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Friday March 31st, 2006 10:15:23 AM

Val looks around and takes a deep breath. Another meeting with Gargul, another narrow escape. She hates dealing with gods, especially ones where you don't know what they will like and what they will be offended by. She might be rash, and foolhardy at times, but she does not like dealing with gods. Hopefully they won't have to meet with Gargul ever again.

"Is everybody alright?"

ooc: Is Nezamil dwarf size or giant size?

DM Jim: Back among the Living 
Saturday April 1st, 2006 10:10:08 AM

It is now approaching dusk, where did all the time go. The Wildcards and Zed are back at the Gazebo. The naked Nezamil is in the circle of friends. Nezamil is 13.5 feet tall. The experience has srunk him slightly, but he is still a big boy.

Zed excuses himself to let friends get reaquainted, but comes back shortly with a white bed sheet. "We can't have your huge friend walk through South Harbor buck naked." Zed hands the sheet to Nezamil, who is still regaining his strenght.

Hal and Kirk hover protectivly nearby, wary of every sound.

Tomas can not thank the priest of Domi enough for his sacrific to save him.

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:46:27 AM

Still silent from the meeting with Gargul Bart sees Nezamil laying nacked before him. Bart looks around if he finds any blanket to cover him and keep him warm

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:15:25 PM

The dwarf sits up from the blacl marble slab and looks about sleepily "where....am i ?....what happened ?"

Realizing his appearence Nezamil accepts Zed's sheet and stands up and wraps it around his waist

With a understanding slowly dawning Nezamil faces Master Zed " thank you "

Spotting Hal and Kirk "By Domi it feels good to be back .....last thing i remember is type of explosion then darkness "

As Nezamil peers about his fellow wildcards " so whats next ?"

The Cleric of Domi replies to Tomas " glad to have you back too Tomas "

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:52:44 PM

"Welcome back Nezamil. So what was it like on the other side?"

"We should get back to the ship and get some rest."

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 10:37:39 PM

Riggging will smile down at his dwarven giant friend. "Hey cover that thing up! Ashira sees that thing and she will never look at me the same again!"

Rigging claps his friend on the shoulder and says, "Cosmo is right. We need to get back to the ship. I want to get some rest, and then visit that temple one more time. I still want to retrieve Nautocolous. I think it is in the alter. It was glowing with some strong magic but we will need some spells and healing before we can go back tonight."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards plus friends back to the ship.

Mykael  d20+1=7 d20+5=22
Monday April 3rd, 2006 12:29:28 AM

"Glad to have you back, Nez."

Mykael heads out with the rest of the group, but slides up next to Rigging and comments quietly, "I would becareful about announcing our intentions, especially in a temple fond of the balance. We already won a major battle, they may warn them."

Mykael keeps alert the whole way back.
(listen=7, spot=22)

DM Jim: Greetings 
Monday April 3rd, 2006 12:49:35 PM

The Wildcards greet the slightly disoriented Nezamil and after barely wraping the bedsheet around himself the group leave the temple of Gargul and the cemeteries and makes the 20 minute walk back tot he Sword.

Many an eye are upon the group during the return trip as Nezamil almost does not have enough covering to, well cover everything. Hal and Kirk clear the road for their friend. "Move aside, can't you see we have to cloth the high priest." Barks Hal on more that one occasions. Kirk also remarks to Nezamil. "That has got to be drafty."


Once at the docks the pair of sailors that were left with the launch row the group back after a hearty welcome to Nezamil and one commented "Gargul could not spring for a pair of pants, times must be tough."

Once on the Sword, the crew greets Nezamil and the seemstress start to measure the huge dwarf for a sailcloth outfit. THe sailor that Rigging put in charge is all smiles. "The ship is your Captian. New to report. A group of twenty or so sea elves came at the request of some Jobe character and they cleaned the botom of the boat. THey even extended a visit to Ashira if she wanted. I have directions. Also a witch popped on the ship and left this scroll for you, before turning into a bird and flyig back to the dock." The happy sailor hands Rigging the scroll.

The scroll is an invitation by the Governors for breakfast and a schedule of training with Captain Marlin for Rigging and Mykeal's new spells immediately after breakfast. Training will take 8 hours at a minimum. The tide is right for you to sail at dusk the following day.

A second scroll is inside the first:

This is a notification to all businesses of a tragic attack on the Temple of Ga'al. Until the perputrators are apprehended one of the Governors will be staying at the Temple for its protection and information gathering. The Governors and all officials of South Harbor take seriously any breach of our laws and will protect all business and the like under our care. Once found, the perpurtrators will be brought to justice.

Monday April 3rd, 2006 1:51:51 PM

The ranger chuckles at Rigging's comment. "Everybody knows...it's not size that matters, it's stamina...and you have no problems in that department."

Ashira listens in to Rigging's briefing, and smiles at the mention of the sea-elves. "I think I would like that." she says with a smile on her lips. The smiles fades as she looks over Rigging's shoulder at the second scroll. "Hmmm...that'll make a second raid on the temple next to impossible. I hate to say it, but maybe it's time we take our leave of this place."

Monday April 3rd, 2006 3:55:42 PM

Appolo walks happily and quietly back with the others.Looking up at Nezamil"Nice to have you back my friend."he knows they all went to the temple and they got Nezamil back,but he can't remember anything that happenned and is pretty sure Gargul is up to something and did something.

Appolo is qietly looking over Riggings shoulder when he reads the scroll"Well boss looks like we need to find new partners.Can't do business in a town witha fully functioning Temple of G'aal.If they're going to protect thos fools.Then we shouldn't have much to do with this town.Definitely can't leave anyone behind.That person would be under constant threat of attack."

Monday April 3rd, 2006 6:35:46 PM

"Appolo has a point Captain. If we attack the temple again the deal will be void. Just dealing with these Governors is risky. Staying in a G'aal temple overnight? Is he asking to be heartseeded? I'm suprised the Governors have made it this long without being converted."

Monday April 3rd, 2006 11:01:40 PM

Rigging marches back to the Sword and is rowed aboard, his face a thundercloud. He motions for the others to join him on deck. He looks at them and starts to pace. "I am not happy. Leaving an artifact as powerful as the Natacolous is perilouos. It will eventually be used against us or the Pirates of the Jack. We have to get it back before we leave.

Cosmo, What do you think? You are the expert on the local area. I understand the governors are playing a political game with the temple. I know they know we are responsible since we told them we were going to do it. We can't leave that item behind. Can you go talk to them and explain the situation? I don't want to embarrass them but I won't leave the artifact behind.

The rest of you I want a plan. The temple defenses should be weakened. We killed a lot of them, but if they are now protected by the town guard, we could have trouble. Appolo, do you feel up to some sneaking? Can you scout the area and get some intelligence? Get a couple of hours rest before you go.

Rigging will pull Tomas aside and grab him by the ear. "No more leaving the ship! I know you meant well but these are dangerous times." Rigging will then ask his friend to cast a lesser restoration on him to see if he gets his strength back. Thomas does so, cures any of the group that might need it including himself and then goes to bed.

Monday April 3rd, 2006 11:02:43 PM

"I am sure he isnt alone. The governors seem very able to take care of themselves, perhaps too much so."

Mykael stops, turns to Cosmo, "Sorry, I am sure you have heard our dealings with your former employers. They and I, have a differing opinion on how some things should be handled. That doesnt mean, I lack respect for them, and I am not sure how you feel about them, but I hope I didnt offend or alienate you. You have more than proven yourself, perhaps more than I have lately."

Looking back on the group, "I dont want to include the governors in our deals, however, we are already there. They will watch over, our dealings here. They just have to deal with politics with the Ga'alans, after all, they didnt interfere with our raid, although, they didnt help much either."

"Nez, I will get your stuff, from your room. I am sorry to say, we were unable to retrieve your armor. Your equipment all shrank to normal size after it was taken off of you. I am hoping, it will re-size when you come back in contact with it again. I am interested in seeing this."

Mykael heads off to get Nezamil's equipment for him, since he cant fit down below.

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 1:00:47 AM

The Monk boards the ship with the others and listens to Captain Rigging

"we still have the other artifact that the high Cleric of Ga'al wanted.....so i think they will chase after you to get it....what do you think of letting them come to you as you search for the island ?" inquires Jagar

" would help me in getting the warehouse operation up and running with less iterference from the governors"

"not to mention all the Ga'alians will be out chasing you guys on the high seas " chuckles the monk" makes it nice and quiet for me here "

Jagr will then get some rest and head down to his bunk

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 1:10:51 AM

The large dwarf gladly sits for seamstress and her work to cloth him

Nezamil laughs at the jokes " pants hehehe yeah i'll settle for my life "

"good to see you all ...as soon as i can properly dressed we'll throw a party " grins Nezamil

"jagar might be onto something.....they should chase us... that is their mission...and we'll get us and the Ga'alian scum out of the Governors hair...we're not here they can't proscute us for the Ga'alians .....once we kill them later nobody will be alive to press charges "

When Mykael presents his equipment for fitting " i hope that works but i fear it won't...this cursed'd Fae King magic will be with me for sometime i think"

Nezamil will then try and see if any of his equipment will adapt to his current form

OOC - Jim what is the situation of spells for Nezamil ? does he have any or will have to start fresh ?

DM JIM: Nezamil has no spells and must rest and pray for more.

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 2:18:43 AM

Maybe there is a way to retrieve the nauticolous without a fight or raid. Lets tate again to the governours
that we have strong suspicouns about being the artefact in the temple. Maybe it is located in the cabinet protected with lead or something. Nezamil you did have a locate object could you use it near the temple and know then if it is in the temple or not?

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 12:32:07 PM

"Rigging I think we need to determine if the artifact is still in the temple. Perhaps Nezamil can use his Locate Object spell to verify that it is still there before we go back. If it is still there we can talk to the Governor's at the breakfast they want us to attend. If they cannot help us, then maybe a stealthy group can go in and try to get it. I think direct fighting will not work this time. Yes they are wounded, but they now have a very powerful spell caster to help them."

"Appolo there must be some people in South Harbor who disagree with you. If the majority of the citizens in South Harbor wanted the Ga'alians out of South Harbor then they would have forced the governors to do that by now. The Governor's have to listen to all of the people in South Harbor. They must have their hands tied to a certain degree. They do not like the Ga'alians either, but wanted them hurt just the same. They did not tell us not to attack the temple. Their guard response to our attack was methodical to give us time to escape. The guard did not attack Rigging's familiar when it could have."

"No offense taken Mykael. My personal opinion of the Ga'al's is the same as yours. They are not beneficial to society. But they are powerful and have powerful allies. Unfortunately for us the governors have to respect that power. The good thing for us is that they (the governors that is) want us to be successful. They want to share in the potential wealth that will come out of the mission we are going on. They need us for that. Perhaps in the future we can use that to our advantage and persuade the governor's to kick the Ga'als out of South Harbor. If we are successful on our journey our political power will rise."

"My opinion is that we will lose more than we will gain by not having the Governor's as a partner on this expedition."

DM Jim: Discussions 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 1:24:19 PM

The Wildcards meet up with the crew and are all happy to be back on ship. Courses of action are discuss and debated. Appolo wants nothing to do with the Governors and Cosmo offers a different opinion. Several Wildcards suggest talking with the Governors before any action is taken against the temple.

Rigging suggests that Appolo scout the temple to see what can be seen, after the rouge gets some much needed rest.

Rigging scolds Tomas good naturedly and the cleric recoils as Rigging grabs at his now missing ear. Tomas understands and comments. "We will go over your orders to make sure we are clear in the future."

Nezamil stands while the seamstress do their work. Both old women complain "The pants alone will be like making three normal sets of cloths, with all this stitching."

The sun sets on the water and the ship get quite, all are asleep but the guard. Hal and Kirk take alternating four hour shifts watching over Nezamil as he sleeps on deck.

Tuesday April 4th, 2006 8:55:35 PM

OOC Jim, need a timeline. How long have we been back to the boat? It was morning not to long ago, and we have seemed to have lost the day? Have we gotten 8 hours?

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:26:20 AM

After checking in on John and Mary and making sure they have some place safe to stay for the night, Ashira retires to her quarters with Rigging. As she snuggles in for the night, she whispers to Rigging's back. "You know, it was nice for those sea-elves to extend an invitation. I wish I could take them up on it. I've been away from the sea for so long..."

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 10:20:58 AM

Glad to be back abaord the ship, Val sneaks away to the cabin that she now shares with Melonie. She knows the captain wants a plan but sometimes she doesn't want to think about death or war. Sometimes, sometimes it almost gets too much for her to handle. Letting out a deep sigh, Val slowly unclasps her elven chain armor and gently pulls her tired limbs free. She neatly folds the armor, laying it with her flail on the same spot it rests every night. On the floor near the bed. She would have to inform Melonie never to go off alone or leave the ship without permission. Val doesn't know what would happen if Melonie has abducted like Thomas was.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:44:12 AM

Rigging wakes after his two hours, kisses his wife on the forehead and heads up on deck. He will watch the crew go about their chores and then climb up to the crows nest and sit communing with Swirl for a while. He sends Swirl off on a mission to scout the temple since it doesn't look like Appolo is ever getting up. He admonishes him to stay high and out of sight.

Swirl speeds through the night and will hover a couple 100' up in the dark evening sky, checking out the activity going on below. He darts about checking out all the walls, trying to note patterns and guard stations. After about an hour, he will zip back to report into Rigging. He will leave sooner if any threatening action is done towards him.

After the 8 hours, Rigging gets climbs down and heads back to his cabin and his spell books. Once he finishes his studies, he will summon the Wildcards and say, "Guess we lost some time in speaking to Gargul. Time to go see what the govenors want. Put on your Sunday best, its time to eat breakfast."

Appolo Hp 59 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+14=21 d20+13=24
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:21:13 PM

Appolo awakes early before dawn.He appears next to Rigging"Good morning Boss.Well I'm ready to go have a look around.If I don't come back don't send anyone after me.I can take care of mtself.Look after Valanthe."With that said Appolo has a boat lowered and slips quietly over the side,He rows the boat himself and heads to the far end of the dock.Docks his boat.Disappears into the shadows,goes invisible and heads swiftly and silently to the Temple.He will do some recon.

