade arena isnt a bad idea either. We could use an influencial, well established merchant that would send caravans to our base and treat us fairly."

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 4:50:05 PM

" great idea for a group dinner " pipes in the dwarf as he takes a seat " hmm good comfortable place "

Nezamil nods at Rigging and Mykaels words " both excellent points and both merit consideration ......Plateau city is the largest city in the Known wold and we would benefit from having some connection to an established merchant here when we set up a base"

"not to mention forging ties with the Emperor and Jack...always good to have strong friends especially in these times of change in the wold"

Settling back into his chair " i'm in the mood for some seafood " rubbing his stomach " don't want to big of a target " laughs the dwarf with a glance towards Ashira

reaching for a mug of ale the dwarf winces slightly as he hefts it up and takes a deep swig " that oughta help with the welts " grins Nezamil

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 10:56:51 PM

The half-elf shoots Rigging a withering look. "We're only here for two weeks, don't have time to get so grandeous..." she mumbles under her breath. Ashira lets Rigging steer the conversation and sits down and enjoys her meal, not uttering another word.

Let's Do the Time Warp Again! (ADM Nellie) 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 11:24:41 PM

Dinner is fantastic, and conversation flows around what to do with the free time, as well as long run planning. The consensus is to plan for the future, and the remainder of your time in town is spent making connections and thinking through supplying a future port...as well as Ashira's nasty daily drill sessions.

Time passes quickly, and before you know it, you are awakened by one of the town guards. "I apologize for awakening you, but the High Lord requests your presence. If you will please follow me..." The guard leads you quickly through the early morning streets and the heavenly smell of fresh baked bread tempts you to stray from your meeting. Somehow you manage to resist, and you find yourself outside the massive oak doors of the High Lord's office....

OOC...Folks, I'm sorry about the misdirect on the two weeks in town. I wasn't aware that we were going to be moving the story along as fast as we did. Please give a warm welcome to Jim Frick as our new DM!!

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 12:11:53 AM

(slight backtrack, sorry for my mia. Mon and tues a little tough)

"I think we should consider becoming merchants. It would give us the ability to travel and make personal contact with our network. I don't know if this would benefit the Jack, as he seems to be relying on us a lot." Ari then works on wolfing down his food."

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 4:49:55 PM

Jagar is up early and eager to get things moving and leads the wildcards behind the guard , easily keeping up.

Turning about and surveying the group he see's the dwarf bringing up the rear " hey Nezamil hurry up you don't want to be late ......we're gonna have to get mrs. Arrack to get you to run some more to help you keep up " cheerily adds the fleetfooted monk

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 5:03:10 PM

The dwarf chugs along keeping to the rear of the group following the guard and Jagar.

Momentarily distracted by the baking bread the dwarf strays slightly towards the vendors but is interuppted by Jagar's prodding "what ? ....yeah ...yeah ...." but the dwarf lets out a groan as Jagar mentions more running under Ashira's relentess training " more running i'll wither away to be as thin as an elf if i do anymore running" giggles Nezamil as he quickly glances at Ashira but picks up his pace slightly anyway, taking a last whiff of the warm bread

"butter" mumbles the dwarf ;)

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 10:14:43 PM

Rigging quickly follows behind the guards and will say to the others, "Keep on your toes but be polite! This could be an important contact, wether we decide to set up a colony or turn merchant or both."

New Beginings (New DM - Jim) 
Wednesday May 4th, 2005 11:06:30 PM

The guard escorts the Wildcards to the High Lord Mayor Sturdevants Manor again. The guard leaves the group with a waiting servant, who quickly turns on his heel and announces "The Lords are already in the east wing breakfast nook."

There are still construction crews working on the damage, but it only appears to be the final stages. Soon no one will be able to tell that the Manor was ever damaged from inside or out.

Nezamil's stomach growls as the group passes the kitchens and all enjoy many a tasty smell that tantalize the senses.

The servant stops in front of huge carved doors with gold leaf and clears his throat. The servant opens the Doors and steps in "The Wildcards, Lords." The servant then steps to the side and holds one of the massive doors.

The description of breakfast nook is a vast understatement. The breakfast nook is dominated by a long oak table that could easily sit 30 people. The ceiling is 20 feet high and the east facing wall is entirely glass. The sun can been seen rising over New Elenna. One gold and red curtain of marvelous quality is pulled to offer a bit of shade for the four gentlemen seated at the huge table.

The Mayor of New Elenna motions for the Wildcards to table overflowing with pastries, breads, fruits and cheeses of all descriptions. There are also containers of coffee, tea, and milk. "Refresh yourselves." Is all the Mayor says.

The Jack quickly adds. "And come join us."

As the Wildcards sample the breakfast fare and wonder over to the table, at which point, the gentleman that the Wildcards do not know excuses himself and leaves the room.

The Jack opens up. "Meetings are going well, but there is still much to discuss in the Wold. We are greatful for your escort and I am for your years of loyal service. The Emperor and I have been discussing your future and your suggestion of a trading port. There is disputed territory that the Emperor and the Pirates of Jack have fought over in the southern oceans. It is more no mans land and has eaten its fair share of ships from each side. There are several large island groups that need to be investigated as possible port locations and the Sword of Redemption is just the ship for the task, if its crew is up for it." The Jack finishes with gusto and then sits back.

The Emperor then takes a sip of coffee and begins. "The Lord High Mayor has offered assistance to assist the Wildcards." and the Mayor nods at the mention of his name, but seems distracted. The Emperor continues. "These vouchers the Mayor provided to reequip you for your jouney back to Plateau City." The Emperor pushes three scrolls to Rigging. "Each are good for 500 gp worth of goods or services at most establishments in New Elenna. When you are reequiped send word to us to set up a meeting to discuss any letters of introduction you may require for your new venture in Plateau City, Safeport or Asulidur."

As if on que, the great oak doors open and the servant is there again holding it open for the Wildcards, waiting.

OOC:Hello All. Please bear with me as I start out as your new DM. Also please email me your character sheet: jpfrick1@hotmail.com. Thanks, and lets have some fun.

Rigging  d20+2=16
Thursday May 5th, 2005 7:34:20 AM

OOC Greetings Jim!

Rigging will fill his plate with delicacies and find a seat at the table. He will try some of this coffee, Ashira raves about but finds it bitter.

Rigging will rise from his seat and take the proffered scrolls. He will look at the Mayor and ask, "Sir, I understand what a freeport will do for the pirates and the Emperor. Having a place where they can freely exchange ideas, prisoners and such can only be beneficial to each side. What does the Plateau City get out of it? Better phrased, what does the Plateau City want from it? We wish to gear the port to be helpful to all of our neighbors. Much more likely to survive that way.

I would also appreciate any names of your citizens whom you think we would be wise to contact and elist their support. We are strangers here, and don't know the local terrain or political climate well."

Thursday May 5th, 2005 10:28:13 AM

Sometimes not being able to speak is a blessing all in itself, Val thinks as she starts filling a breakfast plate. This morning she's in no mood for discussion and since she can't talk no response is expected. Her opinion never did anything except start arguments as it is.

Thursday May 5th, 2005 2:39:32 PM

Mykael grabs a good helping of food and juice. He sits and eats, buts listens intently to the conversation without interupting.

OOC: Hello Jim. So did we just time warp the rest of the two weeks or did we just get moving early?

Thursday May 5th, 2005 3:54:56 PM

Ashira watches Rigging do his thing with the big wigs. Good thing too, cause that definately wasn't her thing. She wonders what it will be like setting up a new port, and it sets her head to pounding. Supplies...people to supervise...structures to build... Ashira sighs deeply and takes one last drink of the fresh coffee before being ushered out of the room. "Hmmm...well, suppose we ought to think about what kind of supplies we're gonna get. Horses might be a nice start."

Thursday May 5th, 2005 4:03:27 PM

Jagar helps himself to a plate of fresh fruit and tall cool mug of water all the while listening to the conversation.

" great new places to explore , can't wait to get started putting all the recent training to the test " pipes in Jagar

The monk looks around the table at his fellow wildcards catching Nezamil piling his plate high with eggs and sausage " Nezamil you should eat more fruit to keep you light on your feet "

"all that stuff " Jagar points to Nezamils plate" just slows you down" adds Jagar as he pops another piece of fruit in his mouth

Thursday May 5th, 2005 5:04:34 PM

The dwarf nods as talk shifts to starting a new base with support from the 3 leaders " i like that idea " adds Nezamil

Nezamil starts to pile his plate full of eggs and sausage when Jagar suggest some fruit " light on me feet ?" chuckles the dwarf " that'll be the day "

" the only peoples that be running is those away from me ......i'll stand and fight and let you do all the leg work " laughs the dwarf heartily but he adds a few pieces of fruit to his plate nonetheless

DM Jim: Meetings Done for Now.... 
Thursday May 5th, 2005 7:36:30 PM

OOC: I did some research. The Wildcards are in the country of New Elenna and in the capital of Plateau City. The Sword of Redemption is in the port of South Harbor. Travel to Plateau City from South Harbor was done mostly off road to avoid most attention.

The High Lord Mayor of New Elenna smiles weakly at Riggings inquiry "What is good for my fractious neighbors is good for me." and he leaves it at that. When Rigging inquires further Sturdevant relaxes a bit. "I will have letters of introduction drawn for an individual to assist you in South Harbor."

Val gets the strangest sensation, what is left of her tounge is tingling and maybe it actually grew some since last night. There is more taste to her food now. As she reaches into her pocket, the tounge she kept there since the meeting with Gargul is now smaller.

Mykael enjoys his breakfast as he knows he needs his strength with the lot he has fallen in with. The last two weeks have been a struggle as Ashira has repeatedly test him much more than the rest and he still has the welts to prove it.

The servant escorts the Wildcards from the Manor and states very properly. "You are to report back for lunch in three day. It is a day of rest for the Lords." The door is promptly closed and a lock can be heard latching.

The spring day is shaping up nicely, very warm with a light breeze kicking up aromas of a waking city to the groups nostrils. With nary a cloud in the sky the group finds themselves pelted with thumb sized hail once they leave the manicured lawns of the Mayor's Manor. It is a brief deluge that seems to leave the Manor unscathed, but seems to envelop the rest of Plateau City. Townsfolk can be seen running for cover and some leaving shops and homes to investigate.

OOC: Clairification - I am not sure how visits to the Catacombs were take care of in the past, but I will allow visits to the Catacombs in any major city, but not when traveling on the road on out at sea. Food for thought.

Thursday May 5th, 2005 9:17:56 PM

Rigging will head back to their rooms and call for a meeting. He will get everyone comfortable and then say, "I think we are at a crossroads. We need to decide which direction we wish to go. Do we want to break away from the pirates? We have been given our freedom but we don't have to accept it.

If we do break away, what do we wish to do? Do we still fight for the freedom of Aisildur? We could rightfully hang up our swords and retire to other pursuits. It looks like things are heading in the right direction with the Emperor being freed from the heartseed and we have already paid harsh costs in fighting for that freedom.

Do we establish this "freeport"? It could be profitable and a chance to settle down and not put our lives at daily risk. Some of us could think about families." Rigging steals a look at Ashira. "It gives us ties to the Pirates and we continue the struggle, but we also become administrators and architects. It also ties us down and makes us easier targets for assassination if things don't go well with the Emperor."

Rigging is pacing now with his hands clamped behind his back, a stern look of concentration on his face. He continues in his deliberations, "We also have the choice of loading up the Sword and just sailing away. Finding a beach somewhere and retiring. Many of us have been together for years now. We have paid harsh costs. Val lost her tongue and her lover Appolo. Ashira has died twice now in the struggles. I lost my wife and watched her turned to evil. Bart lost his father. Have we done enough?"

Rigging will plop into his chair and look kindly at his extended family. "I know what I want to do, but I don't want to influence you on this one. I want to hear what you think. I am not your captain now. We are all equals in this. Tell me what is on your minds."

After the meeting is over, Rigging will collect the magic items gathered in the last fight and bring them to the Catacombs for identification.

Ashira  d20+2=6
Thursday May 5th, 2005 11:45:00 PM

As Ashira walks along with the others toward the apartments, she gets smacked a couple of times by the freak sleet storm. "Strange weather they have in these parts!" she remarks, not knowledgeable to know how truly odd the weather pattern is (Know, nat.=6).

Once back in the apartment, Ashira watches as Rigging starts his speech. Here we go again!! she thinks, but she manages to stay quiet...up until his comment about building families...at which point Ashira spits all of the coffee in her mouth onto is chest. A deep blush on her cheeks, Ashira rushes over and gets a towel and wipes the beverage off Rigging's shirt, muttering "Sorry" as she works.

When Rigging asks for opinions, Ashira sprints into the bedroom and brings back her chalk board so that Val can join in the conversation.

Ashira waits a while before looking around at her family. "You know, Rigging's right. We've all given up a lot. We've struggled, and at times it's seemed like it was in vain. And by the gods, if you want to retire or get rich administering a free port, then I will die fighting to see that you get the chance!" Ashira looks over at Rigging, and then at the floor. "But...but I can't. Even though Aisildur is headed in the right direction, we all know that the priests of Ga'al don't intend to play fair. They'll torture and they'll threaten and they'll promise...and I don't intend to just stand by while they do it. I'm going to shut them down, if I die trying." Ashira fiddles with her sword and looks down at the ground, her face twisted in rage. "Besides, I've got a few scores I need to even before I hang up these swords."

Friday May 6th, 2005 11:39:44 AM

(ooc hmm. this week has not been kind to me. I apologize for my lack of posts. )

"I'm not really sure where I or we are headed. But I think we have to enlist others to help us with this fight. But the pirates have a lifestyle that might not be suitable to the kind of fights that are out there. But it seems we have very strong support from the Jack. So we could pull the Pirates in whenever we need sea support. I don't think we have to really administer the new city. Maybe we could be a strong influence in it. We might become 'troubleshooters' for the city, when we're not doing things for the Jack, the Emporer, or any of the other things that we do.

We always have the sword as mobile command post. So we're not too tied to the City, I think.

We can also establish trade routes that could be major sources of information, or a way for our information network to get to us quickly, if they don't have magic available to them.

By being free, we can support either the Jack or the Emporer, or both, if we feel they are right.

Do you remember the task that Alemi gave us?

Friday May 6th, 2005 3:21:30 PM

OOC Shamefaced kicking dirt and blushing. Nope I have no clue on the promise to Alemi. Ari/Todd please enlighten us!

Friday May 6th, 2005 4:44:20 PM

Listening to the debate the dwarf adds his opinion " well first off i don't think any of us will be hanging up our swords anytime ....i know it is my duty to Domi to always fight againist Ga'als minions " the dwarf nods to Ashira " so i agree with Ashira on that "

"but i think it would be wise to set up our own port of operations so we can operate freely making our own choices .......afterall we have come to the point where we are a force to be reckoned with in this region of the wold, we have built a reputation and should use that to help make this part of the wold safer "

The Cleric of Domi pauses a second gathering his voice " working out of our own base we will also be dealing with all the powers....Asildur, the Pirates and Plateau city so we will always be in the area making contacts, building ties to those afore mentioned communities......we will have wide ranging impact into the whole region and continue our quest of dismantling Ga'als influence in this region "

Nezamil glances about the room at his fellow wildcards gaging they're reactions

Friday May 6th, 2005 5:33:29 PM

The monk quietly takes in the debate wondering what he should say. finally he decides " i've just recently been freed from slavery so anything will be a new adventue for me.

"but having no home to speak of and all my family having been enslaved and killed " Jagar sheds a few tears as he mentions his family " having a place to call home would be welcome and still be able to help free those enslaved or oppressed would help bring honor back to my people

Saturday May 7th, 2005 12:34:23 AM

Valanthe takes the board and chalk with a smile that says 'oh thanks I was enjoying breakfast'. Valanthe takes the chalk and writes on the board: Whatever situation makes us most effective.

DM Jim: The Debate Continues 
Saturday May 7th, 2005 7:40:02 AM

The Wildcards escape the hailstorm not the worse for wear and meet back at their rented rooms.

There is talk of the hard life they have choosen and all they have accompished so far. What to do now? Each Wildcard brings up their experiences confronting the evils of Ga'al, the recent turn of events is Asildur, the independant action granted by the Jack, and the beginnings of alliances being forged in New Elenna.

It is almost too much for the Wildcards. How will the Wildcards past map out their future? Which path will recieve their first step on their continuing journey?

Val writes her thoughts on the blackboard, but is bothered by the constant itiching of her tounge. She hopes silently that it is growing.

OOC: If you plan on shopping with the vouchers and your own money, please wait a few days before you send me you character sheet, but I will need them soon. Thanks for those of you who have already sent them.

Saturday May 7th, 2005 10:25:11 AM

"Rigging, do you not remember removing the emperors crown from his head, before his forgiveness? Or how I thought we were tasked on finding a true emperor of Isildur?"

(ooc see your post on Friday November 1st, 2002 8:21:04 AM .

I think I mis-remembered some things. I also just realized that I didn't get the exp point post for this last module. Any e-mails from that point on, I have not received. As my domain e-mail servers is being re-located, and it's become a big pain (on their end. I"m just stuck without e-mail for greatestrates.ws). Please use todd@peeterson.com for all communications.

DM Jim 
Saturday May 7th, 2005 8:41:10 PM

OOC: I am working with Jerry on experience points. When was the last time we received experience points and how much?

Saturday May 7th, 2005 9:49:46 PM

OOC Jim, I see us getting around 3000 experience points on Dec 1 2004. More than 5 months ago. Before that, I show we received 4,400 on June 14 2004. I believe I went up in level at that point.

So its been close to a year since I went up in level personally. Not even close to 2 levels a year. I would need around 6000 experience points to go up this time. If I don't get them, then it will most likely be 1 1/2 years for me to go up one level.

Sunday May 8th, 2005 8:10:49 PM


My records aren't that detailed, so I'd have to look through the archive to fine when.

Sunday May 8th, 2005 8:18:10 PM

Before the group breaks up, Rigging will ask, On our last battle we received

+1 Warhammer
+1 Halberd
Masterwork Banded Mail
Masterwork Chainmail
Unholy Heavy Flail +1
+1 light steel shield
Ring of feather fall
+1 Studded Leather
Sleep arrows (16)(Will DC11 or sleep...nonlethal damage)
9 CMW potions
10 CLW potions

I think we should keep the potions and sell the rest. Anyone want anything from this loot before I sell it and split it up?

Sunday May 8th, 2005 10:55:26 PM

The dwarf mulls over what they captured "don't think i want any of that stuff......of course any gold from the proceeds would be helpful " grins Nezamil

Monday May 9th, 2005 2:11:59 AM

"Do we want to keep the Cure Medium potions at all? Maybe for the emergency kit onboard the ship? I could also take 10 of those arrows."

Monday May 9th, 2005 8:43:41 AM

"Yes, let's keep the potions. I don't really want any of the other stuff." the half-elf chimes in.

Monday May 9th, 2005 2:34:11 PM

Valanthe thinks that keeping the potions is a good idea so she gives rigging a thumb up.

ooc: Truthfully I had no idea when the last time I recieved experience. All I knew was that it was a long time.

DM Jim: Meeting and Old Friend 
Monday May 9th, 2005 5:03:04 PM

The Wildcards debate courses of action throughout the day and spend some time selling items at the Catacombs. They then spend a relaxing night among themselves, at the Inn, talking of their future over a light dinner and a few bottles of wine.

As the Wildcards begin to wake in the morning, they are again rattled as the earth begins to shake again. It feels different this time, not as deep somehow (no Balance check necessary), and a great explosion is heard outside. Those not awoken by the rumbling are certainly awake now. Many of the Wildcards run down stairs along with some guests and servents. At this time, there are several loud thumps that hit the roof (second story) of the Inn.

When the Wildcards and other patrons reach the street they can see steam billowing from a huge crater in the middle of the street 200 yards up from their inn. The building right next to the crater are damaged, with windows broken and some structural damage. The thumping appears to have been debris that fell from the sky (bricks and rocks).

There are several towns people injuried and what appears to be one very seriously. There are two old women fussing over him, as he is badly burned and scalded and they comment "I swear, he was half on fire when he fell of the roof." and they point to your inn. The other then looks at his smoldering cloths as she turns him over and is agasht "How could one survive that!" as she points to the ugly purple scar over his heart.

The Wildcards then notice that the smoldering/scalded man is Apollo and his is almost unrecognizable. Apollo does not look concious.

Val begins to utter almost recognizable sounds when she realizes who is on the ground. She can now feel some of her teeth with her now larger tounge. At this growth rate, Val will be talking by tomorrow.

A sucessful gather information check of 13 will yield additional information on the crater.

Nezamil  4d8(3+6+5+3)+8=25
Monday May 9th, 2005 10:56:22 PM

Jumping out of bed the dwarf bursts out of his room and quickly follows the servants and guests outside

"By Domi what is happening " blurts out the dwarf

The Cleric of Domi joins the two older women in helping the badly wounded man " Appolo ?" inquires the suddenly dumbfounded Cleric " uh " the dwarf pauses a second absorbing the events unfolding before him then reacts out of well honed training and acts decisively calling upon his faith ...quickly laying his hands on the badly burned Appolo "Domi heal this soul of his mortal wounds " (spontanously casting CCW 4D8+8=25 pts to Appolo)

Waving to the others "take him inside " growls Nezamil " i'll be with him again right after i help these other few wounded

The Cleric of Domi quickly adminsters to the other wounded (will cast cures if needed) before heading inside to attend Appolo again

Monday May 9th, 2005 11:23:19 PM

Rigging will run outside and his mouth will drop open when he recognizes Appolo. "Val is gonna be estatic to see you and so is Ashira."

Rigging scoops up the thief after Nezamil heals him and carries him to the inn. He yells, "Wildcards! Come to the Captain's room!"
Rigging will then lay Appolo gently down on the bed and gently stroke his brow, like a father does to his kids. "Glad to see Gargul let you go."

Tuesday May 10th, 2005 3:38:44 AM

Bart is waked up by the noise when he looks out of the window he sees an familiar face, he runs down"Apollo is outside!!
Bart helps Rigging to bring Apollo inside". When they gathered in Riggings room. He says i'm glad Appollo is back, I hope Val will be healed too. When Appolo is concious again Bart gives him a big hug en ask tell us your experience or dont you want to talk about it.

Rigging i was thinking about the freeport I don't like the idear of being an administrator, why dont we hire a mayor who does all the work?

OOC sorry about the missing posts banking days here in the netherlands and server weas down too.
xp points where fiven in december, but i'm missing money from treasuresplits including the last one saving money to upgrade armor

Mykael  d20+5=22
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 4:34:18 AM

Mykael makes his way outside and surveys the situation. Seeing the dwarf tending to the wounded he looks at the buildings near the crater. Using his Architecture and Engineering knowledge (rolled above). He quickly accesses the most damaged of buildings and seeks to make sure they are empty of inhabitants.

"Hello?!? The building is damaged and could collapse at any moment! You must get out!" Mykael yells.

He will enter any building that is damaged to the possible point of collapse that has or may have people in it to assist them in escaping. He will use his Architectural and Engineering knowledge to step in the right areas and avoid trouble spots and point them out to anyone that may be inside trying to escape.

Ashira  d20+3=21 d20+12=28
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:03:13 PM

Already awake and beginning to work on breakfast (thanks to that lovely ring of sustenance), Ashira makes it outside just after Rigging. She eyes the crater with an appraising eye (Gather Info.=21!!) and then sees Rigging stooped over the man and the other Wildcards shouting something about Appolo. Running over, Ashira's jaw hits the ground!! "Shades, Appolo!!" She follows after Rigging and watches as he places Appolo in the bed. She looks carefully at the half-dead thief (Spot=28) as she mutters "You sure know how to make an entrance!!"

Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:24:52 PM

Val scrambles for the crater, pushing people aside if they stood in her way. Her body freezes upon seeing Appolo. Her eyes wide with shock and horrror. She wants to run over to him but her body refused to move. The shock passes and Val scrambles over to the unconcious Appolo, cradling his head in her arms.

"He's burned so badly." Val mutters softly.

ooc: I thought Appolo was unconscious

Jagar  d20+6=21
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 1:38:47 PM

Jagar trails the herd of people heading outside not wanting to get caught up in such tight surroundings .

Taking in that Appolo has returned in dramatic fashion "gosh that was some ctater that Appolo made ....how did that happen? "

The fleetfooted monk dodges any debris and asks the crowd " anybody see what happened ? was it a fireball from the sky ?" Jagar continues to make inquires to the townsfolk regarding what they saw and listens(d20+6=21 listen ch) to the excited banter omong the people

Appolo{I'm Back} 
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 5:25:31 PM

Appolo moans as the others gather him up and carry him inot the Inn.Once on theed.He opens his eyes and looks around.Healed and feeling better but still hurt."To answer everyones quetions.Gargul and myself have reached a mutaul understnding,I respect him now and he respects me.We had alittle go round.Besides you didn't think alittle thing like death was going to keep me away.did you."He smiles weekly at Val taking her hand in his.

Tuesday May 10th, 2005 7:05:09 PM

Coming down to check things out. Ari lets the others gather around Apollo and take care of him.

Seeing that he is in someone elses hands for the time being. Ari helps out Mykael with making sure that everyone is safe.

DM Jim: Reacquainted 
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 7:18:56 AM

The Wildcards are excited to have Apollo in their mists again, even if it seems under strange circumstances. All Apollo remembers about his and Gargul's understanding are feelings that his attitude was a boil on the Wold that needed to be lanced. Also, Apollo is missing the dagger that pierced his heart and he seems to have a vauge recollection of Gargul cleaning his fingernails with it.

There is a buzz of converstation around the crater. In fact a farmer in his late fifties is taken by Ashira, the blue haired beauty. "You are not from around these parts are you sweetie." The farmer offers Ashira a turnip a foot is diameter. "Good year for crops." Ashira can see that his cart is full of oversized vegetables. "Everytime the groud shakes a half dozen more holes show up and they keep moving south. My cousin told me that he has seen them 20 leagues to the north and heard that they started in the Red Hills." The farmer gives Ashira an appraising eye before leaving to sell his wares to the ever increasing crowd.

Ashira hears from the crowd that indeed there are a least two other craters that appeared in other parts of the city.

Mykael can tell that the butcher shop to the right of the crater is very unstable, but still manages to enter the building and help the ower and his family to escape along with two customers. The owner is so grateful that he gives Mykael two live chicken and will not take no for an answer.

The day goes by fast as the Wildcards catch up with Apollo, who will need a new set of cloths. The rough "G" shaped purple scar on his chest is obvious for all to see. Mykael and Ashira are unsure what to do with their produce.

Rigging knows that he has to get ready for his lunch meeting with the Lords in two days.

OOC: Sorry for no post last night, I fell asleep, kids wore me out.

Nezamil  4d8(1+8+7+6)+8=30
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 2:54:30 PM

After healing Appolo , Nezamil will spend some time healing any townsfolks hurt in the castastrophe.
The dwarf takes some solace in the fact that he can help the people of of his birthplace after all these years away.

After all the wounded are taken care of and things have setteled down to normal , Nezamil will head inside to tend to the wounded wildcard.

Seeing everyone crowded around the wounded pirate as he makes light of his recent journey into the realms of shadow "well its good to see you up and talking again , but i think you need a little more of Domi's healing touch before you get up and start running around again "grins Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi will lay his hands on Appolo(4d8+8=30 CCW) " Domi heal this soul of his mortal wounds " prays the dwarf.

Once done Nezamil will step back to give the others a chance to get reaqainted with Appolo

OOc: total of 55 hit pts healed on Appolo

Wednesday May 11th, 2005 4:08:38 PM

Appolo looks at Nezamil"Thanks you very much.Thank you all it's good to be back.You guys haven't been getting into any trouble with out me.I mean causing trouble well that's my job.Oh who's the new guy?""

After Nezamil is through everyone will notice that Applo is completely healed no scars or burns thenks to the Dwarf and Domi.Appolo spends the next couple of days with Valanthe and his friends resting up.When it comes time to meet with the Jack or anyone else he will be ready.

OOC:Appolo is still only seventh level and hasn't recieved any exp ina few months.Not for the lasrt couple of adventures anyways.

Wednesday May 11th, 2005 7:07:59 PM

Appolo might be back but Gargul is still a CENSORED. She waits patiently near Appolo not wanting to crowd him. She's not sure what crashing to the ground on fire would feel like but she's guessing bad. Finally she can't control herself any longer and wraps her arms around him kissing him deeply.

Wednesday May 11th, 2005 7:17:15 PM

OOC OK If I sell everything, everyone but Mykael gets 2819 gps, 8 silver pieces and 8 copper pieces.

Ari, If you want those 10 arrows it will cut into your share 1187 gps. Still want them?

Wednesday May 11th, 2005 7:32:07 PM

Rigging is pleased with Val's lighter spirits. He claps his hands and clears his throat to get everyone's attention.

OK we have 2 days to prepare ourselves. Bart..why don't you take Mykael and Nezamil and scout for some horses and supplies for the journey back to the ship. Remember it took two weeks to get here so get enough food to keep Nezamil happy.

I want Jagar, and Ari to do some scouting around the city for quarters. I wouldn't mind all of us having an apartment here or even a small house. I think we might be spending more time in the city and having a home base would be nice.

Ashira and I will do the same thing and we can compare notes on the city at nights. Then in 2 days Ashira and I can go get our letters of introduction and we can get back to the Sword.

Val, why don't you and Appolo stay here and get reaquainted. I think you both deserve a vacation."

OOC Trying to kill 2 days guys, if anyone has anything else they think we should do, speak up please.

Wednesday May 11th, 2005 9:51:00 PM

OOC Yes, Ari will take the 10 arrows. Cutting into the loot is fine. :)

Wednesday May 11th, 2005 9:58:22 PM

At the mention of doing some recon. Ari remembers the two slaves that the freed from these parts, and decides to look them up to see if they made it here safely. (See DM Jan's post on Thursday November 11th, 2004 8:44:37 PM for other details).

If Ari can find the freed slaves, he'll inquire to how their journey back was, and see if they can recommend anwhere where he and his buddies can stay.

Thursday May 12th, 2005 2:07:41 PM

Jagar helps clear some of the debris off to the side .

While clearing the debris the fleetfooted monk overhears several townsfolk talk of the holes appearing everytime the ground shakes " Red hills ? where is that? " inquires the inquistive monk , hoping to learn more of the wold

DM Jim: The Group Spilts up and Goes Shopping 
Thursday May 12th, 2005 2:23:30 PM

The folk of Plateau City recover well from the recent street explosion and go about the business of cleaning up and blaming the governement for their problems. Rubble is carted off the street and planking is brought in to create a make shift bridge over the crater. The two damaged shops are closed and repairs are beginning.

Mykael follows Nezzamil's lead as this is his town and he has an idea on where to procure horses, but maybe not which ones are the best to buy???

Jager and Ari scour the city by day looking for locations for an apartment. Rigging and Ashira do the same at night. Gather Info rolls of DC 15 for find an apartment/house that meets your requirements for sale/rent during your two day search.

Ari DC 25 Gather Info roll for information on the two freed slaves.

During the second night, there is a terrible wind storm with sustained winds of at least 50 miles per hours. Rigging and Ashira have difficulty moving around that night. Swirl disappears durring the storm, but later wakes Ashira up with a whirlwind on her head that ties her blue hair in knots.

OOC: Please send me the updated character sheets, including new supplies and experience points. It would be a bad idea to see combat when I will hold you to your past levels, if I do not receive an updated character sheet.

Thursday May 12th, 2005 3:09:45 PM

Appolo spends his time with Valanthe and the others.He introduces himself to the new guy.
Gets some new clothes and enjoys himself.

OOC:I think we still need some exp for the last couple of adventures.My new E=Mail is marcus_arelius@earthlink.net.

Thursday May 12th, 2005 4:15:51 PM

OK the sale is done in the catacombs. Everyone gets 2819 gps to play with. I got half in diamonds to make it lighter. Everyone gets 14 100 gps diamonds, and 1419 gps, 8 sliver pieces, and 8 copper pieces

Ari gets 8 diamonds and 832 gps plus the silver and copper.

Rigging  d20+2=15
Thursday May 12th, 2005 9:34:39 PM

Rigging will wander around the city with Ashira holding her hand and stopping in at various inns and restaurants. He will buy a drink, a different appetizer and strike up conversations with others while enjoying his wife's company as well.

They will poke through the bazaars, where he buys Ashira a scarf to match her eyes, and chat with different merchants. Rigging is trying to get a feel for the city and what kinds of goods they might want to see from common goods to luxuries or even food items.

He will also bring up housing and rooms whenever the situation seems like it would except the situation.

OOC Rolled 15 for gahter information. Figure it took 3 gold to buy meals drinks and the scarf and will deduct it from my character.

Friday May 13th, 2005 1:05:29 AM

Nezamil wanders thru the city with Mykael intow "c,mon my friend i'll show you some wonders of this place just stick with me and you won't get lost " chuckles the dwarf

"first i have a couple of ideas of how we can travel back to the ship....gonna hafta stroll on down to the Hind Quarter and see if leipa's landlubber's can hook us up with some riverboat service or travelers ......lots easier to glide on the water then to hoof it on foot " grins Nezamil

The dwarf is talking a mile a minute , he seems happy to be in familar surroundings

"Then we can hit the dragon quarter and see if we can pickup any info about the strange happenings.......with all the travlers and adventuers there we're bound to get some good gossip ......perhaps stopping at Vod's for an ale" the dwarf grins slyly " gotta watch yourself there but it can be fun "

"oh then we can run over to the trade quarter and lunch at the Flying fish tavern....they got good eats there "

The dwarf just rambles on as he enjoys the sights and sounds of his youth(he is still young for a dwarf)"maybe tomorrow i'll go to the Great Wat catherdral of Domi over in the Outcast Quarter and visit your more then welcome to join me "

As the day wears on and the sun lowers in the sky the duo will head on back to the merchant quarter and fill in their fellow wildcards on what they have learned.

Friday May 13th, 2005 3:20:57 AM

Nezamil Mykel wait ... i come with you. Let's see if we can find some horses. And show me those nasty places *grin* you are always telling us about

Mykael  d20+2=15 d20+6=10 d20+5=16
Friday May 13th, 2005 5:23:12 AM

Mykael follows Nezamil just listening, not much of what he is saying is new to him, since he has spent a fair portion of his life in and around this city. But the dwarf is having a good time, so let him ramble.

"Good to have you along, Bart," Mykael smiles, "I am not sure about those kinds of places, they just seem to be a place to lose money."

"The river boat idea sounds good, it would also let us transport supplies alot easier. Therefore, we can buy more supplies here, if they will be cheaper, instead of at the port. I dont know what the ship or group may need, or if the supplies would be cheaper or more plentiful here than at the port." Mykael ponders, "But its something to think about. Also, we could hire on as protection, if needed, as a way to pay for our passage. So best to ask about work first, then passage if there isnt any, otherwise the captain will think he could just book our passage and get our protection free."

"But we should also survey the local stable to check on the stock available, just to be thourough," Mykael comments.

OOC: not sure what you want to evaluate the horses, so I rolled Handle Animal first, then Ride, then Appraise.

Ashira  d20+3=18
Friday May 13th, 2005 6:26:57 AM

It's been a long time since she's been able to relax, and Ashira completely immerses herself in the vacation. She holds no drills for the two days and just basks in the joy of being with her husband in civilized society. It was strange, but she likes it.

As they go housing shopping, Ashira pays particular attention. "Hey honey, how about this one over here?"..."Hmm...looks like that one's got a leaky roof"... "Ooo..I like the garden in this one." (Gather information 18)

She's having so much fun shopping and house hunting with Rigging that the time just slips by, and she doesn't even notice the approaching storm until it hits. "C'mon, let's get back home!!" she shouts at Rigging as she struggles to get back to the apartment. She frets at the loss of Swirl, and is uncharacteristically happy to be awakened by his playful antics.

DM Jim: Breakfast before the Lunch Meeting 
Friday May 13th, 2005 7:42:31 AM

The Wildcards enjoy their few days off among themselves and exploring Plataeu City.

Rigging and Ashira find several suitable apartments for rent and homes for sale. Several of the homes even had a nursery that could be converted to an office if needed. The apartments ranged in rent from 10 - 50 gp per month depending on the location and amount of space and homes were double that. There were two small city homes for sale also for 1000 and 1500 gp respectivly (fixer uppers).

Bart and Mykael enjoy Nezzamil's tour of the City even though Mykael has seen some of it already. The three find out that they Wildcards can take a barge for 25 gp per head and it will take three weeks to get to South Harbor, in less than stellar accomodations. There is also a gambling river boat that makes the trip in two weeks and rooms go for 5 - 25 gp per day.

Mykael see that the horseflesh for sale is of good quality, but is unsure what type of horse to recommend for Nezzamil.

Jager and Ari do not house hunt during the day and are not seen for two days.

Swirl disappears for hours at a time as he/she seems to be doing his/her own investigating.

Apollo and Val enjoy their time together as Val seems to have gotten her voice back and full use of her tounge.

The Wildcards are exchanging information over breakfast on what could be their last full day in Plateau City. The lunch meeting with the Lords is only a few hours away and it is a good hour walk to the High Lord Mayor's Manor.

OOC: If I get six posters through Saturday. I will post again on Sunday.

Friday May 13th, 2005 6:16:12 PM

Val is indeed in better spirits. She spends her time caring for Appolo's injuries. She fusses over him, making sure that he rests. It might seem unnecessary but it was as much for her as it was for him.

Friday May 13th, 2005 7:39:25 PM

Rigging is pleased to see everyone in such high spirits. He looks over to Ari and asks, "We need to get a factor here. Someone we can trust, help us with information and watch for our interests. Guess we will have to deal with that on the next trip." Rigging looks around jokingly and adds, "Of course if someone wants to stay and do that for us?"

Rigging will gather the Wildcards around an hour and a half before their meeting and herd them onto the street. "Time to put on our good behavior. Yes that means you too Appolo. No, you and Val just can't stay here. I want your eyes and ears alert. Something is going on politically here and I want to find out what it is."

Friday May 13th, 2005 8:57:13 PM

Appolo let's Valanthe fuss over him.He shows up for the meeting cleaned up and looking good.

Appolo responds to Rigging"of course there's something going.Always is.I promise I'll be good you won't even no I'm there."

Saturday May 14th, 2005 7:31:13 PM

After eating a hearty breakfast the dwarf pats then rubs his stomach "whoa i'm full " with a smile at Ashira " nothing you won't work off me in training " laughs Nezamil

" this meeting should be intresting .....hopefully they could come to some type of agreement on how to work together ........it sure seemed like the Emperor and the Jack were off to a good understanding with each other ....now just the High Lord Mayor to add to that will put this whole region on a good path to resolve their differences and move forward "

"By Domi i hope that happens " remarks the dwarf

With a look at Rigging" i just gotta pickup something at the Catacombs before we leave Plateau City " adds Nezamil "i'd like to take that riverboat back to the Sword.....it sounds fun " grins the dwarf

Sunday May 15th, 2005 11:10:47 PM

Ashira pays particularly close attention to the houses with the nicer nurseries. The way Val and Appolo have been at it recently, shouldn't be too long before they'll have need of one. And Plateau City would be a nice place to raise a child... A child...hmmmm...naw, best not to even consider that right now...not until she has attended to that high priest.

At breakfast, Ashira smiles at Nezamil's comment. "And, brother dwarf, that is one thing you can count on in life! You'll never be fat while I'm in charge of training!!"

When Rigging gather's everyone up, Ashira smiles. "Good thinking. We shouldn't be late for a meeting of this magnitude." Ashira looks thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "Do you think we can run by that house by the bakery before the meeting. I really liked the garden on that one, and I'd like to see what everyone else thinks."


DM Jim: Lunch Meeting with the Lords 
Monday May 16th, 2005 4:40:45 PM

The Wildcards put on their best cloths and attitudes and head off to the High Lord Mayor's Manor in the center of Plateau City. It is a nice walk and everyone get to observe the hustle and bustle of a large vibrant land locked city. The Wildcards have not been to too many cities this far from the ocean.

The Wildcards are met by the same self important servant as last time. "The Lords and ladies are on the patio." He then opens the great doors and leads the group through the Manor again. Finally the group is lead out onto a beautiful covered patio that is overlooking cultured and manicured lawns and gards and finally the city itself. There is a light lunch buffet and a variety of wines.

The High Lord Mayor is in converation with several well dressed and appointed men and women. It appears that the Jack and Emperor were waiting for you as they are not in the group, but quickly walk over to you. The servant excuses himself immediately.

The Jack beams "Get some lunch and come join us." as he an the Emperor make for a table that has two places with food already.

Once the Wildcards come and join the Jack and Emperor the Jack wipes his mouth and begins to speak. "Eat up it is too good to let wait. Our meetings have been fruitful, and are almost complete. The Emperor and I have come to several agreements. In order to set up this FREEPORT, your group must be truely free." The Jack hands a scroll to Rigging.

"Then there is discussion of ownership of FREEPORT. Rigging has 2 stakes and all of the other Wildcards one (including Mykael and Redux), and myself (Jack) and the Emperor and the High Lord Mayor each have 3 stakes. This way we all have something at risk for this new venture. After your FREEPORT is up and running you can buy out our stakes or if you need cash we can buy out yours. All parties must agree to the sale of the ship by two thirds vote and on the value of a stake. No one takes a profit from FREEPORT for three years. All of the money will be reinvested into the venture and then we all get stinking rich!" The Jack sits back and takes a sip of his wine. "This helps include the Emperor and the High Lord Mayor more in our new entity. Also the Wildcards can not longer fly the flag of the Pirates. You must set up your own colors for your ships. Please ask the pirate crew if they want to be part of your venture or remain part of the pirate navy. We will send a ship in one month to pick up any that do not want to join you."

The Jack puts his feet on the table and continues by handing over three more scrolls. "These are letters introduction to the three mages that run South Harbor. They form a council and have a two year rotation as head of the council. Philip is the head currently."

The Emperor looks at each of the Wildcards in turn. "This is a fragile new beginning, but you must be independent of each of us. South Harbor is the main port of New Elenna and should be a place to set up contacts. The Jack and myself prefer that you recruit from South Harbor as it will bring New Elenna into the fold more and lessen the pirate hold. The mage council of South Harbor will be instructed to extend you every curtesy on behalf of New Elenna and the High Lord Mayor."

The Emperor pauses a moment. "There is word that some of the killer who escaped the ambush may be in Plateau City. The High Lord Mayor has arranged for other transportation for the Jack and myself, but you must beware."

The Emperor looks around before handing a final scroll case to Rigging. "This contains a crude map of the more unexplored area between or overlapping the naval ranges of the Pirates and my Kingdom. The circled area is where we think you should start your investigation. Our stakes in the venture give you the right to proceed and claim an island for FREEPORT. Choose well and Good luck, this is an important first step in many way." The Emperor shakes everyones hand followed by the Jack.

The Jack whipsers in Riggings ear. "Pick a strong set of colors and don't let your wife pick or I fear you may become a laughing stock."

The servant seems to appear again out of nowhere, waiting for the Wildcards.

Ari  d20=15 d20=2
Monday May 16th, 2005 7:26:48 PM

(ooc internet was down over the weekend, thanks adelphia!!!) (rolled 15 for apartment, 2 for slaves (too big a town)). (Let me know if I need to include anything else)

"Are we to give up our rank and tattoos then, with the Pirates? Are we to have private investors, or well known? How do we contact each of the persons with stakes in this?"

Monday May 16th, 2005 7:27:34 PM

ooc Did we confirm the existance of the crown, or confirm that I have an active imagination?

Rigging  d20+6=26
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 12:00:52 AM

Rigging will look confused and glance at the faces of the leaders. "Sir, I am sorry but I don't understand. You grant us our freedom and want to become partners in our setting up a colony. A colony that will be a freeport for all. You want to share in the bounty of this colony and own shares in it. What are you bringing to the table?

Yes I appreciate the maps, the letters of introduction and your vocal support, but we will need more tangible assistance. The Sword has the best crew on the seas, but this isn't enough for this kind of endeveor.

You are asking for basically an equal share of the colony. We are doing all the work so it makes sense that your supply us, money, materials, skilled artisans, and ships."

Rigging will look to the mayor and say, "From you, I want the people. Artisans from the ship making trade. Shipwrights, sailmakers, ropemakers. Enough people, to make us a port and to be able to service the ships coming in to visit us. I will also want raw materials from you. Lumber, iron stock, and food. Know that these people will be allowed to own their own businesses and reap the rewards for their own hard work."

Rigging will turn his eyes to the Emperor and say, "From you I want a warship. The Sword won't be able to always be there and we need to be able to protect ourselves. Hopefully with tensions lessening between the Pirates and the Empire, you can afford the loss of one ship. Make it fast and sound and I will find a crew for her. I also want 10,000 gps in hard money. I promise it will go into the building of the facilities and not our pockets."

Rigging will turn to the Jack and say, "From you my bucko,(Rigging slips into pirate slang) I want two merchant ships. I happen to know you have a few captured ones. We helped capture a few. We will need ships of our own to ferry supplies for the first couple of years and they can be pressed into defense if they have to. I also want 10,000 gps from you as well.

Rigging will hold up his hands at the looks on their faces and quickly add, "Yes I know the price is steep but think to the future. You Mayor get a possible trading partner. We will need many raw resourses, foodstuffs and eventually luxuries. You proffit on both ends of the deal with your shares." Rigging points to the Jack and the Emperor. You get a freeport where all are welcome, as long as they abide the rules. The chance for both cultures to mix and exchange ideas will only help the peace process along. You both spend 10 times more on the last attack of Safeport.

Finally you get us. We will find a suitable port that will help all of us, clear it of monster and brigand and help design the port, its defenses, and start the building process. This might take the rest of our lives but I see it as a chance for all of us to make real change in the Wold."

OOC diplomacy check 26. Natural 20!

Nezamil  d20+11=16
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 12:50:52 AM

The dwarf enjoys the walk thru the streets of his hometown on the way to the meeting at the High Mayors Mansion.

Nezamil takes the Jack's and Emperor lead and heads over to the tables of food and starts to fill a plate but he catches a glimpse of Ashira out of the corner of his eye and only takes a modest amount " i'll become as thin as an elf with her around " grumbles the dwarf silently

The Cleric of Domi nods at the Jacks words " independence " remarks the the Cleric "that sounds good " Nezamil continues to nods in agreement as the Jacks talks.

Nezamil reaches for some fruit on the table but freezes for a second as he hears about the reported killer stalking them " they were a nasty bunch for sure.... ambushed us good " then takes a bite out of the apple he selected

As Rigging announces his ideas "bold talk from the Captain" thinks the dwarf..... Nezamil will watch the faces of the two leaders for their reaction "Captain Rigging has some good points ....getting some artisans and having the ability to get supplies there with merchant ships would be a boon to a fast start up to Freeport....hopefully we could get a good mix of people from all the intrested investors to balance the politics of Freeport so no one of the investors becomes dominate......that would go a long way to show the region we would indeed be independant of influence" (d20+11=16 diplomacy check)

Nezamil sits back and waits with his breath help slightly hoping they didnt overstep their bounds

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 9:03:34 AM

Ashira chuckles as she sees Nezamil's lunch. Hehehe..got him running scared now!!

Ashira listens to the High Mayor, Emperor, and Jack with growing disbelief. Free of the Pirates?? I'm not sure I like that idea. All my life I've been commited to the Pirate lifestyle...how can I give that up now?! Ashira looks over at Rigging as he wrangles for a sweeter deal. Well, maybe with his administrative skills and leadership this thing will have a chance. Ashira's mind wanders, and she envisions the future... Stuck behind a desk, her swords hanging on the wall, collecting dust...she attempts to resolve some incredibly petty dispute between two wealthy merchants as two young children race around her legs. Ashira shudders. If that was her future, then she wanted none of it. But Rigging wouldn't do that to her, would he?? Her mind caught up in worries of the future, Ashira remains silent.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 10:23:42 AM

Val nearly chokes on her wine when Rigging starts making the deal a fair one. She never knew that he had such a backbone. Val thought that the deal was a bit one sided and not in their favor. Later she would have to buy him a bottle to congradulate his boldness. She would have done such a thing but it would have had the opposite effect.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 11:26:53 AM

Appolo is quietly eating when the conversation begins and nearly chokes on his food when ingependance from the prates is mentioned,as well as setting upa new city stae and nation.Then RIgging says his piece and everyone casn hear Appolo curse under his breath and can tell he is not pleased as he goes back to quietly eating.He ats very large amounts.Attacking his food ferociously and devouring it swiftly you'd think it was the enemy.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:43:37 PM

Mykael is new to the group and just listens. He eats his full, and comtemplates to himself, 'I am happy that I included in this, and Rigging seems to be trying to even out the deal somewhat, but is it worth my time if we dont all have equal shares? Have to comtemplate this longer. Guess I will ride it out for now and see.'

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:47:46 PM

Free from the pirates after all those years, fine with me a major part of my goal, defeating Ga'al is established. I dont think being a pirate wontr help me further to oppose the priest of Gaál. Being on our own is better.

Hmm Nezamil good food aye? and then Bart silently listens to Rigging

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:57:16 PM

The Monk sits queitly soaking in the conversation " operate indpendently ? .....Freeport ?......start our own city?.....this is could be the start of something great" muses Jagar

The fleetfooted monk is just overwhelmed with the magnitude of what might come to bear fruit " helping to build a community would be a great way to return the gift of my freedom ....i'll be honored to do so " chimes in Jagar

DM Jim: The Deal 
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 7:26:01 PM

The Jack slaps his knee and laughs. "Rigging you are no longer a pirate. You are already a fishwife or at least you haggle like one."

The Jack looks to Ari "Yes you will have to give up your rank in the pirates as you will no longer be pirates. Ari do not think that you will have it easy. You will have to find an island, clear it and defend it, not an easy task. The Wildcards and the Sword are not done protecting their own, just beginning."

The Jack focuses on Rigging again and scratches his chin "I think we can arrange three small merchant ships, one every six months, but only after your FREEPORT is deamed safe for transport. The gold will be needed elsewhere by the pirates so you will have to find some income from you endevor."

The Emperor looks from the Jack to Rigging with new found respect. "We can provide a warship, but only, as the Jack indicated, when the FREEPORT is deamed safe. I suggest you hire your own crew for it as it may not be safe to use mine. Ga'alian spys and all. It will be hard to swing in the first place, but I will. Money is out of the question as the priests keep too close a watch, but I will be working on the one." The Emperors give the Jack a knowing look at that.

The High Lord Mayor, Sturdavant wondered over. "We can provide artisans. Please provide a list of skills you require. It will take a year to get the proper training as we can not strip South Harbor of our best. We will provide a recently promoted master, journeyman and apprentice for each skill and pay their first years wages and travel to FREEPORT, but no gold can be spared." The High Lord Mayor shakes Riggings hand "Good luck Captain and Master Merchant." THe High Lord Mayor goes to attend to his other guests.

THe Jack claps his hands and announces. "Well have at it, buckos." He stands and leads the Emperor over to the other guests.

The Servant is waiting not very patiently to escort the Wildcards from the Manor.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:11:28 AM

How do they think we gather money to start up trading post? Attacking merchants?

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:23:02 AM

I know we go to the old city Aisuldur, where we meet the dead emperor and got the faybelle bottle. There is still a lot of melten and poisened gold in the dungeon. We get it out and then search for a good spot. Maybe even the old city itself

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:49:45 AM

Rigging will thank the leaders of the different communities and then lead the Wildcards back out of the manor. He remains silent for a while and then smiles.

"Not a bad deal. Promise of future support, they all have a vested interest in keeping us up and running and some adventure in the future.

Lets head back to the apartments, spend one more night, and then take the gambling ship back to South Harbor. We can make plans along the way, won't have to buy and sell horses and get in some more leisure time.

I want to run by the catacombs to grab some scrolls but lets meet for dinner."

Rigging hears Bart's comments and slaps him on the back. Not a bad plan, but I think the old city is 1000's of miles away. Think we might be able to find some gold a little closer? And if we happen to run across a fat merchant ship...."
Rigging grins an evil grin.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 10:28:42 AM

Valanthe rolls her eyes as she turns away. She raises her goblet to her lips and drinks a bit of wine. The Jack had the gold and so did the Emporer. It amazed her how they wanted triple the profits when they would only help after all the work was done. Well once they had the island up and running perhaps Rigging would feel it was appropriate to renegotiate.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 12:36:05 PM

Appolo listens and although he diapproves he keeps quiet.He quietly leaves.Thinking this is crazy,no way this works. Following along behind the others.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 3:31:20 PM

Nezamil lets out a deep sigh of relief as the Jack laughs at Riggings bold play and smiles .

"Yeah i like the idea of a riverboat cruise " grins the dwarf "maybe we can even win some gold " adds Nezamil with a chuckle

"what say you to some good ole riverboat gambling guys ? " inquires the dwarf to the boys? (Bart,Ari,Mykael,Jagar) you just know the
married guys will be no fun " laughs the dwarf

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 3:35:29 PM

"Riverboat gambling? that sure sounds fun " chimes in Jagar during the walk back to the apartments.

"Mrs Arrack will you join us at the gambling tables ....i've never gambled before .....and since you've been a pirate for many years you surely must know some gambling tricks that you can teach me " says Jagar enthusiastically

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 6:56:03 PM

Ari is very happy with what Rigging is able to wrangle out of their perspective partners.

Now to ponder how to get the Port started. Ari wanders away with the group trying to ponder what may be next.

As they sit down at the table Ari pipes up, "I think we might want to discuss what kind of goals we wish to achieve with this new possible city. Some kind of an ideal or agreement that we can all strive for. Something that somehow gets us all involved. We have some differences of opinion on what we want to achieve, and we need to make sure we're agreeing on what we want to do. Does everyone get a sphere of influence in the city? Or are we all working together towards one common goal?

We might try seeing how many from the Pirates might want to live in a legitimate city. Or whether our partners might want to suppy pardons for people with light offenses, if they want to come live and work their time off conquering the surrounding area."

Hoping the others will want a discussion, Ari stops for the time being to see how everyone responds.

DM Jim: The River boat 
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:57:31 PM

The WIldcards leave the High Lord Mayor's Manor with a mix of excitement and foreboding not sure what track their lives are on. They met up for dinner and further discuss future plans. Ari even start to bring up potential politics of their not yet created city.

The next day the Wildcard find that the "Elenna Queen" the River boat that Nezzamil found leaves at 4 pm. The group packs up their belongings and leave the inn and head for the river docks.

THe Wildcard's say a brief goodbye to the City on the Plateau that they barely got to know. The river docks are a buzzing with activity. It is filled with barges of all manner of goods being unloaded and loaded. The Wildcard's notice the absence of salt in the air and it gives the a slight pain of homesickness for the open seas. The river is large as rivers go, but it is not the sea. The far bank is only 400 yards away.

The "Elenna Queen" is obvious at its moorings. She is three decks as viewed from the outside with ornamental gold, blue and green sails that to professional sailors do not look like they will catch much wind. The ship itself is painted white with red trim and is longer than the Sword and much greater beam. There is one gainplank that several well dress people are crossing and being greated by and overdressed sailor in a gold puffy shirt with green and blue pants. The sailor calls out to you as you approach. "Off to South Harbor! The Elenna Queen is the only way to travel! She treats you first class. Dinner and a show followed by gambling until breakfast. The only way to Travel! Anyone up for a ride? Only 25 gp, although that does not include the tip."

The sailor is wearing a big grin and is waiting to see if the Wildcards are coming aboard

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 11:10:22 PM

Rigging will board the riverboat and pull out the vouchers given to him by the mayor. "Will you accept these? Obviously we would want change."

Once on the riverboat, Rigging will answer Ari's question. "I personally am not ready to become a mayor. I think we help set up the city, and then find capable administrators from among the populace or bring some in. Yes we can have important roles in the beginning but for the people to truly be free, then they must administer the city for themselves.

Now our roles as protecters is where I think we should stay. We have proven to be very effective fighting and working as a team. I don't want to split that apart."

Thursday May 19th, 2005 1:48:44 AM

Ashira remains very quiet while the others discuss the formation of the port. She chuckles at Jager's comment, but seems very preoccupied...and vaguely disturbed as she boards the river boat.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 11:32:12 AM

Rigging at the current conditions i am unsure about attacking merchants, is it still for the good cause we fighting for? Now we have the Emperor on our side. Before every ship we attacked had to do with the priest of Ga'al, I dont think we can still be sure about that. I am not or was a pirate for being a pirate, but it was a way to help me further to my goal. Would you for example want to take over this riverboat, collect the gold and other valuables from the passengers and hold them for ransome? as a true pirate would?

Thursday May 19th, 2005 2:00:33 PM

Jagar absorbs the buzz of activity on the docks......not used to being around this many people and a large city of this caliber it fills him with a sense of adventure and excitment.

"A riverboat ride " exclams the wide eyed Monk "Dinner ! thats good for Nezamil ....but i'd like to see what the show is about "

"As for the Gambling ....the slavers used to bet on us in the fighting arena but looks to be a more civil type of gambling " adds the Jagar

Thursday May 19th, 2005 2:07:32 PM

Bt the time they reach the riverboat Appolo is in very good mood.He still thinks setting up city like that is crazy,.

He boards the boat finds his room unloads his gear.He then finds the dining room and something to eat.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 3:10:23 PM

"Good choice Captain " as the dwarf follows him up the gangplank
to the riverboat.

"heh very funny Jagar " laughs Nezamil " gotta keep up my strength for battle ....can't let Ashira get me too weak i can't wield my Mace " as he winks at the Swords Mistress

" Hey Bart lets see if they got any good dwarven ale aboard this pleasure cruise ....Mykael you with us for an ale ? " adds the dwarf

DM Jim: The Sights and Sounds of the "Elenna Queen" 
Thursday May 19th, 2005 5:56:48 PM

The Wildcards are escorted across the gangplank and to an underdressed boxum blond half elf moneychanger that is showing just enough leg to be tasteful, barely. "Yes your voucher is good here." She gives Rigging change in the form of green painted wood disks. "These are each worth 25 gp each anywhere on the Elenna Queen. Your rooms are on the second level and are double occupancy. I am sorry as that is all that is left. We always leave full from Plateau City. The room numbers are on the keys." She hands Rigging two keys each for four rooms.

The group sees signs in several languages you recognise and some you do not behind the moneychangers booth requesting that all weapons be kept in patons rooms for the duration of the cruise. Safes and lockers are provided in room.

The Wildcards walk though an archway into a grand ballroom full of tables set for dinner. A well dress human male servant stops by to give you directions up to the second level and your room. "Dinner is in one hour. If you hurry you can get a round table. Remember the square table are put together to form a stage. Tonights entertainment is dancing girls. Don't forget to tip your hosts." The servant tap dances away and off to other duties.

The Wildcards observe many groups of well dress patrons of several races. The second and third levels on each side of the ship have a balcony overlooking the dinning area. On the way down to dinner it is overheard that there is an obervation deck above the third level.

Dinner is of good quality, but the group see others getting much better treatment and food. Your human female hostess explains to you that all kinds of extra can be purchased.

There are signs posted all over the ballroom in various languages explaining that the use of magic during gambling hours or cheating is strictly prohibited. Gambling hours are after the evening show until sunrise.

After dinner all of the rectangular table are put together to form a stage. The dancing girls put on quite a saucy show and announce that tomorrow show will be a farce.

After the dancing show the coverings are taken off the round tables reveal many different games of chance and cards, welcome to all.

Everything is new this evening, but very exciting. There is much alcohol flowing and people are very friendly. The Wildcards stay up much too late and the sun comes up much too early the next day.

There is much talk over the evening about the strange wind storms and earthquakes of the past month or two among the patrons and hosts.

OOC:We have had a bad week or two of posting. We have to get better as we are being watched by the High Wold Sherrif.

Also, I am still missing updated character sheets. I need them by Monday folks or I will have to invent punishments.......

Thursday May 19th, 2005 6:08:57 PM

Double occupancy was what she had in mind anyway. A nice river boat ride complete with dancing girls to help warm Appolo up. Valanthe hooks her arm in Appolo's and smiles before giving him a quick kiss.

Rigging  d20+12=30
Thursday May 19th, 2005 8:53:09 PM

Rigging will watch over his friends as they gamble, drink and have a generally great time. He enjoys them being able to relax and just have a good time without having to worry about being attacked, or struck down by a God or something.

Still until he gets the lay of the land, he will abstain from to much fun and keep a thieve's eye on things (spot 30). With his belt of sustenance, he really doesn't need to eat much and getting a couple of catnaps refreshes him.

He helps the others to bed when they are ready and then guides Ashira up to the observation deck where they can watch the stars and the shoreline coast by in peace. He engages her in idle chit chat but as the dawn starts to break, he asks, "Dearest, I get the impression, you aren't to happy about starting a new city? Can I ask why?"

The next day, Rigging will lock himself away in his room and scribe a new spell in his book. "Rary's"

ooc Jim, just waiting for a transaction to go through in the Catacombs and then will send updated sheet.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 10:38:29 PM

Nezamil takes a couple room keys from Rigging "Hey Jagar here's a key to our room ...lets get changed and see whats shakin on board "

" hey guys lets meet for dinner then we can split up to games of chance to our own liking afterwards "

At the Dinner table " Ari and Mykael you two should mingle and see what intresting tidbits you can pickup after dinner....i think we should all keep our ears open ....after all there is still someone out there that doesn't like us "

The dwarf sees Jagar is transfixed by the saucy dancing " eh Jagar i think you should buy the ladies a drink after the show " chimes in Nezamil slyly

Nezamil enjoys the evening relaxing and gambling a little too much but keeps an eye on the fleetfooted but wonder eyed Monks pursuit of the dancers.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 10:46:03 PM

Jagar just nibbles at his dinner to distracted by the showgirls " good idea " replies Jagar to the dwarfs suggestion of buying the dancers drinks .

The monk buys a few ales for the wildcards at the dinner table and tries to induce the dancers to dance with him after the show " this is so much better then the fighting pits " grins the monk " c,mon Nezamil lets dance and drags the dwarf onto the dance floor to dance with the showgirls " this is great "

The monk doesn't pay much attention to the gossip but just enjoys the female company and keeps intrducing the dwarf to all the girls

Friday May 20th, 2005 5:08:55 AM

Mykael shows up well-dressed, clean, and groomed.

Eating and enjoying the sights, Mykael stays away from too much ale and isnt interested in gambling. He is fairly quiet throughout the night other than laughing at the show, others that cant hold thier liqour, or any jokes during conversation. He lets the night pass by, having a good time, but always vigilant.

Mykael will mingle in the crowd doing a little eves-dropping and meeting people. He attempts to hold conversations with those that chat with him about whatever they are discussing. He is politicing, charming, and getting his name known among those with money, influence, power, and information.

OOC: Mykael is keeping his ear to the ground about the weather, anything interesting, the Wildcards, and attempting to make contacts with those that may be able to help him or the group at some future time. He doesnt let it be known that he is a Wildcard, but if its brought up or he is asked about it, he will admit it. He is just trying to keep thier presence low-key.

Appolo  d20+10=19 d20+6=14
Friday May 20th, 2005 11:30:50 AM

Appolo comes downstairs to dinner dressed resplendantly,with Valanthe on his arm<he eats and drinks,but not in excess.After the dinner and show,he says to Valanthe"Come on let's go for a walk on the observation deck,uptop.Should be a wonderful night out.All the while he keeps his wits about him and shap eye out for anything strange,suspisous or the least bit threatening.

OOC:Spot 19,Listen 14.

Bart  d20=14
Friday May 20th, 2005 3:32:28 PM

Well we need another room 9 people 8 bunks. Eya mate do you have spare bed, to put on one of the rooms?

In the vening Bart tries to gain some money with gambling he puts in a max of 200 gold

Friday May 20th, 2005 3:42:24 PM

The half-elf enjoys the show a little, but is quite distracted. She seems to be mulling something over in the back of her mind. During her alone time with Rigging, Ashira smiles at her husband. "You know me too well. I don't know...it's just that starting a new city requires us to stay in one place for a while. And I'm not sure I'm ready to settle down." Ashira stares up into Rigging's eyes. "It seems like so long ago that we got married...and so much has changed. I mean, just look at you...not only are you a Captain, now you're going to be the founding father of a port!! And I'm happy for you...I really am... It's just that I never envisioned my life revolving around pushing papers from one side of a desk to the other and then back again." Ashira rubs her temples. "I don't know...I just don't know. I still have a lot of other business to take care of, and I'm not sure how this recent turn of events fits in with all my plans, that's all." She looks back up at Rigging. "But you're happy, and that means a lot to me. Just promise me you won't allow me to become some old paper pushing, diaper changing whench." Ashira shudders at the mere thought of it all.

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday May 20th, 2005 4:01:12 PM

Rigging laughs at Ashira's concerns. "Are you kidding? I think having to push papers around is years off. Yes I want to do this and I appreciate your support but allay your fears dear wife. I don't see us laying down our swords anytime soon.

First we have to scout the map for the best sight. Then we have to clear the land of any nasty monsters, tribes of orcs, or worse and so on. Then we will have to bring in the builders, stone masons, and other specialists. I can assure you that this will be opposed in several quarters. Merhants not wanting us to compete with them, to Ga'alian priests not liking what we represent and trying to shut us down.

Of course we will need advanced information on what they are planning, so recon missions into their heartlands will be needed." Rigging sighs, "Not to mention pirates, bandits, marauding monsters, slavers and anyone else who is stupid enough to think we are weak and can't defend ourselves. No....I don't think we will be putting down our swords anytime soon."

DM Jim: Floating Down the River  d100=8
Friday May 20th, 2005 7:29:46 PM

Nezzamil and Jager enjoy the dancing show and participate to the delite of the other patrons.

Mykael talks with those milling about gambling, but does not find out much information beyond surface concerns, the weather, were is my drink, and why did I lose that last hand. (Try gather info for a specifc piece of info)

Rigging cases the place and also notices a black haired unshaven bloke in finery that seems to be doing the same thing regarding the Wildcards. Rigging is easily able to keep track of his because of his large gold earings in each ear.

Rigging and Ashira discuss their future among themselves.

Val and Appolo take a nice moonlite walk on the observation deck. The night is beautiful if note a bit warm for the season, maybe more than a bit. They can see the rudder man guiding the "Elenna Queen" expertly downriver using the current. They also observe barges and other boats being pulled upriver by large horses. THe drovers are lighting the way for the horses. There seems to be a downstream and upstream channel in the river.

The next day does not start early on the "Elenna Queen" as most guest sleep in early. People mingle and spend time on the observation deck waiting for the evening festivities to start again. It is curious that today there are now no barges or boats being pulled up river.

Bart gets his private room, but did not do well gambling (8/100) and lost his entire stake.

OOC:Bart Where is your Character sheet?????? Val does yours character sheet need to be updated with the new experience points?

If you want to gamble, the house has an advantage roll a D100 if you are above 59% you win, if not you lose.

Friday May 20th, 2005 11:16:47 PM

It is a time to spend focusing on what is about to happen for the group. When Ari is by himself, he studies his spells, formulates plans, and envisions where he may be headed. During the evenings he'll buy some wine, socialize with those around, watch some shows.

But relative to his friends, he's pretty quiet.

Saturday May 21st, 2005 1:11:24 PM

Val walks with Appolo her body close to his. She holds his hand and turns to face him so they can dance in the moonlight. She sighs happily and rests her head on his shoulder.

Saturday May 21st, 2005 7:30:16 PM

Appolo spends the night with Valanthe in his arms wondering the observation deck until they finda nice beck witha back to sit on"Lot's of river traffic tonight.It is a wonderful night and you are so beautiful.You know if we start this town and make it work,then we can also start a family"He says as the sit and watch the river traffic in the moonlight.

Eventually he takes back down stairs,to the room just as the sun is about to come up,Appolo falls asleep with Valanthe in his arms.Appolo sleeps most of the day past noon.

Rigging  d100=98
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 4:30:13 PM

Rigging will point out the scarred man to Ashira and when Val and Appolo go by to them as well. "This guy has an interest in us. Remember we were warned about an assassin. Keep an unobtrussive eye on him."

The next day, Rigging will scribe the spell into his spellbook and then join his companions on deck. He will go looking for the scarfaced man and see what he is up too.

He will go to the tables and do some gambling surprising himself with a win. Rigging will have used a 100 gps as a stake.

Rolled 98 for gambling

Jagar  d20+6=8
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 9:28:28 PM

Jagar dances till dawn then gets afew hours of sleep .......waking early and before his roomie Nezamil he freshens up quickly and quietly and takes a brisk morning stroll around the deck of the riverboat surbyes the scence (d20+6=8 spot ch) but nothing seems to catch his eye.

"good morning " comments Jagar to the late rising dwarf as he makes an appearence on the deck " beautiful day we have ...nice and quiet"

Nezamil  d20+5=23
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 9:29:11 PM

The dwarf sleeps well after dancing all night " haven't don't that in years......that Jagar sure is light on his feet and he danced till dawn....well it was good to just to have a light hearted evening " muses the dwarf

Slipping out of bed Nezamil notices that Jagar is already out and about " he's full of energy " mumbles Nezamil to himself.

Freshning up he heads out to see whats for breakfast .....spotting the monk leaning on the railing watching the birds "Hey Jagar lets get some breakfast before Ashira wakes up ....i'm starving .... i swear she watches what i eat to see how many miles we have to run " laughs the dwarf as he leans on the railing next to Jagar for a moment checking out the veiw (d20+5=23 spot ch) " hmm slow traffic day on the river today .....thats strange ...think we oughta check that out after breakfast ......lets eat " grins Nezamil " wonder if anyone else is up ?"

Monday May 23rd, 2005 2:09:28 AM

Bart wakes up late, he gets an simple breakfest and walks around the deck

Monday May 23rd, 2005 10:30:22 AM

Ashira nods as Rigging points out the man. Since she doesn't need too much sleep (ring of sustenance), Ashira spends most of her time shadowing the scarred man, making sure not to be too obvious.

DM Jim: Cat and Mouse 
Monday May 23rd, 2005 1:22:12 PM

Rigging has a great night gambling and makes 105 gp!!!

Jager enjoys the observation deck and watches swirl make small water spouts in the river.

Rigging and Ashira shadow the scarred man most of the day. They keep close watch on him and only lose him occasionally. They do seem to be noticed and thoughout the day he contacts and talks with several other men and women he seems to know well of several races (human, elf and gnome). All of the people Rigging and Ashira observe all have at least one gold earing in each ear.

When ever the scarred man catches a glimps of Rigging or Ashira watching him or caught watching them his hands immediately dip down to his waist as it going for his weapons, but they are never there as all weapons are suppose to be locked in everyones cabins.

Rigging and Ashira also observe the scarred man talking with the captain of the "Elenna Queen" and he seems to be on good terms with him. An hour later the security personel of the "Elenna Queen" seem to increase and are not so hidden as before. Two very large (over 6.5 feet tall)heavily musculed, unarmed, men in purple and gold finery walk the gambling floor and two wizards each walk the balconies on the second and third floors and they are both dressed in the same purple and gold clothing. Everyone had noticed these six individuals mingling with the patrons the previous day.

The rest of the Wildcards recover from the previous evening and get ready for the Farce. After dinner the crew puts on a comedy with sexual innuendo. The players pull several people from the audience for their skits and all have a merry time.

There is rumblings about the lack of upriver traffic and that the captain had a visitor.

The "Elenna Queen" is sloshed about right after the play. The Captian takes the stage to calm all down and explains to the passengers "What you just felt was an earthquake and there is nothing to worry about. What better place to be than on a ship when the ground is rolling. One drink free for all on board, all paying passengers that is." The is a collective groan from the crew, in fun.

Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:16:44 PM

The dwarf throughly enjoys the show " now that was funny Jagar just glad you didn't yank me up on stage " chuckles Nezamil

" sounds like that is our answer to the no traffic on the river question " remarks Nezamil to the Monk

" hmm who are da big guys in purple and gold ? riverboat security ? looks like something has them spooked lets check in with Captain Rigging" comments the dwarf to Jagar

"heh we get a free drink ... can't be that bad " grins Nezamil as he makes his way over to the nearest bar with Jagar intow " i'll take an ale and one for my friend here ?" as he catches a bartenders eye

Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:25:26 PM

"next time " replies Jagar to the dwarf " i'll make sure you get on stage "threatens the monk in mock serious tones

"not sure who they are but you could be right " replies jagar as he follows the dwarf to the nearest bar

As they are served their ale's " who are those guys in purple and gold " inquires Jagar of the barkeep

Jagar sips his ale as he surveys the crowd "wonder where Mykael and Ari are ?" chimes in the monk " they hiding in their rooms ? we'll get Bart to have a free drink with us he's a good fun guy " as he tries and flag down the big fighter over to enjoy there free bounty ;-)

Ari  d20=5 d20=11 d20=18 d20=10 d20=9
Monday May 23rd, 2005 11:03:24 PM

Not sure if he was really paid attention to while he sat out the first time. Ari comes to his senses and realizes that he needs to keep his ear to the ground for the rest of his family. Ari tries to find nice corner to sip on some wine and be unobtrusive.

While he waits, Ari tries to remember back to when the group 'defeated' the cursed Emporer.

(gave you 5 gather info rolls, which is just straight up for now).

Monday May 23rd, 2005 11:04:38 PM

Rigging will show his gold to Ashira with a delighted smile on his face. "Can you believe that 21 came up on the wheel!"

After the Captain's speech, Rigging will lead his wife up on deck and take a look around to see if he can see anything. He will send Swirl aloft to take a look around.

"I think we should ease off the guy who was checking us out. I think we might have spooked him and that is OK but I don't want to cause any trouble. Be vigilent but let's not get to paranoid."

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 12:30:39 AM

Ashira is absolutely thrilled by Rigging's winnings. "Great! Now what are you going to buy me with it??" she jokes with her husband.

The ranger nods at Rigging's sage advice. She thought she'd been rather covert about her surveillance, but apparently not...going to have to work on that. Ashira sighs...not being paranoid...now that was a novel concept. A sparkle in her eye, she pats Rigging's buttocks. Leaning in close, she murmurs in Rigging's ear "Hey, why don't we go and celebrate your winning...don't want Val and Appolo to be the only ones who have fun on the cruise." With a mischievous wink, Ashira saunters back to their room.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 3:08:22 AM

Bart notices the men in purple also, he feels some tension building up. Well if anything will happen he is ready for it, he is armed and dangerous, his sword is well hidden in his glove of storing. Bart finds a spot near Ari and chat and drinks with him while he looks around.

Rigging Illegal post 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 7:29:49 AM

Rigging gets a grin on his face and follows his wife back to the room for some private entertainment.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 9:52:04 AM

Val really enjoys the little break. Lounging with her man and plenty of good food and wine. She's in such good spirits that the sudden increase in security doesn't bother her one bit. Normally she would inquire about why security was increased but currently she could really care less.

DM Jim: Inquiries 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 5:37:05 PM

The bartender remarks offhandedly to Jager and he gets him his free drink "Those guys are the coolers. They take care of problems." The bartenders quickly goes off to take care of other customers demanding their free drinks.

Ashira and Rigging go and get busy.

Ari does a bit of investigating on his own and finds out that upriver traffic has been halted bacause a roving band of centaurs have been freeing horses. That is what the visitor came to tell the captain.

Late in the evening, Ari is still watching a fairly large crowd gambling and a fairly attractive human brunette in a very low cut dress sits down next to him and makes small take. As she takes her leave, she look back at Ari from around a corner and says "You are nice, but too bad you chose the wrong side." When Ari pursues she is gone. All Ari sees is a group of guest going off to bed. Ari realizes that he forgot to get her name, but will not forget her face or her other ample attributes.

The next day starts late again. It is posted that the evening activities will be a circus and acrobat show.

There are strange goings on. Those on the observation deck see numerous fish kills and Ashira can tell that they died by boiling. The "Elenna Queen" passes by a small fishing village that seems to have been on the wrong end of smoking crater. There are many buildings destroyed.

Evening comes and their seems to be some tension in the air and talk of the strange happenings. Dinner is excellent and the show intriuging. People are just not suppose to bend like that....

Then there is a SCREAM heard by all coming from the observation deck that causes immediate quite during the show. People look at one another, questioning and whispering starts. A bell is sounded and the Captian seems to busy himself with moving toward the stairs to the observation deck. "Everything is Fine. Enjoy the Show. One round on the house!" The Captain does not seem as confident this time around.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 6:23:40 PM

Appolo sleeps through the disturbance and wakes lateHe enjoys the tiem with Valanthe.

Appolo heads down to dinner and is enjoying the show.he ignores most of the talk about strange occrances and relaxes,until the scream and the show stops.Appolo quickly stands and moves toward the exit heading for his room.If anyone says anything he will tell them that he merely wishes to go to his cabin.

Once in his cabin he will suit up and arm himself.Then using his ring of invisibility,he will slip out of his cabin and investigete.He is ready for action.

Ashira  d20+11=30
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 9:53:10 PM

Her hair tossled and a happy grin on her face, Ashira rolls over in her bed as she hears the ringing bell (Listen=30). Nudging Rigging awake she says. "What was that?! I think we better get up and check it out." Ashira rises and clothes herself and then heads out to check things out.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 10:13:57 PM

Rigging wakes and watches his wife dress with a grin on his face. Suddenly his surrounding hit him and he jumps up and says, "I can't believe we stayed in here all day!" He grabs his clothes, quickly pulls them on, slips on his slippers of spider climbing (ya never know) and straps on his weapons. He then follows his wife out on to the deck.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 10:17:50 PM

Ashira watches Rigging arm himself. "Ummm...dear, you know they asked for us to keep those locked away, don't you?" Ashira grins at her husband as she grabs her own swords and backpack.

Ari  d20=3 d20=11 d20=2 d20=10
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 12:07:14 AM

Intrigued by the comment made by the mystery women. Ari wonders whether there might be a group that is watching the Wildcards. Or whether her meeting him had any chance to it.

When Ari gets a chance, he'll do his best to drop a note, or whisper his findings to Rigging. About the Centaurs and about the intriguing woman.

All the while he'll keep an eye out for the woman that spoke to him the night before. Occasionally he finds that he has to bring himself back from a daydream.

Once the scream is heard, Ari can be heard speculating alound, "I wonder who that was"..."Was that an Elven woman that screamed?" "Was it some poor horse on the far shore here?". As Ari starts all these false rumors, he listens closely to the rumor mongers around him, and tries to pick out if there's any truth. (more rolls as needed.)

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 3:21:08 AM

After the scream Bart isn't interested in teh show anymore, he slips outside and looks for a dark spot on deck where he can observe a major part of the boat

Mykael  d20+1=20 d20+4=19
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 5:51:49 AM

Mykael hasnt been seen much. He has been studing in his room and working on cutting his gems.

Mykael hears the scream from his room. He shoves the gem he was working on back into his chest and slams the lock shut. He heads out the door to the decks to see what is going on.

Listen = 20, Spot = 19

Nezamil  d20+5=6
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 2:47:06 PM

The dwarf takes in the circus show ooohhhing and aaahhhing with the crowd " you'll never get a dwarf to contort like that just aint possible ....we just ain't that limber " chuckles Nezamil.

Nezamil remains calm and awaits to see what comes of the scream from the observation deck " we better have a chat with the riverboat captain about all these strange things " says the dwarf to Jagar "Captain to Captain he might be able to squeeze a little info out him "

Nezamil scans the crowd for the coolers to see how they react to the screams (d20+5=6 spot ch)(nat 1!!) but being shorter then most he cant' see over the crowd " you see whats going on Jagar ??" asks the dwarf

Jagar  d20+6=16
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 2:55:25 PM

Jagar enjoys the show with the dwarf " this is amazing ....i bet i can do some of those things " the monk tries to get up on stage but the dwarf grabs him and yanks him back in his seat " ok maybe later i can try "suggest Jagar to Nezamil

Jagar jumps up at the sound of the scream but seeing the dwarf remain calm stands on his seat to get a better veiw, surveys the room (d20+6=16 spot ch)

" maybe we can get you stilts so you can join in the circus acts " suggest Jagar to Nezamil " then you can also see better " laughs the monk

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 6:33:54 PM

Val found herself watching the dancers and wondering if she could adapt somet of those things for her late night reindevous with Appolo. She was thoroughly enjoying she show but since everybody was heading out Valanthe decided she might as well follow and suit up.

DM Jim: The Crush 
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:35:23 PM

The captain and the "Coolers" all start to head for the stairs up, but it is making the crowd very nervous and they start to move to them also. Movement is difficult for all as everyone is heading for the stairs. The two bulky "Coolers" are attempting to make a path for the captain.

Val and Apollo head for their rooms and begin to suit up. The stairs to the rooms are not as crowded as the one to the observation deck. There are several groups of people that seem to want to head for their rooms.

Rigging and Ashira are roused awake and also begin to suit up.

Mykael almost ruins his gem at the sound of the scream and he to packs up.

Nezzamil, Jager and Bart are all caught in the crush of the crowd as they move with the Captain toward the stairs of the observation deck. Nezzamil and Jager are attempting to get close to the Captain, but Bart is swimming against the crowd to get a better view.

Ari is attempting to spread rumor, but seems to be starting a panic.

Ari spots several cooks coming out of the hold with vines wrapped on them. Ari overhears them "That is unnatural. How can that be. I'm not going back down there."

All of a sudden there is a sudden shift in the "Elenna Queen" as if the sailor at the rudder were drunk.

DC 10 balance check or stumble, fail by 5 or more and you fall. You get +1 for every 2 ranks of sailor you have.

The quick course change does not do well to the crowd as large groups of people fall and drag others down. The panic level can almost be felt by those still on the gambling floor or looking down from the balconies.

Shortly there after there is another opposite rudder correction followed by a CRASH!

Ashira and Rigging can now see Apollo and Val as part of the wall separating their rooms now has a big hole in it. A large firey, very solid object, burst through the two rooms from outside the "Elenna Queen". The object has started several very small fires before it CRASHES through the floor and onto the gambling level. All of this took place in the blink of an eye. Your two rooms feel less than stable than a moment ago. The hole in the outside wall is about 4 feet in diameter and smoking.

Once the flaming boulder stikes the gambling floor and crushes a dealer at a card table, that happened to be milling about, the real PANIC begins. Everyone is now pushing to get to the stairs, any stairs and no one is moving much at all as a result.

OOC: Please post early as I will be posting in the early afternoon the next few days. Thanks in advance.

Ari (using +1 from dex, and +3 from stated sailor)  d20+4=19
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:11:51 PM

(ooc Ari doesn't have the skill, but could the tumblers get bonuses too?)

Not realizing that the scream was a precursor to disaster, Ari quickly does his best to stop any rumors from going on.

I thought that was a good idea, at the time.

IF there's no prohibition against spell casting, then Ari will cast spider climb.

IF not, or either way, he'll still continue to try to get a better look at things going on around him.

(ooc can we get a picture of where you thing everyone is relative to each other? I've have this sinking feeling I'm currently not near anyone in the group. ;) :) )

Rigging  d20+7=22 d20+11=22
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:20:47 PM

Rigging sways with the course changes but is otherwise uneffected by them. (dex roll of 22) He quickly sees the hole and wonders "Catapult?" out loud.

He shakes off the thinking and yells, "Wildcards! To Me!" He looks at Val and Appolo. "I want everyone together and armed. You three start collecting their stuff, especially their weapons. I am gonna take a quick look around!"

With that Rigging will leave his cabin and literally walk up the side of the ship using his slippers of spiderclimb. He will take a good look around from this vantage. (spot 22)

OOC I sent Swirl topside last post. Does he see anything?

OOC George 
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:33:23 PM

Hey folks, Next week I am taking the family down to visit the out-laws in Florida. My mother outlaw does have a computer so I should be ok posting. I only see me missing posts on Monday and Tuesday when we visit Universal Studios. Could someone fill in for me those days if they don't see me posting by 9 pm?

Bart  d20=20
Thursday May 26th, 2005 4:07:36 AM

Bart stays easily on his feet (natural 20. Not aware where the danger is commong from he heads as quickly as possible towards his room to get his chain shirt. Never leave without it

Mykael  d20+5=9 d20+5=16 d20+7=8 d20+4=5
Thursday May 26th, 2005 6:10:44 AM

Mykael is getting to the door when the ship lurches and he is tossed to the floor. "What the hell? That didnt sound like a sand-bar." Mykael decides to get all his stuff together. He loads his pack and throws on his chain shirt. Bow and sword throw over opposite shoulders and finally shield strapped around back over his backpack, he is ready to head out. He can swim now if needed. Mykael notices the huge hole in the hallway and thinks, 'Catapult? Trebuchet? hmmm...'

Mykael will make haste topside, if it looks like he can just run through the hole to the outside decks safely, he will. If not, up the stairs. He will look out the hole either way to try and spot anything. (Arch & Engineering = 16... or Shipwright = 8 (nat 1))(Spot = 4(nat 1)) ooc-killer rolls... wow

Valanthe  d20+9=26
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:05:03 AM

Val barely sways as the ship rocks beneath her feet. It wasn't all that different from a sudden wave rocking the sword out at sea.

Val nods to Rigging and moves out to collect all of her companions gear. After she collects the gear Val moves quickly down the hallways using her far superior strength to push people aside if need be.

Ashira  d20+10=30
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:29:41 AM

Her sea legs so accustomed to the pitch and roll of a vessel under just about any conditions, Ashira easily keeps her feet (Ref+sailor=30...nat. 20). She watches the "thing" crashing through their quarters, her eyes bulging. Not good...not good!! Deciding that Rigging has a good idea, she fishes out her slippers of spider climb and follows after Rigging. She wonders where the others are and how in the world they're all going to get back together with all this mass panic going on.

Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:35:51 AM

As the flaming boulder crashes thru the ship "C,mom Jagar lets get our stuff and find the Captain.

Unlike earlier when a dwarfs short build was a hinderince in veiwing over the crowd ...Nezamil stout lowbuilt frame comes in handy as he bulls his powerful frame thru the crowd cutting a path thru them with ease as he heads to his room " by Domi we'll get to the bottom of this strangeness in the wold " remarks the dwarf outloud to no one in partiucular.

Once making it to the room Nezamil quickly equips himself and heads out to find his fellow wildcards making it topside to get a better understanding of what is happening .

Jagar  d20+9=21
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:44:07 AM

Jagar quickly follows in the dwarfs footsteps easily keep his balance(d20+9=21 bal ch) "remind me to never get in your way " chuckles the monk " as the dwarf plows thru the people to their room.

Once reaching the room Jagar quickly adorns himself of his stuff and again follows the dwarven bowling ball up topside to join the Wildcards

Dc check d20+9=21

Appolo  d20+12=27 d20+7=18 d20+6=11 d20+9=21
Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:33:16 AM

Having already suited up by the time vlanthe got there.Appolo help sher gether her gear.While doing this the ship roles,Appolo easily keeps his feet,hardly noticing it.

Then the fireball smashes through the side of the ship the room and into the next one.Appolo starts grumbling about party crashers."Always some fool has to ruina perfectly good party.By the gods we must attract them like flies to honey!!.'He looks at Rigging and nods,quickly following orders.He follows Valanthe hitting the state rooms of the rest of the wildcards.

He will use his set of lock picks and his skill as a thief to open the others lockers in order to get thier stuff.He also keeps a sharp eye out for anyone folowing them our watching them.

OOC Balance 27,Locksmith 18 Spot 11, Pick lock 21

DM Jim: Pandimonium 
Thursday May 26th, 2005 3:35:35 PM

All of the Wildcards rooms are next to one another off of the second level balcony/walkway (internal to the ship).

There is mass hysteria running rampant among the guests and crew. People are attempting to save themselves by climbing to the observation deck and others are scrambling to their rooms. The stairs up a choked with people as are the internal walkways on the second and third levels.

Rigging barks orders and quickly sticks his head out the smoking hole and takes a look; Ashira dons her slippers to follow her husbands lead.

Rigging feels a very stong breeze and he climbs out the hole and feels another impact as a second flaming projectile CRASHES into the "Elenna Queen". Rigging helps his wife through the hole and they both survey the scene.

It is dark with a full moon, so there is some visibility. The wind is much stonger than expected. The second impact is behind Rigging and Ashira and they make quick calculation and think it might be Bart's room.

The "Elenna Queen" make another correction as it attempts to avoid the incomming projectiles.

DC 10 balance check again. Again add your sailor bonus.

There are several burning buildings of a riverside village that are burning up ahead. Two figures are outlined by the fire and seem to be very close to it. The figures are dwarf like in features but something is wrong in the proportions. Rigging and Ashira realize that it is not the figures but the buildings that are causing the visual problem. The two figures are the same size as the burning building they are standing next to.

Two more flamming projectiles come arcing high overhead. One will surely strike the ship in the prow.

The shore is maybe 75 yards away and the buring buildings 200 yards. The course correction have slowed down the "Elenna Queen" significantly.

Rigging can feel Swirl and he seems envigorated and upset at the same time. Rigging hears Swirl "You brought her again!" in his head as he rounds in front of the ship. Swirl is noticably larger.

Ari realizes that he is far from everyone and his room and casts spider climb on himself.

The three cooks next to Ari back up in horror as a serving girl struggle through vines as she attempts to climbe out of the hold. Ari notices that the planks at his feet seem to be sprouting new growth. The cooks run past Ari and go toward the closed entrance gangplank area on the gambling level.

Val and Apollo collect Mykael and got to work on Nezzamil's and Jager's room. After a short time Apollo opens the simple lock and they enter the room.

Before Mykael follows Val and Apollo into the room he watches the door to Bart's room burst open and fly down into the gamling level, followed by another flaming projectile. This missile finds a crowd of people and does serious damage to the guests.

Mykael notices upon quick inspection of the damage that the "Elenna Queen" has a nice paint job, but looks to have been slapped together quickly and with out much care.

Nezzamil and Jager DC 15 tumble check to avoid the crush of paniced people that are fleeing the flaming boulder, and get to the stairs closest to your room. This is assuming you made your balance check for the last rudder correction, if not the DC is 20.

Bart is half way up the stairs as he watches his door and the boulder go flying. The way to what may be left of Bart's room is mostly clear of people.

Two of the purple and gold clad Wizard "Coolers" cast spells (DC 16 spellcraft check)and many guests appear to fall unconcious around the Captain. The Captain and the two purple and gold clad brusiers are on the move again. One of the brusiers is yelling "Make way for the Captain!" over and over again.

Several of the small fires are starting to grow in Rigging's and Apollo's rooms and on the gambling level.

OOC: I will be posting around 2pm EST tomorrow, so plan accordingly. Thanks.

Ashira  d20+10=15
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:58:38 PM

Once more Ashira has no problem keeping her balance (Check=15)...probably due to the fact that she's stuck tight to the walls of the ship.

With all the pandemonium going on around her, Ashira is awe struck by the scene presented in front of her. "What in the Wold is that??" she asks Rigging. Then she follows the strike of the other meteor. She swears fervently as she figures out where it landed. "Shades, Rigging, Bart!" Ashira begins to head over to Bart's quarters to check on him, a mild panic setting in.

Ari ( a bonus for spiderclimb?)  d20+4=9
Friday May 27th, 2005 12:58:19 AM

Having a little difficulty with moving around, Ari opts to make sure everyone is getting out okay, and helping wherever he can with this extra footing.

Bart  d20+4=17 d20+3=18
Friday May 27th, 2005 3:32:10 AM

Once again Bart stays on his feet (roll 17), quickly he goes into his room grabs his backpack and his chainshirt and moves out as quick as possible (made second dex check 18)
He sees Ashira, everything ok? What we do strand this thing on a riverbank? We are sitting ducks here

Rigging  d20+7=10
Friday May 27th, 2005 8:23:32 AM

Rigging, midstep, is thrown off stride with the last boulder smash. He grabs a handful of wall and is able to keep his barely is able to keep his balance.

"We need to get everyone together. This tub won't take this kind of punishment for long."

Rigging will look at the distant figures and continue, "Have you ever fought giants before, Ashira? I think you are going to get your chance. The river is to wide for most folks to swim to the other side. (assuming 400 yards still) We will need to take them out if most of the others are going to survive. Get back inside. We need to collect the Wildcards and come up with a plan."

Rigging will start to climb back inside when the boulder smashes into Bart's room. He yells "Bart!" Then more quietly, "That's it, we are getting off this slow moving target."

Valanthe  d20+9=23
Friday May 27th, 2005 10:27:22 AM

Val moves down the hallway, her stride never broken as the ship jerks suddenly. This boat was a flaming deathtrap and she was wearing chain armor. Yes the chain was created by elven smiths and very light but she didn't really want to try and swim in it. Quickly she hands gear out to those which it belongs.

ooc: how long will it take to hand all the gear out? balance check 23

Nezamil  d20=6
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:20:23 PM

The dwarf crashes thru the crowd but gets jostled by an overweight human(d20=6 tumble ch failed)and gets pushed to the sidewall " Ja...gar" shouts Nezamil " get these people off of me...." the dwarf gets elbowed in the ribs by the fatman again " By Domi everyone calm down or we'll get ufff" the fatman gives the dwarf a hard look and just pushes into the wall dropping him on his butt and makes his way thru the crowd "

Nezamil grabs onto the railing and pulls himself up using considerable strength " lets get to the room "as the dwarf continues to fight his way thru the paniced people

Jagar  d20+12=15
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:30:13 PM

The Monk barely stays on his feet (d20+12=15 tumble ch) as the crowd surges to the exits " Nezamil where are you ? " yells Jagar as he looks for the dwarf

spotting the dwarf pinned againist the wall by some fat guy then uncermoniously knocked on his keister " what are you doing taking a break at a time like this ....we gotta get out of here " remarks Jagar to Nezamil as he gives him a hand getting to his feet " lets go as he drags the dwarf forward while taking a moment to trip the fat guy in front of the dwarf " knock my friend over will you " as the monks pushes past him towards their room

Appolo  d20+12=32
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:47:22 PM

After gathering up everyones gear Appolo follows Valanthe quickly topside.Easily staying on his feet,"Hury my darling.it appears everyone has lost thier minds.When I find out who interupted our vacation.I'll be sending them straight to Gargul.With my compliments."

Blance Check 32

Mykael  d20+5=17 d20+5=7 d20+8=26 d20+4=12 d20+10=13 d20+8=25 d20+7=17
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:04:52 PM

Mykael gathers up his stuff and runs through the hole. He manages to stay on his feet(17). As he reaches the railing, he falls during the second impact(7), but a quick reach and he grabs ahold of the railing to steady himself (AC 26) and stands back up and surveys the situation. He looks towards the shore to see who or what is attacking with what. And he attempts to determine how much more of a pounding this well painted raft will take.

spot = 12
Knowledge Arcana = 13
Knowledge Planes = 25
Shipwright = 17

DM Jim: Landing  d20+10=15 d20+9=21 d20+8=26 d6=2 d6=6 d6=5 d6=5 d6=6 d6=1 d6=5 d6=3 d6=3 d6=3
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:52:51 PM

Time is flowing fast. It took the Wildcards a few minutes to get their armor on and break into Nezzamil and Jager's room. A flaming boulder took care of Bart's.

Ari does not fall, as he was aided by his spiderclimb spell.

The cooks are working on opening the forward gainplank, but retreat past Ari as the latest projectile strikes the front of the "Elenna Queen".

The serving girl finally extracts herself from the vines in the hold and gives Ari a scathing look. "Thanks for the help." She too runs to the back of the boat. There is a vine that is starting to curl itself around Ari's boot.

All four purple and gold clad wizards have each cast another spell that seems to have caused many guests and hosts to fall unconcious (DC 16 spellcraft check to determine the spell). There are still plenty of people running around screaming, but the crush is abated for now. All of the "Coolers" are heading up the stairs.

Bart reaches his room with Ashira in tow. Bart puts out a few small fires on his personal belongings and exits his room.

Rigging feels the winds intensify as he head back into the ship. Rigging feels swirl in his mind. "You are going back to HER again. Stay our here and play."

Rigging does notice that the flamming projectiles are not being shot every combat round. There must be a reload period. Rigging also sees two slightly smaller, but still large figures outlined by the burning buildings.

Rigging is pushed inside by the winds, which also helps grow the fires in his room. Rigging quickly reaches the balcony corridor and attempts to rally his crew.

Rigging is surprised to see three crossbow bolts strike him, shot from a downward angle.

AC 15 (2 damage)DC 11 fort save or lose 6 con.
AC 21 (5 damage) DC 11 fort save or lose 5 con.
AC 26 (6 damage)DC 11 fort save or lose 1 con.

Secondary saves are required in one minute for those bolts that hit.

DC 11 or lose 5 con.
DC 11 or lose 3 con.
DC 11 or lose 3 con.

Rigging roll a DC 15 spot check twice, once for the attackers and a second time for the bolts. Everyone else one spot check of DC 20 to see the assaillants.

Val and Apollo are holding all of Nezzamil and Jager's gear on the second level balcony/corridor. Val and Apollo are only 50 feet from the ladder up to the observation level. Bart and Ashira are just in front of them.

Jager is able to extract Nezzamil from the 450 pound sleeping human patron and help him to his feet. Nezzamil and Jager reach the bottom of the stairs to the second level and are only 60 feet from their rooms and Val and Apollo. THe path is mostly clear.

All the Wildcards can see one another but Ari. Ari can see Nezzamil and Jager with a DC 10 spot check and vic versa. The other Wildcards can not see Ari as he is to far forward and obstructed by the second level balcony/corridor. Ari is only 40 feet from Nezzamil and Jager.

Mykael does not remember seeing any lifeboats on this tub, but does see several gold earing wearing guests following the Captian up the ladder to the observation deck.

The Captain is gone from sight as he reaches the observation deck and can be heard to yell. "REVERSE YOUR TURN! REVERSE YOUR TURN! You FOOL there is no channel in the middle of the river!"

There is a grating sound that all sailor know is the "Elenna Queen" hitting a rocky bottom.

DC 20 reflex save or be thrown to the ground. Spiderclimb +5 to save. Add +1 for every 2 levels of sailor profession.

All can feel the stern of the "Elenna Queen" starting to pivot forward.

There are screams from men and women alike. THe fires are starting to catch a nice hold on the ship.

Rigging ac 17 57/70 hps blink  d20+7=19 d20+7=23 d20+7=23 d20+12=19 d20+12=18
Saturday May 28th, 2005 12:23:03 PM

While Rigging is climbing back into the ship proper, he is have a conversation with Swirl. "Swirl you know I love Ashira but that doesn't mean I can't love you too. In many ways you and I are even closer and share more than Ashira. You feel my thoughts, my pains, my joys. We share everything. She could never get it the way of that."

Rigging will suddenly sprout crossbow bolts. Swirl will feel his cry of pain and then here, "See I need you buddy, Please come help me."

Rigging staggers back and looks from where the attack came from. He sees both the attackers and the bolts (spot check of 19 and 18). He feels the effects of a poison but shrugs it off summoning his bodies reserves. He yells pointing, "Wildcards I am under attack! They are over there" and then activates his blink ring.

Appolo  d20+12=20 d20+6=24
Saturday May 28th, 2005 8:50:50 PM

Appolo maintains his footing and heads for the ladder."Come on hurry up."He says as he climbs the ladder while carrying the extra gear.

Balance check 20,Climb check 24

Nezamil  d20+3=9
Saturday May 28th, 2005 10:24:04 PM

Nezamil cataches a glimpse of Appolo and Val " there the are " growls the dwarf to Jagar

Nezamil starts to sprint towards the wildcard duo but suddenly the riverboat lurches and knocks the dwarf off his feet(d20+3=9 reflex ch)but the determined dwarf keeps crawling towards them anyway making his way to the ladder they just climbed up .

"i can hear it already " grimaces Nezamil as he awaits the oncoming barb from the monk

Jagar  d20+9=14
Saturday May 28th, 2005 10:38:03 PM

Hearing the dwarfs gruff announcement of Val and Appolo's sighting the monk turns quickly and follows Nezamil towards the ladder " wouldn't walking be easy " snaps Jagar as Nezamil falls and starts to crawl forward.

The monk sprints up the corridor dodging a passenger " i think walking on two feet is faster" remarks the monk with humour as he passes the dwarf crawling on all fours" as he suddenly trips (d20+9=14 reflex ch) over fallen debris " guess this has some merit too as he continues crawling ahead of the dwarf to the ladder and starts the climb up after the others

Ari  d20+3=18 d20+12=16 d20+9=18
Sunday May 29th, 2005 6:19:29 PM

Having missed his opportunity to help someone out (ooc I should have said that I was going to help the woman, rather than just make a generalized post, sorrya bout that :) ), Ari moves on outside and takes a survey of the surrounding area (spot=18).

Sighing with relief when he sees his team members, Ari begins to call out. But he figures against in when both team members turn away from him. With the choas of the situation, he's not sure whether they'd hear him. So he does his best to follow them just as the recognizable sound of the scraping bottom starts. (reflex roll originally 18 (+5 spider, +3 for sailor +1 for dex. Should have been +5, +3 and +4 for reflex,which makes dc20).

If Ari catches up with the 2 other team mates, he'll do what he can to help them recover their balance.

Passing some of the passengers Ari thinks about what the wizards are doing (spell check 16).

Ashira (AC25 96/96HP) Barkskin  d20+12=13 d20+10=28
Monday May 30th, 2005 12:25:45 AM

As she travels with Bart, Ashira is caught completely flat-footed by the attack on Rigging, and despite the moonlight, she hasn't a clue as to the location of the attacker (Spot=13). Reaching over, she gently pulls off her ring of sustenance and slips it into her backpack. As she does so, she pulls out a barkskin potion and drinks it down. As the ship lurches underneath her, Ashira has absolutely no problem keeping her footing...which, at the present moment is the least of her worries (Ref.=28).

Bart (ac24 71/71hp)  d20+4=14 d20=10 d20+4=11
Monday May 30th, 2005 3:29:30 AM

Bart rushes forward in the direction Rigghing has pointed out, but he he doesn't see someone (beat dc14). BArt tries soem bluff "STAND UP SLOWLY AND LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM" Suddenly BArt is caught by the bump of the ship, he doesn't manage to stay on his feet. "Damn,.."

DM Jim: Confusion 
Monday May 30th, 2005 9:43:05 AM

Rigging is nicked by the three bolts, but it is not the damage that is worrying him, it is the poison his body feels. Rigging blinks out to protect himself, but not before noticing that the attackers are on the balcony/corridor above and across the gambling hall. Rigging also notices that it appeared that there was something metalic at the end of the bolts, but where did they skid off to....

Apollo takes half of Nezzamil's and Jager's gear and heads to the stairway to the third floor. No one follows him though.

Apollo can go to the third floor if he likes. No spot check from Apollo so he does not see the attackers or where Rigging pointed. Apollo is very close to the stairs to the obervation deck if he chose to go to the third level.

Val stands with the bulk of the Wildcards holding the balance of the groups equipment with Mykael right next to her.

Ashira scans the area but does not notice the attackers and drinks a potion as he watches over her husband (at least before he blinks out). Ashira is inside the ship and it is lit by torch lite and out of control fires....

Ari watches the spellcaster clear a path for the Captain using sleep spells and it has also helped the Wildcards movement too. Ari spts Nezzamil and Jager struggling up the stairs to the second level and easily catches up as he does not have the balance or crowd problem they are experiencing. Ari is also on the indise of the ship.

Jager and Nezzamil with Ari in tow finally reach the top of the stairs and are on the second level and are only 20 feet from Ashira, Rigging, Val, Bart and Mykael.

Bart yelling may or may not have had an effect as the three assailants duck into one of the third floor cabins.

Screams can be heard from the gamling level as the fires take hold, but also from the observation deck. No more firey impacts as of yet.

The stern of the "Elenna Queen" is now facing down stream, but she is holding firm to the bar she hit.

Rigging ac 17 57/70 hps blink  d100=80 d20+12=30 d100=64
Monday May 30th, 2005 5:08:14 PM

Rigging waits until he blinks back to the material plane and yells, "They went into the cabin! He points at the cabin and says, "That one!" (rolled 80% so everyone can see me do it)

He glances around for the tips of the bolts and thinks he sees one. He willreach down and pick it up still on the material plane (rolled 64)

OOC I will miss tomorrows post so Jim either have someone play Rigging or do what is appropriate.

Jagar  d20+6=25
Monday May 30th, 2005 11:03:41 PM

Jagar leading the charge to support his fellow releaves Val of her extra burden ...quickly sorts his and Nezamils equipment then glances around to where the others are looking (d20+6=25 spot ch)

now equiped and ready for action the monk readies himself for the climb to the observation deck and help Appolo "hurry up Nezamil you'll miss all the fun " quips Jagar over his shoulder

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible 
Monday May 30th, 2005 11:31:09 PM

Deciding it's time to even up the score, Ashira activates her invisibility ring and heads up the side of the ship toward the cabin.

Monday May 30th, 2005 11:32:12 PM

The dwarf rushes behind the fleetfooted monk " just wait till he see's my new boots in action " grins Nezamil

Jagar's sorting of the equipment makes it easy to gather some of his gear "heh i'm right behind ya " replies the dwarf to Jagar's quip " you can barely stay ahead of me ...thought you wuz faster then that " chuckles Nezamil

The dwarf doesnt spot anything up top but instead decides to help save the passengers.....looking thru one of the holes one of the flaming boulders bulldozed thru the ships decks he see's the fire catching on the gambling deck " gonna help try and put those out"remarks Nezamil outloud

The Cleric looks skyward and murmers a pray "quench the thirst of these fires save the souls of the fallen " Nezamil touches his Anvil pendant and it gives off a faint glow in response (casting create water 45 ft range 16 gallons)

The cleric centers the spell on the fire and a large group of nearby fallen passengers in hopes any residual water will splash on some of the spell bound passengers and hopefully awaken them

"By Domi wish i could do more for them "lamants the Cleric

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 18)  d20+3=8
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 1:20:11 AM

Hearing Rigging call out something about attackers, Ari tries to pick up where he's pointing. (spot =8 with no other mods other than caracter)

As Ari looks about, he attempts to pick up his missing equipment. Focusing on his bow and arrow, plus his Dagger and Sword, if he has to choose.

Bart (ac24 71/71hp) 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 4:37:21 AM

Bart rushes forward to the cabin and have a quick look around the corner

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:17:06 AM

Appolo jions the others and makes sure his friends gets thier gear.He pases the stuff out.

DM Jim: Gathering 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 1:04:17 PM

The Wildcards are starting to regroup.

Val is still standing motionless holding equipment, but Ari, Nezamil and Jager, quickly take their arms and armor from her. Apollo comes back to the group from the stairs and passes out the balance of the equipment and helps people get ready for action.

Rigging blinks back and yells more orders and grabs a bolt. Rigging notices a black substance on the tip that is now mixed with his blood. There is also a metal fletching holder that is stamped with the symbol of Ga'al.

Rigging must roll secondary poison saves DC 11 (3) or lose 5, 3, and or 3 con.

Jager see which room the three attackes entered and watches them slam the door as he dons his weapons.

After putting on his armor and weapons, Nezzamil douses on on the fires and wakes up two sleeping guests with his water drop.

Bart watches the area and his friends as they get ready.

Ashira begins climbing the inside of the ship and reaches the third level balcony/corridor. The room that Jager pointed out is directly across from her. Ashira can either attempt to climb on the ceiling or run around on the balcony/corridor.

The screams seem to have abated somewhat, especially with Nezzamil's firefighting skills, but they renew when another firey boulder slams into the ship and comes through the roof. Several people fall in with it including one burning purple and gold clad wizard. The boulder takes our a gaming table and crashing through the floor and into the hold. The screaming resumes in earnest.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+12=18 d20+12=15 d20+6=22 d20+5=11
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:04:39 PM

After handing out the equipment and checking on Rigging"Nezamil Rigging needs some of your magic.I think he's been poisoned.Boss I'm going after those clowns."He then quickly and as silently as possible follows Ashira up the ladder to the third floor.He will hunt down the assassins.

Move silently 15,Balance 18 Spot 22 Listen 11

DM Jim: Remember Apollo, Ashira is also invisible, can you see her to follow?

Bart (ac24 71/71hp) 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:15:47 PM

Appolo wait, dont kill them, maybe they are on our side and are confused. I'm not sure ther are attackers already on board. We need someone to go to the captain and offer our help.

DM Jim: Bart you are attempting to talk to Apollo, while he is invisible. Can you see invisible people?

Mykael  d20+4=22 d20+4=6
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:28:43 PM

'Where are the projectiles coming from?!? Are they being thrown? or are the catapults just that hard for me to see?' Mykael thinks to himself while getting up from the catwalf floor that he was tossed on to when the ship ran aground. 'And some coolers, havent seen much out of them so far...'

Mykael is trying to get a fix on the location of the catapults or verify if those are giants or something silimar that are tossing missles(spot 22). And Mykael starts his way up the ladder to the observation deck carefully and quietly as possible. He heard the commotion up there and wants to becareful. He will just peak over the to the 3rd deck and take a quick look at what is going on(spot 6).

OOC - As for the projectiles Mykael is trying to determine the origin and distance to that spot.

DM Jim: Mykael is on the inside of the "Elenna Queen" and can not see outside from the catwalk. Also, in previous posts the "cooler" are the ones wearing Purple and Gold.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 4:36:51 PM

OOC - In Mykael's post on Friday I stated that Mykael went through the hole to the outside of the ship. Then in the DM post you said that Mykael could see the captain going up the ladder to the observation decks with earring wearing people, those are the ones I was refering too. SO... I am assuming that Mykael on the outside of the ship. If not... please explain where the hole that he went through lead to.

DM Jim: I missed that you went out the hole. Do you have the ability to climb or have a spiderclimb spell on as you will need it. There are no balconies etc. on the outside of the ship, just ornamentation. What I listed all could see from the inside of the ship, not outside. Remember the hole you looked out of, either from Riggings or Barts room is on the second level, there is a third level and then the observation deck.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 5:04:04 PM

Val starts to get frustrated. The ship is under attack and she's standing there holding gear. She should be out there looking for whoever did this.

ooc: who still has to gear up?

Rigging ac 21 52/70 mage armor blinking  d20+7=16 d20+7=17 d20+7=23
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 10:02:08 PM

Rigging doubles over for a second as the poison once again flows throw his body. He is able to fight it off and stands straight up again.

He yells, "Ashira! They are Ga'alian assassins! Maybe a Quad! Be careful!"

Rigging will cast mage armor on himself and start moving forward to support his wife and other companions as they put themselves in peril. He pulls some components out to have haste ready to cast.

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 18)  d20+9=10
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:09:15 PM

Hearing Rigging espouse what he believes, Ari adds, "I'm betting there's at least one very charming lady in that group. But I have to wonder whether the possible catapult attack is some sort of either co-ordinated attack to keep things off balance in the ship. Or is a secondary way to take us out of the picure. I have to wonder whether us staying on this ship is useful for the other passengers. The Captain has his mages putting the passengers to sleep."

Looking over at Rigging, Ari tries to figure out what type of poison was used. (knowledge nature(10)).

Ari will then ready his bow with the sleep arrows, in case he gets any chance to fire at the assasins.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible  d20+12=22
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:41:53 PM

A huge smile on her invisible lips, Ashira climbs over to the room with the assailants and kicks the door in. Quad, huh? Well, that would be a nice turn of events. Let's just see how they stack up to an old pro. As she opens the door, Ashira uses her position being crouched upon the door frame to take a quick look see into the room(Spot=22).

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58  d20+6=13
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 12:57:51 AM

"They ran into that room " yells Jagar as he points to the room " lets get'em "

The Monk climbs up the ladder with zeal making his way to the roomfull of assailants (d20+6=13 listen ch) mentally coordinating the sounds of the the suddenly invisble wildcards so they don't get in each others way as he advances upward

"c,mon Nezamil your missing out on all the fun "retorts the monk " i'm gonna get that mage "

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60  d20+5=8
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:09:34 AM

The dwarf finshes donning his equipment and cringes slightly as the next flaming boulder crashes thru the ship "By Domi somebody has to stop that " growls Nezamil as he tries to follow(d20+5=8 spot ch) the boulders trajectory back to its source without much luck.

Hearing Jagar ...Nezamil hustles after Rigging with his shield slung over his back climbing upward to cover the wildcards backs as they engage the Ga'alian assailaints " you ok Captain ?" inquires Nezamil as he follows Rigging

Bart OOC 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 3:38:48 AM

While Appollo is talking to Rigging I know he is there so i can talk to him as well

Mykael  d20+1=9 d20+4=8
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 6:16:36 AM

OOC - Ok... I mis-understood that there was not a catwalk or walkway on the outside of the ship on this level.

IC - Mykael is trying to get to the observation deck. If there is a second set of stairs going up, he will go up that way, being careful, (listen = 9, spot = 8)(rolls must be fixed by the DM :-P) If there isnt a second way, then Mykael will just follow the crowd up the ladder, guess he would be behind the dwarf.

DM Jim: The Chase  d20+4=7
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:21:45 PM

OOC: Please note there are not ladders, but stairs connect the various levels.

Bart offers advice to the invisible Apollo as he takes off after the assailiants. Bart is still on the second level watching.

Invisible Ashira and Apollo take various tracks to get to the third catwalk (the wall and stairs) and race over to the room that the attackers went into. Ashira bounces off the door (DC 7 str. check).

DC 21 str. check to break down the door.

There is a note on the door to the maid. "DO NOT MAKE UP ROOM"

Mykael attempts to figure out where the firey missile are coming from. All he can determine is that they are only coming from one side of the "Elenna Queen", the near side. Mykael can not see the launch point from inside the ship, but when he looked out the hole made by one of the projectiles eariler he could see the burining buildings a 100 - 150 yards away, maybe more, it was dark and only a brief look.

Mykael can also got up the stairs to the third or even the observation deck as the way is mostly clear.

Val passes out the last of the gear to her ship mates and waits for them to get ready, annoyed at the delay.

Jager and Nezzamil finish getting geared up and are ready for action.

Ari checks on Rigging and speculates about the nature and origin of the attacks. Ari also readies his bow and takes aim at the Door on the third level that seems to have repelled an invisible force of some sort.

Rigging fights off the last effects of the poison and warns his crew of a Ga'alian plot. Rigging also get the spell components ready for HASTE.

Most of the unconcious people have been woken up by associates. The guests and crew have mostly all worked their way up to the observation deck. There are some stragglers coming out of rooms carrying bundles of possessions.

There are several people looking down at the fires on the gambling level from the hole in the observation deck.

No new projectiles strike the ship although a chorus of "DUCK!" can be heard from the observation deck.

The "Elenna Queen" is still stuck fast.

Mykael  d20+4=23
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 3:27:42 PM

Mykael surveys the scene on the observation deck and on shore from his new vantage point(spot 23).

'Hmm.... attack over? got to be on the look out. What is that dang Captain doing? He needs to get his crew working on these fires. Wonder if the hull is ok...' Mykael contemplates the situation looking to see where he can best help out.

Rigging 52/70 ac 21 blinking, mage armor 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 9:45:42 PM

Rigging will sprint after the others trying to catch up to his wife. "Be cautious opening that door! It might be a trap. Appolo check it out!"

Rigging then tries to connect with Swirl, "What is happening out there my friend?"

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58 ?  d20+9=26 d20+3=8
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:56:26 PM

Jagar is primed for action with his doned equipment and takes immediate action.....bounding up the stairs at full steam heading straight for the door the three attackers entered " i'm coming for you wizard!! " shouts the monk " no escaping now "

As Jagar approaches the door he prepares to break the door down with a flying kick (d20+9=26 1st swing) followed up with a punch(d20+3=8 2nd swing) his body stretched out as he arcs thru the air to slam into the door.

If the door breaks open Jagar steps aside to allow The swords mistress to lead the charge into the room " Mrs Arrack i'm with you " cries the monk with zeal

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:13:18 PM

Feeling better with his chainmail on and weapon in hand Nezamil quickly follows Rigging up the stairs covering the Captains back from futher ambush .

With a shout over his shoulder " follow the Captain ....Mykael and Ari .....lets storm that room and take control of the observation deck " as the dwarf pounds up the stairs.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible  d20+12=25
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 12:29:58 AM

Grinning even further after Jager's display of force, Ashira climbs into the room and onto the ceiling...taking a look around. (Spot=25) Should she locate one of the attackers, Ashira moves into position to attack next round.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:45:20 AM

Appolo hears Rigging ,then sees Jager coming and quickly steps out of the way moving to the side of the door.He waits to see what happens.Thinking fool is going to get killed,doing that.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 4:07:15 AM

With the bundle of equipment gone from her arms Val maked her way to the deck. Either to fight or to abandon ship.

DM Jim: The Chase Continued  d10+3=4 d10+3=12 d20+20=26 d20+18=19 d20+17=36
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:02:43 PM

Ari stands on the second level catwalk and watches the Wildcards spring into action. The fires from Bart's and Rigging's room now flank him on the catwalk. What will he do? There is a steward motioning for Ari to make a run for it, but he gives up and saves himself.

Smoke is starting to roll up from the gambling floor, making breathing and sight difficult. It would be more of a problem if it were not for the big hole in the obervation deck floor.

Apollo and Ashira deftly step out of Jagers way and he flys by. The flying side kick only cracks one board on the door, but the reverse punch follow up is impressive as it snaps one whole board.

Jager, Ashira and Apollo can open the barred door. There are also two beds a dresser and the room locker piled up against the door. Once all of the furniture is moved the room is empty, except for the hole cut in the side of the room.

Ashira notices a knotted silk rope leading down to the water. This side is less illuminated as the fires did not start on this side and it is not face the shore where the buildings are burning.

DC spot check of 26, 19 and 36 to see swimmers

Ashira (spot 25) sees one swimmer 150 yards down stream, just before he leaves her field of vision and crosses in front of the ship, heading for the nearer shore and the source of the projectiles.

Rigging connects with Swirl as he catches up to the Wildcards on the third level. "The wind is divine, must be 20 knots tonight. Come out and play. Got to move, another pair of hot rocks coming in."

Ashira sees two firey projectiles fly over the ship and land 20 yards away. The towers of water are mixed with steam that hisses at the night.

Nezzamil catches up to Rigging and checks on him, panting, clearly not used to his new speed.

Val and Mykael head up to the observation deck and see mass confusion.

The Captain and several crew members are attempting to work the rudder in an effort to free the beached ship. The remaining three purple and gold clad wizards and the two brusiers are trying to maintain order of the paniced guests. People are upset that there is only one life boat and it only holds ten! There must be over 100 people on the obervation deck already and more piling on.

Mykael can see the life boat leaving from the fantail of the ship. There is a long ladder down to the back of the ship and there are over 20 people down there already.

Val and Mykael have a clear view of the burning village. There also appear to be a steam cloud a few hundred yards in shore also. Val is sure she saw a big red dog and its mouth appeared to be wreathed in flames.

The projectiles are be shot in pairs every 30 seconds or so. There seems to be much whooping and celebration after each pair of shots.

OOC: Remember that I will not be posting again until Monday. Thanks.

Thursday June 2nd, 2005 5:02:09 PM

Rigging i gonna see if there is a boat ore something to go to those boulder throwing monsters. We have to stop them we are sitting ducks here. Or do you have a waterwalk or fly spell? Bart walks away and goes to deck and searches a raft or small boat.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60 waterwalk 80 mins 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:14:54 AM

The dwarf surges past Rigging up the stairs and into the room with the broken down door and stops behind Ashira,Appolo and Jagar.

" what happened to them ?" asks Nezamil as his gaze settles on the hole in the wall" can anyone see them ?......we can give chase i'll just call on Domi's power to cast a water walking spell "

"after all running should be faster then swimming " grins the Cleric of Domi " even for me "

Nezamil then will quickly touch his anvil pendant bringing forth a faint glow and bark out several words and finshes with touching each nearby wildcard on the shoulder " lets get'em grins Nezamil

Nezamil will touch on the first 7 wildcards who enter the room then tap himself on the chest ....following anyone who has left thru the hole in the wall of the cabin

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58 ? waterwalk 80 mins 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:20:20 AM

The monk looks perplexed for a moment as Nezamil tells him he can walk on water " you mean just like running on dry land ?"

With the realization dawning on him that it was true he smiles broadly " here i come wizard you not escaping that easily " yells the monk out thru the hole and then quickly scampers down the rope and chases after the escaping swimmers with his blazing speed

Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:49:01 PM

Appolo reapears next to jager"Thanks my friend."He says witha smile to Nezamil as goes invisible a agian and dashes through the hole in pursuit.He goes in the opposite direction of the assin swinging around the otherend of the boat hoping to cut them off.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk  d20+12=30 d20+12=28 d20+12=17
Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:51:17 PM

Ashira catches sight of two of the swimmers. Oh no you don't!

"They're in the water, swimming to the shore! Rigging, cast that haste now!!" Ashira pulls off her slippers and slips them in her backpack. From her position on the ceiling, Ashira secures her weapons and backpacks and then gets ready to climb down and walk across the water.

Saturday June 4th, 2005 4:25:41 PM

Ari comes out of his trance like state to realize that he's being left behind. Following the rest of the group, Ari looks over the scene in the now opened room.

Ari wonders about the wisdom of giving chase, especially with the damage that been done to the ship.

Saturday June 4th, 2005 9:18:34 PM

Rigging accepts the waterwalk spell but yells for Jagar to stop. "Let them go! They are to faraway at this point and can to easily ambush from the darkness. Besides, we have foes killing innocents on this ship and not enough lifeboats. We need to take care of those giants before they kill all the passengers."

Rigging will look around and ask, "Where is Ari?" He then sees him and waves him over yelling, "Come on! We are getting off this tub!"

He then looks to Nezamil, "We are fighting creatures of fire. Do you have any protection against them? I want us to get over to the otherside and try to engage one of them. We want to bring down one of them fast or they will be to strong for us.

I will hit it with a Lightning bolt, Bart, Val and Ashira engage in hand to hand along with Jagar. Mykael, either engage with sword or some kind of spell. Nezamil, if you can do a distance spell, like spiritual hammer and then be prepared to heal. I think we are gonna need it. Ari can pepper it with arrows. Appolo swing in invisible for a backstab. Hopefully we can take it down quick. I will save my haste for when we are on shore and we will chop that sucker down. Now lets get to the shore quickly before this boat is kindling."

Rigging will then turn and look to Ari to see if he needs help in getting over here. "Swirl, Please scout those two rock throwers and see if they have any friends. Please be careful my friend. I think these are very dangerous foes."

Mykael - AC 23  d20+5=17 d20+10=30
Monday June 6th, 2005 2:24:42 AM

"You have two choices, SWIM!?! or get buckets and put out the fires!" Mykael screams at the crew and passengers. "Dont Panic and do something to save yourself and the others!"

"My friends and I will handle the attackers." Mykael turns and moves down the ladder to the water level as quick as he can(climb 17).

Once at the water level, Mykael starts swimming for the shore(swim 30), but at an angle to come out about 100 yards from the two big guys on the shore.

DM Jim: Leaving the Ship  d20+2=14 d20+2=15 d20+2=12 d20+10=13 d20+10=26
Monday June 6th, 2005 1:20:17 PM

Bart leaves the assassins room and heads for the observation deck. Bart quickly locates Val over by the stern of the ship and hse is watching the commotion as people jostle each other for postion to climb down the ladder in anticpation of evacuation.

Bart notices the ships flags are being whipped by a strong wind. He and the rest of the passengers and crew are shielded from most of the wind by the soild sides of the observation deck railings.

Mykael works his way through the crowd and down the ladder and slips into the water and starts his swim to shore. Three men follow his lead into the water and all seem to be making progress following Mykael.

The current does carry him down stream faster than anticipated and he will beach himself ony 50 yards from the fire throwers, in a small cospe of trees. The trees look singed, but not burning. On Mykael's approach he does notice several humanoids among the trees.

OOC: Mykael, did you calculate you swim check after your armor penalty?


The remaining Wildcards in the assassins room discuss plans and courses of action: Tackle the missile throwers or save passengers.

Rigging does not cast Haste as his wife requests.

Swirl connects with Rigging: I am over by the burning village. There are four or six real big two leggers and several smaller ones. The smaller ones are a good distance from the bigger ones. There are also two, no make that three big red dogs. There is a whole bunch of human men lined up on top of a porch of one of the burning houses that do not appear alive.

Come out and play, just watch what I can do to this fire......

Ashira changes shoes on the ceiling??? Also, from what Ashira saw of the swimmers, they are out of view now.

OOC: How does Ashira stay on the ceiling once she takes off the slippers?

Rigging watches Ari deftly jump and avoid several fires on his way up to the third level and the Wildcards.

Nezzamil cast water walk on, himself, Jager, Ashira, Rigging, Apollo, Ari, in preparation of action.

Jager starts down the rope to the water 30 feet below.

Apollo follows Jager down the planning on heading the opposite direction around the ship, and upstream, in a effort to cut off the assassins swiming downstream.

Apollo and Jager can feel the wind when they are on the outside of the ship as it buffets them on the rope.


It seems the missile throwers have changed targets and fire at the rescue boat filled with people. There is one piller of water and steam that erupts next to the boat as a firey projectile land right next to it. The people screaming can still be heard by all. The oarsman seems to have saved the boat at the last instant, with a quick direction change.

Mykael  d20+10=29 d20+4=16 d20+4=5
Monday June 6th, 2005 3:51:09 PM

OOC - Mykael has no armor check penalty. Both his shield and chain shirt are mithril, as per DMG. And forgot to post that his swim check in his last post was a nat 20... in case you didnt notice and it mattered.

(Swim 29)
Mykael notices the swimmers behind him, 'Idiots... cant believe they are following me. I told them I was heading toward danger.'

(Spot 16)
Mykael looks at the humanoids in the clump of trees on shore and trys to figure out if they are friend or foe? Possible hiding townsfolk? soldiers to help? OR marauders with the attackers?

If Mykael is can tell the humanoids are friendly, then he will head in land at that point as quietly as possible.

IF Myakel is unsure or figures them for the enemy, he stops swimming and treads water with as little motion as possible. He lets the current take him down-stream past the Big Brutes and about 50 yards more, then he starts swimming again to come out on shore about 150 yards down stream from the Big dudes.

(Spot 5) Mykael trys to keep an eye on the swimmers behind him. Passengers? Crew? or Danger? And do they follow his lead?

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58? waterwalk 80 mins  d20+6=23
Monday June 6th, 2005 4:27:52 PM

As the Jagar climbs swiftly down the rope to the waters surface he hears Rigging bark out orders " aye aye Captain i'll go backup Mykael and recon the postion while awaiting your arrival there "

The Monk sprints across the waters surface towards the riverbank to which Mykael is heading ....once ashore he will take up cover behind some trees and and quickly scans (d20+6=23 spot ch) for targets to help in Riggings attack plans

Rigging waterwalk 80 mins 
Monday June 6th, 2005 4:44:33 PM

"lets get ashore quickly .....follow Jagar, we'll regroup there and start our attack "barks out Rigging

" Val ..Bart your gonna have to be helped across the river......honey you carry Val and Nezamil you carry Bart to shore .....head towards Jagar"

"i'll cast the haste when we're all ashore and start the attack ...we'll need it then " replies Rigging to his wife " lets go " and Rigging climbs down the rope and quickly makes hi way towards Mykael and Jagar's postion

With a thought to Swirl " watch over us so we don't get ambushed "

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60 waterwalk 80 mins 
Monday June 6th, 2005 4:57:10 PM

The dwarf watches as the others climb down the rope to the waters surface as he awaits Val's and Barts arrival "Ashira once they reach the shoreline they most likely will come under fire quickly so since we're going last we can angle our landing ashore to help flank anyone attacking the others ashore , if not we can join them "

"And with the 3 of you sword swingers prowess with the blade that should be a dangerous flanking attack " grins Nezamil to the sea elf

Once Bart arrives " just hang on tight " as the dwarf motions the big warrior to piggyback him to shore

Once (and if ) Bart complies the dwarf simplies jumps out the hole in the wall and floats (feather fall ring) to the waters surface then waits for Ashira and Val so they can move forward together

Appolo HP39/45 AC23 
Monday June 6th, 2005 5:25:03 PM

Hearing Rigging and notcing what the others are doing the invisible Appolo makes for a spot upstream from the others.When reaches shore he will be a few dozen yards upstream from the rest of the wildcard looking to flabk and backstab his enemy.He silently stands still in the shade os a smoldering tree waiting for his opputunity.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk  d20+3=14 d20+12=27
Monday June 6th, 2005 10:48:00 PM

Still invisible, Ashira walks over to Val and attempts to heft her (Str.=14)...but the elven barbarian is pretty darned heavy. Grunting and straining, Ashira decides Nezamil's idea is a pretty darned good one...though it does make a nice big target out of the sea-elf. Ashira coaches Val onto her back and then slides down the rope and hops onto the water. "Alright then," she murmurs in Elven to Val...lets go kick some Ga'alian butt!" as she heads toward Jager's location (Spot=27)

OOC (LOL...yeah, that's pretty funny, isn't it Jim? I was in a hurry...I believe I meant to say that Ashira climbed down and then took off the slippers...otherwise things would be hmmmm...challenging. ;)

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield)  d20+5=11 d20=13 d20+5=9
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 12:22:00 AM

Knowing they are headed for the water, Ari will cast shield on himself as he walks over and down the side of the ship to the water. Ari will have his bow and the sleeping arrows ready in case any targets are in range.

Once Ari is able, he'll make a judgement whether he'll be able to use his sleep arrows because of the winds. (as if the winds are defending the attackers)

(rolled in case Ari could attack any targets. ONe arrow for each target, if given a chance. Trying to put targets to sleep, until the group closes)

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 2:19:23 AM

In a bad mood thats getting worse Val breaks off a piece of the ship to assist her and Ashira across the river.

ooc: Swimming in D&D is the biggest croc in the system. They penalize not for total wieght compared to strength but total gear carried. Val would have to tripple the weight of her gear carried to get above a light load. With her body weight and the weight of her gear doesn't put her above a light load yet there is a penalty on swimming. All in all she doesn't weigh more than 150lbs. Yet a 250 lb human in no armor thats a lot weaker has no penalty on swimming.

DM Jim: The Crossing  d20+1=18 d20+1=3 d20+4=13 d20+9=18 d20+9=25 d20+20=28 2d10(3+7)+16=26
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 1:27:25 PM

The night is dark, but the moon is full. There are not many clouds and they pass quickly in the high winds. The fires of the village and the "Elenna Queen" cast a ghostly light over the river.

Ari know that the wind will effect his bow play. Ranges are halved for his bow and the like.


Ashira and Nezzamil have to go up to the observation deck to retrive Val and Bart. The smoke is very thick and the two soon to be beasts of burden can see down two levels that the fire has caught a good hold of the gambling floor, but has slowed its advance as it appears to now be consuming live wood and not dead planks.


Mykael starts to tread water and watch the humanoids. It only takes a few moments to realize that they are orcs. Some of the orcs are watching the rescue boat, some the burning ship and others the burning village. Mykael can tell there are at least a dozen of them spread out in the trees.

As Mykael floats closer to the burning village the water starts to increase in temperature, a very disturbing trend.

According to plan, Mykael attempt to exit the river by the humanoids (hide 13, I rolled it for you). There are two orcs looking in your direction (Spot 18 and 3). The one that spots you speaks in Orcish to his buddy and several behind him "The swimies is coming, remember we only kill the mens"

OOC: Only Mykael can hear the Orcs and can only understand if he speaks Orc.


Jager works his way down the rope and starts to run around the ship. There is much more light on the village side due to the fires on that side of the ship and the burning village. The winds are whipping away the smoke rapidly and fueling the fires.

Rigging organizes his crew of water walkers and those that carry the non water walkers.

Jager spots Mykael ahead of him as he starts to leave the river. Jager also sees one swimmer well downstream, now swimming away from the burning village.

The invisible Apollo also takes over across the now resilliant river, easily stepping over the eddys and currents. Apollo heads 40 or so yards upstream of where Mykael and Jager appear to be heading.

Ari casts his shield spell and takes off across the water with Rigging.

Rigging and Ari sees two more fiey projectiles fired at the rescue boat. The boat is now full and one of the two projectiles lands too close for comfort again.

Rigging can feel swirl, "The big ones have noticed you"

OOC: If you are not carrying anyone, it takes 8 combat rounds of time to cross the river or 6 if you run, 11 rounds if you are carrying someone. Also, it has been several minutes on Ashira's Barkskin potion. Duration? lets say 3 minutes have elapsed since you took it, prior to leaving the ship, so just over 4 minute in total.

Nezzamil and Ashira take Bart and Val on their backs for the journey across the river. It takes Nezzamil and Ashira a few tries to get walking with a load correct as the ground/water is everchanging.

Ashira can feel the heat as she gets closer to shore.

Nezzamil feels a sudden shock as a javilin sized crossbow bolt slams into his side.

AC 28 for 26 damage.

Roll a Reflex save DC 16 or drop Bart in the middle of the river.

There is more whooping and hollering going on from the large humanoids, even more so if Nezzamil drops Bart.

OOC: Please post AC, Hit points and spells in place and memorized from now on. Combat may be comming.

I will send a crude map later today.

DM JIM: Update - I will send the map tomorrow morning.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 4:45:40 PM

Bart's animated shield protects both Nezamil and Bart (ac+2), hold on Nezamil! If Nezamil manages to hold him. Bart puts an cure light wounds potion against Nezamils lips

Nezamil Ac 18 (20 w/Barts shield) Hp 34/60 waterwalk  d20+3=5 d20+8=13
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:24:44 PM

The dwarf staggers(d20+3=5 reflex ch) from the the giant bolt slamming into him and almost falls to his knees under the added weight of the big warrior but loses his grip on Bart


Nezamil grabs the suddenly wet warrior "By Domi you won't sink"(feat of str-domain power-free action) and lifts (d20+8=13 str ch) him out of the water and onto his shoulder and starts to move forward again towards the shore as blood trickles down his sides and reddens the water slightly as he walks.

OOc (hoping Bart can use his str too to help climb up since we will be working together on it )

OOC if your not gonna alow us to move Nezamil will drink the offered potion , it was a captured potion so not sure of its str

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 65 waterwalk 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:32:04 PM

Jagar continues his way over the river towards Mykael at full out sprint upon reaching the shoreline he will take cover behind some trees and scan for the enemy honing in on the shouts of hollering and whooping

DM JIM: Jager can see the Orcs among the trees

Rigging ac 21 hps 70/70 blink and mage armor 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 8:56:40 PM

Rigging will sprint 4 x his normal speed to get to the other side. He yells "Hurry up! we are sitting ducks out here!"

He says to Swirl, "Try to buy us some time buddy, Kick up some dust in whirlwind form and try to blind them. Then get out of there. They are gonna be tough foes."

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield) 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 10:30:49 PM

Ari does his best to stick with the Struggling Dwarf. Looking over his shoulders, Ari worries for the passengers in the raft. But with the wind, anything Ari might be able to do, wouldn't help.

Concentrating on the task at hand. Ari times the placement of Cats grace and Bull strength on himslef for best effect. Once Ari judges he has a good chance of hitting something on the shore, he'll open fire.

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, *cats grace, *bulls strength

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 12:04:30 AM

The half-elf sprints across the water as quickly as possibly (sprinting) though it's tough going with Val on her back. She gasps as Nezamil takes one in the side and is about to change course and lend aid when she sees him get back on track. "Huh...you're going to need to loose a little weight if we ever do this again!" she calls out to Val as she runs across the river toward the enemy. A small trickle of sweat forms on her brow as she notes the increasing temperature. "Watch it Val, we're going in hot." she calls out as she reaches the shore.

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (34/60 rounds)

Bart  d20+6=24 d20+12=25
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 3:21:35 AM

Bart tries to hold on to Nezamil (reflex save 24) and tries to climb up (climb check 25 or str check 17)

Mykael - AC 23  d20+4=7 d100=77 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 6:16:19 AM

Mykael realizes the orcs notice him and hears them grunting back and forth, but doesnt understand a word. He does make a quick scan of the area (Spot 7), looking for the catapults and/or other enemies.

OOC: I stated that Mykael was attempting to exit the river about 150 yards from the two standing on the shore. I am not sure of the distance so I dont know what attack options I have avaliable for sure. LOL

Since he has been noticed Mykael slips his shield off his back and onto his arm, preparing for battle as he slips into the tree line to be less visible. He keeps a look out for any approaching enemies and waits for the group.

If Mykael is within the 160 ft range of his Magic Missle spell, but farther away than one round of movement for them to reach him, then Mykael will cast a Magic Missle at the Orc that noticed him, instead of readying his shield (77% for spell failure of armor, made it / 15 dam (max! wow!))

OOC : Memorized spells
0 lvl - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand

1 lvl - Alarm, Comp. Lang., Magic Missle x2

2 lvl - See invisibility, Scorching Ray, Invisibility, Web

3 lvl - Fireball, Haste, Vampiric Touch

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:36:49 AM

"I don't weigh anything at all even in armor. Your just weak. I thought about getting some of those slippers but they really look silly." Val jibed. Upon reaching the shore she drew her bow and notched an arrow.

DM Jim: Under Fire - Combat Round 1  d20+5=20 d20+7=16 d20+7=25 d12+4=9 d20+5=14 d20+7=21 d20+7=27 d12+4=10 d8=2 d20+4=17
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 12:56:49 PM

OOC: We are now in combat rounds - Please post AC, HP, spells in effect and spells memorized. So, am I to assume that Rigging did not memorize any spells; Please list them George.


Bart is knocked off of Nezzamil when the gaint sized blot slams into his body. Working together, the two heros manage to wrest Bart out of the river and back on to Nezzamil's back.

The two feel alone an exposed on the wind swept river, as they are 30 yards from shore.


Mykael gets off an awesome three round magic missile spell that drops one of the approaching Orcs, as he is now headless.

Three orcs with great axes move in to attack Mykael on the beach and three with great sword move in on Jager. Two orcs each flank the heros.

Orcs are AC 15


AC 20 miss, Clangs off of Mykael's shield.
AC 16 miss
AC 25 damage 9, The orc smiles at the satisfying THUNK.


AC 14 miss
AC 21 miss, so close: Jager is just too fast.
AC 27 damage 10, The Orc licks his lips as if hungry and in anticipation of food, after hitting Jager.

There are two set of two orcs coming to meet Ari and Rigging each as they reach the shore. The Orcs will be in position next round

Rigging is 2 rounds from shore and Ari 3.

Apollo is also 3 combat rounds from shore, 40 yards upstream of the orcs.

Ashira and Val and chugging alone, helped or hindered by Val's comments. They are 4 rounds away from shore.

Ashira get the feeling it is goig to be hot where she is going, much to the dismay of her aquan half.

At Rigging's behest, Swirl moves in on the large humanoids by the burning buildings and creates a whirlwind as a distraction. Only one firey pitch covered boulder comes flying out at Nezzamil and Bart as a result.

Swirl beams back to Rigging "I'm done. Its your WIFE's turn to distract them for you."


AC 17 near miss (gave -16 to hit for range and size modifiers)

A huge geyser of water and steam erupts by Nezzamil and Bart just as they start moving again. The heros are buffeted by the explosion of water.

Nezzamil must make a reflex save DC 17 or drop Bart, again. Since Nezzamil and Bart can see the rock coming I will give Nezzamil +2 for half of Bart's Str. bonus to the save.


The "Elenna Queen" continues to burn and the rescue boat keep rowing the second set of survivors to shore.


As the heros approach shore, they can see the outline of what appears to be two crude, but very large, lever and weight based catapults.

There are four large humanoids between 75 - 100 yards from the Wildcards shore landing area. The humanoids are of two sizes and are also outlined by the building fires.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 59 Invisble  d20+12=32 d20+11=15
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 1:29:25 PM

Appolo spots the catapults and the giants.He heads for shore swings around and moves toward Mykael and Jager.He knows he's no match for the giants so he moves to flank the orcs engaging Mykeal.He moves silently and quickly through the shadows.

Move Silent 32,Hide 15

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 44/53  d100=62 d20+8=16 d20+4=22
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 3:23:04 PM

Shrugging off the hit he took and spotting the catapults, Mykael begins casting. "Be ready Jager, this is going to get their attention, but those catapults have to be put out of commission." Mykael yells, "It should be enough."

Mykael points at the catapults as he completes his casting and a small bead of fire streaks toward them. Centered between the catapults so as to include them both in the area of effect the bead erupts into a fireball. (spell failure 62%, made / Contentration check 16, hopefully)

(spot 22)
In between blocking swords swings from the Orcs, Mykael looks to see what effects his spell casting has done, and for more incoming enemies.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 3:36:43 PM

Ashira chuckles. "Well, you're lucky I'm strong enough to keep ahold of you...look at poor Bart. But I see your point...looks like we'll need to do a lot more intensive training when we get back home..." Ashira is really beginning to sweat now that she knows how hot it's going to be where they're going. She looks around to see if she can find a different course which might be cooler as she continues to sprint toward the shoreline (moving 4x speed).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (35/60 rounds)

Nezamil Ac 18(20 w/Barts shield) Hp 34/60 Waterwalk  d20+5=7
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 4:31:47 PM

Once Nezamil and Bart secure their grips the dwarf surges to the nearby shore ....loosening his grip on Bart as they reach dryland.

"Bart i can enlarge you if you think it will help you in the battle ?" inquires the Cleric of the Warrior (will cast it beginning of next rd if you want)

The dwarf scans(d20+5=7 spot ch) the shoreline for the other wildcards but the chaos of the battle prevents him getting his bearings at the moment

"Bart lets keep together with Ashira and Val....strength in numbers " growls the dwarf as he readies himself for action

Nezamil  d20+5=17
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 4:41:32 PM

The sturdy dwarf maintains his balance (d20+5=17 reflex ch) phew made it!!

Jagar Ac 22(23w/dodge) Hp 55/65 waterwalk  d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+3=19 d10+3=9
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 5:04:00 PM

The monk doesn't even wince at the blow by the orc ...showing no pain to the enemy even tho it hurts his training takes over " my turn " grins Jagar his hands and feet a blur (flurry of blows)as he seeks retribution for the damaging blow (1st swing d20+8=11 miss)but in his eagerness misses wildly(2nd swing d20+8=9) with his intial attacks but focuses more with a front kick to the mid section on his last (3rd swing d20+3=19 )(d10+3=9 dam)

"Captain we've got 6 of him over here , come join in the fun " shouts out the Monk over the din of the battle with "its just Mykael and myself "

Rigging mage armor, blink ac 21 hps 52/70 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:12:01 PM

Rigging keeps running towards the shore as his comrades are attacked. "Hurry up and get out of the line of site. Form into your combat teams. Don't worry about those catapults. The ship is lost and they aren't accurate enough to hit individuals. The giants and the orcs are our primary concern."

Rigging will try to get to land and into some cover. He will try and get his teammates to gather together and get organized.

OOC Jim, are we in combat rounds yet? See that you are skipping ahead a little but it might effect spell casting.

: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 44/53  6d6(2+4+5+6+3+4)=24
Thursday June 9th, 2005 5:13:46 AM

OOC: Forgot to roll damage for my Fireball and whether it will hurt them or not, I hope to include both catapults and as many operators in the blast as possible. (Damage = 24)

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 24, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght, cats grace)  d20+7=15 d20+2=10 d20+7=19 d8+3=5 d8+3=10 d8+3=5
Thursday June 9th, 2005 7:21:24 AM

Having gotten off his two other spells, Ari concentrates on trying to put any one of the 4 orcs to sleep with three shots of his sleeping arrows. (Firing arrows at the same target, until he goes to sleep)

AC 15, 10, and 19 for 5, 10, and 5 repectively.

Will DC11 or sleep...nonlethal damage

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, -cats grace,
-bulls strength

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Thursday June 9th, 2005 9:46:02 AM

OOC: since they are still on the water Val didn't have an opportunity to draw her bow. The last thing she wants to do is cause Ashira to stumble and fall.

"I'm not the one laboring from carrying barely any weight at all. Now get your butt movin before those orcs get a lucky hit or two. Giddyup!" Val adds at the end hoping tht Ashira won't drop her for it.

DM Jim: Combat Round 2  d20+5=13 d20+5=10 d20+5=22 d20+7=24 d20+7=27 d12+4=8 d12+4=16 d20=5 d20=20 d20+4=14 d20+4=8 d20+1=12 d20+26=46 d20+26=34 2d20(2+9)+16=27 2d20(1+9)+16=26
Thursday June 9th, 2005 6:34:15 PM

OOC: I am adjusting the speed that everyone is traveling upwards and as a result it will be fast to get to the beach. It will not effect combat or time in any way.


Apollo just reaches the beach and considers slinking up on the Wildcard battle with the orcs 40 yards down the beach.

Apollo though he saw a blur of something four foot in the bushes not too far (20 feet) from his position. (Spot and listen checks DC 15).

OOC: Note if you take your normal hide and move silent bonuses, I will have to reduce your speed accordingly.


Jager is a blur as he move among the three orc that surround him, two after his front kick connects and breaks enough ribs to knock the orc unconcious. His breathren do not take kindly to the assault and retaliate.

AC 13 miss
AC 10 miss, The orcs fought too angry to be effective.

Mykael is also surrounded, but chooses a different course of action and fires off a spell under duress. Mykael is sucessfull and watches his fireball streak toward the catapults only to see a firey projectile leave one of them. There is a large explosion that engulfs the two larger black gaints in plate armor. The gaints seem to revel in the flames and one levels a crossbow at those running on the water.

The orcs close in for the kill on Mykael.

AC 22, miss, bounces heavly off your shield.
AC 24, 8 damage, solid hit.
AC 27, 16 damage, crushing blow to the back.

Ari stops in the middle of his run to the beach to fire his bow and sleep arrows. Two shots at the orcs attempting to meet him and one at the two trying to cut off Rigging.

Two solid hits, does not do damage.

Saves 5 and 20

One of the orcs waiting for Ari, falls backwards, asleep.

The two orc with great axes meet Rigging on the wet sand, their hair is whipping in the wind.

AC 14, Too Surprised his is alive after the arrow attack.
AC 8, Way to overconfident in his attack.

Ashira makes the beach and drops off the smart mouthed Val, who promptly come visible.


Bart and Nezzamil watch as the firey boulder arcs toward them. It is apparrent that their aim is not true and the two do not have much to worry about besides running. This piggy back team will make the beach next round.

A crossbow bolt comes screaming across the river at Ari and rips into his still body as his last arrow flys from his bow.

AC 46, critical AC 34 - 53 damage

Ari is one combat round from the beach if he dares to go.

OOC: Ari how did you cast Bull strenght and Cats grace? At this time, I only have shield and spider climb on you. Please explain, as I may have miss something.


There is a ring of metal on metal as two great swords a drawn and the large black gaints stride forward. One of the gaints drops his cross bow and pumps his fist at his shot, throwing back his stingy fire red hair. These two are 180 feet from the beach combat.

The strange smaller gaint types, behind the two fire gaints, pick up weapons from an over size cart and also come forward. (Spot 15 for all but Val and Ashira (DC 10) to notice something different about them.) These two are at least 40 feet behind the fire gaints.

Rigging ac 21 mage armor, blinking  d100=8 d100=73 d20+10=16 d20+10=28 d4+1=5 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(2+3)=5
Thursday June 9th, 2005 10:10:40 PM

Rigging draws his weapons and slashes at with his shortsword but blinks away just before he was going to hit. He appears to the side of the other and sinks his holy dagger into the orc.

ooc drawing weapons is a free action if Base attack is +1 or more.

5 points of damage with dagger + 9 for backstab damage and another 5 for holy dagger damage assuming the orcs are evil. 19 points of total damage.

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10)  d20+12=25
Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:35:12 PM

Once upon the shore, Ashira unsheathes her swords (free action). "C'mon Val, let's take down those giants...I have the feeling they're at the heart of this..." Ashira whispers to Val. With a quick whisper and a few small hand movements, Ashira casts Resist Energy, hoping to reduce the damage that she knows awaits her. As she begins to move toward the giants, Ashira notices something odd (Spot=25). "Hmmm...that's strange. Val, this is gonna be tough let's hook up with Bart and Nezamil." she continues to whisper as she goes.

Jagar Ac 22(23w/dodge vs opp) waterwalk  d20+8=20 d10+3=5 d20+8=16 d10+3=8 d20+3=15 d10+3=5
Friday June 10th, 2005 12:00:03 AM

The fleetfooted Monk continues his assault on the angry orcs dodging their great swords (1st swing D20+8=20)(d10+3=5 dam) snaps a quick couple punches to the mid section of the orc(2nd swing d20+8=16)(d10+3=8 dam)(2nd swing might be a miss but rolled just in case)Jagar tries to finsh the orc with a spinning kick (3rd swing d20+3=15)(d10+3=5 dam)?

" C,mon Mykael there is only 3 of them attacking ya ....hurry up and slay them so we can help attack them big giants " remarks the Monk as he whirls about the orcs

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 34/60 waterwalk  d20+5=7
Friday June 10th, 2005 12:40:28 AM

As Nezamil and Bart make landfall " we made it " huffs the dwarf" seemed like we were never gonna make it here dodging them boulders " remarks the dwarf to the warrior as he releases his grip on him " so you want to fight them enlarged ?" adds the Cleric

if Bart accepts then the Cleric reaches into his belt pouch and retrieves a pinch of powder and sprinkles it on the warrior then touches his anvil pendant which gives off a faint glow of light " rise up to the height of Domi's courage " murmers the Cleric as he touches the warrior and the Barts stature doubles

( enlarge gives +2 to str, -2 to dex, and -1 to attack roll, -1 to ac)(and reach of 10 ft equal to the giants so no free swings(AoO) for the giants)(pg 114 phb check for weapon size damage for enlarged weapon)

If Bart declines then Nezamil will cast shield of faith upon himself(+3 to ac)

" lets work together with Ashira ....can you see her and Val " asks Nezamil as he scans(d20+5=7 spot ch) for the two valiant elven warriors " they should be close by"

OOC will adjust Nezamils variables as per Barts decisions in next post

Bart Ac24 hp71 
Friday June 10th, 2005 3:21:47 AM

Enlarge me Nezamil as soon as we reach the beach i will rush forward Orcs or Giants Nez? As soon as he is on shore Bart activates his glove of storing, his sword apears in his hands.

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 24/53  d20+8=18 d20+8=18 d100=28 3d6(4+4+1)=9
Friday June 10th, 2005 6:32:08 AM

Mykael grits his teeth in pain and concentrates(18), and casts Vampiric Touch on the orc in front of him (28% spell fail, made)(touch attack AC 18, for 9 damage = 9 pts healing for Mykael if attack succeeds).

"I am working on them now, Jager, but those catapults needed to be taken down," Mykael yells over to him.

spider climb 7hp, AC 24, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght, cats grace  d20=18 d20+5=20 d20=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=19 d8+1=8 d8+1=5 d8+1=8
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:13:44 AM

Gasping in pain and shock, Ari momentarily comes to a stop. Becoming white as a ghost, Ari realizes that he just missed death's door (made massive damge roll).

Ari attempts to hit the crossbow owner with his own arrows. (AC 20, 19, 25 (crit with 19 as follow up for 8, 5, 8 (x3 if crit. Add +2 for ea if I get to keep bull strenght).

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp  d20=13
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:19:06 AM

"I see them. It's hard to resist the urge to draw my bow and turn them into giant red pincushions but arrows against spear launchers isn't my idea of a great battle. Let us find cover before advancing." Valanthe replies. She moves back to meet Bart and Nezamil while trying to move to the side and put the trees between her and the giants.

ooc: spot check 13

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+6=14 d20+7=10 d20+12=16 d20+11=29
Friday June 10th, 2005 1:57:48 PM

Appolo continues on toward Mykael and Jager.Moving as quickly silently as possible swords drawn ready fro action.

Spot 14,Listen 10,Hide 16,Move silently 29

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday June 10th, 2005 6:04:07 PM

Rigging says over his shoulder as he battles orcs, "If I can get freed up, I will cast haste on you."

DM Jim: Combat Round 3  d20+5=14 d20+5=11 d20+5=13 d20+7=10 d20+5=13
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:31:17 PM

The Captain joins the battle with the orcs and severs the spin of one with his dagger. He will be going nowhere ever again. His friend seems determined to run Rigging through for his afront.

AC 14, miss - Rigging is just too well protected for the Orc to damage.

Jager is doing well as he drops another orc with three well placed strikes. This one will never raise again. His last remaining opponent looks concerned, but one glance down the beach at the gaints and he renews his attack.

AC 11, miss - This orc looks too concerned on who the enemy is and misses the monk badly.

Mykael tries a new tactic and literally sucks the life out of an orc. Mykael feels a bit refreshed after, but his two remaining foes seem to want to even the score.

AC 13, miss
AC 10, miss - Both orcs are looking agasht at fighting a mage

Val moves laterally up the thin beach and into the edge of the light woods. Val is now 30 feet from the orc battle and realizes that the three will offer some concealment, but not much from the gaints.

Nezzamil casts enlarge on Bart and he grows almost to the size of the fire giants. Bart and Nezzamil look to hook up with the invisible Ashira. Bart and Nezzamil hear Ashira say she is going after the gaints and move in that general direction, unsure of Ashira exact location.

Bart notices that his animated shield did not increase in size with him.

Ashira casts resist energy on herself and attempts to rally her battle group for combat with the gaints. Ashria notices that the smaller gaints 40 feet behind the fire giants have TWO HEADS each. The creatures are stripped to the waist in the heat, but are carrying what look to be throwing spears in each hand and have morning stars on their belts, on each side.

Ashira also notices the giants talking to one another as the stride confidently forward (Listen check DC 15 to pick up parts of the conversation, if you speak giant, as you or they get closer the DC will decrease). They rest their great swords on the shoulders and balance them with one hand as they reach into belt bags and each retrive a hefty sized rock. The rock are not as large as those from the catapults, but look nasty just the same.

The giants are 120 feet from Bart and Nezzamil and the invisible Ashira and 150 feet from those in the orc battle and Val.

A shaken Ari makes shore and attempts retribution on the fire gaint that shot him. Ari hits once with two of his arrows bouncing harmless off the gaints armor. Ari now has his full attention!

The one orc that Ari did not put to sleep take a swing at him with a great axe, attempting to finish the woounded foe.

AC 13, miss - He was to happy to see Ari's blood.

OOC: Ari I requested that you pick either one or the other of bull str or cats grace. You now have bull str. on. Don not post cats grace any longer. I assume this will drop your AC by 2, please make adjustments.


The invisible Apollo slinks slowly toward the orc battle, but he is very quite and hidden. Apollo made 15 feet during the combat round and is now 105 feet from the orc battle and 255 feet from the fire gaints.

Apollo just feels their is something in the woods, but can't quite place it. Spot 15 and listen 15 rolls again. A second spot 20 roll for the beach.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:47:12 PM

"C'mon guys, let's go get us some big uns." Ashira calls to Nezamil and Bart as she moves rapidly toward the giants (double move).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (33/60 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 55/65 waterwalk  d20+8=28 d10+3=10 d20+8=11 d20+3=5
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:48:53 PM

The Monk is just a whirling dervish as he pummels the last of the trio of orcs that attacked him (1st swing d20+8=28)(d10+3=10 dam) throwing a punch to the head (2nd swing d20+8=11) but over compensates trying to finish the orc off quickly (3rd swing d20+3=5)

" I'm coming to help ya Mykael " blurts out the Fleet footed Monk as he battles the last of the trio of orcs

Nezamil Ac 25(29vs giants) (Hp 34/60 waterwalk 53/80 rds Sof 79/80  d20+5=15 d20+5=11
Saturday June 11th, 2005 12:39:53 AM

The Cleric of Domi gives a smile as Bart grows taller "allright lets make some noise " growls out the dwarf

Nezamil deftly pulls out a small piece of paper "Domi shield your humble soldier" again he touches his Anvil holy symbol causing it to faintly shed light(casting shield of faith)

Nezamil hears Ashira voice and follows the sound (d20+5=15 listen ch) and looks for Ashira's footprints and sand being kicked up from her running (d20+5=11 spot ch)

"This way Bart i heard her call us " as the dwarf yanks his mace out of his ring holster and slides his shield off his back heading off after the sea-elfs voice "Lets cut these overgrown mongrels down to size " growls out the dwarf

OOC : Nellie waterwalk is 80 rds not 60

waterwalk 53/80 rds
Sof 79/80 rds Ac +3

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53  d20+10=14 d10+3=12
Saturday June 11th, 2005 5:45:21 AM

Mykael smiles at the two remaining orcs, "Why should I waste good spells on dirt like you?" He draws his sword and takes a good swing(AC 14)(12 dam, if it hit).

"Hmm... 7 minus 4... equals you 3... and 2 minus 0, still equals us two. That was your math lessen for the night!" Mykael berates them. "Are you sure you want to continue this?"

Rigging ac 21 52/70 blinking magearmor  d100=20 d100=26 d20+10=22 d20+10=23 d4+1=2 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(5+2)=7 d20+11=27
Saturday June 11th, 2005 8:06:34 AM

Rigging slashes at the remaining orc frustrated that his companions didn't take it out for them. Again he blinks away with shortsword thrust, much to his frustration, but still stabs the orc for 18 points of damage with his holy dagger.

He scans the area and looks for possible other danger, his mind on those crossbow wielding assassins who attacked him on the ship.

Spot 27

blinking 3/6
mage armor hours

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+6=10 d20+7=17 d20+7=15 d20+11=13 d20+12=13
Saturday June 11th, 2005 11:17:28 AM

Appolo stops for a second and scans the near by area.Looking for something he;s not sure is there.Just being cautious though.

Move Silently 13,Hide 13,Listen 10 Spot 17 Second Spot for Beach 15.

Enlarged Bart AC22 hp 71/71  d20+15=26 2d8(3+6)+10=19 d6=3
Sunday June 12th, 2005 5:53:29 PM

Bart's sword glimmers electric blue he makes an spring attack towards the giants hitting one of them (ac26 for 19 +3 shock dammage)

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Monday June 13th, 2005 4:27:51 AM

Unsure about what path to take Val hesitates for a moment. The orcs are a threat but the giants are far worse. She's not sure what she can do against giants but she needed to do something to save her companions. She takes a deep breath and runs toward the giants.

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach - Combat Round 4  d20+5=23 d12+4=12 d20+5=18 d20+10=22 d20+10=15 2d10(3+2)+10=15 2d6(5+6)=11
Monday June 13th, 2005 1:22:13 PM

Ari is stunned into inactivity as he watches the Giants approach. The orc in front of him attempts to take advantage.

AC 23, damage 12 - a vicious cut over the crossbow wound. The orc seems torn as to finish Ari, go to another opponent or flee.

Not far away (15 feet) is Captain Rigging and again he uses the same spine severing move and drops his final orc opponent.

Jager is also sucsessful and he repeatily pummels his final orc into a bloody mess. It is very dead. jager is 10 feet from Ari.

Mykael is doing better as he runs one of his orcs through. His opponent seems bouyed by the felling of Ari and strikes out.

AC 18, miss -The orc only finds Mykael's shield

Ashira (invisible) takes off after the giant and closes the distance.

Bart (enlarged) is too far away to do a spring attack and move forward. Bart is joined by Val who comes out of the woods and meets Bart on the beach. The woods end at this point and clear if not scorched ground can be seen leading from the beach to the village.

Nezzamil casts a protective spell on himself and then attempts to catch up to the others confronting the giants.


Apollo creeps forward, silent and invisible and is now 90 feet from the orc battle on the beach. Apollo does notice a large black and red dog 40 feet from him in the wood. There seems to be standing in small fire that erupted around it. The hound is sniffing the air.

Apollo sees another hound deeper in the woods racing toward the orc battle. It will not take long for it to get there.


The giants and the ettins stride forward. The fire giants rub the pitch covered boulder across their armor and each ignites. The smell of sulfur is heavy in the air. The blocky giants then each lift a leg and power a boulder at Big Bart.

AC 22, SLAM! damage 15 for the impact and 11 for fire, 26 total.

AC 15, miss - the flaming rock hit early and bounces over the orc battle and lands in the river with a sizzle.


The giants are now only 30 feet from Ashira and 60 from Bart, Val and Nezzamil and 90 from those in the orc battle. Apollo is 210 feet from the fire giants. The two Ettins are still 40 feet in back of the giants.

The giants grab hold of their great swords with two hands and their big grins seems to say the are ready for some fun. The Ettin's each have two throwing spears at the ready, but apparently little armor.

Rigging 52/70 hps ac 21 mage armor, blinking  d3=2 d100=68
Monday June 13th, 2005 2:20:17 PM

Rigging will look at Ari and yell to Jagar, "Jagar help him while I try to help our other friends.Kill that orc and give him a healing potion." (ooc I believe we all have 2 of them, from Nezamil as part of our tactics)

Rigging will then cast a Summon Monster 4 spell but summon 1d3 Celestial Bison from the 3rd level chart. OOC He gets two bison but they won't show up until the beginning of next turn.

I want them to show up and attack the fire giants. The spell has a range of 50' for me but not quite sure where the giants are in relation to Rigging.

OOC the 68 roll was for my blinking ring. The spell gets off this round.

DM JIM: Rigging is part of the orc battle, so as stated he is approximately 90 feet from the fire giants....the distance is lessening by the moment.

Jagar  2d8(1+3)+8=12
Monday June 13th, 2005 7:57:44 PM

Jagar smirks in satisfaction as the 3rd orc attacker drops to the ground "wanna rematch ?" asks the Monk with sarcasm

Jagar turns quickly at Riggings order and leaps over to the fallen Ari and kneels down next to him " hang in there " urges the Monk to the fallen wildcard as he reaches into one of his pouches and yanks a vial(cmw potion) out, one of the looted prizes from the last battle and adminsters(2d8+8=12 cmw ) it to the fallen wildcard.

Once Ari opens his eyes and takes a fresh breath
of air the Monk will help him to his feet " you ok ?"

may 8th post list the loot (9 CMW potions
10 CLW potions) just assuming Jagar got one of each

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 55/65 waterwalk 
Monday June 13th, 2005 7:59:35 PM

just adding his numbers

Nezamil Ac 25(29 vs giants) Hp 34/60 waterwalk 80 mins Sof 78/80  3d8(8+2+5)+8=23
Monday June 13th, 2005 10:59:30 PM

The dwarf catches up to Bart as he is slammed by the flaming boulder and immeaditly calls upon Domi's healing powers causing his anvil holy symbol to flare slightly(spontanously casting csw(3d8+8=23)and touches Bart to heal the damage (cured 23 pts to Bart)

" send him to the shadowlands " growls the dwarf
as the fire giant closes in

spontanously casting csw inplace of windwall 3rd level

spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght) 
Monday June 13th, 2005 11:21:16 PM

(ooc sorry about missing the post guys. I gave two courses of action and neither chould be chosen for what turned out to be one orc left. I worked from 7am till 4 am on Fri at two different jobs. Got up at 10 on Sat so I could work from noon until 4am on Sat, so that I could goto a company sponsored picnic at 10 on Sun. As soon as I got home I fell asleep and woke up late Monday morning because I did pick up a lot of sun. I didn't have time to post on Monday before I left for work, as I do not have Inernet access from work. So I tried to give instructions as to what Ari's decisions were. They didn't work)

As soon as Ari's eyes are open he begins to recover his footing. "I am still alive. But I don't know how much longer that might be".

Looking around Ari tries to locate the cleric and tries to move to a supporting position.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Animated Shield, Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10) 
Monday June 13th, 2005 11:31:21 PM

Ashira is sorely tempted to step forward and slice into the nearest giant, especially after the attack on Bart, but she remembers the last battle....and her encounter with Gargul. No, best to wait for the others. Working as quietly as possible, Ashira activates her animated shield and then moves around to the side of one of the fire giants. Anticipating that the giants will close with Bart and Nezamil, Ashira moves forward only 20 feet and then angles off to the side so as to be easily within striking range for next round (she'll park herself about 15 feet away from the side of the giant to her left).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (32/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)

OOC (Sorry I didn't mention the Animated Shield previously...I always assume that Ashira's got it animated when they enter combat...which would have been back on the ship.)

DM JIM: Nellie, Since the animated shield is not touching you, it becomes visible? I believe it does. Comments.

Nellie: Good point Jim! Well, since it doesn't make since that she would have a shield floating around in front of her (giving away her position) why don't we just say she activated it this round.

Enlarged Bart AC22 (+1 to closest giant) hp 68/71  d20+15=18 2d8(5+7)+10=22 d6=4
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 3:05:59 AM

Oucch thanks Nez After Nezamil heals his wounds Bart tries to come as close as possible to the giants so he can attack them (spring attack ac 18 for 22+4shock)(dodge feat +1 ac against closest giant)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53  d20+10=18 d10+3=12
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 4:40:27 AM

Mykael smiles at the remaining orc in front of him, "Dont feel lonely, you are about to meet your friends." Mykael swings his sword for the 2nd time this battle(AC 18, for 12 dam).

OOC: Mykael wasnt among the group during the last battle, therefore he didnt receive any loot, as he shouldnt have. My only question was did he receive any of the healing potions that were passed out. If so I didnt know it and I need to note it on my character sheet. If not, just need to know that too. Thanks

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+9=15 d20+9=11
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 12:08:40 PM

Appolo move quickly toward the large beast and strikes it twice for all he is worht.

When he missses he moves quickly as posible back going inviisble once agian.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 7:32:48 PM

Val knows she could reach the giants quickly but holds off. They are very formidable and there are two of them. Val moves with Bart and joining Ashira when they get close to the giants.

"Quite a situation we have here."

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach Combat Round 5  d20+3=21 d20+6=21 d20+5=23 d8+5=8 d20+5=22 3d6(5+5+3)+46=59 d100=67 d20+6=22 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d12+5=9 d20+5=20
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 11:53:49 PM

Ashira moves up to a flanking position on the giants but does not attack. The smell of sulfur is strong this close to the giants and they seem to be giving off their own heat or so she thinks, it is so hot here.

Ashira also smells burning flesh and sees over her shoulder, several human roasting on top of a pourch of a burning building a 100 or so feet away.

The larger of the two giants and the one closest to Ashira snaps his head in her direction at the appearance of the animated shield (spot 21). The giant exclaims something that Ashria does not understand and then a few short gutteral words to his companions.

The giants stop, but the ettins move up and each throw a spear at Big Bart. The ettins draw one morning star each, but still have one throwing spear each too.

AC 21, miss - bounces off Big Bart's small animated shield
AC 23, damage 8, the shield was too occupied to help.

As the ettins move up the fire giant by Ashira takes what she thinks is a wild, but powerful swing with his great sword. There is no way it will hit her. The great sword slices into the animated shield (Improved sunder).

Hit AC 22, hit shield and forgot the +8 for sunder bonuses Powder attack 15 for 59 damage.

Shield Hardness 19 and 40 hp

The shield is cleanly split in two and falls to the ground useless as its magic is spent. The giants howls with laughter.

Big bart can still not spring attack but will at the begining of the next round as he will be 30 feet from the giants and 40 from the ettins.

Val and Nezzamil cautiously move forward and are now abreast of Big Bart.

Nezzamil picks up a few words from the lead giant: Mythrl, goats and women?????? What a combination, his giant is a bit rusty.

Rigging summons his two bison and they will appear 40 feet from the giants with feet moving fast, ready to charge.

OOC: I will need the Bisons stats and consider that they may get struck by AoO's

Giants are AC 23
Ettins AC 15
Hell Hounds AC 16
Orcs AC 15


Rigging also spots a black and red dog like form running through the trees toward the beach. The hound is 80 feet away and closing fast.

Apollo strikes at a similar hound, but misses twice. Apollo is now visible and the hound gives chase as he attempts to escape.

Apollo goes invisible, but the hound has a real good idea where he is (67 for 50% miss chance) and bites at him.

AC 22, miss - just barely, Apollo can feel the flames from his mouth as they singe his backside.

Apollo is now 75 feet from the orc battle and 195 from the fire giants, but the hell hound is much closer.

Mykael runs the last orc facing him through the heart. Mykael see the hell hound snapping at somthing on the beach and a second one running through the tree at him and his companions.

Jager administers aid to Ari, but at his peril. The orc standing over the both of them is seriously offended and drops his axe on Jager.

AoO AC 25, hit, missed critical, 9 damage
AC 20, miss as he buries his axe between Ari and Jager.

Ari stands and moves toward Nezzamil and a fire giants.

Ari leaves the orc battle and is 90 feet from Nezzamil and curing.

Jager is left to face the irate orc alone.

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53 
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 6:31:28 AM

Mykael notices the on coming hound and moves toward the party to intercept it.

Ari (spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght)  2d4(2+3)+2=7
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 7:31:40 AM

Having forgotten about the orc, Ari stops long enought to cast magic missle at the orc.

(ooc I currently don't have access to my sheet, can you roll for me?)

DM JIM: Damage to the Orc is 7 hp. Ari must know that he is a 4th level wizard and that he get two magic missiles. Please roll your damage in the future.

Enlarged Bart Ac 22 (+1 to closest giant) hp 60/71  d20+15=34 d20+15=32 2d8(3+5)+10=18 2d8(7+8)+10=25 d6=4
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 10:51:40 AM

Bart makes an spring attack to the nearest giant his sword hits the giant at an critical place (threat ac34 crit ac 32 for 18+25+4). After his attack bart jumps away as far as possible from the giant

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+9=17 d20+9=23 d10+4=9 d8+4=5
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 1:25:12 PM

Appolo jumps forward coming visible agian and slashs at the creature visiosly twice before stepping back and going invisible agian.

Attack17,23,Damage Longsword 9, Shortsword 5

Jagar Ac 26 Hp 46/65 waterwalk ,mage armor 
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 3:49:14 PM

The Monk faces the orc ready to finish him off but can only watch as Ari's magic's slam into the wretched thing.....turning to survey the battle to decide his next action .

Jagar reachings into a pouch and deftly pulls out a vial and quickly imbibes it(mage armor potion)" that should help againist the big fellows "

Jagar yells out to Mykael " hurry and finish the puppies quickly i'm going to help out the Captain " with that the fleetfooted monk sprints after Ari hoping to join in a flanking attack on the big ugly's

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs Giants) Hp 34/60 waterwalk Sof 77/80,haste 1 rd  d20+11=12 d20+7=14 d20+12=31 d8+5=8
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 4:23:05 PM

The dwarf watches Bart engage the giant 1st then clicks his heels of his new boots as he whips his mace from his ring holster on his hip and charges in against the fire giant (1st swing
d20+11=12 and misses badly not used to recent fighting vs the Giants "gosh durnit " growls the dwarf as he continues to miss badly (2nd swing d20+7=14) "By Domi hold still " grunts the Cleric of Domi as the dwarf's mace finally finds its mark (3rd swing hasted d20+12=31)(1d8+5=8 dam)"bout time "

1st swing did not include haste which is +1 to hit, included it on 2nd+3rd swings

Ac= 22 + 3 Sof=25 +4 vs giants=29+1 haste=30

Rigging ac 21 blinking, mage armor, mirror image  d20+10=26 d20+10=29 d8+14=20 d8+14=18 d100=10 d4+1=3
Wednesday June 15th, 2005 10:47:45 PM

Rigging sends his celestial bisons after the two fire giants one on each. They charge forth bellowing and snorting. Each will hit and do a smite evil on the giant foe.

OOC quick stats on the Bison
+8 to hit, +10 while charging, gore damage 1d8+9
smite evil +5 on damage
damage reduction 5/magic
hps 37 is average
ac 13, 11 while charging

Giant #1 takes 20 points of damage
Giant #2 takes 18 points of damage

Rigging is irritated that the group is split apart. Bad things seem to happen when that happens. "Jagar, Ari, Lets close the gap with the others"

Rigging will move forward 30' towards the giant battle and pull out a wand and activate it, giving himself mirror image. (ooc) Jim, I am not sure if it matters in this case but I blinked as I cast this one. Since it is personal, I think it just happens in the etheral plane but let me know.

If it works, 4 Riggings are now standing there.

blinking 5/6 rounds
mirror image 1/60 rounds
mage armor hours

Swirl hovers above and keeps an arial eye out communicating with Riggging about any possible surprises and troop locations

Ashira (AC25 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10)  d20+14=24 d20+9=11 d20+14=18 d20+6=11 d6+5=11
Thursday June 16th, 2005 12:22:15 AM

The invisible half-elf sighs as the giant butchers her shield. Alright...hard way then. She moves over into a flanking position with Val (5 foot step), though every inclination of her aquatic ancestry screams at her to run away from this blazing torch of death. Ashira then lays into the giant...popping into sight as she does so. Her attack proves highly ineffective as she only manages to cut into the giant once (AC24 for 11). As she visualizes once more, Ashira smiles at the giant before her. "Hey there handsome...you know...you owe me big time for that shield."

OOC: Note that this round the giant does not benefit from any Dexterity bonus to AC, though with those suck rolls, I doubt it will make a difference.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp  d20+11=27 d20+11=17 d20+6=26 d20+6=11 d6+12=16 d6+12=16
Thursday June 16th, 2005 6:38:16 AM

Val watches the shield get sliced in half. It was hard to believed and reminded her just how lethal these giants are. Gripping her blade tightly she hacks savagely at a giants leg.

ooc: power attack -5 to hit/ +5 to damage. Both attacks were crits but negative on the confirmation roll. First attack his ac 27 for 16 and the second hit ac 26 for 16

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach Combat Round 6  d20+5=20 3d6(5+1+1)+48=55 d20+17=35 3d6(6+5+1)+48=60 d20+12=31 3d6(1+6+5)+48=60 d20+5=25 d20+5=11 3d6(4+4+4)+44=56 3d6(5+4+4)+44=57 d20+5=16 d20+5=11 d20+5=21 d20+5=12 d20+6=11 d20+11=30 d20+12=15 2d6(4+2)+6=12
Thursday June 16th, 2005 9:32:39 AM

The bigger Fire Giant (FG1)sees opponents appear around him, Ashira, Bison, and Val slash in. FG1 takes his AoO on the charging Bison.

AoO Attack AC 20, PA 15 for 55 damage. The bison's charge is stopped as its head is chopped off.

The giant absorbs several blows from the ladies and he looks over his new opponents and rolls his eyes. Nezamil can hear FG1's curse as he speaks of "women and goats" again. FG1'a eyes light up when he notices Ashira armor is Mythrl and he yells over to FG2 something Nezamil thinks was "Jackpot".

FG1 attacks Val to sunder weapons

AC 35 PA 15, +5 to hit +12 for sunder, 60 damage
AC 31 PA 15, +12 to sunder, 60 damage again.

Vals two swords snap off fron the great swinds of FG1 sword and he speaks in common. "Go away women and live, but leave your Mythrl." FG1 points his sword at Ashira, holding his last attack.

OOC: According to the new Wold rules, Val takes a 10 for her attack and adds her attack bonus, unfortunately, she can not beat the Giants attack, so the blades are sundered.

FG1 is bleeding from four wounds, two from Val and one for Ashira and an arrow from Ari.

Bart leaps in and stabs FG2 who is awaiting the second Bison's charge. Big Bart leaps back and yells something to the Ettins that Nezamil knows is "Kill him!"

FG2 AoO AC 25 critical threat AC 11 for 113 damage, the bison is bisected and stoped dead in its tracks.

Nezamil rushes in and swings twice missing both times, his third swing hits the top of the giants foot. FG2 looks down between his legs at the dwarf and swings three times.

AC 16 PA 15, miss
AC 11 PA 10, miss
AC 21 PA 21, miss

The giant shatters air and sand as he attempts to cut the dwarf in half. Nezamil finds he is showered with sand.

The two ettins throw spears at Bart and move in to attack.


AC 11, miss
AC 12, miss

Big Bart easily side steps the spears.

Morning stars

AC 30, solid thunk for 12 damage.
AC 15, miss

The ettins each draw a second morning star and prepare for battle.


Ari Downs the last orc with a two magic missiles.

Jager and Ari move toward the whirling blades of the giants to support their friends. Jager and Ari are 30 feet from the Giant battle.

Rigging watches as his Bisons are descimated by the giants.

Mykael and Riggins see a fast approaching hell hound get caught in the whirlwind that is Swirl.

Rigging feels Swirl. "I got this one. There are two more lurking about, I saw a total of three." Excitedly Swirl adds. " I found a party! Nice music too."

Mykael and Rigging were anticipating the dog charge and now they have no opponent.


Apollo becomes visible again and stabs the hell hound looking for him twice. Apollo goes invisible again. The hell hound thinks twice about attacking and runs away from Apollo and averyone else down the beach.

Apollo can take an AoO on the dog, 15 damage will kill it.

Rigging ac 22 hps 52/70 blinking, mage armor, mirror image, haste  d100=29
Thursday June 16th, 2005 11:18:53 AM

Rigging dashes forward another 30' to close the range and casts his spell. He castes haste affecting, himself, Ashira, Val, Bart, and Nezamil. (OOC Jim I can get more but they have to be 30' from each other. Not sure if any other friendlies are in range. Made blink roll)

haste gives 30' extra movement, gives +1 to hit, +1 to ac and allows you one more attack each round. It will last 7 rounds.

Rigging says to Swirl, "Thanks Buddy! Where is this party. If we are alive afterward we might want a drink!"

blinking 6/6 rounds
mirror image 2/60 rounds
mage armor hours
haste 0/7

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53  d20+8=28 4d6(1+1+6+5)=13
Thursday June 16th, 2005 2:12:34 PM

Mykael moves 30' up beside Rigging and casts Scorching Ray at the closest Ettin(nat 20 to hit, for sorry 13 fire damage).

OOC: Hope to get included in the haste spell, if I am close enough to the others.

DM JIM: Roll critical for the ray!!!!!

Jagar Ac 25(26mob vs opp) Hp 46/65 waterwalk, mage armor  d20+8=24 d10+3=10 d20+8=11 d20+3=15
Thursday June 16th, 2005 3:03:04 PM

Jagar sprints into action hoping to flank FG2 who's attention is held by the dwarf and lands a front kick to the giants leg (1st swing d20+8=24)(d10+3=10 dam)and continues his assault a blur of motion (2nd swing d20+8=11) missing as the giant shuffles his feet in searching the the dwarf missing again (3rd swing d20+3=15) as the fleetfooted monk tries to keep the fire giant in the middle between himself and Nezamil

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs giants) waterwalk Sof 76/80 haste 2nd rd(boots)  d20+12=22 d8+5=12 d20+7=21 d8+5=9 d20+12=24 d8+5=10
Thursday June 16th, 2005 3:28:27 PM

The dwarf suddenly realizes what the giants are infering "Goats !! i aint no Goat .....by Domi you overgrown ogre i'll make fertilizer out of ya " yells Nezamil as he see's Jagar join the fight..... he whips his mace in a enraged frenzy at the big ugly (1st swing d20+12=22)(d8+5=12 dam) just grazing the giant as he bashes away (2nd swing d20+5=21)(d8+5=9 dam) again just grazing the giant " I told ya to hold still gosh durnit" growls the dwarf as his new boots enable him to go in for a final smash (3rd swing d20+12=24)(d8+5=10 dam)

hoping to get flanking bonus(+2) if the fire giant turns to face Jagar, would be 3 hits instead of just one ;-)

Nezamil doesn't need Riggings haste as he gots boots of speed so let Mykael recieve haste instead since it will have no affect on the dwarf

Enlarged Bart Ac 22 (+1 to closest Ettin) hp 48/71  d20+10=28 d20+10=18 2d8(5+3)+10=18 2d8(3+3)+10=16 d6=3 d20+5=24 d20+5=6 2d8(7+5)+15=27 d6=4
Thursday June 16th, 2005 5:07:05 PM

I asume the Ettins are in front of Bart
Bart attacks the closest Ettin usingn his strength and hiiting him hard (power attack hit ac 28 crit ac 18 for 23+21+3shock). His second attack is also well aimed but didnt hit a critical part of the Etiin (ac 24 for 27+4 shock) (78 damm total)

DM JIM: Bart is correct, the Ettin's are in front of him.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+9=25 d20+9=20 d10+4=11 d8+4=9 d20+12=30 d20+11=15
Thursday June 16th, 2005 8:22:19 PM

Appolo swings twice at the fleeing hound as it turns to run connnecting both times,finishing the animal.He then goes insible agian and surveys the scene.He doesn't like what he sees and runs silently toward the the giants.

Attack 25,20 Damage 11,9 Move silently 30,Hide 15

Ari (spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght)  d20+5=13 d20+5=21 d20=18 d8+3=4 d8+3=9
Thursday June 16th, 2005 10:28:59 PM

With so many bodies up close and personal. Ari decides to stay back and pepper his closest target with some darkwood arrows. As he does so he continues to try to move into a support position with the parties cleric. (AC 13, 21, 18. 4 pts for the 21 and 9 pts for the 18)

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, -Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, *cats grace, -bulls strength

Ashira (AC26 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, Spider Climb 
Friday June 17th, 2005 12:15:24 AM

Ashira grimaces as Val's weapons are destroyed. Then she watches as the giant turns her way. This is gonna get ugly fast. Bringing her hands in to her chest and kicking off her boots (a move action?) as she smiles. "Sure big fella, not a problem...just let me slip this stuff off..." With a flick of her hands, Ashira disappears once more, having activated her invisibility ring again (Drawing No AoO) . When she disappears, Ashira moves out (5 feet back away from the giant). There is a faint glow in Ashira's backpack (Activating Seal of Helping Hand) and then suddenly her spider climb slippers appear in her hand. Grinning, Ashira ducks down into a crouching position to lessen her profile from the giant's impending attack as she slips on her slippers of spider climb.

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (32/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)
Haste (7/7 rounds)
Slippers of Spider Climb

OOC Jim, I need a ruling as to what type of action you would consider kicking off one's boots...if it were a free action, then I have something else in mind.

DM JIM: Activating the boots is a free action. Get ready for a really mad Giant.....

Mykael  d100=31 d20+8=19
Friday June 17th, 2005 5:05:09 AM

OOC: First off, forgot to roll spell failure, made the check 31% for the Ray, 2ndly thanks for catching that Jim. I didnt realize I could get a critical with the ray and had to look up the rules. So.. 19 AC confirms the critcal for double damage, thus a total of 26 fire damage is dealt to the Ettin.

Friday June 17th, 2005 7:20:24 AM

OOC Hey guys, Jim asked me to hand out the weapons that we still have from the last battle.
Since we haven't been back to the ship yet and haven't sold them, we must be carrying them.

Bart has a magical halbard
Val has a magical heavy flail
Ashira has a magical steel shield
Nezamil has a magical warhammer

We also got lots of potions, 19 of them. Believe we determined they were all healing 10 cure lights and 9 cure moderates. Lets say Mykael has one of each as do the rest of us. Nezamil will carry the spares.

Ari is carrying a suit of chain, Jagar is carrying a suit of banded. Appolo has a ring. Ari has the bow and arrows. Rigging will carry the banded.

I believe the weapons are all +1 which might become important with Mr. Sunder as our DM

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Friday June 17th, 2005 7:21:44 AM

Val stands in shock as her blade (just one) is destroyed with the skill of a god. The fact that the giant used a blade that was bigger than her body severed a rapier that was probably just a little bigger than the giants index finger.

ooc: Could the GM please send me an e-mail so I can voice how totally wrong this scenario is without clogging up the board.

Walter ooc 
Friday June 17th, 2005 7:32:21 AM

I seriously doubt a +1 bonus will matter when my +2 was destroyed with ease. Since I didn't know about the flail and Val wouldn't have taken it anyway. Tthe flail is on the ship or with someone else.

DM JIM: Battle at the Beach Combat round 7  d20+1=9 d20+11=31 d100=96 d20+11=25 3d6(4+3+6)+31=44 d20+6=24 d20+13=27 d20+13=22 2d6(4+5)+6=15 2d6(3+5)+6=14 d20+6=21 d20+11=20 d20+11=17 d20+11=25
Friday June 17th, 2005 9:03:55 AM

Val stands in stunned shock looking at the hilt in her hand and the blade of her rapier 20 feet away.

Ashira goes invisible, enraging FG1 and he unleashes his fury in her direction. In common the Giant roars "Bring me back my metal, Wench! Now I am going to make bread from your bones; forget the goats. That blue hair of your will make a nice tassle for my boots."

AC 19, PA 10, miss, should have been +11 not +1
AC 31, PA 5, 50 % miss chance and rolled 96, missed critical threat AC 25, damage 44 damage.

FG1 bellows in triumph "I got you now missy!"

AC 24, PA 5, miss, but Ashira is showered with sand as the massive blade just misses her and buries itself in the sand next to her.

Mykael cast his excellent ray at one of the ettins and hits the left head. Big Bart uses the opportunity to run the beast through the heart. It drops dead on the sand.

OOC: Watch your ranges Mykael, I think you may be just out of range for your ray, so you had to move up.

The second Ettin is infuriated at the death of its friend and wants to take it out on Bart.

AC 27, hit for 15, a heavy blow
AC 22, hit for 14, another massive body blow.

One head is screaming at Big Bart and the other is calling to his downed friend, no one can understand either of them.

As Jager runs in to attack FG2, the giant take an AoO on him.

AC 21, PA 15, miss as the giant slices air over the monks head.

The monk kicks the giant and it feels like he is kicking an Oak tree.

The giant turns his attentions back to the dwarf attempting to pound on his feet. Nezamil is FG2's main opponent, so no flanking bonuses.

AC 20, PA 10, miss
AC 17, PA 5, miss
AC 25, miss

FG2 swings are getting more controlled as he takes his measure of the dwarf.

Ari stands his ground 30 feet from the giants and fires at FG1 (?) and misses with all three shots. remember AC 23.

Rigging cast haste on several of the Wildcards in an attempt to gain advantage over the giants. All of Riggings images move forward, with Mykael in tow. Rigging and Mykael can easily get in range of the massive swords this round, if they dare.


Apollo finishes off the wounded Hell hound and move toward his friends, but he is still 150 feet away and invisible.


OOC: I will make up my missing post on Saturday morning, so post accordingly.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp Haste  d20+11=22
Friday June 17th, 2005 9:49:00 AM

Plagued by indecision Val doesn't move as the giant tries to cleave Ashira in half. She hoped that Ashira got away but that hope died when the Fire Giant laughed loudly. Valanthe sighed and pulled a throwing axe from her thigh and hurled it at the giant missing badly.

ooc: so whats the new plan? I'm pretty much useless and nobody can stop either of the giants if they really want to kill us. Are we running? If Ashira's visible again and survives this round I could probably grab her and just run though the flaming boulders will most likely flatten us along the way. I think the only way everybody lives is if we simply run for it. There's no way we can win with them tearing through our weapons with ease. I'll volunteer to stay back and keep the giants busy if thats needed.

Ashira (AC26 52/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, Spider Climb  d20+15=33 d20+15=35 2d6(3+5)+10=18
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:17:07 AM

Blood pours down from the massive gash in Ashira's shoulder, dripping down on the sand below. Time to move fast... Smiling as she moves quicker than normal, Ashira runs quickly behind the giant and walks up his back! She climbs to a position that is roughly in the middle of his back and then takes a mighty swing, popping back into sight as she does so. She smiles as she sees the giant's blood gush from under her sword (AC33/35 confirmed crit. for 18dam). "No, no, no dear...that's my metal. And I'm using it right now, so you'll just have to wait."

"Val, pull back and take this beast down! Bart, let Mykael handle the freaks, I need your help with this guy. Rigging, my love, a few magic missiles might be nice. Jager and Nezamil, keep the other guy busy, will ya? Ari, keep it up." she calls out in Elven from her bareback position on the giant's back.

OOC Ashira was still in the giant's threatened area last round, so no AoO for getting on his back. Since Ashira's on the giant's back, I figure it will be denied a dexterity bonus for any future attacks (if she lives that long).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (32/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)
Haste (6/7 rounds)
Slippers of Spider Climb

George to Walter 
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:40:19 AM

OOC Walter, Val is carrying the mace. It isn't hers but part of the loot we had from the last battle. Everyone is carrying something. You are carrying that. No one says you have to use it but you do have it. We haven't been back to the ship yet and we haven't sold it yet so we do have it on us.

Rigging ac 21 haste, mage armor, mirror image  d4+1=5 d4+1=3 d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Friday June 17th, 2005 10:49:51 AM

Rigging hears his wife's request and responds "Yes dear." He raises his hands and 4 darts streak out and hit the one engaged with Ashira doing 18 points of damage.

Rigging will then move 60' to try to circle around the giant and be able to come at him from behind or a flanking position next round.

"Gang up on one and kill it quick!" he call out trying to sound confident!

Enlarged Bart Ac 23 (+1 to Ettin) hp 33/71 haste  d20+10=22 d20+10=18 d20+5=18 2d8(5+1)+16=22 2d8(8+4)+16=28 2d8(7+3)+16=26 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5
Friday June 17th, 2005 1:18:04 PM

The hasted Bart makes another attack towards the ettin. His attacks are furious hetting the creature three times ac 22 ac 18 ac 18 for 22+28+26+(4+4+5 shock)89 dam total

Ashira (2nd post) 
Friday June 17th, 2005 2:23:49 PM

Ashira sighs as Bart continues to focus on the ettin. "Hey, big guy, you going deaf? I need help over here! Nezamil, can you close? I really need some back up!"

Jagar Ac 25(26 vs opp) Hp 46/65 waterwalk,mage armor  d20+8=24 d10+3=9 d20+8=17 d20+3=4
Friday June 17th, 2005 2:40:04 PM

Jagar persistantly keeps chopping away at the FG2's leg (1st swing d20+8=24)(d10+3=9 dam) landing a roundhouse kick but the well armored Giant resists the followup kicks(2nd swing d20+8=17)and punches (3rd swing d20+3=4)

"c,mon Nezamil lets finish this one off " shouts the fleetfooted monk

Nezamil Ac 26(30vs giants) Hp 34/60 waterwalk ,Sof 75/80 haste rd 3 (boots)  d20+12=26 d8+5=12 d20+7=21 d20+12=25 d8+5=13
Friday June 17th, 2005 3:16:31 PM

The dwarf drins at Jagar's relentless assault on FG2 " Domi be proud of ya " yells of the Cleric as his mace smashes(d20+12=26)(d8+5=12 dam) into Fg2 but misses(d20+7=21) wide of the mark with the backswing " gonna get him this time " growls the dwarf as he brings his mace in an overhead smash(d20+12=25) into the Fg2's knee (d8+5=13 damage) "Timber " shouts out the dwarf hoping to antagonize the giant into letting his guard down

total 25 damage

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs closet Giant), HP 33/53, Haste  d20+11=31 d20+11=19 d20+11=22 d10+3=8 d10+3=6
Friday June 17th, 2005 3:39:43 PM

OOC: I thought that Mykael was 30' from the battle with the Giants and the Ettins. The range on his ray is 40' total. I guess I need range restated. Mykael was moving up to get to the Ettins, so I am assuming he has a clear shot to them. However, since he moved to Riggings side, I am not sure of how he is positioned other than, you stated he could get into range with the Giants this turn. Bart was moving toward the Giants and the Ettins intercepted him, so I am also assuming they are within range.

IC: Mykael moves up 30' to finish off the remaining Ettin, and trys to stay out of range of the Giants. First attack(AC 31, Crit confirmed, Dam = 13), Haste attack(AC 22, Dam = 6)(19 total Damage).

"Nez! sure wish I was as big as Bart. I could possibly deal a good attack then!" Mykael yells over the combat at the Dwarf. "Can you make it happen!?"

DM JIM: I agree with you on the ray. I thought the range was 25 feet. Rigging ran to the Back of FG1. You have no problem engaging the Ettin, although he will get an AoO on you.

Friday June 17th, 2005 3:44:07 PM

OOC: Can I get a size on the Giants? I am assuming Huge, and enlarged Human would be only Large? Thus, only one size difference?

DM JIM: The fire giants are about 13 feet tall.

Appolo OOC 
Friday June 17th, 2005 6:36:15 PM

I always thought Fire Giants where more like 22 ft.tall and Ettins 16 ft tall.

DM JIM: I will double check

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach Combat Round 8  10d6(1+4+2+3+4+3+6+2+2+3)=30 d20+16=24 d20+16=29 d20+11=31 d20+11=19 3d6(6+1+6)+16=29 d20+13=18 d20+13=28 2d6(2+5)+6=13 d20+13=23 d20+6=23 2d6(2+2)+6=10 2d6(6+6)+6=18 d20+13=25 d20+6=7 2d6(5+2)+6=13 3d8(5+4+8)+5=22
Saturday June 18th, 2005 7:08:15 AM

What a move from Ashira (earned hero Point)as she climbs the back of FG1. The giant howls in pain and disgust as Ashira stabs him. FG1 points his bloody great sword at Val with one hand and says "I am coming for your Mythryl next." With his free hand FG1 pulls a small golden orb from his belt and holds his hand over his head and behind his back and crushes it. There is a tremendous blast as a fireball erupts. Ashira can hear the giant say. "I like my food burnt and my metal hot." and then under his breath almost to himself. "The goat was right, I do like these."

The giants red stringy hair is blown around by the blast, but he is unscathed.

Val and Ashira must make a DC 14 reflex save. Ashira can not make the save and stay on the giants back. 30 damage or 15 if save.

OOC: The giant does not have a dex. bonus, but a dex. penalty.

FG1 has taken 76 points of damage. FG1 takes note of where those magic missiles that hit him are coming from, but he is busy and has Mythryl on his mind.

Rigging circles around getting in position and is just outside the blast radius. Over the noise of battle and the crackling of building fires, Rigging does think he hears music off in the distance.

Rigging DC 17 spot check for third hell hound comming on his flank at 60 feet distance form the direction of the burning village.

Rigging feels swirl. "Take that! Ouch, these things breath fire!"

FG2 smiles as he enjoys the heat of fireball but is getting concerned as he has taken 109 damage from Jager and Nezamil. He whistles and presses his attack on the dwarf, hoping to finish off one opponent.

AC 24 PA5, miss
AC 29, miss as the dwarfs new quickness saves him.
AC 31, critical threat miss for 29 damage

Ari stands stunned, bow in hand, at the violence arrayed before him.

The Ettin takes his AoO on Mykael.

AC 18, miss
Ac 28, hit for 13 damage.

One side of the attacks Bart and the other Mykael.


AC 23, hit damage 10
AC 23, hit damage 18


AC 25, hit damage 13
Ac 7, miss

Mykael and Bart chop the Ettin. The wounds look mortal and he looks more than shaky, but he does not fall. They both notice that a simple leather armband on the monster flashes.

Rigging ac 21 mirror image (4 images) mage armor, haste.  d20+11=27 d20+12=26 d4+1=4 2d6(4+6)=10 2d6(4+5)=9
Saturday June 18th, 2005 9:56:25 AM

Rigging notices the hellhound darting in and decides he has to ignore it this round as these giants must go down. He darts in from the back and backstabs FG1 who is engaged with Ashira. He thrusts his holy dagger into the monsters calf.

He does 23 points of damage. OOC to hit base of 8, +1 to haste, and 2 to flank for ac of 27. Damage holy dagger plus 2d6 backstab and 2d6 holy dagger against evil. Total damage 23

Rigging thinks to Swirl, "Be careful, Just try and keep them busy and distracted. I know you are feeling big now but those are nasty dogs!"

To Val, "Snap out of it. This bully is gonna kill Ashira....Again! Do you really want to go before Gargul again!"

mage armor hours
haste 1/7
mirror image 3/60

Saturday June 18th, 2005 9:58:12 AM

DM Jim, I disagree that Ashira has to drop from the giant. A case could be made that she uses his fire resistant body as a shield. With her slippers of spiderclimb, she runs down to the small of his back etc.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=28 d20+9=12 d20+9=18 d10+4=13 d6=4 d6=6 d6=3 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6
Saturday June 18th, 2005 1:58:42 PM

Appolo appears behind FG2 going for backstab.He swings twice with everything he has.Hitting solidly once with his longsword.

Attack 28 Damage 13 Backstab 28 total 41

Jagar Ac 25(26 vs opp) Hp 46/65 waterwalk , mage armor  d20+8=24 d10+3=10 d20+8=15 d20+3=6
Saturday June 18th, 2005 4:25:10 PM

Jagar watches in horror as Fg2's sword slashes open a large gash on the dwarf staggering Nezamil

The Monk unleashes his fury on the fire giant (d20+8=24)(d10+3=10 dam) with a spinning back kick to its knee but can't topple the sulfer loving beast

" you'll not send any of my friends to the shadowlands " remarks the fleetfooted monk heatedly

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp Haste  d20+9=25
Saturday June 18th, 2005 4:41:42 PM

Val was already turning to run back away from the giant when the fireball exploded, singing her back. She moves away from the giant and secures her shield while drawing her bow.

ooc: Val will move however much she can while still being able to secure her shield and draw her bow from the pocket of her magical quiver.

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs giants) Hp 5/60 waterwalk , Sof 74/80 haste 4th rd(boots)  d20+16=30 d10+9=19 d20+11=26 d10+9=13 d20+16=23 d8+9=14
Saturday June 18th, 2005 4:46:12 PM

Nezamil is staggered by the power of the fire giants sword strike Domi grant me strength " growls out the Cleric thru gritted teeth as he calls upon his god (granted domain power +8 str) and lashes out at the fire giant his mace whipping thru the air in deadly arcs slamming into the Giant (1st swing d20+16=30)(d10+9=19 dam)again (d20+11=26)(d10+9=13 dam) and again (d20+6=23)(d8+9=14 dam)

"By Domi you shall fall ? " utters the dwarf as he hopes his last bit of strength is enough to send the big ugly to the shadowlands

jim -2 on 1st and 2nd swings i hit the 10 sided instead of 8 sided die total should be 42 not 46

Enlarged Bart Ac 23 (+1 dodge to Giant) hp 33/71 haste  d20+10=28 d20+10=29 2d8(2+5)+16=23 2d8(3+4)+16=23 d6=4 d20+10=21 d20+5=24 d20+5=17 2d8(3+2)+16=21 d6=5
Saturday June 18th, 2005 5:21:52 PM

Mykael kill it, says Bart as he turns (using mobility feat) towards the giant Nezamil is fighting with. (dont know the distance to it, if it is to far Bart makes an spring attack (move 60ft due to haste) (power attack+6) 1st attack threat 28 crit 29 for 46 +4 shock. 2nd attack miss 3rd attack threat 24 no crit 17 for 21 +5 damm

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs Ettin) - HP 7/53 Haste  d20+6=18 d20+6=18 d10+8=9 d10+8=12
Saturday June 18th, 2005 7:51:04 PM

"Consider it done, Big Boy Bart," Mykael yells after him as he cuts into the Ettin. (+5 Power Attack, AC 18, 9 dam)(Haste attack: +5 Power Attack, AC 18, 12 dam)(21 damage total).

Ashira (AC26 32/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, Spider Climb  d20+13=18 d20+8=28 d20+8=26 d20+13=23 d20+5=13 d20+13=21 2d6(3+5)+10=18 d6+3=6
Sunday June 19th, 2005 11:53:30 PM

Ashira shudders as the fireball erupts around her. The very core of her being screams for her to rip off her boiling hot armor, throw it to the ground and run very far away. After all, no one seemed that interested in helping her out right now. NO! These were her friends...her family, and they were doing her best...and that's just what she was going to do...her best. Stoically, she remains planted on the giant's back.

"You know, I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you..." Ashira swings her blades rapidly, but finds it a little more difficult to connect than she would have thought...and she misses with her first swing. She focuses her attention and plunges her shortsword deep into the giant's kidney (AC28/26 for 18) and then follows up with a blow from her off-hand shortsword (AC23 for 6). Her remaining two blows are deflected easily off of the giant's armor. Still, Ashira smiles as blood pours from the giant's back. "I need you to do me a favor...give Gargul my regards when you see him in a few minutes!"

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Waterwalk (30/80 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)
Haste (5/7 rounds)
Slippers of Spider Climb

Ari (spider climb 7hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield, bulls strength)  d20+5=15 d20+5=17 d20=16
Monday June 20th, 2005 4:25:10 AM

Ari continues his sporatic attack by focusing on FG1. But Ari is unable to connect as the Fire Giant is distracted by Ashira.

Battle at the Beach: End of Combat  d20=3 d20+11=28 d100=38
Monday June 20th, 2005 10:05:30 AM

Nezamil and Jager chop FG2 down to size and he makes the slow fall to the sand barely missing the very quick dwarf.

Upon seeing his demise the charging hell hound stops (moral 3) and turns tail and runs back to the burning buildings, a mournful howl can be heard as it runs.


Mykael stabs the ettin in the heart, adding to its apparent mortal wounds, and puts it down for good. Mykael does notice that one of Bart's slashes has healed over already.

Bart sees FG2 falling and has more than enough spring in his step to reach FG1.

FG2 is not dead, but dying and fast.


Ari sends three more arrows at FG1 but his armor turns them all.

FG1 is feeling surrounded and alone. The blue haired banshee has not left his back. A mage with blades is attempting to close. A female warrior with Mithryl armor is leaving his range of attack and an enlarged human is closing fast.

FG1 foregoes his AoO on Val, thinking the charging wizard is more of a problem, since there are four of him. Val stores her shield and retrives her bow and readies an arrow.


AC 28, hit and one of the images disappears.

Rigging rushes in and stabs deep and hard, getting a grunt of pain for his efforts.

Ashira stands her gound and rains blows down on the giant, with blood flowing from two wounds.

Bart springs over and slashes the giant twice. The beast topples and is dead, his blood turning the sand red. Ashira is still standing on his back, hot and thirsty.

The invisible Apollo arrives just after all of the creature fall.


OOC: Bart took 28 damage last round, please take note.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp Haste  d20+4=24
Monday June 20th, 2005 10:12:51 AM

Val leaves the arrow notched and scans the area for other enemies. Giants and orcs weren't known for their intelligence and this was no random attack. Somebody was behind this attack and they would be watching.

ooc: spot check 24

Bart ac 23 hp 45?17?/71  2d8(5+1)=6
Monday June 20th, 2005 11:26:32 AM

Jim Bart has a dodge modifier of +1 ACto one opponent, after he kills one of the Ettins his attention goes to the other Ettin, so an +1AC is in place.

Bart grabs an cure moderate potion and drinks it (heals 2d8+6? = 12)

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible 
Monday June 20th, 2005 1:27:24 PM

Appolo arrives just as the giants go down.He appears next to Valanthe."Are you ok/"He looks around."Everyone ok?"

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 7/53 Haste  d20+4=9 d20+4=5
Monday June 20th, 2005 4:33:52 PM

Mykael drops to one knee to steady himself and survey's the area(9 spot). "We need to spread out some and look for survivors and be on the lookout for anymore threats," Mykael turns to Rigging, "Wouldnt you agree, Riggin?"

Mykael also takes a look across the water to see how the boat and people on board are fairing(spot 5).

OOC: got to get this boy some glasses!

Rigging 64/70  2d8(2+7)+3=12
Monday June 20th, 2005 6:39:03 PM

Rigging smiles when he sees the Giant fall. He sees the sad state of some of the Wildcards and says, "OK there is some kind of mastermind behind this and I want to have a rather harsh word with him. Still we need some time to regroup here.

Nezamil, we need some cures. Val needs a melee weapon, anyone have spares? We do have a lot of healing potions, we might want to take a few before we get after this party fellow."

Rigging start searching the giants while talking and will pause to quaff down a potion.
He will glance at his wife and grin, "You really got on that back dear. That is why I love you."

Potion of cure moderate

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk , mage armor 
Monday June 20th, 2005 9:22:23 PM

Jagar watches in relief as Fg2 finally falls ....with barely a beat of his heart gone by he turns to the lone remaining giant readying to join the battle but the swords mistress swords slice into the beast finishing it for good!

"well done Mrs Arrack! " shouts the Monk as he steps over to veiw her handi work

Jagar take a moment to meditate and heal himself (wholeness of body)(16 pts) focusing on the deepest wounds 1st and working his way to the less serious ones

"whats next Captain ?" inquires the monk " shall we recon the twon ?"

Nezamil Ac 26(30 vs giants) waterwalk,Sof 73/80  2d8(6+5)+5=16 2d8(3+1)+5=9
Monday June 20th, 2005 9:47:11 PM

The dwarf deactivates his magical boots (4 rds used)

"By Domi that was close " sighs Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi shakes the gore from his mace then slides it in the ring holster on his right hip quickly moving his hand to a pouch he withdraws a wand (cmw)...stepping over to Mykael the newest wildcard he taps him twice on the chest(2d8(6+5)+=16) 2d893+1)+5=9)( total 25 pts cured) "here my friend is some of Domi's healing touch "

Nezamil wipes his brow of sweat " in answer to your question about enlarging you i can only cast that spell once per day...it is a special spell Domi grants me ...but stick by me next time and i'll be happy to bestow it upon you " grins the Cleric

not sure how much time we have but Nezamil will use multiple uses of the wand on each member if possible , will roll in an additional post if requested

Ashira (AC26 32/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste, 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 12:03:22 AM

Ashira grins wickedly as she rides the giant down to his final resting place on the ground. She smiles and nods at Jager, and chuckles at Rigging's comment. As the Wildcards regroup, Ashira shakes her head vigorously as several people suggest scouting. "No, first we heal up, then we scout." Ashira looks very firm about the matter, and smiles as Nezamil begins using the wand. "Yeah, we should probably use that right now. Let's spread out those healing potions right now before we head into more trouble. How many do we have? Let's split them up more evenly. And remember folks, stick with battle buddies this go round. Val, Appolo and I...Rigging, Bart and Mykael...Nezamil, Jager and Ari. Let's do a better job of prioritizing our targets this go round...big guys first, then peons. And remember to take advantage of flanking people."

After giving out her instructions, Ashira moves over to Val. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she looks deeply at the Elven warrior. "You ok? Looks like that giant spooked you back there." Ashira hands Val one of her shortswords. "Here, use this till we can get you a replacement. I know it's not as delicate as you're used to using, but it'll get the job done." (+2 Shortsword)

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 12:16:13 AM

"No thanks you keep it. I have this heavy flail from the ship and I can probably use that better than most in the group due to its weight and my strength. This whole thing spooks me. Things like this don't just happen. Somebody sold us out and there are only a couple of people that knew we were on that ship."

Ari spider climb 7 of 60 hp, 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:13:26 AM

With the battle ended, Ari slumps in pain. Ari does his best to wait patiently for the healing that will come.

Hearing Ashira coach the others, Ari hopes the lessons take this time. Though the battle is finished, it could have been better.

"Val, I have my melee weapons if you want to use them. I haven't been using them too often as of late. Or you could just ask for them, if that happens again."

DM Jim: End of Battle 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 9:05:12 AM

The Wildcards catch themselves and are all happy to be alive. There is talk of healing and fighting organization.

All can see that the majority of the large structures of this village are on fire or burnt out. Several of the burnt out structures look like they may be a few days old as they are no longer smoking, but further inspection will be required for a better assessment.

Up the beach form the Wildcards is a greatly oversized heavy crossbow and it is doubtly that anyone could wield such a weapon, at least upon quick inspection. There is also a giant size pull wagon not far from one of the burning structures. The one that has the roasting people on the porch.

The smell of sulfur and burning flesh is heavy on the night air.

There is a crack in the earth 30 yards down the beach that runs from the river and through the village. There is steam rising from the crack. The crack is only a few feet wide at its widest, but does get wider as it moves inland.

The "Elenna Queen" does not seem to be burning any worse than before and she is still disembarking passengers upstream of your position approximately 50 yards. The oarsman is working hard against the current, but does not want to get too close to the battle scene.

Above the crackle of building fires a light cloying tune can be hear to carry on the wind. The music is north of your position.

Rigging does not find much on FG1 as he seems to be laying on it all.

OOC: One minute of time will elapse as the group prepares and visually scouts.

Bart I will give you 10 hit points back, as I will give you one Ettin miss.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp44/60 water walk Sof 63/80  2d8(8+7)+5=20 2d8(8+5)+5=18 2d8(2+1)+5=8 2d8(1+7)+5=13 2d8(3+6)+5=14 2d8(2+3)+5=10 2d8(4+4)+5=13 2d8(2+6)+5=13 2d8(1+6)+5=12 2d8(1+8)+5=14
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 2:50:49 PM

The Cleric of Domi tends to his fellow wildcards 1st making sure they are in good shape.

Double tapping Ashira 1st 2d8(8+7)+5=20 2d8(8+5)+5=18 (total 38 hit pts) " gotta have our combat leader up and ready " smiles the dwarf to the sea elf

Then the dwarf taps the other front line pounder Bart (total of 21 cured)

Stepping over to Ari " this should get ya back up on your feet " as the dwarf taps him twice with the wand ( total of 24 cured)

Nezamil then taps Mykael one more time for 13 cured

"Eveyone looks better " grins the dwarf " time for a few on myself " The cleric taps himself 3 times for 39 total

10 charges is 10 rds , one min of game time ,12 charges used so far total

everyone make sure you add the hit pts to yourselves

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk , mage armor  d20+6=9
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 2:59:44 PM

"i'll recon ahead a little in the direction of that music " remarks the Monk to Rigging " does that sound familar to anyone ?"

Jagar then jogs ahead towards the music scanning the horizen for movement( d20+6=9 spot ch) but keeping the Wildcards in sight

Bart AC 23 HP60/71  2d8(4+5)+3=12
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 5:09:27 PM

Bartdrinks another cure moderate wounds. I dont recognize the music, wonder where that crack is leading to. Shall we follow it? Or shall we help with the boat and the passengers?

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 6:14:13 PM

Rigging starts to pull on the giant but the lug is to heavy for him. He glances up at the enlarged Bart and smiles, "Uh Bart, can you flip this guy over. He might have some interesting stuff.

When Bart turns the giant, he will take a quick look see at his pouches and pockets. He will ask Appolo to check the other bodies.

"Why don't we find the author of the music. I think we should try and take care of it first before the other passengers start to land. I am definitely getting my money back though!"

Rigging will think to Swirl, "Hey buddy, can you tell what is making that music. By the way, great job on the hellhounds. When did you get so big?"

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 10:36:59 PM

"thank you" as cleric heals Ari. Ari then takes a quick look at the fissure to see if anything comes to mind. (any kind of knowledge check?).

"I'm not sure if they really had anything good, or whether it was brute strength."

Listening to the music, Ari ponders whether it is something that was enhancing the Giants.

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10), Haste  d20+12=22 d20+11=31
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 12:01:32 AM

Ashira smiles and thanks Nezamil for the healing. She looks over the party and makes sure they're combat ready once more. She nods at Rigging's assesment and motions for Appolo and Jager. "Why don't you two scout ahead for the source of the music and fill us in on what Swirl misses." As she gets ready, Ashira keeps a sharp eye to her surroundings, not wanting anything to sneak up on them before they sneak up on the musicians. (Spot=22, Listen=31)

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 1:05:09 AM

Valanthe sighs as she sees Ashira getting ready to head out. She would really just like to stand in the back and shoot arrows but the formation calls for her to be in the front line. Sighing again she puts her bow and arrow back into the magical quiver and grasps the unfamiliar heavy flail in her hands. It feel wrong, the grip is too big and it weighs more than she's used to but she can handle it. She's used a flail a few times before and knows the basics but that will be little use in the heat of battle.

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 2:11:49 AM

Appolo looks around"Hey Jager wait up;I coming with ya."Appolo then moves quickly up withthe monk."When we get close we seperate and circle come at it from opposite directions."

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+10=15 d20+6=21 d20+4=13 d20+1=7
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 5:40:54 AM

"Thanks for the healing taps, my dwarven friend, but do you have to poke it into the wounds?" Mykael says to Nez with a toying smirk.

Mykael recalls his battle with the Ettins and walks over to thier bodies. He reaches down and takes the simple leather armband off of the last one killed, and does a quick search of all of them for loot.

He then takes note of the scouts heading off and considers a quick spell. Mykael casts Detect Magic. He will concentrate first on the Giants and thier items, including the big crossbow. Then on the Ettins and thier equipment. Finally, on the Orcs and thier equipment. If any magic auras are noticed then Mykael will go and collect the item or items. If it is worn clothing or armor that needs to be taken off, he will note it to the group standing thier and hope they act to help him.

Once finished, Mykael will follow Bart watching his flank as the group moves in. He will take note of the wagon and its contents as they move by. He will also keep an eye on the crack in the ground(Knowledge Arcana - 15, Knowledge Planes - 21). He is also keeping an eye out for survivors.

(Spot - 13, Listen - 7)

Bart  d20+5=24
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 6:41:23 AM

Of course i can turn the giant Rigging (str check 25) No question about that!

DM JIM: Scouting and Searching 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 9:47:02 AM

Nezamil puts his wand into overdrive and starts to get the Wildcards back into fighting shape. By the end the wand feel warm in his hands.


Mykael and Rigging search the bodies with the help of Bart, while he is still enlarged.

Items of Note:


Magic Great sword
3 magic golden orbs, similar to the one Ashira experienced first hand.
Bag of 10 semi cut diamonds and 1000 gp


Magic Great sword
Silver and Mithyrl broach, magic
Bag of 9 semi cut diamonds and 900 gp


magic leather band
bag of 5 semi cut diamonds and 500 gp


magic leather arm band
bag of 5 semi cut diamonds and 500 gp

Giant sized two wheeled wagon:

Much sundered Mithyl armor and weapons
Bags of sulfur and barrels of pitch
Giant sized tindersticks


A total of 400 gp

Catapults, slightly singed, are of poor construction, but the giant crossbow is of masterwork quality, but real big.


Ari, Val and Ashira get their bearings and get ready for more action.


Jager and Apollo go and scout ahead.

They find most of the village either burning or burnt as it appears the Giants had been here for a few days. They scouts find a large morter and pestal that has bones in it.

The two follow the crack through the village to a large, several acre, boiling mud pit. The music is stronger on the other side of the village, but they do not see much. They look in and around the building, but find no one alive.

It is dark and Jager and Apollo and they are standing is the light of the burning buildings. They realize it would be much easier to see them from their back lite position. The music seems to be coming from a wooded area a few hundred yards from the village.

It takes an extra 30 seconds to do the scouting and return to the group.


Swirl responds to Rigging. "Glad to hear you are alive. I was worried. Did your WIFE, die?"


Everyone can smell the eight or nine roasting people on the porch a 100 feet away.

OOC: Please adjust spell effect times.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk , mage armor  d20+6=20 d20+6=26
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 5:02:10 PM

The Monk turns to Appolo " lets stick together and get away from the flames lighting up our postion and sneak forward a little more..... that music sounds close by " urges Jagar to Appolo as he moves forward a little more scanning(d20+6=20 listen ch)(d20+6=26 spot ch) the horizen and keeping alert

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 62/80 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 5:13:58 PM

Nezamil laughs at Mykaels humour " well gotta poke where it hurts to heal it " replies the dwarf with a equally sly grin

"Captain i think we're healthy enough to move forward again .....i certainly would like to know more of what is going on here " mentions Nezamil as he sweeps his hand towards the burning village " somebody sent these giants here and we need to figure who ? "

Rigging, mage armor, mirror image 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 7:16:59 PM

Rigging replies to Swirl, "No Ashira didn't die. Stop being so jealous. You know that I love you."

Rigging will help gather up the loot and then say, "Yes lets go find this creature that was sending the giant after us. Be careful though, it must be dangereous to be able to control this lot." Rigging points to the slain monsters.

Rigging agrees with the dwarf and leads the way. "Let's find out what is behind this."

mage armor hours
mirror image (2 images) 23/60

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 7:22:47 PM

Appolo looks at Jager"Yes your right,Back through the village.We'll circle around wide and enter the woods from the otherside.Agian stay together until we;re close and sure of it's position."Appolo then moves back into the village quickly.

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 11:45:11 PM

Ari follows the others and waits for the scout to report back. As he waits, he tries to wrack his brains for any information that would be beneficial.

(ooc adjust spell effects by how much? Spider climb for Ari lasts 40 minutes.)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:18:11 AM

Mykael follows the group and remarks, "hmmm... gotta come back and get some of that giant blood when this situation is under control." "Could be useful for something," Mykael ponders.

DM JIM: more Scouting and Loot gathering 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 1:04:58 PM

Jager and Apollo decide not to go back to the others on the beach and cirlce around to keep out of the fires light. From the shadows the two creep forward, the music gets stonger and their is an occasional voice, male and female added. After carefully moving 200 yards foreward, the two scouts notice people, mostly what appears to be women, tied to a rope line, 30 yards in front of them. There are two orcs standing on stumps straining to see what is in front of them.


All the others start gathering the loot and piling up the valuables.

Rigging feels excitement and frustration from Swirl.

Everyone wonders what has become of the scouts; at least no sounds of battle can be heard, just the sweet tune being carried on the wind.


OOC: Remember folks the giants great swords are 12 feet long. What is to be done with the giant sized items, swords, crossbow and pull cart?

Total elasped time since the battle 5 minutes.

Jagar Ac 25 Ho 64/65 waterwalk, mage armor  d20+6=10 d20+6=16
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 4:00:12 PM

Jagar sits quietly observing the events infront of him (d20+6=10 listen ch)(d20+6=16 spot ch) then quietly motions Appolo with hand signals that they should head back .

The Monk will quietly back away and make his way back to the wildcards staging area and inform Captain Rigging of their findings

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 4:56:06 PM

Bart has shrunken to his normal size and follows riigig into the woods. His sword is ready.

I think it could be handy to buy a portable hole or one of those bags at the catacombs to store our treasure

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:02:19 PM

Rigging smiles at Bart and nods his agreement. "Lets not worry about the larger items right now. Grab the gold, gems and the smaller magic things and if we get a chance then we can come back for the larger. That crossbow might make a nice ballista for the Sword.

Lets go find Jagar and Appolo." Rigging will lead the others toward the direction of the party.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 61/80  d20+5=15
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:21:24 PM

The dwarf takes up a postion near Ari making up 2/3's of their fighting triad " lets keep together "remarks Nezamil to Ari as he moves forward after Captain Rigging " lets keep a lookout for Appolo and Jagar "

" Hopefully we can surprise them this time instead of being ambushed ourselves " grins the dwarf as he gives the tall human a friendly tap on the back "

"By Domi we live in intresting times " murmers Nezamil as he walks past the dead bodies of fire giants and ettins as peers(d20+5=15 spot ch) into the night with his dwarven eyes

Appolo  d20+12=26 d20+11=20
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 5:40:18 PM

Appolo sees the woman and the two orcs,he whispers to Jager"Well we have to choices.We can go back for the others or we can take out the orcs and rescue the woman ourselves.What do you think.Appolo creeps silently for ward,staying in the shadows.

Move Silent 26,Hide 20

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10),  d20+7=25
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:27:14 PM

After she has gathered up as much of the loot that she can carry without over burdening herself, Ashira gathers the potions that they retrieved from the last battle and hands them out. She gives keeps 2 potions for herself and then hands out one potion to each of the other wildcards (and 2 to Rigging). "There, now stick with your battle groups...and remember the game plan. Watch each other's backs and maybe we won't have to see Gargul again." Ashira unconciously rubs the tattoo that indicates her service to the god of death.

When they head out, Ashira joins up with Val. She moves stealthy into the forest, making very little noise despite her bulky armor (move silently=25).

Active spells
Barkskin (10min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (4min/10min remain)

OOC I really can't remember...do we know what kind of healing potions they are? I don't think we got them identified.

Friday June 24th, 2005 3:13:43 AM

I take one of the swords and store it in my glove of storing, could be handy as Nezamil enlarges me again

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+4=21 d20+1=13
Friday June 24th, 2005 5:13:31 AM

Mykael puts the 2nd giant sword and crossbow in the pull wagon.

Then he follows after the group keeping his eyes and ears open. Taking a rear defensive position for the whole of the group.

(spot = 21, listen = 13)

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp 
Friday June 24th, 2005 7:35:51 AM

Ari helps pack away the loot. Ari becomes more anxious as he waits for the scouts to come back, or for the group to move out.

DM JIM: Closer and Closer....... 
Friday June 24th, 2005 8:02:28 AM

Apollo and Jager move up as quitely as possible and are now 30 feet from the orcs backs. They can see at least 2 score of women, mostly older, with hands bound and tied to a line over their heads. The line is tied between two larger trees.

All of the women look very scared and uncomfortable, some have torn cloths and obvious cuts and brusies.

Apollo and Jager can see a bondfire 30 yards beyond the two orcs and the captive women and in a shallow depression. Dancing and singing are at least 20 young and nubile women (human and elf by the size) dancing and singing around the bondfire. Dancing with them are several men with horns and fur covered bodies. The men have hooves too! One of the goat men is playing a wind instrument and very well. The tune is very rythmic and enchanting and Jager and Apollo almost want to dance.

There are what appear to be two very small male elves in the group also and somthing that looks like a cross between a grasshopper and an elf, but also very small.

There is very little cover from the captive women to the bondfire.


Apollo and Jager notice that the rest of the wildcards are slowly coming up on them. Their friends are 50 yards behind them in the light tree cover. They are easier to spot as they are back lit by the burning buildings behind them. No one else has noticed them yet.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Sunday June 26th, 2005 9:41:12 AM

Many questions still plague her as the silence continues to linger. Just what was going on here? Did they stumble into something more or did these monsters do this because of them. She knows that the chance of finding out such things are slim.

Sunday June 26th, 2005 11:09:43 AM

Rigging will whisper behind him as he leads his friends into the next ambush, "Shhh try and be quiet, what yourselves and remember we have friends out there somewhere. No mass spells until we know where they are."

Rigging then pulls out a wand of his bag (fireballs)

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 62/80 
Sunday June 26th, 2005 7:14:10 PM

The dwarf nods at Riggings assessment of possible friendly fire possibility .....keeping close to Ari one of his trio of battle bretheren Nezamil whispers to him " lets stay behind Rigging's trio till the action starts then move a little to the right side covering their right flank "

The Cleric thinks thru his available spells smiling slightly as a couple come to mind that can be useful

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 64/65 waterwalk  d20+6=17
Sunday June 26th, 2005 7:22:21 PM

Jagar quietly hand signals Appolo of their fellow wildcards movement.

Sidling quietly up next to Appolo " if they get seen we can surprise the elves and goat people from the flank causing some disruption to their ranks " whispers the Monk to Appolo as he prepares for such a action scanning(d20+6=17 spot ch) the crowd for spell casters using his vast experience in hunting mages as a slave

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10)  d20+12=21 d20+11=15 d20+7=18
Sunday June 26th, 2005 11:00:30 PM

Ashira continues to sneak in toward the music...balancing her weight carefully from foot to foot as she moves steadily forward (Move Silent=18). Still, there is the slight clink, clink from her armor. As she travels, her ranger instincts kick in to overdrive....her keen eyes flitting over the landscape (Spot=21, Listen=15). Whoa there...will ya look at that. We stick out like a sore thumb! With several sharp handsignals over to Val and Rigging, Ashira tries to point out the fact that they are backlit. She starts traveling more quickly toward the edges of the music, trying to rectify the Card's tactical error.

Active spells
Barkskin (10min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (4min/10min remain)

Monday June 27th, 2005 3:17:24 AM

Bart knows that his sneaking skills are not so good, Stepping on a branch or two, noises from the rings of his chainshirt. He stays in the back of the group, ready to rush forward with an spring attack if necesary.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 59 Invisible  d20+12=18 d20+11=28 d20+9=19 d20+9=20 d10+4=9 d8+4=12 d6=5 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5 d6=1 d6=1 d6=3 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=2
Monday June 27th, 2005 3:47:28 AM

Appolo getures toward the two orcs"Let's just take out those two orcs,before they hear and see the rest of our group.Come on I got the one on the right."Appolo draws his blades goes invisible and rushes silently forward to take the orcs from behind.He backstabs the orc on the right twice.

Move Silently 28 Hide 18

LOngsword attack 19 Damage 9
Shortsword Attack 20 Damage 12
Backstab damage 40
Total Damage 61

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 
Monday June 27th, 2005 5:22:53 AM

Mykael stays at the rear of the group, watching the back, as they are advancing. He moves as quietly as possible.

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp  d20+7=19 d20+6=26
Monday June 27th, 2005 7:22:31 AM

Ari winces as he realizes others of his group are not being very sneaky like. (Hide=19, MS=26 (crit succ)). If he can help at all, he'll try to show those around him where to step, maybe how to set, in order to try to make them quieter.

Ari is glad that he doesn't wear heavy armor, as it would rub and chafe with his current injuries.

DM JIM: Blood is Spilled - Combat round 1  d20=11 d20+4=23
Monday June 27th, 2005 8:59:00 AM

The bulk of the Wildcards are moving up on the sound of the music through a lightly wooded area with with little undergrowth. Ashira directs the Wildcards off to the side so that the building fires are not directly behind the Wildcards. All of the Wildcards are slowed as they attempt to move with as little sound and as much stealth as possible.

The main group of Wildcards can now make out what appears to be a group of people sitting down between two trees, but their is not much detail as they are still 30 yards away.


Jager moves over to Apollo, suggesting that they set up in a flanking position. Apollo moves forward and stabs one of the two orcs watching the dancing and music in front of him in the back and then decapitates him. The second orc is surprised by the quick action (Intitiative 11 vs. 23 for Apollo) and all everyone hears is the ringing of metal on metal as he draws his long sword and closes with Apollo.

Apollo and the Orc are 5 feet from one another to start the next round.

The bound women see the blood before them and the weapons drawn and at least a half a dozen sream in suprise and horror at the dead orc and the combat that is sure to come.

All of the music stops. Jager and Apollo can see everyone in the slight depression around the campfire stop dancing. The people and creatures around the campfire are 30 yards from Jager and Apollo and 60 yards and not visible to the other Wildcards.

OOC: Jager and Apollo DC 22 spot check to notice anything interesting going on down in the

An additional minute has gone by from all active spells.

List AC, HP and active spells, also spell lists and check of all spells cast.

Rigging 64/70  d20+12=17
Monday June 27th, 2005 11:19:34 AM

Rigging hears the screams and knows that Jagar and Appolo are gonna be in trouble and need help. "OK time for secrecy is over. We need to move!"

Rigging leads by example and hustles forward stopping short of the clearing and ducking behind some cover...tree, boulder, shrubs...something, and takes in the scene (spot 17) (Hustle is movement X3)

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

have used mage armor, haste, magic missile, monster summoning 4

mage armor hours

Ari spider climb 31 of 60 hp AC 18 
Monday June 27th, 2005 3:11:31 PM

"So much for taking anyone by surprise" Ari grumbles.

"While the fighters engage, shall we try to free the tied up ones? Or do you think they'll need your services right away?" Ari whispers to Nezamil.

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, -Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, *cats grace, -bulls strength

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk, Sof 51/80  d20+5=7
Monday June 27th, 2005 3:55:46 PM

"By Domi they've seen us " utters the dwarf " nah lets take care of the thugs first....we need all of us to attack at once to bring the full weight of our powers to bear for a quick victory " replies the Nezamil to Ari " then we can free them "

"now lets follow the Captain "urges Nezamil to Ari " remember we protect his right flank"

The dwarf sprints after Rigging bearing slightly to the right to take a protective flanking postion on the leader scanning(d20+5=7 spot ch) that side for signs of danger

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,Mage armor  d20+6=20 d20+8=21 d10+3=8 d20+8=24 d10+3=7 d20+3=4
Monday June 27th, 2005 4:06:05 PM

The Monk grimaces as Appolo initiates the attack early but springs into action and makes a beeline to the orc on the left engaging it with a flurry of blows (1st swing d20+8=21)(d10+3=8 dam) and pounds away (2nd swing d20+8=24)(d10+3=7 dam)but missing with his final leg sweep (total 15 damage) as his eyes search for mages(d20+6=20 spot ch)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=22 d20+9=27 d10+4=10 d8+4=12
Monday June 27th, 2005 5:03:07 PM

Appolo doesn't miss a beat and immediately attacks the next orc.Slashing into it viciusly.
"Ok move."He then goes invisible and steps back.

Atack 22 damage 10 Attack 27 damage 12

Appolo OOC  d20+6=26 d20+6=20
Monday June 27th, 2005 5:04:20 PM

Sorgot Spot check 26 Listen 20

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Monday June 27th, 2005 6:29:00 PM

Val moves forward gripping the heavy flail uneasily in her right hand. It felt odd but she didn't have time to worry about it. Later when things were quiet would she try to examine it further.

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10) 
Monday June 27th, 2005 9:27:14 PM

Ashira hears the women's screams. Son of a pickled herring! Well, that would be Appolo's work...Jager's a lot cleaner. Silently the unique ranger fumes as she casts a spell (Longstrider) and then streaks across the wooded area sticking close to Valathe. "Alright" she calls out in Elven "Remember the plan...stick with your partners...focus on the worst threat...and don't get too spread out. C'mon, let's go."

As she hussles along, Ashira looks over at Val. "I told him to scout...all I told him to do was scout... You know, one day his impulsiveness is going to get him killed."

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Bart AC 24 hp 60/71 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 3:24:07 AM

Bart rushes forward following his friends, grabs his potion of bull strength and drinks it

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+4=10
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 5:55:55 AM

Mykael stays right on Bart's tail. He trys to see ahead survey the whole scene and looks to the left flank, and rear for danger.

(spot = 10)

1st - Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand
2nd - Alarm, Comp Langs
3rd - Haste

DM JIM: The Party is Over - Combat Round Two  d20+5=16
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 1:14:13 PM

The second orc swings his sword wildly over Apollo's head and then Jager and Apollo make quick work of him. The second Orc falls into a bloody pile.

The women tied to the line are all screaming now, some in horror at the ferocity of the attack and some for their freedom. "Please free us! Help us and our Children!"

Apollo scans the depression and notices that two of the goat men and both of the small elven men and the small cricket taur creature have disappeared.

The remaining three goat men are herding the young and nubile human and elf females around themselves as they scan the area. The women seem to have adjusted their clothing to be much more provacative. All of the women seem to be helping the goat men get themselves organized.

This is the scene that Rigging sees as he takes cover behind a medium sized tree.

The other Wildcards either have cast spells or have not run as fast as their leader, but will arrive at his position, or to either flank, in the next round.

One of the goat men seems to be calling out something over and over again. It appears to be two words.

OOC: Apollo will go invisible at the start of the next round, since he was in combat.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,mage armor  d20+6=25
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 3:13:08 PM

As the orc's bloody body drops to the ground Jagar continues to scan(d20+6=25 spot ch) for spellusers

Catching a glimpes of the trio of goat people herding the young women an idea pops into the Monks head .Turning to the women tied up screaming for help Jagar deftly whips out a dagger from its sheath on his left thigh and steps over to the rope and slashes it freeing the women " go get your children " shouts the Monk to them " that should cause some confusion in the goatmens ranks helping the Captain's attack " thinks the monk

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 50/80  d20+5=16
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 4:19:19 PM

Nezamil does his best to keep up with his Captain but his dwarven heritage slows him a little "Ari hurry we can't let him be caught alone " remarks Nezamil as he chugs along

"When we catch up we take his right flank" huffs the dwarf as he closes in on Rigging..... quickly looking(d20+5=16 spot ch) for danger

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 7:23:25 PM

"Jager their children are being controlled by the goat men. Keep them away or our job will get infinitely harder. Captain I could draw my bow but I fear that the goat men would used the charmed women as shields."

Rigging ac 19 mage armor blinking 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 10:31:57 PM

Rigging is tempted to just fireball the whole bunch. He doesn't really know that the women our under enchantment. They could be allies. He sighs and says, "Bart and Mykael with me. We will take out those 3 among the girls. I want you others to find the ones that disappeared. Anyone have detect magic?"

Rigging will activate his ring of blinking and stride forward, pulling out his weapons, to engage the goat men next round. (Move 30 to engage)

Ashira (AC26 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=22 d20+11=23
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 11:46:58 PM

Ashira sighs...it was going down bad. She guides Val over to the left flank of Rigging's group. "Ok...you heard the Captain. Let's find the escapes...Fan out a little bit." Ashira moves into the forested area looking for the bad guys who ran away (Spot=22, Listen=23). She makes absolutely positive not to move too far from where Rigging is planning his attack.

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+6=9
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:33:19 AM

Appolo crouches down goes invivible and scans the are for the missing opponents.Sees Nothing.he waits for the next move.

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 60/60 mins  d20+4=24 d100=37
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 6:11:44 AM

"Nezamil can back you up, Rigging," Mykael hollers at the Captain. "I believe that I may be of better use searching for the others."

Mykael casts See Invisibility. (made spell failure 37%)

And scans the whole area. (Spot = 24, Natural 20, if it helps)

OOC: in my last post I messed up my spell list.. I posted my 0-level spells as 1st level, my 1st level as 2nd, forgot my 2nd, and posted my 3rd levels correctly... so here is my correct list of my remaining spells...

0 lvl - Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand
1 lvl - Alarm, Comprehend Lang
2 lvl - Web, Invisibility
3 lvl - Haste

Bart AC 24 hp 60/71 Bullstrength  d20+15=20 d10+9=11
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:44:29 AM

Bart rushes forward with Rigging if possible he makes an spring attack (ac 20 for 11) (didn calculate the benefits of bullstrength)

DM JIM: Combat Round 3  d3=3
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 1:14:31 PM

Jager goes and frees the tied up women and orders them to get their children. The women are not quick to act with so many armed warriors running by. Most of the women are huddling together, for now, and they seem to take Val's words of interferrence to heart.

Many of the Wildcards rush forward and look for opponents. Rigging and Bart in the center, Val and Ashira on the left flank and Nezamil alone on the right flank.

Three Bison's appear in front of Rigging and Bart, too far for combat this round.

Mykael sees two small elves move off toward the Wildcards left flank. They are interesting in that they have very fine gossamer wings. They have bows out. Only Mykael can see them.

Mykael also sees two Satyr's in the back of the group with wands out. Only Mykael can see them.

Mykael also sees the cricket taur (still small sized) move out toward Nezamil. Only Mykael can see him.


Apollo goes invisible and watches.

Ari stands his ground and does nothing.

Map coming

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 60/60 mins  d100=22 d20+10=27 d20+6=18
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 2:59:28 PM

Dang it!!!

"Ash, Val... Flying elves with bows by you, Nez... you are about to have insect probs, and wand wielders to the rear... SO SPREAD OUT!!!" Mykael barks off what he sees.

Mykael turns and faces the satyrs with the wands to the rear, He looks at two trees one on either side of the satyrs and casts web(22% for failure, made it). Mykael anchors the web between the two trees trying to catch the satyrs in the web.

Knowledge Arcana = 27, Knowledge Planes = 18, to remember any information on all these creatures, especially helpful info.

Bart AC 23 (+1 dodge to nearest bison)HP60/71 Bullstrength  d20+17=36 d20+17=32 d10+12=15 d10+12=20 d6=5
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 5:13:51 PM

How do the bisons appear? Out of thin air? Hostile behavior?
Bart goes further forward towards the goatmen.
If the Bisons are hostile aka attacking him he will counter attack (spring attack threat crit ac 32 for 40 dam)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+12=28 d20+11=20
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 5:21:33 PM

Appolo sees Nezamil alone and hears Mykael's warning.Appolo moves quickly and silently to dwarf.He will be in position to flank anyone who attacks Nexamil.Once Appolo arrives he will crouch low and wait.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,mage armor  d20+6=18
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:02:54 PM

The monk sheaths his dagger as he scans the battle field (d20+6=18 spot ch) and spots Nezamil standing alone on Riggings right flank.

Jagar turns and looks back as Mykael yells out his warnings and heads back to help the dwarf ......sweeping around to get behind whoever is heading the dwarfs way and looking to flush them out in the open "we fought well together in that last fight taking out that giant........ hope its a mage trying to sneak up Nezamil " grins the monk to himself

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 49/80  d20+5=8
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 8:33:17 PM

The dwarf hears Mykaels scouting report " good eyes " murmers Nezamil to himself " he's got skills "

The Cleric surveys(d20+5=8 spot ch) the woods looking for the culprit but see's nothing but bushes and trees " too much scrubbery to hide behind even my good dwavern eyes can't catch a glimpse of anything...gonna change that " thinks the dwarf as he reaches into a pouch drawing forth a little moss and a silver coin "Domi grant your humble servant light " intones the Cleric as he touches the silver coin and it begins to glow brightly(casting light spell ) and throws the coin into the forest in front of him shedding light in a 40 ft radius " come out and play " laughs Nezamil as he searches for the interloper while standing his grounding on Riggings right flank

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 10:22:45 PM

Val looks up toward the unseen archers, raising her shield to try and protect herself from any arrows. It would be a bad thing to get taken down by a couple of arrows from somebody in a tree.

"Ashira do you see them?"

Rigging ac 19 hps 64/70 blinking mage armor  d100=37
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 11:55:55 PM

Rigging guages the distance and realizes that he can't reach the goatmen this round. He decides to try and take some allies away and interrupt some spells. He casts dispel magic on the area centered on F11. (it bursts out in a 30' radius from there. Jim have no idea how many spell checks to make. Would have to make one for each female who is charmed and I believe all the goatmen and other allies who are invisible)

Rigging would like to move forward and will cut the angle to try and avoid the bison (Jim not sure where to go since the bison should take up a 10 area each). Rigging heads to the right trying to get close enough to engage the goatmen next round.

blinking 1/7
mage armor hours

Spells used magic missile, haste, dispel magic, mage armor, monster summoning 4

made blink check for dispel magic

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=32 d20+11=12 d20+14=33 d20+14=22 d6+5=10 2d6(2+6)+10=18
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 11:59:59 PM

Ashira carefully scans the surrounding area (Spot=32, nat. 20-Success!, Listen=12, nat. 1-failure). Wait...what was that?? She does a double take as she catches an almost undetectable movement of the leaves in a nearby tree. That's not right!! Ashira grins as she realizes that she has just located one of the winged archers that Mykael indicated.

If the floating archers are within 40 feet
Carefully, she works her way over to it and takes a swipe, not exactly sure the invisible opponent is, but willing to give it a go (AC 33/22 for 18 crit, 10 if no crit.)

If the floating archers are not within 40 feet
The ranger smiles. Fair is fair...I can play that game too... Ashira calls to Val "Don't worry about the invises...lets go with what we've got...protect the children." Then, with a quick rub of her ring, Ashira disappears from sight and begins to head toward the satyrs.

OOC (Jim, as I understand the conditions on DMG pg. 295, with the natural 20 on the Spot, Ashira would know where the creatures are...assuming it's within 30 feet, but would suffer a 50% concealment penalty. I'll leave that for you to roll).

DM JIM: How does Ashira get AC 26??????

Nellie: (10base+8mithral plate+3Dex+1Ring of Prot.)=22+3 Barkskin...sorry, my bad...should be 25.

DM JIM: The Music Returns - Combat Round 4  d20+5=19 d20+6=17 d20+10=19 d20+18=38 d20+24=28 d20+7=27 d20+7=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=15 d20+8=24 d100=4 d3=2
Thursday June 30th, 2005 1:05:33 PM

Mykael effectivly arranges his web to catch the two wand wielding invisible Satyr's in the back of the group. Each seems to be moving out of the web, but one uses his wand and the web disappears.

The still invisible Satyr's are attempting to hide from Mykael gaze (Hide 38 and 28), in and among the bushes.

Rigging casts his dispel magic and gets all of the excited young human and elvish women. Several of them seem to change their demenor and look scared. The three visible Satyr's are in the dispell magic. Rigging is unsure if anyone else was caught in its effect as they are still not visible.

A soft calm soothing male voice calls down to them from behind "Do not worry lovlies, we will protect you from the brigands."


Nezamil helps everyone with their vision by casting a light spell. Apollo and Jager join Nezamil on the right flank.

All can hear a toe tapping fiddle begin to play. The tune is infectious and makes you want to dance. Only Nezamil, Apollo and Jager fall under its magical effects.

DC 16 will save or fall into a dancing fit. See O. Irresitable Dance.

The fiddle player is not visible, but the sound is pretty close by and at ground level.


Ashria notices some tree branches move and figues it is the flying elves. They are too high and far away for an attack, so she goes invisible and forward 40 feet.

Val readies her shield to where Ashira points the archers may be and follows Ashira.

In elvish Val and Ashria hear a high pitched conversation not too far away. "Very high quality women flesh." "Yes, but very dirty." " We will just have to let them clean themselves up." Some high pitched giggling.

When Ashira goes invisible one adds. "We will find you my big beautiful blue haired half breed."

Two arrows are shot at Val in response.

AC 27, hit, no critical possible as there is no damage.
AC 22, miss, Ashira's warning was just in time. I did not give a flanking bonus becasue of the warning.

DC 16 will save or fall asleep.

The archers do not become visible.

DC 26 spot check to know their general area, if not Val or Ashira or Mykael.


The three bisons move in on Rigging and Bart.

Bisons are AC 13

Two move to crush Bart and one the smaller human, Rigging.


AC 13, miss and killed by Bart's attack
AC 15, miss


AC 24, hit, if Rigging was not blinking at the time (4), so a miss.


Ari is frozen in fear as two more bisons appear.

The freed older women (Still have hands bound, but are now mobile) move and huddle around the frozen hero for protection.


One each of the visible Satyr's moves forward. One toward each flank and one up the center. The one in the center calls out in elvish. "Brigands, stand down, you can not win. How about we trade you for the two fine female specimen's you have, even if they could use a little work?" The Satyr scans Val and the just disappeared Ashira with an apraising eye.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 3:11:02 PM

Heading down the depression, there is a scowl on Ashira's invisible face. Half breed, huh?? Ohh....they'll eat those words. Thousands of rather crass comeback lines come to mind, but Ashira knows better than to blow her cover by talking. She continues to stalk the satyrs...moving closer to the lead satyr in preparation to strike (n9).

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Walter OOC 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 4:37:58 PM

Before I post I was wondering since its a will save is it a special magical sleep that gets past Val's natural elven immunity to magical sleep?

DM JIM: It is of a very powerful nature, but I will give you an additional +2 for the reference.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 44/60 waterwalk Sof 48/80  d20+10=29 d20+5=22 d20+13=25 d8+5=8
Thursday June 30th, 2005 8:38:25 PM

The dwarf feels the pull of the music momentarily but resists its insidious charm.

Looking(d20+5=22 spot ch) about for the source of the song Nezamil thinks he see's somthing in the scrubbery "there ya are" exclams the dwarf stepping forward into the magical lit area as his mace whistles out of his ring holster and points it towards "ya can't hide anymore " Nezamil charges(Z-15 to the pesky critters spot) the culprit swinging(d20+13=25) his mace with fury bashing it(d8+5=8 dam) "over here " shouts the dwarf .

[i] OOC : i didnt get the maps so i'm not accurate on my exact postion

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,Mage armor  d20+12=30 d20+9=19 d10+3=11
Thursday June 30th, 2005 9:17:58 PM

As Jagar moves to helpout Nezamil he hears the music floating in the air " thats a nice song (d20+12=30 will ch)wonder if they play that in the taverns of South Harbor " asks the monk to no one particular.

When Nezamil pinpoints the source of the music the fleetfooted Monk surges forward his speed (moves 50') taking him to Nezamils right flank cutting of one of its escape routes hopefully.

Closing in on the dwarfs shouted postion "i'm gonna kock you out " whispers Jagar(stunning fist attack) as he launches (d20+9=19 )himself at the creature(d10+3=11 dam)
striking it the chest (hopefully ;))

stunning fist Dc fort ch 10 +( 1/2level)+4 +wis +4= 18 (dc fort ch=18) stunning fist , failing is stunned for 1 rd

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp  d20+9=15
Thursday June 30th, 2005 10:00:29 PM

She heard the twang of a bowstring and sighed when she didn't feel the sting of an arrow against her flesh. Looking over she was suprised to find an arrow had gotten past her shield and logged into her shoulder. She reached to pull it out but her limbs felt heavy. It was hard to move and her eyes were becoming heavy.

"Ashira I've been poisoned." She gasps out before collapsing upon the ground.

ooc: will save 15

Rigging ac 19 62/70 hps  d100=76 d20+11=30 d6+1=7 2d6(5+6)=11
Thursday June 30th, 2005 11:13:36 PM

Rigging will dart forward to N12 and stab the goatman with his shortsword. Rolled blink roll and made it. Hit ac 30 for 18 points of damage.

OOC Since I am blinking, I get flanking bonus and backstab damage hence the 2d6.

"You really shouldn't say such nasty things about my wife. She is twice as mean as me!"

Bart AC 23 (+1 dodge to nearest goatmen)HP60/71 Bullstrength  d20+8=25 d20+8=19 d10+21=29 d10+21=25 d6=3
Friday July 1st, 2005 3:23:44 AM

Bart place an coupe de grace ont the second bison and then jumps away towards a goatman (spring attack, power attack +9, threat crit ac 19, 57 dam)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 60/60 mins -  d100=86
Friday July 1st, 2005 5:55:57 AM

Running out of spells... Mykael casts Haste(spell failure roll 86%, made). He can only effect Rigging, Bart, Ari, Appollo, Jager, and himself.

"Lets pick of the pace a little," Mykael comments.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18 
Friday July 1st, 2005 7:24:30 AM

Shaking off the effect of the fear, Ari wakes up to the situation. Ari does a quick scan to see what is going on.

(sorry about posting, time constraints)

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+4=24 d20+12=16 d20+11=18 d20+6=20 d20+9=19 d20+9=15 d10+4=12 d6=4 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d6=6
Friday July 1st, 2005 12:22:02 PM

Appolo shakes off the music and follows Jager moving as quickly and silently as possible toward the source,blades ready.He attacks the same area that Nexamil and Jager attack.Suddenly coming visible Appolo swings twice with out saying a word.BAckstabbing the creature once.

Will save 24,LIsten 20 Hide 18,Move silently 16
Attack 19 Damage 12 Backstab 29

DM JIM: The Music Stops - Combat round 5  d20+8=18 d20+10=24 d8+9=13 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d100=13 d100=96 d20+1=2 d20+5=8 d20+8=13 d20+8=18 d100=84 d8+9=14 d3=1
Friday July 1st, 2005 1:07:33 PM

Jager, Nezamil and Apollo move out and strike wildly, but their weapons find nothing.

OOC: Need a natural 20 spot check to have a chance to know where they are unless they just went invisible in front of you.

As the right flank moves out in an attempt to engage the fiddler the music stops. The grasses and bushes start to grab at clothing and limbs.

Entangle DC 16 reflex save or be held fast, save for half movement.


Ari comes out of his funk and scans the battlefield. Ari does notice the 40 or so old women pressed around him, all with bound hands.

The women by Ari move back and slightly and take him with them as Bart fights the bisons in front of them.


Mykael keeps watch and gives his friends a bit of haste help. Mykael does see the small cricket taur make a spectacular leap over the advancing left flank and is now behind them, hiding somewhere in the grasses.


Bart is still fighting the bisons. Two attack him with one flanking.

AC 18, miss - and Bart carves up some bison steak as he kills the creature
AC 24, hit, damage 13, raming Bart and getting some retribution for his friends.


Val sucummbs to the poison and stumbles and falls forward. Val is not completely asleep as her elven blood fights the affliction. Val feels like she just woke up from a deep slumber and is just not fully awake yet.

OOC: Effect as slow spell, -4 to all abilities (Str, Int, etc.). Roll DC 16 will save each combat round(No more +2 bonus). Each sucess gives back +1 to all abilities. Slow effects end after four sucessful saves.


Rigging stabs the Satyr hurting it. The Satyr seems surprised that he is hurt and go on the full defensive.

AC 20

The Satyr's attack on Rigging is feeble.

AC 2, nat. 1

The young nubile females move to the opposite side of the bondfire to be away from Rigging's attack. One fiesty looking red head even yells "Leave us alone Brigind!"

The invisible archers call out to Ashira. "Where is our blue haired beauty?" " I saw her first, she is mine! You get the other one." In there high squeeky voices.

Two arrows streak toward Rigging.

AC 25, hit, but misses as he blinks
AC 27, hit, no damage, DC 16 will save or lose all memories (including spells)

The Satyr closest to Ashira seems to be searching for her, spot 8, but is not looking in the right direction.

The two free bisons move to attack Rigging.

AC 13, miss
AC 18, hit made blink (84) for 14 damage

One more bison appears to support the hurt Satyr.


Map coming

Rigging ac 20 haste, blink, and mage armor  d20+7=23 d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d20+11=19 d100=77 d100=56 d100=83 d6+1=7 d6+1=2 2d6(6+2)=8 2d6(4+1)=5
Friday July 1st, 2005 2:10:54 PM

Rigging feels the pinprick and his mind goes fuzzy for a second but the image of Ashira snuggling with a goatman snaps his mind back to attention. (Made save of 23)He silently thanks Mykael for his spell and his improved speed.

He swings 3 times hitting twice with his shortsword stabbing the Goatman in the kidney area. (Made all three blinks) He does 23 points of damage to the horny creature.

blink 2 of 6
haste 1 of ?
mage armor hours

Nezamil Av 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 47/80 ,inviso purge 80/80 
Friday July 1st, 2005 8:50:38 PM

The dwarf changes tactics to fight their unseen foe "Domi grant me to see what is hidden " intones the Cleric as he touches his anvil holy symbol....it pulses slightly (casting inviso purge 40 radius) and advances a little (5 ft move to Q-17)

As the hidden becomes discovered " there is what we seek " points out the dwarf

Nezamil  d20+3=22
Friday July 1st, 2005 8:55:29 PM

Dc 16 reflex ch = d20+3=22 reflex save !! woohoo!!

forgot to roll

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk ,Mage Armor  d20+10=29 d20+8=26 d10+3=6 d20+8=9 d20+3=12
Friday July 1st, 2005 9:08:18 PM

Jagar waits for a moment as the dwarf casts a spell waiting for its effect "hope he's casting something good " thinks Jagar

As the unseen foes become visible " nice one stout one " comments Jagar

Just then the brush comes alive but the agile Monk deftly avoids its clutches (d20+10=29 reflex save) and streaks towards the now visible foe "sneaky mage you are but not for long " as he again launches himself at the now visible creature , Jagar becomes a blur of motion (d20+8=26 1st swing)(d10+3=6 dam) smacking the creature but awakened plants throw his aim off(d20+8=9 2nd swing nat 1) swing way wide of his mark even his final front kick misses (d20+3=12 3rd swing)
"Pretty quick on your feet " adds the monk as he maneuvers for around the creature

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp (-3 to all abilities)  d20+7=22 d20=16
Friday July 1st, 2005 10:50:03 PM

Valanthe fights to stay conscious and she slowly staggers to her feet. She wobbles and wavers like she had too much wine but thats not the case. Valanthe has never slept before and has no idea what she's feeling nor how to truly fight it. She stumbles and staggers around in a circle finding it hard to stay in one spot. She tries to look for whatever shot her but her blurred vision can't spot an invisible creature. Needing to do something she staggers toward a satyr.

ooc: will save 22, spot check nat 16

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+13=18 d20+6=20 d20+6=14
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 11:04:30 AM

As the Nexamil casts his spell Appolo jumps backward away from the vines trying to entangle him.He looks around and sees Valanthe in trouble.Now visible Appolo says to his comrades"Guys Val is in trouble.I'm going to go take care of her.You guys waste thse punks."He then sprints headlong to Valanthe's side"Val.Sunshine what is wrong?Here let's go you need to sit down."He tries to lead Valanthe away from the battle.He also keeps his head on a swivel looking for any would be attackers.

Reflex 18 Spot 20 listen 14

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53 - SI 1/60 mins - Haste 1/6 - Invisible  d100=25
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 4:24:32 PM

Mykael casts invisibility(made spell failure, 25%) on himself them moves 30' straight towards the winged elves.

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to nearest goatmen)HP47/71 Bullstrength Haste1/6  d20+15=29 d10+12=18 d6=6
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 7:39:48 PM

Bart makes an spring attack to the goatman Rigging is fighting with (ac 30 for 24)

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp (-3 to all abilities) 
Monday July 4th, 2005 7:47:51 AM

Val pulls her arm free before she took a step. "While I stand I shall fight! Expecting anything less of me is an insult. You want to help kill whatever shot me or a satyr they are allied with." She says with anger dripping from each word.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+14=20 d20+9=16 d20+14=29 d20+6=9 d6+5=7 d6+5=7 d6+3=4
Monday July 4th, 2005 9:55:19 AM

Taking a 5 foot step (n10), Ashira is tempted to take down the bison that is attacking Rigging, but remembers the battle plan. Better make this one count... She launches a full attack on the lead satyr, taking full advantage of her invisibility (AC20 for 7, AC16 for 7, AC29 for 4). As she pops back into view, there is a large grin on her face.

OOC: Jim, I think you listed the satyr's AC's but I can't find it.

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

DM JIM: The table turn - Combat Round 6  d20+8=26 d20+8=23 d100=85 d100=98 d20+8=9 d20+8=21 d8+8=13 d8+8=15 d20+7=17 d20+7=23 d3=3
Monday July 4th, 2005 1:20:12 PM

Rigging thinks he may have killed the Satyr in front of him. It is down and bleeding very badly. Bart springs to the area of his captain hoping to help, but all that is around are bisons.

Two bison each attempt to run over Rigging and Bart.


AC 26, hit (85 blink)13 damage
AC 23, hit (98 blink)15 damage


AC 21, miss
AC 9, miss


Ashira becomes visible and lashes out at another Satyr, wounding him. The Satyr is very surprised by the savageness of the attack and withdraws and retreats at high speed.

Two arrows streak toward Ashria, as she is now visible, but both miss the quick ranger.

AC 17, miss
AC 23, miss

Mykael can see the two small winged elves gaining altitide and drifting away from the battle field.

Mykael also sees the two hidden Satyrs break cover and leave, but not after a short note on a wind instrument is blow.

The note seems to turn around the remaining visible Satyr as he head in the opposite direction.


Nezamil cast his spell and he, Jager and Apollo see the cricket taur, all two feet tall of him.

Apollo heads to help Val in her current state.

Jager and Nezamil pound the Grig into the land of the dead. There is a small fiddle right next to its broken body.


Three more Bisons appear looking real mean and nasty.

Moving away the Wildcards can hear that same calm soothing voice. "Have fun with those, but be careful of the horns." In a very strong voice the same individual call out. "Come my pretties, flee from the brigands! Follow my voice and my pipes!"

Several, but by no mean most of the young ladies start to move off after the invisible and visible Satyrs.


Map tomorrow AM

William (bart) OOC 
Monday July 4th, 2005 2:47:44 PM

Jim, remember Bart has the mobility, dodge and spring attack feat, and is also hasted giving him a movement of 60 ft more then enough the dodge around the bisons and attack a satyr. I see no reason why i cant attack the Satyr Rigging is fighting with

DM JIM: I agree with you William, but Bart can see once he arrive on the scene that the Satyr is done for. Rigging killed it with his last stroke. You are now next to Rigging and ringed by Bison.

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 2/60 mins - Haste 2/6 - Invisible 
Monday July 4th, 2005 5:06:09 PM

Mykael notices the Satyr with the wind instrument and the one that spoke. He makes a full run of 120' to or just short of his position.

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 46/80,Inviso purge 78/80 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 12:35:51 AM

The dwarf kneels down next to the small creatures bloody and broken body 1st holstering his mace then picking up the little fiddle and its bow in one hand then tossing the limp form over his other shoulder "Jagar go help the Captain....i'll be right behind ya " growls Nezamil as he follows the fleetfooted Monk carrying creature and fiddle

Jagar Ac 25(23 for charge) Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage Armor  d20+11=26 d10+3=5
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 12:53:01 AM

With a nod at the dwarf " better hurry or you'll miss all the fun " replies the Monk as he charges(move 50'x2) towards Rigging attacking(stunning fist attack) one of the Bison that just gored the captain (d20+11=26)(d10+3=5 dam)(fort ch Dc10+4+4=18)(stunned for 1 rd + loses dex bonus to Ac and -2 penalty to Ac)

"The dwarf should be along shortly " chuckles Jagar to Rigging as he postions himself on the Captains right flank

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to bison)HP47/71 Bullstrength Haste1/6  d20+10=19 d10+19=28 d6=6
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:50:33 AM

Bart makes an spring attack towards the nearest bison (power attack +7 hit ac 19 for 34), hopefully killing it, he dodge around it and follows the goatmen hoping to free the women.
Rigging follow me!
(i think barts attack was diverted to one of the bison last round if he did noticed the dead of the satyr, i leave to your judgement Jim)

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp (-2 to all abilities)  d20+7=20
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:51:41 AM

Val intended to draw her bow and fire but her body was just too sluggish. She couldn't see straight and her body wouldn't respond. These feelings confused her greatly and Val didn't know how to fight off the lingering effects of sleep. Seeing the two large Bison still standing Val heads over that way.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18  d20+5=22 d20+5=11 d20+5=6 d20+1=21 d20+1=7 d8+3=5 d8+3=4 d8+3=8
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 7:28:09 AM

Having been distracted by the various women milling about, Ari comes to his senses and fires off a round of arrows.

AC 22, 11, 7, and 21 (crit threat, no crit) for 5, 4 and 8 if the 11 hit.

(ooc I believe I remembered Ari combat numbers)

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+11=23 d20+12=23
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 10:24:45 AM

Noting the voice of the leader, Ashira takes a look around and gets a very good idea of where he's at (Spot=23, Listen=23). She moves with renewed haste toward the leader (double move-80feet or sprint-160feet...whatever she needs), drawing AoO's from the bison if needed. "Free the children and we might let you live...otherwise...I don't think you're going to like what these brigands have in store for you!"

OOC Since the leader is singing, according to DMG pg. 295 the DC to detect would be 0. Not sure how far away the leader is, but if it's within 30 feet of her, she beats the DC check by 20 and has pinpointed him. If not, then she ought to have a pretty good idea of where he is. :)

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 12:50:07 PM

Appolo gfoes invisble and follows alongside Valanthe.he will defend and kill any opponent that get to close."I'd love to hunt them down and kill them,but your in bad shape and I'm not leaving you."

DM Jim: The Chase - Combat Round 7  d20+7=27 d20+8=12 d20+8=23 d20+8=24 d20+8=20 d8+9=14 d20+8=13 d20+8=15 d20+8=25 d100=63 d8+9=17
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 1:25:33 PM

Mykael takes off after the two invisible Satyr's along with Ashira. Mykael can see Ashira, but not vice versa.

The Satyr's are moving 80 feet per combat round according to Mykael's calculations. Ashira is just using sound to follow them, along with about a dozen half naked young females.

Ashira, by sound, and Mykael, by sight can tell that they are closing the distance, which is now only 50 feet.


Appolo is minding his love, and keeping Val safe and sound as she recovers.


Jager leaves Nezamil and goes to assist Rigging. Jager soundly smacks the bison, but it is not stunned (nat. 20) and it turns to gore the monk.

AC 12, miss

Nezamil inspects the small Grig for all the problems it gave him and its small fiddle.


Bart stabs another bison and is surprised that it does not die. It looks very hurt and mad at the big warrior.

Three of the hairy creatures attempt to run over Bart.

AC 23, miss
AC 24, hit for 14 damage. A solid blow to help his bleeding friend.
AC 20, miss

Rigging seems to contempate his actions as the bison close in on him.

AC 13, miss
AC 15, miss
AC 25, hit (63 for blink) for 17 damage, a nasty combination of horns to the Captain's chest.

Rigging is unconcious under a big hairy smelly beast.


Ari shoots the bison's as they move in on Rigging, and it only makes it madder.

OOC: In the future pick your targets as you may not like the one I pick.


The Visible Satyr's are taking off at high speed running with the nubile dozen women. These two Satyr's are very close to Mykael and Ashira.

"Come on ladies follow the music, we will save you from the brigands." One of the visible Satyr's says to calm the women.

The music can still be heard by all and Mykael can see the invisible Satyr skipping along and enjoying himself, while the other still has its wand out and is looking back, much more concerned.


The twenty or so other young women yell and scream and run away from the "Brigands" and the bison and the Satyr's.

Some of the older women by Ari are venturing past him toward the confused young ladies.

No new bison's show up this round.

Map coming: Mykael, Ashira and the four remaining Satyr's will be off the map.

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to bison)HP47/71 Bullstrength Haste3/6  d20+9=28 d20+9=13 d10+30=35 d10+30=33 d6=5 d20+9=23 d10+30=33 d6=1 d20+4=20 d10+30=38 d6=4
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:21:12 PM

Leaving the heavily wounded bison, Bart changes to another more healthy bison Bart makes an full attack on him using all of his power (power attack +9) (hit ac 28 threat, ac 13 crit for 35+33+5shock damm, 2nd hasted attack ac 23 for 33+1 shock 3d attack hit ac 20 for 38+4shock)(total dammage 149)

Bart HP 33 instead of 47 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:22:41 PM

soory did forget to subtract the dealt dammage

Rigging hps 19/70 ac 20 mage armor, blink, haste  d20+11=19 d20+11=24 d20+11=20 d100=93 d100=71 d100=33 d6+1=5 d6+1=6 d4+1=4 2d6(6+6)=12 2d6(3+6)=9 2d6(5+5)=10
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 3:37:13 PM

ooc Jim, After the hit today, I show I still have 19 hitpoints. Not sure why you have my unconcious

Also I was waiting for the map, You can't give it to us in the morning and then expect us to post in 3 hours.

IN character. Rigging is wounded but not out. He was contemplating attacking the Goatmen but decides against it. He will call out, "Ashira, Mykael...let them go! We need to regroup!"

Rigging will then attack the bison in front of him. (Jim please number the bison so we know which is which.)He blinks to the flank of it and attacks with sword, sword and dagger. He hits 3 times doing 43 points of damage to the bison.

DM JIM: My bad George, I looked at Nezamil's HP. Please put your HP in your header each time during combat.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+8=18 d10+3=12 d20+8=27 d10+3=5 d20+3=22 d10+3=4
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 4:04:02 PM

The monk remains calm under the bisons attack all the years of training coming to bear becoming a blur of motion (1st swing d20+8=18)(d10+3=12 dam)(2nd swing d20+8=27)(d10+3=5 dam) whirling about he lands a round house kick to the beast(d20+3=22)(d10+3=4 dam) with a quick sidelong glance to see how the Captain is doing

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 43/80,Inviso purge 77/80  d20+5=8
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 12:14:55 AM

Nezamil lugs the creature on his shoulder while hold the fiddle and bow heading(o-12) towards Rigging following in Jagar's footsteps "By Domi he's quick " mumbles the dwarf at Jagar's quickness afoot.

The dwarf surveys(d20+5=8 spot ch) the battlefield but nothing really jumps out to his eyes

Inviso purge 40'ft radius

Valanthe ac 22, 99 hp (-1 to all abilities)  d20+7=23 d20+14=33 d20+14=24 2d10(2+10)+12=24
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 1:08:33 AM

Feeling almost like her old self Val moves forward (o9) and brings the heavy flail down upon the bison. The weapon felt strange in her hands and she wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible but for now it was proving quite effective.

ooc: crit hit, ac 24 to confirm, for 24 damage

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 2/60 mins - Haste 3/6 - Invisible 
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 3:36:49 AM

Mykael watches the directions the Satyrs are moving. He makes a full running move of 180', around the satyrs to line himself up, so that when they move, he will be within 10' of the one playing and the one with the wand. Hopeing to be 10' from the one playing music and in direct line of the one with the wand so that the Satyr playing the music provides cover for Mykael.

Mykael ready's for his attack next round.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18  d20+5=11 d20+5=7 d20+5=12 d20=16 d8+3=7 d8+3=4 d8+3=4
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 7:32:50 AM

(according to map that I received on Tues morning for Monday's move, umm, lets see. closest sensible bison would be o13.)

Continuing his attack if he is unhampered by the women around him. (AC 11, 7, 12 and 16 for what I think is 3 hits for 15 points of damage).

(slept thru alarm and woke up late)

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=13 d20+11=22
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 8:57:17 AM

Ashira sighs as Mykael continues after the Satyr even after Rigging's command. New guys. Well, she couldn't leave him out there on his own... Ashira calls over to Rigging. "Sorry dear, but I've got to go help out the new guy... don't forget about those potions I gave you!" Ashira sprints forward (80 feet if needed) searching for the location of the invisible Satyr. Though she can't see him (Spot=13), she can still hear him singing (Listen=22), though she not sure exactly where he is.

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

DM Jim: Combat Round 8  d20+8=12 d20+8=27 d100=25
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 10:18:59 AM

Mykael and Ashira track the two invisible Satyr's by sight and sound. Mykael sprints in front of them and Ashria is right behind them. The two visible Satyr's and the dozen young women are trailing Ashira by at least 30 feet.

The music can still be heard and Mykael can see the lead Satyr blowing on a wind instrument. The other invisible Satyr is holding his wand 10 feet to his side. Mykael is right where he wants to be, and ready.

As Ashira responds to Rigging request to return, the music stops. Ashira knows she is close, very close.


Val moves up to help Bart and Rigging (who is concious) and she lays the flail out on the back of a bison (o10).

The bison turns on her, but misses badly as it gets oriented on a new foe.

Appollo shadows Val.


The mortally wounded bison at M10 sucuumbs to his wounds.

Bart unleashes a vicious attack on the last remain bison in front of him (M11) and kills it Fire Giant Style.

Jager drops the bison (o12) facing him with a flurry of attacks and help from one of Ari's arrows.

Bisons are AC 13

Rigging blinks to the flank of a bison (n13) and kills it. Its friend (M12) attempts to get revenge on the blinking mage.

AC 25, hit, (25 blink) Rigging blinks again just as the horn are about to tear into his body.


The older women are now moving forward and away from Ari as they attempt to go collect some of their screaming children.

OOC: George use the map placements for the bison #'s, Also post your HP, I mistook Nezamil's for yours since I did not find yours quickly.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+10=19 d20+10=28 d10+4=14 d8+4=12 d6=4 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=4 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=3 d6=6
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 11:24:46 AM

Appolo supports Vals attack by swinging twice at the creature hinself takinf a flanking position and backstabbing the creature.

Atack 19,28 Damage 14 12,Backstab 38
Total 64

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk, Mage armor  d20+6=26
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 2:46:02 PM

After Jagar finishes off the bison he looks about(d20+6=26 nat 20!!) spotting Mykael and Ashira in the distance "Captain i'm gonna help out Mrs Arrack and Mykael chasing the Goat folks its just the two of them " remarks Jagar

The Monk dashes(run x4)(50' x 4=200' in 1 rd) towards the two wildcards giving chase to the Satyrs

Rigging hps 19/70 ac 20 haste, blinking, mage armor  d20+11=21 d20+11=24 d20+11=22 d100=62 d100=43 d100=69 d6+1=3 d6+1=3 d4+1=4 2d6(1+5)=6 2d6(4+1)=5 2d6(3+4)=7
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 3:30:41 PM

Rigging sees his orders being disregarded again...by his wife again...."Maybe she should be Captain. Then se can see what its like to be ignored. Mykael isn't listening either. I will have to find a punishment so horrible that they will never not listen to me again." Rigging fantasizes about punishments as he swings on the final bison.

Hit all three times and made blink rolls. Do 28 points of damage to the beast.

blink 5 of 6
haste 4 of ?
mage armor hours

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk ,Sof 42/80,Inviso Purge 76/80  d20+11=13 d8+5=10 d20+6=20 d8+5=10
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 4:17:53 PM

The dwarf drops the little creature and fiddle then quickly draws his Mace from his ring holster and lashes out at the bison Rigging engaged smashing(1st swing d20+11=13)(d8+5=10 dam) the bison swinging his mace with effiecent strokes(2nd swing d20+6=20)( d8+5=10 dam) making the beast vanish.

"Do we follow them Captain?" inquires the dwarf as he stoops to pick up the fiddle and bow and again slinging the creature over his shoulder after sheathing his mace

Inviso Purge 40 ft radius

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp  d20+7=21 d20+14=24 d20+9=13 d10+6=8 d10+6=13
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 7:15:06 PM

Val watches as the Bison takes hit after hit and remains on its feet. It looks bad but Val wants to make sure that it actually dies. Raising the heavy flail she brings it down twice upon the creature.

ooc: will save 21, hit ac 24 for 8 and ac 13 for 13

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 2/60 mins - Haste 4/6  d20=15 d20+6=7
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 10:30:20 PM

Mykael has set himself up good, and is ready to give these Satyrs the surprise of thier lives.

Bringing up his shield and throwing all his strength and weight behind it, Mykael trys to Overrun the Satyr playing the music(Improved Overrun, Satyr cant avoid, Str chk 15, +4 for feat, +3 for Str = 22, also surprise???).

Mykael becomes visible.

Assuming the Satyr fails his opposed check, Mykael knocks him prone and moves forward engaging the Satyr with the wand(Haste Attack, Power attack +5,nat 1... Mykael slamming into the first Satyr too hard and threw himself off balance, thus causing his attack on the Satyr with the wand to go way wide, and Mykael to

Mykael... continued... hit wrong key...  d20+3=9
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 10:32:11 PM

..... (dex check 9) fall on his butt.

Bart AC 24 (+1 dodge to bison)HP33/71 Bullstrength Haste4/6 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:25:09 AM

Rigging i cant leave them on their own Bart yells as he dodges around the dead bison and runs (120 ft) after Jagar towards the goatmen and the group of charmed women

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18  d20+5=15 d20+5=11 d20+5=8 d20=14 d20+3=15 d8+3=10 d8+3=5
Thursday July 7th, 2005 7:16:13 AM

Ari will continue to send arrows into the Bison (O10) should the others not prove its downfall. (5th d20 wrong die type). AC 15, 11, 8, and 14 for 2 hits of 15 (10+5) points.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=31 d20+11=28 d20+12=15 d20+7=15 d20+12=18 d20+4=20 d6+5=11 d6+5=10 d6+3=7 d6+3=5
Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:31:06 AM

Ashira smiles as Mykael slams into an invisible opponent...ahh...now that helps things out quite a bit!! Heading for the spot that the new guy just plowed into, Ashira takes a good hard look and listen (Spot=31, Listen=28). She's almost positive she knows where the enemy is...and so she makes a full attack, aiming slightly lower than normal, since she doesn't know whether he's prone or still standing (AC15 for 11, AC15 for 10, AC18 for 7, AC20 for 5). Still, attacking an invisible opponent was tricky, and Ashira has the feeling she could have done much better.

OOC Jim, can you remind me what the Satyr's AC's are? Since Ashira's so close to the Satyr, the Spot of 31 ought to do the trick, but since he's being overun, I don't suppose he's got a very high Move Silent score, so a Listen of 28 ought to be able to pinpoint him...not that all of that matters with those sucky attack rolls. :(

Active spells
Barkskin (9min/20min remain)
Resist Energy Fire (3min/10min remain)
Longstrider (1 hour...increases land speed to 40 feet/round)

DM JIM: Combat Round Nine, The Chase End for Now  d20+3=20 d100=24 d100=75
Thursday July 7th, 2005 11:29:01 AM

The original field of battle is now clear of live bisons as Rigging, Nezamil and Ari finish off one and Val and a now visible Apollo takes care of the other.

Rigging is feeling concerned that half of his Wildcards are not listening to his orders.

Nezamil notices small saddle bags on the Grig he is carrying.

Jager saw a tree branch move on its own, but he is very far away and does not know if his keen eyes will help him one he get to the tree.

Jager and Bart leave the depression and take off after the group of young well formed females in front of them. They also see two Satyr moving at high speed through the light forest and underbrush.

Jager and Bart see Mykael suddenly appear and fall down. Commands are barked in a language that no one understands and the two visible Satyr's start running in opposite directions, as apparently the commands were obeyed.


Mykael smashes into the singing Satyr and just knocks him down (oppose roll 20). Mykael rises at the same time as the singing Satyr to strike at the wand carrying Satyr and misses badly and falls.

The wand carrying Satyr takes off like a shot and so does the other invisible Satyr once he stands. All four Satyr are moving on different tracks away from each other. None of the Satyr's are talking or singing anymore.

The young women start to slow down as they are being outpaced by the visible Satyr's and there is no more singing direction from the invisible ones.

Ashira attackes the downed Satyr, potentially hitting twice. The first two swings narrow down the area where the Saty can be the next lands solidly and the final one misses as the Satyr must have moved.

The Satyr is running flat out from Ashira, so you will get an invisible AoO, at AC 20.

OOC: Ashira has a very good idea where the Satyr is, but he is invisible and there is still a 50% miss chance. You need a natural 20 to get a better indication on a spot check to help notice an invisible creature. All of the Satyrs have different AC's This once is AC 16 in his current position.

I was posting at the same time as you Nellie, so my post had to be amended and as a result is a bit disjointed. Sorry.

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=16 d20+11=27 d20+14=18 d100=94 d20+8=26
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:31:37 PM

The half-elf's keen senses tell her that her foe is out there somewhere (Spot=16, Listen=27), and she whips out with an attack as the invisible satyr rises (AC18, 94-fail). She feels her blade bounce harmless cut into air as the satyr moves away from the attack. She smiles as the goatman begins to run away.
"That's right cowards! Run, run from the brigands!!" Satisfied that the children are rescued, Ashira gives Mykael a hand up and then sheathes her swords. She heads toward the children, speaking softly and soothingly. "There, there...it's alright...we're not going to hurt you...we're here to help." (Diplomacy=26)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=13
Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:41:41 PM

As Jagar nears Ashira and Mykael (after x4 movement last rd) he eyes(d20+6=13 spot ch) one of the Satyrs moving away and takes a couple steps as to give chase but thinks better of it "Mrs Arrack and Mykael you both ok " as Jagar see's Mykael rising from the ground

Knowing that his two fellow wildcards are fine Jagar appraises the young women that had followed the Satyrs "maybe i should learn to play a musical instrument to entice the girls too " comments Jagar " what instrument should i choose Mrs Arrack " inquires Jagar of Ashira

Rigging 19/70 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 9:06:22 PM

Rigging yells out, "Let them go. They aren't worth chasing." He turns back to the other women who have either been freed from the spell or never under its influence, "Go get your sisters and friends. They are more likely to listen to you."

Rigging will ask Swirl to do a high recon to make sure that nothing is trying to sneak up on them.

Rigging will then say to Nezamil, "You don't have a cure handy do you? I feel worn."

Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:45:47 PM

Looking over at Jager, Ashira just rolls her eyes and laughs. "We need to get you a woman my friend!"

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk, Sof 41/80,Inviso Purge 75/80  2d8(8+1)+5=14 2d8(8+3)+5=16
Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:47:38 PM

Nezamil drops the Grig and places the fiddle and bow on its body " sure i think i have just the thing " grins the Cleric of Domi

The Cleric pulls forth a wand and taps the Captain twice (total 30 cured)" that should help " says the dwarf as he returns the wand to his pouch

Inviso Purge 40' ft raduis

"Lets see what this little fellow has on him " as he kneels down next to the small creatures body then proceeds remove its saddle bags and searches its body throughly " don't recall seeing anything like this little creature before ....have you Captain?" asks Nezamil

Friday July 8th, 2005 2:42:18 AM

Seeing the Bison dead and the remaining enemy fleeing Appolo looks around,then looks over Vlanthe"Ok everyone .Anyone hurt.Lewt's fre those women and round up those girls."He sheathes his swords draws a dagger and moves to cut the women free.

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 3/60 mins - Haste 5/6  d20+6=12 d20+6=21 d10+8=12 d20+6=14 d10+8=18
Friday July 8th, 2005 4:33:40 AM

Mykael stands and makes his AoO on the Satyr with the wand as he flees from Mykael (Power Attack +5, AC 12, miss).

Mykael then turns and moves to attack the rising Satyr that was playing the music (Power Attack +5, AC 21, 12 dam), Haste attack (Power Attack +5, AC 14, miss?, dam 18... just in case)

"Surrender or die you brainwashing bastard," Mykael yells.

Bart AC 24 HP33/71 Bullstrength Haste5/6 
Friday July 8th, 2005 8:02:43 AM

Bart is running behind Jagar, he sees that the Satyr are running away and that the women are free of their influence. Bart decides there is no need to follow the satyrs anymore. Bart tries to calm and help the women instead

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Friday July 8th, 2005 10:04:46 AM

Valanthe stands ready for a few extra minutes wondering if there were more invisible archers around in the trees. It was highly unlikely that any remained but what they did to her was unnerving. She had never felt like that, her body so sluggish and unresponsive. It was something that even words couldn't describe correctly.

"Captain perhaps the villages these women were taken from could yeild more information on these satyr's. Somebody has to know something on these unique slavers."

DM JIM: Combat Round 10, Opponents Anyone? 
Friday July 8th, 2005 1:10:08 PM

Nezamil cures Rigging upon request and checks out the Girg's saddle bags. The bags are well worn but of very good craftsmanship. Inside is 10 pp, 2 rough cut diamonds similar to those the giants had and two potions.

Rigging feels Swirl. "Wow! I am so high I can not even see your Wife, but then again I can not see you either. I will be down in a bit."

Appolo checks on Val and Val comments about the strange effects she just experienced. Val scans the trees, hoping there are no more invisible archers around.


Mykael swings (misses) at the departing Satyr with the wand. In fact, Mykeal notices at least one more on his belt as he takes off.

Mykael then move the 10 feet to engage the other departing Satyr. Mykael is please with the grunt the Satyr can not stifle after being struck. The Satyr whispers to Mykael "I will see you again." and then he sprints off through the woods. Mykael sees at least two wands on his belt also.

The two visible Satyr are no longer visible as they have dissapeared into the woods and underbrush.

Jager and then Bart arrive and form up on Ashira. Jager oggles the lovlies all around.

The young ladies are very confused and some are scare and one or two seem upset the Satyrs are gone.


Appolo goes and frees the older women of their hand bindings. They are all very greatful and he gets lots of hugs. Most of the older women go and claim half of the young ladies and are giving them a tounge lashing and lots of hugging.

The unclaimed young women (humans and elves), maybe 15 or so, move over to the bonfire and look over the "Brigands".


Ari is standing off to the side bow in hand, waiting for somthing.

Mykael - AC 23(24 vs opp) - HP 45/53 - SI 3/60 mins - Haste 6/6  d20+6=26 d20+6=17 d10+8=13 d20=18
Friday July 8th, 2005 3:54:44 PM

Mykael grits his teeth, "Sooner than you think!" (AoO, Power attack +5 - AC 26, crit threat AC 17.. miss?, Dam = 13).

Mykael still having the ability to out run the Satyr charges straight after it, and performs a Charging Overrun, (Str chk 18, +2 charge, +4 Feat, +3 Str, = 27) and knocks the Satyr prone again.

Mykael turns to engage, "We are not done yet."

Friday July 8th, 2005 11:17:35 PM

Rigging decides to check on the ship and the passengers. He has this sudden vision of the ship leaving them behind and he really doesn't want to walk.

"I will be back in a few minutes. Wanna check on our ride. Start moving these women to the riverbank."

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 40/80,Inviso Purge 74/80  d20+5=19
Saturday July 9th, 2005 12:17:13 AM

The dwarf repacks the saddle bags and tosses it on his shoulder....with a look down at the little creature the dwarf kneels down on one knee next to him " Domi grant him peace for the courage he showed " says the Cleric in a prayer

Picking up the fiddle and bow the dwarf stands up and surveys(d20+5=19 spot ch) the battlefield
with a wave to Ashira,Jagar,Bart and Mykael trying get their attention Nezamil will try and motion them to comeback " good to see them sticking together....we need better teamwork " thinks the dwarf as he awaits by himself

Inviso purge 40" ft radius

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=26 d20+8=16 d10+3=12 d20+8=20 d10+3=5 d20+3=8
Saturday July 9th, 2005 12:30:26 AM

Jagar watches as Mykael attacks the air his blade slicing expertly as it suddenly meets resistance (d20+6=26 spot ch)(nat 20!!)"huh ? thats weird " puzzles the Monk then with sudden realization he springs into action with a flurry of blows at the spot where Mykaels weapon met resistance (1st swing d20+8=16)(d10+3=12 dam)punching again(2nd swing d20+8=20)(d10+3=5 dam) and trys to stomp on the spot (3rd swing d20+3=8) but kicks nothing but clumps of grass as he whirls around the target area " where did it go "chatters Jagar to Mykael

Saturday July 9th, 2005 11:11:33 AM

Appolo relies to Rigging"Aye Aye Captian.Ok Ladies lets move.We see if can't find some clothing on the way to the river bank."He says with handsome friendly smile and begins to gently move the women back through the burning village and to the riverbank.

Sunday July 10th, 2005 2:04:15 PM

Bat is amazed when he sees Jagar and Mykel fighting with an invisible opponent. He is to far away to interfere and he is also busy helping the women. He keeps an eye on them if necessery he will come for the rescue, but since the goats where running away that wouldn't be necessary

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=24 d20+11=18
Monday July 11th, 2005 12:23:27 AM

Ashira watches as Mykael and Jager continue to press the battle. With a little shrug, she moves over to see if she can help out with the last remaining invisible satyr (Spot=24, Listen=18).

OOC...Jim, by this point in time, I have no idea how far Ashira is from the Satyr, so I leave this one up to your judgement.

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp AC 18 
Monday July 11th, 2005 6:44:39 AM

Believing that the battle is done, Ari stows his gear in the quiver. Then he goes to recover gear, look the battle scene over, and help the women to find their clothing.

Finding the other women fighters in the group Ari says, "I believe I shall scout ahead to keep the path clear, and look for other clothes."

With that Ari takes quick blushing look at the women, and then moves out so that they don't have to be embarrassed about their lack of clothing.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Monday July 11th, 2005 8:57:17 AM

Val moves over to the unclaimed women and tries to explain that they are not brigands. That they are there to help. She asks them nicely to move to the riverbank.

DM Jim:Combat Roud 10, battles still rage  d20+5=23 d20+5=15
Monday July 11th, 2005 1:19:59 PM

Mykael chases down the Satyr. The Satyr learned from his last experience and goes to sidestep, but Mykael changes course and runs him down.

The Satyr calls out in an unknown language and draws a short sword (free action) and attempt to stand.

AC 21, combat expertise for AoO

Jager runs over and get in one attack, but to no avail as he can not find the invisible Satyr.

Ashira also comes charging over and is now ready for action, but against what, as she also can not see the Satyr.


Mykael is the subject of a targeted dispel magic.

See Invisible 23 - dispelled
Haste 15 - in place

The Satyr rising before Mykael starts to fade out of his vision.


Bart goes over to the young women and helps to get the young ladies organized. Bart keeps a watchful eye on Ashira, Jager and Mykael. The young ladies are quite aminable to the big warriors presence......


Rigging goes to check on the status of the "Elenna Queen", but it is a ways away at present.

Nezamil hoists the small saddle bags onto his beefy shoulder and attempts to get the attentions of his wandering Wildcard teamates.

Appolo and Val attempt to get the two groups of women moving back toward the burning village and the riverbank. All of the women seem interested in moving. The older women seem concerned about their waylayed daughter and the status of their village and menfolk. There are hushed murrmers amongst themselves as they seem too fearful to talk with the former brigands as Val has convinced them they are not.

Ari can not find any spare cloths around. Either the young ladies did not bring them or they burned them in the bonfire.


Smoke is still rising from the burning village and the crakle and pop of the fires can be heard occasionally.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=24
Monday July 11th, 2005 6:34:57 PM

Jagar scans(d20+6=24 spot check) about after missing the Satyr lets regroup and head back to see what the others are doing" remarks the Monk to the near him " don't want to get caught in another ambush ......i'd rather fight on our terms " reflects Jagar

Jagar will take a few steps towards where they left their comrades in arms and waits for the other to join him before trotting back to the Captain

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 39/80,Inviso Purge 73/80  d20+5=22 d20+5=24
Monday July 11th, 2005 6:50:02 PM

The Dwarf awaits his fellow wildcards "hope they put a little zip in their steps to get back here" mutters the dwarf outloud to the wind

As Nezamil calmly waits for his friends he peruses(d20+5==22 spot ch) the horizen in all directions listening(d20+5=24 lsiten ch) to the wind for any sound other then his own voice taking in Val and Appolo's attempts in guiding the women to the riverboat.,

The dwarf continues to chat to himself "By Domi wonder what will happen next ....these are indeed troubling and perilous times " as he rubs his Anvil pendant with his fingers absently

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 45/53  d20+5=14
Monday July 11th, 2005 8:27:00 PM

Mykael takes a swing at the disappearing Satyr, (AC14, miss).

"Better hope you never run into me again!" curses Mykael, "Lucky you someone help you!"

Mykael turns to Jager, "Lets go, but keep an eye out. I wanted that music playing bastard. Perhaps, if he had been taken, or even just his instrument, then that would have prevented this from happening to other innocents for a long time, if not, ever by these same creatures."

Mykael curses himself, "Damn, I should have been faster or better. If they are able to enslave another, it will be my fault."

Mykael moves toward the rest of the group.

Monday July 11th, 2005 10:10:00 PM

Rigging will sprint back to the beach 4x speed

Ashira (AC25 70/96HP) Barkskin, Resist Energy Fire(10), Longstrider  d20+12=13 d20+11=21
Monday July 11th, 2005 11:40:28 PM

Her luck finally over, Ashira can't make heads or tails of where the Satyr has gone (Spot=13, Listen=21). She puts a consoling hand on Mykael's shoulder. "You win some, you lose some. But at least the girls are free. Let's see what we can do to help these folk out." Ashira heads back with the other, and takes in the situation. Noting the young women who don't have family, Ashira pulls Nezamil aside. "We need to do something about this. We need to find these girls someplace to live. Any ideas."

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 2:17:32 AM

Appolo pulls out a couple of spare blankets and hands them to two of the girls"Come on Ladies he says with smile let's get to the river.Then we'll see about getting everyone taken care of."He is smiling a handsome rougish smile as he tries to herd them along.

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 9:44:22 AM

Val works the other end of the group, herding them almost as one would cattle. She's not sure what type of enchantment, if any, these women are under. Considering that elves are naturally resistant to enchantments, and what she suffered, these satyr's must be powerful. She asks the women about the satyrs and their devotion to them.

DM Jim: End of Combat 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 1:10:50 PM

Rigging sprints through the burning village and smells the overcooked men on the front porch. Quickly passing the barbarqued people, Rigging reaches the beach and the bodies of the giants and the orcs.

Rigging can see that the "Elenna Queen" is off the bar and has dropped anchor. The ship is still on fire, but they seem smaller now. The lone rescue boat is still ferrying passengers upstream of the beach battle area and there must be at least 60 or so already. The boat is going back for more on the fantail.


Val and Appolo have the old and young women organized. Val askes questions of the women, but the young one are quite. The older ones ask "What has become of our men folk? Our homes? We saw all the smoke and heard screams."

Two of the unattached young ladies, that is without an older women in attendance, move over to Appolo and take his offered blankets. "Thank you. We are not from this village. We choose to travel with you." The young ones seem to be appraising Appolo with their eyes. THey giggle to one another.

Ari does nothing again.

Nezamil ponders the wisdom of everyones actions and what the future may hold for the wildcards. Nezamil does not see any further immediate trouble. The women give the dwarf a wide berth.


Mykael and Jager miss the slippery Satyr and he makes his escape. THe Satyr does not answer Mykeal and seems to be attempting as much stealth as possible, as his mouth got him in eough trouble.

Jager trots off attempting to catch up to Rigging, which he eventually does on the beach.

Mykael wonders if the group only postponed a return of the Satyr. Ashira attempts to console the warrior.

Ashira wonders what to do with all of the women without family and consults Nezamil for his opinion. One of the unattached young women approaches Ashira. "I am thirsty, do you have any wine. THe Satyr's provided for us." she finishes almost forelorn. "What will become of us?"

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 3:09:24 PM

Mykael stewing on his failure, wonders back through the village.

Mykael suveys the situation, now that he is back with the group.

"Nez, you may want to see if any of the passengers from the boat needs your medical assistance." Mykael comments. "We should probably work to getting these fires under control and graves dug."

'I wonder if the blood of those Giants is worth anything?'

OOC: Knowledge Arcana, Appraise, Craft Alchemy? For info on Fire Giant blood?

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 4:39:38 PM

Bart investigate the nearby buildings or what is left of it, he hopes to find out what happend to the men

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 8:30:12 PM

Appolo smiles at the women in friendly manner and replies to the older ones"I'm sorry,but they're dead."He then turns to the girls"Yes you can travel to the city with us I guess.Now let's move.The smeel is starting to get to me."He gent;y continues to herd the women.

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 8:35:35 PM

Rigging trots up to the group of sixty and asks, "Is everyone OK? Been sort of exciting around here. Not quite what the brochure said.

When his joke falls on deaf ears, he will sigh and say, "My friends and I have destroyed the giants and driven away the other creatures. You are all safe for now but why don't we get a fire built. Shouldn't be to hard with all of these burning buildings around."

