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Lions and Tigers and Seamonster, Oh my!!

DM Jim: It Can't Be?!? 
Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:23:22 PM

Appolo call the alarm from his vantage point in the crows nest. Appolo first noticed a strange wave that was approaching the Sword. The wave and the Sword are closing fast on one another. Then Appolo saw the long and thin creature behind the wave or just under the surface of the water. Appolo knows if he can see it from this distance the creature must be large.


As the wave starts to get closer to the ship and Appolo has shown everyone where to look, others are starting to see its approach at their less than advantageous viewing points.

Bart, with the aid of the Wayfinder also sees the long thin creature when it get closer.

When the creature/wave is only a few hundred yards away, Appolo can tell there are no appendages or fins. It has a flat vertical tail that it is moving side to side for speed. Appolo can also tell that it is more than twice the lenght of the Sword and over 10 feet in diameter.


As the creature passes below the Sword the wave crashes on bow of the Sword, momentarially slowing the ship. The creature bumps the keel of the Sword and the ship rocks slightly. DC 5 reflex save to remain standing.

There are several screams of surprise from the crew at the unnatural rocking of the ship and two people fall to the deck (no damage).


Ashira gets a good look at the creature as it emerges at the stern of the ship and its back breaches and the sea froths as it turns back to chase the Sword.

Rigging sees that he will need all of his skill to navigate amongst the bars and reef in the immediate area.

Ashira know that the oversized creature is a sea snake, one of the most poisonous creature in the Wold. A single bite from a six foot sea snake can easily kill a merperson and this one is well over 200 feet long........

ooc: It will take 2 combat rounds for the snake to return. Please post for 2 combat rounds.


Appolo spies the top of what appears to be a mountian or high hill sticking out of a fog bank, but it is still a ways away........

Mykael  d20+7=22 d20+7=23
Thursday April 27th, 2006 5:15:47 PM

Mykael hears the alarm and is just making the main deck when the snake brushes the keel. He hardly notices the change in the ship, he has his sea legs back(reflex save 22).

"Whats going on?" Mykael yells, as he looks around. Then he notices the sea snake moving away from the aft of the ship(spot=23).

"Anyone able to befriend or charm it?" he queries.

Making his way to the stern of the ship, Mykael sets his feet and prepares a spell, watching the snake as it makes it path.

"Ghem, would you please fly above the snake, to help us keep trac, of it. And STAY OUT OF ITS REACH! It may be able to jump out of the water, so be careful. Just stay low enough for you to see it and for us to see you."

Ghem  d20+7=20 d20+7=8
Thursday April 27th, 2006 5:25:19 PM

The tiny dragon hears the request, and notices the snake(spot=20).

He takes flight from his vantage point with the clear water the snake can be easily seen, however the fog makes things more difficult.

'I dont want to get close to that thing! However, I will fly above the ship and keep watch for sand bars and the snake. Ok, boss?' he projects mentally to Mykael with a grin.

Ghem makes his way 60' above the crows nest and looks down at the sailor keeping watch, 'I will help you keep watch from up here, only you can hear me.'

Spot=8 (nat 1) - LOL

Nezamil  d20+4=12
Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:56:39 PM

Nezamil accepts his crossbow from Kirk " thanks ....stay alert and by my side "

As the ship rocks from the wave the giant sized dwarf steady's himself with a hand on the main mast (d20+4=12 reflex ch)

"Befriend it ? " Nezamil nods at the intresting point " perhaps it's a guardian of this place ?"

"What do you think Captain ?" inquires Nezamil

Nezamil loads his crossbow by snapping a full clip of bolts into place and keeps his place near the mast near the middle of the ship

With a look upward to those in the crowsnest and rigging " keep an eye on keeping the course clear for the Sword ahead " barks out Nezamil

Rigging  4d4(4+2+4+2)+4=16 d20+5=20
Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:02:59 PM

Rigging looks at the huge monster and grins, "I think we know what wrecked those other ships. We need to hit it now. Archers to the rigging! Balista crew get it ready! Cosmo! Summon the sharks! I think we are gonna need some sharkpower! Mykael hit it with distance spells."

Rigging will cast a haste spell on himself, Val, Bart, Ashira, Nezamil, Mykael and Appolo on his first combat round.

He will launch a magic missile spell at it for his second combat round doing 16 points of damage

He then takes over the helm but says to the normal helmsman, "Stay close if I need to cast spells."

Made dex save

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+11=30
Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:33:35 PM

Cosmo rolls with the ship as the wave hits it (reflex 30). He is pretty sure he does not want to attack the creature and make it angry.

He does cast Alter Self spell upon himself, turning himself into a harpy.

"Rigging what do you want to do?"

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 9 hours (not sure if spell is over)
Alter Self: 90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Val AC 19, HP 127 Haste  d20+8=10
Friday April 28th, 2006 10:17:02 AM

Val's steady legs keep her upright when the ship suddenly lurches. She moves over to the railing and looks for the giant snake. She has the urge to jump onto the back of the creature and repeatedly bash it in the head.

"Melonie stay put and remain alert. It might be a good idea to take hold of a line so you won't get thrown overboard."

"Captain I think a frontal assault is in order." Val says with a reckless smile.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Haste +4  d20+14=20
Friday April 28th, 2006 11:12:54 AM

Appolo maintians his balance in the crows nest as the ship rolls.He tells a couple of the crew to take his place and keep an eye on that thing.

Appolo quickly climbs down to the deck and heads over to Rigging"You know that thing could just be out for a swimI say we leave it alone and just try to get out of here."

