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Rigging and Swirl. 
Monday February 20th, 2006 4:22:03 PM

Rigging looks at the various followers and smiles. He in a gentle voice says, "I will only take Hal and Kirk on this journey. The rest of you are staying with the Sword. Keep working on those repairs. We need to get the branches cleaned off the hull.

Rigging directs the boat away from their normal dock but puts in around a 1/2 a mile away hoping to throw off any eyes that might be watching them. He then orders the two followers to stay with the craft but if anything looks suspicious to head back to the Sword.

He will then lead the group off towards the temple, often stopping and looking around to see if anyone is following or they are heading into an ambush.

Swirl will fly ahead and above circling the group but staying invisible up in the night sky.
When the group gets close to the temple around 100' yards away, Rigging will lead the group into an alley and say, "Is everyone ready?"

While this is happening, Swirl will climb to 500' in the night sky and look down at the temple to see if he can see any unusual activity going on.

Nezamil water walk 
Monday February 20th, 2006 4:39:20 PM

Nezamil checks and rechecks his equipment to make sure everything is where its supposed to be for the upcoming battle

Spotting Hal and Kirk he gives a grin " well looks like your coming with us at least part of the way ......like the Captain said stay with the longboat and if ya see anything suspicous or anything suspicious near the Sword head back immediately to deal with it is that understood " adds the giant sized dwarf with a little steel in his voice " you two are the two most skilled fighters so its your job to make sure everyone is safe while we are gone ....i have faith in both of you that you will accomplish that task "

The 14'+ tall Nezamil intones some of Domi's divine power (casting water walk)touching both Hal and Kirk " this will help you walk as i do upon the water if you need to make a quick exit".... and shadows the rest of the wildcards in the early morning darkness using other docked and anchored ships as cover for his big frame

Cosmo  d20+5=13
Monday February 20th, 2006 10:41:11 PM

Cosmo is silent as Rigging goes over the final instructions before the attack. He uses the magic ability of the hat to turn himself into a female elf, trying to look like one of the elves on the ship. He also casts Mage Armor upon himself.

Cosmo then jumps into the boat for the short ride to land. Once off the boat, he tends to stick in the middle of the group, hoping the bigger bodies hide him from prying eyes.

Spot 13.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor - 9 hours

0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1

1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1

2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2, See Invisibility x1, Alter Self x1

3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1

4th Level (4): SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1

5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+11=17
Monday February 20th, 2006 11:29:27 PM

With a dark look, Ashira pulls Mary and John aside. "I know this isn't easy, but you have to do as Rigging says. I want both of you to stay here. The Sword is badly undermanned, and I need you to protect her. I have a feeling that we're going to be coming back in a little bit of a rush, so I need everything to be ready to go at a moment's notice. Keep a sharp eye out for any signs of trouble." Ashira puts her arms on the acron bearer's shoulders and gives them a squeeze. "And stay safe!"

Heading over to stand with the other Wildcards, Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out 3 golden orbs (Fireball beads). She hands one to Bart (3HD), one to Jagar (3HD) and one to Appolo (2HD). "If we absolutely have to, use these in a jam. But remember, stealth is of utmost importance until we enter the temple. And if we can, I'd like to save them to nuke that garden as we leave..."

Ashira puts several potions in the pouch on her belt (CSW and 2 bless weapon oils). Then she distributes the other potions to various Wildcards.

Rigging-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Val-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Appolo-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Bart-Cure serious wounds, Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil
Nezamil-Bless Weapon Oil
Mykael-Bless Weapon Oil

As they head toward the temple, Ashira is very anxious and cautious. She constantly casts about, trying to notice any signs of an ambush (Spot=21, Listen=17). Once they near the rear of the temple, she prepares herself to begin casting her defensive spells.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 3:02:18 AM

Mykael accepts the vial from Ashira, and nods a thanks. Then he pulls on Riggings arm, "Just a thought," he whispers, "but with your link to your familiar, perhaps you should send him to watch the boat. This could be an elaborate attempt to goad us away from the ship to attack it."

Mykael readys himself for battle.

Val, ac 19, hp 127 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 4:20:24 AM

"Thanks Ashira. I hope I don't need the healing potion, nor anybody else. I hate to think this way but I get the feeling that we won't all walk away from this one." Val says quietly. She pauses for a moment as she is unsure if she should say anything else.

Val walks over to the young elf that has become so important to her in such a short period of time. "I know your not happy but this is for the best Melonie. You are making great progress but this is not a battle for you. Stick with Mary and John. Watch each others backs and stay on alert. They may attack the ship while we are away. I'll see you when I get back." Val says before giving Melonie a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She's not sure if she will come back from this one but she wasn't going to tell Melonie that. Because if she did Melonie would probably follow her anyway. Val walks away without looking back, getting into the longboat for the trip ashore.

Tuesday February 21st, 2006 9:34:36 AM

Thanks Ashira i dont nead the orb i have my own chain of missiles I give to orb and an other one to Hal and kirk, a cure serious potion i have as well. I will give that to Nezamil, he can use it on whoever he wants. Will the barkskin potion work with to other stuff iam wearing (magic armor amulet of nat armor ring of deflection) , guess so. The oil i could use.

Rigging I'am ready

(ooc i dont know how many orbs there are on the necklace i used one last batle, give one away now to Hal and Kirk it is on my char sheet for a long time)

DM Jim: The March on the Compound 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 1:02:59 PM

Rigging informs Hal and Kirk of their new duties and they are glum, but get reinvigorated once the water walking spell is cast on them. "This is so great!" Exclaims Kirk. "How long will it last?" Asks and excited Hal.

Mary, Melonie and John are all crestfallen as each has taken it upon themselves to protect their charges with their lives. Mary speaks up "You be careful and do not take any unnecessary chances." John adds "Do Tomas proud." Melonie just hugs Val and blushes crimson.

Rigging has the launch move down the row of piers and the group unloads and begins the long walk to the Ga'alian compound. Hal and Kirk can be heard enjoying their new found powers.

Ashira give our presents of magic to all the Wildcards. Bart give most of his new magic items away.

The city of South Harbor starts to rise as the group get closer to the compound. More townfolk are up and about starting their days. Rigging works the group around the back of the compound. This area is on the outskirts of the city and away from the sea. The homes are much larger hear and all have large yards and most are walled. The group can smell the money that must have taken to build most of these homes.

The Wildcards are one street over from the Ga'alian compound in the shadow of another walled compound. Most of of the back of the compound is visible, if you stepped out in the open to see. Swirl moves ahead at Rigging's request for some recon.

Swirl takes up his position of top cover and beams back to Rigging. "The compound is well lit. There are four humanoids on top of each of the small building and there is a group of four bipedels and 2 quadrapeds walking around. The quadraped's are furry. There are lights on in all of the larger structures and the front gate is open, it is actually a double gate." Swirl beams back happy thoughts to Rigging.

The sun is starting to rise and there is tension in the air. The group can hear a cart coming down the street they are looking across to see the compound.


OOC: We are in precombat: post no more than one minute of action. List spells in place and HP and AC on the Post Name line.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 3:47:26 PM

Appolo takes the potions from Ashira and follows the others.When they get to where they are going behind the compound,he drinks his potion,then covers his weapons with the oil."Anyone one havean invisbility spell that will allow me to stay that way while fighting.I also would like haste and bulls strenght.Thank you."

DM JIM: Please add to the post name line the effect you just drank and applied.

Mykael AC-24, HP-56 
Tuesday February 21st, 2006 10:52:31 PM

Mykael make his way with the group reading for the assault. He keeps his eyes open, watching for guards, and staying as hidden and quiet as possible.

He applies the Oil Ashira gave him to his weapon and re-sheathes it.

Ashira (AC26, HP103/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Invisibility 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 12:00:07 AM

Moving swiftly, Ashira begins casting. She casts Cat's Grace on herself and then Barkskin (+2). Then she takes the oils from her pouch and rubs them on her swords. Taking off her invisibility ring, she hands it to Mykael. "I can't use this and my other two rings. You use it." Finally, she asks to have Fly and Invisibility cast on her as well as a spare Enlarge Person should anyone have one. She asks that Haste be cast once they enter the temple. She watches as the others prepare and she slips 2 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds in her pouch. Once everyone's done, she whispers. "Let's get this over with."

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 (too many to list)  d8+9=14
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 1:45:25 AM

The giant sized dwarf ducks into the alley and kneels down next to the wall to conceal his large frame as best he can

"well i guess its time to set up our magical defenses for our attack " grins Nezamil " he quickly reaches into a pouch and withdraws a vial(bull str) " here Bart this will make your muscles big like mine " chuckles Nezamil quietly

"Ashira i'll wait to enlarge either you or Jagar till we get inside first so we can see the size of temple"

Taking a deep breath and exhaling Nezamil quickly and effiectintly starts invoking Domi's divine powers to his fellow wildcards and with his last spell Nezamil picks up a small pebble from the ground and pulls out a empty vial and casts a silence on the pebble and puts it in the vail and stoppers it(if the silence spell cannot be contained this way he won't cast it)(planning on breaking the vial to use the spell)

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71 mage armor ,bless weapon oil 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 1:55:53 AM

The Monk waits with barely contanied excitment "payback time "

" cast it on Ashira i already have a potion of that " replies Jagar to the dwarfs comment

The monk reaches into a belt pouch and withdraws a vial of his own and quickly chugs it down(mage armor)

" but good point about waiting till we're inside " adds Jagar

"since your not using that oil Nezamil can i use it " inquires the monk and his grin broadens even more when the dwarf hands him a vial of bless weapon oil " thanks " he says as he smears the oil on his fists and other parts of his body that can deal lethal damage " i'm ready"

Bart, bless weapon oil bullstrength, barkskin 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 5:40:07 AM

Just as his friends Bart prepares for battle as well. He drinks the barkskin potion, drinks a bull strength after that He activates his glove and rubs the oil on his sword. Bart is ready to go

ooc will post later this day with ac and hp

Rigging ac 25 hps 70 mage armor, resist elements fire, cat's grace, shield, fly, +4 greater weapon oil, invisibility 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 8:23:25 AM

Rigging says to the others, "Drink the potions last. They last the shortest time. Who wants a tap from my enlarge wand?"

Rigging will give Bart a tap of the wand enlarging him, and then anyone else who wants it. He then pulls out a potion and gives both his weapons +4. (If can only get one, I will put it on the holy dagger.)

He then casts mage armor,resist elements(fire, shield, cat's grace on himself. He then with Cosmo starts casting fly from the scrolls on everyone. He says, "OK Cosmo you will need to cast the passwall. After you do that, we get in to the temple, dispel your invisibility spells if you want haste. Need to see you to cast it but the spell is to short lived. OK lets go."

Rigging activates his ring and takes off, heading to the roof of the temple.

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+23=30 d20+23=39
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:49:44 AM

Cosmo accepts the Fly scrolls and Passwall scrolls from Rigging. He quickly peruses the Fly scroll to make sure he can cast the spell (Spellcraft 30). Easy spell he thinks and proceeds to cast the spell upon half the group.

"Remember this Fly spell was scribed by a 5th level wizard so the duration will be 5 minutes. Make sure you are near ground when the spell is near the end of its time."

Cosmo takes a look at the Passwall scrolls. A little more difficult of a spell as it is of a level that Cosmo has only just recently been able to cast. His concern is short-lived as the spell is easy for Cosmo to learn (Spellcraft 39).

"Ok, Rigging I am ready to go. Give few a short head start and I will fly over and cast the Passwall spell on the roof."

Cosmo then casts Message, Detect Invisibility and Invisibility on himself and starts to fly to the temple, heading towards the designated area to cast the Passwall spell on the roof. He comes in high and swoops down to the roof.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor - 9 hours
Message - 90 minutes
See Invisibility - 90 minutes
Invisibility - 90/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll) - 50/50 rounds

Spell List (* is cast):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *

1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1

2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 *, Alter Self x1

3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1

4th Level (4): SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1

5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

DM Jim: Lets Get it ON!!! 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 12:46:42 PM

OOC: Everyone Has on multiple spells that will be too long to list in the Post name line. Lets list them below you post. Cosmo did a nice job as an example.

Also note Cosmo took one minute to cast all of the fly spells and then those on himself.

Mark off time on active spells:

6 rounds off fly (using an average)44/50 remaining, before the turn starts.
The remaining spells on yourselves must also be marked for time, especially those that only last rounds: for simplicity lets say 4 rounds have elapsed on all of those already cast to start this round.


The Wildcards are anxious and hide in the shadow of a walled compound across the street. The Wildcards apply oils and cast spells on one another and it actually takes about 90 seconds before Cosmos is done.

The cart the group heard coming up the street comes into view. It is a milk vendor making the early rounds. The old man watches the group make its preparation as he passes by. The group hears the horse and cart stop short after passing the side street they were hiding on.

Cosmo takes off invisibly and flys over the street and to the compound, gaining altitude the entire time. Cosmo makes it to the top of the Temple inside the compound in three rounds and takes one to cast the passwall.

Cosmo also sees the milk vendor has stopped to make a delivery at the compound across the street and behind the Ga'alian compound.

OOC:Mark off an additional 4 rounds on all spells or effect in place.

Cosmo has a wonderful view of the sunrise from his new vantage point. Once the passwall spell is active Cosmo has an excellent view of the inside of the Ga'alian temple. The passwall spell changes the lighting in the temple. If it is not immediately noticed it will be soon. Cosmo see several guards and Tomas. Tomas is chained to the alter.

The temple is very open as there are no pews. It appears from the rug pile in the corner that the Ga'alians use prayer mats of some sort. There are two internal one story structure in the back half of the temple that bracket the alter.

Map will be emailed of the inside of the Temple.

Please post your location on the map. Note that you can only move 60 feet while flying and it is 40 feet down, so no one is more than 20 feet from the passwall opening.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Fly, Barkskin+2,Invisible,OIL of Blessing  d20+14=22 d20+13=26
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 2:54:45 PM

Appolo activates his ring of invisibility and follows Cosmo to the roof as soon as thw hole opens Appolo flys inside and lands in a corner.He awaits the others

Move Silently 26, Hide 22

DM JIM: Please post your location on the map! Also post the duration of your active spells and effects!! How long does your invisibility ring work for???????

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 5:48:12 PM

Passwall is a 5' by 8' opening. It covers most of N5 & N6 on the map.

Val, ac 21, hp 127 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 6:50:53 PM

Barkskin +2- what's the caster level of a potion?
Invisibility- what's the caster level?
Fly- 44/50

Val decides to take a risk and stays hovering near the ceiling next to a pillar (k12). She holds her enchanted bow in hand, arrow notched and ready. With this she could hit many targets safely until the monk arrives and shows himself.

ooc: I didn't know that invisibility rings had durations. Don't they work until removed or the person attacks?

DM JIM: Potions and Scroll are typically created at the lowest level required. Example: Invisibility scroll is done at 3rd level for duration.

Also, 5 more combat rounds elasped since I posted the times for the Fly (and other) spells. The Fly spell is now 39/50 rounds. Three combat rounds to fly to the top of the temple, one to cast passwall and one to enter the temple.

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 7:24:23 PM

OOC "For sake of ease, lets assume that the passwall is at M5."

Rigging whispers to Appolo before he enters the building, "Appolo you are responsible for Tomas. Get him out of those chains. Bart, Val, Jagar, Nezamil take out the fighters quickly. Ashira take out the cleric nearest to Tomas. I will get the one on the right. "

Rigging activates his blink ring and flies over towards C5B and prepares to attack him next round.

flying 46/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 65/70
invisibility 50/50
resist elements 64/70
cats grace 63/70
blink 1/10
+4 oil on weapons ?

Location O10

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

DM JIM: Almost what I was looking for on the spell durations George.

Fly started the round at 44/50, but 5 combat rounds went by so it is now at 39/50.

All other spells started at 46/50 and end this post at 41/50.

Mykael AC-26, HP-70/56  d100=44 d100=27 d100=94 d100=31 d100=43
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 9:32:06 PM

Mykael accepts the ring of invisibility from Ashira. "Thanks, I will make good use of it," he whispers.

He casts Cats Grace, Bulls Strength, and See invisibility on himself.

He then activates the invisibility ring and flys around to visibility range of the front gate and casts alarm on the ground in front of the gate not including the main road. Just so he will be alerted if someone passes through the gates. He casts the spell from the limit of his range of 40 ft, so that the guards cant hear him. This doesnt make him visible since it isnt an attack.

Then he will fly in the most direct route to the opening the passwall made and enter the temple.

OOC: I didnt recieve a map again, so I cant post location, however casting the Alarm spell will take time so I wouldnt be there yet anyways.

(made spell failure rolls on all spells, 44%, 27%, 94%, 31%... got button happy one too many rolls, ignore the 43%)

Aid = 81/90
See Invis = 591/600
Cats Grace = 51/60
Bulls Strength = 51/60
Weapon oil = ??

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71 (L8)  d20+10=11 d20+10=27 d20+10=27 d10+3=13 d10+3=5
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 9:58:40 PM

The monk dives thru the magical opening in the temple's roof " there is an easy target " smirks Jagar as he continues to dive down to the unsuspecting fighter (f5e)

The over eager Monk misses wide with his first strike (d20+10=11)
With eyes wide with disbelief at his botched first strike " focus " and lashes out with two leg kicks (d20+10=27)(d20+10=27)at the unsuspecting foe (d10+3=13 dam)(d10+3=5 dam)

"surprise surprise " cackles Jagar as he floats around his target lining for his next combination of lethal blows to rain down on the Ga'alian fighter

1.Mage armor
2.Bless weapon oil-51/60

as a note of reference anyone using bless weapon oil all critical hits are automactically critical hits so no need to roll again just roll damage

Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:17:17 PM

OOC...Val/Walter...why don't you shoot? You can this round and we need to take down these guys quickly. Ashira and Bart should try and take out a fighter together.

Not sure why Mykael left the group. You essentially just took yourself out of the combat. By the time you get within 40, move back and get to the passwall, you will have lost many rounds

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 10:26:32 PM

Cosmo flies through the Passwall opening and into the temple. He flies at a downward angle towards the stairs ending up at I7 at about 25' off the ground. Cosmo then starts to cast a spell.

Move action: 30 to 35 feet to I7; at about 25' off the ground.
Standard action: start casting full round spell.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 891/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 891/900 rounds
Invisibility: 81/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 39/50 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 71/71  d20+14=20 2d6(3+1)+8=12 d20+9=22 2d6(5+1)+8=14
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:12:52 PM

Nezamil floats straight down and observes Jagar appear and smack a fighter around " he just had to be first " grumbles the dwarf quietly

Eyeing the fighter(f5d) Next to Jagar's the giant sized dwarf continues the short drop to the 2nd floor and smashes atop the poor fool eating eggs his giant mace weaving deadly arcs as it finds its mark (d20+14=20 1st swing)(2d6+8=12 dam) his backswing also finds its target (d20+9=22 2nd swing)(2d6+8=14 dam)blasting into his chest (total dam is 26 )

" ya blarsted Ga'alian swine " growls the dwarf "Gargul with ya " as he floats around his foe waiting for him to close

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-81/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-81/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-81/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil=81/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-81/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins

Cosmo- who else has message on them ??

Ashira L11 (AC26, HP103/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Invisibility, Protection from Fire 108pts.Enlarge Person 
Wednesday February 22nd, 2006 11:21:39 PM

Ashira grins as she grows bigger. That ought to even things up a bit! She flies down through the hole in the roof and heads toward the priest, anxious to kill him and get Tomas out of here. Staying near the roof, she positions herself above the priest, ready to swoop down next round.

OOC: I am going to assume that Ashira was 10 feet away from the hole to begin with...so she traveled 10 feet to the hole + say 10 feet down to get through the hole + 40 feet to get to L11. So that makes her about 30 feet above the cleric, right?

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--191/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---11/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---51/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---39/50rs. Remaining)
Invisibility (3 min total---21/30rds. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---82/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---41/50rs. Remaining---Rigging said he would tap anyone who wanted it...what level is the wand, and how much time remains on this particular spell?)

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 12:36:22 AM

OOC: forgot already had map... LOL... wasnt sure of distance or map when I posted... Mykael would have just flown over invis... and cast alarm from inside the compound within range of the gate. Would have prefered to do it sooner... but messed it up. Call it bad battle planning on me.. nerves.. stupidity... who knows.. just wanted warning of incomings

And with a 60ft fly speed... it should take that long 3-4 rds? including the cast...

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to nearest foe  d20+12=30 2d6(3+5)+27=35 2d6(5+2)+27=34 d20+12=32 2d6(5+6)+27=38 2d6(3+5)+27=35 d6=1 d6=3
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 7:01:40 AM

Bart lands between the fightergroup and the cleric at N9 and makes and attack towards f5f (spring attack feat move before and after attack) he uses all of his strength to take the fighter down in 1 smash (powerattack+7 crit ac 30 for 70 damm) Because of the cleave he just performed (guess so) Bart uses his momentum to attack Cleric C5B (cleave attack) Domi is apearently with him because he hits the cleric at a vital point (crit ac 32 for 75)

barkskin +2 191/200 rds
fly 39/50
enlarge 41/50
bullstrength 51/60
bless weaponoil 51/60
invis no longer

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)

DM JIM: Surprise & Divergent Plans  Spot Checks (G1): d20+4=7 d20+4=12 d20+4=10 d20+8=23 (G2) d20+6=20 d20+4=23 d20+4=6 d20+4=21 (G3) d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d20+4=9 d20+7=21 DM d20+5=8 d20+7=16 d20+7=11
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:32:11 AM

Most of the Wildcards move inside the Temple as quitely as possible and take up various positions of advantage. Nezamil can make it through the hole, but has to arrange his body. The enlarged Ashira has no problem passing though. Mykael instead flys down the lenght of the temple (outside) 60 feet.

