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Going on a snake hunt......

Dm Jim: Plans 
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:25:21 PM

OOC: A 250 experience point bonus for Mykael for his suggestion yesterday on a fantastic way to use the ballista and the young wizards.


Val is bored. The barbarian is craving action, and being cooped up is not her kind of fun.

Rigging calls his war council and David and E, the woman that first spoke against the snake men, attend.

Firstly, Rigging doles out his indentured servants, as the stains of being Captain are enough without having to chase after these undisciplined youths.

Cosmo accepts Juno, Mykael Gordon, and Appolo Eli. The three youths seem to enjoy the attention and Eli comments "Now we are getting somewhere. Hey Appolo got any magic I can borrow." He finishes with a big smile. "Time to get some snake skins."

Rigging sketches out some plans for attack and asks for input from the Wildcards.

E speaks up in a soft voice "I do not want my friends killed by the snakes or you." Her eyes fall upon Appolo. "I will lend my voice to your cause, depending on how you react." Her eyes smoulder as she looks at Appolo.

Mykael suggests that he stay with the Sword, but the Captain overrules his suggestion.

Ashira and John suggest the use of their hide from animal's spells and their plentiful ranger skills.

Cosmo prepares himself to cast his information and diversion spells.

Nezamil casts endure elements on himself and three Wildcards and it has an amazing effect on each. The heat and humidity no longer cause any ill effects. There is no dread as the sun starts to rise high in the clear sky.

Nezamil casts another defensive spell to help the Sword and suggests that the followers be used in the initial assault. The bash brothers are very very pleased with the prospect of payback, even if it is limited. Kirk elbows his older brother in the ribs "I bet I get more of the snakes than you, what you want to bet. You in Nezamil? I want odds from you."

Upon hearing the talk of gambling a few of the crew put their heads together. Conner speaks up. "I want to work on an odds board and we can make some proper bets. Captain what percentage does the house, err...ship, get in this case? " The mood of the ship is improving as people watch the officers get ready for action and talk of fighting back.

Appolo down plays the recent discussions and offers some of his own.

Bart suggests more positional defenses for the Sword.


Cosmo casts his prying eyes spells and he waits for the eyes to return. Nine of the eyes return and each find two similar sized groups that Cosmo described.

First Group:
(2)Half Bloods
(5)Full Bloods

Second Group:
(3)Half Bloods
(4) Full Bloods

Each group is positioned on opposite sides of the trail to the village about 150 yards down the trail. Each group is about 30 yards into the jungle and they are offset from one another by about 30 yards. The Yuan Ti are armed with bows and scimitars and light armor.

The eyes did spot several groups of 1 - 3 full bloods closer to the edge of the jungle, and they seem to be keeping watch. A few of the eyes were spotted by Yuan Ti and shot at.


Cosmo unleashes his fire elementals and the merrily go to burning the jungle. After the minute of their fun there is much smoke, but it will not last long.

It is about 10:30 am.

Hal looks to Nezamil as his grip tightens on his sword "Payback begins?"

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 5:17:14 PM

Mykael makes his way to Tomas, "Whether or not our action on the groups in the jungle is successful, the sword will still be pressed. The Captain's plan should work well, and the pressure should be minimal. Try to keep only one work crew in or near the jungle at a time, so they are easier to defend."

Mykael quiets his voice even more, "One thing, the more successful we are in the jungle, the more desperate thier attacks will become. Defenses are looking good, however, the biggest week spot that I can see is the hole in the hull. I would suggest a two man guard on the hole on the inside at all times, especially at night. They can shape-shift sneak through the water and then in the hole and hit you from an area that you may not be ready for, so watch that."

"We know you can handle it, Rigging always speaks highly of you, and we all have seen your capability. Good Luck."

Mykael readies himself for the excusion.

'Ghem, ready for a hunting party?'

Rigging  d20+12=18 d20+12=29 d20+12=31 d20+12=27
Thursday July 20th, 2006 8:54:02 AM

Rigging smiles when he hears the report. I think we have found our quarry. I am concerned that they are bait and more are hiding nearby. Have your prying eyes keep looking Cosmo. Still it is bait we can't let get away.

Cosmo direct your fire elementals to burn near those watching groups, I want them distracted and blinded by the smoke.

When we get closer, I want Cosmo to summon some of his nastier monsters to attack the group on the right. Really don't expect them to succeed but enought to wound and slow them down. Then we spell users hit the group on the left with some mass spells, fireballs should do nicely. Overlapp some of those and then we send our burly types in to finish them off.

Ashira, I want 3 groups of fighters. One to help the animals, one to mop up the fireballed folks and finally a group in reserve to deal with the hidden group of Yuan-ti we haven't spotted yet.

Tomas, I want you to stay with the ship and have the marines ready to repel boarders. I am sorry my friend but your my reserve reserve. Be ready to pull our butts out of the fire if you hear lost of our screaming.

Rigging then says, "Cast whatever spells you need and make your preperations. We need to move while those elementals are being distracted. We are going to sprint to the path, Cosmo since you know where they are, your going to have to lead the way.

When everyone is ready, Ashira has split the groups Rigging will also lead the groups quickly up the beach and onto the trail, (Sprinting to the trail and to cover) We then regroup in our proper groups and move down the trail to where Cosmo wants us to go.

Rigging will cast mage armor and protection from arrows on himself.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 10:25:23 AM

"Ready boys " growls Nezamil to Hal and Kirk " keep close and do what you do best......smash things " grins the 10'2" dwarf

The Cleric of Domi then ready's himself for the coming battle .....and follows Ashira's order of battle

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo ac 23 Hp 68 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 11:37:51 AM

Appolo slips out of the group and stands ready.He is quietly fuming.He stands ready to do battle.

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=18
Thursday July 20th, 2006 11:39:02 AM

Ashira nods. "Ok. Will do dear." Ashira looks over the Wildcards and followers, assessing strengths and weaknesses. "Alright...Val, Bart and Nezamil. You guys are our hard hitters. I want you to go after the group distracted by Cosmo's summoned animals. I don't think they're going to be strong enough to take down those snakemen, but they should do a good job of distracting them so that you guys can cut them down. Melonie can help you guys out." Ashira grins at the fighters and the massive dwarf.

Then she turns to John and Mary. "I want you guys to join up with Hal, Kirk, Appolo and myself. We'll will be taking on the fireballed group. The fireball should take them down a notch or two...and I have no doubts that you can finish up the job, especially with Appolo's killing skills and my aheem leadership." Ashira winks playfully at Appolo.

Finally, she turns to Rigging, Mykael and Cosmo. "You guys will be the reserve. I'll set you up with Hide from Animal spells. Keep out of sight and keep an eye on things. Should a group get overwhelmed, or should the reinforcements show up, I want you guys to be on top of it....and feel free to fire off support from afar dear." Ashira punches Rigging playfully on the arm.

Recap on groupings:
Supporting Cosmo's summoned creatures: Val, Bart, Nezamil, Melonie
Taking on Fireballed group: Hal, Kirk, Appolo, Ashira
Reserve: Rigging, Mykeal, Cosmo

Double checking with Cosmo and Rigging about how long it will take to get to the Yuan Ti...Ashira casts Hide from Animals on Rigging, and Mykeal. Lasts 50min. Then John casts Hide from Animals on Cosmo. Lasts 20min.

Activating her animated shield, Ashira casts Barkskin on herself and follows along after Rigging moving swiftly and quietly through the jungle (Move silently=18....also consider any bonuses for Woodland stride).

Once Cosmo casts his fireball spell, Ashira follows it up with her own spike growth spell on the area where the creatures are standing, forcing them to travel through the spikes to get to the Wildcards (OOC: covers a 100ft. square, Reflex DC 14)

Spells cast:
Hide from Animals (Rigging & Mykael): 50/50min.
Barkskin: 50/50min.

John (AC18, HP35/35) and Mary (AC21, HP20/20) both with Barkskin +2 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 11:57:56 AM

So excited that she almost trembles, the red head turns to David. "David...I need you to stay here during the attack. You don't have armor or weapons, and it's going to get dangerous." Mary smiles at the young man, fluffing her hair. "I promise I'll come back." Readying her shield and shortspear, Mary reaches into her pack and pulls out her Barkskin potion and gulps it down.

John sighs as Ashira assigns him to a fighter group. "I'm really more of an archer." He mutters under his breath as he pulls out his hand axes. Pulling out three vials, John drinks one (Barkskin +2) and holds the other two until the fight begins.

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Thursday July 20th, 2006 2:53:56 PM

Well i know wha to do let's kill some slitherings. Cosmo can you cast haste on us just before we attack?

Nezamil info post 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 5:08:08 PM

Val ,Bart and Ashira all have endure element spells cast upon them

Val (AC 19, HP 139/ 139, Endure Elements) 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 5:27:53 PM

Val takes her flail from her belt, hefting the heavy weapon in both hands. They were finally doing something. Now she could grind thse snake men under her heel and they could finally be free of this god forsaken land.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday July 20th, 2006 5:30:32 PM

Melonie grabs her short spear from its place against the wall. She must have restrapped the buckler on her arm a dozen times in anticipation. She began to wonder if her armor was on correctly but pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She had to focus and fight off the nervousness she was feeling.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+12=20 d20+12=17
Thursday July 20th, 2006 8:11:41 PM

As the fire elementals burn the tree line, Cosmo explains a few things to Rigging and the rest of the Wildcards as they cast their spells and prepare for battle.

- I can only give one order to the Prying Eyes. Once they report back in the spell is over.
- The fire elementals are burning towards the snake men, but will not be able to reach them in the short time they are on this plane. They will have created a lot of smoke to cover our advancement along the trail.
- The snake men are down the trail 150-180 yards (about 225-255 yards from us). The group 30 yards off the right side of the trail is about 30 yards closer than the group on the left, which is also 30 yards off the trail. This info is about 2 minutes old now.
- I can cast a fireball from here and try to hit them, but it would be indirect fire as I do not have line of sight.
- I have a slow base movement and am therefore going to slow the group down. Plus I do not like to be on the front line as that is not my strength. I can cast Message spell to keep people organized.
- The trail is single file and we move about half speed when in the jungle.
- Do NOT forget that the Prying Eyes revealed that the snake men were setting traps/snares.

"We need a trap finder up front. Maybe Val and Val's group should go first. We should hustle as fast as we can and start the attack."

Cosmo assumes that the group still moves out down the trail and towards the 2 groups of snake creature. He will take position in the rear of the group so as to not slow down anyone.

Concentration 20 & 17.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: Who is Springing the Trap?  d20+6=24 d20+6=8 d100=81 d100=20 d8+1=5 d20+6=8 d20+6=18 d20+6=20 d100=22 d8+1=4
Thursday July 20th, 2006 9:12:07 PM

Ooc: The marching order down the single file trail is as follows: First group - Val, Melonie, Bart, Nezamil --- Ashira, John, Hal, Mary, Kirk, Appolo, --- Rigging, Mykael, Cosmo.


Conner takes out a pad and paper and starts scribbling and talking to himself "Cosmo is 1:1 to take the lead to kill the most snake men with magic and Ashira is 3:2 to take the lead with the sword."

Rigging gives more orders and has Tomas stay to guard the Sword "We will defend the Sword in the officers absence. We will send out work crews, but we will bury the two dead marines."

Ashira sets the fighting groups and gets John and Mary ready for battle. David seems shamed at Mary's words. "I should be protecting you.

Cosmo does not cast his fireball as he is concerned that the Yuan Ti may have moved since he received the information from the prying eyes.


The fire elementals burn themselves out and there is plenty of smoke and the Wildcards and friends take advantage and quickly move to the trial head and form up to enter the Jungle on the beach to village trail.

The group moves down the trail with each person five feet apart. The tails twists and turns with Val taking the lead. Around one bend, about 100 yards down the trail Val spots three Yuan Ti 40 feet down the path.

The group finds themselves in the middle of an entangle spell. DC 12 save reflex for half movement. The ample vines, palms and brush all reach out for the hero's and grab hold of armor, clothing and equipment.

The two of the three full bloods bend bows and fire at Val.

AC -- 24, hit (81% concealment) 5 damage, a mere scratch.
AC -- 8 miss (20%) the arrow strikes a low lying branch.

At almost the same time, three full bloods enter the trail at the rear of the group and bend bows and fire at Cosmo (30 feet).

AC 8, miss
AC 18, just miss
AC 20, hit (22% concealment) 4 damage - The quick strike to eliminate the killer of Yuan Ti failed.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+12=27 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=20
Friday July 21st, 2006 12:19:51 AM

Ashira laughs at the pathetic attack. "You're gonna have to try better than that, rat eaters!" Easily brushing away the entangling plant life (Refl=27), Ashira casts her own spell at the Yuan Ti at the rear of the trail. Sharp spikes sprout up underneath their tender feet and all around them 100 feet. (1d4 pts. damage per 5 foot of movement...also, Reflex DC 14 or speed is ½). Ashira chuckles knowing that the boots on the Wildcard's feet will protect them from damage from the spikes...but the snakemen won't have as good a time of it. "Alright...Cosmo, you're up. The group at the front will be more susceptible to your friends...seeing as I've just set up a bunch of spikes on the rear." She calls out to the warriors. "As we wallow through this entangle, remember to give Cosmo some time to get his spells off. Val, I want your group to focus on the guys shooting at you. We'll work on these other guys." That being said, Ashira wades 15 feet closer to the Yuan Ti at the rear.

DM Jim - Please roll 3 spell resistance checks DC 14.

Spell resistance---Nat.20, Nat. 20, 20---Nellie

Rigging/ George 
Friday July 21st, 2006 8:34:32 AM

Jim I am slightly confused on your description of the battle on where things are. You have stated that we are all 5' apart from each other. In relation to a gridded map, are we all lined up in grids next to each other and have a block seperating each character.

I also need to know how far I am from the edge of the entangle to make a decision on which direction to go. Can you provide a map please?

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+8=17 d20+11=24 d10+30=31
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:37:01 AM

Val grins as the arrom creates a line of blood on her obsidian skin. She rushes the snake men, flail poised ready to strike. Perhaps it was luck or maybe fate but her body moves through the entanglement without trouble (reflex save 17. Her feet slide in the dirt as she stops to bring the flail down onto a yuan-ti

ooc: Val has base move of 40'. Power attack -10/ +20. Hit ac 24 for 31

DM Jim: You made your save for the entangle so you move half speed or 20 feet.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26)  d20+1=9
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:41:36 AM

Melonie raised her buckler when the arrows were fired. When she lowered the Buckler Val was already upon the snake men. With pure determination, Melonie moved through the vines and roots that tried to hold her down.

ooc: reflex save 9. Using movement to reach the snake men.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=18 d20+9=20 d20+14=26 d20+14=22 d10+4=11 d8+4=9 d6=2 d6=1
Friday July 21st, 2006 11:25:17 AM

Appolo looks around slides through the entanglement"John turn and give Cosmo some cover."He then moves off the path toward his assinged target taking one lastlook at Val.He says aprayer for her.He closes quickly with his enemies swords iout and ready.Swinging twice at the nearest snake head.

Reflex save 16 Spot 20 Attack 26 22 Damage 11 9 Shocking burst 3 for a total of 23.

John (AC18, HP35/35) and Mary (AC21, HP20/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+7=14 d20+3=21 d20+6=12 d20+12=16
Friday July 21st, 2006 4:16:33 PM

John easily pulls away from the entangling weeds (Ref.=14). He sighs when he hears Appolo's order. "I wish you guys would make up your minds." Tucking his hand axes in his belt, John pulls out his bow and aims at one of the Yuan Ti in the back (AC 12). Grumbling, John checks to see if the ruckus has attracted any other Yuan Ti (Spot=16).

The redheaded warrior has no problem freeing herself from the attacking jungle (Ref.=21). Short spear in place, Mary takes up a position by Ashira, wading 15 feet through the jungle toward the rear Yuan Ti.

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Mykael  d20+10=24 d20+10=20 d8=6 d8=7
Friday July 21st, 2006 7:48:28 PM

Ghem, I need you in the trees above us spotting in for me. Let me know about the snakemen numbers, directions, and distances from me and/or the others.

Mykael steps to the rear and positions Cosmo, between Rigging and himself, while drawing his bow.

He takes am at one Yuan-Ti at the rear and fires off two shots.