Reflex 20

Bart  d20+3=9
Friday April 28th, 2006 2:30:10 PM

Bart helps the balista crew with loading the weopon and aiming it at the snake. He orders the rest of the crew to get some poles in case the snake comes in close range

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) - Add'l post  d3+3=5
Friday April 28th, 2006 8:18:51 PM

1st Round action in above post.

2nd Round Action:

Cosmo hears Rigging's request that he activate the summoning seal. He moves over to the seal and summons the sharks.

At the end of the round 5 Huge Fiendish Hammerhead Sharks appear.

OOC - Can I direct them to do anything else than attach to the harnesses and speed up the boat? Such as attack the snake?

HD: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - Raming Speed! 
Saturday April 29th, 2006 7:31:56 AM

Captain Rigging barks orders and runs to the rail and casts a magic missile spell at the colossal snake. Four balls of force strike the water with individual splashes and seem to impact the beast, but it leave no mark and does not seem to slow it down one bit.

Captain Rigging casts haste on several officers and goes back to the helm and takes the wheel of the Sword.

Cosmo watches the action and turns himself into a poor rendition of a Harpy that is able to fly, although not well. Cosmo then lands on the Summoning Seal and calls on the Hammerheads to the Sword.

Bart rallies the crew of the ballista and they get the instrument of war loaded, but he notices that it is not set up to depress for combat at the water level, let alone under the water. The ballista will have to be taken off its mounts and man handled into position, using several strong men.

Ashira is strangely quite as she watches the colossal snake swimming around the Sword.

John bends his bow and fires at the snake, but it does not penetrate the water deep enough to reach the snake. John looks to Mary and Lilith "I had to try."

Appolo suggests letting the snake alone as in, Don't Tread On Me.

Mykael has Ghem go and watch the snake, but the Pseudodragon cannot find the snake anywhere. Mykael suggest charming the giant beast in an effort to befriend it. Nezamil is dumbfounded by Mykael's request and orders Hal and Kirk to action. The massive brothers welcome the action and move to do Nezamil's bidding.

Val considers jumping in on the snake........but thinks better of it for now.

Gordon calls Eli and Juno to the rail for a better view. "Look at the size of that thing!"

The snake makes a new run at the Sword and slams into the port side of the ship (DC 7 dex check to remain standing), and with the beating of its tail pushes the Sword slightly off course and toward a reef. DC 12 seaman ship check to avoid the reef -- no bonus for sounding or Cosmo's overland flight, but +1 for still half speed.

There are screams heard from below decks and crashing noises.

Cosmo spies dorsal fins at the stern as the sharks arrive, each 20 footer looking puny in comparison to the snake. The sharks want to go to the stern of the Sword and push it from their harnesses, but Cosmo feels he may be able to bend them to his will with a concretive effort (Standard action -- DC 20 concentration check to control 1 shark, 25 for 2 sharks, 30 for 3 sharks, and so on -- must roll each round).

The snake swims off a distance and turns around for a run at the starboard side and he will be back in 3 combat rounds.


OOC: Please post for 3 combat rounds.

Cosmo's overland flight spell is over and he has 9.5 hours gone from his mage armor spell.

Rigging  d20+8=22 d20+5=22 d20+11=20 d20+8=18
Sunday April 30th, 2006 9:23:58 PM

Rigging notices the sluggish controls of the Sword and yells to Cosmo. "Get the sharks into the harnesses! This monster is trying to beach and sink us on the reefs. I need them for steering and power. Start summoning allies quickly folks.

Rigging starts scanning the area for shallow water, a place where they can safefly beach the Sword.

"Everyone get ready. If that thing shows itself for a second, I want it peppered with arrows. Get the catapult ready!

Does anyone have any ideas on how to beat this thing off?"

Sailor roll 22
dex check 22
spot roll 20
navigate roll 18

Ashira (Hasted)  d20+12=25 d20+12=18 d20+14=31 d8+3=11
Sunday April 30th, 2006 11:17:56 PM

Stunned into inaction by the sheer size of the snake, Ashira snaps out of her reverie. Stamping her foot, she curses herself for not having prepared any spells to control animals. Staying firmly glued to the deck (Ref.=25), Ashira does the only thing she can think to do right now...pull out her bow and shoot. Firing off an arrow, Ashira feels pretty good about the shot (Spot=18, AC31 for 11).

Spells in place
Haste 6?rds/8rds remaining

Mykael (Haste)  d20+7=9 d100=94 d20+10=30 d6+3=9
Monday May 1st, 2006 12:31:44 AM

Mykael makes his reflex check(9) and moves to port side of the ship in time to get his spell off.

Ray of Enfeeblement (94)(made spell failure)
Ranged Touch attack AC-30 (nat 20)
Snake takes -9 str points.

"Anyone with a slow spell?!?" Mykael hollers as he watches the snake move away.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp59 Haste +4  d20+15=23
Monday May 1st, 2006 5:40:26 AM

Appolo easily remains on his feet and rushes over to one of the catapults and makes it ready.On his way over sees the thr Stooges"Hey Gordon get you and your firends moving.This is what you singed on for.A nice fight to the death,Stop gawking aget ready to fight go below and get yourselves a bow and some arroros spears would be nice as well."

He thenhelps prepare the catapult and readies his own bow.

