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Monday July 24th, 2006 8:56:32 PM

The ogres' loot is gathered up, and you find yourself resting uninterruped. Your trip has carried you northwards thus far. You can see your journey is going to continue to carry you steadily higher into the mountains.

Posting Report For 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 7:33:54 AM

Game #6
Week of July 17, 2006


T'Shalla OXOXX
E'lonka OXXXO
Corwin OXOXX

Adm Ceil; Are a few of these players on a Walk About??

Eclip and Spirit 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:13:14 AM

Eclip glances around, " Juodvarnis, back on your feet I see, are you still injured or did Nika's healing potion cure the injury completely?" Eclip goes to the second door, "Nika, have you check this door?"[/b] After she's checked it, Eclip will crack it open to see what's beyond it.

Spirit saunters up to Eclip's side, licking his chops.

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 11:17:29 AM

T'Shalla enters and looks at the cave drawing, but still out of sorts that she could do nothing in the battle that had just occurred.

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 7:51:59 PM

Corwin lowers his bow and examines the drawings with great interest. Anything showing thier people under the blessed sun was something to be explored.

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 8:01:20 PM

The drawings are indeed inspiring. They appear to tell no tale, but rather seem to be just a joyful proclamation of the people that habitated this area. You all feel more refreshed after viewing them.
Eclip enters the door, and backs out, scrambling, making a gagging sound. It seems the back room was the Ogres' meat locker. From the smell it seems they had obtained an overabundance in the last few weeks.
The ogres' loot is gathered up, and you find yourself resting uninterruped. Your trip has carried you northwards thus far. You can see your journey is going to continue to carry you steadily higher into the mountains. As you discuss the drawings and what you have seen thus far. You all cant help pondering what is up ahead. As you discuss it, Corwin frowns, lost in thought, trying to recall some bit of information he had heard as they traveled. "There is a town somewhere past those mountains, odd name, Hopeful?, Hommlet?, nah they both sound wrong." He looks to the others shrugging. "I just cant remember."

Wednesday July 26th, 2006 2:21:32 AM

Yes thanks for helpeing me, now i feel ok. big club big injuries

Juodvarnis tries to joke

Wednesday July 26th, 2006 6:49:08 AM

T'Shalla rests with the others, and when the time comes to head out, she gets her pack and gets up ready for when the others are ready to leave.

E'lonika Bralfah 
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 10:21:15 AM

{ OOC: Deadline at work was kicking my butt. Sorry about my recent absence. }

Kneeling on one leg, E'lonika opens her pack and refills her primary quiver from her backup quiver. "I'm going to need some supplies pretty soon ..." she says to no one in particular.

Rising, she makes herself useful. Taking care not to overlook anything (Search [take-20]: 27), she examines the bodies of the ogres for posessions, and the contents of the bags and the chest.

When Eclip calls her over she jumps to her feet. Upon seeing the cave-painting she stops short with a small gasp. "Shiny! This is ... old! I wonder what they're trying to build there?" She leans forward for a closer look.

Lost in thought, she realises Corwin is talking. "Are you thinking of Huxwell, Corwin? 'Cause we've been there - before Edenmoor, remember? That's where we were attacked ... by squirrels!" E'lonika smiles at the memory.

Looking up as if something just smacked her in the forehead, she nervously chews a fingernail. "Erm, ... has anyone seen Taan? I lost track of him in the brawl. Last I saw he was blacking-out ... "

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"Well, are we ready to continue on?" She does her best to conceal her nerves about continuing further into the mountains.

Eclip and Spirit 
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:53:01 PM

Looking a shad greenish blue Eclip step out of the Ogre cave for some fresh air. "yuck! Well, the drawing seem to show drow were on the surface a long time ago. We should mark where this place is incase it need further study."

Spirit sneeze several times clearing his nose of the stench.

In response to Nika's inquire about Taan, "Don't you remember he's a man of action, the two footed kind. He's probably halfway back to whatever rock he crowed out from under by now. Good riddance!"

Eclip check his gear before the group sets out, "I've used several spells, but I'm good to go."

Wednesday July 26th, 2006 2:25:25 PM

Corwin frowns, "No, that sounds close but not right. And this is ahead of us, not behind." He gives up, but it lingers in the back of his mind, one of the little brain teasers that have always driven people crazy.

E'lonika Bralfah 
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 3:06:59 PM

E'lonika shrugs her shoulders. "Hm. Well, I haven't a clue ... but, I trust you." She smiles at Corwin, before glancing at the coughing and spluttering Eclip and Spirit.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Wednesday July 26th, 2006 5:04:32 PM

Juodvarnis pack his stuff and moves along wit the others.

Siletly listens to others and tries to remember his past....

Wednesday July 26th, 2006 10:38:38 PM

The group makes good time and you advance into the mountains at a good pace. All of you detect a cooling in the air, and vegetation changing as you climb. The trail is rather steep and you all seem to be having varying degrees of difficulty with the exertion. If you all push and have no troubles you will make the crest by evening.

(OOC need each of you to roll a fort save versus DC 15 due to altitude)

Eclip and Spirit  d20+2=17 d20+5=23
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:18:45 AM

Responding to Nika's question, "We'll be fine in. We just don't have an taste for Ogre culinary food preperation. For instance, they have a few of those long claw red hill defenders hanging up in their meat locker ripening. They look like they been pounded into jelly and they obviously like the extra squishy flavor of maggots on their food. You really missed a rare opportunity to study Ogre food preparation secretes by not check out there meat locker." Eclip manages maintains a straight face as he completes his description for Nika's benefit.

As the group continues, "Corwin, I don't recall any towns being named, just that we were making our way to the Crescent Valley. I guess when we get there; we will just have to humbly ask for directions?"

Spirit follow along behind Eclip as they make there way up the mountains.

(Fort saves Eclip+2=17 Spirit+5=23)

T'Shalla  d20+3=15
Thursday July 27th, 2006 4:48:26 PM

T'Shalla continue watching around warily as we travel on, and breathing harder then usual from all the excertion as we get higher up.

Juodvanis  d20+2=17
Thursday July 27th, 2006 5:24:47 PM

Juodvarnis Climbs and if anyone needs help he asists with dificult road

Corwin  d20+2=12
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:29:49 PM

Corwin climbs and has to rest frequently with T'Shalla, unable to get enough breath. He grits his teeth and tries not to slow the others up.

Corwin (Addition) 
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:32:14 PM

As Eclip makes his comment, Corwin slaps his hand against his thigh. "Thats it! Humble! That is the name of the community!" He grins at Eclip in thanks.

Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:40:37 PM

After a steep, but uneventful climb you reach the crest. You look down upon a breathtaking sight. A fertile, green, crescent-shaped, valley with a river winding through the center. Far off in the distance you can see a town on the other side of the river, Humble's Ford.

The descent looks like it should take about a full day for the party barring incident. The farming town looks to be another half day or so ride from the bottom.

Friday July 28th, 2006 7:30:28 AM

T'Shalla suggests, "We should take..a small rest to get our...breath back before heading down..perhaps get some food and water into ourselves and rest the animals."

Eclip and Spirit 
Friday July 28th, 2006 9:02:52 AM

Eclip sits to rest after the exertion of climbing to the crest of the mounts, "Humble? Sounds like an unimposing place." Eclip glances around at the view from high on the mountain side "Your right T'shalla, we should rest before heading down the mountain. We should try and find some shelter its liable to be cool up here."

Spirit sits panting with droplets of slobber dripping from his lips.

E'lonika Bralfah  d20+1=11
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:57:35 AM

E'lonika struggles up the trail (Fort: 11) and is gasping for air when they finally make it to the crest. "T'Shalla, ... I ... could ... kiss ... you! ... Please, ... let's ... rest!"

Saturday July 29th, 2006 7:20:25 AM

The air is cool but not uncomfortably so. You rest for the night and are undisturbed. You awake early and break your fast and begin the descent into the Crescent Valley. There are frequent rests and you finally reach the bottom at dusk. After another undisturbed rest, you march for the town of Humble's Ford. Your view is of rolling, rich farmland. You are about a half day from town.

T'Shalla  d20+5=12
Saturday July 29th, 2006 7:35:46 AM

T'Shalla glances at E'lonika, and replies, "No thanks. But you are welcome."
T'Shalla still keeps looking around warily for any trouble or anything out of the ordinary,
as we keep travelling towards the town of
Humble Ford.
Spot: 12

Saturday July 29th, 2006 8:51:55 PM

Juodvarnis exausted sit on the rock, "What a day", he prepates meal with allthe others and avter the supper he makes his bedrole, under the clear sky.

"I still can`t remember from my past life anithing, but i feel unusual to sleap in such open area, i thin it is because we used to liv deap under the ground"

Posting Report For 
Monday July 31st, 2006 6:38:50 AM

Game #6
Week of July 24, 2006

DM Kent

E'lonka OO2XO
Corwin OXXXO
Juodramis X222XS

E'lonika Bralfah  d20+4=18 d20+4=17
Monday July 31st, 2006 10:12:35 AM

When E'lonika catches her breath, she acts on what she perceives to be a discomforted T'Shalla. "On the cheek, of course!" She then smiles and sits heavily on her pack. "Sorry, I only meant it as an expression. I'm not ... you know ..."

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

She enjoys Joudvarnis' cooking, but stops him as he prepares to unroll his bed. "We're quite close to Humble's Ford, Jay. And, like you, I don't much care for sleeping out in the open. Let's keep going and get some rooms at the Inn. What do you think?" She glances at Corwin with an enquiring smile. "There'll be an Inn, right?"

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Throughout the day, E'lonika keeps a sharp eye out for anything unusual.

Spot: 18
Listen: 17

Eclip and Spirit 
Monday July 31st, 2006 4:17:05 PM

Eclip having renewed his spells and Spirit carefully make their way down the mountain towards the town of Humble Ford. "Would be nice to rest in an inn. Wonder how hard it will be to find the red dwarfs clan from here?"

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 1:13:55 AM

"I guess i acted stupid, ofcorse lets go to the inn"

and Juodvarnis imageing how he will sleep in bed begans whistle marely song.

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 4:25:47 AM

Corwin looks forward eagerly to civilization and a place to rest.

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 10:34:04 AM

T'Shalla just nodds to E'lonika's comment and eat quietly with the rest as she keeps a wary look about, moving with the rest of the group.

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 4:38:07 PM

After the pleasant meel Juodvarnis packs his stuff and turns to his friends:

"Well Comrades, shall we hure to civilization"

E'lonika Bralfah 
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 10:50:09 PM

"I had the same thought, Eclip. Also, what do we do when we find them? How will we know we can trust whoever we find? And what is it exactly that we are to return to our Lady?" E'lonika frowns. "I hate to admit it, but I wish Charzak were still with us."

Tuesday August 1st, 2006 11:04:41 PM

OOC Sorry Gang I was assuming Kent was starting back up. I may have misread a communication or he got stuck.

With lighter hearts you begin your half day trek through rolling farmland. Crops are plentiful, with pipeweed being prevalent everywhere. You see several modest homes as you ride. Many of these seem to be built for people of smaller stature. While you see animals roaming thier pastures, Several of you realize you havent seen a soul. Shutters are drawn and doors barred. Where could everyone be? As you approach the the last rise before reaching the town of Humble's Ford you all begin to hear lots of noise. Perhaps a celebration....?

Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 1:47:14 AM

"looks like we came to party"

Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:00:08 AM

T'Shalla comments, "Now lets see how long it stays a party when we are noticed. We are not the most welcomed people around."

CDM Jerry 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 3:12:33 PM

Tomas, emails to your account are bouncing back sir. Check to see if your box is full or if you can't get emails that include over 100 other addressees. It could be a spamblocker problem too.

Email me when your box is open to me again.

[remove in a week or when not needed anymore]

Eclip and Spirit 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 8:43:23 PM

Eclip and Spirit walk along the road along with the others, "A party? We must be late since we haven't seen a soul. Guys, you don't think they saw us coming and gathered the militia, do you?"

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:22:02 PM

(Thank you Mark for your work this past 12 days)

As the group crests the last hill and looks down upon the village You see in front of you a fairly broad river. lucky for you there is a ford at the bottom of the hill crossing the river that leads to a wides road up to a stone wall and a gate. The gate is open and through the gate you can see lots of trees and greenery and hills. The noise is louder, some shouts and screams and some rhythmic clanking that seems to be coming from farther in the village.

Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 10:11:45 PM

Corwin moves along with others. A celebration sounds great and a good nights sleep....

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:52:26 AM

T'Shalla is still wary of others, but keeps quiet about it, and just watches about warily when heading down the hill and crossing the river to the gates.

E'lonika Bralfah  d20+4=15 d20+7=24 d20+7=24 d20+4=10 d20+4=12
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 8:28:59 AM

"That mightn't be a celebration ..." E'lonika listens intently (Listen: 15). "What if it's a battle? Shall I find out?"