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 10:05:49 PM

With Rigging off chasing ships again, Ashira is left to direct traffic. She sees that Val and Appolo have done an excellent job of getting the ladies together. She gets out the blanket in her pack and passes it to whichever lady might need it. Seeing as there is no loot to gather up, Ashira heads over to the others. Let's get back to the beach...we can regroup there and hopefully meet up with Rigging and the other survivors from the ship. Then I suppose we'll take it from there. From the looks of it, we're going to have to arrange alternate transportation. Appolo, ask the older ladies if there are any other villages nearby...maybe we'll luck out and they'll have horses or even better, a boat or two." She pulls Appolo in close and keeps her voice low. "And let's stay away from the burning village...I don't want the ladies to have to see their men this way." Then she motions over to Bart, Mykael and Nezamil. "Mykael's right. Let's get the others settled and then lets get to work burrying the dead. No need to let them rot. Nezamil, if you will say a word or two, I'd appreciate it."

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=20
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 12:19:22 AM

As Jagar catches up to Rigging he scans(d20+6=20 spot ch) about checking for any sighns of danger "Captain is the riverboat done for ? ...can it be patched up to help us finish the trip to South Harbor ? " asks the Monk

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 38/80,Inviso Purge 72/80 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 12:39:36 AM

Noticing the wide berth the women are giving him " I think we should see how the riverboat is doing...perhaps we can send them with the survivors to the nearest town " replies the dwarf to Ashira " we don't have the resources to care for all of them "

The dwarf pauses for a moment " I'm thinking we mix them in with any Riverboat survivors so they won't be discrimated against because of being enspelled "

"Yeah good idea Mykael ,lets help the women to the river so i can check the riverboaters and women in one place " adds the Cleric " all their suffering might bond them together a little till we get them to safety ....make it a little easier if everyone helps each other "

Inviso Purge 40" ft radius

Ari spider climb, haste 31 of 60 hp  d20=12
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 7:29:41 AM

As the group wanders through the village, Ari will search through the tracks and see if there are any stray prints.

Valanthe ac 23, 99 hp 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 10:05:56 AM

Angry, Val moves around the group of women and stands between the two harlots and Appolo. She looks briefly at him and then glares at the women, smacking her flail against her shield.

"Get moving and if you so much as speak to my man I'll reconsider my descision not to be a brigand."

DM JIM: The Revelation 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 1:08:23 PM

Appolo tells several of the young ladies that they can accompany the Wildcards and they are estatic. "We will be right back, we are going to spread the word." Appolo can not help himself, but watches them run to another small group of young women.

Appolo also updates the older women on the status of their husbands and several stop and start to wail. Several more break and run to the burning village. A few approach Appolo and ask "Are you sure they are all dead?" tears welling in their eyes. The darkness echos with the screams and anguish of the women. Even the young women break down and add to the sorrow of them all.

Val's threats to protect her man are drowned out by the groups sorrow. One young girl adds "THey did the same to my village."

Mykael is still upset at himself at the Satyr's escape and maybe more so now.

OOC: Roll DC 18 Alchemy or K. Arcane for info on the blood.

Nezamil takes Mykael's advice and goes to check on the status of the "Elenna Queen" refugees. Rigging is also with them and they seem alright, but wet, with some with minor burns. Several people are discussing a few of their friends that were killed and are not happy about it; as they are waiting for their opportunity to address the Captain.

Ashira does find travel information from one of the ladies that is comforting a friend "We have no horses as they were all taken recently by a large group of centaurs. They claimed to be freeing them." The women goes back to sobbing with her friend that seems unconsolable.

Ashira knows there are dead to be buried, but the grief must be taken care of first.

Jager is inspecting the "Elenna Queen" in the darkness for its seaworthiness, but can not tell from this distance. It will certainly not be as comfortable as before.

Bart checks out the buildings in the village and finds them either totally engulfed or previously burned. In the one that were burned earlier he finds some bones.

OOC: Ari needs to roll survival if he wants to track.

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+11=15
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 10:53:26 PM

Comfort for grief...yes...that would be more of the dwarf's department...

Seeing as the local village was a bust, Ashira makes sure that the survivors are mostly gathered together. Then she askes if there might be some place local where they might find a vessel to transport them up the river. Finally, she goes about securing the perimeter until Rigging shows up (Spot=32, Listen=15)

OOC Jim...realllly not sure what direction you're wanting us to go here. Maybe you're saying to hoof it overland?

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 64/65 waterwalk,Mage armor  d20+6=10 d20+6=23
Thursday July 14th, 2005 12:13:22 AM

"Captain i'm going to help bring supplies from the riverboat ashore" and Jagar dashes off across the water to the riverboat and helps bring blankets and food to shore for the survivors, especially paying attention(spot check d20+6=10) women that were enspelled by the Satyrs.

As Jagar dashes back and forth from shore to ship and ship to shore he will inspect the riverboat(d20+6=23 profession check(sailor)and report what he finds to Captain Rigging

Nezamil Ac 25 Hp 44/60 waterwalk,Sof 37/80.Inviso Purge 71/80 
Thursday July 14th, 2005 12:29:55 AM

The Cleric of Domi treats the wounded starting 1st with the more seriously wounded (cure minor wounds where needed 1 pt cured)taking the blankets and food that Jagar brings back to raise their spirits a little bit " lets all work together and make it more comfortable for all " preachs the Cleric of Domi " you all have the courage to see this thru put your burdens on Domi's shoulders and he will see you thru this dark episode , Domi has faith in all of you that you will become stronger by helping one another to overcome tonight " finishes the Cleric of Domi as he continues to comfort the people

Thursday July 14th, 2005 1:10:58 AM

OOC Can't remember if I had waterwalk. Believe I did but is it still on?

Rigging will also scan the ship trying to figure out how badly she was damaged. There is no way he wants to be saddled walking back with all of these refugees.

He will say to the people on the beach in an authoritative voice. "We have more people coming this way. They have experienced a bad time. Lets try to help them." With a glint in his eye, he will add "Now!" in his best Captain's voice.

Bart  d20+1=21
Thursday July 14th, 2005 4:27:20 AM

Bart is still looking for traces of the men, he haven't found corpses yet only a couple of bones (search 21 nat 20!). After 5 minutes Bart goes back to the others and he tells them about his findings

Ari  d20=14
Thursday July 14th, 2005 7:27:53 AM

Feeling like a blood hound, Ari continues to look around the village and see what the foot prints tell him. (Track roll of 14 (class skill). If you were asking for a specific survival roll, then add 5 for 19)

Thursday July 14th, 2005 8:26:30 AM

Valanthe sighs at all the sobbing women. Yes things are bad but they can do two things. Cry about it or get those responsible. And she knows that they are going to act all sweet and agreeable around Appolo and she hoped he could behave himself.

Appolo  d20+5=7
Thursday July 14th, 2005 11:13:59 AM

Appolo smiles at valanthe"Now Now none of that.Your mine as well.You know your the only one for me."When some of the women boly for the villade Appolo moves quickly running them down and herding them back to the main group"Come with me ladies.You rally don't want to see that.Trust me it's bad.Ley's get to the river.Besides ladies you can't dwell on the past but most look to the future."

He heards them back to the main group.Smiling the whole time being friendly flirting with as he guides the group of women around the village through the woods and to the river and the ship.

Please ignore d20 roll mistake.

DM Jim: Elenna Queen  d20+15=23
Thursday July 14th, 2005 1:02:22 PM

Another 20 minutes goes by and all of the passengers are off the ship and the sailors back on fighting the fires.

Jager runs over to the "Elenna Queen" and Rigging watches it from shore. The ship is damaged, but is still able to travel. None of the fires or boulders will sink the ship, but no one will be traveling in comfort anymore.

It seems that in addition to the sailors fighting the fires, they are being helped by the green wood of the ship. The fires are getting very smoky in nature as the planking and other wood on the ship seems to be regenerating. The closer to the water line the more growth that can be seen. Greenery can be seen to be sprouting from the ship.

The Wildcards can not imagine the amount of drag on the bottom of the ship, or their own.


Nezamil administer physical and emotional aid to those in need.

Ashira thinks she may have seen movement in the woods and bushes 50 feet behind where the refugees are gathered.

Ashira and Nezamil needs to roll a DC 23 spot check and DC 15 int. check.

The passengers and the villagers do not mix well. The passenger are dressed in finery and are mostly wet and smoky. The village women are distraught and have been outdoors for several days under various forms of bondage.

Several of the young ladies take to Appolo and are now calling him their hero and bodyguard, with much batting of the eyes.

Ari finds two different sized giant track along with large dog tracks and two footed hoof tracks. Bart finds small remnants of the men of the village as its seems the giants and their allies had quite a feast.

Apollo seems to be ejoying the new found attention, but is under the watchful eye of Val......

Thursday July 14th, 2005 5:31:45 PM

Saddened by what he had found, Ari looks up and tries to locate Rigging. Once he does he'll head over and report, "I can find Giant, Dog and our hooved friends signs, but I don't see any signs that any of the men or anthing else got away or came into the village."

Looking expectantly at Rigging, Ari wonders what next the Wildcards might be doing.

Thursday July 14th, 2005 7:01:02 PM

"Captain is strange how the ship is healing it self " remarks the Monk in bewildered tones " i've seen anything like it ......nature is just running amok "

"I think its best to make camp for the night , moving all these people in the dark is just about impossible "adds Jagar as he speaks to Rigging

After confering with Rigging Jagar heads over and helps out the dwarf with the survivors making sure they're suitably comfortable considering the conditions

Nezamil  d20+6=8 d20+1=2
Thursday July 14th, 2005 7:09:12 PM

Nezamil continues to help the survivors set up camp for the evening " we'll hafta make due tonight till sun up , no use trapesing around in the woods at night " tells the Cleric of Domi to the survivors.,

The dwarf is oblivious(d20+5=7 spot ch)(d20+1=2 int ch) to anything else but helping the unfortunate people

Thursday July 14th, 2005 8:02:12 PM

Rigging will either run over the water if his waterwalk spell is in effect or take the lifeboat back to the ship. He will try to search out the Captain and offer his services.

He is trying to find out the extent of the damage, and if the ship will be able to move anytime soon. He is also curious to see the ship heal itself and wants a closer look.

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+1=19
Friday July 15th, 2005 12:00:21 AM

Ashira focuses in on the suspected movement(Spot=31, Int.=19)...her keen eyes checking every leaf and bush. Yep...there it was again. She points out the motion to Nezamil. "There's something out there. I'm going to check it out." Unsheathing her swords, Ashira advances toward the movement.

Mykael  d20+10=12 d20+12=32 d20+4=6 d20+10=21 d20+6=18
Friday July 15th, 2005 1:59:27 AM

Mykael ponders over the blood of the Giants and thinks back over his learning, (K. Arcana = 12), and cant think of anything useful for it.

Mykael glances at the ship, and notices its regenerating. 'I wonder what spell that is?' (spellcraft roll = nat 20 = 32).

Then he walks over to the crevice in the group and takes a good hard look, {Spot = 4, K. Arcana = 21, K. Planes = 18).

Friday July 15th, 2005 4:12:26 AM

Val realises that this is the easiest way to deal with the near naked women but that doesn't mean she has to like it. Never had she thought of her to be the jealous type until now. Watching the women try to take her man causes her to mentally sort through all the violent things she would do to the woman taht goes to far.

Friday July 15th, 2005 4:26:14 AM

Appolo tells the women to stay and everything wille ok.He then walks over to the passengers and asks around about some clothing for the unfortunate women.

A few minutes later he sees Ashira take off and folows her."Val Sunshine my dear.Looks like our work isn't quite down.Let's go see what Ashira has found."He quickly follows Ashira.

Friday July 15th, 2005 12:51:49 PM

Ari, Rigging i did some searching of my own, i found no traces of the men I did find some bones, I found some evidence that lead me to the conclusion that the giants and the goatmen did eat the men. Maybe these people want to join us if we have settled our base

DM Jim: Investigating 
Friday July 15th, 2005 1:02:57 PM

Rigging walks on water over to the "Elenna Queen" and offers his services to the captain. The captain is very impressed with his water walking ability. "That could come in handy there youngin. Can you teach me any my boy that trick?"

The captain and his crew have the fires under control and they should be out soon. Rigging sees the ships planks actually growing before his eyes. Small shoots are sprouting with leaves branching out. The boulder damage is actually growing over with live tree branches.

The captain replies to Riggings inquiry. "I do ot have the foggiest idea what is going on with my ship. It will certianly not move to fast anymore, not that she was fast in the first place. We can feel branches dragging on the bottom of the river."

One of the purple and gold clad mages pulls Rigging aside. "Nice work with the giants. We will refund you move, the crew that is, just do not tell the captain." The mage adds in a conspiratorial tone.


Some of the wet passeger give up bits of clothing for Appolo's charity affair. Many of the young ladies take the wet garments as they appear finer than what they have ever owned. Some of the young women do not take any cloths as they feel liberated by the expose and they keep close to Appolo and watchful of Val.

The ladies do not follow Appolo as he trails after Ashira, but offer encourangement "Come back soon and in one piece. We need our body protector."

Ashira got a chance to look over all of the passengers and did not notice any of the one that seemed to be tracking the Wildcards on board ship, the ones with the golden earrings.

Ashria takes off after the figure in the woods. The person, at least Ashira thinks it is, as it is dark even with the fires, takes off at seeing Ashira head her way, and fast.

Ashira is 60 feet from the point where the figure was watching. Appolo is 20 feet behind Ashira.


Mykael wracks his brain and can not come up with any uses for giant blood, although it oly seems natural that there would be some. How would one store such a fluid?

Mykael goes back to the village and inspect the crack in the earth. It is hot in the immediate vicinity and some sort of foul gases are escaping. It seems natural, if not odd as the crack extends into the river and steam is boiling at that point.

Jager and Nezamil attend to all those that have suffered lately.

Bart speculates that the Wildcards may have found recruits to populate their new island base.

Nezamil  d20+5=21
Friday July 15th, 2005 5:22:35 PM

The dwarf is alerted by Ashira of possible danger " i'm right behind ya " growls the dwarf " c,mon Jagar" as he jogs(x3 move) behind Ashira catching up to her and moves to her left flank observing(d20+5=21 spot ch) the place Ashira pointed out.

Nezamil remains calm and cool as he readies himself for action at 1st sign of danger.

Jagar  d20+6=7
Friday July 15th, 2005 5:28:17 PM

Jagar looks over at the dwarf when he hears his name called "more fun ?" inquires the Monk

The fleetfooted Monk quickly(move x2) catches the dwarf following his example and postions himself on Nezamils left flank forming a sweeping line towards the woods "what is out there ?" asks Jagar as he surveys(d20+6=7 the forest " i don't see a thing ?" adds Jagar

Saturday July 16th, 2005 5:54:59 PM

Val wanted to run after Appolo but she sees several of the others moving to assist and somebody needs to watch these stupid women. Somebody needs to make sure they don't wander off and get killed or captured.

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+11=28
Saturday July 16th, 2005 7:04:52 PM

Ashira's eyes narrow as she spots the figure fleeing. "I don't think so... Wildcards, we got company....I'm going to go check it out." And without further comment, Ashira takes off after the figure, moving quickly (double move-60 feet). Even in the darkness, Ashira finds it an easy matter to locate her target (Spot=32...nat. 20 again!!, Listen=28).

Appolo Invisible  d20+7=19 d20+6=9 d20+12=18 d20+11=15
Saturday July 16th, 2005 7:34:42 PM

Appolo sees Nexamil and Jager move on the otherside.He nods at them and points left indicating they should circle that way.Ashira then takes off after the thing.

Appolo can't make out what Ahira is chasing,but trusts her.He sprints out to the righta little running as fast as he can silent and hidden as he goes invisible.

Spot 19,Listen 9 Move silently 18,Hide 15

Saturday July 16th, 2005 11:34:21 PM

Rigging will frown at the Captain's statement. "I can have my wife take a look. If you have the tools she might be able to cut some of the offending branches away. Nature has gone a little crazy lately and hopefully it isn't to serious."

Rigging will peer at the water but in the moonlight really can't see to much. He will smile at the Captain and say, "We might have a few more passengers for you. That village was wiped out. Some refugees might want to head down river with us. On the plus side, a lot of them are scantily clad and very good looking."

Monday July 18th, 2005 3:02:38 AM

Together with Val Bart stays behind to protect the women, but as ever he keeps an watchfull eye on his family members

Monday July 18th, 2005 3:18:51 AM

Deciding that there must be some use for the Giant blood, Mykael pulls out all 10 of his empty flasks from his pack. He then cuts the throat of a Giant and begins to fill each flask until as many as he can fill are full. He will move to the second giant do the same until they are both bled out or all 10 flasks are full. Then he will stopper each flask up and place back into his pack. 'I will just have to do some more studing on Giant blood when I get the time. Hope I can find some information on them.'

Monday July 18th, 2005 7:21:49 AM

Ari frowns slightly after receiving no answer or direction from Rigging as he goes running off to the ship. Hearing Ashira Ari does his best to place himself between the 'civilians' and the area that the rest of the group is investigating. Ari will pull his bow out of the quiver and standby as the others go out to investigate.

DM Jim: The Chase 
Monday July 18th, 2005 5:19:14 PM

Ashira, Nezamil, Jager and Appolo spread out and give chase of the watchers. Ashria can tell it is humanoid as it runs away. Ashira can see a glint of moonlight off of what looks to be a gold earring. The wildcards are gaining on the watcher.

Mykael gathers his giant blood, a very messy task.

Rigging discusses a new passenger manifest with the captain. "How many? I suppose they are not goint to pay either?" Grumbles the Captain.

Ari readies his bow, but there are no targets in sight, in fact he can no longer see any Wildcards besides Mykael, Bart and Val.

Bart and Val keep the homeless women in check.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+7=26 d20+6=18 d20+12=16 d20+11=21
Monday July 18th, 2005 8:47:11 PM

Appolo stops and looks around for secomd the moves quickly and silently in pursuit circlinga little wide to the left then back in,trying to cut whoever it is off.

Spot 26,Listen 18,Hide16,Move silently 21

Rigging  d20+11=23
Monday July 18th, 2005 10:45:41 PM

Rigging smiles at the Captain and says, "Well you might get a reward when we get into port. You should definitely let the town leaders know what you did. If nothing else, it might get you some good will and advertising."

Rigging will scan the shore to see if he can see anything. Spot check 23

"Swirl, you have done well this battle. I am proud of you."

Ari  d20=19 d20+3=23 d20+6=19 d20+5=21
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 7:14:50 AM

Ari relaxes when there appears to be no ensuing battle. As the others move of in search of their target, Ari moves over to where they started the chase. Ari decides to look around at the tracks and look for any other clues.

Track 19 spot crit search 19 survivial 21

Nezamil  d20+5=16
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 10:01:12 AM

The dwarf picks up his pace (move x 3) to keep up with Ashira maintaining his postion on her left flank.

Peeking over his shoulder to check on Jagar " glad to see you can keep up with a dwarf " grins Nezamil as his relentlessly follows the sea elf peering into the night as he runs for what she has spotted (d20+5=16 spot ch)

Jagar  d20+6=16
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 10:07:07 AM

The fleetfooted Monk breaks into a trot barely exerting himself as he keeps pace easily with the hard running dwarf " i can run faster then you in my sleep " retorts Jagar with a sly grin as he continues to flank Nezamil's left flank.

with an eye(d20+6=16 spot ch)on the forest in front of him Jagar deftly weaves thru the terrain staying alert for signs of ambush

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 12:00:09 PM

Val what do you think can we give these women a place on our base so the can start with new hope and changes?

Ashira  d20+12=24 d20+11=14
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 12:07:47 PM

Catching sight of the gold earring fuels Ashira's fire, and she makes up her mind to catch up with the figure. She's also thankful that Nezamil and Jager have given chase too. Nice to have backup in case it was an ambush. As she runs forward, Ashira keeps a warry eye on the surroundings (Spot=24, Listen=14) trying not to run into too many surprises.

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 2:08:29 PM

"Maybe. They seemed to be under a powerful enchantment or are just really stupid. They way they fawn over men may make them hard to deal with."

DM Jim: The Chase Continued  d20+3=17
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 10:25:18 PM

Nezamil and Jager catch up to Ashira and all three are gaining on their quary. It is difficult to run through the woods at night and their prey take off in full flight.

Roll DC 15 spot check to avoid obstacles, if you fail DC 15 reflex save to avoid falling.

The figure in front of the group deftly avoids a small bush as he was looking back at his pursuers.

Appolo is attempting to circle around, but need to pick up the pace to have any hope.


Bart and Val ponder what to do with the newly freed women and their possible problems.

One of the young women come up to Bart demurrly "The Satyr's kept some real tasty fruit in the woods, can we go fetch it?"


Rigging sees a small waterspout form over the river when he contact Swirl. Some of the water seems directed at a small fire on the boat. The Captain comments almost to himself after listening to Rigging " That is right, I am the hero here. They should give me a big reward." He scratches his beard deep in thought.

Ari finds the watchers hiding place. His tracks seem to make him a medium sized human, maybe?

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 10:32:51 PM

Rigging smiles distractedly at the Captain as he contacts Swirl. "Are you playing in the water again? Thanks for helping put out the fires."

Ashira  d20+12=13 d20+9=26
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 11:33:33 PM

Ashira continues her pursuit, but this time it looks like her luck has run out... After the figure sprints around the bush, Ashira looses sight of it (Spot=nat.1). Still, at least she doesn't fall flat on her face (Ref.=26). Still, she's determined. Ashira continues to sprint on into the dark toward the unknown figure.

Nezamil  d20+5=17 d20+5=13 d20+5=13
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 12:45:47 AM

The dwarf surges forward keeping pace with Ashira on protecting her left flank and weaves(d20+5=17 spot ch) thru the brush his dwarven eyes (d20+5=13 spot ch) peering into the night after the escaping foe listening(d20+5=13 listen ch)for his quarry's footsteps to help triangulate the qarry's postion.

" becareful....keep alert " murmers Nezamil to himself " don't wanna get ambushed "

Jagar  d20+6=15 d20+6=13
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 12:55:23 AM

Jagar just barely avoids(d20+6=15 spot ch) tripping in the dark as he easily keeps his postion on the dwarfs left flank trying to keep his eye(d20+6=13 spot ch)on the fleeing spy.

" if i get close i'm just gonna trip him up so we can surround him " says the Monk to himself as he angles throw the brush readying himself for a sprint to close on and trip his foe

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 4:19:01 AM

Mykael makes his way to the river to wash himself of the mess.

Looking at the bodies on the beach and in the village, Mykael queries Bart, "I am thinking that it would be faster and just as good, if we put the bodies in the crevice in the ground. It will most likely cool and harden eventually, with the river cooling it. It would be the same as buring them, but it is going to be a task to get the giants and thier comrades moved in there. What do you think?"

Mykael also smiles at the ladies, putting on a strong ensuring appearance of safety for them.

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 7:28:26 AM

Examining the hiding spot Ari tries to figure out how long the observer was in place, and whether he had anything to do with the Giants or not.

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 3:04:58 PM

I think the women where under a spell i dont think they are stupid. I think some of them have skills we could us in our basecamp. I wonder how the chase is going, and how rigging is doing with the captain

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+7=21 d20+12=31 d20+11=24 d20+6=23 d20+11=23
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 4:08:39 PM

Appolo breaks into full out run jumping over bushes and dancing around tress as moves swiftly and silently toward his quarry.He also keeps his ears and eyes open.
{Run x2 run feat.}

Spot 21 Move silent 31 Hide 24 Listen 23 Balance 23

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 7:14:11 PM

Valanthe listens to the womans question. They needed to eat and they didn't exactly have supplies to spare for all these people.

"Bart if you can watch them I'll go with her and a couple of the others to gather the fruit." She says and turns to the woman, "You can gather the fruit but I'm going with you."

DM JIM: Closing the trap  d20+3=19
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 9:56:06 PM

Ashira, Jager and Nezamil are crashing through the underbrush in pursuit of their quarry. The young man is doing his best to avoid them, but they are gaining. No one has gained much advantage, but Apollo. Jager is staying with Nezamil and Ashira not even breaking a sweat.

Ashira can see the sword scabbard banging on the young man hip as he avoids trees and bushes

Appolo has put himself in postion to cut off the man, if he so chooses. Appolo see the golden earring glinting in the moonlight and he converges with it, invisibly.

OOC: Roll your DC 15 spot and then DC 15 reflex saves again for those chasing the young man.


Ari checks where the man was watching and notices that there is a refuse pile of seeds he was eating. The man was in the woods for a while.


Rigging and Swirl reconnect and Rigging's praise seems to make Swirl spin faster and throw more water on the "Elenna Queen".

Mykael speculates about the giants, but has no iead how to move them. So much weight.....

Val goes with one of the young women and retrives a basket of yellow star shaped fruit, the like of which she has never seen before. The young girl quickly picks up a fruit and takes a big bite, juice runs down her chin and she offers another fruit to Val. "Here, it is wonderful."

Bart wonders about the women and the Wildcards that are nowhere to be seen.

Appolo Ac 23 hp59  d20+7=16 d20+12=28 d4+2=4 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5 d6=3 d6=5 d6=3
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 10:38:50 PM

Dwftly avioding the under brush Appolo closes on his quarry fast.Once he is with in15 feet of the his target he draws his assins dagger and hurls it at the creature's back.Hoping to backstab.He continuees after the target after he throws.

Spot 16 attack 28 Damage 6 Backstab 24

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 10:58:50 PM

Rigging says to the Captain, "I will start trying to get them organized. I would bet many are hungry and in need of some clothes. Can you take care of that?"

With the Captains permission, Rigging will head back to the shore and start sending people back.
He will look for the Wildcards and wonder aloud, "Where is everyone?"

Ashira---In Hot persuit  d20+12=17
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 11:15:29 PM

Getting a much better view of her target this go round (Spot=17), Ashira turns up the heat and heads into a full run. As she crashes through the underbrush, Ashira wonders whether this was such a good idea.

Jagar Ac 26(w/dodge) Hp 64/65 Mage Armor  d20+6=15 d20+10=19 d20+9=21 d20+4=13
Thursday July 21st, 2005 12:18:09 AM

The Monk keeps his eye(d20+6=15 spot ch) on the fleeing foe weaving(d20+10 reflex ch) deftly thru the brush " i'm gonna trip him " reports Jagar to Nezamil as he suddenly surges(moves as fast as needed to close to target) forward his feet blazing towards his target and attempts(d20+9=21 1st att) to trip the fleeing foe(d20+4=13 2nd att)

"I got you now" yells out Jagar as he trips the fleeing foe" no escape for you "

Jagar gets 2 attacks at 8th and has improved trip feat

Nezamil ----in dogged pursuit  d20+5=11 d20+3=6
Thursday July 21st, 2005 12:34:06 AM

The dwarf loses(d20+5=11 spot ch) sight of the fleeing spy as he dodges one bush only to run headlong(d20+3=6 reflex ch) into another "ooof .....stupid bush" growls Nezamil as he crashes to the ground sliding face 1st in the dirt.

Nezamil uses his forward momentum to keep moving towards the elusive spy ....crawling quickly forward on hands and knees as he trys to get to his feet again to support his fellow shipmates " felled by a bush......by Domi i won't hear the end of this " growls the dwarf

Thursday July 21st, 2005 6:53:07 AM

With nothing else to gain from where the person was hiding Ari heads back to the shore. Once there Ari sees that Rigging has returned from the ship. Going over to Rigging Ari offers some information to the obvious question on Rigging's face. "There was someone hiding in the bushes over there. He'd been hiding there for quite awhile by the number of seed husks that are there. So he was around during the attack. Though it's hard to tell what his role is anything. About half the group is giving chase to him right now."

Thursday July 21st, 2005 9:49:46 AM

Val wasn't going to eat the fruit but it does look juicy and its been a while since she had some fresh fruit. Seeing no harm in eating a simple piece of fruit Val grabs the offered piece and takes a big bite.

Thursday July 21st, 2005 2:21:43 PM

BArt still keps an watchfull eye on the woman and the surroundings, a bit worrying about his family members

DM Jim: The Chase ends 
Thursday July 21st, 2005 3:16:37 PM

Ari moves over to Rigging and brings him up on the situation of the scattered Wildcards.


Jager is closing in on the young running man, when all of a sudden he sees Appolo appear off to the left. The man stops running and slams into a tree and falls to the ground face first, unmoving. There is a dagger buried hilt deep in the back of his head. What a shot by Appolo.

The young man with the gold earring is dead. He is dressed in loose fitting red and black clothing and has a rapier and dagger. The man appear to be no more that sixteen years old.

Ashria, Nezamil and Appolo are panting as they cirlce the body, joining Jager.


Val helps with the fruit and even takes a bite and finds it very enjoyable and tasty. The fruits flesh is firm and very sweet, unlike anything she has had before. The young women go to town and finish off the balance of the yellow star fruit. The older women are taken aback by the speed at which the younger women eat. The younger women push and shove to make sure they each get some fruit.

Bart is still watching over the women.

Thursday July 21st, 2005 4:08:20 PM

Appolo collects his dagger wipes it off on the boys shirt."Ok let's go.He's dead."Appolo says in a matter of fact way,as turns and heads back to the ship,He walks back at a normal pace.

Jagar  d20+6=13
Thursday July 21st, 2005 7:29:54 PM

Jagar stops next to the fallen foe "think he was alone? " asks the Monk as he peers(d20+6=13 spot ch) around the woods.

"what do we do with him now ?" inquires Jagar of Nezamil

Thursday July 21st, 2005 7:38:35 PM

The dwarf chugs up next to the fallen boy as Appolo departs back to the others " would of been nice to capture him alive so we could ask him some questions "grumbles Nezamil to Appolo

"not sure Jagar but i would assume he wasn't so keep an eye out " replies Nezamil

The Cleric kneels down on one knee "Mmay Domi guide you on your path to Gargul " prays the Nezamil

The dwarf will heft the boys body over his shoulder and carry him back to the rivers shore.

"Lets head back to others" comments the dwarf to Ashira and Jagar" tw'ill be safer to search his belongings for clues there about what he was doing spying on us "

The Dwarf will make his way back to the rivers edge easily carry the boys body ....once reaching the river he will gently lay the body down and throughly search it for clues

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+9=13
Thursday July 21st, 2005 10:13:37 PM

The half-elf sighs. "Nice shooting Tex. There's got to be more of them out there. Now I guess we got to wait for them to come to us."

Ashira nods to Nezamil. "Hold on a second, though...I want to check and see if he was stupid enough to run toward his friends....let me do a quick and dirty scout of the area." (Spot=21, Track=13)

Friday July 22nd, 2005 4:39:02 AM

Bart sees Nezamil and the other coming back from the woods, Hmmm was this the foe you where chasing? He is only a kid, couldn't you capture him instead of killing him? Did he say something? Was he hostile? or was he only anxious to see what was going on?

Friday July 22nd, 2005 4:39:18 AM

Mykael cant hold back any longer, now that the women have had some food and a little time to calm down.

Mykael will walk up to the group slowly, "Ladies, do any of you know why the Satyr were working with the orcs and giants? or what the winged elves are? or how you all came to be here?"

Mykael will smile warmly at the women, and wait for any answers or stories.

Friday July 22nd, 2005 8:21:28 AM

Rigging will move up to the refuges and say while pointing at the ship, "The Captain has agreed to take you onboard and to give you passage to the port down the river. I suggest you take him up on it.

Several of the monsters are still around and we need to be moving on. We won't be here to protect you. Please start forming a line to head out to the ship."

Friday July 22nd, 2005 10:04:56 AM

Val stands back munching on some of that great fruit while being the bully and forcing the reluctant women to board the ship as ordered. Their life would change greatly now and the wildcards couldn't hold their hands during that difficult journey. They had their own things to deal with.

Friday July 22nd, 2005 11:30:33 AM

Appolo replies to Ashira"yes there are.Always more.Always has been,always will be."He looks momentarily sad as he glances at the boy"you know I'm about his age.Not even 18 yet.Which is worse to be child and be killed or never to have been a child."he then moves off quickly going invivible as he does so.

Friday July 22nd, 2005 1:40:57 PM

Ari listens to Riggings as he waits for the rest of the group to get back to the landing site. With direction from Rigging, ARi will then start helping all the ladies towards the ships. Carrying anything that the ladies might need.

Friday July 22nd, 2005 5:34:46 PM

Ashira takes a few minutes to scout the surrounding area, but does not notice any other watchers or where the dead boy was heading.

Appolo goes invisible after some brief words about youth with Ashira.

Jager ponders if the boy was alone as Rigging did mention that there were several individuals on the boat that had gold earrings.

Nezamil says a few words over the body in an effort to speed it soul on its way to the afterlife.

Nezamil picks up the body and carries it to the beach. Nezamil notices that the boy has a weathered look to him and his hands are very calloused. This boy spent a good part of his life outdoors and working.

Bart inquires to Nezamil about the wisdom of killing the boy, at least before he was questioned.

Nezamil searches the body and finds some gold coin (50) of both Elennaian and Aisildurian vintage. Very interesting though is a tatoo on his upper arm similar to the ones the Wildcards have.......

The tatoo is in the shape of a sailing ship and the main sail has interlocking gold rings on it. There is a number three on the hull of the ship. Very nice artwork.

Nezamil also finds a nicely crafted gold ring.
Roll DC 12 spot check, Nezamil only.


Mykael talks with the women and attempt to find out background information. One of the young ladies with not enough cloths on speaks up. "Life was hard in the village. Always, work, work, work. the Satyr's were fun." Another adds, sending an icy look to the first girl that spoke up "But the giants and orcs killed my pa and brothers, before the Satyr's came and took me and my ma."

There are women from several local villages. It seems the giants came in and killed all the men and the Satyr's collected the women. The women were immediately taken from the village and were not witness to the final happening in each village.

Another beautiful young bloned haired girl speaks up "The Satyr's were going to take us to a new fun place. They said they had more of the wonderful fruit and even more wine."

Many of the older women just shout out " The giants were evil vile creatures that worked for the Saty'r."

An emerald eyed young beauty answers Mykael's final question about the winged elves. "They were big Pixies and boy were they fun. They could make you forget all you troubles in a hurry. They new the best games."


Rigging attempts to organize the women with Ari's help to take trips over on the rescue launch. Fifty of the sixty women are willing to go. Five mother daughter pairs want to stay and attempt to salvage the village and make a new start of it.

Jagar  d20+6=16
Saturday July 23rd, 2005 10:14:58 AM

Jagar walks with Nezamil back to the rivers edge observing(d20+6=16 spot ch) the forest for signs of movement.

The Monk seeks out Captain Rigging " how long will we be staying here ?"

Jagar looks about undecided on how he can help and recalls the destruction and killings of his own clan and decides to help gather some supplies and tools for the women that have decided to stay and rebuild the village .

Nezamil  d20+5=25
Saturday July 23rd, 2005 10:27:22 AM

As the dwarf lays down the boys body "" yes it would of been best to capture him "replies Nezamil to Bart " but as always Appolo acted rashly and killed him quickly ......not that i really blame him with all that has happened of late....but he has a one track mind with those blades in his hands"

The dwarf carefully searches(d20+5=25 spot ch nat 20!)thru the boys belongings "hey Bart any idea the meaning of these tattoo's ? they look similar to yours " inquires the dwarf

" very nice ring ....nice stuff for a young lad " puzzles Nezamil as he studies his findings

Saturday July 23rd, 2005 11:12:18 AM

Appolo looks over the boy seeing the Tatto"Looks like he's a Pirate of Jack from a rival ship.Not all Pirates are our friends."He then moves onto the women.he heads over to the women who wish to stay"I'm sorry ladies but the enemey is still out there and it's to dangerous for you to stay here right now.So I'm going to have to insist for your own good that you come with us.You can always come back."he will gather up the women and herd them to the shore line."I am sorry about this,but we need to get moving."You can always jion us,we're starting a colony far away from here.It will be a new start."

Saturday July 23rd, 2005 2:19:27 PM

Once the chase group comes back to the shore Ari listens to them recount what happened. Once their story is told, "Like I told Rigging, he had been hiding over there for awhile. So it's hard to tell whether he was with those that were attacking. Or whether he might have been waiting for an opportune time. For what I'm not sure."

Once Appolo makes his comment about the Pirates Ari quips, "But how are we to know if we never get a chance to ask them? Or judge for ourselves? I know I don't recognize these symbols. But I'm pretty sure they don't say if I breath, and I'm not with you, then I'm the enemy and deserve to be killed. Sheesh Appolo, I think there are days where you are your own best enemy!"

When Appolo tells the ladies that they must come with the Wildcards Ari quips, "Hey Appolo, didn't you use to hate when the priests use to say 'come along now, it's safer for you to be in the village, than out here where the enemies of Aisildur can get you?' Did their explanation ever convince you?"

Ari continues to help out with those women that are willing to go. As they were given the choice to go.

Rigging  d20+4=17 d20+8=22
Sunday July 24th, 2005 1:24:17 PM

Rigging will bend down and take a good hard look at the dead boy. He will closely examine the tattoo and see if he can remember anything about it. (Intelligence check 17)

"Nezamil, Do you have the ablitity to talk with the dead? I remember hearing that some priests can do that. Can you?" Diplomacy roll 22

Rigging will then go over to the 10 ladies who want to try and restart the village. "You are free to stay but I ask you to reconsider your decision. Without the others, your lives here will be very hard. Your chances of survival on your own without your menfolk and the other ladies will be very limited. Please come with us.

As my friend said, "You can always come back, but right now nature is rising up in strength. Fey creatures are running ammuck. You and your daughters will be safer in the city. If you are looking for a new start, we will be starting a new colony soon. We will need brave and resourceful women like yourselfs. Many opportunities will come your way. Please come with us."

Sunday July 24th, 2005 2:05:29 PM

Nez he is one of the other pirates not one of our suit. There where some problems with one of the other suits, for the outside world we are all the same, but with the pirates it is just the same as in every monarchy, nobles have goals of their own just as the leaders of the suits.
Let's bury him and make sure we bring his ring and gold, maybe magical. Show it to rigging hopefully he knows more about it

Ashira  d20+7=12 d20+1=3
Sunday July 24th, 2005 11:22:22 PM

Ashira sighs and holds out a hand. "To be fair, Appolo wasn't trying to kill him...he just got in an incredible shot. So quit riding him." She too examines the boy's body (Prof. sailor=12, Int.=3), but for the life of her, she can't think of the tattoo's relationship to the Pirates. "Everybody hold on...we don't know for sure that this was one of our boys. Surely Ga'al's troops know about our tattoos for the Pirates they have captured. Maybe this is something new. Ari, can you sketch this tattoo out? When we get a chance, we should ask the Jack about this...it's very troubling."

Monday July 25th, 2005 11:04:51 AM

Valanthe stood back silently, almost envious of the formerly enthralled women. To let go like they have, to forget ones worries would feel awfully good to her right about now. But that was not her life nor her burden. Her life was what it was.

DM Jim: 
Monday July 25th, 2005 1:11:35 PM

Nezamil studies the items recovered from the young boy. The ring has an inscription "To Remy from Dad". The rapier has the name Kowal on the Hilt along with the dagger. The dagger also has an inscription "Little Brother". Nezamil also finds two very interesting and small thigh packs that each contain two potions or the like. The leatherwork is excellent and very artistic, with swirling designs, almost like waves.

Jager is very reflective and watches the forest lost in his own thoughts.

Bart suggests to Nezamil to bury the young boy.

Ashira wonders, almost hopfully, that the boy was a Ga'alian spy or plant of some sort.

Ari and Apollo debate pirates and the womens future. The women watch the interplay, but respond to Rigging. "We will come with you to the city. What city are you going to? We will come back to start over when it is safe. We have no money to repay you for saving us or to live in the city, but we will do our best. We have lost everything." The old women start to weep and is comforted by other women.

Val thinks of what it may have been like for the young women to be captivated the way they were by the Satyr. It may have had its advantages.


There is an audible pop that can be heard across the river. Nothing can be seen in the darkness, but there seems to be some surprise on the observation deck of the "Elenna Queen"?


It will take the balance of the night to move all the women and the rest of the passenger onto the "Elenna Queen". The very tired rower seeks out Rigging during one of his trips. "Sir, the Captian requests the you and your group forage for food as we have more mouths to feed and a slower boat." The sweaty sailer hops back in his craft and shoves off with another load of passenger and ladies.

Monday July 25th, 2005 5:21:54 PM

The Cleric of Domi nods at Riggings suggestion "yes Domi can grant me the ability to speak with the dead ......i don't have it prepared but i will pray for that power and try and speak with the dead boy ....Remy i think his name ....in the morning"

All his belongings are quite well made he must of had a wealthy family for one so young to have such finery........perhaps when we make it to South Harbor we could inquire about his family name?" suggest Nezamil to Rigging

"I'll put his stuff in my backpack for safe keeping till we can get the stuff researched" adds the dwarf

Nezamil will dig a grave by the rivers edge for the dead boy for use after he is done asking the dead boy a few questions " brave boy maybe a little foolish too to come out here in the dangerous woods by himself or with little support "

Nezamil collects a wooden board for use as a marker of the boys grave and inscripts his name upon it then settles in for the night readying himself to pray in the morning

Monday July 25th, 2005 5:26:38 PM

Jagar helps the survivors aboard the rowboats .

"Captain what will we do with all the giants stuff we collected? " questions Jagar of Rigging

As the night darkens the Monk takes his cue from the dwarf and settles in for the night knowing the journey might be longer to get back to the Sword

Monday July 25th, 2005 9:55:55 PM

Rigging will say, "Nezamil, don't put that stuff away yet. I will detect magic on it."
Rigging then pulls out a wand and detects magic on the boys belongings.

He will then turn to Jagar and answer, "I don't know. Most of it is to large to get over to the boat. Shame really, that spear chucker would have looked good on the Sword. You can go ask the Captain if he wants it as part of his reward. Sure it is worth something.

Rigging will then go over to his wife and say, "The Captain of the floating barge wants us to forage for food. Lots of extra mouths. Lets take a look around the village and see what we can come up with."

Stranger  d20+2=9
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 12:39:04 AM

A stranger with a white owl appears on the deck of the Elenna Queen. He has to take a few steps as he wasn't ready for the deck of a ship. And these people, he doesn't recognize them. Odd, very odd... To his bird 'Talon, find your friend, Swirl, if he's around' and the bird takes flight. He looks around, somewhat embarased. "Hi, does anyone around here know Captain Rigging?"

Ashira  d20+9=18
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 12:46:50 AM

The half-elf shrugs. "Ok, honey, not a problem...." She pulls Rigging in close "I've got a bad feeling about the young man... I'm worried maybe we screwed this one up...." Ashira looks down at the ground, unable to continue. "C'mon...let's see if we can scrounge anything up." (Survival=18)

Tuesday July 26th, 2005 5:51:28 AM

Mykael works on getting the bodies buried.

Tuesday July 26th, 2005 9:55:29 AM

Val grumbles and says something about ungrateful people and no rest for those that actually did the saving. She changes her weapons around so she has her bow in her hands following Ashira, ready to shoot anything that moves.

Tuesday July 26th, 2005 12:29:22 PM

Bart makes sure the treasure gained from the battle agains the giants is brought back on board. He also gets the bigsword out of his glove of storing and replaces it with his own bastard sword.

Walking on deck he notice a men with on owl on his shoulder, could that be .. no it must be the light it isn't him. Bart caries on with his duty's

DM Jim: Meeting Again 
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 1:08:24 PM

Nezamil prepares a grave and the body to occupy it. Nezamil will take some time to prepare his speak with dead spell for the young man. Nezamil also notices that the boys tatoo seems to have changed color, it is much blacker now.

Rigging detects magic on the boy interesting equipment and the rapier, dagger, ring, and four vials are all magic.

Jager inquires about the giants gear and Bart chimes in that he wants it all. The captain of the "Elenna Queen" will allow the Wildcards to use his launch for a trip or two. "But not any more, I am worried about what may be going on down river. Clouds look bad and I just do not like the feel of the poor village." The captain comments to Rigging.

OOC: List everything that you will take in the launch. Remember that the giants swords are 12 feet long and the crossbow is the size of a ballasta. There is enough sundered Mithyrl to swamp the launch. The launch is diesigned to hold 10 people: 17 feet long with a 5 foot beam.

Rigging feels Swirl. "Talon has found us. Amazing! I wonder where he came from. Watch this, he thought he could go fast before." Rigging sees a snowy owl buffeted by heavy winds, right itself and dive toward the "Elenna Queen"

Bart thinks he sees an old friend on the observation deck of the "Elenna Queen" as the sun starts to rise in the east. Could that be Redux???? Spot check DC 15 to determine this as a fact.

Ashira and Val catch a few rabbits and finds some hardtac in the village enough for 10 people for two days. The two women revisit some of the horrors of the village, namely the heat and the stench of the burning bodies.

Mykael is getting no help and is becoming fatigued. There is a long way to go to bury or even move the four giants.

Ari watches Mykael sweat.

Tuesday July 26th, 2005 2:18:50 PM

OOC: Meant to say as before, Mykael moves the orc bodies and tosses them into the Crevice, not bury. NO one wishes to help with the Giants or Ettins, so guess they will rot, and possibly pollute the river.

Mykael says, "We could try and pay the captian for enough runs with the launch, however he is not being very understanding and must not realize what happened here. Does he even realize that we save his boat, passengers, crew, and his own dang hide? What an idiot."

Rigging  d20+7=27
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 4:51:59 PM

Rigging looks at the others and says, "Think we should try and get that spear thrower on board?"

Rigging will apply his engineering background to try and devise a way to get the ballista over the gambling boat. (nat 20!)

"Come-on I think I have a plan."

Appolo  d20+7=10
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 8:41:06 PM

Appolo looks over at Vlanthe and walks up to her"Nice catch come on darling let go get back aboard the floating wreck and get some rest in what is left of our room."He then looks at the boat. Sees nothing of real interest besides the wreck.

Redux  d20+3=15
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 11:05:24 PM

'Quite right, 'ol boy,' Redux says, in response to the wind (Swirl) pushing Talon. The mage lifts his hand to catch his friend. He notices Bart (spot=15), "Hey, hey! There you guys are, I thought I'd popped into the wrong boat or you'd already left! Where is everyone? Anything exciting happen recently? I peaked in a few times but then got caught up in my duties. Well, more about that latter. Is the captain on board, I should ask for permission to come aboard? Wait, this isn't our ship! It has been too long!"

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 12:21:58 AM

"Captain Rigging i have an idea if we can transfer the giants loot to the riverboat maybe they can make it all the way to South Harbor and meet the Sword there and off load it " remarks the Monk " we can offer the Captain of the riverboat nice shipping fee....would help him recover some of the repair cost that he will need "

"Your right the Giants crossbow would look awesome on the Sword.....a nasty piece of firepower" adds Jagar with enthusiasm

Jagar will help transfer the giants loot to the riverboat if the two Captains can work out the arrangements

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 12:26:28 AM

Ashira asks Val to gather the supplies that they have found as she helps Rigging and Jager load the giant's loot onboard the barge. She remains withdrawn, anxious to hear the outcome of Nezamil's inquiries of the dead boy.

Nezamil  d20+5=14
Wednesday July 27th, 2005 12:37:54 AM

The dwarf chuckles at Mykaels comments " good idea about getting the Riverboat Captain to ship the loot to the sword.....seems like Jagar is in agreement with ya "

" I think its a great idea Mykael good thinking "

Nezamil observes(d20+5=14 spot ch) the stranger aboard the riverboat " who is .......wait it can't be ..... is that .......yeah it certainly looks to be ........{b] heya Redux welcome back " [/b] shouts Nezamil as he waves to returning Mage

"Captain i'm almost ready to cast that spell so lets get together and prepare a few questions ok ?"

" like what he was doing out here spying on us ?"
" who else was with him ?"
"who do you work for ?"
"what is your family name and business ?"

" you have anything to add Rigging ? " inquires the dwarf

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 6:46:03 AM

"We don't have a way to teleport the equipment to the sword, do we?"

Bart  d20+4=16
Wednesday July 27th, 2005 7:47:52 AM

Bart is still busy bringing the treasure back to the boat (using his glove of storing for the swords). Back on board he sees the stranger another time, hmm the bird looks like Talon ... yes it must be Redux. Bart runs to the stranger taps him on his shoulder "he mate how are you doing!" Just in time to help me with an magical crossbow used by giants it is as big as an ballista, nice thing to use on the Sword!"

Rigging "illegal post" 
Wednesday July 27th, 2005 1:29:54 PM

When Nezamil asks his question, Rigging replies, "I think those are good questions but you might want to add, Were his intentions towards us harmful?"

DM Jim: Talking with the Dead  d20+1=14
Wednesday July 27th, 2005 1:55:54 PM

Ashira is very anxious on what Nezamil's spell will reveal.

Nezamil prepares his speak with dead spell and casts it on the boy. The boy seems to be resisting Nezamil, but relents after a brief struggle.

Nezamil asks his questions of the dead boy.

" like what he was doing out here spying on us ?"

Nezamil feels images of a young man similar in appears to the boy, but several years older, giving the dead boy instructions in what could be a room on the Elenna Queen. "Watch and report back to South Harbor." The young man also has gold earrings and short beard.

Nezamil wonders if this was the man that Rigging and Ashria warned him to watch out for? It could be?

" who else was with him ?"

Nezamil also feels images of the same young man and gets the impression that he is a close relative to the dead boy. There were others too, but not important or heart felt like the young man.

"who do you work for ?"

Nezamil gets the image of an older man and women at the helm of a powerful warship. The young boy has a marked resemblance to both and they both look full of vigor and determination. The man has a short beard and thinning hair streaked with white. The man leans on a staff and has the bearing of a wizard. The woman, close to his side, has dark hair streaked with white and has an easy feel to her, but is armed with a rapier. The sails of the ship are emblasoned with two giant gold rings on the sun bleached sails.

"what is your family name and business ?"

Nezamil feels the boys family name is fish like, Marlin maybe, and their business feels similar to what his used to be, as a pirate of the Jack.


Mykael leaves the giants to rot after tossing the orcs in the crevase.

Through extra effort of his crew, Rigging is able to secure the giant crossbow to the launch and then to the fantail of the "Elenna Queen". It is noon before the work is complete, but done none the less.

Bart attempt to put the 12 foot swords in is glove of storing?

OOC: Please explain how this is possible? I do not have my DM guide with me, but I believe the maximum is 20 pounds, which the giant swords are much more than.

The wildcards are also able to transport half of the ruined mithyrl over to the river boat. Bart even finds an undamaged Mithyrl shirt and dagger.

Ari wonder about teleporting items to the Sword.

Val is strangely quite.

Redux reintroduces himselves to his shipmate.


The Captain of the "Elenna Queen" is getting anxious to leave the burnt out village. The Captain announces "Time to shove off! Everyone lets thank the heros for slaying the giants!" There is a round of applause and much back slapping.

THe anchor is pulled up and the ship slowly moves downstream. The ship is having problems and is not moving very fast as there seems to be branches on the hull scraping bottom, but the ship is moving none the less.

All of the Wildcards are very tired as you have not slept all night and you are now assigned to one cabin. The refugees have taken up several cabins and some of the open areas.

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 4:34:30 PM

The dwarf will report his findings from his chat with the dead boy Remy to Rigging .

Before boarding the riverboat Nezamil will wrap Remy's body in a blanket and place him in the grave he recently dug , once filled in Nezamil will place the wooden mark as a headstone inscripted with the boys name
Remy Marlin
A brave son and sailor

Kneeling down on one knee "Domi guide this young brave soul on his journey to Gargul " prays the Cleric

Upon boarding the riverboat he greets his old friend the mage " good to have you back" greets the dwarf

After Nezamil heads to their shared room , finding a corner he simply lays down and quickly dozes off to sleep

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 4:36:44 PM

The Monk feels the effect of a sleepless night
and excuses himself to the room and follows the dwarfs lead and slumps in another corner and is soon fast alseep

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 10:23:53 PM

Rigging sees the Redux and pulls the mage into a hug. "Good to see you again!" He picks of some imaginary lint of Redux's pristine robes and smiles. "See your are still your sloppy self."

Rigging will then ask Ashira if she can take a look below the ship and see if she can trim off some of the offending branches slowing the ship down. "See if the ship's carpenter can loan you a saw."

Rigging will try and get his customary 2 hours sleep and forgo any meals trusting to his belt of sustenance to keep him satisfied. He knows the food situation is gonna be tight.

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 11:02:55 PM

Redux greets all of his former ship-mates. He takes in the recent happenings and just wonders at the situation. He lets them all know that he'd like to get together for a little meal he has with him when everyone will be rested. "Don't worry, Rigging, someone else can eat your dessert." He walks around, trying to observe the ship and those on it. "Yes, Ari, teleporting it would have been fine. I just don't remember where you guys left it. We wouldn't want to get lost, now would we?" He smiles and looks around, again. The vacation is over. It's time to get up in the morning knowing you could die today.

Thursday July 28th, 2005 12:34:49 AM

Ashira smiles at Redux's return and slaps the mage hard on the back. "I see you've gotten soft while you were away. I guess I'll have to drill you twice as hard once we get back to the Sword."

Listening in to Nezamil and Rigging's conversation about the boy, Ashira is taken aback. She looks up at her husband with dull eyes as he asks her to work under the ship. "Hmmmm...what was that?" Then Rigging's request sinks in, and Ashira's eyes bulge. "You want me to go down there during the night, while the ship is moving?! I don't think so!!" Finding the cabin much too crowded for comfort, Ashira heads up on the deck and stares out into the darkness for many hours before finally collapsing, falling asleep on the hardwood.

Thursday July 28th, 2005 7:20:06 AM

Looking forward to some needed rest. It takes some time for Redux's presence to penetrate the fog. When Redux answers his question, Ari feels the fog lift for a second as he hears a new/familiar voice. "You seem well old friend. Do you still have your flying mouse trap?"

Hearing Rigging and Ashira comment to each other Ari adds, "After some sleep maybe I can go down with Ashira and the two of us can take a look and keep an eye on each other. With Spider Climb and alter myself to a water breather of some sort, we should be fine."

Thursday July 28th, 2005 8:31:05 AM

Val was glad to go back to the Queen and retire for the nite. The destroyed village brought up hauting memories of her own childhood and the similar destruction she faced there. Barely a child and her world was destroyed. It was something she tried so very hard to forget, and mostly succeeded until today.

Rigging Illegal post 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 8:31:35 AM

Rigging looks up at the bright sunshine and then at his wife. "Ah honey, Maybe you do need some rest." Rigging will latch onto Ari's idea and exclaim, "Yes that sounds like a great plan." He will anxiously rub Ashira's shoulders and ask, "How are you feeling?"

Taken from Jim's post:

Through extra effort of his crew, Rigging is able to secure the giant crossbow to the launch and then to the fantail of the "Elenna Queen". It is noon before the work is complete, but done none the less.

Ashira (illegal post) 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 10:04:19 AM

Ashira's weary eyes look up at Rigging, and then the sun. Why was it that it seemed so dark? Perhaps some of the darkness in her soul was seeping out. Ashira shudders as Rigging rubs her shoulders. "Yes, I am tired..." She grabs Rigging's arm and pulls him gently around to face her. She lowers her voice to a whisper that only Rigging can hear "How am I feeling?! I just brought about the murder of an innocent boy...a brother in arms, and you ask how am I feeling?!" Ashira takes a deep breath, tears forming in her eyes. "Rigging, sometimes I worry that there's something wrong with me." she rubs her chest where her heartseed used to be. "That I'm not the same person I used to be... I just brought about the death of an innocent man..." Not able to continue on that line of thought, Ashira resigns herself to sitting, staring at the water and silently sobbing.

Rigging another illegal post 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 10:30:01 AM

Rigging is shocked and surprised to see the dispair that his wife is going through. He pulls her towards him and cradles her head in his chest, stroking her hair.

In a calm and quiet voice but filled with determination, he says, "You must not blame yourself. You saw a spy. Someone who resembled the people who tried to assassinate me. He ran away. He didn't identify himself. He was killed. Spies get killed. It happens.

We have to wonder why the pirates were spying on us in the first place. We know several factions of the pirates don't like us. We have been seen as the Jack's favorites. That is bound to cause resentment. Now that we are out of the pirates, some might be planning a little payback."

Rigging tilts Ashira's chin up and looks into her eyes. He wipes the tears gently away and says, "I know you feel guilty about killing the boy, but that boy was just loaded with magic. He was well prepared by whoever sent him. I don't think he was there with our best interests in mind. It is a shame a boy had to die but he was a pawn in a bigger game. They sacrificed him, not us or you."

Ashira (illegal post) 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 10:50:06 AM

Ashira looks up at Rigging and smiles. The world could be swallowing them up, and somehow he'd find a way to make it ok. He was a truely magical man, and she knew she was lucky to have him as her husband.

Slowly she rises to her feet. Her body aching with exhaustion from the battle...her eyes burning from lack of sleep. She pulls him in close, kisses him gently on the lips and murmurs "Thank you." Then she pushes away her exhaustion and straightens up. "Ok, let me go get out of this armor, and I'll see what Ari and I can do under there."

Rigging hmmm another illegal post 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 10:54:24 AM

Rigging sees her exhausted state and says, "No, you go take a nap. Two hours should do it and it will still be plenty light out." He turns her towards their cabin, playfully swats her on the bum and says, "Take a nap! Then I expect you at full efficiency Mistress of the Sword. That is an order!"

Thursday July 28th, 2005 11:15:30 AM

Appolo paasses by Ashira and Rogging seeing her,Appolo says"Big sister you had no intention of killing that boy unless you had.You didn't kill him I did.As I on the other hand did exactly what I set out to do.I don't take prisoners.I arrived first and kiled the man.Swift and sure.I wasn't trying to wound him.I did what I set out to do.So don't feel bad you're not responsible.I am."he then heads om to the ship finds aplace and settles down to sleep with Vlanthe.He is quite at peace and completely relaxed as goes to sleep.

Thursday July 28th, 2005 12:27:52 PM

ooc Jim you are right the glove of storing cant be used for the swords of the giants Bart has used his strength to drag them to the boat

And teleporting to the sword? Maybe we can find there exact position by using the wayfinder must work her too. Di you want to use it Redux? Could you bring us all?

Bart leaves the discussion about killing the boy nothing can change his dead now. Bart is more interested in the mythiril shirt he just found. Redux could you tell me if this shirt and dagger is magical?

DM Jim: Supplies 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 1:16:30 PM

Everyone is on board the "Elenna Queen" and makes up for lost time with Redux. The Wildcards also discuss the ramifications of Remy Marlin's death and the responsibility.

The exhausted group settles down for rest and everyone get a reasonable sleep, although some are on the hardwood planks and when awoken find that branches have grown next to them. The dead wood is coming back to life and fast.

Redux determines that the Mithyrl shirt and dagger are not magical, but Nezamil believes they are of masterwork quality, be it a bit bloody. The owner of the armor did not fare as well as his armor did.

Another lazy day passes and then another and the "Elenna Queen" seems to be going slower. Ari's best efforts to chop off growing branches does not seem to be haveing much effect.

The Captain approaches Rigging "We have one more day of food. We either have to stop and forage or drop some people off, or both. We are two days at this speed from the next village. You and your group care to do some foraging to help feed all the mouths you saved?"

Jagar  d20+6=13
Thursday July 28th, 2005 8:06:46 PM

Jagar strolls the deck of the riverboat keeping a sharp eye(d20+6=13spot ch)out for any possible threats stopping on occasionly to veiw Mrs.Arrack and Ari's work when visible from the deck

Thursday July 28th, 2005 8:15:19 PM

Waking up after some much needed sleep "by Domi the ships is coming alive" blurts out the dwarf

"its just a wonder that this could happen....so...so ...strange ..." mumbles the perplexed dwarf

Enjoying the peaceful couple days the dwarf just putters around the riverboat helping any of the refugees

Overhearing the two Captains speak " so we must hunt for some food......well with nature on a rampage " as he eyes all the growth on the decking" the deer or wild boar must be giant size " grimaces Nezamil " but at least we'll eat good if we catch one "

Thursday July 28th, 2005 9:31:31 PM

Rigging will look to Nezamil and ask, "Can you create food? That might help a little."

Rigging will then organize a hunting party. Redux, send Talon up into the air to act as a spotter of game. Deer, boar, bear, large game only. We have to feed a lot of people. I will do the same with Swirl.

We need speed and swiftness. Who wants to go hunting? Whoever stays behind, can try and fish."

Nezamil -info post 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 9:58:39 PM

"Sure Captain i'll pray to Domi for that " replies the Cleric " each time Domi grants me that power i can feed around 25 people per time"

" so if needed i can pray for several of those spells " comments the dwarf " how many people are aboard the riverboat ?" inquires Nezamil

Ashira (Speak with Plants)  d20+2=20 d20+8=19
Friday July 29th, 2005 12:31:58 AM

As they slowly plod down the river, Ashira carefully examines the ship's planks (Knowledge, nature=20) and comes to the same conclusion as Nezamil. With a twinkle in her eye, Ashira goes over to Rigging. "Rigging, I think I might have a way to help with the situation... Since our battle with the giants, I have expanded my capabilities slightly. I now have the ability to speak with plants. Maybe I can figure out a way to let the ship know that we need it to stop growing branches on the hull."

Smiling, Ashira casts her spell and reaches down to touch the living wood planks underneath her. Her heart jumps as she begins to speak with a plant for the first time in her life. "Greetings majestic one. My friends and I were wondering whether you might consider limiting the growth of your limbs under the water. We're trying to get down the river as quickly as possible..." (Diplomacy=19)

Friday July 29th, 2005 1:12:02 AM

Redux settles down for the interlude while everyone rests. There was a bit of a time change for the mage. At the words of Ashira about being drilled, he feels the buldge in his pack he'd been planning on giving her. 'Not the best thing to give when he's the one who's going to be timed.' He reminds everyone that he'd like to get together as a group instead of everyone being off on their own. In the morning, when the boat captain stops the ship, he'll send Talon up to help with the hunt. His friend makes a slight squawk at the idea of hunting such big (bigger than he) game.

Ari  d20+6=12 d20+3=19
Friday July 29th, 2005 7:15:12 AM

Ari does his best to help with tryign to make the ship move in the water faster. While the two are below the surface Ari will take a look around the lenght of the ship to see if there are any other problems. search=12 spot=19

Friday July 29th, 2005 12:01:46 PM

I will clean it and i will look if it fits me. If so maybe the guys from the Catacombs can put an spell on it.
Bart prepares for an hunt he searching for a nice hunting bow to shoot a deer or two

DM Jim: A hunting we will go..... 
Friday July 29th, 2005 12:58:45 PM

Nezamil takes a census of the "Elenna Queen" and determines that there are 85 surviving gamblers, 55 rescued women, and 40 crew and hosts, not including the 10 Wildcards.

Ashira talks to the now growing planks of the floating barge. "Give me sun and water and I will grow. It is good to feel life in me again. It was so dry before, so terribly dry."

The planks seem to be sending shoots into one another. The ship seems to be forming into one living organism.

OOC: All those going hunting please roll a survival roll. If you have survival as a skill double your skill ranks for this hunt. Nature seems abundant in this neck of the woods.

The captain will stop for five hours for the hunting and foraging trip. "A prize will go to the one that retrives the most food." The captain adds just before the Wildcards take the launch to shore.

Ari searches the ship high and low and can only determine that the volume of branches growing is slowing the ship down. The rudder growing branches is not helping either.

OOC: Please state if you are hunting or stay on the ship. Bart can not visit the Catacombs until we dock in South Harbor.

Valanthe.(hunting)  d20+17=32
Friday July 29th, 2005 8:47:17 PM

OOC: for some strange reason the name on my last post has Appolo instead of Valanthe.

WIth her impressive magical bow Valanthe takes to the forest in search of game. While not stealthy her bow has such an impressive range which enables her to hunt before the prey decides to run.

ooc2: 32 on my survival roll

Bart (hunting)  d20+4=6
Saturday July 30th, 2005 11:16:12 AM

Before Bart goes on shore he asks Redux if he goes on shore as well and if not if he can identify the treasure they did find
2*Magic Great sword (fire giant size)
3 magic golden orbs, similar to the one Ashira experienced first hand.
Silver and Mithyrl broach, magic
Magic leather band
magic leather arm band

Bart goes on shore, lacking a bow he tries to set some traps and looks for fruits nuts or other stuff that can be eaten (survival 6)

Bart  d10=7
Saturday July 30th, 2005 11:18:07 AM

hp roll

Jagar  d20+6=18
Saturday July 30th, 2005 9:47:37 PM

Tiring of being cooped up aboard the riverboat "i'll help out hunting"pipes in Jagar " i'm not the best hunter(d20+6=18 survivial ch) but i'm fast enough to chase something down " grins the Monk " or i can flush something towards you hunters "

" will feel good to stretch my legs " adds Jagar as he joins the hunt

Nezamil  d20+5=8 d20+5=20
Saturday July 30th, 2005 9:53:06 PM

The dwarf stays aboard the riverboat " i'll stay and use Domi's favors to help feed and water those aboard "

Nezamil will cast create water(0-level) and having preyed for a couple of create food+water spells will do his best to keep everyone nourished

After passing out Domi's divine meals the dwarf will wander the decks of the riverboat keeping eyes(d20+5=8 spot ch) and ears(d20+5=20 listen ch) open

Appolo  d20=4
Sunday July 31st, 2005 1:53:40 AM

After resting up for a couple of days.The call is put out for hunter.Appolo follows Vlanthe on the hunt.

he will stay close to her.

Survival Check 4

Mykael  d20+5=19
Sunday July 31st, 2005 6:48:12 PM

OOC: Sorry for the lack of posts all. I moved this week and didnt have access for a few days. My appologies for not stating earlier.

IC: Mykael stays aboard the ship and after plenty of rest he works on cutting his ruby.

He also appraises all the uncut Diamonds that the group recovered. (appriase skill = 19)

"I am curious as to what you wish to do with the uncut diamonds," Mykael comments to the group. "If you just wish to sell them, I am willing to buy them from the at market value."

Redux (hunting)  d20+2=8 d20+2=14
Monday August 1st, 2005 12:32:42 AM

True to form, Redux is rather clumsy in a hunt (dc=8). Talon is better, but is trying to follow as well as lead Redux that he's not much help to the others in flushing. Though, the combined pair may have inadvertently flushed some game for the others, just due to the noise of Redux' tromp thru the underbrush. Somewhat flustered, Redux sits down on what appears to be a clean boulder.

Ashira (A hunting I will go...Speak with Plants)  d20+9=25
Monday August 1st, 2005 12:46:33 AM

Not getting very far trying to communicate with the ship, Ashira decides to help out the others on the hunt. First, she heads out into the forage and asks the plants if they have seen any medium animals nearby. Then, she will guide the rest of the Wildcards to the area which the plants guide her to and set about hunting up some food. (Survival=25)

Ari  d20=2 d20=13 d20=9
Monday August 1st, 2005 7:31:10 AM

(ooc do not have character sheet handy, so it looks like I'll need that doubling. unmodified survival of 2)

Still feeling the effects of being up for so long the day before. Ari is still glad to just stretch his legs by hunting. "We should hunt together and see if we can find any kind of heard. Be like the wolves and just take down the old and the sick.

If not that I could even sneak around some of the bigger pray and drive them towards the group of you so that we can get bigger, or more prey faster together."

Should the group want to work together then Ari will do his best to work with the group of hunters.

(unmodified Hide and Move for 13 and 9 respectively)

Rigging  d20=10
Monday August 1st, 2005 8:38:15 AM

Rigging goes hunting with his wife, trying not to slow her down. He has a bow with him but if any good size herds of animals are spotted, he might resort to his lightning bolt to take several of the animals.

Swirl darts ahead looking for game and reporting back to Rigging with any sightings

Survival roll of 10 x 2 =20

DM Jim: Hunting 
Monday August 1st, 2005 1:09:16 PM

The "Elenna Queen" is not comfortable any more as the grwing vines and branches are starting to take over. People are not compaining much as most just want to get to South Harbor in one piece.

Nezamil stay aboard ship and makes food and water for the passengers and crew. It is not enough, but it help extend the rations. Several people approach him for blessing, their children, their dice, the Elenna Queen.

Mykael studies the uncut diamonds and feels they could be sold for 500 gp each to one skilled enough to study and extract the stones.

OOC: Roll at 1-5 on your gemcutting skill and the uncut diamond is ruined. 6 - 10 and you extract 250 gp of stones. 11 - 15 500 gp of stones. 16-30 and you get 1000 gp of stones. 30 - 40 and you get 1500 gp of stones. For every one week you study a particular uncut stone you get +1 on the roll.


Before leaving to hunt, bart suggests that Redux identify all the the magic items of the group, but Redux goes hunting.

The hunting parties finds sign of game all over the place: deer, elk, beaver, rabbit, boar, and bear. Some of the tracks are unbelivably large. Ashira almost can not believe her eyes at one set of elk tracks. I may be the size of a house!

Ashira talks with the local plant life and they complain about the recent rash of herbivors, but mostly they are very happy to have mothers touch. None of the plants that Ashria talks to look like they have been eaten or even diseased. All plants seem to be fruiting also, very strange indeed. Ashria looks around and everything looks incredibly lush.

When talon comes back from his own sucessful hunt (he has a rabbit), he land on Redux's shoulder with a thud. The bird seems to have grown is size and weight, how is that possible? Talon is very defensive about his kill.

Swirl seems to be ignoring Rigging. Rigging know his message is getting through, but swirl seems to be talking to someone else........

Rigging is very dissapoint he could not zap anything. Do not have the required hunting skill it seems.

Jager is very sucessful in flushing game to the other hunters and finding fruit.

Some of the game taken was eating at the time, but the grasses do not look disturbed where they were grazing.

OOC: For every 1 point above 15 on your survival roll you found food to feed one person for one day. For every point above 24 you can feed 2 people for a day. Not a bad trip!

The hunting took 4 hours.

Monday August 1st, 2005 4:40:04 PM

Wiping the sweat from her brow, Ashira smiles at the Wildcards. "Not bad...not bad at all." She turns to Rigging. "Well, dear, what do you think...we going to make it to South Harbor before that thing grows legs and leaves us behind?" Though Ashira tries to make light of the situation, she is more than a little concerned about how they are going to get back to the Sword.

Mykael  d20+10=12
Monday August 1st, 2005 7:20:31 PM

Mykael comments to the group, "Well, these are some rather nice diamond specimens, I can not afford to buy them, however, I am a fairly skilled gem cutter. I can try and cut them to value or better. This requires time and skill, and there is the possibility of failure. And a cutting fee also. I will let you all decide."

"I wonder what is going on around here."

(Knowledge Arcana? = 12)

Monday August 1st, 2005 10:55:47 PM

Ariving back at the ship, Redux hears the report from Mychael about the gems. "A cutting fee?! A cutting fee?! Rigging, can i start charging a 10% fee for identifying the group items? A cutting fee?! In all my time with the pirates, i've never heard of that." He laughs and walks towards the front of the ship looking over his bird-friend. 'What happened to you out there? Got some new growth, there i see. That's a good thing, just don't understand. Did anything happen while you were catching that rabbit?'

Monday August 1st, 2005 11:51:46 PM

Jagar helps carry the groups kills back to the riverboat "lets get the crews cooks up here and tend to the meat " remarks the monk zealously

" this oughta make some fine stew "

Monday August 1st, 2005 11:58:13 PM

Rigging is pouting. He so wanted to lightning bolt a heard of deer or elk. "Everyone else sees things...all I see is trees. It isn't fair."

When he gets back to the ship, he smiles at Mykael. He looks at Redux and says flatly, NO!

He grabs Mykael by the arm and says, "I know it will get some getting used to, but this is a family. Would you charge your mother a fee? I wouldn't think so. We are all a team and strive to help each other and the crew. Besides, I doubt you will have that much time to really work on them. Scrubbing off barnacles is tough work. So is sanding down the deck."

Monday August 1st, 2005 11:59:29 PM

The dwarf observes the wildcards bring their game back from the hunting trip " well done " chimes in Nezamil from the observation deck

"that should help us survive to South Harbor"

The Cleric of Domi agrees to bless the children "may you all have Domi's courage and strength of heart " prays the dwarf to the families

With a sly grin "May all you dice rolls be favorable and may you have Domi's courage to accept the consequences of the dice " intones the Cleric with a big grin and a wink as he blesses their dice

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 7:24:58 AM

Ari is happy that most of the group could go out and do something sort of non-violent together. At least something non-violent to bi-peds.

As he helps with the preparations with meat he hears Mykael speak, and then receive his answer. "hmm. Fees. There's an interesting idea. Should we charge a fee for collecting all this food? Spell casters might get rich off this group, with how much healing and offensive magic goes on with us. But then the fighters could maybe charge a fee for either taking the damage, or coming to peoples rescue. Then maybe Rigging should charge a fee for every time we're lost and he has to use his device to pull us out of the fire " Ari whispers, "which then leads him physically drained for a day or so.

Wow, what a downward spiral this could go.

I'm sorry Mykael, we've always depended upon each other long before me met you. What we give is given freely. Though I do wonder about our tendancy to violence, and I know I'm not the only being that's worried about that."

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 11:38:33 AM

Is seems you did a lot better then me, next time i go fishing instead of hunting! Well Redux you have work to do then! says Bart with a smile on his face. In your absence we have slain some giants and other monsters. Good to have you back

Mykael - illegal post 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 12:22:36 PM

Mykael listens to the comments made, and then lets himself be pulled a little by Rigging. Then he plants a foot.

"I only recently joined your group. I dont recall seeing any of you in the orphanage that I grew up in. Therefore, Captain, I dont believe we have reached 'family' trust or even status yet. Friends, I hope, but I have only know most of you for a few weeks." Mykael keeps his voice calm and continues, "As for charging a fee for crafting? That takes time and effort. Its also how I suppliment my income. It is an extra proffession that I work on during spare time. It cant be comepaired to the normal everyday workings of a group. I am not here to prey upon the group.... wow, surprised that you wouldnt understand, 'Captain'". The last remark is a little terse.

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 12:27:18 PM

Her body ached delightfully as she helped move the fresh meat onto the ship. Finding the game was incredibly easy. It was everywhere. She could have fired off a shot with her eyes closed and hit something. The problem was getting the food back to the ship. Everybit they returned with was needed but it was very heavy, even with her magicly enhanced strength.

"Fees? What's this I hear about fees? Does this mean I can charge for the food I've brought back? I do need all the funds I can get to replace my broken blade."

DM JIM: FEES??!!?? 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 1:03:42 PM

The Wildcards in are in uproar about the possibility of charging each other fees for the service performed on each other. Now that there is a port in their future, look how capitalistic they have become..........


Nezamil blesses several people on the boat, much to their pleasure and even more so that he did not charge a fee for the service.

Redux checks over Talon. Talon seems normal, just at least twice his size and is a bit grumpy about all of the poking and proding. "I am fine!" Redux sences from Talon.

Rigging attempts to reason with Mykael to limited sucess. Swirl comes back and beams to Rigging. "What a neat place, so elemental."

All the food is brought on the ship and the coos start to prepare a late dinner. The cooks can no longer use the hull for the kitchen as it is overgrown. The cooks are setting up a barbarque on the observation deck.

Everyone is pleasently feed and drifts off to sleep as the ship floats down river. It is obvious that the helmsmen are having problems controlling the direction of the ship, but then again you are on a river.

At the very end of the next day the ship passes another burned out fishing village. Two of the young lady refugees cry as it appears to be where they came from.

The Elenna Queen seems to be slowing as it travels the next day and stops at dusk. The captain curses "What is the blazes in going on now! Why have we stopped!" The captain approaches Ari and Ashira and asks "Can you perform your magic again and see what is happening? This is a request and I do not expect to be charge a fee." He finishes with a sly wink at Ashira.

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 3:35:58 PM

Appolo helps bring in the food and makes sureall regugees are fed.
He spends the rest of the day resting.
When the ship stops he gets up and looks around.

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 9:18:15 PM

Nezamil walks the riverboat with confidence talking and helping the passengers to keep up their spirits "won't be long now this trip will reach South Harbor soon enough" comforts the dwarf

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 9:22:03 PM

Having been enslaved himself and knowing the loss of family the Monk shows kindness to the survivors of the burnt village comforting the two young ladies " this will give you both a chance to start over and reach for your dreams" inspires Jagar

Ashira  d20+8=25
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 11:49:55 PM

Ashira watches the exchange between Mykael and the others with a smile grin on her face. Poor new guy. She is mildly rebuffed my Mykael's harsh tone with her husband, but she chalks it up to his unfamiliarity with the others. Walking over, she lays a gentle hand on Mykael's shoulder. "Mykael, as my husband explained...in this group we work as a family. All our talents are pooled. I don't think you would like Redux (Ashira grins at the newly returned mage) or Nezamil here to charge you for any potions or scrolls that they have made on their own free time. In this family, we share all our resources equally so that we make the most efficient use of them. Just as we all equally share the treasure we earn, we all share any skills we possess...." Ashira gives Mykael a warm welcoming smile as she hands him a large slab of the venison from the fresh kill. "I'm sure you'll learn to like our methods over time...brother."

When approached by the Captain of the Queen, Ashira returns his wink. "No charge...I just want a refund when we get back to port." Ashira casts Speak with Plants and once more queries the now living ship. "Greetings again Magnificent one. Why have we stopped traveling down the river? I would be honored if you would allow my friends and I to continue traveling with you for but a little while longer. Then we would be pleased to find you a nice quiet place where you can live your life in peace..." (Diplomacy=25)

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 11:56:16 PM

Rigging smiles at Mykael and says, "I guess we should hear your fees then? How much to shape the gems for us? How much time will it take?"

ooc DM Jim, how far are we from Safehaven now?

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 12:33:19 AM

To Talon: 'All i'm saying is you've changed. You've never had your feathers ruffled so easy before. Glad you're OK.'

Redux decides to head over to where the children are playing and do a few cantrips. He thinks to himself, 'Never know, one of these kids might be able to learn these and begin training.' While he does some 'practice' he asks for any volunteers to attempt the same motions and words.

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 4:53:26 AM

"Well, I am not sure of the standard rate, but I would go with 5% for the group of the INCREASE in value that I am able to cut. And it takes about 8 hours to cut one gem." Mykael responds to Rigging.

"Dear lady, I try to help and share as much as possible. Side professions are how I, and many make extra cash. This is my side profession. It takes more time that cast of most all spells. Hunting and foraging or information finding is part of a group deal, unless they are doing it on thier time to make extra cash. As for potions and scrolls, I would expect a fee to be charged to me by someone that put that much time in to a craft. I can write scrolls, and brew potions. Its all about the time, if it was just one or two, no big deal, but we are talking about 19. Thats alot of time that takes away from my personal money making time. Scrolls and potions are life and death items and I would offer any that I have or can make to help. Gems are strictly a money making venture. But, if the group doesnt see it like this, then we will have to work something out."

"Oh and on a side note, Yes, it was Valenthe sword that was sundered, and it is her cost to replace, in my opinion. However, I am willing to help in that cost." Mykael states genuinely.

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 7:38:30 AM

When the Captain of the ship approaches for help with the ship Ari says, "no problem." He will then cast alter self in order to join Ashira. As Ashira asks a question Ari prompts her with another. "Do you think we can maybe get the plants to 'shape' themselves in a more streamlined way, that will allow the ship to travel better? The plants may have no experience with knowing how a ship is supposed to move for us bipeds"

As the conversation with Mykael continues Ari will point out, "It could be the difference of being an orphan that has also not sailed on the sea, which is why you don't understand us. On the sailing side of things, we expect everyone to pull their fair share. What that generally is is loosely defined. Because from one moment to another we don't know what we'll need.

You could use this gem cutting skill as a way to benefit this group. Because from what you say you can increase the value of some of these stones. Would you still want to charge that fee if Val has lost her sword because she was defending you for one reason or another? What if that fee means that our cleric here cannot make a resurrect scroll because he doesn't quite have enough for the components? Or our skilled Navigator cannot purchase the map we need?

Other points. All of us are sailors with our ship, which is a profession. Does that mean we should charge you room and board for the use of our ship? I could be a blacksmith, should I be charging for all the repairs I help with on the ship? What about Armor repair, which I can do also? Besides that I can help most of my family with many of their skills?!"

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 10:59:59 AM

"Captain if we are to pay to have gems cut I would rather pay an expert, not someone who does this as a hobby. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to leave before I use this flail to turn Mykael's head into a bloody pulp." Valanthe says disgustedly. She heads off to walk patrol on the upper deck hoping that somebody will attack them.

ooc: I think we should get the loot issue settled before we get to harbor. That way those of us that need to go to the catacombs won't miss our chance. Also if the group as a whole has to pay for the gems to be cut I want to pay an outside contractor who is highly skilled, even if it costs more.

Mykael - illegal post 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 12:40:41 PM

"Wow, you all just dont get it. A money making profession that has nothing to do with the everyday working of the group cant be compared to using a sword to save a life. I am an accomplished sailor, thats why I chose to join you all. It is a profession, but that is something that the whole group is choosing, that is pretty much what this group is about. As for blacksmithing, Yes, if you repaired armor for me, I would expect you to charge a fee, especially if it was a big job. I am also, a shipwright, and if working on the ship that is part of my duties to the group." Mykael sighs.

"Want to get someone better than me, good luck, and fine by me, I will pay my share of his fees. Just means I have time to work on my own stuff for my income." Mykael states.

Mykael looks at Val and thinks, 'She is really messed up, she speaks of family and then threatens me, WOW. Have to remember not to reason with her.'

Mykael turns to walk out of the room stops and states, "I never figured this would be such a big deal. I see differences between the things, however, the whole area is grey to group. I guess I shouldnt have offered. I am not trying to cause problems. This time, group decide, I will abide."

Mykael walks out to look upon the water and ponder the situation at hand.

OOC: LOL... cant believe this... At least the posts are lively!

DM Jim: Taking Root 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 1:00:30 PM

The Wildcards continue their livly debate about family and fees. Where will it all lead......

Redux entertains the young nubile scantily clad ladies of the ages 15-19 years with various cantrips. They are very impressed and much to Val's delight seem to be giving Redux more attention than Appolo. None of the beautiful ladies seem to have any aptitude for magic although they like the personel attention.

Appolo, Nezamil and Jager see to the various needs of the refugee women, young and old.

The captain laughs at Ashira's request " For you sister, no problem. Just tell me what my ship is up too!"

Ashira concertrates on the ship and casts her speak with plants spell. The ship responds "I need to sen my roots deep to resist the flow. I have grown much since mother's granted me rebirth. I will stay here from now on."

The captian is very distress when he hears what Ashira has to say and send men down to investigate. Sure enough the hull seems to have taken root in a shallow part of the river. The "Elenna Queen" seems to be more tree that ship now a days anyway. Over the last few days branches have been growing out the sides and there are now two central stalks growing on the observation deck.

The captain paces the observation deck spewing curses at nature in general. Once he calms down the captain announces "We survived the fire giants, but I think now we will have to abandon ship. We can take the launch to shore in shifts. Take what food as you can carry. I have to say it must be at least a week or more walk to South harbor."

Sence motive DC 15 on the Captain to discern his attitude on the situation.

The launch itself is starting to sprout new growth.

Nezamil  d20=20
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 2:44:07 PM

Nezamil chuckles at the lively debate then grimacesa little ar Val's temper ......with a shake of his head he heads over to Mykael "nothing wrong with a little enterprising spirit ....its good to see someone put their skills to work to aspire to better their situtation " remarks the dwarf

"Don't worry about Val's temper she's great in a brawl but not the most social person i've met "adds Nezamil " if Val and Appolo don't threaten or grumble about something well that means their having a bad day " laughs the dwarf "

As the riverboat Captain spews out curses as he paces the dwarf looks up from the main deck at him and watches(d20=20 sense motive ch)him trying to figure what has set him off

The Cleric of Domi will continue to assist the passengers and survivors setting a calm and confident example

Jagar  d20+5=6
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 2:52:41 PM

Jagar overhears Mrs Arrack and the riverboat Captain talking " Mrs Arrack couldn't you ask the riverboat to slow down its growth till we reach South Harbor?" questions the Monk " just another day's journey and the riverboat can settle comfortably at the mouth of the harbor ....try enticing the riverboat with the lush conditions it can have at the mouth of the river leading out to South Harbor " remarks Jagar with a quick grin as he observes Ashira's and the riverboat Captains faces for their reaction(d20+5=6 sense motive ch)

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 7:18:53 PM

As the story continues to unfold about the ship Ari brings up, "I wonder if this has anything to do with this dream thing that went on a little while back. I wonder if you can convince the plants to deeply root to each other, instead of down and make the ship stronger?"


As the story continues with Mykael Ari continues, "How can you say a money making profession that has nothing to do with the running of the group? The group is going to change some of it's habits by the nature of including you in the group. Your skills could possibly make some of your money go a little farther than without those skills. Just like my repairing our Armor for the short term helps it last or get better dollar when sold, over the long term. Or how my life might last a little longer because of someone's sword arm." Pausing for a breath and a sigh, " But I guess I can see your point. When faced with a bunch of strangers that you don't trust or know, you have to set a fee because you don't have any other means of recognizeable barter. We have our heritage as ocean going scavengers to maintain!" The last sentence being said with a bit of sarcasm on his voice, and a twinkle in his eye, just in case anyone outside of the Wildcards are really listening.

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:34:41 PM

Appolo walks up to Mykael"That's ok my friend.Don't worry about it.We just don't usually charge each other for our services that's all.You see we make our living by taking what we want from our enemies.We're Pirates you know and that's how we make our living.I'll pay your fee 5% you said.I'll also pay for Valanthe just give my end to her so she can get anew and better sword."Appolo says with smile.
He then goes after Valanthe looking around for her"Oh Sunshine.My Sunshine where are you?"

Redux  d20=11 d20=8
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 11:12:51 PM

Redux uses the last of his cantrips for the young ladies. It occurs to him how young some of them are; it makes him nervous. Then the whole situation hits him and he looks at all of the faces in the audience--all youung women, he didn't notice it that way before. One of them, not so far from his age, maybe- black hair, half smile-catches his eyes. A blush begins to form and he messes up Flare and almost blinds himself. In a rush, he tries to retreat below deck where the light is not as good to see him blush. Upon hearing the ship's captain order the abandon ship, he has no idea why or the motive. Looking for a familiar face he goes to Rigging to find out what happened.

Ashira  d20+8=26
Thursday August 4th, 2005 12:07:31 AM

The half-elf just shakes her head at Mykael with a look that is a mixture of sadness and disgust. "No...no. I get it just fine thank you. I might just be a dumb sword swinger with no marketable skills to bring in extra personal income, but that doesn't mean I don't understand." Ashira sighs deeply and throws her hands down in a gesture of frustration.

Ashira listens in to the advice offered by Jager and Nezamil. She speaks with the ship once more, trying to convince it that if it will just hold on a little longer that there is a much better place for it to put down its roots (Diplomacy=26). Still, internally she holds out little hope of persuading the living ship and mentally prepares to abandon ship.

Rigging  d20+6=26
Thursday August 4th, 2005 12:40:45 AM

Rigging waits to see what the results are of Ashira's efforts. If the do have to leave the ship, he will say to the Wildcards, "Gather supplies. Find rope, blankets, water skins, food, and whatever else you think we might need to shepard these people to Safe Haven."

Rigging examines the launch and says to the Captain. "Maybe you should let me and my crew take that to the town. We can get their much faster and then send help back." Diplomacy 26 natural 20

Thursday August 4th, 2005 3:32:12 AM

Hmmmppff. One thing what is the difference in investing time cutting a gem to get more profit of it and the time i spent in training my fighting skills and taking car of my weaponry and armor? You benefit the group by making more money from treasure i benefit the group by fighting and defeating enemies. Is the treasure from enemies i slain my treasure or group treasure. If i kill 3 and you one do i get a bigger split? Thats all i want to say about it, do you thing and if you still think you need a fee then it is fine by me.

Ashira i dont wanna ask but cant we shop of the branches? Ask Bart in the battle language Jager teached them

Thursday August 4th, 2005 12:15:14 PM

Mykael listens to Riggings requests, then comments, "Would you like to send a few of the group or more to scout out the landing point and shore for problems, and then post a couple as guards and to help in the unloading?"

Mykael states, "I am not sure what is going on, but are there no axes on board?"

DM Jim: Decisions 
Thursday August 4th, 2005 1:39:48 PM

The group still debates compensation with no end in sight.

Nezamil can sence that the Captain is not comfortable or confident is his decision to disembark the crew and passengers. The Captain seems to have some foreboding doubts.

Mykaels suggestion seems sound, but it looks like it also might sink the tree/ship.

Rigging approaches the Captain with his proposal to take the launch to South Harbor. "The Captain rubs his chin "I think we should take two of yours and two of mine and attempt your plan. I will need you to lead the guard detail and set up for food gathering. Your group have proved to be excellent."

The rest of the day is spent off loading people onto the shore. The captain gathers everyone together and announces "Some of us will be taking the launch to South Harbor for help. Mr. Arrack will be taking over security and provisions. I expect to be back in three days."

The captain looks to Rigging. "Which two of your group do you want to accompany me and my bodyguard? I will speak with the three govenors as I know them well. We will be back soon. Good Luck."

OOC: The Captain will allow the Wildcards to use the launch before he leaves to offload their equipment, but you must list what is being taken of the ship/tree.

Thursday August 4th, 2005 6:09:01 PM

OOC:Mykael you are mistaken. Valanthe never once said anything close to family. That was everybody else.

Valanthe makes sure to keep her distance from Mykael because the urge to smash his head in with the heavy flail has not let up. They fight for their lives on a daily basis and he's more concerned about being a selfish {censored}.

Thursday August 4th, 2005 9:25:30 PM

Jagar is a little concerned about the unloading of all the passengers " i don't think its a good idea to have almost 200 people roaming the woods especially with Nature on growth spurt"

But the Monk will help to keep the unlaoding process going smoothly

Nezamil  d20+12=22
Thursday August 4th, 2005 9:29:47 PM

The Cleric of Domi does his best to keep everyone calm (d20+12=22 diplomacy ch) " lets form walking lines so we don't get spread out to much" soothes the dwarf

"we'll get a few of the riverboat guards to lead us along the riverbank"

Friday August 5th, 2005 3:20:29 AM

Three days? I dont mind to go to South harbor with the launch. But on the other hand my skills can be better used here. You decide captain.

CAn someone help me unloading the big swords and the giant bow?

Friday August 5th, 2005 4:04:01 AM

Appolo walks over to Rigging"We shouldn't split our group.We have to many enemies looking for us all the time.We need to stay together.We should take the luanch and head back all of us or none of us."

Rigging "Getting long winded again" 
Friday August 5th, 2005 9:28:32 AM

Rigging nods at the Captain and moves away from him. He gathers the Wildcards together and listens to Appolo.

"Appolo, I agree with you. I don't want to split the group either. The fact is I don't trust the Captain. He seems a little to mercenary to me. Since he himself is going, I am fearful he might not come back. I could be reading him wrong but who knows.

On the same token, if we all leave, I don't trust him to take care of his passengers and the refugees we picked up. It is a dilema.

Nezamil, has to stay. He can make food and clean water for us and as many passengers as possible. Redux should stay, as he represents the most fire power in case something comes along. Ashira and Val should stay since they are such good hunters. He wants me to stay and lead things. Bart should stay in case we are attacked we will need his sword." Rigging falls silent but you can see his mind working.

He looks up and says, "I believe we should send Appolo and Mykael. Appolo because he knows the streets. He understands the seemier side of things well and can get in the Captain's head if he needs to. Besides, I wouldn't want Appolo mad at me." He looks at the thief and grins. "You can be as intimidating as a charging dragon.

I choose Mykael because he understands business. It might be up to you to hire boats and organize a rescue team. Don't forget the Sword is there. At least it better be there! You can draw men from her, but don't leave her understaffed. We will need food, water, medicines, and camping gear. If we have to walk back, bring pack animals. You can dig into the ship funds if you need money."

He claps Appolo on the shoulder and says, "I know this sucks, but sometimes as a leader you have to make tough decision. I am not willing to leave these people out here alone. I am counting on you to bring back help."

Rigging will turn to the others, "OK Now for us. First order of business. I want that sprouting tree out their stripped of anything useful. Weapons, equipment, furniture anything."

Second order of business, Rigging will call out to the passengers, remaining crew, and refugees. "Listen up!!! The Captain is going to head down river and get help! We are going to be on our own for a while. My friends, and I have been put in charge of the camp. My name is Captain Arrack Von Palin and I will be in charge! We are going to organize you into different groups. Defense, food gathering,and food preperation and house keeping. Everyone will work!

For some reason, nature has gone crazy!" Rigging points at the growing ship as proof. "I don't need to remind you of the goat men and the giants. To survive out here we have to work together and will work together.

Now everyone form up into a line. We need to know what your skills are. We need to build a camp, find food, and produce some weapons. We will be asking you your skills and assigning you a place."

Rigging will say to Bart, "You are in charge of defense. You will build us a defensible position. Some kind of brush and log wall maybe. You will find any experienced fighters and get them armed with something. Jagar will be your second.

Ashira, you are in charge of hunting and gathering. Val will be your second. We will need food and lots of it. Don't forget there might be fish in that river.

Ari your in charge of housekeeping. You are the camp master. You will see everyone eats, is under some kind of shelter and being productive. Nezamil is your second.

Rigging turns to Redux and smiles. You and I get to be everywhere helping out everyone. To start your in charge of sorting out the skills of all our help here. Send Bart the warriors and people with engineering skills. Ashira the hunters and fishermen and Ari the rest! Now everyone get cracking!"

Ashira  d20+12=29 d20+11=31 d20+9=25 d20+12=28 d20+11=28
Friday August 5th, 2005 12:08:49 PM

Ashira watches as Rigging snaps into Captain mode. She rolls her eyes when she is put on hunting duty of all things. Ironic...she was the Mistress of the Sword and she gets put on foraging duty. Oh well...

Ashira nods. She sets about collecting as much gear from the Queen as possible and then begins to scout out the immediate area for trouble (Spot=29, Listen=31). After she is confident that there is no immediate threats, Ashira heads over to Bart. "Once you've got a good site for camp, let me know, and I can set up a couple of spikey areas to keep some of the animals out."

Readying her equipment, Ashira gathers Val and heads out into the surrounding forest to get a head start on gathering food (Survival=25, Spot=28, Listen=28).

DM Jim: Splitting Up 
Friday August 5th, 2005 6:06:57 PM

Rigging lets all those around him know their duties and station. The Wildcard's spring into action organizing and interviewing the crew, passengers and refugees. During this time the Wildcards can use the launch to remove what they can from the living tree/ship.

To date all the usable provision and cooking impliments along with the two great swords, scrap mithyrl and gaint crossbow are on shore.

OOC: List what else is to be take or you will have to swim for it in the future.

The captain takes one of the wizards and one of the muscle along for the ride and he waits for Mykael and Appolo to join them. Once the Wildcards do join the launch intoductions are made. The walking refrigerator is Hal and the wizard is Argovit. Hal takes the oars and puts his ample back into and the group takes off. The the current to aid them and a lighter than normal boat the craft is quickly out of view.


Everyone is nervous with the new surrounding and not having a roof over their head. Most of the passenger are the gambling ship were used to much more comfort than they are being afforded, but complaints are minimal.

Bart finds four retired warriors that volunteer to help with defense, although none of them have a weapon larger than a dagger and none have armor. When Bart asks the general response is "We were on vacation."

Redux finds a young elven mage that seems to have a flair for the dramatic as he is dressed in excellent cloths. The mage Beltro is a transmuter. The remaining human wizard from the "Elenna Queen" crew introduces himself as Calibine and he is an Enchanter.

Knowing her task, Ashria has a very suceussful hunt and finds enough game and berries to satisfy 11 people for a day; there are alot more than 11 people on shore. Val comes along and observes but does not hunt (need survival roll). Nezamil does his best to suppliment, but people are going hungry. One enterprising soul spends the rest of the day making a bow for himself and a few arrows. "I will help hunt tomorrow." he proclaims. The bow looks of decent quality.

Bart finds an acceptable campsite to the entourage about a half mile inland. Bart followed a game trail and there is a 100 x 100 yard clearing (square) that is slightly above the surrounding territory.

Fires are lit and everyone settles down for the night. There is some cloud cover tonight so not much of a moon. It will be very dark.

Friday August 5th, 2005 6:29:53 PM

OOC: Mykael before he left, left 25 days worth of trail rations with the group from his stash.

Mykael greets the guards that are along with them.

"I suppose a little chat would make the time go by faster," Mykael starts. "So how long have you been running this route, Captian? What is the plan, when we get to town? Do you have any clue what is going on with the weird growing of your ship?"

"And incidently, I am willing to take a turn at the oars." Mykael adds with a smile.

Friday August 5th, 2005 10:32:01 PM

Rigging will have as much rope and sail as possible transferred from the ship to the shore. He will try to get any tools the ship has, especially hatchets and axes. He will get cooking materials; pots, pans, bowls, and dishes. He will bring over as many knifes as he can find and give them to Bart. See if you can fashion some spears with them. They will be crude but better than nothing.

He will have others gather up any empty casks and barrels and float them over to the shore.

Lastly he will look for combustibles. Lamp oil, pitch, tar and such and have that brought over.

He will gather several of the passengers together, mainly the refugee women, and tell them to try and make a net out of the rope. He is looking for a drag net, around 7' tall and 25' long.

He will give the sail to Ari and say, "You can make shelters with this. Not sure if you can make tents but at least we can make lean-tos and cover the top with the sail to keep out the weather.

Rigging will help question the passengers and crew looking for any kind of trades people and skilled sailors.

(OOC Jim how long are we supposed to be out here for? Not sure of the journey time to Safe Haven.)

DM JIM: The Captain mentioned that it would be a three day journey for the launch, there and back.

Saturday August 6th, 2005 9:06:54 PM

After hearing Riggings orders Appolo stomps off he isn't happy.He finds Valanthe"Well Sunshine I have to go.I'll be back as soon as I can.Keep out of trouble and watch your temper."He then gives her a big hug and kiss goodbye.He walks around and says goodbye to the others.

Appolo gets in the boat with his gear.He is none to happy as they head down river.

Sunday August 7th, 2005 2:38:15 PM

Bart is making a little hill in the middle of the clearing he places the crossbow as an ballista on top. He does some tests with the help of the volunteers fire an arrow or two. He also does the best he can to make weapons from common items he can find, making spears and cudgels.

Sunday August 7th, 2005 9:27:39 PM

Returning from the hunt Ashira is satisfied with the catch, but the thought of people going hungry frustrates her. The enterprising man makes her smile, and she slaps him gently on the back. Seeing as there's no more hunting to be done today, Ashira sets about helping Bart with the camp. Taking the barrels that Rigging brought ashore, she erects make shift fortifications from them...then shifts to earthen works when she runs out of barrels and crates. She organizes a party of diggers to dig a trench around the camp, outside of the blockade. Finally, once everyone is inside the camp, Ashira cast Spike Stone on a couple of sections of the trench, hoping to stall any animals that might try to invade the camp. She sighs...this will help keep out the curious, but she doubted it will make much of a difference if something was really determined to get in. She gets the feeling it's going to be a long night.

Sunday August 7th, 2005 9:54:31 PM

Jagar gets a few empty barrels from the riverboat for water use " this should help hold some fresh water while we wait " remarks Jagar to Nezamil

After setting up the water barrels the Monk joins Bart setting up the giant crossbow and building defenses .....entrenching shapened sticks and stakes to to funnel any intruders away from the less defended sections towards the giant crossbow field of fire

Sunday August 7th, 2005 10:03:51 PM

"Good idea " replies Nezamil to Jagar's quick thinking as helps set up the water barrels and a make shift firepit for cooking Ashira's catch

The dwarf gets a few of the riverboats crew to gather some type of wooden poles from the boat to help give the sails structure for holding up the tents for cover

Nezamil will help organize cooking and water rations for all ....combining Domi's divine gifts and Ashira's hunting contributions along with supplies from the riverboats kitchen

Redux  d20+2=14
Monday August 8th, 2005 12:42:04 AM

To Beltro he suggests that the mage help with diversions and entertainment for the people. "It's going to be a long stay with nothing to do. Do you have any ideas to keep them busy?" To Calibine: "Let's set up a place to take a census of our small population. We may be able to find some entertainment for Beltro to use." To Both: We also need to spread out our time. For the next three days, we need to work together. No, this is not the military, but we do need times when we can be ready, should the fighters need our skills. They'll take the overnight, so we don't need to be up at all hours. We should probably have one of us up early and one willing to be up late. Do either of you have a preference as to which you'd want?" (Chr=14)

DM Jim: Camp & Travels 
Monday August 8th, 2005 8:55:39 AM

Hal is very appreciative of Mykael taking the oars from time to time as no one else seems inclined to. THe wizards does cast bears endurance on Hal and Mykael for their first run at the oars.

The captain answers Mykael's question. "I have been running the Elenna Queen for going on 15 years, without a major incident. I am more concerned with getting an emergency meeting with the three govenors of South Harbor to discuss them providing transport or help in some way. I hope none of them holds a grudge....."

Dawn breaks as the river is getting very wide. Sea gulls can be seen and so can the spires of a large city buildings. When you turn the bend the Harbor comes into view and the leafy masts of many a tall ship can be seen. Their is even growth on the dock, but none to the extent of what happened to the "Elenna Queen", but it may only be a matter of time.

In the day light, even the launch has gained more growth over time. As the Launch is tied off, a very tired Hal says. "I will watch over the launch and get my self some food." The Captain and the wizard look to Mykael and Appolo and the Captain says "We need two hours to set up the meeting with the govenors. Their homes are those manionsions on the hills. They have a meeting house just below them. We will meet you there." The Captain and the wizard quickly rush off.


Most of what Rigging requested is scavanged from the Ship/Tree. Unfortunately, there was only and ornamental sail, large enough to make one 8 man tent. There is plenty of rope and 100 sharp steak knifes. There are 10 lanterns with enough oil for 40 hours each.

The night is very dark and foggy. The hunters did not see any predators during their hunt yesterday, but they can hear them tonight, some they do not even recognize the sound..... It is not a very restful night for anyone.

Redux gets aquainted with the other spell casters and they have no preference on when to keep watch. The cencus reveals 85 gamblers, 55 refugee women, 40 crew and the wildcards, minus those that went for the rescue.

There are not many physically able to help with the fortification work as most of the people are either female or older and there are no proper digging impelments. The ground is soft and moist though, it has rained alot lately or their is a spring nearby.

As dawn breaks, a tired and hungry lot get a thankful looks at the sun. The intrepid bowmaker is up and ready to go and finds lots of varied predator tracks outside your beginings of a perimeter, some he does not understand.

Valanthe  d20+17=35
Monday August 8th, 2005 11:53:08 AM

Val wished Appolo goodbye and set about her assigned tasks. They were in a terrible situation and it looked like it would get worse. Despite the predators taking a great interest in their camp they had no food. If the predators took interest in her then there would be more meat for the fire.

ooc: survival check: 35

Nezamil  d20+12=21
Monday August 8th, 2005 2:35:45 PM

As the dwarf makes his way around the riverside camp he stops and talks(d20+12=21 diplomacy ch)p up there spirits dispite the circumstances

"Help is on its way we have sent the launch to South Harbor for help and i'm sure they'll be here soon "

"since nature is very powerfult we should do some fishing to help feed ourselves " the dwarf asks for vounenteers to set up fish traps and nests to help increase the food supply

Monday August 8th, 2005 3:02:21 PM

"Apollo, I am not going to let that captain leave my site. And and didnt like the way he talked of a grudge. You can join me, check on the Sword, or whatever you think is best. I am going with the captian," Mykael states quickly to Apollo when the captain is out of ear shot and the two of them have moved far enough away from the launch as to not have Hal hear either, while keeping the captain and his wizard in sight.

Mykael turns and runs after the captain and his mage. Once in earshot, "Captain, I am going to tag along. Watching a experienced Captain handle diplomacy will be quite an education for me and I dont wish to miss out on even the basics of detail. And just so I have the background to understand all that you may say, why would you think they may hold a grudge?"

Mykael walks to the left of the Captain and slightly behind to show respect. He also keeps surveys the city looking for anything of note, and watching for pickpockets.

Monday August 8th, 2005 4:18:30 PM

Jagar continues to help fortify the encampment on the rivers bank , he encourages groups of people to sharpen sticks and have them stake them out in key defensive locations.

As the sun rises he will doing a little scouting outside of the fortifications to gather info on whats lurking outside the camps perimiter , reproting his finds to Captain Rigging

Appolo  d20+8=24 d20+7=20
Monday August 8th, 2005 8:51:28 PM

Appolo looks at Mykael"Yes we should stick with the Captian for now."Appolo gathers up his gear and follows along with Mykael.He keeps an eye out and ears open.Appolo is none to happy.As follows along,he starts thinking about the best way to effect the rescue.Perhaps the river is wide enough and deep enough now that they can sail sword upriver.

Spot 24,Listen 20

Ashira  d20+9=19 d20+9=29
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 12:32:14 AM

Ashira smiles up at the others as they awaken in the morning. "Alright everyone...we've made it through the first night. Just a few more and we'll be out of here." Ashira watches as Nezamil begins to prepare traps for fishing and lends him some advice (Nat. Surv.=19). Then, slapping the new archer on the back and tapping Val on the shoulder, Ashira once more prepares to head out into the surrounding area in search of food. She is amazed at the magnitude of the animal life around her, and has no problems hunting down plenty of game (Surv.=29). She is so successful that she spends most of the day hunting and gathering out in the wilds.

Redux  d20+2=19
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 1:14:29 AM

Redux asks Bart for the steak knives and passes them out to the gamblers and women to have some kind of arm on them. As each desires, he suggests they go to Bart or Ari for help with using the knives defensively and/or adding a stick to the handle to create a spear or dart-like weapon. As the gamblers are used to playing games, he suggests that they use some of their daylight time continuing that pursuit. He also listens out for the most boisterous and asks them to regale the camp with a story of two of their more colorful times for dinner entertainment.

To the mages he wants Beltro to be up with the watch at first light and Calibine to be most alert during the day from after breakfast to before dinner. Redux will stay up late and chat with the patrols as they make their evening rounds.

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 2:23:09 AM

Bart is helping the people making spears from knives. And also making speers with an wooden tip hardend in fire. Bart asks Redeux that if time permits it he identify the treasure. Bart did put him self on night watch so an part of the day he is sleeping

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 6:37:18 AM

Ari does his best to direct those left in camp to collect firewood and to become familiar with the area.

Ari will also begin organizing their sanitation needs by trying to discover a good place to do some digging far enough from camp.

"We'll have to make stew and implement rationing if we're going to get 200 people fed."

Rigging  d20=17
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 10:37:01 AM

Rigging will gather some help and take his net into the water and try to catch fish for the group.

If the water is to deep or strong he will turn himself into a troll and wade out.

Survival roll of 17

DM Jim: Meeting & Survival  d20+6=20
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 1:18:09 PM

Mykael and Appolo seem not to trust the Captain and tag along as they walk through South Harbour. The Captain and the Wizard stop for a quick breakfast on the way, and the Captain seems to know the proprieter and pays for the Wildcards breakfast also.

Appolo is watching the city and can see the Mast of the Sword in the distance, and it is sprouting leaves!!! Appolo also sees another great warship in the harbor and not docked, with its sails unfurled, The sails have interlocked gold rings on them.....

After breakfast, the four continue up to the meeting house that is just outside of the South Harbor and is in the shadow of three hill. One each of the hills is a Manor house and several outbuildings.

The meeting house looks to be a long house of impressive architecture. Much money went into its constructions. There is a guard outside and he escorts you in. The Captain approaches the person behind the desk and announces. "We have a dire emergency and need to see the govenors at once." Very bored the clerk responds. "The govenors are currently creating a flaming great sword and can not be disturbed. Please put your name on the list and they will attempt to see you later today." The clerk pushes parchment toward the Captain, who in turns signs the document. There are several other signatures on the document already.

The captain looks to everyone else. "How about we get a bed and take a nap and get some dinner and come back to check on the progress." The wizard is all ready to go and says. "We can check on Hal too."


Ashira, Val and the young hunter are very sucessful hunting and bring in enough food to feed 53 people for a day. The game is just so plentiful. The refugee women are very busy cleaning game. Rigging catches enough fish to feed two people for a day.

While hunting Ashria still hear the echoes of the plants, even though she did not cast her spell. "Grow and multiply, grow and multiply, grow and multiply...." over and over again. Once Ashira thought she felt "Mother is coming..."

Ari is having difficutly finding dry firewood for the refugee women to cook the food that is brought in as there is no dead wood anywhere. Even trees that look to have fallen years ago are lying on the ground covered in leaves.

Bart and Jager are working on the defense, but are having problems. Jager's spikes seem to be growing and loosing their point. The same is true for Bart's fire hardened spears, as they are regenerating.

Nezamil attempts to keep everyones spirits high and is going a good job. The refugee women are happy to be contibuting and the gamblers are not complaining much "What a vacation!" is heard often. The crew is helping as they can.

The afternoon shower does literally dampen everyones spirits a bit as there is no real shelter.

Redux sets up a wizard watch, but is anyone else looking out???????? Talon spends hours hunting.

The evening meal is meager and on the raw side. The sun is starting to set.

OOC: Any watch at night???

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 5:35:43 PM

Rigging throws down his net in disgust and hands it off to the women from the fishing village and hopefully better hands.

He will help make a fire by casting flaming sphere into the fire pit and then take the living green wood that has fallen on the ground and adding it to the sphere. Once the wood has caught, the fire should be hot enough to catch other green wood. It will be smokey but at least it will burn.

Rigging will suggest that Ashira and he take an afternoon or late evening nap and then they will keep watch during the night. Both will be rested due to the sustenance magic they possess.

He will also spend the evening talking to the ladies and gambliers trying to determine if any of them know herbs and local plant life. If any do, he will get them to show the others where to find berries, nuts, and other edible plants. (i.e. cabbages, potatos and other roots)

Ari  d20=8
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 11:00:21 PM

"With the plant growth being on the amazing side right now. SHouldn't we be looking for berries, apples, or any other food producing plants. We might be able to find much more than usual?"

Ari tries to search his memories to see if there is anything that he knows about the signs he's seeing. He's also trying to see if anything comes loose from the individual that the group seemed to have dreamed of. (skill roll=8 just not sure what skill is available.)

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 12:43:16 AM

Jagar looks perplexed as his defensive plan isn't working as planned ....as he strolls the perimeter of the camp mulling over how to accomplish a better way to defend the encampment

" we'll put nature to work in defending the camp " blurts out the monk suddenly " yeah thats it " Jagar rushes around to all the people putting in the sharpened stakes " gather all the stakes and any deadwood and we'll weave into and between the bushes and trees creating long rows of thickets " chatters the monk excitedly " they'll grow into defensive walls "

Jagar works tirelessly in making his new defensive idea into a reality stoppong only to get input from Bart's warrior experince for shooting zones for the Archers and the giant crossbow he installed

Nezamil  d20+12=27
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 1:01:51 AM

As the dwarf makes his rounds he continues to try and raise peoples spirits(d20+12=27 diplomacy ch) " help should be here in a day or two be patient

"lets try a little fishing ,if i'm right the fish should be running real big and Ashira's advice will help feed us all and add a little variety " Nezamil will gather some of the survivors to fish together using the make shift spears and even using spells like bull str, enlarge and eeven waterwalk on various fisherman to aid in their work

Nezamil splits his time between keeping peoples spirits up and organizing the fishing expeditions

Redux  d20+2=19
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 1:30:17 AM

Redux will memorize and cast as many Identify spells as possible, beginning with the items which seem to be the most interesting. He has 6 pearls. He will ask around for any others that may be available to use, now or in the future. If there are any people from the ship that wish to sell there pearls, he will make an offer for those, as well.

He is also grateful that the mages he has found are able and willing to help with the tasks at hand. He makes sure to express his appreciation to them.

'Talon. You seem to be enjoying the hunt. Would you help us locate some game that we might take in order to feed all these people?'

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 5:22:42 AM

On the way he spots the sword,the other Warship and curses silently.Grumbling alittle.

Once they arrive and hear what the clerk has to say.he puts his name on the list under the captians. heading back outside he walk toward the docks"Captian we'll meet you later.Come on Mykeal.I need to check on something."

DM Jim: Meeting Friends and Food  d20+8=23 d20+8=24
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 1:27:20 PM

The women gladly take the newly constructed fishing net from Rigging and make some adjustments to it. "We will try some late evening fishing, much better than the heat of the day." several giggle at the Pirate.

The women work as a team and take in enough fish to feed 8 people for a day.

At several of the Wildcard's suggestion a few gamblers and the balance of the non fishing refugee women go to look for fruit and berries in the late evening. Many berries are found, infact enoughto feed 9 people for a day.

Rigging casts his flaming sphere and get a very smoky fire going. The sparse evening meal is hot and not raw.

Redux casts his identify spells on the magic items.


OOC: Redux please update your character sheet for the pearls consumption.

Redux determines the following:

(2) +1 giant sized great swords (12 feet long)
brooch of shielding
(2) gold fireball orbs (5HD)
Leather band 1 - when worn gives endurance and toughness feet for one month. Must be worn for a day before becoming active.
leather band 2 - when worn gives die hard and toughness feet for one month. Must be worn for a day before becoming active.


Talon responds to Redux's inquiries "Food to grow."

Jager sets up/plants defenses that he hopes will grow into hedges.

Nezamil keeps everyones spirits high and encourages the women to fish.

One of the young ladies approaches Ashria " My mum and antie did not come back from picking berries. I am getting worried."


Appollo and Mykael take a walk through South Harbor, working their way to the docks. Appolo notices 6 salior from the Sword, hastily purchasing supplies. One of them notices Appolo, "Your back, thank Domi! There is a Quad in South Harbor!" The sailor has fear and sadness in his eyes and he get very quite "They killed Niner and some of the Marines on the Last supply run. We even had some of the boys shanghighed last week. Tomas is having us stick close to the ship now. Can you escort us back to the Sword?" THe sailor pleads and looks around "Where are the other officers?".

Appolo and Mykael notice some of the wood buildings are starting to exhibit new growth, but not yet to the extent that the "Elenna Queen" did. Mykael noticed two rain barrels that had alot of new leafy growth on them.

Mykael and Appolo are very tired as they were up most of the night rowing or at least being bumped around in the launch.

William OOC 
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 4:01:15 PM

Hi All,
I go to Mozambique next week coming back on the 3 september. Internet access is a problem there especially while i'm going to the bush bush and remote islands. Feel free to take over Bart. I will look at our game whenever i can and will leave a message in the Loot n Booty and or an OOC in our game.

ps I tried to post this message through email, but somehow i didn't get it through

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 4:15:16 PM

The growth of the lants is worrying me a lot. Even hardend charcoaled wooden tips are regrowing again. This is not natural. Magic or an overactive god of nature? The source must be upstream this river. I wonder how far the influence goes maybe even safeport is affected by it and may Domi protect us i hope the Sword stays clear of it. I hope Appolo is wise enough to take measurements. If it wasn't that we have other dutys i would investigate this, Rigging what do you think? Head back when thes people are save and see what we can do, or leave this problem for others to take care off?

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 10:24:18 PM

Rigging will circulate around the camp mainly being seen. Trying to help out and make people comfortable. He tries to raise morale. When he hears about some of the missing people, he will send Swirl on a scouting mission and gather up the Wildcards.

Redux  d20+2=15
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 10:30:20 PM

Redux is happy with the day's identifying. With the group's permission, he wraps the swords appropriately and stores all each item in the bag of holding. He makes a list of his inventory for the group to use when they get back to civilization.

On the 2nd day he goes out with Talon to try to see what he's talking about. He enlists several men to carry back what they come across and asks Ari to bring his bow.

Ashira  d20+9=14
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 11:02:49 PM

The half-elf sighs. Of course someone was missing...it's not like she doesn't have enough to do. Nodding, Ashira gets Val and then heads over to Rigging. I'm going to see if I can track them down... Back us up if you hear screams. After asking the young lady where the women had last been seen, Ashira heads out that way and starts trying to track them down (Track=14).

Mykael  d20+4=24
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 11:44:00 PM

At the comment of a quad in town, Mykael instantly looks around trying to spot any sign of trouble. (Spot = 24, nat 20)

Mykael introduces himself to the crew members. "Of course we will escort you back. I believe that was destination anyway, and we could use some rest and clean up. The rest of the officers are not in town yet. We will discuss that further within the safe confines of the Sword."

On the way to the Sword Mykael takes note of any and all ships in port that are small enough to make it up river and appear to not be hampered too much yet by the freak of nature.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:19:26 AM

Jagar keeps working on his defensive hedge plan until Captain Rigging calls him to help search for the missing gatherers

As he makes his way over to Rigging he calls to Nezamil " hey you coming or you gonna hang out with all the women " chuckles Jagar as he follows the captain

Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:40:01 AM

The Cleric brings several buckets of fresh water down to the women and men fishing , passing around several cups conficated from the riverboat and chatting socially with them

Turning his head towards Jagar " well the women are better company " laughs the dwarf " keep up the good work ladies i'm gonna join Captain Rigging" adds Nezamil as he takes his leave of the fishing crew heading to Rigging's postion

Thursday August 11th, 2005 7:16:44 AM

Cooking takes up more and more time, as 200 people are very hard to feed.

Hearing that the ladies want to go investigate Ari suggests, "Rigging, do you want to send Swirl with them, then you'll at least have communication if they start having problems?"

When Redux asks about going out to Talon's find Ari suggests, "Can we wait just a little bit to see what Ashira and Val find, or do you want to go with them?"

Rigging Illegal post 
Thursday August 11th, 2005 7:49:58 AM

Rigging will say, "Nope this is a husband and wife job. I don't want to bring everyone in case something strikes here. Ashira and I can handle ourselves and I will send send Swirl back if we have trouble or want you to come. Redux, if Swirl starts pushing you in a direction, gather up the others and come a running!"

He looks at his wife, "Yes Dear it is your show...Yes Dear I will remain quiet....Yes Dear I won't step on dry twigs or tramp through dry leaves. Any thing else?" the young mage says with an arched eyebrow.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 11:15:55 AM

Upon hearing about the quad Appolo lets out some foul curses.He is pissed.Agreeing with Mykeal"Yes back to the Sword.We'll reorganize there.You say niner was killed great.I hope Thomas can pilot the ship or we're screwed.Why does know one listen to me.I told Rigging not..Urghhh"He then stomps of in the direction of the Sword ina foul mood.Grumbling and cursing the whole way.He is also thinking about what to do.He will put out to sea with the sSword get it away from land before it becomes a useless plant.

DM Jim:Searching & Choices  d20+4=19
Thursday August 11th, 2005 1:15:46 PM

Mykael and Appolo escort the 6 Sword sailors and the supplies back to the ship. Tomas greets them at the gang plank and is very agitated. "Excellent your back. It is great to see you Appolo and Mykael. We got real problems. We just experienced another attack, not from the quad, but from those that shanghighed some sailors previously. We are now down 12 missing and 6 dead. We are at a manpower low. Not to mention that the Sword is growing branches. What are we to do and where is Captain Rigging and the rest? There were not killed by the quad were they, by Domi we are in trouble."

Mykael and Appolo know that it is only an hour before their meeting with the govenors and it will take them most of the time to get to the meeting house.

What are our heros to do?

All of the ships in the harbor are covered in branches, not the the extent of the "Elenna Queen", but enough to hamper navigation. The Sword is worse than most as sailors are chopping them off, but the Sword is on full defense with a limited crew.

The houses in South Harbor are not as growth covered as the ships in the harbor.


Ashria is having difficulty tracking the women as there is not much sign, there is a faint blood trail. Ashira is unsure if Rigging constantly looking over her shoulder is helping.

Swirl contacts Rigging "Some wonderfully windy and rainy weather is on the way, should be tough on your charges. Oh and I found some cloths too." Swirl leads Rigging and Ashira to the torn and bloody cloths. There are no bodies though, but more than enough blood to be disturbing. Swirl launches himself in the wind and is gone.

OOC: Roll again if you wish to continue tracking

Ari has his hands full taking care of the camp and cautions Rudux about leaving for the time being. Ari is getting beset with questions about the missing women once Ashira and Rigging leave. Concern is grwoing and the approaching rainstorm has everyone worried. There is almost no shelter in the meadow and no one wants to be wet come evening.

Jager stays in camp at Riggings request and helps Nezamil take care of the fishing ladies. Jager can almost watch is stakes start to grow. There should be fine solid hedges in a weeks time at the latest.

Nezamil is quite a sight, doling out water from a wooden bucket with two leafy branches into fine china for the refugee women to drink.

Redux is very doubtful he can put the two 12 foot long and 2.5 feet wide fire giant great swords in his bag of holding. Also, what are you wrapping the swords with, as there is not much extra cloth or rope.

The young hunter approaches Nezamil by the river and deadpans. "My coon skin hat ran into the woods. I do not take that as a good sign."

Thursday August 11th, 2005 5:52:54 PM

Val stays close to Ashira with her bow drawn and an arrow resting against the string. She not surpised that somebody went missing. There were just too many to watch and their large group were attracting predators.

"Whatever did this is out there and unless we deal with it, more will vanish."

Thursday August 11th, 2005 9:19:23 PM

"Appolo, I dont want to split up, but it seems we many have not choice at this time. Someone needs to attend that meeting, and someone needs to get things under control here. I can handle either, however, the crew knows and trusts you more," Mykael starts brain-storming. "I would suggest you get a handle on things here, and I will go to the meeting then report back here as soon as I can."

"As for things here, I am sure you can handle it, but I offer some suggestions. Start hiring more sailors, just to help prune the ship and assist in defense, and while they are doing that you could observe them and look for ones good enough to join our crew. Second, I would maybe hire some extra guards for a short time." Mykael offers. "And while you are here on the docks see what boats and crews are avaliable to go back up river," Mykael adds, "Since I am not sure what is going to happen at the meeting, we need to consider alternate plans."

"Also, on the way to the meeting, I can stop by the town guard and have them come to the ship for a report and to possibly put a guard here. Your opinion?" Mykael finishs.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 10:23:20 PM

The mage ponders his situation and sits down to look over the spell books they've taken from other mages. This is a very sorry state they are in. Musing to whoever might be listening, he says, "What if we were to start lashing logs together and floating back to your harbor? We should be able to get some poles long enough to do the work."

Ashira  d20+9=26
Thursday August 11th, 2005 11:25:56 PM

"Mmmhmmm..." Ashira mutters to Val as she stoops over examining the trail and the immediate area (Surv=26). Ashira is so absorbed with the task at hand that she even manages to ignore Rigging's badgering. "Hmmm...very interesting..." Ashira begins slowly and methodically examining the clothes and the ground around the blood trail, looking for any signs of what might have caused the damage to the women. Then she heads out following either the women's tracks or the blood trail, whatever she can follow the best.

Friday August 12th, 2005 12:21:25 AM

Jagar smiles as his hedges grow seemingly right before his eyes " farmers should have a amazing harvest this year " laughs the Monk " lets keep guiding the growth of the hedges to form defensive walls "

As he works forming the hedges Jagar will keep an eye on Rigging so he can assist at a moments notice

Friday August 12th, 2005 12:23:53 AM

The dwarf keeps up his efforts of raising everyones spirits "By Domi the courage you all have shown would make Domi proud " praises the Cleric of Domi as he keeps the fresh water flowing

Friday August 12th, 2005 6:09:23 AM

Hmm i agree Redux, there is some problem upstream that makes that plants are growing fast and even dead wood is regenerating. I wonder if they are sending boats from the city to this camp, maybe they have the same problem over there.
If we could make some rafts we could float to the city. If Nezamil can enalrge me or cast bull strength and endurance on me I think i can tow a big raft so we can move faster. I asume we can reach the city in 3-5 days. But we need a lot of rafts we are with 180-190 people

Friday August 12th, 2005 7:33:28 AM

Getting beset with the questions, Ari does his best to try to calm the passengers down and wait for the scouting party to return.

Sticking to the cook pots and wondering about how they can design any shelter. Talking with the other Wildcards, "We may have to consider hiking down the river bank to the city. But let's see what Rigging finds first. I also hope that things are going fine at South Harbor."

Ari gives a small prayer for the safety of all of the Wildcards and the current situation.

Friday August 12th, 2005 1:06:04 PM

Appolo walks around the ship appraising the situation.He listens to Mykeal and thinks.
Appolo turns to Thomas amke ready to sail in 3 hours time.Mykeal and I will be back by then.We need to get the Sword out to sea before we lose her.Mykeal and I will return then we sail the Sword out to sea away from the land and the effects of this spell or whateve it is.It seems to be traveling down river the farther upriver you are the more powerful it is..The others are awaiting the return of Mykeal and myself upriver.So Thomas you arew going get a quick promotion.You will be in charge u for 4 days.Return to port then.While at sea do your best to aviod everything and everyone.Mykeal and I have a meeting to attend to.SO get ready to set sail.Men nature has declared war on all men elves dwarves and civilization in general.Some want to be god named the Fea King is causing this.You hold tight with each other and the ship.While Mykeal and myself go get the rest of the Wildcards.You're the finest crew aflaot and don't worry I deal with those who attecked us.Deal with them in my own time and way.."

With that said he turns to Mykeal"God advice my friend,but we can't trust anyone around her apparently law and order is breaking down.Could hire the wrong people you know and we both need to be at that meeting.Let's go."

With last order he turns to Thomas"Call in all shore parties and be ready to sail upon our return."

Friday August 12th, 2005 4:33:02 PM

Rigging will tag along behind, listening for reports from Swirl who is scouting over head and looking around himself.

Rigging thinks that he will have Bart check on the progress of Appolo and Mykael with the Wayfinder when he gets back. Make sure help is coming back or otherwise they will have to start marching.

Mykael  d20+4=20
Friday August 12th, 2005 6:25:05 PM

Mykael waits until they are on the dock and away from the ships crew to comment. He speaks so Appolo can hear, but tries to keep his words from the ears of others. While still keeping an eye out for danger or suppious activity.

(Spot = 20)

"Appolo, I disagree with the idea of sending a depleted crew with no officers out to sea. Especially, since it appears the every enemy knows its here. Putting her to sea would send her away from what little protection she has here. Besides, you becareful with who you choose to hire to help, and never choose more than what the ships current trusted crew could handle. As for the town's guard, we dont have the info to pass judgement on thier ability, especially if the crew didnt report any of the attacks, for which we didnt ask."

"We can decide, further after we learn what help, if any, we can get from the town."

Friday August 12th, 2005 8:43:11 PM

"I don't like this Ashira. Its possible they were taken just to get us out here and away from the others. Or perhaps the girls just ran off after a they saw a strange man. You know how disgustingly devoted they are to any man they see."

Saturday August 13th, 2005 6:23:25 AM

Appolo stops and looks around."Well ok.I'll go back and see to the ship,be back in 5 hours.You see.If we leaves the Sword here any longer we're going to lose her to this pestilence of nature.I don't want what happened to Elenna Queen to happen to the Sword.She's all we got.So I'm going have Thomas sail out to sea for couple of days.Hopefully the Ship will stop growing.Unlees you have abetter Idea on how to save it."Appolo just doesn't want to lose the sword or anymore men and he;s afraid that if the ship stays in port any longer he'll lose both.

Saturday August 13th, 2005 11:30:17 AM

Mykael stops too, "You are not understanding my point. Obviously, if we have the hands, we can cut off these things. And the biggest thing is to make sure that you put enough in the water, to keep roots from getting too long. But the point I am trying to make, IS that the Sword, even with this wild nature, in my opinion, is safer in the harbor. Because of all who knows she is here. If they know that and you send her our without a full crew, they will look for her, possibly find her, and with a depleted crew, sink or capture her. Dont you remember seeing that other ship with the crossed golden rings on the sail leave when we first got here? She is probably laying in wait."

Mykael states, "Come to the meeting or work on the Sword, your choice, but in my opinion dont put her to sea, is what I am saying."

Mykael turns and walks back towards the meeting.

Saturday August 13th, 2005 10:20:07 PM

Redux speaks to the other mages about their being able to use any magic to 'encourage' people to accept a hike back to port. He then gets with the other wildcards to formulate a game plan for the next few days. Time doesn't seem to be on their side so they probably need to do something on their own.

Sunday August 14th, 2005 12:06:01 AM

The half-elf glances over her shoulder briefly. "Don't get so paranoid...not everything's out to get us personally." Ashira points over at the blood trail and the clothing. "I don't think they willingly left this behind." she says simply.

DM Jim: More Choices & Tracking 
Monday August 15th, 2005 1:20:59 PM

Mykael and Appolo debate how to spend their time in South Harbor and what to do with the Sword. Tomas the acting first mate of the Sword of Redemption looks both Mykael and Appolo in the face with a hardened expression. "I will do what you think is best for the ship and the men. We will prepare her to sail in 5 hours. Master Appolo, I share the same concerns as Master Mykael about the Swords capabilities, not for the lose of the sailors, as we are a hearty lot and can continue to pull some long duties. My concern is for the loss of the officer and fighting core. Moral will be down if the Wildcards are not on board."

Tomas looks to Mykael. "From what the guard told me when they reported the death of Niner and his escort, he was returning from a supply run, but he had also been to see the Govenor's"

As Mykael and Appolo go off to the meeting Tomas call the remaining crew to attention. "Stand To!" All of the sailor snap to attention and salute the two Wildcards.

Mykael and Appolo meander through South Harbor and see nature unleashed, but not to the extent that they witnessed upriver. It is having a profound effect on the citizenry. The city guard seems to be beset by requests for help and information on what is going on.

When Mykael and Appolo reach the meeting house the Captain and his two bodyguards are already there and they look to have taken the time to refresh themselves and get new cloths. "How goes it mates? We are next. Was worried you two had run off on me." The captain asks happily and with a wink. The front room is hot and stuffy as it is full of people of all walks of life waiting to see the Govenor's

The scribe looks up as a group of grumpy business men the main meeting hall and closes the spell book he was reading. The scribe pulls out the sign in book and call out "Captain Green's party and Mykael & Appolo joining. Go on in."

The captain elbows Appolo in the side and whispers "All three Govenors are in attendance, somthing real big is afoot."

The three govenors are seated at a massive oak table that has a dozen wonderfully carved chairs in front of it. The table and the chairs each have small new growths protruding from them.

Two of the three govenors are in their fifties and one looks to be in his seventies. All are dressed in robes and have the air of command to the all. One of the younger govenors looks at the Captain and says "Captain Green, to what do we owe this pleasure?" The statement sounds harmless enough, but it seems to make the captain uncomfortable.

The captain takes off his hat and holds it in front of him. "Govenor Jobe these are trying times, I am out of business as the Elenna Queen has been transformed into a tree." All three Govenors are paying attention now and Jobe prodes "Tell us how this has happened."

The captain goes into the story of the trip downriver and he slightly downplays the Wildcards role, but still heaps praise on them, and seems to elevate his own position. The Captain does stress that the nature problem is much worse upriver of South Harbor.

Govenor Jobe responds "We are using our considerable resources to find the source of this problem and you may have stumbled upon it. This is worth investigating." He ends speaking to the other govenors.

The govenors have a brief conference among themselves, before returning to the table.

Jobe speaks again "Upriver traffic is at a halt as a result that there are too few horses to pull craft upstream. A problem with a herd of centaurs getting rightous. Another of our current headaches. Our suggestion is that you return to your charges and escort them overland through the Rhur valley as it is the most direct route. We can supply a guide. The question is do you want to go back?" The captain looks uncomfortable again, but Hal speaks up "I wish to go back."

Govenor Jobe then looks to Mykael and Appolo "So how did you fall in with this lot?" he asks with a smile. "Do you two want to go back and if so how fast?


Rigging gives up attempting to help Ashira and Val and heads back to camp.

Ashira picks up the trail again, but this time there are no footprints of the women, just blood and three toed clawed prints, big ones, bigger than a mans. Ashira and Val follow the tracks to a kill site in the dying light. The women were obviously eaten, but the amount of blood. There are no remains.

Redux starts to bring up walking back to South Harbor to the crew, passenger and refugees and most people and not up for the idea. One finely dress women retorts "I was going to a party. Do you think I can walk in these." pointing to her fancy shoes.

Bart suggests constructing rafts for everyone and Rigging is considering a march.

Ari is concerned about the Wildcards situation.

Nezamil attempts to keep everyones spirits high, but is getting harder by the hour. Darkness and the coming rain will not help.

Jager is making the best of the situation, making defenses and thinking of the local farmers.

All the Wildcards wonder how Mykael and Appolo are fareing in South Harbor........

Monday August 15th, 2005 5:37:37 PM

Appolo follows Mykeal to the meeting.He sits quietly andlistens.When the Govenor speaks to Mykeal and himself directly he replies"Well Mykeal and myself were passengers aboard the Elenna Queen along with some friends and family.As the Captian said we where attack by Giants and such then this curse of nature started.So yes we would like to go back and get those people and do so as fast as possible.You se we're sailors and our ship is docked here.It to is turning into a tree,By the way did you know you have Priests of G'aal and thier quads running lose in your city.They killed members of our crew and other members of our crew have been shanhied.Jus t thought you should know that lawlessness is increasing in your city.'He explains to the govenors everything Thomas told him and everything he knows about the Fae King and the curse of nature and it's war agianst civilization.

He then sits back awaits a reply.

Monday August 15th, 2005 10:36:30 PM

At the discovery of the blood, Ashira lets out a low series of blistering profanities. "Well, that's one mystery solved." Ashira signals to return to camp. She looks over at Rigging, concern clear on her face. "Rigging, we can't wait around here forever. We're going to have to move. There are predators out here larger than our house. The longer we stay here, the sooner the predators will find us, and one by one...or perhaps faster, they'll pick us off before Appolo and Mykael get back. It's too late to move this group out tonight, so we'll have to hunker down. But if you want my advice, we need to leave at first light and cover as much distance as possible. And we're going to have to make sure that people don't go wandering out on there own. Don't want any more picked off than need to be."

Ashira sighs as she walks back to the camp, trying to decide how she's going to break the news to the relatives of the dead women. She couldn't afford to create a widespread panic in such a large group. "Rigging, I really hate to, but I'm wondering if we should tell the young women that we couldn't find a trace of their relatives. If word spreads that they were killed by predators, then we might have to deal with camp wide panic tonight. On the other hand, I'm sure the others would be a lot more cautious from here on out." Ashira grimaces, unsure how to go about delivering the news.

OOC Chris, if you would, please go ahead and post for Redux tonight and tomorrow. I should be ok to post, but Ken's busy relaxing. ;)

Monday August 15th, 2005 11:57:43 PM

Jagar continues his work encircling the camp with hedges even adding a few pricker bushes to the mix " this is easy " jests the Monk " i might become a farmer if this keeps up " adds Jagar as he spots the dwarf heading his way and laughs with him

Nezamil  d20+12=17
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 12:06:56 AM

The Cleric of Domi tirelessly makes his rounds of the camp chatting and encouraging the folk to hang tough " help should arrive soon , we sent Captain Green and a couple of the Wildcards to get another boat to retreive everyone .... so just remain calm and keep the faith "(d20+12=17 diplomacy ch)

As Nezamil happens Jagar building the hedge walls "ahhahahhaha you a farmer "laughs the dwarf "by Domi that would take a miracle " grins Nezamil

Tuesday August 16th, 2005 12:15:40 AM

The Mage sports a big grin " yep.... those boots are made for walking " retorts Redux

Redux checks with the other mages and declares " i'll take the night watch .....gonna catch a little sleep 1st "

Grabbing a blanket the ingenius mage rigs up a hammock and settles in for some sleep " i feel like i'm on vaction camping " smirks Redux to himself

Tuesday August 16th, 2005 7:29:34 AM

Trying his best to keeping the food available Ari continues trying to encourage people to gather fruits and berries and the like.

"If we don't move the people downriver, I wonder whether we should just start making a small village"

Tuesday August 16th, 2005 2:06:28 PM

Rigging ponders what to do with all the passengers and survivors as he makes his wat back to camp

Calling the Wildcards in camp together along with afew of the leaders who have stepped forward to help from the suvivors and passenegers " I think its best we start to prepare to leave camp and make our own way to the nearest town .....we're just to easy of atarget camped out here "

"maybe we can cross the river and away from some of the dangers on this side or keep to the rivers edge on this side affording us protection on one side and all guards and wildcards protecting the other flank "

Captain Rigging broaches this subject in a firm even voice to ensure panic doesn't set in amongst the group(mainly the civilians)

DM JIM: More Information & Planning a Trip 
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 7:31:20 PM

Govenor Jobe listen to Appolo before looking at the other govenors and responding "These are trying time my good sir, for you and for us. We do realize that there are two quads in South Harbor recently. They are powerful and we have a group searching for them. Our guards have been told to give them a wide berth, until they can be dealt with. Our information seems to point to the ship, the Sword of Redemption, as their point of angst."

Govenor Jobe takes a drink of water before continuing. "It appears that the pirate ship of Jack, the Golden Rings, also has interest in your ship too. Of which, my friend Captain Marlin, has not felt the need to inform the Govenors. Which is somewhat disturbing to us three, as he is a good man, but with deep convictions."

Jobe continues after clearing his throat. "Nature is going wild and we would be very interested to find out more about your travels north of here. We propose to send those who wish to return back to your fellows using teleportion. As payment for the spells, we want information on the area to the north as we feel that is where the problem is originating. To make sure you return, we ask that you leave a magic item with us as collateral, as money is meaningless to us since our two professions pay us quite hansomely."

Jobe looks to Hal, Mykael, and Appolo. "Is it a deal."

Hal takes off his long sword and lays it on the table. "I need to see to my brother. I am ready to go."


Rigging hears Ashira and Val's news of the eaten ladies and decides to break camp. The Wildcards try to keep the news quite, but it speads through the camp. The refugees and gamblers are very nervous. If fact, several are proposing to stay put and wait for rescue.

The giant crossbow is starting to grow branches and more disturbing, so are the wizard spell books and scroll. It will not take many days before they may not be usable.

It does not look feasible to cross the river and travel the other bank, at least all but Ashira. An overland route looks to be easier to travel than along the bank as there are many rocks and boulder to move over and around.

What will the Wildcards take on the journey in the morning?

Who will stand guard at night?

And what was that strange roar in the distance? The one that was answered many times over......

One woman SCREAMS!

Appolo  d20+5=24
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 9:52:35 PM

Appolo reaches out gives Hal his sword back and looks at the govenors"I am sorry.but the only magic Items we have we can not spare.We will need them for the coming journey.I promise that I will return and tell you all I know.First of all the Sword is our home and all we really have,second I have business with those quads and that three ringed shipSo you have my word that we shall return.I have spent my entire young life at war and I also promise to find this Fae King and his crew.When I do I'll send them to Gargul personally as Gargul and I have recently come to an understanding.You have the word of Appolo od Aisildur,Pirate of Jack Enemy of G'aal and evil creatures everywhere.So yousee it is your best interest to send us as well who else do you have.As ISaid we need everything we have and you have no one else willing to go.I have already told you everything I know and will tell more.It does get worse the further up river you go.If by some chance we don't return you can have the Sword she is a fine ship never been defeated in battle.That is all I can offer."Appolo stands witha dtermined smile the govenors can tell Appolo means every word he says.There is strength in his words and steel in his eyes.

Diplomacy 24

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 12:18:59 AM

Valanthe was on guard duty when the scream pierced the silence that hunger over the camp. Her eyes saw perfectly in the moonlight making her one of the best choices for night watch. Not that she asked. She just took it upon herself to stand watch over the helpless people.

WIth bow in hand and arrow ready to be fired, Val runs for the screaming woman. Her elven chain chinked and swished with each hard step. Her fingers tightened and her arms tensed slightly. Her sharp eyes looked for a monster of some kind. Something she can shoot.

ooc: considering how long ah transactions can take perhaps those of us that need to go to the ah should start now? But the question is who gets what? I'm sorry to bring this up again but the melee weapon I'm borrowing gives me a negative level when I use it and I don't like that very much.

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 12:57:11 AM

Tired from building defensive hedges all day the Monk is half asleep when the scream shatters the quiet of the night "Captain " barks Jagar as he listens for Riggings reply to mark his location .

Grabbing his equipment Jagar follows Riggings voice and falls into postion next to him "where's the short guy ?" croaks the monk

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 1:01:50 AM

OOC: I appologize for the fewer posts, I am working way more hours now, but am doing my best to keep up.

IC: Mykael steps forward, "Good afternoon Governors, I am Mykael Arliin, a Wildcard, and Journeyman of the Star Mages Guild. I appreciate your time and willingness to help.

With all respect, I believe that the 'Sword of Redemption' should be quite enough colateral, and perhaps you would be so kind as to send some more protection to assist our crew in her protection.

As for your tasks, I would ask that you offer some more tools to complete them? such as scrolls or potions that allow us to converse with animals and/or plants... perhaps information may be gained there. Or offer suggestions on how to gather the info you seek."

Mykael continues, "Beyond the guide and the teleportation, could you procure a number of spell scrolls to assist us? Goodberry scrolls would be most helpful and Create Water, if the path takes us too far from the river. And a few scrolls of Floating Disk would be nice. Maybe some of Mount? And I am sure there are one or two more that you could think of. Possibly, wands or potions of curing?

Other basic equipment could help too. Whatever, you can get within the confines of the teleport spells. Blankets, walking shoes, weapons, tools to clear paths, and clothes.

I have a few funds that I could offer to assist in paying for the stuff and/or extra teleport spells as needed.

On a side note, I heard you were creating a Flaming Great Sword? Did you succeed? I wonder what would happen if Fire Giant Blood was used in this process? I was able to aquire some from our recent encounter... it is fairly rare, some of that could pay for the equipment and your assistance, and the protection of the 'Sword' and her crew. That is, IF you are interested.

And we would need a little bit of time to get things ready, of couse." Mykael finishes.

OOC: Is there Catacombs branch in South Harbor?

Nezamil  d20+5=6 d20+5=18
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 1:10:02 AM

As Nezamil continues to circle near the perimeter of the camp as darkness envelops the camp, keeping his keen dwarven eyes alert(d20+5=6 spot ch) for signs of danger he hears (d20+5=18 listen ch) the roar and then the scream .

The dwarf dashes towards the sound of the scream encountering Jagar on the way " short guy " growls Nezamil " you over grown bag of bones ...i'm right next to ya " replies Nezamil as he takes up a flanking postion next to the monk " your just jealous you can't duck as quickly as i can " chuckles the dwarf

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 1:22:37 AM

Sleeping comfortablely in his hammack the Mage opens one eye as the roar is answered many fold, the 2nd eye opens as the women screams " there goes my nap "

Sliding out of his hammock Redux takes stock of the activity as he straightens his everclean robe out.

Spotting Nezamil and Jagar heading over to Rigging he trails after them sending Talon into the night sky " seek out the disturbance my feathered friend ...your eyes will be needed tonight "

Upon reaching Rigging the Mage takes a postion behind the trio of Rigging,Jagar and Nezamil readying a few spell componets

Ari  d20+10=14
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 4:18:07 AM

Ari listens as Rigging makes the decision to break camp. Hearing the roar Ari tries to figure out the animal that's making the sound. (knowledge: nature=14).

The woman's scream breaks him out of his reverie. As the group begins to move towards the sound, Ari will scan the perimeter to see if there's any sign of an inbound attack/ambush. If there's nothing to be seen, he'll move with the group towards the scream.

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 7:16:44 AM

Rigging hears the roar and springs to action. "Wildcards to me! Swirl see if you can locate it!"

Rigging will turn to the other passengers and say, "We will try and kill this beast. Then we will cross the river and try to walk down the horse path home. You can decide to stay but I am bringing my Wildcards with me. If you come, we will try to protect you and send help behind. If you decide to stay, your in Alemi's hands."

Rigging casts mage armor while waiting to hear from Swirl

Nezamil-illegal 2nd post 
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 7:58:58 AM

The dwarf looks about for Bart "c,mon big fella "as the dwarf waves him over

George you posting for Bart ?? he's away in mozambique

Bart  d20=2
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 1:16:08 PM

Bart hearing Rigging's summons tightens his armor and adjusts his weapons. He hurries over trying to see what all the commotion is. He will scan the area for any foe.

(spot check natural 2 Jim I can't seem to find Bart's character. Do you have it? I thought he sent it to me but I can't find it.)

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+11=24
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 2:44:27 PM

Swords at the ready, Ashira darts to Rigging's side. Not good...not good. That was an awefully loud roar. The half-elf checks the immediate area for signs of danger as she prepares to defend the camp (Spot=21, Listen=24).

DM Jim: Refusal & Discovery? 
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 7:54:21 PM

Jobe considers Appol's words with a frown and the other two govenors just shake their heads. All perk up when Mykael speaks. Jobe speaks for the Govenors "Master Appolo we do not feel that the Sword of Redemption is yours to give. You are much to young to have title to something so valuable and if you do you are foolish enough to offer it on a task you may or may not be able to complete. We take you answer for refusal for assistance, unless we are mistaken."

Hal steps forward and offers his sword again, casting a sideways glance at Captain Green and Appolo. "I make my own decisions now and I wish to offer my sword for transport or whatever to my brothers side. I just ask for a replacement weapon in return." Jobe takes Hal's offered weapon and leans it on his side of the table. One of the other govenors reaches up to his shoulder into a bag and retrives a cloth wrapped long sword and hands it to Hal. "Well asked young man." The older govenor adds. Jobe looks to Hal "Please step back and we will send you when this meeting is over. Hal give a brief bow and steps back and does not stand next to eith Wildcard or his former shipmates.

Jobe looks Mykael up and down "A fellow mage, very nice. If this works out, maybe we can have you clerk at the branch of the Catacombs we run in South Harbor. Any magic Items you require for your trip can be provided as long as you provide sufficeint collateral, that is more than the value of the item. The request must be reasonable and if you use a temporary item up we will keep the collateral, depending on the circumstances. You must still provide magic collateral for your teleport back to your friends. What say you? Sending two scouts is better than one and three would be the best." Jobe looks from Appolo to Captain Green.

While waiting for Mykael's answers Jobe offers. "If you truely do have fire giant blood, I will give you a tour of our potions lab and have one of our masters show you a thing or two to do with the giant blood, upon your safe return with my scouting report.

The older Govenor reaching into his bag od holding and retrives a crystal ball and sets it on a stand. The mage sets Hal's long sword in front of him and Mykael can see him begin to scry.


The Wildcards prepare for battle and rush over to where the woman's scream could be heard. Once they arrive there is a woman unconcious on the ground surrounded by more of the refugee women. One of the women tells Nezamil "She saw something in the woods."

Swirl goes to investigate but does not find anything of interest. Ashira does not see anything in the woods through the dying sunlight, but does hear the wind rushing through the trees as the storm gets closer.

Ari does think that the roaring he was definately animal in nature, a big animal!

Some of the gamblers, crew and refugees are starting to chew on Rigging words. One of the older well dress gambler practically screams "You are abandoning us! You were to protect us for three days until help arrives!"

Many of the refugee women are starting to cry and move toward Nezamil "We should have stayed in our village, at least we would have died by our men. You promised us a better life and are now running off." One of the young female refugees with bright red hair and fierce green eyes adds with a spit. "At least the Satyr's were fun and fed us. go ahead and leave!" The women stands erect with her hands on her hips facing Val.

Talon takes to the air and Redux feels "The fat hares are out tonight....."

The river is between 500 and 600 yards across and the approaching storm is making it look even more difficult to swim. Not to mention the approaching darkness.

Redux  d20+2=19
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 10:48:00 PM

To Rigging & the others: "Talon thinks she saw a large rat. We may want everyone to come in a little closer to sleep tonight.

'Ladies and Gentlemen, please, please. We do want to protect you. Our biggest concern is that this place is very quickly becoming more dangerous. It is in fact, more dangerous than we had first imagined. There's no need to feel abandoned or betrayed. We are trying to provide a service and would like for everyone to get to port safely. Help us to help you and we will all be safe. Let's get thru this night and discuss our options in the morning. Are any of you, be they men or women, willing to share in standing guard this night? It looks like this will not be our last encounter."

Thursday August 18th, 2005 12:17:08 AM

The dwarf calmly assures everyone "we will not be leaving anybody" states Nezamil firmly " we just want to prepare for the possibility of moving everyone in case of danger "

Pausing a second "there is dangerous things lurking out in the dark and as the good Mage has said lets work together and get thru the night " adds the dwarf as he nods to Redux

Thursday August 18th, 2005 12:19:40 AM

The monk stays near the dwarf and Mage as they cajole the crowd to keep calm, crossing his arms across his chest as to imply he's staying put

Thursday August 18th, 2005 7:16:39 AM

Hoping that the crowd will not get out of control. Ari is not sure what he can add to the discussion without Rigging saying something more.

With the immediate threat over, Ari begins to move back towards the cooking area until a consensus is made.

Thursday August 18th, 2005 7:53:32 AM

Rigging stands tall and scans the crowd. He focuses in on the older gambler who made the comment about protecting the group, but speaks loudly enough for all to hear.

"Sir, We will do our best to protect you. I don't think we can protect you here. We have already lost two people. Right now we are sitting here waiting for help. What if help doesn't come? What if all the ships have started sprouting branches? Right now we are relatively strong, but feeding a group this large is taxing. We need to make a dash for the city while we have our strength. Not worn down from lack of food.

You are all adults. You have to make your own decisions. If you come with us, then I will do my best to see you fed and to protect you. It is very likely some won't make it, but I am betting most will. Or you can stay here and hope for help to come.

If help is on the way, then we will meet it down river and sooner. If it isn't then we are being proactive in our own survival. The choice is yours, but I won't be blackmailed into staying here. If you decide to stay, you will be on your own. You will have to protect and feed yourselves."

Rigging turns away and says to the Wildcards. "I want to string a line across the river. We need to get to the horse path. It will be quicker and easier to defend ourselves on it. Gather the rope and I will get it across."

OOC How wide is the river? How fast is it moving?

Thursday August 18th, 2005 1:59:51 PM

Appolo looks at the govenors"Fine then we come to you for help and you wish to rob.We'll do it on our own.I will not pay for what should be freely given anyways.Come on Mykeal this meeting is over."With that a very angry Appolo rises and walks out.The look on hica says it all,right now he woukd just as soon kill the govenors as look at them.

Tired hungry and pissed he heads back to the sword.

Thursday August 18th, 2005 2:32:14 PM

The big Warrior swaggers up next to Rigging " don't forget about me boss " grins the big fella as he flanks the captains right flank eyes peeled for trouble

Chris posting for Bart

Thursday August 18th, 2005 4:44:24 PM

Valanthe brings her fist across the defiant womans jaw. It was wrong but she'd had enough of this whining. She turned to the others, anger clear on her face.

"You know ladies the world is a very nasty place. You know about the predators in these woods and yet you stray from the safety we can provide. You are all well aware of the situation. Here is a novel concept. Instead of whining about what you don't have how about you do something about it. If you truly want a better life for yourself earn it. Now are there any other complaints?" She asks while looking to the woman that she just hit.

DM Jim 
Thursday August 18th, 2005 6:24:47 PM

I am waiting for Ashira and Mykael to post. Need some additional input to post, especially Mykael.

Thursday August 18th, 2005 9:26:50 PM

"Gentlemen, this is all that you are willing to do to help in a catastrophe as this? We are talking of known adventuring group that is on the rise, and many people that chose your town as a place to travel too. With all do respect, I doubt that your perceived lack of concern is going to provide a good outlook upon you as governors and men."

"You are offering a couple spells of travel at a price. Thus, you are offering little help at all. I dont mind scouting the problem and helping you to find a solution. Protecting and providing for the unfortunate stranded people up stream is going to be tough in its self, let alone finding the time to complete your price. Of which, you have offered no suggestions on how to complete or what you are looking for. This is troublesome to me."

"I propose an alternate idea. You stated that the reason that you cant offer any boats is that there is a shortage of horses to pull them up river. If you provide them, I will provide Scrolls of Mount to pull them up stream. I will also, scout the area up stream to assist you in finding information on this phenomenon. However, a few more hands are going to be needed to help with the mounts."

"Will you assist us in this plan?"

"Captain Green? What do you think?"

"Apollo, please wait and calm down."

Ashira  d20+8=28
Thursday August 18th, 2005 9:43:35 PM

Ashira looks over at Valanthe and just sighs. Diplomat she wasn't. Picking the woman up off the ground, she stands between Val and the older gambler. She looks first at the older woman, then to the younger women. "No one is abandoning anyone, just like Redux said. We are protecting you...but you must let us protect you. As your guardians we have accessed the situation, and decided that it is too dangerous to stay here with nature growing more powerful each hour." Ashira takes a breath and looks down to the ground. "We have already lost two of us to nature. If you choose to stay here, we will not stop you, but I beg with you to make the wise decision and break camp with us in the morning. We need each other if we are to survive this ordeal together. No there is nothing we can do this night, but hunker down, stay together and hope for the best. But please, make the right choice and leave with us in the morning." At the end of her spiel, Ashira turns and looks each of the passengers over, visually pleading with them to make the right decision. (Diplomacy=28...nat. 20!)

DM Jim: Choices 
Thursday August 18th, 2005 11:51:44 PM

Govenor Jobe does not look pleased and the other two Govenors are just shaking their heads. "You two know little of us or this area as you are obviously foreigners or you would not be so disrespectful. Do you think that we do not have a grasp of the situation. You are offering solutions to a problem you can not even comprehend given the information you have at present. So much for a useful test to determine your worthiness, trust or business sence. You worry about collateral and you are wearing plenty to our eyes. We will find others to send with Hal, you were just a convenience." Jobe paces away from the table and throws his hands in the air.

Captain Green is attempting to stifle laughter "Oh no Mykael, you are on your own. I have gotten on Jobe bad side before, but only by misunderstanding. Not by looking a gift horse in the mouth. You and Appolo are not wise beyond your skills. I never make it a policy to upset the most powerful people in a city and those that hold the keys to the store room of magic, not to mention the Star mages Guild. Oh no you are on your own." Captain Green bows to the two remaining govenors at the table and to Hal "Good Luck Hal." Captian Green goes to leave the meeting room.

The older Govenor calls Hal over to his side of the table and begins spell casting. The younger Govenor speaks to Hal. "We will send the guide in 30 minutes. Hope to see you soon." With a pop of air filling a vacuum, Hal is gone.

The younger of the two remaining Govenors stands and looks to Appolo and Mykael "I am Govenor Seth, do you have any further requests, questions or statements to make before we dismiss you?"

The wizard with Captain Green bows respectfully "Our lesson is still on for mid morning?" he asks hopefully.

"Yes, now go with Green." Seth waves them off.

The older Govenor just shakes his head "So Young." is all he says.

Jobe can be heard muttering to himself. "The first thing we do is stop hunting the quads and put those resourses to better uses. I will have to have another meeting with Captian Marlin in the morning........."


There are the beginings of an uproar after Val strikes the young red haired woman. Ashira seems to calm the everyone down with quick actions and soothing words.

After just a few moments, there is a "pop" and Hal appears right next to the other large and burly former cooler from the Elenna Queen. "Hi Kirk." Hal remarks. The two embrace one another. Kirk responds "We were not sure you were coming back."

Hal holds up his hands and call attention "In 30 minutes the Govenors of South Harbor are sending a guide to lead us back to the city." After Hal speaks there is a rumble of thunder and it starts to rain.

Ari is doing everything he can to keep the fire going, but the rain and green wood are making it very difficult.

As Ashira walks among those that are stranded you notices three four foot sapling that she did not remember from before. Did Jager place them in that triangular shape. Ashira feels the trees almost speak to her "Mother needs help, the valley of life is in danger, Mother needs help, the valley of life is in danger, Mother need help....." Ashira hears the same mumblings by any tree she approaches, but most strongly the three saplings.

The crew, refugees, and gamblers are all giving Val and Rigging a wide berth as none have like their words or actions.


Thirty Minutes later, a rather outdoorsy looking Elf "pops" in and also right next to Kirk. "Hello all." He announces to the rain soaked lot. "I am Kirin, and it is my job to guide you back to South Harbor in the morning. I have Goodberries anyone need some?"

As Kirin passes out goodberries he seems to spend alot of time looking at the three saplings.

Friday August 19th, 2005 12:17:57 AM

Jagar eyes bulge a little as Hal and Kirin pop into camp "mages " mutters the monk as he takes their measure ...reflecting back on his former life hunting mages for the slavers

but the monk settles in for the night taking shelter from the coming rain under some of the bigger trees " come on Nezamil lets get some rest we're gonna need it for the march tomorrow morning "

Nezamil  d20+12=22
Friday August 19th, 2005 12:24:08 AM

The dwarf rolls his eyes at Val's diplomacy skills " By Domi ....at least she didn't hack someone down " mutters the dwarf under his breath

"Yep good idea Jagar " replies Nezamil " ok everyone lets try and get some rest for the trip in the morning (d20+12=22 diplomacy ch)

The dwarf follows the monk and settles in under the same tree " this should be an intresting trip to South Harbor " growls Nezamil sarcastically to Jagar as he lays down to sleep

Friday August 19th, 2005 12:39:45 AM

Stunned and pissed, Mykael turns to Captain Green, "So you are not even going to help? You are just going to ignore your resposibilities? I will remember that."

Mykael looks at the governors, "I gave all the respect deserved. You afforded little assistance and guidance, for those of us So young. If you are offended, my appologies. However, for ones with such experience and wisdom, you didnt try to help smooth the situation."

Mykael nods to each, "Good day."

Mykael turns and walks out, and waits outside for Apollo.

"Ok... we need to find someone that knows the route through that valley. I am not sure if they are going to be away from the river or not. If they are, taking boats up river would be useless. And secondly, we need to get more protection for the ship."

Friday August 19th, 2005 7:56:18 AM

Rigging will walk up to guide with his hand outstretched. "Hello My name is Arrack Von Palin but my friends call me Rigging. Your here to guide us back? We are walking?" Rigging will give an arch "I told you so look to the gamblers.

"I was gonna try and get everyone across the river so we could take the horse paths downstream to the river. Did you notice my two companions, Appolo and Mykael? Are they coming back?"

Friday August 19th, 2005 10:05:49 AM

Val doesn't care in the slightest that the refugees don't like what she said nor did. In fact she takes joy from it. People that expect things handed to them rub her the wrong way. The refugees were all smart enough to see how tough the situation is. To expect just a few of them to feed, guide, and keep safe this many people in such an enviornment is quite a display of lacking intelligence.

Friday August 19th, 2005 10:20:38 AM

Appolo didn't even hear the govenors reply,for he had already walked out of the meeting and clean out ofthe building.The look on his face made people give him a wide birth.He was pacing furiously back and forth in a silent rage when Mykeal arrived"Well let's head back to the Sword get some rest and make a plan.I still think we need to move the ship.So what did those arogant fools have to say for themselves.A few teleportation spells is cheap compared to the good will of the people and the imformation they hope toaquire.""H e then walks back to the Sword with Mykeal.

Friday August 19th, 2005 11:23:17 PM

Ashira looks at the saplings, curiosity getting the best of her. It had been so long since she cast her spell...how could it be that she could still hear the voices of the plants?! She attempts to speak with one of the saplings, wondering if she can still speak with the plants without casting her spell. If she cannot get through to them without the spell, Ashira casts it and speaks with them. "Hello little ones. Where did you come from? Who threatens the valley?" Ashira decides to keep it short and sweet as she awaits the plant's answer. Looking over briefly at Kirin as he too examines the saplings, Ashira is too caught up with the experience to pay the newcomer too much attention.

DM Jim: The Dream 
Saturday August 20th, 2005 12:13:28 PM

Mykael and Appolo walk back to the Sword, upset by their meeting with the Govenors. They wonder what ramifications will the meeting have long term. Also, what has become of the Wildcards and what will become of the depleted Sword of Redemption.....


Kirin takes Riggings hand "Well met good sir. I have been told that this camp is yours. I will not broach your athourity. I am here to guide you back to South Harbour, but you are still in command. I know the area well. My kind benifactors have sent me as escort and are sending another group up from the south, that was recently freed up from other duties. They will meet us in a day or two."

Kirin then coughs before continuing. "I did hear word of your mates from the Govenors. Let us say that they are less than impressed with their diplomancy skills. They will not be joining me, at least not with the Govenors help."

Kirin follows Ashira to the saplings. Kirin looks skyward, enjoying the rain on his face, before he speaks. "I can almost hear the speak." Ashira knows they can speak, even without her spell. "Mother planted us just in case, she is always prepared." the three saplings answer Ashira in unison.

Everyone is very tired, and the wetter everyone get the more tired they feel. People are dropping off to sleep until only Rigging and Ashira are left barely awake, and then they too fall asleep.


Everyone at the campsite share the same vision.


The cloven hoofed Fey monarch Ebyron's smile is both indulgent and condescending. However, his handsome eyes cannot hide his awareness of the true odds.

"All this time," he begins, "I knew you'd cling to that crown. My dear Queen, did you think I would not anticipate this? Did you entertain the foolish notion that I would come meekly? Be your puppet?"

The satyr king gives a sharp stamp of a hoof. Nearby branches veer away fearfully, only to return, swooning, as he stretches wide his arms.

"See the power I have! See nature's love for me! You have neither the right, nor the strength to deny me!"

Ebyron turns slowly, his arms still outstretched, his fingers beckoning. Energy gathers at those fingertips - a wisp of flame, a tiny cloud of sand; drops of moisture and the tiniest, perfect little whirlwind. With such small gestures, the entirety of the Wold comes to rest - no wind, no rain, no fire, no tremors of the earth. The elements gather around their king, cloaking him in mist.

"You want me tame and compliant, my Queen?" comes his voice through the billowing cloud. "Then first, you must catch me."

The blast comes without warning, bringing with it a power that only Maab could withstand. Across continents, dwindling fires burst again to life, seas and lakes thrash, the earth shakes, and howling winds tear at all in their path. Fragments, each a mote of Fey light, an essence of Ebyron, burst from the cloud. Each piece of the Fey King is carried away by the elements.

In moments, it is over. But not before the Queen acts. Swiftly she gathers light into tiny, dazzling stars.

"Show me," she commands. On the heels of the fragments of Ebyron, the stars hurtle outward.

"You can't hide," she whispers. "Not from me. Now, show them. Let your own power betray you."

It takes seconds for each pin point of light to find its charge, to track it to the place at which it lands, and mark that spot in its the core of its memory. Once done, the motes of light withdraw, fly up into the air and converge ... on Plateau City.

Within the walls of the Cathedral of Light the Room of Artifacts suddenly bursts into life. Great risk was taken and noble lives given up to return Ebyron's orb to this place from a time gone by. Colors and shapes reflect on the walls as the Fey King's own power swells and grows outward, to betray him. The Orb becomes the great disc of the Wold and on it land the motes of light flickering here and there, scattered across the Land and marking the places where each piece of Ebyron has gone to ground.

Back in the Valley, the Fey Queen Maab uncurls her fingers and looks down into the palm of her hand. Three small acorns lie there, all three inscribed with a unique rune - REFORM, SLEEP, DIE.

"The choice you should have made, will now be left to others," she says, her voice tainted with a raw sadness. "Let the runes find those who will decide your fate. I have done all that I can. I can do no more."

The three acorns fall listlessly from her hand and from the Valley, they land onto Ebyron's Orb still stretched in the disc of the Wold. And it is the Wold that swallows them. And it is the Wold that spreads their power, to the far reaches, where the fragments of the Fey King hide.


Ashira only: Dream Addition.

My daughter, the valley of life is in peril, part of Ebyron has invaded. I beseech you to take your multi talented army and purge the valley of Ebyron's plundering. Nature must be brought back into balance.


Dawn breaks and Everyone at the campsite wakes refreshed and with positive attitude. Everyone is dry and the sun warm and soothing.

Kirin wakes up and walks over to Ashira. "Mother says that I scout for you. I will check the path south and will be back in an hour."

John the intrepid hunter, call to the camp "Look at these trees!" The three saplings are now 40 foot trees fully in fruit with apples, oranges, peaches, pine cones, and all manner of fruit each. Each also has an enormous acorn on a low hanging branch. John picks one acorn and everyone sees him shudder. "That was strange." Is all John says as he twirls the 20 pound nut. "It has runes on it too." he exclaims to all.

OOC: The runes are ancient elvish. Elvish is required and a DC 12 int check to read or a DC 27 desciper script.


Mykael and Appolo wake on the sword to a steel grey sky. Unsure of what the day will bring them.

Saturday August 20th, 2005 2:03:50 PM

Rigging almost seems disappointed when the scout doesn't take command. He sighs and struggles on, "Should we try and cross this mighty river or just head downstream?"

Early the next morning Rigging wakes from the strangest dreams. When the acorns are discovered he queries, "Did anyone else have strange dreams last night? I dreamed about these acorns and very powerful beings. I hope they aren't coming this way!"

Redux  d20=18
Sunday August 21st, 2005 12:30:11 AM

Redux wakes quite relieved yet surprised at having slept. A moments fussing is interrupted by the finding of the trees abundant food. He scans the runes and quickly sees that: 1) he can't read them; and 2) Ashira probably can. He eyes the food with a mind to eat it. He calls to Talon to alight on the branches and tell him what he thinks of these wonders. 'Yes, yes. I know you don't eat fruit.'

"Hey Ashira! What kind of fungus did you slip into the stew last night? That was a strange. Better yet, what's for breakfast? Can we eat this stuff?"

Ari  d20+4=10
Sunday August 21st, 2005 10:27:24 PM

(ooc Is there any other modifiers besides int? (I'm assuming) base role was a 6 (2nd thought, does the dream give you an added plus to put 2+2 together? ;) ).

When the guide appears Ari jumps a little bit, but quickly calms down when he appears friendly. Ari starts to sigh when he hears about what appears to be a lack of diplomacy on the part of the two people that were sent ahead..........

When the sigh finishes he's awake in the morning after a very strange dream. Looking around at the lush vegetation Ari almost doesn't hear when Rigging asks his question. "aahh. It seems we've had another dreaming, yes Captain, I did dream last night." Ari then looks at the acorns and though Ari recognizes the runes as Elvish, he's a little rusty at reading it and cannot figure out what the runes mean.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 12:56:24 AM

The dwarf wakes refreshed in the morning light looking about as the others mill around discussing the seemingly shared dream

Nezamil keeps his thoughts about the dream to himself but answers one of Riggings questions " be easier to to head downstream on this side ....too many people to get to the otherside....would take too much time "

Monday August 22nd, 2005 1:02:22 AM

Soon after Jagar wakes he takes a quick jaunt of the camps perimeter inspecting his hedge defensive scheme .....collecting his thoughts about the nights visions .....only stopping to at Riggings side "REFORM, SLEEP, DIE..... what does those words signify?"

Bart (sub George)  d20=7
Monday August 22nd, 2005 7:20:43 AM

Bart heads over to the trees and starts collecting fruit. He will call out to other ship passengers saying, "Collect as much as you can. I we are going to be travelling, then we need to bring stores with us."

Once he has that organized, he will pull his sword and watch, keeping a look out for any possible predators.

Jim- can't find bart's character sheet rolled a natural 7 for spot but don't know what to add.

Ashira  d20+1=18
Monday August 22nd, 2005 10:55:40 AM

The half-elf is grumpy after the night's dreams. She'd been a pawn of gods and such for too long, and she didn't like being caught up in the middle of another cosmic struggle. Still...this Ebryon fellow didn't seem quite right...

Ashira frown at Redux and turns to Rigging. "Sounds like we all had about the same dream... It's strange though...I could almost swear that Nature itself spoke to me last night. She wants us to clear the valley of this Ebryon fellow." Ashira pauses for a long time contemplating. "I don't usually like getting caught up in this kind of stuff, but I think we can help in whatever way we can."

Ashira's eyes narrow as she catches sight of the full grown trees. "She is always prepared..." Ashira murmurs, forgetting that those around her cannot hear the constant mummblings of the trees around them. She walks over to John and examines the huge acorn (Int.=18). "It says DIE..." Ashira walks over to the other trees and removes the acorns. "And this one is REFORM... And this one is SLEEP. Just like in the dream. All of this is so strange." Ashira hefts the acorns and places them carefully in her backpack. "If nature herself has gone to such efforts to put these here, they must be important. I'm taking them with me until we know more." Then as an afterthought, Ashira turns to the now full grown saplings. "What do these mean...what are we to do with them?"

OOC Jim, made an educated guess as to the meaning on the acorns, let me know if I'm wrong. ;)

DM Jim: Acorns 
Monday August 22nd, 2005 1:08:03 PM

Ashira is correct in her translation of the acient elvish. Ashira reads Johns acorn, but he does not want to give it up. When Ashira takes the reform acorn a shiver runs down her spine. As Ashira is picking the reform acorn, the red headed refugee woman goes to pick the sleep acorn for Ashira and she experiences the similar shiver.

All three acorn bearers feel that they must protect the acorns and do not want to part with them, at least not now. All three acorn bearers have the benifit of a heroism spell, while carrying the acorn.

Ari comes over to inspect the nuts, but can not figue out the writtings and neither can Redux. Redux send Talon skyward to investigate the trees. Talon lands in the top of one of the trees, and thinks to Redux, "No evidence of animals in the trees, just fruit."

Bart goes about picking fruit with many of the passengers and refugees. The fruit is at the peak of flavor as many are trying the food. A days worth of fruit and nuts can be gathered from the three trees for all in attendance, but it will take two hours.

Jager checks his hedges and they grew nicly over night. Not as much as the three saplings, but an accelerated growth rate none the less.

Rigging questions many people at the campsite about the dreams and it seems that everyone had the same dream. The group is now tied together somehow. Rigging also wonders aloud about crossing the river, but with the rain last night the river is running fast and looks difficult to cross for such a large group. Nezamil cautions against a crossing.


After a little more than a hour, a clearly winded Kirin returns and comes to report to Rigging and Ashira. "The way is clear to the
stairs to enter the valley, on first stage on the way back to South Harbor. I expect that with this group it will take most of the day to reach. I saw sign of some big predators about, not to mention prey."


Appolo and Mykael Sleep in.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 2:27:06 PM

Appolo gets back aboard the Sword and gets a goodnights rest.When he wakes hefinds Mykeal and gets breakfast."Well buddy,what do you think we should do now?"

Monday August 22nd, 2005 10:28:05 PM

Listening to Ashira, Rigging asks, "Do you think we should stay and try and hunt this Ebyron fellow? Maybe we should go hunting and send the rest down stream. We can always catch up later. I don't think they will want to be around us when we meet up with this Fay King or even a piece of him.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 11:36:02 PM

The ranger shrugs. "I....I don't know." She looks over her shoulder at the refugees. "I don't like the idea of leaving them out there on their own without any protection... But then the dream... It was so urgent..." Ashira sighs looking over at the newly grown trees. It is a long time before she speaks again. "Yes...let's see if we can find this fellow. Maybe that's the best way to keep these people safe anyway."

Monday August 22nd, 2005 11:50:49 PM

Jagar is slightly disappointed that they will head out " all that work we put into the defensive fortifactions and we're leaving " groans the monk " well maybe when i settle down i'll become a gardner " remarks Jagar with humour

" so whats the plan of action Captain ?" asks Jagar

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 12:00:15 AM

The dwarf does his morning rituals of prayer to Domi before equiping himself .

Heading over to Rigging " Rigging we must take action againist this " the dwarf waves his hands at the overgrown forest " i believe we need to reign in this Ebyron and his abuse of his power " adds the Cleric of Domi

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 1:45:36 AM

The mage helps to collect and then enjoys some of the fruit that the trees have. "Hey, Ashira, do you think we should cut the trees down and stick them in the ground at night where ever we camp. They'd sprout up and have fruit in the morning at the rate Nature is making things happen nowadays."

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 6:50:28 AM

Watching as the acorn bearers get choose their acorns, Ari wonders what's in store for the Cards yet again.

"Should we have the people wait here for a day, to see if we can clear this up? This would give them time to collect more food, and be ready for the journey. It was sort of coincidental that the trees would grow and bear fruit in our time of need."

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 8:52:25 AM

Valanthe says nothing and keeps to herself this morning. Its clear that something is bothering her but she's more stubborn than a drunk dwarf. It wasn't the dream that shook her up so much it was the fact that she slept again. Sleep is horrible and feels so bad and Val doesn't know what to do about it.

DM Jim: Discussion of the Dream 
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 1:01:13 PM

The Wildcards take time in the morning to discuss the shared dream and what to do about it. The real question is what to do with the refugees and passenger; they seem willing, in fact two of them are showing off the giant acorns they have to all that will look at them.

One old gamblers even eclaims "We are off on an adventure! I feel as good as the time I got dealt a royal flush in spades!" The spirits are high for the group. It does not hurt that everyone now has a full belly, as all the fruit and nuts from the three trees is pick and either eaten for stored for later that day.

After Nezamil completes his morning rituals, there are 20 people aiting and watching him. All seem to echo his chants from time to time.

Kirin again comes over to Ashira and Rigging "Are we not breaking camp?" he says while eating an orange with gusto. "The path leads overland." and he points to the south.


Appolo has trouble waking Mykael up from his troubled sleep.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 7:51:04 PM

Ashira waits for Rigging to deliver the news...not wanting to usurp the Captain.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 9:57:07 PM

"I believe that we should find someone that knows the path through the valley that the guide is supposed to bring them through. Then see if we can get a wagon through there. If we can, see if we can get a few to take up there. If not, or we cant get any, then pack as much food and clothing as we can carry, and head up there as fast as we can. We will need to swing by the catacombs to get some stuff, but helping a group that large is going to be a tough assignment."

Mykael sighs, "I dont want to put the ship to sail. That would make her more prone to attacks in my opinion. I still suggest that we try and hire guards to stand on the pier, along with more crew. We could seperate, and one stay with the ship to help guard her, and over see the hirings. I would like to keep both of us here to watch the ship, however, the faster we get the group back, the better for us, the ship, and those passengers stranded out there."

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 11:21:12 PM

Redux feels so much better now that the tide of opinion has shifted to match the decision to break camp. Something strange though about all this, first the group gets stranded, we make camp here, and send for help. When the help does get here, it is to pack us all out, which is what we wanted to do anyways. Or just who was pulling the strings, anyways. The gods nowdays ... are any of us acting on our own anymore?

Nezamil  d20+12=17
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 11:40:35 PM

Nezamil smiles at 20 or so people and helps guide them thru Domi's prayers , teaching them Domi's words of wisdom.

The dwarf listens to some of the refugees and passengers chatter about joining in the hunt for the Fae King " there is help on its way here to guide you to the safety of South Harbor....it is best that you do not travel with us in this endeavor.....the dangers are too great for you good folk to endure....you are not trained to deal with these dangers as we are ....so please in Domi's name have the courage to journey back to the safety of South Harbor " counsel's(d20+12=17 diplomacy ch)the Cleric of Domi

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 11:43:20 PM

Jagar quietly listens and observes the ongoing discussions nodding in agreement with Nezamil's assessment of the dangers ahead

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 5:47:47 AM

Appolo replies'Yes I agree the Ship stays put for now and we need to get maps of the area and some directions.If we could find some horses we could ride.How going to catacombs and purchsing acouple of teleportation Scrolls.The we could teleport to them ourselves."

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 7:25:13 AM

Ari begins to worry anew as he waits to see what Rigging will decide.

We could further divide ourselves in order to make sure that Kirin has some protection from the predators. But that means less people for this 'hunt' that Ashira is suggesting.

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 7:30:23 AM

Rigging glances around at the Wildcards and the others. "OK...we can go overland. I will trust you to guide us. That is your job. We will need to leave signs for Appolo and Mykael though on the direction we went. I know Appolo will lose his temper if he shows up in a barge filled with food only to find us gone."

Rigging then looks around and says, "We know there are big predators out there and our dreams indicate we might even be fighting something bigger. We are down two of our members already. I don't want the Wildcards to split up. We need to be able to support each other."

He smiles an evil smile and says, "Ashira! Oh Battlemistress! Please organize the Wildcards so we can support each other quickly (under 2 rounds) and protect as many of these fine folks as possible."

Bart (Sub George) 
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 7:35:31 AM

Bart smiles at Rigging dumping that nasty and almost impossible chore on Ashira and is thankfull it wasn't him the Captain tapped.

Still his mind goes to work and he walks up to Ahsira and says, "The Captain is such a louse sometimes. It is almost impossible to protect a group this size with our few numbers. I suggest you put one fighting team towards the front and a second towards the back. Then put the spell users in the middle where they can support with longer ranged spells. I know the captain can make a horse. I am not sure if Redux can, but if we mount some of the warriors, they could get to trouble spots more quickly." He claps Ashira on the shoulder, and says, " I am sure you can handle it Battle Mistress."

DM Jim: Breaking Camp & Options 
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 1:01:24 PM

Nezamil enjoy preaching to his new found flock and even tries to pursuade them to stay behind oon the dangerous journey ahead. It seems that nno one wants to be left behind.

Jager is concerned about leaving his newly growing fortifications and what danger may lay ahead.

Redux is very happy about the prospects of moving.

Rigging gives his orders and all start to break camp. All of the refugees, passenger and crew of the former Elenna Queen start rounding up what little possessions and food they have. They are looking for some direction on how to organize themselves.

Upon hearing Rigging, Kirin pipes up. "Aye, Aye, My Captain. I am off to mark the trail. It is hard going as everying is so overgrown, even the rock seem bigger. Remind everyone to keep their bows out as we will have to eat on the move. It will slow us down, but not as much as if we do not eat. There is water on the trail so you only need enough for one day at this point." Kirin takes off into the woods.

Ashira has alot of people to organize.

John takes out his bow and seems ready to hunt now. "It turns out I am much better at hunting than gambling. I can still hunt, but I have nothing left to gamble." Say the hunter with the new bow and rags for cloths.

The four older gamblers/retired warriors that offered their services are waiting to talk with Ashira.

Beltro and Calibine stay close to Redux.

Hal and Kirk, the two hulking guard brothers are happily eating fruit and talking about looking for new jobs in South Harbor.


Appolo and Mykael discuss possible options for meeting up with the Wildcards, maybe even visiting the Catacombs. Both vaguely remember that Governor Jobe did say that in addition to the administrations of South Harbor the three Governor's did also run the branch of the Catacombs in the city and the Star mages guild.

Mykael also suggest horses for an overland journey and gathering information to find a route of travel.

Tomas observes the two Wildcards discussing options "You two are not planning on leaving us in our current state. The crew moral is just recoving with your presence." There is deep concern in Tomas's voice.

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 2:40:52 PM

Val takes up her spot guarding the refugees with her bow in hand and an arrow ready. Her eyes constantly search for the danger that she knows is stalking them.

DM Jim: Supplimental 
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 8:25:26 PM

If you choose to hunt on the way roll a DC 15 survival as before and double you survival ranks if you range away from the party, normal survial ranks if you stay with the party as it moves. If you wish to gather, roll a DC 15 with standard bonus's while on the move.

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 10:41:40 PM

Rigging having successfully passed the buck to his wife, looks to his equipment. He then makes a large arrow out of rocks. This arrow will be pointing in the direction they are headed, though he would hope even those to city dwellers could follow this many tracks.

He will then walk through the line of refugees and slap backs, listen to worries, and try to encourage people. After he is done with that, he will look at Ashira and innocently ask, "So what is the plan Battle Mistress?"

Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:08:14 AM

the mage checks with other two and goes to rigging. "would it help any if i were to teleport to the sword and give any directions you might want to their current situation and then return. maybe even be able to bring them back here if i understand it all. i've never cast and brought anyone other than Talon, but appolo wouldn't mind a slight error.

Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:46:03 AM

The ranger looks disappointed at the decision to leave the valley. She runs a hand over the saplings. "Tell mother I will help if I can. But she must show me where the danger is."

Ashira frowns at her new assignment and nods at Bart's sage words. "Yeah, he's a real hardnose. But I'm sure somebody loves him."

When approached by Rigging the second time, Ashira scowls. "What's the plan?! We have a handful of fighters for a boat load of passengers. No matter what I do, we're bound to get seperated from one another. I think the Captain is attempting to pass the buck to his amazingly talented wife in hopes that she can pull off a miracle and save his aft. That's what I think. Oh...and I think by the time Appolo gets here, that arrow will probably be a pine tree."

Rolling her eyes, Ashira confirs with the gambler fighters, hoping to get their input into the matter.

Ashira smiles as Redux mentions teleporting to the Sword. "Yeah, great idea! I volunteer to guard him!"

Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:47:48 AM

Listening to the chattering Nezamil eyes widen slightly " Captain ?...we're not going to bring everyone are we ? ....thats almost 200 people "
asks Nezamil " how we gonna feed them all ?"

Thursday August 25th, 2005 12:51:55 AM

After Jagar makes his rounds inspecting the perimeter of the camp he edges his way over to the geathering of wildcards and listens intently hoping to learn their next move

Thursday August 25th, 2005 11:13:52 AM

"I would say we need to do something but I'm not sure there is anything to do. There are just to few of us to safely guard a group of this side. If the predators out here decide to feast there is little we can do to prevent the loss of life. I pray that we get lucky and nothing happens."

Thursday August 25th, 2005 1:11:28 PM

Appolo looks at Thomas"You know Mykeal Thomas is right.We should probably stay here,take care of the ship find those quads and get the sailors that have been shanghaied back.I mean we probably won't be able to catch up to them any ways unless we find some magical means of coing so."

DM Jim: Traveling 
Thursday August 25th, 2005 2:22:52 PM

The Wildcards start to pack up along with the refugees as they do not seem like they will be left behind, even though some of the Wildcards have express concern about them coming.

Rigging is very sucessful is raising the spirits of the refugees and the passengers with his words of encouragment. Several of the women bless the pirate for his deeds. "Thank you sire for not leaving us behind."

Ashira confers with the four retired warriors/vacationing gamblers. None of the four has a weapon larger than a dagger as their wives did not want them to take them on vacation (Women). All four are requesting weapons. The warrior names are Moe, Sam, Ralph, and Bert all are in their 50's, but in good shape. All four warriors want to know were they will be stationed and what the watch schedule will be?

Nezamil finds himself surrounded by 20 or so refugees, passengers and crew as they seem to feel most comfortable with the cleric of Domi.

Redux suggests teleporting to the Sword in an attempt to recover Appolo and Mykael.

The group moves about 200 yards south in the Direction that Kirin indicated and they find two saplings cut down and points south. It appears that Kirin is marking the trail well.

OOC: I need someone to indicate marching order and watch schedule.


Mykael and Appol are struck dumb by Tomas's questions.....

Thursday August 25th, 2005 6:22:07 PM

"Thomas, the rest of the Wildcards are busy trying to escort some stranded people to here. They need help and supplies. The situation here, is tough also. However, you and the crew are skilled and able to handle yourselves and deal with your situation, the people stranded are not as able and are in more need of help."

"I still say that one of us remain here to help the crew and the other go with supplies to the group. I can cast mount, and according to the Governor's there are little livestock around to help. Therefore, getting horses other than spells will be tough. I am not profienct enough to cast teleport and the scrolls would cost too much, along with trying to find someone to cast it. Plus, I have heard that there is limitations to it, by weight."

"I am not sure how much help, if any, was sent along with the guide and Hal. Captain Green didnt seem to be doing anything to go assist either. So, if they are going to get supplies, other than what the governors may have sent, its up to us."

"You want to go with supplies or stay with the boat?"

Friday August 26th, 2005 12:19:30 AM

"thank you for your permission. we'll be back. i'll make sure that the sword is safe. i'd love company, but i don't think we'd all get back in one trip. Ashira, do you want to come with, or do you want me to bring back mykael? we'll only be a day behind you. we should be able to hustle up and catch you. enjoy the lot. and, if we aren't there by camp tomorrow night, i'm either relaxing on the sword or lost in this wilderness." he says the last part with a wink. the mage calls Talon and tells him to stay with rigging. he thinks of the dry socks he'll have tonight and casts.

Friday August 26th, 2005 12:41:28 AM

Jagar nods at Nezamil's insight of traveling with almost 200 people " good point .....so what is the plan Captain ?.....will we pursue this Fey beast ourselves or will we herd all these folks with us ?" questions the Monk

Friday August 26th, 2005 12:43:30 AM

The ranger sighs. "Yes, I know you'd all like weapons. We might have a few you can use from our battle with the giants, but other than that, we don't have much." Ashira directs the warriors to Rigging for resupplying.

Ashira smiles as Redux prepares to leave...a weary smile, but still a smile. "No Redux, it's best that I stay here. It's going to be tough without you, and somebody's got to look after the well being of these people. Ashira shoots Rigging a decidedly dirty-your-going-to-pay-for-this kind of look.

As the others travel along, Ashira things over the tactical plan. She decides that with the extra help, She will try the box technique. Gathering all the Cards and warriors together, she pitches her plan. Placing Rigging somewhere in the middle with the passengers, Ashira breaks up the other fighters into four groups and boxes in the middle group. "Ok, folks, nothing too fancy here. You protect the region you are assigned to. Don't break off from the group unless you have to. Rigging and Ari, can you hook us up with the Message spell? That would help enormously. If one side gets attacked, we will use the other groups to out flank the enemy. It's not perfect and it spreads us out, but at least we can keep most of the passengers together and somewhat protected." After assigning groups, Ashira heads over to some of the more capable looking gamblers and assigns them watch duty as well, hoping to fill the ranks (2 or 3 more per ship) with at least a few more set of eyes.

Groups and watch schedule
(front group, 1st watch)

(left flank, 2nd watch)

(right flank, 3rd watch)

(rear group, 4th watch)

Friday August 26th, 2005 12:47:26 AM

The dwarf nods in return at Jagar's words " exactly my point " exclaims Nezamil to Rigging

Nezamil continues to teach the 20 something followers the wise words of Domi " there are many forms of courage ...many of which do not include violence ....courage is being able to make the right choices not reckless ones " smiles the Cleric of Domi

Ari  d20=4 d20=10
Friday August 26th, 2005 7:30:50 AM

(ooc sorry for my missing. Weird week)

"I will need one nights preparation for the message. I also have some new abilities as I have found a new level of understanding of spells.

Are you sure that the lead group will be able to pick up Kirin's trail? I don't know if you'd want me to be up front or not."

(Rolled 4 for track and 10 for survival/hunting. Don't have character sheet handy).

Friday August 26th, 2005 8:42:10 AM


Sorry guys, I am a little confused and don't want to post without understanding. Is everyone going? Are we trying to head back to Safe Harbor or whatever the city is called where the Sword is? Or are just some of us going hunting this thing Ashira Dreamed about?

Bart (sub George) 
Friday August 26th, 2005 10:44:42 AM

Bart stands to attention with a silly grin on his face and salutes Ashira and says, "At your command! Sword Mistress!" He will then click his heels together and head towards the rear. He will intoduce himself to Ralph and give him any spare weapons he might have.

Friday August 26th, 2005 10:49:25 AM

Rigging will cast a mount spell and gather up the reins of the steed. He will present them to Ashira and say, "Here take this riding horse. That way you can move up and down the line as you need to. I fear moving 200 people, we will get somewhat spread out. We will need mobility.
Since you are in charge of the column, you should have that mobility."

Rigging will then gather the spell users and say, "We should stay near the center of the colum to be better able to respond to an attack in any direction. Still we should spread out a little. We can encourage people, help them along and keep our eyes and ears open."

Friday August 26th, 2005 1:10:02 PM

Valanthe takes up her position on the right side. She gives Ashira a lot of credit. This task is not an easy one. Mass people and limited troops to protect them. Val couldn't hald that type of problem. When this was over she would make sure to do something to show her appreciation.

Friday August 26th, 2005 1:39:51 PM

I don'tlike they Idea splitting us up,but it seems we have little choice.You can go get the others.Forget about supplies so much as I expect with nature behaving like it is food should be plentiful.Just bring as many weapons as you bows and arrows would be good.That way they will be able to hunt."

DM Jim: The Trail 
Saturday August 27th, 2005 11:16:20 AM

Rigging gives control of the mass of people to Ashira and conjours her a horse for better movement.

Redux ponders the possibility of teleporting back to the Sword, which he does not know its exact location, and then teleporting back to the moving group.

OOC:Redux must roll teleport % to determine if he makes his desired location.

Ari expresses concern about being able to follow Kirin's trail and will not be able to study for message until tomorrow.

Bart is ready to go and introduces himself to his new crew.

With watches and travel postitions set by Ashria, the mix groups move out into the thick forest. The trail is easy to follow as Kirin has done his job well. Whenever, which is very often, the forest get thick, Kirin has cut the beginings of a trial or marked trees for the group. In meadows with thick waist high grass Kirin has cut down small sapling and used them to point in the correct direction. There are small streams to ford, which Kirin marks with saplings. The going is hard, especially on the gambling contingent as they are older and more used to the life of luxury. Everyone pushes on and the general feeling is that it is good to be active and going something.

Nezamil 20 or so followers wish to hear the teachings of Domi to make the trek easier. Hal and Kirk are also interested in hear stories of Domi's wrestling prowess.

Just as it is getting dark, Kirin appears and approaches Ashira. "We are a bit behind schedule as we have another hour to the gateway to the valley. Do you want to camp here or push on in the dark?"

OOC: If everyone pushes on a DC 11 fort save must be made to avoid fatigue.


Mykael and Appolo spend the day planning and assurring Tomas that one of them will stay with the Sword. Appolo volunteers to stay with the Sowrd and Mykael goes off to find supplies for a journey.

Saturday August 27th, 2005 1:20:16 PM

Val does her best to keep her group in line. Any of them could wander off when nobody is looking if things get too lax. The task assigned is hard on her but she says nothing about it and does the job the best she is able.

Sunday August 28th, 2005 8:22:44 PM

Rigging sees the column come to a stop and moves up to see what the hold up is. "I think we should stop here. Most of these folks aren't in the best shape and pushing them for another hour's gain will be counter productive. I would rather have their energy to help set up camp and gets some meals cooked.

Of course, I would never assume to take command from the Mistress of the Swords and this is only a suggestion."

Sunday August 28th, 2005 9:10:25 PM

The dwarf speaks to Domi's newly found worshippers " My brothers and sisters please continue to show the courage you have since the start of this journey we will have more trying times ahead....i'm very proud of your acceptance of your new found faith.......faith you can show by helping those among us that are not as strong ......the tired ,hungry and less spirited of our fellow travelers....help guide and assist their journey to our destination" preaches the Cleric of Domi

After the quick message to his flock Nezamil takes up his postion on the right flank with Sam and Val

with a nod at Val's firm hand in keeping order on the march " she's taking this taxing and thankless job of escorting this group well ....at least hiding her temper at their short comings ......thats encouraging to see " thinks the dwarf to himself as he walks his post on the flank

The dwarf will hand Sam his heavy crossbow and quiver with 10 bolts " just point and shoot to provide cover fire for Val and myself " orders the dwarf " if anything attacks "

Monday August 29th, 2005 1:21:59 AM

Mykael heads to the local Catacombs branch in South Harbor. Along the way, he stops and chats with the city guards.

"Excuse me, I am looking for someone that is familiar with the Rhur Valley. I need to travel north up through there and could use some information on the area. Would you happen to know of anyone in town at this time?"

Bart (sub George)  d20+4=7 d20+15=16 d20+10=24

Monday August 29th, 2005 10:49:55 AM

Bart sees the scout coming back in and glances around to make sure all is ok. He doesn't notice anything amiss (rolled 7 for spot) but he is distracted by a huge horsefly that keeps buzzing around his head.

Finally the creature irritates him enough that he pulls out his sword and takes a swing at it burying his sword into a tree.(natural 1) He growls in frustration, pulls the sword out of the tree and with a back swing cuts the fly in half.

He then glances around guiltily wondering if anyone noticed.

Monday August 29th, 2005 1:19:34 PM

Ashira nods at Kirin and Rigging. "Yeah, it's probably best if we make camp now. Out here in the dark we'd be easy pickings." Ashira swears under her breath knowing that neither decision was really favorable to the large group. Guiding the group was more taxing than she could have ever believed. They were slower than some undead she's seen and complain four times as much!! Dismounting, Ashira looks over at Rigging. "All right love, you know the drill...get them to making camp. I may have security detail, but I'll be a landlubber if I'm going to do double duty!" That being said, Ashira finds a nice shady place all by herself and sits as she contemplates how in the Wold she's going to keep all these people safe...and that dream and the trees.

DM Jim: The Gateway 
Monday August 29th, 2005 1:20:46 PM

The Wildcards and their entourage make camp for the night in the deep dark forest. With an effort a smoky fire is started. Everyone eats the last of their fruit and nuts from the acorn trees.

As Bart swings at the horsefly and sheers off a large tree branch, the three acorn bearer each hear a collective sigh of pain from that direction. They each know it was the trees pain they felt.

The next morning the sun rises bright in the east and Kirin rouses everyone. "Everyone up! We are behind schedule. Lets get going."

The hour march actually turns into two and by mid morning the group makes it to what Kirin called the gateway. The gateway is a granite ridge approximately 100 feet high that is covered in plants and seeping water. In front of the granite ridge is a lake. There is a cut in the ridge, dead ahead. The cut is caused by a stepped waterfall. The waterfall is 500 yards away and each step of the falls is 3 to 4 feet high. The falls rises about 80 feet up. Kirin speaks up once everyone has had a chance to see the beautiful scene "The lake is shallow and we can walk most of it and then we climbe the waterfall before decending into the valley."

OOC: The lake averages a depth of 5 feet with occasional deeper spots. The DC to climb the ridge is 30 and the water 17, not counting on any help.


Appolo spends another night on the Sword and Mykael talkes with the guards (roll gather info DC 16) for information on the valley. Mykael also visits the local branch of the Catacombs and see the potraits of the three Governor's hanging in the back of the store.

Monday August 29th, 2005 3:32:07 PM

Appolo awakes in the morning and gets things organized.He tries to cheer the crew up as best he can.He isn't quite sure what to do.

Monday August 29th, 2005 7:16:13 PM

(ooc forced to change my posting times. Will do better this week)

Looking to Rigging Ari asks, "How do you want to handle this? String a line of people across with some of us to start, and some to end? Until I get a chance to study, I can only alter myself to help the situation."

Redux  d100=76
Monday August 29th, 2005 7:41:37 PM

Redux casts his teleport spell, concentrating on his cabin on the Sword and the furnishings that are there. His sense tells him that while he may not know exactly where the ship is, he does know where his stuff is.

Mykael  d20=14
Monday August 29th, 2005 8:26:00 PM

Unable to find anyone that knows the Rhur Valley area (Gather info check = 14), Mykael heads to the shop quickly.

He puts in his orders and waits for the supplies to be gathered.

Monday August 29th, 2005 10:00:08 PM

Rigging will send Swirl up ahead to scout the area. He looks around and says to Ashira, "This is a beautiful scene but also a perfect place for an ambush. If we get attacked while climbing to the top, we won't be able to effectively protect the refugees or ourselves.

I have sent Swirl up ahead to have a look around but something about this is tickling my itch of trouble. We have a steep climb, up a wet embankment, shepparding a bunch of old gamblers and you flighty teenage girls. By Alemi, I am glad you are in charge of the column."

Nezamil  d20+12=25
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:39:41 AM

The Cleric of Domi will preach(d20+12=25 diplomacy ch) tidbits of prayers and simple phrases from Domi's teachings to the 20 or so new disciples of Domi and encouraging to practice helpings others as is Domi's teachings in the whole groups journey to the Gateway

" if we have any rope we can string it across to help ease the crossing of the water ....perhaps several ropes for faster crossing time " informs Nezamil to Captain Rigging

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:46:13 AM

Jagar nods in agreement with the dwarf " good thinking "

"crossing the water won't be that difficult if we all work together " adds the monk as he visually inspects the waterfall

Bart (Sub George) 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 7:23:27 AM

Bart feels a little embarrassment over the tree incident but puts it behind him when they enter the waterfall area.

He moves over to Ashira and Rigging listening to the plans. He interjects, "We want to have a strong group up forward and a strong group left behind. I think we need to split our group in half. 2 competent fighters, a spellcaster and someone sneaky." He sighs and murmers, "I wish Appolo and Mykael were here. We are already split up." He falls silent in contemplation.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:39:41 AM

Val wasn't looking forward to tomarrow. Crossing the lake and climbing up the massive staircase would gaurentee an endless day of complaints. Part of her wished for an ambush. Anything to stop tomarrow from happening.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:55:48 AM

Ashira scowls at Rigging...he was enjoying this too much. She'll have to think of a very creative way to punish him once they're done with all of this.

The ranger nods at Bart. "Well said, friend. We will indeed split up into two groups. You lead the first group with Rigging and Nezamil...it's going to take him longer than most to get up that waterfall..." Ashira winks at Bart. "Myself, Val, and Jager will take up the rear. We'll disperse the other spellcasters and fighters amoung the rest of the passengers so they can help them out along the way." Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out her 50 foot length of silk rope. Then she calls all the Wildcards and Kirin over to her. "Alright, Nezamil's got a good point there. If we string ropes across the waterfalls we'll have a much easier time of it. We need to gather all the ropes we've got in the camp. Then those of us who are lighter on our feet...say Kirin, Jager, and myself need to go up those falls first and string the ropes. Then the rest of the folks can use them to get up." Ashira pauses for a couple of seconds as she stares up at the waterfall, gauging its height and the relative difficulty of the climb. Their is a brief nod of her head as she seems to have made up her mind. "Alright let's get to it!"

DM Jim: Off we go..... 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 2:13:28 PM

Ashira assesses the situation and calls for ropes. Kirin offers 250 feet of silk rope to the cause. Kirin stowes his gear the best he can as he know he will be doing some swimming, being an elf and all and just barely over 5 feet. Kirin calls to everyone. "The water is cool and refrshing. Stay in line as best you can. Everyone help each other." With that announcement Kirin walks into the water and begins swimming after 40 yards. Kirin finds a low spot to stand on at 80 yards out and turns around to watch the procession. Kirin cups his hands and calls out again. "Do not worry about the fish. In fact we may want to catch some for lunch, Very tasty." Kirin's words echo off the granite walls.

The fish Kirin is referring to is a 3 foot salmon type that seems to school in large numbers.

OOC: Anyone 6 feet tall can walk on the bottom, not fast but can walk. Anyone over 5 feet tall must swim at times. Anyone under 5 feet tall must swim most of the time. Everyone that has to do any amount of swiming roll a DC 8 swim check (watch armor check penalties). If you must make the entire 500 yards by swimming a DC 15 fort save to avoid fatigue.

Swirl storms ahead and related back to Rigging. "All clear boss, send the wife forward..."


Redux appears back in his room at the sword, a bit disoriented, realizing that he was close to being off target. Tomas is very gald to see Redux. "Redux sire. It is great to see you. Now we have some firepower to fight the quad that is preying on the Sword. When are the others returning?"

Mykael is still purchasing supplies from the catacombs. Upon hears some of Mykael's inquires for information on groups going into the Rhur valley he offers. " I know a bloke who goes there. What is it worth to you?" This is an older unshaven and dirty human in purchasing supplies. THe human is wearing new rugged cloths for working.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 8:02:33 PM

"Oh, Tomas! It is very good to see you as well. I'm afraid they are a few days behind. I needed to come here and gather Mykeal and Appolo and get over to them. I hated to do it, but we'll be a day behind and will have to hoof it to catch up once we do get back to the camp site. ... Hey, what's going on with this boat. The magic of the nature gods must be at work even here. I'm sure Appolo told you we lost our boat on the river because it turned into a tree and took root. We don't want that to happen here. Since the ship is a good distance away, maybe it would be best to sail out of the harbor. Come to think of it, why hasn't Appolo already given that order? And, what's this about quads. You know our ship is fast in the water. You all have never before taken notice to being out at sea while we were on a mission inland, so why now? Once we disembark, you should sail out beyond the horizon, stay out for 3 days and then return to port. Surely anything you'll come across on the ocean will be better than a quad here in port. Before I leave I will look up some spell to send you a message so you'll know and we'll have some better coordination. Tonight I must rest and regain my spells in order to return." The mage very quickly takes back control where he left off, not letting the fact that he was away for an extended period get in the way of things. "And another thing, while you are out at sea, send divers under and around the ship to trim off the branches that are growing. We don't need those hanging about."

Ari  d20+6=23 d20+10=16 d20+6=9
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 9:16:54 PM

Ari does his best not to fall on his face as he works on crossing. Once in the middle, Ari does his best to spot and see who is floundering and give them a helping hand. Keeping in mind that his feet sometimes dangles in the deeper parts. If Ari does try to assist, it's while he's able to stand if he can. Knowing how someone can panick, he doesn't want to get dragged under if someone is having problems.

If he gets a chance during the parade, Ari will try to catch some fish for the group. He tries to position himself where the fish don't see him (knowledge (nature)=16), and then does his best to try to catch them. (survival 9) (ooc or bow and arrow if that's a better situation)

Nezamil waterwalk 90 mins 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 9:56:01 PM

The Cleric of Domi watches as preperations are made to cross the water and climb the waterfall " i think Domi can help us here "

Nezamil stands still for a moment then intones a quick prayer and touches his anvil holy symbol...it flares slighty as the dwarf reaches and touches each Wildcard and Sam on dry land then steps out onto the water and touches Ari and Kirin (casting waterwalk 90 mins duration)

with a smirk he addresses Ari and Kirin " should of thought of it sooner " as the two waterlogged travelers rise up to stand on waters surface

" That should help us ease the difficulty of this obstacle " adds Nezamil to Rigging

Nezamil patrols on one side of the ropes and helps anyone struggling to make the crossing trying to set a good example to the 20 or so followers

Jagar waterwalk 90 mins 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:00:43 PM

Jagar smiles slightly as Nezamil lays Domi's divine touch on him " i can get used to this " he winks at the dwarf

" I'll recon ahead a little too ' adds the Monk to Rigging and sprints across the water and recons the waterfall and surrounding area

Mykael  d20+4=12 d20+1=10
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:07:05 PM

Mykael turns and looks the man up and down, "If you personally introduce me to this fellow, and he turns out to know what he is talking about, then I will give you 10 gold."

"What say you?"

(Spot check to notice anything out of the ordinary on the man or about him = 12)

(Listen check to notice if he has the local accent or one foriegn to the area = 10)

Ashira  d20+9=28
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 10:41:00 PM

Stowing her gear, Ashira easily wades through the lake, thanks to her unusual height (6 feet). And it also helps that she can breath underwater anyways...a fact which she exploits, taking the time to do some fishing while she passes through the lake (Surv.=28). When she finally makes it to the waterfall, Ashira hands her fish over to Rigging. "Here...stand here and try to look useful while Kirin, Jager and I do all the hard work." After checking and rechecking all her gear, Ashira prepares to make the climb up the waterfall so she can string ropes for the rest of the passengers.

Rigging and Swirl  d20+12=16 d20+7=17
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:07:15 AM

Rigging takes the fish from his irritate wife with a bow. He quickly hands them to a refugee woman with a flourish.

He then takes advantage of the waterwalking spell and trots over to the waterfall, enjoying the cool spray on his face

"Honey, Let me help with the ropes.", he says in a sweet voice. He takes the 250' silk rope Kirin offers and casts a fly spell on himself. He flies up the waterfall uncoiling the rope as he goes. When he arrives at top, he will glance around looking both for trouble and for Swirl.

He locates a large tree to tie the rope around and will head back over the waterfall and signal his wife that the rope is secure.

spot check 16
rope use 17
waterwalking 90 minutes
fly 7 minutes

Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:18:57 AM

Appolo finds Redux and esplians the situation.He tells him about the Quads and niner,the meeting with the govenors."yes I would normally give the order to put to Sea,but we don't have a Navigotor and are missing about a third of the crew.Any Ideas?"

Valanthe  d20-3=9
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 2:13:39 PM

Val curses the entire way but lucky for those with sensaitve ears, her mouth is usually under water most of the time. Elves weren't made to swim in heavy gear, which she told everybody over and over again.

ooc: barely made her swim check

DM Jim: The Crossing 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 3:02:44 PM

Nezamil cast his waterwalking spell on the available Wildcards, but Ashira as she wishes to swim. Nezamil's new disciples OOH and AWW at the power of Domi. Hal and Kirk are very impressed and tell Nezamil. "Very nice and handy" they say with a smile as they plunge into the water.

Ashira easily catches a 3 foot fish and flips it to her husband. Ashira is enjoying the cool clean water over her gills. It has been too long, that river was so full of silt it rubbed on her sensitive underwater breathing apparatus.

The crossing is going well, especially with people walking on the lake. When ever someone starts to founder there is someone nearby (swimmer or walker) to help them find a low spot.

Val is haveing a hard time with all of her equipment, but is making progress.

Rigging hands off Ashiria fish to a somewhat surprised women. "Gee Thanks."

Rigging then cast fly on himself and take Kirin's rope and heads to the top of the falls a most everyone else slogs their way through the lake.

Ari is astounded by all of the fish and takes out his bow. Ari watches the fish school as they dart toward and away from the long line of people crossing the lake. With careful aim, Ari laces an arrow though one of the fish. The fish shakes itself on the arrow and it fellows rush over to rip it apart.

The fish seem very excited and start to circle the long line of swimmers and walker in the middle of the lake. The fish dart in and out and then in the middle one woman screams. There is splashing all around her and she is dragged down.

Rigging looks down and see the splashing from on high. Everyone is stunned as it happened so fast. Then most everyone panics and runs/swims with all abandon. There are more screams as other people are attacked. The waterfall looks so far away.


Apollo and Redux debate having the Sword leave port. Tomas is also concerned. "There are other warships in port. It could be dangerous. How will you signal us?"

Mykael is still shopping. The old dirty human in the new work cloths is still in the catacombs. "Yous buy me and my friend dinner at the Lions Den and we give you a taste after you give us a taste. Then we will see if it is worth 50 gp to yous."

Mykael  d20+4=17
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 6:34:19 PM

Mykael finishs his business, informs the clerk he will be back to pick up the equipment, and heads out.

"Agreed, lets get some dinner, hurry get your friend and meet me there." Mykael smiles at the man.

Mykael leaves the catacombs and heads to the Lions Den, taking the busier streets as he travels, and keeping any eye out for trouble or any sign of being followed.

(spot = 17)

Ari waterwalk 90 minutes 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 8:47:56 PM

Stunned for only a second as Ari watches the attacks happen. Ari reacts as best he can, "Evidently the growth has effected the fish here some how."

Trying to use his best judgement, Ari heads towards the worst attacked person, with the best possible chance of survival. As soon as he gets near he will do his best to try hoist the person on his shoulders and get him to shore or the falls. There is no time to be pleasant about this. Trying to use his waterwalk to his advantage, Ari will continue to try to help those that are being attacked. The more the fish can be distracted from the rest of the bodies in the water, the better.

"Waterwalkers, see if you can use the rope to drag the shorter people to shore, or anything else that works."

From his higher elevation Ari will try to determine if the lake is swarming with these man-eating fish, or if it's small school.

Later, when this is all said and done, Ari might mutter something about the best laid plans.

Ashira (Casting Calm Animals)  2d4(3+1)+2=6
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:58:27 PM

Ashira starts as the commotion explodes in the lake. "What in the???!!" Slowly, realization washes over her. "Get out of the water! Everybody out of the water!!!" Ashira moves in toward where the woman disappeared and casts Calm Animal centered on where she disappeared...hoping to slow down the fish so she can get the passengers to safety (Calms 6 whoping fish in 30 feet).

Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:14:43 AM

(ooc it hasn't been a problem for our boat to go off shore with orders to return to a specified spot at a specified time. i shall therefore bow to pressure of the dm and let the Sword stay in port and turn into a tree. surely there will be a method of saving our ship by some higher power at the end of the mission.)

Redux is not happy with the decision to leave the Sword in port but they don't have time to argue. Suffice it to say that Captain Rigging better have a ship to captain when he arrives or someone will wish they had signed on as crew. "On the morrow I will cast Teleport to go back to the last know location of our friends. I wish that you accompany me, for that is why I bothered to come. If I had another like spell, I would go there now. I don't want to be too far behind the convoy and be unable to catch up."

DM JIM: I am in no way attempting to influence your decision. You can send it out to sea if you see fit, or keep it in port. Only two options and neither easy.

Jagar waterwalk 90 mins 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:45:36 AM

The Monk leaps into action quickly grabbing and dragging people to shore

Nezamil waterwalk 90 mins  d20+12=26
Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:50:20 AM

Nezamil quickly assess the situation and helps get people to dry land " please help each other" urges(d20+12=26 diplomacy ch) the dwarf as tries to rally the people to help each other ....setting an example himself as he calmly and with poise directs and helps keep things moving in a semi orderly way

Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:01:41 AM

Rigging hears the comotion and swoops down to see if he can help. If he can, he will grab the woman and try to get her to a safe spot. If she is already safe, he will try to help others. "Move quickly but be alert. If a fish comes at you, slap at it."

Bart (Sub Geroge)  d20+15=16
Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:05:35 AM

Bart will haul up any people who might have lost their balance and try to slap at any fish with his sword that comes to close. He does see one but it was deeper than he thought and he misses badly.

(rolled natural 1. Man I can roll for Bart anything)

Valanthe (Waterwalk 90 min) 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:23:57 AM

Walking upon the water now, which is much better than swimming. She runs over to where the woman was pulled down and drops back into the water behind the rest.

"Move it, move it now." Val shouts at the people. "If I get eaten because of you people I'm going to come back and haunt you forever."

Thursday September 1st, 2005 12:30:47 PM

Appolo replies to Redux"As much as I would like to go with you one of us needs to stay with the ship.Canyou use yor magic to find Mykeal.That way the two of you can go back and I'll take the ship out to sea.Stay near the coast as best I can and avios other ships.Problem is I'm not that good of a Navigator."

DM Jim: Troubled Waters - Combat round 2 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:41:05 PM

Ashira see the women and trouble and casts her spell and at least a dozen fish lazily swim away, but it does not have too much effect on the churning water. The womans hand is seen briefly above the water and then just foam. Others are being attacked also.

Bart slaps at the fish with his sword and does everything in his power not to let his sword sink to the bottom of the lake.

Nezamil's calming voice rings out and some move orderly, but most do not, especially those being attacked by the every excited fish.

Ari, Val and Jager attempt to drag/lift those that seem to be taking the worst of the beating from the fish. It appears that the fish do have teeth and are using them to some effect. As soon as someone is bitten it seems to excite more attacks.

Most of the people are still heading toward the water fall, but a few are heading back to shore. It will take some time either way. Most people are still 200 yards away and slowed as they slap at the fish.

Wounds are piling up and the fish are getting more excited and bold as they actually breach the water to attack.

Rigging and Swirl notice the action below and move down to help, but not this turn as the action is far away.

Hal and Kirk the hulking guards have weapons out and are smashing the water. Others are taking their lead, at least those with weapons. Beltro and Cali are making a run for it with most of the others.


South Harbor: Not in Combat.

Redux and Appolo debate the best course of action for the Sword as Tomas listen intently.

Mykael wonders the city and finds the Lion's Den. There is a sign outside the Inn in the shape of a Lion. Inside the Inn is dark and large. There is a bar and an eating area. Behind the bar is a stuffed head of a Lion.
In the center is a stage with a very large stuffed Lion on it along with several female dancers. Mykael can see there is a large back room and there appears to be gambling taking place. It is still a few hours to dinner and a scantilly clad half elf waitress approaches him. "Whats your pleasure?" She is carrying an immpossibly full tray of empty glasses.

Mykael  d20+4=21 d20+1=19
Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:25:27 PM

Mykael will asks for an ale and then head to the gambling room and check out the area. Being always vigilant and only drinking in small quantities, after the first ale he will have water. He also tips the waitress well.

(spot = 21, listen = 19)

Ashira (Casting Summon Nature's Ally II)  d3=1
Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:30:36 PM

Seeing that panic is beginning to set in, and rightly so, Ashira moves toward the waterfall and casts Summon Nature's Ally (Porpoise). Though she knows that she should have been able to summon more, a lone dolphin appears in the middle of the feeding frenzy and begins attacking the fish.

Jagar waterwalk 90 mins 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:48:58 PM

The Monk leaps into action quickly grabbing and dragging people to shore

Nezamil waterwalk 90 mins 
Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:51:27 PM

The dwarf using Domi's waterwalking gift continues to help people to dryland ....dashing back and forth leading by example

Friday September 2nd, 2005 12:12:30 AM

Giving a scolding look at Appolo, the mage gritts his teath and says, "That will do." In a somewhat more relaxed tone, "Though you have talents the group could use as well. I will prepare my spells before the journey. And no, i don't have any fast way of finding our new friend. As soon as i have my spells and he is present, we will depart."

Friday September 2nd, 2005 9:37:58 AM

Val does her best to carry injured people as she wades through the water. The whole incident is very weird.

"These attacks are not random. Someone is controlling the fish. Otherwise why have none of us been bitten yet?" Val shouts to the other wildcards.

ooc: I think I mentioned this before. Is it possible to get some type of list sent out of the treasure breakdown that we will all get when our captured gear gets sold at the catacombs? I need to visit the catacombs and since we only have a short window I would hate to stay behind when the ship leaves just to replace my destroyed gear.

Friday September 2nd, 2005 10:29:06 AM

Seeing that some of the veterans are able to stand their ground Ari blurts, "Form a wall of defense as far out as you feel safe. We'll work on helping everyone to behind the wall. Work together, do not get separated if you can."

Friday September 2nd, 2005 10:53:15 AM

Rigging doesn't know what to do. All he can think off is his lightning bolt but the water would disperse it and possible kill the refugees. He encourages all of them to run for the waterfall and tries to yell at the others making for the shore to turn around. "You will have to cross this sooner or later. Go with the others, if you try to do in in less numbers you will have more fish attack each of you!"

Spells on: not sure how much time has elapsed.


zero: mending x 3, prestidigitation, light, dancing lights

1st level: mount, animate rope, burning hands, magic missile x 2

2nd level: flaming sphere, cat's grace, resist elements, detect invisiblity

3rd level: fly, haste, lightning bolt

4th level: polymorph x 2

Friday September 2nd, 2005 10:55:19 AM

Bart decides trying to fight hordes of fish is crazy and just to try and scoot to the other side. He will pluck up one of the struggling girls and run for it with the girl over his shoulder.


Friday September 2nd, 2005 3:05:48 PM

Appolo replies ot Redux"Hey I don't like it either but given the current situation one of us need to stay with the ship or we might not have ship when we return.So I'm going to go try to find MykealCan you wait a couple of hours?"

Friday September 2nd, 2005 5:06:43 PM

ooc: could we get some indication as to the time difference between the group at port (Appolo, Mykael and Redux) and everyone else (with the fighting fish)? It almost seems like there is some difference in time of day between them.

and i think Redux would cast lightning, but then again, that may just be me.

DM Jim: The Aqua Calvary 
Sunday September 4th, 2005 12:10:35 PM

Ashira calls on the power of nature to aid her and her charges and two pink fresh water porpoises appear. The two porpoises have an immediate effect in scareing and eating the much smaller fish. They also have the added benifit of keeping the fish at bay. All are able to make it to the water fall with no additional problems. Many are bitten, but only one women seems to be missing.....

Everyone quickly gets out of the water and onto the first several levels of the water fall. The way is difficult but everyone seem very motivated. It takes 15 minutes.

People are all over the small water falls but are very tired and not moving forward. Many but not all are inspecting bit wounds.


There is no change in South Harbor.

OOC: Sorry for the short post, but it is a busy weekend.

Jagar waterwalk 
Monday September 5th, 2005 1:44:47 PM

The Monk using his natural agility and Nezamil's betstowed waterwalk spell helps people up the steps of the waterfall and out of the current danger of fish attacks

Nezamil waterwalk 90 mins 
Monday September 5th, 2005 1:47:56 PM

Nezamil teams up with Jagar enabling people to walk up the steps of the waterfall " stay in line folks ....don't panic....lets work together on this .....please stay in line we are here to help guide you up " implores the dwarf

Monday September 5th, 2005 9:05:41 PM

Before his fly spell wears off, Rigging will fly to the top of the falls and give assistance from that end, helping people make the climb and calling assistance out to the climbers.

He will also keep an eye out for anymore trouble and have Swirl do the same.

Ashira  d20+9=27
Monday September 5th, 2005 10:46:33 PM

Ashira smiles at the success of her spell and begins to rapidly climb the waterfall (Climb=27), calling to the other passengers as she does so. "Come on...let's get to the top. Then we can rest."

DM Jim: The Climb 
Monday September 5th, 2005 11:52:57 PM

The pink porpoises keep the fish at bay and even eat a bunch of them. Ashira is pleased to see her spell outlast its normal duration, by about double.

As everyone rest on the lower falls, Rigging and Swirl fly up to finish securing Kirin's silk rope. To top of the falls is breathtaking. It seems that at the top of the granite ridge is a tremendous spring that is feeding the falls to the lake, but most of the water is falling in another series of water falls into a huge lush valley. Rigging can see for a mile or more before the lower reaches a covered in mist. The walking will be easier on this side of the falls as the slope is not as great and the distance between small falls is greater. As the valley deepens and widens there is more space on either side of the river/falls and it is covered with vegitation.

Jager and Nezamil work tirelessly to help people up the falls. It takes several hours but everyone makes it to the top of the falls and takes in the wonderful view. There is still one women missing.......


Mykael spots the old dirty human in new cloths and his similarly dressed human friend as they spot him. Those two call for a table. "Your still buying." The one from the catacombs remarks and then introduces his friend. "This here is Alid and he helped outfit a rescue party that was heading north. How much is that information worth to you, the coming details that is...depending upon dinner and what yous is offering." The two humans are waitng for an answer.

Redux, Appolo and Tomas debate strategy for the Sword.

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 6:14:50 AM

Helping the last of the group to the top of the falls Ari asks, "Should we rest for a little bit?"

Bart  d20+4=8
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 10:16:37 AM

Bart climbs up the rope, helping to haul supplies and others up as well. He scans looking for he missing lady but doesn't see her.

Once he gets to the top he takes in the beautiful view but is soured that they lost a charge and doesn't really appreiciate the view.

spot 8

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 2:51:45 PM

The monk follows the last of the people climbing up the steps of the waterfall and momentarily catches his breath at the veiw of the valley " thats beautiful " remarks Jagar in slightly awed tones

" we should replenish our water supplies after we rest a bit "comments Jagar

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 2:57:41 PM

The dwarf follows in Jagars footsteps up to the top of the waterfall " at last ....what a relief that is to get up here"

" yup i think we should rest " replies Nezamil to Ari " don't think all the people are ready to go on just yet....let them rest for a while and as Jagar mentioned we can replenish our water from the top of the falls "

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 7:59:18 PM

Appolo says"Ok I'm off.Going to go find Mykeal if I can.Be back in couple of hours."With that said Appolo suits up and heads out.He walk through town ties acouple of places including the catacombs and aks about Myneal gvinga good discription to varius people as he searchers.

Rigging and Swirl  d20+3=20
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:54:20 PM

Rigging will help get the refugees up the ropes as best he can, he will then set any healers they have to helping the wounded. He will call out, "We need to keep this break short. Everyone get a bite to eat while getting bandaged up. The longer we stay out here, the more likely we are to lose people. We need to get on the march again."

He will then send Swirl on back to the lagoon to look for the signs of the missing woman. Body parts a body or a trail. If he can't find anything then they will have to move on without her.

Rigging will go up to the guide Kirin and ask, "What kind of terrain can we expect ahead?"

Swirl darts back and forth crisscrossing the base of the falls, the lake and the shoreline looking for any clues to the missing lady. Spot check 20

Ashira  d20+12=13 d20+11=27
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 11:46:06 PM

Though the view is breath taking, Ashira is sobered by the events at the pool and takes the time to briefly scout out the immediate area for further signs of trouble (Spot=failure!, Listen=27). She lets Nezamil tend to their needs, and allows what she feels is an appropriate amount of time to rest before she heads over to Kirin. "All right, what's next? We need to keep moving...I don't want to be sitting ducks up here."

DM JIM: Into the Valley 
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 9:17:49 AM

South Harbor:

The two humans look at one another and shrug their shoulders. "I guess he is not interested." They get up and leave the Lions Den, but not before ordering drinks to put on Mykael's tab.

Appolo goes out to look for his new friend, Mykael. The city of South Harbor is inviting with may shops, inns and piers. The sea gulls are constantly crying overhead.

Redux stay on board the Sword.


Kirin answers both Rigging and Ashira. "There was a rough cut path following the river and I think that is still our best option at this point. The going will be tough, especially for this group. Do you want me to stay with the group or scout ahead?"

Everyone takes an hour to eat and get bandaged up, before starting the decent. It takes most of the rest of the daylight. It seems to get dark in the valley earlier as the sun sets below the valley sides.

Once the ground starts to level out Kirin finds a 3 acre meadow next to the river to set camp. The group can extend their food for one more day, before things start to get tight.

How are guards being set?


Nellie will be taking over as ADM for a bit as I am going to Korea. have fun Nellie. I will be in touch.

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 9:48:16 AM

Valanthe is glad that her armor is light and her belt enhances her strength. It makes climbing these huge steps that much easier. Still others don't have that luxury so she spends much of her time helping them.

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 4:51:20 PM

Jagar patrols in front of the main group but behind the scout Kirin .

Once they reach the meadow " Captain i'll do a quick perimter recon " and the monk using his fleetness afoot does a recon of the meadow and surrounding area......reporting his findings to Rigging

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 4:55:54 PM

Nezamil marches on the right flank as before with Sam and Val " Sam make sure to provide cover fire with my crossbow for us incase anything happens" advises the dwarf

As they reach the meadow Nezamil will help organize the camp using his influence with the 20 or so people who have begun to embrace Domi's words of wisdom to have them help organize and set up the camp

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 7:01:12 PM

OOC: With my new job I cant post everyday all the time now. I saw your last post that said nothing had changed in South Harbor, therefore Mykael was just waiting on the two to show. Then you posted that they did, and this is my first chance to post since you they showed.

I am going to post like they are still there, if not, then Mykael goes back to the Sword.

If my in ability to post on an every day basis is a prob, then I will leave the group and the Wold. Just let me know.

IC: Mykael greets the two men with a smile and states, "I believe that you said 50gp, plus the meal. Mykael sets a tied pouch of coins on the table, but doesnt let go. I have the money, lets here your information. What of this rescue party? Who or what were they rescuing? I am looking for a guide to and through the Rhur valley, and/or a map. What do you have to offer?"

DM JIM: Ashira will be posting for a bit. Lets see how you do posting over the next 2 - 3 weeks before we make a decision on your status for the game.

Ari  d20+6=13
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 11:25:36 PM

Knowing that things are going to get a bit tight, Ari does his best to do some hunting in the evening. (survival=13).

"We might want to only have two watches. With the number of people we have and with how more agressive the animals have been. I think we should use the extra man power to help protect ourselves in case of attack."

Ari will then stand watch in whatever assignment he is given.

Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:44:23 AM

The mage rests in his laboratory as he waits for Appolo to return with Mykael. He is anxious to get back to the others, since he knows that the longer he is away from them, the harder it will be to pinpoint their location with his teleport spell.

Appolo  d20+7=20
Thursday September 8th, 2005 1:23:48 PM

Appolo heads for the catacombs,then the local bars and places where adventuers hangout.He asks around for Mykeal.

Gather Imformation 20

Thursday September 8th, 2005 1:54:31 PM

Ashira and I will try and get some sleep now and then with the aid of our sustanence magic, we can keep watch tonight while everyone rests.

Nezamil and Ari, your responsible for gettng the camp set up. Nezamil pray for as many food creation spells as you can.

Bart, see to some defenses.

Val, why don't take some of the hunters along with Kirin and see what kind of game there is.
Jagar why don't you assist Val in that. See if any of the ladies can show you edible tubers, look for nuts and berries...that sort of thing.

Rigging will then take Ashira's hand and guide her to a comfortable shady tree. Get some rest first, then you can go hunting latter. If you aren't comfortable with this arrangement, then give your sustenance magic to someone else but the magic takes a while to work.

Thursday September 8th, 2005 11:01:10 PM

The ranger smiles wearily at Rigging, and is easily lead over to the tree. "No, I'll rest now. I doubt things are going to get any easier as it gets later." Before she lays down for her nap, she meets up with Kirin and asks him to do a little scouting for the group. Then, she heads back to the tree and spoons with Rigging, falling into a fitfull sleep.

Valley of Peace---ADM Nellie  d20+8=20 d3+1=3 d20+8=28 d20+8=9 d3+1=4
Friday September 9th, 2005 12:33:25 AM

Rigging and Ashira get some well deserved sleep, though Ashira's dreams are constantly filled with images of nature gone wild.

Ari and some of the others head out of the valley in search of food. There are plenty of berries and roots. Only problem is, the vegetation in this valley is so unfamiliar, it's hard to know what might be good to eat, and what might be poisonous (Surv. DC20 to identify edible foodstuffs). Ari and John go out for a hunt, and find plenty of large tracks, but don't manage to flush anything.

Jager's search of the surrounding area doesn't yield anything too helpful...and actually, it's pretty difficult going what with the 5 foot tall grass and almost solid walls of undergrowth between the massive trees. It begs the question...with all this cover, would you actually be able to see anything approaching in all this vegetation?!

Despite mounting tensions after the attack at the waterfall, a couple of hours pass as Rigging and Ashira sleep and the others tend to setting up camp. And to everyone's surprise, things are quiet and peaceful. Nezamil's devoted followers make short work of the mundane duties of getting food ready, and the heavenly (but smoky) aroma of food cooking over a very green campfire fills the air. Watches are set (please list), and everyone enjoys a relaxing meal as the cool evening air wraps around you like a comforting blanket. Far off in the distance, the roar of the waterfall can still be heard, and the almost deafening songs of cicadas begins to weave an entrancing song. As the sun begins to set, Kirin arrives and heads over to Rigging and Ashira. "Well, doesn't look all that bad going tomorrow. A short jog around that heavily forested area. Plenty of water, and I think I might have spotted a warren of rabbits...but they look pretty big..." As Kirin continues with his report, a fist size ant crawls from out of the elf's backpack and onto his arm. Noting the movement, Kirin's head jerks over just in time to see the "little" critter jab its stinger into his forearm. "OW!" the ranger shouts as he slaps at the bug, smashing its body, but not quite killing it. The stinger plunges another time, and Kirin grimaces. "Stupid little bugger!" he calls out as he smashes the ant into oblivion and wipes the goo off on his pants. Two large welts form on the ranger's arm, but aside from being a little painful and itchy, Kirin seems no worse for the wear. Spot DC 25 to notice something unusual (I will email those who pass their Spot).

Back at South Harbor...

Appolo catches up with Mykael as Redux takes a snooze.

The dirty humans grin as Mykael ponies up some gold. One turns to the other. "Or maybe he is..." The new arrival chimes in, in slightly better grammer. "So you want ta know about the expedition up North, huh? Well, first thing's first...dinner time." The two men insist upon dinner, ordering the highest priced items on the menu, should Mykael allow it.

Friday September 9th, 2005 12:49:35 AM

Mykael smiles at the waitress, "We are not yet ready to order, thanks."

He then turns to the two men with a cold stare, "I said information first, and payment after, if its worth it. Dont like it? Then we would have no business."

Friday September 9th, 2005 11:12:14 AM

The young elf does the best she can to ignore the growing frustration that is escorting these people to safety. It would be so much easier to just leave them but Val couldn't do that, not for another few days anyway. So she enjoys a light meal and goes back to watching her assigned area.

Friday September 9th, 2005 3:42:26 PM

Appolo walks into the bar looks around and spots Mykeal.Walking over he smiles at the men."Good evening."He says"Mykeal my friend,I need to come back to the ship.Some thing very important has happened.I could make reaching the others alot easier.Redux has returned."

Nezamil  d20+5=20
Friday September 9th, 2005 10:11:38 PM

The dwarf grimaces a little as Kirin gets stung (d20+5=20 spot ch) " heh you got em " chuckles Nezamil

" looks like they're taking to setting up camp quite well " nods Nezamil as his eyes take in the people working hard " i'll take 1st watch " adds the dwarf " you wanna stand watch with me and Sam ?" asks the dwarf of Jagar "

Jagar  d20+6=12
Friday September 9th, 2005 10:15:51 PM

Jagar see's Kirin swat at something but doesnt keep an eye out for it (d20+6=12 spot ch)

"Sure Nezamil " agrees Jagar" 1st watch is fine with me "

" them woods are pretty thick small stuff could sneak up on us but anything big i think we would here crash thru the brush "

Sam (npc) 
Friday September 9th, 2005 10:22:04 PM

The Crossbowman grins at the dwarf " i've got ya two covered " grins Sam as he pats the heavy crossbow Nezamil lent him "

Sam is one of the riverboat people who Nezamil lent his heavy crossbow to, to help guard all the people , just having a little fun with him ;-)

Friday September 9th, 2005 10:34:01 PM

Rigging wakes up from his nap feeling totally refreshed thanks to his belt of sustenance. He says to the others, "Ashira and I will keep watch tonight. You all get some sleep tonight.

After Kirin makes his report, he will say, "It looks like the natural world is getting cranky again. Everything seems larger around here. Big ants, giant rabbits and I am assuming really large wolves to eat the really big rabbits."

Rigging then asks, "Lets collect alot of fire wood and make a really big fire to keep the really big predators away."

Before he is needed to stand watch, Rigging pulls out his spellbooks and starts to refresh his spells.

First level: magic missile, true strike, burning hands, mage armor, shield
Second level: Detect invisibility, Cat's grace, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
Third level: haste, dispel magic, lightning bolt,
Fourth Level: Rary's memonic enhancement, Summon Monster 4
(spells memorized for rarys, mount, magic missile, ray of enfeeblment)

Ari  d20+3=15 d20+10=23
Sunday September 11th, 2005 10:46:31 PM

Spot=15 (just in case knowledge (nature)= 23)

Understanding Rigging's decision about letting the rest sleep Ari comments, "I'd still like to be woken up about an hour or two before sunrise, to have people on hand for any early morning threats."

Before settling to sleep, Ari will memorize message, instead of Obscuring mist.

Monday September 12th, 2005 12:29:45 AM

Continues to doze as he awaits the arrival of the others.

Ashira  d20+12=28 d20+11=14
Monday September 12th, 2005 12:36:39 AM

Ashira frowns as Kirin is bitten. "That's strange, these things don't usually travel alone..." (Spot=28, Listen=14). And then she notices that a large mound of dirt just off in the brush aways. "Mmmmhhmm..." she nods to herself. "We'd best stay away from that mound. Ten to one, that's where that little critter came from." Glancing back at Kirin, Ashira's eyes bolt. "Will you look at that!" Floating right above Kirin is a small gray insubstantial ant. As Ashira jabs her finger in it's direction, it floats away slowly into the evening sky. "Well that was weird!" Ashira murmurs.

Feeling completely rested, Ashira is still unnerved about the valley and insists that all but the spellcasters partake in the regularly slotted watches. "Just in case..." she says to Rigging.

Strange Happenings---ADM Nellie  d4=2
Monday September 12th, 2005 1:01:01 AM

The rest of the evening goes well, and everyone hunkers down for a good night's rest. Rigging makes sure that a large fire is started, but since there is only green wood, it is a very disappointing affair, only giving off half the light of a normal watch fire, and filling the area with a tremendous amount of smoke, which of course makes sleeping a little more difficult, but by in large there are few complaints.

The first watch of the night goes off uneventfully. It is a beautiful night and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. But then, during the second watch, something strange happens. The peaceful night is broken by cries of pain from several of the gamblers. "OW...what the?!!" About ten gamblers roll out of their makeshift beds rubbing various body parts. John the archer looks particularly peeved as he rubs his buttocks, and then points accusingly at the ground next to him. "There! It's more of them ants!!" Those on the second watch are quick to spot about 20 fist sized ants crawling all over the camp site...some of them crawling toward sleeping gamblers, while others move menacingly toward those they just stung.

And back at South Harbor...
Appolo and Mykael reunite as Redux continues to rest. The two men look indignantly at Mykael. "First yous promise us dinner, then you back out. Next yous probably screw us on the price, huh? Yous thinks we's stupid?! C'mon Pete, let's go." Both of the men storm out of the Lion's Den, leaving Appolo and Mykael with little choice but to return to the Sword. Upon arrival, they strangely find that Redux is fully rested and ready to Teleport whoever would like to head out to the camp.

OOC-Guys, I'm not trying to force your hand here, but I would like to get everyone together that is going to head back to the camp. Also, Mykael, I checked the posts...you had agreed to buy the guys dinner, which is why they got so upset about it. If you'd still like to hire them as guides, you'd need to do some serious smoozing...and pay them about 100gp a day. If that is what you like, just say so, but I'd like to get moving on the Teleport.

Rigging  d20+6=15
Monday September 12th, 2005 6:56:36 AM

Rigging will call out orders, "Get up and light some torches. See if you can figure out where the nest is?

Wake up those gamblers so they don't get stung or bite or whatever an overly large sized ant does."

Rigging will look around to see if he can tell where the ants are coming from. (Search 15)

Rigging will then have the more agressive ants smashed with sticks, swords, torches, whatever the choice of weapon is.

Monday September 12th, 2005 9:37:01 AM

Val follows Rigging's action and begins smashing some of the ants with her heavy flail. She's careful and watches the ants, ready to back off if a swarm heads her way.

Monday September 12th, 2005 8:10:39 PM

OOC: I agreed to buy them dinner, yes. But I am not going to just let them take me for a meal and give me BS info. I said that they had to offer up the info first, then dinner. If the info was good, then they get paid the extra cash. They could have bartered some of the info just to let me know that they actually had a clue and where not just looking for a free meal.

Yes, I would love to get the group back together, especially since us in town seem to be getting screwed on time. And I might as well just teleport back, since it appears that no matter what we try, the GM has made up his mind. Are my posts that vague that people cant understand what I am attempting to role-play, accomplish or say?

IC: "Hello, Appolo... the people here are just weird. Good to hear that Redux can transport one of us, however, I am not sure if he can bring along all the gear that I bought for a overland trip. That was a supposed guide that I was trying to hire, however it appears that they were just after the free meal. Lets go."

Mykael pays the tab with a 2gp tip and leaves. He heads with Appolo back to the Sword.

"Redux, I have a lot of gear being delivered in the morning that I was going to transport over land and leave as soon as it arrived. However, my attempts to find a map or guide have proved to be lacking. I am not sure how much you can transport along with you, and depending on the limits, we will have to decide the importance of everthing, including personnel. You were just there, what is needed the most? And Appolo is lighter than I, perhaps it would be better if he went, or just the gear and neither of us. Here is a list of what I was able to purchase with my limited funds."

Trail Ration x600 (300 gp)
Pack Saddle (5 gp)
Winter Blanket x20 (10 gp)
Rope, Hemp x50ft (1 gp)
Wooden Crate (Compliments of the Catacombs)
Barrels x2 (sized as big as possible and still fit both into crate, waterproof with securing lids) (4 gp)
Rapier (20 gp)
Shortspear x20 (20 gp)
Scroll, Floating Disk x2 (25 each = 50 gp)
Scroll, Darkvision [Arcane] (150 gp)
Scroll, Shrink Item (375 gp)

"The plan was to use the put the empty barrels in the crate and fill it with as much of the rations as would fit, then use the Shrink Item scroll on the crate and make it cloth. Then I can put the rest on mounts, which I have the spell and use haste to increase speed to outrun trouble. The Darkvision scroll was to allow me to travel at night, thus hoping to reach the group as fast as possible, hopefully in 24 hours or less. The rapier was a temporary replacement for Val, the rest for whomever could use them."

"Lets here your opinions and get moving, I am sure they could use Redux, back and one of us, the supplies, or both. Depending on what you can do."

"I can take care of the ship or go. I can handle either, or, and will be effective."

Monday September 12th, 2005 8:15:25 PM

"Oh, the floating Disk scrolls, were to help carry the rations until eaten, along with full barrels of water once there. And could also be used to transport a few people that may be old, slow, or injured. Depending on the need."

OOC: The crate was ordered to the specific size of 12 cubic feet, which is the largest area that I could use the scroll of Shrink Item at, and the barrels were order to be as big as possible and still fit in the crate. The barrels are waterproof and with lids that can be secured.

Monday September 12th, 2005 10:03:53 PM

When Ari can, Ari grabs a torch to both light where he's looking, and as a secondary weapon against these raging ants.

Redux  d100=70
Monday September 12th, 2005 11:51:38 PM

Redux explains to the two, "I can take all three of us plus whatever we would normally carry. If you shrink that stuff down, I think it would count as what you could 'normally carry'. In the time I've been here resting, I've seen a lot of good things in our crew. They are short handed, but they can hold their own. I'll give Tomas credit and change what I said when I got here. If they had already gone, that'd be one thing; but they should probably stay. I hate to say it but this may be the safest place for them with the reduced crew. We should all go and leave them with specific instructions to keep trying to cut off the branches, including under the boat. They should also stay on the boat and together. If someone is going to cause trouble, they'd have a tougher time on the ship. Mychael, lets get your barrels stuffed and shrunk so we can get out."

When all is ready, Redux casts teleport on whoever goes with him.

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=13 d20+15=27 d8+5=13
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 12:07:41 AM

Alerted by all the commotion, Ashira scans the area (Spot=17, Listen=13). Her swords are out in a flash, and she heads over to the aggressive ants, taking a swing at the nearest one (AC27 for 13). "Alright, everyone up!" she shouts out. "Group up and let's take these bugs out!" Ashira links up with her defensive group and begins hearding any other gamblers toward a safe spot in the center.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 12:18:26 AM

I am waiting on Appolo and Nezamil... I will post at 10am EST tomorrow and then again at 11pm EST.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 1:03:53 AM

Waking up at Ashira's shout " huh what ? "mumbles Nezamil

Taking in the scene quickly the Cleric Of Domi acts swiftly " Domi grant your humble disciple Light " prays Nezamil as he quickly touches his anvil holy symbol causing to to give a slight glow (casting light spell) then quickly picks up a small stone imparting light too it .....with a quick glance about Nezamil tosses it at the center of the noise

"Sam to me " shouts Nezamil as he calls the crossbowman

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 1:07:17 AM

The monk alertly as ever quickly takes up a flanking postion near the dwarf.

With a peek around Jagar takes Mrs.Arracks example " everyone behind us " shouts the monk as he waves people to follow the others to a safer spot in the meadow

Sam (npc) 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 1:09:59 AM

Sam hustles over to Nezamil and flanks the dwarf opposite of Jagar .

" i'm here " replies the crossbowman as he loads the weapon


Tuesday September 13th, 2005 1:10:53 AM

Appolo heads back to the ship with Mykeal,he liestens to his list and comments"Yes Thomas and the men have done well things aren't as bad as first thought.I just worry about that Quad being on the loose.As far as the equipment goes.The saddle isn't needed not the blankets.The scrolls we can carry the rations adn weapons are most importtant.So I think that is what we should bring.We should leaves a soon apossible though."

Paradise Lost---ADM Nellie 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 11:26:18 AM

The Wildcards regroup and reform their defensive groups...

Reminder of groups...
(front group, 1st watch)

(left flank, 2nd watch)

(right flank, 3rd watch)

(rear group, 4th watch)

The refugees are placed safely in the middle of the group, and thanks to Nezamil's spell and Rigging's smoky fire, there is adequate light to see what's going on. The aggressive ants are quickly hunted down and killed by the defensive groupings. The other ants move forward to attack the refugees but likewise as easily dealt with. This time, all can see the eerie gray ghostly ant forms that float briefly above the group and then disappear into the forest.

There is an awkward pause as everyone scans the surrounding forested region, expecting a counter attack at any moment. And true to expectations, the Wildcards are not disappointed. Off in the brush there is a mass of movement...and by the looks of it, whatever it is is most definitely larger than those puny ants. Whatever it is, it's about 20 feet from the camp and moving fast. It will definitely arrive next round. Spot check DC 25 for another surprise. Once more, I will email you if you make the spot.

Redux, Appolo and Mykael make their preparations before heading out. Mykael finds it absolutely no problem to shrink his items. Though Thomas looks positively mortified that the Wildcards are leaving so soon, he quickly puts on his game face. "Yes sirs, I will have the branches trimmed immediately. Since we are so understaffed, would it be alright for us to hire some workers from in town to help out?" Thomas puts a decidedly shaky hand on each of the Wildcard's shoulder. "Good luck out there. Don't worry, we'll hold off the Quads as long as possible. But please come back as soon as possible." Thomas shoots them a weak smile and then steps back as Redux casts his spell. Concentrating on the last known location of the Wildcard's camp, Redux is disappointed to find him himself in a heavily over grown area which is obviously not the last camp. Looking around though, he sees a large lit area in the otherwise dark forest. And then he hears shouting...was that Rigging's voice?! Slowly taking it in, Redux realizes that his spell has placed him about 100 feet away from the current camp site! He hears a voice in his head murmuring "Luck favors the prepared".

Valanthe AC 20, 114 HP 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 1:40:13 PM

Valanthe notches an arrow and draws the bowstring back. She really wants to fire a shot into the bushes but holds just in case its not a predator of some sort.

ooc: since we should be getting to the city soon, can anybody tell me what the treasure division will be? I really don't want to miss my chance to go to the catacombs.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 7:26:01 PM

Appolo standing in the forrest looks around..He sees the light and hears the voices"Nice Redux.Thank you Waard.Let's go see how the others are doing shall we."Appolo then starts moving toward the camp.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:06:16 PM

"Yes, we shall thank waard and make an offering when we are back in civilization." Redux is, of course, speaking of a different location than where the ship is, South Harbor, to be specific.

"Let's get over to them and make sure they don't shoot us when we enter camp. Talon, go get Swirl, he's the fastest link with Rigging."

Redux begins making his way thru the brush mumbling something like: "high ho, high ho"

Nezamil  d20+5=14
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:07:50 PM

The dwarf turns at the sound of whatever is crashing thru the thick brush " By Domi that sounds big " grimaces Nezamil as he takes up a left flanking postion to Val.... scanning quickly(d20+5=14 spot ch)around the meadow for any other signs of danger the dwarf see's nothing

Sam (npc) 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:11:35 PM

Sam dashes after Nezamil to flank the dwarfs left side.

With the heavy crossbow already loaded Sam takes up a standing shooting postion " just give the order and i'll fire " remarks Sam to the couragous Dwarf

Jagar  d20+6=19
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:16:25 PM

The Monk looks about for his defensive buddies " Bart !!....Moe!!! over here " shouts Jagar

"something big is coming " as he watches Bart heed his call and come chugging over and take the center spot between Jagar and Moe

spot ch d20+6=19

Rigging Mage armor 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:28:13 PM

Rigging sighs and looks around at the refugees. "If something big comes how are they going to defend all these people?" he thinks to himself.

"Ashira, we are gonna have to get offensive and try and find out what this thing is. If it attacks us in the middle of the refugees things will turn ugly fast!

Wildcards to me!" Rigging calls out. He then casts mage armor on himself.

Mykael  d20+4=12 d20+1=3
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:38:51 PM

Mykael scans the area for danger, and follows Redux and Appolo, keeping his eyes and ears open.

Spot = 12
Listen = 3

Rigging  d20+1=25 d20+3=17
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:44:48 PM

ooc forgot spot rolls

Rigging rolls a 25 and Swirl rolls a 17

Ashira (AC 22, 103/103 HP) Casting Spike Growth  d20+12=15 d20+11=14
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 10:53:14 PM

Ashira scans the surrounding area, but doesn't notice too much other than the really obvious movement in the brush. Moving her group over to Rigging, she casts Spike Growth right in front of the brush. "Well that ought to slow it down a little." she murmurs.

Combat in Paradise Round 1---ADM Nellie  2d4(3+2)=5 d100=29 d20+1=10 (Bart) d20+1=14 (Jager) d20+1=18 (Moe) d20+1=7 (Hal) d20+1=8 (Hank) d20+1=9 (Ari) d20+1=5 (Sam) d20+1=11 (Nezamil) d20+1=6 (Val) d20+1=13 (Ralph) d20+1=15 (Bert) d20+1=3 (Ashira) d20+1=7 (Rigging) d20+1=21 (Jager) d20+1=3 (Val) d20+1=14 (Bart) d20+1=17 (Hank) d20+1=20 (Ashira) d20+1=11 (Jager) d12=2 d12=9 d12=1 d12=5 d12=12 d12=2 d6=3 d20+1=16 d4=4 d4+1=4 d6=4 d20+1=17 d4=4 d4+1=3 d6=1 d20+1=5
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 12:19:36 AM

As the Wildcards and other warriors form up, the motion and the sound from the brush grows louder. The group ready there weapons, but hold off, wishing to see what exactly it is that is headed toward them. Ashira fires off her spell and is surprised to see that the ground suddenly sports not 20 feet of sharp spears, but 40!

And then Rigging spots something really disturbing! He notes motion in the ground about ten feet from the guards position. He shouts out a warning to the others as he watches about twenty pitch black beetles pull themselves out of the ground. Standing about waist high, the creatures wheel about and position their rears toward the group.

And then, the moment that everyone is waiting for!! The creatures in the brush finally emerge, and the sight is breath taking. A wave of about 50 knee high ants skitter through the brush head long into Ashira's spikes and are immediately impaled. Once more, 50 ethereal gray spirits rise from the ants bodies and then head into the brush. The movement in the brush halts briefly, and then begins once more. There are several high pitched screams from several of the women refugees as about two hundred huge ants burst from the undergrowth and head straight toward the group. Twenty ants move forward and engage the defensive group while the remaining mass heads toward the now panicking refugees.

Two ants engage with Bart and try to bite, both miss horribly.
Three ants engage with Jager and try to bite, all miss horribly
One ant attacks Moe. Grabbing the man with its mandibles, it slams its stinger into his chest. Moe screams in pain, and gauge by the paleness of his face, one more attack will kill the warrior.
One ant engages with Hal and tries to bite, missing horribly
Two ants engage with Hank. One misses horribly, but the other grabs hold of and stings him. Just like Moe, Hank appears to be on his death bed after the attack.
One ant engages with Ari and tries to bite, missing horribly
One ant engages with Sam and tries to bite, missing horribly
One ant engages with Nezamil and tries to bite, missing horribly
Two ants engage with Val. Both miss horribly
One ant engages with Ralph manages a little nibble, but cant' quite sting the retired warrior.
One ant engages with Bert and tries to bite, missing horribly
Two ants engage with Ashira. One misses horribly. The other comes close, but can't touch her.
One ant engages with Rigging and tries to bite, missing horribly

Though the refugees have enough sense to start moving away from the ants, it is clear that the mass will be upon them next round (there is now roughly 30 feet between the Cards and the refugees...the mass of ants are 15 feet behind the Cards and 15 feet in front of the refugees) .

Beetles AC is 16, Ant's AC is17

Redux, Appolo and Mykael carefully make their way through the massive undergrowth, headed toward the light. From their position about 70 feet away from the refugees, the group can clearly hear the screams of the panicked people.

Okay guys, I can't draw you up a map anytime soon, so email me with any questions. Also please list your AC and HP in the post line, as well as spells in effect so it's easier for me to keep track of.---Nellie

Rigging  d20+12=26 d20+12=21
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 7:27:12 AM

Rigging doesn't like what he is seeing. Why are the spirits heading back to those bushes? What are the spirits anyway. Time to take a look.

Rigging steps back 5',(hopefully avoiding any AOO) and casts a fly spell on himself. He will fly up and out of range of any nasty beetles and ants and swoop towards the bushes where the spirits are heading and take a look.

concentration check if needed of 26
spot check 21

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65  d20+8=24 d10+3=7 d20+8=19 d10+3=13 d20+3=12
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 1:35:22 PM

Jagar reacts quickly his years of training taking over as he strikes a flurry of blows at the ants (d20+8=24 1st swing((d10+3=7 dam) his fists smacking the ants (d20+8=19 2nd swing)(d10+3=13 dam) followed up by an elbow smash but misses with a last wild kick (d20+3=12 3rd swing missed)

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71  d20+11=29 d8+5=7 d20+6=23 d8+5=11 d8+5=13
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 1:45:08 PM

The dwarf quickly yanks his mace out and holds his postion in the defensive line smashing at the ant(d20+11=29)with his mace(d8+5=7 dam)then swings (d20+6=23 2nd swing) an overhead smash down on the ant(d8+5=11 dam) squashing the bug

" take that ya critters " yells Nezamil

" shoot Sam ...shoot da critters " growls out the dwarf to Sam the crossbowman

Sam (npc)  d20=12
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 1:48:23 PM

Sam shuffles his feet nervously as the horde of insects converge on them but reacts to Nezamils order to fire the crossbow his years of soldiering bearing fruit (d20=12) squeezing the trgger as he points the weapon at an ant

Ashira (AC 22, 103/103 HP) Casting Summon Nature's Ally II-Dire Bat 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 2:55:38 PM

Ashira watches with growing frustration at the charge of the critters. Then, with horror, she watches the massive block on ants move past the guards and toward the refugees. Blowing off the ants attacking her, Ashira calls out "Don't worry about the attackers, we need to protect the refugees!" Ashira takes a five foot step backwards to prevent the ants from attacking her, and then casts her spell, directing the bat to attack the mass of ants that are headed toward the people.

Valanthe AC 20, 114 HP  d20+12=30 d20+7=17 d8+4=9 d8+4=12
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 5:10:51 PM

Ignoring the two massive ants trying to rip her to pieces, Val turns and takes aim on the ant that's about to kill Moe. Letting the arrow fly, Val quickly draws and shoots another.

ooc: hit ac 30 for 9 and ac 17 for 12

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 8:11:56 PM

Seeing the battle before him begin, the mage frowns at the fact of a battle. "Let's go pull their keisters out, why don't we?" He steps forward, pulling out 2 wands and frowns, "i need one for fireballs." He continues to hold one in each hand, still in debate. Others can hear the debate "Magic Missiles...Web. Magic Missiles...Web." He roles it across his tongue like 'enny-meeny-miney-moe would sound. Then, as he looks down to keep his footing, the scroll organizer catches his eye and he adds "Fireball" to his pondering.

Appolo  d20+10=28 d8=2
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 10:05:24 PM

Appolo steps forward"Ok interesting Redux firedall those ants closing on the civillians.Mykeal you got anything that can take out those beatles?"He draws his bow and fires at the nearest Ant.

Hit 28 damage 2.

Combat in Paradise Round 2---ADM Nellie  d100=72 d20+2=16 (Moe) d20+10=12 (Hal) d20+2=12 (Ralf) d20+2=22 (Bert) d20+2=10 (Crit. check) d6+1=5 d20+2=18 d20=4 (Fort. roll for Rigging) d20+9=13 d20+9=17 d6+7=11 d20+5=14 (John) d8+3=10 d20+1=15 (Bart) d20+1=19 (Jager) d20+1=15 (Moe) d20+1=11 (Hal) d20+1=19 (Hank) d20+1=12 (Ari) d20+1=9 (Sam) d20+1=10 (Nezamil) d20+1=19 (Val) d20+1=2 (Ralf) d20+1=10 (Bert) d20+1=15 (Ashira) d20+1=13 (Ari) d20+1=3 d6=1 d20+1=7 d12=6 d12=8 (Nezamil) d6=6 d20+1=14
Thursday September 15th, 2005 1:35:11 AM

Jager, Nezamil, Ari and Val quickly dispatch several ants. Each blow seems to be powerful enough to kill an ant, and the Cards move on to the next victim like the professionals that they are. Moe nods his thanks to Val and then he and Ralf both take swings with their shortswords. Neither seem to be able to connect with the pesky creatures. Hank and Hal team up. Hank takes a step backwards, pulls a potion out of his pouch, and begins to look a lot better. Hal fills in the gap and takes a swing with his longsword, but can't connect. Sam the crossbow expert finds his new weapon awkward, and the bolt zings by the ant and slams into the ground nearby. Bert, on the other hand, has much better luck, and thrusts his shortsword through the critters head. As before, the deceased ant's spirits float off and head back into the brush.

His curiosity peaked, Rigging decides to find out where all those strange ant ghost are headed and casts Fly. Lifting off into the night sky, Rigging feels a lite but constantly breeze behind his back. His is utterly amazed when he glances back and finds that he has suddenly sprouted two small gossamer wings!!! Rigging finds it no problem to head over to the brush area, but once he is there, he finds that the dense forest slows him down significantly. Scanning the area, Rigging finally spots a couple of ghost ants in the brush. The strange specters float over what looks like a dead rabbit. There appears to be a little tussle between the ant spirits, and then one of them swoops down and into the rabbit corpse. The rabbit's eyes flicker, and then it bolts to its feet and begins running in the direction of the campsite. The other ant spirit floats off further into the brush area, moving slowly as if looking for something.

When Rigging flies off, the action sends the passengers further into panic. "The Captain is abandoning us! Run for your lives!!" Several people in the back of crowd bolt into the brush. The other passengers, though petrified by the advancing ants, are equally afraid of what might be out there in the dark and merely rush to the furthest edge of the campsite.

Ashira's spell goes off without a hitch, and she is pleased to find that not one, but two gigantic bats swoop down from the sky and swallow up several ants whole. There is a brief flash of light, and a huge owlbear appears rushes from out of the refugees. Easily crossing the gulf between them, the creature begins tearing into the front ranks of the ants. It's massive claw literally tears one of the ants to pieces. Suddenly the form of John the archer moves passed the panicked gamblers, bow in hand. He takes careful aim at the ants, but his arrow bounces harmlessly off the creature's hard shell.

As the now dwindling group of ants continue to attack the defensive group, an obnoxious fog suddenly shoots forth from the bettles rears. The fog manages to engulf the whole of the defensive grouping, and is absolutely revolting. You find yourself struggling to keep the contents of your stomachs intact (Fort. DC15 or become nauseated). The fog extends both 10 feet in front and 10 feet to the sides and rear of the Card's group. Strangely enough, the fog does not seem to effect the ants, which continue their attack.

One ant engages with Bart, it misses badly.
One ant engages with Jager, missing badly
Another ant attacks Moe. Once more, the man is caught up in an ant's mandibles, but
its stinger missed. Moe manages to survive the encounter.
One ant engages with Hal and tries to bite, missing horribly
One ant engages with Hank and cruches down hard on his chest, but misses with its stinger. Hank looks like he's still in fine fighting form.
Two ants engages with Ari and try to bite, missing horribly
One ant engages with Sam and tries to bite, missing horribly
One ant engages with Nezamil and tries to bite, missing horribly
One ants engage with Val, missing horribly
One ant engages with Ralph, missing horribly One ant engages with Bert and tries to bite, missing horribly
One ants engage with Ashira, missing horribly

The remaining army of ants is not deterred by the recent assault, and they swarm around the refugees, managing to almost completely ring in the screaming mass. The conflict between the two groups is horrifying as the gigantic ants tear into the unarmored and unarmed pleasure cruisers. Fighting for their very lives, the passengers fight the insects with whatever they can find...mostly rocks and hands. There are several more screams as scores of passengers are gravely wounded by the creatures.

Redux, Appolo and Mykeal continue to move toward the campsite, though it is hard going, seeing as it is night and there is extremely dense brush all around them. Appolo finds that the brush conceals the campsite too much, and he cannot safely take his shot. The group is now 40 feet from the edge of the campsite and hears several large forms running into the brush toward them.

Thursday September 15th, 2005 2:50:18 PM

Unable to get a clear shot Appolo puts his bow away and draws his swords.He then takes point and hack his way through the thick foliage and undrbrush in order to get to the campsite."Come on you two."

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 53 
Thursday September 15th, 2005 4:35:48 PM

Mykael uses his sword to help cut a path through the underbrush and is ready and on guard for the large forms heading thier direction.

Ari AC 18 HP 65  5d4(3+1+1+2+2)=9
Thursday September 15th, 2005 5:48:12 PM

Worried about the number of ants that are attacking, Ari tries to line up the ants for a shishkabob. If it is safe to do so, Ari will line up the ants for a burning hands strike. (otherwise sword attacks on the two in front of him)

"Stay where you are and defend yourselves. No one is being left behind. Alemi and Domi look over us"

Valanthe AC 20, 114 HP  d20+10=19 d20+12=15 d20+7=27 d20+7=9 d8+4=12
Thursday September 15th, 2005 7:11:23 PM

Val continues to ingore the ant that keeps nipping at her armor and fires two more shots at the ant attacking Moe, one missing.

ooc: one hit, crit but not confirmed, for 12 dmg.

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Thursday September 15th, 2005 7:33:33 PM

Having noted the difficulty in terrain and Appolo's reaction, the mage changes his mind quickly. Grasping the first two wands in one hand, he pulls out his Bulls Strength wand and taps Appolo. "Get us a bit closer my friend, so we can see what's to do next." And with that, the mage follows behind Appolo a step, using his forearms to move branches aside that Appolo passes.

Rigging  5d6(6+5+2+6+6)=25
Thursday September 15th, 2005 9:56:47 PM

Rigging flies back to the main group avoiding the gas cloud and yells, "We need to form up and stick together! If you panic, you will die here. We need to move. I believe this area is cursed and everything we kill will just rise up and try to find a new body to inhabit. Soon enough we will be fighing our own dead! We have to move away from this area!

Rigging will pull out his wand of fireballs and if he can this round shoot a fireball at the beetles. He will only do it if he won't hurt any of his friends or the refugees.

He does 25 points of damage

Ashira (AC 22, 103/103 HP)  d20+13=15
Thursday September 15th, 2005 11:55:41 PM

Keeping her lunch in check (Fort.=15), Ashira nods at Rigging's instructions, and moves away from the attacking ants and toward the ant army, drawing an AoO from the ants in the process. Swords in hand, she makes a double move toward the refugees...and the ants ringing them. "C'mon guys, she calls to her group buddies. "Over here!!"

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65  d20+8=12 d20+8=19 d10+3=8 d20+3=8
Friday September 16th, 2005 12:02:56 AM

The Monks fists rains down on the ant (1st swing d20+8=12 missed)his overzealous attack finally lands a blow (2nd swing d20+8=19)(d10+3=8 dam) his feet poetry in motion launches a furious front kick but the agile little insect ducks at the last moment(3rd swing d20+3=8 missed)

" my legs feel heavy i just can't kick the fraggin things " grumbles Jagar as he holds his place in line vs the horde of insects

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71  d20+11=21 d8+5=9 d20+6=10
Friday September 16th, 2005 12:08:21 AM

" Darn things ain't gonna get my thick dwarven hide " growls Nezamil as he steps over to Sam and attacks the ant trying to bite him (d20+11=21 1st swing) his mace smashing its body (d8+5=9 dam) his backhand attack swings wide of the ant " load that durn crossbow " grunts Nezamil to Sam " we gotta hold the line "

Sam (npc) 
Friday September 16th, 2005 12:11:48 AM

Sam heeds the Nezamils words " sure thing " replies Sam as he reloads the heavy crossbow (full rd action)prepping it for next rd

" phew " exclams the crossbowman as the dwarf crnches the ant in front of him

End of Combat in Paradise Round 3---ADM Nellie  d20+10=17 (Val's Fort.) d20=3 (Ari's Fort.) d20+4=12 (Moe) d20+4=16 (Sam) d20+4=14 (Ralph) d20+4=23 (Bert) d20+6=25 (Hank) d20+7=22 (Hal) d20=13 d20=3 d6=6 d100=68 d20+9=19 d20+9=16 d20+4=16 d6+7=11 d6+7=13 d8+4=8 d20+5=22 d8+2=4 d20+2=16 (Moe) d20+2=16 (Sam) d20+2=16 (Bert) d20+2=8 (Ralph) d20+10=17 (Hal) d6+1=5 d6+1=5 d6+1=2 d8+6=7 d20+10=24 d8+5=13 d20=14
Friday September 16th, 2005 12:59:41 AM

Val and Ari forgot to roll their Forts, so I rolled them for you. Val manages to blow off the attack, but Ari is now nauseated.

The beetles attack meets with mixed results. Sam, Bert, Hank and Hal are all unaffected, and beat a hasty retreat over to the ant army attacking the gamblers. Moe and Ralph, however do not fair as well, and bend over and begin retching.

The Wildcards continue to press their attack with dreadful results. Ants corpses liter the valley floor, and spirits constantly float through the air and back into the brush. Rigging returns and directs everyone back to the refugees...and those defenders that are not busy emptying the contents of their stomach oblige.

Moe and Sam manage to hack down their opponents, while Bert comes close to killing one. Ralph on the other hand, misses by a long shot. Hank and Hal prove a particularly devastating double team, and decimate their opponents.

Meanwhile, back over on the other side of the camp, the massive owlbear that appeared last round continues to rip through the ant army, dispatching three ants with its unbelievable claw, claw, bite attack. John the archer also presses the attack, and this time bags himself an ant.

Appolo and Mykael's actions greatly speed up the trio's pace. They are quickly met by a couple of panicking gamblers who bolt past them and further into the brush...apparently guided only by hysteria. Redux taps Appolo with his wand, and Appolo begins to notice muscles he never knew where there before. Making good time now, the trio arrives at the edge of the campsite quite near where the refugees are fighting the ant army. The struggle is massive and horrendous. Several of the young females lie moaning on the ground as other gamblers trample over their bodies in an effort to escape the ant's press. Several older gamblers on the edge of the group teeter on the brink of death. And then, almost immediately after the trio's arrival on the scene, the ant army and the beetles suddenly turns and breaks toward the forest. Several are hacked down in the process, and in the end, only about 100 of the ants are able to disappear into the brush. Everyone holds their breath, waiting for the regroup and attack that is sure to follow, but never does. The valley is quiet once more. The ant corpses and wounded soon become the only signs of the horrible attack.

OOC: My appologies to Chris, I didn't see your posts until I had mine up. And great job everyone!!

Appolo Ac 23Hp69 Bulls Strength +5 
Friday September 16th, 2005 7:29:38 PM

Appolo watches as the two idiots run past him.He tn emerges into the clearing"Hello all.Looks like the partie's over.Did ya miss us?"He says loudly as he studies the situation.

Friday September 16th, 2005 9:14:50 PM

AS the insect horde retreats into the woods Nezamil sheaths his mace in its ring holster then immediatly turns his attention to the wounded .

Quickly assessing people the Cleric of Domi casts cure minor wounds(1 hit pt ea) on the most critical ones

Friday September 16th, 2005 9:17:13 PM

Jagar seems slightly stunned at the insects leaving " why ....why ?.....i don;t get it they had a great advantage " asks the Monk as he glances about the meadow " this is too strange "

Friday September 16th, 2005 11:49:04 PM

"Such a lovely sight to see your enemies beating a hasty retreat at the very sight of you, isn't it. We'll probably see them back, we always do; but it's still a good sight."

Saturday September 17th, 2005 12:28:33 AM

The ranger is baffled by the enemies withdrawal. Still, they had been given a second chance...best not to blow it. Seeing that Nezamil's already tending to the wounded, Ashira checks the refugees over herself, sorting out the wounded into categories so that Nezamil doesn't have to waste time. Noting the arrival of Redux and the others, Ashira smiles. "You know Redux, you're beginning to make a habit of showing up late...you'll be lucky if the Cap..." Ashira spots Rigging's wings, and is barely able to stifle a chuckle. "I can't believe how much he's changed." Ashira mumbles under her breath.

Saturday September 17th, 2005 1:04:30 AM

Waiting until tomorrow for more players to post.

Rigging  d20+12=29
Saturday September 17th, 2005 1:33:46 AM

Rigging flies down and says to the others, "Forch march out of here now. I don't want to wait for them to get reinforcements. Lets get these people moving!"

Rigging will climb back into the air and take a look around.

spot check 29

Flight from Paradise---ADM Nellie 
Sunday September 18th, 2005 12:36:25 AM

Kirin emerges at Rigging's order and begins to cut a path through the brush, but it is slow going. Having had almost no sleep, and trying to navigate in the dark is taxing on the ranger, not to mention the refugees. The group breaks camp as quickly as possible (which actually takes an hour or so) and heads out into the dark wilderness. There is a large amount of stumbling and falling, as it is very difficult to try and provide lighting for such a large group considering there is no dry wood for torches. After only about two hours travel time, it is apparent that a)there is a high likelihood of going off course while traveling at night and b)with little sleep and adrenaline rush of the battle long gone, the refugees at traveling at a horribly slow pace. True you're probably out of the ant's territory, but you aren't going anywhere fast.

Sunday September 18th, 2005 7:39:13 PM

Rigging will peer over his shoulder to see if the wings have disappeared or are they a permanant feature now?

Rigging calls a halt to the march. He tells everyone to get some sleep and allows them to sleep in several hours past dawn to get some extra rest. He will set up a guard rotation and then have Ashira and him do some night hunting.

"Try and find a herd of something. We need to get some meat and I am willing to sacrifice a spell to take down a couple of them."

Rigging will then allow his wife to lead as she has the better hunting skill then him.

Monday September 19th, 2005 4:15:34 AM

Val makes sure the injured women get what little food and water they have to distribute as well as trying to make them as comfortable as possible. They need more than a night of rest, more like two or three but that could mean more deaths. Val tries to stay awake and watch over the wounded but slips into reverie during the night.

Mykael  d20+1=8
Monday September 19th, 2005 1:34:00 PM

Once stopped, Mykael approaches the Captain, "Rigging, we were able to aquired some more equipment. And we brought enough trail rations for the entire group for 3 to 4 days."

Mykael lays out the 20 spears, and then pulls out a small cloth picture of a crate and tosses it on the ground. When it hits, the crate grows back to original size. Mykael opens the lid to reveal all the food.

"The two barrels inside the crate are for transporting water, so if we can find a source, we wont run dry on water."

Mykael then turns and walks over to Val, he hands her a rapier. "Its nothing like your last one, but I hope it will do until we can get to town."

Mykael will stand his designated watches, will help Nez with the wounded (healing = 8), and sleep when he gets a chance.

Monday September 19th, 2005 3:11:41 PM

Feeling somewhat slighted by his captain, Redux stays near the back of the train of people. The one thing that keeps going thru his head is about the giant owl bear that they've been traveling with. He's been harmless enough and the refugees have gotten used to him...it's just weird. Once they stop, Redux looks around at the trees for a posible perch to stay on for the remainder of the night. He will use his spider climb boots to assist in getting up.

Monday September 19th, 2005 3:25:57 PM

The Cleric of Domi encourages the new faithful of Domi to help the people who are struggling with keeping pace "help lead them thru your courage....guide them with your wisdom ...show them that they are not alone and will not be left behind" preaches Nezamil

The dwarf continues to heal and bandage up the walking wounded " Mykael that is excellent thinking! ....just wonderful that you brought supplies .....we can fill the water barrels easily enough at the next stream or i can call upon Domi's power to fill them up with water "

" it's good to have you with us ...your very resourceful " adds Nezamil as he works with Mykael healing the wounded

Monday September 19th, 2005 3:28:26 PM

Jagar keeps guard on the left flank with Bart and their helper

Monday September 19th, 2005 3:30:12 PM

The big warrior prowls the left flank with Jagar hacking brush along the way to help ease the groups way thru the woods

Monday September 19th, 2005 4:20:43 PM

Appolo moved up on point silently with the Ranger hacking a wide trail through the jungle.Once they stop for a rest Appolo walks over and helps distibute the food and spears.He then finds Valanthe"Hello Sunshine>"He says witha wide happy smile.He then wraps his cloak around her and pulls her into his embrace picking her up and carrying over under a tree he sits down leaning his back agaianst it,while holding her.

Monday September 19th, 2005 9:25:01 PM

(ooc hmm. I didn't think I had posted so little. I apologize for that.)

Ari does his best to help setup the temporary camp. Doing his best, he helps to distribute the food and bandage the injured gamblers.

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 11:02:38 AM

Val looks tired and exhausted. The trip has been hard on the elf. COnstant watching and worrying about the survivors has been rather stressful. Her hair is more out of place than it usually is and her eyes don't seem to sparkle like normal.

Reprieve---ADM Nellie 
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 3:22:02 PM

Rigging calls a halt, and the refugees thankfully collapse to the ground, most curling up next to trees and falling asleep almost immediately.

Rigging finds to his displeasure that the wings are still there. Is this a permanent addition?? Time will only tell.

Redux notes the continuing presence of the owlbear. Hanging toward the back of the group, the creature seems confused, though as Redux has noted, it is not endangering anyone. One of the gambler/sorcerers that Redux identified before notes his glances at the creature and then his eyes bolt! He rushes over to the giant owlbear and stares at him in amazement. "Beltro, my god, is that you??" The massive head of the owlbear nods slighty. "I saw you change into the owlbear, but then I lost track of you. I...I thought we had lost you in the battle. You..you're... Errmmm... You never changed back. But how?" In a truely strange motion, the owl bear lifts and then lowers its arms as if in an attempt to shrug.

OOC Guys, I'm sorry, but RL has been massive. I will post on Saturday night to make up for Monday. I'll also post tonight at 11pm EST roughly. Consider this post a teaser.

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 6:49:01 PM

Contrary to common belief, Rigging is estatic with his new wings! He will try to fly with them. If he is able, he will call out to Swirl, "Look! I can fly with you. Not so fast!" He adds in a hurry when he sees Swirl dive bombing towards him.

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 8:03:01 PM

The mage goes to the owl-bear and contemplates what the possibilities are. "You, my friend, stay close at the next battle. i will give you a tap of this wand and make you much stronger. But wait, did you use transformation magic? Of course you did. Hmmm....Note to self, transformation magic currently has a 'side effect'. Don't worry, 'ol boy. When we get out of here i'll try to change you back." He gives the "man" a smile.

Redux pats his side, noting the feathers. He strokes them, a little longer than just a friendly pat, more of an exploration of the texture. "Talon, what do you think?" Then, to Beltro, "May i have a few of your feathers? Fascinating, just fascinating.

Ashira  d20+9=11
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 1:51:22 AM

Disturbed by the attack, Ashira can't focus well on the hunt (Surv.=11) and ends up make a whole lot more noise than she usually does.

Friendly Fire??-ADM Nellie  d20+1=19 d20+1=12 d20+7=14 d20+7=24 d4-2=1
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 2:04:55 AM

Rigging finds that unfortunately, he is unable to fly with his wings...seeing as they are too small to support his body weight. But, on the bright side...the breeze is nice.

Mykael's rations are a welcome relief!! If the refugees weren't so exhausted, they would surely be feasting on them right now!

Redux does his best to comfort Beltro, but the owlbear looks depressed...at least that's kind of what it looks like...kinda hard to tell with a beak instead of a mouth. The owlbear growls a little as Redux asks if he can collect some feathers. That probably means he's not interested. Redux climbs up into a tree to catch some z's.

Val and Appolo reunite...though Val is much too tired to give her lover a proper greeting.

As everyone settles in, Rigging and Ashira head out for a night hunt. Once again, they find it difficult heading through the brush. Coupled with Ashira's noisy travel, the pair returns back to camp a few hours later with nothing to show for their efforts but some scratches on their arms.

Watches are set and everyone settles in to get as much rest as they can. Most of the night passes without disturbance, but just a couple of hours before dawn, Ralph calls out to Ashira. "Did you see that movement in the trees? I think there's something out there!" A couple of seconds latter, a rather large owl swoops down out of the trees and does a fly-by of Val. One of its claws misses her entirely, but the other one draws blood (1 hp dam). As the owl takes begins to lift back up into the air, Redux hears clearly in his mind "Hehe, finally got her boss! I've been wanting to do that for years now!"

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 11:04:03 AM

Rigging is frustrated with his wings. "What good are wings if you can't fly!" he growls.

He will call Kirin over and ask, "I thought this way was supposed to be quicker? This underbrush is going to really slow us down and expose us to attack from whatever might be hiding in it? Is this still the best way to go? How much longer should we expect to be on the trail?"

Depending on Kirin's answers, Rigging will do his best to motivate the refugees and get them marching in the right direction.

Swirl will fly top cover and try and keep a lookout for trouble.

Redux  d20+4=19
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 1:51:04 PM

Redux wakes with a startled look on his face. 'Talon, what do you mean? Where are you?' He peeks thru the trees to search for his flying friend and sees to his surprise Val holding her arm. "Talon!..." is all that is heard as the sleep leaves the mage and alertness takes over.

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 4:08:24 PM

As the group rests the Monk will patrol the perimter of the makeshift camp ,circling the dges for signs of danger.

Nezamil  d20+5=24
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 4:11:31 PM

The dwarf will help set up camp and gather Domi's new faithful to help set up the supplies in food and water stations to help ease the passing out of the supplies to the travelers

d20+5=24 spot ch

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+11=28 d4+2=6 d4+2=6
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 8:30:03 PM

A flutter of wings and a slight yelp from Vlanthe awakes Appolo acting on pure instinct Appolo hurls his Assanins dagger at the flying manace just as it is making it's escape.Doing so before he even realizes who or what the creature really is.

Attack 28,Damage 6

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 12:26:24 AM

Responding to the yelps and shouts, Ashira bolts over. "Redux, what the he... Geez Appolo, you idiot, watch where you're throwing that thing. I think you just clipped Talon. Redux what's going on. Why the heck is Talon attacking Val????"

Company's a Coming---ADM Nellie 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 12:34:17 AM

Appolo's dagger does indeed connect with the owl, who is indeed Talon. Talon, apparently has grown significantly recently, and is now a large owl. As Talon scoots off into the night air, Redux hears in his head. "It's just like he said. Rash, impulsive, and stupid. But now that he's here, you'll find out just how powerful we "dumb" creatures can be. Just wait and see how high and mighty they are when my brothers and sisters get through with them!"

Talon flits off quickly through the air, but returns just a few seconds later. And, judging by the sounds in the trees nearby, he's not alone.

Valanthe AC 23 HP 113 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 2:02:01 PM

"It looks like this place has had a rather strong affect on him. I was going to let things slide but if he's coming back with more help then he's making things perfectly clear." Val says with venom dripping from her words. She pulls her bow out of her enchanted quiver and notches an arrow.

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 3:14:45 PM

Withholding the spell he was about to cast, "Val! Appolo! If EITHER of you kill Talon, i will send a lightning bolt at you before you can turn around! Appolo, you are so rash and impulsive. Is it any wonder you find the world so much against you. You are against the world like it is a personal battle or something. It's a wonder Gargul let you come back. If I send you back, i will petition that You not be brought back and instead seek the return of Talon." The mage returns the venom spoken by Val.

To everyone. "And it appears my friends, that the sooner we are out of this forest the better. Every beast we come upon will be against us until we are."

Redux turns his attention to the trees, scanning for what is to come. 'Talon, who is he? Am i in danger?'

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:13:20 PM

Mykael comments, "Reflex action upon anyone who attacks us or our group, especially considering the situation, is not a bad thing, Redux. I would be more inclined to inquire, why 'Talon' was messing with Val. Perhaps, a chat on better time and place should be in order, and whether this place is affecting more than just his size."

Mykael readies himself, for any battle.

Nezamil  d20+5=16
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:25:46 PM

Nezamil looks up as weapons are drawn " whats going on ?"

The dwarf looks perplexed as Redux warns the angry couple about something " did i miss something ? " inquires Nezamil

Jagar  d20+6=18 d20+6=21
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:30:37 PM

The Monk continues to cirlce the camps perimeter as he takes note of the comotion going on " something up " thinks Jagar

Jagar turns his back to the inside of the camp and scans the woods for activity(d20+6=18 spot ch) stopping momentarily to listen (d20+6=21 listen ch) " this could be a diversion " adds Jagar to himself as he ready's for something unseen

Rigging mage armor 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 9:41:02 PM

Rigging calls to the Wildcards and Ashira, "I want us in our fighting trios now! Get together, cast any longer lasting defensive spells now and lets get ourselves ready for whatever is causing all of this.

I don't want any shapechanging magic cast and thing about the spells you might cast. I already have a set of useless wings and we now have an owlbear as well."

Rigging will cast mage armor on himself hoping nothing strange happens this time.

Friday September 23rd, 2005 12:06:36 AM

Ashira scoots over to Bert and Ralph. "Stick close." she calls out to the warriors. Then she shouts over to Val and Redux. "Knock it off! We need to be united. Val, Appolo, Talon is one of us. We don't kill him unless we have to..understood?! Redux, see if you can talk some sense into him. We've all seen that something strange is going on with nature. Talon has never acted like this before. This Ebryon fellow is probably to blame. It is time to think before we kill."

The Return of the King---ADM Nellie 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 1:11:32 AM

The Wildcards try to sort out the sneak attack by Talon, and Rigging, wisely orders the group to reform. The other warriors more in toward the Wildcards, while the refugees, amazingly, still continue to sleep. John, the archer, is instantly awake and by Ashira's side in a flash. Mary, the feisty red head that Val clocked earlier, also awakens, and grabs one of the spears that Mykael brought. As she takes up a place with the defensive formation, she seems different...more confident.

Jager's keen ears hear the sound of beating wings...lots of them. His ears confirm what his eyes tell him...about a hundred pitch black birds coming in fast. They'll be upon the group in a few seconds.

Rigging is pleased to find that his spell goes off without a hitch.

Through his mental connection, Redux hears Talon laugh. "Who is he?? Haven't you figured it out yet boss? The king has returned. Things are going to change. He's made us strong. The army is building. You'll see, he'll make you strong too, if you'll just join him. No one can stand in his way. But don't worry, boss, I've always liked you. I'll take care of you. Just stay out of the way."

As Val takes aim at Talon's rapidly retreating form, she suddenly becomes distracted. Walter, check your email.

Spot check DC 15 to notice Highlight to display spoiler: { that Kirin is no where to be found}.

Friday September 23rd, 2005 2:24:14 AM

Her hands tremble at first, the arrow wavering against the bow. Then they shake, her fingers unable to hold onto the arrow. Above the sounds of battle and flock of flying birds the sound of her arrow clattering to the ground was like thunder in her ears. Valanthe goes over and over the last moment in her mind. Her finely crafted bow drops to the ground temporarily forgotten. Her eyes tear up and Valanthe falls to her knees. Her earliest memories were of death. Among her people she was little more than a child when orcs and goblins slaughtered her family. Valanthe knew the concept of family, the meaning of it. The wildcards were the closest thing she had ever had but it wasn't the same. She would die for her teammates but they didn't have the same customs or traditions that her true family held before they were killed. Now for the first time in her life she felt that connection. There were no words to describe the feeling that brought the tears to her eyes. The thought of refusal never entered her mind which was why she spoke a silent yes.

Friday September 23rd, 2005 8:43:25 AM

Rigging noticing the strange behavior of Talon, calls out for Swirl through their mind contact.

"Swirl, are you still outthere? Is everything OK."

He sees Ashira forming the groups and he calls out, "I want us in our fighting trio's first. Are normal ones. We can then add the recruits to that. I think we are going to need to be at our best!"

Rigging then winces and casts Shield on himself wondering if his arm was going to turn into a giant shield.

mage armor 7 hours
shield 7 minutes

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+8=9
Friday September 23rd, 2005 11:29:03 AM

Appolo yells at Redux"we need a wall od fire in front of those bird.Now!!By the way I never start a fight.I just finish them.Talon wants to fight.I'll be eating roast owl for lunch."Every cover themselves especially their Eye's."He the slides his hood over his head and wraps his scarf as much as possible.

Looking around he sees Val drop her weapon and fall to her kness.He thinks great.Now what?"Ok some one wake the sleeping beauties up.Oh and Valanthe is apparently aflicted with something.She's going to be out of this fight."He bends over and attempts to pick her up gathering up her bow and arrow first swinging it over his back."Come on sunchine I'll carry you."

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 5:15:53 PM

"Incoming " yells Jagar as he points skyward

"C'mon Bart lets get to the Captain "

Grabbing the new recruit by the collar he shoves him in Riggings direction " move it "

Then the Monk sprints by him and heads over to Rigging and tries to rally his trio to flank the Captains trio

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 7:48:58 PM

The dwarf turns at the sound of Jagar's warning ,quickly assessing the situation as he see's the incoming swarm of birds .

quickly reaching into a pouch the Cleric pulls out a feather and a small fan " Domi grant your humble believer's protection " prays Nezamil (casting wind wall) as he finishes the pray with a deft touch to his anvil holy symbol.

Lifting his arms up high over his head Nezamil wills the wall between the birds and the wildcards before it ( 90 ft long 45 ft high)(duration 9 rds)(slight curvature to the wall )

" fly thru that ya buzzards " growls the dwarf as he focuses on the wind wall and slides his shield off his shoulder at the same time (move action)to a ready defensive postion.

"Same to me " adds the dwarf as he calls the crossbowman to his side

should be intresting to see what happens with the spell ;-)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 53  d20+4=19 6d6(6+3+3+6+2+4)=24 d100=73
Friday September 23rd, 2005 7:55:30 PM

(spot = 19)

Mykael surveys the scene, Val is down, Kirin isnt around, and attacking birds?

Time to set things straight.

Mykael looks at the flock of birds, dont want to do this, but they seem to be attacking. Mykael begins casting, he points and a tiny bead of fire streaks towards the flock.

Upon reaching the center of the flock the bead
erupts into a fireball, engulfing a good many birds.

(73% on spell failure, success!)
(20ft radius... hopefully all of them, for 24 pts of fire damage, save for half)

Friday September 23rd, 2005 11:32:54 PM

Ashira nods at her husband's order and links up with Val and Appolo. She notices Val's odd behavior and goes over to her side as Appolo lifts her up. She bends down and lifts Val's face up so she can look her in the eye. "Val, what's wrong.... c'mon Val, we need your help. The birds will be here soon, and we've got to protect the refugees. C'mon Val, snap out of it."

Friday September 23rd, 2005 11:34:58 PM

Blowing off Appolo's order, Redux is still, contemplating Talon's offer.

Bart (chris posting ) 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 11:49:01 PM

The big warrior quickly dashes after Jagar " right behind you " he adds as he also rushes by the new recruit

William are you back yet ? i thought i got an e-mail saying your back , if you are please post

Refreshing Breeze---ADM Nellie  d100=22 d100=18 d100=76 d20+7=27 d20+7=13 d8+1=9
Saturday September 24th, 2005 12:34:52 AM

Rigging calls out, mentally searching for Swirl, but his familiar does not respond. Could something be wrong with Swirl? Is he perhaps simply out of range? At this point in time, it is impossible to know. Once more, Rigging's spell goes off without a hitch as he orders Ashira to change up the fighting formations.

Bart and Jager link up with Rigging as Appolo and Ashira try to find out what's wrong with Val.

A gentle breeze brushes past Nezamil's face as his wall goes up. Only time will tell whether it will be strong enough to hold against the flock of birds headed their way...

Meanwhile, Mykael decides that more direct action is in order, and throws out his fireball. The small bead streaks from his hand toward the birds. But with all the undergrowth and heavy forestation (not to mention that it's still dark), Mykeal finds it impossible to aim accurately. About three quarters of the way to the flock, the ball hits a tree and detonates early. A wave of heat and flame erupts nearby Mykael, and he realizes that he is really lucky it didn't detonate earlier. The flash of light is spectacular in the pre-dawn forest, and you are forced to avert your eyes or be blinded by it. Everyone, Reflex DC 15 or be blinded for 1 round.

Still, the sound of several screams gives Mykael the satisfying knowledge that his fireball was not entirely wasted. That, and the light and sound from the explosion has served very effective in waking the refugees, who scramble desperately to their feet. A cacophony of voices ask what's going on.

John the archer watches the night sky carefully and brings his bow up. Taking aim, he lets loose his arrow, and smiles with extreme satisfaction as a large raven tumbles to the ground a few feet in front of him...his arrow lodged firmly in its skull.

Not having a ranged weapon, Mary sets her spear, readying for the impending attack by the birds. She waits patiently, a firm, resolved look on her face. The other retired warriors, likewise, are forced to wait for the upcoming attack, having no ranged weapons. One of the spellcasters, awakened by the fireball, heads over to the Wildcards watching and waiting to get a glimpse of the enemy.

With a horrifying roar, the Beltro the giant owlbear charges through the nearby underbrush. His beady eyes squint as his horrible face looks around the group, apparently trying to spot something.

The beating of wings becomes almost too loud to bear, when suddenly the birds stop, struggling against an unseen force that Nezamil knows is his wall. Though they are not swept away, the huge ravens cannot manage to pass through it. Intelligent eyes glare at the party for the briefest of moments. Then the birds begin to fan out...pushing against the wall...could it be that they are checking to see how far out the wall goes??

Valanthe (Blinded)  d20+9=12
Saturday September 24th, 2005 4:09:49 PM

Her arms around his neck tightened a little. Her head turned from side to side just in time to see the large flash of light.

"Thanks Appolo. I'll be alright in a few moments. Not enough reverie... been pushing myself too hard." She mumbled as she blinked repeatedly to try and clear her blinded vision.

Rigging ac 25 hps 70  d20+10=19
Sunday September 25th, 2005 9:54:48 PM

Rigging is able to divert his eyes and keep his night vision a little longer.(reflex save 19) He realizes that the light situation isn't helpful and decides to casts the cantrip dancing lights. He chooses to have 4 torch like globes dance 20' over their heads so they might see some of the ravens swooping towards them.

For his move action he will take out a wand and ready it for next round.

mage armor: 7 hours
shield: 2 of 70 rounds
dancing lights 1/10 rounds

OOC Sorry I am confused on the relationship of things. Where is the wall? Where are the ravens? Where are we? If the forest is so dense, how are the ravens flying?

The wall is in front of the group, blocking the birds. The ravens have pushed up to the wall, so they are about 15 feet from the Wildcards, 60 from the refugees. The birds are in the air, where it is not quite so dense. Remember, there is very dense brush all around on the ground where the Wildcards are.---Nellie

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 65 Mage Armor  d20+10=18
Monday September 26th, 2005 1:11:39 AM

Jagar is fortunate to have his eyes surveying (d20+10=18 reflex save) towards the refugees as Mykaels spell explodes into the night air

"Gosh that is loud " remarks Jagar as he reaches in his pouch for a vial and quickly pops the top and imbibes it (mage armor potion)

"i got you here Ccaptain " adds the Monk as he slides (move action) in to flank Rigging's left side

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 SR 21 90/90 ,Windwall 8/9  d20+4=20
Monday September 26th, 2005 1:40:13 AM

The dwarf snaps his eyes shut as the fireball blasts into the night sky(d20+4=20 relfex save)

"By Domi's light " curses the Cleric " da buzzrds are gettin around ma' wall " grunts Nezamil as he keeps his focus on the wall

"I fear this is just the start of something nasty " growls Nezamil

"Domi release your power of resistance "prays the Cleric as he points skyward (casting spell resistance 21 (12+9level=21 dc ch)

Nezamil feels the divine energy of Domi encase his body and the dwarf calmly maintains his postion

wind wall 90 ft long 45' high
Nellie we're set on attendence 5 dm posts this week already

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible 
Monday September 26th, 2005 2:41:28 AM

Appolo helps Val to her feet and hands her the bow"That's ok.Just as long as you are alright.Get ready.."

He then turns to Redux "redux open up on those birds now!!"

He looking around"Eveeryone take cover in the trees."

Ashira (AC22 HP113/113) Casting Entangle on birds  d20+10=30
Monday September 26th, 2005 1:45:29 PM

Spotting the fireball go off, Ashira yanks her head away with time to spare (Ref.=30). She smiles as Val indicates she's ok. As she surveys the battlefield, she gives Nezamil a thumbs up. "C'mon guys, lets take down those birds before they figure it out."

Thanks to Rigging's lights, Ashira has a clear idea of the problem. Tapping her chin, she begins to cast a spell, not sure if it will work. Calling on the power of nature once more, she wills for the trees to bind the birds in place so that they will be easier to deal with.

Redux (AC20 HP50/50)  d20+6=17
Monday September 26th, 2005 11:20:54 PM

Redux' view is blocked well enough that he only catches the outside of the burst of light and isn't blinded. He says quickly to himself that he would cast, if he were clear of the tree. Redux activates his levitation ring to assist in gaining a view from the top of the tree. As he does so, he talks to Talon. 'Ok, Talon. We've gotta talk. Thanks for keeping me out of the fight. But, really, i don't know if i can do that. You see, those people down there are my friends and i have to help them. You have certainly grown and been healthier than you ever have been.. i need to talk you out of the side you are on. The gods are just using us. That king is using you; having you lead a flock of ravens, of all things, to hurt the family that has adopted us. You've never liked ravens; you said they squawk, only eat the leftovers (mental image of all things unclean) and they have no loyalty to anything but themselves. i'd never take up with the likes of those.'