Bart (haste)  d20+3=21
Monday May 1st, 2006 5:54:03 AM

Bart manages to stand on his feet. He orders the ballista crew to aim and follow the snake and if there is an opportunity to aim at the snake.
Bart gets and polearm and is ready to ram it into the snake when he rams the ship again

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 71 Haste8/8, Sof 90/90  d20+8=24 d20+3=14 2d8(1+8)=9 2d8(1+3)=4 d20+8=26 2d8(8+7)=15 d20+8=15 d20+3=4 2d8(7+6)=13
Monday May 1st, 2006 10:38:16 AM

The giant sized dwarf observes John's shot " we cannot shoot it till it comes to the surface....just be ready when it does " barks out the dwarf

Nezamil touches his new anvil holy symbol while chanting a quick prayer (casting shield of faith)(1 rd)

"Stay with me lads " growls Nezamil to the bash brothers

If the giant sea snake surfaces Nezamil will fire his crossbow at the beast

attacks(2nd rd)
1st-d20+8=24 dam 2d8(1+8)=9
2nd-d20+3=14 dam 2d8(1+3)=4
3rd-d20+8=26 dam 2d8(8+7)=15 (hasted )

3rd rd
1st-d20+8=15 dam 2d8(7+6)=13
2nd-d20+3=4 dam missed

Val AC 19, HP 127 Haste 
Monday May 1st, 2006 11:34:31 AM

Val curses and hooks her flail onto her belt. She pulls her bow out of her enchanted quiver and notches an arrow. As long as the snake was above the water and within a few humdred yards Val could hit it.

Bart  d20+13=22
Monday May 1st, 2006 1:27:26 PM

attack roll polearm

DM Jim: What to Do? 
Monday May 1st, 2006 3:01:08 PM

Rigging maintains control of the Sword and avoids the reef and even spies a sand bar up ahead to beach on it needed. The bar is over a half mile away.

Cosmo summons the sharks and get them into position at the stern of the Sword. There is a noticable increase in speed and the sharks thrash. There are great plumes of water that spray in the back of the Sword as the sharks churn the sea with their tail fins.

Ashira confirms John's futility with the bow as long as the snake stays below the water. Arrows just can not penetrate deep enough to effect the snake.

As the gaint snake retreats to for another pass Mykael hits it with an enfeblement ray. The snake shimmies and shakes initially and then goes about its business.

The two seemstresses come up from below decks and address Bart. "Mr. Bart we have a small lead below deck and a good sized mess from the last rock the Captain hit."


ooc: Appolo can fire the catapult at the snake, but needs a natural 20 to hit. The same is true for Bart and the Ballasta. The snake is just not the type of target the weapons were ment to attack and not under water either.

Other ranged attacks are allowed as the snake makes another run at the Sword and it never breaks the surface of the sea (normal bolts and arrows have no hope).


The increased speed of the Sword will cause the snake to make a course correction as it seems to want to hit the Sword directly amidship

The snake hits the Sword, but not as hard as previously, be it because of Mykael's spell or the incresaed speed.

DC 8 dex check to remain standing.
DC 10 seamen check by Rigging to keep off another reef (+2 on roll for Shark help).


ooc: 5 rounds off of haste after this round.

The snake moves off for at least three rounds to turn around for another pass at the Sword. Post for 3 combat rounds.

Mykael  d20+7=22 d100=32 6d6(2+2+5+5+6+3)=23
Monday May 1st, 2006 8:28:09 PM

(Make reflex check=22)

"OK... Rigging! Normal weapons aint going to get to it. Need another caster! Can someone take shark duties from Cosmo, also?"

"Ashira? Val? Bart?, What you think of waterbreathing and spiderclimb, jump on and ride while hacking? Only have one waterbreathing scroll, and no spider climb prepared, but others may."

"Crows Nest!!! as soon as you spy the snake holler down what side! Captain, I suggest you have the helmsman make a 45 degree turn toward the snake, that should give more of a glancing blow and take some strength from the hit."

Mykael stands amid ship... waiting for the first sighting, then he runs to the side that the snake is coming from and launches a Lightning Bolt at the snake, both intending to do damage and hit the snake before it reachs the ship to try and detour its course or lessen its effectiveness.

(made spell failure=32%)
Lightning Bolt damage=23

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 71 Haste5/8, Sof 87/90  d20+4=15 d20+5=15
Monday May 1st, 2006 10:24:17 PM

The giant dwarf stands by the mast and reaches out to grab it quickly as the sea monster bangs againist the ship again (d20+4=15 reflex ch) and stays upright.

" gosh durnit Captain make the Sword dance and git her away from that sea beast " growls out Nezamil " or we will be taken swimming lessons the hard way "

" brace yourself lads"

The giant dwarf's eyes survey the Swords watery surroundings (d20+5=15 spot ch)and the sea monsters movements (jim can Nezamil determine the sea snakes aprox speed ?can one of us outrun the sea snake if we could walk on water ??)

The giant Cleric of Domi looks up at the crowsnest " you boys see any movement from land ?"

Nezamil looks about the Swords deck at how the crew is responding to this threat "Mykael's cool under pressure " muses Nezamil to himself

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+4=15 d20+6=16 d20+23=37
Monday May 1st, 2006 10:28:17 PM

Cosmo continues to command the Fiendish Huge Sharks from his position on the seal. He decides not to have any of the sharks break free of its harness to attack the snake. He probes the seal and its magic with his brain to gain more knowledge of its abilities and limitations.

"Rigging I could Animal Growth these 5 sharks and make them twice as big. Five 40' sharks might be able to delay the snake long enough for us to get into shallower water, docked or beached."

OOC - Are the harnesses part of the magic of the seal or part of the boat? Do I think I could animal growth the sharks, without breaking the harnesses, to increase their speed, based on my knowledge of magic (int check 16; spellcraft 37 or 39 if conjuration)?

