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Ashira (AC22, HP 125/125) Barkskin???  d20+15=35 d20+15=29 2d8(2+7)+10=19
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:09:27 PM

Ashira is shocked and abhorred by Val's actions. Wasting no time, she bolts in front of Val. "Valanthe what the hell do you think you're doing??? We need all of the trees alive. They are not our enemies. Everyone must have a free choice." Her swords at the ready, Ashira protects the tree. If Val should make any move to attack any of the trees she will attack the barbarian (AC35/29 crit for a lousy measly 19).

Monday November 28th, 2005 11:58:25 PM

Mykael stays with his battle group. Upon noticing the changing situation, he turns toward the new fey creatures, and waits for a sign. Already sure though, they have chosen to be his enemy.

Walter OOC 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:41:38 AM

please clarify if Val will be able to take a 5ft step to the side of Ashira and still attack the treant. Val was right infront of the treant so I believe its possible though I want to make sure. Val doesn't really want to go through Ashira to get to the treant but she will if she has to.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:57:25 AM

The dwarf stands rooted to his spot for few moments trying to comprehend what is taking place

" who was that screaming ?.....lets find out growls Nezamil as he starts forward waving his battle group forward and to the left flank of Ashira's group

with a wistful shake of his head Nezamil looks on as the leading wildcards break from their battle group " they gotta learn to cover each other"

" keep together " barks the dwarf to bouncers

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:03:41 AM

Jagar takes point postion in front of the dwarf and leads them to Ashira's left flank

" this is sooo strange " as he scans the the ground where the large tree and vine just dissappeared from

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:07:07 AM

The two tall bouncers move to keep Redux and the dwarf in the middle with Hal flanking Redux's outside flank and Kirk on the opposite side covering Nezamil's outside flank

Bart hp76/79 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 2:23:33 AM

Bart is very confused by the situation he doesn't know what to do. Should he attackt the treants? Should he wait and say what will heppen next. Bart decides to stay and scan the perimeter

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 10:38:01 AM

Walter, I'm having Ashira hold her action dependent on Val's action next round. There's nothing Ashira could have done about Val's attack this round, but next round she will be in position to defend it. But then of course, it doesn't matter what I think...it's really DM Jim's decision. :)

DM Jim: Final Combat - Combat Round 2  d20+3=23 d20+3=7 d6+1=7 d20+10=25 d20+5=14 d8+1=8
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:14:56 PM

Val walks up to one of the treants and assults it viciously. The treant howls in pain as one of its main arm branches is broken off. Sap is running freely. The critically injured treant withdraws from Val and its two fellow move to block Val's path; both treants have arms raised to strike if Val moves forward. Ashira moves to intercede also and is between Val and the two poised treants.

The injured treant falls. A women is heard screaming and a man laughing, both coming from Swirls directions.

Swirl beams back to Rigging. "The transformation was what was soo cool. They are wrestling now, or at least he is."

Jager, Nezamil, Rigging, Hal and Kirk all move forward to merge with the front battle group (almost make it - see map). Bart and Mykael take no overt action and watch the strange happening going on.

Redux does not move from his position even though his group abandoned him. Appolo moves forward towards where the tree disappeared. Appolo is out in front of the treants.

Melonie attacks Ashira with her short spear.

AC 23 (Natural 20 not critical) damage 7

Melonie yells "Do not hurt her!" as she withdraws her spear from Ashira.

Kirin steps to the side and sends two arrows at another treant hitting it once.

John readies his bow and Mary grabs her spear tightly, unsure of what action to take.

AC 25 for 8 damage
AC 14, miss

All of the elves armed by Val are moving forward in two groups. None of them are smiling.....

Map to come later.

Rigging illegal post 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:25:50 PM

Rigging's mouth will drop open in shock at Val's attack. He will turn and snarl at both the women, Val, Ashira, Stand down now! That is an order! If we don't stick together now, we are doomed! By Lemetrox's firey breath, I swear if you don't listen you will be swimming home!

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 3:33:02 PM

The dwarf peeks over his shoulder to make sure everyone is together and spots the mage lagging behind " come on Redux hurry up " yells Nezamil as he waves the mage forward

As he is about to turn to face the 3 large trees he see's the unhapy elves quickly approaching " whats up with them ?" adds the dwarf but suddendly it dawns on him "Hal Kirk Jagar form a line in front of them don't let them pass " growls Nezamil

Nezamil steps in front of the fast approaching elves "Stop right there " [b] barks out the dwarf as he holds both arms up in a stopping motion [b] " you ain't gonna go any further " says Nezamil in a menacing voice " nobody is attacking them trees you hear me " as he interposes himself between the elves and the 3 trees

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:39:15 PM

Jagar turns around from his point postion in his battle group at Nezamil's shout and quickly moves to take a blocking postion on the dwarfs left flank leaving a gap for one of the bouncers to fill

Following Nezamil's lead he also holds his arms up in a stop motion

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 4:42:36 PM

Turning in tandem with the dwarf the brothers each take a flanking postion on the dwarf with hal on the left between jagar and Nezamil and Kirk taking the right side

Bboth bouncers are imposing figures at 6'6" and scowl at the elves in their best i'm gonna kick you butt if you step closer bar room scowl

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 5:58:31 PM

Appolo stops and looks back.Seeing what is going on he sprints back.Interposing himself between Val and Ashira."Valanthe what are you doing.Leave the trees alone.They aren't the enemy.Now if you want to kill something.Let's go kill the Fae King.I'll serve up his head on silver platter for ya."