(AC=24 for 6 dam, and AC=20 for 7 dam)

Ghem  d20+7=24 d20+24=35 d20+7=9
Friday July 21st, 2006 7:53:39 PM

Where else did you think I would be? Yes, I am in the trees above you doing my best to hide and spot, just as we have always done. Give me a second, yes, I am trying to find them all.


OOC: forgot Mykaels reflex save..
(Mykael's Reflex save=9, fail, good he used the bow)

Rigging AC 20 hps 77/77 mage armor, protection from arrows Swirl ac 20 hps 50  d20+10=16 d20+8=20 d20+10=30 d20+10=17 d20+10=27 d20+8=21 d20+8=14 4d6(2+2+2+1)=7 4d6(2+5+3+4)=14 4d6(2+2+5+6)=14 d20+6=20 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+7=12 d20+10=11
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:27:00 PM

Rigging is able to see the vines coming and dodges away from them. He focuses his spell on the group in the back and blasts two of them with a scorching rays. (spell resistance checks 21 and 14)

Beams of fire lance into two of them and burn them badly. OCC One takes a critical hit and takes 21 points of damage, the second takes 14 points of damage. No saving throw.

Seeing the good effects of his rays, Rigging says to Cosmo, "Help the front out. Summon some monsters in that direction."

To the others, "Keep an eye out for the rest. These are the small ones, they still have some big nasties out there." (Rigging doesn't follow his own advice, spot check natural 1)

Rigging then starts moving out of the entangle heading for the direction where it looks like the spell ends. If that direction is towards the 3, he will move towards them. (ooc how much more spell does Rigging have for the entangle? assume since he was towards the back, he has less to travel?)

Swirl swoops over and slams the less injured one hitting for ac 20 for 10 points of damage executing a flyby attack. He swerves into the jungle looking for more surprises. spot 12

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+11=31 d20+12=22 d20+12=22 d20+12=16
Friday July 21st, 2006 10:38:31 PM

Entangle spell? What entangle spell Cosmo thinks to himself as the plant life seems to have a very hard time grabbing at him (reflex 31; natural 20).

Cosmo casts Alter Self, turning himself into a Troglodyte. Ahh much better he thinks as is skin toughens up. This will help him resist any more arrow attacks that come his way (movement increased to 30; natural armor increase 6).

Concentration checks 22, 22 & 16

Cosmo then moves off the trail and finds cover.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+4=23
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 1:19:25 AM

The big 10'2" dwarf shrugs off the grasping brush (d20+4=23 reflex ch)and tries to bull his way by Bart " get moving forward and help Val " growls Nezamil

If he can bull his way by Bart (if he doesn't post)(if he posts and advances he will follow in his footsteps) he will activate(if he gets by Bart) his boots of speed (double movement)and rush after Val and Melonie.

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+3=5 d20+4=9 d20+2=15 d20+4=8
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 1:41:02 AM

The big warrior squeezes to the side to let Ashira turn and cast her spell and Hal ends up entangled in the brush (d20+3=5 reflex) "Grrrr" as he tries and muscle his way free (d20+4=9 str ch) but with little success

Kirk ready's his heavy flail as snake arrows fly at the group (d20+2=15 reflex ch) and lets the Blue haired ranger and red headed spearwomen pass and moves towards his brother " hey bro you seem a little tied up " jokes Kirk to his brother as he attempts to Yank Hal loose (d20+4=8 str ch)"whats the big guy going think "

Dm Jim: Combat on the Trail - Round 2  (spike growth)d20+5=19 d20+5=10 d20+5=20 d100=13 d100=56 d20+6=12 d20+6=19 d20+6=16 d8=7 d100=70 d20+6=12
Saturday July 22nd, 2006 10:10:22 PM

Ashira has no trouble with the entangle and casts her own spell to slow down the Yuan Ti in the back. One of the Pure bloods is already hopping on one foot, the other two seem unaffected.


Ooc: I had Ashira move closer to the front, as she is much closer there. If you really want her to move to the back, have her 15 movement that direction and change it in you next post.


Mary moves to the back of the line to help where she can.

Val rips through the entangle and can not get to melee range just yet, but is real close.

Melonie is held fast by the entangle and does not advance and just grits her teeth and struggles against the vines and plants.

Appolo takes off, ready for vengeance, but can not get out of the vines and at his prey.

John hears Appolo's call and changes weapons while dodging vines and branches. It does affect his aim as he misses wide right.

Mykael attempts to move and ready his bow, but the entangling vines and bushes are too much for the new elf.


Ooc: Mykael needs a DC 20 str or escape artist check to move and act.


Mykael can feel Ghem's concern "Get into cover, you are not moving." When Mykael asks about more snake men Ghem answers "There are some on the sides of the trail too."

Rigging lets loose with two scorching rays. Rigging then pushes through the entangle spell to get to his foes.

Miss chance 13% and 56% (Please roll next time)

Rigging drops snake man PB5 with a sizzle of burned flesh.

Swirl smashes PB4 hard as the Yuan Ti is very surprised by the attack out of nowhere and promptly dies.

The vines seem to almost ignore Cosmo as he turns into a smelly trog, after his shipmates call for his critters.


Ooc: Does Alter self give AC bonus?

Nezamil is using his spells to great effect as the entangle has not effect on him. Nezamil practically flattens Bart and Mary as he tries to get to the Yuan Ti.

Hal is almost engulfed in a bush and his brother does not see a way to free his big brother.

The three snake men in the front try to bring Val down with arrow to little avail. Tow sail wide and one opens a minor wound.

AC 19 for 8 damage (70%)

The last Yuan Ti in the rear fires at Rigging and misses high.

AC 12, miss

Bart almost seems frozen with fear. It is not like the big warrior to fail in combat.


DC 25 listen check to hear movment (50+ feet) past visual range on either side of the trail.

Pb 1 & 2 drop their bows and draw scimitars as Val hears the rasp of the blade leave the scabbard and sees the glint of steel.

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+9=24 d20+17=33 d10+9=14
Sunday July 23rd, 2006 5:01:50 PM

Bart was frozen but he speeds forwards to hit some snakes. he uses his spring attack to get close to a snake (ac 33 for 14)

Mykael -- HP 56/56, AC 27  d20+3=17
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:40:06 AM

Mykael struggles to no avail, (Str check = 17).

"There are more on the sides of the trails, incoming. They are going to hit us from all sides!"

'Nice job Ghem, keep it up. Let me know when you can see them. And how many.'

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,Haste 1 rd  d20+5=13 d20+16=21 2d6(2+2)+7=11 d20+9=25 2d6(6+6)+7=19
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:55:00 AM

The 10'2" dwarf charges up the trail after Val... clicking the heels of his boots together as he goes(activating boots of speed,free action)

He keeps his focus on whats ahead on the trail (d20+5=13 listen ch) his shield sliding into place and his mace springing forth as his large frame bears down on the snakemen

Eyeing the trio ahead he makes for the rear snakman(pb3) as he knows Val will slash the nearest ones with zeal

Reaching the snakemen Nezamil lashes out with an overhead smash (15' reach)(d20+16=21 1st swing) and feels with satisfaction at its impact (2d6(2+2)+7=11 dam)(move action and one swing)

Nezamil glowing boots add its magical touch to his attack (haste) and the backswing connects with a crunch(d20+9=25 hasted attack) and again feels the mace impact the snakeman(2d6(6+6)+7=19 dam)(total 30 dam)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+4=19 d20+4=5
Monday July 24th, 2006 1:04:08 AM

Kirk reaches to his brothers belt and draws his sword and slashes at the entangling brush " try and break loose now "

Hal grits his teeth as he struggles fiercly against the vines (d20+4=19 str ch) help me bro " as the brothers combine their brute strength to break the grip of the entangling brush(d20+4=5 str ch for Kirk)

Hoping that working together will help their str rolls to break free of the entanglement

The brothers are to busy to notice nearby sounds

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+10=25 3d4(3+4+4)+3=14 d20+9=21 2d6(6+3)=9 d20+10=18 d20+7=13
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:52:13 AM

Rigging hears the warnings and yells, "Get into fighting teams and out of the grasps of these vines! Work together to take down one and then kill the next. No individual fighting! Appolo, Mykeal and Mary with me! We will secure the back.

Cosmo, I think you can start summoning now.

Rigging moves foward to y15, moving out of the entangles and casts a magic missile spell at PB6 doing 14 points of damage to the creature.

Swirl executes another flyby attack and hits AC 21 for 9 points of damage. He also hit PB6 ganging up on the creature. He will end up at W18

Rigging listens but doesn't hear anything listen check 18. Swirl also cocks an ear but doesn't hear anything.

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+5=23 d10+22=25
Monday July 24th, 2006 9:18:02 AM

Free of the vines, Val closes on the yuan ti. She wanted them to keep drawing arrows. To try and bring her down with those little sticks. Flail gripped tightly, Val swings it over her head and around into the closest snake man.

ooc: power attack -6/ +12. hit ac 23 for 25

Appolo ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=33 d20+9=22
Monday July 24th, 2006 9:19:04 AM

Appolo flows Rigging and gets out of the vines and weeds.He then criouches low and waits listening to the jungle"You know boss they are going to hit us from the sides and we strung out.We are going to have to fight indivially unless you order a retreat."

Reflex 33 listen 22

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+12=22
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:03:29 PM

Ashira nods at the wisdom of Rigging's order. The battle had changed, and so a change in tactics was necessary. "Obey the Captain!" she calls out as she moves toward the Yuan Ti in the front. Stepping quickly out of the entangled area (Ref=22), she moves quickly and easily through the jungle (woodland stride) and into position to flank with Val next round (T2).

OOC: Thanks, Jim...now that we've got the map, I like where you put Ashira.

Spells cast:
Hide from Animals (Rigging & Mykael): 50/50min.
Barkskin: 50/50min.
Spike Growth: 5 hours

John (AC18, HP35/35) and Mary (AC21, HP20/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+7=18 d20+6=22 d8=1 d20+3=21
Monday July 24th, 2006 12:40:06 PM

John pulls feel of the vines trying to wrap around him once more (Ref.=18). "Hmmph...I should probably get out of here before I become a part of the scenery." He grumbles to himself as he moves out of the entangling jungle (P14). Bow in hand, he sights in on one of the snakemen in the rear (Pb7, AC22 for 1 stupid pt).

Mary looks hesitantly over at Ashira as she hears her command. It wasn't that she doesn't like the Captain...but what if Ashira needs her? Biting her lip, Mary wrenches herself free of the weeds wrapping around her feet (Ref.=21) and moves up next to Appolo (V16).

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self 
Monday July 24th, 2006 1:19:13 PM

hey jim i'm posting for cosmo now just give me a few mins (chris)

Dm Jim: Combat on the Trail - Round 3  John d100=84 d20+6=17 d20+6=13 d20+6=17 Val d100=80 Nez d100=83 d20+9=19 d20+4=21 d100=99 d8=3 d20+6=14 d20+6=21 d20+9=14 d20+4=19 d100=48 d100=64 d8=6 d8=1
Monday July 24th, 2006 1:47:48 PM

Val is no longer bored and she closes the distance with the Yuan Ti. Val connects solidly with her flail sending PB1's head at an unnaturally odd angle. The pure blood crumples. (made 10% miss chance)

Melonie watches Val, but does not move.

Nezamil quickly follow Val and reaches over her, bringing his mace down on the head of PB2. The pure blood is now much shorter after Nezamil's blow and will never grow again. (made 10% miss chance)

Ashira reaches the front of the line and supports Val and Nezamil.

Hal, Melonie and Mykael are still stuck fast. Kirk attempts to help his brother but to no avail.

John is fighting his way out of the Entangle, but has a ways to go. In the mean time he takes a long shot at Pb7 (70% miss chance, but rolled an 84%). John threads the needle through the jungle and nicks the pure blood.

Bart snaps back to life and realizes there is no way he can use his spring attack skills in the jungle and he forces his way though the entangle spell.

Rigging frees himself from the entangle and launches four magic missiles at pb 6 rocking him. Swirl again plays clean up and smashes the pure blood to the ground. Appolo also gets out of the entangle spell and takes a flanking position on Rigging.

Appolo's trained ears hear movement directly behind him and Rigging and somewhere beyond Mary.

Cosmo starts his monster summon III spell and target by Ashira (T5).


Pb7 takes aim at Appolo and fires an arrow.

AC 17, miss

PB8 reveals himself and fires at Ashira as she moves into position.

AC 13, miss

PB2 drops his bow and draws steel and takes a poor swing at Val.

AC 17, miss

A deeper darkness spell appears over the rear end of the Wildcards (20% miss chance to fire in or out of the darkness).

More Yuan Ti appear in the Jungle to the South.

A snake headed half blood (Hb2) takes aim at Mary and fires twice, hitting the red headed beauty once.

AC 19, miss
AC 21, hit (miss chance 99%) for 5 damage

A pure blood shoots at Kirk (Pb9) as he helps his brother.

AC 14, miss

Another pure (Pb10) and snake headed half blood (Hb2) get John in their sights and they score two hits on the ranger.

AC 21, hit 7 damage
AC 14, miss
AC 19, hit 3 damage


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d3=3 d20+5=13 d20+5=22 d20+6=20 d20+6=20 d20+6=24 d3+6=7 d3+6=7 d3+6=7
Monday July 24th, 2006 2:04:40 PM

the diminutive mage answers Riggings call for summoning help and calls forth 3 giant wasps(d3=3)

Cosmo has them appear overhead and searches for targets to send them too (d20+5=13 listen ch)listening and peering into the jungle(d20+5=22 spot ch) and points at the spotted creatures for the giant wasps to attack .

The three giant wasps attack the spotted targets (d20+6=20,d20+6=20,d20+6=24) as they find their mark the giant wasps stingers sink into the snakemen and inject poison(1d3+6=7 (x3))into their respective targets

Full Attack: Sting +6 melee (1d3+6 plus poison)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based

Dm Jim: The summoned wasps will appear as you indicated at the start of your next combat round

Bart  d20+17=30 d10+9=13
Monday July 24th, 2006 3:51:51 PM

Bart tries to get out of the entengle spell slashing with his sword if he must if he is free he runs forward and uses his spring attack to attack a snake Ac 30 for 13

Attendence post Adm -Chris 
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:16:51 PM

Players MTWTF
Dm Jim xxxxx
Ashira oxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging oxxxx
Val oxxxx
Bart xxxox
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx

Good work people

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 protection from arrows, mage armor  d20+10=22 d100=65 d20+8=23 d20+8=25 d20+8=16 d20+8=25 8d6(6+2+6+6+5+3+6+5)=39 d20+6=25 2d6(2+1)=3 d100=81
Monday July 24th, 2006 8:37:50 PM

Rigging grimaces when he sees the darkness come around him but not feeling any further effects decides to shake it off for now. He spots a group of Yuan-ti and decides to try and take them down quickly. He launches a fireball at the creaures threading it between the trees and branches (hit ac 22 with a ranged touch attack, made miss chance of 65 though I don't think one is necessary and rolled a 23, 25, 16, and 25 for spell resistance.)

The fire ball goes off centered P20 with a huge flash. Everyone caught in it takes 39 points of damage or 19 if the save reflex save dc 17.

Rigging chuckles and says to Appolo, bet they don't like their cover now.

Swirl darts forward and does a flyby slam attack on pureblood hitting with a glancing blow and then zips away to AB 21 but gains some altitude and climbs to 15' in the air.

Hit ac 25 for 3 points of damage. Made miss chance.

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=21 d20+14=27 d10+4=12 d8+4=5
Monday July 24th, 2006 10:40:59 PM

Appolo moves quickly forward to attack PB 7"Mary stick close to Rigging and stay low."
Appolo swings twice at PB7.

Attack 21,27 Damage 12,5 Total 17

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d3=3 d20+6=9 d20+6=25 d20+6=13 d3+6=9
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:23:27 AM

The halfling in troglodyte form directs the giant wasps to attack ( target by Ashira (T5).)