OOC: The temple is at least 225 feet long and will take a total of 4 rounds to clear. More flying will be required to reach the open front gates to be able to cast the alarm spell.

Mykeal does see five people being greeted by fours guards at the front gate. It is too far to discern much more.

Appolo floats down and finds the closest corner to hide in invisibly. No one takes any notice of him.

Ashira and Rigging take up positions close to their intended victims, ready to strike next turn.

Val takes a differect tact and loiters near the top of the piller, bow ready, waiting for the monk to appear.

Cosmo move to take a hover position and begins casting his summon monster IV spell.

OOC: In the future please post what spell you are cast.

Jager, Nezamil and Bart move into position and attack.

Jager is too excited and misses, and then taunts his opponent, who lets out a cry of alarm and drops his breakfast and then draws steel.

Nezamil is more fortunate and clocks his opponent solidly making his toss his eggs on his fellow.

Bart is the most sucessful as he runs the warrior through and it is obvious that he will never finish the bite of toast he just took. A look of surprise is marked on his face.

OOC: Only one attack allowed after movement. Bart please explain how you get +27 on damage.

Cosmo, Val and Ashira can see that Tomas is sleeping, but is battered. Tomas has his hands and feet manacled and each is chained to the floor. Tomas is streached out on the Alter. Cosmo, Val and Ashria can see a pile of equipment that may be Tomas's that is off to the side at the bottom of the stairs: from the internal structures.


The three walking warriors (FA,B,C) out in the temple do not notice anything is happening and do not react to the attack yet. The red robed figure next to Tomas is much more observant and yells "Assassins!" The one word echos through the temple. He (C5A) also casts a spell at the roof and there is no effect.

Cosmo must make a DC 18 spellcraft check to notice the type of spell (dispel magic).

The warrior with his breakfast all over him, that Nezamil whacked, draws his sword and takes a hasty swing at the giant dwarf.

AC 16, miss

The warrior that Jager taunted is not pleased and take an ill advised swing at the monk.

AC 11, miss

The red robed figure (C5B) that Rigging was sneaking up on moves and cast a prayer spell.

Bart, Nezamil and Jager get -1 on saves, attacks, damage, etc.

Two of the warriors on the other internal raised structure continue to eat their breakfast. One warrior (F5I)rushes to the stairs and runs down them.

The red robed figure (C5C)on the roof of the second sturcture moves and casts a spell: prayer. He then yells at the two warriors eating breakfast "Move you idiots!"

Bart, Nezamil and Jager now get -2 on saves, attacks, damage, etc.

Map to be sent later.

Thursday February 23rd, 2006 3:39:43 PM

Bonus Types: Usually, a bonus has a type that indicates how the spell grants the bonus. The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus works (see Combining Magical Effects, below). The same principle applies to penalties--a character taking two or more penalties of the same type applies only the worst one

Jim -the two prayer spells don't stack , they can both be in effect at the same time incase one is dispelled one way or another

so the characters only get -1 per

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Fly, Barkskin+2,Invisible,OIL of Blessing  d20+12=30 d20+12=16 d20+13=33 d10+6=11 d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=2 d6=6 d8+6=8 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 4:40:25 PM

Appolo moves quickly and silently forward swings around behind C5A and backstabs him swing twice.Attempting to finish off the enemy nearest Thomas first.

Atack 30,16 Damage Longsword 11 Backstab damage 19 Total 30

Damage Shortsword if it hits 8 Backstab Damage 23 Total 31

DM Jim: You have to go down the stairs to the dias to get by Tomas and C5A and it is more than 30 feet.

Rigging ac 25 hps 70 mage armor, resist elements fire, cat's grace, shield, fly, +4 greater weapon oil,  d20+17=29 d100=53 d4+3=6 2d6(4+3)=7 2d6(5+4)=9 d20+17=24 d100=32 d4+3=4 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(5+5)=10
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 5:05:44 PM

Rigging takes his AOO as the cleric moves away from him (+5 base, +4 weapon, +6 weapon finese, +2 flanking. Rolled 53 for blink.Damage is 6 for weapon, 7 for holy dagger, and 9 for backstab, total 22 points of damage.

Rigging decides to go for the quick kill, glides forward and sinks his holy dagger into the cleric again doing another 23 points of damage to the cleric. Total damage this round is 45. Rolled 32 for blink.

flying 39/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 61/70
resist elements 59/70
cats grace 59/70
blink 2/10
+4 oil on weapons ?

Location M12

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71 (L8)  d20+10=18 d20+10=19 d20+10=22 d10+3=6 d10+3=4 d10+3=11
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 5:29:53 PM

The Monk quickly launches another flurry at the Ga'alian fighter ....front kicking twice (d20+10=18 1st)(d10+3=6 dam)(d20+10=19 2nd)(d10+3=4 dam) and finishes with a spinning back kick (d20+10=22 3rd)(d10+3=11 dam)

"hahaha did ya hear that he's calling you all idiots " taunts Jagar as he floats around his foe using the magic of the fly spell

1.Mage armor
2.Bless weapon oil-50/60
3.Fly 38/50

Nezamil Ac 22Hp 71  d20+14=31 2d6(6+3)+8=17 d20+14=21 2d6(6+3)+8=17 d20+9=25 2d6(3+2)+8=13
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 6:05:06 PM

The giant sized dwarf seeing the Ga'alian fighter close strikes out with his hugh mace (AoO with 15ft reach as Fd5 closes)(d20+14=31)(2d6(6+3)+8=17 dam)

"gonna hafta to better then that " smirks Nezamil as he launches his counterattack on the Ga'alian fighter(f5d)with an overhead smash (1st d20+14=21)(2d6(6+3)+8=17 dam)"that musta hurt" as Nezamil uses an uppercut swing at the Ga'alian fighter(f5d) hoping to send him flying backwards(2nd d20+9=25)(2d6(3+2)+8=13 dam)

"Finish that last one off Bart i'm heading over to the others" as Nezamil turns to face across the open stairway as he hovers slightly off the floor

"By Domi where is da rest of da Ga'alian scum " growls the Cleric of Domi

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-80/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-80/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-80/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-80/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-80/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins

Jim- Nezamil's Ac is 22 not 19 like i posted last time , i forgot to add shield of faith +3 Ac

Appolo OOC 
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 6:46:11 PM

Appolo has Fly.I think one more round left.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d3=3 d20+23=34
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:07:23 PM

Cosmo sees the spellcaster C5A cast a Dispel Magic (spellcraft 34) at the ceiling where the Passwall is located. The spellcaster is not strong enough however to dispel it (can I tell if it was a Wizard or a Cleric from the spellcraft check?). He wonders if all the red-robed figures are clerics.

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster IV and summons some of his Ape friends from the lower planes. He is glad to see King, Kong and Mighty Joe all appear, ready for action. He summons them to cells G8, G12 & E10. They have figure C5C surrounded and using their reach, they start to rip him to shreds.

Cosmo reaches into his pouchbelt and retrieves his Metamagic Extend Rod. Cosmo then starts to cast his next spell (SM III).

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground.
Standard action: start casting full round spell.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 890/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 890/900 rounds
Invisibility: 80/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 38/50 rounds
Summon Monster IV: 9/9 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

King, Kong & Mighty Joe (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=14 d20+9=15 d20+4=15 d6+7=12 d6+7=13 d6+3=4 d20+9=19 d20+9=22 d20+4=6 d6+7=10 d6+7=12 d20+9=27 d20+9=12 d20+4=20 d6+7=10 d6+3=6 d20+9=28 d20+9=23 d20+9=27 d6+7=12 d6+7=11 d6+7=9
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:40:07 PM

The 3 Fiendish Apes attack C5C with a gusto only a proud summoner could love.

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Below numbers reflect Flanking +2 for King & Kong.

King (in G8) hits AC's 16, 17 & 17.
Damage is 12, 13 & 4 (29 total).

Kong (in G12) hits AC's 21, 24 & 8.
Damage is 10, 12 & 0 (22 total).

Mighty Joe (in E10) hits AC's 27, 12 & 20.
Damage is 10, 0 & 6 (16 total).

If the red-robed figure falls then the apes turn to face figures F5G & F5H. King & Kong move 5'.

Ending Position:
King G7
Kong F11
Mighty Joe E10

AoO's if needed:
King 28 for 12 damage.
Kong 23 for 11 damage.
Mighty Joe 27 for 9 damage.

Rigging/ George 
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 10:53:25 PM

Jim, I asked on the rules board and only got one response on the fly question, but Al agrees with me. Fly is a 60' base movement. 120 double move. Can see not allowing hustle or sprint but Appolo should get one attack this round.

Ashira K11 (AC24, HP103/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts.Enlarge Person  d20+12=32 4d6(2+5+1+4)+16=28 d20+7=14 2d6(4+6)+7=17 d20+12=32 2d8(6+5)+12=23 d20+4=8
Thursday February 23rd, 2006 11:19:31 PM

OOC: After speaking with Matt, I am going to assume that Ashira's current elevation is 10 feet above ground level, same elevation as the C5B.

Seeing that Rigging has his opponent fairly well in hand, Ashira sets her eyes on the cleric next to Tomas. Flying over (5 feet), she makes good use of her new found 10 foot reach. She sets about a full attack, popping into view as she swings her first blow with her longsword (AC32, crit for 28 dam). She follows hastily with another longsword slice (AC14 for17) which proves less effective. Concentrating harder, she lashes out once with her shortsword, spearing the cleric with deadly accuracy (AC32, crit for 23). Grinning with her luck, Ashira spears once more with the shortsword, but misses the cleric entirely (AC8)

Large Longsword does 2d6+6
Large Shortsword does 1d8+4
I am assuming that the clerics are heartseeded...
Favored Enemy=heartseeds, so an additional +4 damage added to attacks.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--190/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---10/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---50/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---38/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---81/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---40/50rs. Remaining

Val, ac 21, hp 127  d20+13=27 d20+8=25 d8+4=5 d8+4=6
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:25:30 AM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--190/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---38/50rs. Remaining)

Val pulls an arrow from her enchanted quiver firing at the closest robed figure (c5a). Before the first arrow even hit his body another was drawn and fired.

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to nearest foe  d20+12=30 2d6(3+1)+27=31 2d6(1+4)+27=32 d6=2 d20+12=21 2d6(2+1)+27=30 d6=5
Friday February 24th, 2006 3:33:42 AM

Bart moves over to fighter 5e and 5d and makes an powerattack +7 towards 5e. Bart feels Domi inside him and hits his foe with an critical strike (ac 29 for 63) if 5d isn't dead Bart swords hits him after cleaving 5e (ac 20 for 34)
After dealing with his opponent Bart moves on to c5c (position h5)(using his spring attack feat move before and after your attack)

barkskin +2 191/200 rds
fly 38/50
enlarge 40/50
bullstrength 50/60
bless weaponoil 50/60

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Bart OOC delete after reading  d100=47
Friday February 24th, 2006 3:45:51 AM

Hi all
c5b is dead or otherwise he has somehow survived 70+ dammage last round, bart did kill him as well
while he is dead he cant be cast a prayer spell

Due to his enhanced strength (enlarge bull strength) bart has already an high dammage modifier. Bart has done a power attack +7 with an 2handed weapon you may add twice the number you distracted from the hit roll to your dammage so that gives him a +14 added with his other bonusses (magical weopon, strenght, specilisation) it makes a total of +27
so after finishing the fighter before him with his cleave feat (bonus attack after killing 1 foe) bart attacked the cleric hitting him for 70 dammage as well
see phb on powerattack (page 98) and cleave feat (page 92)

yes a (magical enhanced) 10 lvl fighter can be destructive

bart has a lot of fighter fights including dodge, mobility, springattack, power attack, cleave, improved critical, exotic-focus-spec-grfocus bastard sword

Friday February 24th, 2006 11:11:57 AM

Mykael makes a beeline for the passwall spelled area of the roof flying as fast as possible (60'ft move)

Being invisible Mykael is hoping to be a surprise factor as the battle starts

posted by chris

DM JIM: Surprise Works  Glyph trip d100=11 6d6(5+2+6+2+5+2)=22 6d6(5+3+3+1+2+3)=17 d20+12=16 d20+12=31 2d8(3+1)+8=12 d20+4=22 Glyph trip d100=5 6d6(1+3+2+2+3+3)=14 d20+8=16 d20+8=13 d20+8=19 d20+8=27 d8+4=6 d8+4=9
Friday February 24th, 2006 1:02:05 PM

OOC: I agree with Bart on Cleave. I just did not have an opportunity to read the feat. I knew there was a move restriction but not sure where.

There is only one prayer effect in place for Jager, Nezamil and Bart.

A knowledge Religion roll of DC 15 will tell any that Clerics of Ga'al prefer to announce there precence by wearing red robes and showing off their healthy heart seeds, just as these now dead clerics where doing.


The initial assault on the warriors and cleric on the roof of the internal building directly below the passwall opening is a sucess. All opposition is smashed and slashed, there is blood everywhere and none of it from the Wildcards.

The large apes appear next to the cleric of Ga'al on the roof of the other building and his screams are only briefly heard. When the ape move off, all that remains is a lump of flesh in a puddle of blood. The two warriors close by drop their breakfast and draw steel.

Cosmo works on calling more friends.

Mykael flys back toward the passwall opening unsure of what to do.

Appolo, Val and and oversized Ashira go to assist Tomas, who is waking.

Val plants an arrow into the Cleric and she is treated with a grunt of pain for her efforts.

Ashira and Appolo try more direct action as they fly down toward the alter and both feel searing pain as they swing their weapons as some sort of energy crackles around the alter.

Ashira will save DC 22 for half damage (22 damage)

Appolo will save DC 22 for half damage (17 damage)

Ashira also touched off a glyph with her oversized body.

Appolo is still sucessful is his strike on the cleric as he fights off the pain. (Only one attack after a move action)

Ashria first swing hits the chain and it holds, but is damaged. Ashria realizes that she is too large to get completely into the area that crackled with energy and may, or may not, take damage again on her next swing.

Cosmo roll a DC 21 spellcraft check to identify the effect that just occurred to Appolo and Ashira.


A large earth elemental appears behind Ashira and raises its hands and slams them down on the big ranger.

AC 16, miss - smashing a tile on the ground
AC 31, hit - 12 damage, a glancing, but heavy blow.

The cleric that Appolo struck has no weapon out and just throws his body into his flying attacker (Bull Rush or closest facimile)

Bull Rush 22

Appolo can not overcome with a take 10 and he is pushed back 5 feet and into a second glyph.

This is a sonic glyph DC 18 reflex for half of 14 damage. A huge amount of noise burst forth and bathes Appolo.

The cleric then steps back 5 feet and is agian next to the Alter.

Warrior F5A move up to flank Appolo and swings his long sword, but misses the flying Rouge.

AC 13, miss

The fighter at the end of the stairs jumps off and sets off an alarm spell and more noise to the sonic glyph.

The warrior sets back on the stairs to take a swing at the highly mobile Bart.

AC 16, miss - The elevation difference was too much for the man.

The two warriors attempt to gang up on Kong in an attempt to even the odds.

AC 19, hit - 6 damage
AC 27, Hit - 9 damage

The ape howls in pain, but lives to fight on.

The other warriors from deeping in the temple hustle forward, with shields and swords set and ready.


Cosmo, Val, Ashira, Bart, and Appolo can see that the stone doorways into the internal buildings are open and there is light coming from inside. The doorways are not wide enough to let in an enlarged person. There seems to be a foyer or corridor of some sort leading into the interior.


OOC: Mark off one additional round on all spells.

Map is on its way.

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to nearest foe  d20+12=25 2d6(6+6)+27=39 d6=4
Sunday February 26th, 2006 4:27:44 AM

Bart makes an springattack towards f5b again with an powerattack (+7) (ac24 for 43) Bart sees he is almost dead.
barkskin +2 190/200 rds
fly 37/50
enlarge 39/50
bullstrength 49/60
bless weaponoil 49/60

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Val, ac 21, hp 127 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 6:54:15 PM

Cursing at the sight if the elemental, Val flies towards it and puts her bow in the pocket of her enchanted quiver. Cursing some more she pulls the heavy flail from her side and hopes this is a weak elemental

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--189/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---37/50rs. Remaining)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=22 d20+23=42 d20+23=24 d20+23=43
Sunday February 26th, 2006 7:42:28 PM

Cosmo keeps his eyes peeled as many spells get cast by the Ga'al clerics (knowledge religion 22) or are activated by the presence of a Wildcard. He sees and hears the energy crackle around Apollo and Ashira (spellcraft 42). He recognizes it as the spell Forbiddance and knows it is a powerful Cleric spell used to keep people not of your alignment from entering an area. Cosmo's concentration on the Forbiddance spell made him miss seeing how the Earth Elemental was summoned (spellcraft natural 1). He hopes there isn't another summoner around because a large elemental is beyond his power to summon. Now focused on watching the spells being cast, he sees the Cleric push Apollo into a Glyph set for sonic damage (spellcraft natural 20). Hmmm ... Cosmo wonders if the elemental was brought here from a Glyph.

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster III and summons another Ape from the lower planes. It is a rare day indeed when Larry gets summoned. Cosmo infrequently needs 4 apes to do his bidding. He summons Larry to cell F5. He along with the other apes have the two fighters surrounded and continue their assault.

Seeing opponents rapidly decreasing, Cosmo reaches into his pouchbelt and switches his Metamagic Rod (Empower). Cosmo does not start another spell this round.

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 889/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 889/900 rounds
Invisibility: 79/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 37/50 rounds
Summon Monster IV: 8/9 rounds
Summon Monster III: 18/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 1 use of 3

King, Kong, Mighty Joe & Larry (AC 14; HPs 22/37, 37/37, 37/27 & 37/37)  d20+9=11 d20+9=19 d20+4=17 d6+7=10 d6+3=9 d20+9=12 d20+9=22 d20+4=20 d6+7=9 d6+3=9 d20+9=20 d20+9=17 d20+4=18 d6+7=12 d6+7=10 d6+3=4 d20+9=25 d20+9=21 d20+4=16 d6+7=8 d6+3=8 d20+9=12 d20+9=29 d20+9=15 d20+9=13 d20+9=27 d6+7=12 d6+7=11
Sunday February 26th, 2006 7:59:15 PM

King, Kong, Mighty Joe & Larry (AC 14; HPs 22/37, 37/37, 37/27 & 37/37)

The 4 Fiendish Apes attack F5G & F5H.

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Below numbers reflect Flanking +2 for King & Mighty Joe.

King & Larry are attacking F5G (19+26=45).
Kong & Might Joe are attacking F5H (18+16=34).

King (in G7) hits AC's 13, 21 & 19.
Damage is 0, 10 & 9 (19 total).

Kong (in F10) hits AC's 12, 22 & 20.
Damage is 0, 9 & 9 (18 total).

Mighty Joe (in E10) hits AC's 22, 19 & 20.
Damage is 12, 10 & 4 (26 total).

Larry (in E10) hits AC's 25, 21 & 16.
Damage is 8, 8 & 0 (16 total).

The 4 apes surround the extremely injured fighter F5H. Larry moves 5' towards him.

Ending Position:
King G7
Kong F10
Mighty Joe E10
Larry F6

AoO's if needed:
King 12 for 0 damage.
Kong 29(15) for 12 damage.
Mighty Joe 13 for 0 damage.
Larry 27 for 11 damage.

Rigging ac 25 hitps 70/70  d20+12=27
Sunday February 26th, 2006 8:38:10 PM

Rigging decides to keep his blinking to a minimum until the bad guys really show up. He ends his blink ring (free action) and then pulls out a wand of detect magic and activates the magic. He then looks for more magic mayhem/traps they might blunder into. spot check 27

flying 37/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 60/70
resist elements 58/70
cats grace 57/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
Detect magic 1/10

Location M12

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Sunday February 26th, 2006 8:39:57 PM

ooc Hey guys, Please post your locations on grid. Not always sure where you are and that makes it tough to plan.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 71  d20+10=16 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d10+3=8 d10+3=10 d10+3=13
Sunday February 26th, 2006 8:44:02 PM

The Monk quickly turns at the sound of the sonic blasting and the guard(f5i) at the back of the stairs

"that looks like fun" agrees Jagar as he flys(move 60') down to the dias at the fighter(f5i)and becomes a blur as a flurry of blows pound the Ga'alian fighter(f5i)

Jagar 1st Flying kick misses (d20+10=16) but he quickly recovers with a devasting spinning kick too the fighters midsection(d20+10=30 nat 20!!)(d10+3=8,d10+3=10 double dam for crit hit)
reversing his spin the Monk sweeps his leg low at the fighter (3rd swing d20+10=23)(d10+3=13 dam) (total dam=31 pts)

1.Mage armor
2.Bless weapon oil-49/60
3.Fly 37/50

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71 (K6 location) 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 9:02:24 PM

Nezamil surveys the temple and fly's up slightly (5'ft move up)and a step closer to the open dias and spots Jagar pounding the poor ga'alian fighter

Withdrawing a scroll from its place the Cleric of Domi quickly opens and invokes the power of the scroll (locate object)"Domi show me the artifact" prays Nezamil as he focus's on its location

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-79/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-79/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-79/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-79/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-79/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -90/90

Jim Nezamil has Spell resistance(21) and in "Prayers" info its states spell resistance applies, who rolls me or you ?

Mykael AC-26, HPs 79/56 
Sunday February 26th, 2006 11:52:11 PM

Mykael continues to the passwall and enters the temple.

OOC: Let me know when I have entered, please.

Aid = 79/90
See Invis = 589/600
Cats Grace = 49/60
Bulls Strength = 49/60
Weapon oil = 49/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Oil+2 Invisible  d20+14=24 d20+3=18 d20+12=25 d20+12=20 d10+6=9 d8+6=14 d20+13=30 d6=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=6 d6=4 d6=4 d6=5 d6=6 d6=1 d6=4
Monday February 27th, 2006 12:00:32 AM

Appolo grunts in pain as he land behind the fighter that just attacked him and plants both is sword in the mans back before going invisible again and stepping back 5 ft.