Move Silently 24,Hide 21

DM Jim: Problems  d6=5
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:58:34 PM

Appolo heads over to the temple, keeping quite and to the shadows. The moon is partially hidden by clouds, a good night for recon. Appolo has to reset his invisiblity ring every so often as it goes off. Appolo starts to approach the Temple and sees that it is still lit up with many guards visible. Appolo starts to look for details and starts to feel ill, his vision becomes blurry and he can not remember why he came (-5 con and sickened -2 to hit/dam/saves/skills). Appolo falls over on his side and starts to dry heave and then remembers nothing.

Swirl enjoys his one on one time with Rigging and gladly moves off to check on the temple. Swirl returns well before dawn and reports that there are many more guards and they are more walking patrol inside and outside the compound. There are several sets walking the streets around the temple too.


Morning starts to dawn, most of the clouds from the night before have moved off. It looks like it will be a sunny day. Those on deck see the rising sun reflect off armor and weapons as their is a contingent of guards (more than a score)at the end of the pier, 400 yards from the Sword.

The guards a grouped around something on the ground. The distance is too great for any detail.

The guards seem to be talking among themselves, but most are facing the Sword. The group is alert, but no weapons at the ready.

Everyone on the Sword is waking or up already, Appolo never returned from his mission.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 1:51:43 PM

Rigging is concerned with Appolo's lack of reporting in and wonders if something happened to the young thief. He is tempted to send Swirl but that just might cause more difficulties than it solves.

When he sees the guards form up he will get some crew members to lower a boat and have himself rowed over to see what is happening. He suspects its an escort to the govenors but when the skiff is around 100' away, will call out to them asking their business.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:00:47 PM

Having risen early with Rigging, Ashira is busy leading a quick weapons drill with John and Mary when the guards arrive. "What now?" she mutters as she watches Rigging head over.

Jagar  d20+6=16
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:42:53 PM

The Monk sleeps well and gets up at dawn , after a quick breakfast he arrives on deck and watches as Rigging goes to meet the horde by the dock

Jagar will walk the perimeter of the deck and observe(spot ch d20+6=16)the swaords surroundings

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:53:13 PM

Mykael wakes, washes up, and shaves. He puts on clean attire and checks his gear. Then he heads topside to see what is going on.

"Morning Jagar, Ashira. Whats... uh... that cant be good," Mykael comments.

Wednesday April 5th, 2006 11:58:57 PM

The overgrown dwarf wakes up on the hardwood deck of the Sword "gonna hafta do something about my sleeping arrangements " grumbles Nezamil

Standing up Nezamil will peer towards the docks after Captain Rigging " those look to be the Governors men....thing should be fine....but what are they standing around ? ...can anyone see" as the 13'5" dwarf uses his height to try and obseve the commotion on the docks

Quickly adjusting his sailcloth atire to fit more comfortable the Cleric of Domi takes a seat and prepares to meditate to Domi but awaits the Captains orders

"Hal ...Kirk ....you have done well being so watchful over me and i much appreciate it very much"

" We have recovered many items of value of which i will include you in my share "

"Hal i would like you to accept these gifts from me to use in protect not only myself but all aboard the Sword as we journey forth "

Nezamil hands the older brother his shield(+2) and heavy mace (+1)" these have been blessed by Domi....there will be a few other items as we sort thru them but you'll have them before we leave "

"Kirk you will also receive items to help on our journey....they will come from the various items we recovered and what i will purchase at the catacombs...i will let you know very soon also "

"i'm grateful that you are both with me on this journey ....you have both shown courage that Domi would be proud of "

Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:28:11 PM

Cosmo studies for his spells and joins the rest of the group on deck.

Thursday April 6th, 2006 1:15:09 PM

Appolo lays unconciuos somewhere.Just where is anybodies guess,

DM Jim: Finding a Friend 
Thursday April 6th, 2006 1:42:42 PM

Nezamil stretches to his full height to get a better look at the dock, but it is just too far. The other Wildcards and crew gather on deck, curious what is happening.

Nezamil hands out some magic items to Hal and Kirk and the both hoot and holler in excitement. Their is much back slapping going on. The rest of the the crew watches the Wildcards in anticipation.

Rigging takes two crewmen and they row their captain over toward the docks. As they approach, Rigging notices Quinn out in the forefront, waiting his arrival, but Rigging instructs the launch to stay out a safe distance before Rigging hails Quinn.


Quinn waves to Captian Rigging "Hi Captain. I have something you lost." The guards open up and lying on the ground is the semiconcious form of Appolo. "Your boy here was very lost and when we found him very sick. Some school boys were attempting to pick him clean. We think we have most of his equipment, but you will have to check with the Governors, as they are holding it now."

Quinn looks down on the ashen faced Appolo and asks Rigging. "Do you have any idea what is wrong with him? We want to quaranteen him to your vessel until we can find out more."

Quinn waves to the rest of the gathering crew on the Sword. "The balance of the guard will take you and your officers to the Governors and we will leave a few behind to question Appolo if he recovers. We are questioning anyone suspicious in the area of the Temple of Ga'al or anything of a suspicious nature, and this is just strange. Only a formality on the Governors orders." Quinn finishes with a warm smile.

Appolo is half dress and has clearly thrown up on himself. Appolo is on what appears to be a large horse blanket. None of the soldiers is standing too close to Appolo and he does look the worse for wear.


OOC: Appolo roll a DC 15 fort save to recover one con. point(and be at -4 con.). point back and a DC 20 fort save to start to come out of the effects of the sicken (full recovery from the sicken will take 4 hours).

Thursday April 6th, 2006 4:26:56 PM

Bart is reliefed that Appolo is back but he is worried what happend with him.
Well the gouvernours are waiting we cant wait anylonger to see how are friend is going is'tnt it Quinn says BArt whit a grin, what can be more important then following the orders of the gouvernors

Thursday April 6th, 2006 7:25:12 PM

Val holds her enchanted bow with an arrow notched against the string. This whole thing leaves an twisting feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why can't people see the church of Ga'al for what they really are? Eventually they come crying for help when Ga'al shows their true face.

Thursday April 6th, 2006 9:50:41 PM

Rigging feels his stomach lurch when he sees Appolo crumpled and sick on the dock. He signals his rowers to move the boat in. He will jump up to the dock and bend over his old comrade, pull him up and helps him into the boat.

He stands and turns to the guard. Takes 20 of you to escort us? I will go get the others. Thanks for returning Appolo. I am not sure what is wrong with him. He looks guard captain and asks, "Which soldiers are coming with us? Get in the boat."

Rigging will return to the Sword and tell Tomas to look after him. "I think he will be alright, but not sure what happened to him. Try and get some answers. Everyone else, we have a breakfast appointment. Lets go."

Thursday April 6th, 2006 11:50:10 PM

The Monk quickly followers Captain Riggings lead " things are sure exciting around us " grins Jagar

Jagar climbs down into the launch and takes a seat for their trip to the dock to join Quinn and the soldiers

Thursday April 6th, 2006 11:54:12 PM

The large dwarf waves off Rigging "i'll stay aboard and mediate .....i need to recover Domi's divine power "

" not to mention the launch won't hold me and the only way i'm gonna get to the docks is swimm
and i ain't up for that " grumbles Nezamil

"send the Governors my regards"

Ashira  d20+12=28
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:06:08 AM

Looking none too thrilled at the prospect of another meeting with the Govenors, Ashira reluctantly agrees to leave with the others. As she travels with Rigging and the guard, Ashira keeps her eyes open (Spot-28) as she mulls over Garguls words about Appolo...wondering if that might have something to do with his current condition.

Friday April 7th, 2006 12:58:51 AM

Cosmo gathers his stuff and gets on the boat with the rest of the group.

He wonders how this meeting will go with the governors.

OOC - Do you need a spell list?

Friday April 7th, 2006 1:04:17 AM

Mykael is waiting ready to help bring Apollo aboard when the launch gets to the ship.

Mykael turns to two crew members, "Will you please clean him up and see that he gets rest. Post a guard at his room to attend to me. I appreciate it."

Then Mykael makes his way to a seat in the launch.

Appolo  d20+8=23 d20+8=17
Friday April 7th, 2006 11:25:34 AM

Once back aboard ship Appolo is able to stand on his own two feet.He shakes his head and wobbles some,then walks downstairs to his cabin and strips down,He is still week but just barely able to move under his own power and not in a very good mood.He orders up some hot water.Doesn't say much to anyone.

DM Jim: The Meeting 
Saturday April 8th, 2006 6:47:08 AM

ooc: I will be traveling next week, so my posting times will vary.


ooc: Appolo will have no hope of recovery if he does not attempt his two fort saves.


Once Rigging has the two crewmen bring the launch next to the dock, eight of Quinn's guardsmen gentl load Appolo in the craft and get in themselves for the journey to the Sword. THe eight guardsmen help to get Appolo on board the Sword, and act relieved to be rid of their charge. THe squad leader addresses Rigging. "Captain, permission to come aboard. We have been requested by order of the Governors to ask to be a visible presence on board the Sword, during your absence. That is during your meeting with the Governors." The squad leader is waiting for an answer.


Tomas immediately takes charge of Appolo and helps him below decks and then sees to his every need.

The Wildcards a surpised by the sudden and strange sickness that has afflicted Appolo, and the crew seems concerned too.

Mary and John start to gear up to come with Ashria and Melonie runs below deck to go get her spear for the journey.

The Wildcards minus Appolo and Nezamil load themselves into the Launch and make the trip to the dock.

Hal and Kirk look relieved that Nezamil is not attending the meeting. Hal comments. "I think you have had enough excitment recently." Kirk adds. "Did you mention swimming, with that anchor of yours. I have a better shot in plate mail." Both brothers laugh heartily.


Quinn shakes all the Wildcards hands as they step on the dock and has a warm smile for each. Quinn even scans the sky, looking for something among the clouds. "We will have to make move to make the meeting on time." and Quinn sets off at a brisk pace. The group is flanked by the remaining guardsmen.

Once at the meeting hall, Quinn opens the door for the WIldcards, but does not enter. "Good luck." The group can see the guards take up positions outside the hall.


THe WIldcards see Paul the Wizard clerk behind the desk that Cosmo occupied not too long ago. Ther are also three humans in their late teens dressed well kept cloths sitting in the room. Upon Riggings entrance, they rise and rush over to him. Each attempts to shake his hand and they talk all at he same time and seem very anxious. "Captian Rigging, a pleasure to meet you, I have soo many great hings about you." The first gasps. THe second stammers "The Sword is a wonderful ship, the fastest around I hear." THe last looks over the WIldcards. "It is true. THere are women in the crew."

Paul stands up and yells at the three youths "Get back to your seats or it will be the stockhade for you. Leave Captain Rigging alone, he has important business to attend too." The three youths retreat back to their stairs.

Paul clears his throat. "You know the drill, Please place your weapons in the bins and you can enter." Paul looks over to Cosmo. "We will be needing our maps back and depending on how the meeting goes, we will be delivering a package to the Sword for you." Paul seems very happy and adds. "Thanks for the promotion Cosmo, you were a great teacher."

As the Wildcards disarm, the door to the meeting hall opens and out steps Captain Marlin and he is in a very good mood. "Great Morning. Any day is great when followers of Ga'al are having breakfast with Gargul. I will see you two after your meeting for some lessons." Captain Marlin indicates Rigging and Mykael before he goes and takes the seat next to the youths.

The door is open and the Governors can be seen drinking coffee. Jobe waves the group inside. All three Governors are in attendance. Ethan speaks to the group. "Refresh yourselves." and the Wizard points to a table of cakes and fruits with urns of what appears to be coffee and tea.

Once the group has satified themselves at the table Jobe begins "We have a situation at he Temple of Ga'al. As you know it was effectivly attacked. It is now severly crippled and under our protection. The real problem is that one of the high priest that was killed grew his head back and is now implicating the Wildcards in the attack. The individual has fallen gravely ill and at our strong recommondation been sent back to Aisuldur to seek healing and to aquire replacements for those killed at the temple. At the same time, we must request that you begin your journey at high tide tomorrow in an effort to appease some Ga'alin interest. The Sword will be official banished from South Harbor for a period of three months. Which will correspond with your travel plans." All of the Governors has a very warm attitude and are all smiling.

Ethan begins "Is there any opportunity to purchase an additional share in our arrangement prior to your departure?"

Saturday April 8th, 2006 9:57:00 AM

Rigging realizes that the guards are a visible deterance to the remaining quad members attacking during his absence and welcomes them aboard. "Tomas, make them welcome while I am away."

To Nezamil, He says, "Look after Appolo and see what is wrong with him. Find out where he got off to last night. I was astonished that he wasn't on the ship this morning and thought that some Ga'alians might have kidnapped him and dragged him to their temple. They probably cursed him!" Obviously some of this is aimed at the guardsmen left behind.

Rigging is surprised at the three strangers who rush towards him. He almost pulls his weapons in response but holds off. Still he checks his possessions as he disarms, making sure that none of his items are missing after the handshaking. He remembers the Govenors asked him to take some of the students aboard and assume that these three are the ones talked about.

Rigging smiles and bows to the Govenor's when they greet him and the rest of the Wildcards. He smiles at the mention of the troubles besetting the temple of Ga'al and says, "Of course we know nothing of the trouble that happened at the temple. I wonder if that Pirate of the Jack ship had anything to do with it? The Pirates of the Jack and the Ga'alians have traditionally be at odds. Since we are no longer part of that organization, we are trying to let bygones be bygones.

Still I do have a problem. Bart was robbed of one of our more important artifacts. It is called the Nautacolous and while it isn't powerful in combat, it does ease the ability to move the ship around. Inquires have led us to believe that the Ga'alian's are responsible for the theft. I was thinking of probing the temple for the item, especially since they are in a weakened state, but since it is now under your protection, this could be awkward.