Looking to Melonie"Melonie go stand with the rest of the elves.Tell them they'll be needed for the final battle."Then over to Nezamil"Nezamil go see what you can do for that wounded tree.Save it if you can."

Valanthe (125/ 136) AC 20  d20+9=26 d10+27=30
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 7:16:53 PM

"Ashira I'll give you one chance. I will go through you if I must though I would prefer not to. Kirin use your bow and make sure the injured treant is finished." Val says loudly. She moves past Ashira and Appolo to the treant that represents sleep (not sure which one it is) and smashes it with her heavy flail.

ooc: power attack -10 to hit/ +20 to damage. Hit AC 26 for 30 damage.

Redux HP 50, AC 20 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 7:57:37 PM

Watching, the mage contemplates the movement of the elven group. "Rigging, they don't look friendly; nor do they look like following your direction."

Redux pulls out his Web wand and begins weaving stickiness between the groups, especially around the elves.

Mykael - HP 53 - AC 23  d2=1 d20+4=16 d20+1=12
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 8:12:06 PM

Slow realization coming to him, Mykael screams out information, "The Fey King has ahold of the elves and Val. He tried to take me too, but I believe that my Human soul helped me fight him off. The other Fey creatures are probably against us also. We need to see if we can affect the struggle directly, or if WE are the struggle!"

Mykael then turns and runs toward Swirl, looking for the screaming woman and laughing man. He keeps his eye on Swirl, still unsure of where his allegiences lay.

(Spot = 16, Listen = 12)

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 8:14:52 PM

OOC: wrong HPs and AC in previous post.. wanted to correct it

Ashira (AC22, HP 118/125)  d20+15=21 d8+5=6
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:16:26 AM

Ashira grunts as Melonie's attack takes her by surprise.

"Valanthe! I cannot let you do this!" hisses Ashira as she slices into Val as she passes (taking the AoO against Val). "I can understand the others buying into the Fae King's lies. But you...you...my own sister." Ashira takes little joy as her blade cuts into Val's side (AC 21 for 6 stupid points...OOC Walter, did you subtract the 19 points of damage from Ashira last round?)

Ashira looks around at the battlefield, knowing that there was much more at stake than her own personal betrayal. Seeing Mykael's quick thinking, Ashira shouts out. "The Fae King's pathetic attempt to thrwart justice will not succeed as long as there is life in my body! Mykael take your group and find the King and Mother. Defend her at all costs! Nezamil, I need you and your group check on the fallen tree. Heal it and protect it. Redux, keep up the good work! Take out the other group next. Appolo, you and I need to tend to family matters..." Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out some small sticks. Then she begins to work intricate lines through the air, casting a spell. Knowing from her previous experiences with the spell that it affects a much larger area, Ashira aims the center much farther out (to the Northeast) than she normally would. Immediately, the grass and plant life around herself, Melonie, Kirin, Swirl the Fae King and Mother (maybe), the treants and Val begin to wriggle and writhe, grasping for anything nearby. (Entangle...Reflex DC 12 or be stuck...if Reflex is passed, then movement is cut in half). Ashira looks over at John and says "Take down Kirin if he shoots at that treant. Mary, I need you to take care of Melonie for me."

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 7:31:24 AM

Rigging will yell to Nezamil, "Cure that Treant. I think we are gonna need it!" Rigging then pulls out a wand and aims it at Val. He discharges it, casting hold person on the barbarian. Will save dc 17

"I need everyone to calm down right now!"

Walter OOC 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:44:47 AM

I did not subtract the 19 points yet because I was waiting for something from the DM on the matter. The attack was in case Valanthe did something but then Appolo said he got inbetween them. Was the attack able to be executed?

Valanthe (102/ 136) AC 20 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:56:22 AM

"Why is Father the one to lie? Who do you think you are to tell me that I'm wrong and your right. I gave you a chance Ashira. I will do whatever it takes to fulfill Father's wish. You will have to kill me to stop me. If you are not prepared to do that then just quit now. Your tactics are terrible Ashira. Your spell has greatly hindered any effort to heal the dying treant."

ooc: Val took 23 due to damage reduction. I will make the saves once next round begins. Just wanted to post more conversation to keep things going.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59  d20+7=18
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 10:30:48 AM

Appolo says witha sad look on his face"Please forgive me my love."He then side steps and Flanks Val,just before tackling her.Lowering his shoulder quickly he dives into her hopefully knocking her down and landing on top of her."My love.Please .I can not let you harm Ashira or be harmed.Please stop.Who is this father you speak o.Please calm down.Those treants aren't the enemy and niether is Ahira."