Reflex 24 Will 18 Fialed one made other.

Attack Longsword 25 Shortsword 20 Damage Longsword 9 Backstab 24,Damage Shortsword 14 Backstab 2o Total 67

Move Silently 30

Ashira G12 (AC24, HP80/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person  d20+8=22 d20+12=25 d20+7=22 d20+12=19 d20+4=22 2d6(1+5)+6=12 2d6(5+2)+6=13 d8+4=8 d8+4=11
Monday February 27th, 2006 10:47:23 AM

Location: G12 Elevation 10 feet above the ground

OOC: Remember, Ashira is flying, and so gets a +4 vs. attacks and damage from the earth elemental. Jim, did you reduce the damage from last round by 4 or shall I?

Her blue hair sticking up at all angles, Ashira manages to shrug off some of the damage (Will=22). Then the elemental shows up and pounds her. Ashira flys 5 feet away (G12) and then launches her attack against it with devastating results...most of which are absorbed by the creature's rocky exterior. (AC25 for 12, AC22 for 13, AC19 for 8, AC22 for 11...total damage before DR.=44). Still, Ashira knows it's going to take a lot more to bring this mound of earth down.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--189/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---9/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---49/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---37/50rs. Remaining)
Invisibility (3 min total---19/30rds. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---80/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---39/50rs. Remaining)

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - Wildcard Attack  d100=45 d20+8=26 d8+4=11 d20+5=9 d20+8=24 d20+8=11 d20+8=19 d20+5=11 d20+5=22 d20+5=23 d20+8=14 6d4(3+3+2+3+3+2)+6=22 d20+8=19 d20+8=28 d20+8=22 2d8(7+3)+13=23 d20+8=10 d20+13=29 d10+5=8
Monday February 27th, 2006 12:50:38 PM

OOC: Please post your location and elevation if you are flying.


The Wildcards and their summoned friends are dealing death to their foes.

Bart see the way bared over the dias and takes to the air (F5B is over 30 feet away and in blocked territory).

As Bart leaves F5I the man takes a swing at the big warrior (AoO)

AC 26 for 11 damage

Bart unknowingly avoids the Forbiddance spell and lands next to the amazed warrior of Ga'al. Bart delivers a devestating slash, but the man still stands.

Val puts away her bow and takes out her flail and prepares to attack the earth elemental.

Cosmo watches is apes wreak havoc and even brings a friend to help. One of the Ga'alian warriors slumps slowly to the ground after a nasty claw to the back of the head.

Rigging stops blinking and pulls out his detect magic wand and looks down at the dias. There is a blinding amount of magic from spells in operation and those echos remaining from discharged magic. Ashira and Appolo are particularly bright. It will take time to concentrate to determine the individual types.

Rigging can only see half of the dias as he will have to move forward to see more or gain height, but then may be out of spell range.

Jager sees that F5I sets off the alarm spell and then takes a chunck out of Bart and joins the fray. In his haste to attack, Jager misses the warrior.

OOC: jager gets only one attack when moving.

Nezamil is uneffected by the prayer spell (I forgot) as the Cleric was not strong enough to overcome Domi's protection.

Nezamil takes out and reads a scroll, but does not gain any information yet on the artifacts location.

Mykael enters the temple through the passwall and watches the battle unfold. Mykael is 20 feet above the internal building.

Appolo dives at the warrior that stabbed him and strikes him hard (no backstab allowed, not flanked).

OOC: Appolo can not turn invisible and attack in the same round. Activating the ring is a standard action and Appolo used that to attack.

Ashira Turns to face her new attacker and gain altitude in the process. The big ranger rains down blows on the elemental, but it shrugs off much of the damage.


Tomas is fully awake and yells out. "Its a trap, Run for your lives. They are waiting for your. Leave me."

Tomas HP 14 battered and brusied.

Cosmo and Mykael spot check DC 19 and 21

The ape surrounded warrior lashes out at Kong (without moving) and tries to protect is fallen comrade.

AC 10, miss - seems to worried about meeting his maker instead of swinging.

Bart is now facing two Ga'alian warriors, one about ready to pass out from blood loss.

AC 24, just miss
AC 11, miss

The warrior in front of Jager swings hard at the fast monk, but only finds air.

AC 19, miss

Appolo is hard pressed from front and back.

The Cleric casts a spell at the rouge (Spellcraft check 15 for Dispel magic: Cosmo and Mykael only).

Barkskin: Ok
Bless weapon: dispelled
Fly: dispelled

The warrior tries to take advantage and stab Appolo, but misses as Appolo regains his footing after loosing the ability to fly.

AC 14, miss

Jager is struck by an empowered magic missile as an elf looks out of one of the stone doorways.

magic missiles 22 damage.

The elf is visible to Rigging & Nezamil. Mykael Ashira, Appolo and Cosmo can see the elf with a DC 17 spot check.

THe earth elemental seems distressed that it has to fight a flying opponent.

PA -4/+4

AC 19, miss
AC 28, critical threat miss damage 23 as Ashira is rocked by a solid blow.

A warrior exits the other stone doorway and looks for an opponent. He is only initially visible to Cosmo, Ashira, Val, Jager and Appolo. THe warrior sees Appolo blocked and Jager up the stairs, so he heads over to the hovering Ashira and flanks her.

AC 29, for 8 damage The warrior reaches high with his great sword and just catches Ashira's leg.

Swirl contacts Rigging "CAP reporting: The four roving guards are heading toward the side entrace and fast; they left the four footed ones behind. Also one fast two legger is heading toward the front doors. I can hardly see his legs."

OOC: Please mark one more round off of all spells. Ashira please include the active rounds of the enlarge as it only lasts 10 and it has been 4.

Map will be emailed later

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 49/71  d20+10=17 d20+10=26 d20+10=27 d10+3=12 d10+3=10 d10+3=13
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:24:57 PM

The Monk is staggered by the empowered magic missile but keeps his focus on the ga'alian fighter(f5i) in front of him lashing out with fists of fury hammering the outclassed warrior

1st attack-d20+10=17 dam d10+3=12
2nd attack-d20+10=26 dam d10+3=10
3rd attack=d20+10=27 dam d10+3=13
3rd swing swing should be only at +5 so hits 22 ac

with a look at the mage who just blasted him with the magic missile " you just wait your next" yells Jagar

Ashira G12 (AC24, HP49/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person  d20+12=20 d20+7=18 d20+12=25 d20+4=11 2d6(2+4)+6=12 2d6(2+5)+6=13 2d8(2+3)+4=9
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:50:22 PM

Location: G12 Elevation 15 feet above the ground

OOC: Remember, Ashira is flying, and so gets a +4 vs. attacks and damage from the earth elemental. Jim, did you reduce the damage from last round by 4 or shall I?

Ashira looks down at the newly arrived warrior in annoyance. Floating up another 5 feet in elevation, she calls down to the warrior. "Later, Sparky. I'll take care of your friend here first, and then I'll be back for you." She continues to focus on the earth elemental, her 10 foot reach coming in very handy. (AC20 for 12, AC18 for 13,AC25 for 9. Total Damage before DR=34) As her blood steadily drips on the floor, Ashira calls out to Val and Bart. "A little help would be nice...and somebody kill that stupid cleric...he's getting annoying!"

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--188/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---8/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---48/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---36/50rs. Remaining)
Invisibility (3 min total---18/30rds. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---79/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---38/50rs. Remaining)

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 71/71 (J6 location) 
Monday February 27th, 2006 3:56:30 PM

Nezamil observes the magic missile fly out of the internal room and slam into the monk and follows its path back to the source the elven mage " stupid elves " growls Nezamil as he hears Jagars promise to the elven mage

"Domi shield his sight" prays Nezamil as he invokes Domi's powers (casting blindness at the elven mage )(dc 19 fort save)

As Nezamil rises another 5' ft and moves to (J6)

+10 base
+4 wisdom bonus
+2 owls wisdom bomus
+3 3rd level spell
= 19 dc fort ch
Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-78/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-78/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-78/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-78/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-78/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -89/90

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Rigging hps 70/70 ac 26 
Monday February 27th, 2006 6:58:37 PM

Rigging will step 5' towards the others to L11 and cast a haste spell. He is able to give haste to Ashira, Rigging, Val, Appolo, Bart and Tomas. Rigging hears the report from Swirl and sends thankful thoughts back to him. "Keep those reports coming but stay out of sight!"

Rigging yells out to the others, "They have reinforcements coming! Lets get rid of these things fast. Sounds like the monk is coming through the front door!"

Ashira, Rigging, Bart, Val, Tomas, and Appolo all get +1 to hit, +1 on saves, +1 to ac, one extra attack with primary hand, and get an extra 30 base movement. Use it quick, it doesn't last long. Only 7 rounds.

flying 36/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 59/70
resist elements 57/70
cats grace 56/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 7/7

Location L11

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+23=43 d20+5=10 d20+5=10 d20+7=21
Monday February 27th, 2006 10:38:33 PM

Spot check 10 versus 19 and/or 21.

Cosmo sees the Cleric C5A cast a dispel magic (spellcraft natural 20) at Apollo and sees some of the active spells on Apollo get dispelled. He watches Apollo land lightly on his feet between two opponents. Cosmo does not see the elf in the doorway (spot 10). He does see the warrior exit from the right side doorway and he watches the warrior smack Ashira with his sword. There is something familiar about him, but Cosmo cannot place a finger on it just yet (knowledge local 21).

Cosmo points at 4 apes and uses Message spell to re-direct 3 of them to new opponents, and directs King to leap down towards Tomas if he finishes off the fighter. He has Mighty Joe move down to the lower level and attack fighter F5C. He has Kong move 5' to the edge and reach over and attack warrior W. He then has Larry move 5' and attack fighter F5I.

Cosmo then starts casting Summon Monster III, using his Metamagic Rod of Extend.

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 888/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 888/900 rounds
Invisibility: 78/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 36/50 rounds
Summon Monster IV: 7/9 rounds
Summon Monster III: 17/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 1 use of 3

King, Kong, Mighty Joe & Larry (AC 14; HPs 22/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=26 d20+9=14 d20+4=24 d20+4=16 d6+7=12 d6+3=6 d20+9=23 d20+9=21 d20+4=14 d6+7=13 d6+7=11 d20+9=29 d20+9=19 2d6(2+1)+14=17 d20+9=23 d20+9=14 d20+4=21 d6+7=13 d6+3=8 d20+9=15 d20+9=11 d20+9=14 d20+9=25 d6+7=8 d6+7=9 d6+7=9 d6+7=11
Monday February 27th, 2006 10:52:54 PM

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Below numbers reflect Flanking +2 for no one this round. Kong & Larry's numbers reflect +1 for being on higher ground.

King attacking F5H
Kong attacking W
Mighty Joe attacking F5C
Larry attacking F5I

King (in G7) hits AC's 26, 14 & 24(16).
Damage is 12, 0 & 6 (18 total).

*** If King's first claw kills fighter F5H, he will then move and leap down to cell H9.

Kong (in G11) hits AC's 24, 22 & 15.
Damage is 13, 11 & 0 (24 total).

Mighty Joe (in F16) hits AC's 29(19).
Damage is 17 total.

Larry (in G6) hits AC's 24, 15 & 22.
Damage is 13, 0 & 8 (21 total).

Ending Position:
King G7 or H9
Kong G11
Mighty Joe F16
Larry G6

AoO's if needed:
King 15 for 8 damage.
Kong 11 for 9 damage.
Mighty Joe 14 for 9 damage.
Larry 25 for 11 damage.

Mykael -- AC=26, HPs=70/56  d20+5=19 d20+5=15 d20+5=24 d20+12=29 d20+5=10 d100=35 3d4(2+1+4)+3=10
Monday February 27th, 2006 11:05:14 PM

Mykael enters the room and surveys the scene.

(spot checks DC 19=19 MADE!, DC 21=15 Failed... sniffle)

(Also rolled a 3rd random spot check for the whole scene to notice invisible things, since I have the spell currently active.. Check=24)

He notes the Cleric that is at Apollo's back, and notes the spell he cast on Apollo.
(Spellcraft roll: DC 15=29)

He notes Nezamil going after a doorway, but doesnt notice the target. (Spot DC 17=10 failed)

Finally he hears Riggings warnings of incoming re-inforcements.

Mykael moves toward the center hovering close to Thomas, at position I9 and keeps his hieght at 20ft. From this vantage point he can get a good look at the surroundings and the incomings.

However, he turns and launchs 3 magic missles at the cleric to get his attention.
(Made spell failute = 35%, for 10 damage)

Position I9 20ft in the air, Now visible.

Aid = 78/90
See Invis = 588/600
Cats Grace = 48/60
Bulls Strength = 48/60
Weapon oil = 48/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Bart ac 25 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to earth elemental  d20+12=28 d20+7=22 2d6(1+2)+27=30 2d6(6+1)+27=34 d6=4 d20=12 2d6(6+2)+27=35 d4=4
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 2:01:34 AM

The attack of opportunity last round was a miss due to Barts fast reactions (mobility feat +4 dodge bonus) He is aware of the earth elemental near to him but decides to have there back free first. He decides to take the one who is fighting in vals back first. Bart cleaves the fighter in his last slash (ac 28/22 for 68 giving him an extra cleave attack) the other opponent takes an hit as well making him ver very dead (ac 24 for 39)
barkskin +2 190/200 rds
fly 37/50
enlarge 39/50
bullstrength 49/60
bless weaponoil 49/60

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Oil+2  d20+12=23 d20+12=29 d20+6=19 d10+6=12 d8+6=10 d10+6=15
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 10:26:29 AM

Appolo attacks the fighter in front of him three time.Swinging his blades for all he is worth.Attempting to hack the warryor into little pieces.

Attack Longsword 23,Shortsword 29,Longsword 19

Damage 12,10 and 15 respectively.

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127  d20+16=36 d20+16=36 d20+11=30 2d10(9+10)+40=59 d20+11=22 2d10(1+3)+40=44
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 11:18:06 AM

Haste- 7/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--188/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---36/50rs. Remaining)
Location: H15, 15' up

Val grips her heavy flail tightly in both hands. A cold shiver runs down her spine as she remembers the last elemental she faced and how it killed her. Only the magic of that place kept her alive. There is no magic here and she would not fall again. The rage built and threatened to overwhelm her as it has done before. Val didn't want to loose control, to loose her head so soon. She fought the rage down and brought her flail down hard into the elemental.

ooc: power attack -5/ +10. Crit hit, nat 20 ac 36 to confirm for 59. Second attack critical hit ac 22 to confirm for 44

DM Jim: Reinforcements Arrive  d20+5=8 d20+5=25 d20+7=24 d10+19=24 d20+10=19 d20+8=11 d20+9=25 d8+1=3 5d6(2+1+5+6+6)=20 d20+7=26 2d4(2+1)=3 d20+11=31 d20+11=20 d10+4=10 d4=2 d4=3
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 1:05:10 PM

Bart deftly avoided the swing from the warrior on the stairs last round, and this round takes down two more Ga'alian warriors.

The combat power of Val and Ashira proves to be too much for the powerful duo.

ooc: Ashira I did not take into account the -4 damage from the elemental, please adjust your HP by 8.

Appolo takes down the fighter that was bothering him some much.

OOC: Appolo's weapon oil was dispelled last round. Unless you had bless and +2 on, if so the +2 survives the dispell (rolled and 8)

Cosmo's apes continue to wreak havoc and start to move off to find new opponents.

Rigging ends his detect magic and add haste on to several friends.

Jager and Larry take down a warrior, Larry mostly just knocked him off the stairs in to a heap.

Mykael sends three magic missiles at the cleric by the alter and he falls. Mykael also see an invisible crossbow wielding female take up a covered position close to the battle by the dias.

Nezamil spell seems to have no effect on the Elf: DC 19 spellcraft to determine why for Rigging and Nezamil: Cosmo and Mykael must make a DC 15 spot check first.


The Ga'alain's are taking a beating! But reinforcements are on their way.

The three warriors and a red robed cleric enter the temple from a side entrance. One warrior charges Bart and the others take a more cautious approach seeing Mighty Joe nearby.

The cleric (CD) sees that the roofs are no longer occupied by friendlies and casts a spell at the closest one: Spellcraft 18 to tell an area dispell magic.

Summon IV dispelled (natual 20)
No further rolls necessary

The cleric pumps his fist as several apes disappear.

The big human warrior after being clawed by an ape moves toward Appolo as he can reach him. The warriors lets out several curses at the flying Val and Ashira, just before laying into Appolo.

PA -5/+10

AC 24, hit - a nasty slash for 24 damage

The charging warrior takes a swipe at Bart

AC 19, miss as the big warrior is just too nimble.

Two of the three female assassins the group has meet before become visible and open up on Bart from cover with their crossbows. Mykael thinks the assassin must have come from the front of the temple.

The black leather armored rouges have cover behind a piller and it ranges from 50% to 100% depending upon where you are located.

R1 (-4)

AC 11, miss, badly

R2 (-4)

AC 25, hit for 3 + 20 for backstab damage

Bart need to roll 2 DC 14 fort saves or lose 2 str. immediately and then 3 str. in 10 combat rounds.

The elf snickers at Nezamil and launches an acid arrow at the oversized dwarf.

AC 26 hit for 3 damage DC 13 concentration check each round until spell is complete.

The elf steps back out of sight and out barrels the half orc that Nezamil killed and he does not look happy as he engages Jager. None of his equipment looks as nice as the stuff looted from his dead body.

AC 31, hit, but mised critical for 10 damage

A new cleric (CE) appears in the second doorway and casts greater command at Ashira, Val, Bart and Appolo: DC 20 to drop what you are holding.

Val and Ashria can see CE, Mykael and Cosmo need a DC 15 spot check. Cosmo needs a DC 18 K. local roll to know CE. CE is not the cleric from the quad the group met previously.

Swirl beams to Rigging "CAP report: The fast human is still at the front doors to the temple. Some people are leaving various buildings."

Tomas sees that he will not be left behind and is in fact infused with magic (haste). Tomas struggles against his manacles in a futile attempt to break free and screams "WILDCARDS FOREVER!"


map to be emailed

Ashira F22 (AC25, HP57/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person, Haste  d20+11=26 d20+15=20 d20+15=24 2d6(3+2)+10=15 2d6(3+3)+10=16 d20+15=19 2d6(1+6)+10=17
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 4:14:49 PM

Location: F22 Elevation 15 feet above the ground
Favored Enemy=heartseeds, so an additional +4 damage added to attacks.

Ashira looks positively elated at the arrival of the new clerics. She easily shrugs off the suggestion of the priest (Will=26) and shouts out above the din of battle. "They are here! Follow the plan! Rigging, Appolo to me! Val, Bart your company should be coming soon. Feel free to entertain yourselves until your targets show up, but then follow the plan!" Flying quickly over to where the cleric has arrived (CD), Ashira strikes with newly acquired magical quickness. Once again, she is thankful for her larger than normal reach as she hovers out of the priest's and fighter's reaches. (AC 20 for 15, and AC24 for 16...AoO if he casts spell AC19 for 17dam.).

OOC: Went ahead and changed my post to just attack, since George didn't like it the other way. ;)

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--187/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---7/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---47/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---35/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---78/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (5 min total---37/50rs. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---7/7rds Remaining)

Mykael -- AC - 26, HPs 70/56  d20+5=22 d20+12=32 d20+5=20 d100=40 6d6(3+2+5+5+1+2)=18
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:44:55 PM

Mykael smiles as he sees foes dropping and new ones appearing.

He notes the elf in the door and why Nezamil's spell didnt work(spot=22, spellcraft=nat 20).

Mykael sees the cleric below him(CE)(spot=20).

Noting the new arrivals and thier close proximaty, Mykael desides to open up with his most damaging spell... Fireball! Centered on FJ, which will include CD and FK in the radius.

(made spell failure=40%, for 18 damage)

Mykael then moves around to be withing charging range of the invisible female crossbowman. He moves as to not show that he can see her and will drop 10ft down, so he has a good charge.

OOC: not sure where she is on the dias, so I cant state a good position for me. PLease just give me a good placing to allow a charge, doesnt give her cover, and doesnt put me in combat.

Fly = 35/50
Aid = 77/90
See Invis = 587/600
Cats Grace = 47/60
Bulls Strength = 47/60
Weapon oil = 47/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

DM JIM: Mykael saw R1 before she shot and became visible. No one else is invisible that Mykael can see.

Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:49:10 PM

Nellie, why don't you swing at the cleric? You have a movement of 60 with the fly spell. You can move and still swing. I think you are going against a lowerlevel cleric anyway. Nasty cleric is in the doorway at K8

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70 Location n17 
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 7:58:34 PM

Rigging doesn't understand why Ashira is calling for the attack on the cleric. It doesn't seem to be one that is critical this time. He decides to take the safer route and turn the assassination game on the assassin. He cast greater invisiblity on himself and moves N17 readying his weapons for some slaughter next round.

flying 35/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 58/70
resist elements 56/70
cats grace 55/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 6/7
greater invisibility 7/7

Location N17

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=15 d20+23=27 d20+5=22 d20+7=11 d20+23=28 d20+23=25 d20+9=29 d20+9=16 d20+9=24 10d6(6+5+2+3+6+1+4+2+6+5)=40 6d6(1+2+6+4+2+1)=16
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 9:59:16 PM

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)

Once again, Cosmo sees a lot happening in the battle before him. Out of the corner of his eye he sees an elf in the left doorway resist a spell with Lesser Globe of Invulnerability that was cast by his new friend Nezamil (spot 15; spellcraft 27). He then sees the elf cast a spell of his own, Acid Arrow. Just as quickly as he spots the elf, the elf disappears and a half-orc emerges from the doorway. He sees another Cleric emerge in the right doorway and cast the Greater Command spell (spot 22; spellcraft 28). This figure also looks familiar, but the battle ways too heavily on Cosmo's mind to remember who he is (knowledge local 11). And lastly, Cosmo sees a Cleric in the main temple area cast a dispel magic that dispels some of his apes.