Turning Tide---ADM Nellie  d20+2=12 d20+2=21 d20+2=10 d20+2=10 d20+9=12 d20+7=22 d20+2=14 d20+2=4 d20+9=24 d20+9=16 d6+7=12 d6+7=13
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 12:41:04 AM

The Wildcards prepare themselves for battle as the refugees rouse themselves. The birds move quickly, trying to find away around the wall when all of a sudden branches from the trees reach out. With a massive creaking and moaning, all of the foliage in a 80 foot circle around the ravens begins to wiggle and writhe, grabbing up at the pesky birds. A cheer goes up from the refugees as the majority (about 75) of the birds are immobilized by the entangling trees. The remaining 25 birds spend a good amount of time trying to fly past the wiggling trees and toward the right edge of the wall. Nezamil notes that at this rate they will probably be able to get around the wall next round. "Free" birds are about 5 feet from the right edge of the windwall... and about 15 feet above the ground.

Spotting the immobilized birds, the other warriors decide it's time to act. John takes another shot at the ravens behind the wind wall, but luck is not with him, and his arrow bounces helplessly up and out.

Mary, tired of waiting, moves over to a position closer to where the ravens are about to exit the wind wall. Not to be outdone by a woman, the retired warriors and Hank and Hal move forward to intercept.

His blue robes fluttering in the breeze from Nezamil's wind wall, the young spellcaster that just joined the group pulls a wand from out of his backpack and aims it at the mobile ravens. The lead raven suddenly plummets to the ground.

Growling viciously, the owlbear burst through the wind wall and takes a swat at one of the flying ravens. Beltro's red eyes gleam with pride as the raven is literally impaled on his claws. Once more, an ethereal bird form floats away from the raven's corpse and through the woods.

Rigging's lights do a very good job of illuminating the battle, and certainly make it easier to aim attacks.

Redux tries to reason with his familiar. There is a brief mental pause and then something like a mental struggle within the bird. "Never did care for them, nasty little buzzards. Yeah, I know...but really, he's ok. What do you mean he's the enemy?? Hey, that wasn't part of the deal." Although the mental link is still in place, Redux gets the feeling that Talon isn't communicating with him...it's as though he is listening in on some other "talk".

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 11:31:10 AM

Appolo yells"Light those tress on fire.Burn them."He then goes invisible and waits swords drawn.Thinking dam it when is Redux going to do something.

Valanthe AC 20 HP 114  d20+12=14 d20+7=18 d8+4=9
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 12:23:35 PM

Val takes a few seconds to get her balance before taking her bow and quickly firing off two arrows. Unfortunately her aim is off due to the spots still flashing in her eyes.

ooc: hit ac 18 for 9

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 SR 21 89/90 Windwall 7/9 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 3:24:38 PM

"Da buzzards are sneaking around the wall " growls Nezamil as he points them out " at least whats left of them thanks to Ashira "

"Sam shoot one of da buzzards " yells the dwarf to the crossbowman

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 65 mage armor 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 3:36:14 PM

With a nod to the dwarf as he points out the edge of the unseen wall Jagar moves to intercept the birds when the finally sneak around it " i'll take them on this side " shouts the monk as he punches himself in the head to pump himself up " c'mon you flying chickens " taunts Jagar as he takes a defensive stance

Mykael  d100=17 d20+8=14
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 7:58:50 PM

Since the birds are flying in the trees, and the sky is lit up, Mykael steps forward. He can see the birds struggling against the wind wall. As soon as they clear it, he casts web, anchoring it between two trees and capturing as many birds as possible.

(17% made spell failure)(14 as a ranged to hit roll, if needed)

Rigging hps 70/70 ac 25  d20+12=31
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 10:46:06 PM

Rigging takes the wand in hand and activates it casting detect magic. He knows something is directing these birds and hopes he might be able to get a flash of magic trying to see its location. He will then scan the area starting on the other side of the wall.

He will also cast out with his mind, "Swirl, where are you? Can you hear me?"

mage armor: 7 hours
shield: 3 of 70 rounds
dancing lights 2/10 rounds
detect magic 1/50 rounds/ concentration

spot check 31

Redux  9d6(2+5+5+6+6+3+4+2+6)+6=45
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 11:52:17 PM

To Talon, 'You're talking to him, aren't you? i've spoken to a god before, it's a mighty powerful experience; gargul was his name. He's the god of death that took Appolo once before. That's who i was going to send Appolo back to if he had killed you. Gargul's not one i'd like to follow, but he does get my respect. i sure couldn't respect anyone or anything that would change a bargain; doesn't matter what or who it was, trust is trust.' Redux says the last part to indicate that Talon couldn't trust Ebryon (he thinks that's the name he remembers Ashira using). 'Talon, i'm going to emphasize my point, now. Fly away from the main flock of birds; quickly!'

Having a clear view at the top of the tree, Redux calls to his friends below. "Bright flash coming!" And with that, he flicks his hands and waves a glass rod (oo oo that one's getting easier) and sends a lightening bolt mostly at the 'free' birds.

Ashira (AC22 HP113/113) 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 12:19:41 AM

Having expended most of her useful spells, Ashira pulls her swords and waits. They'd done a good job of immobilizing the flock. Maybe Redux's lightening bolt would reinforce their point.

Reversal-ADM Nellie  d20+2=6 d20+2=20 d100=87 d20=16 d20=10 d20=17 d20=20 d20+7=11 d20+7=25 d20+7=19 d6+7=8 d20+2=5 d20+2=21 d20+9=20 d20+3=10 d20+3=20 d8+1=6
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 1:02:15 AM

Feeling better prepared, the Wildcards launch their preemptive strikes.

Val's arrows, while well aimed, bounce off the wind wall.
Appolo disappears and waits, ready to strike when the opportunity presents itself.
Jager moves in closer to the other warriors to intercept.
Ashira waits around for something to slice and dice.

Meanwhile, Rigging, Mykael and Redux make magic happen.

When Rigging finishes casting his spell, everything within his sight literally radiates magic. But since he's hardly begun concentrating, it's hard to sort out what might be the strongest magic...or where. Again he calls out to Swirl, and again he gets no response.

Thanks to Rigging's lights, Mykael is able to place his web perfectly, catching all of the "free" birds within its confines. And though they caw and clack their beaks in frustration, they're stuck fast.

Just to underscore his point Redux ("Mr. Overkill) takes advantage of his treetop position to line up his shot just so. Once more, there is a blinding flash (but thanks to the advance warning, no one is caught off guard). Looking back at his handy work, Redux sees a nicely cleared line through the trees (including the "entangling branches) about 120 feet long. Oh, and about 20 very charred raven corpses dropping to the ground below.

John the archer, realizing that he can't shoot through the wall in front of him, moves past Mary's group in order to get a better shot. Still, all the undergrowth doesn't help him out, and his arrow lodges in a nearby tree.

Mary smiles as her intended victims are immobilized. She calls out to the other warriors (who look pretty peeved at her bossing them around) "Hold your line...wait and see if they break loose."

Beltro looks over at Mykael with something like annoyance and reaches up into the web and rips two of the ravens out. The bird in his right claw is reduced to a bloody pulp, while the one in the left barely clings to life.

Satisfied with his previous attack, the young mage points his wand at the webbed ravens. Suddenly, one of them stops thrashing and lies silently in the thick white strands of the web.

The noise is ear splitting as dozens of ravens caw and scream in futility. Those birds entangled by Ashira's spell try and rip themselves free of the branches and leaves that have wrapped themselves around their bodies. For most of them, it is a futile effort, but about 15 of them manage to break free and wing themselves in the opposite direction of the web...though, like the small group of birds before them, they can't clear the wind wall just quite yet.

Once again he hears Talon's voice in his head. "He's right." The words carry a tone of finality. Suddenly, Redux spots Talon winging his way toward the recently freed ravens. "Back off birdbrains!!" Talon calls out as he claws at one of the raven's heads, ripping a big gash across it's eye.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 Sr 21 88/90 Windwall 6/9 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 3:15:44 PM

Nezamil smiles as he see's Ashira's and Mykaels spells entangle the birds " good work " shouts the dwarf over the crows cawing

" yea thats it Redux " cheers Nezamil as the lightning bolt flashes in the darkness

" wonder whats next ?" grumbles the dwarf

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 65 mage armor 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 3:18:51 PM

The monk holds his postion at Mary's request " i'm holding my spot " exclaims Jagar as he winks at Mary " i'm with you "

Valanthe AC 20 HP 114 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 6:27:53 PM

With the windwall up and the birds helf fast Val lowers her bow for the moment. Hopefully the defenses hold and the birds retreat. This way nobody gets hurt any worse than they already are.

Rigging  d20+12=28
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 6:57:13 PM

Rigging will keep concentrating on his detect magic trying to discern the differences in magic and locate the strongest source.

spot 28

Wednesday September 28th, 2005 8:27:37 PM

Appolo stand silently reafy.Waiting for some of the birds to finally get through.

Mykael  d20+4=13
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 10:03:39 PM

Mykael steps back from the assembled line of warriors. He turns and checks on the non-combatants, and the surrounding area.

If all appears safe, he positions himself just in front of the non-combatants and prepares for anything that may get through, or magic missle help for any of the warriors that may get in too deep. While keeping an eye on rear and flanks.

(spot = 13)

Redux  d4+1=3 d4+1=4 d4+1=3
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 10:53:17 PM

Redux hears Talon's words and sees his actions. With a smile, 'Good boy Talon! That was a great shot. Here's some backup. Redux uses his magic missiles wand on three separate targets around Talon.

Tuck Tail---ADM Nellie  d100=10 d20+3=9 d20+3=13 d20+2=20 d20+2=21 d20+2=22 d20+2=17 d20+2=3 d20+7=23 d8+1=2 d20+7=11 d20+7=19 d6+7=12 d20+2=11 d20+2=13 d20+3=5 d20+3=8 d20+3=10 d20+3=21 d20+3=14 d20+3=4 d20+3=12 d20+3=18 d20+3=9 d20+3=12 d20+3=18 d20+3=4 d20+3=4 d20+3=22 d20+3=19 d6+7=13 d6+7=8
Thursday September 29th, 2005 1:01:37 AM

Everyone waits impatiently for the bird's next move. Unable to use ranged weapons and unable to attack until the birds make their move. Except for John, that is, who, finally in a good position, fires off an arrow into one of the webbed ravens and grazes it.

Mary looks over at Jager and smiles giving him a big thumbs up.

Beltro flicks the raven bodies off of his claws and reaches up into the web once more. Yet again, he impales one of the avians on those killer claws. There's one bird that won't be coming home to roost ever again.

The mage, whom Redux seems to remember was called Calibine keeps up the good work and points the wand once more at the webbed birds. Yet again, one of the birds stops struggling and lies quietly in the web.

Rigging continues to focus while scanning the area. It's so hard to tell which auras are the most powerful...the place practically glows with strong magic. No....really strong magic is more apt. The trees, the brush...the birds...everything but the Wildcards and the refugees is literally bathed in magic. Wait no...Ashira, John and Mary glow strongly too.

Redux fires off his missiles, and the ravens squawk in pain but are far from death's door. "Thanks boss!" Talon calls to him.

Redux's message is apparently well received. Those ravens nearby Talon take pot shots at the owl, but only a couple manage to land anything, and Talon doesn't appear to be damaged badly. Then, the free bird turn tail and quickly fly away from the group. The group of birds caught up in Ashira's entangled area rip themselves out of the foliage and attempt to retreat through the entangled mass (they will escape next round if unchallenged). Those ravens caught up in the web, however, are caught fast and aren't going anywhere any time soon.

Thursday September 29th, 2005 8:02:13 AM

Rigging sighs in frustration but keeps concentrating on the area. He believes something is driving the ravens and other strange things. There is to much strong magic around even with nature going wild. He will call out to the others, "I am seeing incredibly strong magic all around us. Ashira please move closer to me. Not sure if you are the source of the magic or being effected by it." He will concentrate on her as she moves trying to figure out this puzzle.

Thursday September 29th, 2005 9:52:27 AM

Appolo watches everything.A becomes visible agian."Ok folks looks like he bird are breaking and running.It's time we did the same.We need to get a move on.Rigging where's our guide?"

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 65 mage armor 
Thursday September 29th, 2005 3:01:17 PM

The monk blushes slightly as Mary smiles at him and moves slightly closer (5 ft move ) and looks about surveying the woods for sign of movement " i think this is just probe by whoever is behind the birds attack "

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 SR 21 88/90 Windwall 6/9  d20+5=17
Thursday September 29th, 2005 3:07:06 PM

Nezamil keeps his focus on the windwall but nods at Riggings words " yeah its like the whole forest is coming alive "

" we're gonna hafta to find a way to shield all the people " adds the dwarf as he too looks about(d20+5=17 spot ch)

Thursday September 29th, 2005 7:05:32 PM

Val keeps her bow at the ready but sighs in relief. "Yes let's get moving before they come back with reinforcements."

Thursday September 29th, 2005 11:59:42 PM

Redux calls to Talon giving him lots of praise. 'Glad we're such a team.' He lowers himself down the tree using the levitation ring. After a reunion with Talon, Redux sets his back against the tree and relaxes. He will clear his thoughts and pull out his spell book to be refreshed for the new day.

Friday September 30th, 2005 12:13:24 AM

The ranger smiles as the birds retreat, but Jager and Val's words strike home. She sighs...why is it that a victory can't just be a victory?? Pulling out her bow, she sets about taking down the birds caught in the web. Then she reforms the defensive groupings in anticipation of leaving.

Where in the Wold is....---ADM Nellie 
Friday September 30th, 2005 12:32:52 AM

As the Wildcards breathe a sigh of relief, John, Ashira and Beltro make quick work of the sleeping birds. Cheers go up from the refugees, and there are several hearty back slaps.

Mary's smile broadens as Jager moves closer. "Too true...but to what end?" she wonders out loud.

Rigging concentrates long and hard, searching the overwhelming auras all around him. Ashira, John and Mary seem to have the same type of aura as everything else around him. But then he sees it...a glow on the northern horizon that makes Mykael's fireball look like a nightlight. Ooooo yeah...there's something mucho powerful out that way...but it looks like it quite a ways off yet.

And then Appolo voices a very important question...where is Kirin anyway??? The camp is searched high and low, but there is no trace of the elven guide. There is a rustling in the brush nearby, and low and behold...who should appear, but Kirin. There are several large welts on his body as well as a what looks like a few massive pinch marks. He is sweating freely as he bursts into the camp. He looks around frantically, but calms quickly. "I couldn't sleep, so I went ahead and scouted out our trail further west. I heard the commotion and came back as fast as I could. Is everyone alright?"

Friday September 30th, 2005 7:18:59 AM

Rigging frowns at the convient appearance of the scout. He casts his magical gaze at Kirin and concentrates on him.

spells active
mage armor hours
shield 5/70
dancing lights 4/10
detect magic

Friday September 30th, 2005 7:29:40 PM

The monk stands ready every bit a man of action but blushes as Mary's smile " uh ...ah... not sure but this whole place is strange....i'm ah ...uh sure something will happen soon " studders Jagar as his blush deepens as he catches Mary's eyes for just a brief moment ;-)

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 SR 21 87/90 Windwall 5/9 
Friday September 30th, 2005 7:35:06 PM

With the attack seemingly over the Cleric turns to Domi's new faithful " make sure everyone is taken care of...keep them together and calm as possible " suggests Nezamil to the new believers

The dwarf maintains the wall of wind just incase the birds return

Friday September 30th, 2005 8:11:15 PM

Appolo walks over to Rigging"Ah boss,I thinkit's a good Idea to get moving.I mean before something larger and nastier then those bird shows up."

Darain - Mykael 
Friday September 30th, 2005 8:27:03 PM

Mykael follows Redux's lead and rests for the moment and memorizes spells.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand
1 lvl: Mount, Comprehend Lang, Magic Missle X2
2 lvl: See Invisibility, Web, Invisibility, Bulls Strength
3 lvl: Haste, Fireball X2

Saturday October 1st, 2005 12:58:28 AM

The mage continues to study and waits to listen for the order to move out. He calls Talon over to him and smoothes his feathers with pride.

Saturday October 1st, 2005 1:12:54 AM

Ashira watches as Rigging takes a hard look at Kirin. She knows he's up to something, so she keeps quiet, waiting for his decision...but moving close to be of use should there be any problems.

Survey says....ADM Nellie 
Saturday October 1st, 2005 1:26:59 AM

The Wildcards seem to be divided with Mykael and Redux wanting some much needed rest to regain spells, but Appolo voices the wisdom of moving on lest something bigger and badder be coming for the party. It is definitely not an easy decision to make.

But Rigging is worried. He casts his magic gaze upon Kirin...and finds a few small auras of magic on his weapons and a couple of rings...but nothing like the glow of the magic in the forest.

OOC I'll be signing off as DM. Please welcome Chris as ADM for the next two weeks. :)

Monday October 3rd, 2005 2:44:02 PM

The Monk looks about as the birds fly off " that wasn't to bad " laughs Jagar " at least we can have fowl for dinner "

With a nod at Appolo " yeah Appolo is righ i think its best to move on as well......we're just sitting ducks here "

Nezamil Sr 21 85/90 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 2:49:21 PM

The dwarf grimaces at the thought of agreeing with the volatile Appolo " hmm well we can't just wait here till we get attacked again "

" lets take an hour to fill up on water and organize our marching order ...whatya say Captain ? " asks the dwarf

The Cleric of Domi will call Domi's new found faithfull and have them supervise the refugees into a semblence of a marching order

Should i stay or should i go........ADM Chris 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 3:07:12 PM

Kirin speaks up " i have found a walkable trail down into the valley " as he sits down and tends to a few minor cuts and scraps as he awaits the wildcards choice

As the wildcards continue to debate to stay or go they await their leaders decision

Several of the refugees take up Jagar's suggestion and gather up the fallen fowl and refill waterskins .

With Mykaels keen forsight in bringing extra supplies the group is well plenished

Redux and Mykael taken the available time to study while the debate takes place

The woods are full of the sounds of wildlife birds singing ......insects chirping

Monday October 3rd, 2005 3:16:31 PM

Val moves around tending to the refugees, assuring them that a little more was needed to reach safety. She passes out what little rations they have. They were all tired but resting without food and water wasn't much rest.

"We need to keep moving. Resting without food and water isn't rest at all."

Monday October 3rd, 2005 8:47:01 PM

Appolo waits patiently for Riggings decision

Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:26:29 PM

The ranger sighs. "We're really stuck, I believe. If we press on, we'll get farther out, but we've no guarantee that the attacks won't stop, and the spellcasters need to rest. Plus, it's always dangerous making a group like this travel in the dark...but at least sun rise will be in a few hours... If we stay, we run the risk of the birds coming back. I don't know. I guess I would lean toward resting."

Monday October 3rd, 2005 10:29:07 PM

Rigging says, "We rest. We can't out run birds in any case and we are to tired to try. Nezamil, come morning, I want as many create foods as you can. We will need strength for the march.

Spell casters get some sleep but I want big camp fires. We can't hide, maybe we can frighten off some animals."

Monday October 3rd, 2005 11:27:16 PM

Redux enjoys having a head start on the "orders." With Talon perched above, he continues resting.

Jagar mage armor 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 2:36:07 PM

Jagar settles in near Mary for the night leaving the guard duties to those able to see better in the dark of night but he sleepls lightly with the dangers of the forest just steps away

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 2:38:35 PM

The dwarf helps Domi's new faithful organizing the next days journey

"aye Captain " replies the Cleric to Riggings suggestion of spells

Echos in the shadows ADM Chris 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 2:54:12 PM

Everyone agrees with Riggings choice to rest before moving on ,the Wildcards settle in attempt to rest before the unkown of what the day may bring.

The uneasyness of of being in the middle of the woods with sounds of life echoing around leaves many refugees struggling to sleep

Val's kindness to the refugees is returned with trusting smiles and nods of thanks

Kirin stays on watch walking the perimeter as the night deepens and the moon shows it a crescent slice of itself in the night sky with howling echoing near and rustling of leaves as the wind wafts thru the camp swirling the smoky fires

everyone roll spot and listen checks Dc 15

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:47:35 PM

Val spends her night around the fire with the elven refugees. Its rare that she gets to spend time with other elves and Val won't pass up this chance. She takes the time to tell them of her own story. About how her home was destroyed when she was just a child. Forced into the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back. How she nearly starved to death before finding food. How she refused to give up and die. She hopes that her tale helps convince them not to give up.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 6:10:04 PM

Rigging relaxes as the danger passes and pushes his thoughts and mind out to his familiar. "Swirl! Where are you! Can you hear me?"

If he doesn't get an answer, he will lay down and listen for his friend before going to sleep. His mind races and he finally asks Ashira, "What should I do? Should I go looking for him. He could be captive or dead, though I would think I would have felt his death. I am so confused."

After talking to his wife, Rigging drifts off to fitful sleep. He sleeps his two hours, refreshed but still concerned. He replaces the spells used earlier, though the mage armor is still active.

OOC I am assuming I still can't get in touch with Swirl with this post. Let me know if he answers and I will change my post or put in a suppliment.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 7:56:12 PM

Appolo just shakes his head as Rigging decides to stay.He heads over to where Valanthe is and settles down for a nice rest"Everyone get some sleep and don't worry.Whatever happens will happen."Appolo the slips into deep slumber as sleep in few moments.Apparently Appolo can sleep anywhere.

Redux  d20+4=17 d20+4=17 d20+6=23 d20+16=29
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 11:59:36 PM

Having rested, Redux feels better about starting the next day. As he had been doing, he wakes early to begin his watch over the camp. He checks and finds the owl bear, just where they left him. Poor guy, that has gotta be weird. Talon alerts him and he picks up on something too.

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=22
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:08:58 AM

Ashira winces as Rigging tells her about Swirl. I...I don't know Rigging. I don't have any spells that I can find him with. We could use an animal messenger, but if he's in enemy hands, it wouldn't do much good. The nauticulus would come in handy about now. I guess you've just got to wait until you hear back from him..." Ashira is saddened about the loss of Swirl, but like Rigging, she doesn't know what to do to get back into contact with him. She sleeps very peacefully for the two hours that her ring requires, and then spends the rest of the time keeping watch with whomever is on guard at the time. (Spot=17, Listen=22)

Mykael  d20+4=16 d20+1=13
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:24:52 AM

Mykael stands his watch then naps. He got some decent sleep while in town, and is doing well. He keeps alert and ponders the past few days, and the current situation. He decides to have a chat with Redux.

"It would appear that Talon was having some issues with all the rampant nature. Could he give us any information on what is going on, now that he appears to be back on our side?" Mykael queries.

(spot = 16, listen = 13)

Jagar  d20+6=18 d20+6=21
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 10:30:35 AM

Jagar sleeps restlessly waking in the middle of the night as he hears the howls coming closer " what are those howls ?" wonders the monk aloud

With a quick look around the camp seems quiet enough but Jagar just feigns sleep this nagging suspicion weighing on his mind

Nezamil  d20+5=15 d20+5=13
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 10:32:41 AM

The dwarf sleeps soundly the forest noise's doesn't bother the steady dwarf

Casper the friendly ghost ?.........ADM Chris 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 3:12:52 PM

The elven refugees hang on Val's every word describing her childhood ,they all share tidbits of themselves with her .

Rigging feels a slight but familiar touch in his mind at the very edge of his thoughts just escaping his grasp.

Beltro stalks the perimeter his owlbear visage keeps the refugees at bey ,as the howling noises in the night close in on the camp Beltro stands up to his full owlbear height and sniffs the air his head swinging back and forth as if he senses something amiss several willcards take note of this (Ashira,Redux,Mykael,Jagar)

The Forest seems suddenly eriely quiet as the almost as if it was holding its breath .......waiting for something......

The smoky fires burn with the wind vanishing letting the smoke settle into a light fog in the camp.

With Talon on alert (for Redux) Highlight to display spoiler: { "boss something is moving at the edge of camp......uh ...er...boss lots of stuff is moving " confids Talon to Redux }

Several pairs of eyes glowing from the fires light appear and then disappear at the edge of camp , ghostly shapes slinking in the smoky fog

Redux  d20+4=20 d20+6=17
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 3:40:45 PM

"Yes, Mykael, we've got issues on our perimeter. i suggest we take a look let's split up to cover as much as we can; mostly on that side, but others too. Ashira, Jager, you got that too?"

'Thanks, Talon. We'll have a look around too. Can you tell me about your adventures the past few days? What did that supposed king want to do?'
(spot Redux=20, Talon=17)

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 53  d20+4=21 d20+1=18
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 6:02:33 PM

Mykael takes note of the eyes and hears Redux's warning.

"They are only animals, numbers is thier strength... so lets see what we are up against now, and how brave they are," Mykael comments.

Mykael picks a log out of the fire that would suffice as a torch in his left hand and draws his sword with his right. He walks towards the treeline and the eyes.

"Look lively people, we are being watched," Mykael says as he makes his way to the edge of the camp.

He works his way to the edge of the camp trying to get a look at what is out there. Useing the torch to lead his way to try and see, plus scare whatever critters are there.

(spot = 21, listen = 18)

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 7:27:08 PM

Rigging slaps his hands down on the ground in frustration. He can sense Swirl but he must just be at the edge of his range. At least he knows that he is OK.

Now the animals are massing again. They would never get any rest. They can't move and they can't stay. He looks up vindictivily and says to anyone who might be listening, "Well if they attack the camp, we might get some food out of it!"

He stand back up thankful for his belt of sustenance. At least he doesn't need much sleep. "Everyone look lively! Redux, I can'f seem to contact Swirl. He must have found a female air elemental. Can you have Talon do a recon for us?"

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103)  d20+12=21 d20+11=22
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 10:42:38 PM

Her swords are out in a matter of seconds as Ashira notes the behavior of the owlbear. Watching Mykael work his way to the edge of the camp, Ashira mutters "Well, he's either really brave or really stupid."

"Alright folks, we've got trouble out there... Non-fighters, you move in close to the camp fires... Fighters, I want us to form an outer perimeter...let's circle the refugees...spread out, but not too far from each other. As she scoots out beside Mykael (about 20 feet to the side), Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out her everburning torch. She tosses it at her feet and scans the area, trying to locate the source of the threat (Spot=21, Listen=22). If she can identify a large enough threat, Ashira will cast spike growth in front of her position.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 12:59:15 AM

The monk eyes are riveted on Beltro " what is he doing ? " questions Jagar

Suddenly it dawns on him " uh oh trouble is brewing " as Jagar jumps up and edges near Mary and shakes her awake

" yep something is amiss Redux the darn smoky fires are a nice cover for whatever is coming "

Thursday October 6th, 2005 4:14:37 AM

Appolo awajes witha ywn and stretches dusting himself off.Grumbling something about his advice being ignored agian.Moving up to Ahira'We should have moved out.Now we have to fight agian."

Valanthe HP 114 / AC 23 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 7:38:16 AM

Val is up quickly slipping into her elven chain armor. As she redies herself she shouts orders in elven to the refugees around her. They need to be as ready for anything since all their lives were on the line again. Valanthe takes the heavy flail in her right hand and enchanted shield in the other.

Thursday October 6th, 2005 9:20:18 AM

The dwarf rises as the commotion wakens him from his slumber "By Domi this forest is cursed " grumbles Nezamil

As he gazes out into the forest his dwarven eyes trying to locate whats out there " yeah Captain make it nice big cow ......i'm hungry for steak " grins the dwarf

Big Bad wolf.........ADM Chris 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 3:01:42 PM

As Mykael,Ashira and Appolo advance to the camps perimter together a swarm of large ants can be seen in the everburning torchs light advancing on the trio.....a howl pierces the night and suddenly a dozen grey shapes streak thru the smoky fog moving directly at the trio

Quick thinking by the blue haired ranger and the timing of her spell ,the forest in front of the trio suddenly spikes up in front of them catching the wolves and ants in its lethal embrace (360 ft of spiked growth covers that whole side of the camp) the wolves whelp in pain and writh on the spiky growth

from the opposite side of the camp another dozen grey shapes streak thru the smoky fog heading directly for the refugees......standing between them is Beltro and Jagar and Mary .....Beltro roars a defiantly and holds his ground as the wolves charge at them closing the distance swiftly

Rdux hears Highlight to display spoiler: { " boos wolves lots of them " echos loudly in the mages head }

Val rally's the refugees around her especially the elven ones they take up postions behind but still unsure of what to do

Rigging senses Highlight to display spoiler: { Swirl comes within contact range }

The whole camp hears a chorus of howling all around the camp almost a symphony of howls

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103)  d20+12=21 d20+11=18
Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:29:39 PM

Ashira grins as the ants hit her spikes, though she grimaces at the sight of the wounded wolves. She still remembers the wolf she had as an animal companion for a short while on Isildur. "Alright, time to slow things down a bit..." Ashira casts an entangle spell on the wolves on the other side of the camp...but tries to be sure to keep it away from the refugees. As she casts, she keeps an eye on the battlefield, unsure of where the next attack will come from.

Rigging mage armor 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 9:31:46 PM

Rigging senses Swirl and calls out to him telepathically, "Swirl are you OK? Where have you been?"

He calls out to the spellusers, "Careful with your spells. It seems something is trying to wear us down. Get us to use our better spells. Something is driving these animals to attack."

I want to fight them physically if possible. We horribly outnumber them. Everyone get a stick or club." Rigging calls out to the refugees. "Lets beat these buggers off."

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 53 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:36:51 PM

Mykael looks as most or all of the ants and wolves in front of him are impaled or stopped by Ashira's spell.

He steps forward and swings at any ants that he can reach and kill with his sword.

If he cant reach any or they are already dead, he will stand and wait to see if any ants or wolves get through and charge them.

"This is sad, such a waste of life," Mykael comments.

Valanthe HP 114 / AC 23 
Friday October 7th, 2005 1:10:47 AM

Val has the refugees that are less exhausted, less affected by hunger take up positions on the outside. That way those too tired or hungry to adequately defend themselves are protected. She walks the line before the refugees briskly and confidently, the shaft of her heavy flail banging against her shield.

Appoloo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Friday October 7th, 2005 11:21:24 AM

Appolo looks around ok we got them stopped her for the time being.Ashira Mtkeal brought 40 spears back with him might suggest we hand them out and forma square with the spell caster arrhers in the cente the fighters and such on the perimeter.We move like aPhalnxe and grind our way out of here or just stand our ground and repel thier assoults."He then draws his swords and awaits her reply."I told Rigging something bigger badder and nastier then those birds was going to show up"

Friday October 7th, 2005 1:21:07 PM

OOC: Mykael brought a basic rapier and offered it to Val. I assume that she may fight and/or prefer it over the flail, just in case you missed it in my previous posts.

Also, Mykael brought 20 spears and they have already been passed out.

Friday October 7th, 2005 2:19:06 PM

The ranger shrugs. "Appolo, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. If it were just us then you better bet I'd get the flock out of here. But we've got over 200 people here and we can't push them in the dark with little sleep in unknown territory. So give Rigging a break. The best we can do right now is hold our ground at least until daybreak, which shouldn't be too long from now."

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65  d20+8=12 d20+8=24 d20+3=20 d10+3=11 d10+3=4
Friday October 7th, 2005 4:22:53 PM

The monk moves up to a postion next to Beltro and intercepts the 1st wolf ....striking with a roundhouse kick to the head(d20+8=24 2nd swing)(d10+3=11 dam) knock the beast down and quickly finshing it off with a blow to the throat(d20+3=20 3rd swing)(d10+3=4 dam)(total 15 dam) the wolf slumps to the forest floor " your turn Beltro " grins Jagar

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 
Friday October 7th, 2005 4:30:34 PM

" sam give them some cover fire " shouts the dwarf to the crossbowman as he points to Jagar and Beltro

With a quick look about " too dark too see anything " growls the dwarf " i'll have to fix that " the Cleric deftly touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi's light " prays the Cleric (casting light spell) quickly picking up a small stone placing the Domi's light upon it and casts it in front of Jagar and Beltro

Nezamil then unslings his shield from over his left shoulder and quickly drwas his mace alll in one motion...the years of training bearing fruit .

Can the Heros survive ?? ....ADM Chris  d20+2=5 d20+3=22 d20+9=17 d20+9=19 d20+4=13 d6+5=9 d8+4=7 d10=5 d4+2=5
Friday October 7th, 2005 5:23:36 PM

The quick thinking ranger again taps into her link with mother wold and talls grasses and brush reach( 80 ft radius) out for the wolves (d20+2=5 reflex save) entangling half the wolves(6) the six remaining avoid the grasping brush and head straight for the refugees but get intercepted By Jagar and Beltro the Monk quickly dispatches the 1st ....with a fierce roar Beltro rips into a 2nd wolf claws slashing it to bits and finally a monsterous bite to its neck snapping its neck(29 dam total) ...the owlbear tosses it;s lifeless body to the ground a satisfying growl emits from its throat .

A crossbowbolt flashes by the fighting duo slamming into a 3rd wolf (5 dam) a cheer from Sam goes up but the 4 wolves bypass the fighers and head straight to the refugees the only thing standing between them is Mary and some of the refugees hold spears "hold the line "shouts Mary

Mykael finds none of the wolves and ants get thru Ashira's death trap of spiked growth

With Ashira ,Mykael and Appolo on one side of camp and Jagar Beltro on the other backed up by the heroic Mary and Sam ......leaving Redux and Rigging near the center of the camp with Val and Kirin nearby providing protection for the refugees.

Calibine approaches Rigging and Redux's postion and draws a wand and quickly taps himself it and "poof" there are 5 Calibines standing there " which side we take " asks the mage

Just as Calibine asks his question a 3rd group of grey shapes dart forth under the smoky cover from yet another direction (east) dashing stright for the refugees closing the gap quickly with only a few spearman standing in the way defending the unarmed civilians.....screams issue forth from the refugees as they scamble for a way to escape the mad rush of wolves .

Riggings hears Highlight to display spoiler: { " i'm fine .....he says your weak and will not prevail....he is too strong...just ask Talon" }

Ashira,Mykael,Appolo are on the north side of camp
Beltro,Jagar with Mary and Sam are on south side of the camp
Redux,Rigging,Calibine slight east of the center
Val and Kirin slightly north west and Nezamil and Bart slightly south east of center

refugees scrambling around in the middle with Ari in the middle trying to keep them calm

Rigging ac 21 70/70 hps 
Monday October 10th, 2005 7:21:06 AM

Rigging pulls out his weapons as he is distracted by Swirl. "Who is stronger Swirl? Who have you been talking to? Whoever it is doesn't realize that he is messing with my family. I love my family. I love you Swirl. Man can do anything when he is protecting those he loves."

Rigging activates his ring of blinking and starts moving towards the wolves heading for the refugees.

He calls out to the others, "We need to take these creatures down quickly. Something is controlling them and directing their actions against us. We need to find the puppet master and cut his strings."

pull out weapons ... free action
activate ring....standard action
move 30' movement action.

OOC Chris not sure how far I am from the wolves. Please give me an idea next post.

Ring of Blinking 1/7
mage armor 3 hours left

Mykael - 19 AC - 53 HPs  d20+12=13 d100=66 6d6(3+4+3+2+4+2)=18
Monday October 10th, 2005 12:45:28 PM

Mykael hears the screams, turns and sees the danger to the east.

If he can reach the wolves this round, Mykael charges the wolves to the east, he attacks a wolf in the center and attempts to use the torch in his off hand to keep the others at bay.

(just have to love the luck... lol)
(attack is a natural 1)

Mykael makes his charge, but misses his attack and lands face first on the ground in front of the on coming wolves.


If Mykael cant make it to the wolves, Fireball streaks towards the wolves to the east.

(Mykael succeeds his spell failure, 66%. The fireball is centered to get all the wolves and none of the refuges... or as many of the wolves as possible, without getting the refugees. 18 hps of damage, save for half)

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65  d20+8=21 d20+8=20 d20+3=5 d10+3=7 d10+3=12
Monday October 10th, 2005 2:02:01 PM

The Monk whirls about as the remaining wolves dash by .....lashing out with his fists at one of the passing wolves ......both blows hammer the wolf " i'm up one on you Beltro " chortles Jagar

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp71 
Monday October 10th, 2005 2:07:48 PM

The dwarf surveys the meadow as the wolves attack from several sides " Eh Bart looks like da beasts are coming from each side we should be next by the looks of things " growls Nezamil to Bart " get ready "

The Cleric then quickly picks up a small stone " By Domi's light " preys Nezamil as he touches his anvil holy symbol and imbues the stone with light " try and sneak up on his now ya ugly critters " as the dwarf tosses the stone to the east side of the camp

The clash of the wolves.......ADM Chris  d20+3=11 d20+3=8 d20+3=17 d20+3=22 d20+9=14 d20+9=13 d20+3=11 d6+5=9 d8+2=9 d6+1=2 d20+1=17
Monday October 10th, 2005 3:37:00 PM

The wolves writhing in Ashira's spiked growth howl in pain as they succumb to its lethalness

On the South side the wolves(6) in the entangle spell sqirm but are help fast but their remaining(4) brethern turn on the fighting duo of Jagar and Beltro in his owlbear state 2 leap at each, Beltro's two miss him as he eagerly engages them striking one with a claw and crushing its throat with his teeth sending bloody bits of the wolf showing those nearby
The 2 attacking Jagar have better luck as the 1st wolf distracts his attention but fails to hit , the 2nd wolf bites deeply into the monks side as (2 pts of dam) but pays the price as the monk pounds its life from it with his fists

Mykael alertly turns towards the new threat and charges to the east side of camp but slips and slides on his chest and looks up as the wolves close in on him ......Appolo and Ashira look on as action unfolds.

Rigging actives his ring and also alertly turns to the new threat calling his fellow wildcards attention to the threat and readies himself for the clash (can swing next post) , Redux peruses his mind for a spell that could be useful , Calibine withdraws another wand and points it at one of the incoming wolves of and waits for its effect .

Mary yells out to the spearman protecting the refugees " hold the line have courage Domi is with us " as he rallies them , Sam reloads the crossbow

Val and Kirin watch as the 3rd group of wolves streak towards the refugees with only Nezamil and Bart standing in there way....only 2 againist 12 ...the wolves howl with anticapation of the hunt as they spread out in formation their shadows from the light spell dance in the smoky fog.......the refugees start to panic as they are being threatened on all sides with the 3rd group bearing down on them .....suddenly a group of them break ranks and dash towards the woods screaming in fear as they run ....Ari gives chase

More howls are heard close by

Monday October 10th, 2005 8:24:22 PM

OOC: I am not going to be able to post for Mykael in the next few days... probably until Thursday evening, CST. Therefore, would you post for Mykael, Chris.


Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Monday October 10th, 2005 11:36:54 PM

Redux decides to try something that'll hit more than one of the oncoming wolves. A wand appears in his hand, casting Web on a line of wolves to slow their advance on the unprotected refugees.

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103) 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 1:22:31 AM

Shaking the fog in her head, Ashira spins and casts Entangle on the most recent group of wolves to enter the combat (3rd group). Once more, she is careful to aim the spell so that Nezamil and Bart are not caught up in it.

Bart (AC24, HP 71/71) Spring attack  d20+15=25 d10+9=16 d6=2
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 1:31:48 AM

The muscular fighter smiles at the onrush of wolves. "Take this you mangy mutts!!" Bart yells as he springs forward and slices into a wolf (AC25 for 18). Then, with cat like reflexs, Bart springs back toward Nezmil and out of the wolves range.

Posted by Nellie

Mykael (AC23, HP 53/53) Casting Haste 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 1:37:58 AM

Growling in anger, Mykael rises to his feet. "Well, that was stupid." Waving his hands, Mykael casts Haste (not sure who else is nearby to be Hasted too) and draws his sword, ready for combat.

Posted by Nellie

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+9=28 d20+9=26 d10+4=10 d8+4=10
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 1:51:36 AM

Appolo moves quickly forward to protect Mykeal when he falls,slashing at the nearest wolf twice.Hitting it twice.

Hit 28 Critical,26 Damage 10x2+10=30 points total damage.

Rigging ac21 hps 70/70  d20+10=24 d20+10=13 d6+1=3 2d6(3+2)=5 d4+1=5 2d6(2+6)=8
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 7:17:47 AM

Rigging steps forward 5' and blinks to the side of the oncoming wolf slashing it badly with his rapier but getting a glancig blow with his dagger. He does 8 points of damage with his shortsword and 13 with his dagger.

OOC Chris, don't think I hit with the dagger but I rolled damage just in case

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65  d20+8=16 d20+8=15 d20+3=19 d10+3=6 d10+3=8 d10+3=7 d20+9=28 d20+9=16 d6+5=11 d6+5=6
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 3:13:29 PM

The monk grimaces slightly as blood trickles down his side staining his shirt red but takes his pain out on the last wolf in front of him ....his fists whistle thru the air as they smash into the wolfs torso .....the wolf gasps for breath as the monks blows hammer its last breath from its body and it falls to the ground limply " i think we're even " laughs Jagar as he turns to help Beltro finish the last wolf

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71  d20+11=23 d20+6=26 d8+5=11 d8+5=12
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 3:19:43 PM

The dwarf see's the wolves spread out and charge them ....quickly yanking his mace from his ring holster on his hip he steps in fron of a charging wolf and swings his mace (d20+11=23 1st swing)(1d8+5=11 dam) and a quick backswing (d20+5=26 2nd swing)(1d8+5=12 dam) slammimg the wolf to a dead stop at his feet " ya want some of this " growls the dwarf as he shakes his mace at the wolf pack

" nice hack bart " grunts Nezamil as he keeps Bart at his side

Wolves are sneaky! ADM Chris  d20+3=21 d20+3=17
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 3:54:08 PM

Jagar and Beltro secure the danger on the south side finishing off the last of the untangled wolves .

Ashira's 2nd entangle spell goes off to the north of Bart and Nezamil almost connecting to her spiked growth spell from early ....a nice natural wall of defense the ranger has built , catching 3 wolves as they tried to avoid the dwarf and big warrior in the middle.

Nezamil and Bart take down a couple wolves but 3 make it by them and 4 more streak by slight south of the 2 warriors making for the fallen Mykael .

Redux's wand casts its web ...it stretches to the south of Nezamil and Bart catching a couple of the wolves

As 3 wolves streak towards the fallen mage Appolo bravely steps infront of his fellow wildcard and makes a stand slashing at one of the beats and watches with satisfaction as it falls to the ground and moves no more.....one of the wolves leaps at Appolo its jaws flash inches from his throat just missing the agile Appolo its paws scratching at his armor but nothing more , the 3rd wolf pounces on the just risen Mykael as he casts a spell it also misses its mark causing no damage

4 more wolves head towards the refugees causing more panic with Rigging stepping forth to slash at a passing wolf (dagger missed Ac 14 )

Mary and the spearman brace for the wolves charge but the wolves deftly avoid the slower footed spearman with only Mary drawing blood on one of the wolves ...the 4 wolves crash into the refugees mauling 4 people with bites and claws.....causing several more refugges to panic and follow Ari into the woods

Calabine stands firm near the center of the meadow wand ready

Sam with newly loaded crossbow hustles up and stands naer Mary ready to lend his support

Val and Kirin stand protectivly by some of the refugees secure behind the Ashira's spells of spiked growth to the north and entangle to the east securing those sides from further invasion

Howls break out from the west as a 4th group of(12) wolves streak into the unprotected refugees spreading out in hunting formation, with the 1st 3 groups of wolves drawing attention away the attack is devastating as the wolves pounce on the helpless and now fully paniced refugees......biting and clawing....screams of terror shriek out as blood flows

The dead wolves spirits rise from their bodies and waft off into the darkness

More howls fill the night air

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+9=28 d20+9=24 d10+4=10 d8+4=7
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 9:06:05 PM

Appolo spins and attacks the next wolf,with pretty much the same results.He watches as the refugees panic and run.Thinking well they're dead.He just shakes his head."Rigging get the rest of the refugees to Ashira.fall back on he!!Everyone fall back on Ashira!!Those with the spears stand closer together,let the wolves come to you and impale themselves!!"He yells.

Attack 28 Crit 24 Damage 10x2+7=27 @7 points Damage.

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 11:39:59 PM

Redux turns to the west and sends another Web to cover the area in front of the refugees. 'Talon, can you tell me how many more groups of wolves there are? No, don't try to attack any of them. But do fly after Ari and the refugees in the forest and help us keep track of them.'

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103)  d20+15=16
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 11:58:24 PM

Ashira sighs...she was almost out of spells. "Alright people, you heard Appolo...move it!!! Val, Kirin...move the refugees 5 feet in front of the entangling wall. Warriors, we're linking up....form a semi circle, and we'll form a defensive line in front of the civilians. To emphasize her point, Ashira over toward Bart and Mykael and takes a swing at one of the nearest wolves but stumbles and twists her wrist as her sword gets caught up in the undergrowth (Geez, nat. 1).

Mykael (AC23, HP 53/53) Hasted  d20+10=28 d20+10=29 d10+3=12 d10+3=10
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 12:51:33 AM

Mykael looks over at the wolf that attacked him with distaste. "This is so sad really..." He brings his sword down in two amazing strokes and decimates the canine (AC28 for 12, AC 29 for 10). "We should find who's responsible for this and make them pay!" After he's finished with his wolf, Mykael moves over closer to Ashira, ready to move back and protect the gamblers.

OOC: By my figures, Appolo, Nezamil, and Bart should be Hasted too.

Posted by Nellie

Bart (AC24, HP 71/71) Hasted  d20+15=27 d10+7=11 d6=5 d20+10=14 d10+7=11 d6=6 d20+15=17 d10+7=15 d6=2
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 1:07:21 AM

Bart nods in agreement with Mykael and smiles when he feels Mykael's spell wash over him. "Alright...let's finish this." Bart's massive sword slices down with ease into the nearest wolf, freeing it of its life on the Wold (AC27 for 16). Then, with his return stroke, he slices into another wolf and likewise deprives it of life (AC14 for 17). And then, with a little help from friendly magic, Bart tears into another wolf and snuffs its candle too (AC17 for 17). Covered in wolf blood and fur, Bart springs over to take up a position on the other side of Mykael. "Well, what are we waiting for??" he asks with a big smile on his face.

Posted by Nellie

Rigging  d20+10=14 d20+10=30 d20+10=17 d100=92 d100=42 d6+1=6 d4+1=5 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(4+3)=7
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 8:34:08 AM

Rigging slashes at the wolves with sword and dagger hitting twice.

He hits twice for 27 points of damage to the wolf in front of him.

He yells out, "We need to find the source. Kill these wolves fast and then Wildcards form up on me!"

Valanthe HP 114 / AC 23 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 12:54:05 PM

"Alright people you heard the lady. Let's move it. Put your backs to the wall. Quickly now this is no time for hesitation." Val shouts and heards the refugees that are still there into position.

Jagar Ac 21(19 for chgarging) Hp 63/65  d20+11=25 d10+3=10
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 4:54:19 PM

Jagar turns at the sound of the (4th) pack of wolves charging from the westside into the midst of the panicing refugees "ggrrrr" growls from the throat of the monk as he see's the wolves ripping into them "lets get'em Beltro " as Jagar charges into the fray and leaps at a wolf with a flying kick(d20+11=25)knocking it backwards (d10+3=10 dam) saving an innocent young girl

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 5:00:56 PM

The dwarf spins around as the wolves dash by and gives chase but the speedy wolves out distance the dwarf easily but he hurls himself in the chaos of the refugees seeking to do what he can " shoot Sam " shouts Nezamil as he spots Sam with the reloaded crossbow

Fog of War ADM Chris  d20+4=18 d8+2=10
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 5:48:13 PM

Jagar charges to the westside and delivers a flying kick to a wolf knocking it down ...with Beltro on his heels he leaps on the downed wolf and bites a crushing blow to the beast (d20+4=18)(d8+2=10) ripping its head clear off .

Rigging in the middle of the chaotic fray pounces on a wolf and slashes it apart leaving its entrails leaking from it's torso which nearlry splash Appolo as he dispatches another wolf effieciently all the while barking orders at the paniced refugees to get behind Ashira quickly formimg defensive line.
Nezamil charges into the center of the meadow ending up near Rigging and Appolo.
Mykael slashs at a wolf and quickly dispatches it and steps next to Ashira with his back to the enspelled wall
Bart wades in front of 3 wolves trying to break thru to the refugees but the valient warrior shows his prowess and slashes all 3 to death his word arcing in a deadly dance of death finshing up near Ashira and Mykael and falls into line as the swords misstress rallies the woldcards in defensive formation in fron of the wall of spikes and entangled growth.

Val and Kirin already near Ashira fall in formation spread out in the defensive line calling refugees to get behind them.
Calabine activates his wand again as he points it a wolf as it bites a gambler and is suddenly drops to the ground, the mage all 5 of his vasges step near Rigging taking a flanking postion.
Mary heeds Ashira's call and barks out orders to the spearman and retired warriors to herd the refugees to seek refuge behind the wildcards......the refugees surge towards as they try to run away from the charging wolves from the west.
Sam hustles after Nezamil but holds his fire as no clear shot at the wolves presents itself with the mass of people dodging wolves and running for the safety of the defensive wall
Redux activates his web wand and catches a a wolf and several refugees in it (hard to be precise with 200 people milling about)

Redux hears Highlight to display spoiler: { " boss there's aabout 10 people running thru the woods i can't tell which one is Ari they all look alike to me " }
Rigging hears Highlight to display spoiler: { " hehe more wolves are coming ...think you can handle them ? " } as Rigging see's swirl hovering over the meadow

defensive line ,Ashira,Val,Kirin,Mykael,Bart,Mary, 3 retired warriors and 10 spearman
Center:Rigging, Redux,Calabine,Nezamil,Sam,Appolo
westside : Jagar and Beltro

the dead wolves spirits rise up into the swirling smoke along with several of the refugees spirits the wolves have killed

a small flock(6) of ravens appear above the meadow and dive on the milling mass of people cawing loudly as they fly

Redux HP 50, AC 20  d4+1=4 d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 8:14:41 PM

Looking skyward, Redux also sees the birds coming in. 'Talon, watch out for the ravens.' Holding his 2nd wand aloft, he sends 3 Magic Missiles at 3 separate birds, trying to disperse the group. (dmg = 4, 5, & 4). Seeing the ground heating up, Redux activates his levitation ring to slowly begin to float up.

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103) 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 12:39:38 AM

Ashira sighs at the refugees continue to panic. She looks over at the rapidly forming line. "Alright, then, move the line back...let's close it up and form a box...Jagar, Beltro take care of the wolves inside."

Ashira begins to move backward, making sure that the line holds.

Rigging ac 21 hps 70/70  d20+10=15 d20+10=17 d6+1=3 d4+1=2 2d6(4+5)=9 2d6(1+6)=7 d100=67 d100=23
Thursday October 13th, 2005 6:50:31 AM

Rigging listens to the comment from Swirl concerned at the tone of voice. He beams back, "Swirl are you OK? I hope you remember your on my side. How many wolves are coming"

Rigging then calls to the others, "We are in a vicious circle. We need to get to the source. Until we do, we will suffer attack after attack until the refugees are dead.

Redux, Can Talon lead us to the source. Something is confusing Swirl right now and I am not sure we can trust his judgement."

He glances at his wife and says, "Yes I mean to leave the refugees. We need to do this or they are all dead anyway."

Not use if there is a wolf within striking distance or not. If there is, I will swing. Hitting twice for but will have blinked out on the second hit. So I only did 12 points of damage.

If nothing is nearby, Rigging sheaths his weapons and pulls out a wand of fireballs.

OOC Won't be able to post again til late tomorrow, so I might miss a post. If that is the case, Rigging wants to lead the Wildcards into the woods upon Talon's directions and find the nasty directing this.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 11:54:00 AM

Appolo goes completely on the defensive and falls back alongside Ashira.Hearing Rigging.He turns to him"How about this boss we fight until daylight,then we break out.Kirin leads the refugees back ot civilization and we go after the source at least that way they will have daylight and some of them will have a fighting chance to reacj safety,"

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65  d20+8=14 d20+8=28 d20+3=12 d10+3=13 d10+3=13
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:39:02 PM

The Monk moves to attack another wolf thats chomping on a civilian launching a flurry of fists (d20+8=14 1st swing)(d10+3=13 dam) snapping several ribs (d20+8=28)(d10+3=13 dam) and finsihes it off with a blow to the wolfs head " your turn Beltro "

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71  d20+11=20 d20+5=18 d8+5=10 d8+5=9
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:45:20 PM

Now in the middle of the chaos of the scrambling refugees and wolves the dwarf picks a target takes out his frustration on it with a double overhead smash with his mace(d20+11=20 1st swing)(d8+5=10 dam)(d20+5=18 2nd swing)(d8+5=9 dam) squashing it to the ground with his powerful strokes

with a peek back at Ashira's tactics everyone behind the line " growls out Nezamil as he waves refugees back towards Ashira's defensive setup

The end or just the beginning ??......ADM Chris 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 4:07:54 PM

Jagar and Beltro on the west edge of the camp continue wreaking havoc on the wolves as they maul two more wolves scattering the rest with their fury.

The mass of refugees swarm between the defensive line and enspelled walls of spiked growth.
Ashira's entangle spell on the south edge of camp still has 6 wolves entaled and Redux's web as a couple more

Ashira directs the defensive line forward pushing westward and gets to the center of the camp where they meet up with Rigging,Redux,Nezamil,Calabine,Appolo and Sam which enables the defensive line to expand and give more refugees a chance to make it safely behind them.
Rigging pulls his wand of fireballs readying it for action Highlight to display spoiler: { " very impressive boss...maybe he isn't as strong as he says he is "whispers swirl in Riggings mind }
Appolo Blends into the defensive line and wisely raises his opinion on a possible course of action
Val and Kirin advance along side Ashira in the defensive line with several of the elven refugees trailing behind them.
Nezamil smashes another wolf as the line reaches his postion and takes his place to fortify it
Mykael feeling quicker with his haste spell upon keeps pace with the line and feels a tingling sensation.
Bart which his sword in hand walks instep with mykael also gets a tingling sensation

Redux switches wands and 3 bolts of flame head into the night sky striking 3 ravens and he watches them plummet to the ground only to see their spirits rise up , With a twist of his ring the mage rises up in the air above the meadow.
The three remaining ravens caw inanger and arc about to enage the turncoat Talon

The wolves from the west(4th group) waver as Ashira's line advances pushing across the meadow

Suddendly out of the west another group of wolves appear(5th group) and their howls echo in thtu the meadows they don't charge but wait on the western edge of the camp with several of them edging foward eyeing Beltro in his owlbear visage and the fleetfooted Jagar

Valanthe HP 114 / AC 23 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:13:38 PM

Val holds the line and tries to bolster the spirits of the refugees. Being in a life threatening situation and helpless to do anything about it is a terrible thing to experience.

ooc: sorry if Val hasn't done more but without a map of where the wolves are compaired to the pc's I'm totally lost. I'm really not sure what's going on other than wolves attacking refugees.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:14:07 PM

Redux calls out a mental warning to Talon. Then he sends 3 more Magic Missiles at the 3 remaining birds. (dmg = 5, 5, & 5 (wow))

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103) 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 11:12:23 PM

Ashira looks over at Rigging with a glare in her eye. "No!! No one gets left behind tonight. We will deal with this threat and then we will find the source." Ashira gives Rigging "the look"...and he knows that she is not willing to give in on the issue. "Alright, close up the box!" she barks out to the line. "Jagar and Beltrio...how are those wolves coming along?"

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Friday October 14th, 2005 11:29:39 AM

The Monk turns his head at the sound of Ashira's voice " Mrs. Arrack looks like they're starting to turn tail " reports Jagar with a grin " just look at that new bunch " points Jagar to the western edge of the camp " not even coming over to play "

Jagar quickly turns his attention back to Beltro " looks like they're scared of us "

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 
Friday October 14th, 2005 11:31:38 AM

The dwarf walks in step with the defensive line
making sure there is a little open space between the walkers to let the fleeing refugees thru to safety

Friday October 14th, 2005 4:00:28 PM

Mykael holds his postion in the defensive line...surveying the the field in front of him for a wolves that might try and break thru to the refugees

posted by Chris

From the Night into the Light ADM Chris 
Friday October 14th, 2005 4:33:14 PM

The remaining wolves in the center of the meadow by the fighting duo of Jagar and Beltro
turn tail having enough of the owlbear and monk head over to join the wolf pack lurking at the western edge of camp .

Most of the surviving refugees are now safely in the now enclosed area behind Ashira's defensive and enspelled spike growth + entangle.

several dead bodies can be seen in the center of camp ..the wolves handwork shows along with a bunch of wounded crawling towards the safety zone.
Ashira glares at her husband and voices her displeasure with his veiws of what to do then barks orders to all the along the defensive line to tighten up the spacings to prevent further attacks on the refugees.
Val and Kirin take charge of the refugees in the area encourging them to not dispair.
Appolo and Bart quietly hold their postion.
Nezamil follows Ashira's oders but surveys the meadow for wounded knowing his next task will be to help the injured once the wolves are driven away
Mary inspired by Ashira's leadership takes charge and relays her orders to the spearman and retired warriors getting them in the right postions
Sam takes up a postion next to the dwarf crossbow ready.
Beltro in owlbear form roars a challenge to the departing wolves and holds his postion out infront of the group standing on his hind legs with Jagar next to him

Redux activates his wand of magic missles and quickly dispatches the 3 remaining ravens Highlight to display spoiler: { "nice shooting boss " praises Talon }
Calabine all five of him falls back to Ashira's postion .
Rigging ears burn as he hears his wife share her difference of opinion about the next course of action

I understand the issue with no map Walter , i'm not up on my map making skills , i tried to be descriptive enough hoping that would be enough
Dm Jim will back on Monday and ready to take the next in our journey in the wold

Valanthe HP 114 / AC 23 
Friday October 14th, 2005 7:11:07 PM

"Ashira you heard your captain. If he said move then we move. Being married to him doesn't make you captain #2. We are all entitled to our own opinion on matters. After all didn't you express to me in the past about how I needed to follow orders instead of my own opinion? My independent actions, now matter how right I thought they were, have hurt us in the past." Valanthe said loudly so Ashira would hear. She glanced back at the refugees, especially the elven ones, before running over to do as Rigging ordered, smashing any wolves that crossed her path.

Rigging hps 70/70 ac 21  5d6(6+6+1+5+6)=24
Friday October 14th, 2005 10:42:33 PM

Rigging looks at Ashira and says, "We can't keep fighting like this. We are losing people. These creatures are just regenerating. I don't think they are afraid (he points at the waiting wolves), I think they are just gathering numbers to be more effective in fighting us. I guess I am sleeping on the couch but I am pulling rank Dear."

In a louder voice, "Wildcards, we are going after the source. Everyone else form up and protect each other. I have a feeling that most of the wolves and birds will be attacking us anyway."

Riggging then reaches out to Swirl, "My friend, I am in need of your aid. Please show me where this "He" is. I want to have a little chat with him. Please guide me to him."

He says to the others, "Follow me."

Rigging will set out towards where he feels Swirl hoping his familiar will guide him in.

He smiles grimly as he points his wand while walking and lauches a fireball at the 5th group doing 24 or 12 points of damage to them.

Friday October 14th, 2005 10:58:00 PM

"Hey, before we talk of going anywhere, shouldn't we go after Ari and the refugees he was after? Besides, anyone controlling the animals around here is doing so from a distance. Why don't you talk to your 'wind'.

Somewhat irked at his human friends were acting this way. Boy, it was strange the way the animals are behaving. 'Talon, what do you know about this "king" guy? Where's he operating from? Can you point us in the right direction?'

Ashira (AC22, HP103/103) 
Friday October 14th, 2005 11:56:20 PM

The half-elf is sobered by Val and Rigging's words. "Yes, perhaps you are righ..." Ashira winces in pain, and her hands instinctively travel to her head. Her eyes glaze over for the briefest of moments as she listens to the voice murmuring in her head. "No!! Rigging, Mother says we must keep the group intact. He fears our numbers. Please don't!! We dealt with the other threats, we can deal with this one. Then, when we are done with the wolves we can hunt him down." Ashira looks over at Rigging, keeping her place in line and warily watching the wolves as she hopes Rigging will concede.

Bart (AC24, HP 71/71) Hasted 
Saturday October 15th, 2005 12:01:51 AM

The warrior watches the exchange between Ashira, Val and Rigging as he keeps moving with the line. "Rigging, I'm not leaving these people behind. Domi watch over us and grant us courage!!"

Posted by Nellie

Mykael (AC23, HP 53/53) Hasted 
Saturday October 15th, 2005 12:06:11 AM

Mykael looks over at Rigging. "Yes, Ashira, the Captain is right. He steps out of the line and heads over toward Rigging, but stops as the ranger has her vision. He looks over at Rigging. "Well Captain, what are your orders?"

Posted by Nellie

Valanthe HP 114 / AC 23 
Saturday October 15th, 2005 9:37:23 AM

Val turns and looks back but doesn't stop moving. "This is not a comittee nor a democracy. We are a military unit. The best thing to do is to eliminate the threat. How can you think staying here is the right thing to do? We have no food, no water, no time to hunt or rest. Unless we stop the source you are just killing these people slowly. If you stay it is the same as if you killed them yourself. Committing to a slow death is still death."

Saturday October 15th, 2005 11:58:19 AM

The Monk stands next to Beltro and raises his fist at the wolves " want some more of this " shouts Jagar as he shakes his fist.

Jagar looks about the meadow checking out the carnage but smiles as he spots Mary

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 
Saturday October 15th, 2005 10:28:28 PM

The Cleric observes the battlefield looking for the wounded " durn beasts " growls the dwarf

As the the Wildcards voice their opinions " no don't say that ....now they will really panic " groans Nezamil

"I'm with ya on this Ashira " barks out Nezamil as he voices his support of her views

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Monday October 17th, 2005 12:59:08 PM

Appolo just stands silently and awaits the next attack.

DM Jim: A new Dawn 
Monday October 17th, 2005 1:11:03 PM

The sun is rising on a new day and the battle is winding down. The wolves are withdrawing and chasing after the prey that ran off into the forest and down into the valley, Ari included. Wolf howls can be heard moving away from the group.

With the rising dawn everyone takes stock of the situation. There are dead wolves and a few dead refugees among the trampled grasses and bushes. The plants seem to be recovering well, and fast.

All those that were hasted are drenched in sweat and feel different (spot check DC 15 to determine that each has lost an inch of height and maybe 10 pounds: Ashira DC 15 or no effect and Val is uneffected.) Even more interesting is that Rigging did not return from his last blink and has nothing to fire his wand at from this side.

Rigging can see the outline of the group members, but seems to have lost his way back as he is still out of phase. Rigging can still feel Swirl "You need to come to the center of the valley to meet the power source, just leave the anchor home, it will be much more fun that way....."

Talon answers Redux. "The Kings power is everywhere." Redux notices that Talon seems larger again as he is easily half Redux's size now, One big Owl.

many of the terrified refugees gain some solace by the dawn, but many move to surround Nezamil and plead. "Do not abandon us!"

Mary and John take up defensive position around the throng of people encircling Nezamil and they echo Ashira "Mother says we need to keep the group intact." John has his bow at the ready and a very determined Mary has her bloody short spear out in front.

Val offers commentary not too different from the missing Rigging. Mykael also offers support for Rigging order, but Bart offers compasion for the refugees.


Two strings of four of the large foot long ants are marching toward the group knotted around Nezamil, they are not waving their pinchers like before.

After 30 seconds Rigging pops back to the group: DC 15 fort save or loss one strenght.

Ashira notices her husband looks thin and is it possible even shorter than before?

Appolo is much calmer and quieter than normal.


OOC: I am back from my travels and vacation and I want to thank Nellie and Chris for pitching in. You both did a great job!!

Monday October 17th, 2005 11:45:02 PM

"Well your tactic worked Ashira. By arguing instead of following the captains orders you have caused enough delay to where the trail has gone cold. I never would have gotten away with such an act. I guess you feel that you are in charge." Val says angrily. She heads back over to the elven refugees that she has taken under her wing. Val kneels down and starts removing the eighteen javelins that were stored in one pocket of her enchanted quiver. She hands them to Melonie to distribute as she sees fit. Val is much to angry to think as clear as she needs to right now.

Redux  d20+2=7
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:04:50 AM

Redux looks over his bird friend. 'You are getting to look very good. i could get used to you being this big. Stay close with me, friend. If things ever turn south in a hurry, we'll both blink out of here. Until then, this is an interesting adventure.'

"Well, how shall we proceed? As one large group or one fairly small one and one very large one?"

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:05:12 AM

The Cleric calls upon Domi's new faithful to help calm the refugees and organize the wounded .

As the dwarf makes his way to the wounded he reassures them and tends to their wounds (cure minor wounds and cure light wounds to heal any bite and claw marks )" you will not be abandoned "assures Nezamil " there are many aremed people here to help in our defense ....have faith in them to protect you " implores Nezamil

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:06:30 AM

ooc: will you let me know what the added size has done for Talon's str & hp, or just keep track of them yourself. i'm sure with the size comes a little bonus if he were to ever attack something.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:09:54 AM

Jagar joins the group about the dwarf and Ashira helping set up the defense but makes sure he is near Mary ....and inquires if she is ok after the battle with the wolves

Rigging  d20+7=12
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:56:12 AM

Rigging slumps to the ground feeling weakened and a trifle scared. (Failed fort save)He immediately deactivates his ring of blinking.

He sighs, "I have wings, my ring is malfuntioning and I am afraid to do any other spells. I really am not liking this journey. We should have taken the road and skipped this fun journey of gambling and wine."

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 10:39:03 AM

"Captain sir may I suggest that everybody rests for a while. Moving or staying is equally dangerous. But we can fight better rested. It's rough but if we remain strong we can survive this. We cannot give up now. With the wolves about it will be dangerous to hunt but it might be possible to find some food if we hunt in small groups."

DM Jim: Decisions 
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:34:57 PM

The group is exhausted and debates their next move. The refugees stay in large groups close to Nezamil and Ashira. Some stay by Val as she has spoken out about resting up, which they seem in favor of.

Rigging is weakened and does not offer any follow up on his earlier suggestions/orders for the Wildcards. Rigging also voices his concerns about his use of magic.....The now owlbear Beltro shakes his feathery head in agreement and voices a load CAW.

Jager moves over toward his new friend Mary. mary seems alright, but is preoccupied with talking to the other refugees and attempting to calm them down, which is working. Mary seems to be coming in to her own, maybe she was made to be a leader.

John attempts to rally the other combative/armed refugees (Moe, Ralph and Calibine) and keep them sharp. Hal and his brother Kirk start rounding up those refugees not in the center of the Wildcards pickets. Sam stays close to Nezamil and fiddles with the repeating crossbow. "This is a neat weapon." He exclaims.
Ashira, Bart, Appolo and Mykael are all strangely quite. (We have to do better posting people: note that I will attempt to post at lunch east coast time.)


OOC: Talon is now 3/4 of Redux's HP and has +4 str.


The two rows of four ants link up and seem to be communicating with one another. One moves forward toward Mary and starts waving its feelers at her. Mary looks on confused by the action. and loks to Ashira for guidance. "Any thoughts/" as she points to the ants with her short spear.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 3:04:32 PM

Redux voices his opinion, "We should move out. We've rested as much as we'll get in one place. Rigging, does that ring use Transmutation magic? That's the stuff that is so dangerous right now. It's the same with my wand for Bull Strength; probably give someone a tail, if it didn't turn them into a bull. Who knows? If you have any other types they should be OK."

DM JIM: Nicely done, Redux gets 500 exp and one hero point for the revelation on the transmutation magic.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 3:12:56 PM

"Mary you remember what the ants did to us last time. Better kill the thing before it stings you." Valanthe says. She moves forward and draws the heavy flail as she slowly gets into a flanking position.

Ashira  d20+2=5 d20+13=24
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 3:58:18 PM

The ranger moves in front of Val before she can administer a killing blow. "Hold up there Val. They're not attacking." Ashira sighs as she realizes that it will be until tomorrow before she can cast Speak with Animals. Ashira looks carefully at the ants, knowing that something is up, but she can't quite wrap her mind around it (Wis=5). "Don't attack just quite yet. Let's watch then and see what they do...who knows...maybe they're traitors and want to help us find the King." Ashira chuckles, knowing full well that their luck is not that good.

She turns to her husband and smiles. "I don't care what anyone says, you're the best looking man in this valley!" Adopting a more serious tone, Ashira weighs the options. "Val, you're right. We're in a jam...either option is just as bad. We really haven't rested enough, but there is all likelihood that the attacks will continue if we try to rest. At least now we have daylight. I think Redux is right. I think it's time to head out. We'll travel faster during the daylight hours and maybe we can hunt down the source of all this trouble soon."

Ashira looks at Val for a long time... That outburst of hers out there was very strange. Perhaps it is just the strain of the constant battles, but Ashira is beginning to worry about the Elven barbarian.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 8:10:58 PM

Appolo remains relaxed and moves next to Valanthe.He has a been here done this before look about him."Relax sunshine.It's not like we don't do this sort of thing all the time.This Fae King guy is just another notch on on the hilt of our sword."He watches the ants carefully"Yeah and looks like those things are trying to talk to Mary."

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 8:34:29 PM

"It's hard to relax love. When we relax people die. We've been attacked by animals for days. All of a sudden one walks up and starts twitching its pieces and we are trusting it? How nieve have we gotten? How many people have died from these creatures? We have magical weapons and armor. We can survive another assault. These people don't have that luxury." Val says loudly so the refugees can hear.

"Ashira we won't get 5 miles by dark in this condition. Are you willing to slaughter more of these people when we get attacked again? When you sword arm is too heavy to wield your blade?"

She turns to look at Rigging. It didn't matter what they discussed. He was the boss. His orders were the ones they would follow. "Captain sir, what do you wish to do? These people need more help than we can provide. Perhaps we find a dfensable position and hold up. Some of us stay here and do the best we can to hold out while most of the wildcards head back and get help. Food, water, wagons for travel. Right now we are in a lose lose situation. We need to do something to change the rules of the game."

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:09:45 PM

Mykael looks at the group, "Its simple, we either head to town and fight the whole way or we take out the cause. However, I believe that we should do it all together."

Looking at the refugees, "We all have been put in a tough situation, and you all know and have seen how tough of a spot we are in. The Wildcards have done what we can to help, and most of you have stepped up and assisted to the best of your ability. We are open to attack at all times, and they are wearing us down, both in strength and in numbers. I believe we should deal with the source, and I submit that you all should come along and help. This will still allow the Wildcards to help protect you, and you could help us to save yourselves, ourselves, and this land."

"Hold the line, I am going after Ari and see if there are any others out there to save. If you move on, we will catch up. Anyone wish to join me? The wolves dont scare me, but a better guide and woodsman would help to find them faster."

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 10:25:21 PM

Nezamil nods as talks to the refugees "exactly Mykael "agrees the dwarf

"but you shouldn't go after Ari we need everyone here incase of another attack " adds Nezamil to Mykael

"i'm gonna tend to the wounded " growls Nezamil as he rushes forth directing Domi's new faithful in the effort

let Ari go he is going to be absent for awhile , that was a way of writing him out , Dm delete this in a day or day

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 10:28:35 PM

As he stands about watching Mary take charge he overhears Val voicing her concerns " Val has a valid point how do we know there all of a sudden friendly " adds Jagar in his support of the Elven warrior

Thursday October 20th, 2005 12:09:27 AM

The half-elf shakes her head in disbelief of Val's stubborness. She pulls the Elven warrior aside. "Val, what is your problem? Didn't you hear what the Mother of the Valley wants us to do? She says that this Fae King guy fears our numbers...that's why he's pressing his attack so hard. Splitting up is exactly what he wants us to do!! I know we don't have any good options here, but let's not play directly into this guy's hand either."

Ashira looks over at Jager. "You're right, Jager, we don't know if they're friendly or not. It's just...I don't know...they're acting different. Let's just watch them for a while and see what happens. If they show the smallest signs of attacking we'll kill them."

Thursday October 20th, 2005 7:43:18 AM

"Look at these people Ashira. Some of them can barely stand. No food or rest for days. Its a miracle that they have started dropping from that alone. Ashira we don't have enough food to keep our own strength up so that we can defend these people."

Val walks way from Ashira and back over to the main group of refugees. "All our lives are in equal danger here. Do you want to drudge along the road for miles and miles, unsure of how long you will last. Or would you like to rest where we can try to hunt for more food." Valanthe says loudly so the refugees can hear. They are in the most danger so she feels they should have a voice in things.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 11:17:05 AM

Seeing that the group is neither moving or being attacked and the anys are just standing there,Appolo shrugs his shoulders and walks over to Val"Come on sunshine let's go get some rest while we can."He sats in rather calm voice witha happy smile.As he puts his arm around her shoulder hoping to reassure her.

DM Jim: Course of Action 
Thursday October 20th, 2005 1:06:05 PM

The Wildcards debate among themselves and with several of the refugees on what to do next. No one seems to be grabbing the reins of leadership until Mary steps forward. In a load and clear voice Mary Begins "Listen up everyone. I keep hearing voices and they keep telling me to listen to Ashira's guidance. I think we should follow her lead." Mary looks to Ashira for further encouragement.


Val brings us several good points about the status of this group. Food is low and no one got a good nights sleep. Foraging is an option as the valley has proven to be plentiful, but no one is moving. Also, foraging takes time as does hunting. Water is not a problem, because Kirin has been following the stream since the group left the waterfalls the previous day.


What to do with the eight large ants? Seven seem to be waiting while one still waves its feelers. After several minutes, they seem to give up and move off toward the center of the valley. They are not moving fast, but it is amazing how they can traverse all types of obsticles. They are moving in a group and not single file as you have seen them move before.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 1:17:20 PM

Valanthe turns and walks over to Mary. "Your opinion is noted. Ashira can make suggestions the same as everyone else. The fact that you hear voices makes me a tad bit worried. Your personal judgement may be compromised and you wouldn't even know it. The fact is it doesn't matter what you want to do, I want to do, or Ashira wants to do. Neither of us is in charge. Mary you can go about your way. Nothing is stopping you. But me and the other Wildcards have sworn an oath. We are a military unit and Rigging is the leader of that unit. We carry out his orders not Ashira's. Now I hope that clear because I would hate to have to repeat myself. If you don't like what he says just start walkin."

Valanthe narrows her eyes and stands there for a moment before walking away. She heads straight for Rigging, shield in hand, flail hanging at her side.

"Captain you need to make a descision. Are we staying and resting or should I start handing out what rations we have left for the days march?"

Thursday October 20th, 2005 7:45:16 PM

Jagar nods at Ashira's assement of how to deal with the insects.

The Monk steps up next to Mary after Val voices her concerns " you have done well in these trying circumstances " soothes Jagar " i trust you"

Thursday October 20th, 2005 7:51:45 PM

As the dwarf oversees the direction if caring for the wounded he makes sure Domi's new faithful are doing the nessacary things to help before edging back to where the group discussion is taking place stopping only to check on Sam .

"Val your absolutely right that Captain Rigging is in charge but we all can voice our opinions " growls Nezamil sternly " i happen to agree with Mary and Ashira on sticking together and i will voice that choice .

Thursday October 20th, 2005 8:13:59 PM

"Come on, let's move! Sheesh guys, this could be days. I've never seen everyone at each other's throats like this. ... Follow those ants."

Thursday October 20th, 2005 9:09:13 PM

Rigging stands painfully up and clears his throat, "Val, thank you for your vote of confidence, but Nezamil is right. I value and appreciate everyone's opinions. Still I am the Captain and once I make a decision, I expect you all to follow me." He grins a pirate grin and in a lower salty voice says, "If ye lubbers give me any trouble, I will have ye keelhauled the long way!"

Back in his normal voice, "I really don't believe in my heart that we should all go but only the Wildcards should forge ahead. Still most of you think the other way. I will allow the wisdom of the group to influence me this time. We all go.

Lets follow those Ants. We move now. If you can't keep up, you get left behind. Lets go."

Rigging will head out following the ants at a quick pace.

Friday October 21st, 2005 11:17:06 AM

Appolo moves quickly and silently forward witha wry smile on his face he nods to Rigging,giving hima salute.Taking point right behind the ants.

DM Jim: Ant Following 
Friday October 21st, 2005 1:25:15 PM

Most of the Wildcards give Rigging a vote of confidence. Rigging then orders everyone, including the refugees (with some hesitation) to follow the ants. It is strange that Ashira does not raise her voice to support her husband.

Mary does not back down from Val's words, but takes no action. Mary seems to remember Val's slap, but does nothing with the bloody spear in her hands. When Val is done speaking she backs away and goes to talk with other refugees.

The ants are moving only 20 feet per round so no one has problem keeping pace. The concern is the terrain and the plant life. The land is green in the extreme and a path must be forced in some locations. Kirin again moves out in front of the group. "I will see if I can make the way easier." Kirin draws his plant clearing blade and off he disappears into the undergrowth.

The trail the the group is following is not wide, 10 feet at the most and single file in some spots. The line of refugees and heros is getting very spread out.

There are times that fruit trees are sighted along the way and the refugees bolt for them to suppliment their meager rations. The same happens when there is easy acess to the steam that is nearby, reugees go and get a drink.

Those refugees that Val handed weapons to took them and arrange themselves with her similar to the way Nezamil has his own flock.


This is the marching order as I see, please edit your position in your next post or you are where I put you.

This marching order snakes through the forest and you can only see 5 or so people in front or behind you. The farther back you are in line the more trampled the path is and the easier the going. It is possible to move up and down the line, but no more than normal movement because of the undergrowth.





10 refugees


20 Refugees


30 Recently converted followers of Domi


Hal and Kirk

20 Refugees




20 Refugees


20 Refugees


4 retired warriors and their wives

20 refugees


10 Refugees

Three hours of marching has gone by and progress is make but everyone is getting hot and tired. The sun is rising every higher and there are no clouds to shield the heros, but the vegetation does help. This marching is hard work!

Everyone Roll DC 30 spot and DC 25 listen check.


OOC: Someone please play Bart until the end of this senario and once(if) you get back to South Harbor, we will write him out of the game.

Mykael  d20+4=14 d20+1=7
Friday October 21st, 2005 2:22:15 PM

OOC: We have plenty of iron rations that I bought in town. They are not the best, but are good and filling. We shouldnt be going hungry. Wanting fruit and stuff to suppliment, I understand.

Mykael notes that not one Wildcard is in the back, so he steps aside and lets all pass, then he moves back into line.

As the group passes him he comments to all, "If something happens, group together and dont run. Please help us to help you, we are in this together."

With a strong look on his face, he nods to the warroirs and thier wives in respect and reassurance as they pass.

He nods to Val and states, "I will take the rear guard."

Keeping his eyes and ears open at the back, he contemplates, the situation and what they have left in them. Not to mention, why they are blindly following a bunch of ants. And he thinks back about the governors of South Harbor, how many have perished because of thier lack of caring, desire, and/or ability to do anything. This story will get out, I will make sure of that.

(Spot - 14, Listen - 7)

Valanthe  d20+8=25
Friday October 21st, 2005 5:42:53 PM

"That's quite alright Mykael. That's what I am doing. These elven refugees are armed and it bolsters their spirits to take an active roll. Besides your not a wildcard and I just met you. I'm sure that you would be of actual use someplace else. I won't show my incompetance to the Captain by allowing someone who is not a Wildcard do my job." Valanthe replies obviously insulted. She'll stop and wait for Mykael to move back into his position in the line.

ooc: listen check 25

Friday October 21st, 2005 6:45:35 PM

The Monk falls into postion as the march starts he looks ahead to spot his battle partner Beltro still in his owlbear form

Jagar weaves a diagonal path as he walks so much faster then the others he surveys the flanks of his postion as he reaches each edge and peeks ahead once in awhile hoping to spot Mary

Nezamil  d20+5=9 d20+5=22
Friday October 21st, 2005 7:11:34 PM

The Cleric marches along behind Domi's new faithful " good to see Domi's flock is growing " smiles the dwarf

Looking forward he see's Bart " good to see the warrior new Domi's faithful protected in front "
With a peek behind he spots Kirk and Hal the two big bouncers from the riverboat " heya guys lets work together if anything happens....we would make a formidable trio with our muscles " remarks the dwarf as he flex's his bicep with a grin "smash em we will "

As he marches he looks around for the woodsman " Kirin's upfront ...hmmm where's John ? " asks the dwarf of himself

d20+5=8 spot ch d20+5=22 listen ch

Ashira  d20+12=22 d20+11=31
Friday October 21st, 2005 11:46:27 PM

Ashira is kept quite busy splitting her time between keeping a sharp eye on the ants and watching Val. The Elven barbarian's actions have been more abrasive than usual of late, and have captured Ashira's attention. And frankly, she's had about enough of her bravado. She was making things worse whether she knows it or not. As she travels, Ashira scoots in closer to Rigging. "Rigging, my love...Val's getting out of control. She's making things worse. It is readily apparent to me that she will not listen to my instructions despite the fact that Mother is speaking to me. Keep an eye on her. I think something is up. And please...do as Mother asks...I don't want to have to challenge your authority in front of the others, but I will do what I have to in order to take down this Fae King."

OOC Spot=22, Listen=Nat. 20...sorry about the spotting posting...got a new puppy and she's keeping us hopping. ;)

Rigging  d20+12=26 d20+10=15
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 11:17:09 AM

Rigging will look at his wife with concern and some exasperation and ask, "What the heck are you talking about? What voice? Who is Mother? Are you feeling all right?"

Rigging will also glance at the ants and wonder why they are following them. He will point and ask, "Did this 'Mother' ask you to have us follow these ants. I hope we aren't heading for some giant hive to be some queen ants lunch.

I wouldn't worry to much about Val. She is just frustrated and when barbarians get frustrated they lash out. I sort of feel the same way. Last time I ever take a gambling ship. It hasn't been the fun time the brochure proclaimed. I might even demand a refund!"

spot check dc 26 listen check 15

Redux  d20+4=13 d20+2=14
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 10:55:55 PM

Redux follows along. He lends some moral support for Beltro. He secretly wonders what it must be like to be stuck in that body. It just happens to remind him of his spell with the jar; maybe he'll try that one. Redux slows his pace and lets the other mages and the first group of refugees pass him, but not all at once; just smelling the roses.

'Talon, how's the view up there?'

Saturday October 22nd, 2005 11:11:21 PM

spot =13, listen = 14

Appolo  d20+9=22 d20+6=18
Sunday October 23rd, 2005 8:04:39 PM

Appolo presses forward.Moving quickly after the ants.

Sunday October 23rd, 2005 10:23:17 PM

The big warrior silently stalks the trail as he follows behind Rigging and a group of refugees .

posted by Chris

DM Jim: Movement!  d20+10=28
Monday October 24th, 2005 8:51:59 AM

The day is just beautiful with the sun shining and the babbling brook always within earshot. There are exotic birds and plants to be seen all around. It is now around lunch time and a good 5 hours from the battle with the wolves.

The ants are still pushing on with Appolo close on their heels.

Talon flying top cover remarks to Redux that he sees the BIG fat hares that will do his size just and is off for a taste. (Talon spot check 28

Mykael offers to take rear guard from Val, who declines in her own way. Val's now armed entourage of elves glower at Mykael, but make sure to keep Val between them and Mykael.

Everyone is more well fed than I rememeber, thats to Mykael's quick thinking with the rations. People still visit the fruit trees for suppliments.

John comes back from hunting with a gutted deer on his shoulders. John quickly quarters it and passes it out to spread the weight. It will make a nice addition to dinner. John falls into line with Mary. (Thanks Chris, I forgot him)

Rigging and Ashira discuss Val's actions and do not reach any agreement.

As the group slowly works its way down the valley, Ashira hears something big moving in from the left. It seems to be using the dense undergrowth and trees for cover and is at least 50 feet away. Val hears the same thing from the right but may be more like 70 feet away.

Rigging hears the question in his head "What are those things?" coming from Swirl.


OOC: I am keeping the marching order as is unless you have specified otherwise.

We are now in combat rounds so post accordingly.

Valanthe (HP 114, AC 23) 
Monday October 24th, 2005 11:11:15 AM

Valanthe orders, in elven, her armed refugees to take up a defensive position with the unarmed in the center.

"There's something over here. I'm going to check it out." Val yells out before pushing into the brush toward the creature, activating her partner ring of invisibility along the way.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  d20+4=17 d20+2=13
Monday October 24th, 2005 2:30:30 PM

'Talon, lunch needs to be interupted; we've got company down here.'

Spot = 17, Listen = 13

Picking up that something is amis in the underbrush from others, but unsure as to what or where, Redux begins thinking about what magic to use where. He begins by having the refugees he is near to circle up and collect a rock or stick, if it's handy. Next he'll activate his ring of levitation. With the time remaining he pops the strap on his scroll holder (just in case it's needed) and pulls out 2 wands.

Valanthe (HP 125, AC 20) 
Monday October 24th, 2005 2:42:37 PM

OOC: correction in Val's HP and AC

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65  d20+6=21 d20+6=10
Monday October 24th, 2005 7:35:55 PM

Jagar turns and spots(d20+6=21 spot ch)Val just as she disappears from sight " where is she going ?"

"Mykael where is Val headed ? " quiz's the Monk as he slides quickly to the right side of the trail but stays at the edge of the trail and listens (d20+6=10 listen ch) for clues of Val's movement

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d20+4=14 d20+1=9
Monday October 24th, 2005 10:45:59 PM

"She said, she heard something," Mykael comments to Jagar as he keeps his eyes and ears open.

(Spot 14, Listen 9)

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin 
Monday October 24th, 2005 11:57:11 PM

Ashira winces once more. "Incoming!! On the left!" she shouts out. "Rigging, Mother says whatever it is out there is unnatural! We need to protect the refugees... Everyone back to the river if you can. At least we will have one natural defensive spot." Ashirs sighst as she draws her swords. "This is going to be a long day."

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 12:29:22 AM

At Ashira's warning Bart slides his shield off his back " i'm coming " replies the warrior as he closes in on Ashira's postion

" Nezamil this way " bellows Bart

posted by Chris

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 12:41:16 AM

The dwarf quickly leaps into action " stay together and don't panic " growls Nezamil to the nearby refugees

"Hal .....Kirk ......stay here and guard the refugees or if you want some action " growls Nezamil with a savage grin " follow me and take up flanking postions on me "

" gotcha Bart " yells the dwarf in reply " right behind ya " as he surges to the warriors postion moving to protect Barts left flank

Tuesday October 25th, 2005 8:22:23 AM

Rigging sighs as the group falls into battle formation once again. "Swirl, what does the creature or creatures look like?"

When Ashira makes another comment about "mother" Rigging again asks in exsaperation, "Who is Mother?"

Rigging then pulls out a wand of fireballs looking for potential targets while moving towards the river with the other refugees.

OOC Jim, Ashira and Rigging have been talking to each other. You don't have them near each other on the map. I doubt we would be having a shouted conversation about Val.

DM Jim: Rigging and Ashira have been talking to one another through out the march, but this is where you are at present unless you stated a move, but you did not. You are not to far away currently for loud conversation.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 11:19:30 AM

Appolo was moving ahead trailing the ants upon hearing the cmmotion to the rear,he turns and looks.OH great he thinks moving back the way he came as fast as he can"Ok folks form a square.Hurry spears on the perimeter,mages in the center along with missilers.Pick up rocks anything you can throw.Hurry move form the square."Appolo begins herding everyone intoa square with armed spearmen ot front.As passes Ashira and Rigging"Sorry but a retreat would only lead toa complete rout.We would be chewed up piece meal that way.We're committed."

DM Jim: INCOMING!!! - Combat Round 2  d100=56 d20+8=10 d20+8=28 d20+8=25 d20+8=20 d20+8=9 d20+8=16
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 7:51:43 PM

The Wildcards know somthing is up from Val and Ashira's words and action. Each wildcard takes action. Fear is spreading among the refugees as orders are shouted between Wildcards and to them.

Appolo orders the refugees by him to form a box, but there is not much room. They bump into one another and start to form a tight ball.

Rigging and Ashira talk strategy over a group of refugees and prepare themselves. At Ashira's suggestion some of the refugees between her and Rigging attempt to move into the undergrowth and toward the sounds of the river.

Swirl touches Rigging again "I do not know what they are, but you will find out.....in 3 seconds. I see several."

Val enters the forest and is not seen anymore. Mykael answers Jager's question on what Val said. They each prepare themselves.

Redux attempts to recall Talon. "..but they are so fat. That is too big to eat." Talon seems to have commented on something else.

Nezamil, Bart, Hal and Kirk seem to have some control over the faithful around them, but it is only for the moment................


Out of the Forest comes leaping a gaint creature. It is at least 12 feet tall and multicolored like a bird, but it is more like a standing reptile. Its two powerful clawed feet land in the middle of the Domi faithful and crushes two. It has clawed forelimbs that grab another refugee and with its reptilian head it bites him in two, there is a shower of blood. The creature is at least 20 feet long. Refugees are bowled over and scream in panic, but a few just stand and stare at it, stunned into inaction.

The creature bellows in triumph and it send more panic among the refugees. The cries of the refugees are met with five more bellows that are more bird like that reptile like.

Val, after penetrating the forest 15 feet, can see one of the creatures preparing to pounce. It is 20 feet from her, but she can not easily reach it with the undergrowth (movement is halved and no double moves)

Hal and Kirk draw swords.

Mary readies her spear.

John knocks and arrow and looks for a target.

The ants keep walking.


Map to follow: I hope tonight, but maybe in the morn.

Valanthe (HP 125, AC 20)  d20+13=25 d10+12=18
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:44:44 PM

Valanthe sees the creature infront of her. It is so very close and despite the thick growth Val is confident she can reach the creature. Pushing ahead she brings the heavy flail around over her head and smashing into the monser.

OOC: Valanthe is a barbarian and has a base move of 40 feet. Half is 20 feet which is how far it is away. So I attacked because she could reach it based on the listed info. She hit ac 25, power attack, -5/ +5, for 18 damage

DM Jim: Agreed

Redux HP 50, AC 20  d20+5=20 d4=2
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 11:41:05 PM

OOOO, that's big. The mage casts Enervation at the newcommer (hit=20); creature gains two negative levels.

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 12:30:50 AM

The aquatic ranger shrugs. "Mother is...well, she's the sender of the dreams..." Ashira scratches her head as she tries to come up with words to explain to her husband what comes so intuitively to her. Can't he hear the very trees and bushes echoing Mother's plea for help?? But her mental musings are cut short by the arrival of the bird things.

Profanities fill the air as moves toward the area on the left (b17) in hopes to intercept the creature before it can take out any refugees. "Rigging, Appolo...help me out with this thing. Nezamil, Hal, Kirk...you go after that thing in the middle. Redux, Bart, Mary, John...I think something's headed your way. Take it out. Jager and you warriors, see if you can't take down that other creature. Fight for your lives! And fight well...we will have the Fae King's head before dinner tonight!"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 Angry!!  d20+11=20 d8+5=9 d20+6=7
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 1:47:20 AM

With a look of fury on his face the dwarf growls out " Hal...Kirk...Bart each take a side we'll hack this overgrown chicken apart !! "

Nezamil leaps forward...shield in front and mace whistling thru the air as he stikes (1st swing d20+11=20)(d8+5=9 dam)(2nd swing d20+6=7 nat 1!!)

" hack it to bits !!!" growls out Nezamil

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 1:52:56 AM

The Monk ready's himself for the beast to spring " Set your spears and impale the thing when it leaps at us " orders Jagar of the retired warriors and spearman near him as he tries to rally them to protect the unarmed refugees

Rigging  5d6(1+6+5+4+6)=22
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 9:12:04 AM

Rigging aims his wand and launches it at the biggest group of giant vorpol bunnies that he can see. (Not sure how close they are...aiming at the group you mentioned)

The explosion rocks the air as it does 22 points of damage, 11 if reflex save is made.

Rigging flaps his wings in glee watching his destruction, then puts his wand away and prepares to take out his weapons

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71  d20+13=15 d20+8=11
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:47:21 AM

The warrior leaps(spring attack) into action in tandem with Nezamil bringing his bastard sword forth from his magic glove (d20+13=15 1st swing)(d20+8=11 2nd swing) but the spraying blood clouds his vision as he tries to slash the beast

Wednesday October 26th, 2005 5:41:45 PM

Appolo looks at his group of refugees"Come on I said a square.Ok just stay here and stay together."He then draws his swords and heads for the flying reptile creature.Sprinting towards it.

DM Jim: More Nasties  d20+8=17 d20+8=14 d20+8=18 d20+8=16 d20+8=12 d20+8=17 d20+8=24 d20+8=9 d20+8=10 d20+8=11 d20+8=16 d20+8=13 d20+8=14 d20+8=18 d20+8=9 d20+8=24 d20+8=19 d20+8=15 d6=2 d6=6 d6=4 d6=6 d20+8=24 d20+8=11 d20+8=28 d20+8=23 d20+8=22 d20+8=17 d6=5 d6=3 d6=3 d6=2
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 7:43:38 PM

OOC: Please place your location on the Map so that I do not have to.


Appolo reprimands the refugees by him and draws his weapons. Appolo tries to fight the tide of people attempting to race past him and only makes 15 feet (half movement).

Rigging tries to zero in on where the creatures are and to his delite he sees one leap toward him and launches a fireball in that direction. The fireball impacts a tree by its launching point but burns it anyway (made save 11 dam.) The creature lands next to Rigging and savages a refugee couple clinging to one another( more damage than I care to roll, for those 2).

Ashira moves into the thick forest only to see a fireball go off as this large bird lizard leaps toward the direction of her husband.

Bart moves to fight the one Raptor that lands on the path, but he can not also get past all of the refugees. Bart hears a loud thud and screams behind him as another Raptor lands behind him, and tears apart two refugees.

Nezamil fights past the refugees and wacks the monster a good one as it kills another refugee. It looks down at the dwarf with blood and flesh dripping from its claws and teeth. There are huge talons on the bottom feet that it uses to disembowl it victims. Nezamil can see from the creatures eyes that he is next.....

Hal are Kirk are right behind Nezamil and ready to strike (Chris, please roll for them).

Redux hits one of the beasts with his dark ray and it is unable to complete its jump. It gets close and will be ready to strike next round. The beast looks tired and mad at its prediciment.

Mykael does nothing as one of the critters lands next to him and kills Mo and his wife.

Val closes the distance to the Raptor as it gets ready to jump and smashes it with her flail. It Raptor decides to eat this upstart first and press a full attack. Its feet lash out and one connects (AC 24 for 12 damage) one of its forelimbs also rakes the barbarian across the chest (AC 28 critical AC 23 for 13 damage). The beast tries to pin Val and bite her but Val is too strong and fast, at least this time....

Bash Brothers (Hal Ac 20 Hp 52 ,Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43)  d20+10=29 d8+4=11 d20+9=27 d10+4=7
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 9:07:53 PM

The two bouncers give matching savage grins " about time !...tired of baby sitting everyone " retorts Hal to the dwarf

Both bouncers follow Nezamil each taking a flank covering him and attack the beast ....Hal has his heavy mace out and launchs a crushing blow (d20+10=29)he hears bones crunch (d8+4=11 dam) " yeah baby take that " yells Hal

Kirk not to be out done steps foward on Nezamils right flank and he smashes (d20+9=27) the beast also " yeah i'm gonna get the finishing blow " shouts Kirk back to Hal as his heavy flail smashes home on the beast(d10+4=7 dam) "Yahoo"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=23 d8+5=13 d20+6=26 d8+5=9 d20+6=12
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 9:38:26 PM

looking up and into the beats eyes " yeah i'm here whatcha gonna do about ya overgrown chicken " barks Nezamil in challenge to it

" good going guys Domi be proud of ya both thats for sure " growls the dwarf to the bouncers

Before the beast has him for dinner Nezamil decides to alter its dinner plans and unleashes his fury on it ....his mace tracing deadly arcs smashes (1st swing d20+11=23)it (d8+5=13 dam) and the dwarf hammers yet another blow home (2nd swing d20+6=26 nat 20!!)(no crit)(d8+5=9 dam)(total dam=22)

" you guys just inspire me laughs Nezamil to the bouncers

Rigging  7d6(3+6+2+2+6+2+4)=25 d6=2 d20+12=31
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 10:43:33 PM

OOC Jim, I never received a map. I checked with Chris and he hasn't either. Think you need to try again.

Also I have lost the time line here. Not sure how long things have been. I had a mage armor spell on which had several hours left. Is it still on?

Rigging calls out. "Quickly work together and take them out. Gang up on them. The can inflict some serious damage with those claws."

Rigging, if necessary will step back 5' and launch his lightning bolt at the raptor nearest to him. DC 17 reflex vs for 1/2 25 points of damage or 12

OOC Jim I rolled a concentration check of 31 in case it is necessary. Also I realized that the raptor took another 1 point of damage. Fireball was 6 six sided die instead of 5 last round.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  d20+5=23
Thursday October 27th, 2005 12:46:03 AM

The ugly things are distasteful to look at. Redux casts Ray of Exhaustion at the thing near him (hit = 23). With a touch of impatience, "Well, someone kill it before it gets up, do i need to do everything?"

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, e17  d20+17=21 d8+5=11
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:04:24 AM

The ranger growls in frustration as the mean nasty hops away. "I don't think so big, ugly and smelly!!" Ashira shifts her position so that she is in flanking position with her husband and takes a swing at the creature (AC 21 for 11 if that hit).

Valanthe (HP 120/ 145, AC 18 Rage 1 of 8)  d20+13=22 d20+8=16 d10+20=27 d10+20=21
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:12:06 AM

Val takes the hits, blood flowing from beneath her armor. Her hands grip the heavy flail tightly, knuckles popping from the strain. She growls softly as her rage comes forth then she snarls loudly. Val forgoes any strategy or technique to simply pulp this monster before her.

ooc: Val raged increasing her strength by 4 points. Since it's a two handed weapon I believe her strength damage bonus is +10 due to the modifier for weilding a two handed weapon. She used a power attack which I remembered doubles the bonus subtracted. That was a -5 to hit/ + 10 to damage. Val hit ac 22 for 27 and ac 16 for 21.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+9=14 d20+9=14
Thursday October 27th, 2005 11:26:55 AM

Appolo quickly advances on and attacks the nearest raptor.{Moving from V7 to U8}Swing at the creature twice.Once with his longsword and once with his shortsword.Missing both times.He then goes on the defensive.

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65  d20+6=10
Thursday October 27th, 2005 1:23:41 PM

The Monk continues to form the spearman and any retired warriors near him into a defensive formation with spears set waiting for the beast to pounce and impale itself.

Jagar also looks towards Val's postion in the woods(spot ch d20+6=10) and edges towards her direction " Val !! ....Val!! .....where are you ? shouts Jagar as he tries to pin down her location with the beast

DM Jim: Clash of Old Wold verses New - Combat Round 4  d20+10=25 d20+4=16 d20+9=29 d20+9=13 d20+9=22 d20+4=22 d20+4=18 d20+4=22 2d8(4+6)+5=15 2d8(8+5)+5=18 d4+2=4 2d6(6+3)+2=11 +12=20 d20+12=26 d10+6=8 d20+8=18 d10+6=12 d100=56 d20+4=15 d20+9=26 d20+9=28 d20+4=15 d20+4=13 d20+4=15 2d8(8+8)+5=21 2d8(8+5)+5=18 d4=3 d20+10=22 d20=18 d4=3 d20+4=23 d20+4=15 d20+4=5 d6+4=5 d6+4=10 d20+2=9 d20+3=18 d20+3=15 d6+1=4 d20+9=26 d20+9=26 d20+4=13 d20+4=21 d20+4=11 d20+9=18 d20+9=24 d20+4=7 d20+4=14 d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d8+5=9 2d8(3+4)+5=12 d4+2=4 2d6(2+3)+2=7 2d6(6+4)+2=12
Thursday October 27th, 2005 11:08:32 PM

OOC: Please post your location on the map somewhere in your post.


There is general panic and much screaming coming from the refugees as the run from the Raptors and the devestation they are causing.

Ashira fights her way throught the underbrush with her sword raised high and stabs it into the raptor that looks like it is interested in eating her husband.

The raptor that lands next to Rigging and Appolo looks over all the tasty treats it has to choose from and then one (Appolo) shakes two small metal sticks at it missing badly.

OOC: Appolo you are in space e20 not v7. Check the map as you are listed as A

The raptors attention is brought away from Appolo as food next to him is talking (Rigging spellcasting) and he noses over toward him for a taste (AoO Bite AC 16 just miss).

Rigging fires the lightning bolt at the beast and it leaps to avoid most of the blast and attempts to land on this small morsel of food that is attempting to fight back.

Talon Ac 29 critcal miss damage 15
Talon Ac 22 damage 18
Fclaw Ac 22 damage 4
Fclaw Ac 18 miss
Bite Ac 22 damage 11

Total damage 48 - Rigging is savaged by the creature.

ooc: Rigging still has 30 minutes of mage armor left

The raptor by Bart eats a refugee and Bart attempts to take advantage.

Bart spring in to attack the Raptor by him, and avoids the AoO,and hits it with his sword two handed (AC 26 & AC 18 for 20 damage)

The raptor takes notice of the two slashes and prepares to pounce on the big fighter (next round).

Nezamil and the two bash brothers attempt to cut down one of the raptors that has eaten several of the domi faithful, but the raptor sees two very large humans dart in and he tries to bite one of them (AoO Hal - AC 15 miss). The raptor takes the beating from the three servants of domi and then tries to eat the dwarf

Talon Ac 26 damage 21
Talon Ac 28 damage 18
Claw Ac 15 miss
Claw Ac 13 miss
Bite Ac 15 miss

Total damage 39 - Nezamil is torn by both talons of the beast.

Calibine casts mirror image on himself and there are now 4 of him.

Rigging hits the raptor with another dark ray (save 22, fatigued) and is not happy.

Beltro moves forward to attack and get bite at for his trouble (AoO AC 18 for 3 damage, -2 str. helps).

Beltro Attack

Claw Ac 23 hit damage 5
Claw Ac 15 hit because of -2 to dex. damage 10
Bite Ac 5 miss

The raptor is so disgusted with its recent fate that it withdraws with several weak hops into the forest.

Jager, John and Mary attempt to rally and calm all of the refugees and prepare those with spears for pouncing raptors.

Mykael stands staring at the giant raptor. Sam yells at Mykael "Draw your weapon man and join the battle!" Sam fires nezamil's heavy cross bow (Ac 9 miss)

The other two warriors (Bert and Ralph) stab at the beast with the short spears provided by Mykeal as they desparately try to buy time for their wives to escape.

Ac 18 damage 4
Ac 15 just missed

The raptor is annoyed by the scratch and lashes out at Bert.

Talon Ac 26 hit
Talon Ac 26 hit
Claw Ac 13 hit
Claw Ac 21 hit
Bite Ac 11 miss

Bert disappears into ribbons of gore.

Val pummels the raptor in the forest with her flail and hears bones crack. The creature leaps at her with talons flying.

Talon Ac 18 damage 9
Talon Ac 24 damage 12
Claw Ac 9 miss
Claw Ac 20 damage 4
Bite Ac 24 critical Ac 20 damage 19

Total damage 44

Melonie, one of the refugee elves sees Val getting brutalized and pushes into the forest to help out armed only with her short spear and not much else.


From the many dead bodies the ghostly spirits of the fallen rise and float off into the valley.


The ants continue marching on and off the map.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  9d6(2+3+2+3+3+4+5+3+5)=30
Thursday October 27th, 2005 11:46:25 PM

Redux is hovering about 20 feet above P49.

Redux is ready to finish this thing. He fires a lighting bolt at it for 30 pts dmg (and of course, he can save for 1/2, blah, blah; lucky sucker probably'll make it). Redux yells at the beast, "GET OUT OF HERE!" He'd kick dust at it, but, of course, he's in the air at this point.

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, e17  d20+15=23 d20+10=11 d20+13=16 d20+7=17 d8+5=11 d8+5=13 d8+5=7
Thursday October 27th, 2005 11:57:20 PM

Ashira grimaces as the thing slices into her husband. "Rigging!!" she screams as she tries to cut into the beast. (AC 23 for 11, AC 16 for 13, AC 17 for 7...31 total dam.) She screams and shouts at the creature trying to attract its attention away from her husband.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d20+10=22 d10+3=8
Friday October 28th, 2005 1:36:53 AM

Mykael snaps out of his trance and steps into the Raptor with a swing of his Bastard Sword. (AC 22, 8 dam)

Valanthe (HP 76/ 145, AC 18 Rage 2 of 8)  d20+10=29 d20+10=11 d20+5=21 d10+26=35 d10+26=35
Friday October 28th, 2005 10:39:51 AM

(bbbb, Q)

"Get back there Melonie and hold the line! Keep them calm and ready" Val shouts in elven.

Blood pours from her wounds in rivers yet Val feels no pain. Fire burns in her eyes, a totally joyous smile on her face. She moved to her left and to her right, watching the Raptor's eyes. Valanthe brought the heavy flail in a quick cross pattern hoping to shatter the raptor.

ooc: power attack, -8 to hit, +16 to damage. first attack hit ac 29 for 35 damage, crit but confirmation roll failed. Second attack hit ac 21 for 35 damage.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+9=25 d20+9=28 d10+4=7 d8+4=11
Friday October 28th, 2005 12:05:55 PM

Appolo attacks the creature again,Swinging twice agian.Connecting both times with satisfaction.He then goes back on the defensive.Remaining silent the whole time as he activates his ring of invisibility.

OOC:Sorry about that miss read the map.

Hit 25 and 28 critical Damage 7+{11x2}=29 total damage.

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71  d20+11=25 d20+6=16 d10+19=25 d10+19=28 d6=3 d6=2
Friday October 28th, 2005 3:56:59 PM

Bart snarls at the beast in front of him as it prepares itself to pounce. "Oh, I don't think so, ugly...you won't live that long!!" Backing up his words with force, Bart unleases a full attack on the creature, his Bastard sword cutting deep with both of his strikes (AC24..power attack=25+3 shock , AC16 for 28+2 shock...58 total dam.)

OOC: Jim, I think you calculated the damage done by Bart last round incorrectly...he should do d10+9 (not +6), so he should have done 6 more points of damage last round plus shock damage.----Nellie

DM Jim: Thanks Nellie. I was at a remote location and did not have his sheet.

Bash Brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52 , Kirk Ac 20 Hp 42  d20+10=27 d8+4=9 d20+9=17 d10+5=9
Friday October 28th, 2005 4:23:33 PM

" good hit brother but i can do better " retorts Hal loudly to Kirk as his mace crashes into the beast (d20+10=27)(d8+4=9 dam)

As the beast rips into the dwarf kirk retaliates " not so fast brother " as his swings his heavy flail in for a resounding blow (d20+9=17)(d10+5=9 dam) " heh mines better " grins Kirk to his brother

total dam =18

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 32/71  d20+11=24 d8+5=11 d20+6=23 d8+5=6
Friday October 28th, 2005 4:36:24 PM

The dwarf holds his shield tight as the beast talons rip thru his chainamail leaving deep cuts and trails of blood "Domi " muuters Nezamil as he stuttersteps right to get a better swing and unleashes a massive blow (1st swing d20+11=24)(d8+5=11 dam) the dwarf flashes a grin as he feels the beast sway a little and steps forward and literally hurls his entire body behind his swing (d20+6=23)(d8+5=6 dam) and feels it slam into the reptilian beast " hows that feel ?" shouts Nezamil

total damage =17 that should drop it

With a look at the two brothers " well done men ....well done indeed now onto help the others ....lets work together again " remarks Nezamil as he surveys the choas of the battle

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Friday October 28th, 2005 4:47:01 PM

As Jagar shouts for order and calm as he organizes the spearman he works his way south N61 to M71 and adds his voice to Mary's to help her effort in rallying people.

" ready your spears in a set postion....it will impale itself if it leaps at us " rallys' Jagar

As he spots the nearby Raptor the Monk readies to launch himself at the beast! to protect those around him

DM Jim: COmbat Round 5, The tide turns  d20+10=19
Saturday October 29th, 2005 1:31:45 PM

Ashira and Appolo come to Riggings aid, possibly saving the frozen Captain. The beast looks confused and hurt bad, food is not suppose to fight back. Food is to run in fear and get pounced on and eaten. The Raptor withdraws and leaps away.

Redux attempts to finish off the raptor that is retreating from his rays. The beast sees the bolt coming and just get out of the way of most of its effect. In its strange voice it calls to its bretheren.

Beltro call what appears to be a challenge in owlbear. It is strangely similar to the raptors.

Nezamil, Hal and Kirk batter the Raptor in front of them and it slowly sucumbs to their blows. The creature is dying.

Mykael wakes up out of his funk and stabs the beast. The raptor recoils from the strike and listens to its fellows call. It too withdraws and bounds away.

Jager, Mary and John are all on high alert and keep the refugees around them ready with spears pointed skyward.

Val sees that Melonie is in danger and repremands her and goes into overdrive, smashing the Raptor. The beast goes down gasping as it ribs are broken, it will die very soon.

Combat ends. Only Redux can see the surviving raptor as they move off from his elevated position.

THe forest noises come back, birds and insects, they were quite or everyone was so focused that they were not heard.

The wails begin for the dead. There is not much left of thsoe who perished.

Rigging 57/70  2d8(8+6)+3=17 2d8(4+8)+3=15
Saturday October 29th, 2005 4:38:26 PM

Rigging is stunned by the assault and sudden disappearance of his foe. He looks at his wife and smiles through the blood. "Thanks honey."
He puts an arm on Apollo's shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "My thanks to you as well."

He reaches into a pocket and pulls out a potion which he drinks down. Its healing magic help close some of his wounds. He quickly takes another which close even more. (2 potions of moderate healing 32 points back.)

Rigging then shakes his head when looking at the bodies of the slain. This is why he wanted to go forward without them, but his wife overrode him. Still they could have been attacked at the camp left behind.

Rigging snaps out of his daydreaming and starts issuing orders. "We need to find out where those souls are going. That is the cause of our woes. We march now. I am sorry for your loses but our thought must be on the living.

Quickly cut some steaks for these beasts. We need the food. Then we march!"

To Ashira and Kirin, "We need to get to where those souls are heading. We need to stop this relentless attack now. Get us there."

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23 
Saturday October 29th, 2005 10:04:46 PM

Mykael hears the Captain's orders. He makes his way to the captain, in a hushed tone, "Rigging, we need to decide on a plan and stick with it. Bouncing from one idea to another will get us no where. I have no idea why we decided to follow the ants, they appeared to try and tell us something, but they didnt help us or appear to care, since we couldnt communicate with them. Going toward the souls, in my opinion, is a bad idea. We probably would find where they are put back into bodies, and it would be a tough battle, cause if they can readily get bodies quickly, it would be an endless force we would face. However, if thats your decision, I am with you."

Mykael turns to Redux, "Hey, was Talon able to give you anything on the Fae King?"

Bash Brothers Hal Ac 22 Hp 52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43 
Sunday October 30th, 2005 10:54:34 PM

Hal and Kirk watch as the beasts tumbles to the ground " Allright" cheer the brothers as the punch each other playfully in the shoulders and slap the dwarf on the back with hearty enthusiasm " your pretty good for a short guy " laughs Hal and Kirk joins in the laughter

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 32/71 
Sunday October 30th, 2005 11:00:53 PM

As the beast drops to the groundNezamil looks around " everyone ok ? "

As he gets back slapped by the bash brothers the dwarf gives a big grin " hey you guys did great too ...even if ya ain't short " laughs the dwarf along with them

The Cleric will tend to as many wounded as he can before they have to travel " lets make some litters for those who can't walk " directs the cleric of Domi's new found faithful

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Sunday October 30th, 2005 11:07:11 PM

The monk breathes a sigh of relief as the raptors move away " nice work people ya help scae them away with you determination " remarks Jagar as he tries to lift their spirits a little

Jagar will help reform the refugees in his area back into marching formation as quickly as they can

Monday October 31st, 2005 7:24:48 AM

Rigging sends his thoughts out to Swirl, "Hey Buddy! Where are you! Can you tell me who keeps sending all these attacks against us and more importantly, where this person is?"

Rigging turns on Mykael. "We need to stop these attacks or we won't have anyone left to protect. Ashira is talking to some spirit telling her to keep herding them along and we have been following ANTS! We need to find the source of these attacks and put an end to it.

Ashira  d20+2=9
Monday October 31st, 2005 8:35:15 AM

The half-elf listens carefully to the exchange between Rigging and Mykael. She thinks long and hard before she speaks. "Rigging, I think Mykael is right. I don't know why, but I don't think that following the spirits is right. Let me see if I can find out from Mother." Ashira concentrates hard. "Mother...we're here to help you, but you have to show us where he is. Please, tell us which way to go."

Appolo  d20+14=28 d20+13=33
Monday October 31st, 2005 12:12:34 PM

Appolo smiles at Rigging"No problem boos.Oh and I don't think those things are good eating.They're predators.We were hit by a pack another thing we don't have time to cook."He then takes a sig from his waterskin and looks around.Thinking the group nis to big and not big enough at the same time.

He listens to Mykeal and Ashira converse with Rigging."well I think following the ANTS will lead us to this Fae King and the Mother Ashira is refering to is Mother Nature.The problem we have is we are both to big and to small,but it's to late now.'

Appolo then looks toward the refugeesand in rather loud voice"OK PEOPLE.Listen up.Let's for form up and get ready to move out.This ain't over yet.The big nasties will be back."With that said he turns a sprints down the trail the Ants took doing his best to follows in their wake.Moving silently and swiftly doing his best to stay in the shadows.

Move Silently 28 Hide 33

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20)  2d8(7+5)=12
Monday October 31st, 2005 1:13:33 PM

Battle over, Valanthe staggeres back to the elven refugees. Her breathing is deep and quick as she struggles to recover from the side effects from giving into her rage. Blood flows from many deep wounds though Val does her best to not show how much it hurts. She takes out a potion and removes the stopper with her teeth before drinking it down. Her wounds heal a little, the bleeding stopping.

ooc: drinks a potion of cmw

DM Jim: Moving Out? 
Monday October 31st, 2005 2:06:03 PM

Once Appolo tells the refugees that the "big nasties" will be back there is a general panic. People go and hide in the woods and others just cower.

Appolo takes off after the ants and runs into Kirin. Kirin is covered in leaves from trail blazing. "Be careful, Appolo there are large predators about. I heard the distrubance, any problems?"

Melonie comes over to takes some of Val's weight and set her down. Melonie then calls over more of the elven refugees to help assist the barbarian.

OOC: Val feeling of fatigue fades quickly.

Jager complements those around him for a job well done. Nezamil, Hal and Kirk revel in their victory over the raptor. Bart is reserved and quite.

Rigging, Mykael, Ashira, and Appolo discuss courses of action. Redux does not answer Mykael.

Rigging reaches out to Swirl and feels his mind. "I am here. I am doing some recruiting and will be with you in about an hour. See ya soon."

Ashira trys to see if her communications works two ways. It is several moments and nothing. Ashira is just getting disapointed when she feels the touch. "Daughter, this is the valley of life, nothing can die forever. All lost souls go and seek out a new vacated life form. Alas, all this will end if the Fey King suceeds, it will be perverted. Daughter you must bring your army and my three children quickly. I can not hold off the Fey King forever, his weight is almost too much to bear...."

Monday October 31st, 2005 2:15:39 PM

Responding to Mykael, "No, he didn't give me specifics. Probably as much as he understands himself, though."
Floating down slowly, "I think we should continue on the path we set before, following the ants. They seemed like they were on a mission and they certainly weren't dangerous to us."

Nezamil Ac Hp 32/71 
Monday October 31st, 2005 10:23:50 PM

The dwarf takes command of Domi's new faithful and gets them organized to help bandage and transport the wounded for the next part of the march

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Monday October 31st, 2005 10:25:25 PM

Jagar continues you help the refugees to prepare for whatever comes next

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 8:08:59 AM

Rigging sighs and sits back down. "Seems I am being outvoted again. If you want to follow ants, I will go with you but don't complain to me when we get attacked again."

Rigging sits and cracks open a spellbook. He starts to study trying to get some first level spells back.

(OOC Slept when Chris was DMing but haven't had a chance to study yet. Looking to get mage armor back then shield.

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20) 
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 10:03:04 AM

"Melonie you are not to rush into battle to aid me no matter how dire things look. If I fall you are the only one that can keep them together enough to survive this ordeal. Now that my strength has returned we must keep moving. The mission is not over."

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 10:06:35 AM

Appolo keeps moving silently and in stealht still sticking to the shadows.

DM Jim: Traveling again  d20=20
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 1:06:02 PM

Nezamil sees to the many injured, although the injusries are very minor (Roll Nezamil's healing skill in the future - I rolled an unmodifed 20 !! for you this time.). Those that were assulted by the raptor are dead if they were not a Wildcard. The remains of those killed are buried under John's direction.

Rigging takes this time to study a few new spells. Mary comes to stand next to him and taps her foot impatiently "You need to listen to your wife more. Be a dear and hurry up so we can get going."

Kirin head out after the ants as he does not want to lose the trail, depending if the Wildcards wish to follow.

Ashira is very reserved.

Jager helps to organize the refugees for another march.

Val instructs Melonie in the order of future battles "...but you were in danger. You are important to keep everyone safe. I was just trying to distract the beast. I will be more careful next time, you did give us weapons."

Talon comes to land next to Redux with a dog sized rabbit in his claws and begins to eat. "How did the battle go?" Talon asks Redux as he tears into the rabbit.

Beltro seems to brood and he snaps at Calibine when he tries to console him. Calibine leaves the owlbear alone.

Appolo takes point, when the group finally leaves, but stays in the many shadows along the path.

After an hour the group is ready to move again and it is afternoon.

The group move off and has to push if they wish to catch Kirin and the ants (20 foot movement, but no real stop). Kirin has left a marked trail for everyone to follow. The trail roughly continues to follow the stream deeper into the valley. The elevation continues to drop as well. Dusk comes early since the valley sides are high overhead.

OOC: I need to know how camp is being set up and where everyone will be situated. If you do not list what you are doing or where you are, you may not like where you are placed.

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 11:07:25 PM

"Talon, i am glad you are finding game big enough to feed your size. i'm going to go over and get this train going again."

Redux goes over to where Rigging is and hands him a Mage Armor potion out of his pack. "i made a bunch of these just before i found some other toys, so i haven't used them or sold them. Do you need anything else?"

Ashira  d20+9=12
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 11:18:05 PM

After calming herself with the knowledge that Rigging was going to be ok, Ashira shoulders her pack and heads out after Kirin. Even though he has left a nice big trail, Ashira takes the time to practice her tracking skills (Sur.=12...sheesh).

As dusk begins to fall, Ashira calls Redux and Rigging to her. "We can not afford to camp here another night. Mother says to hurry. I know it is risky, but we need to push on...unless you spellcasters really need to recoup your spells..." Ashira waits and listens, though slightly impatiently. She turns to look over at Mary and John, as if sharing a common bond with the other two is somehow comforting.

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 12:41:59 AM

The tireless monk decides to help John with the grim task of buriel of the refugees.

Jagar gives a grin as he overhears Mary's remarks to Rigging in support of Ashira " you go girl " mutters Jagar a little to loud ....his grin turns to a sheepish grin as he winks at Mary if she looks his way

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 58/71  2d8(6+5)+5=16 2d8(4+1)+5=10
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 12:52:17 AM

The cleric digs into his pouch and rustles out a wand " yep this is the one " as he then taps himself twice with it (CMW 2d8+5=16)(2d8+5=10)healing himself a little(2 charges used)

Nezamil will checkout the bash brothers but they seem fine and then inquires of any of the armed defenders if they require healing

with a look in Riggings direction " i think we need to get moving as quickly as we can .....we just sitting ducks out here "

Nezamil will stay near the center of the marching order along with the surviving Domi's new faithful

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 8:05:32 AM

Rigging snaps his books shut and stand up after retrieving a few of his lower level spells. "Let's move out!" He calls.

He walks up to his wife and says, "I hope you know what your doing. It's your show."

Appolo  d20+13=31 d20+14=23 d20+9=18 d20+6=19
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 10:01:00 AM

Appolo continues silently and quickly on his way following Kirin and the ants.Continuing to stay in the shadows,while doing his best to keep his eyes and ears open.Looking and listening for sings of trouble.

Move Silently 31 Hide 23 Spot 18 Listen 19

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 12:58:48 PM

"Yes Captain. I'm just taking this opportunity to voice my concerna bout traveling in such a fasion. None of us had sleep the night before and no sleep again tonight? Just how many people do you want to wander off and collapse as we walk never to be found? Perhaps I'm out of line here but I question any leadership that defaults to a woman that hears voices in her head." Valanthe says coldly as she walks toward her spot at the end of the line.

DM Jim: Till Death Due Us Part 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 1:58:42 PM

The group is exhausted and battered, but pushes on after the short respite to bury the dead. The afternoon wears on and Kirin and the ants are found on the fresh cut trail (even Ashira could follow it).

Val questions Rigging as to the wisdom of the forced march and the effect on the group and to the reason for following someone who is being guided by misterious voices.

Nezamil cures himself with his wand. The only others that are injured are the Wildcards from the raptor battle. Nezamil notices that there is a general fatigue that is getting hold of the group that can not be ignored.

Redux hands Rigging a potion.

During the dusk march, the skys go from sunny to steel grey and the wind picks up. There are several ground tremors felt on the way also.

As darkness settles on the group, many complaints are heard about being tired from the refugees. An hour after dark, Rigging is contacted by Swirl. "I be back in a few moments, and I brought friends courtesy of the big man himself." Swirls tone darkens "It is time to get back to roots, before the other interferred. It is time to break the contract you made with her. It is time for Death due us Part!"

A tremendous gale roars down the line of march. Rigging feels Swirl again. "It is time to say your goodbyes to her as she will soon be gone."


The ground shakes to the west of the line of march and trees are hear snapping.

The babbling brook to the east of the line sounds strangly close.

A bolt of lightning starts a fire to the rear of the line that seems to be growing and getting closer. The thunder of the bolt still rolls overhead.

Several screams can be heard after the bolt and one cry of Fire!


Please post in Combat rounds from now on.

The marching order will stay the same as before. I will send a new map tonight.

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 3:06:33 PM

"RIGGING, is this from Swirl?!? Get him under control if it is!"

Redux moves to a tree and places his spider climb boots to the trunk to brace himself. He then casts Invisible on himself.

'Talon, get yourself in a tree or somewhere safe from this. i'm not sure what you or i'll be able to do.'

ooc: double quote marks (") indicate spoken word. single quote (') are to Talon alone.

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin  d20+8=11
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 12:18:31 AM

The ranger nods gravely at Rigging's words, though they are unnecessary. She knows full well the stakes in this game. Perhaps more than most.

Ashira shoots Val a withering look. Something was wrong with her and she intends to get to the bottom of it...

As night falls and the refugees begin to complain, Ashira attempts to calm them, but there is little solace that comes to mind (Diplomacy=11). The best she can manage is "Keep going. We need to get to the source."

Ashira's jaw drops as nature explodes all around her. Several profanities spew from her lips. Reaching into her pack, she pulls out a white seal and breaks it (Seal of Cold Breath--free action). The sound of steel sliding against leather is music to the ranger's ears as she prepares for the fight of her life. "Group up, don't let them get to the refugees. Cards and warriors on intercept....form fighting groups, no solo heroics. Appolo and Rigging with me; we're going to put out a fire." With a slight twist of her partnered invisibility ring, Ashira disappears from sight (standard action) and heads toward the fire.

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 12:50:19 AM

The monk quickly shouts to the Mary and the spearman " form a defensive line on each side " urges jagar as he sprints to and fro in organizing the defense in his section of the marching formation " set spears againist a charge if anything attacks " barks out the monk

Jagar gives Mary a quick smile as spots her as he surveys the formation for his fellow wildcards

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  2d8(5+7)+5=17
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 1:05:37 AM

Nezamil growls out to Hal and Kirk " ready for more fun ? ......remember lets work together like before.....teamwork " encouarges the dwarf as he quickly yanks out a wand and taps himself again (2d8+5=17 healed)(3rd charge)

"Prepare to repel attackers " growls the dwarf to domi's new faithful and any nearby spearman " form a defensive line on each side of the trail"

"Be strong people don't panic Domi's courage is with you all....work together now " preaches Nezamil to those nearby

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 6:18:45 AM

Tired and in much pain Val trudged on. It seemed she was the only one to suffer serious injuries from the raptors. Which kinda explains why it was so easy to make the decision to move on.

ooc: There is a fire near the back of the line. Does the fire seperate Val and the elven refugees from the rest of the line? Can they move past the fire to stay in a group? Do they have to go around?

DM Jim: The fire is behind the line of march so it causes no obstruction. It is not even on the map, but not too far off of it either.

Rigging  d20+8=27
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:13:53 AM

Rigging hears the voice in his head and suddenly a realization comes over him. "Ashira! Get your butt over here now! You are the target! I think Swirl has gone off the deep end and wants me all to himself. I think we are hearing Elementals out there!

Rigging then concentrates on his little puff of air with delusions of granduer. "Swirl, you must stop this! If you hurt Ashira, I will no longer be me. I will join her in death. Stop this! I love you both!"

Diplomacy check 27 Do I get any bonuses becasue I am dealing with my own familiar?

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 11:35:13 AM

Appolo falls back to Rigging and Ashira as the storm breaks out and the eart rubles.Upon hearing what Rigging said about Swirl and the elementals Appolo curses"I thought you mages where supposed to have control of your pets.First Talon goes nuts,now swirl."He the breaks out some rope and hands it to near by refugees as the wind picks up."Hurrury people tie yourselves to one another and huddle up stay close.Hold on.[25 ft worth."Turning back to Rigging"Better get moving up the trail let's end this.You have any rope.I'll go down the line and move people along.See if I can't find some more soon debri and dirt will fill the hair making visibility almost nothimg."

DM Jim: Swirl goes Wild - Combat Round 1 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 3:15:04 PM

Rigging tries to calm down Swirl to no avial.

Swirl beams back to Rigging "Without your WIFE, you will be more like your old self and not bossed around by a women. The big boss is right, you are less of a man with her around, which I aim to fix." The air is ripped by what seems to be a tremendous scream and it seems to correspond with Ashira going invisible. "Bring her back!" Swirl yells inside Riggings head.

Appolo pulls out rope and starts to communicate his idea to the refugees around him as the wind howls. All of a sudden one of the refugees takes flight and is wrapped around a nearby tree. Rigging hears in his head "I will flush her out. Kill her precious army, one by one."

After going invisible, Ashira attempts to make her way to the back of the line, but does not make much progress. It is dark and windy and the refugees in her way do not know she is there.

Val see the fire grow larger as it approaches and it is coming fast. It will be on her and her charges in one or two rounds.

The trembling earth that is approaching from the west is coming toward the general direction of the Domi faithful. Tree are heard to snap in the darkness. There is much fear among the faithful. The cry of "Nezamil Save us" is almost as numerous as "Domi save us" Whatever is in the woods will arrive in a round or two at the most.

The splashing from the river seems to be too close and is closing fast from the east in the general direction of the Wizards (Redux, Calibine and Beltro). Whatever is slodhing through the woods will be on the group in one or two rounds.

Talon grabs hold of a large tree branch at head height and hunkers down. Talon seems afraid to to take wing.


Map coming tonight

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:30:48 PM

The big warrior turns and faces west towards the sound of the trembling ground and snapping trees " don't like that sound of that "

"Hey Nezamil lets double up on this critter"

The warrior steps near the dge of the trail and waits flexing his fists making his knuckles "crack"

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:39:13 PM

The brothers brashness sobers slightly as they hear something hugh crash thru the forest towards them "uh Nezamil.....we're right here with ya " interjects Kirb as he shuffles hu=is feet nervously

Hal looks over to his younger brother "just stick with me bro and remember lets work together with the dwarf " reassures Hal to Kirk

The duo flank the dwarf on each side and give a wave of aknowledgement to Bart " we're gonna need him " adds Hal

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:53:34 PM

"Move it! We need to stay infront of that fire. Stay on the path. Do not wander into the brush."

Val stands aside and lets Melonie take point. She waits til all the refugees pass and brings up the rear. This way if the fire takes anybody she would be first.

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:53:52 PM

Jagar yells "get to the other side of the trail behind us " to the refugees

"Spearman!! ready your weapons !!! form a line in front of them "

"Mary !! John !! stay near we will need each other to save the day i fear " adds the monk with resolve in his voice

Jagar takes center postion among those nearby hoping Mary and john move near to flank him

He reaches into pouch a fingers a vial(mage armor ) and prepares to take it

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 9:19:23 PM

Nezamil nods to the brothers " we all stand together .....i'm honored to stand and fight with you " replies the dwarf " and maybe die with you " muses Nezamil to himself

"please remain calm.....please remaim calm ....help each other " implores Nezamil " we stand here with you....be strong....make Domi proud .....i'm already proud of all of you on this journey...you all have dealt with tough times .....now we must rally together and help each other " preaches the Cleric to the refugees and Ddomi's new faithful

Catching the brothers wave to Bart " be right there big guy " yells Nezamil to Bart "come my brothers lets stand with Bart and vanquish whatever is heading this way " adds Nezamil to the brothers " have courage " growls the dwarf with steel in his voice

Nezamil will lead the Hal and Kirk to Barts postion and stand firm leading by example !! showing no fear !!!!

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 11:34:36 PM

'Good boy, Talon.'
Redux finds the winds calm for the moment around him. He'll step away from the tree and toward the "slodhing through the woods." He grumbles under his breath. He rubs his thumb over the levitation ring, ready to jump and activate it at a moments notice; he will also begin running thru Lightening Bolt for immediate casting as well (readying spell for whenever the baddy comes into range).

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Invisible  d20+8=25
Friday November 4th, 2005 12:24:41 AM

Ashira shakes her head in shame at Rigging's exclamation. She decides to try diplomacy before she resorts to force. (Dip.=25) "Swirl, don't listen to his lies. I'm sorry if I got in the way of Rigging and you. You've always been a good friend and a valuable asset to all of us. But this isn't the answer. Killing innocents...what has this Fae King done to you?? You know Rigging, you have a link to him that I cannot ever have. Does this make him happy. Are you pleasing him right now? Look past his lies and look at what you're doing. Ask yourself, does this really bring you closer to Rigging?"

After she finishes trying to negotiate with Swirl, Ashira moves closer toward Swirl and into striking range (c16) should words prove worthless.

OOC: As a ranger, Ashira has the Woodland Stride feat, so she should be able to move freely through the undergrowth.

DM JIM: You are correct, I forgot about the feat. I will move you farther down the map in its next posting.

Friday November 4th, 2005 8:47:43 AM

Riggng will try and strengthen his bond to Swirl, sending pleasing emotions and warmth. "Swirl, I love you both. You are my center. You know all my feelings. Can't you understand that? Please don't do this. If you do, You and I will be forever split. Look into my heart. You know this to be true."

Rigging will pull out a wand and cast light onto the area so they can see what is coming.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Friday November 4th, 2005 10:29:21 AM

After tieing off some of the refugees Appolo curses when he sees one go flying through the air"Ok get moving folks syat toggether hold on on tight."He then moves quickly back down the line moving the people forward encouraging them to stay together link arms and hold on."Move Move Forward down the trail,Hold on to each other."He continues to repeat this as moves back down the line pushing people up the trail as the winf blows and the elements move.He won't stop until he reaches Vlanthe"Hello my love.Lovely day isn't.Now I think we should move along.Don't you."

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20) 
Friday November 4th, 2005 6:30:33 PM

Val's stern look softens and she gives Appolo a long deep kiss. "Make sure the refugees get up the path. I'm going to have a chat with the elemental back there. And don't try to convince me otherwise. If I don't keep it busy it will consume us all."

DM Jim: Conflict - Combat Round 2  d20+6=14 d20=12 d20+16=22 2d10(6+7)+7=20 d20+18=35 2d10(7+7)+9=23 d20+17=31 4d8(7+8+4+7)+4=30 d20+6=15 d20+6=9
Friday November 4th, 2005 7:38:19 PM

As Ashira speaks to Swirl, the elemental seems to search her out and exclaims "Look What the Fey King has done to me!" Echoing Ashira works, those close to Swirl can see that he is Huge, much bigger than even before. Ashira can hear the scowl in Swirls voice as he continues "Rigging was much happier before you started to control him, which I intend to fix right now." (Spot 14) Swirl lashes out in Ashria direction and snaps sapling for his effort.

Swirl attempt to lash out at one of the cowering refugees, but something seems to stop, at least for now.....

Appolo get the refugees started with his rope and then takes of in Vals direction. It will take Appolo a while to get to her with all the people on the path. Appolo annouces his intentions to Val, and as luck would have it, she heard over all the yelling and screams.

Redux sees a wall of water come out of the forest and engulf Calibine. There is no way Redux can miss with his lightning bolt at this range, but water is such a good condutor and there is sooo much around now.....


Hit Ac 22 for 20 damage. Calibine looks barely concious.

Beltro launches himself at the wall of water.

Hit Ac 15, miss as the wall of water deftly move the part of it that was going to be raked.

John fires his bow at the wall of water, but in his haste he misses badly (Hit ac 9).

Bart, Nezamil, Hal and Kirk see a mound os rock and earth snap a 3 foot diameter oak as it reaches the edge of the forest and smashes one of the Domi faithful into a bloody pulp.


Hit Ac 35 for 23 damage

Val can see the live ball of fire blazing its own path toward the elves. Val can see that it is too fast and there will be no way to out run it. The ball of fire lites one of the elves on the path, and the elf becomes ashes immediately.


Hit Ac 31 for 30 damage.

Mykael watches the confusion of the battle and does nothing.


Please post you position on the map (Thanks Ashira) or you may not like where I put you, but will be stuck with it.

Map coming later tonight.

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20) 
Saturday November 5th, 2005 5:47:52 PM

Val held the heavy flail in her hands. It's weight felt good almost reassuring in the face of danger. She only hoped the enchantment was strong enough to hurt this thing. She stood her ground before the elemental (ffff, N).

"Alright creature listen good. The next elven life you take will have to be mine. Though I will do everything I can to destroy you."

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 mage armor 
Saturday November 5th, 2005 10:53:09 PM

Jagar swigs(standard action) down the readied potion and turns to Mary " get the spearman in a square formation with the others in the middle and hold your ground !!....there is nowhere to run " shouts Jagar of the rising noise

" i'm going to help the mages ....i'll be back" and the monk moves(move action 50 ft)(yes 50 ft) and darts towards Redux and Beltro his battle comrade " i'm coming Beltrooooo!!!"(moves to sq p-52)

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=29 d20+6=14 d8+5=10
Sunday November 6th, 2005 10:47:42 PM

Nezamil grimaces at the sight of the refugees dying "Domi watch over us " prays the dwarf

Nezamil whips his mace out and lashes out at the fiend(1st)(d20+11=29)(d8+5=10 dam) smashing it with a solid blow but misses (2nd)(d20+6=14) with a back handed swing

" lets get this thing boys " growls Nezamil to Bart and the bash brothers as he tries to dodge its' attacks

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71  d20+15=34 d20+15=16 d10+11=21 d20+10=14
Sunday November 6th, 2005 11:06:11 PM

The warriors swords leaps out of the glove and he follows the brave dwarfs lead.....his shield floating in front Bart grips his sword with two hands slashes at the fiend (1st swing d20+15=34crit)(d20+15=16 missed crit)(d10+11=21 dam) as the warrior continues his assault (2nd swing d20+10=14 missed) " grrrr"

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43  d20+10=19 d8+4=12 d20+9=26 d10+1=2
Sunday November 6th, 2005 11:20:25 PM

Hal leads his brother in the attack by a step swinging his mace as he flanks Nezamil on the dwarfs left......his mace smashes the earthy beast (d20+10=19)(d8+4=12 dam) "your turn brother" grunts Hal as he manuvers around

Kirk gives his brother a savage grin as he attacks the earthy beast on the dwarfs right flank his heavy flail crunches into it (d20+9=26)(d10+1=2 dam) but just chunks a chunk of earth of the beast " at least i hit the thing " shouts Kirk back to his brother

Redux HP 50, AC 20  3d6(2+5+3)=10
Sunday November 6th, 2005 11:20:42 PM

Redux wishes the water wasn't all over the place. He knows he's going to regret not frying the others around along with that wall of water. (Being chaotic neutral, he could choose to release the spell and let everyone take damage if it were the best thing.) He casts Phantasmal Killer. Looking sternly at the elemental he says, "You are afraid of this!"

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, Invisible, g16  d20+8=17
Monday November 7th, 2005 12:29:01 AM

Ashira sighs. She had feared this would happen. He was beyond reasoning and she would have to kill him. But then, he hadn't killed the refugee when he could have...perhaps there was still hope. She screams out in Elven "Rigging, I think this is working...let's try it again. Appolo, get those refugees out of here and help the others finish off the elementals."

Once more she turns her attention to Swirl...willing to continue this dangerous game in order to buy more time. "You are right Swirl! Look at how strong and powerful you are! None of us doubt your power. But does it bring you any closer to Rigging. He is what you truely want. Are the things you are doing right now bringing you closer to him? Ask him...search him." (Diplomacy=17

Ashira moves away from the dangerous elemental once more and toward her husband, not wanting to stay in one place too long.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d100=67 3d4(3+3+3)+1=10
Monday November 7th, 2005 1:10:19 AM

Mykael moves toward Val and the Fire Elemental, "All refugees near the fire elemental move to the river quickly! Help each other, we will handle this!"

Mykael casts Magic Missle at the Fire Elemental, (made spell failure roll, thus 10 damage).

OOC: I will not be able to post tomorrow, therefore someone post for me please. Mykael will finish moving to Val, pull his spell book from his pack and using it as a scroll, thus losing the spell... sniffle... cast Protection from Energy (Fire) on Val.

Darain... aka Mykael 
Monday November 7th, 2005 1:12:24 AM

OOC: I miss rolled my damage for the magic missles... I rolled 3d4+1... should have been 3d4+3... so the actual damage was 12... not 10, that the Fire Ele received.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+15=20 d20+10=18
Monday November 7th, 2005 3:59:29 AM

Appolo continues to enciurage the refugees to move forward up the trail as moves as quickly as he can to Vlanthe.Dodging deftly around the people"Move people move up the trail stay together." Once he reaches Valanthe"We'll face this thing together.Use that Bow of yours."

Tumble 18 Blance 20 Run feat

Rigging  d3=3
Monday November 7th, 2005 8:50:34 AM

Rigging is torn and confused. His two greatest loves of his life are trying to kill each other. Then Ashira's words penetrate and he calls out. "Swirl, I love you! You love me! Please don't do this thing. Don't let the King confuse you. He isn't offering you love. He only wants to use you as a tool.

If you kill Ashira, you will be killing me. You will be killing us, our friendship. Don't you love me still. Please don't do this. Fight against the King's control and confusing words."

Rigging can't seem to bring himself to attack Swirl so he summons Celestial Bisons that will arrive next round. (OOC rolled d3 but wasn't sure if I should give myself +1 or not. They will show up next round.)

DM Jim: The Clash - Combat Round 3  d20+17=31 4d8(2+1+1+8)+5=17 d20+8=25 d20+17=34 d20+17=24 d20+6=23 d20+6=25 d20+6=16 d8+4=8 d8+4=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=17 2d10(4+9)+14=27 d20+14=29 d20+14=33 2d10(7+3)+14=24 2d10(3+3)+14=20 d20+6=7 d20+10=22 d8+2=3
Monday November 7th, 2005 1:33:41 PM

Appolo quickly gets the refugees organized and on there way all the while yelling encouragement to Val at the end of the line. Appolo then takes off in Val's direction, hoping to get there in time to help....

Ashira calls to her husband to keep talking to Swirl. Swirl reacts badly to Ashira's voice and launches himself at her former location and vegetation goes flying.

Rigging words to Swirl do elicit a reaction "I am not trying to kill you. I am trying to free you of that half breeds influence." Swirl does not make a move for the retreating refugees.

Rigging summons 4 bisons that will appear next round.

Kirin Fires at Swirl with his bow.

AC 22 for only 3 damage.

Swirl does not look pleased. "Look what she has done!!!" Swirl screams in Riggings head.

The fire elemental takes Mykaels magic missiles in stride, but does notice the threat from the north. The elemental then hear babble from a small two legged creature swinging a stick and chain. The ball of fire make the path and burns and elf to a crisp AC 31 for 17 damage. The elves break and run, all but one, swining the flail. The ball of fire start to bear down on Val.

Mykael is doing is best to fight his way through the refugees to get to Val.

OOC: Can someone post for Mykael tomorrow and follow his slated course of action.

Redux casts his Phantasmal killer at the wall of water. The Water Elemental bobs and weaves against an imaginary foe and starts to steam (made save 25, but I believe it still takes damage - please roll).

The water elemental takes its frustrations out on the helpless Calibine and he is pummeled into the forest floor AC 34 and 24). Calibine's blood is staining the water elemental red and his spirit rises out of the elemental.

Beltro tries to avenge Calibine and gains purchase against the water with his claws (AC 23 and 25 - damage 19), but his bite misses. The Wall of water looks down on the Owlbear and almost seems to be scolding him.

Jager yells out that he is coming to help and starts to fight his way though the refugees toward Beltro.

John takes another shot at the Water Elemental, but fear seems to unsteady his hands (Nat 1).

Bart and Nezamil step up and each strike the earth elemental and rock and dirt flys off of it. The creature sees two more puny creature swinging metal that are attempting to strike it.

Aoo on Kirk (Awesome blow -4 PA -5) Hit AC 30 critical threat failed for 27 damage. Kirk must make a DC 27 save or take 1D6 more damage as he flys 10 feet back. Kirk did no damage this round.

The mound of rock and earth turns it attention to Bart and unleashes his full fury on the human.

(PA - 5) AC 29 and 33 The two hammer blows do 44 points of damage to the proud warrior. How much can he take.


I can not send a map until tomorrow morning.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  3d6(4+1+5)=10 2d6(3+4)=7
Monday November 7th, 2005 7:54:50 PM

ooc: the 3d6 for 10 was the dmg for the elemental.

Redux follows up his previous attack by reading from a scroll for Ice Storm for 3d6(4+1+5)=10 of bludgeoning damage and 2d6(3+4)=7 of cold damage. A drop of sweat forms on his brow as the elemental proves to be a challenge.

DM JIM: Yes there is water all around the elemental and Beltro as he is the only one fighting it hand to hand. jager is on the way.

ooc: question--is there water (but not deep) all around, or just in the vicinity of the elemental?

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, Invisible, L15 
Monday November 7th, 2005 10:43:35 PM

This is taking too long. We don't have this kind of time. She needs to help the others. Moving quickly out of range of Swirl, Ashira moves in toward the earth elemental and breathes ice shards down on him. As she does so, she pops back into view. She braces herself for the pounding that she is sure that will come her way once Swirl discovers her.

OOC Jim, checking with Inge on the specifics of the Ice breath. Will amend when I get the info.

Rigging  d20+8=19 d20+8=24 d20+8=22 d20+8=27 d8+9=15 d8+9=17 d8+9=17 d8+9=15 d20+8=23 3d4(1+2+3)+3=9
Monday November 7th, 2005 11:09:58 PM

Rigging has his spell take effect as close as he can to the earth elemental. All 4 of the bison will charge, if possible, and attack the elemental.

OOC Jim, spell range is effectively 40 and then the bison get 40 of normal movement and 80' if they are allowed to charge. I didn't give them +2 on the charge since wasn't sure if they were allowed.

Rigging, will once again try and calm down his friend and companion. "Swirl, please stop. I promise you and I will spend more alone time together. Quality time together. I can fly now! You can show me the wonders of flying! Please don't attack anyone. What your doing is evil. Do you want to be evil?"

Rigging launches 3 darts, (magic missiles) which strike the earth elemental for 9 points of damage.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 mage armor  d20+8=23 d20+8=17 d20+3=17 d10+3=9
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:35:33 AM

The Monk breaks thru the ranks of refugees to launch a flurry of attacks at the watery beasts flank(d20+8=23)(d10+3=9 dam) his 1st blow hits with a resounding thud with a couple more blows possible

" i'm with ya buddy " shouts Jagar to Beltro

trying to get flanking bonus when attacking the water elemental, if you allow it i'll roll damage in a 2nd post

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=26 d20+6=23 d8+5=13 d8+5=10
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:44:20 AM

The dwarf watches out of the corner of his eye as Hal gets whacked by the earthy beast as he gets flung backwards "Domi protect us "

Nezamil unleashes a furious attack on the earthy beast with an overhead smash (d20+11=26)(d8+5=13dam) followed up by a quick backhanded chop (d20+6=23)(d8+5=10 dam)

"careful hal... step back" growls the dwarf

Bart Ac 24 Hp 71/71 (power attack +5)  d20+10=24 d20+5=17 d10+14=19 d6=3
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:54:13 AM

The big warrior slashes at the earth thing(d20+10=24) his blade creating a deep rent(d10+14=19 dam) his magical blade crackles with electricity (d6=3 shock dam)(total dam=22)

He dances sidesway hoping to avoid retalition

not sure what size the creature is of if its possible to get flanking bonus

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 19/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 42/42  d20=15 d6=6 d20+9=26 d10+5=8
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 1:04:50 AM

dc check d20=15

Hal gets hammered by the earthy creature (d6=6 dam from being flung) and staggers backwards away from its lethal reach "good idea " grunts Hal in pain to the dwarf

Hal steps out of reach of the beast and shuffles away from it and tries to circle behind it(not attacking this rd staying out of reach)

Kirk watches in horror as his brother gets tossed backwards like a ragdoll "grrr"
the younger of the brothers lashes out with his heavy flail seeking to vent his rage on it (d20+9=26) his flail crunches into the earthy beast (d10+5=8 dam) " yeah "

Mykael Ac 23 Hp 53 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 1:11:18 AM

Mykael weaves his way to the back of the line dodging refugees as he makes he way towards elven barbarian Val .....he deftly reaches into his backpack and yanks out his spellbook a flips to a page and rips it out and without missing a beat he quickly reads and releases its magic on Val(protection from energy -fire-10)
" that will help protect you from its flames " barks out the crafty Mykael to Val

posted by Chris

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+14=18 d20+15=17 d20+10=15
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:55:01 AM

AS Appolo makes his past the retreating refugees he goes invisible and heads toward the fire elemental.Heading quickly and silently to a flanking position.

Move Silently 18 hide 17 Balance 15

Valanthe (HP 68/ 125, AC 20, Protection from energy- fire 10)  d20+15=27 d20+10=27 d10+13=17 d10+13=17
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:44:56 AM

She heard Mykael shout something but she wasn't totally sure what it was. Her focus was on the elemental The malevolant way it's flames crackled. The wounded warrior stepped forward without hesitation, without fear of what might happen. The flail chain clinked loudly as the spiked ball attatched to the end pulled the chain taut as Val began to swing. She didn't know the anatomy of a fire elemental so she offered a quick prayer and swung the heavy flail through the main part of the fire.

ooc: power attack -3 to hit/ +6 to damage. hit ac 27 twice for a total of 34 damage.

DM Jim: Combat Round 4 - reinforcements  d20+18=30 d20+18=19 2d8(5+2)+6=13 2d8(1+6)=7 d20+9=27 2d10(5+5)+19=29 d20+14=16 d20+14=28 2d10(7+8)+14=29 d20+18=35 d20+18=32 2d8(4+4)+4=12 2d8(1+8)+4=13 d20+6=19 d20+6=10 d20+6=16 d6+3=9 d20+10=26 d8+3=8 d20+10=24
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 2:18:56 PM

Mykael sprints toward Val as the refugees scatter into the woods and get their in time to rip a page out of his spellbook and cast the resist fire on Val, just before the ball of fire prepared to envelop another elf.

The fire elemental slams into Val and comes around for another smack, but the barbarian ducks out of the way. The fire just leaps over her head.

Ac 30 for 13 damage and 7 fire damage that is resisted
AC 19 miss.

total damage 13

Mykael is holding his spell book in is hand, not the best defense agaist a fire elemental...

Val rocks the Fire elemental with her flail. It finds purchase among the flames.

Fire Elemental AC 19

Appolo moves back down the path, but not very far as he is attempting to hide and move silently. At this rate the battle will be long done when he gets to Val.

The Earth Elemental sees several four footed furry join the battle (None can charge as a result of the people and terrian, but all attack).

AoO on Bison (PA -10)AC 27 for 29 damage

The mound of rock is surrounded and attackers and he lashes out at the foe that hurt it the worst, Bart. There are several piles of rock and dirt around the elemental resulting from all the strikes that it has absorbed so far.


AC 16 miss
AC 28 for 29 damage Bart is crushed into the ground in a bloody mess (Bart is at -2 hp)

The earth elemental is AC 18 and all the elementals are Huge sized.

Ashira runs through the woods toward the mound of rock pounding Bart, but is not close enough for her sword, maybe her breath. The ice breath coats the elemental as if he is a snow capped mountain. (Save 24) Maybe it will make the mountain more brittle to attacks??

Three missiles from Rigging ping the earth elemental and they shower everyone with rock.

Redux drops an ice storm on the Water elemental and Beltro, just missing Jager as he runs up. Beltro is realing from the damage.

AC 35 and 32 for 25 damage

Beltro claws back in his death throes before sucuumbing to his pounding from the wave.

AC 19 hit for 9 damage before he is killed.
Ac 10 and 16 miss

Jager splashes against the elemental with kicks and punches thus gaining its attention for the coming round.

The water elemental is AC 19

Swirl howls in frustration in his search for Ashira. Is that he down by the earth elemental????

Kirin shoots at Swirl again.

AC 26 for 8 damage. Swirls grins and bears the pain and redoubles his effort to find Ashira and glowers at Kirin, giving the indication that he is Swirls next interest, after Ashria. "There she is!" Rigging hears in his head, right after the earth elemental gets it snow cap.

Rigging  d20+6=22 d20+8=13 d20+8=24 d20+8=27 d20+8=11 d8+9=11 d8+9=17
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:35:55 PM

Rigging directs his bison to attack the earth elemental again.

He then spins on Kirin and snarls, "If you shoot my familiar one more time, you will find that unpleasant things will happen to you. Go shoot at the water elemental. I am trying to talk my friend down and your not helping."

He then looks over at Swirl and projects to him, "Swirl the bad man won't shoot at you anymore. If he does, I told him, he will answer to me. Please come here so we can talk.

Swirl where is the King. Can you take us to him. We want to talk to him."

Rigging will do nothing but start moving south towards the other elementals. Moves 60' this round going to S18. Staying out of earth elementals long reach.

Diplomacy of 22 on Swirl

The bison attack the earth elemental yet again.
Two miss but the other two gore the creature again. They do a total of 28 points of damage to the elemental

Redux HP 50, AC 20  3d4(3+2+2)+3=10
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:46:41 PM

Redux shoots a minor Magic Missiles. He yeals at Jager, "Get away and let me take this one or i'll wind up hurting you too!"

Ashira (AC25, HP 115/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, U14  10d6(2+2+4+4+4+2+1+5+3+1)=28
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:30:56 PM

"Nezamil!!! Bart is down!! Heal him!" Ashira screams as she sees Bart fall under the elemental's might.

Hoping that Rigging is able to control Swirl for a little longer, Ashira breaths on the earth elemental once more (28 dam) and then closes with it, preparing to launch a full attack next round...if she lives that long.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  3d4(3+4+2)+3=12
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:47:56 PM

Mykael casting his spell on Val from behind, shouldnt be in melee range of Elemental. Mykael backs away from the battle to a safer distance(max move distance).

Mykael casts Magic Missile at the Fire Elemental again. (12 pts of Damage)

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 63/65 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 11:58:09 PM

Jagar heeds the Redux's wise words and quickly withdraws to Q54 and waits to see what the powerful mage casts

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  4d8(3+4+1+2)+9=19
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:08:13 AM

The Cleric of Domi changes tactics and heads straight for the fallen warrior and kneels down next to him dropping his weapon .

"Domi heal this brave warrior " prays the dwarf as he quickly touches his anvil holy symbol and releases Domi's healing touch into Bart(4d8+9=19 healed)

Valanthe (HP 55/ 125, AC 20, Protection from energy- fire 10)  d20+13=26 d20+8=22 d10+17=21 d10+17=26
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:13:11 AM

Val grimaces as the fire chars her skin and heats the metal of her armor. Though it seemed less intense that she assumed it would be. She would have to thank Mykael later if she survived this battle. Shouting defiantly at the elemental Val swung the heavy flail once more.

ooc: -5 to hit/ + 10 to damage, hit ac 26 for 21 and ac 22 for 26

Bart Ac 24 Hp 26  2d8(5+1)+3=9
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:18:41 AM

The warrior opens his eyes to see the dwarf kneeling over him " wha....wha...what happened? " studders Bart

As the pain from the earthy beast blows flash back in his mind he cringes slightly but he quickly reaches into a pouch and withdraws a vial which he quickly quaffs down (2d8+3=9 cmw potion) and shakily grabs his sword and stands up wobbling slightly as he gathers his wits about him

Bart -2 ,+19 healed=17 ,+9 cmw=26 total

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 42/42  d8+3=11
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:25:24 AM

Hal reaches into a pouch as he keeps his distance from the earth elemental and grabs a vial .....popping the top he sucks its contents down (d8+3=11 CLW POTION) as he watches the bison's attack the earthy beast

Kirk withdraws from the battle and moves next to his brother Hal " you ok Hal ?" asks Kirk with concern as he keeps alert

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+10=18 d20+2=5
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:38:28 PM

Appolo for goes all attempts at stealth come visible and races forward toward Valanthe.Pushing shoving and dancing his way through the refugees."Out og the way move up the trail."

Balance 18

DM Jim: The Tide turns - Combat round 5  d20+10=29 d20+10=26 2d10(4+7)+14=25 d20+7=8 d20+14=31 d20+14=29 2d10(4+7)+14=25 2d10(6+4)+14=24 d20+10=17 d20+10=30 d20+10=30 3d8(1+2+5)=8 d20+18=23 d20+18=24 2d8(4+3)+4=11 2d8(5+4)+4=13 2d8(7+8)=15 2d8(3+5)=8 d20+3=20 d6=3
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 1:46:30 PM

Refugges continue to scatter in all direction and scream when they catch sight of the elementals.

Nezamil rushes to Bart's aid and saves the brave warrior, but both are on the ground before its might.

Ashira coats the earth elemental in another layer of frost, but it does not go down (save 29). One of the bison also takes the full brunt of the blast (save 8 for 28 damage). Ashria closes with the massive mound of rock and earth only to have a huge appendange swing at her.

(PA-5 AB-4, AoO)

Ac 26 for 25 damage, Ashira must make a DC 25 fort save or be thrown 10 feet and take 1D6 of damage more.

The bison rage and gore at the mounds feet and two take out large chunks of it.

Hal and Kirk survey the battle before considering any rash actions.

The earth Elemental is on its last legs and looses dirt and rock with each movement, but it still stands and lashes out at the furry beasts by its legs.


AC 31 damage 25, the frosted beast is sent back to its home plane.
AC 29 damage 24, this beast joins his brother back home as he was injured previously.

The two bisons remaining are just fine, but covered in dirt from the elemental.

Rigging runs down the path after giving a stern warning to Kirin about Swirl. Kirin rebutts "That creature is twisted and demented and trying to kill your wife and our leader." Kirin does refrain from shooting swirl again and stowes his bow and takes out his club and follows Rigging.

Swirl howls upon seeing Ashira and dashes toward to attack, but hold back some of his fury upon hearing Riggings voice in his head. The distraction seems to have made him miss (AC 17). Swirl is hovering next to Ashira and as her blue hair whips in the wind she can just feel the hate and envy flowing out of Swirl.

Appolo throws all caution tot he wind and then runs like it too in an attempt to save Val.

Jager withdraws at Redux's insistance, but the tide of water turns and follows close on his heels. The broken bodies of Calibine and Beltro are left on the muddy trail. Beltro is now back in elf form and his spirit is rising.

This time John takes careful aim at the water elemental and hits it dead center (AC 20, nat. 20 and critical 20 again for 8 damage. The wall of water barely notices the arrow floating in it.

Mykael back up a safe distance from the fire elemental, hoping that Val can keep it at bay. Three missiles strike the beast, but its attentions are on Val for the moment, since the barbarian whacks it hard and twice.

The fire elemental returns the favor and slams the elven barbarian twice.

AC 23, 11 damage 15-10 for 5 fire damage
AC 24, 13 damage 8-10 no fire damage.

total damage this round 29 hp.

Val feels the fires engulf her and penetrate some of Mykaels magic.

Melonie is again concerned for Val's saftey and throws her spear at the ball of fire, striking it. The spear then burns.

AC 20, for 3 damage

Redux HP 50, AC 20  2d8(3+6)+3=12 9d6(2+2+2+6+3+3+3+3+2)=26
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 2:32:19 PM

Redux will take one of the two following actions, depending upon the current fate of Beltro. If Beltro may be saved, the mage will bend down and administer a CMW potion for 12 pts. If Beltro is not able to be saved, the mage will fireball the elemental for 26 pts damage (hope the next one is better)(the usual save for 1/2 thing) and will attempt to detonate without harm to friendlies. If he throws the fireball, he will step away 5 feet from the elemental.

ooc: please use kenknotts@earthlink.net on the list for sending out the map. i only pull mail from this one, Janell pulls from both accounts, so she'd still get it and not get two (dial-up connection...don't have cable yet). thanks

DM Jim: Beltro is very dead and it is obvious that the potion would be wasted. Your fireball goes off and has a 20% chance to get Jager.

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath,  d20+13=33 d20+13=31 d20+13=28 d20+8=23 d20+13=14 d20+5=14 2d8(7+8)+10=25 d8+5=7 10d6(1+2+2+1+4+2+2+6+2+5)=27
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 11:09:34 PM

Ashira grunts as the boulder slams down on her shoulder, but stays very firmly on her feet (Fort.=nat. 20). Time for this fight to end. Her swords bob and weave, and she watches her opponent carefully. As the mound of earth and stone turns and extends to smash the bison, she strikes. Her longsword digs into the creature's leg, carving out a small piece (Crit. AC31/28 for 25). She juts in for a follow up with her shortsword, but it pings off of rock (AC14). Grimacing, Ashira twists her longsword once more, and once again finds purchase in the creature's earthy legs (AC23 for 7). But yet again, the perry with her shortsword proves to be off the mark (AC14). She watches to see whether her attacks down the pesky bugger. If not, she breathes ice on it once more, trying to take it down and free herself up (27 dam if needed). Otherwise, she holds the attack for her next target.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:19:46 AM

OOC: Mykael's spell of Protection from Energy(fire), should protect her until 60 mins are up or until it has taken 72pts of fire damage, which ever comes first. So she shouldnt be taking damage yet. Or am I missing something?

IC: Out of spells that will affect the Fire Elemental, Mykael hardens his resolve and readies his sheild and draws his sword. He prepares to move into melee and attack.

"Stay strong Val, I am here with you!" Mykael yells encouragement.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  2d8(7+6)+9=22
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:51:17 AM

The dwarf again calls upon Domi's healing touch (casting spontanously CMW 2d8+9=22 healed)(in place of hold person) on the groggy warrior and pushes him 5 backwards away from the earthy beast (5 ft move)"Ashira's gonna finish that pile of dung" growls Nezamil to Bart

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 12:54:51 AM

The warrior grips his sword as the dwarf heals and pushes him backwards away from the elemental " git out my way....i will hack that thing apart " shouts Bart to Nezamil pushes him away from the monstrous beast

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 Mage armor  d100=60
Thursday November 10th, 2005 1:01:39 AM

The monk easily gets out of the way of Redux's spell and moves towards the mage readying himself to charge in front of Redux to thwart the watery beasts attack on the mage .

" heh i'm used hunting these mages not saving them " chuckles the monk to himself as he see's the irony in his planned action

Jagar will interpose himself in front of Redux and attack it if it comes for Redux

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Ho 43/43 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 1:12:59 AM

Hal grins at his brother as he watches the blue haired ranger slash the earthy mound " eh she's pretty good " as he hefts his heavy mace and ready's himself to charge in and help her if needed

Kirk nods to himself as vigor returns to his brother after he consumed the potion

returning his brothers grin " yeah i wouldn't mess with her .....poor guy who marry's her is gonna wear the skirt " laughs Kirk to his brother .

Hal and Kirk break up in laughter but quickly regain their composure incase they need to step in and help

Rigging  d20+8=27 d20+8=20 d8+9=13 d8+9=16
Thursday November 10th, 2005 8:44:13 AM

OOC Jim, I am not sure if the earth elemental is dead so I will give two actions. Once assuming he is still alive and the second assuming he is dead.

Option 1 Rigging directs his bison to continue the attack and bring this horror down. Both bison attack and hit doing 29 more points of damage to the elemental.

Option 2: Rigging sees that Ashira has killed the elemental with her attacks, calls for the other two to move down the path and attack the water elemental. Since I am not sure which are alive, I assume both are around o/mm. The have base 40 and will do a double move.

Rigging sees the hit on attempt on Ashira and screams in his outrage, "Swirl I have had enough. If you love me, you will listen to me. If you hurt or kill Ashira, we will be through. I will release your from our mutual vows and will have nothing else to do with you. Stop this insanity!"

Rigging will keep moving down the path getting to DD/R. He will make sure to keep out of the path of the elemental if it is somehow still up and moving.

Valanthe (HP 26/ 125, AC 20, Protection from energy- fire 10)  d20+13=18 d20+8=13
Thursday November 10th, 2005 9:42:48 AM

Val feels her skin redden and blister from the intense heat. Sweat was pouring down her body doing nothing to cool her heated armor. She staggered back a step, flail nearly slipping from her hands as her vission blurred temporarily. Determined to destroy this creature Val swung the flail with as much strength as her tired muscles would allow.

ooc: I forgot to pray to the woldian dice roller and look what happened. Val missed with both attacks.

DM Jim 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 11:21:28 AM

I have a very busy day and will not post till later tonight.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+2=10 d20+14=26
Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:12:06 PM

Appolo continues to race toward Valanthe"I'm coming!!" he yells as races toward her. {Double move run feat.}Pushing the refugess out of the way and dancing arounf any obstacles."Out of the way!"

Blance 26 strenght 10

DM Jim: The Mountain Falls Combat Round 6  d20+18=38 d20+18=24 2d8(2+1)+4=7 2d8(4+7)+4=15 d20+18=21 d20+18=24 d20+18=25 d20+18=31 2d8(2+7)+4=13 2d8(2+3)+4=9 2d8(6+6)=12 2d8(7+6)=13 d20+10=23 d8=6
Thursday November 10th, 2005 5:07:59 PM

Ashirs shakes off the massive blow and strikes back at the walking mountain, taking huge chunks out of its legs. It is tittering, but not down, but her icy breath knocks it over and it breaks apart.

Nezamil administers to Bart again and the big warrior starts to feel more like his old self.

The Bison, under Riggings comand take off around the Bison and head down the path.

Rigging and Kirin are behind the bison and Appolo is in front trying to keep from getting gored.

Rigging can feel that his words stung Swirl and he sulks away from Ashira and envelops one of the Refugees, seeming to take his anger out on him. (AC 38 & 24). The refugee is broken against the trees, bones breaking can be heard by all, at least the screaming does not last long.

Jager interposes himself between the wall of water and Redux and gets doused for his effort.

AC 21 miss
AC 24 miss

Redux's mage armor potion saves him from the worst of the water.

John takes a shot at the wall of water again and hits again.

AC 23 for 6 damage. There are now two arrows floating in the beast.

The ball of fire slams Val twice after she fans the flames with her fail.

AC 25 for 13 damage + 12-10 fire damage
AC 31 for 9 damage + 13-10 fire damage

Total damage 27 to Val.

Mykale steps up into the breach, right next to Val's body. There is smoke rising from some of Val's equipment.

Melonie screams when she sees Val fall.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  9d6(5+1+2+6+5+4+3+3+1)=30
Thursday November 10th, 2005 8:04:20 PM

OOC Reminders:
1) did Mykael fire protection spell help Val at all?? it looks like it should have absorbed the last attack.
2) did the first fireball to the water elemental have any effect??

Redux again sends a fireball at the creature, this time with a bit more power. He sends it up at an angle to ignite about 30' off the ground. This should be above the elemental (and still hit it) and well above the ground where Redux and Jagar are located.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 63/65 Mage armor  d20+8=22 d20+8=26 d20+3=6 d10+3=11 d10+3=13
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:45:22 AM

The monk shakes his head vigorously to shed the water from his eyes and launches a furious counterattack on the watery beast ....his fists a blur as they find their mark (d20+8=22 1st swing)(d10+3=11 dam)(2nd swing d20+8=26)(d10+3=13 dam) as he whirls about for a round house kick he misses wide as he slips slightly in the wetness of the trail

total dam 24

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath  10d6(5+2+6+5+1+6+5+2+6+5)=43
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:47:50 AM

Ashira breathes a small sigh of relief as the earth elemental falls, but it is cut short by the screams of the tortured refugee. Her teeth grind as Ashira seethes with rage. "Swirl, I have tried to be patient with you...give you the benefit of the doubt. But, I swear to you. If you touch one more of these people, I'll kill you myself!" Ashira spins and faces Swirl but holds her breath attack for the time being.

Should Swirl attack any of the refugees, Ashira will spit ice at him, doing 43 dam.

If he does not attack, Ashira moves quickly through the brush around her (double move) toward the water elemental (ending in EE13). As she passes by Nezamil, Bart she calls out "Nezamil, Bart...Val needs a lot of help get down there and help her out!" Then she looks over at the Bash Brothers. "Well, gentlemen, don't just sit around, we've got a water elemental to take out and a mage to save!"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:59:43 AM

" lets follow Ashira " yells the dwarf to Bart as he charges down the now empty path ....with a wave to the bash brothers " come on guys lets go " growls Nezamil as he runs towards the battle with the water elemental

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Friday November 11th, 2005 1:06:56 AM

Hal nods at the blue haired warrior " we're with ya " and rambles down the path and takes a postion on Nezamils left flank easily keeping pace with the dwarf as he runs

Kirk cheeks turn red "gulp" as Ashira admonishes them " uh ...er ....coming " adds the younger brother as he breaks into a run catching up with his brother and Nezamil and falls into postion on the dwarfs right flank

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71 
Friday November 11th, 2005 1:27:23 AM

Nez thank you for saving me Bart rushes forward following Nezamil and hopefully they will be in time to safe Val

DM Jim 
Friday November 11th, 2005 11:13:22 AM

I will give some extra time for Val to repost as she is actually still standing at 9 hp. Darian and Nellie showed me the error of my ways as I got fixated with protection and not resist energy.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Friday November 11th, 2005 2:53:09 PM

Appolo continues to Sprint toward Valanthe."Mykeal get her out of there.!!"

Rigging  d20+10=11 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d8+9=17 d8+9=15 d20+6=14
Friday November 11th, 2005 3:53:34 PM

Rigging directs his bison to attack the water elemental next. They charge and try to gore the watery foe. The first stumbles over something as he comes in missing badly but the second makes up for it. He sticks both of his horns in.

(OOC rolled a natural 1 and then a natural 20. Hit with the critical hit for a total of 32 points of damage)

Rigging sees Swirls actions and then hears Ashira's response. "There is gonna be no living with the two of them." he thinks to himself. He projects to Swirl, "My friend. Please stop your attacks on innocent people. This isn't you. Something is warping you. Please just fly up into the sky and attack no one else. We can talk after this battle is over."

Rigging then hurries down the path towards the waterelemental switching his bling ring for his ring of invisibility. He doesn't activate it yet for fear of Swirl's reaction.

Valanthe (HP 27/ 125, AC 18) Rage 1 of 8, Resist Energy 59/ 72  d20+15=29 d20+10=25 d10+21=27 d10+21=26
Friday November 11th, 2005 5:02:16 PM

The vision ends as soon as it began. She was in a bad situation and wasn't going to die like that. Screaming defiantly Val gives into her rage feeling a rush of strength. She stepped closer to the fire, bringing the heavy flail around in a vicious overhanded smash.

ooc: power attack -5 to hit/ +10 damage. Hit AC 29 for 27 dmg. Hit AC 25 for 26 damage.

DM Jim: Combat Round 7  d20+18=26 d20+18=36 2d8(1+8)+4=13 2d8(2+6)+4=12 2d8(7+2)=9 2d8(6+3)=9 d20+10=28 d20+18=20 2d10(2+3)+4=9 d20+18=30 d20+18=27 2d10(3+4)+4=11 2d10(1+5)+4=10 d20+10=14
Saturday November 12th, 2005 3:02:54 PM

Val almost falls under the ball of fires last assault but find the strenght to fight back and her flail rakes flame out of the elemental that starts small fire around her and Mykael. Mykael stands transfixed by the swirling flames and it strikes out at its tormentor.

AC 26, damage 13 fire damage 9 (resisted)
Ac 36, damage 12 fire damage 9 (3 resisted 5 actual)

Val took 30 damage this round and Mykael's Fire RESISTANCE, not protection, spell ends. Val is at -3 Hp and smoking.

THe Fire elemental stands before Mykael ready to consume him next.

Melonie jumps out of the forest and takes several halting steps toward Val, but stays out of the elementals reach, for now.

112 damage to the Fire elemental to date

Swirl backs up slightly and sucks up another refugee in his wirlwind, but does not throw him. The refugee is screaming and he spins within Swirl. "You can not threaten me. You Usurped my friendship and Love of Rigging." Swirl stops in mid rant as if listening to some unseen voice. Swirl does not advance but rises 30 feet in the air, still holding the screaming refugee within him.

Nezamil, Hal, Kirk and Rigging run toward the wall all water with the bisons leading them. Appolo heads into the woods to circle around the water elemental and get to Val and Mykael either can not hear his pleas or is ignoring them.

Bart rises and follows his friends into battle.

OOC: I am unsure of which action of the two presented Ashira followed last round: Attack Swirl or move?

Redux lets another fireball go over the wall of water (save 28). Steam rises off of the elemental and Jager feels the heat wave push him toward the ground. Jager redoubles his attack on the wall of water, but it still stands.

As the Bison run up a tendril crashes down on one of the Bison.

AoO - AC 20 for 9 damage

One of the Bison slams into the elemental and the other gets tangled in the underbrush.

The elemental saves its best fury for the monk and two waves crash on him.

Ac 30,10 damage
Ac 27,11 damage

John again takes careful aim at the wall of water and lets loose an arrow, but he too too much care for his friends battling the beast and missed.


I will not post until late on Monday.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23 
Sunday November 13th, 2005 9:13:03 PM

Mykael pulls a CMW potion from his pack, pops the top and pours the potion down Vals throat. Then he side steps 5ft to the right of Val, waving his sword threatingly at the Fire Elemental to keep its attention.

"Come and get me you overgrown torch!" Mykael taunts it.

Sunday November 13th, 2005 9:14:27 PM

OOC: I cant post tomorrow, therefore someone please make one attack for me if the Fire Elemental is still standing.

Rigging  d20+8=21 d20+8=17 d8+9=15 3d4(4+1+3)+3=11
Sunday November 13th, 2005 10:14:11 PM

Rigging glances up and sees the refugee being swirled around in Swirl and sighs. Not much he can do with it now. The bisons attack the waterelemental One hit only but it doesn 10 points of damage after reduction

He follows ups up with a strong magic missils spell striking the water elemental for 11 points of damage

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 42/65 Mage armor  d20+8=12 d20+8=14 d20+3=13
Sunday November 13th, 2005 10:52:33 PM

The Monk continues his assault on the water elemental but is staggered by the water washing over him and almost slips in the muddied trail and doesnt connect with any blows

With water in his eyes Jagar tries his best to keep the beasts attention so Redux can be free to cast his magic againist it

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71  d20+11=28 d8+5=11 d20+6=18 d8+5=8
Sunday November 13th, 2005 11:43:38 PM

The dwarf having run to the battle with the water elemental jumps into the fray his shield in front he whirls his mace at the flowing beast (1st swing d20+11=28)(d8+5=11 dam)and lands a splashing hit and again strikes out (2nd swing d20+6=18)(d8+5=8 dam)and splashes it again " you will fall to Domi's strength " growls out Nezamil

total damage 19

Bash brothers Hal ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+9=25 d8+4=7 d20+9=28 d10+5=7
Monday November 14th, 2005 12:11:48 AM

The bouncers from the riverboat easily keep pace with the dwarf and follow him into battle againist the water elemental .

Hal attacks the water wall on Nezamils left flank and lands resounding blow (d20+9=25)(d8+4=7 dam) as he beats his brother to the attack " come on in Kirk the water is fine " jokes the big bouncer

Kirk moves in on Nezamils right flank and hurls a overhead smash at the waterwall and it finds its mark with a splash (d20+9=28)(d10+5=7 dam)

" very funny brother " laughs Kirk as he tries to dodge the waterwall

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71  d20+11=25 d10+19=29 d6=1 d20+6=10
Monday November 14th, 2005 2:22:16 AM

Bart makes an smashing attack against the waal of water using a lot of his strength in his slash (power attack +5) (hit ac25 for 29 + 1 shock) hi second attack misses.

Monday November 14th, 2005 10:25:41 AM

Appolo continues to head for the Fire Elemental intent on putting it out for good.He is pissed after seeing Valanthe fall.

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath , AAA11 
Monday November 14th, 2005 2:27:06 PM

OOC Since Swirl didn't overtly attack, Ashira will have moved.

The refugee would die...of that she knew, but for now she was needed elsewhere. Ashira begins to run through the forest (run 4x) toward Val and the fire elemental. Dodging through the brush and the trees as if they were not there, Ashira knows that she will not be able to make it to Val but at least she can in few more seconds. "Hang in there Val." she says under her breath as she sprints forward.

DM Jim: The Water Falls Combat Round 8  d4=1 d20+18=30 2d8(4+7)+4=15 d20+18=25 d20+18=25 d20+18=38 2d8(6+1)+4=11 2d8(7+7)+4=18 2d8(2+8)+4=14 2d8(4+3)=7 2d8(1+5)=6 2d8(7+3)=10 d20+18=37 2d8(2+2)+3=7
Monday November 14th, 2005 7:19:24 PM

OOC: No map today as my luggage was lost during travel. We will see about tomorrow.


The Wall of Water takes attacks for all sides from those already engaging it. As the four new combatants charge the Waterfall it lashes out at Nezamil before he gets close to it. Nezamil gets doused by the crashing wave.

AC 30, for 15 damage

The wall of water falls under the combined blows and spells of the wildcards. The area is completely drenched. Ashira runs around the remains of the battle and will be ready to engage the ball of fire next round. Appolo will also be ready to seek vengence on the fire elemental next round.

Riggings hands go to his head as he hears a scream of Swirl by their touch. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do not abandon me!! I will do better! I have failed everyone!" Rigging feels intense shame from Swirl. Swirl drops the refugee and takes off at high speed in the direction the group was planning on traveling.

The Ball of fire sees a combustable life form kneel next to the one it just snuffed out and attacks.

AoO AC 25 for 11 damage + 7 fire damage
AC 25 for 18 damage + 6 fire damage
AC 38 for 14 + 10 fire damage. Ciritcal AC 37 for 7 more

Total damage 73. Mykael is another burned form and the Fire elemental heads north looking for more prey.

Mykael's spirit starts to rise out of his body.

Redux HP 50, AC 20  5d4(3+1+3+2+2)+5=16
Monday November 14th, 2005 11:12:17 PM

Redux will attempt to levitate up to be able to see the fire elemental. He'll cast Magic Missile at the inferno for 16 dmg.

Ashira (AC25, HP 90/115) Barkskin, Seal of Cold Breath, TTT12 
Monday November 14th, 2005 11:51:34 PM

Ashira bolts through the overgrown night once more and finally ends up where she can do something. Unfortunately, it took all her energy to get this far (Run 4x). Ashira stares at the elemental in her path. "Yeah, come on ugly!! Come to mama!!" she taunts as she calls out for the refugees to run away.

Valanthe (?/ 125, AC 20) 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 10:01:16 AM

OOC: Valanthe was at -3 when Mykael gave her a potion of CMW. How much did that give back?

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 56/71 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 2:53:10 PM

The dwarf wipes the water out of his eyes in time to see the watery beast fall and lose its form and washes across the trail

" lets go get that last fiery beast " growls the dwarf to the bash brothers and Bart

Nezamil runs full tilt down the trail towards the fire elemental(move 120' is not enough to get there this rd but brings him within spell range )" i'll wet that thing down when we get close " adds the dwarf as he chugs along

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 hp 43/43 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 2:56:38 PM

The bouncers trot along side the dwarf as they head to the back of the group to fight the fire elemental

Hal gives the dwarf a quizical look " what you gonna do ? give it a drink of water ? "

Kirk lopes easily along side the dwarf and laughs at his brother " i could use a drink of something stronger "

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 42/65 mage armor 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 3:04:18 PM

Jagar charges towards the battle at the back of the trail (move x3=150') and looks on in anger as he see's the bodies of his fellow wildcards on the ground and readies himself to charge and launch himself at the fire elemental " you'll pay for this " grunts Jagar

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+2=22 d20+14=18
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 3:28:39 PM

When Appolo arrives he goes invisible then sprints over to Valanthe and picks her up carrying her away from the fire elemental.He will then pull out two cure moderate wounds potions and give them to her."Don't worry sunshine I'm here I got to you.I'll finish that thing."Once he fills she is safe he will get ready to go put out a fire.

Strength check 22 Balance 18

Bart Ac 24 Hp 44/71  d20+11=28 d20+11=28 d10+19=25 d10+19=25 d6=5
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 4:43:31 PM

Bart is making an spring attack towards the fireelemental (powerattack +5 hit ac 28 for 25 + 5 shock)

Rigging  d20+6=13 d20+10=17 d20+10=28 d8+9=11
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 4:49:21 PM

Rigging grabs his head in anguish as he hears Swirl's pain. He projects out to his rapidly moving familiar, "Swirl, come back! I don't think you have failed me. I just think your confused. I still love you. Please don't leave!"

Diplomacy 13

Rigging keeps moving south as fast as he can sprinting down the path towards the fire elemental. He sees Mykael fall and snarls in frustration. This must stop! He sends his bison also running down the path to engage the fire elemental. ooc not quite sure where they are now. total movement of 160. They can charge with 80' movement)

I rolled possible to hit rolls for the bison. One should have hit for 11 points of damage if they were in range. The bison will stop at 20' away if they can't attack this round. So will Rigging.

DM Jim: Firey Confrontation Combat Round 9  d8+3=9
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 12:05:43 AM

Ashira and Val see the damage that the ball of fire has wrought. There are small fires everywhere and that is hard to do in this lush forest. Mykael is a smoldering pile and Val is hanging on to life (Val had gotten 9 back from Mykaels last effort) and is regaining her composure.

Appolo sneaks up invisible and attempts to extract Val. The elemental notices the movement and prepare to launch and a new attack on Val and her invisible rescuer, but is struck by four darts of light and the ball of fire looses form and seems to become an ordinary fire, although a large one.

The rest of the group that are on foot arrive at the seen an survey the burning path and several chared bodies.

Rigging attempt to touch Swirl and is sucessful, but all he feels is shame from the elemental and on many levels and for many reasons.

Mykael's spirit has risen out of his body and is floating north and into the forest.


End of Combat....for now.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 12:21:11 AM

OOC Quick post...more to come tomorrow...

Seeing the fire change into a normal one, Ashira uses the last 3 charges of her icy breath to put it out. She looks around at the devistation around her and shakes her head in sorrow.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 7:03:07 AM

Rigging walks over to his new and now dead companion Mykael and feels for a pulse. (Assuming since we saw his spirit float away there isn't one. Does he want to be raised?)

Rigging will then look up and down at the devastation of the refugees and say to Ashira, "So much death. This is why I didn't want them to come along. They aren't the heroes. We are."

Rigging will then cast a detect magic spell focusing on the dead. He knows it is shameful to loot the dead of friends but he is more concerned with the living.

He will project comforting thoughts out to Swirl the entire time, projecting love, friendship and forgiveness. "Please come back my friend."

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 56/71 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:37:55 PM

The rushes to within 50' of the fire elemental and watches as he disapiates " well done Ashira "adds Nezamil as he touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi quench these fires " prays Nezamil (casting create water on the fires )

The dwarf then charges over to Val and quickly yanks out a wand(cmw) from his pouch and prepares to activate it on Val (readying it for next rd)" this will heal you Val "

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 42/65 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:46:36 PM

As the fire elemental burns out the Monk turns and scans the surrounding woods "allright who's next ??" shouts Jagar into the woods in frustration

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hhp 30/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:50:42 PM

The bouncers look around grimly at the destruction that the fire elemental has reaked and shake their heads in dismay at the savagery of the battle

Hal and Kirk tag along after the dwarf unsure of what to do next

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 4:41:41 PM

Ashira sighs. "Yes Rigging, I know. But I think you are forgetting something. We were just like these people once. And to be honest, I think it is they who are the heroes, not us." Ashira winces as Mother makes contact once more. She listens to the voice inside her head for a few moments and then nods briefly.

"Mother says we should bury those who have passed...but let us keep Mykael's body for resurrection. And we should all rest. We need our rest for the morning. Everyone set up camp...we're staying the night here." Ashira speaks loud enough for all the refugees to hear her and does not seem to be too worried about what anyone else might think of her orders. She begins to direct the refugees in how to set up the camp and begins to assign watches and defensive positions for all of the warriors. With so many, she can easily set up enough to watch the camp and still let everyone get enough rest. Not that she knew what was going to happen tomorrow, but if Mother says they need their rest, then she was sure they would.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 7:25:01 PM

Appolo takes care of Valanthe.He gives her the two potions and helps her get cleaned up a little.He also makes sure she gets some food and water.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 7:48:43 PM

The mage makes his way to Rigging and is glad to hear of the preparations for rest. He'll ask Ashira to be excused from duties so that he might rest fully and be able to start tomorrow with fresh and with all spells.

To Rigging he inquires about Swirl. "Where is he? i'll ask Talon to go to him and help."

If he is knows where to send Talon, he'll ask his winged friend to go and search out Swirl.

Valanthe (6hp) 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 10:13:29 PM

Valanthe breathes heavily and finds herself unable to stand. Her body hurts in ways that she didn't know possible. She should have died this day. For a moment she thought she did.

"Thanks Appolo, Nezamil. I underestimated Ashira's resolve. I'm positive that mother told her to press on knowing that I was badly injured from the previous battle. I should not be alive right now. Like Mykael my spirit should be gone."

DM Jim: Camp 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 10:25:44 PM

The heros look around them at the devestation they and their foe just brought to the forest. Ashira puts out the flames from the last of the fire elemental.

The refugees start to come out of the woods and huddle around the Wildcards. Not much is said as the refugees are tired and sore from running around in the dark, not to mention the hard march. All of the refugee just fall where they are once Ashira tells them they are to camp for the night.

Rigging scans those that are dead and detects obvious magic on the bodies of Beltro, Calibine and Mykael. (I do not have access to the character sheets so I will have to post the items later)

Hal and Kirk start to dig graves and find markers for the dead.

The dead are brought together for burial, but many of the Domi faithful request that Nezamil say words over the fallen before they are interned.

Val is battered, bruised, clawed (raptors), bite (same) and burned. Appolo attends to her and give her potions (please roll HP recovered as you did not specifiy the type of potion).

Rigging still feels shame from Swirl and receives a one word response "Tomorrow." in a very subdued tone.

Redux asks Rigging is Talon should seek out Swirl?

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 11:53:58 PM

The battle weary ranger sees to the making of the camp and then pulls the acorn bearers aside. "Has Mother spoken with you? What has she told you? I am confused by some of what she has told me. Shall we bury the acorns?" Ashira consults with the bearers and then sees to the camp arrangements and the burial duty. After Nezamil offers his words, Ashira heads over to Val. "You were fantastic out there!! And you took quite a beating. I know Nezamil has been busy lately. Here, take my last Cure Moderate Wounds. Normally I'd save it for use in combat, but it looks like you could use it now. And sounds like we've got quite a fight on our hands in the morning. Better cure up now."

Thursday November 17th, 2005 7:59:48 AM

Rigging with some disgust loots the bodies of magic, valuables and other weapons. He will distribute the weapons to other refugees, (taking note of the magic ones)who look like they can handle them.

He gathers all the refugees together even if he has to wake a few up. He tries to get them into an area where all can be watched without to much trouble. Appolo, please make a fire. A big one. Then keep watch, wake me in two hours and I will take over.

Rigging will take a quick 2 hour nap and then get up and memorize any spells he has used making some switches to try and get more effective. (Will send spell list later)

He keeps broadcasting thoughts of comfort and love out to Swirl.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:16:21 AM

The nearly dead elven woman doesn't look all that happy. But considering what just happened who in their right mind would be. "Keep your potion. You may very well need it tomarrow. Mother must be dissapointed in what's happened. Was it not her voice that told you we should keep moving despite the fact that the raptor mauled me pretty well? No rest for the bleeding eh? I'm sure that you could find the trail of my blood marking the path back the way we came. Her hold over you must be really strong."

Thursday November 17th, 2005 10:40:08 AM

When Valanthe refuses Ashira's potion Appolo reaches up and takes"Ashira's right you need this as well as these."Appolo will gently insistys that she drink the three cure moderate wounds potions one after another."Ashira does care about you,strange things have been happening.Now drink all three of them my love."He gently removes and cleans her armour,then uses whatever water he has left to clean her wound.Breaking out his pack he onrolls his bed roll.Makes a bed for her and wraps her in his cloak and blanket."You sleep now rest I'll stand watch"Ahira could you make a fire.My skills as a woodsman are some what limitted."Appolo never leaves Val's side when he gets tired he lays down besides her and sleeps next to her.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 1:45:35 PM

Ashira is both stung and confused by Val's words. "Sister, what has gotten into you? You know I love you and I don't want you to be hurt. I had no idea that you didn't heal yourself up. Why didn't you talk to someone? I'm sure Nezamil would have cured you if he had known how badly you were wounded. Mother asked me to keep moving because she knew we would be attacked again. We needed to press on. We are safe here and so we can rest. Mother is not the source of these attacks, the Fae King is. He is the one who has sent these things against us...he is the one you should be angry with. We will see to him soon and then all this senseless bloodshed will be over. He will pay for his crimes against these people and us. Of that I swear!" Ashira looks over at Val, love and concern clearly written on her face. "I'll send Nezamil over and have the rest of you wounds tended to. We need your strength for whatever it is that waits for us in the morning. And rest...I know this battle has been hard on everyone."

Thursday November 17th, 2005 2:33:04 PM

The mage takes some time with Talon; he's unsure why Rigging didn't want Talon to help.
'Get some meat; bring it back here in the morning. If you meet Swirl, ask him to come back soon.'
Redux will then find a comfortable spot amongst the grass and rest. He'll take care of anything that's still wet before sleeping. In his mind he goes over the spells he has trying to think of any changes.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 56/65 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 3:21:22 PM

Jagar helps the bouncers bury the dead taking a few minutes to heal himself (14 pts wholeness of body)

Nezamil Av 22 Hp 66/71  d8+9=10 4d8(8+5+1+4)+9=27 4d8(7+4+8+8)+9=36
Thursday November 17th, 2005 3:33:52 PM

Nezamil helps organize burial details among the refugees and prays for the fallen upon their burial.

Nezamil makes ure water is collected from the nearby stream to help quench the thirst of all the tired refugees

The Cleric of Domi also will cast spontanously a (cure light mass spell d8+9=10)to all the wildcards that need it and to any major npc's)

The dwarf will step up to Val and spontanously cast to csw spells (27+36=63 healed to Val)" that should help you feel better " adds the Cleric to the elven warrior

everyone gets 10 pts healed that needs it and val gets 63+10=73 total healed

Bash brothers Hal 40/52 Kirk 43/43 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 3:35:48 PM

the brothers quietly work burying the dead the savagery of the last few days having taken a toll on the lively bouncers

Thursday November 17th, 2005 7:44:05 PM

OOC Jim, Nezamil should be allowed to reroll that healing spell. Woldian rule: You can reroll ones on healing spells and hitpoints

DM Jim: You are correct, but Chris must reroll.

Valanthe (73/ 136)  6d8(4+5+8+3+2+6)+9=37
Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:05:12 PM

Feeling better but a long way from a hundred percent Val is able to rest easier. She doesn't argue as Appolo takes care of her. It's one of the little things he does that she really enjoys despite her verbal protests most of the time.

ooc: how much did she get back from the potions?

DM Jim: I rolled for you and you got 37 if you drank them all: 12, 14 and 11 in order.

Appolo OOC 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:22:53 PM

Not Sure Valanthe consumed three cure moderate wound potions.Two given to her by Appolo one from Ashira.Not sure on the dice for Cure Potions.

DM Jim: I believe cure moderate is 2 d8 +3, but Val must role the dice and say she is taking the potions, if not she has them on her person.

DM Jim: Settling in for the Night 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 10:11:32 PM

OOC: Just lost my post. Will have to start over. GRRRRRR!


Mary and John come over to confer with Ashira and Mary starts " I think Mother wanted us to plant the acorns, although I hate to part with it, it made me feel so confident." John goes over and borrows the makeshift shovel from Hal and starts to dig three holes 30 feet apart. John looks up at the women and comments "They are really big acorns."

The two hulking brothers stand behind the fresh markers for the dead and Kirk clears his throat in an attempt to get Nezamils attention "A few words for the fallen, please." Upon hearing Kirk 22 of Domi's faithful file in behind the brothers and await Nezamil's words of wisdom.

Redux send Talon off to hunt and all he hears from his friend is "Off to find the fat hare...." repeated over and over again.

The rest of the refugees that are not waiting for the sermon drift off to sleep.

Appolo starts taking care of Val and she reluctantly lets him, with a smile on her face.

Nezamil goes and heals the Wildcards and Jager heals himself. Jager waits with Hal and Kirk for Nezamil.

Rigging goes through the greusome task of collecting all of the valuables and weapons from the fallen before they are buried. Mykael is placed off to the side and not interned in the earth.

Kirin comes back from the forest with arm loads of wood, intent on keeping the fires going. "It has been rough and we do not know what is still out there. At least the fire elemental dried out alot of the wood so it is ready to burn properly." Kirin adds with foreboding.

Rigging thinks Swirl is sleeping or resting very deeply.

When camp tasks are complete everyone starts to fall into a deep well earned sleep.


Nellie please post the items of value found on Beltro and Calibine as I believe you have a copy of their items.

Mykael had a bastard sword and magic armor and shield, plus a slightly singhed spell book.

A Male Elf ??? 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:08:44 PM

One of the dead male elves starts to rise. He rubs his head and eyes, while groaning.

"Ugh, what a fight..." the elf moans. "Did we get them all? Is Val ok?"

Then the elf passes out.

Nezamil  d8+9=10 d8+9=15
Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:11:59 PM

re-roll of cure light mass spell 15 pts healed

jeez rolled another 1 !!

Valanthe (124/ 136)  2d8(6+8)+3=17 2d8(5+2)+3=10 2d8(7+5)+3=15
Friday November 18th, 2005 1:16:44 AM

She didn't know how weary she was until she allowed herself to relax. Since Mykael died because of her actions, Val can't get too happy. Without his magic she would have died. But as good as the night was the day was going to bring more hardship and death.

Bart hp67/79  2d8(5+7)+3=15
Friday November 18th, 2005 2:25:02 AM

Bart is searching through his backpack, underneath all his stuff he finds 4 potions 3 cure light and 3 cure moderate wounds. He uses 1 cure moderate for him self and offers Val and Ashira the other tw0. Here you can use them now or save it when you need it

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 66/71 
Friday November 18th, 2005 10:15:34 AM

The Cleric of Domi makes time to address the refugees concerns and performs prayer services for all the dead .

Nezamil will talk to all the surviving refugees and try and raise their spirits " this is journey almost over that i'm sure of another day or two at the most please don't give up hope we are all in this together ....Domi's watches over all of us " preaches the dwarf

Friday November 18th, 2005 10:17:14 AM

Jagar participates in Nezamil's prayer service for the dead and will help finishing any burial's that need to be done with Hal and Kirk

Ashira (AC25, HP 100/103)  d20+2=18
Friday November 18th, 2005 11:22:29 AM

Ashira smiles at Nezamil's healing touch. "Thank you friend!"

At the sudden raising of the formerly dead elf, Ashira's eyes light with understanding. She goes over and stops the members of the burial brigade. "Wait!! I understand now!! The dead do not truely die here, but come back in the bodies of the fallen!! Do not bury the dead. We need to give the fallen a place to return! Nezamil, come over here! I believe this elf is none other than our own Mykael!! Looks like he needs healing too."

When Bart offers her the potion, she declines. "Looks like some of the others need it more than me."

Ashira waits for John to finish the holes and then places her acorn in the ground. She shudders as she immediately feels weaker. "Mother, grant us the strength we will need tomorrow." she whispers as the acorns are buried.

Friday November 18th, 2005 3:58:06 PM

With interest in the proceedings, Redux looks on at the funeral. He too is interested in the dead that have come back. Pondering Ashira's words, he wonders if they are keeping around food for the scavengers or making it possible for some to return. A shudder goes thru him as the thought of coming back in someone else's body comes to him. There probably aren't any limits to what the gods might make possible at this time. He'd rather not find out, either.

Friday November 18th, 2005 5:01:21 PM

Rigging wakes from his sleep and studies his spells. He listens to Ashira's explanation about the spirits inhabiting the bodies of the slain and shudders, "That is horrible. You could come back as a butterfly or a squirrel. If that is truly Mykael in that body what happened to the spirit of the the person who died? Is he going to want his body back?

Rigging calls Nezamil over and brings him to the elf. "He might need some healing." Rigging will gently shake the elf and ask, "Mykael?"

Rigging's spells: Zero Level: daze, detect magic, read magic, dancing lights.
First level: magic missile, true strike, burning hands, mage armor, shield
Second level: Detect invisibility,Resist engery, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
Third level: Summon monster 3, dispel magic, lightning bolt,
Fourth Level: Greater invisiblity, Summon Monster 4

DM Jim: Exhuming  d20+10=23 d20+5=15
Friday November 18th, 2005 11:45:40 PM

Nezamil performs the burial ceremony and talks to many of the tired refugees and seems to bouy their spirits. Ashira's suggestions seem to change all of Nezamil's good work.

Many of the Refugees and Domi's faithful balk at Ashira's suggestion that they dig up those that were buried. One women comments " Are you mad. They were just given a decent funeral and now you want us to desecrate them." She walks off in disgust too tired to protest anymore.

John hands Ashira Hal and Kirks makeshift shovel. "I can't bring myself to do it. I understand it, but can't do it. It is tough sometimes for those who lead." John walks away and checks on the plantings before finding a spot to sleep.

Several of the Wildcards discuss Ashira revelation about the no longer dead elf that may be Mykeal.

Bart offers up curing potions to those in need.

Kirin lets the campfire burn down as everyone starts to fall asleep. "I doubt we will catch the ants in the morning. I do not think I can track them." Kirin comments to the crackling fire.


Rigging I need a DC 15 (23) spot check and a DC 20 listen check.


Come morning I will need spell lists from everyone that can cast them. Rigging is already set.

Rigging  d20+12=27 d20+10=23
Saturday November 19th, 2005 8:17:58 AM

Rigging watches the camp settle down as he keeps watch. He alternates scanning the shadows as he sits next to the elf who might be Mykael reborn. (OCC Jim you never responded to Rigging trying to wake him up last post)

He watches the shadows, waiting for the next bogey man to jump out at them. His concentration never waivers as he keeps watch but his brain spins as he thinks over the last few days. He longs to be back on the Sword, feeling the salt spray in his face. That is where he belongs. Not stuck in some jungle, herding a bunch of stupid villagers and degenerate gamblers. How is this helping his people become free of Ga'al?

He comes to the conclusion that he will give it one more day. If it doesn't get better or they don't make progress then he will leave. If the others wish to stay, so be it. Maybe it was time for him to strike out on his own. Ashira could be the become the Captain of the Sword. She was probably more qualified anyway. Yes he would miss her and the others but he feels that he is on the wrong path.

Rigging scans the woods again with his keen eyes. He sends his thoughts out to Swirl, "I am still here. Are you OK?" Rigging sits as the depression takes him again.

spot check 27
listen check 23

DM JIM: George, i want Darian/Mykael to respond to you.

Saturday November 19th, 2005 1:57:08 PM

spell list
Zero Level - Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue, Flare
First-level spells - Grease, Magic Missile (2), Ray of Enfeeblement, True Strike
Second-level spells - False Life, Ghoul Touch, Glitterdust, Invisible, Spectral Hand, Web
Third-level spells - Vampiric Touch, Fly, Fireball, Lightening Bolt (2)
Fourth-level spells - Enervation, Phantasmal Killer, Ice Storm
Fifth-level spells -- Teleport, Magic Jar

Valanthe (124/ 136) 
Monday November 21st, 2005 10:25:26 AM

Tired and weary from this challenging trip Val did her best to gather the elven refugees and bolster their spirits. She had no idea how many more days this would continue. Val didn't know how much she missed her life on the sword. Sailing the ocean, facing the fierce storms, and watching dolphins play on sunny days.

Bart hp76/79  d8+3=9
Monday November 21st, 2005 11:35:44 AM

Bart uses one of the cure light potions, And still offers the other to Val and Ashira, "We are low on healing potions take it keep it until you need it"

DM Jim: Middle of the night 
Monday November 21st, 2005 12:43:12 PM

OOC: I am posting a bit early today as compared to last week, but I want to get on an earlier schedule.


Everyone is exhausted and is sleeping. The are night sounds all around, crickets, owls, and the babbling brook all carried on a warn breeze. Rigging is watching over the sleeping masses, when he notices something, some sort of movement on the edge of the camp. As Rigging prepares himself he hear a soft and muffled "What the heck?" and then he sees a rush of movement and then a "Umpf.".

All of the activity is taking place by the area that the acorns were planted in. In fact the firelight now seems to outline three small trees in the area that were not there a few hours ago. Rigging also hears what sounds like alarm in a language he has neve heard before.

Roll DC 17 listen to hear the commotion and wake up.

Appolo  d20+6=17
Monday November 21st, 2005 1:01:22 PM

Appolo is sleeping and exhausted sleep deep sleep next to Val,when he hears something and wakes.Thinking oh great here we go again.He lies awake verys till waiting to move at moments notice.

Redux  d20+2=16 d20+14=28
Monday November 21st, 2005 2:24:53 PM

The mage continues to sleep, though fitfully. Talon does wake up and flies down with curiosity. He'll call to Redux, but it may take a round or two to stir him.

Monday November 21st, 2005 4:20:31 PM

Rigging nudges Ashira with his foot to wake her and then casts the cantrip, dancing lights over the area to get a better look at what is happening.

Nezamil  d20+5=11
Monday November 21st, 2005 5:57:50 PM

The dwarf sleeps soundly throughly exhausted from the journeys pitfalls

Jagar  d20+6=9
Monday November 21st, 2005 6:01:46 PM

Jagar sleeps deeply (d20+6=9 listen ch) oblivous to the sounds of the night

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=31
Monday November 21st, 2005 9:51:50 PM

Having had to have swapped out her Ring of Sustenance for her Ring of Invisibility, Ashira moans when Rigging awakens her. Her eyes bleary and bloodshot, she scans the immediate area for threats (Spot=15, Listen=nat. 20). She quickly awakens any of the Wildcards and warriors who might still be asleep and points to the trees. "I think I heard something over there. Look sharp!" Unsheathing her longsword and retrieving her everburning torch, Ashira heads over toward the trees.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 12:35:25 AM

Appolo continues to ly perfectly still in the dark.Waiting for something to happen.His hands resting on the hilts of his swords.

Nezamil  d20+5=12 d20+5=17
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:05:43 AM

The dwarf snaps awake at Ashira's warning "what ?" grumbles the dwarf

Nezamil peers into the night with his dwarven vision towards where the Swords mistress is heading (d20+5=12 spot ch) and quickly steps over and wakes up Hal and Kirk "come om guys lets go " growls the dwarf

listen ch d20+5=17

Bart  d20=18 d20+4=16
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 2:18:18 AM

Bart is sleeping, suddenly he awakes from a noise (listen 18) , he sits up and looks around (spot 16)

Valanthe (124/ 136) 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 8:03:15 AM

Waken from her reverie by the others Val slowly stirs. She was rather deep this time and needed an extra moment to become aware. Before doing anything however, Val begins putting on her magical armor.

DM Jim: Struggle in the Shadows 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 8:43:52 AM

Rigging hears movement on the edge of camp and spots shapes creeping in the shadows. Rigging casts his dancing light spell and the area is illuminated. The new light and Rigging's warning start to wake up the camp. Several people scream at the disterbance, obviously effected by the tough day yesterday.

It is about an hour before dawn.

Rigging see clearly, and everyone else catches glimpses as they wake up.

Melonie is over by the area that John planted the acorns. Although now there are three small 13 foot trees. Melonie is swinging Hal's makeshift shovel at one of the trees, but she is tackled by Kirin. During their struggle, one of the trees bends down and plucks the shovel out of Melonie's outstreched hand. Upon loosing the shovel Melonie goes slack with shock and Kirin gets her under control, but he lets go of her when he notices the tree holding the shovel.

The two outside trees each take a step toward their brother holding the shovel and begin uttering noises that are not understood by anyone, but themselves.


Everyone got enough sleep to get a full nights worth of healing (One HP per level).

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:12:37 AM

Ashira starts as the trees begin to move, her sword wavering uncertainly. She winces and touches her head then smiles. "Don't fear, friends! These creatures are gifts from Mother and they are our allies! Please welcome them...the more we show them our support, the bigger they will grow. None of us know what dangers await us today, and for once it is nice to have someone on our side. So I recommend that everyone give our friends a nice friendly greeting." Being one who believes in practising what she preaches, Ashira casts Speak with Plants and heads over to the tree bearing the shovel. "Greetings brother. It is an honor to have you at our side. Can you tell me how far of a journey it is to Mother?"

DM Jim: Talking with Trees - Supplimental post 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:07:16 PM

OOC: I just want to keep things moving, So I will answer Ashira and lets everyone continue to post.


Ashira approaches the middle moving tree, the one holding the shovel and talks with it. "It was trying to hurt me." and it points the shovel on a long thin branch at Melonie.

The tree seems to now realize that Ashira is speaking to it "You can talk? Strange. I was listening to you kind before and you did not make much noise than then lots of noise, but you can talk." The tree seems surprised. "Mother is not far. If the Sun were up I would be able to see her meadow. I can feel her now and the Fey King. We must make our choices soon, all of us."

The other two trees huddle close to Ashira and one comments. "This one feels good." The last tree comments harshly. "It can only pick from one of us."

Redux  d20+5=19
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 1:45:04 PM

Redux wakes with a start at all the commotion. He's a bit bleary eyed, this early in the morning, but sees clear enough on what's going on. He rubs his temple and notes a slight headache, probably not enough sleep he thinks. He'll rise, collect his robes together and move towards Ashira and the trees to find out more from her.

ooc: what how many levels of spells will spellcasters be able to regain for the day?

DM Jim: You had enough rest to get a full complement of spells.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 2:35:19 PM

Rigging will walk over towards the trees and then looks at Melonie. He will pull out his wand of detect magic and zap off a charge looking closely at the woman. "Why were you trying to attack the trees?"

He will then glance at his wife to see what she is doing. He wished this mother person would talk to all of them, not just his wife.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 7:23:24 PM

Qhwn the lights go on and panic starts to breakout Appolo comes up quickly sword drawn looks around a sees the tree s he immediately heads in that direction.Seeing that Ashira is talking to them,he figures they aren't a threat so he sheathes his swords.
Standing next to Rigging"Relax brother she just thought we were under attack.As did I."

"Ashira ask it if we can have the shovel back.Explian that Melonie was just frightened and that we will not harm them.Also ask them to take us where we need to go.This Fea King has alot of payback coming."

Valanthe (125/ 136) 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:46:17 PM

"I told her to keep watch with some of the other elves while I was out of comission. If I had been awake I would have done the same thing." Val says to Rigging as she helps Melonie to her feet.

"With everything that has happened how did Kirin know these trees didn't mean us harm? He's lucky that I wasn't out here because if he tried that with me I'd have crushed his skull. He must be privy to information that we are not."

Valanthe supports Melonie's weight until the young woman can stand on her own. As she makes her way back to camp she looks at the tree standing apart from the other two. "Well come on. It's going to be a while before we are ready to travel. You might as well come back and introduce yourself."

Mykael  d20=8 d20+4=5
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:52:10 PM

After a good rest and some healing, the unconscious male elf wakes to the commotion.

Standing on unsure legs, with wide eyes and a slightly confused look, the elf curses mostly to himself, but other around may hear, "Damn, *&$*&#, stupid Fey.. %&*$$@#&, ok.. this is weird. Guess I should just be happy to be alive, that is if I even am."

The elf starts to run his hands over his body, checking it out for wounds, and to just get a feel of his form, finishing with running his hands through his hair and touching his ears.

Then he starts to scan the area and takes in all that is going on. (listen = 8, spot = 5)

Still in a fog, the elf takes a step or two.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:02:03 AM

Ashira smiles at the trees. "It is thanks to a spell that I can speak with you." She nods at Appolo. "Can you take us to the Fae King?"

As she waits for an answer, Ashira turns to Val and shoots her a very ugly look. She returns to her attention to the trees and points at Melonie "Please forgive her. We have been under constant attack. I do not think she meant you any harm."

Looking up, she calls to Appolo. "Get ready to get the refugees moving. We need to roll soon."

DM Jim: Ashira you feel that your speak with plants spell will last hours longer than normal.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:16:09 AM

Nezamil takes in the unfolding events " Domi's faithful please help your fellow travelers get ready to move out soon " requests the Cleric of Domi

"Hal and kirk stick with me .....we worked well together and i feel trouble brewing so stay alert " adds the dwarf to the bouncers

whats Mykaels life total at ?

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:18:35 AM

Jagar looks about for Mary as he notices the trees moving for he knows she carried one of the acorns " all the acorn bearers gather by Ashira " shouts out Jagar as he does his best to collect the acorn bearers

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 1:04:57 AM

OOC: He has a max of 45 HPs... I am assuming that when he awoke and passed out, he was at 0 or 1... so with the night rest he would be at 8 or 9, plus how ever much healing he received, although I am unaware of that total.

IC: The elf notices the human corpse of Mykael, he walks over and gently starts pulling equipment off of it and sorting it. Once done, he will start putting it on. The cloths are big, but the armor will fit, magic.

DM Jim: We will say Mykael is at 10 HP. Please supply your spell list.

Bart hp 77/79 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 2:31:54 AM

Bart stands up and sees what he can do, cleaning up their campsite preparing a small meal

DM Jim: Dawn March 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 1:16:54 PM

The camp wakes up early with all of the commotion with the talking trees that can move about on their own. Most of the refugees are tenative around the new trees, but several are curious.

There is much discussion amongst the Wildcards about Meloine's actions and those of the trees. Kirin responds to Val's heated words. "It looked like Melonie was getting herself in trouble and I did not want to see her killed. We need every elf we can get when we get to the center of the trouble here."

The now no longer dead elf goes over and pillages the non magical items from Mykael's body. Rigging is still holding Mykael's magic items and money, in addition to Calibine and Beltro's.

Ashira gets the feeling that the three trees are not in agreement with what is in store for them. One of the trees is attempting to convince the other two that the Fey King must return to prominence at the expense of the mother of the valley. One tree argues for the status quo and the third for for the Fey Kings demise. Ashira notes that the Ents conversations take a long long time.

Everyone eat a hasty breakfast and waits for the sun to raise over the valley walls. In the sunlight it seems that the talking trees grew a few feet since your first encounter with them a few hours ago.

Once the sun peaks over the valley, Kirin takes point again to mark a trail. The three talking trees lumber after Kirin and actually help widen the trail. After only 30 minutes the dense forest starts to thin and Kirin can be seen in front of group. In another half an hour almost all of the trees disappear and everyone can see the the stream feed into a beautifully calm lake in the middle of a large plain. This seems to be the center of the valley and also its lowest points. The walls of the valley are off in the distance and seem to tower over your heads.

On the other side of the stream and lake is an enormous tree standing all by itself. The tree is a just under a mile away. The stream is about 20 feet across at this point and looks to be about five or six feet deep at the middle.

The plain before you is covered by a deep grass about 4 feet deep.


OOC: What is the marching order? There is almost as much width as you want to spread out. Please describe your position for moving forward or I will find a place for you.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I may not post tomorrow, depending on if everyone else is able. If we skip tomorrow, I will make it up over the weekend.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 6:07:40 PM

"Who has plundered my magic? AND my spellbook! It would be nice to have them back, please," Mykael, the elf states as his head clears and he looks around the group.

"I am Mykael, the magic in this area has caused my soul to inhabit this body, or that is the way it appears," Mykael offers up an explaination.

OOC: Spell list, assuming I get my spellbook back.

0 - Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Open, Mage Hand
1 - Comp. Lang., Magic Weapon, Magic Missle X2
2 - Bulls Strength, See Invis, Scorching Ray X2
3 - Haste, Fireball, Vampiric Touch

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 7:44:50 PM

Rigging hears Mykael's complaints and sticks his hands behind his back, starts whistling, and kicking at the ground. He will say to the elf, "Mykael, that is you? I tried talking to you before but you didn't answer. Your missing your magic items? How shocking! I wonder if any of these refugees are thieves!?" After a suitable period, Rigging will give him back his items.

He will call out to Ashira as they march with the treants, "I want the Wildcards put into their fighting groups. I want no more than 50 seperating those groups. The refugees will just have to look after themselves. I have a feeling that we will need ourselves at our full fighting capacity soon and I will not have us seperated by much."

OOC Jim, I am confused by your description of the lake, stream and valley. You made the point that the stream feeds the lack which is in the center of the valley. Does the stream block off the entrance to the valley? Can we go around it?

DM Jim: You can easily not cross it, but it you want to get to the large tree you either have to ford the stream or go all the way around the lake.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 10:19:27 PM

Appolo move3s out organizing the refugees"Come on people let's move we got another day of marching and fighting to do."
He then finds Valanthe"Come Sunshine let's take point.It's pay back time."He then sprints forward moving quickly down the trail behind the tres.

Thursday November 24th, 2005 2:24:12 AM

Bart is somewhere in the front ready to react when necessary

Appolo OOC 
Thursday November 24th, 2005 6:10:19 PM

I am Very THANKFUL to be a WOLDIAN.

Thank You All ,

Nezamil  4d8(1+3+3+7)+9=23 d8=8
Thursday November 24th, 2005 9:44:37 PM

"By Domi is that you Mykael " inquires the dwarf " this is certainly strange happenings but it is good to have you back with us "

" you seem a little beat up ...i'll help take some of the hurt away " Nezamil spontanously casts Cure crit wounds on Mykael(in place of freedom of movement for 30 pts healed)(rerolled the 1)

"that should get ya back on ya feet " adds the Cleric as he slaps the elf on his back

As they start the journey down into the valley Nezamil calls to the brothers "Hal...Kirk walk with me "

Nezamil will stay near the center of the group and looks about for Sam the crossbowman

0-level-Create water x2,Detect magic,Light x2,Mending
1st-Command ,Doom,Pro-evil,Sof,Divine Favor(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Hold person,Owlswisdom,Silence,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf,Inviso purge,Waterwalk,Windwall(pro-energy)
4th-Diemensional anchor.Freedom of movement,Neutralize poison(spell immunity)
5th-Flamestrike(spell resistance)

Thursday November 24th, 2005 9:52:46 PM

Jagar sadly leaves his battle friend Beltro behind and trudges along the trail and catches up to Mykael " whoa Mykael hows it feel to be in someones else's body " inquires the curious monk " thats got to feel a little weird "

Friday November 25th, 2005 12:30:19 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's advice. "Alright, folks, link up. Val, Appolo you're with me. So is John and Kirin. Rigging, Bart and Mykeal you guys are together. Nezamil, Jager and Redux take Hal and Kirk with you...I have the feeling we're going to need all the firepower we can get. I want the main fighting force up front, like Rigging said. We can't spread ourselves too thin amoung the refugees. But don't leave them behind...we need our army."

Ashira takes in the valley and considers the best method to lead the army to Mother.

OOC Jim, I'm confused too. A little more description on what it will take to get to Mother and the Fae King would be helpful. :)

Friday November 25th, 2005 9:37:41 AM

Redux makes his way thru the grass as best he can. He doesn't like it much and so walks behind the bigger fighter types.

DM Jim: The Cautious March 
Friday November 25th, 2005 1:55:30 PM

OOC: No one mentioned fording the stream, so I am assuming that you are not and just follow it to the lake. The large tree is on the other side of the lake and stream.


The Wildcards split into three fighting groups that keep a good 50 feet distance between them. Mary has joined Ashira's group and Melonie has joine Val's. The three groups trial out in a line with Val's in front, Rigging's in the middle and Nezamil's in the rear. THe refugees follow 50 feet behind Nezamil, with the elves all the way in the back like Val put them previously.

The way is easy going especially for those following farther behind. Those in front beat the grasses down. The stream empties into the medium sized lake with hardly a ripple. The water seems very inviting to Ashira. Once the Wildcards get down to the lake they can see that several other streams feed the lake, but the one they followed is the largest. The tree on the other side of the lake from them is truely collosal, at least 200 feet high, but there is something strange about it (DC spot 20 to determine).

The front fighting group is 350 yards from the massive tree.

The walking/talking trees start to ford the stream down by the lake. Ashira can hear them talk among themselves. "We are coming Mother." and one says "Do not forget the King." to admonish his brothers.

The tree have no problems crossing the steam and even breifly pause in the middle to enjoy the water.

There are four of those large ants close by where the trees crossed the stream. They are milling about and seem frustrated by the stream. The ants wave their feelers at the first group of Wildcards.

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20 
Friday November 25th, 2005 1:55:45 PM

Val moves up front. The lake and stream make her a bit nervous since her armor doesn't exactly float all that well. When this is over she's going to find some magical item that helps her in the water. Either moving or breathing.

"Let's get this overwith. I long to be back sailing the open sea."

Rigging  d20+12=18
Friday November 25th, 2005 4:27:08 PM

Rigging doesn't notice anything different about the tree. He picks up his pace and starts walking a little more quickly. He to shares Val's feelings about this whole walk in the woods and wants to get back to the ship. spot check 18

Rigging then sends his thoughts out to Swirl, "Buddy! Where are you? It is morning now. Please come and rejoin us."

Rigging as they move closer to the tree will cast mage armor knowing it should last hours.

OOC Jim, you never told me what I saw in the detect magics when I cast it a couple of posts ago. I was primarily looking at Meloine, but Kirin should have been detected as well

spells cast
mage armor

Appolo  d20+9=25
Friday November 25th, 2005 7:30:29 PM

Moving quickly forward Appolo reaches the stream and stops.He looks over the giant tree,the stream and the area in general."Well the that tree is interesting.Could be our destination,but first we need to cross this stream.Ashiara ask those trea guys about giving us a hand."

spot 25

Friday November 25th, 2005 11:57:20 PM

Ashira smiles at Appolo. "Great minds think alike." She turns to the treants. "Brothers, do you think you could lend us a hand and help us cross this lake?"

Saturday November 26th, 2005 12:51:42 AM

The dwarf trudges along down towards the lake and nods as Ashira barks out the foghting teams " good thinking " observes Nezamil

Noticing the powerful mage joining them "this should be intresting " as he hears Ashira talking to the trees " well i ain't looking forward to swimming this thing " as he re-adjusts his chanmail slightly

"come on guys " calls the dwarf to the bouncers " you too ya gazelle " grins Nezamil to Jagar

Saturday November 26th, 2005 12:55:04 AM

Jagar slides over to Redux and the dwarf's group and takes a postion a few feet in front (5ft) and glances back at Nezamil's remark " you might be wishing you was a gazelle soon " nods the monk at the large tree in the distance "well at least quicker then the tree " chuckles Jagar

Saturday November 26th, 2005 3:35:54 AM

Never thouight about that riding a tree. Which group you want me Ashira in front or the middle?

Mykael - HP 40/45 
Saturday November 26th, 2005 11:17:58 AM

"Are you proposing to leave the refugees on this bank? That would be a bad idea, there is no way the trees could carry us all at once." Mykael remarks.

Redux  d20+5=24 d20+6=8
Saturday November 26th, 2005 4:20:41 PM

The mage also finds the tree interesting (spot+24). He looks it over as he continues to walk along. Regarding the water, he contemplates the distance (how far across?). He wonders if a running leap combined with a activating the levitation ring would work to keep him dry.

'Talon, how's an up-close view of that tree?' He then notices his bird friend is not overhead (spot=8). 'Hey, buddy, look at this tree.'

DM Jim: The Crossing 
Saturday November 26th, 2005 7:05:49 PM

Redux and Appolo notice the the giant tree is wrapped by a thick vine of some sort. The weight of the vine seems to have broken of several branches, and if they can be viewed from this distance they must be big. The vine is rooted next tot he giant tree.

Upon Ashira inquiry the treants stop their crossing and form a chain across the stream and grab and Wildcard or refugee and hand them over to the next tree. The trees are very gentle and keep everyone dry, but the process takes 30 minutes. A few people even notice the trees starting to blosum during the process and there are at least a score of different blosums on each treant. (250 exp. for the crossing suggestion to Ashira)

Talon is flying overhead and lands on the other side of the stream and waits for Redux. Talon eats a 50 pound rabbit in the mean time.

Swirl beams to Rigging. " I am over here." And he then rises to be seen, just beyond the giant tree. "I am watching the battle."

Rigging had scanned the group and notices faint tranmutation magic on Ashira, Val, Kirin, John, Melonie, and Mary, when he was not blinded by all of the Wildcards magic.

Once across the group is approximately 300 yards from the giant tree. The three treant's start striding forward and with each step their blosums mature and start fruiting. The trees speech is now understandable by all.

Tree One says "The King must be brought to his full splendor. The Fey will reap rewards for millenium and nature will take its rightful place."

Tree two says "The King must be put back to sleep and the balance of nature be brought back to order."

Tree three says "The King's reign must end, too much destruction has happened and he must pay with his life for his afront of nature."

The three combat groups are arrayed behind the treants with 50 foot separation, with the refugees following tentativly behind.

The treants are now 150 yards from the giant tree and the massive vine (observable by all at this distance). The tree and the vine seem to shimmer and are rapidly shrinking.......

Sunday November 27th, 2005 11:27:18 PM

The mage smiles as Talon puts away the huge rabbit. "That a bo...ummm...way to go big guy." Redux stands anxiously with his little band of warriors and watches the exchange between the tree and the vine. "Well...that's....interesting." he mumbles as he sorts through his scroll case in search of a Fireball scroll.

Monday November 28th, 2005 7:36:50 AM

Bart moves forward and keeps an close eye to the trees. "I wonder if there will be a fight?"
Anyway i'm ready for it

Rigging  d20+12=13
Monday November 28th, 2005 8:09:00 AM

Rigging will start walking towards the large tree, scanning the area trying to see what he can see. He will call out to the others, "Same marching order as before. Keep alert. Swirl tells me he is watching a battle. Not sure if he is talking about the tree and the vine but I think we are coming to the end of this. At least I hope so!"

spot natural 1, Guess I don't see much.

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20 
Monday November 28th, 2005 9:04:14 AM

Val glances over at the trees. The temptation to break formation and move over to guard the tree is strong but she holds.

"What's going on?"

Monday November 28th, 2005 10:10:54 AM

As the dwarfs feet finally touch dry land after being passed along by the 3 trees " that feels better " as he stomps his feet on solid ground and moves forward keeping formation with the bouncers and Redux

Monday November 28th, 2005 10:12:46 AM

Jagar lands deftly when dropped by the trees and moves to the front of his battle group

Ashira  d20+12=18 d20+11=31
Monday November 28th, 2005 10:18:23 AM

The ranger leads the groups forward. Her group takes the lead while the other two flank (forming a triangle). She attempts to make a mental link. "Mother, we are here. Where are you? What do we do?" She scans the immediate area trying to get a sense of what is going on (Spot=18, Listen=nat. 20). "Be careful everyone the King is strong." she calls out the group.

DM Jim: The Changing? 
Monday November 28th, 2005 12:50:12 PM

The WIldcards follow the growing and blossuming Treants and form a triangle of their combat groups. Ashira in front and Nezamil on the left flank (closest to the lake).

Ashira hears some confusion and worry from behind in the ranks of the refugees. When Ashira alterts the others and everyone turns back to see, there is a knot of refugees staring at a Satyr, a Dryad, a grig, and two elves. Most are pointing but one calls out "That was just Celine." in astonishment.

When the WIldcards prepare to move forward again the giant tree is gone, along with the massive vine. A women's scream rises above the plains in front of the groups. Only Swirl can be seen in the area where the trees were.

Rigging can feel from Swirl. "Now that was a neat trick...."

Ashira's group is just behind the treants and is 100 yards from where the giant tree was......

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Monday November 28th, 2005 2:38:02 PM

After crossing the stream,Appolo takes up position and watches as the gigantic tree disappears."Well that is interesting.Ok forward ho.Once more into to the breach my friends."He then moves forward to where the tree was."Come people let's get this over with."He has alook of grim determination on his face.

Rigging  d20+12=17
Monday November 28th, 2005 6:45:44 PM

Swirl! What was a neat trick! If you don't start giving me more complete information, I am gonna make you kiss Ashira!

Rigging will hurry forward, eyes scanning everywhere. spot 17 He motions with his arm to have the Wildcards to stay with him. He is prepared for battle but hopes that he doesn't have to fight a god today.

mage armor (hours)

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20  d20+10=30 d20+10=25 2d10(10+10)+50=70
Monday November 28th, 2005 6:54:37 PM

Val breaks formation and moves over to the treant that represents death. "Excuse me but I think one as important as yourself requires special attention." She says with a smile. Her hands tighten around the heavy flail and spins around smashing the flail into the treant with a thunderous impact.

ooc: power attack -9 to hit/ +18 to damage. Critical hit, ac 25 to confirm, for 70 points of damage. To get this damage I doubled the 18 point bonus for power attack. I know critical hits modify the dice and bonuses but I don't know if the power attack bonus is included or not.

Ashira (AC22, HP 125/125) Barkskin???  d20+15=35 d20+15=29 2d8(2+7)+10=19
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:09:27 PM

Ashira is shocked and abhorred by Val's actions. Wasting no time, she bolts in front of Val. "Valanthe what the hell do you think you're doing??? We need all of the trees alive. They are not our enemies. Everyone must have a free choice." Her swords at the ready, Ashira protects the tree. If Val should make any move to attack any of the trees she will attack the barbarian (AC35/29 crit for a lousy measly 19).

Monday November 28th, 2005 11:58:25 PM

Mykael stays with his battle group. Upon noticing the changing situation, he turns toward the new fey creatures, and waits for a sign. Already sure though, they have chosen to be his enemy.

Walter OOC 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:41:38 AM

please clarify if Val will be able to take a 5ft step to the side of Ashira and still attack the treant. Val was right infront of the treant so I believe its possible though I want to make sure. Val doesn't really want to go through Ashira to get to the treant but she will if she has to.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:57:25 AM

The dwarf stands rooted to his spot for few moments trying to comprehend what is taking place

" who was that screaming ?.....lets find out growls Nezamil as he starts forward waving his battle group forward and to the left flank of Ashira's group

with a wistful shake of his head Nezamil looks on as the leading wildcards break from their battle group " they gotta learn to cover each other"

" keep together " barks the dwarf to bouncers

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:03:41 AM

Jagar takes point postion in front of the dwarf and leads them to Ashira's left flank

" this is sooo strange " as he scans the the ground where the large tree and vine just dissappeared from

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:07:07 AM

The two tall bouncers move to keep Redux and the dwarf in the middle with Hal flanking Redux's outside flank and Kirk on the opposite side covering Nezamil's outside flank

Bart hp76/79 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 2:23:33 AM

Bart is very confused by the situation he doesn't know what to do. Should he attackt the treants? Should he wait and say what will heppen next. Bart decides to stay and scan the perimeter

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 10:38:01 AM

Walter, I'm having Ashira hold her action dependent on Val's action next round. There's nothing Ashira could have done about Val's attack this round, but next round she will be in position to defend it. But then of course, it doesn't matter what I think...it's really DM Jim's decision. :)

DM Jim: Final Combat - Combat Round 2  d20+3=23 d20+3=7 d6+1=7 d20+10=25 d20+5=14 d8+1=8
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:14:56 PM

Val walks up to one of the treants and assults it viciously. The treant howls in pain as one of its main arm branches is broken off. Sap is running freely. The critically injured treant withdraws from Val and its two fellow move to block Val's path; both treants have arms raised to strike if Val moves forward. Ashira moves to intercede also and is between Val and the two poised treants.

The injured treant falls. A women is heard screaming and a man laughing, both coming from Swirls directions.

Swirl beams back to Rigging. "The transformation was what was soo cool. They are wrestling now, or at least he is."

Jager, Nezamil, Rigging, Hal and Kirk all move forward to merge with the front battle group (almost make it - see map). Bart and Mykael take no overt action and watch the strange happening going on.

Redux does not move from his position even though his group abandoned him. Appolo moves forward towards where the tree disappeared. Appolo is out in front of the treants.

Melonie attacks Ashira with her short spear.

AC 23 (Natural 20 not critical) damage 7

Melonie yells "Do not hurt her!" as she withdraws her spear from Ashira.

Kirin steps to the side and sends two arrows at another treant hitting it once.

John readies his bow and Mary grabs her spear tightly, unsure of what action to take.

AC 25 for 8 damage
AC 14, miss

All of the elves armed by Val are moving forward in two groups. None of them are smiling.....

Map to come later.

Rigging illegal post 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:25:50 PM

Rigging's mouth will drop open in shock at Val's attack. He will turn and snarl at both the women, Val, Ashira, Stand down now! That is an order! If we don't stick together now, we are doomed! By Lemetrox's firey breath, I swear if you don't listen you will be swimming home!

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 3:33:02 PM

The dwarf peeks over his shoulder to make sure everyone is together and spots the mage lagging behind " come on Redux hurry up " yells Nezamil as he waves the mage forward

As he is about to turn to face the 3 large trees he see's the unhapy elves quickly approaching " whats up with them ?" adds the dwarf but suddendly it dawns on him "Hal Kirk Jagar form a line in front of them don't let them pass " growls Nezamil

Nezamil steps in front of the fast approaching elves "Stop right there " [b] barks out the dwarf as he holds both arms up in a stopping motion [b] " you ain't gonna go any further " says Nezamil in a menacing voice " nobody is attacking them trees you hear me " as he interposes himself between the elves and the 3 trees

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:39:15 PM

Jagar turns around from his point postion in his battle group at Nezamil's shout and quickly moves to take a blocking postion on the dwarfs left flank leaving a gap for one of the bouncers to fill

Following Nezamil's lead he also holds his arms up in a stop motion

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:42:36 PM

Turning in tandem with the dwarf the brothers each take a flanking postion on the dwarf with hal on the left between jagar and Nezamil and Kirk taking the right side

Bboth bouncers are imposing figures at 6'6" and scowl at the elves in their best i'm gonna kick you butt if you step closer bar room scowl

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 5:58:31 PM

Appolo stops and looks back.Seeing what is going on he sprints back.Interposing himself between Val and Ashira."Valanthe what are you doing.Leave the trees alone.They aren't the enemy.Now if you want to kill something.Let's go kill the Fae King.I'll serve up his head on silver platter for ya."

Looking to Melonie"Melonie go stand with the rest of the elves.Tell them they'll be needed for the final battle."Then over to Nezamil"Nezamil go see what you can do for that wounded tree.Save it if you can."

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20  d20+9=26 d10+27=30
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 7:16:53 PM

"Ashira I'll give you one chance. I will go through you if I must though I would prefer not to. Kirin use your bow and make sure the injured treant is finished." Val says loudly. She moves past Ashira and Appolo to the treant that represents sleep (not sure which one it is) and smashes it with her heavy flail.

ooc: power attack -10 to hit/ +20 to damage. Hit AC 26 for 30 damage.

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 7:57:37 PM

Watching, the mage contemplates the movement of the elven group. "Rigging, they don't look friendly; nor do they look like following your direction."

Redux pulls out his Web wand and begins weaving stickiness between the groups, especially around the elves.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d2=1 d20+4=16 d20+1=12
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 8:12:06 PM

Slow realization coming to him, Mykael screams out information, "The Fey King has ahold of the elves and Val. He tried to take me too, but I believe that my Human soul helped me fight him off. The other Fey creatures are probably against us also. We need to see if we can affect the struggle directly, or if WE are the struggle!"

Mykael then turns and runs toward Swirl, looking for the screaming woman and laughing man. He keeps his eye on Swirl, still unsure of where his allegiences lay.

(Spot = 16, Listen = 12)

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 8:14:52 PM

OOC: wrong HPs and AC in previous post.. wanted to correct it

Ashira (AC22, HP 118/125)  d20+15=21 d8+5=6
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:16:26 AM

Ashira grunts as Melonie's attack takes her by surprise.

"Valanthe! I cannot let you do this!" hisses Ashira as she slices into Val as she passes (taking the AoO against Val). "I can understand the others buying into the Fae King's lies. But you...you...my own sister." Ashira takes little joy as her blade cuts into Val's side (AC 21 for 6 stupid points...OOC Walter, did you subtract the 19 points of damage from Ashira last round?)

Ashira looks around at the battlefield, knowing that there was much more at stake than her own personal betrayal. Seeing Mykael's quick thinking, Ashira shouts out. "The Fae King's pathetic attempt to thrwart justice will not succeed as long as there is life in my body! Mykael take your group and find the King and Mother. Defend her at all costs! Nezamil, I need you and your group check on the fallen tree. Heal it and protect it. Redux, keep up the good work! Take out the other group next. Appolo, you and I need to tend to family matters..." Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out some small sticks. Then she begins to work intricate lines through the air, casting a spell. Knowing from her previous experiences with the spell that it affects a much larger area, Ashira aims the center much farther out (to the Northeast) than she normally would. Immediately, the grass and plant life around herself, Melonie, Kirin, Swirl the Fae King and Mother (maybe), the treants and Val begin to wriggle and writhe, grasping for anything nearby. (Entangle...Reflex DC 12 or be stuck...if Reflex is passed, then movement is cut in half). Ashira looks over at John and says "Take down Kirin if he shoots at that treant. Mary, I need you to take care of Melonie for me."

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 7:31:24 AM

Rigging will yell to Nezamil, "Cure that Treant. I think we are gonna need it!" Rigging then pulls out a wand and aims it at Val. He discharges it, casting hold person on the barbarian. Will save dc 17

"I need everyone to calm down right now!"

Walter OOC 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:44:47 AM

I did not subtract the 19 points yet because I was waiting for something from the DM on the matter. The attack was in case Valanthe did something but then Appolo said he got inbetween them. Was the attack able to be executed?

Valanthe (102/ 136) AC 20 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:56:22 AM

"Why is Father the one to lie? Who do you think you are to tell me that I'm wrong and your right. I gave you a chance Ashira. I will do whatever it takes to fulfill Father's wish. You will have to kill me to stop me. If you are not prepared to do that then just quit now. Your tactics are terrible Ashira. Your spell has greatly hindered any effort to heal the dying treant."

ooc: Val took 23 due to damage reduction. I will make the saves once next round begins. Just wanted to post more conversation to keep things going.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+7=18
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 10:30:48 AM

Appolo says witha sad look on his face"Please forgive me my love."He then side steps and Flanks Val,just before tackling her.Lowering his shoulder quickly he dives into her hopefully knocking her down and landing on top of her."My love.Please .I can not let you harm Ashira or be harmed.Please stop.Who is this father you speak o.Please calm down.Those treants aren't the enemy and niether is Ahira."

Untrained Grapple attempt 18 to Tackle Valanthe.

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - A house Divided  d20+7=9 d20+7=10 d20+7=8 d20+10=24 d6+5=8 d20+6=17 d20+6=23 d20+3=20 d20+3=5 d20+3=10 d20+3=12 d20+3=12 d20+3=14 d20+3=4 d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=18 d20+3=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=4 d20+3=20 d6+1=3 d20+4=6 d20+4=7 d20+5=14 d20+6=11
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:16:22 PM

Confusion seems to reign suppreme and friends contront one another.

Val sidesteps Ashira on her way to the next treant and Ashira draws Val's blood in the process. The Treant uses it long reach (AoO) to smash Val, but misses and actually gets closer to hitting Ashira (AC 9).

Val whollops the tree and hard and it strikes back.

AC 10, miss
AC 8, miss

The treant seems surprised by the suddenous of the attack.

Appolo rushes back tohis love and attempts to wrestle Val to the ground, but she shrugs him off. (Val wins the grapple after the take 10)

Rigging holds his ground and casts hold person on Val (save 23, I rolled it to keep the battle going, as people may want to post before waiting for your post.) The barbarian throughs off her captains contolling magic.

Mykael also holds his ground as he watches Swirl and yells out encouragement.

Bart does nothing, shocked into inaction by the events.

Nezamil and the bash brothers for a line of battle to meet the oncoming elves, but the Mistress of the Sword yells contrary orders to them.

Redux uses his web wand on the elves advancing on his side snagging all but one. That one elf drops his weapon and closes the distance to Redux and tackles him.

Grapple check 18: I do not believe that Redux can beat an 18 with a take 10 roll, so he is knocked to the ground with the elf on top of him.

Kirin drops his bow and pulls his club and move over toward Val and smacks Appolo (flanking). The club is shiney as if wet.

AC 24 for 8 damage

Kirin yells out "I will save you." Entangle save 17

The second group of elves split and four go to engage Mykael and Bart and the others push past.


AC 10, miss
Ac 10, miss


AC 4, miss
Ac 20, hit for 3 damage

Melonie attempts to stab Ashira again, but is entangled by the long grasses. Melonie screams in frustration. Save 6

Mary attempts to attack Melonie at Ashira's urging and is also entangled by the grasses. save 7

John watches Kirin smack Appolo with his club and decides to shoot him even though he did not attack one of the treants.

AC 14, miss for firing into combat.

John is then also overcome by the grasses as they entangle him and his bow.

Nezamil sees several more of the refugees turn into Elves and start to move forward.

Map to come.

Nezamil ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:24:54 PM

Ashira's warning Rings in the dwarfs ears and the magnitude of what is unfolding sinks in as he spots the transformation of refugees into elves " this is madness "

" ok guys we need to fall back towards the treants " growls Nezamil " Jagar your in charge of the three of ya ......keep the line as you walk back to Ashira....i'm gonna go heal the wounded treants "

With that the dwarf spins about and sprints towards the wounded treant his head spinning from the ramifications of what is unfolding " By Domi the future of the path of the wold can change with what happens here " thinks Nezamil

Nezamil makes aa double move to get to the wounded treant and looks up at the wounded towering tree " i can help you if you let me .....let me heal you " implores the Cleric of Domi

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:39:59 PM

" ok " replies the monk to the dwarf " ok guys fall back and lets stay in line " remarks Jagar to the bouncers as he starts backwards towards Ashira

" Hal and Kirk if we get close enough to Val we should try and take her down ...just gang tackle her .....alright......thats the plan so keep that in mind as we get closer "

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 and Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:44:50 PM

The brothers acknowledge Nezamil's orders and stay with the Monk

Hal looks over to where Val is and how Ashira and appolo are dealing with her " ah that ain't going to be easy ...she is a handful for sure ....but if we all do it at once maybe "

Kirk nods agreement with his brother " ya i'm with you Hal.....all at once is best " agrees the younger bouncer

the two riverboat bouncers move in step with Jagar back towards Ashira and Val

Valanthe (124/ 158) AC 18 Rage 1 of 8  d20+16=34 d20+11=31 d20+11=21 d20+6=14 d20+9=25 d10+17=26 2d10(2+3)+34=39
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 7:54:15 PM

Her scream echoes like thunder across the heavens. She taps into her rage pushing her already impressive strength to levels that rival some giants. Her eyes lock on the treant that could put father to sleep. He must be stopped just like the other one. None of them has the conviction to do what it will take to stop her. She essentially grew up alone in the woods. None of them know what that is like. Nor how good it is to hear a father's voice or the love he gives. Feelings that she will do anything to keep ... anything. Val lashes out again at the treant with everything she has.

ooc: relfex save 25. power attack -5 to hit/ +10 to damage. 1st attack hit ac 34 for 26. 2nd attack crit, ac 21 to confirm, for 39, 3rd attack miss ac 14

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24  d20+4=14 d20+1=6
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:10:16 PM

OOC: I stated in my previous post that Mykael was running toward Swirl... and watching him. Therefore Mykael should have gotten a full run toward him and not be attacked.

Mykael continues his movement toward Swirl, looking for the screaming woman and laughing man. He is still keeping an eye on swirl, unsure of his alliegence.

(spot = 14, listen = 6)

DM JIm: I missed and will adjust in the next post.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 10:38:07 PM

Rigging realizes that the two forces battling each other are taking over his wife and friend. He calls out into the air, "Fey King! Mother! Stop controlling my friends! Let them go! If Val attacks again, I will vote for death. If Ashira attacks again, I will vote for life. Let them go! We will have free will in this or you will regret your actions. Keep the others back as well. Do you hear me!

Nezamil, Appolo, Bart, everyone. Stand with me! Do as I do. This must stop now. We vote in a block! It is the only way to stop this insanity!"

Ashira (AC22 vs. Val, 19 vs others, HP 118/125)  d20+10=27 d20+13=14 d20+13=30 d20+9=25
Thursday December 1st, 2005 1:24:52 AM

Ashira grimaces as Val attacks once more. It was time to finish this foolish game. She had been caught by surpirse by someone she thought was a friend. It was clear that she was a friend no longer.

She looks to see if the treant is still alive...though she doubt it can be after that attack... But then a smile forms on Ashira's lips...like some kind of hidden secret. She looks over at Rigging sadly. "My love, how you cast your vote is your choice. But I will fight to give you the right to that vote."

Turning her attention to Val, Ashira sighs. "You must be feeling mighty smug about now, child. But I think you just might be forgetting something. I will not let you warp justice to meet this perverted Fae King's whim. If he is to live it will be because everyone has a chance to decide his fate...not just the fools he has tricked into serving him."

Taking a 5 foot step, Ashira easily breaks free of the grasses trying to entangle her (Ref.=26). Reaching over, Ashira grabs ahold of Val (Touch=30...used 1 hero point to reroll) and then succeeds in grappling her (Grapple=25+4=29(used 2 hero points to bump). As she wrestles with the raging barbarian, Ashira calls out to Appolo. "Sneak attack her now. We need to take her down quickly. I don't want to kill her, but I don't want her to kill us either. Do it Appolo!" Ashira smiles as Nezamil and the bouncers head her way. That should even things up a bit.

OOC Don't forget to roll the Reflex. vs. Entangle each round of combat that you're in the entangled area!

Valanthe (124/ 158) AC 18 Rage 1 of 8  d20+16=24 d10+17=27 2d6(6+5)=11 d20+18=32
Thursday December 1st, 2005 2:17:55 AM

As Ashira rushes in to grab her, Val whips the heavy flail into her without hesitation. Her eyes are wide and unblinking, mouth curled into a smile. The rage had her now. There was no conversation, no hesitation based on stray thoughts or feelings.

ooc: I took the opportunity to roll out some of these numbers I had to. On the AoO that Ashira provoked when initiating the grapple Val hit ac 24 for 27 regular plus 12 more if Ashira is of good alignment (power attack -5/ +10). Her opposed grapple check is 32. By the way please don't hold back just because. Right now her already magically enhanced strength is boosted even more by her rage. Pinning her probably won't work. Stopping her may require her health to drop into the negatives which I perfectly understand.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=27 d20+9=17 d10+4=14 d6=3 d6=3 d6=6 d6=1
Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:46:05 AM

With tears in his Appolo draws his blades and flanks Val.He Swings twice at her impaling her with his Long Sword.Cutting her deeply.Thinking this Fae King guy is going to pay big time.Sleep he he's going to die for this."Ashira take the others and go find this fae King.Put his head ona pike.I'll play tag with Val."Ashira can see the great sorrow in his eyes as the light goes out and grim darkness passes over him.Lending hima truelly terrible visage.Appolo then goes invisible.

Attack 27 Critical 17 miss Damage 14x2= 28+13+41 Total.

Bart ac 24 ho 76/79  d20+15=33 d20+15=25 d10+9=18 d10+9=10 d6=3 d20+10=25 d10+9=12 d6=5
Thursday December 1st, 2005 6:14:30 AM

In a reflex Bart defends himself against the elves attacking the foe in front off him (threat 33 crit 25 for 28+3 shock) His second attack does less dammage (hit ac 25 for 12+5 shock)He then hears Rigging, still confused he tries to fight defensively.

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Teleporting  d20+14=28
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:06:04 AM

As the elf grabs a hold of him, Redux clicks his tongue in disdain. He casts a spell and is immediately teleported over to Rigging (w11). (no somatic or component required, so he can cast without a grapple check, Concentration=28...success) He calls out to Talon via his mental link "Hey buddy, I little help over here would be nice." Then he calls out to "Rigging how about a little help with this guy."

DM Jim: Combat round 4 - Bad Things Happening  d20+3=17 d20+3=20 d2=2 d20+10=15 d8+3=9 d8+3=10 d20+10=27 d20+10=24 d20+10=24 d6+4=6 d6+4=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=14 d20+6=15 d20+3=9 d20+3=12
Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:12:40 PM

OOC: I has been brought to my attention that the new wold rules do not allow an AoO for grappling anymore. Not a good Idea in my opinion, but that is the rule we have to play with. In this instance, I will disallow Val's AoO on Ashira and not allow Appolo to flank Val since the attacks were basically simultaneous. Unless Val, breaks Ashira's grapple, Appolo will be able to flank her next round.

Appolo did no damage to Val at all since he failed his save verses the entangle (I had to roll it 15).


Redux does not like his postion under the elf and quickly teleport away, with the unhappy elf still on top of him. The elf maintains his hold and attempts to choke Redux and is sucessful.

grapple check 17
AC 20 for 2 damage.

Talon hears Redux's call for help and large wings beat air to gain altitude. Redux feels that help is on the way.

Rigging can see the struggle going on in front of him, two feet away.

Appolo attempts to strike his love, but is entangled by all the grasses (Roll your own save next time).

The sleep treant withdraws from Val's onslaught, and it is horriblly wounded.

Val start to enlarge and grow much to Ashira's dismay and she breaks Ashria's grapple (Grapple check is now 30). Val also feels some of her wounds heal (9 hp). Val is large sized now.

Ashira feels her skin toughen (barkskin +5) and some of her wounds heal also (10 hp).

The live treant back up by its brethern and away from the combat and the overgrown entangle spell.

Kirin is still active in the entangle (Save 27)and swings at the almost helpless Appolo.

Ac 24 hit for 6 damage
Ac 24 hit for 10 damage

Appolo has now taken 24 points of damage.

Mary and Melonie are still each held fast and just scream at one another.

John is still struggling against the grasses too.

Mykael runs toward swirl and sees a male elf pick up a female elf and drop her over his knee. The female crumples into the grass and is not seen anymore. The male elf gestures to Mykael "Come here my son and join my ranks. You reward will be great." Mykael sees that Swirl is smaller than there last enounter, but still larger than normal. Swirl makes no threatening moves.

Bart cuts down the two elves facing him. The other two jump on him, but he easily sidesteps them.

Grapple checks 9 and 12

Several more elves move out of the ranks of the refugees and come forward menacing.

Rigging calls out for calm that seems to be ignored by all. Rigging even calls out to the Fey King and Mother. The Fey King answers on the wind "What do you want for your vote and infulence? I see that you are coming closer to me as it is." Rigging feels his wings twitch.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:50:00 PM

Ummm...Jim, I believe the Grapple roll has to be actually rolled before Val can break free. If she rolls a 1, 2, or 3 then it automatically fails. It's not a sure thing. And I'm also confused as to whether or not Ashira is entitled to a grapple roll as well.

Walter, so we're all on the same page, here's the Woldian rules about grappling.

Addendum...you know what, let's just let this one go. Val was Enlarged so that broke Ashira's hold. I accept that.

Ashira (AC27, HP 125/125) Barkskin +5  d20+10=17 d20+13=21 d20+8=22 d20+13=28 d20+5=23 d8+5=13 d8+5=12 d6+3=7 d6+3=7
Thursday December 1st, 2005 5:34:11 PM

Ashira screams as her face twists in rage "Mother!!!" She locks her gaze on Val...the traitor...the source of her frustration. "Then this is how it ends" she growls through gritted teeth. "Fine with me." Her swords slash and slice into the huge barbarian in front of her. (AC21 for 13, AC23 for 12, AC28 for 7, AC23 for 7).


OOC So since Val is Enlarged I guess she gets the -1 on attacks and -1 to AC that goes with it?

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65  d20+14=28 d20+9=15 d20+10=19
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:09:23 PM

Jagar having moved too Ashira's postion watches with a stunned expression as the trio of wildcards battle it out but quickly takes action as he leaps into the fray and tries to sweep Vals legs out from under her (d20+14=28)(improved trip) and as she falls to the ground he launchs a stunning fist attack on her(d20+9=15)(will use two hero pts to add +4 to the stunning fist attack)(Val is Ac 18 this should bring up Jagar's stunning fist to 19 ac)(pg 101 phb)
and lands a solid blow hoping to stun the elven barbarian (Val needs to make a fortitude save vs Dc 10+4(1/2 level)+4 (wisdom mod)=18 fort save or be stunned for a rd)

"Come on guys pile on her " shouts Jagar to those nearby

Jim improved trip is vs a touch melee attack and she should be prone i believe , let me know if i'm right

OOC Reflex=19 for entangle.

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+24=44 d20+23=29
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:41:43 PM

Both brothers follow Jagar towards the raging elf and quickly follow Jagars orders and gang tackle her with Hal a step ahead of his brother
does a flying tachle (d20+24=44 nat 20!!)and pins her on her back (i hope )Kirk follows his brothers lead and also does a flying tackle (d20+23=29) and helps his brother try and pin the enraged elf on the ground " just like on the riverboat eh Hal " grunts the bouncer as he struggles with Val

Grapple DC = 10 + Str Modifier + Size Mod + BAB + Feats

Hal 10+4+0+5+4=28 -4 for va's enlarged size=20
Kirk 10+4+0+4+4=27 -4 for va's enlarged size =19

DM JIm: To attack with grapple you must roll the D20, you do not take 10. Please roll.

Bash brothers entangle save rolls  d20+2=16 d20+2=4
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:15:03 PM

forgot the reflex saves for the entangle spell

Hal d20+2=16 made it !!
Kirk d20+2=4 failed !!

Rigging  3d4(3+1+3)+3=10
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:57:48 PM

Rigging steps back 5' to gain some room and then chants a couple magic words. Missiles dart from his hands and strike the elf grappling his buddy Redux doing 10 points to the bothersome creature.

He then calls out to the Fey King. "If you want my vote, you can have it! First thing you have to do though is stop this battle! Then we all can discuss it. Were all pirates. We can be bribed! But I assure you, if you don't then we will vote the other way. We are pirates after all! You can't permanantly kill us. Everything seems to come back to life here. We will eventually get our vote. Now stop this battle!"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 Flying 
Thursday December 1st, 2005 11:19:20 PM

The dwarf observes the brush taking hold of people " i ain't gonna be hog tied by a tree " growls the dwarf as he reaches into a pouch and yanks out a vial(potion of flying) and quickly chugs it down "

"i'll get to ya later i gotta take care of a few things first " growls the dwarf to the treants and he changes course and follows after Mykael towards the fae king as he becomes airborne " don't go hiding on me ya corruptor " growls Nezamil to the Fae king as he gains altitude

Redux  d20-3=5 d20-3=17
Friday December 2nd, 2005 1:39:56 AM

The mage activates his levitation ring and floats up as fast as possible. When he feels his legs get lighter, he'll kick off. He hopes to get his feet above his head (or at least get the elf off balance). (btw strength check to break grapple; used a hero point to re-role, nat 20.)

Bart ac 24+4? ho 76/79 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 2:46:43 AM

Bart fights defensivly (ac+4?) he tries not to kill anymore elves. He is jumping around circling around his opponents making fake strikes and hoping to attract more eleves to keep them away from his friends so they can do what has to be done, whatever it is

Valanthe (70/ 158) AC 16 Rage 2 of 8, Enlarge Person  d20+9=15 d20+15=28 d20=17 d20=20 d20+15=25 d20+15=27 d10+29=34 2d6(1+6)=7 d20+10=28 d10+29=37 2d6(1+5)=6 d20+5=16
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:36:32 AM

Fueled by rage and the desire to fulfill Father's wish Val feels no pain. Her blood flows from several wounds, turning her armor red in places. Her eyes almost glow red, teeth clenched in anger. She finds only minor difficulty as she rises to her feet and brings her now massive flail crushing into anybody near her.

DM Jim: Remember that standing from a prone position gives your attackers AoO's

OOC: Entangle save 15, Stunning Fist save 28, took 10 on both grapple checks for a grapple of 29 each and rolled a 17 and 20 to avoid the failure on 1, 2, or 3.

Power attack (-8/ +16) for all attacks. Used 1 hero point to reroll attack roll against Ashira. Hit AC 27 for 34 + 7 (if of good alignment). Second attack against Jagar- hit ac 28 for 37 + 6 (if of good alignment). Third attack against Kirk misses with a 16.

Friday December 2nd, 2005 1:24:12 PM

Standing from prone is a move action, so you can't make a full attack too. Val can only make one attack this round.

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible  d20+10=22 d20+2=22 d20+9=12 d20+9=22
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:20:57 PM

Appolo untangles himself from the grasses and swings at Kirin,then goes insisible.

Appolo OOC 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:21:52 PM

Reflex 22 Strength 22 Attack 12

DM Jim: Combat Round 5  d20+3=10 d20+3=6 d20+3=17 d20+3=17 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d20+10=27 d20+9=28 d6+4=7 d6+4=10 d6+4=5 d20+3=7 d20+3=5 d20+6=9
Friday December 2nd, 2005 5:23:55 PM

OOC: I had to answer some of Val's questions prior to her posting so I will have several things happen simultaneously. Please bear with me.


Val is fully engraged and seems out for blood, and some of hers is flowing freely too. Ashira draws Vals blood, but Val returns the favor with a heavy wack with the flail.

Jager speeds into the fray and takes a blow from the flail. Jager is sucessful in taking down the now enlarged Val and punches her square in the face. Jagers blow seems to enrage her further.

Kirk and Hal also rush in, but Kirk is held by the grasses. Hal makes it though and jumps on the downed Val (Natural 20) and grabs hold (29 verses 29 on grapple).

OOC: Val is prone, it is a move action to rise and then she would only get one attack.

Rigging knocks the elf off of Redux with a magic missle and converses with the Fey King and he responds. "Let me see you vote, go an eat the fruit from the tree of your choice. Your vote and conflict are base on free will and everyone has a choice to make. Let us see what a leader will do." The Fey King observes Rigging for a bit. "After you vote, we can see what we can do about your wings....."

Redux takes to the air just as Talon is diving in his direction. The two friends pass each other in the air.

Nezamil takes his potion and takes flight and he too feels gossamer wings grow out his back.

Bart tries to keep the now four elves at bay and is sucessful.

Appolo swings back at his tormentor and lands solid blows (roll damage). Kirin attempts to return the favor. Kirin avoids the worst of the grasses (save 28)

AC 30 hit and critical, damage for 17
AC 27 hit for 5 damage.

Appolo is realing with another 22 damage.

Melonie and Mary are still held fast by the gasses and spit curses at one another. John is still held fast too.

There are 4 elves closing in on Rigging and fast.

Mykael watches everything with mouth wide open.

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 6:50:31 PM

Mykael moves toward the male elf, "You will leave the lady elf be, or I will fry your elven butt! I am my own man, you hold no sway over me. You have repeatedly sent attackers against me, my friends, and innocents. Stop this non-sense now!"

Mykael will cast Magic Missle at the Male Elf if me makes a move toward the female elf in the grass.

OOC: Can we all hear the conversation between the Fey King and Rigging?


DM Jim: Everyone can hear the converstation, especially Mykael since he is closes to the Fey King.

Nezamil ac 22 Hp 67/71 Flying,enlarge person 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 10:55:33 PM

" What madness is this ?" growls Nezamil as he feels the wings grow " this madness has to stop "

The dwarf starts to fly over towards Mykael he reaches into a pouch and withdraws a grey powder "Domi grant your humble follower giant power to fight this madness " prays the Cleric of Domi as he sprinkles the grey powder and touches his anvil holy symbol (casting enlarge person) and the dwarfs size increases as he flys overhead of Mykael " your madness will end " as he draws his mace and ready's his shield and his eyes seek out the Fae king

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65  d20+14=27 d20+9=11
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:01:37 PM

Jagar bounces on the balls of his feet waiting to sweep the barbarians legs out from under her again and quickly seizes the moment (d20+14=27 trip) "stay down and you won't get hurt " announces the Monk as he again tries to strike a stunning blow with his fists(d20+9=11 stunning fist) but the agile elf avoids the blow again

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+4=8
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:16:01 PM

Hal steps away from the now large sized enraged elven barbarian "she's crazed " yells the bouncer as he makes his way over to help his younger brother free himself from the entangle spell " i'm here Kirk shouts Hal as he appraoches his brother

Kirk struggles againist the foiliage gripping him (d20+4=8 str ch) but to no avail " Hal help me! " shouts Kirk

Ashira (AC27, HP 84/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=25 d20+15=35 d20+15=27 d20+10=13 d20+5=19 d20+15=22 d20+7=18 2d8(4+6)+10=20 d8+5=8 d8+5=8 d6+3=4 d6+3=4 d20+17=35 d20+17=18 2d8(5+3)+10=18
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 1:37:55 AM

The pain from Val's blow ripples through Ashira's body. She watches as the giant Val falls. Now was the time. She looks over at Jager who is standing nearby. "The rage has her now. Even if she would give up before, she won't now. We must take her down." Moving easily past the grasses once more (Refl.=25), Ashira moves in for the attack. Her swords move with speed and grace and are soon dripping with the barbarian's blood (AC35/27 crit for 20, AC13 for 8, AC19 for 8, AC22 for 4, AC18 for 4...44 total). She watches Val carefully, and should she attempt to rise, Ashira will make good use of her attack of opportunity (AC35/18 crit. for 18).

OOC: Since Val is prone, I am assuming that her AC is 4 lower against melee.

DM JIm: You are correct about Val's AC

Valanthe (8/ 158) AC 16 Rage 3 of 8, Enlarge Person  d20+12=27 d10+35=38 2d6(2+4)=6 d20+9=16
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 3:25:22 AM

Feeling reacting on instinct and anger, Val rises without hesitation. She sees Ashira's blade once again bite deep, drawing much blood Val has her target. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knows she's probably hurt bad. But she doesn't feel the pain nor do her limbs tremble and weaken. The massive flail whips around in a high circle before coming down square on Ashira.

ooc: reflex save 16. Hit Ashira AC 27 for 38 plus 6 extra if good alignment (power attack -11/ +22). Jagar last round you took 37 + 6 (if of good alignment) from one attack.

Jagar -delete post later 
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 11:01:56 AM

how did jagar take that damage ? no AoO , he has improved trip which negates any AoO Val has, Val tripped and can only make one attack per rd after standing up

DM Jim: Yes, Jager did take damage last round. Read the top of my last post. Val will be swept this round and not be able to attack. That is for Jager's AoO.

Rigging  6d6(2+1+2+5+4+6)=20
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 10:17:04 PM

Rigging sees the elves coming and shakes his head. He pulls out a different wand and launches a fireball at the four doing 20 or 10 points of damage to them. Rigging will only do this if he doesn't get any of his friends.

If he would get his friends or the elves are scattered enough to make the fireball impractical, Rigging will simply activate his ring of invisibility. He scoots towards the trees and says, "I really don't care if you live, die or go to sleep. If you want my vote, then you need to stop this battle. Then we talk. Otherwise I make a decision you might not like. Stop this battle now! This is your last and final warning."

Appollo AC23 HP12/59 Invisible  d20+15=17 d20+14=33
Sunday December 4th, 2005 10:02:12 AM

Appolo hurt bad stays invisible and breaks and runs.Moving a silently and as swiftly as he can.When and if he reaches safety he will dink his last potion of cure moderate wounds.{Not sure about hit oints recovery.}

Hide 17,Move Silently 33

Redux (AC20, HP50/50)  d4=4
Monday December 5th, 2005 12:38:15 AM

Redux steadies himself in the air. He will only settle to the ground if it is clear to do so, otherwise he will continue to rise until he is.
Seeing his chance for old time spells, the mage casts Spectral Hand (4hp). He will keep it beside him if he needs it for his own protection. If not needed in the immediate vicinity, he'll send it off towards the entangled area (i assume that something floating above the grass cannot be held, otherwise he'll keep it above the tallest grass).

Bart Ac 28 HP 76/79 
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:19:30 AM

Bart is still fighting defensive tryonmg to keep the elves around him busy. If an attack will succeeed bart wil counterstrike

DM Jim: Combat Round 6 - Up and Down  d20+10=13 d20+10=15 d20+7=14 d20+3=23 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+3=8 d20+3=22 d20+3=22 d20+3=16 d20+3=15 d20+3=14
Monday December 5th, 2005 1:16:39 PM

Val attempts to rise as the grasses grab at her and opponents surround her. Val gets to her feet only to have them swept out from under her again and she falls hard on the ground. Jager launches another speedy hand at Val, but she moves just in time to see the dust rise where Jager struck the ground next to her head. Val's rage is at its peak, especially with little release while lying on her back.

Jager and Ashira Circle Val as Kirin closes with Ashira now that the invisible Appolo slinks off through the grasping grasses (save 13 for the entangle: Appolo you must start rolling your won saves).

Kirin entangle save 14

AC 15 miss, Kirin's glistening war club swings wide of Ashira even as the ranger concentrates so hard on Val.

Melonie and Mary finally break free of the grasses and leap at on another, not far from the main battle with Val. Mary seems to have a better hold (14 verses 8) on Melonie, but the young women are mostly hidden by the four foot grass that is still attempting to entangle them.

Hal goes and helps his entangled brother.

Redux rises high above the fray and Talon comes to join him. Talon is flying is cirlces around Redux.

Nezamil enlarges himself and is very surpirsed by the results as he has gained to size categories, and those small gossomar wings are beating so fast that they can not be seen. Nezamil seems somewhat thinner than normal in his really big new form.

00c: Nezamil moved up 2 size categories and has triple the bonuses from enlarge and three times the minues.

Mykael watches the Fey King stomp on the women and sends his missiles at the elf. The fey King recoils at their impact and comments very calmly "Very dissapointing."

There are now five elves attempting to jump on Bart, and two get holds on the quick warrior (grapple touch attack 22, twice, what is your grapple check, you need +13 to break free? Put in your next post)

Rigging kills the largest group of elves moving forward, eight, with his fireball and starts several small fires, none of which look to last.

The Fey King immediately looks at Rigging. "That was unwise." The King points a finger at Rigging and he feels himself changing and shrinking (Polymorph any object: DC 25 save). Rigging is getting much more sprite like, but on the plus side the wings seem to be working better. "You are not choosing well, how will you vote creature of mine." The Fey King spits at Rigging.

Ashira (AC27, HP 40/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=15 d20+15=24 d8+5=10 d20+10=24 d20+5=17 d20+15=27 d20+7=20 d8+5=13 d8+5=13 d6+3=7 d6+3=8
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:23:35 PM

Ashira is almost oblivious of the four foot tall grasses, moving easily through them (Ref=15). The ranger looks at the fallen Val with contempt. "I probably ought to just kill you...but out of the love and respect that I had for you in the past..." Ashira lances her sword into the barbarian once more, easily making it past her defenses and cutting into her right side (AC 24 for 10). She checks to make sure that Val is unconscious before she swirls, turning on the other traitor, Kirin. (OOC if for some reason, the previous attack does not make Val unconscious, she will use her next attack to do so) "I'm afraid I don't owe you the same courtesy." she snarls, beginning to look enraged herself. Incredible, almost intoxicating power courses through her arms as she feels stronger, more capable than she has all her life. Her longsword snakes out two more times, looking for blood, and finding it. (AC24 for 13, AC17 for 13) She follows up with two quick thrusts of her short sword. (AC27 for 7, AC20 for 8). She calls out to the others, yelling above the din of battle "Go to the treants if you can and cast your vote. It is what the Fae King fears the worst...and it is Mother's last wish."

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:49:31 PM

Redux will ask Talon to give him a lift towards the trees, while being levitated. Redux expects that Talon will be able to grab his cloak and pull him along. If this will not work he will lower himself to the ground to walk (given, of course that there is not an unfriendly elf around; I haven't heard).

Rigging ac 19, hps 70/70  d20+7=14 d20+7=27 d20+8=21
Monday December 5th, 2005 3:10:41 PM

Rigging will feel himself changing and he will concentrate trying to hold his form. He is able to barely stabilize himself and then sprints over towards the trees. He will grab a piece of fruit from the sleep try and say, "Nighty night" and bite into it. He yells to the others, "Let's put this useless old god to sleep and get back to the ship!"

If he needs to, he will tumble past any foes who might want to get an AOO on him.

first fort save 14
rerolled burning hero point nat 20
tumble roll 21

mage armor lasts hours

Bart Ac 24 hp 76/79  d20=19 d20=19
Monday December 5th, 2005 3:48:53 PM

OOC Bart was jumping around and trying to avoid the grappling attempts from his opponents (bart has ac 26 when fighting defensive and also has the spring attack feat) barts grapple check is (take ten+base attack+strength mod= 10+14+4=28

Bart is getting tired of keeping away from the elves, he moves towards the fea king (+4 to Ac= Ac 28 to AoO)

Valanthe (-24/ 136) 
Monday December 5th, 2005 4:30:52 PM

With the loss of conciousness the rage that was empowering her fades away leaving her corpse hidden among the tall grass, her blood turning the ground crimson.

Appolo Hp 32/59 Ac23 invisble  d20+10=26 d20+14=20 d20+13=29
Monday December 5th, 2005 6:55:58 PM

Appolo watches as Val falls and a truly murderous rage engulfs him.Looking at Ashira you want my vote kill the Fae King.I'm going to let my blades cast my vote,Appolo then moves swiftly and silently toward the Fae king cirling around behind him to line up for a seak attack.

Reflex 26 Hide 20,Move Silently 29

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Monday December 5th, 2005 9:10:21 PM

Seeing the Fey King stomp on the female elf almost pushes him to a boiling point, however, years of training and experience have taught him to always remain in control. Mykael hears Ashira's plea, and states to the Fey King, "I am voting for your death, you deserve worse for all you have caused!"

Mykael turns and runs toward the treant that votes for death and pulls a peice of fruit from that treant and takes a bite.

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 28/65 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 1:00:35 AM

Jagar grimaces at the elven barbarians lethal strike withe the flail and and steps back as Ashira steps in and swings at the prone enraged elf

Somehow the monk hears Ashira's orders thru the pain and with his fleetness afoot he dashes over to the 3 treants and stares momentarily as pain wracks he body and quickly chooses an apple "sleep" grunts jagar as he bites the apple

Jagar is Ln

Nezamil Ac 17 Hp 67/71 Flying,Enlarged!!!  d20+13=25 2d6(2+5)+8=15
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 10:39:16 AM

Nezamil fly's directly at the Fae king charging !!thru the air his shield held steady and mace ready to strike as he attacks the Fae king (d20+13=25)his mace lashes out at the Fey God smashing into his chest with his enlarged weapon (2d6+8=15 dam) " how's dat feel ya murderer " growls Nezamil as he flys past the Fae king and swoops high into the air and turns and ready's himself for another charge

attack bonus for Nezamil base+10,size str bonus+3,-3 for size bonus ,+1 weapon,+2 for charge =+13 total

Nezamil now has a 15 ft reach, let me know what/if i get any AoO's on the fae king if he tries anything

DM Jim 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 1:14:58 PM

Waiting for some clairification before posting. May have to post late.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 2:06:11 AM

OOC graaple check is 24 instead of 28

DM Jim: Vals Death - Combat Round 7  d20+3=13 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 d20+3=16 d20+3=4 d20+3=13 d20+10=29 d20+6=24 d20+9=17 d6+5=11 d20+6=19 d20+6=26 d20+3=16 d20+3=16 d20+5=13 d20+6=9
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 8:36:32 AM

OOC: Sorry for the missed post, but I fell asleep reading last night. I will try to make it up over the weekend.


Upon hearing Mykael's words the Fey King pleads "After all that could be yours if I live and am at full power, you want to diminish yourself in the process, foolish. Think before you eat. You are too young for your Fey Form, were is your wisdom." The Fey King quickly changes focus on the charging form of a very big Nezamil.

Seeing what has befallen Val, a distraught Appolo, retires and takes his healing potion on his way over to seek vengence upon the Fey King.

Rigging shakes of the transmutation spell, barely and gains a growl from the Fey King. Rigging then calls for the Wildcards to eat fruit from the "sleep" treant.

Val get very pale and her blood pours into the ground and she expires. Vals spirit rises from her body and floats toward the battle witht he Fey king. Ashira witnesses Vals death and takes her rage out on Kirin, landing three solid blows (AC 20).

Kirin is rocked by the blows but strikes back with his club (reflex save entangle 17).

AC 29, hit for 11 damage
AC 24, miss

Jager sees Val die and heads for the treants and eats fruit from the "sleep" tree.

Bart easily throws off the two elves that manage to get brief hold on the big man. Bart attempts to move off in the direction of the Fey King, but is pursued by the five elves. All five elves are fast and unencombered by gear and keep up with Bart. They all dive at the warrior in desparation and all miss badly. Bart darts away and leaves them all on the ground.

Talon swoops over to Redux and grabs hold of his cloak at the shoulders and starts flapping over toward the Fey King and the oversized Nezamil.

Nezamil charges over to the Fey King and whacks him in the check with his supersized mace, sending him flying. The Fey King Changes into and eagle on the fly and gains altitude, screeching the whole way. The eagle is watching the ground intently.

Kirk with the help of Hal both extract themselves from the entangle spell.

Mary and Melonie are free of the entangle spell and still mostly hidden by the grass as they battle one another.

John breaks free of the grasses and fires and arrow at Kirin, but the gasses grab the bow just as he fires (Ac9) sending the arrow high.

Ashira (AC27, HP 30/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=15 d20+15=33 d20+15=34 2d8(1+8)+10=19 d20+10=27 d8+5=10 d20+5=18 d20+15=20 d6+3=4 d20+7=22 d6+3=5
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 5:05:13 PM

The ranger screams in rage and frustration. She had seen Val take worse hits than that and still live. Her eyes lock on the Fae King...him...this is all his fault! Her face contorts with the anger over Val's "death", and Ashira takes it out on the closest thing nearby...Kirin. Her arms shake as she grips the hilts of her swords so hard that her veins begin to bulge with the effort. She thrusts her sword into the ranger's chest and watches carefully to see if the damage is enough to kill him, if not, she presses her attack, slices into the traitor time and time again.. (AC33/34, crit. for 19, AC27 for10, AC20 for 4, AC22 for 5; 38 total damage).

If the additional attacks are not needed, Ashira sprints toward the treant that represents "death". Snatching the fruit, she bites into it. "Death is the only thing you deserve!" she calls out to the eagle.

OOC: Reflex=15

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 7:56:05 PM

Mykael turns toward the battle and moves a little away from the treants. "Come, Wildcards! Make your vote!" he screams at his comrades.

Mykael will hold his action, If there are any charmed individuals chasing wildcards as they come to make thier votes, Mykael will engage one or two. If it is a group giving chase, then he will cast web and try and hold them, making sure to miss any wildcards.

Rigging  6d6(2+2+2+2+3+4)=15
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 9:54:44 PM

Rigging stifles a tear when he sees Val perish. "I hope she comes back as a girl. Appolo is gonna be pissed if she comes back as a boy. Wonder is she comes back as a boy, if she will still like boys or suddenly start liking girls?" Rigging shakes these thoughts from his mind and yells, "Wildcards, come vote! Voting is more important than battle right now! Bart you can't kill a god by fighting. But you might be able to put him to sleep for good! Come vote!"

Rigging feels a little guilty so readies an action. If the five elves start to pursue Bart again, he will fireball them with his wand doing 15 or 7.

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 1:59:40 AM

Redux talks to Talon.
"This is really good! You fly well; very good my flying friend. Set me down among the fruit trees, i need to vote. i don't suppose you'd care to have a piece of fruit and vote yourself? You are very smart, and you know what he did to you. i think you should."

Redux prepares for landing, but has never done this--it's a bit hard (not that he'd ever complain to Talon).

He shakes his head, looking at the trees. Any other time of year he'd vote for sleep, at worst. "lowly king." Redux addresses him as though the Fey King did not deserve the title. "You have caused me much grief since my reunification with my friends." He takes a fruit from the "die" tree and eats. The fruit's taste is not sweet; wouldn't have expected it to be, given its purpose.

Appolo Hp 32/59 Ac23 invisble  d20+10=16 d20+10=22
Thursday December 8th, 2005 2:41:47 AM

Appolo seeing the Fae King take flight looks around and sees what the others arew doing he sprints over to the Tree of Death and decomes invisible.He pulls an apple and eats it.Bart over her eat one these.He grabs another one and eats it too."The Fae that would be King should die!!If this don't kill him I wil!!"Pure hatred and Anger drips from every word and everyone knows he means it all.

Nezamil Ac 17 Hp 67/71 flying , enlarged 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:13:57 AM

The dwarf now towering 15+ ft changes direction after the Fae king eagle darts away and he charges across the meadow flying just a few feet off the ground directly at the elves that are attempting to engage any of the wildcards 'GRRRRRRR" growls out Nezamil as he buzz's the elves menacingly buying time for the others to make it to the 3 treants and cast their vote

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 28/65 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:16:31 AM

The monk stands near the Captain by the sleep tree " come on guys " cheers the monk as he see's everyone battle their way over to the trees

DM Jim: The Vote - Combat Round 8 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 4:02:27 PM

The group laments the loss of Val and all hurry toward the treants. THe life treant approached all the Wildcards with proffered branches, that are hanging heavy with fruit.

Ashira needs all of her skills as mistress of the sword to put Kirin down and he seems very close to deaths door.

Mykael takes a piece of fruit from the treant that represents the death of the Fey king and eats. The eagle screeches.

Rigging worries about Val's spirit as it floats off, but is quickly brought back to the battle as the five elves pursuing Bart form up and give chase. Rigging quickly deals with them with his fireball wand. The elves perish quickly. The Fey King changes into a Sprite and yells at Rigging. "You will pay for that." Polymorph any object DC 22 fort - Rigging feels himself changing again (sprite), but the spell is not as powerful this time, why is that?

Jager is close to Rigging and sees him struggle to maintain the shape of his body.

Redux eats from the now dead death treant and the Fey King turned sprite screams in defiance. Talon beams to Redux. "I think I will try fruit of the life tree." After dropping off Redux Talon lands in the upper branches of the Life treant and the treant gives him a big woody smile. The treant offers the giant owl a pear from a nearby branch.

Bart stands dumbstruck as Rigging's fireball's heat washes over him.

Appolo calls Bart over and hold an apple form the treant of death for his fellow Wildcard.

Swirl moves forward tenativly and beams to Rigging. "Can I vote?"

There are several more elves that come forward out of the group of refugees, but the super sized form of Nezamil makes them think twice. The elves are whispering among themselves and one steps forward. "We demand to vote too!"

Hal and Kirk make it to the treants and Hal comments to Kirk. "Nez got Domi's favor in a BIG way."

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 4:44:29 PM

Redux, while not in agreement with Talon's vote, never-the-less beams at Talon. 'You do have a mind of your own, my smart and feathered friend.'

Redux looks up and around him; he observes the remaining field, both friends and foes. With the announcement by the elves, Redux moves away from the trees to give them room. He does not want their vote, but will not prevent them.

Rigging  d20+7=27
Thursday December 8th, 2005 5:25:04 PM

Rigging easily shakes off the next spell that comes his way. "What's the matter? Losing your touch?" he shouts to the Fey King.

"Wildcards! Finish voting. Refugees and everyone elso on the riverboat! You get a vote too! Come help us put this freak of nature to sleep. All he has brought us is misery. He has sent his minions to attack us and many of your friends and loved ones have perished at his hand. Time to return the favor!"

Rigging turns to Swirl, "Sure you get a vote. Just use it wisely. This creep tried to get between us."

ooc Rolled natural 20 on my save. That is getting a little scary. Stop throwing 8th level spells at me!

Jagar  d20+6=21
Friday December 9th, 2005 12:06:39 AM

Jagar looks about surveying the meadow and encouraging his fellow wildacrds to hurry over to the treants " come on guys "

The monk searches (d20+6=21 spot ch) "Mary !!Mary !! where are you? " shouts Jagar as he thinks he see's some rustling in the tall grass and takes afew steps in that direction

Nezamil ac 17 Ho 67/71 flying enlarged 
Friday December 9th, 2005 12:23:17 AM

"Heh... thats right duck" growls the dwarf as the elves hesitate

Nezamil turns and gains a little altitude and heads over to the three treants ...circling once before landing in the middle of them ...with a look up at the screeching eagle 'Domi teaches us to work out our differences together....something neither side could do here...i truly haven't heard your side of the tale so i cannot choose death even tho i believe you should with all the destruction you have caused....so i will choose the middle ground ....SLEEP....for if that happens it will give everyone another chance to sort out the truth!....which has been hidden all these years growls the Cleric of Domi out to Fae king

Nezamil turns and grabs a piece of fruit from the "sleep" tree and drops it into his mouth whole and chews it slowly as he again looks skyward

Ashira (AC27, HP 30/125) Barkskin +5 
Friday December 9th, 2005 12:15:14 PM

Kirin is down, and that's all that matters. Ashira sprints toward the treant that represents "death". Snatching the fruit, she bites into it. "Death is the only thing you deserve!" she calls out to the eagle. She surveys the incoming elves. "Considering the treachery of the day, and your pathetic attempt to deny all the rest of us our right to vote..." Ashira points at the spirit that was once Val. "You will have your chance to vote, but you will wait until the others have voted." Ashira waves her bloody swords at the elves. "And I promise you, if any of you try and take another's vote away or any other kind of nonsense you will be going home in a different body than you were born in!!"

DM Jim: Combat Round 9  d20+3=10 d20+3=8
Friday December 9th, 2005 1:10:44 PM

Th sprite that is now the Fey King shakes his small fists at Rigging. "You impudent little human. You have no idea what you are doing or giving up. Let them all vote! Or you will your next form not to your liking!" The Fey king seems diminished even more than last round.

A bloodied Ashira comes and cast her vote by eating from the death treant and sends a warning to all those that approach.

The elves, refugees and followers of Domi all keep their distance from Nezamil and Ashira.

Redux move off to the side offering no resistance to those that may want to vote, but there already seems to be much resistance in their way.

Swirl sucks up an orange from the treant of life and it spins so fast inside of him it looks like an orange line until it finally disappears. "Everyone has there good points." Swirl beams to Rigging.

Jager can see mary and Melonie still rolling around in the entangle spell, but at the moment the grasses have pinned the two girls together and they are struggling more against the grass than each other.

Bart, Mykael, and Appolo stare at the Fey King with glassy eyes.

Hal asks Nezamil. "Mind if we take some fruit?" Indicating himself and Kirk.

Friday December 9th, 2005 1:16:09 PM

Appolo continues to eat from the tree of death.He glares harshly at anyone who even thinks about eating from the tree of life it is claer voting that way could get someone killed.

Friday December 9th, 2005 5:29:53 PM

Mykael surveys the surroundings, watching the Fey King and all on the ground.

"Come ALL vote! Any further lethal action towards anyone will be punished by me." Areallex states as he looks upon everyone.

Friday December 9th, 2005 10:46:37 PM

The bloodied ranger looks over at Mykael. "No" she states flatly. "The refugees will vote first, then the elves. The elves have already proved themselves untrustworthy, and I will not suffer any more foolishness. After everyone else has voted then the elves can vote." Ashira looks over at Mykael and chuckles a little. "Present company excluded, of course."

Bart hp76/79 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 6:47:56 AM

Barts intension was to go to Fae King and making him a little shorter then he was. He was very confused by all the actions. Bart sees Nezamil his close friend and spiritual guide eat from the tree of sleep. Bart goes in that direction but he waits (keeping the words of ashira in his mind) with eating from the fruit until everyone else has done so

Rigging illegal post 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 10:24:30 AM

Rigging sees Bart wavering and yells, "Bart make a choice! We are the heroes. They didn't find the acorns. We did! I swear I will just start blowing up elves! Make a choice now!

Saturday December 10th, 2005 6:25:48 PM

Jagar surveys the meadow and does a quick recon run around the 3 treants to make sure nothing else sneaks up on his friends

Nezamil Ac 17 Hp 67/71 flying , enlarged 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 6:30:44 PM

The super sized dwarf takes a few menacing steps towards any approaching elves waving his supersized heavy mace " drop your weapons or suffer the consequences " growls out Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi stops and stares skyward at the screeching eagle with a hard look of defiance " you want some of this ?" adds the dwarf

Sunday December 11th, 2005 2:21:05 AM

Appolo looks at Bart"Over here my firend eat one of these.He caused the death of Valanthe,he deserves death."

Sunday December 11th, 2005 4:04:46 AM

Sleep or death which should i choose? Should i follow the example of Nez or of my old and best friend Appollo. What shoud domi do? Domi only would kill if he has to defend someone. No sorry Appolo i choose for sleep

DM Jim: Combat Round 10 - Final decisions  d20+3=21 d20+3=13
Sunday December 11th, 2005 12:54:21 PM

At the group's urgings Bart finally makes his choice and eats fruit of the now dead treant of sleep, even though his shipmate of many years, Appolo, pleads with him to choose death.

Ashira and Mykeal debate those others that request a vote. All the while Nezamil threatens bodily harm to all of the elves and the Fey King himself. Most of the elves drop their weapons.

Hal clears his throat and attempts to get Nezamil's attention. "So, can we boss?" Several of the followers of Domi seem interested in Nezamil's answer.

Jager does not see anything else potentially nasty sneaking up on the group, but does observe the two you ladies rolling around in the mud and grasses still. Mary almost got the upper hand, but Melonie broke free of the grasses.

John wanders over to Ashira and asks in a very tired voice. "Mind if I vote?"

The Fey King circles above everyone in sprite form. "Come and vote for the Glory of Nature, for greater harvests and an easy life." The Fey King has out a very small bow and a crystalline arrow of some sort. The Fey King has a bead on Rigging, but holds his arrow, the comment about "blowing up elves" seems to have gotten his attention.

Monday December 12th, 2005 11:54:16 AM

Behind the crowd of elves a woman sat up in the tall grass. Her eyes opened and struggled to focus, her vision staying blurred for a few long moments. She holds her hands up and stares at the long slender ebony fingers. The hands turn and fingers move like they were her own but they aren't hers, are they? Valanthe tries to remember what happened but finds her memory hazy at best. She remembers the anger, the conviction to fight for what she believed to be right. She fought... fought harder than she had before. Against Ashira, against Jager, against others. As strong as she was and even with the element of suprise she had failed to destroy the two treants.

Valanthe rose to her feet, wobbling like a newborn calf. She never gave thought to walking before nor how difficult it actually was. The body she was in wasn't her own that much was clear. Her spirit must have found another in the same way Mykael did. Her new legs were longer and slimmer. Valanthe looked down at herself. Her new body was shaplier. Longer legs, a slimmer waist, and larger breasts. Valanthe thought the body was quite beautiful. Moreso than she had been before. Her hands smoothed out the white wilk gown and stopped when her long hair fell over her shoulder. It was golden like the sun with a red tingle that reminded her of a sunset. Valanthe took a few steps, quickly adapting to the differences between her old body and her new one. Taller, stronger, though slightly less graceful than she had been before. But all that didn't mean anything. She was glad to be alive, albeit weak and tired.

The crowd of elves parted and an elven woman with skin as black as night and long golden hair with a red tinge walked through. Her eyes, one gold with green specs, the other green with gold specs seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. A long white silk gown clung to her beautiful body, the end flapping in the soft breeze. Slowly she walked toward the tree of life and took a pear from its branches. She raised the fruit to her full lips and took a big bite. The sweet juice tasted wonderful and Valanthe quickly devoured the fruit. Her vote cast, Val ate more fruit to quench the rumbling in her stomach. It was finally over. The ordeal through the woods. The struggle to survive and the fight for belief was over. She felt a great weight lift from her shoulders, a weight she didn't know was there. She did everything she could, even giving her life in the process. Only the magic of this valley saved her from meeting Gargul. Val leaned against the tree as fatigue set in. Her legs grew weak and she slid down into a sitting position. No matter what happened next Val knew that she would do the same thing again if she had to do it over again. She felt a father's love in her heart and knew a parents approval for the first time in her long life.

DM Jim: New Beginings 
Monday December 12th, 2005 4:47:54 PM

The mother of the valley rises, but has a different look or aura or presence to her that the brief view the group had of her during the battle with the Fey King. There is just something different about her.

Val also rises and even though she is battered and bloodied, she is breathing. Val drops the flail and holds out her hands palms up to Ashira. "Come here my daughter." Val pleads to Ashira. There is something different about Val also, there is a great strenght there and her eyes are far away somehow.

Mary and Melonie stop wrestling in the grass and just watch Val. The entangle spell ends.

The mother of the valley bites a pear from the treant of life and the Fey King shouts triumphantly. "My General has choosen and you will be rewarded for your support of Nature."

The mother of the valley grabs her neck with both hands as smoke can be seen rising between her fingers. The dark skined elf grits her teeth in pain and then feels the two tatoos, one on each side of her neck. Both tatoos are white against her dark skin and are of a screaming elf.

Val looks up at the Fey King and shouts "You have lost favor here, be gone."

The Fey King smiles broadly. "I may have lost some disciples here, but this is a big Wold. I have favor elsewhere and will be back." The Fey King disappears, but his laughter remains.

Val looks to the Wildcards and smiles. "Thank you for the rescue and for freeing my valley from its blight."

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 12:25:56 AM

The ranger growls as Val rises back up, her swords held at the ready. But then she remembers the occurrence with Mykael, and she lowers them once more. Her body trembles with an odd mixture of fatigue, pent up anger and exhaustion. She staggers over to Val and bows her head. "Mother, we have fought long and hard. May we please go home now?" she asks simply.

Ashira looks over at the dark elf and spits in disgust. To be the puppet of evil was one thing, but deliberate betrayal... that was something that went beyond forgiveness.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 2:45:35 AM

Well is it over now? As everything back to normal? Bart is still very confused, unsure if he did the right thing

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 7:25:21 AM

Rigging looks at the old Val and then back at the new Val. He slumps to the ground holding his head. "I am so confused. Can we just go back to the ship?"

He then remembers his new wings and cranes his next to see if they are still there. If they are, he will stand up and walk over to Ashira and this mother person and say, "I am glad to see that you weren't killed by the crazy old nature king. My name is Arrack Von Palin. It is nice to meet you."

Rigging then slips his arm around Ashira's waist and gives her a peck on the cheek.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:32:59 AM

The giant sized dwarf turns and looks down to see the bouncers " of course you may vote ....please hurry tho " grins Nezamil at the two brothers

Nezamil slowly spins around taking in the scene unfolding with Fae king and Mother earth in the meadow.....burning it into his memory so this will not be lost

"what's next Captain ?" adds Nezamil

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:35:10 AM

Appolo walks over to the beautiful darkskinned Elf"Valanthe.Sunshine is that you?"Realizing it is her,he throws his arms around and hugs her claerly over joyed to have her back in any form.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:35:39 AM

Jagar watches as the Fae king disappears and observes everyones reaction for a moment ....then walks slowly over to where Mary is laying in the grass and helps her to her feet " are you ok ?" inquires the Monk

DM Jim: Rewards and Decisions?  d8+5=6 d8+5=7
Tuesday December 13th, 2005 7:15:03 PM

Jager helps Mary rise and sees that she is battered and brusied, but none worse than Melonie.

The Mother of the Valley is relieved that she is recognized. THe elf that was Val steps toward Ashira and takes her hands. "You were wonderful my daughter, and of course you may leave my valley at any time. THe way is clear for you. One day of travel to the south and over the rim and then three days to South Harbor. The way is open to you now, thanks to you valiant efforts. These are gifts for you as a bearer of one of my children." The Mother of the Valley removes her hands from Ashira's and there is a green tatoo of a tree on her right hand and that of an elf on the left. Ashira also feels healing enter her body (Cure 13)

OOC: One time use tatoo. Tree - Barksin as cast by a 20th level druid. Elf - Ranger spell enhancement to be cast as a 20th level druid and has maximum effect (max. healing or max. summoning, etc.). A free action to release both or either.

The Mother of the Valley then goes to Mary and John and thanks them and gives them each two tatoos.

The Mother of the Valley then comes to Rigging. "Your heart says that you are a good husband and your crew thinks of you as a good leader. I can help you in one of three ways. Complete your transition to pixie, remove your wings or give you your strenght back. Please choose."

Mother then approaches Nezamil. "Follower of Domi, I am sorry but the Fey Kings magic was not designed for dwarves and has made an abomination of you. I can only help in one of two ways. Remove your wings or your size."

Mother then approaches Jager and Appolo and she tilts her head as if recognizing Appolo, but is unsure or not giving away the game. Val's vessel then takes one hand each of Jager and Appolo "To you two I give quickness." and a green cat tatoo is left on both of their right hands.

OOC: One time use tatoo to give cats grace as cast by a 20 level druid. Free action to release.

Mother then approaches Mykael and Redux and takes their right hands also. "I give each of you enhancement." and a green hourglass appears on the right hand of each mage.

OOC: One time use tatoo: The next personal transmutation spell of your choice will have 20x normal duration or the next summoning spell will have 20x normal duration. A free action for spell enhancment.

OOC: Val's one time use tatoos: Left side allows her to rage as if she were 17th level. The right side as if she were 20th level. Each is effective for one day.


OOC: The Nature gone Wild adventure is over, pending Nezamil's and Rigging's decisions.

Everyone gets 3000 experience points.

Ashira and Val get and extra 1000 experience points for their excellent play as advocates and each gets one hero point.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:37:02 PM

The mage sits down on the grass. He shakes, he thinks about all the times they have been pawns. At least this nightmare should be over. they will be able to get a good nights sleep; he's sleeping in tomorrow.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:47:28 PM

Mykael states, "Thank you," to the lady elf called mother that is in Val's old body.

He now sits down and takes a break, until the group is ready to move on.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 12:21:12 AM

Ashira nods wearily at Mother. "It was the least we could do." As Rigging comes by, Ashira leans heavily on him. "You are right my love...leadership is a terrible burden..." Ashira whispers into his ear. Ashira shoots a venomous look at the dark elf. "Please, keep me away from her. I'm afraid I might kill her again."

Ashira slides down to the ground and lies in the grass. She closes her eyes and tries to remember more peaceful times.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:40:16 AM

Val glances at Ashira and Rigging before looking away. She can only guess at what they are saying but she has a good idea of what that was. There was no way they could understand any of it so she wpouldn't waste her breath in trying. Val was glad about one thing, well two actually. One she was alive, and two when she let the rage take hold she had enough presence to stay focused on the mission. She didn't want to hurt any of them. She wanted to destroy the treants. If she wanted to she could have killed Ashira, Jager, and probably others before falling. But she didn't which was something else that would be easily forgotten.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:57:13 AM

Rigging is to pre-occupied with the choices outline to him. He looks over at Ashira and asks "So will you still love me if I was a pixie? I would be shorter, but I could fly! OK a lot shorter but I would be nimble. Rigging ponders his choices. I would end up losing a lot of stuff. It wouldn't fit or be to big for me. Have to give this some thought." He waits for Ashira's comments.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 12:51:15 PM

The exhausted ranger looks up at Rigging with bewildered and exhausted eyes. "I will love you in any form...but I'm kind of partial to your old one." Ashira puts her head between her hands and closes her eyes. Her thoughts are a swirl, and she desperately needs to sort them out...someplace where there are no distractions. Panic begins to grip her gut and she suddenly gets the almost overwhelming urge to bolt for the woods.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:55:34 PM

The monk thanks mother wold " wow this is a magnificient tattoo" marvels Jagar " thank you i will use it wisely "

Jagar compares his tattoo's with Mary's and takes a seat in the grass taking a deep breath " it's finally over " whispers the monk

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:59:21 PM

Nezamil bows to Mother wold " this is an intresting choice i have here " as he looks down to the normal sized moether wold " will these wings enable me to fly ?"questions the dwarf "being 15' tall will add some intresting moments but so will the wings especially if i can use them to fly "

Nezamil sits down slowly and ponders his choices

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 3:57:52 PM

Appolo looks at the mother"Thanks."He then looks around and takes Vlanthes hand"Come on sunshine."He leads her over to Ashira and Rigging"Well boss.Time to go see if we still have a ship and crew waiting for us.You know we're going to have to deal with that Fae King guy agian.He's still out there,but for now let's just go home."