If no one objects, E'lonika quickens her pace. Before she gets within view of the town, she ducks to one side and conceals herself. She then continues forward, more slowly, to investigate.

Hide: 24
Move Silently: 24
Spot: 10
Listen: 12

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 8:35:06 AM

"Elonika, don`t act funy, i already heareing songs and laugh from the party place"

Eclip and Spirit 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:39:56 AM

Eclip and Spirit continue walking with the other, "Nika, It's probably a just a celebration like Juodvarnis saids. If they were having a real battle, you would see battle damage, dead and injured, and probably bellowing smoke. On the other hand even during a celebration I would think they would leave someone on guard at the gates?" Eclip is curiously glancing around as the group moves towards the noise.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 2:56:48 PM

Corwin follows along, doubting there is a problem, but prepares his bow, just in case. This place looks much too peaceful for trouble.

DM Kent 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 9:06:27 PM

(sending map of Humble's Ford in mail)

The gate is indeed wide open and as you step up to it you can definitely tell that the sounds ahead of you and over the hill in front of you are the sounds of combat.

The road in front of you goes over a fairly steep hill. Nika seems to think the sounds are coming from the other side of the hill.

Thursday August 3rd, 2006 9:33:35 PM

Corwin curses and races for a vantage point where his bow will be of some use if possible. He moves quickly but carefully to see what lies ahead.

E'lonika Bralfah  d20+7=23 d20+7=21 d20+4=22 d20+4=15
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 9:44:31 PM

"They're singing all right - for their lives. Sounds like it's happening over there." E'lonika points in the direction of the hill.

She withdraws her crossbow, nods at Eclip and takes off at a run up the hill. When she is three-quarters of the way up, she slows (to half her movement) and hides. She then wriggles the last 10-feet on her belly and peers over the crest; having concealed herself with whatever cover is available.

Looking down at Humble's Ford, she tries to locate the skirmish and discern the quickest and safest path down for the group.

Hide: 23
Move Silently: 21
Spot: 22
Listen: 15

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

When she has the information she seeks, she carefully returns to the group and reports.

Friday August 4th, 2006 1:07:41 AM

Juodvarnis prepares himself for a fight, and waits what Elonika will inform.

Friday August 4th, 2006 7:03:43 AM

T'Shalla stays quiet and just grips her staff tighter, and watches even more alertly for trouble.

Eclip and Spirit  d20+6=22 d20+6=16
Friday August 4th, 2006 11:01:34 PM

Eclip charges with Nika and Corwin to the top of the hill. Spirit sprints after Eclip.

Eclip glances around and listens to the noise feeling as he charges feeling that they are still missing something.

(Spot+6=22, Listen+6=16)

DM Kent 
Sunday August 6th, 2006 3:31:06 PM

(Hmm, my Friday post has disapeared. Did anyone recieve the map? I got a very strange error message, but it is in my sent folder.)

Nika and the others quickly makes their way up the hill and slow down once at the top to see what can be seen.

About 400 feet or so ahead the road opens up into what looks like an open market. It is there that the conflict is occurring. It is kind of har to tell what is going on, but it looks like there is a large group of humanoids attacking three other humanoids. Two of the three are wearing red cloaks and are around 3 feet tall. The third is a it taller and dark of skin. As you watch one of the red cloaks falls and the two step over him to help defend their fallen comrade. In the background it appears that there are a number of women and children huddled around.

Corwin  d20+6=16 d8=2
Sunday August 6th, 2006 10:17:50 PM

Corwin takes in the scene and realizes who is indeed attacking who. He fires quickly, not wanting to see another victim fall. He just hopes there are in time.
(OOC hit AC 16 Damage 2 sigh)

Monday August 7th, 2006 1:11:49 AM

" Guy who are thous in red cloaks?"

Juodvarnis stand and wache ufair fight, prepae to join one or other side

E'lonika Bralfah 
Monday August 7th, 2006 10:59:44 AM

"Corwin, I don't know what's happening. Who are we firing at?" E'lonika frowns in confusion.

Isilme Bralfah (AC:17 - 2 = 15; HP: 12)  d20+9=23 2d6(6+3)+6=15 d20+7=17 2d6(6+2)+6=14
Monday August 7th, 2006 1:21:46 PM

The taller, dark-skinned defender briefly glances around when he sees an arrow fly, but keeps his attention fixed on the attackers.

Suddenly, he bellows a war cry and charges into the mass of enemies. "For Domi, and House Bralfah!" he screams, as he swings a massive greatsword through the air.

[hit AC23 (inc. +2 for charge, if unable to charge, only AC21); damage 15; -2 penalty to AC for round]

If his enemy is hit and killed, he immediately follows through with his swordstroke and attempts to slice into another enemy [cleave, if there is one close enough - I don't have a map]. [hit AC17; damage 14]

[OOC: hi all, glad to be here. Kent, I was unclear if I was actually supposed to be in combat as of your email. If I am not yet in combat, Isilme just yells his warcry and waves his sword around in preparation for the fight. If I am in combat, Isilme attempts to attack as above]

Eclip and Spirit 
Monday August 7th, 2006 2:56:04 PM

Not entirely sure which group is foe and friend, Eclip charges down the hill with Spirit at his heels. As he charges toward the fray Eclip will watch the actions of the two groups which seems to be threatening or defending the women and children. In any case Eclip and Spirit will stop just out side combat range by about 30' before taking action.

OOC: I didn't receive any email with a map, but would prefer you just post a link to the map rather than sending it via email. They can take a while to download over a modem.

DM kent  d10=5
Monday August 7th, 2006 9:08:35 PM

(OOC: the map that I sent was of the entire town. I will try and send that again and I will try to have a combat map sent to Adam so he might post it???)

Nika, Joudvarnis, and T'Shalla are a bit confused about what is going on below as Corwin fires his arrow and watches as his arrow hits one of the scruffy larger group members and then sees the dark skinned fighter light into the same opponent sending its head tumbling to the ground. The fighter's sword then immediately strikes another foe.

Eclip and Spirit charge by the others heading into the edge of the fracus.

All make hear noise rolls - DC12Highlight to display spoiler: { you are sure you just heard the house Bralfah war cry screamed by the dark attacker. }

Juodvarnis AC 17-2=15; HP 8/8  d20+9=15 d20+7=25
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 1:16:15 AM

Juodvarnis heard the fimiliar name of his house "Guys there are our comrades, form House Bralfah, we must help them"
Juodvarnis tries to see in charge who was crying the warcry, and to see is they are with the same simbol of house of Bralfah.