This artifact will be instrumental in our future endeveor's success. Since we all have a financial stake in its success, I was wondering if you could be helpful in returning it to us. Since we are unwilling to just leave the item to the Ga'alians, I am hoping we can come to an accomidation on this matter? If the artifact is returned to us, I am sure that the topic of an additional share in this project of ours will be favoralby received."

Saturday April 8th, 2006 1:31:37 PM

"I was hoping to see you again, Captain Marlin," Mykael comments as he walks by him in to see the governors.

As soon as the doors close Mykael starts, "Excuse me, but Rigging and I are to be tutored by that cowardly Marlin?"

"When his boat became a tree and his passengers were left to fend for themselves, he passed his resposibilitis on the Wildcards and yourselves. He did nothing to help, and it was his responsibility. Has he been disciplined?"

"I appoligize for interupting, but this topic needs to be dealt with now. Your opinions and how you handle it, means alot to me."

Mykael stands uneasily a step ahead of the group in front of the governors. He is looking each of them in the eyes.

Saturday April 8th, 2006 1:41:25 PM

OOC: PLEASE ignore and delete previous post. I got mixed between two Captians... LOL. Thought it was Captain Green.

IC: Mykael sets his weapons in at box and closes the lid. He nods respectively to Captain Marlin, and offers a hand.

"I am Mykael Arliin, pleasure to meet you."

Mykael smiles, "Excuse me." Then walks into see the governors.

He stands to the side and listens to the exchange between the governors and Rigging.

Saturday April 8th, 2006 11:47:53 PM

Appolo get cleaned up the some rest stil not feeling good he stays in his bunk.

Sunday April 9th, 2006 12:23:49 AM

The Monk places his handaxe and dagger in the bin before entering the room

" good to see your in such a good mood Captain Marlin " greets Jagar as he passes him and moves to towards the breakfast table

Jagar grabs a plate and adds several pieces of fruit and a mug of coffee " delicious "

As the discussion goesa around the room the Monk remarks " i do have a question pertaining to you guarding the Temple of Ga'al .....since we " Jagar sweeps his arm to include his fellow wildcards " now own a warehouse by the docks which as per our agreement i will manage.....do we get the same protection at our warehouse ?"

" i mean i don't know why they would implicate us " grins Jagar " but they should be warned of consquences of any action......we after all would like to keep the peace here in South Harbor "

Sunday April 9th, 2006 10:48:47 AM

Bart is silence while he stands for the gouvernours he has nothing to add at Riggings comments. He is surprised to see that Gouvernors are not very angry at them at atacking the temple, plausible deniabilty?

Sunday April 9th, 2006 5:56:49 PM

Cosmo smiles at Paul when he compliments him.

"You were a good student Paul. You earned it. Yes, I have brought them to the meeting. Could you make sure that they get back to the archives."

Cosmo hands over the maps to Paul. He does not carry any weapons so he ignores the bin.

When Captain Marlin exits the meeting room, Cosmo goes over and says hi to his former teacher.

Cosmo enters the meeting room along with the rest of the Swords. He is happy to see the governors and also happy to see that they are in a good mood. He grabs a plate of food and finds a seat at the table.

He listens to the conversation between Rigging and the governors. He is slightly concerned about the official banishment of the Sword for 3 months and how that might be perceived.

Nezamil  d4=1
Monday April 10th, 2006 12:23:12 AM

The Cleric of Domi sits down next to the mast "Hal...Kirk....make sure i can meditate in peace for an hour or so .....i know to pray to the couragous one"

Nezamil leans back and begins to mediate and pray to Domi for divine power to be infused .

After a couple of hours the giant sized dwarf will send for Appolo " Kirk go wake appolo ...tell him i have something that may help" when or if appolo comes topside the cleric will confer with Tomas about what he has done before he touches appolo on the forehead and prays...releasing some of Domi's divine power (cast restoration lesser,d4=1 for 1 pt of an ability)

with a smile to Tomas " good to have you back "

Monday April 10th, 2006 12:43:17 PM

The ranger sits and listens to the negotiations with a smile on her face. Oh sure, they are interested in us now that we've taken the Ga'alians to task. Well at least that'll give Rigging some more room for negotiation.

DM Jim: Questions & Answers 
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:07:51 AM

ooc: Please go to the catacombs if you wish to purchase supplies before leaving South Harbor.

I missed Appolo's fort saves in his post. Thanks Appolo.


Appolo starts to feel his stomach start to settle, but it will take time.

Sicken effects are lessening and one con point regained.

One fort save at DC 15 per day until all con. points are regained.


Nezamil prays to Domi for his spells, but only recovers his 1st thr 4th level spells and the associated domain spells. The meditation took three times as long and Nezamil realizes that he will not recover the blance of his spells until he gets a new holy symbol.

Domi does not grant Nezamil any favor in recoving the lost con points for Appolo.


Rigging does not notice anything missing as he placed his weapons in the bins for Paul to watch over.

Mykeal has a mental battle in deciding Captian marlin's intentions.

Jobe smiles back at Rigging. "You are correct. We are investigating all potential enemies of the ga'alians. It is a long list and will take a long time. We may never know."

Jobe rubs his chin and whispers to Ethan before answering Rigging about the missing artifact. "An interesting proposal. We will scry for your and see if we can recover it or at least find out where it is. It will take some time as we have not seen the item before. Please describe the item." All three Governors lean forward waiting for the description of the artifact.

Jobe adds "It will take some time to find your artifact, but we should be able to report to you before you sail at dusk tomorrow."

Ethan points to a box by the food table and the top comes off the box. "In the box are the items we recoved from the school boys that they were borrowing from your friend. Please tell us if we have everything?"

ooc: roll a DC 20 int check, but add your ranks of spot to the roll to determine if all of Appolos missing items, magic and otherwise are in the box. The DC is 25 for Cosmo, as he is new to the group.

Jobe adds with a wave of his hand. "We have expelled three students from our school of wizardy for fraud and suspected philfering of items. The three are in the lobby. One is not even a wizard, but fooled our professors for almost a year. We have been having problems with magic items disappearing from our branch of the Catacombs. I do not think they are involved, but they are still being banished from South Harbor for at least a year. I have indentured them to your Captain Rigging, that is if you will take them. They are very resourceful and motivated to leave South Harbor. What say you? Is it the Sword of Redemption or stockade for the youths? I think the three will learn much more from you than from the stockade. They just seem to need a firm hand."

Rigging  d20+4=20
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 8:10:06 AM

Rigging smiles as he looks into the box trying to discern if everything is there of Appolo's
He looks up and says, "We will take your troubled youth if they agree to come. One of you better explain that we are heading to an area where most ships don't return from and the concept of keel-hauling if items are pilfered on my ship.

Intelligence check 20
The artifact we are looking for is a magical sextant and looks like one. I have it on good sources that it might be in the alter of the temple of Ga'al. You might try and look there first.

I don't want to get on a bad footing here but I must inform you that I am very unwilling to leave without the sextant. It is to powerful to leave in the hands of Ga'al. Since for some reason the Ga'alian's don't seem to like us, they will surely use it against us. This will affect you also, since they will most likely try to sink the Sword. If they succeed it won't bode well for our new colony and you potential profits."

Tuesday April 11th, 2006 9:57:13 AM

Val stands in the back with her mouth shut. Political meetings are always difficult for her since its all about what people don't say instead of what they do. That and money. Since the Governors stand to make more money she wouldn't be suprised if the artifact was returned quickly.

Appolo  d20+8=15
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 12:32:58 PM

Appolo spemds the next day basicly asleep.he eats some suop and bread but but mostly sleeps.He is very unpleasent company for the dayAs he recuperates.

Fortitude 15

Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:15:40 PM

nezamil orders the Sword brought to the docks so he can disembark.

"I need to pay my respects to the local shrine to Domi before we leave " remarks Nezamil to the crew " I'll be taking Hal and Kirk with me as protection " as he winks to the bash brothers

Once docked " you can take the Sword back out to his anchor point no need to come and get me ....i'll have other means to get back aboard " grins the Cleric of Domi

Once land is underfoot the trio head out towards Domi's temple in South harbor with the bash brothers flanking the giant sized dwarf.

Upon arriving at Domi's temple Nezamil enters with the brothers in tow and introduces himself to the local high Cleric and regales him with the past several days action agaianist the Temple of Ga'al and their reasons behind it and of Nezamil's death and visit to Gargul's temple

" I need to replace Domi's holy symbol to continue spreading Domi's wisdom to those in need " The giant sized dwarf pulls out a large sack which jingles of coin " this is a donation to our local temple to help it build its voice and influence in Soth harbor "The dwarf hands over the large sack of coins (1000 gp worth)

"These are my close friends " as Nezamil introduces Hal and Kirk to the local high cleric of Domi " they are both of strong mind and body in helping our cause to spread Ddomi's wisdom " praises Nezamil

After recieving Domi's holy symbol from the priest the trio head back to the Sword as they reach the dock the Cleric of Domi casts waterwalk on the trio and they walk back acroos to the Sword on the water " working for Domi has it's perks " chuckles Nezamil to the bash brothers

Bart  d20+4=13
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:33:06 PM

Bart nods when Rigging describes the artefact. He ads its very well made very distinctive from other sextants. I'm not sure if all of Appolos stuf s in the box, it could be.

Rigging i think we could use these youngsters or not?

Cosmo  d20+10=15
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 9:19:07 PM

Cosmo hasn't known Apollo long enough to know if all his stuff is in the box.

He continues to listen to the conversation as he has not been directly asked a question.

Ashira  d20+11=22
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:39:19 AM

Ashira gazes at the stuff in the box, trying to remember what all of Appolo's gear looks like (Int+Spot ranks=22)...which is rather difficult, considering the boy has so much stuff!

As the talks continue, Ashira munches busily on fruit...this was definately not her area of expertise and she wasn't about to join in now. As Jobe mentions the possibility of new recruits, Ashira's face wrinkles with a mischievious grin. Ah...thieves and scoundrels...now that's exactly what we need in our crew. Looking over at Rigging, Ashira nudges him playfully. "Looking for some students are you? Or are you just trying to get a large enough croud of followers to deflect any crossbow bolts that might be headed your way?" Ashira laughs playfully as she stuffs a strawberry in her mouth.

Mykael  d20+9=19
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:49:16 AM

Not really know Apollo for too long, means that Mykael doesnt know for sure if thats all his stuff.

When the bartering is complete, Mykael steps forward. "Governors, I have more training that I would like to accomplish. However, I do not know of a suitable and respected trainer. And since I am going to be away from civilization for a while on this mission, I will not be able to search for one. Would you happen to know of a skilled Weapon Mage? If not, would you be willing to use your contacts to see about the avaliability of one for me?"

Mykael awaits thier comments and eyes them each with interest, attempting to read thier body language.

DM Jim: Meetings End 
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 1:53:51 AM

Jobe seems a bit taken aback by Rigging tone, but quickly get control of himself "We will scry for your artifact and with our recent tour of the Temple of Ga'al, it should be easier. Do you want to visit us or do you want us to send word before the Sword of Redemption sails tomorrow at dusk." Jobe stress the word tomorrow and dusk.

Ethan interjects with more calm "Your ship is being banished for a period of three months and it must sail tomorrow at dusk or by law it will have to be impounded, which we do not want to do, but will to uphold the law and appearances. You have training to attend to and we have scrying to do, both will keep us busy for the next 36 hours."

Samual the oldest of the three wizards and quite until now, speaks up at the mention of a weapon mage. "I know of a very reputable teacher, who is always looking for more coin, since he spends it so fast. I will write you a letter of introduction and deliver it before your ship sails."

The sharp eyed Rigging and Ashira notice that all of Appolo's possessions are in order, but his cloak of resistance is missing. Jobe notices the couples distress at the missing item and comments "What is missing? We will attempt to locate it also?"

Jobe stands "We have another meeting and must leave. Ethan you start scying and we will assist after the meeting at the temple of Alemi about their missing items."

Jobe and Samual disappear with a pop, but Ethan lingers "Take what ever food you want, and do not forget the three youths, they may be hard to dislodge from your back pocket, they are motivated to leave." Ethan disappears with a pop.

At that moment, Captain Marlin comes in and calls out Rigging and Mykael. "We have a date at the star mages Guild. Ready." Captain Marlin holds out his hand for each to grasp.


Appolo attempts to recover and makes some progress.

Nezamil brings the ship to dock and leaves with Hal and Kirk as he seeks out the temple of Domi. The large Dwarf easily finds the temple and the high priest. The priest looks the huge dwarf up and down. "I missed the vow of poverty. What can we do for you?" The priest takes nezamil's proffered tithe and the two spend eight hours fashioning a new holy symbol. Hal and Kirk get board quickly, but do not let Nezamil out of their sight.


ooc: Please go to th e Catacombs if you want to make purchases as you will not be able to once you are out to sea.

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 5:06:56 PM

Val sees Appolo terribly sick and part of her wants to go to him. But she doesn't. Things weren't the same between them. Maybe if they took that chance when they had it and retired... Sighing, Val turned and walked away from the scene. They had some free time and Melonie needed training if she was to survive this lifestyle.

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 8:35:12 PM

"thank you my brother " thanks Nezamil to his fellow cleric of Domi

After leaving the temple of Domi the trio head out and make their way back to the Sword and Nezamil will treat the brothers to a water walking experience back to board the ship

Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:14:18 PM

Cosmo tries to find out where Captain Marlin is taking Mykeal and Rigging. If it is to the Star Mages guild then Cosmo will tagalong.

If not then Cosmo will go there by himself. He will teleport there if that is an acceptable method to get there.

OOC - How close are we to the Star Mages Guild?

OOC - George does Cosmo still have the hat of Disguise?

Rigging  d20+16=36 d20+16=23 d20+16=23 d20+16=29 d20+16=18 d20+16=29 d20+16=23 d20+16=25 d20+16=25 d20+16=33
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:49:32 PM

Before the others pop away, Rigging will tell them, "I will be glad to visit if that is convient but I not sure of my schedule over the next few days. If I can't get back, I would appreciate word on your findings. I apologize for my tone, I don't mean to give offense but this matter is dear to my heart and my blood boils at the thought of my old comrades or my shipmates getting hurt because of our negligence in protecting the artifact."