Untrained Grapple attempt 18 to Tackle Valanthe.

DM Jim: Combat Round 3 - A house Divided  d20+7=9 d20+7=10 d20+7=8 d20+10=24 d6+5=8 d20+6=17 d20+6=23 d20+3=20 d20+3=5 d20+3=10 d20+3=12 d20+3=12 d20+3=14 d20+3=4 d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=18 d20+3=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=4 d20+3=20 d6+1=3 d20+4=6 d20+4=7 d20+5=14 d20+6=11
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:16:22 PM

Confusion seems to reign suppreme and friends contront one another.

Val sidesteps Ashira on her way to the next treant and Ashira draws Val's blood in the process. The Treant uses it long reach (AoO) to smash Val, but misses and actually gets closer to hitting Ashira (AC 9).

Val whollops the tree and hard and it strikes back.

AC 10, miss
AC 8, miss

The treant seems surprised by the suddenous of the attack.

Appolo rushes back tohis love and attempts to wrestle Val to the ground, but she shrugs him off. (Val wins the grapple after the take 10)

Rigging holds his ground and casts hold person on Val (save 23, I rolled it to keep the battle going, as people may want to post before waiting for your post.) The barbarian throughs off her captains contolling magic.

Mykael also holds his ground as he watches Swirl and yells out encouragement.

Bart does nothing, shocked into inaction by the events.

Nezamil and the bash brothers for a line of battle to meet the oncoming elves, but the Mistress of the Sword yells contrary orders to them.

Redux uses his web wand on the elves advancing on his side snagging all but one. That one elf drops his weapon and closes the distance to Redux and tackles him.

Grapple check 18: I do not believe that Redux can beat an 18 with a take 10 roll, so he is knocked to the ground with the elf on top of him.

Kirin drops his bow and pulls his club and move over toward Val and smacks Appolo (flanking). The club is shiney as if wet.

AC 24 for 8 damage

Kirin yells out "I will save you." Entangle save 17

The second group of elves split and four go to engage Mykael and Bart and the others push past.


AC 10, miss
Ac 10, miss


AC 4, miss
Ac 20, hit for 3 damage

Melonie attempts to stab Ashira again, but is entangled by the long grasses. Melonie screams in frustration. Save 6

Mary attempts to attack Melonie at Ashira's urging and is also entangled by the grasses. save 7

John watches Kirin smack Appolo with his club and decides to shoot him even though he did not attack one of the treants.

AC 14, miss for firing into combat.

John is then also overcome by the grasses as they entangle him and his bow.

Nezamil sees several more of the refugees turn into Elves and start to move forward.

Map to come.

Nezamil ac 22 Hp 67/71 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:24:54 PM

Ashira's warning Rings in the dwarfs ears and the magnitude of what is unfolding sinks in as he spots the transformation of refugees into elves " this is madness "

" ok guys we need to fall back towards the treants " growls Nezamil " Jagar your in charge of the three of ya ......keep the line as you walk back to Ashira....i'm gonna go heal the wounded treants "

With that the dwarf spins about and sprints towards the wounded treant his head spinning from the ramifications of what is unfolding " By Domi the future of the path of the wold can change with what happens here " thinks Nezamil

Nezamil makes aa double move to get to the wounded treant and looks up at the wounded towering tree " i can help you if you let me .....let me heal you " implores the Cleric of Domi

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:39:59 PM

" ok " replies the monk to the dwarf " ok guys fall back and lets stay in line " remarks Jagar to the bouncers as he starts backwards towards Ashira

" Hal and Kirk if we get close enough to Val we should try and take her down ...just gang tackle her .....alright......thats the plan so keep that in mind as we get closer "

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 30/52 and Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 4:44:50 PM

The brothers acknowledge Nezamil's orders and stay with the Monk

Hal looks over to where Val is and how Ashira and appolo are dealing with her " ah that ain't going to be easy ...she is a handful for sure ....but if we all do it at once maybe "

Kirk nods agreement with his brother " ya i'm with you Hal.....all at once is best " agrees the younger bouncer

the two riverboat bouncers move in step with Jagar back towards Ashira and Val

Valanthe (124/ 158) AC 18 Rage 1 of 8  d20+16=34 d20+11=31 d20+11=21 d20+6=14 d20+9=25 d10+17=26 2d10(2+3)+34=39
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 7:54:15 PM

Her scream echoes like thunder across the heavens. She taps into her rage pushing her already impressive strength to levels that rival some giants. Her eyes lock on the treant that could put father to sleep. He must be stopped just like the other one. None of them has the conviction to do what it will take to stop her. She essentially grew up alone in the woods. None of them know what that is like. Nor how good it is to hear a father's voice or the love he gives. Feelings that she will do anything to keep ... anything. Val lashes out again at the treant with everything she has.

ooc: relfex save 25. power attack -5 to hit/ +10 to damage. 1st attack hit ac 34 for 26. 2nd attack crit, ac 21 to confirm, for 39, 3rd attack miss ac 14

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24  d20+4=14 d20+1=6
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:10:16 PM

OOC: I stated in my previous post that Mykael was running toward Swirl... and watching him. Therefore Mykael should have gotten a full run toward him and not be attacked.