Dex check - 15

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 83/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+10=21
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 6:40:06 AM

Rigging hears the report and orders, "Tomas and Appolo, get below and check the ship for soundness and leaks! Shore up the damage and organize pumping parties if they are needed.

OOC Jim, I need a better feel for what is around me and the ship. How far is land? Is their an island nearby? Is there a ring of coral and bars we are moving through to get to an island?

"Swirl, scout ahead and let me know what you see. I want to know about any rocks, reefs or islands out there. Don't get to far ahead.

Cosmo, enlarge the sharks for now. How long does it last? If the sharks are then to big to all push the ship, then have some of them attack the snake and the others keep pushing.
Can you get anything else into the water to help them? I though you were this get conjurer? How about a water elemental?

Rigging easily misses the rocks and shoals that he knows about and keeps lookouts busy shouting instructions and waterdepths to him.

Nav check 21

Val AC 19, HP 127  d20+13=22 d20+8=24 d8+4=6 d8+4=8
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:38:05 AM

Val stedies herself and waits for the snake to break the surface of the water. When it does she quickly fires off two arrows into the beasts thick hide.

"Jumping onto the snake is not going to work. There is no gaurentee that the spider climb would allow us to stick to the snake. And if we didn't jump high enough it could twist around and eat us. What we need is an enviormental. We need to lure this creature into a reef or something that will trap it or get it to swim away."

ooc: hit ac 22 for 6 and ac 24 for 8

Ashira (Hasted)  d20+12=26 d20+12=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 10:57:16 AM

Ashira looks over at Mykeal as she remains glued to the deck (Ref=26). Agreeing with Val's comments, she adds some of her own. "I'd say that'd pretty well be suicide. Do you realize that just a drop of that thing's venom can kill a man?!! Not to mention that it could probably swallow us alive." Ashira taps her chin thoughtfully. "We need to stop that thing...but how?? We can try and outrun it, but with all these reefs around... I will try to slow it down, but I don't know how useful this will be." Ashira begins weaving a spell and aims it right in front of the charging snake (Spot=15, Entangle., DC13, Duration=5min).

Spells in place
Haste 3rds/8rds remaining

DM Jim: Snake Battle  d20+15=34 d20+15=32 d20+30=39 3d6(4+3+2)+6=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 1:35:12 PM

Captain Rigging is deftly steering the Sword through rings of sand bars and coral reefs. The intermittent mists are not helping anyone's vision as they look for obstacles in the crystal clear seas. The depth is ranging from zero to 30 feet deep and Captain Rigging has been able to guide the Sword though the deeper channels.

One of the lookouts in the Rigging calls down "Master Nezamil, Land Ho! There is a small island of the starboard quarter. I also see part of what appears to be a large island rising out of the fog."

The small island is approximately one mile away and the main island maybe two miles.

Cosmo has the sharks in place and the Sword is really moving. Cosmo also takes a few moments to study the seal and harness set up. From what Cosmo can see, it appears likely that enlarging the sharks will not endanger them or the Sword. The harnesses are mostly just reinforced areas for the sharks to push against. Cosmo also feels that he could extend the summoning next time with no ill effects.

Mykael casts a lighting bolt at the snake and he dives deeper before hitting the Sword. There are no obvious signs of damage to the snake from the bolt.

Rigging call out for damage control teams to inspect the damage below decks. Tomas springs into action, but Appolo stands fast staring at the snake.

Tomas yells up from below "Could be a lot worse. We can fix it will a bit of time. We will not sink, but I need six men, NOW! Lets avoid too many more hits."

Ashira weaves her spell and the kelp and anemones grab hold of the giant snake, but it easily rips through them, leave a trail of floating plant life in its wake.

Nezamil watches the giant snake, gauging its speed and maneuverability. The snake is twice as fast as the Sword without shark power and much more maneuverable.


The snake does not come back for another pass as it is trailing the Sword, clearly interested in the sharks at the stern. The snake is 200 yards behind the Sword for 3 combat rounds, before it rushes forward and bites a shark.

Not a big bite on the shark (15 damage).

DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

ooc: Cosmo please roll the save for your shark.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+15=26
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 3:31:06 PM

Appolo remains on his feet as follows Riggings orders.He tells the crew don't fire until it breaches the surface.

Appolo hears the old woman and Rigging's order.As heads below he sees Gordon Juno standing around"Hey Gordon,Juno come on down to the bilges.He also grabs a couple of other crewmne.Let's get down below and fix some leaksOk Tomas i got some men let's go."Appolo leads the way down below.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:18:34 PM

"Cosmo! Just use the sharks one by one as bait. Its hungry. Feed it. That should by us enough time to get to an island." Mykael comments.

"Ghem! Go scout those two islands please, look for a soft sandy spot for us to beach the ship and report back." Mykael hollers at his friend, "But beware, we dont know if they are inhabited or what creatures are on them."

OOC: Can we move the balista in a way to get a shot at the snake, while it trails the ship chasing sharks?

OOC: Anyone have a map of the ship? with some detail? I dont have one.

Ghem  d20+6=9 d20+7=9 d20+7=15
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:24:22 PM

'Anything to get away from that THING, it may decide I am desert'

Ghem flys off at full speed toward the two islands, scouting the water along the way. He looks the small one over first, then the larger one. He stays at a distance, and in the air. He looks over the shore and in the water surrounding them, but only on the sides closest to the Sword.

If he finds nothing, then he will search further.