The giant wasps divebomb the newly found targetwith one striking true 9d20+6=25)(d3+6=9 dam)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based
"we're surrounded " messages Cosmo to Rigging 'ambushed"

Without missing abeat he again summons more friends (SM3) and 3 giant bee's appear(d3=3) over head and readied for attack(beginning of next rd)

OOC:Alter self info-You acquire the physical qualities of the new form while retaining your own mind. Physical qualities include natural size, mundane movement capabilities (such as burrowing, climbing, walking, swimming, and flight with wings, to a maximum speed of 120 feet for flying or 60 feet for nonflying movement), natural armor bonus, natural weapons (such as claws, bite, and so on), racial skill bonuses, racial bonus feats, and any gross physical qualities (presence or absence of wings, number of extremities, and so forth). A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk  d20+4=23 d20+4=23
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:33:12 AM

The brothers work in union to disentangle themselves from the grasping brush (d20+4=23 str ch Hal)(d20+4=23 str ch Kirk)as Kirk slashes at thebrush with Hal's sword and tugging him to free him from entanglement woohoo made it )

"everybody's rushing off "growls Hal as he pulls free from being entangled " keep close "
As he looks about up and down the trail for friends (if he see's anyone he will join up )(Melonie ? Bart??anyone?)

"Lets go brother"growls Hal to Kirk as they head up the trail to free Melonie" lets get her loose"

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=20 d20+11=27 d20+6=8 d20+16=30 d20+8=20 d20-2=13 d8+5=9 d8+5=12 d6+3=9 d6+3=5
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:43:36 AM

The ranger grins, knowing that she's got the snakeman where she wants him...between Val and herself! She slices at the snakeman, raining down blow after blow. (AC20 for 9, AC27 for 12, AC8, AC30 for 9, AC20 for 5, AC13).

OOC: Val, don't forget the +2 to attack for flanking with Ashira!!

Spells cast:
Hide from Animals (Rigging & Mykael): 50/50min.
Barkskin: 50/50min.
Spike Growth: 5 hours

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,Haste 1 rd  d20+5=20
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:49:05 AM

The big dwarf lets Val smash the remaining snakemen to pulp as he scans(d20+5=20 spot ch) his surroundings "just dropping by " jokes Nezamil to Ashira "you wanna play at my size?? " grins the 10'2" dwarf (he will cast enlarge on her if she agrees

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

John (AC18, HP25/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+7=9 d20+2=9
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:58:25 AM

His luck finally running out, John is snagged by the entangling weeds (Ref.=9) Grunting, he tries to yank his feet free of the vines that are wrapping around his ankles, but he just can't manage (Str.=9). "Grrr...should have got out while I had the chance!" John grumbles as he wriggles and begins to feel like a pincushion.

Hearing Appolo's advice, Mary nods. Moving as quickly as possible considering the circumstances, Mary takes up her spot next to Rigging (X16). As Rigging aims and launches his fireball with precision, Mary smiles. "I can see why Ashira likes you!"

Spells in place:
Barkskin +2 (John & Mary):30/30 min.

Tuesday July 25th, 2006 6:07:52 AM

Tomas back on the ship hears the coordinated sounds of battle and smiles but then says, "Everyone be alert. I have a feeling that the snakemen don't know what they bit off but keep a sharp eye out. They might try and strike at the ship."

Ashira (extra post) 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 8:39:33 AM

Ashira looks over at Nezamil and grins. "Naw...let's hold off, right now I think I'm ok."

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+23=32 d20+18=36 d20+13=31 d10+10=11 d10+10=14 d10+10=18
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:23:39 AM

"Where are the rest of these guys? They die much too easily. I was hoping for some sort of challenge." Val says as she hammers the yuan-ti with her heavy flail. Her own incredible strength, magnified by the belt around her waist allowed her to weild the large flail with ease.

ooc: hit ac 32 for 11, ac 36 for14, and ac 31 for 18

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:25:14 AM

Melonie struggles against the vines and roots that seemd to wrap around every inch of her body. She tries to use the head of her spear to cut herself free but it was no use. Frustrated, Melonie continues to pull and struggle.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 12:32:36 PM

Rigging grins and winks at Mary, "It's because I make her laugh and my rakish good looks."

Dm Jim: Combat round 4  d100=60 d100=75 d100=48 d100=99 d100=60 d100=81 d20+6=12 d20+6=22 d100=26 d100=85 d100=81 d20+9=18 d100=64 d8=4 d20+5=20 d8=3 d20+10=20 d20+5=12 d20+7=15 d20+9=12 d20+4=12 d20+6=24 d100=80 d100=23 d8=5
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 1:17:05 PM

Ooc: I allowed Cosmo to summon the wasp's last round. The Bee's are on the map even though they will not appear until the start of the next round.


Val is bored again. These Yuan Ti are just not putting up much of a fight. Val and Ashira easily cut the pure blood between them into six bloody chunks. The bushes and vines did not slow down any of the women warriors assault.

Nezamil suggest an enlargement for Ashira, but she thinks twice about it.

Bart gets out of the entangle and runs up the path only to find himself staring at Nezamil's broad back and no one to stab.

Hal with Kirk's help extracts himself from the entangling vines and the brothers move to assist Melonie who is still held fast.

Ooc: Hal has still not made his saving throw and is still in the entangle. Hall must make a new save DC 12 reflex save or he is held fast once again.

A belligerent Palm Tree holds John tight.

Rigging lets loose a fireball at a group a shadowy figures he can barely make out through the deeper darkness. The Captain's risk pays off and the fireball only engulfs foes and not friends. The jungle is scorched and so are several Yuan Ti. Rigging cannot tell the effect of the fireball from the deeper darkness, but John can. The two pure bloods are charcoal. One half blood deftly avoids most of the flame behind a palm tree, but his buddy take the full force and fall among the withered leaves.

Appolo moves forward and attacks a pure blood and wounds it badly. Swirl comes in and plays clean up, by smashing the Yuan Ti into a tree. (Made all miss chances)

Cosmo sends his wasps to attack the Pure blood, but only one hits (made miss chance).


Hb1 move forward and although singed fires at John point blank.

AC 18, for 6 damage

The half blood takes the air with his tongue and hisses "Ready to be lunch meatssack."

The pure blood engaged by the wasps is hard pressed. He drops his bow and pulls his scimitar and lashes out.

AC 20, hit for 4 damage

Several new pure and half bloods appear and two take a bead on the trapped Mykael.

AC 20, 12, 15. All three arrows miss.

The next pair takes aim at Rigging in the deeper darkness spell.

The half blood missed, but the pure bloods aim is true (made concealment for jungle 80%/10% and darkness 23%/20%)

AC 24, for 6 damage off of the protection spell.


Tomas rallies the crew at the sounds of battle, especially now that there seems to be a fire. Tomas knows the Wildcards use fire as an effective weapon.

Conner is attempting to take odds on which wizard fired off the fire spell, Rigging, Cosmo or Mykael.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Deeper darkness is an additional concealment chance of 20%(firing into or out of or through). It does not stack with the jungle concealment and must be rolled separately.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=22 d20+14=32 d20+6=24 d10+4=5 d10+4=14 d8+4=10
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 4:15:07 PM

Appolo Appolo charges past Rigging and Mary stright to PB 8.Unloads a full attack on after chopping his opponent down.He looks around for another target."Rigging have Swirk Tell Tomas to fire burning Pitch and into the jungle as far as the cata[ult can hurl it to the left and right of the trail."

Attack 22 32 24 Damage 5 14 and 10

Mykael -- HP 56/56, AC 27 (23 without dex, cause entangled)  d20+3=4
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 9:10:35 PM

All Mykael's struggling does is allow the vines to wrap around him tighter and get more holds on him. (Str check = 4, nat 1)

Mykael contemplates to himself, I have to quit teaching these fools how to play dirty. Good thing these vines are not strong enough to crush me. So much for the great elven grace over brute strength.

Ghem, you need to stay in the trees near me. The way Rigging is tossing fireballs around, you may get cooked. Stay up high in the trees and near me. Can you tell how many more are out there?

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ghem  d20+24=31 d20+7=18 d20+7=24
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 9:40:02 PM

Ghem moves to the highest tree near Mykael, in W13.

(Hide = 31)
(Spot = 18)
(Listen = 24)

He didnt get me, but your right. Are you going to move? They are just vines. You dont seem to be helping much.

Rigging ac 20 mage armor, protection from arrows 
Tuesday July 25th, 2006 10:18:30 PM

OOC Jim, I never got your map and I won't be around tomorrow, so I am going to post in the blind.

Rigging hears Appolo's suggestion and grimaces, "He can't. He doesn't speak common and Tomas doesn't speak elemental."

Rigging decides its time to get out of the dark and moves AA18 and then activates his ring of blinking. (OOC, Jim I won't do this if something is there but again I don't have a map.)

He communicates with Swirl, "See if you can help Mykael!"

Swirl will fly over to Mykeal and form into a Whirlwind trying to rip him away from the vegetation. If it works, he will pick him up and put him at V16.

blinking 1-7
magearmor hours
protection from arrows, hours

John (AC18, HP33/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  2d8(1+8)+5=14
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:51:07 AM

Realizing he's fighting a losing battle against the palm, John calls out to the Bash brothers. "Hey guys...can you give me a hand over here?" Fishing into his backpack, John removes a small wand and prods at the most recent arrow wound...which, along with most of his wounds, quickly disappear (Cure Moderate Wounds for 14).

Chuckling, Mary stays by Rigging, this time positioning herself behind him (AA17). She waits impatiently, anxious to get into the fight.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,Haste 3rd rd 
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:52:16 AM

Nezamil turns at the sounds rushing up behind him ready to smash it " whoa its you Bart...where's everyone else ??? who's behind ya ??"

"The sneaky snakes split our forces up....Ashira shall we head back and help them ??"

The 10'2" dwarf slips by Bart and heads quickly back down the trail looking for both friends and foe

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+3=13
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:53:46 AM

Hal feels the entangling brush lose its grip (d20+3=13 reflex save)

Kirk quickly swivels his head about " hey Hal wheres John ??"

"John.....John....John...where are you !!!"

As the brothers look at each as they hear John's cries ....they both change course and lunge into the nearby woods after Johns voice their weapons hacking at the jungle brush to reach the Ranger

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=25 d8+5=12
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 12:59:13 AM

Ashira smiles as the snakeman goes down easily. She looks over at Val. "Ok, ready for our next victim?" Turning, she moves toward the Yuan Ti headed her way (PB8). In answer to Nezamil's question she calls out "Let's mop up over here and then reform." Grinning, she takes a swing at the Yuan Ti in front of her (PB8, AC25 for 12).

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+6=22 d20+6=22 d20+6=23 d3+6=7 d3+6=8 d3+6=7
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:12:07 AM

The diminutive mage keeps directing the giant wasps to continue attacking and with good results (3 hits) as they take turns diving bombing the wretched snakeman (total dam =22 pts)the wasps venom seeps deep into it.

Cosmo points his finger up the trail and whispers [i] "whats going on up there ?? any body need help?" (message spell)

With the giant bee's buzzing overhead and Riggings devastating fireball wrecking havoc he sends the giant bee's up the trail searching for snakemen to attack(being above the trail they should have better visiblity then those on the ground )(giant bee speed 20 , fly 80 )and to possibly assist those in need if needed

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+10=25 d10+23=33 d20+10=23 d12+23=30
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:10:21 AM

Hi Nez i saw them here too Ashira is still fighting with one. As far i can see the can be easily hit. Go and see what you can do for the others Nez. We will clear it here if you give a yell we come and help you
Bart moves forward and hits an foe in front of him (spring attack, power attak+7) ac 25 for 33
cleave feat ac 23 for 30)

Dm Jim: Combat Round 5  d100=23 d100=85 d100=100 d100=7 d20+3=16 d20+3=12 d20+3=10 d100=33 d20+9=23 d100=62 d20+4=19 d100=62 d20+5=7 d20+9=11 d20+5=20 d20+6=12 d20+9=12 d20+4=22 d100=25 d8=1 d20+6=15 d20+6=15 d20+9=20 d20+4=7 d100=86 d8=5
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 1:55:56 PM

Appolo asks Rigging to send Swirl back to the Sword and report to Tomas. Rigging explains the problems of language involved.

Appolo starts moving toward the sounds of battle, but at 15 feet per combat round it will take his awhile to get there. Appolo reenters the deeper darkness.

Mykael still struggles in vain as the vines and leaves wrap themselves tighter. Mykael does give instructions to Ghem to stay well clear of the very dangerous Captain. Ghem hovers above Mykael, as he does not want to get entangled himself.

Rigging leaves the deeper darkness and bumps into Appolo going the other way. Rigging then activates his blink ring and is very surprised by what he sees.

When Rigging blinks to the ethereal plan he sees three pathways that lead to what appear to be three stone pyramids. The three square pyramids are not an equal distance from Rigging and are roughly at three points of a triangle that Rigging is standing outside of. Rigging is very sure he will not be able to move off the pathways and this may limit his ability to directionally blink.

Swirl moves over to Mykael and attempts to suck him up. Swirl has to go full power as the jungle has a good hold of Mykael. Ghem heads for cover, lest he is sucked up also.

Pieces of leaves and vines are being sucked up and through Swirl and tossed about.

Ooc: Mykael get a new entangle save DC 15. If successful, Mykael take an equivalent of a slam attack from Swirl, if not no damage.

Mykael feels Swirl's powerful pull, if and when the jungle lets go, he will be moving much faster than elves were ever meant to.

Mary also bumps into Appolo as she takes up her flanking position of her Captain.

Nezamil works his way around Bart and easily heads back down the trail and find himself next to Melonie. The elven girls looks up and pleads "Help."

Ashira spies the pure blood that took a shot at her group previously and heads for it, stabbing it once. The three wasps around it also attack. One attack that should have succeeded (failed concealment 7%) did not as the wasp got tangled in some vines. The pure blood still falls from the three hits.

Ooc: Please roll your jungle and deeper darkness concealment checks as required.

Cosmo send his three bees to attack the pure blood (PB12) that was shooting at Rigging. One stinger finds its way past the armor.

Ooc: Chris please roll damage for the one attack and concealment for the next attacks.

Hal with Kirk's rush to the best the jungle and the entangle will let them to assist John.

Ooc: Hal and Kirk can roll aid another to give John a +2 each (if successful) on his str. Roll.

Bart wants to move forward, but does not know where to go (did not specify). Bart moves into the jungle looking for Yuan Ti.

Ooc: Spring attack is not possible in the Jungle, as mentioned previously.

Val looks at the Yuan Ti at her feet, unmoving and very dead.


One half breed (HB3) leaves the pure blood (PB12) that is being attacked by the bees and fires twice at Cosmo, but Cosmo's new Trog hide protects him.

PB 12 drops his bow and pulls steel and slashes at a bee, but misses badly (AC 7).

PB11 and HB 4 are frustrated by their inability to hit Mykael as they each missed badly for a second round.

HB1 sees Hal and Kirk coming to help his trapped meal, John, and he fires at Hal twice.

AC 12, miss
AC 22, hit concealment 25% for 3 damage

More Yuan Ti shows up to the battle and attack.

Two pure bloods spy Val, Pb13 and 14,and fire their bows at her, but both miss (AC 15, 15)

A snake headed (Hb5) half bred with a snakes tail in addition to legs, fires twice at Nezamil one bounces off his armor (AC 7), but one penetrates (AC 20 concealment 86%) for 7 damage.

An large snake with powerful human arms, Abomination 1, shows itself and looks at Nezamil as it chants and then adds in common, "Become one of us!" The Abomination carries a longbow and scimitar just like is brethern.

Baleful polymorph DC 19 will save or turn into a snake.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, spring attack, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Deeper darkness is an additional concealment chance of 20%(firing into or out of or through). It does not stack with the jungle concealment and must be rolled separately.

Please post your positions and remember that movement is halved in the jungle.