Mykael continues his movement toward Swirl, looking for the screaming woman and laughing man. He is still keeping an eye on swirl, unsure of his alliegence.

(spot = 14, listen = 6)

DM JIm: I missed and will adjust in the next post.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 10:38:07 PM

Rigging realizes that the two forces battling each other are taking over his wife and friend. He calls out into the air, "Fey King! Mother! Stop controlling my friends! Let them go! If Val attacks again, I will vote for death. If Ashira attacks again, I will vote for life. Let them go! We will have free will in this or you will regret your actions. Keep the others back as well. Do you hear me!

Nezamil, Appolo, Bart, everyone. Stand with me! Do as I do. This must stop now. We vote in a block! It is the only way to stop this insanity!"

Ashira (AC22 vs. Val, 19 vs others, HP 118/125)  d20+10=27 d20+13=14 d20+13=30 d20+9=25
Thursday December 1st, 2005 1:24:52 AM

Ashira grimaces as Val attacks once more. It was time to finish this foolish game. She had been caught by surpirse by someone she thought was a friend. It was clear that she was a friend no longer.

She looks to see if the treant is still alive...though she doubt it can be after that attack... But then a smile forms on Ashira's lips...like some kind of hidden secret. She looks over at Rigging sadly. "My love, how you cast your vote is your choice. But I will fight to give you the right to that vote."

Turning her attention to Val, Ashira sighs. "You must be feeling mighty smug about now, child. But I think you just might be forgetting something. I will not let you warp justice to meet this perverted Fae King's whim. If he is to live it will be because everyone has a chance to decide his fate...not just the fools he has tricked into serving him."

Taking a 5 foot step, Ashira easily breaks free of the grasses trying to entangle her (Ref.=26). Reaching over, Ashira grabs ahold of Val (Touch=30...used 1 hero point to reroll) and then succeeds in grappling her (Grapple=25+4=29(used 2 hero points to bump). As she wrestles with the raging barbarian, Ashira calls out to Appolo. "Sneak attack her now. We need to take her down quickly. I don't want to kill her, but I don't want her to kill us either. Do it Appolo!" Ashira smiles as Nezamil and the bouncers head her way. That should even things up a bit.

OOC Don't forget to roll the Reflex. vs. Entangle each round of combat that you're in the entangled area!

Valanthe (124/ 158) AC 18 Rage 1 of 8  d20+16=24 d10+17=27 2d6(6+5)=11 d20+18=32
Thursday December 1st, 2005 2:17:55 AM

As Ashira rushes in to grab her, Val whips the heavy flail into her without hesitation. Her eyes are wide and unblinking, mouth curled into a smile. The rage had her now. There was no conversation, no hesitation based on stray thoughts or feelings.

ooc: I took the opportunity to roll out some of these numbers I had to. On the AoO that Ashira provoked when initiating the grapple Val hit ac 24 for 27 regular plus 12 more if Ashira is of good alignment (power attack -5/ +10). Her opposed grapple check is 32. By the way please don't hold back just because. Right now her already magically enhanced strength is boosted even more by her rage. Pinning her probably won't work. Stopping her may require her health to drop into the negatives which I perfectly understand.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+9=27 d20+9=17 d10+4=14 d6=3 d6=3 d6=6 d6=1
Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:46:05 AM

With tears in his Appolo draws his blades and flanks Val.He Swings twice at her impaling her with his Long Sword.Cutting her deeply.Thinking this Fae King guy is going to pay big time.Sleep he he's going to die for this."Ashira take the others and go find this fae King.Put his head ona pike.I'll play tag with Val."Ashira can see the great sorrow in his eyes as the light goes out and grim darkness passes over him.Lending hima truelly terrible visage.Appolo then goes invisible.

Attack 27 Critical 17 miss Damage 14x2= 28+13+41 Total.

Bart ac 24 ho 76/79  d20+15=33 d20+15=25 d10+9=18 d10+9=10 d6=3 d20+10=25 d10+9=12 d6=5
Thursday December 1st, 2005 6:14:30 AM

In a reflex Bart defends himself against the elves attacking the foe in front off him (threat 33 crit 25 for 28+3 shock) His second attack does less dammage (hit ac 25 for 12+5 shock)He then hears Rigging, still confused he tries to fight defensively.