Cosmo completes his Summon Monster III spell, summoning yet another fiendish ape. This is an ape he has never summoned before. As she arrives he learns her name is Harley. He places Harley right below him in I8 and has her attack Cleric CE standing in the doorway K8.

Cosmo switches rods to his Empower rod. He casts the potent Scorching Ray spell at Cleric CE in the doorway K8. One of the rays smacks the cleric straight in the face, while the other scores a solid hit into his chest.

Scorching Ray hit AC 31(18) & 26; added +2 for invisible.
Damage critical 4d6 + 4d6 + 2d6 = 40.
Damage regular 4d6 + 2d6 = 16.

Location: I7 at about 25' off the ground and now visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 887/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 887/900 rounds
Invisibility: 77/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 35/50 rounds
Summon Monster III: 16/18 rounds (used Extend rod)
Summon Monster III: 18/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Larry & Harley (AC 14; HPs 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=22 d20+9=16 d20+9=28 d6+7=11 d6+7=9 d6+3=7 d20+9=26 d20+9=24 d20+4=5 d6+7=12 d6+7=13 d20+9=25 d20+9=27 d6+7=12 d6+7=13 d20+2=13
Tuesday February 28th, 2006 10:12:47 PM

Larry finds a new opponent to fight as the half-orc moves in range to attack Jager. All three of his attacks damage the foul creature. Harley attacks the Cleric CE and is able to claw him twice but not bite him. Maybe because clerics don't taste that good.

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Larry's numbers reflect +1 for being on higher ground.

Larry attacking O.
Harley attacking CE.

Larry (in G6) hits AC's 23, 17 & 9.
Damage is 11, 9 & 7 (27 total).

Harley (in I8) hits AC's 26, 24 & 5.
Damage is 12, 13 & 0 (25 total).

Ending Position:
Larry G6
Harley in I8

AoO's if needed:
Larry 25 for 12 damage.
Harley 27 for 13 damage.

Harley will save 13.

Jagar Ac 25 (26 ac dodge vs 1/2 orc)Hp 39/71  d20+10=21 d20+10=17 d20+5=20 d10+3=13 d10+3=8 d10+3=10
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 1:17:00 AM

The monk grits his teeth as the 1/2 orcs weapon slashes him and his blood splatters his foe

"My turn " as Jagar floats on air as he circles the 1/2 orc looking for an opening and launches a flurry of blows as he spots his chance and rains blows at the ugly beast
1st swing d20+10=21 dam d10+3=13
2nd swing d20+10=17 dam d10+3=8
3rd swing d20+5=20 dam d10+3=10

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to  d20+19=37 2d6(2+3)+13=18 2d6(1+3)+13=17 d6=5 d20+8=14 d20+8=23 d20+4=20 d20+19=25 2d6(2+1)+13=16 d6=5 d20+19=30 2d6(6+2)+13=21 d6=4 d20+14=27 2d6(2+5)+13=20 d6=2 d20+19=39 2d6(5+1)+13=19 2d6(5+4)+13=22 d6=1
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 4:37:57 AM

Attack of opportunity against charging fighter he places an crtical hit agains him (ac 37 for 40)
Luckily Bart is hasted and more difficult to hit the crosbowbolt just missed him (saved anyway) Bart just shivers off the comand he just got his sword is still in his hand

He makes another slash at the opponent before him (FL) (ac 25 for 21) His hasted attack hits him as well (ac 30 for 25) his final attack hits him as well (ac27 for 22)

If the fighter in front of him is dead during this round Bart has an cleave attack on warrior W (crtical ac 39 for 42) (if fighter fl is dead before his 3rd attack the rest of the attacks are made against warrior W as well

barkskin +2 189/200 rds
fly 36/50
enlarge 38/50
bullstrength 48/60
bless weaponoil 48/60
haste 6/7

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly  d20+10=24 d20+16=35 d20+16=23 d20+16=28 d20+11=22 2d10(2+9)+40=51 d10+20=27 d10+20=24
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 5:09:54 AM

Haste- 6/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--187/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---35/50rs. Remaining)
Location: H15

Seeing the fighter trying to flank her from behind while she was focusing on the elemental, Val turns and lowers herself to the ground. Yes being in the air gives her a tactical advantage but she feels more comfortable with her feet on the ground. She briefly feels the clerics compulsion but she was totally focused on what she was doing and the magic didn't give her much thought (will save 24). Val growls at the fighter, spinning her heavy flail over her head. Her eyes narrowed and her full lips curled into a sinister smile. The flail moved incredibly fast, propelled by her great strength and magically enhanced speed.

ooc: power attack -5/+10. first attack crit, ac 23 to confirm for 51. second attack hit ac 28 for 27. third attack hit ac 22 for 24

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible Barkskind+2  d20+13=32
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:33:53 AM

Appolo finishes the fighter of hears Ashira and goes invisdible the moves silently to her.

J13 to H13

DM JIM: Appolo has 11 HP not 35.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 68/71 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 5:07:05 PM

Nezamil deciding he won't be able to effectively attack the red robed Cleric at the doors entrance quickly switches tactics and reaches into a belt pouch withdrawing a vial and unstoppers it fly's (move 40ft,move action as per spell)across the dias to the elven mages door and tosses it into the room of the internal room (silenced pebble in vial)

" that should bring the Ga'alian rat out of his hole " growls the giant sized dwarf as he again rises up 5'ft to gain altitude

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-77/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-77/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-77/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-77/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-77/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial(tossed in internal room)
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -88/90

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Nezamil grimaces as the acid arrow strikes him but keeps his focus(d20+3=14 dc con ch)

you can delete Nezamil's last post since it wasn't feasible action

DM Jim: Damage to the Bad Guys  d20+3=20 d20+3=8 d20+3=4 5d8(6+7+1+3+6)=23 d100=78 d20+12=20 d20+8=13 d20+13=21 d20+8=19 d20+17=27 d20+8=23 2d8(1+7)+11=19 d20+11=21 d20+13=22 d20+13=31 d6+1=6 5d6(1+3+6+4+1)=15 d4=2 d4=2 d8=6
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 7:36:04 PM

Ashira flys over to the cleric by the door and slashes his badly, flying just out of reach of the Ga'alian priest that is bearing no weapon.

Mykael also sees the new foes enter the temple and launches a fireball in their direction to devestating effect, but also envelopes Ashira.

OOC: Ashria must make a reflex save DC 16

The cleric (CD) dies wishing he had time to cast protective magic. The two warriors are badly burned and not liking their fate.

Rigging casts his improved invisibility spell and moves into position behind one of his unsuspecting tormentors from previous engagements.

Cosmo slams the cleric in the right doorway with an unbelievable well placed scorching ray, but it has no effect. The cleric kisses his gold Ga'alian symbol and breaths a sigh of relief, but it is short lived.

Harley appears before him and reaches out with his claws for CE's throat. A wall of noise erupts as Harley sets off a sonic glyph at the doorway. Harley failed his save: damage 23. The enraged ape claws the priest twoce as retribution.

Larry and Jager team up on the half orc and he is bleeding from many wounds and knows his fate is sealed.

Bart's added speed allowed him to turn the poisoned bolt at the last minute and avoid the kidney damage.

Bart is devestating again, rocking the fighter that charged him (AoO) and finishing him off.

Bart takes a few whacks at the warrior (W)beating on Appolo, damaging him severly.

OOC: Val the fighter flanking you FL was killed by Bart, I will make an assumption and move to to engage one of the warriors entering from the left.

Val moves forward and lands on the ground, liking the feeling of solid ground and pummles the warrior (FK)right to his grave.

Nezamil moves forward narrowly missing the forbidance spell with his huge body and pushes Harley forward. Nezamil tosses his silence spell into the rats den and hears very little.

OOC: I have no idea what Appolo is doing? Appolo is at 11 HP and no longer has the oil +2 active. I am making the assumption that he wants to live and goes invisible and moves as indicated. Please post more clearly.

Appolo know the warrior will kill him in a stroke and turns invisible and retires to fight another day.


The Half orc is desparte and on his last legs and takes two mighty swings at Jager.

AC 20, miss
AC 13, miss

The half orc is in trouble, again, and knows it.

The warrior that Bart blasted takes a 5 foot step forward and retaliates hoping to kill Bart before he is added to the bodies at his feet.

AC 21, miss
AC 19, miss

The warrior is in real trouble now.

The elf notices the silence spell from his globe and is very upset that he had to cast a dispel magic on it, having no problem eliminating it for CF.

A new cleric (CF) recognizable to all that met him in the last fight appear at the left doorway yelling "Nice trick, try mine."

Casts inflict moderate wounds mass for 19 damage to Tomas, Jager, Harley, and Nezamil (spell resistance roll 21), will save DC 22.

Cosmo can roll K. Local for CF (DC 20).

R1 is feeling exposed now, but grimly reloads her deadly bolt and takes aim at Bart.

AC 22, miss as his armor turns the weapon.

R2 mirrors her partner as the dealer of death try again. She does not seem used to missing, or at least not Rigging, Bart is more challenging.

AC 31, hit 6 damage + 15 damage for backstab.

She lets out a small criy of triumph.

DC 14 fort save (x2)or lose 2 str. immediately and again in 10 rounds for 2 more str.

Cleric CE is very worried about the ape knocking at his door and cast a sonic burt at it.

damage 6, DC fort save of 18 or be stunned for one round.

One of the massive front doors to the temple open and in steps the monk of some notoriety. THe monk Yells to the back "Can anyone join this party!" as he smashes a vial on the stone tiles and start to blur.

Fighter FL is looking for the door.

Tomas screams in pain as more wounds appear on his body.

OOC: George please roll Tomas's will save to see if he is still concious.

Rigging feels Swirl again "CAP REPORT: The natives are restless and unsure of what to do, some have left the compound. It was right after the third loud noise. Are we winning?"


mark off one more round of spell duration.

map to come later

Matt C. 
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 9:25:57 PM

Where is cleric CF on the map?

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70  d20+17=23 d20+15=22 d20+15=29 d20+15=26 d4+3=7 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(6+2)=8 d4+3=6 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(1+5)=6 d4+3=5 2d6(1+1)=2 2d6(5+1)=6 d6+3=7 2d6(4+6)=10
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:40:59 PM

Rigging sees the thief shoot at his friend and makes her pay taking an AOO slicing his holy dagger into her back causing 24 points of damage. He then whispers, "Sucks being shot or stabbed from behind doesn't it. Well turnabout is fair play." He then launches into his normal attacks hitting three more times thanks to his haste spell. His holy dagger drinks twice for 19 points and then 13 points of damage. His short short also does bloody work hitting for 17. Thief takes a total of 73 hps of damage.

If the thief falls, Rigging will take a 5' step into her square M17, otherwise he will stay in his square but go 5' up with his fly spell.

Rigging hears his familiars report and says/thinks, "We are doing OK but they are starting to rally a little. Your doing a great job. Keep reporting."

OOC AOO with holy dagger hits ac 23, holy dagger normal swing hits ac 22, haste holy dagger swing hits ac 29, short sword hits ac 26

flying 34/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 57/70
resist elements 57/70
cats grace 54/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 5/7
greater invisibility 6/7

Location either M17 or 5' off ground in N17

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Mykael AC-26, HP-70/56  d20+15=35 d20+15=31 d20+15=20 d8=1 d8+5=8
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:42:25 PM

Mykael moves to F17 and drops in height to engage R1 and swings twice.

First swing connects with critical force, but armor takes most of the effect. The second was such a quick swipe, Mykael is unsure if he even connected.

(AC 35, nat 20.. confirmed, for 1*2+5=7)
(AC 20, for 8)

Position: F17, on ground.

Fly = 34/50
Aid = 76/90
See Invis = 586/600
Cats Grace = 46/60
Bulls Strength = 46/60
Weapon oil = 46/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball, Vampiric Touch X2

Tomas  d20+5=24
Wednesday March 1st, 2006 10:43:41 PM

Tomas feels the wounds hit him and grits his teeth and makes his save. Fort save 24

Ashira F10 (AC25, HP57/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarge Person, Haste  d20+10=26 d20+15=26 d20+15=32 2d6(5+1)+10=16 4d6(5+4+6+1)+16=32
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 12:16:27 AM

Location: F19 Elevation 15 feet above the ground
Also, I have included +4 to my damage to the rogue because I am assuming (like all Quad members) that they are heartseeded.

Seeing the fireball headed her way, Ashira weaves out of the way, suffering no damage (Ref.=26, Evasion, no damage). Feeling the enlarging magic fade from her body, Ashira decides to make an attack on one of the rogues while she still has the advantage of her enlarged arms. Reaching out, she slaps R1 with two devestating blows from her longsword (AC26 for 16, AC32 crit. for 32...48 total dam.) As she fights, Ashira calls out to Val and Bart. "The monk's here. Time to rock. I'll be moving on to my target in just a minute."

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--186/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---6/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---46/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---34/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---77/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min total---??. Remaining Jim, please tell me how long I have remaining on this, since it was 1 minute)
Haste (7 rds. Total---6/7rds Remaining)

DM Jim: I am waiting to hear back from George. If I do not, I will rule in my next post.

Bart ac 26 hp 58/79 +1 dodge to Monk  d20+8=14 d20+8=26 d20+15=28 2d6(5+3)+21=29 d6=5 d20+15=17 d20+10=23 2d6(1+1)+21=23 d6=4
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 4:30:28 AM

Bart sees Appolo disapear from sight he attacks the warrior in front of him he feels a bolt hitting him he feels no poisoin intrude his body (save 14+26) Het attacks the warrior in front of him (ac28 for 34) his second attack misses (ac 17) His final attack will kill him for sure (ac 23 for 27) In case the warrior is dead after the first blow Bart moves over towards the monk making sure he keeps an gap of 10 ft between them (using spring attack feat)

barkskin +2 186/200 rds
fly 34/50
enlarge 36/50
bullstrength 46/60
bless weaponoil 46/60
haste 5/7

att bonus +19/+14
dam 2d6+10 (1h) 2d6+13(2h)
-1 rolls (prayer)

DM Jim: Suplimental  2d4(2+4)=6 d20+14=30 (Concntration for CF)
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 8:02:52 AM


Thanks for updating the map. I sent the incomplete one.

Nezamil takes 6 damage from acid and must make a concentration check if casting any spells DC 13

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 9:44:19 AM

Haste- 5/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--186/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---34/50rs. Remaining)
Location: ??

Seeing the very deadly monk finally enter the battle, Val grips her heavy flail tightly. Her full lips curl into a smile of delight. A loud battlecry echoes off the wall. Taking advantage of the enhanced speed and flight she moves quickly toward the monk.

ooc: Val is using movement to reach the monk. I'm not sure the distance so she will ready an attack action if one is availible. I didn't put her location because I'm not sure how far she can move.

Jagar Ac 25(26w/dodge ve 1/2orc) Hp 20/71 (I5 location)  d20+10=14 d20+10=19 d20+10=27 d20+5=15 d10+3=8 d10+3=5 d10+3=5
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 10:49:01 AM

Jgaar winces as Ga'als vile magic washs over him (will save d20+10=14 failed)

The Monk grins at the 1/2 orcs ineptness "i think you need more lessons with your toys " laughs Jagar" but don't think you'll have any time for that anymore "

Jagar floats around the 1/2 orc looking for the right comination of blows to send the ugly fighter to his doom ....suddenly the opening appears and the Monk strikes with full force of fury
1st swing d20+10=19 dam d10+3=8
2nd swing d20+10=27 dam d10+3=5
3rd swing d20+5=15 dam d10+3=5

his first two fists land solidly but Jagar tries to hard as the last spinning kick misses

Jagar watches as the ape finishes off the ugly fighter

DM Jim: Reschedule 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 12:52:00 PM

I need the posts in by 4 pm or I will not be able to post until tomorrow as my schedule has changed.

Appolo Ac 23 Barkskin +2 Invisible HP35/59  d20+13=19 3d8(4+5+6)+9=24
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 1:19:45 PM

Appolo remains stil and as silentas possible while drinking his potion of Cure Serious wounds.Healing his wounds.he takes no other action this round.

Healed 24 points Move silently 19

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 62/71 location H8  d20+15=28 2d6(3+1)+8=12 d20+19=38 d20+14=27 d20+19=36 2d6(3+3)+12=18 2d6(1+5)+12=18 2d6(5+6)+12=23 d20+12=32
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 1:52:59 PM

Spotting the emerging Cleric(CF) Nezamil Clicks his heels (free action activating his boots of speed) "that was no trick and this is a treat for me " as the giant sized dwarf takes whack at the Cleric(CF) as he casts his spell (AoO on Cleric(CF)d20+15=28)(dam 2d6(3+1)+8=12)(if allowable) his mace whacking the red robed Ga'alian

The giant sized dwarf continues his assault on the Cleric(CF)and calls upon Domi for strength" Domi grant your humble follower strength to vanquish this vile follower of Ga'al" prays Nezamil (using str domain granted power feat of str +9 to str)(total str=33)

Nezamil mace weaves deadly arcs as it crashes down on the spell casting Cleric(CF)

1st swing d20+19=38 dam 2d6(3+3)+12=18
2nd swing d20+14=27 dam 2d6(1+5)+12=18
3rd swing d20+19=36 dam 2d6(5+6)+12=23(hasted swing)

total dam of 3 swings +AoO= 71 DAMAGE to Cleric(CF)

"By Domi's might you will Die " growls the Cleric of Domi

will save if needed vs Cf spell d20+12=32 nat 20!! does Nezamil take 1/2 or none , will adjust next post as needed

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-76/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-76/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-76/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-76/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-76/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial(tossed in internal room)
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -87/90
14.boots of speed 1 rd

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP's 57/57)  d20+5=17 d20+7=25 d20+23=33 d20+2=18 d20+9=29 d20+9=29 d20+9=25 d20+4=16 2d6(5+5)+14=24 d6+7=9 d6+3=9 d20+9=27 d6+7=9 d20+5=14
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 2:22:28 PM

Cosmo sees the new Cleric CF in the left doorway (spot 17). This Cleric he recognizes from his past and knows who he is (knowledge local 25). Cosmo sees this new Cleric cast the Inflict spell and damage some of his companions (spellcraft 33).

Harley tries to resist the inflict spell, but is unsuccessful (will save 18). The additional damage is too much for her and she heads back to her native plane of existence.

More Cosmo below.

Larry (AC 14; HPs 37/37)

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Larry attacking CE or O.

Option 1: If the half-orc has died from Jager's blows, Larry will jump down and take up position where Harley was in cell J8 and attack Cleric CE (critical hit 29(29) for 24 damage).

Option 2: If the half-orc is alive, Larry will attack him. If he half-orc dies after 1 claw attack, Larry will jump down and move into cell J8 (critical hit 30(30) for 24 damage).

Option 3: Larry needs to full attack the half-orc to kill him. Then 5' move to H6 if the half-orc dies (critical hit 30(30), 26 & 18 for 42 total damage).

Larry hits AC's 29(29), 25 & 17 (note add +1 if fighting half-orc for higher ground).
Damage is 24, 9 & 9 (42 total).

Ending Position:
Larry G6 or J8 or H6.

AoO's if needed:
Larry 27 for 9 damage.

Cosmo, in his current position, drops down to about 15' (or lower if necessary). From this vantage point he looks into both doorways to see what is in there (spot 14). Cosmo casts his last summoning spell, Summon Monster V.

Location: I7 at about 15' off the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 886/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 886/900 rounds
Invisibility: 76/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 34/50 rounds
Summon Monster III: 15/18 rounds (used Extend rod)
Summon Monster III: 17/18 rounds (used Extend rod)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

DM Jim: Quick Battle Post  d20+11=31 2d4(3+3)=6 2d4(4+3)=7 d20+7=17 d20+16=35 2d8(8+5)+6=19
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 3:42:51 PM

Nezamil strikes (CF) a solid blow but does not distrupt his spell (concentration 30, rolled previousely in supplimental post). Nezamil does set off a HARM Glyph and takes either 110 or half damage if will save of 22. (spell resistance roll 31, nat. 20)

The severly damage Nezamil pounds on the cleric (CF), badly hurting him, and he falls unconcious, maybe dead. From out of view and the elf casts a second acid arrow at Nezamil's legs from safely inside the room.

Extended acid arrow spell 6 damage

AC 17

New regular acid arrow spell 7 damage

OOC: If the giant sized Nezamil falls, I will say the he does not fall into the forbidace spell.

Jager with some help from Larry take out the now redead half orc and he falls next to the pile of equipment that looks like Tomas's

Larry jumps down and takes the place of Harley that went back to the fiendish jungle planes. Larry rips into the second cleric (CE).

CE backs up into the room and is very worried and casts dismissal DC will save 19+9-HD of Larry. "That spell was ment for an elemental, but you will do."

OOC: No one but Larry, if he is not off to the Jungle planes himself can see CE and no one can see the elf.

Tomas resists some of the inflict wounds spells and takes half damage and is barely concious at 4 hp. "Don't Back off now, take'em all down" Screams the bleeding Tomas.

Rigging gains total surprise on R2 and strikes her dead.

Mykael rushes at R1 and takes one swing (haste does not give you a second swing if you move over 5 feet) and connects for a minor wound. Ashira plays clean up and runs her through, and she slumps off the now normal sized ranger.

OOC: All of the enlarge spells have now ended.

Appolo stays invisible and as a result stays alive.

Bart cuts off W's head in one clean swipe and starts heading for the monk.