Mykael -- HP 56/56, AC 27 (23 without dex, cause entangled)  d20+3=7
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:17:18 PM

Mykael smiles at the attempted help by Swirl and struggles with renewed vigor, but the vines just have too good of a hold on all his armor and equipment. (Str check = 7, failed)

"Keep it up!" Mykael cheers on Swirl.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 59/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+6=24 d20+6=9
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:26:16 PM

The brothers crash thru the brush reaching the ranger " we got you...lets get you loose " growls Hal as the brothers grab his arms and tug for all their worth (d20+6=24 Hal,d20+6=9 Kirk,str ch)

Hal feels a stinging in his side as an arrow finds its mark "grrr" looking up at the shooter " be with you in a second " grunts Hal sarcasticly

If the Bash brothers free Ranger John the drag him backwards towards the trail (5'ft move) and step in front of him

Hal's Mace appears in his hand and sheild slides into place on his arm while Kirk steps next to him and unleashes his heavy flail

With a knowing nod to each other they each step away from each other and start to circle the half-blood(hb1)in opposite directions(looking to attack from two sides , flanking)

"Don't be afraid to show him how to use a bow " chuckles Kirk to the ranger

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+13=18 d20+13=20 d20+7=22
Wednesday July 26th, 2006 11:53:35 PM

The Cleric of Domi feels magic wash over his body(d20+13=18 will save)his body starts to tremble as he fights againist it (d20+13=20 will save,hero pt used)"Domi protect me " prays the Cleric of Domi ....then as if prayer answered the magic fades from him and he deactivates his boots of spped

Wiping his brow of sweat " ahumble servant thanks you Domi " as Nezamil turns his attention to the entangled Melonie .....with a wink " lets get you back in action" grins Nezamil

The towering dwarf reaches a down and grabs hold of Melonie ....bends his knees and yanks her free(d20+7=22 str ch) from the entanglement

"Cosmo we have one of those abominations you mentioned over here.....send help....i'm with Melonie near the bend in the trail " replies Nezamil to Cosmo's message spell

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+2=15 d20+2=18 d20+2=7 d4=1 d4=4 d100=35 d100=93 d100=60 d4=2 d3=2 d20+9=15
Thursday July 27th, 2006 12:32:58 AM

The diminutive mage hears the dwarfs reply via his message spell " help is on its way " as he directs three wasps to Nezamils location (fly 60')"get the abomination" orders Cosmo to the giant wasps .....the wasps leave the dead snakemen(pb8)and move with all speed to Nezamil's location as directed

Remembering the marching order " nezamil has spotted an abomination by him near the crook in the trail...they are very dangerous ....can someone help him or outflank the abomination?" messges Cosmo to all those that went up the trail ahead of him

Cosmo then directs the giant bee's to continue their attack(d20+2=15,d20+2=18,3rd missed)(1d4=1,1d4=4 total 5 dam) as they buzz about harrasing pb12(all 3 made conceal chances)

(previous attack damage 1d4=2 )

Cosmo hears voices and struggling nearby " is that you Mykael??" The mage in troglodyte form searches out Mykael...spotting him entangled with Swirl hovering overhead he thinks[i]" i ain't strong enough to free him but if we all work together we should be able to "

With that thought in mind he reaches in his mind for one of his first spells he ever learned and fires an orb of acid on the entangling mass of vines and scrubs on Mykael(d20+9=15 ranged touch attack) and watches it splash the entangling mass (1d3=2 dam)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements) 
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:50:34 AM

Without hesitation Val moves through the jungle. This is where she wished she had a spear to use but she will make the best with what she has. Moving is tough in the thick vegitation but she will get there. Then they will die.

ooc: she's heading for N3

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday July 27th, 2006 9:52:43 AM

"How long is this spell going to last?!" Melonie shouts as the frustration to free herself kept mounting. She pulled and thrashed for a moment before stopping and sighing heavily.

John (AC18, HP33/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+4=17
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:51:11 AM

John tugs and pulls at the tree holding him in place (Str.=17). "Grrr...it's got me. I can't get out!!" John looks up at the two warriors, thinking hard. "You guys go work on the snakemen...I'll be fine."

Mary is shocked when Rigging disappear's from sight. "Rigging, where are you?" she asks as she looks around for the Captain.

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 mage armor, protection from arrows, flying, blinking  d20+12=30 d20+12=26 d20+12=18 d20+12=30
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:55:09 AM

Rigging looks around and doesn't see a foe he can get to this round. He will look at Mary and say, "I need to take a look around and look for the big bad snake men who are leading this attack so bravely from the rear. Keep yourself out of trouble."

Rigging casts fly spell on himself and soars up into the air. He will go up 30' and take a good look around trying to spot people in trouble and then enemy.

OOC explaination of rolls, concentration 30 for fly, 26 for mage armor and 18 for protection from arrows.

30 for spot.

Swirl keeps trying to free Mykael and if successful will pick him up and carry him to safety.

blinking 2-7
magearmor hours
protection from arrows, hours
Fly (need to look up duratin)

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+14=31 d20+14=31 2d8(8+4)+10=22 d20+9=10 d20+4=11 d20+14=21 d8+5=13 d20+6=15 d20-4=-2
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:02:09 AM

Looking onto the creature in front of her, Ashira vows to send it to its grave quickly. She launches a full attack, slicing into it's thick hide with ease (AC31/31 crit for 22, AC21 for 13). "Tell Gargul "Hi" for me, will you?" she taunts as she cuts up the Yuan Ti.

Appolo Ac23 Hp68  d20+13=18 d20+14=32
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:19:01 AM

Appolo steps closer to Mary"Guess the Captians going to have alook around.Just crouch down stay still and be quiet.Patience my dear."Appolo then crouches low takes a couple steps down the traii a couple a feet then stops and waits in silence and darkness.

Hide 18 Move silently 32

Bart ac 27 hp86/86 endure elements  d20+12=31 d20+12=18 d10+19=28
Thursday July 27th, 2006 2:55:46 PM

Bart moves forward to spring attack PB11 (power attack +5, ac 31 threat crit ac 18 for 28

DM Jim: Combat round 6  d100=88 d100=31 blink d100=67 Int. Roll for A2 d20+5=21 d20+4=7 d20+4=12 d20+16=29 d20+6=18 d20+6=10 d100=62 d20+9=12 d20+4=6 d20+9=10 d20+4=20 d20+6=10 d20+6=11 d20+9=12 d20+4=9 d20+10=30 d20+10=11 d20+5=10 d8=5 d20+10=30 d100=85 d100=59 d20+10=25 d20+5=7 d8=4 d20+9=25 d20+4=12 d8=5 d20+5=21 d8=6
Thursday July 27th, 2006 3:36:58 PM

OOC: This is my last post before my DM vacation. Nellie will be taking over. Be kind to her.


Val is anxious to pummel more Yuan Ti, but the jungle slows her down and she is just short of her goal (O3).

Mykael still struggles in vain as the vines and leaves wrap themselves tighter.
Swirl moves over to Mykael and attempts to suck him up again. Swirl has to go full power as the jungle has a good hold of Mykael. Cosmo helps by throwing acid on some of the vines and plants, just missing Mykael.


Ooc: Mykael get a new entangle save DC 14, reflex. If successful, Mykael take an equivalent of a slam attack from Swirl, if not no damage.


The oversized Nezamil barely shakes off the vile magic from the Abomination and only with Domi's blessing. The huge dwarf then scoops Melonie out of the entangling vines and plants and is holding her.

Mary looks up in surprise. Some of the vines are still holding her, but Nezamil has a stronger grip.

Hal and Kirk has ripped into the vines and bushes around his legs enough to give John another shot at getting away from the palm the has him.


Ooc: DC 15 str. Save this round only.


John fights hard and finally frees himself and is moved closer to the trail by the two friendly brutes.

Cosmo's continue to attack and sting at P12 (6 damage to date). Cosmo then directs his wasps to head toward Nezamil.

Ashira, realizing that the pure blood in front of her is dead, moves to attack the snake headed half blood that is shooting at Mykael. Ashira lands a nasty blow on the snakehead and he drops his bow and draws his scimitar. The large snake mouth opens and hisses and looks ready to bite.

Ooc: I caused you some confusion Nellie. I said the pure blood was dead in the post, but did not X out the guy on the map. As a result, I had you move and attack.

Rigging casts fly on himself and takes to the air, rising 30 feet. Rigging is still blinking and constantly sees the three square stone pyramids on the ethereal plane and the pathways to each. Rigging is slowly blinking toward the pyramid at the castaway village.

Rigging, while on this plane of existence, has a much better view of the battlefield.

Bart leaps forward and in one mighty swing kills the pure blood that was sniping at Mykael.

Ooc: Bart I will give you spring attack, but remember that your movement is only 15 feet and you must move before and after your attack. You can only effectively spring 10 feet, as you need 5 feet movement after the attack.


Another group of Yuan Ti appear, two pure bloods a half blood and another giant snake with huge human arms.

The abomination, spies Rigging rising, and nods knowingly and hisses something to his comrades and they nod as well. The abomination points and chants at Rigging and he feels a reptilian grip in every fiber of his being.

DC 19 will save or turn into a snake -- baleful polymorph

The abomination hisses "Brings my powers back downs to earth, grub."

The two new pure bloods do not notice Appolo and instead fire their long bows at Mary, but both shots are wide of the curvaceous red head.

The snake headed half blood does notice Appolo (spot 29) and takes two shots at the rouge. The half bred obviously did not have a good read on Appolo's location as both shoots were very poor (AC 12 & 6).

The half blood (Hb10) by John, Hal and Kirk watches is disgust as John is freed and he fires twice at Hal. Hb1 steps back 5 feet.

Both arrow miss the large warrior, but the second was close, as Hal needed all of his shield skills to deflect that arrow.

The front group of Yuan Ti sees Val closing on them and they open up and fire arrows at the barbarian. The two pure blood and half blood send arrows into the palm trees around Val. The Abomination has better luck and one arrow find the mark

Ac 30 critical, but not confirmed, for 10 damage

One half blood (Hb4) finds himself in trouble and facing Ashira and Bart. The half-breed's newly bared steel lashes out at Ashira as he repositions himself to make it harder for Bart to get at him.

Ac 30, critical, but not confirmed, 6 damage
Ac 7, miss

The smiling free half breed (Hb3) takes two shots at the near helpless Mykael

Ac 25, hit for 6 damage
Ac 12, miss

The Pure blood (Pb12) that is surrounded by the bees lands another blow on a bee.

AC 21 for 6 damage.


OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. The rangers knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, spring attack, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Deeper darkness is an additional concealment chance of 20%(firing into or out of or through). It does not stack with the jungle concealment and must be rolled separately.

Please post your positions and remember that movement is halved in the jungle.

Rigging ac 20 hps 77/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d20+7=10 d20+7=25 d20+10=21 d20+10=30 d20+10=22 d100=99 d100=88 d20+8=20 4d6(6+2+1+6)=15 4d6(6+1+5+2)=14 4d6(3+3+2+6)=14 d20+7=23 2d6(6+6)=12 d100=17
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:38:41 PM

Rigging feels the magic start to take him and struggles against it. With a mighty burst of will he says, "No! I won't be a snake." OOC failed save but rerolled with a hero point.

Rigging then with his own magic decides to punish the abomination. He strikes out with his own scorching rays aiming both at the ugly monster. He hits with both, one being a critical hit badly burning the evil creature.

(ooc rolled blink check of 99, rolled miss check of 88. Two ranged touch attacks hit ac 21 and 30. 30 possible critical hit, rolled a 22 for critical hit chance hitting. Rolled 20 for spell resistance. Total damage to A2 is 43.

Rigging then flys directly over the head of A2 but still 30' in the air.

Swirl senses his master in trouble and darts to his assistance flying in and hitting the A2 for 12 points of damage. Hit ac 23 Rolled 17 for miss chance. Swirl is at AE17 Rigging is at AE18 but up 30'

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 2/80
Blink 3/7

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+2=9 d100=42 d4=2 d20+6=10 d20+6=13 d20+6=23 d100=85 d3+6=8
Thursday July 27th, 2006 10:59:20 PM

The diminutive mage is perplexed of how to free Mykael from the entanglement and looks about for something to help when he see's a burst of flame ......his eyes follow its path and settle's on the new threat (A2)"not good an abomination on each side of the group....will have to do something about this one " as a smile appears on the troglodytes face.......he reaches for the proper Rod(maximize) and quickly invokes his magic and watches as 5 missile's of magic streak towards the feind (A2)(5d4+1=25 maxed)....blasting into the snakeheaded creature

Cosmo's giant Bee's conyinue to buzz about pb12 with one finding its mark (d20+2=17)(d100=42% conceal ch made)(d4=2 dam to pb12)

The giant wasps Cosmo sent towards Nezamil find the hugh dwarf and dart about in search of the danger...spotting the 4 snake creatures the streak towards them and divebomb the abmination again one of the wasps finds its mark in the dense jungle (d100=85% conceal ch made) the lobe wasp finding its mark stings A1 near its tail (d20+6=23)(d3+6=8 dam)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash*, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile *x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 59/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d100=31 d20+12=31 d8+6=8 d20+11=24 d10+7=14
Thursday July 27th, 2006 11:33:45 PM

Hal moves(5'ft move) straight towards the snakeman as it just shot him and is focused on him (HB1)then launches his attack taking the half-blood snake creature(d100=31% conceal ch made).....his mace weaving a deadly dance strikes out and smashes his foe (d8+6=8 dam)

"you'll make a nice pair of boots " taunts Hal

Kirk moving (5'ft move) in unison with his brothers flanks the snakeman and lashes out with his heavy flail and feels satisfaction as it lands a solid blow (d20+11=31) and his flail rips into it (1d10+7=14 dam)

" heh ...boots.." good one bro"..i could use a pair of gloves " taunts Kirk

"What about you John ?" inquires kirk

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste4 rds  d100=96 d20+9=22 d20+4=8 d20+9=11 2d8(1+6)=7
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:31:50 AM

The hugh dwarf sets Melonie down behind him and unslings his heavy repeating crossbow and levels it at the spell casting snake " dodge this " clicking his heels to activate his boots of speed Nezamil fires off 3 bolts at the snake beast (A1)(d100=96% conceal roll)

The Cleric watches as the 1st bolt strikes home but the two others whiz by the spellcasting snake (A1) (d20+9=22 1st shot)(2d8(1+6)=7 damage )(large size weapon)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo  d100=58
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:33:04 AM

d100=58% Spell resistance for Magic missile

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+14=21 d20+14=26 d10+4=5 d8+4=6 2d6(2+1)=3
Friday July 28th, 2006 12:24:23 PM

Appolo wastes no time and closes quickly with the half blood swinging at the creature twice.

Attack 21 26 for 11 +3 shaocking damage total 14

Cosmo's spell resistance roll  d20+9=24
Friday July 28th, 2006 1:53:42 PM


Mykael -- HP 50/56, AC 27 (23 without dex, cause entangled)  d20+3=14
Friday July 28th, 2006 10:31:16 PM

Mykael finally gets his arms positioned properly to exert enough force to snap a few vines, as he does, Swirls full power tornado rips him from the ground and the entangled area and throws him up and over to V16 where Mykael hits the ground hard.

(george, damage for slam attack from swirl?)

As Mykael climbs to his feet, he smiles and waves a friendly thanks to swirl. And watches as he darts off to help Rigging.

Noting the direction that Swirl headed, Mykael takes a 5ft step to V17.

Stay with me Ghem, dont want to lose you.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira (AC29, HP112/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+14=34 d20+14=21 2d8(8+2)+10=20 d20+9=29 d20+9=27 2d8(7+1)+10=18 d20+4=8 d20+14=29 d6+3=7 d20+6=20 d6+3=4 d20-4=-2
Saturday July 29th, 2006 3:57:30 PM

Smiling, Ashira looks up at the ugly mutated snake in front of her (HB4). "Geez...close your mouth!! You've got horrid breath!! No...better yet, let me close it for you...for good!" Following up on her bravado, Ashira cuts into the creature, scoring several hits, including two critical strikes. (AC34/21 for 20, AC29/27 for 18, AC29 for 7, AC20 for 4 )

John (AC18, HP33/35) and Mary (AC21, HP15/20) both with Barkskin +2  d20+6=23 d8=6 d20+6=15
Saturday July 29th, 2006 5:26:30 PM

John smiles as the Bash brothers free him from the palm tree. "Thanks guys!!" Seeing as the entangled area has limited his choice of movement, John moves to the only place he can...directly in front of the Yuan Ti in front of him (HB1). Pulling his bow taut, John fires directly into the face of his former tormentor, ready for some revenge. (AC23 for 6) "Now that's how you snipe!!" John taunts the creature.

Mary grows tired of trying to catch up with Rigging and decides to help out Appolo instead (AA21). She thrusts her sword toward the creature, trying to distract it in order to help out Appolo (Aid Another)...Appolo gets +2 on next attack.

ADM Nellie: Combat round 7  d20+23=42 d10+10=16 d20+10=26 d6+2=8 d20+5=16 d20+4=9 d20+7=24 d6=2 d20+2=15 d20+9=14 d20+4=13 d20+12=30 d6+2=4 d20+7=13 d20+6=10 d20+10=13 d20+5=13 d20+9=19 d8=1 d20+4=22 d8=8 d20+9=17 d20+4=12 d20+9=17 d20+4=23 d100=82 d8=7 d20+10=13 d20+5=21
Saturday July 29th, 2006 8:07:38 PM

The Wildcards continue to carve into the Yuan Ti surrounding, showing the walking reptiles who really is King of the Jungle! Casualties among the Wildcards are almost non-existent, and even their followers seem to be fairing well... The Yuan Ti, however, seem to be fighting a loosing battle as more and more of their comrade's bodies are littering the jungle.