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Teleporting  d20+14=28
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:06:04 AM

As the elf grabs a hold of him, Redux clicks his tongue in disdain. He casts a spell and is immediately teleported over to Rigging (w11). (no somatic or component required, so he can cast without a grapple check, Concentration=28...success) He calls out to Talon via his mental link "Hey buddy, I little help over here would be nice." Then he calls out to "Rigging how about a little help with this guy."

DM Jim: Combat round 4 - Bad Things Happening  d20+3=17 d20+3=20 d2=2 d20+10=15 d8+3=9 d8+3=10 d20+10=27 d20+10=24 d20+10=24 d6+4=6 d6+4=10 d20+3=10 d20+3=14 d20+6=15 d20+3=9 d20+3=12
Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:12:40 PM

OOC: I has been brought to my attention that the new wold rules do not allow an AoO for grappling anymore. Not a good Idea in my opinion, but that is the rule we have to play with. In this instance, I will disallow Val's AoO on Ashira and not allow Appolo to flank Val since the attacks were basically simultaneous. Unless Val, breaks Ashira's grapple, Appolo will be able to flank her next round.

Appolo did no damage to Val at all since he failed his save verses the entangle (I had to roll it 15).


Redux does not like his postion under the elf and quickly teleport away, with the unhappy elf still on top of him. The elf maintains his hold and attempts to choke Redux and is sucessful.

grapple check 17
AC 20 for 2 damage.

Talon hears Redux's call for help and large wings beat air to gain altitude. Redux feels that help is on the way.

Rigging can see the struggle going on in front of him, two feet away.

Appolo attempts to strike his love, but is entangled by all the grasses (Roll your own save next time).

The sleep treant withdraws from Val's onslaught, and it is horriblly wounded.

Val start to enlarge and grow much to Ashira's dismay and she breaks Ashria's grapple (Grapple check is now 30). Val also feels some of her wounds heal (9 hp). Val is large sized now.

Ashira feels her skin toughen (barkskin +5) and some of her wounds heal also (10 hp).

The live treant back up by its brethern and away from the combat and the overgrown entangle spell.

Kirin is still active in the entangle (Save 27)and swings at the almost helpless Appolo.

Ac 24 hit for 6 damage
Ac 24 hit for 10 damage

Appolo has now taken 24 points of damage.

Mary and Melonie are still each held fast and just scream at one another.

John is still struggling against the grasses too.

Mykael runs toward swirl and sees a male elf pick up a female elf and drop her over his knee. The female crumples into the grass and is not seen anymore. The male elf gestures to Mykael "Come here my son and join my ranks. You reward will be great." Mykael sees that Swirl is smaller than there last enounter, but still larger than normal. Swirl makes no threatening moves.

Bart cuts down the two elves facing him. The other two jump on him, but he easily sidesteps them.

Grapple checks 9 and 12

Several more elves move out of the ranks of the refugees and come forward menacing.

Rigging calls out for calm that seems to be ignored by all. Rigging even calls out to the Fey King and Mother. The Fey King answers on the wind "What do you want for your vote and infulence? I see that you are coming closer to me as it is." Rigging feels his wings twitch.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 3:50:00 PM

Ummm...Jim, I believe the Grapple roll has to be actually rolled before Val can break free. If she rolls a 1, 2, or 3 then it automatically fails. It's not a sure thing. And I'm also confused as to whether or not Ashira is entitled to a grapple roll as well.

Walter, so we're all on the same page, here's the Woldian rules about grappling.

Addendum...you know what, let's just let this one go. Val was Enlarged so that broke Ashira's hold. I accept that.

Ashira (AC27, HP 125/125) Barkskin +5  d20+10=17 d20+13=21 d20+8=22 d20+13=28 d20+5=23 d8+5=13 d8+5=12 d6+3=7 d6+3=7
Thursday December 1st, 2005 5:34:11 PM

Ashira screams as her face twists in rage "Mother!!!" She locks her gaze on Val...the traitor...the source of her frustration. "Then this is how it ends" she growls through gritted teeth. "Fine with me." Her swords slash and slice into the huge barbarian in front of her. (AC21 for 13, AC23 for 12, AC28 for 7, AC23 for 7).


OOC So since Val is Enlarged I guess she gets the -1 on attacks and -1 to AC that goes with it?

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65  d20+14=28 d20+9=15 d20+10=19
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:09:23 PM

Jagar having moved too Ashira's postion watches with a stunned expression as the trio of wildcards battle it out but quickly takes action as he leaps into the fray and tries to sweep Vals legs out from under her (d20+14=28)(improved trip) and as she falls to the ground he launchs a stunning fist attack on her(d20+9=15)(will use two hero pts to add +4 to the stunning fist attack)(Val is Ac 18 this should bring up Jagar's stunning fist to 19 ac)(pg 101 phb)
and lands a solid blow hoping to stun the elven barbarian (Val needs to make a fortitude save vs Dc 10+4(1/2 level)+4 (wisdom mod)=18 fort save or be stunned for a rd)

"Come on guys pile on her " shouts Jagar to those nearby

Jim improved trip is vs a touch melee attack and she should be prone i believe , let me know if i'm right

OOC Reflex=19 for entangle.