Rigging iwill inform them that Appolo's cloak is missing.

Rigging sees Captain Marlin and says, "Sir if you can indulge me for just a moment. I have some new recruits to talk to." Rigging will grab Ashira's hand and ask, "Dear please come with me for a minute." He will then step out of the hall, beckon to the three recruits and say, "I am sending you back to the Sword with my wife and other comrades. You will be under Ashira's orders. She is going to test you and see what your skills are, how well you fight and then assign you duties.

First though before you go, I need to tell you something. We are heading into danger. This won't be an easy voyage and I expect losses. Still if you have a mind for adventure, this is the place to be."

Rigging will start pacing with his hands behind his back. He will suddenly whirl and say, "I have heard that you three have light fingers. That won't be tolerated on my ship. If anything goes missing, I will assume one of you three did it. I will search your belongings, read your thoughts and if I find guilt....well just ask Ashria about keelhauling."

Rigging then turns and gives his wife a wink and a quick kiss. "Honey I am off to improve my mind. Should be back tomorrow. Keep an eye on things for me."

Rigging then heads back to Captain Marlin and says, "I am ready."

OOC Jim, It has been to long. I don't remember all the spells I chose to learn from the Star Mage guild. I know it was scorching ray, and mass enlarge but not sure of the other 2. Pretty sure we had 5 slots and I took another 2nd and a 1st.

First level Scrolls of...

shocking grasp, 25gp. spell check 36
reduce person, 25gp. 23
tensor's floating disc, 25gp. 23
unseen servant, 25gp. 29
detect secret doors, 25gp. 18
comprehend languages, 25gp. 29
summon monster I, 25gp. 23

second level scrolls of...

continual flame, 200gp. 25
dark vision, 150gp. 25
whispering wind, 150gp. 33

Made all my spellchecks, so I will add them to my spellbook. Assuming it is done during the voyage

Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:00:21 AM

Ashira looks over at the new recruits and sighs. Why do I always get the babysitting duty? she grumbles to herself. Adopting her stern face, Ashira turns to the young men. "Alright lads. Let's go. I've got a lot of work to do and very little time to do it in." Ashira leads the march back to the Sword silently, making sure that the recruits are silent also. Once aboard the ship, Ashira hands each person a brush and a bucket. "Alright lads...first things first. Let's see how you are at scrubbing the decks...then we'll move on to basic self defense...then if you're lucky...and still able to move your arms, Cosmo will help me assess any magical talent that you might possess."

Appolo  d20+8=16
Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:40:52 AM

Appolo stumbles up on deck looking for all the world like along haired ghost three sheets to the wind.He sees Ashira and walks over to her.He is wearing just pants and a shirt.He looks over the three young men"So Ashira howed the meeting go?"

Appolo OOc 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:41:19 AM

Forttitude 16

DM Jim: Separate Ways 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 1:08:46 AM

Rigging informs Samual of Appolo's missing cloak and he responds "We will work on that." Before Samual teleports Rigging informs him of his potential plans to stay longer in the city than suggested. "That would be unfortunate for the Sword." is all that Rigging hear as the Wizard disappears with a "pop".

The meeting starts to break up. Rigging gives instructions to Ashira to babysit the new recruits and she delivers a stern introduction and warning. The tallest of the three human youths, and he is several inches taller that even Ashira comments to his fellow. "Blue hair, is that cool or what." All three laugh and follow Ashira to the Sword.


Captain Marlin graps both Rigging and Mykeal's hands and they teleport to the Star mages Guild for training.

Cosmo wants to go also and know the location of the structure, but not how to get in. The building has not doors or windows as members must teleport in, all that is necessary is the proper coordinates.

Paul looks at Cosmo as he leaves the meeting room. "You will get your package when the Governors get assurances that the Sword of Redemption leaves South Harbor by dusk tomorrow." Paul returns to his bookeeping that Cosmo was all too familiar with.


Rigging and Mykael find themselves standing in a large cloakroom where a few wizards are lounging in large chairs. They nod to Captain Marlin. Their is a roaring fire in one corner of the room. There are three doors.

Captain Marlin shakes his head and looks at Mykeal and Rigging "It is dangerous to push the Governors. They gave a deadline of dusk tomorrow. You push the deadline at your own peril, or at least your ships. They normally take them. I doubt even I or my crew would even be able to stop them from taking the Razors Edge. They also asked me to escort the Sword of Redemption our of South Harbor as we start our banishment at the same time. We only got one month, but we were leaving anyways and not due back for at least a month."

Captain Marlin throws his head back and continues with a smile on his face. "Shall we." and he lead the two younger wizards through the middle door into a vast three story library. "No magic will work in this room and you magic items will be dampened for a period once you leave. We are here to practice take a seat and I will get the necessary books." There are several tables and comfortable chairs. There are at least a half a dozen wizards studying in the huge room.

ooc: List the spells you want to learn. You have 5 spell levels. Roll the spellcraft rolls +3 for Captain Marlins assistance.

Captain Marlin has each of you practice your spells by casting them in the magic dampened library. Captain Marlin is quick to praise and instruct.

In the morning, Captain Marlin Teleports Rigging and Mykeal back to the Sword and then flys back to the Razor's Edge. He yells back "We will race you to the first first light house tonight. A case of wine to the winner."

Tomas approaches Rigging. " Are we leaveing? We do have all of our supplies."


Nezamil finishes his holy symbol creation and takes his leave and water walks with Hal and Kirk back to the Sword. A fitting conclusion to a very spiritual day.

Val thinks of old times with Appolo and her future training of Melonie.

Appolo is feeling better and made his fort save for tomorrow (only -3 con.)


ooc: Mykael & Appolo do you not wish to visit the Catacombs before the Sword Sails??? You are running out of time.

Matt C. 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 10:37:14 AM

Did Cosmo make it to the Star Mages Guild?

Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:04:36 PM

Val stands around, slowly making her way around the sword as she deals with her boredom. She's on edge and filled with a nervous energy that won't let her sit down and relax. So beside looking for enemy ships, Val watches Ashira's new charges and thanks the gods she didn't have to deal with them.

Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:08:28 PM

Bart returns to the Sword and visit the local branch of the catacombs

Thursday April 13th, 2006 8:25:39 PM

After arriving back aboard the Sword the dwarf investigates his sleeping arrangments and visually inspects the entrance to the ships hold to see if he could create a space to sleep in the hold with an viable route to the deck (gotta get supplies in the hold somehow, gotta be a bulkhead door on deck for ease of loading and unloading)if nothing is viable he will have the bash brothers help set up a tent or tarp on deck

(ooc: jim how will our catacombs purchases be dealt with ? will they be delivered ? or can we just assume they arrived somehow ? )

Rigging  d20+19=34 d20+19=23
Thursday April 13th, 2006 9:16:49 PM

Rigging decides to learn waterbreathing and scorching rays as his two spells to equal five levels. Rolled a 34 and a 23 for my check. Need natural 1's to fail with bonus.

When Rigging gets back to the ship, he will pat Tomas on the shoulder and say, "I hope to leave. You have done a good job with the provisions. We are waiting for word from the Govenors.

Rigging will run to the catacombs and make his purchases and then spend some time studying his new spells. He will then pull the Wildcards together as dusk approaches and ask, "I can't make this decision alone. I am your leader but we are still a team and family. Do we leave without the Natacolous?"

Rigging will then head below decks and reappear with a heavy sack. He will call his new crew together and yell out to them. "You have signed up with the best ship to sail the seas. I appreciate your courage and loyalty. We are sailing into danger but also into adventure and a new beginning for this ship. We are hoping to start something that will be around long after we are gone. To start it will be a settlement, then a small town and eventually city to rival both the Plateau City and the Floating City. It will be a place where rights and freedoms will be shared by all. It will be a city to inspire others! Thank you for your trust and courage!"

Rigging will then proceed to hand out 10 gps to each crewmember. When we get back, you will get another 10 as a bonus plus your normal wages. Go ashore, get a good meal, buy yourselves some entertainment,(he gives a lewd wink)get some new clothes or whatever else you want but this ship will be manned and prepared to sail at dusk with a sober and fit crew. You have seen my generosity, you don't want to see my boot. Have a good time."

OOC I didn't sell the hat of disguise with the normal loot. Why don't we consider it party magic that Cosmo is holding.

Thursday April 13th, 2006 9:30:30 PM

Cosmo goes back to the ship with everyone. He waits for his catacombs purchase and for word from the governors.

"Rigging I cannot vote on whether to leave the artifact or not as I was not a group member when it was stolen."

"I will hold on to the Hat of Disguise for now as party magic. If anyone need use of it let me know. Rigging, I also have 1 Passwall scroll left from our last excursion. I will add it to my spellbook so that we will have it available to us whenever we need it.

Friday April 14th, 2006 12:43:08 AM

Rolling her eyes at the youth's comments, Ashira decides to give a few lessons in self restraint. She starts out with having the youth's scrub the deck...for about an hour. Then she gets them started with a brief workout to test their endurance...50 pushups, 100 situps...50 pullups. After this, Ashira moves on to swimming. "A sailor is only as good as he swims...c'mon lads show me what you've got." Watching the boys, Ashira adopts an evil grin that many of the Swords crew will recognize as she considers just how intense the boys first workout will become.

Friday April 14th, 2006 12:48:36 AM

OOC: Mykael needs nothing from the catacombs at this time.

Mykael chooses Slow, Charm Person, and Chill Touch to be tutored in.

"Boss, if the governors cant find the Naticlus, then I dont see much hope in us finding it. If we choose to stay, I suggest you send the ship out and we stay behind, so you dont lose it. However, my vote would be to go," Mykael comments.

Mykael then states, I will be in my cabin all day and prefer not to be disturbed unless its vital.

OOC: Mykael summons his familiar.

Mykael  d20+15=34 d20+15=24 d20+15=29
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:49:42 AM

OOC: forgot to roll... oops (made all 3)

Appolo  d20+8=25
Friday April 14th, 2006 10:58:13 AM

After having been ignored by Ashira,Appolo makes his wy over to Valanthe"hello sunshine.How was the meeting."He is feeling better,but still looks pale.

Appolo OOC 
Friday April 14th, 2006 10:58:48 AM

Fortttude 25

Friday April 14th, 2006 11:49:41 AM

Rigging I dont waant to leave without the Nauticoulus but staying here is also no option let us hope the gouvernours finf it

DM Jim: Good Tidings 
Friday April 14th, 2006 7:03:42 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post: My plane was delayed. Did not get in till 2:30 am. I will try to post on Sunday, pending Easter Celebrations. Everyone have a great Easter Weekend.


Catacomb purchases are delivered on the spot as soon as coin is exchanged.

The Swords hold is very full of supplies, but Nezamil figures he can rig a bid bed down there. It will take him ate least 4 combat rounds to make it back up though. Nezamil feels he still may be shrinking.

The crew of the Wildcards is estatic to be paid after a scant week of work. The crew heads out in groups of 6-10 to have a good time as per Captains orders. Hal and Kirk stay with Nezamil.

Mykael works to summon his familar. It will take a day. I trust the familiar can fly or swim.

Ashira puts the three brash youths through there paces. "Scrubing the deck. That is not a good way to earn money. There are so many better way." The second youth comments. "When do those legs stop on Ms. Bossy?" The last wonders "For 10 gp, it is worht just to be on the boat. Look at all the Lassies." The grin and bear all of Ashira's tasks. Mary and John watch Ashira work with much humor.

Melonie asks Val "Are you coming with the rest of the elves. We are all going out to dinner and some wine later?"


An hour before dusk, an male grey elf "pops" on board the Sword and asks to see Captain Rigging. The elf is dressed in non descript grey robes.

"A gift from the Governor's" As he hands over Appolo's cloak of resistance. "Also, the Nauticuls is not in South Harbor. All the masters could find out is that it is moving in a southerly direction and is over 70 miles away. Also, that someone is attempting to deter scrying. All that is to the south of here is open seas." The Elf finishes and starts to look around. "Ah Cosmo, I have your final wages and sundries all in the backpack. See you tomorrow."

The raises his voice for more to hear. "The Governor's Wish you the best of luck in your venture, but do not return for three month." In a much lower voice the elf adds with a smile. "Good Job." The elf turns into a sprite and flys back to the dock.


A very emotional Jager goes and meets with all the Wildcards and expresses his heartfelt thanks for them making him part of the crew. "I will take care of things in the City in preparation for your return." Jager produces a bottle of the hair of the dog rum that Ashira got him so drunk with a few months back. "A toast to the best crew in the Wold." The Monk takes a long pull and passes the bottle to Ashira.


The 'Razors Edge' is seen pulling up close to the Sword as the sun starts to set. The salt & peppered bearded Captain Marlin yells over. "To the first Lighthouse! My wife is piloting, so you are in real trouble."


Appolo is now at -2 Con.

Saturday April 15th, 2006 12:42:21 PM

The giant sized dwarf works on his sleeping arrangements in the hold to make it comfortable and to organize his stuff for easy living

On deck Nezamil gives Jagar a hugh bear hug " best of luck in working the warehouse....it's gonna be very exciting for ya " laughs the dwarf

Nezamil waves to Captain Marlin as the 'Razor's edge' pulls near "lets show that ragtag bunch who da real sailors are " growls Nezamil to the crew

Taking Hal and Kirk aside " earlier i presented Hal with my mace and shield and now i have something for you Kirk " Nezamil hands the younger brother a broach " this is my broach of shielding its shaped as Domi's hammer ....it protects againist some of them pesky mage magic missiles's ....also i have down in my room some new breastplate armor that should fit ya ...i had it magically enhanced (+1)and lastly i give you my ring ....it is a ring of featherfall "

" now lets begin this new journey to find this island "

Sunday April 16th, 2006 9:29:59 AM

Cosmo accepts the backpack from the elf wizard. He slings it over his shoulder to look at later.

Cosmo goes over to Jager and wishes him good luck getting ready for the Wildcards return.

