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Island Girl, What you wanting with .........

DM Jim: Landfall 
Monday May 8th, 2006 1:31:24 PM

Captain Rigging makes one pass around the large lagoon looking for a safe place to beach the Sword. Rigging can tell that it is close to high tide at present. A shallow approach is found and Rigging points the Sword at it and with the sharks pushing the ship cuts a deep "V" in the clear sand. The two or so remaining months of supplies in the hold help settle the Sword in the wet sand. With less water to support the Sword, she start to list to starboard about 15 degrees. The bow of the Sword is in dry sand, but the aft is in 3 feet of water. The Sword may be high and dry at low tide.

Gordon yells "Land Ho!" as the Sword settles into the sand.

During this time Appolo and the bash brothers get the pitch and oil next to the aft catapult, but with the list of the Sword it will be difficult to operate and more difficult to aim.

Just after the Sword stabilizes in the sand, Ghem mentally contacts Mykael. "The big swimmer is on its way."

The colossal snake makes a few passes around the huge lagoon, but does not enter the shallows. After a few minutes, Ghem reports that the snake leaves the lagoon.

Tomas is quick to leave the Sword as he want to inspect the damage the snake had wrought on the Sword from the outside. Tomas tells Rigging "This is a few weeks worth of work that needs to be supervised by an experienced shipwright or engineer. Do we have one on board?"

Bart, with his eyepiece, watches the fellow in the palm tower climb down and head into the jungle. The tower is at the mouth of the lagoon, which is approaching a mile away.

Some of the Wildcards suggest that the crew stays on board ship, while the rest goes and form a landing party.

Walking out of the Jungle is a red head female human is very few cloths, but appears to be appropriate for the heat. She drops her water jugs and gasps in surprise, before turning to go back into the jungle. It is apparent that she is pregnant. DC 15 spot check for Mary to notice something interesting about the girl.

DC 20 spot check for all Wildcards, but Cosmo to notice something in the trees, the DC is 15 for Mary and Melonie.

The Sword is on a gentle white sand beach that encompasses most of the lagoon and ranges in depth from 10 to 100 yards to the jungle. Birds can be heard and other calls and chirps form unseen animals and insects. The jungle looks thick and foreboding, but a pregnant woman just went into it......

Monday May 8th, 2006 3:21:24 PM

Bart leaves the sword as well and inspects the dammage himself. He suggest to cut some trees and attach them to the sword so she stands upright. Bart waits on the beach for the others to start with recon mission towards the tower

OOC i'm having a week of vaccation and i'm not sure i have acces to the internet there please take over Bart for a week

Rigging  d20+11=29 d20+7=17
Monday May 8th, 2006 6:58:27 PM

Rigging hears the report of the snake leaving and breaths a sigh of relief. He thinks, "We need to come up with a plan to kill the thing or this island will be a death trap.

Rigging looks around and sees the pregnant girl making her way back into the jungle. He is tempted to chase after her but fears that will only frighten the inhabitants. They want to make friends so sitting tight seems the wise course for now.

He starts bellowing orders, "I want this entire ship inspected for damage. I want the supplies checked to make sure they are still in good shape. I don't want anyone leaving the beach yet. We don't know if the locals are friendly, but we don't want to frighten them. We want to seem peaceful.

The pregnant girl had red hair. Not a typical island color so these might be castaways and surviviors from other ships that the snake sank. They could be an important resourse for us as they already know the island. I want everyone on his good behavior.

Hal and Kirk to me!" He points at the still snoring Pierre and says, "Lets wake him up. Toss him off the stern please. Ashira, when he wakes up, I want him on barnacle duty. Since we are beached, we might as well clean them off."

Rigging then inspects the damage and consults with the ship's carpenter discussing the repairs needed balanced against the tools and supplies on hand. He starts the work moving forward to repair the damage. (Engineer check 17)

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:25:03 PM

The brothers survive the beaching of the Sword with just minor bumps and bruises.

They quickly work together passing out weapons and equipment to both the veteren and new crew trained by bart at Nezamil's direction

At Captain Riggings commands the brothers look over at the Cleric of Domi who nods to them and they quickly grab the drunk wine steward and toss him over the side as ordered "time to wake up " laughs Kirk

They then both return to handing out and organizing a defense of the Sword

OOC: Jim what is the distance between the ship and jungle?? looking for the boys to form a perimiter defensive ring

Nezamil  d20+5=20
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:37:41 PM

Tthe Cleric of Domi nods to the brothers at Captain Riggings orders " easy with him boys " grins Nezamil

The giant sized dwarf surveys the surrounding jungle and catches a glimps of red (d20+5=20 spot ch)" what was that ? "

Springing into action he leaps off the sword onto the sandy beach (ring of featherfall)and inspects the ship "good idea Bart ....planty of wood to build some support structures "

"Captain maybe we could send out some trackers to check out any nearby trails ?? maybe Swirl and Ghem too?? "

" can Ghem handle that Mykael?? "

Mykael  d20+5=13 d20+8=10
Monday May 8th, 2006 8:39:53 PM

"Thanks for the help, my friend. Do as you like, but becareful," Mykael yells to Ghem.

Mykael was the first off the ship, he notices the girl and scans the area. Nothing out of the ordinary.(spot=13)

When the defenses are more secure, Mykael joins Rigging, inspecting the ship.

"Mind if I have a look? Barts right, we will need to secure her position. Cant have the water moving her, or the list to get worse when the tide drops," Mykael comments. "However, lets see how bad it is, before we go any farther. I have some knowledge and experience."


Monday May 8th, 2006 8:41:46 PM

'I am just glad its gone.' Ghem projects to Mykael.

'I like that high spot, on top of the mast, I think you called it. I will be there watching and resting in the sun.'

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=35 d20+7=22
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:05:48 PM

Cosmo again tries to have the sharks move off away from the ship (con check 35; nat 20). He directs them to patrol in the area and attack the snake if it comes near the boat.

Cosmo hops down off the ship with the rest of the Wildcards. He looks around the beach and forest, trying to gets his bearings. He thinks back to his schooling about this area of the WOLD, geography, nature and anything else (knowledge check 22).

He moves towards Rigging as he gives orders to fix the boat. He remains quiet as that is out of his scope of ability. Instead he checks his gear and makes sure it is all in place.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.25/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+12=28 d20+11=12 d20+9=12
Monday May 8th, 2006 10:52:58 PM

When the Sword beaches, Ashira jumps off the vessel anxious to get a lay of the immediate surroundings and scout for trouble. Frowning at Rigging's assignment, Ashira turns to the Bash Brothers. "Hey guys, you mind taking care of that for me? I'd like to do some scouting first to make sure we're defensible." Ashira heads over to Rigging and kisses him on the cheek. "Dear, we just landed on foreign soil...really, I think you ought to let me and John scout out the perimeter at the very least. That way we'll have a better idea how to set up a defensible campsite."

OOC: Spot=28, Listen=12, Survival=12

John and Mary  d20+5=16 d20+12=23
Monday May 8th, 2006 11:25:36 PM

Wobbling slightly, Mary hops off the deck of the Sword and lands lightly on the beach, short spear and shield in hand. As Ashira talks about heading off into the wild, Mary smiles. "Not without me, you aren't!" (Spot=16).

John laughs at Mary. Reaching out he tugs gently on her mithral shirt, making it jingle. "Sure, that'll be nice and quiet...maybe we ought to drag some chains behind us too." Looking over at Ashira, John cricks his neck toward the jungle. "Whenever you're ready." (Spot=23)

Valanthe  d20+4=16
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:20:27 AM

Val quickly hops the railing and drops to the soft sandy beach. By the time she turned toward the red headed woman she was already dissappearing into the brush. (spot check 16)

"This goes from bad to worse. Captain that snake would crush any ship that wasn't ours. Now there could be many natives who might stand in our way."

Melonie  d20+5=18
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:28:49 AM

Melonie fights down the eagerness she feels as the sword slide gently upon the shore. Her sharp elven eyes catch sight of the pregnant woman before she dissappeared into the jungle(spot check 18). Almost, Melonie almost jumps over the side like some of the others but thinks better of it. She climbs down a rope and steps onto the sandy shore. Spear in hand she moves up into position behind Val.

"What could a pregnant woman be doing down here alone. There has to be a village near here."

Appolo  d20+9=29 d20+10=19 d20+15=23 d20+12=20 d20+13=15 d20+9=19
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 11:37:29 AM

Once the pitch and oil are in position Appolo quickly heads to the Fronts of the ship to have a look see He sees the pregnant woman and anything alse that might ba of interest as he jumps off the end of the ship on the soft white sand,roling as hits the ground then quickly coming to his feet.He again looks the area over and heads quickly for the tree line.Taking cover in the tress just at the enge of the jungle.He doesn't want to get caught in the open.He sits silently watching and listening for any trouble.

Spot 29 Tumble 19,Ballance 23,Move Silently 20 Hide 15.Listen 19

DM Jim: Disembarking the Sword 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 1:17:58 PM

Captain Rigging leaps to the sand and inspect the Sword with Tomas. There is some work to be done. The Sword is seaworthy, but a storm or battle would quickly change that, repairs have to be made. Captain Rigging call the ships carpenter (Marc) and Tomas, Rigging and Marc discuss repairs. More than a month seems a safe estimate. Tomas did get wood for repairs, but more may be needed. Marc goes to do an inventory of the wood and tools in the hold.

Rigging gives orders and some are actually obeyed as Hal and Kirk gladly toss Pierre off the stern of the Sword. The water wakes the wine steward and he starts screaming in the three feet of water "Snake! Help me! The snake will eat me! Heeeeeelp!" After about 30 seconds Pierre opens his eyes, stands and walks to shore, very embarrassed.

Cosmo get a real good handle on the huge sharks and has them patrol for a few minutes, but he leaves the sphere of influence of the summoning seal and the sharks are sent home to their evil seas.

Cosmo can tell that this appears to be a tropical island. The large hill or mountain on the western part of the island was at one point a volcano, but given the degree of vegetation it has not erupted is some time. Also the mists indicate that there is a lot of water on the island and a lot of heat. Cosmo is glad to not have to wear armor.

Many of the Wildcards and several of the crew roam the beach. The jungle is 30 yards from the prow of the ship. Ashira tells Rigging that she is going exploring with John and Mary. Mary is shocked and whispers to Ashira "I think that girl may be my cousin? She, Karen, has been missing for over a year. Karen was from a nearby fishing village of mine, a long way from here."

John and Ashira easily find the trail the "Karen" had used to escape and her water jug and it leads deeper into the jungle. The path is not wide and is dark as not much light penetrates the canopy of palms.

Bart suggests hiking over to the palm tower.

Gordon, Eli and Juno hope off the Sword (the opposite side from Rigging) and go exploring down the beach.

Appolo heads to the jungle's edge and finds a good hiding spot.

The rest of the crew seems anxious to stretch their legs a bit.

Val and several other Wildcards (except Cosmo), notice the strange yellow star shaped fruit hanging from some of the trees at the edge of the jungle. Val thinks it was the Satyr's that had a basket of the stuff and it was tasty.

The male acrobats approaches Nezamil "Please have Domi bless this island for the Sword."


Those with followers please check the Sword/Crew excel file to determine if they advance in level.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:01:08 PM

Cosmo sees many of his comrades and the ship's crew begin to scatter without a plan of action. He thinks it is unwise and turns towards Rigging.

"Rigging, many of the crew and Wildcards are starting to move away from the ship in small groups. I think this is unwise as we do not have any idea about the dangers that may be hidden from our view."

He remains with Rigging.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.25/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:21:05 PM

Rigging is absorbed evaluating the repairs when Cosmo brings his wandering crew to his attention. He sees red and bellows. I want everyone on this beach to form on me right now!

When they form around him, he will look sternly at them and point to any who aren't Wildcards and say with murder in his voice. "Did I tell you to leave the ship? The only ones I gave permission to leave the ship were the Wildcards. Get back aboard now."

He will look at the Wildcards and address Val's statement. "Yes we could have unfriendly natives. We need to be prepared for that. That is why we are not going to start running around like goblins exposed to sunlight. We need to have a defensive plan."

Rigging points at the ship and continues, "This ship isn't going anywhere soon. We need to repair her and then modifiy her to be able to take on a colossal sized snake. We also don't know the natives are unfriendly. They could be castaways or the decendants of castaways. We saw alot of wrecks on the way in. There was bound to be some surviviors.

We need a plan. Mykael, I want to send Swirl and Ghem on a arial scouting mission. We want to see if there is a village in the area. We want to know if they are arming against us."

He glances around and says, "Remember these people don't know us as well. If Mary truly has family among them, that should make things easier but right now all they see is a beached warship and a bunch of armed people running around. Lets give them a day to come to us, if they don't, then tomorrow, we will go find them after our scouts (Rigging points at the small dragon and Swirl) get us some information.

Nezamil, and Mykael, why don't you go collect those fruits. Ashira, could you take an underwater look at the stern of the ship, and then check out this lagoon. Can we do some fishing here? Bart and Val, I want you to organize a subdued defense. I want to be alert and ready but not scary looking.

Cosmo" Rigging pauses and looks at the halfling. "I am not sure what task your suited for now but I will want you to do a ariel survey tomorrow so be prepared for that.

Appolo, I want you to secure that wine. You seem very good at breaking into it, why don't you find a way to secure it so I don't have drunk crewmembers during a crisis. Get moving people!"

Rigging will send Swirl up high and out over the jungle in the direction that the pregnant girl was headed.

Mykael  d20+8=21 d20+5=24
Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:58:06 PM

"Ghem, I hope you got some rest. Please do an arial scouting of the islands. Look for types of animals and/or humanoids. Look for the homes of the humanoids. Look for other ships. Look for anything dangerous or interesting. Please report back, when you have looked everywhere. And becareful," Mykael tells Ghem. As his new friend flys off to his task, Mykael yells, "Thanks!"

Mykael turns to Rigging, "Why do I get saddled with the overgrown dwarf?" As he smiles and winks at Nezamil. "He will probably eat half of what we collect before we get it back to the ship!"

"Be right with you Nez," Mykael hollers back as he climbs back aboard the Sword.

He returns and drops down holding a couple of sacks and a rope.

"Ok why dont you climb the tree, your big behind should weigh enough to bend it down so I can pick the fruit," Mykael comments with a smile.

Mykael hands the sacks to Nezamil, guess I am the monkey. He picks a clump of fruit bearing trees, he sets his shield down, shoulders the rope, and trys to climb the tree.

He concentrates on his task, letting Nezamil watch his back.

(ignore the 21 I rolled made mistake, wrong modifier)

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+12=23 d20+12=29
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:18:46 AM

The ranger sighs as she hears Rigging belowing. "Guess it's time to go back, guys, the big boss is calling us." Looking highly peeved, Ashira has Mary help her strip off her armor and heads underwater to take a look at the damage, muttering the whole time about grunt duty (Spot=16). Once she's reported the damage to Thomas, Ashira gets a net from the Sword and sets about taking a nice refreshing swim in the lagoon. While she's there, she tries to find a few schools of fish (Spot=23) and then sets about trying to net some (Surv.=29).

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:24:11 AM

Nezamil laughs at Mykaels jokes " heh maybe we won't have ti climb the trees....i can just toss you up and knock down the fruit " grins the dwarf

Nezamil turns and replies to the acrobats " hey i have a job for you guys .....follow Mykael and myself ....we're gonna gather some fruit and coconuts....we'll need you guys to climb up and gather it while we keep watch "

" we don't need to collect too much i mainly want a variety so we can find out what grows here and how to effectively gather the various foods .....after all we still have plenty aboard the ship"

Nezamil will scout the the nearby jungle with Mykael and the acrobats for fruit and other foodstuffs while keeping alert

The giant sized dwarf will use his size and strength to shake fruit from the trees all the while cataloging tree types for the ships carpenter.

before heading out he will consult with the ships carpenter for what type of wood would be suitable for repairs and support for leveling the Sword out

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:35:26 AM

The brothers hand weapons and armor to the fighters

"Once you get you stuff reprot to Bart and Val for duty !! " barks out Hal

" yeah !!.....line up in formation in front of them !!" growls out Kirk

Once done the brothers take up station near the ships prow and scan the jungle from the Swords deck hoping the height will help keep an eye on Nezamil and Mykaels foray into the jungle

Mary and John  d20+6=20
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 12:35:44 AM

"Karen!!" Mary calls out into the jungle. She looks over at Ashira. "No! We can't just leave her out there! We need to find Karen!" Finally relenting, Mary follows Ashira back to the Sword, pouting the whole way. "Sometimes I don't understand the Captain." she mumbles to John. "Ashira was with us, and it's not like we were going to go far..."

John shrugs. "He's just being cautious...doesn't want us to get all strung out...get picked off one by one. Best just to do as he says."

Joining Ashira, Mary takes off her own armor and grabs a fishing net. Wading out into the water, she watches for any fish spooked by Ashira and flings her own net with an experienced hand (Fish=20).

John watches Ashira and Mary fish for a while, then heads over to Lilith. "If we're going to stay the night here...and it looks like we probably will. It would probably be pretty useful to have a couple of archers in the crow's-nest. What do you think?"

Appolo  d20+9=23
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 2:30:17 PM

Appolo having found a decent place to hide and watch the jungle Appolo is loath to leave and expose himself to potential enemies,but obeys Riggings call.He is muttering to himself about rookies and Ashira should know better then to take her charges into that jungle.

He arrives by Riggings side"The wine was my own stash thank you and is well secured,what is left of it.I pity the fool who steals wine and spirits then gets caught drunk around here,might end up as snake bait."He says it loud enough for all the crew to hear and get the point.I think that should do it." Appolo then heads back onto the Sword and down to the ships stores putting all the wine and spirits under lock and key.

After ward he heads back uptopside for alook around.Spot 23.He scans the jungle intently.

DM Jim: CAPTAIN's ORDERS  d20+7=16
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 8:02:35 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post, very busy day. I will be busy for the next week and a half and will be posting late most of the time.

An angry Captain Rigging bellows at his officers and crew and calls them to him for instructions. Rigging warns of wandering off and send the two familiars out as scouts wanting the crew of the Sword to stay close to the ship.

Mykael and Nezamil have fun trading verbal jabs and then go and collect fruit. The odd pair finds several types of citrus fruit including the yellow star fruit and also some head sized hard skinned green fruit.

Ashira can almost not restrain Mary as she is determined to go after her cousin, but Mary thinks better of it and listens to the wisdom of her mentor. The two use very different fishing method (swimming verses shore net), but both are equally successful.

Ashira's fishing is slow as first as the colossal snake seemed to have spooked the fish.

Appolo return from his hiding spot and then follows Riggings orders to lock up the wine and spirits on the Sword.

John takes Ashira's suggestion to heart and he and Lilith climb to the crows nest, each watching one another more than the ropes.

Rigging has concerns about Marc's estimate for the repair of the Sword. Marc introduces Rigging to his son, Mark who is also a carpenter, and is about 25 years old. Marc explains "The Missess did not want me to name the boy after meself, so I choose a different one, we fought about it all the way to her grave. Domi protect her soul." Marc intones reverently. Rigging can not tell any differences between the names of the father and son, but each pronounces the name slightly differently.

Marc gets back to business of the repairs "Ye know, no one here know too much about bending wood and building scaffolding. This all takes time. We are going to have to build some real large warping clamps to shape the siding planks we need to replace. Do we get a bonus if we get the job done before a month? We will need at least 20 men to help too."

OOC: DC 25 to set up a successful design to repair the Sword -- Marc has 9 ranks of carpenter, Mark will add +2 with a DC 15 aid another roll (sucessful), Rigging can add +2 with a successful DC 15 aid another roll for engineering, anyone else with engineering/shipwright/carpentry profession can also make a DC 15 aid another roll to add +2 to the design roll. If the roll is within 5, you realize that the design is flawed and can try again after eight hours of discussion the next day.