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+24=44 d20+23=29
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:41:43 PM

Both brothers follow Jagar towards the raging elf and quickly follow Jagars orders and gang tackle her with Hal a step ahead of his brother
does a flying tachle (d20+24=44 nat 20!!)and pins her on her back (i hope )Kirk follows his brothers lead and also does a flying tackle (d20+23=29) and helps his brother try and pin the enraged elf on the ground " just like on the riverboat eh Hal " grunts the bouncer as he struggles with Val

Grapple DC = 10 + Str Modifier + Size Mod + BAB + Feats

Hal 10+4+0+5+4=28 -4 for va's enlarged size=20
Kirk 10+4+0+4+4=27 -4 for va's enlarged size =19

DM JIm: To attack with grapple you must roll the D20, you do not take 10. Please roll.

Bash brothers entangle save rolls  d20+2=16 d20+2=4
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:15:03 PM

forgot the reflex saves for the entangle spell

Hal d20+2=16 made it !!
Kirk d20+2=4 failed !!

Rigging  3d4(3+1+3)+3=10
Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:57:48 PM

Rigging steps back 5' to gain some room and then chants a couple magic words. Missiles dart from his hands and strike the elf grappling his buddy Redux doing 10 points to the bothersome creature.

He then calls out to the Fey King. "If you want my vote, you can have it! First thing you have to do though is stop this battle! Then we all can discuss it. Were all pirates. We can be bribed! But I assure you, if you don't then we will vote the other way. We are pirates after all! You can't permanantly kill us. Everything seems to come back to life here. We will eventually get our vote. Now stop this battle!"

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 67/71 Flying 
Thursday December 1st, 2005 11:19:20 PM

The dwarf observes the brush taking hold of people " i ain't gonna be hog tied by a tree " growls the dwarf as he reaches into a pouch and yanks out a vial(potion of flying) and quickly chugs it down "

"i'll get to ya later i gotta take care of a few things first " growls the dwarf to the treants and he changes course and follows after Mykael towards the fae king as he becomes airborne " don't go hiding on me ya corruptor " growls Nezamil to the Fae king as he gains altitude

Redux  d20-3=5 d20-3=17
Friday December 2nd, 2005 1:39:56 AM

The mage activates his levitation ring and floats up as fast as possible. When he feels his legs get lighter, he'll kick off. He hopes to get his feet above his head (or at least get the elf off balance). (btw strength check to break grapple; used a hero point to re-role, nat 20.)

Bart ac 24+4? ho 76/79 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 2:46:43 AM

Bart fights defensivly (ac+4?) he tries not to kill anymore elves. He is jumping around circling around his opponents making fake strikes and hoping to attract more eleves to keep them away from his friends so they can do what has to be done, whatever it is

Valanthe (70/ 158) AC 16 Rage 2 of 8, Enlarge Person  d20+9=15 d20+15=28 d20=17 d20=20 d20+15=25 d20+15=27 d10+29=34 2d6(1+6)=7 d20+10=28 d10+29=37 2d6(1+5)=6 d20+5=16
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:36:32 AM

Fueled by rage and the desire to fulfill Father's wish Val feels no pain. Her blood flows from several wounds, turning her armor red in places. Her eyes almost glow red, teeth clenched in anger. She finds only minor difficulty as she rises to her feet and brings her now massive flail crushing into anybody near her.

DM Jim: Remember that standing from a prone position gives your attackers AoO's

OOC: Entangle save 15, Stunning Fist save 28, took 10 on both grapple checks for a grapple of 29 each and rolled a 17 and 20 to avoid the failure on 1, 2, or 3.

Power attack (-8/ +16) for all attacks. Used 1 hero point to reroll attack roll against Ashira. Hit AC 27 for 34 + 7 (if of good alignment). Second attack against Jagar- hit ac 28 for 37 + 6 (if of good alignment). Third attack against Kirk misses with a 16.

Friday December 2nd, 2005 1:24:12 PM

Standing from prone is a move action, so you can't make a full attack too. Val can only make one attack this round.

Appollo AC23 HP35/59 Invisible  d20+10=22 d20+2=22 d20+9=12 d20+9=22
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:20:57 PM

Appolo untangles himself from the grasses and swings at Kirin,then goes insisible.