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 4:57:24 PM

Val pulls her hand from Appolo's when he starts moving towarg Rigging and Ashira. She's in no condition to fight right now physically or verbally. So she keeps her distance for now. Best to give everybody time to distance themselves from what just happened.

Rigging Illegal post 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 6:32:58 PM

Rigging sees both Val's reaction and knows Ashira's feelings. As he ponders his decisions with one portion of his brain, he thinks about the group dynamic and says mainly to his wife but to Val as well, "Ashira, you need to let this go. I am assuming that the Fey King was affecting Val and talking to her, as much as mother was talking to you. None of the rest of us heard these conversations. Val has been a valued member of our band for years and we can't let one piece of bad judgement color our entire relationship."

He looks at his wife and says, "Remember you to once were controlled by a god. You attacked the family. We forgave you and welcomed you back with open arms. Even if Val wasn't controlled, she was influenced and has paid a steep price. She has lost her old body. Lets try and let this go. Sometimes family drive us crazy but we always love them, because they are family."

DM Jim: Choices? 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 7:57:08 PM

As the group rests and ponders their next move, Nezamil and Rigging weight the offer each of them received.

The mother of the valley in Val's body takes of Val's possesions and only keeps on Val's cloths. Mother calls a squirl over and talks with it and sends it away. "You will all have food soon." She then moves over to the treant of life and they take the short walk over to the lake and talk together. Mother seems to be waiting.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:14:15 AM

Sitting in the grasses the dwarf ponders his choices " the wings would be great if they helped me fly but don't think they will be powerful enough to lift me off the ground even if i was normal sized "

Nezamil looks about the meadow as he thinks " but being 15" tall would be great in battle " grins the dwarf "but being giant sized will have some intresting side affects in town and dealing with others "

" what to choose ? muses Nezamil as he sits crosslegged in the meadow

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:17:26 AM

Jagar's stomach growls as mother wold mentions food will soon arrive " i'm starving " states the monk as he sits near Mary as he watches mother wold walk with one of the treants

Thursday December 15th, 2005 1:42:14 AM

Val walks over to her dropped gear. Somehow it doesn't feel like hers anymore. Soon she would have to get to the Catacombs and trade it in. It was time for a fresh start. Wether that meant on the Sword or alone had yet to be determined.

Even the simple act of walking felt abnormal. While she was glad to be alive, Val constantly wondered why she awoke in this body? The jet black skin that stared back at her. Dark elves were not nice people. Perhaps that is why she woke in this body. She wasn't a nice person either. Perhaps the body she now wore was a permanent reminder of this day. One the gods made sure she would never forget.

Valanthe picked up the finely crafted elven chain. It's mystical enchantments had allowed it to remain virtually unmarred through this intense ordeal. The elven chain fit snugly around her body. This form was larger than her old one and the armor barely fit. Once it was on Val thought she looked rather sexy. As Val re-equipped her former gear she took a moment to examine each piece. As if she asked herself is this really mine?

Val once again looked like a warrior. Albeit a dark elf with hair the color of sunset and weaponless, but still a warrior. She looked over at her old self. The body who now belonged to the mother of the valley. She looked terrible, bruised and bloody. She died, that much she knew. The more time passed the more Val believed that by choosing to side with Father she became somebody else. Which was why the face that now stared back at her when she looked in a mirror was not her own.

Staying away from Ashira, Valanthe walks over to Melonie and tends to the girls wounds. Like herself, Melonie had ended up on the losing side of the battle. As did Kirin who paid with his life. Perhaps Melonie will come aboard the Sword. She has nothing and with Father gone, probably feels as empty inside as Val does.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 1:48:18 AM

The battle weary elf stares at her husband as if he had just lost his head. A very unhealthy looking flush works its way to her face when he mentions her attack against the family. "Arrack von Palin, you have no idea what you are talking about." she states flatly, anger burning in her eyes. Pulling away from her husband, Ashira grabs her pack. "You do what's right for the family. You are the Captain, and they will follow you...maybe. As for me, I think it might be best for me to leave. As you have so wisely observed, I have issues, and I'm beginning to think it might be best for me to work them out on my own." Matter of factly, Ashira gathers her belongings and prepares to head out on the long journey to the sea.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:35:07 PM

Bart walks over to Nezamil "Nez a word of advise get rid of those wings, i think the look ridicoulos on you. Being big had pro and cons but you could always cast an reverse enlarge or not?"

Then bart sees that Ashira is leaving. "Ashira wait don't leave at least not now we need you I need you I dont wanna loose a friend who did become a member of my family. I always believed in you.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 8:46:18 PM

Rigging watches his wife stomp off. Before she is out of hearing, he yells, "Hey you are in charge of these people. Your just gonna leave them!"

He then looks over at Val and sighs, "Women are gonna be the death of me." He looks at his wife and realizes that their is no sense in chasing after her. He goes over to Jagar and says, "My friend. I need a favor. Could you watch over my wife. She is acting headstrong again. Follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble. You might try to stay out of her sight or you could end up in trouble yourself." He pats the monk on the shoulder and turns away.

He walks up to Val and grabs her by the shoulder. He tries to pull her up and then turns her around. "Nice figure. I think your breasts are bigger. Appolo will like that I am sure." He stares into her eyes and after a thoughtful moment asks, "What happened? Why did you attack your family? I have to know."

Thursday December 15th, 2005 10:05:45 PM

Val crosses her arms and looks at Rigging. After a moment she turns and looks away. The wind blows, her silky golden hair blows softly in it.

"You wouldn't understand Rigging. None of you would. My true family was slaughtered when I was ten winters old. I was so young I hardly have memories of that time. I grew up alone in the deep forests with only myself for company. I raised myself, taught myself everything. I thought I was fine until the Fae King whispered in my ear. You know what I found I needed at that point. It was something that I could never get no matter how many years I looked. For the first time in a hundred years I knew a father's love. A father's approval. A father's pride in me. Never did I believe that if I tried to explain things. If I begged and pleaded with everybody to vote life would any of you have voted life? With Ashira voting just the opposite? I knew she was chosen by the Mother. I've learned that the term for our group, the term family is best used in convenient times. I would be lying if kinship didn't have something to do with it. You don't know what its like to feel alone in a group of people. To always feel like an outsider. These last couple days with the other elves made me realise that too. Ashira may be half elf but she denies her elven blood. She may as well be human. I knew what I was doing. My task was to destroy the treants, not kill any of the others. I turned on them because they drew my blood when I was lost in rage. I could have used the suprise to kill any one of the others before the confusion faded."

DM Jim: Lunch 
Thursday December 15th, 2005 11:36:49 PM

The group still ponders its choices and all that has happened to them since they left Plateau City. Val attempts to get to know her new body and for that matter so does Mykael.

Bart offers helpful advice to Nezamil.

The strain seems to be too much for Ashira and she stomps off into the woods in the direction that Mother Wold pointed as the way out of the valley and toward South Harbor.

Dozens of squirels and birds come by and drop of fruits and nuts for the entire group. There is plenty of food to be had, even for the supersized Nezamil.

Friday December 16th, 2005 1:56:18 AM

Mykael listens to the comments going around, mostly between Ashira, Rigging, and Val. He shakes his head.

Mykael ponders on the actions of the day, and the mass death, and shakes his head.

He eats his full in silence, distancing himself, from Val, Rigging, and Ashira if she returns.

Friday December 16th, 2005 5:42:03 AM

Appolo stands listening to the others especially Vlanthe,Ashira and Rigging.Then walks over to Vlanthe"You know if you leave me becuase of this then I will dedicate my life to hunting thge Fae who would be King down and utterly destroying everything he loves.Oh incase you've forgotton,I never new my family.I'm an orphan and Ashira was cast out by the elves becuase her mother was human and was savagely killed in the name of g'aal.We are all out casts and all we have are each other.We need to forgive one another and lookout for each other.When your family was killed whre was the rest of the elven community.Wht didn't they ever take you in.We took you and I love you know matter what.Does it sound like this father you speak of is kind,just and compassionate.Killing people sending monsters agianst telling you to kill those who have done you or him know harm.Trying to deny us the right to choose.You know if he hadn't turned you against us and just allowed us to make a choice and you had asked me I would I have voted with you.He didb't did he he sent monsters agianst us and turned us agianst each otherWe never said you couldn't side with the Father,but we couldn't let you harm the trees.Now please I love you amd forgive you.I hope you love and forgive us."

Friday December 16th, 2005 7:34:18 AM

"Perhaps other elves came after the attack. I didn't stick around to find out. I was too afraid the orc hordes would turn back. I was the only survivor of that attack. I'm not seeking forgiveness Appolo nor do I think there is anything I need to forgive. Honestly I don't care what everybody else thinks. I did what I did and I would do it again. What's done is done and I just want to be out of this valley. The Fae King wasn't all powerful like you believe. He didn't send those monsters. If he did then why did I almost die from the raptor and elemental attacks? If they were his then why kill your own people?"

Val sighed and held Appolo, resting her head on his shoulder. "You know those times where your infiltrating a ga'al city. Where you are around dozens of people but know that you aren't one of them because they have a heartseed. How isolated and alone you feel just for that moment. I feel like that sometimes. And I know that if the Fae King had lived I would never feel that again. I believe that he would have made the world a great place to live. I think he could have done great things to remove ga'al's taint from this world."

Friday December 16th, 2005 8:11:51 AM

Rigging looks at Val and smiles. He pulls her into a hug and softly says, "Yes you are alone. Everyone is ultimalely alone, but we are also together. You have people here who love you and care about you. Appolo cares for you above his own welfare. I think of you as a my baby sister. Yes I know you are older but..." He grins at her and taps his head, "I am older up here. "Ashira is so mad at you because she loves you like a sister. Only a family member can piss you off like that. We can never truly replace your family that was killed so long ago, but we can still be your family for now."

Rigging gives her another squeeze and then lets her go and sighs, "I need to make my own decision. It sounds like being a pixie could be fun. I would be able to fly, but I don't think it is the best for our family. Not sure the men would respond well to having a Pixie Pirate Captain. I think I would have to resign as Captain if I do this. Do you want to be the Captain? Maybe Appolo." He looks over at Nezamil and giggles, "Maybe a 15' dwarf could make a good captain. He would be intimdating enough. Course he might tip the ship over in a storm if he stands on the wrong side."

He looks back to Val and says in all seriousness. "So you want to be Captain?"

Friday December 16th, 2005 8:28:59 AM

"At one time I would have said yes. But now after what just happened, I think I would put too many people at risk. Losing ones sense of identity is hard to deal with. If my old self was dead then I don't think it would be so bad. But to see my face on another, walking and talking. It's a very disturbing feeling. While I have no regret over what I have done, I do not think the others are so quick to let it go. A captain needs the full support of the majority of the crew at the very least. The crew has to trust in their captain not feel oblidged to follow orders. I can see how being a pixie would greatly help us at times. But if you are serious about stepping down as Captain I think the one you should be talking to is walking away right now."

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday December 16th, 2005 9:29:48 AM

Rigging looks at Val and smiles, "Normally I would agree with you in a second. Ever since Ashira was heartseeded though, she isn't the same person. Emotionally she is a wreck. I don't know how to help her. I am trying to be patient and let her work things through but not sure if it is helping. Yes she has the skills to be a fine Captain but not sure she has the temperment for it right now."

Friday December 16th, 2005 9:37:17 AM

Val laughes. "Oh and you think my temperment is right? Remember I'm the one that looses her cool and makes things worse. If you want me to take the position I will but don't say that I didn't warn you."

Friday December 16th, 2005 9:40:36 AM

Rigging sighs, feeling he still stuck with it and purposely marches over to Mother and asks, "Though being a pixie has great temptation for me, I don't think I will be able to effectively lead this group or the Sword of Redemption's crew. We are such a scarred group at this point, I don't know who is better suited for it. I guess I am burdened with it now though I tire of the role. Can you please remove the wings. I was tempted to just cut them off but find that the thought seems mightily painful."

Friday December 16th, 2005 9:43:30 AM

"Not yet I won't. If you truly feel that your time as Captain is over then keeping the position anyway is just as dangerous to the rest of us. If you don't want to be Captain I will take the position and do the job as best I can."

Val- post addition 
Friday December 16th, 2005 9:54:12 AM

Val thinks back to how things were before this trek through the valley. How difficult they were, how much Rigging's extra duties wore on Ashira.

"Well that's settle then. My first duty as Captain is to send you off after your wife. She needs you now as she has before. When your duties kept you from her."

Friday December 16th, 2005 10:10:24 AM

Rigging smiles at Val and says, "Sorry, I wish it were that simple. You will have to get a vote of confidence from the crew and the rest of the Wildcards first. No I will retain the Captainship for a while longer anyway. I want to see us settled into our new island at least. Then I will talk to you about the taking over of the Sword. Still if you want them, additional duties will be yours. First, I am putting you in charge of these little excursion. Take over where Ashira left off. Get this group organized and ready for the march. I have had enough of this valley."

Friday December 16th, 2005 10:26:11 AM

"Done. Now get after your wife before she goes too far. Don't listen to her words, listen to her heart and give her the comfort and compassion she needs right now. At least those wings of yous will get some use." She says and pushes Rigging off in Ashira's direction. Then the turns and walks back toward the refugees, whistling loudly to get their attention.

"Alright people listen up. Believe it or not, I don't really care which, but I am Val. I may look and sound a bit different but I assure you that's who I am. The conflict and hardship that has plague us in this valley since we started this nature hike is over. We will have a nice peaceful hike back to south port. So get everything together. The sooner we start the sooner we get back to the city where we all can eat and sleep the next few days away."

It felt good to stay busy. To keep her mind off what just happened. For a time she even forgets that the body she wears is not her own.

Friday December 16th, 2005 11:48:03 AM

Nezamil listens to Barts advice " i'll consider it my friend "

Nezamil looks down towards Motherwold for a few moments then stares skyward into the blue sky as he gathers his thoughts for his choice as he listens to Riggings and Val's banter

"yeah those wings make me look silly" growls the dwarf to Bart " stupid fey creatues "

The dwarf rises up to his feet and walks calmly over to Motherwold "i've made my choice ...please get rid of these wings please "

" The Fey influence will grow in the wold i fear and us dwarves might as well have a bigger influence too " adds the dwarf with a smile at Motherwold .

Stepping away from Motherwold Nezamil walks over to Val and Rigging "if i can add my two copper pieces " interjects the dwarf " we all walk different paths in life ,our paths have crossed and allowed us to work together as friends and family, we might not always see eye to eye but we have done many good things together as we all work to make the wold a better place to live "Nezamil turns to Val " i don't hold it againist you for standing up for what you believe....i don't agree with the Fae kings veiw because i fear my fellow dwarves values will suffer under the Fae kings rise to influence....but i will glady work to come to an understanding between dwarves and fey to help foster peace in the wold "

Friday December 16th, 2005 11:53:02 AM

The monk quietly enjoys the bounty of food provided by motherwold's creatures ,sitting near Mary he surveys the meadow enjoying the quiet of the forest

DM Jim: Final Parting 
Saturday December 17th, 2005 7:39:28 AM

Rigging and Val discuss a change in leadership of the Sword of Redemption and the Wildcards. Rigging sets Val's first test of leadship as the march back to South Harbor.

Appolo shows his support for Val in her new form and in anything she does.

Val checks Melonies wounds, but they are mostly minor as her grappling match with Mary was constantly interupted by the entangling grasses. Melonie comments to Val under her breath "It is about time the others recognized your talents. Did the transformation hurt?" Melonie stand proudly next to Val.

Rigging requests that his wings be removed and Mother Wold comments. "As the Fey King decreed, someone must have your wings so I will take them." In moments Rigging's gosommar wings disolve and they reappear on Val's former body.

Rigging still feels the loss of the strenght he experienced a few days ago.

Rigging considers going after Ashira as she is not too far ahead. Ashira just entered the trees 400 yards away.

Mother Wold also grants Nezamil's request to lose his wings and again they disolve off his body and she absorbs them. The gossomar wings on Mother WOld's back grow into eagles wings.
Mother WOld lays a hand on Nezamil's knee. "As I mentioned before, you are an obomination to the Fey King and although his magic is strong it will not last forever. The magic will last a long time, mind you and may have other effect on your dwarven body."

OOC: Nezamil will lose one inch of height and some associated weight each day for a period of time that is not known. I will inform you of when the reduction stops and any conequences.

Jager sits with a very quite Mary, who jumps up when Val suggests that Rigging follow Ashira. "Can I go Too?"

Hal and Kirk eat their fill.

Bart watches the seemingly endless line of squirrels and other aminals that keep bringing Nezamil food.

Mykael just ponders the events of the last few days.

Mother Wold takes flight and calls out to the survivors. "May nature always be on your side." and she flys off.

The lone live treant follows Mother Wold's flight deeper into the valley and opposite the direction Ashira went to leave the valley.

OOC: Swirl and Talon are now larger than normal. Your familiars now have 2/3 your hit points and 3/4 your level, both are rounded down and the effect is permanent. Please update your familiars on your character sheets.

Saturday December 17th, 2005 10:21:15 AM

Appolo remains quiet and listens to the others as he follows Valanthe around.He is quite relaxed and happy.

He looks at Rigging"Go after her,you fool.If need be carry her back to South Harbor,but go after her."

He then resumes following Vlanthe around,When Melonie mentions Valanthe's talents'Oh we rcognize he talents alright.She has lots of talent that's for sure.Like making me exceedingly happy.Now shall we get out of here.Need to find out what's left of the Sword>"

Saturday December 17th, 2005 2:11:40 PM

"You hush." Val says to Appolo with a smile on her face. She turns back to Melonie and continues to wrap the worst of her wounds. "It didn't hurt. I simply woke up. I want you to come with us Melonie. On our ship when we sail from South harbor."

Val turns to Mary and says, "I think you should come with us too, on our ship when we sail. When things got bad you didn't hesitate to fight for what you believed in. We are in the process of trying to colonize and island. We need people like you with us and I'm sure that Ashira would love to have you around. But now she needs to work some things out with her husband. If your not hurt to badly I would like you and Melonie to move through the crowd and make sure that everybody is up and ready to depart. We lost enough people already and nobody else is getting left behind."

After giving Mary and Melonie time to move through the crowd, and forcing them to work together, Val will start the march back to South Harbor.

Saturday December 17th, 2005 6:54:17 PM

Rigging still feeling weak, thanks the Mother and after a moments indecision, sprints off after his wife. He is puffing a littl when he catches her but smiles shyly and grabs her hand. "I am not letting you go alone. I love you to much to let you go alone. If you have a problem with that, your just gonna have to knock me unconcious and leave me for some raptors, wolves, or horny elf maidens.

Rigging gives her a kiss on the cheek and lets go of her hand knowing that she just might take a swing.

Sunday December 18th, 2005 5:43:35 PM

Bart gets things started for the travel back to South Port. He asks people to collect some food and water he assist Val in as many ways he can

Sunday December 18th, 2005 9:12:16 PM

Mykael walks over to Nez, "With most of the danger over, we have time, whether we like it or not, to take care of the dead properly."

"Will you help me?" Mykael asks. Then he moves and starts to collect the dead bodies that are left, with reverence.

Monday December 19th, 2005 12:12:12 AM

"absolutely" replies Nezamil to Mykael

"brothers and sisters of Domi come let us bury our dead with respect and honor " preaches the Cleric of Domi to Domi's remaining faithful

Nezamil will use his new size to advantage by digging graves for the dead and will oversee a ceremony afterwards

After the burial prayer Nezamil will shepard all the refugees to start after Val on their way to South Harbor

Monday December 19th, 2005 12:15:03 AM

The monk joins the dwarf and Mykael in burying the dead before marching towards South Harbor

DM Jim: Traveling again 
Monday December 19th, 2005 12:56:51 PM

Rigging takes off after Ashira and mary follows too. Rigging and Mary catch up to the brooding Ashria after not too long. Ashira complains that she wants to be alone, but relents to her husbands and Marys company. The three set off to cut a trail for the refugees to follow.

Nezamil, Jager and Mykael start to bury the dead when one of them pop up and yells at them. "Stop throwing dirt on my you idiots! I am not dead!" The elf seems very surprised at the last statment himself. "Wait, I was dead. There was a huge painful blast of fire."

Another scorced elf jumps up and paws the ground and runs off into the woods.

There were several refugees helping Mykael, Jager and Nezamil bury the dead, but they stop and one comments. "I think this is a bad idea."

Appolo sees to Val and Val sends out some instruction. Melonie and Bart start to get the refugees organized and everyone is still collecting food being brought by the forest creatures.

Kirk comes over to Nezamil and comments. "How is the weather up there?"

Hal picks up on the mirth and adds. "I do not think we can call you a dwarf any longer. I think you are a TALL." The brother break down into fits of laughter.


The refugees and the remaining Wildcards pack up as much food as they can carry and follow the trail cut by Ashira. The going is quick at first but again the undergrowth gets thicker. The ridge of the valley is closer on this side and the trail gains elevation quickly. The refugees will have to camp below the summit of the ridge today or attempt to follow the trail in the dark.

Ashira, Rigging and Mary stumble onto an occupied campsite at the top of the ridge before nightfall. There are two elves, two humans, a half elf (all male) and a dwarf roasting a deer on a spit. They all stand and put a hand to there weapons. One of the humans comments "We though you were more forest creatures on the rampage. Care to join us in eating one? We can swap storys of why we are in this infernal land." Several of the men view Mary and even Ashira with appraising eyes.

It turns out this is the relief column sent by the govenors of South Harbor. They have a train of 20 mules carrying food for the refugees. These six are just getting used to being in the woods as they have spent the good life in South Harbor the last few years taking care of problems for the Govenors.

Monday December 19th, 2005 10:15:40 PM

Rigging calls to Swirl to keep a lookout has he proceeds into camp. "I am Captain Von Arrack and this is my wife Ashira Von Arrack. The pretty lass is Mary. We are scouting ahead for the party and breaking the trail. I would be glad to have a meal with you. How are things in South Harbor. Can you tell me anything of the ship the Sword of Redemption. I have been away to long."

After trading some stories, Rigging adds,"We are going to march on in the morning. I am anxious to have word of my crew. The refugees are gonna be very happy to see you. We have been short on supplies and suffered many strange attacks."

After filling his belly and drinking a little to much beer, Rigging sits back and relaxes for a few minutes. "Thank you for the kind hospitality. That was very good."

Rigging will spend the night and then give directions towards the refugees in the morning. He will then move forward with the the ladies towards the city, marking the trail or at least watching Ashira do it.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 12:01:56 AM

Nezamil quickly takes action " uncover them " shouts the dwarf as he energeticly helsp uncover the refugees

"hehehe..... very funny guys " as Nezamil laughs heartily at the brothers jokes

" now lets get moving after the Captain " growls the dwarf to all the refugees

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 12:07:10 AM

Jagar helps dust off any refugees and then takes the point position scouting slightly ahead of the main group of refugees

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 6:40:21 AM

Val enters the occupied campsite and sighs in relief when she spies the packed supplies. Her red-gold hair almost glows in the firelight as it clashes with her jet black skin. With all those hungry and tired people Val doesn't stick around to chat. She takes a log from the fire and begins dividing the refugees into many smaller camps with plenty of fire to keep everybody warm.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 10:02:16 AM

Appolo brings up the rea and continues to herd the refugees along until they reach the campsite then prepares a capsite for Valanthe and himself.He is very tired,but happy to have Valanthe back.

DM Jim: On to South Harbor 
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 10:27:26 AM

Rigging, Ashira and Mary break bread with the relief party, but leave early for South Harbor. Rigging is told that South Harbor is 3 days march for a party thier size if they push. It will take the refugees five days. Rigging's party is given three days food and water for the trip. Rigging gets some down cast eyes when the Sword of Redemption is mentioned. "The ship was under attack by what is called a quad. They were picking off the crew. It was not just the Sword that was being attacked, but she was taking the brunt of the damage. We were hunting the quad, when the Govenors abruptly called us off and had us set up the relief column. We have been gone several days. I trust the Govenors made other arrangements."


In the morning Val leads the refugees and the balance of the Wildcards into the camp of the relief column. All are fed and the column quickly moves off the ridge toward south Harbor.

One of the humans a warrior by his armor and swords comes up to Nezamil "By the stars what are you, or what happened to you? My name is Quinn and I have been instructed to bring you back to South Harbor. Your trailblazers on forged on ahead." In a lower voice he whispers to Nezamil "Where did you get all these high quality females?" Quinn adds with an appraising eye.

THe next three days are uneventful travel through overgrown farmlands. There is plenty of food to be had for all even Nezamil and farmers are practically giving away some of their surplus. Quinn pay generously for the extra food with a friendly eye on the strange giant.

Rigging's group makes it to South Harbor, but the refugee group is still on the trial.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 12:13:01 PM

Bart gives an helping hand during the walk, helping where he can. When the make camp Bart prepares a meal

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 6:02:43 PM

Mykael stays on constant guard except when he is sleeping. He will circle the camp, walk through it, and scout a ways out away from the camp in all directions.

He doesnt say much, other than when spoken too. He may smile or nod a hello, as he passes all, but sometimes he doesnt. His eyes seem ever alert, but his mind may be spinning out of control.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 8:27:31 PM

The Monk continues to scout ahead as the refugees advance towards South harbor during their march.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 8:34:00 PM

With a look down at Quinn the dwarf replies "terrible fey magic has touched me and has twistedme to this size but i hope in time it will weaken and return me to normal at some point "

With a little grin Nezamil adds " these fine women were lured and deceived by fey magic and now we are helping them back to south harbor and safety...which i'm sure you will help accomplish "

The Cleric of Domi herds his faithfull followers along and urges them to help other refugees who seem to be struggling during the march to safety

Rigging and Ashira 
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 9:35:44 PM

Rigging turns to Mary and says, "I am sorry dear but Ashira and I need to push our pace. We both have magic that will allow this but you won't be able to catch up. Stay with these men and lead them to the others.

Rigging will then quickly release some of his spells and study mount x2. He and Ashira will then push themselves to get back to Safe Harbor as fast as they can. Both only need 2 hours a night because of the sustenance magic. They don't even need to stop for food.

Once they get back to the town, they will hurry to the docks and find the Sword of Redemption. They will board, find the highest ranking crew member on board and find out what is happening.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 1:52:46 AM

Over the next few days her body feels less and less strange and more normal. Her reflection doesn't shock her and its hard to remember the way her voice used to be. Val begins to appreciate the beauty her body has, developing a vanity that wasn't there before. During the days she spends her time keeping everybody marching along. At night she relaxes in Appolo's arms.

DM Jim: South Harbor and the Trail 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 1:04:08 PM

Rigging and Ashira leave Mary inthe dust as they ride to South Harbor. Mary catches up with the other WIldcards and refugees and the relief column.

OOC: We only made two days of travel as Rigging and Ashira made it to South Harbor a day early.

There is not much to do on the trial bu push on. There is a road and the travel is easy. Quinn even rents a famers barn for the second night so everyone can stay indoors, even Nezamil.

Farmers and homsteaders are cutting off growth from their homes and attempting to tame unrully fields. All are friendly and wave as you pass.


A day before Rigging and Ashira get to South Harbor they can smell the salt air and see the sea gulls soaring. Swirl is riding top cover for the couple as they push hard.

Once at South Harbour, it is obvious that Nature had an effect here too, but it must be waning. People are out and repairing their homes and businesses by cutting off the extra unwanted new growths. All business seem open and it looks like there are deals to be had at most of the pubs and resturants.

The shipyard is another matter. Sailor are working on all the ships it get them in proper order. There are many sailors in the water working on the hulls of the ships. Rigging can see the top mast of the Sword, but it is missing its colors, very strange.

Rigging and Ashira get to the Sword and find it a mess. There is very little that has been done to clean it up and there is blood on the deck. Even worse the two are challenged by someone they do not recognize. A human of maybe 25 years, but he has the swagger of a sailor and his armed with sword and dagger, although his hands are nowhere near them. "State your business." as the man comes forward.

Roll a DC 20 intelligence check to determine something about the lad.

Rigging and Ashira notice less than one dozen sailors working to clean up the Sword. They also notice an arm nailed to the mast about 15 feet up. The arm is mangled up toward the shoulder, but looks almost normal by the hand.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 5:55:06 PM

Unaware of the events in South Harbor Bart travels with the refugees to South Harbor. Bart chat with several people and asks Nezamil about his ecpierence with his new form.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 8:09:52 PM

The dwarf towers over all the refugees as he marches along the trail towards South harbor and replies to Bart " feels sorta strange just so unnatural ...but it does have a few intresting perks....i feel stronger but not as quick....hehehehe.....but i can reach the fruit on top of the trees " laughs Nezamil

Nezamil thanks the farmer for the use of the barn for the refugees and settles into a corner and looks about for Quinn " so whats happening in South harbor the last week or so ?" inquires Nezamil

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 8:16:20 PM

The monk patrols ahead of the refugees leading them towards South harbor by tracking the Captains footprints and reports any new info to Val who has taken command of the march

Jagar keeps an eye out for Mary's footprints secretly hoping he will see her again

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 9:29:01 PM

Mykael climbs to the roof of the barn and keeps watch. When its finally time for him to sleep, he sleeps in the loft. He awakes with the group and continues to make his rounds and keep watch on the group through out the day.

Rigging  d20+4=12 d20+11=31 d20+7=20
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 11:08:37 PM

Rigging is too shocked at the condition of his ship for clear thinking as a rage builds up in him, (intelligence check 12)but he does realize that caution is in order. He looks around for any faces that he might recognize from the crew (spot 31, natural 20) and then asks the crewmember in front of him, "Permission to come aboard. I need to speak to your Captain or one of your officers. I might want to hire your ship if possible."

Swirl goes on high cover watching for any trouble. (spot check 20)

OOC Jim, I know that Swirl has changed. Can you send me his new stats so I can update my character sheet

Ashira George  d20=10
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 11:10:41 PM

Ashira also is shocked at the condition of her ship and gazes around in horror. Where is everyone? She casually puts her hands to the hilt of her weapons, preparing for danger.

Int check 10, don't know her pluses

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 2:08:19 AM

Appolo continues to stay close to Vlanthe and herd the refugees a;ong back to Sourg Garbor.He walks up to Val"You know Sunshine when we get back to South Harbor,thre's a couple of Quads waiting for us and we may not have a ship or crew.Boy if I ecer meet that Fae King agian I'm going deliver him personally to Gargul."

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:02:35 AM

Val laughs. "That would be an interesting sight. You know I thought that he would have been able to drive out Ga'al and his taint upon the land. You know it figures that there is a quad or two back there since my weapon was destroyed by those fire giants. At least I have my bow still. Regardless of how things are in South Harbor they can't get any worse than the last couple days."

DM Jim: The Swords sad Tale 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 1:54:48 PM

Rigging and Ashira board the Sword and do not notice anything familiar about the young sailor that challenged then. The young sailor puts his left hand to his belt and fingers a thunderstone, but keeps his hands from his weapons. "Why would you want to rent this mess of a ship? This ship will not be ready for sea until it can get cleaned up and a proper crew sought. There is but one officer left alive. I will call him, TOMAS!"

After a few moments, Tomas arrives looking the worse for wear as he is dressed in rags and is missing one arm. Tomas rushes over and the words just fall from his mouth. "Thank goodness you have not been killed Captain. Are the rest of the Wildcards still alive? It has been terrible. This double quad started to prey on us and a few other ships in the harbor, but mostly the Sword. We were no match and if fact there would be none of us left if it were not for Cantera here and his father, Captain Marlin." Tomas motions to the young sailor.

Cantera spits "Captain Rigging I presume." seeming not to like the deception.

Tomas takes a deep breath and continues. "The quad got bold after Appolo, Redux and Mykael left and assulted the ship. There leader is not a priest of Ga'al, although there is a priest with them. The leader cut off my arm and then beat many of the crew to death with it. Only Captain Marlin saved us and even killed one of the double quad to boot. Cantera has been guarding us since."

In lower tones, Tomas adds. "Captain Marlin took our Pirate of Jack colors and said we were not of the Jack anymore. Is this true? The quad took the rest of the colors and the leader said they would be back for Captain Riggings carcass. The scum is the one that nailed my arm to the mast and said that if it is remove the Sword would be sunk. Captain marlin suggested that we leave it for now until more strenght can be brought to bear."

At that, Cantera interupts and says. "You need to see my father and get away from the Sword as it is being watched. Follow me." Cantera leaves and does not look back.


The refugee column clears up after breakfast.

Jager notices that Mary stayed behind and merged with the refugee group.

OOC: I want to keep the separate groups on the same time so no movement of the refugee group yet. Please feel free to go to the Catacombs as there is a major branch office in South Harbor.

Ashira (George) 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 4:43:36 PM

Ashira feels rage build in her heart, but then looks at the battered crew and the one armed Thomas and pity takes over. The half elf pulls him into a hug and whispers into his ear, "The rest of the Wildcards are fine. They are escorting some refugees and should be back in a couple of days. We will take our revenge then."
She looks at his arm and then into his eyes. "I promise you, you will be restored. You have my word."

She then turns and leaves following the stranger.

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 4:50:10 PM

Rigging will put his hand on Thomas's good arm and says quietly, "We aren't part of the pirates any more. The Jack has given us our freedom. We are still allies and friends though and we are charged to start another arm of the pirates. Another suit that isn't so bound up politcally. That is why we have been attacked. The Ga'alians fear us. Have the crew start making repairs. We will need the Sword at full capacity. We will be on our way soon"

Rigging starts after the young Cantera and says, "I must thank you for your protection of my crew. It grieves me that I wasn't here myself to look after them. Someone is going to pay dearly for this. Pay in blood."

Rigging will then take his wife's hand and give it a hard squeeze. "Pay in blood." he murmers almost to himself.

Nezamil  d20+12=29
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:51:17 PM

The supersized dwarf keeps trekking towards South harbor keeping the brothers Hal and Kirk company chatting and getting to know them more " so what will you do when we reach South harbor ? " inquires Nezamil " i'm sure we could find a place for you with us aboard our ship the Sword ...men of you impressive skills and talent would be most welcome "(d20+2=29 diplomacy ch) adds the Cleric of Domi with as much sincerity as he can muster

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:56:10 PM

The monk keeps his position ahead of the group blazing the way after Captain Riggings trail.

Jagar gives the thumbs up signal to Mykael as he loops upfront while he circles the marchers in his rounds

DM Jim: Captain Marlin 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 1:33:14 PM

Cantera leads Ashira and Rigging away from the Sword and off the docks. The path he takes is a circular one with many stops and starts. Once in the heart of the South Harbor fish market Cantera comments "Trying to throw them off our trail." A few minutes later the trio is back at the docks, but much farther down and Cantera speaks up again. "There she is The Razors Edge."

The Razors Edge is a slightly longer and broader ship than the Sword and set up for war. The ship also has one more mast than the Sword and looks fast. There are many look outs in the Rigging and on Deck. Those that are not on lookout are removing the added growth from the last week and sanding the cropped area smooth. The ship and her crew are ready action.

The watch acknowledge Cantera and he lead Rigging and Ashira on deck. "It is best that you two remain below deck and out of sight until my father returns in the morning."

Rigging and Ashira are shown to a small but comfortable cabin and are given food and wine.


Morning arrives and after their Breakfast, Rigging and Ashira are greeted by Captain Marlin, a middle aged woman that is armed with rapier and dagger and Cantera. Captain Marlin starts out in a booming voice. "So Captain Rigging, how does it feel to be a wanted man." The question seems retorical because the salt and pepper bearded Captain Marlin continues. "You have been very sucessful in your war with the Ga'alian priests and for that I am greatful. You have earned their ire and a special assassin squad. You have also left the pirate of Jack, which puzzles me, but then again the jack and I do not see eye to eye on all things. The Jack has instructed me to take possession of your two artifacts for the good of the pirates. I will take them now before they fall into the hands of the Ga'alian priest. Once you are ready to sail. We will escort The Sword of Redemption a safe distance from South Harbor so you can be on your personal adventure." The last inflection from Captain Marlin shows his disaggrement with that decision.

Captain Marlin slaps his head and then continues "Where are my manners. I know you have met my olderst son Cantera, but this is my wife Phyllas." Phyllas pokes the large captain in the ribs and says "About time you old cod fish."

Captain Marlin clears his throat "The Sword of Redemption will be under my protection until you are ready to sail and you turn over the artifacts. In the mean time I have business in Plateau City and with the Govenors of South Harbor. I request that you stay on board my ship for your own saftey. I will return in three days and we can attempt to root out this quad that wants you dead."

OOC: Roll a DC 15 int check to determine somthing interesting: Rigging and Ashria Only.


The balance of the WIldcards and refugees travel for an uneventful day.

Only two days from South Harbor.

Rigging  d20+4=19
Friday December 23rd, 2005 2:37:18 PM

Rigging wakes in the morning and feels very refreshed. He makes contact with Swirl to check on him and then pulls open his spell books, replaceing his spells.

Rigging looks at the Captain Marlin and then the rest of his family. It dawns on him tha
they all look a lot like the pirate scout that Appolo killed. (int check 19) He wonders if they know and are part of a conspiracy to take some revenge. He must play this cautiously.

Rigging will greet the wife and son graciously but when he turns away from them, he will flash a look at his wife trying to warn her of danger.

"Captain, I appreciate your concern for our well being but don't worry, both my wife and I can take care of ourselves. I will not stay on your ship for 3 days hiding. I have to much to do.

Fear not, though the Sword of Redemption is leaving the pirates officially, we still believe ourselves to be pirates and will keep working towards the ends of freeing our people from Ga'als slavery.

The pirates have gotten very political lately and the in fighting has made the organization less effective. Recent attacks on our homebases have driven that point home. The Jack wants us to start another family. It may take a few years but hopefully we will quickly become a new ally that can help support the pirates in this part of the Wold in fighting Ga'al and his evil influences.

Rigging then looks at his wife again flashing another look, and then says, "I think we should try and slip off your ship now. We have the means to make ourselves invisible so we should be able to slip off without been noticed. I do want to thank you again for your help again. It is much appreciated."

Rigging replaces his protection ring with his invisiblity ring and looks at his wife. "Shall we go?"

Ashira  d20+2=16
Friday December 23rd, 2005 2:44:33 PM

Ashira also makes the connection from the family resemblence and inwardly winces. "Appolo seems to have a knack of getting her in trouble." she thinks to herself.

She listens to the speech and is shocked at the suggestion that they turn over their artifacts. They will be needed to help insure the success of the new base. Knowing her husband, he won't easily turn such a powerful item over.

She supports her husband and smiles, "I also wish to thank you for your help. We have dealt with quads before. Myself very personally and we know what to expect. If they suspect that we are here, we would only be putting your crew in danger. My husband the Captain is right. We need to blend into the city and try to get some information on what is going on."

Ashira also starts moving towards the stairs up and prepares herself for possible trouble.

Friday December 23rd, 2005 5:08:26 PM

The pleasent journey is startng to wear on the dark skinned elf. The refugees seem to be eager to make it back to South Harbor but a group this size can only travel so fast. The sceanery has long ago lost its appeal. Every now and then her thoughts turn to the catacombs and what weapon she should purchase to replace her long destroyed one. The unholy flail hung on her back though it was useless to her now. Perhaps she would take another flail.

Friday December 23rd, 2005 9:40:58 PM

Appolo continues to try move the group along as fast possible.He stays with Val most of the time.Appolis quite happy an d relaxed.The trip though is ardous and boring.He is also concerned about the Sword and it's crew.

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 11:36:56 PM

As the young Captain follows his wife out, he will look back at Captain Marlin and ask, "When was the last time you saw the Jack anyway?"

Saturday December 24th, 2005 6:48:20 AM

Bart does his normal duties en helps where he can. He hopes they will arrive in south harbor fast so the group is reunited and sail out to sea as soon as possible

(rembember the artifacts or not in riggings posession, Bart has both of them)

DM Jim 
Saturday December 24th, 2005 9:24:11 AM

OOC: I am posting again today to get the story moving and to give people more time over the weekend and Monday to post. Have a great Christmas everyone.


Captian Marlin cocks his head and responds to Rigging. "I am offering you protection. You are 2 against 7, not good odds. I was only able to drive them from the Sword and we were lucky to kill one. You are free to leave if you like, but I do not suggest it as you are a marked man and the assassin have many spys out watching."

As the Marlin family turns to leave the Captain answers Riggings final question. "I saws the Jack yesterday. We had lunch with the High Lord Mayor. The wonders of being able to Teleport. If you leave the Razors Edge, do not come back unless you turn over the artifacts. The Jack has other plans for those valuable items. You will also be on your own to guard what is left of your ship if you leave, and know that the docks are watched carefully."


The balance of the Wildcards and the refugee trudge on. The smell of the sea drives them on. Still 2.5 days to go.

Saturday December 24th, 2005 9:43:25 AM

Val keeps moving along the trail.

Rigging and Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+7=27 d20+10=28
Saturday December 24th, 2005 11:41:42 AM

Rigging smiles at the other Captain. "Again I thank you for your help. You say you killed one of the quad and fought the others? Can you give me a description of the others? Any insights to their fighting skills? They seem to know all about us. A little information can go a long way sometimes. That's the problem with success sometimes. Brings you more notority than you want.

The Jack is still in town? I will have to look him up. Need to see the Lord Mayor anyway. Strange that the Jack gave me papers to deliver to the Mayor and then teleports in himself. Still rulers have strange and quirky whims sometimes. Like the artifacts. He never mentioned that he wanted them? I suppose I might be willing to sell the to the Pirates of the Jack. The money will be useful to buy ships and get our venture started.

Rigging then nods to his wife, and slips on his invisibility ring. He leaves the ship and starts walking off the docks but taking a good look around, one to see if they are followed and two to see if the ship is being watched.

He will call up to Swirl, "Keep a good eye out my friend. There are hunters hunting us and I am not sure our friends are really our friends."

Swirl responds, "No problem my friend. I am keeping an eye on you both."

Rigging will hold Ashira's hand since they will both be invisible, moving through the crowd. He will slide into a store that sells clothes and deactivates his ring. Time to purchase some cloaks with deep hoods he says to his wife when she reappears.

After the purchase, Rigging will then lead his towards the Mayor offices, both will reactivate their invisiblity rings as they move along as needed.

Rigging spot check 21
Swirl nat 20 (27)
Ashira 28 spot

Monday December 26th, 2005 6:44:10 AM

Bart hoeps he will see the sea reaaly soon, to long he has lived as a landdweller

(happy christmas everyone)

DM Jim: More Information 
Monday December 26th, 2005 3:36:07 PM

Captain Marlin just smiles at Captain Rigging. "You are mistaken. I teleported to Plataeu City, the Jack did not Teleport here, he just does not have the skills. I would gladly give you information on the quads and even the body of the fallen foe, for the two artifacts......." The Captains smile just broadens and he adds. "The Jack did authourize me to compensate the Wildcards 25,000 gp for the two artifacts. I feel it is much too much for items that are rightfully the pirates, somemthing that you have disassociated yourself from."

Captain Marlin calls out to the now invisible Rigging and Ashira. "We will be putting to sea in 2 days as a block. Please see us with the artifacts before then."

Monday December 26th, 2005 5:41:30 PM

Ashira joins Rigging in his invisible jaunt. Though she is worried by the idea of having to guard the Sword by themselves. She hopes that Rigging has made the right decision, but considering her recent bought with leadership, she doesn't say a word.

After the purchase of the cloak, Ashira heads through the streets with Rigging, making sure to take a very indirect route to the docks. "Well love" she whispers to Rigging. "Do you have any plans regarding the next few days? Or are we just going to wing it like usual?" Ashira's hands float down toward her swords as she feels anger over the Quad boiling through her. She is half tempted to pull the arm off the mast in order to bring the Quad in, but she realizes that without the other Cards the fight wouldn't last long. Soon, soon. she consoles herself. Soon there will be heads hanging from our mast, not an arm! As she continues on, an idea comes suddenly to her and she smiles. "Rigging" she whispers "I have heard of a magical item that might be of great use to us...I believe it was called a Hat of Disguise. Perhaps we should head over to the Catacombs and pick up a couple. That way we could disguise ourselves while we wait for the others to get here."

Monday December 26th, 2005 7:30:50 PM

Mykael continues his rounds. He starts to relax some and smiles a little and makes small talk with everyone, especially the elves.

He is using all his walking to get used to his new form, the way it moves, his added agility, and lighter frame. While still being alert for danger.

Tuesday December 27th, 2005 11:58:16 AM

Rigging listens to the Captain but doesn't respond to his offer. He has decided that the Captain is definitly from a jealous faction of the pirates. He laughs to himself at the offer for the artifacts. Does the Captain think he is a fool.

When he has Ashira alone, he says, "We have two goals. One of us has to go talk to the Mayor. We have to present our letters from the Jack, the leaders of the Plateau City and the Emperor. We will need the assistance promised. I want the other to keep an eye out on the Sword and more importantly who might be watching the Sword. We need to know who our enemies are. Did you catch the resemblence of the pirate captain, his family and the kid Appolo killed out in the wilderness. I don't think that ship is our friend or have the Sword's best interest in mind. They even might be the quad."

He looks at his wife, "So which role do you want? Watcher or Diplomat? We are to few in numbers to do more than watch and plan right now. If you stay, no hero stuff."

OOC Jim you never gave me any results to all of my spot checks.

DM Jim: Shopping and Watching 
Tuesday December 27th, 2005 2:14:32 PM

Rigging and Ashira leave the Razors Edge invisible and go and check out the markets, for some cloak shopping. While visible and shopping several people comments on Ashira beautiful blue hair and that she is a half sea elf. The young male cloak seller comments "Very nice locks and other things...." as he looks up at Ashira and pays no notice to Rigging. "These two cloaks are free as I am closing down for the day."

The rest of the market is still open. There is a buzz when ever anyone notices Ashira's blue hair and there is an occasional point at Rigging. People are starting to follow the couple.

The crowd is easily lost with the ability to turn invisible, but now there seems to be a crowd of spectators watching the Sword of Redemption.

They days passes quickly and Rigging asks Ashria which of two tasks she wishes to try tomorrow as it is too late to see the Govenors today and in fact they are not hearing cases for two days.

Ashira and Rigging are very sucessful in there spot checks as there seems to be many people watching out for them and the Sword. The Sword has become an object of grim entertainment recently.

OOC: Where are Rigging and Ashria sleeping for the night?


Mykael works out his new body and converses with the refugees.

Quinn rents another barn for all the refugees and Wildcards to sleep in.

In the morning Hal comments to Nezamil "Are you shrinking? You scrapped your head on that beam last night and now you just make it under."

Tuesday December 27th, 2005 2:18:54 PM

The dwarf trudges thru the forest towards South harbor along with the refugees and fellow remaining wildcards.

During the march Nezamil takes time to walk alongside Domi's faithful and recites tidbits of Domi's wisdom and teachings to help strengthen the refugees spirits and resolve during the course of their journey.

Tuesday December 27th, 2005 2:22:25 PM

Jagar continues to scout ahead of the refugees blazing the trail forward to South harbor , stopping ocassionally to inform Val of what progess they are making and any difficulties ahead

Tuesday December 27th, 2005 5:28:10 PM

It's a nice change of pace to have everything going smoothly but its also incredibly boring. Once morning rolls around, and efter they have breakfast, the group keeps marching on.

Tuesday December 27th, 2005 6:53:15 PM

Appolo marches along content not to be fighting for his life and be able to spend some time with Val.He continue whisper sweet nothings in her ear about how much he loves her and how beautiful she is,new body and all.

By the way he's acting you'd almost forget what a ferocious,merciless killer he can be or that they just spent the better part of 3 weeks fighting.

DM Jim: Final March 
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 1:15:40 PM

Rigging and Ashira huddle in an alley and weather the night. They spend the next day watching the Sword and keeping out of sight. Groups of people take time to come look at the Sword and all point at the arm nailed to the mast. The guard even checks on Tomas and the Sword twice per day.

The next night passes again in the dirty alley.
The morning brings very tired muscles and the need for breakfast.


The balance of the Wildcards and the refugees are trudging down the road. The group passes farm after farm and watch groups of sea gull circle overhead. South Harbor is close.

Jager trots back to the group at mid day of the final days march. "South Harbor can be seen just over the next hill. There seems to be some sort of Welcoming commitee for us."

Once over the next hill everyone can see the city spread out before you. The harbor can be seen and the many ships at dock and waiting to dock. It is still too far for details. Out in front of the city gates are a large group of people and many tables and one large sign. "Hail the Heros of the Valley!"

Rigging  d20+12=31 d20+12=25 d20+12=21
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 10:45:21 PM

Rigging will only stay the night. Rigging will catnap and then let his wife catnap while keep watch on the ship. (OOC Remember that both Ashira and Rigging have sustenance magic and only need 2 hours of rest a night and don't need to eat.)

In the morning, he will kiss his wife on the cheek and say, "Keep an eye out but stay out of trouble. I am going to the governors. I think you should wear that disquise hat. You are more noticable than I am.

Rigging wearing the ring of invisibility will make his way to the Governors's offices and find a way to slip into the office hopefully unheard and unseen. When he finally gets there he will make his way to the govenerors office and present himself.

He will pull out his packet of papers and slap them against his hand. In an important tone, he will announce, "I am here to see the governors. I have messages from the Lord Mayor of Plateau City, and The Emperor of Aislidur. Please announce me."

Move silently rolls 31,25,21

Mykael  d100=17 d20+4=14 d20+1=12 d20+4=24 d20+1=10
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 11:11:26 PM

Mykael stops out of sight of South Harbor. He pulls Apollo aside, "Dont forget the quad. The governors and now this escort both stopped hunting them. They are most likely still around. I dont look like it did. They will never know me. I am going to go in alone, by circling around and coming in to another area of town. I will be watching the group, and for the quad. Be careful."

Mykael casts 'Mount", (made spell failure).

He rides away from the group and away from town, keeping his eyes and ears open. He circles around to the opposite end of town and disapates his mount spell. With his cloak hiding as much of him as possible, other than his head, Mykael walks into town.

He makes his way through town looking around like he has never been there and is exploring. All while keeping eyes and ears open. When he gets to the crowd, he will find a roof to climb up or a second story window to look from to get a good look at what is happening, along with searching the crowd and the surrounding area for any signs of a threat or survelience.

(Spot = 14, Listen = 12, outside of town)

(Spot = 24, natural 20, Listen = 10, in town)

OOC: let me know if you need more rolls

Ashira (Invisible)  d20+12=22 d20+11=24
Wednesday December 28th, 2005 11:23:48 PM

The ranger nods curtly. "Don't be too long" she adds as she waits invisibly in the alley. Ashira continues to focus on the Sword, watching and waiting for the Cards to return so she can go out and hunt some Quads. (Spot=22, Listen=24)

Thursday December 29th, 2005 6:11:20 AM

the sea at last

Thursday December 29th, 2005 10:45:11 AM

Appol walks to the side with Mykael"Good Idea.See if you can't find out where they are staying or at least which part of town they are in and becareful."He then heads over to Valanthe"Mykeal going in ahead of us.he's going to try and find the quad.Remeber there are two of them operating in the city and I don't think there's much left of the sword.' Appolo then gathers the rest of the Wildcards"Ok my friemds there two quads working this town and waiting for us they probably arleady destroyed the sword and it's crew.So once we get there we need to hunt them down and destroy them the fighting is never over for us.So go eat be merry.but we need to move on as soon as possible Rigging and Ashira are in there alone playing hide and seek with our firends I say we jion them."

Thursday December 29th, 2005 11:05:49 AM

The supersized dwarf walks with the refugees leading them too the raised banner " looks like good news travels fast " remarks Nezamil

Nezamil ignores Appolo's gathering of the wildcards " heh he thinks he is charge " laughs Nezamil " i got better things to do then listen to a too tempermental fool "

The almost 15' dwarf marches towards the gathering of welcomers " come lets greet the good people of South harbor with good cheer " shouts Nezamil to the refugees as he leads them to town

Thursday December 29th, 2005 11:08:47 AM

Jagar smiles as he see's the welcoming citizens of South harbor " a chance for rest for everyone at last "

The monk follows the refugees into town " think we will be eating good tonight " grins Jagar tothose around him

DM Jim: Appointments and Parties  d20+19=33 d20+16=28 d20+13=31
Thursday December 29th, 2005 1:16:42 PM

Ashira and Rigging spend a few nights in an alley under less than perfect conditions.

Ashira continues to keep her head down and watch the Sword from a distance, hoping the other Wildcards return, soon.

Rigging heads for the Govenors meeting hall and finds them deserted except for a clerk and he announces "The Govenors will be holding meetings starting tomorrow. The earliest appointment is 4 pm. Shall I write you down? If so please state your name and business and any others in you party?" The Clerk, who actually appears more wizardly than anything as he has a spellbook open next to the appointment book. The clerk is waiting for Rigging, his quill hanging over the appointment book.


The balance of the Wildcards and the refugee spirits are boyed at the sight of the people waiting to greet them. As the group approaches there can bee seen food and drink laid out to feed all. It appears to be a very festive atmosphere.

As the group approaches several young ladies come forward to give flowers to all of the those armed for battle, including all of the Wildcards except Nezamil, as there appears to be some apprehension about a being that is nearly 15 feet tall. There are hugs and kisses for all those that vanquished the plants and stopped their rampage in South Harbor and the surrounding farms and villages.

All Wildcards make spot checks of DC 35, 30, and 33. If you are Bart, the DC is 33, 30, and 33. If you are Jager, the DC is 35, 28, and 33. If you are Appolo, the DC is 35, 30, and 31.

The party is over as soon as all of the food is gone, which does not take very long with a group this sized and with Nezamil. The city folk again thank the savior and move into the city.

Thursday December 29th, 2005 5:22:52 PM

Val is very nervous but she does her best to look calm. She smiles and accepts the flowers offered by the villagers, not wanting to be a downer. The fact that a quad was around and she had no weapon made her very nervous.

ooc: whoever has the treasure list can we sell that stuff finally? If we get into a big battle before I can purchase a good magical weapon... well I don't think sitting back and shooting arrows will be of much use. A good way for more pc's to die and without the magic valley death would be permanent.

Mykael  d20+4=18 d20+4=22 d20+4=9
Thursday December 29th, 2005 8:56:10 PM

Mykael continues to keep watch from his vantage point. Watching the group and the surroundings, including other vantage points. He waits until the entire group and the welcoming commitee has dispersed before making his way back into the city.

(Spot checks = 18, 22, and 9

Rigging  d20+11=20
Friday December 30th, 2005 12:11:23 AM

Rigging smiles at the clerk and asks, "What are you working on?" point at the spell books. Rigging then gives the clerk his name, hoping the quads haven't bribed this fellow and tells them the business, though he already did that when he arrived.

"If I have to come back tomorrow, then there might be more in my party." He gives the names of the other Wildcards as well.

He will then head back to his alley and find his wife. "I think we should slip on board tonight and check out the crew. Make sure that the ship will be ready to launch when we need it to."

If Ashira agrees, Rigging activating his invisiblity ring, will slip on board trying to move silently (rolled a 20)He will go below decks, and send a pirate he knows after Thomas. He will then get a report on the ship, its provisions, the crew etc.

Jagar  d20+6=19 d20+6=22 d20+6=16 d20+5=17
Friday December 30th, 2005 12:21:03 AM

The Monk enjoys the attention of the young ladies but takes a peek around for Mary.

As Jagar mixes with the crowd of party goers he observes there mood(d20+5=16 sense motive) trying to determine if there is a mixes reaction to their arrival in South harbor

failed all 3 spot ch

Nezamil  d20+5=22 d20+5=15 d20+5=7 d20+12=29
Friday December 30th, 2005 12:35:18 AM

The big dwarf notices the crowds behavior towards him and does his best to sooth there fears (d20+12=29 diplomacy ch) and quietly encourages Domi's newly faithful to mingle with welcoming committie and be festive after the arduous march to the port city.

Nezamil makes sure to share a drink with the bash brothers Hal and Kirk and as the party fades " so what are boys up too? ...i hope you will stay with us alittle while longer and perhaps even join us aboard the Sword ....i think Captain Rigging would welcome you aboard...i certainly would be honored if you decided to stick around " says Nezamil warmly

Ashira  d20+12=26 d20+11=22
Friday December 30th, 2005 2:26:02 AM

Ashira heartily agrees with her husband and slips invisibly into the lower decks of the Sword. As she passes, she makes sure to check a firm grip on what's going on around them, not sure whether the Quad might be on the vessel even now (Spot=26, Listen=22).

Appolo  d20+10=18 d20+10=15 d20+10=27
Friday December 30th, 2005 10:32:01 AM

Appolo accepts the flowers and eats.Once the partyis over he heads for the city.

Failed the spot checks.

Friday December 30th, 2005 1:15:03 PM

OOC: Jim, I don't know if anyone has the list of loot from the battles with the giants and the satrys anymore. Could you please post it here so we can work on dividing up the loot? Thanks!

DM Jim: More Information 
Friday December 30th, 2005 2:01:40 PM

Ashira and Rigging easily, in fact too easily, slip aboard the Sword. The couple overhears two sailor talking in hushed tones "Captain Marlin is offers fare wages and Herman and Samual have already signed on. We should go to while there are still opening and before that dervish comes back." Rigging and Ashira find Tomas finishin up prayers below decks. Tomas stands and rubs his now healed stump on his shoulder.


The revelers quickly warm up to Nezamil after he starts talking to them and about the works of Domi. It does take the crowd a bit of time to get used to his deep booming voice.

When Nezamil asks Hal and Kirk what is up they comment. "You are boss!." Hal does speak up after that. "Kirk and I are kind of out of a job. We have worked on a ship before, but not like the one you described, we never had sailor duties, we were just coolers. By the way, what does the job pay and what would we be doing?"

Jager does notice that some of the crowd is having a great time and others are just going through the motions, as if they have somewhere else to be. Jager does spy Mary, she seem impaitent with the party like she wants to get going.

Val looks at all the weapons that are being carried by her group and Quinn's and laments the weight of the unholy flail by her side. Melonie comes over to Val. "Here you can use my short spear. I'll go find a new weapon."

Jager, Bart and Appolo make a DC 18 Wisdom check, every 30 minutes, lets start with 3 rolls.

Mykael observes the group from a distance and does not pick up on anything sinister. There are no troop moving up or the like, just a brief party.

OC: I will check on the money/magic from the Fire Giants/Ettins/Satyrs. Note the group did not take all of it with you.

Appolo  d20+2=10 d20+2=4 d20+2=17
Friday December 30th, 2005 2:37:30 PM

Appolo rounds everyone up after the party"Well that was nice now it's time to move on.Let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into."He heads for the city gate.

Failed all three wisdom rolls.Wisdom isn't Appolo's long suit.Let's just make it easy and say he notices nothing.

Saturday December 31st, 2005 10:32:25 AM

Val takes the short spear and looks down at the unhonly flail. {I should just sell the thing and get rid of it} she thinks as she enters the city. She's relieved to be back into the city andout of the wilderness. From the looks of it the refugees are glad to be here as well. A place to get hot food and a cold drink. a warm bed to sleep in without the worry of monsters. Well for most of them anyway. She always had to worry. Always had to be on guard. One never knows when a quad will set an ambush. She looks back to her short spear. Not the destructive force the flail provided but at least she could use her shield.

Saturday December 31st, 2005 2:04:40 PM

The ranger shakes her head in disgust at the comments made by the crew. Not that it surprised her really, she just thought the crew was more loyal than it was. Once below deck, she waits for Rigging to take the lead...staying invisible and silent. But her mind is already formulating terrible plans of revenge for the Quads who have caused her all this trouble.

Sunday January 1st, 2006 10:42:32 PM

Rigging hears the voices in the night and he suddenly feels anger. He walks up to the two sailors and says, "Do you wish to leave? I won't hold you back. We have sailed a long time together but I understand that things have been hard lately. The ship is sprouting branches and the quads have been attacking.

Still I must admit that I find it strange that only the Sword is being attacked. I wonder why that is so. I also find it strange that this other captain has sent spies to oversee us. I wonder if it really was a quad. Pirates can be unfriendly to other pirates boys.

Go and gather all the other crew and we will hash this all out. If you want to leave, I can respect that. Since we are leaving the pirates and establishing our own base, some of you might want to stay with the pirates. Quickly go and gather the others."

Monday January 2nd, 2006 12:06:09 AM

The big dwarf laughs heartily at Hal's joke " good to see you still have a sense of humor after this past couple weeks "

"well when we meet up with Captain Rigging i'll make sure we talk about how to best use your skills " adds Nezamil to the brothers

The Cleric of Domi urges Domi's newly faithful to gather together and head towards the docks " we have to meet up with some friends " preaches the dwarf

Monday January 2nd, 2006 12:08:13 AM

The Monk enjoys jubilation of the party and as it winds down he will edge up to Mary and coax her to join him in following the large dwarf to the docks

Bart  d20+4=8 d20+4=22 d20+4=19 d20=15 d20=10 d20=15
Monday January 2nd, 2006 2:28:23 AM

Bart enjoys the celebration but wat he really wants to do is going to the harbor and to the sword. It seems strange these people are here and Rigging and Ashira are niot here to greet them. (missed all spot checks, missed all wis checks)

DM Jim: Wandering 
Monday January 2nd, 2006 3:31:50 PM

The Celebration at the gate ends and the remaining Wildcards and the refugees enter the city with no more fanfare. Redux speaks up. "Come here Wildcards, I have something to say. It has been fun recently, but I have to get back to the Starmages Guild. I have been working on a project for a Wizard there and it should be about ready. I am going on ahead to say goodbye for now to the Captain and Ashira. Good Luck. I hope to be back soon." Redux shakes everyones hand and then steps back. There is an audible pop as the Wizard disappears.

The Wildcards take a few hours meandering through the city with Quinn as their guide. The other five members of the rescue party took the mules and left. Quinn is showing the group where to eat, lodge and purchase all manner of supplies. All the time Quinn is leading the group down toward the docks.

OOC: Jager, Bart and Appolo need a new Wis check DC 16, roll three times.


Captian Rigging's appearance shocks the two sailor and one actually hugs the other. "I told you the Captian was alive and I saw him! Where are the other officers?" He asks expectantly. The other sailor pipes up. "We were not really going to leave, just mulling over Captian marlin's offer. It was quite generous and he was protecting us until yesterday."

The two sailor go and get the remaining 10 sailors and Tomas and they snap two for Captain Rigging. Tomas barks "The Sword crew are ready for your orders Captain!"

Redux appears and says his temporary farewells to Rigging and Ashira and leaves the ship.


The remaining Wildcards and the refugees in tow spot the Sword of Redemption at dock. Quinn points to the Sword. "There is your ship. I trust you will get her up and running in no time." Quinn then goes and shakes as many hands as possible "I must bid you good day, but I have some errands to run and then it is off hunting quads again, but that is up to the Govenors. I will check in on you."

Mykael  d20+4=16 d20+1=10 d20=5
Monday January 2nd, 2006 8:34:49 PM

Mykael waits a while watching the surrounding area after the group leaves, and cleaning himself up as he watches. He pulls his cloak around him hiding his armor and clothing, then moves to follow the group. He shadows them watching for others doing the same.

He portrays himself as any other visitor to South Harbor, shopping along the way and picking up some new clothing that would make him less conspicious.

(Spot = 16, Listen = 10, Wisdom = 5)

Monday January 2nd, 2006 9:58:53 PM

The big dwarf follows Quinn towards the docks taking in the sights of South harbor along the way .

when Quinn takes his leave " Thank you my good sir for your help and may Domi bless you with strength in your search for the quads "

Nezamil steps up to the Swords gangplank " permission to come aboard " growls out the oversized dwarf as he scans the ship observing its shape

"well we're home now " adds Nezamil to Hal and Kirk

Jagar  d20+4=17 d20+4=13 d20+4=5
Monday January 2nd, 2006 10:03:56 PM

The fleetfooted monk follows after the tall dwarf and the trailing refugees.....listening to Quinn as he goes

Monday January 2nd, 2006 11:11:58 PM

The ranger sighs as Redux leaves. This really wasn't the best time. Still she guesses she can understand. She bids him a good journey and hugs him. "Come back to us soon!" she calls out before he teleports away.

Ashira smiles as Rigging whips the troops in line. Somehow he just had a way about him. Still, she makes a mental note to make sure that the surviving crew are given a bonus. Ashira smile darkens at the arrival of Nezamil. The Cards were back...it was time!
"Rigging, call a meeting of the Cards in your quarters. I've had enough of skulking. It's payback time!" Ashira whispers as her hands grip the hilts of her swords.

Appolo  d20+2=4 d20+2=5 d20+2=11 d20+9=10
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 10:17:54 AM

Appolo says goodbye to Redux and wishes him luck.After the mage is gone Appolo heads into the city with the rest.

Arriving at the sword Appolo walks aboard the sship and looks around"Ok folks keep a sharp eye out the bad guyus are around here somewhere.Get ready for another fight." Looking around he sees the arm nailed to the mast.He walks over to it rather pissed and takes it down."I wonder if any of the crew are left alive."He says out loud.

Spot 10 Wisdom checks 4,5,11 all failed.

Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 11:34:00 AM

Val didn't think that this was the best time for a fight. Most of the wildcards had just gotten back into the city after that terrible journey through the valley. Yet it was a minor thing, one not worth bringing up. So Val held her tongue and went along with the others.

Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 11:50:53 AM

Rigging looks at the remaining crew and moisture dots his eyes, "It has been this bad? This is all that is left? Is anyone on shore?"
Rigging is amazed that his experienced crew could so be decimated by a quad, even a double quad.

He snaps his attention back to the present and says, "The Wildcards will be back soon. We need to get this ship organized and ready for departure. I want to know how the removal of the branches has been going, what our supply of provisions is...anything that could stop us from hauling up anchor and getting out of port."

He sighs and asks, "Where is everyone? How could this quad been so effective? You are pirate of the Jack. You aren't novices to battle. What happened?"

Rigging then listens to the report and then checks over the ship himself. He checks the galley, the armory, but he especially checks on the ships funds. If they are gone, then they are in trouble.

DM Jim: Reunited 
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 1:54:57 PM

The Wildcards and the refugees pour onto the Sword and everyone get reaquinted. To ship rocks slightly once Nezamil steps aboard.

Jager notices that several potions and some of his money is missing. Upon mentioning the thievery everyone checks and Appolo is missing his Assassin Dagger and Bart the Nauticuls.

Jager remembers that nice hug by the young lass at the Hero's party and he took the flowers from her, could that have been her that took his purse??? Bart and Appolo also remember very friendly female greeters at the party.

After Riggings request for a report Tomas speaks up. "It has been rough and these are the hearty souls that are left. We have had shore parties ambushed attempting to procure supplies. Food is ok for now as we are so few in number, but will not last long if we have to feed this whole group." Tomas eyes scans all of the refugees. Tomas continues "In addition to attacking shore parties, which we had to stop. The quads attacked us from a distance using poison crossbow bolts and I can only take so many neutralize poison spells. The heads of the crossbow bolts are all stamped with the Ga'alian heart seed plant insignia. After taking precautions and cover from future crossbow attacks, we found that each morning we rose we found dead guards on our ship, all stabbed in the back. I raised the word of our attacks with the guard and found that the Razors Edge was also being preyed upon, but not very effectivly. Once we were reduced in number we were assulted directly and I lost my arm in an attack. Captain Marlin came to our aid and then positioned guards on the Sword to assist us, mostly to call him, he is a very powerful wizard."

Appolo takes down Tomas's decomposing arm that was nailed to the mast. After the arm comes down, the crew looks worried, but relieved and determined at the same time.

Kirk looks up at Nezamil and comments. "Looks like home is a bit of a fixer upper."

Mary and John rush over to Ashira and are very glad to see their fellow acorn bearer is doing well. Mary pouts abit "You left me. I got to take care of you Ashira."

Mykael  d20+4=15 d20+1=15
Tuesday January 3rd, 2006 8:54:02 PM

Mykael makes his way shadowing the group to the pier of the Sword. He continues walking down the docks looking at the ships and the area.

He walks back up the docks toward the sword and enters the closest bar or inn, to the pier of the Sword.

Mykael will order a meal and sit at a table with a window view of the Pier and the Sword. He will look out the window watching the ocean and the Sword, enjoying the food and drink, along with the smell of the ocean.

He will also survey the inn, looking everyone over as he eats. Looking for markings, signs, weapons, and interesting behavior. Along with any signs of someone watching him.

(Spot = 15, Listen = 15)

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 4:33:54 AM

Damn , I miss the Nauticoulos someone must have stolen it when we arrived in t he city. maybe one of those girls. Rigging Nezamil do you have a way to locate the oject so we can get it back?

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:25:35 AM

Ashira smiles at the arrival of Mary and hugs her. "I know...I know. But Rigging was right. We needed to move quickly. I'm sorry." Ashira nods as Appolo pulls down the arm. She looks at Mary, concern in her eyes. "Mary, this ship is our home. Terrible things have happened here..." she looks briefly over at the decomposing arm as if to reinforce her point. "And more horrors are about to come. I would understand if you and John want to leave. You see...this crew and more specifically the Wildcards are wanted in our home country of Aisildur. It's a long story, and I'll tell you sometime if you're ever interested. But my point is that there are two groups of people...assassins, trained killers that are in this very city. They have ravaged our ship, and now that we have returned they are going to try and kill us. Mary, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you will be no match for them. And I don't want you to get hurt. The best thing would probably be for you to leave. But if you choose to stay, I will equip you and John to the best of my abilities." Ashira give Mary and John as long as they need to make their decision.

Meanwhile, Ashira turns to the Wildcards. "It's only a matter of time now. And we need to get ready. I need to go to the Catacombs. It's probably not safe to go alone. Does anyone else need to go?"

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 12:17:43 PM

"I need to go to the catacombs. Those horrid fire giants broke my blade last week. I'll need something good if there are two Quad's to deal with."

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 12:31:29 PM

Appolo walks over to Ashira after tossing the arm."Yes I need to go as well.It would seem I lost my assins dagger.Besides I think we have more enemies then just the Quads.Like say Captian Marlin and his crew.Why haven't they hunted down and destroyed the quads themselves.Aren't they Pirates of Jack.G'aal is as much thier enemy as ours right?"

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 12:33:14 PM

Sorry about the muliple posts.Don't know why it did that.

Took care of the multiple posts for you Chris. :)---Nellie

DM Jim did you get my e-mail

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 2:32:54 PM

The monk is slightly chagrined for having been pickpocketed " and i thought she liked me " as Jagar laughs it off a little

"so whats next captain ? " asks Jagar as he regains his composure

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 2:41:52 PM

As the others find they we're fleeced by thieves " guess being this tall intimidated them from trying me " chuckles the tall dwarf

"guess i'll stay amidshipe to help keep the Sword steady " adds Nezamil as he boards the ship

The Cleric of Domi quickly instructs the refugees to suitable living space below decks and in helping clean up any debris

"poison bolts you say " replies the dwarf tp Tomas " i will pray to Domi for helpful spells to aid in preventing that "

"As for your arm there is nothing i can do right now but i will explore possiblities to see if we can do anything about it .....just keep up your spirits " adds the Cleric warmly

Wednesday January 4th, 2006 7:19:27 PM

Rigging will look at the refugees and say, "We are recruiting new crew. Anyone interested please see Val. Experience is a plus but not necessary. We will train you. If you sign up, know that you could be sailing into danger.

Jagar, you and Ashira will go to the catacombs. Everyone make a list of what is needed and give it to them. Hang on a minute.

Rigging runs down into his cabin and gets some ships funds, (assuming they are still there since I asked last round and you didn't mention they were missing with some of the other stuff.) He gets 5000 gps, moves back on deck and hands it to Ashira. Take Thomas with you and his arm. I want you to purchase a regeneration for him. We can't have any one armed officers on the ship. "

To the others he commands, "I want this ship prepared to leave the dock in one hour! Nezamil, start cutting branches. Get the rest of the crew to help you. Your big enough to just snap them off! Appolo your on look out duty. If something starts to sniff around this ship, you better know what color thier eyes are!"

Rigging stalks over to Bart and sticks a finger into his chest! "You lost the Nautacolous! You need to find it. We will head out to sea for a couple hundred yards and then you can utilize Wayfinder. You will find it and I want you to look for the missing/accounted crew members. I won't leave anyone behind to be heardseeded. I want to see their bodies or graves before we go."

Mykael, I want you to help Val organize who wants to join the crew and then get the rest off. I have a feeling that this might not be the safest place in the next few hours. Then stand guard duty. Keep any strangers off the gangplank until Ashira and Jagar get back with Thomas."

Rigging silently curses Redux for a couple of minutes. "I can't believe he went back to his magician's nest while all of this is going on. His family is in danger and he wants to go conduct experiments."

Swirl goes on guard duty as well. He will do slow circles above the ship watching for any trouble.

Rigging will then start preparing the sailors and new recruits for trouble. He will pass out arms and some of the ships potions of healing.

DM Jim: Settling In 
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 7:28:33 PM

Mykael enters the pub and get food and drink. Mykael seems tolerated, but is not warmly welcomed and by what he observed all elves are treated as such. The populace seems to be blaming the recent goings on on the Elves, but Mykael is treated well enough, barely.

Mykael does not join his mates on the Sword immediately, but watches from across the dock. After some commotion on the Sword involving Appolo, Mykael sees several groups of people talk in hushed tones. All of the people look like they belong on the docks, being fisherman, dockworkers, sailors, and the like, but at least one person from each group takes off and each heads into South Harbor and away from the docks.

Rigging looks over the refugees there are several candidates, but many that will not due as too old and most of the group are women. There are several men and a few women that claim sailing experience either on the "Elenna Queen" or fishing. There are a few entertainers, servants and cooks too that offer their services. One of the retired warriors, Sam, that lost his wife in the Valley of Life asks "Captian, what does a sailor or marine get paid now a days?" A few of the Refugees, just seem to want lodging for a few nights before they can piece their lives back together. It will take a bit to sort out. There are five that seem to have signed on already: Hal, Kirk, Mary, John, and Melonie.

Rigging starts barking orders, but Mykael does not answer as he is not on the ship. Branches can be snapped off the Sword, but it is not pretty, but still funtional, in about eight hours the sails and masts can be free, the real problem and one which Nezamil feels needs a more delicate hand is the drag caused by branches below the waterline.

Ashira cautions Mary and John about the dangers of being on the Sword and Mary comments. "Could they be any worse than in the Valley of life with its giant feathered reptiles and elemental, not to mention the Fey King himself. We got gifts from Mother also and feel we can help. By the way, you have to be protected by someone."

Val and Ashira leave the Sword together and head for the Catacombs. Ashria cloaked and hiding her blue hair and grey green skin and Val striding, feeling confidently cloaked in her new skin.

Tomas and Jager catch up to Val and Ashira and everyone gives them a wide bearth with the decomposing arm. Jager is carrying the 5000 gp with an eye out for thieves.

Signs point to the Catacombs are everywhere in South Harbor and they have no problems finding the huge building. Infact there is a peddler outside selling half strenght potions. "Sale today on potions. The mages just finished their finals in potion making. Half strengh potions for sale all at 50% off."

Bart laments the loss of the Nauticalus.

Nezamil moves to the center of the Sword and get use to his great weight on the mighty Ship. Hal and Kirk approach Nezamil. "Now about the wages we started to talk about, any details of the monthly variety?"

Appolo is worried about the quads and Captain Marlin and voices his opinion.

Mykael  d20+4=5 d20+1=20
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:03:00 PM

Mykael is sitting eating his meal, when he notices the commotion, and Appollo's action. He hands the waitress enough coin to pay for his bill, and states, "I will be right back."

Taking his bowl of food and his drink, Mykael walks up to a group of sailors that had a member take off toward town.

"Hello gents," Mykael states in hushed sailor tongue, in between swallows of food and drink. "Whats up with that ship? Was that an arm that come off the main? Its hard for a sea lovin elf like me to find a job, but I 'eard that that boat was in need of some crew. Help me out boys, whats the news on her? Should I be lookin there?"

Mykeal keeps his eyes and ears open to the reactions of all on the docks, although, he does his best to keep his surveilence hidden.

(Spot = 5, natural 1; Listen = 20)

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+11=13
Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:00:56 AM

Activating her invisibility ring as soon as possible, Ashira heads through the streets as quickly as possible. She tries very hard to ignore Val as she travels to the Catacombs, figuring that is one of the safest options available currently. As she travels, Ashira keeps an eye out for any signs of trouble (Spot=nat. 20, Listen=13).

Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:30:28 AM

The Monk deftly moves thru the streets with Tomas in tow making their way to the catacombs and watches as Ashira winks out of sight

Thursday January 5th, 2006 1:06:48 AM

Nezamil keeps busy by making sure the refugees find a comfortable spot somewhere aboard the ship " just settle in everyone and get some rest before you decide what to do next " remarks the tall dwarf

Nezamil also assits the captain in prepping the ship for defence and sailing

Turning and looking down at the Hal and Kirk " we've talked about this before ...i don't know all the details...i'm sure they will get worked out so please be patient... " growls the dwarf

Thursday January 5th, 2006 7:35:14 AM

Rigging will look at the man who asks about wages and says, "It really will depend upon your abilities. The base pay is pretty average. You get room and board and some money when you get into port. Still the opportunity for loot is very good. If you survive the sea battles, your share of the prize money could be good. We are also setting up a colony and their will be plenty of opportunities for land, store ownership etc. Depends if you are a risk taker. Are you a risk taker?"

Rigging will then look at the others and asks, "Who thinks they want to stay on with us? Please show your hands and go stand over by the mast." Whoever doesn't Rigging will hand a gold piece coin to and say, "I wish we could put you up but things could get messy around here soon. This will help you buy some lodgings for the night and help you get some food. Good luck."

Rigging will then look over to Nezamil and say, "Please help them get off the ship. Right now they are fireball food."

Rigging will then call Bart over, "Interview the new recruits, find out what their skills are and put them to work."

Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:43:42 AM

Val makes it easy for Ashira to ignore her. She doesn't talk to her and makes sure that Ashira doesn't have to. Val just wants to get back out to sea where Ashira can sulk below deck and she can spend the day working under the sun with the wind in her haair.

Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:51:54 AM

Rigging i will first use the wayfinder to locate the Nautaoculos. After that I will go and try to retrieve it. Please make sur no one disturbs me and have a restoration spell at hand. Bart Search for a quiet spot, sit downs and uses the wayfinder imaging the Nauticoulus in his mind he asks to see the object and his surroundings

DM Jim: Shopping and Hiring 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 1:08:51 PM

Mykale leave the pub and mingles with the crowd and one onlooker comments. "There is going to be a fight. Some Ga'alians want to kill the pirates on that ship. In fact they are paying finders fees for information on Pirates of Jack."

A waitress followed Mykael out into the crowd and she is demanding her dishes back or more money. "Dearie we just do not leave with the good china." She is standing next to Mykael tapping her foot. Several in the crowd are now looking at Mykael.

Jager, Tomas, Ashira and Val are all out shopping at the Catacombs.

Bart starts to play with the wayfinder and realizes that he can look for a location or a person. How is bart going to proceed????? Bart asks for a restoration spell, but who can cast one, Tomas maybe, but he is not on the ship.

Nezamil is still being pestered by Hal and Kirk and Kirk asks. " A man has to know what his wage is going to be? How is everyone normally compensated?"

Rigging offers a gold piece for those who do not want to stay and only eight take him up on his offer. The old veteran pushes the Captain. "What is average base pay? How much will I get to spend in port if we are out to sea for 6 months?" There are several other refugees circling Rigging and the old veteran waiting to hear the answer. It looks like there are 47 people that want to stay with the Sword, most of them Domi's faithful.


OOC: Who is keeping track of the SHips funds and how much is left now, minus what was used in your absence?

Mykael  d20+4=23 d20+1=20
Thursday January 5th, 2006 7:29:15 PM

Mykael turns to the waitress and smiles after swallowing, "Darlin, I said I would be right back."

Mykael looks at the onlooker with the info, "Come inside while I finish eatin, tell me what you know, and I will pay you also."

Mykael turns, smiles at the waitress, and walks back into the pub and sits back at his table.

IF, the onlooker comes in, Mykael will offer him a seat, then comment, "If your information is good, I will pay 20 gold, more if the info is exceptional."

Mykael looks him up and down, "First, you say some Ga'allans want to kill the pirates? Thats a pirate ship? I didnt hear anything about pirates. Are there any other ships hiring, and how many other sailors are looking for work? Second, If I decide that I am going to join that ship, I need all the info that I can on the Ga'allans, numbers, skills, weapons, tactics, discriptions, and where they are staying. Finally, do you think that ship stands a chance? or should I look elsewhere?"

OOC: (trying to hurry this along) Mykael will listen to all he offers, he will pay of to 50 gold initially, if the info is exceptionally detailed along with a history of whats been going on, Mykael will double what the decided price was as a tip.

He will also keep his eyes open, if other wish to add to the info, he will pay a little for it, but only for good info that wasnt already offered by his chosen informat, and after the informant has finished.

Finally, Mykael will keep his eyes open on ship and the happenings outside, he is ready to help, and still watching his back in the pub.

(Spot = 23, Listen = 20)

Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:58:53 PM

Rigging looks at the new recruits, "Well the average base pay is 1 silver piece a day for sailors, and 3 sp for sailor/warriors. Still I wouldn't worry about that. The crew split 10,000 in gold with our last big prize. Sure the officers got more, but it still was over 100 gps for each man. Not to mention the room and board. I can't always promise those kinds of bonuses but that is how you get ahead in this business.

Still if you sign on, you will be requried to take an oath of loyalty and obedience. You will subject yourselves to the orders of me and whoever I place above you. Discipline has to be harsh on a warship. Our main goals are to free the people of Asidlur. We were recently members of the Pirates of Jack, and we will still be allies with them. We will be sailing into danger. This is your last chance to back out without prejudice. Once we establish a new base, opportunities will await you, especially if your enterprising, but since the base is going to be secret, you won't lightly be allowed to leave. Think on it and if you want to leave, I will give you your gold and you can go."

OCC William, why don't you try and send yourself to the person who has the artifact or the location of the artifact. Or to the quad members who have been attacking the Sword."

Thursday January 5th, 2006 11:44:34 PM

With a big grin on his face the hugh dwarf looks down at the bash brothers " see a little patience was all that was needed " remarks Nezamil to Captain Riggings lecture on wages

" life on the high seas is high adventure and daring....perfect for you two " laughs the Cleric of Domi

Nezamil is glad to see many of Domi's newly faithful are intent on staying and starting a new life "brave souls you are ...Domi be proud for sure "

(thought only about 20 refugees were converts to Domi )

"captain i can cast Domi's water walking spell on a bunch of the crew and send them underneath the ship in shifts to cut away any growth that would slow the ship down "
" they can dive under and hold onto the branches while they saw .....working in teams of two this way i believe they can clear the hull of growth before we sail out to sea ....i'll of course help them "

"plus perhaps when Ashira gets back she can help in that capacity " adds Nezamil to Rigging

Thursday January 5th, 2006 11:48:44 PM

The fleetfooted Monk weaves thru the crowd ,easily following the signs posted for the Catacombs " hurry Tomas " urges Jagar as he keeps a protective eye on the sailor thru the streets of South harbor

Ashira  d20+12=23 d20+11=28
Friday January 6th, 2006 12:30:06 AM

Having arrived at the Catacombs, Ashira quickly heads inside anxious to get supplies for the impending battle...but still watchful (Spot=23, Listen=28).

Friday January 6th, 2006 3:29:02 AM

Apperently Bart didn't used the wayfinder in a proper way. He tries again, once again imaging the Nautaocoulos in his mind and asked to see the object.

Again Bart asks before hand if someone can watch over him while he is in trance and maybe Nezamil can cast a restoration spel when he comes out of trance if it is needed.

Before he tries it again he does a suggestion Maybe we can replace the ballast a bit so the Sword wil tilt to one side would be easier to get rid of the branches.

Description of Wayfinder (artifact): Acts as a spot glass but only 10 times stronger than a normal spot glass.
Second ability is when you ask to see something, you go into a trance.
Your ethereal body would float high above the ground and rocket you to the location or person you want to see.
When you return you take 1d4 of constitution damage that returns 1 point per day or by restoration spell.
If you are disturbed while in the trance, you will take 1d10 of constitution damage.

DM Jim: It appears to me that the Wayfinder also acts as a scrying device, but you must know the location or person you are scrying. Please describe your actions.

Friday January 6th, 2006 9:47:18 AM

Waiting inside the Catacombs Val keeps looking at her ticket and taps her foot impatiently.

DM Jim: More Information 
Friday January 6th, 2006 1:21:37 PM

Mykael the waitress and several dockshoremen move back into the pub. "Well you see the Ga'alins do like some pirate, but not the Pirates of Jack and that there ship over yonder was flying Jack colors, but strangely is not any more." The dock worker clears his throat. "Very dry in hear you know. Well I did not see the last fight at the ship, but I did hear about it. Only one guy did all of the fighting on the ship and he was wacking sailors around with and arm! Nasty stuff. Not sure I believe it, but they say their will be another fight if the arm on the mast is taken down. So I think there will be a fight sooner rather than later."

Half of the Wildcards are shopping at the Catacombs and feel very secure inside the building.

Bart and Nezamil offer suggestions on how to remove branches below the waterline. Bart still ponders the Nauticuls.

More and more people spot the missing arm from the docks and there is more muttering and moving about. In fact it turns out that Quinn and Cantera are walking the dock together and coming toward the Sword's former berth, when they see the arm missing. They have a brief conversation and both head in different directions.

When Rigging talks about wages and hardships he get a rapt audience and there are several people with glassy eyes that mumble "10,000 gold pieces." Everyone seems willing to take the hardships for the possible rewards.

Hal nudges Nezamil's knee "Kirk and I will be getting more than 3 sp per day, right?"

Nezamil is correct there were about 20 humans and elves that professed to be Domi's faithful, but it seems to be growing as they have watched Nezamil apply Domi's gifts.

Appolo  d20+9=28
Friday January 6th, 2006 1:59:25 PM

Appolo is on watch anotices the crowd.He walks over to Rigging"Well boss looks like our new recruits are going to get a chance to earn thier keep.The quad should know we've returned soon enough.I give us maybe an hour before we're need deep in blood and guts agian.."He then turns to the volunteers.Reember the valley and the march to the valley.Well we do that sort of thing every month.Where ever we go people die.We lose about 505 of our crew every year.So be sure you want to do this.Our enemies are numerous and strong allies are few.We even have enemies amongst the Pirates of jack."

Appolo the climbs the mast into the crows nest and goes back on watch.

Spot 28

Saturday January 7th, 2006 10:50:55 PM

The hugh dwarf looks about the deck " i need 8 volunteers to help clear the underside of the ship with my assistance " growls Nezamil

Once volunteers step forward the Cleric of Domi will explain what and how they should do this clearing operation and see to it that they are supplied with saws

" I will imbue you with Domi's divine touch that will enable you to walk on water "explains Nezamil " you will have to dive under water and to get to the branches.....just hold your breath while you cut then let go once its done and push off from the keel and Domi's power will help you rise to the surface " smiles the dwarf " then you will repeat that process till we clear the keel of growth .....we can only do this for 90 mins so we must work quickly and effienctly and in teams of two....so pick a partner and then we will get started ....oh and one last thing i'll get some rope so we can tie one end to the saw and the other to your wrist ....this way the saws won't sink to the bottom of the harbor if you drop them " grins the oversized dwarf

The Cleric of Domi will touch his anvil holy symbol " Domi bless these people with your grace " prays Nezamil as he releases Domi's power and touches first himself then the 8 volunteers and quickly sends them about their mission clearing the keel of growth

Nezamil also uses his new size and reach and not too mention strength to help clear the keel and as he feels Domi's touch lessen he wrangles all the floating branches together and stuffs them under the docks so they can be easily removed and keep the shipping lanes clear

After the waterwalk spell wears off "i need a few volunteers to help clear the brush from under the docks and cut up into smaller pieces so the can be transported away "

Nezamil directs those new volunteers to retrieve the branches from under the docks and cut them into smaller pieces and tie them up into bundles , stacking them on the dock next to the Sword

Saturday January 7th, 2006 10:53:05 PM

The fleetfooted monk continues on his journey to the catacombs with Tomas in tow

Sunday January 8th, 2006 4:16:02 AM

Bart gives it another try and wants to see the Nautaoculos, if it doesnt work he pictures the girl who was around him when he arrived in town

Mykael  d20+4=12 d20+1=11
Sunday January 8th, 2006 3:01:25 PM

Mykael orders the man a drink of whatever he wants.

"If the Ga'allans are offering cash for info, then thier location must be known in order to get them thier info. Do tell," Mykael adds.

"Anymore info will be helpful, and what do you know about the pirates? Need discriptions of both sides, and any other info that you may think will be helpful for either side."

Mykael still keeps looking around.

(Spot = 12, Listen = 11)

DM Jim: Searching and Cleaning  d4=4
Monday January 9th, 2006 1:07:59 PM

Mykael buy drinks for the longshoreman that entered the bar with him and they continue to speak. "Information is sold at the bazzar. One of the vendor is taking information for the Ga'alians and a heathly cut I am sure. It is the carpet salesmen. He has a large booth at the end of the bazzar."
Appolo gives Rigging suggestions, but Rigging is off in his own little world and does not seem to be listening. Appolo frank words about the refugees turned sailors chance of survival does not go over well and most seek solace with Nezamil.

Nezamil get his volunteers with no problems and they are able to take off the branches on the side of the ship, but not under the waterline. Once the spell of water walking is cast on them, they can not penetrate the surface of the water as it acts as firm ground to them. The spell is speeding the removal of branches everywhere, but below the waterline.

Bart trys the wayfinder and is still unsucessful in finding the nautulcus, but he is able to travel etherally and find the women who greeted him at the gates to South Harbor. The woman in on a warehouse roof overlooking the harbor. Bart can easily see the Sword from here and the crowd on the dock. The woman goes to the back edge of the warehouse and climbs down a knotted silk rope to the street where another woman is holding the rope. Both women move out of the alley and blend into the city street.

Bart looses the image and takes 4 points of con. damage.

Bart can see the warehouse that he visited once he comes out of the trance as it is about 200 yards away.

Nezamil  d20+12=15 d4=3
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 12:08:06 AM

The giant dwarf laughs at Appolo's remarks to the refugees " don't mind him he's always trying to scare people "

" we Don't lose that many people each month " soothes the Cleric
" but he is right this is a dangerous line of work and people have died " adds the dwarf " but as Captain Rigging mentioned it can be rewarding also .....quite rewarding !"

" and any money owed if you meet an untimely death will be passed on to your family "

" but we do our best to Not involve the crew in direct fighting as much as possible " swmiles the large Cleric of Domi

"you'll get to see the Wold as you have never seen it before .....visiting exotic locations and wonderous things " finishes Nezamil as he trys to encourage the refugees to join them (d20+12=15 diplomacy ch)(should convince most of them)

Nezamil will tend to the big warrior Bart after he uses the artifact .....pulling out a scroll and invoking the magic held upon it (casting restoration,lesser)(1d4=3)rstored 3 con pts to bart

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:01:14 AM

Despite their differences and the similar feeling to spend as much time away from each other as possible, Val didn't depart from the catacombs right away. If Ashira got in trouble because Val left her at the Catacombs, the others would be rather angry. So she waited for Ashira to finish her shopping.

Appolo  d20+9=23 d20+6=23
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:13:39 AM

Appolo continues to keep watch.He looks down at the others"Nezamil.Better get your people ready.We could have some very unfriendly guests shortly.Bart you find it yet?"

Spot 23,Listen 23

DM Jim: Supplimental 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 2:02:18 PM

Treasure List from Fire Giants and Satyrs:

3500 gp in rough cut diamonds

Broach of Shielding - 70 points left
Necklace of Fire balls - 2 balls 3 HD and 5 HD

Two armbands - Usable only for one month per person and it takes one day to get the benifit.

#1 Gives the feat of Toughness and Die Hard: Value 1500 gp
#2 Gives the feat of Toughness and Endurance: value 1500 gp

I took money out for identifies already.

I will wait to post, until I receive more character posts.

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 2:41:57 PM

Jagar finally makes it to the catacombs with Tomas " thought we would never get here " jokes the fleetfooted Monk to Tomas

Jim -he's all yours at the catacombs

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 4:13:14 PM

No Appollo i didn't see the Nauticaoculos. I tried several times but i didn't saw it. But when i pictured one of the girls that was swarming around us when we entered the city a saw here standing with an other girl on the roof of a warehouse it must be that building over there she was looking over the harbor and disapeared from the roof with the help of another girl she climbed doen with a rope to the street. Must be worthwhile to investigate maybe ask around in the thieveguild

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 4:51:04 PM

After learning about the carpet vendor Mykael buys a another rd of drinks for the longshoreman and heads off towards the bazaar to nose around near carpet vendor.

taking his time he keeps alert as he wanders among the vendors

posted by chris

Rigging  d20+7=16
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 8:25:59 PM

OOC Sorry folks been travelling without internet.

Rigging is glad for the branches being off the ship but somewhat concerned by the branches still underneath the waterline. "Does anyone have any waterbreathing magic?" He calls out.

He then looks at the refugees and asks, "Do we have anyone who knows the smith trade?" He waits for an answer.

If he gets a yes, he will say, "Is there a way we could adapt a saw? Tie a rope or chain to both ends of a saw. Then a diver could attack it to the tree and we could cut it from top side."

Rigging will keep in communication with Swirl who keeps a high look out for any trouble.

Rigging frets over his wife and the others, "What is taking them so long!"
Rolled 16 for engineer profession roll.

DM Jim: Moving Along 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:58:54 PM

OOC: I will move things on a bit hear. I will assume that all Catacomb transactions are complete. Please still go through the motions and send me the list when complete, also update your character sheets.


Mykael buys one last round of drinks and gets many slaps on the back for his generosity. "See Hank not all Elves are bad." Mykael takes his leave and heads to the bazzar. The bazzar is huge and is right outside the Catacombs. It takes awhile but he does locate the rug seller. The rug sellers is an attractive man in his mid to late twenties with a very colorful bird on his shoulder. The man spots Mykeal and watches him approach. When Mykeal is 10 feet away the rug seller calls out. "I bet you have a big house with cold floors. It is late in the day, I will give you a deal on 12 x 15 carpets. What is the color of your money?"

Ashira, Val, Tomas (with a new arm) and Jager head back to the Sword in the failing light of the day. Ashira and Val have their purchases with them.

Rigging, Nezamil and the newly christened smithy of the boat work to create a new type of underwater saw. The saw is functional and can be adjusted to cut on the angled side of the Sword, but still must be operated in the water. Progress is being made.

The crowd on the dock disperses with the setting sun, somewhat disappointed.

Bart explains all that he has seen with the wayfinder, but still does not feel completly recovered from its effects (-1 con).


Morning comes fast and with a hail. Quinn and Cantera get the attention of the watch, by waving and yelling across the 200 yards of water the Sword has from the pier. By the time the Widcards are top side Quinn and Cantera are leaning against piling and talking, they are just waiting.

Mykael  d20+4=17 d20+1=7
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 11:17:07 PM

Mykael smiles at the salesman and states quietly, "I may have need of a really nice rug, however, I am looking for information at this time. I heard that a group of Ga'allans were offering cash for information on the pirate ship and her crew. And I was told you are the person to get me in contact with them. Is this correct?"

"I am looking to speak to them, so if you could inform me on thier location then, I could speak to them. I know you are a go-between, however, my information is more valueable then most, and I do not want to involve you in this. See, there is going to be a fight for sure, and if the Ga'allans win, you will be fine, however, if the pirates win, you could be in real trouble. I have heard about what they do to thier enemies... have you?"

"As to your cut on the info, well, I can still help you with that, but I am going to need that information first."

Mykael feels somewhat safe in the bazzaar, however he does watch his back. Mostly, he watches the salesman, and his bird. He looks the salesman over real well.

'Spell component pouches? a possible familiar? or just a merchant? Weapons? Got to be careful here, I am getting close,' Mykael ponders to himself.

(spot = 17, listen = 7)

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 10:35:00 AM

Nezamil helps with organizing work to clear the branches off the Swords keel and assigning refugees to jobs to help train them for sailing the ship

The giant sized dwarf arrives on deck to see who is hailing them " lower the rowboat and pick them up " urges Nezamil to several of the sailors

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 10:39:05 AM

The monk awakens at first light and heads to the galley and puts on a pot of fresh coffee .

When he Jagar hears them be hailed he heads up on deck with his mug of steaming cofee and paces the ships deck as he observes the happenings

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:10:25 AM

Rigging is glad everyone is back and hugs his wife. He pats Thomas on the shoulder and asks if he feels better now.

He will ask Bart what he has found and directs Thomas to pray for a restoration spell to help the fighter out.

"I am gonna want you to use the Wayfinder again to find this girl and then we are going to go and pay her a visit. Get some rest and we will go this afternoon."

Rigging turns to Nezamil and says, "I want you to study for a restoration spell as well if you could. We will need Bart in full form."

Rigging will put Ashira to work helping remove the branches underwater since she can place the saw easily. He then asks her to use a hand saw as well. He really wants those branches off his ship!

He will start talking to the new recruits gettng a feel for them. He will try and discover thier talents and their brief histories.

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 4:45:10 PM

Morning find Appolo back on look out in the crows nest.Having slept off and on up there keping alookout through most of the night.He drops down to the deck"Goos morning everyone.So what is the plan?"

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 5:27:54 PM

Upon returning to the Sword Val makes herself useful by doing whatever is necessary to make the ship seaworthy again.

DM Jim: Reunited 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 7:14:06 PM

Mykael talks with the rug seller and when his is so bold to ask for information the man laughs. "You have not even purchased one rug and it is so late in the day." The rug seller starts to close up his stall and his very colorful bird squawks at Mykael.

Mykael scans the man and he does not have any obvious weapons besides a staff in the corner of the stall and a dagger at his hip. There are several pouches on his belt that look loaded, but Mykael can not tell what they are filled with, coins or spell components???? Does Mykael stay by himself or go back to the ship?

OOC: Note that you are a half a day behind your crew members.


Rigging barks order to the clerics and Bart in the morning and checks on his new crew. The refugees and former workers of the Elenna Queen seem to be fisherpeople, waiters, cooks and entertainers, but all have a basic knowledge of seamanship. Half of the new crew is female and the crew is three quarters human and one quarter elf.

The fisherpeople are looking for a new life as their villages were ravaged by fire giants and satyrs. The others are looking for new high paying jobs as their former ship is now a tree.

Tomas is overflowing with joy at having his arm back and he is telling the crew how great it is to work on the Sword of Redemption. Tomas does inform Captain Rigging that the Sword will need some planing and sanding tools to get the Sword back into her former smooth self, but none of it will effect her functionally, beside the branches under her keel.

Ashira stares blankly at Rigging when he asks her to saw branches well below the waterline.

Bart ingores Rigging as he is still naustious from the wayfinder.

Nezamil has the launch sent to pick up Quinn and Cantera and they come to board the ship. "Permission to come aboard Captain." Cantera announces as he nibbling climbs the ladder. Quinn waves a greeting to Nezamil and Val and announces "Ready to see the Govenors?".

Everyone is a bit tired from the worry of a possible attack the night before, but the sun bring relief.

Mykael  d20+4=15 d20+1=11 d100=79
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 10:26:50 PM

OOC: I know I am behind the rest and I will catch up as soon as I can, however, this still seems like a good avenue to explore.

IC: Mykael smiles at the rug salesman, "As I said, I may have needed one, however, my choice on who to buy from depends on how friendly and helpful they are to me. Lets do this, you tell your employers that I have some good information for them. I will meet with them if they are interested. I will come back tomorrow and talk with you about a rug. Good night."

Mykael backs away, turns and walks off toward the center of town, looking into anything that will give him a reflection of behind him and listening intently, especially for bird winds, foot steps, or spellcasting.

(spot = 15, listen = 11)

As soon as he gets around a corner, Mykael ducks in a doorway. He casts Invisibility on himself. He turns back and follows the rug salesman for the night, noting all his moves and watching the bird.

(made spell failure = 79%)

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:42:47 PM

Glad to be of service, Ashira strips down to a modest amount of clothing. Grinning at Rigging, she grabs the saw. "You know, a little haste spell might help the work go faster." Then she heads under the ship and begins working as fast as she can to clear the growth from the bottom of the ship.

Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:21:52 AM

Bart speaks to Rigging, I will use the wayfinder again to look for the girl we will go for her shortly after that. Maybe it's worthwhile to ask subtile questions about a thievery from the wharehouse overthere

Thursday January 12th, 2006 7:24:19 AM

Rigging calls the Wildcards and Thomas over and then leads them down below decks and hopefully prying ears. To the Cards he says, "We have a meeting with the Governors. This is the way I want to play it. On deck we will announce that we are going. I want Val and Appolo to stay behind as guards officially but follow us with their invisibility rings activated. That way we have a surprise of our own if we are attacked during the walk.

Thomas, I want you to move the Sword out into the harbor about 100 yards. That should help prevent any unwanted visitors. Leave a longboat at the docks for us in case we need to get back to the ship in a hurry."

Rigging will look at the others and add, "Any suggestions?"

OOC I realize that Mykael isn't with us in real time but is he with us now?

DM Jim: Mykael is with you as you leave.

Thursday January 12th, 2006 12:38:54 PM

Appolo follows the others below decks"Ok will do boss."

Thursday January 12th, 2006 2:22:44 PM

The giant sized dwarf smiles at Quinn " well met " greets Nezamil

Nezamil waits till the Sword moves closer to the dock to jump off (he's way too heavy i would imagine to get in the launch)

"i'm ready Captain " as Nezamil ready's himself for the visit to the governors

With a whisper to Mykael " find anything intresting in your wanderings ?"

Thursday January 12th, 2006 2:24:43 PM

"I'll take point position " suggests Jagar

With that the fleetfooted monk takes the lead when Rigging gives the word

Nellie on Treasure split 
Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:15:46 PM

According to Jim, here's our treasure....
3500 gp in rough cut diamonds

Broach of Shielding - 70 points left
Necklace of Fire balls - 2 balls 3 HD and 5 HD

Two armbands - Usable only for one month per person and it takes one day to get the benifit.

#1 Gives the feat of Toughness and Die Hard: Value 1500 gp
#2 Gives the feat of Toughness and Endurance: value 1500 gp

Sooo...that means 3500gp/8=437.5gp in diamonds each
The broach of shielding
The fireball necklace
The two armbands

How are we going to split this up?

Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:27:58 PM

The Mistress of the Sword looks at Rigging with doubt in her eyes. "Rigging, I don't think this is such a good idea. I mean, who's going to watch the Sword while we're gone? Sure she'll be out to sea, but that doesn't mean the Quad can't attack." Ashira taps her chin in thought. "Of course, splitting our group isn't a very good idea either." Ashira sighs. "I think at least a couple of Cards should stay on the Sword to watch her, and I volunteer to be one of them.

DM Jim: Docked  d4=3
Thursday January 12th, 2006 5:17:55 PM

Mykael leaves the rug seller and turns the corner only to come back around invisible. Mykael has to keep on his toes as the street is filled with end of the day shopper and sellers closing up shop. Mykael does watch the rug seller close up his stall and kiss his colorful bird before sending it into the air. The rug seller then look around and quickly heads down an alley, catching Mykael abit by surprise. When Mykael turns the corner all he sees is piles of garbage and another colorful bird taking flight out of the alley and over a building.

OOC: Mykael now leaves the bazaar and makes it back to the Sword and is on the same time schedule as everyone else.


Quinn is let on board the Sword and announces that the Govenors will see the Wildcards early as they have gotten briefed by the High Lord Mayor on their business. Quinn and Cantera were going to escort the Wildcards to the meeting hall.

Ashira feels it will take her 40 - 50 hours to clear the braches below the waterline of the Sword, using Riggings new saw.

Bart finds a quite spot and operates wayfinder again and find the girl and her friend again. They seem to be shopping for breakfast in the Bazaar. Bart looses the picture after a few minutes and the two move on and seem to go shopping at a cultlery stall.....

OOC bart -3 con for a total of -4.

The Sword, already moored several hundred yards off the docks, maneuvers back to drop off the Wildcards. Nezamil jumps down and puts a boot through the pier and the shock wave sends sailor and longshormen running.

Rigging suggests a plan of action on the visit to the Govenors. Ashira suggests a different course of action. What will the Wildcards do?

Mary, Melonie, Hal, Kirk, and John all disembark the Sword and are ready to go with the Wildcards. All are armed. Mary and John flank Ashira "Acorn bearers have to stick together.: comment Mary as she sneers at several sailors that are eyeing her. Kirk avoid Nezamil pier hole and looks up at him. "We will have to watch you like a hawk. We will look for those loose boards that may not support a ton."

Tomas leaves the launch, but takes the Sword back out into the harbor.

Thursday January 12th, 2006 6:13:58 PM

Mykael makes his way to the docks in the morning concealed in different cloak, clothing, and boots. He walks with a heavier, more human step. He stands behind Quinn and Canterra and utters, "Morning you two, good to see you again. I am Mykael in case you cant tell, and I was out late on the town last night. Wow, that sun is bright coming off the water." Dismissing his cloakenness with a fake hang-over.

Mykael waits for the Sword to make its way over, then prepares to board. However, when he sees an almost 15 foot dward prepare to launch himself from the boat, Mykael quickly retreats back toward the shore.

A fake stumble from the landing of Nez and he heads toward the group again.

"You should think before you jump, Nez, you are not used to this size and weight yet, my friend."

"Captain, we need to speak, before we leave," Mykael states aloud. Then he adds, "And no offense intended to all present, but only Wildcard are invited. Permission, to come aboard."

Mykael boards the ship and makes his way below decks. He will wait for Rigging, and whoever else shows, and run off all within listening range that are not Wildcards, including the crew.

Mykael starts, "I am not sure of whom we can trust. I dont think the Ga'allans have their hooks in any of the crew, or the refugees, however, its better to be err on the side of caution. The Quads are paying for information about us."

Mykael continues with the story of his past dayly findings.

"I am pretty sure that the rug seller was a mage, and with enough skill to transform himself into a bird. Although, I suppose it could be a racial thing, but I have never heard of any like that." Mykael continues, "We can decide on how to play it later, however, it would do well if I was not seen, to keep up the guise, in case its useful. If nothing else, they may assume I was killed and it would be a surprise for them."

"As far as the local Governor's meeting, Appollo and I didnt fair well with them. They are arrogant and somewhat uncaring. We came to ask for help, the provided little. Alot less than what they could have, in my opinion. And many died because of that fact."

"I am not sure if it would be a good idea to have Appollo and myself with you when you speak to them, especially Appollo, he was a little more brash. However, given the situation at the time, I can understand."

"Your call."

Thursday January 12th, 2006 7:57:18 PM

No wonder Rigging wants to step down. It would be rather frustrating to be in charge and have to have your commands put through a comittee.

"Last time I checked it took all of us to deal with a Quad effectively. So Ashira do you really think that leaving two behind will accomplish anything except capture or death?"

Thursday January 12th, 2006 10:56:36 PM

Rigging goes below and listens to Mykael. "Yes I am not surprised that they have spies on us. The have the advantage. They have been briefed on us but we have no idea who they are. They are sponsered by a government and have greater resourses for bribes. Also since they are evil, they can just threaten and bully people we would have to negotiate with."

Rigging looks at his wife and gives her a peck on the cheek. "Sorry Hon but this time I am overruling you. All the Wildcards are coming includig Appolo and you Mykael. The quad wants to kill us. They could only attack our friends before. I think they will make a move on us either on the way to see the govenors or on the way back. That is why I want a invisible rear guard."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards back on deck and say, "Do whatever you think you need to do to be battle ready." He then casts mage armor on himself and readies two wands. "Lets go."

Ashira  d20+12=30 d20+11=19
Thursday January 12th, 2006 11:15:05 PM

Ashira flushes at Val's comments and bites her lip. When she does finally speak she doesn't say much. "Of course, you are right. What was I thinking?" It is not entirely clear whether she is being sarcastic or not.

Ashira nods at Rigging. "Not a problem. You asked for suggestions, I gave you my opinion. You made a decision. I have no problem with that."

As they travel, Ashira keeps a sharp eye out for trouble (Spot=30, Listen=19).

Mykael  d20+4=19 d20+1=4
Thursday January 12th, 2006 11:21:00 PM

OOC: sorry for the post... but needed to make a post after Riggings choice.

IN: Before Rigging heads above decks, Mykael responds, "Alright, but I still want to try and remain as unknown as possible, so allow me to join the invisible guard."

If Rigging agrees, Mykael cast invisibility on himself and follows the group. Keeping his eyes open, especially for colorful birds.

(spot = 19, listen = 4)

DM Jim: It will take over 30 minutes of travel time to reach the meeting house. When do you want to cast the invisibility??????

Jagar  d20+6=9
Friday January 13th, 2006 12:50:02 AM

The Fleetfooted Monk takes up the point and lets his eyes travel side to side as he surveys the path ahead as he leads the wildcards after Quinn to the governors

spot ch d20+6=9

Friday January 13th, 2006 6:53:23 AM

I could use a restoration spell befor we go to the council , i'm not feeling too well after using the wayfinder again.

Mykael did you heared about athieving guild in the city. We must try to get the Nauticaoculos back.

Nezamil could you cast an location spel or something like that to locate the artefact?

Friday January 13th, 2006 10:15:49 AM

"Nope Domi hasn't blessed me with any location spells today but i may pray to see if he will " responds the giant sized dwarf to Bart

As the they make there way to the governors house " yeah good idea kirk watchout for any potholes " chuckles Nezamil

"you two stay alert ....i've fought quads from Ga'al before....they are very dangerous....remember if anything happens work togetehr ....teamwork......got it " coaches Nezamil

"Captain i'll take up rearguard position ....with my size i should be a a force
of intimidation back there " grins the giant sized dwarf to Rigging

Appolo Invisible Ac 23 Hp 59 
Friday January 13th, 2006 11:32:07 AM

Appolo goes invisble"Ready." is all he says before he takes up his postion and follows the others.He thinks to himself with a slight grumble we should be hunting Quads not talking to a bunch of blowhards.

Dm Jim: Off to the Meeting 
Friday January 13th, 2006 5:23:41 PM

Bart is a bit fatigued as he is still down 4 con. and even asks for a restoration spell.


My marching order for the group. Please state differently if you want to move.



Mary, Ashira, John


Quinn, Cantera

Hal, Nezamil, Kirk


Appolo, Val

Mykael (Invisible when?)

OOC: I need spell lists on your next post. Also, Rigging which wands do you have out.


Tomas waves goodbye to the group as the take off, feverishly waving his restored arm.

Quinn and Cantera seem to be catching up on old times like friends that have not seen one another for awhile.

Mary and John flank Ashira and make sure no one bothers "Mothers favorite".

Melonie sulks as she can not see Val and seems to be worrying about her.

Hal and Kirk joke with Nezamil"You have to watch what you eat, eight dozen eggs for breakfast can't be good for anyone. You best bring back a cart of food for the ship or everyone will go hungry, by supper!"

Most of the longshoreman are happy to see Nezamil leave the pier and go back to work.

There is a slight rise in the streets as you head to the meeting house and most people give way at the sight of Nezamil and Quinn even sent several guardsmen away that came to investigate the "Giant". The guards appolgized to Nezamil and Quinn. Quinn waved it off as a missunderstanding of little importance.

Ashria does notice several people melt into the crowd at the sight of Nezamil and the entourage. Some went off running.


Ashira/Nellie was good enough to find that I underestimate the treasure from the giants/satyrs. There is another 2900 gp in coin and a third golden orb/fireball (5HD).

I pays to keep tabs on your DM as he gets forgetful too. I was looking at my paper treasure list and not the one I post, which was better.

Val (Invisible) 
Saturday January 14th, 2006 5:15:30 PM

Val smiles when she sees Melonie's mood. After the events in the valley she was very close to the elven woman. Val's smile fades when she remembers that she used to be that close to Ashira. A long time ago before many things happened. But that was then and this is now. The next chance she got, Val was going to take Melonie to the Catacombs and get her some real gear.

Ashira  d20+12=30 d20+11=13
Saturday January 14th, 2006 11:50:42 PM

Instead of comforting Ashira with their company, the very presence of the acorn bearers sets Ashira further on edge. She really doesn't want to see them slaughtered by a Quad. Her conscious is slightly eased by the fact that they carry the new masterwork weapons she bought them. Still, Ashira constantly scans the crowds looking for the trouble that is headed their way (Spot=30, Listen=13).

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+15=23 d20+14=21 d20+9=23 d20+6=10
Sunday January 15th, 2006 1:10:43 PM

Appolo trails the group several paces behind moving silent,ivisible and sticking to the shadows as keeps and eye out for anyone paying to much attention to the group possibly following them."

Move Silently 23,Hide 21 Spot 23 listen 10

Jagar  d20+6=11
Sunday January 15th, 2006 9:46:51 PM

The fleetfooted monk leads the way to the Governors house keeping his eyes peeled for trouble (d20+6=11 spot ch)

Nezamil  d20+5=7 d20+12=19
Sunday January 15th, 2006 9:55:27 PM

"Ha hehehehe eight dozen eggs very funny guys" laughs Nezamil " i might of had a couple extra "

The giant sized dwarf walks in the center of the street his conversation with the two brothers distracting (d20+5=7 spot ch) him anything else

"No worries no need to apoligize " replies Nezamil to the guards " your doing what your supposed to do and a fine job at that " adds the Cleric with diplomacy )d20+12=19 diplomacy ch)

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20+4=21 d20+1=21
Sunday January 15th, 2006 11:42:23 PM

Mykael realizes that his spell wont last him the whole trip, so he just pulls his hood up over his head, his cloak around him, and moves with the group, keeping watching and listening for trouble. Especially colorful birds.

(Spot = 21, Listen = 21, nat 20)

Spell List:
0 lvl -- Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
1 lvl -- Alarm, Magic Missle X3
2 lvl -- Invisibility, Bulls Strength, See Invisibility, Spider Climb
3 lvl -- Fireball, Haste, Vampiric Touch

Rigging, mage armor  d20+12=27
Monday January 16th, 2006 1:45:14 AM

Rigging walks along and looks back at his wife remembering the good old days when she used to walk next to him. He looks to his right and his left and sighs. He then sniffs under his armpit wondering if that could be the problem. He then cups his hand in front of his face, breathing out deeply and smelling his breath. Neither seem any worse than usual.

Rigging's mind reaches out to Swirl wondering if his familiar still loves him. He is reassured by the presense and the love he feels from his friend. "Keep an eye out my friend. I think we are heading into trouble."

Rigging keeps an eye out (spot check 27)and hopes they can pull this off.

Monday January 16th, 2006 2:50:36 AM

Stil feeling weak Bart is foolowing the others to the council

DM Jim: All Eyes are Watching  d20+16=30 d20+24=39 d20+24=25 d20+20=28 d20+11=21 d6=1 d6=4 d6=3 d20+10=22 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d20+11=22 d6=4 d100=52 d4=3 d4=2 4d6(4+1+6+3)=14 d20+18=33 2d6(3+1)+6=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=22 d8+3=4 d8+3=6
Monday January 16th, 2006 12:46:47 PM

Everyone is a bit on edge, as they search the throngs of people that pass then and the sellers of ware and they thrust them toward the Wildcards. The multitude of people in South Harbor seem oblivoius to most of the WIldcards, although Nezamil always draws stares.

Nezamil's broad smile and non threatening attitude diffuses most problems, but there is the ocassional mother that grabs a child and hurrys off the street. There was one scream as a woman was dressing in her second story bedroom when she got a freight as Nezamil passed. More than a few people coaked on their brunch in the sidewalk cafes as the giant dwarf (Tall) passed by.

The group is working their way through the crowd and everyones spirits seems to be lifted, but Barts (-4 con till this afternoon when it will only be -3).

Appolo finds that he is lagging behind the group as attempting to hide and move silently only allows him 1/4 move rate. I will say that Appolo is 50 feet behind the main group of Wildcards.

Rigging feels Swirl high above and he comments. "There are so many human type creatures around you, besides Nezamil, they all look alike."

Mykael is very keen on watching the birds, but all he sees are gulls, none of the colorful ones he saw yesterday. Mykael does not even hear the colorful birds unique musical call, just more screeching gulls. Although he does see Swirl scatter the gulls from time to time.

Val and Bart are lost in their own thoughts and do not notice much. Jager and Appolo are keep a close watch, but do not pick up much as their is so much that is new and just so many people.

Quinn or Cantera give course corrections every now and then "Turn left at the Lions Den. Great entertainment in there. Turn left at the White page Inn." and the like.

Ashira spots a well hidden woman in a second story window, right above a cultlery vendor, with a crossbow and she hears the twang.

AC 21 Shot at Rigging (no Dex, flat footed)
3 damage DC 11 fort save or lose 4 con. a second save is required in one minute DC 11 or lose 3 more con.

Another bolt streaks at Rigging and strikes him in the back. This bolt came from street level somewhere from behind Rigging.

AC 22 (no Dex Flat Footed) for 5 damage + 14 backstab damage. Roll DC 18 fort save or lose 4 dex. same in one minute or lose 6 more dex.

Rigging see a third assassin (and get his dex bonus) and the bolt is unleashed. The Assassin is on a second story roof.

AC 22 for 4 damage and 52 % for blink/still hit. Roll DC 14 fort save or lose 3 str. and same in one minute or lose 2 more str.

Ashira notices a person that was standing by one of the vendors dart over to Rigging and pull out a hand axe, he is moving fast. Rigging is struck by a flying kick and not the hand axe.

AC 33 for 10 damage. Rigging is flat footed.

Riggings new foe calms states. "Captain Rigging you have been selected for extermination."

Nezamil feels a dispel magic wash over him, but it seems to have no effect, much to someones chagrin.

Val and Appolo see a half orc grab a great axe that was inside a doorway and lead three humans out of the doorway in pursuit of Nezamil's back. THese four did not get as good a jump on the action as the four that attacked Rigging.

A cloaked human thows back his cloak to reveal a very healthy heart seed and he directs two humans at Bart. "He has the artifact. Kill him!"

AC 16 dam. 3
AC 22 dam. 6

Bart is not flat footed. The humans are swinging long sword and in chain shirts, which are now visible under their shirts.

When you post next please list AC and Hit points.

Map to come later tonight

Nezamil's spell list 
Monday January 16th, 2006 2:26:55 PM

Zero-create water x2,light x2,dtect magic , mending
1st-Command ,Obscuring mist ,Protect f-evil ,Shield of faith ,Bless(enlarge)
2nd-Aid ,Bears endurance,owls wisdom ,resist energy ,spiritual weapon (bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf ,Inviso purge ,water walk , windwall ,(pro f-energy )
4th-Airwalk ,dimenisional anchor ,neutralize poison (spell immunity)
5th-Command greater (spell resistance)

Ashira AC27 (HP103/103, Barkskin +5, Casting Delay Poison on Rigging)  d20+12=15 d20+11=23
Monday January 16th, 2006 10:25:28 PM

Not surprised, Ashira takes up a position at Rigging's back...no more bolts were coming from that direction unless they went through her. Murmuring, she quickly casts a spell and lightly touches her husband (Delay Poison---Rigging). "Mary, John, get on the side of me. This isn't your fight...keep defensive, just keep them from flanking me." Ashira calls to her companions. Quick as a flash, Ashira's swords are in her hands and she anxiously awaits her attack on any unlucky Quad member. After a moment of concentration, the tree tattoo on Ashira's arm disappears and her skin magically thickens (activating Barkskin tattoo +5 AC). "Thank you Mother." She murmurs as she scans the market for other threats (Spot=15, Listen=23).

Just for clarity...here's how I want to arrange Ashira, Mary and John...

M As J

Delay Poison
The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired. Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done.

Mary (AC16, HP14/14) and John (AC20, HP24/24) Both on Total Defense  d20+3=21 d20+9=16
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:01:02 PM

The acorn bearers are shocked by the suddenness of the attack. Briefly they stare at the pin cushion Captain Rigging, mouths open in shock. Ashira's orders cut through their fog, and they snap to.

Mary maintains her position on the left hand side of Ashira and pulls out her new longsword. She waves it threateningly, but mostly just to keep any attackers at bay (Total Defense +4 Dodge to AC). She pulls back a strand of red hair from her eyes and looks around to see the nearest threat to Ashira (Spot=21). Locating the archers in the 2nd floor, Mary scowls. "That's just cowardly!! Don't these people have any morals?" she asks naively.

Like Mary, John quickly retrieves his weapon which he brandishes with fumbling hands. "This just feels wrong. Can't I just use my bow?" he mutters as he moves the blade in what he hopes is a defensive posture (Total Defense +4 Dodge to AC).

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 71/71  d20+5=14 d20+15=33 2d6(5+5)+8=18 d20+1=3
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:23:12 PM

"Watch out Bart " screams the giant sized dwarf in the fighters direction

"To arms " growls Nezamil to Hal and Kirk as he hears foosteps fast approaching from behind (d20+5=14 listen ch) and spins around

A big grin appears across Nezamil's face as he see's the 1/2 orc leading the charge with 3 men in tow towards him .

The Cleric's anvil holy symbol gives a quick pulse of light as Nezamil barks out "Drop" (casting command,greater Dc ch 19)

" try and sneak up and attack us in this cowardly fashion " growls the giant dwarf " you'll feel the pain of that mistake rightly soon "

Nezamil slides his shield into position and draws his mace in one smooth well trained motion and swings at the 1/2 orc(AoO swing with Nezamil's 15 ft reach) his hugh mace smashing into the 1/2 orc (d20+15=33 AoO)(damage 2d6+8=18)

"Domi's strength will vanquish you " roars the giant dwarf as he towers over his attackers (d20+1=3 intimidate check) (ack!)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43  d20+10=23 d8+4=10 d20+9=19 d10+5=9
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:39:09 PM

Hal reacts a 1/2 second faster then his younger brother his shield and heavy mace readied in split second as his instincts take over and steps up to a protective flanking position on the dwarfs right side and launches a quick blow at any of the men you come to position (d20+10=23 attack)(damage d8+4=10)

" heh little brother i got the 1st blow " taunts Hal to Kirk

Kirk not quite as fast as his older brother unfurls his heavy flail and steps up to the giant dwarfs left flank just like he did in the forest and strikes out with a smash at the nearest attacker on the left flank (d20+9=19 attack )(damage d10+5=9)" i think i blasted this guy too " replies Kirk to his brother as he waits to see how effective his blow was

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 71/71  d20+10=13
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:54:06 PM

The Monk turns at the sound of Ashira barking orders to Mary and John and watches as Captain Rigging gets hit with a flying kick

The fleetfooted monk sprints towards the Captains foe and does his own flying kick at him (stunning fist attack)(d20+10=13)and misses the agile hand axe wielder " you got to get thru me 1st " retorts Jagar as he moves to position himself between Rigging and the attacker

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127  d20+15=30 d20+10=21 d10+20=21 d10+20=21
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:46:59 AM

"Stay away from her!" Val growls just before becoming visible. Her slender but very powerful arms swing the heavy flail in a circle above her head. The spiked ball at the end of the flail slams into the orc holding the great axe with a bone crunching impact. Val moves with the flail's rebound, spinning in a circle and bashing the flail against a second quad member to draw their attention.

"Melonie you keep out of harm's way. I know thatyou want to help but trust me on this."

ooc: power attack -5 to hit/ +10 to damage
1st attack against QO hit ac 30 for 21 dmg
2nd attack against QF2 hit ac 21 for 21 damage

Rigging ac 19? hps34/70  d20+6=18 d20+6=21 d20+6=9 d20+6=23 d20=12
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:48:48 AM

Rigging feels the poison? flowing through his veins and summons his strength to fight off the various poisons. He is thankful for Ashira's actions but knows he can't survive another round of that. He says, "Ashira, take charge! I will be back!'He activates his blink ring and tumbles away from the monk moving towards the closest building wall. He will try to blink through it to buy himself some time to organize his defenses. (ooc Jim I don't have my character sheet so I don't have my tumble roll skills number but rolled a natural 12 so combined with dextertiy should have easily made it.)

As Rigging is moving he thinks up to Swirl with sarcasm in his voice. "The ones pointing the crossbows at me, were the bad guys."

blink 1/7
mage armor

Jim I made all my saving throws but had to use a hero point for the third one.

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 16 (Combat Expertise +5 AC, -5 to hit) 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:55:41 AM

Melonie stood firm as the orc holding the massive great axe ran out of a building. She wished Val was here but since she wasn't Melonie would do her best to fill in. Her heart jumped when Valanthe suddenly became visible right next to her. She was about to jump in when she heard Val's words.

"Alright, but you shouldn't be in danger all the time." Melonie replied. She took a step back and waved her spear threatening before her to keep enemies at bay.

Bart Ac24 hp 71/71  d20+15=26 d20+10=29 d20+10=25 d10+9=14 d6=5 d10+9=19 d10+9=16 d6=4
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 3:38:55 AM

Bart sees 2 men comming his way, he activates his glove of storing his bastard swords appears just before he hears nezamil shouting. He counter attacks the nearest opponent. Attacking him twice (ac 26 for 14 +5 shock, threat ac 29 crit? ac25 for 19+16 +4 shock=tot dam 58)

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d100=21
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 5:31:30 AM

OOC: Dont have a map yet, but I am assuming that we are all within 30' of each other.

IC: Mykael takes note of the happenings, turns and casts Haste, on Bart, Ashira, Val, Nez, Jagar, and himself.

(21% made spell failure)

Tuesday January 17th, 2006 9:23:32 AM

ooc didn't deduct the temporary con los in my HP total bart has a normal con of 11

00c2 while melonie is fighting defensive she may add +4 on her AC

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+10=29 d20+10=17 d20+15=24 d20+4=15 d10+4=13 d8+4=12 d6=3 d6=1 d6=6 d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=1 d6=2 d6=4 d6=1
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 10:48:22 AM

Appolo moves quickly forward flanking the half orc with the battle ax and backstabs himtwice."Melonie darling Danger is our business we do this al the time.He then goes insisible agian and steps bck to the right.He cointues to move silently.

Attack 29,17 Damage 13x2+26 {Critical} Longsword 12 Shortsword Backstab Damage 27 or19 if Shortsword missed

Total Damage 65 points or 45 points if shotsword missed.

DM: Wildcards strike back - Combat Round 2  d20+26=46 d20+18=30 d100=19 (for wand) d100=86 (blink) d6+7=12 d20+1=6 d20+6=24 d4=3 d20+10=28 d10+9=12 d20+11=29 d8=5 d100=55 d100=21 d100=83 d20+11=29 d20+10=11 d20+15=17 d20+9=28 d4=4 d20+2=14 d20+2=18
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:33:42 PM

Several people in the street scream and most dive for cover in bildings, alleyways for stalls.

Ashira starts to organize a defense and delays the poison coursing through her husbands body.

Jager leaps in to attack the monk, but misses badly or the monk is just too quick.

Rigging takes the brunt of the early assualt from the bolts and monk and deftly tumbles away. Unfortunately, the Monk follow and beats him to his resting spot (tumble 46, nat 20) "Nice try, but not good enough." The monk spots Rigging the two wands in his hands and swings at one (mirror image) and cleanly cuts it in two (12 damage). "Your toys will not help you." The monk taunts.

ooc: Rigging will still have to make 3 poison saves after the delay poision wears off for secondary effects.

Nezamil casts his spell and then smacks the half orc solidly, but he seemed to expect that.

Hal and Kirk step forward and each land an heavy hit on the warriors bracing the half orc.
The half orc is dumbfounded as he loses his grip on his great axe and it clatters to the street. He is brought out of his funk when a flail raps him on the back. Vals return swing fells one of the other warriors that was already hit by Kirk.

Appolo rushes up and back stabs with his longsword (only one swing allowed), and the warrior screams in pain as he tries to remain councious, but loses the battle and falls prone in the street.

Mykael hastes the most of the Wildcards.

Bart kills one of the warriors that attempted to do the same to him.


A harpy type creature appears over one of the buildings as a black ray strikes Nezamil (AC 24 ranged touch attack)and he loses three levels and his three highest level spells(at a minimum).

The Ga'alian cleric starts to float straight upwards and tosses a brown rock at Bart and it breaks upon striking the ground and an earth elemental appears. The cleric screams and points at Bart. "Kill him" and the mound of rock brings one fist down on Bart.

AC 28 for for 12 damage

The other warrior has had enough and withdraws from Bart, seeing what his did to his friend.

The two remaining humans flanking the half orc also withdraw at the sight of two new opponents (Val and Appolo) and the sight of their swords lying on the ground.

ooc: Appolo you can not go invisible until next round.

A bolt is fired at Nezamil from the roof and it finds its mark.

AC 29 for 7 damage It is poisoned but the does is for medium size so are uneffected

A bolt from the second story window at Ashira

AC 29 miss as a result of the barkskin

A bolt at steet level is shot at Bart's back and misses badly (rolled 1). Quinn see the attacker and runs at an Inn (Spot 17 required).

Cantera runs after the Cleric but is too late and only stare up at him, before throwing a dagger hitting the Ga'allian.

AC 28 for 6 damage.

Swirl reaches out to Rigging. "Do I help you or go after the one on the roof or one of the two flying humanoids?"
Map later tonight

Jagar Ac 21(22 mob vs monk) Hp 71/71  d20+10=12 d20+10=30 d20+5=8 d20+10=22 d10+3=8 d10+3=6
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 3:52:14 PM

Jagar is slightly frustrated at his weak first attack againist the axe wielding monk and quickly follows him while launching a flurry of blows as the monk sets his sights on Captain Rigging

Jagar swings and misses but then lands a powerful front kick to the axe wielders side(d20+10=30 nat 20!! crit hit)(roll to see if crit hit d20+10=22)(yes!!!) (damage d10+3=8,d10+3=6 for total of 14 dam!) and misses with his final blow as his devasting front kick throws off his timing

"we shall see you gets terminated " taunts the fleetfooted monk

DM Jim: Just a note, but the Monk is AC 30 or 31, 30 for Jager, so not a critical, but a hit.

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 64/71 haste , angry  d20+13=15 d20+8=27 d20+13=17 2d6(6+4)+8=18 d20+5=17
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 4:14:13 PM

Nezamil feels a bit of satisfaction as his blow finds his mark on the 1/2 orc but suddendly a chill runs down his spine as he feel the black ray drain Domi's power from him "grrr" growls Nezamil as he steels himself againist it and lashes out at the 1/2 orc with his hugh mace but
misses as the 1/2 orc ducks under his swing but he wasn't quick enough to jump out of the way of the dwarfs devasting backswing (d20+8=27 2nd swing) and he grins as he hears his hugh mace crunch into the axeman's armor (2d6+8=18 damage) but in his eagerness to finish the ugly beats his hasted blow missies wide of its mark

" Hal ...Kirk grab his axe so he can't pick it up " growls Nezamil to the brothers "Val will help finish this thing off ....so watch our backs "

Nezamil doesn't even flinch as a crossbow bolt hits him but takes a quick peek in the direction the shot came from (d20+5=17 spot ch)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43  d20+4=23
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 4:25:12 PM

Kirk wataches as Val finishes off his opponnet "she's good " gawks the younger brother at her skill

Nezamil's words break his focus as he spots the great zxe on the ground " cover me bro " shouts Kirk to Hal as he quickly moves to pick up the 1/2 orcs great axe and jump behind the giant dwarf with great axe in hand " i got it Nez"

Hal lets the giant dwarf and barbarian take control of the action and moves to protectively cover Kirk as he makes a grab for the great axe stepping between anyone you attacks his brother

'where's all that shooting coming from " bellows Hal as he looks up at the rooftops for the sniper's (d20+4=23 spot ch)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+10=17 d20+10=28 d10+4=6 d6=4 d6=2 d6=1 d6=1 d6=3
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 7:40:47 PM

Appolo moves forward and engages QF2 swinging at his opponents back twice.he connects once solidly.He yells at Valanthe to finish the half orc and jion him."Val finish the half orc off then help me with these two."{Appolo is backstabbing him.}

Attack 28,17 Longsword hits for 17 points of damage.

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d100=22 6d6(4+5+6+6+2+1)=24
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 9:21:14 PM

Mykael notes the Cleric rize off the ground, he smiles. Calculates the area and then casts Fireball in the air, but only so as to catch the cleric, no one else, and no buildings.

(22% made spell failure roll)
(24 damage)

Ashira AC27 (HP103/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+13=23
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 12:10:12 AM

Ashira grunts at the bolt slams into her leg, but she easily shrugs off the poison (Fort.=23). "I've had about enough of this non-sense!!" Ashira growls as she begins casting a spell. As she does so, the other tattoo disappears off her arm (activating Elf tattoo). A massive wind wall erects itself around the combat area, cutting off the crossbows from most of the combat area (200 total feet long...100feet high). "Hold on Bart, I'm coming!" she murmurs to the warrior as the elemental smashes him. She looks over at Mary and John. "This thing is very dangerous. I don't want you to fight it...but if you could give me a helping hand..." Standing her ground, Ashira reaches into her pack (drawing an AoO from the elemental), pulls out a potion and holds it toward Mary (Barkskin +3). "Here, Mary, take this. I think you're going to need it."

OOC: Ashira's AC is 27 so the bolt did hit her. Please let me know the damage.

Mary (AC17, HP14/14, Barkskin +3) and John (AC16, HP24/24)  d20+3=11 d20+2=21 d20+5=22 d8+1=6
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 12:47:30 AM

Mary smiles at Ashira, thrilled to be asked to help. Moving her new shield into place, Mary steps toward the elemental and begins to distract it (Aid Another...hit AC21, so +2 AC to Ashira on next attack from elmental.).

The sandy haired archer takes a good look at the monsterous mound of earth before him and thinks long and hard about moving any closer to it. Deciding that perhaps caution is the better part of valor, he sheathes his sword (move action) and pulls out his bow (free action). He takes careful aim at the elemental and then lets rip (Point blank shot...no neg.). The arrow sails through the air toward the elemental (AC22 for 6dam)

FYI: Combat Expertise...your +to AC cannot exceed the PC's BAB.
OOC: Ignore d20+3...referred to the previous post.

Bart Ac24 hp 59/71 (hasted)  d20+15=30 d10+9=15 d20+10=29 d20+10=23 d10+9=14 d10+9=11 d10+9=10 d6=2 d6=2 d20+15=29 d10+9=10 d6=3
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 3:29:08 AM

Bart sees an clump of dirt rising before him, another challenge before him. Bart goes for a full attack and feels more quicker then before testing the weakness and the strengths of his opponent. (ac 30 for 15+2 shock, threat ac29 crit ac 23 for 11+10+2 dam hasted attack ac 29 for 10+3 = 53 total)

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted  d20+15=27 d10+20=27
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 4:45:46 AM

Val really wants to engage the elemental but there are plenty of Wildcards around it and she can't leave Appolo to face two opponents. WIth only a moments hesitation she turns and heads back away from the elemental.

"Melonie with me." Val says. Because of the magical speed, Val quickly reaches QF! and bashes him with her heavy flail.

ooc: hit ac 27 for 27 damage

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 11 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 4:50:17 AM

Melonie moves with Val, away from the main battle without hesitation. Her eyes constantly look to the balconies surrounding the street for anybody that might be trying to ambush Val. Despite the violence all around them Melonie felt better than she had just a moment ago. She was with Val and could protect her now.

"Right behind you."

DM Jim: Supplimental 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 10:43:04 AM

Rigging stated that he was attempting to blink into the nearest building, which I will let him do. It is the one that Quinn is also attempting to enter. The Monk saw the direction Rigging was heading while he blinked and tumbled the same direction and entered through a window as he did roll a 46 for tumble (natural 20).

All else is the same, except that the melee has moved inside the Inn. I will adjust my map after I post next later tonight.

Rigging ac 18 34/70 hp  4d4(2+4+3+3)+4=16 d100=93
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 7:47:51 PM

Rigging in pain and frustration sneers at the cocky monk. "You have know idea about my tricks. That is why I have killed some many Ga'alian priests and why I will eventually wear your teeth as a necklace."

Rigging then blinks up ten feet to the next floor. Once he gets there, he will look at the window, (if there is one) and then using the window as cover, send a magic missile towards Qr2
getting some revenge for the quarrel from before. He does 16 points of damage and makes blink roll.

Spells carried going into known combat situations: Zero Level: daze, detect magic, read magic, dancing lights.
First level: magic missile, true strike, burning hands, mage armor, shield
Second level: Detect invisibility, Cat's grace, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
Third level: haste, dispel magic, lightning bolt,
Fourth Level: Polymorph, Summon Monster 4

DM Jim: The Prey Slips Away - Combat Round 3  d20+15=20 d20+15=16 d20+15=27 d20+10=22 2d6(5+6)+6=17 2d6(6+5)+6=17 d20+9=15 d20+7=22 d20+4=13 d20+1=19 d4+2=5 d4=4 d20+10=30 d20+10=19 d20+10=19 d8+7=10 d8=6 d20+13=20 d20+13=15 d20+13=32 2d8(1+7)+7=15 d20+6=22 d20+6=23 d20+6=9 6d6(4+2+5+6+4+5)=26 d20+9=23 d4=3 d100=77 d100=100
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 8:38:02 PM

OOC: Bart is down 20 more hit points for the -4 con. Ashira took 6 damage from the bolt last round.

Ashira's wind wall encircles most of the combatants and works just as she had hoped, Mother must be smiling on her now.

The enemy monk performs some wonderful maneuvers and follows Rigging into the inn, by finishing his tumble and launching himself through the open window one of his cross bow people were using.

OOC: Because of my misintrepretation of Riggings post, I will have Jager also fly through the window in pursuit and still strike the monk, no roll required.

The sight of the new entries into the inn sends the two waiters who were cowering in the back out the back door in a flash, leaving two monks an assassin and Quinn.

The frustrated monk curses his luck "Slimy Codfish, I will get my hooks in you yet." The Monk looks at Jager and adds. "You are now my whipping boy." and he launches into a furious attack with feet and hand (still holding the hand axe).

AC 20, miss
AC 16, miss
AC 27, hit for 17 damage
AC 22, ?? for 17 damage

The monk is AC 31 to Jager.

The assassin drops her crossbow (free action) and pulls two daggers to meet Quinn.

OOC: Jager to roll a DC 15 spot check to notice one dagger as an assassin daggers similar to Appolo's

The female assassin draws blood twice, but they are not major wounds (9 total damage). Quinn swings at the assassin and lands a solid blow with his long sword (almost critical) for 10 damage and it hurt, but misses with the backswing. The assassin is wearing gloves.

Val and Appolo fell the retreating warriors with Melonie is hot pursuit.

Bart wreaks havoc on the elemental, but it still stands. John even knocks some rocks off of it.

Mary does get the elemental attention( AID ANOTHER SUCESSFUL), but the rocky stare holds much malice for Bart.

AoO on Ashira

AC 20, the hastilly thrown fist crushes air over Ashria's head.

Bart in not so lucky

AC 15, miss
AC 32, hit for 15 damage.

Nezamil administers the cou de grace to the half orc warrior and Kirk claims his great axe and holds it over his head. "We got him big guy!"

The cleric sees the fireball heading toward him and makes a small ball out of himself as it explodes (save 22)and takes only minor damage (4 hp).

The ga'allian priest scans the battlefield and concentrates on Mykael and yells flee. (Command DC 15 will save.)

The Harpy seems very concerned with the giant that just bashed his friends brains in and casts empowered scorching ray.

Ac 23 solid hit for 26 damage. (77% for wind wall)
AC 9 miss as it burns a hole in the street at Nezamil's feet.

Cantera yells at Hal and Kirk "Quit celebrating and get moving." as he throws another dagger at the cleric.

AC 23, hit for 5 damage

Rigging hits the assassin across the street with a magic missile and she retreats back into the room and out of sight.

Swirl reaches out to Rigging and asks again. "What do you want me to do?"

The one surviving warrior that engaged Bart can be heard running down the street still.

The assassin on the rooftop just looks at the windwall in disgust after firing a bolt that is sent skyward and moves back over the peak and out of sight. The female assassins long blond hair can be seen whipping in the wind.

Ashira AC28 (HP97/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+13=23 d20+8=20 d20+13=22 d20+5=11 d20+13=26 d8+5=7 d8+5=11 d6+3=5 d8+5=10
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 11:11:26 PM

Smiling at the success of her spell, Ashira once more thanks Mother. Then she turns to business...anxious to get this mound of earth out of here so they can finish up business with the Quad. Her arms moving in a blur, Ashira dishes out a full attack, hacking furiously at the wannabe mountain (AC23 for 7, AC20 for 11, AC22 for 5, AC26 for 10--- 33dam. total). "Hey, ugly...over here!!" she taunts as she attempts to relieve the pressure on Bart.

Mary (AC19, HP14/14, Barkskin +3, Combat Expertise +2) and John (AC16, HP24/24)  d20+2=22 d20+3=17 d20+3=6
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 11:36:33 PM

Mary watches Bart and Ashira's attacks with amazement. "Yeah, go get him!!" she shouts enthusiastically. The success of her last effort bolsters her confidence, and she thrusts toward the elemental once more trying to distract him from Ashira (Aid Another=22--success, so +2AC to Ashira on next attack from elemental). She smiles as John dings the elemental and laughs "What are you trying to do...dust that thing??"

John frowns at Mary's comment. In an effort to prove his worth, he fires off two arrows at the creature in rapid succession...and both bounce harmlessly off the walking rock. "Yeah, like you're doing a whole lot over there...I haven't seen you hit that thing once!" he retorts as he reaches for more arrows.

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 63/71 Haste  d20+5=10 3d8(8+1+7)+9=25
Thursday January 19th, 2006 12:55:56 AM

Nezamil staggers under the force of the fiery ray and looks about for the culprit (d20+5=10 spot ch) " come on down ya mangy mutt " growls the giant dwarf to the harpy " i got something for ya " as Nezamil raises his bloodied mace high over his head [b]

With a look around for the two brothers " good work guys " adds the dwarf with a grin "lets go help the others"

Nezamil leads the trio over to near Bart and Ashira " be careful fellows that earthy beast can crush ya with a single blow ....just cover my back ....teamwork fellas"

Eyeing the large earthy beast the giant dwarf takes its measure " that must hurt " grimaces Nezamil as he watches it strike Bart and with that thought the Cleric touches his anvil holy symbol " Domi heal thy disciple " prays Nezamil as he casts CSW spontanously (3d8+9=25 cured) on himself(replacing waterwalk)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43  d20+4=24
Thursday January 19th, 2006 1:02:14 AM

"Good going bro " cheers Hal to Kirk " stay close "

Kirk follows Nezamil with a big grin as he walks with a weapon in each hand while his brother Hal walsk a step behind and looking backwards(d20+4=24 spot ch nat 20!!!) covering the trio's backside as they head towards the battle with the earth elemental

Jagar Ac 28(29vs monk) Hp 37/71 combat expertise +5  d20+6=26 d20+6=10 d10+3=12
Thursday January 19th, 2006 1:13:48 AM

" this guy is lightning quick " that thought runs thru the monks head " gotta be defensive here and hold him off the Captain "

Fighting defensivly(+2 ac) the fleetfooted monk throws a round house kick hoping to back off the axe wielding monk and surprises himself by landing a solid blow (d20+6=26 nat 20!!)(thats two in a row !!)(no crit)(d10+3=12 damage)

"ha! we'll see who the whipping boy is " taunts Jagar with a smirk

Bart Ac24 hp 24/71 (hasted)  d20+15=32 d20+15=16 d20+15=35 d20+15=34 d20+10=24 d10+9=14 d6=1 d10+9=13 d10+9=19 d6=5 d10+9=17 d6=1 2d8(6+1)+6=13
Thursday January 19th, 2006 3:48:33 AM

The heavily bruised fighter makes an series of attacks on the piece of dirt before him "GET THIS AND GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG" (threat ac32 crit? ac 16 for 14+1 another threat (nat 20) crit ac 34 for 13+19+5 his final blow hits the elemental as well (ac 24 for 17+1) = 70 dam total)
(in case the elemental is finished earlier by the attack of ashira and/or his first attack he retrieves an potion of cure moderate and gulps it down heal 13)

Thursday January 19th, 2006 3:57:31 AM

Appolo looks at Valanthe"Ok vome on sunshine let's go help Rigging he's over there in that building."Appolo the activates his tatto{Haste}Suddenly feeling faster he goes invisible and takes off toward the building he saw Rigging and Jager head into."Cpme."he says as vanishes and rushes off.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible Haste 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 3:58:44 AM

Sorry forgot to do this in last post.

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 5:28:52 AM

Seeing how this double Quad is fairing, Val wonders when the real trap will spring. Never have they been so easy to handle. Normally Val was all for rushing off into the middle of combat but now she had Melonie to look after. The girl was spirited and reckless. She reminded Val much of herself and that's why she worried.

"Melonie stay put." Val said and saw the look in her eyes and the way she held her spear. "I mean it. I will be fine. Just trust me." Val adds and runs off after Appolo

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 15 (total defense) 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 5:32:05 AM

Melonie wanted to follow Val and almost did. There was danger all around and if she was there she might see something that Val doesn't. While not happy about being left behind Melonie stays put and concentrates on defense.

"This sucks." she says to nobody in particular.

Rigging ac 19 hps 49/70  2d8(5+7)+3=15 d20-2=15
Thursday January 19th, 2006 7:40:37 AM

Rigging pulls out a potion and drinks it down feeling some of his wounds close over.

He says to Swirl, try and knock one of the quad members off the roof if possible.

Swirl darts on the angle to get behind the QR1 and then tries to bullrush him off the roof. He hits him in the back pushing him off the roof.

Gave Swirl +2 on his str of 14 and took 10 for the defender. Unless the rogue has 20 str he should go off the roof.

Bull Rush
You can make a bull rush as a standard action (an attack) or as part of a charge. When you make a bull rush, you attempt to push an opponent straight back instead of damaging him. You can only bull rush an opponent who is one size category larger than you, the same size, or smaller.

Initiating a Bull Rush
First, you move into the defender¹s space. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Second, you make a Strength check against the defender's Bull Rush DC.

Add a -4 non-prof penalty unless you are a Duelist, Hand of Domi, or a Monk.
Add a +4 bonus instead of the -4 non-prof penalty if you have the Improved Bull Rush feat
Add a +4 bonus for each size category you are larger than Medium or a -4 penalty for each size category you are smaller than Medium.
Add a +2 bonus if you are charging.
The defender¹s DC is 10 plus Str bonus plus the size modifier listed above. The defender also gains a +4 bonus to the DC if he has more than two legs or is otherwise exceptionally stable.

Bull Rush Results
Note that your bull rush attack fails on a roll of a natural 1, 2, or 3. If you beat (not tie) the defender¹s Bull Rush DC, you push him back 5 feet. If you wish to move with the defender, you can push him back an additional 5 feet for each 5 points by which your check result is greater than the defender¹s DC. You can¹t, however, exceed your normal movement limit. (Note: The defender provokes attacks of opportunity if he is moved. So do you, if you move with him. The two of you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from each other, however.)

If you fail to roll above the defender¹s DC, you move 5 feet straight back to where you were before you moved into his space (defender wins ties). If that space is occupied, you fall prone in that space.

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20=13
Thursday January 19th, 2006 10:36:11 AM

Mykael shakes off the Cleric's magical attack (d20=13)(i don't know Mykaels bonus's but i'm sure he gets at least +2 ) with a grin up at the floating Cleric " thats all you got " replies Mykael as he moves up the street trailing the rest of the Wildcards keeping their rearguard protected

posted by Chris

DM Jim: Falling Down in different ways  d20+15=33 d20+15=34 d20+15=19 d20+11=30 2d6(4+4)+6=14 2d6(2+3)+6=11 2d6(6+2)+6=14 d20+11=18 d20+5=15 d20+15=17 d100=59 d20+6=21 d20+6=17 4d6(1+5+5+3)=14 4d6(5+2+1+1)=9
Thursday January 19th, 2006 4:13:23 PM

The monk sees his female assassin take a nasty hit from Quinn and sees Appolo and Val racing for the doorway and yells out. "Take off, I can easily handle these four. Plan C, Action 3, Go!"

The rouge withdraws from Quinn as the monk lashes out at Jager, but moves 5 feet to block pursuit of the assassin.

The monk lands three solid blows, two kicks and a punch.

AC 33, hit for 14
AC 34, hit for 11
AC 19, miss
AC 30, hit for 14

THe monk is AC 31 to Jager and 30 to all others and is still holding his hand axe.

Quinn steps up to engage the monk and help the slumping Jager. Jager falls to the floor at the monks feet. "Next!" the monk calls out.

AC 18, miss - Quinn leaps in with a slash, but the monk easily sidesteps.

OOC: Val and Appolo can enter and engage the monk, but only one attack, not counting haste.

Ashira pounds the earth elemental and rock flies in all directions. John's arrows bounce off the earthen monster. Barts first slash sends the beast back to its plane and rubble falls down around the heros. Bart takes a much needed potion and feels a bit better.

Mykael enters the wind wall and approaches Ashria and Bart.

Swirl moves to knock off the assassin attempting to get off the roof. There is a rope ladder hanging off the back side of the building. Swirl pushes her off the roof, but she is able to react and attempt to grab onto the rope and is sucessful afer a short fall, thank goodness she is wearing gloves. The assassin drops down to the street in the back of the building and it is not pretty (tumble 17).

Swirl comes around the roof and for another target and feels a nasty pull to go home.

Dismissal DC 20 save or be forced back to the elemental plane of air (59). Swirl is resisting the pull as it will leave Rigging alone with Ashria, but the pull of home is great.

OOC: George you can roll his save. Unfortunately, Swirl has no hero points.

The Cleric scrambles ontop of the roof across the street. The one he was levetating next to.

The Harpy flys next to the wind wall and launches two scorching rays at Bart.

AC 21 for 14
AC 17 for 9

Bart is smoking and barely on his feet. The harpy seems disgusted that Bart is still standing. "Will you just die already!" It screams.

Amazingly, after the initial attack, Rigging is left alone. Rigging can only see the cleric on the opposite roof as his only opponent.

Rigging ac 19  d20+5=25 7d6(5+5+3+4+6+3+6)+5=37 d100=82 2d6(3+6)=9
Thursday January 19th, 2006 8:33:18 PM

OOC Jim, I am really confused to where everyone is. Would it be possible to update the map?

Swirl feels the dismissal and then feels his connection to Rigging. He feels the love and respect and decides that this puny spell can not sever thier tie. He easily makes his saving throw. (Natural 20! wooo hooo)

Since Rigging can only see one opponent and feels that this very bad man has attacked his friend and familiar, he decides to chastise him a little. He throws a lightning bolt at the pesky man. DC 17 reflex save take 32 or 16 points of damage. (ooc had the plus 5 left over from the fort save. Made the blink.

Swirl is also upset with this attack and decides to make someone pay. He turns into a whirlwind and darts over to the cleric his master just bolted. He hits the cleric and tries to pick him up. Cleric needs to make 2 Reflex saves dc 16. If it fails the first, it takes 9 points of damage. If it fails the second, it is in the whirlwind. If it is caught in the whirlwind, Swirl will fly straight up gaining 40' of height. (Jim not really sure how tall the whirlwind is but would guess around 20')

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d100=49 3d4(2+3+3)+3=11
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:27:36 AM

OOC: not sure why the Cleric only took 4 of 24 damage from my Fireball, should have been half with the save.

Mykael sees the rays coming from the Harpy, he turns and looses Magic Missles his way.

(made spell failure = 49%)
(11 damage)

DM Jim: Very interesting on why he took much less damaging, isnt it.......

Jagar Ac 21 Hp -2/71 
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:53:58 AM

The Monk falls to the floor of the inn , his body battered and bruised from the axe wielding monks onslaught stains the floor red as blood flows from his wounds

Ashira AC28 (HP97/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+12=30 d20+11=30 d8+7=8
Friday January 20th, 2006 1:18:46 AM

Ashira takes a quick look around the battlefield and spots the fleeing cowards (Spot=30). Looking over at Mary and John, Ashira murmurs hold tight...I think this is going to get their attention. "Look...look at the splender of Ga'al!" she screams out to the townspeople hiding in the nearby buildings. "Look at how his mighty Quad's masterwork ambush has worked out. Watch as Ga'al's pride and joy cowardly slink back into the rat holes that they came from!!" Sheathing her swords, she pulls a bow from her back and notches an arrow. She holds the action, carefully watching the cleric (hold action). As soon as he begins to cast, or should he continue his retreat, she lets it fly toward the cleric, smiling as it flies true (AC30 for 8...an additional +4 for favored enemy).

OOC: If cleric casts, they need a Concentration check DC 18 or lose spell.

Mary (AC21, HP14/14, Barkskin +3, Total Defense +4) and John (AC16, HP24/24)  d20+3=12 d20+3=13
Friday January 20th, 2006 1:31:28 AM

Mary looks over at Ashira with fear in her eyes. "I sure hope you know what your doing..."she whispers as she goes back on total defense.

John, however, chuckles at Ashira's tirade. "Women...so much talk..." He levels his bow in the direction of the fighter down at the other end of the combat and fires off a few arrows. Once more, the arrows do little good, skittering harmlessly past the retreating warrior.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible Haste  d20+14=32 d20+14=23 d10+4=6 d10+15=18
Friday January 20th, 2006 4:07:39 AM

Appolo rushes in and swings twice at the ax weilder.Connecting once with his longsword,He then steps back going invisible once again.Continuing to move as silent as possible.

DM Jim: Appolo can not go invisible or move silent until next round. Appolo can not attack and move silent at the same time either.

Bart Ac24 hp 37/71 (hasted) 
Friday January 20th, 2006 4:36:36 AM

Bart pulls one of the orbs from his necklace and throws it at the harpy when he is in sight

Bart  d20+13=30 3d6(2+5+3)=10
Friday January 20th, 2006 4:42:23 AM

ooc to early

(necklace of missiles) didn't know if i must made a to hit roll (hit ac 30) for 10
Luckily enough the rays didn't get a grip on Bart

DM Jim: Bart was hit by both rays as they are range touch attacks. Bart is at 1 hp.

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted  d20+12=27 d10+26=30
Friday January 20th, 2006 9:58:57 AM

With her advanced speed Val quickly closed on the hand axe assassin (QM). Her incredible strength allows her to handle the heavy flail with an ease that one of her size should not be able to manage. Her feet dig into the floor stopping her momentum just before she would have barrelled into the assassin. Using the momentum Val whips the flail around and into the assassin with a thunderous crash.

ooc: power attack -8 to hit/ +16 to damange. Hit ac 27 for 30 damage.

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 15 (total defense) 
Friday January 20th, 2006 10:01:37 AM

Melonie looks at the Quad member before her and wants to strike out with her spear. In her mind she plays out the scenario. One in which left her victorious but her body didn't move. She stood there, spear poised and ready to defend herself if need be.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 63/71  3d8(8+6+7)+9=30
Friday January 20th, 2006 11:40:06 AM

The 14 ft dwarf smiles as the earthy beast shatters from the blows of Bart and Ashira

" yeah " shouts Nezamil

His smiles fades a little as he see's how hurt the big warrior is " hold on Bart let me help ya feel a little better "

Stepping next to Bart the giant sized dwarf touches his friends shoulder " Domi heal this couragous soul " prays Nezamil

Suddenly Bart feels the flow of healing energy surge thru his body (3d8(8+6+7)+9=30)

(sponatanously casting CSW in place of blindness/deafness)
Bart gains 30 life

DM Jim: Consolidation of Forces  d20+5=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=17 d20+6=13 6d4(4+4+2+4+2+2)=18 d20+10=25 d20+10=12 d20+10=29 d20+7=23 2d6(3+3)+6=12 2d6(3+3)+6=12 d6+8=14 d20+13=25 d20+7=23
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:46:47 PM

Swirl maintains his bond to Rigging with great effort and is not sent back to the elemental plane of air. Rigging retaliates and send a lighting bolt at the cleric. The cleric instintivly doges most of the bolt and the rest is absorbed by some form of magic. "The cleric laughs. "That tickled." but has to busy himself with ducking the Whirlwind that is Swirl. Ashira nails the cleric with an arrow and he cleric retreats over the peak of the roof and out of sight and can be heard saying "I will be back for my artifact." Swirl beams back to Rigging. "He jumped."

People screaming in anger can ge heard from the street that Swirl is hovering over and light objects can be seen to be sucked up and through Swirl.

The three female crossbow assassins are nowhere to be seen. Roll DC 15 int check to remember something familiar about them.

Cantera shouts curses at the cleric as he is out of view and kicks the ground and then scans the area for his friend Quinn. Cantera picks up his daggers and forces his way through the wind wall to meet the Wildcards and comments "Where is everyone else?".

Nezamil cures the much damaged Bart as he hurls the fireball bead at the harpy and it takes the full brunt of the blast. The Harpy flys back from the group and starts to lose altitude, by design, and launches an empowered magic missile at Bart. Six missiles strike Bart and do 18 points of damage. The Harpy sinks out of sight and behind the building.

Rigging can see no foes from his window, but does see Bart throw the bead and it explosion, followed by the six missiles streaking in to strike Bart. Rigging could reach out and touch Ashira's wind wall from his window perch.

Val made a mighty swing but missed the monk (AC 30 last round) and smashed floorboards instead, sending splinters flying.

The monk seems very unhappy being stabbed by the now visible Appolo and takes a deep breath and most of his wounds heal and then launches into an attack on Appolo, but is much more defensive (combat expertise +5 to AC/-5 to hit).

Monk AC 35 to Appolo/Quinn and 36 to Val.

AC 25, hit with a side kick to the ribs for 12 damage
AC 12, miss with a punch to the face
AC 29, hit with a round house kick to the leg for 12 damage
AC 23, hit with hand axe for 14 damage a nasty swipe across the midsection.

total damage 38

The monk looks at Val and comments in a very even tone. "Be with you in a second sweetcheeks."

Quinn slashes with his long sword and get close to the monk, but he ducks both blows.

AC 25, miss
AC 23, miss

Bart ooc 
Friday January 20th, 2006 2:13:08 PM

Jim how can Bart be hit by a range touch attack when his ac = 24 and the attack rolls are 21 and 17
bart hp 37+30 (thanks nez)= 51 max (due to temp con loss) -17 (harpy)=34
or 37-23(harpy)+30=44-17=27

DM Jim: Range touch attack does not count armor, just 10 + Dex + deflection bonus if any.
10 + 3 (dex) + less than 5 defelction bonus = two hits.

Jagar -2/71  d100=1
Friday January 20th, 2006 6:30:16 PM

Jagar's battered body lies motionless blood slowly seeping onto the floor from the axe wielding Monks fists

d100=1% wow made his stablizing roll!!

Ashira AC28 (HP97/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+2=8
Saturday January 21st, 2006 6:23:18 AM

Ashira watches as the cowards of Ga'al slink away, licking their wounds. "Run cowards run!" she yells at their retreating forms. "And next time we won't take it easy on you."

Ashira looks over at Mary and John and smiles. "You guys did great!! What do you say we go check in on Rigging?" She check in on Bart and sees that he's injured but ok. "Bart, Nezamil would you guys cover our backs? I'm going to check on Rigging, but I want to make sure that no one sneaks up on us..." she looks up at the giagantic dwarf and chuckles. "Though I can't imagine anyone sneaking up on you..."

Ashira heads over to the Inn and spots Apollo and the others around some monk. Moving into the building, Ashira moves in trying to move into an attacking position for next round...Mary and John hot on her heels.

Saturday January 21st, 2006 9:22:32 AM

OOC Jim, please explain the clerics moves. I understood him to be levitating 20' above the ground. Was this the case? Also can Swirl see him?

DM Jim: Two rounds ago the cleric levtated. Last round he climbed on the roof. This round he moved across the peak of the roof and jumped. The cleric is out of Swirls sight, barely. Swirl just needs to move forward 10 feet to see into the street below as he is over the house right now.

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted  d20+20=39 d20+20=36 d20+20=24 d20+15=21 2d10(5+1)+20=26
Saturday January 21st, 2006 11:12:55 AM

Val watched the agile monk dance away from her vicious attack. This was a different opponent for her, a more dangerous one. Most opponents misjudged the strength she had or the damage she could do. It was one of her biggest advantages. Gripping the heavy flail tightly in both hands, Val measures her opponent carefully this time. Waiting for an opening, her arms move in a blur thanks to the magic enhancing her movements. The flail whips quickly and with devistating effect.

ooc: crit hit ac 36 to confirm for 26 damage

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 21 Invisible Haste  3d8(5+3+7)+4=19
Saturday January 21st, 2006 6:39:37 PM

Appolo looks at Quin.'QUIN get Jager out od here.We'll cover you."Seeing Ashira arrive,he takes a step back spitting some blood"This appears to be the leader and thier not running jus reforming for another attack some where.Heard him mention something about another plan."He then goes invisible and takes a cure moderate wounds potion from his pack.His last one and drinks it.{19 points healed.}He continues to move silently and away from the ax weilding monk.LOoking to flank him and back stab him.

Saturday January 21st, 2006 10:15:18 PM

ooc Jim, I posted the question on the rules board and the response I got was the monk ablitiy to cure himself is a supernatural ablility. That is a standard action. You can't both cure and attack at the same time.

It would have been sweet if you could but I don't play my monk that way.

DM Jim: We posted the question months ago for Jager and it came back as a free action and that is the way Jager has been playing it and will continue to do so.

Bart Ac 24 (=1 to Monk) hp 27/71(haste)  d20+16=36 d20+16=33 d10+9=19 d10+9=13 d6=4
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 4:54:16 PM

Bart sees the Monk fighting before him he is amazed by his skill this is a very good fighter not sure if he can make a good fight directly to this foe Bart makes an springattack towards him making sure he is in the back or flank of the monk he hits the monk with al his might and yes Domi is with him again (threat ac 36 crit ac 32 for 19+13+4=36) after this hit he jumps away from him making sure there is a big gap between them

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20+4=8 d20+1=15
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 8:26:55 PM

Mykael takes off around to the south of the building that the cleric when behind, he moves quickly through the alley, stopping short before the opening.

He peeks around the corner to take a look at who, what, when, and where.

(Spot = 8, Listen = 15)

OOC: Last round Mykael sent Magic Missles at the Harpy for 11 damage, that wasnt noted in the DM post.

Rigging  d20+7=20 d20+12=31
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 10:33:14 PM

Swirl transforms back to his normal form and zips over to the cleric and attacks trying to grapple the cleric. He rolls a touch attack of 20 and his grapple roll is a 31. (not sure how to calculate his damage)

Rigging casts polymorph on himself and also transforms into a air elemental. He quickly joins his friend and is pleased to see Swirl causing the cleric such trouble. He lands nearby and resumes his own form but with slightly longer ears.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 63/71 haste  d20+5=19 d20+1=18
Monday January 23rd, 2006 12:45:53 AM

After healing Bart the giant sized dwarf watches as he heads into the inn after the axe wielding monk " take a healing potion if ya have one " barks Nezamil after Bart

"hahaha yeah i'm hoping one of them sneak up on me " grins Nezamil savagely " right i'll stay here on cover ya backs here "

"Hal.....Kirk gather up any of their gear and search the bodies growls Nezamil to the brothers " i want as much info as we can get on them "

Out of a corner of his eye Nezamil spots (d20+5=19 spot ch) Mykael ducking into the alley " he shouldn't be heading out alone"

With a look around the street for signs of danger the dwarf strides confidently over to the entrance of the alley(but doesn't enter)and does double duty on watching the street and door of the inn while following Mykaels progress down the alley

All the while the dwarf has a nagging suspicion (d20+1=18 Int Dc check) about the snipers

remember Mykael hasted several members please peek back and check if your on his list

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 12:50:45 AM

" you got it big guy " replies Hal

" c'mon bro lets go "

Hal and Kirk confiscate any weapons from the dead and search their bodies and pockets throughly for anything of value

All the while Hal and Kirk go about their business they stay alert for another ambush

Quad loot Part One

DM Jim: Retreat and Reform.........end of Combat, for now......  d20+14=26
Monday January 23rd, 2006 12:26:44 PM

From last turn, the Harpy was hit my Mykael's three magic missiles.


Appolo feels the pounding that the monk gave him and decides that it is better to retreat and drink a potion. Val on the other hand smacks the monk hard and he grunts from the pain. The monk sees Ashria, Mary and John enter the inn and comments to Val "I will not underestimate you again and tell Blue that I will be back to gut her codfish, soon, real soon." The monk then steps into a crack of light and dissapears with a pop.

Quinn curses at the monk. "We had you!"

Swirl leaps on the Cleric just as he lands softly in the street. People are running away from the air elemental and the street is a wash is flying debris from his wirlwind. Rigging tansforms into an air elemental and follows his friend over the building and watches Swirl toss the cleric within him. The cleric clearly does not look happy and is growling before he yells at Swirl "I will be back for you Windy; to kill you or send you home." Rigging and Swirl then hear one word they do not understand and the cleric vanishes with a pop and Swirl is holding nothing. (Rolled concentration check, 26, even though I do not think it applies)

Mykael turns the corner to see to air elemental looking at one another.

Nezamil, Hal and Kirk search the bodies of the fallen and discover:

Half Orc:

Very nice stuff

long Bow
Mithyrl shirt
3 potions
great axe
2 throwing axes
quiver and arrows


200 gp
200 pp
100 saphires

4 Dead human warriors

Long swords
large steel shields
Chain shirts
2 potions each


200 gp x 4
20 pp x 4
10 saphires

Hal and Kirk start singing "We're in the Money." It takes several minutes to find all the gear and money.

Cantera just looks at the brothers and shakes his head. "Its like they have never seen money before." Cantera looks at Nezamil "How much do you pay your crew?"

Rigging hps 59/70  d20+6=18 d20+6=25 d20+6=25 d20+12=24
Monday January 23rd, 2006 6:27:44 PM

Rigging curses as the cleric word of recalls away. (ooc Jim technically Swirl gets an AOO since Word of Recall is standard action. If he hit, then the cleric would have had to made a concentration check. Since I doubt the cleric was very close to death, it really doesn't matter.)

Rigging and Swirl quickly fly back to the others and make sure everyone is ok. He converts back to his normal form, ending the polymorph and heals some of his wounds. He will burn a charge off his wand of detect magic to see if anything is magic and have every item picked up.

Rigging then bends over in pain as the poisons fly through his system. He seems to be able to fight off the effects though and is soon standing upright again. (Made all three fort saves)

Rigging looks at his old and new friends and says, "Good fight everyone. Lets get cleaned up and go see the govenors."

He looks at Val and smiles weakly, "This is one of the disadvantages of being Captain. You walk around with a big bullseye on your back. These people really don't like me. This is the second time they have shot me full of holes in the last couple of weeks."

Once everything is collected, Rigging will lead off towards the Govenors' house keeping a eye on windows, roofs but mainly shadows. spot 12

DM Jim: Magic 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 7:23:16 PM

The Mithyrl shirt, potions, 15 arrow, great axe.

Upon closer inspection, all of the weapons and armor (not magic) are masterwork.

The saphires will take a bit more time to inspect.....

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 63/71 haste 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 11:43:34 PM

" Hahahaha yeah don't worry they've seen money aplenty.....working on that riverboat with gambling " laughs Nezamil heartily " good pay indeed "

Nezamil collects all the loot " hey guys stuff it all in my backpack " adds the giant dwarf as he kneels down to allow Hal and Kirk to fill it up with the new found loot

With a look at the recent additions " Ashira ....Val you friends need anything ?" inquires the hugh dwarf as the bash brothers start stuffing his backpack

Once sorted out Nezamil heads off after Captain Rigging to the Governors residence

Monday January 23rd, 2006 11:47:43 PM

The ranger sighs as the prey slips away. Another time. And next time they wouldn't be so lucky. She smiles at the Bash brother's antics and looks over at Mary and John. "If you guys need any of this stuff, go ahead and take it...we'll iron out the split after we all get back to the ship."

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 11:48:26 PM

Hal and Kirk start stuffing the giant sized dwarfs backpack with the newly aquired gear

"Jeez you can fit a lot of stuff in that thing " laughs Hal

" hey maybe we could get a keg of ale ?? " suggests kirk to his brother as they both crack up laughing hard

Jagar -2/71 Hp stablized 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 11:55:12 PM

The monk lies on the blood splattered floor of the inn breathing shallowly

Mary and John 
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 12:00:13 AM

Mary looks over at the huge pile of loot, her eyes round as saucers. Her new equipment was nice, but geez...all that stuff! "I guess I'm ok for now." she says as she smiles at Ashira. Then a frown forms on her face. "Where's Jagar?!" she calls out, close to panic. She darts back into the last place that she saw the monk and sees him lying on the floor. "Ashira!!! Jagar needs some help!!" she calls out despirately as she begins dragging Jagar's body outside the Inn.

John on the other hand, makes no hesitations. He quickly grabs up the arrows, the shield, and then the throwing axes. "I'll take these." he says. "Never can be too prepared." he adds with a wink at Ashira. As they head out, John turns to his fellow ranger, his tone serious. "I thought you said Quads were tough...those lizard things in the valley were way worse than them. Unless they were just testing us out. Still, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for next time." John boasts as he twirls his longsword. His first couple of tosses are expertly timed, but he misses his third, and the sword clangs noisily on the street. John blushes a bright red as he stoops to retrieve his sword, but his manner changes instantly as he hears Mary's call. "Hold on Mary, I'm coming to help!" he shouts as he heads back into the Inn and helps her drags Jagar out.

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20+4=12 d20+1=10
Tuesday January 24th, 2006 1:01:40 AM

Mykael curses under his breath as he sees the cleric escape. He turns and heads back down the alley to the main street.

He keeps watch over the group as they loot and care for Jagar. The follows quietly behind the group looking in every window, on every roof top, in every shadow, and in the sky.

(spot = 12, listen = 10)

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 2:34:25 AM

As the others head back out into the street Appolo becomes visible again and walks over to Jager.He picks up his firend and carries him out as Mary and John come in"Het Nezamil.Jager here needs your attention.He's hurt real bad."
Appolo says this as he carries the monk toward Nezamil.

Once he gets a chance to look over the good he'll give John the longbow as well.

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 3:02:10 AM

Ohw that was a close one. I wonder of this is the same group that nicked the Nauticolos, they where after an artifact maybe the wayfinder. Luckily whe survived and we get some treasure as well but i would all trade it in for the Nauticoulos. I wonder wihat kind of enchantments are placed on the mithrilshirt. Maybe i can use it instead of my own

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 10:43:36 AM

"No thanks Nezamil. I just ordered Melonie some equipment from the Catacombs with most of it magical." Val said and looked at Melonie with a smile. The hardened barbarian felt joy at the sight of her friends excitement.

After making sure Melonie is alright Val walks over to Rigging, still smiling. "Better not drink anything. You might spring a leak. Seriously though I know the risks of the job. I have this sixth sense about danger. I often react to situations I shouldn't be aware of." Val steps closer and speaks softly. "I might not be perfect for the job but I want to try. If you love Ashira, if you want to help her you will step down and let somebody else do the job. She needs you more than she will ever admit. She needed you before the incident in the valley and well we don't see eye to eye anymore. Though I expected that. Which is why you need to stay by her side at all times. Some alone time would greatly help too. Just something to think about."

Val steps back and takes a slow walk around the perimiter while Jager is being attended to. Her circut takes her back to Appolo where she slips her hand in his.

"You okay Appolo? I was worried for a bit back there. That monk was quicker than I thought. Can we talk later?" She asked softly.

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 10:51:26 AM

Melonie was thinking about taking some of that gear until Val said something. The fact that Val spent her own gold to buy her quality gear meant a lot to Melonie. She knew that staying with Val. That following her out of her old wrecked life and into a new one was the right thing to do. Still at times she was a bit uncomfortable when Val wasn't close. The Wildcards were a close knit group and seemed to know just what to do. Melonie didn't feel like part of the group. There was still turmoil over the incident in the valley. Taking a deep breath she walked over to Mary.

"That was pretty intense back there."

Tuesday January 24th, 2006 11:42:21 PM

Mary, still stooped over Jagar, looks up at Melonie, fear in her eyes. "Yeah, a little too intense for Jagar! Could you get that cleric guy over here to look at him? He's still breathing, but he won't wake up."

Once Nezamil is tending to Jagar's needs, Mary's mood lightens noticeably. "Yeah! That's the first real fight I've ever been in...did you see that thing that Ashira and Bart were fighting?! I tell you, I was shaking in my boots when we got near it." Mary chuckles lightheartedly, the adrenaline of the fight making her giddy and helping her to forget the fight with Melonie in the Valley. Mary looks at Val's new equipment and her own, newly shining equipment and armor. "You know, I never dreamed I would be doing this...but just look at me." She looks over longingly at Bart. "I've been thinking...I want to be like him one day...do you think maybe he would train us? That'd be great. Just think of how much we can help out if we've been trained by a guy like him!"

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 12:37:46 AM

Appolo over hears Melonie and Mary's conversation"Actually ladies you don't want to be like any of us.We're killers of men pure and simple.Death is how we make our living.You should just go find some nice normal guy settle down have children raise them right.I'm only 17 and have already killed perhaps 2 dozen men and women.Benn in several major battles and watched my firends die more then once.My declared enemies include gods.So no you don't want to be like us.We hunt and are hunted..Ahira has been killed twice,heartseeded and is now at odds with one she once considered her siister.She is also partially estranged from her husband.So my advice is to run as far away from us as you can.Death doesn't just follow us it has bedome part of us.We can't even walk down mainstreet at highnoon with being attacked.We will probablly be attacked agian very soon our principle enemies in that fight weren't even scrathed and left becuase they wanted to,not because of us."He says his pice then carries Jager over to Nezamil."Hey buddy want to help Jager out."

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 7:21:06 AM

ooc Appolo is only 17? How old was he when he joined the swords? Twelve?

William ooc 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 7:28:36 AM

Bart joined the swords at the same time as appollo just before the age of 13 which was the age youngsters where hartseeded in Ailthmar (i think our age is more 18-19 then 17)

DM Jim 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 8:00:24 AM

OOC: Sorry for the missed post had a 17 hour workday yesterday. I will attempt to make up over the weekend.


Bodies are searched and gear piled up. Quinn goes and takes a bit of the gold (50 gp) to hand out to the people in the area. "We apologize for the damage and inconvenience. The Guard and the Govenors always look out for the people of South Harbor." Quinn also send one of the towns fold to fetch the guard.

Cantera looks over the haul of booty and exclaims. "How do you want to split it up? equal shares for all."

Upon hearing Cantera, Hal and Kirk hoot and holler for joy.

Mary, Melonie and John give very disparaging looks to Appolo and move away from him. Melonie comments to Val. "You actually like him, with that personality. Passable in the looks department, but whenever he opens his mouth....I bet it gets him in trouble." Melonies tone softens. "That was nice what you offered to Rigging and Ashira."

Mary, John, and Melonie are all very thankful for the recent gifts from their benefactors.

Jager is brought into the street and is still not concious.

John can not pull the longbow (MW, but requires 18 str.).

Bart wonders aloud if this is the same group that stole the nautalcus and it seems very likely that it was them or some of them. The same may be true of the crossbow attack on Rigging while on board the "Elenna Queen".

Once everyone is together and the equipment stored the guard shows up and reports to Quinn. There are 12 men in mail shirts and a variety of weapons and one steps forward to report. "Sorry we are late Captain Quinn, there was a disturbance we were attending too." Quinn contemplates the information and then orders the guard to dispose of the bodies and hire a detail to clean up the street and repair any damage to the shops.

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 10:34:35 AM

Val moved away from Appolo after he said what he did. Perhaps that was all the answer that she needed. Val takes a deep breath to calm herself. Tonight she would concentrate on the events in the valley when she entered reverie. She needed to really look at what happened without the emotion of the moment getting in the way.

"He wasn't always as he is now. Sometimes he have to do things we don't want to for what we believe in. There is a price for the path we walk but if we don't then who will? You, Mary, John, and the other valley survivors know first hand what can happen to innocent people. Melonie I didn't get a chance to give you this before but I wish I had."

Val hands Melonie her latest catacombs bundle containing her new magical gear. "I'll get that spear enchanted as soon as I can. There is nothing special about the belt pouch or the pack but everybody needs one. Mary has a good idea Melonie. You two should train with Bart. Listen to what he teaches and stick together. Work with each other, spar with each other. You both did great today."

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 11:24:15 AM

Do we have a way to regain our full combat capacity very fast? I could use some healing and restoration of my constition. I think we have to track down our attackers fast. It may have been the same group that robbedus and attacked us before.

Melanie I'm more then happy to learn you some tricks, although i'm young i have seen a lot of combat. Not that i like killing people but you have to defend yourself and help others thats the way Domi told us

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 63/71 haste  d4=4 2d8(4+6)+5=15
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 4:19:06 PM

"You got it big guy " as Nezamil walks over to Bart " hold still while i cast this scroll to help you "
Nezamil pulls out a scroll and calmly releases its divine power upon bart (d4=4 restoration,lesser)(Bart gets Hp's back for his raised con)

"oh and drink this too " as he hands him a potion(cmw 2d8+9)(roll yourself ;-))

As Mary and John carry Jagar's battered body out from the inn " oh by Domi " utters the Cleric in shock and hustles over and kneels down next to Jagar and quickly fumbles a wand from a pouch " nice work in getting to him quickly adds the giant dwarf to Mary and John as he quickly activates the wand and taps the Monk (2d8(4+6)+5=15 healed)" this thing is getting weak ...not much magic left in it "

Once awake Nezamil hands him a potion (cmw) "good to see ya awake my friend , drink this " and then he helps Jagar to his feet

Overhearing the girls chatting " ya both did real well " as he smiles at their realization of what they have just been thru

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 40  2d8(2+5)+5=12 2d8(5+6)+9=20
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 4:29:27 PM

Jagar opens his eyes and the 1st thing he see's is the giant dwarf leaning over him "ahhh not the first thing i wanna see when i wake up " mutters Jagar groggily

Accepting the potion from Nezamil he greedily drinks it down (2d8(2+5)+5=12 healed cmw potion)
"that feels a little better and he his battered body heals a little more (wholeness of body 16 pts healed)

" but my head still hurts " trails off Jagar as he weakly looks up at Mary and gives a shy smile as the giant dwarf yanks him to his feet

Jagar was at -2,+15 for wand=12,+12 for potion=24,+16 for wob=40 total)

" what happened to guy i was fighting.....wow he was quick as lighning"

disregard 2nd roll was a mistake

Appolo 40/59 hp 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 4:46:52 PM

Appolo seeing Jager up and feeling better,Appolo smiles.He then walks over to Val and wraps his arms around her"Glad to see you didn't get hurt.Just trying to give them fair warning you know.Besides you know how grumpy I get during and after a fight."

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 6:21:31 PM

Val pulls Appolo away from Mary and Melonie. By the look she gives Appolo its clear that she's not happy. "That was not a fair warning. That was uncalled for and you know it. Its not like either of them just woke up and decided to join up with us. They were almost killed and shown great strength so far. I'm quite proud of them both."

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43 
Wednesday January 25th, 2006 7:03:14 PM

Hal and Kirk quickly take up positions on either side of the hugh dwarf as the group ready's itself for the trip to the Governors house....each with a big smile on their faces as they thiink of how to spend their fortune

Wednesday January 25th, 2006 8:13:19 PM

Rigging is glad to see Jagar up and about. He will move over to Nezamil and ask, "Mind if I get a hit on that wand. I am still leaking a little and seem to have a bullseye on my back."

After everyone is up and moving and all the loot has been picked up, Rigging will try and get the group moving again towards the Governor's offices. "Lets get going. We are to exposed out here and I don't want to get shot anymore."

OOC We need to figure out how to pay the crew and our new friends. How it was done in the past was whenever we received money, it was assumed that the boat earned the same amount. So if we got 10,000 gps to split up, the boat got 10,000 also. The crew got 1/2 of that, assuming the officers did better than the ordinary crew, and the other half went into ship funds. Those funds are used for repairs, food, supplies etc. A weekly amount is taken away to cover these expenses.

We need to decide the status of our new friends and followers. Are they members of the crew? Then they would get paid a portion of the loot above and that is it.

I personally think this is the best way to handle it. We as their individual leaders can always suppliment this with our own shares but I don't believe they should get a cut of our action.

Thursday January 26th, 2006 10:38:51 AM

While the others are busy helping Jagar and cleaning up the street the ever watchful Mykael stays alert as his eyes scan the the alleyways and rooftops for another ambush

posted by chris

DM Jim: The Vigilant Walk 
Thursday January 26th, 2006 12:20:02 PM

OOC: The treasure list I published is everything. The group will have to break out the ship's share from the list, after everything is appraised. THe Captain or his designee will need to take care of the ship funds.


The group gets people patched up enough to move (Jager in particular) and some help clean up the street. A wagon arrives for the dead and they are carted off, just as the group forms up again and walks off to their meeting with the Governors.

OOC: I am assuming the same marching order as before. Post a different position if you want one.

Everyone in the group is keeping a watchful eye out and in fact Mary raises a false alarm that almost gets a waiter ant an outdoor cafe killed. The group is a bit edgy after the ambush.

After a vigilant 20 minute walk, the group arrives at the meeting house. It is a large long building and it is obvious that Nezamil will not be able to enter the structure. There are windows along the front and someone notices your approach and opens the door for you. Inside you see the anteroom, which contains many chairs (mostly likely for those waiting), a desk and many bins behind the desk. Behind the desk is a halfling looking over a spell book. In fact there are several book piled on the desk. Behind the halfling is a door to the inner meeting room. The halfling barely notices the door open and comments, not lifting his head from the book. "The general meeting will not commence for one more hour. Please close the door Paul." Paul it appears is the robed human that opened the door for the group. Paul looks at the group with apologetic eyes and begins to close the door.


Thursday January 26th, 2006 7:37:20 PM

Rigging smiles at Paul and pats him on the shoulder and moves past him up to the halfling. "Sorry to interrupt your studies but I am Arrack Von Palin, Captain of the Sword of Redemption. I was sent here by the Emperor of Aisidlur and the High Lord Mayor of the Plateau City. I have an appointment with the Govenors and we aren't here for the general meeting."

Rigging's voice rises in tempo and he assumes his command voice, "I have already once today be the subject of an assassination attempt, so no we won't be waiting at all. Please escort us to the governors's offices now or I am going to sit down right next to you and use you as a shield for the assassin's crossbolts." Rigging points to his bloodstained tunic and adds, "You might not like it, they sting."

Ashira  d20+8=11
Thursday January 26th, 2006 11:39:49 PM

Ashira chuckles quietly at Rigging's bravado. He just had a way about him. Still, she moves in to flank her husband, her hands on her hips. "If you could just inquire as to where the Governors are, we would appreciate it greatly." Ashira adds trying to be diplomatic, but not doing very well (Dip.=11).

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 40/71 
Friday January 27th, 2006 12:28:56 AM

The Monk takes point position during the march to the governors house , intent on not getting ambushed again " somebody's gonna pay!!" mutters Jagar " i'll can't wait to see that guy again "

Nezamil Hp 63/71 
Friday January 27th, 2006 12:42:05 AM

The hugh dwarf walks along in the center of the group carrying all the new found valuables in his backpack .

dropping back to Mykaels rearguard position for a moment during the walk to the Governors house he speaks quietly to him " hey Mykael we recovered a bunch of precious stones perhaps you can give thme a look see to gauge their value ? " asks Nezamil " maybe when we settle down later tonight ?"

After chatting quietly with the newest wildcard member Nezamil moves back to the center of the group

Upon arriving at the Governors house Nezamil is dismayed at the size of the doors " hmm think he would have a giant hall for when visitors come to South harbor " muses Nezamil " not all races are short like halflings " jokes the 14'+ tall dwarf
" Guess i'll wait outside just hope it doesn't rain " grins Nezamil

"You two should go in tho " adds Nezamil to Hal and Kirk "

Nezamil looks about the entrance for a good spot to sit down , maybe a stonewall he can use as a bench .

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43 
Friday January 27th, 2006 12:46:43 AM

The two brothers flank the hugh dwarf during the march "what are you gonna spend you money on ? " asks Kirk of his older brother

"Not sure gotta think about it " replies Hal

When Nezamil suggest that he go inside with the others "yeah the Governor and i got to exchange something " replies Hal " come on bro lets go " as the two brothers follow Captain Rigging inside the house

Bart hp 63/71  2d8(3+4)+9=16
Friday January 27th, 2006 3:31:11 AM

Bart drinks the potion Nez has givven him. Thanks nezamil what can i do without you?

Bart is not a man of politics and he always feel a bit uneasy when in company of gouverners majors and kings so he decide to stay in the back. Placing himself near the exict so he can oversee the room

Friday January 27th, 2006 9:27:29 AM

Val takes a look at the halfling that was so confident that he would risk angering such a large group. Especially after a double quad tried to kill them just a few minutes ago.

"It looks like perhaps the halfling knew of the attack and is a little wary that he survived. The fact that he feels it necessary to study a spell book before a diplomatic meeting leads me to believe that he won't be very cooperative Captain."

Friday January 27th, 2006 9:47:19 AM

As the group travels to the governors house Mykael patrols at the back of the group.

When Nezamil approaches and informs him of the finding of the gems " yeah no problem i'll take a look at them later in private " agrees Mykael

Arriving at the Governors house Mykael enters with the others

posted by chris

DM Jim: The Meeting 
Friday January 27th, 2006 12:55:22 PM

Nezamil pours Mykeal a good many of the sapphires out of his huge hand, for him to appraise at his convenience, prior to entering the hall.


Rigging's bravado seems to have awoken the small clerk.

The small thin halfling closes his book and looks up at the big brash people entering the anteroom. "I take then, that you are the Wildcards, of the Ship, Sword of Redemption. You do have an appointment with the Governors, prior to the general meeting, or at least some of you do." The halfling pulls out the log book and Rigging remembers signing it and the names of the other Wildcards.

The halfling find the correct page and starts reading off name. "Captain Von Arrack, Ashira Von Arrack, Val, Mykael, Nezamil, Jager, Redux...oh there seems to be a problem here." Rigging can see the red line through Appolo's name. The halfling begins again. "A Mr. Appolo will not be able to attend, per the Governors instructions. At least there are two additions, a Mr. Hal and Mr. Kirk. All others can stay in the waiting area of the foyer or outside. It is a lovly day, isn't it."

The halfling puts his spellbook in his bag and jumps down off the stool. "If you please leave your weapons in the bins. Paul and Mr. Appolo and the others can watch them. I will also alarm them." The halfling produces a wand and waits for the weapons to be deposited and then alarms the area.

Once the weapons are put in the bins the halfling instructs Paul. "Make sure everyone ques up outside today and not in the foyer." The halfling then looks to Captain Rigging "If you would do the honors and open the door, we can proceed."

The young human wizard, Paul, seems nervous that he will be sharing the foyer with some battle hardene vets, or is the young raven and red headed women that are causing him fits.....

Friday January 27th, 2006 1:19:24 PM

Rigging looks at the halfling and sighs. He hates taking off his weapons but decides to go along this time.

"Sorry Appolo, looks like you were uninvited. Stay here with our new recruits and don't scare them with to many sea stories. You can keep an eye out on our weapons too. We will bring you up to speed as soon as we get back."

Rigging takes off his weapons and deposits them in the bin. He then waits for the others to follow his example and then opens the door and heads on in.

Friday January 27th, 2006 1:58:32 PM

Instead of dropping her heavy flail into the bin, Val hands it over to Melonie to hold. As she moves to follow Rigging, Val stops and removes her boot dagger and drops that into the bin. She doesn't trust strange wizards. Perhaps he will alarm the bin, perhaps he'll do something else.

Nezamil  d20+5=7 d20+5=10
Friday January 27th, 2006 9:13:16 PM

The giant sized dwarf waits outside of the Governors house sitting down on a low stone wall as he watches (d20+5=7 spot ch) and listens to conversations (d20+5=10 listen ch)on the street in front of the house

Friday January 27th, 2006 9:18:47 PM

The Monk clearly has a bounce back in his step as he paces about the waiting room .

His blood stained clothes a clear contrast to the halflings clean ones

"hope they put out some food for the visitors " smiles Jagar as he places his weapons in a bin

Hal and Kirk 
Friday January 27th, 2006 9:24:41 PM

"hehe we made the list " laughs Kirk to his brother as he drops his heavy flail into a bin

" yep " agrees Hal as he slaps his younger brother on the back and he draops his mace into the same bin

Turning to the halfling " er excuse me but this sword " as he taps the longsword on his hip " is the Governors ..we exchanged blades before we left " questions Hal " can i bring it in ?"

The two brothers stand taller then the rest of the Wildcards in the foyer as they look about waiting for their meeting to start

Mykael  d100=56
Friday January 27th, 2006 10:09:28 PM

As the group starts to walk in, Mykael looks over at Nez. He surveys the area around, then walks over to where he is sitting.

"I am not fond of leaving you out here, we are still a target. And picking us off one by one, would be an intelligent tactic."

Mykael casts 'Alarm' on an area of the ground close to Nez.
(made spell failure = 59%)

"I put an alarm spell here," Mykael outlines the area, "Should you get into trouble and need help, stomp on it and I will know, if you get hit, make sure you last act is to fall on the area at least, so I can alert the calvary."

"I doubt they would be brazen enough to attack here, but lets be safe."

Mykael turns and follows the group, he deposits his weapons in a bin and continues with the group.

Saturday January 28th, 2006 2:21:51 AM

Appolo is very relaxed and just smioles at Rigging no problem boss.I wasn't planning on attending anyways."he walks over to Melonie"So you're determined to stay.Are you sure about this,we never rest,always at war.Sometimes with ourselves."He then takes as seat.

Saturday January 28th, 2006 4:58:26 AM

Well that leaves e out as well I wonder what i have done to deserve this. Bart takes out Riggings weaopons of the bin and hold them in his hands. Well i don't mind not to go in and have a meeting with the gouvernor

DM JIm: My error, bart can attend the meeting if he likes.

Saturday January 28th, 2006 9:48:07 AM

The ranger frowns at Appolo's univite, but places her weapons in the bin likewise. She is also unsure about leaving John and Mary behind, but feels better knowing that Nezamil and Appolo are there. Trying to smile, she heads into the office.

Mary and John 
Saturday January 28th, 2006 9:57:14 AM

Mary is just about fit to be tied as she is not invited into the meeting. How am I supposed to protect her if I can't go in?? Still, the chance to be with that big fighter...Bart, that was his name, right...softens the blow a bit. She scoots over to where he is sitting and looks envyingly at the big blade strapped to his side. "How do you manage to even lift that thing?? I have a hard enough time with this longsword Ashira got me..."

John on the other hand, seems to be enjoying the downtime and looks longingly at the bow they found in the encounter. He tugs gingerly at the string, dreaming of the day when he'll be able to use the weapon. "Guess I should start doing more push ups." he mutters to himself.

DM Jim: Begining of the Meeting 
Saturday January 28th, 2006 11:50:37 AM

The small Halfling waits for Bart to enter. "Did I forget you. Sorry about that. I was just shocked that not everyone was invited. I forgot to start the roll up again."

The halfling looks at the hulk of Hal and answers. "You needed to leave your weapons and I belive that sword is not your, is it."

Quinn and Cantera say their goodbyes to the group. Quinn speaks up "I will be by the Sword tomorrow to discuss my cut of the loot. See you then." Cantera greets the halfling "How are you doing Cosmo? Dad says hi. Be careful with this lot." As he winks and shakes the small halflings hand.

Melonie is completely taken aback by Appolos comments and moves over toward Mary and John. "He is totally full of himself. Poor Val."


Inside the meeting hall is a circular table filled with bread, cheese and pastry and also coffee and tea. The three Governors are standing behind a wide rectangular table sipping hot drinks of some sort. The youngest (maybe 50 years old) speaks. "Refresh yourself and we will talk." Each of the three Governors take their seats. There are no other seats, and they face the group. "It looks as though you were privy to first hand experience of one of the recent distrubances." The younger Governor continues after clearing his throat. "I am Governor Jobe and these are Ethan and Samual. We have some business with the brothers. Hal you put your faith in us three and your brother and seem to come through it alright and have found good company." From behind the table Jobe produces Hal's magic longsword and hands it to him. "Keep the other one too and please retire from the meeting."

After Hal and Kirk leave, Jobe starts again. "Comso get all of this down please." Comso takes out another large book and an ink well and quill and prepares himself.

Jobe waits a few moments for Cosmo to prepare and then continues. "We have discuss your situation with The High Lord Mayor and the Emperor. The Emperor is jouneying home as he was discovered here and there have been several attempts on his life. We transported the Jack back to his ship and he is making his own preparation, but that is of little concern to you now that you no longer fly the Jacks banner. But it seems that your group and those three have a very interesting venture and that we Governors have a year to prepare for your return." Jobe takes a sip of his coffee and continues.

"South Harbor will be your liason port city in New Elenna. We are committed to culling journeymen and their families and preparing them along with paying them until you return and then one more year. I need to know what professions you will require and we will make sure that you have at least 3 of each. We are also instructed to supply you with two transport ships for these skilled passengers and their tooling and initial supplies. These will be older vessles and not top of the line. We will crew the ships for you, with those sailor that are of the adventerous spirit, but the crews will not be large so it is not a great concern." Jobe rubs his chin and looks at Captain Rigging.

"Well that takes care of the beginnings, now the real question is how do the three of us get a share?" The three Governors lean forward, waiting for the response.

Sunday January 29th, 2006 1:36:23 PM

Bart doesn't want to upset the Gouvernors and decide to go meet them afteral He gives Riggings weapons to Appollo can you hold these as well or shall i place them in the bin.

Inside the hall Bart takes some fruit bread and a small pint of ale. With no seats around the table he sits down on the ground.

After the gouvernors have done their word Bart waits for Riggings reaction. "hmm next time i stay outside"Thinks Bart

Rigging "the long winded" 
Sunday January 29th, 2006 2:27:28 PM

Rigging smiles at the three govenors and says, "Thank you for kindness. It is difficult to tell you what we will need until we get a lay of the land. I am not sure what kind of raw materials we are going to have to work with."

Rigging links his head behind his back and starts to pace, a sure sign to those that know him, to sit back and relax. Rigging is going to be talking for a while.

"The first challenge we are going to have is building a settlement,a stockade/fortification, and wharf area to dock ships up to. I can't know what kind of harbor we will have until we go scout the area but obviously we are going to need lumbermen to cut trees, teamsters to haul materials, wagons for the teamsters to operate and animals to pull the wagons. We will need stone cutters to quarry stone and masons to set foundations and build stronger buildings. We are going to need all kind of sawyers, and carpenters to do the work and smiths to build the tools for them to use and repair broken materials."

Rigging keeps thinking..."We will need other tradesmen as well. Coopers, leatherworkers, and rope makers eventually. We will also need engineers and architects to best lay out the city and direct the workmen.

We are also just gonna need manpower to back these people up. Men and women to dig the ditches, chop the wood, make the food, clean the clothes and do all the things I am not thinking about.

Since this area is going to be untamed, we will need some muscle to help protect all of these people. Of course we will be handling the larger problems but some local protection when we aren't around will be necessary.

Finally we are going to need healers, alchimest, and a mage. It is amazing how the application of a little magic can speed along a job.

You want to know how you can be involved with this and receive a share? We are going to need financial support and intelligence. I will need to talk to my partners, (Rigging swings his hands towards the Wildcards) but I think if we can work out a deal with you to send up a regular supply ship lets say every 3 months filled with finished goods, tools, food, medicince and replacement workers for a period of the first three years you will be very happy with the return on your investment."

Rigging turns to his wife, smiles at her, sees the glazed look in her eyes and continues. "One thing I would insist on though is more than a financial investment from you. I want a son or daughter from at least one of you to join us. We could apprentice one if they are too young or set one up in a responsible position if they are old enough to handle it. I believe that you wealthy politicians always have a spare family member to deal with and you will look more kindly on our venture if you have blood out there."

Rigging will look at his friends and ask, "Anyone else have any ideas?"

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday January 29th, 2006 9:54:36 PM

Hal and Kirk mill around the room as introductions are made.

Hal steps forward as Jobe calls him " yes sir it all seem to work out for the best "

"thank you " as Hal accepts his sword " and thank you for the gift " adds Hal

" come on kirk lets go see what the big guy is up too " as the brothers stop by the table full of food and grab a loaf of bread and some cheese " you think this will hold Nezamil over " grins Kirk to Hal "not sure but i hope so " laughs Hal in return as they exit the building

Nezamil  d20+5=21
Sunday January 29th, 2006 10:02:33 PM

The giant sized dwarf rests on the stone wall as he observes(d20+5=21 spot ch) the daily routine of the folk nearby " seems like a nice town " muses Nezamil

As Hal and Kirk come out " hey guys whats going on in there " as he spots the loaf of bread " is that for me ?" smiles the dwarf as he accepts the food " nice little snack "

" you got a nice sword there " remarks the giant sized dwarf as he hears Hal's story about it

Sunday January 29th, 2006 10:07:44 PM

The Monk slowly circles the food table and picks some fruit " these apples and strwberries look tasty " as he adds them to his plate and also grabs a cup of coffee as he listens to the Governors speak and Captain Riggings reply

Sunday January 29th, 2006 11:24:23 PM

Mykael stands with his back to a wall, quietly listening to the exchanges.

Sunday January 29th, 2006 11:39:23 PM

The ranger sits and refrains from all the food and drink. She doesn't really like these Govenors, and all this political talk does indeed bore her. She stares down at her empty scabards and her mind flits back and forth between the negotatiations between Rigging and the Govenors and various daydreams about slamming her longsword into the chest of that cocky priest of Ga'al.

Hearing Rigging's last statement, Ashira stiffles a giggle. "Yep, that'll get them interested in the colony, alright!" she thinks to herself.

Monday January 30th, 2006 10:33:19 AM

Not suprisingly Val also imagines inflicting harm upon these greedy men. Maybe even more suprisingly considering her past history, Val doesn't act on her violent urges. She walks over to the table and casually picks up a piece of fruit, taking a large bite.

"Captain I have a suggestion. If the good Governors here are looking to make a profit in an endevor in a project such as this then I'm sure they are making a serious commitment. Which we all appreciate very much. One could spend a half a year making a detailed step by step plan but things will go wrong. Bad weather, hostile creatures or natives that wish us harm. Sickness and contamination of food is also a possibility. There will be problems and we will need assisstance beyond whatever is agreed to here and now. Any real profit to be made by anybody will only happen when the place is built and functional. Where we have people that can build trade goods or mine the resources that are availible."

Val turns and looks at each of the governors in turn, "We will make this work but it is going to take time. I'd like to think that we will get it done sooner rather than later but we all know that's not likely."

Val takes another bite of the fruit and turns away from the governors. "Personally Captain I have to take their commitment into this endevor into question. We have to trust that they will uphold their end of the bargain when we are across the sea. We have to trust that they will send what they are supposed to send on time. Our lives and the lives of those that put their faith in us depend on them. Yet they do not trust us at all. Or was the madnitory removal or our weapons meant to be rude and put us at a disadvantage in these negotiations? Not that actually matters any. I can improvise quite well if need be."

DM Jim: Banter at the Hall 
Monday January 30th, 2006 1:39:16 PM

The Governors smile and wait patiently for the Wildcards to finish speaking. Then Jobe waits a few more moments for Cosmo to catch up as his pen was furiously flying across the pages as he took notes.

Jobe nods his head and speaks "Well spoken Captain and you also Elven warrior. If I was informed correctly, they call you Val. Well, Val you make an excellent point. How to trust us. We want in on this venture and we are willing to front some funds to assist the endeavor, but we need to know how many shares can we purchase?"

Jobe rubs his chin and then continues. "As you know from your inital aggrement with the High Lord Mayor, the Emperor and the Jack. The Jack and the Emperor will supply some shipping assets after you are established. Our help as pledged by the High Lord Mayor is of the labor variety, which Captain Rigging outlined nicely. What other needs will your venture require that we can assist with in order to gain our share or shares?"

Jobe looks to Ethan and Samual and then continues again. "You ask for our blood to help your cause and show commitment. I have no blood of age as I married late, but I am working on that end, but not in your time line. Ethan and Samual have children, but they have struck their own path and are established in their own rights; so it is doubtful there would be interest. But this brings me to a new point, you will have labor, tool and raw material requirements on South Harbor and I think we will require one of your number as a liason. In exchange we can supply you with a mage as you requested Captain, one of some stature of power, but not size." Jobe looks at Cosmo and smiles

Jobe, Samual and Ethan wait for responses.

Monday January 30th, 2006 3:01:06 PM

Appolo sits quietly on the bench.His eye's closed he seems to sleeping.

Monday January 30th, 2006 11:05:17 PM

Rigging looks at the 3 old men and then at his friends and then back to the 3 officials. "Let me understand this. You want one of us to stay here? What would that person do? I am leary of leaving one behind since this town is so obviously dangereous." Rigging points to his bloodstained clothes. "What assurances would you give for that person's safety?

Rigging looks at the studious halfling and asks, "They want you to come with us? Our road is dangereous. Do you wish to be exposed to a life of danger and discomfort? It has its satisfactions too but you looked pretty comfortable behind that desk."

Rigging turns back to his the govenors and says, "Please give me a moment to confer with my associates. We weren't expecting additional investors and we need to discuss it."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards to the otherside of the room and ask, "Well what do you think? We each have a share, except me who has two. The Jack, the Emperor and the High Mayor of the Plateau City all have 3 each. Right now their are 18 shares in all. If we sell a share it will come out of our portion. I have no idea what that could be worth some day, so I have no idea what to ask. Still to own part of a settlement and eventually a city...gotta be worth a few gold.

They also want one of us to stay behind. Anyone interested?"

Monday January 30th, 2006 11:50:27 PM

The giant sized dwarf sits outside on the stone wall enjoying the fine weather and chats with hal and Kirk about what might be taking place inside " so what were they talking about ?" asks Nezamil " anything intresting ?"

With a peek over at Appolo sleeping " wonder why they didn't let him in ?"

Monday January 30th, 2006 11:53:58 PM

The ranger looks over at Rigging, a fire lighting in her eyes. "These pricks wouldn't even help us out when the Queen sunk. We cleared their precious stinking river of the Fae King, and what reward have we received from them?" Ashira looks down at her open hands. "Nothing. They left our ship to be ravaged by two Quads, intentionally pulling their resources away from the hunt. Then, we take out half of the Quad and how do they thank us?!! We may be stuck with having to deal with these sons of Ga'al, but why would we want to cut them in? I say we tell them to stick their aspirations for wealth up their bungholes!"

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 12:14:05 AM

Mykael steps forward, "I agree with Ashira, to the point of not letting them in. They seem interested enough, that if we get into a finacial bind we can sell them a share at a later date."

"As to providing us with a mage, I am willing to stay behind. They offered me a chance to work in thier branch of the Catacombs, and a shot with thier alchemists, but that was before Appollo and I pissed them off, by stating our feelings on thier lack of effort in helping with the 'Queen'. If they are still willing to take me on in that capacity or more, AND if they allow me to transport back and forth with the group to assist you as needed. I am also hoping to gain some extra training at some point and this may allow me to gain access as well as time. But that is up to you, Captain."

Mykael -- additional post 
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 12:28:56 AM

"The question of me staying here, would offer me alot of oportunity to things that wouldnt be avaliable on the island yet. However, I we dont know what the mage in question that they are offering to send in exchange is capable of. Therefore, weighing my skills against his, would be important also."

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 1:46:50 AM

"I agree with Ashira. They are nothing but opportunists. Once we get things up and running they will benefit regardless if they have a share or not. This will be our main port of trade. Extra gold will be flowing into this city. They show no concern for the assassination attempt. When we arrived they knew of the battle and yet they wanted to make us wait. I feel that they are trying to pressure us into a deal that is more favorable for them because our options are limited. If we don't cut them in Captain I'm betting they will just tax all incoming goods to make up for what they feel they aren't getting. They will find a way to profit from this without a share. I say the less they have to be given the better."

Rigging illegal post 
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 9:48:53 AM

Rigging quickly feels the concensus of the group but is worried. "I understand your concern guys but these guys are going to be our life line. Let me see if I can stall."

Rigging will head over to the three govenors with a big smile on his face. "Gentlemen, I know you are looking at getting in on the ground floor and I truly appreciate that. Still we don't really know what we have here and don't understand what we will need. Let us go scout the islands first. With that knowledge, I am sure that we can negotiate something to both of our benefits. I sure you can find that reasonable. This way your halfling Cosmo can inform you what conditions are like and you can also make a more informed decision."

Rigging looks over at the monk Jagar and puts a hand on to his shoulder. We will be leaving behind our associate Jagar to watch our interests. He is wise and fair and will do well shepparding the craftsman and their families."

DM Jim: The Offer 
Tuesday January 31st, 2006 12:16:35 PM

The Governors wait for the Wildcards to discuss the arrangement and then for Rigging to explain some further concerns.

Jobe listens carefully. "We could not help overhearing some of your conversations and we do understand some of your concerns. We are looking at the potential for profit, but you can not value your shares at this point. Keep in mind that they could be valueless, but I doubt it. That is one reason we want to get in on the ground floor, as the price will be less expensive. We will take some risk also. We propose you sell use the equivalent of one of your shares. I know that you do not know what you need so we will be flexible in our offer. Please note that money is alway tight so we will offer goods and services also."

It is the three Governors turn to rise and walk back from the table to confer. The three return a short time later. Jobe speaks up again. "We have our own talents and they will be part of the offer, in that we offer 3 levels of potions to each of the 13 members of you group today. Also, 5 spell levels of scrolls to each spell user, any type, and wizard tutoring and all expenses for 4 spell levels of spells to be added to your spellbooks. We will also offer 500 gp per person and those that do not get scrolls and tutoring 750 gp each."

Jobe waits for his offer to set in and continues "This will give you some flexibility into what you request and you will be able to plan ahead better. We will also offer the next 30 identify spells done at the SouthHarbor branch of the Catacombs for free."

Jobe looks to Jager. "Since you are willing to part with one of your members to act as liason. We will give your group a 20,000 square foot warehouse that Jager can use as his base of operations and for storage of tools and materials."

Jobe again looks at the Wildcards. "All this for one share on a venture that has not even begun."



One level of potion = mage armor

2 levels of potion = 2 mage armor or one cats grace.

3 levels of potion = 3 mage armor or one haste

The same for scrolls

Tutoring will give +2 on the spellcraft roll to add a spell to your spell book, only for Riggin and Mykael.

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 2:32:07 PM

May i do a small request, Sir? During our stay in your beautifull city we where robbed and lost an item we could use to our benefit. Is there a way you could help us to get it back. Maybe the quad that attacked us have it but it could also a bunch of thieves operating in the city that had a lucky grasp, I'm almost sure it's a girl that robbed me. Do you have any information that could help us. In turn we could help you to get rid of some thieves

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 7:59:21 PM

Mykael surpresses a physical motion that would so his opinion of the offer.

"Governor's as I am sure Captain Rigging, and you are aware, the scrolls dont mean much since we could write our own with time. The tutoring would be appreciated, however, as a member of the Star Mages Guild, spells are easy to access, once again just some time would be required. We havent had much of a luxury of time, although, I dont think you are offering that much here. At least to those of us mages, in my opinion."

Tuesday January 31st, 2006 9:51:41 PM

Rigging looks at Bart and says, "I am pretty sure that the quad has it Bart. I heard the cleric taunting me about it as he fled. As powerful as these mages may be, it isn't fair to ask them to go after a super quad. I don't want anyone to die on our account."

Rigging will look at his friends and say, "The offer is interesting but also only offers temporary magic for most. Potions are good but easily used and then forgotten. It is true that the township we are founding is going to be small at first but eventually could be the next Plateau City. A few potions is a cheap price to get in and easily attained. The mages do slightly better but I am not overly impressed with the offer.

I think we need to go look at the islands first. Who knows what we might find? Rare spices, bountiful fishing, exotic woods to name a few. Who knows, we might even find raw gems to cut. Even if we find none of these things, the eventual taxes we can earn on a free port could be staggering.

Nations from all over the Wold have been cut off from the Aisildurians for generations. We will be one of the few places that trade can openly happen. Also the reverse is true, goods will flow from the empire as well. I think we need to think on this and not act hastily."

Rigging will smile and look at the three govenors, "I am sure you can respect our position. Let us wait a year, scout out the area and when we return, We can talk again. It will also give us time to see how you fullfill your obligations. Always important information when choicing business partners."

Rigging watches closely to see the effect of his words when describing the possible riches. He waits to see if the fish are truly hooked or just bumping the bait.

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 12:36:38 AM

Ashira rolls her eyes at the Governor's offer. She briefly wonders if they got to their position of power by fleecing the local people who were too stupid to know better. They had a very good thing coming, and she'd be drawn and quartered before she let's these landlubbers buy as stake in the venture for a couple of potions

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 12:50:53 AM

Val has said her piece and now keeps quiet. The governors say money is always tight but yet just offered quite a bit to sweeten the deal. Their offer does sound better now but she still feels they have an objective. Rigging's plan makes sense. They have no real idea what they need for the island. At the very least knowing the layout and where to land and start building will be quite valuable.

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 10:27:27 AM

Appolo remains relaxed and quietly sleeping.While waiting for the meeting to be open.

DM Jim: Consideration 
Wednesday February 1st, 2006 12:55:59 PM

The three Governors are only alittle surprised that the Wildcards did not accept the offer. Jobe looks to Bart. "I find it unfortunate that you were robbed. We have stamped out most thieve guild activities, but there are still small active groups, that we let our guards handle. You can report the incident and any suspects you have to Quinn, and he will investigate further."

Jobe looks to Rigging. "On that note, I may have several individuals that I want to indenture to someone to pay their debts, but that is for another discussion."

OOC: I will discuss this topic with George off line.

Jobe considers Mykael's comments "Scrolls not valuable, that is you opinion. I find them very handy when you do not know the situtation that you are walking into. Also, note that the three of us run the Star Mage outpost in South Harbor and the associated wizard school. We have our hands in many things and that is why there are three Governors and not one."

Jobe considers Rigging again. "You and your crew are shrewd barginers or not trustful. We have offered much, but will sweeten the pot one final time. We offer two rings of protection and two rings of resistance (each +1). Just remember we are the one that are making the investment or speculation of your sucess. We are unsure of what type of payback we will recieve if any on this venture. We are willing to take the risk on the front end, expecting a return at a later date. We want to buy in early and not later."

Jobe takes a few moments to take a deep breath and continues "We have offered a heafty price for one share, but it is our last offer. If it is acceptable, Cosmo will draw up the papers. If not, we can move forward and we will give you instructions as to the general area that the Jack thinks this island is hiding."

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 7:01:09 PM

Rigging listens to the offer and says, "Their counter offer seems fair. I vote we take it. Having an interested investor here can only help our cause later. Lets get this decided now so we can move on to the other information."

Rigging nods at Jobe comments and says he is willing to listen to anything the mage has to say.

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 11:11:45 PM

Ashira frowns. She really doesn't like doing business with these jerks. But then again, cash had been tight of late. Maybe it would be best to take them up on the offer. She shrugs her shoulders and looks at the others, wanting to allow them to voice their opinions on the matter.

OOC: Am I to understand that the current deal is the scrolls and the potions and the rings?

DM Jim: The current deal is for potions/scrolls/spell books/rings/gold/warehouse

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 11:38:20 PM

The hugh dwarf rubs his stomach " i'm getting hungry ....whats taking them so long in there ? " grumbles Nezamil as he observes the dailt routine of the locals from his perch on the stone wall

Wednesday February 1st, 2006 11:40:57 PM

The monk listens intently to the back and forth negotiations as he muches on fruit and nods occasionally to a remark

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 1:11:00 AM

Well if you think that is the best thing we can do Rigging then we take the deal

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 10:20:02 AM

"Captain let's go for it. I'm sure that they trust us as much as we trust them. But we are pirates and it would be stupid to double cross pirates."

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 10:43:13 AM

Mykael steps next to Jagar and grabs a muffin from the table " well looks like your the one staying behind but don't worry we'll be back to check on you "

"That warehouse will come in handy as a base of operations for us here "

DM Jim: Plotting the Course 
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 1:31:05 PM

Agreement seems to be reached for the sale of one share of the Wildcards to the three Governors. Jobe smiles and comments to Cosmo. "Please draw up the papers for us all to sign in two days. Also take orders for each of the 13 for their potions and scrolls they will require. Also arrange to get Jager the Deed to the warehouse and set up tutoring time for Mykael and Rigging at the Star Mage guild. Also, set up vouchers for the 30 indentify spells with no time limit as long as they are used at the South harbor branch of the Catacombs."

Jobe hands Rigging four small wooden boxes and comments "The magic Rings."

Ethan starts to unroll several maps and he calls the group over. "Come look everyone." Everyone can see the shoreline of New Elenna and the surrounding seas. After everyone has assembled Ethan begins "Here is South Harbor, and the major shipping lanes and this area here to the south is where we have lost ships, along with the Emperor and the Jack. There are reports of land sightings, but all groups we have sent to investigate have never returned. This is the area that Free Port is to be set up. Find the land and start your scouting. It will take 4 - 5 weeks to reach the area. I would make sure you have supplies for 3 times that duration, but it is up to you. Any questions?"

Rigging  d20+18=32 d20+18=29
Thursday February 2nd, 2006 10:07:58 PM

Rigging will say, "We need Nezamil here for this. At least he needs to listen. I would like Appolo as well but it seems he insulted someone again." Rigging will open a window and call out to Nezamil to listen in. He will then go over to the map

Rigging will stare intently at the map and plot a course with his fingers. He will look up at Bart and somewhat spitefully say, "If we had the nautaucolus, then we could get here in almost 2 weeks." He then sighs and apologizes, "Sorry Bart, I know you didn't lose it on purpose. I am just totally irritated with that whole quad."

He looks over at Cosmo and says, I will take a heroism potion please. My scrolls will be scorching rays and tongues. (rolled spellcraft rolls of 32 and 29 for each one respectively. Shouldn't be to hard to get in the old spellbook)

Rigging then opens the box, looks at the rings and says, "OK who can use these now. I can't, have to many rings already."

Rigging looks at the others and then says, "We need to make a plan to get back to the ship. I fear that we will be attacked again along the way and I hope we are. I want to put this quad behind us. They are seriously starting to annoy me. If we are attacked, two of their members must die and not escape. The first is the cleric. I think he is holding our artifact. I want it back. The second is the monk. He is simply to dangerous to leave alive. If we are attacked, I want Ashira, Val and Bart to gang up on the monk. Take him down quickly. The rest of us will take on the cleric. I will dispel magic him to take down some of his defenses. I want Appolo, Nezamil and Mykael to take him down.

The rest of our friends can try and delay any other of the nasties, but those two die first."
Rigging looks over to Cosmo, "So your a mage. Any speciality or are you a generalist. You will quickly become a target if you hang out with us. We need to assess your skills for battle. What can you do?"

Thursday February 2nd, 2006 11:17:30 PM

The 14+ 'ft stands up and steps over to the just opened window and kneels down and looks inside " so whats the deal ?" inquires Nezamil as he listens to the banter inside the room.

" we need a little rest before we take that quad on again " interjects Nezamil " i can still feel their magic draining me "

" can we stay the night here ?" adds the dwarf " or do we make a run for the Sword ?"

Friday February 3rd, 2006 3:36:38 AM

Well we have a few days before we sail out, the papers have to be signed, so i stiil have time to hunt that quad down. I need some help with it though. I need some potions like healing, bullstrength and restoration potions. One of us has to use the wayfinder and imaging the monk or another quadmember, after using the wayfinder we get him or her back on his feet with an restoration potion.
Hopefully we can find there hiding place, if we are lucky we find the nauticoulus there unprotected otherwise we have to fight them again. We use invisibilty rings and potions. The iniative would be on our side they will never expect us.

What do you think?

Oh and considering the rings i have only one, but i dont think the rings are compitable with my cloak of resistance and my armor. So i cant use them, sell it or give it to on of our new companions

Friday February 3rd, 2006 9:46:09 AM

"That monk was a dangerous one. If its possible I think that he should be targeted with a slow or hold spell. Some type of magic to slow him down. He's really quick. I hope they attack again. I felt cheated after they ran away last time."

Friday February 3rd, 2006 10:37:23 AM

Appolo apparently wake stretches some then walks around alittle.He then sits back down and waits quietly.

Friday February 3rd, 2006 11:13:57 AM

With the slight feeling that they might just have sold their souls to a set of demons, Ashira agrees to the sale.

As Rigging turns his attention to the Quad once more, Ashira nods at Val's comments. "What we really could use is some magic to immobilize them, like you did against me when I...." Ashira let's it drop. "Like a wand of Hold Person...or maybe even two. I just don't think we have the funds right now." Ashira taps her chin in thought. "We need to get over to the Catacombs and sell off our old loot. "I'll go if you want me to..." Ashira looks at the rings in Rigging's hands. "And we need to decide what to do with the rings. Personally, I'd like to give them to our followers, but I would understand if people want to sell them..."

Ashira pauses. "It would be best if we could stock up before we attack the Quad again, but regardles... I would prefer to go against that priest of Ga'al first. I have some expertise against heartseeded individuals that I think I could put to very good use against him...but I've got to be able to get to him. Rigging, can you cast a spell so that Val, Bart and I can fly? That would make things easier. As to the monk...it would be best to immobilize him like Val suggests. But if we can't..." Ashira winks at her husband. "Then I suggest you stock up on healing potions."

Friday February 3rd, 2006 1:57:21 PM

The Monk gives a little grin " yeah that Monk was lightning quick " remarks Jagar to Val's comment " can't wait to get another shot at him " as he makes a fsit and smacks into his other open hand 'smack'

Friday February 3rd, 2006 2:01:13 PM

A grin appears on Mykaels face as Jagar talks of vengence

" this time we'll be ready for them "

Mykael turns and listens to Cosmo's reply about magic a subject which always intrests him

posted by Chris

Friday February 3rd, 2006 5:23:24 PM

"I remember a time when the Quad's tactics involved clerics standing behind their front line warriors. They kept casting affect magic. Hold, sleeps, and other spells that were quite deadly when fighting their warriors. We should use the same tactics. We got lucky today. I don't like being lucky."

DM Jim: Meetings End 
Saturday February 4th, 2006 8:38:33 AM

After reviewing the nautical maps Ethan comments. "We will have some basic copies of the maps made for you in a few days. We will have Cosmos give them to you."

The Wildcards start to discuss strategy and even get Nezamil in on the action with a near by window. Samual speaks up "We all have pressing business and it seems that you have much planning to do, but if we are to get you your potions and scrolls before you sail, you must all give Cosmo your orders before you leave this morning."

Hal comments to Kirk "I can't see anything past his back end either. This pirate sure has an anchor." They both laugh behind Nezamil. "What is happening boss?" Kirk adds.

ooc: list the potions and scrolls (if applicable) and tutoring (Mykael only now as Rigging listed his)in your next post.

Jobe speaks up "Thank you for your time today. lets meet again in two days to finalize the paperwork and get you your potions and scrolls. Please excuse us as we prepare for the general meeting." The three Governor move back from the table and get into quite discussions.

Cosmo jumps down off his stool and walks back toward the foyer. "Follow me Please. I will take down your magic requirements and get you your gold. Will platinum be acceptable?"

Saturday February 4th, 2006 8:46:34 AM

Rigging looks at Val and Ashira and is happy that they are talking again. The monk is tough. Since they are so aware of their bodies and quick they are good against all magic. The best tactic might be to smother him with magic missiles.

The spell is quick and he can't evade it. If Mykael, our new friend Cosmo, and I all hit him immediately then we might have a chance to whittle him down where Bart, Ashira and Val can all hit him and finish him off.

Then we can concentrate on the cleric and other spell users. Ashira your fly plan is good but the spell doesn't last long enough. I will hold it in reserve but only want to memorize one spell.

The real problem is they know where we are but we don't know where they nest. They seem to be able to initiate the battle and get the upper hand. Usually by filling me full of bolts!" Rigging is thinking hard and then looks over at the govenors who are his newest partners.

"Gentlemen, you have a group of Ga'alian assassins in your town. They have been attacking my ship, killing many of the crew and have attacked us twice. I am not asking for help in battling them, that will be our pleasure, but we need information on them. They have been buying everyone off trying to get information on us. Surely your guardsmen know some snitches who could turn the table. We will rid you of the problem if you can help lead us to them."

Rigging smiles bleakly, "You just invested with us wisely but your investment will turn to ashes if we can't get back to the ship or the Sword is attacked again."

DM Jim: Question Answered 
Saturday February 4th, 2006 3:23:33 PM

Ethan raises and eyebrow at Riggings Question about the priests. "The Ga'alians do have a temple in South Harbor as they are our neighbors. It is soveriegn territory and would put us into a bind if you attacked it directly, very embarassing. I do not suggest you attempt any such foolishness, but if you do, it can not be tracked to New Elenna. Please do not plan in front of us anymore, you know, plausible deniability. They do know Cosmo as an official of this government. Cosmo can not set foot in their compound or be seen to take part in any foolishness." Ethan goes back into discussions with Jobe and Samual.

Jobe adds for emphesis "Cosmo you can not go within 100 feet of their compound, visible or invisible, come back and discuss your furlough with us after you have completed your order taking duties."

Samual mumbles somthing about sending someone packing, but it is too muffled to discern, he does have a broad smile on his face.

Saturday February 4th, 2006 9:06:16 PM

Cosmo leads the group back out into the foyer. Once the group is back out there he turns to them with paper and pen in hand.

"One at a time please as I take your order. Let's start with you sir.", Lang says as he looks at Rigging.

Once he is done taking down everyones' order he turns back to Rigging to answer his question about Cosmo's magic abilities.

"I am indeed a specialist Wizard. My forte is Conjuring. Being of slight stature I have found it necessary to conjure up some friends to help me when it comes to physical needs. I have seen my fair share of battle, both on land and at sea when I traveled with Captain Marlin on the ship the Razor's Edge. Obviously I do not fight on the front lines. I usually find a hiding spot and cast my magic from there."

Cosmo then reaches into a cupboard and retrieves enough Platinum per the governor's instructions.

Cosmo turns to Jagr and says, "Jagr if you be so kind as to follow me, I will take you to the warehouse that the governor's have given to you. We can go over some business things like contacts and people you will need to know to keep the warehouse going. Plus I can give you the sets of keys to the doors and the deed to the land and building."

Cosmo leads Jagr out of the foyer area and the rest of the Swords can hear him telling Jagr about the garbage collection service.

Cosmo is tall for a Halfling, standing a slightly over 3' tall. He is however very thin and frail looking for a Halfling.

Sunday February 5th, 2006 12:56:17 AM

Upon being informed of the deal being discussed and what the final offer was the giant sized dwarf sports a hugh grin " that sounds good to me ....i'll talk to the brothers and see what they want and send them in with my list too "

"Hal....Kirk stop checking out by butt or i'll sit on ya " laughs Nezamil to the brothers " wait till ya hear what your gonna get " adds Nezamil with a sly smile before informing them quietly of what the governors offer was "keep it down we don't want to attract attention "

"and you guys were worried about what compensation you were gonna get " grins the Cleric of Domi " have a little faith "

After a short discussion with the bash brothers about what spells or potions would be useful he sends them inside with his list

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday February 5th, 2006 1:09:55 AM

Hal's eyes go wide at Nezamil's words of riches to come there way and lets out whistle before regaining his composure " thats awesome " as he turns and high five's his brother

Kirk lets out a holler " whoa! woohoo we're ri...... " buts clasps a hand over his mouth before he finishes the last word and quickly looks around with a sheepish grin

After a quick discussion about what potions to get with Nezamil's advice the brothers both head quickly inside and meet up with the wildcards and the halfling making the list

" here you go this is what we and the big guy want " grins Hal as his kirk stands next to him with barely contained enthusium as he rubs his hands together as the money is counted out

potion -displacement(3rd level)
scroll -Locate object(3rd),spiritual weapon(2nd)

Bash brothers (each)
potions -Shield of faith (1st),CLW (1st),enlarge(1st)

Sunday February 5th, 2006 2:13:06 PM

Bart doesn't have much knowledge about potions.
He says to Cosmo 3 potiosn uhh? So a cure serious wounds, a bullstrength and a cure moderate potion for me then or is that too much?

DM Jim: You get three levels of potions not three potions. Repick!

Mykael  d20+12=26 d20+12=26
Monday February 6th, 2006 4:13:24 AM

Mykael puts in his order and waits for the group to head out.

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds

Scroll of Lightning Bolt
Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement
Scroll of Animate Rope

Tutored spells (made rolls to learn)
Charm Person

Monday February 6th, 2006 4:23:40 AM

Appolo jions the others and puts his order in.

Potions of Greater invisibility,CSW and Bulls Strength.

DM JIM: Try again. You get three levels of potions not three potions. As an example, Cats grace counts as two levels of potion.

Monday February 6th, 2006 6:49:35 AM

Rigging listens to the govenor's order Cosmo and he frowns. "Sirs I am sorry, but that won't work. If this halfling is going with us, then he needs to be with us. He and we can't have limitations. If you need to for politics, fire him and we will induct him into the crew and the Wildcards."

Rigging looks over to Cosmo and says, "Join us for real. We have recently lost one of our mages. I don't believe Ari will be back, and I miss him, but I don't think he deserves a share either. Why don't you take his share but that means you join us for real. What do you think?"

Monday February 6th, 2006 11:29:37 AM

Ashira is very quiet on the way back, speaking only when Cosmo asks for her potion order. The Governors had as much told her that the Quad was retreating back into their temple...and yet, it apparently wasn't a crime for the Quad to come out and attack them whenever they wanted. Politics...stupid lousy politics!! Ashira thinks a good long time about the best way to go about annihilating the Quad.

Potion order:
Mary---Enlarge Person (1), Barkskin +2 (2)
John---Shield of Faith +2 (1), Blur (2)
Ashira---Fly (3)

Monday February 6th, 2006 11:43:23 AM

Well Cosmo i don't have much knowledge about potions. I thought i could choose three potions. I don't know anything about potion levels (ooc have lost my dm guide). A cure serious potion is that a level 3? Well let me see it different i want the biggest healing potion you have. And if possible a bull strength potion

Monday February 6th, 2006 12:09:36 PM

Appolo orders a potion os Bulls Strength.He then turns to Rigging"So what's the plan.Are they going to help with the Quad or are we going to have to do it ourselves?"

Monday February 6th, 2006 12:54:10 PM

Cosmo finishes making his stacks of platinum pieces. He stands up and begins to distribute the money. He hands Mykael and Rigging 50 pp each. He hands the rest of the Wildcards 75 pp each.

Cosmo sits back down and starts writing furiously as the orders pour in for potions, scrolls & tutoring. He has gathered this so far on his list.

Potions (3 levels):
Rigging: Heroism
Nezamil: Displacement
Hal: Shield of Faith & CLW
Kirk: Shield of Faith & CLW
Ashira: Fly
Mary: Enlarge Person & Barkskin
John: Shield of Faith & Blur
Bart: CSW
Apollo: Bulls Strength & CLW
Jagr: ?
Val: CSW * updated *
Mykael: CSW
Melanie: ?

Scrolls (5 levels):
Rigging: Scorching Ray & Tongues
Mykael: Lightning Bolt, Ray of Enfeeblement & Animate Rope
Nezamil: Locate Object & Spiritual Weapon

Spellbook/Tutoring (4 levels):
Rigging: ?
Mykael: Charm Person & Slow

"Almost done. Just a few missing items and I can start to get these processed."

Cosmo (cont.) 
Monday February 6th, 2006 1:32:01 PM

Cosmo listens to Rigging's offer to join the Wildcards.

"I am sorry Rigging, but I am not at liberty to make that decision. Let me go talk to the three Governors and let them know your offer."

Cosmo walks back into the meeting room. A short while later he returns and moves towards Rigging.

"The governors have given me leave of my duty to join you and your comrades. I accept your generous offer if your companions are agreeable to it also. I have some minor complications though."

Cosmo hesitates and seems to struggle for his next words.

"It is common knowledge to many factions within the city who my employer is or should I say was. Any action that I partake in may seem like an action by them. Until my separation from the governors and my joining with the Wildcards becomes old news, I may be limited in the amount of adventuring that I may be able to do in their jurisdiction. I wouldn't want my exploits to embarrass my former employer."

"Other than that, I look forward to joining the Wildcards and using my magic to help in this endeavor."

Rigging Illegal post 
Monday February 6th, 2006 6:45:13 PM

ooc Jim looks like I will have limited internet access. I will try and post at night. Won't be able to post in the day. If I haven't posted by morning, Chris please post for me.

Is Matt playing for Cosmo yet?

Rigging gets an evil grin on his face and says to the Wildcards. "They have a temple here. Might be some time for some payback. They have proven they won't play by their emperor's wishes, then they don't get any protection either."

Rigging starts rubbing his hands together and says, "Been awhile since we attacked a temple."

OOC - I am posting for myself/Cosmo as of todays 2 posts.

Monday February 6th, 2006 6:45:20 PM

"I better go with a healing potion. I'm sure just having it will save my life sooner or later. I don't know about you captain but the open sea has never looked so good as it does right now."

ooc: potion of cure serious wounds.

OOC - Val, Jim said that you are controlling Melanie's NPC. What potion(s) does she want?

DM Jim: Shopping and Planning 
Monday February 6th, 2006 9:26:53 PM

Cosmo, the little halfling, is taking orders for potions and scrolls from all of the Wildcards and giving some background on himself at the same time. All the orders must be in before the halfling will be able to preceed.

Rigging demands Cosmos assistance in an assult on the double quad, but the Governors are concerned about the political ramifications. Rigging suggests a remedy by giving Cosmo a share and his termination, but there are still concerns about embarassing questions if Cosmo is discovered in any attack on sovereign territory.

Cosmo expresses concern about embarassing his now former employers, but seems eager for a new adventure.

Cosmo leads all of the Wildcards and their friends outside to a gathering crowd that are waiting for the general meeting. Cosmo calls to Paul. "You are on your own for the rest of the day."

Everyone is standing around looking at one another, some of the new recruits are visibly nervous. Mary whispers to Ashira. "I all of a sudden feel very exposed out on the street."

Melonie moves close to Val and asks quietly "Where to now?"

The hulking Hal seems to get excited "Alright short stuff, point out the direction of the bad guys." Kirk cracks his neck very loudly and just smiles.

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 12:20:39 AM

Ashira frowns. "Considering the political climate in this town, that might not be the best idea, Rigging. And I don't really like the idea of walking into enemy territory. If we're going to pick a fight, I'd rather it be on our own turf...like Val says." Ashira sighs...she hates to admit the she and Val see eye to eye yet again. "And I think I've got a few ideas as to how to set up the fight, but I'd like to talk in a more private setting about them."

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 8:19:40 AM

Riggings says, "I wasn't planning on marching over in the next five minutes but I see your point. Planning is good."

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 9:52:36 AM

The giant sized dwarf peers at and over the crowd gathering in front of the governors house " i think we should head back to the Sword as quickly as we can so the Ga'alian scum doesn't get too much time to plan another ambush "

"I agree with Val , familiar territory sounds like the best place for us till we settle on our next step so i suggest staying aboard the ship and getting it ready for action is our best move "

" i'm not suggesting leaving South harbor just yet cuz i'd like to leave a bigger mark on them Ga'alians first " grins Nezamil

Hal and kirk only received 2 levels of potions !! the 3rd was enlarge potion as was posted

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 10:09:08 AM

Val takes her heavy flail from Melonie and smiles at the young elf. "I think we are going to try and make it back to the ship. Things will be a little cramped so you can bunk with me. It's a cozy little cabin. Okay its small but its the only thing I have besides what you see now and I want to share it with you."

Val takes a calming breath and scans the room. Before she didn't fear a quad attack. But that was before she found Melonie. The young elf had met hardship but she had survived. Val feels responsable for her well being. If a Quad ambushes them again, will she be able to protect her?

"We all know the Quad will attack again. They always ambush us. They always find us first. I'm getting really tired of that. One of these days I'd like to ambush them. Take it to them when they aren't expecting it."

Walter OOC 
Tuesday February 7th, 2006 10:29:29 AM

OOC: For Melonie's potions give her a level 2 barksin and a level 1 healing.

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 11:51:42 AM

Back to the ship then. I will see if we can locate the quad with the wayfinder and then we can make our plan. I'm interested in your ideas Ashira. I have some myself as well

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 2:09:54 PM

Mykael is in a good mood now that he has increased his spell and scroll repotoire with diverse and lethal additions

" how many of these saphires did we find ?" inquires Mykael of Nezamil as he peruses the ones he is holding

posted by Chris

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 2:24:36 PM

Appolo looks at Vlanthe"Hey I thought I was sharing a cabin with you."

He then walks over to Rigging"You know boss I really don't like the fact that our new partners have let the G'aalians set up a temple here and allow them to operate freely.If we're to do business here we have to destroy that temple and drive them out of town."

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 2:26:25 PM

Jagar is excited about the new oppurtunities being created for him " this will be a good base of operations for us "

" I will start with getting to know the local merchants to help us buy and sell what you find and develop in the Freeport " adds Jagar " getting to know the locals better will also help us build a network of information"

"So much to do" grins the Monk " i will enjoy the creative process of this endeavor "

Jagar passes his requests for potions to Cosmo (magic fang)1st,(enlarge)1st,(mage armor)1st

Jagar congragulates the rest of his friends on their journey of exploration and a safe return to South harbor before they set out for the docks and the Sword

Tuesday February 7th, 2006 10:43:30 PM

Cosmo peruses his list one more time and turns to the wildcards.

"Good that is everyone. I will get this list off to the proper people so they can start collecting all the items on it."

Cosmo leaves the room for about 15 minutes before returning.


Potions (3 levels):
Rigging: Heroism
Nezamil: Displacement
Hal: Shield of Faith, Enlarge Person & CLW
Kirk: Shield of Faith, Enlarge Person & CLW
Ashira: Fly
Mary: Enlarge Person & Barkskin
John: Shield of Faith & Blur
Bart: CSW
Apollo: Bulls Strength & CLW
Jagr: Magic Fang, Enlarge Person & Mage Armor
Val: CSW
Mykael: CSW
Melanie: Barkskin & CLW

Scrolls (5 levels):
Rigging: Scorching Ray & Tongues
Mykael: Lightning Bolt, Ray of Enfeeblement & Animate Rope
Nezamil: Locate Object & Spiritual Weapon

Spellbook/Tutoring (4 levels):
Rigging: Enlarge Person, Mass
Mykael: Charm Person & Slow

DM Jim: Moving on 
Wednesday February 8th, 2006 9:55:34 AM

OOC: Hi All, I apologize for missing a post yesterday, but I could not get acess during my travels. I will post over the weekend to make up.


Cosmo takes the final orders from the Wildcards and friends before taking Jager on a tour of South Harbor and the warehouse. The potions and scrolls will be ready in two days along with all of the paperwork regarding deeds and shares. Rigging and Mykael must schedule tutor time at the Star mages Guild.

The rest of the group takes a nervous walk back to the Sword, but make it unscathed.

More planning takes place as to what to do about the quads. Ashira, Val and Rigging discuss the Wildcards options.

The Sword still needs at least one week of repair to be up to fighting speed. The branches must all be removed from the bottom of the ship. Tomas asks Rigging. "How long will we be gone, so that I can provide provisions and supplies? I will also have to draw funds."

Val seems to change her sleeping arrangements, much to the excitement of Melonie and dismay of Appolo.

Mykael inquires about the quality and quanties of the sapphires that nezamil is carrying for the group as he only has a few to to inspect.

Roll a gemcutter skill check as apprasial.

Cosmo and Jager make it back to the Sword after all the rest have boarded. The small halfling shows that he has sea legs as he easily walks across the rolling deck of the Sword.

Wednesday February 8th, 2006 11:10:11 AM

Val can't help but smile at Appolo's comments. "Well you are capable of looking after yourself. Adjusting to our life isn't easy and I just want to make sure that she makes the transition as well as we have. I'm sure there will be times when I will have the cabin all to myself."

Wednesday February 8th, 2006 2:28:49 PM

Bart explains his tactics first one of us me or someone else has to use the wayfinder to locate the Monk. If we are lucky we get there hiding place. After that we scout the area. Make a plan and attack them. Maybe we even don't have to make an assault if we use stealth invisibility we could sneak in and steal the nauticoulos back. Something for rigging and appolo to attempt?

Wednesday February 8th, 2006 6:18:43 PM

Rigging smiles at Bart, pats him on the shoulder and says, "They have now twice tried to assassinate me. I really don't want to give them a third shot. Do you?" he asks archly.

"No time to eliminate them and get on with our plans or they will always be in the background. I want them dead and we can pick the nautaulous off their corpses."

Rigging will distribute the money telling Tomas to get provisions for 3 months at sea.

Wednesday February 8th, 2006 11:04:17 PM

Settling aboard the Sword the giant sized dwarf overhears Bart and Captain Rigging discussing tactics "Captain i've requested a scroll that would help locate an object which i think would be handy in finding the artifact but as the halfling mentioned we won't receive the magical items for 2 days "

" it also has a limited range so we wouldn't be able to scour the city for it but if and when we face them again in battle i could use it to discern which/if one of them has possesion of the artifact"

Greeting the Halfling " i'm Nezamil welcome aboard " remarks the 14'+ dwarf

Some time later in the day Nezamil will find Mykael and show him the extent of the captured jewels " see if you can determine the value of these jewels " informs Nezamil of Mykael

Nezamil gives up his sleeping quarters to the bash brothers since his size restyricts his access to some of the ship

Wednesday February 8th, 2006 11:42:38 PM

Cosmo comes on board with Jagr. He takes a deep breath of the sea air and remembers his past sailing adventures.

He greets everyone and thanks Nezamil for welcoming him aboard. Cosmo moves over to Rigging.

"Where should I store my stuff? I do not need much space so point me in the right direction and I will check it out."

Thursday February 9th, 2006 12:59:42 AM

Ashira looks wearily at Rigging. "We really don't have the time for this... I volunteer to work night and day on clearing the branches from under the hull. With my ring of sustenance I only need a couple of hours of sleep a day. I can use my ever burning torch for illumination during the night, and if you haste me I'll be able to do the work even faster. I ought to be able to take at least a few days off the job."

Mykael  d20+7=9 d20+10=23 d20+5=25
Thursday February 9th, 2006 1:48:42 AM

Mykael states, "I need some rest... then I can cast waterbreathing on a few and get what under water. Just give me a crew. Until then, lets concentrate on the branches up top. The hull will take more time, dont want to slow her any. I will direct and help on all. I am a shipwright, its within my scope of abilities."

(1 3rd lvl spell will give me 12 hours of water breathing, can distribute it among as many as I need, but must distribute it evenly, Shipwright = 9... ouch)

When Nez shows Mykael the saphirres, he looks them over, and pulls out a kit. He puts a small lens to his eye and examines each one, "These are nice, fun to work with".

(Gem Cutting = 23, Appraisal = 25, nat 20)

Bart (2nd post) 
Thursday February 9th, 2006 3:34:03 AM

Of course Rigging but we still have to locate them using the wayfinder for example and get the surprise on our side. Hopefully the have the nauticoulus with them other wise we could use Nezamils scroll

DM Jim: Shopping 
Thursday February 9th, 2006 1:53:43 PM

Tomas takes 500 gp from Rigging. "Just want to put down payments on our supplies. I will pay the balance upon arrival and inspection. I will be back in a few hours." Tomas has a few sailor take him to the dock in the launch. The sailors return with the launch a short while later.

New sleeping arrangements are initiated. Appolo is unsure of where to bunk, and Nezamil will get comfortable with the mast. It may prove exhausting sleeping in armor on a hard deck. Not the same as sleeping in the soft mosses outside the Valley Of Life.

Mykael takes a few hours to inspect the sapphires and determines that they are of three grades (50, 100, and 150 gp quality) in equal proportions.

The balance of the Wildcards get busy attempting to clear the Sword of its extra growth. Most of the work that is left is below the waterline. Ashira even requests to work 22 hours a day.

Rigging and Mykael must visit the Star Mages Guild for tutoring.


Tomas does not return that evening. As the light is fading on the day one of the new sailors notices someone from the docks hailing the Sword. The person sets down a basket and walks away. The Sailor alerts Nezamil as he was close by attempting to find a comfortable position on the deck.

Thursday February 9th, 2006 4:29:36 PM

Nezamil alrted by the sailor to the activity on the docks sends the sailor to alert Captain Rigging .

Once the sailor heads to see the Captain the giant sized dwarf quickly organizes a few sailors to to retreive the basket on the docks by dispatching the swords launch to pick up said basket

Thursday February 9th, 2006 5:03:08 PM

Lacking Ashira's swimmming skill and her ability to breathe water Val works on the growth above the water line. With her ring of water walking Val simply walks around the Sword clearing what growth she can reach.

DM Jim: Supplimental 
Thursday February 9th, 2006 5:21:42 PM

Nezamil sends a pair of sailors to retrive the basket. One of the sailors is seen to vomit upon inspection of the basket. They pair row quickly back to the Sword.

In the basket is a bloody ear and a note:

Leave the artifact at the front gate of the Ga'alian compound by sunset and your friend lives to see it raise the next day. If not he will become one of us.

The note is written in blood.

Thursday February 9th, 2006 5:36:26 PM

Appolo heads back to his old cabin rather disgruntled.He then head back on deck and makes himselfe comfortable in the crows nest.

Appolo was standing watch in the crows nest when the person with the basket appeared.He quickly climbs down"Well it looks like some one has dropped off a gift."He says as walks over to Nezamil.He then turns to some sailors "lower a boat,guiess we should go get it.Although it's probably not anything good."

Appolo second post 
Thursday February 9th, 2006 5:49:32 PM

Appolo looks at the ear and reads the note."Well looks like we've been invited to a ball.Didn't think they liked us that much.How nice of them."

Thursday February 9th, 2006 8:48:01 PM

Mykael working late on the ship, notices the commotion and goes over to see what is going on.

"Dang it, why did he go or was allowed to go without a guard. I would have went. Got busy with work and didnt notice he was leaving. I should have paid more attention."

"Well, the kidnapping and extorsion should allow, the governors to get into the fray. However, when I am done, all they will have to do is put out the fire of a burning temple."

Mykael heads below decks, without another word, and is walking with determination and no sign of the hard day of work he has endured.

Cosmo  d20+5=11
Thursday February 9th, 2006 9:19:45 PM

The disturbance on the deck of the ship stirs Cosmo from his thoughts on joining the Wildcards. He moves over to the throng of people to see what is causing it. He is shocked as everyone else when he sees what is in the basket.

Cosmo quickly scans the dockside for anything of interest (spot 11).

This is not right. The governors must be told of what has happened here. He looks around the ship for Rigging.

Cast Mage Armor upon myself and my familiar (duration 9 hours).

Thursday February 9th, 2006 9:56:05 PM

Rigging looks at the bucket and sees red, He bellows, "Officers and Wildcard meeting belowdecks now." He looks at Cosmo and says, "You need to make a choice now son. Either your with us 100% or you heading back to the beach. Their will be blood tonight and the I don't give a flying 'insert colorful swearwords' about anyone's politics. This has gone on to far."

Rigging will wait for the decision, and then move below decks being trailed by the others. When they have all assembled below decks, "This quad has pissed me off for the last time. We are taking the temple out this afternoon. Ashira and Val, put a plan together. I want Tomas back and I want the quad dead. I want the temple burned to the ground and the priests dead. I want our artifact back and I want no mercy. We attack this afternoon. Plan on them knowing that we are coming. They have so many spies, I can't scratch my bum without them knowing it.

Get to work."

Thursday February 9th, 2006 11:56:17 PM

The ranger nods and turns to Val. "Well, well well...guess politics is out the window. Shall we plot the anhiliation of a group of religious zealots?" Looking grim, Ashira heads over to Val's quarters and gets to business, knowing that they only have a few precious planning hours.

Friday February 10th, 2006 1:40:55 AM

"I know this is irrelivant but I thought we had only the one artifact which they stole. So how could they want what they already have? Anyway how to accomplish what the captain wants. Well we need to prevent them from escaping. Perhaps we can web the doors and windows secretly. Then when we storm in through the front door they won't be able to run for reinforcements. We will be going in blind so I think only the veterans should come along. For all we know they will be waiting in force for our attack."

Friday February 10th, 2006 2:48:25 AM

Well Val i still have the wayfinder the counterpart of the nauticoulos. At least we know now where they possible hide the wayfinder. It's a long time ago that we raid an Ga'alian temple. I'm al ears. We have to use stealth invissibility, haste on all of use bullstregth on the fighters. I still have a bullstrength potion left.
We will free Thomas and get the Nauticoulos back

Friday February 10th, 2006 10:49:15 AM

Rigging has put Cosmo in an uncomfortable position.

"Rigging you know I cannot enter the Ga'alian compound. I cannot jeopardize the governor's relationship with them if I am discovered to be part of the direct assault. I cannot abandon my relationship with governors."

"Having me there or not there is the least of your worries. South Harbor's law enforcement will respond if the attack draws their attention. It will take them but a handful of minutes to mobilize a force to quell any fighting within the city limits. Your group will come out looking worse than them as you are doing the attacking. What will be your plans if this occurs?"

"Now with all that said, I am not abandoning the Wildcards. I joined this group knowing what was in store for me. I may not be able to give 100% to this battle, but even 50% of my magic is better than none. Much of my magic has range to it and the creatures I summon can cause diversions by attacking in different spots than the Wildcards. Plus I will be able to act in full if the battle ends up away from the Temple. We will just have to plan a different strategy for me and my summoned friends."

"Outside of the Mage Armor spell I just cast, I am full in spell casting capacity."

DM Jim: Planning Vengence 
Friday February 10th, 2006 1:29:03 PM

Rigging i vowing to rescue Tomas and requests Val and Ashira to plan the assult. Cosmo has concerns about his conflicted role, and cautions that he has already cast one spell.

OOC: If you leave for the Ga'alian compound now or even in a few hours, the spell users will not have had time to recover their spells. Bart has recovered his Con loss.

Bart offers helpful suggestion on the use of wayfinder and helpful spells, if they are available to the spellusers is the real question.

Once Rigging call the meeting below deck, all of the Wildcards attend, but Nezamil as his new bulk will not let him enter the lower reaches of the Sword. Hal, Kirk, Mary, Melonie, and John all attend the meeting Mary start the meeting by softly saying. "I did not have much time to get to know Tomas, but he seems real nice. The poor man has been through so much recently."

Friday February 10th, 2006 2:16:44 PM

The ranger slams her fist on the table as Cosmo speaks of the Governor's likely response. "So you mean to tell me that it is perfectly ok for these (insert rather foul swearing) to kidnap one of our men and ransom them, but if we strike back, they're going to stop us?!!" Fire burns in Ashira's eyes. "No way!! No way I'm doing business with these son's of Ga'al! I've had enough of there political garbage."

Friday February 10th, 2006 3:08:55 PM

Cosmo takes a look around the room at all the Wildcards. He notes their passion. He understands their loyalty to a comrade who is in trouble. He also knows some of the inner workings of South Harbor. He turns to Ashira and responds to her comments.

"I am not saying what has happened isn't wrong. I am also not saying, not to seek vengeance for the injuries to Tomas and the injuries to yourselves. I am saying what South Harbor will do if a battle breaks out within the city. Their first action will be to stop the fighting. Their second action will probably be to throw you in jail as you were the aggressors and have trespassed on Ga'alian ground."

"I doubt anyone but us knows what has happened. I am pretty sure the governors do not know. All I am suggesting is that attacking the compound may not be the best solution to our problem. It may be in the short run, but not if we all end up getting thrown in jail."

"Remember the governors have a vested interest in the Wildcards future. Perhaps they should be made aware of what has happened and what may happen if Tomas isn't released and justice isn't served against his kidnappers."

Friday February 10th, 2006 8:02:42 PM

Grimly Appolo follows the others below.He waits a bit then speaks"Cosmo you go tell the windbags what happenned and to stay out of our way.Those that get in our way geta class A invitation to meet Gargul.You see this has nothing to do with Thomas so much as we are pirates of Jack and G'aalians are scum.Sooner or later we we're going to attack that temple and destroy it.We've destroyed Tem[le's of G'aal before burned down villages and palaces.G'aal and Gargul only know how many quads we've defeated.This will be no different.Don't tell me about odds or what the govenors will do.By the time the town guard gets organized the battle will mostly be over,the temple and surrounding buildings on fire and we will either be dead or victorious.So Cosmos either you fight in this battle with everything you and let the whole wold know your with us or you go back to your masters and tell them the deals off and we are going to destroy that temple.It's as simple as that.You see life for us is real simple it's black and white.Kill or be killed.We are always out mumbered surrounded and some would say out classed.but we have always been victorious.So Cosmo it's all or nothing.Are you with us or not.You say this is about vengence perhaps it is,but it also needs to be done.I'm not leaving Jager behind by himself withan active Temple of G'aal to contend with.We can't do business with south harbor as long as there is.The govenors saw fit to stand down and watch while the crew of the swordwas attacked and decimated for two weeks.While we were out taking care of business the hard way.They did nothing about it so now we're going to do something about it.We don't give a dam about politics.We aren't politicians."Having said his piece to CosmoAppolo looks around the room"Ok folks I suggesy we get a good nights rest and plan for the battle in the morning."

Friday February 10th, 2006 9:07:31 PM

"Cosmo I don't expect you to understand but you are wrong. If the Governors don't know whats going on then they are incompetant and should be removed from office. They knew about what Ga'al was doing to this ship and its crew. Besides you ensure Tomas will suffer and die. I find it hard to believe that you didn't know yourself. If the governors side with ga'al then they are enemies and should be delt with the same as all other ga'al scum. Nobody here failed to notice Cosmo that the governors don't care one bit about us. They wan't to make money. They want to deal with both us and ga'al and that won't work. Maybe if you were captured and heartseeded you would speak differently. If the guard mobilizes against me then they stand with ga'al. The governors stand to loose any significant return on their investment. I wouldn't be suprised if they have some sort of deal with ga'al in place already. I imagine that you are already known in this city. Any magic you cast will be suspected as yours. Why don't you stay here where your not at risk of getting dirty." Val says angrily. The Quad perform acts of evil and Cosmo wants to use diplomacy. The very thought of doing nothing while Tomas suffers and dies makes her blood boil.

Friday February 10th, 2006 10:49:05 PM

Nezamil stays topside and and tries to listen to the meeting but to no avail with the sounds of the ocean and sounds from the city drowning out the conversation
Unable to attend the dwarf keeps watch and helps chat and train those crew members assigned for watch....giving them tips and advice on what to look for and how to stay alert

" at least the weather is good " mutters Nezamil as he keeps busy under the starry night

Saturday February 11th, 2006 1:15:04 AM

After going to his cabin, pacing, cursing, gearing up for a fight, Mykael heads for the meeting.

He listens to the comments made, he is seething with anger, but his intellect over-rides his emotion.

"Wait. I am just as angered by the events as you all. However, a direct assault on the temple is a bad idea. They know we would go there, so either Thomas is there and they are waiting for us... baiting us into an ambush. Or... they are holding him somewhere else, and are going to bait us into an open act of agression against soveirgn ground, to get the guard and/or governors to help them. Either by locking us up, so we cant protect the ship, plus we will be sitting ducks with no weapons, or in a battle against us."

"Secondly, if they have Thomas at the temple and we assault it directly, he may be killed immediatly, and we will not have solved the MOST important problem."

"Perhaps, we can get the governors, (he spits the word governors, as if it had a bad after taste), to work diplomacy, covert assistance, or perhaps even direct help to get Thomas back. We should try."

"Also, we dont even know WHO has the artifact that was stolen, it could be the quad, it could be the Pirate of Jack here, it could just be a lucky thief."

"Reckless action, offers a serious risk of getting us into trouble. I dont hold any faith or respect for the governors, however, I am willing to at least let them try and earn it."

Saturday February 11th, 2006 12:24:23 PM

Rigging is seething inside and is proud of the comments from his wife and friends. Still some small amount of reasoning penetrates his brain as his blood boils.

"Cosmo, the actions of your govenors make me sick. While we were away, this ship and its crew were repeatedly attacked. Over 40 memebers of its crew were either killed or abducted. Where was the Gargul blasted town guards then! Rigging shouts the last statement.

Rigging's tone dials down but the menance in his voice is palpable. "Cosmo, go and inform the govenors of what is happening. If you want to be part of the crew, renounce your employment with them. Put it in writing if that will cover their precious asses and then come back. Otherwise don't come back at all. I will not have a crewmember on this ship I can't trust to fully committ him or herself to my orders.

Either way, tell them either to help us or get out of the way. Now go!"

Rigging turns to Apollo and says, "We have to attack today. They have given us a deadline of dusk."

He then turns to Mykael and says, "I agree with you. I doubt that the quad will be there. Still they are devoted to their god and either will come running to the priest's aid if they can or at least learn that their actions have consequences." He looks sternly into the air and then says, "Besides, they will need the temple to convert Tomas. The quad won't be carrying around heartseeds with them. That is the purvey of the priests. And under the new rules, since the year of ascent, the recipiant has to willingly accept the heartseed. They might torture Tomas but if he can hold out, we might save him."

Rigging looks down and sighs, "Besides, the quad isn't honorable. Even if we gave them Wayfinder, I doubt they would give Tomas back. Sadly, we have to count him lost, but I am going to avenge him."

Sunday February 12th, 2006 3:26:52 PM

I agree Rigging Thomas is maybe killed already. We have to act no matter how the risks Thomas did knew that when he joined the Pirates. Nezamil will you guide is in a prayer to Domi

DM Jim: Planning continued 
Monday February 13th, 2006 8:39:31 AM

OOC: It was my impression that it was already dusk or early evening when the messanger came with the basket. The note indicated dusk tomorrow. Sorry if I was confusing.


The wildcards seeth in rage at the affront of the quad and the Ga'alians in capturing one of their own. More planning and vengence is planned.

Also what is the best way to use Cosmo?

The Wildcards planning session ends and it is now evening. The water gently laps at the sides of the Sword, but everyones thoughts are elsewhere.


Treasure list once the group has the items identifed (taken from the 30 token as part of the payment from the Governors).

Great Axe +2 spell storing (touch spells only - currently holding a shocking grasp)

All Potions are cure moderate

Mithril shirt +3

Cloak of resistance +1

11 arrows +1

3 arrows +2

2 arrows +3

All of the arrows are spell storing also - touch spells only - Will only hold spell for one round per spell caster level, before dissapating.

Monday February 13th, 2006 10:28:37 PM

Ashira looks at Rigging and Bart with a dangerous fire in her eye. "No! I won't leave him behind!! I won't let them do to him what they did to me! Even if I have to go in there alone, I'm going to bring Tomas back or die trying!" She looks at every person in the room and then goes and readies her equipment, ready to back up her words with actions.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 1:23:06 AM

The dwarf paces the deck slowly waiting for the meeting to end and hoping for someone to come up and inform him of what the meeting below decks was about

Nezamil looks skyward at the moon lights up the night sky " stay alert people " growls the dwarf to the sailors on watch as he paces

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 3:13:13 AM

Ashira calm down i didn't say we would leave Thomas behind! Sure we gonna try to safe him just as we did with you. I only said that maybe Thomas is already dead, and that he know the risks when he joined the pirates. But that wont hold us for saving him and retrieve the artefact. If we wont attack tonight i will use the wayfinder now to observate the temple and focus to thomas, once we save Thomas nez can use his scroll to locate the artefact. I suggest we attack an hour before sunrise

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 12:56:37 PM

"Well we need to do something fast. Dead or alive we need to bring him back. He deserves a decent burial. Plus I wouldn't put it past them to raise him after we've gone and heartseed him then."

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 1:13:50 PM

Cosmo knows arguing any further is a waste of time and will not help the situation. He remains quiet and waits to hear Rigging's final plan and course of action for himself.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 1:18:38 PM

Rigging listens to the others but especially to his wife. "Don't misunderstand me. I want Tomas back. I am jut not depending on the Ga'alians to act honorably. Their is a chance that Tomas is already dead or heartseeded. We need to be ready for that.

This is why I am not advocating dancing to their tune. They have this town totally under their control. If we try and turn the trap on them, we will still be playing in their backyard. No I am still in favor of the temple run. We might get lucky and find Tomas there but if we don't, it sends a message.

We need to prepare for the raid. We need to hear back from the govenors and Cosmo. Who knows, they might come through. Right now, we need information. What is the layout to the temple? Who are the priests there and what can they do? We need someone who has been inside. Appolo, this is your mission. Get me some answers. Get off the ship, get into some taverns and get me some answers. Take Mykael with you when you go. Make sure your not seen, I don't want to have to rescue you as well."

Ashira and Val, I need a battle plan from you only using the Wildcards. I don't think our new friends or the crew is up to this yet. Think shock and awe. I want diversions while others can do something more sneaky, like search the place."

Rigging will turn to Mykael and ask, "Can you do any scrying magic? I can't. If not, then we might need to get some scrolls from the catacombs. I want information on what we are facing."

Cosmo (cont.) 
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 2:30:43 PM

Cosmo is glad that Rigging wants to inform the Governor's about the current situation.

"I will let them know what has happened. I will also gauge their reaction and try to discern if they are truly against the Wildcards as you say. I will be back shortly."

Once of deck of the ship, Cosmo will ride his Griffon to the Governor's.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 4:15:03 PM

Appolo listens to Rigging,then just before Cosmo leaves he catches up to him"We need blue prints of the temple,maps of the city and of the sewer system.Can you get those for us?"He asks Cosmo.

Tuesday February 14th, 2006 5:41:53 PM

Mykael replies to Rigging "cannot Bart use the artifact to scry for Tomas ??"

" Once we can estblish his location we can then plan an attack to recover him "

The elf pauses a moment before adding " we have all night to plan and rest for our course of action they did give us till dusk tomorrow to meet them with demands "

posted by Chris

DM Jim: Planning Payback 
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 6:37:56 PM

Nezamil stays topside while the other Wildcards plan and he keeps all of the crew calm as most of the Wildcards seem a bit tense and it was rubbing off on the new crew members, not to mention Tomas's kidnapping. The crew stick close to the oversized Dwarf, finding comfort in his wisdom and mass.

The Wildcards vow vengence against the Ga'alian's and start to plan their attack.

Rigging asks Mykael for scrying magic and the human turned elf reminds the Captain of Wayfinder.

Cosmo goes to track down the Governors for information. Once on the main deck of the Sword, Cosmo produces a small statuette and it turns into a Griffon. The Halfling nimbilly climbs the beast and flys off in the night sky: Any ride check required????

Cosmo Roll DC 15 K. Local to find a map of the South Harbor that is not locked up for the night.
Make the same rolls for a Sewer map and a map of the Ga'alian compound.
Roll a DC 11 diplomancy check to track down each of the Governor's, as they each have their own residence: Jobe, Ethan, and Samual.

Appolo and Mykael roll a DC 15 gather information check on the Ga'alian compound, DC 20 for information on the layout of the compound, and DC 25 for information from someone who has been inside the compound.


Information is a powerful tool and weapon.......

Cosmo  d20+7=21 d20+7=16 d20+7=24 d20+1=11 d20+1=2 d20+1=5 d20+1=21 d20+1=11
Tuesday February 14th, 2006 10:24:46 PM

For normal/typical riding there isn't any checks (Griffon does fall under normal riding). If something happens then maybe.

Lang quickly flies back to the place where he lives. He knows there are all sorts of maps of South Harbor in one of the archive rooms. He just hopes none of the other wizards is using them. A short search of the room proves quite successful as he is able to find a map of South Harbor, the Sewer system and the Ga'alian compound (Kn. Local 21, 16 & 24).

He tucks them into his backpack and heads off to the governors' residences. His first stop is Jobe's manor. After much pleading with the servants, Cosmo gets to meet with Jobe (Diplomacy 11). Cosmo explains everything to Jobe and tries to gauge the man's reaction. Unfortunately, Cosmo was too busy telling the man the news too notice much (sense motive natural 1).

His second stop is Ethan's residence, but the home is locked up tight for the night (Diplomacy 5).

Cosmo then heads to Samual's house. Cosmo doesn't even have to ask the servants for Samual as Samual answers the door himself (Diplomacy 21; natural 20). He is taking his dog out for a walk so Cosmo joins him and tells him the same details. Cosmo is a little more observant of Samual (sense motive 11).

Cosmo bades Samual farewell and flies back to the ship.

He either retires to his room or meets up with any Wildcards that are still awake.

Mykael  d20+4=5 d20+4=19 d20+4=18 d20+1=2 d20+5=10
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 12:01:47 AM

"I appologize by my wizard skills are limited. I do not have any way of scrying," Mykael responds to Rigging.

Mykael accompanies Appollo on the information gathering journey. He pulls the hood of his cloak over his head and heads out with Apollo.

"Other than a checking the bars, or maybe other temples, I have no clue where to look." Mykael comments to Apollo as they leave.

"Too bad its night out, otherwise that merchant in the bazaar may have info. Perhaps we should inquire about his residence, also."

(DC 15 gather information check on the Ga'alian compound = 5)
(DC 20 for information on the layout of the compound = 19)
(DC 25 for information from someone who has been inside the compound = 18)

Mykael has no luck and lets Apollo do most of the searching. Mykael remains the lookout for trouble, watching Apollo's back.

(Listen = 2, Spot = 10)

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 12:22:49 AM

Ashira anxiously awaits the information from Appolo and Mykael as well as Cosmo. In the meantime, she starts brainstorming with Val. "Ok, the monk is probably one of the worst threats. We need to neutralize him quickly. How about hitting him with some slows...if anybody can cast them. We've got Hold Person and Rigging can try and hit him with that. If that fails, then I suppose it's old school style. I figure a double team of you and Bart ought to take him down. That would free up me and Appolo and maybe even Nezamil to take on the priest." Ashira taps her chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm..maybe a few silence beads just to even things up. What do you think??"

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 1:02:53 AM

Nezamil watches as Cosmo flies off on a griffon " hmmm thats handy .... guess he has a few tricks " mutters Nezamil

" becareful guys " adds the dwarf to Mykael and Appolo as they go on a recon mission

The hugh dwarf stays on deck with crew on watch giving hints and advice to the newcomers about what and how to do their duties

" Hal and Kirk " calls out Nezamil " do me a favor and check out the armory and give a list of what they have .....we need to supply and train all the newcomers with the proper equipment cuz we have a long journey ahead of us "

" i think we need to appoint someone sargent at arms for the armory ...you guys intrested in that job ?" inquires Nezamil

When the halfling lands back aboard Nezamil will approach him " hey thats a pretty handy mount you have ...must be great for recon missions "

After chatting a little with Cosmo, Nezamil will settle in for the night and get some shuteye under the stars

george you want me to stock up the armory ?? according to Jim's list of the crew , he outfitted them already but we just have to decide on what equipment it is

Bart  d4=1
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 5:01:59 AM

I gonna use the wayfinder, I focus on thomas first if i cant focus on him i suppose he is dead and i will focus on the monk and the temple (con loss for using wayfinder 1). Please make sure i'm not disturbed while using the wayfinder

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 6:50:59 AM

"Silencing the priest would be a good thing. A few well placed spells could really turn the battle against us. And that monk, well he was just so unbelievably quick. Most elves don't move as fluid as he did. If the quad's had more like him I'd be worried."

DM Jim: Preparations 
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 7:29:49 AM

ooc: I have a big travel day ahead. I will do a quick post now and a follow up later as time permits, depending on what Rigging, Jager and Appolo post.


Mykael and Appolo leave the ship together and go out to find information on the Ga'alians. Maykael has problems finding anyone who associates with the Gal'alians and can not find any. It seems the Ga'alian tend to hire only those from their country.

Cosmo is more sucessful. Comso takes some time to collect the maps with some help of some other clerks. Cosmo is reminded to return the maps and raises a few eyebrows when he takes them out of the archives.

Cosmo finally convinces Jobe's young wife Jan that he needs to see the wizard. Jobe comes to meet Cosmo and hands off his young son to Jan and they leave the two wizards alone. "Yes Cosmo. Please no more work about attacking the Ga'alians. I understand your new friends need to act as they do and I hold no sway over them, but we have treaty requirements regarding the compound as you already know. We will have to respond to defend the soveriegn territory if is attacked. Also as we have discussed before, your presence will be a great embarassement to South Harbor and New Elenna if you are discovered, stay 100 feet away from the compound and do not become discovered." Cosmo does not get a good read on the man, beside the fact that he wants to get back to his family and other matters. Cosmos does remember that Jobe is very concerned about all those missing magic items.

Cosmo has no luck with Ethan, but Samual almost finds him. "You have to be very careful with the Ga'alians. Certianly want to see them taken down a peg or three, but we have our responsibilities too. We will give your new friends some time, but not enough to completely sack the place. We will be watching and will rush in before too much damage is done, but after some has been done. Tell your friends they have a good five minutes after detection, which I expect will not take long. Quinn and his ilk will be by in force. We need to look good too, coming to the rescue, but hopefully you and you friends are away by then. Quinn will come through the front gate. There is strife in the compound."

Bart uses wayfinder and sees a battered and bloodied Tomas tied to an alter. Bart also sees the monk, bloody hand axe out, lean over Tomas. The monk stands and pushes away an unkown priest carrying a heartseed plant. The plant is dropped on the ground and much screaming ensues before the image goes blank.


ooC: Chris is correct. The equipment (250 gp each) must be choosen for 24 of your fallen crew mates and the equipment added to the armory or given to the new crew.

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 3:30:47 PM

OOC, Jim just a note for reference. Wayfinder isn't a scrying device like a cyrstal ball but your spirit actually leaves the body and travels to the location. (This is why the consitution hit) Bart should have found himself there. He would have seen everything around him. He would also know where he is, since he had to travel there. Now you can have sent him back to his body..that is your preogative as DM but he should have seen more initially.

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 4:09:15 PM

OOC Trying to save some time here so assuming Bart told us what he saw.

Rigging grimaces when he hears about Tomas's torture and wants to run off to the rescue but decides to wait. Cosmo is gone, and so are some of the others. "We will attack at an hour before dawn." he announces.

Rigging looks over to Nezamil and says, "Use those cures up now on whoever might be dinged. I want everyone at full strength. Please let me have one now."

Rigging decides to do some of his own scouting. He kisses his wife on the cheek and says, "I won't be long. Wanna take a look at the church." He then turns himself invisible and slinks off the ship. He will move inland towards the church watching for possible ambush sites.

He will keep activating his ring and have Swirl fly high cover watching his back. When he gets about yards away, Rigging will cast polymorph self on himself and turn into a air elemental and try and get a good look at the grounds, guard locations, and if possible check out some windows.

Once his scouting trip is over, Rigging will fly quickly home to take advantage of his quick movement.

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 5:32:12 PM

"You got it Captain " replies the giant sized dwarf " ok who needs a little bit of Domi's ever loving touch ?" grins Nezamil

And the Cleric invokes Domi's divine powers with his remaining reportoire of spells .....spontanously casting cures on the wounded who speak up

Nezamil saves a spell for Bart " ah my friend he is a little something just for you for using the artifact (casts restoration,lesser)

"Now make you battle plans and let me rest so i can can replenish Domi's power for tomorrow's rescue of Tomas "

and with that Nezamil quickly falls asleep

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 5:45:13 PM

The Monk having been quiet of late pondering his new position in charge of the new warehouse' speaks up " i'll take a little bit of Domi's touch " and deftly steps to the Cleric's side " here i am ...let me have it " smiles Jagar

Jagar was down to 40/71 and takes a couple cures to reach full str again

" can't wait to face that Monk again " grumbles Jagar as he smacks a fist into the other palm "smack"

"its gonna be payback time "

DM Jim: Preparation II 
Wednesday February 15th, 2006 7:13:39 PM

Nezamil uses up several cure spells on his friends and save a special one for Bart and he feels instantly better.

Jager can not wait for morning.

Bart's body sailed over the city and to a very rich area. The homes are all walled compounds and it is on the edge of the city a fair distance from the docks. Bart's body entered one of the largest and tallest structures in the compound, that turned out to be the temple.

Appolo chose not to gather information.

Rigging goes on a scouting trip himself using the rough direction that Cosmo gave him. The compound has 10 foot high walls and several guard building that are even with the top of the walls. The front gate is open and there are post signs out front warning trespassers not to enter in several languages.

A map will follow tonight.

Wednesday February 15th, 2006 10:32:43 PM

OOC Did Rigging or Swirl spot any guards? Any patrols? Movement within the compound?

DM Jim: There were 4 guards on top of each of the buildings on the walls and one group of four with 2 dogs walking the inside perimeter.

Thursday February 16th, 2006 4:17:12 AM

ooc Bart told everything he saw and expierenced
Thomas is still alive, he is being held in the temple of ga'al. He is being tortuered by the monk and they tried to seed him. It looks like the monk has is own agenda.
Thanks Nezamil for helping me.
What is the plan? Frontal attack on the temple or more stealthy

Thursday February 16th, 2006 10:27:21 AM

"Ashira after seeing the compounds layout we have additional problems. How do we make sure that Ga'al doesn't exit out of the compound and circle around behind us. We need to secure the exits before the battle starts. Perhaps a simple magical lock spell will suffice or should we take more drastic measures. Walls of stone or something?"

Appolo  d20+2=17 d20+2=3 d20+2=20
Thursday February 16th, 2006 10:35:00 AM

Appolo goes with Mykeal and asks around.he gathers a little more imformation then mykeal.
He also reutrns to the sword a little later then his firend.
Gather imformation about compound 17 Gather Imformation about inside of Compound and Lay out 20 Find Some one who has been inside compound 3.

Sorry about late post.I posted but for some reason it didn't go through.Please forgive me. Thank you.

DM Jim: Dawn is fast approaching 
Thursday February 16th, 2006 1:03:25 PM

OOC: Just a quick post now as I may have difficulty tonight. I will attempt to start posting at lunch time again.


Appolo returns to the Sword and reports that the Ga'alians do not normally hire people that are not of their ilk unless necessary. The compound has stone walls that are magically protected is also a rumor. Also that their are strange plants grown in the gardens.....

The Wildcards put all of their information together in preparations for attack.

Hal and Kirk get some of the more musical crew member to sing Nezamil to sleep as the big guy is having a rough time of it on deck and in armor. "We need you ship shape for tomorrow. We would hate to have to drag you out of a fight. We are strong, but....just look at you." Hal comments with a wink at Kirk.

Melonie tries to get Val to go to be early. "You will need your strenght as everyone will be relying on you as usual."


I need spell lists from everyone before you move out.

Thursday February 16th, 2006 3:54:01 PM

The ranger nods. "Yes, we have a lot of territory to cover. Maybe it would be best to fly in over the walls. A wand of web might come in handy too. We could cut off escape routes and also prevent reinforcements from arriving. But we're going to have to move quick. It would be nice if we knew exactly where Tomas was being held. Then we could just bust through the nearest wall and yank him out." Ashira nods at Melonie. "Yes, Val you should probably go rest. I don't need much sleep, so I can keep working on this tonight."

DM Jim: I need Ashira's spell list for the coming day.

1st level: Entangle, Delay poison
2nd level: Barkskin, Cat's Grace

Thursday February 16th, 2006 10:08:36 PM

After the planning winds down, Cosmo gathers up the maps and puts them back into his backpack. He will have to make sure that they get returned to the archives before he leaves South Harbor.

"Does anyone have some of Tomas's clothing? I may be able to summon a creature to sniff him out once we get within the compound."

Saying good night to everyone he heads off to sleep. In the morning he quickly studies for his spells.

0 Level (5):
Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1

1st Level (7):
Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 & Feather Fall x1

2nd Level (7):
M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1

3rd Level (6):
SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1

4th Level (4):
SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1

5th Level (3):
SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Thursday February 16th, 2006 11:55:37 PM

Mykael makes his way back to the ship after a horrible information gathering treck.

He listens to the report from Cosmo.

"That little of time is going to be tough, However, perhaps if someone has some good illusions. Rigging? We could either use a Sphere of invisibility or area illusion to keep us hidden when the guard shows. Then once they are gone we can either escape, or finish the job, if we havent already."

Mykael stays around for the last of the planning, then goes and gets some must needed rest.

0 lvl: Light, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Read Magic

1 lvl: Alarm, Magic Weapon, Magic Missle X2

2 lvl: Bulls Str, Cats Grace, See Invisibility, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Friday February 17th, 2006 1:09:06 AM

Jagar listens in on the planning session adding a few suggestions of his own " i want a crack at that mage i'm used to hunting mages when i was enslaved before joining you " smiles the monk

" but that monk of theirs is quite deadly , he's quicker then me but i think if we plan for it we can take him "

Jagar heads to sleep after the meeting dreams of the coming battle playing in his head a smile appears as he sleeps

Friday February 17th, 2006 1:16:23 AM

The giant sized dwarf wakes briefly and joins the strategy session nodding as he agrees with some of the ideas being bantered back and forth

" good work Cosmo on the city maps "

" we'll have a few surprises for them " grins the giant sized dwarf " but i expect they'll have a few for us too so its very important we work together ......teamwork...... lets look out for each other "preachs Nezamil

" i think its best to keep the crew and our junior members aboard the Sword .....i know they won't be happy but its best the Sword needs to be protected while we're away in battle "

"well sleep well and see ya all before dawns early light " as Nezamil heads back to restless sleep

spell list to follow in the morning Jim

Friday February 17th, 2006 5:10:46 AM

Appolo gets back to the ship gives his report.He then listens to the others."Actually I think we should bring everyone.The whole crew Arm them as best we can and bering them.We also need to hiy the catacombs and beef up our magic.The place is magically fortified inside and out and they are expecting us.The reason for bringing the whole crew is that if we lose,the G'aalians will surely come after them and the sword is in no shape to put to sea as well as the fact that I don't think any of them can sail.So they will be trapped.If we bring our crew then we even the odds to a certain extent they can deal wiith the lesser guards and g'aalian foot soldiers while we go after the priests and the quad.I also think some smoke and fog to help cover our approach would be nice."

Friday February 17th, 2006 8:03:41 AM

Rigging listens to the planning, giving some ideas of his own and shutting down some others. "Appolo, I grant your point but I think it will be safer for them here. We aren't used to fighting together yet, don't know their strengths and weaknesses, and they would be fireball fodder. They stay."

Rigging finishes up the skull session, gets his two hours, wakes up and studies his spell list and then pulling Ashira along, invisibily heads off to the catacombs late night window.


1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

DM Jim: Shopping 
Friday February 17th, 2006 1:44:59 PM

OOC: Lost my post, Argh!


The Wildcards mull over all the information from the scouting trips and suggest several plans of actions. It is a concensus that more magic is need for the battle tomorrow. Cosmo suggest a visit to the late night window at the Catacombs; his friend, Samson the Sprite works the graveyard shift.

The Wildcards go and get some rest, but in the back of their minds is the coming conflict with the Ga'alins.

Rigging and Ashira turn invisible and head out to the Catacombs and find Samson drinking a tiny cup of coffee and flitting about. Sprites should not drink coffee. It takes several minutes to communicate with Samson in common, only because he talks soooo fast. Samson takes the orders and nothing is too tough and should be in stock. Samson gets all of the items ordered and takes the gems in return. Samson is very excited as this is his busiest night ever and everyone paid in gems!!

Samson reminds the friends of Cosmo that they have identify vochers and asks for any items to identify.

Rigging and Ashira make the walk back to the Sword without incident as South Harbor is sleeping comfortably, unknowing of the coming storm.

Ashira and Rigging see John pacing the deck as they return in the launch and he helps them aboard. "Glad to have you back Ashira" the now relaxed Ranger adds.

An uncomfortable Nezamil can be seen hugging the mast as he rolls over loudly and clanks in his armor, almost waking himself up.

Rigging and Ashria watch the moon setting as see that it is about time to wake the wildcards and make the final preparation for the assult.


Nezamil must make a DC 10 fort save or be fatigued for the day.

Friday February 17th, 2006 2:49:24 PM

Appolo goes to his bunk and sleeps like a baby to awake refreshed and ready to kick some G'aalian behind.

Friday February 17th, 2006 5:27:13 PM

Bart prepares for the upcomming battle get a bit of well needed sleep

Friday February 17th, 2006 5:30:23 PM

Val begins to protest that she isn't tired when instead of words a big yawn come out of her mouth. "Alright so I am tired. I know we need to get this plan right but things never go the way they want. Okay I'm heading to bed. See everybody in the morning." Val says and waves to everybody nonchalantly as she leaves the meeting room and heading for her cabin.

Saturday February 18th, 2006 9:06:46 AM

Letting the other Cards rest as long as they can, Ashira gently awakens them when it is time for the strike. Reaching into the sack from the Catacombs, she hands out the potions and scrolls to the appropriate people. She also hands a small hat to Cosmo. "Here you go. Slip it on and think up a good disguise, because you're going to need it." Ashira checks and double checks her equipment before going to stand by Rigging. "Ready dear?" she asks as she fidgets with her armor.

Sunday February 19th, 2006 2:30:45 PM

Cosmo rises in the morning and studies for the lone spell he cast. He joins the rest of the Wildcards and thanks Ashira for the Hat of Disguise.

Putting it on he tries its capabilities. Changing himself from tall and thin to fat and squat, and all shapes in between. He also changes into other humanoid creatures.

This might work, Cosmo thinks.

Sunday February 19th, 2006 9:38:02 PM

Before Rigging leaves the Catacombs, he asks the sprite Samson, "Others were here paying in gems? Did you happen to notice if they were heartseeded or looked like they followed Ga'al? If they did, can you tell us what they bought?"

Rigging gets back to the ship, takes his nap, and then gets up. Does his studying and prepares for the day. He takes the scrolls proffered by Ashira, and then the hands the passwall ones to Cosmo. "They are beyond me at this point so you will have to use them to get us through the roof." He will also hand one of the fly scrolls to the halfling, saying "We will be casting these at the same time. (How many do we have? I know we have 10 spells but how many spells per scroll?)

Rigging will look at the others and then say, "We know they are watching the ship. Any ideas on how we can get off without them knowing it?"

Nezamil  d20+9=22
Monday February 20th, 2006 12:23:03 AM

The giant sized dwarf snores loudly as he sleeps on deck near the mast as he mutters in his sleep "Domi......blasted mage......stupid elves" and various unrepeatable phases

Nezamil awakens sleepily(dc fort=d20+9=22 fort) at Ashira's wake up call "thanks " and takes a few minutes to freshen up before settling down in a quiet spot and meditates Domi's morning prayers

"how far is it to the Ga'alian embassy according to the maps Cosmo ?"

"how long would it take to get there by the various methods ....walking....flying and such ?" adds Nezamil to the halfling

Spell List

[i]0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Hold person,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf,Inviso purge,Waterwalk,Windwall(Pro-f-energy)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance)

Monday February 20th, 2006 9:53:53 AM

Appolo awakes early bathe eats and prepares for the coming battle.He meeys up with Ashira refershed in a good mood and ready to go."Well big sister.Got anything for me?"He also hands hera bag containing 100 gold pieces."To defray any extra cost."

Monday February 20th, 2006 10:40:12 AM

Let's do it

DM Jim: Friends Bearing Gifts 
Monday February 20th, 2006 11:26:03 AM

Rigging asks Samson about the other callers that night to the late night window of the catacombs "You know I can not discuss purchases to other clients, it is against the rules. Funny though, they asked the same thing, but were not nice about it at all." Samson winks and takes another sip of his coffee and again Rigging has difficulty understanding the sprite, but eventually works it all out. "You are friends of Cosmo's, so that is good. The pushy customers even told me they would be watching me. I told them to give it their best shot." At that Samson dissappears and then reappears right before Rigging's eyes. Samson goes and finishes his coffee and is more than his normal blur as the sprite bounds around the office.


The Wildcards start to wake and make make final preparation. Nezamil, Cosmo, and Mykael each take time to study for spells.

Cosmo reminds everyone that it is at least a 30 - 40 minute walk to the Ga;alian compound. Cosmo also tries out his new toy, given to him by Ashira, and change size and shape.

Nezamil wakes with a crick in his back, but with a strech and an audible pop all is fine.

Mary, John, Melonie, Hal and Kirk also appear on deck in full battle dress, ready for action.

Kirk slaps his brother on the back and exclaims "Hammer time!"

Nezamil walks on water over to the pier and the rest take the launch.

The docks are just starting to come to life and it is still before dawn. The working folk get an early start on the day.

Rigging and Swirl. 
Monday February 20th, 2006 4:22:03 PM

Rigging looks at the various followers and smiles. He in a gentle voice says, "I will only take Hal and Kirk on this journey. The rest of you are staying with the Sword. Keep working on those repairs. We need to get the branches cleaned off the hull.

Rigging directs the boat away from their normal dock but puts in around a 1/2 a mile away hoping to throw off any eyes that might be watching them. He then orders the two followers to stay with the craft but if anything looks suspicious to head back to the Sword.

He will then lead the group off towards the temple, often stopping and looking around to see if anyone is following or they are heading into an ambush.

Swirl will fly ahead and above circling the group but staying invisible up in the night sky.
When the group gets close to the temple around 100' yards away, Rigging will lead the group into an alley and say, "Is everyone ready?"

While this is happening, Swirl will climb to 500' in the night sky and look down at the temple to see if he can see any unusual activity going on.

Nezamil water walk 
Monday February 20th, 2006 4:39:20 PM

Nezamil checks and rechecks his equipment to make sure everything is where its supposed to be for the upcoming battle

Spotting Hal and Kirk he gives a grin " well looks like your coming with us at least part of the way ......like the Captain said stay with the longboat and if ya see anything suspicous or anything suspicious near the Sword head back immediately to deal with it is that understood " adds the giant sized dwarf with a little steel in his voice " you two are the two most skilled fighters so its your job to make sure everyone is safe while we are gone ....i have faith in both of you that you will accomplish that task "

The 14'+ tall Nezamil intones some of Domi's divine power (casting water walk)touching both Hal and Kirk " this will help you walk as i do upon the water if you need to make a quick exit".... and shadows the rest of the wildcards in the early morning darkness using other docked and anchored ships as cover for his big frame

Cosmo  d20+5=13
Monday February 20th, 2006 10:41:11 PM

Cosmo is silent as Rigging goes over the final instructions before the attack. He uses the magic ability of the hat to turn himself into a female elf, trying to look like one of the elves on the ship. He also casts Mage Armor upon himself.

Cosmo then jumps into the boat for the short ride to land. Once off the boat, he tends to stick in the middle of the group, hoping the bigger bodies hide him from prying eyes.

Spot 13.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor - 9 hours

0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1

1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1

2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1

3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1

4th Level (4): SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1

5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+11=17
Monday February 20th, 2006 11:29:27 PM

With a dark look, Ashira pulls Mary and John aside. "I know this isn't easy, but you have to do as Rigging says. I want both of you to stay here. The Sword is badly undermanned, and I need you to protect her. I have a feeling that we're going to be coming back in a little bit of a rush, so I need everything to be ready to go at a moment's notice. Keep a sharp eye out for any signs of trouble." Ashira puts her arms on the acron bearer's shoulders and gives them a squeeze. "And stay safe!"

Heading over to stand with the other Wildcards, Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out 3 golden orbs (Fireball beads). She hands one to Bart (3HD), one to Jagar (3HD) and one to Appolo (2HD). "If we absolutely have to, use these in a jam. But remember, stealth is of utmost importance until we enter the temple. And if we can, I'd like to save them to nuke that garden as we leave..."

Ashira puts several potions in the pouch on her belt (CSW and 2 bless weapon oils). Then she distributes the other potions to various Wildcards.

Rigging-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Val-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Appolo-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Bart-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Nezamil-Bless Weapon Oil
Mykael-Bless Weapon Oil

As they head toward the temple, Ashira is very anxious and cautious. She constantly casts about, trying to notice any signs of an ambush (Spot=21, Listen=17). Once they near the rear of the temple, she prepares herself to begin casting her defensive spells.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 3:02:18 AM

Mykael accepts the vial from Ashira, and nods a thanks. Then he pulls on Riggings arm, "Just a thought," he whispers, "but with your link to your familiar, perhaps you should send him to watch the boat. This could be an elaborate attempt to goad us away from the ship to attack it."

Mykael readys himself for battle.

Val, ac 19, hp 127 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 4:20:24 AM

"Thanks Ashira. I hope I don't need the healing potion, nor anybody else. I hate to think this way but I get the feeling that we won't all walk away from this one." Val says quietly. She pauses for a moment as she is unsure if she should say anything else.

Val walks over to the young elf that has become so important to her in such a short period of time. "I know your not happy but this is for the best Melonie. You are making great progress but this is not a battle for you. Stick with Mary and John. Watch each others backs and stay on alert. They may attack the ship while we are away. I'll see you when I get back." Val says before giving Melonie a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She's not sure if she will come back from this one but she wasn't going to tell Melonie that. Because if she did Melonie would probably follow her anyway. Val walks away without looking back, getting into the longboat for the trip ashore.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 9:34:36 AM

Thanks Ashira i dont nead the orb i have my own chain of missiles I give to orb and an other one to Hal and kirk, a cure serious potion i have as well. I will give that to Nezamil, he can use it on whoever he wants. Will the barkskin potion work with to other stuff iam wearing (magic armor amulet of nat armor ring of deflection) , guess so. The oil i could use.

Rigging I'am ready

(ooc i dont know how many orbs there are on the necklace i used one last batle, give one away now to Hal and Kirk it is on my char sheet for a long time)

DM Jim: The March on the Compound 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 1:02:59 PM

Rigging informs Hal and Kirk of their new duties and they are glum, but get reinvigorated once the water walking spell is cast on them. "This is so great!" Exclaims Kirk. "How long will it last?" Asks and excited Hal.

Mary, Melonie and John are all crestfallen as each has taken it upon themselves to protect their charges with their lives. Mary speaks up "You be careful and do not take any unnecessary chances." John adds "Do Tomas proud." Melonie just hugs Val and blushes crimson.

Rigging has the launch move down the row of piers and the group unloads and begins the long walk to the Ga'alian compound. Hal and Kirk can be heard enjoying their new found powers.

Ashira give our presents of magic to all the Wildcards. Bart give most of his new magic items away.

The city of South Harbor starts to rise as the group get closer to the compound. More townfolk are up and about starting their days. Rigging works the group around the back of the compound. This area is on the outskirts of the city and away from the sea. The homes are much larger hear and all have large yards and most are walled. The group can smell the money that must have taken to build most of these homes.

The Wildcards are one street over from the Ga'alian compound in the shadow of another walled compound. Most of of the back of the compound is visible, if you stepped out in the open to see. Swirl moves ahead at Rigging's request for some recon.

Swirl takes up his position of top cover and beams back to Rigging. "The compound is well lit. There are four humanoids on top of each of the small building and there is a group of four bipedels and 2 quadrapeds walking around. The quadraped's are furry. There are lights on in all of the larger structures and the front gate is open, it is actually a double gate." Swirl beams back happy thoughts to Rigging.

The sun is starting to rise and there is tension in the air. The group can hear a cart coming down the street they are looking across to see the compound.


OOC: We are in precombat: post no more than one minute of action. List spells in place and HP and AC on the Post Name line.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 3:47:26 PM

Appolo takes the potions from Ashira and follows the others.When they get to where they are going behind the compound,he drinks his potion,then covers his weapons with the oil."Anyone one havean invisbility spell that will allow me to stay that way while fighting.I also would like haste and bulls strenght.Thank you."

DM JIM: Please add to the post name line the effect you just drank and applied.

Mykael AC-24, HP-56 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 10:52:31 PM

Mykael make his way with the group reading for the assault. He keeps his eyes open, watching for guards, and staying as hidden and quiet as possible.

He applies the Oil Ashira gave him to his weapon and re-sheathes it.