"Jager, remember the governors want our expedition to be successful. They may be a valuable resource for you if you need it."

When the ship sets sail, Cosmo will examine the contents of the backpack.

Sunday April 16th, 2006 2:12:19 PM

Let's race this ship we need al the speed we can to get Gaalian ship. Who sis thew best navigator among us? I have basic knowledge, Rigging you?

Sunday April 16th, 2006 3:02:11 PM

Ashira sighs at Rigging's question. "I hate to say it Rigging, but I think we need to leave it for now. Besides if the Governor's information is correct, I'll bet that stupid monk has it. And if that's the case, I'm sure we'll see him again."

When Jagar says his goodbye's Ashira's eyes well up with tears. "You come back. Promise me that you'll come back to us!" As the bottle is passed, Ashira takes a long drink but chokes half way. Sputtering and coughing, Ashira manages to choke out "Well that was smoother than I remembered." Red faced, Ashira slaps Jagar on the back.

As Captain Marlin calls out his challenge, Ashira looks over at Rigging. "Well, you gonna win this thing or what? Our reputation is resting on your decision." Winking she goes back over to where the new recruits are. "Alright lads...now you're going to see some real sailing. But don't fall of the deck, because I don't feel like jumping in after you and saving your sorry little butts."

Climbing up into the Sword's rigging, Ashira prepares to help with trimming the sails and anything else that needs to be done.

Sunday April 16th, 2006 4:56:52 PM

Rigging will shake Jagar's hand and say, "Keep an eye out for that Quad. Get us organized on this end and get those settlers and craftsmen ready for the journey." He will then grab the bottle and take a pull from it and hand it on to Bart.

"I have decent navigation skills but will need to brush up if we keep doing this long sea voyage stuff."

As dusk approaches and the Razor's edge pulls up towards them, Rigging will activate the magic of the Sword summoning the sharks. He will then call out to his crew, half jokingly, but half seriously and say, "If they beat us to the warehouse, I will want my bonus back! Heave to those sails."

Appolo  d20+8=19
Monday April 17th, 2006 2:30:17 AM

Appolo says goodbye to Jager"Becareful and watch your back."He shakes his hand and takes a swig from the bottle.

Appolo heads back down below alone,he seems somewhat saddenned.

Forttitude 19

Monday April 17th, 2006 2:55:42 AM

Continues his summoning, absentmindedly forgets Jagars leaving.

DM Jim: The Race  d20+13=14 d20+13=29
Monday April 17th, 2006 12:47:20 PM

The WIldcrds give a tearful goodbye to Jager and everyone promises to meet up again in South Harbor after finding landfall for "Freeport". Cosmo gives Jager some helpful advice about the Governor's. Jager takes the launch back to he dock, watching the Sword the entire time. Once Disembarked, the monk greets the returning sailors and bids them farewell, before moving into the city.

Mykael is concentrating on his summoning.

Appolo is trying to get better, but it seems to be a slow process, but at least it is happening.


As the "Razors Edge" pulls along side the Sword the ships position themselves for the run to he first lighthouse. Rigging is not sure how far the lighthouse is, but Cosmo informs him that is is 20 miles out, most likely a four hour sail, most of which will be in darkness.

The Sword pulls up anchor and starts to move forward. It is good to feel the movement of ship and wave together as opposed to being at anchor. Everyone gets used to the pitch and roll of the deck quickly, but it had been a long time on dry land.

Both warships take off, but the summoning of the sharks give the Sword the earily edge and it get out of the harbor first. The "Razors Edge" is following in the Swords wake. The crew of the Sword are working hard and are excited by the new challenge and all are concentrating on their new tasks. Someone on the "Razors Edge" places everburning torches all around their ship.

Sailor roll 14 (nat. 1)

A huge gust of wind (natural or unnatural?) fouls the rigging of the "Razors Edge" and they start to fall behind. The is much yelling heard onboard the "Razors Edge" and one voice is distinctly female.

OOC: Rigging needs two sailor rolls - roll a d20 and add your sailor profession +10 on the first roll and +7 on the second. Then add them together for each half of the race. The "Razors Edge" got a total of 43.

At the end of the race the "Razors Edge" manuvers to pull along side the Sword.


OOC: The catacombs will be closed to all in this game starting on April 18th at noon. You must be being served, if not you are out of luck.

Monday April 17th, 2006 12:55:32 PM

We must make a deal with captain Marlin to hire their wizard or priest that is summoning those winds

Rigging  d20+16=36 d20+13=25
Monday April 17th, 2006 4:33:35 PM

Rigging feels a puff of air and watching the sails flutter calls for a new course. He is gratified to see the sails fill with a steady air as the Sword leaps ahead. He then catches and rides a wave that pushes the Sword even farther ahead. Rigging looks behind and watches the ship and smiles as he realizes that they won't catch him today.

Sailor rolls 36 (natural 20) and 25 for a total of 66.

Monday April 17th, 2006 4:51:19 PM

Nezamil pitches in using his size and strength to help ease the sailors work "Razor's edge?? ...heh....more like a seacow!! " laughs the dwarf

" we win and a mug of ale with ya dinner " shouts Nezamil to the crew

Monday April 17th, 2006 9:42:56 PM

Cosmo stays away from all the heavy work. His small body and even smaller muscles will not be of help here.

He can, however, cheer with the best of them.

Ashira  d20+7=17
Monday April 17th, 2006 10:55:35 PM

Working as quickly as she can in the rigging, Ashira helps her husband the best she can (Prof. sailor=17). She smiles as the Sword takes the lead, hooting and hollering.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 1:43:37 AM

Mykael is finishing his summoning.

Appolo  d20+8=25
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 12:25:10 PM

Appolo falls back to sleep stil depressed,having been ignored by the others.He is especially upset that Valanthe is ignoring him.

Fortitude 25.

DM Jim: Victory! 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 1:14:16 PM

The Sword get a big jump on the "Razors Edge" once out of the harbor. The "Razors Edge" starts to close the distance, but the sharks gave the Sword too big a lead, even after they left. Just before midnight, with a full moon shining, the light house comes into view.

The "Razors Edge pulls up two minutes later and comes along side. Some heated arguments can be heard as lines are cast over. "Captain Marlin waves and hails the Sword "Excellent race. The winds, or should I say sharks favored you today. I will remember that for next time." He finishes with a sly grin.

Captain Marlin hands over a case of Asuliur red wine. All 12 bottles are 20 years old and of an excellent vintage. Captain Marlin bids the crew goodbye. "Excellent job to you and your crew. Off to organize the downfall of Ga'al. I hope our paths cross again." Captain Marlin shakes many of the crew and officers hands before departing.

The crew of the Sword is excited to have won the race and give a great cheer. The loudest is Pierre, the Swords wine steward. "Excellent quality." is all Pierre says as he inspects the newly won bottles.

THe next day the nine marie recuits go and see Bart for training.


OOC: We will do blocks of a week for posting during the voyage.

Appolo please make your final 2 fort saves.

Please feel free to post as often as you like to represent the next week of travel.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 6:59:37 PM

ooc: sorry for the delay in posting. Besides having less internet time my ISP seems to enjoy shutting down in the mornings when I get home from work.

Val distances herself a bit from the others. She hangs around Melonie to make sure the girl is doing what she needs to be doing in order to stay alive. Val takes the opportunity to reflect back on all thats happened. How the battle they were waging seemed to have no end.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 9:50:08 PM

Rigging spends almost 8 hours a day in Redux's old cabin/labrotory, penning spells into his spell book. Since he doesn't need much sleep, he will spend more time going over charts, and marking the course. He tries to remain quiet most of the time but always is watching the crew to see how they perform their duties. He knows he needs to name a replacement for Niner and is watching to see who naturally steps forward in leadership roles.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:07:55 AM

Watching Rigging go into overdrive in Captain mode, Ashira is reminded of her own duties. She begins a very regular/vigorous workout schedule for the crew. In the morning, she works with the newer crew members, balancing out the workout to make sure that they get into fighting shape, while continuing to build the fundamental of combat. She also makes sure to spend a good deal of training time covering the basics of swimming. Afternoons are spent honing the skills of the more advanced sailors, and evenings are spent on double lessons with John and Mary. Ashira also makes sure that both Mary and Melonie get special training with Bart. After a couple of days, Ashira arranges a meeting with Val...intent on burying a few skeletons.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 8:55:13 AM

Cosmo enjoys the race against his old teacher Captain Marlin.

After reviewing the contents of his backpack, Cosmo informs Rigging that he will have to teleport back to South Harbor for a meeting tonight at the Star Mages Guild.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:17:18 AM

With the way Ashira has been busy as of late, Val is suprised by Ashira's request at a private meeting. Knowing that it will most likely be a bad meeting Val agrees to it anyway.

"Your rather busy which is why I'm rather suprised by this. What did you want to see me about anyway?" Val asks with her arms crossed.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:23:23 AM

Nezamil waves goodbye to the "Razor's edge"

The dwarf will get Hal and Kirk to get a inventory of the armory and put them in charge it " your jobs aboard the Sword will overseeing the armory and keeping it neat and organized so the crew can go about it's business of running the ship "

"When we get into a battle you both will help distribute the arms to the crew before assisting myself... is that understood ?"

While the bash brothers take inventory of the armory the Cleric of Domi will walk about the deck and get to know the crew better ....helping where needed and chatting while doing so.

Appolo  d20+8=16 d20+8=19
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:06:32 PM

Appolo begins to feel much better,but seems to be rather upset about something and spends his time alone in his cabin only coming out to eat.

DM Jim: Sailing, Sailing over the calm seas...... 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:45:37 PM

The crew of the Sword and its officers get the feel of life aboard ship quickly. The cooks use only the fresh fruits and veggies and other perishables and save the food items that are less perishable for later in the journey. Everyone eats well.

Bart and Ashira put the crew through there paces and they even get swimming lessons. One of the old seamstress refuses "I am too old to swim. I will leave my fate to you to keep us a float."

Rigging works on his spell book adding seven spells for the week.

Cosmo telports back to the City for some meetings. He will not be able to do so after the second week as the distance will be too great or just to risky. How far to measure distance to shore, when you can't see the shore.

Hal and Kirk go at their new job with gusto and completely reorganize the armory. THey even run some drills to see how fast they can get weapons and armor to the crew.

Nezamil shrank seven inches over the week and is now under 13 feet.

Mary and John relish their training session with Ashira, both appear to be excellent students.

Appolo broods.

Val and Melonie spend time together. Melonie asks "Should I take up the same weapons as you or stick with the more basic stuff? Melonie seems eager to prove her worth to Val.

Mykael's new friend, a small dragon, flys to he Sword, but is very tired. The two spend the entire week together.


The second week of sailing is similar to the first. The weather is mostly good, with an ocasional rain squall, which is helps the water supply. Land has not been sighted for almost all of last week and is not expected for awhile.

The crew is just getting the routine down for running the ship and training when a cry is heard from the crows next. "Debris ahead!"

It turns out to be some flotsum and jetsum, wreakage of a ship of some sort. There is not enough debris to tell much, but there are two bodies, one burned and the other with no marks. The two sailors would not have been dead more than two days.

The sun is out, but its still sends a chill down everyones spine. Not a good way to die.

OOC: Rigging or whoever is navigating needs a DC 12 sailor check each week to stay on course.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 1:29:17 PM

Bart trains the new recruits, he teach them jow to defend how to attack. By training the crew he trains himself as well. During lessonbreaks he tells them about Domi, how Domi helps him during his fights. He tells them to see Nezamil to learn more about Domi

Rigging  d20+8=17 d20+8=25 d20+12=21
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 6:24:54 PM

Rigging will let Appolo brood for the first week but knocks harshly on his door the first morning of the second week. He will look sternly at the young thief and say, "You have responsibilities to this crew and the Wildcards. Report on deck now Mister! I want you in the rigging to teach the new hands how to handle the ropes and the easiest way to move around without getting killed." Rigging is hopefull that some work will ease Appolo's mind on whatever is bothering him. Most likely it is Val kicking him out of the cabin and he doesn't want to get in the middle of that.

Rigging will again spend time adding the rest of his new spells to his spellbook and navigating via the charts. He will take soundings and try to note the different currents in the area.

He takes Bart under his wing and starts training him in navigation as well. He will start the conversation with, "If we had the Nautocolus still, this would be much much easier. Now you have to learn the hard way!" He will give the fighter a withering look obvioulsy still upset with him for letting someone steal the artifact. (Rigging can be spiteful at times!)

Finally in the evenings he will make sure to have time with Ashira. He will discuss plans for the future, the running of the ship and ask her recommendations for 1st and 2nd mate. "We need people other than the Wildcard. Folks who will stay with the ship while we are ashore."

Swirl is extremely excited to have new flyer to play with! Life has been boring without Talon to play with. When he sees this new dragon he will buzz over to make its aquaintance.

When the bodies are discovered in the wreckage, Rigging will have them pulled aboard. He checks them for heartseeds and other identifying marks. He will also try and see if he can find something to identify the ship that was destroyed.

Rigging then orders the watch doubled and will have Bart take a look around with Wayfinder, not going etheral but just taking advantage of the 10x magnification. He will use it as well and look around. Spot check 21 without pluses for the wayfinder.

Navigation roll for the first two weeks 17 and 25

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 8:46:31 PM

The 12'10" dwarf joins Bart and Ashira for a few days of combat training to help them in tactics fighting large sized creatures.

During his walks about the Sword Nezamil will observe the crew to see for individual talents ....he spots several agile and acrobatic people and asks them to try and entertain the crew a couple times during breaks to help break the monotany of sailing and training .

Watching the arrival of Mykaels new friend " so who is your new friend and does she/he have a name ?" inquires the giant sized dwarf

Mykael  d20+12=24 d20+12=22 d20+12=22 d20+12=31 d20+12=18 d20+12=15 d20+12=20
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:13:45 PM

Mykael introduces the tiny dragon to the crew, "This is Ghem, a new friend of mine. He is a little uneasy right now with so many humanoids around and being out to sea. Just give him time."