Captain Rigging easily shrugs off the Abomination's (A2) spell. Proving he is no slacker in the combat department, Rigging turns the tables on the Yuan Ti and fires off his rays. His flesh sizzling, the snakeman looks about to bolt... He turns, only to be lifted off the ground and slammed into a nearby palm. Shortly after, Cosmo fires off his magic missles into the creature. The trio's magical prowess proves to much for the beast, and it slumps to the ground, smoldering and very much dead.

Nearby, Appolo makes for one of the new players (Hb6) and cuts into him like a hot knife through butter. Both attacks connect, and though blood flows freely from the creature's side, Appolo gets the feeling that there's plenty of fight left in him. Hissing, it tries to cut through that pesky armor to get to the creamy filling, but it's attacks bounce of harmlessly.

In the entangled area, Hal and Kirk finally manage to free the struggling John from his horticultural nightmare....then they're off for more fun. The two of them gang up on the pesky archer (HB1), and, as their nicknames suggest, they promptly begin to pulverize the overgrown reptile. Still, the duo's power is not quite enough to bring the thing to its knees...or whatever it would kneel on.

The cold eyes of the snake slit as the arrow lodges in its nose. Dropping its bow, it concentrates on those lunch pails with the swords (Hal and Kirk). It's first attack cuts deep into Hal, drawing blood (AC26 for 8). The second slice misses the warrior altogether. The snake's luck seems to be failing as it attempts to drive its fangs into Hal's neck, but only manages to bounce off the warrior's armor.

Likewise, thanks to Swirl's forceful assistance, Mykael now finds himself free of the wacky weeds...though he'll probably be nursing a headache for a while (Chris, could you please let Mykael know the damage from the slam?). Rising to his feet, the fearless warrior moves closer to the action.

On the other side of the battlefield, Ashira takes her frustrations out on the monster in front of her. Easily backing up her threats, Ashira cuts the creature down with the first two strikes, and then proceeds to make Yuan Ti steaks. Bart moves in to help out the Mistress of the Sword, but seeing that she's already taken care of business, he moves over to lend a hand to Val (R5). (OOC: Bart, you may change it in your next post if this is not where you want Bart... However, this is your one freeby. Any further missed posts, and I will have you staring off into space.)

After pulling Melonie safely out of the entangling brush, Nezamil hones in on the Abomination that has joined the fray and blasts into him with his new toy. It takes a little getting used to, especially with all the cover around, but still, the bolt sticking out of the thing's chest was a good sign. Shortly after his finishes up his attack, Cosmo's wasps join the fray and begin stinging at the abomination. The giant snake hisses in frustration.

Melonie is now free from the entangle, and looks to be suffering battle fatigue as she merely watches the battle waging around her.

(DM note of caution...remember that the plants in the entangled area will continue to try and entangle you each round. If you stay in the area of the entangle, you risk getting stuck again.)

Easily finishing up her last target, Val spins to find that more creatures have joined the party. Moving over, she takes as swipe at the closest one, doubting that it will put up much of a fight. (AC42 for 16) There is a loud crunch as Val dislocates the Yuan Ti's jaw, but she doesn't manage to kill the thing....yet. ( DM note: This is your one freeby. Any further missed posts, and I will have you staring off into space.) The Yuan Ti nearby respond by dropping their bows and focusing on the immense threat at hand. While the purebloods (PB13&14) keep Val busy, the halfblood (HB 5) moves into flanking position. One pureblood manages to draw a little of Val's blood (AC 24 for 2), but all of the other attacks from the snake pair are useless. Likewise, the halfblood also manages to scratch the elven warrior (AC 30 for 4) but his second strike can't penetrate that stupid metal wrapper of hers (armor).

The sole surviving abomination on the field (A1) tries a little different tactic. With a flick of his hand, he sends magic out toward Nezamil, Melonie and Val. Then he moves away from the elven blender (Val)

Spotting the arrival of so many killers, the halfblood in the jungle (HB3) beads in on Rigging. However, the jungle foliage proves to much for even his skill, and the arrows imbed themselves in a nearby bush. The pureblood (PB12) nearby likewise is not a happy camper...covered in welts and not a single sheep down! He shoots at the bees buzzing around him (AC19 for 1, AC22 for 8). The other two purebloods at the end of the trail are torn...what to do...aim at that ugly looking thing in the darkness (Cosmo), or that flying thing (Rigging). In the end, they decide on Rigging...arrows whiz around, but only one finds its mark (AC23 for 7, 82 on concealment)

Damage summary and spell summary:
Rigging: Arrow from PB15, for 7 damage off spell
Val: 5 pts. damage from HB4, 2 pts. damage from PB13, Will DC17...email me if you fail.
Nezamil: Will DC17...email me if you fail.
Melonie: Will DC17...email me if you fail.
Hal: 8 pts. damage from HB1
Bees: Arrows from PB12, for 9 damage

OOC: Since this is my first DM post, there is the high likely hood that there might be an error or two in there. If you spot any, please just fire of an email and I'll work to correct it. Thanks for your patience.----Nellie

Slam post for Mykael 
Saturday July 29th, 2006 11:23:42 PM

SWirls slam 2d6+2 for dam , roll your own pain ;-)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste 5 rds  d20+13=33 d20+9=20 d20+4=18 d100=15 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(6+6)=12 d20+6=17 d20+5=16
Saturday July 29th, 2006 11:53:24 PM

The 10'2" dwarf stares down the snakebeast(A1) as its magic again washes over but Domi keeps his faithful wanderer safe (d20+13=33 nat 20!!)

Raising his crossbow he again sites the snake in his crosshairs and squeezes the trigger twice and two bolts leap towards the escaping beast (d20+9=20 1st shot,d20+4=18 2nd shot)(d100=15% conceal ch) "those were close not sure if i hit dat slimy snake thru this foilage " growls Nezamil to Melonie (2d6(6+1)=7 dam,2d6(6+6)=12 dam)

Nezamil peers into the jungle after the snakebeast (spot ch d20+6=17) and listens as it crashes the brush (listen ch d20+5=16 lsiten ch)and yanks out the bolt clip

"you ok ?" as he checks on Melonie" we gotta get out dis entangling brush"

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 51/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d100=15 d100=90 d20+12=32 d20+12=25 d8+5=8 d8+5=10 d20+7=10 d20+11=29 d10+7=15
Sunday July 30th, 2006 12:18:31 AM

Both brothers circle the snake fiend(hb1) looking for an opening amidst the brush(d100=15%HAL,d100=90 Kirk)

hal tries and evade the snake fiends attack but it slahes him "Grrr" as he grits his teeth and retaliates with a vengence (d20+12=32 nat 20!)(crit roll d20+12=25)(damage d8+5=8,d8+5=10) "Heh'{/b] as his mace lands with his 1st blow but his follow up misses its mark (d20+7=10 )

"Nice one bro " as Kirk watches his brother bash the snake fiend and follows big brothers example with a two handed strike with his heavy flail [b] "yeah take that you slithering pair of boots"
(d20+11=29 )(d10+7=15 dam) as he watches it smash into the fiend and staggers it

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) Alter self  d20+2=8 d20+2=14 d20+2=7 d20+6=25 d20+6=18 d20+6=11 d3+6=9 d3+6=7 d20+5=16
Sunday July 30th, 2006 12:41:03 AM

The diminutive mage's flying friends keep up their assualt on the snake creatures dive bombing their respective foes

The trio of bee's buzz about pb12 but just seem to keep it annoy it(bee's hp 13,they each have taken 1,12,8 rspectively)

The wasps have better luck againist the abomination(A1)d20+6=25 ,d20+6=18) with possibly two stings(d3+6=9,d3+6=7 dam)

Cosmo looks about and spots Mykael moving away and decides to follow him "hey Mykael lets stick together " as the halfling in troglodyte form surveys the jungle for danger " i'm not going to be snake food " thinks Cosmo worriedly as his eyes dart about

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash*, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile *x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo Ac23 Hp68 AID OTHER +2  d20+16=33 d20+16=23 d20+16=34 d20+8=27 d10+6=16 d8+6=13 d10+6=9 2d6(3+3)=6
Sunday July 30th, 2006 2:20:30 AM

Appolo smiles at Mary then unleashes a vicious full attack on the snakeman.Slicing into him three times."Ok Mary stick close. We move together and slice these reptiles into belts."

Attack 33,23,27 Damage 16 13 9 + 6 shocking damage= 44 total.

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements 
Sunday July 30th, 2006 3:45:54 AM

Bart moves back to the trail to fight against the abominiation. He is to far away to attck the beast now

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+16=24 d20+11=22 d20+6=14 d10+20=22 d10+20=30
Sunday July 30th, 2006 10:00:47 AM

Val thought that these creatures would put up a better fight. Some of their blows were so pathetic that she didn't even feel it (ooc: DR 2). Val decides to end Pb14 before sending his companions to join him in the afterlife.

ooc: power attack =5/ +10. Hit ac 24 for 22 and ac 22 for 30.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Sunday July 30th, 2006 10:02:18 AM

Holding her spear tightly in one hand, Melonie moved north off the path (M6).

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d20+10=28 d20+10=28 d6+1=3 d4+1=2 2d6(1+2)=3 d20+7=11 d20+7=9 d100=57 d20+12=19 d20+12=18 2d6(3+6)+2=11 2d6(2+5)+2=9 d100=100
Sunday July 30th, 2006 11:06:19 PM

The Captain continues his assault on the snake creatures .....quickly turning as arrows whiz by him he fly's to attacking the(d100=57 conceal ch) shooters ...his 1st aerial pass he strikes twice (d20+10=28 short sword,d20+10=28 holy dagger)his blades slashing his foe (d6+1=3 short sword damage,d4+1=2 holy dagger(2d6(1+2)=3damage) ...red ribbons of blood trickle down its body.
Rigging sweeps around the snake spinning it in circles as he launches another attack but the snake creature dodges them (d20+7=11 ,d20+7=9)and the captain growls in frustration "Grr" as his prey still stands

Swirl pounces(d100=100 conceal ch) on the other shooter near his master and slams the beast (d20+12=19,d20+12=18) twice its body slammed about the jungle (2d6+2=11 dam,2d6+2=9 dam for total of 20 dam)

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 3/80
Blink 4/7

Ashira (AC29, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2  d20+16=21 d8+5=10
Sunday July 30th, 2006 11:41:02 PM

Seeing that Val, Bart and Nezamil seem to have their end of the battle wrapped up tight, Ashira decides to head over to the other end of the trail. The ranger scoots throught the jungle easily, thanks to her Woodland Stride. She ends up directly behind one of the new halfbloods (HB3, Z9) and slashes at it viciously. (AC21 for 10)

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  2d6(5+2)+2=9
Monday July 31st, 2006 5:46:20 AM

Mykael turns the corner of the darkness and heads toward the group moving as fast as he can through the jungle to Y18.

"Your right Cosmo, stick together, stay with me."

ADM Nellie: Combat round 8  d20+17=30 d20+9=16 d20+4=20 d6=1 d20+12=23 d6+2=3 d20+7=12 d20+7=23 d6=1 d20+2=3 d100=68 d20+18=38
Monday July 31st, 2006 9:59:24 PM

As the battle wages on, the crew of the Sword find the Yuan Ti's resistance almost comical. As the enemy body count begins to mount, you find yourself begining to wonder...why in the world were we hesitant to strike out before? Still, discretion is the better part of valor, and so the one sided slaughter continues.

Nezamil's 1st shot slams home in the Abomination (AB1) but the other bounces off a nearby vine. To add insult to injury, those pesky wasps continue to sting away. Looking like he's had enough for one day, the Yuan Ti makes a break for it. Shrinking he takes the form of a tiny viper and scoots off into the undergrowth (AoO from each of the Wasps). Spot DC38 to find his location.

Val easily shrugs off the spell that tries to entangle her and quickly dispatches the Yuan Ti in front of her (PB14). It's glassy eyes seem to fail to register what has happened as it's head is chopped clean from its body. Nearby, her ward (Melonie) pulls out of the entangled area and starts looking for action.

Bart finds it a little difficult to find his way to the enemy. He makes it to the path and knows that he'll be able to see some action next round (only needs a 5 foot step).

Ashira also carves into the walking snake in front of her, wounding it, but not taking it down permanently.

With Mary's help, Appolo finds it an easy task to gut the reptile in front of him (HB6). But his delicate strikes leave the skin in pristine condition...assuring that the prophesy of snakeskin belts and boots can easily become a reality. (DM note: Aid Another grants +2 to the first attack only. Should have mentioned that in my previous post.) Mary smiles back at Appolo. "Ok...were to next?" She looks over at the Yuan Ti closing in on Rigging, but checks with Appolo before heading that way.

As his summoned creatures do a good job of distracting the enemy, Cosmo the troglodyte scans the battlefield. So far he catches sight of nothing too interesting other than the normal going's on of death and destruction.

Rigging finds that aerial combat can be trickier than it looks, and although he wounds his combatant (PB15), it still looks to have a good deal of fight left. Swirl, on the other hand, takes the other Yuan Ti (PB16) and wraps him around a palm tree. The pink froth oozing out of its nose a pretty good indicator that he's probably had his last pass at the human buffet bar. He manages to get to his feet, but it's clear he won't last long now.

Working in tandem, Hal and Kirk easily finish off their opponent (HB1), leaving John to search elsewhere for target practice. Not finding any, John looks over at Hal and Kirk. "You guys need any healing?" he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

Meanwhile, Mykael makes his way across the battlefield as quickly as possible considering the conditions. (Only able to make it to X18)

The few living Yuan Ti attack with little conviction, as if acting out of duty.

Having just seen their companion decapitated in a heartbeart, the duo facing Val strike out, but don't seem to be having much luck. One of the strikes of the pureblood (PB13) manages to nick Val's arm (AC20 for 1) but the barbarian doesn't even seem to notice. Taking a 5 foot step backward, the halfblood hisses at Val and once more she feels the strange magic attempt to take hold of her (Will DC17...remember the +2 bonus for elven blood). Ashira's foe seems likewise backs off and hisses some magic (Will DC17...remember the +2 bonus for elven blood).

The pureblood facing off against Cosmo's bees (PB12) struggles mightly to rid himself of the flying pests. He kicks one (AC23 for 1) and then fumbles his sword, almost dropping it on the ground.

Hearing their brother's strange spells, the purebloods facing the deadly combination of Rigging and Swirl decide to back off. They two step back five feet and fire off spells. Swirl DC16 or become a snake, Rigging Will DC17...or surprise.)

OOC: Spot check DC30 to notice something very interesting.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Monday July 31st, 2006 10:53:49 PM

Mykael continues his movement to help Rigging, making his way to AA18.

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d100=32 d100=94 d20+7=26 d20+10=14 d20+10=28 d4+1=2 2d6(4+5)=9 d20+12=17 d20+12=31 2d6(6+3)+2=11 2d6(4+2)+2=8 d20+12=26 d20+7=26
Monday July 31st, 2006 11:50:29 PM

Rigging sneers at the snake (pb16) as it steps away "ain't this fun " but he suddendly realizes why it stepped away as magic washes over him (d20+7=26 will ch)but shrugs it off "hah" as he steps forward in the air(5'ft move ) and slashes out at the snake (pb16)....his shorttsword just misses(d20+10=14)as it shuffles to the side but right into his dagger in his left hand (d20+10=28) the dagger sinks deep (d4+1=2 dam,2d6(4+5)=9 holy dagger bonus) (11 total dam) then kicks it the chest and off his dagger "yeah this is fun "

Swirl launches another attack at the snake thingy(d20+12=17,d20+12=31) as the air elemental slams his target into nearby trees (2d6(6+3)=11 dam,2d6(4+2)=8)(total dam=19) "got the other one boss" beams swirl to his master

Both Rigging and his familar scan their surrounds after their opponnets fall sensing something strange but not quite pinpointing it

Rigging then steps over to the slain abomination(A2) and confiscates its possesions " this stuff might get us some intel on these beasts" adds Rigging to Swirl

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 4/80
Blink 4/7

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 51/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51  d20+4=18 d20+6=12
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:42:59 AM

Both brothers give each ear splitting grins " now thats fun "

Hal turns at John's suggestion " yeah the sounds good.....that snakeman nicked me a little " as he steps over to John " nice shooting " as he slaps him on the back "i'm glad you had us covered " as he awaits the healing touch ' "your a good man "

Kirk collect the beasties stuff....we can investigate it back at the ship.....might be helpful info for us "

Kirk returns Hal grin " yeah" as he turns and quickly gathers the snakemans stuff and his henchmen " i'll get those guys too " adds Kirk (pb9,10)

"where to next? " remarks Kirk as he looks about(d20+4=18 spot ch)
"well lets make sure we stay out of that entangling mess " retorts Hal as he points at the grasping jungle " where the big guy go ? up the trail ahead of us right ?....yeah ....lets head around this mess .....come on John stick with us "

The trio (if Ranger John comes along) head around the entanglement (O-16 towards K-16)

"Nezamil.....by Domi where are ya " shouts out Hal as they begin their search

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste 5 rds  d20+6=7 d20+5=17
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 1:26:08 AM

" you coward come back here......you can't hide anywhere .....cuz i'll find ya....and crush ya to pulp " shouts Nezamil to the retreating snakemen as it disappears(d20+6=7 spot ch) in the dense jungle.