Ashira (AC26, HP103/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Invisibility 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 12:00:07 AM

Moving swiftly, Ashira begins casting. She casts Cat's Grace on herself and then Barkskin (+2). Then she takes the oils from her pouch and rubs them on her swords. Taking off her invisibility ring, she hands it to Mykael. "I can't use this and my other two rings. You use it." Finally, she asks to have Fly and Invisibility cast on her as well as a spare Enlarge Person should anyone have one. She asks that Haste be cast once they enter the temple. She watches as the others prepare and she slips 2 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds in her pouch. Once everyone's done, she whispers. "Let's get this over with."

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 (too many to list)  d8+9=14
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 1:45:25 AM

The giant sized dwarf ducks into the alley and kneels down next to the wall to conceal his large frame as best he can

"well i guess its time to set up our magical defenses for our attack " grins Nezamil " he quickly reaches into a pouch and withdraws a vial(bull str) " here Bart this will make your muscles big like mine " chuckles Nezamil quietly

"Ashira i'll wait to enlarge either you or Jagar till we get inside first so we can see the size of temple"

Taking a deep breath and exhaling Nezamil quickly and effiectintly starts invoking Domi's divine powers to his fellow wildcards and with his last spell Nezamil picks up a small pebble from the ground and pulls out a empty vial and casts a silence on the pebble and puts it in the vail and stoppers it(if the silence spell cannot be contained this way he won't cast it)(planning on breaking the vial to use the spell)

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71 mage armor ,bless weapon oil 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 1:55:53 AM

The Monk waits with barely contanied excitment "payback time "

" cast it on Ashira i already have a potion of that " replies Jagar to the dwarfs comment

The monk reaches into a belt pouch and withdraws a vial of his own and quickly chugs it down(mage armor)

" but good point about waiting till we're inside " adds Jagar

"since your not using that oil Nezamil can i use it " inquires the monk and his grin broadens even more when the dwarf hands him a vial of bless weapon oil " thanks " he says as he smears the oil on his fists and other parts of his body that can deal lethal damage " i'm ready"

Bart, bless weapon oil bullstrength, barkskin 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 5:40:07 AM

Just as his friends Bart prepares for battle as well. He drinks the barkskin potion, drinks a bull strength after that He activates his glove and rubs the oil on his sword. Bart is ready to go

ooc will post later this day with ac and hp

Rigging ac 25 hps 70 mage armor, resist elements fire, cat's grace, shield, fly, +4 greater weapon oil, invisibility 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 8:23:25 AM

Rigging says to the others, "Drink the potions last. They last the shortest time. Who wants a tap from my enlarge wand?"

Rigging will give Bart a tap of the wand enlarging him, and then anyone else who wants it. He then pulls out a potion and gives both his weapons +4. (If can only get one, I will put it on the holy dagger.)

He then casts mage armor,resist elements(fire, shield, cat's grace on himself. He then with Cosmo starts casting fly from the scrolls on everyone. He says, "OK Cosmo you will need to cast the passwall. After you do that, we get in to the temple, dispel your invisibility spells if you want haste. Need to see you to cast it but the spell is to short lived. OK lets go."

Rigging activates his ring and takes off, heading to the roof of the temple.

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+23=30 d20+23=39
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:49:44 AM

Cosmo accepts the Fly scrolls and Passwall scrolls from Rigging. He quickly peruses the Fly scroll to make sure he can cast the spell (Spellcraft 30). Easy spell he thinks and proceeds to cast the spell upon half the group.

"Remember this Fly spell was scribed by a 5th level wizard so the duration will be 5 minutes. Make sure you are near ground when the spell is near the end of its time."

Cosmo takes a look at the Passwall scrolls. A little more difficult of a spell as it is of a level that Cosmo has only just recently been able to cast. His concern is short-lived as the spell is easy for Cosmo to learn (Spellcraft 39).

"Ok, Rigging I am ready to go. Give few a short head start and I will fly over and cast the Passwall spell on the roof."

Cosmo then casts Message, Detect Invisibility and Invisibility on himself and starts to fly to the temple, heading towards the designated area to cast the Passwall spell on the roof. He comes in high and swoops down to the roof.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Message - 90 minutes
See Invisibility - 90 minutes
Invisibility - 90/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll) - 50/50 rounds

Spell List (* is cast):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *

1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1

2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 *, Alter Self x1

3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1

4th Level (4): SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1

5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

DM Jim: Lets Get it ON!!! 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 12:46:42 PM

OOC: Everyone Has on multiple spells that will be too long to list in the Post name line. Lets list them below you post. Cosmo did a nice job as an example.

Also note Cosmo took one minute to cast all of the fly spells and then those on himself.

Mark off time on active spells:

6 rounds off fly (using an average)44/50 remaining, before the turn starts.
The remaining spells on yourselves must also be marked for time, especially those that only last rounds: for simplicity lets say 4 rounds have elapsed on all of those already cast to start this round.


The Wildcards are anxious and hide in the shadow of a walled compound across the street. The Wildcards apply oils and cast spells on one another and it actually takes about 90 seconds before Cosmos is done.

The cart the group heard coming up the street comes into view. It is a milk vendor making the early rounds. The old man watches the group make its preparation as he passes by. The group hears the horse and cart stop short after passing the side street they were hiding on.

Cosmo takes off invisibly and flys over the street and to the compound, gaining altitude the entire time. Cosmo makes it to the top of the Temple inside the compound in three rounds and takes one to cast the passwall.

Cosmo also sees the milk vendor has stopped to make a delivery at the compound across the street and behind the Ga'alian compound.

OOC:Mark off an additional 4 rounds on all spells or effect in place.

Cosmo has a wonderful view of the sunrise from his new vantage point. Once the passwall spell is active Cosmo has an excellent view of the inside of the Ga'alian temple. The passwall spell changes the lighting in the temple. If it is not immediately noticed it will be soon. Cosmo see several guards and Tomas. Tomas is chained to the alter.

The temple is very open as there are no pews. It appears from the rug pile in the corner that the Ga'alians use prayer mats of some sort. There are two internal one story structure in the back half of the temple that bracket the alter.

Map will be emailed of the inside of the Temple.

Please post your location on the map. Note that you can only move 60 feet while flying and it is 40 feet down, so no one is more than 20 feet from the passwall opening.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Fly, Barkskin+2,Invisible,OIL of Blessing  d20+14=22 d20+13=26
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 2:54:45 PM

Appolo activates his ring of invisibility and follows Cosmo to the roof as soon as thw hole opens Appolo flys inside and lands in a corner.He awaits the others

Move Silently 26, Hide 22

DM JIM: Please post your location on the map! Also post the duration of your active spells and effects!! How long does your invisibility ring work for???????

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 5:48:12 PM

Passwall is a 5' by 8' opening. It covers most of N5 & N6 on the map.

Val, ac 21, hp 127 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 6:50:53 PM

Barkskin +2- what's the caster level of a potion?
Invisibility- what's the caster level?
Fly- 44/50

Val decides to take a risk and stays hovering near the ceiling next to a pillar (k12). She holds her enchanted bow in hand, arrow notched and ready. With this she could hit many targets safely until the monk arrives and shows himself.

ooc: I didn't know that invisibility rings had durations. Don't they work until removed or the person attacks?

DM JIM: Potions and Scroll are typically created at the lowest level required. Example: Invisibility scroll is done at 3rd level for duration.

Also, 5 more combat rounds elasped since I posted the times for the Fly (and other) spells. The Fly spell is now 39/50 rounds. Three combat rounds to fly to the top of the temple, one to cast passwall and one to enter the temple.

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 7:24:23 PM

OOC "For sake of ease, lets assume that the passwall is at M5."

Rigging whispers to Appolo before he enters the building, "Appolo you are responsible for Tomas. Get him out of those chains. Bart, Val, Jagar, Nezamil take out the fighters quickly. Ashira take out the cleric nearest to Tomas. I will get the one on the right. "

Rigging activates his blink ring and flies over towards C5B and prepares to attack him next round.

flying 46/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 65/70
invisibility 50/50
resist elements 64/70
cats grace 63/70
blink 1/10
+4 oil on weapons ?

Location O10

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

DM JIM: Almost what I was looking for on the spell durations George.

Fly started the round at 44/50, but 5 combat rounds went by so it is now at 39/50.

All other spells started at 46/50 and end this post at 41/50.

Mykael AC-26, HP-70/56  d100=44 d100=27 d100=94 d100=31 d100=43
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 9:32:06 PM

Mykael accepts the ring of invisibility from Ashira. "Thanks, I will make good use of it," he whispers.

He casts Cats Grace, Bulls Strength, and See invisibility on himself.

He then activates the invisibility ring and flys around to visibility range of the front gate and casts alarm on the ground in front of the gate not including the main road. Just so he will be alerted if someone passes through the gates. He casts the spell from the limit of his range of 40 ft, so that the guards cant hear him. This doesnt make him visible since it isnt an attack.

Then he will fly in the most direct route to the opening the passwall made and enter the temple.

OOC: I didnt recieve a map again, so I cant post location, however casting the Alarm spell will take time so I wouldnt be there yet anyways.

(made spell failure rolls on all spells, 44%, 27%, 94%, 31%... got button happy one too many rolls, ignore the 43%)

Aid = 81/90
See Invis = 591/600
Cats Grace = 51/60
Bulls Strength = 51/60
Weapon oil = ??

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71 (L8)  d20+10=11 d20+10=27 d20+10=27 d10+3=13 d10+3=5
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 9:58:40 PM

The monk dives thru the magical opening in the temple's roof " there is an easy target " smirks Jagar as he continues to dive down to the unsuspecting fighter (f5e)

The over eager Monk misses wide with his first strike (d20+10=11)
With eyes wide with disbelief at his botched first strike " focus " and lashes out with two leg kicks (d20+10=27)(d20+10=27)at the unsuspecting foe (d10+3=13 dam)(d10+3=5 dam)

"surprise surprise " cackles Jagar as he floats around his target lining for his next combination of lethal blows to rain down on the Ga'alian fighter

1.Mage armor
2.Bless weapon oil-51/60

as a note of reference anyone using bless weapon oil all critical hits are automactically critical hits so no need to roll again just roll damage

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:17:17 PM

OOC...Val/Walter...why don't you shoot? You can this round and we need to take down these guys quickly. Ashira and Bart should try and take out a fighter together.

Not sure why Mykael left the group. You essentially just took yourself out of the combat. By the time you get within 40, move back and get to the passwall, you will have lost many rounds

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:26:32 PM

Cosmo flies through the Passwall opening and into the temple. He flies at a downward angle towards the stairs ending up at I7 at about 25' off the ground. Cosmo then starts to cast a spell.

Move action: 30 to 35 feet to I7; at about 25' off the ground.
Standard action: start casting full round spell.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 891/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 891/900 rounds
Invisibility: 81/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 39/50 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 71/71  d20+14=20 2d6(3+1)+8=12 d20+9=22 2d6(5+1)+8=14
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:12:52 PM

Nezamil floats straight down and observes Jagar appear and smack a fighter around " he just had to be first " grumbles the dwarf quietly

Eyeing the fighter(f5d) Next to Jagar's the giant sized dwarf continues the short drop to the 2nd floor and smashes atop the poor fool eating eggs his giant mace weaving deadly arcs as it finds its mark (d20+14=20 1st swing)(2d6+8=12 dam) his backswing also finds its target (d20+9=22 2nd swing)(2d6+8=14 dam)blasting into his chest (total dam is 26 )

" ya blarsted Ga'alian swine " growls the dwarf "Gargul with ya " as he floats around his foe waiting for him to close

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-81/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-81/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-81/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil=81/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-81/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins

Cosmo- who else has message on them ??

Ashira L11 (AC26, HP103/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Invisibility, Protection from Fire 108pts.Enlarge Person 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:21:39 PM

Ashira grins as she grows bigger. That ought to even things up a bit! She flies down through the hole in the roof and heads toward the priest, anxious to kill him and get Tomas out of here. Staying near the roof, she positions herself above the priest, ready to swoop down next round.

OOC: I am going to assume that Ashira was 10 feet away from the hole to begin with...so she traveled 10 feet to the hole + say 10 feet down to get through the hole + 40 feet to get to L11. So that makes her about 30 feet above the cleric, right?

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--191/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---11/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---51/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---39/50rs. Remaining)
Invisibility (3 min total---21/30rds. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---82/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---41/50rs. Remaining---Rigging said he would tap anyone who wanted it...what level is the wand, and how much time remains on this particular spell?)

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 12:36:22 AM

OOC: forgot already had map... LOL... wasnt sure of distance or map when I posted... Mykael would have just flown over invis... and cast alarm from inside the compound within range of the gate. Would have prefered to do it sooner... but messed it up. Call it bad battle planning on me.. nerves.. stupidity... who knows.. just wanted warning of incomings

And with a 60ft fly speed... it should take that long 3-4 rds? including the cast...

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to nearest foe  d20+12=30 2d6(3+5)+27=35 2d6(5+2)+27=34 d20+12=32 2d6(5+6)+27=38 2d6(3+5)+27=35 d6=1 d6=3
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 7:01:40 AM

Bart lands between the fightergroup and the cleric at N9 and makes and attack towards f5f (spring attack feat move before and after attack) he uses all of his strength to take the fighter down in 1 smash (powerattack+7 crit ac 30 for 70 damm) Because of the cleave he just performed (guess so) Bart uses his momentum to attack Cleric C5B (cleave attack) Domi is apearently with him because he hits the cleric at a vital point (crit ac 32 for 75)

barkskin +2 191/200 rds
fly 39/50
enlarge 41/50
bullstrength 51/60
bless weaponoil 51/60
invis no longer

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)

DM JIM: Surprise & Divergent Plans  Spot Checks (G1): d20+4=7 d20+4=12 d20+4=10 d20+8=23 (G2) d20+6=20 d20+4=23 d20+4=6 d20+4=21 (G3) d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d20+4=9 d20+7=21 DM d20+5=8 d20+7=16 d20+7=11
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:32:11 AM

Most of the Wildcards move inside the Temple as quitely as possible and take up various positions of advantage. Nezamil can make it through the hole, but has to arrange his body. The enlarged Ashira has no problem passing though. Mykael instead flys down the lenght of the temple (outside) 60 feet.

OOC: The temple is at least 225 feet long and will take a total of 4 rounds to clear. More flying will be required to reach the open front gates to be able to cast the alarm spell.

Mykeal does see five people being greeted by fours guards at the front gate. It is too far to discern much more.

Appolo floats down and finds the closest corner to hide in invisibly. No one takes any notice of him.

Ashira and Rigging take up positions close to their intended victims, ready to strike next turn.

Val takes a differect tact and loiters near the top of the piller, bow ready, waiting for the monk to appear.

Cosmo move to take a hover position and begins casting his summon monster IV spell.

OOC: In the future please post what spell you are cast.

Jager, Nezamil and Bart move into position and attack.

Jager is too excited and misses, and then taunts his opponent, who lets out a cry of alarm and drops his breakfast and then draws steel.

Nezamil is more fortunate and clocks his opponent solidly making his toss his eggs on his fellow.

Bart is the most sucessful as he runs the warrior through and it is obvious that he will never finish the bite of toast he just took. A look of surprise is marked on his face.

OOC: Only one attack allowed after movement. Bart please explain how you get +27 on damage.

Cosmo, Val and Ashira can see that Tomas is sleeping, but is battered. Tomas has his hands and feet manacled and each is chained to the floor. Tomas is streached out on the Alter. Cosmo, Val and Ashria can see a pile of equipment that may be Tomas's that is off to the side at the bottom of the stairs: from the internal structures.


The three walking warriors (FA,B,C) out in the temple do not notice anything is happening and do not react to the attack yet. The red robed figure next to Tomas is much more observant and yells "Assassins!" The one word echos through the temple. He (C5A) also casts a spell at the roof and there is no effect.

Cosmo must make a DC 18 spellcraft check to notice the type of spell (dispel magic).

The warrior with his breakfast all over him, that Nezamil whacked, draws his sword and takes a hasty swing at the giant dwarf.

AC 16, miss

The warrior that Jager taunted is not pleased and take an ill advised swing at the monk.

AC 11, miss

The red robed figure (C5B) that Rigging was sneaking up on moves and cast a prayer spell.

Bart, Nezamil and Jager get -1 on saves, attacks, damage, etc.

Two of the warriors on the other internal raised structure continue to eat their breakfast. One warrior (F5I)rushes to the stairs and runs down them.

The red robed figure (C5C)on the roof of the second sturcture moves and casts a spell: prayer. He then yells at the two warriors eating breakfast "Move you idiots!"

Bart, Nezamil and Jager now get -2 on saves, attacks, damage, etc.

Map to be sent later.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 3:39:43 PM

Bonus Types: Usually, a bonus has a type that indicates how the spell grants the bonus. The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus works (see Combining Magical Effects, below). The same principle applies to penalties--a character taking two or more penalties of the same type applies only the worst one

Jim -the two prayer spells don't stack , they can both be in effect at the same time incase one is dispelled one way or another

so the characters only get -1 per

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Fly, Barkskin+2,Invisible,OIL of Blessing  d20+12=30 d20+12=16 d20+13=33 d10+6=11 d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=2 d6=6 d8+6=8 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 4:40:25 PM

Appolo moves quickly and silently forward swings around behind C5A and backstabs him swing twice.Attempting to finish off the enemy nearest Thomas first.

Atack 30,16 Damage Longsword 11 Backstab damage 19 Total 30

Damage Shortsword if it hits 8 Backstab Damage 23 Total 31

DM Jim: You have to go down the stairs to the dias to get by Tomas and C5A and it is more than 30 feet.

Rigging ac 25 hps 70 mage armor, resist elements fire, cat's grace, shield, fly, +4 greater weapon oil,  d20+17=29 d100=53 d4+3=6 2d6(4+3)=7 2d6(5+4)=9 d20+17=24 d100=32 d4+3=4 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(5+5)=10
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 5:05:44 PM

Rigging takes his AOO as the cleric moves away from him (+5 base, +4 weapon, +6 weapon finese, +2 flanking. Rolled 53 for blink.Damage is 6 for weapon, 7 for holy dagger, and 9 for backstab, total 22 points of damage.

Rigging decides to go for the quick kill, glides forward and sinks his holy dagger into the cleric again doing another 23 points of damage to the cleric. Total damage this round is 45. Rolled 32 for blink.

flying 39/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 61/70
resist elements 59/70
cats grace 59/70
blink 2/10
+4 oil on weapons ?

Location M12

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71 (L8)  d20+10=18 d20+10=19 d20+10=22 d10+3=6 d10+3=4 d10+3=11
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 5:29:53 PM

The Monk quickly launches another flurry at the Ga'alian fighter ....front kicking twice (d20+10=18 1st)(d10+3=6 dam)(d20+10=19 2nd)(d10+3=4 dam) and finishes with a spinning back kick (d20+10=22 3rd)(d10+3=11 dam)

"hahaha did ya hear that he's calling you all idiots " taunts Jagar as he floats around his foe using the magic of the fly spell

1.Mage armor
2.Bless weapon oil-50/60
3.Fly 38/50

Nezamil Ac 22Hp 71  d20+14=31 2d6(6+3)+8=17 d20+14=21 2d6(6+3)+8=17 d20+9=25 2d6(3+2)+8=13
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 6:05:06 PM

The giant sized dwarf seeing the Ga'alian fighter close strikes out with his hugh mace (AoO with 15ft reach as Fd5 closes)(d20+14=31)(2d6(6+3)+8=17 dam)

"gonna hafta to better then that " smirks Nezamil as he launches his counterattack on the Ga'alian fighter(f5d)with an overhead smash (1st d20+14=21)(2d6(6+3)+8=17 dam)"that musta hurt" as Nezamil uses an uppercut swing at the Ga'alian fighter(f5d) hoping to send him flying backwards(2nd d20+9=25)(2d6(3+2)+8=13 dam)

"Finish that last one off Bart i'm heading over to the others" as Nezamil turns to face across the open stairway as he hovers slightly off the floor

"By Domi where is da rest of da Ga'alian scum " growls the Cleric of Domi

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-80/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-80/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-80/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-80/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-80/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins

Jim- Nezamil's Ac is 22 not 19 like i posted last time , i forgot to add shield of faith +3 Ac

Appolo OOC 
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 6:46:11 PM

Appolo has Fly.I think one more round left.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d3=3 d20+23=34
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:07:23 PM

Cosmo sees the spellcaster C5A cast a Dispel Magic (spellcraft 34) at the ceiling where the Passwall is located. The spellcaster is not strong enough however to dispel it (can I tell if it was a Wizard or a Cleric from the spellcraft check?). He wonders if all the red-robed figures are clerics.

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster IV and summons some of his Ape friends from the lower planes. He is glad to see King, Kong and Mighty Joe all appear, ready for action. He summons them to cells G8, G12 & E10. They have figure C5C surrounded and using their reach, they start to rip him to shreds.

Cosmo reaches into his pouchbelt and retrieves his Metamagic Extend Rod. Cosmo then starts to cast his next spell (SM III).

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground.
Standard action: start casting full round spell.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 890/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 890/900 rounds
Invisibility: 80/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 38/50 rounds
Summon Monster IV: 9/9 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

King, Kong & Mighty Joe (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=14 d20+9=15 d20+4=15 d6+7=12 d6+7=13 d6+3=4 d20+9=19 d20+9=22 d20+4=6 d6+7=10 d6+7=12 d20+9=27 d20+9=12 d20+4=20 d6+7=10 d6+3=6 d20+9=28 d20+9=23 d20+9=27 d6+7=12 d6+7=11 d6+7=9
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:40:07 PM

The 3 Fiendish Apes attack C5C with a gusto only a proud summoner could love.

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Below numbers reflect Flanking +2 for King & Kong.

King (in G8) hits AC's 16, 17 & 17.
Damage is 12, 13 & 4 (29 total).

Kong (in G12) hits AC's 21, 24 & 8.
Damage is 10, 12 & 0 (22 total).

Mighty Joe (in E10) hits AC's 27, 12 & 20.
Damage is 10, 0 & 6 (16 total).

If the red-robed figure falls then the apes turn to face figures F5G & F5H. King & Kong move 5'.

Ending Position:
King G7
Kong F11
Mighty Joe E10

AoO's if needed:
King 28 for 12 damage.
Kong 23 for 11 damage.
Mighty Joe 27 for 9 damage.

Rigging/ George 
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:53:25 PM

Jim, I asked on the rules board and only got one response on the fly question, but Al agrees with me. Fly is a 60' base movement. 120 double move. Can see not allowing hustle or sprint but Appolo should get one attack this round.

Ashira K11 (AC24, HP103/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts.Enlarge Person  d20+12=32 4d6(2+5+1+4)+16=28 d20+7=14 2d6(4+6)+7=17 d20+12=32 2d8(6+5)+12=23 d20+4=8
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 11:19:31 PM

OOC: After speaking with Matt, I am going to assume that Ashira's current elevation is 10 feet above ground level, same elevation as the C5B.

Seeing that Rigging has his opponent fairly well in hand, Ashira sets her eyes on the cleric next to Tomas. Flying over (5 feet), she makes good use of her new found 10 foot reach. She sets about a full attack, popping into view as she swings her first blow with her longsword (AC32, crit for 28 dam). She follows hastily with another longsword slice (AC14 for17) which proves less effective. Concentrating harder, she lashes out once with her shortsword, spearing the cleric with deadly accuracy (AC32, crit for 23). Grinning with her luck, Ashira spears once more with the shortsword, but misses the cleric entirely (AC8)

Large Longsword does 2d6+6
Large Shortsword does 1d8+4
I am assuming that the clerics are heartseeded...
Favored Enemy=heartseeds, so an additional +4 damage added to attacks.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--190/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---10/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---50/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---38/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---81/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---40/50rs. Remaining

Val, ac 21, hp 127  d20+13=27 d20+8=25 d8+4=5 d8+4=6
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:25:30 AM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--190/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---38/50rs. Remaining)

Val pulls an arrow from her enchanted quiver firing at the closest robed figure (c5a). Before the first arrow even hit his body another was drawn and fired.

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to nearest foe  d20+12=30 2d6(3+1)+27=31 2d6(1+4)+27=32 d6=2 d20+12=21 2d6(2+1)+27=30 d6=5
Friday February 24th, 2006 3:33:42 AM

Bart moves over to fighter 5e and 5d and makes an powerattack +7 towards 5e. Bart feels Domi inside him and hits his foe with an critical strike (ac 29 for 63) if 5d isn't dead Bart swords hits him after cleaving 5e (ac 20 for 34)
After dealing with his opponent Bart moves on to c5c (position h5)(using his spring attack feat move before and after your attack)

barkskin +2 191/200 rds
fly 38/50
enlarge 40/50
bullstrength 50/60
bless weaponoil 50/60

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Bart OOC delete after reading  d100=47
Friday February 24th, 2006 3:45:51 AM

Hi all
c5b is dead or otherwise he has somehow survived 70+ dammage last round, bart did kill him as well
while he is dead he cant be cast a prayer spell

Due to his enhanced strength (enlarge bull strength) bart has already an high dammage modifier. Bart has done a power attack +7 with an 2handed weapon you may add twice the number you distracted from the hit roll to your dammage so that gives him a +14 added with his other bonusses (magical weopon, strenght, specilisation) it makes a total of +27
so after finishing the fighter before him with his cleave feat (bonus attack after killing 1 foe) bart attacked the cleric hitting him for 70 dammage as well
see phb on powerattack (page 98) and cleave feat (page 92)

yes a (magical enhanced) 10 lvl fighter can be destructive

bart has a lot of fighter fights including dodge, mobility, springattack, power attack, cleave, improved critical, exotic-focus-spec-grfocus bastard sword

Friday February 24th, 2006 11:11:57 AM

Mykael makes a beeline for the passwall spelled area of the roof flying as fast as possible (60'ft move)

Being invisible Mykael is hoping to be a surprise factor as the battle starts

posted by chris

DM JIM: Surprise Works  Glyph trip d100=11 6d6(5+2+6+2+5+2)=22 6d6(5+3+3+1+2+3)=17 d20+12=16 d20+12=31 2d8(3+1)+8=12 d20+4=22 Glyph trip d100=5 6d6(1+3+2+2+3+3)=14 d20+8=16 d20+8=13 d20+8=19 d20+8=27 d8+4=6 d8+4=9
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:02:05 PM

OOC: I agree with Bart on Cleave. I just did not have an opportunity to read the feat. I knew there was a move restriction but not sure where.

There is only one prayer effect in place for Jager, Nezamil and Bart.

A knowledge Religion roll of DC 15 will tell any that Clerics of Ga'al prefer to announce there precence by wearing red robes and showing off their healthy heart seeds, just as these now dead clerics where doing.


The initial assault on the warriors and cleric on the roof of the internal building directly below the passwall opening is a sucess. All opposition is smashed and slashed, there is blood everywhere and none of it from the Wildcards.

The large apes appear next to the cleric of Ga'al on the roof of the other building and his screams are only briefly heard. When the ape move off, all that remains is a lump of flesh in a puddle of blood. The two warriors close by drop their breakfast and draw steel.

Cosmo works on calling more friends.

Mykael flys back toward the passwall opening unsure of what to do.

Appolo, Val and and oversized Ashira go to assist Tomas, who is waking.

Val plants an arrow into the Cleric and she is treated with a grunt of pain for her efforts.

Ashira and Appolo try more direct action as they fly down toward the alter and both feel searing pain as they swing their weapons as some sort of energy crackles around the alter.

Ashira will save DC 22 for half damage (22 damage)

Appolo will save DC 22 for half damage (17 damage)

Ashira also touched off a glyph with her oversized body.

Appolo is still sucessful is his strike on the cleric as he fights off the pain. (Only one attack after a move action)

Ashria first swing hits the chain and it holds, but is damaged. Ashria realizes that she is too large to get completely into the area that crackled with energy and may, or may not, take damage again on her next swing.

Cosmo roll a DC 21 spellcraft check to identify the effect that just occurred to Appolo and Ashira.


A large earth elemental appears behind Ashira and raises its hands and slams them down on the big ranger.

AC 16, miss - smashing a tile on the ground
AC 31, hit - 12 damage, a glancing, but heavy blow.

The cleric that Appolo struck has no weapon out and just throws his body into his flying attacker (Bull Rush or closest facimile)

Bull Rush 22

Appolo can not overcome with a take 10 and he is pushed back 5 feet and into a second glyph.

This is a sonic glyph DC 18 reflex for half of 14 damage. A huge amount of noise burst forth and bathes Appolo.

The cleric then steps back 5 feet and is agian next to the Alter.

Warrior F5A move up to flank Appolo and swings his long sword, but misses the flying Rouge.

AC 13, miss

The fighter at the end of the stairs jumps off and sets off an alarm spell and more noise to the sonic glyph.

The warrior sets back on the stairs to take a swing at the highly mobile Bart.

AC 16, miss - The elevation difference was too much for the man.

The two warriors attempt to gang up on Kong in an attempt to even the odds.

AC 19, hit - 6 damage
AC 27, Hit - 9 damage

The ape howls in pain, but lives to fight on.

The other warriors from deeping in the temple hustle forward, with shields and swords set and ready.


Cosmo, Val, Ashira, Bart, and Appolo can see that the stone doorways into the internal buildings are open and there is light coming from inside. The doorways are not wide enough to let in an enlarged person. There seems to be a foyer or corridor of some sort leading into the interior.


OOC: Mark off one additional round on all spells.

Map is on its way.

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to nearest foe  d20+12=25 2d6(6+6)+27=39 d6=4
Sunday February 26th, 2006 4:27:44 AM

Bart makes an springattack towards f5b again with an powerattack (+7) (ac24 for 43) Bart sees he is almost dead.
barkskin +2 190/200 rds
fly 37/50
enlarge 39/50
bullstrength 49/60
bless weaponoil 49/60

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Val, ac 21, hp 127 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 6:54:15 PM

Cursing at the sight if the elemental, Val flies towards it and puts her bow in the pocket of her enchanted quiver. Cursing some more she pulls the heavy flail from her side and hopes this is a weak elemental

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--189/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---37/50rs. Remaining)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=22 d20+23=42 d20+23=24 d20+23=43
Sunday February 26th, 2006 7:42:28 PM

Cosmo keeps his eyes peeled as many spells get cast by the Ga'al clerics (knowledge religion 22) or are activated by the presence of a Wildcard. He sees and hears the energy crackle around Apollo and Ashira (spellcraft 42). He recognizes it as the spell Forbiddance and knows it is a powerful Cleric spell used to keep people not of your alignment from entering an area. Cosmo's concentration on the Forbiddance spell made him miss seeing how the Earth Elemental was summoned (spellcraft natural 1). He hopes there isn't another summoner around because a large elemental is beyond his power to summon. Now focused on watching the spells being cast, he sees the Cleric push Apollo into a Glyph set for sonic damage (spellcraft natural 20). Hmmm ... Cosmo wonders if the elemental was brought here from a Glyph.

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster III and summons another Ape from the lower planes. It is a rare day indeed when Larry gets summoned. Cosmo infrequently needs 4 apes to do his bidding. He summons Larry to cell F5. He along with the other apes have the two fighters surrounded and continue their assault.

Seeing opponents rapidly decreasing, Cosmo reaches into his pouchbelt and switches his Metamagic Rod (Empower). Cosmo does not start another spell this round.

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 889/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 889/900 rounds
Invisibility: 79/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 37/50 rounds
Summon Monster IV: 8/9 rounds
Summon Monster III: 18/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 1 use of 3

King, Kong, Mighty Joe & Larry (AC 14; HPs 22/37, 37/37, 37/27 & 37/37)  d20+9=11 d20+9=19 d20+4=17 d6+7=10 d6+3=9 d20+9=12 d20+9=22 d20+4=20 d6+7=9 d6+3=9 d20+9=20 d20+9=17 d20+4=18 d6+7=12 d6+7=10 d6+3=4 d20+9=25 d20+9=21 d20+4=16 d6+7=8 d6+3=8 d20+9=12 d20+9=29 d20+9=15 d20+9=13 d20+9=27 d6+7=12 d6+7=11
Sunday February 26th, 2006 7:59:15 PM

King, Kong, Mighty Joe & Larry (AC 14; HPs 22/37, 37/37, 37/27 & 37/37)

The 4 Fiendish Apes attack F5G & F5H.

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Below numbers reflect Flanking +2 for King & Mighty Joe.

King & Larry are attacking F5G (19+26=45).
Kong & Might Joe are attacking F5H (18+16=34).

King (in G7) hits AC's 13, 21 & 19.
Damage is 0, 10 & 9 (19 total).

Kong (in F10) hits AC's 12, 22 & 20.
Damage is 0, 9 & 9 (18 total).

Mighty Joe (in E10) hits AC's 22, 19 & 20.
Damage is 12, 10 & 4 (26 total).

Larry (in E10) hits AC's 25, 21 & 16.
Damage is 8, 8 & 0 (16 total).

The 4 apes surround the extremely injured fighter F5H. Larry moves 5' towards him.

Ending Position:
King G7
Kong F10
Mighty Joe E10
Larry F6

AoO's if needed:
King 12 for 0 damage.
Kong 29(15) for 12 damage.
Mighty Joe 13 for 0 damage.
Larry 27 for 11 damage.

Rigging ac 25 hitps 70/70  d20+12=27
Sunday February 26th, 2006 8:38:10 PM

Rigging decides to keep his blinking to a minimum until the bad guys really show up. He ends his blink ring (free action) and then pulls out a wand of detect magic and activates the magic. He then looks for more magic mayhem/traps they might blunder into. spot check 27

flying 37/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 60/70
resist elements 58/70
cats grace 57/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
Detect magic 1/10

Location M12

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Sunday February 26th, 2006 8:39:57 PM

ooc Hey guys, Please post your locations on grid. Not always sure where you are and that makes it tough to plan.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71  d20+10=16 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d10+3=8 d10+3=10 d10+3=13
Sunday February 26th, 2006 8:44:02 PM

The Monk quickly turns at the sound of the sonic blasting and the guard(f5i) at the back of the stairs

"that looks like fun" agrees Jagar as he flys(move 60') down to the dias at the fighter(f5i)and becomes a blur as a flurry of blows pound the Ga'alian fighter(f5i)

Jagar 1st Flying kick misses (d20+10=16) but he quickly recovers with a devasting spinning kick too the fighters midsection(d20+10=30 nat 20!!)(d10+3=8,d10+3=10 double dam for crit hit)
reversing his spin the Monk sweeps his leg low at the fighter (3rd swing d20+10=23)(d10+3=13 dam) (total dam=31 pts)

1.Mage armor
2.Bless weapon oil-49/60
3.Fly 37/50

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 (K6 location) 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 9:02:24 PM

Nezamil surveys the temple and fly's up slightly (5'ft move up)and a step closer to the open dias and spots Jagar pounding the poor ga'alian fighter

Withdrawing a scroll from its place the Cleric of Domi quickly opens and invokes the power of the scroll (locate object)"Domi show me the artifact" prays Nezamil as he focus's on its location

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-79/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-79/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-79/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-79/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-79/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -90/90

Jim Nezamil has Spell resistance(21) and in "Prayers" info its states spell resistance applies, who rolls me or you ?

Mykael AC-26, HPs 79/56 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 11:52:11 PM

Mykael continues to the passwall and enters the temple.

OOC: Let me know when I have entered, please.

Aid = 79/90
See Invis = 589/600
Cats Grace = 49/60
Bulls Strength = 49/60
Weapon oil = 49/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Oil+2 Invisible  d20+14=24 d20+3=18 d20+12=25 d20+12=20 d10+6=9 d8+6=14 d20+13=30 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=6 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5 d6=6 d6=1 d6=4
Monday February 27th, 2006 12:00:32 AM

Appolo grunts in pain as he land behind the fighter that just attacked him and plants both is sword in the mans back before going invisible again and stepping back 5 ft.

Reflex 24 Will 18 Fialed one made other.

Attack Longsword 25 Shortsword 20 Damage Longsword 9 Backstab 24,Damage Shortsword 14 Backstab 2o Total 67

Move Silently 30

Ashira G12 (AC24, HP80/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person  d20+8=22 d20+12=25 d20+7=22 d20+12=19 d20+4=22 2d6(1+5)+6=12 2d6(5+2)+6=13 d8+4=8 d8+4=11
Monday February 27th, 2006 10:47:23 AM

Location: G12 Elevation 10 feet above the ground

OOC: Remember, Ashira is flying, and so gets a +4 vs. attacks and damage from the earth elemental. Jim, did you reduce the damage from last round by 4 or shall I?

Her blue hair sticking up at all angles, Ashira manages to shrug off some of the damage (Will=22). Then the elemental shows up and pounds her. Ashira flys 5 feet away (G12) and then launches her attack against it with devastating results...most of which are absorbed by the creature's rocky exterior. (AC25 for 12, AC22 for 13, AC19 for 8, AC22 for 11...total damage before DR.=44). Still, Ashira knows it's going to take a lot more to bring this mound of earth down.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--189/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---9/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---49/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---37/50rs. Remaining)
Invisibility (3 min total---19/30rds. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---80/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---39/50rs. Remaining)

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - Wildcard Attack  d100=45 d20+8=26 d8+4=11 d20+5=9 d20+8=24 d20+8=11 d20+8=19 d20+5=11 d20+5=22 d20+5=23 d20+8=14 6d4(3+3+2+3+3+2)+6=22 d20+8=19 d20+8=28 d20+8=22 2d8(7+3)+13=23 d20+8=10 d20+13=29 d10+5=8
Monday February 27th, 2006 12:50:38 PM

OOC: Please post your location and elevation if you are flying.


The Wildcards and their summoned friends are dealing death to their foes.

Bart see the way bared over the dias and takes to the air (F5B is over 30 feet away and in blocked territory).

As Bart leaves F5I the man takes a swing at the big warrior (AoO)

AC 26 for 11 damage

Bart unknowingly avoids the Forbiddance spell and lands next to the amazed warrior of Ga'al. Bart delivers a devestating slash, but the man still stands.

Val puts away her bow and takes out her flail and prepares to attack the earth elemental.

Cosmo watches is apes wreak havoc and even brings a friend to help. One of the Ga'alian warriors slumps slowly to the ground after a nasty claw to the back of the head.

Rigging stops blinking and pulls out his detect magic wand and looks down at the dias. There is a blinding amount of magic from spells in operation and those echos remaining from discharged magic. Ashira and Appolo are particularly bright. It will take time to concentrate to determine the individual types.

Rigging can only see half of the dias as he will have to move forward to see more or gain height, but then may be out of spell range.

Jager sees that F5I sets off the alarm spell and then takes a chunck out of Bart and joins the fray. In his haste to attack, Jager misses the warrior.

OOC: jager gets only one attack when moving.

Nezamil is uneffected by the prayer spell (I forgot) as the Cleric was not strong enough to overcome Domi's protection.

Nezamil takes out and reads a scroll, but does not gain any information yet on the artifacts location.

Mykael enters the temple through the passwall and watches the battle unfold. Mykael is 20 feet above the internal building.

Appolo dives at the warrior that stabbed him and strikes him hard (no backstab allowed, not flanked).

OOC: Appolo can not turn invisible and attack in the same round. Activating the ring is a standard action and Appolo used that to attack.

Ashira Turns to face her new attacker and gain altitude in the process. The big ranger rains down blows on the elemental, but it shrugs off much of the damage.


Tomas is fully awake and yells out. "Its a trap, Run for your lives. They are waiting for your. Leave me."

Tomas HP 14 battered and brusied.

Cosmo and Mykael spot check DC 19 and 21

The ape surrounded warrior lashes out at Kong (without moving) and tries to protect is fallen comrade.

AC 10, miss - seems to worried about meeting his maker instead of swinging.

Bart is now facing two Ga'alian warriors, one about ready to pass out from blood loss.

AC 24, just miss
AC 11, miss

The warrior in front of Jager swings hard at the fast monk, but only finds air.

AC 19, miss

Appolo is hard pressed from front and back.

The Cleric casts a spell at the rouge (Spellcraft check 15 for Dispel magic: Cosmo and Mykael only).

Barkskin: Ok
Bless weapon: dispelled
Fly: dispelled

The warrior tries to take advantage and stab Appolo, but misses as Appolo regains his footing after loosing the ability to fly.

AC 14, miss

Jager is struck by an empowered magic missile as an elf looks out of one of the stone doorways.

magic missiles 22 damage.

The elf is visible to Rigging & Nezamil. Mykael Ashira, Appolo and Cosmo can see the elf with a DC 17 spot check.

THe earth elemental seems distressed that it has to fight a flying opponent.

PA -4/+4

AC 19, miss
AC 28, critical threat miss damage 23 as Ashira is rocked by a solid blow.

A warrior exits the other stone doorway and looks for an opponent. He is only initially visible to Cosmo, Ashira, Val, Jager and Appolo. THe warrior sees Appolo blocked and Jager up the stairs, so he heads over to the hovering Ashira and flanks her.

AC 29, for 8 damage The warrior reaches high with his great sword and just catches Ashira's leg.

Swirl contacts Rigging "CAP reporting: The four roving guards are heading toward the side entrace and fast; they left the four footed ones behind. Also one fast two legger is heading toward the front doors. I can hardly see his legs."

OOC: Please mark one more round off of all spells. Ashira please include the active rounds of the enlarge as it only lasts 10 and it has been 4.

Map will be emailed later

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 49/71  d20+10=17 d20+10=26 d20+10=27 d10+3=12 d10+3=10 d10+3=13
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:24:57 PM

The Monk is staggered by the empowered magic missile but keeps his focus on the ga'alian fighter(f5i) in front of him lashing out with fists of fury hammering the outclassed warrior

1st attack-d20+10=17 dam d10+3=12
2nd attack-d20+10=26 dam d10+3=10
3rd attack=d20+10=27 dam d10+3=13
3rd swing swing should be only at +5 so hits 22 ac

with a look at the mage who just blasted him with the magic missile " you just wait your next" yells Jagar

Ashira G12 (AC24, HP49/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person  d20+12=20 d20+7=18 d20+12=25 d20+4=11 2d6(2+4)+6=12 2d6(2+5)+6=13 2d8(2+3)+4=9
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:50:22 PM

Location: G12 Elevation 15 feet above the ground

OOC: Remember, Ashira is flying, and so gets a +4 vs. attacks and damage from the earth elemental. Jim, did you reduce the damage from last round by 4 or shall I?

Ashira looks down at the newly arrived warrior in annoyance. Floating up another 5 feet in elevation, she calls down to the warrior. "Later, Sparky. I'll take care of your friend here first, and then I'll be back for you." She continues to focus on the earth elemental, her 10 foot reach coming in very handy. (AC20 for 12, AC18 for 13,AC25 for 9. Total Damage before DR=34) As her blood steadily drips on the floor, Ashira calls out to Val and Bart. "A little help would be nice...and somebody kill that stupid cleric...he's getting annoying!"

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--188/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---8/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---48/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---36/50rs. Remaining)
Invisibility (3 min total---18/30rds. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---79/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---38/50rs. Remaining)

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 (J6 location) 
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:56:30 PM

Nezamil observes the magic missile fly out of the internal room and slam into the monk and follows its path back to the source the elven mage " stupid elves " growls Nezamil as he hears Jagars promise to the elven mage

"Domi shield his sight" prays Nezamil as he invokes Domi's powers (casting blindness at the elven mage )(dc 19 fort save)

As Nezamil rises another 5' ft and moves to (J6)

+10 base
+4 wisdom bonus
+2 owls wisdom bomus
+3 3rd level spell
= 19 dc fort ch
Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-78/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-78/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-78/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-78/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-78/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -89/90

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Rigging hps 70/70 ac 26 
Monday February 27th, 2006 6:58:37 PM

Rigging will step 5' towards the others to L11 and cast a haste spell. He is able to give haste to Ashira, Rigging, Val, Appolo, Bart and Tomas. Rigging hears the report from Swirl and sends thankful thoughts back to him. "Keep those reports coming but stay out of sight!"

Rigging yells out to the others, "They have reinforcements coming! Lets get rid of these things fast. Sounds like the monk is coming through the front door!"

Ashira, Rigging, Bart, Val, Tomas, and Appolo all get +1 to hit, +1 on saves, +1 to ac, one extra attack with primary hand, and get an extra 30 base movement. Use it quick, it doesn't last long. Only 7 rounds.

flying 36/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 59/70
resist elements 57/70
cats grace 56/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 7/7

Location L11

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+23=43 d20+5=10 d20+5=10 d20+7=21
Monday February 27th, 2006 10:38:33 PM

Spot check 10 versus 19 and/or 21.

Cosmo sees the Cleric C5A cast a dispel magic (spellcraft natural 20) at Apollo and sees some of the active spells on Apollo get dispelled. He watches Apollo land lightly on his feet between two opponents. Cosmo does not see the elf in the doorway (spot 10). He does see the warrior exit from the right side doorway and he watches the warrior smack Ashira with his sword. There is something familiar about him, but Cosmo cannot place a finger on it just yet (knowledge local 21).

Cosmo points at 4 apes and uses Message spell to re-direct 3 of them to new opponents, and directs King to leap down towards Tomas if he finishes off the fighter. He has Mighty Joe move down to the lower level and attack fighter F5C. He has Kong move 5' to the edge and reach over and attack warrior W. He then has Larry move 5' and attack fighter F5I.

Cosmo then starts casting Summon Monster III, using his Metamagic Rod of Extend.

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 888/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 888/900 rounds
Invisibility: 78/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 36/50 rounds
Summon Monster IV: 7/9 rounds
Summon Monster III: 17/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 1 use of 3

King, Kong, Mighty Joe & Larry (AC 14; HPs 22/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=26 d20+9=14 d20+4=24 d20+4=16 d6+7=12 d6+3=6 d20+9=23 d20+9=21 d20+4=14 d6+7=13 d6+7=11 d20+9=29 d20+9=19 2d6(2+1)+14=17 d20+9=23 d20+9=14 d20+4=21 d6+7=13 d6+3=8 d20+9=15 d20+9=11 d20+9=14 d20+9=25 d6+7=8 d6+7=9 d6+7=9 d6+7=11
Monday February 27th, 2006 10:52:54 PM

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Below numbers reflect Flanking +2 for no one this round. Kong & Larry's numbers reflect +1 for being on higher ground.

King attacking F5H
Kong attacking W
Mighty Joe attacking F5C
Larry attacking F5I

King (in G7) hits AC's 26, 14 & 24(16).
Damage is 12, 0 & 6 (18 total).

*** If King's first claw kills fighter F5H, he will then move and leap down to cell H9.

Kong (in G11) hits AC's 24, 22 & 15.
Damage is 13, 11 & 0 (24 total).

Mighty Joe (in F16) hits AC's 29(19).
Damage is 17 total.

Larry (in G6) hits AC's 24, 15 & 22.
Damage is 13, 0 & 8 (21 total).

Ending Position:
King G7 or H9
Kong G11
Mighty Joe F16
Larry G6

AoO's if needed:
King 15 for 8 damage.
Kong 11 for 9 damage.
Mighty Joe 14 for 9 damage.
Larry 25 for 11 damage.

Mykael -- AC=26, HPs=70/56  d20+5=19 d20+5=15 d20+5=24 d20+12=29 d20+5=10 d100=35 3d4(2+1+4)+3=10
Monday February 27th, 2006 11:05:14 PM

Mykael enters the room and surveys the scene.

(spot checks DC 19=19 MADE!, DC 21=15 Failed... sniffle)

(Also rolled a 3rd random spot check for the whole scene to notice invisible things, since I have the spell currently active.. Check=24)

He notes the Cleric that is at Apollo's back, and notes the spell he cast on Apollo.
(Spellcraft roll: DC 15=29)

He notes Nezamil going after a doorway, but doesnt notice the target. (Spot DC 17=10 failed)

Finally he hears Riggings warnings of incoming re-inforcements.

Mykael moves toward the center hovering close to Thomas, at position I9 and keeps his hieght at 20ft. From this vantage point he can get a good look at the surroundings and the incomings.

However, he turns and launchs 3 magic missles at the cleric to get his attention.
(Made spell failute = 35%, for 10 damage)

Position I9 20ft in the air, Now visible.

Aid = 78/90
See Invis = 588/600
Cats Grace = 48/60
Bulls Strength = 48/60
Weapon oil = 48/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to earth elemental  d20+12=28 d20+7=22 2d6(1+2)+27=30 2d6(6+1)+27=34 d6=4 d20=12 2d6(6+2)+27=35 d4=4
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 2:01:34 AM

The attack of opportunity last round was a miss due to Barts fast reactions (mobility feat +4 dodge bonus) He is aware of the earth elemental near to him but decides to have there back free first. He decides to take the one who is fighting in vals back first. Bart cleaves the fighter in his last slash (ac 28/22 for 68 giving him an extra cleave attack) the other opponent takes an hit as well making him ver very dead (ac 24 for 39)
barkskin +2 190/200 rds
fly 37/50
enlarge 39/50
bullstrength 49/60
bless weaponoil 49/60

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Oil+2  d20+12=23 d20+12=29 d20+6=19 d10+6=12 d8+6=10 d10+6=15
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 10:26:29 AM

Appolo attacks the fighter in front of him three time.Swinging his blades for all he is worth.Attempting to hack the warryor into little pieces.

Attack Longsword 23,Shortsword 29,Longsword 19

Damage 12,10 and 15 respectively.

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127  d20+16=36 d20+16=36 d20+11=30 2d10(9+10)+40=59 d20+11=22 2d10(1+3)+40=44
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 11:18:06 AM

Haste- 7/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--188/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---36/50rs. Remaining)
Location: H15, 15' up

Val grips her heavy flail tightly in both hands. A cold shiver runs down her spine as she remembers the last elemental she faced and how it killed her. Only the magic of that place kept her alive. There is no magic here and she would not fall again. The rage built and threatened to overwhelm her as it has done before. Val didn't want to loose control, to loose her head so soon. She fought the rage down and brought her flail down hard into the elemental.

ooc: power attack -5/ +10. Crit hit, nat 20 ac 36 to confirm for 59. Second attack critical hit ac 22 to confirm for 44

DM Jim: Reinforcements Arrive  d20+5=8 d20+5=25 d20+7=24 d10+19=24 d20+10=19 d20+8=11 d20+9=25 d8+1=3 5d6(2+1+5+6+6)=20 d20+7=26 2d4(2+1)=3 d20+11=31 d20+11=20 d10+4=10 d4=2 d4=3
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 1:05:10 PM

Bart deftly avoided the swing from the warrior on the stairs last round, and this round takes down two more Ga'alian warriors.

The combat power of Val and Ashira proves to be too much for the powerful duo.

ooc: Ashira I did not take into account the -4 damage from the elemental, please adjust your HP by 8.

Appolo takes down the fighter that was bothering him some much.

OOC: Appolo's weapon oil was dispelled last round. Unless you had bless and +2 on, if so the +2 survives the dispell (rolled and 8)

Cosmo's apes continue to wreak havoc and start to move off to find new opponents.

Rigging ends his detect magic and add haste on to several friends.

Jager and Larry take down a warrior, Larry mostly just knocked him off the stairs in to a heap.

Mykael sends three magic missiles at the cleric by the alter and he falls. Mykael also see an invisible crossbow wielding female take up a covered position close to the battle by the dias.

Nezamil spell seems to have no effect on the Elf: DC 19 spellcraft to determine why for Rigging and Nezamil: Cosmo and Mykael must make a DC 15 spot check first.


The Ga'alain's are taking a beating! But reinforcements are on their way.

The three warriors and a red robed cleric enter the temple from a side entrance. One warrior charges Bart and the others take a more cautious approach seeing Mighty Joe nearby.

The cleric (CD) sees that the roofs are no longer occupied by friendlies and casts a spell at the closest one: Spellcraft 18 to tell an area dispell magic.

Summon IV dispelled (natual 20)
No further rolls necessary

The cleric pumps his fist as several apes disappear.

The big human warrior after being clawed by an ape moves toward Appolo as he can reach him. The warriors lets out several curses at the flying Val and Ashira, just before laying into Appolo.

PA -5/+10

AC 24, hit - a nasty slash for 24 damage

The charging warrior takes a swipe at Bart

AC 19, miss as the big warrior is just too nimble.

Two of the three female assassins the group has meet before become visible and open up on Bart from cover with their crossbows. Mykael thinks the assassin must have come from the front of the temple.

The black leather armored rouges have cover behind a piller and it ranges from 50% to 100% depending upon where you are located.

R1 (-4)

AC 11, miss, badly

R2 (-4)

AC 25, hit for 3 + 20 for backstab damage

Bart need to roll 2 DC 14 fort saves or lose 2 str. immediately and then 3 str. in 10 combat rounds.

The elf snickers at Nezamil and launches an acid arrow at the oversized dwarf.

AC 26 hit for 3 damage DC 13 concentration check each round until spell is complete.

The elf steps back out of sight and out barrels the half orc that Nezamil killed and he does not look happy as he engages Jager. None of his equipment looks as nice as the stuff looted from his dead body.

AC 31, hit, but mised critical for 10 damage

A new cleric (CE) appears in the second doorway and casts greater command at Ashira, Val, Bart and Appolo: DC 20 to drop what you are holding.

Val and Ashria can see CE, Mykael and Cosmo need a DC 15 spot check. Cosmo needs a DC 18 K. local roll to know CE. CE is not the cleric from the quad the group met previously.

Swirl beams to Rigging "CAP report: The fast human is still at the front doors to the temple. Some people are leaving various buildings."

Tomas sees that he will not be left behind and is in fact infused with magic (haste). Tomas struggles against his manacles in a futile attempt to break free and screams "WILDCARDS FOREVER!"


map to be emailed

Ashira F22 (AC25, HP57/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person, Haste  d20+11=26 d20+15=20 d20+15=24 2d6(3+2)+10=15 2d6(3+3)+10=16 d20+15=19 2d6(1+6)+10=17
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 4:14:49 PM

Location: F22 Elevation 15 feet above the ground
Favored Enemy=heartseeds, so an additional +4 damage added to attacks.

Ashira looks positively elated at the arrival of the new clerics. She easily shrugs off the suggestion of the priest (Will=26) and shouts out above the din of battle. "They are here! Follow the plan! Rigging, Appolo to me! Val, Bart your company should be coming soon. Feel free to entertain yourselves until your targets show up, but then follow the plan!" Flying quickly over to where the cleric has arrived (CD), Ashira strikes with newly acquired magical quickness. Once again, she is thankful for her larger than normal reach as she hovers out of the priest's and fighter's reaches. (AC 20 for 15, and AC24 for 16...AoO if he casts spell AC19 for 17dam.).

OOC: Went ahead and changed my post to just attack, since George didn't like it the other way. ;)

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--187/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---7/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---47/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---35/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---78/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---37/50rs. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---7/7rds Remaining)

Mykael -- AC - 26, HPs 70/56  d20+5=22 d20+12=32 d20+5=20 d100=40 6d6(3+2+5+5+1+2)=18
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:44:55 PM

Mykael smiles as he sees foes dropping and new ones appearing.

He notes the elf in the door and why Nezamil's spell didnt work(spot=22, spellcraft=nat 20).

Mykael sees the cleric below him(CE)(spot=20).

Noting the new arrivals and thier close proximaty, Mykael desides to open up with his most damaging spell... Fireball! Centered on FJ, which will include CD and FK in the radius.

(made spell failure=40%, for 18 damage)

Mykael then moves around to be withing charging range of the invisible female crossbowman. He moves as to not show that he can see her and will drop 10ft down, so he has a good charge.

OOC: not sure where she is on the dias, so I cant state a good position for me. PLease just give me a good placing to allow a charge, doesnt give her cover, and doesnt put me in combat.

Fly = 35/50
Aid = 77/90
See Invis = 587/600
Cats Grace = 47/60
Bulls Strength = 47/60
Weapon oil = 47/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

DM JIM: Mykael saw R1 before she shot and became visible. No one else is invisible that Mykael can see.

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:49:10 PM

Nellie, why don't you swing at the cleric? You have a movement of 60 with the fly spell. You can move and still swing. I think you are going against a lowerlevel cleric anyway. Nasty cleric is in the doorway at K8

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70 Location n17 
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:58:34 PM

Rigging doesn't understand why Ashira is calling for the attack on the cleric. It doesn't seem to be one that is critical this time. He decides to take the safer route and turn the assassination game on the assassin. He cast greater invisiblity on himself and moves N17 readying his weapons for some slaughter next round.

flying 35/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 58/70
resist elements 56/70
cats grace 55/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 6/7
greater invisibility 7/7

Location N17

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=15 d20+23=27 d20+5=22 d20+7=11 d20+23=28 d20+23=25 d20+9=29 d20+9=16 d20+9=24 10d6(6+5+2+3+6+1+4+2+6+5)=40 6d6(1+2+6+4+2+1)=16
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 9:59:16 PM

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)

Once again, Cosmo sees a lot happening in the battle before him. Out of the corner of his eye he sees an elf in the left doorway resist a spell with Lesser Globe of Invulnerability that was cast by his new friend Nezamil (spot 15; spellcraft 27). He then sees the elf cast a spell of his own, Acid Arrow. Just as quickly as he spots the elf, the elf disappears and a half-orc emerges from the doorway. He sees another Cleric emerge in the right doorway and cast the Greater Command spell (spot 22; spellcraft 28). This figure also looks familiar, but the battle ways too heavily on Cosmo's mind to remember who he is (knowledge local 11). And lastly, Cosmo sees a Cleric in the main temple area cast a dispel magic that dispels some of his apes.

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster III spell, summoning yet another fiendish ape. This is an ape he has never summoned before. As she arrives he learns her name is Harley. He places Harley right below him in I8 and has her attack Cleric CE standing in the doorway K8.

Cosmo switches rods to his Empower rod. He casts the potent Scorching Ray spell at Cleric CE in the doorway K8. One of the rays smacks the cleric straight in the face, while the other scores a solid hit into his chest.

Scorching Ray hit AC 31(18) & 26; added +2 for invisible.
Damage critical 4d6 + 4d6 + 2d6 = 40.
Damage regular 4d6 + 2d6 = 16.

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground and now visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 887/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 887/900 rounds
Invisibility: 77/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 35/50 rounds
Summon Monster III: 16/18 rounds (used Extend rod)
Summon Monster III: 18/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Larry & Harley (AC 14; HPs 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=22 d20+9=16 d20+9=28 d6+7=11 d6+7=9 d6+3=7 d20+9=26 d20+9=24 d20+4=5 d6+7=12 d6+7=13 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d6+7=12 d6+7=13 d20+2=13
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 10:12:47 PM

Larry finds a new opponent to fight as the half-orc moves in range to attack Jager. All three of his attacks damage the foul creature. Harley attacks the Cleric CE and is able to claw him twice but not bite him. Maybe because clerics don't taste that good.

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Larry's numbers reflect +1 for being on higher ground.

Larry attacking O.
Harley attacking CE.

Larry (in G6) hits AC's 23, 17 & 9.
Damage is 11, 9 & 7 (27 total).

Harley (in I8) hits AC's 26, 24 & 5.
Damage is 12, 13 & 0 (25 total).

Ending Position:
Larry G6
Harley in I8

AoO's if needed:
Larry 25 for 12 damage.
Harley 27 for 13 damage.

Harley will save 13.

Jagar Ac 25 (26 ac dodge vs 1/2 orc)Hp 39/71  d20+10=21 d20+10=17 d20+5=20 d10+3=13 d10+3=8 d10+3=10
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 1:17:00 AM

The monk grits his teeth as the 1/2 orcs weapon slashes him and his blood splatters his foe

"My turn " as Jagar floats on air as he circles the 1/2 orc looking for an opening and launches a flurry of blows as he spots his chance and rains blows at the ugly beast
1st swing d20+10=21 dam d10+3=13
2nd swing d20+10=17 dam d10+3=8
3rd swing d20+5=20 dam d10+3=10

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to  d20+19=37 2d6(2+3)+13=18 2d6(1+3)+13=17 d6=5 d20+8=14 d20+8=23 d20+4=20 d20+19=25 2d6(2+1)+13=16 d6=5 d20+19=30 2d6(6+2)+13=21 d6=4 d20+14=27 2d6(2+5)+13=20 d6=2 d20+19=39 2d6(5+1)+13=19 2d6(5+4)+13=22 d6=1
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 4:37:57 AM

Attack of opportunity against charging fighter he places an crtical hit agains him (ac 37 for 40)
Luckily Bart is hasted and more difficult to hit the crosbowbolt just missed him (saved anyway) Bart just shivers off the comand he just got his sword is still in his hand

He makes another slash at the opponent before him (FL) (ac 25 for 21) His hasted attack hits him as well (ac 30 for 25) his final attack hits him as well (ac27 for 22)

If the fighter in front of him is dead during this round Bart has an cleave attack on warrior W (crtical ac 39 for 42) (if fighter fl is dead before his 3rd attack the rest of the attacks are made against warrior W as well

barkskin +2 189/200 rds
fly 36/50
enlarge 38/50
bullstrength 48/60
bless weaponoil 48/60
haste 6/7

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly  d20+10=24 d20+16=35 d20+16=23 d20+16=28 d20+11=22 2d10(2+9)+40=51 d10+20=27 d10+20=24
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 5:09:54 AM

Haste- 6/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--187/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---35/50rs. Remaining)
Location: H15

Seeing the fighter trying to flank her from behind while she was focusing on the elemental, Val turns and lowers herself to the ground. Yes being in the air gives her a tactical advantage but she feels more comfortable with her feet on the ground. She briefly feels the clerics compulsion but she was totally focused on what she was doing and the magic didn't give her much thought (will save 24). Val growls at the fighter, spinning her heavy flail over her head. Her eyes narrowed and her full lips curled into a sinister smile. The flail moved incredibly fast, propelled by her great strength and magically enhanced speed.

ooc: power attack -5/+10. first attack crit, ac 23 to confirm for 51. second attack hit ac 28 for 27. third attack hit ac 22 for 24

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible Barkskind+2  d20+13=32
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:33:53 AM

Appolo finishes the fighter of hears Ashira and goes invisdible the moves silently to her.

J13 to H13

DM JIM: Appolo has 11 HP not 35.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 68/71 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 5:07:05 PM

Nezamil deciding he won't be able to effectively attack the red robed Cleric at the doors entrance quickly switches tactics and reaches into a belt pouch withdrawing a vial and unstoppers it fly's (move 40ft,move action as per spell)across the dias to the elven mages door and tosses it into the room of the internal room (silenced pebble in vial)

" that should bring the Ga'alian rat out of his hole " growls the giant sized dwarf as he again rises up 5'ft to gain altitude

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-77/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-77/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-77/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-77/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-77/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial(tossed in internal room)
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -88/90

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Nezamil grimaces as the acid arrow strikes him but keeps his focus(d20+3=14 dc con ch)

you can delete Nezamil's last post since it wasn't feasible action

DM Jim: Damage to the Bad Guys  d20+3=20 d20+3=8 d20+3=4 5d8(6+7+1+3+6)=23 d100=78 d20+12=20 d20+8=13 d20+13=21 d20+8=19 d20+17=27 d20+8=23 2d8(1+7)+11=19 d20+11=21 d20+13=22 d20+13=31 d6+1=6 5d6(1+3+6+4+1)=15 d4=2 d4=2 d8=6
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 7:36:04 PM

Ashira flys over to the cleric by the door and slashes his badly, flying just out of reach of the Ga'alian priest that is bearing no weapon.

Mykael also sees the new foes enter the temple and launches a fireball in their direction to devestating effect, but also envelopes Ashira.

OOC: Ashria must make a reflex save DC 16

The cleric (CD) dies wishing he had time to cast protective magic. The two warriors are badly burned and not liking their fate.

Rigging casts his improved invisibility spell and moves into position behind one of his unsuspecting tormentors from previous engagements.

Cosmo slams the cleric in the right doorway with an unbelievable well placed scorching ray, but it has no effect. The cleric kisses his gold Ga'alian symbol and breaths a sigh of relief, but it is short lived.

Harley appears before him and reaches out with his claws for CE's throat. A wall of noise erupts as Harley sets off a sonic glyph at the doorway. Harley failed his save: damage 23. The enraged ape claws the priest twoce as retribution.

Larry and Jager team up on the half orc and he is bleeding from many wounds and knows his fate is sealed.

Bart's added speed allowed him to turn the poisoned bolt at the last minute and avoid the kidney damage.

Bart is devestating again, rocking the fighter that charged him (AoO) and finishing him off.

Bart takes a few whacks at the warrior (W)beating on Appolo, damaging him severly.

OOC: Val the fighter flanking you FL was killed by Bart, I will make an assumption and move to to engage one of the warriors entering from the left.

Val moves forward and lands on the ground, liking the feeling of solid ground and pummles the warrior (FK)right to his grave.

Nezamil moves forward narrowly missing the forbidance spell with his huge body and pushes Harley forward. Nezamil tosses his silence spell into the rats den and hears very little.

OOC: I have no idea what Appolo is doing? Appolo is at 11 HP and no longer has the oil +2 active. I am making the assumption that he wants to live and goes invisible and moves as indicated. Please post more clearly.

Appolo know the warrior will kill him in a stroke and turns invisible and retires to fight another day.


The Half orc is desparte and on his last legs and takes two mighty swings at Jager.

AC 20, miss
AC 13, miss

The half orc is in trouble, again, and knows it.

The warrior that Bart blasted takes a 5 foot step forward and retaliates hoping to kill Bart before he is added to the bodies at his feet.

AC 21, miss
AC 19, miss

The warrior is in real trouble now.

The elf notices the silence spell from his globe and is very upset that he had to cast a dispel magic on it, having no problem eliminating it for CF.

A new cleric (CF) recognizable to all that met him in the last fight appear at the left doorway yelling "Nice trick, try mine."

Casts inflict moderate wounds mass for 19 damage to Tomas, Jager, Harley, and Nezamil (spell resistance roll 21), will save DC 22.

Cosmo can roll K. Local for CF (DC 20).

R1 is feeling exposed now, but grimly reloads her deadly bolt and takes aim at Bart.

AC 22, miss as his armor turns the weapon.

R2 mirrors her partner as the dealer of death try again. She does not seem used to missing, or at least not Rigging, Bart is more challenging.

AC 31, hit 6 damage + 15 damage for backstab.

She lets out a small criy of triumph.

DC 14 fort save (x2)or lose 2 str. immediately and again in 10 rounds for 2 more str.

Cleric CE is very worried about the ape knocking at his door and cast a sonic burt at it.

damage 6, DC fort save of 18 or be stunned for one round.

One of the massive front doors to the temple open and in steps the monk of some notoriety. THe monk Yells to the back "Can anyone join this party!" as he smashes a vial on the stone tiles and start to blur.

Fighter FL is looking for the door.

Tomas screams in pain as more wounds appear on his body.

OOC: George please roll Tomas's will save to see if he is still concious.

Rigging feels Swirl again "CAP REPORT: The natives are restless and unsure of what to do, some have left the compound. It was right after the third loud noise. Are we winning?"


mark off one more round of spell duration.

map to come later

Matt C. 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 9:25:57 PM

Where is cleric CF on the map?

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70  d20+17=23 d20+15=22 d20+15=29 d20+15=26 d4+3=7 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(6+2)=8 d4+3=6 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(1+5)=6 d4+3=5 2d6(1+1)=2 2d6(5+1)=6 d6+3=7 2d6(4+6)=10
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:40:59 PM

Rigging sees the thief shoot at his friend and makes her pay taking an AOO slicing his holy dagger into her back causing 24 points of damage. He then whispers, "Sucks being shot or stabbed from behind doesn't it. Well turnabout is fair play." He then launches into his normal attacks hitting three more times thanks to his haste spell. His holy dagger drinks twice for 19 points and then 13 points of damage. His short short also does bloody work hitting for 17. Thief takes a total of 73 hps of damage.

If the thief falls, Rigging will take a 5' step into her square M17, otherwise he will stay in his square but go 5' up with his fly spell.

Rigging hears his familiars report and says/thinks, "We are doing OK but they are starting to rally a little. Your doing a great job. Keep reporting."

OOC AOO with holy dagger hits ac 23, holy dagger normal swing hits ac 22, haste holy dagger swing hits ac 29, short sword hits ac 26

flying 34/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 57/70
resist elements 57/70
cats grace 54/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 5/7
greater invisibility 6/7

Location either M17 or 5' off ground in N17

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Mykael AC-26, HP-70/56  d20+15=35 d20+15=31 d20+15=20 d8=1 d8+5=8
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:42:25 PM

Mykael moves to F17 and drops in height to engage R1 and swings twice.

First swing connects with critical force, but armor takes most of the effect. The second was such a quick swipe, Mykael is unsure if he even connected.

(AC 35, nat 20.. confirmed, for 1*2+5=7)
(AC 20, for 8)

Position: F17, on ground.

Fly = 34/50
Aid = 76/90
See Invis = 586/600
Cats Grace = 46/60
Bulls Strength = 46/60
Weapon oil = 46/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Tomas  d20+5=24
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:43:41 PM

Tomas feels the wounds hit him and grits his teeth and makes his save. Fort save 24

Ashira F10 (AC25, HP57/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person, Haste  d20+10=26 d20+15=26 d20+15=32 2d6(5+1)+10=16 4d6(5+4+6+1)+16=32
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 12:16:27 AM

Location: F19 Elevation 15 feet above the ground
Also, I have included +4 to my damage to the rogue because I am assuming (like all Quad members) that they are heartseeded.

Seeing the fireball headed her way, Ashira weaves out of the way, suffering no damage (Ref.=26, Evasion, no damage). Feeling the enlarging magic fade from her body, Ashira decides to make an attack on one of the rogues while she still has the advantage of her enlarged arms. Reaching out, she slaps R1 with two devestating blows from her longsword (AC26 for 16, AC32 crit. for 32...48 total dam.) As she fights, Ashira calls out to Val and Bart. "The monk's here. Time to rock. I'll be moving on to my target in just a minute."

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--186/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---6/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---46/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---34/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---77/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min total---??. Remaining Jim, please tell me how long I have remaining on this, since it was 1 minute)
Haste (7 rds. Total---6/7rds Remaining)

DM Jim: I am waiting to hear back from George. If I do not, I will rule in my next post.

Bart ac 26 hp 58/79 +1 dodge to Monk  d20+8=14 d20+8=26 d20+15=28 2d6(5+3)+21=29 d6=5 d20+15=17 d20+10=23 2d6(1+1)+21=23 d6=4
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 4:30:28 AM

Bart sees Appolo disapear from sight he attacks the warrior in front of him he feels a bolt hitting him he feels no poisoin intrude his body (save 14+26) Het attacks the warrior in front of him (ac28 for 34) his second attack misses (ac 17) His final attack will kill him for sure (ac 23 for 27) In case the warrior is dead after the first blow Bart moves over towards the monk making sure he keeps an gap of 10 ft between them (using spring attack feat)

barkskin +2 186/200 rds
fly 34/50
enlarge 36/50
bullstrength 46/60
bless weaponoil 46/60
haste 5/7

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

DM Jim: Suplimental  2d4(2+4)=6 d20+14=30 (Concntration for CF)
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 8:02:52 AM


Thanks for updating the map. I sent the incomplete one.

Nezamil takes 6 damage from acid and must make a concentration check if casting any spells DC 13

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 9:44:19 AM

Haste- 5/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--186/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---34/50rs. Remaining)
Location: ??

Seeing the very deadly monk finally enter the battle, Val grips her heavy flail tightly. Her full lips curl into a smile of delight. A loud battlecry echoes off the wall. Taking advantage of the enhanced speed and flight she moves quickly toward the monk.

ooc: Val is using movement to reach the monk. I'm not sure the distance so she will ready an attack action if one is availible. I didn't put her location because I'm not sure how far she can move.

Jagar Ac 25(26w/dodge ve 1/2orc) Hp 20/71 (I5 location)  d20+10=14 d20+10=19 d20+10=27 d20+5=15 d10+3=8 d10+3=5 d10+3=5
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 10:49:01 AM

Jgaar winces as Ga'als vile magic washs over him (will save d20+10=14 failed)

The Monk grins at the 1/2 orcs ineptness "i think you need more lessons with your toys " laughs Jagar" but don't think you'll have any time for that anymore "

Jagar floats around the 1/2 orc looking for the right comination of blows to send the ugly fighter to his doom ....suddenly the opening appears and the Monk strikes with full force of fury
1st swing d20+10=19 dam d10+3=8
2nd swing d20+10=27 dam d10+3=5
3rd swing d20+5=15 dam d10+3=5

his first two fists land solidly but Jagar tries to hard as the last spinning kick misses

Jagar watches as the ape finishes off the ugly fighter

DM Jim: Reschedule 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 12:52:00 PM

I need the posts in by 4 pm or I will not be able to post until tomorrow as my schedule has changed.

Appolo Ac 23 Barkskin +2 Invisible HP35/59  d20+13=19 3d8(4+5+6)+9=24
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 1:19:45 PM

Appolo remains stil and as silentas possible while drinking his potion of Cure Serious wounds.Healing his wounds.he takes no other action this round.

Healed 24 points Move silently 19

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 62/71 location H8  d20+15=28 2d6(3+1)+8=12 d20+19=38 d20+14=27 d20+19=36 2d6(3+3)+12=18 2d6(1+5)+12=18 2d6(5+6)+12=23 d20+12=32
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 1:52:59 PM

Spotting the emerging Cleric(CF) Nezamil Clicks his heels (free action activating his boots of speed) "that was no trick and this is a treat for me " as the giant sized dwarf takes whack at the Cleric(CF) as he casts his spell (AoO on Cleric(CF)d20+15=28)(dam 2d6(3+1)+8=12)(if allowable) his mace whacking the red robed Ga'alian

The giant sized dwarf continues his assault on the Cleric(CF)and calls upon Domi for strength" Domi grant your humble follower strength to vanquish this vile follower of Ga'al" prays Nezamil (using str domain granted power feat of str +9 to str)(total str=33)

Nezamil mace weaves deadly arcs as it crashes down on the spell casting Cleric(CF)

1st swing d20+19=38 dam 2d6(3+3)+12=18
2nd swing d20+14=27 dam 2d6(1+5)+12=18
3rd swing d20+19=36 dam 2d6(5+6)+12=23(hasted swing)

total dam of 3 swings +AoO= 71 DAMAGE to Cleric(CF)

"By Domi's might you will Die " growls the Cleric of Domi

will save if needed vs Cf spell d20+12=32 nat 20!! does Nezamil take 1/2 or none , will adjust next post as needed

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-76/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-76/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-76/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-76/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-76/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial(tossed in internal room)
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -87/90
14.boots of speed 1 rd

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP's 57/57)  d20+5=17 d20+7=25 d20+23=33 d20+2=18 d20+9=29 d20+9=29 d20+9=25 d20+4=16 2d6(5+5)+14=24 d6+7=9 d6+3=9 d20+9=27 d6+7=9 d20+5=14
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 2:22:28 PM

Cosmo sees the new Cleric CF in the left doorway (spot 17). This Cleric he recognizes from his past and knows who he is (knowledge local 25). Cosmo sees this new Cleric cast the Inflict spell and damage some of his companions (spellcraft 33).

Harley tries to resist the inflict spell, but is unsuccessful (will save 18). The additional damage is too much for her and she heads back to her native plane of existence.

More Cosmo below.

Larry (AC 14; HPs 37/37)

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Larry attacking CE or O.

Option 1: If the half-orc has died from Jager's blows, Larry will jump down and take up position where Harley was in cell J8 and attack Cleric CE (critical hit 29(29) for 24 damage).

Option 2: If the half-orc is alive, Larry will attack him. If he half-orc dies after 1 claw attack, Larry will jump down and move into cell J8 (critical hit 30(30) for 24 damage).

Option 3: Larry needs to full attack the half-orc to kill him. Then 5' move to H6 if the half-orc dies (critical hit 30(30), 26 & 18 for 42 total damage).

Larry hits AC's 29(29), 25 & 17 (note add +1 if fighting half-orc for higher ground).
Damage is 24, 9 & 9 (42 total).

Ending Position:
Larry G6 or J8 or H6.

AoO's if needed:
Larry 27 for 9 damage.

Cosmo, in his current position, drops down to about 15' (or lower if necessary). From this vantage point he looks into both doorways to see what is in there (spot 14). Cosmo casts his last summoning spell, Summon Monster V.

Location: I7 at about 15' off the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 886/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 886/900 rounds
Invisibility: 76/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 34/50 rounds
Summon Monster III: 15/18 rounds (used Extend rod)
Summon Monster III: 17/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

DM Jim: Quick Battle Post  d20+11=31 2d4(3+3)=6 2d4(4+3)=7 d20+7=17 d20+16=35 2d8(8+5)+6=19
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 3:42:51 PM

Nezamil strikes (CF) a solid blow but does not distrupt his spell (concentration 30, rolled previousely in supplimental post). Nezamil does set off a HARM Glyph and takes either 110 or half damage if will save of 22. (spell resistance roll 31, nat. 20)

The severly damage Nezamil pounds on the cleric (CF), badly hurting him, and he falls unconcious, maybe dead. From out of view and the elf casts a second acid arrow at Nezamil's legs from safely inside the room.

Extended acid arrow spell 6 damage

AC 17

New regular acid arrow spell 7 damage

OOC: If the giant sized Nezamil falls, I will say the he does not fall into the forbidace spell.

Jager with some help from Larry take out the now redead half orc and he falls next to the pile of equipment that looks like Tomas's

Larry jumps down and takes the place of Harley that went back to the fiendish jungle planes. Larry rips into the second cleric (CE).

CE backs up into the room and is very worried and casts dismissal DC will save 19+9-HD of Larry. "That spell was ment for an elemental, but you will do."

OOC: No one but Larry, if he is not off to the Jungle planes himself can see CE and no one can see the elf.

Tomas resists some of the inflict wounds spells and takes half damage and is barely concious at 4 hp. "Don't Back off now, take'em all down" Screams the bleeding Tomas.

Rigging gains total surprise on R2 and strikes her dead.

Mykael rushes at R1 and takes one swing (haste does not give you a second swing if you move over 5 feet) and connects for a minor wound. Ashira plays clean up and runs her through, and she slumps off the now normal sized ranger.

OOC: All of the enlarge spells have now ended.

Appolo stays invisible and as a result stays alive.

Bart cuts off W's head in one clean swipe and starts heading for the monk.

Val also starts to move toward the monk. Val steps on a symbol of pain on her way to the Monk. The burst effects Val and Bart. Fort save of DC 20 or -4 to attack, etc.

The Monk taps his arm and grows to large size and closes the door. "I can't let anyone of you escape."

AoO AC 35 for 19 damage

Blur give the monk a 20% miss chance for all potential hits.

The monk is awaiting Val and Bart and is looking at Val. "Come on sweet cheeks, come and get it."


mark one round off of all active spells

Matt C.  d20+2=8 d20+9=16
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 5:54:29 PM

OOC - What are the Monk's AC's? - Regular and Touch

How far back into the room did the Cleric and Elf move that Cosmo cannot see them?

Did you add in Larry's AoO of 9 damage from the above post?

Need a SR roll versus Larry's SR of 9.

Larry's Will save 8.

Larry disappears as the Forbiddance forces him back to his plane of existence.

DM JIM: I am not posting any data on the monk until combat begins with him.

SR roll 16

I added the damage and he is not happy.

The elf and the cleric moved far enough back that cosmos can not see them.

Nezamil Hp -15/71 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 7:33:34 PM

Nezamil has a savage grin on his face as his last blow sends the redrobed Cleric(CF) to the ground but the glyph's damage is done as the giant sized dwarf's knees buckle from the glyph's magical discharge

"Domi" growls Nezamil as he falls to his knees he looks upward and seemingly reaches for something unseen

The Cleric of Domi falls back and slams onto the dias ....the light in his eyes fades...his extended arm falls to his side

Nezamil's Hp 62/71
-9 for mass imw(will save made)
-55 for glyph damage
-6 -2nd rd of melf's acid arrow
-7 -1st rd of dam for new melf's acis arrow
-15 Hit pts
didn't matter if i made save or not for glyph either way all cumulative damage sends the mighty dwarf to gargul

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-75/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-75/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-75/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-75/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-75/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial(tossed in internal room)
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -86/90
14.boots of speed 1 rd

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 7:48:18 PM

Jagar watches the 1/2 orc fighter fall and takes a step back and quickly heals himself (wholeness of body 18 pts)

The monks face turns to a look of horror as he he see's Nezamil's body slam onto the dias shaking the floor under his weight


Jagar floats up slight (5 ft move) his eyes shift outward to the newly arrived Monk....he reaches into his pouch belt and retrives a vial (readying it for next rd )

Jagar focus's his anger trying to bring it under control " i ain't planning on escaping " replies Jagar thru gritted teeth his eyes ablaze with barely contained fury

Jagar is focused now his eyes alighted on the Monk!!

1Mage armor
2.Fly 35/50
3 bless weapon oil 35/50
4.vial ??? :-)

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70  d20+17=37 d20+17=36 d100=82 d4+3=5 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(4+5)=9
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 10:06:46 PM

Rigging sees Nezamil fall and somehow knows he is beyond help...but not revenge. He then sees the monk get larger. He is torn on which way to go. He calls out, "Val, Bart...make him come you. He has reach and who knows what kind of traps are over there. Work together but pull back. He is luring you!"

As Rigging is barking orders, he activates his blink ring and then flys north through the wall and sets himself next to the cleric where he can get an AOO if he moves or does a spell.

OOC rolled AOO and got critical hit. made blink roll. Do 5X2=10 plus 18 for 28 points of damage to the cleric

OOC Jim I should have been at m17 last round but you forgot to move me on the map

flying 33/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 56/70
resist elements 56/70
cats grace 53/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 4/7
greater invisibility 5/7
blinking 7/10

location: 5' from cleric in right room

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Mykael AC-26, HPs 70/56 
Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:08:25 AM

Hearing the noise behind him and seeing only the monk left in front of him, Mykael turns around.

Nezamil has fallen and Thomas looks close to it. He flys to spot I10... in between his injured comrades. He hands a Cure Serious Potion to Thomas, "Drink this, it will help."

Then he turns and checks on Nezamil.

A cold iron look appears on his face, and he slowly stands concentrating on the task at hand.

Position I10 on ground.

Fly = 33/50
Aid = 75/90
See Invis = 585/600
Cats Grace = 45/60
Bulls Strength = 45/60
Weapon oil = 45/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Ashira F19 (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  3d8(4+7+3)+5=19
Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:21:48 AM

Location: L13 Elevation 15 feet above the ground

Horrified, Ashira watches Nezamil fall. A terrible rage begins to boil and bubble inside her soul as tears fill her eyes. Still, can't avenge the dwarf if she dies in the process. Reaching into her pouch, Ashira pulls out a healing potion (Cure Serious Wounds) and drains it quickly. Then she moves toward the door where the cleric and elf disappeared in. She can't quite make it there, but she gets close. Turning, she calls out to Val, Bart and Jagar. "Rigging's right. It's a trap! There's probably more booby traps that way. Let him come to you!"

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--185/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---5/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---45/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---33/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---76/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---5/7rds Remaining)

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to Monk  5d6(3+5+1+3+6)=18 2d8(8+7)+6=21
Friday March 3rd, 2006 9:42:29 AM

The much smaller Bart hears some screams behind him, something bad must happen but the monk is still in front of him the monk has cast a spell at him luckily with no effect Bart is very cautious after he hears the warnings
He goes forward grabs an orb from his necklace and throws it to the monk a fireball explodes in front of his eyes (18 dam ref save for half). The hasted Bart grabs an potion of cure moderate and heals himself

barkskin +2 185/200 rds
fly 33/50
bullstrength 45/60
bless weaponoil 45/60
haste 5/7

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly  d20+11=29
Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:09:16 AM

Haste- 4/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--185/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---33/50rs. Remaining)
Location: ??

OOC: Shame on me for assuming that Val flew since flight is active. Fort save 29.

Taking advantage of the flight spell, Val lifts into the air and flies only half the distance to the monk. Her flail is at the ready, hoping the monk moves in to fight.

ooc2: readied attack action

DM JIM: Cautious Approach  d20+3=6 6d8(1+6+6+6+6+2)=27 6d8(1+8+7+7+2+3)=28 d20+14=32
Friday March 3rd, 2006 2:08:08 PM

THe huge Nezamil falls after taking the brunt of the HARM glyph and the other three spells. One acid arrow spell stops, but the other is burning a nasty hole in the dwarfs leg. Nezamil drops his mace and it immediately reduces in size, but the rest of him does not shrink, how much does a 14 and a half foot dwarf weigh?

Larry could not resist the dismissle and goes back to the fiendish jungle with his friends.

Rigging (yes you did move last turn) blinks into the internal structure and finds himself only 6 feet from the cleric (CE). The Captain of the Sword take one big step and run the cleric through and splits his heartseed, blood and sap mingle on the beautiful carpet.

There is an ornate bed, desk, several cabinates and a dresser. THere is a prayer rug in one corner and a mirror on the back wall.

Jager calls out in despair as Nezamil falls and prepares to take vengence.

Ashira takes a potion and calls out a warning of caution when approaching the ever dangerous monk.

Mykael goes to assist Tomas and the cleric screams at him, but too late, "NOO stay away!"

Mykael hits the forbiddance spells and takes 27 damage if good and 28 more if chaotic, roll one DC 22 will save for half damage.

OOC: I will include Appolo's post in this one.

The invisible Appolo move as far as he can while attempting to be silent, trying to get in position to assail the monk.

OOC: Appolo has only 11 hp and moved half speed while keeping silent.

OOC: Bart did too many actions so I will take them in order: Move, throw bead, and drink potion. Drinking potion can not happen this round.

Bart moves forward to meet up with Val and tosses one of his golden orbs at the Monk. The monk watches the bead, seeming to contemplate catching the missile, but in the end lets it explode. The monk dances between the flames and comes out unsinghed.

Bart is no longer enlarged and did not drink his potion yet.

Val move forward and gains altitude. Neither Bart nor Val were much effected by the waves of pain washing over them. The two warriors shake off the effect and concentrate on the Monk.

Cosmo calls more friends from other realms to enter the battle. Cosmo wonders what has become of the elf?

OOC: In the future, state what you are summoning when the spell is cast.

Rigging feels Swirl yet again. "CAP REPORT: There are several two leggers gathering at each of the three entrances, but they seem reluctant to enter. Several left the compound and seem to be making alot of noise out in the city."


The Monk does not advance after Bart's attack, as he just waits, but does seem concerned about the lack of battle noise coming from the opposite end of the temple. The monk has the much larger looking adaminite hand axe in his right hand and in a defensive posture. Looking at Val he chides "Sweet cheeks, we are going to have us some fun after all of your friends are dead. Where is that dark haired young elf you had with you last time, she caught my eye also."

The monk drinks another potion and smashes the vial on the floor. THe monks eyes flash danger.

There is no noise coming from the room where the elf moved out of view.


Mark off another round of spells

Several of you have stopped posting locations, so you have to live with where I put you.

Map to be emailed

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Invisible  d20+13=23
Friday March 3rd, 2006 2:55:02 PM

Remaining invisible Appolo silently sprints up behind Valanthe standing behind her.He too awaits the Monk.Move Silently 23

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d4+1=4
Friday March 3rd, 2006 10:05:03 PM

Cosmo finishes his Summon Monster V spell. He summons 4 more Fiendish Apes from their jungle planes. Two of the apes he summons near the opening to the left room (in G8 & H8). The other two apes he places in the main temple (in H16 & I16).

Cosmo quickly casts another spell, targeting the 4 apes, Jager, Mykael & himself. The spell is Haste and they all start to move quicker. Two of the ape's move into the room and the other two move towards the monk.

Cosmo lands on the ground in H8 and picks up Nezamil's mace. He looks down into the room where the elf went.

Location: H8 on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 884/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 884/900 rounds
Invisibility: 74/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 32/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 9/9 rounds
Haste: 9/9 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=19 d6+7=9 d20+9=24 d6+7=10 d20+9=26 d20+9=21 d20+9=18 d20+9=16 d6+7=10 d6+7=13 d6+7=10 d6+7=8
Friday March 3rd, 2006 10:19:45 PM

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Fiendish apes #6 and #7 move into the room and attack the elf. If they cannot see him they will use their scent ability to sniff him out and then attack him.

Fiendish apes #8 & #9 double move towards the monk with their newly acquired hasted speed (120').

#6 attacking elf.
#7 attacking elf.
#8 moving towards monk.
#9 moving towards monk.

#6 (in left room) hits AC's 19.
Damage is 9.

#7 (in left room) hits AC's 24.
Damage is 10.

Ending Position:
#6 in left room.
#7 in left room.
#8 in H39.
#9 in I39.

AoO's if needed:
#1 26 for 10 damage.
#2 21 for 13 damage.
#3 18 for 10 damage.
#4 16 for 8 damage.

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70  d100=71 d20+7=18 d20+7=20 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 d20+7=14 d100=76
Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:13:14 PM

Rigging will momentarily grin down at his handy work and then blink through the wall while flying back into the main room placing himself around K20

He will then look at the monk and cast a dispel magic on him, hoping to bring down his defenses.
(OOC Jim rolled 5 checks for the dispel magic but really don't know how many spells he has on. Let me know if you need more.)

first 100 roll for for his blur
second 100 roll was for my blinking.
For future reference, I always take the low number as bad.

flying 32/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 55/70
resist elements 55/70
cats grace 52/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 3/7
greater invisibility 4/7
blinking 4/10

location: k20

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Tomas hps 20  2d8(7+6)+3=16
Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:15:49 PM

Not sure if Tomas has the use of his hands. If he does, he will down the potion and say to Mykael, "Thanks. Since you took the spell, can you do anything to get these chains free?"

Ashira (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  d20+11=16
Saturday March 4th, 2006 11:48:07 PM

Location: I14 or L31, depending on Mykael's condition. Elevation 15 feet above the ground

With all the glyphs going off, Ashira is unwilling to get too close to either door that the enemy retreated into. She sees Cosmo sending in two of his conjured friends and grins. That ought to help things out quite a bit! And that muffled scream coming out of the door near her probably means that the priest that went in isn't doing too well (Listen=16). So, that leaves Tomas and the monk. The blue haired ranger winces when she sees Mykael get hit by whatever it was that fried her. "Hey Mykael, you ok in there?" she calls out to him.

She lingers for a few seconds to see if he needs some help. If Mykael calls out to her, then Ashira will head over toward the altar (I14) and try to render assistance.

If Mykael is ok, then Ashira heads toward the giant monk, ready to unleash the fury boiling in her soul upon the giant's body. She can't make it all the way there yet, but she can move in closer. "Hey ugly! What's the matter? You afraid of the scrawny Pirates? You big chicken!! Why don't you come and get us??" Ashira taunts as she flys toward the monk (L31...90 feet thanks to haste).

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--184/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---4/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---44/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---32/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---75/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---4/7rds Remaining)

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to Monk  d20+15=32 d4+6=9
Sunday March 5th, 2006 5:30:57 AM

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to Monk
Bart gets an dagger out of his sleeve and throws it at the Monk ac 32 for 9 after that bart gets a potion of cure moderate

barkskin +2 184/200 rds
fly 32/50
bullstrength 44/60
bless weaponoil 44/60
haste 4/7

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56  d20+6=7
Monday March 6th, 2006 12:18:22 AM

(missed save vs forbiddance spell.. took 27 dam)

Mykael looks at Thomas and smiles, "I knew the spell was there, however, it didnt hurt that much, just piddly Ga'allan magic."

"Hold that chain out taut over the altar, it may have a use worth something yet."

Mykael swings his sword down upon the chain a few times, attempting to break a link.

Position I10 on ground.

Haste = 9/9
Fly = 32/50
Aid = 74/90
See Invis = 584/600
Cats Grace = 44/60
Bulls Strength = 44/60
Weapon oil = 44/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 (N27 location) 
Monday March 6th, 2006 10:20:22 AM

Jagar gains altitude and rises up to ceiling height as he flys towards the side wall (moving right when look at map,going to N file) and flies and times his speed somewhere between Val and Bart's movement to form a line abreast of them to so as to try and time their attacks together

1Mage armor
2.Fly 34/50
3 bless weapon oil 34/50
4.vial ??? :-)

Monday March 6th, 2006 10:22:35 AM

Nezamil lies on the dias his eyes staring blankly upward as the battle rages around him.

DM Jim: Where did they go? 
Monday March 6th, 2006 1:07:38 PM

Acid continues to burn Nezamil. The smell is overpowering. THe giant dwarf is still and lifeless.

Cosmo summons more apes to help the cause of the Wildcards. Two of the apes enter the sanctuary of cleric CF and step on his body to get in and at the elf wizard. Unfortunately, the apes can find no wizard and "hoot" and "ugh" at one another.

Cosmo sends two more apes to support Val and Bart. The apes almost run over the invisible and silent moving Appolo.

Bart drinks his potion and tosses a well aimed dagger at the monk. As an after thought, the monk slaps the dagger away and it clatter into the corner of the temple.

Val looks menacing, but does not venture forward.

Rigging blinks back into the main temple and casts a well placed dispel magic on the monk.

Enlarge, cats grace and mage armor melt off the monk and he is reduced to normal size.

Jager also move forward, while flying, in an attempt to get at the monk.

Mykael feeds Tomas the potion and he feels much better, although not whole yet. Mykale takes a poor swing at the chain and misses, his blade scrapping tiles.

Ashira shows concern for the fried, but still breathing, Mykael, but sees that he is alright and takes off after the monk, throwing insults along the way.

Swirl touches Rigging again "CAP REPORT: the two leggers are gathering in pockets out side the the doors, but not entering. Several singles have left the compound."


The monk is clearly distrubed by the number of oppenents and his loss of magical aid. "BLAST! You will all pay for this affront with your lives. I will see you on the high seas, beware of the Dreadnought."

The monk turns into the light and disappears with a 'pop'.

Stay in combat rounds and mark off another round of spells.

Please post your locations on the map.

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70 
Monday March 6th, 2006 2:32:41 PM

Rigging curses when he sees the monk dimension door away. Just in case he will cast a detect invisibility and take a quick look. He calls out to the others, "Swirl is reporting that several more are gathering at the doors. Sounds like the lower tier guardsmen. Be alert for a rush.

Rigging will then fly towards the left room and blink through the walls looking for the mage that went in there. If he sees him, he will line himself up for an attack next round, closing to 5'. If he doesn't he will curse again and blink back out of the room.

flying 31/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 54/70
resist elements 53/70
cats grace 51/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 2/7
greater invisibility 3/7
blinking 3/10
detect invisibility


1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Monday March 6th, 2006 6:40:20 PM

Haste- 3/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--184/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---32/50rs. Remaining)
Location: H21

Val wishes the monk would have stuck around but his day will come. Maybe it wasn't today but it will be soon. And he will pay dearly for his intentions toward Melody. Almost growling she flys back toward the main battl to help mop up.

Mykael -- AC - 26, HP - 43/56 
Monday March 6th, 2006 7:15:08 PM

OOC: missed the chain? guess I need to roll?

IC: The smell of Nezamil's leg assaults Mykael's nostrils, "Hold on a sec, Thomas, need to do something for Nez."

Mykael pulls a waterskin out and flushes the wounds that have acid eating away in them.

"Someone want to help Thomas with the chains?" Mykael states to all around, "Then I have enough flasks of alchemists fire for all 8 of the heart sead plants."

"Then I say we dump all burnable stuff on the alter and set it ablaze"

"Also, all you strong folk may want to take an appendage each of massive Nez, here, and start getting him through the roof. Once through you could set him on the roof for safe keeping and a quick exit, as needed."

Mykael looks around for Rigging, and then to Ashira, "Sound good?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=26
Monday March 6th, 2006 10:43:04 PM

Cosmo messages to his 4 apes, giving them actions for this round. To one of the apes in the room he messages to come out and try to pull the chains free from whatever they are attached to. The other ape he messages to finish off the cleric CF if he is still alive. Cosmo messages to the two apes in the main temple to stay where they are and attack anything that enters the building that is not a friend.

Cosmo casts Detect Magic and starts scanning the area, starting with cleric CF.

Location: H8 on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 883/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 883/900 rounds
Invisibility: 73/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 31/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 8/9 rounds
Haste: 8/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 90/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

Strength check on chain 26.

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Cleric CF.
#8 in H39.
#9 in I39.

Ashira (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  d20+2=10
Monday March 6th, 2006 11:54:00 PM

Screaming in frustration as the monk disappears, Ashira turns to Bart, her face contorted with rage. "We're getting Tomas and Nezamil out...we're trashing this place, and then I want you to find the monk and we're going to kill him!!" Ashira nods grimly at Mykael's suggestions, but looks concerned. "I don't know Mykael. He looks pretty heavy..." Ashira takes a good look at the giant cleric's body and gives his arm a tentative tug to determine the likelihood of lifting him through the roof (Wis.=10). "Appolo get in there and get those chains off Tomas. Mykael, you want to share the honor of destroying those blasted seeds? Then let's trash this place. If we're lucky, we still have enough time to turn this temple into a smoldering pile of ash!" Angry and frustrated, Ashira sets about expertly spearing the nearest heartseed.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--183/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---3/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---43/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---31/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---74/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---3/7rds Remaining)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71  d20+6=9
Monday March 6th, 2006 11:54:09 PM

"Coward " shouts Jagar as the Ga'alian monk disappears

Jagar circles the outside of the room at 20'ft height as he peeks (d20+6=9) out the windows as he flashes by the as he ends up on the opposite side of the room from where he began his advance on the Ga'alian monk

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 4:38:27 AM

After the cowardish monk is popping away Bart turns around and looks for any hostiles. He is ready for any action. Time to cast an locate object now... oh no Nezamil is down... The shocked Bart goes forward and sees what he can do for his friend

barkskin +2 183/200 rds
fly 31/50
bullstrength 43/60
bless weaponoil 43/60
haste 3/7

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 10:46:16 AM

"I'll carry Nez. If he's heavier than he looks I'll need a magical strength enhancement. Somebody grab his weapon and anything else he dropped." Val says and heads for the fallen giant dwarf.

ooc: I'm guessing Nezamil will be a medium load for Val. WIth her enhance movement she makes the best choice to carry him.

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Invisible  d20+10=27
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 10:54:40 AM

Appolo hears Ashira and soon appears next to Tomas"Hey buddy tough day at the market.Ehh."He then breaks out his thieves tools and begins to work."I'll have you out these things in no time."

He looks over at Nezamil"Bart help Val with our friend.It will most likely take to of you becuase of his over all size."

Looking around some more"Don't worry Ahira before I leave this place will beablze they'll be able to see the fire from Platue City.Rember the Imperial stables.""He says with wicked gleam in his eye.

DM Jim: QUick Search  5d6(5+5+3+5+5)=23
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 12:00:12 PM

Rigging pops into the other room that housed the wizard and only sees two apes that seem to smell him. Rigging quickly blicks back out, after not finding the wizard.

Val tries to lift Nezamil, but finds his weight to be too much even for her strenght.

OOC: Nezamil is more than a medium load for Val.

OOC: Nezamil weights almost 3 tons.

Mykael leaves the Forbiddance spell to attend to his new fallen friend Nezamil.

Jager, Ashira, and Bart scream in rage as the monk escapes. Ashira suggest all sorts of carnage for the temple.

Cosmo casts his detect magic spell and can see plenty of magic in the area, in addition to aura of all the magic the has expired or cast. There is deffinately magic on the cleric (CF), but it is impossible to tell what, just yet.

Cosmo directs one ape (what is his name?) to enter the Forbiddance spell and it does with no problem and yanks hard on the chain, but can not rip it from the floor, it may be weakened now. DC 24 str check next round.

Appolo goes to check on Tomas and runs into the Forbiddance spell again. Reflex save DC 22 or take 23 damage and die or be unconcious if you save.

OOC: Appolo is at 11 hp to start the round as I have been telling you for several days. Appolo stated that he went next to Tomas, and thus into the forbiddance spell again.


Mark off another combat round for spells

Please do three combat rounds of actions next post.

Please post your final location or you may not like where you end up.

Tuesday March 7th, 2006 2:06:46 PM

Rigging will pull out his own detect magic wand and cast it upon himself. He will also stop his blink ring saving it for emergencies. Rigging will study the bodies of the rogues while the detect magic spell gets stronger. While he is concentrating on the bodies, he will start patting pockets and pickout valuables and magic items.

Rigging then says, "The mage has also fled, but we are still in a combat situation. We have troops gathering at the door, a man down and one still restrained. It is time to loot this place pirate fashion."

Rigging looks at his huge friend and comes to a decision. "Everyone listen up. This is gonna sound gruesome but it will be for the best for the ship and company. Cosmo, have your apes get together and all pull on those chains restraining Tomas. They seem to be able to enter the spell area without taking damage.

Appolo since your already in there, try and see if you can pick the locks. (Not even sure if there are locks?) and check out the alter area.

Cosmo, your responsible for detecting magic and telling us where some treasure is. I don't want to face these magic weapons again and it is always pleasurable turning them on their old owners.

Val and Bart, you get the gruesome job. Drag the bodies over here in front of the alter but stay far enough away not to get singed by that protection spell, let Cosmo take a look to find any magic and then behead them. I don't want these foul followers of Ga'al raised again like that 1/2 orc. Jagar you help them.

Ashira you and Mykael are responsible for killing those blasted heartseed trees."

I am sorry to say this, but unless anyone can find a way in the next couple of minutes to lighten or shrink Nezamil, we are going to have to leave him behind. He is gonna be to heavy to get back to the ship in his condition. Ashira has a scroll of resurrection, so we just need his things. We will get him back, but it is to risky to try and bring his body. We still might have to fight our way out of here and the guardsmen will be here soon."

Rigging will look at his dismayed Wildcards and say, "Those are my orders as your captain and leader. I expect you to carry them out. Lets get to work people. We are under time constraints."
Fly 28/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 51/70
resist elements 50/70
cats grace 48/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 697/700
detect magic 7/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=22 d20+7=26 d20+7=10 d20+7=13 d20+7=15 d20+7=24 d20+23=43 d20+23=31 d20+23=38 d20+23=43 d20+23=26
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 9:00:39 PM

Cosmo uses the Detect Magic spell for 2 rounds on cleric CF.

Spellcraft checks on the magic he sees (add +2 if conjuration school): 43, 31, 38, 43 & 26.

Cosmo then moves into the left room and startd to Detect magic in there.

Ape #6 pulls on the chain again (see below).
Ape #7 pulls on the chain holding Tomas's legs (see below).
Apes #8-9 remain where they are.

Location: H8 on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 882/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 882/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 30/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 7/9 rounds
Haste: 7/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 89/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#6 Strength checks on chain 22, 26 & 10.
#7 Strength checks on chain 13, 15 & 24.

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 in H39.
#9 in I39.

Ashira (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  d20+15=25 d8+9=16
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 11:24:20 PM

Looking angered at Rigging's decision about Nezamil, Ashira keeps her mouth shut and continues to work on butchering the heartseed before her (AC 25 for 16 dam).

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--182/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---2/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---42/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---30/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---73/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---2/7rds Remaining)

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56  d20+5=7 d20+1=20
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 12:02:52 AM

"Sure I will share the fun," Mykael states as he hands 4 flasks of Alchemists Fire.

"You take one side of the room and I will take the other, just toss it into the plant in a way that the flask breaks and it will burst into flames. Be sure to do it from a slight distance, I dont think you would look as good, bald. Oh.. and just to make sure, I would up root the plant first."

Mykael makes his way to all 4 of the plants on the east side of the building. He pulls them up or digs them up as needed, and then tosses a flask of Alchemist Fire on each of them to torch them good.

He does keep his wits about him and is mindful of the doors and windows.

(Spot = 7, Listen = 20)

Position L47 on ground.

Haste = 7/9
Fly = 30/50
Aid = 72/90
See Invis = 582/600
Cats Grace = 42/60
Bulls Strength = 42/60
Weapon oil = 42/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 10:49:23 AM

Tomas grabs Appolo by the arm and says, "Thank you for coming for me. Be careful. You are in a spell called forbiddence. Every time you reenter the area you will get shocked."

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:05:37 AM

Bart gets the bodies and brings them to the altar, be sure to look out for our artefact, but i'm afraid the monk has it.
Rigging we have to bring a part of Nezamil with us a finger is enough. The rest we can burn here. I dont like either as you but i also dont see another way.

barkskin +2 180/200 rds
fly 28/50
bullstrength 40/60
bless weaponoil 40/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

DM Jim: A more extensive search and more combat 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 1:12:06 PM

OOC: Remember that last round was 3 combat rounds, but we are back in single combat rounds now.

Rigging barks out orders to his crew mates, some seem rather distasteful when it comes to leaving Nezamil's body behind.

Mykael and Ashria happily have at the heartseed plants and destroy several plants and planters.

Bart brings over three bodies of temple warriors for Rigging to inspect (W included). Jager does the same with the half orc a regular cleric and a warrior.

OOC: Bart or anyone else can bring one body to the alter per combat round.

Appolo watches everyone spring into action, but stays close to Tomas.

Rigging carefully inspects and rifles through the two rouges possessions

R1 ----- R2

Magic ----- Magic

Ring ----- Gloves
Amulet ----- Leather armor
L. Crossbow ----- Ring
9 bolts ----- Boots
Hat ----- Rapier
Dagger (Rigging: Roll DC 15 int)-- 2 potions
4 Potions ----- Cloak

Non Magic ----- Non Magic

20 PP ----- 30 pp
100 gp ----- 100 gp
2 diamonds ----- 3 diamonds
2 vials ----- 2 vials
earrings ----- earrings

Rigging will get more information from the six bodies that Jager and Bart brought over next round.

Cosmo take look at the cleric (CF) that Nezamil killed from a distance and sees:

(2) rings

Cosmo also notices a pile of equipment/magic items (Tomas's) to the left of the stairs and they are protected by a glyph.

One of Cosmo's apes eventually rips the chain holding Tomas's manacles over his head out of the floor. This allows Tomas to sit up, which he does not do all the way for fear of leaving the forbiddance spell. Tomas still has his hands and feet manacled. The ape on the chain at his feet is not haveing as much luck. DC 28 to rip out of the floor, everytime he get within 3 (25-27) lower the DC by 3.

Tomas holds his manacled hands out to Appolo. "Some assistance if you please."

Swirl beams to Rigging "CAP REPORT: there are several groups of 5 or 6 humans by each of the three entrances and more comming."

At the end of this three combat round period there are three heavy crossbows that are shot at Jager and Bart (those moving the bodies or around them) from the side entrances.


AC 17, miss
AC 11, miss
AC 8, miss


AC 13, miss
AC 16, miss
AC 7, miss

The attack feels somewhat tenative, based on its effectiveness.

None of the three warriors entered the temple and are firing from cover. One on each side notices Ashira and Mykael defiling the plants and they yell out an alarm. These three move off and three more take their place, ready for action next round.


Remember that you had to mark off 3 rounds off your spells last post.

Mark off one more round of spells for this post.

Please place you location on the map.

Rigging ac 25 hps 70/70  d20+4=20 6d6(6+4+3+6+2+3)=24 d20+12=25
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 2:45:14 PM

Rigging sees something about that dagger that tickles him memory...what was it? Intelligence check of 20

Rigging then sees the attack come from the side door and tries not to lose his detect magic spell but still be effective. He makes a concentration check of 25

Rigging pulls out his wand of fireballs, points it at the door and releases a little firey ball which zooms out the door for 10' and explodes. The fireball does 24 points of damage unless the guardsmen make a reflex dc 13 for half damage.

Fly 27/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 49/70
resist elements 48/70
cats grace 47/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 696/700
detect magic 6/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=29 d20+7=8 d20+9=29 d20+9=15 d20+9=26 d6+7=13 d6+7=10 d6+7=9 d20+9=22 d20+9=18 d6+7=10 d6+7=12
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 10:10:33 PM

Cosmic takes the magic items from cleric CF. He puts the bracers, 2 rings and amulet into his pouchbelt and puts the robe into his backpack. All the while maintaining his concentration on his detect magic spell (29).

Cosmo moves into the left room and does a quick Detect Magic sweep of the room to see if there is any magic in there.

Apes #6 & #7 pull on the chain holding Tomas's legs (see below).
Apes #8-9 attack the new foes.

Location: Left room on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 879/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 879/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 27/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 7/9 rounds
Haste: 4/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 86/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#6 Strength checks on chain 8 (add +2 for aid another from #7).

#8 move 60' and attack with reach (hit ac 29(15); damage 13 or 23).

#9 move 60' and attack with reach (hit ac 26; damage 9).

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 by left doorway.
#9 by right doorway.

AoO's if needed:
#8 Hit AC 22 for 10 damage.
#9 Hit AC 18 for 12 damage.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71  3d6(4+6+6)=16
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:10:24 PM

Jagar turns and looks at the crossbow shots direction and observes the doorways .

"Good idea" says the monk as he watches Rigging fireball one side door "i'll get the other door "

Jagar reaches into his pouch and withdraws a small bead (received from Ashira before this battle as posted earlier) and throws it at the other side door (3 HD fireball, from necklace of fireballs)(3d6(4+6+)=16 dam)
"lets see you hide from this " as he watches it explode thru the side door

The Monk then moves over to the high Ga'alian Cleric (CF)and starts dragging it over to Rigging

1Mage armor
2.Fly 30/50
3 bless weapon oil 30/50
4.vial ??? :-)didn't use put back in belt pouch

Ashira (AC24, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts. 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:42:59 PM

Ashira continues to happily trash the nearest available heartseed, though she is very careful if her movements take her too near to the doors...don't want to get too close to those crossbow men.

OOC: Jim, since you haven't sent an updated map, and haven't been very descriptive in your posts about which heartseeds Ashira and Mykael have already destroyed, it is next to impossible for me to know which seed to destroy next. Thus, I have no idea where she is on the map.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--178/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---38/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---26/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---69/90rds. Remaining)

Appollo AC23 HP23/59 Barkskin+2  d20+14=23 d20+10=16 d20+10=27 d20+10=27 d20+10=14
Thursday March 9th, 2006 3:35:55 AM

The whole time Appolo continues to feverishly work on the mancles with his thieves tools."He yellows out to Ashira"Ahrira use the brazers they should be filled with oil.Burn everything!!"

OO:Reflex save 23 Lock pick rolls 16 27 27 14 Appolo has master work set. Made 1 rool for ech round Made reflex save not sure but I don't think appolo actually gets hurt evasion feat.

Barkskin 180/200rds left

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 8:59:58 AM

Bart goes forward to the side entrance where the bolts did come from. He makes sure he has an good position to see outside and have as much as cover as possible. If necessary Bart is ready to counterattack

barkskin +2 179/200 rds
fly 27/50
bullstrength 39/60
bless weaponoil 39/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 12:15:08 PM

Haste- 1/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--182/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---30/50rs. Remaining)

Val begins dragging the bodies as ordered. Since they are dead Val isn't too careful. She drags and tosses the bodies into a pile near the altar.

ooc: for Nez to weigh 3 tons there should have been signs of that great weight. He couldn't have went with us even if he was alive. 3 tons of wight focused on one spot like that would have sent Nez straight through the ship.

DM JIm: The mast of the Sword weights more than that and at full sail has a greater strain.

DM Jim: Fire and Plunder  d20+2=5 d20+2=14 d20+2=10 d20+2=12 d20+2=3 d20+2=7 d20+3=20 d20+3=19 d20+3=19 d20+5=11 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d8=2
Thursday March 9th, 2006 1:02:19 PM

OOC: I apologize about not sending a map. My hard drive crashed at work and it is causing some problems. Please bear with me, but still post your positions.

Most of the Wildcards ignore the crossbowmen and go about burning plants and looting or moving bodies. Ashira and Mykeal finish killing the heartseed plants.

The fireball from Riggings wand scatters the bowmen. All hear the scream of pain and hear the explosion as some of it enters the temple. Rigging is unsure of how many warriors were effected, but there is one face down crispy individual in the doorway.

Jager follows the same plan and tosses a much weaker fireball orb and he also hears screams of pain, but no bodies. Jager is unsure of how many he caught in the fireball, as he quickly turns his attentions back to carting the dead.

Cosmo takes off what he sees as magic from the cleric (CF) and upon looting the body notices 2 potions and 4 scrolls (divine). Inside the internal structure Cosmo finds 3 candles that radiate magic also. The room is richly adorned and has a large bed, desk and several dressers. There are rugs on the floors and paintings on the walls. There is a large silver mirror on the wall. On the desk, Cosmo sees a pile of coinage too.

Cosmo notices protective magics on both of the dressers and the desk.

Cosmo's ape friends enter the forbiddance spell with no ill effects and start to work on the leg chain, but did not get a good grip as the chain holds.

Appolo's first attempt to open the manacles was rushed (16) and they do not open.

OOC: Appolo you can not post for the three previous rounds as you did not post. Try again as the DC is 28 for the hands and feet. One attempt per round only.

Tomas is pleading with Appolo "Hurry so we can get everyone out of here."

Bart stops moving bodies and moves over to the left side entrance ready to defend the WIldcards.

Val continues to drag bodies to Rigging for inspection.

Mykael does nothing but watch heartseed plants burn with a gleem in his eye.

Rigging thinks the magic dagger is Appolo's assassin dagger.

Rigging notices magic on:

8 new bodies including CF (nothing magic) and W and the half orc (nothing magic)


5 potions
great sword
chain shirt
three bolts

Cleric (Not CF or CE)

2 scrolls (divine)
2 potions

4 warriors

4 longswords
4 shields
8 potions

Swirl touches Rigging again "There is a large group of people being lead toward the compound by some aggitaged two leggers. They are a good 100 yards away."


THe front doors burst open and more longbowmen appear (5) and all fire at Rigging. There are no WIldcards within 90 feet of them.

Shield Spell Benifit

AC 20 miss
AC 19 miss
AC 19 miss

No benifit

AC 11 miss
AC 25, hit missed critical for 2 damage


Please mark off one more round of spells

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 8:50:11 PM

The monk fly's up on top of the internal room on top of the internal room which Cosmo's apes devastated the ga'alian guards.

Jagar searches the bodies quickly but throughly stuffing his finds into a sack (searching C5C,F5H,F5G)

As the front door bursts open " looks we have more company" grins Jagar as he keeps searching

Jagar's magical durations 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 8:52:37 PM

1Mage armor
2.Fly 29/50
3 bless weapon oil 29/50
4.vial ??? :-)didn't use put back in belt pouch

Rigging 68/70!!! ac 25  6d6(5+2+4+2+5+6)=24 d20+14=24
Thursday March 9th, 2006 9:47:32 PM

Rigging looks down in shock at his wound. He looks up with an angry glare and thinks, "Wow these guys don't when to give up!" He aims his wand at the entrance and triggers another fire ball. to explode right at the doorway hoping to injure and drive away more than kill. He doesn't want another big explosion in the night.
The fireball again explodes for 24 points of damage. DC 13 vs reflex.

Rigging then will start scooping up the magic off the rogues first. He will start with the smaller items, leaving the weapons and armor for now. He will also leave behind vials for now trying to get more permanant magic.

Rigging will call out to the others, We need to hurry. Swirl sees a large group coming. I think it is the guardsmen. We need to get Tomas free! We need to grab as much magic as we can and we need to find the Nautacolous!"

Rigging keeps scanning the magic items grabbing the ones that show stronger magic first. Rolled 24 concentration check.

Fly 26/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 48/70
resist elements 47/70
cats grace 46/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 695/700
detect magic 5/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Ashira (AC24, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts. 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 11:33:29 PM

Finished with her job, Ashira heads over to Rigging and helps him grab up the newly identified loot, following his example. First she gathers the rings and robe. Then she stuffs as many of the swords as she can into her backpack. If she still has any room, she moves on to the armor. Looking over at Tomas, Ashira notices the tough time the apes and Appolo are having. "Appolo, it's time to start rolling. You need me to come over there and help out?"

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--177/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---37/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---25/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---68/90rds. Remaining)

Mykael --- AC=26, HPs=43/56 
Friday March 10th, 2006 12:21:20 AM

Mykael busy with the plants, didnt hear the front doors open, however he did hear Riggings Fireball, and his orders.

He helps dragging all the bodies into the pile. While keeping an eye on the front door.

Position I18 on ground.

Haste = 3/9
Fly = 26/50
Aid = 68/90
See Invis = 578/600
Cats Grace = 38/60
Bulls Strength = 38/60
Weapon oil = 38/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=24 d20+9=18 d20+9=28 d20+4=15 d6+7=13 d6+7=9 d6+3=7 d20+9=10 d20+9=11 d20+4=12 d20+9=21 d20+9=21 d6+7=10 d6+7=8
Friday March 10th, 2006 5:12:38 AM

Cosmic pockets the additional magic items from cleric CF.

Cosmo spends the next round scanning the areas with magic for number of different magical auras and power of the most potent magical aura (detect magic can go through 3' of wood).

Apes #6 & #7 pull on the chain holding Tomas's legs (see below).
Apes #8-9 attack the new foes.

OOC - why weren't 8-9 able to attack last round?

Location: Left room on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 878/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 878/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 26/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 4/9 rounds
Haste: 4/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 85/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#6 Strength checks on chain: 26 (added +2 for aid another from #7).

#8 attack with reach (hit ac 18, 28 & 15; damage 13, 9 & 7).

#9 attack with reach (hit ac 10, 11 & 12; damage 0).

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 by left doorway.
#9 by right doorway.

AoO's if needed:
#8 Hit AC 21 for 10 damage.
#9 Hit AC 21 for 8 damage.

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Friday March 10th, 2006 5:31:03 AM

Bart is at C26,
If there is a bar to close the door Bart tries to close the doors and then move over to the biggest treat (front doors) (E34)

barkskin +2 178/200 rds
fly 26/50
bullstrength 38/60
bless weaponoil 38/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2  d20+12=30
Friday March 10th, 2006 11:00:39 AM

Appolo continues to work on the locks and finally gets them off Tomas"Ok buddy time to go.Anyone find his gear.How about the nuaticullus and my dagger."He the looks around"Ok folks start emptying those braziers timw to burn this place down.I still have my fire beead."

Val, ac 21, hp 127 /127, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Friday March 10th, 2006 12:56:53 PM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--181/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---29/50rs. Remaining)
Location: ?? Val was moving an dragging bodies. I have no idea where she is.

Val once again switches her flail for her enchanted longbow. "Captain how are we going to get out of here? It would be great if we could fly back out the top."

DM Jim: More Fireballs and Looting  d20+3=13 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 d20+3=9 d20+3=16 d20+3=22 d20+3=18
Friday March 10th, 2006 1:01:27 PM

Appolo is sucessful in freeing Tomas's hands from the manacles, now all that is bound and chained are his feet. Tomas rubs his sore hands and shoulders. "Thanks Appolo, just one more please and then we can get out of here"

Two of Cosmo's apes yank on the chain holding Tomas's manacled feet and weaken the chain. DC is 24 next round and if within 3 of 24 the DC will drop by 3 for the next attempt.

Jager flys up to inspect those killed by Cosmo's apes and finds the cleric and three warriors. THe cleric has his gold holy symbol, a mace, a shield, a red cloak, and two scroll and potions and a pouch that contains 20 pp and 100 gp. The warriors have chain shirts, large steel shields, long swords, light crossbows with 20 bolts, and cloaks and a pouch that contains two potions and 10 pp and 50 gp.

Jager notices an inscription on the Longswords "In Ga'al we trust" and on the Shields "Ga'al Protects his own"

Rigging get winged by the new bowmen at the massive front doors and is not happy about it. To retaliate, the Captain of the Sword send a fireball their direction. Some of the guards are blown back, but it looks like most took effective cover from most of the blast. All slink out of view for the time being.

Rigging give orders to hurry the looting, rescuing and searching activities as more people are on the way.

Ashira moves over to help pick up the magic items that her husband points out. It may be rough to stick four 3.5 foot scabbarded long swords into her backpack.

Mykael finishes with the plants and drags over another warrior for Rigging to inspect and he finds another magic longsword, a magic shield and 2 more potions. In a pouch, Rigging finds 10 pp and 50 gp.

Val drags over a cleric to Riggings ever growing pile of dead. Rigging sees a magic ring, shield, 2 scroll (divine), 2 potions, robe and 20 pp and 100 gp.

Cosmo pockets the addition magic items found on cleric CF and the candles, but nothing else. Cosmo concentrates on finding more magic in CF's room, but can find no more.

OOC: There was no one in range for ape 8 and 9 to attack, but they can see people out side forming up and all have missile weapons.

Bart makes his way over to the massive front doors. There is a way to bar the door, but the bar is removed and is leaning against the wall. The bar looks more cerimonial that effective. Bart will be able to close the doors next round.

Swirl contacts Rigging again. "CAP REPORT: lots of two leggers heading to the front gate. At least three are running ahead the other 30 + are walking normally. The two leggers by the temples doorways have moved back, but look to be reforming again and in larger quantities."

Please post for three combat rounds in your next post and mark off three rounds from your spells.

The fly spell should be at 26 rounds to start the next post and then be at 23 when you are done.

OOC: Note to all that the haste spell is over.

Matt C. 
Friday March 10th, 2006 3:47:10 PM

OOC - The second round of Detect Magic should tell me the power of the most potent aura I am looking at. It also pentrates up to 3' of wood. Is there an aura in the drawers and desk that is strong enough to be the artifact?

DM Jim: I answered you already. There was no more magic in the room that you could see, even through 3 inches of wood. Also you pocketed the other magic items so you are no longer looking at them for strenght, maybe later.....

Friday March 10th, 2006 6:10:07 PM

Rigging keeps up his looting taking magic first and then gold. He starts barking more orders, "Cosmo, have one of your apes spring the glyph over Tomas's belongings. Then check out the second room for magic.

Bart, get back here and start cutting off heads of the quad memebers. I don't want to see them ever again and if we cut off the heads then we will make it much tougher to raise them.

Mykael, get Nezamil's magic. I know he has 3 wands, one of which is a powerful dispel magic wand. He has magic boots. His shield is magic and so is his weapon. He also has a ring and a broach plus several potions. Get his gold too. Raise dead spells are expensive.

Val, help Bart cut off heads.

Appolo try and pick the the locks on Tomas's feet. I have your dagger.

Ashira, the cleric has a magic robe, ring and shield plus some potions and scrolls. Grab them. Don't worry about the swords. Just before we go, I will enlarge you and then you can stick them in your backpack for long enough for us to escape.

Keep moving people, the guards will soon be here! We need to hurry!"

Rigging thinks to Swirl, "Hey buddy, I want you to make a distraction to slow down the guards. Behind them, break some windows in the buildings to cause them to investigate. Don't get seen but make some noise!"

At the end of the 3rd round, Rigging will enlarge Val, so she can cut off heads and carry stuff more effectively.

Rigging will keep looting the bodies in the piles in front of him, putting magic swords and armor in a seperate pile and grabbing the magic and easy to grab money stowing it in his backpack.

Fly 23/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 45/70
resist elements 44/70
cats grace 43/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 692/700
detect magic 2/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Friday March 10th, 2006 6:14:56 PM

Swirl, hearing Riggings orders, will swoop out of the sky moving at full speed, (base speed 100, sprint speed 400') He will start about 25' behind the guards and form into a whirlwind. He will then sprint down the street in whirlwind form brushing up against the building, causing windows to break, shutters to bang back and forth, signs to swing, and doors to blow open. He will move around 100' and then dart off into the sky. He should only be visible for a couple of seconds but he will make lots of noise hopefully creating a distraction to slow down the guards and make them investigate.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=27 d20+9=19 d20+9=23 d20+4=16 d6+7=12 d6+7=9 d6+3=8 d20+9=23 d20+9=11 d20+4=12 d6+7=9
Saturday March 11th, 2006 9:22:42 AM

It takes Cosmo a moment to realize that the only magic left in the room is protective magic on the drawers and desk. He then moves to the right room and scans the area for 2 rounds.

Round 1 - Move to right room; tell apes to get Tomas' stuff out of the Glyph area.
Round 2 - Detect Magic for magical auras.
Round 3 - If there is magic, Detect Magic for # of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura. If not, then move back towards Rigging.

Apes #6 & #7 pull on the chain holding Tomas's legs. They are successful in ripping it from the ground (strength check 27; natural 20). One of the apes pushes Tomas' stuff from the glyph area towards Tomas or Rigging.

Apes #8-9 attack enemies, if possible.

Location: Right room or near Rigging, visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 875/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 875/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 23/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 1/9 rounds
Haste: 1/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 82/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#8 attack with reach (hit ac 19, 23 & 16; damage 12, 9 & 8).

#9 attack with reach (hit ac 23, 11 & 12; damage 9).

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 by left doorway.
#9 by right doorway.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+2=18
Saturday March 11th, 2006 9:25:32 AM

Will save for Ape in Glyph; 18.

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2  d20+12=29
Saturday March 11th, 2006 5:31:32 PM

Appolo quickly removes the manacles from Tomas legs leaving the Ape holding them"Ok your free now get a move on."

Appolo then moves to the nearest brazire and kncks it over spilling oil and fire across the floor."Come on people get move on we need to light this place up"Cosmo can you have your apeas topple the alter."

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 12:45:56 PM

Mykael quickly moves over to the corpse of Nezamil. He pulls off all the magic that Rigging listed, his holy symbol, gold, and then any and all other items of value in that order.

Mykael busy with the plants, didnt hear the front doors open, however he did hear Riggings Fireball, and his orders.

He helps dragging all the bodies into the pile. While keeping an eye on the front door.

Position I9 on ground.

Fly = 23/50
Aid = 65/90
See Invis = 575/600
Cats Grace = 35/60
Bulls Strength = 35/60
Weapon oil = 35/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 2:36:55 PM

Bart returns to the altar and starts to chop off some heads, is there a non magical blade i can use Cosmo, I want the strengthen the bar of the front doors
Bart grabs a sword and returns with it to the doors he pushees it between the rings theat holds the door. This must keep them busy for a while
(bart is near the front doors, behind a pillar

barkskin +2 173200 rds
fly 23/0
bullstrength 35/0
bless weaponoil 35/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 10:08:03 PM

Jagar quickly stuffs the cleric's scrolls,potions and money into his sack along with the fighters cash then quickly tosses the clerics mace and shield along with the fighters weapons and shield down to the floor by riggings growing pile of loot to be magically detected

Taking the Cleric's robe and any blankets and prayer rugs he can find atop the internal room he fly's down to the side door(C24) and piles up what ever other prayer rug ot carpeting at the side doors entrance then lights one of the prayer rugs at a nearby burning brazier and throws it atop the pile of rugs and blankets to try and block anyone from entering thru that doorway

The Monk will also gage the sturdiness of the burning braziers and their fuel source

" This place is going to Burn"

1Mage armor
2.Fly 23/50
3 bless weapon oil 23/50

Thomas 20/ 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 10:10:49 PM

Thomas finally free of his bindings stumbles over to his stuff and starts gearing up as quickly as he can. He will look up at the preparations going on but be sadden to see all the damage he caused.

OOC Does Tomas know were the artifact Nautacolous is? What kind of spells does he have available to him,

DM Jim: Tomas has all of his spell on his character sheet and does not know where the artifact is.

Ashira (AC24, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts. 
Monday March 13th, 2006 12:05:47 AM

Ashira finishes up looting the bodies to the best of her ability, and heads Rigging's advice. She will wait until she is enlarged before she will gather up the swords, shields and armor. For now, she scoops up the small loot into her pack. Once she has gathered the items she can, Ashira fishes a Fly potion out of her backpack and a Cure Moderate Wounds from her belt pouch. Heading over to Tomas, she hands the potions to him. "Tomas, we're going to have to get out of here fast. Wait for Rigging to give the command, then drink this potion and it will give you the ability to fly. If you need more healing, take this potion. If not, then give it to Appolo. He could use it." Once done ministering to Tomas, Ashira helps lop the heads off the dead in preparation for burning, ready to burn the place down.

OOC: 3 rounds have elapsed, so I posted for 3 rounds of action.

Loot Ashira has taken
2 Scrolls (divine)
4 Potions

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--174/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---34/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---22/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---65/90rds. Remaining)

DM Jim: Heads are starting to Roll  5d8(5+4+3+1+6)=19 d20+4=22 d20+4=22 d20+4=18 d20+4=5 d20+4=23 d20+4=14 d20+4=22 d20+4=17 7d8(3+5+2+4+4+3+7)=28 d20+4=14 d20+4=7 d20+4=17 d20+4=9 d20+4=5 d20+4=16 d20+4=13 d20+4=9 d20+4=22 d20+4=13 3d8(1+2+1)=4 4d8(5+4+6+2)=17
Monday March 13th, 2006 12:58:14 PM

Rigging barks more orders to the Wildcards as he and his wife stuff their pockets and packs with loot.

Rigging sends Swirl off on a diversionary trip and Swirl can see Quinn smile and send six guardsmen after the elemental. "Do not hurt the tornado, but talley up the damages. We need to send a bill."

Quinn continues his slow plod toward the front gates that he will reach very shortly.

Several Wildcards pepare to fire the temple, but it will be difficult as most of the struture is stone and the floor is tile. There are prayer rugs to be found by the front doors and all of the former temple occupants had cloaks, it just turns out that alot of them are magic.

Cosmo enters the right hand internal structure and notices much magic on the cleric in the doorway (CE).

5 potions
5 scrolls (divine)
black bead
pearl wrapped in a note "Return after we crush the pirates"

non magic

50 pp
50 gp
4 diamonds

Inside the room, Cosmo finds it similarly appointed as the last one, but with a more lived in look. There is more art work on the walls. Cosmo also finds glyphs on the furniture again and on the desk are 6 potions and a pile of coins.

Cosmo sends an ape to spring the glyph covering Tomas's equipment and it does a real good job as it failed to duck out of the way of the sonic glyph (19 damge).

Appolo frees Tomas, who jumps up and shakes his hand. "Now lets move." Tomas takes his and Riggins' advice and he runs over and starts to don his equipment.

Ashira offers him two potions, which he takes. "Thank you greatly, for more than just the potions."

Jager takes 5 prayer rugs from on top of the internal building and the cloaks and heads to one of the side entrances to start a fire. There is abig burly ape in the way, but who knows how long he will be around. Jager can light the pile in front of the door next round.

Bart chops off 9 heads (3 per round thanks to cleave) and Ashira 2 (standard per round), which pretty much takes care of the pile in front of Rigging.

Bart wants to take a sword and use it to help bar the front door, but the pile in front of him are all magical. Bart moves off (with or without a sword??) to the front doors.

Mykael starts picking off the magic items from Nezamil's dead body. The aroma of acid still hangs in the air. There is no way he can take off the armor by himself, maybe not even with help.

Appolo kicks over a brazier and its oil spreads across the floor, buring up much faster, but not catching the tiles on fire. Oily black smoke starts to rise to the passwall hole.

Swirl beams back to Rigging "I saw Quinn! and some guards, 6, are following me." the excited elemental reports.

Val does nothing, but waits to be enlarge by Rigging, which he does.


Each ape at the side doors is shot at 8 times and Jager twice.

Ape right

AC 14 7/8 hits for 28 damage This ape is starting to look like a pin chusion.


AC 14 and 7, both miss

Ape left

AC 14 3/8 hits for 4 damage.

There is a roar from the archers as somthing is being effective.

Someone outside the temple tosses in a small black bead, by Jager and the Ape, it hits the tiles and explodes (unholy blight)

Damage 17 reflex save for 8 if you are good or neutral.


Post only one combat round this turn and mark of one round of spells.

Rigging 68/70 ac 25 
Monday March 13th, 2006 8:53:06 PM

Rigging sees Bart moving towards the front door and calls him back. "We are out of here in 30 seconds people! Start moving towards the exit. We are done here for now. Guard is on the way and we have done enough damage. I want the quad members heads brought with us as well as the cleric and his fighter body guard.

He will tap Ashira with his enlarge wand. He will then fly over to where Cosmo is (careful to avoid the alter area and the forbiddence spell) and ask, "I can cast a dispel magic. Where do you want it?"

Rigging will put himself at K8

Fly 22/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 44/70
resist elements 43/70
cats grace 42/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 691/700
detect magic 1/10

Tomas will drink down the fly potion after getting his gear and fly up to the right building roof, also avoiding the alter area putting himself around k9

Swirl is having a grand time. His plan worked so well, he decides to try it again. He still moving at a sprint will circle around and buzz past the guards, this time in front of them about 25' ahead. He is trying to distract them, but not hurt anyone. He will pause only for a second in front of them, kicking up dirt and debris and then shoot straight up into the air.

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56 
Monday March 13th, 2006 9:53:31 PM

OOC: Mykael has bulls strength in effect so he isnt too weak..

IC: Mykael notices that the equipment he takes off of Nezamil's body shrinks to their original size.

"Bart, Val... Someone give me a hand with this armor. Once we get it off of him and break the magical link to his body, it should shrink to its normal size making it easier to carry."

Mykael continues to look Nezamils body of everything of value, starting with the most valueable, until he gets help with the armor.

Position I9 on ground.

Fly = 22/50
Aid = 64/90
See Invis = 574/600
Cats Grace = 34/60
Bulls Strength = 34/60
Weapon oil = 34/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

DM JIM: Even with bulls strenght you are not going to move Nezamil's 5000 pounds + of bulk.

Jjagar Ac 25 Hp 30/71  d20+10=27
Monday March 13th, 2006 10:44:54 PM

Jagar's eyes momentarily go wide as he spots the black bead bounce thru the doorway but his training kicks into action as he avoids (d20+10=27 reflex save )the brunt of the black blast

" i think we better get out of here "shouts the Monk as he fly's over and down to Rigging and Ashira and the growing pile of loot

Jagar fishes out a vial and quickly downs it(enlarge potion) then quickly grabs his sack and starts stuffing as much loot as he can into the now enlarged sack like Ashira is doing
" their getting close .... i think we gotta scram "

1Mage armor
2.Fly 22/50
3 bless weapon oil 22/50
4.Enlarge 50/50

Ashira (AC22, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarged 
Monday March 13th, 2006 11:27:25 PM

Grinning at her huge body, Ashira shovels the rest of the loot into her huge backpack, as well as the heads. Fishing out her vials of alchemist fire, Ashira waits for the signal from Rigging to burn the bodies, and then dumps the substance on the bodies. A grim look of satisfaction on her giant face, Ashira calls over to Rigging. "Alright, fire up that other Fly scroll for Appolo and lets get out of here."

Loot Ashira has taken
2 scrolls (divine)
2 potions
5 potions
great sword
chain shirt
three bolts
4 longswords
4 shields
8 potions

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--174/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---34/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---22/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---65/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min. total---10rds/10rds. Remaining

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 9:55:06 AM

Bart stops worrying about the foes that are comming. Cosmo Rigging are you both sure the artefact isn't here A pity we cant cast the locate object scroll Nezamil has prepared.
Bart takes as much left over magic loot as he can. Making a bundle of swords keeping togehter in one or two cloaks (not sure if thee is left any). Bart is ready to fly away

barkskin +2 170 rds
fly 22/40
bullstrength 34/60
bless weaponoil 34/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 10:15:17 AM

Appolo continues to race around setting fires and what not.He uses the oil from the braziers to spread the flames.When Rigging says its time to go,he arrives next to him"Well boss.Anybody find the nauticulus.I say we fire up the corpses and get out out of here."

Val, ac 21, hp 127 /127, Barkskin +2, Fly , Enlarge 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 11:38:48 AM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--177/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---25/50rs. Remaining)
Enlarge (1 min total 9/ 10)
Location: ??

Val still wonders how they are going to escape from the compound. She still feels the magic of the flight spell upon her and hopes they hurry before the magic fades.

"Captain I know that time is short but Nezamil's body should be given a funeral pyre. A fireball spell should be symbolic enough and besides given something of a proper rite, the priests will not be able to raise him and corrupt him. Best his soul goes to Gargul than Ga'al."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 12:10:49 PM

Cosmo scoops up all the small magic items that cleric CE had on him and puts them into his pouch belt. He grabs the money and stuffs that into his backpack. After one last look around the room to make sure he isn't missing anything, Cosmo grabs the shield and heads back out to Rigging.

"Rigging I did not find the artifact in that room either. Perhaps the monk or wizard that escaped has it on their person."

Apes #6 & #7 with no direction from Cosmo run out towards the middle of the temple. Before they even get near any opponent the SM V spell ends and they disappear from sight.

Apes #8 & #9 attack any enemies they can (let me know and I will roll). They also disappear from sight as the SM V spell ends.

Location: Right room or near Rigging, visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 874/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 874/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 22/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 0/9 rounds
Haste: 0/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 81/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

DM Jim: Flight from the Temple of Ga'al  d20+4=23 d20+4=20 d20+4=5 d20+4=21 d8=6 d8=1 d8=6
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 4:07:00 PM

Our heros have gathered up as much loot as they can carry and then some (severed heads) and start to head for the passwall exit.

Rigging calls for the withdrawal and enlarges his wife to proper loot carrying proportions.

Rigging calls to Cosmo that he has a dispel magic spell ready.

Tomas leads the way to the exit now that he has his equipment. Tomas peers down inthe hole and press the Swords to hurry. "Come on people lets get moving." Tomas stammers as he coughs after breathing in the oily black smoke from the oil that Appolo spread.

Mykael gets all of Nezamil's possessions of value, except his armor. Mykael calls to Val (enlarged) and Bart for help in removing the armor as he does not want to leave it behind.

Jager deftly avoids most of the unholy blast and takes a potion of enlarge to help with the looting process.

OOC: I am not sure what Jager is taking as he burned cloaks and tossed bodies down to Rigging to inspect??????

Ashira easily puts the loot she collected into her enlarged backpack and starts a funeral pyre with the alchemist fire. Ashira also calls to Rigging to give Appolo the power of flight once again.

Bart comes back from the front doors and looks for more magical loot, but can not find any. The only bodies that are left to be looted are on top of the building that he devestated in his intitial attack.

Appolo kicks over a few more of the oil burning braziers. It does not appear that they will catch anything on fire, but they are burning on a wide area of tiles and casting plumes of black smoke toward the passwall.

Val is concerned for the groups escape route and asks Rigging for a proper cremation for Nezamil to keep him out of the enemies hands.

Cosmo's new friends with the long arms and a habit of pounding followers of Ga'al, go back to the fiendish jungles from which they were summoned. Cosmo scoops up all the valuable on the second cleric (CE) and in his room, but still does not locate the missing artifact.

Cosmo and Rigging are close to each other and not far from Nezamil.

Swirl goes on a happy whirlwind trek trying to get as much attention as possible, but is mostly being avoided. Swirl beams back "Quinn has instructed his fellows not to harm me and to just ignore me. Quinn is discussing something with others at the front gate."

Four longbowmen on top of thebuildings by the front gate shoot at Swirl.

AC 23, hit for 6 damage
AC 20, hit for 1 damage
AC 5, bad miss
AC 21, hit for 6 damage


Mark off one round from active spells and post for one combat round.

Rigging  6d6(3+1+6+4+6+1)=21 2d8(1+4)+7=12
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 9:01:30 PM

Rigging looks sadly down on the fallen Nezamil and gives him a little salute. "See you soon my friend. He then points his wand and warns the others, "OK time to go. I am going to fire ball Nezamil to deny him to the enemy and easy identification. Though I guess their isn't many 14' tall 3000 dwarves around.

Lets get back to the boat. Those enlarges won't last long. Ignore any parting shots. We have limited time with the enlarge spells."

Once he is sure everyone is out of the way, he will fireball Nezamil and then fly over to the entrance of the passwall ready to leave next round.

Tomas waits for the others but decides that a cure is in order and uses a cure moderate to make himself feel better. He gets 12 hitpoints and moves himself to 32 total

Swirl feels the arrows bite and decides he has drawn enough attention. He flys off into the dark.

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 11:23:04 PM

"Sorry my friend," Mykael states in defeat over the armor.

Mykael pulls his cloak over his mouth to help with the smoke. He grabs a deep breath of good air, holds it, and heads out the passwall. He stays low over the roof, and using it for cover he waits to make sure everyone gets out.

Position: on roof

Fly = 21/50
Aid = 63/90
See Invis = 573/600
Cats Grace = 33/60
Bulls Strength = 33/60
Weapon oil = 33/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Ashira (AC22, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarged 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 11:40:22 PM

Her fingers brushing past the mark of Gargul on her forehead, Ashira sighs as Nezamil is burned. "I will see you soon, brother..." she mutters as flys toward the passwall area. She's anxious to head over to the nearest clerics to start the resurrection process.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--174/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---34/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---22/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---65/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min. total---10rds/10rds. Remaining

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 30/71 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 12:35:31 AM

Jagar finishes up stuffing loot into his magically enlarge sack "lets roll "

The Monk takes flight and heads up to the top of the internal wall and quickly searches the body of the fallen cleric of Ga'al(C5B)(taking weapons +shield+whatever is in his pouches and pockets)before rising to the section of the passwalled roof and salutes the fallen Nezamil "goodbye my friend "

1Mage armor
2.Fly 21/50
3 bless weapon oil 21/50
4.Enlarge 49/50

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 10:50:06 AM

"Rigging I did not detect an Artifact level aura in either room. There were, however, some desk drawers and dresser drawers that had protective magic cast upon them. It is possible that the artifact is within one of these drawers in a metal or lead box, which would hide the artifact from my detect magic spell."

Cosmo flies up to the top of the right room and hovers below the passwall opening (or farther if he thinks he will be in the fireball blast). He scans the dead Ga'als in this area for magic.

Location: 15' below the passwall opening.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 873/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 873/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 21/50 rounds
Detect Magic: 80/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Wednesday March 15th, 2006 11:41:19 AM

Bart follows the others and starts flying towards the harbor

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible Barkskind+2  d20+14=26
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 12:19:09 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"well boss.I need some one to cast Fly on me.Can ya help me out?"Once Rigging casts fly on him Appolo will go invisible and wait until everyone else leaves he will then follow the last person through the whole in the roof and as he leaves he will throw his fire bead at the alter just before exitting the temple hopefully blowing the alter to pieces.

Attack roll 26 for toss at Alter.Not sure of Damage.

DM Jim: Farewells 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 12:50:47 PM

Rigging gives instructions for everyone to fly from the temple and head for the ship (normally a 30 - 40 minute walk). Rigging watches as several crew member head out the passwall or hang around it. Rigging says his farewells to Nezamil and prepares to fireball the body.

Rigging wonders why Appolo is not lifting off the ground???

Tomas cures himself and helps everyone through the passwall opening.

Mykael takes what he has of Nezamil's equipment and heads out the passwall hole, saying goodbye to Nezamil on the way.

Jager in enlarged form has no problems picking up the items he threw down to Rigging earlier for identification. This adds to the loot he already took, and none of it adds to his encumbrance. Jager also leave the temple by flying out the passwall.

Ashira remenices about Gargul before heading out of the temple with her back of loot.

Cosmo relates to Rigging that he has not located the artifact and then gets out of fireball range as he hangs around the passwall opening.

Cosmo dos see several magic swords and sheilds and at least one cloak on to the the right hand internal structure.

Bart leaves the temple.

Appolo waits for flying lessons, but prepares a firey surprise for the Ga'alian alter.


Only Rigging, Cosmo and Appolo remain in the temple, along with the still remains of Nezamil.

The others are all outside the temple by the back wall. It looks to be a glorious morning as there is not a cloud in the sky. The sun is still low in the east. The back wall of the temple compound, and potential safety, is very close indeed.

There are no shots fired at the group outside the temple, but they are noticed by the groups of archers on either side of the temple.

There is a large contingent of guards at the front gate, which is quite a distance away. They seem to be having some problem passing through the open gates.

The passwall is still acting as a chiminy for the temple as the smoke from the burning oil is escaping out the opening.


Post one more combat round and mark off one more round of spells.

Rigging, on roof ac 25 hps 68/70 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 4:02:19 PM

OOC Jim, I would have fireballed last round or cast a fly spell on Appolo. I was just trying to make sure I didn't get anyone with the fireball...safety first.

Rigging casts the fly spell on Appolo and then joins the others on the roof. "Let's get back to the ship. Don't fly to high as the spells won't get us all the way there. You large people be prepared for the spells to end quickly. Let's land 2 streets over, (Rigging points towards the back wall) and get sorted. Then we can walk back and assess our raid.

Fly 20/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 42/70
resist elements 41/70
cats grace 40/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 689/700

Val, ac 21, hp 127 /127, Barkskin +2, Fly , Enlarge 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 6:51:01 PM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--175/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---23/50rs. Remaining)
Enlarge (1 min total 7/ 10)

"Captain we need to move and now. Archers are linign up and taking aim. If we land anywhere except on the sword the local authorities will try and arrest us. I will not be arrested for this and strongly suggest we fly for our ship and set sail."

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 30/71  d20+6=8
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 10:02:20 PM

The monk exits the Temple of Ga'al using the smoke from the burning temple as cover and looks about(d20+6=8 spot ch).

Jagar stays low to the ground skimming at slightly above rooftop level

"Captain i think we can make better speed flying as close to the swords as possible.....we'll be traveling in a straight line and any pursuers will have to weave thru the streets "

1Mage armor
2.Fly 20/50
3 bless weapon oil 20/50
4.Enlarge 48/50

Jim i had Jagar search cleric (C5B) in last post

Ashira (AC22, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarged 
Thursday March 16th, 2006 12:25:39 AM

Ashira nods at Val's comments. "She's right, Rigging. I don't think we want to be caught too close. We should move as far as we possibly can." She sighs, knowing that the enlarge person spell is wearing off, even as they speak. "You think you can zap me again with that wand in a few seconds. If we keep it up then we could make it all the way back."

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--172/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---32/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---20/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---63/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min. total---8rds/10rds. Remaining

Rigging illegal post 
Thursday March 16th, 2006 7:19:28 AM

Rigging says to the others, "Yes we must go but the fly spell will only get us about halfway maybe three quarters of the way there before it fails. I only want us to stop to readjust the loads. You enlarged folk only have seconds. We you shrink, I doubt your enlarges backpacks will hold the loot and I don't want to shower the city with magical sharp pointy objects."

Thursday March 16th, 2006 9:54:22 AM

"Captain just to give you fair warning. If we land as you say and are asked to surrender by local militia I will not surrender. Those who blindly support ga'al deserve death." Val says with much anger. She's barely able to stop herself from drawing her flail and bashing it into the wall.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=25
Thursday March 16th, 2006 10:39:23 AM

Against his better judgment, due to his fear of pointy weapons, Cosmo swoops down and grabs a sword and flies out with the rest of the group. He releases his concentration on his detect magic spell and casts invisibility upon himself.

Concentration check 25; casting while flying.

Location: With the group.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 873/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 873/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 21/50 rounds
Invisibility: 90/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 **, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+14=23 d20+13=31
Thursday March 16th, 2006 10:42:21 AM

Appolo still hurting from his wound waits intil the others are clear then goes invisible and follow tossing is fire beed at the alter as he leaves.Hoping to blow it to G'aal and back.He also tip over one more brazier just to add to the fire.He flys silently out to the back wall and lands.He remains silent.

Roll is for toss to Alter 23 Unsure of damage though.

Move Silent 31

DM Jim: The trek back to the Sword  d20+4=13 d20+4=11 d20+4=14 d20+4=10 d20+4=9 d20+4=6 d20+4=19 d20+4=9 d20+4=19 d20+4=15 d20+4=8 d20+4=10 d20+4=18 d20+4=11 d20+4=16 d20+4=5
Thursday March 16th, 2006 12:49:50 PM

Appolo creates more mayhem in the temple before leaving invisibly. An explosion is heard to echo within the temple just as Appolo leaves.

The group heads out to the back wall of the compound, flying the whole way.

Archer line up various members of the Swords for target practice.


AC 13 & 11 both sail high over the captain.


AC 14 & 10 both are wide of the now large monk.


AC 9 & 6, both miss the small female elf.


AC 19 hits off of Val's armor, but does not penetrate and the other is low.


AC 19 and 15, Bart' armor turns one arrow and his quickness avoid the other.


AC 8 & 10 the kidnap victim escapes unscratched by arrows.


AC 18 is turned by her barkskin and the other bolt is too low to worry about.


AC 16 and 5 both miss the new elf.

Appolo: Invisible

Nezamil: Left behind and crispy


The Wildcards take three rounds to get two streets over and three more combat rounds to rearrange their loads before the enlarge spells wear off.

Ashira asks for several more enlarge spells to help carry the load.


THe group makes best possible speed for the precious minutes that the fly spells have left. There is no pursuit that the group can see, although the townfolk are given a treat and many watch the flying party and point and talk.

Alittle over half way to the Sword fly spells start to wear off, all those except for Tomas and Appolo, which have two minutes left.

The comrades are now deposited in the middlle of a street and are still at least 10 minutes from their ship. They can see fading black smoke in the direction of the Ga'alian temple.


The trek on foot back to the launch in uneventful and soon Tomas and Appolo's flys spells wear off too.

Hal and Kirk greet the hero's at the pier with their launch. The docks are full of people going about their business. Hal calls out to the group as he sees Tomas "Excellent Job!" Kirk adds with a big smile "Did the big boss stop for a second breakfast after the long walk?" Hal looks more concerned as he see the downtrodded faces and wounds on his friends and employeers "Where is Nezamil?" and his hand goes to the hilt of his sword.


OOC: Please list all of the items that were taken off the dead.

Ashira has an excellent list - excluding the heads......

Cosmo has one extra amulet that I neglected to list originally.

We know that Mykael is carrying Nezamil's magic items minus his armor and it does not have to be listed.

Jager got a cloak, mace, 2 scrolls, shield and 2 potions from the last cleric he looted. This is added to the loot he picked up previously (?)

I want the group to work on getting the magic items identified and sold and distributed off board (email) next week, so that we can do the Gargul senario.

Thursday March 16th, 2006 2:51:32 PM

Her face spattered with blood and filth, Ashira looks up wearily at Hal and Kirk. "I'm sorry men, but I have bad news...Brother Nezamil fell in the battle. He was so big, we couldn't get his body out. But don't worry...we have a resurrection scroll. We've got to be quick though. You need to get us to the highest level cleric in the city. The sooner the better...I have a feeling we're not going to be too welcome in town shortly..." Heading down to her quarters, Ashira dumps out the contents of backpack onto the floor and pulls out a scroll. She grins as the heads roll on the floor...she's got plans for those. Scroll in hand, Ashira heads back up top. "Alright. I'm going out into the city to find a cleric to raise Nezamil. Who's going with me? The sooner we get out of this town, the better."

Loot Ashira has taken
2 scrolls (divine)
2 potions
5 potions
great sword
chain shirt
three bolts
4 longswords
4 shields
8 potions

Thursday March 16th, 2006 5:37:01 PM

Rigging is pleased with the days work though Nezamil's fall and the Nautacolous still missing is very distressing. He agrees that a priest must be found quickly to bring the cleric back.

Loot of the rogues/assassins

Ring ----- Gloves
Amulet ----- Leather armor
L. Crossbow ----- Ring
9 bolts ----- Boots
Hat ----- Rapier
Dagger (Rigging: Roll DC 15 int)-- 2 potions
4 Potions ----- Cloak

Non Magic ----- Non Magic

20 PP ----- 30 pp
100 gp ----- 100 gp
2 diamonds ----- 3 diamonds
2 vials ----- 2 vials
earrings ----- earrings

Mykael  d20+8=27 d20+5=19 d20+6=20
Thursday March 16th, 2006 8:03:57 PM

Once back on the ship, Mykael states to the crew, "No one should leave the ship without notifing an officer and without an officers escort. This is for protection. If you need, I will be as avaliable as possible for this. That ok with you? Captain?"

Once settled, Mykael heads below to wash up and change. He cleans Nezamils gear and puts it in his room.

Then he heads back up on deck and does a complete inspection of the ship. He notes areas that still need work, and sets to getting it done.

(Shipwright=27, Rope Use=19, Swimming=20)
(use as needed)

OOC: Mykael grabbed all of Nezamil's magic and holy symbol FIRST, next he grabbed any all all equipment that he could, including backpack and pouches, as stated in previous posts.

Thursday March 16th, 2006 8:06:45 PM

Jagar steps up to Hal and Kirk "yes the mighty Nezamil has fallen " as the monk puts a steadying hand on the brothers shoulders" he died bravely ib battle"
"but Ashira has a scroll that will bring him back to us and we will all avenge those Ga'alian foes that escaped "

"Especially that Monk" says Jagar thru gritted teeth

" i'm with you Ashira" replies the bloodspattered Monk as he sidles up next to the blue haired sword swinger

2 long swords
2 shields
2 chain shirts
2 light crossbows
10 pp 50 gp(x2)
40 bolts
2 cloaks

Gold holy symbol (Ga'al)
cloak ?? might have burned that one
2 scrolls
20 pp 100 gp

2 scrolls
2 potions

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=23 d20+7=14
Thursday March 16th, 2006 10:08:16 PM

Cosmo is glad to be back on the boat. His mood is both somber and elated. In combat terms it was a good battle. Many of the enemy dead and only 1 casualty on our side. But even 1 death is too much when you see how well he was liked by his comrades. Cosmo thinks in his head of a Cleric strong enough to use the Resurrection scroll and trustworthy enough not to open his mouth (knowledge religion 23; knowledge local 14). If he can think of anyone he will pass the information along to Rigging.

Cosmo gathers the items he took off the foes and places them in the growing pile of loot. He looks at the large pile and realizes the 30 free identifies will be used up rather quickly.

"Rigging, I know you do not want people moving about the city by themselves. I can transport myself and a person or two to the catacombs quickly without having to use the streets. Tomorrow after I have studied for my spells I can take these items to be identified and sold. I know someone at the catacombs who can be discreet with our transaction."

"Rigging we will also need to check in with the governors concerning the items they offered the group. They should be near completion."


Cleric CF:
Bracers, (2) Rings, Robe, Amulet, (2) Potions, (4) Scrolls and 3 Candles.

Cleric CE:
(5 or 6) Potions, (5) Scrolls, Ring, Shield, Black Bead, Pearl (wrapped in a note), Dagger, Amulet, 50 pp, 50 gp and 4 Diamonds.

Random guy on top of right room:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Friday March 17th, 2006 12:17:54 PM

Appolo arrives back on the sword becomes visible.He looks a mess and is exhuasted.He walks over to Rigging spits littlew blood"You know boss.We need to get ready for the counter attack,this ai'nt over until that fool monk is dead.Anyone got some healing potions left.So if we're going to get Nezamil back we need to do it now."

DM Jim: Off to see the Cleric 
Friday March 17th, 2006 12:50:13 PM

The adrenaline rush has worn off after the battle at the temple and the race back to the Sword. All the Wildcards are tired hurt and feeling the loss of Nezamil. Ashira breaks the bad news to Nezamil's faithful friends Hal and Kirk "WHAT! You let a priest of Domi die!" Kirk is beside himself with anger and grief. Hal puts a reassuring hand on Kirk's shoulder, right next Jager's "Like Ashira said little brother, we will get him back., and then we will never let him out of our sight again."

The tired Wildcards drop their loot below decks and Ashira finds her scroll. Cosmo know where there is a temple of Gargul in South Harbor, but it is no where near the size of the Ga'alian temple compound. The temple of Gargul is a 20 -- 25 minute walk from the docks and on the opposite side of the city from the Ga'alian temple.

Cosmo also mentions his contacts at the Catacombs as there is no way there are enough free identify tokens for all of the magic the group acquired.

Mykael gives instructions to the crew not to leave the ship without an officer escort to avoid kidnapping possibilities.

Appolo expresses his concern to Rigging that the Sword will be attacked soon.

Once Melonie sees Val she rushes over. "I heard about Nezamil, are you alright." Melonie check out her mistress before asking "How did you do in battle?"

Mary and John find Ashira as she puts loot away. Mary brings her a towel and John some food and drink. Mary speaks up "I take it you had a tough time at the temple, should we expect a counter attack as Appolo says?"

The Wildcards board the launch and head for the docks. Hal and Kirk rowing the group over. Once everyone is on the dock Kirk ties off the launch and Hal speaks up "You left us behind for the battle, but we are coming to Nezamil resurrection. We will not take no for an answer."


The somber group with Hal and Kirk in tow wind there way through SOuth Harbor with Cosmo as their guide. Everyone ends up at a large Manor house on the outskirts of town. The Manor house is the temple of Gargul and it is surrounded on three sides by cemetaries. It is just noon.


OOC: I will work on the magic item compiled list this weekend and email the information to eveyone. I will use up the identify tokens. The balance of the list must be sent to the catacombs.

One Monday the group will meet Gargul.

Friday March 17th, 2006 5:15:34 PM

Val can't help but smile at Melonie's concern. "I'm fine Melonie. I was fortunate this day. I smashed up an earth elemental pretty good but I did not fight well enough. If I had Nezamil would be with us right now."

Saturday March 18th, 2006 3:17:26 PM

Rigging will turn and look at the Wildcards and the others coming to raise Nezamil. "Quick speech. I don't mean to signal anyone out..Appolo and Val, but lets try and remain respectful when we are asking our request to Gargul. Last time didn't go so well and I don't want a repeat performance. No matter what happens remember he is a God and not a very nice one. We are asking a favor and if we want to get Nezamil back, we will have to be humble."

Thomas also decides to come as it is only fitting since Nezamil gave up his life in trying to rescue him.

Appolo Hp35/59 invisible  d20+14=27 d20+13=24
Sunday March 19th, 2006 9:54:19 AM

Appolo takes off ahead of the group grunting little before he goes invisible.It is claer he ain't happy about something.He isa little peeved that no one noticed he is hurt.Great no one seems to care that I might be bleeding to death he thinks as he moves out behind the party,invisible and silent.

Move silent 27 Hide 24

Sunday March 19th, 2006 3:07:31 PM

We will revenge ourselves Hal and Kirk we get Nezamil back too life, we arent ready with this monk

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=21
Sunday March 19th, 2006 3:44:59 PM

Cosmo guides the group to the temple of Gargul. He continues to use the magic of the hat to disguise himself as a female elf.

He keeps an eye out for the wizard or the monk.

Spot 21.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Sunday March 19th, 2006 10:04:57 PM

"Captain, I want Nezamil back just as much as the rest of ya. And I would want to be there to greet him upon his return. However, and I am sure Nezamil would understand this, I dont like leaving the ship with only the crew. Besides there still is alot of work to be done on her. I am willing to stay on ship to guard and help the crew. Your call." Mykael states to Rigging.

Sunday March 19th, 2006 11:52:44 PM

Ashira looks over at John and Mary, smiling weakly. Her body sore and her mind numb at the prospect of seeing Gargul so soon after her own resurrection. Wiping up some of the goop off with the towel, she waves off the food. "I don't know if there's going to be another attack. We didn't finish off the monk and the mage, so there's the distinct possibility that they'll counter attack. Keep ready. We need to go and get Nezamil raised. We'll be back and we need to be ready to move when we are. I'm counting on you keep an eye on the Sword and the others." Ashira lays her hand on John and Mary's shoulders. "Please, keep yourselves safe...I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Ashira journeys with the others, staying quiet and moving as quickly as possible. She moves hesitantly toward the Manor house. "C'mon. Let's go ask my Master for our brother Nezamil back."

Jagar  d20+6=21
Monday March 20th, 2006 12:13:50 AM

The fleetfooted monk takes up rearguard postion during the march to the Temple of Gargul keeping his eyes peeled(d20+6=21 spot ch)for that Monk and Mage

"heh armored and blood splattered we stick out like a red dragon againist a blue sky so lets be quick about this " suggests Jagar

As they approach the Temple of Gargul " hmm 3 cemetaries ...wonder if that has any meaning ? " puzzles the monk

Rigging "illegal post"  2d8(6+3)+7=16
Monday March 20th, 2006 8:05:27 AM

Rigging will hear Mykael and say, "Sorry friend but your coming. My experiences with Gargul is he likes to question the supplicants companions and we will need you there.

Rigging then gives orders to the ship. I want you to take the ship out over night. Head straight out from the shore away from the sight of land." Rigging looks around a the boarding party and availblbe officers and sighs. He will point to one of the more reliable seaman left from the old crew and put him in charge. "I expect the Sword back here at first light!"

He looks to the others and says, "That should keep them safe. If they are scried upon, all they will see is the ship at see with no landmarks."

He turns back to the seaman in charge and says, If you find your self followed, engage the sharks and get back into port. Find a local dock and get the guardsmen. Tell them you are being followed by pirates."

He looks to the others, "Lets go."

Rigging will lead the way.

Tomas feeling his old self, will offer any cures to needed to the wounded. "Master Appolo, I saw you still bear wounds from my rescue attempt. I can give you Alemi's blessing if you wish?"

If Appolo asks for it, Tomas will burn his status spell and give the rouge 16 points back.

Appolo 51/59 
Monday March 20th, 2006 10:13:33 AM

Appolo smiles at Tomas"Thank you my friend that would greatly be appreciated.Yes I would like that if you please."he immediately feels much better.

Visiting the dead

OOC Anth 
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 9:27:14 PM

Sorry Folks I missunderstood.

BTW I love to give out extra exp for everyone playing along, no wall flowers rember your about to go and meet a god. Imagine.

Guest DM: Zed 
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 9:30:27 PM

A white robed priest comes from the house. Actualy he looks less like a priest and more like a monk. His eyes are all white though, it is clear he is powerful as the holly energy granted by Gargul radiates from his skin. He speaks easily but it is clear by his demenor he is more than competent.

"I am Zed, please stop right where you are and come no closer. How may we help you?"

Tuesday March 21st, 2006 11:23:35 PM

Ashira freezes in her tracks. "Master Zed, I am Ashira and these are my brothers and sisters..." Ashira points to each person as she calls out their names. She pauses before continuing. "A brother of ours, a priest of Domi has fallen and is now with our Lord Gargul. We have a scroll of True Resurrection, and we are in need of a powerful priest who can cast the spell so that we can petition Lord Gargul for his life. Can you help us?"

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 1:07:04 AM

The Monk nods in agreement to Ashira's words " yes he fell earlier today at the Temple of Ga'al fighting to free our brother Tomas " as Jagar points out Tomas " who was captured and tortured at their temple here in south harbor"

Jagar shivers from a slight chill " we humbly seek help in this matter "

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 3:41:34 AM

Bart bows his head for the powerfull priest, he hopes he will cooporate although Bart doesn't like to see Gargul again, he still remembers last time. "As an true priest of Domi he fell trying to help a friend"

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 7:22:32 AM

Rigging will also stop in his tracks and give a courtly bow to the priest. "As my friend have said, We are here to plead for our friend. How do we go about this? Is there a ritual we must perform?"

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 9:09:44 AM

Cosmo remains silent in the back of the group, watching for the time being.

He drops his disguise and returns to his normal halfling self.

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 9:49:17 AM

Val stays in the back silent. The look on her face clearly tells that she doesn't want to be here. But she's following along without protest. Hopefully this meeting will go better than the last one.

Appolo  d20+9=12 d20+6=10
Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 10:21:56 AM

Appolo follows along staying near Valanthe.He is in a good mood as he walks next to her"Well sunshine fine day for a walk .Nice to go visit afriend.You know."he says witha smile on his face.he also tries to keep an eye out and an ear open for trouble.He sees and hears nothing much of interest.

Spot 12 Listen 10

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 8:25:17 PM

two tall (6'6") armored men at the back of the group clear their throats as the older one speaks up nervously over the heads of those in front "Ah master Zed your help would be welcomed in reviving our friend back to the living" remarks Hal" he was a person of strong character...... we would follow him anywhere"

Guest DM: Zed 
Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 9:23:30 PM

Zed turns and answers everyon in turn.

"Yes I can help you. I will need the scroll and payment. Do you have the dead with you?"

"I need no modisty from you all, you may stad as you are. I see you as you are, as does my Lord Gargul."

"I am glad he fell as he would have lived, as his beliefs would have wished, however the tenents of Domi matter little here and less where you will be going."

"Ritual, no you must go before the God of life and death and petition him to relase back into the Wold a soul, to upset the natral balance of time and the order of the univers and grant more time to a departed soul."

Hal and Kirk:
"He is past reviving. He must be returend now, which is . . . diffrent."

Then to all of you.
"Gather yourselfs and the dead with payment. Go around the back of the house, there you will find a gazabo with a pedistal and a slab of black bmarble in the center. Place the payment upon the pedistal and the decessed upon the slab. Payment should be something of great Personal worth to the departed. Gather there and hold hands and wait. I will cast the spell and beout shortly. Prepare yourselfs. Gargul will be prepared for you."

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 10:16:53 PM

Rigging looks at the cleric with fear in his eye. "I am sorry, but we don't have a body. It was impossible to bring. It was my understanding that the scroll we have, contains magic powerful enough to bring him back with out a body. Am I mistaken?

You mention payment? What is required? I don't want to offend by not giving enough. We all love Nezamil and will do what is required to bring him back? Can you advise us on this, Master Zed?"

Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 11:13:31 PM

Mykael stands quietly, holding Nezamil's equipment.

'I wonder what besides his holy symbol, was most important to him...'

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 12:07:09 AM

The ranger holds the scroll in her hand with trembling arms. She shoots Rigging an "I told you so" look as she waits to hear back from Zed.

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 9:36:13 AM

Appolo stands in the rear.He just remains silent.He then follows the others around to the gazebo.

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 12:40:56 PM

Hmmm. Gargul will be prepared for me. What does that mean.

Cosmo follows the group around back to the gazebo.

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 5:43:54 PM

"I agree Mykael i would think Nezamil's holy symbol representing Domi would be his most worthy item as he has dedicated his life to Domi's wisdom"

Jagar makes his way around to the gazebo taking a place in a chain of people around the black marble slab

"this aughta be intresting" murmers Jagar quietly

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 5:48:12 PM

Kirk slaps Jagar lightly on his shoulder as the monk speaks " yes a good choice i would agree "

The two armored warriors walk with a swagger around to the gazebo after the Monk and take up postions to Jagar's right and reach out their hands to those next to them to hold hands as Master Zed has asked

They nervously shuffle their feet as they await the coming of a God !!

Thursday March 23rd, 2006 11:39:44 PM

Val hates that she has to be here. She's not fond of the god of death though if it will bring Nezamil back its a small price to pay. If she dies in battle she hopes they will let her rest in peace and not risk angering the god of death.

Friday March 24th, 2006 3:05:34 AM

Offcourse honourable Zed we are her to plea at Lord Gargul for the life of our friend Nezamil

Guest DM : Zed 
Friday March 24th, 2006 1:17:43 PM

To Rigging:
No the body is not nessicary, it is only helpful, as you all stand in the circle and wait please picture your friend in every detail that you can. As for the payment, it must only be something of great personal value to your dead friend.

The priest walks up behind everyone after about 8 minutes. "What token of the dead have you placed as payment? Please picture your friend clearly, we will be leaving this plane very soon."

Saturday March 25th, 2006 1:09:49 AM

The Monk looks about at the others as they debate what item of Nezamil's to choose " i say Nezamil's Holy symbol of Domi ......it is how he led his life "

Jagar nods to Mykael who has the dwarf's belongings

Saturday March 25th, 2006 9:46:47 AM

Rigging nods at Jagar's words and agrees. "Yes, Nezamil was a devoted follower and cleric of Domi. I think that will be his cloest connection. While he has more powerful magic, this was his most prized possession."

Rigging will stand in the circle and picture his dwarven friend. His huge stature combined with his huge and loving heart. His kindness to others and his daily wisdom in helping keep Rigging and the others from becoming to reckless. Finally his sacrifice for the group. He probably knew that there was a trap but also knew that the cleric of Ga'al was powerful and threatened his friends and family. Though he didn't count on dying, he was willing to risk himself rather than see his friends come to harm."

Rigging finds tears streaming down his cheeks as he thinks of his friend and prays that Gargul will hear their request in a favorable manner.

Saturday March 25th, 2006 11:11:17 AM

Cosmo nods in agreement when Jager and Rigging pick Nezamil's holy symbol as his most prized possession. He thinks of his most prized possession, his spellbook as he absentmindely pats his pouchbelt where it is.

Cosmo takes a place in the circle and thinks of his new friend Nezamil he has only known for a short time. Hopefully, he will be able to spend more time with the Cleric and get to know him and his faith better.

Saturday March 25th, 2006 6:32:11 PM

Mykael places Nezamil's holy symbol of Domi in the center and takes his place in the ring.

He looks to the individual on either side of him and takes thier hand.

He pictures the strong dwarven cleric, and waits to see what happens.

Sunday March 26th, 2006 2:04:26 PM

Bart pictures his biggest smallest frien Nezamil in his mind, his passion when he did tells story about Domi's life his welldoings. Nezamils bravour in battle. His wisdom, the aid he give him during and after battle. The fun moments they shared

Guest DM : Greetings 
Sunday March 26th, 2006 4:03:05 PM

Zed comes up from behind you all and picks up the holy symbol; nodding as his eyes go white he nods and places the symbol in a pouch. He whispers "Prepare" and then suddenly you all find yourself standing on a great steppe. Rocks and grass cover and dot the huge landscape. A land desolate and yet stunningly beautiful. Nothing moves. No air stirs. Then before you the air begins to shimmer as with heat. Seemingly in the distance you see two horses. Creatures of such grace and beauty that they steal your breath. They are running toward you and playing with one another. Nipping at each others flanks, racing one another as they sprint toward you. One a stunning silver grey and the other a blood red. They in the distance remind you of something fundamental. Something deep within. Before you know it they are before you. Rearing high and snorting. The Blood red one speaks.

"Welcome to my lord's domain, why do you trespass here, what is your business?"

Sunday March 26th, 2006 10:56:24 PM

Rigging will bow low to both horses, and politely say, "We have been brought here by another of Gargul's servants, one of his priests. He have come to beg for the restoration of a friend and comrade Nezamil who has fallen and finds himself in Gargul's graces.

We are unsure on the best way to accomplish this deed. If you could provide any wisdom on this, we all would be grateful."

Rigging will bow low again.

Tomas (NPC follower of Rigging) George 
Sunday March 26th, 2006 11:04:15 PM

Tomas, feeling guilty, keeps his head down and doesn't say much allowing Rigging and the other officers to do most of the talking. If he had only waited for others to come with him...if he had just sent for the merchants to come to the ship. He was trying to impress Rigging and the others. Pride was his sin and now Nezamil was dead. He doesn't know what he will do if Gargul refuses the request.

Monday March 27th, 2006 3:32:25 AM

Appolo steps up in line and does as told.He looks over at Tomas"Hey don't blame yourself.He went fighting his enemies.It's not your fualt.Sooner or latwer death claims as all.For people like us it tends to come sooner rather then later.That's just the way it is."He then goes back to being silent.

Monday March 27th, 2006 10:14:53 AM

Val holds her tongue and tries to keep her emotions from affecting her opinions and especially her words. So far everything was alright but she was nervous. After the last time what would Gargul expect of them now?

Monday March 27th, 2006 1:45:32 PM

The monk nods at Captain Riggings words " master Zed has sent us here "adds Jagar to the blood red horse

bash brothers Hal and Kirk (Npc's followers of Nezamil) 
Monday March 27th, 2006 1:48:44 PM

The two brothers catch their breath as they appear in the realm of Gargul

They each eye another for a moment as in disbelief but then follow Riggings actions and bow in respect to the two horses

Cosmo  d20+7=22
Monday March 27th, 2006 2:18:20 PM

Cosmo takes in all the sights of the realm they have been transported to. He sees the two horses coming towards them, one red and one silver and wonders as to the significance of their colors(knowledge religion 22).

Following Rigging's lead, Cosmo bows in respect to the two horses.

Guest DM : Herald 
Monday March 27th, 2006 10:37:08 PM

(No signifigance to the colors.)

The blood red horse nuzzles the side of the other. A wisper is heard through the air.

Molly love he comes and he knows these mortals well, he has watched them closely and he comes not happy.

We must leave now Gabriel, he comes.

The red one speaks.

He comes to speak with you. Like a storm he comes.

With that the horses disapear.

Guest DM : GARGUL 
Monday March 27th, 2006 10:48:21 PM

Suddenly the peace of the steppe is broken as black clouds form a dark swirl over your head. Thunder without sound and lighting without light fill the air. Your hair stands on end as the clouds billow and roll. They begin to form shapes and the thunderous anger with which they are created almost knocks you over. Finally a huge black horse standing 30 feet over the tallest of you is shaped out of the clouds. A mane of liquid fire flows from his back and his eyes are stars. Stars from the night sky. His shiny coat seems to ripple and then you notice it is not shiny, it is universes and galaxies. It stands before you as sparks fly from its hoofs. There is only one word to describe such a thing. BEAUTIFUL. Then the voice you remember but wish you had forgotten booms through the air. A voice you will miss to the core of your soul when it is gone.


Tuesday March 28th, 2006 1:30:33 AM

The ranger gulps at the arrival of the black horse, and her eyes go to the ground as he speaks. When she does regain the power of speech, she speaks in the faintest of whispers. "My Lord Gargul, please do not be angry with us. As you know my Lord last time we came before you it was because I had been foolish and reckless in battle and had fallen needlessly. You mercifully let me return to my family. And my Lord Gargul, your servant has learned well from the mistakes that brought us here before. Lord, we do not come here begging for brother Nezamil's life lightly. He fell in a well planned battle, and his death was something that none of us could foresee nor could we prevent. But that is neither here nor there to my Lord. My Lord, brother Nezamil is a dear friend of ours and an invaluable member of our team...he has served Domi well and has brought about the conversion of several people. His life came to an end abruptly. If my Lord would consider returning his life to us, I am sure that brother Nezamil would be joyful to spread the news about my Lord's power and generosity..."

OOC: Sorry about the posting folks, but going to the tournament this weekend threw me off.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 6:11:44 AM

Bart bows before the strange and beautiful horse. My Lord Gargul, Nezamil and other priests have teached me everything has a begin and a end, and that it is you who decide if it is time for a mortal to leave the wold of living. We come here to plea before you because it is my believe Nezamil has still a lot to do in the Wold. Spreading the word of Domi, helping the poor and the weak, helping us to overcome to power of the Ga'alian temple in our country and telling the people of your goodness

Bart looks to Appollo and frown s to him he hopes he understands it and shows respect to Gargul

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 3:46:44 PM

The monk stands frozen for a moment taking in the arrival of the black horse which is Gargul

Ashira's and Barts voices break his trance and Jagar kneels down on one knee " we wish to unite with our brother Nezamil " speaks Jagar with awe in his voice at speaking with a God of the Wold

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk (npc's followers of Nezamil) 
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 4:16:34 PM

The two tall armored warriors faces are ashen white at the sight of Gargul's incarnation and both kneel in his precense

Hal the older brother tries to speak but his throat is dry....after a moment he finds his voice "L..L..Lord Gargul we humbly and respectfully ask for Nezamil's return "

The younger brother Kirk adds his voice quivering slightly "ah.....we have only recently met the couragous dwarf in these dark times of unrest in the battle againist the Fae King.....he unselfishly helped guide us and others thru those times and put himself at great risk to protect us from the dangers of that perilous time"

Hal finishes " that is why we chose to follow brother Nezamil....to help protect those in need ....in these troubled and uncertain times "

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 7:41:01 PM

Mykael stands like a pillar before the two horses, admiring the view of the landscape and the horses. He listens intently, over hearing thier conversation, and then readies himself for Gargul.

Courage, concentration, and preparedness, still were not enough to keep him from flinching slightly at emotional burst of the Gods arrival.

Standing as strong as he can, watching in curiosity and fear, as Gargul appears before them. Mykael's eyes wander over the body that Gargul has chosen, ever wondering of new things. His attention is suddenly drawn, by the words of his companions and he silently, bows his head in respect to Gargul.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 8:51:25 PM

Another horse Cosmo thinks ... something to remember when he gets back to the Wold.

He remains bowing, hoping the god does not turn his attention towards him.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 9:28:11 PM

Rigging looks up in genuine awe at the sight of Gargul and then fear fills his heart when the God of the Dead immediately starts questioning Appolo. He looks at the young thief and wills him to answer the powerful diety before them. He prays that Appolo learned from his last confrontation from the unforgivening God and we don't have a repeat performance.

Rigging drops to both knees and bows to Gargul's form this time. "Most holy Gargul, We thank you for the audience you have granted us. We have come to plead for our friend Nezamil. We bow to your wisdom and beseech your compassion. I don't understand the mysteries of your domain and why you choose to allow some to return from it, for a second chance. I only humbly ask that you allow Nezamil that chance.

We are embarking on a new journey. We are founding a new settlement. This settlement will be founded to allow all free folks a place to learn and trade. When the settlement is established, we would be honored to build a church in your honor. A place where your priests could teach your mysteries so the common man can learn of you. Learn that death is just the next stage from life. Not an ending but a new beginning."

Rigging will bow low again keeping his head on the ground waiting for an answer.

Guest DM : GARGUL 
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 10:16:01 PM

The Giant horse listens carefully and then rises up upon his hind legs and blots out the sun. The world is dark and cold for a moment before the massive form comes crashing down before you. The earth trembles as sparks from the great hoofs wash over all of you like water. The massive head bends down low and his breath like spring rain blasts from his nostrils. The eyes go hazy and white and then a single fiery star shines in each of the black globes as it passes. The huge face comes down inches from each of you and in your mind the painful and melodic voice whispers through.

you can not placate me with false worship. i am not a worshiped being. i do not crave petty notoriety and the fawning of the favors of mortals like some of my brothers and sisters. i stand outside the pantheons. i take no sides in their petty squabbles unless they trespass upon my domain, and they leave me alone and do not challenge me. can your small and frightened minds comprehend why? can you theorize why they fear me just as you do and leave me be? answer me if you can.

Then raising back up to its full height the beast tosses his mane and goblets of fire are sent off into the heavens to create new stars.


Wednesday March 29th, 2006 11:14:04 AM

Appolo had remained silent when the Gargul arrived.he was claerly unimpessed and not frightened.

When Gargul confronts him the first time he just looks at the god of death with smile and says nothing.Yes Appolo isn't afraid of him.

The second time he answers him"First of what I told Tomas id true sooner or later everyone stands before you.Secondly what I said the last time is also true.Either you will grant our petition or you won't.Like you said ypu've heard it all.All this bluster and commotion isn't really necessary nis it.Me and you have a deal don't we.That's why you sent me back.If you really believe in the balance as you put it.Take me in Nezamil's place.I'll stay here and you send the good dwarf back,The wold needs him more then me.He is greater then I am.All I am is akiller.Nezamil is healer healerOh and don't grant that other parties pettition.I really hate killing the same fool twice."

Wednesday March 29th, 2006 3:43:39 PM

Rigging decides to stand. If this god was going to blast him, he will blast him while he was on his feet.

"Gargul, I am no theolgian but I would guess why the other gods fear and respect you. All of their domains have to do with living and the motivation of the living. Alemi's is healing,
Ga'al is dominion, while the others deal with such mundane things like commerce, justice and love.

You deal with something more basic and profound. Life and death itself. Without them, the other Woldian gods would be rendered useless. With no renewal and casting away of the old, the Wold would become stagnant. We could go on without dominion or love. Our lives would been lessened without them but without you and your domain, the game is over.
You keep the balance that the others work within. Without that balance, the others are meaningless.

I admit your greatness and schemes for the universe is beyond my understanding. I don't and can't comprehend how you keep the balance between life and death. I don't know how important a role my friend Nezamil plays in your balance. Was he cut down before his time? Before he affected his portion of the balance? Only you in your wisdom can decide. I can only talk about the things I do understand. The things that motivate the noble and not so noble races. We loved Nezamil for his noble and giving personality. For his loyalty to friends and his courage in his convictions. If these are things you find worthy to your balance than I humbly ask that you return our friend Nezamil to us."

Rigging will bow his head once more waiting for the lightning to strike.

Wednesday March 29th, 2006 8:46:40 PM

The monk continues to kneel on one knee as sparks splash around him..... he closes his eyes for a moment then opens them only to find himself staring straight into Gargul's eyes the fiery red stars bore deep into Jagar's soul.

"petty foolish needs?" trembles the monk " our friendship with Nezamil is not petty or foolish it is something we value and treasure.......it is something intangible that makes life worth living.....our friendships among ourselves help make our journey thru life bearable......i just hope that Nezamil's path in life is not done ....that he has more paths to walk ......more work to do for the balance in the wold " adds Jagar nervously

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk(npc follower's of Nezamil) 
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 8:54:46 PM

The two armored warriors muscles tighten as Gargul comes face to face with them ....holding their breath they wait for the moment to pass and just listen as others speak.

Both brothers are shaken from the thundering crashing of the horses's hoofs their vision blurred by the cascade of sparks .....the older brother reaches out to his younger brother next to him and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder

Wednesday March 29th, 2006 10:09:00 PM

Cosmo remains as he is. There is apparently some old history going on with Gargul that he has no knowledge of.

He does hope the best for his new friend Nezamil.

Guest DM : GARGUL 
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 11:21:08 PM

The huge horse chuckles. It is a stunning sound. The huge head comes down and sways slightly before Appolo.

i see you have learned nothing. you have even failed to understand our last deal at a fundamental and basic level. what you offer is beyond worthless and is faulty logic. the fact that you can not see that is . . . amusing. although i did not expect you to see it, not you. to stand before a god to which you can hide no thought no feeling no action no movement and pretend you are not frightened is not foolish, it is silly. your antics make me laugh dear child. your boastfulness of killing an enemy you barely scratched is laughable. i was there. i can be there again. i can be in your head with you, in your heart and see every second of the battle from within your darkest moments and thoughts. there is nothing you are that you can hide from me. it is good for those who are awaking to have an example of how not to live and think.

The huge head turns to Rigging.

you on the other hand come close to wakefulness. you come close to understanding and to wisdom. tell me, why is your friend apollo's logic so faulty, why is this trade he offers the opposite of the balance he says he's so understanding of?

Then the face finishes at Jagar.

well put young one, you too begin to understand wakefulness. however what would those things really mean to you if they were not transitory? if you could call back anyone from the brink anytime you wished then would the bonds and feelings be worth anything? why live and love if you can just try again later. men are in general lazy at heart. they want things they take no time to understand, then when they get them they can not deal with the consequences of having what they thought they wished for.

Thursday March 30th, 2006 12:30:06 AM

Ashira is stung by Gargul's words. Her worship had been anything but false. True, she still does not understand the god she owes her life too, but she had been sincere. She stands and watches Appolo and Rigging answer Gargul. Her eyes turned to the floor, she listens as Gargul responds to them, her head swimming. A deep, churning knot builds in her stomach. How can she ever repay her debt to this god when she has no idea what he wants

Thursday March 30th, 2006 10:43:53 AM

"Great one," Val says from her knees, eyes looking at the ground, "while this is only a guess I suspect that the other gods wonder about their own excistance. Can a god truly die? How would they know unless it happens? Only you would know the answer to that question. A part of them wants to ask and yet they are afraid to do so. So they keep you at a distance because you are a reminder of what they cannot bring themselves to do. As for why we are here. We are here because we are weak. We enjoy life and the pain of losing Nezamil for good is too much for us to bear. With that weakness comes foolishness. Only you know when it is truly time for one to pass on. Our request could challenge that descision yet we make it anyway."

Thursday March 30th, 2006 11:48:33 AM

Mykael stands silently listening to the comments made by all. 'Persuade a god? He most likely has made his mind up. What can I say? He seems to want to teach or enlighten us, but I fail to understand the basic concepts of his existance. Well here goes nothing.'

Mykeal swallows, hardens his face, and looks up at the beautiful manifestation, that is Gargul.

"God of Life and Death, I can not begin to fathom how the balance sits. I truly dont even understand the balance. I admit this. And what the balance that you are master over, also, is beyond me. If you are willing to enlighten me, I would welcome it with open arms, and thank you."

"I am simply here to try and persuade you to return a fallen comrade. Not because I believe in resurrection, because once I kill someone, they should stay dead. However, I am here because my friends wish it, it is an option sometimes granted by you, and because Nezamil would do the same for me."

"My offer of persuasion, is this. Nezamil, was a vital part in the defeat of the Fey King. The Fey King was, in his sphere of influence, denigning you your rights over Life and Death. It was a minor inconvience to you I am sure. However, our group which included Nezamil, dealt with this minor problem and thus stopped the interference of your rights. The whole of the group may not have even wanted to go against the Fey King, but in the end the result, was a problem for you solved. We did this for our own reasons, each of us. But I would submit to you that most of us felt the lack of balance and thus were helping you, whether we knew it or not. So, if there is room in your balance, I submit that for his prior work, you allow Nezamil to return to us in the Wold."

"I thank you for your time, no matter your decision."

Thursday March 30th, 2006 12:13:14 PM

Appolo just smiles and merely shrugs his shoulders"I offered what I had to offer and you refuse.So be it.Like I said either you will or you won't.I'm not pretending or hiding anything or trying to.I'm just not afraid of you anymore,I fact the older I get the less afaid I am of anything. All we want is a simple answer,Will you or won't return Nezamil to us.Oh and I think the other gods understand you well.Especially your old buddies Domi and Alemi.As far as myself not understanding the balance,you and the universe goes.Well I'm not supposed to and don't want to.If I did well that would make me a god wouldn't it.I mean it takes one to understand one."Appolo is very calm relaxed and not in the least intimidated or fightened.

Thursday March 30th, 2006 6:58:59 PM

The kneeling monk ponders Garguls questions while he listens to the others

" I cannot argue againist the truth of what you have said .......our lives are fleeting moments in time......all we have is....hope....an intangible thing that we can use to make our lives and dreams worthwhile in this fleeting moments of our lives "

Thursday March 30th, 2006 7:29:48 PM

Rigging's face is strained as he grapples with thoughts best left to philosphers, priests, and men much wiser than him. He is a simple captain of a ship and a leader of a small band of heroes.

"My Lord Gargul, I am having trouble finding the words to simplify the question you ask. I would guess the more fundalmental question is why are we here? Why are the Gods here? Why do the Gods even care what mere mortals think. The universe in in constant struggle with itself. The struggle between creation and destruction, between chaos and order, between good and evil.

The problem lies in that it is much easier to destroy. A forest can take hundreds of years to grow and burn in only hours. A farm can take a generation to establish and make prosper, but be razed to the ground by marders in minutes.

This can be taken on an emotional level as well. It is much easier to hate something than to forgive and try to understand it. It is easier to stay with your preconcieved ideas than to expand your mind and except new ones.

Is this why you don't think Appolo's offer is fair? His death only adds to the negative balance and Nezamil's restoration only balances it. What you need is both to live, to learn and grow. To do good acts to help balance against the more easily achieved destruction, chaos and evil?

Thursday March 30th, 2006 9:20:43 PM

Cosmo knows when to speak up and Cosmo knows when to keep silent. This is one of the times to keep small and silent.

He does continue to listen intently, hoping to add value to Rigging's and the god's conversation, when the time is right.

Guest DM : GARGUL 
Friday March 31st, 2006 3:29:47 AM

The giant horse suddely shrinks to a normal size and trots over to Rigging.

you are gaining widom. i am proud of you.

Turning to Apollo the house chuckles again. You are lieing, to your self. You have no value for your own life or the life of any other, therefore you are nothing but afraid. no choice you make comes from rational thought or aware choice. they all come from fear. that is how you wish to live so be it. you shall rember none of this and every time you lie about your fears to yourself you shall have to face tehm 1000 fold until you realize the thing you fear the most is yourself.[/i]

WhitH that Apollo dissapears and is gone from the group for the moment. The horse is suddenly the towering giant again.


Then without warning you are back in the gazebo. Nezamil lays on the marble slab and is breathing and blinking. He is nacked and shivering. It is night and you are alone. The house is black. No one but you is in the graveyard.

(OOC Thanks guys it was fun. Have fun dealing with Garguls michief)

(Jim e-mail me after sunday and we'll talk about what all this means.)

Back to the Module

Friday March 31st, 2006 10:15:23 AM

Val looks around and takes a deep breath. Another meeting with Gargul, another narrow escape. She hates dealing with gods, especially ones where you don't know what they will like and what they will be offended by. She might be rash, and foolhardy at times, but she does not like dealing with gods. Hopefully they won't have to meet with Gargul ever again.

"Is everybody alright?"

ooc: Is Nezamil dwarf size or giant size?

DM Jim: Back among the Living 
Saturday April 1st, 2006 10:10:08 AM

It is now approaching dusk, where did all the time go. The Wildcards and Zed are back at the Gazebo. The naked Nezamil is in the circle of friends. Nezamil is 13.5 feet tall. The experience has srunk him slightly, but he is still a big boy.

Zed excuses himself to let friends get reaquainted, but comes back shortly with a white bed sheet. "We can't have your huge friend walk through South Harbor buck naked." Zed hands the sheet to Nezamil, who is still regaining his strenght.

Hal and Kirk hover protectivly nearby, wary of every sound.

Tomas can not thank the priest of Domi enough for his sacrific to save him.

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:46:27 AM

Still silent from the meeting with Gargul Bart sees Nezamil laying nacked before him. Bart looks around if he finds any blanket to cover him and keep him warm

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:15:25 PM

The dwarf sits up from the blacl marble slab and looks about sleepily "where....am i ?....what happened ?"

Realizing his appearence Nezamil accepts Zed's sheet and stands up and wraps it around his waist

With a understanding slowly dawning Nezamil faces Master Zed " thank you "

Spotting Hal and Kirk "By Domi it feels good to be back .....last thing i remember is type of explosion then darkness "

As Nezamil peers about his fellow wildcards " so whats next ?"

The Cleric of Domi replies to Tomas " glad to have you back too Tomas "

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:52:44 PM

"Welcome back Nezamil. So what was it like on the other side?"

"We should get back to the ship and get some rest."

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 10:37:39 PM

Riggging will smile down at his dwarven giant friend. "Hey cover that thing up! Ashira sees that thing and she will never look at me the same again!"

Rigging claps his friend on the shoulder and says, "Cosmo is right. We need to get back to the ship. I want to get some rest, and then visit that temple one more time. I still want to retrieve Nautocolous. I think it is in the alter. It was glowing with some strong magic but we will need some spells and healing before we can go back tonight."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards plus friends back to the ship.

Mykael  d20+1=7 d20+5=22
Monday April 3rd, 2006 12:29:28 AM

"Glad to have you back, Nez."

Mykael heads out with the rest of the group, but slides up next to Rigging and comments quietly, "I would becareful about announcing our intentions, especially in a temple fond of the balance. We already won a major battle, they may warn them."

Mykael keeps alert the whole way back.
(listen=7, spot=22)

DM Jim: Greetings 
Monday April 3rd, 2006 12:49:35 PM

The Wildcards greet the slightly disoriented Nezamil and after barely wraping the bedsheet around himself the group leave the temple of Gargul and the cemeteries and makes the 20 minute walk back tot he Sword.

Many an eye are upon the group during the return trip as Nezamil almost does not have enough covering to, well cover everything. Hal and Kirk clear the road for their friend. "Move aside, can't you see we have to cloth the high priest." Barks Hal on more that one occasions. Kirk also remarks to Nezamil. "That has got to be drafty."


Once at the docks the pair of sailors that were left with the launch row the group back after a hearty welcome to Nezamil and one commented "Gargul could not spring for a pair of pants, times must be tough."

Once on the Sword, the crew greets Nezamil and the seemstress start to measure the huge dwarf for a sailcloth outfit. THe sailor that Rigging put in charge is all smiles. "The ship is your Captian. New to report. A group of twenty or so sea elves came at the request of some Jobe character and they cleaned the botom of the boat. THey even extended a visit to Ashira if she wanted. I have directions. Also a witch popped on the ship and left this scroll for you, before turning into a bird and flyig back to the dock." The happy sailor hands Rigging the scroll.

The scroll is an invitation by the Governors for breakfast and a schedule of training with Captain Marlin for Rigging and Mykeal's new spells immediately after breakfast. Training will take 8 hours at a minimum. The tide is right for you to sail at dusk the following day.

A second scroll is inside the first:

This is a notification to all businesses of a tragic attack on the Temple of Ga'al. Until the perputrators are apprehended one of the Governors will be staying at the Temple for its protection and information gathering. The Governors and all officials of South Harbor take seriously any breach of our laws and will protect all business and the like under our care. Once found, the perpurtrators will be brought to justice.

Monday April 3rd, 2006 1:51:51 PM

The ranger chuckles at Rigging's comment. "Everybody knows...it's not size that matters, it's stamina...and you have no problems in that department."

Ashira listens in to Rigging's briefing, and smiles at the mention of the sea-elves. "I think I would like that." she says with a smile on her lips. The smiles fades as she looks over Rigging's shoulder at the second scroll. "Hmmm...that'll make a second raid on the temple next to impossible. I hate to say it, but maybe it's time we take our leave of this place."

Monday April 3rd, 2006 3:55:42 PM

Appolo walks happily and quietly back with the others.Looking up at Nezamil"Nice to have you back my friend."he knows they all went to the temple and they got Nezamil back,but he can't remember anything that happenned and is pretty sure Gargul is up to something and did something.

Appolo is qietly looking over Riggings shoulder when he reads the scroll"Well boss looks like we need to find new partners.Can't do business in a town witha fully functioning Temple of G'aal.If they're going to protect thos fools.Then we shouldn't have much to do with this town.Definitely can't leave anyone behind.That person would be under constant threat of attack."

Monday April 3rd, 2006 6:35:46 PM

"Appolo has a point Captain. If we attack the temple again the deal will be void. Just dealing with these Governors is risky. Staying in a G'aal temple overnight? Is he asking to be heartseeded? I'm suprised the Governors have made it this long without being converted."

Monday April 3rd, 2006 11:01:40 PM

Rigging marches back to the Sword and is rowed aboard, his face a thundercloud. He motions for the others to join him on deck. He looks at them and starts to pace. "I am not happy. Leaving an artifact as powerful as the Natacolous is perilouos. It will eventually be used against us or the Pirates of the Jack. We have to get it back before we leave.

Cosmo, What do you think? You are the expert on the local area. I understand the governors are playing a political game with the temple. I know they know we are responsible since we told them we were going to do it. We can't leave that item behind. Can you go talk to them and explain the situation? I don't want to embarrass them but I won't leave the artifact behind.

The rest of you I want a plan. The temple defenses should be weakened. We killed a lot of them, but if they are now protected by the town guard, we could have trouble. Appolo, do you feel up to some sneaking? Can you scout the area and get some intelligence? Get a couple of hours rest before you go.

Rigging will pull Tomas aside and grab him by the ear. "No more leaving the ship! I know you meant well but these are dangerous times." Rigging will then ask his friend to cast a lesser restoration on him to see if he gets his strength back. Thomas does so, cures any of the group that might need it including himself and then goes to bed.

Monday April 3rd, 2006 11:02:43 PM

"I am sure he isnt alone. The governors seem very able to take care of themselves, perhaps too much so."

Mykael stops, turns to Cosmo, "Sorry, I am sure you have heard our dealings with your former employers. They and I, have a differing opinion on how some things should be handled. That doesnt mean, I lack respect for them, and I am not sure how you feel about them, but I hope I didnt offend or alienate you. You have more than proven yourself, perhaps more than I have lately."

Looking back on the group, "I dont want to include the governors in our deals, however, we are already there. They will watch over, our dealings here. They just have to deal with politics with the Ga'alans, after all, they didnt interfere with our raid, although, they didnt help much either."

"Nez, I will get your stuff, from your room. I am sorry to say, we were unable to retrieve your armor. Your equipment all shrank to normal size after it was taken off of you. I am hoping, it will re-size when you come back in contact with it again. I am interested in seeing this."

Mykael heads off to get Nezamil's equipment for him, since he cant fit down below.

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 1:00:47 AM

The Monk boards the ship with the others and listens to Captain Rigging

"we still have the other artifact that the high Cleric of Ga'al wanted.....so i think they will chase after you to get it....what do you think of letting them come to you as you search for the island ?" inquires Jagar

" would help me in getting the warehouse operation up and running with less iterference from the governors"

"not to mention all the Ga'alians will be out chasing you guys on the high seas " chuckles the monk" makes it nice and quiet for me here "

Jagr will then get some rest and head down to his bunk

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 1:10:51 AM

The large dwarf gladly sits for seamstress and her work to cloth him

Nezamil laughs at the jokes " pants hehehe yeah i'll settle for my life "

"good to see you all ...as soon as i can properly dressed we'll throw a party " grins Nezamil

"jagar might be onto something.....they should chase us... that is their mission...and we'll get us and the Ga'alian scum out of the Governors hair...we're not here they can't proscute us for the Ga'alians .....once we kill them later nobody will be alive to press charges "

When Mykael presents his equipment for fitting " i hope that works but i fear it won't...this cursed'd Fae King magic will be with me for sometime i think"

Nezamil will then try and see if any of his equipment will adapt to his current form

OOC - Jim what is the situation of spells for Nezamil ? does he have any or will have to start fresh ?

DM JIM: Nezamil has no spells and must rest and pray for more.

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 2:18:43 AM

Maybe there is a way to retrieve the nauticolous without a fight or raid. Lets tate again to the governours
that we have strong suspicouns about being the artefact in the temple. Maybe it is located in the cabinet protected with lead or something. Nezamil you did have a locate object could you use it near the temple and know then if it is in the temple or not?

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 12:32:07 PM

"Rigging I think we need to determine if the artifact is still in the temple. Perhaps Nezamil can use his Locate Object spell to verify that it is still there before we go back. If it is still there we can talk to the Governor's at the breakfast they want us to attend. If they cannot help us, then maybe a stealthy group can go in and try to get it. I think direct fighting will not work this time. Yes they are wounded, but they now have a very powerful spell caster to help them."

"Appolo there must be some people in South Harbor who disagree with you. If the majority of the citizens in South Harbor wanted the Ga'alians out of South Harbor then they would have forced the governors to do that by now. The Governor's have to listen to all of the people in South Harbor. They must have their hands tied to a certain degree. They do not like the Ga'alians either, but wanted them hurt just the same. They did not tell us not to attack the temple. Their guard response to our attack was methodical to give us time to escape. The guard did not attack Rigging's familiar when it could have."

"No offense taken Mykael. My personal opinion of the Ga'al's is the same as yours. They are not beneficial to society. But they are powerful and have powerful allies. Unfortunately for us the governors have to respect that power. The good thing for us is that they (the governors that is) want us to be successful. They want to share in the potential wealth that will come out of the mission we are going on. They need us for that. Perhaps in the future we can use that to our advantage and persuade the governor's to kick the Ga'als out of South Harbor. If we are successful on our journey our political power will rise."

"My opinion is that we will lose more than we will gain by not having the Governor's as a partner on this expedition."

DM Jim: Discussions 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 1:24:19 PM

The Wildcards meet up with the crew and are all happy to be back on ship. Courses of action are discuss and debated. Appolo wants nothing to do with the Governors and Cosmo offers a different opinion. Several Wildcards suggest talking with the Governors before any action is taken against the temple.

Rigging suggests that Appolo scout the temple to see what can be seen, after the rouge gets some much needed rest.

Rigging scolds Tomas good naturedly and the cleric recoils as Rigging grabs at his now missing ear. Tomas understands and comments. "We will go over your orders to make sure we are clear in the future."

Nezamil stands while the seamstress do their work. Both old women complain "The pants alone will be like making three normal sets of cloths, with all this stitching."

The sun sets on the water and the ship get quite, all are asleep but the guard. Hal and Kirk take alternating four hour shifts watching over Nezamil as he sleeps on deck.

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 8:55:35 PM

OOC Jim, need a timeline. How long have we been back to the boat? It was morning not to long ago, and we have seemed to have lost the day? Have we gotten 8 hours?

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:26:20 AM

After checking in on John and Mary and making sure they have some place safe to stay for the night, Ashira retires to her quarters with Rigging. As she snuggles in for the night, she whispers to Rigging's back. "You know, it was nice for those sea-elves to extend an invitation. I wish I could take them up on it. I've been away from the sea for so long..."

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 10:20:58 AM

Glad to be back abaord the ship, Val sneaks away to the cabin that she now shares with Melonie. She knows the captain wants a plan but sometimes she doesn't want to think about death or war. Sometimes, sometimes it almost gets too much for her to handle. Letting out a deep sigh, Val slowly unclasps her elven chain armor and gently pulls her tired limbs free. She neatly folds the armor, laying it with her flail on the same spot it rests every night. On the floor near the bed. She would have to inform Melonie never to go off alone or leave the ship without permission. Val doesn't know what would happen if Melonie has abducted like Thomas was.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:44:12 AM

Rigging wakes after his two hours, kisses his wife on the forehead and heads up on deck. He will watch the crew go about their chores and then climb up to the crows nest and sit communing with Swirl for a while. He sends Swirl off on a mission to scout the temple since it doesn't look like Appolo is ever getting up. He admonishes him to stay high and out of sight.

Swirl speeds through the night and will hover a couple 100' up in the dark evening sky, checking out the activity going on below. He darts about checking out all the walls, trying to note patterns and guard stations. After about an hour, he will zip back to report into Rigging. He will leave sooner if any threatening action is done towards him.

After the 8 hours, Rigging gets climbs down and heads back to his cabin and his spell books. Once he finishes his studies, he will summon the Wildcards and say, "Guess we lost some time in speaking to Gargul. Time to go see what the govenors want. Put on your Sunday best, its time to eat breakfast."

Appolo Hp 59 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+14=21 d20+13=24
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:21:13 PM

Appolo awakes early before dawn.He appears next to Rigging"Good morning Boss.Well I'm ready to go have a look around.If I don't come back don't send anyone after me.I can take care of mtself.Look after Valanthe."With that said Appolo has a boat lowered and slips quietly over the side,He rows the boat himself and heads to the far end of the dock.Docks his boat.Disappears into the shadows,goes invisible and heads swiftly and silently to the Temple.He will do some recon.

Move Silently 24,Hide 21

DM Jim: Problems  d6=5
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:58:34 PM

Appolo heads over to the temple, keeping quite and to the shadows. The moon is partially hidden by clouds, a good night for recon. Appolo has to reset his invisiblity ring every so often as it goes off. Appolo starts to approach the Temple and sees that it is still lit up with many guards visible. Appolo starts to look for details and starts to feel ill, his vision becomes blurry and he can not remember why he came (-5 con and sickened -2 to hit/dam/saves/skills). Appolo falls over on his side and starts to dry heave and then remembers nothing.

Swirl enjoys his one on one time with Rigging and gladly moves off to check on the temple. Swirl returns well before dawn and reports that there are many more guards and they are more walking patrol inside and outside the compound. There are several sets walking the streets around the temple too.


Morning starts to dawn, most of the clouds from the night before have moved off. It looks like it will be a sunny day. Those on deck see the rising sun reflect off armor and weapons as their is a contingent of guards (more than a score)at the end of the pier, 400 yards from the Sword.

The guards a grouped around something on the ground. The distance is too great for any detail.

The guards seem to be talking among themselves, but most are facing the Sword. The group is alert, but no weapons at the ready.

Everyone on the Sword is waking or up already, Appolo never returned from his mission.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 1:51:43 PM

Rigging is concerned with Appolo's lack of reporting in and wonders if something happened to the young thief. He is tempted to send Swirl but that just might cause more difficulties than it solves.

When he sees the guards form up he will get some crew members to lower a boat and have himself rowed over to see what is happening. He suspects its an escort to the govenors but when the skiff is around 100' away, will call out to them asking their business.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:00:47 PM

Having risen early with Rigging, Ashira is busy leading a quick weapons drill with John and Mary when the guards arrive. "What now?" she mutters as she watches Rigging head over.

Jagar  d20+6=16
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:42:53 PM

The Monk sleeps well and gets up at dawn , after a quick breakfast he arrives on deck and watches as Rigging goes to meet the horde by the dock

Jagar will walk the perimeter of the deck and observe(spot ch d20+6=16)the swaords surroundings

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:53:13 PM

Mykael wakes, washes up, and shaves. He puts on clean attire and checks his gear. Then he heads topside to see what is going on.

"Morning Jagar, Ashira. Whats... uh... that cant be good," Mykael comments.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:58:57 PM

The overgrown dwarf wakes up on the hardwood deck of the Sword "gonna hafta do something about my sleeping arrangements " grumbles Nezamil

Standing up Nezamil will peer towards the docks after Captain Rigging " those look to be the Governors men....thing should be fine....but what are they standing around ? ...can anyone see" as the 13'5" dwarf uses his height to try and obseve the commotion on the docks

Quickly adjusting his sailcloth atire to fit more comfortable the Cleric of Domi takes a seat and prepares to meditate to Domi but awaits the Captains orders

"Hal ...Kirk ....you have done well being so watchful over me and i much appreciate it very much"

" We have recovered many items of value of which i will include you in my share "

"Hal i would like you to accept these gifts from me to use in protect not only myself but all aboard the Sword as we journey forth "

Nezamil hands the older brother his shield(+2) and heavy mace (+1)" these have been blessed by Domi....there will be a few other items as we sort thru them but you'll have them before we leave "

"Kirk you will also receive items to help on our journey....they will come from the various items we recovered and what i will purchase at the catacombs...i will let you know very soon also "

"i'm grateful that you are both with me on this journey ....you have both shown courage that Domi would be proud of "

Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:28:11 PM

Cosmo studies for his spells and joins the rest of the group on deck.

Thursday April 6th, 2006 1:15:09 PM

Appolo lays unconciuos somewhere.Just where is anybodies guess,

DM Jim: Finding a Friend 
Thursday April 6th, 2006 1:42:42 PM

Nezamil stretches to his full height to get a better look at the dock, but it is just too far. The other Wildcards and crew gather on deck, curious what is happening.

Nezamil hands out some magic items to Hal and Kirk and the both hoot and holler in excitement. Their is much back slapping going on. The rest of the the crew watches the Wildcards in anticipation.

Rigging takes two crewmen and they row their captain over toward the docks. As they approach, Rigging notices Quinn out in the forefront, waiting his arrival, but Rigging instructs the launch to stay out a safe distance before Rigging hails Quinn.


Quinn waves to Captian Rigging "Hi Captain. I have something you lost." The guards open up and lying on the ground is the semiconcious form of Appolo. "Your boy here was very lost and when we found him very sick. Some school boys were attempting to pick him clean. We think we have most of his equipment, but you will have to check with the Governors, as they are holding it now."

Quinn looks down on the ashen faced Appolo and asks Rigging. "Do you have any idea what is wrong with him? We want to quaranteen him to your vessel until we can find out more."

Quinn waves to the rest of the gathering crew on the Sword. "The balance of the guard will take you and your officers to the Governors and we will leave a few behind to question Appolo if he recovers. We are questioning anyone suspicious in the area of the Temple of Ga'al or anything of a suspicious nature, and this is just strange. Only a formality on the Governors orders." Quinn finishes with a warm smile.

Appolo is half dress and has clearly thrown up on himself. Appolo is on what appears to be a large horse blanket. None of the soldiers is standing too close to Appolo and he does look the worse for wear.


OOC: Appolo roll a DC 15 fort save to recover one con. point(and be at -4 con.). point back and a DC 20 fort save to start to come out of the effects of the sicken (full recovery from the sicken will take 4 hours).

Thursday April 6th, 2006 4:26:56 PM

Bart is reliefed that Appolo is back but he is worried what happend with him.
Well the gouvernours are waiting we cant wait anylonger to see how are friend is going is'tnt it Quinn says BArt whit a grin, what can be more important then following the orders of the gouvernors

Thursday April 6th, 2006 7:25:12 PM

Val holds her enchanted bow with an arrow notched against the string. This whole thing leaves an twisting feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why can't people see the church of Ga'al for what they really are? Eventually they come crying for help when Ga'al shows their true face.

Thursday April 6th, 2006 9:50:41 PM

Rigging feels his stomach lurch when he sees Appolo crumpled and sick on the dock. He signals his rowers to move the boat in. He will jump up to the dock and bend over his old comrade, pull him up and helps him into the boat.

He stands and turns to the guard. Takes 20 of you to escort us? I will go get the others. Thanks for returning Appolo. I am not sure what is wrong with him. He looks guard captain and asks, "Which soldiers are coming with us? Get in the boat."

Rigging will return to the Sword and tell Tomas to look after him. "I think he will be alright, but not sure what happened to him. Try and get some answers. Everyone else, we have a breakfast appointment. Lets go."

Thursday April 6th, 2006 11:50:10 PM

The Monk quickly followers Captain Riggings lead " things are sure exciting around us " grins Jagar

Jagar climbs down into the launch and takes a seat for their trip to the dock to join Quinn and the soldiers

Thursday April 6th, 2006 11:54:12 PM

The large dwarf waves off Rigging "i'll stay aboard and mediate .....i need to recover Domi's divine power "

" not to mention the launch won't hold me and the only way i'm gonna get to the docks is swimm
and i ain't up for that " grumbles Nezamil

"send the Governors my regards"

Ashira  d20+12=28
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:06:08 AM

Looking none too thrilled at the prospect of another meeting with the Govenors, Ashira reluctantly agrees to leave with the others. As she travels with Rigging and the guard, Ashira keeps her eyes open (Spot-28) as she mulls over Garguls words about Appolo...wondering if that might have something to do with his current condition.

Friday April 7th, 2006 12:58:51 AM

Cosmo gathers his stuff and gets on the boat with the rest of the group.

He wonders how this meeting will go with the governors.

OOC - Do you need a spell list?

Friday April 7th, 2006 1:04:17 AM

Mykael is waiting ready to help bring Apollo aboard when the launch gets to the ship.

Mykael turns to two crew members, "Will you please clean him up and see that he gets rest. Post a guard at his room to attend to me. I appreciate it."

Then Mykael makes his way to a seat in the launch.

Appolo  d20+8=23 d20+8=17
Friday April 7th, 2006 11:25:34 AM

Once back aboard ship Appolo is able to stand on his own two feet.He shakes his head and wobbles some,then walks downstairs to his cabin and strips down,He is still week but just barely able to move under his own power and not in a very good mood.He orders up some hot water.Doesn't say much to anyone.

DM Jim: The Meeting 
Saturday April 8th, 2006 6:47:08 AM

ooc: I will be traveling next week, so my posting times will vary.


ooc: Appolo will have no hope of recovery if he does not attempt his two fort saves.


Once Rigging has the two crewmen bring the launch next to the dock, eight of Quinn's guardsmen gentl load Appolo in the craft and get in themselves for the journey to the Sword. THe eight guardsmen help to get Appolo on board the Sword, and act relieved to be rid of their charge. THe squad leader addresses Rigging. "Captain, permission to come aboard. We have been requested by order of the Governors to ask to be a visible presence on board the Sword, during your absence. That is during your meeting with the Governors." The squad leader is waiting for an answer.


Tomas immediately takes charge of Appolo and helps him below decks and then sees to his every need.

The Wildcards a surpised by the sudden and strange sickness that has afflicted Appolo, and the crew seems concerned too.

Mary and John start to gear up to come with Ashria and Melonie runs below deck to go get her spear for the journey.

The Wildcards minus Appolo and Nezamil load themselves into the Launch and make the trip to the dock.

Hal and Kirk look relieved that Nezamil is not attending the meeting. Hal comments. "I think you have had enough excitment recently." Kirk adds. "Did you mention swimming, with that anchor of yours. I have a better shot in plate mail." Both brothers laugh heartily.


Quinn shakes all the Wildcards hands as they step on the dock and has a warm smile for each. Quinn even scans the sky, looking for something among the clouds. "We will have to make move to make the meeting on time." and Quinn sets off at a brisk pace. The group is flanked by the remaining guardsmen.

Once at the meeting hall, Quinn opens the door for the WIldcards, but does not enter. "Good luck." The group can see the guards take up positions outside the hall.


THe WIldcards see Paul the Wizard clerk behind the desk that Cosmo occupied not too long ago. Ther are also three humans in their late teens dressed well kept cloths sitting in the room. Upon Riggings entrance, they rise and rush over to him. Each attempts to shake his hand and they talk all at he same time and seem very anxious. "Captian Rigging, a pleasure to meet you, I have soo many great hings about you." The first gasps. THe second stammers "The Sword is a wonderful ship, the fastest around I hear." THe last looks over the WIldcards. "It is true. THere are women in the crew."

Paul stands up and yells at the three youths "Get back to your seats or it will be the stockhade for you. Leave Captain Rigging alone, he has important business to attend too." The three youths retreat back to their stairs.

Paul clears his throat. "You know the drill, Please place your weapons in the bins and you can enter." Paul looks over to Cosmo. "We will be needing our maps back and depending on how the meeting goes, we will be delivering a package to the Sword for you." Paul seems very happy and adds. "Thanks for the promotion Cosmo, you were a great teacher."

As the Wildcards disarm, the door to the meeting hall opens and out steps Captain Marlin and he is in a very good mood. "Great Morning. Any day is great when followers of Ga'al are having breakfast with Gargul. I will see you two after your meeting for some lessons." Captain Marlin indicates Rigging and Mykael before he goes and takes the seat next to the youths.

The door is open and the Governors can be seen drinking coffee. Jobe waves the group inside. All three Governors are in attendance. Ethan speaks to the group. "Refresh yourselves." and the Wizard points to a table of cakes and fruits with urns of what appears to be coffee and tea.

Once the group has satified themselves at the table Jobe begins "We have a situation at he Temple of Ga'al. As you know it was effectivly attacked. It is now severly crippled and under our protection. The real problem is that one of the high priest that was killed grew his head back and is now implicating the Wildcards in the attack. The individual has fallen gravely ill and at our strong recommondation been sent back to Aisuldur to seek healing and to aquire replacements for those killed at the temple. At the same time, we must request that you begin your journey at high tide tomorrow in an effort to appease some Ga'alin interest. The Sword will be official banished from South Harbor for a period of three months. Which will correspond with your travel plans." All of the Governors has a very warm attitude and are all smiling.

Ethan begins "Is there any opportunity to purchase an additional share in our arrangement prior to your departure?"

Saturday April 8th, 2006 9:57:00 AM

Rigging realizes that the guards are a visible deterance to the remaining quad members attacking during his absence and welcomes them aboard. "Tomas, make them welcome while I am away."

To Nezamil, He says, "Look after Appolo and see what is wrong with him. Find out where he got off to last night. I was astonished that he wasn't on the ship this morning and thought that some Ga'alians might have kidnapped him and dragged him to their temple. They probably cursed him!" Obviously some of this is aimed at the guardsmen left behind.

Rigging is surprised at the three strangers who rush towards him. He almost pulls his weapons in response but holds off. Still he checks his possessions as he disarms, making sure that none of his items are missing after the handshaking. He remembers the Govenors asked him to take some of the students aboard and assume that these three are the ones talked about.

Rigging smiles and bows to the Govenor's when they greet him and the rest of the Wildcards. He smiles at the mention of the troubles besetting the temple of Ga'al and says, "Of course we know nothing of the trouble that happened at the temple. I wonder if that Pirate of the Jack ship had anything to do with it? The Pirates of the Jack and the Ga'alians have traditionally be at odds. Since we are no longer part of that organization, we are trying to let bygones be bygones.

Still I do have a problem. Bart was robbed of one of our more important artifacts. It is called the Nautacolous and while it isn't powerful in combat, it does ease the ability to move the ship around. Inquires have led us to believe that the Ga'alian's are responsible for the theft. I was thinking of probing the temple for the item, especially since they are in a weakened state, but since it is now under your protection, this could be awkward.

This artifact will be instrumental in our future endeveor's success. Since we all have a financial stake in its success, I was wondering if you could be helpful in returning it to us. Since we are unwilling to just leave the item to the Ga'alians, I am hoping we can come to an accomidation on this matter? If the artifact is returned to us, I am sure that the topic of an additional share in this project of ours will be favoralby received."

Saturday April 8th, 2006 1:31:37 PM

"I was hoping to see you again, Captain Marlin," Mykael comments as he walks by him in to see the governors.

As soon as the doors close Mykael starts, "Excuse me, but Rigging and I are to be tutored by that cowardly Marlin?"

"When his boat became a tree and his passengers were left to fend for themselves, he passed his resposibilitis on the Wildcards and yourselves. He did nothing to help, and it was his responsibility. Has he been disciplined?"

"I appoligize for interupting, but this topic needs to be dealt with now. Your opinions and how you handle it, means alot to me."

Mykael stands uneasily a step ahead of the group in front of the governors. He is looking each of them in the eyes.

Saturday April 8th, 2006 1:41:25 PM

OOC: PLEASE ignore and delete previous post. I got mixed between two Captians... LOL. Thought it was Captain Green.

IC: Mykael sets his weapons in at box and closes the lid. He nods respectively to Captain Marlin, and offers a hand.

"I am Mykael Arliin, pleasure to meet you."

Mykael smiles, "Excuse me." Then walks into see the governors.

He stands to the side and listens to the exchange between the governors and Rigging.

Saturday April 8th, 2006 11:47:53 PM

Appolo get cleaned up the some rest stil not feeling good he stays in his bunk.

Sunday April 9th, 2006 12:23:49 AM

The Monk places his handaxe and dagger in the bin before entering the room

" good to see your in such a good mood Captain Marlin " greets Jagar as he passes him and moves to towards the breakfast table

Jagar grabs a plate and adds several pieces of fruit and a mug of coffee " delicious "

As the discussion goesa around the room the Monk remarks " i do have a question pertaining to you guarding the Temple of Ga'al .....since we " Jagar sweeps his arm to include his fellow wildcards " now own a warehouse by the docks which as per our agreement i will manage.....do we get the same protection at our warehouse ?"

" i mean i don't know why they would implicate us " grins Jagar " but they should be warned of consquences of any action......we after all would like to keep the peace here in South Harbor "

Sunday April 9th, 2006 10:48:47 AM

Bart is silence while he stands for the gouvernours he has nothing to add at Riggings comments. He is surprised to see that Gouvernors are not very angry at them at atacking the temple, plausible deniabilty?

Sunday April 9th, 2006 5:56:49 PM

Cosmo smiles at Paul when he compliments him.

"You were a good student Paul. You earned it. Yes, I have brought them to the meeting. Could you make sure that they get back to the archives."

Cosmo hands over the maps to Paul. He does not carry any weapons so he ignores the bin.

When Captain Marlin exits the meeting room, Cosmo goes over and says hi to his former teacher.

Cosmo enters the meeting room along with the rest of the Swords. He is happy to see the governors and also happy to see that they are in a good mood. He grabs a plate of food and finds a seat at the table.

He listens to the conversation between Rigging and the governors. He is slightly concerned about the official banishment of the Sword for 3 months and how that might be perceived.

Nezamil  d4=1
Monday April 10th, 2006 12:23:12 AM

The Cleric of Domi sits down next to the mast "Hal...Kirk....make sure i can meditate in peace for an hour or so .....i know to pray to the couragous one"

Nezamil leans back and begins to mediate and pray to Domi for divine power to be infused .

After a couple of hours the giant sized dwarf will send for Appolo " Kirk go wake appolo ...tell him i have something that may help" when or if appolo comes topside the cleric will confer with Tomas about what he has done before he touches appolo on the forehead and prays...releasing some of Domi's divine power (cast restoration lesser,d4=1 for 1 pt of an ability)

with a smile to Tomas " good to have you back "

Monday April 10th, 2006 12:43:17 PM

The ranger sits and listens to the negotiations with a smile on her face. Oh sure, they are interested in us now that we've taken the Ga'alians to task. Well at least that'll give Rigging some more room for negotiation.

DM Jim: Questions & Answers 
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:07:51 AM

ooc: Please go to the catacombs if you wish to purchase supplies before leaving South Harbor.

I missed Appolo's fort saves in his post. Thanks Appolo.


Appolo starts to feel his stomach start to settle, but it will take time.

Sicken effects are lessening and one con point regained.

One fort save at DC 15 per day until all con. points are regained.


Nezamil prays to Domi for his spells, but only recovers his 1st thr 4th level spells and the associated domain spells. The meditation took three times as long and Nezamil realizes that he will not recover the blance of his spells until he gets a new holy symbol.

Domi does not grant Nezamil any favor in recoving the lost con points for Appolo.


Rigging does not notice anything missing as he placed his weapons in the bins for Paul to watch over.

Mykeal has a mental battle in deciding Captian marlin's intentions.

Jobe smiles back at Rigging. "You are correct. We are investigating all potential enemies of the ga'alians. It is a long list and will take a long time. We may never know."

Jobe rubs his chin and whispers to Ethan before answering Rigging about the missing artifact. "An interesting proposal. We will scry for your and see if we can recover it or at least find out where it is. It will take some time as we have not seen the item before. Please describe the item." All three Governors lean forward waiting for the description of the artifact.

Jobe adds "It will take some time to find your artifact, but we should be able to report to you before you sail at dusk tomorrow."

Ethan points to a box by the food table and the top comes off the box. "In the box are the items we recoved from the school boys that they were borrowing from your friend. Please tell us if we have everything?"

ooc: roll a DC 20 int check, but add your ranks of spot to the roll to determine if all of Appolos missing items, magic and otherwise are in the box. The DC is 25 for Cosmo, as he is new to the group.

Jobe adds with a wave of his hand. "We have expelled three students from our school of wizardy for fraud and suspected philfering of items. The three are in the lobby. One is not even a wizard, but fooled our professors for almost a year. We have been having problems with magic items disappearing from our branch of the Catacombs. I do not think they are involved, but they are still being banished from South Harbor for at least a year. I have indentured them to your Captain Rigging, that is if you will take them. They are very resourceful and motivated to leave South Harbor. What say you? Is it the Sword of Redemption or stockade for the youths? I think the three will learn much more from you than from the stockade. They just seem to need a firm hand."

Rigging  d20+4=20
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 8:10:06 AM

Rigging smiles as he looks into the box trying to discern if everything is there of Appolo's
He looks up and says, "We will take your troubled youth if they agree to come. One of you better explain that we are heading to an area where most ships don't return from and the concept of keel-hauling if items are pilfered on my ship.

Intelligence check 20
The artifact we are looking for is a magical sextant and looks like one. I have it on good sources that it might be in the alter of the temple of Ga'al. You might try and look there first.

I don't want to get on a bad footing here but I must inform you that I am very unwilling to leave without the sextant. It is to powerful to leave in the hands of Ga'al. Since for some reason the Ga'alian's don't seem to like us, they will surely use it against us. This will affect you also, since they will most likely try to sink the Sword. If they succeed it won't bode well for our new colony and you potential profits."

Tuesday April 11th, 2006 9:57:13 AM

Val stands in the back with her mouth shut. Political meetings are always difficult for her since its all about what people don't say instead of what they do. That and money. Since the Governors stand to make more money she wouldn't be suprised if the artifact was returned quickly.

Appolo  d20+8=15
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 12:32:58 PM

Appolo spemds the next day basicly asleep.he eats some suop and bread but but mostly sleeps.He is very unpleasent company for the dayAs he recuperates.

Fortitude 15

Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:15:40 PM

nezamil orders the Sword brought to the docks so he can disembark.

"I need to pay my respects to the local shrine to Domi before we leave " remarks Nezamil to the crew " I'll be taking Hal and Kirk with me as protection " as he winks to the bash brothers

Once docked " you can take the Sword back out to his anchor point no need to come and get me ....i'll have other means to get back aboard " grins the Cleric of Domi

Once land is underfoot the trio head out towards Domi's temple in South harbor with the bash brothers flanking the giant sized dwarf.

Upon arriving at Domi's temple Nezamil enters with the brothers in tow and introduces himself to the local high Cleric and regales him with the past several days action agaianist the Temple of Ga'al and their reasons behind it and of Nezamil's death and visit to Gargul's temple

" I need to replace Domi's holy symbol to continue spreading Domi's wisdom to those in need " The giant sized dwarf pulls out a large sack which jingles of coin " this is a donation to our local temple to help it build its voice and influence in Soth harbor "The dwarf hands over the large sack of coins (1000 gp worth)

"These are my close friends " as Nezamil introduces Hal and Kirk to the local high cleric of Domi " they are both of strong mind and body in helping our cause to spread Ddomi's wisdom " praises Nezamil

After recieving Domi's holy symbol from the priest the trio head back to the Sword as they reach the dock the Cleric of Domi casts waterwalk on the trio and they walk back acroos to the Sword on the water " working for Domi has it's perks " chuckles Nezamil to the bash brothers

Bart  d20+4=13
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:33:06 PM

Bart nods when Rigging describes the artefact. He ads its very well made very distinctive from other sextants. I'm not sure if all of Appolos stuf s in the box, it could be.

Rigging i think we could use these youngsters or not?

Cosmo  d20+10=15
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 9:19:07 PM

Cosmo hasn't known Apollo long enough to know if all his stuff is in the box.

He continues to listen to the conversation as he has not been directly asked a question.

Ashira  d20+11=22
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:39:19 AM

Ashira gazes at the stuff in the box, trying to remember what all of Appolo's gear looks like (Int+Spot ranks=22)...which is rather difficult, considering the boy has so much stuff!

As the talks continue, Ashira munches busily on fruit...this was definately not her area of expertise and she wasn't about to join in now. As Jobe mentions the possibility of new recruits, Ashira's face wrinkles with a mischievious grin. Ah...thieves and scoundrels...now that's exactly what we need in our crew. Looking over at Rigging, Ashira nudges him playfully. "Looking for some students are you? Or are you just trying to get a large enough croud of followers to deflect any crossbow bolts that might be headed your way?" Ashira laughs playfully as she stuffs a strawberry in her mouth.

Mykael  d20+9=19
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:49:16 AM

Not really know Apollo for too long, means that Mykael doesnt know for sure if thats all his stuff.

When the bartering is complete, Mykael steps forward. "Governors, I have more training that I would like to accomplish. However, I do not know of a suitable and respected trainer. And since I am going to be away from civilization for a while on this mission, I will not be able to search for one. Would you happen to know of a skilled Weapon Mage? If not, would you be willing to use your contacts to see about the avaliability of one for me?"

Mykael awaits thier comments and eyes them each with interest, attempting to read thier body language.

DM Jim: Meetings End 
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 1:53:51 AM

Jobe seems a bit taken aback by Rigging tone, but quickly get control of himself "We will scry for your artifact and with our recent tour of the Temple of Ga'al, it should be easier. Do you want to visit us or do you want us to send word before the Sword of Redemption sails tomorrow at dusk." Jobe stress the word tomorrow and dusk.

Ethan interjects with more calm "Your ship is being banished for a period of three months and it must sail tomorrow at dusk or by law it will have to be impounded, which we do not want to do, but will to uphold the law and appearances. You have training to attend to and we have scrying to do, both will keep us busy for the next 36 hours."

Samual the oldest of the three wizards and quite until now, speaks up at the mention of a weapon mage. "I know of a very reputable teacher, who is always looking for more coin, since he spends it so fast. I will write you a letter of introduction and deliver it before your ship sails."

The sharp eyed Rigging and Ashira notice that all of Appolo's possessions are in order, but his cloak of resistance is missing. Jobe notices the couples distress at the missing item and comments "What is missing? We will attempt to locate it also?"

Jobe stands "We have another meeting and must leave. Ethan you start scying and we will assist after the meeting at the temple of Alemi about their missing items."

Jobe and Samual disappear with a pop, but Ethan lingers "Take what ever food you want, and do not forget the three youths, they may be hard to dislodge from your back pocket, they are motivated to leave." Ethan disappears with a pop.

At that moment, Captain Marlin comes in and calls out Rigging and Mykael. "We have a date at the star mages Guild. Ready." Captain Marlin holds out his hand for each to grasp.


Appolo attempts to recover and makes some progress.

Nezamil brings the ship to dock and leaves with Hal and Kirk as he seeks out the temple of Domi. The large Dwarf easily finds the temple and the high priest. The priest looks the huge dwarf up and down. "I missed the vow of poverty. What can we do for you?" The priest takes nezamil's proffered tithe and the two spend eight hours fashioning a new holy symbol. Hal and Kirk get board quickly, but do not let Nezamil out of their sight.


ooc: Please go to th e Catacombs if you want to make purchases as you will not be able to once you are out to sea.

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 5:06:56 PM

Val sees Appolo terribly sick and part of her wants to go to him. But she doesn't. Things weren't the same between them. Maybe if they took that chance when they had it and retired... Sighing, Val turned and walked away from the scene. They had some free time and Melonie needed training if she was to survive this lifestyle.

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 8:35:12 PM

"thank you my brother " thanks Nezamil to his fellow cleric of Domi

After leaving the temple of Domi the trio head out and make their way back to the Sword and Nezamil will treat the brothers to a water walking experience back to board the ship

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:14:18 PM

Cosmo tries to find out where Captain Marlin is taking Mykeal and Rigging. If it is to the Star Mages guild then Cosmo will tagalong.

If not then Cosmo will go there by himself. He will teleport there if that is an acceptable method to get there.

OOC - How close are we to the Star Mages Guild?

OOC - George does Cosmo still have the hat of Disguise?

Rigging  d20+16=36 d20+16=23 d20+16=23 d20+16=29 d20+16=18 d20+16=29 d20+16=23 d20+16=25 d20+16=25 d20+16=33
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:49:32 PM

Before the others pop away, Rigging will tell them, "I will be glad to visit if that is convient but I not sure of my schedule over the next few days. If I can't get back, I would appreciate word on your findings. I apologize for my tone, I don't mean to give offense but this matter is dear to my heart and my blood boils at the thought of my old comrades or my shipmates getting hurt because of our negligence in protecting the artifact."

Rigging iwill inform them that Appolo's cloak is missing.

Rigging sees Captain Marlin and says, "Sir if you can indulge me for just a moment. I have some new recruits to talk to." Rigging will grab Ashira's hand and ask, "Dear please come with me for a minute." He will then step out of the hall, beckon to the three recruits and say, "I am sending you back to the Sword with my wife and other comrades. You will be under Ashira's orders. She is going to test you and see what your skills are, how well you fight and then assign you duties.

First though before you go, I need to tell you something. We are heading into danger. This won't be an easy voyage and I expect losses. Still if you have a mind for adventure, this is the place to be."

Rigging will start pacing with his hands behind his back. He will suddenly whirl and say, "I have heard that you three have light fingers. That won't be tolerated on my ship. If anything goes missing, I will assume one of you three did it. I will search your belongings, read your thoughts and if I find guilt....well just ask Ashria about keelhauling."

Rigging then turns and gives his wife a wink and a quick kiss. "Honey I am off to improve my mind. Should be back tomorrow. Keep an eye on things for me."

Rigging then heads back to Captain Marlin and says, "I am ready."

OOC Jim, It has been to long. I don't remember all the spells I chose to learn from the Star Mage guild. I know it was scorching ray, and mass enlarge but not sure of the other 2. Pretty sure we had 5 slots and I took another 2nd and a 1st.

First level Scrolls of...

shocking grasp, 25gp. spell check 36
reduce person, 25gp. 23
tensor's floating disc, 25gp. 23
unseen servant, 25gp. 29
detect secret doors, 25gp. 18
comprehend languages, 25gp. 29
summon monster I, 25gp. 23

second level scrolls of...

continual flame, 200gp. 25
dark vision, 150gp. 25
whispering wind, 150gp. 33

Made all my spellchecks, so I will add them to my spellbook. Assuming it is done during the voyage

Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:00:21 AM

Ashira looks over at the new recruits and sighs. Why do I always get the babysitting duty? she grumbles to herself. Adopting her stern face, Ashira turns to the young men. "Alright lads. Let's go. I've got a lot of work to do and very little time to do it in." Ashira leads the march back to the Sword silently, making sure that the recruits are silent also. Once aboard the ship, Ashira hands each person a brush and a bucket. "Alright lads...first things first. Let's see how you are at scrubbing the decks...then we'll move on to basic self defense...then if you're lucky...and still able to move your arms, Cosmo will help me assess any magical talent that you might possess."

Appolo  d20+8=16
Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:40:52 AM

Appolo stumbles up on deck looking for all the world like along haired ghost three sheets to the wind.He sees Ashira and walks over to her.He is wearing just pants and a shirt.He looks over the three young men"So Ashira howed the meeting go?"

Appolo OOc 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:41:19 AM

Forttitude 16

DM Jim: Separate Ways 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 1:08:46 AM

Rigging informs Samual of Appolo's missing cloak and he responds "We will work on that." Before Samual teleports Rigging informs him of his potential plans to stay longer in the city than suggested. "That would be unfortunate for the Sword." is all that Rigging hear as the Wizard disappears with a "pop".

The meeting starts to break up. Rigging gives instructions to Ashira to babysit the new recruits and she delivers a stern introduction and warning. The tallest of the three human youths, and he is several inches taller that even Ashira comments to his fellow. "Blue hair, is that cool or what." All three laugh and follow Ashira to the Sword.


Captain Marlin graps both Rigging and Mykeal's hands and they teleport to the Star mages Guild for training.

Cosmo wants to go also and know the location of the structure, but not how to get in. The building has not doors or windows as members must teleport in, all that is necessary is the proper coordinates.

Paul looks at Cosmo as he leaves the meeting room. "You will get your package when the Governors get assurances that the Sword of Redemption leaves South Harbor by dusk tomorrow." Paul returns to his bookeeping that Cosmo was all too familiar with.


Rigging and Mykael find themselves standing in a large cloakroom where a few wizards are lounging in large chairs. They nod to Captain Marlin. Their is a roaring fire in one corner of the room. There are three doors.

Captain Marlin shakes his head and looks at Mykeal and Rigging "It is dangerous to push the Governors. They gave a deadline of dusk tomorrow. You push the deadline at your own peril, or at least your ships. They normally take them. I doubt even I or my crew would even be able to stop them from taking the Razors Edge. They also asked me to escort the Sword of Redemption our of South Harbor as we start our banishment at the same time. We only got one month, but we were leaving anyways and not due back for at least a month."

Captain Marlin throws his head back and continues with a smile on his face. "Shall we." and he lead the two younger wizards through the middle door into a vast three story library. "No magic will work in this room and you magic items will be dampened for a period once you leave. We are here to practice take a seat and I will get the necessary books." There are several tables and comfortable chairs. There are at least a half a dozen wizards studying in the huge room.

ooc: List the spells you want to learn. You have 5 spell levels. Roll the spellcraft rolls +3 for Captain Marlins assistance.

Captain Marlin has each of you practice your spells by casting them in the magic dampened library. Captain Marlin is quick to praise and instruct.

In the morning, Captain Marlin Teleports Rigging and Mykeal back to the Sword and then flys back to the Razor's Edge. He yells back "We will race you to the first first light house tonight. A case of wine to the winner."

Tomas approaches Rigging. " Are we leaveing? We do have all of our supplies."


Nezamil finishes his holy symbol creation and takes his leave and water walks with Hal and Kirk back to the Sword. A fitting conclusion to a very spiritual day.

Val thinks of old times with Appolo and her future training of Melonie.

Appolo is feeling better and made his fort save for tomorrow (only -3 con.)


ooc: Mykael & Appolo do you not wish to visit the Catacombs before the Sword Sails??? You are running out of time.

Matt C. 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 10:37:14 AM

Did Cosmo make it to the Star Mages Guild?

Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:04:36 PM

Val stands around, slowly making her way around the sword as she deals with her boredom. She's on edge and filled with a nervous energy that won't let her sit down and relax. So beside looking for enemy ships, Val watches Ashira's new charges and thanks the gods she didn't have to deal with them.

Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:08:28 PM

Bart returns to the Sword and visit the local branch of the catacombs

Thursday April 13th, 2006 8:25:39 PM

After arriving back aboard the Sword the dwarf investigates his sleeping arrangments and visually inspects the entrance to the ships hold to see if he could create a space to sleep in the hold with an viable route to the deck (gotta get supplies in the hold somehow, gotta be a bulkhead door on deck for ease of loading and unloading)if nothing is viable he will have the bash brothers help set up a tent or tarp on deck

(ooc: jim how will our catacombs purchases be dealt with ? will they be delivered ? or can we just assume they arrived somehow ? )

Rigging  d20+19=34 d20+19=23
Thursday April 13th, 2006 9:16:49 PM

Rigging decides to learn waterbreathing and scorching rays as his two spells to equal five levels. Rolled a 34 and a 23 for my check. Need natural 1's to fail with bonus.

When Rigging gets back to the ship, he will pat Tomas on the shoulder and say, "I hope to leave. You have done a good job with the provisions. We are waiting for word from the Govenors.

Rigging will run to the catacombs and make his purchases and then spend some time studying his new spells. He will then pull the Wildcards together as dusk approaches and ask, "I can't make this decision alone. I am your leader but we are still a team and family. Do we leave without the Natacolous?"

Rigging will then head below decks and reappear with a heavy sack. He will call his new crew together and yell out to them. "You have signed up with the best ship to sail the seas. I appreciate your courage and loyalty. We are sailing into danger but also into adventure and a new beginning for this ship. We are hoping to start something that will be around long after we are gone. To start it will be a settlement, then a small town and eventually city to rival both the Plateau City and the Floating City. It will be a place where rights and freedoms will be shared by all. It will be a city to inspire others! Thank you for your trust and courage!"

Rigging will then proceed to hand out 10 gps to each crewmember. When we get back, you will get another 10 as a bonus plus your normal wages. Go ashore, get a good meal, buy yourselves some entertainment,(he gives a lewd wink)get some new clothes or whatever else you want but this ship will be manned and prepared to sail at dusk with a sober and fit crew. You have seen my generosity, you don't want to see my boot. Have a good time."

OOC I didn't sell the hat of disguise with the normal loot. Why don't we consider it party magic that Cosmo is holding.

Thursday April 13th, 2006 9:30:30 PM

Cosmo goes back to the ship with everyone. He waits for his catacombs purchase and for word from the governors.

"Rigging I cannot vote on whether to leave the artifact or not as I was not a group member when it was stolen."

"I will hold on to the Hat of Disguise for now as party magic. If anyone need use of it let me know. Rigging, I also have 1 Passwall scroll left from our last excursion. I will add it to my spellbook so that we will have it available to us whenever we need it.

Friday April 14th, 2006 12:43:08 AM

Rolling her eyes at the youth's comments, Ashira decides to give a few lessons in self restraint. She starts out with having the youth's scrub the deck...for about an hour. Then she gets them started with a brief workout to test their endurance...50 pushups, 100 situps...50 pullups. After this, Ashira moves on to swimming. "A sailor is only as good as he swims...c'mon lads show me what you've got." Watching the boys, Ashira adopts an evil grin that many of the Swords crew will recognize as she considers just how intense the boys first workout will become.

Friday April 14th, 2006 12:48:36 AM

OOC: Mykael needs nothing from the catacombs at this time.

Mykael chooses Slow, Charm Person, and Chill Touch to be tutored in.

"Boss, if the governors cant find the Naticlus, then I dont see much hope in us finding it. If we choose to stay, I suggest you send the ship out and we stay behind, so you dont lose it. However, my vote would be to go," Mykael comments.

Mykael then states, I will be in my cabin all day and prefer not to be disturbed unless its vital.

OOC: Mykael summons his familiar.

Mykael  d20+15=34 d20+15=24 d20+15=29
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:49:42 AM

OOC: forgot to roll... oops (made all 3)

Appolo  d20+8=25
Friday April 14th, 2006 10:58:13 AM

After having been ignored by Ashira,Appolo makes his wy over to Valanthe"hello sunshine.How was the meeting."He is feeling better,but still looks pale.

Appolo OOC 
Friday April 14th, 2006 10:58:48 AM

Fortttude 25

Friday April 14th, 2006 11:49:41 AM

Rigging I dont waant to leave without the Nauticoulus but staying here is also no option let us hope the gouvernours finf it

DM Jim: Good Tidings 
Friday April 14th, 2006 7:03:42 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post: My plane was delayed. Did not get in till 2:30 am. I will try to post on Sunday, pending Easter Celebrations. Everyone have a great Easter Weekend.


Catacomb purchases are delivered on the spot as soon as coin is exchanged.

The Swords hold is very full of supplies, but Nezamil figures he can rig a bid bed down there. It will take him ate least 4 combat rounds to make it back up though. Nezamil feels he still may be shrinking.

The crew of the Wildcards is estatic to be paid after a scant week of work. The crew heads out in groups of 6-10 to have a good time as per Captains orders. Hal and Kirk stay with Nezamil.

Mykael works to summon his familar. It will take a day. I trust the familiar can fly or swim.

Ashira puts the three brash youths through there paces. "Scrubing the deck. That is not a good way to earn money. There are so many better way." The second youth comments. "When do those legs stop on Ms. Bossy?" The last wonders "For 10 gp, it is worht just to be on the boat. Look at all the Lassies." The grin and bear all of Ashira's tasks. Mary and John watch Ashira work with much humor.

Melonie asks Val "Are you coming with the rest of the elves. We are all going out to dinner and some wine later?"


An hour before dusk, an male grey elf "pops" on board the Sword and asks to see Captain Rigging. The elf is dressed in non descript grey robes.

"A gift from the Governor's" As he hands over Appolo's cloak of resistance. "Also, the Nauticuls is not in South Harbor. All the masters could find out is that it is moving in a southerly direction and is over 70 miles away. Also, that someone is attempting to deter scrying. All that is to the south of here is open seas." The Elf finishes and starts to look around. "Ah Cosmo, I have your final wages and sundries all in the backpack. See you tomorrow."

The raises his voice for more to hear. "The Governor's Wish you the best of luck in your venture, but do not return for three month." In a much lower voice the elf adds with a smile. "Good Job." The elf turns into a sprite and flys back to the dock.


A very emotional Jager goes and meets with all the Wildcards and expresses his heartfelt thanks for them making him part of the crew. "I will take care of things in the City in preparation for your return." Jager produces a bottle of the hair of the dog rum that Ashira got him so drunk with a few months back. "A toast to the best crew in the Wold." The Monk takes a long pull and passes the bottle to Ashira.


The 'Razors Edge' is seen pulling up close to the Sword as the sun starts to set. The salt & peppered bearded Captain Marlin yells over. "To the first Lighthouse! My wife is piloting, so you are in real trouble."


Appolo is now at -2 Con.

Saturday April 15th, 2006 12:42:21 PM

The giant sized dwarf works on his sleeping arrangements in the hold to make it comfortable and to organize his stuff for easy living

On deck Nezamil gives Jagar a hugh bear hug " best of luck in working the warehouse....it's gonna be very exciting for ya " laughs the dwarf

Nezamil waves to Captain Marlin as the 'Razor's edge' pulls near "lets show that ragtag bunch who da real sailors are " growls Nezamil to the crew

Taking Hal and Kirk aside " earlier i presented Hal with my mace and shield and now i have something for you Kirk " Nezamil hands the younger brother a broach " this is my broach of shielding its shaped as Domi's hammer ....it protects againist some of them pesky mage magic missiles's ....also i have down in my room some new breastplate armor that should fit ya ...i had it magically enhanced (+1)and lastly i give you my ring ....it is a ring of featherfall "

" now lets begin this new journey to find this island "

Sunday April 16th, 2006 9:29:59 AM

Cosmo accepts the backpack from the elf wizard. He slings it over his shoulder to look at later.

Cosmo goes over to Jager and wishes him good luck getting ready for the Wildcards return.

"Jager, remember the governors want our expedition to be successful. They may be a valuable resource for you if you need it."

When the ship sets sail, Cosmo will examine the contents of the backpack.

Sunday April 16th, 2006 2:12:19 PM

Let's race this ship we need al the speed we can to get Gaalian ship. Who sis thew best navigator among us? I have basic knowledge, Rigging you?

Sunday April 16th, 2006 3:02:11 PM

Ashira sighs at Rigging's question. "I hate to say it Rigging, but I think we need to leave it for now. Besides if the Governor's information is correct, I'll bet that stupid monk has it. And if that's the case, I'm sure we'll see him again."

When Jagar says his goodbye's Ashira's eyes well up with tears. "You come back. Promise me that you'll come back to us!" As the bottle is passed, Ashira takes a long drink but chokes half way. Sputtering and coughing, Ashira manages to choke out "Well that was smoother than I remembered." Red faced, Ashira slaps Jagar on the back.

As Captain Marlin calls out his challenge, Ashira looks over at Rigging. "Well, you gonna win this thing or what? Our reputation is resting on your decision." Winking she goes back over to where the new recruits are. "Alright lads...now you're going to see some real sailing. But don't fall of the deck, because I don't feel like jumping in after you and saving your sorry little butts."

Climbing up into the Sword's rigging, Ashira prepares to help with trimming the sails and anything else that needs to be done.

Sunday April 16th, 2006 4:56:52 PM

Rigging will shake Jagar's hand and say, "Keep an eye out for that Quad. Get us organized on this end and get those settlers and craftsmen ready for the journey." He will then grab the bottle and take a pull from it and hand it on to Bart.

"I have decent navigation skills but will need to brush up if we keep doing this long sea voyage stuff."

As dusk approaches and the Razor's edge pulls up towards them, Rigging will activate the magic of the Sword summoning the sharks. He will then call out to his crew, half jokingly, but half seriously and say, "If they beat us to the warehouse, I will want my bonus back! Heave to those sails."

Appolo  d20+8=19
Monday April 17th, 2006 2:30:17 AM

Appolo says goodbye to Jager"Becareful and watch your back."He shakes his hand and takes a swig from the bottle.

Appolo heads back down below alone,he seems somewhat saddenned.

Forttitude 19

Monday April 17th, 2006 2:55:42 AM

Continues his summoning, absentmindedly forgets Jagars leaving.

DM Jim: The Race  d20+13=14 d20+13=29
Monday April 17th, 2006 12:47:20 PM

The WIldcrds give a tearful goodbye to Jager and everyone promises to meet up again in South Harbor after finding landfall for "Freeport". Cosmo gives Jager some helpful advice about the Governor's. Jager takes the launch back to he dock, watching the Sword the entire time. Once Disembarked, the monk greets the returning sailors and bids them farewell, before moving into the city.

Mykael is concentrating on his summoning.

Appolo is trying to get better, but it seems to be a slow process, but at least it is happening.


As the "Razors Edge" pulls along side the Sword the ships position themselves for the run to he first lighthouse. Rigging is not sure how far the lighthouse is, but Cosmo informs him that is is 20 miles out, most likely a four hour sail, most of which will be in darkness.

The Sword pulls up anchor and starts to move forward. It is good to feel the movement of ship and wave together as opposed to being at anchor. Everyone gets used to the pitch and roll of the deck quickly, but it had been a long time on dry land.

Both warships take off, but the summoning of the sharks give the Sword the earily edge and it get out of the harbor first. The "Razors Edge" is following in the Swords wake. The crew of the Sword are working hard and are excited by the new challenge and all are concentrating on their new tasks. Someone on the "Razors Edge" places everburning torches all around their ship.

Sailor roll 14 (nat. 1)

A huge gust of wind (natural or unnatural?) fouls the rigging of the "Razors Edge" and they start to fall behind. The is much yelling heard onboard the "Razors Edge" and one voice is distinctly female.

OOC: Rigging needs two sailor rolls - roll a d20 and add your sailor profession +10 on the first roll and +7 on the second. Then add them together for each half of the race. The "Razors Edge" got a total of 43.

At the end of the race the "Razors Edge" manuvers to pull along side the Sword.


OOC: The catacombs will be closed to all in this game starting on April 18th at noon. You must be being served, if not you are out of luck.

Monday April 17th, 2006 12:55:32 PM

We must make a deal with captain Marlin to hire their wizard or priest that is summoning those winds

Rigging  d20+16=36 d20+13=25
Monday April 17th, 2006 4:33:35 PM

Rigging feels a puff of air and watching the sails flutter calls for a new course. He is gratified to see the sails fill with a steady air as the Sword leaps ahead. He then catches and rides a wave that pushes the Sword even farther ahead. Rigging looks behind and watches the ship and smiles as he realizes that they won't catch him today.

Sailor rolls 36 (natural 20) and 25 for a total of 66.

Monday April 17th, 2006 4:51:19 PM

Nezamil pitches in using his size and strength to help ease the sailors work "Razor's edge?? ...heh....more like a seacow!! " laughs the dwarf

" we win and a mug of ale with ya dinner " shouts Nezamil to the crew

Monday April 17th, 2006 9:42:56 PM

Cosmo stays away from all the heavy work. His small body and even smaller muscles will not be of help here.

He can, however, cheer with the best of them.

Ashira  d20+7=17
Monday April 17th, 2006 10:55:35 PM

Working as quickly as she can in the rigging, Ashira helps her husband the best she can (Prof. sailor=17). She smiles as the Sword takes the lead, hooting and hollering.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 1:43:37 AM

Mykael is finishing his summoning.

Appolo  d20+8=25
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 12:25:10 PM

Appolo falls back to sleep stil depressed,having been ignored by the others.He is especially upset that Valanthe is ignoring him.

Fortitude 25.

DM Jim: Victory! 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 1:14:16 PM

The Sword get a big jump on the "Razors Edge" once out of the harbor. The "Razors Edge" starts to close the distance, but the sharks gave the Sword too big a lead, even after they left. Just before midnight, with a full moon shining, the light house comes into view.

The "Razors Edge pulls up two minutes later and comes along side. Some heated arguments can be heard as lines are cast over. "Captain Marlin waves and hails the Sword "Excellent race. The winds, or should I say sharks favored you today. I will remember that for next time." He finishes with a sly grin.

Captain Marlin hands over a case of Asuliur red wine. All 12 bottles are 20 years old and of an excellent vintage. Captain Marlin bids the crew goodbye. "Excellent job to you and your crew. Off to organize the downfall of Ga'al. I hope our paths cross again." Captain Marlin shakes many of the crew and officers hands before departing.

The crew of the Sword is excited to have won the race and give a great cheer. The loudest is Pierre, the Swords wine steward. "Excellent quality." is all Pierre says as he inspects the newly won bottles.

THe next day the nine marie recuits go and see Bart for training.


OOC: We will do blocks of a week for posting during the voyage.

Appolo please make your final 2 fort saves.

Please feel free to post as often as you like to represent the next week of travel.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 6:59:37 PM

ooc: sorry for the delay in posting. Besides having less internet time my ISP seems to enjoy shutting down in the mornings when I get home from work.

Val distances herself a bit from the others. She hangs around Melonie to make sure the girl is doing what she needs to be doing in order to stay alive. Val takes the opportunity to reflect back on all thats happened. How the battle they were waging seemed to have no end.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 9:50:08 PM

Rigging spends almost 8 hours a day in Redux's old cabin/labrotory, penning spells into his spell book. Since he doesn't need much sleep, he will spend more time going over charts, and marking the course. He tries to remain quiet most of the time but always is watching the crew to see how they perform their duties. He knows he needs to name a replacement for Niner and is watching to see who naturally steps forward in leadership roles.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:07:55 AM

Watching Rigging go into overdrive in Captain mode, Ashira is reminded of her own duties. She begins a very regular/vigorous workout schedule for the crew. In the morning, she works with the newer crew members, balancing out the workout to make sure that they get into fighting shape, while continuing to build the fundamental of combat. She also makes sure to spend a good deal of training time covering the basics of swimming. Afternoons are spent honing the skills of the more advanced sailors, and evenings are spent on double lessons with John and Mary. Ashira also makes sure that both Mary and Melonie get special training with Bart. After a couple of days, Ashira arranges a meeting with Val...intent on burying a few skeletons.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 8:55:13 AM

Cosmo enjoys the race against his old teacher Captain Marlin.

After reviewing the contents of his backpack, Cosmo informs Rigging that he will have to teleport back to South Harbor for a meeting tonight at the Star Mages Guild.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:17:18 AM

With the way Ashira has been busy as of late, Val is suprised by Ashira's request at a private meeting. Knowing that it will most likely be a bad meeting Val agrees to it anyway.

"Your rather busy which is why I'm rather suprised by this. What did you want to see me about anyway?" Val asks with her arms crossed.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:23:23 AM

Nezamil waves goodbye to the "Razor's edge"

The dwarf will get Hal and Kirk to get a inventory of the armory and put them in charge it " your jobs aboard the Sword will overseeing the armory and keeping it neat and organized so the crew can go about it's business of running the ship "

"When we get into a battle you both will help distribute the arms to the crew before assisting myself... is that understood ?"

While the bash brothers take inventory of the armory the Cleric of Domi will walk about the deck and get to know the crew better ....helping where needed and chatting while doing so.

Appolo  d20+8=16 d20+8=19
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:06:32 PM

Appolo begins to feel much better,but seems to be rather upset about something and spends his time alone in his cabin only coming out to eat.

DM Jim: Sailing, Sailing over the calm seas...... 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:45:37 PM

The crew of the Sword and its officers get the feel of life aboard ship quickly. The cooks use only the fresh fruits and veggies and other perishables and save the food items that are less perishable for later in the journey. Everyone eats well.

Bart and Ashira put the crew through there paces and they even get swimming lessons. One of the old seamstress refuses "I am too old to swim. I will leave my fate to you to keep us a float."

Rigging works on his spell book adding seven spells for the week.

Cosmo telports back to the City for some meetings. He will not be able to do so after the second week as the distance will be too great or just to risky. How far to measure distance to shore, when you can't see the shore.

Hal and Kirk go at their new job with gusto and completely reorganize the armory. THey even run some drills to see how fast they can get weapons and armor to the crew.

Nezamil shrank seven inches over the week and is now under 13 feet.

Mary and John relish their training session with Ashira, both appear to be excellent students.

Appolo broods.

Val and Melonie spend time together. Melonie asks "Should I take up the same weapons as you or stick with the more basic stuff? Melonie seems eager to prove her worth to Val.

Mykael's new friend, a small dragon, flys to he Sword, but is very tired. The two spend the entire week together.


The second week of sailing is similar to the first. The weather is mostly good, with an ocasional rain squall, which is helps the water supply. Land has not been sighted for almost all of last week and is not expected for awhile.

The crew is just getting the routine down for running the ship and training when a cry is heard from the crows next. "Debris ahead!"

It turns out to be some flotsum and jetsum, wreakage of a ship of some sort. There is not enough debris to tell much, but there are two bodies, one burned and the other with no marks. The two sailors would not have been dead more than two days.

The sun is out, but its still sends a chill down everyones spine. Not a good way to die.

OOC: Rigging or whoever is navigating needs a DC 12 sailor check each week to stay on course.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 1:29:17 PM

Bart trains the new recruits, he teach them jow to defend how to attack. By training the crew he trains himself as well. During lessonbreaks he tells them about Domi, how Domi helps him during his fights. He tells them to see Nezamil to learn more about Domi

Rigging  d20+8=17 d20+8=25 d20+12=21
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 6:24:54 PM

Rigging will let Appolo brood for the first week but knocks harshly on his door the first morning of the second week. He will look sternly at the young thief and say, "You have responsibilities to this crew and the Wildcards. Report on deck now Mister! I want you in the rigging to teach the new hands how to handle the ropes and the easiest way to move around without getting killed." Rigging is hopefull that some work will ease Appolo's mind on whatever is bothering him. Most likely it is Val kicking him out of the cabin and he doesn't want to get in the middle of that.

Rigging will again spend time adding the rest of his new spells to his spellbook and navigating via the charts. He will take soundings and try to note the different currents in the area.

He takes Bart under his wing and starts training him in navigation as well. He will start the conversation with, "If we had the Nautocolus still, this would be much much easier. Now you have to learn the hard way!" He will give the fighter a withering look obvioulsy still upset with him for letting someone steal the artifact. (Rigging can be spiteful at times!)

Finally in the evenings he will make sure to have time with Ashira. He will discuss plans for the future, the running of the ship and ask her recommendations for 1st and 2nd mate. "We need people other than the Wildcard. Folks who will stay with the ship while we are ashore."

Swirl is extremely excited to have new flyer to play with! Life has been boring without Talon to play with. When he sees this new dragon he will buzz over to make its aquaintance.

When the bodies are discovered in the wreckage, Rigging will have them pulled aboard. He checks them for heartseeds and other identifying marks. He will also try and see if he can find something to identify the ship that was destroyed.

Rigging then orders the watch doubled and will have Bart take a look around with Wayfinder, not going etheral but just taking advantage of the 10x magnification. He will use it as well and look around. Spot check 21 without pluses for the wayfinder.

Navigation roll for the first two weeks 17 and 25

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 8:46:31 PM

The 12'10" dwarf joins Bart and Ashira for a few days of combat training to help them in tactics fighting large sized creatures.

During his walks about the Sword Nezamil will observe the crew to see for individual talents ....he spots several agile and acrobatic people and asks them to try and entertain the crew a couple times during breaks to help break the monotany of sailing and training .

Watching the arrival of Mykaels new friend " so who is your new friend and does she/he have a name ?" inquires the giant sized dwarf

Mykael  d20+12=24 d20+12=22 d20+12=22 d20+12=31 d20+12=18 d20+12=15 d20+12=20
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:13:45 PM

Mykael introduces the tiny dragon to the crew, "This is Ghem, a new friend of mine. He is a little uneasy right now with so many humanoids around and being out to sea. Just give him time."

Mykael spends most of the next week learning new spells and adding them to his book.

Floating Disk
Ray of Enfeeblement
Animate Rope
Lightning Bolt (wow, almost missed that one)

(got carried away with the rolls, ignore last two, only needed 5)

When he isnt in his cabin hard at work. Mykael will explore the ship, checking her over. Looking for problems or possible improvements.

He will also, keep a sharp eye on the 3 new recruits the governors saddle us with. Checking them out, skills, work ethic, habits, manorisms, and willingness to learn. Is there a leader? Do they act differently apart from one another?

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:35:32 PM

Ghem is a Pseudodragon about 1 foot tall, with a 2 foot tail. If he communicates with you, it will be through telepathy. However, a small greeting is what most receive right off.

Ghem welcomes playing with Swirl for a while each day. It gives him time to stretch his wings. However, after a while he grows tired of it and moves on to watching the activities of all on the ship.

Many times during the week, a quick blur will rush below, through the passage and into Mykael's cabin. And sometimes after that blur, you will see Mykael emerge on deck with Ghem, explaining something new to him.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 12:54:55 AM

Ashira smiles as Val enters. "Yeah...busy as always..you know, never a dull moment..." Ashira shuts the door. "Look Val, I've been doing a lot of thinking about our discussion before. And..." The ranger clears her throat and her smile fades as her face takes on a more serious look. "Well, I admit, to some extent I was too harsh on you. Your actions in the Valley took me by complete and total surprise...and you know that I don't like being surprised. I can't say that I honestly understand your decision, but that's over and done." Ashira turns and runs her fingers through her hair, silent and mildly frustrated. "And well, I wanted to let you know that I'm...I'm." Ashira puffs air out of her cheeks as she tries to screw up her courage. "Well, I'm sorry. You made a mistake. We all do. And I shouldn't have been so hard on you. You are my sister...my blood sister and it will take a lot more than what happened in the Valley to sever those ties. I know it'll probably take more time to heal, but I miss the times we used to have. I miss your friendship..." Ashira pauses to gauge Val's response when she hears the sounds of alarm from above. Sighing, Ashira turns to Val. "Like I said...never a dull moment. I guess we should go check it out."

As Ashira is briefed on the situation, she looks over at Nezamil. "I don't suppose you could prepare a Speak with Dead spell? That might cast some more light on this interesting situation."

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:28:59 AM

My best gues is that they encounterd the Gaalian Monk

Thursday April 20th, 2006 12:04:40 PM

Val sighs and turns her back momentarily. "I am sorry things turned out the way they did. I hoped they wouldn't but deep down I knew they would. I did what I believed to be the right thing to do, as did you when you chose the mother over the father. But whats done is done and there are much more important things going on right now. I...I wish that things were like they were back then. But the cards have changed and we each have to play the cards we were delt. We can hope things will get better." Val sighs and pulls her flail from her hip and heads up to see what the disturbance is.

To Melonie:
Val smiles and giggles a bit. She clasps Melonie on the shoulder and says, "Patience my friend. The weapon chosen by one is not necessarily right for another. When training with Bart try some other weapons. Don't think about the weapon, just feel it. Your instincts will tell you if its right or not. How it feels, the way it moves when you move. Those things and more will tell you if its right for you."

DM Jim: Clear Sailing  d100=75
Thursday April 20th, 2006 12:46:26 PM

Mykael introduces his new friend, Ghem, to the crew and Wildcards as the two of them start to get familiar with each other.

Cosmo is strangly quite and spends most of his time in South Harbor, but does bring word that Jager is working hard and meeting all the contacts that Cosmo and the Governors set up for him.

At Nezamil prompting there is a rousing performace in the rigging by the acrobats. There is also a small play that is put on by some of the crew.

Juno, Gordon and Eli, the three young humans that were banished by the Governors and put into indentured service of Rigging are performing well. The three have some sailing skill as the three have had a varied career in their short lives. The latest being educated as wizards, but only Eli and Gordon have the skill. Apparently, Governor Ethan was not please to find out that Juno had no wizarding skill, but had been in school for nine months.

Val and Ashira air out old conflicts.

Swirl is enjoying his new playmate, but mostly enjoys riding the winds.

Bart and Ashira with some help from the large sized Nezamil, continue to train the new recruits to form a cohesive team, or at least the beginnings of one.

Val encourages Melonie to train with Bart and she is happy to do so.

Rigging & Ashira discuss the first and second mate canidates.


The two dead bodies are brought on board, much to the chagrin of some of the washer women. "We already have decomposing heads stinking up the lower levels, especially the Captains quarters, and now we have two bodies that every nibbler in the sea has taken a bite out of. Should we just scrub the deck with Chum." The two women just walk away from the scene.

There are no identifying marks as even a couple of days in the sea and sun has done its damage.


The third week at sea is not as nice although the winds are still good, but there are rain squalls each day and their is little sun. It is still surprisinly warn, but then again you are still heading south.

Many of the crew, Domi's Faithful, go to Nezamil for guidance and to hear Domi's teachings, during the course of the journey.

OOC: Rigging needs a new navigation roll: DC 12. Lest he start to drift into the shipwreck shoals listed on the map.

At the end of the week Cosmo will definately be out of teleport range.

Please feel free to post as often as you need while we are combat free and sailing.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:14:59 PM

Looking moody, Ashira watches the loading of the bodies and laughs at the seamstress comments. Going downstairs, she fishes out the Quad's heads from the locker, places them in a bag. Half way tempted to nail them to the mast as a reminder to the Ga'alians, Ashira instead settles on throwing them in the sea.

Watching to see what Rigging's orders are, Ashira suddenly gets the urge to return to the sea. Her encounter with Val reminds her that she is now friendless, and an aching slowly throbs in her heart. Sure, she had Rigging and even John and Mary, but she had grown very close to the elven warrior and her rejection cut deeper than Ashira cares to admit.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:16:03 PM

Appolo follows Riggings orders,but he is still taciturn and glum.He spends most of his time up in the rigging or the crows nest.

He's not even interested when they find the bodies,He just decides to go down to the galley and get lunch.Appolo is definitely not a happy sailor.Tomas and the ten original crew members just stay away from him.

On dat Appolo approaches Rigging"You should make Tomas your second in command.He's already down the job and is a fairly good sailor and navigator himself."He then just walks away.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:27:02 PM

"sure i can prepare that spell ....i will pray for it tomorrow morning ...in fact i'll pray for two of them ....just need to have a list of questions ready for me because of the short duration of the spell....i should be able to ask 4 questions per spell so a total of 8 readied questions would be ideal "

" maybe we could even ask those heads ?"

The giant sized Cleric of Domi will start a education class on Domi's teachings and how Domi's work and wisdom has a place in the wold....The classes will take place in the evening after dinner during the quieter times aboard the Sword so many of Domi's faithful and others intrested may listen during their off hours of work.

Nezamil will have the Bash brothers do an informal workshop about the armory and it's different weapons and their uses to the new trainees .

The dwarf will appoach the ships carpenters about building a wine rack for the wines gifted from Captain Marlin " just make sure that the bottles are secured tightly so the ships movement won't send them flying about"


DM JIM: What are your questions for the dead?

Nezamil shrinks 7 more inches.

Rigging  d20+8=20
Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:41:21 PM

Rigging listens to Nezamil and says, "I think we need to ask, 'What ship were they sailing on?
What attacked them? If it was another ship, What was the name of that ship? What nationality was the ship? That's all that I can think of at this point.

Nezamil, can you raise the dead? I bet they would be very grateful and loyal crewmembers if you raised them. This is assuming they weren't evil. Is there a way to tell?"

Navigation check 20

Bart  d20+4=24
Friday April 21st, 2006 4:31:29 AM

Bart is more the happy to train the recruits espescially Melonie. Do you want to try some other weapons? There are a lot of different types of weapons, swords, axes, warhammers, flails and polearms Although i dont like the last ones. Also you have to find your self an fighting style, two handed weapons, shield an weapon, two weapon style. With a shield you have more protection, but fighting with 2 weapons or an 2hander give you more attacks or deals more dammage. You could use an animated shield of course but they cost a lot of gold.
Personally i like to fight with my basterd sword, most of the times i use both hands. But I'm also very skiled to fight with two weapons my sword and a dagger for example. Fighting with an dagger is something you have to learn, it is very handy in crowded places where you dont have the room to swing a sword.

Besides traing his students Bart takes lessons from Rigging to learn more about Navigation. During his lesson Bart tries to plot a course on the map. He even sees an outher route then Rigging. Rigging what do you think about this course? (navigation 24 nat 20)

Friday April 21st, 2006 8:40:55 AM

Rigging smiles indulgently at Bart with a small smirk on his face. He then looks down at the chart and the smile disapates. He pulls out his measuring tools and starts frantically measuring on the charts. Finally with a sigh, he will look back at Bart, pat him lightly on the shoulder and say, "Good catch Bart. That should save us 1/2 a day of sailing."

With a sick look on his face, he will head up to the deck, climb up to the crows nest and plop down next to Appolo. He will wave off any attempts at conversation and just stare at the horizon mumbling "Stupid beginners luck..."

Friday April 21st, 2006 10:39:07 AM

Ashira smiles at Nezamil. "Naw...I don't think we need to question those heads. I think we got all the information we needed when we chopped up the bodies they belonged to. But as to the new bodies. I think we should add "Who did you work for when you were living.""

Mary and John 
Friday April 21st, 2006 11:01:54 AM

Mary relishes her time with both Ashira and Bart. She watches the large warrior, eyes wide with awe. She works very hard trying desperately to impress the warrior, though it seems that he is more taken with Melonie. Though a little sullen after the departure of Jagar, Mary works very hard on her fighting skills, practicing with her shortspear and shield for hours on end. Even during her free time, Mary is found practicing her combat tactics...particularly working on how best to aid the other more skilled warriors by distracting the enemy with her own attacks.

John, on the other hand is much more relaxed. Though diligent in his archery training, John spends his free time hanging around the young elven woman, showing off his prowess with the bow and his newly emerging muscles from all the hard work of the last month. "You know, being on a warship in unexplored territory can be dangerous. But don't worry, ladies...just stay close to me when the fighting starts and I'll protect you." John brags as he shoots a couple of arrows into a nearby target.

Mary watches as Ashira goes about her vigorous training schedule with the crew. Muttering to John as she looks on. "How does she do that...I'm tired and sore after only a few hours of practice. She does it all day long..." John laughs at Mary's comment. "Easy...she's a half-elf...you know how long they live. She's probably a hundred years old and has been using those swords since she was 3."

Appolo  d20+16=29
Friday April 21st, 2006 11:45:43 AM

Appolo is sitting in his make shift bench in the crows nest when Rigging shows up.He nods to him and hands hims abottle of Aisildrian rad according to the label it's from the Emperors private yautl 250 years.Finest avialable"Compliments of the Emperor."

Appolo then stands and looks down at the ship seeing what John is doing he pulls out a da dagger and hurls it at John's target hitting right next to his arrown the dagger goes hilt deep.Nearly splitting the arrow. Appolo then just casaully look around the ship.

Friday April 21st, 2006 11:53:27 AM

The giant sized cleric standing all of 12'3" tall wakes up the next morning and prays to Domi for the ability to speak with the dead.

Callong Captain Rigging and Ashira over and any other wildcards intrested in hearing the interveiw with the dead Nezamil will proceed to cast a spell of speak with dead ...1st asking one od the deceased sailers then the other with the 2nd spell
1.what is the name of your ship that you were sailing on ??
2.who or what attacked you ??
3.who did you work for ?
4.where were you sailing from ?

2nd spell
1.where were you sailing to ?
2.what was the name of the ship that attacked you ?
3.what was the mission of your ship ?
4.what was your Captains name ??

DM Jim: The dead Speak  d100=57 d20+3=7 d20+3=6 d20+3=21
Friday April 21st, 2006 12:09:07 PM

The training of the crew continues under mostly sunny skies. There is only one major rain squall this week and fairly good sailing winds.

Bart and Rigging avoid the shinking shoals, a major landmark on the captains map. They make the course adjustment and head toward the area where ships disappear and where this is suppose to be an island.

OOC: Naviagation roll DC 14

Cosmo sticks to his room.

Rigging goes to see Appolo.

Mary and John relish in their training and John catches the eye of some of the new elven (female) recruits. One even tries to show him up at archery. Lilith's first two shots barely make the target, but her third is very well placed. John goes and instructs Lilith, as Mary wonders if the elf actually did poorly on purpose.

Nezamil cast his speak with dead spells on the two fallen sailors and reads their memories.

The two dead men were sailors on the freighter the "Maggie May" which was hauling spices out of the Taur islands for New Elenna and we were to unload the cargo in South Harbor. The captain of the "Maggie May" was Captain Micky. The "Maggie May" was pursued through the night by the massive pirate ship "Dreadnaught" and finally caught just before dawn as the "Maggie May" erupted in flames. We were soon boarded just after dawn and most of the crew was shanghighed or killed and the ship sunk. No cargo was taken.

Many of Domi's faithful and in awe of Nezamil and ask to hear more of Domi's teachings and blessings. Hal and Kirk are happy with the work and their new boss. The brothers stick close to Nezamil.

At Nezamil's insistance, The carpenter creates the wine rack and a lcoking mechanism, so the the movement of the ship will not cause the bottles to fall.

A sweaty Melonie approaches Val after the latest weapons lesson for some personal training. "I need to practice what Bart and Ashira are teaching me. Can we practice together? I also want to be able to work with you when you fight." Melonie asks hopefully.

The three indentured youths, with more free time on their hand seem to be chatting up all the ladies. Juno approaches Mary. "I just love that red hair and the way that if goes with your short spear. I have a bottle of wine. Do you want to share it later." Juno hold up one the the newly won bottles of wine and has a big grin on his face.


Nezamil shrinks another 7 inches.

All the Wildcards have aged one year. Make the adjustment on your character sheet and send the update when applicable (new level or purchase of magic items). Only Bart has sent me his updated sheets.

Rigging  d20+8=26
Friday April 21st, 2006 10:24:41 PM

Rigging listens to the dead speak with consternation in his heart. He will call out to the Wildcards, "Assemble in my quarters!"

Rigging will lead the way to his cabin and then look at Bart and Ashira, "So how are the tactics coming for the crew? Sounds like we aren't done with the quad yet. Dreadnought is the name of the ship the monk mentioned when he escaped. Sounds like they are attacking shipping to help gather a crew to man the large ship.

We know that they have a high level spell user, the monk and at least another rogue/assassin. I am sure they have been recruiting others as well. What do you think? Do we hunt them? Are we ready? I have faith in you, but this crew is mighty green and it sounds like we will be outgunned.

I want you to come up with a plan to board that ship from a distance. I don't want to risk the Sword in a stand up fight. We need to find the ship and find ways to weaken her before hand. If we lose the Sword, we are done.

I want everyone ready for battle at all times. Have optimum battle spells ready for shipboard combat. I want her masts taken out. I want any other magical means she might have to propel her destroyed.

Bart, I want you to search for her using the Wayfinder. Nezamil, have restoration spells ready to combat the weakness side effects. We need information and we need to be ready to act on that information quickly. Lets get our heads together and come up with some ideas."

Navigation 26 (Rigging careful is making notes on the charts, ship speed, current, wind speed, headings and star sightings so he can make his way back.

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 9:13:54 AM

Val was more or less brooding when Melonie approached. Like Ashira she felt alone on this crowded ship. She truly wished that things were as they were before. But the fact was that they weren't. Something she was reminded of every time she looked in the mirror. If it wasn't for Melonie she would probably have left the Sword.

"I'd be happy to spar with you Melonie. Most days I have nothing to do except look at the water." She says with a smile.

In Rigging's chambers:
"Captain we need to find the ship before they detect us. If we can find them on a moonless night the sword can stay a couple of miles back. Ashira can swim to the Dreadnought undetected but they may plan for that. I can run across the water which is something they shouldn't think of. We can either sabotage the hull or sneak on board while everybody is sleeping. Or if we really want to end it quick we just light in on fire and watch it burn."

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 11:31:54 AM

Cosmo spends his last week within teleport range traveling back and forth to the Star Mages Guild. He spends most of his time in the archives researching new spells.

He does do some shopping while in town to get something for his old teachers. He finds a set of matching rings with green, emerald stones. While shopping Cosmo will use the Hat of Disguise to disguise himself.

After he is out of teleport range and bound to the ship, Cosmo will ask Rigging how he may help out. He will tell Rigging that he has spells and magic that will help scout for the enemy ship.

OOC - updated character sheet will be sent by Sunday night.

Rigging Ilegal post  d20+8=17
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 12:44:46 PM

Rigging spots his newly aquired indentured servants holding up wine that isn't theres. He decides to take action after the meeting.

He will whisper some instructions to Nezamil, Bart, Val and Ashira. He sees the disapproving looks on their faces and quickly explains. "I see a lot of me in these youngsters. This is exactly the punishment I endured when I was caught pilfering on my father's ship. It won't kill him...well I hope not but if I don't nip this behavior in the bud now, we are gonna be in trouble later."

Rigging marches over to Juno with the others backing him up. "Juno, I want to know where you got that bottle of wine. There will be no unauthorized drinking aboard my ship, especially now! We are going into peril and you need to be more concerned with your training and impressing me and the ship's officers than impressing any girls.

Rigging will tell Juno to hold his hands out in front of him. He will lash them together and then attach a long 100' rope to the lashings on the wrists. He will look at Bart and Nezamil and say "Throw him off the stern. He needs a pirate bath." Before he is tossed, he whispers to the young thief, "I wouldn't slip those bonds. It is a long swim back to the shore."

He then looks up and yells to the rigging. "I want full canvas! Get behind the wind. Juno wants a ride!"

After a couple of minutes of close watching to make sure the thief isn't in any real trouble he will order him pulled aboard. When the dripping rat is on the deck, Rigging will address the crew, Fun time is over! We are sailing into danger! We are heading into battle against a larger and better armed boat filled with a crew who will have no pity in their hearts. If they capture this ship, you better pray for death! If they capture you alive, they will torture you until you agree to the heartseed. Then you will be theirs and Ga'als forever. Willing slaves to his evil will. Train hard! Listen to your officers and you just might get out of this alive! You just might be able to be a part of something larger!"

Rigging stomps off the deck and back down to his cabin.

Rope use 17

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 4:40:51 PM

The giant sized dwarf shows his support of Captain Riggings handling of this issue and follows his intructions.

When Juno's hands are being tied " We are all family here ....we don't steal from family !!....respect everyone aboard and they will respect you !@!!....work and train hard and you can rise up in rank.....play the fool and you will be treated as such !!" preaches Nezamil to Juno

When the order is given Nezamil will toss the rogue off the stern of the ship for his punishment.

Nezamil will also ready a waterwalk spell in case of an emergency rescue is needed

Sunday April 23rd, 2006 3:49:44 PM

Bart tries to use the wayfinder, he images the monk and hopes to see the ship where he is on probally the same that was described earlier by the dead
We have to load the catapults with greek fire and lengts of chain to ruin their rigging and masts

Monday April 24th, 2006 3:35:50 AM

Appolo shows up for the meeting and quietly listens to everyone."i don't think it is wise to seek them out.Let them find us.Use the way finder to locate them if you can but we need to train our crew more thoroughly there for we need to stay away from them for the time being.We just need to use the wayfinder to keep track off them while we prepare ourselves also with the Nuaticulus they will be faster and more manuverable then we are,so we need to pick our time and place of battle.Also remeber a ship of that size will most likely have one or more quads of it's outside of what the Ax wielding fool brings.I just don't think we're ready for that yet.""Appolo says his piece then goes quiet.

He the wat ches as the new recruit is punished,with sly smile on his face.He walks over to the railing and looks down at the youngman."Nezamil's right.There is room on this ship for only one fool and that's me!!Remember that!!"

Monday April 24th, 2006 8:50:24 AM

Rigging hears Appolo, and says, "I am sorry my brother but you are wrong. Now that they have the Nautacolous, they will be able to match our speed especially over the long haul. Yes tactically we might be more quick on the tact in close fighting but they will have us more fire power than us.

I still think we will need a raid or two to soften them up. Some quick hit and runs to hurt some key personnel and to destroy some of their firepower. Then we can think of a more heads up fight. If they find us first, we will have lost our advantage."

Monday April 24th, 2006 10:19:02 AM

Ashira eyes the crew as Rigging asks about the fighting condition of the crew. "Well, we took the whole Quad on and wiped them out pretty badly... Do we hunt them?" Ashira sighs. "I don't know what the right answer is. If we attack with this new crew, we will undoubtedly take casualties...and probably very high ones. But if we wait, then that gives the Quad more time to prepare nasty surprises for us and shore up their numbers. I guess it's best to attack now." Chewing her lip, Ashira looks indecisive, not exactly sure whether that is the right decision.

Rather than being disapproving of Rigging's treatment of the lad Juno, Ashira is highly entertained. She joins Appolo on the railing and watches to see how Juno has progressed with his swimming lessons...and where he needs improvement. She hopes that Rigging's preemptive punishment will make an impression on all the crew. The crew of a warship needs to be orderly...and especially with such a green crew. How well they follow orders right now might well determine whether they live or die. Watching the young man struggle, Ashira vows to increase the training schedule of the new recruits...at least put them to good use.

DM Jim: Punishment Served  d20=5 d6=3 d20+3=19 d20+3=6 d6=2 d20+3=16 d6=2 d10=6
Monday April 24th, 2006 1:16:59 PM

Juno is bound and tossed overboard and all that is heard before he smacks the water is "Can we discuss this....."

Juno spends the better part of the first minute under water before he surfaces with as gasp. Nezamil and Ashira actully got a bit nervous about he lads condition.

Juno gets his air and bearing for awhile before being dragged down once again. Juno does pop up and is finally dragged back up the fantail of the Sword. Once Juno is released he falls to his knees completly exhausted and alittle worse for wear (7 subdual damage - swimming and rope burns). Juno looks up at Mary with dripping hair. "Can we postpone our date until tomorrow and you bring the wine, if you want any." Juno then flops over on his back and is just happy to be breathing. A puddle of seawater is forming around the boy.


Bart takes the lone remaining artifact and concentrates on the Ga'alian monk. Bart feels himself leave his body and travel north over great streatches of sea and comes upon the stern of the great warship. Carved in the stern is the nameplate "Dreadnaught" and there are skulls hung around it. The name was painted on using blood red paint. In the dying sunlight, Bart can see that it is at least four times the size of the Sword and he can see the Monk looking southward at he stern. The elven wizard and the lone remaining female rouge are with him. As Bart pushes closer in, he feels resistant magic and his contact is severed (6 con. lost).

Bart if you have engineering or shipbuilding skills roll a DC 20 for interesting tidbits about the Ship.

Bart with a DC 10 sailor check you can tell the relative position of the Dreadnaught to the Sword and its speed at the time of viewing.

Bart does know that the Dreadnaught is heading in the opposite direction of the Sword: North.


Only one day has past.


Bart checks Riggings maps and the stars that are coming out and determines that the Dreadnaught is just under three days away and increasing the distance every minute. THe Dreadnaught also seems to be moving faster than the Sword. Is it the wind in there area or is there a different design to the ship or even magical assistance.......

Bart  d20+4=13
Monday April 24th, 2006 4:04:21 PM

Bart recovers from his dreamstate. I saw the dreadnaught. The monk is on it and the eleven priest and the female rogue as well. The ship is big and somewhere north of us it is heading our oppisite direction. I know their speed and their heading, give me a map. Ond something to drink as well I feel not very well something has interupted my view

Monday April 24th, 2006 10:43:24 PM

Cosmo is a little depressed as the ship moves out of safe teleport range back to South Harbor. He was enjoying his time in the Star Mages Guild archives learning new spells.

Cosmo will use one of his newly researched spells to help with the scouting of the area surrounding the ship. If he sees anything interesting he will report back to Rigging.

OOC - Spell is Overland Flight. Let's me cover 64 miles a day without any ill effects.

Monday April 24th, 2006 11:35:13 PM

Nezamil leans over the prone Juno " well ya got spirit i'll give ya that but you sadly mistaken about a date " laughs the giant sized dwarf " your gonna be working till ya drop and then we'll work ya somemore " grins Nezamil

Shortly after Barts use of the wayfinder the Cleric of Domi visits him and see's his weakened state " let me help ya out my good friend ...next time let me know ya gonna use that thing "

Touching his new anvil hily symbol Nezamil mutters afew words of prayer and imparts Domi's divine power into the stout warrior (casting restoration...Barts back to full constitution)

During the course of the day Nezamil will try and leran as much about seamanship as he can"might as well learn how to sail this beautiful ship while i'm aboard" chuckles the oversized dwarf

Rigging  d20+8=20
Monday April 24th, 2006 11:36:11 PM

Rigging listens to Bart's report and his shoulders slump. He looks down at the deck for a minute and then squares his shoulders again. "Tomas, please help Bart out with his weakness."

He goes back on deck and calls the crew together. "Crew of the Sword of Redemption. The ship I feared we might have to battle has been sighted going in the other direction. It seems we will be spared battle for now. We will head out towards the unknown and try to find our island. Still I want you to keep sharp, keep drilling and training. There are many other dangers out here besides the Ga'alians. There is a reason that many ships disappear in this area. Listen to your officers and work as a team. Hopefully we will all get rich and die in our beds mourned by many grandchildren...but if we don't, then we will go down with the blood of our enemies on our blades.

Now on to a matter of the 1st mate. Many knew Niner and respected him. The man I am choosing to replace him has very big shoes to fill. I expect you to give him the same respect you give me. Tomas will be the First Mate now and he speaks with my voice. Three cheers to Tomas!"

Rigging will lead the cheers and clap his henchman on the back. Rigging will ask Cosmo to spend most of his time checking behind them and in front of ship. "Remember to calculate the speed of the ship when you are going behind us. Don't want to have to turn back and fish you out of the water."

Navigation roll of 20

Tomas (George) 
Monday April 24th, 2006 11:38:24 PM

Tomas is pleased with the cheering and grateful for the position. He wonders if he can fill Niner's shoes. He moves forward to cure Bart but stops short when he sees the Giant Dwarf Nezamil casting his spell. He is happy to see Bart feeling better.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:02:43 AM

Mykael stands behind Eli and Gordon as Juno receives his punishment.

"He is your friend, you should be trying to keep him out of trouble. Being friends with the wrong people can get you into trouble. You better decide, IF he is truly your friend. And if you choose to stand beside him, your actions may decide his fate one day, depending on how you act between now and then. And his actions could decide yours," Mykael advises.

"If you want a better chance at survival and to prove yourselves, meet me in my cabin after your normal tasks and training is done each day. I heard that you two were budding wizards, that can be very handy. Bring your spell books and weapons.

Mykael spends his time making scrolls.

If the boys show up, they will help him. Mykael will see what spells they know, and access thier ability to prepare for thier training. Ghem will watch all to make sure their fingers dont do any walking.

The whole time will not be devoted to work, stories can be swapped and Mykael will attempt to get to know them. Juno will not be turned away if he comes, however, if any dont try they are booted from the cabin. Some tolerace will be allowed, they are young and wild.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:24:35 AM

Ashira is relieved as Juno is dragged back alive. She chuckles at Nezamil's statement as she moves to stand by the cleric. Clapping his shoulder, she chimes in "Amen, Brother Nezaiml...I'm afraid young Jobe here has a very busy training schedule ahead of him...what with double kitchen duty...and of course a lot more swimming lessons." Pulling in extra close to the boy, Ashira whispers. "If you think this is all fun and games, then maybe we should just throw you over the deck right now. Wake up son...you're on a warship."

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:27:38 AM

OOC: Extra post


"Rigging, mind if I have a go with the Wayfinder? And have you ever used spells in conjuction with it? Such as if I were to cast Detect Magic, before I use the artifact... would I keep the effects while using the Wayfinder?"

"Secondly, I know not where they are going, however, since Barts episode was cut short, they know we or at least someone, is scrying them. Perhaps, they detected it and are lulling us into assuming we are safe. We should keep checking on them from time to time."

Mary and John (Nellie) 
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:37:31 AM

Mary laughs scornfully at Jobe. "Sorry, but I don't date bildge rats. I've got more important ways to spend my time."

John is encouraged and excited by the attention paid by Lilith. He spends as much time as possible working on archery with the young maiden. John approaches Jobe after the Wildcards leave and lays a consoling hand on his shoulder. "Easy there buddy. If you want to impress the lady then I suggest you play it straight..." winking, John continues "The girls dig an honest worker."

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 3:26:59 AM

Mykael if you want to give it a try be free to use it. Maybe you can cast an undetect spel or something like that, dont even know if such a spell exists. But aware it is a strange feeling to use the wayfinder, you have to keep an picture of the place or person you want to see in your mind and you feel that you are be pulled towards it

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 7:37:40 AM

Rigging answers Mykael, "You can use it if you want but if you aren't healty enough, it could kill you. Do you want to take the risk? (OOC What is Mykaels consitution score? This baby can whack hard. If it puts you at 0 you die.)

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:16:47 AM

After Juno is pulled from the sea Appolo just heads back up top.He is depressed agian,He finds his bottle of wine and proceeds to drink as he sits on his make shift bench,Staring out to sea.The crewman that is up there quickly abandons the crows nest.Leaving Appolo alone.

DM Jim: Land Ho!  d100=47
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 1:07:22 PM

Captain Rigging makes the announcement that the new first mate will now be Tomas. The crew gives several loud cheers for their cleric, especially the new crew memebers who never knew Niner. Tomas blushes, as he is overwhelmed by praise, backslapping and handshakes.


Everyone has their comments and work duties for Juno, and he goes about them with good cheer.

Mykeal offers to tutor the three new recruits, Juno, Eli and Gordon and the all accepts. The three youngsters grew up on the street together, and lived by their wits. They have learned some minor trades, seamship, glassblowing, and recently wizardry to get by. The groups light fingers have gotten themselves in trouble recently and previously, and that is why they are now indentured to Captain Rigging. All three seem happy to learn and for the time being watch all of the interesting females on board ship. Gordon comments "Red heads, brunnets, blonds, blue hair and what is with the one elf with all the strange features. Very nice....."

The weather is mostly good over the next eleven days, and it is getting noticably warmer as the Sword heads south.

One of the acrobats was working on some new moves in the rigging, but not so high up as to disturb the brooding Appolo when he belows "Land Ho! Hard to Starbord!" As a sandbar appears out of a fog bank.

Fog banks are starting to appear and the occasional small island. The island are not much more than glorified sand bars, some of which have a palm tree or two. None of the islands are much larger than the Sword.

It is obvious that Navigation will be trickier as the sea is much shallower in this area.


OOC: Rigging needs a seaman check of DC 17 as according to the map there is a slight course correction at the sand islands, only a few days from the target area.

Nezamil shrinks another 11 inches.

Please post spell lists in your posts from now on.

Mykael please list the scrolls you are creating and mark off the experience points from your character sheet.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 9:59:46 PM

Nezamil gives Ashira a wink " don't forget about swabbing the deck "

"Good eye "calls out the dwarf to crewman " keep relaying whatcha ya see to the captain "

"all your fellow acrobats up and help out spotting for sandbars"

The giant sized dwarf helps in sailing the ship assisting the crew so he can learn how to be a true sailer

Spell list
0-level(6)-Create water x2,Light x2,Mending,Read magic
1st(6-1)-Command,Divine favor,Magic weapon,Obscuring mist,Shield of faith,Comprehend lang(Enlarge)
2nd(5-1)-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd(4-1)-Inviso purge,Searing light,Water walk, Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th(3-1)-Divine power,Restoration,Neutralize poison(Spell immunity)
5th(2-1)-Command greater,Clw mass(Spell resistance)

Mykael  d20+12=14
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:24:16 AM

OOC: Mykael con score is 12

OOC: Mykael scribes the following scrolls during the last 11 days.
5-True Strike
1-Feather Fall
1-Comp Lang
1-Lightning Bolt

Mykael attempts to learn Dispel Magic from his scroll, but is unable to comprehend it at this time.

Mykael will keep up his lessons to the 3 boys, instructing them on casting, casting in combat, and sword handling. He will train them as hard as they want, and try and push the limits.