Rigging please make the roll


Mykael needs a DC 20 spot check to find and interesting animal while picking fruit.

Swirl and Ghem take to the sky and head inland. The island is quite large and will take several forays to get the lay of the land. The familiars fly toward the large stone pyramid they can see a mile or so off in the distance. The familiars are very happy to not have to travel through the dense undergrowth. There are many different variety of bird to be seen on the way, all of which give the two familiars a wide berth. "It is good to be flying" both Rigging and Mykael feel from their companions.

The two Wildcards feel the images that Ghem and Swirl report. "Flew over a small river, the land seems to be rising slightly. The pyramid is on large raised area that is mostly devoid of palms. There are people here, a few score, going about their daily lives. They do not seem alarmed in any way. There are a few open sided stone buildings and a few built from palm trees and fronds. Some of the people take notice of us, do not see any real weapons....besides that large glowing battle axe hanging on the pillar of that building......"

Mykael  d20+5=24
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 9:45:34 PM

OOC: Mykael has both, Profession-Shipwright, and Knowledge-Architecture/Engineering... does that give a +4 to the roll?

"Hey Nezamil, ever seen a creature like that?" Mykael asks. (spot=24)

Mykael drops fruit down to Nezamil, until they get a fair amount.

"Think this is the island we are searching for? Ghem says theres a pyramid, village, river, and the only visable weapon is a large glowing battle axe hanging on a pillar," Mykael comments.


DM Jim: If you make 2 DC 15 checks, one for shipwright and one for engineer, you can add +2 for each one you are sucessfull.

Nezamil  d20+5=16
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:52:54 PM

The giant sized dwarf turns and looks in the direction Mykael indicates(d20+5=16 spot ch)"i'm not sure .....can you send Ghem to spy on it from above ?"

"could be .....it is in the right direction but i'll leave the navigating to the seaman aboard....but i am learning more of how to be an able sailor"

"a large glowing axe you say ?hmm well the captain will have us investigate that for sure"

"lets finish gathering some of this fruit and head back and report to Captain Rigging"

"can Ghem see how many people are in the village ?"

Rigging  d20+8=26
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:56:49 PM

Rigging looks at the Marc and Mark and starts to chuckle. I understand the real problem is getting to the damaged parts of the ship. The bending will take some time but you might be better with a patch. Rigging makes some sketches and shows what he is talking about.He then makes a few more and shows how between doing some digging and taking advantage of the tides, they can brace the ship up to make the underside easier to work on. He involves Mykael utilizing his shipwright skill and they all discuss the repair. Skill check 26 for engineering.

Rigging calls down he his four followers and says, "Tomas, your incharge of keeping the Marc's in man power. Since we don't have to to worry about actually sailing the ship, we can put 20 men easily on repair duty and keep the others for defense, food gathering, and general living.

Marc, These three are your right hand men. They are good at scrounging and have some spells that might be able to help out. Make sure that you talk to Cosmo and me when you are doing things. Nezamil too. A key enlargment spell or light could be beneficial to help speed up the work."

Rigging then tries to organize the rest of the crew. 10 sailors will always be armed with sword and bow ready to defend the ship from attack. He puts Hal and Kirk in charge of that rotation. They will decide who would do what then. Rigging orders the rest to start making a temporary camp on the beach rigging sunshades and lean-tos. Collecting firewood from the beach. He orders no less then 6 men units if they must leave the beach and they are to be armed.

Rigging gathers the Wildcards together and says, "We will give it the night. Hopefully some sort of parley party will come to us. If not by morning, then we will go out and try to find out what is going on and who the inhabitants are. Remember we want to be friendly if at all possible."

Bash brothers Hal and kirk 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:57:43 PM

Kirk retrives a couple of crossbows from the armory and 5 bolts for each '" here bro this way we don't have to chase after the big guy we can just defend him from here " grins Kirk

"Good thinking little brother " laughs Hal as they load their crossbows and continue to hold their postion in the front of the ship on its deck near the prow in prime shooting postions

Bart (George)  d20+1=16
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:05:23 PM

Bart is somewhat at a loss on what to do. He starts organizing the cooking area on the beach. He looks at the fruits being brought in and decides to make a treat for the crew. He takes the fruits and starts cutting them up and adding them to a pot, He gently heats it bringing it to a low and steady boil, he adds some suger.

When Ashira brings him some of the fish she caught, he will wrap them in palm fronds and slowly bake them in pits dug into the sand. He will then add his new fruity sauce to the fish for a nice repast. When he catches the sidelong looks given to him from some of the ladies, he will smile and say, "My main job is to chop people or monsters up but thankfully I don't have to do that often. Cooking seem so much more constructive and less messy."

cooking 16

Bash brothers -guard detail 
Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:07:12 PM

The brothers smile at Captain Riggings orders " can do "

The two brothers organize the the crew trained as fighters into several groups of ten and works out a rotaion schedule for the day and thru till morning.

Hal comes up with an idea "we need a quick way to climb up and down the ship ....a nice rope net for easy embarking and disembarking would work great "

Hal see's about getting the cargo net in place or get the elven net/rope maker to create one

Ashira  d20+12=31
Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:28:12 AM

After hauling in her catch to Bart, Ashira watches Rigging doing the Captain thing. She sighs...he's a whole lot bossier than he used to be...but she supposes that goes with the whole Captain gig. She briefly considers just sneaking off and doing more scouting herself, but knowing the message it would send to the crew, she forgoes. Instead, she sets about trying to construct some basic defenses, like a small (3 feet tallish) embankment around the camp area. If she should find any suitable plants to construct spiked poles with (Surv.=31..like bamboo), Ashira conscripts a small group of the crew (20ish) to work on the construction of the embankment and spike poles.

Mary and John  d20+12=14
Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:40:14 AM

Still worried about Karen, Mary accepts Rigging's orders with a good deal of grumbling. She heads over to Hal and Kirk and signs up for a guard shift. She works for several hours on Ashira's embankment project, liking the way her muscles are hardening from all the physical labor of late.

Grinning from ear to ear, John pretends to scan the area for trouble (Spot=14), but he is far too distracted by Lilith's nearness to notice much of anything other than the way the elven archer's armor nicely accentuates her natural curves. "You know...you're really good with a bow...no really you are! Where'd you learn?" John tries vainly to engage in small talk, knowing that girls dig that kind of stuff.

Appolo Invisible  d20+10=25 d20+9=22 d20+13=27 d20+14=19
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:54:27 AM

Appolo grabs his gear hits the beach takes alook around then head into the jungle quickly.He has decided to have a quick look around as he moves silently and quickly through the shadows of the jungleMoving in a circle along the edge of the jungle he soon disappers into the trees.he activates his ring of invisibility as he checks out the immediate area around the Sword.

Spot 25,Listen 22 Move Silently 27,Hide 19

Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:11:47 PM

Cosmo tells Rigging that he has his Griffon availalbe for scouting today and will have shis spells ready for scouting tomorrow.

Thursday May 11th, 2006 9:10:39 PM

"Captain we need to prepair for possible Satyr influence over the people. Its a longshot but they enjoyed the star shaped fruit. Melonie and I will take the late watch tonight. When our elven eyes benefit from the moonlight. If anybody does show up then there would be at least a dozen waiting where we can't see them. We should prepare for the worst."

Mykael  d20+5=20 d20+8=25
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:02:26 PM

OOC: checks for repair of ship

Arch/Eng Knowledge=20
Profession Shipwright=25

DM Jim: Preparations 
Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:32:41 PM

While picking fruit, Mykael notices a very exotic bird with red and blue plumage, one that is the same species as that of the rug dealer in South Harbor. Very interesting as this makes only twice the weapon mage has seen such a bird. It does not look to be a common bird.

Captain Rigging, Mykael, Marc and Mark put there heads together and outline what needs to be done to fix the Sword. This includes the scaffolding that must be constructed and how to change the list of the Sword with the tide, so that both damaged side can be attended to. Rigging and Mykael think that Marc and Mark were over estimating the time required to fix the Sword by about a week -- three weeks to fix the Sword. There will need to be serious replacement of supplies once back in South Harbor.

Ashira relents and does not scout the jungle as to not set a bad example and instead gets a work party together to set up an earthen berm. Ashira locates plenty of bamboo at the edge of the jungle to use as stakes. It will take at least two days to complete the task as there are not enough tools to go around. Everyone is working is shifts -- 10 on the berm and 10 on the stakes.

Appolo goes and walks into the Jungle and disappears. Gordon, Eli and Juno go and follow his lead calling out. "Wait for us Appolo. Where did he go? Lets try this way." The four acrobats, feeling confined to the ship, climb down and look to go after Appolo also.

Mary works very hard on the berm trying to take her mind of Karen.

Hal and Kirk set up a watch schedule of the 27 marines although all of them have also signed up for carpentry duty or sand wall (berm) duty. Not all of the crew is fit for physical duty or claims as much.

Bart start to cook dinner for the stranded crew of the Sword over the glowering rebukes from the three old cooks "We tells ya not to cook on the Sword and you take to the beach. What is wrong with our cooking?" The three watch and complain all the while Bart cooks, but in the end grudgingly give the big warrior his due "Not bad, Bart."

Lilith just smiles and lets John talk trying to make him feel comfortable. Lilith thinks humans are so anxious and smiles inwardly at the man she is becoming very fond of.

Cosmo offers scouting options to Rigging.

Val and Melonie suggest guards and take the night watch. Melonie stand defiantly by Val's side short spear at the ready, anxious for something to happen.


No one comes and visits the beached Sword and the night passes without incident, besides the strange hoots and calls from the jungle.

Friday May 12th, 2006 12:54:05 AM

Pleased with the progress on the wall, Ashira awakens early and, finding a secluded spot, meditates on her daily spells. After a brief but intense personal workout, Ashira gathers the warriors for their standard morning exercises and then heads over to Rigging for his orders. "Captain, I suggest that John and I scout out the area personally today. An aerial scout is fine, but there are things you cannot see from the air..."

Daily spells
1st level--Charm Animals, Speak with Animals
2nd level---Barkskin, Hold Animal

Mary and John 
Friday May 12th, 2006 12:58:37 AM

Mary enjoys her workout with Ashira and anxiously awaits Rigging's decisions about the day.

John likewise spends a good amount of time in meditation in the morning, readying his newly discovered spell. As Ashira makes his recommedations to Rigging, John gathers his gear, ready to head back into the wilderness.

Daily spells
1st level--Entangle

Friday May 12th, 2006 7:03:00 AM

Rigging calls the crew together and says, "The Wildcards and only the Wildcards are going to go scouting this morning and see if we can make contact with the locals.

The rest of you will stay here and protect the ship and continue on the repairs and fortifications. I want all of you to start working on a plan on how we can kill that snake. You know he will be there next time we try to pass by those inner islands.

He looks at his young indentured servants, Hal and Kirk, and Ashira's new followers and points at each of them and says, "I will be very disappointed if I find you guys tagging along. Wildcards only. I don't want them to think we are attacking with an army."

Rigging turns to Val, "OK Val, you wanted some leadership experience. This mission is yours. You tell us marching orders, battle tactics (hoping they aren't necessary) and diplomacy when we get to the other end. Remember we are trying to befriend these people.

I don't think they are castaways any longer. If they were, we would have seen some kind of representation last night. After receiving the scouting reports (he nods at Ghem and Swirl) we know they have a village. We have possibly seen some of their trade goods in the last port. Caution and tact are called for. So lead us to victory Val."

Rigging grabs Ashira's hand and pulls her aside, "We need to be ready to pull her out of trouble. I know you could have handled the leadership role but Val has been clamoring for an increased role for a while now. If we are going to build this area up, we will need more people who can take charge and we can trust."

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Friday May 12th, 2006 1:15:36 PM

Hal takes charge of of the 27 marines " plans for repair of the ship is ongoing and the work will follow shortly once those in command make the final decisions and then you will be assigned to a mix of work detail and guard detail"

"We will make sure that you will work hard but not overworked after all we are all shipmates but all follow the command structure of Captain Rigging"

Hal works out scheduling for both guard and work details and gives his report to Captain Rigging " The Marines will work in 3 groups of 9 ....one on guard detail ...the 2nd as work detail for repair of the ship and the 3rd will be a mix of rest and light work to assist in setting up the camp here on the beach "

Kirk assists his brother and revisits the net/rope maker and inquires about the cargo netting for use as a ladder to disembark/embark from the ships deck(like the marines use in the military)

The brothers are both disappointed by being left behind but take solace in the fact that they will be incharge of the defense of the Sword

Friday May 12th, 2006 1:33:49 PM

Nezamil makes his rounds to all of Domi's faithful and assures them that things will be alright .

After the uneventful night the Cleric of Domi wakes well rested after a good nights sleep on the beach.

Nezamil walks over and explains its best for the brothers to stay here and protect the ship and crew as Captain Rigging suggests " he's right we can't have them think we are invading the island....a smaller group to show we come in peace will be best....i have faith and confidence in you both to protect all of the crew and the Sword itself while we go to and explore and meet the people of the island "

Nezamil spots the 4 acrobats thinking of heading into the jungle " hey stay here " growls the giant sized dwarf" we have need of your skills "

Nezamil will take the 4 acrobats over to the carpenters and inquire about what type of wood would be needed for the Swords repairs " describe what the type of trees you need and the these four fine young men will explore the nearby jungle for them ...of course they will be escorted by several marines for protection.

"Hal...Kirk " calls the dwarf " when these young men go and investigate the type of trees for the carpenters please have several marines escort them for protection.

(the escorting marines will be from the 3rd group on light work and rest detail)

After seeing those tasks Nezamil walks over to Rigging " well i guess it's time for us to explore a little ....i'm ready and the crew are in safe hands with Tomas in command with Hal and Kirk assisting him "

Friday May 12th, 2006 4:10:39 PM

Mykael wakes the next morning, he studies his spells and makes his way topside.

He listens to Riggings orders, then pulls Thomas aside, "I have an idea on dealing with the snake if we deam it necessary. Its going to take a lot of work, if its even possible. First we need information, during the day today send a person or two to get this info, please."

1 - Map of Lagoon.
2 - distance of opening between lagoon and sea
3 - depth of lagoon and opening between lagoon and sea
4 - need above information for both high and low tide

"Thanks Thomas, I would do it myself, however, I am sure the Captain is going to require me to go," Mykael smirks.

Mykael will nudge Apollo, "Hey does this make you the first husband?" As he falls into line to Val's orders.

Friday May 12th, 2006 4:44:16 PM

Appolo after quick scouting trip in the jungle Appolo returns with the 3 stooges in tow."Stay on the ship."he tells them.

He thens ettles in for the rest of the day and night lounging around in his bunk.

Appolo awakes late the next morning.gets up cleans up,eats and goes up on deck to await orders.

Ashira (extra post) 
Friday May 12th, 2006 9:01:35 PM

Turning to Rigging and Mykael, Ashira says "Actually, I have a plan of my own on how to deal with the sea snake. Give me a chance to work things out peacefully before you go killing that thing."

Not wanting to make too much of a stir, Ashira waits until she is pulled aside by Rigging. "I understand why you don't want the others to come along, but I think you should reconsider about John and Mary. John is an accomplished ranger, and could help greatly in scouting out the area. And I would think that having a Mary along would be an enormous advantage to have someone along who is related to the natives. Might come in handy if things go south...as they say, blood is thicker than water."

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Friday May 12th, 2006 10:08:02 PM

Rigging listens to Ashira and grants her point, "Hmmmm I think your right about Mary and we will bring her but not John. I am sure he would be useful in tracking, but with the description from Swirl and Ghem, I think we should be able to find the village without to much trouble.

I am more afraid of the ship being attacked while we are gone and want to leave an adequate defense just in case. Still your right about Mary, she might be just the welcoming card we need to gain some trust. Good thinking dear."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=24 d20+5=9 d20+5=23
Saturday May 13th, 2006 9:29:30 AM

Cosmo wakes up in the morning, glad to have spent the night on solid land. He finds a rock or log near the ship and studies for his spells from his spell book. When he is done he will cast an Extended Mage Armor spell.

Cosmo hears Rigging talk of defeating the snake. He cannot think of any way to do that at this point. The snakes size and its protection by being underwater will be hard to overcome. Cosmo cannot summon any water creature large enough too really harm the snake. Perhaps if they can get the snake into shallow water they can subdue it.

When Rigging calls the Wildcards over he joins the group and prepares for the scouting trip towards the pyramid.

Spot checks 24, 9 & 23.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM JIm: Meeting 
Saturday May 13th, 2006 10:44:40 AM

The dawn comes bright and glorious. The wet heat starts early on this island. Several large crocodiles (6-20 feet long) drag themselves onto the sand and start sunning themselves, none closer than 250 feet to the Sword.

Hal and Kirk jump to their tasks with gusto and organize the marines and the rest of the crew. The two hulking brothers do warn Rigging and Val. "Please keep the big guy standing." Hal booms and Kirk adds "I hate to have to visit Gargul again, that is one creepy guy."

Nezamil finally get the attention of the elven net maker, Normadin, who happily unveils a half finished cargo net for Nezamil's inspection. "I will be finished in a few day, but it is using up a lot of the rope stores." Normadin cautions.

Nezamil does notice that three of the four acrobats are female when he assigns them tasks.

Lilith ask John "You are going to take the same watch as me right?" with more than a little hint of intrigue.

Mary rushes up to Ashira after Rigging give his orders "You can't leave me behind." She pleads. "That was my cousin. I need to go to!" Mary finishes with tears in her eyes. Mary brightens when Ashira speaks up for her and the Captain relents. Mary claps her hands clearly excited to be coming along.

Appolo seems annoyed that he was followed into the jungle and brings Rigging's indentured sailor back.

Mykael start planning the demise of the snake with Tomas and makes some light of Rigging appointment of Val as parley chief with Val and Appolo. Melonie huffs at the mention of Appolo and turns her back to Appolo and makes sure Val's armor and weapons are set right.

Cosmo prepares his spells for the day.


ooc: Ashira needs a DC 6 survival roll to follow the difficult trail to the village. Since the general direction is know, she will not get lost for long.

I need everyones spell lists.


The jungle trail is narrow and winds around rocks and trees. The undergrowth is very thick. The trial does open up at a small stream that at this point runs parralell to the beach and is no more than three feet deep. It is fresh water.

Everyone sees their fair share of snakes, vipers and constrictors both. Birds can be seen and heard and an occasional monkey call.

After the stream the ground starts to rise and get a bit drier and the trail is easier to follow, although still single file.

After an hour the pyramid can be seen and few minutes later the village. There are many more women than men and all seem to be setting up tables and placing food on them.

There are at least 70 women and 20 men in the village and all are wearing little clothing as a result of the heat.

A group of three young men come to meet the group. They are stripped to the waist and carry no weapons. All are very fit and very attractive. The tall blond one speaks "Welcome to the castaway village. We were hoping you would come. We are setting up lunch for you." The other two men, of no more than 16 years watch, Mary , Val and Ashira with an appraising eye.


DC 10 spot check will show that more than half of the women are pregnant and everyone in the village is human. There seems to be no one older than 21 in the village.

DC 13 spot check to notice something interesting on some of the women.

DC 15 spot check to determine something interesting about the area.

Nezamil  d20+5=24 d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+12=22
Sunday May 14th, 2006 12:34:00 AM

Nezamil confers with Kirk about Normadin's progress ' thats too much rope to use .....tell him to just make a basic rope ladder like in a kids tree fort "

The 10'7" dwarf walks in the middle of the group's single file march to the village spotted by the aerial members " there is an abundance of wildlife on this island.....very full of life " remarks Nezamil on the march

Upon arriving at the Village Nezamil surveys the scene (d20+5=24,d20+5=18,d20+5=19 spot ch)

"That is very gracious of you " remarks the Cleric of Domi (d20+12=22 diplomacy ch) as he towers over the castaways

"I'm called Nezamil" introduces the dwarf"and what are your names ?"