He keeps watch for signs of danger and inhabitants.


OOC: got to love those rolls... lol

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:28:27 PM

Ashira looks over at Nezamil. "This isn't working. If Mykael is wrong, then someone needs to get in there and kill that thing. I'll do it, but I've got to be Enlarged...and of course Neutralize poison would be handy. What do you think?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+11=25 d20+15=30 d20+10=24 2d6(2+5)+3=10
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 12:01:31 AM

OOC - Since the seal acts like SM VI these are not real sharks, but sharks summoned from a different plane, correct?

The Fiendish Huge Shark tries to avoid the snake as it goes by and bites him (10 damage after DR 5/magic). The poison courses through his bloodstream (fort save 25) and the shark's physical abilities all diminish.

Cosmo concentrates on the injured shark and commands him to attack the snake (concentration 30). The shark moves away from the harness and swims towards the snake to attack (when it is in range; hit ac 21; damage 10; adjusted for -7 strength).

Cosmo urges the remaining Fiendish Huge Sharks to swim as fast as they can.

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (55, 65, 65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 80/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+8=20
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:06:36 AM

Rigging is happy with the snake's interest in the shark, though unhappy he lost some propulsion.

He easily navigates through any shoals he sees or has reported to him. (Sail check 20)He then calls out, "I am going to head for the small island first as it is closer. Keep a sharp look out for anything in that direction. We need to find an inlet, or cove. If not that a decent beach where we can beach the Sword. Let me know about surf conditions. Don't want anything to strong or it will be tough to get back out again.

Cosmo, summon anything you can think of to keep that beast distracted. I don't care if they are normal sharks! We need time and distance from that big brute.

Bart, Use the Wayfinder to scan both islands and tell me what you see!"

He hears Ashira's comments to Nezamil and says, "Don't do anything rash dear. Lets find a safe harbor and then we can come up with a coordinated plan using both magic and might to kill this thing off. That nasty thing will just swallow you whole.

Swirl, Join your new friend Ghem and scout those islands. Let me know if you see any monsters or people!"

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:36:28 AM

The giant dwarf shakes his head at the blue haired aquatic elf " i don't think that is the best plan but if we become desperate i'll remember that you volounteered " chuckles Nezamil

Hearing Mykaels remarks about the balista " i think that might be more trouble then its worth ...just to unweilding i would think "

"keep it mounted incase if we need it for another defensive action"

"Hal ...Kirk ...git ready to pass out the crossbows to the fighters if we encounter more trouble "

DM Jim: Snake and Shark Battle  d20+30=46
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 1:03:26 PM

Captain Rigging continues to steer the Sword through rings of sand bars and coral reefs, by making hard turns on the rudder. The sharks added speed is making the turns sharper, but it increases the Sword list in each turn. The new crewmembers are responding well as they all seem to have their sea legs.

Mykael suggests a diet of huge fiendish sharks for the colossal sea snake and Cosmo responds by sending the one the sea snake bit into attack mode. Cosmo feels he could have controlled more of the sharks, but wants to continue to use them for propulsion.

The doomed Shark spins at Cosmo's urging and speeds to the attack, but it misses in its reduced condition as the shark waits to strike again.

Mykael send Ghem forward and Rigging has Swirl join him for a quick scouting trip. Ghem and Swirl report back to their masters that there are several smaller islands that ring the much larger island. The smaller islands are part of an archipelago and some of the islands are just sand and some of the larger one have vegetation or even palms.

Tomas and Appolo get a crew, including the three indentured sailors, to work below decks to fix the damage the snake has already caused. It will take the eight men time to start the manual bilge pumps and to shore up the damaged side.

Ashira suggests a one on one duel with the snake, but her husband counters that it may not be the wisest course of action. Nezamil adds his concern for a bold attack on the giant snake.

Nezamil sends the bash brothers into action and Hal comes topside with five light crossbows and Kirk has a box of 200 bolt. The brothers load their weapons and look for the snake.

Pierre can be seen chugging a bottle of wine and muttering, "Giant snakes, we are all going to die in the belly of the beast."

Bart takes out Wayfinder and scans the island. Bart also notices the smaller island of the archipelago, but also notices what appears to be a gash in the larger island. The opening could lead to a lagoon of sorts. Next to the palm line, by the open waterway into the island is a 40 foot tower that is just above palm height. The tower blends into the palms well as it is constructed from palm wood and fronds (Cosmo did not see this on his overland flight).

The main island is getting larger and clearer, but not as fast as everyone wants.

ooc: There is no real way for the ballasta or catapults to be effectivly used against a fast moving underwater target. Only a lucky shot will hit (natural 20 required).


The snake waits for the shark to launch its attack and it deftly avoids the rush, just barely, and snaps at the sharks back, sinking its teeth in and pumping in more poison.

Ooc: If the shark makes its save it can attack and then die (too much poison), if it fails it just expires and goes back to the evil sea it came from.

DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

The Sword puts some distance between itself and the snake and the snake can be seen moving up the stern again (underwater) in 10 combat rounds (haste is over).

There is a cry from the crowsnest "Here he comes again!"

The snake is again 200 yards off the stern of the Sword.

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 8:49:59 PM

The big dwarf stares back at the onrushing sea serpent "What by Domi can we do to that thing ?" growls Nezamil

"can anyone close its mind...i think he may be controlled?" barks Nezamil

"Better outrun it of make for the shallows to bring it to the surface !"