Mykael will tell them stories of his humble beginnings on the streets of Plateau City. Mykael will do his best to lead them along, and straighten them out.

"Yes, the ladies are nice. Best to remember that you catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar. Treat them nice, respect them, and they may do the same for you. Too wild, or disrespectful and you will get no where. This is a small tight group, any lies will get figured out sooner or later. And ladies talk, treat one poorly, and they all will hear about it," Mykael councils.

"One other thing, Ashira and Val are both beautiful and dangerous. Both are spoken for. They can take care of themselves and they have short fuses. I wouldnt push them," Mykael comments. "And if you annoy them, well, lets just say unhappy women, make thier men unhappy. Dont multiply your problems," Mykael laughs.

Spell List:
0) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Message, Mending
1) Shocking Grasp, Magic Missle X2, Ray of Enfeeblement
2) See Invisibility, Cats Grace, Bulls Strength, Web
3) Fireball, Vampiric Touch, Lightning Bolt

Bart  d20+4=15
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 7:13:03 AM

Bart looks on the map and gives a suggestion to Rigging for their new course. Rigging what do you think? I'm not sure if my proposal is correct. I suugest we double the look outs and have someone ready with an depthlead to mesure the depth under the keel

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 7:23:07 AM

Cosmo scouts per Rigging's instructions. As they come to the cluster of sand bars he will explore a few of them for anything of interest.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+8=20
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:17:21 AM

Rigging looks at Bart's plan and says, "Nice try but see these lines here?" Rigging points to a chart. "That indicates that the water is very shallow. I wouldn't want to chance running aground. This way seems safer. Still your other ideas have merit. Why don't you go have Tomas issue the orders."

Rigging will follow Bart up to the deck and take a good look around. Rigging will utilize Swirl in some scout duty. Staying ahead of the ship looking for sandbars or other obstacles. He will also order some of the sails shortened to reduce speed so they don't blunder into anything.

Navigation roll of 20

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:31:16 AM

Appolo spends his time alone.Mostly in the Rigging or down below in his bunk.He decides to let valanthe be.He is is still quite upset for he still loves her deeply,but she seems to have lost interest in him.

When land is sighted.Appolo looks around as the make thier way past the sand bars.He decides to put a couple of men on the bow to do some sounding,checking the depth by droppping a waited line over the side.That is notted every foot so they can tell how deep the water is.

He then finds Rigging getting "Close to the Island you know this area of shallow seas is a perfect place for sea devils to liveMight need to double the watch at night with at least one elfe on watch all night long."

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:35:17 AM

The dark skinned elf slips down below decks when the cheers rise for the new first mate. This is one of those times when she feels more distant. She's not really part of the crew. Sure she helps out when things are rough and knows her way around the Sword, but Wildcards weren't up there everyday keeping the ship running. She wasn't a part of that close knit group that she hears laughing and shouting day after day. The crew looks upon her with a mix of fear and lust. Which is understandable considering the way things are.

DM Jim: Dead Ships & Land 
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:02:22 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post, very busy day. I will be back to posting around noon EST tomorrow.


Cosmo uses his new Overland Flight spell to good use, scouting fore and aft of the Swords path. The freedom of travel is exhilarating. The first day Cosmo discovers several mist shrouded reefs and bars and hastens back to the Sword for minor course corrections (+1 to navigation rolls). Cosmo even discovers an old weathered wreck of a ship on a barely submerged reef. The only thing that is still recognizable is the keel.

Rigging slows the Sword in an attempt to avoid collisions with sand bars and reefs (+1 to navigation rolls). Bart and Appolo suggest depth checks from the prow of the Sword and Tomas assigns crewmen to the task (+1 to navigation rolls).

Tomas asks the brooding Appolo to give up the crows nest as the Sword needs it for observation.

Tensions are raised on the Sword as all available eyes are lowing seaward for sand bars and reefs.

There is all manner of sea life that can be seen is the shallower parts of the ocean, schools of fish and dolphins abound. The water is warm and clear to a depth of 4 maybe 5 fathoms.

On the second day, Cosmo makes his foray fore and aft and late in the day, just before he was expecting to turn back he spies what appears to be a mountain in a huge fog bank. Cosmo presses on for a better look but is still miles away. The mist seems to clear some as he approaches and he sees some of a large island and maybe even a large structure in a raised central plain. The structure must be big as it is above the lush tree line and he is still a great distance away.

On the way back to the Sword, Cosmo spies two more ship wrecks and warns Rigging and Bart of the upcoming dangers he spotted. These shipwrecks are newer and the ships hulls were pierced by sharp rocks and then settled just below the water in the sandy shallows.

One of the crewmen that was just keeping watch in the crows nest, notices a sunken ship off the port quarter and a very dangerous reef and call warning.

The same sailor in the crows nest calls a warning shortly after Cosmo returns "Light in the Fog!" After several eye straining minutes others in the crew (spot 10) notice the strange light in the wide fog bank. The light lasts for 30 minutes and then winks out.

Cosmo estimates that the Sword is a few hours at the current pace from the island and may be able to make it by dusk.


Rigging needs a DC 17 navigation roll (+3 due to the efforts of the Wildcards and crew) to avoid sand bars and reefs.

All Wildcards and followers need a DC 20 spot check to notice something strange in the sea. There is something in the water coming at the Sword head on.........If you make the spot check make a DC 20 knowledge nature roll (Ashira gets +6 bonus) and if you have at least 2 ranks in the sailoring profession you get an additional +1 to your Knowledge nature roll.....the distance is over a quarter mile to the phemomenon......

Nezamil  d20+5=12 d20+5=13
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:44:42 PM

The giant sized dwarf stays near the center mast ....turning quickly at the sailers warning Nezamil peers into the fog bank at the strange light(d20+5=12 spot ch)

"What by Domi is that ?"

"Eveyone stay alert!!"

Nezamil scans the ships surroundings (d20+5=13 spot ch vs something strange)

"tis strange happenings " mutters

"Hal ...Kirk....one of ya go down and git me my crossbow.....the other git ready to open the armory up if needed...best be prepared"

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:51:34 PM

Hal nods to Nezamil " Kirk get his crossbow and some bolts too.....i'll see to the armory and be ready to hand out weapons if needed.

"You got it bro " replies Kirk and he hustles down to Nezamils new quarters and grabs Nezamils crossbow and a couple clips full of bolts and dashes back up quickly handing the weapon and ammo to the Cleric of Domi

" i got ya back " finishes kirk as he flanks Nezamil on one side protectivly and peers out at that side of the ship

Rigging and  d20+11=14 d20+11=23 d20+7=19
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 10:27:45 PM

Rigging is to busy navigating to spot whatever danger might be coming to the ship. spot check 14 but still is able to navigate around the shoals (navigation roll 23)

Ashira  d20+12=19
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:58:18 PM

Eating dinner with Mary, Ashira hears the commotion and scans the oceans quickly (Spot=19). "Wonder what that's all about." she muses as she doesn't catch sight of anything.

Appolo  d20+9=25 d20+3=7
Thursday April 27th, 2006 4:03:40 AM

Appolo is on deck when Cosmos returns and gives his report.When the light ina fog is reprted Appolo heads up to the crows nest to have a look,He sees something very large moving toward the ship,Appolo immediately yells down to the others"Something very large is coming toward us.Don't know what it is.Sound gebral quartes.Gett ready!!!"

Bart  d20+4=5 d20+1=3
Thursday April 27th, 2006 5:59:11 AM

Bart doesn't see anything strange, But after Appollo's yell he looks out with the wayfinder to the area Appolo is pointing at. Yes there is something but what?


Rigging Illegal post  d20+11=28 d20+6=9
Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:35:14 AM

Rigging clued into the danger takes another look. He easily sees the mass moving their way but doesn't know what it is? "Ashira!" Rigging will point to the thing moving towards them. "Your a ranger! What is that thing?"

Judging the way it is coming at them, Rigging also yells, "Battlestations, Crew brace for impact.! Helmsman keep the prow aimed at that thing. I don't want it to hit us amidships!"

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity

Val  d20+4=5
Thursday April 27th, 2006 9:53:02 AM

Val's eyes were locked onto the head of her flail. She watched the way the light reflected off its unmarred surface. Even a light enchantment was impressive and she couldn't wait til she had enough gold saved to truly make it a devistating weapon.

After a few calls for battle stations Val finally realised that something was amiss. Scrambing up from the cabins below Val looked around for something but saw nothing.

"What's going on?"

ooc: spot check nat 1

Melonie  d20+5=6
Thursday April 27th, 2006 9:57:13 AM

Melonie swung her short spear in a quick high arc. She stopped it just past its mark and brought the tip back toward the imaginary foe. Hearing the call for battle stations Melonie ran to her assing area and scanned the sea.

"I see nothing."

Ashira (illegal post)  d20+8=22
Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:17:09 AM

After having the threat pointed out to her, Ashira blushes. "Oh...that. Yeah, I see it now." As she peers out into the growing darkness, Ashira thinks she can just make out whatever it is headed for them (Know. nat.+ bonus=22).

Cosmo  d20+5=19
Thursday April 27th, 2006 12:03:57 PM

Cosmo continues to scout the area using his Overland Flight spell. He reports in to Rigging and Tomas when he spots the small islands and the shipwrecks. He grows concerned when he spots the larger island with the structure on it.

"Rigging we are close to a large island that appears to be inhabited by intelligent creatures. There is a large structure visible from a long distance. We will pass near the island shortly, before nightfall."

Cosmo joins the rest of the crew at the railing to help spot dangers (spot 19). He thinks he spies something in the water, but is not sure.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Lions and Tigers and Seamonster, Oh my!!

DM Jim: It Can't Be?!? 
Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:23:22 PM

Appolo call the alarm from his vantage point in the crows nest. Appolo first noticed a strange wave that was approaching the Sword. The wave and the Sword are closing fast on one another. Then Appolo saw the long and thin creature behind the wave or just under the surface of the water. Appolo knows if he can see it from this distance the creature must be large.


As the wave starts to get closer to the ship and Appolo has shown everyone where to look, others are starting to see its approach at their less than advantageous viewing points.

Bart, with the aid of the Wayfinder also sees the long thin creature when it get closer.

When the creature/wave is only a few hundred yards away, Appolo can tell there are no appendages or fins. It has a flat vertical tail that it is moving side to side for speed. Appolo can also tell that it is more than twice the lenght of the Sword and over 10 feet in diameter.


As the creature passes below the Sword the wave crashes on bow of the Sword, momentarially slowing the ship. The creature bumps the keel of the Sword and the ship rocks slightly. DC 5 reflex save to remain standing.

There are several screams of surprise from the crew at the unnatural rocking of the ship and two people fall to the deck (no damage).


Ashira gets a good look at the creature as it emerges at the stern of the ship and its back breaches and the sea froths as it turns back to chase the Sword.

Rigging sees that he will need all of his skill to navigate amongst the bars and reef in the immediate area.

Ashira know that the oversized creature is a sea snake, one of the most poisonous creature in the Wold. A single bite from a six foot sea snake can easily kill a merperson and this one is well over 200 feet long........

ooc: It will take 2 combat rounds for the snake to return. Please post for 2 combat rounds.


Appolo spies the top of what appears to be a mountian or high hill sticking out of a fog bank, but it is still a ways away........

Mykael  d20+7=22 d20+7=23
Thursday April 27th, 2006 5:15:47 PM

Mykael hears the alarm and is just making the main deck when the snake brushes the keel. He hardly notices the change in the ship, he has his sea legs back(reflex save 22).

"Whats going on?" Mykael yells, as he looks around. Then he notices the sea snake moving away from the aft of the ship(spot=23).

"Anyone able to befriend or charm it?" he queries.

Making his way to the stern of the ship, Mykael sets his feet and prepares a spell, watching the snake as it makes it path.

"Ghem, would you please fly above the snake, to help us keep trac, of it. And STAY OUT OF ITS REACH! It may be able to jump out of the water, so be careful. Just stay low enough for you to see it and for us to see you."

Ghem  d20+7=20 d20+7=8
Thursday April 27th, 2006 5:25:19 PM

The tiny dragon hears the request, and notices the snake(spot=20).

He takes flight from his vantage point with the clear water the snake can be easily seen, however the fog makes things more difficult.

'I dont want to get close to that thing! However, I will fly above the ship and keep watch for sand bars and the snake. Ok, boss?' he projects mentally to Mykael with a grin.

Ghem makes his way 60' above the crows nest and looks down at the sailor keeping watch, 'I will help you keep watch from up here, only you can hear me.'

Spot=8 (nat 1) - LOL

Nezamil  d20+4=12
Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:56:39 PM

Nezamil accepts his crossbow from Kirk " thanks ....stay alert and by my side "

As the ship rocks from the wave the giant sized dwarf steady's himself with a hand on the main mast (d20+4=12 reflex ch)

"Befriend it ? " Nezamil nods at the intresting point " perhaps it's a guardian of this place ?"

"What do you think Captain ?" inquires Nezamil

Nezamil loads his crossbow by snapping a full clip of bolts into place and keeps his place near the mast near the middle of the ship

With a look upward to those in the crowsnest and rigging " keep an eye on keeping the course clear for the Sword ahead " barks out Nezamil

Rigging  4d4(4+2+4+2)+4=16 d20+5=20
Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:02:59 PM

Rigging looks at the huge monster and grins, "I think we know what wrecked those other ships. We need to hit it now. Archers to the rigging! Balista crew get it ready! Cosmo! Summon the sharks! I think we are gonna need some sharkpower! Mykael hit it with distance spells."

Rigging will cast a haste spell on himself, Val, Bart, Ashira, Nezamil, Mykael and Appolo on his first combat round.

He will launch a magic missile spell at it for his second combat round doing 16 points of damage

He then takes over the helm but says to the normal helmsman, "Stay close if I need to cast spells."

Made dex save

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+11=30
Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:33:35 PM

Cosmo rolls with the ship as the wave hits it (reflex 30). He is pretty sure he does not want to attack the creature and make it angry.

He does cast Alter Self spell upon himself, turning himself into a harpy.

"Rigging what do you want to do?"

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 9 hours (not sure if spell is over)
Alter Self: 90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Val AC 19, HP 127 Haste  d20+8=10
Friday April 28th, 2006 10:17:02 AM

Val's steady legs keep her upright when the ship suddenly lurches. She moves over to the railing and looks for the giant snake. She has the urge to jump onto the back of the creature and repeatedly bash it in the head.

"Melonie stay put and remain alert. It might be a good idea to take hold of a line so you won't get thrown overboard."

"Captain I think a frontal assault is in order." Val says with a reckless smile.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Haste +4  d20+14=20
Friday April 28th, 2006 11:12:54 AM

Appolo maintians his balance in the crows nest as the ship rolls.He tells a couple of the crew to take his place and keep an eye on that thing.

Appolo quickly climbs down to the deck and heads over to Rigging"You know that thing could just be out for a swimI say we leave it alone and just try to get out of here."

Reflex 20

Bart  d20+3=9
Friday April 28th, 2006 2:30:10 PM

Bart helps the balista crew with loading the weopon and aiming it at the snake. He orders the rest of the crew to get some poles in case the snake comes in close range

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) - Add'l post  d3+3=5
Friday April 28th, 2006 8:18:51 PM

1st Round action in above post.

2nd Round Action:

Cosmo hears Rigging's request that he activate the summoning seal. He moves over to the seal and summons the sharks.

At the end of the round 5 Huge Fiendish Hammerhead Sharks appear.

OOC - Can I direct them to do anything else than attach to the harnesses and speed up the boat? Such as attack the snake?

HD: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - Raming Speed! 
Saturday April 29th, 2006 7:31:56 AM

Captain Rigging barks orders and runs to the rail and casts a magic missile spell at the colossal snake. Four balls of force strike the water with individual splashes and seem to impact the beast, but it leave no mark and does not seem to slow it down one bit.

Captain Rigging casts haste on several officers and goes back to the helm and takes the wheel of the Sword.

Cosmo watches the action and turns himself into a poor rendition of a Harpy that is able to fly, although not well. Cosmo then lands on the Summoning Seal and calls on the Hammerheads to the Sword.

Bart rallies the crew of the ballista and they get the instrument of war loaded, but he notices that it is not set up to depress for combat at the water level, let alone under the water. The ballista will have to be taken off its mounts and man handled into position, using several strong men.

Ashira is strangely quite as she watches the colossal snake swimming around the Sword.

John bends his bow and fires at the snake, but it does not penetrate the water deep enough to reach the snake. John looks to Mary and Lilith "I had to try."

Appolo suggests letting the snake alone as in, Don't Tread On Me.

Mykael has Ghem go and watch the snake, but the Pseudodragon cannot find the snake anywhere. Mykael suggest charming the giant beast in an effort to befriend it. Nezamil is dumbfounded by Mykael's request and orders Hal and Kirk to action. The massive brothers welcome the action and move to do Nezamil's bidding.

Val considers jumping in on the snake........but thinks better of it for now.

Gordon calls Eli and Juno to the rail for a better view. "Look at the size of that thing!"

The snake makes a new run at the Sword and slams into the port side of the ship (DC 7 dex check to remain standing), and with the beating of its tail pushes the Sword slightly off course and toward a reef. DC 12 seaman ship check to avoid the reef -- no bonus for sounding or Cosmo's overland flight, but +1 for still half speed.

There are screams heard from below decks and crashing noises.

Cosmo spies dorsal fins at the stern as the sharks arrive, each 20 footer looking puny in comparison to the snake. The sharks want to go to the stern of the Sword and push it from their harnesses, but Cosmo feels he may be able to bend them to his will with a concretive effort (Standard action -- DC 20 concentration check to control 1 shark, 25 for 2 sharks, 30 for 3 sharks, and so on -- must roll each round).

The snake swims off a distance and turns around for a run at the starboard side and he will be back in 3 combat rounds.


OOC: Please post for 3 combat rounds.

Cosmo's overland flight spell is over and he has 9.5 hours gone from his mage armor spell.

Rigging  d20+8=22 d20+5=22 d20+11=20 d20+8=18
Sunday April 30th, 2006 9:23:58 PM

Rigging notices the sluggish controls of the Sword and yells to Cosmo. "Get the sharks into the harnesses! This monster is trying to beach and sink us on the reefs. I need them for steering and power. Start summoning allies quickly folks.

Rigging starts scanning the area for shallow water, a place where they can safefly beach the Sword.

"Everyone get ready. If that thing shows itself for a second, I want it peppered with arrows. Get the catapult ready!

Does anyone have any ideas on how to beat this thing off?"

Sailor roll 22
dex check 22
spot roll 20
navigate roll 18

Ashira (Hasted)  d20+12=25 d20+12=18 d20+14=31 d8+3=11
Sunday April 30th, 2006 11:17:56 PM

Stunned into inaction by the sheer size of the snake, Ashira snaps out of her reverie. Stamping her foot, she curses herself for not having prepared any spells to control animals. Staying firmly glued to the deck (Ref.=25), Ashira does the only thing she can think to do right now...pull out her bow and shoot. Firing off an arrow, Ashira feels pretty good about the shot (Spot=18, AC31 for 11).

Spells in place
Haste 6?rds/8rds remaining

Mykael (Haste)  d20+7=9 d100=94 d20+10=30 d6+3=9
Monday May 1st, 2006 12:31:44 AM

Mykael makes his reflex check(9) and moves to port side of the ship in time to get his spell off.

Ray of Enfeeblement (94)(made spell failure)
Ranged Touch attack AC-30 (nat 20)
Snake takes -9 str points.

"Anyone with a slow spell?!?" Mykael hollers as he watches the snake move away.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp59 Haste +4  d20+15=23
Monday May 1st, 2006 5:40:26 AM

Appolo easily remains on his feet and rushes over to one of the catapults and makes it ready.On his way over sees the thr Stooges"Hey Gordon get you and your firends moving.This is what you singed on for.A nice fight to the death,Stop gawking aget ready to fight go below and get yourselves a bow and some arroros spears would be nice as well."

He thenhelps prepare the catapult and readies his own bow.

Bart (haste)  d20+3=21
Monday May 1st, 2006 5:54:03 AM

Bart manages to stand on his feet. He orders the ballista crew to aim and follow the snake and if there is an opportunity to aim at the snake.
Bart gets and polearm and is ready to ram it into the snake when he rams the ship again

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 71 Haste8/8, Sof 90/90  d20+8=24 d20+3=14 2d8(1+8)=9 2d8(1+3)=4 d20+8=26 2d8(8+7)=15 d20+8=15 d20+3=4 2d8(7+6)=13
Monday May 1st, 2006 10:38:16 AM

The giant sized dwarf observes John's shot " we cannot shoot it till it comes to the surface....just be ready when it does " barks out the dwarf

Nezamil touches his new anvil holy symbol while chanting a quick prayer (casting shield of faith)(1 rd)

"Stay with me lads " growls Nezamil to the bash brothers

If the giant sea snake surfaces Nezamil will fire his crossbow at the beast

attacks(2nd rd)
1st-d20+8=24 dam 2d8(1+8)=9
2nd-d20+3=14 dam 2d8(1+3)=4
3rd-d20+8=26 dam 2d8(8+7)=15 (hasted )

3rd rd
1st-d20+8=15 dam 2d8(7+6)=13
2nd-d20+3=4 dam missed

Val AC 19, HP 127 Haste 
Monday May 1st, 2006 11:34:31 AM

Val curses and hooks her flail onto her belt. She pulls her bow out of her enchanted quiver and notches an arrow. As long as the snake was above the water and within a few humdred yards Val could hit it.

Bart  d20+13=22
Monday May 1st, 2006 1:27:26 PM

attack roll polearm

DM Jim: What to Do? 
Monday May 1st, 2006 3:01:08 PM

Rigging maintains control of the Sword and avoids the reef and even spies a sand bar up ahead to beach on it needed. The bar is over a half mile away.

Cosmo summons the sharks and get them into position at the stern of the Sword. There is a noticable increase in speed and the sharks thrash. There are great plumes of water that spray in the back of the Sword as the sharks churn the sea with their tail fins.

Ashira confirms John's futility with the bow as long as the snake stays below the water. Arrows just can not penetrate deep enough to effect the snake.

As the gaint snake retreats to for another pass Mykael hits it with an enfeblement ray. The snake shimmies and shakes initially and then goes about its business.

The two seemstresses come up from below decks and address Bart. "Mr. Bart we have a small lead below deck and a good sized mess from the last rock the Captain hit."


ooc: Appolo can fire the catapult at the snake, but needs a natural 20 to hit. The same is true for Bart and the Ballasta. The snake is just not the type of target the weapons were ment to attack and not under water either.

Other ranged attacks are allowed as the snake makes another run at the Sword and it never breaks the surface of the sea (normal bolts and arrows have no hope).


The increased speed of the Sword will cause the snake to make a course correction as it seems to want to hit the Sword directly amidship

The snake hits the Sword, but not as hard as previously, be it because of Mykael's spell or the incresaed speed.

DC 8 dex check to remain standing.
DC 10 seamen check by Rigging to keep off another reef (+2 on roll for Shark help).


ooc: 5 rounds off of haste after this round.

The snake moves off for at least three rounds to turn around for another pass at the Sword. Post for 3 combat rounds.

Mykael  d20+7=22 d100=32 6d6(2+2+5+5+6+3)=23
Monday May 1st, 2006 8:28:09 PM

(Make reflex check=22)

"OK... Rigging! Normal weapons aint going to get to it. Need another caster! Can someone take shark duties from Cosmo, also?"

"Ashira? Val? Bart?, What you think of waterbreathing and spiderclimb, jump on and ride while hacking? Only have one waterbreathing scroll, and no spider climb prepared, but others may."

"Crows Nest!!! as soon as you spy the snake holler down what side! Captain, I suggest you have the helmsman make a 45 degree turn toward the snake, that should give more of a glancing blow and take some strength from the hit."

Mykael stands amid ship... waiting for the first sighting, then he runs to the side that the snake is coming from and launches a Lightning Bolt at the snake, both intending to do damage and hit the snake before it reachs the ship to try and detour its course or lessen its effectiveness.

(made spell failure=32%)
Lightning Bolt damage=23

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 71 Haste5/8, Sof 87/90  d20+4=15 d20+5=15
Monday May 1st, 2006 10:24:17 PM

The giant dwarf stands by the mast and reaches out to grab it quickly as the sea monster bangs againist the ship again (d20+4=15 reflex ch) and stays upright.

" gosh durnit Captain make the Sword dance and git her away from that sea beast " growls out Nezamil " or we will be taken swimming lessons the hard way "

" brace yourself lads"

The giant dwarf's eyes survey the Swords watery surroundings (d20+5=15 spot ch)and the sea monsters movements (jim can Nezamil determine the sea snakes aprox speed ?can one of us outrun the sea snake if we could walk on water ??)

The giant Cleric of Domi looks up at the crowsnest " you boys see any movement from land ?"

Nezamil looks about the Swords deck at how the crew is responding to this threat "Mykael's cool under pressure " muses Nezamil to himself

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+4=15 d20+6=16 d20+23=37
Monday May 1st, 2006 10:28:17 PM

Cosmo continues to command the Fiendish Huge Sharks from his position on the seal. He decides not to have any of the sharks break free of its harness to attack the snake. He probes the seal and its magic with his brain to gain more knowledge of its abilities and limitations.

"Rigging I could Animal Growth these 5 sharks and make them twice as big. Five 40' sharks might be able to delay the snake long enough for us to get into shallower water, docked or beached."

OOC - Are the harnesses part of the magic of the seal or part of the boat? Do I think I could animal growth the sharks, without breaking the harnesses, to increase their speed, based on my knowledge of magic (int check 16; spellcraft 37 or 39 if conjuration)?

Dex check - 15

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 83/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+10=21
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 6:40:06 AM

Rigging hears the report and orders, "Tomas and Appolo, get below and check the ship for soundness and leaks! Shore up the damage and organize pumping parties if they are needed.

OOC Jim, I need a better feel for what is around me and the ship. How far is land? Is their an island nearby? Is there a ring of coral and bars we are moving through to get to an island?

"Swirl, scout ahead and let me know what you see. I want to know about any rocks, reefs or islands out there. Don't get to far ahead.

Cosmo, enlarge the sharks for now. How long does it last? If the sharks are then to big to all push the ship, then have some of them attack the snake and the others keep pushing.
Can you get anything else into the water to help them? I though you were this get conjurer? How about a water elemental?

Rigging easily misses the rocks and shoals that he knows about and keeps lookouts busy shouting instructions and waterdepths to him.

Nav check 21

Val AC 19, HP 127  d20+13=22 d20+8=24 d8+4=6 d8+4=8
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:38:05 AM

Val stedies herself and waits for the snake to break the surface of the water. When it does she quickly fires off two arrows into the beasts thick hide.

"Jumping onto the snake is not going to work. There is no gaurentee that the spider climb would allow us to stick to the snake. And if we didn't jump high enough it could twist around and eat us. What we need is an enviormental. We need to lure this creature into a reef or something that will trap it or get it to swim away."

ooc: hit ac 22 for 6 and ac 24 for 8

Ashira (Hasted)  d20+12=26 d20+12=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 10:57:16 AM

Ashira looks over at Mykeal as she remains glued to the deck (Ref=26). Agreeing with Val's comments, she adds some of her own. "I'd say that'd pretty well be suicide. Do you realize that just a drop of that thing's venom can kill a man?!! Not to mention that it could probably swallow us alive." Ashira taps her chin thoughtfully. "We need to stop that thing...but how?? We can try and outrun it, but with all these reefs around... I will try to slow it down, but I don't know how useful this will be." Ashira begins weaving a spell and aims it right in front of the charging snake (Spot=15, Entangle., DC13, Duration=5min).

Spells in place
Haste 3rds/8rds remaining

DM Jim: Snake Battle  d20+15=34 d20+15=32 d20+30=39 3d6(4+3+2)+6=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 1:35:12 PM

Captain Rigging is deftly steering the Sword through rings of sand bars and coral reefs. The intermittent mists are not helping anyone's vision as they look for obstacles in the crystal clear seas. The depth is ranging from zero to 30 feet deep and Captain Rigging has been able to guide the Sword though the deeper channels.

One of the lookouts in the Rigging calls down "Master Nezamil, Land Ho! There is a small island of the starboard quarter. I also see part of what appears to be a large island rising out of the fog."

The small island is approximately one mile away and the main island maybe two miles.

Cosmo has the sharks in place and the Sword is really moving. Cosmo also takes a few moments to study the seal and harness set up. From what Cosmo can see, it appears likely that enlarging the sharks will not endanger them or the Sword. The harnesses are mostly just reinforced areas for the sharks to push against. Cosmo also feels that he could extend the summoning next time with no ill effects.

Mykael casts a lighting bolt at the snake and he dives deeper before hitting the Sword. There are no obvious signs of damage to the snake from the bolt.

Rigging call out for damage control teams to inspect the damage below decks. Tomas springs into action, but Appolo stands fast staring at the snake.

Tomas yells up from below "Could be a lot worse. We can fix it will a bit of time. We will not sink, but I need six men, NOW! Lets avoid too many more hits."

Ashira weaves her spell and the kelp and anemones grab hold of the giant snake, but it easily rips through them, leave a trail of floating plant life in its wake.

Nezamil watches the giant snake, gauging its speed and maneuverability. The snake is twice as fast as the Sword without shark power and much more maneuverable.


The snake does not come back for another pass as it is trailing the Sword, clearly interested in the sharks at the stern. The snake is 200 yards behind the Sword for 3 combat rounds, before it rushes forward and bites a shark.

Not a big bite on the shark (15 damage).

DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

ooc: Cosmo please roll the save for your shark.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+15=26
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 3:31:06 PM

Appolo remains on his feet as follows Riggings orders.He tells the crew don't fire until it breaches the surface.

Appolo hears the old woman and Rigging's order.As heads below he sees Gordon Juno standing around"Hey Gordon,Juno come on down to the bilges.He also grabs a couple of other crewmne.Let's get down below and fix some leaksOk Tomas i got some men let's go."Appolo leads the way down below.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:18:34 PM

"Cosmo! Just use the sharks one by one as bait. Its hungry. Feed it. That should by us enough time to get to an island." Mykael comments.

"Ghem! Go scout those two islands please, look for a soft sandy spot for us to beach the ship and report back." Mykael hollers at his friend, "But beware, we dont know if they are inhabited or what creatures are on them."

OOC: Can we move the balista in a way to get a shot at the snake, while it trails the ship chasing sharks?

OOC: Anyone have a map of the ship? with some detail? I dont have one.

Ghem  d20+6=9 d20+7=9 d20+7=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:24:22 PM

'Anything to get away from that THING, it may decide I am desert'

Ghem flys off at full speed toward the two islands, scouting the water along the way. He looks the small one over first, then the larger one. He stays at a distance, and in the air. He looks over the shore and in the water surrounding them, but only on the sides closest to the Sword.

If he finds nothing, then he will search further.

He keeps watch for signs of danger and inhabitants.


OOC: got to love those rolls... lol

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:28:27 PM

Ashira looks over at Nezamil. "This isn't working. If Mykael is wrong, then someone needs to get in there and kill that thing. I'll do it, but I've got to be Enlarged...and of course Neutralize poison would be handy. What do you think?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+11=25 d20+15=30 d20+10=24 2d6(2+5)+3=10
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 12:01:31 AM

OOC - Since the seal acts like SM VI these are not real sharks, but sharks summoned from a different plane, correct?

The Fiendish Huge Shark tries to avoid the snake as it goes by and bites him (10 damage after DR 5/magic). The poison courses through his bloodstream (fort save 25) and the shark's physical abilities all diminish.

Cosmo concentrates on the injured shark and commands him to attack the snake (concentration 30). The shark moves away from the harness and swims towards the snake to attack (when it is in range; hit ac 21; damage 10; adjusted for -7 strength).

Cosmo urges the remaining Fiendish Huge Sharks to swim as fast as they can.

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (55, 65, 65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 80/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+8=20
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:06:36 AM

Rigging is happy with the snake's interest in the shark, though unhappy he lost some propulsion.

He easily navigates through any shoals he sees or has reported to him. (Sail check 20)He then calls out, "I am going to head for the small island first as it is closer. Keep a sharp look out for anything in that direction. We need to find an inlet, or cove. If not that a decent beach where we can beach the Sword. Let me know about surf conditions. Don't want anything to strong or it will be tough to get back out again.

Cosmo, summon anything you can think of to keep that beast distracted. I don't care if they are normal sharks! We need time and distance from that big brute.

Bart, Use the Wayfinder to scan both islands and tell me what you see!"

He hears Ashira's comments to Nezamil and says, "Don't do anything rash dear. Lets find a safe harbor and then we can come up with a coordinated plan using both magic and might to kill this thing off. That nasty thing will just swallow you whole.

Swirl, Join your new friend Ghem and scout those islands. Let me know if you see any monsters or people!"

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:36:28 AM

The giant dwarf shakes his head at the blue haired aquatic elf " i don't think that is the best plan but if we become desperate i'll remember that you volounteered " chuckles Nezamil

Hearing Mykaels remarks about the balista " i think that might be more trouble then its worth ...just to unweilding i would think "

"keep it mounted incase if we need it for another defensive action"

"Hal ...Kirk ...git ready to pass out the crossbows to the fighters if we encounter more trouble "

DM Jim: Snake and Shark Battle  d20+30=46
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 1:03:26 PM

Captain Rigging continues to steer the Sword through rings of sand bars and coral reefs, by making hard turns on the rudder. The sharks added speed is making the turns sharper, but it increases the Sword list in each turn. The new crewmembers are responding well as they all seem to have their sea legs.

Mykael suggests a diet of huge fiendish sharks for the colossal sea snake and Cosmo responds by sending the one the sea snake bit into attack mode. Cosmo feels he could have controlled more of the sharks, but wants to continue to use them for propulsion.

The doomed Shark spins at Cosmo's urging and speeds to the attack, but it misses in its reduced condition as the shark waits to strike again.

Mykael send Ghem forward and Rigging has Swirl join him for a quick scouting trip. Ghem and Swirl report back to their masters that there are several smaller islands that ring the much larger island. The smaller islands are part of an archipelago and some of the islands are just sand and some of the larger one have vegetation or even palms.

Tomas and Appolo get a crew, including the three indentured sailors, to work below decks to fix the damage the snake has already caused. It will take the eight men time to start the manual bilge pumps and to shore up the damaged side.

Ashira suggests a one on one duel with the snake, but her husband counters that it may not be the wisest course of action. Nezamil adds his concern for a bold attack on the giant snake.

Nezamil sends the bash brothers into action and Hal comes topside with five light crossbows and Kirk has a box of 200 bolt. The brothers load their weapons and look for the snake.

Pierre can be seen chugging a bottle of wine and muttering, "Giant snakes, we are all going to die in the belly of the beast."

Bart takes out Wayfinder and scans the island. Bart also notices the smaller island of the archipelago, but also notices what appears to be a gash in the larger island. The opening could lead to a lagoon of sorts. Next to the palm line, by the open waterway into the island is a 40 foot tower that is just above palm height. The tower blends into the palms well as it is constructed from palm wood and fronds (Cosmo did not see this on his overland flight).

The main island is getting larger and clearer, but not as fast as everyone wants.

ooc: There is no real way for the ballasta or catapults to be effectivly used against a fast moving underwater target. Only a lucky shot will hit (natural 20 required).


The snake waits for the shark to launch its attack and it deftly avoids the rush, just barely, and snaps at the sharks back, sinking its teeth in and pumping in more poison.

Ooc: If the shark makes its save it can attack and then die (too much poison), if it fails it just expires and goes back to the evil sea it came from.

DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

The Sword puts some distance between itself and the snake and the snake can be seen moving up the stern again (underwater) in 10 combat rounds (haste is over).

There is a cry from the crowsnest "Here he comes again!"

The snake is again 200 yards off the stern of the Sword.

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 8:49:59 PM

The big dwarf stares back at the onrushing sea serpent "What by Domi can we do to that thing ?" growls Nezamil

"can anyone close its mind...i think he may be controlled?" barks Nezamil

"Better outrun it of make for the shallows to bring it to the surface !"

With a look over his shoulder the giant dwarf nods approvingly at the bash brothers "don't let it bite ya " grins Nezamil

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+11=24 d20+15=33 d20+15=34
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:17:13 PM

The Fiendish Huge Shark dies a horrible poisoned death as the snake bites him again. Fortunately for him it is not a real death (fort save 24).

Cosmo concentrates on another shark and commands him to break free from the ship and move off towards the snake (concentration 33). When the shark gets near, but not to near the snake, Cosmo will have him swim off in a direction away from the ship (concentration 34). He will try to lure the snake away from the ship.

Cosmo urges the quickly diminishing Fiendish Huge Sharks to push the ship as fast as they can.

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65, 65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 77/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:51:54 PM

Shrugging, Ashira watches Cosmo and his sharks battle the sea snake and Rigging stear the Sword. It is an odd sensation knowing that her fate is completely in the hands of others, and she is not entirely sure she likes the feeling.

Mykael  d20+4=24 d20+5=20
Thursday May 4th, 2006 12:20:51 AM

Knowing there is nothing else he can do at this point, Mykael turns and works with the crew in the rigging. Trying to lead by example.

"Lets get this tub gliding. Smooth turns, and keep those sails full," he comments. "Thats it lads, good work!" he praises.

Sailor=24 (nat 20)
Rope Use=20

Bart  d20+13=32 d8+4=9
Thursday May 4th, 2006 3:23:20 AM

Bart reports back what he has seen on the island
and decides to give it another try with a long pike ac 32 for 9 He orders a crew memeber to get a net and try to net the snake.
(jim whay cant i hit the snake with an polearm/longspear reach 10ft just before he impacts with the sword?)

Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:33:16 AM

Appolo quickly gwta to qoek"Ok you guys get on those bilges.Work those pumps.Tomas,Juno help me with thses leaks.Got to keep this thing a float."

Val AC 19, HP 127 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 7:43:11 AM

"Does anybody have a harpoon? Maybe if we can get a long piece of metal through its thick hide we could hit that with a lightning bolt and channel it directly into the snake's body."

Rigging  d20+8=23
Thursday May 4th, 2006 8:33:50 AM

Rigging steers the boat towards the large island wondering and doubting that they will get that far before the snake destroys the Sword.

He then hears Val's suggestion and yells to the crew. Do we have a harpoon? Is it really necessary? Water conducts very well too. A near miss should still do damage.

Navigation 23

DM Jim: The Sword makes headway 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 3:56:41 PM

Cosmo sends one of the huge fiendish sharks off, but not to attack the snake, only to distract it, Cosmo's ploy works and the snake takes off after the shark.

Ooc: I will assume for simplicity that Cosmo maintains control of the running shark for most of the run so we do not have to keep rolling concentration check.

It is well over five minutes before the colossal snake catches the shark and kills it.

Captain Rigging, with the help of Mykael triming the sails, continues to steer the Sword through rings of sand bars and coral reefs. There is no direct path to the main island and Rigging knows he does not ever want to run this gauntlet at night. The Sword passes the ring of small islands and the look out calls out "Clearer waters ahead!"

Ooc: DC 13 seaman check from Rigging to get to the more open water between the ring of small island and the main island. There is less than a mile between the outer ring and the main island. The water is clear and the bottom cannot quite be seen, but Ashira estimates that it is 60 feet deep at the deepest.

Ghem and Swirl notice what appears to be a human in the palm tower sitting cross legged and watching the Sword.

Tomas and Appolo and their repair crew make a rough patch for the leak and are making headway on pumping out the water in the hold. The patch is temporary and needs more attention at a less hectic time.

Ashira want to be more useful, but is not sure how.

Nezamil stands ready, flanked by the bash brothers and three others of Domi's faithful. All are armed with crossbows and are scanning the seas for the snake. Hal says to Kirk "Do you think the snake could choke on the big guy? I bet he can breath water too." Kirk replies with a smile. "That is an option if things get tight."

Pierre is snoring after finishing the bottle of wine.

Bart can barely touch the surface of the water with a spear (check the armory for weapons), so there is no way for him to attack the snake that never comes within 10 feet of the surface.

Val suggests harpooning the giant snake, but cannot remember if there are any harpoons in the armory.

After 12 minutes there is another cry from the crows nest "Snake at the stern! It must still be hungry and back for more shark steaks!"

The snake is trailing 200 yards behind the stern of the Sword, before he suddenly dives deep and out of sight. Spot 20 to follow the snake's movements.

The gash in the island is an inlet into what appears to be a very large lagoon. The Sword is not in position yet to see all the way in. Swirl and Ghem report that there is a large area of deep still water. Maybe a nice spot for a future port?

Ooc: Snake poison - DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

Rigging  d20+8=15 d20+11=29
Thursday May 4th, 2006 6:15:27 PM

Rigging yells to Cosmo, "Cosmo, either break off another shark and have it try to lead the snake away again or have all three attack the snake. Either we get some licks in and hurt it so it goes off to nurse its wounds after killing the sharks or we buy enough time to make landfall.

Bart, use the Wayfinder to take a look at that man in the tower. See if he looks friendly. How he is dressed. Is he armored? Look for some details."

Rigging keeps trying to run the ship effieciently to get it into the position that he wants. Seamanship 15 Rigging heads for the gash hoping for a place to beach the ship.

Rigging keeps an eye out for the snake's return. spot 29

Nezamil  d20+5=14
Thursday May 4th, 2006 6:41:09 PM

"Hehehe ......yeah thats our secret weapon ve that snake....last resort it will choke as it tries to swallow me...so make sure it tries to eat me first " laughs the giant sized dwarf at the bash brothers

Nezamil continues to survey the ships course .....looking for signs of movement on the islands (d20+5=14 spot ch)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=23 d20+5=22
Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:05:28 PM

Two sharks down , 3 more for luring the snake away from the ship. Cosmo has a third shark break free from the ship lure the snake away from the ship (concentration ).

Cosmo keeps the 2 remaining Fiendish Huge Sharks pushing the ship as fast as they can when he sees the snake come closer to the ship (spot 22).

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 27/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+7=25
Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:22:41 PM

Tired of feeling helpless, Ashira joins Mykael in the rigging, lending a helping hand (Prof. sailor=25). "Sooner or later we're going to have to take that thing out or it'll take us out. Nezamil, make sure when that happens that the crew is armed and ready to go!" Ashira calls out as she works on trimming the sails.

Mykael  d20+5=23
Friday May 5th, 2006 1:00:10 AM

When the call comes out of the snakes return Mykael makes his way to the Crows nest.

"Ashira, lets hope we dont have to fight it. Its horribly dangerous, and we may be able to use it to our advantage in guarding the islands," Mykael counters.

"Rigging, may being going deep to ram up at us, or trying to get in front of us. Be ready to steer quick!"

From his new vantage point, Mykael scours the waters for the snake and trys to discern its intentions.


If Mykael can figure out what the snake is going to do he will holler down to Rigging, for evasive action and suggest the best move to avoid it, or at least lessen the damage.

Friday May 5th, 2006 1:23:10 AM

extra post....

"Ashira, dont suppose you know if that snake can survive on land? And if its just as quick?"

"If it can, we are just delaying the fight and saving the ship."

Mykael contemplates with Ashira, as he is watching for the snake.

Ashira  d20+2=4 d20+7=11 d20+12=14
Friday May 5th, 2006 10:49:46 AM

Ashira's eyes widen at Mykael's thoughts. She racks her brains to remember whether or not the thing can move on land (Know. nature=4, Prof. sailor=11, Spot=14). "Ummm....I don't think they do...or at least, I hope not!" As she swings down from the rigging she turns her attention to Mykael's previous thoughts. "Mykael, look at the way that thing is acting. Even if we outrun it, I think it's still going to chase us until it destroys the ship. I'd love to have it be a guardian, but I don't think that's going to be an option. I hope I'm wrong, because I really don't want to fight that thing...but given our luck..." Ashira grunts as she tugs on the downhaul.

Friday May 5th, 2006 11:27:33 AM

Appolo continues to work on the patch and keep the bilges running.After the patch is up and he sees the bilges are operating he turns to Tomas"Ok kepp them working and patch any leeaks tha occur.I have an I dea going topside."He then heads up to the stoare hold.He finds a barrel of tair and another one of oil and rolls them to the center of the cargo hold and right below the open hatch.he secure them with some rope and then tosses the rope upward before climbing out.Looking around he spots Nexamil and the Bash brothers"Hey guys mind helping with thses barrels one has lantern oil the other tar."

Friday May 5th, 2006 11:52:34 AM

Val wraps her arm around a railing and braces herself. "Everybody get ready. It's either going to come up right infront of the ship or perhaps straight through it.

DM Jim: The Lagoon 
Friday May 5th, 2006 1:14:23 PM

Those Wildcards that were able to keep track of the fast moving colossal sea snake watch it move to the sea bottom, pick up speed as it charge parallel to the Sword. The snake then charge directly at the Sword (below the waterline) and rams it yet again.

Ooc: DC 15 Dex check below deck DC 12 if above deck

Tomas (standing or not?) leaves his current patch and check the damage to the other side of the Sword. This damage is worse and the leak more severe, but will not sink the Sword any time soon. Tomas yells from the hold "I need more men down here." Tomas sure wants to check the damage from the outside of the ship, but is in no hurry since it is obvious that the officers have not yet killed the sea snake. Tomas thinks that the dry dock at South Harbor would make short work of the damages, but that is a long ways away. Good thing the ships fund got a new infusion is Tomas's last mental note before he gets caught up in temporarily patching the damage.

Cosmo is able to control on of the huge fiendish sharks and send it to tease the snake. This ploy works again and the monstrous snake takes off after the shark.

Ooc: I will assume for simplicity that Cosmo maintains control of the running shark for most of the run so we do not have to keep rolling concentration check.

It is well over five minutes before the colossal snake catches the shark and kills it.

Captain Rigging, with the help of Mykael and Ashira, continue to steer the Sword. The cut is visible now and it leads to a well-sheltered lagoon. It appears to be deep in most parts. There are sandy beaches all along the lagoon some that are abrupt and some that gently rise.

The beaches on the outskirts of the main island are mostly clear, but are more rocky leading up to them.

Appolo leaves Tomas to manage the repair crew and get the hoist working to bring a barrel of lamp oil and one of pitch on deck. Appolo has some devious plan and attempt to elicit help from Hal and Kirk.

Ashira does recall that sea snake are purely aquatic and if they ever came on land they would be at a serious disadvantage.

Nezamil jokes with the chosen of Domi and it seem to break the tension of the moment. The large dwarf is still flanked by five crossbowmen, lead by Hal and Kirk.

Mykael spots a sunken ship that the Sword easily clears as it enters the lagoon.

The crew of the Sword can see the individual in the palm tower wave at them. The human is bare chested and is wearing shorts of some kind. No weapons are visible. There are no sides to the tower, but it does have a palm frond roof to keep the sun out.


Ten more minutes elapse and the snake has not yet returned.

Ooc: Snake poison - DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

Rigging  d20+8=24 d20+5=19
Friday May 5th, 2006 11:17:52 PM

Riggging easily keeps his feet during the next snake attack but curses aloud thinking of the damage that is being done to the ship.

Rigging looks at the harbor and judges the best place to beach the Sword. He tries to determine at what tide the beach is at, wondering how easy it was going to be to get the ship back off the beach. (occ seamanship roll 24. I would personally think that a gentle beach would be better for beaching the Sword but then again, in real life I am not a seaman)

Rigging will allow the sharks to propel them into the lagoon but have Cosmo call them off after that. He will have some of the sails dropped as well since he doesn't want to ram the ship into the beach but only gently deposit her on the shore.

"Cosmo send those sharks snake hunting. I want them to get a least one mouth full before they are sent back to whereever they came from."

As the Sword nears the Sword, Rigging yells, "Everyone brace for impact!" After they beach, Rigging will order, "Keep alert men! I want the Wildcards to the bow to form a landing party. Ashira, I want the immediate vicinity scouted. See who that man was waving in the tower. Maybe he can tell us about this place."

OOC Jim, can you give us some background on the climate. I am seeing Palm trees. I know this isn't the earth but Rigging should have somekind of idea of the climate of the area. Tropics? Equator etc.


DM JIM: I gave some hints as to the climate on the way and very recently, but you are correct to assume, Tropics around the equator.


Nezamil  d20+4=21
Saturday May 6th, 2006 12:23:55 AM

Nezamil braces himself for the colossal sea snake's attack ....grabbing the mast moments before impact (d20+4=21 reflex ch)

"By Domi we will be eating snake one of these days that i vow " growls Nezamil

Hearing Appolo calling for assistance " sure thing ....lets git that stuff up here and see what our brash friend has in mind "
The giant sized dwarf helps and directs the bash brothers in hauling up Appolo's barrels

After Appolo's stuff is topside Nezamil turns his attention to what Captain Rigging has in mind " beaching the Sword .....well if it saves us from that sea snake then i'm all for it "

"Hal ...Kirk....starting getting the crew armed and ready we don't know what to expect....but that guy in the palm tree doesn't look worried about us maybe he is happy to see us ....after all he might be a survivor from one of da shipwreecks that sea snake busted up "

The giant sized dwarf will help organize and equip the fighters aboard

Nezamil will wave back to the man in the tree

Bart OOC 
Sunday May 7th, 2006 8:32:01 AM

Some notes at ships from the official AD&D DMG rules supplement "of Ships and the Sea"by Keith Francis Strohm TSR # 2170
The draft (the minimum depth of water necessary to float a ship) of a ship is 2 -5 feet. The draft of a Sohar, 3 masts, 20 crew, 100 ton cargo cap 90 ft long, 25 ft beam has a draft of 4 ft.
In the AD&D game accesory port of ravens bluff TSR 9315 the ospey is described a sleek two mmasted sqare rigged vessel, 60 ton cargo cap 110 ft long, 23 ft beam and 6 ft draft

To dammage the ship the snake must come within 2-3 ft of the surface. So with a pike-like weapon (10 ft long) as a longspear you can reach the snake from the lower deck

Bart  d20+3=20
Sunday May 7th, 2006 8:40:02 AM

Bart looks with the wayfinder to the man in the tower. He has pretty good in sight. He searches the rest of the shore line to see if there are other buildings or people.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+4=13 d20+15=18
Sunday May 7th, 2006 9:09:41 PM

Cosmo is able to keep his balance, but just barely (dex check 13).

Cosmo tries to send more sharks out after the snake but is unable to break them from there task (concentration 18).

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 0/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Mykael  d20+7=22
Sunday May 7th, 2006 11:19:13 PM

(Reflex save=22)
Mykael saves from the blow of the snake.

"Ghem, please go to the mouth of the lagoon and hover there. Let us know if the snake enters please!"

"Captain, I suggest leaving all the crew on the ship with ranged weapons. Let us Wildcards handle the landing party," Mykael comments.

Mykael heads to the bow of the ship and sets his feet and hands, braced for impact. And ready to be the fist off the ship.

Ghem  d20+7=12
Sunday May 7th, 2006 11:20:53 PM

Ghem heads to the mouth of the lagoon and flys in circles looking for the sea snake.


Appolo  d20+9=12
Monday May 8th, 2006 5:07:07 AM

After getting the pitch and oil topside with the help of Nezamil and the Bash brothers,Appolo has them move to the After Catapult"If we have to we'll light the lagoon on fire.I don't think that snake will like that much."Appolo makes sure the barrells are lolaoded just in case.The Sanake continues to follow them into the lagoon."He keeps am eye out for it/

Once the Sword is beached he will jion the shore party and scout the area.

Ashira  d20+7=22
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:46:26 AM

Ashira rolls with the ship as she dangles from the mast (Refl.=22). Figuring that this is probably one of the safer places for her to be, Ashira stays in the rigging awaiting the impact. She nods at Rigging's command, ready to make landfall when the time comes.

Island Girl, What you wanting with .........

DM Jim: Landfall 
Monday May 8th, 2006 1:31:24 PM

Captain Rigging makes one pass around the large lagoon looking for a safe place to beach the Sword. Rigging can tell that it is close to high tide at present. A shallow approach is found and Rigging points the Sword at it and with the sharks pushing the ship cuts a deep "V" in the clear sand. The two or so remaining months of supplies in the hold help settle the Sword in the wet sand. With less water to support the Sword, she start to list to starboard about 15 degrees. The bow of the Sword is in dry sand, but the aft is in 3 feet of water. The Sword may be high and dry at low tide.

Gordon yells "Land Ho!" as the Sword settles into the sand.

During this time Appolo and the bash brothers get the pitch and oil next to the aft catapult, but with the list of the Sword it will be difficult to operate and more difficult to aim.

Just after the Sword stabilizes in the sand, Ghem mentally contacts Mykael. "The big swimmer is on its way."

The colossal snake makes a few passes around the huge lagoon, but does not enter the shallows. After a few minutes, Ghem reports that the snake leaves the lagoon.

Tomas is quick to leave the Sword as he want to inspect the damage the snake had wrought on the Sword from the outside. Tomas tells Rigging "This is a few weeks worth of work that needs to be supervised by an experienced shipwright or engineer. Do we have one on board?"

Bart, with his eyepiece, watches the fellow in the palm tower climb down and head into the jungle. The tower is at the mouth of the lagoon, which is approaching a mile away.

Some of the Wildcards suggest that the crew stays on board ship, while the rest goes and form a landing party.

Walking out of the Jungle is a red head female human is very few cloths, but appears to be appropriate for the heat. She drops her water jugs and gasps in surprise, before turning to go back into the jungle. It is apparent that she is pregnant. DC 15 spot check for Mary to notice something interesting about the girl.

DC 20 spot check for all Wildcards, but Cosmo to notice something in the trees, the DC is 15 for Mary and Melonie.

The Sword is on a gentle white sand beach that encompasses most of the lagoon and ranges in depth from 10 to 100 yards to the jungle. Birds can be heard and other calls and chirps form unseen animals and insects. The jungle looks thick and foreboding, but a pregnant woman just went into it......

Monday May 8th, 2006 3:21:24 PM

Bart leaves the sword as well and inspects the dammage himself. He suggest to cut some trees and attach them to the sword so she stands upright. Bart waits on the beach for the others to start with recon mission towards the tower

OOC i'm having a week of vaccation and i'm not sure i have acces to the internet there please take over Bart for a week

Rigging  d20+11=29 d20+7=17
Monday May 8th, 2006 6:58:27 PM

Rigging hears the report of the snake leaving and breaths a sigh of relief. He thinks, "We need to come up with a plan to kill the thing or this island will be a death trap.

Rigging looks around and sees the pregnant girl making her way back into the jungle. He is tempted to chase after her but fears that will only frighten the inhabitants. They want to make friends so sitting tight seems the wise course for now.

He starts bellowing orders, "I want this entire ship inspected for damage. I want the supplies checked to make sure they are still in good shape. I don't want anyone leaving the beach yet. We don't know if the locals are friendly, but we don't want to frighten them. We want to seem peaceful.

The pregnant girl had red hair. Not a typical island color so these might be castaways and surviviors from other ships that the snake sank. They could be an important resourse for us as they already know the island. I want everyone on his good behavior.

Hal and Kirk to me!" He points at the still snoring Pierre and says, "Lets wake him up. Toss him off the stern please. Ashira, when he wakes up, I want him on barnacle duty. Since we are beached, we might as well clean them off."

Rigging then inspects the damage and consults with the ship's carpenter discussing the repairs needed balanced against the tools and supplies on hand. He starts the work moving forward to repair the damage. (Engineer check 17)

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:25:03 PM

The brothers survive the beaching of the Sword with just minor bumps and bruises.

They quickly work together passing out weapons and equipment to both the veteren and new crew trained by bart at Nezamil's direction

At Captain Riggings commands the brothers look over at the Cleric of Domi who nods to them and they quickly grab the drunk wine steward and toss him over the side as ordered "time to wake up " laughs Kirk

They then both return to handing out and organizing a defense of the Sword

OOC: Jim what is the distance between the ship and jungle?? looking for the boys to form a perimiter defensive ring

Nezamil  d20+5=20
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:37:41 PM

Tthe Cleric of Domi nods to the brothers at Captain Riggings orders " easy with him boys " grins Nezamil

The giant sized dwarf surveys the surrounding jungle and catches a glimps of red (d20+5=20 spot ch)" what was that ? "

Springing into action he leaps off the sword onto the sandy beach (ring of featherfall)and inspects the ship "good idea Bart ....planty of wood to build some support structures "

"Captain maybe we could send out some trackers to check out any nearby trails ?? maybe Swirl and Ghem too?? "

" can Ghem handle that Mykael?? "

Mykael  d20+5=13 d20+8=10
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:39:53 PM

"Thanks for the help, my friend. Do as you like, but becareful," Mykael yells to Ghem.

Mykael was the first off the ship, he notices the girl and scans the area. Nothing out of the ordinary.(spot=13)

When the defenses are more secure, Mykael joins Rigging, inspecting the ship.

"Mind if I have a look? Barts right, we will need to secure her position. Cant have the water moving her, or the list to get worse when the tide drops," Mykael comments. "However, lets see how bad it is, before we go any farther. I have some knowledge and experience."


Monday May 8th, 2006 8:41:46 PM

'I am just glad its gone.' Ghem projects to Mykael.

'I like that high spot, on top of the mast, I think you called it. I will be there watching and resting in the sun.'

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=35 d20+7=22
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:05:48 PM

Cosmo again tries to have the sharks move off away from the ship (con check 35; nat 20). He directs them to patrol in the area and attack the snake if it comes near the boat.

Cosmo hops down off the ship with the rest of the Wildcards. He looks around the beach and forest, trying to gets his bearings. He thinks back to his schooling about this area of the WOLD, geography, nature and anything else (knowledge check 22).

He moves towards Rigging as he gives orders to fix the boat. He remains quiet as that is out of his scope of ability. Instead he checks his gear and makes sure it is all in place.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.25/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=28 d20+11=12 d20+9=12
Monday May 8th, 2006 10:52:58 PM

When the Sword beaches, Ashira jumps off the vessel anxious to get a lay of the immediate surroundings and scout for trouble. Frowning at Rigging's assignment, Ashira turns to the Bash Brothers. "Hey guys, you mind taking care of that for me? I'd like to do some scouting first to make sure we're defensible." Ashira heads over to Rigging and kisses him on the cheek. "Dear, we just landed on foreign soil...really, I think you ought to let me and John scout out the perimeter at the very least. That way we'll have a better idea how to set up a defensible campsite."

OOC: Spot=28, Listen=12, Survival=12

John and Mary  d20+5=16 d20+12=23
Monday May 8th, 2006 11:25:36 PM

Wobbling slightly, Mary hops off the deck of the Sword and lands lightly on the beach, short spear and shield in hand. As Ashira talks about heading off into the wild, Mary smiles. "Not without me, you aren't!" (Spot=16).

John laughs at Mary. Reaching out he tugs gently on her mithral shirt, making it jingle. "Sure, that'll be nice and quiet...maybe we ought to drag some chains behind us too." Looking over at Ashira, John cricks his neck toward the jungle. "Whenever you're ready." (Spot=23)

Valanthe  d20+4=16
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:20:27 AM

Val quickly hops the railing and drops to the soft sandy beach. By the time she turned toward the red headed woman she was already dissappearing into the brush. (spot check 16)

"This goes from bad to worse. Captain that snake would crush any ship that wasn't ours. Now there could be many natives who might stand in our way."

Melonie  d20+5=18
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:28:49 AM

Melonie fights down the eagerness she feels as the sword slide gently upon the shore. Her sharp elven eyes catch sight of the pregnant woman before she dissappeared into the jungle(spot check 18). Almost, Melonie almost jumps over the side like some of the others but thinks better of it. She climbs down a rope and steps onto the sandy shore. Spear in hand she moves up into position behind Val.

"What could a pregnant woman be doing down here alone. There has to be a village near here."

Appolo  d20+9=29 d20+10=19 d20+15=23 d20+12=20 d20+13=15 d20+9=19
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 11:37:29 AM

Once the pitch and oil are in position Appolo quickly heads to the Fronts of the ship to have a look see He sees the pregnant woman and anything alse that might ba of interest as he jumps off the end of the ship on the soft white sand,roling as hits the ground then quickly coming to his feet.He again looks the area over and heads quickly for the tree line.Taking cover in the tress just at the enge of the jungle.He doesn't want to get caught in the open.He sits silently watching and listening for any trouble.

Spot 29 Tumble 19,Ballance 23,Move Silently 20 Hide 15.Listen 19

DM Jim: Disembarking the Sword 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 1:17:58 PM

Captain Rigging leaps to the sand and inspect the Sword with Tomas. There is some work to be done. The Sword is seaworthy, but a storm or battle would quickly change that, repairs have to be made. Captain Rigging call the ships carpenter (Marc) and Tomas, Rigging and Marc discuss repairs. More than a month seems a safe estimate. Tomas did get wood for repairs, but more may be needed. Marc goes to do an inventory of the wood and tools in the hold.

Rigging gives orders and some are actually obeyed as Hal and Kirk gladly toss Pierre off the stern of the Sword. The water wakes the wine steward and he starts screaming in the three feet of water "Snake! Help me! The snake will eat me! Heeeeeelp!" After about 30 seconds Pierre opens his eyes, stands and walks to shore, very embarrassed.

Cosmo get a real good handle on the huge sharks and has them patrol for a few minutes, but he leaves the sphere of influence of the summoning seal and the sharks are sent home to their evil seas.

Cosmo can tell that this appears to be a tropical island. The large hill or mountain on the western part of the island was at one point a volcano, but given the degree of vegetation it has not erupted is some time. Also the mists indicate that there is a lot of water on the island and a lot of heat. Cosmo is glad to not have to wear armor.

Many of the Wildcards and several of the crew roam the beach. The jungle is 30 yards from the prow of the ship. Ashira tells Rigging that she is going exploring with John and Mary. Mary is shocked and whispers to Ashira "I think that girl may be my cousin? She, Karen, has been missing for over a year. Karen was from a nearby fishing village of mine, a long way from here."

John and Ashira easily find the trail the "Karen" had used to escape and her water jug and it leads deeper into the jungle. The path is not wide and is dark as not much light penetrates the canopy of palms.

Bart suggests hiking over to the palm tower.

Gordon, Eli and Juno hope off the Sword (the opposite side from Rigging) and go exploring down the beach.

Appolo heads to the jungle's edge and finds a good hiding spot.

The rest of the crew seems anxious to stretch their legs a bit.

Val and several other Wildcards (except Cosmo), notice the strange yellow star shaped fruit hanging from some of the trees at the edge of the jungle. Val thinks it was the Satyr's that had a basket of the stuff and it was tasty.

The male acrobats approaches Nezamil "Please have Domi bless this island for the Sword."


Those with followers please check the Sword/Crew excel file to determine if they advance in level.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:01:08 PM

Cosmo sees many of his comrades and the ship's crew begin to scatter without a plan of action. He thinks it is unwise and turns towards Rigging.

"Rigging, many of the crew and Wildcards are starting to move away from the ship in small groups. I think this is unwise as we do not have any idea about the dangers that may be hidden from our view."

He remains with Rigging.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.25/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:21:05 PM

Rigging is absorbed evaluating the repairs when Cosmo brings his wandering crew to his attention. He sees red and bellows. I want everyone on this beach to form on me right now!

When they form around him, he will look sternly at them and point to any who aren't Wildcards and say with murder in his voice. "Did I tell you to leave the ship? The only ones I gave permission to leave the ship were the Wildcards. Get back aboard now."

He will look at the Wildcards and address Val's statement. "Yes we could have unfriendly natives. We need to be prepared for that. That is why we are not going to start running around like goblins exposed to sunlight. We need to have a defensive plan."

Rigging points at the ship and continues, "This ship isn't going anywhere soon. We need to repair her and then modifiy her to be able to take on a colossal sized snake. We also don't know the natives are unfriendly. They could be castaways or the decendants of castaways. We saw alot of wrecks on the way in. There was bound to be some surviviors.

We need a plan. Mykael, I want to send Swirl and Ghem on a arial scouting mission. We want to see if there is a village in the area. We want to know if they are arming against us."

He glances around and says, "Remember these people don't know us as well. If Mary truly has family among them, that should make things easier but right now all they see is a beached warship and a bunch of armed people running around. Lets give them a day to come to us, if they don't, then tomorrow, we will go find them after our scouts (Rigging points at the small dragon and Swirl) get us some information.

Nezamil, and Mykael, why don't you go collect those fruits. Ashira, could you take an underwater look at the stern of the ship, and then check out this lagoon. Can we do some fishing here? Bart and Val, I want you to organize a subdued defense. I want to be alert and ready but not scary looking.

Cosmo" Rigging pauses and looks at the halfling. "I am not sure what task your suited for now but I will want you to do a ariel survey tomorrow so be prepared for that.

Appolo, I want you to secure that wine. You seem very good at breaking into it, why don't you find a way to secure it so I don't have drunk crewmembers during a crisis. Get moving people!"

Rigging will send Swirl up high and out over the jungle in the direction that the pregnant girl was headed.

Mykael  d20+8=21 d20+5=24
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:58:06 PM

"Ghem, I hope you got some rest. Please do an arial scouting of the islands. Look for types of animals and/or humanoids. Look for the homes of the humanoids. Look for other ships. Look for anything dangerous or interesting. Please report back, when you have looked everywhere. And becareful," Mykael tells Ghem. As his new friend flys off to his task, Mykael yells, "Thanks!"

Mykael turns to Rigging, "Why do I get saddled with the overgrown dwarf?" As he smiles and winks at Nezamil. "He will probably eat half of what we collect before we get it back to the ship!"

"Be right with you Nez," Mykael hollers back as he climbs back aboard the Sword.

He returns and drops down holding a couple of sacks and a rope.

"Ok why dont you climb the tree, your big behind should weigh enough to bend it down so I can pick the fruit," Mykael comments with a smile.

Mykael hands the sacks to Nezamil, guess I am the monkey. He picks a clump of fruit bearing trees, he sets his shield down, shoulders the rope, and trys to climb the tree.

He concentrates on his task, letting Nezamil watch his back.

(ignore the 21 I rolled made mistake, wrong modifier)

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+12=23 d20+12=29
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:18:46 AM

The ranger sighs as she hears Rigging belowing. "Guess it's time to go back, guys, the big boss is calling us." Looking highly peeved, Ashira has Mary help her strip off her armor and heads underwater to take a look at the damage, muttering the whole time about grunt duty (Spot=16). Once she's reported the damage to Thomas, Ashira gets a net from the Sword and sets about taking a nice refreshing swim in the lagoon. While she's there, she tries to find a few schools of fish (Spot=23) and then sets about trying to net some (Surv.=29).

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:24:11 AM

Nezamil laughs at Mykaels jokes " heh maybe we won't have ti climb the trees....i can just toss you up and knock down the fruit " grins the dwarf

Nezamil turns and replies to the acrobats " hey i have a job for you guys .....follow Mykael and myself ....we're gonna gather some fruit and coconuts....we'll need you guys to climb up and gather it while we keep watch "

" we don't need to collect too much i mainly want a variety so we can find out what grows here and how to effectively gather the various foods .....after all we still have plenty aboard the ship"

Nezamil will scout the the nearby jungle with Mykael and the acrobats for fruit and other foodstuffs while keeping alert

The giant sized dwarf will use his size and strength to shake fruit from the trees all the while cataloging tree types for the ships carpenter.

before heading out he will consult with the ships carpenter for what type of wood would be suitable for repairs and support for leveling the Sword out

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:35:26 AM

The brothers hand weapons and armor to the fighters

"Once you get you stuff reprot to Bart and Val for duty !! " barks out Hal

" yeah !!.....line up in formation in front of them !!" growls out Kirk

Once done the brothers take up station near the ships prow and scan the jungle from the Swords deck hoping the height will help keep an eye on Nezamil and Mykaels foray into the jungle

Mary and John  d20+6=20
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:35:44 AM

"Karen!!" Mary calls out into the jungle. She looks over at Ashira. "No! We can't just leave her out there! We need to find Karen!" Finally relenting, Mary follows Ashira back to the Sword, pouting the whole way. "Sometimes I don't understand the Captain." she mumbles to John. "Ashira was with us, and it's not like we were going to go far..."

John shrugs. "He's just being cautious...doesn't want us to get all strung out...get picked off one by one. Best just to do as he says."

Joining Ashira, Mary takes off her own armor and grabs a fishing net. Wading out into the water, she watches for any fish spooked by Ashira and flings her own net with an experienced hand (Fish=20).

John watches Ashira and Mary fish for a while, then heads over to Lilith. "If we're going to stay the night here...and it looks like we probably will. It would probably be pretty useful to have a couple of archers in the crow's-nest. What do you think?"

Appolo  d20+9=23
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 2:30:17 PM

Appolo having found a decent place to hide and watch the jungle Appolo is loath to leave and expose himself to potential enemies,but obeys Riggings call.He is muttering to himself about rookies and Ashira should know better then to take her charges into that jungle.

He arrives by Riggings side"The wine was my own stash thank you and is well secured,what is left of it.I pity the fool who steals wine and spirits then gets caught drunk around here,might end up as snake bait."He says it loud enough for all the crew to hear and get the point.I think that should do it." Appolo then heads back onto the Sword and down to the ships stores putting all the wine and spirits under lock and key.

After ward he heads back uptopside for alook around.Spot 23.He scans the jungle intently.

DM Jim: CAPTAIN's ORDERS  d20+7=16
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 8:02:35 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post, very busy day. I will be busy for the next week and a half and will be posting late most of the time.

An angry Captain Rigging bellows at his officers and crew and calls them to him for instructions. Rigging warns of wandering off and send the two familiars out as scouts wanting the crew of the Sword to stay close to the ship.

Mykael and Nezamil have fun trading verbal jabs and then go and collect fruit. The odd pair finds several types of citrus fruit including the yellow star fruit and also some head sized hard skinned green fruit.

Ashira can almost not restrain Mary as she is determined to go after her cousin, but Mary thinks better of it and listens to the wisdom of her mentor. The two use very different fishing method (swimming verses shore net), but both are equally successful.

Ashira's fishing is slow as first as the colossal snake seemed to have spooked the fish.

Appolo return from his hiding spot and then follows Riggings orders to lock up the wine and spirits on the Sword.

John takes Ashira's suggestion to heart and he and Lilith climb to the crows nest, each watching one another more than the ropes.

Rigging has concerns about Marc's estimate for the repair of the Sword. Marc introduces Rigging to his son, Mark who is also a carpenter, and is about 25 years old. Marc explains "The Missess did not want me to name the boy after meself, so I choose a different one, we fought about it all the way to her grave. Domi protect her soul." Marc intones reverently. Rigging can not tell any differences between the names of the father and son, but each pronounces the name slightly differently.

Marc gets back to business of the repairs "Ye know, no one here know too much about bending wood and building scaffolding. This all takes time. We are going to have to build some real large warping clamps to shape the siding planks we need to replace. Do we get a bonus if we get the job done before a month? We will need at least 20 men to help too."

OOC: DC 25 to set up a successful design to repair the Sword -- Marc has 9 ranks of carpenter, Mark will add +2 with a DC 15 aid another roll (sucessful), Rigging can add +2 with a successful DC 15 aid another roll for engineering, anyone else with engineering/shipwright/carpentry profession can also make a DC 15 aid another roll to add +2 to the design roll. If the roll is within 5, you realize that the design is flawed and can try again after eight hours of discussion the next day.

Rigging please make the roll


Mykael needs a DC 20 spot check to find and interesting animal while picking fruit.

Swirl and Ghem take to the sky and head inland. The island is quite large and will take several forays to get the lay of the land. The familiars fly toward the large stone pyramid they can see a mile or so off in the distance. The familiars are very happy to not have to travel through the dense undergrowth. There are many different variety of bird to be seen on the way, all of which give the two familiars a wide berth. "It is good to be flying" both Rigging and Mykael feel from their companions.

The two Wildcards feel the images that Ghem and Swirl report. "Flew over a small river, the land seems to be rising slightly. The pyramid is on large raised area that is mostly devoid of palms. There are people here, a few score, going about their daily lives. They do not seem alarmed in any way. There are a few open sided stone buildings and a few built from palm trees and fronds. Some of the people take notice of us, do not see any real weapons....besides that large glowing battle axe hanging on the pillar of that building......"

Mykael  d20+5=24
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 9:45:34 PM

OOC: Mykael has both, Profession-Shipwright, and Knowledge-Architecture/Engineering... does that give a +4 to the roll?

"Hey Nezamil, ever seen a creature like that?" Mykael asks. (spot=24)

Mykael drops fruit down to Nezamil, until they get a fair amount.

"Think this is the island we are searching for? Ghem says theres a pyramid, village, river, and the only visable weapon is a large glowing battle axe hanging on a pillar," Mykael comments.


DM Jim: If you make 2 DC 15 checks, one for shipwright and one for engineer, you can add +2 for each one you are sucessfull.

Nezamil  d20+5=16
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:52:54 PM

The giant sized dwarf turns and looks in the direction Mykael indicates(d20+5=16 spot ch)"i'm not sure .....can you send Ghem to spy on it from above ?"

"could be .....it is in the right direction but i'll leave the navigating to the seaman aboard....but i am learning more of how to be an able sailor"

"a large glowing axe you say ?hmm well the captain will have us investigate that for sure"

"lets finish gathering some of this fruit and head back and report to Captain Rigging"

"can Ghem see how many people are in the village ?"

Rigging  d20+8=26
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:56:49 PM

Rigging looks at the Marc and Mark and starts to chuckle. I understand the real problem is getting to the damaged parts of the ship. The bending will take some time but you might be better with a patch. Rigging makes some sketches and shows what he is talking about.He then makes a few more and shows how between doing some digging and taking advantage of the tides, they can brace the ship up to make the underside easier to work on. He involves Mykael utilizing his shipwright skill and they all discuss the repair. Skill check 26 for engineering.

Rigging calls down he his four followers and says, "Tomas, your incharge of keeping the Marc's in man power. Since we don't have to to worry about actually sailing the ship, we can put 20 men easily on repair duty and keep the others for defense, food gathering, and general living.

Marc, These three are your right hand men. They are good at scrounging and have some spells that might be able to help out. Make sure that you talk to Cosmo and me when you are doing things. Nezamil too. A key enlargment spell or light could be beneficial to help speed up the work."

Rigging then tries to organize the rest of the crew. 10 sailors will always be armed with sword and bow ready to defend the ship from attack. He puts Hal and Kirk in charge of that rotation. They will decide who would do what then. Rigging orders the rest to start making a temporary camp on the beach rigging sunshades and lean-tos. Collecting firewood from the beach. He orders no less then 6 men units if they must leave the beach and they are to be armed.

Rigging gathers the Wildcards together and says, "We will give it the night. Hopefully some sort of parley party will come to us. If not by morning, then we will go out and try to find out what is going on and who the inhabitants are. Remember we want to be friendly if at all possible."

Bash brothers Hal and kirk 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:57:43 PM

Kirk retrives a couple of crossbows from the armory and 5 bolts for each '" here bro this way we don't have to chase after the big guy we can just defend him from here " grins Kirk

"Good thinking little brother " laughs Hal as they load their crossbows and continue to hold their postion in the front of the ship on its deck near the prow in prime shooting postions

Bart (George)  d20+1=16
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:05:23 PM

Bart is somewhat at a loss on what to do. He starts organizing the cooking area on the beach. He looks at the fruits being brought in and decides to make a treat for the crew. He takes the fruits and starts cutting them up and adding them to a pot, He gently heats it bringing it to a low and steady boil, he adds some suger.

When Ashira brings him some of the fish she caught, he will wrap them in palm fronds and slowly bake them in pits dug into the sand. He will then add his new fruity sauce to the fish for a nice repast. When he catches the sidelong looks given to him from some of the ladies, he will smile and say, "My main job is to chop people or monsters up but thankfully I don't have to do that often. Cooking seem so much more constructive and less messy."

cooking 16

Bash brothers -guard detail 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:07:12 PM

The brothers smile at Captain Riggings orders " can do "

The two brothers organize the the crew trained as fighters into several groups of ten and works out a rotaion schedule for the day and thru till morning.

Hal comes up with an idea "we need a quick way to climb up and down the ship ....a nice rope net for easy embarking and disembarking would work great "

Hal see's about getting the cargo net in place or get the elven net/rope maker to create one

Ashira  d20+12=31
Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:28:12 AM

After hauling in her catch to Bart, Ashira watches Rigging doing the Captain thing. She sighs...he's a whole lot bossier than he used to be...but she supposes that goes with the whole Captain gig. She briefly considers just sneaking off and doing more scouting herself, but knowing the message it would send to the crew, she forgoes. Instead, she sets about trying to construct some basic defenses, like a small (3 feet tallish) embankment around the camp area. If she should find any suitable plants to construct spiked poles with (Surv.=31..like bamboo), Ashira conscripts a small group of the crew (20ish) to work on the construction of the embankment and spike poles.

Mary and John  d20+12=14
Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:40:14 AM

Still worried about Karen, Mary accepts Rigging's orders with a good deal of grumbling. She heads over to Hal and Kirk and signs up for a guard shift. She works for several hours on Ashira's embankment project, liking the way her muscles are hardening from all the physical labor of late.

Grinning from ear to ear, John pretends to scan the area for trouble (Spot=14), but he is far too distracted by Lilith's nearness to notice much of anything other than the way the elven archer's armor nicely accentuates her natural curves. "You know...you're really good with a bow...no really you are! Where'd you learn?" John tries vainly to engage in small talk, knowing that girls dig that kind of stuff.

Appolo Invisible  d20+10=25 d20+9=22 d20+13=27 d20+14=19
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:54:27 AM

Appolo grabs his gear hits the beach takes alook around then head into the jungle quickly.He has decided to have a quick look around as he moves silently and quickly through the shadows of the jungleMoving in a circle along the edge of the jungle he soon disappers into the trees.he activates his ring of invisibility as he checks out the immediate area around the Sword.

Spot 25,Listen 22 Move Silently 27,Hide 19

Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:11:47 PM

Cosmo tells Rigging that he has his Griffon availalbe for scouting today and will have shis spells ready for scouting tomorrow.

Thursday May 11th, 2006 9:10:39 PM

"Captain we need to prepair for possible Satyr influence over the people. Its a longshot but they enjoyed the star shaped fruit. Melonie and I will take the late watch tonight. When our elven eyes benefit from the moonlight. If anybody does show up then there would be at least a dozen waiting where we can't see them. We should prepare for the worst."

Mykael  d20+5=20 d20+8=25
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:02:26 PM

OOC: checks for repair of ship

Arch/Eng Knowledge=20
Profession Shipwright=25

DM Jim: Preparations 
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:32:41 PM

While picking fruit, Mykael notices a very exotic bird with red and blue plumage, one that is the same species as that of the rug dealer in South Harbor. Very interesting as this makes only twice the weapon mage has seen such a bird. It does not look to be a common bird.

Captain Rigging, Mykael, Marc and Mark put there heads together and outline what needs to be done to fix the Sword. This includes the scaffolding that must be constructed and how to change the list of the Sword with the tide, so that both damaged side can be attended to. Rigging and Mykael think that Marc and Mark were over estimating the time required to fix the Sword by about a week -- three weeks to fix the Sword. There will need to be serious replacement of supplies once back in South Harbor.

Ashira relents and does not scout the jungle as to not set a bad example and instead gets a work party together to set up an earthen berm. Ashira locates plenty of bamboo at the edge of the jungle to use as stakes. It will take at least two days to complete the task as there are not enough tools to go around. Everyone is working is shifts -- 10 on the berm and 10 on the stakes.

Appolo goes and walks into the Jungle and disappears. Gordon, Eli and Juno go and follow his lead calling out. "Wait for us Appolo. Where did he go? Lets try this way." The four acrobats, feeling confined to the ship, climb down and look to go after Appolo also.

Mary works very hard on the berm trying to take her mind of Karen.

Hal and Kirk set up a watch schedule of the 27 marines although all of them have also signed up for carpentry duty or sand wall (berm) duty. Not all of the crew is fit for physical duty or claims as much.

Bart start to cook dinner for the stranded crew of the Sword over the glowering rebukes from the three old cooks "We tells ya not to cook on the Sword and you take to the beach. What is wrong with our cooking?" The three watch and complain all the while Bart cooks, but in the end grudgingly give the big warrior his due "Not bad, Bart."

Lilith just smiles and lets John talk trying to make him feel comfortable. Lilith thinks humans are so anxious and smiles inwardly at the man she is becoming very fond of.

Cosmo offers scouting options to Rigging.

Val and Melonie suggest guards and take the night watch. Melonie stand defiantly by Val's side short spear at the ready, anxious for something to happen.


No one comes and visits the beached Sword and the night passes without incident, besides the strange hoots and calls from the jungle.

Friday May 12th, 2006 12:54:05 AM

Pleased with the progress on the wall, Ashira awakens early and, finding a secluded spot, meditates on her daily spells. After a brief but intense personal workout, Ashira gathers the warriors for their standard morning exercises and then heads over to Rigging for his orders. "Captain, I suggest that John and I scout out the area personally today. An aerial scout is fine, but there are things you cannot see from the air..."

Daily spells
1st level--Charm Animals, Speak with Animals
2nd level---Barkskin, Hold Animal

Mary and John 
Friday May 12th, 2006 12:58:37 AM

Mary enjoys her workout with Ashira and anxiously awaits Rigging's decisions about the day.

John likewise spends a good amount of time in meditation in the morning, readying his newly discovered spell. As Ashira makes his recommedations to Rigging, John gathers his gear, ready to head back into the wilderness.

Daily spells
1st level--Entangle

Friday May 12th, 2006 7:03:00 AM

Rigging calls the crew together and says, "The Wildcards and only the Wildcards are going to go scouting this morning and see if we can make contact with the locals.

The rest of you will stay here and protect the ship and continue on the repairs and fortifications. I want all of you to start working on a plan on how we can kill that snake. You know he will be there next time we try to pass by those inner islands.

He looks at his young indentured servants, Hal and Kirk, and Ashira's new followers and points at each of them and says, "I will be very disappointed if I find you guys tagging along. Wildcards only. I don't want them to think we are attacking with an army."

Rigging turns to Val, "OK Val, you wanted some leadership experience. This mission is yours. You tell us marching orders, battle tactics (hoping they aren't necessary) and diplomacy when we get to the other end. Remember we are trying to befriend these people.

I don't think they are castaways any longer. If they were, we would have seen some kind of representation last night. After receiving the scouting reports (he nods at Ghem and Swirl) we know they have a village. We have possibly seen some of their trade goods in the last port. Caution and tact are called for. So lead us to victory Val."

Rigging grabs Ashira's hand and pulls her aside, "We need to be ready to pull her out of trouble. I know you could have handled the leadership role but Val has been clamoring for an increased role for a while now. If we are going to build this area up, we will need more people who can take charge and we can trust."

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Friday May 12th, 2006 1:15:36 PM

Hal takes charge of of the 27 marines " plans for repair of the ship is ongoing and the work will follow shortly once those in command make the final decisions and then you will be assigned to a mix of work detail and guard detail"

"We will make sure that you will work hard but not overworked after all we are all shipmates but all follow the command structure of Captain Rigging"

Hal works out scheduling for both guard and work details and gives his report to Captain Rigging " The Marines will work in 3 groups of 9 ....one on guard detail ...the 2nd as work detail for repair of the ship and the 3rd will be a mix of rest and light work to assist in setting up the camp here on the beach "

Kirk assists his brother and revisits the net/rope maker and inquires about the cargo netting for use as a ladder to disembark/embark from the ships deck(like the marines use in the military)

The brothers are both disappointed by being left behind but take solace in the fact that they will be incharge of the defense of the Sword

Friday May 12th, 2006 1:33:49 PM

Nezamil makes his rounds to all of Domi's faithful and assures them that things will be alright .

After the uneventful night the Cleric of Domi wakes well rested after a good nights sleep on the beach.

Nezamil walks over and explains its best for the brothers to stay here and protect the ship and crew as Captain Rigging suggests " he's right we can't have them think we are invading the island....a smaller group to show we come in peace will be best....i have faith and confidence in you both to protect all of the crew and the Sword itself while we go to and explore and meet the people of the island "

Nezamil spots the 4 acrobats thinking of heading into the jungle " hey stay here " growls the giant sized dwarf" we have need of your skills "

Nezamil will take the 4 acrobats over to the carpenters and inquire about what type of wood would be needed for the Swords repairs " describe what the type of trees you need and the these four fine young men will explore the nearby jungle for them ...of course they will be escorted by several marines for protection.

"Hal...Kirk " calls the dwarf " when these young men go and investigate the type of trees for the carpenters please have several marines escort them for protection.

(the escorting marines will be from the 3rd group on light work and rest detail)

After seeing those tasks Nezamil walks over to Rigging " well i guess it's time for us to explore a little ....i'm ready and the crew are in safe hands with Tomas in command with Hal and Kirk assisting him "

Friday May 12th, 2006 4:10:39 PM

Mykael wakes the next morning, he studies his spells and makes his way topside.

He listens to Riggings orders, then pulls Thomas aside, "I have an idea on dealing with the snake if we deam it necessary. Its going to take a lot of work, if its even possible. First we need information, during the day today send a person or two to get this info, please."

1 - Map of Lagoon.
2 - distance of opening between lagoon and sea
3 - depth of lagoon and opening between lagoon and sea
4 - need above information for both high and low tide

"Thanks Thomas, I would do it myself, however, I am sure the Captain is going to require me to go," Mykael smirks.

Mykael will nudge Apollo, "Hey does this make you the first husband?" As he falls into line to Val's orders.

Friday May 12th, 2006 4:44:16 PM

Appolo after quick scouting trip in the jungle Appolo returns with the 3 stooges in tow."Stay on the ship."he tells them.

He thens ettles in for the rest of the day and night lounging around in his bunk.

Appolo awakes late the next morning.gets up cleans up,eats and goes up on deck to await orders.

Ashira (extra post) 
Friday May 12th, 2006 9:01:35 PM

Turning to Rigging and Mykael, Ashira says "Actually, I have a plan of my own on how to deal with the sea snake. Give me a chance to work things out peacefully before you go killing that thing."

Not wanting to make too much of a stir, Ashira waits until she is pulled aside by Rigging. "I understand why you don't want the others to come along, but I think you should reconsider about John and Mary. John is an accomplished ranger, and could help greatly in scouting out the area. And I would think that having a Mary along would be an enormous advantage to have someone along who is related to the natives. Might come in handy if things go south...as they say, blood is thicker than water."

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Friday May 12th, 2006 10:08:02 PM

Rigging listens to Ashira and grants her point, "Hmmmm I think your right about Mary and we will bring her but not John. I am sure he would be useful in tracking, but with the description from Swirl and Ghem, I think we should be able to find the village without to much trouble.

I am more afraid of the ship being attacked while we are gone and want to leave an adequate defense just in case. Still your right about Mary, she might be just the welcoming card we need to gain some trust. Good thinking dear."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=24 d20+5=9 d20+5=23
Saturday May 13th, 2006 9:29:30 AM

Cosmo wakes up in the morning, glad to have spent the night on solid land. He finds a rock or log near the ship and studies for his spells from his spell book. When he is done he will cast an Extended Mage Armor spell.

Cosmo hears Rigging talk of defeating the snake. He cannot think of any way to do that at this point. The snakes size and its protection by being underwater will be hard to overcome. Cosmo cannot summon any water creature large enough too really harm the snake. Perhaps if they can get the snake into shallow water they can subdue it.

When Rigging calls the Wildcards over he joins the group and prepares for the scouting trip towards the pyramid.

Spot checks 24, 9 & 23.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM JIm: Meeting 
Saturday May 13th, 2006 10:44:40 AM

The dawn comes bright and glorious. The wet heat starts early on this island. Several large crocodiles (6-20 feet long) drag themselves onto the sand and start sunning themselves, none closer than 250 feet to the Sword.

Hal and Kirk jump to their tasks with gusto and organize the marines and the rest of the crew. The two hulking brothers do warn Rigging and Val. "Please keep the big guy standing." Hal booms and Kirk adds "I hate to have to visit Gargul again, that is one creepy guy."

Nezamil finally get the attention of the elven net maker, Normadin, who happily unveils a half finished cargo net for Nezamil's inspection. "I will be finished in a few day, but it is using up a lot of the rope stores." Normadin cautions.

Nezamil does notice that three of the four acrobats are female when he assigns them tasks.

Lilith ask John "You are going to take the same watch as me right?" with more than a little hint of intrigue.

Mary rushes up to Ashira after Rigging give his orders "You can't leave me behind." She pleads. "That was my cousin. I need to go to!" Mary finishes with tears in her eyes. Mary brightens when Ashira speaks up for her and the Captain relents. Mary claps her hands clearly excited to be coming along.

Appolo seems annoyed that he was followed into the jungle and brings Rigging's indentured sailor back.

Mykael start planning the demise of the snake with Tomas and makes some light of Rigging appointment of Val as parley chief with Val and Appolo. Melonie huffs at the mention of Appolo and turns her back to Appolo and makes sure Val's armor and weapons are set right.

Cosmo prepares his spells for the day.


ooc: Ashira needs a DC 6 survival roll to follow the difficult trail to the village. Since the general direction is know, she will not get lost for long.

I need everyones spell lists.


The jungle trail is narrow and winds around rocks and trees. The undergrowth is very thick. The trial does open up at a small stream that at this point runs parralell to the beach and is no more than three feet deep. It is fresh water.

Everyone sees their fair share of snakes, vipers and constrictors both. Birds can be seen and heard and an occasional monkey call.

After the stream the ground starts to rise and get a bit drier and the trail is easier to follow, although still single file.

After an hour the pyramid can be seen and few minutes later the village. There are many more women than men and all seem to be setting up tables and placing food on them.

There are at least 70 women and 20 men in the village and all are wearing little clothing as a result of the heat.

A group of three young men come to meet the group. They are stripped to the waist and carry no weapons. All are very fit and very attractive. The tall blond one speaks "Welcome to the castaway village. We were hoping you would come. We are setting up lunch for you." The other two men, of no more than 16 years watch, Mary , Val and Ashira with an appraising eye.


DC 10 spot check will show that more than half of the women are pregnant and everyone in the village is human. There seems to be no one older than 21 in the village.

DC 13 spot check to notice something interesting on some of the women.

DC 15 spot check to determine something interesting about the area.

Nezamil  d20+5=24 d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+12=22
Sunday May 14th, 2006 12:34:00 AM

Nezamil confers with Kirk about Normadin's progress ' thats too much rope to use .....tell him to just make a basic rope ladder like in a kids tree fort "

The 10'7" dwarf walks in the middle of the group's single file march to the village spotted by the aerial members " there is an abundance of wildlife on this island.....very full of life " remarks Nezamil on the march

Upon arriving at the Village Nezamil surveys the scene (d20+5=24,d20+5=18,d20+5=19 spot ch)

"That is very gracious of you " remarks the Cleric of Domi (d20+12=22 diplomacy ch) as he towers over the castaways

"I'm called Nezamil" introduces the dwarf"and what are your names ?"

"are there other villages on the island " inquires Nezamil politely

Nezamil is wearing a chainshirt,mace and heavy crossbow

Spell list
0-Create water x2,detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Command,Divinefavor,Magic weapon,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith,Endure elements(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,Silence(bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge,Searing light,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Divine power,Restoration,Neutralize poison(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW mass(Spell resistance)

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday May 14th, 2006 12:43:25 AM

Hal notices the crocs further down the beach " ok no swimming people there are predators about" as he points out the reptiles

Hal makes sure the guards on watch make sure no one goes swimming and passes that info on to all at the Swords camp site .

Kirk visits Normadin " thats too much rope and too much time to spend on that project.....just build a simple rope ladder

The brothers defer to Tomas in the command structure of the crew ....they also walk about the camp and nearby woods keeping their eyes and ears open and alert .

Rigging  d20+11=20 d20+11=21 d20+11=20
Sunday May 14th, 2006 8:01:08 PM

Rigging will step forward and say, "So this is castaway village. My name is Captain Arrack Von Palin of the Sword of Redemption and these are my friends and companions." Rigging will introduce everyone and Ashira as his wife.

"You said this is Castaway Village. Have you lived here long? You all seem young and in good health. Did your parents land her or were you all sailors?"

Rigging will turn his attention to the pyramid. "I am assuming that you didn't build that thing. Are its creators or the ancestors of its creators still around?"

Rigging will pause and smile, "I apologize for all of these questions but I must admit, that when we landed here or should I say we were forced to land here by that big snake, I didn't expect to find all this. Where are all your men. I can see that you might like the odds but I find it strange that a bunch of castaways have more women than men."

Rigging will send Swirl on a recon looking for ambushes.

Rigging will make spot checks: 20,21,20

Zero level dancing lights, detect poison, mage hand, read magic, prestidigation.

1st level: magic missile x 2, ray of enfeeblement, mount, mage armor, monster summoning 1, shield, unseen servant

2nd level: whispering winds, scorching rays, see invisibility, touch of idiocy

3rd level: haste, fly, dispel magic

4th level: greater invisiibility, polymorph

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=19 d20+5=7 d20+5=9
Sunday May 14th, 2006 10:36:25 PM

Cosmo stays in the background letting Rigging do the talking. He remains alert looking for anything that may prove threatening to the party.

Spot checks 19, 7 & 9.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Monday May 15th, 2006 1:38:09 AM

"Melonie I know you want to help but right now you need to stay here. Just be patient for your day will come. You will be a great warrior one day. That much I am certain." Val says with a soft smile. She clasps Melonie on the shoulder for a reassuring moment before moving back to the meeting.

Val listens to Riggings orders and takes a moment to think. Tactics were not an easy thing for her to grasp. Her instincts told her to charge an enemy. Attack them straight on. But she couldn't do that in her present situation. The wildcards were a group of individuals with varying strengths and skills.

"Appolo and Ashira should take point. I'll follow at the head of the main group followed by you captain. With Cosmo, Mykael, Bart, and Nezamil finishing the line. Hopefully Ashira and Appolo will run into any villagers before they see the rest of us. If the villagers respond in force we should do what we can to keep any violence from happening. War is not an option right now."

Appolo  d20+10=16 d20+10=18 d20+10=26 d20+8=21
Monday May 15th, 2006 1:52:18 AM

Appolo takes the lead as waual,moving with Ashira.When the reach the village and are approached by the villagers,Appolo drops back and let's Rigging do the talking.He looks over the whole scene.He to finds it odd that women out number the men almost 4 to one.

When introduced he smiles a friendly smile and says"Hello good monrning."Then steps back agian to watch and listen as Rigging and the others do the talking.

He is wearing his armour weapons and looks quite prepared for battle.
Pot Checks 16,18,26 Listen 21

Mykael  d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d20+5=25
Monday May 15th, 2006 3:13:07 AM

Mykael takes a good look around and notices all.
(first spot=25 nat 20)(noticed pregnant and young)

(second spot=16)(noticed something interesting about the women)

(third spot=25 nat 20)(notice something interesting about the area)

Mykael stays vigilant, and awaits the answers to the first questions.

Ashira  d20+12=22 d20+12=17 d20+12=31 d20+12=28
Monday May 15th, 2006 10:17:54 AM

Having no problem keeping to the trail (Surv.=22), Ashira guides the party to the village. When greeted by the villagers, Ashira casts her gaze about cautiously (Spot=17, 31, 28) taking everything in. All of this is just too good to be true...landing on an island and being welcomed in like honored guests. That never, ever happens to the Wildcards. Keeping her hands near her weapons, Ashira pulls Nezamil aside. "I don't like this Nezamil. I'm probably being paranoid, but is there anyway to make sure that the food isn't poisoned or something?"

Mary and John  d20+3=9 d20+7=22
Monday May 15th, 2006 10:22:30 AM

Standing behind Ashira, Mary watches anxiously for any sign of Karen (Spot=9). Catching sight of the muscled men, Mary can't help but preen herself (Looking good=22). If any of the man folk should take notice of her, Mary smiles and winks at them.

Back at the campsite, John grins as a blush makes its way up his cheeks. "Of course! Wouldn't want to break up a winning team."

DM Jim: The Feast 
Monday May 15th, 2006 11:52:23 PM

OOC - Spot checks:

All the villagers are human young and is excellent condition.

All the pregnant female humans are wearing a necklace that holds an uncut diamond.

This raised area of light jungle and the stone buildings and the pyramid, including some buildings of palm construction seems to be devoid of snakes, unlike the walk through the jungle.


Ashira has no trouble following the trail through the jungle, although the others are not as sure. Ashria is worried about the food and consults with Nezamil.

Val sets the marching order for the jaught through the jungle.

When Nezamil bellows his introduction, the three young bare chested men take their eyes off of the three women of the party, although it seems to take a concerted effort to stop oggling Mary.

The one that spoke earlier speaks first "I am Marcos and I was marooned here over a year ago. Are you a giant?" The other two speak up "I am Camino and this is Diego. We were shipwrecked about six months ago." All three youths are very much at ease in front of the armed and armored Wildcards.

Marcos speaks to Rigging after he give his intoduction "The men were shipwrecked here, but the women were brought here by the Masters. They provide for us and keep us safe."

Marcos smiles at Rigging "The castaways did not build the stone buildings at they are old in the extreme. In fact, the palm buildings were here when I arrived."

Diego and Camino seem to jocky for position in order to escort Mary. Diego wins, so Camino speaks to the group. "Please come and eat and enjoy the hospitality of Castaway Village."

Cosmo keeps quite.

Mykael watches all.

Mary does not notice Karen placing food on the table as she is too busy fliping her red hair. Most everyone else does notice the pregnant red head about 100 yards away.


If the group moves forward, they can see tables piled high with fruit, fish and eggs. There are chickens and three cows wandering about the village.

All of the stone buildings are open on all side and the roofs set up to catch rain water.

The pyramid dominates the village and there are two entrances to the interior.

On one of the stone buildings, not the pyramid, is a glowing battle axe.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:12:32 AM

With the abundent food and the lack of nervousness in the village Val believes they were expected. They were too nice, too friendly. Plus the word masters made her wish she brought Melonie along so she could keep an eye on her. Already images of savage men overwhelming the sword while they were away flashed in her mind. She was about to snap at Mary and remind the young woman that they weren't there to pick up men. But instead she kept her mouth closed. If the men were too busy looking at Mary then perhaps she could find out whats really going on in this place.

"Marcos this is a wonderful feast. Did the masters you spoke of provide all this food?" Val asks as she sits down.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:12:28 AM

Rigging heads over to the table and stops before the spread. He picks up and orange and hefts it a few times. "Nice fruit." He drops it and bends down to retrieve it and while out of sight will murmer a detect poison spell on the food on the table.

If he doesn't detect poison, he will sit down and gather up some food from the area he detected on and continue his conversation "Well I am glad to see the master's are caring for you so well. You all look fit and healthy. One of my crew thinks she knows one of your ladies. Could you have that pretty redhead come over here for a moment. Mary, isn't that the girl you saw on the beach?"

Rigging will watch the homecoming carefully. When he notices the uncut gems on the girls, he will smile and say to Mykael, "Looks like you might be able to put your gem cutting skills to use." To his hosts he inquires, "Why do the girls have gems. Do they signafy anything?"

Rigging will also point at the glowing battleaxe and ask, "That is also curious, why is that battleaxe glowing over there?

If the food is poisoned, then Rigging will draw his weapons and say, "Don't touch the food. It is unclean." To the three men, "You better explain yourselves fast or you will be meeting Gargul to explain your treachory"

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 2:25:42 PM

"Shipwrecked?.....what were your ships names and where were your ships sailing from and too if i may be so bold"inquires the 10'7" dwarf

"hahaha a giant you say " laughs Nezamil " is that what you think ?"

"so you have masters watch over you ?...tell us about them?....the island seems like paradise except that you cannot leave"chitchats the Ccleric of Domi as he fingers his anvil holy symbol

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 2:33:36 PM

The two brothers work with Tomas in keeping everyone busy and alert

Kirk encourages a little friendly competition among all of the Swords crew in ideniftying new species of wildlife and plants and trees " we need someone to take notes on what we find so we can get a better idea of what resouces the island has "

Kirk thinks this will help keep everyone alert and keep morale up

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+11=14
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:53:26 PM

A crackle in the bushes distracting her, Ashira spots very little interesting about the meeting (Spot=16, Listen=14). Listening in on the conversation, Ashira waits to hear the answers to the questions already posed before she asks her own. Out of sheer paranoia she does not touch any of the food at the table.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:01:50 PM

Gently squeezing Diego's arm, Mary settles down at the table, munching on some nearby fruit as she smiles sweetly at the good looking man. "This is a beautiful island you have here. Tell me more about your Masters...do you have any jobs?" Toying with her hair, Mary gazes into the young man's eyes as she listens to his response.

When Rigging addresses the issue of Karen, Mary breaks eye contact with the nearby hunk and anxiously examines the person in front of her. "Karen, is that you? It's me Mary."

DM Jim: Anxious Feast  d20=6 d20=16 d20=7
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 12:24:54 AM

OOC: Cosmo/Matt will not be posting for a few days as he goes to check on his father who is ill. I will play him as an NPC, unless anyone wants to take care of Cosmo for a few days.


OOC: It has been 24 hours since the last post and only 4 posts with one explained absence. Not a good development for the game.


All of the Wildcards are anxious about the feast, as they do not fully trust the castaways or the feast.

Mykael, Appolo, and Bart are strangely quite.

Rigging casts his spell with no one the wiser and does not find the food poisonous and does not issue any warnings or threats, but does still look at the orange in his hand with some suspicion.

All of the "Castaways" eargerly eats the food at the feast.

Rigging asks about the uncut diamond necklaces and Diego smiles "Those are for the ladies that have a bun in the oven, a mark of distinction."

Diego answers Riggings question about the axe. "It is curious, all magic glows on the islands. It happens sooner or later, the stronger the magic the faster it happens. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the pyramid. The battle axe has strong magic, it keeps the snakes away and protects the village."

At Rigging request, Diego calls Karen over.

Mary quickly leaves Diego's arm and there is a teary embrace of the two red heads. Apparently about 15 months ago Karen was seduced away from her fishing village by some fey creatures with the promises of fun and a new life.

Diego tells Nezamil that the freighter he worked on was called the "Wayport" that was bearthed out of South Harbor. Camino and Marcos worked on a small warship called the "Cortez" out of Safeport.

Camino smiles at Nezamil "Would you want to leave if you had these odds with giants of your type that found you more than a little bit interesting? Can not complain about the weather either and food is easy to get, it grow everywhere."

Camino scratches his head and adds "I have not seen any of the Masters in a few weeks. I heard they live south of here. The masters visit us on the Pyramid as they do come talk to us from time to time and bring more women."

Camino smiles happily "We go snake hunting in five days. Those that gets to hunt, gets to go to the Masters village. We get to clear the way, it is an honor. It is my turn, I get to hunt this time." Camino finishes proudly.


Hal and Kirk keep the crew of the Sword at high alert while the officers are away. Kirk comments to Hal "They are probably having a great time right now."

Mykael  d20+5=19
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 1:10:08 AM

OOC: Just didnt get my post in before yours. Long day. My appologies.

Mykael listens intently, keeping a sharp eye out for signs of 'The Masters'. He even thinks about invisibility, and watches for things moved or footprints appearing from appearantly nothing.


"I can see your point, Camino. What about you ladies? Are you not interested in leaving? You were tricked into coming here." Mykael asks.

"And if even some of the ladies are interested in leaving, what have you done to help them, Camino," Mykael questions.

"Also, who is the man in the tower?"

Bart (George) 
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:48:39 AM

Bart seeing the other's eating, sits down and starts eating as well. He enjoys the view of all the pretty girls but is mildly disturbed that they are all in a family way. Visions of home and hearth flood his mind and he quickly things..."Boooorrrrinnnngggg"

He pipes up with a question of his own, "You say all magic starts to glow around here? Is it permanant. I have a couple of magic items but don't necessarily want to glow everywhere I go. Tends to attract attention."

Bart will then start talking to some of the girls, "I see that you ladies really outnumber the men. Do you share husbands? Are you happy here? What do these masters look like? Are they human or some kind of fey creature."

Appolo  d20+10=23 d20+8=22
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 1:48:15 PM

Appolo follows the others to the table and has a seat.He sits quietly,but does not partake of any of the food.He watches and listens to what is going on.Thinking to himself looks like we're going to have to take these so called Masters down.Yep this place is to perfect,something is definitely wrong.

Appolo looks around the village watching and listening.
Spot 23,Listen 22

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 2:14:54 PM

OOC i am back on board (had a good trip to egypt, scubadiving in the red sea)

This message wil delete it's self after ...

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 3:29:44 PM

Val takes part in the feast without much thought to the safety of the food. Her eyes look around the village trying to see past what they want seen to what they don't. If Mary's cousin was abducted, who gave her the child? Why wasn't he here with her now? Something didn't add up.

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 3:41:32 PM

"Yeah guess i can't blame ya " chuckles Nezamil to Camino " but with all the pregnant women...where are all the kids ?" as the 10'7" dwarf peers about the village

Nezamil spots Captain Rigging tasting the food and joins in the sampling of the food " everything is fresh and delicious "

"snake hunting huh ?...what do you do with all the snakes ?"

" i hope i'm not rude but i don't see any elders here...where are they ? in another village ?...in all the time you've been here have you explored the island ??"

Nezamil chitchats as he munches on the plentyiful spread of food and observes the castaways and how they interact together

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 10:20:02 PM

Rigging connects with Swirl and says to him, "Please go check on the ship. I want to make sure that it isn't in trouble or under attack while we are here."

Rigging eats his food and studies the dynamics of what is going on around him. "Who are these masters? What happened to the fey creatures that Mary left with? Could they be the masters?
Where do they get new women?"

Rigging stands up and walks over to the embracing cousins. "I am glad you are reunited? Can I ask you some questions? How is it you came to this island? Did the saytrs bring you or did you get here some other way?"

Thursday May 18th, 2006 3:11:05 AM

OOC: no post yet... going to work... cant post tomorrow night, will be at work

Appolo OOC 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 3:59:17 AM

Going out of town today,family emergency.Will be gone two days.My appologies for missinga post and not being able to post until Saturday.

If the Dm could run Appolo as Npc for two days It would be greatly appreciated.

Agian sorry for the inconvience.Thanks,

DM Jim: Taste Testing 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:43:32 AM

Camino listens to Mykael and comments "We have no shipbuilders let alone tools, we are just making due with what we have. We station a man in the watch tower at the request of the masters. We tell them when we sight ships."

Bart is the first Wildcard to try the feast and it is delicious and he eats with gusto. It is good t have fresh food again after the last few weeks on the Sword that was in short supply. Bart talks with many of the ladies, both those that are in a family way or not. It seems that those ladies that are not pregnant seem much more interest in talking with the big warrior. My name is Maya, what is yours. Yes we have to share husbands, which has its advantages." Maya says with a wink. Maya adds "The masters are not Fey and they look like you and me, but they talk to us from the pyramid and are normally cloaked."

Appolo suspects that this is not a good situation for the Wildcards.

Val also eat the food and finds it very tasty and fresh. Val watches these castaway and is concerned that something is just not right.

Nezamil finds that there is more than enough food to even statisfy him. It is very good fare. Camino answers Nezamil "I have ot been here long enough to see any elders, but it is rumored that they do not stay in the village and the snakes get them. Once we finish our hunting trip many of the ladies are invited to the masters village and it is always those that are with child."

Nezamil notices that the women that are not pregnant are paying more attention to Bart, Rigging, and Appolo. The young men of the village almost do not notice the women of the village, but are taking great notice of Mary as several separate Mary and Karen so that they can speak with Mary.

Rigging sends Swirl to check on the Sword. Swirl take a much easier route back to the ship and finds that all is well.

Rigging get most of his information from the three women that start to feed him. The three women talk among themselves and to Rigging "He is so cute and not overly muscled. I am Maria, I left my village to have som fun with the satyr's. After one wild wine party I woke up on top of the pyramid. I am Tasha, do you want to go for a walk later?" Rigging is flanked by two beauties that feed him, while the third is rubbing his shoulders.

Thursday May 18th, 2006 2:05:27 PM

Snapping out of the daze she was in, Ashira notices the woman crowding in around her husband. Stepping briskly forward, the ranger pushes past the women, clearing the area around her husband. "Sorry ladies, but this man is mine...and I don't share!" Glaring at the woman, least they get any further ideas, Ashira looks over at the men. "So you mean to tell me that all of these woman are pregnant by the Masters?"

Thursday May 18th, 2006 2:11:47 PM

Allowing herself to be separated from Karen, Mary smiles at the men surrounding her. She had long ago learned how to use her good looks to get what she wanted from men. Rubbing her hands along her well defined hips, Mary coos at the nearest hunk. "It must get so lonely out here... Do your Masters send you women often? Do they all come from these Fey creatures? What happens to the ships that you spot? Do any of them ever come to the island?"

Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:00:44 PM

Rigging listens to the conversations and zones in on one, "Camino. You said you tell the masters when you see a ship. How do you tell them. do they know that we are here? I would like to talk to a Master. Can that be arranged?"

Rigging smiles as Ashira asserts her dominance among the local girls. He smiles and puts his arm around her waist and says, "Yes I am hers. Last girl that hit on me ended up fishing for crabs...she was the bait. Go flirt with Apollo."
Rigging will point out the young thief and coninue. "I think you will find his bad boy image just fascinating."

He looks at Ashria and asks, "Why do girls like bad boys....not that I am particularly good but Apollo brings it to another level."

Appolo (George) 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:05:52 PM

Appolo gives a side long glance at Val and starts flirting with the village girls with a passion. "Girls Girls there is enough of me to go around. No need to get pushy. Here let me pour you some wine." If there is no wine, Appolo will pull one of his own out of his backpack and pour wine for the 3 prettiest girls around him.

"So tell me ladies, what happens to all the children. Do they have to live somewhere else? Do the mothers stay with them? Or do they have to come back here again."

Thursday May 18th, 2006 9:22:27 PM

The giant dwarf smirks as Ashira's fiesty side comes to the surface

Nezamil responds to Camino " do the women come back from the Masters village ?? and what happens to their children ??" chats the Cleric of Domi as he snacks on the fine food

"so what goes on in the pyramid? what its udes for ?"

DM Jim: Questions, Questions, Questions......... 
Friday May 19th, 2006 12:43:47 AM

ooc: Sorry about the short time between posts, but I have to travel tomorrow and will not get time to post till the weekend and do not want to lose a post.


Two of the beauties quickly back down as Ashira claims her husband. The third however stands her ground, throwing her raven hair back and looking up at the taller Ranger, hands on her hips and feet planted. "The masters said we could have any husband we wanted. Who are you to speak against the masters." The dark haired girl then backs down and takes a few steps back and laughs at Ashira "The masters do not plant any seeds our husbands due. We do not have a chance to see the masters until we are with child." The young women walks away, back turned and strides over to Appolo and sends one last retort to Ashira. "You better watch your man close, that is if you think you can keep him."

The raven haired beauty plops down in Appolo's lap and whispers "Time for you to stop brooding. Make me laugh and I am yours."

Mary has an entranced group of young men, as they watch her hands travel her well formed figure. "It can get lonely here." one stammers. Another adds "The masters do send new ladies from time to time, but not like you." A third wipes his mouth and answers "Once we see a ship we activate the pyramid to alert the masters and they guide the castaways to the island. There are sometimes women castaways, but not like from your ship, Wow! You must have a fun crew."

Camino come over to Rigging. "I can only assume the masters know you are here since we activated the pyramid. The bright light was the rescue becon. We have a snake hunt in about five days, we expect to see some then. Those men that hunt work their way to the master village."

Appolo holds court with several women. There is no vine, but some fermented juice. The wine seems to be preferred and Appolo gets lot of attention.

Bart is also getting his fair share of attention as he is fed and massaged.

Cosmo, Nezamil, Mykael and the women of the group are ignored by the women of the village. Rigging seems to be eyed by several women, but at a safe distance as a result of Ashira's presence.

Only Mary is getting male attention from the men of the village.

Camino hears Nezamil's question and looks up at the giant dwarf "Not a giant, then an ogre?" Camino smiles "The knocked up women go to the masters village after our snake hunt. I have never seen a child born at the Castaway Village." Camino looks at the stepped pyramid at the dwarfs last question "We use the pyramid to signal ships and the masters and they use it to come see us and bring women. The masters do not leave the top of the pyramid."


The pyramid can be seen about 200 yards away from the feast. The pyramid is four large 20 foot high levels, eacah smaller than the next. There are stairs that on the two visible sides. There are also two open archways leading into the bottom level of the pyramid. The structure looks old in the extreme.

DC 20 spot check for something interesting on the pyramid.

Val  d20+4=16
Friday May 19th, 2006 10:52:45 AM

Her gaze lingers on Appolo for a moment before turning away. There was a time when she would have walked over there and physicaly hurt those women. But that seemed like a lifetime ago. Back when she didn't have the skin of a dark elf. To the world thats all she would be, a dark elf with golden hair.

Val looked at the pyramid. She was tempted to walk over there and take a good look around when the villagers were distracted. The way the women were throwing themselves at the men did a great job of keeping them distracted and unfocused.

"The top of the pyramid you say? Well then I should probably go and introduce myself." Val says to Camino. She doesn't have any intention of doing so but wanted to see how they react to such a suggestion.

ooc: spot check 16

Ashira  d20+12=21
Friday May 19th, 2006 3:06:55 PM

Ashira watches the antics of the raven haired woman with humor. To have so much pluck for someone who couldn't back up her words was funny.

Not really sure what more information she can gather from the natives, Ashira scans the area and spots something of interest on the pyramid (Spot=21).

Friday May 19th, 2006 3:21:08 PM

Seeing that the men have taken her bait hook, line and sinker, Mary reels the boys in. Giggling naively, she strokes the third boy's shoulder. "Oooo...how do the Masters guide the ships in? Do they use that big scary snake out there? They must be really powerful if they do, because that thing was really strong."

She switches her focus over to the second young man. "Hehe..well, life on the sea is so much different from the society you have here. It's so wonderful! Please, tell me all about this place. Do the Masters give you any rules, or are you allowed to do whatever you want? Other than the snake hunt, do the Masters give you any jobs? How do the Masters protect you, do they use magic?" Mary smiles warmly gazing up admiringly at the young men's eyes as she waits for them to answer her questions.

Nezamil  d20+5=15
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:44:37 PM

Nezamil keeps his conversation with Camino going " so no kids return after meeting with the masters ?? the women just let them take their children ??" asks the Cleric of Domi incredulously " do the women come back here afterwoods or do they stay with their children ??"

The dwarf pauses a few moments awaiting Camino's reply " so how does the signaling work ??"

Nezamil surveys the pyramid (d20+5=15 spot ch) but nothing jumps out at him as he listens to the talk about the feast

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:51:40 PM

The brothers take turns with Tomas's direction in keeping the warriors alert....they take the 3rd unit thats resting and gather nearby freash water to refill the ships stores

Friday May 19th, 2006 8:20:34 PM

Rigging looks a little flustered at all the attention from the women folk. He hopes Ashira realizes that he didn't ask for it.

Rigging will allow the conversations around him to go on while he ponders their next course of action. He stands up and says in a loud voice, "It is time to head back to the ship. We thank you for your kind hospitality and if we can, I would love to go on this snake hunt with you. Still we have work to do back at the ship and must leave."

Rigging will make the rounds thanking the cooks, hosts and others before he starts leading the Wildcards back to the ship. When he is sure that they are alone, he says, "Was I the only one but did that situation just feel wrong. We need to get a look at that temple and see if we can find the "master's village" that was mentioned. I want to get to the bottom this thing."

Rigging will talk to Cosmo and say, "Can you cast more than one of that long term fly spell you do? It might be helpful to take an arial survey of the area, but I don't want you going alone."

Appolo (George) 
Friday May 19th, 2006 8:43:25 PM

Appolo enjoys the sensation of the pretty woman on his lap. For a moment he enjoys the attention but then his eyes catch sight of Val staring and then her turning away. He stands up setting the pretty girl aside and strides over to Val. He grabs her by the elbow and says "Please dear heart, we need to talk."

He tries to lead her away and if she goes, he will find a private place to talk but either in private or public he says, "Val, you know I love you. We used to be so close but now you are pushing me away. I can't stand it. You seem closer to Mary now. What happened? Have I disappointed you in some way? Please tell me what is wrong. I just can't stand not knowing where we stand.

I was hoping to make you jealous a few minutes ago. You just turned away. My heart is only for you but if you don't love me anymore, please tell me so I can move on with my life." Appolo the hardnose rogue, so ruthless in battle, stands with his heart in his throat, chest pounding as he awaits his answer.

DM Jim: Questions and Good byes 
Saturday May 20th, 2006 1:51:52 PM

OOC: Matt/Cosmo will be on sabbatical as his father is gravely ill. I will play him as an NPC unless someone wants to run his character, please email me.


Bart is very quite and can almost not be seen, but the large group of women that surround the big warrior.

Mykael is stunned into silence by all that is happening.

Camino tells Val "The view from the top of the pyramid is impressive. I will show you if you like after the feast. The master's forbid us from entering the pyramid."

Val wonders how things have changed between her and Appolo and Appolo make a move to find out. Taking the newly formed Val for a walk to discuss what has happened.

Rigging is uncomfortable with all the female attention, especially under the gaze of his wife.

Rigging wants to bring the party to a close and reassemble at the Sword. Rigging ask Cosmo to do an extensive recon of the island and the Halfling wizards tells him he must rearrange his spells and will tomorrow morning.

Mary has several of the local boys acting like putty in her hands as they eagerly answer her questions, each looking for more favor from the stunning red head. One stammers as he elbows another out of the way. "The only rules are to procreate, snake hunt when signaled and then send the pregnant females to the master's village. Unless we are on a snake hunt or sending the females we are not to cross the big serpent river, but we can cross the small serpent, which you did to get here." The boy elbowed out of the way moves forward and speaks his peace. "We have to signal the masters when we see ships too. The masters do not offer us any other protect, besides the axe, we can take care of ourselves." And the young man leans in real close to Mary and smells her hair. A third boy pushes the leaner out of the way and adds "The giant snake brings the ships in. The castaways that survive get the favor of the masters." He finishes with a winning smile.

Camino continues with Nezamil "No kids or women come back, we get new ones. The ones that move on to the master's village get to stay. Same goes for the hunters that cross the Big Serpent. Not everyone gets to go, seven men to hunt and then number of females depends on how many are real pregnant. We vote a few in for the hunt and then have a lottery for the rest." When Nezamil asks about the workings of the pyramid Camino answers. "We have a few items that trigger the pyramid; they must be placed in the circle at the top. We keep them in a locked chest by the axe." And Camino points it out to Nezamil.

It is a great distance, but Ashira can see symbols or writing on the lower portion of the pyramid.


Rigging starts to say goodbye and is given firm handshakes and slaps on the backs by the men, polite curtsies from the pregnant women, even though none of the them are wearing dresses, and finally very warm hugs and kisses from the available women.

There seems to be a line forming of young men to say goodbye to Mary, but most are pleading for her to stay.

Several of the unattached ladies are trying to use all of their ample charms to convince Appolo and Bart to stay. Ashira's bluster regarding her husband has driven off most of the women, but they still seem to be eyeing him.


Hal and Kirk lead the third group of marines into the jungle to retrive water and they are sucessful, but there are so many snakes......


OOC: I am still waiting for updated character sheets(only one to date). If we enter combat and I have not recieved your sheet you do not gain the benifit of your new level until after combat.

I will attempt to post at my normal time:Lunch, starting Monday.

Sunday May 21st, 2006 2:24:47 PM

Bart is happy with th attenetion het gets from the women, but it is too much, overdone He remembers a story about sirens luring honest sailors to their island. I have to take care

Sunday May 21st, 2006 8:14:35 PM

The giant sized dwarf stands up and surveys the village " well it's been a pleasure meeting you and i hope to continue our conversation again "

Nodding goodbye to the villagers Nezamil heads after Captain Rrigging and takes up postion as rearguard as Val directed on the march inland

Mykael  d20+5=19
Sunday May 21st, 2006 8:39:51 PM

Mykael follows the group out of the village.

"More investigation, I agree. To many things running together. Same fruit as satyrs, sounds like satyr work, and the weird bird. The bird appears to be the same species as the one that saw the rug vendor have with him in South Harbor. Same species, I watched the rug vendor turn into and fly away. And that rug vendor was the one that was the go between for the quads. Interesting, may be a co-incidence."


Rigging  d20+12=25 d20+11=23
Monday May 22nd, 2006 7:33:05 AM

Rigging will lead the Wildcards and Mary back to the ship. He will keep a watchful eye out for snakes. "I knew the jungle has a lot of snakes but this is ridiculous? Why would you have to go on a snake hunt? Is it hunting when you can just whack them out of the tree?"

After they have walked a ways and they are confident they are alone (spot checks 25 and 23)Rigging will start summarizing what they have seen.

"OK we have a strange little village with an abnormal social dynamic. Very few men with a bunch of women who want to become pregnant. Once those women have buns in the oven, they go off to the "Master's village" and are never heard form again.

The area is dominated by an ancient pyramid which the villagers use to summon the masters and tell them when a boat is sighted. I wonder if the masters were informed of our arrival before or after the snake attack?

The pyramid seems to focus magic as all magic glows after being exposed to the temple's affects. We know this because they have a strongly magical battleaxe hanging there which they claim is keeping the snakes away from the village.

Finally it seems we have had some contact with this set up in the past. The satyrs were collecting women, Mary's cousin is an example, and possibly bringing them here for the masters? That could be a coincidence but not really sure.

I think we have two choices for the future. Try and find the master's village or explore the Pyramid? Anyone have an opinion?"

DM Jim: back to the Ship 
Monday May 22nd, 2006 1:13:31 PM

Rigging get the Wildcards and Mary back together after all of the goodbyes and heads back to the Ship.

Marocs calls to the group as they leave. "We will have another feast tomorrow. Hope to see you."

The way is easier this time as the group has made the trek once before. There almost seems to be more snakes than on the trip to the village. There is no problem crossing the Little Serpent River as Cosmo remembers one of the villagers calling it.

Everyone is drenched in sweat once you get back to the Sword. It does get hot on this Island and it is opressively humid. It does look like it will rain this afternoon as clouds are comming in from the east.


Those that remained at the Sword are still working. No one is wearing any armor, but weapons are kept close by. A contingent of guards announces the return of the Wildcards.

There are groups working on the berm, some gathering food and water, and some working with Marc and Mark to identify wood for a scaffoling. The camp is very busy.

Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:28:50 PM

The dwarf trails the Wildcards on the march back and observes all the snakes " whats up with all the snakes ???....i think their is more to all these snakes...gotta be something behind it....at least thats what i'm thinking "

After arriving at the Sword Nezamil greets the bash brothers " how goes it ?....anything strange happen or strange seen ??"

Nezamil finds Capatain Rigging ...."are we going back again tomorrow ??....all these snakes gives me da creeps....just too many proportionitly to the rest of da wild life on dis island in my opinion....something must make em thrive ..i'll ponder on dat "

With that said Nezamil makes his way over to the carpenters and inquires how they are doing and if his strength and size can help...adding that he can do the same for another or two per day if needed for any heavy lifting

Ashira  d20+12=21
Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:41:10 PM

Returning to the ship, Ashira checks on the progress of the berm and then stripping off her armor, heads out into the bay for a quick swim. While she's out there, she checks for signs of the snake and then does a little more fishing (Surv.=21). Bringing in her catch, Ashira hands them over to the cooks to prepare for dinner. Then she heads over to Rigging. "Well my love, I don't mind heading over to the pyramid, but let's make sure the writing isn't magical glyphs... Don't want a repeat of the temple."

Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:59:39 PM

Blowing kisses to the boys before she leaves, Mary promises to be back soon. Walking beside Ashira as they head back, Mary giggles. "Men...sometimes they're so easy!"

Mary checks in briefly with Bart to make sure she is assigned to a watch. Then she sets about oiling the spear of her shortspear. Finding the humidity hampering her efforts, eventually she gives up and lies down near one of the trees. Closing her eyes, she thinks about her old village and how her life has changed since the Valley of Life.

Mykael  d20+10=17 d20+6=16 d20+12=20
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 12:27:16 AM

OOC: Jim did you ever tell Ashira what she noticed about the pyramid?

IC: Mykael smiles about Mary's comment, and makes one of his own, "That may be true, however, you have to realize those were just boys."

"Nez, what would you consider out of the ordinary for them? I mean, they are traveling with a 14 foot dwarf."

Mykael heads to his cabin and takes a break from the sun. He contemplates what they have seen and heard. He concentrates on his knowledge, searching his brain for any tid-bit of useful information. 'Magic axe... spell effect that amplifies or reveals magic by making it glow... the snakes... the masters... finally, the pyramid'.


Chatting with Ghem, he goes over what they have seen and know. He explains anything necessary to Ghem.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 8:14:12 AM

Rigging arrives at the boat and breathes a deep breathe of relief. He is happy to see everything is going OK. Even with Swirl's reassurances, Rigging was nervous.

He will take a couple of moments to talk to Tomas, the carpenters, Hal and Kirk just getting reports on the progress and see if anything needs his personal attention.

He will then strip down to his underthings and join Ashira in the lake. He always feels so awkward trying to swim with his wife. He flails around while she is so graceful in the water.

He says to her, "I wouldn't mind exploring the pyramid myself. I think it might give us some insight to these masters. Still I am not sure. If the temple is their holy place, we might give offense. I guess it depends on the characte of the masters. Things do look suspicious but do we want to assume that they are evil?"

Rigging will finish his conversation with his wife, admire her form as she glides so gracefully through the water and finally pull himself up on the beach and let the sun dry him as he ponders things.

Finally he will talk to Cosmo inquiring about his overland flight spell. He finds out that it is a personal spell and can't be cast on others. Unless given more opinions he will decide to have the group explore the pyramid.

He will pull the Wildcards together and say, "I think we should go take a look at the pyramid next. We leave in the morning. Spellusers please adjust your spells for crawling around inside a pyramid." He looks at Nezamil and Tomas and says, "Both of you please take some slow poisons or neutralize poisons. With all these snakes around, someone is eventually gonna get bit.

Cosmo, when we get back from our pyramid crawl, I want you to take a look around the island with that great longterm fly spell. We all will go exploring tomorrow."

Cosmo (George) 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 8:18:22 AM

OOC Jim, I can play Cosmo but will need a character sheet)

Cosmo hears the marching orders and makes some mental adjustments to which spells he should take. He then walks up to the Appolo and sits down next to the young thief. He looks at him and says, "I am still feeling my way around with this group. What is your normal combat style? I might be able to assist you with some spells if we can work out some tactics together?"

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:15:47 AM

Back on the sword, Val thinks back to that moment in the woods with Appolo. She knew that moment was going to happen. It was as inevitable as the setting sun and the fact that she didn't want to face it didn't matter.

"Appolo," she said and took his hands in her, "I didn't know how to tell you this. The woman you love she never made it out of the Mother's Valley. The battle between the father and mother. Dying back in that valley. I have walked this earth for a century but by the standards of my people I am still a child. I was so nieve and it took dying to put that into perspective. Every morning I wake up and look in the mirror. The face that stares back isn't mine but its getting harder and harder to remember the face that was. Look I just want you to be happy but now I can't give you that."

Val kissed him on the cheek and walked off into the forest where she cried for some time. Now her head was pounding from the bottle of wine she polished off after returning to her cabin last night.

DM Jim: Partings and Plannings 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 1:00:52 PM

OOC: Mykael, what Ashira saw on the pyramid was writtings and carvings.


Val and Appolo have come to grips with the way thing are now. They have come so far, but what does the future hold.


Rigging and Ashira enjoy a nice swim in the warm waters of the Lagoon. Ashira is again very sucessful in netting fish for the crew.

Once the rains hits several of the larger croc's enter the water and it seems to dampen the swimming mood. The rain does not last long and does nothing to lessen the humidity. The rain is a welcome relief for those working on the bern or gathering wood.

Mykael wracks his brain for a reason behind the strange occurance, but can find none, maybe upon closer inspection.......

Rigging calls for all to prepare to vissit the Castaway Village in the morning to inspect the Pyramid.

Nezamil and Rigging express concern for all the snakes that are on this island and what they may eat......

Cosmo reaggranges his spells for Rigging and prepares to scout when asked.

Tomas also changes his spell in the morning to include a pair of slow and neutralize poisons.

Kirk approaches the shrinking Nezamil "Our turn to come with you, big guy." Hal can be seen not to far away sharpening his sword and oiling his armor in preparation.


ooc: I need spell lists and updated characters sheets for everyone that gained a level, including followers.

What is the marching order and who is going to the village?


Morn come and everyone eat and hits the trial for the Castaway Village. The Little Serpent is again crossed with no problem, although it may be slightly higher as a result of yesterdays rains.

The group is hailed as it approaches the village. Again several young men meet the group they seem to be looking for a red head of a particular shape.

Marcos speaks up "You are early. The feast will not be ready for several hours. You can take a rest under the stone pavillon if you like." Marcos points ot a large stone pavillion at least 100 yards away. There are no sides to the structure and it is made of the same stone as the pyramid.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 3:27:30 PM

Bart is ready for the trip to the pyramids. He is a little bit wooriied about the bis serpent river that the vilaagers spoke about. They werent allowed to cross it. Bart speaks out his thoughts to his friends.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 3:29:22 PM

Vlanthe's words wound him more deeply then G'aal and all his minnions ever could.He sta"I love you.Please."

He stumbles listlessly back to the ship,by the time morning comes he hasn't slept and is in a thoroughly foul mood.He justt akes off toward the village without a word.Moving with speed ahead of the others.

Appolo makes a beeline for the Pyramid,blowing by the villagers as if the aren't even there.

Bash brothers hit pts for leveling up!! Hal and Kirk  d10=8 d10=5
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 4:31:05 PM

Character sheets 99% done will send later tonight

delete this later if you want

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:26:27 PM

After a good nights sleep the Cleric of Domi mediates to Domi as the others ready themselves for the trek back to castaway village

After breakfast Nezamil finds the bash brothers " we'll see if Captain Rigging ok's more of ya to come along....we don't want to deplete the defense of the Sword too much incase of an attack by whatever lurks in the jungle....but be ready just incase" smirks Nezamil

As they head off up the trail the dwarf nods to Val " i'll take rearguard again as you directed last time "

"just becareful where ya step too many of them snakes for my taste......wonder if their good eating ? " laughs Nezamil

spell list to follow later

Mykael  d20+5=20
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:11:28 AM

Mykael wakes and studies his spells. He readies his equipment and outfits himself.

He smiles as the tiny dragon wakes, "We are going into the pyramid today. I would prefer if you were to stay here and keep watch on the ship and crew. You can contact me if something happens. And try to stay away from the crocs."

Ghem responds, 'Sure, I like this island. Its is similar to were I lived before we became friends. And the food! Snakes everywhere, I dont even have to try to find food. Its everywhere. Although, snakes dont make me too full, and they dont taste as good as other things.'

"Well, just becareful. And dont get so fat that you cant fly anymore," Mykael smiles wryly.

Up on deck, He surveys the area. And he falls in line on the way to the village. Mykael ponders on the previous visit, Mary thinks men are strange, in my human body, I was always catching looks from women. Yesterday, not one even looked my way. Wonder if they are prejudice. Wow, jealousy? hmmm... interesting.

"Rigging, think you can talk them into letting us get a look at thier summoning items for the Masters? It may tell us something"

I am going to have to watch Apollo close, he seems to have a death wish

Mykael makes his way around the villiagers while the group has them distracted and follows Apollo at a distance. He does his best to maintain view of him and the rest of the group.


Mykael (illegal) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:15:40 AM

OOC: got my list ready, then forgot to add it to my character post

0> Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1> Floating Disk, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Animate Rope
2> See Invisibility, Knock, Scorching Ray, Web
3> Slow, Vampiric Touch, Haste

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:59:06 AM

Ashira very much enjoys her swim with her husband. She loves the fact that he's willing to spend time with her, even if it's doing something he's not very talented at. Before they head out to the village, Ashira checks to make sure it's ok for John and Mary to tag along...otherwise she just brings Mary, seeing as she was so successful at information gathering yesterday. After meditating briefly for her daily spells, Ashira heads out with the others, letting Val call the shots. As they travel, Ashira pulls up alongside Mykael, initiating conversation. "Ummm...Mykael, I was wondering if you could give that ring that I let you borrow to John? See, I think I've worked out a way to make him useful, and the ring plays a big part in it..."

Upon arriving at the village, Ashira stays very close to Rigging, ready to back up her claim to Rigging with physical damage if needed. Shrugging as Appolo charges in headlong as usual, Ashira gives Rigging a questioning look wondering if he wants the group to follow after.

Ashira's spell list
1st level-Entangle, Delay Poison
2nd level-Barkskin, Spike Growth

John and Mary  d20+7=23
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 1:11:26 AM

John spends a brief amount of time in meditation first thing in the morning. After preparing his spells, John waits for Rigging's decision on whether he's allowed to join the party. Though honestly, he really doesn't mind spending a whole other day with Lilith in the crow's nest helping her out of that burdensome and hot leather armor...

Mary smiles as Ashira asks if she can come along, and blushes at the complement. Grabbing her gear and making sure the humidity doesn't make her hair friz too much (looking good=23), Mary readies herself to head out with the Wildcards.

Upon arriving at the village, Mary smiles and winks at the boys. "We were thinking of doing some exploring...any of you nice strong guys want to help guide us? Say...I wonder if you could show me one of those thingies that calls the Masters...I bet they're really powerful!"

John's daily spells
Pass without trace

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 3:37:08 AM

Val tried to remain focused on what was happening but it was hard. When she returned last night Melonie knew something was wrong. Val tried to pass it off but the girl wouldn't believe her. Part of her wanted to tell Melonie. To talk about the pain she felt. But it was personal and she would deal with it on her own. Even this morning Melonie was a little more worried than normal. Only by promising that she would be alright did Melonie agree to stay behind.

Once they reached the village Val was able to focus more. The village made her nervous. Deep down she felt there was something sinister at work. Too many lives depended on her being alert. Hopefully Ashira knows what she's doing by bringing Mary into this situation.

"So what do you think captain? Some nice R&R?"

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:36:06 AM

Rigging looks at the many followers that are gearing up to come along and makes some hard decision. He gathers all the followers for a quick meeting. "I am sorry but all of us can't go. I look upon you folks as the Swords next best line of defense when the Wildcards are away. I want Tomas and my follows to stay, Hal's stays and Melonie stays this time. Be alert, I am not sure we are on a friendly shore and we need to get those repairs made."

Rigging arrives at the village and trys to hold Ashira's hand for protection and to show his devotion. (Gotta earn those brownie points!)

When greeted by the villagers, Rigging says, "We aren't here for another feast right now. If possible we would like to explore the pyramid. We find old architcure fascinating and the magical properties of this one curious."

OOC Jim, I will be posting both Cosmo's and Rigging's spell list tonight

Cosmo (Geoge) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:40:05 AM

Cosmo walks along but is strangly quiet as he makes the journey. He is disappointed that he was snubbed by Appolo but understands that they young thief is brokenhearted right now. It reminds him of his early days chasing those halfling lasses down by the pond.

He snaps back to attention when he almost steps on a slithering snake. He shudders and wonders if the other Wildcards thing the snakes look as big as he does.

He will quicken his pace to walk next to Bart figuring the big fighter would smush any snake that gets near him. "Bart, I see you like to cook? Where did you pick up that skill?"

DM Jim: The Pyramid 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:49:47 PM

THe Wildcards and some selected followers make the trip to the Castaway Village. John is particularly happy to be in the jungle and seems very much at home, although his thoughts still drift to the shapely form of Lilith.

Ashira asks Mykeal about a magic ring he was lent.

Nezamil and Cosmo have their own thought about the snakes on the journey, but each is biased by their scale: to eat or be eaten.

Mykael is lost in his own thought as he sees Apolo stomp off towards the Pyramid. Mykael takes off and follows, as do two women that have no bun in the oven. Mykael can hear the giggle and say "He is the bad boy."

Mary has several of the men of the village tripping over one another as they struggle for her attentions. The all speak at once "I'll take you. No pick me. I know the rules. I can make it work. You don't want them."

Val has Melonie stay behind on the ship as she has concerns about the village.


The square pyramid is four large 20 foot high levels, each smaller than the next. The bottom level looks to be over 120 feet per side. There are wide stairs that are cut into the two visible sides of the square pyramid. There are also two open archways leading into the bottom level of the pyramid. The structure looks old in the extreme.

There are no trees or bushes within 100 feet of the square pyramid.


Appolo and Mykael can see that there are writtings and incriptions on the pyramid. Mostly on the base and centered around the two visible archways. A DC 20 spot check for all others to notice the writtings (except Ashira, which knows they are there). DC 17 spot check for Appolo and Mykael to notice another interesting feature about the pyramid.

DC 30 decifer script (trained only) or a DC 30 Int check: +1 for each 3 ranks of arcane knowledge (round down) and +5 if you know draconian (It is not draconian). The bonuses will apply to either roll, but only make one roll (whichever is better).


Marocs states "The masters do not allow us to enter the pyramid, but we can climb the stairs. It is rumored that some headstrong men entered the pyramid and never returned. The village was then punished for not listening to the masters. Oh, and the pyramid is activated at the top."

Appolo  d20+12=15 d20+9=26 d20+9=11 d20+9=20 d20+9=11 d20+9=24 d20+9=24 d20+9=17
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 2:09:25 PM

Appolo stops at the Pyramid and looks over the writing,but can't figure it out.Turning to look around,he sees Mykeal and the two women.Speaking to Mykeal"So what do you make of this writing.Also do you notice somwething else interesting about this Pyramid?"

Spot 26 Decipher script 15

OOC Please ingore the extra rolls Mistake.

Mykael  d20+5=8 d20+13=21
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:11:41 PM

Mykael distracted by the two women following Apollo doesnt notice anything. (spot=8)

"Normally I am pretty good with deciphering writings, but I cant make any of this out. Perhaps with more study... Something interesting? no... no, I dont see anything."

"Lets not get too hasty, we can handle almost anything, you and I, however, why take away the rest of the groups fun? Besides, maybe Cosmo or Rigging will have better luck with the writings, and I would like to know what it says before we enter. Writings can be glyphs or wards, and we dont need to run blindly into traps, especially magical ones."

Mykael stands back and waits for the group, chatting with Apollo.

"It seems you have drawn some attention," Mykael nods towards the two women.

Mykael (illegal) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:13:50 PM

OOC: man I am forgetful, my Decipher script roll in the previous post was the second roll = 21.

Rigging  d20+12=17
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:25:17 PM

Rigging moves towards the pyramid gesturing for the others to follow. He calls out to Appolo and Mykael to wait for the others. He moves towards the pyramid but doesn't spot the writing so he doesn't get to use his handy dandy comprehend languages spell.

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Cosmo (George) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:36:34 PM

Cosmo follows along and wonders why no one will talk to him. He looks up at Bart and sees him staring at the pretty girls and nods his understanding. He glances at them but sighs when he doesn't see any halfling women. It isn't fair. He wouldn't mind getting a little but he knows that most of these girls would just pat him on the head and proceed straight to one of the "big" men.

Cosmo sighs again. He knows that he could make them very happy. His enlarge spell can come in very handy sometimes but it does take special concentration to get it to only affect part of his body.

He moves towards the stairs noting how steep they look. "Bart don't suppose you want to carry me up those steep steps? They were cut for a person of my statue."

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, Tensors floating disc x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Dark vision x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Shrink Item x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Passwall x1 & Animal Growth x1

Nezamil  d20+6=7
Thursday May 25th, 2006 12:48:07 AM

The 10'6" dwarf strolls into castaway village as rearguard of the group with Kirk a few steps in front of him " this is the place we visited yesterday Kirk ....seems like a nice vacation resort " chuckles Nezamil as he looks about (d20+6=7 spot ch)but nothing catches his eye

As the young men badger the women " Kirk make sure you keep an eye on our fellow females...these boys only have one thing on their mind...don't be afraid to bully them a little if ya feel its needed "

"its all a bit odd if ya aske me...they have no other cares about what happens....almost like they are brainwashed ...so be careful yourself too....the women might swarm a stud like you " grins Nezamil " but they only seem intrested in you humans ...so stay alert " grins the dwarf

Spell list
0-Create water x2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Detect magic
1st-Command,Divine favor,Endure elements,Magic weapon,Pro-f-evil,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,Delay poison(Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge,Searing light,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Restoration(Spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW mass,Wall of Stone(Spell resistance)

Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:20:20 AM

Ashira smiles as Rigging takes her hand, and scowls at any woman stupid enough to come close to her husband.

Upon arriving at the pyramid, Ashira points the writing out to her husband. "What do you think those are?" she asks, having absolutely no knowledge about such things.

Ashira looks over anxiously to make sure that John and Mary are alright. Spying Mary's expert handling of the young men, Ashira smiles, knowing that in many ways the two were more than capable of taking care of themselves.

John and Mary  d20=15
Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:34:56 AM

Mary beams radiant smiles at the hunks gathered around her. "Oh, that's so very nice of you all...you are positively chivalrous. In the end, Mary chooses the youth that seems most likely to provide the most useful information to her (Sense Motive=15). As they head to the pyramid, Mary makes sure she chats with the lad, stroking his ego while simultaneously pumping him for information. "Don't I remember you saying something about signaling the masters with the items.... Do they actually come and talk to you when you call, or do you just talk to them magically. I think magic is soooo exciting! Oh, do you know how they control that big snake out there? I'm so very afraid of snakes...it's a good thing the masters keep them away from the pyramid! Do you think we might meet with the masters today? That would be so exciting!"

John chuckles watching Mary work the youths and counts his lucky stars that he didn't fall for her. She was so much more conniving than Lilith... Sweet Lilith...he could still smell her sweet hair...see her beautiful pointed ears... Shaking his head, John sticks close to the wooded area, uncomfortable about being out in the open with no wildlife around him.

OOC: Mykael...please let me know if you gave Ashira's partner invisibility ring to John. It affects how I intend to play him. Thanks!!

Mykael (another illegal) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:30:23 AM

Mykael hands Ashira the ring, when she asks for it.

Thursday May 25th, 2006 10:13:28 AM

Val sees several angry scowls on Ashira's face as eager women try to steal Rigging away. It's just what they need to get things back to the happy times they had before. Val approaches the pyramid and finds eager anticipation. The pyramid holds a mystery and she wants to uncover that mystery.

"Captain I request permission to head inside."

Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:21:03 PM

Well lets climb it must be a great view from the top

DM Jim: The Pyramid 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:41:15 PM

Appolo attempts to discern the meaning of the symbols and writings that are concentrated by the closest archway, but to no avail. Mykael hurries forward, but can offer no assistance is reading the ancient writings. The two women that are admiring Appolo comment, mostly to themselves, but it can be heard with a DC 10 listen check. "I think he can help me get my diamond necklace. He looks good too."

Appolo does notice several small shafts that were cut into the sides of the square pyramid and he ponders what could they be for? The small shafts located on all four levels of the pyramid, or so on the two sides that Appolo can see.

Rigging calls for all the crew of the Sword to follow Mykael and Appolo.

Cosmo broods his fate at being a halfling and the advantages of being a wizard.

Nezamil warns Kirk about possible female attention and a cry can be heard from the stone pavilion "They brought a BIG one." And three females (not pregnant) start to saunter down to investigate Kirk.

OOC: 500 exp to Nezamil for noticing that the interactions are human only.

John has warm thoughts for Lilith, but there are many examples of female forms to tempt any mans fancy.

Mary chooses David as her escort to the dismay of several other suitors. "Yes, we do signal the masters from the top of the pyramid. We use items they have given us to power the device." David flexes the muscles in the arm Mary is holding before continuing. "We assume the masters control the big snake and help keep the rest of the snakes out of our village. They did give us the axe for our protection and for the hunts."

Marcos speaks up after overhearing David "We do not call the masters for no reason as we are not to disturb them unless necessary, but yes they have appeared to us at the top of the pyramid after we have summoned them. We are instructed to pay them homage from the bottom of the pyramid after we summon them."

Once everyone assembles at the bottom of the square pyramid, Mykael give Ashira the magic ring he had borrowed.

Val seems anxious to go exploring as asks to enter the pyramid.


The Wildcards and followers are at the bottom of the pyramid in front of one of the archways. All now notice the writings and a DC 15 spot check will reveal the small shafts.

Daylight spills into the archway lighting 20 - 25 feet, but a light can also be seen farther down with darkness in between. There is a stone floor and a smooth block side and ceiling walls in the tunnel to the interior of the pyramid. Rigging and Mykeal can tell that this structure took an amazing feat of engineering to create.

Marcos cautions "No one is allowed in the pyramid. Once per month we roll fruit into the tunnels as instructed, but that is the extent of what we can do. We can only go on the pyramid."

Nezamil  d20+6=11
Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:10:28 PM

Nezamil nods to Captain Rigging as he heads towards the pyramid " lets follow him Kirk" as the two bring up the the rear of the group

Eyeing the three women heading towards Kirk " remember what i told ya...keep alert and you head on business......if this island works out for us you'll have plenty of time to play " grins Nezamil

making their way to the pyramid only keeps his eye on his trusted bodyguard (d20+6=11 spot ch)

"Once a month ?? why just once a month?? how much fruit do you roll down the tunnel ?? do you hear any noise from the tunnel??" blurts out the dwarf as he peppers Marcos with questions

Kirk  d20+5=12
Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:17:17 PM

"Heh sure thing big guy " as the tall warrior checks out the three beauties sauntering over to him " i sure hope it works out for us " chuckles Kirk " i can get used to this "

The big warrior keeps his mind on business at hand but is polite to the ladies " good morning ....sorta busy right now but i'm sure we'll have time to talk later " smiles Kirk (d20+5=12 intimidate ch) as he tries to slightly use his charm to backoff the ladies till later

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=15
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:31:11 AM

Seeing as the current exploration isn't proving incredibly helpful, Ashira begins to think that they should probably just come back at night. She stands around impatiently glaring at the pyramid (Spot=17, Listen=15).

John and Mary 
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:35:57 AM

Mary continues to chit chat with David, uncertain as to how to proceed. She turns her focus on the snake hunt, asking David to tell her alll about the exciting event and whether not he will attend.

John watches several of the nearby women with more than a little interest. But still, he has a good thing going with Lilith, and until he knows more about these islanders, he'll stick with what he knows.

Mykael  d20+5=15
Friday May 26th, 2006 3:13:10 AM

Mykael notices the small shafts also(spot=15), since Apollo told him to take a good look.

"Those were probably used to move the blocks of the pyramid, you put a sturdy pole in each and many strong backs could move it, I would guess," Mykael ponders aloud.

Friday May 26th, 2006 9:47:48 AM

"Let's just go inside and get this overwith. There are probably some traps, physical and magical. Oh and a monster of some sort. This traveling back and forth, thse mysterious masters. It's all getting real old real fast." Val says as her patience is running out.

Rigging  d20+12=28 d20+9=24
Friday May 26th, 2006 10:13:39 AM

Rigging puts a hand on Val's shoulder. "Let's exercise just a little more patience my jumpy friend. I have some spells that might enlighten us on some things.

Why don't you prepare some torches for the pyramid. I somehow doubt that it will be light in there."

Rigging looks at Appolo, and says, "I need you to calm down and slow down. You are our best trap finder and I suspect that there might be a physical trap or two ahead of us. You will be leading the way so prepare for that."

Rigging looks at his wife and smiles, "You have a great glare dear but somehow I don't think it will burn through stone. Why don't you come up with a plan to get a rope on Appolo. I plan to have him lead the way put want the option of pulling out of the pit or gas trap or whatever when the time comes."

Rigging sees the holes (spot 28) and hears Mykaels possible explaination. He puts his engineering training. He will study them and give forth his opinion as soon as he has one. (Engineering 24)

Rigging then casts his comphrehend languages and runs his fingers along the script to see if it brings understanding.

comprehend languages 80 minutes

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages*
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Cosmo  d20+8=13
Friday May 26th, 2006 10:17:25 AM

Cosmo also sees the script and starts trying to read it. All he does is get confused (skill check 13) so he casts his spell mage armor an prepares himself for the climb.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, Tensors floating disc x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Dark vision x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Shrink Item x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Passwall x1 & Animal Growth x1

Friday May 26th, 2006 11:42:05 AM

Appolo points out the shafts and the writting,then replies to Rigging"I don't think going in there is the best thing to do.If you and Cosmo can figure out the writing first it would be nice,but I think we need to talk to these Masters and negotiate with them.I would also suggest that tis Pyramid might be some type of Temple and entering it without permission,then slaying whatever lives inside would not be recieved very well.So I suggest we have one of the villagers summon the Masters,I don't doubt that they already know we're here."

Turning and looking at the two ladies following him"Well darlings why don't you show me around,I could use a drink."he walks over to them and puts his arms over their shoulders.

DM Jim: The Captain Enlightens the Crew 
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:23:21 PM

Val and Ashira express impatient after reaching the square pyramid. Rigging urges caution and suggests letting Appolo probe the inner reaches of the pyramid. Appolo has other plans as he finally takes interest in the two beauties that are following him around.
After Appolo puts his arms around the girls, one giggles, "Come with us bad boy. We will get you some fermented juice." The three stroll off toward the Stone pavilion where the feast is being prepared.

Mykael suggest s use for the small shafts in the pyramid, but they do not seem constructed for use of placing blocks. Rigging uses his skilled eye and thinks they could be used to let something in, gas, light or liquids, or the same out.

Cosmo casts his mage armor spell on himself.

Rigging casts his comprehend languages spell on himself and the images and writing start to make sense.

Rigging sees some history of a people called the Hyss-Tar and their persecution by many races. The Hyss-Tar fled and settled on this island. The Hyss-Tar built the pyramids for watching the stars/sun/moon and to regulate their religious holidays. The Hys-Tar worship a god that they call Massshess. Massshess demands that the Hyss-Tar pay homage by repopulating the Wold and taking their proper place as the control force in the wold. The Hyss-Tar then converted the pyramids for use as a gate and then re-populate lands from which they had fled. There are many symbols of snakes on the pyramid and Hyss-Tar is viewed as a snake and a bipedal creature. Also there are many references to controlling and the power of travel. There are also references to harnessing the power of magic and how it relates to travel.

Kirk is able to warn of the ladies, but they still hand around seeming to wait for him to be done with what ever it is that he needs to do.

Mary asks David about the snake hunt "No, I am not going on the hunt." He say with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "But I will be here to take care of you." The chosen hunters go forth and clear a path for the pregnant women to follow a week later. It is only four days away. We have a big feast. It is lots of fun; we have been fermenting juice for weeks for this one. When the axe is hanging on its bracket the women leave the next day for the masters village. I wish I got to go hunt, next time I will."


The diverse group of castaways and crew are standing in front of one archway of the square pyramid listening to Rigging read the writings and symbols. Except Appolo, as he seems distracted by the lovelies. One of the girls giggles, "Your Captain sounds so boring, much too serious, and with that blue haired girl of his." As she presses he body next to Appolo.

Marcos warns again "No one is allowed in the pyramid. We do nto want to make the masters angry."

Sunday May 28th, 2006 3:51:23 PM

Nezamil pauses a moment at Marcos's words " angry??? why would they become angry at you ?for just walking into the pyramid ??"

"doesn't seem like you have many choices that you can make ....no freedoms of your own too choose"

" life seems very pleasant here but seems like your trapped at the masters beck and call ....doesn't seem like paradise too me if ya can't make your own choices"

The 10'6" dwarf turns and looks at the pyramid " captain do we call the masters or enter the pyramid ?"

Monday May 29th, 2006 11:17:47 AM

Appolo walks over to the pavilon,smiling he looks back over his shoulder"Come on guys.Let's get out of the sun."

Turnung back to his female companions"yes that is why he is the Captian and blue hair defneds her territtory fiercly.Now tell me about tha Masters.I think my Captian would like to talk to one of them."

Monday May 29th, 2006 4:39:28 PM

The ranger chuckles at her husband. "Yeah, I could give him a rope...or I could just give him my fly potion...it's your choice." Faning herself, Ashira follows Apollo's advice and gets out of the sun...her armor dripping with sweat.

Mary and John 
Monday May 29th, 2006 4:44:54 PM

Mary beams at David. "I'm so glad you're here to keep me safe from the snakes!! You say the village is four days from here, hmmmm? Is it an easy trip? Which way do you go?"

Scooting back toward the trees, John leans against the nearest one, picking his teeth and waiting for some kind of a decision to be made.

Monday May 29th, 2006 5:32:29 PM

Rigging, after doing his share of reading, will start climbing the pyramid looking for more writings. When he nears the top he will be careful not to enter the pyramid, concerned that the whole thing is a massive teleportation device. He will carefully look for more writings while his spell is in effect.

Mykael  d20+5=24 d20+1=5
Monday May 29th, 2006 6:54:50 PM

Mykael stands at the bottom keeping tabs on all, making sure that no one gets into trouble and no ambushes are happening.


Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday May 29th, 2006 9:50:49 PM

Cosmo stands with the rest of the wildcards looking at the pyramid.

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 6:35:02 AM

She's getting really tired of hearing what these masters forbid. Still if the captain wants to waste time with this then waste time they shall.

"Captain for the record I believe your playing right into their hands."

DM Jim 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 1:54:08 PM

Nezamil is concerned over Marcos's word choice and he elaborates "Everything is great as long as we abide by a few simple rules" Marcos is a bit agitated.

David is very calm next to Mary and adds "No it is not four days march. The hunt is in four days. I do not know how long it takes to get to the masters village."

Rigging takes his recently discovered knowledge and begins to climb the square pyramid. The steps are wide and on a slight angle. Is the strange stair design set to let water drain? It almost seems as it the stairs were not designed for humanoids as a first consideration. There is no real problem climbing the stairs either way.

The Wildcards watch Rigging's accent.

Rigging notices writing by the small, approximately 8 inch square, shafts. "If you view this as a door then you are on the path to enlightenment. Massshess knows the way."

Rigging is starting to lose his comprehend languages spell. Only every other word seems to make sense.

Mykael notices that several of Rigging's items are starting to glow, especially two of his rings.


The Wildcards wait for Rigging orders.

Marcos looks at Rigging and exclaims "Look at all the power he carries." Marcos is pointing up at Rigging with his mouth open. Everyone else looks as well.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+23=34
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 11:06:05 PM

Cosmo looks up at the glowing Rigging. He contemplates the affect,trying to figure out what is going on.

Spellcraft 34 (36 if conjuration).

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:11:42 AM

Picking a fruit seed out of her teeth, Ashira calls up to Rigging. "Find anything interesting, hun?"

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:20:43 AM

The agitation in Marcos's voice draws Nezamils attention "as long as you abide by a few simple rules ??.....what happens if you don't abide by them ??" persists the Cleric of Domi

The 10'6" dwarf looks up at Captain Rigging at the mention of a glowing Captain Rigging

"Hmmm very intresting affect " Nezamil looks to the glowing axe and looks to see how close it is to the pryamid comapred to Rigging (how big is the axe ?? normal size ??)

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 6:09:00 AM

Bart watches Rigging climbing the pyramid he starts to follow him but stops for a moment when he sees the glimmering around Rigging. Hmm maybe i have to remove my magical armor I dont wanna glow in the dark like. Bart climbs down again and removes his chainshirt and other magigical items. However he keeps his sword with him.

"Mary could you look after my things? you can wear the amulet the cloak and the rings."

"Rigging i will come up as well and have a look with the wayfinder maybe we see some interesting things."

Rigging  d20+12=26 d20+12=24
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 8:20:36 AM

Rigging looks down at Bart taking off his armor and says, "Bart, stay off this thing for now. I have already volunteered to be a test subject, let me finish and see what I can see before anyone else joins in.

Rigging will concentrate on his spell scanning quickly for any writings he might see. He will pick up his pace and move towards the top of the pyramid trying to get more information before his spell fails.

concentration 26
spot 24

When he comes back down, he will gather the others and say, "Obviously this thing effects magic. I had trouble concentrating and keeping my spell in effect. If you like to use long term spells, this adventure might be problematic."

Rigging relates what he read to the others.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:38:51 AM

Val chuckles at Mykael's comment. All the wildcards carried many magical items of varying power. Magical items was how they stayed alive when the unexpected happened.

"Mykael will all magic on the island eventually glow?"

DM Jim: Enlightenment 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 1:14:31 PM

Cosmo watches Rigging and his magic items closely, which is not too hard as he is so illuminated. Cosmo sees the magical energy of each school of magic aligning on each magic item. The items seem uneffected, but the magic is brought more to the surface. It sees to be conjouration magic.

OOC: DC 30 acrane knowledge check for all, Rigging get +2.

Ashira is wondering what is taking her husband so long.

Marcos looks up at the gaint sized dwarf. "We were spared a horrible death at sea. I can stay out of the temple." When Nezamil looks over at the axe Marcos comments again "It happens to most magic, eventually. Your boss has enough power to signal the moon. Urgh!" Marcos quickly covers his eyes as Bart steps on the square pryamid.

Rigging is dull in comparison to Bart as Wayfinder is giving off blinding light. Bart's sword is also glowing but it pales in comparison to Wayfinder. Everyone shields their eyes as they get used to the bright display.

Rigging is able to keep hold of his spell and climb to the top of the pyramid. All of the strange stairs are very smooth as if they have had decades of use, maybe even much longer.
Rigging warns Bart to stay at the bottom of the pyramid and he does so.

The view from the top of the pyrmaid is spectacular. Rigging can see sections of the Big Serpent, the river described by the castaways. It is miles of and it looks almost unreachable through some very dense jungle. The mountain is shrouded in mists as is other parts of the island.

Rigging can see the Wildcards bathed in the light of Wayfinder at the base of the pyramid.


On the top of the pyramid, Rigging sees that it is dominated by a large raise circle. There is a much smaller circle touching the raised cirlce on a tangent. There is a small one foot diameter anchored box in one corner. There is some light escaping through openings of the lid.

Rigging see more writting and symbols on the surface of the circles.

In the small circle "Power source Here"

In the large circle "Masshess's chosen will find the way."

Rigging goes back down to report his findings to the rest of the Wildcards. As he decends, most of the Castaway village are coming over to investigate the light show. There are many Ooohs and Aaaahs and finger pointing and one not again.

DC 20 listen check to identify the speaker.

Bart and Rigging's magic items do not return to their normal luminesence when they leave the pyramid.

DC 15 int check to determine that your healing potions are not glowing like the rest of your magic.

Rigging needs a DC 17 concentration check to maintain his comprehend languages spell, but either way he feels its magic being siphoned away.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 3:48:58 PM

Appolo sits under the stone pavillon drinking juice with the ladies"So what exactly do these masters look like?"He asks

Rigging  d20+10=20
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 9:39:03 PM

Rigging just hears the comment and strides over to the person who said, "Not again" and says, "What did you mean by that? Has this happened before?" Rigging will grab the elbow of the speaker and try to steer them towards the table. "Can we talk? I am concerned for my friends and you as well? Do you know what happens to the children and the mothers? I know the Masters take care of you but a farmer takes care of his pigs to...right up until he slaughters them."

Mykael  d20+10=13 d20+1=18
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:43:11 PM

(arcane knowledge=13)

Mykael scratches his head as his years of study and fine tuning of his intellect was all for nothing.

"Pretty light show"

Ashira  d20+11=12
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 11:47:27 PM

Averting her eyes from the blinding light of the Wayfinder, Ashira hands Bart a sack. "Geez, will you cover that thing up?! I've seen lighthouses that generate less light!" Ashira is so unnerved by Bart's artifact that she completely fails to notice who said "Not again" (Listen=12). Ashira listens with interest to what the natives might say to Rigging's questioning.

Nezamil  d20+5=11 d20+1=16
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 11:47:55 PM

Nezamil eyes squint and he shades his eyes with a hugh hand " hmm.....well we won't be able to sneak up on anyone at night if everything glows like that"

"but then again it would be hard to be snuck up on too "

As the Nezamil observes the crowds reaction to the blinding light he also eyes his fellow wildcards and himself (d20+1=16 int ch) to see if they are affected also

" a horrible death ?? huh..... feels more like a prison to me ......but certainly has nice perks " chuckles Nezamil

"gonna hafta look into that " growls the 10'6" dwarf outloud

kirk  d20+6=25 d20+5=15
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 11:59:29 PM

The tall warrior picks the speaker out of the crowd (d20+6=25 listen ch) and watches as Captain Rigging takes the man aside .

Shading his eyes to the bright light from Bart the warrior stands near the big guy covering his back...whether by intent or reflex as the crowd of castaways gather near he scowls (d20+5=15 intimidate ch) at them

(how big is the hanging axe ?? med or large ??)


DM Jim: The battle axe is normal sized for a human. It is not a great axe or sized for one large or huge in sized, but could be used by someone of large or huge size as a hand axe.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:40:14 AM

Well when i am glowing now as well i can have a llok with the wayfinder to see if there is anything the naked eye cant see

Cosmo  d20+6=16 d20+18=33 d20+5=10
Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:34:25 AM

Cosmo watches with interest as the magic items on Rigging and Bart begin to glow. He notices that the glowing effect is very similar to how detect magic can inform of varying strengths of magic. He also sees that potions are not glowing (int ck 16).

As he contemplates more on the Pyramid and its affect on magic items, he misses the person who says "not again" (listen ck 10). Cosmo does, however, extract more information from the recesses of his mind (arcane knowledge ck 33). He relates this new piece of information to Rigging and the rest of the Wildcards (assuming that it is safe for all to hear).

Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:56:57 AM

Val keeps quiet though its clear she's getting tired of the diplomatic cat and mouse game these villagers are playing. Something is going on here and its only going to get worse before they get better.

DM Jim: More Enlightenment  d20+12=24
Thursday June 1st, 2006 1:01:34 PM

Rigging maintains his hold on his comprehend languages spell but still feels it slipping away (Conc. Check 24 -- please make your own checks in the future).


OOC: Rigging - DC 18 concentration check or the spell ends. Rigging knows the spell will end in less than one minute either way.

Cosmo DC 12 concentration check or mage armor ends, only one check required.


Rigging approaches the human woman that spoke the words "Not again" She is older than the rest by a few years, but still a very attractive blond. "I have been here a long time. Those with magic seem to disappear, or they play on the pyramid and disappear, or they go wandering and never return. We are always abandoned by those of power except the masters."

When Bart and Rigging step off the square pyramid they are still glowing brightly, at least their magic items.

Cosmo watches the play of light from the magic items and maybe even notices some of his items starting to pick up some light themselves, although much less than Bart and Rigging's. As far as Cosmo can discern, it appears that the pyramid or something in or on it was attempting to reorganize the magical energy of Bart and Rigging's magic items into conjuration magic. More experimentation will be required as once both Bart and Rigging left the square pyramid the reorganization of the magical energy stopped, but the light remained. Interesting, very interesting.......

Cosmo did not that some potions were effected by the light, but not all (cure potion are unaffected)

Bart takes a quick look with Wayfinder. The artifact still works, which the big warrior is very happy with, but he does not see much of interest until Ashira puts it in a sack. The sack blocks most of the light, but some is still escaping in area that is more threadbare.

Bart may have a better look from the top of the square pyramid.

Appolo is relaxing with his new found ladies friends under the stone pavilion and being feed some of the new fruits of the island and drinking fermented fruit juice. "The master look mostly like you and me, but maybe thinner. They never left the pyramid and I was very confused when I first came to the village."

Val is tiring of the banter between the Captain and the villagers.

Nezamil suggest that the island may be a prison of some sort.

Kirk watches Bart's back and no villagers approach the glowering warrior.


Ghem touches Mykael's mind. "Our big human caught two humans, a male and female, trying to sneak into camp. They are not trying to eat anyone. We have them surrounded by pointed metal sticks."


The villagers are not threatening in any way, but are more curious at the amount of light generated by Bart and Rigging. David comments
to Mary "I bet the masters saw that last light show from here. Wow!" David puffs himself up and whispers to Mary "Don't be afraid. I will take care of you."


OOC: I will be taking a long weekend and will not post on Friday. I will post on Sunday night. Please feel free to interact amonst yourselves and post as often as needed.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 8:13:20 PM

Mykael makes his way to Riggings side and pulls him away from the group. And whispers in his ear.

"Intruders at the ship, Ghem just informed me. They dont appear hostile, but are under guard. I have a mount spell and can return quickly. I can take one other with me, as long as they are light."

"Perhaps, the masters are introducing themselves."

Mykael concentrates on his connection to his dragon friend, Just keep them under guard and watch them. Allow them food and water as they need. I will let you know more in a moment.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 6:08:38 AM

NB bart did take a look with the wayfinder from the top of the pyramid!

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 11:11:44 AM

Appolo smiles at the women"Well I'm heading back to the ship.Need to get out of this arnour."He turns to Rigging"Well boss I'm heading back to the ship.It's to hot around here to be wearing all this armour,besides I don't se anything to threatening at the moment."

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 11:33:05 PM

Nezamil checks out his own equipment too see if its been affected then surveys his fellow wildcards too see if they are affected.

"The 10'6" dwarf turns back to Marcos " so have anyone from the village been to the top of the pyramid ?? or open the box on top ??"

The cleric of Domi peeks over at Captain Rigging to keep a protective eye on him as he talks to one of the elders of the village

"C,mon Kkirk lets go over and check out that glowing axe "

Nezamil makes his way over to the axe and inspects it and its mounting without touching it "don't touch it Kirk....it might set something off "

"wonder if there is any writing that describes it " muses Nezamil

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 11:35:23 PM

The big warrior follows the giant sized dwarf protectivly

"hmm nice axe ...wonder if we can take it down ?" asks Kirk as he reaches for it but stops at Nezamils warning " sure thing ...don't want to get zapped by anything "

Rigging  d20+12=20
Sunday June 4th, 2006 7:54:40 AM

Rigging looks at his friends and then sees Appolo heading for the ship. "Appolo, we just got here. Get your butt back over here and sit it down. In fact I have a job for you. Take off anything that is magic, and climb to the top of the pyramid. You will find a glowing box up there. Check it out for traps, disarm them and then open it up to see what is inside. I think it is the power source for the pyramid. Be careful and report back when your done."

Rigging sees Kirk and follows him over to the battleaxe. With the last of his spell, he will study the axe to see if it has any magical writings (DC 20 Sorry about the last roll, missed it in the post)

Finally he calls all the Wildcards back together. The pyramid is going to be a tough nut to crack. It seems to have an effect on normal magic, warping it some how, and I don't remembeer seeing an easy way inside it. Those snakeholes are there and I can go in polymorphed but the effect on magic makes that problematic. Anyone have any suggestions?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=22
Sunday June 4th, 2006 11:34:11 AM

Concentration check 22.

Cosmo is perplexed by the pyramid. And a little concerned as he does not know how his magic will perform if they decide to enter the structure.

Cosmo listens to Rigging as he talks about the Pyramid.

"I'm not sure if we should enter the Pyramid at this time. We should try to learn more about it. Plus we could wait until the masters show up to see what they are and how they respond to our being here."

"Our retreat option is limited with the ship being damaged and I am not sure if we want to have to fight an unknown entity with the pyramid potentially warping any magic we try to use."

Ashira  d20+12=25
Sunday June 4th, 2006 10:39:42 PM

Ashira walks around the pyramid, throughly inspecting it (Spot=25). "Well, I suppose we could send one of the familiars down there or something." Ashira taps her chin as she tries to think of a cleaver way to enter the pyramid without magical aid.

Dm Jim: A tough nut to crack??? 
Sunday June 4th, 2006 10:50:28 PM

OOC: Just a quick post as it was a long weekend.


Appolo decides it is too hot and time to go back to the ship. His female companions want to come with him. "Please take us to see your ship"

Mykael warns Rigging of inturders at the ship, but the situation seems to be under control.

OOC: What is NB Bart????

Bart goes tot he top of the pyramid and take Wayfinder out of the sack. Wayfinder lights the daytime. All of the Wildcards are sure that the artifact can be seen for tens of miles if all directions. Lets hope the mists dampen some of the light, but the group is doubtful.

Bart sees the box and the two cirlces (large and small) on top of the pyramid. Bart can maneuver on top of the pyramid without touching either circle or the box, but there is not much room beside as they dominate the top.

OOC: Three Spot checks DC 30, 25, 30 - Wayfinder will give Bart +10 on your spot check

Rigging warns Appolo and goes an looks at the axe with Nezamil and Kirk. Rigging read above the axe in the strange language "Snake slayer, return after each hunt." Riggings spell ends.

Marcos follows Nezamil and takes the axe off its hangers, swings it once in the air with a smile. "Nice balance" Marcos holds it out to Nezamil to take.

Cosmo retains his mage armor spell and talks of a cautious approach to the pyramid.

Ashira walks around the pyramid and John accompanies her. There are stairs up each side of the square pyramid and an archway entrance on each side too. The "snakeholes" as Rigging calls them are seen on each side too.


Ghem beams back to Mykeal "The two are being good. They want a Captain? Do we have one or know where to get one?" Ghem is calm and seems to be enjoying watching the pirates for Mykael.

Bart  d20+14=33 d20+14=33 d20+14=30
Monday June 5th, 2006 5:00:20 AM

Bart did have a good look with the wayfinder, he puts the artefact back in his sack and climbs down, he tells the others what he has seen

Monday June 5th, 2006 10:05:18 AM

Holding her tongue since they really have nothing better to do anyway, Val watches in silence. She idly wonders how long Rigging was going to keep the civilians onboard the ship.

"Captain how about you let me take a look inside the pyramid."

DM Supplimental: 
Monday June 5th, 2006 11:37:58 AM

David steps up to Rigging and casts a knowing look to Mary "I can open the box on the top of the pyramid. It only takes a Kiss." David smiles winningly at Mary.

Bart spends 15 minutes looking through Wayfinder and sees a large ruined structure 7 to 8 miles away not far from the coast or the big serpent river. The ruin is deep in the heart of the jungle.

Bart also sees another open area on a raised plain 12 -- 15 miles away. On it is a large structure that could be another pyramid.

Bart also sees another large structure, maybe a pyramid of sorts on top of the small mountain. Bart was lucky to spy it through the mists. The structure is 9 -- 13 miles away through rough terrain.


Val is correct and Ashira confirms it. Anyone can walk into the Archway into the heart of the pyramid. Maybe Nezamil will have some trouble, but he should be able to make if it does not narrow any more.

The archway is 8 feet high and wide. There is light about 25 feet in, then shadow, then darkness, and then light at the end. Ashira figures all the archways lead to the same point, the center of the pyramid.

Monday June 5th, 2006 1:35:22 PM

OOC Sorry guys, I didn't catch about the archways leading in to the temple. DOh! I have have been running around looking for entrances when they have been right in front of me.

Rigging will listen to Dave and ask, "If you have already opened it, you can tell me what is inside it? Is it another magic item making the glow?"

Rigging looks at Val and says, "Sorry Val but I want our sneaky specialist to lead the way. Appolo, prepare yourself to scout ahead. We will be around 20' behind you. Do you want a light source? I can let you hold one of my magic items. They seem to be giving off a lot of light now."

Rigging will look at everyone and say, "Hold off on casting spells for now. It seems that the the magic of the temple seems to warp them. You also need to make the decision if you want to bring in your magic items. They tend to glow after contact with the temple. I suggest you do, but I am not sure if this effect is permanant or not.

Here is the marching order

Appolo goes first

15' spacing

Val and Mykael
Rigging and John (light)
Cosmo and Kirk
Bart and Mary (light)

I want a rope on Appolo to be held by Nezamil incase their is a pit trap. Hopefully you will find them before you fall into the Appolo. Any questions?"

Monday June 5th, 2006 5:57:13 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"why don't we just su,,om these Masters and talk to them.Take it easy we do have some time you know.Unless you are broiling fora fight and wish to make them angry>"Appolos is reluctant to go into the Pyramid,he figure doing so would only make the owners angry,but he prepairs to lead the way.

Monday June 5th, 2006 8:00:50 PM

Mykael grabs Riggings arm hard enough to turn him all the way around to face him. He looks into his Captain's eyes and whispers, "Did you hear what I said? They are asking for a captain. Last I checked, you are the one with that title. I know not who they are, I will ask."

Mykael contacts Ghem mentally again, 'Ghem, have the crew ask who they are and what they want. And we have a captain. That is the title given to the head of the ship. That is Rigging. Just tell them that the captian is busy and will be in touch as soon as time allows.'

Monday June 5th, 2006 8:19:14 PM

"Anybody got any rope ?" aks Nezamil

once aquired he secures the rope around Appolo snuggly with Appolo's help " don't worry i won't let go " grins the 10'6" dwarf " so don't be nervous "

Trailing the rope out 15' to 20' Nezamil then wraps it around his own waist and ties it off " we're ready Captain growls Nezamil " my weight and bulk will easily hold him up "

With a look at the big warrior standing near him " whatever happens just follow me ok Kirk .....and get your knife ready just incase we end up somewhere and need to fight....that will give both the mercurial Appolo and myself some space to do what is needed"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday June 5th, 2006 9:29:01 PM

Cosmo's concern over the Pyramid grow as they appear to be rushing to get inside it when maybe they should gather some more info.

"Rigging I have a few suggestions on what we could do before we go inside. I can summon some creatures that can go inside and report back on what they find. I also have a spell that can search the Pyramid and relay info back. I do not have the spell studied for today, but could cast it tomorrow."

"This is what the spell is capable of."

Prying Eyes
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: One mile
Effect: Ten or more levitating eyes
Duration: 1 hour/level; see text (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You create a number of semitangible, visible magical orbs (called "eyes") equal to 1d4 + your caster level. These eyes move out, scout around, and return as you direct them when casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions.
While the individual eyes are quite fragile, they're small and difficult to spot. Each eye is a Fine construct, about the size of a small apple, that has 1 hit point, AC 18 (+8 bonus for its size), flies at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability, and has a +16 Hide modifier. It has a Spot modifier equal to your caster level (maximum +15) and is subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other factors that would affect your ability to receive visual information about your surroundings. An eye traveling through darkness must find its way by touch.
When you create the eyes, you specify instructions you want them to follow in a command of no more than twenty-five words. Any knowledge you possess is known by the eyes as well.
In order to report their findings, the eyes must return to your hand. Each replays in your mind all it has seen during its existence. It takes an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying its findings, an eye disappears.
If an eye ever gets more than 1 mile away from you, it instantly ceases to exist. However, your link with the eye is such that you won't know if the eye was destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some other event.
The eyes exist for up to 1 hour per caster level or until they return to you. Dispel magic can destroy eyes. Roll separately for each eye caught in an area dispel. Of course, if an eye is sent into darkness, it could hit a wall or similar obstacle and destroy itself.

Material Component: A handful of crystal marbles.

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Monday June 5th, 2006 9:47:49 PM

Rigging gets pulled in several different directions and gathers that his crew doesn't want to go into the Pyramid. A look of exasperation crosses his face and he snarls, "What do you want to do, just sit around here and get fat? We can watch the girls get pregnant..." The young mage stops suddenly, looks at his wife and deliberately gets out of swatting range and continues, "Now that you mention it, that doesn't sound horrible." A wide grin crosses Rigging's face when he sees Ashira get crosseyed.

"OK fine, we will wait one more day. Cosmo can perform his information gathering spells, Appolo can get drunk, Mykael can go back to the ship, and I can take a nap under that tree!"

Rigging theatrically stomps over to the tree and plops down. After a couple of minutes, he stands back up and announces, "I guess I should head back to the ship. Getting tired of this walk, but if we aren't going to explore the pyramid today, I can get some stuff done there.

I hate to split up so you can all walk back with me! Let's go."

Rigging starts walking back to the ship.

OOC Jim, how long did my comprehend language spell last?

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages*
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

DM Jim: Decisions 
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:21:26 AM

Rigging is peppered with questions and pulled in several different direction by his crew.

Mykael cautions about the needs at the ship and Cosmo suggests a day of spell preparation. Appolo is somewhat relutatant to anger the "Masters".

Rigging finally give direction to walk back to the ship somewhat at the end of his rope.


Mykael contacts Ghem as the group heads back. Ghem relates Mykael's message to Hal as best he can. "It appears the couple needs a Captain, which you have, to perform a ceremony on our ship?"

The group makes it back to the Sword with out much incident, although David and Appolo's two new friends, Jan and Marsha have also made the trip.

On the way back to the Sword, David relates to Rigging, " The box contains magic items that were given to us by the masters for use in their signaling. If I remember, there are a few sticks and bottles."


Once back at the beach, it is apparent that Hal and Tomas has things well in hand. There are two captured humans on the beach with their hands tied behind their back. Hal hails the group. "Glad to see that you brought our boss back in one piece brother!" Hal looks to Rigging "A gift for you. These two want to get married. Apparently, they are reluctant to share as is the village customer." Hal looks back at his bother."You get all the fun. I get to go next. You can make sure the sand does not run away."


ooc: Rigging's spell seemed to start to go once he stepped on the pyramid and it effected Cosmo's even though he was not on the pyramid. Comso was able to maintain his spell, but Rigging eventually lost his at about the half way point, Rigging did have uninterrupted use of his spell when he was not on the pyramid, but things seemed to change since all the magic items have started to light up.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:24:23 AM

Ashira is stunned by Rigging's little temper tantrum. I thought he didn't want kids...now this...uggg... Ashira rubs her temple. Sometimes Rigging acts like a little boy! Even though she has mostly adjusted to the human world, it was times like these that she feels completely confused. As Rigging "rests" under the tree, Ashira grabs him by the shoulder. "Alright "Captain" you like to hand out responsibilities, but then you lay down on the job when someone's at our ship?! I don't think so! No march your sorry butt back to the Sword and take care of business!" Ashira grins with satisfaction as Rigging heads back. Gathering John and Mary, she heads out with the others, anxious to find out who the newcomers are that are asking for the Captain.

Cosmo  d3=2 d20+15=23 d20+15=34 d20+15=18 d20+15=33 d20+15=26 d20+15=23
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:18:10 PM

Cosmo summons some Lantern Archons (2). He instructs them to move (fly) into the Pyramid through different archways and search for approximately 1 minute and then report back to Cosmo. Cosmo then follows along with the group back to the ship.

Concentration checks - 23, 34, 18, 33, 26 & 23.

OOC - cast Summon Monster V, extended; duration 18 rounds.

OOC - Tongues (Su): All archons can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.

DM Supplimental 
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 1:26:32 PM

Cosmo summons his two new friends and the pick two different archways to enter, both flying. Cosmo can not comunicate withe the Archon's once they enter the pyramid as he will have to wait for them to return and report. The Archon's never return. The spell is ended as some point during their journey in the tunnel and Cosmo does not feel it had anything to due with is concentration, this was something different or more powerful.

Cosmo felt the same draw on his summon spell as his mage armor previously, but was able to maintain control of each spell. The control became even more difficult when the Archon's entered the pyramid, but Cosmo has it under control, until the spell just ended, and much sooner that it should have. The spells energy was just taken from him.


ooc: Ashira and Cosmo, please feel free to post asgain now that you have additional information.

Rigging  4d4(4+4+3+4)+4=19 d20+12=23
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:39:11 PM

Rigging will hear the news and roll his eyes, "Untie them, I don't think two love sick youngsters are going to pose much threat. Just keep them off the ship and on the beach."

Rigging will walk up to the freed villagers and ask, "Why summon me? Don't you have any priests among you? Though I can legally marry you, we allow our priest of Domi do those kinds of ceremonies. Will the "Masters" become upset if you get married?"

Rigging will look at the young ladies that accompanied them back to the ship and ask for their opinion, "Is marriage not allowed here?"

Later, Rigging decides to test his spells to see if he has control over them now that they are away from the pyramid. He will cast dancing lights. He won't try and concentrate on it but just see how long it lasts. If it doesn't last its normal time, he will then cast a magic missile targeting a crock (doing 19 points of damage to the beast). If the creature dies, he will 6 of the sailors to collect the animal and bring it to the cooks. If that works, he will then cast a monster summoning 1. He will summon a celestial fire beetle and see how long it lasts while concentrating on it. concentration roll 23

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages*
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

DM Jim: Investigations 
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 10:53:07 PM

OOC: Hi All, several people are not keeping up with their posting. Let's improve lest we have serious problems in combat. It detracts from the game for all players.


Rigging talks to the two love birds. The male, Mike, a young blond man of maybe 19 with a well tanned chest speaks "We did not want to share ourselves with the village as is expected. We wanted to commit to one another. Most priests do not last long as they normally go look for the masters and are never seen again. We though our only option was to have a Captain marry us." Mike looks to the female, who is scantily dressed because of the heat and humidity "This is Cindy. Can you marry us on board your ship please? It would mean so much to us."

Jan and Marsha each hold one of Appolo's arms and cock their hips. Marsha speaks up with a toss of her hair. "Many husbands are always better. You can always find one in the moods for something."

Rigging casts and then quickly looses his fairie fire spell (after about 20 seconds). The monster summoning last the normal amount of time. The magic missile spell kills the six foot croc that Rigging aimed at. The croc is then retrieved with the use of the launch and is dressed and then put is a pot by the cooks. The old women glare at Bart as they cook on the beach.


Ghem is blad to see Mykael and flys to meet his friend as he emerges from the jungle.

Swirl beams to Rigging "Rain coming. These clouds are wonderful." Rigging looks to the west and the low misty mountain and can see a fast approaching storm. It seems a normal occurance to get afternoon thunder showers.

The storm is loud and wet, but over in 30 minutes as it blows through.


OOC: Cosmo and Rigging each get 250 experience points for their spell research on the fly.

Please post you spells for the next day as the night is uneventful if not hot.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:46:54 PM

As they settle in for the night, Ashira makes sure to spend some time with Rigging. "So dear, what's the plan? We going to the pyramid and check it out tomorrow? I'm not sure I like the results of Cosmo's spell. Sounds like what goes in doesn't come out." Ashira scratches her chin. "But we've got to find out about these Masters...they don't sound like they're up to good... I don't know. Maybe we should try and find their village?"

Memorized spells
1st level: Delay poison, Entangle
2nd level: Barkskin, Cat's Grace

OOC: About posting...it is rather difficult to post when the DM doesn't have a consistant schedule.

DM Jim: I am posting every 24 hours. I will get back to posting at noon again next week after taking the weekend to let everyone catch up. How much time do you need to post? I want to get back to posting around noon, but do not want to lose a day of posting this week to do it.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 12:47:15 AM

"well talk again later " remarks Nezamil to Marcos " you keep an open mind now "

Nezamil follows Captain Rigging back along the trail too the Sword's postion "Captain we should come up with a plan about what we would like to do ....go thru the pyramid or venture inland towards the other village ...tho the travel thru the jungle might be slow going unless there are trails.....maybe we could get a few of the men from castaway village to act as trailblazers for us ? "

"all this treking thru the jungle is making me hungry " adds Nezamil to Kirk "

Nezamil turns and whispers to Kirk " hmm Appolo is sure getting over Val quickly ....just this morning he was depressed and grumpy while leading the way to castaway village ....now look at him play with those two girls hearts " whispers Nezamil quietly to Kirk

Upn reaching the Sword the giant sized dwarf greets Hal " hey good to see ya got everything under control here ...nice work.....ya younger brother did a fine job keeping me safe " grins Nezamil " but next time maybe both of ya will gafta come with us .....well that depends on what plan we come up with .....but i'll press for both of ya to come along "

Watching Rigging and Cosmo experiment with spells the Cleric of Domi will engage the two in discussions of what they concluded

"yum thats a bif croc ya killed there Captain....good thing too cuz i'm hungry " laughs Nezamil

The dwarf settles in for the evening but makes sure the bash brothers work with Tomas about setting guard duty

If Nezamil is asked he will perform the wedding vows for the couple but he also inquires of there feelings for Domi and what spiritual guidance they have had on the island.

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 5:33:31 AM

Once back on the ship, Val removes her armor, cleaning and polishing the fine Mithril. Since Melonie has been feeling a bit left out, Val makes it a point to spend time with her friend.

Appolo  d20+14=23 d20+13=31
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:19:12 AM

Upon reaching the Sword Appolo looks at the two women"There she is the finest Warship afloat.Never met defeat.Well ladies thanks for the company ."He the detaches himself and with full sprint activates his ring of invisibility.He soon dis appears from view quickly and quietly boarding the Sword.

Heading to his bunk below moving like a ghost in the shadows.He quietly strips down and then lays down on his bunk.

Appolo is still mhurt deeply by Val's desertion and quietly ponders the future.While slepping deeper into a depression.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 1:52:31 PM

Rigging what to do next investigate the other pyramids we have seen or try to visit and speak with the masters. I prefer to talk with the masters first

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:31:28 PM

Mykael makes his way on board, and to his room. He spends the rest of the day chatting it up with Ghem, continuing to get him more humanoid savy. Mykael also starts working on teaching Ghem the common tongue.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 7:27:25 PM

Rigging smiles at the young couple and says, "I appreciate what you are saying but we have a priest of Domi here. He looks a little scary but I can assure you he has a kind heart. Go to him and see what he thinks. If he thinks you are prepared for the committment of marriage, I will stand as the young lady's guardian and he can marry you."

Rigging points out the tall dwarf and pushes the couple towards him.

Later Rigging sits down with his wife and says, I don't know what to do. Nothing seems like the right choice. Going into the pyramid seems dangerous but wandering around a jungle filled with snakes doesn't seem to be the best choice either. It could take weeks to find this a village in a jungle that dense. Maybe we should try and summon the masters to us?"

Rigging will call the rest of the Wildcards together and tells them of his doubts. "Nezamil, see if you can find out from our young couple how long it takes for the "masters" to respond to the summons?"

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:57:53 PM

The ranger nods. "I understand. It's not an easy choice, and I don't really know what's best either. If we summon the Masters, it will tip them off to our presence." Ashira looks over at Bart's new night light. "But I have a feeling that they probably already know we're here. So maybe it would be best if we summon them...at least that way we'll be able to see what we're up against." Ashira grins. "And if it comes to hacking through the jungles and the snakes...don't worry...I'll protect you honey." Ashira squeezes Rigging's shoulders playfully.

DM Jim: Choices 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 12:41:16 AM

Rigging talks to Mike and Cindy and suggests they talk to Nezamil. Rigging offers to stand up in the Wedding for Cindy. Rigging then goes to seek his wife's council.

Bart thinks it may be best to see the Masters.

Mykael goes and talks with his new friend Ghem.

Appolo gives his two new friends, Jan and Marsha, the slip and beds down with his own dark thoughts.

Val goes to see Melonie, who is glad to see her return in one piece. "I was worried for you." Melonie also seems to feel a bit left out, but is glad to spend time with Val.

Ashira offers several suggestions to her husband and as usuall offers to protect him.


Jan and Marsha after being abandoned by Appolo start to appraise all the potential "husbands" at the Sword camp. The decide none too quite that Hal and Kirk are their next target. Each girl sways over to the big bouncers. "Looks like you have everything under control. I'm Marsha and this is my friend Jan. Who are you two and how long have you been running this show?"

Mike and Cindy cautiously approach Nezamil and Mike speaks "Priest of Domi. It would be our honor if you would marry us. We have little to offer Domi for your services but our humble thanks."

When asked about summoning the masters David speaks up. "It usually only takes a few minutes for the masters to arrive at the top of the pyramid once we summon them. We leave the top of the pyramid just in case more than one shows up. It can get crowded up there."

Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:51:31 AM

Val takes Melonie to the meeting. Eventually the girl will be a regular at these discussions. "Captain how do we know these Masters are real? They could be magical illusions created from inside the pyramid. They may be elaborate and complex illusions, but illusions none the less.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 3:40:56 PM

Instead of summonning the Masters we could visit them if we join the snake hunt, thats the way the villagers are going to after or while they are hunting if i remember correct.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 6:25:33 PM

Appolo shows up for the meeting and just stands in the back quiet and surly.He just listens,thinking this just great why couldn't we find a deserted island.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:41:42 PM

The Cleric of Domi smiles widely as the couple ask for him to marry them " i'll be honered to do the vows for you "

" no need to offer anything for this ....i would suggest only that you help others follow your example from castaway village ....encourage them whenever possible to settle down as you are together "

Seeing that Hal and Kirk have their hands full " have fun boys i'm off to the meeting with the Captain " and Nezamil makes his way and joins the meeting .....listening first to what Rigging has to say

" I would think we activate the pyramid to either call the so called masters or use it to visit them ourselves...its quickist way in my opinion .....i would not like to wander thru the thick jungle in search of the masters village or other villages that might be around ....after all this might just be one castaway village among many.....this island seems to be hide many secrets "

" i would suggest we check out the power box...it could be the key or major piece in the pryamids powers and ability's"

"but if you decide we have time we could just join in the snake hunt in a couple days and walk to the masters all the while we map the route and use our flying friends to help in that regard "

Aafter the meeting Nezamil will again chat with the young couple " how long does the snake hunt last? days ?? hours ?? how many poeople usually join in the hunt ??"

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:47:54 PM

The brothers grin widely at Marsha and Jan and give a knowing wink to each other " ok chief have fun at your meeting " remarks Hal to Nezamil

the brothers enjoy the attention from the women and spend time bantering back and forth with the two seductressess " this might be paradise " chuckles Kirk to his older brother

Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:19:24 PM

Rigging smiles at Val's words and says to her, "It might make our life more simple if they were some kind of illusion but I have my doubts. Just don't try to stick them with your sword to find out."

Rigging will say to the others, "OK in the morning, we will head back to the village...again and summon the masters. We might be able to figure out how the pyramids work when it is activated. Cosmo that will be your job.

Hopefully we will be more successful in dealing with just a few of the masters. If things get ugly we can always eliminate them but I want to try negotiating first. They could be strong allies in trying to settle this island and making it our base.

Cosmo, I want you to study your overland fly in the morning and take advantage of the time we are travelling to do some scouting. Bart loan him Wayfinder for his journey. Cosmo should be able to see a lot while flying with its aid. Try and scout one of the other temples if you can make it there and back during the duration of the spell. Remember magic is not as reliable so give yourself wide safety margins."

He then hands the halfling his invisibility ring, "Use this while you are using Wayfinder. Don't want you to show up like a comet in the sky with Wayfinders glow."

Rigging will look around at the others, "Nezamil, you can bring whichever follower you want this time but I want one behind for ship security. Ashira, your choice but only bring one as well. Val, Melonie can come this time but I don't want to bring everyone. The ships location is known and less friendly types might be showing up. We can't afford to lose the Sword."

Rigging will end the meeting and go check on the repairs of the Sword checking in with the carpenters and his young henchmen. He will then take time to talk to Tomas to find out how he is handling the responsibility of first mate.

He will then hit the rack and get some sleep, wake up and study his spells.

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce person, Mount
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:41:19 PM

Mykael and Ghem listen in at the meeting. Not having much to offer, waits for orders, then heads to take a walk with Ghem in the dust around the beach.

He makes sure to stay clear of the crocs, since he doesnt need new shoes.

Finally, he returns to the ship and beds for the night.

"Your going to be on guard duty again tomorrow, Ghem. I am sorry. I really want you to come, but having contact with the ship is important. Also, the elves on board will be able to explain any questions you may have to you."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:38:05 PM

Cosmo listens to spell selection suggestions from Rigging. He thinks over his spells and decides versatility might not be a bad idea.

He also accepts the ring from Rigging. Cosmo puts it on and tests using it to make sure he can activate the ring.

Cosmo will have dinner and will take first watch if a guard is called. He will head off to his room for sleep after that. In the morning he will study for his spells and cast Mage Armor upon himself.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x1, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Polymorph x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 & Prying Eyes x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:31:22 PM

The ranger nods sadly at Rigging's decision. She has tactical plans for her companions, but she won't over ride Rigging...at least not right now. She invites John to come along with her and waits for the group to get ready to return to the pyramid.

DM Jim: Preparations 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:54:56 PM

Rigging calls a meeting of the Wildcards and plans out the next day's exploration of the pyramid and the island.

Rigging check in on Tomas who is very busy organizing the watches and work details. Gordon, Juno and Eli comment to their benefactor "This Island has great looking women. Wise choice for a port Captain" comments Juno. Eli adds "Did you get a look at that pair over there. How many more at the village?" Gordon is shocked "What we do not get to go and frolic? Rank has too many prilvages." As he kicks the sand on the beach.

Val is concerned about illusions, but Rigging thinks that may not be the master's ploy.

Bart suggests going on the snake hunt with the villagers.

Appolo sulks, wishing for a deserted island with fewer complications.

Hal and Kirk find Jan and Marsha very distraction and entertaining. Each lady is soon sitting on a brothers lap; Marsha on Hal and Jan on Kirk. The ladies hands feel so hot on the brothers skin "Look Jan, there are just muscles everywhere on these two." As Marsha's hands roam over Hal's arms and shoulders.

Mike and Cindy and ecstatic that Nezamil married them. Cindy even hugs Nezamil's leg. Mike answers Nezamil's question about the snake hunt. "It is hard to say how long they last. The axe shows back up in a few day and we know it is over and the women can travel to the master's village."

Mykael spends time with Ghem before heading off to bed.

Cosmo tests Rigging very bright invisibility ring and hold Wayfinder. The ring and Wayfinder easily overpower the invisibility. Cosmo is invisible, but there is light escaping everywhere.


Ooc: Cosmo must roll a DC 12 concentration check to keep his mage armor spell for than 2 combat rounds.


All others, except Bart and Rigging (already glowing magic items), with magic items are starting to notice a faint glow coming from them. The more powerful the item the stronger the glow. Temporary magic does not glow as strong (wands, potions, scrolls, etc.).


Ooc: If magic items are being left behind on the Sword, please not it in your post: potions, scrolls, spell books, swords, etc.

If you have not already (Rigging & Mykael) listed your spells you will be stuck with those you last posted and will not have replenished your spells.

I need to know which followers are coming.


The group wakes and has left over croc soup and local fruit for breakfast. The trip is hot on the way back to the castaway village. Everyone refills their water containers and refreshes themselves at the Little Serpent.

Ashira notes that if the trip was much longer it would start to take a toll on the group, especially those in armor or encumbered.

David escorts Mary back to the village or stays at the beach with her.

Jan and Marsha stay with whichever brother stays at the beach and eagerly eyes the other men left in attendance.


Camino greets the group as the appear out of the jungle. "Are you ready for an early lunch?" The man asks with open arms.

Friday June 9th, 2006 7:32:43 AM

Melonie was overjoyed when she heard that she would finally be able to get off the ship and prove her worth. It was hard being patient. Keeping her mouth shut despite her complaints on those chosen to leave the ship. She knew she could contribute, to be useful. Now she had a chance to show Val and everybody else.

Friday June 9th, 2006 7:37:47 AM

Val tried to hold back a smile but failed. She remembered a time when she showed such emotion. Before the world showed her how ugly it really was.

"Stay alert Melonie," Val said softly in elvish as they walked through the jungle, "These people smile but we know not their intentions. They seem to prefer their own kind so be careful what you say and do around the villagers."

"It is quite hot out today. Perhaps something to satisfy our thirst before lunch." Val replies in Common. She didn't like the fact that she was beginning to glow all over. Like the other Wildcards she had numerous magical items about her person. She really didn't want these people to know that.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Friday June 9th, 2006 7:40:59 AM

Like all good husbands, Rigging can sense when his wife is annoyed with him and thinks he knows the reasons why. He will engage in some pillow talk that night and say, "OK Mistress of Battle, you can come up with a plan that rotates everyone around and gets everyone some experience, I will allow you to make the roster of which new friends join the Wildcards on these excursions and who stays. Just remember, I want the ship adequately protected when we aren't here. Learned my lession at Safeport."

DM Jim: Next Post 
Friday June 9th, 2006 8:41:04 AM

Hi All,

I will post Saturday around 8 am, just to let everyone know.


Friday June 9th, 2006 4:40:26 PM

Appolo eats breakfast stretches,then jions the others>He looks around and sees Jan and Marsha"Jan Marsha you're coming with us,you too David.Back to the village,come on you're not staying here."He is a rather surly mood agian and they can tell he won't take no for answer.

ONce David,Jan and MArsha move out he will bring up the rear.Making sure those three don't head back to the ship.During the trip he remains silent and sullen.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=33 d20+15=24 d20+15=34 d20+15=20 d20+15=24 d20+15=30 d20+15=16
Friday June 9th, 2006 9:39:28 PM

Concentration check 33.

Cosmo begins to be real concerned about the glowing magic items. The long-term affects from the Pyramids power may not be beneficial to the magic items.

"Rigging when we get back in the village we should ask the villagers if anything happens to the glowing items after they have been glowing for a period of time."

"Rigging do you want me to cast my Overland Flight spell and scout out the area and island as the rest of the group walks to the village?"

If the answer is yes, Cosmo will cast his spell and scout. He will use the invisibility ring and wayfinder.

Concentration checks, if needed: 24, 34, 20, 24, 30 & 16 - fail natural 1

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: ?/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: ?/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x1, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Polymorph x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1* & Prying Eyes x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging "illegal post 
Friday June 9th, 2006 10:27:54 PM

"Yes Cosmo, why don't you get up early, study whatever spells you need and then leave before us. You can then either meet us on the trail or at Castaway village. Just be careful with your concentration and don't fly to high. Your sort of usefel to have around and I don't want to explain to the Mayors why you became a pink stain on the jungle below."

Rigging will hold the group back until midmorning to give Cosmo a chance to do his scouting. Cosmo will know the time Rigging plans to leave.

Friday June 9th, 2006 10:39:11 PM

Ashira looks at Rigging. "I understand what you're trying to do, but tell me...what good would Hal and Kirk have been against that Quad? For that matter, I doubt that even the whole lot of our followers would have lasted long against a fully powered up Quad. I will consider what you have asked, but I think you should reconsider the defenses of the Sword. Maybe we need to invest in some mercenaries. It's just a thought."

After traveling to the village, Ashira smiles at the young man. "Nope. Think we'll skip lunch. We wanna talk with the Masters."

Here's Ashira's list of memorized spells that I posted on Tuesday.

1st level: Delay poison, Entangle
2nd level: Barkskin, Cat's Grace

Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:51:57 AM

Nezamil nods at Riggings memory of the Safeport disaster " good point.....we cannot afford to have something happen to the Sword....especially out here"

" this warping of magic continues.....the Fae kings magic warped our spells and now the masters magic warps magic on this island.....might not be paradise after all " growls Nezamil "the Fae king haunts us still "

The Cleric of Domi finds the brothers "well its Hal's turn to help us explore....so Kirk you stay and help out Tomas and keep everyone in line "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:57:43 AM

"guess your the lucky one "laughs Kirk to Hal as he eyes the two women " i'll do my best not to get bored "

Hal Laughs heartily " hehehe i feel like i was setup "

The big warrior winks at the girls "i'll be back " as he gathers his gear and follows the dwarf

Saturday June 10th, 2006 1:52:28 AM

Mykael readies himself for the trip and walks up behind Nezamil, "Hey, I heard the shrinking is a sign of old age. Not to mention a problem that the ladies dont care for. Whatever will you do?"

While on the trail, Mykael sticks near Val and Melonie, "Seems this body has made me an outcast. Perhaps you will tell me about what I have inherited and raise my spirits as to the good things about our elven kind. It would be appreciated."

DM Jim: Lay of the Land 
Saturday June 10th, 2006 7:50:44 AM

Ooc: Everyone is bringing all of their magic items, since none were listed as being left behind on the Sword or anywhere else.

Mykael did not list a new spell list so he keeps the spells from the previous day.

Rigging did not list a new spell list so he keep the spells from the previous day, minus his comprehend languages, magic missile and dancing lights spell, which he has not recovered.


There is some discussion on how is to go to the castaway village between Ashira, Rigging and Nezamil. Hal and Kirk are trading places and Melonie is coming for a visit for the first time.

Appolo glowers at Marsha, Jan and David and strongly recommends that they accompany the group back to the castaway village.

David pipes up "I am going wherever this beautiful red head goes. I am her protector." David puffs out his bare chest and looks around and finally at Mary as he smiles at her.

Jan and Marsha look at each other and Jan speaks to Appolo "You had your chance bad boy. We like are odds just fine right here." Jan and Marsha each take hold of one of Kirk's large arms, all the while checking out the work detail on the sand berm.

Hal rolls his eyes and mutters, "I got the short end of the stick again."


Melonie is very happy to have Mykael to talk with on the 90 minute trip to the castaway village. "There are just not enough elves in our crew. "The dark haired beauty remarks to Mykael. "The Fey King made a very nice image of you. There are so many benefits to being an elf, it will take years to enumerate, and the beauty of it is that you have the years to learn. Remember you are not an outcast, but are just part of a better caste." Melonie places a gentle hand on Val's arm "Val is the one who can teach you the most about elves. She is wise and has been deeply touched by the Fey King."

Mykael comments to Nezamil about his shrinking and aging, as it is becoming more noticeable as he approaches a more normal size. The 10 foot 5 inch Nezamil is still an imposing site.


Cosmo casts his overland flight spell as the sun is rising and is able to maintain his concentration on it, but he finds that he must then also reconcentrate on his mage armor spell, but is able to maintain it as well.

DC 12 for first mage armor concentration check.
DC 16 for first overland flight concentration check.
DC 13 for the second mage armor concentration check.
All successful.


OOC: 250 exp. To Cosmo for determining that it becomes more difficult to concentrate on spells the more you cast, at least for him......


Cosmo goes invisible as he takes Rigging's ring and Bart's wayfinder, but everyone can see an outline of light easily, but not tell that there is a halfling at the center of the light.

Cosmo flies over miles of trackless jungle, only seeing birds and monkeys in the canopy. Cosmo first flies to the misty delta of the Big Serpent River and where the river divides. It is a very swampy area with several ruins, on a small pyramid. Cosmo originally though the place deserted and went in closer, but he did see a 25-foot snake of alternating red and black bands.

DC 25 spot check to determine what is strange about the snake.

The snake did seem to notice the ball of light.

Cosmo then flies to the raised area that Bart had described, but he does not approach. Cosmo sees the same square pyramid and many other stone structures, but what really catches his eye and the reason he does not approach is the hundreds of people that are milling about.

DC 30 spot check to determine other tidbits of information.

Finally Cosmo rushes to the low mountain, as he knows he is short on time. On a plateau on the mountain Cosmo sees another square pyramid by a lake. The area seems deserted, but is in a well maintained condition. There are less stone out buildings than those that surround the two lower pyramids.

DC 25 spot check to determine other information.


Ooc: Cosmo can provide the rough map of the island to the rest of the Wildcards.


Cosmo joins up with the group just as lunch is being served, but a large group of pregnant humans. Camino is overseeing the pampering of the Wildcards. Ashira does not partake in the food or drink.

The square pyramid is looming off to the groups right about 100 yards away. Two archways are clearly visible going into the interior of the structure.

The glowing battle axe is still visible hanging on the pillar of the stone pavilion.

Everyone's magic items are starting to glow, but still not as strongly as Bart's and Rigging's, which look like they have had several light spells cast upon them.

Hal keeps close to Nezamil, but marvels at the pyramid and all the pretty women.

John follows Ashira's lead and does not eat or drink and whispers to his mistress "What now?" as he leans on his longbow.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=11 d20+5=21 d20+5=9
Saturday June 10th, 2006 9:13:46 AM

Supplemental spot checks:



DM Jim: Cosmo does not have any luck in finding out any more information as he is too worried about being seen and getting back to the Wildcards. Cosmo is gone five hours.

Saturday June 10th, 2006 3:25:01 PM

Bart is happy the ladies arent clunging to him as with the bashbrothers. Bart gets some weaponblack and starts to smear it on his chain. Giving light as an firefly is not the way he wants to enter the jungle. He suggest the others to treat thear weaopons simular

Saturday June 10th, 2006 4:04:19 PM

Mykael smiles at Melonies enthusiam, "I am a human, in an elven form. And I dont look down upon any race. To say that an elf is better caste than another is to be as bad as the humans act here towards elves."

"Lets not get into the Fey King ordeal again. Its over. I dont view him well. I asked about elven life, heritage, and customs. I have already studies with elves and know a little, but now... well, I should know more."

"I will be around for chats whenever yourself or Val wishes to, and I think you."

Mykael makes his way into the town. He grabs two jugs of water and heads for a shade tree. Taking a long slow drink from one, he dumps the other over himself.

He watches the surroundings and waits for the captain.

OOC: yes the plan was to keep my spell list as it was, and I have all my magic.

Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:23:46 AM

The big fella eats a hearty breakfast " that hits the spot " chuckles the dwarf as he rubs his tummy

After the meal he sidles up next to Rigging " hmm maybe we should take the axe with us .....its a snake slayer after all or so they call it ......if it truely is wonder if it will have any effect on that big one we faced when we showed up here " mentions Nezamil quietly

Nezamil looks down at his boots and ponders them as they are slowly growing brighter " well we better do this during the day cuz they'll see us easily at night "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

ooc : when do we ever leave magic items behind ??

Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:27:00 AM

The big warrior stays near the large dwarf and also enjoys a hearty meal " ready when you are big guy " remarks Hal as he looks about castaway village after his meal

Ashira  d20+2=11
Sunday June 11th, 2006 8:15:41 PM

Ashira looks over at John. "Well...I suppose we just sit here and glow until we finally call the Masters." Cracking a smile, Ashira waits to see what Rigging has in mind. She idly looks down at her glowing gear as she mulls over the problem at hand (Wisdom=11).

Rigging and Swirl 
Sunday June 11th, 2006 9:21:44 PM

Rigging will wait for Cosmo to catch up and here his report. He will then inquire into the glowing magic items. "David, does all magic glow around here? Does it always glow or eventually fade if you move away from the pyramid." If David doesn't know, then Rigging will inquire the same question to all the villagers in a loud voice.

Rigging then pulls David aside and asks. "Can you summon the Masters for us? We would like to meet them."

If David agrees, Rigging will follow him up the pyramid beckoning to the other Wildcards and followers, "Its your choice, we are summoning the Masters. Your magic will glow if you come on to the pyramid but I think we should be on it to greet them."

Appolo Hp68 Ac 23 
Monday June 12th, 2006 4:38:53 AM

Appolo walk over to David"Oh know you don't you're coming with us.Don't test my patience for I have none.Mary can take care of herself very well she has a fine teacher.I fact you might just need protection from.Now head back to the village." turning and heading for Jan and Marsha"That goes for you two as well,back to the village."He says all this a a very threatening manner,he is ina foul mood.He knows what's coming.Another battle and doesn't want any villagers at the boat he also rounds up the newlyweds and prods them rather forcfully back toward the village.

When he head back to the village after the villagers get the point one way or another he is fully armed and ready for battle.

Once at the village he heads straight for the top of the pyramid and waits silently for the others.

Monday June 12th, 2006 4:58:15 AM

She watched Mykael leave without saying a word. When he's out of earshot she says to Melonie, "Don't push him too hard. He still thinks like a human. I'm guessing it will take a few decades for things to really sink in. He didn't change bodies like I did, he became a different race. He's just now seing the difference in the way people treat him. Its not an easy thing to deal with."

Monday June 12th, 2006 10:44:44 AM

Cosmo enters the village and makes his way over to Rigging and reports on his findings, trying to let only Rigging know. Under his breath he says, "Maybe you can probe on this other group of people and find out who they are."

Cosmo hands back to Rigging the invisibility ring. He then finds Bart and hands to him the Wayfinder.

He then finds a place to sit and eat, while contemplating on these new developments.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Yawn another tea meeting

Dm Jim: The Summoning  d20+20=30
Monday June 12th, 2006 3:47:44 PM

Appolo threatens the castaways that are at the beach and they are browbeaten to return to castaway village. Mike and Cindy complain, "We wanted to honeymoon on your Ship. Can we come back?" Jan & Marsha leave Kirk and move over to Hal "We will be back for your little bother later. Do not fret Kirk, anticipation can be a good thing."

Melonie comments to Val "You are right. I will give him time as he has plenty now and must learn how to deal with it."

Everyone is drenched in sweat by the time Cosmo returns. Cosmo did not feel the heat as bad as the cool breezes while fly at altitude were very comfortable.


Once at the castaway village, Appolo climbs the square pyramid and immediately all of his magic items begin to glow in intensity similar to Rigging and Bart. Rigging and David follow Appolo up the pyramid.

David explains "I need to take a vial power source from the box and place it in the small circle on the top of the pyramid. We never stay on top of the pyramid after doing this. We use the stick power sources for signaling."

David leaves Rigging and goes to the top of the pyramid and walks around Appolo. David is careful not to step in either circle. "Appolo you should leave the top now."

David does not wait for Appolo to leave but opens the box and takes out a small vial that seems to contain a liquid. As the box is opened large amounts of light escape. The vial is also glowing. David places the vial in the small circle and then hurries off the pyramid.
Just a few seconds after the vial is placed in the small circle there is a flash of light and the vial is glowing no more.

Dave descends all the way to the bottom. "Are you coming?" David comments to Rigging and Appolo as he heads down. "It won't be long now."

A crowd of castaways is forming at the bottom of the pyramid with the Wildcards and friends. Many have brought fruit and jugs of water that are passed around.

Everyone waits in anticipation........and a minute has passed.


OOC: I need to know everyone's location: off the pyramid, on top of he pyramid or on the stairs up.


A shimmering blue white half sphere of light, not blinging but translucent, appears in the large sphere. In the middle of the sphere of translucent light is a figure dressed in a cloak with the hood pulled up. The figues hands are tucked into the sleeves of the brown and green cloak as its arms are crossed over its chest. The figure is just short of six feet tall and may be on the thin side, but it is difficult to tell.

"Who hass summoned the Masters and Why?" A quite but strong voice announces.

A based DC 30 spot check to notice somthing interesting about the visitor.

Mykael  d20+5=15
Monday June 12th, 2006 10:44:23 PM

Mykael sitting in his position under the tree, watches the goings on. However, he doesnt notice anything out of the ordinary(spot=15).

When the master appears Mykael stands and keeps watch from the tree.

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=22
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:18:44 PM

Standing about half-way down the pyramid, Ashira does not notice anything interesting (Spot=15, Listen=22). She watches the area and the castaways for any sign of trouble as she waits for Rigging to do the Captain thing.

John  d20+12=16
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:21:57 PM

Standing by Ashira's side, John watches as the newly acquired ring on his hand begins to glow faintly. He looks on with interest as the Masters are summoned, but other than the absolutely facinating light show, he doesn't notice anything "out of the ordinary". (Spot=16) He whispers to Ashira. "You hear that? There's just something wrong about that voice..."

Nezamil  d20+6=20
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:17:49 AM

The 10'5" dwarf starts up the stairs after Captain Rigging but halts on the bottom steps " don't think we can all fit up there ...especially me "

Nezamil squeezes to one side of the stairs as Dave passes him " a minute ? huh "

The Cleric of Domi touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi protects us " murmurs Nezamil

As the figure appears on the top of the pyramid Nezamil looks up (d20+6=20 spot ch)but nothing stands out about the shimmering figure

Witha look at Captain Rigging the dwarf just shrugs his shoulders " just an image of them ...i was hoping to meet them .....now i guess we have to trudge thru the jungle after all.....what a waste of time....so much easier if that was a teleport gate " growls Nezamil

Hal  d20+6=18
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:24:34 AM

The big warrior stays near Nezamil covering his back againist the growing crowd but he does grab a piece of fruit "yum tasty " as he smiles at the young lady near him

As the robed figure appears he looks up (d20+6=18 spot ch) and just nods at the high priests assement " yeah thats a long walk i ain't going to enjoy " grumbles Hal

Rigging  d20+12=31 d20+8=15
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 8:08:57 AM

Rigging will grab Appolo's arm and give him a soft yank, "I think we should get off the pyramid. Let's follow the villagers advice for now." He will gesture to the others, "Go on to the bottom. We can always come back up. Not sure what this baby is going to do."

Once Rigging gets to the bottom, he will turn and watch. When the glowing apparation appears, Rigging will give it a good looking over then step forward and say, "I asked the villagers to summon you. My name is Arrack Von Palin and I am the captain of the ship Sword of Redemption. We have recently be shipwrecked upon your island and discovered this village.

We ask your aid in repairing our ship and seek your council in making this area a base of operations for us in the future."

Rigging then pauses and continues, "In my culture, it is considered rude to shout at each other. Can I come up and we can talk more reasonably, or would you prefer to come down? I am sure we have many questions for each other."

spot check 31
diplomacy check 15

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:46:25 AM

Val holds her bow down by her legs with an arrow resting lazily against the string. Its glowing but her whole body is glowing so she hopes that it won't be noticed. She moves subtly using the people infront of her as a means to conceal her weapon. So far she was unimpressed with this robed visitor. Any wizard of minor skill could do what the Master just did.

ooc: Val would be at the base of the pyramid toward the front of the crowd but behind a row or two of people.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:09:24 AM

Cosmo joins the rest of the villagers as they move over towards the pyramid and wait the summoning. He uses his small form to blend into the crowd, trying to remain as unseen as possible.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo  d20+10=27
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:43:45 AM

Appolo steps back down the Pyramid but stops one step down and watches the being appear watching himclosely,while remaining silent and letting Rigging do the talking.
Spot 27

Dm Jim: Meeting  d20+8=18 d20+6=9
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 1:23:21 PM

Any Wildcards or friends that steps on the pyramid has his magic items start glowing. Even Bart's attempt at coating his weapons and armor with weapon black has only a limited effect.


Ooc: Any permanent magic item of at least 8000 gp in value gives off enough light to equal a light spell. The more valuable the item the more light it gives off. Temporary magic is about half the intensity.


There are Oohs and Aahs from the crowd at the bottom of the pyramid as the master arrives. None of the humans from the castaway village step on the pyramid and just watch the master.

Most of the Wildcards and friends blend into the crowd. Val has her bow drawn but attempts to conceal it (hide 18, spot 9).

Rigging notices something strange about the "master" as he appears to be hiding his features. Rigging can see into his hood and it does not appear that the "master" is human or elf for that matter. Whatever the "master" is it appears to resemble a thin human. There is something strange and different about the eyes as they survey the Wildcards.

The master listens to Rigging's words and looks down on him as he steps out of the translucent blue-white light and responds, "Welcome to the Castaway Village. It iss a fine home. We understand your plight, but we are not shipbuilders. We work to maintain the balance of life on the island and take care of our flock. You are more than welcome to join the village and partake in all the fruits and benefits of thiss island. It appears that you and your friends are powerful additions to the village. Please sample the simple pleasures and abide by the simple ceremonies of the island. We only assk that you stay in the village for your safety, but you are more than welcome to join in the upcoming hunt."

The master pulls out several necklaces and lays them on top of the pyramid. Rigging notices a thin and well-manicured hand the delicately sets down the diamonds attached to a leather thong. "One for each of your females, may they prove to be fruitful. Be well and be healthy." The master smiles at Rigging and steps back in to the light and with a "pop" the light and the master is gone.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:29:46 PM

"A hunt, in this heat. Great." Mykael states quietly as he rolls his eyes.

'hmmm, babys could provide sacrifices, an increasing population, or food for larger sacred snakes... I wonder'

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:11:30 PM

Ashira looks over at Rigging, a fierce scowl on her face. "If you even think about bringing one of those necklaces back for me, I'll quadruple your cardio schedule."

As the Master just disappears, Ashira looks over at Rigging. "Joining in on the "hunt" might not be a bad idea. It's a little longer than I want to wait, but it's a nice socially acceptable way to get to know the lay of the land."

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:15:36 PM

Chuckling at the exchange between Ashira and Rigging, John puts a hand on Mykael's shoulder. "Awww...c'mon...it's not all that bad. And nothing tastes better after a long hike than roasted snake."

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:24:57 PM

After the speaker leaves Nezamil notices the increased glowing from his equipment " this ain't good " grumbles the dwarf

"By Domi they expect us just be trapped here and serve them ?? " growls Nezamil intensly "Wait till we meet ....we,ll see who serves who "

Overhearing Ashira " yeah but walking thru the jungle will be troublesome in this heat....especially for those of us in armor"

Stepping near the Captain " that jungle walk will take its toll on us in this heat unless we can do something about it......i can pray for some spells to help us endure the elements but i won't be able to get all of us .....i'll have some of them ready for the snake hunt ...since that is the only way we'll get to meet these so called masters "

"More like wardens of a prison if ya ask me "

"something very strange about this arrangement on this island "

" so wonder who will carry that axe....maybe we should insist it's one of us ?"

"oh and what about the others aboard the Sword? shall we get them to journey with us ?"

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:28:51 PM

Hal looks over the ladies "partake in the fruits and benefits of the island ...hmm" i like the sound of that "

"we going to get Kirk to come with us ?....he wouldn't want to miss the hunt " inquires Hal of Nezamil

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 5:27:23 AM

After listening to the so called Master Appolo heads back down the Pyramid.He sees the necklaces and picks them up"Interesting.Well it seems we have some choices to make.One we can rebuild the sword.Head out to sea find the serpant and destroy it.Which we will have to do anyways if we wish to settle on this Island.Next we can enter the pyramid a see what's inside from what I gather the villagers regularly feed whatever is in there.Or we jion the hunt and try to make our way across the jungle to the next village and temple."Appolo stands ther ebegining to sweat slightly as the noon day sun approaches.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:30:08 AM

Rigging will watch the robed one disappear and silently move away from the pyramid towards the main living area of the villagers. He will pick up a fruit drink and absently say, "Mykael, please check out these necklaces. You have gem skills, can you improve upon them?"

Rigging will then ask the villagers, "So who has been on this snake hunt before? Do you hunt snakes and kill them? Or do they hunt you?" Rigging asks the last question only in half jest. "When does this hunt start again?"

After getting these questions answered, Rigging will pull the Wildcards together and say, "Appolo your right, we will eventually have to nuetralize that snake. I am beginning to wonder if it is controlled somehow. Driving us against the rocks was a smart tactic. Almost to smart for an ordinary colossal snake. They are big but not necessarily smart. Still that will have to wait. Tomas has the crew working on repairs but that will take some time.

I think we should enjoy today, get to know the villagers and pump them." Rigging takes a quick look at his wife's face and quickly adds, "For information. Then we prepare ourselves tonight and explore the pyramid tomorrow. After that, we go on the snake hunt."

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:21:05 AM

"Captain if your curious about the effect of the necklaces I'll try one on." Val says as she slips her bow back into the pocket on her enchanted quiver. She looked around and kept her mouth shut. These people worshipped this Master and speaking ill of it would probably be a bad thing to do.

DM Jim: The Battle 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 1:05:41 PM

The castaways talk amongst themselves about seeing another "master" and the coming of the snake hunt in three days. The Wildcards are more perplexed by the quick meeting with the lone "master"

Several people offer insight into the snake hunt "The hunters go out and clear the path for the pregnant ladies to follow a week later. There are seven chosen hunters, but it seem that you are also invited to attend." No one can ever recall ever having ladies go on the hunt before as eyes looks to Ashira and Val.

Val offers to try on a necklace, but Ashira does not in no uncertain terms.

Mykael inspects the necklaces and see that they are rough cut a worth about 500 gp each. With time Mykael may be able to improve their quality.

Nezamil, Mykael and Rigging make some comment about the masters not necessarily looking out for the castaway's best interests.

Appolo suggests several courses of action of which Rigging agrees in most part to them all, starting with the pyramid in the morning.

Nezamil suggests spell may be in order to reduce the effects of the heat on a long hunt.


This seemed to be a big event for the village as people are still milling about and talking with one another.

After a few minutes, a bright light can be seen off to the south. This was where Bart saw the other pyramid in a raised area of the jungle. Cosmo's closer examination showed that the same pyramid seems to have several hundred inhabitants.

The light ends after about 30 seconds. David comments "That is similar to the light we use to signal the masters when we see a ship."

Another few minutes pass and Ghem contacts Mykael. "It seems to have rained fire sticks. One person on the beach is on fire. There is one big fire on the ship and several small ones. Ohh, that was close! Our humans and the like are shooting sticks back at the jungle. Ohh, we hit one twice! That big human of ours can be real loud when he wants to be. An elf of ours is now shooting at the water too, actually at a snake, a bit too big for me to eat, but apparently, not big enough to easily hit. Wow, that was a big stick we just shot! And a rock too!"

Ghem is very excited, but does not feel himself in any real danger in the crows next. "You are right Mykael, this is a good spot. We are shooting alot more sticks than they are now. Finally someone is looking at that fire, ohh that hurt our fire stopper!"

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:28:06 PM

Gathering nearby fruit, Ashira waits for the order to head out.

Should Mykael pass on Ghem's report, Ashira turns to Rigging. If we run, maybe we can get there in time to ambush them...if we're lucky. Giving John a quick nod, she runs back through the jungle toward the Sword.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:30:45 PM

Bow in hand, the ranger sprints after Ashira. "Hope we don't miss all of the fight." he mumbles as his feet pound down the trail.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=6
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:33:59 PM

If Rigging gives the ok to head back to the ship, Cosmo will take to the air and start flying back. As he gets closer he will look for whatever is attacking the ship and its crew.

Spot checks 13, 17 & 6.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil  d20+6=8
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:36:04 PM

Nezamil mills about as everyone in the village chit chats about the masters visit and listens)d20+6=6 listen ch) to their conversations but with everyone talking at once it all blends into noise

"Whens the snake hunt again ?"

If (and when ) he hears about Ghems report from Mykael "Captain we need to get their as fast as we can and walking thru the jungle ain't fast enough ......i can cast an Airwalk spell and carry everyone at once and reach the Sword in half the time it would take to travel on the ground ......i would suggest looping a rope around yourselves fastened tightly of course and i can lift ya all as i Airwalk to the Sword....of course maybe your sticky slippers would work also"

"we'll skim at slightly above treetop level so we won't clip any trees as the rope dangles.....and if ya want to hold onto me too just grab on and hold tight " grins the 10'5" dwarf

"we can use Swirl as a forward scout so we can land behind the attacking forces and surprise them and smash their attack and maybe grab a few prisoners to boot"

"Captain Rigging do you think that other flash of light was some type of signal for the attack on the Sword or possible transportation device to the Sword .....wonder what all the doorways do on that pryamid " comments Nezamil outloud

If this course of action is taken Nezamil hands a ring to Hal " this will prevent you from smashing to the ground as we are airborne " grins Nezamil to Hal .....and casts Airwalk and gathers what willing wildcards together and start the "as the crow flies" straightline towards the Sword with Swirl as a forward scout

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:47:24 PM

Hal grins at the thought of flying and quickly accepts Nezamil's ring " yup don't want to get quished"

The big warrior gets a rope from one of the wildcards or scrounges one from the village and ties one end around Nezamil's waist tightly and loops a safety loop around his own waist tying it securely " i'm ready when you are " as he extends the remaining rope to the next person tying up to be airlefted to the battle for the Sword

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:57:39 PM

Rigging will take advantage of the spell air walking spell wondering if everyone can go. He gets a good grip on Nezamil and says, "Don't fly into any tries but keep low. I don't want to be seen but I don't want to fall far either if your spells backfires." Rigging is worried about the ship and his frustration spills forth while they are heading back.

"I think we really need to rethink our mission here. I am not sure this is a very good base for us or a good site for a town and city in the future.

1. It isn't deserted. These masters aren't human or noble raced. I think they are some kind of snake creature or insect creature by their voices. They are playing some kind of game with the humans and I shudder to think what it is.

2. I am not sure a snake invested jungle is a place I would want to start a new colony. Somehow I wasn't picturing a jungle with crocs as my neighbors.

3. That giant snake is going to be a problem for shipping. Not many merchant ships are gonna even get close to this place once they find out that he is around.

4. Those pyramids effect magic in a negative way. Since I like magic and study it, I am not sure I want to live around them.

5. We seemed to have a hostile neighbor with this attack on the ship. We have only been here a couple of days and already people are trying to sink our ship.

6. The morals of these villagers isn't what I call high. Not a great place to raise a family. I know I want my kids to only have one spouse.

Now lets look on the good side of things....

Can anyone see anything? I guess the gems are intriguing. Might be a mine around here but with all these teleporters who knows where they are coming from.

I think if we have a ship to return to, we should repair it and try to find a better island. This one obviously isn't suited to our needs. That's my thinking...We stay on the beach and concentrate on fixing the ship and then get the heck out of here."

Mykael  d100=1
Thursday June 15th, 2006 2:04:43 AM

OOC: I am using a remote computer and do not have access to my character sheet. So please roll as needed for me. Thanks

"Rigging, Ghem says the ship is under attack. It sounds like they are using fire arrows from the tree line. It sounds like the crew is doing well, but the ship has caught fire, and we are taking injuries in the least."

"I am not sure which is faster, but we shall find out!"

Mykael attempts to cast mount, but spell failure from armor disrupted it. (1%, I know that fails).

"Ok, flying it is!"

Mykael readies himself with the group joining Nezamil.

'Ghem, please keep telling me what is happening. Are many of our people hurt? How big is the fire on the ship? Is it bigger than our room? Tell one of the elves about the fire and that we are on the way back as fast as we can. Tell the elf to tell that to Kirk and Thomas. Becareful, and try and see who or what is shooting the sticks at the ship.'

OOC: I am not sure if I will have access to a computer for my next post. Please post for Mykael, if I havent by midnight CST. Thanks

Thursday June 15th, 2006 2:15:40 AM

Ok, but there are alot of flying sticks.

Ghem surveys the deck below, and spies an elf. He concentrated and speaks to the elf in sylvan using his telepathy.

Mykael says that the group is on the way back. He also says for you to tell Kirk and Thomas that he is coming and about that big fire on the ship.

Ghem then watchs the flying sticks and waits for good time to take off. He takes flight quickly and keeps watch for sticks to dodge as he climbs higher than the sticks are flying. He then manuvers over the jungle and looks for a tree to land in behind the battle. He lands in a tree and moves down to where he can see below at who or what is attacking the ship and crew. He uses his natural hiding ability to move from tree to tree and to stay out of sight, while attempting spy on the attackers.

OOC: in case you havent peeked, psuedodragons have extra bonuses for hiding in the forests and/or jungle and have nice spot skills. Once again I dont have the numbers in front of me, so please roll for me. thanks

Appolo HP 68 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+14=31
Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:22:11 AM

Once the word is given that the ship is under attack Appolo immediately goes invisible and sprints back to the ship.Moving Silently as he races back to the ship.

Appolo is thinking now it's time to make some one pay.He has been angry and drepressed for two days and now he is going to take it out on someone.

DM Jim: Aftermath 
Thursday June 15th, 2006 1:38:20 PM

Mykael relates Ghem's tale of the battle at the Sword and the Wildcard's jump to action.

Mykael's attempt at a mount spell fails.

Ashira and John race headlong through the jungle trail toward the beach. A sprint is not possible, but double movement is. It normally took 90 minutes to get from the beach to the village; Ashira and John can do it in half the time if they make a DC 13 fort save for fatigue for the heat (endurance feat gives +4).

Appolo goes invisible and also runs back to the beach. Ashira and John have no problem hearing him, as it is too difficult to move silent at a brisk pace. Also a DC 13 fort save for fatigue.

Cosmo uses his overland flight spell to speed back to the beach and he will be there in 35 minutes.

Nezamil suggests carrying the rest of the Wildcards back using his air walk spell. Nezamil will get back in 40 minutes. Rigging, Hal, Mykael, and Val catch a ride on the big guy. Hal comments "You really are light on your feet for such a large fellow."

To those on Nezamil's back, Rigging expresses concern about life on the island.


As everyone moves toward the Sword black smoke can be seen rising in that direction. The smoke does subside in about 15 minutes.


Ghem relates that the flying sticks from both sides have subsided. Ghem talks to Lilith using telethapy and she is intrigued by the contact and wishes John were here. Lilith quickly goes back to shoot at the retreating snake that was just a person of sorts.

Ghem flies into the jungle and looks for a place to perch and watch. Ghem relates to Mykael "I see one."


The Wildcards make it back to the beach unmolested and find that Kirk and Tomas have the Sword at battle stations. Kirk is behind the berm with 15 of the marines along with Mary, Gordon, Juno and Eli. Tomas has the balance of the marines (12) and the acrobats covering from the Sword. The forward catapult and balasti are loaded have been fired. There are a few giant bolts sticking from palms and it looks like one or rocks have knocked two down.

There are cheers from the Sword and berm as each group of Wildcards make it back.

It is obvious that the Sword has been scorched by flame arrows, but the main damage was from Alchemical fire.

Tomas reports "The came at us from the jungle, more than a dozen, very human like, but some had scales. They surprised a work group, but Kirk was able to extract them with a contingent of marines. They then start to lob fire arrows at us. When they had our attention forward we were attacked from the water by firebombs. The one on the deck was not too bad, but the one throw in the port hole too longer to control."

Kirk adds more "It seemed to be a probe as they did not press the attack once we showed a united front. Thank goodness for Lilith, as she spotted the rear attack and sounded the alarm. Lilith even said that one of the attackers turned into a snake and swam away. They were very accurate with their bows. We hit some of them but cannot confirm any kills. We think we are still being watched."

Tomas leads Rigging over to a bloody cloak covering a body. "It is Edith, one of our seamstresses. I could not save her in time. So many were hurt so fast, and then the fires."

Marc and Mark approach Rigging and the elder speaks "Captain, they burned a load of lumber we had out. Kirk would not let me put it out initially as he would not risk me, but that will set a back a bit, not to mention that we now have some more interior and deck work to repair too. No tools were damaged, thank goodness."


ooc: No followers at the Sword have any spells left.

Thursday June 15th, 2006 4:18:19 PM

Rigging is simply pissed off. It is easily seen on his face...He almost looks like Appolo on a normal day. Rigging points at his wife and says, "Time for you to do some tracking. Pick your party. I want them to be able to move fast, hit hard and be able to get away again. Most of all, I want prisoners! Don't come back without prisoners. Your in charge as it is your specialty. If you want all the Wildcards, that is fine but we now know that we have to have security on the boat as well. Get to it Battle Mistress."

Nezamil  d20+6=20
Thursday June 15th, 2006 10:11:51 PM

After dropping the four passengers off Nezamil airwalks to higher altitude and surveys the jungle looking for trails and movement from his vantage point (d20+6=20 spot ch) " maybe they'll disturb the wildlife and give away their positions and direction " mutters Nezamil to himself as he watches the jungle canopy

Landing near Kirk and Hal the 10'5" dwarf slaps the younger bash brother on his back " nice work...Domi would be proud of your effort"

Nezamil voices booms out [b] " well done all...we are all proud of your actions in defense of the Sword and your fellow shipmates " [b]

The Cleric of Domi see's to any of the wounded needs and gets them water to help hydrate them.

Later in the evening Nezamil will perform a burial ceremony for Edith and employ is strength and size to dig a deep grave to prtect and to honor her sacrifice.

Pulling the Bash brothers aside " one of you will again stay with the SWord to help defend and lead the defense with Tomas and the others....whichever one it is i will grant some of Domi's powers to so it will strengthen the defense of the Sword (imbue spell ability - will change spell list after he sleeps)

Thursday June 15th, 2006 10:14:09 PM

"Well done brother " greets Hal to his younger brother

"we'll talk about who stays and who gets to protect the big guy on the next incursion inland " grins the big warrior

Hal then returns the ring Nezamil gave him

Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:40:21 PM

Mykael makes his way to the captain, "The other pyramid flashed light and we are attacked. I am guessing tne second village is the next step of their plan, where they transform humans into snake-like beings and brain-wash them into thier religion. Perhaps that is why they need the babies. I expect that is where the hunt and the march leads."

"The second village found our ship, signaled the masters, and then mounted a small attack hoping for recognition by the masters. Or possibly even the masters appeared to them and ordered it, to attempt to define our strength. Since its obvious that we have magic."

"Waiting for the hunt may subject us to ambush and more attacks until it starts. I suggest we do our best to find the masters and take it to them. That is unless you want to turn your back on the ignorant that are in trouble. I havent ever heard or read of snake worshipers that are good."

"Ashira, Ghem says he has an eye on at least one. I cant be for sure if he really knows what he is looking at, since he knows little of humaniod ways. I am going to join him and see what he has found. I am just warning you that friendlys are in the forest also."

Mykael turns and dunks himself in water to cool off, and then makes his way off into the jungle. Being guided by Ghem. He keeps his eyes open, and moves through the jungle as quiet as possible, and using cover to his advantage. He also, concentrates on his connection to his familiar hoping to use it to help in guiding him.

'Ghem, becareful. How many do you see? I am making my way to you. Help guide me, but do not lose sight of the enemy you see. I want to capture him.'

Ashira  d20+17=23 d20+12=21
Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:57:53 PM

Ashira nods grimly. "Alright hun. I'm on it." Ashira turns to the Wildcards. "Ok. Let's roll. John, Appolo, Val you guys are with me." Ashira looks over at Mykael, appraising. Finally, she nods her head slightly. "Ok. Have Ghem guide you, but I need the rangers up front...and I need you to move as quietly as possible." Ashira turns to Appolo. "Alright, fast and light...and no killing until I order it. Got it? Alright. John and I are gonna be up in the front scouting. Val and Appolo, you guys hang back a bit and give us some firepower when we find them. Sighing as she notes the faint glow from all of her equipment, Ashira heads into the forest and starts working on making out the trail of the baddies (Survival=21, Fast Track...move at normal move rate while tracking).

OOC: Fort save is 23, so not fatigued from returning to camp.

John  d20+11=30 d20+6=21
Friday June 16th, 2006 12:11:57 AM

Not even breaking a sweat during the jog back (Fort.=30), John is relieved to see Lilith unharmed. Giving her a quick kiss, he nods eagerly at the mission presented by Ashira. "Let's roll!" he whispers to Ashira as the half-elf heads out. John fans out about 15 feet away from Ashira. Trying to keep up with his mentor, John struggles to find signs of the enemies tracks, but finds it easier than he thought it would be at such a rate of travel. (Survival=21...already applied -5 penalty for traveling at full move rate).

Val  d20+5=21
Friday June 16th, 2006 6:00:03 AM

"Captain I think the giant snake that damaged our ship is under the direct control of the Masters. I find it hard to believe that this attack was coincidentally after they learned how much magic we have. If I were a snake person I'd look at this villages like cattle pens. Why else would they want the women to stay pregnant as much as possible. Its either a food or an army. Neither of which I like." Val says as she hangs back for a moment. It doesn't take long to catch up to the others. Even though she's in the back Val still looks for signs of the serpent men's passage.

ooc: -5 penalty because of movement included, tracking check 21

Friday June 16th, 2006 8:19:11 AM

Rigging looks a little disheartened that his wife didn't pick him to go with her. Still it was her command and her choices. He turns to Bart and says, "The defenses have held up well but since we are going to be here for a while, give some thought to improving them. (OOC Jim, can we get a map of the boat area and lagoon. How far to the tree line? How deep is the lagoon?) We obviously need to give some more thought to our waterside defenses. Bart make a plan and report back to me in the morning."

Rigging will walk over to Cosmo and Nezamil. "Any ideas on protection magic for the area. I can cast alarm spell but will need to renew is almost every day. Won't work well if we need to trek across the jungle."

Rigging will then call to Swirl and say, "I want you to fly high cover for the trackers and help them locate the people who attacked us here. Keep in contact with me and let me know of the progress."

DM Jim: I already gave you all of the info on distances and depths. I will have to look them up again.

Appolo  d20+9=25 d20+6=21 d20+6=13
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:23:59 AM

Appolo becomes visble when arrives at the ship after the attack.{Fortitude 21}He is sweating but not particulairly fatigues as looks around and becomes very angry"Gods #$%.I'm going to find these fools and kill them all then I am going to kill everything they love."Looking over Ediths body Appolo beginns cusing like the pirate he is.He is livid just plain enraged.

When Ashira calls for her group he takes up hisposition in the rear as ordered going invisible in the process as he trails behind Ashiralooking for any sing of these cowards.
Spot 25,Listen 13

DM Jim: Tracking 
Friday June 16th, 2006 7:27:40 PM

Nezamil congratulates the crew on the defense of the Sword and starts preparation for Edith's eternal rest.

Rigging instructs Ashira to form a team to go after the attackers. Ashira is quick to action and take a fast hard hitting team.

Ashira, John and Val quickly find the area of battle by the jungle and where the attackers exited and returned to the jungle. There seemed to be 13 tracks that are different than the pirates. The new tracks are much thinner that normal. The tracks are the length of a human male booted print but narrower. These foes are also slightly lighter than regular humans, by the depth of the track, when not comparing to Kirk's abnormally deep prints.

Appolo shadows the tracking force invisibly, but he still stands out as a glowing orb as his magic still lights the way.

Mykael is in contact with Ghem "I am in the jungle, in the big palm tree, three wing beats and a short glide in almost directly away from the sun. Put the sun to your back and walk. I will guide you in."

As the three trackers enter the jungle the tracks begin to disperse after 30 yards. The jungle cuts the amount of sunlight that is beating down on the trackers bodies, but it keeps in the humidity more. You can almost drink the air in the jungle. Ashira finds the spot where many of the attackers watched the Sword.

DC 19 to follow an individual set of tracks, DC 18 for pair groups., DC 16 to track to Ghem, if Mykael posts to help, 19 without.

Ghem contacts Mykael "I saw the blue haired one, two wing beats away. The one I am watching is also looking at her, he has a stick thrower. Be careful, Mykael."


Kirk is still down 10 points of damage and two of the veteran pirates are down 6 hit points. One acrobat has a burn for 2 points of damage. All wounds have already been tended by Tomas.

Mark talks to Rigging again. "I think those unblinking bums just bought us another week on the beach."

Swirl is flying top cover over the trackers "Hey boss, I lost them once they entered the jungle. Thick stuff."


A few minutes go by and Ghem beams back to Mykeal "I hear you getting close." He adds excitedly. "Look at that. My guy just turned into a snake and went into the under brush. I lost him. Hurry!"


Cosmo and Bart are very subdued.

Mykael  d20+1=11 d20+7=15 d20=7
Friday June 16th, 2006 9:01:11 PM

He is just a snake now. He cant hit you with sticks. He can only get you if you get in close enough. You have fought snakes before, you know how close you can safely get. Go after him, find him. You will hear me coming. Tell me when to stop!

Mykael charges at a dead run, careful only of the ground, trees, and tree limbs. He does look for human-sized or slightly smaller snakes.

"They can shape shift!" Mykael screams. "Attack any snakes you see!"

(non-skill tracking=7)

DM Jim: Please roll a spot check for Ghem, as he has the best chance to spot the snake. DC 13 for Ghem.

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+12=15
Saturday June 17th, 2006 1:00:46 AM

Continuing to focus on tracking down the enemy (Surv=31), Ashira starts at Mykael's yelling. "Well, at least they now where we are now." she hisses. She begins immediately scanning the area for snakes (Spot=15). "Mykael, can your friend give us some idea where the enemy is at?" Ashira asks as she follows the mage.

John  d20+6=15 d20+12=24
Saturday June 17th, 2006 1:06:12 AM

"Oh yeah...look out for snakes...that ought to narrow it down!" John grumbles as he too tries to catch sight of the enemy (Track=15, Spot=24).

Ghem  d20+7=26 d20+7=22 d20+3=14 d20+28=38
Saturday June 17th, 2006 6:51:34 PM

OOC: I didnt think the group was with me, just that they were in the area. Therefore, I was only giving away my position, not that I wouldnt have been heard anyways.

OOC: According to the information I have on Pseudodragons, they get a +7 to spot, +7 to listen, and a +3 to tracking. They also have a +20 to hide, and a hiding bonus of +4 racially, which improves to +8 in forests or overgrown areas. This if from thier chameleon-like ability.

IC: 'I am hunting it.'

(hide=38)(nat 20)

Nezamil  d8+5=10 d8+5=6 d8+5=7
Saturday June 17th, 2006 11:56:09 PM

The Cleric of Domi confers with tomas about any wounded and takes immediate action to heal the 4 wounded(Kirk,2 vet pirates,acrobat)

First healing Kirk (d8+5=10 spontanous cast Clw in place of Pro-f-evil)" that should make ya feel better "

Then the two veteren pirates (d8+5=6)(d8+5=7)are next "well down ....i'm proud of ya both "(command,entropic shield)

Finally he finds the acrobat (light,mending, for 2 pts)"now ya offically one of us " laughs Nezamil

"make sure the men get some rest and water but keep them alert "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

* used spells

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:04:21 AM

The brothers give each other a big bear hug " good to see you ok " they reply

The brothers inspect the defenses and gather a trio of sailors to scout the perimeter and gather spent arrows(and any other weapons dropped or thrown) shot by the attackers "maybe they'll give us a clue of their capability's" growls out Hal as he leads the trio

the big warrior nods at Nezamil's orders "see to it Kirk ....i'll be back shortly "

Kirk checks out the damage on the Sword and survey's the seaside of the ship to view the sneak attack tactics and how to defend againist it better

Sunday June 18th, 2006 10:12:20 AM

"As much as I would like to split up we have to stay together and focus on one set of tracks. I doubt they all converge on the same place. Hopefully we find a little luck today."

Sunday June 18th, 2006 3:47:21 PM

OOC sorry i missed a week of posting something did came up suddenly, i had to go abroad for a few days

Bart is back at the ship and thinking aboaut improvements. We have to rapair the ship as fast as we can. In the meantime we can dig a trench and make a fench with wooden poles everyone can work on that. Also we have to man the ballista and change it so that we als could fire more downwards into the water.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=20
Sunday June 18th, 2006 9:22:39 PM

"Rigging I do not have any spells for group defense like you want. Spells that may be of use are Prying Eyes, Darkvision & Clair-audience/voyance. This just occurred to me even though it does not pertain to our current problem. I have added Passwall to my spell capacity. We could use that spell to try and enter the pyramid or other buildings on this island."

Cosmo wants to go with the group that tracks the assailants, but knows he would probably just slow them down. Instead he looks around the ship area for a place he can be of best use. Nothing really sticks out until he eyes the crow's nest. Now that would be a good place for me to be if I had to start slinging some of my magic around. He approaches some of the sailors and questions them to find out who normally man's the high perch. If the man or woman is not busy, Cosmo will ask that person to join him in the crow's nest to help act as lookout.

Cosmo then makes his way onto the ship and climbs up to the crow's nest. He looks around to get his bearings and look for potential attack points.

Spot 20.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo  d20+9=12
Monday June 19th, 2006 2:45:34 AM

After a couple of minutes Appolo remembers thet magic glows and there for he probably isn't invisible so he deactivayes his ring and appears pot pf the brush next tp Mykeal,:Shape changers.That explians alot about the snajes."He stand ssilently waiting for Ashira and Val to arrive.He looks around for a signs.

Spot 12

DM Jim: Cornered! 
Monday June 19th, 2006 11:43:24 AM

Ghem's quickly finds the fleeing snake and hovers over it. Ghem beams to Mykael "I found him again and he has friends. I you all of you coming fast."

Mykael and the now visible Appolo approach from one side and Val, Ashira and John from the other.

Ashira finds the set of track that go from bipedal to slithering and is on the trail and then she spots Ghem hovering above a large broadleaf jungle plant.

Ghem attempts to communicate with Ashira telepathically using sylvan "The viper is under this plant and he has two friends, our guy is the darkest of the three." Ghem also sends the same message to Mykael.

A few moments later, Mykael and Appolo meet Ashira, John and Val at the bush. Neither group saw one another until they were 10 feet apart although it was possible to hear the other group at a much greater distance.

Ghem beams proudly to Mykael "I found him again and he went into the bush and did not come out. He found two friends along the way too, also Vipers, all more than twice my body." Ghem finds a place to land about 10 feet up to watch.


Nezamil cures those that are still injured from the battle and gets thanks all around. Tomas also thanks Nezamil "I just ran out of spell, there were so many injured. I held off using the new wand the Wildcards got for me, waiting for a dire need."

The rest of the Wildcards and crew wait for the outcome in the jungle. Nothing can be heard, but an occasional colorful bird seems to be spooked to flight and makes a terrible racket in the area that the trackers entered the jungle.

Several of the Wildcard's contemplate the defense of the Sword while beached. It is a diffilcult problem as the berm is only effective at high tide. Low time leaves a gap at the waterline. Also the stern of the Sword is always in water and there is nothing stopping someone or thing from approaching that way.

Rigging and Swirl 
Monday June 19th, 2006 9:02:30 PM

Swirl zips down under the canopies to get a better view fo the snakes causing all the commotion. He translates what he sees back to his boss he is listening carefully

Rigging has grabbed the two carpenters by the arms and says, I don't want any exucses. I want this boat fixed under the orginall schedule projecte. Make it happen maybe you guys should rig some sort of underwater net to help protect our exposed hull. Won't be perfect but might give someone a chance to see something and be able to do something about it.

Monday June 19th, 2006 9:26:35 PM

OOC: On a remote system again, dont have my character sheet for numbers.

IC: Mykael draws his bastard sword and begins to hack the bush and brush away.

He states loudly in common, "Either come out and show yourselves or I start lighting fires as you did to our friends. We the easier this is for us, the better for you."

"John, would you please start gathering some green wood and leaves. A good smoking fire should pull them out of any hole they are in. Maybe the will surrender peacefully and without pissing me off. But I want to be ready in case they are stupid."

[i]Excellent work my friend. I wouldnt have been able to do it without you.[i/]

Ashira (Delay Poison)  d20+12=26 d20+11=17
Monday June 19th, 2006 10:58:54 PM

The ranger looks over at Mykael. "Excellent work from you and Ghem!" Moving her arms in a circle, Ashira uses the well established hand signal of surrounding the bushes that the enemy are in. Once in place, Ashira nods at John. "Sounds like a good plan, John." Then she casts a spell (Delay poison) and calls out to the snakes in the bush. "My friend here is right. Surrender and you'll be shown mercy. Try anything funny and we'll be eating roasted snake for dinner tonight!" After she calls out her ultimatum, Ashira keeps an eye out for anyone else who might be trying to sneak up on them (Spot=26, Listen=17).

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

Monday June 19th, 2006 11:03:05 PM

Nezamil pats Tomas on the shoulder " you did fine young man.....the crew is lucky to have you lead them "

"So they sneak attacked us from the stern of the ship ....if i may suggest that we put up some fencing useing the fish nets ....we can cut some trees down for posts....this way they won't be able to swim right up to the ship....and we could take a dip to cool off in this heat safe from the crocs behind the fish net fencing "

"also post a watch high up in the rigging or masts to see down into the water"

Taking a few mins to confer with the Bash brothers " check on the troops and keep them upbeat and ready....also keep them in rotation so they get rest "

Over hearing Captain Rigging's orders to the carpenters he adds " i can use several spells to help in the repair of the Sword such as enlarge and bull str and maybe a few others too depending on whatcha need "

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Monday June 19th, 2006 11:08:37 PM

The brothers jump into action and get the troops organized but also inform Tomas of their actions as he is incharge of the crew

"maybe we can do a little clear cutting near the perimeter of the jungle to help expand our visibility....at least we can plan for it in the coming days " suggest Hal to Tomas

John (Delay Poison) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:38:39 AM

Nodding at Mykael and Ashira's order, John likewise casts a spell (Delay poison) and then takes out his handaxe, ready to chop up some nice green wood for smoking.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 11:53:03 AM

Appolo moves into position and waits.Anyone can tell he'd just as soon kill theses things as any thing else.They've already pissed him off."Come on Ahira just let me kill them I could usea sanke skin belt."

Cosmo  d20+5=18
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:32:55 PM

Cosmo stays in the crow's nest remaining alert. He continues to look around for attackers.

Spot 18.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:45:00 PM

Val pulls the heavy flail from her hip, hands gripping the shaft tightly. Her eyes scan the surrounding bushes for signs of their enemies. The brush is thick and any sign will be a split second before the attack.

"Please resist. I really want to kill something today."

DM Jim: Breakout!  d20-10=6 d20-10=6 d20-10=5
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 1:11:22 PM

The trackers have all met up around a jungle bush, with Ghem pearched overhead. Swirl can be heard moving through the jungle as he searches for the group. It is obvious that Swirl cannot see the trackers.

John and Ashira cast potective spells on themselves.

Val does not move, as she seems to be listening to something only she can hear.

Several of the trackers cut down green palm fronds in anticipation of a fire. The trackers are alert and watchful, but no one else seems to be in the jungle, except for the friendly whirlwind as he looks for his crewmates.


The snakes are spooked and make a run for it in the leaf litter.

One viper heads for Mykael, one for Appolo and one for John (close to Ashira), with Val 15 feet away. They are attempting at high-speed stealth and not attempting to attack.

DC 6 spot check for Mykael to see the snake slither at him.

DC 6 spot check for Appolo to see the snake slither at him.

DC 5 spot check for John and Ashira to see the snake slither at them.

DC 10, 10, 9 for Val to see any of the snakes.

OOC: All but Val can also attempt to see the snakes other than the one slithering at them,just add 2 to the DC.


Everyone at the Sword is wondering and worrying about the tracker. Melonie goes over and sits with Mary. The two share a look, but no words.

Lilith is in the crow's nest and is straining to see through the jungle canopy.

Marc and Mark look at Rigging & Nezamil and Mark comments, "You know South Harbor was not built in a day. Do you think we are miracle workers."? Marc adds "And now you want us to build a secure lattice to hold all the nets to guard the back of your boat. What is the priority? We can do it, but what is first, repair fired damage, repair snake damage, or set up netting lattice?"

Cosmo and Bart are very somber.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 1:58:05 PM

Bart waits for the response from the wildcards who tracked the attackers. He is thinking aboit improving their site. Using nets in the sea is a good option too. Maybe the area could be warded by some spells. An alarm spell could be usefull as well

Ghem  d20+7=9 d20+7=18 d20+7=20
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 7:21:32 PM

There they GO! They are making a run for it!

Mykael  d20+7=21 d20+7=16 d20+7=26 d100=80
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 7:27:07 PM

Mykael notices all 3 snakes and starts casting(spot=21, 16, 26)

Mykael casts Slow on all 3 snakes(80% spell failure, success)(DC 17 willpower save negates).

"You cant get away, last chance to surrender!"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 9:37:33 PM

"Rigging I still have some of my Overland Flight spell left. Do you want me to take to the air and check out the situation with the scouting party?"

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 11:05:46 PM

Rigging glowers sternly at his two carpenters. "Of course I think you are miracle workers! I only hire miracle workers! I want this boat fixed so it is seaworthy first. Remember it isn't my boat but our boat. It is your transportation off this snake infested island too. Now stop carping and get to work. If you need additional men or supplies tell Tomas and he will do his best to get them for you."

Rigging will pull his younger henchman aside and say, "Your job is to find some way of either trapping or putting up some kind of warning system for the stern of the boat. I know it is a tough assignment but figure something out. Even if you put some canvas over the hole, so it won't be as easy for someone to throw something through it."

Rigging will then call Hal, Kirk, Nezamil and Tomas over to him. I want to make sure we have guards on the back of the boat to at all times. I know it will be tough to see a snake but we want to at least try and make things difficult for these creatures. Nez and Tomas, I want you to take some time and create some continual flame torches, rocks, whatever you think best. Maybe we can sink a couple poles and put the torches out in the lagoon a little ways to help light the stern of the ship. Then move some more onto the beach so things have a tough time sneaking up on us.

I also want the working areas on the beach protected better. Hollow out some areas in the sand and then move some driftwood to makes some walls. At least it will give our people some shelter if we get attacked again. Just make sure those areas are close enough to the ship so the enemy can't overrun them and use them against us."

When Rigging hears Cosmo's question, he will say, "Go for it. Swirl tells me they are in that direction and they have something cornered. Remember I want prisoners."


Swirl dives through the canopy and heads towards the noise hoping to help

Ashira  d20+12=23 d20+14=33 d20+10=22
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 12:08:08 AM

"Don't let them get away!!" bellows Ashira as she grabs at the snake headed John's way. (Spot=23) "John, I got a sack in my backpack...get it out for me, will ya?"

OOC: I am assuming that the best way to go about this is a grapple. So...touch attack=33, grapple check=22. Also, I believe the snake must take a -4 penalty for lack of feat, and a -4 penalty due to size.

John (Delay Poison) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 12:16:17 AM

"Not a problem!" calls out John as he rumages through her backpack and pulls out the sack.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:07:51 AM

Nezamil stands near Captain Rigging as he tells the carpenters to perform miracles and adds " i did not ask you two to build the seaward defenses....i spoke to Tomas about that!!" growls Nezamil " don't worry i'll take care of that personally...just concentrate on the Swords repairs"

"Captain i'll pray to Domi in the morning for a few continual flame spells....thats a great idea "

"Hal and Kirk i got work for ya both .....Hal take a work crew and start clear cutting the beaches perimeter to expand open space between the Sword and the jungle.....i'll use some of the trees as posts for a defensive wall behind the Sword.....the rest will be used to build some defensive walls near the Sword ....i don't think you need a complete wall that encircles the Sword but use them to channel the attackers to shooting zones for our bowman.....Hal you clear cut and Kirk will build the defensive obstacles and shooting zones.....each take one of the squads wihile the 3rd rests as they watch over the beach .....i'll build the seaward wall "

The Cleric of Domi will gather the acrobats together "you will take shifts keeping watch high up in the rigging and masts on both seawrd and inland...keep the shifts short maybe a couple hours so your eyes are fresh "

Nezamil will use his size and strentgh to gather some of the downed trees and use them as pilings behind the Sword(30 yards out....or what is feasable)(he will use waterwlk if needed)

Afterwards he works with the fisherwomen to install the nets between the pilings

The 10'5" dwarf works hard and late into the night to fufill his taks he has set forth

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

* used spells

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:07:51 AM

Nezamil stands near Captain Rigging as he tells the carpenters to perform miracles and adds " i did not ask you two to build the seaward defenses....i spoke to Tomas about that!!" growls Nezamil " don't worry i'll take care of that personally...just concentrate on the Swords repairs"

"Captain i'll pray to Domi in the morning for a few continual flame spells....thats a great idea "

"Hal and Kirk i got work for ya both .....Hal take a work crew and start clear cutting the beaches perimeter to expand open space between the Sword and the jungle.....i'll use some of the trees as posts for a defensive wall behind the Sword.....the rest will be used to build some defensive walls near the Sword ....i don't think you need a complete wall that encircles the Sword but use them to channel the attackers to shooting zones for our bowman.....Hal you clear cut and Kirk will build the defensive obstacles and shooting zones.....each take one of the squads wihile the 3rd rests as they watch over the beach .....i'll build the seaward wall "

The Cleric of Domi will gather the acrobats together "you will take shifts keeping watch high up in the rigging and masts on both seawrd and inland...keep the shifts short maybe a couple hours so your eyes are fresh "

Nezamil will use his size and strentgh to gather some of the downed trees and use them as pilings behind the Sword(30 yards out....or what is feasable)(he will use waterwlk if needed)

Afterwards he works with the fisherwomen to install the nets between the pilings

The 10'5" dwarf works hard and late into the night to fufill his taks he has set forth

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

* used spells

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:11:00 AM

Hal organizes a work detail which he leads to clearcut the jungles perimter to expand the open space.

Kirk organizes another work detail to build defensive obstacles and shooting zones .

Both work hard and with great determination

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:11:00 AM

Hal organizes a work detail which he leads to clearcut the jungles perimter to expand the open space.

Kirk organizes another work detail to build defensive obstacles and shooting zones .

Both work hard and with great determination

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+12=18 d20+12=23 d20+6=12 d20+6=18 d10+4=11 d10+4=5 d8+4=6
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:18:49 AM

When the snakes make a break for Appolo does not hesitate and swings thre times at the snake moving toward him.Slcing into it with all his fury."One belt coming up."

Attack 18 23 18 Damage 11 5 6 total23 Spot 12

Ashira (extra post) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:40:25 AM

Ashira turns to Appolo, snarling. "Remember the orders. No killing unless I order it! Capture them. I want prisoners!"

Dm Jim:  d20+7=9 d20+7=20 d20-10=0
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:04:12 PM

The snakes start to slither, fast at first and then slow as Mykael's slow spell takes effect.

Mykael had to concentrate hard (DC 14 check, made) to maintain the spell. Mykael watches as his slowed snake slithers between his legs.

Appolo takes the opportunity to slice and dice the snake moving at him, slowly, but he killed it fast.

Ashira jumps in front of John and grabs the snake charging at John. The snake seems unaffected by Mykael's slow spell. Ashira has a good grip on the snake, and it hisses at her as it wraps up her arm. At Ashira's instruction, John grabs a sack from her backpack and holds it open for Ashira. Ashira stuffs the snake into the bag and closes the top.

Ghem takes off and screams in Mykael's head. "He is getting away!"

Swirl shows up and Ghem has to do everything in his power to maintain his hover. The leaf litter is blowing around, making it difficult to see.

Val watches from 15 feet away.

DC 0 spot check to spot the last fleeing snake. Apparently, Swirl has inadvertently removed most of the laf litter that the snakes were using for cover.


Cosmo leaves Lilith in the crow's nest and takes off toward the Jungle.

Marc and Mark look at Rigging with exasperated expressions. "We will do all we can."

Rigging speaks with his new followers about further warning systems. Juno suggests, "Maybe we can rig bells to the nets in the back to warn us of someone's approach?" Eli then speaks up "Hey boss, magic did not work as well as we hoped during the last battle. It was hard to cast spells and they were less effective on the bad guys."

Nezamil set in an excellent plan for the defense of the Sword in motion. The bash brothers jump to action to carry out Nezamil's plan to the best of their ability.


OOC: As suggested by other crewmates -- 250 exp for Nezamil for his well thought out plan for the defense of the Sword.


The sack that Ashira is holding suddenly get real heavy and starts to split and rip and out drops a humanoid, that was until recently a viper. The humanoid is sitting on the jungle floor looking up at Ashira and John with venom in him unblinking eyes.

The figure is wearing leather armor of high quality, has a long bow, dagger, simitar, quiver, and wooden shield. All the gear is of various shades of green and brown and of good or better quality.

The humanoid just hisses menacingly at the group as it attempts to stand, showing its narrow pointed teeth. It does not reach for any of its weapons.

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 3:21:26 PM

"Now this makes more sense. You cannot run. You cannot hide. So please resist so I can crush your skull. See we can just find one of your friends. Eventually somebody will talk so we really don't need you." She says with a gleam in her eye and a smile on her face.

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 4:00:02 PM

Nezamil if you cast enlarge on me i will help you together we can make some kind of fence behind the Sword. It is easier if we do it together.

Clearing a bigger area around the sword was an good idear Nezamil. I had to think about that sooner.

Can you cast an spell to stop animals like snakes from enetering the area around the sword?

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:01:54 PM

Nezamil forges ahead with his defense plan for the Sword.

"sure thats a good idea Bart.....when we get to some of the heavy lifting i'll enlarge you so we can work in tandem ....only thing is the enlarge spell will only lasts about 10 minutes"

Taking a break from the work Nezamil searches out Tomas and asks him what spells he used vs the snake people and what was effective and what wasn't .

The Cleric of Domi will take a walk among the crew and encourge and praise their work and efforts as he tries to keep morale up

Ashira (Delay Poison) 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:08:13 AM

Ashira smiles at the arrival of Swirl. "Swirl, will you please tell Rigging that we've got him a captive. Might take us a little bit of time to bring him in. Might help if he and Bart came to help out."

The ranger looks over at Mykael. "You want to have Ghem trail that other one just in case? And I don't suppose you have any other spells to help with immobilizing our prisioner??"

Ashira glares at the strange creature standing before her. "Now, you have two choices. You can surrender and come with us. Or, as my friend has indicated, you can try and run or try and fight and we'll end up cutting you to bits like your friend over there. It's up to you." Hands on her swords, Ashira motions for the others to surround the creature while she waits to see how it responds.

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

John (Delay Poison) 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:35:25 AM

John's jaw drops as the snake transforms before his eyes. "What in the name of Gargul's eye is that?!" Raising his axe, John takes up a position beside Ashira.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 2:02:14 AM

"No, none that I can think of, just do your best."

"Ghem! that one is yours sting him! I am right here to help you."

OOC: on a remote again, please roll for Ghem and any needed for Mykael

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+12=27 d8+4=9
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 4:25:02 AM

With an exasperated look on his face and with out saying a word Appolo walk quickly up behind the snakeman and clubs him on the back of the with the hilt of his sword.
Hoping to knock him down and out."It's to hot to discuss this out here.Let's get back to the ship."

Attack 27 9 Subdual damage.

Appolo's attack is desinged to render the creature unconcious not kill.

Rigging  d20+7=20 d20+6=16 d20+6=18 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(1+6)=7
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 6:41:49 AM

Rigging is pleased with the work that is going on around him, glad to see others taking roles of leadership. He will walk around chatting with several but will make time to spend it with the other seamstresses and grieve with them on the loss of a friend.

Rigging will get Ahshira's message through Swirl and move over to Bart, "We are needed out in the jungle it seems. They have captured a prisoner.

Rigging will move out calling to Swirl to lead him and Bart to the others.


Swirl sees the snake that is slithering away. He is unsure if it is just a snake or something else but he decides to take a couple of whacks at it hitting ac 16 and 18 doing 14 points of total subdual damage.

Swirl will hover for a few seconds to see if the snake is still moving. It it isn't, then Swirl will move off to relay the messages and guide Rigging in. If the snake is still moving, then Swirl will stick around to whack it again next round.

(ooc Jim rolled for both attacks and damage but not sure if I was close enough. Otherwize only attack once)

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 11:25:24 AM

Well Nezz i have some strength of my own. It is only handier to be taller easier working when you are in deeper water

Cosmo  d20+5=15
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 11:33:33 AM

Cosmo flies towards where he thinks the scouting group went to. He keeps a sharp eye out for the scouting party and anything else of interest.

Spot 15.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Dm Jim: Captive?  d20+5=14 d20+5=15
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:10:35 PM

The humanoid that just was a snake stands as he is slowly surrounded. He seems in shock that he seems to be encircled by potential unfriendlies. As the Wildcards and friends fan out to close the circle, the humanoid, brushes his dark hair out of his eyes with his left hand and draws his scimitar with his right. The humanoid is not responding to any of the commands given by the Wildcards, he either cannot hear or does not understand or is ignoring them.

Appolo leaps in and is able to give the humanoid a good whack to the head (subdual), and gets a hiss of pain from him. The humanoid whirls and slashes at Appolo, by the forces of the stroke, he is not attempting to subdue, but to kill.

AC 14, miss as the scimitar slashes where Appolo's head was before he moved it.

The humanoids unblinking eyes scan back an forth as he is now completely surrounded. He then spits at Appolo.

AC 15, miss on a ranged touch attack, but not by much.

The humanoid is hissing something at Appolo that no one can understand, but it does not appear to be complimentary.

OOC: We are now in combat rounds.


Ghem seems reluctant to attack the fleeing snake, but Mykael asked so he moves into position. Ghem never has to attack as Swirl swoops in and picks the snake up and whacks it against a tree. Swirl beams to Rigging "I think I subdued the snake too much, his head does not look too good." The snake slides down the tree trunk and does not look like it will move ever again.


Nezamil talks with Tomas and finds out that he used all of his spells for curing. It was touch and go with a few people and there were numerous people injured.

Nezamil and Bart discuss the best ways to build the new fortifications for the Sword.

Cosmo passes Rigging as they both head toward the jungle. Cosmo has a much better vantage point to see and does see an atmospheric disturbance of some sort in the jungle a 100 yards or so into the jungle.

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 8:57:59 PM

Mykael groans in frustration as he sees the snake fly against the tree.

"Back away from the creature. I have a web spell, and Ghem's sting has a sleeping poison."

"Unless you prefer to take a chance of Appolo's blade not getting turned or Val swinging with more force than intended. And killing that last one!"

"I dont believe they understand us, and I dont have the proper spells prepared to deal with it right now."

"Just be ready, magic is acting weird here and who knows how this spell will turn out, or if he is able to resist Ghem's poison."

"If you dont move you will be caught in the web as well."

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 9:41:48 PM

The Cleric of Domi keeps tabs on the various projects he has started moving in the right direction.

Taking a little time he visits the wine steward Pierre " i was wondering about the wine making process and what might be needed to make wine on this island .....there is a large variety of fruit that possibly could be distilled into spirits and such.....since we might be here awhile i would like you to investigate what could be workable "

Bash brothers Hal and kirk 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 9:46:03 PM

Hal and Kirk keep their respective projects moving along efficiently.....resting the squads as need and keeping them hydrated

Hal notes " we should make a trip to the fresh water spring we found to keep our water supply full and gather some fruit too "

Ashira (AC27, HP112/112) Delay Poison 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 12:01:41 AM

Ashira nods. "Alright folks give Mykael some room. If that thing runs, I'll use my Entangle. Remember, we bring this thing back alive or we have to go track down some of his buddies! Absolutely no lethal damage!! Appolo, go invisible so that thing doesn't follow you." Looking over at Mykael, Ashira adds "I have a potion of tongues, but I'd rather use it when we have this thing back at the ship."

As she backs up, Ashira animates her shield. She watches the creature carefully, prepared to cast Entangle upon it should it try to bolt.

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

John (AC 16, HP35/35) Delay Poison 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 12:08:03 AM

Needing very little encouragement to move away from the snake thing, John scoots backward but stays close to Ashira.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Appolo Ac 23 Ho 68 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 7:43:56 AM

Appolo snarls and steps back."Ok Mykeal do your thing,but if this thing runs I'll cut into little pieces.You can be sure of that."

Friday June 23rd, 2006 8:05:24 AM

Riggging breaks into a jog moving towards the combatants guided by Swirls instructions/ directions.

Val (AC 19 / HP 139) 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 10:25:06 AM

Val grips her flail and watches the creature intently. She backs away slowly to give Mykael some room but close enough to give the creature worry.

Dm Jim: A fly in the Web  d20+8=19 d20+2=5
Friday June 23rd, 2006 1:08:34 PM

The humanoid holds his scimitar out as the Wildcards back up and he spins as he watches each in turn. He is clearly not happy with his situation and seems to be looking for a way out. The scimitar is always pointing at one of the Wildcards chests as he makes eye contact with each. Those black unblinking eyes are just disturbing. The humanoid is speaking in a hissing dialect that no one seems to understand.

Ashira prepares her entangle spell if Mykael's plan goes awry.

Ghem was concerned about attacking the fleeing snake, and now Mykael asked him to possibly sting this human thing with the sharp metal stick. Mykael is getting uncomfortable waves of concern from his small dragon friend.

Mykael's spell goes off with out a problem as the web sticks to the humanoid and several palm trees.

The humanoid struggles wildly and hisses in fury, but it only makes his more entangled in the web.

IT looks like Ashira's entangle spell will not be needed.


Rigging starts to jog on the beach and reaches the edge of the jungle. Running in sand is not something Rigging will want to do for any length of time, that was tough. Rigging passes under the now hovering Cosmo. Swirl tells Rigging he just have 100 yards to go through some real nasty and thick jungle.


Everyone gets back to work at the beach and the Sword, but all eyes dart toward the jungle and where the Wildcards entered, hoping to see them exit soon.

Nezamil talks with Pierre and he just beams "That my good large sir is an excellent idea. We need to start sampling all of the fruits and get on barrel construction immediately. You do not think the Captain will mind if Mark and Marc take a few days to construct some wine barrels for the Sword. This could be wonderful." Pierre is clearly excited and is marching to the Jungle, straight at one of the trees that is hanging heavy with the yellow star shaped fruit.

Friday June 23rd, 2006 4:47:09 PM

Winemaking an good idear Nez but making barrels? We hace to concentrate on repairing the sword and protecting our warf first

Ashira (AC27, HP112/112) Delay Poison 
Sunday June 25th, 2006 12:00:08 AM

"Alright Mykael, use it or lose it. Either Ghem takes him down the easy way or we have to club him into unconsciousness. As much as Appolo would love that, I'd rather he come back more or less in pristine condition...considering he's the only one still alive. And I really don't feel like tracking another one of these things down."

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

DM JIM: Maybe I was not clear enough, but the humanoid is webbed and going nowhere fast.

John (AC 16, HP35/35) Delay Poison  d20+12=32 d20+9=16
Sunday June 25th, 2006 12:07:57 AM

Unnerved by the unblinking eyes and scaly skin, John gladly scans the surrounding jungle for any signs of unfriendlies sneaking up on them. (Spot=nat. 20, Listen=16)

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Appolo  d20+10=27 d20+7=26
Sunday June 25th, 2006 4:08:29 PM

Appolo steps further back and hasa look around.Watching and listening for trouble."Hurry up.Let's get this thing back to the ship."

Spot 27,Listen 26

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Sunday June 25th, 2006 9:04:09 PM

Cosmo continues to fly towards the scouting party.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Sunday June 25th, 2006 10:04:54 PM

Rigging hacks his way through the jungle cursing the entire way. "Swirl couldn't you find me a better, clearer path?"

When he finally arrives at the clearing, he will take in the situation and walk up to the creature in the web. He will then look at the others and say, Lets not take any chances with him. Put him unconcious and lets get him back to the ship. I have a feeling we will need a tongues spell to talk to him."

After the snakeman is unconcious from Appolo whacking him the head a few times, he will have him carrid back. "Any ideas on how to keep him? I guess we could but him in a crate? A few small airholes should keep him inside. Then we could question him. Wonder if he breathes underwater?"

OOC If it seems I am moving ahead in the action, Jim told me that I could.

Sunday June 25th, 2006 10:54:51 PM

The big dwarf reaches out and grabs Pierre by the collar as he heads for the fruit tree " not so fast....the carpenters first priority is the repair of the Sword so no barrel making just yet ......but maybe we could let you use one of the water barrels once its empty" as he releases the wine steward " so gather some fruit and start your research ....but be careful"

Nezamil heads back to working on driving the pilings into the seafloor and build the defensive wall of nets behind the Sword

Bbash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday June 25th, 2006 11:01:30 PM

Hal keeps his crew busy with tree clearing to expand the open space but keeps an eye on the wine steward as he forages for fruit

Kirk keeps his crew busy dragging the trees near the Sword and use them to build defensive postions with shooting zones for the bowman

Monday June 26th, 2006 3:06:53 AM

"He's going to be a hard one to hold. Being able to shift his shape between who knows how many forms. He doesn't seem to understand us nor we him. Interrogation will be difficult and we need to prepare for a counterattack."

Monday June 26th, 2006 6:28:30 AM

'Ghem, he is held fast. Fly in there and sting him. Put him to sleep. You can do it. Dont get in the web though, you will get stuck too.'

Mykael watches closely, ready to strike at the creature with the flat of his sword or his shield, if it gets loose enough to hit Ghem.

Ashira (Additional post) 
Monday June 26th, 2006 10:27:37 AM

Ashira looks up at Rigging's emergence from the jungle. She is slightly dismayed when he arrives and begins to hand out orders without so much as a pat on the back. Guessing that he is not satisfied with her work as group leader, Ashira quietly obeys Rigging's commands, carrying the unconscious creature back to the Sword. As they travel, she quietly says. "I have a potion of Tongues in my pack. I felt it would be best to do the interrogation back at the Sword. It is yours when you want it. As for holding the creature, as Val pointed out, it's going to be difficult. We may have to do what we did with the Twins...keep clubbing it to sleep." Ashira winks at Val.

OOC: Yes, I understand that he is webbed. Mykeal had said that Ghem was going to sting him and put him to sleep. I felt that was better than clubbing the thing into unconciousness. Obviously that was the wrong decision.

Dm Jim: Back at the Beach 
Monday June 26th, 2006 12:47:45 PM

The humanoid is stuck fast in Mykael's web. Ghem is building up his courage to sting the creature when Rigging bursts though the undergrowth.

Swirl is beaming in his head. "That path was the best way for an elemental to go. I have seen you fly. You are a wizard. I assumed you were also going to fly like Cosmo did."

Rigging sees Cosmo admiring Mykael's handy work, while floating a few feet off the ground.

At Riggings urging, Appolo knock out the humanoid. It does take three whacks and the humanoid is hissing and staring at him with those unblinking eyes, but the eyes do close with Appolo's help.

The Wildcards drag the unconscious humanoid back to the beach and dump him at the foot of the Sword. A crowd of crew and Wildcards forms around the humanoid as everyone watches him breath. The welts on the side of his thin face are starting to swell.

Lilith see the trackers returning and exits the crewsnest to meet them on the beach and she stops short in front of John. Lilith is almost breathless "No problems?" As her eyes scan John for signs of harm.

Melonie asks Val "What is it? It does not look Fey?"

Pierre picks fruit until the Wildcards emerge and then be brings over his bounty and stands in the circle around the humanoid.


Nezamil, Bart, Hal and Kirk do not get much work done on the defences before the Wildcards return with their prisoner and then their work crew disappers to see the humanoid.

Gordon produces a stick and start to poke the humanoid.

Monday June 26th, 2006 1:40:27 PM

Rigging trudges back to the Sword plucking out thorn from his thighs. He glances up at Ashira and shows her a particularly long one that seems to be barbed. In a somewhat whiny voice, he says to Ashira, "Can you believe a walked into a bush of these?" Rigging tosses the thorn away and says, "Nice job in catching this critter. I am sure your potion will come in handy but I wonder if Cosmo has the spell in his spell book. Somehow I don't think this thing is going to cooperate easily. Just a feeling. I do have a detect thought spell, which might work in conjunction with the tongues spell. Will have to study for it."

Once he gets back to the ship, he will allow all of the crew to take a quick look at the snake man but quickly get them back to work. He will send two crewmen down into the hold to retrieve a empty barrel big enough to hold the snake man in his humaniod form. He will the instruct Marc to drill a couple of air holes in the top.

He will whack Gordon in the arm and say, "I don't the prisoner abused. At least not yet. Get back to work"

Rigging will inspect the barrel to make sure it doesn't have any other holes in it and then have Hal and Kirk put the snakeman inside. He will then nail on the lid. "Tomas, I want a two man guard on this at all times. If someone falls asleep and gets bitten, then when their private parts fall off, they will get no sympathy from me.

Cosmo, Do you have the tongues spell in your book? Does anyone have a way to talk to this critter?

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday June 26th, 2006 10:05:37 PM

"No, Rigging I do not have the spell Tongues in my spellbook. I can however summon a creature with that ability. The creature I can summon is the same one that I sent into the Pyramid. The creature is a Lantern Archon. I can also summon a relative of it called the Hound Archon."

"I can cast a summon spell twice today that can summon the lantern Archon. I have only 1 spell today that can summon the Hound Archon."

"If we determine that the creature can speak common, then tomorrow I can dominate it with my Dominate Person spell."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:21:50 AM

Nezamil continues his work behind the Sword setting up the fencing and ignores the commotion as he knows the Captain has things well in hand .

" all that gawking just slows down the work " grumbles Nezamil quietly to himself

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:31:01 AM

The brothers follow after their work crews to catch what all the noise is about " so thats the thing that attacked the Sword earlier " growls Hal " ugly things for sure "

"hehe sure is ugly " laughs Kirk " but they sure co-ordinated their attacks well " adds Kirk

After the work crews get a look at the snake-man they round up their people and get them back working " lets go and get this stuff done " growls Hal

great Jim all of the crews disipline falls apart at the 1st sight of these things which they already saw during the battle ...how can we get any of our plans going if you just scatter all of us about ???????and stop what we do ????.....jeez...

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 5:54:47 AM

Val chuckles at Ashira's comments, shaking her head at a semi-bad joke. On the way back to the sword Val watches their backs. A sneak attack to rescue a fallen comrade would not be a suprise.

Back at the sword Val makes her way over to Melonie when she sees her friend moving towards her. Melonie's faith and enthusiasm can't help but bring a smile to her face. "That I believe is a Yuan-ti or something close to it. It can shift its forms between a snake and a snake-man. I wouldn't be suprised if there were other snake like forms it could take. Be careful they spit poison or acid. I'm not sure which but I would hate to see that pretty face of yours marred."

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:17:50 AM

Bart is still helping Nezamil eith the defences but he cant stop the urge to have a look at the snakeman. I wonder if the masters are of the same kind as him. Looks like we trade one domination cult, the Ga alians for another the i love pregnant women snakes

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:22:58 AM

Appolo trudges silently past the others.As passes Vlanthe and Meloniehe gives them a sorrowful look.He is till heartbrokenHe then head back to his quarters strips down and lays in his bunk staring at the cieling.Rage filling his mins.

DM Jim: Pickle in a Barrel 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:50:17 PM

Rigging and Nezamil get everyone back to work in a hurry, before they stuff the "snake man" into the barrel. The crew seems reenergized as one of their antagonists was captured and seeing him up close broke a lot of the tension that had been building.

Gordon is rebuked by Rigging. "Man, this is just no fun. Rank does have it privileges. Some get to go to parties, while the rest of us slave in the hot sun."

Shortly after Hal and Kirk nail the lid on the barrel, screams can be heard from within. Tomas quickly posts two guards around the barrel. The screams die down after about 30 minutes.

Cosmo and Rigging discuss interrogation techniques. While Bart and Nezamil lead work crews to improve the Sword's beach bound defenses. The sun is hot and everyone goes though a lot of water. At least there is an afternoon rain shower to cool everyone off for a bit.

Melonie nods when Val explains to her about the "snake man" and comments. "It must be a lesser race."

Pierre complains to Nezamil "That barrel that your body guards put the beast in is now ruined. I need a clean barrel." Pierre gets dreamy again. "Maybe we can make a version of brandy with the fruit".

Appolo sulks in his bunk.

Ashira is quite.


For now the barrel is in the shade of the Sword's prow, on the beach, unless someone posts that they move it.


The day is work filled for most. Dinner is again cooked on the beach by the Sword's cooks. The old women use up the last of Ashira's fish and suppliment with stores from the Sword. The night is tense and noisy, as the jungle seems to come alive at night. Insects and frogs and other jungle creature make a chorus of noises.


ooc: What is the standard watch at night: when the Wildcards are on board and not on board.???

Rigging is awarded 250 experience points for his inventive way of keeping the shape shifer captive.

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 2:18:57 PM

The ranger shakes her head at Rigging and Cosmo's discussion. Personally, she would have performed the interrogation as soon as possible. But then Rigging was Captain.

Double checking with Hal and Kirk about the watch schedule for the night, Ashira asks that a couple of extra guards be set up for the prisoner. Just to be sure, Ashira herself takes up a position by the barrel, preparing to bed down next to it for the night. Producing her everburning torch, she places it on top of the barrel to increase visibility. That gives her another idea. Turning to Hal and Kirk, she inquires "How many torches do we have? We need to line the clear cut area with torches so we can see the enemy coming if they decide to retrieve their friend." If there are not enough torches available, then Ashira instructs the cooks to work on creating some makeshift ones for the night using some of the firewood and strips of cloth as well as cooking oil. Then she has the marines put them in place and light them for the night. She also instructs the night crew. "Attack any snakes that advance on sight, but do not move from the safety of your positions. I don't want anyone charging into the jungle to get picked off. The enemy will probably attack tonight, so I want everyone on high alert. Anything suspicious should be reported immediately to myself or Rigging. Even if that means waking us."

Finally, Ashira heads to the stores and pulls out as many buckets as she can find. Lining them up, she pulls Marc and Mark aside. "If the enemy should attack tonight with their fire arrows, you are to lead the fire brigade. I want you and your crew to form a bailing line from the beach and put out any fires that the enemy should start. Don't want all your hard work to go to waist." Gathering up some of the former refugees (not any of the crew assigned to the watch or any of the marines, need about 10 to 20), she shows them the buckets and sketches out their assignment. She also points out Marc and Mark. "These gentlemen will be your leaders. Should an attack come tonight, I expect you to carry out any orders they should give. Should there be multiple fires, they will direct you as to which fires to put out first. Remember, if there is no Sword, then we are stuck on this island forever...or until you grow gills."

Satisfied with her work, Ashira bunks down for the night next to the captive in the barrel.

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

John and Mary 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 2:31:03 PM

John smiles roguishly at Lilith. "Nothing I couldn't handle." Looking over at the snake thing in the barrel, John sighs. "I wonder if his buddies out there are gonna come looking for him? As organized as you said that attack was, I doubt their just gonna leave him with us..." John looks up at Lilith, a weary look in his eyes. "We need to be prepared for the possibility of an attack tonight. Do you think you can ask some of your archer friends to take up the night shift? Those sharp elven eyes of you and your friends would certainly help spot the enemies faster. We should probably make sure that we watch the sea too." Eating a good dinner, John positions himself in the crow's nest with Lilith, ready to pull an all nighter scanning the jungle for any signs of the snake men.

Relieved to see John and Ashira return, Mary eats a quick dinner and then quickly finishes up her evening warrior practice. Then quietly, she sets up a position on the other side of the barrel from Ashira, determined to help keep watch of the prisoner with her mentor.

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 9:18:27 PM

"Rigging, so nice of you to run in and whack the snake man. You should probably lead the snake hunt this week," Mykael chuckles. "And I have Tongues and Comprehend Languages, spells. Since we can wait until tomorrow, I will ready them. If there is a dire need, I always try to have them on scroll, which I do."

After drenching himself in the water, again. Mykael makes his way to the prisoner. Along the way, he gets half a bucket of water.

"Ghem you did well today, I am proud of you. Go play if you like, but take care."

Thinking to himself, 'I am going to have to work on his courage and self-esteem. He sure was skitish for a dragon. And for one that told me of his hunts.'

Mykael walks up to the barrel, "Guards, turn the barrel on its side. I want to pour in this water through an air hole, and let it run out another to cool the prisoner. Hold it so it doesnt roll, and be ready in case he tries to shift it out of your grasp."

Once cooled somewhat by bay water, Mykael attempts to get the creatures attention. He then tips up his waterskin and takes a long slow drink. Then he puts the open end to an air hole in the barrel and pours in some drinkable water, hoping to get the prisoner to drink.

Mykael will stay with the prisoner throughout the day on guard and making sure he survives.

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 10:53:13 PM

Rigging watches his wife order everyone about and grins. Obviously she likes command. He asks her, "Ashira, you know more about snakes than I do. Do you think this thing is cold blooded? Should we leave it the sun or put it into the shade. Your a ranger, what do you think?"

He will turn to Mykael and say, "I am glad you have the spell in your book. When we get the chance I would like to copy it into mine. Useful spell to have. How many times can you learn it in the morning? We might want to have several people who can talk to the prisoner.

He will lead Mykael away and whisper, "I not sure if this thing can speak common or not but I don't want him to hear. I plan on casting detect thoughts, but I will need a tongues spell to understand I am sure. Even if it speaks common, I doubt it thinks in common. I can always study it from your book too."

He turns back to Ashira, "Your in charge of keeping our prisoner a prisoner."

He calls out to Nezamil and says, "I want you in charge of our watch. We will need a permanant guard or sentry group on all day. Work with Bart and Val to determine who is on it and the schedule. Looks like we might need some noncommissioned officers. Promote some corporals and sergeants from the crew."

Rigging will then pull Gordon aside and say to him, "I know I have been working you hard but at least you don't have to walk through the jungle with all those snakes. You should have seen the size of the thorns that stuck into me today. I swear they were the size of daggers! I appreciate your labors." Rigging will look to all of his new henchman and continue, "I appreciate all of your labors. You have done an excellent job. Now all you have to do is figure out a way to kill a really big snake!"

Ashira  d20+6=25
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:12:53 PM

Ashira looks over at Rigging and sighs. "I'm a ranger, dear. Not a druid." Looking over at the barrel, she thinks hard (Know. nature=25). "It sure looks like a snake... Given the temperatures, I'd say we're going to have to be careful not to fry it in the heat. I'm not too sure whether it will get too cold at night for the thing... But they live on this island, so I'm guessing it won't freeze."

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:14:15 AM

OOC: illegal post

"Sure, all mages trusting mages should share knowledge. We should make a party of it. Keep them others out!" Mykael laughs. "Rigging, I can cast it 3 times, however, we probably only need one to speak to it. Everyone else that you want to hear can use comprehend languages to listen in."

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:18:48 AM

After working on his net fence idea during the day the giant dwarf breaks for dinner and listens to Captain Riggings orders " i'll set up the watch rotation with our 3 squads....we're gonna have to slow the work load down a little so we can stay fresh and alert .... especially in this heat"

" i'll make sure to mix in some of our elven warriors on each squad so they all have better night vision capabilties"

Nezamil confers with Tomas about promoting 3 of the veteren warriors to squad leaders(27 warriors split into 3 squads of nine) and the order of watch shifts "since you help command the Sword while we are away i think your imput will be very helpful in selecting squad leaders and building trust and confidence among them "

" i'll persoanlly take the night watch tonight...after dinner i'll get some sleep with the squad we pick for night watch "

"i'll stay on the beach with the night watch but we must keep one squad on the Sword as bowman and as rearguard to protect the Sword from seaward attacks since the wall i'm building is not yet finished "

The dwarf also finds the 4 acrobats and puts the elven female on night watch high up in the ships mast and rigging as a scout" watch over us " smiles Nezamil

Nezamil nods at Ashira's torch suggestion " good thinking i'll set that in motion with the brothers ......after dinner boys you'll set up torches as Ashira stated " grins the Cleric "oh and first thing in the morning we'll resupply on fresh water "(Jim you said there was a nearby fresh water stream ?)

The Cleric of Domi selects the 3rd squad as the night watch " your with me people lets get some sleep and ready for the night watch.....we'll sleep on the beach with the 2nd squad taking the evening watch and 1st squad on the sword with the crew set up as morning watch....and rotate accordingly"

Turning to the brothers " you both will be on day and evening watch and get your sleep at night....i want you working with the squads in defense and directing the work crews"

Nezamil heads to sleep on the beach with the 3rd squad.....once he and the squad are awakened for duty he sets up the squad in defensive position with himself in the center
" they fired from distance last time so crossbows at the ready and be alert ....listen to the sounds of the jungle and look for movement "

i'll post spell list in the morning

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:34:18 AM

The brothers groan at more work " we're in paradise and all we do is work " replies Kirk with sarcasm

But both brothers do as they are told and set up a line of torches at the treeline as suggested by Ashira

Afterwards they find Tomas and work out details of working withe squads " now that we have squad leaders we need tactics....each squad consists of nine warriors with one as squad leader.....they'll work in pairs.....the two shooting at the same target and when in close quarters attacking the same opponnet....so squad leaders will be responsible for implementing this tactic " remarks Hal

the brothers head aboard the Sword and settle in for the night

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 10:12:11 AM

After the evening meal, when the moonlight is ambient enough to help their vision. Val takes Melonie onto the beach for some practice. Light sparring to make her apply what Bart has taught her. To make her face opponents who use different weapons and tactics. Finally she finishes things with some archery at different ranges to test her eye. Val offers much encouragement as well as being playful enough to make things fun.

Appolo  d20+14=27 d20+13=21
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:06:52 PM

Appolo stqys in his quartwers until around midnight.He rises heads to the kitchen eats some leftovers and then moving like a ghost he heads topside.He finds a seat at the bow of the ship and sits in ths shadows staring at the lagoon.He is quite depressed.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:45:35 PM

OOC -- If we are wrapping up the activity before going to sleep for the night then Cosmo will cast his SM V spell. If not, then he will wait for Rigging's command.

Cosmo moves over towards the barrel. He talks to the creature in the seven different languages that he knows. He looks for a response or some form of recognition of one or more of the languages.

Languages spoken -- Halfling, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal & Elf.

If Cosmo cannot communicate with the creature through one of these languages then he will cast the spell Summon Monster V using his Rod of Extend. He will summon a Hound Archon. Cosmo will instruct the Hound Archon to communicate with the creature, trying to learn its name, where it is from and why it attacked the camp.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: The morning Inqusition 
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 2:56:25 PM

OOC: Everyone Made it through the night and all posting should be for the morning.

If you have not done so, post your spells for the morning.


The Wildcard's place a heavy guard on the pickle in the barrel. Mykael shows compassion and cools the "snake man" and gives him water; he eagerly drinks and hisses calmly at Mykael.

Ashira thinks that the "snake mans" most important need will be water and Mykael has taken care of that. People as well as reptiles can go a lot longer without food and the water will also act as a coolant for the humanoid.

Nezamil has Hal and Kirk adjust the work/guard schedule to reflect the heightened alter of the situation.

Appolo is depressed.

Melonie enjoys her practice round with Val. Val can tell that what Melonie lacks in experience she makes up with heart, as she always loses to Val in the sparring session, but always takes it as a learning experience.

Mykael and Rigging discuss studying from each other's spell books.

Ashira set up a fire brigade defense against fire arrows.


OOC: IF either of you attempt to study a spell from the others spell book, please roll the spell craft skill.


Cosmo summons his hound the next morning, but no one has taken the "snake man" out of his barrel.

OOC: Roll as DC 15 sense motive check to determine if the "snake man" recognizes any of the languages spoken. Roll for each language and you must understand the language yourself.

Cosmo can hold the summoning until after the "snake man" is removed.