"are there other villages on the island " inquires Nezamil politely

Nezamil is wearing a chainshirt,mace and heavy crossbow

Spell list
0-Create water x2,detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Command,Divinefavor,Magic weapon,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith,Endure elements(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,Silence(bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge,Searing light,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Divine power,Restoration,Neutralize poison(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW mass(Spell resistance)

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday May 14th, 2006 12:43:25 AM

Hal notices the crocs further down the beach " ok no swimming people there are predators about" as he points out the reptiles

Hal makes sure the guards on watch make sure no one goes swimming and passes that info on to all at the Swords camp site .

Kirk visits Normadin " thats too much rope and too much time to spend on that project.....just build a simple rope ladder

The brothers defer to Tomas in the command structure of the crew ....they also walk about the camp and nearby woods keeping their eyes and ears open and alert .

Rigging  d20+11=20 d20+11=21 d20+11=20
Sunday May 14th, 2006 8:01:08 PM

Rigging will step forward and say, "So this is castaway village. My name is Captain Arrack Von Palin of the Sword of Redemption and these are my friends and companions." Rigging will introduce everyone and Ashira as his wife.

"You said this is Castaway Village. Have you lived here long? You all seem young and in good health. Did your parents land her or were you all sailors?"

Rigging will turn his attention to the pyramid. "I am assuming that you didn't build that thing. Are its creators or the ancestors of its creators still around?"

Rigging will pause and smile, "I apologize for all of these questions but I must admit, that when we landed here or should I say we were forced to land here by that big snake, I didn't expect to find all this. Where are all your men. I can see that you might like the odds but I find it strange that a bunch of castaways have more women than men."

Rigging will send Swirl on a recon looking for ambushes.

Rigging will make spot checks: 20,21,20

Zero level dancing lights, detect poison, mage hand, read magic, prestidigation.

1st level: magic missile x 2, ray of enfeeblement, mount, mage armor, monster summoning 1, shield, unseen servant

2nd level: whispering winds, scorching rays, see invisibility, touch of idiocy

3rd level: haste, fly, dispel magic

4th level: greater invisiibility, polymorph

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=19 d20+5=7 d20+5=9
Sunday May 14th, 2006 10:36:25 PM

Cosmo stays in the background letting Rigging do the talking. He remains alert looking for anything that may prove threatening to the party.

Spot checks 19, 7 & 9.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Monday May 15th, 2006 1:38:09 AM

"Melonie I know you want to help but right now you need to stay here. Just be patient for your day will come. You will be a great warrior one day. That much I am certain." Val says with a soft smile. She clasps Melonie on the shoulder for a reassuring moment before moving back to the meeting.

Val listens to Riggings orders and takes a moment to think. Tactics were not an easy thing for her to grasp. Her instincts told her to charge an enemy. Attack them straight on. But she couldn't do that in her present situation. The wildcards were a group of individuals with varying strengths and skills.

"Appolo and Ashira should take point. I'll follow at the head of the main group followed by you captain. With Cosmo, Mykael, Bart, and Nezamil finishing the line. Hopefully Ashira and Appolo will run into any villagers before they see the rest of us. If the villagers respond in force we should do what we can to keep any violence from happening. War is not an option right now."

Appolo  d20+10=16 d20+10=18 d20+10=26 d20+8=21
Monday May 15th, 2006 1:52:18 AM

Appolo takes the lead as waual,moving with Ashira.When the reach the village and are approached by the villagers,Appolo drops back and let's Rigging do the talking.He looks over the whole scene.He to finds it odd that women out number the men almost 4 to one.

When introduced he smiles a friendly smile and says"Hello good monrning."Then steps back agian to watch and listen as Rigging and the others do the talking.

He is wearing his armour weapons and looks quite prepared for battle.
Pot Checks 16,18,26 Listen 21

Mykael  d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d20+5=25
Monday May 15th, 2006 3:13:07 AM

Mykael takes a good look around and notices all.
(first spot=25 nat 20)(noticed pregnant and young)

(second spot=16)(noticed something interesting about the women)

(third spot=25 nat 20)(notice something interesting about the area)

Mykael stays vigilant, and awaits the answers to the first questions.

Ashira  d20+12=22 d20+12=17 d20+12=31 d20+12=28
Monday May 15th, 2006 10:17:54 AM

Having no problem keeping to the trail (Surv.=22), Ashira guides the party to the village. When greeted by the villagers, Ashira casts her gaze about cautiously (Spot=17, 31, 28) taking everything in. All of this is just too good to be true...landing on an island and being welcomed in like honored guests. That never, ever happens to the Wildcards. Keeping her hands near her weapons, Ashira pulls Nezamil aside. "I don't like this Nezamil. I'm probably being paranoid, but is there anyway to make sure that the food isn't poisoned or something?"

Mary and John  d20+3=9 d20+7=22
Monday May 15th, 2006 10:22:30 AM

Standing behind Ashira, Mary watches anxiously for any sign of Karen (Spot=9). Catching sight of the muscled men, Mary can't help but preen herself (Looking good=22). If any of the man folk should take notice of her, Mary smiles and winks at them.

Back at the campsite, John grins as a blush makes its way up his cheeks. "Of course! Wouldn't want to break up a winning team."

DM Jim: The Feast 
Monday May 15th, 2006 11:52:23 PM

OOC - Spot checks:

All the villagers are human young and is excellent condition.

All the pregnant female humans are wearing a necklace that holds an uncut diamond.

This raised area of light jungle and the stone buildings and the pyramid, including some buildings of palm construction seems to be devoid of snakes, unlike the walk through the jungle.


Ashira has no trouble following the trail through the jungle, although the others are not as sure. Ashria is worried about the food and consults with Nezamil.

Val sets the marching order for the jaught through the jungle.

When Nezamil bellows his introduction, the three young bare chested men take their eyes off of the three women of the party, although it seems to take a concerted effort to stop oggling Mary.

The one that spoke earlier speaks first "I am Marcos and I was marooned here over a year ago. Are you a giant?" The other two speak up "I am Camino and this is Diego. We were shipwrecked about six months ago." All three youths are very much at ease in front of the armed and armored Wildcards.

Marcos speaks to Rigging after he give his intoduction "The men were shipwrecked here, but the women were brought here by the Masters. They provide for us and keep us safe."

Marcos smiles at Rigging "The castaways did not build the stone buildings at they are old in the extreme. In fact, the palm buildings were here when I arrived."

Diego and Camino seem to jocky for position in order to escort Mary. Diego wins, so Camino speaks to the group. "Please come and eat and enjoy the hospitality of Castaway Village."

Cosmo keeps quite.

Mykael watches all.

Mary does not notice Karen placing food on the table as she is too busy fliping her red hair. Most everyone else does notice the pregnant red head about 100 yards away.


If the group moves forward, they can see tables piled high with fruit, fish and eggs. There are chickens and three cows wandering about the village.

All of the stone buildings are open on all side and the roofs set up to catch rain water.

The pyramid dominates the village and there are two entrances to the interior.

On one of the stone buildings, not the pyramid, is a glowing battle axe.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:12:32 AM

With the abundent food and the lack of nervousness in the village Val believes they were expected. They were too nice, too friendly. Plus the word masters made her wish she brought Melonie along so she could keep an eye on her. Already images of savage men overwhelming the sword while they were away flashed in her mind. She was about to snap at Mary and remind the young woman that they weren't there to pick up men. But instead she kept her mouth closed. If the men were too busy looking at Mary then perhaps she could find out whats really going on in this place.

"Marcos this is a wonderful feast. Did the masters you spoke of provide all this food?" Val asks as she sits down.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:12:28 AM

Rigging heads over to the table and stops before the spread. He picks up and orange and hefts it a few times. "Nice fruit." He drops it and bends down to retrieve it and while out of sight will murmer a detect poison spell on the food on the table.

If he doesn't detect poison, he will sit down and gather up some food from the area he detected on and continue his conversation "Well I am glad to see the master's are caring for you so well. You all look fit and healthy. One of my crew thinks she knows one of your ladies. Could you have that pretty redhead come over here for a moment. Mary, isn't that the girl you saw on the beach?"

Rigging will watch the homecoming carefully. When he notices the uncut gems on the girls, he will smile and say to Mykael, "Looks like you might be able to put your gem cutting skills to use." To his hosts he inquires, "Why do the girls have gems. Do they signafy anything?"

Rigging will also point at the glowing battleaxe and ask, "That is also curious, why is that battleaxe glowing over there?

If the food is poisoned, then Rigging will draw his weapons and say, "Don't touch the food. It is unclean." To the three men, "You better explain yourselves fast or you will be meeting Gargul to explain your treachory"

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 2:25:42 PM

"Shipwrecked?.....what were your ships names and where were your ships sailing from and too if i may be so bold"inquires the 10'7" dwarf

"hahaha a giant you say " laughs Nezamil " is that what you think ?"

"so you have masters watch over you ?...tell us about them?....the island seems like paradise except that you cannot leave"chitchats the Ccleric of Domi as he fingers his anvil holy symbol

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 2:33:36 PM

The two brothers work with Tomas in keeping everyone busy and alert

Kirk encourages a little friendly competition among all of the Swords crew in ideniftying new species of wildlife and plants and trees " we need someone to take notes on what we find so we can get a better idea of what resouces the island has "

Kirk thinks this will help keep everyone alert and keep morale up

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+11=14
Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:53:26 PM

A crackle in the bushes distracting her, Ashira spots very little interesting about the meeting (Spot=16, Listen=14). Listening in on the conversation, Ashira waits to hear the answers to the questions already posed before she asks her own. Out of sheer paranoia she does not touch any of the food at the table.

Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:01:50 PM

Gently squeezing Diego's arm, Mary settles down at the table, munching on some nearby fruit as she smiles sweetly at the good looking man. "This is a beautiful island you have here. Tell me more about your Masters...do you have any jobs?" Toying with her hair, Mary gazes into the young man's eyes as she listens to his response.

When Rigging addresses the issue of Karen, Mary breaks eye contact with the nearby hunk and anxiously examines the person in front of her. "Karen, is that you? It's me Mary."

DM Jim: Anxious Feast  d20=6 d20=16 d20=7
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 12:24:54 AM

OOC: Cosmo/Matt will not be posting for a few days as he goes to check on his father who is ill. I will play him as an NPC, unless anyone wants to take care of Cosmo for a few days.


OOC: It has been 24 hours since the last post and only 4 posts with one explained absence. Not a good development for the game.


All of the Wildcards are anxious about the feast, as they do not fully trust the castaways or the feast.

Mykael, Appolo, and Bart are strangely quite.

Rigging casts his spell with no one the wiser and does not find the food poisonous and does not issue any warnings or threats, but does still look at the orange in his hand with some suspicion.

All of the "Castaways" eargerly eats the food at the feast.

Rigging asks about the uncut diamond necklaces and Diego smiles "Those are for the ladies that have a bun in the oven, a mark of distinction."

Diego answers Riggings question about the axe. "It is curious, all magic glows on the islands. It happens sooner or later, the stronger the magic the faster it happens. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the pyramid. The battle axe has strong magic, it keeps the snakes away and protects the village."

At Rigging request, Diego calls Karen over.

Mary quickly leaves Diego's arm and there is a teary embrace of the two red heads. Apparently about 15 months ago Karen was seduced away from her fishing village by some fey creatures with the promises of fun and a new life.

Diego tells Nezamil that the freighter he worked on was called the "Wayport" that was bearthed out of South Harbor. Camino and Marcos worked on a small warship called the "Cortez" out of Safeport.

Camino smiles at Nezamil "Would you want to leave if you had these odds with giants of your type that found you more than a little bit interesting? Can not complain about the weather either and food is easy to get, it grow everywhere."

Camino scratches his head and adds "I have not seen any of the Masters in a few weeks. I heard they live south of here. The masters visit us on the Pyramid as they do come talk to us from time to time and bring more women."

Camino smiles happily "We go snake hunting in five days. Those that gets to hunt, gets to go to the Masters village. We get to clear the way, it is an honor. It is my turn, I get to hunt this time." Camino finishes proudly.


Hal and Kirk keep the crew of the Sword at high alert while the officers are away. Kirk comments to Hal "They are probably having a great time right now."

Mykael  d20+5=19
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 1:10:08 AM

OOC: Just didnt get my post in before yours. Long day. My appologies.

Mykael listens intently, keeping a sharp eye out for signs of 'The Masters'. He even thinks about invisibility, and watches for things moved or footprints appearing from appearantly nothing.


"I can see your point, Camino. What about you ladies? Are you not interested in leaving? You were tricked into coming here." Mykael asks.

"And if even some of the ladies are interested in leaving, what have you done to help them, Camino," Mykael questions.

"Also, who is the man in the tower?"

Bart (George) 
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:48:39 AM

Bart seeing the other's eating, sits down and starts eating as well. He enjoys the view of all the pretty girls but is mildly disturbed that they are all in a family way. Visions of home and hearth flood his mind and he quickly things..."Boooorrrrinnnngggg"

He pipes up with a question of his own, "You say all magic starts to glow around here? Is it permanant. I have a couple of magic items but don't necessarily want to glow everywhere I go. Tends to attract attention."

Bart will then start talking to some of the girls, "I see that you ladies really outnumber the men. Do you share husbands? Are you happy here? What do these masters look like? Are they human or some kind of fey creature."

Appolo  d20+10=23 d20+8=22
Wednesday May 17th, 2006 1:48:15 PM

Appolo follows the others to the table and has a seat.He sits quietly,but does not partake of any of the food.He watches and listens to what is going on.Thinking to himself looks like we're going to have to take these so called Masters down.Yep this place is to perfect,something is definitely wrong.

Appolo looks around the village watching and listening.
Spot 23,Listen 22

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 2:14:54 PM

OOC i am back on board (had a good trip to egypt, scubadiving in the red sea)

This message wil delete it's self after ...

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 3:29:44 PM

Val takes part in the feast without much thought to the safety of the food. Her eyes look around the village trying to see past what they want seen to what they don't. If Mary's cousin was abducted, who gave her the child? Why wasn't he here with her now? Something didn't add up.

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 3:41:32 PM

"Yeah guess i can't blame ya " chuckles Nezamil to Camino " but with all the pregnant women...where are all the kids ?" as the 10'7" dwarf peers about the village

Nezamil spots Captain Rigging tasting the food and joins in the sampling of the food " everything is fresh and delicious "

"snake hunting huh ?...what do you do with all the snakes ?"

" i hope i'm not rude but i don't see any elders here...where are they ? in another village ?...in all the time you've been here have you explored the island ??"

Nezamil chitchats as he munches on the plentyiful spread of food and observes the castaways and how they interact together

Wednesday May 17th, 2006 10:20:02 PM

Rigging connects with Swirl and says to him, "Please go check on the ship. I want to make sure that it isn't in trouble or under attack while we are here."

Rigging eats his food and studies the dynamics of what is going on around him. "Who are these masters? What happened to the fey creatures that Mary left with? Could they be the masters?
Where do they get new women?"

Rigging stands up and walks over to the embracing cousins. "I am glad you are reunited? Can I ask you some questions? How is it you came to this island? Did the saytrs bring you or did you get here some other way?"

Thursday May 18th, 2006 3:11:05 AM

OOC: no post yet... going to work... cant post tomorrow night, will be at work

Appolo OOC 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 3:59:17 AM

Going out of town today,family emergency.Will be gone two days.My appologies for missinga post and not being able to post until Saturday.

If the Dm could run Appolo as Npc for two days It would be greatly appreciated.

Agian sorry for the inconvience.Thanks,

DM Jim: Taste Testing 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:43:32 AM

Camino listens to Mykael and comments "We have no shipbuilders let alone tools, we are just making due with what we have. We station a man in the watch tower at the request of the masters. We tell them when we sight ships."

Bart is the first Wildcard to try the feast and it is delicious and he eats with gusto. It is good t have fresh food again after the last few weeks on the Sword that was in short supply. Bart talks with many of the ladies, both those that are in a family way or not. It seems that those ladies that are not pregnant seem much more interest in talking with the big warrior. My name is Maya, what is yours. Yes we have to share husbands, which has its advantages." Maya says with a wink. Maya adds "The masters are not Fey and they look like you and me, but they talk to us from the pyramid and are normally cloaked."

Appolo suspects that this is not a good situation for the Wildcards.

Val also eat the food and finds it very tasty and fresh. Val watches these castaway and is concerned that something is just not right.

Nezamil finds that there is more than enough food to even statisfy him. It is very good fare. Camino answers Nezamil "I have ot been here long enough to see any elders, but it is rumored that they do not stay in the village and the snakes get them. Once we finish our hunting trip many of the ladies are invited to the masters village and it is always those that are with child."

Nezamil notices that the women that are not pregnant are paying more attention to Bart, Rigging, and Appolo. The young men of the village almost do not notice the women of the village, but are taking great notice of Mary as several separate Mary and Karen so that they can speak with Mary.

Rigging sends Swirl to check on the Sword. Swirl take a much easier route back to the ship and finds that all is well.

Rigging get most of his information from the three women that start to feed him. The three women talk among themselves and to Rigging "He is so cute and not overly muscled. I am Maria, I left my village to have som fun with the satyr's. After one wild wine party I woke up on top of the pyramid. I am Tasha, do you want to go for a walk later?" Rigging is flanked by two beauties that feed him, while the third is rubbing his shoulders.

Thursday May 18th, 2006 2:05:27 PM

Snapping out of the daze she was in, Ashira notices the woman crowding in around her husband. Stepping briskly forward, the ranger pushes past the women, clearing the area around her husband. "Sorry ladies, but this man is mine...and I don't share!" Glaring at the woman, least they get any further ideas, Ashira looks over at the men. "So you mean to tell me that all of these woman are pregnant by the Masters?"

Thursday May 18th, 2006 2:11:47 PM

Allowing herself to be separated from Karen, Mary smiles at the men surrounding her. She had long ago learned how to use her good looks to get what she wanted from men. Rubbing her hands along her well defined hips, Mary coos at the nearest hunk. "It must get so lonely out here... Do your Masters send you women often? Do they all come from these Fey creatures? What happens to the ships that you spot? Do any of them ever come to the island?"

Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:00:44 PM

Rigging listens to the conversations and zones in on one, "Camino. You said you tell the masters when you see a ship. How do you tell them. do they know that we are here? I would like to talk to a Master. Can that be arranged?"

Rigging smiles as Ashira asserts her dominance among the local girls. He smiles and puts his arm around her waist and says, "Yes I am hers. Last girl that hit on me ended up fishing for crabs...she was the bait. Go flirt with Apollo."
Rigging will point out the young thief and coninue. "I think you will find his bad boy image just fascinating."

He looks at Ashria and asks, "Why do girls like bad boys....not that I am particularly good but Apollo brings it to another level."

Appolo (George) 
Thursday May 18th, 2006 8:05:52 PM

Appolo gives a side long glance at Val and starts flirting with the village girls with a passion. "Girls Girls there is enough of me to go around. No need to get pushy. Here let me pour you some wine." If there is no wine, Appolo will pull one of his own out of his backpack and pour wine for the 3 prettiest girls around him.

"So tell me ladies, what happens to all the children. Do they have to live somewhere else? Do the mothers stay with them? Or do they have to come back here again."

Thursday May 18th, 2006 9:22:27 PM

The giant dwarf smirks as Ashira's fiesty side comes to the surface

Nezamil responds to Camino " do the women come back from the Masters village ?? and what happens to their children ??" chats the Cleric of Domi as he snacks on the fine food

"so what goes on in the pyramid? what its udes for ?"