Appolo OOC 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 4:21:52 PM

Reflex 22 Strength 22 Attack 12

DM Jim: Combat Round 5  d20+3=10 d20+3=6 d20+3=17 d20+3=17 d20+10=30 d20+10=23 d20+10=27 d20+9=28 d6+4=7 d6+4=10 d6+4=5 d20+3=7 d20+3=5 d20+6=9
Friday December 2nd, 2005 5:23:55 PM

OOC: I had to answer some of Val's questions prior to her posting so I will have several things happen simultaneously. Please bear with me.


Val is fully engraged and seems out for blood, and some of hers is flowing freely too. Ashira draws Vals blood, but Val returns the favor with a heavy wack with the flail.

Jager speeds into the fray and takes a blow from the flail. Jager is sucessful in taking down the now enlarged Val and punches her square in the face. Jagers blow seems to enrage her further.

Kirk and Hal also rush in, but Kirk is held by the grasses. Hal makes it though and jumps on the downed Val (Natural 20) and grabs hold (29 verses 29 on grapple).

OOC: Val is prone, it is a move action to rise and then she would only get one attack.

Rigging knocks the elf off of Redux with a magic missle and converses with the Fey King and he responds. "Let me see you vote, go an eat the fruit from the tree of your choice. Your vote and conflict are base on free will and everyone has a choice to make. Let us see what a leader will do." The Fey King observes Rigging for a bit. "After you vote, we can see what we can do about your wings....."

Redux takes to the air just as Talon is diving in his direction. The two friends pass each other in the air.

Nezamil takes his potion and takes flight and he too feels gossamer wings grow out his back.

Bart tries to keep the now four elves at bay and is sucessful.

Appolo swings back at his tormentor and lands solid blows (roll damage). Kirin attempts to return the favor. Kirin avoids the worst of the grasses (save 28)

AC 30 hit and critical, damage for 17
AC 27 hit for 5 damage.

Appolo is realing with another 22 damage.

Melonie and Mary are still held fast by the gasses and spit curses at one another. John is still held fast too.

There are 4 elves closing in on Rigging and fast.

Mykael watches everything with mouth wide open.

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 6:50:31 PM

Mykael moves toward the male elf, "You will leave the lady elf be, or I will fry your elven butt! I am my own man, you hold no sway over me. You have repeatedly sent attackers against me, my friends, and innocents. Stop this non-sense now!"

Mykael will cast Magic Missle at the Male Elf if me makes a move toward the female elf in the grass.

OOC: Can we all hear the conversation between the Fey King and Rigging?


DM Jim: Everyone can hear the converstation, especially Mykael since he is closes to the Fey King.

Nezamil ac 22 Hp 67/71 Flying,enlarge person 
Friday December 2nd, 2005 10:55:33 PM

" What madness is this ?" growls Nezamil as he feels the wings grow " this madness has to stop "

The dwarf starts to fly over towards Mykael he reaches into a pouch and withdraws a grey powder "Domi grant your humble follower giant power to fight this madness " prays the Cleric of Domi as he sprinkles the grey powder and touches his anvil holy symbol (casting enlarge person) and the dwarfs size increases as he flys overhead of Mykael " your madness will end " as he draws his mace and ready's his shield and his eyes seek out the Fae king

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 65/65  d20+14=27 d20+9=11
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:01:37 PM

Jagar bounces on the balls of his feet waiting to sweep the barbarians legs out from under her again and quickly seizes the moment (d20+14=27 trip) "stay down and you won't get hurt " announces the Monk as he again tries to strike a stunning blow with his fists(d20+9=11 stunning fist) but the agile elf avoids the blow again

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 31/52 Kirk Ac 20 Hp 43/43  d20+4=8
Friday December 2nd, 2005 11:16:01 PM

Hal steps away from the now large sized enraged elven barbarian "she's crazed " yells the bouncer as he makes his way over to help his younger brother free himself from the entangle spell " i'm here Kirk shouts Hal as he appraoches his brother

Kirk struggles againist the foiliage gripping him (d20+4=8 str ch) but to no avail " Hal help me! " shouts Kirk

Ashira (AC27, HP 84/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=25 d20+15=35 d20+15=27 d20+10=13 d20+5=19 d20+15=22 d20+7=18 2d8(4+6)+10=20 d8+5=8 d8+5=8 d6+3=4 d6+3=4 d20+17=35 d20+17=18 2d8(5+3)+10=18
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 1:37:55 AM

The pain from Val's blow ripples through Ashira's body. She watches as the giant Val falls. Now was the time. She looks over at Jager who is standing nearby. "The rage has her now. Even if she would give up before, she won't now. We must take her down." Moving easily past the grasses once more (Refl.=25), Ashira moves in for the attack. Her swords move with speed and grace and are soon dripping with the barbarian's blood (AC35/27 crit for 20, AC13 for 8, AC19 for 8, AC22 for 4, AC18 for 4...44 total). She watches Val carefully, and should she attempt to rise, Ashira will make good use of her attack of opportunity (AC35/18 crit. for 18).