The "snake man" does not attempt to communicate with anyone even if/when removed from the barrel.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 8:15:38 PM

Mykael wakes in the morning, and prepares his spells. He then heads to the deck and gets some food. He has extra for the prisoner, when he is let out, along with water.

Mykael waits for the captain's call. Then he will cast Tongues on himself and whomever the Captain wishes. He also casts comprehend languages on whomever the captain wishes.

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Daze
1 lvl: Comprehend Languages x3, Charm Person
2 lvl: Web x2, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3 lvl: Tongues x2, Slow

Ghem  d20+7=15
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 8:17:07 PM

Ghem flys to his favorite spot on the ship, and perches on top of the mast to watch the festivities and to watch out for more flaming sticks.


Rigging  d20+16=19 d20+12=22 d20+12=24
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:14:02 PM

Rigging will wake in the morning and study some new spells. He will then borrow Mykaels spell book and memorize tongues just making his roll with a 19.

When the others are ready, he will ask them to gather around him and outline his plan to the Wildcards and the officers of the ship. "I want one of us to question the creature. I think either Ashira might best serve in that role. Only one person should take the role since we don't want to just spit questions at the creature. You can whisper question as they come to mind but have Ashira do the questioning.

Mykael, I want you to serve as translator for the rest. I don't think you can cast comprehend languages on anyone else, it is a personal spell so cast your tongues spells on Ashira and whomever else you choose. Then cast your comprehend languages on yourself.

I will cast both my detect thoughts spell and a tongues for myself. As the questioner asks the questions, hopefully I will be able to detect what the person is thinking. The tongues should let me understand if it is in a different language.

I also want to know if this creature is evil, so one of the clerics needs to cast detect evil on it. Nezamil if you could handle that?

I don't think we will have to resort to torture if my detect thought spells work. He might be able to resist them but I have studied many of them just in case.

Now anyone casting multiple spells, remember we have to concentrate on them. We need to come up with a list of questions. I just need him to think about answers, not give them so give Ashria some suggestions. Does anyone have any questions?

Ashira, make sure you ask him about where his village or base of operations is? How many numbers they have? If they have any spellcasters among them? Why they attacked us? Are they trying to keep us here or just kill us?"

Rigging will then ask for questions or comments and then lead the group over to the barrel

Rigging will bang on the top of the barrel to wake the creature up. "No need to open it unless he cooperates." he says. Remember it might spit poison at us. He will then step back and cast his first detect thoughts (will save 16) He has two more to cast if it doesn't work. Once he is detecting thoughts he will cast his tongues spell. (Concentration checks of 22 and 24)

He will motion for Ashria to start.

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, detect thoughts x3
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Tongues, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Thursday June 29th, 2006 12:10:39 AM

After waking for his duty on the night watch with the 3rd squad the Cleric of Domi meditates to Domi to draw his divine power.(spell list to follow)

The night watch being uneventful Nezamil oversees the changing of the watch before meeting up with Captain Rigging and the questioning of the snakeman prisoner.....staying some distance away (40 ft) he casts the desired spell (detect evil) and concentrates on the snakeman prisoner until the questioning ends.

"Hal...Kirk lets take a work crew to refresh our supply of fresh drinking water....we are consuming it quite quickly in this heat....i'll tell the Captain " as the dwarf then informs Rigging about the nearby fresh water stream they will use to resupply the fresh water.

Nezamil stops by Ashira "I prayed to Domi to expand my repertoire of spells ...i've added Continual flame and symbol of sleep....i'll cast one each day to add to our defenses.....that Symbol should surprises them if they try and attack us...spread them out along the beach closer to the Sword so they will fall asleep on the open exposed beach " grins the Cleric of Domi

Afterwards Nezamil returns to his work on the seaward defensive wall he is building

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil * ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame* ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Thursday June 29th, 2006 12:19:10 AM

the Brothers wake in the morning and check in Tomas about the deployment of troops and work crews so as to keep on the same page with the ongoing work and crew assignments.

"Yeah we're drinking water like we're fish " laughs Hal as they organize a work crews trip to the nearby fresh water stream at Nezamil's request

Once the water detail is done Hal returns to clear cutting the the treeline to expand the open space while Kirk helps in building fortifications on the beach with shooting zones that will be co-ordinated between bowman on the Sword and the beach for maximum firepower

Ashira  d20+8=21
Thursday June 29th, 2006 1:07:11 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's request. It would be an honor to question the captive. Just to check, Ashira casts Speak with Animals prior to questioning.

Once all needed spells are cast, Ashira begins the questioning. Speaking in a loud enough voice to be heard through the barrel, she begins. "My associates have several questions for you. If you are an intelligent, reasonable being, you will see the wisdom in speaking with me (Dipolomacy=21). Should you prove cooperative, you will find that your living conditions will improve greatly. If not...well, things will not be very comfortable over the coming days." Ashira pauses for a few minutes to let her words sink in, and then asks Rigging's questions, one at a time.

"Where is your village or base of operations? How many others of you are there? Do you have any spellcasters among you? Why did you attack us? Are you trying to keep us here or just kill us?"

Prepared spells:
1st level: Delay poison, Speak with Animals
2nd level: Wind wall, Spike growth

Thursday June 29th, 2006 1:11:00 AM

The ranger watches the questioning of the captive with interest.

1st level: Delay poison, Endure elements

Thursday June 29th, 2006 4:00:52 AM

Ashira Ask him if he is one of the masters or the same race as them If so what is the purpose with of the masters with the pregnant women
If not does he know who the masters are and where they live. Are they and the master befreinded or enemies. What can he tell us about the masters

Cosmo  d20+1=18
Thursday June 29th, 2006 7:46:04 AM

Cosmo wakes up in the morning and goes through his normal morning preparations. This involves studying for any used spells and casting the spell Mage Armor upon himself.

Cosmo will join the group as it moves to interrogate the captured snake creature. He will stand farther back than Ashira and Rigging as they are the most involved in the questioning. If need be he will try o talk to the creature in the seven different languages that he knows. He looks for a response or some form of recognition of one or more of the languages (sense motive 18).

Languages spoken -- Halfling, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal & Elf.

If he is instructed by Rigging, Cosmo will cast the spell Summon Monster V using his Rod of Extend. He will summon a Hound Archon. Cosmo will instruct the Hound Archon to communicate with the creature, asking it the questions that Rigging wants answered.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Thursday June 29th, 2006 11:35:16 AM

"I don't think he will talk. I believe there is something going on here. Something we won't like that has been going on for a very long time. This place is too isolated and to well set up."

DM Jim: The Interrogation  d20+12=29 d20+4=16 d20+4=11 d20+12=19 d20+12=30 d20+2=12 d20+2=17 d20+2=20 d20+2=14 d20+18=31 d20+18=38 d20+18=33
Thursday June 29th, 2006 12:09:59 PM

Morning comes with another glorious sunrise and the spell users recover and change their spells in anticipation of questioning the "snake man"

Rigging is able to learn tongues from Mykael's spell book, after rereading a few paragraphs.

Mykael brings food and water for the prisoner, but Rigging does not seem to want to let it out of the barrel. There seems to be a stench of some sort coming from the barrel.

Nezamil instructs Hal and Kirk to take a work crew to the little serpent for more water as the supplies are running low. Every person that is working is drinking 1.5 gallons of water per day at a minimum.

Nezamil casts his detect evil spell and after a few rounds determines that the "snake man" is evil.

Rigging casts his detect thoughts spell and is able to keep the spell (DC 11 + spell level concentration check was successful) and the same is true for the Tongues spell (DC 14 -- concentration check successful). Casting the tongues spell required Rigging to make a new concentration check on the detect thoughts spell (DC 13, because one spell active, I rolled a 29 concentration check for you).

The " snake man" resisted the first Detect thought spell (save 16), but not the second (save 11). Rigging made his new concentration checks for detect thoughts (conc. 19) and tongues (conc. 30).

Mykael casts tongues on himself, but can not maintain the spell (conc. Check 12, DC 14 required). Mykael is successful with the second spell (conc. 17). Mykael then casts comprehend languages (conc. 20, DC 13 required), but loses his tongues spell (conc. 14, DC 15 required: 11+3 for spell level+1 for another active spell).

Rigging asks Cosmo to cast his spell for the hounds help.

Cosmo casts mage armor on himself (conc. Check 31) and then his monster summon V (conc. Check 38, nat. 20!!!) and maintains his mage armor at the same time (conc. Check 33). The hound and Cosmo stand ready to assist Ashira and Rigging.

Ooc: Cosmo cannot sense motive, as the DC will be Significantly harder if he cannot see the creature. Cosmo must roll for each language used.

The "snake man" has several thoughts in his head before Ashira starts asking questions "I am hot and so thirsty. I need to use the facilities, BAD! I can't even reach my rations. I can't feel my feet! @#$*% Them!"

Rigging can tell that the "snake man" can understand common, but it is not his natural language. His natural language is one of hissing and tongue inflection, but he is able to follow.

Rigging can tell that the "snake man" stops worrying about its situation and is concentrating on those outside the barrel "What are they up to, why don't they just kill me."

When Ashira starts to talk Rigging can tell that the "snake man" is attempting to put the voice with a face and he sees Val and Ashira's faces most of all and he settles on Ashira.
Rigging can feels much hate for Ashira as he feels she was key to catching him.

Ashira asks about the base of operations and Rigging feels "Wouldn't they like to know." With a mental smirk, Rigging can tell that this is one base and there are several others very far away.

Ashira asks about numbers and Rigging can tell that the "snake man" is surprised "I thought their females could barely speak let alone form rational strategic questions. Do they think they can actually win? Foolish thought." The humanoid thinks about the three different tribes that are currently on the island and numbers running in the hundreds.

Ashira asks about spell casters and Rigging feels "They must be feeding her questions to throw me off. Do not make a sound do not give anything away. A female in the lead, this will be even easier this time. At least we have the right kind of spell casters." Another mental smirk.

Ashira Asks about the attack on the Sword "What does she expect? This is our island. They might tamper with our food supply and all of that power for the taking."

Ashira asks about keeping/killing of the group and Rigging gets a mental laugh "You are not going anywhere, sweet pants, at least not until we get you fattened (pregnant) up. Then your bones can stay here forever."

Ashira asks Bart's question and Rigging feels another mental laugh "The food must already be working on this group. We will have them in the herd soon enough, the pliable ones at least. I just love that "Masters" ruse. If I live I can not wait to dine on those delicacies." Rigging can only image what the "snake man" is referring to as delicacies when he is thinking of the pregnant females.

The "snake man" has a mental image of Nezamil and then "what to do with such a large tough thing, soup maybe or just grind it up for lizard and croc food. Human, that is the way to go, pepper, garlic and basil, uhhhmmm. Just thinking about them is making me even hungrier." Rigging get a chill up and down his spine.

The "snake man" never responds to any questions directly.


ooc: 500 experience points for all as that was a well thought out interrogation, or at least a start.

Wizards please roll your concentration checks in the future.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 4:58:55 PM

Rigging is visibly angry. His eyes are bulging and his face is very red. He restrains himself visibly and beckons to Ashira and then walks out of hearing range and then whispers all the same. "You are doing very well, but there is much to learn. We need to be careful in how we question this...this...thing. I don't want him to know I can read his mind.

I want you to try your acting. Get mad that he isn't answering. Sound frustrated, kick the barrel and threaten him if he doesn't speak. I doubt he will, but act as if your getting more angry. Still ask questions. You can repeat the ones you already did in frustration but also ask, 'Why is our magic not working? Why do our items glow? What is the snake hunt? and Does he know anything about the giant snake that attacked us? Is it controlled by the masters?

Remember that the acting is important. I want this thing to feel superior. Be careful what you say, it does speak common. It is just being difficult."

As Rigging heads back to the barrel he will gesture to the others to let Ashira do the talking.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 11:48:31 PM

The 10'3" dwarf decides to get back to carrying out his plan for the defense of the seaward side of the Sword and leaves the questioning to the others.

First he stops by to visit Tomas " i've got a nifty idea to help slow any attacks on the Sword from the beach....i've prayed to Domi to grant me the power to cast 'Symbol of sleep'.....i'll find a nice stone and set it up on one side of the beach to protect one flank" grins Nezamil " make sure you tell the Captain about it and to keep the snakeman we caught away from it so he deosn't trigger it ....i suggest transfering him aboard the Sword.

The Cleric of Domi heads out to the beach and finds a stone and sets it on the left flank of the Sword.... in front and inbetween of the defensive fortifications that Kirk is building and kneels in prayer "Domi may the evil ones not pass this stone " (Symbol of Sleep )

Stopping by Kirk he informs him of the stone and its abilities " the plan is that they will head for the gap between the two fortifications and attack the Sword to free their comrade....and tell your brother about this too .....i'm headed back to build my wall "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil * ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame* ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep* (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Friday June 30th, 2006 12:09:58 AM

Mykael remains to the side and just behind Ashira. He stays quiet, but listens and watches.

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Friday June 30th, 2006 12:28:28 AM

Kirk directs his work crew as he builds two mounds of sand(size of a 2 car garage) with a flat base at the top ....stacking several trees(about 3 ft tall walls) atop each side ....the sand is graded to have sloping on all sides so it would be an uphill climb for attackers and only with wide stones placed at the rear as steps up for access.

Kirk also plans several defensive foxholes reinforced with a few logs in front as good shooting positions in a semi circle around the Swords location

The two sand fortifications are on either side of the Sword protecting its flanks with the foxholes aligned in front..... while the gap between them is smoothed out acting as a road to and from the Sword.

The big warrior observes Nezamil place the imbued stone between the two sand forts but slight off to one side so it won't get stepped on.

Hal continues clear cutting trees... expanding the open perimeter while dragging the trees back to Kirk and Nezamil for their various defensive plans

Friday June 30th, 2006 9:16:39 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's advice. "No problem hun, I think I can pull that off."

Heading back to the barrel, Ashira sighs dramatically and looks over at Mykael. Turning her back to the barrel, she winks, indicating for him to play along. She speaks in a stage whisper to the warrior/mage (definitely loud enough to be heard by the creature). "I don't understand...you said your magic would work, but this thing hasn't said a word yet. Why isn't our magic working on this island? Get your magic working or we're all sunk! If we can't figure out when they're going to attack again, we probably won't make it a week! You know as well as I do that our supplies won't last that long and we don't have the resources to fix the ship, and now all our equipment is beginning to glow!. I have no idea what's going on, and this creature might just be the only way to find out, so don't blow it! "

Taking a deep breath, Ashira moves closer to the barrel and shakes it vigorously. "Hey, you stupid thing, wake up!! " Raising her voice slightly in frustration she speaks slowly stressing each word "Do...you...understand....me? How...many...are...you?" Pausing several minutes, she mutters loudly to herself. "This isn't working I'm not even sure if these things are intelligent enough to speak, not to mention work magic. They're certainly not smart enough to control that big snake that attacked our ship! We must have thought wrong...obviously something else must be in control here. These things must be the drones or henchmen."

Ashira takes a deep drink from her waterskin. Then she turns back to Mykael, once more speaking loud enough to be heard by the creature. "I think we're barking up the wrong tree. Obviously your spell isn't working. Either that, or this thing is too stupid to know how to talk. Maybe we can use it as a bargaining tool for later...if it's even that valuable to whoever's in charge. In any case, we should go ahead with the plan of going on the snake hunt. I think it's strange that these Masters would send the villagers off on a hunt to kill their own henchmen... But then maybe they are enemies of the Masters...or maybe these things are just expendable. Maybe we shouldn't even bother keeping this one alive..."

Friday June 30th, 2006 10:47:14 AM

Val eagerly walks up to the snake man, cracking her knuckles loudly. "Ashira let me have a crack at him for a while. I want to see if his bones break the way ours do. Perhaps I could tie him to the mast and just hit him for a while. He might not understand what we say but he would understand that. If it gets to bad we can just heal him." She picks up a thick board and holds it close to the barrel and snaps it.

"Hear that snake man. That's going to be one of your arms when they get tired of holding you."

Cosmo  d20+15=21 d20+15=28 d20+9=21
Friday June 30th, 2006 11:09:29 AM

Cosmo completes casting the spell Summon Monster V using his Rod of Extend. He summons the Hound Archon. Speaking in Halfling, Cosmo will tell the Hound Archon that the creature speaks a language of hissing & tongue inflection. Cosmo will instruct the Hound Archon to communicate with the creature in its native tongue, trying to find out the creature's name and where it comes from and any other information that he can get out of the snake man.

Cosmo is also happy that the creature understands common. This means that Cosmo can cast the spell Dominate Person on it and have it obey all his commands not just rudimentary ones. After Cosmo's SM spell ends, he will cast the spell Dominate Person on the snake creature (will save DC 21; spell resistance check 21). If the spell is successful, Cosmo will instruct Ashira and Val to let his new "friend" out of the barrel.

Concentration checks: 21 (for Dominate Person) & 28 (to maintain Mage Armor).

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)
SM V: 18/18 rounds (extended)
Dominate Person: 9/9 days

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo  d20+10=30 d20+6=16
Friday June 30th, 2006 11:52:37 AM

After waking Appolo hasa breakfast,then wonders down and watches the interrogation for awhileHe then heads for the jungle stops at the treeline.Just watching and listening.Hoping to spot another snakeman.He stands there silently in ful battle dress,watching and listening.

Spot 30 natural 20 Listen 16

Dm Jim: Interogation continued 
Friday June 30th, 2006 1:23:26 PM

Ooc: Three and a half minute have elapsed since the start of the detect thoughts spell.

I made a slight error in my last post as Mykael cast his first tongues spell on Ashira (failed), but was successful with the second on Ashira (successful).


Rigging and Ashira set up a plan of action to deceive the "snake man" and Ashira brings Mykael into the ruse with a wink and a smile.

Nezamil seems to get bored of the interrogation and goes back to work and his example get many of those of the crew that were watching and staring back to work too. Nezamil casts his symbol of sleep as another defense for the Sword.

When Ashira complains to Mykael about magic, Rigging picks up the "snake mans" thoughts "They have too many wizards, so make them easy pickings."

When Ashira talks of supplies and the next attack the "snake man" thought are on a similar vein "No need to worry about supplies as my brethren will take a thorough inventory."

When Ashira shakes the barrel the "snake man" hisses at her and thinks "Human females are just way to moody. This one might not be all human, the food make take longer to work on her."

When Ashira mentions the giant snake Rigging picks up thoughts of reverence "The priests called the deliverer again and what a haul this time. I hope I live long enough, to make this female stop prattling on so."

When Ashira talks of trading the "snake man" Rigging picks up thoughts of hope, humiliation, and despair "Will my squad take me back, will they accept me, oh to have been captured by the flock. The other tribes may try to kill me for my failure. I have little hope."

When Val blusters Rigging picks up hope for a quick death and confusion "Why are all the cows in charge?"

Cosmo's Hound Archon goes through several languages before finding the correct one, one he calls Yuan Ti. The "snake man" only levels curses upon the Hound before going silent again, but does think his name "S'Marsshams"


OOC: I am going to assume that Dominate person is at least a line of sight spell and Cosmo will have to have a good look at the creature to cast it. We will keep your concentration rolls.

two and a half more minutes go by.


Appolo is ready for action at the edge of the jungle and seems to see something at down about 100 yards from him. It could be a person of some sort attempting to hide at the jungles edge.

Dm Jim: Interogation continued 
Friday June 30th, 2006 1:26:01 PM

Ooc: Three and a half minute have elapsed since the start of the detect thoughts spell.

I made a slight error in my last post as Mykael cast his first tongues spell on Ashira (failed), but was successful with the second on Ashira (successful).


Rigging and Ashira set up a plan of action to deceive the "snake man" and Ashira brings Mykael into the ruse with a wink and a smile.

Nezamil seems to get bored of the interrogation and goes back to work and his example get many of those of the crew that were watching and staring back to work too. Nezamil casts his symbol of sleep as another defense for the Sword.

When Ashira complains to Mykael about magic, Rigging picks up the "snake mans" thoughts "They have too many wizards, so make them easy pickings."

When Ashira talks of supplies and the next attack the "snake man" thought are on a similar vein "No need to worry about supplies as my brethren will take a thorough inventory."

When Ashira shakes the barrel the "snake man" hisses at her and thinks "Human females are just way to moody. This one might not be all human, the food make take longer to work on her."

When Ashira mentions the giant snake Rigging picks up thoughts of reverence "The priests called the deliverer again and what a haul this time. I hope I live long enough, to make this female stop prattling on so."

When Ashira talks of trading the "snake man" Rigging picks up thoughts of hope, humiliation, and despair "Will my squad take me back, will they accept me, oh to have been captured by the flock. The other tribes may try to kill me for my failure. I have little hope."

When Val blusters Rigging picks up hope for a quick death and confusion "Why are all the cows in charge?" The "snake man" yells at Val in frustration "Go make some delacacies", but only those with tongues or comperhend languages understands.

Cosmo's Hound Archon goes through several languages before finding the correct one, one he calls Yuan Ti. The "snake man" only levels curses upon the Hound before going silent again, but does think his name "S'Marsshams"


OOC: I am going to assume that Dominate person is at least a line of sight spell and Cosmo will have to have a good look at the creature to cast it. We will keep your concentration rolls.

two and a half more minutes go by.


Appolo is ready for action at the edge of the jungle and seems to see something at down about 100 yards from him. It could be a person of some sort attempting to hide at the jungles edge.

Friday June 30th, 2006 2:00:30 PM

Rigging gleams a few more nuggets from this miserable creature and then speaks up, "This isn't working. Please join up on me."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards and officers up onto the ship and down into his cabin. He looks grim faced.

"Here is what I was able to determine from this beast. First, they are called Yuan ti. I have heard of them, part snake and part humanoid. The can have many abilities and they are evil.

It seems that the villagers are livestock and the pregnant woman are carrying delicacies. Obviously they think of us as food. We need to be cautious of what we eat. Something about the food seems to make us more pliable. I did detect poison on the first feast but came up with nothing. We might want to limit ourselves to our own food and water until we figure out what this threat is. It could be some natural phenominom in the water or fruit for all I know.

It does seem that the giant snake is under their control at least in part. He was called the deliverer and almost seems a holy object to them. This island seems to be only one of their
bases and they have hundreds of their brethern on the island though broken up into different tribes.

It seems that it must be a male dominated society as he has thought several demeaning remarks about both Ashira and Val. Seems he is a bit embarrassed to have been captured by a female cow.

I didn't get any thoughts on this snake hunt but I get the feeling it is just a way to have the pregnant females delivered. A ruse to have them all walk into their deaths.

Finally there is a source of power on the island that they seem to like. It must be the pyramids but I didn't get much on how it works.
If Cosmo can dominate the creature, we should be able to get more precise information. We also should use it to show the villagers what is going on. How they are being used, fattened up and slaughtered. They might be able to shake off the effects of whatever is influencing them.

Before you cast your spells Cosmo, wait until we get some of the villagers here to listen to its story. Then maybe we should go on this snake hunt while moving the village to the ship. Mutual protection for us and them. I get the feeling they want to destroy the Sword to keep us from leaving.

Ashira, take a well armed party to the village and see if we can't get some of them to come back here. Call it a feast in their honor, we want to show off our ship, whatever but they need to see this."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=22 d20+7=22
Friday June 30th, 2006 9:58:40 PM

"Ok Rigging I will hold off on casting the Dominate Person spell until after the villagers have been brought out to witness. Do you think we should try to feed and water this creature? We do not want it dying on us until we are done with it.."

Cosmo tries to remember all he has learned in his studies about the Yuan-Ti. In his studies he learned about many of the creatures in the region. He is pretty sure he remembers some pertinent info about them, but he sorts it through before he tells the rest of the Wildcards..

Knowledge checks 22 & 22.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Sunday July 2nd, 2006 4:15:05 PM

My thoughts where right then, trading the dominating Ga'alians for these also dominanting Yuan Ti. Burn them out of there holes i would say. We need some snake repellant. Can we some some eagles that prefer snakes on their menu

Monday July 3rd, 2006 12:09:27 AM

The 10'3" dwarf heeds Captain Riggings call but grimaces as he see's them head down to his cabin " i ain't gonna squeeze down there " growls Nezamil as he climbs aboard the Sword and restlessly paces the deck while observing the works crews and the squad on watch .

The Cleric of Domi waits till the others come back topside to fill him in on what transpired in the Captains cabin

Monday July 3rd, 2006 12:18:17 AM

After spotting what he thinks is one of the snake men Appolo heads casually back to the others and follows them back aboard the ship.Once in the cabin he speaks up"Well we are being watched.There's at least one of them at the jungles edge watching us.I think we maybe attacked if we head for the village.Especially if we bring back the villagers with us."

Monday July 3rd, 2006 9:31:01 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's command. "Will do. Val, Bart, Mykael, you guys are with me. I'll be bringing Mary and John with me, so Val, if you want to bring Melonie, go ahead. Nezamil will also go with us, if he wants...don't want to interrupt his work too badly. I'll let him know once I head back up top. Rigging, we need a few Wildcards here in case those things attack again. Do you think you can have Swirl tag along with us? That way we can stay in communication. If you guys have a problem, just have Swirl give me a little buzz." Looking at Appolo, Ashira shrugs. "We're always being watched...and it's always an ambush. Anything else would be boring." she winks at Appolo.

Waiting until everyone leaves, Ashira pulls Rigging aside. "While we're gone, I want you to talk to Appolo. He's more depressed than usual. See if you can talk some sense into him."

Once back on the beach, Ashira asks Nezamil whether he would like to go on the expedition. He also extends the invitation to Hal and Kirk, though he realizes that the trio has lots of work to do around the Sword.

Before heading into the jungle, Ashira turns to John. "Alright, plan A. Don't reveal yourself unless you need to."

John (Invisible) and Mary 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 9:36:12 AM

Suiting up, John grins and nods at Ashira. "Yeah, I got it. Not a problem." Just before they head into the forest, John activates his ring of invisibility and disappears from sight.

Ecstatic, Mary quickly dons her gear and takes up a position right next to Ashira. "We're going back to the village? Wonderful! It'll be fun to see David and the guys again." Fluffing her hair, Mary giggles. "At least it shouldn't be too hard to get the boys over here." Her face hardens at the thought of her pregnant cousin. "Though it could prove more difficult to get the women over here..."

Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:51:11 AM

"I knew that village was a livestock pen. All the food and the feasting. Fattening up the harvest. Captain you mentioned something about food. Does it work on everybody? Also any idea why they seem to have this human only vibe going?"

After the meeting Val gathers her gear and goes through her checklist to make sure everything is in order.

"Melonie get your gear. Prepare for battle." Val says when she walks into their room.

Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:57:24 AM

She almost jumped for joy when she heard those words. The words she has been waiting to hear. The reason that she trained so hard every day. The reason she smiled when she felt her body ache and hurt each night. Now she would get a chance to prove herself. Melonie quickly put her smile away and gathered her gear. She might be happy but this was a serious time. She was preparing for battle. Preparing to take life. Regardless of what happened she had to show the superiority of the elven race.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 4:29:27 PM

Rigging listens to the preperations and calls down Swirl, "My friend, I want you to go with Ashira and Val. Protect them and keep in contact with me. Let me know if anything bad happens. We have enemies in those jungles who are trying to hurt us."

Rigging will nod at Val's questions and say, "I don't have a perfect understanding of everything. Only impressions I have gotten from its horrible mind. I know they like the taste of humans better and I have a feeling the food is slow acting and doesn't work on all. Still be careful what you eat.

I would think the pregnant women are going to be appalled once they hear what is going on. Just get the villagers back here. Tell them we are going to give them a feast in exchange for all of the nice things they are doing for us."

Rigging will answer Cosmo, "I am not worried about food but we can water the creature again. I sensed it was hungry and thirsty and need to go to the bathroom. Tell it we are going to pour water through its airholes." He then pauses and says, "I have changed my mind. Cast your dominate person now. Let's see if we ensnare this creature before we put on a show. The spell has a long duration, just make sure you concentrate on it."(Finally read the spell)

Ashira, if it is getting dark before you can get eveyone back, then spend the night at the temple. No sense walking up into an ambush in the dark by the enemy. I trust your judgement but be careful. These are horrible and evil creatures who will fight for their food."

Dm Jim: Talks on both sides 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 8:52:02 PM

Rigging, Mykael and Ashira finish interrogating the "snake man" for now and call a meeting aboard ship. Nezamil complains that he will not be able to participate and paces the deck, waiting to be informed.

Rigging formulates a plan and Ashira goes to carry it out, hand picking her team to visit the village.

Melonie is ecstatic to be going on an adventure.

Everyone prepares for the journey that was picked to go.

Lilith give John and arrow "This will never miss for you." and she gives him a big hug.

Rigging dispatches Swirl to shadow the group traveling to the village. "But I can not see them when they are in the Jungle, only when they cross the small river?" The elemental complains. "Do you want me in the Jungle too?"

John goes in visible and a more than faint outline of light is still visible where the young ranger is.

Rigging suggest water for the prisoner, but no more.

Cosmo prepares to dominate the "snake man" but he must be first brought out of the barrel.


Ashira leads her group through the jungle and feels eyes upon her. Every snake and lizard seems to be watching her and there are just so many of them.

The liaison group makes it to the Castaway village but are all drenched in sweat by the time they arrive, but they are well met. "Ready for that dinner Red." David throws at Mary along with a water bottle. David seems barely able to contain himself, only Ashira seems to.

The young attractive men are even more pressing and so are the women. Bart is feeling the pinch, literally, by three women. The blond croons in Bart's ear "The snake hunt is only two days away. I hear you are going. The three of us have a send off for you."

John also has two women to contend with.

Val and Melonie are almost completly ignored by the villagers.

The women without child are resting under the stone pavilion. Most are very heavy with child.

Tuesday July 4th, 2006 3:44:17 AM

"Swirl should stay, and so will Ghem. Ghem and I will be our communication."

Making his way through the jungle, Mykael sighs inward, 'Finally we are getting some answers'.

Once at the village, Mykael makes his way straight toward a jug of water and dumps it over him.

He waits for Ashira's lead.

Nezamil Endure elements 
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 11:29:46 PM

"by all means i'll come along " grins Nezamil" i'll bring Kirk with us too "

"git your gear Kirk we're off to the village .....Hal stay here and keep clearing the treeline.....just pile up the logs so we can use them later.....and keep the watch on alert...they might make a move when they see us split forces"

Taking a moment Nezamil and says a quick prayer "Domi protect your humble follower from this heat "(casting endure elements)

The Cleric of Domi takes rear guard with Kirk in front of him during the walk to castaway village .

Arriving at the village " kirk lets to a quick perimeter sweep" as he takes the big warrior with him as he circles the village at its perimeter

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 6:08:47 AM

Rigging will walk up to the barrel and say in a conversational voice, "I don't know if you can understand me or not but you are going to be here for a few days. I apologize for the inconvience, but I don't have a better way of keeping you in one place. I don't know what kind of food your kind eats and I am afraid I might just poison you. If you wanted to talk and tell me, then we might be able to come to an accomidation. Here comes some water." Rigging will pour it into the holes for a couple fo minutes trying to make sure that the beast is at least watered and is getting some of the fluids. He will use the last of his spells gathering what thoughts he can.

Rigging will then have the prisoner's cell hauled up into the rigging via pulleys. He will try to keep it out of the sun.

"Tomas, I want a 3 man guard on this thing 24 hours a day. Make sure it is watered every couple of hours. We don't want a dead prisoner."

Rigging will watch the others prepare and then march off into the jungle. He will then call Appolo over and start a conversation, forcing the thief to talk even if he seems reluctant to do so. He will try to gather his opinions on the current situation but pry around trying to see what has the young thief so upset.

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 7:14:04 AM

Rigging finds Appolo sitting under amast in the shade watching the others move down the path into the jungle,heading for the village.

When Rigging approaches him Appolo smiles at him."You know we can't stay here.We need to repair the sword as soon as possible then leave We don't have enough strength to take this Island from those snakemenWe should also leave the villagers alone.until we are ready to leave."

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 7:37:30 AM

Val sits with Melonie off to the side of the excited villagers. The mroe she watches the more she sees that this place just isn't right. All the villagers seem to be focused on is sex and feasting. Where are the workers? Where are the children?

"Excuse me," Val asks a pregnant woman, "with so many blessing on the way where are the children? There should be tons of the little tykes getting in the way and causing trouble."

Ashira  d20+8=9
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 9:30:49 AM

Ashira is drenched in sweat and mildly grumpy by the time she arrives at the village. Gathering up whoever she recalls as being the leaders from her previous encounters, she makes her announcement. "The Captain of our vessel would like to invite all of the villagers to a feast in your honor at our ship. Everyone is invited, even those women who are with child. My friends and I will provide safe passage through the jungle for anyone interested." The heat and the idea of being so far into enemy territory help make Ashira about as undiplomatic as possible (Dip.=nat. 1).

Mary and John (invisible)  d20+7=25 d20+12=29 d20+9=26
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 9:53:20 AM

Watching her mentor drop the ball, Mary tries to recover. Rubbing David's shoulders, she chuckles and then preens herself (Looking good=25). "We really would love for you to come! We're making a big feast, and all the other girls are so excited about it. The Captain would be so upset if you couldn't come. He said to make sure that some of the women with child come so that we can get an idea of how they travel, which we'll need to know to help out with the snake hunt..." Mary pouts a little. "Actually, he was pretty insistent about that...he said we had to bring back one of the pregnant ones, or there won't be a party."

John is a little confused as to how the women can flirt with him while he's invisible. He scans the environment as he ponders the invisibility issue (Spot=29, Listen=26).

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 1:02:51 PM

Cosmo responds to Riggings request to try to Dominate the captured snake creature.

"Rigging, I need to have the creature removed from the barrel to cast my spell on it. Do you want to do that now or wait?"

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V * , Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Dm Jim: Rescue?  d20+17=31 d20+3=9 d20+3=14 d20+3=6 d20+3=11 d20+3=22 d20+3=12 d20+3=20 2d6(3+2)+3=8 d8=8 d8=2 d8=7
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 1:15:43 PM

Mykael suggests that Swirl stays with Rigging as he will be in communication with Ghem.

Nezamil arrives at the village in better shape than the rest due to his protection spell, although on a general note he still sweats buckets, maybe it his new form?

Ashira and the others reach the village and she makes her grumpy announcement. The pregnant females mostly ignore Ashira and one comments to Val as she Melonie approach "I am not going anywhere until the way is cleared of snakes. It is too dangerous until after the snake hunt." The very uncomfortable woman arches her back as she tries to get comfortable on the stone bench and the heat. Another pregnant woman answers Val "Food is so plentiful here it is never a problem and there is not need for workers as there is not much that needs to be made. There are no kids as they are not born here, but at the Masters village."

Mary seems to get a better response from some of the young men. David smiles "A party, I am up for that." Many of the men are interested in coming along with more than a few of the non-pregnant females.

John is surprised to be surrounded by a few women while invisible, but remembers that he is still glowing and then the invisibility runs out. John can reactivate the ring, but he does have a blond on one arm and a brunette on the other. These human female are defiantly different than Lilith.


Rigging has water brought to the "snake man" and he attempts conversation, but get nothing. The detect thought does get images of the "snake man" collecting Ashira's blood from a nasty neck wound and then drinking deeply from a gold chalice. Ashira is strapped upside down on a cross and allowed to bleed out into a trough.

Rigging can feel that the prisoner is getting weaker from lack of food.

Tomas start to set up Riggings new orders for the prisoner. Three marines start to attach a rope to the barrel and they start to haul the barrel into the shade of the Rigging.

Appolo appeals to Rigging to leave this snake infested island.


Once the barrel is about 20 feet up, arrows start to rain down. Seven "snake men" step from various spots in the jungle. All are approximately 50 yards from the Sword.

A flight of three arrows comes from a nasty looking fellow with a snake head. In fact, there is one other with a snake head too.

One of the three arrows cuts the rope holding the prisoner and the barrel drops to the deck of the Sword and breaks. The prisoner is now visible and unconcious and bleeding.

Each of the three prisoner guards are hit by one arrow.

The seven Yuan Ti each get ready to bend their bows again. No two of the Yuan Ti are closer than 20 feet to one another.

Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:22:46 AM

The big warrior jumps into action " get back to the fortifications " as he herds his work crew to safety......he stands between the workers and the bowman ready to challenge anything that attempts to attack

" fire in teams " hollers Hal to the squad leader

Nezamil -Endure elements  d20+13=26
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:37:36 AM

The Cleric of Domi finishes a quick sweep of the perimeter with Kirk and stops by the blue haired warrior and shows his support

" i understand not all of you will come but we and we appreaciate those who will come.....think of it as something new and exciting....after all you don't get too many new visitors(d20+13=26 diplomacy ch)

"Ashira found something very intresting in the jungle and i hope many of you come and see what see it for yourselves" with a wink at the sea elf " don't tell them what it is just yet let them experience it for them selves " grins the 10'3" dwarf as he towers over everyone

Kirk stands near his charge and eyes the ladies

Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:40:44 AM

The ranger smiles at Nezamil's diplomacy, which is certainly more than she can muster currently, though she tries. "Our tall friend here is correct. I think you would be very interested in our surprise."

Ashira turns wearily to the men. "However, Mary's right. I'm afraid that the Captain specifically said that one of the pregnant women must come with us or there is no party. Though we of course will provide safe journey through the forest. We will make absolutely sure that there are no snakes or other threats." Ashira wipes her brow as she waits for the villager's response.

John and Mary 
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:52:21 AM

As he rematerializes, John makes a note that Ashira did tell him that if he wanted to stay invisible, he would have to remember to reactivate his ring regularly...something that he will not forget on his return trip. Internally cursing his lousy luck, John gently removes the women from his arms. "I'm sorry ladies, but I'm spoken for." he almost grumbles.

Mary positively beams at David. "Oh, I just know you're going to have such a great time. Please tell me that you'll find a way to get one of those ladies (she motions toward the pregnant women) to come. I would absolutely hate it if you had to miss the party!"

Thursday July 6th, 2006 4:45:54 AM

Bart asks the ladys that are around him what they think about the proposal of a feast on the beach. To honour the men that are going for the snakehunt and to have some fun in the moonlight

Thursday July 6th, 2006 5:16:56 AM

[i] All this making nice is only getting us part way and these fools are beginning to piss me off. Food or no Food, how can they be this stupid and blind? This better work soon, or I am going to go off. I will drag the idiots back to the boat, if I have too. Its for thier own good.[i/]

Thinking too himself, Mykael is in a somewhat foul mood. And is losing his patience quickly.

Cursing, Mykael states somewhat cryptically, "Ashira, Ghem just informed me that a second wave is buffeting the ship now. Unfortunately, I believe the hour is getting too late for us to attempt to get back safely tonight. Especially, if we have charges to protect."

Thursday July 6th, 2006 5:19:23 AM

OOC: I should have posted this one first, however, you all get the idea.

IC: [i]Mykael more of those snake things are throwing sharp wooden sticks at us again. I am back up in the safe place and will tell you what happens.[i/]

Rigging AC 18, hps 77  d20+12=20 d6+4=10
Thursday July 6th, 2006 8:40:26 AM

Rigging will see the arrows fly and immediately start to summon some magic to counter the threat. He centers it on the large snake head who is good with his bow and releases the magic. Suddenly large rubbery tentacles spring forth from the ground entwining around him and whoever else they might catch.

OOC Jim the grapple roll is 16, taking 10 they would need +6. If they failed there roll, they take 10 points of damage. I am also assuming they won't be able to hold on to their bows while fighting the grapple. Made concentration check of 20

Rigging will then move to the side of the boat to use it as cover and look over to the bleeding snakeman. "Tomas look after our captive. I don't want him to die. We need more answers.

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, detect thoughts x3
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Tongues, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Tomas and others  d20+7=18
Thursday July 6th, 2006 8:45:15 AM

Tomas will loudly cast a prayer spell giving everyone in a 40' radius +1 to hit, skills check, saves and damage.

He will then make his way over to the snakeman.

The other 3 henchmen will head to the back of the ship to guard against another sneak attack.

Concentration roll of 18

Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:34:29 AM

"You just give away your children to these Masters? What's wrong with you? I'll never understand humans. Such a lower race." She replies disgusted

Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:37:59 AM

"Mel be nice." Val says with a smile. "She couldn't really argue with her friends statement. They were influenced somehow though Val didn't understand how these women could make these choices with a smile.

"What my friend meant to say was, if they are born in another village why are you not raising your children? Do you not wish to see them grow as the years pass? Who prepares all this wonderful food if there are no workers?"

Appolo  d20+10=22 d20+10=25 d8=7 d8=6
Thursday July 6th, 2006 11:21:00 AM

AT the sit of the Snakemen Appolo smiles wickedly"Well boss it seemd we have guest I think I'll go welcome them to our humble abode"OH Thomas don't worry about that creature take care of our wounded first."

Appolo then unslings his bow and fire back.At the same target as Rigging he waits a few seconds for Riggings magic to take efect then fires twice.

Atack 22,25 Damage 13

Cosmo (AC 19; 57/57 Hp's)  d20+15=31 d20+15=27 d20+9=20
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:34:50 PM

Cosmo chuckles to himself as the snake man is finally in position for him to Dominate, but is unconscious and maybe even dead. Cosmo sees the tentacles spring up and grapple one of the snake-headed creatures. He sees the other snake-headed creature and concentrates on it.

Cosmo casts the spell Magic Missile while holding onto his Rod of Maximize (targeting the second snake-head).

Damage 25
Spell Resistance 20

Concentration check - 31 (Mage Armor)
Concentration check - 27 (Magic Missile, if needed)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 * , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V * , Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: Rescue Complete?  d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=8 d20+3=21 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 d8=6 d20+3=22 d20+3=17 d20+3=13 d20+3=15 d20+3=21 d20+3=10 d20+3=8 d8=7 d8=5
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:56:10 PM

The Wildcards and crew at the Sword move into action as they are attacked. Hal call all people back the fortifications and they gladly run to them.

Tomas casts prayer, while Gordon, Eli and Juno head back to the Sword and attempt to climb aboard.

Appolo suggests that Tomas attend to the three wounded marines and Tomas replies, "They are next." Appolo fires two arrows at what seems to be the leader of the "snake men" and nicks it twice.

Rigging catches the same snake headed "snake man" in his tentacles and he struggles and does not fire his bow.

Hal has the six marines on duty fire at various "snake men". The other six on duty were guarding the barrel snake and are all injured.

Cosmo unleashes a magic missile spell at the second snake headed creature and strikes it solid, but does not put it down. The creature bends its bow again.

ooc: no need for a new concentraction check on mage armor as it was an instantaneous spell.

Val attempts to calm Melonie as she gets exuberant. The pregnant women ignore her and start to give the group the cold shoulder. "We humans will stick together then."

Val speaks with the pregnant women again and a new one responds "There is so much fruit and fish there is no need for workers to prepare much. We make cloths and baskets out of the plant life, but life is easy." Another women speaks up. "We are first time mothers, the others that left are with they children."

Mykael starts to relate the course of the battle to the Wildcards in the village.

Nezamil and Kirk make their sweep and then Nezamil speaks some soothing words to the village. At Ashira's insistence one of the pregnant females speaks up. "I am not moving until after the snake hunt, and bring back our men after you party so they can clear the way."

When Bart talks of honoring their men one of the pregnant women gets upset "I am not making two long walks in this condition. It is your fault anyway. Off to have fun and not worry about the consequences. You try being pregnant! Go have your party!" Many of the pregnant women shake their heads in agreement.

David leans in close to Mary and casually points at the pregnant women "They will just slow us down. We have a good group here for a party. We can bring some supplies and hit the road in 5 minutes. Don't worry about them they will be fine, just a bit grumpy right now."


The six marines return fire is very hasty and only one hits a Yuan Ti.

6 damage

The leader "snake man" does not like his situation and seems to slide by all the tentacles and on to sandy ground even closer to the jungle. grapple check 22

The six active Yuan Ti rain more arrows down on the sword and two strike their comrade.

Damage 8 and 6, The prisoner expires.

The Yuan Ti are heading back into the jungle.

George  d100=48 d100=79
Thursday July 6th, 2006 2:34:45 PM

OOC Jim, can the archers even see the captured snake man? He fell from the rigging on to the ship. The ship is beached prow forward. Lots of stuff would be in the way including walls. He should be getting cover and concealment bonuses at worse. At best they shouldn't be able to hit him at all since they can see him.

DM Jim: The ship is down the beach so the snake men do have some elevation, and I did increase the prisoners AC, that is why only 2 hits. I will give you some concelement 30%, that is reasonable, unfortunately I rolled 48 and 79%.

Your Snake Man prisoner will never regain conciousness.

Ashira  d20+12=27 d20+11=13
Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:54:19 PM

Tired, hot and grumpy, Ashira pulls Valanthe aside. "I know we can't all be as pure and proud of our heritage as you and Melonie, but you need to put a lid on that kind of talk. You either have Melonie stow the high and mighty elven crap or I will."

Sighing, Ashira turns to Nezamil, throwing her hands in the air. "The Captain's not going to like this." She mutters as she contemplates just taking all of the fodder by force. The half-elven ranger sighs, letting her breath out in small puffs and calming herself. Greatly disturbed by Mykael's report, and knowing that she cannot possibly make it back to the village in order to help, Ashira heaves another sigh. She calls out loudly so that everyone can here. "Alright. Anyone who wants to come to the party, I need you to be ready in the next few minutes. Since we won't be taking any of the women with children, we'll need to move quickly so we can get to the surprise. I strongly advice everyone who's going to the party to stay the night with us at the ship tonight."

As the villagers prepare, Ashira pulls the Wilcards and followers aside and whispers to them. "Alright folks, those things are moving against the Sword as we speak. We need to be ready to meet any resistance that we might encounter when we head back. So, I want the heavy hitters up front. Val and Bart, you guys take the lead. I want Melonie and Mary to guard one flank and John and Kirk will watch the other one. Nezamil and Mykael, you guys watch out backs. I'll scout out in front of the group about 15 feet or so, so if you hear any screaming, feel free to come to the rescue." Ashira chuckles mirthlessly.

Once the villagers are ready, Ashira heads out into the jungle, her eyes and ears scanning every leaf and branch (Spot=27, Listen=13).

John and Mary  d20+12=30 d20+9=26
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:02:08 AM

John nods at Ashira's instruction and pulls out his hand axe. He keeps visible for now, wanting to provide a more visible force. With a small wave at the women who were attending him previously, he takes up his position once the villagers are ready. (Spot=30, Listen=26)

Staring at Melonie as though she has a rather ugly spider dangling from the tip of her nose, Mary rolls her eyes. I wonder if all elves are so arrogant? Just because they live so long, do they really think they're that much better than us? But Ashira's not so stuck up...wonder if that's 'cus of her human side..

Huffing, Mary grumbles when assigned duty with Melonie. She thinks about making a disparaging remark to the bigoted elf, but keeps her mouth shut figuring that Ashira would be displeased. Still, when the time is right, she vows to show the elf just how much a "lower race" can do.

Nezamil Endure elements  d20+13=32
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:15:23 AM

Nezamil grins at Ashira " does the Captain like anything we do ?"

"Ok people lets get your party hats on and lets get ready to roll outa here(d20+13=32 diplomacy ch)just make sure you stay in the middle of our formation and you'll be fine " barks out the 10'3" dwarf

"Ready when you are Ashira "

With a nod to Kirk " let John take the front of your flank.....his scouting skills will come in handy.....you stay behind him so you can keep an eye on me " laughs Nezamil

Friday July 7th, 2006 12:20:46 AM

"Hehehe very funny " laughs the big warrior

Swinging his hand over his head " gather up over here everyone and then we'll move out to the beach party by the ship " laughs Kirk

He moves to the rear flanking position " i've got your back John" as he slaps him on his back as a fellow brother in arms

Once Ashira starts the march "stay alert folks "

William OOC 
Friday July 7th, 2006 7:16:59 AM

Sorry Jim,
have you ever been to an beach? There is not much elevation. Not so much that you can look onto the deck of an beached vessel. In our fight agains the sea snake you said or deck was so much elevated that we couldnt reach the snake even with polearms

DM JIM: Just went to the beach last weekend. There was tremendous elevation difference. All beaches are different. This was in Rhode Island.

Friday July 7th, 2006 7:31:58 AM

Common ladys lets follow the big guy says bart with an smile

Rigging  4d4(2+2+4+1)+4=13 d20+8=18
Friday July 7th, 2006 9:19:19 AM

Rigging calls to the archers, "All shots at the same target. Shoot at the wounded one. We will take one down! Cosmo, take down the smaller of the snake heads. The one you injured before."

Rigging points a hand and shoots 4 globes, striking the same snakehead that Cosmo hit last round. Spell resistance roll 18

OOC Not sure of the range anymore. Last round they were around 150'. Not sure how far they moved. If I can, I will magic missile the snake head Cosmo hit before.

If they moved out of range then I will caste haste on the archers shooting at the others. Jim, please remember Tomas cast prayer last round giving the +1's.

OOC Jim, I am also not sure if the head snake man would be able to grapple, move and then change forms. Is changing form a standard action?

Swirl, swoops down in whirlwind form and flys through the snakeman's space trying to pick him up. OOC the snake man must make a reflex save vs strength to avoid being picked up. Can't figure out what the DC is though. You will have to judge it.

If Swirl is successful, he will carry the new prisoner back to the ship.

Appolo Ac 23 HP68 +1 Prayer  d20+11=14 d20+11=23
Friday July 7th, 2006 11:36:47 AM

Appolo looks around"You acrobats get the forward catapult read,Some one get to the rear catapult and get it ready."Appolo yells."Boss I could use a Haste spell."

He then looks at Rigging"The Captian and I will deal with these punks."Appolo then fires 2 more times at the fleeing Snakeman.After firring he driops his bow and quiver preparing to do some sloes order fighting. Appolo moves quickly forward.

Cosmo  d20+9=27 d20+9=20 d20+9=29
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:05:00 PM

Cosmo keeps track of the snake creature he hit with his magic missile spell. He gauges the distance to the creature as it will decide the spell he will cast. He decides to play it safe and cast his long range fireball spell.

Cosmo casts the spell Fireball while holding onto his Rod of Maximize (targeting the second snake-head). The spell is an area spell so it will probably damage 1 or 2 more of the Yuan-ti.

Damage 27/54 (reflex DC 19)
Spell Resistance 27
Spell Resistances 20 & 29 (if able to get more creatures)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Friday July 7th, 2006 1:33:19 PM

Having been quiet this whole time, Mykael swallows down some impatience and speaks to the pregnant women, "Ladies, I hope you will be alright here alone. With all the men, and most or all of the non-pregnant women going with us, that leaves you pretty short handed to fight off snakes or anything else that may be here."

Mykael dumps more water on himself, drinks full again, refills his waterskins.

Walking toward the hanging axe, Mykael comments, "Especially since we are going to take this axe with us. I will help keep the snakes away from our group in the jungle. The larger portion of the population is going with us and should get the benefit of the axe. Besides, we accepted your hospitality and you ignore ours."

Mykael waits for comments, while looking the axe over as it is hanging. And drawing out a pair of gloves.

DM Jim: Retreating on all Fronts  d100=14 d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=3 d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=13 d20+2=16 d100=22 d8=6 d100=68 d100=70
Saturday July 8th, 2006 8:37:23 AM

Ooc: Swirls whirlwind save DC will be 8 +HD or in this case DC 15. Please put it on Swirl's sheet and send it to me. Update Rigging's strenght to 9 also.

The leader never changed form; I just used the adjective "slithered" for his ability to get out of the tentacles.

Marine bowmen (6) +3 to hit +1 for prayer (I am being generous that Tomas got them all, since they are on the beach and he on the Sword) and -2 for range and 20% concelment for a total of +2 to hit.


Ashira and Mary express concern over Melonie's comments about non elves.

Ashira give marching order instructions and Nezamil makes it so.

Mykael starts to get frustrated and none of the pregnant females decide to leave with the group. About 80 % of the men (25) and all of the non pregnant females (15) have decided to come to the party at the beach. Those villagers that were planning on coming are loading up with water, food and jammba juice (fermented). Those men staying back, including Marcos and Camino, are disappointed, but someone has to get ready for the hunt. Still the mood is very festive, given Nezamil's proper encouragement.

When Mykael talks of taking the magic glowing battle axe, the mood of the village changes drastically. David speaks up "You can not take the villages protect." Marcos grabs the battle axe off the wall while Mykael gets his gloves. "No way! We need this to practice." Everyone starts to put down their party supplies as the mood seems spoiled. Most of the former party goers are moving back to the stone pavilion. The Wildcards are left with David and three other males and five females that now want to go to the Sword.
There are grumbles of "We can have fun here. That wasn't nice. Let's have the party here, that way everyone can party."

Events are not going as planned as there are almost more guards than party goers. David and those that are still with the Wildcards attempt to persuade the others but to no avail.


Rigging calls out order to Hal and his marines and Swirl.

Appolo shoots again (full round action) and then moves 5 feet. Appolo watches several of the Yuan Ti disappear into the jungle, even the one he just shot twice (concelment 68 and 70).

Rigging sends his own magic missile, although one less missile than Cosmo, at the second snake headed man. Rigging staggers the snake head as he moves deeper in the jungle.

Cosmo sends a massive fireball into the jungle and he envelopes three snake men, his target and two others (16% for each for a total of 48% - rolled 14%).

All three caught in the fireball vanish along with parts of the jungle. Leaves and branches rain down. No bodies are seen from this distance.

Swirl was able to just avoid the blast.

Swirl is distracted by the blast as his quarry dives into the bushes (DC 18 save). Swirl needs a DC 19 spot check to find him again.

The marines fire at the retreating snake men, but only get one confirmed hit. The jungle was just too thick and the distance too great.

damage 6+1 for prayer for 7

Saturday July 8th, 2006 1:19:41 PM

Maybe I should just be constantly forceful... cause when I try to be nice, this crap happens

"I wasnt trying to insult you or take your axe," states to all. "I was merely thinking of your safety. The majority of you wanted to go to our party through the jungle and this axe could help protect you. Also, you could trade off weilding it to gain your practice, so that you are ready for the hunt. What better way is there to practice then in a real situation, similar to the hunt you will be going on? Not only would you be practicing with the axe, but you would be practicing on group tactics to defend the prenant ladies for the hunt."

Mykael does his best to try and be nice one last time.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 
Sunday July 9th, 2006 6:39:35 AM

Appolo looks at the devastation wrought my Cosmo and Riggings magic and sheaths his sword"Well boss we definately need to fix the Sword and get out of here." He the piicks up his bow and quiver.

Nezamil Endure elements  d20+6=16
Sunday July 9th, 2006 11:21:57 PM

Looking about at those willing to go " ok lets get a move on we don't want all the strong drink gone before we get there " laughs Nezamil

As they trek towards the Sword the big dwarf chats with Kirk and guests " actually leaving some of the strong fighters to defend the women is better then leaving all the pregnant women alone.....and more drink for us " chuckles the big dwarf

Nezamil treks along as rear guard his eyes sweeping his surroundings(d20+6=16 spot ch) and listening for any screams from Ashira ;-)

Kirk  d20+5=11
Sunday July 9th, 2006 11:25:19 PM

The big warrior marches on the right rear flank behind the ranger John......his eyes peeled (d20+5=11 spot ch) protecting the rangers back and his charges in the middle of the groups formation

Monday July 10th, 2006 1:55:30 AM

Val takes her position up front and hopes some snake men show themselves. She thought about pointing out the total BS that the villagers preach but if Ashira buys into it then thats her problem. Truthfully she's tired of trying to help people that don't want to be helped. This whole situation gets worse by the day and they do nothing to stop it.

"It's time to leave this stupid island. There is no sense in trying to help those that don't want help. If they want to be cattle then so be it." Val says as the frustration and futility of everything sets in.

Monday July 10th, 2006 4:14:18 AM

I agree with you Val, as soon as we have the Sword seaworthy again we must leave

Rigging  d20+7=13 d20+12=24 d20+12=18 d20+12=20 d20+12=28
Monday July 10th, 2006 8:54:38 AM

Swirl loses sight of his quarry and zips up into the air trying to avoid any more close calls.

Rigging calls a halt and signals for Appolo and himself to go forward to scout for bodies. "We do it invisible. Everyone else get back to work on fixing this boat. Obviously the sooner we get it done, the quicker we can get off this accursed island.

Cosmo, think about animals you can summon that can track by smell. They have to be intelligent enough to understand about shapeshifting."

Rigging will cast mage armor (concentration check 24) will then go invisible and scout the fireballed area with Appolo, looking for more bodies. If they find any, they will bring them back to the Sword.

After that, Rigging will check out the equipment of the snakeman they captured and detect magic on it.

OOC not sure if I need to roll concentration checks for items but I did (dc roll of 18) and concentration check for detect magic dc 20 and another one just in case dc 28

Appolo Secomd post 
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:18:32 AM

Appolo replies to Rigging"Boss we can't go invisible our magic makes us gflow.We still stick out like sore thumbs.Besides most snakes have a superior sense of smell anyways."

Dm Jim: Jungle Ruin 
Monday July 10th, 2006 5:35:03 PM

Mykael is frustrated by the behavior of the castaways. Nezamil takes what he can get, sets Ashira plan for guarding and starts the train back to the beach. Val is just frustrated that the "snake men" will not stand in front of her and die quickly. Bart is looking forward to repairing the Sword and leaving and hoping the latest attack, as related through Mykael & Ghem, does not set them back too far.

The few castaways the are planning on making the journey pack up food, water and some instruments for the trip.

Ghem contacts Mykael "I think Cosmo burned up a bunch of the bad people, very nasty."

Ashira is very quite as the group takes up their positions and begins the trek through the jungle.


Rigging gives instructions to Cosmo to find tracking animals.

Appolo explains the futility of turning invisible to the Captain as the space that held Rigging glows nice and bright, as he turns invisible.

Appolo and Rigging go and inspect Cosmo's devastation. Palms and low-lying bushes are scorched and one palm is still burning as its oil ignited. Rigging and Appolo find three very badly burned bodies along with that of several snakes, two monkeys and numerous birds. There is almost no usable equipment on their bodies after the fireball. What may have been leather armor has fused with the smoking blacken bodies. It is only possible to determine that the three bodies were humanoid and not much else. One scimitar and one long bow are recovered that must have been dropped or protected from the fireball somehow.


Nezamil leads the group with the reduced number of castaways back to the beach. The smoke from the burning palm can seen when the group crosses the little serpent river. The smell of chared flesh can be smelled as the group approaches the beach. The group makes it back to the Sword, surprisingly unmolested.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday July 10th, 2006 9:39:36 PM

Cosmo joins Rigging and Apollo as they survey the fireball damage. A small smile forms on his face when he sees the three dead creatures. Cosmo is pleased that his magic is able to damage and kill the snake beasts.

"Rigging, we have shown them that we are a force not to be trifled with. They will not underestimate our power in the future. It will probably not be so easy going forward."

Cosmo moves off to the side and lets Apollo and Rigging continue the examination of the area and the dead. He ponders Riggings request on tracking and searching for the shape-shifting snake creatures.

"Rigging I do not think my summoning ability will be of much use. The duration of the spell is too short. I can, at most, have the spell last just short of 2 minutes. That will probably not be enough time for any summoned creature to track the snake creatures. The one creature I can summon that would be the best tracker is the Yeth Hound."

Cosmo retrieves a dog-eared book from his backpack and flips through it until he finds his notes on the Yeth Hound. He reads through the passage relating all the pertinent information on the Yeth Hound to Rigging. When he is done he stows the book back into his backpack. As he does this Rigging catches the title of the journal. It appears to be hand-written and says:

Conjured Monster Details
(as found in the legendary tome Monster Manual)

"Rigging, I think my best spell for this situation is the one that I thought would be useful for the pyramid. The spell Prying Eyes. It has a long duration and is a great searching spell. Also it will be hard for the snake creatures to detect it being used. Here are the details of the spell."

Cosmo reaches again into his backpack. This time he retrieves a book that is obviously very well cared for.

Prying Eyes
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: One mile
Effect: Ten or more levitating eyes
Duration: 1 hour/level; see text (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You create a number of semi-tangible, visible magical orbs (called "eyes") equal to 1d4 + your caster level. These eyes move out, scout around, and return as you direct them when casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions.
While the individual eyes are quite fragile, they're small and difficult to spot. Each eye is a Fine construct, about the size of a small apple, that has 1 hit point, AC 18 (+8 bonus for its size), flies at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability, and has a +16 Hide modifier. It has a Spot modifier equal to your caster level (maximum +15) and is subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other factors that would affect your ability to receive visual information about your surroundings. An eye traveling through darkness must find its way by touch.
When you create the eyes, you specify instructions you want them to follow in a command of no more than twenty-five words. Any knowledge you possess is known by the eyes as well.
In order to report their findings, the eyes must return to your hand. Each replays in your mind all it has seen during its existence. It takes an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying its findings, an eye disappears.
If an eye ever gets more than 1 mile away from you, it instantly ceases to exist. However, your link with the eye is such that you won't know if the eye was destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some other event.
The eyes exist for up to 1 hour per caster level or until they return to you. Dispel magic can destroy eyes. Roll separately for each eye caught in an area dispel. Of course, if an eye is sent into darkness, it could hit a wall or similar obstacle and destroy itself.
Material Component: A handful of crystal marbles.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Monday July 10th, 2006 10:25:20 PM

Tired, grumpy and finding herself agreeing heartily with Val's assessment of the situation, Ashira leads her ragged group to Rigging. Bowing before him, the ranger clears her throat. "Captain, here are all the party goers we could arrange for. The pregnant women refused to come, and after a small diplomatic disagreement, several of the others refused too. And now as you prepare the feast for the villagers, I take my leave!" With another mock bow, Ashira heads toward the lagoon and strips off, taking a quick, refreshing swim...cooling off in more ways than one.

John and Mary 
Monday July 10th, 2006 10:35:24 PM

Sprinting to the beach, John checks to make sure Lilith is ok. Upon finding her, John embraces her, hugging her close. "Those snake people are beginning to get annoying. I'm glad you're ok. I can't wait to get out of here!"

Mary is greatly relieved to be rid of her flanking partner. Loosening her armor in an effort to cool down, she wanders over toward the lagoon. Ashira has been overly temperamental lately, and Mary is becoming concerned.

Rigging  d20+12=27
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:04:40 PM

Rigging calls some of the crew over to the bodies and directs them to gingerly take the pieces back to the ship. He will lay them out with the other dead snake man and again try to detect magic on any of the stuff including the intact stuff found at the fire sight. (Didn't get a response last time, concentration check 27)

When Ashira arrives with her pathetic small group, Rigging thinks, "What happened...I kept Appolo with me?" Ashira does her little speech and then her strip act. He watches with appreciation and then reachs over and shuts the mouth of one of the young studs from the beach. "She is all mine. You can look but if you touch, I warn you, you better be able to hold your breath for at least 20 minutes. She only mates underwater and being a creature from the sea, she can stay down for a long time."

Rigging then calls the others over and sits them in a circle around the fire. "Bring them food and drink please! They are our guests!" Once their needs are attended to, Rigging will start pacing with his hands clamped behind his back. Ashira knows the look and knows what is coming. A speech!

"My friends, I have grave and scary news. I know this island seems like a paradise but you are being deceived. Your so called masters are a race of snake man called the Yuan-ti. We know this because they have attacked us here twice now. During their raids, we were able to capture one of them. Using my magic, I was able to read his mind before his own comrades killed him. Why would his own comrades kill him you are thinking? I will tell you why. They were fearful of us finding this information. They know if the truth comes out, their way of life will become harder. What is the truth..."

Rigging pauses with a dramatic pause, "The truth is you are cattle to them. They fatten you up and slaughter you like hogs. Just like the farmers back home. The worse part is the pregnant women. They consider the babies delicacies. Simular to veal back home, babies are tender and succulent. They have no hard muscles to chew through. They are killing the babies, you boys think you are fathering?"

Rigging will look around at the young men and woman. "Can I prove this? Partially." Rigging will signal to Tomas who then drags over the dead unburned Yuan-ti. This is the captive who was killed by his own kin. See the arrow wounds? They were more concerned with killing him then us. They didn't want this truth to come out. Examine him for yourself. Notice the ears and strangly shaped head. Look at his fangs. This is one of your masters. A master who raises you for food!"

Rigging will pause to observe the reactions.

Monday July 10th, 2006 11:21:27 PM

Slightly annoyed with his great diplomatic ability to screw things up, Mykael decides to scout the area around the ship.

First a quick dump of water over himself to cool off, then he calls to Ghem.

I want to scout the forest line for those snake people. I want you to move from tree to tree above me, but stay hidden. You have a better chance of spotting them than I do. If you can tell the difference between regular snakes and the shape-shifted bad snake-men all the better. Can you? Either way, if you notice a snake, I want to know. All snakes near the tree line will die this night.

Mykael informs the watch that he will be in the tree line and to keep an eye on him and Ghem, but not to point them out, unless they get into trouble.

Mykael makes his way to the tree line and walks along it killing every snake he and Ghem find.

OOC: Using infravision should make it easier to spot them, and I would think the shape-shifters would give off a larger than snake heat signature.

Ghem  d20+7=16 d20+7=19 d20+7=21 d20+7=26 d20+7=18 d20+20=38 d20+20=32 d20+20=28 d20+20=22 d20+20=36
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:28:30 PM

Ok, but those things are dangerous and can sense us too.

Spot = 16, 19, 21, 26, 18

Hide = 38, 32, 28, ......

OOC: couldnt figure out how to read the last two... will re-roll and post in another

Monday July 10th, 2006 11:29:37 PM

Hide = 22, 36

OOC: just in case you didnt know

Blindsense (Ex): A pseudodragon can locate creatures within 60 feet by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues). Opponents the pseudodragon can't actually see still have total concealment against the pseudodragon.

Mykael  d20+7=22 d20+7=10 d20+7=22 d20+7=12 d20+7=15
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:31:01 PM

OOC: forgot to post his spot checks

Spot = 22, 10, 22, 12, 15

Nezamil - Endure elements 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 12:23:40 AM

The big dwarf herds the villagers behind Ashira so none of them stray.

Nezamil then checks in with Hal and discusses the snakemens attack " yup good thing we started clearing the treeline.......their pretty good archers......so lets keep extending the clear cutting to make it as difficult as possible for them "

Afterwards he walks over and listens to Captain Riggings speech and just nods as he drives his points home to the villagers.

"Captain if i may add something .....we are just not making any headway in finding anything about these snakemen.....personally i'm tired of traveling back and forth to the village.... it just doesn't serve any purpose but split our forces up and tire us out and expose the Sword to attacks......we need for these fine people to step up and help ...if they don't then i suggest we repair the Sword and depart and take our chances with the big snake......we're working hard to accomplish things but it seems like we can't make progress in any capacity......some hero's of the wold we are .....i'd rather die fighting the big snake then run around in circles on this twisted island....at least then i'll be doing something worthwhile"

Walking away from the villagers Nezamil decides to return to building the seaward defenses he has been doing his best to build but knows its a wasted effort but he must keep up its appearance for the crews sake

Bash brothers Hal and kirk 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 12:31:50 AM

Hal gathers his work crew and follows Nezamil example and returns to work clearing the treeline.

Kirk also returns to help building shoreline fortifcations on the beach and warns the squad on watch to keep a discreet eye on Mykael

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:21:10 AM

"Captain you might as well be talking to a wall. They are fanatic in their devotion to these monsters. They give away their children without hesitation to others they believe are raising the children. We would be doing them a favor if he burnt this island tot he ground."

Appolo Ac23 Hp 68 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:59:21 AM

Appolo examines the bodies then picks up the scimitar and bow.Once the bosies are collected he heads back to the ship.Appolo places the Scimitar and bow on deck so they can be examined.

He is up on the prow when Ahira and the others arrive.He watches them come in and then on board.He listens quietly while watching Valanthe and moving next to her"Actually sunshine.The pregnant woman and thier children are eaten.Mostlikely at the same time.Oh and the hunter that clears the way is also killed."He whispers into her ear.Then goes silent

DM Jim: Party Ruined  d20+10=19 d20+10=19 d20+10=15 d20+6=17 d20+6=8 d20+6=24 d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d8=4 d8=6 d8=3 d8=1 d20+14=28 d20+14=29 d20+14=34 d8+7=12 d8+7=12 d8+7=11 d20=11 d8+7=9 d8+7=11 d20+6=12 d20+6=9 d20+6=21 d8=8 d20+3=4
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 2:08:24 PM

Rigging does not see any items from the "snake men" that have magical auras.

Cosmo is pleased with his handiwork after reviewing the damage wrought by his fireball. Cosmo also suggest several courses of action that his special talents can provide.

The party train arrives all hot and sweaty. All of them except Nezamil, thanks to Domi's blessing.

Ashira reports to her husband and heads off for a "cooling" swim. Mary watches Ashira from the beach.

John and Lilith have a heartfelt reunion.

The men and women from the castaway village are in a good mood and mingle with the crew of the Sword. All that is, except David that stay at Mary's side. A few of the men actually pull out their simple drums and begin to play. The women dance and pull in some of the men from the work crews.

Rigging gathers the castaways together for a speech. All faces are bright and happy, but quickly downturn as Rigging continues. "That can not be." Exclaims David. "I have seen the masters and they look just as you do. I do not know what foul creatures you burned, but they do not look like the masters from what I can tell." David finishes. One woman also speaks up, finally removing her hands from her open mouth. "Not so fast David, we at least have to consider the possibility."

The castaways talk among themselves. Rigging has effectively ruined the mood of the party.

Val seems to have given up on the castaways.

Appolo tries a new approach with Val.

Nezamil and Kirk go and work on the Seaside defenses.

Mykael and Ghem go and scout the tree line as Hal brings a work crew to clear more jungle and replace some of the lumber burned in the first attack. The work crew is 60 yards from the Sword. Mykael is 70 yards from the Sword and 30 yards from the work crew.

Oc: Ghem cannot effectively hide while searching and flying and moving with you.

An hour has passed after the arrival of the Wildcards from the village and a total of 2.5 hours since the last attack.


Ghem contacts Mykael "I can feel more of them out there. Ohh, there is one, no two."

Mykael looks in the direction that Ghem indicates with his stinger and sees bent bows pointing at him. Once the "snake men" are discovered they let loose.

AC 17 -- miss, if it is a hit please roll damage D8+1
AC 8 - miss
AC 24, hit, damage, damage 5
AC 26, hit, critical 21, damage 13

The two Yuan Ti spotted by Mykael and Ghem are 15 feet into the jungle and 10 feet apart. The other to shots came not too far away one on either flank of the two spotted Yuan Ti.

Hal looks up to see a snake headed humanoid, the leader of the previous attack, as he apparently materialized from the jungle. His bow is bent and he sends three arrows at the crew chief.

All three arrows land home with devastating effectiveness.

AC 28, 12 damage
AC 29, 12 damage
AC 34, critical confirmed for 31 damage

Total damage 55

The creature knew just where to hit Hal to do the most damage. He smiles and in a strange voice calls out Hal and those around him "Come to thes Jungles meatssacks."

Appearing around the leader are several other Yuan Ti as they step out of the jungle and they attack one of the guards with bows.

AC 12
AC 9
AC 21, hit for 9 damage -- a serious wound

A large snake with two muscular arms and evil glint in its eye also appears and makes several hand gestures and one of Hal's guards falls to the ground and turns into a snake (Save 4, rolled a 1).

All five Yuan Ti took a 5 foot step or slither out of the Jungle for a clear shot at Hal and his crew.

OOC: Very little of this can be seen by those on the beach, because of the slope.

DC 7 spot check by Mykael to notice that Hal and his group are being attacked in addition to him.

DC 14 spot check by Val and Appolo to spot the disturbance, but cannot see any combatants.

Please continue to post spells and hit points.

George please tell me if an how Tomas cured the three injured marines 2.5 hours ago? Post Tomas's spells.

General description:

The beach is at least 50 yards to the jungle and slopes up at least 25 feet over that distance. Hal and his crew are in the area directly in front of the Sword, but in the area of the Jungle they they have been clearing for lumber. To replace the lumber that was burned in the first attack.

Hal and his group are 60 yards from the Sword were the majority of the Wildcards are. Ashira is swimming and Nazamil and Kirk and their work crew are at the back of the Sword.

Hal an his crew are on the level portion of the land an not on the beach.

Mykael is scanning the edges of the jungle and is at the edge of the beach. Mykael is 70 Yards from the Sword and 20 yards from Hal.

The three groups for a triangle of sorts: The Sword, Hal, and Mykael.

Bart  d20=15
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 3:21:07 PM

I have some idears to defend the sword against the seasnake long polearms that can reach is body when he is just underneath the ship. What do i hear ...?? (listen 15)

DM Jim: Bart hears Hal's call of alarm with no roll required.

Hal Ac ?? Hp 7/62  d20+5=7 d20+5=9 d20+5=14 d20+5=24
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 4:30:26 PM

" Back to the ship.....we're under attack.....run....run...everyone retreat " as Hal herds the work crew to safety

The big warrior stops for a moment .,....reaching down he grabs the crewman turned snake and trails after the work crew ....covering their retreat

" we're under attack.....we're under attack " shouts out Hal towards the Sword

Jim what about those aboard the Sword?? can they see over the rise of the beach ?? especially the acrobats that were assigned watch duty in the height of the ships rigging and masts ??


DM JIM: THose on the Sword have a DC 14 chance to see what is going on to Mykael and Hal. Please post for the acrobats as two of them noticed the attack. The rolls are above.

I assumed that only Appolo and Val (half of the Wildcards that did not post exact positions) were on the Sword and only gave them the spot checks.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 4:38:45 PM

Jim can we get a map ?? would be helpful for spells distance's and tactics of troops.

DM JIM: I have not had time to create a map and it may not matter at this point. I added greater detail to the post.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 5:45:41 PM

will post soon... Mykaels AC is 27... so only the nat 20 would hit him, and the crit wouldnt have been confirmed.

DM JIM: Just post the damage taken then.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=7
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:59:30 PM

Cosmo only spends a short time with the people from the island village. Their lack of interest in him and overt sexual interest in all things human bores him rather quickly.

He finds a quiet place, nearby, on the beach to study his various books. He watches the villagers' faces as Rigging explains what he thinks is happening on the island.

He stands up and stows his books in his backpack as the people around the ship start to look towards the work crew.

He looks too, but does not see much.

Spot 7.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC24, HP112/112) 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 11:31:25 PM

Grunting as she hears Hal's cries, Ashira grabs up her weapons and activates her shield. She begins sprinting toward the beach.

OOC: You stated that it's been an hour since the Wildcards arrived. There's no way Ashira needed to cool down that long. I'm going to go forward and say that she has her armor on and is in the general area of Rigging.

DM Jim: Reasonable - I only indicated that you were not on the Sword and not subject to a spot check, but your hearing is fine.

John (AC16, HP35/35) Invisible, Mary (AC19, HP 20/20) 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 11:46:08 PM

Noting Ashira's mad dash, John quickly activates his invisibility ring and follows her, axe in hand.

Grabbing up her shield and spear, Mary dashes after the couple, intent on keeping Ashira safe from those horrid snake creatures.

Acrobats - Chex and Hailli  d20=16 d20=6
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 12:37:47 AM

The two human female acrobats turn at the sounds of the yelling and spot (d20=16 spot ch...haven't defined all skills on them yet)

"Hey there is trouble out their cries Chex

"Captain.....Captain......snake monsters at the jungles edge " screams Hailli as she points in that direction

Others aboard the Sword ( d20=6 spot ch)

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d20+5=15
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 12:56:05 AM

The big fella stops and stands up and raises his hand for silence " whats that ?" (d20+5=15 listen check) as he looks up at the two acrobats high in the rigging and their frantic warnings

With a salute of acknowledgement to the two women " watch the seaward side too "[b]

[b] " all the workers aboard the Sword ...pronto!!!
barks out Nezamil

"Kirk with me ...lets get a better veiw of what is happening up on the beach ....them workers could be in trouble......By Domi i'm gonna git me a pair of snake skin boots if its da last thing i do " growls the big dwarf as he gathers up his weapons and shield he positioned incase of an attack and makes his way to a position by the ships prow

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51/51  d20+6=15
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:05:53 AM

The big warrior's head snaps around at the shouting(d20+15= listen ch) and with a nod at Nezamil's orders " you got it big guy.....about time we got some action " grins Kirk as he sprints towards his gear ....beating the hugh dwarf by a few steps " try not to hold me back " laughs Kirk as he flanks Nezamil as they move forward his heavy flail twirling in anticipation

"there's Ashira " as he points Ashira sprinting forward to Nezamil " lets form up on her "

OOC : maps are always handy ;-)

Mykael -- 49/56, AC=27,  d20+7=8 d100=64
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:25:03 AM

Ghem hide in a tree and watch my back. Keep me informed of where they all are.

(Spot = 8)

Mykael feels the sting of an arrow from one of the two in front of him, then he notices the attack on the crew.

"I will be back for you two! Count on it" Mykael yells as he turns toward the 5 that have engaged the work crew.

He takes a 5 foot step to get a good view and angle, then he looses his 'WEB' spell on all 5 with plenty of room to cover the whole group, and the tree-line to get any others that maybe there.

(made spell failure roll = 64%)

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:30:47 AM

OOC: forgot spell list

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Daze
1 lvl: Comprehend Languages x3***, Charm Person
2 lvl: Web x2*, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3 lvl: Tongues x2**, Slow

* = used spells

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 4:02:47 AM

After Bart hears the warning he rushes forward, his sword appears in his hand. The quick fighter is ready to kick some ***. (* to protect the fragile eyes of our readers)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=19 d20+9=12
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 8:37:51 AM

Appolo turns at the sound and sees the disturbance"Battle stations everyone.Man those catapults.Archers ready bows."Appolo readies his weapons and heads over the side of the ship.Once on land he looks around and heads for the wooden paliade being built to protect the sword.

Spot 19

Rigging, mage armor  d20+12=27
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:14:35 PM

Rigging breaks off his speech when he hears the screams of pain from the sneak attack. "Looks like your 'masters' are back again...killing my people."

Rigging will sprint towards the confusion stopping short of the treeline and look for any kind of trouble (spot check 27. He will pull his weapons and be ready to engage something next round. Swirl moves besides Rigging to his right ready to defend as well.

Thomas moves to the ships deck and directs the sailors to retrieve bows and tries to get noncombatants out of the way. He will have cured the injured guards with his cure light wounds wand. (Don't have his spell list avaiable at work)

MO, Curly and Larry will assume their combat positions on the back of the ship watching for an attack coming in that direction.

Dm Jim: Here and Gone Again  d20+1=5 d20+2=3 Web saves d20+12=23 d20+7=18 d20+5=24 d20+5=14 d20+5=22 d20+3=16 d20+6=19 d20+2=21 d20+2=20 d20+2=14
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 8:27:36 PM

Hal, even though grievously wounded, call out the alarm and rally the work crew to beat feet back to the Sword. On the way, Hal pick up the marine turned snake. Upon closer inspection the snake appears to be an adder and seems to be wrestling with the decision to bite Hal(failed will save).

The Two acrobats in the rigging echo Hal's alarm.

Rigging calls out orders and runs forward. Rigging's indentured servants, Juno, Eli, and Gordon, complain about being left out of the fun again and plans for what to do when their year of service is complete.

Mykael coolly (difficult in this heat) steps back from the archers and casts his web spell at the Yuan Ti attacking the work crew. It appears that he got most of them, but it difficult to tell from the distance and the amount of webs (total concealment due to the webs). Mykael did see several of the Yuan Ti get a jump on his spell and start to move out of the area (made saves).

Mykael can feel Ghem's fear and concern. "There are more out there." The dragon beams to the new elf.

Mykael can see several of the more human like Yuan Ti, and they look to rush him, but the source of an unseen hiss seems to forestall their charge and they quickly melt into the Jungle.

Ashira grabs her weapons and shield and quickly moves up the beach and is followed by John and Mary.

Appolo climbs down from the Sword.

Bart moves up the Beach.

Nezamil and Kirk are the farthest away, being at the back of the Sword and they move to the front of the Sword (50 -- 70 yards from the action)

OOC: I will give everyone X3 movement in the sand, or 90 feet or 30 yards. The closest Wildcards are 20 yards or 60 feet from the Jungle; 30 yards from Mykael and 30 Yards from the Web spell (not at the same location as Mykael). All distances are approximate (fog of War).


The seriously injured marine next to Hal collapses at the beach. The rest of Hal's crew runs down the beach to the Sword.

The viper trys to bite Hal (AC 3), but Hal has a good hold on the critter.

It gets very dark around Mykael's web spell.

Mykael DC 18 spellcraft check to find out why.

OOC: Only Mykael can observe the Web spell as it is set back from the beach and a

Mykael -- 49/56, AC = 27  d20+12=21 d20+7=11
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:05:47 PM

(Spellcraft for the darkness = 21)

"Thats right you cowards! I am here now. You attacked when I am here. Not so easy now is it! You are not the superior race! Come back and face me!" Mykael challenges in somewhat mock frustration as he scans the tree-line.

(spot = 11)

Stay hidden and let me know if they are coming back or waiting for another ambush.

Mykael brazenly walks the forest-line toward his web spell in the darkness. He constantly scans the forest for any signs.

Bash brother Hal Ac 17 Hp 7/62  d8+3=5
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:30:25 PM

The big warrior gets a better grip on the adder so it won't bite " hey pal i'm on your side " yells at the adder

Reacting quickly to the marines fall Hal kneels down and fishes out a vial and forces it down his throat (1d8+3=5 clw potion) then lifts him to his feet and stumbles closer to the safety of the Swords defenses

Dm Jim: Hal notices that the marine has died and does not use his potion. The arrow wound, while serious should not have been fatal????

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d20+6=9
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:40:50 PM

The 10'3" dwarf walks up the beach with his crossbow in hand trying to get a better veiw and understanding of the battlefield (he's 10+ foot tall does he get a beter chance to see over the beaches slope ?)

Turning to look up at the Sword " make sure the backside is guarded they tried to sneak attack us last time " growls Nezamil up to Tomas

Swiveling his head back to face the danger from the jungle he looks for Hal and the work crew (if he spots them he moves towards Hal)

"Everyone away from the treeline they just want to force us into the open and shoot us with ranged weapons

Bash brother Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51/51  d20+6=24
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:44:07 PM

The big badyguard moves with Nezamil flanking him on the right side and looks forward to the sounds of battle (d20+6=24) as he looks for his brother and his work crew .

If he spots Hal "i'm coming bro...hold on " as he sprints towards his brother and the marine

Ashira (AC24, HP112/112)  d20+12=18 d20+11=15
Thursday July 13th, 2006 1:20:14 AM

Ashira, John and Mary head down the beach toward Mykael, waiting for him to catch them up to speed on the situation (Spot=18, Listen=15). "I'm getting really tired of this!" Ashira complains to Nezamil when he links up.

Val (AC 19, HP 139/139) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 9:50:50 AM

Val stays up on the deck once the attack is confirmed. There are enough Wildcards on the beach to handle things and if the snake men attack from the ocean at least she'll be here to take the brunt of the assault.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 9:54:42 AM

Her heart pounds as the battle begins. She hears the calls of the wounded and dying. Melonie holds her spear so tightly that her knuckles are white. Should she go down to the beach with the others? No her place was by Val's side, helping anyway she could.

"Will these attacks ever stop?"

Cosmo  d20+5=25 d4=3 d20+9=22
Thursday July 13th, 2006 10:20:51 AM

Cosmo moves forward, trailing Rigging by about 25-30 feet. Once he gets about 60 or so feet away from where the action was he will stop. From there he will keep an eye on the forward group and the ship.

Spot 25; natural 20.

Cosmo thinks it may be time to plan a real assault on these snake creatures. The group is just sitting ducks sitting here by the ship that is too close to the tree-line. He does not think that the snake creatures will ever let them completely fix the boat. They will probably just keep harassing them, trying to pick off a crew member or 2 and never really exposing themselves. Or they may just decide to destroy the ship.

Maybe in the morning after the spell users adjust their spell selection they can set out and take the attack to them. Just getting away from the ship may help keep it from getting attacked.

Cosmo casts Prying Eyes (12 total): "Spread out equally and search for 1 mile and then come back and report."

General spot for 12 Eyes - 22.

OOC - What are the dimensions of the island again?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)
Prying Eyes: 9/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo Hp 23 Hp 68  d20+10=23 d20+8=17 d20+6=16
Thursday July 13th, 2006 11:18:12 AM

Appolo sprints forward toward the disturbance.Seeing Hal is wounded he calls out"Nezamil we got wounded Hal looks to be hurt pretty bad and one of his men is down."

Appolo continues to move forward toward were the marines and hall were working.He thinks ok the snakes want to play let's play.As passes a marine or Hal"Where's Mykeal?"he asks Once he gets an answer he will head in that direction weapons drawn and ready for action.He keeps an eye on the jungle and an ear open.

Spot 23 Listen 17 Fortitude 16 for the heat.

DM Jim: Information is Power 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 2:02:53 PM

The Wildcard's are again frustrated by the sniping attacks of the Yuan Ti. Will they ever get enough time to repair the Sword? Cosmo voices the opinion that the group will not.

The newest Wildcard, Cosmo, finally takes some initiative and sends out his prying eyes.

The forward front of the beach is now crawling with the Sword's offices, but Val remains on deck watching, waiting and hoping for the counter attack. It does not come.

Mykael taunts the Yuan Ti in the jungle, but receives no response. Appolo links up with him in support.

Melonie comments to Val after hearing Mykael shout to the Yuan Ti "I think Mykael is finally coming around and understanding elves better. These snake men are definitely inferior to elves." Melonie scans the rest of the crew also.

Kirk rushes to his big brother and sees all the blood from the three arrow wounds. Kirk looks to Nezamil "Please help him." as he supports his slumping brother. The three arrows are still in Hal.

Hal was more concerned for the injured marine, but hold using the potion as the marine has unexpectedly died.

Cosmo finds his voice and suggests a new plan of action. Cosmo thinks back to his flight over the island and approximates that the island is about 12 miles by 15 miles, but with very difficult terrain, at least for those that have to walk.


Only 10 prying eyes return to Cosmo's hand. Each eye reveals two to three Yuan Ti on its journey. A total of one snake bodied, six snake headed and the like, and 21 human looking Yuan Ti are recorded. The Yuan Ti groups observed were either watching toward the beach, setting a snare, resting, eating, talking to snakes, or chasing prying eyes. All of the Yuan Ti were spread out over a large and deep area in the jungle between the Sword and the Castaway Village. Cosmo doubts that he saw all the Yuan Ti, as several were only recognizable as they moved when the eyes went past.

Cosmo relishes the idea of new information.

The crew is getting concerned about the attacks and their ability to stop them moral seems to be falling. Marc grumble "There is no way we can work under these conditions. We are just going to be picked off one by one."

David rushes up the beach to keep pace with Mary. "Did they catch another one?"

Rigging mage armor  d20+12=32 d20=13 d20=13
Thursday July 13th, 2006 2:23:14 PM

Rigging is frustrated. These hit and run tactics were going to eat them up. Anger course through his veins as he moves along the tree line trying to get closer to the combat.

He peers into the gloom of the jungle looking for something to attack, something to kill. Rigging tired of being ineffective and harrassed.

Spot check 32 (natural 20)

If Rigging hasn't moved to far and sees something, he will cast his scorching rays at it. I am at work and don't have my books so just rolled two touch attacks without modifiers for now.

Rigging hears Cosmo and snarls, "Fine my little friend. Come up with a plan that keeps our ship safe, I don't want to be stranded here, tell me where we are going and what you want done. This is your mission."

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, detect thoughts x3
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Tongues, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Dm Jim: Supplimental  d100=70 d100=42 d100=29 d100=90 d20+8=28 d20+8=15 8d6(2+6+4+2+4+4+4+6)=32
Thursday July 13th, 2006 5:09:51 PM

OOC: In order to move things along I have added this post.

Please mark off the spells cast by Rigging


Rigging spies something moving in the web (total concelment) and greater darkness spell with his keen eyes. Rigging sends two scorching rays at his unknown quarry.

greater darkness concelment 70% 42% (20% sucess)

Web concelment 29% and 90 % (10% - sucess)

SR 28 & 15 (sucess)

Damge 32

The chared humanoid form is hanging limply in the burning webs. It slowly slumps down to the jungle floor, smoking badly.


OOC: In the future, if anyone casts a spell that requires a SR roll, please roll it. It will speed play.

Thursday July 13th, 2006 9:16:06 PM

Mykael makes his way to the web and notices it burning away full flame now. Rigging should have known WEBs are highly flammable. "So much for prisoners, too bad too, I believe this on was a spell-caster of some sort."

Mykael checks the web as it burns away for survivors, and pulls out any bodies, to be sure.

Mykael picks up the tools left by the work crew and makes his way back to the ship.

Ghem, come on out of there, I think they are done for now. Why dont you take your spot on top of the mast again. Great job by the way, you kept two pointy sticks from hitting me by letting me know in time. Thanks alot. And the pointy sticks that they were using are called arrows. The are thrown by the wooden weapons they were holding, which are called bows.

"Rigging, we need to find thier villages and take the fight to them. All work crews should stay away from the tree-line. I suggest only officers be sent on water runs. And the one work detail that needs to be by the trees, the one to get the wood, should be of officers and marines only, with an officer guard."

"Perhaps a few of the right spells could down some trees quickly and push back the tree-line, thus getting us the wood we need and helping in the defense at the same time."

"And I will volunteer for tree-line duty."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 10:08:45 PM

Cosmo hears the exasperation in Rigging's voice. He can sense the anger and frustration throughout the party, himself included.

"I am not the leader of this group. I cannot accept the leadership position at this time as my ties to the members of this group are not strong enough yet. I doubt that all would follow me. I can, however advise you as leader on a course of action that you may or may not find feasible."

"We are not in a good position. Our transportation is crippled. Our location is not very defendable. Our knowledge of enemy and surroundings is limited. And we cannot expect any real help from the villagers."

"In my opinion we have 3 options:"

1. We all stay here at the ship to defend it and get it fixed.
2. Some of us leave and the rest stay and defend the ship.
3. We all abandon the ship and hope it is repairable when we come back for it.

"Option #1 is good in that we do not split up the group and all our firepower can be used against any attacks against the ship and/or its crew. It is bad in that I do not think our position here on the beach is defendable against any significant raid from the snake-men. I do not think anyone here thinks option #3 has any merit, myself included."

"So that leaves option #2. I think that the 8 Wildcards plus possibly a few of the crew set out and start take on some of these small scouting parties I saw with my Prying Eyes spell. The rest stay here at the ship and defend it 100% of the time. We pick one of the areas on this island and see if it is their lair. If it isn't then we move on. As we go along we destroy these small parties. If we cannot take on a whole party we kill its leaders and retreat. After we have done this a few times the snake creatures will have to put more firepower towards us. This will keep less of them from attacking the ship. We need to draw attention away from the ship, not to it."

"I think we hole up for the rest of the day. Cure ourselves up and leave at first light after the spell casters have changed their spells."

Cosmo steps back from Rigging and goes silent. He seems to be thinking on something and appears to be hesitant to bring it up.

"There is one other option, but I am not sure we can or would want to pull it off. We do something that will absolutely make the snake creatures attack us. We know what these snake creatures like. We know that they take the villagers during the hunt. We stop the hunt plain and simple. Snake creatures do not get their meat - snakes coming looking for their meat. Snake creatures find the Wildcards between them and their food. The downside to this option is we may need to harm or kill some of the villagers to keep them from going on the hunt. It would also mean bringing many of the crew to the village to help us stop the hunt."

Cosmo once again goes quiet.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  4d8(4+6+4+2)+10=26 d20+6=7
Friday July 14th, 2006 12:56:22 AM

The Big Cleric charges after Kirk towards Hal as Appolo calls for help for Hal....reaching the big warrior "By Domi you been hurt ....stand still while we pull the arrows out before i call upon Domi's healing touch " as he and Kirk deftly but delicately remove the arrows (spontanously cast CCW inplace of imbue wspell ability for 26 points)

"Kirk take your brother aboard the Sword .....i'll be back shortly to complete Domi's healing touch.

The 10'3" dwarf moves after Ashira towards the Captain " aye me to but thats gonna hafta change....time to do something about it "

Meeting up with Captain Rigging and the diminutive conjuror he scans(d20+6=7 spot ch) the treeline for movement as he overhears Cosmo's idea's "aye at least we'll be able to strike back at these walking boots "

Eyeing the mage he nods " yeah preventing the castaways from leaving would be an intresting option....that would break the ritual od the so-called snake hunt which the snakemen look forward too.....not to mention with all the snake eyes watching us they would follow and see what were up too "

" leaving at 1st light would be best cuz we light up the night with all our magical glow"

Pausing a moment he looks back as the Bash broters make their way aboard the ship " we should just bring ourselves and leave our trusted friends to help the marines protect the Sword....hopefully we will draw the them away from the Sword "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability* (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Bash brothers Hal Ac 17 Hp 40/61 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51/51  d8+3=7
Friday July 14th, 2006 1:05:43 AM

Hal stumbles as Appolo edges near and calls for help for him " thanks " taking afew more steps ahe spots his brother and the Cleric of Domi's big frame charge towards him he sinks to his knees ...waits for Domi's healing touch to be adminstered

With a nod to Nezamil he stands up with Kirks assiatnce and heads towards the Sword and pops open the vial he was going to adminster to the fallen marine (clw potion 1d8+3=7)

"Them snakeheads going to pay for that " grunts Hal to Kirk

Kirk rushes to his brothers side and deftly removes the arrows as the big dwarf applies Domi's healing touch to his wounded brother....helping him to his feet he practilly drags his brother to the safety of the SWords protection " i hear that bro....we'll make a pair of boots out that one " laughs Kirk to cheer up Hal

Friday July 14th, 2006 1:51:30 AM

The ranger sighs...none of the options presented to them were very pretty. "I'm as frustrated with this situation as the rest of us... But, we can't possibly just leave these villagers to be eaten. It looks like we don't have much choice but to bring the fight to them...turn the tables. They might know the terrain, but our fighters are better. That's why the cowards keep running away. They know that they can't stand up to us in a real fight, so they keep doing hit and runs. I don't suppose we could use those prying eye thingies of yours Cosmo as a defensive measure for now and scout out the area are soon as we're rested?"

Friday July 14th, 2006 9:09:53 AM

Rigging heads back to the ship and orders everyone aboard, including the young party goers. He looks sternly at them and says, "I know you are under the influence of some kind of drug. I have learned this from the mind of the snakeman we captured. It dulls your ambition and makes you more pliable. You will just have to throw off its effects. You have a choice to make. Either you believe me or you don't. If you don't then you can go back to your lives of feasting and fornication knowing that you might be sending your lovers and unborn children to the mouths of these snakemen.

If you do believe me, then we will bring you back to your village and you can convince the others. They will be welcomed back here and my crew will do their best to keep them comfortable and safe. As you can see we are under attack here but my ships officers will be conducting a raid against the snakemen's home base. Make your decision. I have no more time to deal with you now."

Rigging will turn to Tomas and say, "I want you to prepare pitch balls for the catapult. I want to start a fire out there. At best we can burn off a couple of hundred yards of the jungle to make it more difficult for them to surpise us. Who knows, a couple might even perish if we are lucky. Should be lots of smoke.

Spellusers, I want any kind of fire spell you have committed to memory ready to go. Cosmo, I want you to summon fire elementals. As many as you can, enlarge them if you wish but they will be the main spreaders of the fire. I know the jungle is wet but they were able to burn our green woods without problem, so I think we should be able to return the favor."

Rigging will turn to Hal and Kirk, "Hal good to see you can take a couple of arrows. I want you to fortify the crows nest. Shields, wood planking whatever you can come up with to make it as safe as possible up there. Then I want your best archers up there. It should put close to the same level as them and maybe we will see them coming. Who ever is up there will need to be alert as we know they have one hell of an archer.

I also want shields or a wall built on the front of the prow. Try to reduce how much of the ship is exposed to their sight and arrow fire. Even if you can just nail up some 10' planks around the prow, it will provide cover and concealment.

Once everyone is ready, Rigging will order the pitch balls shot into the jungle and the fire spells to go off. If Cosmo with his prying eyes can tell him where to shoot his fireball to get some snake, he will. He will also look for reactions to the pitch balls and use that as a target. He will fire off his fireball, and if needed will use a charge or two from his wand to get the fire started.

Friday July 14th, 2006 11:23:38 AM

Appolo checks over the dead charred bodies of the snakemen and then follows Myhael back and listens to the others.After awhile he slips below and takes off his gear wearing his skivies Appolo gets some water to dibk the settles into his bunk for a rest.

DM Jim: Suggestions & Orders 
Friday July 14th, 2006 1:02:52 PM

Mykael and Appolo find one badly charred and very dead "snake man" is the remnants of Mykael's web. Mykael and Appolo perform the search while in the deeper darkness spell.

Kirk get is brother back to the Sword after Nezamil gets him cured.

The newest Wildcard, Cosmo, does not want to take the lead as offered by Rigging, but does offer some suggestions for possible courses of action against the "snake men".

Rigging has other plans, he brings everyone back on board the Sword and talks of more fortifications and ways to burn down parts of the jungle. Rigging sets his orders and asks for fire spells to be made available.

The smoldering palm tree from Cosmo's fireball is a testament to it effectiveness.

Several crewmen go down to the armory and bring up the pitch and start to prepare the forward catapult.

The castaways are somewhat shaken by all of the events. David comments to Mary "Things are going so fast. Everything made sense just a few days ago."

After Rigging's speach David comments "I am not sure we want to go back to the village, but you do have to warn them. Are those things you burned up Orc's?"

The crew starts to get busy, by fortifying the Sword of Redemption. While pounding nails Mark asks Nezamil "What happens to us when they send those fire spells and fire creatures at the Sword like you plan on sending at them? Can they do that?"


OOC: 45 minutes have passed and it is now 3 PM.

Mark off spells used.


It looks like rain, as it normally does each afternoon. The crew of the forward catapult asks Bart "Do we fire now or wait sir?"

DC 8 survival roll to determine that the expected rain is not expected to be intense or long, based on the amount of thunderheads seen to the west.

Several sailors are positioning the rain barrels as instructed previously by Nezamil.


Chex, while balancing on one of the mast beams, notices a "snake man" next to the jungle line about 100 yards away from the Sword. He just appears to be watching the Sword. Chex call down the alarm to the deck of the Sword.

Friday July 14th, 2006 2:59:00 PM

We have to defend the ship, burn the jungle the enlarge our perimeter. Also we can build some defended watch and arrow points on top of the beach, one at each side of the sword around 100 yards from each other

Saturday July 15th, 2006 12:53:19 AM

"Rigging, I want to talk to you about your underlings. They were eager to learn from me, and they appear to be interested in helping. I would like to suggest that they work with the ballista and catapult crews to start. I believe two of them have mage abilities. If this is true I have made some scrolls of True Strike. I would like to offer them to them. Once they learn the spell and can fire the seige weapons, this would provide a serious bonus to the capabilities of the Sword's most powerful weapons."

Mykael offers 3 scrolls of 'True Strike' to Rigging.

Turning to David, "It took you seeing the dead and the attacks on us, to even consider the possibility that we are telling the truth and trying to help you. And you saw how the other villager acted when I thought to take and extra weapon for one of you to wield to help protect yourselves. They are not going to believe us. It will take one of you from the village, someone they know, someone they trust, to get them to at least listen to the possibility. It may take more than one. At least one of you will have to step up and help."

"Nez, I still have an arrow in me. I dont suppose you would do me a favor and remove it."

Ashira  d20+12=27
Saturday July 15th, 2006 12:56:30 AM

Nodding, Ashira readies herself for any snakeman attack. She waits impatiently to slice into the elusive enemy. (Spot=27)

Saturday July 15th, 2006 1:02:01 AM

Mary looks over at David, sympathy clearly written on her face. "I understand, but you've got to trust the Captain. All of the Wildcards. They know what they're doing. And if anyone can save us, they can."

Appolo  d20+6=23
Saturday July 15th, 2006 9:57:14 AM

Appolo emerges on deck after resting for a couple of hours>He is dressed in light clothing.He walks around and notices the mood of the creww"Hey people don't sweat it.This is the life we all chose.Always out numbered deep in enemy territory and surrounded.We do what we always do kill or be killed.That's it.So relax get some rest."appolo also has apair of daggers on his hips.He takes of his shirt walks to the back off the ship and dives into the water,

Swim 26

Saturday July 15th, 2006 12:41:57 PM

Val takes Melonie with her as they walk the front of the sword, looking at the junlge for possible snake men. They probably won't be back but their keen elven eyes are much sharper in the limited light.

"Even if we get the ship fixed we still can't leave. The giant snake will smash the ship to pieces."

Sunday July 16th, 2006 12:39:55 PM

Val I have some idears to protect the ship against the big sea snake. We make long spears, long enough to reach the snake just before he hits the hull.

Sunday July 16th, 2006 8:29:22 PM

Rigging shakes his head grimly at David, "I wish these were just orcs. I wouldn't be worried about orcs, no these are Yuan-ti. A humanoid race that has snake in their bloodlines somewhere. They can shape shift, have magic and generally are much tougher than orcs.

Realize that here might not be much safer than your village, but I think once the lunch ladies don't make an appearance, the snakes are going to come after them. You have some safety in numbers here.

How do you think we should get the rest to come back? How do we convince them of the danger?"

After that conversation, Rigging pulls Cosmo aside and says, "I don't expect you to lead the expedition but I do expect you to plan it. It is time for us to test your tactical skills at least. Coordinate with Ashira. She is the battle mistress after all and will be in charge of the attack. Tell me what spells you think I should memorize and when you want to go. Do we try and clear out the local Yuan-ti first, or lead them away. What do you think about my fire plan? Can you summon the fire elementals?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d3=2
Monday July 17th, 2006 12:04:58 AM

"Rigging, I can summon 1 medium size Elemental and 1 to 3 small Elementals with the spells I have remaining today. They are not the largest I can summon, as I can summon a large size Elemental with my 5th level spells. Yes, they are quite effective at setting things on fire. When I spent some time on board another ship, they were a great creature to summon and have attack other ships."

"I think given enough time we can clear a substantial area near the ship using the fire sources you have stated. My concern is that it will take some time and that it will draw attention to this area of the island. We can probably defend the ship and keep our losses to a minimum. But I do not think we can defend the ship, protect our crew and repair the ship all at the same time. That is why I suggest the core Wildcards leave and strike out."

Cosmo summons the 1 medium Elemental and 2 small Elementals and sends them to the forest line to burn.

'Rigging, in regards to tactics for fighting these snake creatures, I do not think they are very strong from an individual stand point, except maybe the Abominations. There are 3 different types of Yuan Ti, the pure breeds, half breeds and abominations. The abomination was the one that looked all snake except for the 2 arms. They all can change into snakes at will and all are resistant to magic too some degree, so spells that bypass that ability will be best. I personally am going to load up on summoning spells as spell resistance is not a factor with those spells. I do not think they are spell users as we know spell users. They just have spell-like abilities as an innate ability. Unfortunately, I do not know much about what those abilities are. The last thing that I remember from my studies is that as a race they are extremely intelligent."

OOC - not sure how much I know about the Yuan-Ti from my studies so correct me if I went too far on my knowledge of them.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III *, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 3/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) - Add'l post 
Monday July 17th, 2006 12:24:16 AM

Prying Eyes ends when the eyes return and report in. I will have to study for the spell tomorrow if you want me to use it again.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d8+5=10 3d8(5+5+8)+10=28
Monday July 17th, 2006 10:05:40 AM

The big Cleric smiles at Mykael " of my friend i'll help you .....this might hurt a little as i extract the arrow but i will impart Domi's healing touch afterwards to heal the wound "

Once Nezamil removes the arrow he touches his anvil holy symbol then Mykaels wound (1d8+5=10 sured 10 pts)(spontanously casting clw in place of detect evil)

heading back to the Sword The cleric of Domi seeks out Hal " you had a close one their.....very serious wounds but Domi will heal them for your bravery in defending those with you....you did well " (3d8+10=28 pts healed on Hal)(spontanously casting csw in place of continual flame )

Once the healing is done he makes his way over to the assmebled wildvards and listens to the conversation "you seem to have a better understanding of these creatures then i ....the infomation is good but what tactics are useful againsit these elusive fiends ?.....do we just charge into the jungle after them to disrupt them ?? then make our way to the castaway village hoping they follow us and hopefully leave the Sword alone ?? i liked your suggestion of disrupting the snake hunt ...that would hopefully make them react to us instead of us reacting to them .....but io'm very worried about leaving the Sword....they have already attacked it while we were away at the village the first time....the only way to help defend it stronger is to leave a solid defending force of our loyal friends (followers) and us Wildcards become a strike force to attack and draw them after us .....so again Cosmo what does your book advise as good tactivs versus these elusive fiends??" growls the 10'3" dwarf to the diminutive Mage

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil* ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame* ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability* (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Monday July 17th, 2006 10:07:46 AM

The ranger sighs. It was a bad situation no matter what they choose. Still, she'd rather know what they were fighting than be slowly picked off. She moves over by the ship with Cosmo. "Well, if we're going to draw them to us, then I suppose we ought to prepare a few surprises for them...if you know what I mean. I can cast alarm but that's about it. Well, actually, I can cast spike growth and entangle, but they don't last long, so I'd have to do it right before they attack. As far as the villagers are concerned...I'm beginning to lean toward a night attack. I hate to say it, but I think the only way we're going to get them out is to take them by force... That doesn't mean we have to be rough...maybe a bunch of sleep spells. Then if we have to, I suppose we can confine them to the ship, though I'm hoping they can start to see some reason once we get them here."

DM Jim: Strategy & Tactics 
Monday July 17th, 2006 1:16:59 PM

Cosmo takes Rigging's advice and summons three fire elemental and has them head up the beach and into the jungle. The fire elementals leave smoking glass trails up the beach. Bart and his crew adds several shots of burning pitch to the mix and the fire elemental head to them. The fire elementals stay is brief, but they do some damage as the burn away the undergrowth and start several palm tree fires in three acres. They also finish clearing the acre that Hal had started with his work crew.

Once the Fire elementals go back to their home plane, the jungle in front of the Sword looks ravaged and smoldering, but the fires, besides the palms do not seem to want to spread with out further assistance. The fires that raged with the elementals were smoky as the elementals boiled off the moisture in the plant life before setting it alight.

About and hour after the fire elementals do their worst, it rains, which further puts a damper on things. There is very little green left in the burnt and charred areas. All that is left is burnt tree trunks and scattered and scorched branches.

The wood in these areas does not look like it is salvageable for ship repair.


Rigging asks Cosmo to set up the tactical arrangements for tomorrow, the day before the "official" snake hunt.

Mykael offers guidance and training for Rigging's indentured servants. Mykael also offers a plan to greatly improve the ballista crew.

Mykael approaches Nezamil for a cure for the damage he took.

Ashira is anxious to find herself some snake men.

Mary asks David to trust the Captain and David pleads, "You have to believe me, we have never seen anything like this before."

Appolo is non-chalant about the current plight of the group and takes a leisurely swim.

Val worries about the colossal snake that the group will have to deal with, but Bart attempts to comfort her by tell Val he has a plan for the big snake once the Sword is repaired.

Rigging horrifies David and the rest of the castaways with his tales of the Yuan Ti and he seems to believe him with no reservations at this point. "It will be hard to convince the others, unless they too see the violence and aggression of the foul creatures." David, along with the other castaways are clearly shaken, but David is putting on a brave face for Mary.

Cosmo relates what he knows of Yuan Ti and tell Rigging what he plans for the morning.


OOC: Roll a DC K. Nature or the like over 20 and you have more (All MM data) information. If you roll less than a 20 you have already provided all your information.


Nezamil cures Mykael and Hal and expresses his reservations about leaving the Sword. Nezamil likes the idea of disrupting the snake hunt.

Ashira takes Rigging's advice and goes to see Cosmo to tell him what she can offer.


The marines and crew set up large sets of planking to act as shield from arrows in the front of the Sword.

Night settles on the group.

Arrows are shot at the Sword, but it seems mostly to keep the crew awake or to test reactions. No one is hit, but it does tend to fray the nerves of the crew.

Lilith seeks comfort in John. "Why do they not attack? What are they waiting for?"

Morning comes and dawn in glorious again.

It is now the day before the Snake Hunt.

Attendence report (for last week) - adm Chris 
Monday July 17th, 2006 5:14:13 PM

Player name MTWTF

Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxoxx
Val xoxox
Bart oxoxo
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx

X= posted O=missed post

DM Jim: Nice job, add DM posts next time. Thanks for the effort.

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 2:57:19 AM

Cosmo Rigging Nezamil, you are all spellusers, can yo place an alarm on the perimeter and if it is disturbed light our foes like dancing lights or so. Our bowman can hit back then. I will start to dig 2 foxholes for a threeman post

Rigging  d20+12=25
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 5:40:27 AM

Rigging will cast his alarm spell that Bart requires putting it on an area that is covered by vegetation as well and looks to be a good sniping point. (concentration check 25)

Rigging will then check in on his henchmen checking their morale. He will have dinner with them discussing their plans for the future and just getting to know them better.

Finally he orders double the guards for the night, "Spellusers need a good night sleep so try not to wake us if possible so we can recharge our spells.

He will pull aside the Wildcards before going to sleep and say, "We need to come up with a plan to get the rest of the village back to the ship. Do we do it? Do we get some of the crew backed by some of those oversexed brainless boys? Or do we tag along with the hunt to get us to the village and snakemen? Give me your recommendations in the morning."

Rigging goes to sleep and after some tossing and turning drifts away. When he awakens, he will crack open his spell books and start studying so new spells for the day.

OOC Gotta fly to work, will give spells tonight

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 8:04:30 AM

Appolo comes back from his wim.It takes about 2 mhours to dry off as he lounges around in the sun.He eats dinner listens to Rigging.

Appolo speaks up"i say we bait these bozos into attacking.Myself and Bart can go get the villagers if that is what you want to do.Myself Bart and perhaps one other.Have Cosmo follow us with one of his scrying spells or use Ghem and Swirl to watch us and reort back.If the Yuanti attack then you can bring up the others catch them from behind and put a hurt on them with out getting to far away from the sword.The plan has the added advantage that we will be fighting on familiar ground at place of our choosing.If they attack us on the trail."

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:44:11 AM

Nezamil listens to the discussion and chimes in " do you think its best to get all the villagers to the sword ??...not sure the Sword is capable of holding that many people ....plus all the pregnant women do not travel well in my opinion....maybe its best if we go to the village.....which brings me to another question....if the pregnant women don't travel well how do they travel during the snake hunt ?" as he stares down the villagers aboard the Sword " that would be helpful to know"

Turning back to Captain Rigging "Captain i think its best if we take the fight to the snakemen.....we must break thru their seige of the Sword to get to the village anyway so might as well attack them on the way their to stir them up " grins Nezamil " lets give them a wake up call as early as we can "

"Appolo point is a good one that is the only ground we have knowledge of and that would equalize that aspect of a battle somewhat "

Nezamil then heads to sleep and prepares to tomorrows actions

The 10'2" dwarf wakes at first light and climbs up from his sleeping quarters to the deck .....finding a quiet spot at the stern of the Sword he settles down and mediates to Domi.
(spell list to follow)

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 12:58:40 PM

Cosmo wakes up in the morning fairly refreshed from the sleep. His sleep, however, does not make him remember anything more about the Yuan Ti (Knowledge check - 18). Cosmo retrieves his spellbook from his backpack and studies his spells. After he is done he casts Mage Armor upon himself (concentration check 26).

"Rigging here are the spells I have studied for today. Heavily offense oriented with a little bit of utility thrown in for good measure."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: Preparing for action 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 1:14:52 PM

Rigging spends the evening with his attention starved indentured servants. Eli, Gordon and Juno are pleased with the personal attention. Rigging comes away from dinner with the impression that the three are bored and just want to be productive and part of the team.

In the morning Rigging studies for his spells and asks for suggestion on how to proceed from his officers.

Bart wants the perimeter alarmed and wants to start digging foxholes. After breakfast, Bart digs one hole in the sand and gets a small amount of seawater seepage, but due to the slope of the beach he does not have to move far to dig an effective one.

OOC: You can either dig foxhole in front or behind the sand berm, but not in the immediate area of the Sword.

Appolo suggest baiting or trapping the snake men in some way and even offers himself and Bart as bait.

Nezamil questions the wisdom of moving all of the villagers to the Sword and wonders if they would all fit.

OOC: It would be standing room only.

Nezamil suggest taking the fight to the snake men, either through a plan similar to Appolo's or even move to the village, anything to take pressure off the Sword.

When Nezamil questions the castaways David speaks up "None of us were around for the last snake hunt. I think there is a dark reason for that." David smiles weakly at Mary, but is very melancholy given the recent events he has witnessed.

Cosmo wakes and prepares for battle and reviews his choices with the Captain.

The crew is anxious, as the Wildcards seem to be preparing for action. The crew mostly stays on the Sword while the Wildcards get ready.


ooc: Please post spell lists

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 6:21:27 PM

Feeling helpless Val spends a lot of time brooding over the situation she does not want to be in. Dealing with the villagers has reduced her patience for stupidity to nil. She knows that if she's around them too much she'll hurt one or more of them. Then the captain will be angry. Sighing Val throws another dagger into the wall before walking across the room to retrieve it.

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 7:19:44 PM

Rigging is disappointed that Cosmo came up with no plan. He was hoping for more from the little halfling but halflings are reputed to be peaceful creatures so maybe that was the problem.

Rigging will call a morning council of war to tell the people his plans. He will include some of the villagers also since they are going to be involved. He will include Dave and the woman who spoke out against the snakeman on the first day.

"Thank you all for coming. First I want to take care of some personal business. As you know, I have lately been given some indentured servants by the govenors. I haven't been treating them fairly or giving them enough training. I would like to apprentice them to some of you for training. They are all rascals, womanizers, lazy and been know to shirk their duties. I will be a burden for you to take this reponsibility but I would like you to try your best.

The first is Juno. He is a fair wizard but needs alot of help. Cosmo if you could take him under your wing. I would be grateful.

The next is Gordon. His is a mixture of wizard and thief. Mykael, you have expressed an interest in helping and I want him to be your apprentice. If you need help with his thieving skills, I should be able to help you.

Finally there is Eli. He was able to fool the wizard school into thinking he was a wizard for awhile but he is really a thief. Appolo, I think he has promise but his skills already rival mine in that department. I want you to teach him.

Will you accept them as your charges. I give you total authority over them and leave their training in your hands. Of course they would still have ship duties but they would be yours to train and torture after that." Rigging grins evilly.

OOC Jim has given these folks to me as henchmen along with Tomas. Between Tomas, Swirl,and Rigging being Captain, I feel that I can't do them justice. If your interested in running them, let me know and I will send their stats.

"Now onto the business at hand. I feel that it is time for us to be a little more proactive in our situation. Here is what I want to do.

Cosmo, first I want you to send your prying eyes out to scout for our raiders. Then I want you to send out some more fire elementals to burn the jungle. Burning the jungle will be a good thing adding to the cleared area, but it will also be a distraction. During the smoke and confusion, I want us to strike. We will circle around with the information your prying eyes is providing, strike at this raiding party hard and fast. We will need to close quickly to prevent them from transforming into snakes and get into hand to hand.

I will cast a haste spell to help us move more quickly to them and Cosmo can suppliment it with his own when we are engaged. I don't expect to kill them all but thin their ranks enough to keep them from attacking the ship in force for a while.

We then use that time to take the battle to them. Cosmo, you have seen their village in the overland flight. We do a forced march to it, look it over and then kill as many of the vile beings as possible. I won't tell you to not bring your followers with you but I want to move quickly and we are taking the fight to them. I understand that there are hundreds and I doubt they would survive the counterstrike. I would prefer they stay here and help guard the Sword.

Finally we have to decide what to do with the villagers still at the village. The are planning to go on the snake hunt tommorrow." Rigging will look hard at the villagers he invited and say, "After our raid, I want you to come with us to the village. I will give them one last chance to come under the protection of the Sword. You will have to guide them here. Hal and Kirk will go along and help you move them back but if they won't come, then they are on their own. I won't take responsibility for them. You will have to convince them or face the fact that they are heading to their deaths and to their unborn children being eaten alive."

Rigging will look to his wife, "Come up with the tactics to tackle these raiders. I want maximum casualties. Should we split up into a pincer movement or all stick together? I think I prefer together for a harder hit but talk it over with Val and Bart for your recommendation.

Anyone have any questions or ideas? If not, then lets get started. Remember I can haste only 8 people and it doesn't last long so we need to find them, and move fast."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:14:07 PM

"I will see to Gordon's training, Captain."

"Cosmo depending on abilities, I still like the idea of having Gordon and Juno working with the siege weapons crew, until they are of sufficient skills to be a siege weapon themselves. At least while in combat on the ship, and as just one of thier duties."

Mykael will sit quietly during the meeting. Once Rigging has finished, Mykael offers up an ammendment to the plan away from earshot of the crew, "Captain, we have been all too familiar with casualties when, an officer hasnt been left to help with the Sword. I think one officer should stay with the Sword. Thier experience and abilities would enhance the defense greatly. I am not in anyway, complaining about the excellent work of the crew or thier leaders. I believe its a skill and experience issue."

"I will volunteer for this job, if you like. I have the combination of magic and brute force. Also, I can send Ghem with the villagers, if they run into trouble, a mount spell would get me there quick."

"I understand about not spliting the forces, but I think it may be necessary."

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Rigging (illegal post) 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:50:13 PM

"Mykael, thankyou for the offer but I will need your sword, your magic and your keen mind in the up coming battle. Plan on going."

(OOC I think everyone has to come player wise since we could be gone for weeks of real time posting. Unless you are having a personal problem and are looking to step away from the game, you should come.)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d4+9=11 d20+9=18 d20+9=21 d20+9=15 d20+16=36 d20+16=30 d20+16=30 d3=3
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 10:43:47 PM

"Sure Rigging I will take Juno as my apprentice. Perhaps splitting the three of them up will help stop some of there shenanigans. They all have a lot of energy, let's put it to some use. Mykael has some good ideas that he and I can talk about."

Cosmo then listens to Rigging's plan of attack for the day. Prying Eyes to search for the snake men and some more fire elementals to burn the tree line.

"Rigging how large a group do you want me to have the Eyes search for? Their range is only 1 mile so keep that in mind. Also, I saw a group of humanoid creatures near the Pyramid to the north. I do not know for sure that it is the snake men's village. Perhaps I should scout out that temple again."

OOC - talked offline and got answers.

"Ok Rigging I will look for a sizable group or one of the snake men leaders. I will hold off scouting for now and concentrate on the other tasks."

Cosmo casts Prying Eyes (11) - Spread out, stay hidden and search for a snakemen group of at least 6 or one with an Abomination. Then come back and report.

Spot checks - 18, 21 & 15
Hide checks - 36, 30 & 30

If the Prying Eyes report back with a sighting then Cosmo will inform Rigging. He then starts to cast his Summon Monster spells to create the diversion.

Cast SM III - 1 small elemental
Cast SM IV - 3 small elementals

OOC - Jim could you update the map for the village location, ship location, pyramid location and anything else we have found. I am getting a little confused on where we are in relation to the other areas of interest.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:16:19 AM

The ranger listens in to the planning, and then a spark glints in her eye. "You know, hun...since these things think they're so smart...why don't we hit them in their weak spot...
If we can pretend like we're not interested in this little hunt of theirs...and find some way to sneak off into the jungle in the middle of the night...maybe using something like my hide from animals spell to sneak out and then hide. Anyway...if we could position ourselves behind them...then I would say we could have a chance of inflicting major damage. The problem is, I can only memorize it two times...and it would only last 50 minutes.

Spell List
1st level: Hide from Animals (2)
2nd level: Spike Growth, Barkskin

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:19:08 AM

John smiles at Ashira. "Actually, I can cast that spell too...though mine will only last for 20 minutes."

1st level:
Hide from Animals

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 9:54:40 AM

The big dwarf smiles at Captain Riggings words " i'm for hitting back .....if we are attacking the snakemen we can do a pincer attack on them ....we split our forces in two groups to sweep in on each side...we should include our close friends (followers) in this intial attack so we can mass numbers on them....but once we smash the snakemen our friends will fall back to protect the Sword while we advance towards the village....this way they can "as he points to the followers " contribute in payback on the snakemen too "

The Cleric of Domi nods at Davids dark words " the truth will be revealed about their dark conspiracy "

Before they leave for the attack the Cleric of Domi will cast a Glyph of warding(electricty) on the stern of the ship "Tomas this will help protect againist a sneak attack"(snakemen)

As Captain Rigging ready's everyone for battle Nezamil will cast Endure elements on the warriors (Val,Ashira,Bart and himself) and a few other spells on himself

Taking the bash brothers aside " you both will join us in the attack on the forces seiging the Sword but after that you will fall back and help protect the Sword with Tomas....its a very important job as as of right now its our only way off this island if we need to leave"

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

ooc: Jim Nezamil had previously cast a symbol of sleep in front of the Sword between two sand forts he was attempting to have built and landscaped to funnel forces to the middle towards the symbol of sleep,now their should be a symbol and a warding to help protect the Sword

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 10:05:49 AM

"Woohoo about time we smacked them snakes ...give them a taste of their own blood " laughs Hal with glee

"I hear that bro " chimes in Kirk with agrin

Both brothers look a little downcast as they find out they won't accompany the Wildcards on the mission "well we will have to take our frustrations out on those snakes around the Sword " as the brothers high five each other at the thought

Hal and Kirk both seek out the squad leaders and discuss tactics " once you hear the first sounds of battle as we pincer attack the snakes i want all the crossbowmen to fire a few volleys of bolts at the center to slow down their reactions and hopefully pin them down....i know that it is not that accurate but i just want to distract them and throw as much tactics at them at once to confuse them "orders Hal

"Yeah and we'll be back shortly afterwards "adds Kirk

The brothers then ready themselves and stay near Nezamil

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 11:44:42 AM

After listening to everyone"Sure Rigging I'll take Eli,Make a good killer out of him."He then listens some more.

Appolo puts in"A this plan won't work we can't doa pincer movement thropugh this dense ofa jungle.It's to easy to get lost and pincermovement require timing.Another thing I don't like the idea of fighting them in the jungle,we can't use our magic to go invisible,becuase it makes us glow.We stand out like sore thumbs.I like my plan movea light force on the village draw them out and then trap them in the open.Smash them hard then use magic and out tracking skills to pursue them and hopefully find their headquarters.The other pyramid is a long way away.Remember what happened the last time we were away from the sword to long.It's crew was slaughteredOnce we get to the village we either kill the villagers or they come with us either way we be depriving our enemies of thier food and that should make them angry enough to come out and attack. Their better off dead then as food for snakes.I know this sounds harsh but it is areality.If they don't come with us they're dead already.We must cominate and impose our will on our enemies make them attack us where and when we please."

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 12:10:11 PM

I will finish the defence of the sword i will put some stakes around the foxholes. That will help us to defend our position.

No for our attack plan. I was thinking about a direct assault of their camp. We could us the wayfinder as well for scouting, if there is something we can focus on, you have seen their village Cosmo give it a try

Going on a snake hunt......

Yawn another tea meeting

Going on a snake hunt......

Dm Jim: Plans 
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:25:21 PM

OOC: A 250 experience point bonus for Mykael for his suggestion yesterday on a fantastic way to use the ballista and the young wizards.


Val is bored. The barbarian is craving action, and being cooped up is not her kind of fun.

Rigging calls his war council and David and E, the woman that first spoke against the snake men, attend.

Firstly, Rigging doles out his indentured servants, as the stains of being Captain are enough without having to chase after these undisciplined youths.

Cosmo accepts Juno, Mykael Gordon, and Appolo Eli. The three youths seem to enjoy the attention and Eli comments "Now we are getting somewhere. Hey Appolo got any magic I can borrow." He finishes with a big smile. "Time to get some snake skins."

Rigging sketches out some plans for attack and asks for input from the Wildcards.

E speaks up in a soft voice "I do not want my friends killed by the snakes or you." Her eyes fall upon Appolo. "I will lend my voice to your cause, depending on how you react." Her eyes smoulder as she looks at Appolo.

Mykael suggests that he stay with the Sword, but the Captain overrules his suggestion.

Ashira and John suggest the use of their hide from animal's spells and their plentiful ranger skills.

Cosmo prepares himself to cast his information and diversion spells.

Nezamil casts endure elements on himself and three Wildcards and it has an amazing effect on each. The heat and humidity no longer cause any ill effects. There is no dread as the sun starts to rise high in the clear sky.

Nezamil casts another defensive spell to help the Sword and suggests that the followers be used in the initial assault. The bash brothers are very very pleased with the prospect of payback, even if it is limited. Kirk elbows his older brother in the ribs "I bet I get more of the snakes than you, what you want to bet. You in Nezamil? I want odds from you."

Upon hearing the talk of gambling a few of the crew put their heads together. Conner speaks up. "I want to work on an odds board and we can make some proper bets. Captain what percentage does the house, err...ship, get in this case? " The mood of the ship is improving as people watch the officers get ready for action and talk of fighting back.

Appolo down plays the recent discussions and offers some of his own.

Bart suggests more positional defenses for the Sword.


Cosmo casts his prying eyes spells and he waits for the eyes to return. Nine of the eyes return and each find two similar sized groups that Cosmo described.

First Group:
(2)Half Bloods
(5)Full Bloods

Second Group:
(3)Half Bloods
(4) Full Bloods

Each group is positioned on opposite sides of the trail to the village about 150 yards down the trail. Each group is about 30 yards into the jungle and they are offset from one another by about 30 yards. The Yuan Ti are armed with bows and scimitars and light armor.

The eyes did spot several groups of 1 - 3 full bloods closer to the edge of the jungle, and they seem to be keeping watch. A few of the eyes were spotted by Yuan Ti and shot at.


Cosmo unleashes his fire elementals and the merrily go to burning the jungle. After the minute of their fun there is much smoke, but it will not last long.

It is about 10:30 am.

Hal looks to Nezamil as his grip tightens on his sword "Payback begins?"

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 5:17:14 PM

Mykael makes his way to Tomas, "Whether or not our action on the groups in the jungle is successful, the sword will still be pressed. The Captain's plan should work well, and the pressure should be minimal. Try to keep only one work crew in or near the jungle at a time, so they are easier to defend."

Mykael quiets his voice even more, "One thing, the more successful we are in the jungle, the more desperate thier attacks will become. Defenses are looking good, however, the biggest week spot that I can see is the hole in the hull. I would suggest a two man guard on the hole on the inside at all times, especially at night. They can shape-shift sneak through the water and then in the hole and hit you from an area that you may not be ready for, so watch that."

"We know you can handle it, Rigging always speaks highly of you, and we all have seen your capability. Good Luck."

Mykael readies himself for the excusion.

'Ghem, ready for a hunting party?'

Rigging  d20+12=18 d20+12=29 d20+12=31 d20+12=27
Thursday July 20th, 2006 8:54:02 AM

Rigging smiles when he hears the report. I think we have found our quarry. I am concerned that they are bait and more are hiding nearby. Have your prying eyes keep looking Cosmo. Still it is bait we can't let get away.

Cosmo direct your fire elementals to burn near those watching groups, I want them distracted and blinded by the smoke.

When we get closer, I want Cosmo to summon some of his nastier monsters to attack the group on the right. Really don't expect them to succeed but enought to wound and slow them down. Then we spell users hit the group on the left with some mass spells, fireballs should do nicely. Overlapp some of those and then we send our burly types in to finish them off.

Ashira, I want 3 groups of fighters. One to help the animals, one to mop up the fireballed folks and finally a group in reserve to deal with the hidden group of Yuan-ti we haven't spotted yet.

Tomas, I want you to stay with the ship and have the marines ready to repel boarders. I am sorry my friend but your my reserve reserve. Be ready to pull our butts out of the fire if you hear lost of our screaming.

Rigging then says, "Cast whatever spells you need and make your preperations. We need to move while those elementals are being distracted. We are going to sprint to the path, Cosmo since you know where they are, your going to have to lead the way.

When everyone is ready, Ashira has split the groups Rigging will also lead the groups quickly up the beach and onto the trail, (Sprinting to the trail and to cover) We then regroup in our proper groups and move down the trail to where Cosmo wants us to go.

Rigging will cast mage armor and protection from arrows on himself.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 10:25:23 AM

"Ready boys " growls Nezamil to Hal and Kirk " keep close and do what you do best......smash things " grins the 10'2" dwarf

The Cleric of Domi then ready's himself for the coming battle .....and follows Ashira's order of battle

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo ac 23 Hp 68 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 11:37:51 AM

Appolo slips out of the group and stands ready.He is quietly fuming.He stands ready to do battle.

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=18
Thursday July 20th, 2006 11:39:02 AM

Ashira nods. "Ok. Will do dear." Ashira looks over the Wildcards and followers, assessing strengths and weaknesses. "Alright...Val, Bart and Nezamil. You guys are our hard hitters. I want you to go after the group distracted by Cosmo's summoned animals. I don't think they're going to be strong enough to take down those snakemen, but they should do a good job of distracting them so that you guys can cut them down. Melonie can help you guys out." Ashira grins at the fighters and the massive dwarf.

Then she turns to John and Mary. "I want you guys to join up with Hal, Kirk, Appolo and myself. We'll will be taking on the fireballed group. The fireball should take them down a notch or two...and I have no doubts that you can finish up the job, especially with Appolo's killing skills and my aheem leadership." Ashira winks playfully at Appolo.

Finally, she turns to Rigging, Mykael and Cosmo. "You guys will be the reserve. I'll set you up with Hide from Animal spells. Keep out of sight and keep an eye on things. Should a group get overwhelmed, or should the reinforcements show up, I want you guys to be on top of it....and feel free to fire off support from afar dear." Ashira punches Rigging playfully on the arm.

Recap on groupings:
Supporting Cosmo's summoned creatures: Val, Bart, Nezamil, Melonie
Taking on Fireballed group: Hal, Kirk, Appolo, Ashira
Reserve: Rigging, Mykeal, Cosmo

Double checking with Cosmo and Rigging about how long it will take to get to the Yuan Ti...Ashira casts Hide from Animals on Rigging, and Mykeal. Lasts 50min. Then John casts Hide from Animals on Cosmo. Lasts 20min.

Activating her animated shield, Ashira casts Barkskin on herself and follows along after Rigging moving swiftly and quietly through the jungle (Move silently=18....also consider any bonuses for Woodland stride).

Once Cosmo casts his fireball spell, Ashira follows it up with her own spike growth spell on the area where the creatures are standing, forcing them to travel through the spikes to get to the Wildcards (OOC: covers a 100ft. square, Reflex DC 14)

Spells cast:
Hide from Animals (Rigging & Mykael): 50/50min.
Barkskin: 50/50min.

John (AC18, HP35/35) and Mary (AC21, HP20/20) both with Barkskin +2 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 11:57:56 AM

So excited that she almost trembles, the red head turns to David. "David...I need you to stay here during the attack. You don't have armor or weapons, and it's going to get dangerous." Mary smiles at the young man, fluffing her hair. "I promise I'll come back." Readying her shield and shortspear, Mary reaches into her pack and pulls out her Barkskin potion and gulps it down.

John sighs as Ashira assigns him to a fighter group. "I'm really more of an archer." He mutters under his breath as he pulls out his hand axes. Pulling out three vials, John drinks one (Barkskin +2) and holds the other two until the fight begins.

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Thursday July 20th, 2006 2:53:56 PM

Well i know wha to do let's kill some slitherings. Cosmo can you cast haste on us just before we attack?

Nezamil info post 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 5:08:08 PM

Val ,Bart and Ashira all have endure element spells cast upon them

Val (AC 19, HP 139/ 139, Endure Elements) 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 5:27:53 PM

Val takes her flail from her belt, hefting the heavy weapon in both hands. They were finally doing something. Now she could grind thse snake men under her heel and they could finally be free of this god forsaken land.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 5:30:32 PM

Melonie grabs her short spear from its place against the wall. She must have restrapped the buckler on her arm a dozen times in anticipation. She began to wonder if her armor was on correctly but pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She had to focus and fight off the nervousness she was feeling.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+12=20 d20+12=17
Thursday July 20th, 2006 8:11:41 PM

As the fire elementals burn the tree line, Cosmo explains a few things to Rigging and the rest of the Wildcards as they cast their spells and prepare for battle.

- I can only give one order to the Prying Eyes. Once they report back in the spell is over.
- The fire elementals are burning towards the snake men, but will not be able to reach them in the short time they are on this plane. They will have created a lot of smoke to cover our advancement along the trail.
- The snake men are down the trail 150-180 yards (about 225-255 yards from us). The group 30 yards off the right side of the trail is about 30 yards closer than the group on the left, which is also 30 yards off the trail. This info is about 2 minutes old now.
- I can cast a fireball from here and try to hit them, but it would be indirect fire as I do not have line of sight.
- I have a slow base movement and am therefore going to slow the group down. Plus I do not like to be on the front line as that is not my strength. I can cast Message spell to keep people organized.
- The trail is single file and we move about half speed when in the jungle.
- Do NOT forget that the Prying Eyes revealed that the snake men were setting traps/snares.

"We need a trap finder up front. Maybe Val and Val's group should go first. We should hustle as fast as we can and start the attack."

Cosmo assumes that the group still moves out down the trail and towards the 2 groups of snake creature. He will take position in the rear of the group so as to not slow down anyone.

Concentration 20 & 17.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: Who is Springing the Trap?  d20+6=24 d20+6=8 d100=81 d100=20 d8+1=5 d20+6=8 d20+6=18 d20+6=20 d100=22 d8+1=4
Thursday July 20th, 2006 9:12:07 PM

Ooc: The marching order down the single file trail is as follows: First group - Val, Melonie, Bart, Nezamil --- Ashira, John, Hal, Mary, Kirk, Appolo, --- Rigging, Mykael, Cosmo.


Conner takes out a pad and paper and starts scribbling and talking to himself "Cosmo is 1:1 to take the lead to kill the most snake men with magic and Ashira is 3:2 to take the lead with the sword."

Rigging gives more orders and has Tomas stay to guard the Sword "We will defend the Sword in the officers absence. We will send out work crews, but we will bury the two dead marines."

Ashira sets the fighting groups and gets John and Mary ready for battle. David seems shamed at Mary's words. "I should be protecting you.

Cosmo does not cast his fireball as he is concerned that the Yuan Ti may have moved since he received the information from the prying eyes.


The fire elementals burn themselves out and there is plenty of smoke and the Wildcards and friends take advantage and quickly move to the trial head and form up to enter the Jungle on the beach to village trail.

The group moves down the trail with each person five feet apart. The tails twists and turns with Val taking the lead. Around one bend, about 100 yards down the trail Val spots three Yuan Ti 40 feet down the path.

The group finds themselves in the middle of an entangle spell. DC 12 save reflex for half movement. The ample vines, palms and brush all reach out for the hero's and grab hold of armor, clothing and equipment.

The two of the three full bloods bend bows and fire at Val.

AC -- 24, hit (81% concealment) 5 damage, a mere scratch.
AC -- 8 miss (20%) the arrow strikes a low lying branch.

At almost the same time, three full bloods enter the trail at the rear of the group and bend bows and fire at Cosmo (30 feet).

AC 8, miss
AC 18, just miss
AC 20, hit (22% concealment) 4 damage - The quick strike to eliminate the killer of Yuan Ti failed.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+12=27 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=20
Friday July 21st, 2006 12:19:51 AM

Ashira laughs at the pathetic attack. "You're gonna have to try better than that, rat eaters!" Easily brushing away the entangling plant life (Refl=27), Ashira casts her own spell at the Yuan Ti at the rear of the trail. Sharp spikes sprout up underneath their tender feet and all around them 100 feet. (1d4 pts. damage per 5 foot of movement...also, Reflex DC 14 or speed is ½). Ashira chuckles knowing that the boots on the Wildcard's feet will protect them from damage from the spikes...but the snakemen won't have as good a time of it. "Alright...Cosmo, you're up. The group at the front will be more susceptible to your friends...seeing as I've just set up a bunch of spikes on the rear." She calls out to the warriors. "As we wallow through this entangle, remember to give Cosmo some time to get his spells off. Val, I want your group to focus on the guys shooting at you. We'll work on these other guys." That being said, Ashira wades 15 feet closer to the Yuan Ti at the rear.

DM Jim - Please roll 3 spell resistance checks DC 14.

Spell resistance---Nat.20, Nat. 20, 20---Nellie

Rigging/ George 
Friday July 21st, 2006 8:34:32 AM

Jim I am slightly confused on your description of the battle on where things are. You have stated that we are all 5' apart from each other. In relation to a gridded map, are we all lined up in grids next to each other and have a block seperating each character.

I also need to know how far I am from the edge of the entangle to make a decision on which direction to go. Can you provide a map please?

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+8=17 d20+11=24 d10+30=31
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:37:01 AM

Val grins as the arrom creates a line of blood on her obsidian skin. She rushes the snake men, flail poised ready to strike. Perhaps it was luck or maybe fate but her body moves through the entanglement without trouble (reflex save 17. Her feet slide in the dirt as she stops to bring the flail down onto a yuan-ti

ooc: Val has base move of 40'. Power attack -10/ +20. Hit ac 24 for 31

DM Jim: You made your save for the entangle so you move half speed or 20 feet.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26)  d20+1=9
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:41:36 AM

Melonie raised her buckler when the arrows were fired. When she lowered the Buckler Val was already upon the snake men. With pure determination, Melonie moved through the vines and roots that tried to hold her down.

ooc: reflex save 9. Using movement to reach the snake men.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=18 d20+9=20 d20+14=26 d20+14=22 d10+4=11 d8+4=9 d6=2 d6=1
Friday July 21st, 2006 11:25:17 AM

Appolo looks around slides through the entanglement"John turn and give Cosmo some cover."He then moves off the path toward his assinged target taking one lastlook at Val.He says aprayer for her.He closes quickly with his enemies swords iout and ready.Swinging twice at the nearest snake head.

Reflex save 16 Spot 20 Attack 26 22 Damage 11 9 Shocking burst 3 for a total of 23.

John (AC18, HP35/35) and Mary (AC21, HP20/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+7=14 d20+3=21 d20+6=12 d20+12=16
Friday July 21st, 2006 4:16:33 PM

John easily pulls away from the entangling weeds (Ref.=14). He sighs when he hears Appolo's order. "I wish you guys would make up your minds." Tucking his hand axes in his belt, John pulls out his bow and aims at one of the Yuan Ti in the back (AC 12). Grumbling, John checks to see if the ruckus has attracted any other Yuan Ti (Spot=16).

The redheaded warrior has no problem freeing herself from the attacking jungle (Ref.=21). Short spear in place, Mary takes up a position by Ashira, wading 15 feet through the jungle toward the rear Yuan Ti.

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Mykael  d20+10=24 d20+10=20 d8=6 d8=7
Friday July 21st, 2006 7:48:28 PM

Ghem, I need you in the trees above us spotting in for me. Let me know about the snakemen numbers, directions, and distances from me and/or the others.

Mykael steps to the rear and positions Cosmo, between Rigging and himself, while drawing his bow.

He takes am at one Yuan-Ti at the rear and fires off two shots.

(AC=24 for 6 dam, and AC=20 for 7 dam)

Ghem  d20+7=24 d20+24=35 d20+7=9
Friday July 21st, 2006 7:53:39 PM

Where else did you think I would be? Yes, I am in the trees above you doing my best to hide and spot, just as we have always done. Give me a second, yes, I am trying to find them all.


OOC: forgot Mykaels reflex save..
(Mykael's Reflex save=9, fail, good he used the bow)

Rigging AC 20 hps 77/77 mage armor, protection from arrows Swirl ac 20 hps 50  d20+10=16 d20+8=20 d20+10=30 d20+10=17 d20+10=27 d20+8=21 d20+8=14 4d6(2+2+2+1)=7 4d6(2+5+3+4)=14 4d6(2+2+5+6)=14 d20+6=20 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+7=12 d20+10=11
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:27:00 PM

Rigging is able to see the vines coming and dodges away from them. He focuses his spell on the group in the back and blasts two of them with a scorching rays. (spell resistance checks 21 and 14)

Beams of fire lance into two of them and burn them badly. OCC One takes a critical hit and takes 21 points of damage, the second takes 14 points of damage. No saving throw.

Seeing the good effects of his rays, Rigging says to Cosmo, "Help the front out. Summon some monsters in that direction."

To the others, "Keep an eye out for the rest. These are the small ones, they still have some big nasties out there." (Rigging doesn't follow his own advice, spot check natural 1)

Rigging then starts moving out of the entangle heading for the direction where it looks like the spell ends. If that direction is towards the 3, he will move towards them. (ooc how much more spell does Rigging have for the entangle? assume since he was towards the back, he has less to travel?)

Swirl swoops over and slams the less injured one hitting for ac 20 for 10 points of damage executing a flyby attack. He swerves into the jungle looking for more surprises. spot 12

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+11=31 d20+12=22 d20+12=22 d20+12=16
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:38:31 PM

Entangle spell? What entangle spell Cosmo thinks to himself as the plant life seems to have a very hard time grabbing at him (reflex 31; natural 20).

Cosmo casts Alter Self, turning himself into a Troglodyte. Ahh much better he thinks as is skin toughens up. This will help him resist any more arrow attacks that come his way (movement increased to 30; natural armor increase 6).

Concentration checks 22, 22 & 16

Cosmo then moves off the trail and finds cover.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+4=23
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 1:19:25 AM

The big 10'2" dwarf shrugs off the grasping brush (d20+4=23 reflex ch)and tries to bull his way by Bart " get moving forward and help Val " growls Nezamil

If he can bull his way by Bart (if he doesn't post)(if he posts and advances he will follow in his footsteps) he will activate(if he gets by Bart) his boots of speed (double movement)and rush after Val and Melonie.

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+3=5 d20+4=9 d20+2=15 d20+4=8
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 1:41:02 AM

The big warrior squeezes to the side to let Ashira turn and cast her spell and Hal ends up entangled in the brush (d20+3=5 reflex) "Grrrr" as he tries and muscle his way free (d20+4=9 str ch) but with little success

Kirk ready's his heavy flail as snake arrows fly at the group (d20+2=15 reflex ch) and lets the Blue haired ranger and red headed spearwomen pass and moves towards his brother " hey bro you seem a little tied up " jokes Kirk to his brother as he attempts to Yank Hal loose (d20+4=8 str ch)"whats the big guy going think "

Dm Jim: Combat on the Trail - Round 2  (spike growth)d20+5=19 d20+5=10 d20+5=20 d100=13 d100=56 d20+6=12 d20+6=19 d20+6=16 d8=7 d100=70 d20+6=12
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 10:10:22 PM

Ashira has no trouble with the entangle and casts her own spell to slow down the Yuan Ti in the back. One of the Pure bloods is already hopping on one foot, the other two seem unaffected.


Ooc: I had Ashira move closer to the front, as she is much closer there. If you really want her to move to the back, have her 15 movement that direction and change it in you next post.


Mary moves to the back of the line to help where she can.

Val rips through the entangle and can not get to melee range just yet, but is real close.

Melonie is held fast by the entangle and does not advance and just grits her teeth and struggles against the vines and plants.

Appolo takes off, ready for vengeance, but can not get out of the vines and at his prey.

John hears Appolo's call and changes weapons while dodging vines and branches. It does affect his aim as he misses wide right.

Mykael attempts to move and ready his bow, but the entangling vines and bushes are too much for the new elf.


Ooc: Mykael needs a DC 20 str or escape artist check to move and act.


Mykael can feel Ghem's concern "Get into cover, you are not moving." When Mykael asks about more snake men Ghem answers "There are some on the sides of the trail too."

Rigging lets loose with two scorching rays. Rigging then pushes through the entangle spell to get to his foes.

Miss chance 13% and 56% (Please roll next time)

Rigging drops snake man PB5 with a sizzle of burned flesh.

Swirl smashes PB4 hard as the Yuan Ti is very surprised by the attack out of nowhere and promptly dies.

The vines seem to almost ignore Cosmo as he turns into a smelly trog, after his shipmates call for his critters.


Ooc: Does Alter self give AC bonus?

Nezamil is using his spells to great effect as the entangle has not effect on him. Nezamil practically flattens Bart and Mary as he tries to get to the Yuan Ti.

Hal is almost engulfed in a bush and his brother does not see a way to free his big brother.

The three snake men in the front try to bring Val down with arrow to little avail. Tow sail wide and one opens a minor wound.

AC 19 for 8 damage (70%)

The last Yuan Ti in the rear fires at Rigging and misses high.

AC 12, miss

Bart almost seems frozen with fear. It is not like the big warrior to fail in combat.


DC 25 listen check to hear movment (50+ feet) past visual range on either side of the trail.

Pb 1 & 2 drop their bows and draw scimitars as Val hears the rasp of the blade leave the scabbard and sees the glint of steel.

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+9=24 d20+17=33 d10+9=14
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 5:01:50 PM

Bart was frozen but he speeds forwards to hit some snakes. he uses his spring attack to get close to a snake (ac 33 for 14)

Mykael -- HP 56/56, AC 27  d20+3=17
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:40:06 AM

Mykael struggles to no avail, (Str check = 17).

"There are more on the sides of the trails, incoming. They are going to hit us from all sides!"

'Nice job Ghem, keep it up. Let me know when you can see them. And how many.'

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,Haste 1 rd  d20+5=13 d20+16=21 2d6(2+2)+7=11 d20+9=25 2d6(6+6)+7=19
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:55:00 AM

The 10'2" dwarf charges up the trail after Val... clicking the heels of his boots together as he goes(activating boots of speed,free action)

He keeps his focus on whats ahead on the trail (d20+5=13 listen ch) his shield sliding into place and his mace springing forth as his large frame bears down on the snakemen

Eyeing the trio ahead he makes for the rear snakman(pb3) as he knows Val will slash the nearest ones with zeal

Reaching the snakemen Nezamil lashes out with an overhead smash (15' reach)(d20+16=21 1st swing) and feels with satisfaction at its impact (2d6(2+2)+7=11 dam)(move action and one swing)

Nezamil glowing boots add its magical touch to his attack (haste) and the backswing connects with a crunch(d20+9=25 hasted attack) and again feels the mace impact the snakeman(2d6(6+6)+7=19 dam)(total 30 dam)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+4=19 d20+4=5
Monday July 24th, 2006 1:04:08 AM

Kirk reaches to his brothers belt and draws his sword and slashes at the entangling brush " try and break loose now "

Hal grits his teeth as he struggles fiercly against the vines (d20+4=19 str ch) help me bro " as the brothers combine their brute strength to break the grip of the entangling brush(d20+4=5 str ch for Kirk)

Hoping that working together will help their str rolls to break free of the entanglement

The brothers are to busy to notice nearby sounds

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+10=25 3d4(3+4+4)+3=14 d20+9=21 2d6(6+3)=9 d20+10=18 d20+7=13
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:52:13 AM

Rigging hears the warnings and yells, "Get into fighting teams and out of the grasps of these vines! Work together to take down one and then kill the next. No individual fighting! Appolo, Mykeal and Mary with me! We will secure the back.

Cosmo, I think you can start summoning now.

Rigging moves foward to y15, moving out of the entangles and casts a magic missile spell at PB6 doing 14 points of damage to the creature.

Swirl executes another flyby attack and hits AC 21 for 9 points of damage. He also hit PB6 ganging up on the creature. He will end up at W18

Rigging listens but doesn't hear anything listen check 18. Swirl also cocks an ear but doesn't hear anything.

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+5=23 d10+22=25
Monday July 24th, 2006 9:18:02 AM

Free of the vines, Val closes on the yuan ti. She wanted them to keep drawing arrows. To try and bring her down with those little sticks. Flail gripped tightly, Val swings it over her head and around into the closest snake man.

ooc: power attack -6/ +12. hit ac 23 for 25

Appolo ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=33 d20+9=22
Monday July 24th, 2006 9:19:04 AM

Appolo flows Rigging and gets out of the vines and weeds.He then criouches low and waits listening to the jungle"You know boss they are going to hit us from the sides and we strung out.We are going to have to fight indivially unless you order a retreat."

Reflex 33 listen 22

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+12=22
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:03:29 PM

Ashira nods at the wisdom of Rigging's order. The battle had changed, and so a change in tactics was necessary. "Obey the Captain!" she calls out as she moves toward the Yuan Ti in the front. Stepping quickly out of the entangled area (Ref=22), she moves quickly and easily through the jungle (woodland stride) and into position to flank with Val next round (T2).

OOC: Thanks, Jim...now that we've got the map, I like where you put Ashira.

Spells cast:
Hide from Animals (Rigging & Mykael): 50/50min.
Barkskin: 50/50min.
Spike Growth: 5 hours

John (AC18, HP35/35) and Mary (AC21, HP20/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+7=18 d20+6=22 d8=1 d20+3=21
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:40:06 PM

John pulls feel of the vines trying to wrap around him once more (Ref.=18). "Hmmph...I should probably get out of here before I become a part of the scenery." He grumbles to himself as he moves out of the entangling jungle (P14). Bow in hand, he sights in on one of the snakemen in the rear (Pb7, AC22 for 1 stupid pt).

Mary looks hesitantly over at Ashira as she hears her command. It wasn't that she doesn't like the Captain...but what if Ashira needs her? Biting her lip, Mary wrenches herself free of the weeds wrapping around her feet (Ref.=21) and moves up next to Appolo (V16).

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self 
Monday July 24th, 2006 1:19:13 PM

hey jim i'm posting for cosmo now just give me a few mins (chris)

Dm Jim: Combat on the Trail - Round 3  John d100=84 d20+6=17 d20+6=13 d20+6=17 Val d100=80 Nez d100=83 d20+9=19 d20+4=21 d100=99 d8=3 d20+6=14 d20+6=21 d20+9=14 d20+4=19 d100=48 d100=64 d8=6 d8=1
Monday July 24th, 2006 1:47:48 PM

Val is no longer bored and she closes the distance with the Yuan Ti. Val connects solidly with her flail sending PB1's head at an unnaturally odd angle. The pure blood crumples. (made 10% miss chance)

Melonie watches Val, but does not move.

Nezamil quickly follow Val and reaches over her, bringing his mace down on the head of PB2. The pure blood is now much shorter after Nezamil's blow and will never grow again. (made 10% miss chance)

Ashira reaches the front of the line and supports Val and Nezamil.

Hal, Melonie and Mykael are still stuck fast. Kirk attempts to help his brother but to no avail.

John is fighting his way out of the Entangle, but has a ways to go. In the mean time he takes a long shot at Pb7 (70% miss chance, but rolled an 84%). John threads the needle through the jungle and nicks the pure blood.

Bart snaps back to life and realizes there is no way he can use his spring attack skills in the jungle and he forces his way though the entangle spell.

Rigging frees himself from the entangle and launches four magic missiles at pb 6 rocking him. Swirl again plays clean up and smashes the pure blood to the ground. Appolo also gets out of the entangle spell and takes a flanking position on Rigging.

Appolo's trained ears hear movement directly behind him and Rigging and somewhere beyond Mary.

Cosmo starts his monster summon III spell and target by Ashira (T5).


Pb7 takes aim at Appolo and fires an arrow.

AC 17, miss

PB8 reveals himself and fires at Ashira as she moves into position.

AC 13, miss

PB2 drops his bow and draws steel and takes a poor swing at Val.

AC 17, miss

A deeper darkness spell appears over the rear end of the Wildcards (20% miss chance to fire in or out of the darkness).

More Yuan Ti appear in the Jungle to the South.

A snake headed half blood (Hb2) takes aim at Mary and fires twice, hitting the red headed beauty once.

AC 19, miss
AC 21, hit (miss chance 99%) for 5 damage

A pure blood shoots at Kirk (Pb9) as he helps his brother.

AC 14, miss

Another pure (Pb10) and snake headed half blood (Hb2) get John in their sights and they score two hits on the ranger.

AC 21, hit 7 damage
AC 14, miss
AC 19, hit 3 damage


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d3=3 d20+5=13 d20+5=22 d20+6=20 d20+6=20 d20+6=24 d3+6=7 d3+6=7 d3+6=7
Monday July 24th, 2006 2:04:40 PM

the diminutive mage answers Riggings call for summoning help and calls forth 3 giant wasps(d3=3)

Cosmo has them appear overhead and searches for targets to send them too (d20+5=13 listen ch)listening and peering into the jungle(d20+5=22 spot ch) and points at the spotted creatures for the giant wasps to attack .

The three giant wasps attack the spotted targets (d20+6=20,d20+6=20,d20+6=24) as they find their mark the giant wasps stingers sink into the snakemen and inject poison(1d3+6=7 (x3))into their respective targets

Full Attack: Sting +6 melee (1d3+6 plus poison)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based

Dm Jim: The summoned wasps will appear as you indicated at the start of your next combat round

Bart  d20+17=30 d10+9=13
Monday July 24th, 2006 3:51:51 PM

Bart tries to get out of the entengle spell slashing with his sword if he must if he is free he runs forward and uses his spring attack to attack a snake Ac 30 for 13

Attendence post Adm -Chris 
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:16:51 PM

Players MTWTF
Dm Jim xxxxx
Ashira oxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging oxxxx
Val oxxxx
Bart xxxox
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx

Good work people

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 protection from arrows, mage armor  d20+10=22 d100=65 d20+8=23 d20+8=25 d20+8=16 d20+8=25 8d6(6+2+6+6+5+3+6+5)=39 d20+6=25 2d6(2+1)=3 d100=81
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:37:50 PM

Rigging grimaces when he sees the darkness come around him but not feeling any further effects decides to shake it off for now. He spots a group of Yuan-ti and decides to try and take them down quickly. He launches a fireball at the creaures threading it between the trees and branches (hit ac 22 with a ranged touch attack, made miss chance of 65 though I don't think one is necessary and rolled a 23, 25, 16, and 25 for spell resistance.)

The fire ball goes off centered P20 with a huge flash. Everyone caught in it takes 39 points of damage or 19 if the save reflex save dc 17.

Rigging chuckles and says to Appolo, bet they don't like their cover now.

Swirl darts forward and does a flyby slam attack on pureblood hitting with a glancing blow and then zips away to AB 21 but gains some altitude and climbs to 15' in the air.

Hit ac 25 for 3 points of damage. Made miss chance.

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=21 d20+14=27 d10+4=12 d8+4=5
Monday July 24th, 2006 10:40:59 PM

Appolo moves quickly forward to attack PB 7"Mary stick close to Rigging and stay low."
Appolo swings twice at PB7.

Attack 21,27 Damage 12,5 Total 17

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d3=3 d20+6=9 d20+6=25 d20+6=13 d3+6=9
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:23:27 AM

The halfling in troglodyte form directs the giant wasps to attack ( target by Ashira (T5).)

The giant wasps divebomb the newly found targetwith one striking true 9d20+6=25)(d3+6=9 dam)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based
"we're surrounded " messages Cosmo to Rigging 'ambushed"

Without missing abeat he again summons more friends (SM3) and 3 giant bee's appear(d3=3) over head and readied for attack(beginning of next rd)

OOC:Alter self info-You acquire the physical qualities of the new form while retaining your own mind. Physical qualities include natural size, mundane movement capabilities (such as burrowing, climbing, walking, swimming, and flight with wings, to a maximum speed of 120 feet for flying or 60 feet for nonflying movement), natural armor bonus, natural weapons (such as claws, bite, and so on), racial skill bonuses, racial bonus feats, and any gross physical qualities (presence or absence of wings, number of extremities, and so forth). A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk  d20+4=23 d20+4=23
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:33:12 AM

The brothers work in union to disentangle themselves from the grasping brush (d20+4=23 str ch Hal)(d20+4=23 str ch Kirk)as Kirk slashes at thebrush with Hal's sword and tugging him to free him from entanglement woohoo made it )

"everybody's rushing off "growls Hal as he pulls free from being entangled " keep close "
As he looks about up and down the trail for friends (if he see's anyone he will join up )(Melonie ? Bart??anyone?)

"Lets go brother"growls Hal to Kirk as they head up the trail to free Melonie" lets get her loose"

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=20 d20+11=27 d20+6=8 d20+16=30 d20+8=20 d20-2=13 d8+5=9 d8+5=12 d6+3=9 d6+3=5
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:43:36 AM

The ranger grins, knowing that she's got the snakeman where she wants him...between Val and herself! She slices at the snakeman, raining down blow after blow. (AC20 for 9, AC27 for 12, AC8, AC30 for 9, AC20 for 5, AC13).

OOC: Val, don't forget the +2 to attack for flanking with Ashira!!

Spells cast:
Hide from Animals (Rigging & Mykael): 50/50min.
Barkskin: 50/50min.
Spike Growth: 5 hours

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,Haste 1 rd  d20+5=20
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:49:05 AM

The big dwarf lets Val smash the remaining snakemen to pulp as he scans(d20+5=20 spot ch) his surroundings "just dropping by " jokes Nezamil to Ashira "you wanna play at my size?? " grins the 10'2" dwarf (he will cast enlarge on her if she agrees

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

John (AC18, HP25/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+7=9 d20+2=9
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:58:25 AM

His luck finally running out, John is snagged by the entangling weeds (Ref.=9) Grunting, he tries to yank his feet free of the vines that are wrapping around his ankles, but he just can't manage (Str.=9). "Grrr...should have got out while I had the chance!" John grumbles as he wriggles and begins to feel like a pincushion.

Hearing Appolo's advice, Mary nods. Moving as quickly as possible considering the circumstances, Mary takes up her spot next to Rigging (X16). As Rigging aims and launches his fireball with precision, Mary smiles. "I can see why Ashira likes you!"

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 6:07:52 AM

Tomas back on the ship hears the coordinated sounds of battle and smiles but then says, "Everyone be alert. I have a feeling that the snakemen don't know what they bit off but keep a sharp eye out. They might try and strike at the ship."

Ashira (extra post) 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 8:39:33 AM

Ashira looks over at Nezamil and grins. "Naw...let's hold off, right now I think I'm ok."

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+23=32 d20+18=36 d20+13=31 d10+10=11 d10+10=14 d10+10=18
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:23:39 AM

"Where are the rest of these guys? They die much too easily. I was hoping for some sort of challenge." Val says as she hammers the yuan-ti with her heavy flail. Her own incredible strength, magnified by the belt around her waist allowed her to weild the large flail with ease.

ooc: hit ac 32 for 11, ac 36 for14, and ac 31 for 18

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:25:14 AM

Melonie struggles against the vines and roots that seemd to wrap around every inch of her body. She tries to use the head of her spear to cut herself free but it was no use. Frustrated, Melonie continues to pull and struggle.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:32:36 PM

Rigging grins and winks at Mary, "It's because I make her laugh and my rakish good looks."

Dm Jim: Combat round 4  d100=60 d100=75 d100=48 d100=99 d100=60 d100=81 d20+6=12 d20+6=22 d100=26 d100=85 d100=81 d20+9=18 d100=64 d8=4 d20+5=20 d8=3 d20+10=20 d20+5=12 d20+7=15 d20+9=12 d20+4=12 d20+6=24 d100=80 d100=23 d8=5
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 1:17:05 PM

Ooc: I allowed Cosmo to summon the wasp's last round. The Bee's are on the map even though they will not appear until the start of the next round.


Val is bored again. These Yuan Ti are just not putting up much of a fight. Val and Ashira easily cut the pure blood between them into six bloody chunks. The bushes and vines did not slow down any of the women warriors assault.

Nezamil suggest an enlargement for Ashira, but she thinks twice about it.

Bart gets out of the entangle and runs up the path only to find himself staring at Nezamil's broad back and no one to stab.

Hal with Kirk's help extracts himself from the entangling vines and the brothers move to assist Melonie who is still held fast.

Ooc: Hal has still not made his saving throw and is still in the entangle. Hall must make a new save DC 12 reflex save or he is held fast once again.

A belligerent Palm Tree holds John tight.

Rigging lets loose a fireball at a group a shadowy figures he can barely make out through the deeper darkness. The Captain's risk pays off and the fireball only engulfs foes and not friends. The jungle is scorched and so are several Yuan Ti. Rigging cannot tell the effect of the fireball from the deeper darkness, but John can. The two pure bloods are charcoal. One half blood deftly avoids most of the flame behind a palm tree, but his buddy take the full force and fall among the withered leaves.

Appolo moves forward and attacks a pure blood and wounds it badly. Swirl comes in and plays clean up, by smashing the Yuan Ti into a tree. (Made all miss chances)

Cosmo sends his wasps to attack the Pure blood, but only one hits (made miss chance).


Hb1 move forward and although singed fires at John point blank.

AC 18, for 6 damage

The half blood takes the air with his tongue and hisses "Ready to be lunch meatssack."

The pure blood engaged by the wasps is hard pressed. He drops his bow and pulls his scimitar and lashes out.

AC 20, hit for 4 damage

Several new pure and half bloods appear and two take a bead on the trapped Mykael.

AC 20, 12, 15. All three arrows miss.

The next pair takes aim at Rigging in the deeper darkness spell.

The half blood missed, but the pure bloods aim is true (made concealment for jungle 80%/10% and darkness 23%/20%)

AC 24, for 6 damage off of the protection spell.


Tomas rallies the crew at the sounds of battle, especially now that there seems to be a fire. Tomas knows the Wildcards use fire as an effective weapon.

Conner is attempting to take odds on which wizard fired off the fire spell, Rigging, Cosmo or Mykael.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Deeper darkness is an additional concealment chance of 20%(firing into or out of or through). It does not stack with the jungle concealment and must be rolled separately.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=22 d20+14=32 d20+6=24 d10+4=5 d10+4=14 d8+4=10
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 4:15:07 PM

Appolo Appolo charges past Rigging and Mary stright to PB 8.Unloads a full attack on after chopping his opponent down.He looks around for another target."Rigging have Swirk Tell Tomas to fire burning Pitch and into the jungle as far as the cata[ult can hurl it to the left and right of the trail."

Attack 22 32 24 Damage 5 14 and 10

Mykael -- HP 56/56, AC 27 (23 without dex, cause entangled)  d20+3=4
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 9:10:35 PM

All Mykael's struggling does is allow the vines to wrap around him tighter and get more holds on him. (Str check = 4, nat 1)

Mykael contemplates to himself, I have to quit teaching these fools how to play dirty. Good thing these vines are not strong enough to crush me. So much for the great elven grace over brute strength.

Ghem, you need to stay in the trees near me. The way Rigging is tossing fireballs around, you may get cooked. Stay up high in the trees and near me. Can you tell how many more are out there?

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ghem  d20+24=31 d20+7=18 d20+7=24
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 9:40:02 PM

Ghem moves to the highest tree near Mykael, in W13.

(Hide = 31)
(Spot = 18)
(Listen = 24)

He didnt get me, but your right. Are you going to move? They are just vines. You dont seem to be helping much.

Rigging ac 20 mage armor, protection from arrows 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:18:30 PM

OOC Jim, I never got your map and I won't be around tomorrow, so I am going to post in the blind.

Rigging hears Appolo's suggestion and grimaces, "He can't. He doesn't speak common and Tomas doesn't speak elemental."

Rigging decides its time to get out of the dark and moves AA18 and then activates his ring of blinking. (OOC, Jim I won't do this if something is there but again I don't have a map.)

He communicates with Swirl, "See if you can help Mykael!"

Swirl will fly over to Mykeal and form into a Whirlwind trying to rip him away from the vegetation. If it works, he will pick him up and put him at V16.

blinking 1-7
magearmor hours
protection from arrows, hours

John (AC18, HP33/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  2d8(1+8)+5=14
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:51:07 AM

Realizing he's fighting a losing battle against the palm, John calls out to the Bash brothers. "Hey guys...can you give me a hand over here?" Fishing into his backpack, John removes a small wand and prods at the most recent arrow wound...which, along with most of his wounds, quickly disappear (Cure Moderate Wounds for 14).

Chuckling, Mary stays by Rigging, this time positioning herself behind him (AA17). She waits impatiently, anxious to get into the fight.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,Haste 3rd rd 
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:52:16 AM

Nezamil turns at the sounds rushing up behind him ready to smash it " whoa its you Bart...where's everyone else ??? who's behind ya ??"

"The sneaky snakes split our forces up....Ashira shall we head back and help them ??"

The 10'2" dwarf slips by Bart and heads quickly back down the trail looking for both friends and foe

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+3=13
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:53:46 AM

Hal feels the entangling brush lose its grip (d20+3=13 reflex save)

Kirk quickly swivels his head about " hey Hal wheres John ??"

"John.....John....John...where are you !!!"

As the brothers look at each as they hear John's cries ....they both change course and lunge into the nearby woods after Johns voice their weapons hacking at the jungle brush to reach the Ranger

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=25 d8+5=12
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:59:13 AM

Ashira smiles as the snakeman goes down easily. She looks over at Val. "Ok, ready for our next victim?" Turning, she moves toward the Yuan Ti headed her way (PB8). In answer to Nezamil's question she calls out "Let's mop up over here and then reform." Grinning, she takes a swing at the Yuan Ti in front of her (PB8, AC25 for 12).

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+6=22 d20+6=22 d20+6=23 d3+6=7 d3+6=8 d3+6=7
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:12:07 AM

The diminutive mage keeps directing the giant wasps to continue attacking and with good results (3 hits) as they take turns diving bombing the wretched snakeman (total dam =22 pts)the wasps venom seeps deep into it.

Cosmo points his finger up the trail and whispers [i] "whats going on up there ?? any body need help?" (message spell)

With the giant bee's buzzing overhead and Riggings devastating fireball wrecking havoc he sends the giant bee's up the trail searching for snakemen to attack(being above the trail they should have better visiblity then those on the ground )(giant bee speed 20 , fly 80 )and to possibly assist those in need if needed

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+10=25 d10+23=33 d20+10=23 d12+23=30
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:10:21 AM

Hi Nez i saw them here too Ashira is still fighting with one. As far i can see the can be easily hit. Go and see what you can do for the others Nez. We will clear it here if you give a yell we come and help you
Bart moves forward and hits an foe in front of him (spring attack, power attak+7) ac 25 for 33
cleave feat ac 23 for 30)

Dm Jim: Combat Round 5  d100=23 d100=85 d100=100 d100=7 d20+3=16 d20+3=12 d20+3=10 d100=33 d20+9=23 d100=62 d20+4=19 d100=62 d20+5=7 d20+9=11 d20+5=20 d20+6=12 d20+9=12 d20+4=22 d100=25 d8=1 d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+9=20 d20+4=7 d100=86 d8=5
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:55:56 PM

Appolo asks Rigging to send Swirl back to the Sword and report to Tomas. Rigging explains the problems of language involved.

Appolo starts moving toward the sounds of battle, but at 15 feet per combat round it will take his awhile to get there. Appolo reenters the deeper darkness.

Mykael still struggles in vain as the vines and leaves wrap themselves tighter. Mykael does give instructions to Ghem to stay well clear of the very dangerous Captain. Ghem hovers above Mykael, as he does not want to get entangled himself.

Rigging leaves the deeper darkness and bumps into Appolo going the other way. Rigging then activates his blink ring and is very surprised by what he sees.

When Rigging blinks to the ethereal plan he sees three pathways that lead to what appear to be three stone pyramids. The three square pyramids are not an equal distance from Rigging and are roughly at three points of a triangle that Rigging is standing outside of. Rigging is very sure he will not be able to move off the pathways and this may limit his ability to directionally blink.

Swirl moves over to Mykael and attempts to suck him up. Swirl has to go full power as the jungle has a good hold of Mykael. Ghem heads for cover, lest he is sucked up also.

Pieces of leaves and vines are being sucked up and through Swirl and tossed about.

Ooc: Mykael get a new entangle save DC 15. If successful, Mykael take an equivalent of a slam attack from Swirl, if not no damage.

Mykael feels Swirl's powerful pull, if and when the jungle lets go, he will be moving much faster than elves were ever meant to.

Mary also bumps into Appolo as she takes up her flanking position of her Captain.

Nezamil works his way around Bart and easily heads back down the trail and find himself next to Melonie. The elven girls looks up and pleads "Help."

Ashira spies the pure blood that took a shot at her group previously and heads for it, stabbing it once. The three wasps around it also attack. One attack that should have succeeded (failed concealment 7%) did not as the wasp got tangled in some vines. The pure blood still falls from the three hits.

Ooc: Please roll your jungle and deeper darkness concealment checks as required.

Cosmo send his three bees to attack the pure blood (PB12) that was shooting at Rigging. One stinger finds its way past the armor.

Ooc: Chris please roll damage for the one attack and concealment for the next attacks.

Hal with Kirk's rush to the best the jungle and the entangle will let them to assist John.

Ooc: Hal and Kirk can roll aid another to give John a +2 each (if successful) on his str. Roll.

Bart wants to move forward, but does not know where to go (did not specify). Bart moves into the jungle looking for Yuan Ti.

Ooc: Spring attack is not possible in the Jungle, as mentioned previously.

Val looks at the Yuan Ti at her feet, unmoving and very dead.


One half breed (HB3) leaves the pure blood (PB12) that is being attacked by the bees and fires twice at Cosmo, but Cosmo's new Trog hide protects him.

PB 12 drops his bow and pulls steel and slashes at a bee, but misses badly (AC 7).

PB11 and HB 4 are frustrated by their inability to hit Mykael as they each missed badly for a second round.

HB1 sees Hal and Kirk coming to help his trapped meal, John, and he fires at Hal twice.

AC 12, miss
AC 22, hit concealment 25% for 3 damage

More Yuan Ti shows up to the battle and attack.

Two pure bloods spy Val, Pb13 and 14,and fire their bows at her, but both miss (AC 15, 15)

A snake headed (Hb5) half bred with a snakes tail in addition to legs, fires twice at Nezamil one bounces off his armor (AC 7), but one penetrates (AC 20 concealment 86%) for 7 damage.

An large snake with powerful human arms, Abomination 1, shows itself and looks at Nezamil as it chants and then adds in common, "Become one of us!" The Abomination carries a longbow and scimitar just like is brethern.

Baleful polymorph DC 19 will save or turn into a snake.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, spring attack, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Deeper darkness is an additional concealment chance of 20%(firing into or out of or through). It does not stack with the jungle concealment and must be rolled separately.

Please post your positions and remember that movement is halved in the jungle.

Mykael -- HP 56/56, AC 27 (23 without dex, cause entangled)  d20+3=7
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:17:18 PM

Mykael smiles at the attempted help by Swirl and struggles with renewed vigor, but the vines just have too good of a hold on all his armor and equipment. (Str check = 7, failed)

"Keep it up!" Mykael cheers on Swirl.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 59/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+6=24 d20+6=9
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:26:16 PM

The brothers crash thru the brush reaching the ranger " we got you...lets get you loose " growls Hal as the brothers grab his arms and tug for all their worth (d20+6=24 Hal,d20+6=9 Kirk,str ch)

Hal feels a stinging in his side as an arrow finds its mark "grrr" looking up at the shooter " be with you in a second " grunts Hal sarcasticly

If the Bash brothers free Ranger John the drag him backwards towards the trail (5'ft move) and step in front of him

Hal's Mace appears in his hand and sheild slides into place on his arm while Kirk steps next to him and unleashes his heavy flail

With a knowing nod to each other they each step away from each other and start to circle the half-blood(hb1)in opposite directions(looking to attack from two sides , flanking)

"Don't be afraid to show him how to use a bow " chuckles Kirk to the ranger

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+13=18 d20+13=20 d20+7=22
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:53:35 PM

The Cleric of Domi feels magic wash over his body(d20+13=18 will save)his body starts to tremble as he fights againist it (d20+13=20 will save,hero pt used)"Domi protect me " prays the Cleric of Domi ....then as if prayer answered the magic fades from him and he deactivates his boots of spped

Wiping his brow of sweat " ahumble servant thanks you Domi " as Nezamil turns his attention to the entangled Melonie .....with a wink " lets get you back in action" grins Nezamil

The towering dwarf reaches a down and grabs hold of Melonie ....bends his knees and yanks her free(d20+7=22 str ch) from the entanglement

"Cosmo we have one of those abominations you mentioned over here.....send help....i'm with Melonie near the bend in the trail " replies Nezamil to Cosmo's message spell

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+2=15 d20+2=18 d20+2=7 d4=1 d4=4 d100=35 d100=93 d100=60 d4=2 d3=2 d20+9=15
Thursday July 27th, 2006 12:32:58 AM

The diminutive mage hears the dwarfs reply via his message spell " help is on its way " as he directs three wasps to Nezamils location (fly 60')"get the abomination" orders Cosmo to the giant wasps .....the wasps leave the dead snakemen(pb8)and move with all speed to Nezamil's location as directed

Remembering the marching order " nezamil has spotted an abomination by him near the crook in the trail...they are very dangerous ....can someone help him or outflank the abomination?" messges Cosmo to all those that went up the trail ahead of him

Cosmo then directs the giant bee's to continue their attack(d20+2=15,d20+2=18,3rd missed)(1d4=1,1d4=4 total 5 dam) as they buzz about harrasing pb12(all 3 made conceal chances)

(previous attack damage 1d4=2 )

Cosmo hears voices and struggling nearby " is that you Mykael??" The mage in troglodyte form searches out Mykael...spotting him entangled with Swirl hovering overhead he thinks[i]" i ain't strong enough to free him but if we all work together we should be able to "

With that thought in mind he reaches in his mind for one of his first spells he ever learned and fires an orb of acid on the entangling mass of vines and scrubs on Mykael(d20+9=15 ranged touch attack) and watches it splash the entangling mass (1d3=2 dam)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements) 
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:50:34 AM

Without hesitation Val moves through the jungle. This is where she wished she had a spear to use but she will make the best with what she has. Moving is tough in the thick vegitation but she will get there. Then they will die.

ooc: she's heading for N3

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:52:43 AM

"How long is this spell going to last?!" Melonie shouts as the frustration to free herself kept mounting. She pulled and thrashed for a moment before stopping and sighing heavily.

John (AC18, HP33/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+4=17
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:51:11 AM

John tugs and pulls at the tree holding him in place (Str.=17). "Grrr...it's got me. I can't get out!!" John looks up at the two warriors, thinking hard. "You guys go work on the snakemen...I'll be fine."

Mary is shocked when Rigging disappear's from sight. "Rigging, where are you?" she asks as she looks around for the Captain.

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 mage armor, protection from arrows, flying, blinking  d20+12=30 d20+12=26 d20+12=18 d20+12=30
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:55:09 AM

Rigging looks around and doesn't see a foe he can get to this round. He will look at Mary and say, "I need to take a look around and look for the big bad snake men who are leading this attack so bravely from the rear. Keep yourself out of trouble."

Rigging casts fly spell on himself and soars up into the air. He will go up 30' and take a good look around trying to spot people in trouble and then enemy.

OOC explaination of rolls, concentration 30 for fly, 26 for mage armor and 18 for protection from arrows.

30 for spot.

Swirl keeps trying to free Mykael and if successful will pick him up and carry him to safety.

blinking 2-7
magearmor hours
protection from arrows, hours
Fly (need to look up duratin)

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+14=31 d20+14=31 2d8(8+4)+10=22 d20+9=10 d20+4=11 d20+14=21 d8+5=13 d20+6=15 d20-4=-2
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:02:09 AM

Looking onto the creature in front of her, Ashira vows to send it to its grave quickly. She launches a full attack, slicing into it's thick hide with ease (AC31/31 crit for 22, AC21 for 13). "Tell Gargul "Hi" for me, will you?" she taunts as she cuts up the Yuan Ti.

Appolo Ac23 Hp68  d20+13=18 d20+14=32
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:19:01 AM

Appolo steps closer to Mary"Guess the Captians going to have alook around.Just crouch down stay still and be quiet.Patience my dear."Appolo then crouches low takes a couple steps down the traii a couple a feet then stops and waits in silence and darkness.

Hide 18 Move silently 32

Bart ac 27 hp86/86 endure elements  d20+12=31 d20+12=18 d10+19=28
Thursday July 27th, 2006 2:55:46 PM

Bart moves forward to spring attack PB11 (power attack +5, ac 31 threat crit ac 18 for 28

DM Jim: Combat round 6  d100=88 d100=31 blink d100=67 Int. Roll for A2 d20+5=21 d20+4=7 d20+4=12 d20+16=29 d20+6=18 d20+6=10 d100=62 d20+9=12 d20+4=6 d20+9=10 d20+4=20 d20+6=10 d20+6=11 d20+9=12 d20+4=9 d20+10=30 d20+10=11 d20+5=10 d8=5 d20+10=30 d100=85 d100=59 d20+10=25 d20+5=7 d8=4 d20+9=25 d20+4=12 d8=5 d20+5=21 d8=6
Thursday July 27th, 2006 3:36:58 PM

OOC: This is my last post before my DM vacation. Nellie will be taking over. Be kind to her.


Val is anxious to pummel more Yuan Ti, but the jungle slows her down and she is just short of her goal (O3).

Mykael still struggles in vain as the vines and leaves wrap themselves tighter.
Swirl moves over to Mykael and attempts to suck him up again. Swirl has to go full power as the jungle has a good hold of Mykael. Cosmo helps by throwing acid on some of the vines and plants, just missing Mykael.


Ooc: Mykael get a new entangle save DC 14, reflex. If successful, Mykael take an equivalent of a slam attack from Swirl, if not no damage.


The oversized Nezamil barely shakes off the vile magic from the Abomination and only with Domi's blessing. The huge dwarf then scoops Melonie out of the entangling vines and plants and is holding her.

Mary looks up in surprise. Some of the vines are still holding her, but Nezamil has a stronger grip.

Hal and Kirk has ripped into the vines and bushes around his legs enough to give John another shot at getting away from the palm the has him.


Ooc: DC 15 str. Save this round only.


John fights hard and finally frees himself and is moved closer to the trail by the two friendly brutes.

Cosmo's continue to attack and sting at P12 (6 damage to date). Cosmo then directs his wasps to head toward Nezamil.

Ashira, realizing that the pure blood in front of her is dead, moves to attack the snake headed half blood that is shooting at Mykael. Ashira lands a nasty blow on the snakehead and he drops his bow and draws his scimitar. The large snake mouth opens and hisses and looks ready to bite.

Ooc: I caused you some confusion Nellie. I said the pure blood was dead in the post, but did not X out the guy on the map. As a result, I had you move and attack.

Rigging casts fly on himself and takes to the air, rising 30 feet. Rigging is still blinking and constantly sees the three square stone pyramids on the ethereal plane and the pathways to each. Rigging is slowly blinking toward the pyramid at the castaway village.

Rigging, while on this plane of existence, has a much better view of the battlefield.

Bart leaps forward and in one mighty swing kills the pure blood that was sniping at Mykael.

Ooc: Bart I will give you spring attack, but remember that your movement is only 15 feet and you must move before and after your attack. You can only effectively spring 10 feet, as you need 5 feet movement after the attack.


Another group of Yuan Ti appear, two pure bloods a half blood and another giant snake with huge human arms.

The abomination, spies Rigging rising, and nods knowingly and hisses something to his comrades and they nod as well. The abomination points and chants at Rigging and he feels a reptilian grip in every fiber of his being.

DC 19 will save or turn into a snake -- baleful polymorph

The abomination hisses "Brings my powers back downs to earth, grub."

The two new pure bloods do not notice Appolo and instead fire their long bows at Mary, but both shots are wide of the curvaceous red head.

The snake headed half blood does notice Appolo (spot 29) and takes two shots at the rouge. The half bred obviously did not have a good read on Appolo's location as both shoots were very poor (AC 12 & 6).

The half blood (Hb10) by John, Hal and Kirk watches is disgust as John is freed and he fires twice at Hal. Hb1 steps back 5 feet.

Both arrow miss the large warrior, but the second was close, as Hal needed all of his shield skills to deflect that arrow.

The front group of Yuan Ti sees Val closing on them and they open up and fire arrows at the barbarian. The two pure blood and half blood send arrows into the palm trees around Val. The Abomination has better luck and one arrow find the mark

Ac 30 critical, but not confirmed, for 10 damage

One half blood (Hb4) finds himself in trouble and facing Ashira and Bart. The half-breed's newly bared steel lashes out at Ashira as he repositions himself to make it harder for Bart to get at him.

Ac 30, critical, but not confirmed, 6 damage
Ac 7, miss

The smiling free half breed (Hb3) takes two shots at the near helpless Mykael

Ac 25, hit for 6 damage
Ac 12, miss

The Pure blood (Pb12) that is surrounded by the bees lands another blow on a bee.

AC 21 for 6 damage.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, spring attack, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Deeper darkness is an additional concealment chance of 20%(firing into or out of or through). It does not stack with the jungle concealment and must be rolled separately.

Please post your positions and remember that movement is halved in the jungle.

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d20+7=10 d20+7=25 d20+10=21 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d100=99 d100=88 d20+8=20 4d6(6+2+1+6)=15 4d6(6+1+5+2)=14 4d6(3+3+2+6)=14 d20+7=23 2d6(6+6)=12 d100=17
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:38:41 PM

Rigging feels the magic start to take him and struggles against it. With a mighty burst of will he says, "No! I won't be a snake." OOC failed save but rerolled with a hero point.

Rigging then with his own magic decides to punish the abomination. He strikes out with his own scorching rays aiming both at the ugly monster. He hits with both, one being a critical hit badly burning the evil creature.

(ooc rolled blink check of 99, rolled miss check of 88. Two ranged touch attacks hit ac 21 and 30. 30 possible critical hit, rolled a 22 for critical hit chance hitting. Rolled 20 for spell resistance. Total damage to A2 is 43.

Rigging then flys directly over the head of A2 but still 30' in the air.

Swirl senses his master in trouble and darts to his assistance flying in and hitting the A2 for 12 points of damage. Hit ac 23 Rolled 17 for miss chance. Swirl is at AE17 Rigging is at AE18 but up 30'

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 2/80
Blink 3/7

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+2=9 d100=42 d4=2 d20+6=10 d20+6=13 d20+6=23 d100=85 d3+6=8
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:59:20 PM

The diminutive mage is perplexed of how to free Mykael from the entanglement and looks about for something to help when he see's a burst of flame ......his eyes follow its path and settle's on the new threat (A2)"not good an abomination on each side of the group....will have to do something about this one " as a smile appears on the troglodytes face.......he reaches for the proper Rod(maximize) and quickly invokes his magic and watches as 5 missile's of magic streak towards the feind (A2)(5d4+1=25 maxed)....blasting into the snakeheaded creature

Cosmo's giant Bee's conyinue to buzz about pb12 with one finding its mark (d20+2=17)(d100=42% conceal ch made)(d4=2 dam to pb12)

The giant wasps Cosmo sent towards Nezamil find the hugh dwarf and dart about in search of the danger...spotting the 4 snake creatures the streak towards them and divebomb the abmination again one of the wasps finds its mark in the dense jungle (d100=85% conceal ch made) the lobe wasp finding its mark stings A1 near its tail (d20+6=23)(d3+6=8 dam)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash*, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile *x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 59/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d100=31 d20+12=31 d8+6=8 d20+11=24 d10+7=14
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:33:45 PM

Hal moves(5'ft move) straight towards the snakeman as it just shot him and is focused on him (HB1)then launches his attack taking the half-blood snake creature(d100=31% conceal ch made).....his mace weaving a deadly dance strikes out and smashes his foe (d8+6=8 dam)

"you'll make a nice pair of boots " taunts Hal

Kirk moving (5'ft move) in unison with his brothers flanks the snakeman and lashes out with his heavy flail and feels satisfaction as it lands a solid blow (d20+11=31) and his flail rips into it (1d10+7=14 dam)

" heh ...boots.." good one bro"..i could use a pair of gloves " taunts Kirk

"What about you John ?" inquires kirk

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste4 rds  d100=96 d20+9=22 d20+4=8 d20+9=11 2d8(1+6)=7
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:31:50 AM

The hugh dwarf sets Melonie down behind him and unslings his heavy repeating crossbow and levels it at the spell casting snake " dodge this " clicking his heels to activate his boots of speed Nezamil fires off 3 bolts at the snake beast (A1)(d100=96% conceal roll)

The Cleric watches as the 1st bolt strikes home but the two others whiz by the spellcasting snake (A1) (d20+9=22 1st shot)(2d8(1+6)=7 damage )(large size weapon)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo  d100=58
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:33:04 AM

d100=58% Spell resistance for Magic missile

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+14=21 d20+14=26 d10+4=5 d8+4=6 2d6(2+1)=3
Friday July 28th, 2006 12:24:23 PM

Appolo wastes no time and closes quickly with the half blood swinging at the creature twice.

Attack 21 26 for 11 +3 shaocking damage total 14

Cosmo's spell resistance roll  d20+9=24
Friday July 28th, 2006 1:53:42 PM


Mykael -- HP 50/56, AC 27 (23 without dex, cause entangled)  d20+3=14
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:31:16 PM

Mykael finally gets his arms positioned properly to exert enough force to snap a few vines, as he does, Swirls full power tornado rips him from the ground and the entangled area and throws him up and over to V16 where Mykael hits the ground hard.

(george, damage for slam attack from swirl?)

As Mykael climbs to his feet, he smiles and waves a friendly thanks to swirl. And watches as he darts off to help Rigging.

Noting the direction that Swirl headed, Mykael takes a 5ft step to V17.

Stay with me Ghem, dont want to lose you.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+14=34 d20+14=21 2d8(8+2)+10=20 d20+9=29 d20+9=27 2d8(7+1)+10=18 d20+4=8 d20+14=29 d6+3=7 d20+6=20 d6+3=4 d20-4=-2
Saturday July 29th, 2006 3:57:30 PM

Smiling, Ashira looks up at the ugly mutated snake in front of her (HB4). "Geez...close your mouth!! You've got horrid breath!! No...better yet, let me close it for you...for good!" Following up on her bravado, Ashira cuts into the creature, scoring several hits, including two critical strikes. (AC34/21 for 20, AC29/27 for 18, AC29 for 7, AC20 for 4 )

John (AC18, HP33/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+6=23 d8=6 d20+6=15
Saturday July 29th, 2006 5:26:30 PM

John smiles as the Bash brothers free him from the palm tree. "Thanks guys!!" Seeing as the entangled area has limited his choice of movement, John moves to the only place he can...directly in front of the Yuan Ti in front of him (HB1). Pulling his bow taut, John fires directly into the face of his former tormentor, ready for some revenge. (AC23 for 6) "Now that's how you snipe!!" John taunts the creature.

Mary grows tired of trying to catch up with Rigging and decides to help out Appolo instead (AA21). She thrusts her sword toward the creature, trying to distract it in order to help out Appolo (Aid Another)...Appolo gets +2 on next attack.

ADM Nellie: Combat round 7  d20+23=42 d10+10=16 d20+10=26 d6+2=8 d20+5=16 d20+4=9 d20+7=24 d6=2 d20+2=15 d20+9=14 d20+4=13 d20+12=30 d6+2=4 d20+7=13 d20+6=10 d20+10=13 d20+5=13 d20+9=19 d8=1 d20+4=22 d8=8 d20+9=17 d20+4=12 d20+9=17 d20+4=23 d100=82 d8=7 d20+10=13 d20+5=21
Saturday July 29th, 2006 8:07:38 PM

The Wildcards continue to carve into the Yuan Ti surrounding, showing the walking reptiles who really is King of the Jungle! Casualties among the Wildcards are almost non-existent, and even their followers seem to be fairing well... The Yuan Ti, however, seem to be fighting a loosing battle as more and more of their comrade's bodies are littering the jungle.

Captain Rigging easily shrugs off the Abomination's (A2) spell. Proving he is no slacker in the combat department, Rigging turns the tables on the Yuan Ti and fires off his rays. His flesh sizzling, the snakeman looks about to bolt... He turns, only to be lifted off the ground and slammed into a nearby palm. Shortly after, Cosmo fires off his magic missles into the creature. The trio's magical prowess proves to much for the beast, and it slumps to the ground, smoldering and very much dead.

Nearby, Appolo makes for one of the new players (Hb6) and cuts into him like a hot knife through butter. Both attacks connect, and though blood flows freely from the creature's side, Appolo gets the feeling that there's plenty of fight left in him. Hissing, it tries to cut through that pesky armor to get to the creamy filling, but it's attacks bounce of harmlessly.

In the entangled area, Hal and Kirk finally manage to free the struggling John from his horticultural nightmare....then they're off for more fun. The two of them gang up on the pesky archer (HB1), and, as their nicknames suggest, they promptly begin to pulverize the overgrown reptile. Still, the duo's power is not quite enough to bring the thing to its knees...or whatever it would kneel on.

The cold eyes of the snake slit as the arrow lodges in its nose. Dropping its bow, it concentrates on those lunch pails with the swords (Hal and Kirk). It's first attack cuts deep into Hal, drawing blood (AC26 for 8). The second slice misses the warrior altogether. The snake's luck seems to be failing as it attempts to drive its fangs into Hal's neck, but only manages to bounce off the warrior's armor.

Likewise, thanks to Swirl's forceful assistance, Mykael now finds himself free of the wacky weeds...though he'll probably be nursing a headache for a while (Chris, could you please let Mykael know the damage from the slam?). Rising to his feet, the fearless warrior moves closer to the action.

On the other side of the battlefield, Ashira takes her frustrations out on the monster in front of her. Easily backing up her threats, Ashira cuts the creature down with the first two strikes, and then proceeds to make Yuan Ti steaks. Bart moves in to help out the Mistress of the Sword, but seeing that she's already taken care of business, he moves over to lend a hand to Val (R5). (OOC: Bart, you may change it in your next post if this is not where you want Bart... However, this is your one freeby. Any further missed posts, and I will have you staring off into space.)

After pulling Melonie safely out of the entangling brush, Nezamil hones in on the Abomination that has joined the fray and blasts into him with his new toy. It takes a little getting used to, especially with all the cover around, but still, the bolt sticking out of the thing's chest was a good sign. Shortly after his finishes up his attack, Cosmo's wasps join the fray and begin stinging at the abomination. The giant snake hisses in frustration.

Melonie is now free from the entangle, and looks to be suffering battle fatigue as she merely watches the battle waging around her.

(DM note of caution...remember that the plants in the entangled area will continue to try and entangle you each round. If you stay in the area of the entangle, you risk getting stuck again.)

Easily finishing up her last target, Val spins to find that more creatures have joined the party. Moving over, she takes as swipe at the closest one, doubting that it will put up much of a fight. (AC42 for 16) There is a loud crunch as Val dislocates the Yuan Ti's jaw, but she doesn't manage to kill the thing....yet. ( DM note: This is your one freeby. Any further missed posts, and I will have you staring off into space.) The Yuan Ti nearby respond by dropping their bows and focusing on the immense threat at hand. While the purebloods (PB13&14) keep Val busy, the halfblood (HB 5) moves into flanking position. One pureblood manages to draw a little of Val's blood (AC 24 for 2), but all of the other attacks from the snake pair are useless. Likewise, the halfblood also manages to scratch the elven warrior (AC 30 for 4) but his second strike can't penetrate that stupid metal wrapper of hers (armor).

The sole surviving abomination on the field (A1) tries a little different tactic. With a flick of his hand, he sends magic out toward Nezamil, Melonie and Val. Then he moves away from the elven blender (Val)

Spotting the arrival of so many killers, the halfblood in the jungle (HB3) beads in on Rigging. However, the jungle foliage proves to much for even his skill, and the arrows imbed themselves in a nearby bush. The pureblood (PB12) nearby likewise is not a happy camper...covered in welts and not a single sheep down! He shoots at the bees buzzing around him (AC19 for 1, AC22 for 8). The other two purebloods at the end of the trail are torn...what to do...aim at that ugly looking thing in the darkness (Cosmo), or that flying thing (Rigging). In the end, they decide on Rigging...arrows whiz around, but only one finds its mark (AC23 for 7, 82 on concealment)

Damage summary and spell summary:
Rigging: Arrow from PB15, for 7 damage off spell
Val: 5 pts. damage from HB4, 2 pts. damage from PB13, Will DC17...email me if you fail.
Nezamil: Will DC17...email me if you fail.
Melonie: Will DC17...email me if you fail.
Hal: 8 pts. damage from HB1
Bees: Arrows from PB12, for 9 damage

OOC: Since this is my first DM post, there is the high likely hood that there might be an error or two in there. If you spot any, please just fire of an email and I'll work to correct it. Thanks for your patience.----Nellie

Slam post for Mykael 
Saturday July 29th, 2006 11:23:42 PM

SWirls slam 2d6+2 for dam , roll your own pain ;-)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste 5 rds  d20+13=33 d20+9=20 d20+4=18 d100=15 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(6+6)=12 d20+6=17 d20+5=16
Saturday July 29th, 2006 11:53:24 PM

The 10'2" dwarf stares down the snakebeast(A1) as its magic again washes over but Domi keeps his faithful wanderer safe (d20+13=33 nat 20!!)

Raising his crossbow he again sites the snake in his crosshairs and squeezes the trigger twice and two bolts leap towards the escaping beast (d20+9=20 1st shot,d20+4=18 2nd shot)(d100=15% conceal ch) "those were close not sure if i hit dat slimy snake thru this foilage " growls Nezamil to Melonie (2d6(6+1)=7 dam,2d6(6+6)=12 dam)

Nezamil peers into the jungle after the snakebeast (spot ch d20+6=17) and listens as it crashes the brush (listen ch d20+5=16 lsiten ch)and yanks out the bolt clip

"you ok ?" as he checks on Melonie" we gotta get out dis entangling brush"

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 51/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d100=15 d100=90 d20+12=32 d20+12=25 d8+5=8 d8+5=10 d20+7=10 d20+11=29 d10+7=15
Sunday July 30th, 2006 12:18:31 AM

Both brothers circle the snake fiend(hb1) looking for an opening amidst the brush(d100=15%HAL,d100=90 Kirk)

hal tries and evade the snake fiends attack but it slahes him "Grrr" as he grits his teeth and retaliates with a vengence (d20+12=32 nat 20!)(crit roll d20+12=25)(damage d8+5=8,d8+5=10) "Heh'{/b] as his mace lands with his 1st blow but his follow up misses its mark (d20+7=10 )

"Nice one bro " as Kirk watches his brother bash the snake fiend and follows big brothers example with a two handed strike with his heavy flail [b] "yeah take that you slithering pair of boots"
(d20+11=29 )(d10+7=15 dam) as he watches it smash into the fiend and staggers it

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+2=8 d20+2=14 d20+2=7 d20+6=25 d20+6=18 d20+6=11 d3+6=9 d3+6=7 d20+5=16
Sunday July 30th, 2006 12:41:03 AM

The diminutive mage's flying friends keep up their assualt on the snake creatures dive bombing their respective foes

The trio of bee's buzz about pb12 but just seem to keep it annoy it(bee's hp 13,they each have taken 1,12,8 rspectively)

The wasps have better luck againist the abomination(A1)d20+6=25 ,d20+6=18) with possibly two stings(d3+6=9,d3+6=7 dam)

Cosmo looks about and spots Mykael moving away and decides to follow him "hey Mykael lets stick together " as the halfling in troglodyte form surveys the jungle for danger " i'm not going to be snake food " thinks Cosmo worriedly as his eyes dart about

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash*, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile *x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo Ac23 Hp68 AID OTHER +2  d20+16=33 d20+16=23 d20+16=34 d20+8=27 d10+6=16 d8+6=13 d10+6=9 2d6(3+3)=6
Sunday July 30th, 2006 2:20:30 AM

Appolo smiles at Mary then unleashes a vicious full attack on the snakeman.Slicing into him three times."Ok Mary stick close. We move together and slice these reptiles into belts."

Attack 33,23,27 Damage 16 13 9 + 6 shocking damage= 44 total.

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements 
Sunday July 30th, 2006 3:45:54 AM

Bart moves back to the trail to fight against the abominiation. He is to far away to attck the beast now

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+16=24 d20+11=22 d20+6=14 d10+20=22 d10+20=30
Sunday July 30th, 2006 10:00:47 AM

Val thought that these creatures would put up a better fight. Some of their blows were so pathetic that she didn't even feel it (ooc: DR 2). Val decides to end Pb14 before sending his companions to join him in the afterlife.

ooc: power attack =5/ +10. Hit ac 24 for 22 and ac 22 for 30.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Sunday July 30th, 2006 10:02:18 AM

Holding her spear tightly in one hand, Melonie moved north off the path (M6).

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d20+10=28 d20+10=28 d6+1=3 d4+1=2 2d6(1+2)=3 d20+7=11 d20+7=9 d100=57 d20+12=19 d20+12=18 2d6(3+6)+2=11 2d6(2+5)+2=9 d100=100
Sunday July 30th, 2006 11:06:19 PM

The Captain continues his assault on the snake creatures .....quickly turning as arrows whiz by him he fly's to attacking the(d100=57 conceal ch) shooters ...his 1st aerial pass he strikes twice (d20+10=28 short sword,d20+10=28 holy dagger)his blades slashing his foe (d6+1=3 short sword damage,d4+1=2 holy dagger(2d6(1+2)=3damage) ...red ribbons of blood trickle down its body.
Rigging sweeps around the snake spinning it in circles as he launches another attack but the snake creature dodges them (d20+7=11 ,d20+7=9)and the captain growls in frustration "Grr" as his prey still stands

Swirl pounces(d100=100 conceal ch) on the other shooter near his master and slams the beast (d20+12=19,d20+12=18) twice its body slammed about the jungle (2d6+2=11 dam,2d6+2=9 dam for total of 20 dam)

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 3/80
Blink 4/7

Ashira (AC29, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=21 d8+5=10
Sunday July 30th, 2006 11:41:02 PM

Seeing that Val, Bart and Nezamil seem to have their end of the battle wrapped up tight, Ashira decides to head over to the other end of the trail. The ranger scoots throught the jungle easily, thanks to her Woodland Stride. She ends up directly behind one of the new halfbloods (HB3, Z9) and slashes at it viciously. (AC21 for 10)

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  2d6(5+2)+2=9
Monday July 31st, 2006 5:46:20 AM

Mykael turns the corner of the darkness and heads toward the group moving as fast as he can through the jungle to Y18.

"Your right Cosmo, stick together, stay with me."

ADM Nellie: Combat round 8  d20+17=30 d20+9=16 d20+4=20 d6=1 d20+12=23 d6+2=3 d20+7=12 d20+7=23 d6=1 d20+2=3 d100=68 d20+18=38
Monday July 31st, 2006 9:59:24 PM

As the battle wages on, the crew of the Sword find the Yuan Ti's resistance almost comical. As the enemy body count begins to mount, you find yourself begining to wonder...why in the world were we hesitant to strike out before? Still, discretion is the better part of valor, and so the one sided slaughter continues.

Nezamil's 1st shot slams home in the Abomination (AB1) but the other bounces off a nearby vine. To add insult to injury, those pesky wasps continue to sting away. Looking like he's had enough for one day, the Yuan Ti makes a break for it. Shrinking he takes the form of a tiny viper and scoots off into the undergrowth (AoO from each of the Wasps). Spot DC38 to find his location.

Val easily shrugs off the spell that tries to entangle her and quickly dispatches the Yuan Ti in front of her (PB14). It's glassy eyes seem to fail to register what has happened as it's head is chopped clean from its body. Nearby, her ward (Melonie) pulls out of the entangled area and starts looking for action.

Bart finds it a little difficult to find his way to the enemy. He makes it to the path and knows that he'll be able to see some action next round (only needs a 5 foot step).

Ashira also carves into the walking snake in front of her, wounding it, but not taking it down permanently.

With Mary's help, Appolo finds it an easy task to gut the reptile in front of him (HB6). But his delicate strikes leave the skin in pristine condition...assuring that the prophesy of snakeskin belts and boots can easily become a reality. (DM note: Aid Another grants +2 to the first attack only. Should have mentioned that in my previous post.) Mary smiles back at Appolo. "Ok...were to next?" She looks over at the Yuan Ti closing in on Rigging, but checks with Appolo before heading that way.

As his summoned creatures do a good job of distracting the enemy, Cosmo the troglodyte scans the battlefield. So far he catches sight of nothing too interesting other than the normal going's on of death and destruction.

Rigging finds that aerial combat can be trickier than it looks, and although he wounds his combatant (PB15), it still looks to have a good deal of fight left. Swirl, on the other hand, takes the other Yuan Ti (PB16) and wraps him around a palm tree. The pink froth oozing out of its nose a pretty good indicator that he's probably had his last pass at the human buffet bar. He manages to get to his feet, but it's clear he won't last long now.

Working in tandem, Hal and Kirk easily finish off their opponent (HB1), leaving John to search elsewhere for target practice. Not finding any, John looks over at Hal and Kirk. "You guys need any healing?" he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

Meanwhile, Mykael makes his way across the battlefield as quickly as possible considering the conditions. (Only able to make it to X18)

The few living Yuan Ti attack with little conviction, as if acting out of duty.

Having just seen their companion decapitated in a heartbeart, the duo facing Val strike out, but don't seem to be having much luck. One of the strikes of the pureblood (PB13) manages to nick Val's arm (AC20 for 1) but the barbarian doesn't even seem to notice. Taking a 5 foot step backward, the halfblood hisses at Val and once more she feels the strange magic attempt to take hold of her (Will DC17...remember the +2 bonus for elven blood). Ashira's foe seems likewise backs off and hisses some magic (Will DC17...remember the +2 bonus for elven blood).

The pureblood facing off against Cosmo's bees (PB12) struggles mightly to rid himself of the flying pests. He kicks one (AC23 for 1) and then fumbles his sword, almost dropping it on the ground.

Hearing their brother's strange spells, the purebloods facing the deadly combination of Rigging and Swirl decide to back off. They two step back five feet and fire off spells. Swirl DC16 or become a snake, Rigging Will DC17...or surprise.)

OOC: Spot check DC30 to notice something very interesting.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Monday July 31st, 2006 10:53:49 PM

Mykael continues his movement to help Rigging, making his way to AA18.

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d100=32 d100=94 d20+7=26 d20+10=14 d20+10=28 d4+1=2 2d6(4+5)=9 d20+12=17 d20+12=31 2d6(6+3)+2=11 2d6(4+2)+2=8 d20+12=26 d20+7=26
Monday July 31st, 2006 11:50:29 PM

Rigging sneers at the snake (pb16) as it steps away "ain't this fun " but he suddendly realizes why it stepped away as magic washes over him (d20+7=26 will ch)but shrugs it off "hah" as he steps forward in the air(5'ft move ) and slashes out at the snake (pb16)....his shorttsword just misses(d20+10=14)as it shuffles to the side but right into his dagger in his left hand (d20+10=28) the dagger sinks deep (d4+1=2 dam,2d6(4+5)=9 holy dagger bonus) (11 total dam) then kicks it the chest and off his dagger "yeah this is fun "

Swirl launches another attack at the snake thingy(d20+12=17,d20+12=31) as the air elemental slams his target into nearby trees (2d6(6+3)=11 dam,2d6(4+2)=8)(total dam=19) "got the other one boss" beams swirl to his master

Both Rigging and his familar scan their surrounds after their opponnets fall sensing something strange but not quite pinpointing it

Rigging then steps over to the slain abomination(A2) and confiscates its possesions " this stuff might get us some intel on these beasts" adds Rigging to Swirl

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 4/80
Blink 4/7

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 51/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+4=18 d20+6=12
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:42:59 AM

Both brothers give each ear splitting grins " now thats fun "

Hal turns at John's suggestion " yeah the sounds good.....that snakeman nicked me a little " as he steps over to John " nice shooting " as he slaps him on the back "i'm glad you had us covered " as he awaits the healing touch ' "your a good man "

Kirk collect the beasties stuff....we can investigate it back at the ship.....might be helpful info for us "

Kirk returns Hal grin " yeah" as he turns and quickly gathers the snakemans stuff and his henchmen " i'll get those guys too " adds Kirk (pb9,10)

"where to next? " remarks Kirk as he looks about(d20+4=18 spot ch)
"well lets make sure we stay out of that entangling mess " retorts Hal as he points at the grasping jungle " where the big guy go ? up the trail ahead of us right ?....yeah ....lets head around this mess .....come on John stick with us "

The trio (if Ranger John comes along) head around the entanglement (O-16 towards K-16)

"Nezamil.....by Domi where are ya " shouts out Hal as they begin their search

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste 5 rds  d20+6=7 d20+5=17
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 1:26:08 AM

" you coward come back here......you can't hide anywhere .....cuz i'll find ya....and crush ya to pulp " shouts Nezamil to the retreating snakemen as it disappears(d20+6=7 spot ch) in the dense jungle.

Turning about he spots Melonie moving up the trail " ya got a bucketful of courage ya do young lady " growls out the 10'2" dwarf to the departing warrior

Replacing the empty clip with a full one he slams it into his new crossbow " at least the snakehead felt your bite " laughs Nezamil

Nezamil hears a shout (d20+5=15 listen ch) "Hal ...Kirk.....over here " as he rplies to Hal's shout

The Cleric of Domi steps (5'ft move) after Melonie (reloading clip is full rd action)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+12=27 d10+19=22 d10+19=22 d20+7=19 d10=4 d20+1=11
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 5:48:17 AM

Bart sees the fight before him he makes an attack towards the snake that is fighting with Val, he makes an power attack and hopes that will kill the enemy (ac 27 for 22) otherwise his second or third attack will kill it (ac 19 for 23 and ac 11) (if the beast is dead after the first attack bart moves forward towards the abomination (a1)

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+21=28 d20+16=27 d20+11=21 d10+10=17 d10+10=17 d10+10=14
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:08:05 AM

Val turns to the other yuan-ti (Pb13) and grins. Her flail snaps out, smashing into the snake man several times.

ooc: hit ac 28 for 17dmg, ac 27 for 17dmg, and ac21 for 14

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26)  d20+6=25 d6+1=4
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:13:39 AM

Melonie advances to L5 effectively flanking Pb13. Unsure of how tough these snake creatures were, Melonie stabs the yuan-ti with her short spear just to make sure it would die.

ooc: hit ac 25 for 4

Ashira (AC29, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2, Scared to death of snakes  d20+10=14
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:52:36 AM

Ashira looks over at the halfblood with disdain. "You think you're stupid little spell's gonna...save...you." And then, as if for the first time, she sees how truly horrible these things are...with they cold, slimy, slithery skin...and those unblinking eyes...and those horrible sharp pointy fangs (Failed Will with a 14). A very unnatural fear of these creatures fills her very soul, and Ashira beats a hasty retreat far away from those terrifying vipers. (AB5)

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+9=23
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:43:21 PM

Appolo looks arouns seeing that Rigging and Swirl have things pretty well in hand.Appolo walks back up the trail alittle bit finds a old deead tree,looks it over and takes a seat"Come over here have seat rest fora momentIf this is all those snake heads got we'll kill every last one of them before the Sword is repaired,"He takes out his water skin"Here ahve some thing to drink."He says as he looks around.

Spot 23

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+2=4 d20+2=8 d20+2=5 d20+6=10 d20+6=7 d20+6=11
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:49:17 PM

The Bees & Wasps attack the Yuan-Ti; all failing miserably (hit AC's 4, 8, 5, 10, 7 & 11).

The battle appears to be going in the Wildcards favor for the moment, so Cosmo holds off casting any more spells. In Troglodyte form, Cosmo moves towards Mykael.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Attendence report 
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 1:40:15 PM

Dm-Jim xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxox
Bart xxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxo
Cosmo xxxxx

ADM Nellie: Combat round 9  2d8(6+6)+3=15 d20+10=19 d6+2=7 d100=71 d20+10=24 d100=8 d20+7=16 d20+2=11 d6=1
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 11:39:26 PM

The battle is winding down, and for the moment, there doesn't seem to be any reinforcements showing up.

Rigging and Swirl form a devastating tag team as they literally tear the two Yuan Ti (PB 15 & 16) apart.

Following Rigging's example, Hal and Kirk scoop up the dead Yuan Ti's equipment for later examination Then they attempt to link back up with Nezamil. OOC: Technically, de boys can only move 15 feet per round, but since this battle is almost over, I'll let it slide. John follows the brothers, liking his bulky escorts. As he moves, he reaches out and taps Hal with the wand in his hand (CMW 15 restored). The archer grins up at the ex bouncers. "You know guys, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

Reloading his crossbow, Nezamil calls out insults to the disappeared Abomination, but it is to no avail...there's no trace of the creature.

Bart squares up with a Yuan Ti (PB13) and finds it tougher than it looks. But, in the end, the walking boots just can't stand up to the walking Blade Barrier and it falls in a lifeless heap at Bart's feet.

Just as Ashira is about to strike down her opponent, she suddenly begins to backpeddle away from the combat, muttering something about "those horrible snakes."

Seeing that Bart just killed her intended target, Val is about to step forward to dispatch the halfblood (HB5) when she too is seized by a mortal fear of the snakey creatures. She quickly moves as far away from them as she can (P5).

Showing amazing courage, Melonie moves forward and makes absolutely sure that the pureblood at Bart's feet won't ever rise to his feet again.

Figuring that the battle is as much as won, Appolo decides to take a little break. Mary looks over at him hesitating. "I don't think that's a good idea. I think I'll go check on Ashira." Mary scoots further along the trail in the last general area she saw the blue-haired ranger.

Cosmo moves almost out of the darkness as he tries to link up with Mykael.

Meanwhile, the few remaining Yuan Ti continue to press the pointless battle.

Knowing the end is near, the Halfblood nearest Val (HB5) tries to extract a little vengeance. Following after the fleeing Val, he takes a swipe at her retreating back. As his scimitar cuts through her armor (AC 21 for 7) he whispers in her ear "Next time, I'm going to drink your blood ugly meatsack."

Getting caught up in the hunt, the other halfblood (HB3) likewise decides to have himself a bit of fun. Dropping his scimitar, he picks up his bow from the ground and takes aim at Ashira. "Where you going little fishy? I'm hungry and it's time for a snack" he hisses as he pulls back and lets his arrow fly. But all the bravado in the world can't compensate for skill, and his arrow zooms by the frightened ranger.

Hissing in anger, the last living pureblood (PB12) continues to try and rid itself of those pesky bees. He swats helplessly at the insects, unable to do more than a pittance of damage to his tormentors. (AC 16 for 1).

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=27 d20+7=8
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 2:19:53 AM

Seeing that Rigging doesnt need any help, Mykael turns to Cosmo, "Over here Cosmo, head for the sound of my voice".

'Ghem, what can you see, hear, or feel? Anymore out there? Another assault coming?'

(Checks for Ghem)
(Spot = 27, nat 20)
(Listen = 8, nat 1)(WOW! talk about bi-polar)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+17=33 d20+12=27 d20+6=18 d10+9=16 d10+9=16 d10+9=18 d6=4 d6=2 d6=3
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 8:03:43 AM

Come on Val these are only foul beast easy to kill! See!! Suddenly Bart remembers what he has forgotten he activates the shock ability from his sword. Bart attacks the Halfblood (hb 5) (ac 33,27 and 18 for 20, 18 and 21)

Appolo Ac23 Ho 68 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 11:30:03 AM

Appolo get's up and follows Mary"Where are you going.Now just stay with me,let Ashira find us.She's the ranger.If you go tromping of into that jungle you'll end up getting lost.Our group is already seperated and divided enough.Now relax and wait."

He then looks over to Rigging"ERigging why don't you send swirl out and have him locate the others.We need to gather ourselves and not get divided into small groups."

Val (AC 19, HP 131/ 139, Endure Elements, Scared to Death of Snakes) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 2:00:05 PM

Despite the line of burning pain across her back Val runs through the thick brush to get away from the snake. The fear, thick and overpowering causes her to flee blindly into the entaglement spell.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 2:02:44 PM

"Val? Wal?" Melonie calls out as she realises the elven warrior had dissappeared into the brush. Curious and a little scared, Melonie heads back toward the trail (O5)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:33:48 PM

"That feels great " as he slaps Ranger John on the back " now if that wand would only keep keep ale cold it would be perfect "laughs Hal

" hey i hear the big fella lets scoot around the edge of the entangled area and hook up with him " adds Kirk as he keeps John between him and Hal

" yeah this could be a sweet setup for all of us " replies Hal to Ranger John " i'll even by the 1st round once we setup up an ale house"

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste 5 rds 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:43:10 PM

lowering his crossbow as the snake headed creatures vanishes "we'll meet again " grumbles Nezamil

he glances over and observes Melonie heading towards the trail and the snakeman(hb5) " be careful and teamup with someone" he growls out to her

Then the 10'2" dwarf turns and heads towards the bash brothers voices (going to k-15 if possible)

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d100=100
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:56:57 PM

A savage grin appears on Rriggings face as he slashes the snakeman to bits " nice work Swirl " Rigging beams to his familar

Looking about (d100=100 conceal ch) he spots friendly troops " Appolo...Mary...Mykael....form up on me "as he and Swirl fly to Mary's location

"Wheres Cosmo ? ....anybody seen him ?" inquires Rigging of the trio " we need his comunication skills to contact everyone "grumbles the Captain " looks like we put a hurtin on them ....good job "

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 5/80
Blink 4/7

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:40:29 PM

Appolo smiles at Rigging"If this is all they got.We'll sweep this Island clean of them in a few months.Most G'aalian Acolyte's are tougher then these things."He says as walks over to Rigging.

Ashira (AC27, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2, Scared of snakes  d20+10=19 d20+16=20 d8+5=13
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 11:10:54 PM

Shaking her head, Ashira manages to wrangle down the demons that haunt her...somewhat (Will=19). Though her hands shake almost uncontrollably, Ashira turns. See, they're not that scary..just slimy..and with big fangs that no doubt are just dripping with venom... Plucking up her courage, Ashira spins around. Knowing she can't make it to the halfblood, Ashira settles for the pureblood cornered by the bees. Swinging her sword in an arc, she hacks into it's back (AC20 for 13)

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 12:02:42 AM

Cosmo continues to move towards Mykael and other members of the group.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

ADM Nellie: Combat round 10  d20+7=23 d20+10=26 d20+5=13
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 1:27:29 AM

With the battle mostly over, the Wildcards find themselves in various positions on the battlefield. Some continue to fight, while others regroup, and others run scared.

Mykael continues to try and guide Cosmo toward the sound of his voice...with very positive results...as Cosmo is able to make his way over this round. Meanwhile, Ghem scouts out the area. His very sharp eyes catch sight of a shimmer of movement...a shifting in the light perhaps, but with a definite Yuan Ti profile about 40 feet into the jungle ahead of the trail.

Meanwhile, Bart tries to snap Val out of her funk by showing her just how easy these things are to kill....whack, whack, whack...yep, just that easy. And as they say...another one bites the dust. But Bart's cheerful words fall on deaf ears. Val cannot control the urge to get away from those creepy slithering snakes and heads back to the safety of the entangled area (P9).

More than a little concerned for her mentor, Melonie hedges toward the entangled area, trying to figure out what's wrong.

The trio of Hal, Kirk and John slowly but surely scoot around the entangled area, trying to catch up with Nezamil. It's hard work, but the company makes it go by faster. ;) Magically empowered, Nezamil cuts a hasty path through then entangling weeds and all but links up with the others.

Throwing off some of the mind numbing fear, Ashira turns on the nearest Yuan Ti and takes a bite out of it. The creature hisses in pain and spins around to confront the new challenger. His eyes swollen almost shut, it is little wonder that the creature can't connect with the still formidable if frightened ranger.

Rigging barks out orders to regroup, while Appolo votes for a breather. Mary looks from one to the other and then settles on Rigging. She looks up as Rigging appears, clearly concerned. "Have you seen Ashira? I'm beginning to worry about her."

In the meantime, the last living halfbreed is still enjoying himself as he watches Ashira shake in her boots. "Here fishy, fishy." He taunts as he continues to snipe at her. Though it's all rather pointless as his arrows bounce harmlessly off her armor.

Val (AC 19, HP 131/ 139, Endure Elements, Scared to Death of Snakes)  d20+8=28
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 10:35:03 AM

ooc: reflex save 28

Val looks around franticly. After checking each direction four times does her heart begin to beat softer. After another moment she's no longer gasping for air. Snakes, there were no snakes in the grasping vines. None of their slimy bodies, creepy eyes, and terrifying fangs. She was safe in the grasping vines.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 10:37:18 AM

Melonie moves her head from side to side as she tries to peer around the thick vegitation to catch some glimpse of Val.

"Bart something's wrong. Val ran off with a look on her face I've never seen before. We have to find her." She says, voice filled with worry.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:15:53 PM

The 10'2" dwarf glides thru the entangling jungle and meets up with the Bash brothers and Ranger John " hey....good to see you all survived " grins Nezamil

With a wink at Ranger John " i see you kept the brothers alive " laughs the Cleric of Domi " good work "

"Now lets go find the others .....keep alert for dem sneaky snakes"

"Bart and Melonie are on the other side of this entangling mass ....lets head up around to hook up with them

Nezamil will lead the trio up (and up the J-file)and around the grasping jungle

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:21:20 PM

The bash brothers breathe a sigh of relief when Nezamil appears "about time " retorts Hal with a smile

Witha good natured slap on Ranger Johns back " yeah we wouldn't be here without him "

Kirk adds " he's quite the archer ...pegged the snakeman right in the head "

Hal takes up rear guard " yo bro you get behind the guy as he widens a path for us ....John in the middle and lets move out "as they follow after Nezamil

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:54:24 PM

Captain Rigging looks about at his troops " looks like we gave them a taste of whats to come.....they all won't be this easy"

Nodding at Appolo's suggestion " good thinking.....keep that up and i might let you become Captain " as Rigging teases the rogue

" Swirl ....cricle the battlefield and search out our friends "

Turning to Cosmo " Cosmo reach out and touch the others with your message spell ...we need to regroup ....bring them to our location"

The rest of you search the nearby body's and lets see what type of equipment they use .....we might get a glimmer of how sophisticated they are "

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 6/80
Blink 4/7

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+6=16
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 8:45:13 PM

"Rigging I need to see them to contact them with the Message spell."

Cosmo will listen intently to see if he can hear any of the missing wildcards or snake creatures.

Listen 16.

Cosmo will stick near the group.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2, Scared of snakes  d20+14=24 d20+9=10 d20+4=12 d20+14=17 d20+6=8 d20-4=0 d8+5=10
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 10:35:33 PM

He swords wavering, Ashira continues to press her attack, despite her fear of the creature in front of her. Managing to connect once (AC 24 for 10), her fear keeps her from dishing out anymore damage.

End of Combat---ADM Nellie 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:13:00 PM

OOC: Since there are only two foes left, I'm going to move the action along. Also, I'll be away from home tomorrow, so I will make the Friday post on Saturday. Just giving you guys a heads up.

With most of the Wildcards forming up, the battle is easily finished. Ashira quickly dispatches her foe and then moves on to the halfblood, dispatching him as well.

There is still no sign of the Abomination that got away, and the figure that Ghem previously spotted seems to have melted back into the jungle. And so, for now, the only sounds are the ones made by the Wildcards and various insects and birds. Minutes pass and eventually the weeds in the entangled area die down, making it much easier for everyone to link up. A few minutes later, the magic gripping Ashira and Val fades. The compulsion to flee from the snakes is nothing but an embarrassing memory now.

The Yuan Ti's equipment is gathered...which consists of several fine looking scimitars and longbows and about two dozen arrows. There are also several necklaces composed of human fingers and a couple of shrunken skulls which look to be elven.

OOC: I don't have the equipment list on me right now. Will post on Saturday.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=10 d20+1=5 d20+7=23 d20+7=18
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:37:40 PM

Mykael nods to the Captain, "Loot bodies, got ya."

'Guide me there, Ghem. Give me directions to where you saw the Yuan-ti and landmarks. Stay with me, dont lose it, and stay in the trees to keep hidden'

Mykael turns and looks at any bodies in the direction that Ghem told him he saw a Yuan-ti and makes his was toward the body as if he is going to loot it.

"Keep sharp people they could hit us again at anytime," Mykael warns. As he looks around to keep his bearings with Ghems directions.

OOC: I wasnt sure what you meant by which end of the trail was the head and if the Yuan-Ti is on the trail or where. So Mykael makes a full move in the direction Ghem stated acting as though he is going to loot a body and is just being careful by scanning around, when he is actually, moving toward the invisible Yuan-ti and looking for landmarks. IF Mykael can get within close range to have only a 10% concealment modifier, then he will cast a web spell in the area Ghem states. Until then he is just moving and looting along the way, as if he has no clue.

(Spot = 10)
(Listen = 5)

(Spot = 23)
(Listen = 18)

'Lets hunt em down'

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Friday August 4th, 2006 2:50:25 AM

Appolo links up with the others.Seeing Mykeal walk into the jungle he yells"Mykeal come back let them go.Call Ghem back as well.Ok people gather what you can."He then turns to Rigging"So what's the plan now.Are we heading for the village or back to the sword."

Friday August 4th, 2006 12:06:03 PM

Bart picks up the stuff from the dead bodies around him he makes sure he picks up a bow and a quiver with arrows

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Friday August 4th, 2006 10:57:32 PM

Nezamil leads the Bash brothers and Ranger John around the entangling jungle (up J-file) and around it till the magical energy disipates allowing less hindering travel

They search out Captain Rigging and their fellow friends

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 12:16:10 PM

" you see anybody ??....find Ashira!!" beams Rigging to his familiar

AS the the Wildcards start to gather by the Captain he surveys his troops " good work....now those staying with the Sword and Tomas can return down the path we just cleared.....the rest of us will head to the village and then move out from there "

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 6/80
Blink 4/7

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 4:00:24 PM

Cosmo is glad when all the group links back up. A few nicks here and there, but no one appears to be hurt significantly. Cosmo looks at his own wound. Although it is a minor wound it fascinates him nonetheless as it is the first wound he has ever received in battle. And he does not like it!

Cosmo reviews his remaining spells. Ok, not too bad he thinks. There is only one summoning spell left, but it is his most powerful. He is happy to see most of his evocation spells remaining.

"Good, Rigging let's push on. Some of my current spells only last another 80 minutes or so."

OOC -- so what was the final tally of the dead Yuan-ti by numbers and type?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 80+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 80+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Saturday August 5th, 2006 11:49:42 PM


Hearing Rigging's call, Ashira heads back toward the others, surveying the battlefield. "That wasn't so bad." she says, trying to assure herself that her sudden terror had been just a fluke.

Looking over at her husband, she grins. "Well, you want to push on to the village? With resistance like that, we could probably mop up well in an hour and a half. Still, I get the feeling that these weren't their best troops...the archers that attacked the Sword were definately better skilled that these clowns!"

Decisions----ADM Nellie 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 11:59:01 PM

Eyes turn toward Rigging as it becomes decision time. Return or press the attack? It seems to be a simple question, but it must be addressed none the less.

Meanwhile, all the equipment is gathered, and a final body count is determined.

Body count
Purebloods: 16
Halfbloods: 5
Abominations: 1 dead, 1 got away

Nice looking scimitars: 22
Tightly strung longbows: 16
Tighter strung longbows: 5
Really tightly strung longbows: 1
Sets of leather armor: 22

Sunday August 6th, 2006 3:11:38 PM

Let s go I will go in front now, I havent got any scratch during last battle. The rest of us is slightly wounded

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Sunday August 6th, 2006 9:16:13 PM

"Battle finally woke you from your depression? eh, Apollo."

"Lets get moving before they can regroup. Press the attack."

Rigging mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+12=13
Sunday August 6th, 2006 9:53:47 PM

Rigging smiles in satisfaction as the bodies are looted. "We will head back to the ship only long enough to drop off the loot and pick up our villager volunteers to bring them to the village."

Rigging will help carry some of the spoils of war and when they get back to the ship says, "First part of the mission is done. We killed 21 of them including one of their leaders. I think you should be safe enough for a couple of days but watch for hidden archers.

We are moving on to the village. Tomas you are in charge while I am gone. Keep this crew safe and keep repairs going as best you can."

Rigging will grab the two brave villagers and start heading back to the village still keeping a close eye out for trouble. (course he is a bit distracted, rolled a natural one for spot)

Monday August 7th, 2006 10:09:56 AM

After checking to make sure that Melonie was unharmed, Val smiles at her young friend and gives many words of encouragement. Honestly she would have enjoyed pressing the attack against the snakes but walking back to the ship with Melonie's company wasn't so bad either. Another battle and nobody died. That makes a good day.

Monday August 7th, 2006 11:13:58 AM

After the battle and everyone has rejioned the group Applo seeks out Vlanthe.it is quite clear that he is making sure she is un harmed."I', glad to see the two of you are well.These things aren't worth much ona the battlefeild are they."

He then walks back to the ship with the others.

Rigging illegal post 
Monday August 7th, 2006 11:52:41 AM

Rigging listens to the Wildcard's good spirits and joins in with it but cautions, "We have only seen their raiders, and a couple of leaders. They attacked us disjointed. We need to be prepared for a more coordinated defense and ways to get people out of entangle spells.

Still I am proud of you all. We hit hard and fast. We worked together and were victorious. Not a bad couple minutes work.

Ashira, Bart and Val, I want you to come up with some hit and run tactics that we can use to hit them where they live. They seem to be very good in the jungle, so we will need some good escape routes planned. Remember we think there are hundred of these things, but we should enjoy the advantage of surprise the first time anyway. Might get more dicey after that."

Rigging calls down Swirl and says, "I am very proud of you. We fought well together."

Monday August 7th, 2006 1:00:16 PM

The 10'2" dwarf checks for wounds among everyone then follows Captain Rigging back to the Sword with Hal and Kirk close by

Nodding at Rigging's asessment of the snakemens ability's and tactics " yup this was just a taste of what they can do "

Attendence report 
Monday August 7th, 2006 1:11:17 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxx?
Appolo xxoxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxox
Bart xxoxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxoxx
Cosmo xxxx?

Dm-Jim on Vaction

?=no post yet but still has time before next Dm post

Monday August 7th, 2006 4:24:54 PM

Not totally happy about going back to the Sword as his current spells will end. Cosmo falls in place as the group moves.

Monday August 7th, 2006 10:24:42 PM

The ranger nods, beginning to think through the battle. She tries to think through what the village will be like. As she travels, she asks Cosmo and Rigging what spells they have available, as that will impact her tactics.

Return trip (or Happy Trails)---ADM Nellie 
Monday August 7th, 2006 11:52:18 PM

Happy with their recent success, the Wildcards head back to the Sword with the loot they have found. The trip is uneventful, and all the crew is thrilled at the return of the Wildcards. Conner demands a specific play by play of the battle in order to determine the results of the bets.

Everyone has a chance to cool down and get some water before they pick up the villagers to drop them back off at the village. David looks very excited and also a little worried "We've got to get back there and warn the others about the danger!"

Quickly gathering their things, the villagers ready themselves to travel with the Wildcards.

OOC: Marching order and spot checks please.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 9:30:05 AM

Hit and run tactics? I wish they where in the open so we could move faster then in the jungle. Dont we have a spell that we can use for that? so we can move as fast as if we where on a plain? We have to pin them down with arrows. I havent used a bow for long, i prefer my sword but i know how to use it. I wall walk in second this time.

Val  d20+4=8
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:33:54 AM

"Captain hit and run tactics is exactly what they expect. I hate hit and run. Let's march in there, kick down their doors, and kill em all."

Val looks at Appolo walking ahead of her and Melonie. Maybe he wants to be friends but could she take that chance? Val doesn't think that things can ever go back to the way they were. It's just not something that she can do right now.

ooc: spot check 8

Melonie  d20+5=15
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:35:55 AM

Melonie was a little suprised by Val's desire to storm the snake village. It doesn't sound like the best plan but then she's new at this. But its clear that she needs to stay close to Val and keep her safe.

ooc: spot check 15

Appolo  d20+10=14 d20+15=20 d20+8=22
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 11:47:20 AM

After a rest and something to eat.Appologets his things together and stands ready on the beach in the shade of the sword.Once the order is given Appolo moves quickly and silently up the trail keeping a sharp eye out for trouble and as usaul taking point.

Spot 14 Move silently 20,Listen 22

Rigging  d20+12=18 d20+7=18
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 1:12:37 PM

Rigging sips on some water as he listens to Val's objections. "I agree we should push our first attack hard and to the limit but they do have us outnumbered at least 30 to 1. We need to do some scouting, find out where the leaders live and see if we can eliminate them first. Sounds like the priests control the big snake we encountered so our first goal might be to hit them first.

We want to take out as many abominations as possible as they seem to be the royalty of the race. If we can cut off their head, hopefully the body will wither and their morale will sink.

After our first raid though, they will be ready for us. They seem expert on traps and tactics that deal in surprise. We need to be more cautious on our next attacks. We will also need to find some kind of secure base, that we can rest, cure and restock our spells.

Cosmo, do you have any spells that could accomidate that?"

Marching order: Val, Bart, Mykael, Nezamil,Dave (villager), Female villager, Cosmo, Rigging, Appolo, Ashira. I am assuming that we are keeping the henchmen at home.

Spot check 18 for Rigging
Spot check 18 for Swirl

Rigging will get the Wildcards quickly on the trail again. He is worried about time, he wants to get the villagers on the trail today back to the ship.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 3:09:24 PM

Nezamil grabs a quick snack and guzzles some water.

"Ok boys you two enjoyed some action " grins Nezamil " now you gotta stay here with Tomas and guard the Sword and our troops.....remember stay alert"

The 10'2" dwarf reloads his empty crossbow clip and takes extra ammo with him for the coming battles with the snakeheads

"aye Captain to the village first so David can inform the villagers of the looming danger....then we can recon the other pyramids better and come up with plan of action "

The Cleric of Domi falls into position behind Mykael " your friend Ghem was quite handy....glad you made friends with him " smiles Nezamil " Swirl and Ghem will form quite a recon team for us " as he heads out up the trail to the castaway village

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 4:30:43 PM

The others find Appolo missing and Nezamil can just see him disappearing down the trail toward the village.Moving with his ussaul speed and grace.

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 8:31:28 PM

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)

"My spells are all offensive now except for Clairaudience/voyance."

Cosmo falls in line per Rigging's marching order instruction.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 60+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 60+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=24
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 11:00:14 PM

The ranger sighs. Fact was the Wildcards weren't exactly equipped for this kind of attack. Still, the resistance had been light so far, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad...but she can't shake the feeling that a couple of freedom of movement spells would go a long way. Taking her place in the line up, Ashira keeps her eyes and ears attuned to the jungle around her (Spot=24).

Nasty surprises---ADM Nellie  d20+18=34 d6=4 d4=1
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 12:07:18 AM

OOC:Time to travel back to the village and to current location is 60 minutes. Please mark off spells.

The return trip toward the village goes very well, without so much as a snake spotted along the journey. However, about halfway there, things take a turn for the worse. Appolo scoots along in front of the group, determined to take the lead. He moves swiftly and easily down the trail, until quite unexpectedly, he feels his feet slipping out from under him. Reflex DC20 or fall into a 10 foot deep covered pit (taking 5 pts. of damage).

As the rest of the party heads along the trail, Ghem suddenly gets the feeling that there are several creatures out in the jungle...though he doesn't know exactly where (blindsense). He thinks that the creatures might be somewhere on the edge of his range (about 50 feet) and there are about 3 of them.

OOC: Map to come out tomorrow, but right now it's not really needed.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+13=33 d20+14=22 d20+12=23 d20+9=12 d20+6=7
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:21:34 AM

Appolo easily sidesteps the trap and then slips quietly into the jungle to the right of the trail.Hding behind a tree and ina bush he waits to see what happens.

Reflex 33 hide 22 move Silently 23 Spot 12 Listen 7

Bart  d20=18
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:20:29 PM

Bart walks almost in front of the group and has is eyes open (spot 18). He looks around if he sees any sign of Apollo

Rigging Mage armor, Protection from arrows  d20+12=31 d20+7=10
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 6:55:04 PM

Rigging sees the pit open up before Appolo and the thief melt into the woods. "We might have some trouble here. Everyone be alert. Swirl head up and keep a higher lookout.

Rigging then takes a hard look around. (spot 31)

Swirl gains around 15' of height and will zip down the path to see what he can see. He sees a lot of leaves. spot 10

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac  d20+6=15
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 7:27:10 PM

Nezamil stays protectively by David and his female friend as he hears the warning of the pit."careful .....watch your step"

the 10'2" dwarf surveys the woods to his right (d20+6=15 spot ch)for signs of movement and danger

With a look at Mykael in front of him to keep his back covered he continues up the trail towards where Appolo dissappeared

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=25 d20+7=22 d20+7=16 d20+7=23 d20+1=13
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 8:11:33 PM

Mykael lets Nezamil slide by as he takes up a defensive position guarding the two villagers.

'Let me know if they start to move in closer, Ghem.'

"We are being watched. Be aware," Mykael warns the group.

Ghem's rolls
(Spot = 25)
(Listen = 22)

Mykael's rolls
(Spot = 16)
(ignore 4th roll, put in wrong value)
(Listen = 13)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira  d20+12=26 d20+11=16
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:57:01 PM

Her swords out in a heartbeat, Ashira scans the jungle for signs of trouble (Spot=26, Listen=16). "Keep your eyes peeled for traps...if there's one, there's bound to be more..."

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 11:07:10 PM

Cosmo walks with the group.

He gets alert when something is sensed in the woods.

Riverside Combat Rd. 1---ADM Nellie  d20+18=37 d100=37 d20+10=27 d20+3=20 d100=25 d20+10=12 d20+3=13 d100=23 d20+10=16 d20+3=18 d100=85 d20+10=12 d20+3=22 d100=16 d20+10=23 d20+3=12 d100=64 d20+10=24 d20+3=23 d20+3=8 d20+13=18 d8+3=11
Thursday August 10th, 2006 12:19:37 AM

Ever the agile one, Appolo deftly side steps the trap as it opens before him and scoots just off of the trail (sorry, you'll have to move left, because there's a river on the right) and hunkers down. But just as he moves off the trail, Appolo feels a strange tugging at his legs (Ref. DC 25 or be caught in a snare and suspended 5 feet from the ground).

Meanwhile, the other Wildcards are alerted to danger and snap into action. Since there is a river running the full length of the right side of the trail, Nezamil and Mykael step in front of the villagers, affording them protection from the enemies that Ghem has spotted in the jungle. Ghem beams to Mykael "Make that four of them. Don't know where they are for sure. They're moving a little, but not toward us..." Though Rigging stares hard into the jungle, even his keen eyes can't make out the location of the enemy.

Seconds later, Ghem's cryptic message is unraveled as arrows flit through the jungle underbrush from the west. Almost all of the arrows miss their mark, but one finds its way past all the undergrowth and lands with a thud in Val's arm (AC22 for 11pts.).

OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. Ashira knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, spring attack, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Please post your positions and remember that movement is halved in the jungle.

Appolo  d20+13=28 d20+14=15 d20+15=24 d20+10=11 d20+7=9
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:19:50 AM

Appolo quickly side steps the rope trap moving in silence a few feet deeper into the jumgle whilr trying to keep and eye out and his ears open for trouble.He hides in a another bush.

Reflex 28 move silently 15 hide 24 spot 11 listen 7

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86  d20+4=16
Thursday August 10th, 2006 4:33:02 PM

Bart steps of the trail and moves deeper in the jungle his bow is ready an arrow is on the bow string spot 16

Thursday August 10th, 2006 4:40:30 PM

position i30

Val (AC 19, HP 130/139) 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 5:45:59 PM

Val sighs and pulls the arrow from her arm without so much as a grimmace. These pathetic creatures were really wearing on her patience.

"That's it. Hell with planning. Time to stain the ground red with their blood."

ooc: map got accidentally deleated. no idea where val and melonie are.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 8:22:28 PM

"There are only a few that we know of. It appears to be a delaying and annoying move. They are at such a distance and have such poor skill that we are relatively safe. I suggest just get past the traps and move on."

"Apollo, could you make sure the path around the pit is clear of traps."

"Rigging? What say you?"

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 9:13:57 PM

"aye....i agree with mykael ....just trying to delay us....i say lets push on as fast as we can " adds Nezamil in support of Mykael

With a look at the two villagers "stay close and keep low "

The big dwarf then moves forward and around the trap Appolo discovered with the two villagers in tow

OOC: 60 min march to here ?? Nezamil's Freedom of movement spell duration is 10 mins a level should still be active! do you agree ???

As long as he's more than a 6th level priest, I agree. ;)---Nellie

Rigging  6d6(6+6+6+2+3+6)=29 d20+6=17 d20+6=19 d20+6=11
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:17:25 PM

Rigging hears the advice and agrees, "Everyone keep moving. Lets put them behind us and then turn and fight if we have too. Watch out for more traps on the path in front of us."

Rigging will then pull out his wand of fireballs and send a fireball centered on G29 hoping to catch a few but also to add a smoke screen and burn away some of their cover.

29 points of damage 14 if save. Rolled 3 spell resistance checks 17,19,11

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+5=8
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:54:31 PM

Cosmo hustles along in Troglodyte form, glad for the increased speed the form gives him. He looks for any enemy through the trees, ready to fire off a spell if need be.

Spot 8.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 30+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 30+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+11=26
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:34:52 PM

The ranger grins at Rigging and Mykael. "Must be something important if they've gone through all this trouble to distract us. Let's go spoil their plans." As she waits for the others to clear the path, Ashira checks the jungle for any signs of further aggression by the Yuan Ti (Spot=21, Listen=26).

Riverside Combat Rd. 2---ADM Nellie  d100=74 d20+10=20 d20+3=14 d100=52 d20+10=15 d20+3=16 d100=83 d20+10=12 d20+3=20 d100=57 d20+10=12 d20+3=8 d100=6 d20+10=25 d20+3=15 d100=10 d20+10=29 d20+3=22
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:49:21 PM

Mykael takes in the battle and comes to the conclusion that perhaps the current enemy tactics are only meant to delay. Rigging agrees, and calls for the hidden Appolo to start clearing the path for the party. Ghem does not sense any forward movement from the enemy.

Arrows continue to fly from the jungle, most of them aimed Appolo's way, but they all bounce harmlessly off his armor or stick in trees. Rigging fires off his fireball which is unfortunately not accompanied by a chorus of screams, but does create a good deal of smoke. All eyes turn to Appolo and Val, waiting to see if they adhere to the Captain's orders. (Appolo, I will need Disable rolls from you if you adhere to Rigging's plan)

OOC: Map is the same since no one has really moved.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86  d20+4=13
Friday August 11th, 2006 12:21:30 PM

After hearing Riggings orders Bart makes an last look deepr nto the jungle (spot 13) If he sees nothing he goes back to the trail

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=34 d20+13=28 d20+8=11 d20+10=22 d20+14=26
Friday August 11th, 2006 2:13:04 PM

Upon hearing Riggings order apolo steps back on the the trail and begins to move forward looking for traps or anything else that might be dangerous.He moves silently and as quickly as possibble while hugging the trees and staying in the shadows as much as possible.

Move Silent 34 Hide 28 Search 11 Spot 22 Reflex 26

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+6=16
Friday August 11th, 2006 9:03:26 PM

Nezamil starts up the trail after Appolo "stay close David...you too " as he points at the female villager

he looks into the woods (d20+6=16 spot ch) as he moves and keeps Mykael spaced(5-10 ft) out in front of him so they don't trip over each other

Rigging  d20+12=24 d20+4=24 6d6(6+2+1+5+6+3)=23 d20+6=25 d20+6=18 d20+6=18
Friday August 11th, 2006 11:17:07 PM

Rigging moves 30' up the path, looking for something to aim at. He tries to spot the arrows and then use his brain to try and figure out where they are coming from. He sees them, does a quick math problem in his head extrapolating the area and launches another fireball from his wand.


spot 24
intelligence check 24 (natural 20)
damage 23
spell resistance rolls 25,18,18

Saturday August 12th, 2006 1:17:15 AM

c u all in 2 weeks, please take over Bart for me, esp during upcomming battle as a mean fighting machine with spring attack, cleave and other nasty feats (see mail fo character sheet)

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=17
Saturday August 12th, 2006 11:59:58 PM

The ranger follows after the others, wondering why the shift in tactics by the Yuan Ti. (Spot=17, Listen=17)

Moving right along...---ADM Nellie  d100=30 d20-2=4 d6=5 d4=2
Sunday August 13th, 2006 10:45:18 PM

The Wildcards decide that the attack is a ruse, and so decide to press on (250xp bonus to Mykael for correctly recognizing the tactic). Appolo scoots down the path, checking it for traps. Unfortunately, he does not recognize the well camoflagued pit trap in front of him until it's almost too late (Refl. 20 or take 7 pts. of damage).

Rigging watches Appolo struggle with the trap around him and decides to stick where he's at for the moment being. The Captain carefully takes in the direction of the arrows and carefully triangulates to find the enemy location. He launches his fireball and it zooms toward its target, but unfortunately detonates about halfway into the jungle foliage (70% cover, rolled 30) . Still, the smoke from the smoldering undergrowth does aid in the effort to continue down the trail, as no further arrows head the Wildcard's way (250xp bonus to Rigging for the smart fireball tactic).

If Appolo has fallen in the trap, he is quickly fished out, and the Wildcards head down the trail. No further traps are found, and Ghem does not sense that they are being followed. He does detect several different life forms in the jungle, including several snakes, but none of them appear to be doing anything suspicious. About a half an hour into the journey (only a few minutes to village) the sounds of a massive struggle can be heard, as well as several screams from women.

Total time elapsed since the first battle with the Yuan Ti is 90 minutes.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d100=96 d100=71 d20+6=24 d20+6=16 d20+6=20 d20+7=24 d20+7=17 d20+7=11 d20+7=23 d20+7=11 d20+7=19
Monday August 14th, 2006 1:38:01 AM

Upon hearing the battle and the screams, Mykael starts casting.

(Mount X2, 2 rds to cast both, made spell failures for both = 96% and 71%)

"Rigging, Val and I will head forward and help to the best of our ability, the rest of you hurry as fast as you can."

"Val, they need our help, and you want to smash more snakes... you willing to ride with me?" Mykael states as he climbs aboard his summoned horse.

Ghem fly ahead along the path and warn me of any snakemen that could ambush Val and me, or the party. And tell me what is happening in the village. Stay out of sight!

Mykael's rolls
(ride checks = 24, 16, 20)
(spot checks = 24, 17, 11)

Ghem's rolls
(spot checks = 23, 11, 19)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+13=30
Monday August 14th, 2006 2:50:49 AM

Appolo easily aviods the trap and sprints full speed toward the village once he hears the screams and the struggle.He isildly annoyed when Mykeal offers Valanthe a ride.Oh well Appolo will just take it out on the snakes.

Reflex 30

Val (AC 19, HP 130/139) 
Monday August 14th, 2006 10:44:24 AM

Val does not jump onto the steed like everyone expects.

"Captain I say to hell with those damn fools but what are your orders? Should we try and save them from the fate they want?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57) 
Monday August 14th, 2006 11:14:18 AM

Cosmo sees everyone hustling to get to the village. Since his movement had decreased back to Halfling speed he decides it is time to go to the air. He activates his Griffon figurine and flies to the village.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging ac 19, hps 77/77  d20+7=13 d20+7=23
Monday August 14th, 2006 12:12:05 PM

Rigging looks at Val sternly, "Of course we try to save them. They are idiots but we know they are under some kind of evil influence from the tainted food, and even if they weren't, the unborn children deserve something better than being swallowed by snakes. Now get your self together and chop us some snakemen. Besides, the more we kill now, the less we well have to deal with in their city."

Rigging will mount the horse and spur it forward towards the village. He orders Swirl to give him a flyby to scout. Swirl will zoom ahead gaining some height to 20' and move at sprint speed towards the village. He will send back his thoughts on what he sees to Rigging.

Rigging ride check 13
Swirl's spot check 23


Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor and protection of arrows, (not sure how much time has elapsed but both last hours)

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Monday August 14th, 2006 8:26:09 PM

The warrior charges after the nimble Appolo and towards the sound of battle only side stepping the trail when/if any of the mounts need to pass
"time to dish out some pain "

(posted by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d8+10=14
Monday August 14th, 2006 8:51:40 PM

As sounds of the raging battle echo thru the jungle " we need to get there and help them villagers...they ain't so heavily armed as i recall "

"aye Captain i'm with ya on that " as the dwarf shoots a withering look at Val" By Domi we'll help them fools "

Nezamil hears Mykael invoke magical words and asdds his own voice " this will help protect you my friend " as he touches the quick thinking mage (1d8+10=14 temp Hp's)(casting aid on mykael)

Aid-+1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).

The 10'2" dwarf then heads up the trail after his fellow wildcards " follow us " he barks out to David and the female villager

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Attendence report 
Monday August 14th, 2006 9:07:52 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxx?
Appolo xxxox
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxox
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxox
Cosmo xxxox

? = still has time to post before Dm post

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+11=29
Monday August 14th, 2006 10:13:59 PM

The ranger looks over at Val's bluster with a mixture of anger and frustration. This "I'm smarter than all humans" mentality of her was getting old. Maybe we should have just left her to die on that beach so long ago... Ashira mentally broods. But she was young...hopefully she'd figure out that it takes more than just elves to make the world go around...

Unsheathing her swords, Ashira sprints quickly through the undergrowth and toward the village. As she runs, Ashira takes a careful look around her, warry of more traps from their enemy. (Spot=31, Listen=29)

Bad Omens----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:51:40 AM

Mykeal, Rigging and Cosmo approach the village and find the place in shambles...tables over turned, food flung everywhere. Though the faint sounds of a struggle continue, at first glance, there is little hope for the village. A dozen of the young men lie in pools of blood, their bodies strewn about the village...it is clear that they are either dead or on death's doorstep. One youth grasps desperately at his abdomen, trying to push his intestines back through the gaping hole in his chest. Nearby, a decapitated body stains the ropes that hold it in place on a palm tree a bright crimson red. The scene is not so much of a battlefield, but gives more the impression of a large macabre playground. It is plainly obvious that the creatures that inflicted these wounds found a large measure of pleasure inflicting them. It's also clear that several of the wounded/dead were toyed with before the killing blow was delivered.

From his winged mount, Cosmo is spared the gory spectacle that affronts Mykael and Rigging. His bird's eye advantage also makes it easy to spot the conflict that is taking place near the cleared area toward the back of the village. Flying in for a closer (but not too close!!) look, Cosmo spots a villager pinned down by two Yuan Ti. The young man brandishes a shining axe in his hands that he is waving around, desperately trying to fend off the snake creatures attacks. Bleeding from several wounds, he doesn't look like he'll last too long on his own.

The screaming can still be heard, but it is now very muffled and coming from the direction of the jungle.

The rest of the Wildcards, from their unmounted positions on the trail cannot quite make out the carnage, but it is clear the village is in trouble. David spurs them on. "Hurry up, they need your help...you've got to save them!" he begs Nezamil.

Matt C. 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:38:10 AM

OOC - Distance from Cosmo to villager and the 2 bad guys?

Map should be in your mailbox.---Nellie

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:47:22 AM

Rigging will spur his mount over to where he sees the injured man fighting with his own intestines. He will slid off his horse next to him and pull out a potion of healing to administer next round.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+9=20 d20+10=17
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 1:11:20 PM

Arriving a couple minutes later,Appolo moves through the village looking around"Guess they started the party early this time.With out us too,how rude."He exclaims as he moves past Rigging.Toward the sounds of the struggle.
Appolo moves to the back off the village were the man is struggling with two of the snakmen."Hey morons.You want to play with someone play with me!!"He yells as moves toward them swords out ready for action.Appolo is only 18 years old,but has spent his entire life at war.He moves likea much older more seasoned warrior as close with his enemies.

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 1:19:29 PM

Val moves toward the village. Maybe there will be some snakes to kill.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 4:52:46 PM

The stout fighter hustles behind the faster Val towards the sounds of the sceaming.....his feet pounding the dirt as he enters the village.

As if by magic his sword instantly appears in his hand as he eyes follow the flying wildcards .....the warrior charges after them

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 5:04:32 PM

" we'll save them or die trying.....by Domi i swear that" growls Nezamil to David

The 10'2" dwarf charges after Bart ...the weight of his statue shaking the ground as he chases after the big warrior

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57) 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:19:35 PM

Cosmo flies a little higher, trying to get a better view of the battle/noise that is coming from the jungle. He also keeps an eye on the group in front of him.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=25 d20+11=19
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:54:43 PM

The ranger looks over at David. "You guys stay close, but don't get in the way." Running into the village, Ashira gags. Looking around, she spots the battle and heads toward it. "Stick together people and gang up on them. We're taking them down!"

First Impressions----ADM Nellie  d20+8=10 d20+12=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 d6=6 d6=4 d20+12=19 d20+5=16 d6=5 d6=5
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:49:40 AM

Rigging heads over to the mortally wounded youth and prepares to administer the critical healing. Clearly in shock, the teen fumbles with his innards as he stares glassy eyed at Rigging. "They...just came out from now where. We...we didn't even have anything to fight them with...and, they took the ones with child. I think Marcos got the axe... Why is it so cold?" Sweat beading on his forehead, the young man begins to shake.

Travel is much easier in the clear cut village, and the remaining Wildcards rush forward, eager for action.

Noting their arrival, and Appolo's taunts, the snakemen turn for an instant. Cold, emotionless eyes search and appraise. And then one of the creatures lets out a long hiss that could very well be a laugh. "Wait your turn, meatsssack. We're not done with this one yet." The teenager swings the heavy, glowing axe awkwardly and misses the snakeman in front of him altogether. Hissing in pleasure, the Yuan Ti press their attack. The pureblood behind the teen slices deeply into the back of his leg resulting in a large spurt of blood. The other pureblood, clearly enjoying himself, launches a well orchestrated attack with all but severs the youth's left arm from his body. The villager stumbles to one knee, holding the axe in front of him in a defensive posture.

From his eye in the sky position, Cosmo has no problem taking in the battle between the villager and the Yuan Ti, as well as the arrival of the rest of the Wildcards. However, he finds it next to impossible to spot what going on in the jungle from an elevated position, considering all the trees and dense undergrowth.

OOC: Mykael, I need a Concetration check from you, please.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=14 d20+13=31 d20+13=29 d10+4=12 d8+4=12 d6=3 d6=3 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2 d6=3 d6=2 d6=6 d6=6 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 11:26:26 AM

Appolo takes look around then charges the snake men.He swings hard twice at the neearest one.Backstabbing him as he had turned his back on the young thief.Appolo is hopinmg to cut the creature in two.{-4 to Ac for Charge}

Spot 14 Attack 31 29 Damage 12+ 12 +Backstab 21+ 22=67

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:56:03 PM

position: J11

Val grips her weapon tightly and breaks into a sprint. Her powerful legs carry her swiftly across the battlefield.

ooc: full round action to run- up to 160'

Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+2=22 d20+2=14 d20+6=25 d20+10=30 d20+10=29 d20+5=9 d20+3=7
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 6:56:17 PM

(concentration rolls = Mykaels - 22, Riggings - 14)(If Riggings fails it wont hurt, he dismounted)

Mykael seeing the boy in distress and trying so hard, spurs him into desperate action. Mykael urges the horse into full gallop for a charge. He guides the horse just to the right of the battle, and since the boy is prone from his lost limbs, he should be clear of attack. Mykael launches himself from the horse shield first, just before he reaches PB1, in an aerial overrun attempt of both PB1 and PB2, using the momentum from the charge.

(ride check = 25)
(Attack roll = AC 30, nat 20)(assumed needed)
(2nd attack roll = AC 29)(may be needed to hit PB2)
(jump check = 9)(if needed)
(str check = 7)(if needed)
(no clue what horse str check would be)

(Mykael has improved overrun, but not sure how this will be handled since from horseback. He wants to use his momentum, shield, wieght, and size, to knock PB1 over and away from the villager and PB2 down and away from the villager.)

(Mykael should end his position in either I6 or J6)

(the horse will just run off)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Mykael (extra post) ooc 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 6:59:40 PM

OOC: I forgot to add in the bonuses for charge and for the Aid spell on Mykael's to hit rolls, but doubt they will be needed.

Rigging  d20+8=26 3d4(1+4+3)+3=11
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 7:20:59 PM

Rigging hands the potion to the stricken villager saying, "Drink this, I will make you feel better."

He then takes a 5' step to the right (J26)and launches a magic missile spell at PB1 (rolled spell resistance of 26) doing 11 points of damage to it.

Swirl keeps moving up the trail through the village towards the voices moving away trying to scout the area and see what is happening.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:11:20 PM

The stout warrior runs after Val trying to keep pace but the elven warrior is just to fast and outdistances Bart easily (run x4 move 80'to J22)

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:22:40 PM

Nezamil continues to move forward running(x4=80') hard to keep up with his fellow wildcards .....stopping only when he reaches Captain Riggings side

Arriving near the center of the village the 10'2" dwarf quickly looks about assessing the wounded villagers before asissting them(can't run full rd and cast at same time )

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 10:16:13 PM

The ranger smiles with pride as the team sets into action. The villagers were being tended to, and the threat had been assessed. She heads over to engage the other Yuan Ti, ready to extract some justice the old fashioned way...with her swords. (Run, 4x J18)

Swirl  d20+7=18
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 11:10:58 PM

spot check

Here come the calvary---ADM Nellie  d20+13=32 d20+18=28 d20+8=20 d8+5=7 d6=3 d6=5 d20+12=23 d20+5=15 d6+2=5 d6+2=4
Thursday August 17th, 2006 12:06:49 AM

The Wildcards snap into action quickly as the Yuan Ti threat is discovered. Nezamil and Rigging tend to the wounded as the fighters charge in.

The teenager takes the potion in very shaky hand and somehow manages to drink it down. The wound miraculously closes, leaving only a small pink scar and a bug eyed teenager. Rising slowly to his feet, he stares at Rigging as if he were a god. Then Rigging blasts the Yuan Ti with his wand, and the adoration in the villagers eyes "I...you...I...wait for me!"

The gigantic Nezamil pounds forward, making the very earth itself tremble. He makes it to the center of the village and does a quick inspection of the wounded. Six of the young men are obviously beyond healing (including the decapitated one), but Domi's faithful is fairly sure that should he act quickly, he could probably save the rest.

Appolo, Ashira, and Bart all make a dash for the battle, but can't quite reach the snakemen just quite yet.

The fleet of foot Val, however, does move forward and takes up a position behind the rear Yuan Ti (PB1). Very soon, things are going to turn very ugly!!

Still mounted on his stead, Mykael urges it on toward the battle, but finds a bit of a traffic jam in front of him. He gallops to a position just outside the Yuan Ti (K11). (OOC: Mykael, you can't reach the enemy this round. I've positioned you assuming a double movement on the horse. If, however, you want to charge next round, then just let me know where you wanted to end up).

The Yuan Ti at the rear (PB1) hisses in pain as Rigging's bolts of magical energy bite into him. He turns, only to find Val right behind him....not exactly what he had in mind at the present moment!! Once again, Val feels a magic attempting to invade her...telling her to run for her life from the horrible snake creatures (Will save DC17 or become afraid of snakes...don't forget the elven +2 bonus, you also get a AoO on the Yuan Ti).

Literally fighting for his life, the teenager with the axe manages to stagger to his fee and swings the axe with all his might. This time, he meets with success, and the weapon rips through the Yuan Ti like a hot knife. But the victory comes with a heavy price as the Yuan Ti strikes back with a vengeance. The scimitar lances through the villager's chest twice and he crumples to the ground...unconscious or worse.

Meanwhile, Swirl continues to scout in the jungle for the screams. It's a little easier up above the foliage, but it's still hard work. Finally, the elemental catches sight of a snakeman (roughly 300 feet away from the village) carrying a bulging sack. Rigging gets a mental ping. "Hey boss, I think I got one of them...he's got a big sack and it's moving around. Ooops...I think he saw me too...hey, what's that he's doing?" (Fort save DC18 or be turned into a snake...Swirl has an additional +4 bonus to that save, Will save DC17 or become petrified of snakes...and must move at least 20 feet away from any snake, living or dead).

Val AC 19, 139/ 139  d20+9=17 d20+21=26 d20+21=35 d20+16=20 d20+11=19 d10+10=12 d10+10=13 d10+10=11 d10+10=16
Thursday August 17th, 2006 7:16:20 PM

With the yuan-ti so close Val begins to work. Her body turns sharply, bringing the flail down and across the serpents body. Her arms continue with the momentum, bringing the flail around and down againg.

ooc: aoo hit ac 26 for 12, hit ac 35 for 13, ac 20 for 11, and ac 19 for 16. will save 17

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 8:04:58 PM

The big warrior continues to run(x3) towards the fighting hoping to exact justice on the snakemen for their cowardly attack on the villagers....his path is slightly to the left of Ashira and Val as he takes a protective flanking position to his fellow warriors (H10)

(post by adm-Chris)

Rigging and Swirl mage armor and protection from arrows  d20+10=11
Thursday August 17th, 2006 8:50:34 PM

Rigging hears a mental scream in his head. "Snakes Snakes! I have to get away from the snakes!" Swirl decides that their won't be many snakes up high and he moves straight up through the canopy into the clear air. (Failed saving throw. natural 1)

Rigging just sighs in resignation but at least he has an idea where the enemy is. Rigging will call out to Ashira, "Dearest! Swirl saw one of the snakeman carrying a pregnant villager away in a sack. He was going that way." Rigging points. "It is in the jungle and around 300 feet away. Shall we attempt a rescue?"

Rigging will start running in the direction that Swirl directed. Not sure of direction so can't place location.

OOC, Rigging didn't use a wand last round but used a spell.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor and protection of arrows, (not sure how much time has elapsed but both last hours)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57)  d20+5=17 d20+5=11
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:20:10 PM

Cosmo hears Rigging call to Ashira to move towards Swirl. Seeing as there is not much that Cosmo can do here in the village, he will fly in the direction of Swirl and the sound he heard before. He will look and listen for the enemy.

Spot 17
Listen 11

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+13=29 d20+13=30 d20+6=15 d10+4=14 d8+4=12 d10+4=6 18d6(3+6+4+1+4+6+5+2+3+2+4+5+4+5+4+1+4+4)=67 d6=5
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:44:35 PM

Appolo attavks the nearwest snakeman anleashing a full attack.HE swings at the creature'a back three time hoping to cut it down.Backstabbing visiously.

Attack 29 30 15 Back stab Damage 21 22 24+ 67

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d8+10=18
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:48:34 PM

The Cleric of Domi takes action to save as many wounded as he can.....with a quick touch to his anvil holy symbol "Domi heal these wounded souls" prays Nezamil as he releases one of Domi's powerful spells (cure light mass ,d8+10=18)(only if Nezamil can get at least 1/2 dozen,Cosmo can be one of the 1/2 dozen as he is within range but flying)

Once the wounded are healthy again " quick help your fellow villagers out....gather them to gether and arm yourself as best you can.....then see if your able to make it back to the ship....while we hunt down those that did this carnage and rescue the others taken by the vile deceivers "

The 10'2" steps after Rigging (5'ft move K-25)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 11:27:17 PM

Ashira hesitates. Heading into unknown territory...splitting the party... Then Rigging and Cosmo head out. Sighing, Ashira sprints into the jungle headed after Rigging. "Darling, I don't think this is a good idea. I think we should wait for the others. Let Cosmo scout it out. We need to make sure we have the others with us before we head further into the jungle."

Friday August 18th, 2006 12:15:28 AM

DM clarification...

Just to make sure we're all clear...the Yuan Ti that are dragging the bags have headed off into the Northern section of jungle. Movement in the jungle is reduced to half with no running. Mounts will be ineffective.

Recon from above the jungle will have 50% concealment.

Will post in the am.

Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+2=12 d20+10=27 d20+5=15 d10+3=7 d10+3=7
Friday August 18th, 2006 3:43:42 PM

Mykael feeling the possibility of his mount spell slipping away, dismounts and moves to K8 to engage PB2.

(1st attack: AC=28, 7 dam)
(2nd attack: AC=16, 7 dam)
(add in Aid bonus after roll, forgot again)

AID = ?/10 mins

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Death and Distruction----ADM Nellie  d20+8=27 d20+4=8
Saturday August 19th, 2006 12:34:32 AM

Val lashes into her opponent with a fury...ooooh no...they aint getting her again with that old spell. Time and time again, her flail smashes into the Yuan Ti's body, ripping scales and rending muscle. By the end of her assault, the creature is still standing, but its breathing is ragged. It won't take much more to send him to Gargul. And then, Appolo steps forward and slices into the creature, literally taking it's breath away as he punctures its lung. It slumps to the ground very dead.

Meanwhile, Bart moves in for the assist. Yep, won't be long now.

Rigging and Cosmo head out to find the kidnappers, but Ashira advises that they wait for the others. What to do...stay or go?

Cosmo flies above the jungle and scans the floor. But try as he might, he just can't see anything down there. However, he does think he hears some faint muffled crying further off in the jungle (how far can the gryphon fly per round?).

Mykael hops off his mount and moves into the battle. Things are definitely looking not so good for the Yuan Ti about now!
Nezamil sets to the task of healing the wounded. His spell goes off without a hitch, and the mortally wounded rise to their feet, praising the giant. At his suggestion that they fetch the other villagers, the young men look down at the ground in grief. "They took them into the jungle. They killed most of us, but the others they knocked out and took with them. There's nobody left but us." Looking around, the teens grab whatever make shift weapons they can find...now that the warriors are here, they look ready to extract a little vengeance. "Don't make us go into the jungle alone." They almost plead "We feel safer traveling with you."

The sole remaining Yuan Ti (PB2) on the battlefield looks very uneasy. This isn't exactly the kind of game he had in mind! He promptly tucks tale and heads into the jungle, intent on escape (Mykael, you get an AoO on PB2 for the action).

OOC: I apologize for the missed post. I will post either tomorrow or Sunday night to make it up.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+10=19 d20+10=28 d4=3 d4=4 12d6(1+1+4+4+2+4+1+4+4+6+4+1)=36
Saturday August 19th, 2006 9:26:45 AM

Appolo sees the snakeman make a break for it"Oh no you don't."He says and hurls two of his many daggers after it's back as it turns to run.Appolo then goes in pursuit.

Attack 19 28 Damage 3,4, Backstab 18 18 for a total of 43

Matt C. 
Saturday August 19th, 2006 11:42:37 AM

OOC - Griffons have a base fly speed of 80' (average)

Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:42:47 AM

Rigging stops and yells, "Well hurry up! They are dragging off the pregnant women so they can rip the babies from their wombs and your Dilly Dallying!"

He turns to Val and yells, "Val, grab that axe. Might be useful agaisnt these critters!"

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86  d8+3=11
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:43:29 AM

Bart quickly extracts a vila from apouch and kneels down next to the wounded villager (mv)(whats his situation ?) if he can be saved bart will help him drink a clw potion)(1d8+3=11 cured)

"lets stick together " barks Bart to Val,Mykael and Appolo " don'''t want to let them split us up and pick us off one by one "

The big warrior turns and looks backwards and waves those behoind him forward " hurry up "

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:49:49 AM

"stay here or head to our ship " growls Nezamil to the armed villagers "we'll take care of the snakey's"

The 10'2" dwarf then rumbles after Captain Rigging as he shouts for them to hurry and follow him

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+10=12 d10+3=10 d20+7=8 d20+1=15 d20+7=10
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:27:19 PM

Mykael takes a parting swipe at the running Yuan Ti, (AoO: AC= 13, dam = 10)

[i]Ghem, fly off and find the snake men that have the captive villagers. Stay above the trees to make better time and just use your extra senses to find them, please. And guide me too them.[i/]

"Let that one go! We have people to rescue, and that is the most important task at hand, now. Follow me." Mykael states as he takes a full movement toward Rigging and Ashira in the direction the Yuan Ti ran off with the captives.

Mykael's rolls
(Spot = 8, nat 1)
(Listen = 15)

Ghem's rolls
(Spot = 10)

AID = ?/10 mins

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57) 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:45:55 PM

Cosmo circles back towards Rigging and the group. When he gets close he yells down to them.

"I can't see them, but I can hear them moving off into the jungle."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 10:49:39 PM

Ashira blushes, looking mildly frustrated at her husband. "Yes Captain...lead on. Do what you think is right."

Seeing that the last snakeman just ran off, Ashira makes sure that the Wildcards are regrouped. "Alright, folks Appolo and I are going to scout ahead to make sure there's no more traps. You know the drill. No soloing. Get a partner and gang up on them." The ranger looks over at Rigging. "Captain. If you could please have Cosmo and Mykael update us on the status of the enemy, that would be useful." she states cooly before heading into the jungle after the kidnapping Yuan Ti.

Into the Jungle----ADM Nellie  d20+8=22
Sunday August 20th, 2006 11:32:15 PM

Determined to down the fleeing enemy Appolo flings his dagger, pegging the sucker right in his back. But it doesn't do enough damage to down the creature. Mykael tries to polish it off, but his swing goes wide and the pureblood slips into the jungle.

Bart cures the wounded villager (who he recognizes as the one called Marcos). Marcos smiles up at his savior. "I knew you would come for us. Somehow I just knew!" Looking over at Val, Marcos hands her the axe. "Here...you take this. I tried, I really tried, but I'm sure you'd be able to wield it better." Marcos spots the other healed villagers and smiles with relief. "You saved them too. We owe you our lives! If you want us to, we will go..." Marcos lets the statement linger, waiting to see what the Wildcards have to say.

In the meantime, the Wildcards link up and ready themselves for another trip into the jungle. Cosmo reports back and gives Rigging a very good indication of where the enemy is located. In addition, Mykael sends Ghem into the jungle to scout. The little dragon flits off above the trees (though he is sure to stay within the range of communication) and reports a normal amount of jungle wildlife encountered so far (60 feet into the jungle).

OOC: I need a marching order and spot checks, please.

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:35:29 PM

Val takes the axe. She was hesitant at first but it was probably much better than her flail. She held the axe tightly in both hands and runs for the jungle.

"I'm going first. I get first dibs on them snakes."

ooc: what are the stats of the axe?

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:13:31 PM

The stout warrior grins at Marcos " keep your people together....and pick up the snakemens weapons "as he points to the dead bodies "

"Stay here or seek the ship out....but i fear its too dangerous for you to follow us"

The big warrior turns and runs after the faster elven warrior " wait up Val " shouts Bart

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:23:52 PM

Nezamil smiles at the healed villagers "gather your weapons to help defend yourselves....i'll say again stay here or head back to our ship...it will be safer for you.,....we'll take care of these snakebeasts for ya ....by Domi we'll make dem pay for their vile deception" growls Nezamil

"i'm with ya Captain "growls the dwarf

"lets get after them before they can setup another ambush..,....they've shown that they favor that tactic.....sneaky snakes....bah!"

"i wanna hit them before they have time to organize againist us "

The 10'2" dwarf follows Rigging into the jungle

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

attendence report 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:55:47 PM

waiting till tonight so others can finish posting today

delete this later

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=13 d20+8=18 d20+9=13
Monday August 21st, 2006 5:57:52 PM

Appolo smiles when he sees his dagger stick the snakeman as he retreats.Heading over to Ashira"Well we have a blood trail.I wounded the one that ran away."

He then sees Val sprint off into the jungle"Valanthe get back here.You should know better."He says as moves after her passing Bart,moving into the jungle with eyes and ears open as he chases Valanthe.

Spot 13 Searh 18 listen 13

Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+7=19 d20+1=2 d20+7=8 d20+7=26
Monday August 21st, 2006 8:20:10 PM

Mykael moves as quickly as possible to stay with the group and near the front making sure they stay on track of the snakes.

Keep it up, my friend your doing great. I suggest you fly ahead of us and find them, then fly back and report. Keep using that tactic until we are close enough. We shouldnt be hard to find with all the noise we make and size of our group. Plus Cosmo is up there and you can keep him in sight to help locate us. Use the trees for cover staying above them. And watch out for arrows.

Mykael's rolls
(Spot = 19)
(Listen = 2, nat 1)

Ghem's rolls
(Spot = 8, nat 1)
(Listen = 26)

AID = ?/10 mins

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ghem -- HP 28/28, AC 18 
Monday August 21st, 2006 8:28:08 PM

Cosmo hears in his head in common and see the tiny dragon looking at him as he hovers close, Cosmo, I am going to fly ahead and find them, see how many, and look for what you call ambushes. If you stay by the group, I can see you, and Mykael says we can guide them.

Ghem then turns and flys off to scout ahead and find the kidnappers.

(Spot = 8, nat 1)
(Listen = 26)

OOC: rolls are the same as in Mykael's post, decided to make a seperate post for Ghem after I posted for Mykael.

Monday August 21st, 2006 9:41:07 PM

Rigging gathers the Wildcards together and gets tries to get them organized. "We need a plan. Can anyone detect traps or are we going to have to rely upon Appolo to do our scouting. I have faith in him but it is slower."

Rigging will call out to the other villagers, "I don't want you coming with us into the jungle. We are trained in these things and you would only slow us down and that could cost your lady friends their lives along with their unborn children. I think you should hole up in one of these buildings and wait. We will bring any surviviors we can back here and then you all can make your way back to the ship together."

Rigging will then call up to Swirl sensing his fears. "Hey buddy, come back down. I will protect you."

Rigging will organize the others, Cosmo, you are flying high cover and will lead us to them. Appolo up front to look for traps, followed by Ashira, Val, Mykael, Nezamil, Bart and then myself. I will watch that back. Ghem can try and watch our flanks. Lets go people, lives are at stake."

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+12=22
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:07:39 AM

Having said fill and feeling more than a little miffed at her husband, Ashira lets him organize things. When the group is ready, she takes up the second place position and starts to track the Yuan Ti (track=22).

Into the Jungle 2----ADM Nellie  d100=80 d20+18=24 d20+13=18 d20+8=28
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:37:20 AM

Rigging queries the group on their ability to detect traps, and formulates a battle plan. Then he tries to reconnect with Swirl, which is met with a large degree of resistance... Nooooo way...I'm not going back down there with those slimy things...unuh. (OOC: George, roll another Will save DC17 for Swirl. If he succeeds, then he manages to shake off part of the spell, but takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity as long as he is 20 feet close to a snake)

Rigging, Bart and Nezamil all suggest that the villagers stay behind or head to the ship. The teens look relieved at the suggestion, as they have apparently had more than enough "adventure" with the creatures for one day. They quickly strip the dead Yuan Ti of its equipment and give it to Marcos. "Don't worry, Captain. I'll look after the others until you get back." Though young and inexperienced, the boy seems sincere enough and he sets up watch outside of one of the huts, looking very strange in the bulky leather armor of the Yuan Ti.

Val takes the axe and finds it incredibly light...and more than a little distracting, considering it could make a fantastic night light with the way it glows! (OOC: For now, just treat it as a battle axe...I'll supply you with the stats once you use it in combat. :) )

Gathering the needed supplies, the group heads out into the overgrown and steamy jungle. Once more, they find travel very difficult and the progress is slow (1/2 speed for those on the jungle floor, excluding Ashira and possibly Nezamil, no double movement or running).

Ghem heads out ahead of the party, and after traveling about 100 feet into the jungle he contacts Mykeal. "Hey boss, got a group of about 4 of them about 50 feet away, but I can't pin them down. What do you want me to do?"

OOC: I assume Ghem is flying at 60 ft/round. So, Ghem's report would come to Mykeal after the group has spent approximately 2 rounds in the jungle (or roughly 30 feet into the jungle).

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 10:56:57 AM

Val takes a few swings with the axe, finding it pleasingly light. Her strength is great but the axe feels nearly weightless in her hand. Hopefully its as sharp as it is light.

"With the way we are all glowing they will see us coming a mile away."

attendence report 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 3:54:19 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxoxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxox
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo oxoxo

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 4:01:45 PM

The big warrior brings up the rear of the marching group with only the Captain behind him.

Bart is alert as his eyes sweep the jungle for danger ...his hands empty of weapons ....for the moment.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+6=17
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 4:11:10 PM

Nezamil trots after Mykael into the jungle "heh for some reason i always get the feeling i'm walking maw of some giant beast " laughs the 10'2" dwarf to Mykael.

With a peek behind him to make sure Bart and Rigging are following them.....Nezamil surveys the left side of the trail (d20+6=17 spot ch)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=30 d20+8=22 d20+9=27 d20+14=30 d20+13=25
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 5:12:45 PM

Appolo smiles "no problem boss."He then moves forward on point taking about a 50 ft lead on the rest of the party,as they head into the jungle.He is ever on the lookout for trouble.

As he moves Appolo sticks to the shadows and moves silently as possible.

Spot 30 Listen 22 Search 27 Move silently 30 hide 25

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57)  d20+5=24 d20+5=17
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 5:52:53 PM

Cosmo follow Riggings orders and scouts ahead. He also "hears" the dragon's message in his head. Since Cosmo's speed is faster than the group on the ground, he will fly in a circle around the group as it moves through the jungle. If he spots or hears anything he will report back to Rigging and the rest of the Wildcards.

Spot 24
Listen 17

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+11=28
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 9:12:28 PM

Rigging will move along with the group watching for any kinds of activity behind them. When he hears about the group of 4, he will gather the Wildcards and say, "OK, we need to hit this group hard and fast. I want our fighting groups put together. Val Mykeal and Appolo in one and Ashira, Bart and Nezamil in the other. Cosmo and Myself are the reserves. Cosmo summon some of your animal friends and have them concentrate on one of them. I will spell cast on the fourth to keep him busy. The plan is the 2 groups of 3 take on one each, take them down fast and then move onto the others. If one is an abomination, I want Val's group to attack it. Let's see what that axe will do."

Swirl makes his saving throw and comes back down to Rigging's level.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:12:22 AM

Ghem, keep looking. We will handle these 4. Find the group of kidnappers and then report back.

"More delaying tactics. We dont have time for this. Not that we are going to make up any ground in this dang jungle." Mykael thinks aloud.

"Good idea Rigging, however, I think we just hit all 4 at once. If we can. Watch for traps, but none of them have proven too formidable. We cant afford to be too careful, people's lives are in danger."

Mykael (extra post) 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:15:53 AM

"Rigging, the 4 will probably just use traps and missile fire like the last ones. Better to just move past them, unless they directly engage us. We cant wast time."

OOC: forgot to post my spell list

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:40:21 AM

The ranger watches as the group crawls through the jungle, while she, on the other hand moves quickly and easily. "This just doesn't feel right..." she mutters. When the enemy is reported, Ashira forms up with her group, but nods at Mykael's thoughts. "Appolo, you keep a sharp eye out for traps...I don't want to be hanging from a tree anytime soon!"

Pay Dirt---ADM Nellie  d20+18=23 d100=99 d20+18=33 d20+13=30 d20+8=23 d20+18=20 d100=76 d20+17=30 d100=86
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:23:04 AM

The enemy is detected, and the Wildcards regroup on Rigging's orders, with Ghem guiding them to the enemy's position. Ghem prepares to head out, but he is suddenly inundated with a magical assault. (Two Will saves DC 17 or the pseudodragon becomes petrified of snakes and must stay 20 feet away from them).

Swirl returns hesitantly back to Rigging, though his master can still sense a large amount of grief when the whirlwind passes too close to any snake.

From his aerial view, Cosmo scans the jungle, looking for signs of the encumbered Yuan Ti. It's hard going with all those vines in the way, but finally his hard work pays off. About 300 feet into the jungle, or 270 feet from the current position of the rest of the party is a group of approximately 9 Yuan Ti and they look to be loaded down, and they're not moving right now. From the report that Ghem has giving, Cosmo figures that the four Yuan Ti previously spotted are in a position in line with the kidnappers. As he is about to circle back toward the Wildcards, Cosmo feels the tingle of magic attempting to control his body. Several of the snake creatures look up toward the sky and hiss menacingly at the griffon. (Gryphon needs to make 2 Fort. Saves DC18 or be turned into a snake...he gets an additional +4 bonus to his Fort save. It also needs to make 2 Will saves DC17 or is terrified of snakes and must stay at least 20 feet away).

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 10:03:27 AM

Val can barely resist the urge to charge forward at full speed. They seem to be distracted and she can cover the distance quickly.

"Let me take them on Captain. There's only 9 of them." Val says eagerly.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 4:08:16 PM

I'm sorry. Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Unless you have Woodland Stride or Freedom of Movement, travel through the jungle is restricted to 1/2 your normal move rate with no double moves, charging or running.

Here is some more useful information regarding combat in the jungle...

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+10=21 d20+9=20 d20+8=19 d20+14=31 d20+13=29
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 5:41:55 PM

Appolo listens to the plan and nods"Ok Sunshine let's go collect us some more belts."He turns to Rigging"Boss I think you should l et My group handle these four on our own,while the rest of you move on and run down the group carrying the women.Val,Bart and I can handle four of them on our own.Best catch up ot that group before they start moving agian."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+12=23 d20+12=21 d20+5=8 d20+5=23 d20+9=18 d20+9=12 4d6(3+5+3+3)=14 4d6(4+5+2+3)=14
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:20:53 PM

Just as Cosmo spots the snake creatures they attack his magical mount. The creature is able to shake off the baleful polymorphs (Fort saves 23 & 21), but not the fear effects (Will saves 8 & 23).

OOC - These 2 spell like abilities have a pretty short range so I am assuming I am only about 30'-50' away from them.

Cosmo's mount starts to fly away from the snake creatures, but not before Cosmo launches his own attack. He casts Scorching Ray at one of the Yuan-ti Abominations. The 2 rays slam into the evil creature.

Hit TAC's 18 & 12
Damage 14 + 14 = 28

Cosmo flies back to Rigging and the Wildcards at a height of 120'.

"Rigging there are 9 more Yuan-Ti about 300' in that direction. Two of them are Abominations. They are not moving and appear to be loaded down with prisoners."

OOC - What is the make-up of the 9?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) - Add'l post  d20+9=21 d20+9=17
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:22:06 PM

Spell Resistance rolls 21 & 17.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:24:54 PM

The big warrior nods at Captain riggings words and moves closer to his fighting group Ashira and Nezamil " it's going to be tough moving thru the jungle"

Bart waits for the word to move out and engage

(post by adm-Chris)

Rigging mage armor, protection from arrows 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:32:06 PM

Rigging says, "Take the four first. Lets whittle them down. Then we can take on the larger group. Don't want the four coming behind us and surprising us."

OOC Nellie, I am getting confused on where everything is? How close are we to the four? How long until we can attack with our reduced movement?

My appologies...somehow this part of my post got chopped off...
So, with 70 feet separating them from the first group of Yuan Ti located (or 5 rounds of movement) and 270 feet (or 18 rounds), the Wildcards find the need to decide which front to attack first...the lone group of four or the kidnappers.---Nellie

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:41:42 PM

"Captain.....we're going to rescue the women right ?"

Looking up as Cosmo fly's by and informs them of what he scouted " two Abominations !!...Bart's right ...trekking thru the jungle will be difficult....but possible....if it's slow going for us its got to be slow for them too....if we can get Cosmo and Swirl to keep them pinned down we should be able to advance to their position"

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:49:58 PM

Spot 21 Search 20 Listen 19 Move Sikent 31 Hide 29 Forgot to include in post.

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+12=18
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 10:43:42 PM

The ranger smiles. Finally!! Her swords out and her shield in place, Ashira moves swiftly through the jungle. Still, she is mindful of the traps from before and keeps an eye out for any traps that might lie before them. (Spot=18)

Prep Time---ADM Nellie  d100=95
Thursday August 24th, 2006 12:25:00 AM

Makeup of nine Yuan Ti spotted by Cosmo
All purebloods, and all carrying large sacks. Sorry, no abominations yet.
Makeup of four Yuan Ti located by Ghem. Unknown as of yet since Ghem hasn't actually seen them, just noted them with his blindsense.

Cosmo's mount is able to shake off some of the magic assaulting him, but not all. Suddenly terrified, it rears off, but not before Cosmo can fire a parting shot. The rays shoot from Cosmo's hand and weave throught the jungle (cover=95) before finally ripping into the creature, disintegrating it before it can even draw a breath to scream in pain. The sack drops to the ground with a heavy thud. And then there were eight. (OOC: I am going to be nice in this one instance and assume that Cosmo is able to aim the ray precisely at the Yuan Ti and not hit the sack it is holding. However, in the future, be mindful that further attacks could lead to casualties among the hostages.)

Using the information that he's gathered, Rigging decides to hit the problem head on. Fearful of being flanked, the Captain orders that the Wildcards move on the first four Yuan Ti. (OOC: you have 4 rounds of travel remaining if you want any buff spells, or anything. Feel free to post them, as I will be moving things on next round)

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:54:52 AM

"Should we split up? These snakes aren't that tough. It's possible to save both the captives and kill them all. Do we have any immobilizing magic to prevent them from killing the hostages?"

Rigging mage armor protection from arrows 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:57:40 PM

Rigging will look at Val and say, "Punching our way through this jungle is to slow.Lets kill these four first. We know the others are there but we can't see them. As we get closer, maybe some web spells or something. I don't have anything memorized myself that won't hurt the hostages.

(ooc Remember how far away we are. We are only moving 15' a round. The second group is around 13 rounds away. If they want to kill the hostages, we can't do much about it.)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 8:06:28 PM

The big warrior nods at Riggings words " i'm ready"

Sword in hand ....Bart heads into the jungle ....using his sword to help clear the way (not clear cutting but am doing a little hacking)

The warrior keeps close to his friends as they advance towards the four nearby snakemen

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+6=19
Thursday August 24th, 2006 8:09:27 PM

The 10'2" dwarf follows after Bart and uses his bulk to add to Barts handiwork....his crossbow ready for battle he peers thru the dense jungle(d20+6=19 spot ch)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=25 d20+9=21 d20+8=28 d20+14=33 d20+13=21
Thursday August 24th, 2006 9:02:10 PM

Appolo heads back into the jungle,adian taking poit.Eyes and ears open as he closes with his prey.

Spot 25,Search 21,Listen 28.Move silently 33,Hide 21

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+16=30 d20+12=21
Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:00:58 PM

The ranger moves with Appolo, allowing him to search for traps, but not letting him get too far ahead. (Move Silently=30, Spot=21)

Ghem  d20+5=12 d20+5=21
Friday August 25th, 2006 12:27:28 AM

[i]SNAKES!!! they are too big. They have seen me! Mykael, they are just too big. I cant get... I wont get any closer! I.. i... can still find them for you from a ways away. But DONT ask me to get close to them.[i/]

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Friday August 25th, 2006 12:30:29 AM

Mykael moves as fast as he can after the 9 that Cosmo pointed out.

Ok.. ok. Calm down Ghem. I know they are scary, especially since they are so much bigger. Just track them all for me. We need to find the nine.

And....there off.... ADM Nellie  d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+18=29 d20+18=21 d20+15=26
Friday August 25th, 2006 1:16:52 AM

The Wildcards move swiftly and easily toward the grouping of four purebloods in the jungle once again with the help of Ghem and Cosmo (?). Having a pretty good bead on the group, the warriors march forward into the jungle. In the lead, Appolo sneaks forward slipping silently from tree to tree. Although he knows he's getting close (they should be about 40 feet away), Scanning the undergrowth carefully, Appolo finally finds what he was looking for...two Yuan Ti about 40 feet away, well camoflagued and almost impossible to see. (OOC: I'm moving this on in the interest of fun. Technically speaking, though visibility is reduced to 30 feet. Just FYI). It looks like for now, the Yuan Ti are unaware of Appolo's presence, though the noise made by the rest of the party causes the two Yuan Ti to notch arrows as they wait for the Wildcards to emerge from the jungle.

In the meantime, Ghem struggles with his fears. Those things are just soooo big and scary. Good thing he can stay away from them and still "see" them! Ghem reports that once more, the snakey things don't seem to be moving...it's more like they're just milling around at the moment, but it's hard to know without actually being able to see them. (OOC: Darain, give me a rough idea of how far Ghem is going to stay away from the 9 kidnappers...20 feet...30 feet...50 feet?)

Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle No double moves, and no running or charging or the like.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 (Location M20) 
Friday August 25th, 2006 11:53:54 AM

Val moves forward through the jungle, cutting away foliage with the glowing battle axe. She wonders what the snake men are up to but doesn't actually care all that much.

"Just wait til I get close to them."

Appolo ac 23 HP:68  d20+10=13 d20+9=16 d20+8=21 d20+14=25 d20+13=23 d20+13=20 d20+13=30 d8=1 d8=3 12d6(5+6+4+3+3+4+2+6+1+3+6+4)=47 d100=45 d100=100
Friday August 25th, 2006 7:10:40 PM

Appolo spots the snakemen and closes on PB4.Moving silently and sticking to the shadows Appolo tries to circle behind and flamk his target.He readies his bow.Once he is with in 20 fy and behind his opponent he will fire twice.

Spot 13 Search 16 Listen 21 Move Silent 25 Hide 23

Attack 20,30 Damage 1 3 Backstab 23 24+47

%45 100 to miss

Ghem -- HP 28/28, AC 18  d20+24=36 d20+7=16 d20+7=27
Friday August 25th, 2006 8:28:59 PM

'It would be much safer for me to fly down to that tall tree and hide. I can still watch them since they are not moving. Maybe I will even be able to see them,' the scared dragon thinks to himself.

OOC: Ghem will try and stay about 40 feet away, this will give him enough room to feel safe and still keep a good eye on the prey.

(Hide = 36)
(Spot = 16)
(Listen = 27, nat 20)

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Friday August 25th, 2006 8:34:24 PM

Mykael can almost feel the shiver that runs down the back of his familiar as he hides.

They are just humanoid snakemen. Its a spell that has you. We have been dealing with them for days now. Keep and eye on them, hide for safety, and relax. I will kill them for you. Remember, they are evil and have captured some humans that didnt want to go with them.

Mykael continues to move forward as quickly as possible. If arrows come, he uses his shield to block them as he presses on toward the kidnappers.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Saturday August 26th, 2006 1:08:21 AM

Cosmo continues to circle around the group and the snake creatures, but at a much higher altitude (120'). Hopefully this will keep him out of their range for their spell-like abilities.

Rigging  d20+12=32
Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:02:55 PM

Rigging will pick his way through the jungle towards the enemy. He moves to K28 and looks to make sure that nothing is hiding around him. He says to Mykael, "Careful, there should be more of them. They like traps."

spot check natural 20

Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:09:57 PM

The big warrior moves forward thru the jungle ahead of the big dwarf...slashing at the foiliage.....he keeps heading toward the direction that Rigging gave.

(post by adm chris)

Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:12:12 PM

Nezamil crashes thru the jungle after Bart.....keeping pace with the hacking warrior as the slowly close in on the snakemens position.

The 10'2" dwarf scans the jungle as he holds his crossbow ready to fire ...searching for targets

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+12=18
Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:27:08 PM

The ranger grins. "Alright...time to blow through these guys." Her swords at the ready, Ashira makes a double move forward to engage the Yuan Ti(I10, Spot=18).

Resistance is Futile----ADM Nellie  d20+18=34 d20+18=30 d20+18=26 d6=2 d6=1 d20+10=15 d20+6=19 d20+6=17 d20+4=11 d20+13=26
Monday August 28th, 2006 12:32:58 AM

The enemy is sighted, and the fight begins. With the Wildcards springing into action, there is little doubt that this fight will last long.

Being one of the closer ones, Appolo moves over to within 20 feet and open fires...unfortunately as he's pulling off the shot, the very grasses underneath his feet begin to twist and wind around his legs. (OOC: Appolo is now in an entangled area...Ref. DC 12 or become entangled. Another note...you cannot sneak attack unless the target is denied it's Dex. Bonus or is flanked. Right now the pureblood is not under either of those conditions). Appolo zips off a couple of arrows which stick in the side of the snakeman but they don't appear to be terribly bothersome.

Rigging and the others move forward, ready for the time to strike. Knowing his enemy likes sneaky tactics, Rigging looks around the battlefield, but can't see anything menacing other than the two Yuan Ti up in front. Ashira moves easily forward, her ranger talents allowing her unrestricted movement through the jungle. However, she fails to see the trap in front of her until it is almost too late (Ref. DC25 or 3 pts. damage...ending in I13, or I12 depending on Reflex).

Seeing the arrival of the enemy, the Yuan Ti hiss in anticipation. Bows at the ready, they fire at the nearest targets...namely Appolo and Ashira. The well armored Wildcards don't even notice the attacks as the arrows ping harmlessly off the metal.

Meanwhile, further in the jungle...
Cosmo circles the area. Having learned his lesson, he stay far out of reach of the ranged spells. However, it is pretty difficult to spot much of what's happening on the ground from this altitude. (OOC: Ok, Matt...I'm confused. Sounds like you might be too. There are 4 purebloods where the Wildcards are at and 9 about 200 feet away from the Wildcards. The group of 9 were the Yuan Ti that attacked Cosmo previously. Is Cosmo and his mount sticking around them or are they flying back toward the Wildcards?)