DM Jim: Questions, Questions, Questions......... 
Friday May 19th, 2006 12:43:47 AM

ooc: Sorry about the short time between posts, but I have to travel tomorrow and will not get time to post till the weekend and do not want to lose a post.


Two of the beauties quickly back down as Ashira claims her husband. The third however stands her ground, throwing her raven hair back and looking up at the taller Ranger, hands on her hips and feet planted. "The masters said we could have any husband we wanted. Who are you to speak against the masters." The dark haired girl then backs down and takes a few steps back and laughs at Ashira "The masters do not plant any seeds our husbands due. We do not have a chance to see the masters until we are with child." The young women walks away, back turned and strides over to Appolo and sends one last retort to Ashira. "You better watch your man close, that is if you think you can keep him."

The raven haired beauty plops down in Appolo's lap and whispers "Time for you to stop brooding. Make me laugh and I am yours."

Mary has an entranced group of young men, as they watch her hands travel her well formed figure. "It can get lonely here." one stammers. Another adds "The masters do send new ladies from time to time, but not like you." A third wipes his mouth and answers "Once we see a ship we activate the pyramid to alert the masters and they guide the castaways to the island. There are sometimes women castaways, but not like from your ship, Wow! You must have a fun crew."

Camino come over to Rigging. "I can only assume the masters know you are here since we activated the pyramid. The bright light was the rescue becon. We have a snake hunt in about five days, we expect to see some then. Those men that hunt work their way to the master village."

Appolo holds court with several women. There is no vine, but some fermented juice. The wine seems to be preferred and Appolo gets lot of attention.

Bart is also getting his fair share of attention as he is fed and massaged.

Cosmo, Nezamil, Mykael and the women of the group are ignored by the women of the village. Rigging seems to be eyed by several women, but at a safe distance as a result of Ashira's presence.

Only Mary is getting male attention from the men of the village.

Camino hears Nezamil's question and looks up at the giant dwarf "Not a giant, then an ogre?" Camino smiles "The knocked up women go to the masters village after our snake hunt. I have never seen a child born at the Castaway Village." Camino looks at the stepped pyramid at the dwarfs last question "We use the pyramid to signal ships and the masters and they use it to come see us and bring women. The masters do not leave the top of the pyramid."


The pyramid can be seen about 200 yards away from the feast. The pyramid is four large 20 foot high levels, eacah smaller than the next. There are stairs that on the two visible sides. There are also two open archways leading into the bottom level of the pyramid. The structure looks old in the extreme.

DC 20 spot check for something interesting on the pyramid.

Val  d20+4=16
Friday May 19th, 2006 10:52:45 AM

Her gaze lingers on Appolo for a moment before turning away. There was a time when she would have walked over there and physicaly hurt those women. But that seemed like a lifetime ago. Back when she didn't have the skin of a dark elf. To the world thats all she would be, a dark elf with golden hair.

Val looked at the pyramid. She was tempted to walk over there and take a good look around when the villagers were distracted. The way the women were throwing themselves at the men did a great job of keeping them distracted and unfocused.

"The top of the pyramid you say? Well then I should probably go and introduce myself." Val says to Camino. She doesn't have any intention of doing so but wanted to see how they react to such a suggestion.

ooc: spot check 16

Ashira  d20+12=21
Friday May 19th, 2006 3:06:55 PM

Ashira watches the antics of the raven haired woman with humor. To have so much pluck for someone who couldn't back up her words was funny.

Not really sure what more information she can gather from the natives, Ashira scans the area and spots something of interest on the pyramid (Spot=21).

Friday May 19th, 2006 3:21:08 PM

Seeing that the men have taken her bait hook, line and sinker, Mary reels the boys in. Giggling naively, she strokes the third boy's shoulder. "Oooo...how do the Masters guide the ships in? Do they use that big scary snake out there? They must be really powerful if they do, because that thing was really strong."

She switches her focus over to the second young man. "Hehe..well, life on the sea is so much different from the society you have here. It's so wonderful! Please, tell me all about this place. Do the Masters give you any rules, or are you allowed to do whatever you want? Other than the snake hunt, do the Masters give you any jobs? How do the Masters protect you, do they use magic?" Mary smiles warmly gazing up admiringly at the young men's eyes as she waits for them to answer her questions.

Nezamil  d20+5=15
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:44:37 PM

Nezamil keeps his conversation with Camino going " so no kids return after meeting with the masters ?? the women just let them take their children ??" asks the Cleric of Domi incredulously " do the women come back here afterwoods or do they stay with their children ??"

The dwarf pauses a few moments awaiting Camino's reply " so how does the signaling work ??"

Nezamil surveys the pyramid (d20+5=15 spot ch) but nothing jumps out at him as he listens to the talk about the feast

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Friday May 19th, 2006 4:51:40 PM

The brothers take turns with Tomas's direction in keeping the warriors alert....they take the 3rd unit thats resting and gather nearby freash water to refill the ships stores

Friday May 19th, 2006 8:20:34 PM

Rigging looks a little flustered at all the attention from the women folk. He hopes Ashira realizes that he didn't ask for it.

Rigging will allow the conversations around him to go on while he ponders their next course of action. He stands up and says in a loud voice, "It is time to head back to the ship. We thank you for your kind hospitality and if we can, I would love to go on this snake hunt with you. Still we have work to do back at the ship and must leave."

Rigging will make the rounds thanking the cooks, hosts and others before he starts leading the Wildcards back to the ship. When he is sure that they are alone, he says, "Was I the only one but did that situation just feel wrong. We need to get a look at that temple and see if we can find the "master's village" that was mentioned. I want to get to the bottom this thing."

Rigging will talk to Cosmo and say, "Can you cast more than one of that long term fly spell you do? It might be helpful to take an arial survey of the area, but I don't want you going alone."

Appolo (George) 
Friday May 19th, 2006 8:43:25 PM

Appolo enjoys the sensation of the pretty woman on his lap. For a moment he enjoys the attention but then his eyes catch sight of Val staring and then her turning away. He stands up setting the pretty girl aside and strides over to Val. He grabs her by the elbow and says "Please dear heart, we need to talk."

He tries to lead her away and if she goes, he will find a private place to talk but either in private or public he says, "Val, you know I love you. We used to be so close but now you are pushing me away. I can't stand it. You seem closer to Mary now. What happened? Have I disappointed you in some way? Please tell me what is wrong. I just can't stand not knowing where we stand.

I was hoping to make you jealous a few minutes ago. You just turned away. My heart is only for you but if you don't love me anymore, please tell me so I can move on with my life." Appolo the hardnose rogue, so ruthless in battle, stands with his heart in his throat, chest pounding as he awaits his answer.

DM Jim: Questions and Good byes 
Saturday May 20th, 2006 1:51:52 PM

OOC: Matt/Cosmo will be on sabbatical as his father is gravely ill. I will play him as an NPC unless someone wants to run his character, please email me.


Bart is very quite and can almost not be seen, but the large group of women that surround the big warrior.

Mykael is stunned into silence by all that is happening.

Camino tells Val "The view from the top of the pyramid is impressive. I will show you if you like after the feast. The master's forbid us from entering the pyramid."

Val wonders how things have changed between her and Appolo and Appolo make a move to find out. Taking the newly formed Val for a walk to discuss what has happened.

Rigging is uncomfortable with all the female attention, especially under the gaze of his wife.

Rigging wants to bring the party to a close and reassemble at the Sword. Rigging ask Cosmo to do an extensive recon of the island and the Halfling wizards tells him he must rearrange his spells and will tomorrow morning.

Mary has several of the local boys acting like putty in her hands as they eagerly answer her questions, each looking for more favor from the stunning red head. One stammers as he elbows another out of the way. "The only rules are to procreate, snake hunt when signaled and then send the pregnant females to the master's village. Unless we are on a snake hunt or sending the females we are not to cross the big serpent river, but we can cross the small serpent, which you did to get here." The boy elbowed out of the way moves forward and speaks his peace. "We have to signal the masters when we see ships too. The masters do not offer us any other protect, besides the axe, we can take care of ourselves." And the young man leans in real close to Mary and smells her hair. A third boy pushes the leaner out of the way and adds "The giant snake brings the ships in. The castaways that survive get the favor of the masters." He finishes with a winning smile.

Camino continues with Nezamil "No kids or women come back, we get new ones. The ones that move on to the master's village get to stay. Same goes for the hunters that cross the Big Serpent. Not everyone gets to go, seven men to hunt and then number of females depends on how many are real pregnant. We vote a few in for the hunt and then have a lottery for the rest." When Nezamil asks about the workings of the pyramid Camino answers. "We have a few items that trigger the pyramid; they must be placed in the circle at the top. We keep them in a locked chest by the axe." And Camino points it out to Nezamil.

It is a great distance, but Ashira can see symbols or writing on the lower portion of the pyramid.


Rigging starts to say goodbye and is given firm handshakes and slaps on the backs by the men, polite curtsies from the pregnant women, even though none of the them are wearing dresses, and finally very warm hugs and kisses from the available women.

There seems to be a line forming of young men to say goodbye to Mary, but most are pleading for her to stay.

Several of the unattached ladies are trying to use all of their ample charms to convince Appolo and Bart to stay. Ashira's bluster regarding her husband has driven off most of the women, but they still seem to be eyeing him.


Hal and Kirk lead the third group of marines into the jungle to retrive water and they are sucessful, but there are so many snakes......


OOC: I am still waiting for updated character sheets(only one to date). If we enter combat and I have not recieved your sheet you do not gain the benifit of your new level until after combat.

I will attempt to post at my normal time:Lunch, starting Monday.

Sunday May 21st, 2006 2:24:47 PM

Bart is happy with th attenetion het gets from the women, but it is too much, overdone He remembers a story about sirens luring honest sailors to their island. I have to take care

Sunday May 21st, 2006 8:14:35 PM

The giant sized dwarf stands up and surveys the village " well it's been a pleasure meeting you and i hope to continue our conversation again "

Nodding goodbye to the villagers Nezamil heads after Captain Rrigging and takes up postion as rearguard as Val directed on the march inland

Mykael  d20+5=19
Sunday May 21st, 2006 8:39:51 PM

Mykael follows the group out of the village.

"More investigation, I agree. To many things running together. Same fruit as satyrs, sounds like satyr work, and the weird bird. The bird appears to be the same species as the one that saw the rug vendor have with him in South Harbor. Same species, I watched the rug vendor turn into and fly away. And that rug vendor was the one that was the go between for the quads. Interesting, may be a co-incidence."


Rigging  d20+12=25 d20+11=23
Monday May 22nd, 2006 7:33:05 AM

Rigging will lead the Wildcards and Mary back to the ship. He will keep a watchful eye out for snakes. "I knew the jungle has a lot of snakes but this is ridiculous? Why would you have to go on a snake hunt? Is it hunting when you can just whack them out of the tree?"

After they have walked a ways and they are confident they are alone (spot checks 25 and 23)Rigging will start summarizing what they have seen.

"OK we have a strange little village with an abnormal social dynamic. Very few men with a bunch of women who want to become pregnant. Once those women have buns in the oven, they go off to the "Master's village" and are never heard form again.

The area is dominated by an ancient pyramid which the villagers use to summon the masters and tell them when a boat is sighted. I wonder if the masters were informed of our arrival before or after the snake attack?

The pyramid seems to focus magic as all magic glows after being exposed to the temple's affects. We know this because they have a strongly magical battleaxe hanging there which they claim is keeping the snakes away from the village.

Finally it seems we have had some contact with this set up in the past. The satyrs were collecting women, Mary's cousin is an example, and possibly bringing them here for the masters? That could be a coincidence but not really sure.

I think we have two choices for the future. Try and find the master's village or explore the Pyramid? Anyone have an opinion?"

DM Jim: back to the Ship 
Monday May 22nd, 2006 1:13:31 PM

Rigging get the Wildcards and Mary back together after all of the goodbyes and heads back to the Ship.

Marocs calls to the group as they leave. "We will have another feast tomorrow. Hope to see you."

The way is easier this time as the group has made the trek once before. There almost seems to be more snakes than on the trip to the village. There is no problem crossing the Little Serpent River as Cosmo remembers one of the villagers calling it.

Everyone is drenched in sweat once you get back to the Sword. It does get hot on this Island and it is opressively humid. It does look like it will rain this afternoon as clouds are comming in from the east.


Those that remained at the Sword are still working. No one is wearing any armor, but weapons are kept close by. A contingent of guards announces the return of the Wildcards.

There are groups working on the berm, some gathering food and water, and some working with Marc and Mark to identify wood for a scaffoling. The camp is very busy.

Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:28:50 PM

The dwarf trails the Wildcards on the march back and observes all the snakes " whats up with all the snakes ???....i think their is more to all these snakes...gotta be something behind it....at least thats what i'm thinking "

After arriving at the Sword Nezamil greets the bash brothers " how goes it ?....anything strange happen or strange seen ??"

Nezamil finds Capatain Rigging ...."are we going back again tomorrow ??....all these snakes gives me da creeps....just too many proportionitly to the rest of da wild life on dis island in my opinion....something must make em thrive ..i'll ponder on dat "

With that said Nezamil makes his way over to the carpenters and inquires how they are doing and if his strength and size can help...adding that he can do the same for another or two per day if needed for any heavy lifting

Ashira  d20+12=21
Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:41:10 PM

Returning to the ship, Ashira checks on the progress of the berm and then stripping off her armor, heads out into the bay for a quick swim. While she's out there, she checks for signs of the snake and then does a little more fishing (Surv.=21). Bringing in her catch, Ashira hands them over to the cooks to prepare for dinner. Then she heads over to Rigging. "Well my love, I don't mind heading over to the pyramid, but let's make sure the writing isn't magical glyphs... Don't want a repeat of the temple."

Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:59:39 PM

Blowing kisses to the boys before she leaves, Mary promises to be back soon. Walking beside Ashira as they head back, Mary giggles. "Men...sometimes they're so easy!"

Mary checks in briefly with Bart to make sure she is assigned to a watch. Then she sets about oiling the spear of her shortspear. Finding the humidity hampering her efforts, eventually she gives up and lies down near one of the trees. Closing her eyes, she thinks about her old village and how her life has changed since the Valley of Life.

Mykael  d20+10=17 d20+6=16 d20+12=20
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 12:27:16 AM

OOC: Jim did you ever tell Ashira what she noticed about the pyramid?

IC: Mykael smiles about Mary's comment, and makes one of his own, "That may be true, however, you have to realize those were just boys."

"Nez, what would you consider out of the ordinary for them? I mean, they are traveling with a 14 foot dwarf."

Mykael heads to his cabin and takes a break from the sun. He contemplates what they have seen and heard. He concentrates on his knowledge, searching his brain for any tid-bit of useful information. 'Magic axe... spell effect that amplifies or reveals magic by making it glow... the snakes... the masters... finally, the pyramid'.


Chatting with Ghem, he goes over what they have seen and know. He explains anything necessary to Ghem.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 8:14:12 AM

Rigging arrives at the boat and breathes a deep breathe of relief. He is happy to see everything is going OK. Even with Swirl's reassurances, Rigging was nervous.

He will take a couple of moments to talk to Tomas, the carpenters, Hal and Kirk just getting reports on the progress and see if anything needs his personal attention.

He will then strip down to his underthings and join Ashira in the lake. He always feels so awkward trying to swim with his wife. He flails around while she is so graceful in the water.

He says to her, "I wouldn't mind exploring the pyramid myself. I think it might give us some insight to these masters. Still I am not sure. If the temple is their holy place, we might give offense. I guess it depends on the characte of the masters. Things do look suspicious but do we want to assume that they are evil?"

Rigging will finish his conversation with his wife, admire her form as she glides so gracefully through the water and finally pull himself up on the beach and let the sun dry him as he ponders things.

Finally he will talk to Cosmo inquiring about his overland flight spell. He finds out that it is a personal spell and can't be cast on others. Unless given more opinions he will decide to have the group explore the pyramid.

He will pull the Wildcards together and say, "I think we should go take a look at the pyramid next. We leave in the morning. Spellusers please adjust your spells for crawling around inside a pyramid." He looks at Nezamil and Tomas and says, "Both of you please take some slow poisons or neutralize poisons. With all these snakes around, someone is eventually gonna get bit.

Cosmo, when we get back from our pyramid crawl, I want you to take a look around the island with that great longterm fly spell. We all will go exploring tomorrow."

Cosmo (George) 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 8:18:22 AM

OOC Jim, I can play Cosmo but will need a character sheet)

Cosmo hears the marching orders and makes some mental adjustments to which spells he should take. He then walks up to the Appolo and sits down next to the young thief. He looks at him and says, "I am still feeling my way around with this group. What is your normal combat style? I might be able to assist you with some spells if we can work out some tactics together?"

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:15:47 AM

Back on the sword, Val thinks back to that moment in the woods with Appolo. She knew that moment was going to happen. It was as inevitable as the setting sun and the fact that she didn't want to face it didn't matter.

"Appolo," she said and took his hands in her, "I didn't know how to tell you this. The woman you love she never made it out of the Mother's Valley. The battle between the father and mother. Dying back in that valley. I have walked this earth for a century but by the standards of my people I am still a child. I was so nieve and it took dying to put that into perspective. Every morning I wake up and look in the mirror. The face that stares back isn't mine but its getting harder and harder to remember the face that was. Look I just want you to be happy but now I can't give you that."

Val kissed him on the cheek and walked off into the forest where she cried for some time. Now her head was pounding from the bottle of wine she polished off after returning to her cabin last night.

DM Jim: Partings and Plannings 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 1:00:52 PM

OOC: Mykael, what Ashira saw on the pyramid was writtings and carvings.


Val and Appolo have come to grips with the way thing are now. They have come so far, but what does the future hold.


Rigging and Ashira enjoy a nice swim in the warm waters of the Lagoon. Ashira is again very sucessful in netting fish for the crew.

Once the rains hits several of the larger croc's enter the water and it seems to dampen the swimming mood. The rain does not last long and does nothing to lessen the humidity. The rain is a welcome relief for those working on the bern or gathering wood.

Mykael wracks his brain for a reason behind the strange occurance, but can find none, maybe upon closer inspection.......

Rigging calls for all to prepare to vissit the Castaway Village in the morning to inspect the Pyramid.

Nezamil and Rigging express concern for all the snakes that are on this island and what they may eat......

Cosmo reaggranges his spells for Rigging and prepares to scout when asked.

Tomas also changes his spell in the morning to include a pair of slow and neutralize poisons.

Kirk approaches the shrinking Nezamil "Our turn to come with you, big guy." Hal can be seen not to far away sharpening his sword and oiling his armor in preparation.


ooc: I need spell lists and updated characters sheets for everyone that gained a level, including followers.

What is the marching order and who is going to the village?


Morn come and everyone eat and hits the trial for the Castaway Village. The Little Serpent is again crossed with no problem, although it may be slightly higher as a result of yesterdays rains.

The group is hailed as it approaches the village. Again several young men meet the group they seem to be looking for a red head of a particular shape.

Marcos speaks up "You are early. The feast will not be ready for several hours. You can take a rest under the stone pavillon if you like." Marcos points ot a large stone pavillion at least 100 yards away. There are no sides to the structure and it is made of the same stone as the pyramid.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 3:27:30 PM

Bart is ready for the trip to the pyramids. He is a little bit wooriied about the bis serpent river that the vilaagers spoke about. They werent allowed to cross it. Bart speaks out his thoughts to his friends.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 3:29:22 PM

Vlanthe's words wound him more deeply then G'aal and all his minnions ever could.He sta"I love you.Please."

He stumbles listlessly back to the ship,by the time morning comes he hasn't slept and is in a thoroughly foul mood.He justt akes off toward the village without a word.Moving with speed ahead of the others.