(Juodvarnis charges)

Listen 15
Spot 25

Posting Report For 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 8:04:20 AM

Game #6 Ust Delah
Weekof july 31,2006

DM Kent....O..X..X..X..O

Adm Ceil - your Adm did not make his report, So to keep all of you on his good'ol'Boys List I made it.

T'Shalla (AC: 13 / HP: 9) 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 11:46:43 AM

T'Shalla charges the larger group, thinking as she charges, 'Air slasher on her way!'

Eclip (AC: 22 Hp:10) and Spirit (AC:16 Hp:13)  d20+6=21
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 2:31:05 PM


Still not aware of why the two groups are fighting, Eclip readies his shield and shortsword, addressing the larger group "Stop your attacks on these people, or by the House of Bralfah you will be stopped!" Eclip using a full defensive tactic will close to melee range in support of the red cloaks, giving the larger group the option to quit or press the battle.

(Full Defensive +4ac)

Spirit growling, follows at Eclip's side read to defend him.

Isilme Bralfah (AC:17 - 2 = 15; HP: 12)  d20=14
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 4:41:05 PM

After lopping off the head of one of his assailants and cutting into another, the taller, darker defender continnues to brandish his greatsword menacingly while attempting to get a better read on his surroundings. He is still unsure from where the previous arrow came, because he has accounted for the attackers around him.

Worried about a potential flanking attack from a second group of raiders, he begins to scan the area, while keeping an eye on the closest of his enemies.

[spot = 14]

Corwin  d20+6=18 d8=5
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 7:23:01 PM

Corwin ignores the stranger with Bralfah's battlecry upon his lips and instead concentrates on the leading raider rushing in.

(Hits AC 18, Damage 5HP)

OOC: Adam S. 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 9:48:00 PM

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


0. Town: Humble's Ford (.gif image, 119 KB)

1. Combat: Round 1 (.gif image, 15 KB)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 7)  d20+4=18 d20+7=20 d20+7=19 d20+5=24 d20+5=19 d8+1=6 d8+1=8 d6=4 d20+4=15 d20+4=11
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:27:57 PM

E'lonika is surprised to hear her House battle-cry sound out across the marketplace (Listen: 18). At the same time, she watches Corwin skewer one of the larger combatants with an arrow just before they are beheaded, ... by a drow.

"Right then. Shiny." E'lonika grins wryly. "Why didn't I think of that?" Carefully, she picks her way towards the well (J13) and conceals herself (Hide: 20 | Move Silently: 19). When an opening presents itself, she aims her crossbow at the largest opponent nearest the drow defender. Squeezing on the hair trigger, she watches her bolt fly true (AC: 24 | Crit: 19 | Dam: 6 | Crit-Dam: 8 | Sneak Attack: 4).

Total damage: 18 points.

Rising from her temporary hiding place, she reloads.

'Here I go harmin' those who've not harmed me or mine again ...' She thinks.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Spot: 15
Listen: 11

Quiver (primary): { ^^^^^^^^^ - }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Juodvarnis AC 17-2=15; HP 8/8  d20+7=23 d6+3=5
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:21:32 AM

Juodvarnis ataks with elbow foe (s2)

Hit AC 23

Wednesday August 9th, 2006 6:54:13 AM

T'Shalla continues charging the larger group

DM Kent  d20=17 d20+4=22 d20+6=14 d20+3=23 d20+3=9 d20+5=23 d6-1=4 d6-1=2 d20+3=15 d20+3=4 d20+3=15 d20+5=13 d20+3=9
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 7:05:55 AM

Nika makes a move toward the well but finds there is nowhere close by to conceal herself, so she stops to take a snap shot at one of the uglies hitting S2 and eliciting a scream from the beast.

Corwin sends another arrow flying at G1 and is rewarded by another hit.

T'Shalla charges the group get right up to them and then questioning her abilities stops weapon at the ready.

Eclip and Spirit move to close range in dense of the red cloaks and the drow and prepare fr an onslought.

Isilme finds another foe coming at him from behind him and attacks the one he just wounded and dropping it.

Joudvarnis charges toward the fracus and makes it to the edge of things having used two fullmove actions to do so and cannot get off an attack.


One of the Grimlocks G1 turns as the bolt hits his comrad and spots Nika (DC 22) and rus at her swinging a rather nasty looking sword but just misses the young drow lass.

S7 and S6 seeing the downfalls of their friends both focus their attention on Isilme both connecting, AC23/AC9 and AC 23, one almost critically for 6 points of damage.

S2 turns at the arrival of Joudvarnis and attacks but misses with its rusty notched sword.

G2 also turns as Eclip and Spirit arrive and moves to attacj the drow but in his haste and Eclips Defensive work tangles up his feet and misses badly.

G3 and S3 are both engaged with the halfling in the red cloak and sem to have their hands full as both miss their intended target.

S4 sees the charges of the reinforcements and moves back around to help counter it and comes up next to T'Shalla. In its haste to catch the drow monk unawares it swings a spiked club through the air striking nothing.

Isilme Bralfah (AC: 17; HP: 7/13)  d20+7=25 2d6(4+3)+6=13 d20+7=12 2d6(1+2)+6=9
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 8:35:04 AM

[OOC: Did you mean S5 and S6? I didn't see an S7 on the map]

The unknown drow staggers a moment from his injury, but quickly recoils and swings his sword at a downward angle, attempting to slice S5/S7 [whichever is the correct designation] in half down its middle. He hits AC25 for 13 points of damage.

If S5/S7 is killed, the drow then spins around, continuing his attack with another swing at the midsection of S6, hitting AC12 for 9 points of damage.

Eclip (AC: 18 Hp:10) and Spirit (AC:16 Hp:13)  d20+3=5 d20+1=19 d6+1=5
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 2:27:46 PM

When the creature facing Eclip fails to head the warring and attempts to attack Eclip, Spirit springs forward attempting to attack the creature (G2) (Attack+3=5), but fails to connect.

Eclip shakes he head as he swings his sword at the creature (G2) (Attack+1=19 damd6+1=5). His shortsword hits the creature biting deeply.