Val also starts to move toward the monk. Val steps on a symbol of pain on her way to the Monk. The burst effects Val and Bart. Fort save of DC 20 or -4 to attack, etc.

The Monk taps his arm and grows to large size and closes the door. "I can't let anyone of you escape."

AoO AC 35 for 19 damage

Blur give the monk a 20% miss chance for all potential hits.

The monk is awaiting Val and Bart and is looking at Val. "Come on sweet cheeks, come and get it."


mark one round off of all active spells

Matt C.  d20+2=8 d20+9=16
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 5:54:29 PM

OOC - What are the Monk's AC's? - Regular and Touch

How far back into the room did the Cleric and Elf move that Cosmo cannot see them?

Did you add in Larry's AoO of 9 damage from the above post?

Need a SR roll versus Larry's SR of 9.

Larry's Will save 8.

Larry disappears as the Forbiddance forces him back to his plane of existence.

DM JIM: I am not posting any data on the monk until combat begins with him.

SR roll 16

I added the damage and he is not happy.

The elf and the cleric moved far enough back that cosmos can not see them.

Nezamil Hp -15/71 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 7:33:34 PM

Nezamil has a savage grin on his face as his last blow sends the redrobed Cleric(CF) to the ground but the glyph's damage is done as the giant sized dwarf's knees buckle from the glyph's magical discharge

"Domi" growls Nezamil as he falls to his knees he looks upward and seemingly reaches for something unseen

The Cleric of Domi falls back and slams onto the dias ....the light in his eyes fades...his extended arm falls to his side

Nezamil's Hp 62/71
-9 for mass imw(will save made)
-55 for glyph damage
-6 -2nd rd of melf's acid arrow
-7 -1st rd of dam for new melf's acis arrow
-15 Hit pts
didn't matter if i made save or not for glyph either way all cumulative damage sends the mighty dwarf to gargul

Spells cast on members
1.Protection from energy (fire)(unless you request something else)-Ashira-90 mins
2.Aid (1d8+9=14 temp Hp)-Mykael-75/90
3.Resist energy(fire-20)-Nezamil-90 mins
4.Spell immunity(enervation)-Nezamil-90 mins
5.Owls wisdom-Nezamil-75/90
6.Shield of faith-Nezamil-75/90
7.Protection from evil-Nezamil-75/90
8.Spell resistance (21)-Nezamil-75/90
9.Silence on pebble in a potion vial(tossed in internal room)
10.Waterwalk-already on Nezamil-90 mins
13.Locate object -86/90
14.boots of speed 1 rd

Spell List

0-level-Create water x2,Light x2,Detect magic,Mending
1st-Bless,Command,Obscuring mist,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith*(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid*,Hold person,Owls wisdom*,Resist energy*,Spiritual weapon(bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf*,Inviso purge,Waterwalk*,Windwall(Pro-f-energy*)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,(spell immunity*)
5th-Command-greater(Spell resistance*)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 7:48:18 PM

Jagar watches the 1/2 orc fighter fall and takes a step back and quickly heals himself (wholeness of body 18 pts)

The monks face turns to a look of horror as he he see's Nezamil's body slam onto the dias shaking the floor under his weight


Jagar floats up slight (5 ft move) his eyes shift outward to the newly arrived Monk....he reaches into his pouch belt and retrives a vial (readying it for next rd )

Jagar focus's his anger trying to bring it under control " i ain't planning on escaping " replies Jagar thru gritted teeth his eyes ablaze with barely contained fury

Jagar is focused now his eyes alighted on the Monk!!

1Mage armor
2.Fly 35/50
3 bless weapon oil 35/50
4.vial ??? :-)

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70  d20+17=37 d20+17=36 d100=82 d4+3=5 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(4+5)=9
Thursday March 2nd, 2006 10:06:46 PM

Rigging sees Nezamil fall and somehow knows he is beyond help...but not revenge. He then sees the monk get larger. He is torn on which way to go. He calls out, "Val, Bart...make him come you. He has reach and who knows what kind of traps are over there. Work together but pull back. He is luring you!"

As Rigging is barking orders, he activates his blink ring and then flys north through the wall and sets himself next to the cleric where he can get an AOO if he moves or does a spell.

OOC rolled AOO and got critical hit. made blink roll. Do 5X2=10 plus 18 for 28 points of damage to the cleric

OOC Jim I should have been at m17 last round but you forgot to move me on the map

flying 33/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 56/70
resist elements 56/70
cats grace 53/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 4/7
greater invisibility 5/7
blinking 7/10

location: 5' from cleric in right room

1st level: mage armor, shield, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace, Resist elements

3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2

4th level: Rary's ME, greater invisibility

Mykael AC-26, HPs 70/56 
Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:08:25 AM

Hearing the noise behind him and seeing only the monk left in front of him, Mykael turns around.

Nezamil has fallen and Thomas looks close to it. He flys to spot I10... in between his injured comrades. He hands a Cure Serious Potion to Thomas, "Drink this, it will help."

Then he turns and checks on Nezamil.

A cold iron look appears on his face, and he slowly stands concentrating on the task at hand.

Position I10 on ground.

Fly = 33/50
Aid = 75/90
See Invis = 585/600
Cats Grace = 45/60
Bulls Strength = 45/60
Weapon oil = 45/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Ashira F19 (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  3d8(4+7+3)+5=19
Friday March 3rd, 2006 12:21:48 AM

Location: L13 Elevation 15 feet above the ground

Horrified, Ashira watches Nezamil fall. A terrible rage begins to boil and bubble inside her soul as tears fill her eyes. Still, can't avenge the dwarf if she dies in the process. Reaching into her pouch, Ashira pulls out a healing potion (Cure Serious Wounds) and drains it quickly. Then she moves toward the door where the cleric and elf disappeared in. She can't quite make it there, but she gets close. Turning, she calls out to Val, Bart and Jagar. "Rigging's right. It's a trap! There's probably more booby traps that way. Let him come to you!"

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--185/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---5/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---45/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---33/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---76/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---5/7rds Remaining)

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to Monk  5d6(3+5+1+3+6)=18 2d8(8+7)+6=21
Friday March 3rd, 2006 9:42:29 AM

The much smaller Bart hears some screams behind him, something bad must happen but the monk is still in front of him the monk has cast a spell at him luckily with no effect Bart is very cautious after he hears the warnings
He goes forward grabs an orb from his necklace and throws it to the monk a fireball explodes in front of his eyes (18 dam ref save for half). The hasted Bart grabs an potion of cure moderate and heals himself

barkskin +2 185/200 rds
fly 33/50
bullstrength 45/60
bless weaponoil 45/60
haste 5/7

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly  d20+11=29
Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:09:16 AM

Haste- 4/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--185/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---33/50rs. Remaining)
Location: ??

OOC: Shame on me for assuming that Val flew since flight is active. Fort save 29.

Taking advantage of the flight spell, Val lifts into the air and flies only half the distance to the monk. Her flail is at the ready, hoping the monk moves in to fight.

ooc2: readied attack action

DM JIM: Cautious Approach  d20+3=6 6d8(1+6+6+6+6+2)=27 6d8(1+8+7+7+2+3)=28 d20+14=32
Friday March 3rd, 2006 2:08:08 PM

THe huge Nezamil falls after taking the brunt of the HARM glyph and the other three spells. One acid arrow spell stops, but the other is burning a nasty hole in the dwarfs leg. Nezamil drops his mace and it immediately reduces in size, but the rest of him does not shrink, how much does a 14 and a half foot dwarf weigh?

Larry could not resist the dismissle and goes back to the fiendish jungle with his friends.

Rigging (yes you did move last turn) blinks into the internal structure and finds himself only 6 feet from the cleric (CE). The Captain of the Sword take one big step and run the cleric through and splits his heartseed, blood and sap mingle on the beautiful carpet.

There is an ornate bed, desk, several cabinates and a dresser. THere is a prayer rug in one corner and a mirror on the back wall.

Jager calls out in despair as Nezamil falls and prepares to take vengence.

Ashira takes a potion and calls out a warning of caution when approaching the ever dangerous monk.

Mykael goes to assist Tomas and the cleric screams at him, but too late, "NOO stay away!"

Mykael hits the forbiddance spells and takes 27 damage if good and 28 more if chaotic, roll one DC 22 will save for half damage.

OOC: I will include Appolo's post in this one.

The invisible Appolo move as far as he can while attempting to be silent, trying to get in position to assail the monk.

OOC: Appolo has only 11 hp and moved half speed while keeping silent.

OOC: Bart did too many actions so I will take them in order: Move, throw bead, and drink potion. Drinking potion can not happen this round.

Bart moves forward to meet up with Val and tosses one of his golden orbs at the Monk. The monk watches the bead, seeming to contemplate catching the missile, but in the end lets it explode. The monk dances between the flames and comes out unsinghed.

Bart is no longer enlarged and did not drink his potion yet.

Val move forward and gains altitude. Neither Bart nor Val were much effected by the waves of pain washing over them. The two warriors shake off the effect and concentrate on the Monk.

Cosmo calls more friends from other realms to enter the battle. Cosmo wonders what has become of the elf?

OOC: In the future, state what you are summoning when the spell is cast.

Rigging feels Swirl yet again. "CAP REPORT: There are several two leggers gathering at each of the three entrances, but they seem reluctant to enter. Several left the compound and seem to be making alot of noise out in the city."


The Monk does not advance after Bart's attack, as he just waits, but does seem concerned about the lack of battle noise coming from the opposite end of the temple. The monk has the much larger looking adaminite hand axe in his right hand and in a defensive posture. Looking at Val he chides "Sweet cheeks, we are going to have us some fun after all of your friends are dead. Where is that dark haired young elf you had with you last time, she caught my eye also."

The monk drinks another potion and smashes the vial on the floor. THe monks eyes flash danger.

There is no noise coming from the room where the elf moved out of view.


Mark off another round of spells

Several of you have stopped posting locations, so you have to live with where I put you.

Map to be emailed

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Invisible  d20+13=23
Friday March 3rd, 2006 2:55:02 PM

Remaining invisible Appolo silently sprints up behind Valanthe standing behind her.He too awaits the Monk.Move Silently 23

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d4+1=4
Friday March 3rd, 2006 10:05:03 PM

Cosmo finishes his Summon Monster V spell. He summons 4 more Fiendish Apes from their jungle planes. Two of the apes he summons near the opening to the left room (in G8 & H8). The other two apes he places in the main temple (in H16 & I16).

Cosmo quickly casts another spell, targeting the 4 apes, Jager, Mykael & himself. The spell is Haste and they all start to move quicker. Two of the ape's move into the room and the other two move towards the monk.

Cosmo lands on the ground in H8 and picks up Nezamil's mace. He looks down into the room where the elf went.

Location: H8 on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 884/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 884/900 rounds
Invisibility: 74/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 32/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 9/9 rounds
Haste: 9/9 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)  d20+9=19 d6+7=9 d20+9=24 d6+7=10 d20+9=26 d20+9=21 d20+9=18 d20+9=16 d6+7=10 d6+7=13 d6+7=10 d6+7=8
Friday March 3rd, 2006 10:19:45 PM

Attacks are Claws +9 & Bite +4.
Damage is Claws 1d6+7 & Bite 1d6+3.

Fiendish apes #6 and #7 move into the room and attack the elf. If they cannot see him they will use their scent ability to sniff him out and then attack him.

Fiendish apes #8 & #9 double move towards the monk with their newly acquired hasted speed (120').

#6 attacking elf.
#7 attacking elf.
#8 moving towards monk.
#9 moving towards monk.

#6 (in left room) hits AC's 19.
Damage is 9.

#7 (in left room) hits AC's 24.
Damage is 10.

Ending Position:
#6 in left room.
#7 in left room.
#8 in H39.
#9 in I39.

AoO's if needed:
#1 26 for 10 damage.
#2 21 for 13 damage.
#3 18 for 10 damage.
#4 16 for 8 damage.

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70  d100=71 d20+7=18 d20+7=20 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 d20+7=14 d100=76
Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:13:14 PM

Rigging will momentarily grin down at his handy work and then blink through the wall while flying back into the main room placing himself around K20

He will then look at the monk and cast a dispel magic on him, hoping to bring down his defenses.
(OOC Jim rolled 5 checks for the dispel magic but really don't know how many spells he has on. Let me know if you need more.)

first 100 roll for for his blur
second 100 roll was for my blinking.
For future reference, I always take the low number as bad.

flying 32/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 55/70
resist elements 55/70
cats grace 52/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 3/7
greater invisibility 4/7
blinking 4/10

location: k20

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Tomas hps 20  2d8(7+6)+3=16
Friday March 3rd, 2006 11:15:49 PM

Not sure if Tomas has the use of his hands. If he does, he will down the potion and say to Mykael, "Thanks. Since you took the spell, can you do anything to get these chains free?"

Ashira (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  d20+11=16
Saturday March 4th, 2006 11:48:07 PM

Location: I14 or L31, depending on Mykael's condition. Elevation 15 feet above the ground

With all the glyphs going off, Ashira is unwilling to get too close to either door that the enemy retreated into. She sees Cosmo sending in two of his conjured friends and grins. That ought to help things out quite a bit! And that muffled scream coming out of the door near her probably means that the priest that went in isn't doing too well (Listen=16). So, that leaves Tomas and the monk. The blue haired ranger winces when she sees Mykael get hit by whatever it was that fried her. "Hey Mykael, you ok in there?" she calls out to him.

She lingers for a few seconds to see if he needs some help. If Mykael calls out to her, then Ashira will head over toward the altar (I14) and try to render assistance.

If Mykael is ok, then Ashira heads toward the giant monk, ready to unleash the fury boiling in her soul upon the giant's body. She can't make it all the way there yet, but she can move in closer. "Hey ugly! What's the matter? You afraid of the scrawny Pirates? You big chicken!! Why don't you come and get us??" Ashira taunts as she flys toward the monk (L31...90 feet thanks to haste).

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--184/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---4/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---44/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---32/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---75/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---4/7rds Remaining)

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to Monk  d20+15=32 d4+6=9
Sunday March 5th, 2006 5:30:57 AM

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 +1 dodge to Monk
Bart gets an dagger out of his sleeve and throws it at the Monk ac 32 for 9 after that bart gets a potion of cure moderate

barkskin +2 184/200 rds
fly 32/50
bullstrength 44/60
bless weaponoil 44/60
haste 4/7

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56  d20+6=7
Monday March 6th, 2006 12:18:22 AM

(missed save vs forbiddance spell.. took 27 dam)

Mykael looks at Thomas and smiles, "I knew the spell was there, however, it didnt hurt that much, just piddly Ga'allan magic."

"Hold that chain out taut over the altar, it may have a use worth something yet."

Mykael swings his sword down upon the chain a few times, attempting to break a link.

Position I10 on ground.

Haste = 9/9
Fly = 32/50
Aid = 74/90
See Invis = 584/600
Cats Grace = 44/60
Bulls Strength = 44/60
Weapon oil = 44/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 (N27 location) 
Monday March 6th, 2006 10:20:22 AM

Jagar gains altitude and rises up to ceiling height as he flys towards the side wall (moving right when look at map,going to N file) and flies and times his speed somewhere between Val and Bart's movement to form a line abreast of them to so as to try and time their attacks together

1Mage armor
2.Fly 34/50
3 bless weapon oil 34/50
4.vial ??? :-)

Monday March 6th, 2006 10:22:35 AM

Nezamil lies on the dias his eyes staring blankly upward as the battle rages around him.

DM Jim: Where did they go? 
Monday March 6th, 2006 1:07:38 PM

Acid continues to burn Nezamil. The smell is overpowering. THe giant dwarf is still and lifeless.

Cosmo summons more apes to help the cause of the Wildcards. Two of the apes enter the sanctuary of cleric CF and step on his body to get in and at the elf wizard. Unfortunately, the apes can find no wizard and "hoot" and "ugh" at one another.

Cosmo sends two more apes to support Val and Bart. The apes almost run over the invisible and silent moving Appolo.

Bart drinks his potion and tosses a well aimed dagger at the monk. As an after thought, the monk slaps the dagger away and it clatter into the corner of the temple.

Val looks menacing, but does not venture forward.

Rigging blinks back into the main temple and casts a well placed dispel magic on the monk.

Enlarge, cats grace and mage armor melt off the monk and he is reduced to normal size.

Jager also move forward, while flying, in an attempt to get at the monk.

Mykael feeds Tomas the potion and he feels much better, although not whole yet. Mykale takes a poor swing at the chain and misses, his blade scrapping tiles.

Ashira shows concern for the fried, but still breathing, Mykael, but sees that he is alright and takes off after the monk, throwing insults along the way.

Swirl touches Rigging again "CAP REPORT: the two leggers are gathering in pockets out side the the doors, but not entering. Several singles have left the compound."


The monk is clearly distrubed by the number of oppenents and his loss of magical aid. "BLAST! You will all pay for this affront with your lives. I will see you on the high seas, beware of the Dreadnought."

The monk turns into the light and disappears with a 'pop'.

Stay in combat rounds and mark off another round of spells.

Please post your locations on the map.

Rigging ac 26 hps 70/70 
Monday March 6th, 2006 2:32:41 PM

Rigging curses when he sees the monk dimension door away. Just in case he will cast a detect invisibility and take a quick look. He calls out to the others, "Swirl is reporting that several more are gathering at the doors. Sounds like the lower tier guardsmen. Be alert for a rush.

Rigging will then fly towards the left room and blink through the walls looking for the mage that went in there. If he sees him, he will line himself up for an attack next round, closing to 5'. If he doesn't he will curse again and blink back out of the room.

flying 31/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 54/70
resist elements 53/70
cats grace 51/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
haste 2/7
greater invisibility 3/7
blinking 3/10
detect invisibility


1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Monday March 6th, 2006 6:40:20 PM

Haste- 3/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--184/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---32/50rs. Remaining)
Location: H21

Val wishes the monk would have stuck around but his day will come. Maybe it wasn't today but it will be soon. And he will pay dearly for his intentions toward Melody. Almost growling she flys back toward the main battl to help mop up.

Mykael -- AC - 26, HP - 43/56 
Monday March 6th, 2006 7:15:08 PM

OOC: missed the chain? guess I need to roll?

IC: The smell of Nezamil's leg assaults Mykael's nostrils, "Hold on a sec, Thomas, need to do something for Nez."

Mykael pulls a waterskin out and flushes the wounds that have acid eating away in them.

"Someone want to help Thomas with the chains?" Mykael states to all around, "Then I have enough flasks of alchemists fire for all 8 of the heart sead plants."

"Then I say we dump all burnable stuff on the alter and set it ablaze"

"Also, all you strong folk may want to take an appendage each of massive Nez, here, and start getting him through the roof. Once through you could set him on the roof for safe keeping and a quick exit, as needed."

Mykael looks around for Rigging, and then to Ashira, "Sound good?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=26
Monday March 6th, 2006 10:43:04 PM

Cosmo messages to his 4 apes, giving them actions for this round. To one of the apes in the room he messages to come out and try to pull the chains free from whatever they are attached to. The other ape he messages to finish off the cleric CF if he is still alive. Cosmo messages to the two apes in the main temple to stay where they are and attack anything that enters the building that is not a friend.

Cosmo casts Detect Magic and starts scanning the area, starting with cleric CF.

Location: H8 on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 883/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 883/900 rounds
Invisibility: 73/90 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 31/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 8/9 rounds
Haste: 8/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 90/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

Strength check on chain 26.

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Cleric CF.
#8 in H39.
#9 in I39.

Ashira (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  d20+2=10
Monday March 6th, 2006 11:54:00 PM

Screaming in frustration as the monk disappears, Ashira turns to Bart, her face contorted with rage. "We're getting Tomas and Nezamil out...we're trashing this place, and then I want you to find the monk and we're going to kill him!!" Ashira nods grimly at Mykael's suggestions, but looks concerned. "I don't know Mykael. He looks pretty heavy..." Ashira takes a good look at the giant cleric's body and gives his arm a tentative tug to determine the likelihood of lifting him through the roof (Wis.=10). "Appolo get in there and get those chains off Tomas. Mykael, you want to share the honor of destroying those blasted seeds? Then let's trash this place. If we're lucky, we still have enough time to turn this temple into a smoldering pile of ash!" Angry and frustrated, Ashira sets about expertly spearing the nearest heartseed.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--183/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---3/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---43/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---31/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---74/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---3/7rds Remaining)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71  d20+6=9
Monday March 6th, 2006 11:54:09 PM

"Coward " shouts Jagar as the Ga'alian monk disappears

Jagar circles the outside of the room at 20'ft height as he peeks (d20+6=9) out the windows as he flashes by the as he ends up on the opposite side of the room from where he began his advance on the Ga'alian monk

Bart ac 27 hp 79/79 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 4:38:27 AM

After the cowardish monk is popping away Bart turns around and looks for any hostiles. He is ready for any action. Time to cast an locate object now... oh no Nezamil is down... The shocked Bart goes forward and sees what he can do for his friend

barkskin +2 183/200 rds
fly 31/50
bullstrength 43/60
bless weaponoil 43/60
haste 3/7

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 10:46:16 AM

"I'll carry Nez. If he's heavier than he looks I'll need a magical strength enhancement. Somebody grab his weapon and anything else he dropped." Val says and heads for the fallen giant dwarf.

ooc: I'm guessing Nezamil will be a medium load for Val. WIth her enhance movement she makes the best choice to carry him.

Appolo Hp 34/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 Invisible  d20+10=27
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 10:54:40 AM

Appolo hears Ashira and soon appears next to Tomas"Hey buddy tough day at the market.Ehh."He then breaks out his thieves tools and begins to work."I'll have you out these things in no time."

He looks over at Nezamil"Bart help Val with our friend.It will most likely take to of you becuase of his over all size."