Appolo makes a beeline for the Pyramid,blowing by the villagers as if the aren't even there.

Bash brothers hit pts for leveling up!! Hal and Kirk  d10=8 d10=5
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 4:31:05 PM

Character sheets 99% done will send later tonight

delete this later if you want

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:26:27 PM

After a good nights sleep the Cleric of Domi mediates to Domi as the others ready themselves for the trek back to castaway village

After breakfast Nezamil finds the bash brothers " we'll see if Captain Rigging ok's more of ya to come along....we don't want to deplete the defense of the Sword too much incase of an attack by whatever lurks in the jungle....but be ready just incase" smirks Nezamil

As they head off up the trail the dwarf nods to Val " i'll take rearguard again as you directed last time "

"just becareful where ya step too many of them snakes for my taste......wonder if their good eating ? " laughs Nezamil

spell list to follow later

Mykael  d20+5=20
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:11:28 AM

Mykael wakes and studies his spells. He readies his equipment and outfits himself.

He smiles as the tiny dragon wakes, "We are going into the pyramid today. I would prefer if you were to stay here and keep watch on the ship and crew. You can contact me if something happens. And try to stay away from the crocs."

Ghem responds, 'Sure, I like this island. Its is similar to were I lived before we became friends. And the food! Snakes everywhere, I dont even have to try to find food. Its everywhere. Although, snakes dont make me too full, and they dont taste as good as other things.'

"Well, just becareful. And dont get so fat that you cant fly anymore," Mykael smiles wryly.

Up on deck, He surveys the area. And he falls in line on the way to the village. Mykael ponders on the previous visit, Mary thinks men are strange, in my human body, I was always catching looks from women. Yesterday, not one even looked my way. Wonder if they are prejudice. Wow, jealousy? hmmm... interesting.

"Rigging, think you can talk them into letting us get a look at thier summoning items for the Masters? It may tell us something"

I am going to have to watch Apollo close, he seems to have a death wish

Mykael makes his way around the villiagers while the group has them distracted and follows Apollo at a distance. He does his best to maintain view of him and the rest of the group.


Mykael (illegal) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:15:40 AM

OOC: got my list ready, then forgot to add it to my character post

0> Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1> Floating Disk, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Animate Rope
2> See Invisibility, Knock, Scorching Ray, Web
3> Slow, Vampiric Touch, Haste

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:59:06 AM

Ashira very much enjoys her swim with her husband. She loves the fact that he's willing to spend time with her, even if it's doing something he's not very talented at. Before they head out to the village, Ashira checks to make sure it's ok for John and Mary to tag along...otherwise she just brings Mary, seeing as she was so successful at information gathering yesterday. After meditating briefly for her daily spells, Ashira heads out with the others, letting Val call the shots. As they travel, Ashira pulls up alongside Mykael, initiating conversation. "Ummm...Mykael, I was wondering if you could give that ring that I let you borrow to John? See, I think I've worked out a way to make him useful, and the ring plays a big part in it..."

Upon arriving at the village, Ashira stays very close to Rigging, ready to back up her claim to Rigging with physical damage if needed. Shrugging as Appolo charges in headlong as usual, Ashira gives Rigging a questioning look wondering if he wants the group to follow after.

Ashira's spell list
1st level-Entangle, Delay Poison
2nd level-Barkskin, Spike Growth

John and Mary  d20+7=23
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 1:11:26 AM

John spends a brief amount of time in meditation first thing in the morning. After preparing his spells, John waits for Rigging's decision on whether he's allowed to join the party. Though honestly, he really doesn't mind spending a whole other day with Lilith in the crow's nest helping her out of that burdensome and hot leather armor...

Mary smiles as Ashira asks if she can come along, and blushes at the complement. Grabbing her gear and making sure the humidity doesn't make her hair friz too much (looking good=23), Mary readies herself to head out with the Wildcards.

Upon arriving at the village, Mary smiles and winks at the boys. "We were thinking of doing some exploring...any of you nice strong guys want to help guide us? Say...I wonder if you could show me one of those thingies that calls the Masters...I bet they're really powerful!"

John's daily spells
Pass without trace

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 3:37:08 AM

Val tried to remain focused on what was happening but it was hard. When she returned last night Melonie knew something was wrong. Val tried to pass it off but the girl wouldn't believe her. Part of her wanted to tell Melonie. To talk about the pain she felt. But it was personal and she would deal with it on her own. Even this morning Melonie was a little more worried than normal. Only by promising that she would be alright did Melonie agree to stay behind.

Once they reached the village Val was able to focus more. The village made her nervous. Deep down she felt there was something sinister at work. Too many lives depended on her being alert. Hopefully Ashira knows what she's doing by bringing Mary into this situation.

"So what do you think captain? Some nice R&R?"

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:36:06 AM

Rigging looks at the many followers that are gearing up to come along and makes some hard decision. He gathers all the followers for a quick meeting. "I am sorry but all of us can't go. I look upon you folks as the Swords next best line of defense when the Wildcards are away. I want Tomas and my follows to stay, Hal's stays and Melonie stays this time. Be alert, I am not sure we are on a friendly shore and we need to get those repairs made."

Rigging arrives at the village and trys to hold Ashira's hand for protection and to show his devotion. (Gotta earn those brownie points!)

When greeted by the villagers, Rigging says, "We aren't here for another feast right now. If possible we would like to explore the pyramid. We find old architcure fascinating and the magical properties of this one curious."

OOC Jim, I will be posting both Cosmo's and Rigging's spell list tonight

Cosmo (Geoge) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:40:05 AM

Cosmo walks along but is strangly quiet as he makes the journey. He is disappointed that he was snubbed by Appolo but understands that they young thief is brokenhearted right now. It reminds him of his early days chasing those halfling lasses down by the pond.

He snaps back to attention when he almost steps on a slithering snake. He shudders and wonders if the other Wildcards thing the snakes look as big as he does.

He will quicken his pace to walk next to Bart figuring the big fighter would smush any snake that gets near him. "Bart, I see you like to cook? Where did you pick up that skill?"

DM Jim: The Pyramid 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:49:47 PM

THe Wildcards and some selected followers make the trip to the Castaway Village. John is particularly happy to be in the jungle and seems very much at home, although his thoughts still drift to the shapely form of Lilith.

Ashira asks Mykeal about a magic ring he was lent.

Nezamil and Cosmo have their own thought about the snakes on the journey, but each is biased by their scale: to eat or be eaten.

Mykael is lost in his own thought as he sees Apolo stomp off towards the Pyramid. Mykael takes off and follows, as do two women that have no bun in the oven. Mykael can hear the giggle and say "He is the bad boy."

Mary has several of the men of the village tripping over one another as they struggle for her attentions. The all speak at once "I'll take you. No pick me. I know the rules. I can make it work. You don't want them."

Val has Melonie stay behind on the ship as she has concerns about the village.


The square pyramid is four large 20 foot high levels, each smaller than the next. The bottom level looks to be over 120 feet per side. There are wide stairs that are cut into the two visible sides of the square pyramid. There are also two open archways leading into the bottom level of the pyramid. The structure looks old in the extreme.

There are no trees or bushes within 100 feet of the square pyramid.


Appolo and Mykael can see that there are writtings and incriptions on the pyramid. Mostly on the base and centered around the two visible archways. A DC 20 spot check for all others to notice the writtings (except Ashira, which knows they are there). DC 17 spot check for Appolo and Mykael to notice another interesting feature about the pyramid.

DC 30 decifer script (trained only) or a DC 30 Int check: +1 for each 3 ranks of arcane knowledge (round down) and +5 if you know draconian (It is not draconian). The bonuses will apply to either roll, but only make one roll (whichever is better).


Marocs states "The masters do not allow us to enter the pyramid, but we can climb the stairs. It is rumored that some headstrong men entered the pyramid and never returned. The village was then punished for not listening to the masters. Oh, and the pyramid is activated at the top."

Appolo  d20+12=15 d20+9=26 d20+9=11 d20+9=20 d20+9=11 d20+9=24 d20+9=24 d20+9=17
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 2:09:25 PM

Appolo stops at the Pyramid and looks over the writing,but can't figure it out.Turning to look around,he sees Mykeal and the two women.Speaking to Mykeal"So what do you make of this writing.Also do you notice somwething else interesting about this Pyramid?"

Spot 26 Decipher script 15

OOC Please ingore the extra rolls Mistake.

Mykael  d20+5=8 d20+13=21
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:11:41 PM

Mykael distracted by the two women following Apollo doesnt notice anything. (spot=8)

"Normally I am pretty good with deciphering writings, but I cant make any of this out. Perhaps with more study... Something interesting? no... no, I dont see anything."

"Lets not get too hasty, we can handle almost anything, you and I, however, why take away the rest of the groups fun? Besides, maybe Cosmo or Rigging will have better luck with the writings, and I would like to know what it says before we enter. Writings can be glyphs or wards, and we dont need to run blindly into traps, especially magical ones."

Mykael stands back and waits for the group, chatting with Apollo.

"It seems you have drawn some attention," Mykael nods towards the two women.

Mykael (illegal) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:13:50 PM

OOC: man I am forgetful, my Decipher script roll in the previous post was the second roll = 21.

Rigging  d20+12=17
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:25:17 PM

Rigging moves towards the pyramid gesturing for the others to follow. He calls out to Appolo and Mykael to wait for the others. He moves towards the pyramid but doesn't spot the writing so he doesn't get to use his handy dandy comprehend languages spell.

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Cosmo (George) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:36:34 PM

Cosmo follows along and wonders why no one will talk to him. He looks up at Bart and sees him staring at the pretty girls and nods his understanding. He glances at them but sighs when he doesn't see any halfling women. It isn't fair. He wouldn't mind getting a little but he knows that most of these girls would just pat him on the head and proceed straight to one of the "big" men.

Cosmo sighs again. He knows that he could make them very happy. His enlarge spell can come in very handy sometimes but it does take special concentration to get it to only affect part of his body.

He moves towards the stairs noting how steep they look. "Bart don't suppose you want to carry me up those steep steps? They were cut for a person of my statue."

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, Tensors floating disc x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Dark vision x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Shrink Item x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Passwall x1 & Animal Growth x1

Nezamil  d20+6=7
Thursday May 25th, 2006 12:48:07 AM

The 10'6" dwarf strolls into castaway village as rearguard of the group with Kirk a few steps in front of him " this is the place we visited yesterday Kirk ....seems like a nice vacation resort " chuckles Nezamil as he looks about (d20+6=7 spot ch)but nothing catches his eye

As the young men badger the women " Kirk make sure you keep an eye on our fellow females...these boys only have one thing on their mind...don't be afraid to bully them a little if ya feel its needed "

"its all a bit odd if ya aske me...they have no other cares about what happens....almost like they are brainwashed ...so be careful yourself too....the women might swarm a stud like you " grins Nezamil " but they only seem intrested in you humans ...so stay alert " grins the dwarf

Spell list
0-Create water x2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Detect magic
1st-Command,Divine favor,Endure elements,Magic weapon,Pro-f-evil,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,Delay poison(Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge,Searing light,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Restoration(Spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW mass,Wall of Stone(Spell resistance)

Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:20:20 AM

Ashira smiles as Rigging takes her hand, and scowls at any woman stupid enough to come close to her husband.

Upon arriving at the pyramid, Ashira points the writing out to her husband. "What do you think those are?" she asks, having absolutely no knowledge about such things.

Ashira looks over anxiously to make sure that John and Mary are alright. Spying Mary's expert handling of the young men, Ashira smiles, knowing that in many ways the two were more than capable of taking care of themselves.

John and Mary  d20=15
Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:34:56 AM

Mary beams radiant smiles at the hunks gathered around her. "Oh, that's so very nice of you all...you are positively chivalrous. In the end, Mary chooses the youth that seems most likely to provide the most useful information to her (Sense Motive=15). As they head to the pyramid, Mary makes sure she chats with the lad, stroking his ego while simultaneously pumping him for information. "Don't I remember you saying something about signaling the masters with the items.... Do they actually come and talk to you when you call, or do you just talk to them magically. I think magic is soooo exciting! Oh, do you know how they control that big snake out there? I'm so very afraid of snakes...it's a good thing the masters keep them away from the pyramid! Do you think we might meet with the masters today? That would be so exciting!"

John chuckles watching Mary work the youths and counts his lucky stars that he didn't fall for her. She was so much more conniving than Lilith... Sweet Lilith...he could still smell her sweet hair...see her beautiful pointed ears... Shaking his head, John sticks close to the wooded area, uncomfortable about being out in the open with no wildlife around him.

OOC: Mykael...please let me know if you gave Ashira's partner invisibility ring to John. It affects how I intend to play him. Thanks!!

Mykael (another illegal) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:30:23 AM

Mykael hands Ashira the ring, when she asks for it.

Thursday May 25th, 2006 10:13:28 AM

Val sees several angry scowls on Ashira's face as eager women try to steal Rigging away. It's just what they need to get things back to the happy times they had before. Val approaches the pyramid and finds eager anticipation. The pyramid holds a mystery and she wants to uncover that mystery.

"Captain I request permission to head inside."

Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:21:03 PM

Well lets climb it must be a great view from the top

DM Jim: The Pyramid 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:41:15 PM

Appolo attempts to discern the meaning of the symbols and writings that are concentrated by the closest archway, but to no avail. Mykael hurries forward, but can offer no assistance is reading the ancient writings. The two women that are admiring Appolo comment, mostly to themselves, but it can be heard with a DC 10 listen check. "I think he can help me get my diamond necklace. He looks good too."

Appolo does notice several small shafts that were cut into the sides of the square pyramid and he ponders what could they be for? The small shafts located on all four levels of the pyramid, or so on the two sides that Appolo can see.

Rigging calls for all the crew of the Sword to follow Mykael and Appolo.

Cosmo broods his fate at being a halfling and the advantages of being a wizard.

Nezamil warns Kirk about possible female attention and a cry can be heard from the stone pavilion "They brought a BIG one." And three females (not pregnant) start to saunter down to investigate Kirk.

OOC: 500 exp to Nezamil for noticing that the interactions are human only.

John has warm thoughts for Lilith, but there are many examples of female forms to tempt any mans fancy.

Mary chooses David as her escort to the dismay of several other suitors. "Yes, we do signal the masters from the top of the pyramid. We use items they have given us to power the device." David flexes the muscles in the arm Mary is holding before continuing. "We assume the masters control the big snake and help keep the rest of the snakes out of our village. They did give us the axe for our protection and for the hunts."

Marcos speaks up after overhearing David "We do not call the masters for no reason as we are not to disturb them unless necessary, but yes they have appeared to us at the top of the pyramid after we have summoned them. We are instructed to pay them homage from the bottom of the pyramid after we summon them."

Once everyone assembles at the bottom of the square pyramid, Mykael give Ashira the magic ring he had borrowed.

Val seems anxious to go exploring as asks to enter the pyramid.


The Wildcards and followers are at the bottom of the pyramid in front of one of the archways. All now notice the writings and a DC 15 spot check will reveal the small shafts.

Daylight spills into the archway lighting 20 - 25 feet, but a light can also be seen farther down with darkness in between. There is a stone floor and a smooth block side and ceiling walls in the tunnel to the interior of the pyramid. Rigging and Mykeal can tell that this structure took an amazing feat of engineering to create.

Marcos cautions "No one is allowed in the pyramid. Once per month we roll fruit into the tunnels as instructed, but that is the extent of what we can do. We can only go on the pyramid."

Nezamil  d20+6=11
Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:10:28 PM

Nezamil nods to Captain Rigging as he heads towards the pyramid " lets follow him Kirk" as the two bring up the the rear of the group

Eyeing the three women heading towards Kirk " remember what i told ya...keep alert and you head on business......if this island works out for us you'll have plenty of time to play " grins Nezamil

making their way to the pyramid only keeps his eye on his trusted bodyguard (d20+6=11 spot ch)

"Once a month ?? why just once a month?? how much fruit do you roll down the tunnel ?? do you hear any noise from the tunnel??" blurts out the dwarf as he peppers Marcos with questions

Kirk  d20+5=12
Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:17:17 PM

"Heh sure thing big guy " as the tall warrior checks out the three beauties sauntering over to him " i sure hope it works out for us " chuckles Kirk " i can get used to this "

The big warrior keeps his mind on business at hand but is polite to the ladies " good morning ....sorta busy right now but i'm sure we'll have time to talk later " smiles Kirk (d20+5=12 intimidate ch) as he tries to slightly use his charm to backoff the ladies till later

Ashira  d20+12=17 d20+11=15
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:31:11 AM

Seeing as the current exploration isn't proving incredibly helpful, Ashira begins to think that they should probably just come back at night. She stands around impatiently glaring at the pyramid (Spot=17, Listen=15).

John and Mary 
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:35:57 AM

Mary continues to chit chat with David, uncertain as to how to proceed. She turns her focus on the snake hunt, asking David to tell her alll about the exciting event and whether not he will attend.

John watches several of the nearby women with more than a little interest. But still, he has a good thing going with Lilith, and until he knows more about these islanders, he'll stick with what he knows.

Mykael  d20+5=15
Friday May 26th, 2006 3:13:10 AM

Mykael notices the small shafts also(spot=15), since Apollo told him to take a good look.

"Those were probably used to move the blocks of the pyramid, you put a sturdy pole in each and many strong backs could move it, I would guess," Mykael ponders aloud.

Friday May 26th, 2006 9:47:48 AM

"Let's just go inside and get this overwith. There are probably some traps, physical and magical. Oh and a monster of some sort. This traveling back and forth, thse mysterious masters. It's all getting real old real fast." Val says as her patience is running out.

Rigging  d20+12=28 d20+9=24
Friday May 26th, 2006 10:13:39 AM

Rigging puts a hand on Val's shoulder. "Let's exercise just a little more patience my jumpy friend. I have some spells that might enlighten us on some things.

Why don't you prepare some torches for the pyramid. I somehow doubt that it will be light in there."

Rigging looks at Appolo, and says, "I need you to calm down and slow down. You are our best trap finder and I suspect that there might be a physical trap or two ahead of us. You will be leading the way so prepare for that."

Rigging looks at his wife and smiles, "You have a great glare dear but somehow I don't think it will burn through stone. Why don't you come up with a plan to get a rope on Appolo. I plan to have him lead the way put want the option of pulling out of the pit or gas trap or whatever when the time comes."

Rigging sees the holes (spot 28) and hears Mykaels possible explaination. He puts his engineering training. He will study them and give forth his opinion as soon as he has one. (Engineering 24)

Rigging then casts his comphrehend languages and runs his fingers along the script to see if it brings understanding.

comprehend languages 80 minutes

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages*
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Cosmo  d20+8=13
Friday May 26th, 2006 10:17:25 AM

Cosmo also sees the script and starts trying to read it. All he does is get confused (skill check 13) so he casts his spell mage armor an prepares himself for the climb.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, Tensors floating disc x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Dark vision x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1 & Shrink Item x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Passwall x1 & Animal Growth x1

Friday May 26th, 2006 11:42:05 AM

Appolo points out the shafts and the writting,then replies to Rigging"I don't think going in there is the best thing to do.If you and Cosmo can figure out the writing first it would be nice,but I think we need to talk to these Masters and negotiate with them.I would also suggest that tis Pyramid might be some type of Temple and entering it without permission,then slaying whatever lives inside would not be recieved very well.So I suggest we have one of the villagers summon the Masters,I don't doubt that they already know we're here."

Turning and looking at the two ladies following him"Well darlings why don't you show me around,I could use a drink."he walks over to them and puts his arms over their shoulders.