Corwin  d20+6=17 d8=1
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 6:47:27 PM

Corwin again fires at his same opponent(G1)trying to stop him from hitting Nika.
(Hits AC 17 for 1 hp Damage sigh)

Juodvarnis AC 17-2=15; HP 8/8  d20+7=27
Thursday August 10th, 2006 1:28:01 AM

Juodvarnis tries to disarm his atacer with qaterstaf (two handed weapon)

disarmed DC 27

OOC: Adam S. 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 1:29:48 AM

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


0. Town: Humble's Ford (.gif image, 119 KB)

1. Combat: Round 1 (.gif image, 15 KB)

2. Combat: Round 2 (.gif image, 16 KB)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 7)  d20+5=12 d8+1=3 d20+4=18 d20+4=8
Thursday August 10th, 2006 1:42:57 AM

E'lonika gasps in surprise as she notices one of the beasts peel away from the melee, straight towards her. Thinking quickly, she jams a quarrel into her crossbow - leaving herself only just enough time to dodge the grimlock's ugly sword. Collecting herself, she takes a quick (five-foot) step sideways (to K12) and fires at chest-height (AC: 12 | Dam: 3).

Total damage: 3 points.

She curses. Loudly.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Spot: 18
Listen: 8

Quiver (primary): { ^^^^^^^^ -- }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

T'Shalla (AC: 13 / HP: 9)  d20=9
Thursday August 10th, 2006 7:34:04 AM

T'Shalla swings with her staff at S4, and misses, watching it grimly.

DM Kent  d20+3=17 d6-1=2 d20+6=7 d20+7=16 d20+6=16 d8+3=4 d20+3=7 d20+3=17 d20+6=23 d6-1=4 d8+3=5 d20+5=16 d20+5=16 d6+3=4 d6+3=9
Thursday August 10th, 2006 8:05:56 AM

Isilme continues his barrage and drops another Svirfneblin (s7) but the return swing at his other opponent misses. Just as Isilme's swing goes wide His opponent sees an opening and lunges forward with his sword and connects again AC 17 for 2 points Just as he finishes he sees an unarmed drow rushing to an area behind him.

After Both Spirit's and Eclips attack attmpts the Grimlock (G2) distracted by Spirits lively attack antics continues to try and attack Eclip, but again fails miserably. AC 7

Corwin sends an arrow streaking toward G1 and watches as it seems to just nick its arm.

Joudvarnis sends his opponent's sword into the grass and then sees his foe become a drow dressed in House bralfah colors, right before his eyes. The new drow moves backwards rapidly about ten feet.

Nika side steps, fires and hears the twacksplat of the bolt hitting home and then starts the dance to avoid an enemy's sword as her opponent steps forward 5 ft and swings angrily. Obviously she hasn't had enough practice at that particular dance as the sword slices into her arm AC 16, 4 points

T'Shalla is becoming fed up with herself as once again she is beating up the air, pummeling it badly, luckily for her, her opponent also seems to have caught her strange disease.

The remaining halfling lashes out at one of his opponents and strikes it twice, but in return is himself struck once by each of his two opponents.

OOC: Adam S. 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 8:44:53 AM

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


0. Town: Humble's Ford (.gif image, 119 KB)

1. Combat: Round 1 (.gif image, 15 KB)

2. Combat: Round 2 (.gif image, 16 KB)

3. Combat: Round 3 (.gif image, 16 KB)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 3/7)  d20+5=25 d20-1=17 d6-1=4 d6=4 d20+4=12 d20+4=23
Thursday August 10th, 2006 9:06:37 AM

"ARGH!" E'lonika screams as the grimlock's blade slices deep into her arm. The pain causes her to drop her crossbow. With gritted teeth, she draws her rapier and fixes her opponent with a steely glare.

"Okay, ... let's dance!" Adjusting her footing slightly, she flicks her wrist and feints to the right (Feint: 25 - woohoo!). In a blur of movement, she then suddenly lunges forward (AC: 17 | Dam: 4 | Sneak Attack: 4).

Total damage: 8 points.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Spot: 12
Listen: 23

Crossbow dropped on square: K12.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

E'lonika Bralfah (addendum)  d20-1=14 d6-1=0
Thursday August 10th, 2006 9:15:21 AM

{ OOC: I just noticed I rolled a natural 18 for E'lonika's attack roll. That's a possible critical hit with her rapier (Crit: 14 | Crit-Dam: 1). Hah! I rolled d6-1=0 for the critical damage (I take it that's still a 1?). It all adds up, I guess? ;-) }

(Revised) total damage: 9 points.

Isilme Bralfah (AC:17; HP: 5/13)  d20+7=23 2d6(4+4)+6=14 d20+7=25 2d6(6+6)+6=18
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:40:43 AM

Growling at the svirfneblin (S6) that cut into his forearm, the unknown drow looks at the wound for a moment, then back at his opponent. A look of pure hatred comes over his face, and he swings his sword across the svirfneblin's chest (hit AC23 at target S6), slicing into it for 14 points of damage.

His growl turning into a barking laugh, he then spins on his heel and follows through (cleave) with a massive blow to the grimlock on his right (G2). In his fury he narrowly misses a dog that has suddenly appeared in front of him.

As he finishes his attack on the grimlock, he looks from the dog to its owner and says, "The gnome behind me is in dire need of aid. Help him, please, and I will finish with this lot." He nods at the fallen gnome defender (H2).

Eclip (AC: 18 Hp:10) and Spirit (AC:16 Hp:13)  d8+1=6
Thursday August 10th, 2006 12:20:31 PM

At the drow's request to help his fallen gnome comrade, Eclip nods agreement as he maneuvers around and past Isilme and the foes he dropped to the side of the fallen gnome. Not sure how grave the gnome's condition is, Eclip proceeds to cast a cure light spell upon the gnome (heal d8+1=6)

Spirit follows at Eclip's side guarding him.

Corwin  d20+6=26 d20=17 d8=4
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:04:27 PM

Corwin curses and fires once again at his slippery opponent.

(OOC Natural 20, rerolled 17, normal damage 4hp)

T'Shalla  d20=7
Friday August 11th, 2006 6:32:24 AM

T'Shalla again swings here staff, and again just hitting air, getting more frustrated.

DM Kent  d20+6=10 d20+6=13 d20+3=21 d20+6=22 d20+3=18 d20+3=16 d6-1=1 d4-1=1
Friday August 11th, 2006 8:15:09 AM

Nika proves that she can be just as devestating with her sword as with her bow and between her and Corwin's arrow the Grimlock falls to the ground.

Ilsime continues his blood bath and drops another foe to the ground. But between a new drow running by and a dog getting in his way his follow-up attack goes wide.

T'Shalla continues her unusually quite form of combat.