With a look over his shoulder the giant dwarf nods approvingly at the bash brothers "don't let it bite ya " grins Nezamil

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+11=24 d20+15=33 d20+15=34
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:17:13 PM

The Fiendish Huge Shark dies a horrible poisoned death as the snake bites him again. Fortunately for him it is not a real death (fort save 24).

Cosmo concentrates on another shark and commands him to break free from the ship and move off towards the snake (concentration 33). When the shark gets near, but not to near the snake, Cosmo will have him swim off in a direction away from the ship (concentration 34). He will try to lure the snake away from the ship.

Cosmo urges the quickly diminishing Fiendish Huge Sharks to push the ship as fast as they can.

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65, 65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 77/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:51:54 PM

Shrugging, Ashira watches Cosmo and his sharks battle the sea snake and Rigging stear the Sword. It is an odd sensation knowing that her fate is completely in the hands of others, and she is not entirely sure she likes the feeling.

Mykael  d20+4=24 d20+5=20
Thursday May 4th, 2006 12:20:51 AM

Knowing there is nothing else he can do at this point, Mykael turns and works with the crew in the rigging. Trying to lead by example.

"Lets get this tub gliding. Smooth turns, and keep those sails full," he comments. "Thats it lads, good work!" he praises.

Sailor=24 (nat 20)
Rope Use=20

Bart  d20+13=32 d8+4=9
Thursday May 4th, 2006 3:23:20 AM

Bart reports back what he has seen on the island
and decides to give it another try with a long pike ac 32 for 9 He orders a crew memeber to get a net and try to net the snake.
(jim whay cant i hit the snake with an polearm/longspear reach 10ft just before he impacts with the sword?)

Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:33:16 AM

Appolo quickly gwta to qoek"Ok you guys get on those bilges.Work those pumps.Tomas,Juno help me with thses leaks.Got to keep this thing a float."

Val AC 19, HP 127 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 7:43:11 AM

"Does anybody have a harpoon? Maybe if we can get a long piece of metal through its thick hide we could hit that with a lightning bolt and channel it directly into the snake's body."

Rigging  d20+8=23
Thursday May 4th, 2006 8:33:50 AM

Rigging steers the boat towards the large island wondering and doubting that they will get that far before the snake destroys the Sword.

He then hears Val's suggestion and yells to the crew. Do we have a harpoon? Is it really necessary? Water conducts very well too. A near miss should still do damage.

Navigation 23

DM Jim: The Sword makes headway 
Thursday May 4th, 2006 3:56:41 PM

Cosmo sends one of the huge fiendish sharks off, but not to attack the snake, only to distract it, Cosmo's ploy works and the snake takes off after the shark.

Ooc: I will assume for simplicity that Cosmo maintains control of the running shark for most of the run so we do not have to keep rolling concentration check.

It is well over five minutes before the colossal snake catches the shark and kills it.

Captain Rigging, with the help of Mykael triming the sails, continues to steer the Sword through rings of sand bars and coral reefs. There is no direct path to the main island and Rigging knows he does not ever want to run this gauntlet at night. The Sword passes the ring of small islands and the look out calls out "Clearer waters ahead!"

Ooc: DC 13 seaman check from Rigging to get to the more open water between the ring of small island and the main island. There is less than a mile between the outer ring and the main island. The water is clear and the bottom cannot quite be seen, but Ashira estimates that it is 60 feet deep at the deepest.

Ghem and Swirl notice what appears to be a human in the palm tower sitting cross legged and watching the Sword.

Tomas and Appolo and their repair crew make a rough patch for the leak and are making headway on pumping out the water in the hold. The patch is temporary and needs more attention at a less hectic time.

Ashira want to be more useful, but is not sure how.

Nezamil stands ready, flanked by the bash brothers and three others of Domi's faithful. All are armed with crossbows and are scanning the seas for the snake. Hal says to Kirk "Do you think the snake could choke on the big guy? I bet he can breath water too." Kirk replies with a smile. "That is an option if things get tight."

Pierre is snoring after finishing the bottle of wine.

Bart can barely touch the surface of the water with a spear (check the armory for weapons), so there is no way for him to attack the snake that never comes within 10 feet of the surface.

Val suggests harpooning the giant snake, but cannot remember if there are any harpoons in the armory.

After 12 minutes there is another cry from the crows nest "Snake at the stern! It must still be hungry and back for more shark steaks!"

The snake is trailing 200 yards behind the stern of the Sword, before he suddenly dives deep and out of sight. Spot 20 to follow the snake's movements.

The gash in the island is an inlet into what appears to be a very large lagoon. The Sword is not in position yet to see all the way in. Swirl and Ghem report that there is a large area of deep still water. Maybe a nice spot for a future port?

Ooc: Snake poison - DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

Rigging  d20+8=15 d20+11=29
Thursday May 4th, 2006 6:15:27 PM

Rigging yells to Cosmo, "Cosmo, either break off another shark and have it try to lead the snake away again or have all three attack the snake. Either we get some licks in and hurt it so it goes off to nurse its wounds after killing the sharks or we buy enough time to make landfall.

Bart, use the Wayfinder to take a look at that man in the tower. See if he looks friendly. How he is dressed. Is he armored? Look for some details."

Rigging keeps trying to run the ship effieciently to get it into the position that he wants. Seamanship 15 Rigging heads for the gash hoping for a place to beach the ship.