DM Jim: The Captain Enlightens the Crew 
Friday May 26th, 2006 1:23:21 PM

Val and Ashira express impatient after reaching the square pyramid. Rigging urges caution and suggests letting Appolo probe the inner reaches of the pyramid. Appolo has other plans as he finally takes interest in the two beauties that are following him around.
After Appolo puts his arms around the girls, one giggles, "Come with us bad boy. We will get you some fermented juice." The three stroll off toward the Stone pavilion where the feast is being prepared.

Mykael suggest s use for the small shafts in the pyramid, but they do not seem constructed for use of placing blocks. Rigging uses his skilled eye and thinks they could be used to let something in, gas, light or liquids, or the same out.

Cosmo casts his mage armor spell on himself.

Rigging casts his comprehend languages spell on himself and the images and writing start to make sense.

Rigging sees some history of a people called the Hyss-Tar and their persecution by many races. The Hyss-Tar fled and settled on this island. The Hyss-Tar built the pyramids for watching the stars/sun/moon and to regulate their religious holidays. The Hys-Tar worship a god that they call Massshess. Massshess demands that the Hyss-Tar pay homage by repopulating the Wold and taking their proper place as the control force in the wold. The Hyss-Tar then converted the pyramids for use as a gate and then re-populate lands from which they had fled. There are many symbols of snakes on the pyramid and Hyss-Tar is viewed as a snake and a bipedal creature. Also there are many references to controlling and the power of travel. There are also references to harnessing the power of magic and how it relates to travel.

Kirk is able to warn of the ladies, but they still hand around seeming to wait for him to be done with what ever it is that he needs to do.

Mary asks David about the snake hunt "No, I am not going on the hunt." He say with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "But I will be here to take care of you." The chosen hunters go forth and clear a path for the pregnant women to follow a week later. It is only four days away. We have a big feast. It is lots of fun; we have been fermenting juice for weeks for this one. When the axe is hanging on its bracket the women leave the next day for the masters village. I wish I got to go hunt, next time I will."


The diverse group of castaways and crew are standing in front of one archway of the square pyramid listening to Rigging read the writings and symbols. Except Appolo, as he seems distracted by the lovelies. One of the girls giggles, "Your Captain sounds so boring, much too serious, and with that blue haired girl of his." As she presses he body next to Appolo.

Marcos warns again "No one is allowed in the pyramid. We do nto want to make the masters angry."

Sunday May 28th, 2006 3:51:23 PM

Nezamil pauses a moment at Marcos's words " angry??? why would they become angry at you ?for just walking into the pyramid ??"

"doesn't seem like you have many choices that you can make ....no freedoms of your own too choose"

" life seems very pleasant here but seems like your trapped at the masters beck and call ....doesn't seem like paradise too me if ya can't make your own choices"

The 10'6" dwarf turns and looks at the pyramid " captain do we call the masters or enter the pyramid ?"

Monday May 29th, 2006 11:17:47 AM

Appolo walks over to the pavilon,smiling he looks back over his shoulder"Come on guys.Let's get out of the sun."

Turnung back to his female companions"yes that is why he is the Captian and blue hair defneds her territtory fiercly.Now tell me about tha Masters.I think my Captian would like to talk to one of them."

Monday May 29th, 2006 4:39:28 PM

The ranger chuckles at her husband. "Yeah, I could give him a rope...or I could just give him my fly potion...it's your choice." Faning herself, Ashira follows Apollo's advice and gets out of the sun...her armor dripping with sweat.

Mary and John 
Monday May 29th, 2006 4:44:54 PM

Mary beams at David. "I'm so glad you're here to keep me safe from the snakes!! You say the village is four days from here, hmmmm? Is it an easy trip? Which way do you go?"

Scooting back toward the trees, John leans against the nearest one, picking his teeth and waiting for some kind of a decision to be made.

Monday May 29th, 2006 5:32:29 PM

Rigging, after doing his share of reading, will start climbing the pyramid looking for more writings. When he nears the top he will be careful not to enter the pyramid, concerned that the whole thing is a massive teleportation device. He will carefully look for more writings while his spell is in effect.

Mykael  d20+5=24 d20+1=5
Monday May 29th, 2006 6:54:50 PM

Mykael stands at the bottom keeping tabs on all, making sure that no one gets into trouble and no ambushes are happening.


Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday May 29th, 2006 9:50:49 PM

Cosmo stands with the rest of the wildcards looking at the pyramid.

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 6:35:02 AM

She's getting really tired of hearing what these masters forbid. Still if the captain wants to waste time with this then waste time they shall.

"Captain for the record I believe your playing right into their hands."

DM Jim 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 1:54:08 PM

Nezamil is concerned over Marcos's word choice and he elaborates "Everything is great as long as we abide by a few simple rules" Marcos is a bit agitated.

David is very calm next to Mary and adds "No it is not four days march. The hunt is in four days. I do not know how long it takes to get to the masters village."

Rigging takes his recently discovered knowledge and begins to climb the square pyramid. The steps are wide and on a slight angle. Is the strange stair design set to let water drain? It almost seems as it the stairs were not designed for humanoids as a first consideration. There is no real problem climbing the stairs either way.

The Wildcards watch Rigging's accent.

Rigging notices writing by the small, approximately 8 inch square, shafts. "If you view this as a door then you are on the path to enlightenment. Massshess knows the way."

Rigging is starting to lose his comprehend languages spell. Only every other word seems to make sense.

Mykael notices that several of Rigging's items are starting to glow, especially two of his rings.


The Wildcards wait for Rigging orders.

Marcos looks at Rigging and exclaims "Look at all the power he carries." Marcos is pointing up at Rigging with his mouth open. Everyone else looks as well.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+23=34
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 11:06:05 PM

Cosmo looks up at the glowing Rigging. He contemplates the affect,trying to figure out what is going on.

Spellcraft 34 (36 if conjuration).

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:11:42 AM

Picking a fruit seed out of her teeth, Ashira calls up to Rigging. "Find anything interesting, hun?"

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:20:43 AM

The agitation in Marcos's voice draws Nezamils attention "as long as you abide by a few simple rules ??.....what happens if you don't abide by them ??" persists the Cleric of Domi

The 10'6" dwarf looks up at Captain Rigging at the mention of a glowing Captain Rigging

"Hmmm very intresting affect " Nezamil looks to the glowing axe and looks to see how close it is to the pryamid comapred to Rigging (how big is the axe ?? normal size ??)

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 6:09:00 AM

Bart watches Rigging climbing the pyramid he starts to follow him but stops for a moment when he sees the glimmering around Rigging. Hmm maybe i have to remove my magical armor I dont wanna glow in the dark like. Bart climbs down again and removes his chainshirt and other magigical items. However he keeps his sword with him.

"Mary could you look after my things? you can wear the amulet the cloak and the rings."

"Rigging i will come up as well and have a look with the wayfinder maybe we see some interesting things."

Rigging  d20+12=26 d20+12=24
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 8:20:36 AM

Rigging looks down at Bart taking off his armor and says, "Bart, stay off this thing for now. I have already volunteered to be a test subject, let me finish and see what I can see before anyone else joins in.

Rigging will concentrate on his spell scanning quickly for any writings he might see. He will pick up his pace and move towards the top of the pyramid trying to get more information before his spell fails.

concentration 26
spot 24

When he comes back down, he will gather the others and say, "Obviously this thing effects magic. I had trouble concentrating and keeping my spell in effect. If you like to use long term spells, this adventure might be problematic."

Rigging relates what he read to the others.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:38:51 AM

Val chuckles at Mykael's comment. All the wildcards carried many magical items of varying power. Magical items was how they stayed alive when the unexpected happened.

"Mykael will all magic on the island eventually glow?"

DM Jim: Enlightenment 
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 1:14:31 PM

Cosmo watches Rigging and his magic items closely, which is not too hard as he is so illuminated. Cosmo sees the magical energy of each school of magic aligning on each magic item. The items seem uneffected, but the magic is brought more to the surface. It sees to be conjouration magic.

OOC: DC 30 acrane knowledge check for all, Rigging get +2.

Ashira is wondering what is taking her husband so long.

Marcos looks up at the gaint sized dwarf. "We were spared a horrible death at sea. I can stay out of the temple." When Nezamil looks over at the axe Marcos comments again "It happens to most magic, eventually. Your boss has enough power to signal the moon. Urgh!" Marcos quickly covers his eyes as Bart steps on the square pryamid.

Rigging is dull in comparison to Bart as Wayfinder is giving off blinding light. Bart's sword is also glowing but it pales in comparison to Wayfinder. Everyone shields their eyes as they get used to the bright display.

Rigging is able to keep hold of his spell and climb to the top of the pyramid. All of the strange stairs are very smooth as if they have had decades of use, maybe even much longer.
Rigging warns Bart to stay at the bottom of the pyramid and he does so.

The view from the top of the pyrmaid is spectacular. Rigging can see sections of the Big Serpent, the river described by the castaways. It is miles of and it looks almost unreachable through some very dense jungle. The mountain is shrouded in mists as is other parts of the island.

Rigging can see the Wildcards bathed in the light of Wayfinder at the base of the pyramid.


On the top of the pyramid, Rigging sees that it is dominated by a large raise circle. There is a much smaller circle touching the raised cirlce on a tangent. There is a small one foot diameter anchored box in one corner. There is some light escaping through openings of the lid.

Rigging see more writting and symbols on the surface of the circles.

In the small circle "Power source Here"

In the large circle "Masshess's chosen will find the way."

Rigging goes back down to report his findings to the rest of the Wildcards. As he decends, most of the Castaway village are coming over to investigate the light show. There are many Ooohs and Aaaahs and finger pointing and one not again.

DC 20 listen check to identify the speaker.

Bart and Rigging's magic items do not return to their normal luminesence when they leave the pyramid.

DC 15 int check to determine that your healing potions are not glowing like the rest of your magic.

Rigging needs a DC 17 concentration check to maintain his comprehend languages spell, but either way he feels its magic being siphoned away.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 3:48:58 PM

Appolo sits under the stone pavillon drinking juice with the ladies"So what exactly do these masters look like?"He asks

Rigging  d20+10=20
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 9:39:03 PM

Rigging just hears the comment and strides over to the person who said, "Not again" and says, "What did you mean by that? Has this happened before?" Rigging will grab the elbow of the speaker and try to steer them towards the table. "Can we talk? I am concerned for my friends and you as well? Do you know what happens to the children and the mothers? I know the Masters take care of you but a farmer takes care of his pigs to...right up until he slaughters them."

Mykael  d20+10=13 d20+1=18
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:43:11 PM

(arcane knowledge=13)

Mykael scratches his head as his years of study and fine tuning of his intellect was all for nothing.

"Pretty light show"

Ashira  d20+11=12
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 11:47:27 PM

Averting her eyes from the blinding light of the Wayfinder, Ashira hands Bart a sack. "Geez, will you cover that thing up?! I've seen lighthouses that generate less light!" Ashira is so unnerved by Bart's artifact that she completely fails to notice who said "Not again" (Listen=12). Ashira listens with interest to what the natives might say to Rigging's questioning.

Nezamil  d20+5=11 d20+1=16
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 11:47:55 PM

Nezamil eyes squint and he shades his eyes with a hugh hand " hmm.....well we won't be able to sneak up on anyone at night if everything glows like that"

"but then again it would be hard to be snuck up on too "

As the Nezamil observes the crowds reaction to the blinding light he also eyes his fellow wildcards and himself (d20+1=16 int ch) to see if they are affected also

" a horrible death ?? huh..... feels more like a prison to me ......but certainly has nice perks " chuckles Nezamil

"gonna hafta look into that " growls the 10'6" dwarf outloud

kirk  d20+6=25 d20+5=15
Wednesday May 31st, 2006 11:59:29 PM

The tall warrior picks the speaker out of the crowd (d20+6=25 listen ch) and watches as Captain Rigging takes the man aside .

Shading his eyes to the bright light from Bart the warrior stands near the big guy covering his back...whether by intent or reflex as the crowd of castaways gather near he scowls (d20+5=15 intimidate ch) at them

(how big is the hanging axe ?? med or large ??)


DM Jim: The battle axe is normal sized for a human. It is not a great axe or sized for one large or huge in sized, but could be used by someone of large or huge size as a hand axe.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:40:14 AM

Well when i am glowing now as well i can have a llok with the wayfinder to see if there is anything the naked eye cant see

Cosmo  d20+6=16 d20+18=33 d20+5=10
Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:34:25 AM

Cosmo watches with interest as the magic items on Rigging and Bart begin to glow. He notices that the glowing effect is very similar to how detect magic can inform of varying strengths of magic. He also sees that potions are not glowing (int ck 16).

As he contemplates more on the Pyramid and its affect on magic items, he misses the person who says "not again" (listen ck 10). Cosmo does, however, extract more information from the recesses of his mind (arcane knowledge ck 33). He relates this new piece of information to Rigging and the rest of the Wildcards (assuming that it is safe for all to hear).

Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:56:57 AM

Val keeps quiet though its clear she's getting tired of the diplomatic cat and mouse game these villagers are playing. Something is going on here and its only going to get worse before they get better.

DM Jim: More Enlightenment  d20+12=24
Thursday June 1st, 2006 1:01:34 PM

Rigging maintains his hold on his comprehend languages spell but still feels it slipping away (Conc. Check 24 -- please make your own checks in the future).


OOC: Rigging - DC 18 concentration check or the spell ends. Rigging knows the spell will end in less than one minute either way.

Cosmo DC 12 concentration check or mage armor ends, only one check required.


Rigging approaches the human woman that spoke the words "Not again" She is older than the rest by a few years, but still a very attractive blond. "I have been here a long time. Those with magic seem to disappear, or they play on the pyramid and disappear, or they go wandering and never return. We are always abandoned by those of power except the masters."

When Bart and Rigging step off the square pyramid they are still glowing brightly, at least their magic items.

Cosmo watches the play of light from the magic items and maybe even notices some of his items starting to pick up some light themselves, although much less than Bart and Rigging's. As far as Cosmo can discern, it appears that the pyramid or something in or on it was attempting to reorganize the magical energy of Bart and Rigging's magic items into conjuration magic. More experimentation will be required as once both Bart and Rigging left the square pyramid the reorganization of the magical energy stopped, but the light remained. Interesting, very interesting.......

Cosmo did not that some potions were effected by the light, but not all (cure potion are unaffected)

Bart takes a quick look with Wayfinder. The artifact still works, which the big warrior is very happy with, but he does not see much of interest until Ashira puts it in a sack. The sack blocks most of the light, but some is still escaping in area that is more threadbare.

Bart may have a better look from the top of the square pyramid.

Appolo is relaxing with his new found ladies friends under the stone pavilion and being feed some of the new fruits of the island and drinking fermented fruit juice. "The master look mostly like you and me, but maybe thinner. They never left the pyramid and I was very confused when I first came to the village."

Val is tiring of the banter between the Captain and the villagers.

Nezamil suggest that the island may be a prison of some sort.

Kirk watches Bart's back and no villagers approach the glowering warrior.


Ghem touches Mykael's mind. "Our big human caught two humans, a male and female, trying to sneak into camp. They are not trying to eat anyone. We have them surrounded by pointed metal sticks."


The villagers are not threatening in any way, but are more curious at the amount of light generated by Bart and Rigging. David comments
to Mary "I bet the masters saw that last light show from here. Wow!" David puffs himself up and whispers to Mary "Don't be afraid. I will take care of you."


OOC: I will be taking a long weekend and will not post on Friday. I will post on Sunday night. Please feel free to interact amonst yourselves and post as often as needed.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 8:13:20 PM

Mykael makes his way to Riggings side and pulls him away from the group. And whispers in his ear.

"Intruders at the ship, Ghem just informed me. They dont appear hostile, but are under guard. I have a mount spell and can return quickly. I can take one other with me, as long as they are light."

"Perhaps, the masters are introducing themselves."

Mykael concentrates on his connection to his dragon friend, Just keep them under guard and watch them. Allow them food and water as they need. I will let you know more in a moment.

Friday June 2nd, 2006 6:08:38 AM

NB bart did take a look with the wayfinder from the top of the pyramid!

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 11:11:44 AM

Appolo smiles at the women"Well I'm heading back to the ship.Need to get out of this arnour."He turns to Rigging"Well boss I'm heading back to the ship.It's to hot around here to be wearing all this armour,besides I don't se anything to threatening at the moment."

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 11:33:05 PM

Nezamil checks out his own equipment too see if its been affected then surveys his fellow wildcards too see if they are affected.

"The 10'6" dwarf turns back to Marcos " so have anyone from the village been to the top of the pyramid ?? or open the box on top ??"

The cleric of Domi peeks over at Captain Rigging to keep a protective eye on him as he talks to one of the elders of the village

"C,mon Kkirk lets go over and check out that glowing axe "

Nezamil makes his way over to the axe and inspects it and its mounting without touching it "don't touch it Kirk....it might set something off "

"wonder if there is any writing that describes it " muses Nezamil

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 11:35:23 PM

The big warrior follows the giant sized dwarf protectivly

"hmm nice axe ...wonder if we can take it down ?" asks Kirk as he reaches for it but stops at Nezamils warning " sure thing ...don't want to get zapped by anything "

Rigging  d20+12=20
Sunday June 4th, 2006 7:54:40 AM

Rigging looks at his friends and then sees Appolo heading for the ship. "Appolo, we just got here. Get your butt back over here and sit it down. In fact I have a job for you. Take off anything that is magic, and climb to the top of the pyramid. You will find a glowing box up there. Check it out for traps, disarm them and then open it up to see what is inside. I think it is the power source for the pyramid. Be careful and report back when your done."

Rigging sees Kirk and follows him over to the battleaxe. With the last of his spell, he will study the axe to see if it has any magical writings (DC 20 Sorry about the last roll, missed it in the post)

Finally he calls all the Wildcards back together. The pyramid is going to be a tough nut to crack. It seems to have an effect on normal magic, warping it some how, and I don't remembeer seeing an easy way inside it. Those snakeholes are there and I can go in polymorphed but the effect on magic makes that problematic. Anyone have any suggestions?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=22
Sunday June 4th, 2006 11:34:11 AM

Concentration check 22.

Cosmo is perplexed by the pyramid. And a little concerned as he does not know how his magic will perform if they decide to enter the structure.

Cosmo listens to Rigging as he talks about the Pyramid.

"I'm not sure if we should enter the Pyramid at this time. We should try to learn more about it. Plus we could wait until the masters show up to see what they are and how they respond to our being here."

"Our retreat option is limited with the ship being damaged and I am not sure if we want to have to fight an unknown entity with the pyramid potentially warping any magic we try to use."

Ashira  d20+12=25
Sunday June 4th, 2006 10:39:42 PM

Ashira walks around the pyramid, throughly inspecting it (Spot=25). "Well, I suppose we could send one of the familiars down there or something." Ashira taps her chin as she tries to think of a cleaver way to enter the pyramid without magical aid.

Dm Jim: A tough nut to crack??? 
Sunday June 4th, 2006 10:50:28 PM

OOC: Just a quick post as it was a long weekend.


Appolo decides it is too hot and time to go back to the ship. His female companions want to come with him. "Please take us to see your ship"

Mykael warns Rigging of inturders at the ship, but the situation seems to be under control.

OOC: What is NB Bart????

Bart goes tot he top of the pyramid and take Wayfinder out of the sack. Wayfinder lights the daytime. All of the Wildcards are sure that the artifact can be seen for tens of miles if all directions. Lets hope the mists dampen some of the light, but the group is doubtful.

Bart sees the box and the two cirlces (large and small) on top of the pyramid. Bart can maneuver on top of the pyramid without touching either circle or the box, but there is not much room beside as they dominate the top.

OOC: Three Spot checks DC 30, 25, 30 - Wayfinder will give Bart +10 on your spot check

Rigging warns Appolo and goes an looks at the axe with Nezamil and Kirk. Rigging read above the axe in the strange language "Snake slayer, return after each hunt." Riggings spell ends.