Looking around some more"Don't worry Ahira before I leave this place will beablze they'll be able to see the fire from Platue City.Rember the Imperial stables.""He says with wicked gleam in his eye.

DM Jim: QUick Search  5d6(5+5+3+5+5)=23
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 12:00:12 PM

Rigging pops into the other room that housed the wizard and only sees two apes that seem to smell him. Rigging quickly blicks back out, after not finding the wizard.

Val tries to lift Nezamil, but finds his weight to be too much even for her strenght.

OOC: Nezamil is more than a medium load for Val.

OOC: Nezamil weights almost 3 tons.

Mykael leaves the Forbiddance spell to attend to his new fallen friend Nezamil.

Jager, Ashira, and Bart scream in rage as the monk escapes. Ashira suggest all sorts of carnage for the temple.

Cosmo casts his detect magic spell and can see plenty of magic in the area, in addition to aura of all the magic the has expired or cast. There is deffinately magic on the cleric (CF), but it is impossible to tell what, just yet.

Cosmo directs one ape (what is his name?) to enter the Forbiddance spell and it does with no problem and yanks hard on the chain, but can not rip it from the floor, it may be weakened now. DC 24 str check next round.

Appolo goes to check on Tomas and runs into the Forbiddance spell again. Reflex save DC 22 or take 23 damage and die or be unconcious if you save.

OOC: Appolo is at 11 hp to start the round as I have been telling you for several days. Appolo stated that he went next to Tomas, and thus into the forbiddance spell again.


Mark off another combat round for spells

Please do three combat rounds of actions next post.

Please post your final location or you may not like where you end up.

Tuesday March 7th, 2006 2:06:46 PM

Rigging will pull out his own detect magic wand and cast it upon himself. He will also stop his blink ring saving it for emergencies. Rigging will study the bodies of the rogues while the detect magic spell gets stronger. While he is concentrating on the bodies, he will start patting pockets and pickout valuables and magic items.

Rigging then says, "The mage has also fled, but we are still in a combat situation. We have troops gathering at the door, a man down and one still restrained. It is time to loot this place pirate fashion."

Rigging looks at his huge friend and comes to a decision. "Everyone listen up. This is gonna sound gruesome but it will be for the best for the ship and company. Cosmo, have your apes get together and all pull on those chains restraining Tomas. They seem to be able to enter the spell area without taking damage.

Appolo since your already in there, try and see if you can pick the locks. (Not even sure if there are locks?) and check out the alter area.

Cosmo, your responsible for detecting magic and telling us where some treasure is. I don't want to face these magic weapons again and it is always pleasurable turning them on their old owners.

Val and Bart, you get the gruesome job. Drag the bodies over here in front of the alter but stay far enough away not to get singed by that protection spell, let Cosmo take a look to find any magic and then behead them. I don't want these foul followers of Ga'al raised again like that 1/2 orc. Jagar you help them.

Ashira you and Mykael are responsible for killing those blasted heartseed trees."

I am sorry to say this, but unless anyone can find a way in the next couple of minutes to lighten or shrink Nezamil, we are going to have to leave him behind. He is gonna be to heavy to get back to the ship in his condition. Ashira has a scroll of resurrection, so we just need his things. We will get him back, but it is to risky to try and bring his body. We still might have to fight our way out of here and the guardsmen will be here soon."

Rigging will look at his dismayed Wildcards and say, "Those are my orders as your captain and leader. I expect you to carry them out. Lets get to work people. We are under time constraints."
Fly 28/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 51/70
resist elements 50/70
cats grace 48/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 697/700
detect magic 7/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=22 d20+7=26 d20+7=10 d20+7=13 d20+7=15 d20+7=24 d20+23=43 d20+23=31 d20+23=38 d20+23=43 d20+23=26
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 9:00:39 PM

Cosmo uses the Detect Magic spell for 2 rounds on cleric CF.

Spellcraft checks on the magic he sees (add +2 if conjuration school): 43, 31, 38, 43 & 26.

Cosmo then moves into the left room and startd to Detect magic in there.

Ape #6 pulls on the chain again (see below).
Ape #7 pulls on the chain holding Tomas's legs (see below).
Apes #8-9 remain where they are.

Location: H8 on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 882/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 882/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 30/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 7/9 rounds
Haste: 7/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 89/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#6 Strength checks on chain 22, 26 & 10.
#7 Strength checks on chain 13, 15 & 24.

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 in H39.
#9 in I39.

Ashira (AC27, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Cat's Grace, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Haste  d20+15=25 d8+9=16
Tuesday March 7th, 2006 11:24:20 PM

Looking angered at Rigging's decision about Nezamil, Ashira keeps her mouth shut and continues to work on butchering the heartseed before her (AC 25 for 16 dam).

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--182/200 rds. Remaining)
Cat's Grace (2 min total---2/20rs. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---42/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---30/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---73/90rds. Remaining)
Haste (7 rds. Total---2/7rds Remaining)

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56  d20+5=7 d20+1=20
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 12:02:52 AM

"Sure I will share the fun," Mykael states as he hands 4 flasks of Alchemists Fire.

"You take one side of the room and I will take the other, just toss it into the plant in a way that the flask breaks and it will burst into flames. Be sure to do it from a slight distance, I dont think you would look as good, bald. Oh.. and just to make sure, I would up root the plant first."

Mykael makes his way to all 4 of the plants on the east side of the building. He pulls them up or digs them up as needed, and then tosses a flask of Alchemist Fire on each of them to torch them good.

He does keep his wits about him and is mindful of the doors and windows.

(Spot = 7, Listen = 20)

Position L47 on ground.

Haste = 7/9
Fly = 30/50
Aid = 72/90
See Invis = 582/600
Cats Grace = 42/60
Bulls Strength = 42/60
Weapon oil = 42/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Wednesday March 8th, 2006 10:49:23 AM

Tomas grabs Appolo by the arm and says, "Thank you for coming for me. Be careful. You are in a spell called forbiddence. Every time you reenter the area you will get shocked."

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:05:37 AM

Bart gets the bodies and brings them to the altar, be sure to look out for our artefact, but i'm afraid the monk has it.
Rigging we have to bring a part of Nezamil with us a finger is enough. The rest we can burn here. I dont like either as you but i also dont see another way.

barkskin +2 180/200 rds
fly 28/50
bullstrength 40/60
bless weaponoil 40/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

DM Jim: A more extensive search and more combat 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 1:12:06 PM

OOC: Remember that last round was 3 combat rounds, but we are back in single combat rounds now.

Rigging barks out orders to his crew mates, some seem rather distasteful when it comes to leaving Nezamil's body behind.

Mykael and Ashria happily have at the heartseed plants and destroy several plants and planters.

Bart brings over three bodies of temple warriors for Rigging to inspect (W included). Jager does the same with the half orc a regular cleric and a warrior.

OOC: Bart or anyone else can bring one body to the alter per combat round.

Appolo watches everyone spring into action, but stays close to Tomas.

Rigging carefully inspects and rifles through the two rouges possessions

R1 ----- R2

Magic ----- Magic

Ring ----- Gloves
Amulet ----- Leather armor
L. Crossbow ----- Ring
9 bolts ----- Boots
Hat ----- Rapier
Dagger (Rigging: Roll DC 15 int)-- 2 potions
4 Potions ----- Cloak

Non Magic ----- Non Magic

20 PP ----- 30 pp
100 gp ----- 100 gp
2 diamonds ----- 3 diamonds
2 vials ----- 2 vials
earrings ----- earrings

Rigging will get more information from the six bodies that Jager and Bart brought over next round.

Cosmo take look at the cleric (CF) that Nezamil killed from a distance and sees:

(2) rings

Cosmo also notices a pile of equipment/magic items (Tomas's) to the left of the stairs and they are protected by a glyph.

One of Cosmo's apes eventually rips the chain holding Tomas's manacles over his head out of the floor. This allows Tomas to sit up, which he does not do all the way for fear of leaving the forbiddance spell. Tomas still has his hands and feet manacled. The ape on the chain at his feet is not haveing as much luck. DC 28 to rip out of the floor, everytime he get within 3 (25-27) lower the DC by 3.

Tomas holds his manacled hands out to Appolo. "Some assistance if you please."

Swirl beams to Rigging "CAP REPORT: there are several groups of 5 or 6 humans by each of the three entrances and more comming."

At the end of this three combat round period there are three heavy crossbows that are shot at Jager and Bart (those moving the bodies or around them) from the side entrances.


AC 17, miss
AC 11, miss
AC 8, miss


AC 13, miss
AC 16, miss
AC 7, miss

The attack feels somewhat tenative, based on its effectiveness.

None of the three warriors entered the temple and are firing from cover. One on each side notices Ashira and Mykael defiling the plants and they yell out an alarm. These three move off and three more take their place, ready for action next round.


Remember that you had to mark off 3 rounds off your spells last post.

Mark off one more round of spells for this post.

Please place you location on the map.

Rigging ac 25 hps 70/70  d20+4=20 6d6(6+4+3+6+2+3)=24 d20+12=25
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 2:45:14 PM

Rigging sees something about that dagger that tickles him memory...what was it? Intelligence check of 20

Rigging then sees the attack come from the side door and tries not to lose his detect magic spell but still be effective. He makes a concentration check of 25

Rigging pulls out his wand of fireballs, points it at the door and releases a little firey ball which zooms out the door for 10' and explodes. The fireball does 24 points of damage unless the guardsmen make a reflex dc 13 for half damage.

Fly 27/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 49/70
resist elements 48/70
cats grace 47/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 696/700
detect magic 6/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=29 d20+7=8 d20+9=29 d20+9=15 d20+9=26 d6+7=13 d6+7=10 d6+7=9 d20+9=22 d20+9=18 d6+7=10 d6+7=12
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 10:10:33 PM

Cosmic takes the magic items from cleric CF. He puts the bracers, 2 rings and amulet into his pouchbelt and puts the robe into his backpack. All the while maintaining his concentration on his detect magic spell (29).

Cosmo moves into the left room and does a quick Detect Magic sweep of the room to see if there is any magic in there.

Apes #6 & #7 pull on the chain holding Tomas's legs (see below).
Apes #8-9 attack the new foes.

Location: Left room on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 879/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 879/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 27/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 7/9 rounds
Haste: 4/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 86/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#6 Strength checks on chain 8 (add +2 for aid another from #7).

#8 move 60' and attack with reach (hit ac 29(15); damage 13 or 23).

#9 move 60' and attack with reach (hit ac 26; damage 9).

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 by left doorway.
#9 by right doorway.

AoO's if needed:
#8 Hit AC 22 for 10 damage.
#9 Hit AC 18 for 12 damage.

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71  3d6(4+6+6)=16
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:10:24 PM

Jagar turns and looks at the crossbow shots direction and observes the doorways .

"Good idea" says the monk as he watches Rigging fireball one side door "i'll get the other door "

Jagar reaches into his pouch and withdraws a small bead (received from Ashira before this battle as posted earlier) and throws it at the other side door (3 HD fireball, from necklace of fireballs)(3d6(4+6+)=16 dam)
"lets see you hide from this " as he watches it explode thru the side door

The Monk then moves over to the high Ga'alian Cleric (CF)and starts dragging it over to Rigging

1Mage armor
2.Fly 30/50
3 bless weapon oil 30/50
4.vial ??? :-)didn't use put back in belt pouch

Ashira (AC24, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts. 
Wednesday March 8th, 2006 11:42:59 PM

Ashira continues to happily trash the nearest available heartseed, though she is very careful if her movements take her too near to the doors...don't want to get too close to those crossbow men.

OOC: Jim, since you haven't sent an updated map, and haven't been very descriptive in your posts about which heartseeds Ashira and Mykael have already destroyed, it is next to impossible for me to know which seed to destroy next. Thus, I have no idea where she is on the map.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--178/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---38/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---26/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---69/90rds. Remaining)

Appollo AC23 HP23/59 Barkskin+2  d20+14=23 d20+10=16 d20+10=27 d20+10=27 d20+10=14
Thursday March 9th, 2006 3:35:55 AM

The whole time Appolo continues to feverishly work on the mancles with his thieves tools."He yellows out to Ashira"Ahrira use the brazers they should be filled with oil.Burn everything!!"

OO:Reflex save 23 Lock pick rolls 16 27 27 14 Appolo has master work set. Made 1 rool for ech round Made reflex save not sure but I don't think appolo actually gets hurt evasion feat.

Barkskin 180/200rds left

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 8:59:58 AM

Bart goes forward to the side entrance where the bolts did come from. He makes sure he has an good position to see outside and have as much as cover as possible. If necessary Bart is ready to counterattack

barkskin +2 179/200 rds
fly 27/50
bullstrength 39/60
bless weaponoil 39/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Val, ac 22, hp 127 /127, Hasted, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 12:15:08 PM

Haste- 1/7
Barkskin +2 (20 min total--182/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---30/50rs. Remaining)

Val begins dragging the bodies as ordered. Since they are dead Val isn't too careful. She drags and tosses the bodies into a pile near the altar.

ooc: for Nez to weigh 3 tons there should have been signs of that great weight. He couldn't have went with us even if he was alive. 3 tons of wight focused on one spot like that would have sent Nez straight through the ship.

DM JIm: The mast of the Sword weights more than that and at full sail has a greater strain.

DM Jim: Fire and Plunder  d20+2=5 d20+2=14 d20+2=10 d20+2=12 d20+2=3 d20+2=7 d20+3=20 d20+3=19 d20+3=19 d20+5=11 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d8=2
Thursday March 9th, 2006 1:02:19 PM

OOC: I apologize about not sending a map. My hard drive crashed at work and it is causing some problems. Please bear with me, but still post your positions.

Most of the Wildcards ignore the crossbowmen and go about burning plants and looting or moving bodies. Ashira and Mykeal finish killing the heartseed plants.

The fireball from Riggings wand scatters the bowmen. All hear the scream of pain and hear the explosion as some of it enters the temple. Rigging is unsure of how many warriors were effected, but there is one face down crispy individual in the doorway.

Jager follows the same plan and tosses a much weaker fireball orb and he also hears screams of pain, but no bodies. Jager is unsure of how many he caught in the fireball, as he quickly turns his attentions back to carting the dead.

Cosmo takes off what he sees as magic from the cleric (CF) and upon looting the body notices 2 potions and 4 scrolls (divine). Inside the internal structure Cosmo finds 3 candles that radiate magic also. The room is richly adorned and has a large bed, desk and several dressers. There are rugs on the floors and paintings on the walls. There is a large silver mirror on the wall. On the desk, Cosmo sees a pile of coinage too.

Cosmo notices protective magics on both of the dressers and the desk.

Cosmo's ape friends enter the forbiddance spell with no ill effects and start to work on the leg chain, but did not get a good grip as the chain holds.

Appolo's first attempt to open the manacles was rushed (16) and they do not open.

OOC: Appolo you can not post for the three previous rounds as you did not post. Try again as the DC is 28 for the hands and feet. One attempt per round only.

Tomas is pleading with Appolo "Hurry so we can get everyone out of here."

Bart stops moving bodies and moves over to the left side entrance ready to defend the WIldcards.

Val continues to drag bodies to Rigging for inspection.

Mykael does nothing but watch heartseed plants burn with a gleem in his eye.

Rigging thinks the magic dagger is Appolo's assassin dagger.

Rigging notices magic on:

8 new bodies including CF (nothing magic) and W and the half orc (nothing magic)


5 potions
great sword
chain shirt
three bolts

Cleric (Not CF or CE)

2 scrolls (divine)
2 potions

4 warriors

4 longswords
4 shields
8 potions

Swirl touches Rigging again "There is a large group of people being lead toward the compound by some aggitaged two leggers. They are a good 100 yards away."


THe front doors burst open and more longbowmen appear (5) and all fire at Rigging. There are no WIldcards within 90 feet of them.

Shield Spell Benifit

AC 20 miss
AC 19 miss
AC 19 miss

No benifit

AC 11 miss
AC 25, hit missed critical for 2 damage


Please mark off one more round of spells

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 8:50:11 PM

The monk fly's up on top of the internal room on top of the internal room which Cosmo's apes devastated the ga'alian guards.

Jagar searches the bodies quickly but throughly stuffing his finds into a sack (searching C5C,F5H,F5G)

As the front door bursts open " looks we have more company" grins Jagar as he keeps searching

Jagar's magical durations 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 8:52:37 PM

1Mage armor
2.Fly 29/50
3 bless weapon oil 29/50
4.vial ??? :-)didn't use put back in belt pouch

Rigging 68/70!!! ac 25  6d6(5+2+4+2+5+6)=24 d20+14=24
Thursday March 9th, 2006 9:47:32 PM

Rigging looks down in shock at his wound. He looks up with an angry glare and thinks, "Wow these guys don't when to give up!" He aims his wand at the entrance and triggers another fire ball. to explode right at the doorway hoping to injure and drive away more than kill. He doesn't want another big explosion in the night.
The fireball again explodes for 24 points of damage. DC 13 vs reflex.

Rigging then will start scooping up the magic off the rogues first. He will start with the smaller items, leaving the weapons and armor for now. He will also leave behind vials for now trying to get more permanant magic.

Rigging will call out to the others, We need to hurry. Swirl sees a large group coming. I think it is the guardsmen. We need to get Tomas free! We need to grab as much magic as we can and we need to find the Nautacolous!"

Rigging keeps scanning the magic items grabbing the ones that show stronger magic first. Rolled 24 concentration check.

Fly 26/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 48/70
resist elements 47/70
cats grace 46/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 695/700
detect magic 5/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Ashira (AC24, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts. 
Thursday March 9th, 2006 11:33:29 PM

Finished with her job, Ashira heads over to Rigging and helps him grab up the newly identified loot, following his example. First she gathers the rings and robe. Then she stuffs as many of the swords as she can into her backpack. If she still has any room, she moves on to the armor. Looking over at Tomas, Ashira notices the tough time the apes and Appolo are having. "Appolo, it's time to start rolling. You need me to come over there and help out?"

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--177/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---37/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---25/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---68/90rds. Remaining)

Mykael --- AC=26, HPs=43/56 
Friday March 10th, 2006 12:21:20 AM

Mykael busy with the plants, didnt hear the front doors open, however he did hear Riggings Fireball, and his orders.

He helps dragging all the bodies into the pile. While keeping an eye on the front door.

Position I18 on ground.

Haste = 3/9
Fly = 26/50
Aid = 68/90
See Invis = 578/600
Cats Grace = 38/60
Bulls Strength = 38/60
Weapon oil = 38/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=24 d20+9=18 d20+9=28 d20+4=15 d6+7=13 d6+7=9 d6+3=7 d20+9=10 d20+9=11 d20+4=12 d20+9=21 d20+9=21 d6+7=10 d6+7=8
Friday March 10th, 2006 5:12:38 AM

Cosmic pockets the additional magic items from cleric CF.

Cosmo spends the next round scanning the areas with magic for number of different magical auras and power of the most potent magical aura (detect magic can go through 3' of wood).

Apes #6 & #7 pull on the chain holding Tomas's legs (see below).
Apes #8-9 attack the new foes.

OOC - why weren't 8-9 able to attack last round?

Location: Left room on the ground and visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 878/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 878/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 26/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 4/9 rounds
Haste: 4/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 85/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#6 Strength checks on chain: 26 (added +2 for aid another from #7).

#8 attack with reach (hit ac 18, 28 & 15; damage 13, 9 & 7).

#9 attack with reach (hit ac 10, 11 & 12; damage 0).

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 by left doorway.
#9 by right doorway.

AoO's if needed:
#8 Hit AC 21 for 10 damage.
#9 Hit AC 21 for 8 damage.

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Friday March 10th, 2006 5:31:03 AM

Bart is at C26,
If there is a bar to close the door Bart tries to close the doors and then move over to the biggest treat (front doors) (E34)

barkskin +2 178/200 rds
fly 26/50
bullstrength 38/60
bless weaponoil 38/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2  d20+12=30
Friday March 10th, 2006 11:00:39 AM

Appolo continues to work on the locks and finally gets them off Tomas"Ok buddy time to go.Anyone find his gear.How about the nuaticullus and my dagger."He the looks around"Ok folks start emptying those braziers timw to burn this place down.I still have my fire beead."

Val, ac 21, hp 127 /127, Barkskin +2, Fly 
Friday March 10th, 2006 12:56:53 PM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--181/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---29/50rs. Remaining)
Location: ?? Val was moving an dragging bodies. I have no idea where she is.

Val once again switches her flail for her enchanted longbow. "Captain how are we going to get out of here? It would be great if we could fly back out the top."

DM Jim: More Fireballs and Looting  d20+3=13 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 d20+3=9 d20+3=16 d20+3=22 d20+3=18
Friday March 10th, 2006 1:01:27 PM

Appolo is sucessful in freeing Tomas's hands from the manacles, now all that is bound and chained are his feet. Tomas rubs his sore hands and shoulders. "Thanks Appolo, just one more please and then we can get out of here"

Two of Cosmo's apes yank on the chain holding Tomas's manacled feet and weaken the chain. DC is 24 next round and if within 3 of 24 the DC will drop by 3 for the next attempt.

Jager flys up to inspect those killed by Cosmo's apes and finds the cleric and three warriors. THe cleric has his gold holy symbol, a mace, a shield, a red cloak, and two scroll and potions and a pouch that contains 20 pp and 100 gp. The warriors have chain shirts, large steel shields, long swords, light crossbows with 20 bolts, and cloaks and a pouch that contains two potions and 10 pp and 50 gp.

Jager notices an inscription on the Longswords "In Ga'al we trust" and on the Shields "Ga'al Protects his own"

Rigging get winged by the new bowmen at the massive front doors and is not happy about it. To retaliate, the Captain of the Sword send a fireball their direction. Some of the guards are blown back, but it looks like most took effective cover from most of the blast. All slink out of view for the time being.

Rigging give orders to hurry the looting, rescuing and searching activities as more people are on the way.