Turning about he spots Melonie moving up the trail " ya got a bucketful of courage ya do young lady " growls out the 10'2" dwarf to the departing warrior

Replacing the empty clip with a full one he slams it into his new crossbow " at least the snakehead felt your bite " laughs Nezamil

Nezamil hears a shout (d20+5=15 listen ch) "Hal ...Kirk.....over here " as he rplies to Hal's shout

The Cleric of Domi steps (5'ft move) after Melonie (reloading clip is full rd action)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+12=27 d10+19=22 d10+19=22 d20+7=19 d10=4 d20+1=11
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 5:48:17 AM

Bart sees the fight before him he makes an attack towards the snake that is fighting with Val, he makes an power attack and hopes that will kill the enemy (ac 27 for 22) otherwise his second or third attack will kill it (ac 19 for 23 and ac 11) (if the beast is dead after the first attack bart moves forward towards the abomination (a1)

Val (AC 19, HP 136/ 139, Endure Elements)  d20+21=28 d20+16=27 d20+11=21 d10+10=17 d10+10=17 d10+10=14
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:08:05 AM

Val turns to the other yuan-ti (Pb13) and grins. Her flail snaps out, smashing into the snake man several times.

ooc: hit ac 28 for 17dmg, ac 27 for 17dmg, and ac21 for 14

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26)  d20+6=25 d6+1=4
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:13:39 AM

Melonie advances to L5 effectively flanking Pb13. Unsure of how tough these snake creatures were, Melonie stabs the yuan-ti with her short spear just to make sure it would die.

ooc: hit ac 25 for 4

Ashira (AC29, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2, Scared to death of snakes  d20+10=14
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 9:52:36 AM

Ashira looks over at the halfblood with disdain. "You think you're stupid little spell's gonna...save...you." And then, as if for the first time, she sees how truly horrible these things are...with they cold, slimy, slithery skin...and those unblinking eyes...and those horrible sharp pointy fangs (Failed Will with a 14). A very unnatural fear of these creatures fills her very soul, and Ashira beats a hasty retreat far away from those terrifying vipers. (AB5)

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+9=23
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:43:21 PM

Appolo looks arouns seeing that Rigging and Swirl have things pretty well in hand.Appolo walks back up the trail alittle bit finds a old deead tree,looks it over and takes a seat"Come over here have seat rest fora momentIf this is all those snake heads got we'll kill every last one of them before the Sword is repaired,"He takes out his water skin"Here ahve some thing to drink."He says as he looks around.

Spot 23

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+2=4 d20+2=8 d20+2=5 d20+6=10 d20+6=7 d20+6=11
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 12:49:17 PM

The Bees & Wasps attack the Yuan-Ti; all failing miserably (hit AC's 4, 8, 5, 10, 7 & 11).

The battle appears to be going in the Wildcards favor for the moment, so Cosmo holds off casting any more spells. In Troglodyte form, Cosmo moves towards Mykael.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Attendence report 
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 1:40:15 PM

Dm-Jim xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxox
Bart xxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxo
Cosmo xxxxx

ADM Nellie: Combat round 9  2d8(6+6)+3=15 d20+10=19 d6+2=7 d100=71 d20+10=24 d100=8 d20+7=16 d20+2=11 d6=1
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 11:39:26 PM

The battle is winding down, and for the moment, there doesn't seem to be any reinforcements showing up.

Rigging and Swirl form a devastating tag team as they literally tear the two Yuan Ti (PB 15 & 16) apart.

Following Rigging's example, Hal and Kirk scoop up the dead Yuan Ti's equipment for later examination Then they attempt to link back up with Nezamil. OOC: Technically, de boys can only move 15 feet per round, but since this battle is almost over, I'll let it slide. John follows the brothers, liking his bulky escorts. As he moves, he reaches out and taps Hal with the wand in his hand (CMW 15 restored). The archer grins up at the ex bouncers. "You know guys, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

Reloading his crossbow, Nezamil calls out insults to the disappeared Abomination, but it is to no avail...there's no trace of the creature.

Bart squares up with a Yuan Ti (PB13) and finds it tougher than it looks. But, in the end, the walking boots just can't stand up to the walking Blade Barrier and it falls in a lifeless heap at Bart's feet.

Just as Ashira is about to strike down her opponent, she suddenly begins to backpeddle away from the combat, muttering something about "those horrible snakes."

Seeing that Bart just killed her intended target, Val is about to step forward to dispatch the halfblood (HB5) when she too is seized by a mortal fear of the snakey creatures. She quickly moves as far away from them as she can (P5).

Showing amazing courage, Melonie moves forward and makes absolutely sure that the pureblood at Bart's feet won't ever rise to his feet again.

Figuring that the battle is as much as won, Appolo decides to take a little break. Mary looks over at him hesitating. "I don't think that's a good idea. I think I'll go check on Ashira." Mary scoots further along the trail in the last general area she saw the blue-haired ranger.

Cosmo moves almost out of the darkness as he tries to link up with Mykael.

Meanwhile, the few remaining Yuan Ti continue to press the pointless battle.

Knowing the end is near, the Halfblood nearest Val (HB5) tries to extract a little vengeance. Following after the fleeing Val, he takes a swipe at her retreating back. As his scimitar cuts through her armor (AC 21 for 7) he whispers in her ear "Next time, I'm going to drink your blood ugly meatsack."

Getting caught up in the hunt, the other halfblood (HB3) likewise decides to have himself a bit of fun. Dropping his scimitar, he picks up his bow from the ground and takes aim at Ashira. "Where you going little fishy? I'm hungry and it's time for a snack" he hisses as he pulls back and lets his arrow fly. But all the bravado in the world can't compensate for skill, and his arrow zooms by the frightened ranger.

Hissing in anger, the last living pureblood (PB12) continues to try and rid itself of those pesky bees. He swats helplessly at the insects, unable to do more than a pittance of damage to his tormentors. (AC 16 for 1).

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=27 d20+7=8
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 2:19:53 AM

Seeing that Rigging doesnt need any help, Mykael turns to Cosmo, "Over here Cosmo, head for the sound of my voice".

'Ghem, what can you see, hear, or feel? Anymore out there? Another assault coming?'

(Checks for Ghem)
(Spot = 27, nat 20)
(Listen = 8, nat 1)(WOW! talk about bi-polar)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+17=33 d20+12=27 d20+6=18 d10+9=16 d10+9=16 d10+9=18 d6=4 d6=2 d6=3
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 8:03:43 AM

Come on Val these are only foul beast easy to kill! See!! Suddenly Bart remembers what he has forgotten he activates the shock ability from his sword. Bart attacks the Halfblood (hb 5) (ac 33,27 and 18 for 20, 18 and 21)

Appolo Ac23 Ho 68 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 11:30:03 AM

Appolo get's up and follows Mary"Where are you going.Now just stay with me,let Ashira find us.She's the ranger.If you go tromping of into that jungle you'll end up getting lost.Our group is already seperated and divided enough.Now relax and wait."

He then looks over to Rigging"ERigging why don't you send swirl out and have him locate the others.We need to gather ourselves and not get divided into small groups."

Val (AC 19, HP 131/ 139, Endure Elements, Scared to Death of Snakes) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 2:00:05 PM

Despite the line of burning pain across her back Val runs through the thick brush to get away from the snake. The fear, thick and overpowering causes her to flee blindly into the entaglement spell.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 2:02:44 PM

"Val? Wal?" Melonie calls out as she realises the elven warrior had dissappeared into the brush. Curious and a little scared, Melonie heads back toward the trail (O5)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:33:48 PM

"That feels great " as he slaps Ranger John on the back " now if that wand would only keep keep ale cold it would be perfect "laughs Hal

" hey i hear the big fella lets scoot around the edge of the entangled area and hook up with him " adds Kirk as he keeps John between him and Hal

" yeah this could be a sweet setup for all of us " replies Hal to Ranger John " i'll even by the 1st round once we setup up an ale house"

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement,haste 5 rds 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:43:10 PM

lowering his crossbow as the snake headed creatures vanishes "we'll meet again " grumbles Nezamil

he glances over and observes Melonie heading towards the trail and the snakeman(hb5) " be careful and teamup with someone" he growls out to her

Then the 10'2" dwarf turns and heads towards the bash brothers voices (going to k-15 if possible)

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows  d100=100
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 7:56:57 PM

A savage grin appears on Rriggings face as he slashes the snakeman to bits " nice work Swirl " Rigging beams to his familar

Looking about (d100=100 conceal ch) he spots friendly troops " Appolo...Mary...Mykael....form up on me "as he and Swirl fly to Mary's location

"Wheres Cosmo ? ....anybody seen him ?" inquires Rigging of the trio " we need his comunication skills to contact everyone "grumbles the Captain " looks like we put a hurtin on them ....good job "

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 5/80
Blink 4/7

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 9:40:29 PM

Appolo smiles at Rigging"If this is all they got.We'll sweep this Island clean of them in a few months.Most G'aalian Acolyte's are tougher then these things."He says as walks over to Rigging.

Ashira (AC27, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2, Scared of snakes  d20+10=19 d20+16=20 d8+5=13
Wednesday August 2nd, 2006 11:10:54 PM

Shaking her head, Ashira manages to wrangle down the demons that haunt her...somewhat (Will=19). Though her hands shake almost uncontrollably, Ashira turns. See, they're not that scary..just slimy..and with big fangs that no doubt are just dripping with venom... Plucking up her courage, Ashira spins around. Knowing she can't make it to the halfblood, Ashira settles for the pureblood cornered by the bees. Swinging her sword in an arc, she hacks into it's back (AC20 for 13)

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 12:02:42 AM

Cosmo continues to move towards Mykael and other members of the group.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

ADM Nellie: Combat round 10  d20+7=23 d20+10=26 d20+5=13
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 1:27:29 AM

With the battle mostly over, the Wildcards find themselves in various positions on the battlefield. Some continue to fight, while others regroup, and others run scared.

Mykael continues to try and guide Cosmo toward the sound of his voice...with very positive results...as Cosmo is able to make his way over this round. Meanwhile, Ghem scouts out the area. His very sharp eyes catch sight of a shimmer of movement...a shifting in the light perhaps, but with a definite Yuan Ti profile about 40 feet into the jungle ahead of the trail.

Meanwhile, Bart tries to snap Val out of her funk by showing her just how easy these things are to kill....whack, whack, whack...yep, just that easy. And as they say...another one bites the dust. But Bart's cheerful words fall on deaf ears. Val cannot control the urge to get away from those creepy slithering snakes and heads back to the safety of the entangled area (P9).

More than a little concerned for her mentor, Melonie hedges toward the entangled area, trying to figure out what's wrong.

The trio of Hal, Kirk and John slowly but surely scoot around the entangled area, trying to catch up with Nezamil. It's hard work, but the company makes it go by faster. ;) Magically empowered, Nezamil cuts a hasty path through then entangling weeds and all but links up with the others.

Throwing off some of the mind numbing fear, Ashira turns on the nearest Yuan Ti and takes a bite out of it. The creature hisses in pain and spins around to confront the new challenger. His eyes swollen almost shut, it is little wonder that the creature can't connect with the still formidable if frightened ranger.

Rigging barks out orders to regroup, while Appolo votes for a breather. Mary looks from one to the other and then settles on Rigging. She looks up as Rigging appears, clearly concerned. "Have you seen Ashira? I'm beginning to worry about her."

In the meantime, the last living halfbreed is still enjoying himself as he watches Ashira shake in her boots. "Here fishy, fishy." He taunts as he continues to snipe at her. Though it's all rather pointless as his arrows bounce harmlessly off her armor.

Val (AC 19, HP 131/ 139, Endure Elements, Scared to Death of Snakes)  d20+8=28
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 10:35:03 AM

ooc: reflex save 28

Val looks around franticly. After checking each direction four times does her heart begin to beat softer. After another moment she's no longer gasping for air. Snakes, there were no snakes in the grasping vines. None of their slimy bodies, creepy eyes, and terrifying fangs. She was safe in the grasping vines.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 10:37:18 AM

Melonie moves her head from side to side as she tries to peer around the thick vegitation to catch some glimpse of Val.

"Bart something's wrong. Val ran off with a look on her face I've never seen before. We have to find her." She says, voice filled with worry.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:15:53 PM

The 10'2" dwarf glides thru the entangling jungle and meets up with the Bash brothers and Ranger John " hey....good to see you all survived " grins Nezamil

With a wink at Ranger John " i see you kept the brothers alive " laughs the Cleric of Domi " good work "

"Now lets go find the others .....keep alert for dem sneaky snakes"

"Bart and Melonie are on the other side of this entangling mass ....lets head up around to hook up with them

Nezamil will lead the trio up (and up the J-file)and around the grasping jungle

Bash brothers Hal Ac 21 Hp 62/62 and Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:21:20 PM

The bash brothers breathe a sigh of relief when Nezamil appears "about time " retorts Hal with a smile

Witha good natured slap on Ranger Johns back " yeah we wouldn't be here without him "

Kirk adds " he's quite the archer ...pegged the snakeman right in the head "

Hal takes up rear guard " yo bro you get behind the guy as he widens a path for us ....John in the middle and lets move out "as they follow after Nezamil

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 6:54:24 PM

Captain Rigging looks about at his troops " looks like we gave them a taste of whats to come.....they all won't be this easy"

Nodding at Appolo's suggestion " good thinking.....keep that up and i might let you become Captain " as Rigging teases the rogue

" Swirl ....cricle the battlefield and search out our friends "

Turning to Cosmo " Cosmo reach out and touch the others with your message spell ...we need to regroup ....bring them to our location"

The rest of you search the nearby body's and lets see what type of equipment they use .....we might get a glimmer of how sophisticated they are "

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 6/80
Blink 4/7

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+6=16
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 8:45:13 PM

"Rigging I need to see them to contact them with the Message spell."

Cosmo will listen intently to see if he can hear any of the missing wildcards or snake creatures.

Listen 16.

Cosmo will stick near the group.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 88+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 89+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP106/112) Woodland Stride, Barkskin +2, Scared of snakes  d20+14=24 d20+9=10 d20+4=12 d20+14=17 d20+6=8 d20-4=0 d8+5=10
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 10:35:33 PM

He swords wavering, Ashira continues to press her attack, despite her fear of the creature in front of her. Managing to connect once (AC 24 for 10), her fear keeps her from dishing out anymore damage.

End of Combat---ADM Nellie 
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:13:00 PM

OOC: Since there are only two foes left, I'm going to move the action along. Also, I'll be away from home tomorrow, so I will make the Friday post on Saturday. Just giving you guys a heads up.

With most of the Wildcards forming up, the battle is easily finished. Ashira quickly dispatches her foe and then moves on to the halfblood, dispatching him as well.

There is still no sign of the Abomination that got away, and the figure that Ghem previously spotted seems to have melted back into the jungle. And so, for now, the only sounds are the ones made by the Wildcards and various insects and birds. Minutes pass and eventually the weeds in the entangled area die down, making it much easier for everyone to link up. A few minutes later, the magic gripping Ashira and Val fades. The compulsion to flee from the snakes is nothing but an embarrassing memory now.

The Yuan Ti's equipment is gathered...which consists of several fine looking scimitars and longbows and about two dozen arrows. There are also several necklaces composed of human fingers and a couple of shrunken skulls which look to be elven.