Though he is petrified, Ghem continues his watch on the 9 Pureblood kidnappers...from a much higher vantage point. For the moment, the Yuan Ti look surprisingly sedate, considering one of their number was just turned into charcoal a few minutes ago. Lowering their sacks to the ground, they pull out waterskins and begin drinking...though they appear to be continually scanning the jungle.

Unless you have Woodland Stride...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Monday August 28th, 2006 1:43:22 AM

Mykael continues double moves towards the 9 kidnappers. He will move off toward thier right flank, thus moving to his left.

'Most traps and spells coming from them will be in the middle, need to move toward thier flank,' Mykael considers his tactics to himself.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Monday August 28th, 2006 1:46:05 AM

OOC: Chris, I cant post for Mykael tomorrow night, please keep him moving at double moves towards the nine. Unless something major happens. He is concerned for those captured, thus the Yuan-Ti attempting to delay us are of no concern to him unless, one of the group is in dire peril and he can help.


Val AC 19, 139/ 139 (Location M16) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 9:46:02 AM

All the thick vegitation is starting to frustrate the barbarian. The snakes have to be around here somewhere but the jungle wants to aggrivate her.

"Can't somebody just fireball the jungle so we can see something?"

Appolo Ac 23 Ho 68  d20+9=14 d20+10=14 d20+8=10
Monday August 28th, 2006 4:08:27 PM

Appolo drops his bow, draws his swords and closes with his opponent.While keeping a sharp eye out for traps and what not.

Spot 14,Search 14 Listen 10

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 8:07:09 PM

OOC - The Griffon flies 80', so I am assuming I can move at least 160' a round at a "walking" type speed. I am going to fly between our group and the group of 9 at a high level. Trying to keep tabs on both groups.

Cosmo continues his surviellance as best he can.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging L21  d20+12=32
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:07:28 PM

Rigging keeps moving forward cursing this thick jungle. He move forward his eyes scanning for the enemy and any traps or possible ambushes.

Swirl flies by his side, flinching from any snakes he might see.

spot check 32

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+12=18
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:27:23 PM

Watching the ground open up before her, Ashira tries to avoid the trap, but it is too late (Refl.=18). She falls down into the pit, falling on several spikes which scrape harmlessly against her armor. Shaken and a little dazed, she looks up from the 20 foot deep pit she is now in. Aw crap!! Should have seen that coming!! She spits in frustration as she gets to her feet and sheathes her weapons. Should have never given John those slippers!! she thinks as she examines the climb ahead of her.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:50:57 PM

The big warrior keeps pushing his way thru the jungle following in Ashira's footsteps "Whoa" yells Bart in surprise at the rangers cursing as he stops short of the trap " you ok ?......Nez....over here "

Bart quickly looks about as his weapon disappears back into his glove

(post by adm - Chris )

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:58:45 PM

The 10'2" dwarf moves(moves 20') with ease thru the jungle...gaining on Bart as he chases after him

At Bart's call for assistance " coming....what is it ?"

Nezamil catches a glimpse of Bart and steps over by his side " heh what have you caught here ?" as he laughs at Ashira's situation

"here let me help ya up" as he quickly kneels down and extends his arm down to her (15' reach-hugh size) " grab my hand i'll hual yuot butt outa your little hiding spot " chuckles Nezamil

when the blue haired ranger grabs his hand Nezamil pulls her out of the pit

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ho Hum----ADM Nellie  d20+18=33 d20+18=29 d20+18=30 d6=4 d6=2 d20+10=27 d6=3 d20+5=11 d20+7=27 d20+6=10 d20+6=20
Monday August 28th, 2006 11:52:28 PM

Mykael moves forward, not worried about the obvious diversion in front of him. Scooting around to the left, Mykael finds the roots grabbing at his boots and trying to pull him to the jungle floor (OOC: Mykeal is now in an entangled area...Ref. DC 12 or become entangled).

Val is getting more than feed up with the encroaching jungle she whacks at some nearby vines to relieve her mounting tension.

Appolo, on the other hand, springs into action. Taking a look around, he doesn't see anything threatening so he moves forward...only to find his own pit trap in front of him. (Ref. DC25 or 6 pts. damage plus Fort save DC11 or 3 pts. Con damage...ending in 014, or 015 depending on Reflex...also, please remember the Refl. Roll vs the entangle at DC12 if you miss the pit). Hissing in laughter, the pureblood in front of him lets loose with another arrow which comes very close to hitting Appolo.

Ashira heads forward to take down her opponent and falls head over heal for the old covered pit trap. With a loud thump, she hits bottom...and begins looking for a way up.

Seeing the ranger's plight, Bart and Nezamil pull short. Using his long reach, Nezamil gives Ashira a helping hand and fishes her out of the hole. The pureblood in front of them (PB2) fires off a quick arrow as Nemamil tries to rescue Ashira, but it gets stuck in a nearby vine.

Continuing to move forward, Rigging takes a look see...and lo and behold...what does he spot but a pureblood Yuan Ti hiding behind a tree nearby (M9) (OOC: 2 nat. 20's in a row!!! Way to go!!)

Meanwhile, further in the jungle...
Cosmo continues to scan the jungle (roll your own spot next time, please) but he's too high up to notice anything in particular (Spot=11).

On the other hand, Ghem, despite his tail shaking fear of the snakey things gets a real good look at the 9 Purebloods. They have put down their sacks, and appear to be pulling several small vials out of pouches and laying them down on the ground in front of them.

Unless you have Woodland Stride...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 (Location O13) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:13:35 PM

Val keeps forcing her way through the jungle vowing to purchase some magical item at the earliest possible moment to make sure the problems of a thick jungle never happen again.

attendence report 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 1:48:53 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxoxx
Cosmo xxxox

good week people !!

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+14=32 d20+14=32 d20+10=28 d20+9=22 d20+8=25 d20+14=25 d20+13=29
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:49:40 PM

Appolo easily avids the trap and dances through the wiggling vines to close with his opponent{PB4}.Swords drawn and ready for business.He continues move silent and use the shadows for cover.

Reflex vs Vines 32 Reflex vs.Pit Trap 32

Spot 28 Search 22 Listen 25

Move Silently 25 Hide 29

Rigging  d20+12=24 d4+1=4 2d6(1+6)=7
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:57:59 PM

Rigging sees the hiding enemy and he glides forward and stabs at him with his holy dagger. He hits ac 24 doing 11 points of damage.

(ooc I am not sure where I am. You say this Yuan-ti is close by but you list him in a square that isn't even in sight of me. Wasn't sure what to do, so I attacked. :-)

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 9:07:26 PM

Bart moves towards the snake bowman ....his sword appears instantly in his hand as he closes in the shooter (not able to spring attack according to Jim)

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 9:22:30 PM

With a nod at the snake bowman " he's all yours " grins Nezamil at ashira

" you take one flank i'll take the " as he watches Bart move straight at the snakeman " i got left......lets cut off his escape routes" "

Nezamil moves to a flanking position on the shooter (move 20' w/freedom of movement)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=26 d20+7=23 d20+1=11
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 10:07:10 PM

Mykael says not this time, as he dodges the entangle and moves on toward the nine. He continues to double move at an angle in an attempt to avoid traps. He also decides to pull his sword. He uses it to stab at the ground every so often looking pit traps. He will not sacrifice movement speed for trap searching, so he just checks the ground periodically, hoping for some luck.

(Reflex save = 26)
(Spot = 23)
(Listen = 11)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+18=30 d8+3=8 d20+12=13
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 10:23:12 AM

Thanking Nezamil for his help with the pit, Ashira moves over and takes a swipe at the pureblood (AC28 for 8). Looking over at Bart, she comments "Ok, big guy, he's all yours next time. Shouldn't be too hard for you. Ghem told us their were four. I'm gonna see if I can spot the other one. Then I'm gonna move to engage...Nezamil you come with me, ok?" (Spot=nat. 1..geez).

Blood shed and Surprises----ADM Nellie  2d6(3+2)=5 d20+10=14 d100=40 d100=45 d20+7=27 2d8(7+7)=14 d20+5=8 d20+5=7 d20+5=6 d20+5=17
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:12:27 AM

{OOC: The map I sent out Monday night was all messed up. I am going to assume that everyone gets roughly where they stated they wanted to be, even though that would be more movement than allowed. Because of this, however, please read the post carefully as several things are happening).

Rigging, Mykael, Val, Bart and Nezamil have crossed across pit traps as they moved.
Need a Reflex save DC25 from Rigging
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Mykael (DC halfed since he's using his sword to look for traps.
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Val (DC halfed since Appolo tripped the trap for her in a previous round)
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Nezamil (DC halfed since Ashira tripped the trap for him in a previous round)
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Bart (DC halfed since Ashira tripped the trap for him in a previous round)

Another DM note...All of the following actions are dependant on you not falling into the pits that you passed across. Obviously, if you fail your Reflex save then you have fallen into the 20 feet deep pit and are located on the black square closest to you character on the map.and take 5 points of damage from the fall

Bart, Nezamil and Ashira team up on the pathetic archer in front of them, readying themselves to cut him down quickly. Ashira takes a swipe and slices deeply into the Yuan Ti (miss=45). The creature appears amazed at the speed with which the Wildcards moved forward and quickly drops its bow. Hastily drawing its scimitar, the pureblood's following strike misses Ashira by a mile.

Rigging moves forward with amazing speed. He makes it about half way to the Yuan Ti when there is a sudden flash of light and a crackling. There is a surge of energy and Rigging is wracked with pain (14 pts. electric damage. Ref. DC18 for half)
Moving forward in spite of the trap, Rigging takes his frustration out on the Yuan Ti he just found There is a satisfying dribble of blood on his dagger as he sinks it into the pureblood's side (miss=40). Hissing in anger, the pureblood turns and tries to strike Rigging with his scimitar. The blow is hastily placed, and the creature ends up burying the blade in a nearby palm tree. Now clearly frustrated, the Yuan Ti tugs desperately at its weapon.

Val and Appolo move in and surround the pureblood in front of them. It's only a matter of time now. Val feels the plants around her attempting to pull her down. (Ref. DC12 or become entangled) The snakeman drops its bow hastily and takes a swipe at Val with his scimitar, but the blow bounces harmlessly off her armor.

Not at all concerned about the puny purebloods in front of him, Mykael forges his way forward., intent on making it to the kidnappers. He gets a very unpleasant surprise as a scimitar flashes out of nowhere and slices by his ear, missing by a mile. Looking over his shoulder, Mykael sees another pureblood right beside him. That answers the question of the missing pureblood. Meanwhile, Ghem reports that the kidnappers still have not moved and seem to be drinking water from some waterskins.

Rigging 63/77 hps ac 19 mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+12=29 d20+12=15 d20+12=21 d20+12=31 d6=2 d4=4 2d6(5+5)=10
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:31:39 AM

Rigging sees the pit open up in front of him and nimbly avoids the trap but then stumbles into the shock taking full damage.

Rigging smiles when he sees the sword stuck in the tree and says, "Don't you hate it when that happens?"

Rigging lashes out with sword and dagger hitting twice. The sword only nicks the snakeman but the dagger sinks in deeply and drinks at its life blood. (ooc 2 for sword, 14 points for holy dagger)

Rigging will look down at the dying Yuan-ti and banter, "This snake hunt isn't quite what you expected eh?"

Rigging will move 5' closer to his next victim.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86  d20+9=23 d20+12=27 d20+7=20 d20+2=12 d10+19=26 d10+19=27
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 2:17:27 PM

Bart did avoid the pit and in full attack using a big part of his strength and skill ( powerattack +5) he slashes at the bowmen who is currently wielding a scimitar, slash 1 (ac 27 for 26) slash 2 (ac 20 for 27) and slash 3 misses
(good to be back)

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=17 d20+5=22 d20+7=15 d20+1=12
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 8:07:03 PM

Side-stepping the pit(Reflex = 17), Mykael is clearly annoyed by the Yuan Ti that appears next to him.

Mykael turns and uses force and skill to overrun the bastard that is delaying him.

(Improved Overrun = Str check = 22)

Knocking the Yuan Ti prone, Mykael hollers, "Here is another one! I am leaving him to you." Mykael continues his full movement, as allowed by the special attack, to D12.

(Spot = 15)
(Listen = 12)

Ghem, Cosmo is keeping track of the nine kidnappers. Fly at your safe distance in a bigger and bigger circle around the nine kidnappers looking for more snake-men.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+4=20 d20+6=21
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 8:27:57 PM

Nezamil follows in Ashira's footsteps to avoid the pit(d20+4=20 reflex save)

"i'm right behind ya " growls Nezamil as he deftly moves thru the jungle after the ranger (freedom of movement spell)(move 20')

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

[welcome back Bart ;-) ]

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=22
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 9:08:18 PM

Cosmo continues monitoring the movement of the 9 Yuan-Ti. Or in this case their lack of movement as they remain in their current location.

Spot 22.

He looks back at the Wildcards trying to estimate when they will encounter these snake creatures.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+14=25 d20+9=23 d20+4=14 d20+14=22 d20+6=24 d20+6=23 d20-4=16 d8+5=9 d8+5=8 d6+3=4 2d6(1+6)+6=13
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:00:19 PM

Feeling that Bart is more than capable of dispatching the Yuan Ti nearby, Ashira decides to focus on the pureblood freshly discovered by Mykael. She stands above the prone figure, and calls to her husband. "Hey honey, you want a hostage or you prefer I just kill it?" Ashira watches the creature carefully and will attack it should it attempt to get up or change form.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:02:32 PM

Rigging looks down at his own dead snakeman and says, "Just kill it dear. I don't want to drag hostages through the jungle."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=34 d20+14=29 d20+6=17 d10+4=10 d8+4=6 d10+4=13
Thursday August 31st, 2006 1:10:20 AM

Finally reaching his target and quite annoyed at the jungle and the whole situation,Appolo unloads a full attack on PB4.

Atack 34 Critcal hit Damage x2 =20 Attack 29 Attack 17 Damage 6 13 Total Damage 37.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139 (Location O13)  d20+11=17 d20+17=25 d20+12=18 d20+7=12
Thursday August 31st, 2006 10:47:39 AM

ooc: reflex save 17. Trap sense gave a +3 bonus to the roll. It also gives a +2ac against attacks made by traps.

Val effortlessly lifts the glowing battle axe. It was almost weightless in her powerful arm. Quickly it slashes down and across the pure blood.

ooc: three normal attacks. Without magic weapon bonus hit ac 25, 18, and 12. Her str bonus to dmg is +6

End of Combat...for now----ADM Nellie 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 11:16:19 AM

The one sided fight continues to rage.

Bart easily dissects his opponent with his first blow.

Mykael knocks the new pureblood over and keeps on trucking. Nothing's going to stop him from his mission of taking out the kidnappers!! (With double moves, it will take Mykael approximately 9 rounds to reach the kidnappers).

Ashira plays clean up for Mykael and cuts down the prone opponent.

Rigging like the rest of the Wildcards makes short work of his foe, his dagger puncturing the Yuan Ti's lung. It collapses to the jungle floor with a rattle gasping last breath.

Not to be outdone, Appolo and Val slice up the last remaining Yuan Ti. The glowing axe feels incredibly good in Val's hands...light and powerful. The pureblood's face falls as it sees Val approach. Death is in her hands and he knows it. With ease, Val swings the axe and ends it's life with one blow (+3 Snake bane battle axe. Effectively +5 vs. snakes or Yuan Ti and does an additional 2d6 of damage).

It is oddly quiet in the jungle after the combat. A few birds resume singing and Mykael can be heard hiking steadfastly deeper in the jungle.

Ghem hesitantly begins to fly a perimeter around the kidnappers. He reports back to Mykael that for the moment he doesn't sense or see any new snakemen. "When are you going to get here and kill them??"

Cosmo flies back and forth between the kidnappers and the Wildcards. Still no real movement from the 9 Yuan Ti. They look like their settling in...waiting for something maybe. Cosmo estimates that it will take the Wildcards about 9 rounds to reach the kidnappers.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+5=12
Thursday August 31st, 2006 9:59:33 PM

" no mercy " growls Nezamil to Ashira as she debates her actions

The Cleric of Domi hears (d20+5=12 listen ch) Mykael wade thru the jungle "Hey....wait up "

With a nod at the blue haired ranger " i'm going after Mykael....too many traps to caught alone in the jungle "

The 10'2" dwarf quickly heads in Mykael's direction....as he makes his way to catch up to fearless mage....Nezamil will snap off pieces of brush as to mark his trail

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging 63/77 ac 19 protection from arrows and mage armor. 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 11:09:54 PM

Rigging gathers the others and says, "Lets get to the others. I want a single file line. Appolo. Are you injured? Nez, heal him if he is. I wouldn't mind a quick cure either. I ran into some kind of glyph or something. Sorry Appolo but you make the most sense to be in the front. I want you in sight though. No sense rushing. If they wanted to kill the hostages, they could have done so by now. I don't want you falling into a pit."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Marching order: Appolo, 10' space, Bart, Nezamil, Mykael, Ashira, Rigging, and then Val.

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 11:55:01 PM

The ranger sighs. In the middle of the line...sheesh...I could run circles around everyone and he puts me in the middle. Shifting her load, Ashira takes her place in the line and heads out.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+1=6 d20+7=12
Friday September 1st, 2006 1:14:46 AM

Mykael has a lead on the group, and will play trail-blazer until someone is able to catch him and take his place. Otherwise, he doesnt slow one bit.

(Listen = 6, I doubt he hears Rigging)

If he does hear Rigging...

Hollering back a response, "Captain, they will kill them. Perhaps later rather than sooner. But the are still captives, and the Yuan Ti could change thier mind at any moment. Not to mention, they appear to be waiting on something. It could be a travel spell, reinforcements, or who knows what. Either way, I plan to get there before they get what they waiting on."

Mykael continues his double moves and still uses his sword to try and spot traps before he gets to them.

(Spot = 12)

Friday September 1st, 2006 1:23:58 AM

Bart follows to others towards the other captives

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139 
Friday September 1st, 2006 9:39:28 AM

Val grumbles as she moves to the back of the line. Thats exactly the last place she should be. Besides being adept at dealing with traps she should be first to smash through the yuan-ti.

Friday September 1st, 2006 11:52:00 AM

ooc Hearing some grumbling. My main goal was to get us all organized and back together. Trying to keep the trap springing to a minimum. Put Ashira in the middle so she can react to either direction if conflict arises since she has better mobility. I needed one good fighter in the back for when we get surprised from the rear. Suppose it could have been Bart but just picked Val. Upon further reflection, Val is probably better suited up front with the axe and if Bart wants to go to the back, so be it.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Friday September 1st, 2006 7:18:37 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"I'm okI would like Valanthe with me.She can deal with traps and has the speed to stay with me."

Trail Blazers----ADM Nellie 
Saturday September 2nd, 2006 12:14:15 AM

Rigging does his best to reorganize the Wildcards, but Mykael either can't hear or chooses not to hear the Captain. Either way, while the reorganization is going on, Mykael continues into the jungle, giving himself a 60 foot lead in front of the rest of the Wildcards.

Rigging sets up a marching order, which, after much grumbling is changed. Appolo takes point with a 10 foot lead and then Val, Nezamil, Ashira, Rigging, and Bart follow single file.

The trip through the jungle begins to take its toll as the day approaches midday. It's not just hot, it's oppressive...almost unbearable. Those wearing armor are quickly drenched in sweat that is absolutely useless considering there is enough water in the air to fill a small pond. And all the fighting and marching doesn't help. One would think that the considerable plant life would provide a small measure of comfort by blocking out the searing sun, but it just amplifies the humidity...and apparently provides a nice comfortable home for insects. Mosquitoes and leeches abound as the Wildcards follow after the airborne Cosmo.

After a few minutes of marching, Mykael gets a message from Ghem. "Hey, they've gathered their stuff and are moving. It's weird, though because they don't look like they're in a rush. They haven't moved far." (Mykael is now 60 feet from the position of the kidnappers.)

OOC: Due to his 60 foot lead,. Mykael is currently the only Wildcard close to striking range of the Yuan Ti. Moving at a double move, it will take the Wildcards two rounds to reach where Mykael is currently and four rounds to make it to the current location of the Yuan Ti. Also, please feel free to post any actions you have taken in the past 9 rounds)

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 3:05:54 PM

Mykael feels the heat, but is resolute in his task. He is worried that the Yuan Ti chose to rest so they can move faster, while tiring the Wildcards out. However, he is at a serious disadvantage at current range to do much. Therefore, Mykael grits his teeth, thinking of the captives and keeps moving towards his targets as fast as the jungle will allow, another double move.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 9:21:54 PM

Nezamil falls into his marching position as Captain Rigging orders " we better hurry cuz Mykael is up ahead along"

" C'mon Appolo let's move quickly " urges the 10'2" dwarf as he trails behind Val and the Rogue

(Val, Ashira, Bart, Nezamil) all have endure elements on !!

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=21 d20+9=29 d20+8=22 d20+14=18 d20+15=16 d20+6=9
Monday September 4th, 2006 5:15:17 AM

Appolo abian take point moving as fast as he can through the jungle,while keeping his eyes and ears open for any sing of trouble,He also does his best to move silently and not be seen.

Spot 21 Search 29{For Traps} Listen 22 Move silently 18 Hide 16 Please disregard last roll.

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements 
Monday September 4th, 2006 5:15:44 AM

Bart follows Mykeal into the bush, Bart increases his speed so he keeps him insight

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements 
Monday September 4th, 2006 2:35:51 PM

Thanks to Nezamil's magic things are a bit more bearable. She moves as quickly as she can though its not fast enough for her liking. The jungle seems to grip her feet as she tries to take a single step.

ooc: I don't care where Val is but she would.

Rigging  d20+12=18
Monday September 4th, 2006 4:06:18 PM

Rigging tries to keep an eye on his friends and look out for the enemy. "Remember they might have hostages but they are also sneaky and if you see one, he is standing behind a pit and he has a friend hiding behind a tree."

He contacts Swirl to see how his familiar is doing? Is he still afraid of the snakes or has that worn off?

Rigging keeps his place in line wondering if Mykael was going to pay for his recklessness.

OOC I am assuming the whole party is making double moves towards the enemy if we don't encounter anything.

spot check 18

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=25
Monday September 4th, 2006 5:32:54 PM

Cosmo spots the group making double time towards Mykael and the 9 snake creatures.

Spot 25; natural 20

He flies above the group keeping pace with them.

attendence report 
Monday September 4th, 2006 6:09:09 PM

adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxx?
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxox

?? = still has time to post before Dm post

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) 
Monday September 4th, 2006 10:16:03 PM

Ashira moves slowly through the jungle trying to accommodate the other, slower members of the party. Still, she knows the importance of staying together. She shakes her head at Mykael's tactics. It's not that she doubts his sincerity...but it's more experience. True these things looked like push overs, but experience has taught her that bad things happen to those that go it alone.

The Trap is Sprung---ADM Nellie  d100=32
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 12:35:45 AM

Rigging and the Wildcards travel as quickly through the jungle as they can, trying to catch up with Mykael and the kidnappers. Nezamil's spell makes life much more bearable for some, but the wildlife still makes the trip less than a walk in the park. Rigging makes contact with Swirl who is still very much terrified of snakes (spell lasts 10 minutes...roughly 20 rounds or 2 minutes have passed).

From his bird's eye position, Cosmo sees nothing interesting, but then again, it's pretty hard to see many details when you're 120 feet above the battle.

Mykael scoots through the forest, wary of traps, but wanting to catch up to the bad guys before they have a chance to do anything with the hostages. It doesn't take long. As he moves forward, he catches sight of two of the Yuan Ti purebloods moving toward him. They no longer carry sacks and they have scimitars at the ready. He can also hear movement behind them. And then...more surprises. There is a crashing noise in the nearby bushes, and three Yuan Ti purebloods suddenly wriggle into being about 10 feet away from Mykael (Strange that...Mykael is positive there was nothing there just a few minutes ago..). Scimitars in hand, the trio converges on Mykael, though they don't attack. Due to the thick undergrowth, none of the Wildcards with the exception of Cosmo and Swirl spot Mykael's predicament as of yet, though there is definitely a lot of noise going on up front.

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 10:01:56 AM

The golden axe sweeps out before her, dropping a chunk of vegitation onto the ground only to be stepped a second later.

"After this experience the first thing I buy the next time we hit catacombs is a freedom of movement item of some sort. This jungle is really agrivating me."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+5=8
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 5:54:19 PM

" keep moving forward " growls Nezamil as he follows behind Val and Appolo "

"Mykael.....where are ya ?" yells the 10'2" dwarf as he peers up into the jungle canopy as he wonders " where's our flying recon?? "

The big fella keeps pushing forward thru the jungle as he listens (d20+5=8 listen ch )but he can't hear anything over the sounds of the jungle and his fellow crashing thru the jungle undergrowth

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=30 d20+9=26 d20+8=9 d20+14=19 d20+13=15
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 7:32:58 PM

Appolo keeps moving as quickly and silently as possible while keeping and eye out and an ear open for trouble.

Spot 30 Search 26 Listen 9 Move silently 19 Hide 15

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=22 d20+5=10
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:03:07 PM

Hearing the noises coming from Mykaels position, Cosmo swoops down to the Wildcards to give warning.

Listen 22
Spot 10

"Hurry up. I think Mykael might be in some trouble, but I cannot see what is going on through the trees."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging hps 64/77 ac 19 protection from arrows, mage armor 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:27:00 PM

Rigging gets Swirls ariel report and growls, "Mykael has sprung the trap! We need to get to him before they carve him to pieces. Keep moving!"

Rigging will keep moving as fast as he can towards Mykael.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

George to Chris (Appolo) 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:28:13 PM

Chris you do realize that you can't move quickly and hide and move silently. Move silently really slows your movement. Since we are crawling in this jungle as is, you will barely move at all.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+11=31 d20+12=13
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 11:06:06 PM

Ashira hears the battle going on up ahead (Listen= nat. 20) and glances at her husband. "Sorry dear can't let Mykael go like that..." she calls over her shoulder as she sprints easily through the jungle. She catches up with Appolo (J33) and checks for any further signs of the enemy but finds a big palm tree in the way (Spot=nat. 1).

Come Into My Parlor---ADM Nellie  d20+10=26 d20+3=16 d20+10=18 d20+3=22 d20+10=20 d20+3=8
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 12:06:41 AM

Aware of Mykael's plight, the Wildcards get moving. But the jungle is indeed hampering. Still, Appolo and the fleet footed Ashira now have sight of him and his attackers....and it doesn't look good. Already surrounded on three fronts, things go from bad to worse as four more purebloods from the north come down to join the party (interesting...no sacks). In striking range, the three first purebloods attack their surrounded enemy, but all of the attacks ping harmlessly off his armor.

Appolo knows that next round he and Ashira will be able to close with the snake men while it will take the other Wildcards another round if they so choose. As he takes a look around, Appolo is sure he spotted some movement to the right of his current position. Whatever it was, it was small.

Bart  d20+3=19
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 3:46:37 AM

Bart increases his speed, taking risks if necassery to reach Mykael and the pure bloods as soon as possible (dex check 19)

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:59:17 AM

Now aware of the ambush Val moves forward as fast as she can (I 32).

"I'll give the snakes one thing. They sure are sneaky."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste rd 6  d20+5=23 d20+15=34 2d6(2+1)+6=9 d20+13=18
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 4:07:33 PM

Nezamil clicks his heels together (re-activate boots of speed , free action)and surges forward(move 40')to the left of Val (moving up H-file to H-29)......the 10'2" dwarf deftly moves the the jungle undergrowth with surprising ease.....(d20+5=23 listen ch) he homes in on sounds of battle ahead.....just as the snakemen appeared seemingly out of nowhere....the Cleric of Domi suddenly springs forth and whacks the snakeman(pb11) with his mace (d20+15=34 only swing cuz of move)......with a solid blow (2d6(2+1)+6=9 dam)

" who says ya gotta be short to be sneaky " growls Nezamil

" way to trap'em for us Mykael " laughs the dwarf as he hopes to plant seeds of doubt in the snakesmens minds

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=27 d20+9=24 d20+8=12
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 4:45:48 PM

Appolo looks right scanning the jungle hard for the enemy.He gets Ashira's attention"I think theres more of them moving ot the right of us just out of sight."He raides his hand indicating the party should stop and wait."Ashira can you get to Mykeal and fall back to us Rigging have cosmo lay down some covering fire about 100 yards to my right.They are trying to encircle us."

Mykael -- HP 30/56, AC 27  d100=64 6d6(5+6+1+5+1+3)=21 d20+7=19
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 4:49:56 PM

OOC: Sorry, on vacation, cant read the maps, and have limited internet access. Didnt mean to miss the last post.

I am assuming that Mykael is in battle with at least 3, therefore any movement out would provoke serious attacks of opporntunity.

IC: Mykael looks his enemies it their reptilian eyes, grits his teeth, "I owe you all, and you are not going to delay me!"

Mykael cast fireball encompassing area almost centered on himself, aiming to get all the Yuan Ti that he can see, hear, or knows about.

(made Spell Failure = 64%)
(Fireball = 21 damage)
(Reflex save vs DC: 17, for half)

(Mykael's Reflex save = 19, thus 11 damage, as added in already)

"Did that light the way for you all enough back there?!? Lets MOVE!" Mykael yells back to the group.

Ghem? Many have appeared suddenly. I dont see any of the kidnapped people. Please get to looking for more. This group led us away from the real group most likely.

Rigging ac 19 hps 64/77 protection from arrows and mage armor  d20+12=31 d20+12=23 d20+12=22 d3=2
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 7:01:36 PM

Rigging winces when he sees the fireball go off wondering if that was the best tactic. When he hears Appolo's warning he yells, "Keep moving forward. I have a surprise for them."

Rigging moves 15' forward and then casts a summon monster 4 spell getting 2 fiendish apes next round. Made all my concentration checks for my spells.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:46:48 PM

Ashira looks over at Appolo. "Sure thi..." The fireball goes off, and Ashira flinches in surprise. "Hope he doesn't plan on firing off any more of those anytime soon." Ashira mutters as she moves into striking range (J28), swords drawn.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 10:40:19 PM

Cosmo continues his ariel scouting. He sees the fireball go ff and heads in that direction.

He hopes Mykael is ok.

The Spider or The Fly??---ADM Nellie  d20+10=30 d20+10=14 d20+10=26 d20+10=17 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d20+10=24 d20+6=24 d20+6=8 d20+6=11 d20+6=13 d20+6=15 d20+6=23 d20+6=25 d20+11=18 d20+11=25 d20+11=29 d6+3=6 d6+3=6 d100=89 d100=80 d100=97 d20+10=19 d20+9=16 d20+8=9 d20+8=9 d100=2 d20+10=29 d20+10=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 d20+10=17 d100=73 d20+10=14 d20+5=19 d100=31 d20+10=12 d20+5=15
Thursday September 7th, 2006 1:10:59 AM

Backed into a corner with nowhere to go, Mykael makes a gutsy move. Drawing several attacks of opportunity from the foes surrounding him, Mykael steels himself to fire off his deadly spell...and the purebloods respond in kind by taking their attacks of opportunity on the mage. Fortunately, only two of the beasts are able to penetrate Mykael's armor doing a minimal amount of damage (12 pts. total damage). (DM note: normally if you take damage while trying to cast a spell you need to make a concentration check DC 10+ damage taken + spell level. I'll let it slide this round.) There is a flash and then the searing waves wash over Mykael and the Yuan Ti. Even though he's able to side step most of the flames, the smell of burning flesh fills the air as Mykael's hair and eyebrows are burned from his flesh. The Yuan Ti, curiously weather the flames far better. Several of them look to be completely unharmed (PB3, 4, 9 &10). The others (PB8, 11 &12) duck out of the way of the flames and look only mildly annoyed at the attack. (OOC: Please roll spell resistance checks for each opponent next time)

Mykael can feel the struggle going on inside of his familiar. "Boss, be careful out there..those icky snakes are everywhere...big ones, small ones...on the ground, in the trees...everywhere....everywhere!!" Still, Ghem screws up enough strength to take a look around. "There are some bags lying on the ground behind those snake thingies that have you surrounded. Is that what you're looking for? And past the bags are some more snake thingies...three of them."

The cavalry arrives in force. Deciding to turn the tables, Nezamil activates his boots and bolts toward the fray. (OOC: I'm sorry, I misspoke about the Freedom of Movement... it will not increase your movement in the jungle, but does help with Entangle spells. Spoke with Chris and he decided to change his move. He wished to take a 20 foot move to H33.) Val and Ashira likewise make double moves and ready themselves for some butt kicking next round. Not one for the up close and personal stuff, Rigging fires off a spell for reinforcements (please post for apes next round and remember, Rigging cannot see the battle, so he will have to place his apes by approximation.). Meanwhile, Appolo guestimates the Yuan Ti's tactics and makes some suggestions of his own.

The snakemen hiss at one another. One of the creatures springs toward Mykael and wraps his arms around him (touch attack AC19) and makes a grab for him (Grapple=16 Mykael's opposed check is 10+ his base attack+ strength) but can't quite get ahold. Two of the other purebloods follow suit, but can't even reach out and touch Mykael (touch= nat. 1's). The other three decide to play it safe and stick with using their scimitars. One Yuan Ti makes what would have been a devastating attack...if those pesky vines hadn't been hanging in his eyes and obscuring his vision (Miss=2). The other two just find it flat out impossible to get past the elf's armor.

As the battle rages, a new player emerges. The bushes wiggle and shake nearby and what should pop up, but a big ol Halfbreed (HB1) with large black diamonds running down his scaly hide. The creature pulls out a bow and takes in the battle.

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Thursday September 7th, 2006 2:00:16 PM

Bart tries to go as fast as he can

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:50:43 PM

Appolo moves forward to engage the snakemen.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste rd 7  d20+16=28 d20+11=26 d20+16=21 2d6(5+5)+6=16 2d6(1+4)+6=11 2d6(5+3)+6=14
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:52:59 PM

Closing in on the snakemen attacking Mykael... the 10'2" dwarf eyes a target... stepping(5'ft move) towards (pb11)his chosen victim nezamil unleashes a devastating series of blows... using his long reach to his advantage... the 1st overhead smash lands solidly (d20+16=28)(2d6+6=16 dam) followed with a quick backhand (d20+11=26)(2d6+6=11 dam) and finally landing a crushing finishing blow (d20+16=21)(2d6+6=14 dam)(total 41 damage)

"Grrr... feel Domi's power " roars the Cleric of Domi

"try and tackle me ya weak slimy worms "

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

(no hb1 on the map ??)

Rigging ac 19 hps 64/77 protection from arrows and mage armor  d20+7=16 d20+7=19 d20+2=8 d20+7=24 d20+7=23 d20+2=17 d6+5=8 d6+5=11 d100=37 d100=89 d20+12=32 d20+7=10
Thursday September 7th, 2006 8:02:58 PM

(Apes)Rigging summons his two fiendish apes and has them attack the halfbreed. They appear at N29 and N30 Ape 1 misses with his attacks but Ape 2 has more success hitting 2 times with his claws doing 19 points of damage (made miss chances.

Rigging smiles as he sees the attack and decides that half blood should be kept busy for a while. He checks on his crew and yells, "Cosmo get into the fight!"

Rigging will move forward to I30 using a double move. He will look around closely as moves expecting more ambushes. (rolled another natural 20 on spot check. This is getting freaky)

Swirl will gain some altitude both to get away from the snakes and to help keep an eye on things. (spot check 10)

Ape stats; Hp 29 ac 14 +7 claw, +2 bite damage 1d6+5 claw, 1d6+2 bite

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
summon monster 4 1/8 rounds

Mykael -- HP 18/56, AC 27  d20+10=17 d20+5=21 d10+3=6 d10+3=13
Thursday September 7th, 2006 9:19:32 PM

Mykael switches tactics, seeing the less than hoped for effects of his fireball. He swings his Bastard sword twice at the Yuan Ti in front of him. (cant read map yet, dont have software on vacation for it).

(1st attack = AC 17 for 6 dam)
(2nd attack = AC 21 for 13 dam)

Ghem look for humans in the jungle besides us, please

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=7
Thursday September 7th, 2006 10:25:15 PM

Cosmo flies over to the fireball/battle area. He looks down through the tree tops, but he cannot determine which combatants are snake creatures and which are Wildcards.

Spot 7

He circles around again looking for the enemy or looking for a place to land.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+14=26 d20+9=12 d20+4=17 d20+14=20 d20+6=12 d20-4=-3 d8+5=7
Thursday September 7th, 2006 11:25:49 PM

Ashira looks over at the creature in front of her in disgust. "Hey slimey, over here!!" She brings her swords down time and time again, but is less than satified with the results (AC26 for 7).

Dire Straights----ADM Nellie  d100=31 d100=78 d20+28=35 d20+18=19 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d8+11=12 2d8(2+4)+22=28 d100=60 d20+12=17 d20+5=8 d100=8 d20+12=16 d20+7=19 d100=62 d20+12=28 d20+7=23 d100=40 d20+17=20 d20+12=27 d6+4=9 d100=50 d20+10=29 d20+3=20 d6+3=5 d100=37 d20+10=21 d20+3=7
Friday September 8th, 2006 12:49:51 AM

Mykeal switches tactics and tries to take down the pureblood in front of him. His first strike goes short, but the second strike hammers home drawing a good deal of blood. Unfortunately, the pureblood blocking his way is still very much alive. And so are most of the other purebloods who are encompassing him. They strike out at the warrior, intent on bringing down their prey, but Warrd does not seem to be with them. Two of the attacks gets through (AC27 for 9, AC29 for 5) and Mykael is definitely looking quite a bit worse for the wear.

Ghem flits around, trying desperately to follow his masters order without getting too near those horrifying snakes. I don't see any humans...not anywhere. Just snakes, those snakemen and some bags on the ground. Even Rigging's sharp eyes don't catch sight of any other enemies for the time being.

Seeing their friend in dire straights, the Wildcards move into position. Bart, Rigging and Appolo surge forward, ready to kick some serious tail next round.

With his sneaky plan falling in place, Nezamil moves forward and pulverizes his opponent, leaving only a bloody mangled skeleton collapsed on the ground before him.

Ashira has much worse luck merely scratching the Yuan Ti in front of her.

Rigging's apes appear and begin doing what they do best...bite and scratch. Unfortunately, their attacks are repelled by the creature's armor and tough hide. Ignoring the pesky creatures for now, the ugly snake monster slithers forward five feet and quickly fires off three glowing arrows at Val. Two of them strike home, punching through Val's armor and cutting deep into the muscle beneath (AC35 for 12, AC29/23 crit. for 28, total damage 40).

Cosmo makes a search for any further hostiles, but he just can't locate any. He does, however find a nice landing spot nearby that is far enough away from the Yuan Ti and the abundant jungle snakes for the likings of his gryphon.

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Friday September 8th, 2006 1:00:21 AM

Friendly DM note for Mykael. Sorry you can't read the maps of yet. Just to let you know...if you take a 5 foot step into the space occupied by the Yuan Ti that Nezamil just killed, you will no longer be completely surrounded by the enemy.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=22 d20+14=17 d10+4=7 d10+4=9 12d6(6+5+2+1+5+1+6+4+1+1+1+5)=38
Friday September 8th, 2006 11:31:31 AM

Appolo moves quickly arounf Ashira flanking and back stabbing PB9 with both his swords.
Hoping to destroy the creature as quickly as possible.

Attack 22,17 Damamage 7 and 9 for 19 and 19 poinTs of backstab damage Creature also takes a crippling strike for 1or two pints of Strength. fro 16+ 38 for a total of 54 points damage.

Chris, you need to roll your sneak attack damage seperately for each attack. Please do not make one roll and then just divide the results.---Nellie

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 103/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+12=29 d8+21=26 2d6(1+3)=4
Friday September 8th, 2006 12:46:06 PM

Closing the distance between her and HB1 (normal move of 20' to L29). This is the first serious threat she has faced and her blood burns with excitement. She raises the golden axe, bringing it down hard upon the strange half breed.

"Come on snake man. Show me your strength."

ooc: power attack -10/ +10. If I remember what enchantments the axe has she hit ac 29 for 26 normal and 4 bane.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+16=25 d20+11=31 d20+11=16 2d6(2+5)+6=13 2d6(1+6)+6=13 2d6(3+2)+6=11
Friday September 8th, 2006 1:59:07 PM

De-activating his magical boots Nezamil steps (5'ft move) forward (to H30) and continues to use his reach to its fullest advantage with a sweeping blow from the right side at the next snakeman(pb10) (d20+16=25 1st swing)(2d6(2+5)+6=13 dam) "how's that feel ? " growls Nezamil as his backhand sweep of his mace lands a crushing blow(2nd swing) (d20+11=31 nat 20!!)(crit hit d20+11=16 hit??)(2nd swing dam 2d6(1+6)+6=13 dam)(crit hit if succesful 2d6(3+2)+6=11 dam bonus)(total of 26 dam w/o crit , 37 dam with crit hit bonus)

"your gonna make a nice pair of boots " taunts the 10'2" dwarf

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging ac 19 hps 63/77 protection from arrows and mage armor  d20+10=30 d20+10=13 d20+10=29 d6+1=4 d4+1=5 2d6(1+6)=7 d100=44 d100=81
Friday September 8th, 2006 6:12:18 PM

Rigging slides next to Bart and attacks the snakeman in front of him. He hits with his shortsword (almost critical but missed critical swing) and then with his holy dagger. (hit ac 30 and 29 Made miss chances) Total of 16 points of damage to PB12

Location H29

Holding off on Apes moves until AOO is resolved

Ape stats; Hp 29 ac 14 +7 claw, +2 bite damage 1d6+5 claw, 1d6+2 bite

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
summon monster 4 2/8 rounds

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+17=37 d20+17=25 d10+9=16 d10+9=12 d6=6 d100=45 d20+12=26 d10+9=17 d6=1 d20+7=24 d20+7=22 d10+9=14 d10+9=19 d6=1 d100=25 d100=63
Saturday September 9th, 2006 2:54:02 AM

Bart hits sthe snakeman in front of him (pb12) hard (threat 27 crit 25 for 16 +12 +6 shock=34) His second attack hits as wel ac26 for 18, his third (another threat24 and crit 22 for 14+19 +1) In case the snak dies befor the end of his attacks bart steps in the empty spot and makes an cleave attack to another one

Mykael -- HP 4/56, AC 27  d20+9=28 d100=68 d100=40 d100=80 d20+6=22 3d6(2+4+1)=7
Saturday September 9th, 2006 3:23:06 AM

Mykael notices the fall of PB11 and takes a 5ft step back to H-28, and stays low to not interfere with Nezamil's attacks. He turns and casts Vampiric Touch on PB12.

(Touch Attack = AC 28)
(Concealment chance = 68%, success)
(Armor check = 40%, success)
(Magic Resistance = 80%)
(Concentration check = 22)
(Spell does 7 hps damage and heals Mykael the same)
(Havent added in the healing, since not sure if the spell succeeded yet)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch*, Fireball x2*

Rigging's apes  d20+12=28 d20+7=15 d20+2=15 d20+7=15 d20+7=20 d20+2=11
Saturday September 9th, 2006 10:14:11 PM

Ape number 1 trys to pin the halfblood with his first attack. Rolled another grapple check and got a 28. Taking the 10 rule, I am assuming he is pinned. He then tries to attack the snake man with his other attacks but fails.

Ape number 2 also sitting on the snakes legs just attacks. Since the first ape pinned the Yuan-ti its ac goes down by 4. Even with the added advantage the ape misses with all of his attacks.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+14=30 d8+5=8 d20+9=25 d8+5=11 d20+4=16 d20+14=16 d20+6=10 d20-4=14 d100=14 d100=11
Sunday September 10th, 2006 11:29:41 PM

Smiling at the success of the others, Ashira takes a stab at the pureblood in front of her (PB9), not wanting to let the others have all the fun. (AC28 for 8, AC25 for 11)

Slaughter and Reinforcements----ADM Nellie  d100=15 d100=32 d100=39 d100=54 5d6(3+6+3+4+3)=19
Monday September 11th, 2006 12:19:57 AM

DM Note: Rigging has had his apes initiate a grapple on the Halfblood (HB1) who was attacking Val. The grapple was a success, so the Yuan Ti was not able to perform his attack. Val you should add back the 40 Hp from last round.

Arriving on the scene after being hampered by the jungle, the Wildcards snap into action to try and save their friend.

Val easily closes with that stupid Halfblood that was pointing the bow at her before the apes grabbed a hold of it. It's not too much of a challenge for her to hit the mostly stationary target, but at least it looks like she's found a worthy opponent. She can see the flicker of fear in his unblinking eyes as she brings up the axe to strike. With a bright flash, the axe cuts cleanly through the snakeman's side, causing blood to flow freely. Still, it looks to be in good fighting shape.

Nezamil steps forward and finishes up the pureblood that dares to stand before him. Crunch, crunch, snap. It's head hanging at a sickening angle on its shoulders, the creature falls to the ground lifeless.

Moving in place to help out, Rigging cuts at the pureblood in front of Ashira. It hisses in anger that it never has a chance to vent. In place, Bart rains death and destruction. He kills the Yuan Ti in front of him (PB12) with one well placed blow. Stepping forward he slashes at the pureblood paired against Ashira (PB9) and hack into the thing with two very powerful slices. Blood oozes out of its deep wounds, and the creature looks like it is near death's doorstep. Then in comes Ashira with the death blows. Scratch another one.

Appolo takes a step forward but finds no one to engage.

Wanting to get a quick heal, Mykael readies himself to tap some of the lifesource of the nearest Yuan Ti. Unfortunately, there are none alive that are nearby. So Mykael settles for moving out of the combat (moved you to H31 with 4 Hp, let me know if you want something else).

Cosmo continues to fly recon, as of yet not landing or attacking.

Ghem reports to Mykael that the four snake things in the jungle are moving toward the bags laying on the ground.

Meanwhile, Rigging's apes tighten their grip on the halfblood (Hb1). It ain't going anywhere any time soon. (DM note: When an opponent has pinned you, you are held immobile (but not helpless) for 1 round. While you¹re pinned, you take a -4 penalty to your AC against opponents other than the one pinning you. Treat your Dexterity as 0 (-5 modifier). I do not see in the description where a pinned creature is prone. Looking annoyed, the creature concentrates for a moment, and a thin layer of acid forms around his body, burning the apes that are holding him (19 damage).

Seeing the arrival of the heavy hitters, it looks like the back lines of Yuan Ti (PB 3,4,8) have had enough. They backpeddle quickly back into the forest from whence they came...the same direction that Ghem indicated that the sacks were laying.

In the meantime, there is more movement from the nearby bushes. Four more half-bloods appear in the jungle nearby the first half-blood. Scimitars in hand, they close in with Val and the apes, a hungry look in their eyes.

Please remember to roll your own d100 for the 10% chance of missing in the jungle.

Mykael -- HP 6/56, AC 27  d8+1=2
Monday September 11th, 2006 2:11:50 AM

OOC: Since the target of his spell was taken down by his allies, Mykael drinks a CLW potions last round after his movement. And heals 2 points.

IC: "They are trying to get away, we have to press the attack," Mykael states as he takes a double move to G25.

Ghem, thanks for letting me know, your doing great. Your bravery is inspiring me.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+17=27 d20+12=29 d20+7=20 d8+16=18 2d6(6+3)=9 d8+16=19 2d6(4+1)=5 d8+16=18 2d6(2+4)=6
Monday September 11th, 2006 4:03:34 PM

"I'm going to turn you into a new pair of boots." Val said with an excited grin. Now that it was 3 on 1 perhaps she would be properly challenged. She adjusted her grip on the handle and brought the enchanted axe down upon the snake man (HB1) in three quick strikes.

ooc: power attack -5/ +5. hit ac 27 for 18 normal and 9 bane. hit ac 29 for 19 normal and 5 bane. hit ac 20 for 18 normal and 6 bane.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+15=27 d20+10=15 2d6(4+5)+6=15 2d6(1+2)+6=9 d20+5=16
Monday September 11th, 2006 6:09:20 PM

The 10'2" dwarf edges forward another few steps (5'ft move)....bringing another snakeman(pb3) within range of his bloodstained mace......" your turn " grins Nezamil as he brings his mace down in an overhand smash (d20+15=27 1st swing) on the snakewarrior(pb3)(2d6(4+5)+6=15 dam)

"I ain't done yet " growls the dwarf as he tries to land the finishing blow on the snakeman(pb3)(d20+10=15 2nd swing )(hit ??)(2d6(1+2)+6=9 dam if blow found its mark)" stand still i say " barks Nezamil

Feeling movement behind him ....Nezamil peeks over his shoulder (d20+5=16 spot ch) "you ok Mykael ??.......hey wait up !!!" growls Nezamilk after the hard charging Mykael

"don't go alone " as Nezamil looks about at the snakeman (pb3) in front of him.....trying to decide his next action ...whether to finish off the snakeman or go assist Mykael .... as he see's the warrior/mage pick his way away into the jungle

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging AC 20 hps 64/77 mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+12=30 d20+12=22 d20+12=20 d20+12=22 d20+7=17 d20+7=11 d100=68 d20+12=20 d100=78 d20+12=22
Monday September 11th, 2006 9:31:14 PM

The apes recoil in pain from the acid and decide to attack some of the newcomers instead the nasty and painful thing they are on. Ape 1 attacks HB4 grappling him. (touch attack 17 miss chance 68. Grapple roll 22. Taking 10, he should be successful)

Ape 2 attacks HB5 with a grapple and hits ac 11. miss chance 78. His grapple check is 20. Taking 10 he should be successful as well.

Rigging sees the newcomers and decides to buff the party up, casting haste on everyone but Cosmo who is too far away. Everyone gets +1 AC +1 to hit, +1 to save, +1 on AC and 1 extra attack with primary weapon during a full attack. Everyone also gets +30 base to their movement or 15' in the jungle

OOC made all four concentration checks

Swirl is hovering above Rigging still scared enough not to attack anything.
Ape stats; Hp 29 ac 14 +7 claw, +2 bite damage 1d6+5 claw, 1d6+2 bite

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
summon monster 4 2/8 rounds
haste 1/8

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+17=21 d8+5=12
Monday September 11th, 2006 10:19:11 PM

Ashira grins at her husband. "Thanks dear!" She scoots over next to Val wanting to lend a hand (L27). Feeling the magic flowing in her veins, she slices at the halfblood (AC21 for 12).

Spells in place
Haste: 1/8 rounds

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=23
Monday September 11th, 2006 10:28:25 PM

Cosmo spots the newcomers to the battle. He decides to land. He picks a spot near the group, behind them and making sure they are between him and the enemy.

OOC -- I do not have the map at my home address. Can you add it to your list WLCMLC@SBCGLOBAL.NET

Spot 23

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Web: 90/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

attendence report 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 12:26:25 AM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxo
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxoxx
Bart oxxxo
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo xxxox

Decisions, Decisions----ADM Nellie  d8=2 5d6(1+6+5+3+2)=17 5d6(2+3+4+3+6)=18 d20+17=22 2d8(8+1)+6=15 3d8(4+8+8)+5=25 d20+12=32 d20+12=27 2d6(1+5)+4=10 d20+7=9 d20+12=16 d20+7=18 d100=71
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 12:35:14 AM

Determined to save the hostages, Mykael presses forward in spite of his life threatening injuries. (OOC: Rerolled the healing for you. House rules says you reroll 1's. Add one more hit point to your total.)

Making full use of her tactical advantage over the Halfblood, Val lights into him with the magical axe. There are two more burst of magical energy (third strike misses) and the pinned halfblood droops. It looks angrily at the apes holding it still, and it hisses something to its newly arrived brethren.

Nezamil looks up again to see that the pureblood he intended to attack has moved on. He moves forward chasing after Mykael. (Chris, if this isn't what you wanted to do, just let me know next post).

Rigging's apes move away from the painful halfblood they have a hold of and move on to less promising targets. They grab onto the new arrivals and put the big squeeze on them.

Meanwhile, Rigging gives the group a little boost by firing off his spell. (Move rate is now 30 feet standard and 60 feet double move for most).

Taking advantage of the newly cast magic, Ashira takes a stab at one of the new arrivals around Val. The magic tipping the attack in her favor, Ashira is rewarded by watching a ribbon of blood form down the creature's back.

Bart and Appolo take a short break after all their hard work killing Yuan Ti.

The former rear guard (PB3, 4, 8) continue to fall back as Mykael watches them fade into the jungle. Then he and Nezamil hear a shouting. "Kill the hostages before the meatsacks can get here."

Mykael receives another message from Ghem. Lookout, those snakey things are headed right for you.

Cosmo moves in and lands, taking a good look at the battlefield but seeing nothing extraordinary right now. His mount paws the ground nervously and absolutely refuses to go anywhere near any of the living or dead Yuan Ti.

The grappled halfbloods (HB4 &5) follow their brother in arm's tactics and are soon covered in a layer of acid which burns at the apes skin. (17 damage to ape 1, 18 to ape2). Unable to take the damage, the apes return to their natural plane.

Finally free of the encumbering apes, the diamond backed halfblood (HB1) moves very quickly away from Val and back toward the enemy lines (drawing an AoO from Val and Ashira...rolled for Ashira, she missed). With a quick hissing, it casts a spell and many of its wounds heal up. Then, rising out of the jungle, Ashira spots the sudden arrival of an abomination (AB3). Mykeal and Nezamil also take note of the arrival of an Abomination nearby them (AB1). Please note that only Mykael and Nezamil are aware of the current location of AB1.

Things heat up a tad nearby Ashira and Val. An ugly smile on it's lipless face, a cobra hooded halfblood (HB2) plunges its scimitar into Val's back (AC32/27 for 10) but misses with its second attack. It's partner (HB3) has a harder go of it and just can't tag the pesky elf.

Jungle properties
The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=32 d20+14=17 d20+14=32 d10+4=8 d8+4=11 d10+4=13 6d6(6+1+2+2+4+5)=20 6d6(1+3+4+4+5+3)=20 6d6(6+6+2+6+1+6)=27
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 1:03:01 AM

After taking a short break Appolo steps forward and slices three times into the back of {HB2} the snake head that attacked Valanthe.{Should get AoO in order to attack Valanthe it had to move between us and turn it's back on Appolo.}

Attack 32 17 32 Damage 8 11 13 Backstab damage 20,20,27 total 99 or 79 if the second strike misses.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+12=31 d8+21=24 2d6(1+5)=6 d20+22=29 d20+17=31 d20+12=30 d8+11=13 2d6(1+1)=2 d8+11=19 2d6(3+5)=8 d8+11=19 2d6(3+5)=8
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 3:08:52 AM

As HB1 slithers away into the dense jungle Val takes a chunk out of its back as a price for its cowardice. (AoO power attack -10/+10, hit ac 31 for 24 and 6 bane). She flinched briefly from the scimitar slicing into it but the barbarian only gave that half blood a brief glance. She turned to HB3 and raised the golden axe.

"I hope your tougher than that diamond scaled coward that ran away." She said with a grin and brought the axe down upon the snake man several times.

ooc: hit ac 29 for 13 and 2 bane, ac 31 for 19 and 8 bane, ac 30 for 19 and 8 bane

Rigging ac 20 hps 64/73 mage armor, protection from arrows, haste  d20+10=17 d20+8=17 d100=45 4d6(4+3+4+5)=16 d20+10=20 d100=67 4d6(3+1+3+3)=10 d20+7=27
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 7:41:36 AM

Rigging moves up to J23 using his haste and murmers, "Not so fast buddy." He casts a spell and a scorching rays fly from his fingers. Both hit the fleeing HB1 (hit touch ac 17 and 20, made miss rolls of 45 and 67. Made spell resistance of 17.) They independently do 16 adn 10 points of damage for a total of 26. No saving throw allowed.

Swirl follows and keeps an eye out from his slightly higher elevation. (Here we go again, Swirl rolled a spot check of a natural 20)

Swirl is hovering above Rigging still scared enough not to attack anything.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 2/8

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements, haste 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:56:39 AM

Bart speeds up and goes forward following Mykeal

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste1/?  d20+16=27 2d6(3+1)+6=10
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 2:36:27 PM

Chasing after wounded Mykael... Nezamil keeps pace and reaches into a pouch as he moves.....fishing out a vial he uses his long reach (15')and tries to hand it to Mykael " this should help heal ya " growls the Cleric of Domi "

"i'll take on our new visitor " as he points to Ab1 " once your healed up you can flank it......teamwork "adds Nezamil

Nezamil aggressivily moves towards the snakeman(ab1) but maintains his reach advantage (square E-23)
(Diagonals: When measuring distance, the first diagonal counts as 1 square, the second counts as 2 squares, the third counts as 1, the fourth as 2, and so on.)
As the abomination comes within the 10'2" dwarfs long reach(15') he lashes out with his mace(d20+16=27 1st swing)(only swing since he made a 20'move action) and it finds it's mark (2d6(3+1)+6=10 dam)as it thuds into the snakeman

"C'mon ya cowardly worm....you'll make a fine set of boots " taunts Nezamil as he tries to hold it's attention away from Mykael

Nezamil keeps the snakeman at arms length(15') as he looks for an opening to smash the beast

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 7/56, AC 28 (Haste) 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 5:51:14 PM

Mykael smiles through gritted teeth at the giant dwarf and accepts the potion. "Thanks, more are on the way. Towards us, and I am not sure if there are even hostages in those sacks, I think this was all a trick to draw us in and allow another group to possibly escape with hostages. Most likely, those sacks had other Yuan-Ti in them, thus concealling thier overall numbers. And now they scream in Common to kill the hostages? Why would they do that? But we still have to be sure and do all that we can until we know for sure."

Mykael sucks down the healing potion from Nezamil. (Chris, you didnt specific what type it was. Please advise.)

Mykael then moves forward to E23, base move.

Thanks for the warning Ghem. Can you tell what is in the sacks? Please go and look if there are any humans there and let me know what is happening. And how far away they are. And how many snakemen are between me and them.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Mykael - healing potion  2d8(2+3)+5=10
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 7:48:28 PM

OOC: Mykael's hit points are now at 17.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:11:48 PM

Cosmo urges his mount to move forward, but is unsuccessful in overcoming the creatures fear of the snake creatures.

He hesitates in getting off the creature as it is his only way of moving around quickly.

Cosmo looks around to see if any enemies are approaching his position.

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+15=20 d20+10=29 d20+10=14 d20+5=23 d20+15=18 d20+7=11 d20-3=8 d20+15=28 d8+5=8 d6+3=6 d8+5=12
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:58:23 PM

Ashira looks over at the battlefield. Spotting the halfbloods on the right, Ashira moves in, determined not to get surrounded. Taking a 5 foot step, Ashira cuts and stabs at the beast, taking it down a notch or two (AC20 for 8, AC29 for 6, AC28 for 12).

More Blood hed and Surprises----ADM Nellie  3d8(4+6+1)+5=16 d20+10=22 d20+10=11 d100=63 d100=57 d20+10=16 d20+5=13 d20+4=14 d20+10=22 d20+5=18 d20+4=21
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 12:39:13 AM

Appolo gets down to his grisly business and promptly stabs the halfblood that has worked its way to him. But it's not enough to bring the creature down. (Appolo, you may not backstab unless you are flanking. Please look at the diagram on PHB 152 for examples of flanking)

Val takes a huge chunk out of the fleeing halfblood (HB1) but it keeps on going. She turns her focus onto the new challenger and brings the axe down again and again on its scaly body. Coughing a bloody froth, the creature's limp dead body collapses on Val, smearing her armor with blood.

Angered at the spinelessness of the diamond backed halfblood (HB1), Rigging fires off two very well placed rays. They rip through the jungle and straight toward the coward's back. Strangely, though they seem to just disappear as they connect with the Yuan Ti (Spell Resistance not met). Swirl heads away from the undergrowth but doesn't see anything too exciting.

Bart heads off toward the retreating purebloods, knowing that Mykael will be headed that way soon. (OOC: William, are you getting the maps??)

Nezamil moves in and takes a bite, so to speak, out of the newly arrived abomination (AB1). His crushing blow definitely connects, but the abomination looks to be in tip top fighting condition.

Cosmo looks around the battlefield, but doesn't see anybody other than the Yuan Ti the others are already engaged with.

Ashira moves forward a little and cuts open the halfblood to her right (HB4). It's not dead yet, but it sure doesn't look amused either.

Mykael muses whether the bags even contain hostages...whether this whole thing has been a ruse. Still, only one way to find out. Mykael moves forward to a position near Nezamil and downs his healing potion. Feeling much better, Mykael asks Ghem to scout out the bags to check on his suspicions. Mykael can almost feel the little dragon's mind numbing terror. No way!! Those things are right next to the bags. I'm not going anywhere near them!! But the bags seem to be moving a little. It shouldn't take you long to get to the bags, but be careful, because those other horrible snake things will make it to you soon.

Mykael's suspicions are soon put to rest as female screaming is heard over the din of battle. Ghem chimes in. They stuck one of their sharp pointy things into the bag. There's blood coming out.

Spotting the arrival of Bart, the purebloods nearest the sacks (PB3, 4, 8) stall. Scimitars in hand, they glare at Bart. "Come any further and we kill the cows!" they hiss at the fighter. Bart can confirm that the bags do indeed seem to be wiggling, and that there is a large amount of blood flowing out of one of the bags...as well as a low moaning. Bart also sees several unwounded purebloods

The diamond backed halfblood stops long enough to allow the abomination to touch him. As more of his wounds heal, the Yuan Ti makes good his escape back into the jungle.

Two purebloods (PB5&6) note the arrival of Mykael and Nezamil and fire off a couple of arrows, but they bounce harmlessly off their armor.

Seeing a brother in need, one half breed (HB5)shifts over to flank with his dying companion (HB2). He waves his sword at Val but can't damage her. Likewise, the snakeman confronting Ashira (HB4) has poor luck as well.

The abomination on the right side of the battlefield (AB3) stays were it's at. Its cousin (AB1) definitely doesn't like where its at, and it takes a 5 foot step out of Nezamil's reach. Then it fires off a spell aimed at the massive dwarf. (Fort. DC18 or become infected with Blinding sickness and lose 1d 4Str. If you fail your save, roll another Fort save DC16 or be blinded).

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+22=39 d20+17=24 d20+12=23 d8+11=18 2d6(5+1)=6 d8+11=17 2d6(3+5)=8 d8+11=19 2d6(2+4)=6
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 2:55:08 PM

"By the time I'm through here I'll have a dozen pair of boots." Val says with a grin. She's waiting for the right moment to unleash her anger and really show these snakemen what they have gotten themselves into. The golden axe comes in low, stopping just after the snakeman's body and coming up with a viscious backhanded swipe.

ooc: attacking HB5. hit ac 39 for 18 and 6 bane, hit ac 24 for 17 and 8 bane, hit ac 23 for 19 and 6 bane.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste2/?  d20+10=27 d20+16=27 d20+11=30 d20+16=29 2d6(3+3)+6=12 2d6(3+6)+6=15 2d6(2+1)+6=9
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 8:16:20 PM

Smiling at the snakeman(ab1) as he steps back " where ya going ?? gonna slink away ??" taunts Nezamil

The 10'2" dwarf grits his teeth as the abominations magic washes over him " ah......sneaky tricks ain't gonna help ya "but Nezamil feels no ill effects "(d20+10=27 fort save)

Stepping towards the spellcasting snake (5'ft move)"i've got something for ya.....just hold still for a sec" laughs Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi swiftly attacks the spellcasting snakeman(ab1)...his hugh mace pounding the snakeman with 3 crushing blows(1st swing d20+16=27)(2d6(3+3)+6=12 dam)(2nd swing d20+11=30)(2d6(3+6)+6=15 dam)(3rd swing hasted d20+16=29)(2d6(2+1)+6=9 dam)(total dam =36!!)

"how ya like that trick??" adds the dwarf sarcasticly [/b]" your days of deceit are over "[/b]growls Nezamil

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+14=33 d20+14=16 d20+14=30 d10+4=7 d8+4=11
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 8:26:46 PM

Appolo concentrates on {HB2} unleashinga full attack.Hitting twice."Hurry up sunshine.We need to move up and support the others."

Attack 33 crittical Attack 30 11 Damage 7x2=14
11 Total 25

Rigging ac 20 hps 64/77  d20+14=32 d100=23 d4+1=4 2d6(6+4)=10 d20+6=21 2d6(1+6)=7
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 8:54:01 PM

Rigging will move over to N27 and tries and help his wife take down one of these half breeds HB4. He sticks his dagger into the Yuan-ti and the dagger drinks 14 points of its life.

Swirl puts his fear aside and moves to M28 and attacks hitting ac 21 doing 7 points of damage to it.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 3/8

Mykael -- HP 17/56, AC 28 (Haste)  d100=69 d100=57 d20+2=11
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 9:39:21 PM

Upon hearing the screams, Mykael steps 5 ft forward to F22 and casts Web. Centered between PB2 and PB8.

(Spell Failure = 69%, success)
(Spell resistance = N/A)
(PB2, PB3, PB4, PB7, PB8, AB3, all in area of effect)
(Reflex save vs DC: 16 or cant move at all)
(area effect spell, but rolled concealment miss chance anyways = 57%, success)
(Concentration check = 11, if needed, will use hero point if necessary, cant let any of them die)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Wednesday September 13th, 2006 9:43:08 PM

OOC: Mykael's concentration check for the web spell is 15, forgot to add in Combat Casting bonus.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=23
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 10:33:44 PM

Cosmo walks his Griffon towards Mykael and Nezamil. He takes up position behind them.

Ending in cell E25

It is at this time that Cosmo sees AB1 and PB5 & PB6.

Spot 23

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Web: 90/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bart  d20+17=32 d20+12=21 d20+7=25 d20+7=14 d10+9=17 d6=4 d10+9=16 d6=2 d10+9=14 d6=1
Thursday September 14th, 2006 1:19:09 AM

Does it matter if i come closer or not, will their lives be spared, their fate is dead. Bart goes forward and attacks, no they have a change! (i dont get the map) (ac 32 for 17 +4, ac 21 for 16+2 ac 25 (threat crit 14) for 14+1)

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+11=21
Thursday September 14th, 2006 10:10:13 AM

Ashira smiles at her husband as he downs her foe. "Thanks!" Hearing the sounds of a struggle further in the jungle, Ashira heads that way to see what's going on (E26).

Who's the Spider Now!!---ADM Nellie  d100=91 d100=32 d100=82 d20+2=11 d20+17=24 d20+11=28 d20+11=15 d20+11=14 d20+11=23 d20+11=22 d20+7=11 d20+5=23 d20+3=5 d20+3=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=4 d20+3=10 d20+3=21 d20+18=32
Thursday September 14th, 2006 10:41:51 AM

Val turns her attention to the new player (HB5) and quickly cuts it to ribbons. Ho hum. No challenge here. The warrior can only hope that somewhere out there there's a challenger worthy of her skills.

Having no problems shrugging off the spell aim his way, Nezamil closes the distance and puts his reach to good use. All of his blows connect, but he is unable to fell the foul beast.

Appolo turns on the nearest Yuan Ti and quickly stabs him in the lung. The creature collapses on the ground thrashing in the violent throws of death.

Always willing to help out on the front lines, Rigging moves in and easily takes down Ashira's halfblood (HB4). Swirl tries to move in, but just can't overcome his phobia of snakes and so hangs back a bit. (George, Swirl must stay at least 20 feet away from any Yuan Ti or snake until the spell wears off. Spell lasts 10 minutes).

Trying desperately to save the lives of the hostages, Mykael weaves a spell, willing the enemy to be stuck in place. But as hard as he tries, he feels the magic being sucked away. The web appears around the enemy, but in his heart, Mykael knows it won't last long. (Can't apply Combat Casting unless you're on the defensive. Concen. Failed. Hero point used, gives another 11---failure. Web will last for 2 rounds and then disappear. Sorry. :( ) All of the purebloods manage to escape getting caught in the web (as well as the halfblood HB1), but the abomination (AB3) hisses angrily as the sticky strands glue it firmly in place.

Cosmo tries to maneuver himself and his mount to a better place on the battlefield, but it's difficult with the gryphon being not only terrified of the live Yuan Ti, but also the dead. (OOC: Matt, you've got to take the dead PB10 into consideration too. I put you at D27, which according to my calculations is the closest you can get right now considering a move rate of 30 feet. Unfortunately, it's not within 30 feet of AB1. Let me know if I missed anything)

Bart moves forward to kill the purebloods that are threatening the hostages. Sadly, Mykael's web is between himself and them (20 feet of web provides total cover). The closest enemies are the newly arrived purebloods (PB5 &6) and the abomination that Nezamil is engaged with. Bart moves over toward the purebloods (F19) in anticipation of cutting them down to size next round (William, just let me know if this isn't where you wanted to be placed.)

There is a good deal of noise coming out of the webbed area...hissing and thrashing. Doesn't sound like the Yuan Ti are too happy being entangled in the giant spider web. But then, the gut wrenching sounds of a woman's scream, followed shortly by painful moaning.

Looking very daunted by the idea of having that menacing meatsack (Bart) approaching, the two unwebbed purebloods (PB5&6) retreat.

The abomination paired up with Nezamil looks a little less smug as he spots Bart turning the corner. (OOC: I made an error last round. The abomination should have been in touch range of Nezamil. Have adjusted for this round). Moving his fingers, he begins to cast a spell (Casting defensively (PHB pg. 140) made check. No AoO from Nezamil for casting the spell). Nezamil feels the urge to lay down on the ground (Will DC16 or lay prone on the ground for 1 round). Then the abomination tucks tail and tries to put a good distance between himself and the Wildcards. (If Nezamil passes his save he gets an AoO on the Yuan Ti)

William, what's your email address?

Jungle properties...
The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements 
Thursday September 14th, 2006 6:41:21 PM

location: L25

"Get this infernal web down now! It makes it very hard to kill them and it sounds like hostages need healing." Val shouts as she moves toward the wall of web.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste3/?  d20+13=21 d20+16=31 2d6(1+6)+6=13 d20+16=31 d20+11=12 d20+16=30 2d6(4+6)+6=16 2d6(1+1)+6=8
Thursday September 14th, 2006 7:45:43 PM

Nezamil shivers again as magical energy assaults him (d20+13=21 will save) but shakes it off " yeah more tricks.....it ain't gonna save ya you cowardly worm "

As the spellcaster attempts to escape the coming retribution from the 10'2" dwarf .....Nezamil lashes out quickly (d20+16=31 AoO)(2d6(1+6)+6=13 dam)his mace finding the snakeman's backside

" hey i said stand still ya shifty worm " as he steps forward (5'ft move)

(does Nezamil still get a chance to attack Ab1 ??.....gonna roll his attacks and i'll await your decision)

The powerful Cleric of Domi uses his long reach(15') to continue his bashing of the spellcasting snakeman(ab1).....Nezamil leads with a overhead smash (d20+16=31 1st swing)(2d6(4+6)+6=16 dam)....followed up by a quick backhand which goes wide .....but again the overhead smash lands solidly(d20+16=30 hasted swing)(2d6(1+1)+6=8 dam)

( ab1 cast a spell...can he make a full move when he does that ??)

If no attacks are allowed Nezamil will move towards Bart and rescue the villagers

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Thursday September 14th, 2006 9:41:32 PM

Rigging not knowing what else to do yells to Appollo and Val, "Val, Appolo come with me. We need to get to the other side."

Rigging will move to o21

Swirl sticks with Rigging (Nellie, I thought you earlier told me that Swirl conquered his fear enough to perform but he got minus 4 on his dexterity.)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 4/8

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Friday September 15th, 2006 3:56:59 AM

Appolo forms up on Rigging and follows him."Ok boss be right there."

Bart ac 28 hp 86/86 endure elements haste  d20+17=31 d10+9=12 d6=2
Friday September 15th, 2006 6:20:29 AM

Knowing he cant to a lot in the webbed area Bart follows the Pure Bloods and attacks (spring attack) (ac 31 for 14

Cosmo  d20+5=15
Friday September 15th, 2006 9:48:39 AM

Cosmo continues ride his Griffon closer to Nezamil. He can hear his friend fighting something, but cannot see the creature yet.

End in cell D23

Spot 15.

OOC -- how does the aversion work if you cannot see the Yuan-ti?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste 
Friday September 15th, 2006 12:21:13 PM

Ashira moves over to where she hears Nezamil. Spotting the abomination, she closes (D19), ready to do some snake killing next round.

Mykael -- HP 17/56, AC 28 (Haste) 
Saturday September 16th, 2006 4:39:43 PM

"Listen! we all need to get on the edge of my web spell now. It wont delay them long. We need to be ready to move in as soon as it falls and engage all Yuan Ti caught in it now, to keep them from killing the hostages." Mykael states clearly.

"Nez, you seems to have the ability to move freely, therefore, should be able to move in now and help as needed and guide us to were we need to be. Ignore all others outside the web! We are here for the hostages, first and foremost."

Mykael uses a double move to advance to J21.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Haste 3/8

Nowhere to Run to...Baby----ADM Nellie  d100=8 d100=60 d100=85 d100=3 d20+5=23 d20+3=11 d20+3=4 d20+3=4 d20+3=20 d20+3=23 3d8(2+3+4)+5=14
Saturday September 16th, 2006 11:56:55 PM

Nezamil presses the attack. As the abomination tries to run like the coward it is, Nezamil gives a quick bash which unfortunately is deflected by a palm branch (Miss=8...Chris, please roll a d100 per attack for the 10% miss). That's ok though, because he steps back in range and drops the hammer so to speak on the abomination. His first blow thuds against the scaly head of the thing. Missing with his second blow, Nezamil recalibrates his aim and places a expertly aimed third shot. Sadly, his mace catches on a vine pulling off mark (Miss=3)

Rigging scoots over to the edge of the webbed area and calls for a regroup. As he moves to the side he catches sight of one of the abominations caught in the webbed area (AB3). It looks to be highly agitated and is not thrilled by the arrival of Rigging. Rigging moves over to the side of the web where he knows he can attack next round if he wishes (OOC: assumed you'd like to close since you can see him. Let me know if that's not what you want).

Appolo forms up with Rigging he scoots around to the edge of the web but can't close with the Yuan Ti just yet. Val is frustrated with the web that has sprung up between her and her victims...er opponents. (Walter, I'm going to assume that you form up with Rigging after he orders it. If that is not what you want, just let me know). Hearing Rigging's order, Val heads over to where he is...and then spots the abomination and moves over to teach the snake a painful lesson next round.

Bart moves against the closest pureblood (PB6) and slices it. Ever the agile one, Bart dashes back out of the creature's range before it can think about retribution.

His phobic mount slowing him down a bit, Cosmo continues to move forward toward the battle. Ooooo....looky looky there's a big ol Abomination over there that Nezamil's fighting (Cosmo's within 30 feet of the abomination and can now see him). Aversion does not apply if you cannot see them. :)

Knowing full well that any moment now that web is going to disappear, Mykael urges his comrades to focus on the hostages. That is, after all, what everyone is here for isn't it?

Ashira moves in for the kill, making sure not to get in the way of Nezamil's huge arms. She can't strike yet, but it's just a matter of time. The abomination (AB1) seems to sense it. His unblinking eyes cast around the battle field...there's that huge grotesque thing that's been chasing him, and now that faster than normal grey freak cow with the blue hair. His cold calculating eyes shift over to the purebloods that he spots behind him. There could be safety there...if it wasn't for that big hulking flesh bag with the huge sword. Looking resigned, the huge snake creature make a hasty retreat, knowing that he can't stay here but that he can't possibly outrun his pursuers (Drawing AoO's from Nezamil and Ashira). It hisses out an order in it's strange snake language as it cowers behind the purebloods.

Knowing their place, the purebloods take a 5 foot step backward and wait...wait for death. Death in his strange metal wrapping and huge sword covered in the blood of their cousins.

In the web
More hissing and thrashing..but no more screaming. And then action. The abomination (AB3) whom Rigging, Val, and Appolo can now see breaks free from the web and begins to retreat (drawing an AoO from Rigging).

Further in the jungle
Faint hissing. Ghem senses that there are three snakemen out in front of the Wildcards. One is a new arrival and the other two are retreaters.

Please remember to roll a d100 for each attack that you make 1-10 fails, everything else succeeds. Thanks!!---Nellie

Rigging ac 20 hps 64/77  d20+12=32 d20+12=29 d4+1=3 2d6(1+5)=6 d4+1=4 2d6(6+4)=10 d20+12=28 d20+8=22 d6+1=7 5d6(1+6+3+4+6)=20 d100=37 d100=50 3d4(2+4+3)+3=12
Sunday September 17th, 2006 6:55:48 PM

Rigging sees the Abomination fly out of the web and quickly strikes out with his dagger for his AOO. He is gratified to see the dagger sink deep into the evil creatures flank.

(ooc hit ac 32 with a natural 20. Rolled critical check and hit ac 29. Assuming I was successful. Damage is 23 points of damage

Rigging then chases after the abomination, his blood up after hearing the death crys fo the pregnant villagers. He cries to Appolo and Val to follow and hurries ahead following the path.

If possible Rigging will close and dart to the right to give his comrades easier access to the Abomination since he really doesn't want to fight it alone.

He stabs it with his short sword of spellstoring, letting the shocking grasp spell stored there go off. spell resistance roll of 22. Hit ac 28 for 27 points of damage

Miss chance for the AOO is 37, and regular attack is 50.

If Rigging can't close enough to attack, he will stop 15' away and cast a magic missile spell at the abomination doing 12 points of damage. Use the same spell resistance roll.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 5/8

Mykael -- HP 17/56, AC 28 (Haste)  d20+7=20 d20+3=20 d20+7=22
Sunday September 17th, 2006 7:53:22 PM

Mykael takes advantage of his momentum and moves into his web spell with strength.

(made a reflex save vs the spell DC, not sure if it was needed = 20)
(Strength check = 20, which allows 10 ft of movement within the web spell)

Mykael moves to j19, unless there is someone there.

(Spot = 22)

Haste - 5/8

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste4/?  d20+16=30 2d6(1+1)+6=8 d100=47
Sunday September 17th, 2006 11:55:22 PM

As the snakeman(ab1) turns to flee the 10'2" dwarf strikes out at the fleeing abomination(ab1)(d20+16=30 AoO)(2d6(1+1)+6=8 dam)and lands a glancing blow (d100=47% made it !!)

" Hey i ain't done with ya yet " growls Nezamil

Nezamil charges after the fleeing spellcasting snakeman(ab1)(double move to D14)

"I'm coming for ya....ya cowardly worm "Taunts Nezamil

With a glance at the newly arrived blue haired ranger "come to join in the fun " grins the massive dwarf

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

ooc: i like the agressiveness Mykael ;-)

Appolo Ac 35 Hp68 
Monday September 18th, 2006 12:15:58 AM

Appolo follows after Rigging.

OOC:On Map it doesn't show any targets near Appolo only the web.Not sure where to move.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements 
Monday September 18th, 2006 12:15:19 PM

Val holds her ground waiting for either more snake men to wiggle out or the web spell to fade.

Appol OOC 
Monday September 18th, 2006 1:15:38 PM

Ac is 23 Sorry about that.

Bart ac 28 hp 86/86 endure elements haste  d20+18=37 d20+18=32 d10+9=15 d10+9=12 d6=4 d20+18=34 d10+9=18 d6=2
Monday September 18th, 2006 1:27:40 PM

Bart makes a springattack towards the wounded snake (pb6) (threat ac 34 crit ac 32 for 15+12+4) If the snake dies his cleave attack hits the other snake (ac 34 for 18+2)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d100=54 d20+9=21 d20+9=23 d20+9=15 d20+5=12
Monday September 18th, 2006 6:34:36 PM

Cosmo moves forward on his Griffon towards the retreating Abomination. As he moves he retrieves his Maximize rod from his handy backpack. He gets about 30 or so feet away and lets loose a maximized Scorching Ray spell. Two fiery rays shoot out from his finger tips and blast into the abomination. He grins in excitement as the foul creature burns.

Miss chance 54
Spell Resistance 21
Hit TAC's 23 & 15
Damage 24 x 2 = 48 points

End in cell E17.

Spot 12.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+17=21 d8+5=8
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 12:42:11 AM

The ranger grins at Domi's chosen. "Not like I'm going to let you have all the fun. Besides...I put a small wager on my own skills, and I can't afford to lose any coin right now." Winking, Ashira heads after the fleeing abomination. She calls to the "dwarf" over her shoulder. "Still, even I can use a flanking partner, so hurry up and move those tree trunk legs of yours!" Zipping past Cosmo and Nezamil, the hasted ranger easily catches up with the abomination and eagerly cuts into him (AC21 for 8).

Boldly Running Away----ADM Nellie  3d8(6+3+5)+5=19 d20+17=31 d8+5=8 3d8(8+5+8)+5=26 d20+10=17 d20+3=21 d100=9 d100=48 d20+10=26 d20+3=21 d100=78 d100=69
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 1:43:05 AM

Rigging leads the hunt for the abomination into the jungle. Vindictively spearing the evil creature in the back, Rigging is rewarded with a blood trail that is easy for even a mage to follow. Keeping up his pursuit, Rigging finds he can't make it far enough to strike with his sword and launches his magic missiles. Unfortunately the spell fizzles (Spell Resistance not met).

Mykael, worried about the hostages grows weary of waiting and bravely wades into the web. He hunts for the purebloods and hostages...ah...there they are, about 15 feet in front of him. Four bags laying on the jungle floor, two of which have large pools of blood around them (marked in orange). Oh yeah, and a whole host of purebloods around them.

Nezamil makes good use of his attack of opportunity and then follows in hot pursuit.

Appolo makes a double move and sticks by Rigging, ready to do in the nearest baddy that wanders his way.

Val takes a different tactic, holding her ground until the prey comes to her. She has a strange feeling in her gut that the web won't last forever.

Bart steps forward, very much death in human form. Having to move more than 5 feet, he steps forward and cuts deeply at he pureblood in front of him (PB6) but can't take him down just quite yet. All in good time...all in good time.

Cosmo scoots past Ashira and prepares to make his presence known. He fires off his spell which amazingly misses Nezamil who is right in front of him (please remember in the future to apply a -4 penalty when friendlies are in the line of fire). He can't get an accurate bead on the abomination. Instead, his rays rip into the pureblood that is shielding him (PB5). The creature writhes and screams in horror as his flesh in burned from his skeleton. The attack does not quite kill him, but it won't be long.

In the web
As if on cue, the web that has held the purebloods in place...and also hidden them and their actions from the Wildcard dissipates. The Yuan Ti look around, surprised and perhaps relieved. Now all can see the four sacks on the battle field, two of which have large pools of blood under them. Looking very unsure of themselves, considering the closeness of death in their male and female forms (Bart and Val), the purebloods make a hasty retreat back into the jungle. (Spot DC25 from Ashira, Nezamil, or Bart to notice something very odd about their movements).

Ever the elusive one, the Rigging's abomination continues his flight from his pursuers. But it matters little, since Rigging and Appolo can clearly see where he and his buddies are huddling in the jungle.

Meanwhile, over by Bart, Ashira and Nezamil, the pursuit continues. The abomination continues to flee into the jungle, drawing AoO's from Ashira and Nezamil. The purebloods in front of him watch bitterly as death darts back and forth, promising an honorable death and then coming just shy. One pureblood (PB5) does his best to extract some revenge on the blue cow, but his brush with the rays of the short one saps his strength and his effort is futile. The other (PB6) decides to go down with honor. Stepping forward to face death like a true warrior, the Yuan Ti tries valiantly to slow the human death bringer (Bart) down, but can't even cut through his metal wrapping.

There is much hissing in the jungle and Ghem reports that another snakething has appeared further back in the jungle.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+6=11
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 5:13:51 AM

Appolo closes with the nearest opponent"Some one get to those sacks.Nezamil I believe your healing suervices are going to be required!!"

Fortititude roll 11

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements 
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 2:27:24 PM

Knowing how adept the snakes are at running away in the desne jungle Val heads for the sacks instead of giving chase.

ooc: moving to K19

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste5/?  d20+16=27 2d6(1+6)+6=13 d20+6=8 d20+5=25 2d8(2+5)+5=12
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 5:35:34 PM

Nezamil's long reach comes into play again as the evasive snakeman(ab1)continues to try and dodge death.....the big mace sweeps in for a strike (d20+16=27 AoO)(2d6(1+6)+6=13dam) bashing the worse for wear looking abomination(ab1)

Deciding whether to chase after the evasive snakeman Nezamil surveys his surroundings (d20+6=8 spot ch)but nothing catches his eye

But the 10'2" dwarf his his name called (d20+5=25 listen ch) "Ashira finish killing this vile worm ....i gotta go tend to the wounded " growls Nezamil

Nezamil heads towards the now visible wounded villagers (move action) and quickly checks the bloodied ones (if able to save them Nezamil will whip out a wand and tap the 1st one)(2d8+5=12 cured)

Rigging ac 20 hps 64/77  d20+16=31 d20+16=30 d20+16=28 d20+16=31 d20+12=32 d20+12=19 d20+12=13 d20+12=19
Tuesday September 19th, 2006 8:41:37 PM

Rigging smiles as he sees his bunched prey and casts a Evard's black tenacles spell. He centers it on J8 and tenacles come up and successfully grab all 4 of the YT's in the radius of the spell.

AB1 grapple check of 31
AB3 grapple check of 30
PB3 grapple check of 28
PB7 grapple check of 31

Taking 10 from the numbers in the MM they are all grappled.

Rolled concentration check for evards and made it with a natural 20. Made all other concentration checks except protection from arrows which I lost.

Evards has a raduis of 20, no saving throw and no spell resistance. Not sure if they need to be the rolls I made to break grapple or a take 10 +16 for my modifiers. Then they need a 27 to break free.

Rigging moves to O8 making sure to stay out of the tentacles grasp.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
haste 6/8

Mykael -- HP 17/56, AC 28 (Haste)  d20+1=12
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:08:29 AM

Mykael hurries to the bags with the pools of blood and opens them. He pulls out his basic healing kit and uses his healing skill on the one bag that Nezamil cant get to this round.

(Healing = 12)

"It ok ladies, we are here to help you. You are safe now." Mykael states cooly, trying to calm the women.

"Ready yourselves out there, Rigging, Ghem says more incoming, something different."

Haste - 6/8

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+15=31 d20+10=12 d20+5=17 d20+15=19 d20+7=25 d20+7=26 d20-3=9 d8+5=9 2d6(6+2)+3=11
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:09:16 AM

Ashira looks over at the huge mound of tentacles that have just popped up in front of her. Hmmmmm...I'm not wading into that mess. She decides that for the time being she'll just focus on clean up. She launches a full attack, managing to slice and spear the pureblood in front of her twice (for 20 total).

Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:15:40 PM

Would the ADM of this game please email me when the report for last week's posting has been placed here. ;) Thanks.

Bart ac 28 hp 86/86 endure elements haste  d20+12=27 d10+21=28 d6=4
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 12:44:43 PM

Bart attacks the pureblood in front of him "die" filthy animal (springattack, powerattack +6,ac 27 for 28+4shock) He jumps away after his initial attack towards the abonimation and the other pureblood (pb3) Hoping his friends kill the pureblood if he isnt dead now

attendence report 
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 2:17:19 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart oxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx

Post by adm-Chris

Hope and Despair-------ADM Nellie  d100=12 d20+9=22 2d8(6+7)=13 d20+10=15 d20+10=27 d100=30 d8=5 d20+23=41 d100=33 d100=42 d20+13=28 d100=90 d20+4=22 d8+10=16 d8+10=14 d8+10=15 d100=60 d20+23=24 d100=76 d8=6 d20+7=27 d100=86 d20+10=25 d6+5=7 d100=94 d20+3=21 d100=100 d20+10=21 d100=75 d20+3=7 d100=52 d20+10=20
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 10:46:49 PM

Appolo moves in, ready to kill. As soon as he begins to move, he feels the uncanny tingle of magic attempting to invade his body, as does Rigging. (Both must make a reflex save DC 18 or take 13 pts. damage. Save for half)

Val on the other hand, guards the sacks making sure the hostages are protected. It's getting old chasing all those Yuan Ti through the jungle.

Nezamil smakes the retreating abomination knowing that every little bit helps. Then he moves over to tend to the wounded. A bloodied female hand hangs out of the nearest bag, and Nezamil reaches over and taps it with the wand. Limp, the hand slowly begins to move, though it is clear than the woman inside will require at least one more round of healing before she is capable of any kind of independent action. There are some very low moans coming out of the other nearby bags. Mykael moves up beside the big guy and tends to the other bleeding sack. He's able to stabilize the woman, but it's clear that she needs a cure spell promptly.

Ashira gets a parting shot in on the pureblood by her before it keels over very much dead. The critical hit makes sure it'll never every breath again. Likewise, Bart quickly dispatches the other remaining pureblood and looks around for another target. Unfortunately, a mass of black grasping tentacles seems to be grappling all the Yuan Ti in his sight right now.

Rigging grins...ahhh...now the trap is sprung indeed! He fires off his spell and gets more than he hoped for...for there is a cacophony of hissing screams coming from the area where the tentacles are. But unfortunately, Appolo is in there too. Still, Rigging doesn't get to savor his victory for long. There is a hissing sound off in the jungle, and almost as quickly as they appear, the tentacles disappear (Dispel magic, check=22).

Looking more than a little peeved, the newly freed Yuan Ti move into action. Two purebloods move forward (5 feet), sheath their scimitars and unsheathe their bows. They quickly fire off a couple of arrows at Bart, but both of them ping uselessly against his armor. Shortly thereafter, an abomination (AB2) steps forward and points his finger at Nezamil. Suddenly, the area around Nezamil is awash in horrible ear splitting noise. (Nezamil, Bart, and Mykael take 5 points of sonic damage, make a Fort save. DC17 or be stunned for 1 round). The two women previously tended by Mykael and Nezamil cover their ears in pain and fall to the ground. It's clear that most of the healing the pair just did has now been all but undone (both of them are unconscious and in the process of dying).

Nezamil's old buddy (AB3) fires off a spell, aiming it at Ashira. Ashira feels the tingle of magic. (Blindness, Fort. Save DC18 or become blind). After casting his spell, the abomination slinks further off into the jungle.

Rigging recognizes the diamond backed halfblood that he tangled with previously. It steps forward (5 feet) and takes aim at Rigging. Firing four times, he places three arrows skillfully in Rigging's chest (33% AC 41 for 16, 42% AC28 for 14, 90% AC22 for 15. Total damage 45) The abomination (AB3) snaps into action as well, pointing his finger toward Rigging. There is a burst of noise around Rigging, Appolo, and one of the purebloods (PB7). (All take 6 hp of sonic damage, Fort. Save DC17 or be stunned for 1 round). The pureblood (PB7) shakes his head (Fort. Save passed with 20) and looks over at Appolo. Lashing out with scimitar, he tags the willy rogue once(AC25 for 7). His partner (PB2) also lashes out at Appolo swings twice, but can't even touch him. Another pureblood (PB8) moves over a little (5 feet) and sheathes his scimitar and pulls out his bow. He takes aim at Appolo, but can't quite hit him.

Please remember the 10% miss chance in the jungle.

Hope and Despair-------ADM Nellie  d100=12 d20+9=22 2d8(6+7)=13 d20+10=15 d20+10=27 d100=30 d8=5 d20+23=41 d100=33 d100=42 d20+13=28 d100=90 d20+4=22 d8+10=16 d8+10=14 d8+10=15 d100=60 d20+23=24 d100=76 d8=6 d20+7=27 d100=86 d20+10=25 d6+5=7 d100=94 d20+3=21 d100=100 d20+10=21 d100=75 d20+3=7 d100=52 d20+10=20
Wednesday September 20th, 2006 10:46:49 PM

Appolo moves in, ready to kill. As soon as he begins to move, he feels the uncanny tingle of magic attempting to invade his body, as does Rigging. (Both must make a reflex save DC 18 or take 13 pts. damage. Save for half)

Val on the other hand, guards the sacks making sure the hostages are protected. It's getting old chasing all those Yuan Ti through the jungle.

Nezamil smakes the retreating abomination knowing that every little bit helps. Then he moves over to tend to the wounded. A bloodied female hand hangs out of the nearest bag, and Nezamil reaches over and taps it with the wand. Limp, the hand slowly begins to move, though it is clear than the woman inside will require at least one more round of healing before she is capable of any kind of independent action. There are some very low moans coming out of the other nearby bags. Mykael moves up beside the big guy and tends to the other bleeding sack. He's able to stabilize the woman, but it's clear that she needs a cure spell promptly.

Ashira gets a parting shot in on the pureblood by her before it keels over very much dead. The critical hit makes sure it'll never every breath again. Likewise, Bart quickly dispatches the other remaining pureblood and looks around for another target. Unfortunately, a mass of black grasping tentacles seems to be grappling all the Yuan Ti in his sight right now.

Rigging grins...ahhh...now the trap is sprung indeed! He fires off his spell and gets more than he hoped for...for there is a cacophony of hissing screams coming from the area where the tentacles are. But unfortunately, Appolo is in there too. Still, Rigging doesn't get to savor his victory for long. There is a hissing sound off in the jungle, and almost as quickly as they appear, the tentacles disappear (Dispel magic, check=22).

Looking more than a little peeved, the newly freed Yuan Ti move into action. Two purebloods move forward (5 feet), sheath their scimitars and unsheathe their bows. They quickly fire off a couple of arrows at Bart, but both of them ping uselessly against his armor. Shortly thereafter, an abomination (AB2) steps forward and points his finger at Nezamil. Suddenly, the area around Nezamil is awash in horrible ear splitting noise. (Nezamil, Bart, and Mykael take 5 points of sonic damage, make a Fort save. DC17 or be stunned for 1 round). The two women previously tended by Mykael and Nezamil cover their ears in pain and fall to the ground. It's clear that most of the healing the pair just did has now been all but undone (both of them are unconscious and in the process of dying).

Nezamil's old buddy (AB3) fires off a spell, aiming it at Ashira. Ashira feels the tingle of magic. (Blindness, Fort. Save DC18 or become blind). After casting his spell, the abomination slinks further off into the jungle.

Rigging recognizes the diamond backed halfblood that he tangled with previously. It steps forward (5 feet) and takes aim at Rigging. Firing four times, he places three arrows skillfully in Rigging's chest (33% AC 41 for 16, 42% AC28 for 14, 90% AC22 for 15. Total damage 45) The abomination (AB3) snaps into action as well, pointing his finger toward Rigging. There is a burst of noise around Rigging, Appolo, and one of the purebloods (PB7). (All take 6 hp of sonic damage, Fort. Save DC17 or be stunned for 1 round). The pureblood (PB7) shakes his head (Fort. Save passed with 20) and looks over at Appolo. Lashing out with scimitar, he tags the willy rogue once(AC25 for 7). His partner (PB2) also lashes out at Appolo swings twice, but can't even touch him. Another pureblood (PB8) moves over a little (5 feet) and sheathes his scimitar and pulls out his bow. He takes aim at Appolo, but can't quite hit him.

Please remember the 10% miss chance in the jungle.

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 28 (Haste)  d20+6=26 d20+1=11 d20+1=15
Thursday September 21st, 2006 12:06:29 AM

(Fort save = 26, success)

Mykael sighs and shakes off the sonic attack, he notices the dire situation of the female that he just stabalized and does so once again (Healing = 11).

"Nez, can you help that one in front of you and then move in front of her to protect her? I am right behind you. We need to get ourselves between the women and the enemy."

If Nezamil steps out of the way, Mykael will take a 5ft step forward into H15.

If Nezamil is stunned and cant act, Mykael will attempt to stabalize the other woman also(Healing = 15). Not sure about the rules, but with haste, Mykael may have enough actions to do so.

Haste - 7/8

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 28 (Haste)  d20+6=26 d20+1=11 d20+1=15
Thursday September 21st, 2006 12:06:29 AM

(Fort save = 26, success)

Mykael sighs and shakes off the sonic attack, he notices the dire situation of the female that he just stabalized and does so once again (Healing = 11).

"Nez, can you help that one in front of you and then move in front of her to protect her? I am right behind you. We need to get ourselves between the women and the enemy."

If Nezamil steps out of the way, Mykael will take a 5ft step forward into H15.

If Nezamil is stunned and cant act, Mykael will attempt to stabalize the other woman also(Healing = 15). Not sure about the rules, but with haste, Mykael may have enough actions to do so.

Haste - 7/8

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements 
Thursday September 21st, 2006 7:24:48 AM

Hearing the sound of battle once more Val moves toward that sound as fast as possible, running blindly through the brush at times.

ooc: Val will move as far as she can north along column k. Her normal move of 20 can reach k15 but I'm not sure if thats a full round action.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 55/68  d20+6=26 d20+14=21 d20+14=15 d20+14=26 d20+6=21 d10+4=8 d8+4=9 d10+4=8
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:56:32 AM

Appolo shake off the effects of the spell and baeely notices the hit he took.He then ubloads a full attack on PB7."Rigging a fire ball would be good right now."

Fortitude save 26 Attack 21,26, 21 Damage 8+9+8=25 Please ignore seconf attack roll made with wrong modifier.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste6/?  d20+10=14
Thursday September 21st, 2006 2:25:15 PM

Nezamil is about to move over and help the 2nd wounded villager when the sonic blast envelops the group (fort save failed d20+10=14)"Arrrrgggg"......the Cleric of Domi quickly claps his hands to his ears but to no avail as the sonic blast stuns him.....Nezamil stumbles but barely maintains his feet

"what by Domi was that? " growls Nezamil as he tries to regain his senses

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+9=23 d20+9=23 d20+9=12 d20+9=14 d20+9=21 d20+9=25 d20+9=22
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:29:07 PM

Cosmo moves forward slightly (cell F16). The battlefield becomes a little clearer to him from this position. The Yuan Ti and this infernal jungle are starting to get on his nerves. He picks a spell in his repertoire that will hopefully reduce the snake creatures to a more manageable number.

Using his Maximize rod he launches a fireball at the Yuan Ti. He tries his best not to include Appollo in the blast radius, along with PB7.

Damage 54
Saving Throw 19
Spell Resistances: PB3 23, AB2 23, PB4 12, PB8 14, HB1 21, AB3 25 & PB2 22

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging ac 20 hps13/77  d20+11=31 d20+6=24
Thursday September 21st, 2006 10:32:05 PM

Rigging is attacked from all different directions. He makes his reflex save (Does evasion apply?)and then is staggered with 3 very solid arrows hits to the chest. He then is holding his ears with the sonic attack. (Made fort save of 24)

He looks over at Appolo and then back down at his chest. "Ahh Appolo, I think now is time for a strategic retreat. Fall back and rejoin with Val. Time for the fighters to earn their pay."

Rigging then activates his blink ring and heads straight south as fast as his feat will carry him. (Not sure if I move 30 or 45' so I will let you place Rigging either p14 or p17)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
haste 7/8

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+14=20 d20+17=19 d100=95
Thursday September 21st, 2006 11:18:16 PM

Ashira shrugs off the spell with little thought. She heads over to engage the abomination (AB3, G13). "I don't think so ugly!!" she taunts as she takes a swipe at him. She blushes as her swing goes way wide.

Bart ac 28 hp 81/86 endure elements haste  d20+10=24 d20+18=29 d10+9=15 d6=5
Friday September 22nd, 2006 1:51:36 AM

Bart takes some dammage from the sonic wave, but he can stand it for now. He goes forward to the abonimation (AB3), and attacks it (spring attack ac 29 for 15+5 shock)

Liar, Liar...Pants on Fire----ADM Nellie  d20+6=15 d100=17 d8=5 d20+11=23 d20+8=27 d20+8=13 d20+9=25 d20+8=11 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+10=14 d20+8=25 d20+1=13 d20+8=19 d6+3=7 d6+3=9 d20+8=24 d20+1=4 d20+8=24 d6+3=5 d6+3=7 d100=11 d100=1 d100=29 d100=6 d100=58 d100=26 d100=66 d20+12=23 d100=25 d100=33 d20+5=20 d6+5=7 d6+5=9 d100=4 d100=75 d20+12=32 d20+5=22 d6+5=10 d8=2 d100=1 d100=7 d100=88 d100=8 d20+26=33 d20+16=21 d20+7=8 d20+26=43 d100=18
Friday September 22nd, 2006 2:09:05 PM

Mykael keeps up the good work, tending to both of the wounded hostages and stabilizing them once more.

Val dashes through the jungle, bent on death and destruction. (Double move to K11) As she nears her destination, Val feels that curious tingling of magic trying to manipulate her body. (Blindness, Fort. Save DC18 or become blind)

Appolo blows off the first spell aimed at him, but succumbs to the sound attack thrown at him. (Rolled Fort. Save of 15 for you). Clapping his hands over his ears, he stands frozen in place, planning his next attack once he figures out which way is up. Likewise, Nezamil is also discombobulated by the other abomination's attack. Since they are stunned, both Nezamil and Appolo drop whatever were in their hands, weapons, shields, the like. You also have a -2 penalty to AC and lose your Dex. Bonus. Another note...it takes a move action to pick up something off the ground (draws an AoO), so no full attacks next round).

Cosmo is tired of sitting and waiting, and so he moves forward and lets loose with a whooper of a spell. It's really, really hard to aim considering from his current position he can't see the Yuan Ti anymore. (OOC Matt, I'm going to give you the fire ball this round, but remember, you can't see past 30 feet, so hitting with any accuracy is going to be next to impossible next time) He does his best and is pleased to hear the sound of any explosion in the surrounding jungle. Bart, Ashira and the others on the front line one of the purebloods in the front row burst into flames and die a horrible death (PB3). The other two purebloods (PB4 & 8) do not seem to be harmed by the fire whatsoever. And the last pureblood on the field (PB2) ducks the majority of the flames, though he does look badly damaged.

The abominations fair quite a bit better. The flames wash over Ashira and Bart's opponent (AB2) with apparently no effect. The abomination by Appolo dodges out of the way of most of the damage. Though there is a scream further in the jungle that indicates that more than likely another Yuan Ti was badly burned by the spell.

The diamond backed halfblood watches calmly as the flames engulf him, with a serene look. The flames do not seem to bother him in the least.

Rigging activates his ring and once again feels that strange magical tugging. Slowly he is drawn back toward the magical pyramid (P13, 30 foot move).

Ashira and Bart head in after the fireball, ready to clean up. Ashira takes a poorly placed swing and the abomination laughs at the pathetic cow's attempt. And then, might Bart steps forward...it's hammer time. But just as he moves forward to strike, the very ground underneath him opens up. (Bart, Refl. Save DC25. If you fail the Refl. save take 10 pts. damage and you are in a 20 foot deep hole filled with spikes. If not, then you end up in H12 and the attack was a success).

On the enemy front...orders are hissed, and the Yuan Ti spring into action. The purebloods continue their snipping. The frontline purebloods (PB4 & 8) see their chance and launch an attack on that monstrously huge thing (Nezamil) Volley after volley of arrows thud into Nezamil's shaken body (AC25 for 7, AC19 for 9, AC24 for 7. Total damage=23).

Liking the results from his last spell, the abomination in front of Appolo (AB3) casts it once more. This time Appolo and Val are immersed in ear splitting noise. (Take 2 hp of sonic damage. Make a Fort save. DC17 or be stunned for 1 round)

Seeing Appolo in a similar state, the purebloods around him (PB2&7) shift their positions so that they are flanking the immobile rogue. They whip out with their scimitars, feeling much better now that their target is much easier to attack. (AC23 for 7, AC20 for 9, AC22 for 10. Total damage=26)

Since his opponent has run away and that strong cow has moved up, the diamond backed halfblood (HB1) switches targets. Beading in on Val, he fires a volley of glowing arrows at her. The arrows zoom straight toward Val, only to be caught up in the jungle foliage.

Beginning to feel closed in, the abomination in front of Ashira and Bart (AB2) moves back and flings a spell at Bart (that is, assuming he's not in the pit). Bart must make a Fort. Save DC18 or become blind.

And off in the distant jungle, more hissing.

Bart ac 28 hp 81/86 endure elements haste  d20+10=15 d20+10=30 d20+11=20 d20+18=28 d20+13=33 d20+13=15 d20+8=28 d20+8=14 d10+9=18 d10+9=16 d10+9=10 d6=5 d6=3 d6=1 d20+18=36 d20+18=19 d10+9=19 d10+9=11 d6=4
Friday September 22nd, 2006 4:06:48 PM

Bart did get around the pit (used heropoint to reroll), the blindness spell cast on him didnt worked either. He attacks the abonimation hard now a full attack, This is the last you did on this earth (ac 28 for 18+5, threat ac 33 no crit for 16+3, threat ac 28 no crit for 10+1, threat ac 36 ccrit ac 19 for 19+11?+4) total dammage 76+11from crit?)

Bart  d100=22
Friday September 22nd, 2006 4:07:39 PM

forgot jungle roll

Friday September 22nd, 2006 4:22:49 PM

Jerry died you tried wizzards?

Rigging 40/77 ac 20  3d8(7+7+8)+5=27
Friday September 22nd, 2006 6:46:54 PM

Rigging turns and fumbles at his belt to grab a potion. He quickly sucks it down and starts feeling better. He then turns and takes a 5' step to O12.

Rigging calls out, "The haste will be ending soon! Use it while you have it!"

He hears the loud explosing and sees the fireball go off, and he is glad Cosmo has gotten into the game. He then yells, "Work together and gang up on them! Kill one and move on to the next.

Appolo, Get out of there. Join up with Val!"

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
haste 8/8

Nezamil Ac 21Hp 54/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste7/8  2d8(5+6)+5=16
Friday September 22nd, 2006 7:42:22 PM

Shaking his head to clear his senses the big dwarf looks at the arrows sticking threw his armor "gonna hafta stop the shooting.....just to effective" grumbles Nezamil

Bending down the big dwarf picks up his dropped wand and quickly taps(2d8(5+6)+5=16 cured) the wounded villager(b3)"help your friends get free and back to the village "

"good work Mykael.....by Domi i believe you saved the both of them.....your a quick thinker.....now we just gotta slow down their shooters

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d100=85 d20+15=25 d100=36 d20+9=17 d100=34 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d100=42 d20+15=22 d100=99 d20+7=23 d100=35 d20-3=4 d8+5=11 2d8(3+5)+10=18 d6+3=7 d6+3=4
Friday September 22nd, 2006 11:55:45 PM

Ashira grins at Nezamil. "You need a little help big guy? I might be able to help you out." Ashira moves 5 feet forward and launches a full attack on the nearest archer (PB4). (AC25 for 11, AC25/25 crit. for 18, AC22 for 7, AC23 for 4. Total damage=40)

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 162/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 1 of 9  d20+14=23 d20+14=26 d20+15=30 d8+24=25 2d6(6+1)=7
Saturday September 23rd, 2006 2:16:01 AM

Location: K7

Her body tightenes as the adrenaline surges through it. Veins stood out as muscles swelled significantly. Her eyes were wide with bloodlust. Eyes focused on that diamond backed half blood. Her strength rivaled that of a giant. With it she would instill true fear into these snake men. The same fear as they instilled in others. She moves straight for the diamoned back half blood (HB1) and easily shrugs off both magical effect. Her wide unblinking eyes are red with rage and focused on HB1. She smiles big and raises the golden axe menacingly.

"You ran once coward. You shall not get away again. Missing with those last few arrows cost you more than you know. I am death sent to cleanse your people from this land."

ooc: power attack -10/+10. Hit AC 30 for 25 normal and 7 bane

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 28 (Haste) 
Saturday September 23rd, 2006 2:54:42 AM

Mykael smiles through gritted teeth at the dwarven giant, "I do what I can with what I have. Would you mind hitting me once with that wand of yours. I feel a little light-headed."

Mykael moves through the women, to I14.

"We need to put ourselves between the women and the snakes."

Ghem, please move ahead of me, behind that black colored snake and tell me how many more are coming.

Haste - 8/8

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 27/68 (Posted by ADM Nellie)  d20+6=22 d20+14=28 d10+4=6 d100=36
Saturday September 23rd, 2006 11:04:22 PM

Appolo shrugs off the second sonic attack easily (Fort.=22) He reaches down and picks up his weapons (drawing an AoO). Weapons at hand, Appolo slices into one of the purebloods (PB2). "You'll pay for that with your life!" (AC28 for 6).

Cosmo (jump in George) (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+9=28 d20+9=28 d20+9=29 d20+9=28 d100=82 d100=61
Saturday September 23rd, 2006 11:32:45 PM

Cosmo spurs his mount forward to G12 and spots the same abomination who alluded him before. He decides twice is the charm and one again uses his maximize wand to boost his spell. He casts a maximize scorching ray at the evil creature hitting it with both rays. (ooc hit touch ac 28 and 29, rolled to see if critical hit and hit ac 28. Total damage is 72. Spell resistacne roll of 28. Rolled miss chance of 82 and 61 for 30 range)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Feeling the Burn---ADM Nellie  d20+4=19 d20+4=12 d20+4=16 d20+4=15 2d6(3+5)=8 d20+10=11 d100=100 d20+10=21 d8+5=10 d100=49 d20+3=13 9d6(6+5+4+4+6+6+3+6+3)=43 d100=86 d100=44 d20+11=22 d100=58 d20+6=12 d100=89 d20+23=31 d100=88 d20+13=26 d100=12 d20+4=14 d100=20 d20+23=35 d8+10=13 d8+10=16 d100=83 d20+20=28 d100=93 d20+10=16 d20+1=10 d8+6=10 d100=6 d20+12=18 d100=58 d20+12=26 d6+5=6 d100=12 d20+12=15 d100=40 d20+5=14 d100=85 d20+12=22 d100=24 d20+5=11 d6=5 d8=3
Sunday September 24th, 2006 12:14:27 AM

Deft and quick, Bart dodges the trap and the spell.

Rigging heals up and begins directing the battle. He steps forward and takes a closer look at the battle.

Nezamil picks up his wand and weapon and tends to the woman in the bag. Slowly and cautiously, she rises out of the bag. "Oh thank you...thank you, sir!!" The pregnant woman takes a look around. "But...I don't know where I am. Where is the trail? Who will protect us from the snakes and those horrible things??" The woman is beginning to panic.

Ashira steps forward and helps Nezamil with his pureblood opponent. Whack, whack...crunch, crunch. No more pesky archer.

(Okay, need a Refl. Save DC25 from Val because she passed by/through a pit trap. If you fail the Refl. save take 8 pts. damage and you are in a 20 foot deep hole filled with spikes. If not, then you end up in K7. For the time being, I will assume that you succeeded on your save.) Val steps forward, rage propelling her to kill, purge, destroy these evil things. Massive muscles bulging, heart racing, Val marches forward and engages the halfblood. She is truly a frightening visage as she brings the glowing axe down on the diamond back. No blood.... It takes a little bit of time for her rage consumed mind to understand that her well placed strike just bounced harmlessly off the Yuan Ti's tough scales.

Mykael moves forward, a elven shield in front of the helpless women. He bravely makes a stand, not willing to lose one civilian in this conflict. (Hero point to Mykael).

Appolo shakes off the spell and reaches down to pick up his stuff. And, obligingly, the Yuan Ti make attacks of opportunity. PB2 misses, but PB7 nicks Appolo for 6 points of damage. Then Appolo attacks, wounding PB2. The purebloods return the attack, but have no luck this go round.

Cosmo spurs his mount on in to the jungle and launches a devastating attack on the pesky Abomination that's squared off with Bart (AB2). The rays rip into his body. Oh, yes, he definitely felt that one!! And he's looking more than a little shaky. But success comes with a price for Cosmo, because his panicky mount has just discovered a dead Yuan Ti at it's feet. Rearing back in terror, it throws Cosmo from his back (5 points of damage) and bolts away from the corpse. Cosmo is now prone.

The sole living pureblood archer (PB8) examines his choices. Hmmm...that blue haired cow just cut down his buddy in 6 seconds. Shudder...and then there's that terrifying visage of death that just passed by him with it's dark skin and lithe form (Val). No way I'm getting near that thing. His blood brothers seem to have that other meatsack under control. Hmmm...maybe he should just focus on that blinking meatsack. He steps down 5 feet. Drawing his arrows, he waits patiently. He's seen this tactic many times before, and he knows to be patient, take his time. When the time is right, he loses his arrows, hitting Rigging solidly with the first arrow (Miss chance 100%, no miss 10 pts. damage) , but missing with the second.

Bart moves forward again and strikes and then Cosmo rips his body with the rays.(Bart, you made a move, so you only get one attack). This isn't exactly what the abomination had in mind...Further in the jungle, two abominations begin to cast (AB1, AB4). There is a sudden flash of bright light in the night sky...and then suddenly a huge column of fire engulfs Bart. (64 damage or Reflex save DC21 for half) The abomination paired with Bart (AB2) grins, a ugly pointy toothed affair. "You like that meatssack??" it taunts in a thicky accented Common. Then the abomination tucks tail and heads away from the battlefield (Withdrawing, no AoO, D5).

On the other side of the battlefield, Val once more feels the surge of magic trying to control her. She feels the impulse to stop, relax...smell the roses...violence is bad. (Calm Emotions, Will save DC17) The abomination nearby her (AB3) takes a step back and fires another spell at the raging barbarian (Calm Emotions. Val must succeed against 2 Will saves DC17 or stop fighting).

And then, quite unexpected, a new player appears, standing nearby Ashira. It's horrible. Sickly moist green skin, clawed hands and feet, a long tail...and a disgusting beard that moves as if alive. It hunches over its weapon...a long saw toothed glaive that looks....well, wicked. Red eyes take in the battle with a look akin to lust. Spotting Ashira nearby, the creature breaks out into a pointy toothed grin, horrible to behold. Viciously it thrusts it's glaive toward Ashira, but it just can't get past the ranger's armor.

The diamond back (HB1) takes in the battle with a look of pride. He carefully watches Val. If the spell should take a hold of her, he changes his focus to Bart. He takes careful aim at the big warrior and is rewarded with two solid hits. (AC31 for 13, AC35 for 16. Total damage=29). Should Val shake off both of the spells aimed at her, the diamond back drops his bow and pulls his scimitar. He looks over at Val with disdain. "What are you doing here, cow. You ssspeak of cleansing, but you overlook the obvioussss. All of thisss death and disstruction ressstss on your ssshoulders. For if you hadn't gone to the village, we wouldn't have had to harvessst the herd." His first blow cuts into Val (AC28 for 10) but the other two bounce harmlessly off her armor.

Nezamil Ac 21Hp 54/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste8/8 
Sunday September 24th, 2006 1:40:04 AM

With a quick nod at the thankful villager he quickly points in the opposite direction of the attackers " grab your friends and run to the village " growls Nezamil

"you ok ? questions Nezamil to Mykael

Spotting the green snakebeast attacker Ashira "i'll return the favor growls Nezamil

Without out waiting for a reply he moves forward "i'm gonna change tactics on them scaly worms " grunts Nezamil as he moves to (I-11)(move action)

"Drop "roars the Cleric of Domi as he points at the various snakemen in sight (bd1,pb8,pb2,pb7,hb1,)(greater command Dc-21)(base+10,bonus+6,spell level+5=21)(range is farther but cannot see others unless they take other actions to bring them with vision of Nez)

The 10'2" dwarf towers over the nearby snakemen and Wildcards.....he eyes the vile green snakeman and tries to work in tandem with the blue haired ranger so one of them can possibly attack its flank "time to die "growls the Nezamil to it

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Hp 22/68  d20+10=30 d20+9=29
Sunday September 24th, 2006 5:59:00 AM

Appolo makes a run for it retreating toward Rigging as fast as he can.Bleeding from mutiple wounds as he does so.He is on the look out for any traps or opponents that might suddenly materialize in front of him.he is ina head long retreat back the way they came"Ok folks this way.Time to go.Ladies follow me.{Double move.Appolo is retreating as far as he can back the way they came.'

Spot 30 Search 29

Bart ac 28 hp 49/86 endure elements haste  d20+9=26 d20+10=26 d10+23=29 d6=6 d100=34
Sunday September 24th, 2006 7:01:48 AM

The flames sinder around Bart luckily he was quick enough to dodge a part of it. After the fleeing of his opponent his attention is drawn to the new player in the field but he decides to attack Abonimation 1 SPring attack, power attack+7, ac 26 for 29+6 shock)jungle roll 34

Sunday September 24th, 2006 11:17:49 AM

My sincere appologies...I made a mistake in placing the new player (BD1) on the map. His location is actually I8. Once again, sorry.

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 154/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 2 of 9  d20+10=26 d20+11=28 d20+11=31 d20+20=31 d20+15=31 d20+10=19 d8+19=21 2d6(5+3)=8 d8+19=21 2d6(3+5)=8
Sunday September 24th, 2006 5:52:15 PM

ooc: reflex save 26, will save 1 28, will save 2 31.

Val screams at HB1 with wild eyes. The calming magic had no effect on the rage that filled her being. Infuriated that her axe is not dripping with the diamond backs blood she tries again with relentless determination.

ooc: if your wondering about her HP, Val has DR 2 against physical. Power attack -5/+5. 1st attack hit AC 31 for 29. 2nd attack his AC 31 for 29. 3rd attack misses with a 19

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 27  d100=17 d100=17 d100=80 3d4(1+1+3)+3=8
Sunday September 24th, 2006 6:26:22 PM

Mykael takes a 5ft step forward and decides to swap arrow attacks with PB8. He casts Magic Missile.

(spell failure = 17%, success)
(cover miss chance = 17%, success)
(spell resistance = 80%, ?)
(missiles = 8 dam)

Ghem, change in plans. Come down here behind me. Guide the 4 women that were in the sacks back to safety. Stay with them. Let me know if you sense any snakes getting near them and you. I will stay close and protect you all. Dont get too far away from us.

"Ladies, free each other from the bags. My little dragon friend is coming down to guide you. His name is Ghem. He is friendly. He can understand you and can speak to you in your mind. Dont be afraid. We are here to save you."

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Rigging 30/77 ac 20 blinking  d20+13=28 d100=88 d100=76 d4+1=4 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(6+3)=9
Sunday September 24th, 2006 6:53:57 PM

Rigging slides 10' north to O10 and sticks his holy dagger into PB7. He hits ac 28 rolled 88 for miss chance and 76 for blinking miss chance. Do 20 points of damage to it.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
blinking 3/7

anyone hasted by Rigging, know that the spell is over.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 48/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+7=15
Sunday September 24th, 2006 9:00:15 PM

Cosmo glances at his retreating Griffon in annoyance. He also sees the arrival of the new creature, wondering what it is and where it came from. He wonders if there is a summoner among the snake creatures.

Knowledge check 15.

Now might be the time to summon his own help. Still on the ground, Cosmo casts the spell Summon Monster V. He summons his Ape friends.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 48/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) - Supplemental  d20+15=22
Sunday September 24th, 2006 9:15:08 PM

Concentration check 22.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d100=80 d20+14=20 d8+5=7 d100=39 d20+9=23 d8+5=6 d100=77 d20+4=7 d100=61 d20+14=32 d20+14=29 2d6(1+1)+6=8 d100=9 d20+6=13 d100=47 d20-4=0
Sunday September 24th, 2006 11:54:26 PM

Ashira looks up at the thing in front of her...and that massive weapon it's got. Hmmmm...don't think it'll be too good up close with that thing. She steps forward and launches her attack, though she must admit that the stench coming from the creature is quite distracting. Still, she manages to inflict a good amount of damage on the thing. (AC20 for 7, AC23 for 6, AC32/30 for 8. Total damage=21)

WWF Gone Crazy---ADM Nellie  d20+10=11 d20+10=14 d20+10=25 d20+10=23 d20+10=28 d20+8=22 d20+8=15 d100=37 d20+11=20 9d6(2+6+3+1+2+3+4+3+1)+11=36 d20+6=17 d20+12=19 d100=85 d20+25=42 d6+6=11 d100=11 d20+25=38 d100=67 d20+15=28 d100=11 d20+6=22 d8+6=11 d8+6=10 d8+6=12 d100=54 d20+10=21 d6+3=5 d100=69 d20+12=24 d100=12 d20+5=17 d6+3=5 d6+3=9 d20+3=21 d100=19 d100=31 d20+10=29 d100=15 d8+5=12 d100=71 d20+11=17 d100=7 d20+4=22 5d6(4+1+5+5+5)=20
Monday September 25th, 2006 12:22:59 AM

Nezamil moves into the battle and fires off his spell. He bellows his command, which is met with varying results. The new player (BD1) simply snorts (spell resistance not met). Likewise, PB2 and HB1 are unaffected. One of the pureblood (PB8) hesitates for a moment, but finally shakes the spell off. Thankfully, one of the purebloods that was linked up with Appolo (PB7) drops his scimitar to the ground looking very confused.

Appolo's had enough. He makes a run for it, which is made very much easier by the fact that pureblood by him has just dropped his sword. But the going is much slower now that Rigging's Haste has worn off. He ends up just south of Rigging.

Bart watches the coward abomination run away and the new player arrive. Decisions, decisions... Mixing things up a bit, he decides to go after the abomination further afield (AB1). As he moves, he draws an attack of opportunity from the scaly creature (BD1), but it misses the massive warrior. With one mighty blow, the abomination is outta here!! The creature's lifeless body slumps to jungle floor.

Val is as ruthless and determined as the grim reaper in a traffic jam. The spells mean nothing to her...only that miserable thing in front of her. She takes more careful aim this time. But once more all three of her attacks bounce harmlessly off the creature's scaly hide.

Mykael decides it's time for a change up. Edging forward, he launches his glowing missiles at the wanna be snake archer thingy. Streaking forward, the missiles get to within 1 foot of the creature and fizzle out. (Spell resistance not met).

Knowing a good opportunity when he sees one, Rigging moves over and slices the weaponless pureblood a new belly button. The creature hisses venomously at Rigging.

Dusting himself off, Cosmo decides now might be a good time for some cheap help. Keeping his concentration up, Cosmo weaves his spell from the ground.

The cowardly abomination (AB2) is so very glad to finally be rid of that monstrous meatsack. Grapping his scimitar, he holds it over one of the sacks at his feet and plunges it straight down. He grins evilly as a shrill scream fills the air. He shouts out at the top of his reptilian lungs. "I will take them all!! All of your preciousss little cowss will die and I will feassst well tonight!!"

Meanwhile, his cousin (AB3) sees its chance. She is distracted...caught up with fighting the halfblood! Coming up on the side of Val, the abomination reaches out and grabs her catching her in a grapple (touch attack=19, grapple attack=42, take 10 Val fails). It's massive tail begins to slowly wind around the barbarian, squeezing, tightening...crushing. Then, she begins to feel a burning sensation as its hands and arms ooze acid onto her It's starting to get a little uncomfortable for Val (11 pts. crushing damage, 20 pts. acid damage). Since she's grappled, Val loses her Dexterity bonus to AC. She make make a grapple check d20 + BAB+ strength to escape next round if she wishes.

Seeing that the abomination has grappled his opponent, the diamondback (HB1) grins in anticipation. He relishes his next attack, slowly and deliberately hacking into his immobilized opponent time and time again. He laughs, an ugly hissing sound. "Purge thisss land. I highly doubt it. But oh, you are a ssstrong one...maybe we won't kill you right away. I don't usually go for exotic foodsss, but I'll make an exception this time. We'll take you to the bleeding ssstation once we've finished of the others. I bet you tasssste good!" (AC38 for 11, AC28 for 10, AC22 for 12. Total damage=33)

The pureblood by Nezamil shudders at his approach. He'd seen what that thing could do with it's gargantuan arms... Still, he knows his place, and he dutifully drops his bow and pulls his scimitar, and lashes out at Nezamil, inflicting the mildest of wounds (AC21 for 5).

One of the other purebloods moves in to flank Val (PB2). That cowardly human ran away, so he might as well help out over here. He lashes out twice and grins as he draws blood both times (AC24 for 5, AC17 for 9).

Rigging's pureblood (PB7) takes a step back (5ft). It decides that any weapon is better than no weapon, so it unsheathes its bow and takes aim at Rigging. He waits patiently, for he too has seen blink before. He looses his arrows just before the human blinks back out, but only one arrow connects (Jungle=19, Blink=31 (success per module) AC29 for 12).

The creature with the glaive (BD1) looks bored by Ashira's attack. And actually, it doesn't seem to have damaged him too much. It steps back 5 feet and attacks her again. But once again, it is foiled by her armor.

As Bart moves forward, several figures appear, apparently out of nowhere. Four halfbloods and a pureblood pop up directly in front of the farthest abomination (AB4). Scimitars in hand, they look ready for action.

Further in the jungle, the cobra hooded abomination (AB4) looks down at a piece of paper in it's hands. Apparently it's reading it. It must be spell casting, because the paper crumbles and once more, the sky is lit up. Once more a column of fire comes down from the sky to engulf Bart. (54 damage, Refl. save DC21 for half).

Remember, as George has said, the haste spell has now ended. Movement is back to ½ your normal move rate. If your normal move rate was 30, then a single move is now 15 feet and a double is 30. If your normal move rate was 40, then a single move is now 20 feet and a double is 40.

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 27 (AC 28, to AB2(dodge))  d20+7=22
Monday September 25th, 2006 1:27:58 AM

Mykael's turns sharply at the sound of the female scream. He instantly takes off as fast as he can move(double move to F10).

"Cosmo! Can you web that sucker and the women over there! I am moving to help!" Mykael yells for help as he points toward AB2.

"Ghem, please escort the ladies over behind Cosmo for protection. I have to try and help the other women. Dont worry about the Griffon, he is a friend of Cosmo's."

(Spot = 22)

Once in sight range, Mykael is a bloodied visage of determination, "Leave the women alone! Death is coming for you, and I am the dealer!"

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Monday September 25th, 2006 8:30:40 AM

Per George's request...

Status of enemy.
AB2---severely wounded
PB2---severely wounded

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 80/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 3 of 9  d20+20=33
Monday September 25th, 2006 10:09:21 AM

ooc: Quite impressive from a pair of boots.

Her red unblinking eyes still focused on the half breed before her. Her body was being crushed, sliced, and burned with acid but she felt none of it.

"Is this the best you have." She said with a maniacal grin. Now that they have had their fun, Val tenses her body and tries to force AB3 off of her.

ooc: 33 on her attempt to break free

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 54/81 Endure Elements,Magic vestments +2 ac,Freedom of movement  2d8(2+6)+5=13 d20+15=28 2d6(5+2)+6=13 d100=5
Monday September 25th, 2006 10:39:30 AM

As Mykael rushes past Nezamil reaches out and taps him with a wand (2d8(2+6)+5=13 cmw cured)(3rd charge used)

"Once ya done with that snake see if ya can flank da others " growls Nezamil "and be careful"

Eyeing the ugly green snake that just appeared and within striking distance " hey ugly welcome to the party !!" as Nezamil strikes out with his mace (AoO d20+15=28)(2d6(5+2)+6=13 dam)(d100=5% ack missed !!)
"Grr....by Domi this jungle is too dense for proper battle " growls Nezamil as his mace gets caught in the brush and misses the big ugly green snake(bd1)" lets finish this thing quickly " barks Nezamil to Ashira " you take right side i got left" as he steps to j11(5'move and 15 'ft range to bd1 ;-)

"what?" as the 10'2" dwarf turns quickly as he feels a slash to his side and finds a snakeman at his side .....as Nezamil towers over it ....with a nod of his head " i see death coming for you" growls the dwarf as he raises his mace to strike

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bart ac 28 hp 22/86 endure elements  d20+9=23 d20+10=28 d20+10=24 d10+23=31 d10+23=29 d6=5
Monday September 25th, 2006 11:49:50 AM

Once again Bart manages to avoid part of the flames, the severly wounded bart decides to retreat, If possible bart makes an powerattack+7/springattack towards db1 (threat ac 28 crit ac 24 for 31+29+5 damm)

Nezamil help me please!

attendence report 
Monday September 25th, 2006 2:11:53 PM

Adm-Nellie oxxoxs
Ashira oxxoxs
Appolo oxooxs
Rigging oxxoxs
Val oxxoxs
Bart oxxoxs
Nezamil oxxoxs
Mykaell oxxoxs
Cosmo ooxoxs

o = no post
x = post
s = sat/sun post

Report clarification. Posts were made on Saturday and Sunday, so everyone in this game made a total of 5 posts this week. :)----ADM Nellie

Appolo ac 23 Hp 22  d20+13=24 d20+13=27 d100=59 d100=57 d8=1 d8=4
Monday September 25th, 2006 9:32:56 PM

Still hurt Appolo stays put and fires his bow twice at PB2.Appolo is in no condition to fight at close range right now."Boss we better pull back and get reorganized.We're getting strung out."

Attack 24 27 Damage 1 4 total 5 59% 57%

Rigging 18/77 ac 20  d20+12=28 d20+12=25 d6+1=7 2d6(3+3)=6 d6+1=5 2d6(5+6)=11 2d6(3+6)=9 d100=79 d100=85 d100=42 d100=93
Monday September 25th, 2006 9:42:24 PM

Rigging has had it with this stinking pureblood. He steps forward to n9 and swings with both sword and dagger. He hits ac 28 with his shortsword doing 13 points of damage and follows up with his dagger hitting ac 25 for 25 points of damage.

He yells out to the others, "Get the pregos out of here. Get them moving back to the village."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
blinking 4/7

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 48/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d4+1=4
Monday September 25th, 2006 11:35:22 PM

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster V spell. It is his most powerful summon spell and he is able to summon 4 of his Fiendish Ape friends. He summons them near his enemies.

Cosmo immediately casts another spell. The spell is Animal Growth and the apes double in size (they are now huge (tall)).

Cosmo then stands up.

Ape 1: cells C8-E8
Ape 2: cells E3-E5
Ape 3: cells H7-J7
Ape 4: cells E1-G1

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
SM V: 9/9 rounds
Animal Growth: 80/80 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Fiendish Apes (w/ Animal Growth)  d20+12=24 d20+12=23 d20+7=13 d8+11=17 d8+11=16 d20+12=32 d20+12=13 d20+12=22 d20+7=23 d8+11=16 d8+11=14 d8+5=6 d20+12=28 d20+12=28 d20+7=17 d8+11=15 d8+11=14 d8+5=7 d20+12=31 d20+12=26 d20+7=26 d8+11=17 d8+11=17 d8+5=6
Monday September 25th, 2006 11:41:28 PM

Size: Huge (tall)
Space/Reach: 15'/15'
AC 14
HP's 45
Full attack: 2 claws +12 & 1 bite +7
Damage claws: 1d8 +11
Damage bite: 1d8+5
Damage Reduction: 10/magic

The Apes use their reach to attack (did NOT add +2 for flanking where applicable):

Apes 1 & 2 attack AB2
Hit AC's 24, 23 & 13
Damage 17, 16 & 0
Hit AC's 32(13), 22 & 23
Damage 16, 14 & 6

Ape 3 attacks BD1
Hit AC's 28, 28 & 17
Damage 15, 14 & 7

Ape 4 attacks HB9
Hit AC's 31, 26 & 26
Damage 17, 17 & 6

OOC: Some apes may be more than 5' away and using reach.

Ape 1: cells C8-E8
Ape 2: cells E3-E5
Ape 3: cells H7-J7
Ape 4: cells E1-G1

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d100=69 d20+16=20 d8+5=8
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 12:18:38 AM

Casting about what she can see of the battle, Ashira pales when she sees Val grappled and heavily bleeding. It's true she had disagreed with Val of late on just about anything, and there were times that she wanted to throw the barbarian off a cliff... But to see her in need and not help is something that the ranger was unwilling to do to her sister. She looks over at Bart. "Hey, big guy, Nezamil's right over there. I'm gonna go help Val." Ashira's grin spreads from ear to ear as Cosmos' apes appear. "Yeah! Go get um!" She cheers as the apes rip into the enemy. She watches as the newly summoned ape rips the freaky monster (BD1) to pieces. Scooting over, she helps out the best way she can right now, by attacking the pureblood that's confronting Val (PB2). She cuts at the creature with her longsword, hoping to bring it down and give Val some breathing room (AC20 for 8).

Nellie to Matt 
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 2:03:28 AM

Matt, I think you calculated the Apes HP's incorrectly. Fiendish apes have the same HP (29) and then the animal growth give 2 Hp per hit die (in this case 4, so 8 HP). By my calculations, the Enlarged Fiendish apes have 37HP.

I have the Feat Augment Summoning which gives them +4 Str & +4 Con.

Aha! Now that makes more sense!! It's really hard to figure out things when I don't have any of the sheets. Thanks!!---Nellie

King Kong('s) vs. Godzilla----ADM Nellie  d20+25=37 d6+6=11 5d6(4+2+1+6+3)=16 d20+15=28 d8=3 2d8(1+8)=9 d20+10=28 d20+15=26 9d6(5+4+1+6+5+5+4+6+5)=41 d100=95 d20+12=28 d20+12=23 d20+12=27 d8+11=12 d100=24 d20+25=31 d8+4=6 d100=44 d20+15=21 d8+4=7 d100=18 d20+6=24 d8+4=8 d100=93 d20+10=26 d6+3=7 d100=66 d20+3=5 d20+25=41 d20+20=36 d100=37 d20+10=30 d20+10=13 d6+3=8 d100=27 d20+3=6 d20+9=17 d100=32 d20+10=20 d6+2=6 d20+8=19 d20+8=27 d20+8=10 d20+11=22 d20+11=30 d20+11=17 d20+5=12
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 8:29:41 AM

Mykael presses forward, determined to save the hostages. As he passes, Nezamil give him a little boost. He calls for Cosmo to web the abomination.

Nezamil reaches out to teach the newcomer a lesson (BD1) but, like the others, finds that the jungle can mess up a perfectly placed blow. He suggests that he and Ashira flank the pesky critter so they can mow it down in short order.

Val is annoyed by whatever pesky thing is keeping her from the diamondback. Flexing her massive muscles, she tries to wrench herself free from the abomination, but it holds her tight (Grapple=37).

The badly wounded Bart retreats. He can't make it to HB1, but he stops by the new coming snake looking thingy and wacks it a good one. It's green body shudders. Oh yeah, that got it's attention! Bart ends his move right net to the thing, knowing that the glaive is useless in close quarters.

Appolo takes aim at the pureblood pestering Val, but he's too far away, and his arrows miss the mark. (Visibility is 30 feet, trying to fire past 30 feet with allies around will be a very dangerous maneuver).

Feed up with the stupid pureblood harassing him, Rigging steps up and cuts the creature down with two quick strikes.

The quick thinking Cosmo finishes up his summoning and the apes appear in various positions around the battlefield. Quickly enlarging them, Cosmo creates a force to be reckoned with as 4 massive killer apes rip and tear at various enemies. Hero point to Cosmo!!

Ape 1 appears and is instantly zapped (9Hp electric damage, Refl. save DC18 for 1/2). Mykael too feels the electricity from the spell (same deal for Mykael). It rips and shreds eagerly.

Ape 2 feels a magical tug at it's body (Blindness) but shrugs it off easily (Fort. Save passed). It gets quickly to work with its cousin and soon there is only a bloody skeleton where the abomination (AB2) used to be.

Ape 3 digs in an in just a couple of seconds, the green slimy creature disappears...sent back to wherever its home was.

Likewise, Ape 4 quickly decimates the halfblood (HB9) in front of it. It munches on a bit of tail as it looks around for another snakey snack.

The hooded abomination (AB4) narrows its eyes at the arrival of apes. He smiles as if reveling in some kind of inside secret. He steps over away from Ape1 (drawing AoO...to speed things up, rolled it for you. If attack, then hits AC27 for 12 damage. If grapple, then touch attack succeeds, but fails to grapple) and casts a spell. A column of fire once more drops down from the sky, but this time it falls on two of the apes (Ape 4 & 2). Apes take 41 Hps of damage (Refl. save of 21 for ½ damage. Also reduce damage by 5 for fire resistance. Caster level check=17, SR negated).

With a look of annoyance, the diamond back turns his attention to the newly summoned ape (ap3) in front of him. He lashes out at the thing with a full attack from his glowing scimitar (magical), but can't quite kill it this round (AC31 for 6, AC21 for 7, AC24 for 8. Total damage=21). It looks highly peeved that it cannot continue it's torture of Val, and scans the battlefield for the spellcaster that brought it forth.

Suddenly having no appetite for easy sport or green skinned cows, the pureblood (PB2) turns its attention to the killer apes. It stabs the ape, but it's magically toughened skin refuses to be cut by such a base weapon (damage reduction not met).

The other pureblood (PB8) continues to focus on Nezamil. He strikes out with his scimitar (AC30/13 for 8 damage) though he constantly looks over his shoulder to see what that gigantic ape is doing.

The newly arrived Yuan Ti (HB 6, 7, &8, PB 14) stares with horror at the apes that are now in front of them. They're soooooo big. Too big! And by the looks of their cousin's actions, swords aren't going to do the job this time. Time for a change up. The halfbloods shift about the battle field (drawing AoOs) and then begin to weave spells, aiming them at the apes (Ap4, 2 &3). They suggest to the apes that it is so very hot here in the jungle....they should go down to the river (roughly 200 feet away behind the group) to cool themselves off. (Each ape must make a Will save DC17 or they up and leaves for the river, SR check=19, 27, 10. All three apes SR is negated). The pureblood just looks on, not sure quite what to do.

The abomination grappling Val (AB3) continues to keep ahold of her. It tightens its hold (Grapple=41) pinning Val. It's coils constrict and it is beginning to become difficult for Val to breath (Contrict=11, Acid=16).

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 55/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 4 of 9 
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 9:18:54 AM

Fighting the constriction, Val keeps struggling against the binding serpent.

ooc: the wold grapple rules are unbelievably horrible so I'm not going to bother rolling an escape check. There is no possible way for me to escape. Even with a nat 20 on the roll I wouldn't get a 41. Though why somebody gets a -4 on a strength feat is something I do not understand.

Mykael -- HP 16/56, AC 27  d20+7=9
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 2:29:11 PM

"Gre-at Job-bb-bb!" Mykael cheers on Cosmo and his apes as the electricity courses through him for full damage (Reflex = 9, failed).

Mykael continues to move as fast as he can to the still trapped women, moving in between ape 1 & 2, to D15.

"Hold on ladies! I am almost there. We are here to save you. Dont panic!" Mykael hollers encouragement to the 5 trapped women.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 54/81 Endure Elements,Magic vestments +2 ac,Freedom of movement  2d8(3+8)+5=16
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 3:36:05 PM

Nezamil grins as the big warrior bounds near him seeking help for his wounds " you look a little crispy "

"nice work on that big green ugly beast..ya took care it quick"

"Here take this potion(cmw 2d8+5=??roll yourself )...it will help ya feel better"

The cleric of Domi then taps the mighty warrior with a wand (cmw 2d8(3+8)+5=16 cured)(4th charge used)

The 10'2" dwarf again turns to his right and eyes the pesky snakeman " you still here ?" growls Nezamil as he towers over the creature (pb8)

Looking up from the pesky snakeman Nezamil notices Val's situation " hold on Val....help is on its way !!" yells Nezamil

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging 18/77 hps ac 19  d20+8=26 d100=99 d100=43 d20+12=22 d6+4=10
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 7:39:29 PM

Rigging sees that Val is in trouble and wants to aid her but isn't sure what to do. He snaps his fingers and concentrates for a second. A green ray shoots forth from his hand and strikes Ab3. AB3 feels the strength leave his body and knows fear as it looks into Val's enraged eyes.

Spell resistance 26, Ranged tough attack hits ac 22, jungle miss 99, blinking 43, AB3 loses 10 strength points. If he is a normal abomination, should bring his str down to 9.

Rigging will then take his movement and move M20 working his way to the women to see if he can get them moving towards the village.

"Appolo, Get the women out of here. They are going to need a headstart if we have to run."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
blinking 5/7

Matt C. - supplemental to DM post  d20+9=22 d20+9=12 d20+9=23 d20+12=16 d20+12=27 d20+12=24 d8+11=13 d8+11=15 d20+12=32 d20+12=32 2d8(6+4)+22=32
Tuesday September 26th, 2006 7:43:51 PM

OOC - I am assuming the Halfbloods are using Suggestion on the Apes. Suggestion is a language dependant spell so I do not think it would work on an ape. Let me know and I will roll the saves if ruled otherwise.

LOL!! See, that's what you get when you try to write a post at 3am! No, the suggestion won't work on the apes.---Nellie

Ape 1: Reflex 22 for 4 damage.

Ape 1: Will take the AoO on AB4 for the 12 damage.

Ape 4: Reflex 12 for 36 (41-5) damage
Ape 2: Reflex 23 for 15 (20-5) damage

AoO's (not sure on which HB):
Ape 4 Hit AC 16; damage 0
Ape 2 Hit AC 27; damage 13
Ape 3 Hit AC 24; damage 15

OOC - I think Ape 4 is within AoO range of HB8 as it tries the Suggestion (Hit AC 32(32); critical damage 32)

Ending HP's:
Ape 1: 41/45
Ape 2: 30/45
Ape 3: 24/45
Ape 4: 9/45

OOC - Let me know if I missed something!

Nellie to Matt 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 12:46:45 AM

LOL!! See, that's what you get when you try to write a post at 3am! No, the suggestion won't work on the apes.

Ape 4 cannot do another AoO on HB8 because he's only allowed one AoO per round. Sorry.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d100=13 d20+14=16 d100=14 d20+9=16 d100=98 d20+4=17 d100=90 d20+14=26 d8+5=11 d100=57 d20+6=12 d100=5
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 8:25:11 AM

Ashira presses her attack against the pureblood. Very distracted by Val's situation, Ashira can't full concentrate on her opponent, and it shows. She only manages to connect with the creature once. (AC26 for 11).

Fun and Games---ADM Nellie  d20+20=39 d6+6=10 5d6(2+1+2+5+5)=15 d100=56 d20+25=30 d8+4=7 d100=84 d20+15=35 d20+15=26 2d8(1+3)+8=12 d100=17 d20+6=9 d100=94 d20+10=20 d6+3=8 d100=89 d20+10=17 d100=53 d20+3=6 d20+9=28 d100=85 d20+12=13 d100=75 d20+12=20 d8+11=16 d100=90 d20+7=14 d100=94 d20+12=29 d8+11=14 d100=4 d20+12=22 d100=54 d20+7=10 d100=33 d20+12=21 d8+11=18 d100=19 d20+12=15 d100=51 d20+7=16 d20+20=21 d20+9=23 d20+9=18 d20+9=23 d20+9=10 d20+9=14 d20+9=16
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 8:56:07 AM

Mykael, despite just getting zapped is finding his job a whole lot easier now a days. Those big apes seem to have drawn the attention of the Yuan Ti...wonder why???

Serving as medic, Nezamil hands Bart a potion and then taps him with his wand. The French fried warrior is definitely looking much better now!!

Wracking his brain to come up with a way to help Val, but not get too close to the front line, Rigging comes up with a brilliant plan! He fires off his ray and watches with great satisfaction as the creature shrivels a little. Ooooo...it's not liking that!! Hero point to Rigging!!

Though she's having a tough time concentrating, Ashira makes her one successful attack count, downing the creature.

The apes continue their assault
Ape 1: Moves forward to find someone to attack
Ape 2: Attacks HB7 (Claw: AC13, AC20 for 16. BiteAC14)
Ape 3: Attacks HB8 (Claw: AC29 for 14, Jungle miss. BiteAC10)
Ape 4: Attacks HB8 (Claw: AC21 for18, AC15. BiteAC16)

The apes literally rip two of the halfbloods to pieces (HB7 & 8)

Val is finding it awfully hard to breathe now a days. Those coils are getting mighty tight...and now she's pinned. Not good...not good indeed. And then Rigging fires off his nasty spell and she can feel the creature's grip loosen. Finally! Flexing her massive muscles, Val shakes off the pin, but is still grappled (rolled 39 for you). The abomination continues its assault squeezing and burning (Constrict=10, Acid=15). It attempts to pin the elf once more, but in it's weakened state it's having a hard enough time just hanging onto the raging elf (Pin roll=21, failure). Val can roll a grapple check next round to see if she escapes the grapple (DC30). If you escape the grapple, then you can move to an adjacent space (no attack).

The diamondback continues his concentration on the ape in front of him, frustrated that it's preventing from his fun. (AC30 for 7, AC35/26 for 12. Total damage=19)

The hooded cobra watches the battle with interest. It's been a long time since he's been in a combat this fun. He retrieves and reads a scroll (Dispel Magic). The air around the apes crackles with magical energy and then **poof** three of the apes (AP1, AP2, AP4) are gone (Dispel checks=28, 23, 23). Bart and Ashira feel the magic wash over them. (Ashira loses endure elements, Dispel=14). Mykael feels the magical tug too (can't remember whether you have the endure elements spell or not...if so, they you lose it Dispel=16).

Pureblood 8 continues to press his attack on Nezamil. As the dwarf heals Bart, he takes a swipe at the dwarf, drawing a little more blood (AC20 for 8). However, he has much worse luck on his regular attack and just can't touch the dwarf.

The halfbloods and purebloods by the cobra look very relieved that the apes are gone. Sheathing their scimitars, they pull out their longbows.

Appolo Hp 22 Ac 23 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 11:27:56 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging"Sorry boss got go help Val.Those stupid cows should have listened to us in the first place.If any of us dies here I might kill them myself.""He moves quickly forward.Drawing his swords as does so.He moves to engage AB3 Double move.

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 32/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 5 of 9  d20+16=23 d20+16=25
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 11:59:34 AM

Val struggles against the loosened grip but her body won't respond. Her arms won't push against the serpent like they should and Val remains trapped in the binding coils.

ooc: the formula I used was bab + str mod -4 and a d20 roll. 1st escape attempt roll 23. Used a hero point to reroll for a 25. The fates are not kind this day.

Bart ac 28 hp 56/86 endure elements  2d10(5+8)+5=18 d20+10=25 d10+23=32 d6=6 d100=39
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 12:56:42 PM

Sorry i missed yesterday posting i asume Bart did drink the potion he got from Nezamil

Thanks Nez I wil get rid of that pureblood for you (PB8)(spring attack, power attack +7 ac 25 for 32+6 (jungle roll 39)

Try to help Ashira Nez

Wednesday September 27th, 2006 2:10:01 PM

Sticking my nose in here. Val/William you can try and break the grapple as many times as you can attack. If Val gets 3 swings, then she gets 3 rolls to try and break the grapple. After the first it is considered a full action and she would only be allowed to move 5' but that is certainly better then taking acid damage.

George is absolutely right!! Feel free to make your other two rolls at the lower BAB values....luck can be a beautiful thing!!---Nellie

Walter  d20+11=23 d20+6=20
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 2:33:10 PM

Good to know but with the wold rules I cannot break free no matter how many times I roll. Kinda funny since Val has a str of 28 right now. The other two rolls are a 23 and a 20. Nellie your 39 was too high. With the wold rules the most I can get is a 36 with a nat 20.

Actually, like I said in the post (because of the ray of enfebblement), the new DC is 30. Sorry the rolls didn't work out for you.---Nellie

Wednesday September 27th, 2006 7:15:23 PM

Walter, under Woldian rules, a natural 20 always succeeds so you do have a chance.

Rigging 18/77 ac 19  d20+8=24 d20+12=26 d100=89 d100=60 d6+4=7
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 7:33:27 PM

Rigging thinks to himself. "Well it worked once, why not again?" He points a finger and casts his spell again. Another green beam hits AB3 shrinking his strength down even more.

SR roll 24, hit touch attack 26, made my jungle miss roll and my blink roll. If all this works, AB3 loses another 7 points of strength.

Rigging then moves to L23

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2**
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
blinking 6/7

Mykael -- HP 16/56, AC 27  d20+1=8 d20+1=10 d20+7=26
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 8:04:55 PM

Mykael quickly moves E13(base move), putting himself between the women and danger.

"Its alright ladies, I am here to help. I will have you all out of there in a second or two." Mykael speaks calmly.

He opens the bleeding sack B7 and checks on the woman. If she is alive, he will use Healing skill to stabalize her.

(Healing = 8, if not good enough and she will die next round before another attempt, then use Hero Point, 2nd try = 10)

(Spot = 26)(just keeping eyes open)

Ghem! Please get yourself and those women out of there.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Ghem -- AC 18, HP 28/28  d20+7=22 d20+2=14
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 8:10:51 PM

Telepathy in common to each woman, 'I am Ghem, Mykael says we should move over there to a safer spot. I think we should too.'

'That way'

Ghem moves to I29, being careful to monitor the area for snakes. These Yuan Ti can pop up at any moment.

(Diplomacy = 14)
(Spot = 22)

Matt C. 
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 9:15:01 PM

OOC - remember when you roll your grapple check it is vs. their grapple modifier + 10 (take 10 per woldian special attack rules.) It is not vs. the roll they had when they grappled you (when you had to take 10).

In this case, because Val is trying to break the grapple, Val roles a d20+BAB+STR-penalty. She compares this to the enemies take 10 value of 30. Then, when the abomination wishes to continue with his grapple, he rolls d20+BAB+STR+size bonus+grapple bonus which I compare to Val's take 10 value. Which is why Val is only grappled and not pinned. Last round the Abomination tried to pin once more and rolled a natural 1 which is a failure. If any of Val's rolls had exceeded DC30 she would have been free of the grapple.---Nellie

Agreed. I am not sure Val got that though.

Fiendish Apes (w/ Animal Growth)  d20+12=30 d20+12=24 d20+7=15 d8+11=18 d8+11=14
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 10:15:22 PM

Size: Huge (tall)
Space/Reach: 15'/15'
AC 14
HP's 24/45
Full attack: 2 claws +12 & 1 bite +7
Damage claws: 1d8 +11
Damage bite: 1d8+5
Damage Reduction: 10/magic

The surviving Ape uses his great reach to smack around abomination 3.

Ape 3 attacks AB3
Hit AC's 30, 24 & 15
Damage 18, 14 & 0

Ape 3: cells H14-J16

Correction, Ape3 took 19 pts. of damage from the halfblood last round. It now has 5 hit points.---Nellie

Ape - Supplemental  d100=42 d100=31
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 10:25:42 PM

miss chance

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 33/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  2d8(3+6)+5=14
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 10:31:34 PM

"thanks Bart " as he watches the warrior slices the snakeman(pb8) to pieces " he was pesky one"

Nezamil then reaches out and taps the mighty warrior with the wand again (2d8(3+6)+5=14 cmw cured to Bart)

"Now go help Val and kill that "DIAMONDBACK SNAKEMAN!" growls Nezamil

Turning around for a moment he eyes the women " he again points towards the village "Get moving back to the village with the others " barks the 10'2" dwarf

Turning back to the battle he looks for Mykael and waves him over " thats it bring them over we'll escort them to safety with the others "

"putting himself in danger to save the villagers" murmers Nezamil to himself "Domi would be proud of him" as his respect for the multi- talented Mykael grows

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d100=89 d20+18=35 d20+18=36 2d8(6+2)+10=18
Wednesday September 27th, 2006 11:59:23 PM

Ashira watches the combat in horror. As the pureblood drops, she steps into the combat, ready to unload on that pompous halfblood. Taking her time, she aims her strike so that it strikes near the spine of the creature (AC35/36 for 18).

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 48/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Thursday September 28th, 2006 12:14:09 AM

Cosmo spells are getting low. His visibility of the battlefield has been reduced by being knocked off his griffon. He moves forward trying to get next out from behind Nezamil.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
SM V: 7/9 rounds
Animal Growth: 78/80 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Critical Moments----ADM Nellie  d2=2 d100=91 d20+6=23 d8=4 d100=67 d20+20=25 d8+4=12 d100=2 d20+10=15 d100=60 d20+1=9 2d6(2+2)=4 d20+10=15 2d6(3+2)=5 d20+10=12 d100=66 d20+9=24 d100=25 d20+4=11 d100=24 d20+16=24 d6+6=9 5d6(5+5+1+6+6)=23
Thursday September 28th, 2006 1:05:29 AM

Appolo sees Val in trouble, and despite his self preservation instincts, he heads into the fray. (OOC: By my calculations at 30 feet double move, the best Appolo can get to is M17) Along the way, he encounters another one of those pesky pit traps ((Ref. DC25 or 5 pts. damage and in a 20 foot deep pit. Am assuming he passes, otherwise he's in N20).

Val struggles against the weakened abomination but the prolonged grappling is taking its toll. She just can't beat off the thing.

Bart dashes in and slices that pesky pureblood in half and then dashes back to where he was. Nezamil patches him up some more and urges him to get back into the fight. He calls out various commands to various members of the team.

Rigging fires off another excellently placed ray and once more the abomination shudders. The huge creature's arms tremble with the effort of trying to keep a hold of the barbarian.

Mykael makes it to the women and is indeed able to cure the pregnant woman in the bag...a few seconds later and she would have been gone.

Ghem moves toward the village and though the women look shaken at having a creature's thoughts invade their minds, at this point in time, they'd probably follow a demon if it meant getting away from the snakemen. Dutifully, they plod slowly along behind the pseudodragon. Ghem does not detect any Yuan Ti, nor does Mykael spot any.

The sole surviving ape uses his massive arms to try and reach over Val and the Halfblood to take on the abomination. It's difficult going, though. He accidentally hits Val with his first attack but misses with the other two. (If you attack into a grapple, you have an equal chance of hitting either combatant. Rolled even odds, and it came up that Val was the recipient of the attack. Going to be nice here and say that the attacks just don't connect.)

Ashira moves in and slices easily into the halfblood. Narrowing it's eyes, its grinds its teeth in pain.

Cosmo moves forward, searching for a better angle and visibility. But there's a problem. Just as he moves forward, he finds the ground opening underneath him (Ref. DC25 or 3 pts. damage and in a 20 foot deep pit. I'm assuming he passes, otherwise put him in F20).

The pureblood standing in front of the cobra (PB14) scans the battlefield and spots Mykael. Now that looks like a promising shot!! Pulling the bow taut, he carefully places his shot, and is pleased to see that it connects with the elf trying to free the captives. (AC23 for 4). His partner the halfblood figures that Bart is a better target and takes aim at him. His arrows whiz hopelessly off course, thudding into nearby trees.

The abomination (AB4) pulls out a scroll and begins casting...and casting...and casting...he spends the whole time casting.

The diamondback flicks his scimitar casually at the ape, and it disappears (AC25 for 12 damage). Then he spins to face the green cow. Hmmm...maybe this cow will pose a challenge!! He takes two strikes at her, but he can't get his blows past her armor and the jungle.

Completely out gunned, the abomination (AB3) grappling with Val tries to pin her but his weak arms can't do it...and he knows it won't be long...won't be long till she's free with that axe. Val can feel his body shudder with dread. In a last ditch effort, he tries to crush the life out of the cow... and it pays off. The disabled (PHB145) barbarian barely moves in his coils. (Constrict=9 Acid=23). (OOC you can try and break free vs. DC26, but you will be at -1hp due to the strenuous activity. And remember...the HP's from rage are still active even at negative HP's...unless you choose for Val to die.)

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 27  d20+7=27 d20+5=13 d20+5=11
Thursday September 28th, 2006 1:34:27 AM

Mykael grits his teeth from the arrow that just stung him in the back. He takes a 5ft step to E12 and begins freeing B6 and B1 if he can reach and has the time this round.

Speaking to the woman he just set free and stabalized, "Hurry help those 3 out of the bags there," as Mykael indicates B2, B5.

Mykael is constantly scanning the area and keeping watch behind him. If he sees incoming arrows, spells, or attacks, he will attempt to block them with his shield. Whether or not he is able to block the attacks he makes sure he is hit before the women behind him.

(Spot = 27, nat 20)
(Rope Use = 13)
(Rope Use = 11)

"I am working on it Nezamil, dont let the women get too far ahead. Snakes can turn into Yuan Ti anywhere."

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

OOC: Nellie... Did Mykael have to use that hero point to save the woman or was the 8 healing roll good enough?

No, keep the hero point...you might need it later. ;)---Nellie

Rigging hps 18/77 ac 19  d100=41 d100=62
Thursday September 28th, 2006 9:39:34 AM

Rigging takes a 5' step forward and sees his friends and wife in trouble. He pulls out a wand and activates it sending a spell to his wife since, it looks like Val might be down.

Ashira finds herself growning in size. (Enlarge spell to Nellie, rolled a 41 for the miss chance but don't think its necessary. Rolled 62 for blink chance. Ashira is elarged for 1 minute)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2**
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
blinking 7/7

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 2/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 6 of 9  d20+16=20 d20+16=20 d20+11=16 d20+6=7
Thursday September 28th, 2006 9:53:58 AM

Val groans and starts to black out but her eyes don't close just yet. Its not that easy to put down a barbarian in the throes of rage. She continues to struggle against the binding coils and burning acid.

ooc: val only took 7 from the constriction which puts the damage at 30 and her hp at 2. If it wasn't for the barbarian DR she would have been well below -10 by now. I used a hero point on the escape roll to try again but all 4 rolls failed. I think the dice hate me.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 22  d20+14=29 d20+14=28 d20+6=23 d100=72 d100=21 d100=23 d20+4=22 d10+4=9 d8+4=7 d10+4=5
Thursday September 28th, 2006 1:37:41 PM

Appolo looses it on the creature crushing Valanthe.He utters several curses that would make G'aal himself blush as swings his swords wiyh all his might at the thing.Trying cut it into anything to get her out.

Attack 28 28 23 Damage 9 7 5 for 21 total

Bart ac 28 hp 70/86 endure elements  d100=11 d20+7=25 d20+7=12 d10+29=39 d6=3 d100=31
Thursday September 28th, 2006 2:13:09 PM

Bart moves forward and hopes he can hit the abonimation before it kills Val (1-50 Abonimation, 51-100 Val) (rolled 11) (ac 25 threat no crit for 42 (jungle roll 31)
(Janell conform table 8-8 you dont have to roll to see who you hit with a melee attack agaainst someone who is grappling)

William, you're right...you don't have a 50% miss chance in normal melee attacks, but the ape wasn't adjacent to the abomination, and so he did have the 50% miss rate (use ranged rules in that scenero).---Nellie

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 33/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  3d8(1+4+4)+10=19
Thursday September 28th, 2006 2:14:00 PM

Nezamil moves quickly to help Val (moving to j-18 move action)....useing his long reach he extends his hand out and touches her shoulder where upon he invokes Domi's divine healing power (spontanously casting csw in place of divine power 3rd lvl)(3d8(1+4+4)+10=19 pts cured)"Domi heal this valient soul" as Domi's power flows in the elven warrior.

ooc: Mykael was tapped with Nezamil's wand of cmw's a rd or two back so he should add 13 hp's to his total !!

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power*,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Thursday September 28th, 2006 5:41:50 PM

Question? I think Appolo's attacks all should be considered sneak attacks. A thief gets his sneak attack damage when his opponent is denied his dexterity bonus. Grappling opponents lose their dex bonus to everyone but their grappled opponent.

Yes, you are right!---Nellie

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 48/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+11=13
Thursday September 28th, 2006 9:26:47 PM

The pit opening up in front of Cosmo surprises him and he falls in. At the bottom of the pit he looks up at the 20' distance to the top. Thinking to himself, this is not good, how am I going to get out? Grabbing his Extend rod he quickly casts the spell polymorph. He changes himself into a Pixie, and feels most of his wounds heal.

In his new form he flies out of the pit, straight up 60'.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Polymorph: 180/180 rounds (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Enlarged  d100=36 d20+14=33 d20+14=27 4d6(5+5+2+6)+10=28 d100=45 d20+9=11 d100=98 d20+4=13 d100=95 d20+14=18 d100=90 d20+6=8 d100=83 d20-4=4
Friday September 29th, 2006 12:30:10 AM

The giant Ashira bites her lip in nervous anticipation. Val is struggling, that's easily seen. Precious seconds count. Her massive weapons are a blur of action as she changes targets and attacks the abomination. But it's a tricky business...the two of them are so close together and are moving around...she could easily hit Val by mistake. Aiming carefully, Ashira is able to catch the abomination with a critical strike to whatever serves as the creature's neck (AC 33/27 for 28). But that's the best she can do (all other attack miss).

Critical Moments Part 2----ADM Nellie  d20+14=16 d4+1=5 9d6(4+5+4+1+4+2+5+6+4)=35 d100=66 d20+7=19 d20+14=30 d100=98 d20+7=19 d20+14=17 d100=59 d20+7=9 d20+14=32 d100=35 d20+7=9 d100=84 d20+7=16 d20+14=33 d100=52 d20+25=36 d8+10=14 d100=87 d20+15=29 d8+10=17 d100=48 d20+6=12 d100=75 d20+16=30 d6+2=8 5d6(4+3+4+5+1)=17
Friday September 29th, 2006 1:31:27 AM

Mykael moves over and helps two other ladies out of their bags. The women are sluggish and obviously in a state of shock but appear in good enough condition to travel...albeit slowly due to their pregnant condition. Mykael does not spot any snakes.

Seeing his friends and wife in trouble, Rigging gives Ashira a little boost. The ranger grows to proportions roughly matching the abomination, towering over the halfblood with her now large weapons....things just heated up for the Yuan Ti! (Need Concentration checks for that Enlarge spell, please)

With an amazing show of endurance, Val takes all that the abomination dishes out and in the end is still standing. The abomination looks confused. What is this thing that refuses to die?? There is more than a hint of fear in it's reptilian face as it takes in its situation. Could it be that this group of humans were some how different than all the other groups that fell at his hands? Could it be that the cow had been speaking the truth? Was this the dealer of death? Her dark skin certainly suggested it. Only one way to find out....

Appolo rushes over to help Val out, but the ground opens up in front of him. Down, down, down he falls, finally landing with a thud next to a bunch of spikes (Ref. save=16, fails. Appolo takes 5 pts. damage and in a 20 foot deep pit N20).

Bart moves forward...he will save Val!! But the cursed jungle continues to hamper his movement. He just can't make it to the abomination and attack. Ahhh...but the halfblood...now he's a different story!! Bart moves over and takes a mighty swing at the thing, but it's tough skin doesn't even seem to register the blow.

The quick thinking giant dwarf reaches out and spreads Domi's healing power to Val. The pale Val recovers some of her color and is definitely looking much better!

Cosmo succumbs to the pit. But that doesn't phase the quick witted spellcaster! He reaches into his pack and pulls out his magical rod. Then, he nimbly casts his spell. Poof, suddenly the Wold looks so much bigger!! (Sorry, but Cosmo the Pixie cannot fly this round, since he has already performed his standard and move actions.)

Trying to save her friend, Ashira changes targets, and is richly rewarded with her first strike. The Yuan Ti (AB3) shudders at the impact of the hit. A thought runs through his head...death...death...death.

And then, just as things are beginning to look up....there is the sound of spellcasting. Bart's stomach turns as the sky above him once more takes on that eerie glow. He knows full well what's coming. A column of fire forms around him and Nezamil. (Flame Strike. 53 dam. Reflex DC21 for ½ damage)

But that's not all...at precisely the same time, 5 fiendish apes appear on the battlefield immediately around the Wildcards. They're not nearly as big or hearty as Cosmo's apes, but they still look menacing.

Ape 1: Takes a 5 foot step, then tries to grapple Bart, Touch attack: AC19, Jungle 66, Grapple check=26 (success?--Bart, what's your BAB+str-4 and your touch AC?)

Ape2 Tries to grapple Bart, Touch attack: AC19, Jungle 66, Grapple check=13-fails

Ape3: Takes a 5 foot step, then tries to grapple Bart, Touch attack: AC9, Jungle 66, Grapple check=28-fails (unless Ape 1 succeeded in the grapple...in which case Ape 3 would succeed)

Ape4: Takes a 5 foot step, then tries to grapple Ashira, Touch attack: AC9-fails

Ape5: Takes a 5 foot step, then tries to grapple Ashira, Touch attack: AC16, Jungle 84, Grapple check=29--succeeds.

The apes reach and claw for the two fighters, trying to keep them in place. (Ashira is grappled, Bart is probably. If grappled, grapple check (BAB+Str. -4penalty) DC20 to break free)

The halfblood (HB1) surveys the battlefield. Ahhh...so many targets.... He settles for the massive meatsack (Bart). Taking his time, and having a good deal of fun, he strikes the mighty warrior with two solid blows. (AC34 for 14, AC29 for 17. Total damage=31)

The abomination grappling Val (AB3) manages to wrestle down his fears long enough to pin the pesky dark elf (Grapple=30). It continues to squeeze and burn... (Constrict=8, Acid=17) It can't be death if I kill it first!! (Val, go ahead and add 6 more HP to Val's total---Abomination's constrict damage was 6 too high on the last 2 rounds).

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Enlarged  d20+10=22 d100=61 d20+8=20 2d6(3+2)+5=10 d100=66 d20+3=20 2d6(2+6)+5=13 d100=51 d20+13=24 2d6(1+1)+5=7 d100=41 d20+5=19 d8+3=8 d100=77 d20-5=14 d8+3=7
Friday September 29th, 2006 8:21:46 AM

Ashira growls as the hairy arms grab hold of her. "Hey!! I don't think so you big lug!!" Twisting and flexing, Ashira wiggles out of the apes grasp (Grapple=22). Deciding to get rid of the pesky annoyances, Ashira wages a full attack on the apes (Ape5--AC20 for 10, AC20 for 13, AC24 for 7. Ape 4--AC19 for 8, AC14 for 7).

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 4/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 7 of 9  d20+16=25 d20+16=19 d20+11=17 d20+6=21
Friday September 29th, 2006 10:04:08 AM

In the span of a moment she was pulled to the edge of death's door and thrown right back against it. It was impossible to breathe and she began to feel the pain. The intense pain began slicing through her rage like a saw into the mightiest oak. Still she continued to struggle against the insurmountable force that was pressing down around her.

ooc: used a hero point to reroll the first escape attempt. ended up with a 19, 17, and 21

Friday September 29th, 2006 10:40:56 AM

Appolo does nothing.

Bart ac 28 hp 13/86 endure elements  d20+9=28 d20+11=27 d20+11=24
Friday September 29th, 2006 12:11:11 PM

Barts touch attack ac =15 17 if you count the amulet of natural armor as well
opposed graple check take ten+bab + str -4 non prf penalty= 10+11+4-4=21

The agile Bart avoids once more most parts of the flamestrike. Then some apes appear from midair, the attempt from the first ape to grapple him is a success. The second ape misses his attempt and the third ape as well.
(the third ape fails his touch attack which was ac9)
Bart activates his ring of levitation, suddenly he is high above the ground then he tries to escape from the grapple from the ape and escapes (made 2 escape rolls just in case) and the ape falls down

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 27  d100=39 d20+2=8
Friday September 29th, 2006 12:43:18 PM

OOC: Chris, those 13 hps from the wand have already been added in and lost via and electrical attack and an arrow. Thanks for looking out though.

Looking back, Mykael opens one more bag, then he stands and turns to face the field of battle.

"Help your last captive friend out ladies. Then head that way to meet up with my little dragon friend and the other four women we have saved this day. And please hurry, we need you away from the battlefield."

Mykael casts Web, he centers it so it cover an area from I7 to I14 to P14 to P7.

(Spell failure = 39%, success)
(Concentration = 8)
(Spell Resistance = none)
(DC for Reflex save = 16)

"It wont last long people, get Val outta there. Cosmo! I cant hold it, but it has slowed them down. See if you can drop another one on top of it to stop them, please! Hell, drop as many on top of that spot as you can, bury them in it!"

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2**
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Friday September 29th, 2006 6:03:15 PM

just read the mail i got from Cayzle

that DEFENDERS do not have the -4 penalty, only attackers! See number 3
under summary on the page:


Here is the rule from the site, emphasis added:

QUOTE =================

3) All creatures (characters and monsters) take a -4 non-proficiency
penalty when making special attacks. However, this penalty is lifted if
the creature has a feat that provides a bonus or expertise in the
particular special attack. It is also lifted if the character is a
Duelist, Hand of Domi, or Monk. For monsters, it is also lifted if the
monster has a special ability or expertise in the attack, such as

ENDQUOTE =================

Yes William, I got that email as well. Sometimes DM's make mistakes. But in this current combat, the -4 penalty mistake did not make a difference. I have checked all the numbers and even with the +4, the only thing that has changed is that Val has broken her grapple this round. Bart and Ashira's grapples by the apes were still successful.---Nellie

Rigging ac 19 hps 18/77  6d6(2+3+6+6+1+6)=24 d20+6=14 d20+6=18 d20+6=26 d20+6=20 d100=93 d20+12=20 d20+12=16
Friday September 29th, 2006 6:36:31 PM

Rigging pulls out his wand of fireballs and aims it at an area behind the apes (011). He launches the fireball trying to engulf his enemies but not get his friends.

Spell resistance for AB4 is 14
Spell resistance for PB14 is 18 (maybe)
Spell resistance for HB6 is 26 (natural 20)
Spell resistance for AB2 is 20

I believe that is all the YT's I can effect

Damage is 24 points or 1/2 if reflex save 17 is made

Rolled 93 for mis chance.

Concentration check 20 for enlarge, concentration check 16 for mage armor

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2**
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)

NPC Romeo - JimF  d20+12=31 d20+6=14 d8+3=8 d100=61 d100=64
Friday September 29th, 2006 7:08:43 PM

Off to the side of the death struggle between the Wildcards and the Yuan Ti, out steps a muddy and well camouflaged human. The man is wearing very rough and dirty clothing and has palm fronds sticking out of his cloths and head.

The man looks at the large half blood archer as he bends his bow. "Eat these Kaa!! Been looking for me? Here I am!" The man lets fly two arrows.

The mans bow even has palm fronds hanging from it.

AC 31, hit for 8 damage (61%)
AC 14, miss (64%)

The man has a desperate look to him. He is very fit six foot man, if not a bit on the thin side. He has a very handsome, but muddy face.

The man adds in elvish "I have a trail cut just over here with several surprises. You have to hurry!"


OOC: Nellie, Please place Romeo on the map where you see fit. I did not save a copy of the map.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 7/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  4d8(1+8+7+4)+10=30
Friday September 29th, 2006 7:34:14 PM

Nezamil again reaches out to the elven warrior and infuses her with Domi's healing power (4d8(1+8+7+4)+10=30 cured) "have faith Val....we will not let you fall to these vile creatures "

(spontanously casting cure crit on Val in place of Divine power4th level(last rd it should of been daylight spell)(standard action)

The 10'2"dwarf then reaches into a pouch and withdraws a wand.....using his long reach he offers it to Rigging(move action)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power*,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Nezamil's reflex save attempt  d20+4=23
Friday September 29th, 2006 7:38:54 PM

The tower of flame burns down on Nezamil but he side steps the most dangerous prt (d20+4=23 reflex save!!woohoo)

Appolo Hp 17 ac 23 
Friday September 29th, 2006 8:59:14 PM

Appolo is stuck down in the whole until some one helps him out.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 54/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Friday September 29th, 2006 9:45:07 PM

Cosmo flies straight up out of the pit until he is about 10' above ground level. He then flies towards Nezamil and Val ending in cell M20. Surveying the scene he sees apes that are not his own. Spells are running low now, but he is going to try and free Val.

Cosmo casts Enlarge Person on Val.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Polymorph (Pixie): 179/180 rounds (extended)
Enlarge Person (Val): 90/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person *, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Friday September 29th, 2006 10:47:32 PM

Ah Chris/Appolo....Isn't Appolo a thief? Can't he climb? What is so hard about getting out of the pit?

Val AC 17 (19 vs traps), 4/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 7 of 9  d20+15=35 d20+15=24 d20+10=29 3d8(1+6+4)+50=61 2d6(4+1)=5 d8+19=23 d8+19=20 2d6(4+6)=10
Saturday September 30th, 2006 9:52:27 AM

Finally free of the binding coils, Val turns to the snake that has caused her so much pain. Even before her eyes focus onto the creature, the golden axe is slicing towards it.

ooc: since these attacks take place before the healing and the enlarge person I left out the healing and the enlarge. power attack -5/ +5. 1st attack is a crit, ac 24 to confirm. If it crit is successful the damage is 68 normal and 5 bane. The + list only went to 50 and the actual damage was 3d8+57 so I added 7 points to the rolled damage. If it is not a crit the damage is 23 and 5. The 2nd attack hit AC 29 for 20 and 10.

Snake and Mouse----ADM Nellie  d20+10=26 d20+3=10 d20+4=19 d20+15=24 d20+15=16 d20+15=20 2d4(4+1)=5 (Ape 2) d100=53 d20+7=11 d100=70 d20+7=14 (Ape 1) d100=33 d20+7=13 d100=75 d20+7=19 d20+12=27 (Ape3) d100=27 d20+12=28 4d8(1+6+5+7)=19 d4=4 d100=36 d20+20=35 d8+6=13 d100=57 d20+10=13 d100=76 d20+1=18 d8+6=14 d20+11=29 d20+22=30
Sunday October 1st, 2006 11:48:36 PM

Ashira the Huge shrugs off the ape holding her down and easily sends both of them back from whence they came.

With an amazing show of strength, Val finally blows off the abomination. She's free!! She grips her axe firmly, her arms still burning from the acid. She spins and with one mighty swing of her axe, she severs the abomination's head from it's shoulders. Though she does not know it, one final word runs through it's brain before Gargul comes to take him...Death.

Bart easily shrugs off the apes that are holding him and activates his ring. (William, activating a magic item is a standard action, as are the grapple checks. You can activate the ring this round, but you will have to wait until next round to actually begin levitating because it is a move round action (by making all your attacks you have done a full round action). Also, remember that you are grappling with creatures that weigh 350 pounds and have 10 foot reach. Even if you levitate 20 feet next round, you will still be within reach of the ape's arms.)

Mykael works with the hostages, freeing them and trying to get them on the path to freedom. Slowly and reluctantly they begin to work their way toward Ghem, though they aren't very happy about Mykael not going with them. Determined to slow down the enemy, Mykael fires off his web, gluing them in place.

Then Rigging follows up with a fireball, which quickly undoes some of Mykael's work...but there's a silver lining...from the amount of damage, it looks like that web held the pureblood (PB16), the halfblood (HB5) and the ape (Ap2) while the flames did their job (no Reflex because entangled by web). The abomination (AB4) looks completely unharmed by the attack, however.

George, your Enlarge Person check was a success, but your Mage Armor check failed. Mage Armor will wear off in 2 rounds.

And then...a newcomer...but a friendly from the sounds of it. The half-elf enters the edge of the combat near Mykael and fires off a well placed arrow. The diamond back (HB1) spins at the sound of the half-elf's voice. It's him. So the little rat finally showed his head. No matter...I'll have my fun and then I'll hang his skull from my belt.

With an amazing show of grace and benevolence, the mortally wounded Nezamil reaches out and administers Domi's healing touch. Suddenly Val feels much better!! Hero point to Nezamil!! He then sticks out a wand for Rigging to take.

Cosmo the Pixie flies out of the trap he's in and regroups...my, there's a lot going on out there!! Fluttering over to where Nezamil is, Cosmo casts Enlarge on Val. Cosmo can feel the strange environment straining his mental capacities...and he knows that he is about to lose control of his spells soon. (Forgot about the Concentration last round. DC for Enlarge is 26, rolled 24. DC for Polymorph is 26, rolled 16. DC for Mage armor is 21, rolled 20. So, in 2 rounds the Enlarge, Polymorph and Mage armor will disappear).
Val begins to grow at an alarming rate. Her rapid growth pushes the halfblood (HB1)and Bart over 5 feet.

The badly burned pureblood (PB14) scoots over a few feet. Sheathing his scimitar, he pulls out his bow.

The halfblood (HB6) looks over at the battle and decides that maybe he should stay out of it for now. He begins to cast a spell. Val feels magic wash over her, and the halfblood hisses out to her. The elven girl! My brothers have your elven girl..the one you left at the ship. You better go and rescue her! (Suggestion, Will save DC 17...Don't forget to add the elven +2 bonus to your roll.)

Bart's apes are having a difficult time. Ape 2's attacks are completely useless against the warrior. But it's evil twins (Apes 1&3) shift about (5 foot step) are finally able to get a hold of the agile fighter (Ape1 Jungle=75, Touch=19, Grapple=27 (Ape1 Jungle=27, Touch not needed since Ape 1 is already grappling, Grapple=28). The big monkeys grab and wrestle with the warrior (DC222 to break free...sorry put the wrong number last round). Need to use BAB (when doing multiple grapples, you need to use the lower values after your first attack) + Str.

The diamond back halfbood (HB1) smiles as the apes go about their work. Seeing that the elven cow is now double size, he focuses on her...though he is much more cautious now that she has cut down his partner. His scimitar lashes out with deadly precision, seriously wounding the barbarian (AC35 for 13, miss, AC18 for 14. Total damage=27)

Moving quickly so as not to get completely stuck by the web aimed at it (Ref. pass saved), the abomination (AB4) is still entangled by the thing. The monster grins as he watches the battle from afar. Yes, yes, quite amusing. He even claps his hands as Val delivers her death blow to the abomination. It would appear that it is having the time of its life. It too also notices the arrival of the newcomer human, which seems to brighten its mood even more.

"Ssssoo my little runaway, you are ssstill alive. I wass afraid that you'd fallen in a pit and broke one of your little legsss." The abomination chuckles. "Mmmm....or maybe you're wissshing for a reunion with your precious little Felosilia. Poor little thing...you ssshould hear her scream. Tsk, tsk...but I'm afraid you have little time...the little one isss sso weak. But if you turn yourself in...I'm sssure you can sssay your goodbyesss before ssshe diesss!"

Clearly amused by his own wit, the abomination flicks his wrist in the general direction of the human (Concentration check passed). Suddenly, a dark cloud forms on the battlefield. It looks thick, greasy, perhaps...definitely unnatural. Sinking to the ground, it covers several of the combatants (Romeo, Mykael, Apes 1-3, Bart and Val). The very air rips at the Wildcard's life forces (19 damage and be sickened for 4 rounds, Will save DC20 for half damage and you are not sick. Sickened= a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.) Oddly, the cloud does not seem to bother the apes in the slightest.

Having incinerated everything in it's path, the flames from the fireball catch the web on fire. The slowly spreading fire (5 feet per round) burns away the rest of the web holding the abomination (AB4) in place. The abomination hisses as the flames from the burning web burn his coils.

Mykael -- HP 12/56, AC 27  d20+6=26 d20+7=27
Monday October 2nd, 2006 12:32:28 AM

Mykael takes a deep breath and covers his mouth to keep from getting sick from the black cloud(Will save = 26).

He turns and makes sure all the women are freed, then he guides all five in a straight line, south toward Ghem. He makes sure to keep them all together and as calm as possible. He will support them as needed until they are all out of the cloud.

(Location = G-15)
(Spot = 27)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2**
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Mykael -- HP 3/56, AC 27 
Monday October 2nd, 2006 12:33:32 AM

OOC: Forgot to add in half damage taken from the cloud.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp17/69  d20+10=26
Monday October 2nd, 2006 9:33:52 AM

Appolo sits in the hole and rest for a little then sheaths his sword,produces two daggers,using the daggers to help him climb.Appolo begins to climb out of the hole by sticking them in the earthen wall pullinng himselfe up as he does so.

Climb 26

Val AC 15 (17 vs traps), 34/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 8 of 9, Enlarge  d20+20=38 d20+15=26 d20+10=21 d8+21=26 2d6(3+1)=4 d8+21=26 2d6(1+2)=3 d8+21=26 2d6(4+3)=7
Monday October 2nd, 2006 11:34:03 AM

Her eyes turn and focus on HB1. The diamond scale serpent who's very presence taunted her. The now massive glowing battle axe raised high and came down hard slicing through vegitation to reach its mark.

"Gargul shall have you next!"

ooc: power attack -6/+6. 1st attack hit ac 38 for 30. 2nd attack hit ac 26 for 29, 3rd attack hit ac 21 for 33

Bart ac 32 hp 4/86 endure elements  d20+6=21 d20+15=29 d20+10=25
Monday October 2nd, 2006 12:32:16 PM

Luckily Bart doesn't have to vomit, again 2 apes are grappling him, Bart tries again to escape the grapple and succeeds surprisingly well. Bart keeps an eye on Ape 3 (giving +1 dodge modifier)as a last action Bart defences himself against other grappling attempts (giving another +4 dodge bonus, bart touch ac is 20 for ape 3 and 19 for ape 2+1)

Rigging hps 18/77 ac 19  d20+12=20 d20+12=23 d20+12=29 d20+12=17 d20+12=14 d20+12=18 d20+12=24 d20+12=31 d20+12=22 d20+12=22 d20+12=19 d20+12=25 d20+12=13 d20+12=22 d20+12=31 d20+12=26 d20+12=32 d20+12=18 d20+12=19 d20+12=31 d20+12=31
Monday October 2nd, 2006 2:48:37 PM

Nezamil hands off the wand of dispel to Rigging (last round) and Rigging moves forward to N19 and activates the wands magic. He dispels an area centered on L11. His intent is to try and get all the apes and hopefully as many of the enemy as possible

OOC I don't know how many spells the enemy have on so I am making 3 rolls for each one. Will work from the highest spell to the lowest. Wand is a 12th level wand)

Ape 1 dc 20
ape 2 dc 23
ape 3 dc 29

AB4 dc rolls 17,14,18
Hb1 dc rolls 24,31,22
HB6 dc rolls 22,19,25
PB3 dc rolls 13,22,31

Bart dc rolls 26,32,18
Val dc rolls 19,31,31

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2**
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor 1/2 rounds left

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 7/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  4d8(5+5+8+6)+10=34 d20+6=12
Monday October 2nd, 2006 2:55:00 PM

Standing behind the elven warrior.....Nezamil again reaches and touches her shoulder.....infusing more of Domi's healing power into the battered barbarian (4d8(5+5+8+6)+10=34 cured to Val)(spontanously casting ccw in place of airwalk 4th level)

" yeah it's payback time " as he watches Val launch her vengence againist the diamonback snakeman

Nezamil scans the battlefield trying to locate the source of the summoned apes and flamestrikes
(d20+6=12 visibility is only 30' but he's looking anyway )and he catches something at the edge of his vision maybe it's the elvish sounding words but the 10'2" dwarf steps forward a few steps (5'ft move) and "there is someone there ......and he's shooting the at the snakeman"

"Captain.Captain.....over there " points Nezamil to the newcomer " i think he's helping us " as Nezamil looks on in surprise "

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk*Divine power*,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

The 10'2" Nezamil waves to the newcomer....his big arm moving back and forth

Monday October 2nd, 2006 2:55:03 PM

OOC: dispel magic can only give a maximum of +10 not +12, so Rigging's checks are 2 less.

Val cont'd  d20+11=24 d20+11=17
Monday October 2nd, 2006 3:31:10 PM

ooc: It seems I missed a couple things. Her first will save is 24. She fails the sickness save with a 17. Her current health is 24 and she is sickened.

attendence report 
Monday October 2nd, 2006 5:48:20 PM

Adm Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xoxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xoxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxxx

NPC Romeo  d20+5=21 d20+12=16 d20+6=16 d100=68 d100=96 d8+3=9 d8+3=5
Monday October 2nd, 2006 7:05:53 PM

Romeo sees the sickening cloud come his way and be braces for impact (save 21) and shakes off most of the effects. "You have to do better than that Hiss!"

Romeo takes aim with his bow and lets loose at the apes on the human warrior.

AC 16, (68%) 9 damage
AC 16, (96%) 5 damage

Romeo then takes a 5 foot step back into the newly cut and camouflaged trail as he motions toward Mykael and the pregnant women "You must hurry, there is another squad in the jungle."

Romeo mumbles to himself "Everyone is so exposed."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 54/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+15=25
Monday October 2nd, 2006 9:03:30 PM

OOC -- When I first cast Mage Armor it was a concentration check of 12 and now it is a check of 21. Is it that much harder to keep concentrating on this spell (and others I have cast) just because I cast another one? Do I know that the spell duration had decreased and will end in two rounds instead of hours or minutes?

OOC -- Is the miss chance the same irregardless of size?

Cosmo flies up a bit more to get a better view of the battle as he has some enlarged companions blocking his view (same cell move up to 40' height). Cosmo casts Web spell centering on AB4 (reflex dc 18).

Concentration check 25.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 2/2 rounds (extended)
Polymorph (Pixie): 2/2 rounds (extended)
Enlarge Person (Val): 2/2 rounds
Web: 90/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person *, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 * & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d100=1 d20+14=33 d100=51 d20+9=18 d100=45 d20+4=15 d100=83 d20+14=25 d100=12 d20+6=9 d100=25 d20-4=5
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 12:58:22 AM

The apes out of her way, Ashira launches a full attack on the halfblood. Her first attack is perfectly aimed, but is deflected by a palm branch. The rest of her attacks bounce harmlessly off the creature's armor.

Reprieve---ADM Nellie  d100=77 d100=84 d100=73 d100=58 d20+25=37 d8+6=11 d20+11=26 d20+5=23 d100=92 d20+7=24 d20+12=30 d100=50 d20+16=31 d100=27 d20+20=25 d8+6=13 d100=54 d20+10=28 d8+6=11 d20+1=13 d100=86 d20+8=20 d100=10 d100=91 d20+1=15 d100=15 d20+10=17 d8+2=5 d100=31 d20+3=10
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 1:39:53 AM

Mykael takes a lick but keeps on ticking. Though gravely wounded, he moves the hostages toward Ghem. Nearby, the unkempt human advises that they head back into the jungle, pointing the way to safety...or so he says.

While the rest of the Wildcards engage in life and death battle, Appolo takes a break. Once he feels fully up to the task, he gets to work and sets about getting himself out of the pit. The going is slow, but steady, and he makes it about 8 feet out of the pit.

Val succumbs to the choking cloud, and suddenly, she feels¡Kwell..faint. The damage finally catching up to her, she falls to the ground, dying. But through the mist she feels a gentle touch. Healing floods through her and she rises to her feet (Ok, being really, really nice here and not making Val drop to prone before the healing :)). With unbelievable strength, she brings the axe down...and cuts into the halfblood. Blood oozes down his diamond patterned back. He looks over at Val incredulous.

Then Rigging steps forward and discharges his wand. Nothing seems to happen to PB14 and HB6, but the abomination (AB4) and the diamond back (HB1) definitely have lost some of their glow. As the dispel spreads across the jungle, Apes 2 & 3 disappear with a poof.

Seeing as his other targets have disappeared, Romeo fires off a couple of arrows into Ape 1¡¦s posterior end.

Thinking fast, Cosmo wills a Web to form (Con. Check passed!!) outside of his range of vision. Luckily (although Cosmo doesn¡¦t know, because he can't see that far) the web forms around the Abomination. Cosmo can feel his spells slipping away¡Kas if something about the island is trying to rip away his spells. (Sorry Matt, just following the guidelines in the module). He knows that many of his spells are ending soon.

The abomination hisses angrily at the web which forms around it. Sticky strands sticking to his scales, the creature rips its way through most of the web.

The sole remaining ape howls in pain at the arrows in its rump, but it continues to focus on Bart. It reaches out and grabs a hold of the warrior, hugging him tightly to his hairy body (97%, Touch AC27, Grapple=30)

The diamond backed halfblood (HB1) looks at Val with cold rage. "You will pay for that, cow!" He slashes at Val and cuts her (AC30 for 13) and then moves quickly away from her (AoO from Val and Ashira. Ashira's misses).

The pureblood (PB14) watches the bloodshed with awe. Notching his bow, he fires off three arrows at Ashira in rapid succession, but none of them find their mark.

Seeing his spell has failed, the other halfblood (HB6) moves forward and engages Val (No AoO. I'm assuming you use that on the retreating HB1). Scimitar at the ready, he cuts into the raging barbarian (AC17 for 5) and misses with his second blow.

Rigging 18/77 ac 19  d20+8=25 d100=88 3d4(4+4+2)+3=13
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 9:17:49 AM

Rigging calls out to Cosmo, "Use a haste spell if you have it."

Rigging will then slide to the right and forward until he sees PB14 and launches his last offensive weapon at it. Magic missiles leap from his hand and strike the YT for 13 points of damage (SR roll 25 miss chance 88)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2**
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, SM 4*, greater invisbility

last round of mage armor

Val AC 15 (17 vs traps), 10/ 139, Endure Elements, Greater Rage 9 of 9, Enlarge, sickened  d20+20=40 d20+20=23 d20+20=26 d20+15=21 d20+10=14 3d8(2+5+7)+50=64 2d6(5+6)=11 d8+17=21 d8+17=20 2d6(6+4)=10 d8+17=25 2d6(4+4)=8
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 10:16:03 AM

"Gargul will have you!" She growled at the fleeing HB1. Despite the nausea, dizzyness, and blurry vision the golden axe came down fast and hard at the backside of the fleeing HB1.

(power attack -4/+4. crit hit ac 25 to confirm- used a hero point to increase the 23 to a 25. 65 and 11 bane dmg from the cit- the bonus was +51, added 1 point to the roll. If not a crit the dmg is 21 and 11 bane)

With HB1 out of her reach, Val turns her gaze to the only snake man she can see. The bold and the brave HB6. Her legs tremble and her arms shake but she manages to bring the axe down on the smaller snake creature.

"Your all alone."

(1st attack hit ac 26 for 20 and 10 bane, 2nd attack hit ac 21 for 25 and 8 bane. 3rd attack misses.)

ooc: I'll take care of HB6. Everybody else should head for Rom and run for it. Regardless of the outcome the snakes were greatly hurt this day.

Bart ac 32 hp 4/86 endure elements  d20+11=29 d20+7=25 d3+4=5 d20+5=17 d3+4=6
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 12:17:02 PM

Bart is coverd with blood and burns, he tries an other tactic now he has only one ape to concern about. He tries to pin the ape (rolled 29, success, Then he tries to dammage him (ac28 for 5) last attack ac 17 for 6

If You¹re Pinned by an Opponent
When an opponent has pinned you, you are held immobile (but not helpless) for 1 round. While you¹re pinned, you take a -4 penalty to your AC against opponents other than the one pinning you. Treat your Dexterity as 0 (-5 modifier). Rogues can sneak attack you. At your opponent¹s option, you may also be unable to speak. On your turn, you can try to escape the pin by making an opposed grapple check in place of an attack. You can make an Escape Artist check in place of your grapple check if you want, but this requires a standard action. If you win, you escape the pin, but you¹re still grappling.

Appolo Ac 23 HP17  d20+10=25
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 1:19:27 PM

Appolo continues climb up and out of the pit digging his boots into the side of the pit as pulls himself up.

Climb 25

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 7/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  4d8(5+2+2+2)+10=21
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 2:27:59 PM

Nezamil smiles as the Diamondback retreats " Hey where ya going....your gonna miss all the fun " taunts the dwarf

The Cleric of Domi continues his life giving assistance to the mighty elven warior as he again touches her shoulder(4d8(5+2+2+2)+10=21 cured to Val)(spontanously casting CCW in place of neutralize poison 4th level)(standard action)

"Val i'm heading over to meet our new friend ....when ya done smashing that snake to bits follow us " adds Nezamil

The 10'2" dwarf then nimbly makes his way towards the newcomer (moving to I=14)(move action)

"Mykael get Ghem to lead the other group of women to the village......then have him tell them to head to the ship for protection .....make sure Ghem comes with us we need his keen senses"

"we'll take this new group with us as we follow our new found friend "

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk*Divine power*,Neutralize poison*,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 3/56, AC 27 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 9:44:09 PM

Mykael notices the man helping, as he walks the women towards the edge of the forest where the man indicated, he asks the women questions.

"Ladies, this way. Do you know that man? His name? Who he is? Is he trustworthy? Anything?"

Ghem, lead those other women over here to me. Lets group up and get out of here. Hurry please.

Mykael urges the women along as fast as they can move, still staying between them and the battle.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2*
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2**
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 54/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+9=24 5d4(3+1+3+2+4)+5=18 d100=73
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 9:56:14 PM

Cosmo knows his spells will be running out soon. He is not sure why, but maybe it has something to do with the pyramids. If HB6 is still alive then Cosmo will Magic Missile him and them move over to his Griffon. If HB6 is dead then Cosmo will fly over to his Griffon.

Spell resistance 24
Magic Missile 18 damage
Miss chance 73 (is this needed for MM?)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 1/2 rounds (extended)
Polymorph (Pixie): 1/2 rounds (extended)
Enlarge Person (Val): 1/2 rounds
Web: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person *, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 * & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 1:12:00 AM

The ranger looks over at her comrades, and notices that the big dwarf looks like he's in need of healing himself. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a potion (CMW). "Here. I know you've been busy helping others, why don't you use this to heal yourself. Don't want to be dragging your sad carcuss through this jungle after you pass out." Ashira winks and gives the cleric a friendly pat on the back.

Raindrops are Falling on my head----ADM Nellie 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 1:15:04 AM

Val strikes true and hard at the halfblood as it retreats (no crit.). The monster hisses in pain as it limps away from the battle. It looks...frustrated.

Rigging fires off his magic missiles which strike the pureblood true. They don't down the creature, but it looks like on it's last leg.

With one mighty blow, Val hacks the new comer HB6 into itty bitty pieces.

Tired of the grappling game, Bart tries to turn the tables on the apes and struggles mightly to pin it. The gamble pays off, and the beast is held immobile in Bart's mighty arms. Slowly he begins to crush the critter.

Slowly, slowly, slowly Appolo drags himself out of the pit. He makes it another 8 feet. He's now only 4 feet from the top of the pit.

Once more looking after Val's interests ahead of his, Nezamil grants more healing to the badly wounded barbarian.

Mykael questions the women about this Romeo guy's credibility. The women stare at each other. "We've heard rumors...but we thought they were only stories. A man who lived out in the jungle on his own...but up until now we couldn't understand why anyone would want to leave the village." The woman shudders looking at all the Yuan Ti bodies around. It's too much for the woman next to her, and she begins to break down sobbing.

Since the other halfblood (HB6) is dead, Cosmo flies over to where his Gryphon is.

And just like that, the battle is over. The ape is soon subdued and returned to its native realm and the pureblood, halfblood and abomination slink into the jungle and disappear. Appolo eventually makes it out of the pit.

It's frightening, really how quiet the jungle is without the sounds of battle. And as if on cue, there is a rumbling, indicating that the afternoon showers have arrived. The refreshing sprinkling washes blood from arms an armor and cools the battle weary. But there is little time to enjoy such niceties...if Romeo is to be believed, another group of Yuan Ti will be arriving soon.

OOC: Ok, folks, we're out of combat, so you can feel free to RP for a little while.

Matt C. 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 1:36:08 AM

OOC - Did the dead snake guys drop anything that is glowing?

There is one glowing scimitar and two glowing arrows on the battlefield. None of the rest of the items glow. I can settle up on loot later...if you guys decide to take anything but the glowing items.---Nellie

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 1:57:59 AM

Mykael comforts the women and groups them together.

"We scared them off, but they will be back with more. We need to move to a safer location and rest. Come on Ladies, please hurry, You will be able to rest and relax soon."

Mykael turns to the new man, "I am Mykael, thanks for the help, perhaps you would lead us out of here and tell us your story as you do so?"

Ghem, we are getting out of here. Just let me know if you sense any Yuan-Ti getting near. And stay close but out of sight.

Bart hp 24/86  2d8(6+8)+6=20
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 2:51:33 AM

Phew that was clos we could have those snakes but the abonimations and the apes where strong, Bart drinks a cure moderate potion healing himself a bit. What do we do I dont think we could survive an attack like this right now

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 7:50:24 AM


Could you give us a situation update. How far are we from the village? How far are we from the ship?

Sure thing. You are about 400 feet (roughly 10 minutes) from the village. From the village to the Sword is approximately 10 miles (about 90 min. by trail, 180 min. through the jungle). So, from your current position to the Sword would be a little over 1 1/2 hours. Obviously it will take longer with the pregos traveling along. About 2 hours with the pregos. Hope this helps.---Nellie

NPC Romeo 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 7:54:51 AM

The dirty and palm encrusted human looks at the Wildcards and talks in exasperated tones "It is time to exit stage left. I took a big risk revealing myself as I thought you had at least a 50% chance of surviving, but hanging out in the jungle in this big a group is not a good idea."

Romeo take the hand of one of the pregnant women and begins to lead her on the trail he cut.

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 8:26:31 AM

Rigging says, "Scoop up the glowing items. Check the Abominations for loot and then we are our of here.

Lets get the ladies together." Rigging struggles through the underbrush calling Swirl to him. "Feeling any better big guy?"

He then looks to the others and says, "Lets no linger folks. This is still their woods."

Rigging moves over to camoflauged stranger and and says, "Who are you? Thanks for you timely aid but who are you?"

Val (-2/ 139) 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 10:56:07 AM

As the blinding anger fades so does the strength and bliss it brought. Pain wracked her body with an intensity that rivaled all she has felt in her long life. It lasted only a fraction of a moment but to her it felt like an eternity. She shrank rapidly as the magic granting her size and additional strength faded as rapidly as it was bestowed. She dropped to her knees before falling beneath the thick jungle brush.

Ashira  2d8(7+5)+3=15
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 12:21:29 PM

Watching Val fall, Ashira is fast to respond. She is at the barbarian's side in a heartbeat. Fishing out a potion, she quickly pours it down Val's throat (CMW for 15 points). She hold's Val's broken form as the healing takes place, gently stroking her hair. "Hey little sister, wake up. It's over, we won! You were fantastic! But we've got to go now." The closeness reminds her of times gone by when she and Val were indeed sisters. I time she sorely misses.

Appolo Hp 17 Ac 23 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 1:39:44 PM

Appolo pulls hinself out of the whole rolls on his back and restsa momnet before stggering the his feet.He is covered in dirt sweet blood leaves and more thena few little creepy crawllies.He moves over next to Valanthe and AshiraHe helps Valanthe to her feet."Come on let's get out of here."He says as he coughs up a some blood.

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 3:34:55 PM

"The axe, get the axe." Val muttered as she regained semi-consciousness. The golden glowing axe had fallen out of her hand once she hit the ground.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 54/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 7:19:06 PM

Cosmo picks up the glowing scimitar and arrows. He then hops on his Griffon and flies after the strange man, the villagers and the rest of his group.

If no one has picked up the magic axe, Cosmo will grab that also.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 7/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  2d8(5+7)+5=17
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 7:21:03 PM

The 10'2" dwarf moves over to the newcomer " good timing......yeah i agree we should move away from this battlefield before reinforcements arrive "

" you took a big risk helping us.....you have my trust and respect "

Nezamil taps Mykael with his wand (2d8(5+7)+5=17 cured to Mykael)(6th charge used)

Nezamil will then search the dead snakeman (ab2) and take his possesions

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk*Divine power*,Neutralize poison*,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

DM Jim: Friends in Strange Places 
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 7:56:26 PM

Appolo realizes that the pit he was in was not a quickly dug tap. There were reinforcing logs holding up the side. The pit traps seem to have been constructed with care.

Ashira get Val conscious after her struggle with the Abomination. There are still burns and bruises that cover the barbarian's body.

Various Wildcards pick up the magic axe, scimitar and two arrows. There are small bags of rough cut diamonds on those Yuan Ti that were hard to fell.

Roll DC 12 intelligence check to remember something interesting about the diamonds, all except Cosmo.

Mykael helps the surviving women get back to the village. It is almost too much for them and they collapse at the sight of the clearing.

Ghem keep watch over the group from the treetops.

Romeo lead the group on his freshly cut trail toward the castaway village. Romeo points our several snares and trips wires for the group to avoid. Romeo is very careful with the pregnant women, helping each carefully around the hastily constructed traps.

Once at the village, Romeo helps everyone out of the jungle, but does not venture into the village. The well camouflaged human seems reluctant to leave his perceived safety of the jungle.

Rigging contacts Swirl and he does not seem to start feeling better until the group reaches the village. "Those are some nasty snakes." Swirl answers with a mental shudder.

Romeo helps a pregnant women sit down and looks to Rigging. "I am Romeo and I have been stranded here,....., for a good two years. Dodging Kaa and his crew the whole time. I was shipwrecked just like you. We holed up in our ship and fought the Snakes. At least until Hiss showed up and burned us out. I have witnessed it several times since then. I was hopeful once I saw you strike out into the jungle as I though you might have a fighting chance. I am willing to assist you, if you can help me with a problem of my own. I have a few families hidden that I want off this cursed rock and you look like the best option to date."

Romeo looks around the battered group "What is your plan now? I am sure Kaa and Hiss will be back in the morning. They had a squad on the way up and their messenger group in reserve."

Rigging  d20+4=16
Wednesday October 4th, 2006 10:55:40 PM

Intelligence check 16

Rigging looks at Romeo and then at his hurt and battered friends. "First I want to thank you for your aid. Since you have lived here for as long as you have, I am sure you can advise us on some tactics. We have a ship filled with sailors and what is left of the town holed up on the beach. We can't leave because of damage done to our ship. Is it safe to leave them there? Or should we move everyone into the jungle?

We need to heal and recharge our spells. We aren't ready for battle tonight, but should be better off in the morning. I am inclined to go hunting and trying to thin there numbers some more. With you as a guide, we might be able to find a battlefield better suited to us.

Also anything you can tell us about their numbers, where they live, and how we can hurt them would be appreciated.

Finally we need to understand this island better. The pyramids seem to affect magic in a negative way. We haven't been able to rely upon our spells. What do you know about that?"

Wednesday October 4th, 2006 11:25:26 PM

Pain wracked her body from head to toe. Her body was coated with sweat and blood. Some her own, some not. Val sat up and pulled off the top half of her elven chain before lying back down upon the ground. Even through the anger and rage she remembered Gargul's touch. Was the god of death about to claim her as well? Before she collapsed in the jungle how close was she to death? Val wasn't sure she wanted to know.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 12:16:38 AM

The ranger looks over at Val, knowing how tired the barbarian must be...and knowing full well what it's like to be in Gargul's very presence. She rubs the tattoo on her forehead absently as she offers Val her waterskin. "I don't know whether the village or the Sword will be safe...I think we would just end up inviting an attack. But the jungle sounds just as dangerous, since it's their home turf. We need to build up our spells, that's for sure." She looks at Rigging. "I don't think it'd be a good idea to press the battle tonight." Her eyes flicker over to Romeo. "But my husband is right. They will come to us, of that I have no doubt. So, could you help us find an area where we would have the advantage?" Ashira begins to run the battle back in her mind's eye, analyzing the little details...the times when the Wildcards seemed in control, as well as the times when things went badly. She's slowly working on a stratagy to take out the Yuan Ti.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 12:40:55 AM

Val takes the offered waterskin and sits up once more. A healthy drink helps quench her thirst which makes her feel a little better. Her wounds still needed tending to but she was too tired to care.

"The Yuan Ti will focus more heavily upon me next time. Somebody else should weild the golden axe in the next battle. They fear the weapon and the wounds it inflicts upon them are great."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 7/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  2d8(3+6)+10=19 d20+1=7
Thursday October 5th, 2006 1:00:18 AM

As Captain Rigging approaches Nezamil will tap him with a wand (cmw)(2d8(3+6)+10=19 cured Rigging)" this should make ya feel a little better.....we need a place we can rest and heal up.....i'm gonna have to deplte my spells to cure this bunch up and burn half da wand to get us up and battle ready again "

The 10'2" dwarf will also (cure minor wounds 1 hp) on the pregnant women to make sure their ok if helpful.

After gathering the snakemans (ab2) stuff (d20+1=7 int ch)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk*Divine power*,Neutralize poison*,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bart  d20=10
Thursday October 5th, 2006 12:13:48 PM

Bart collect with the others the valuables from the battlefield. I propose to stay in the village for the night. Or do you have a better proposal Sir? By the way my name is Bart.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 12:32:39 PM

Appolo walks over to Valanthe still hurting pretty bad."Come on sunshine let me help you up.It's time to go home back to the ship."He helps Valanthe to her feet.

Appolo then looks back at the others"Sorry folks can't stay here.This place is indfensible withwhat we have left.We need to get back to the sword.Those bozos have seen what we can do and arn't going come back witha couple of squads,They's come back witha battalion if they can.These creatures aren't stpid and they know even though they technically lost the battle,they hurt us real bad.They would love to catch s here tonight exhuasted heavily out number.The ship is our best bet."
Appolo will then leave walking back towards the Sword with Valanthe hopefully walking beside him.He's thinking while he walks why didn't the snakes commit the rest of their forces and finish them.Must of lost thier nerve.
Anyone looking at him cna tell he is still wounded,he is extremely dirty covered in filth leaves and bugs as he limps away.

Thursday October 5th, 2006 1:15:43 PM

"We should get back to the ship. It will provide a better defense than the village in case we are attacked again. I can help get the women back to the ship with my Griffon."

Mykael  d20+7=24 d20+7=21 d20+4=11 d20+10=15 d20+5=8
Thursday October 5th, 2006 4:16:10 PM

Once at the village, Mykael drinks some water and turns bucket after bucket of water over himself to cool and wash off.

He brings a bucket of water over to the pregnant ladies to drink from and will pour water over them also to cool and clean them.

He looks around the village for the ones they left here.

"Romeo, have you seen thier village? Nothing like hitting an enemies heart. Does it have fair amount of open ground? How defensive of thier young are they? I am not sure that destroying thier young is what is needed, however, if they are extremely protective of them, and we threaten thier young. Then we have an advantage. We need to force them to fight us on open ground, if at all possible."

(Spot = 24)
(Spot = 21, Ghem's)
(Int check = 11)
(Gem Cutting = 15)
(Appraise = 8)

DM Jim: Questions Answered 
Thursday October 5th, 2006 5:22:04 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured


Rigging remembers that the Fire Giants and Satyr's each had similar rough-cut diamonds. Mykael is sure to know more.


Mykael DC 15 gemcutting skill for more information.


At Cosmo's offer to ride his Griffon, all of the women decline. "I would rather walk, where ever we are going." Another adds "Not in my condition."

Nezamil cures Rigging, but there is much more healing needed to get the crew back up an in proper fighting condition. Captain Rigging asks for option and several Wildcards suggest returning to the Sword.

Romeo just shakes his head. "Your ship will be magnet for every arrow and spell they have. As I said they Yuan Ti have destroyed many a well defended beached ship, mine included. Hiss is an expert at their destruction."

Romeo turns to Rigging "Most of the year there are only a few score of YT on the island as it is used for ceremonies and the like. You picked the boon time, as there are now 300 -- 400 here and ready to feast on human flesh. There are three tribes here now. The adders, hood, and diamond backs waiting for the human hunt that you just disrupted."

Romeo looks up at the stone pyramid. "The pyramids seem to convert magical energy into transportation energy. The YT have a friend of mine at their main village and they are using him against his will to open the pyramid gates. If I could get close enough, I would kill him, but I can't. I would hope he would do the same for me. They keep him chained by the base of the pyramid. They ate his legs the last time he acted up."

Romeo kneels down next to one of the pregnant females and helps her lie down. "It looks like your time is coming fast."


OOC: I will be posting late for the next several days. I will also post Sunday night, please post accordingly.

Please post for the next few hour, at least until dark.

Val (13/ 139) 
Thursday October 5th, 2006 5:33:56 PM

As if the day couldn't get worse. With three to four hundred yaun ti on the island the battle they had this morning is meerly an inconvenience to them. While they barely survived.

"Well doesn't this just suck. We can't even get the proper supplies to deal with these vermin. Too bad they don't have a local catacombs branch." Val joked.

Rigging 37/77 
Thursday October 5th, 2006 10:35:13 PM

Rigging listens to the others and then hears the words of the pregnant women refusing the ride on the griffon. For some reason, he sees red. He snaps at her and then the others, "You will do as I command. If I tell you to get on the griffon, you will. Have you looked at what your stupidity has done. We almost all died rescuing you from snakemen. If you had come to the ship when we requested the first time, this wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have had to race after them falling into their battlefield. Noooo. You lost your right to object. Now you will obey."

The moment of anger seems to clear Rigging's mind. "OK we get the ladies back to their friends in the village. We let them work their way back to the ship on their own, like we first planned. I will contact Thomas with a whispering wind spell to let them know they are coming. We will send Ghem and Swirl as a high guard to watch over them. Thomas can send an escort to help them to the ship. Cosmo normally I would send you back to cover as well but I want you resting and getting your spells back.

I don't want to go to the ship. I am sure it is being watched. I want them to think they can take the ship whenever they want. Let them come after us. We are the Wildcards. We are the threat. We have driven off their hunt. They know we aren't just ordinary sailors. We can defend ourselves. I have a feeling they will be falling over themselves to hunt us.

Romeo, I want to hear more about your friend. Is he a wizard. If he is powering the pyramids, then either we rescue him or kill him but we must take that power out of the snakemen's hands. That is our first goal. Still we must rest and heal now. Can you take us to a safe place to do that?

Nezamil, finish off your spells healing the fighters first. We need their swords. The battle will fall heaviest on them this time. Until we can figure out how to use our spells, they are suspect."

Rigging stand up, "Nezamil, start healing, then we bring the ladies to their friends and then we bring the fight to them."

Friday October 6th, 2006 12:34:46 AM

The ranger whinces at Rigging's tone. Diplomacy was always really his department, but it seemed of late he was getting...testy. Maybe that's my fault. I have been pretty distant to him...

Ashira taps her chin thoughtfully. She's reviewed the battle, and she thinks she's come up with a few ideas. She scans the immediate area suspeciously. As various ideas are tossed around, she raises her hand for silence. She searches the jungle and looks for a small stick, and then she stoops down and begins writing on the dirt. "I think the enemy might be listening..." Pause and erase "They seem to know a lot about us..." Pause and erase "And they think they're better..." Pause and erase "We should use that against them..." Pause and erase "Camp out in the jungle..." Pause and erase "Make ourselves look like a good target..." Pause and erase "But make lots of nice traps for them..." Pause and erase "Magical ones. And then we pretend to be healing.." Pause and erase "Make them come to us. Make them pay dearly..." Pause and erase "And then we ignore the cannon fodder..." Pause and erase "And focus on the diamondback and the cobra." Pause and erase. Ashira then steps away from the dirt and hands the stick to anyone who might want to say something.

Mykael (17/56)  d20+10=11
Friday October 6th, 2006 12:42:12 AM

OOC: Rolled Gem cutting before got a 15, rerolled now cause you asked... got an 11.

What about the villagers that survived? are they in the village? or is thier signs they left for the ship on thier own? or just nothing?

IC: Mykael watches Riggings temper-tantrum and resists the urge to step in.

He looks from Rigging to Romeo, "We shouldnt hide. If they cant find us, then they will take it out on the ship and crew. Minimum, would be just an attempt to lure us to fight, and worst case would be to destroy it, the crew, and still lure us out. Best for us to either stay on the ship to recoup, where we can protect her. Or, we choose a base elsewhere, but not exactly hard to find. Preferably, defensable."

"To decide on a course of action, we will need you to draw up or show us a complete map of all the islands, and thier city. There has to be a way for us to inflict serious damage. Tactics, Romeo... Give us all you know please, draw it out."

Bart hp 24/86 
Friday October 6th, 2006 1:27:37 AM

Romeo do you know a place we can fight them where we are in the advantage an open area in the jungle for example. In the jungle it was too difficult to use all my skills

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 7/81 Endure Elements,Magic Vestmets +2Ac,Freedom of movement  3d8(1+1+3)+10=15 3d8(4+2+4)+10=20 2d8(2+6)+10=18 2d8(1+1)+10=12 2d8(2+3)+10=15 2d8(4+4)+10=18 d8+5=12 d8+5=12 2d8(2+4)+5=11 2d8(6+6)+5=17 2d8(8+4)+5=17 2d8(8+8)+5=21 2d8(3+8)+5=16 2d8(1+7)+5=13 2d8(6+2)+5=13 2d8(1+2)+5=8 2d8(5+4)+5=14 2d8(1+1)+5=7 2d8(8+5)+5=18 2d8(7+8)+5=20 2d8(1+6)+5=12 2d8(4+7)+5=16
Friday October 6th, 2006 1:31:11 AM

With a nod at the Captain "aye Captain will do....warriors first indeed"

The Cleric of Domi eyes the walking wounded and decides Val is the most hurt and the most deserving.

With a deft touch Nezamil lays a hand on her shoulder and whispers a few prayers which infuses the elven warrior with much needed health (spontanously casting 2 -3rd level,4-2nd lvl,2-1st lvl spells inplace of remaining spells)(total cured to Val is 122 hps)

"i'm glad your still with us "smiles Nezamil "your strength and courage helped save all of us "

The Cleric of Domi then seeks out Bart and fishes out a wand "hold still brother this won't hurt " grins Nezamil as he taps the big warrior 4 times (total cured to Bart is 66 pts)(4 charges used)

Making his rounds to help heal the Wildcards
Rigging (4 charges for 42 pts)
Mykael (3 charges for 29 pts)
Appolo (4 charges for 56pts)
(15 charges used +6 used earlier for total of 21 charges)

After taking care of the wounds to his fellow wildcards he pays some attention to the pregnant women and uses (cure minor wound one hit pt)(up to 6 spells used on the women)

While resting from his healing Nezamil listens to Ashira's ideas " many good ideas " as he nods at her writing and takes her writing stick
" what about our new friend ?"
"i prefer to attack " grins Nezamil
"but we need to know more about their tactics " as he looks at Romeo
"need time to replenish our spells "
"and we glow in the dark "
"yeah target the leaders 1st" with a nod at Ashira

The big dwarf drops the writing stick

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil*,Sof*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance*,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon*,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk*,Windwall*(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk*Divine power*,Neutralize poison*,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Val (135/139) 
Friday October 6th, 2006 4:43:25 AM

As the magical energy flows through her body Val sighs as the pain fades quickly. It seems Gargul will have to wait a little longer to claim her soul. Val stands with a smile and gives the big dwarf a hug.

"We have to do something. They adapted quickly in battle to counter our strengths. They used excellent teamwork and tactics. Is there someway we could make this island colder?"

Appolo Hp 68/68 
Friday October 6th, 2006 11:36:05 AM

Appolo instantly feels better when he is healed by Nezamil"Thank you my friend I needed that.Now can we head back to the ship the jungle is filled with well prepared pit traps and anumerically superior enenemy.This village and the surrounding clearing is must to large to be properly defended and I guarretee you when the snakes come back they are going come with everything they gotI say we head back .Put to sea and make the snakes think we are leaving then find somewhere else to beack or anchor the ship we then camofluage it as best we can and move out to attack the snakes from a different direction."He says this as he walks back to the group.

Bart (healed) 
Friday October 6th, 2006 12:19:08 PM

Thanks Nez, I am ready for action.
We need a better tactic to fight the yuanti first i taught they where a laugh, they are actually, but there abonimations are much dangerous. With a few blows the snakes are dead but the abonimation are casting dangerous spells

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday October 6th, 2006 1:08:13 PM

Appolo, I like your plan except for one flaw. We have a big hole in the back of the boat right now. We are trying to fix it but until it is repaired, we aren't going anywhere.

Rigging is pleased that his team isn't as emotionally beat up as he is. Seeing his friends and family hacked by swords, pierced by arrows, falling into traps and wracked by spells is stressful for him. Especially since they have entrusted him to lead them.

Bart (ill post) 
Friday October 6th, 2006 3:31:14 PM

Maybe our friend could help us with that maybe he knows where we can find some decent wodd maybe some parts of stranded ships

Friday October 6th, 2006 3:53:23 PM

"I don't think we will have time to worry about that. Right now there are several hundred angry serpents wanting to eat us. Their festival has been ruined and they have been bloodied. If we have a day before they attack again I will be suprised."

Dm Jim: Plotting & Planning 
Friday October 6th, 2006 8:25:16 PM

OOC: Please list your hit points until you are fully cured


Mykael, upon closer examination of the new cache of diamond and the ones he retained from the fire giants, it appears they are from the same mine. The faceting and impurities seem to be the same, how interesting.

Rigging lays down the law with the female and one is very indignant "Well I just never!". On the whole the pregnant women start to rise and get themselves organized for the trudge to the ship.

Nezamil cures burns through his remaining spells and then hits his wand hard as he attempts to get the Wildcards back in fighting order. Several of the pregnant females thank Nezamil for his blessing "Thank you kind sir." And "Please bless my baby too."

Romeo just shakes his head again at Riggings treatment of the pregnant women. "I must ask that you not treat my wives like that as their rescue is also needed. I will escort the ladies to your ship, just in case one goes into labor." Romeo looks to Ashira and Val "Unless either of you two are more qualified as a midwife, which would not be hard?"

Romeo looks back at Rigging "You are correct. I expect that the YT will track you and your officers as they will view it as a challenge and you hold the axe. Not to mention all of the magic you carry." Romeo shields his eyes as Riggings blink and wizardry rings momentarily blind him. "If you want an open area to fight the YT you do not have a better one than this village. I see the only other option is a beach."

Romeo's shoulders slump when Rigging asks about his friend. "No he is a Sorcerer. I try to check up on him monthly, from a distance and it does not look good for him. Peter is not really guarded, but his kept on their main pyramid in an amongst several hundred YT, he is chained or something, and then there are his legs they ate." Romeo shudders.

Ashira finds a new way to communicate and Nezamil also picks up on it.


500 experience points to Ashira.

Bart also asks Romeo for ground that is more open "The mountain has a less thick jungle, but it slopes are very wet. There are less YT up by the diamond mine, the area is mostly for very bloody ceremonies, which I am sure they were planning."

Val wonders about making the island colder?

Appolo ponders about defending the village. Romeo adds "The YT will not be able to overwhelm us, at least not right away as it takes two days to walk here, even on their secret trails. There were forces en route, but not the entire village. I am sure they were alerted by Kaa's cursed magical parrot."

Romeo begins to escort the ladies to the Sword and he calls back "See you after dark. Where do you plan to be? And do not have a fire, ah forget it, you are carrying too much magic, have a bonfire, just beware of flame strikes."


OOC: I will be posting late for the next several days. I will also post Sunday night, please post accordingly.

Saturday October 7th, 2006 12:50:17 PM

"Soory Romeo I've never helped deliver a baby before. Never had the opportunity. I'll take the first watch tonight. Maybe I can see a snake or two and put an arrow into them."

Nezamil 74/81  2d8(2+4)+5=11 2d8(3+2)+5=10 2d8(5+8)+5=18 2d8(3+4)+5=12 2d8(4+7)+5=16
Saturday October 7th, 2006 6:30:48 PM

Surveying the now healed up Wildcards then down at his bloodied armor " guess its time for a little self help " grins Nezamil

With the wand in hand he then taps himself several times ( 5 charges for 67 total)

"we need to rest Captain.....here at the village or you have someplace else in mind ??"

" where ever it is we need to scout out our defensive position and setup a defensive or attacking plan "

"hmm they use the sorcerer to power the pyramids....maybe thats what they intend to do with our spell users .....add their power to the pyramids"

"whoever stays on guard duty tonight try and keep an eye out for that parrot !"

The Cleric will walk about the village and scope out a good place to build a defensive wall...trying to make it a square "(200'ft long 10 'ft high)= (50'-50'-50'-50' witha entrance at one end shield by the villagers huts

"now they cannot see what we up to " laughs Nezamil " hopefully that should give them more variables to think about "

"now lets get behind the wall ....see if we can build a couple shooting platforms in the corners and such "

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil*,Sof*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance*,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon*,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight*,Glyph of warding*,Water walk*,Windwall*(Magic vestment*)
4th-Airwalk*Divine power*,Neutralize poison*,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater*,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone* (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) 
Saturday October 7th, 2006 9:58:44 PM

Before Romeo leaves, Ashira approaches him. "There is someone at the ship I need. Ask for John. Tell him to come back with you tonight and to bring the wand. A red head girl named Mary will try and come too. Tell her it's not her time." Ashira bends over the ground, sketching out various stratagies for taking out the Yuan Ti. She consults Rigging and Val from time to time.

Sunday October 8th, 2006 1:57:08 PM

Bart looks at the sketches and add some of himself too, he agrre to focus on the diamond back and the abonimations. keeping the main flock away with webs

Rigging 77/77 
Sunday October 8th, 2006 6:58:21 PM

Rigging was thinking about retreating into the jungle but decides to stay in the village with Nezamil's wall for now.

OK we need to try and get some rest but will need a watch schedule. I want the spell users to get some sleep so they can regain their spells. Bart, Appolo, Ghem, Val and Swirl will have to keep us safe for now.

Rigging scribbles a note to Tomas giving him a brief rundown on the battle and assuring that everyone is alright. He orders the ship repairs to continue and constant vigilence."

Rigging says to Romeo, "I know you are used to moving about this island but be careful out there. The snakemen are stirred up."

Rigging will turn to the others and say, "OK lets do a quick snake check of the area inside the wall. I want every snake you see dead. Bout time we ate some of them for dinner. I want a close eye kept on that pyramid also. They might teleport to it."

Rigging after doing his share of the snake hunt will try and get some shut eye.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 54/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Sunday October 8th, 2006 8:03:29 PM

"I need rest Rigging. My spells are real low. I will not be of much use if we are attacked again before morning."

"I agree. We need to stay away from the ship. Make the snake men come after us. We are the bigger threat and unfortunately the bigger prize if they can capture or kill one or more of us."

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person *, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 * & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (3): SM V *, Animal Growth * & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 3/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Mykael (46/56)  d20+7=12 d20+7=11 d20+7=21 d20+7=23 d20+7=21 d20+7=20
Sunday October 8th, 2006 9:45:22 PM

Mykael gets equipment ready for the women and Romeo to travel. Waterskins and whatever else is in the village that can be salvages that they may need.

He then brings in barrels of water inside the wall along with food.

He takes off his armor and equipment. He oils his weapons and armor. He picks a spot and prepares to bed down.

He stands his watch as needed.

(Spots for Mykael = 12, 11, 21)
(Spots for Ghem = 23, 21, 20)

Monday October 9th, 2006 12:45:00 PM

Appolo heads over to the well and draws a bucket of water.He then strips down and pours the water over himself.He does this secveral times.He will get himself and his gear as clean as possible.Then he finds himself a hut and settles in.

attendence report 
Monday October 9th, 2006 10:32:01 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxxs
Ashira xxxxxs
Appolo xxxxxs
Rigging xxxxxs
Val xxxxxs
Bart xxoxxs
Nezamil xxxxxs
Mykael xxxxxs
Cosmo xxxxos

o= missed
s= sat/sun

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 12:12:23 AM

After concluding the planning session, Ashira joins in on the snake hunt and then hunkers down for a little bit of sleep. She sets up a watch schedule, making sure that Rigging, Nezamil and Cosmo get a full night's rest.

Sweet Dreams---ADM Nellie 
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 12:13:28 AM

Temporary camp is made, and everyone relaxes behind Nezamil's strong stone walls. Watches are posted, and the evening passes quietly...perhaps too quietly. No snakes are found within the stone wall area, but a couple are found in nearby trees and quickly dispatched and roasted. Were they Yuan Ti in disguise? The Wold may never know...but they do taste pretty good.

Sun sets, and the Wildcards are warmed by their fire, which gives off only slightly more light than the glowing magic that they carry. Around 3 am, Romeo arrives with John. The couple look very sweaty and have a few scratches. "The forest is thick with snakes tonight! I wonder why?" Romeo chuckles quietly. "No real resistance, but I'd bet my left foot that it won't be long before they attack. If you're planning something, you better get moving soon."

OOC: Hey everybody, Jim says he doesn't have internet access this week, so I guess I'll be ADMing for you again.

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 1:02:34 AM

Nellie, when is sunset? Trying to figure out if we got 8 hours. Does your post get us to morning?

George, yep. You get the full eight hours. Sunrise would be at about 5am, so Romeo is interacting with whoever's on watch. But if you guys want to roll at 3 am, that's cool with me too. Need spell lists, etc.---Nellie

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 11:54:25 AM

I suggest we go on patrol, and see if we can lure them to this wall

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 12:43:14 PM

Rigging wakes up and grabs his spellbooks perusing the pages. He will have Swirl dart around the walls and outside of them looking for snakes and possible spies. He also want the presense of Swirl to be normal.

Rigging says to Nezamil in a whisper in his ear, "Remember to study a least one true seeing spell, but two would be preferred."

Rigging sits down with Romeo and questions, "How is everything on the ship? Is it going well? No problems with the pregnant ladies?"

Rigging slides closer and cups a hand to Romeo's ear, "We are going to try and eliminate as many spies as we can this morning. We then want to start working our way over toward the YT's camp and see if we can help your friend escape. Do you think you could safely guide us? How long of a journey is it?"

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

Nezamil Endure Elements 
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 2:54:41 PM

After the long running battle and infusion of Domi's healing into his fellow Wildcards ....Nezamil sleeps soundly thru the night .....trusting his friends to their tasks.

Awakening at dawn Nezamil gathers his equipment and listens to Captain Riggings and advice ....nodding at his words while holding up one finger then pointing to the wall surrounding them and holds up one finger again .

With a warm smile to Ranger John and Romeo"good to have another couple good men with us "

"so whats the plan Captain ?"

Sitting on the ground the Cleric of Domi picks up a couple pebbles then starts to meditate and pray .

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment)
4th-Fom x2,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127  d20+6=10
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 5:11:37 PM

So much for staying on watch, Val thinks as she slips on her armor. Her obsidian skin clashed with the mithril links that made up her armor. Her long red-gold hair was fixed in a bun. Something more suited for battle. She really wanted a hot bath but now was not the time nor the place.

Not long after she got her armor off and cleaned did she slip off into reverie. She was so tired from the days events that it could not be helped. Even after the healing magic that rapidly closed her wounds, Val's limbs were heavy. Her body ached from the stress it endured and no amount of magic would make it go away. Nobody could understand the toll ,both physically and mentally, that giving into the anger caused. It was harder now, to enter a rage, than it was before. Being a warrior fueld by anger and rage requires a specific mental state. You must trust your instincts and not overthink the situation. For when the rage gives strength and takes away pain it claims your mind as well. One does not think in rage, you simply react. It can be a boon or a bane. Which it was, Val never knew until it was over. She should have died this time. Why Gargul did not claim her she did not know. Did it have something to do with the Fae King and his mark she carries?

With her armor securely fastened, Val slipped the enchanted quiver on her back. Chances are she would not need her bow but she couldn't risk not having it on her. The bow had incredible distance. So much that she had trouble even seeing targets at the edge of its range. She secured the golden axe to her side and pulled her bow out of the quiver's side pocket. Val rested an arrow against the string and walked out from behind the stone walls cover. She looked for spies hiding in the jungle. Her eyesight at night was as sharp as it was during the day. An advantage she hoped to use against the serpents.

Val dropped into a crouch in one of the shadows of a stone wall. With no enemies in sight Val allows her thoughts to wander. Much has happened in the short time they have been on this island. The yuan-ti have given her much to think about as have her own actions. They were no longer part of the pirates of jack and haven't tried to interfere with Ga'al's plans in some time. Once they delt with the yuant-ti, and assuming she lived, what would her purpose be? Would would all their purposes be? Would they still try to build a port city on this island? Could they even repair the ship and leave this place? There were so many serious problems and they couldn't even be addressed. Not when it looked as if they wouldn't survive the day. As she watched the jungle Val felt a cold shiver run down her spine. Much blood will be spilled before this day is through.

Val OOC 
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 5:27:41 PM

spot check-10

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 7:49:36 PM

Appolo had aten a little something then gone to sleep.He awoke around 2 am and put is armour on and eqipment on.Once he was ready took up his watch.He stayed particuliarly close to Valanthe.Hding in shadaows and moving silently as was his nature.

When Kohn and Romeo arrived he let them pass without a word.Just watches them enter the compound witha shrug.

Mykael (46/59) 
Tuesday October 10th, 2006 10:58:14 PM

Mykael wakes and washes himself with water, gets a drink and some food. He smiles at the slumbering Ghem, who stayed awake quite a bit of the night watching over the group.

He begins to study his spells quietly. He will give a cross look to anyone who makes too much noise and will motion toward the little dragon if they inquire.

Mykael studies his spells and gathers his equipment. He brings food and water to Ghem, just before the group is ready to head out and wakes him in enough time to eat something.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Tuesday October 10th, 2006 11:48:03 PM

Cosmo hits the sack and gets some well-needed sleep.

In the morning he grabs his spell books and studies for his spells.

OOC - spell list shortly. If you need to start combat assume the same as last time plus a SM IV & SM V for level increase.

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=15
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 9:19:37 AM

The ranger rises early and scans the jungle (Spot=15, Listen=15). She breathes in the cool morning air. If she didn't know that a life and death struggle was ahead of them, it would be a perfect day. She spends several moments of time in contemplation, readying her spells for the day.

Spell list
1st level--Detect Animals, Hide from Animals
2nd level--Barkskin (2)

John (NPC Nellie) 
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 9:22:26 AM

Yawning, John consults briefly with Ashira before preparing his own spell for the day. He adjusts his equipment and looks over at Rigging. "Alright boss, what's the plan?"

Spell list
1st level---Hide from Animals

Best Laid Plans---ADM Nellie 
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 9:44:04 AM

Romeo gives Rigging a flicker of a smile. "Well, that ship of yours has seen better days...it's beached and has several big holes in it...but other than that, things look ok, I guess. And yes, my wives made it back with no problems." he whispers. When Rigging mentions the Yuan Ti village, Romeo frowns as he continues to whisper. "I can get us there. It's about 2 hours travel by foot. Just hope you know what you're doing. There are a lot of snakemen out there."

Spells are prepared, weapons readied and everyone anxiously prepares for what lies ahead.

OOC: All right, time for the snake hunt. I need spot checks and any spells, etc. you might want to cast. I'll post tonight if everyone can get their posts in before 11pm EST.

Wednesday October 11th, 2006 11:57:56 AM

Bart prepares for battle. He looks after his sword and armor, making sure everything is n tiptop condition. When they leave the camp he is in third or second place (guess Ashira and Val are leading the group)

Wednesday October 11th, 2006 2:21:01 PM

(OOC Just doing conversation right now. Will post actions tonight.)

Rigging says to Romeo in a whisper hand cupped to his ear, "I am looking to avoid a fight right now. We need more information, not an increased body count. I want to look over the village, see if we can either rescue your friend and shut down the pyramids if possible. Today is about information, not battle hopefully."

Rigging will call the others around and start writing on a parchment.

"I want to have Nezamil cast a true seeing on Swirl. He will then try to locate the spies in snake form. If they are out in the open he should see them. He will tell me who they are and then we will attack them hopefully killing them off.

We then, following Romeo, will check out their village. Appolo, Ashira and myself will do the recon. That means losing your magic or placing it in a sack so the glow doesn't show. The rest of you will be nearby ready to rescue us if we get into trouble.

I am hopeful that if we can kill off the spies or at least drive them off, we can be more effective until the reaquire us."

Wednesday October 11th, 2006 4:21:21 PM

The 10'1 dwarf finishes his prayers and meditation.......still sitting he gazes about their walled fortifaction .

Nezamil stands up and begins casting a series of spells invoking Domi's protection from the jungle's heat ...he proceeds to infuse the warriors Ashira,Val,Bart and himself (casting endure elements 24 hr duration)

Handing Val a vial " this should help protect you when we engage in battle again (shield of faith + 2 Ac)

With a nod at Captain Rigging "i'm ready to cast that spell whenever you ready "

Nezamil touches his anvil holy symbol and says a quick prayer and reaches out to touch the air elemental....infusing true sight to it "search and destroy my friend " chuckles Nezamil

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

00c: Derain i have Mykael's Hp at 53/56

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements)  d20+6=22 d20+9=18
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 5:23:05 PM

As the magic flows into her body Val sighs as the discomfort fades like the morning fog to the rising sun. The heat and fatigue will be as much of a threat as any blade the snake men weild. She wished that everybody was protected by the dwarfs magic but he had his limits.

"How long will it last?" Val asked the giant dwarf as she tucks the vial into a pocket.

Val turned and gazed at the jungle once more. Uncertainty filled her as strongly as it ever had. Her luck will not hold out forever. Choices she made now would depend on who lives and who dies. A bow is a great tactical advantage on the battlefield. However the jungle reduces a skilled shot to chance. Could she risk an arrow not hiting its mark? Val sighed, this time it was from frustration and not satisfaction. She slipped the arrow into the quiver and the bow into the side pocket. Val pulled the golden axe from her side, fingers tightening around the leather grip.

ooc: spot check 22, listen check 18

Mykael (53/59) 
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 6:15:50 PM

Mykael listens to Romeo, "Why do you call them all your wives?"

He puts on his gear and lets Ghem climb onto his shoulders. He smiles as his sword begins to glow.

"Lets do this."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Rigging and Swirl  d20+7=21 d20+7=26 d20+7=11
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 7:14:29 PM

Rigging has Nezamil cast his spell true seeing on Swirl and then Swirl rises into the air and starts looking around for snakes that are Yuan-ti in snake form. If and when he finds any, he will tell Rigging of their location in detail.

Spot checks 21, 26, 11

Depending on the number of spies, Rigging will inform the others of their whereabouts and have people start drifting in their direction to eliminate them. "Look like your gathering wood, but look natural" he whispers.

Appolo Ac 19 Hp 68 
Wednesday October 11th, 2006 8:42:33 PM

Appolo stands at the ready nothing magical about him.Normal leather armour.normal shortsword,normal daggers,normal bow and arrows.He laso has the rest of his traveling gear rope grappling hook,His in camo and ready to go.

Cosmo  d20+5=14 d20+5=25
Thursday October 12th, 2006 6:17:02 PM

Cosmo is glad to have his all his spells back. Yesterdays battle was exhaustive from spell standpoint. He waits for direction from Rigging on what to do next.

Spot 14
Listen 25

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Dm Jim 
Friday October 13th, 2006 11:04:00 AM

OOC: Please list your hit points/AC and spells as you are now in combat. You can take up to 0ne minute (10 spells) for defensive casting prior to the below post for spells that you would cast that have at least an hour duration.

Everyone heals one HP per level for the eight hours of sleep!!!! You may need it!


The Wildcards go through their morning rituals and recover arcane and divine spells in preparation for a new day on Snake Island or at least that is what Romeo is calling it.

The morning is dawning bright and glorious. There is plenty of water for the group and there is still fish and fruit in the villager's pavilion. There is some left over snake to eat from last night as the hunt was too easy.

Romeo goes over more details in response to the groups' questions. "About a hard 2 hour hike into the jungle is a well concealed path that the YT use to get to their Human hunt kill zones. All of you stumbled across one yesterday. After that it is about a two day walk to the YT main village, not a nice place. Also, I never travel on the YT path as I never know who is watching."

Romeo continues when asked about his wives "I save one female from each batch that arrives and stash her in one of my many hiding places around the island. I currently have three wives and one son. Kaa is merciless in hunting my families and has claimed two recently. My other two wives are with child. It does not take much here, the YT have perfected human husbandry. I have to wean my wives off of the YT foods and it takes some time."


The top of the pyramid flashes with the magical light of blue and white and the group can see the top of the stone pyramid is now crowded with YT and a few humans. The Purebloods and Halfbloods seem surprised, as do the humans. There are four humans, three females and one male. All of the female humans have long hair that is blowing in the light breeze at the top of the pyramid.


DC 17 spot to notice that the human is Ari, except Cosmo
DC 21 spot to notice a Satyr on top of the crowded pyramid in addition to the 4 humans 6 halfbloods and 2 purbloods.


All of the YT draw scimitars and the three ladies SCREAM!

The armed human male on top of the pyramid starts to glow as he seems to be carrying a lot of magic.

The group is 200 feet from the bottom of the stone pyramid. The square stone pyramid has four levels and there are wide (15 feet) stairs on each side. Each level rises at least 15 feet.

Appolo Ac 19{23} Hp 68  d20+10=23
Friday October 13th, 2006 6:08:03 PM

Appolo looks up at the top of the Pyramid,when the light flashes."Well I'll be G'aal.Look it's Ari and one of those stupid satyr's.Now if this doesn't beat all."That said Appolo disappears into his hut.He will take a couple of minutes to put his magical armour and weapons on for this battle.


DM Jim: You have one minute prior to the post, so you could have used that time to don your armor or at least some of it.........

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+12=18
Friday October 13th, 2006 11:32:44 PM

Ashira is shocked at the sudden arrival of the creatures and...could that be Ari (Spot=18)?? Swords out and shield floating and ready to go, Ashira begins to charge up the pyramid. "Alright folks, remember the plan. Appolo, you're with me. Val, some advance fire would be nice. Bart you link up with Sunshine once she's done. Cosmo. I'd appreciate some of your special friends. Let's go folks!!"

OOC: Really sorry about missing all the posts this week. RL was very chaotic.

Bart AC 27 HP/86/86 endure elements 
Saturday October 14th, 2006 3:17:08 AM

Bart makes an lest check to see he has everything and is ready to go

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements)  d20+6=23 d20+12=14 d20+12=21 d20+7=26 d20+2=16 d8+4=5 d8+4=10 d8+4=5 d8+4=12
Saturday October 14th, 2006 3:31:05 AM

(free one minute)
Val mutters curses under hrea breath and hooks the golden axe back on her hip once more. If she only trusted her instincts then some snakes would be stuck and bleeding right now. Her arm reaches back and grabs the bow out of her quivers enchanted pocket. The bow was finely crafted and enchanted with magic to greatly increase distance. After some time with the bow Val isn't sure that the bow is right for her. While an incredible weapon it feels slightly off in her grip.

(round 1)
"I'm on it." She says in elvish without realising it. Val notches an arrow and fires it off. A second later another arrow flies, followed by another and another.

ooc: spot check 23. The bow has the distance enchantment. While I'm not positive on the numbers I'm sure 200ft is short range. Val is using rapid shot and firing all the arrows at a halfblood.

1st: ac 14 for 5, 2nd: ac 21 for 10, 3rd: ac 26 for 5, 4th ac 16 for 12.

arrows used: 4

Saturday October 14th, 2006 1:05:28 PM

(ooc Jim how many purebloods and how many half bloods do we see? Also does Swirl notice anything with his tree seeing spell. Wondering if he notices any others who might have already been there.

DM Jim: Swirl see plenty of trees with his tree seeing spell.....and nothing else out of the ordinary.

The top of the pyramid is very crowded and you do not see well being on the ground. Swirl may have a better view in my next post, dependin on what he does.

Rigging and Swirl ac 15 hps 77  d20+7=27 d20+12=13 d20+12=29
Saturday October 14th, 2006 3:48:07 PM

Swirl sees the glow of the pyramid and streaks forward towards it at full speed gaining height as well as moving towards it. (Sprint speed 400)
He flies by taking a good look at the enemy and possible friends (spot check 27 natural 20 Not sure if Swirl was around for Ari)

Rigging yells, "Watch the flanks! Keep together!" Rigging takes a look up and sees the humans but doesn't recognize Ari, but does see the Saytr. "Looks like the Saytr is bringing them more breeding stock. I want his head!"

Rigging will take a double move towards the pyramid

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Saturday October 14th, 2006 7:15:10 PM

After putting hid armour on and collecting his wea[ons Appolo move likt lighting toward the pyramid.He forms up with Ashira.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+6=16 d20+6=15 d8+10=13
Sunday October 15th, 2006 12:08:05 AM

Nezamil listens to Romeo as he talks about his wives " wean off their foods ?" in a quizical tone

As the flash of light draws his attention to the pyramid "by Domi what is that ?"(d20+6=16,d20+6=15 spot ch's)

"More snakemen" growls the 10'1" dwarf as he watchses Ashira charge fort with Appolo close behind her .....with a nod of approval "maybe he is finally understanding teamwork"

Quickly looking about he spots whats who he is looking for ...with a touch to his anvil holy symbol and a prayer escaping his lips " Domi protect this worthy soul " ...Nezamil reaches out and taps Mykael on his shoulder infusing him with Domi's power (Aid spell 1d8+10=13 temp Hp's)(+1 attack rolls and vs fear affects)

The Cleric of Domi then moves over next to Val as she fires her bow(move action)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Sunday October 15th, 2006 2:24:48 AM

ooc- if I understand correctly I could not have Spider Climb, Resist Energy, Protection from Energy, or shield up coming into this because they do not last more than 60 minutes?! Just checking. I'm also assuming that we had not entered into combat just yet as I had just finished climbing to the top of the pyramid.


Keeping a defensive position, Ari takes a quick inventory of what just happened.

Just when he was going to ask for this Satyr to hand over the three ladies, it seems some kind of teleporting got triggered.

He still had after images floating about him with all the snake people that had at one time been surrounding the temple. It almost made him sick thinking about what almost happened to these women.

Not knowing what has happened in the strictest of sense, Ari still says, "You can no longer trade for these women."

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger

Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)

(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)

(3)Protection from Energy

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 63/63); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=23 d20+16=33 d20+16=31 d20+16=31 d20+10=19 2d4(3+3)=6
Sunday October 15th, 2006 11:14:24 AM

Cosmo is listening to Romeo talk of his wives and the island when the light flashes at the top of the pyramid. Turning towards it he looks up and sees a large group up there.

"On top of the pyramid. More snake creatures with some humans and a Satyr. What's a Satyr doing here?"

Spot 23

Cosmo quickly casts Mage Armor spell, beefing up his defense. He also casts an Alter Self spell, turning himself into a Troglodyte which toughens his skin and increases his speed.

Concentration 33 & 31

OOC -- Can you tell us the concentration check procedure so we can post the success or failure within our post.

Reviewing his current spells, Cosmo only has a few that will go over 200+ feet to reach the snakemen and not harm the humans. He does have one that he does not get to cast that often and decides now may be a good time. An acid arrow springs from his finger tips and slams into one of the half bloods.

Concentration 31
Hit TAC 19
Spell resistance N/A
Damage 6

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Alter Self (Troglodyte): 100 minutes
Acid Arrow: 3 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Mykael -- HP 53/59, AC 27  d20+7=19 d20+7=13
Sunday October 15th, 2006 8:47:10 PM

Mykael notices Ari, and the humans among Yuan Ti. He turns and charges for the Pyramid. Double move.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Dm Jim: Old Friends and Foes  d20+9=22 d20+9=28 d20+6=7 d20+6=21 d8+3=4 d8+3=6 d8+3=9 d20+9=25 d20+4=8 d20+4=19 d8+3=6 d8+3=4
Sunday October 15th, 2006 9:37:19 PM

The wildcards finish their normal daily preparations when they notice the light show on top of the pyramid.

Several of the Wildcards notice Ari and the ladies in a tight spot. Questions about how and why will have to wait for later as it looks busy up top.

Val fires off four shots, but only 2 hit (15 damage).


OOC: -4 to fire into combat


Rigging, Romeo and Mykael moves toward the pyramid (120 feet way)

Appolo and Ashira run to the pyramid (40 feet from the base)

Nezamil moves over to support Val.

Cosmo as the smelly trog fires of an acid arrow the has the half blood hisss loud.

Swirl beams back that there are 3 women, Ari, 6 halfbloods and 3 pure bloods on top of the pyramid, the Satyr just started down the far stairs.


Two of the young long haired females are pushed off the top and fall close to 20 feet with a sickening thud. The two women do not seem to be moving.

A half blood grabs the third and uses her as a shield to the approaching wildcards. The women is screaming bloody murder!!!

Several Yaun Ti take swings at Ari.

Three hits for 29 damage. One critical.

One of the snake headed half bloods hisses at Ari "There will be no ssaving you or your cowss, meatssack!"

Two half bloods and one pure blood change weapons and move down to the next level. The three of the look for targets with their bows.


ooc: I will email the concentration check information later to the wizards.

Monday October 16th, 2006 1:31:35 AM

Only now Bart notices the things happening on the piramid he runs to catch up with his friends

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Monday October 16th, 2006 3:15:39 PM

Appolo sprints up the steps as fast as hecan heading straight for the snakeheads."They're killing the prisoners!!Rigging Mykael Goat Boy is making a break for it down the backside of the pyramid!!Nezamil I thinkwe got some young women that are going to need your assistance.!!"He yells this s he moves to the first step.

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements)  d20+12=23 d20+12=31 d20+7=22 d20+2=16 d8+4=10 d8+4=10 d8+4=12 d8+4=11
Monday October 16th, 2006 3:19:14 PM

Val curses as two of her arrows miss their mark. She should have been practicing long before now. Firing so fast at one target in a crowd of people was harder than it sounded. Which was something since it sounded like a difficult feat. Still Val would not give up. She kept pulling arrows from the quiver, firing them off as fast as she could.

ooc: rapid shot, 4 shots at the same target. 1st- ac 23 for 10, 2nd- ac 31 for 10, 3rd- ac 22 for 12, 4th ac 16 for 11

arrows used: 8

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 63/63)  2d4(3+2)=5
Monday October 16th, 2006 6:26:11 PM

The acid arrow continues to burn the Half Blood (5 more damage).

Cosmo runs forward to get closer so that more of his spells will be effective (run for 120').

End in cell R56.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Alter Self (Troglodyte): 99+/100 minutes
Acid Arrow: 2/3 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Attendence report 
Monday October 16th, 2006 6:49:25 PM

Dm Jim xoxox
Asahira xooox
Appolo xoxox
Rigging xoxox
Val xoxox
Bart xoxox
Nezamil xoxox
Mykael xoxox
Cosmo xoxox
Ari ----x

Dm Jim was traveling and had internet connection issues

* Ari - is a returning player and Friday was his 1st post

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Monday October 16th, 2006 7:40:20 PM

"I'm moving closer " growls Nezamil " not gonna leave them unsupported"

The 10'1" dwarf clicks his heels activating his boots(free action) and charges after Ashira and the others (double move 80')(to Q64)

OOC: Mykael -(Aid spell 1d8+10=13 temp Hp's)(+1 attack rolls and vs fear affects)(was cast on Mykael last rd)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Ari HP 43/72 AC 16  d20+8=15 d20+3=17 d20+9=17 d6+3=8 2d6(3+6)=9 d6+3=4 2d6(6+3)=9 d6+3=9 d6=5
Monday October 16th, 2006 9:12:18 PM

Amazed that these creatures weren't disoriented with the shifting about, Ari grits his teeth in pain from the three attacks. (OOC I misread something in the last post, that's my bad). Ari wonders whether this marks the end of his days on the planet. (Not realizing who or what is around and near him).

Knowing that he's in dire straights Ari tries to clear the air around him. "See what happens when someone can fight back". Pulling his swords Ari swings at the new monsters that he's never faced before (HB's). Realizing that the monsters just killed people who are innocent Ari lets all his anger speak though his swords. As each stroke is swung Ari says , "Have you ever felt the bite of a blessed sword" swing, "or seen what it can do" swing, "or the pain of fire?" swing.

(ooc Can I take my favored enemy now? If so I think I can add +2 to damage to each hit. I may have to talk to you about the variations you can do with the +'s)

(AC 15 for 8 points of damage, another 9 if evil)
(AC 17 for 4 points of damage, another 9 if evil)
(AC 17 for 9 points of damage and 5 points of fire damages)

(Ari needs to clear the Air around him before he can cast any spells. So I will continue to attack with swords with whichever one appears to do more damage. But if there are no hits he'll continue with the holy sword as the primary)

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger

Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)

(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)

(3)Protection from Energy

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Monday October 16th, 2006 9:26:05 PM

Increasing the pace, Ashira bolts toward the forward lines. Looking over at Appolo, she hisses one word "Run!" Zipping over the ground and up the stairs, Ashira is anxious to start the tail kicking soon. (Run 4x move to P30).

John (AC16, HP35/35) Invisible---NPC Nellie 
Monday October 16th, 2006 9:31:40 PM

John watches Ashira sprint toward the battle and clicks his tongue. "Won't be long before she needs me." he mutters as he activates his ring of invisibility. He continues to move toward the battle, pulling out his wand as he does so.

Mykael -- HP (66)53/59, AC 27 (Aid) 
Monday October 16th, 2006 11:04:09 PM

Mykael continues to charge forward and follows Ashira's lead and makes a full run to Q-32.

"Forget about the Satyr, there are innocents and Ari to save!"

Ghem, get up high and on the other side of the big stone pyramid. Watch for Yuan Ti coming to help. And dont lose the Goatman that is running. If he keeps going and gets out of range, let me know. I may want you to follow him.

(Aid - 10 mins)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Rigging ac 17 hps 77  8d6(6+5+5+6+1+3+2+6)=34 d20+8=17 d20+8=16 d20+8=13 d20+8=21 d20+8=21 d20+8=21 d20+2=16
Monday October 16th, 2006 11:13:14 PM

Rigging sees Ari getting cut apart and decides to take a spell from Redux's spellbook. He raises a hand and launches a fireball at the top of the pyramid, centered on Ari. It explodes around him doing 34 points of damage to all creatures in the area. (DC 17 vs reflex)

Rigging then moves forward 30'

spell resistance
HB1 17
HB2 16
HB6 21
PB1 21
PB3 21

Swirl does a flyby attack on PB2 from the rear staying out of the way of the fireball. He charges from the behind and bullrushes PB2 trying to knock him off the pyramid. Bullrush attack results 16. If a normal pureblood with normal strength it should work taking 10. Didn't take any modifiers from coming from behind.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

DM Jim: Closer and Closer......  d20+10=22 d20+5=17 d20+7=19 d20+9=27 d20+9=11 d20+5=19 d20+5=17 d20+6=21 d8+2=4 d8+2=4 d8+2=5 d8+2=10 d20+6=8 d20+6=16 d20+6=9 d20+8=16
Monday October 16th, 2006 11:21:25 PM

Val continues to fire her bow and the half blood that just took out his bow falls foward and lands on his head, one level down, his melon looks cracked not to mention all of the arrow sticking out of him.

Bart, Cosmo, Appolo, Ashira, John (The outlined glowing ball), Nezamil, and Mykael all run forward, looking to help their old friend in trouble.

Rigging lags behind and cast a fireball.


Ari decides it is time to fight back.

Ari lands three blows on the acid injured half blood and he slumps out of the melee. The half blood is fighting to remain concious.


The Yaun Ti look to exact revenge on the Wildcards.

The surviving bowmen (PB & HB) shoot at those running up the stairs.

The three arrows bounce harmlessly off of Mykael and Ashira.

Ari is another matter.

All Yuan Ti at the top of the pyramid live and do 23 points of damage to Ari.

Ari roll your save verses Rigging's fireball to see if you live.

Spell resistance 16 for the YuanTi holding the scorched remains of his female hostage. He lives and drops the dead body down on the next lower level.

Monday October 16th, 2006 11:34:47 PM

Jim by centering the fireball on Ari, I don't think I would have hit the woman. Did my fireball seem larger than normal. Also were the YT's affected?

DM Jim: Rigging can not see the top of the pyramid, and only occasional glimps of people. You got a random chance and effected everyone. The pyramid is over 60 feet high so there is no way to aim accurately from your angle.

Tuesday October 17th, 2006 4:41:46 AM

I see people mentioning square locations. Was there a map sent out? If so I never got it.

Ari HP 3/72 AC 16  d20+7=22 d20+8=17 d20+3=8 d20+9=23 d6+3=7 2d6(4+6)=10 d6+3=8 d6=3
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 7:03:35 AM

Ari screams in pain as all the damage rolls across him. (Made save with 22) He vaguely wonders where the fireball came from.

It takes all the will power in him to hold onto his swords with his skin blistering. Thinking the end is near Ari wonders if Alemi approves of him. Ari continues to hack at anything in range.

(AC 17, 8, and 23)
(two hits for 7 (plus 10 for evil), 8 points and 3 points of fire)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+15=29 d20+10=28
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 11:32:05 AM

As the fireball wisses over head and explodes Appolo continues up the stairs at full speed.Leaping the steps two at a time.{Double Move Run feat}"Get out of there Ari We'll take care of these snakes."

Balance 29 Jump 28

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements)  d20+12=18 d20+12=32 d20+12=28 d20+7=21 d20+2=20 d8+4=10 3d8(6+5+8)+12=31 d8+4=11 d8+4=7
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 1:45:57 PM

Spotting the two archers taking aim on her friends, Val adjusts her aim away from the scimitar weilding yuan-ti. Her arms continue to move without slowing. One constant fluid motion of drawing and firing arrows. Val's eyes narrow as she focuses on the pure blood archer. She tries to keep her mind clear and keep the worries out. Did she adjust for the wind properly? Does she need more elevation on her shot? What about the following shots. Can she adjust that quickly? Val holds her breath and clears her mind once more.

ooc: rapid shot, four attacks on the pureblood archer. 1st attack hit ac 18 for 10. 2nd attack crit with ac 28 to confirm for 31. 3rd attack hit ac 21 for 11. 4th attack hit ac 20 for 7.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 4:27:38 PM

Nezamil keeps moving towards the pyramid.....running hard(run x3)(move 40x 3=120') at the stairs

" maybe i should move around to another side of the pyramid " as the 10'1" dwarf peers up at the pyramid and then out towards its corners

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

Tuesday October 17th, 2006 4:29:36 PM

location Q40

Rigging ac 18 hps 77/77  d20+8=26 2d6(2+6)=8
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 6:24:00 PM

Rigging sprints towards the temple moving to Q43.

ooc Jim you missed Swirl's action last time. Since you did this I am going to say he spotted the Satyr and is pursuing him closing the distance last round.

Swirl forms into a whirlwind and attacks the Saytr trying to lift him up. Into the air.
Not sure if it is needed but hit ac 26 and did
8 points of damage this round. DC of 16 need for reflex save which is strength based.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 63/63)  2d4(4+4)=8 d20+10=26
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 8:59:32 PM

The acid arrow burns the half blood for a 3rd time (8 damage).

Cosmo moves forward another 30' and retrieves his Maximize Rod. He casts a Maximized Magic Missile spell targeting HB2.

Damage 25
Spell Resistance 26

End in Cell R51.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Alter Self (Troglodyte): 99+/100 minutes
Acid Arrow: 1/3 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Mykael -- HP (66)53/59, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+12=16 d20+7=8 d10=5
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 11:31:01 PM

Mykael makes a move action to P-29 and intends to bring his sword down on HB4. However, the stairs or the injured women have distracted him, probably the crispy one that he cant believe was just roasted in front of him.

(AC 16, for 9 dam)
(AC 8, nat 1)

(Aid - 10 mins)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Dm Jim: With Friends like this.........  d20+5=22 d20+9=14 d20+5=17 d20+9=18 d20+9=23 d20+5=10 d20+5=9 d20+9=25 d20+9=19 d20+5=6 d20+5=7 d20+5=11 d20+2=7
Tuesday October 17th, 2006 11:39:40 PM

The bright blue and white light is still dancing on top of the pyramid for all to see


Ari is worried. Blows are raining down on him and so is fire. Ari has too many thoughts flash through his head. Is this the end? Ouch! Will he be able to save the young lasses? Duck! Were those friendly voices he heard earlier or not? Use this snake thing as a shield from the fire, Ouch! Why are all of my magic items glowing, but not my amulet?

At least his foes are take damage too. Some look like they are ready to fall where they stand. Is that Swirl or not up above? Ouch!, that is going to leave a nasty mark.

Ari tears into one of the crispy snake headed creatures, dropping it with two well placed thrusts to the chest.

People seem to be rushing up the pyramid stairs toward Ari. Was that Ashira's blue hair he spotted?


Swirl beams back to Rigging "Warn me next time you are going to do that." As Swirl breaks off to attack the satyr.


OOC: I did not post Swirls action since you amended your post after I posted and added his action. Is Swirl a he?

Acid arrow was done last round as Ari killed th HB.


Cosmo can not see HB2 and retargets HB3 and brings him down wit his magical darts. HB3 rolls down on top of the burned and dead female human.

Ashira, Mykael and Appolo, followed by the glowing ball that is the invisible John race up the stairs in an effort to save Ari. Will they get there in time?

The YT closest to the hero's on the stairs drop their bows and draw the scimitars and move forward to block the Wildcards path to the top, and attempt to take a pound of oh so tasty flesh along the way.

Val drops several arrows into the reptilian flesh of the halfblood moving to engage her friends on the stairs. Ashira, Mykael, Appolo and John can only be thankful that the help this time did not come in the form of another fireball!

Mykael strikes out and wounds HB4 before taking a wild swing.

PB slashes at Appolo - misses as the scimitar is turned by all of the rouges magical protections.

HB slashes at Appolo - misses as he can not take advantage of his elevation.

Two HB attack the blue haired ranger. They miss the unmoving misstress of the sword.

Grapple check for the wiley satyr (I used a +9 modifier, by accident, but he still rolled a 16 without "+" so he made the save."

The satyr twists away and takes out his wand and steps away from the dervish.


Ari is still surrounded but by weakened foes with slumped shoulders. They press the attack none the less.

Ari dodges blows left and right, but one finds its way home.

7 damage and Ari slumps.

The Half blood turns and looks to the sound of battle on the stairs.

The two pure bloods grab Ari's arms and start to drag.


OOC: I will post at 7:30 pm tomorrow EST. Please post accordingly.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+16=25 d8+5=9
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 12:48:24 AM

The ranger blows past the Yuan Ti trying to get in her way, drawing AoO's if necessary. She takes a double move to close Ari (N21). "Hang on Ari!" she calls to the unconscious hero. She motions to Appolo and the glowing John. "Up here, fellows. Ari needs some help."

OOC: DM, please note that I changed my post to better reflect the information from your latest map.

John (AC16, HP35/35) Invisible (Glowing ball)---NPC Nellie 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 12:49:47 AM

John nods. He moves forward, ready to heal up Ari as soon as the path is cleared.

Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:11:33 AM

Bartr is still running to the top

Mykael -- HP (66)53/59, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+7=23
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:16:30 AM

"Go help him, I got these. Cant leave them to the women." Mykael comments to the group as they head up the pyramid.

"I dont have time for you!" Mykael curses as he moves to O-32 and Bull Rushes HB4 off the edge onto the next level down.

(Bull Rush Str check = 23)(Improved Bull Rush)

(Aid - 10 mins)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Ari HP -4/72 AC 16 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 6:36:38 AM

In a haze of pain Ari doesn't even think about his movements as they can only happen out of instinct. Sometimes instincts can be very powerful although it isn't quite enough to dodge all of the blows that come his way.

In his last moments of consciousness he can only envision what his friends are up to. He's not seen them in a long time. He can just imagine them fighting along side of him and what would have happened had they been here. He almost sees and feels their presence as he slumps to the ground. Not wanting to give up in spirit, but his body can go no further.... and then he dreams.

Rigging ac 17 hp 77/77  d20+8=23 d20+10=22 d20+10=16 4d6(6+2+3+6)=17 4d6(3+3+6+6)=18 d20+12=26 d20+12=26 2d6(1+3)+2=6
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 8:56:40 AM

Rigging advances to the pyramid and starts climbing the stairs to Q37. He pauses and casts scorching ray targeting HB5. Rigging hits HB5 with a touch attack of 22 and 16 (spell resistance roll of 23) The rays burning into the snakeman doing 17 and 18 points of damage each.

Swirl sees the Saytr pull a wand and decides to mimic a move that he saw Val pull on Bart while sparring. Instead of attacking the Saytr, Swirl attacks the weapon trying to knock it from his hand.

Swirl comes out of his whirlwind form and attacks. He hits the Saytr's hand with a disarm attempt. He has a disarm attempt of 26 (base +12, +4 size, -4 for being untrained in it. Taking 10 for the Satyr, I assume it works. Saytr normally only get +2, so unless he gets +14 from somewhere it should be successful.

Swirl then snatches the wand up and holds it above his head moving back 5' from the pissed off Saytr.

If he can't pick it up he follows up with a slam against the saytr hitting ac 26 for 6 points of damage.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+16=28 d6+2=7 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1 d6=1 d6=5 d6=3
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:08:32 PM

Appolo ignores his attackers and heads for Ari,He will head straight for HB 2.Throwing his assins dagger at the snak man as he comes up to the top and charges forward.Hopefully backstabbing the creature as he trie to drag Ari off."Ok Mykeal you deal with these Bozos Ahira and I will get Ari."

Attack 28 damage 7 Possible backstab damage17

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 63/63) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 1:20:20 PM

Cosmo moves forward following the group up the pyramid.

Move up to 120'.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Alter Self (Troglodyte): 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 4:52:07 PM

Deactivating his magical boots Nezamil charges(x2 double move)(to p32) up the stairs after his fellow Wildcards .....drawing his mace and setting his shield in place as he goes.

"Domiiiiiiii" roars the Cleric as he closes on the snakemen

"keep going to the top Ashira.....i'll handle these slimy worms "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements  d20+12=25 d20+12=22 d20+7=14 d20+2=20 d8+4=5 d8+4=5 d8+4=6 d8+4=11
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 5:39:58 PM

Val continues to draw arrows, firing them off as fast as she can. She turns her attention to the pureblood on the left. One thats all alone and clear as a moonlight night.

ooc: rapid shot against PB2. 1st attack ac 25 for 5, 2nd attack ac 22 for 5, 3rd attack ac 14 for 6, 4th attack ac 20 for 11.

arrows used: 16

Dm Jim: The Table Turn and Fast!  d6=6 d20+9=11 d20+5=22 d20+5=25
Wednesday October 18th, 2006 8:22:57 PM

The bright blue and white light fades as Ari is dragged out of the big circle on the top of the pyramid. To those on top it seems if some sort of connect has been severed. Ari seems so much like a rag doll, but that this doll is covered in blood and burned.

John becomes visible as the invisibility seems to have run its course.


OOC: Arcane spells that require a concentration check have only a two combat round life on the pyramid, just as if you failed your concentration check.

Cosmo feels that he will not be able to hold his alter self or mage armor much longer.

Swirl lands into the Satyr and steals his wand. Swirl is absolutely beaming happy thoughts back to Rigging. At least until the three small air elemental appear and give chase.

The Satyr takes off for the cover of the jungle.

Mykael tries an old trick and pushes a Half blood down a level, he falls, wind milling his arms, but recovers on the lower level. The half blood seems to hiss all kinds of nastiness at Mykael.

Val makes a Pure blood pay for attacking his friends and he drops to the next lower level same as the half blood that Mykael pushed, although he will never rise again. Landing on his head did not help.

Nezamil and Romeo pace each other up the stairs "Can you keep up there or should we stop half way to rest." Romeo smiles as he easily climbs the stairs two at a time.

Appolo does not back stabe HB2, but the creature looks dully at the dagger sticking out of his chest. His tounge stops flicking and he falls to his knees and then to his side.

HB5 is stunned at Mykael's brash move and does not duck Rigging's scorching rays. He thinks better of further belligerance and takes off toward stairs that are less well guarded, smoking the whole way.

Ashira is close to Ari now. The pure blood dragging him stops and takes his two magic short swords. The pure blood is outside the circle, Ashira is in it and there seems to be a powerful pull on all of her magic items toward the surface of the pyramid. The pull is slowing the ranger down.

One pure blood does take an AoO on Ashira and then a regular attack. Both slashes of the scimitar are well place, but can not penetrate Ashira's armor.


OOC: I will post at 5 pm EST tomorrow. Map tomorrow AM.

Running Satyr and HB.

2 hurt PB on top of pyramid

Dog fighting elementals

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+14=31 d20+14=25 2d8(6+4)+10=20 d20+9=13 d8+5=8 d20+4=17 d8+5=11 d20+14=29 d8+5=11 d20+6=23 d20+6=18 2d6(4+3)+6=13 d20-4=-2
Thursday October 19th, 2006 12:33:06 AM

Ashira turns with a look of pure rage aimed at the pathetic pureblood in front of her. "You're dead, and you don't even know it..." The strange ranger lands blow after blow upon her foe, determined to kill it and free Ari. (AC31/25 crit. for 20, AC29 for 11, AC23/18 crit. for 13) She looks over at the now visible John. "Quick, heal Ari while we've got the chance!"

John (AC16, HP35/35) NPC Nellie  2d8(8+1)+5=14
Thursday October 19th, 2006 12:37:23 AM

John looks down at his visible hands. Hmmm...should have lasted longer than that... He looks a little hesitant to obey Ashira's order, uncomfortable about entering the fray without his glowing invisibility bubble. But in the end, loyalty wins out, and John moves over beside Ashira and taps Ari with the wand (14 HP restored).

Rigging ac 17 hps 77  d20+8=23 4d4(4+3+3+4)+4=18
Thursday October 19th, 2006 8:30:56 AM

OOC Jim trying to get the post in but without map slightly confused on where stuff is.

Rigging decides to try and finish off his smoking adversary and launches several missiles at him. (Spell resistance 23 magic missile damage 18)

Rigging senses Swirl's plight and tells him that the air elementals are summoned and should disappear quickly if from the pyramid.

Rigging moves another 30" up the stairs but avoids getting to close to any snakeman.

Swirl zips to the top of the pyramid, ready to bat away any of the smaller elemental with his longer reach.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=26 d20+14=27 d10+4=11 d8+4=9
Thursday October 19th, 2006 11:27:32 AM

Appolo continues stiaght ahead blowing by the fallen HB2 and attacking PB1 swing and connecting twice with the creature.

Attack 27 26 Damage 11 9 total 20

Bart hp 86/86 ac 27  d20+17=22 d10+9=16
Thursday October 19th, 2006 2:14:35 PM

OOC I dont know where Bart is didnt got a map.

Bart makes an attack to the nearest foe (spring attack AC 22 for 16)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  d20+15=24 d20+10=12 2d6(4+2)+7=13
Thursday October 19th, 2006 2:27:02 PM

The snakemen come into Nezamil's vision as Ashira charges past them.....the 10'1" dwarf unleashes a devastating overhead smash on the nearest one (hb3 or hb4)(no map so unsure of locations)(1st swing d20+15=24)(2d6(4+2)+7=13 dam) but the over zealous dwarf misses with his 2nd attack)

With a quick step back (5'ft move to Q32)Nezamil looks about assessing the situation of his fellow Wildcards.

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Thursday October 19th, 2006 4:11:00 PM

With no clear target Val stops her storm of arrows. Instead she sprints toward the pyramid, closing the distance quickly.

ooc: full move, 160', to P48

arrows used: 16

Dm Jim: Snakes leave but the wind stays  d20+3=21 d20+3=12 d20+3=13 d4+1=2
Thursday October 19th, 2006 6:00:30 PM

OOC: Arcane spells that require a concentration check have only a two combat round life on the pyramid, just as if you failed your concentration check.


Rigging sees one of the half blood snake heads trying to get away. The smoking snake head is easily brought down by the four magical darts. The half blood rolls and falls to the next level of the pyramid.

As Ashira moves to confront the pure blood holding her friends limp wrist she feels the pull on her magical items end when she leaves the circle. Ashira dispatches the burned pure blood with her two sword thrusts, one to each lung. The momentum of Ashira's pushes the Pure Blood down the stairs, but he is dead before he stops. One of Ari's short swords clangs down the stairs with the pure blood.

John rushes into the void created by Ashira and kneels next to Ari. "This should help." As he cures Ari.

Ari's eyes flutter and open and he asks "Ashira is that you?" as he looks up at the Mistress of the Sword.

Appolo sees Ashira dispatch one pure blood and he takes care of the other on top of the pyramid.

Nezamil take a smash at the half blood that Mykael knocked off the third level and down to the second.

Val runs forward to join her friends.

Cosmo does not move as he seems concerned about the lose of mage armor and alter self.


The lone surviving halfblood sees the menacing Nezamil and heads down the stairs, right toward Val.

The three small elemental chase swirl and catch him at the top of the pyramid.

ooc; Swirl gets one Aoo

Swirl is buffetted by one of his smaller cousins for 2 points of damage.

Mykael -- HP (66)53/59, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+1=6 d20+1=16 d20+1=3 d20+1=13 d20+1=14 d20+12=29 d20+7=24 d10+4=10 d10+4=14
Thursday October 19th, 2006 6:48:54 PM

OOC: Not sure I understood everything that happened. And didnt get a map.

IC: If both HBs that were on the level with him are gone, one he pushed off, the other ?, then Mykael will attempt his healing skill on both women. He will try to determine there situation and help the one that is worse off first. (Healing rolls - 6, 13, 3, 13, 14)(Will use Hero Points, if this is there last chance, otherwise he will wait until next round to try again on any he missed)

If HB is there, he unleashes a full attack.
(AC 29 for 10 dam)
(AC 24 for 14 dam)

(Aid - 10 mins)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+5=11
Thursday October 19th, 2006 9:15:45 PM

Cosmo is not happy when the power of the pyramid disrupts his 2 active spells. His normal halfling form comes back as his spells end.

"There is definitely some powerful force in or on this pyramid. My spells just ended on there own. Different than in the jungle. Most interesting."

From his vantage point Cosmo looks around for more enemies that are not apparent.

Spot 11

u]Active Spells:[/u]

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Friday October 20th, 2006 12:26:50 AM

Ashira smiles warmly at Ari. "Who else would be up at the top of an enemy infested pyramid saving your bacon? Of course it's me." Ashira helps Ari to his feet. "John, hit him again. Then let's get off this thing." Ashira scans the pyramid to see where Rigging has gotten off to.

John (AC16, HP35/35) NPC Nellie  2d8(5+5)+5=15
Friday October 20th, 2006 12:29:47 AM

John nods. "You got it." He prodes Ari once more with the wand (15 hp returned). "Ready to leave when you are." John grins as he scans the area for more bad guys.

Bart hp 86/86 ac 27  d20+17=32 d10+9=16
Friday October 20th, 2006 1:23:48 AM


Again Bart makes a spring attack to any foe in his neighboorhood hit ac 32 for 16

(Bart must have a foe in his neighboorhood, last past bart actions where ignored so i guess he was still running to come cloes to a foe)

Ari HP 25/72 AC 16 
Friday October 20th, 2006 6:35:31 AM

Taking Ashira's hand, Ari gets back on his feet. The memory of the burns makes him wince a little bit and then when the new person heals him, he feels better.

Taking a second to look the new person up and down, Ari smiles and says, "Thanks for that."

Looking around Ari asks, "Where are we? For a brief moment I was completely surround by these things. But that evidently isn't where I am now."

Double checking his person Ari realizes that he's missing some items. "I seem to be missing some things" (ooc it was unclear where the 2nd sword went)

As he looks around for his missing items Ari thinks so that was not a dream about my friends being here. Thank you Alemi for somehow making my friends available to me.

Rigging and Swirl  4d4(4+4+3+2)+4=17 d20+8=20 d20+12=19 2d6(6+4)+2=12
Friday October 20th, 2006 8:04:16 AM

Rigging (totally confused on whats left) If Rigging has line of sight, he will launch another set of magic missiles at a fighting or fleeing foe. Spell resistance roll is 20.

If the foes are gone or out of site, Rigging will make his way up to the top of the pyramid and examine the wounded women and say hello to Ari.

Swirl will will take his AOO and swing at one of his little cousins. hitting ac 19 for 12 points of damage. He will then soar away withdrawing straight up.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=32 d20+14=25 d20+6=20 d10+4=5 d10+4=7 d8+4=9
Friday October 20th, 2006 10:03:52 AM

Appolo move over next Ashira to check on Ari."Hey buddy hows it going?Long time no see."While he's at it he luanches a full attack on PB1.

Attack 32 25 and 20 Damage 5 7 9 Total 21

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements)  d20+12=27 d20+12=29 d20+7=21 d20+2=21 d8+4=8 d8+4=12 d8+4=11 d8+4=6
Friday October 20th, 2006 1:19:15 PM

Seeing a target present itself and move closer, Val skids to a stop. She quickly draws arrows from her quiver, firing at the halfblood that moved past Nezamil.

ooc: rapid shot. 1st ac 27 for 8, 2nd ac 29 for 12, 3rd ac 21 for 11, 4th ac 21 for 6.

arrows used: 20

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac  2d8(2+1)+5=8
Friday October 20th, 2006 3:38:03 PM

The Cleric of Domi quickly steps over to (O28)the fallen female's and checks for signs of life .

"Romeo check the other one " growls Nezamil

Nezamil will fish out a wand and tap the which ever women he can/if save (2d8(2+1)+5=8 cmw)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

DM Jim: All quite on the ground  d20+3=21 d20+3=12 d6+1=3
Friday October 20th, 2006 8:51:32 PM

Rigging finishes off the one fleeing half blood and the combination of Bart's sword and Val's bow finish off the last one.

There are no hostiles on top of the pyramid as Ashira and Apollo dispatched them last round. The only thing left is reacquiantance. Ashira, Appolo and Ari wonder how things came to be that they are together again.

John cures Air again with his wand and Ari is getting some of his color back.

Mykael checks on the injured ladies and neither is doing well. Both seem to be beyond his capabilities, but Nezamil comes and cures them. Each women is whole again and very frightened. One screams at the sight of Nezamil "OGRE!!!!'" and she hides behind Mykael.

Romeo comes over to attempt to sooth the ladies. "There, there, ladies, this here ogre is friendly." The sight of the dirty, but very attractive Romeo seems to have some effect, if maybe not confusion on the ladies.


The two small elementals finally track down Swirl again and attack again.

AoO for Swirl

Swirl is smashed for 3 damage.

Roll 50/50 for which Swirl attacks. The one who hit him is low.


No one is currently standing in the large or small circles on top of the pyramid.

The pure blood that Ashira killed had one of Ari's swords and it is half way down the pyramid. The other pure blood has the other one and it is still on top. The pure blood was attempting to move into the large circle with Ari's Sword, before Appolo killed him.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Saturday October 21st, 2006 12:12:50 AM

The ranger claps Ari on the back. "Where are we??" she chuckles "You are looking at the future site of our new base of operations. We're thinking about calling it fantasy island. Nice, eh? But how in the world did you get here?"

Gathering all the Wildcards, Ashira begins escourting them down the pyramid. When she hooks up with Rigging, Ashira whispers. "Well, chief, what's the plan?"

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Sunday October 22nd, 2006 9:40:05 AM

Val waited for a few minutes, arrow notched and ready, before relaxing. She starts up the long flight of stairs hoping to retrieve some of her arrows. There was no telling how long they would be here and the jungle wood wouldn't be suitable for arrow making. Not that she knew how to make arrows anyway.

"I like this battle a lot more than the last one."

Sunday October 22nd, 2006 3:44:36 PM

Welcome back Ari, that was a dramatic entrance , sure you dont want to become a bard?

Sunday October 22nd, 2006 6:22:56 PM

Still not realizing his luck at finding his friends. Ari looks around and sees many of them coming to greet him. As he speaks there is a momentary choke in his voice before he is able to continue.

I had been tracking this Satyr and the women to aa almost deserted village. He had convinced these woman to come with him under strange circumstances. There was a pyramid just like this one where I fought a couple of these creatures. While we were fighting I seemed to have been tranported to another pyramid where there was a sea of these things. Going almost horizon to horizon. We immediately teleported to this last pyramid and that's what brought the extra creatures with me.

During all that teleportation my amulet of natural armor got drained."

As Ari recites his tale he works on picking up the stolen sword(s).

Sunday October 22nd, 2006 9:10:23 PM

Mykael turns and gives warm smile to the ladies. "You are alright ladies. Your safe," Mykael comforts as Nezamil patches them up. "This is Romeo, and that is Nezamil. They are friends."

"Nezamil is actually a dwarf. He is just the first one to make it past puberty..." Mykael jests. "Naw, he is just magically enhanced. His size matches his compassion. He is the one that healed you. See? He wears the symbol of Domi."

"Glad to see you again, Ari. It sounds as if the stored magic in your amulet activated and powered your teleportation." Mykael contemplates. "What you think, Cosmo? Rigging?."

Mykael leads the ladies down toward the safety of the stone wall.

"We are here, should we finally go in and see whats in there?" Mykael motions to the pyramid as he speaks to Rigging.

Rigging  d20+12=28 d20+12=18 d20+12=27 d20+12=15 2d6(2+1)+1=4 2d6(6+6)+1=13 2d6(4+5)+1=10
Sunday October 22nd, 2006 9:31:14 PM

Rigging looks at the dead and goes over and gives Ari a hug. "We have some catching up to do but you have jumped yourself into a dangereous situation. We are going to want to pick your brain on the pyramids and other things you have seen but we need to get moving right now. Lets get off this magic eating pyramid first"

Rigging looks at the new ladies and winces when he sees his handywork on the scorched one who was caught in his fireball. Rigging comes to a quick decision, "Romeo, you seem to move the best in the forest, so I want you to escort our newest recruits back to the ship, report in to Thomas and then come straight back here. I will send Swirl with you and he can help track us down through our link.

While you do that, we need to do some research on this pyramid. See if we can disable it from this end. I think we should go into it and see if we can achieve that while Romeo makes the round trip. Cosmo, do you see anything that makes sense at the top. A way to shut it off from there? At least we might be able to stop them from hoping in behind us."

Swirl decides to stop and fight. He does minor damage to one as it closes with his AoO and then pounds on the other for 23 points of damage.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3** , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, true strike, monster summoning 1
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3*, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2, dispel magic, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, Mass enlarge

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63)  d20+24=40 d20+24=39 d20+19=34
Sunday October 22nd, 2006 9:39:23 PM

Cosmo thinks on Mykael's question on how Ari, the women and the snake creatures got there.

Spellcraft 40 or 42 of conjuration based.

"We should get off the pyramid. We do not want to lose any more magic items if it is capable of draining the power out of them."

Cosmo looks around the top of the pyramid, careful not to step in any of the circles. He will report to Rigging if he sees anything that may shut down the pyramid.

Spellcraft 39

Knowledge Arcana 34

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Sunday October 22nd, 2006 10:21:04 PM

Nezamil smiles at the ladies " have no fear ...i'm here to help you"

The 10'1" dwarf laughs heartily at Mykael's joke " very funny " but then clasps his shoulder " and thenk you my friend "

With a nod at the Captain " yes it would be best to get these ladies to the safety of the ship "

"Good shooting " adds Nezamil as he spots Val climbing the stairs

"we have old friends come to meet us " as he points out Ari to Val

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

Monday October 23rd, 2006 12:18:16 AM

Appolo sheaths his swords and walks over to Ari"Helleo and welcome back.As you can see nothing has changed we're still neck deep in trouble."He then heads back down the pyramid"Yes we need to destroy this thing.Can't head into the jungle with this thing still operating."

Dm Jim: Welcome 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 1:24:56 PM

OOC: 250 experience points to Mykael for making me laugh out loud at his post. Very entertaining.


Swirl defeats the two smaller elemental at only the loss of 5 hp.

Swirl drops of the Satyr's wand to Rigging.


The Wildcards meet and greet their old friend Ari as Ari tell the tale of how he came to be on this island.

Upon Rigging's urging, Romeo agrees to take the women to the Sword. "No Problem. Well ladies are you ready to be escorted." Romeo winks at Rigging as he leaves. One of the young women protest weakly "What about Liz?" as she point up at the horribly burned and still smoking body of her friend. Romeo adds "It is too late for her. Let worry about gettin you safe first. Nezamil will take care of her remains." Romeo slips a consoling arm over the young girl's shoulder and they leave the enclosure.

Cosmo listens to Ari's tale of three pyramids and seems to think that Ari activated the first pyramid with his amulet an it transported him, the satyr and the ladies to the Yuan Ti main village. The YT must have been about to activate their pyramid and you and your group were sent along as a bonus.

Cosmo ponders further and it is his thought that the pyrmaid converts arcane magical energies into teleportation energy, but further study is needed.

The large cirlce on top of the pyramid must be for transporting people, but the small circle is a mystery.


Ashira is looking for direction for the group from Rigging.

attendence report 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 1:49:37 PM

Dm Jim xxxxxs
Ashira xoxxxs
Appolo xxxxxo
Rigging xxxxxs
Val xxxxxs
Bart xoxxxs
Nezamil xxxxxs
Mykael xxxoxs
Cosmo xxxoxs
Ari xxxoxs

x = post
o = missed
s = sat/sun posted

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 4:45:28 PM

"Captain how about we use this opportunity to head inside the pyramid and check things out? Eventually we will have to do just that." Val says as she works on salvaging her arrows.

OOC: arrows used 20. She will try to salvage all she can from the bodies of the yuan ti.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:44:42 PM

Ashira glances over at Rigging. "Let's get somewhere somewhat secure before we talk tactics. I'd be more than happy to have a look around when you pick a location...maybe the village again."

Mykael  d20+10=23 d20+6=11 d20+12=15 d20+5=19 d20+7=18 d20+5=13 d20+5=8
Monday October 23rd, 2006 11:03:02 PM

Seeing that Romeo has the ladies taken care of, he heads back for the pyramid.

Climbing to the top, he stays out of the circles and contemplates with Cosmo.

After combining knowledge, running through phlosophies, and a brain-storming session, Mykael decides on a little experimentation. He tosses a small rock on to the small circle.

"I wonder what would happen if the rock had an enchantment on it. It may not need to be a permanent one. Hmmm...," he ponders.

"More experimentation? or inside?"

(Knowledge Arcana = 23)
(Knowledge Planes = 11)
(Spellcraft = 15)
(Knowledge Arch & Eng = 19)
(Spot = 18)
(Search = 13)
(Decipher Script = 8)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 12:22:10 AM

Nezamil replies to the women " i will take care of Liz and pay our respects to her "

The 10'1" dwarf will start to gather the body/bodies of the dead women and set up a buriel plot at the villages edge.

Over hearing Mykaels comments " hmm intresting thought Mykael....find another pebble and i'll cast a light spell on it"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

Ari 25/72 HP's 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 6:45:30 AM

Ari is glad as he gets his chance to greet each person. "What is going on that brings you guys out here? Do we have time to sit here and ponder these things, or should we get out of the open and at least go inside? What is going on with all this discussion of magic?"

Being ever inquisitive, Ari does his best to help out with the various discussions as he tries to get up to date with what the group is doing.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger

Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)

(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)

(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 7:56:24 AM

Appolo smiles at Ari"Just the usaul Chaos and Mayhem."He then heads back down the steps and over to the pavillon taking a seat in the shade.

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 8:28:48 AM

Rigging says, "I think we should check out the interior of the pyramid. Cosmo, Do you want to try your prying eyes? Or do you think it would be a waste with magic being so erratic?

Appolo, get off your butt and start checking out if the pyramid's entrance is trapped. Does anyone have any torches? Don't think our light spells will work so we have to go back to more mundane methods.

Nezamil, I am sorry but we don't have time to bury her right now. Say some words if you must but I am more concerned with the living right now. Ari still looks like a mess. Can you give him some more healing?

Mykael, feel free to experiment but don't go into the circle. Remember I am trying to turn this thing off, not power it up for my snakes to come through. I also don't want you to taking any unexpected journey.

Let's get moving folks, I want to get this thing quickly explored but don't want to get trapped in it when reinforcements show up. Can bet we are still being spied upon."

Rigging walks over to Ashira and slips his arm around her waist. "So what am I missing?"

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 11:18:19 AM

I was thinking `to ga back to the base of the pyramid. But if we go in I can save the energy. I will wait here for the outcome of the investigation by cosmo and apollo

Tuesday October 24th, 2006 11:49:26 AM

"Rigging I tried the Prying Eyes spell when we were in the village before. It was unsuccessful. If we do decide to go inside the pyramid, we should go in without any of our magic. Or at least only bring magic that you would not mind losing. Perhaps we can tie some rope to some various magic items, toss them into the pyramid and then pull them out and see what has happened to them. Three different magic items that quickly come to mind would be a spelled item, such as a light stone, a potion or scroll and a permanent item. We can also try this testing in the circles at the top of the pyramid. But that may activate it and bring more snake creatures here."

Cosmo moves off the pyramid and gets out a cure potion.

"Here is a cure potion that can be used for the testing."

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Dm Jim: Experimentation 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 12:48:41 PM

Nezamil assures the two female survivors that he will take care of their friends smoking remains. The smell of burnt flesh is wafting down on the group and the blackened remains are a smudge on the grey stone of the pyramid.

Mykael climbs the pyramd again and checks out the two circles carved into the flat stone top. Not very clean work and it is weathered, but no outstanding features. Mykeal then tosses a rock into the circle and....nothing happens.

Rigging tries to set the Wildcards into motion by giving out orders to several of his crew.

Rigging waits for Appolo to check the Archways for traps as the rouge relaxes in the shade of an orange tree.

Cosmo suggests a course of action to test the pyramid with several types of magic items and reminds Rigging of the failure of the prying eyes previously.

Bart concurrs with Rigging that checking out the pyramid is a good idea as long as it is not too taxing on the spell users.

Ari is still getting his bearings and tries to jump into the magical discussions.


What will the Wildcards do next?????

The day is young, the sun is warm, there is plenty of food in the village.....whats the rush.....

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Tuesday October 24th, 2006 11:28:56 PM

The ranger sighs. "We really don't have any great choices. If we go into the jungle they will track us down. If we return to the Sword, they'll burn it down. We can't attack the main village right now. So I guess the pyramid is the best option we've got right now. Let's do it."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 1:20:44 AM

Nezamil joins Mykael investiagtion of the circles " lets try it with a little magic " as he picks up a pebble " Domi's light " and the stone flares to light " here you throw it " grins Nezamil as he hands it to Mykael " might need me to cure you " laughs the 10'1" dwarf " if anything goes wrong "

" yeah "agrees Nezamil with Ashira" we should investitage this thing while were here "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass,Wall of stone(Sr)

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Aid 1 min a level (10 mins)
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Boots of speed (2/10) used

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 1:29:09 AM

Mykael observes his 1st stone toss into the circles " hmm nothing "

" ha very funny Nez " as he accepts the lighted stone

With a mischievous grin " well he goes nothing" and Mykael tosses the magical stone into the circle and cringes slightly as they await it's result

(post by Chris)

Val AC 19, HP 127/ 127 (Endure Elements) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 2:06:37 AM

"We don't have much to loose. Besides whatever affects us in there would affect them as well. If we can't see inside then they can't either. If we can fortify a position inside it would greatly improve our chances of survival."

ooc: Val spent the last two posts looking to see if any of her arrows were salvageable. Can I please get something to cover this action? Even if it was as simple as all 20 were damaged upon impact.

Arrows used: 20?


Dm Jim: I kept meaning too, but I kept forgeting to add it to the post. All misses are destroyed and you recover half of all non magical hits, it this case.

Ari 25/72 HP's 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 7:34:04 AM

Looking around at his friends and looking around the Ari, Ari figures that they are up to their eyeballs again. He might have to stay silent for a little while until he gets a handle on what's going on.

"I know only what I've told you so I'm not sure what if anything that I should say."

Ari starts to stretch and try to relax but it turns into a grimace as he can feel some of his previously scorched skin refuse to give.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield (spell mastery), Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

1-level (1) Ranger

Summon Nature's Ally I

2-level (4)

(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)

(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=18 d20+9=28
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:22:32 AM

Appolo gets up and moves to the entrance to the pyramid and studies it and the surrounding area carefully,Searching for traps or anything of interest.

Spot 18 Search 28

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:57:56 AM

Bart is still waiting about the outcome of the investigation. In the meantime he looks around in the jungle if he sees anything

Wednesday October 25th, 2006 12:53:38 PM

Rigging organizes the Wildcards calling them down to the entrance of the pyramid. "Mykael, I want you to keep Ghem on the outside in a tree or somewhere out of the way, where she can watch for snakemen.

Appolo? Have you found anything? I was wondering if we will even need mundane torches since we are glowing so brightly anyway.

OK the marching order is Appolo and Ashira. Keep an eye out for traps, then Nezamil paired with Mykael, Val and John, Ari and Cosmo and finally Bart and Me" Lets keep our eyes open and be alert." Rigging motions for Ashira and Appolo to lead off.

Dm Jim: Investigations 
Wednesday October 25th, 2006 1:39:25 PM

Mykael and Nezamil try an experiment on top of the pyramid. Nezamil cast a light spell on a rock and then Mykael tosses it into the large circle on top of the pyramid.

Nothing happens initially and then after about 10 or so seconds the spell ends. Very anticlimatic.

Ashira suggest investigating the interior of the pyramid. Rigging set up a marching order as the Wildcards form up by one of the archways.

Rigging suggest that Ghem watch from the tree line of the jungle to see if any nasties appear.

Appolo checks the archway and it is constructed of the same rough stone as the rest of the pyramid. The opening is about 8 feet wide and the corridor is 10 feet by 8 feet high. The natural light of the day illuminate for about 25 feet and then shadows for the 15 or so feet before darkness. Like when the group investigated previously the archways and tunnels, there is a light farther down the tunnel.

Nezamil can tell its going to be a real tight fit. No one will be able to see or get past him once he is in the tunnel. Will he be able to move full speed?

Appolo can find no traps on or around the archways.

There are still the shafts cut into the sides of the pyramid that seem to all point to the interior of the pyramid. The shaft opening are approximatley six inches square.

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