Marcos follows Nezamil and takes the axe off its hangers, swings it once in the air with a smile. "Nice balance" Marcos holds it out to Nezamil to take.

Cosmo retains his mage armor spell and talks of a cautious approach to the pyramid.

Ashira walks around the pyramid and John accompanies her. There are stairs up each side of the square pyramid and an archway entrance on each side too. The "snakeholes" as Rigging calls them are seen on each side too.


Ghem beams back to Mykeal "The two are being good. They want a Captain? Do we have one or know where to get one?" Ghem is calm and seems to be enjoying watching the pirates for Mykael.

Bart  d20+14=33 d20+14=33 d20+14=30
Monday June 5th, 2006 5:00:20 AM

Bart did have a good look with the wayfinder, he puts the artefact back in his sack and climbs down, he tells the others what he has seen

Monday June 5th, 2006 10:05:18 AM

Holding her tongue since they really have nothing better to do anyway, Val watches in silence. She idly wonders how long Rigging was going to keep the civilians onboard the ship.

"Captain how about you let me take a look inside the pyramid."

DM Supplimental: 
Monday June 5th, 2006 11:37:58 AM

David steps up to Rigging and casts a knowing look to Mary "I can open the box on the top of the pyramid. It only takes a Kiss." David smiles winningly at Mary.

Bart spends 15 minutes looking through Wayfinder and sees a large ruined structure 7 to 8 miles away not far from the coast or the big serpent river. The ruin is deep in the heart of the jungle.

Bart also sees another open area on a raised plain 12 -- 15 miles away. On it is a large structure that could be another pyramid.

Bart also sees another large structure, maybe a pyramid of sorts on top of the small mountain. Bart was lucky to spy it through the mists. The structure is 9 -- 13 miles away through rough terrain.


Val is correct and Ashira confirms it. Anyone can walk into the Archway into the heart of the pyramid. Maybe Nezamil will have some trouble, but he should be able to make if it does not narrow any more.

The archway is 8 feet high and wide. There is light about 25 feet in, then shadow, then darkness, and then light at the end. Ashira figures all the archways lead to the same point, the center of the pyramid.

Monday June 5th, 2006 1:35:22 PM

OOC Sorry guys, I didn't catch about the archways leading in to the temple. DOh! I have have been running around looking for entrances when they have been right in front of me.

Rigging will listen to Dave and ask, "If you have already opened it, you can tell me what is inside it? Is it another magic item making the glow?"

Rigging looks at Val and says, "Sorry Val but I want our sneaky specialist to lead the way. Appolo, prepare yourself to scout ahead. We will be around 20' behind you. Do you want a light source? I can let you hold one of my magic items. They seem to be giving off a lot of light now."

Rigging will look at everyone and say, "Hold off on casting spells for now. It seems that the the magic of the temple seems to warp them. You also need to make the decision if you want to bring in your magic items. They tend to glow after contact with the temple. I suggest you do, but I am not sure if this effect is permanant or not.

Here is the marching order

Appolo goes first

15' spacing

Val and Mykael
Rigging and John (light)
Cosmo and Kirk
Bart and Mary (light)

I want a rope on Appolo to be held by Nezamil incase their is a pit trap. Hopefully you will find them before you fall into the Appolo. Any questions?"

Monday June 5th, 2006 5:57:13 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"why don't we just su,,om these Masters and talk to them.Take it easy we do have some time you know.Unless you are broiling fora fight and wish to make them angry>"Appolos is reluctant to go into the Pyramid,he figure doing so would only make the owners angry,but he prepairs to lead the way.

Monday June 5th, 2006 8:00:50 PM

Mykael grabs Riggings arm hard enough to turn him all the way around to face him. He looks into his Captain's eyes and whispers, "Did you hear what I said? They are asking for a captain. Last I checked, you are the one with that title. I know not who they are, I will ask."

Mykael contacts Ghem mentally again, 'Ghem, have the crew ask who they are and what they want. And we have a captain. That is the title given to the head of the ship. That is Rigging. Just tell them that the captian is busy and will be in touch as soon as time allows.'

Monday June 5th, 2006 8:19:14 PM

"Anybody got any rope ?" aks Nezamil

once aquired he secures the rope around Appolo snuggly with Appolo's help " don't worry i won't let go " grins the 10'6" dwarf " so don't be nervous "

Trailing the rope out 15' to 20' Nezamil then wraps it around his own waist and ties it off " we're ready Captain growls Nezamil " my weight and bulk will easily hold him up "

With a look at the big warrior standing near him " whatever happens just follow me ok Kirk .....and get your knife ready just incase we end up somewhere and need to fight....that will give both the mercurial Appolo and myself some space to do what is needed"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday June 5th, 2006 9:29:01 PM

Cosmo's concern over the Pyramid grow as they appear to be rushing to get inside it when maybe they should gather some more info.

"Rigging I have a few suggestions on what we could do before we go inside. I can summon some creatures that can go inside and report back on what they find. I also have a spell that can search the Pyramid and relay info back. I do not have the spell studied for today, but could cast it tomorrow."

"This is what the spell is capable of."

Prying Eyes
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: One mile
Effect: Ten or more levitating eyes
Duration: 1 hour/level; see text (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You create a number of semitangible, visible magical orbs (called "eyes") equal to 1d4 + your caster level. These eyes move out, scout around, and return as you direct them when casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions.
While the individual eyes are quite fragile, they're small and difficult to spot. Each eye is a Fine construct, about the size of a small apple, that has 1 hit point, AC 18 (+8 bonus for its size), flies at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability, and has a +16 Hide modifier. It has a Spot modifier equal to your caster level (maximum +15) and is subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other factors that would affect your ability to receive visual information about your surroundings. An eye traveling through darkness must find its way by touch.
When you create the eyes, you specify instructions you want them to follow in a command of no more than twenty-five words. Any knowledge you possess is known by the eyes as well.
In order to report their findings, the eyes must return to your hand. Each replays in your mind all it has seen during its existence. It takes an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying its findings, an eye disappears.
If an eye ever gets more than 1 mile away from you, it instantly ceases to exist. However, your link with the eye is such that you won't know if the eye was destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some other event.
The eyes exist for up to 1 hour per caster level or until they return to you. Dispel magic can destroy eyes. Roll separately for each eye caught in an area dispel. Of course, if an eye is sent into darkness, it could hit a wall or similar obstacle and destroy itself.

Material Component: A handful of crystal marbles.

Rigging "Illegal post" 
Monday June 5th, 2006 9:47:49 PM

Rigging gets pulled in several different directions and gathers that his crew doesn't want to go into the Pyramid. A look of exasperation crosses his face and he snarls, "What do you want to do, just sit around here and get fat? We can watch the girls get pregnant..." The young mage stops suddenly, looks at his wife and deliberately gets out of swatting range and continues, "Now that you mention it, that doesn't sound horrible." A wide grin crosses Rigging's face when he sees Ashira get crosseyed.

"OK fine, we will wait one more day. Cosmo can perform his information gathering spells, Appolo can get drunk, Mykael can go back to the ship, and I can take a nap under that tree!"

Rigging theatrically stomps over to the tree and plops down. After a couple of minutes, he stands back up and announces, "I guess I should head back to the ship. Getting tired of this walk, but if we aren't going to explore the pyramid today, I can get some stuff done there.

I hate to split up so you can all walk back with me! Let's go."

Rigging starts walking back to the ship.

OOC Jim, how long did my comprehend language spell last?

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages*
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

DM Jim: Decisions 
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:21:26 AM

Rigging is peppered with questions and pulled in several different direction by his crew.

Mykael cautions about the needs at the ship and Cosmo suggests a day of spell preparation. Appolo is somewhat relutatant to anger the "Masters".

Rigging finally give direction to walk back to the ship somewhat at the end of his rope.


Mykael contacts Ghem as the group heads back. Ghem relates Mykael's message to Hal as best he can. "It appears the couple needs a Captain, which you have, to perform a ceremony on our ship?"

The group makes it back to the Sword with out much incident, although David and Appolo's two new friends, Jan and Marsha have also made the trip.

On the way back to the Sword, David relates to Rigging, " The box contains magic items that were given to us by the masters for use in their signaling. If I remember, there are a few sticks and bottles."


Once back at the beach, it is apparent that Hal and Tomas has things well in hand. There are two captured humans on the beach with their hands tied behind their back. Hal hails the group. "Glad to see that you brought our boss back in one piece brother!" Hal looks to Rigging "A gift for you. These two want to get married. Apparently, they are reluctant to share as is the village customer." Hal looks back at his bother."You get all the fun. I get to go next. You can make sure the sand does not run away."


ooc: Rigging's spell seemed to start to go once he stepped on the pyramid and it effected Cosmo's even though he was not on the pyramid. Comso was able to maintain his spell, but Rigging eventually lost his at about the half way point, Rigging did have uninterrupted use of his spell when he was not on the pyramid, but things seemed to change since all the magic items have started to light up.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:24:23 AM

Ashira is stunned by Rigging's little temper tantrum. I thought he didn't want kids...now this...uggg... Ashira rubs her temple. Sometimes Rigging acts like a little boy! Even though she has mostly adjusted to the human world, it was times like these that she feels completely confused. As Rigging "rests" under the tree, Ashira grabs him by the shoulder. "Alright "Captain" you like to hand out responsibilities, but then you lay down on the job when someone's at our ship?! I don't think so! No march your sorry butt back to the Sword and take care of business!" Ashira grins with satisfaction as Rigging heads back. Gathering John and Mary, she heads out with the others, anxious to find out who the newcomers are that are asking for the Captain.

Cosmo  d3=2 d20+15=23 d20+15=34 d20+15=18 d20+15=33 d20+15=26 d20+15=23
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:18:10 PM

Cosmo summons some Lantern Archons (2). He instructs them to move (fly) into the Pyramid through different archways and search for approximately 1 minute and then report back to Cosmo. Cosmo then follows along with the group back to the ship.

Concentration checks - 23, 34, 18, 33, 26 & 23.

OOC - cast Summon Monster V, extended; duration 18 rounds.

OOC - Tongues (Su): All archons can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.

DM Supplimental 
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 1:26:32 PM

Cosmo summons his two new friends and the pick two different archways to enter, both flying. Cosmo can not comunicate withe the Archon's once they enter the pyramid as he will have to wait for them to return and report. The Archon's never return. The spell is ended as some point during their journey in the tunnel and Cosmo does not feel it had anything to due with is concentration, this was something different or more powerful.

Cosmo felt the same draw on his summon spell as his mage armor previously, but was able to maintain control of each spell. The control became even more difficult when the Archon's entered the pyramid, but Cosmo has it under control, until the spell just ended, and much sooner that it should have. The spells energy was just taken from him.


ooc: Ashira and Cosmo, please feel free to post asgain now that you have additional information.

Rigging  4d4(4+4+3+4)+4=19 d20+12=23
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:39:11 PM

Rigging will hear the news and roll his eyes, "Untie them, I don't think two love sick youngsters are going to pose much threat. Just keep them off the ship and on the beach."

Rigging will walk up to the freed villagers and ask, "Why summon me? Don't you have any priests among you? Though I can legally marry you, we allow our priest of Domi do those kinds of ceremonies. Will the "Masters" become upset if you get married?"

Rigging will look at the young ladies that accompanied them back to the ship and ask for their opinion, "Is marriage not allowed here?"

Later, Rigging decides to test his spells to see if he has control over them now that they are away from the pyramid. He will cast dancing lights. He won't try and concentrate on it but just see how long it lasts. If it doesn't last its normal time, he will then cast a magic missile targeting a crock (doing 19 points of damage to the beast). If the creature dies, he will 6 of the sailors to collect the animal and bring it to the cooks. If that works, he will then cast a monster summoning 1. He will summon a celestial fire beetle and see how long it lasts while concentrating on it. concentration roll 23

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors x 2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Comprehend Languages*
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

DM Jim: Investigations 
Tuesday June 6th, 2006 10:53:07 PM

OOC: Hi All, several people are not keeping up with their posting. Let's improve lest we have serious problems in combat. It detracts from the game for all players.


Rigging talks to the two love birds. The male, Mike, a young blond man of maybe 19 with a well tanned chest speaks "We did not want to share ourselves with the village as is expected. We wanted to commit to one another. Most priests do not last long as they normally go look for the masters and are never seen again. We though our only option was to have a Captain marry us." Mike looks to the female, who is scantily dressed because of the heat and humidity "This is Cindy. Can you marry us on board your ship please? It would mean so much to us."

Jan and Marsha each hold one of Appolo's arms and cock their hips. Marsha speaks up with a toss of her hair. "Many husbands are always better. You can always find one in the moods for something."

Rigging casts and then quickly looses his fairie fire spell (after about 20 seconds). The monster summoning last the normal amount of time. The magic missile spell kills the six foot croc that Rigging aimed at. The croc is then retrieved with the use of the launch and is dressed and then put is a pot by the cooks. The old women glare at Bart as they cook on the beach.


Ghem is blad to see Mykael and flys to meet his friend as he emerges from the jungle.

Swirl beams to Rigging "Rain coming. These clouds are wonderful." Rigging looks to the west and the low misty mountain and can see a fast approaching storm. It seems a normal occurance to get afternoon thunder showers.

The storm is loud and wet, but over in 30 minutes as it blows through.


OOC: Cosmo and Rigging each get 250 experience points for their spell research on the fly.

Please post you spells for the next day as the night is uneventful if not hot.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:46:54 PM

As they settle in for the night, Ashira makes sure to spend some time with Rigging. "So dear, what's the plan? We going to the pyramid and check it out tomorrow? I'm not sure I like the results of Cosmo's spell. Sounds like what goes in doesn't come out." Ashira scratches her chin. "But we've got to find out about these Masters...they don't sound like they're up to good... I don't know. Maybe we should try and find their village?"

Memorized spells
1st level: Delay poison, Entangle
2nd level: Barkskin, Cat's Grace

OOC: About posting...it is rather difficult to post when the DM doesn't have a consistant schedule.

DM Jim: I am posting every 24 hours. I will get back to posting at noon again next week after taking the weekend to let everyone catch up. How much time do you need to post? I want to get back to posting around noon, but do not want to lose a day of posting this week to do it.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 12:47:15 AM

"well talk again later " remarks Nezamil to Marcos " you keep an open mind now "

Nezamil follows Captain Rigging back along the trail too the Sword's postion "Captain we should come up with a plan about what we would like to do ....go thru the pyramid or venture inland towards the other village ...tho the travel thru the jungle might be slow going unless there are trails.....maybe we could get a few of the men from castaway village to act as trailblazers for us ? "

"all this treking thru the jungle is making me hungry " adds Nezamil to Kirk "

Nezamil turns and whispers to Kirk " hmm Appolo is sure getting over Val quickly ....just this morning he was depressed and grumpy while leading the way to castaway village ....now look at him play with those two girls hearts " whispers Nezamil quietly to Kirk

Upn reaching the Sword the giant sized dwarf greets Hal " hey good to see ya got everything under control here ...nice work.....ya younger brother did a fine job keeping me safe " grins Nezamil " but next time maybe both of ya will gafta come with us .....well that depends on what plan we come up with .....but i'll press for both of ya to come along "

Watching Rigging and Cosmo experiment with spells the Cleric of Domi will engage the two in discussions of what they concluded

"yum thats a bif croc ya killed there Captain....good thing too cuz i'm hungry " laughs Nezamil

The dwarf settles in for the evening but makes sure the bash brothers work with Tomas about setting guard duty

If Nezamil is asked he will perform the wedding vows for the couple but he also inquires of there feelings for Domi and what spiritual guidance they have had on the island.

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 5:33:31 AM

Once back on the ship, Val removes her armor, cleaning and polishing the fine Mithril. Since Melonie has been feeling a bit left out, Val makes it a point to spend time with her friend.

Appolo  d20+14=23 d20+13=31
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:19:12 AM

Upon reaching the Sword Appolo looks at the two women"There she is the finest Warship afloat.Never met defeat.Well ladies thanks for the company ."He the detaches himself and with full sprint activates his ring of invisibility.He soon dis appears from view quickly and quietly boarding the Sword.

Heading to his bunk below moving like a ghost in the shadows.He quietly strips down and then lays down on his bunk.

Appolo is still mhurt deeply by Val's desertion and quietly ponders the future.While slepping deeper into a depression.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 1:52:31 PM

Rigging what to do next investigate the other pyramids we have seen or try to visit and speak with the masters. I prefer to talk with the masters first

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:31:28 PM

Mykael makes his way on board, and to his room. He spends the rest of the day chatting it up with Ghem, continuing to get him more humanoid savy. Mykael also starts working on teaching Ghem the common tongue.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 7:27:25 PM

Rigging smiles at the young couple and says, "I appreciate what you are saying but we have a priest of Domi here. He looks a little scary but I can assure you he has a kind heart. Go to him and see what he thinks. If he thinks you are prepared for the committment of marriage, I will stand as the young lady's guardian and he can marry you."

Rigging points out the tall dwarf and pushes the couple towards him.

Later Rigging sits down with his wife and says, I don't know what to do. Nothing seems like the right choice. Going into the pyramid seems dangerous but wandering around a jungle filled with snakes doesn't seem to be the best choice either. It could take weeks to find this a village in a jungle that dense. Maybe we should try and summon the masters to us?"

Rigging will call the rest of the Wildcards together and tells them of his doubts. "Nezamil, see if you can find out from our young couple how long it takes for the "masters" to respond to the summons?"

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:57:53 PM

The ranger nods. "I understand. It's not an easy choice, and I don't really know what's best either. If we summon the Masters, it will tip them off to our presence." Ashira looks over at Bart's new night light. "But I have a feeling that they probably already know we're here. So maybe it would be best if we summon them...at least that way we'll be able to see what we're up against." Ashira grins. "And if it comes to hacking through the jungles and the snakes...don't worry...I'll protect you honey." Ashira squeezes Rigging's shoulders playfully.

DM Jim: Choices 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 12:41:16 AM

Rigging talks to Mike and Cindy and suggests they talk to Nezamil. Rigging offers to stand up in the Wedding for Cindy. Rigging then goes to seek his wife's council.

Bart thinks it may be best to see the Masters.

Mykael goes and talks with his new friend Ghem.

Appolo gives his two new friends, Jan and Marsha, the slip and beds down with his own dark thoughts.

Val goes to see Melonie, who is glad to see her return in one piece. "I was worried for you." Melonie also seems to feel a bit left out, but is glad to spend time with Val.

Ashira offers several suggestions to her husband and as usuall offers to protect him.


Jan and Marsha after being abandoned by Appolo start to appraise all the potential "husbands" at the Sword camp. The decide none too quite that Hal and Kirk are their next target. Each girl sways over to the big bouncers. "Looks like you have everything under control. I'm Marsha and this is my friend Jan. Who are you two and how long have you been running this show?"

Mike and Cindy cautiously approach Nezamil and Mike speaks "Priest of Domi. It would be our honor if you would marry us. We have little to offer Domi for your services but our humble thanks."

When asked about summoning the masters David speaks up. "It usually only takes a few minutes for the masters to arrive at the top of the pyramid once we summon them. We leave the top of the pyramid just in case more than one shows up. It can get crowded up there."

Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:51:31 AM

Val takes Melonie to the meeting. Eventually the girl will be a regular at these discussions. "Captain how do we know these Masters are real? They could be magical illusions created from inside the pyramid. They may be elaborate and complex illusions, but illusions none the less.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 3:40:56 PM

Instead of summonning the Masters we could visit them if we join the snake hunt, thats the way the villagers are going to after or while they are hunting if i remember correct.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 6:25:33 PM

Appolo shows up for the meeting and just stands in the back quiet and surly.He just listens,thinking this just great why couldn't we find a deserted island.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:41:42 PM

The Cleric of Domi smiles widely as the couple ask for him to marry them " i'll be honered to do the vows for you "

" no need to offer anything for this ....i would suggest only that you help others follow your example from castaway village ....encourage them whenever possible to settle down as you are together "

Seeing that Hal and Kirk have their hands full " have fun boys i'm off to the meeting with the Captain " and Nezamil makes his way and joins the meeting .....listening first to what Rigging has to say

" I would think we activate the pyramid to either call the so called masters or use it to visit them ourselves...its quickist way in my opinion .....i would not like to wander thru the thick jungle in search of the masters village or other villages that might be around ....after all this might just be one castaway village among many.....this island seems to be hide many secrets "

" i would suggest we check out the power box...it could be the key or major piece in the pryamids powers and ability's"

"but if you decide we have time we could just join in the snake hunt in a couple days and walk to the masters all the while we map the route and use our flying friends to help in that regard "

Aafter the meeting Nezamil will again chat with the young couple " how long does the snake hunt last? days ?? hours ?? how many poeople usually join in the hunt ??"

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:47:54 PM

The brothers grin widely at Marsha and Jan and give a knowing wink to each other " ok chief have fun at your meeting " remarks Hal to Nezamil

the brothers enjoy the attention from the women and spend time bantering back and forth with the two seductressess " this might be paradise " chuckles Kirk to his older brother

Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:19:24 PM

Rigging smiles at Val's words and says to her, "It might make our life more simple if they were some kind of illusion but I have my doubts. Just don't try to stick them with your sword to find out."

Rigging will say to the others, "OK in the morning, we will head back to the village...again and summon the masters. We might be able to figure out how the pyramids work when it is activated. Cosmo that will be your job.

Hopefully we will be more successful in dealing with just a few of the masters. If things get ugly we can always eliminate them but I want to try negotiating first. They could be strong allies in trying to settle this island and making it our base.

Cosmo, I want you to study your overland fly in the morning and take advantage of the time we are travelling to do some scouting. Bart loan him Wayfinder for his journey. Cosmo should be able to see a lot while flying with its aid. Try and scout one of the other temples if you can make it there and back during the duration of the spell. Remember magic is not as reliable so give yourself wide safety margins."

He then hands the halfling his invisibility ring, "Use this while you are using Wayfinder. Don't want you to show up like a comet in the sky with Wayfinders glow."

Rigging will look around at the others, "Nezamil, you can bring whichever follower you want this time but I want one behind for ship security. Ashira, your choice but only bring one as well. Val, Melonie can come this time but I don't want to bring everyone. The ships location is known and less friendly types might be showing up. We can't afford to lose the Sword."

Rigging will end the meeting and go check on the repairs of the Sword checking in with the carpenters and his young henchmen. He will then take time to talk to Tomas to find out how he is handling the responsibility of first mate.

He will then hit the rack and get some sleep, wake up and study his spells.

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce person, Mount
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:41:19 PM

Mykael and Ghem listen in at the meeting. Not having much to offer, waits for orders, then heads to take a walk with Ghem in the dust around the beach.

He makes sure to stay clear of the crocs, since he doesnt need new shoes.

Finally, he returns to the ship and beds for the night.

"Your going to be on guard duty again tomorrow, Ghem. I am sorry. I really want you to come, but having contact with the ship is important. Also, the elves on board will be able to explain any questions you may have to you."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:38:05 PM

Cosmo listens to spell selection suggestions from Rigging. He thinks over his spells and decides versatility might not be a bad idea.

He also accepts the ring from Rigging. Cosmo puts it on and tests using it to make sure he can activate the ring.

Cosmo will have dinner and will take first watch if a guard is called. He will head off to his room for sleep after that. In the morning he will study for his spells and cast Mage Armor upon himself.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x1, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Polymorph x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 & Prying Eyes x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:31:22 PM

The ranger nods sadly at Rigging's decision. She has tactical plans for her companions, but she won't over ride Rigging...at least not right now. She invites John to come along with her and waits for the group to get ready to return to the pyramid.

DM Jim: Preparations 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:54:56 PM

Rigging calls a meeting of the Wildcards and plans out the next day's exploration of the pyramid and the island.

Rigging check in on Tomas who is very busy organizing the watches and work details. Gordon, Juno and Eli comment to their benefactor "This Island has great looking women. Wise choice for a port Captain" comments Juno. Eli adds "Did you get a look at that pair over there. How many more at the village?" Gordon is shocked "What we do not get to go and frolic? Rank has too many prilvages." As he kicks the sand on the beach.

Val is concerned about illusions, but Rigging thinks that may not be the master's ploy.

Bart suggests going on the snake hunt with the villagers.

Appolo sulks, wishing for a deserted island with fewer complications.

Hal and Kirk find Jan and Marsha very distraction and entertaining. Each lady is soon sitting on a brothers lap; Marsha on Hal and Jan on Kirk. The ladies hands feel so hot on the brothers skin "Look Jan, there are just muscles everywhere on these two." As Marsha's hands roam over Hal's arms and shoulders.

Mike and Cindy and ecstatic that Nezamil married them. Cindy even hugs Nezamil's leg. Mike answers Nezamil's question about the snake hunt. "It is hard to say how long they last. The axe shows back up in a few day and we know it is over and the women can travel to the master's village."

Mykael spends time with Ghem before heading off to bed.

Cosmo tests Rigging very bright invisibility ring and hold Wayfinder. The ring and Wayfinder easily overpower the invisibility. Cosmo is invisible, but there is light escaping everywhere.


Ooc: Cosmo must roll a DC 12 concentration check to keep his mage armor spell for than 2 combat rounds.


All others, except Bart and Rigging (already glowing magic items), with magic items are starting to notice a faint glow coming from them. The more powerful the item the stronger the glow. Temporary magic does not glow as strong (wands, potions, scrolls, etc.).


Ooc: If magic items are being left behind on the Sword, please not it in your post: potions, scrolls, spell books, swords, etc.

If you have not already (Rigging & Mykael) listed your spells you will be stuck with those you last posted and will not have replenished your spells.

I need to know which followers are coming.


The group wakes and has left over croc soup and local fruit for breakfast. The trip is hot on the way back to the castaway village. Everyone refills their water containers and refreshes themselves at the Little Serpent.

Ashira notes that if the trip was much longer it would start to take a toll on the group, especially those in armor or encumbered.

David escorts Mary back to the village or stays at the beach with her.

Jan and Marsha stay with whichever brother stays at the beach and eagerly eyes the other men left in attendance.


Camino greets the group as the appear out of the jungle. "Are you ready for an early lunch?" The man asks with open arms.

Friday June 9th, 2006 7:32:43 AM

Melonie was overjoyed when she heard that she would finally be able to get off the ship and prove her worth. It was hard being patient. Keeping her mouth shut despite her complaints on those chosen to leave the ship. She knew she could contribute, to be useful. Now she had a chance to show Val and everybody else.

Friday June 9th, 2006 7:37:47 AM

Val tried to hold back a smile but failed. She remembered a time when she showed such emotion. Before the world showed her how ugly it really was.

"Stay alert Melonie," Val said softly in elvish as they walked through the jungle, "These people smile but we know not their intentions. They seem to prefer their own kind so be careful what you say and do around the villagers."

"It is quite hot out today. Perhaps something to satisfy our thirst before lunch." Val replies in Common. She didn't like the fact that she was beginning to glow all over. Like the other Wildcards she had numerous magical items about her person. She really didn't want these people to know that.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Friday June 9th, 2006 7:40:59 AM

Like all good husbands, Rigging can sense when his wife is annoyed with him and thinks he knows the reasons why. He will engage in some pillow talk that night and say, "OK Mistress of Battle, you can come up with a plan that rotates everyone around and gets everyone some experience, I will allow you to make the roster of which new friends join the Wildcards on these excursions and who stays. Just remember, I want the ship adequately protected when we aren't here. Learned my lession at Safeport."

DM Jim: Next Post 
Friday June 9th, 2006 8:41:04 AM

Hi All,

I will post Saturday around 8 am, just to let everyone know.


Friday June 9th, 2006 4:40:26 PM

Appolo eats breakfast stretches,then jions the others>He looks around and sees Jan and Marsha"Jan Marsha you're coming with us,you too David.Back to the village,come on you're not staying here."He is a rather surly mood agian and they can tell he won't take no for answer.

ONce David,Jan and MArsha move out he will bring up the rear.Making sure those three don't head back to the ship.During the trip he remains silent and sullen.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=33 d20+15=24 d20+15=34 d20+15=20 d20+15=24 d20+15=30 d20+15=16
Friday June 9th, 2006 9:39:28 PM

Concentration check 33.

Cosmo begins to be real concerned about the glowing magic items. The long-term affects from the Pyramids power may not be beneficial to the magic items.

"Rigging when we get back in the village we should ask the villagers if anything happens to the glowing items after they have been glowing for a period of time."

"Rigging do you want me to cast my Overland Flight spell and scout out the area and island as the rest of the group walks to the village?"

If the answer is yes, Cosmo will cast his spell and scout. He will use the invisibility ring and wayfinder.

Concentration checks, if needed: 24, 34, 20, 24, 30 & 16 - fail natural 1

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: ?/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: ?/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x1, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Polymorph x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1* & Prying Eyes x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging "illegal post 
Friday June 9th, 2006 10:27:54 PM

"Yes Cosmo, why don't you get up early, study whatever spells you need and then leave before us. You can then either meet us on the trail or at Castaway village. Just be careful with your concentration and don't fly to high. Your sort of usefel to have around and I don't want to explain to the Mayors why you became a pink stain on the jungle below."

Rigging will hold the group back until midmorning to give Cosmo a chance to do his scouting. Cosmo will know the time Rigging plans to leave.

Friday June 9th, 2006 10:39:11 PM

Ashira looks at Rigging. "I understand what you're trying to do, but tell me...what good would Hal and Kirk have been against that Quad? For that matter, I doubt that even the whole lot of our followers would have lasted long against a fully powered up Quad. I will consider what you have asked, but I think you should reconsider the defenses of the Sword. Maybe we need to invest in some mercenaries. It's just a thought."

After traveling to the village, Ashira smiles at the young man. "Nope. Think we'll skip lunch. We wanna talk with the Masters."

Here's Ashira's list of memorized spells that I posted on Tuesday.

1st level: Delay poison, Entangle
2nd level: Barkskin, Cat's Grace

Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:51:57 AM

Nezamil nods at Riggings memory of the Safeport disaster " good point.....we cannot afford to have something happen to the Sword....especially out here"

" this warping of magic continues.....the Fae kings magic warped our spells and now the masters magic warps magic on this island.....might not be paradise after all " growls Nezamil "the Fae king haunts us still "

The Cleric of Domi finds the brothers "well its Hal's turn to help us explore....so Kirk you stay and help out Tomas and keep everyone in line "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:57:43 AM

"guess your the lucky one "laughs Kirk to Hal as he eyes the two women " i'll do my best not to get bored "

Hal Laughs heartily " hehehe i feel like i was setup "

The big warrior winks at the girls "i'll be back " as he gathers his gear and follows the dwarf

Saturday June 10th, 2006 1:52:28 AM

Mykael readies himself for the trip and walks up behind Nezamil, "Hey, I heard the shrinking is a sign of old age. Not to mention a problem that the ladies dont care for. Whatever will you do?"

While on the trail, Mykael sticks near Val and Melonie, "Seems this body has made me an outcast. Perhaps you will tell me about what I have inherited and raise my spirits as to the good things about our elven kind. It would be appreciated."

DM Jim: Lay of the Land 
Saturday June 10th, 2006 7:50:44 AM

Ooc: Everyone is bringing all of their magic items, since none were listed as being left behind on the Sword or anywhere else.

Mykael did not list a new spell list so he keeps the spells from the previous day.

Rigging did not list a new spell list so he keep the spells from the previous day, minus his comprehend languages, magic missile and dancing lights spell, which he has not recovered.


There is some discussion on how is to go to the castaway village between Ashira, Rigging and Nezamil. Hal and Kirk are trading places and Melonie is coming for a visit for the first time.

Appolo glowers at Marsha, Jan and David and strongly recommends that they accompany the group back to the castaway village.

David pipes up "I am going wherever this beautiful red head goes. I am her protector." David puffs out his bare chest and looks around and finally at Mary as he smiles at her.

Jan and Marsha look at each other and Jan speaks to Appolo "You had your chance bad boy. We like are odds just fine right here." Jan and Marsha each take hold of one of Kirk's large arms, all the while checking out the work detail on the sand berm.

Hal rolls his eyes and mutters, "I got the short end of the stick again."


Melonie is very happy to have Mykael to talk with on the 90 minute trip to the castaway village. "There are just not enough elves in our crew. "The dark haired beauty remarks to Mykael. "The Fey King made a very nice image of you. There are so many benefits to being an elf, it will take years to enumerate, and the beauty of it is that you have the years to learn. Remember you are not an outcast, but are just part of a better caste." Melonie places a gentle hand on Val's arm "Val is the one who can teach you the most about elves. She is wise and has been deeply touched by the Fey King."

Mykael comments to Nezamil about his shrinking and aging, as it is becoming more noticeable as he approaches a more normal size. The 10 foot 5 inch Nezamil is still an imposing site.


Cosmo casts his overland flight spell as the sun is rising and is able to maintain his concentration on it, but he finds that he must then also reconcentrate on his mage armor spell, but is able to maintain it as well.

DC 12 for first mage armor concentration check.
DC 16 for first overland flight concentration check.
DC 13 for the second mage armor concentration check.
All successful.


OOC: 250 exp. To Cosmo for determining that it becomes more difficult to concentrate on spells the more you cast, at least for him......


Cosmo goes invisible as he takes Rigging's ring and Bart's wayfinder, but everyone can see an outline of light easily, but not tell that there is a halfling at the center of the light.

Cosmo flies over miles of trackless jungle, only seeing birds and monkeys in the canopy. Cosmo first flies to the misty delta of the Big Serpent River and where the river divides. It is a very swampy area with several ruins, on a small pyramid. Cosmo originally though the place deserted and went in closer, but he did see a 25-foot snake of alternating red and black bands.

DC 25 spot check to determine what is strange about the snake.

The snake did seem to notice the ball of light.

Cosmo then flies to the raised area that Bart had described, but he does not approach. Cosmo sees the same square pyramid and many other stone structures, but what really catches his eye and the reason he does not approach is the hundreds of people that are milling about.

DC 30 spot check to determine other tidbits of information.

Finally Cosmo rushes to the low mountain, as he knows he is short on time. On a plateau on the mountain Cosmo sees another square pyramid by a lake. The area seems deserted, but is in a well maintained condition. There are less stone out buildings than those that surround the two lower pyramids.

DC 25 spot check to determine other information.


Ooc: Cosmo can provide the rough map of the island to the rest of the Wildcards.


Cosmo joins up with the group just as lunch is being served, but a large group of pregnant humans. Camino is overseeing the pampering of the Wildcards. Ashira does not partake in the food or drink.

The square pyramid is looming off to the groups right about 100 yards away. Two archways are clearly visible going into the interior of the structure.

The glowing battle axe is still visible hanging on the pillar of the stone pavilion.

Everyone's magic items are starting to glow, but still not as strongly as Bart's and Rigging's, which look like they have had several light spells cast upon them.

Hal keeps close to Nezamil, but marvels at the pyramid and all the pretty women.

John follows Ashira's lead and does not eat or drink and whispers to his mistress "What now?" as he leans on his longbow.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=11 d20+5=21 d20+5=9
Saturday June 10th, 2006 9:13:46 AM

Supplemental spot checks:



DM Jim: Cosmo does not have any luck in finding out any more information as he is too worried about being seen and getting back to the Wildcards. Cosmo is gone five hours.

Saturday June 10th, 2006 3:25:01 PM

Bart is happy the ladies arent clunging to him as with the bashbrothers. Bart gets some weaponblack and starts to smear it on his chain. Giving light as an firefly is not the way he wants to enter the jungle. He suggest the others to treat thear weaopons simular

Saturday June 10th, 2006 4:04:19 PM

Mykael smiles at Melonies enthusiam, "I am a human, in an elven form. And I dont look down upon any race. To say that an elf is better caste than another is to be as bad as the humans act here towards elves."

"Lets not get into the Fey King ordeal again. Its over. I dont view him well. I asked about elven life, heritage, and customs. I have already studies with elves and know a little, but now... well, I should know more."

"I will be around for chats whenever yourself or Val wishes to, and I think you."

Mykael makes his way into the town. He grabs two jugs of water and heads for a shade tree. Taking a long slow drink from one, he dumps the other over himself.

He watches the surroundings and waits for the captain.

OOC: yes the plan was to keep my spell list as it was, and I have all my magic.

Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:23:46 AM

The big fella eats a hearty breakfast " that hits the spot " chuckles the dwarf as he rubs his tummy

After the meal he sidles up next to Rigging " hmm maybe we should take the axe with us .....its a snake slayer after all or so they call it ......if it truely is wonder if it will have any effect on that big one we faced when we showed up here " mentions Nezamil quietly

Nezamil looks down at his boots and ponders them as they are slowly growing brighter " well we better do this during the day cuz they'll see us easily at night "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

ooc : when do we ever leave magic items behind ??

Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:27:00 AM

The big warrior stays near the large dwarf and also enjoys a hearty meal " ready when you are big guy " remarks Hal as he looks about castaway village after his meal

Ashira  d20+2=11
Sunday June 11th, 2006 8:15:41 PM

Ashira looks over at John. "Well...I suppose we just sit here and glow until we finally call the Masters." Cracking a smile, Ashira waits to see what Rigging has in mind. She idly looks down at her glowing gear as she mulls over the problem at hand (Wisdom=11).

Rigging and Swirl 
Sunday June 11th, 2006 9:21:44 PM

Rigging will wait for Cosmo to catch up and here his report. He will then inquire into the glowing magic items. "David, does all magic glow around here? Does it always glow or eventually fade if you move away from the pyramid." If David doesn't know, then Rigging will inquire the same question to all the villagers in a loud voice.

Rigging then pulls David aside and asks. "Can you summon the Masters for us? We would like to meet them."

If David agrees, Rigging will follow him up the pyramid beckoning to the other Wildcards and followers, "Its your choice, we are summoning the Masters. Your magic will glow if you come on to the pyramid but I think we should be on it to greet them."

Appolo Hp68 Ac 23 
Monday June 12th, 2006 4:38:53 AM

Appolo walk over to David"Oh know you don't you're coming with us.Don't test my patience for I have none.Mary can take care of herself very well she has a fine teacher.I fact you might just need protection from.Now head back to the village." turning and heading for Jan and Marsha"That goes for you two as well,back to the village."He says all this a a very threatening manner,he is ina foul mood.He knows what's coming.Another battle and doesn't want any villagers at the boat he also rounds up the newlyweds and prods them rather forcfully back toward the village.

When he head back to the village after the villagers get the point one way or another he is fully armed and ready for battle.

Once at the village he heads straight for the top of the pyramid and waits silently for the others.

Monday June 12th, 2006 4:58:15 AM

She watched Mykael leave without saying a word. When he's out of earshot she says to Melonie, "Don't push him too hard. He still thinks like a human. I'm guessing it will take a few decades for things to really sink in. He didn't change bodies like I did, he became a different race. He's just now seing the difference in the way people treat him. Its not an easy thing to deal with."

Monday June 12th, 2006 10:44:44 AM

Cosmo enters the village and makes his way over to Rigging and reports on his findings, trying to let only Rigging know. Under his breath he says, "Maybe you can probe on this other group of people and find out who they are."

Cosmo hands back to Rigging the invisibility ring. He then finds Bart and hands to him the Wayfinder.

He then finds a place to sit and eat, while contemplating on these new developments.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

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