OOC: I don't have the equipment list on me right now. Will post on Saturday.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=10 d20+1=5 d20+7=23 d20+7=18
Thursday August 3rd, 2006 11:37:40 PM

Mykael nods to the Captain, "Loot bodies, got ya."

'Guide me there, Ghem. Give me directions to where you saw the Yuan-ti and landmarks. Stay with me, dont lose it, and stay in the trees to keep hidden'

Mykael turns and looks at any bodies in the direction that Ghem told him he saw a Yuan-ti and makes his was toward the body as if he is going to loot it.

"Keep sharp people they could hit us again at anytime," Mykael warns. As he looks around to keep his bearings with Ghems directions.

OOC: I wasnt sure what you meant by which end of the trail was the head and if the Yuan-Ti is on the trail or where. So Mykael makes a full move in the direction Ghem stated acting as though he is going to loot a body and is just being careful by scanning around, when he is actually, moving toward the invisible Yuan-ti and looking for landmarks. IF Mykael can get within close range to have only a 10% concealment modifier, then he will cast a web spell in the area Ghem states. Until then he is just moving and looting along the way, as if he has no clue.

(Spot = 10)
(Listen = 5)

(Spot = 23)
(Listen = 18)

'Lets hunt em down'

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Friday August 4th, 2006 2:50:25 AM

Appolo links up with the others.Seeing Mykeal walk into the jungle he yells"Mykeal come back let them go.Call Ghem back as well.Ok people gather what you can."He then turns to Rigging"So what's the plan now.Are we heading for the village or back to the sword."

Friday August 4th, 2006 12:06:03 PM

Bart picks up the stuff from the dead bodies around him he makes sure he picks up a bow and a quiver with arrows

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Friday August 4th, 2006 10:57:32 PM

Nezamil leads the Bash brothers and Ranger John around the entangling jungle (up J-file) and around it till the magical energy disipates allowing less hindering travel

They search out Captain Rigging and their fellow friends

Rigging ac 20 hps 70/77 blinking, mage armor, flying, protection from arrows 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 12:16:10 PM

" you see anybody ??....find Ashira!!" beams Rigging to his familiar

AS the the Wildcards start to gather by the Captain he surveys his troops " good work....now those staying with the Sword and Tomas can return down the path we just cleared.....the rest of us will head to the village and then move out from there "

* denotes spell used
Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2**, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor hours
protection from arrows hours
fly 6/80
Blink 4/7

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 4:00:24 PM

Cosmo is glad when all the group links back up. A few nicks here and there, but no one appears to be hurt significantly. Cosmo looks at his own wound. Although it is a minor wound it fascinates him nonetheless as it is the first wound he has ever received in battle. And he does not like it!

Cosmo reviews his remaining spells. Ok, not too bad he thinks. There is only one summoning spell left, but it is his most powerful. He is happy to see most of his evocation spells remaining.

"Good, Rigging let's push on. Some of my current spells only last another 80 minutes or so."

OOC -- so what was the final tally of the dead Yuan-ti by numbers and type?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 80+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 80+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Saturday August 5th, 2006 11:49:42 PM


Hearing Rigging's call, Ashira heads back toward the others, surveying the battlefield. "That wasn't so bad." she says, trying to assure herself that her sudden terror had been just a fluke.

Looking over at her husband, she grins. "Well, you want to push on to the village? With resistance like that, we could probably mop up well in an hour and a half. Still, I get the feeling that these weren't their best troops...the archers that attacked the Sword were definately better skilled that these clowns!"

Decisions----ADM Nellie 
Saturday August 5th, 2006 11:59:01 PM

Eyes turn toward Rigging as it becomes decision time. Return or press the attack? It seems to be a simple question, but it must be addressed none the less.

Meanwhile, all the equipment is gathered, and a final body count is determined.

Body count
Purebloods: 16
Halfbloods: 5
Abominations: 1 dead, 1 got away

Nice looking scimitars: 22
Tightly strung longbows: 16
Tighter strung longbows: 5
Really tightly strung longbows: 1
Sets of leather armor: 22

Sunday August 6th, 2006 3:11:38 PM

Let s go I will go in front now, I havent got any scratch during last battle. The rest of us is slightly wounded

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Sunday August 6th, 2006 9:16:13 PM

"Battle finally woke you from your depression? eh, Apollo."

"Lets get moving before they can regroup. Press the attack."

Rigging mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+12=13
Sunday August 6th, 2006 9:53:47 PM

Rigging smiles in satisfaction as the bodies are looted. "We will head back to the ship only long enough to drop off the loot and pick up our villager volunteers to bring them to the village."

Rigging will help carry some of the spoils of war and when they get back to the ship says, "First part of the mission is done. We killed 21 of them including one of their leaders. I think you should be safe enough for a couple of days but watch for hidden archers.

We are moving on to the village. Tomas you are in charge while I am gone. Keep this crew safe and keep repairs going as best you can."

Rigging will grab the two brave villagers and start heading back to the village still keeping a close eye out for trouble. (course he is a bit distracted, rolled a natural one for spot)

Monday August 7th, 2006 10:09:56 AM

After checking to make sure that Melonie was unharmed, Val smiles at her young friend and gives many words of encouragement. Honestly she would have enjoyed pressing the attack against the snakes but walking back to the ship with Melonie's company wasn't so bad either. Another battle and nobody died. That makes a good day.

Monday August 7th, 2006 11:13:58 AM

After the battle and everyone has rejioned the group Applo seeks out Vlanthe.it is quite clear that he is making sure she is un harmed."I', glad to see the two of you are well.These things aren't worth much ona the battlefeild are they."

He then walks back to the ship with the others.

Rigging illegal post 
Monday August 7th, 2006 11:52:41 AM

Rigging listens to the Wildcard's good spirits and joins in with it but cautions, "We have only seen their raiders, and a couple of leaders. They attacked us disjointed. We need to be prepared for a more coordinated defense and ways to get people out of entangle spells.

Still I am proud of you all. We hit hard and fast. We worked together and were victorious. Not a bad couple minutes work.

Ashira, Bart and Val, I want you to come up with some hit and run tactics that we can use to hit them where they live. They seem to be very good in the jungle, so we will need some good escape routes planned. Remember we think there are hundred of these things, but we should enjoy the advantage of surprise the first time anyway. Might get more dicey after that."

Rigging calls down Swirl and says, "I am very proud of you. We fought well together."

Monday August 7th, 2006 1:00:16 PM

The 10'2" dwarf checks for wounds among everyone then follows Captain Rigging back to the Sword with Hal and Kirk close by

Nodding at Rigging's asessment of the snakemens ability's and tactics " yup this was just a taste of what they can do "

Attendence report 
Monday August 7th, 2006 1:11:17 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxx?
Appolo xxoxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxox
Bart xxoxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxoxx
Cosmo xxxx?

Dm-Jim on Vaction

?=no post yet but still has time before next Dm post

Monday August 7th, 2006 4:24:54 PM

Not totally happy about going back to the Sword as his current spells will end. Cosmo falls in place as the group moves.

Monday August 7th, 2006 10:24:42 PM

The ranger nods, beginning to think through the battle. She tries to think through what the village will be like. As she travels, she asks Cosmo and Rigging what spells they have available, as that will impact her tactics.

Return trip (or Happy Trails)---ADM Nellie 
Monday August 7th, 2006 11:52:18 PM

Happy with their recent success, the Wildcards head back to the Sword with the loot they have found. The trip is uneventful, and all the crew is thrilled at the return of the Wildcards. Conner demands a specific play by play of the battle in order to determine the results of the bets.

Everyone has a chance to cool down and get some water before they pick up the villagers to drop them back off at the village. David looks very excited and also a little worried "We've got to get back there and warn the others about the danger!"

Quickly gathering their things, the villagers ready themselves to travel with the Wildcards.

OOC: Marching order and spot checks please.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 9:30:05 AM

Hit and run tactics? I wish they where in the open so we could move faster then in the jungle. Dont we have a spell that we can use for that? so we can move as fast as if we where on a plain? We have to pin them down with arrows. I havent used a bow for long, i prefer my sword but i know how to use it. I wall walk in second this time.

Val  d20+4=8
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:33:54 AM

"Captain hit and run tactics is exactly what they expect. I hate hit and run. Let's march in there, kick down their doors, and kill em all."

Val looks at Appolo walking ahead of her and Melonie. Maybe he wants to be friends but could she take that chance? Val doesn't think that things can ever go back to the way they were. It's just not something that she can do right now.

ooc: spot check 8

Melonie  d20+5=15
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 10:35:55 AM

Melonie was a little suprised by Val's desire to storm the snake village. It doesn't sound like the best plan but then she's new at this. But its clear that she needs to stay close to Val and keep her safe.

ooc: spot check 15

Appolo  d20+10=14 d20+15=20 d20+8=22
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 11:47:20 AM

After a rest and something to eat.Appologets his things together and stands ready on the beach in the shade of the sword.Once the order is given Appolo moves quickly and silently up the trail keeping a sharp eye out for trouble and as usaul taking point.

Spot 14 Move silently 20,Listen 22

Rigging  d20+12=18 d20+7=18
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 1:12:37 PM

Rigging sips on some water as he listens to Val's objections. "I agree we should push our first attack hard and to the limit but they do have us outnumbered at least 30 to 1. We need to do some scouting, find out where the leaders live and see if we can eliminate them first. Sounds like the priests control the big snake we encountered so our first goal might be to hit them first.

We want to take out as many abominations as possible as they seem to be the royalty of the race. If we can cut off their head, hopefully the body will wither and their morale will sink.

After our first raid though, they will be ready for us. They seem expert on traps and tactics that deal in surprise. We need to be more cautious on our next attacks. We will also need to find some kind of secure base, that we can rest, cure and restock our spells.

Cosmo, do you have any spells that could accomidate that?"

Marching order: Val, Bart, Mykael, Nezamil,Dave (villager), Female villager, Cosmo, Rigging, Appolo, Ashira. I am assuming that we are keeping the henchmen at home.

Spot check 18 for Rigging
Spot check 18 for Swirl

Rigging will get the Wildcards quickly on the trail again. He is worried about time, he wants to get the villagers on the trail today back to the ship.

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 3:09:24 PM

Nezamil grabs a quick snack and guzzles some water.

"Ok boys you two enjoyed some action " grins Nezamil " now you gotta stay here with Tomas and guard the Sword and our troops.....remember stay alert"

The 10'2" dwarf reloads his empty crossbow clip and takes extra ammo with him for the coming battles with the snakeheads

"aye Captain to the village first so David can inform the villagers of the looming danger....then we can recon the other pyramids better and come up with plan of action "

The Cleric of Domi falls into position behind Mykael " your friend Ghem was quite handy....glad you made friends with him " smiles Nezamil " Swirl and Ghem will form quite a recon team for us " as he heads out up the trail to the castaway village

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Tuesday August 8th, 2006 4:30:43 PM

The others find Appolo missing and Nezamil can just see him disappearing down the trail toward the village.Moving with his ussaul speed and grace.

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 8:31:28 PM

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)

"My spells are all offensive now except for Clairaudience/voyance."

Cosmo falls in line per Rigging's marching order instruction.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 60+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 60+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=24
Tuesday August 8th, 2006 11:00:14 PM

The ranger sighs. Fact was the Wildcards weren't exactly equipped for this kind of attack. Still, the resistance had been light so far, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad...but she can't shake the feeling that a couple of freedom of movement spells would go a long way. Taking her place in the line up, Ashira keeps her eyes and ears attuned to the jungle around her (Spot=24).

Nasty surprises---ADM Nellie  d20+18=34 d6=4 d4=1
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 12:07:18 AM

OOC:Time to travel back to the village and to current location is 60 minutes. Please mark off spells.

The return trip toward the village goes very well, without so much as a snake spotted along the journey. However, about halfway there, things take a turn for the worse. Appolo scoots along in front of the group, determined to take the lead. He moves swiftly and easily down the trail, until quite unexpectedly, he feels his feet slipping out from under him. Reflex DC20 or fall into a 10 foot deep covered pit (taking 5 pts. of damage).

As the rest of the party heads along the trail, Ghem suddenly gets the feeling that there are several creatures out in the jungle...though he doesn't know exactly where (blindsense). He thinks that the creatures might be somewhere on the edge of his range (about 50 feet) and there are about 3 of them.

OOC: Map to come out tomorrow, but right now it's not really needed.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+13=33 d20+14=22 d20+12=23 d20+9=12 d20+6=7
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:21:34 AM

Appolo easily sidesteps the trap and then slips quietly into the jungle to the right of the trail.Hding behind a tree and ina bush he waits to see what happens.

Reflex 33 hide 22 move Silently 23 Spot 12 Listen 7

Bart  d20=18
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 1:20:29 PM

Bart walks almost in front of the group and has is eyes open (spot 18). He looks around if he sees any sign of Apollo

Rigging Mage armor, Protection from arrows  d20+12=31 d20+7=10
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 6:55:04 PM

Rigging sees the pit open up before Appolo and the thief melt into the woods. "We might have some trouble here. Everyone be alert. Swirl head up and keep a higher lookout.

Rigging then takes a hard look around. (spot 31)

Swirl gains around 15' of height and will zip down the path to see what he can see. He sees a lot of leaves. spot 10

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac  d20+6=15
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 7:27:10 PM

Nezamil stays protectively by David and his female friend as he hears the warning of the pit."careful .....watch your step"

the 10'2" dwarf surveys the woods to his right (d20+6=15 spot ch)for signs of movement and danger

With a look at Mykael in front of him to keep his back covered he continues up the trail towards where Appolo dissappeared

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=25 d20+7=22 d20+7=16 d20+7=23 d20+1=13
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 8:11:33 PM

Mykael lets Nezamil slide by as he takes up a defensive position guarding the two villagers.

'Let me know if they start to move in closer, Ghem.'

"We are being watched. Be aware," Mykael warns the group.

Ghem's rolls
(Spot = 25)
(Listen = 22)

Mykael's rolls
(Spot = 16)
(ignore 4th roll, put in wrong value)
(Listen = 13)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira  d20+12=26 d20+11=16
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 10:57:01 PM

Her swords out in a heartbeat, Ashira scans the jungle for signs of trouble (Spot=26, Listen=16). "Keep your eyes peeled for traps...if there's one, there's bound to be more..."

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57) 
Wednesday August 9th, 2006 11:07:10 PM

Cosmo walks with the group.

He gets alert when something is sensed in the woods.

Riverside Combat Rd. 1---ADM Nellie  d20+18=37 d100=37 d20+10=27 d20+3=20 d100=25 d20+10=12 d20+3=13 d100=23 d20+10=16 d20+3=18 d100=85 d20+10=12 d20+3=22 d100=16 d20+10=23 d20+3=12 d100=64 d20+10=24 d20+3=23 d20+3=8 d20+13=18 d8+3=11
Thursday August 10th, 2006 12:19:37 AM

Ever the agile one, Appolo deftly side steps the trap as it opens before him and scoots just off of the trail (sorry, you'll have to move left, because there's a river on the right) and hunkers down. But just as he moves off the trail, Appolo feels a strange tugging at his legs (Ref. DC 25 or be caught in a snare and suspended 5 feet from the ground).

Meanwhile, the other Wildcards are alerted to danger and snap into action. Since there is a river running the full length of the right side of the trail, Nezamil and Mykael step in front of the villagers, affording them protection from the enemies that Ghem has spotted in the jungle. Ghem beams to Mykael "Make that four of them. Don't know where they are for sure. They're moving a little, but not toward us..." Though Rigging stares hard into the jungle, even his keen eyes can't make out the location of the enemy.

Seconds later, Ghem's cryptic message is unraveled as arrows flit through the jungle underbrush from the west. Almost all of the arrows miss their mark, but one finds its way past all the undergrowth and lands with a thud in Val's arm (AC22 for 11pts.).

OOC: There is normal movement along the trail. Ashira knows that movement in the jungle will be at half speed with no running, tumbling, spring attack, etc. Vision is at best 30 feet into the woods, with some chance of vision out to 40 or 50 feet. There is a 10% concealment chance within 30 feet (melee & bow, etc.), 40% at 40 feet (missile, etc.) and 70% at 50 feet (missile, etc.).

Please post your positions and remember that movement is halved in the jungle.