Rigging keeps an eye out for the snake's return. spot 29

Nezamil  d20+5=14
Thursday May 4th, 2006 6:41:09 PM

"Hehehe ......yeah thats our secret weapon ve that snake....last resort it will choke as it tries to swallow me...so make sure it tries to eat me first " laughs the giant sized dwarf at the bash brothers

Nezamil continues to survey the ships course .....looking for signs of movement on the islands (d20+5=14 spot ch)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=23 d20+5=22
Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:05:28 PM

Two sharks down , 3 more for luring the snake away from the ship. Cosmo has a third shark break free from the ship lure the snake away from the ship (concentration ).

Cosmo keeps the 2 remaining Fiendish Huge Sharks pushing the ship as fast as they can when he sees the snake come closer to the ship (spot 22).

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 27/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira  d20+7=25
Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:22:41 PM

Tired of feeling helpless, Ashira joins Mykael in the rigging, lending a helping hand (Prof. sailor=25). "Sooner or later we're going to have to take that thing out or it'll take us out. Nezamil, make sure when that happens that the crew is armed and ready to go!" Ashira calls out as she works on trimming the sails.

Mykael  d20+5=23
Friday May 5th, 2006 1:00:10 AM

When the call comes out of the snakes return Mykael makes his way to the Crows nest.

"Ashira, lets hope we dont have to fight it. Its horribly dangerous, and we may be able to use it to our advantage in guarding the islands," Mykael counters.

"Rigging, may being going deep to ram up at us, or trying to get in front of us. Be ready to steer quick!"

From his new vantage point, Mykael scours the waters for the snake and trys to discern its intentions.


If Mykael can figure out what the snake is going to do he will holler down to Rigging, for evasive action and suggest the best move to avoid it, or at least lessen the damage.

Friday May 5th, 2006 1:23:10 AM

extra post....

"Ashira, dont suppose you know if that snake can survive on land? And if its just as quick?"

"If it can, we are just delaying the fight and saving the ship."

Mykael contemplates with Ashira, as he is watching for the snake.

Ashira  d20+2=4 d20+7=11 d20+12=14
Friday May 5th, 2006 10:49:46 AM

Ashira's eyes widen at Mykael's thoughts. She racks her brains to remember whether or not the thing can move on land (Know. nature=4, Prof. sailor=11, Spot=14). "Ummm....I don't think they do...or at least, I hope not!" As she swings down from the rigging she turns her attention to Mykael's previous thoughts. "Mykael, look at the way that thing is acting. Even if we outrun it, I think it's still going to chase us until it destroys the ship. I'd love to have it be a guardian, but I don't think that's going to be an option. I hope I'm wrong, because I really don't want to fight that thing...but given our luck..." Ashira grunts as she tugs on the downhaul.

Friday May 5th, 2006 11:27:33 AM

Appolo continues to work on the patch and keep the bilges running.After the patch is up and he sees the bilges are operating he turns to Tomas"Ok kepp them working and patch any leeaks tha occur.I have an I dea going topside."He then heads up to the stoare hold.He finds a barrel of tair and another one of oil and rolls them to the center of the cargo hold and right below the open hatch.he secure them with some rope and then tosses the rope upward before climbing out.Looking around he spots Nexamil and the Bash brothers"Hey guys mind helping with thses barrels one has lantern oil the other tar."

Friday May 5th, 2006 11:52:34 AM

Val wraps her arm around a railing and braces herself. "Everybody get ready. It's either going to come up right infront of the ship or perhaps straight through it.

DM Jim: The Lagoon 
Friday May 5th, 2006 1:14:23 PM

Those Wildcards that were able to keep track of the fast moving colossal sea snake watch it move to the sea bottom, pick up speed as it charge parallel to the Sword. The snake then charge directly at the Sword (below the waterline) and rams it yet again.

Ooc: DC 15 Dex check below deck DC 12 if above deck

Tomas (standing or not?) leaves his current patch and check the damage to the other side of the Sword. This damage is worse and the leak more severe, but will not sink the Sword any time soon. Tomas yells from the hold "I need more men down here." Tomas sure wants to check the damage from the outside of the ship, but is in no hurry since it is obvious that the officers have not yet killed the sea snake. Tomas thinks that the dry dock at South Harbor would make short work of the damages, but that is a long ways away. Good thing the ships fund got a new infusion is Tomas's last mental note before he gets caught up in temporarily patching the damage.

Cosmo is able to control on of the huge fiendish sharks and send it to tease the snake. This ploy works again and the monstrous snake takes off after the shark.

Ooc: I will assume for simplicity that Cosmo maintains control of the running shark for most of the run so we do not have to keep rolling concentration check.

It is well over five minutes before the colossal snake catches the shark and kills it.

Captain Rigging, with the help of Mykael and Ashira, continue to steer the Sword. The cut is visible now and it leads to a well-sheltered lagoon. It appears to be deep in most parts. There are sandy beaches all along the lagoon some that are abrupt and some that gently rise.

The beaches on the outskirts of the main island are mostly clear, but are more rocky leading up to them.

Appolo leaves Tomas to manage the repair crew and get the hoist working to bring a barrel of lamp oil and one of pitch on deck. Appolo has some devious plan and attempt to elicit help from Hal and Kirk.

Ashira does recall that sea snake are purely aquatic and if they ever came on land they would be at a serious disadvantage.

Nezamil jokes with the chosen of Domi and it seem to break the tension of the moment. The large dwarf is still flanked by five crossbowmen, lead by Hal and Kirk.

Mykael spots a sunken ship that the Sword easily clears as it enters the lagoon.

The crew of the Sword can see the individual in the palm tower wave at them. The human is bare chested and is wearing shorts of some kind. No weapons are visible. There are no sides to the tower, but it does have a palm frond roof to keep the sun out.