Eclip hears the request to help the fallen HALFLING and goes to his aid. Kneeling down a quick assessment shows that the lad is alive, if just barely. One spell later the young halfling is opening his eyes and looking up at an unknown face.

Joudvarnis looks to find an opening and the right opportunity to strike an opponent.


(G2 takes a swing at Eclip as he moves by but misses being distracted by Isilme's swinging sword (AoO), but recovers enough to make an attempt on his attacker but misses that one as well.

The two oppnents on the standing halfling again both attack and connect with solid strikes sending the halfling to his knees.

As Eclip kneels down and casts his spell the mystery drow pulls a dagger from his belt and strikes out with it connecting with druid's back (AC 18) but as he does Spirit lunges at him causing him to pull back slightly and the blade only manages to nick Eclip (1 point)

T'Shalla's opponent breaks out of its funk and strikes the monk with its club (AC 16 - 1 point)

Isilme Bralfah (AC:17; HP: 5/13)  d20+7=27 d20+7=27 4d6(6+4+2+1)+12=25 d20+7=20 2d6(2+6)+6=14
Friday August 11th, 2006 9:38:35 AM

"TRAITOR!" Isilme bellows at the newly appeared drow. "You attack your own so basely?!"

A look of pure hatred comes over Isilme's face, and he takes a 5 foot step into G6 and stabs at the drow with his greatsword(hit AC 27, possible crit, confirmed with hit to AC 27, damage = 25). After driving the blade into drow, Isilme attempts to rip the blade upwards, slashing through the midsection of the drow. As the sword connects with flesh, Isilme snarls and spits into the drow's face.

Total damage to drow: 25

If Isilme is close enough to the Svirfneblin (S3), he spins on his heel and attempts to cleave into the enemy. He hits AC20 for 14 points of damage.

OOC: Adam S. 
Friday August 11th, 2006 10:09:42 AM

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


0. Town: Humble's Ford (.gif image, 119 KB)

1. Combat: Round 1 (.gif image, 15 KB)

2. Combat: Round 2 (.gif image, 16 KB)

3. Combat: Round 3 (.gif image, 16 KB)

4. Combat: Round 4 (.gif image, 16 KB)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 3/7)  d20+4=21
Friday August 11th, 2006 10:24:45 AM

Clutching her arm through her blood-soaked sleeve, E'lonika eyes the skirmish (Spot: 21). 'Seems there's still work to be done.' She thinks grimly. Wiping her blade clean, she sheaths it before scooping up her crossbow. After she loads a bolt with an awkward flick of the lever, she glances back at Corwin. "Thanks." She calls out.

Turning her attention back to the action, she picks her next target.

{ OOC: Todd: I feel your pain! ;-) My fingers are crossed for T'Shalla's next attack roll. }

Eclip (AC: 18 Hp:9/10) and Spirit (AC:16 Hp:13)  d20+1=21 d20+1=9 d6+1=7 d20+3=7
Friday August 11th, 2006 12:20:01 PM

Seeing the Halfing recovering, Eclip gives his a quick reassuring smile not having time to chat properly. Suddenly Spirit begins to bark and lung at the mysterious drow just as Eclip feels a stinging jab to his back. Eclip recovers his sword as he whips around to face his attacker only to find Isilme already savaging the backstabbing drow.

Seeing the other Halfling faltering, Eclip turns to engage its opponents taking a swipe at one(s3) hitting it squarly with a solid blow (Attack+1=21 crit roll=9 normal dam=7).

Spirit barking furiously tryies to bite the same creature (s3) (Attack+3=7) but just can't get close enough due to the tight quarters.

Juodvarnis AC 17-2=15; HP 8/8  d20+2=20 d20+2=22 d6=1 2d6(4+4)+6=14 d20+7=8
Friday August 11th, 2006 6:30:30 PM

Juodvarnis moves S6 or G2 (depends wich is look more dangerous) strikes him with flury of blows, doing subdual damage with intention not to kill him in this fight

first atack hit ac 20
second atack hit ac 22 (crit)
dmg firs atack 1+3=4
dmg second atack 14
total 18 subdual damage foe is still alive
Sense motive 8

T'Shalla (AC: 13 / HP: 8  d20=13 d6=1
Saturday August 12th, 2006 6:43:21 AM

T'Shalla swings again, and perhaps manages to clip S4 with her staff, or again perhaps just irritates the air again, even if she manages to
to do some damage, she is still silent.
attk: 13
dam: 1

DM kent  d20+2=18 d20+4=12 d20+4=11 d20+6=17 d8+3=4 d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d20+3=19 d6-1=2 d20+3=13
Monday August 14th, 2006 9:20:27 PM

Isilme nearly cuts the mystery drow in half sending blood and gore all over Eclip, Spirit and the recovering halfling. As the body parts hit the ground they revert back to what appears to be a svifneblin. Isilme finds he is too far away from any other opponent to take advantage of his cleave, and prepares for his next attack and where it is going to come.

Nika sheathes her sword, scoops up her crossbow and loads it, readying to try to take down another target.

Eclip reocvers quickly from being stabbed and lunges out trying to attack the nearest Svifneblin and manages to strike it a solid blow.

Joudvarnis decides to attack G2 as S6 is lying peacfully dead on the ground and does so in fine fashion connecting with two solid blows in a quick flurry. (don't forgrt to roll a crit confirmation to make sure you actually have a crit. I did it for you and it isindeed a crit.)

T'shalla once again tries to hit her opponent and while she gets closer she still misses.

Corwin acknowledges Nika's thanks and prepares for his next attack.

The halfling attacks the Grimlock in front of him stabbing weakly up at him and misses twice.

G2 takes a swing at Joudvarnis connecting solidly AC 17 for 4 points damage

G3 attacks the halfling again dropping the halfling in his tracks (crit)

S3 seeing the halfling fall concentrates on his new opponent and deals Eclip a slashing blow AC 19 for 2 points

S4 moves out of the way of T'Shalla's staff and swings his club at her missing yet again.

Isilme Bralfah (AC 17; HP 5/13)  d20+7=22 2d6(6+3)+6=15
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 12:12:24 AM

The drow warrior finishes his attack on what he thought was a traitorous drow, only to see the enemy somehow turn into a svirfneblin again. "No matter," he says as he steps toward the remaining svirfneblin (moving into F6), "your friends will soon join you."

He moves toward his next target (S3) with a look of determination in his eyes, although his body is clearly becoming somewhat fatigued from the fighting. His movement is a fraction slower, and it takes a moment to lift his sword high to attempt another blow. He swings, somewhat wildly, at the svirfneblin (hitting AC 22; if it hits, it does 15 points of damage).