Mykael spends most of the next week learning new spells and adding them to his book.

Floating Disk
Ray of Enfeeblement
Animate Rope
Lightning Bolt (wow, almost missed that one)

(got carried away with the rolls, ignore last two, only needed 5)

When he isnt in his cabin hard at work. Mykael will explore the ship, checking her over. Looking for problems or possible improvements.

He will also, keep a sharp eye on the 3 new recruits the governors saddle us with. Checking them out, skills, work ethic, habits, manorisms, and willingness to learn. Is there a leader? Do they act differently apart from one another?

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:35:32 PM

Ghem is a Pseudodragon about 1 foot tall, with a 2 foot tail. If he communicates with you, it will be through telepathy. However, a small greeting is what most receive right off.

Ghem welcomes playing with Swirl for a while each day. It gives him time to stretch his wings. However, after a while he grows tired of it and moves on to watching the activities of all on the ship.

Many times during the week, a quick blur will rush below, through the passage and into Mykael's cabin. And sometimes after that blur, you will see Mykael emerge on deck with Ghem, explaining something new to him.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 12:54:55 AM

Ashira smiles as Val enters. "Yeah...busy as always..you know, never a dull moment..." Ashira shuts the door. "Look Val, I've been doing a lot of thinking about our discussion before. And..." The ranger clears her throat and her smile fades as her face takes on a more serious look. "Well, I admit, to some extent I was too harsh on you. Your actions in the Valley took me by complete and total surprise...and you know that I don't like being surprised. I can't say that I honestly understand your decision, but that's over and done." Ashira turns and runs her fingers through her hair, silent and mildly frustrated. "And well, I wanted to let you know that I'm...I'm." Ashira puffs air out of her cheeks as she tries to screw up her courage. "Well, I'm sorry. You made a mistake. We all do. And I shouldn't have been so hard on you. You are my sister...my blood sister and it will take a lot more than what happened in the Valley to sever those ties. I know it'll probably take more time to heal, but I miss the times we used to have. I miss your friendship..." Ashira pauses to gauge Val's response when she hears the sounds of alarm from above. Sighing, Ashira turns to Val. "Like I said...never a dull moment. I guess we should go check it out."

As Ashira is briefed on the situation, she looks over at Nezamil. "I don't suppose you could prepare a Speak with Dead spell? That might cast some more light on this interesting situation."

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:28:59 AM

My best gues is that they encounterd the Gaalian Monk

Thursday April 20th, 2006 12:04:40 PM

Val sighs and turns her back momentarily. "I am sorry things turned out the way they did. I hoped they wouldn't but deep down I knew they would. I did what I believed to be the right thing to do, as did you when you chose the mother over the father. But whats done is done and there are much more important things going on right now. I...I wish that things were like they were back then. But the cards have changed and we each have to play the cards we were delt. We can hope things will get better." Val sighs and pulls her flail from her hip and heads up to see what the disturbance is.

To Melonie:
Val smiles and giggles a bit. She clasps Melonie on the shoulder and says, "Patience my friend. The weapon chosen by one is not necessarily right for another. When training with Bart try some other weapons. Don't think about the weapon, just feel it. Your instincts will tell you if its right or not. How it feels, the way it moves when you move. Those things and more will tell you if its right for you."

DM Jim: Clear Sailing  d100=75
Thursday April 20th, 2006 12:46:26 PM

Mykael introduces his new friend, Ghem, to the crew and Wildcards as the two of them start to get familiar with each other.

Cosmo is strangly quite and spends most of his time in South Harbor, but does bring word that Jager is working hard and meeting all the contacts that Cosmo and the Governors set up for him.

At Nezamil prompting there is a rousing performace in the rigging by the acrobats. There is also a small play that is put on by some of the crew.

Juno, Gordon and Eli, the three young humans that were banished by the Governors and put into indentured service of Rigging are performing well. The three have some sailing skill as the three have had a varied career in their short lives. The latest being educated as wizards, but only Eli and Gordon have the skill. Apparently, Governor Ethan was not please to find out that Juno had no wizarding skill, but had been in school for nine months.

Val and Ashira air out old conflicts.

Swirl is enjoying his new playmate, but mostly enjoys riding the winds.

Bart and Ashira with some help from the large sized Nezamil, continue to train the new recruits to form a cohesive team, or at least the beginnings of one.

Val encourages Melonie to train with Bart and she is happy to do so.

Rigging & Ashira discuss the first and second mate canidates.


The two dead bodies are brought on board, much to the chagrin of some of the washer women. "We already have decomposing heads stinking up the lower levels, especially the Captains quarters, and now we have two bodies that every nibbler in the sea has taken a bite out of. Should we just scrub the deck with Chum." The two women just walk away from the scene.

There are no identifying marks as even a couple of days in the sea and sun has done its damage.


The third week at sea is not as nice although the winds are still good, but there are rain squalls each day and their is little sun. It is still surprisinly warn, but then again you are still heading south.

Many of the crew, Domi's Faithful, go to Nezamil for guidance and to hear Domi's teachings, during the course of the journey.

OOC: Rigging needs a new navigation roll: DC 12. Lest he start to drift into the shipwreck shoals listed on the map.

At the end of the week Cosmo will definately be out of teleport range.

Please feel free to post as often as you need while we are combat free and sailing.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:14:59 PM

Looking moody, Ashira watches the loading of the bodies and laughs at the seamstress comments. Going downstairs, she fishes out the Quad's heads from the locker, places them in a bag. Half way tempted to nail them to the mast as a reminder to the Ga'alians, Ashira instead settles on throwing them in the sea.

Watching to see what Rigging's orders are, Ashira suddenly gets the urge to return to the sea. Her encounter with Val reminds her that she is now friendless, and an aching slowly throbs in her heart. Sure, she had Rigging and even John and Mary, but she had grown very close to the elven warrior and her rejection cut deeper than Ashira cares to admit.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:16:03 PM

Appolo follows Riggings orders,but he is still taciturn and glum.He spends most of his time up in the rigging or the crows nest.

He's not even interested when they find the bodies,He just decides to go down to the galley and get lunch.Appolo is definitely not a happy sailor.Tomas and the ten original crew members just stay away from him.

On dat Appolo approaches Rigging"You should make Tomas your second in command.He's already down the job and is a fairly good sailor and navigator himself."He then just walks away.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 4:27:02 PM

"sure i can prepare that spell ....i will pray for it tomorrow morning ...in fact i'll pray for two of them ....just need to have a list of questions ready for me because of the short duration of the spell....i should be able to ask 4 questions per spell so a total of 8 readied questions would be ideal "

" maybe we could even ask those heads ?"

The giant sized Cleric of Domi will start a education class on Domi's teachings and how Domi's work and wisdom has a place in the wold....The classes will take place in the evening after dinner during the quieter times aboard the Sword so many of Domi's faithful and others intrested may listen during their off hours of work.

Nezamil will have the Bash brothers do an informal workshop about the armory and it's different weapons and their uses to the new trainees .

The dwarf will appoach the ships carpenters about building a wine rack for the wines gifted from Captain Marlin " just make sure that the bottles are secured tightly so the ships movement won't send them flying about"


DM JIM: What are your questions for the dead?

Nezamil shrinks 7 more inches.

Rigging  d20+8=20
Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:41:21 PM

Rigging listens to Nezamil and says, "I think we need to ask, 'What ship were they sailing on?
What attacked them? If it was another ship, What was the name of that ship? What nationality was the ship? That's all that I can think of at this point.

Nezamil, can you raise the dead? I bet they would be very grateful and loyal crewmembers if you raised them. This is assuming they weren't evil. Is there a way to tell?"

Navigation check 20

Bart  d20+4=24
Friday April 21st, 2006 4:31:29 AM

Bart is more the happy to train the recruits espescially Melonie. Do you want to try some other weapons? There are a lot of different types of weapons, swords, axes, warhammers, flails and polearms Although i dont like the last ones. Also you have to find your self an fighting style, two handed weapons, shield an weapon, two weapon style. With a shield you have more protection, but fighting with 2 weapons or an 2hander give you more attacks or deals more dammage. You could use an animated shield of course but they cost a lot of gold.
Personally i like to fight with my basterd sword, most of the times i use both hands. But I'm also very skiled to fight with two weapons my sword and a dagger for example. Fighting with an dagger is something you have to learn, it is very handy in crowded places where you dont have the room to swing a sword.

Besides traing his students Bart takes lessons from Rigging to learn more about Navigation. During his lesson Bart tries to plot a course on the map. He even sees an outher route then Rigging. Rigging what do you think about this course? (navigation 24 nat 20)

Friday April 21st, 2006 8:40:55 AM

Rigging smiles indulgently at Bart with a small smirk on his face. He then looks down at the chart and the smile disapates. He pulls out his measuring tools and starts frantically measuring on the charts. Finally with a sigh, he will look back at Bart, pat him lightly on the shoulder and say, "Good catch Bart. That should save us 1/2 a day of sailing."

With a sick look on his face, he will head up to the deck, climb up to the crows nest and plop down next to Appolo. He will wave off any attempts at conversation and just stare at the horizon mumbling "Stupid beginners luck..."

Friday April 21st, 2006 10:39:07 AM

Ashira smiles at Nezamil. "Naw...I don't think we need to question those heads. I think we got all the information we needed when we chopped up the bodies they belonged to. But as to the new bodies. I think we should add "Who did you work for when you were living.""

Mary and John 
Friday April 21st, 2006 11:01:54 AM

Mary relishes her time with both Ashira and Bart. She watches the large warrior, eyes wide with awe. She works very hard trying desperately to impress the warrior, though it seems that he is more taken with Melonie. Though a little sullen after the departure of Jagar, Mary works very hard on her fighting skills, practicing with her shortspear and shield for hours on end. Even during her free time, Mary is found practicing her combat tactics...particularly working on how best to aid the other more skilled warriors by distracting the enemy with her own attacks.

John, on the other hand is much more relaxed. Though diligent in his archery training, John spends his free time hanging around the young elven woman, showing off his prowess with the bow and his newly emerging muscles from all the hard work of the last month. "You know, being on a warship in unexplored territory can be dangerous. But don't worry, ladies...just stay close to me when the fighting starts and I'll protect you." John brags as he shoots a couple of arrows into a nearby target.

Mary watches as Ashira goes about her vigorous training schedule with the crew. Muttering to John as she looks on. "How does she do that...I'm tired and sore after only a few hours of practice. She does it all day long..." John laughs at Mary's comment. "Easy...she's a half-elf...you know how long they live. She's probably a hundred years old and has been using those swords since she was 3."

Appolo  d20+16=29
Friday April 21st, 2006 11:45:43 AM

Appolo is sitting in his make shift bench in the crows nest when Rigging shows up.He nods to him and hands hims abottle of Aisildrian rad according to the label it's from the Emperors private yautl 250 years.Finest avialable"Compliments of the Emperor."

Appolo then stands and looks down at the ship seeing what John is doing he pulls out a da dagger and hurls it at John's target hitting right next to his arrown the dagger goes hilt deep.Nearly splitting the arrow. Appolo then just casaully look around the ship.

Friday April 21st, 2006 11:53:27 AM

The giant sized cleric standing all of 12'3" tall wakes up the next morning and prays to Domi for the ability to speak with the dead.

Callong Captain Rigging and Ashira over and any other wildcards intrested in hearing the interveiw with the dead Nezamil will proceed to cast a spell of speak with dead ...1st asking one od the deceased sailers then the other with the 2nd spell
1.what is the name of your ship that you were sailing on ??
2.who or what attacked you ??
3.who did you work for ?
4.where were you sailing from ?

2nd spell
1.where were you sailing to ?
2.what was the name of the ship that attacked you ?
3.what was the mission of your ship ?
4.what was your Captains name ??

DM Jim: The dead Speak  d100=57 d20+3=7 d20+3=6 d20+3=21
Friday April 21st, 2006 12:09:07 PM

The training of the crew continues under mostly sunny skies. There is only one major rain squall this week and fairly good sailing winds.

Bart and Rigging avoid the shinking shoals, a major landmark on the captains map. They make the course adjustment and head toward the area where ships disappear and where this is suppose to be an island.

OOC: Naviagation roll DC 14

Cosmo sticks to his room.

Rigging goes to see Appolo.

Mary and John relish in their training and John catches the eye of some of the new elven (female) recruits. One even tries to show him up at archery. Lilith's first two shots barely make the target, but her third is very well placed. John goes and instructs Lilith, as Mary wonders if the elf actually did poorly on purpose.

Nezamil cast his speak with dead spells on the two fallen sailors and reads their memories.

The two dead men were sailors on the freighter the "Maggie May" which was hauling spices out of the Taur islands for New Elenna and we were to unload the cargo in South Harbor. The captain of the "Maggie May" was Captain Micky. The "Maggie May" was pursued through the night by the massive pirate ship "Dreadnaught" and finally caught just before dawn as the "Maggie May" erupted in flames. We were soon boarded just after dawn and most of the crew was shanghighed or killed and the ship sunk. No cargo was taken.

Many of Domi's faithful and in awe of Nezamil and ask to hear more of Domi's teachings and blessings. Hal and Kirk are happy with the work and their new boss. The brothers stick close to Nezamil.

At Nezamil's insistance, The carpenter creates the wine rack and a lcoking mechanism, so the the movement of the ship will not cause the bottles to fall.

A sweaty Melonie approaches Val after the latest weapons lesson for some personal training. "I need to practice what Bart and Ashira are teaching me. Can we practice together? I also want to be able to work with you when you fight." Melonie asks hopefully.

The three indentured youths, with more free time on their hand seem to be chatting up all the ladies. Juno approaches Mary. "I just love that red hair and the way that if goes with your short spear. I have a bottle of wine. Do you want to share it later." Juno hold up one the the newly won bottles of wine and has a big grin on his face.


Nezamil shrinks another 7 inches.

All the Wildcards have aged one year. Make the adjustment on your character sheet and send the update when applicable (new level or purchase of magic items). Only Bart has sent me his updated sheets.