Ten more minutes elapse and the snake has not yet returned.

Ooc: Snake poison - DC 30 fort save or die a painful death in 3 round losing one third of your Con., Str., and Dex. Each round: IF save 2d6 loss of Con., Str., and Dex.

Rigging  d20+8=24 d20+5=19
Friday May 5th, 2006 11:17:52 PM

Riggging easily keeps his feet during the next snake attack but curses aloud thinking of the damage that is being done to the ship.

Rigging looks at the harbor and judges the best place to beach the Sword. He tries to determine at what tide the beach is at, wondering how easy it was going to be to get the ship back off the beach. (occ seamanship roll 24. I would personally think that a gentle beach would be better for beaching the Sword but then again, in real life I am not a seaman)

Rigging will allow the sharks to propel them into the lagoon but have Cosmo call them off after that. He will have some of the sails dropped as well since he doesn't want to ram the ship into the beach but only gently deposit her on the shore.

"Cosmo send those sharks snake hunting. I want them to get a least one mouth full before they are sent back to whereever they came from."

As the Sword nears the Sword, Rigging yells, "Everyone brace for impact!" After they beach, Rigging will order, "Keep alert men! I want the Wildcards to the bow to form a landing party. Ashira, I want the immediate vicinity scouted. See who that man was waving in the tower. Maybe he can tell us about this place."

OOC Jim, can you give us some background on the climate. I am seeing Palm trees. I know this isn't the earth but Rigging should have somekind of idea of the climate of the area. Tropics? Equator etc.


DM JIM: I gave some hints as to the climate on the way and very recently, but you are correct to assume, Tropics around the equator.


Nezamil  d20+4=21
Saturday May 6th, 2006 12:23:55 AM

Nezamil braces himself for the colossal sea snake's attack ....grabbing the mast moments before impact (d20+4=21 reflex ch)

"By Domi we will be eating snake one of these days that i vow " growls Nezamil

Hearing Appolo calling for assistance " sure thing ....lets git that stuff up here and see what our brash friend has in mind "
The giant sized dwarf helps and directs the bash brothers in hauling up Appolo's barrels

After Appolo's stuff is topside Nezamil turns his attention to what Captain Rigging has in mind " beaching the Sword .....well if it saves us from that sea snake then i'm all for it "

"Hal ...Kirk....starting getting the crew armed and ready we don't know what to expect....but that guy in the palm tree doesn't look worried about us maybe he is happy to see us ....after all he might be a survivor from one of da shipwreecks that sea snake busted up "

The giant sized dwarf will help organize and equip the fighters aboard

Nezamil will wave back to the man in the tree

Bart OOC 
Sunday May 7th, 2006 8:32:01 AM

Some notes at ships from the official AD&D DMG rules supplement "of Ships and the Sea"by Keith Francis Strohm TSR # 2170
The draft (the minimum depth of water necessary to float a ship) of a ship is 2 -5 feet. The draft of a Sohar, 3 masts, 20 crew, 100 ton cargo cap 90 ft long, 25 ft beam has a draft of 4 ft.
In the AD&D game accesory port of ravens bluff TSR 9315 the ospey is described a sleek two mmasted sqare rigged vessel, 60 ton cargo cap 110 ft long, 23 ft beam and 6 ft draft

To dammage the ship the snake must come within 2-3 ft of the surface. So with a pike-like weapon (10 ft long) as a longspear you can reach the snake from the lower deck

Bart  d20+3=20
Sunday May 7th, 2006 8:40:02 AM

Bart looks with the wayfinder to the man in the tower. He has pretty good in sight. He searches the rest of the shore line to see if there are other buildings or people.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+4=13 d20+15=18
Sunday May 7th, 2006 9:09:41 PM

Cosmo is able to keep his balance, but just barely (dex check 13).

Cosmo tries to send more sharks out after the snake but is unable to break them from there task (concentration 18).

Shark Stats:
HD: 10d8+20 (65, 65 & 65 hp)
Size: Huge (20' long)
Fort save: +11
Str: 21/14
Dex: 15/10
Con: 15/10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 8.5/18 hours (extended)
Alter Self: 0/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 * & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Mykael  d20+7=22
Sunday May 7th, 2006 11:19:13 PM

(Reflex save=22)
Mykael saves from the blow of the snake.

"Ghem, please go to the mouth of the lagoon and hover there. Let us know if the snake enters please!"

"Captain, I suggest leaving all the crew on the ship with ranged weapons. Let us Wildcards handle the landing party," Mykael comments.

Mykael heads to the bow of the ship and sets his feet and hands, braced for impact. And ready to be the fist off the ship.

Ghem  d20+7=12
Sunday May 7th, 2006 11:20:53 PM

Ghem heads to the mouth of the lagoon and flys in circles looking for the sea snake.


Appolo  d20+9=12
Monday May 8th, 2006 5:07:07 AM

After getting the pitch and oil topside with the help of Nezamil and the Bash brothers,Appolo has them move to the After Catapult"If we have to we'll light the lagoon on fire.I don't think that snake will like that much."Appolo makes sure the barrells are lolaoded just in case.The Sanake continues to follow them into the lagoon."He keeps am eye out for it/

Once the Sword is beached he will jion the shore party and scout the area.

Ashira  d20+7=22
Monday May 8th, 2006 9:46:26 AM

Ashira rolls with the ship as she dangles from the mast (Refl.=22). Figuring that this is probably one of the safer places for her to be, Ashira stays in the rigging awaiting the impact. She nods at Rigging's command, ready to make landfall when the time comes.

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