OOC: Adam S. 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 7:23:04 AM

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


0. Town: Humble's Ford (.gif image, 119 KB)

1. Combat: Round 1 (.gif image, 15 KB)

2. Combat: Round 2 (.gif image, 16 KB)

3. Combat: Round 3 (.gif image, 16 KB)

4. Combat: Round 4 (.gif image, 16 KB)

5. Combat: Round 5 (.gif image, 16 KB)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Posting Report For 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 7:27:04 AM

Game #6 Ust Delmar
Week of Aug 7,2006

Name. . . ..MTWTF
DM Kent. . .XOXXX
Corwin. . ..OXXXO
Eclip. . . .2XXXX
E'lonika. ..XXO3X
Isilme. . ..XX2XX
T'Shalla. ..OXXXXS

Adm Ceil, No repot on Monday, So I did it on Tuesday.

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 3/7)  d20+5=19 d8+1=9 d20+4=19 d20+4=5
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 7:35:51 AM

E'lonika settles her sights on T'Shalla's opponent and takes careful aim. She fires as soon as an opening presents itself (AC: 19 | Dam: 9).

Total damage: 9 points.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Spot: 19
Listen: 5

Eclip (AC: 18 Hp:7/10) and Spirit (AC:16 Hp:13)  d20+7=14 d20+3=15 d6+3=8
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:32:03 AM

Seeing the second hobbit from a critical hit, Eclip using his healing skill tries to save the hobbit's life if any remains in him. (Heal+7=14) Unfortunately, despite Eclip's help the hobbit continues to bleed.

Spirit bites at the svirfneblin (S3) that hit Eclip. (att+3=15 dam d6+3=8).

T'Shalla (AC: 13 / HP: 8)  d20=16 d6=5
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 3:15:06 PM

T'Shalla again swings at S4, irritated at her missing, needing to land a solid smack against it.
Attk: 16
Dam: 5

DM kent  d20+6=16 d20+4=17
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:25:53 PM

(OCC yes, I was just hoping that more than 4 PCs were going to post during combat yeaterday.)

Round 6

Isilme continues his barrage against the foes and S3 drops to the ground in his wake.

Nika sends an arrow arcing at T'Shalla's opponent and is rewarded by seeing it strike home.

Eclip tries to aid the second fallen halfling but has less success this time, though he can see very shallow breathing and foamy red stuff oozing from a chest wound.

Spirit leaps at the svifneblin but misses as the beast gets knocked away by Isilme's attack.

T'Shalla sees an arrow and some blood suddenly sprout from her opponent's side and The sight of the blood does something to her as her staff takes on new life and smacks her opponent on the side of the head and drops it in its tracks.

Corwin lets fly with an arrow which just nicks G3.

Joudvarnis reaches out to touch G2 with his fist and connects dropping G3 unconcious to the ground.

The last Grimlock realizes it is all alone and turns tail and beats a hasty retreat.

T'Shalla gets an attack of opportuniy as it flees as does Eclip.

Corwin and Nika may attack with their bows one more time as well, before it is over the hill and out the gate.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

6. Combat: Round 6 (.gif image, 16 KB)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 3/7)  d20+5=11 d8+1=5 d20+4=13 d20+4=17
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:27:09 PM

{ OOC: Everything okay, Kent? }

E'lonika fires again, but misses (AC: 11 | Dam: 5).

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Spot: 13
Listen: 17

Corwin: AC: 17, HP: 8  d20+6=12
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 4:30:14 PM

Corwin fires an arrow at the fleeing beast but misses badly.

Isilme Bralfah 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 5:03:01 PM

Upon seeing the last of the enemy flee, the drow newcomer immediately goes by the side of the fallen halfling.

Looking around at the other drow, he says, "I know none of you yet know me, and have no reason to trust me, but thank you for aiding us.

"If any of you are able, I would be in your debt if you would help this halfling. They treated me kindly despite the prejudices that seem to follow our people, and I would not see such a brave man die for no good reason, especially while the women and children look on." He nods in the direction of the townsfolk.

Eclip (AC: 18 Hp:7/10) and Spirit (AC:16 Hp:13)  d20+7=20 d20+3=21 d6+3=7
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 5:22:34 PM

Eclip tries again to stop the hobbit from bleeding (Heal+7=20). This time he is able to get the bleeding under control so that with good care the hobbit will recover to fight another day.

Spirit takes a swipe at the fleeing Grimlock (attack+3= 21 dam d6+3=7) connecting with a painful bite.

Eclip will sit back and glance around for any more threats, then look back at the drow Isilme, "So friend, my name is Eclip of the house of Bralfah. Is this all the attackers?"

Isilme Bralfah (second post) 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 8:32:39 PM

"It appears to be all of them, yes. When I saw arrows begin to fly, I thought there were more, but it turned out to be you and your friends, the very people I was sent here to meet."

The drow then rips a piece of fabric from the clothing of one of the dead svirfneblins and fastidiously cleans his greatsword before resheathing it on his back. He removes his helmet to reveal a dark blue face and a pair of silver eyes. His long hair is tied back in a pony tail, and is also a bright silver. He stands a bit over five and a half feet tall, and is larger and far more muscular than the average drow. His greatsword clanks against a suit of black chain mail as he moves.

He offers his hand to Eclip. "My name is Isilme, and I am a warrior of the house of Bralfah. I have been sent by a mutual friend to aid you in your . . . travels," he says with a brief glance at the halflings. "Although I would prefer to wait for a more opportune moment to discuss this in greater detail."

T'Shalla  d20=3
Thursday August 17th, 2006 6:51:28 AM

T'Shalla is shocked that she actually hit, then swings at the fleeing one, and again goes back to irritating the air, and mutters, "Well at least I actually managed to do something this time."

DM kent 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 10:46:28 PM

The last Grimlock flees through the gate as Eclip stablizes the fallen halfling.

Nika and Corwin make their way to the rest of the group as Isilme introduces himself.

Joudvarnis' opponent is still unconcious on the ground and the other halfling is nhis feet but wobbly.

The surrounding crowd moves in around you and from behind them you hear the sounds of several sets of feet pounding and some armor jingling from somethings that are approaching.

E'lonika Bralfah (AC: 16 | HP: 3/7) 
Thursday August 17th, 2006 11:49:57 PM

"I suppose that's the guard." E'lonika mumbles to herself as she walks over to the group. Clutching her wounded arm, she notes the condition of the halflings. Then, turning to face Isilme, she introduces herself. "I'm E'lonika. Most people just call me Nika."