Rigging  d20+8=26
Friday April 21st, 2006 10:24:41 PM

Rigging listens to the dead speak with consternation in his heart. He will call out to the Wildcards, "Assemble in my quarters!"

Rigging will lead the way to his cabin and then look at Bart and Ashira, "So how are the tactics coming for the crew? Sounds like we aren't done with the quad yet. Dreadnought is the name of the ship the monk mentioned when he escaped. Sounds like they are attacking shipping to help gather a crew to man the large ship.

We know that they have a high level spell user, the monk and at least another rogue/assassin. I am sure they have been recruiting others as well. What do you think? Do we hunt them? Are we ready? I have faith in you, but this crew is mighty green and it sounds like we will be outgunned.

I want you to come up with a plan to board that ship from a distance. I don't want to risk the Sword in a stand up fight. We need to find the ship and find ways to weaken her before hand. If we lose the Sword, we are done.

I want everyone ready for battle at all times. Have optimum battle spells ready for shipboard combat. I want her masts taken out. I want any other magical means she might have to propel her destroyed.

Bart, I want you to search for her using the Wayfinder. Nezamil, have restoration spells ready to combat the weakness side effects. We need information and we need to be ready to act on that information quickly. Lets get our heads together and come up with some ideas."

Navigation 26 (Rigging careful is making notes on the charts, ship speed, current, wind speed, headings and star sightings so he can make his way back.

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 9:13:54 AM

Val was more or less brooding when Melonie approached. Like Ashira she felt alone on this crowded ship. She truly wished that things were as they were before. But the fact was that they weren't. Something she was reminded of every time she looked in the mirror. If it wasn't for Melonie she would probably have left the Sword.

"I'd be happy to spar with you Melonie. Most days I have nothing to do except look at the water." She says with a smile.

In Rigging's chambers:
"Captain we need to find the ship before they detect us. If we can find them on a moonless night the sword can stay a couple of miles back. Ashira can swim to the Dreadnought undetected but they may plan for that. I can run across the water which is something they shouldn't think of. We can either sabotage the hull or sneak on board while everybody is sleeping. Or if we really want to end it quick we just light in on fire and watch it burn."

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 11:31:54 AM

Cosmo spends his last week within teleport range traveling back and forth to the Star Mages Guild. He spends most of his time in the archives researching new spells.

He does do some shopping while in town to get something for his old teachers. He finds a set of matching rings with green, emerald stones. While shopping Cosmo will use the Hat of Disguise to disguise himself.

After he is out of teleport range and bound to the ship, Cosmo will ask Rigging how he may help out. He will tell Rigging that he has spells and magic that will help scout for the enemy ship.

OOC - updated character sheet will be sent by Sunday night.

Rigging Ilegal post  d20+8=17
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 12:44:46 PM

Rigging spots his newly aquired indentured servants holding up wine that isn't theres. He decides to take action after the meeting.

He will whisper some instructions to Nezamil, Bart, Val and Ashira. He sees the disapproving looks on their faces and quickly explains. "I see a lot of me in these youngsters. This is exactly the punishment I endured when I was caught pilfering on my father's ship. It won't kill him...well I hope not but if I don't nip this behavior in the bud now, we are gonna be in trouble later."

Rigging marches over to Juno with the others backing him up. "Juno, I want to know where you got that bottle of wine. There will be no unauthorized drinking aboard my ship, especially now! We are going into peril and you need to be more concerned with your training and impressing me and the ship's officers than impressing any girls.

Rigging will tell Juno to hold his hands out in front of him. He will lash them together and then attach a long 100' rope to the lashings on the wrists. He will look at Bart and Nezamil and say "Throw him off the stern. He needs a pirate bath." Before he is tossed, he whispers to the young thief, "I wouldn't slip those bonds. It is a long swim back to the shore."

He then looks up and yells to the rigging. "I want full canvas! Get behind the wind. Juno wants a ride!"

After a couple of minutes of close watching to make sure the thief isn't in any real trouble he will order him pulled aboard. When the dripping rat is on the deck, Rigging will address the crew, Fun time is over! We are sailing into danger! We are heading into battle against a larger and better armed boat filled with a crew who will have no pity in their hearts. If they capture this ship, you better pray for death! If they capture you alive, they will torture you until you agree to the heartseed. Then you will be theirs and Ga'als forever. Willing slaves to his evil will. Train hard! Listen to your officers and you just might get out of this alive! You just might be able to be a part of something larger!"

Rigging stomps off the deck and back down to his cabin.

Rope use 17

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 4:40:51 PM

The giant sized dwarf shows his support of Captain Riggings handling of this issue and follows his intructions.

When Juno's hands are being tied " We are all family here ....we don't steal from family !!....respect everyone aboard and they will respect you !@!!....work and train hard and you can rise up in rank.....play the fool and you will be treated as such !!" preaches Nezamil to Juno

When the order is given Nezamil will toss the rogue off the stern of the ship for his punishment.

Nezamil will also ready a waterwalk spell in case of an emergency rescue is needed

Sunday April 23rd, 2006 3:49:44 PM

Bart tries to use the wayfinder, he images the monk and hopes to see the ship where he is on probally the same that was described earlier by the dead
We have to load the catapults with greek fire and lengts of chain to ruin their rigging and masts

Monday April 24th, 2006 3:35:50 AM

Appolo shows up for the meeting and quietly listens to everyone."i don't think it is wise to seek them out.Let them find us.Use the way finder to locate them if you can but we need to train our crew more thoroughly there for we need to stay away from them for the time being.We just need to use the wayfinder to keep track off them while we prepare ourselves also with the Nuaticulus they will be faster and more manuverable then we are,so we need to pick our time and place of battle.Also remeber a ship of that size will most likely have one or more quads of it's outside of what the Ax wielding fool brings.I just don't think we're ready for that yet.""Appolo says his piece then goes quiet.

He the wat ches as the new recruit is punished,with sly smile on his face.He walks over to the railing and looks down at the youngman."Nezamil's right.There is room on this ship for only one fool and that's me!!Remember that!!"

Monday April 24th, 2006 8:50:24 AM

Rigging hears Appolo, and says, "I am sorry my brother but you are wrong. Now that they have the Nautacolous, they will be able to match our speed especially over the long haul. Yes tactically we might be more quick on the tact in close fighting but they will have us more fire power than us.

I still think we will need a raid or two to soften them up. Some quick hit and runs to hurt some key personnel and to destroy some of their firepower. Then we can think of a more heads up fight. If they find us first, we will have lost our advantage."

Monday April 24th, 2006 10:19:02 AM

Ashira eyes the crew as Rigging asks about the fighting condition of the crew. "Well, we took the whole Quad on and wiped them out pretty badly... Do we hunt them?" Ashira sighs. "I don't know what the right answer is. If we attack with this new crew, we will undoubtedly take casualties...and probably very high ones. But if we wait, then that gives the Quad more time to prepare nasty surprises for us and shore up their numbers. I guess it's best to attack now." Chewing her lip, Ashira looks indecisive, not exactly sure whether that is the right decision.

Rather than being disapproving of Rigging's treatment of the lad Juno, Ashira is highly entertained. She joins Appolo on the railing and watches to see how Juno has progressed with his swimming lessons...and where he needs improvement. She hopes that Rigging's preemptive punishment will make an impression on all the crew. The crew of a warship needs to be orderly...and especially with such a green crew. How well they follow orders right now might well determine whether they live or die. Watching the young man struggle, Ashira vows to increase the training schedule of the new recruits...at least put them to good use.

DM Jim: Punishment Served  d20=5 d6=3 d20+3=19 d20+3=6 d6=2 d20+3=16 d6=2 d10=6
Monday April 24th, 2006 1:16:59 PM

Juno is bound and tossed overboard and all that is heard before he smacks the water is "Can we discuss this....."

Juno spends the better part of the first minute under water before he surfaces with as gasp. Nezamil and Ashira actully got a bit nervous about he lads condition.

Juno gets his air and bearing for awhile before being dragged down once again. Juno does pop up and is finally dragged back up the fantail of the Sword. Once Juno is released he falls to his knees completly exhausted and alittle worse for wear (7 subdual damage - swimming and rope burns). Juno looks up at Mary with dripping hair. "Can we postpone our date until tomorrow and you bring the wine, if you want any." Juno then flops over on his back and is just happy to be breathing. A puddle of seawater is forming around the boy.


Bart takes the lone remaining artifact and concentrates on the Ga'alian monk. Bart feels himself leave his body and travel north over great streatches of sea and comes upon the stern of the great warship. Carved in the stern is the nameplate "Dreadnaught" and there are skulls hung around it. The name was painted on using blood red paint. In the dying sunlight, Bart can see that it is at least four times the size of the Sword and he can see the Monk looking southward at he stern. The elven wizard and the lone remaining female rouge are with him. As Bart pushes closer in, he feels resistant magic and his contact is severed (6 con. lost).

Bart if you have engineering or shipbuilding skills roll a DC 20 for interesting tidbits about the Ship.

Bart with a DC 10 sailor check you can tell the relative position of the Dreadnaught to the Sword and its speed at the time of viewing.

Bart does know that the Dreadnaught is heading in the opposite direction of the Sword: North.


Only one day has past.


Bart checks Riggings maps and the stars that are coming out and determines that the Dreadnaught is just under three days away and increasing the distance every minute. THe Dreadnaught also seems to be moving faster than the Sword. Is it the wind in there area or is there a different design to the ship or even magical assistance.......

Bart  d20+4=13
Monday April 24th, 2006 4:04:21 PM

Bart recovers from his dreamstate. I saw the dreadnaught. The monk is on it and the eleven priest and the female rogue as well. The ship is big and somewhere north of us it is heading our oppisite direction. I know their speed and their heading, give me a map. Ond something to drink as well I feel not very well something has interupted my view

Monday April 24th, 2006 10:43:24 PM

Cosmo is a little depressed as the ship moves out of safe teleport range back to South Harbor. He was enjoying his time in the Star Mages Guild archives learning new spells.

Cosmo will use one of his newly researched spells to help with the scouting of the area surrounding the ship. If he sees anything interesting he will report back to Rigging.

OOC - Spell is Overland Flight. Let's me cover 64 miles a day without any ill effects.

Monday April 24th, 2006 11:35:13 PM

Nezamil leans over the prone Juno " well ya got spirit i'll give ya that but you sadly mistaken about a date " laughs the giant sized dwarf " your gonna be working till ya drop and then we'll work ya somemore " grins Nezamil

Shortly after Barts use of the wayfinder the Cleric of Domi visits him and see's his weakened state " let me help ya out my good friend ...next time let me know ya gonna use that thing "

Touching his new anvil hily symbol Nezamil mutters afew words of prayer and imparts Domi's divine power into the stout warrior (casting restoration...Barts back to full constitution)

During the course of the day Nezamil will try and leran as much about seamanship as he can"might as well learn how to sail this beautiful ship while i'm aboard" chuckles the oversized dwarf

Rigging  d20+8=20
Monday April 24th, 2006 11:36:11 PM

Rigging listens to Bart's report and his shoulders slump. He looks down at the deck for a minute and then squares his shoulders again. "Tomas, please help Bart out with his weakness."

He goes back on deck and calls the crew together. "Crew of the Sword of Redemption. The ship I feared we might have to battle has been sighted going in the other direction. It seems we will be spared battle for now. We will head out towards the unknown and try to find our island. Still I want you to keep sharp, keep drilling and training. There are many other dangers out here besides the Ga'alians. There is a reason that many ships disappear in this area. Listen to your officers and work as a team. Hopefully we will all get rich and die in our beds mourned by many grandchildren...but if we don't, then we will go down with the blood of our enemies on our blades.

Now on to a matter of the 1st mate. Many knew Niner and respected him. The man I am choosing to replace him has very big shoes to fill. I expect you to give him the same respect you give me. Tomas will be the First Mate now and he speaks with my voice. Three cheers to Tomas!"

Rigging will lead the cheers and clap his henchman on the back. Rigging will ask Cosmo to spend most of his time checking behind them and in front of ship. "Remember to calculate the speed of the ship when you are going behind us. Don't want to have to turn back and fish you out of the water."

Navigation roll of 20

Tomas (George) 
Monday April 24th, 2006 11:38:24 PM

Tomas is pleased with the cheering and grateful for the position. He wonders if he can fill Niner's shoes. He moves forward to cure Bart but stops short when he sees the Giant Dwarf Nezamil casting his spell. He is happy to see Bart feeling better.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:02:43 AM

Mykael stands behind Eli and Gordon as Juno receives his punishment.

"He is your friend, you should be trying to keep him out of trouble. Being friends with the wrong people can get you into trouble. You better decide, IF he is truly your friend. And if you choose to stand beside him, your actions may decide his fate one day, depending on how you act between now and then. And his actions could decide yours," Mykael advises.

"If you want a better chance at survival and to prove yourselves, meet me in my cabin after your normal tasks and training is done each day. I heard that you two were budding wizards, that can be very handy. Bring your spell books and weapons.

Mykael spends his time making scrolls.

If the boys show up, they will help him. Mykael will see what spells they know, and access thier ability to prepare for thier training. Ghem will watch all to make sure their fingers dont do any walking.

The whole time will not be devoted to work, stories can be swapped and Mykael will attempt to get to know them. Juno will not be turned away if he comes, however, if any dont try they are booted from the cabin. Some tolerace will be allowed, they are young and wild.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:24:35 AM

Ashira is relieved as Juno is dragged back alive. She chuckles at Nezamil's statement as she moves to stand by the cleric. Clapping his shoulder, she chimes in "Amen, Brother Nezaiml...I'm afraid young Jobe here has a very busy training schedule ahead of him...what with double kitchen duty...and of course a lot more swimming lessons." Pulling in extra close to the boy, Ashira whispers. "If you think this is all fun and games, then maybe we should just throw you over the deck right now. Wake up son...you're on a warship."

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:27:38 AM

OOC: Extra post


"Rigging, mind if I have a go with the Wayfinder? And have you ever used spells in conjuction with it? Such as if I were to cast Detect Magic, before I use the artifact... would I keep the effects while using the Wayfinder?"