Ashira moves over to help pick up the magic items that her husband points out. It may be rough to stick four 3.5 foot scabbarded long swords into her backpack.

Mykael finishes with the plants and drags over another warrior for Rigging to inspect and he finds another magic longsword, a magic shield and 2 more potions. In a pouch, Rigging finds 10 pp and 50 gp.

Val drags over a cleric to Riggings ever growing pile of dead. Rigging sees a magic ring, shield, 2 scroll (divine), 2 potions, robe and 20 pp and 100 gp.

Cosmo pockets the addition magic items found on cleric CF and the candles, but nothing else. Cosmo concentrates on finding more magic in CF's room, but can find no more.

OOC: There was no one in range for ape 8 and 9 to attack, but they can see people out side forming up and all have missile weapons.

Bart makes his way over to the massive front doors. There is a way to bar the door, but the bar is removed and is leaning against the wall. The bar looks more cerimonial that effective. Bart will be able to close the doors next round.

Swirl contacts Rigging again. "CAP REPORT: lots of two leggers heading to the front gate. At least three are running ahead the other 30 + are walking normally. The two leggers by the temples doorways have moved back, but look to be reforming again and in larger quantities."

Please post for three combat rounds in your next post and mark off three rounds from your spells.

The fly spell should be at 26 rounds to start the next post and then be at 23 when you are done.

OOC: Note to all that the haste spell is over.

Matt C. 
Friday March 10th, 2006 3:47:10 PM

OOC - The second round of Detect Magic should tell me the power of the most potent aura I am looking at. It also pentrates up to 3' of wood. Is there an aura in the drawers and desk that is strong enough to be the artifact?

DM Jim: I answered you already. There was no more magic in the room that you could see, even through 3 inches of wood. Also you pocketed the other magic items so you are no longer looking at them for strenght, maybe later.....

Friday March 10th, 2006 6:10:07 PM

Rigging keeps up his looting taking magic first and then gold. He starts barking more orders, "Cosmo, have one of your apes spring the glyph over Tomas's belongings. Then check out the second room for magic.

Bart, get back here and start cutting off heads of the quad memebers. I don't want to see them ever again and if we cut off the heads then we will make it much tougher to raise them.

Mykael, get Nezamil's magic. I know he has 3 wands, one of which is a powerful dispel magic wand. He has magic boots. His shield is magic and so is his weapon. He also has a ring and a broach plus several potions. Get his gold too. Raise dead spells are expensive.

Val, help Bart cut off heads.

Appolo try and pick the the locks on Tomas's feet. I have your dagger.

Ashira, the cleric has a magic robe, ring and shield plus some potions and scrolls. Grab them. Don't worry about the swords. Just before we go, I will enlarge you and then you can stick them in your backpack for long enough for us to escape.

Keep moving people, the guards will soon be here! We need to hurry!"

Rigging thinks to Swirl, "Hey buddy, I want you to make a distraction to slow down the guards. Behind them, break some windows in the buildings to cause them to investigate. Don't get seen but make some noise!"

At the end of the 3rd round, Rigging will enlarge Val, so she can cut off heads and carry stuff more effectively.

Rigging will keep looting the bodies in the piles in front of him, putting magic swords and armor in a seperate pile and grabbing the magic and easy to grab money stowing it in his backpack.

Fly 23/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 45/70
resist elements 44/70
cats grace 43/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 692/700
detect magic 2/10

location: F18

1st level: mage armor*, shield*, true strike, magic missile x 4, burning hands

2nd level: Detect Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy, Cat's grace*, Resist elements*

3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2*

4th level: Rary's ME+, greater invisibility*

Friday March 10th, 2006 6:14:56 PM

Swirl, hearing Riggings orders, will swoop out of the sky moving at full speed, (base speed 100, sprint speed 400') He will start about 25' behind the guards and form into a whirlwind. He will then sprint down the street in whirlwind form brushing up against the building, causing windows to break, shutters to bang back and forth, signs to swing, and doors to blow open. He will move around 100' and then dart off into the sky. He should only be visible for a couple of seconds but he will make lots of noise hopefully creating a distraction to slow down the guards and make them investigate.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=27 d20+9=19 d20+9=23 d20+4=16 d6+7=12 d6+7=9 d6+3=8 d20+9=23 d20+9=11 d20+4=12 d6+7=9
Saturday March 11th, 2006 9:22:42 AM

It takes Cosmo a moment to realize that the only magic left in the room is protective magic on the drawers and desk. He then moves to the right room and scans the area for 2 rounds.

Round 1 - Move to right room; tell apes to get Tomas' stuff out of the Glyph area.
Round 2 - Detect Magic for magical auras.
Round 3 - If there is magic, Detect Magic for # of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura. If not, then move back towards Rigging.

Apes #6 & #7 pull on the chain holding Tomas's legs. They are successful in ripping it from the ground (strength check 27; natural 20). One of the apes pushes Tomas' stuff from the glyph area towards Tomas or Rigging.

Apes #8-9 attack enemies, if possible.

Location: Right room or near Rigging, visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 875/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 875/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 23/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 1/9 rounds
Haste: 1/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 82/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Fiendish Apes 6-9 (AC 14; HPs 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37)

#8 attack with reach (hit ac 19, 23 & 16; damage 12, 9 & 8).

#9 attack with reach (hit ac 23, 11 & 12; damage 9).

Ending Position:
#6 by Tomas.
#7 by Tomas.
#8 by left doorway.
#9 by right doorway.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+2=18
Saturday March 11th, 2006 9:25:32 AM

Will save for Ape in Glyph; 18.

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2  d20+12=29
Saturday March 11th, 2006 5:31:32 PM

Appolo quickly removes the manacles from Tomas legs leaving the Ape holding them"Ok your free now get a move on."

Appolo then moves to the nearest brazire and kncks it over spilling oil and fire across the floor."Come on people get move on we need to light this place up"Cosmo can you have your apeas topple the alter."

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 12:45:56 PM

Mykael quickly moves over to the corpse of Nezamil. He pulls off all the magic that Rigging listed, his holy symbol, gold, and then any and all other items of value in that order.

Mykael busy with the plants, didnt hear the front doors open, however he did hear Riggings Fireball, and his orders.

He helps dragging all the bodies into the pile. While keeping an eye on the front door.

Position I9 on ground.

Fly = 23/50
Aid = 65/90
See Invis = 575/600
Cats Grace = 35/60
Bulls Strength = 35/60
Weapon oil = 35/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 2:36:55 PM

Bart returns to the altar and starts to chop off some heads, is there a non magical blade i can use Cosmo, I want the strengthen the bar of the front doors
Bart grabs a sword and returns with it to the doors he pushees it between the rings theat holds the door. This must keep them busy for a while
(bart is near the front doors, behind a pillar

barkskin +2 173200 rds
fly 23/0
bullstrength 35/0
bless weaponoil 35/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 38/71 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 10:08:03 PM

Jagar quickly stuffs the cleric's scrolls,potions and money into his sack along with the fighters cash then quickly tosses the clerics mace and shield along with the fighters weapons and shield down to the floor by riggings growing pile of loot to be magically detected

Taking the Cleric's robe and any blankets and prayer rugs he can find atop the internal room he fly's down to the side door(C24) and piles up what ever other prayer rug ot carpeting at the side doors entrance then lights one of the prayer rugs at a nearby burning brazier and throws it atop the pile of rugs and blankets to try and block anyone from entering thru that doorway

The Monk will also gage the sturdiness of the burning braziers and their fuel source

" This place is going to Burn"

1Mage armor
2.Fly 23/50
3 bless weapon oil 23/50

Thomas 20/ 
Sunday March 12th, 2006 10:10:49 PM

Thomas finally free of his bindings stumbles over to his stuff and starts gearing up as quickly as he can. He will look up at the preparations going on but be sadden to see all the damage he caused.

OOC Does Tomas know were the artifact Nautacolous is? What kind of spells does he have available to him,

DM Jim: Tomas has all of his spell on his character sheet and does not know where the artifact is.

Ashira (AC24, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts. 
Monday March 13th, 2006 12:05:47 AM

Ashira finishes up looting the bodies to the best of her ability, and heads Rigging's advice. She will wait until she is enlarged before she will gather up the swords, shields and armor. For now, she scoops up the small loot into her pack. Once she has gathered the items she can, Ashira fishes a Fly potion out of her backpack and a Cure Moderate Wounds from her belt pouch. Heading over to Tomas, she hands the potions to him. "Tomas, we're going to have to get out of here fast. Wait for Rigging to give the command, then drink this potion and it will give you the ability to fly. If you need more healing, take this potion. If not, then give it to Appolo. He could use it." Once done ministering to Tomas, Ashira helps lop the heads off the dead in preparation for burning, ready to burn the place down.

OOC: 3 rounds have elapsed, so I posted for 3 rounds of action.

Loot Ashira has taken
2 Scrolls (divine)
4 Potions

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--174/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---34/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---22/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---65/90rds. Remaining)

DM Jim: Heads are starting to Roll  5d8(5+4+3+1+6)=19 d20+4=22 d20+4=22 d20+4=18 d20+4=5 d20+4=23 d20+4=14 d20+4=22 d20+4=17 7d8(3+5+2+4+4+3+7)=28 d20+4=14 d20+4=7 d20+4=17 d20+4=9 d20+4=5 d20+4=16 d20+4=13 d20+4=9 d20+4=22 d20+4=13 3d8(1+2+1)=4 4d8(5+4+6+2)=17
Monday March 13th, 2006 12:58:14 PM

Rigging barks more orders to the Wildcards as he and his wife stuff their pockets and packs with loot.

Rigging sends Swirl off on a diversionary trip and Swirl can see Quinn smile and send six guardsmen after the elemental. "Do not hurt the tornado, but talley up the damages. We need to send a bill."

Quinn continues his slow plod toward the front gates that he will reach very shortly.

Several Wildcards pepare to fire the temple, but it will be difficult as most of the struture is stone and the floor is tile. There are prayer rugs to be found by the front doors and all of the former temple occupants had cloaks, it just turns out that alot of them are magic.

Cosmo enters the right hand internal structure and notices much magic on the cleric in the doorway (CE).

5 potions
5 scrolls (divine)
black bead
pearl wrapped in a note "Return after we crush the pirates"

non magic

50 pp
50 gp
4 diamonds

Inside the room, Cosmo finds it similarly appointed as the last one, but with a more lived in look. There is more art work on the walls. Cosmo also finds glyphs on the furniture again and on the desk are 6 potions and a pile of coins.

Cosmo sends an ape to spring the glyph covering Tomas's equipment and it does a real good job as it failed to duck out of the way of the sonic glyph (19 damge).

Appolo frees Tomas, who jumps up and shakes his hand. "Now lets move." Tomas takes his and Riggins' advice and he runs over and starts to don his equipment.

Ashira offers him two potions, which he takes. "Thank you greatly, for more than just the potions."

Jager takes 5 prayer rugs from on top of the internal building and the cloaks and heads to one of the side entrances to start a fire. There is abig burly ape in the way, but who knows how long he will be around. Jager can light the pile in front of the door next round.

Bart chops off 9 heads (3 per round thanks to cleave) and Ashira 2 (standard per round), which pretty much takes care of the pile in front of Rigging.

Bart wants to take a sword and use it to help bar the front door, but the pile in front of him are all magical. Bart moves off (with or without a sword??) to the front doors.

Mykael starts picking off the magic items from Nezamil's dead body. The aroma of acid still hangs in the air. There is no way he can take off the armor by himself, maybe not even with help.

Appolo kicks over a brazier and its oil spreads across the floor, buring up much faster, but not catching the tiles on fire. Oily black smoke starts to rise to the passwall hole.

Swirl beams back to Rigging "I saw Quinn! and some guards, 6, are following me." the excited elemental reports.

Val does nothing, but waits to be enlarge by Rigging, which he does.


Each ape at the side doors is shot at 8 times and Jager twice.

Ape right

AC 14 7/8 hits for 28 damage This ape is starting to look like a pin chusion.


AC 14 and 7, both miss

Ape left

AC 14 3/8 hits for 4 damage.

There is a roar from the archers as somthing is being effective.

Someone outside the temple tosses in a small black bead, by Jager and the Ape, it hits the tiles and explodes (unholy blight)

Damage 17 reflex save for 8 if you are good or neutral.


Post only one combat round this turn and mark of one round of spells.

Rigging 68/70 ac 25 
Monday March 13th, 2006 8:53:06 PM

Rigging sees Bart moving towards the front door and calls him back. "We are out of here in 30 seconds people! Start moving towards the exit. We are done here for now. Guard is on the way and we have done enough damage. I want the quad members heads brought with us as well as the cleric and his fighter body guard.

He will tap Ashira with his enlarge wand. He will then fly over to where Cosmo is (careful to avoid the alter area and the forbiddence spell) and ask, "I can cast a dispel magic. Where do you want it?"

Rigging will put himself at K8

Fly 22/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 44/70
resist elements 43/70
cats grace 42/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 691/700
detect magic 1/10

Tomas will drink down the fly potion after getting his gear and fly up to the right building roof, also avoiding the alter area putting himself around k9

Swirl is having a grand time. His plan worked so well, he decides to try it again. He still moving at a sprint will circle around and buzz past the guards, this time in front of them about 25' ahead. He is trying to distract them, but not hurt anyone. He will pause only for a second in front of them, kicking up dirt and debris and then shoot straight up into the air.

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56 
Monday March 13th, 2006 9:53:31 PM

OOC: Mykael has bulls strength in effect so he isnt too weak..

IC: Mykael notices that the equipment he takes off of Nezamil's body shrinks to their original size.

"Bart, Val... Someone give me a hand with this armor. Once we get it off of him and break the magical link to his body, it should shrink to its normal size making it easier to carry."

Mykael continues to look Nezamils body of everything of value, starting with the most valueable, until he gets help with the armor.

Position I9 on ground.

Fly = 22/50
Aid = 64/90
See Invis = 574/600
Cats Grace = 34/60
Bulls Strength = 34/60
Weapon oil = 34/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

DM JIM: Even with bulls strenght you are not going to move Nezamil's 5000 pounds + of bulk.

Jjagar Ac 25 Hp 30/71  d20+10=27
Monday March 13th, 2006 10:44:54 PM

Jagar's eyes momentarily go wide as he spots the black bead bounce thru the doorway but his training kicks into action as he avoids (d20+10=27 reflex save )the brunt of the black blast

" i think we better get out of here "shouts the Monk as he fly's over and down to Rigging and Ashira and the growing pile of loot

Jagar fishes out a vial and quickly downs it(enlarge potion) then quickly grabs his sack and starts stuffing as much loot as he can into the now enlarged sack like Ashira is doing
" their getting close .... i think we gotta scram "

1Mage armor
2.Fly 22/50
3 bless weapon oil 22/50
4.Enlarge 50/50

Ashira (AC22, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarged 
Monday March 13th, 2006 11:27:25 PM

Grinning at her huge body, Ashira shovels the rest of the loot into her huge backpack, as well as the heads. Fishing out her vials of alchemist fire, Ashira waits for the signal from Rigging to burn the bodies, and then dumps the substance on the bodies. A grim look of satisfaction on her giant face, Ashira calls over to Rigging. "Alright, fire up that other Fly scroll for Appolo and lets get out of here."

Loot Ashira has taken
2 scrolls (divine)
2 potions
5 potions
great sword
chain shirt
three bolts
4 longswords
4 shields
8 potions

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--174/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---34/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---22/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---65/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min. total---10rds/10rds. Remaining

Bart ac 26 hp 79/79 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 9:55:06 AM

Bart stops worrying about the foes that are comming. Cosmo Rigging are you both sure the artefact isn't here A pity we cant cast the locate object scroll Nezamil has prepared.
Bart takes as much left over magic loot as he can. Making a bundle of swords keeping togehter in one or two cloaks (not sure if thee is left any). Bart is ready to fly away

barkskin +2 170 rds
fly 22/40
bullstrength 34/60
bless weaponoil 34/60

att bonus +20/+15
dam 1d10+9 (1h) 1d10+12(2h)

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Barkskin+2 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 10:15:17 AM

Appolo continues to race around setting fires and what not.He uses the oil from the braziers to spread the flames.When Rigging says its time to go,he arrives next to him"Well boss.Anybody find the nauticulus.I say we fire up the corpses and get out out of here."

Val, ac 21, hp 127 /127, Barkskin +2, Fly , Enlarge 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 11:38:48 AM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--177/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---25/50rs. Remaining)
Enlarge (1 min total 9/ 10)
Location: ??

Val still wonders how they are going to escape from the compound. She still feels the magic of the flight spell upon her and hopes they hurry before the magic fades.

"Captain I know that time is short but Nezamil's body should be given a funeral pyre. A fireball spell should be symbolic enough and besides given something of a proper rite, the priests will not be able to raise him and corrupt him. Best his soul goes to Gargul than Ga'al."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 12:10:49 PM

Cosmo scoops up all the small magic items that cleric CE had on him and puts them into his pouch belt. He grabs the money and stuffs that into his backpack. After one last look around the room to make sure he isn't missing anything, Cosmo grabs the shield and heads back out to Rigging.

"Rigging I did not find the artifact in that room either. Perhaps the monk or wizard that escaped has it on their person."

Apes #6 & #7 with no direction from Cosmo run out towards the middle of the temple. Before they even get near any opponent the SM V spell ends and they disappear from sight.

Apes #8 & #9 attack any enemies they can (let me know and I will roll). They also disappear from sight as the SM V spell ends.

Location: Right room or near Rigging, visible as a female elf.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 874/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 874/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 22/50 rounds
Summon Monster V: 0/9 rounds
Haste: 0/9 rounds
Detect Magic: 81/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

DM Jim: Flight from the Temple of Ga'al  d20+4=23 d20+4=20 d20+4=5 d20+4=21 d8=6 d8=1 d8=6
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 4:07:00 PM

Our heros have gathered up as much loot as they can carry and then some (severed heads) and start to head for the passwall exit.

Rigging calls for the withdrawal and enlarges his wife to proper loot carrying proportions.

Rigging calls to Cosmo that he has a dispel magic spell ready.

Tomas leads the way to the exit now that he has his equipment. Tomas peers down inthe hole and press the Swords to hurry. "Come on people lets get moving." Tomas stammers as he coughs after breathing in the oily black smoke from the oil that Appolo spread.

Mykael gets all of Nezamil's possessions of value, except his armor. Mykael calls to Val (enlarged) and Bart for help in removing the armor as he does not want to leave it behind.

Jager deftly avoids most of the unholy blast and takes a potion of enlarge to help with the looting process.

OOC: I am not sure what Jager is taking as he burned cloaks and tossed bodies down to Rigging to inspect??????

Ashira easily puts the loot she collected into her enlarged backpack and starts a funeral pyre with the alchemist fire. Ashira also calls to Rigging to give Appolo the power of flight once again.

Bart comes back from the front doors and looks for more magical loot, but can not find any. The only bodies that are left to be looted are on top of the building that he devestated in his intitial attack.

Appolo kicks over a few more of the oil burning braziers. It does not appear that they will catch anything on fire, but they are burning on a wide area of tiles and casting plumes of black smoke toward the passwall.

Val is concerned for the groups escape route and asks Rigging for a proper cremation for Nezamil to keep him out of the enemies hands.

Cosmo's new friends with the long arms and a habit of pounding followers of Ga'al, go back to the fiendish jungles from which they were summoned. Cosmo scoops up all the valuable on the second cleric (CE) and in his room, but still does not locate the missing artifact.

Cosmo and Rigging are close to each other and not far from Nezamil.

Swirl goes on a happy whirlwind trek trying to get as much attention as possible, but is mostly being avoided. Swirl beams back "Quinn has instructed his fellows not to harm me and to just ignore me. Quinn is discussing something with others at the front gate."

Four longbowmen on top of thebuildings by the front gate shoot at Swirl.

AC 23, hit for 6 damage
AC 20, hit for 1 damage
AC 5, bad miss
AC 21, hit for 6 damage


Mark off one round from active spells and post for one combat round.

Rigging  6d6(3+1+6+4+6+1)=21 2d8(1+4)+7=12
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 9:01:30 PM

Rigging looks sadly down on the fallen Nezamil and gives him a little salute. "See you soon my friend. He then points his wand and warns the others, "OK time to go. I am going to fire ball Nezamil to deny him to the enemy and easy identification. Though I guess their isn't many 14' tall 3000 dwarves around.

Lets get back to the boat. Those enlarges won't last long. Ignore any parting shots. We have limited time with the enlarge spells."

Once he is sure everyone is out of the way, he will fireball Nezamil and then fly over to the entrance of the passwall ready to leave next round.

Tomas waits for the others but decides that a cure is in order and uses a cure moderate to make himself feel better. He gets 12 hitpoints and moves himself to 32 total

Swirl feels the arrows bite and decides he has drawn enough attention. He flys off into the dark.

Mykael AC-26, HP-43/56 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 11:23:04 PM

"Sorry my friend," Mykael states in defeat over the armor.

Mykael pulls his cloak over his mouth to help with the smoke. He grabs a deep breath of good air, holds it, and heads out the passwall. He stays low over the roof, and using it for cover he waits to make sure everyone gets out.

Position: on roof

Fly = 21/50
Aid = 63/90
See Invis = 573/600
Cats Grace = 33/60
Bulls Strength = 33/60
Weapon oil = 33/60

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost

1 lvl: Alarm*, Magic Missle X2*, Magic Weapon

2 lvl: See Invis*, Cats Grace*, Bulls Str*, Web

3 lvl: Fireball*, Vampiric Touch X2

Ashira (AC22, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarged 
Tuesday March 14th, 2006 11:40:22 PM

Her fingers brushing past the mark of Gargul on her forehead, Ashira sighs as Nezamil is burned. "I will see you soon, brother..." she mutters as flys toward the passwall area. She's anxious to head over to the nearest clerics to start the resurrection process.