Glancing back in the direction of the clanking, she adds: "Well, now that we're all friends, let's make ourselves scarce."

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Quiver (primary): { ^^^^^^ ---- }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

T'Shalla (AC: 13 / HP: 8) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 7:00:31 AM

T'Shalla watches around with the rest of the group and turns her attention towards the sound of pounding feet and jingling armor, and muse, "That is probably a good idea, despite all that might have witnessed our helping out, we are still outcasts in most places."

Isilme Bralfah 
Friday August 18th, 2006 8:50:29 AM

Isilme inclines his head in Nika's direction, appearing somewhat uncomfortable at the sudden attention on him. Looking in the direction of the noises, he says, "When I arrived here, a short time before the attack, these people treated me kindly enough. Now that we've saved their lives, I wouldn't expect them to do any less," says Isilme. "I am fresh from the House halls, and can move on at any time, but you all seem to have been traveling for quite awhile. Are you sure you don't want to find the local inn and relax for awhile?"

Isilme then eyes the group with a puzzled expression on his face. "The General told me some of your number couldn't handle the trip. But where is the dwarf? I was told you set out with a guide to our destination."

E'lonika Bralfah (second-post) 
Friday August 18th, 2006 3:22:31 PM

"He ... erm ... disappeared - it's a long story. Maybe relaxing at the local inn isn't such a bad idea after all?" E'lonika shrugs, hoping someone else will make the decision for her.

Eclip and Spirit 
Friday August 18th, 2006 5:01:00 PM

Eclip wipes his sword clean and sheaths it, "Well met Isilme. You obviously took a quicker rout to get here before us. Maybe we can use it on the way back. Nika, several of us are wounded and could use a day or two of rest before heading on. If what Isilme said is true then they should treat us fairly."

Eclip checks the condition of the unconscious opponent (is he bleeding?), "What should we do with this one."

Spirit sits-down panting after all the excitement.

Isilme Bralfah 
Friday August 18th, 2006 9:15:37 PM

(OOC: I know I'm posting multiple times, but I noticed in the archives whenever someone new joined they did so to speed up the introductions and such. Hope it's okay)

Isilme glances quizzically at Nika. "I'd like to hear that story when there is time, madam. But for now, you look tired."

At Eclip's comment, Isilme grows slightly pale. "The General had me teleported directly here by means beyond my comprehension. I'll not suffer through that process again willingly. As for the halfling, please go on ahead to the inn. I'll wait with him until his brethren come."

Posting Report for ... 
Saturday August 19th, 2006 10:30:33 PM

Game #6, Ust Delmah
Week of Aug 14, 2006

m t w t f ... name
x o x x o ... DM Kent
o o x o o ... Corwin
o x x o x ... Eclip
o x x x x ... E'lonika
x o 2 o 2 ... Isilme
o o o o o ... Joudvarnis
o x x o x ... T'Shalla

Overall: 54.3%

Is everything okay Tomas (Joudvarnis) and Mark (Corwin)?

Mark's computer is fried (I was notified)
Have not heard from Tomas (email sent)

DM kent 
Monday August 21st, 2006 7:26:41 AM

As the crowd moves in around you all Eclip checks on the unconcious grimlock and finds him sleeping soundly. Other than a bunch of darkening bruises, several on the head, it appears to have no bleeding injuries.

T'Shalla feels a bit nervous, as the running sounds now approach from another side as well and the crowd suddenly begins to part and rapidly step back.

Just seconds later the crowd is hushed and the party is faced with six more red cloaked halflings, all armed and wounded in some way, and a rather rotund fellow in a grey cassock, who immediately goes to the fallen halfling, not even bothering to glance at any of you. As the cleric (?) kneels down next to the halfling, one of the newcomers steps forward and speaks in faltering underwoldian.

"What is the meaning of you being here?"

Almost as he starts, the halfling Eclip already saved steps forward.

"They helped fight off the attack Borbo." They actually saved us and the town."

E'lonika Bralfah 
Monday August 21st, 2006 11:46:41 AM

Doing her best to ignore the stares of the town-folk, E'lonika slings her crossbow, wipes her brow and adjusts the long white braids of her mo-hawk with her free hand. When she finds herself out of 'fidget-options', she glances over at Corwin and wonders if he is similarly bothered about waiting for the town authorities.

When the red-cloaked halflings arrive, she acknowledges each of them with a polite nod. However, when one of them instead demands their reasons for being there, she is taken aback. Even the injured halfling's kind and explanatory words can't stop the adrenaline-fuelled fire that ignites in her belly.

In perfect Woldian (Common), she addresses the red-cloaked speaker. "Borbo, is it? Hi. I'd introduce myself, but you seem far more interested in why I'm standing out here bleeding my life away." She indicates her bloody shirt-sleeve. "In deed, I'm now wondering the very same thing myself ..." With an eyebrow raised, she pauses just long enough for his mouth to open. "Tell me, do you treat all of the travellers who pass through Humble's Ford like this, or just the ones who take a beating for you?" She glances at Eclip who is all but soaked in svirfneblin blood. Suddenly, she growls and throws her uninjured arm up in the air. "I swear, ... if we had lighter skin ... !" She trails off, wondering why she's even talking at all.

Feeling the weight of their mission all at once, she sobs and drops to a knee - wincing as the movement aggravates her wound.

A tear runs down her cheek and she looks imploringly at her companions. "All I want is a beer, a hot meal and a dry bed." She pauses. "And, I want to be treated normally, or at least indifferently ... is that so crazy?" She asks quietly.

Isilme Bralfah 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:24:00 PM

Isilme watches E'lonika for a moment after she finishes haranguing Borbo, then places himself between the halflings and the other Drow, directly in front of Borbo.

Looking down at the fat halfling, Isilme says, "We are travelers. Your two constables, whose lives we just saved, can relate the rest of the story to you."

Isilme reaches down to help E'lonika to her feet. "We are going to the inn. If you like, we will be happy to talk again in the morning before we depart."

Isilme turns his back to the halflings and begins walking in the direction he believes the inn to be, motioning for the other drow to join him.

Eclip and Spirit 
Monday August 21st, 2006 3:34:54 PM

Eclip doesn't know where to be embarrassed by or to applauded Nika's performance. After Isilme starts off in the direction of the inn, Eclip will addrees Borbo "You may want to practice your hospitality on that creature first." Eclip points out the unconscious grimlock.

Eclip and Spirit turn to follow the others to the Inn.

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