"Secondly, I know not where they are going, however, since Barts episode was cut short, they know we or at least someone, is scrying them. Perhaps, they detected it and are lulling us into assuming we are safe. We should keep checking on them from time to time."

Mary and John (Nellie) 
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:37:31 AM

Mary laughs scornfully at Jobe. "Sorry, but I don't date bildge rats. I've got more important ways to spend my time."

John is encouraged and excited by the attention paid by Lilith. He spends as much time as possible working on archery with the young maiden. John approaches Jobe after the Wildcards leave and lays a consoling hand on his shoulder. "Easy there buddy. If you want to impress the lady then I suggest you play it straight..." winking, John continues "The girls dig an honest worker."

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 3:26:59 AM

Mykael if you want to give it a try be free to use it. Maybe you can cast an undetect spel or something like that, dont even know if such a spell exists. But aware it is a strange feeling to use the wayfinder, you have to keep an picture of the place or person you want to see in your mind and you feel that you are be pulled towards it

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 7:37:40 AM

Rigging answers Mykael, "You can use it if you want but if you aren't healty enough, it could kill you. Do you want to take the risk? (OOC What is Mykaels consitution score? This baby can whack hard. If it puts you at 0 you die.)

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:16:47 AM

After Juno is pulled from the sea Appolo just heads back up top.He is depressed agian,He finds his bottle of wine and proceeds to drink as he sits on his make shift bench,Staring out to sea.The crewman that is up there quickly abandons the crows nest.Leaving Appolo alone.

DM Jim: Land Ho!  d100=47
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 1:07:22 PM

Captain Rigging makes the announcement that the new first mate will now be Tomas. The crew gives several loud cheers for their cleric, especially the new crew memebers who never knew Niner. Tomas blushes, as he is overwhelmed by praise, backslapping and handshakes.


Everyone has their comments and work duties for Juno, and he goes about them with good cheer.

Mykeal offers to tutor the three new recruits, Juno, Eli and Gordon and the all accepts. The three youngsters grew up on the street together, and lived by their wits. They have learned some minor trades, seamship, glassblowing, and recently wizardry to get by. The groups light fingers have gotten themselves in trouble recently and previously, and that is why they are now indentured to Captain Rigging. All three seem happy to learn and for the time being watch all of the interesting females on board ship. Gordon comments "Red heads, brunnets, blonds, blue hair and what is with the one elf with all the strange features. Very nice....."

The weather is mostly good over the next eleven days, and it is getting noticably warmer as the Sword heads south.

One of the acrobats was working on some new moves in the rigging, but not so high up as to disturb the brooding Appolo when he belows "Land Ho! Hard to Starbord!" As a sandbar appears out of a fog bank.

Fog banks are starting to appear and the occasional small island. The island are not much more than glorified sand bars, some of which have a palm tree or two. None of the islands are much larger than the Sword.

It is obvious that Navigation will be trickier as the sea is much shallower in this area.


OOC: Rigging needs a seaman check of DC 17 as according to the map there is a slight course correction at the sand islands, only a few days from the target area.

Nezamil shrinks another 11 inches.

Please post spell lists in your posts from now on.

Mykael please list the scrolls you are creating and mark off the experience points from your character sheet.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 9:59:46 PM

Nezamil gives Ashira a wink " don't forget about swabbing the deck "

"Good eye "calls out the dwarf to crewman " keep relaying whatcha ya see to the captain "

"all your fellow acrobats up and help out spotting for sandbars"

The giant sized dwarf helps in sailing the ship assisting the crew so he can learn how to be a true sailer

Spell list
0-level(6)-Create water x2,Light x2,Mending,Read magic
1st(6-1)-Command,Divine favor,Magic weapon,Obscuring mist,Shield of faith,Comprehend lang(Enlarge)
2nd(5-1)-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd(4-1)-Inviso purge,Searing light,Water walk, Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th(3-1)-Divine power,Restoration,Neutralize poison(Spell immunity)
5th(2-1)-Command greater,Clw mass(Spell resistance)

Mykael  d20+12=14
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:24:16 AM

OOC: Mykael con score is 12

OOC: Mykael scribes the following scrolls during the last 11 days.
5-True Strike
1-Feather Fall
1-Comp Lang
1-Lightning Bolt

Mykael attempts to learn Dispel Magic from his scroll, but is unable to comprehend it at this time.

Mykael will keep up his lessons to the 3 boys, instructing them on casting, casting in combat, and sword handling. He will train them as hard as they want, and try and push the limits.

Mykael will tell them stories of his humble beginnings on the streets of Plateau City. Mykael will do his best to lead them along, and straighten them out.

"Yes, the ladies are nice. Best to remember that you catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar. Treat them nice, respect them, and they may do the same for you. Too wild, or disrespectful and you will get no where. This is a small tight group, any lies will get figured out sooner or later. And ladies talk, treat one poorly, and they all will hear about it," Mykael councils.

"One other thing, Ashira and Val are both beautiful and dangerous. Both are spoken for. They can take care of themselves and they have short fuses. I wouldnt push them," Mykael comments. "And if you annoy them, well, lets just say unhappy women, make thier men unhappy. Dont multiply your problems," Mykael laughs.

Spell List:
0) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Message, Mending
1) Shocking Grasp, Magic Missle X2, Ray of Enfeeblement
2) See Invisibility, Cats Grace, Bulls Strength, Web
3) Fireball, Vampiric Touch, Lightning Bolt

Bart  d20+4=15
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 7:13:03 AM

Bart looks on the map and gives a suggestion to Rigging for their new course. Rigging what do you think? I'm not sure if my proposal is correct. I suugest we double the look outs and have someone ready with an depthlead to mesure the depth under the keel

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 7:23:07 AM

Cosmo scouts per Rigging's instructions. As they come to the cluster of sand bars he will explore a few of them for anything of interest.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+8=20
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:17:21 AM

Rigging looks at Bart's plan and says, "Nice try but see these lines here?" Rigging points to a chart. "That indicates that the water is very shallow. I wouldn't want to chance running aground. This way seems safer. Still your other ideas have merit. Why don't you go have Tomas issue the orders."

Rigging will follow Bart up to the deck and take a good look around. Rigging will utilize Swirl in some scout duty. Staying ahead of the ship looking for sandbars or other obstacles. He will also order some of the sails shortened to reduce speed so they don't blunder into anything.

Navigation roll of 20

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:31:16 AM

Appolo spends his time alone.Mostly in the Rigging or down below in his bunk.He decides to let valanthe be.He is is still quite upset for he still loves her deeply,but she seems to have lost interest in him.

When land is sighted.Appolo looks around as the make thier way past the sand bars.He decides to put a couple of men on the bow to do some sounding,checking the depth by droppping a waited line over the side.That is notted every foot so they can tell how deep the water is.

He then finds Rigging getting "Close to the Island you know this area of shallow seas is a perfect place for sea devils to liveMight need to double the watch at night with at least one elfe on watch all night long."

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:35:17 AM

The dark skinned elf slips down below decks when the cheers rise for the new first mate. This is one of those times when she feels more distant. She's not really part of the crew. Sure she helps out when things are rough and knows her way around the Sword, but Wildcards weren't up there everyday keeping the ship running. She wasn't a part of that close knit group that she hears laughing and shouting day after day. The crew looks upon her with a mix of fear and lust. Which is understandable considering the way things are.

DM Jim: Dead Ships & Land 
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:02:22 PM

OOC: Sorry for the late post, very busy day. I will be back to posting around noon EST tomorrow.


Cosmo uses his new Overland Flight spell to good use, scouting fore and aft of the Swords path. The freedom of travel is exhilarating. The first day Cosmo discovers several mist shrouded reefs and bars and hastens back to the Sword for minor course corrections (+1 to navigation rolls). Cosmo even discovers an old weathered wreck of a ship on a barely submerged reef. The only thing that is still recognizable is the keel.

Rigging slows the Sword in an attempt to avoid collisions with sand bars and reefs (+1 to navigation rolls). Bart and Appolo suggest depth checks from the prow of the Sword and Tomas assigns crewmen to the task (+1 to navigation rolls).

Tomas asks the brooding Appolo to give up the crows nest as the Sword needs it for observation.

Tensions are raised on the Sword as all available eyes are lowing seaward for sand bars and reefs.

There is all manner of sea life that can be seen is the shallower parts of the ocean, schools of fish and dolphins abound. The water is warm and clear to a depth of 4 maybe 5 fathoms.

On the second day, Cosmo makes his foray fore and aft and late in the day, just before he was expecting to turn back he spies what appears to be a mountain in a huge fog bank. Cosmo presses on for a better look but is still miles away. The mist seems to clear some as he approaches and he sees some of a large island and maybe even a large structure in a raised central plain. The structure must be big as it is above the lush tree line and he is still a great distance away.

On the way back to the Sword, Cosmo spies two more ship wrecks and warns Rigging and Bart of the upcoming dangers he spotted. These shipwrecks are newer and the ships hulls were pierced by sharp rocks and then settled just below the water in the sandy shallows.

One of the crewmen that was just keeping watch in the crows nest, notices a sunken ship off the port quarter and a very dangerous reef and call warning.

The same sailor in the crows nest calls a warning shortly after Cosmo returns "Light in the Fog!" After several eye straining minutes others in the crew (spot 10) notice the strange light in the wide fog bank. The light lasts for 30 minutes and then winks out.

Cosmo estimates that the Sword is a few hours at the current pace from the island and may be able to make it by dusk.


Rigging needs a DC 17 navigation roll (+3 due to the efforts of the Wildcards and crew) to avoid sand bars and reefs.

All Wildcards and followers need a DC 20 spot check to notice something strange in the sea. There is something in the water coming at the Sword head on.........If you make the spot check make a DC 20 knowledge nature roll (Ashira gets +6 bonus) and if you have at least 2 ranks in the sailoring profession you get an additional +1 to your Knowledge nature roll.....the distance is over a quarter mile to the phemomenon......

Nezamil  d20+5=12 d20+5=13
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:44:42 PM

The giant sized dwarf stays near the center mast ....turning quickly at the sailers warning Nezamil peers into the fog bank at the strange light(d20+5=12 spot ch)

"What by Domi is that ?"

"Eveyone stay alert!!"

Nezamil scans the ships surroundings (d20+5=13 spot ch vs something strange)

"tis strange happenings " mutters

"Hal ...Kirk....one of ya go down and git me my crossbow.....the other git ready to open the armory up if needed...best be prepared"

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:51:34 PM

Hal nods to Nezamil " Kirk get his crossbow and some bolts too.....i'll see to the armory and be ready to hand out weapons if needed.

"You got it bro " replies Kirk and he hustles down to Nezamils new quarters and grabs Nezamils crossbow and a couple clips full of bolts and dashes back up quickly handing the weapon and ammo to the Cleric of Domi

" i got ya back " finishes kirk as he flanks Nezamil on one side protectivly and peers out at that side of the ship

Rigging and  d20+11=14 d20+11=23 d20+7=19
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 10:27:45 PM

Rigging is to busy navigating to spot whatever danger might be coming to the ship. spot check 14 but still is able to navigate around the shoals (navigation roll 23)

Ashira  d20+12=19
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:58:18 PM

Eating dinner with Mary, Ashira hears the commotion and scans the oceans quickly (Spot=19). "Wonder what that's all about." she muses as she doesn't catch sight of anything.

Appolo  d20+9=25 d20+3=7
Thursday April 27th, 2006 4:03:40 AM

Appolo is on deck when Cosmos returns and gives his report.When the light ina fog is reprted Appolo heads up to the crows nest to have a look,He sees something very large moving toward the ship,Appolo immediately yells down to the others"Something very large is coming toward us.Don't know what it is.Sound gebral quartes.Gett ready!!!"

Bart  d20+4=5 d20+1=3
Thursday April 27th, 2006 5:59:11 AM

Bart doesn't see anything strange, But after Appollo's yell he looks out with the wayfinder to the area Appolo is pointing at. Yes there is something but what?


Rigging Illegal post  d20+11=28 d20+6=9
Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:35:14 AM

Rigging clued into the danger takes another look. He easily sees the mass moving their way but doesn't know what it is? "Ashira!" Rigging will point to the thing moving towards them. "Your a ranger! What is that thing?"

Judging the way it is coming at them, Rigging also yells, "Battlestations, Crew brace for impact.! Helmsman keep the prow aimed at that thing. I don't want it to hit us amidships!"

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity

Val  d20+4=5
Thursday April 27th, 2006 9:53:02 AM

Val's eyes were locked onto the head of her flail. She watched the way the light reflected off its unmarred surface. Even a light enchantment was impressive and she couldn't wait til she had enough gold saved to truly make it a devistating weapon.

After a few calls for battle stations Val finally realised that something was amiss. Scrambing up from the cabins below Val looked around for something but saw nothing.

"What's going on?"

ooc: spot check nat 1

Melonie  d20+5=6
Thursday April 27th, 2006 9:57:13 AM

Melonie swung her short spear in a quick high arc. She stopped it just past its mark and brought the tip back toward the imaginary foe. Hearing the call for battle stations Melonie ran to her assing area and scanned the sea.

"I see nothing."

Ashira (illegal post)  d20+8=22
Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:17:09 AM

After having the threat pointed out to her, Ashira blushes. "Oh...that. Yeah, I see it now." As she peers out into the growing darkness, Ashira thinks she can just make out whatever it is headed for them (Know. nat.+ bonus=22).

Cosmo  d20+5=19
Thursday April 27th, 2006 12:03:57 PM

Cosmo continues to scout the area using his Overland Flight spell. He reports in to Rigging and Tomas when he spots the small islands and the shipwrecks. He grows concerned when he spots the larger island with the structure on it.

"Rigging we are close to a large island that appears to be inhabited by intelligent creatures. There is a large structure visible from a long distance. We will pass near the island shortly, before nightfall."

Cosmo joins the rest of the crew at the railing to help spot dangers (spot 19). He thinks he spies something in the water, but is not sure.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x1, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1 & Darkvision x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, L. Tiny Hut x1 & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Ice Storm x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 * & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

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