Appolo  d20+13=28 d20+14=15 d20+15=24 d20+10=11 d20+7=9
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:19:50 AM

Appolo quickly side steps the rope trap moving in silence a few feet deeper into the jumgle whilr trying to keep and eye out and his ears open for trouble.He hides in a another bush.

Reflex 28 move silently 15 hide 24 spot 11 listen 7

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86  d20+4=16
Thursday August 10th, 2006 4:33:02 PM

Bart steps of the trail and moves deeper in the jungle his bow is ready an arrow is on the bow string spot 16

Thursday August 10th, 2006 4:40:30 PM

position i30

Val (AC 19, HP 130/139) 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 5:45:59 PM

Val sighs and pulls the arrow from her arm without so much as a grimmace. These pathetic creatures were really wearing on her patience.

"That's it. Hell with planning. Time to stain the ground red with their blood."

ooc: map got accidentally deleated. no idea where val and melonie are.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 8:22:28 PM

"There are only a few that we know of. It appears to be a delaying and annoying move. They are at such a distance and have such poor skill that we are relatively safe. I suggest just get past the traps and move on."

"Apollo, could you make sure the path around the pit is clear of traps."

"Rigging? What say you?"

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac 
Thursday August 10th, 2006 9:13:57 PM

"aye....i agree with mykael ....just trying to delay us....i say lets push on as fast as we can " adds Nezamil in support of Mykael

With a look at the two villagers "stay close and keep low "

The big dwarf then moves forward and around the trap Appolo discovered with the two villagers in tow

OOC: 60 min march to here ?? Nezamil's Freedom of movement spell duration is 10 mins a level should still be active! do you agree ???

As long as he's more than a 6th level priest, I agree. ;)---Nellie

Rigging  6d6(6+6+6+2+3+6)=29 d20+6=17 d20+6=19 d20+6=11
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:17:25 PM

Rigging hears the advice and agrees, "Everyone keep moving. Lets put them behind us and then turn and fight if we have too. Watch out for more traps on the path in front of us."

Rigging will then pull out his wand of fireballs and send a fireball centered on G29 hoping to catch a few but also to add a smoke screen and burn away some of their cover.

29 points of damage 14 if save. Rolled 3 spell resistance checks 17,19,11

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 53/57)  d20+5=8
Thursday August 10th, 2006 10:54:31 PM

Cosmo hustles along in Troglodyte form, glad for the increased speed the form gives him. He looks for any enemy through the trees, ready to fire off a spell if need be.

Spot 8.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Message: 30+/90 minutes
Alter Self: 30+/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+11=26
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:34:52 PM

The ranger grins at Rigging and Mykael. "Must be something important if they've gone through all this trouble to distract us. Let's go spoil their plans." As she waits for the others to clear the path, Ashira checks the jungle for any signs of further aggression by the Yuan Ti (Spot=21, Listen=26).

Riverside Combat Rd. 2---ADM Nellie  d100=74 d20+10=20 d20+3=14 d100=52 d20+10=15 d20+3=16 d100=83 d20+10=12 d20+3=20 d100=57 d20+10=12 d20+3=8 d100=6 d20+10=25 d20+3=15 d100=10 d20+10=29 d20+3=22
Thursday August 10th, 2006 11:49:21 PM

Mykael takes in the battle and comes to the conclusion that perhaps the current enemy tactics are only meant to delay. Rigging agrees, and calls for the hidden Appolo to start clearing the path for the party. Ghem does not sense any forward movement from the enemy.

Arrows continue to fly from the jungle, most of them aimed Appolo's way, but they all bounce harmlessly off his armor or stick in trees. Rigging fires off his fireball which is unfortunately not accompanied by a chorus of screams, but does create a good deal of smoke. All eyes turn to Appolo and Val, waiting to see if they adhere to the Captain's orders. (Appolo, I will need Disable rolls from you if you adhere to Rigging's plan)

OOC: Map is the same since no one has really moved.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86  d20+4=13
Friday August 11th, 2006 12:21:30 PM

After hearing Riggings orders Bart makes an last look deepr nto the jungle (spot 13) If he sees nothing he goes back to the trail

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=34 d20+13=28 d20+8=11 d20+10=22 d20+14=26
Friday August 11th, 2006 2:13:04 PM

Upon hearing Riggings order apolo steps back on the the trail and begins to move forward looking for traps or anything else that might be dangerous.He moves silently and as quickly as possibble while hugging the trees and staying in the shadows as much as possible.

Move Silent 34 Hide 28 Search 11 Spot 22 Reflex 26

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+6=16
Friday August 11th, 2006 9:03:26 PM

Nezamil starts up the trail after Appolo "stay close David...you too " as he points at the female villager

he looks into the woods (d20+6=16 spot ch) as he moves and keeps Mykael spaced(5-10 ft) out in front of him so they don't trip over each other

Rigging  d20+12=24 d20+4=24 6d6(6+2+1+5+6+3)=23 d20+6=25 d20+6=18 d20+6=18
Friday August 11th, 2006 11:17:07 PM

Rigging moves 30' up the path, looking for something to aim at. He tries to spot the arrows and then use his brain to try and figure out where they are coming from. He sees them, does a quick math problem in his head extrapolating the area and launches another fireball from his wand.


spot 24
intelligence check 24 (natural 20)
damage 23
spell resistance rolls 25,18,18

Saturday August 12th, 2006 1:17:15 AM

c u all in 2 weeks, please take over Bart for me, esp during upcomming battle as a mean fighting machine with spring attack, cleave and other nasty feats (see mail fo character sheet)

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=17
Saturday August 12th, 2006 11:59:58 PM

The ranger follows after the others, wondering why the shift in tactics by the Yuan Ti. (Spot=17, Listen=17)

Moving right along...---ADM Nellie  d100=30 d20-2=4 d6=5 d4=2
Sunday August 13th, 2006 10:45:18 PM

The Wildcards decide that the attack is a ruse, and so decide to press on (250xp bonus to Mykael for correctly recognizing the tactic). Appolo scoots down the path, checking it for traps. Unfortunately, he does not recognize the well camoflagued pit trap in front of him until it's almost too late (Refl. 20 or take 7 pts. of damage).

Rigging watches Appolo struggle with the trap around him and decides to stick where he's at for the moment being. The Captain carefully takes in the direction of the arrows and carefully triangulates to find the enemy location. He launches his fireball and it zooms toward its target, but unfortunately detonates about halfway into the jungle foliage (70% cover, rolled 30) . Still, the smoke from the smoldering undergrowth does aid in the effort to continue down the trail, as no further arrows head the Wildcard's way (250xp bonus to Rigging for the smart fireball tactic).

If Appolo has fallen in the trap, he is quickly fished out, and the Wildcards head down the trail. No further traps are found, and Ghem does not sense that they are being followed. He does detect several different life forms in the jungle, including several snakes, but none of them appear to be doing anything suspicious. About a half an hour into the journey (only a few minutes to village) the sounds of a massive struggle can be heard, as well as several screams from women.

Total time elapsed since the first battle with the Yuan Ti is 90 minutes.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d100=96 d100=71 d20+6=24 d20+6=16 d20+6=20 d20+7=24 d20+7=17 d20+7=11 d20+7=23 d20+7=11 d20+7=19
Monday August 14th, 2006 1:38:01 AM

Upon hearing the battle and the screams, Mykael starts casting.

(Mount X2, 2 rds to cast both, made spell failures for both = 96% and 71%)

"Rigging, Val and I will head forward and help to the best of our ability, the rest of you hurry as fast as you can."

"Val, they need our help, and you want to smash more snakes... you willing to ride with me?" Mykael states as he climbs aboard his summoned horse.

Ghem fly ahead along the path and warn me of any snakemen that could ambush Val and me, or the party. And tell me what is happening in the village. Stay out of sight!

Mykael's rolls
(ride checks = 24, 16, 20)
(spot checks = 24, 17, 11)

Ghem's rolls
(spot checks = 23, 11, 19)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+13=30
Monday August 14th, 2006 2:50:49 AM

Appolo easily aviods the trap and sprints full speed toward the village once he hears the screams and the struggle.He isildly annoyed when Mykeal offers Valanthe a ride.Oh well Appolo will just take it out on the snakes.

Reflex 30

Val (AC 19, HP 130/139) 
Monday August 14th, 2006 10:44:24 AM

Val does not jump onto the steed like everyone expects.

"Captain I say to hell with those damn fools but what are your orders? Should we try and save them from the fate they want?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57) 
Monday August 14th, 2006 11:14:18 AM

Cosmo sees everyone hustling to get to the village. Since his movement had decreased back to Halfling speed he decides it is time to go to the air. He activates his Griffon figurine and flies to the village.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging ac 19, hps 77/77  d20+7=13 d20+7=23
Monday August 14th, 2006 12:12:05 PM

Rigging looks at Val sternly, "Of course we try to save them. They are idiots but we know they are under some kind of evil influence from the tainted food, and even if they weren't, the unborn children deserve something better than being swallowed by snakes. Now get your self together and chop us some snakemen. Besides, the more we kill now, the less we well have to deal with in their city."

Rigging will mount the horse and spur it forward towards the village. He orders Swirl to give him a flyby to scout. Swirl will zoom ahead gaining some height to 20' and move at sprint speed towards the village. He will send back his thoughts on what he sees to Rigging.

Rigging ride check 13
Swirl's spot check 23


Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

mage armor and protection of arrows, (not sure how much time has elapsed but both last hours)

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Monday August 14th, 2006 8:26:09 PM

The warrior charges after the nimble Appolo and towards the sound of battle only side stepping the trail when/if any of the mounts need to pass
"time to dish out some pain "

(posted by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d8+10=14
Monday August 14th, 2006 8:51:40 PM

As sounds of the raging battle echo thru the jungle " we need to get there and help them villagers...they ain't so heavily armed as i recall "

"aye Captain i'm with ya on that " as the dwarf shoots a withering look at Val" By Domi we'll help them fools "

Nezamil hears Mykael invoke magical words and asdds his own voice " this will help protect you my friend " as he touches the quick thinking mage (1d8+10=14 temp Hp's)(casting aid on mykael)

Aid-+1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).

The 10'2" dwarf then heads up the trail after his fellow wildcards " follow us " he barks out to David and the female villager

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Attendence report 
Monday August 14th, 2006 9:07:52 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxx?
Appolo xxxox
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxox
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxox
Cosmo xxxox

? = still has time to post before Dm post

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+11=29
Monday August 14th, 2006 10:13:59 PM

The ranger looks over at Val's bluster with a mixture of anger and frustration. This "I'm smarter than all humans" mentality of her was getting old. Maybe we should have just left her to die on that beach so long ago... Ashira mentally broods. But she was young...hopefully she'd figure out that it takes more than just elves to make the world go around...

Unsheathing her swords, Ashira sprints quickly through the undergrowth and toward the village. As she runs, Ashira takes a careful look around her, warry of more traps from their enemy. (Spot=31, Listen=29)

Bad Omens----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 9:51:40 AM

Mykeal, Rigging and Cosmo approach the village and find the place in shambles...tables over turned, food flung everywhere. Though the faint sounds of a struggle continue, at first glance, there is little hope for the village. A dozen of the young men lie in pools of blood, their bodies strewn about the village...it is clear that they are either dead or on death's doorstep. One youth grasps desperately at his abdomen, trying to push his intestines back through the gaping hole in his chest. Nearby, a decapitated body stains the ropes that hold it in place on a palm tree a bright crimson red. The scene is not so much of a battlefield, but gives more the impression of a large macabre playground. It is plainly obvious that the creatures that inflicted these wounds found a large measure of pleasure inflicting them. It's also clear that several of the wounded/dead were toyed with before the killing blow was delivered.

From his winged mount, Cosmo is spared the gory spectacle that affronts Mykael and Rigging. His bird's eye advantage also makes it easy to spot the conflict that is taking place near the cleared area toward the back of the village. Flying in for a closer (but not too close!!) look, Cosmo spots a villager pinned down by two Yuan Ti. The young man brandishes a shining axe in his hands that he is waving around, desperately trying to fend off the snake creatures attacks. Bleeding from several wounds, he doesn't look like he'll last too long on his own.

The screaming can still be heard, but it is now very muffled and coming from the direction of the jungle.

The rest of the Wildcards, from their unmounted positions on the trail cannot quite make out the carnage, but it is clear the village is in trouble. David spurs them on. "Hurry up, they need your help...you've got to save them!" he begs Nezamil.

Matt C. 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:38:10 AM

OOC - Distance from Cosmo to villager and the 2 bad guys?

Map should be in your mailbox.---Nellie

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:47:22 AM

Rigging will spur his mount over to where he sees the injured man fighting with his own intestines. He will slid off his horse next to him and pull out a potion of healing to administer next round.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+9=20 d20+10=17
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 1:11:20 PM

Arriving a couple minutes later,Appolo moves through the village looking around"Guess they started the party early this time.With out us too,how rude."He exclaims as he moves past Rigging.Toward the sounds of the struggle.
Appolo moves to the back off the village were the man is struggling with two of the snakmen."Hey morons.You want to play with someone play with me!!"He yells as moves toward them swords out ready for action.Appolo is only 18 years old,but has spent his entire life at war.He moves likea much older more seasoned warrior as close with his enemies.

Tuesday August 15th, 2006 1:19:29 PM

Val moves toward the village. Maybe there will be some snakes to kill.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 4:52:46 PM

The stout fighter hustles behind the faster Val towards the sounds of the sceaming.....his feet pounding the dirt as he enters the village.

As if by magic his sword instantly appears in his hand as he eyes follow the flying wildcards .....the warrior charges after them

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 5:04:32 PM

" we'll save them or die trying.....by Domi i swear that" growls Nezamil to David

The 10'2" dwarf charges after Bart ...the weight of his statue shaking the ground as he chases after the big warrior

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57) 
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 10:19:35 PM

Cosmo flies a little higher, trying to get a better view of the battle/noise that is coming from the jungle. He also keeps an eye on the group in front of him.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=25 d20+11=19
Tuesday August 15th, 2006 11:54:43 PM

The ranger looks over at David. "You guys stay close, but don't get in the way." Running into the village, Ashira gags. Looking around, she spots the battle and heads toward it. "Stick together people and gang up on them. We're taking them down!"

First Impressions----ADM Nellie  d20+8=10 d20+12=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 d6=6 d6=4 d20+12=19 d20+5=16 d6=5 d6=5
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:49:40 AM

Rigging heads over to the mortally wounded youth and prepares to administer the critical healing. Clearly in shock, the teen fumbles with his innards as he stares glassy eyed at Rigging. "They...just came out from now where. We...we didn't even have anything to fight them with...and, they took the ones with child. I think Marcos got the axe... Why is it so cold?" Sweat beading on his forehead, the young man begins to shake.

Travel is much easier in the clear cut village, and the remaining Wildcards rush forward, eager for action.

Noting their arrival, and Appolo's taunts, the snakemen turn for an instant. Cold, emotionless eyes search and appraise. And then one of the creatures lets out a long hiss that could very well be a laugh. "Wait your turn, meatsssack. We're not done with this one yet." The teenager swings the heavy, glowing axe awkwardly and misses the snakeman in front of him altogether. Hissing in pleasure, the Yuan Ti press their attack. The pureblood behind the teen slices deeply into the back of his leg resulting in a large spurt of blood. The other pureblood, clearly enjoying himself, launches a well orchestrated attack with all but severs the youth's left arm from his body. The villager stumbles to one knee, holding the axe in front of him in a defensive posture.

From his eye in the sky position, Cosmo has no problem taking in the battle between the villager and the Yuan Ti, as well as the arrival of the rest of the Wildcards. However, he finds it next to impossible to spot what going on in the jungle from an elevated position, considering all the trees and dense undergrowth.

OOC: Mykael, I need a Concetration check from you, please.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=14 d20+13=31 d20+13=29 d10+4=12 d8+4=12 d6=3 d6=3 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2 d6=3 d6=2 d6=6 d6=6 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 11:26:26 AM

Appolo takes look around then charges the snake men.He swings hard twice at the neearest one.Backstabbing him as he had turned his back on the young thief.Appolo is hopinmg to cut the creature in two.{-4 to Ac for Charge}

Spot 14 Attack 31 29 Damage 12+ 12 +Backstab 21+ 22=67

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Wednesday August 16th, 2006 12:56:03 PM

position: J11

Val grips her weapon tightly and breaks into a sprint. Her powerful legs carry her swiftly across the battlefield.

ooc: full round action to run- up to 160'

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