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--174/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---34/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---22/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---65/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min. total---10rds/10rds. Remaining

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 30/71 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 12:35:31 AM

Jagar finishes up stuffing loot into his magically enlarge sack "lets roll "

The Monk takes flight and heads up to the top of the internal wall and quickly searches the body of the fallen cleric of Ga'al(C5B)(taking weapons +shield+whatever is in his pouches and pockets)before rising to the section of the passwalled roof and salutes the fallen Nezamil "goodbye my friend "

1Mage armor
2.Fly 21/50
3 bless weapon oil 21/50
4.Enlarge 49/50

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 10:50:06 AM

"Rigging I did not detect an Artifact level aura in either room. There were, however, some desk drawers and dresser drawers that had protective magic cast upon them. It is possible that the artifact is within one of these drawers in a metal or lead box, which would hide the artifact from my detect magic spell."

Cosmo flies up to the top of the right room and hovers below the passwall opening (or farther if he thinks he will be in the fireball blast). He scans the dead Ga'als in this area for magic.

Location: 15' below the passwall opening.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 873/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 873/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 21/50 rounds
Detect Magic: 80/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Wednesday March 15th, 2006 11:41:19 AM

Bart follows the others and starts flying towards the harbor

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible Barkskind+2  d20+14=26
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 12:19:09 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"well boss.I need some one to cast Fly on me.Can ya help me out?"Once Rigging casts fly on him Appolo will go invisible and wait until everyone else leaves he will then follow the last person through the whole in the roof and as he leaves he will throw his fire bead at the alter just before exitting the temple hopefully blowing the alter to pieces.

Attack roll 26 for toss at Alter.Not sure of Damage.

DM Jim: Farewells 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 12:50:47 PM

Rigging gives instructions for everyone to fly from the temple and head for the ship (normally a 30 - 40 minute walk). Rigging watches as several crew member head out the passwall or hang around it. Rigging says his farewells to Nezamil and prepares to fireball the body.

Rigging wonders why Appolo is not lifting off the ground???

Tomas cures himself and helps everyone through the passwall opening.

Mykael takes what he has of Nezamil's equipment and heads out the passwall hole, saying goodbye to Nezamil on the way.

Jager in enlarged form has no problems picking up the items he threw down to Rigging earlier for identification. This adds to the loot he already took, and none of it adds to his encumbrance. Jager also leave the temple by flying out the passwall.

Ashira remenices about Gargul before heading out of the temple with her back of loot.

Cosmo relates to Rigging that he has not located the artifact and then gets out of fireball range as he hangs around the passwall opening.

Cosmo dos see several magic swords and sheilds and at least one cloak on to the the right hand internal structure.

Bart leaves the temple.

Appolo waits for flying lessons, but prepares a firey surprise for the Ga'alian alter.


Only Rigging, Cosmo and Appolo remain in the temple, along with the still remains of Nezamil.

The others are all outside the temple by the back wall. It looks to be a glorious morning as there is not a cloud in the sky. The sun is still low in the east. The back wall of the temple compound, and potential safety, is very close indeed.

There are no shots fired at the group outside the temple, but they are noticed by the groups of archers on either side of the temple.

There is a large contingent of guards at the front gate, which is quite a distance away. They seem to be having some problem passing through the open gates.

The passwall is still acting as a chiminy for the temple as the smoke from the burning oil is escaping out the opening.


Post one more combat round and mark off one more round of spells.

Rigging, on roof ac 25 hps 68/70 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 4:02:19 PM

OOC Jim, I would have fireballed last round or cast a fly spell on Appolo. I was just trying to make sure I didn't get anyone with the fireball...safety first.

Rigging casts the fly spell on Appolo and then joins the others on the roof. "Let's get back to the ship. Don't fly to high as the spells won't get us all the way there. You large people be prepared for the spells to end quickly. Let's land 2 streets over, (Rigging points towards the back wall) and get sorted. Then we can walk back and assess our raid.

Fly 20/50
mage armor 7 hours
shield 42/70
resist elements 41/70
cats grace 40/70
+4 oil on weapons ?
See invisibility 689/700

Val, ac 21, hp 127 /127, Barkskin +2, Fly , Enlarge 
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 6:51:01 PM

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--175/200 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---23/50rs. Remaining)
Enlarge (1 min total 7/ 10)

"Captain we need to move and now. Archers are linign up and taking aim. If we land anywhere except on the sword the local authorities will try and arrest us. I will not be arrested for this and strongly suggest we fly for our ship and set sail."

Jagar Ac 25 Hp 30/71  d20+6=8
Wednesday March 15th, 2006 10:02:20 PM

The monk exits the Temple of Ga'al using the smoke from the burning temple as cover and looks about(d20+6=8 spot ch).

Jagar stays low to the ground skimming at slightly above rooftop level

"Captain i think we can make better speed flying as close to the swords as possible.....we'll be traveling in a straight line and any pursuers will have to weave thru the streets "

1Mage armor
2.Fly 20/50
3 bless weapon oil 20/50
4.Enlarge 48/50

Jim i had Jagar search cleric (C5B) in last post

Ashira (AC22, HP76/103) Barkskin +2, Bless Weapon Oil, Fly, Protection from Fire 108pts., Enlarged 
Thursday March 16th, 2006 12:25:39 AM

Ashira nods at Val's comments. "She's right, Rigging. I don't think we want to be caught too close. We should move as far as we possibly can." She sighs, knowing that the enlarge person spell is wearing off, even as they speak. "You think you can zap me again with that wand in a few seconds. If we keep it up then we could make it all the way back."

Barkskin +2 (20 min total--172/200 rds. Remaining)
Bless Weapon Oil (5 min. total---32/60 rds. Remaining)
Fly (5 min total---20/50rs. Remaining)
Protection from energy (fire) 108 pts. (9 min total---63/90rds. Remaining)
Enlarge Person (1 min. total---8rds/10rds. Remaining

Rigging illegal post 
Thursday March 16th, 2006 7:19:28 AM

Rigging says to the others, "Yes we must go but the fly spell will only get us about halfway maybe three quarters of the way there before it fails. I only want us to stop to readjust the loads. You enlarged folk only have seconds. We you shrink, I doubt your enlarges backpacks will hold the loot and I don't want to shower the city with magical sharp pointy objects."

Thursday March 16th, 2006 9:54:22 AM

"Captain just to give you fair warning. If we land as you say and are asked to surrender by local militia I will not surrender. Those who blindly support ga'al deserve death." Val says with much anger. She's barely able to stop herself from drawing her flail and bashing it into the wall.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=25
Thursday March 16th, 2006 10:39:23 AM

Against his better judgment, due to his fear of pointy weapons, Cosmo swoops down and grabs a sword and flies out with the rest of the group. He releases his concentration on his detect magic spell and casts invisibility upon himself.

Concentration check 25; casting while flying.

Location: With the group.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 9 hours
Passwall (from scroll): 9 hours
Message: 873/900 rounds
See Invisibility: 873/900 rounds
Fly (from scroll): 21/50 rounds
Invisibility: 90/90 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 **, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Appolo Hp 35/59 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+14=23 d20+13=31
Thursday March 16th, 2006 10:42:21 AM

Appolo still hurting from his wound waits intil the others are clear then goes invisible and follow tossing is fire beed at the alter as he leaves.Hoping to blow it to G'aal and back.He also tip over one more brazier just to add to the fire.He flys silently out to the back wall and lands.He remains silent.

Roll is for toss to Alter 23 Unsure of damage though.

Move Silent 31

DM Jim: The trek back to the Sword  d20+4=13 d20+4=11 d20+4=14 d20+4=10 d20+4=9 d20+4=6 d20+4=19 d20+4=9 d20+4=19 d20+4=15 d20+4=8 d20+4=10 d20+4=18 d20+4=11 d20+4=16 d20+4=5
Thursday March 16th, 2006 12:49:50 PM

Appolo creates more mayhem in the temple before leaving invisibly. An explosion is heard to echo within the temple just as Appolo leaves.

The group heads out to the back wall of the compound, flying the whole way.

Archer line up various members of the Swords for target practice.


AC 13 & 11 both sail high over the captain.


AC 14 & 10 both are wide of the now large monk.


AC 9 & 6, both miss the small female elf.


AC 19 hits off of Val's armor, but does not penetrate and the other is low.


AC 19 and 15, Bart' armor turns one arrow and his quickness avoid the other.


AC 8 & 10 the kidnap victim escapes unscratched by arrows.


AC 18 is turned by her barkskin and the other bolt is too low to worry about.


AC 16 and 5 both miss the new elf.

Appolo: Invisible

Nezamil: Left behind and crispy


The Wildcards take three rounds to get two streets over and three more combat rounds to rearrange their loads before the enlarge spells wear off.

Ashira asks for several more enlarge spells to help carry the load.


THe group makes best possible speed for the precious minutes that the fly spells have left. There is no pursuit that the group can see, although the townfolk are given a treat and many watch the flying party and point and talk.

Alittle over half way to the Sword fly spells start to wear off, all those except for Tomas and Appolo, which have two minutes left.

The comrades are now deposited in the middlle of a street and are still at least 10 minutes from their ship. They can see fading black smoke in the direction of the Ga'alian temple.


The trek on foot back to the launch in uneventful and soon Tomas and Appolo's flys spells wear off too.

Hal and Kirk greet the hero's at the pier with their launch. The docks are full of people going about their business. Hal calls out to the group as he sees Tomas "Excellent Job!" Kirk adds with a big smile "Did the big boss stop for a second breakfast after the long walk?" Hal looks more concerned as he see the downtrodded faces and wounds on his friends and employeers "Where is Nezamil?" and his hand goes to the hilt of his sword.


OOC: Please list all of the items that were taken off the dead.

Ashira has an excellent list - excluding the heads......

Cosmo has one extra amulet that I neglected to list originally.

We know that Mykael is carrying Nezamil's magic items minus his armor and it does not have to be listed.

Jager got a cloak, mace, 2 scrolls, shield and 2 potions from the last cleric he looted. This is added to the loot he picked up previously (?)

I want the group to work on getting the magic items identified and sold and distributed off board (email) next week, so that we can do the Gargul senario.

Thursday March 16th, 2006 2:51:32 PM

Her face spattered with blood and filth, Ashira looks up wearily at Hal and Kirk. "I'm sorry men, but I have bad news...Brother Nezamil fell in the battle. He was so big, we couldn't get his body out. But don't worry...we have a resurrection scroll. We've got to be quick though. You need to get us to the highest level cleric in the city. The sooner the better...I have a feeling we're not going to be too welcome in town shortly..." Heading down to her quarters, Ashira dumps out the contents of backpack onto the floor and pulls out a scroll. She grins as the heads roll on the floor...she's got plans for those. Scroll in hand, Ashira heads back up top. "Alright. I'm going out into the city to find a cleric to raise Nezamil. Who's going with me? The sooner we get out of this town, the better."

Loot Ashira has taken
2 scrolls (divine)
2 potions
5 potions
great sword
chain shirt
three bolts
4 longswords
4 shields
8 potions

Thursday March 16th, 2006 5:37:01 PM

Rigging is pleased with the days work though Nezamil's fall and the Nautacolous still missing is very distressing. He agrees that a priest must be found quickly to bring the cleric back.

Loot of the rogues/assassins

Ring ----- Gloves
Amulet ----- Leather armor
L. Crossbow ----- Ring
9 bolts ----- Boots
Hat ----- Rapier
Dagger (Rigging: Roll DC 15 int)-- 2 potions
4 Potions ----- Cloak

Non Magic ----- Non Magic

20 PP ----- 30 pp
100 gp ----- 100 gp
2 diamonds ----- 3 diamonds
2 vials ----- 2 vials
earrings ----- earrings

Mykael  d20+8=27 d20+5=19 d20+6=20
Thursday March 16th, 2006 8:03:57 PM

Once back on the ship, Mykael states to the crew, "No one should leave the ship without notifing an officer and without an officers escort. This is for protection. If you need, I will be as avaliable as possible for this. That ok with you? Captain?"

Once settled, Mykael heads below to wash up and change. He cleans Nezamils gear and puts it in his room.

Then he heads back up on deck and does a complete inspection of the ship. He notes areas that still need work, and sets to getting it done.

(Shipwright=27, Rope Use=19, Swimming=20)
(use as needed)

OOC: Mykael grabbed all of Nezamil's magic and holy symbol FIRST, next he grabbed any all all equipment that he could, including backpack and pouches, as stated in previous posts.

Thursday March 16th, 2006 8:06:45 PM

Jagar steps up to Hal and Kirk "yes the mighty Nezamil has fallen " as the monk puts a steadying hand on the brothers shoulders" he died bravely ib battle"
"but Ashira has a scroll that will bring him back to us and we will all avenge those Ga'alian foes that escaped "

"Especially that Monk" says Jagar thru gritted teeth

" i'm with you Ashira" replies the bloodspattered Monk as he sidles up next to the blue haired sword swinger

2 long swords
2 shields
2 chain shirts
2 light crossbows
10 pp 50 gp(x2)
40 bolts
2 cloaks

Gold holy symbol (Ga'al)
cloak ?? might have burned that one
2 scrolls
20 pp 100 gp

2 scrolls
2 potions

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=23 d20+7=14
Thursday March 16th, 2006 10:08:16 PM

Cosmo is glad to be back on the boat. His mood is both somber and elated. In combat terms it was a good battle. Many of the enemy dead and only 1 casualty on our side. But even 1 death is too much when you see how well he was liked by his comrades. Cosmo thinks in his head of a Cleric strong enough to use the Resurrection scroll and trustworthy enough not to open his mouth (knowledge religion 23; knowledge local 14). If he can think of anyone he will pass the information along to Rigging.

Cosmo gathers the items he took off the foes and places them in the growing pile of loot. He looks at the large pile and realizes the 30 free identifies will be used up rather quickly.

"Rigging, I know you do not want people moving about the city by themselves. I can transport myself and a person or two to the catacombs quickly without having to use the streets. Tomorrow after I have studied for my spells I can take these items to be identified and sold. I know someone at the catacombs who can be discreet with our transaction."

"Rigging we will also need to check in with the governors concerning the items they offered the group. They should be near completion."


Cleric CF:
Bracers, (2) Rings, Robe, Amulet, (2) Potions, (4) Scrolls and 3 Candles.

Cleric CE:
(5 or 6) Potions, (5) Scrolls, Ring, Shield, Black Bead, Pearl (wrapped in a note), Dagger, Amulet, 50 pp, 50 gp and 4 Diamonds.

Random guy on top of right room:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Friday March 17th, 2006 12:17:54 PM

Appolo arrives back on the sword becomes visible.He looks a mess and is exhuasted.He walks over to Rigging spits littlew blood"You know boss.We need to get ready for the counter attack,this ai'nt over until that fool monk is dead.Anyone got some healing potions left.So if we're going to get Nezamil back we need to do it now."

DM Jim: Off to see the Cleric 
Friday March 17th, 2006 12:50:13 PM

The adrenaline rush has worn off after the battle at the temple and the race back to the Sword. All the Wildcards are tired hurt and feeling the loss of Nezamil. Ashira breaks the bad news to Nezamil's faithful friends Hal and Kirk "WHAT! You let a priest of Domi die!" Kirk is beside himself with anger and grief. Hal puts a reassuring hand on Kirk's shoulder, right next Jager's "Like Ashira said little brother, we will get him back., and then we will never let him out of our sight again."

The tired Wildcards drop their loot below decks and Ashira finds her scroll. Cosmo know where there is a temple of Gargul in South Harbor, but it is no where near the size of the Ga'alian temple compound. The temple of Gargul is a 20 -- 25 minute walk from the docks and on the opposite side of the city from the Ga'alian temple.

Cosmo also mentions his contacts at the Catacombs as there is no way there are enough free identify tokens for all of the magic the group acquired.

Mykael gives instructions to the crew not to leave the ship without an officer escort to avoid kidnapping possibilities.

Appolo expresses his concern to Rigging that the Sword will be attacked soon.

Once Melonie sees Val she rushes over. "I heard about Nezamil, are you alright." Melonie check out her mistress before asking "How did you do in battle?"

Mary and John find Ashira as she puts loot away. Mary brings her a towel and John some food and drink. Mary speaks up "I take it you had a tough time at the temple, should we expect a counter attack as Appolo says?"

The Wildcards board the launch and head for the docks. Hal and Kirk rowing the group over. Once everyone is on the dock Kirk ties off the launch and Hal speaks up "You left us behind for the battle, but we are coming to Nezamil resurrection. We will not take no for an answer."


The somber group with Hal and Kirk in tow wind there way through SOuth Harbor with Cosmo as their guide. Everyone ends up at a large Manor house on the outskirts of town. The Manor house is the temple of Gargul and it is surrounded on three sides by cemetaries. It is just noon.


OOC: I will work on the magic item compiled list this weekend and email the information to eveyone. I will use up the identify tokens. The balance of the list must be sent to the catacombs.

One Monday the group will meet Gargul.

Friday March 17th, 2006 5:15:34 PM

Val can't help but smile at Melonie's concern. "I'm fine Melonie. I was fortunate this day. I smashed up an earth elemental pretty good but I did not fight well enough. If I had Nezamil would be with us right now."

Saturday March 18th, 2006 3:17:26 PM

Rigging will turn and look at the Wildcards and the others coming to raise Nezamil. "Quick speech. I don't mean to signal anyone out..Appolo and Val, but lets try and remain respectful when we are asking our request to Gargul. Last time didn't go so well and I don't want a repeat performance. No matter what happens remember he is a God and not a very nice one. We are asking a favor and if we want to get Nezamil back, we will have to be humble."

Thomas also decides to come as it is only fitting since Nezamil gave up his life in trying to rescue him.

Appolo Hp35/59 invisible  d20+14=27 d20+13=24
Sunday March 19th, 2006 9:54:19 AM

Appolo takes off ahead of the group grunting little before he goes invisible.It is claer he ain't happy about something.He isa little peeved that no one noticed he is hurt.Great no one seems to care that I might be bleeding to death he thinks as he moves out behind the party,invisible and silent.

Move silent 27 Hide 24

Sunday March 19th, 2006 3:07:31 PM

We will revenge ourselves Hal and Kirk we get Nezamil back too life, we arent ready with this monk

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=21
Sunday March 19th, 2006 3:44:59 PM

Cosmo guides the group to the temple of Gargul. He continues to use the magic of the hat to disguise himself as a female elf.

He keeps an eye out for the wizard or the monk.

Spot 21.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Poison x1, Detect Magic x1 *, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1 *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x3, Reduce Person x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): M. Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2 *, Invisibility x2 *, See Invisibility x1 * & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Slow x1 & Haste x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1*, E. Black Tentacles x1, Greater Invisibility x1 & Dimension Door x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1 *, Dominate Person x1 & Animal Growth x1

Metamagic Rod:
Extend 2 uses of 3
Empower 1 use of 3

Sunday March 19th, 2006 10:04:57 PM

"Captain, I want Nezamil back just as much as the rest of ya. And I would want to be there to greet him upon his return. However, and I am sure Nezamil would understand this, I dont like leaving the ship with only the crew. Besides there still is alot of work to be done on her. I am willing to stay on ship to guard and help the crew. Your call." Mykael states to Rigging.

Sunday March 19th, 2006 11:52:44 PM

Ashira looks over at John and Mary, smiling weakly. Her body sore and her mind numb at the prospect of seeing Gargul so soon after her own resurrection. Wiping up some of the goop off with the towel, she waves off the food. "I don't know if there's going to be another attack. We didn't finish off the monk and the mage, so there's the distinct possibility that they'll counter attack. Keep ready. We need to go and get Nezamil raised. We'll be back and we need to be ready to move when we are. I'm counting on you keep an eye on the Sword and the others." Ashira lays her hand on John and Mary's shoulders. "Please, keep yourselves safe...I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Ashira journeys with the others, staying quiet and moving as quickly as possible. She moves hesitantly toward the Manor house. "C'mon. Let's go ask my Master for our brother Nezamil back."

Jagar  d20+6=21
Monday March 20th, 2006 12:13:50 AM

The fleetfooted monk takes up rearguard postion during the march to the Temple of Gargul keeping his eyes peeled(d20+6=21 spot ch)for that Monk and Mage

"heh armored and blood splattered we stick out like a red dragon againist a blue sky so lets be quick about this " suggests Jagar

As they approach the Temple of Gargul " hmm 3 cemetaries ...wonder if that has any meaning ? " puzzles the monk

Rigging "illegal post"  2d8(6+3)+7=16
Monday March 20th, 2006 8:05:27 AM

Rigging will hear Mykael and say, "Sorry friend but your coming. My experiences with Gargul is he likes to question the supplicants companions and we will need you there.

Rigging then gives orders to the ship. I want you to take the ship out over night. Head straight out from the shore away from the sight of land." Rigging looks around a the boarding party and availblbe officers and sighs. He will point to one of the more reliable seaman left from the old crew and put him in charge. "I expect the Sword back here at first light!"

He looks to the others and says, "That should keep them safe. If they are scried upon, all they will see is the ship at see with no landmarks."

He turns back to the seaman in charge and says, If you find your self followed, engage the sharks and get back into port. Find a local dock and get the guardsmen. Tell them you are being followed by pirates."

He looks to the others, "Lets go."

Rigging will lead the way.

Tomas feeling his old self, will offer any cures to needed to the wounded. "Master Appolo, I saw you still bear wounds from my rescue attempt. I can give you Alemi's blessing if you wish?"

If Appolo asks for it, Tomas will burn his status spell and give the rouge 16 points back.

Appolo 51/59 
Monday March 20th, 2006 10:13:33 AM

Appolo smiles at Tomas"Thank you my friend that would greatly be appreciated.Yes I would like that if you please."he immediately feels much better.

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