OOC: Since Val is prone, I am assuming that her AC is 4 lower against melee.

DM JIm: You are correct about Val's AC

Valanthe (8/ 158) AC 16 Rage 3 of 8, Enlarge Person  d20+12=27 d10+35=38 2d6(2+4)=6 d20+9=16
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 3:25:22 AM

Feeling reacting on instinct and anger, Val rises without hesitation. She sees Ashira's blade once again bite deep, drawing much blood Val has her target. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knows she's probably hurt bad. But she doesn't feel the pain nor do her limbs tremble and weaken. The massive flail whips around in a high circle before coming down square on Ashira.

ooc: reflex save 16. Hit Ashira AC 27 for 38 plus 6 extra if good alignment (power attack -11/ +22). Jagar last round you took 37 + 6 (if of good alignment) from one attack.

Jagar -delete post later 
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 11:01:56 AM

how did jagar take that damage ? no AoO , he has improved trip which negates any AoO Val has, Val tripped and can only make one attack per rd after standing up

DM Jim: Yes, Jager did take damage last round. Read the top of my last post. Val will be swept this round and not be able to attack. That is for Jager's AoO.

Rigging  6d6(2+1+2+5+4+6)=20
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 10:17:04 PM

Rigging sees the elves coming and shakes his head. He pulls out a different wand and launches a fireball at the four doing 20 or 10 points of damage to them. Rigging will only do this if he doesn't get any of his friends.

If he would get his friends or the elves are scattered enough to make the fireball impractical, Rigging will simply activate his ring of invisibility. He scoots towards the trees and says, "I really don't care if you live, die or go to sleep. If you want my vote, then you need to stop this battle. Then we talk. Otherwise I make a decision you might not like. Stop this battle now! This is your last and final warning."

Appollo AC23 HP12/59 Invisible  d20+15=17 d20+14=33
Sunday December 4th, 2005 10:02:12 AM

Appolo hurt bad stays invisible and breaks and runs.Moving a silently and as swiftly as he can.When and if he reaches safety he will dink his last potion of cure moderate wounds.{Not sure about hit oints recovery.}

Hide 17,Move Silently 33

Redux (AC20, HP50/50)  d4=4
Monday December 5th, 2005 12:38:15 AM

Redux steadies himself in the air. He will only settle to the ground if it is clear to do so, otherwise he will continue to rise until he is.
Seeing his chance for old time spells, the mage casts Spectral Hand (4hp). He will keep it beside him if he needs it for his own protection. If not needed in the immediate vicinity, he'll send it off towards the entangled area (i assume that something floating above the grass cannot be held, otherwise he'll keep it above the tallest grass).

Bart Ac 28 HP 76/79 
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:19:30 AM

Bart is still fighting defensive tryonmg to keep the elves around him busy. If an attack will succeeed bart wil counterstrike

DM Jim: Combat Round 6 - Up and Down  d20+10=13 d20+10=15 d20+7=14 d20+3=23 d20+3=19 d20+3=14 d20+3=8 d20+3=22 d20+3=22 d20+3=16 d20+3=15 d20+3=14
Monday December 5th, 2005 1:16:39 PM

Val attempts to rise as the grasses grab at her and opponents surround her. Val gets to her feet only to have them swept out from under her again and she falls hard on the ground. Jager launches another speedy hand at Val, but she moves just in time to see the dust rise where Jager struck the ground next to her head. Val's rage is at its peak, especially with little release while lying on her back.

Jager and Ashira Circle Val as Kirin closes with Ashira now that the invisible Appolo slinks off through the grasping grasses (save 13 for the entangle: Appolo you must start rolling your won saves).

Kirin entangle save 14

AC 15 miss, Kirin's glistening war club swings wide of Ashira even as the ranger concentrates so hard on Val.

Melonie and Mary finally break free of the grasses and leap at on another, not far from the main battle with Val. Mary seems to have a better hold (14 verses 8) on Melonie, but the young women are mostly hidden by the four foot grass that is still attempting to entangle them.

Hal goes and helps his entangled brother.

Redux rises high above the fray and Talon comes to join him. Talon is flying is cirlces around Redux.

Nezamil enlarges himself and is very surpirsed by the results as he has gained to size categories, and those small gossomar wings are beating so fast that they can not be seen. Nezamil seems somewhat thinner than normal in his really big new form.

00c: Nezamil moved up 2 size categories and has triple the bonuses from enlarge and three times the minues.

Mykael watches the Fey King stomp on the women and sends his missiles at the elf. The fey King recoils at their impact and comments very calmly "Very dissapointing."

There are now five elves attempting to jump on Bart, and two get holds on the quick warrior (grapple touch attack 22, twice, what is your grapple check, you need +13 to break free? Put in your next post)

Rigging kills the largest group of elves moving forward, eight, with his fireball and starts several small fires, none of which look to last.

The Fey King immediately looks at Rigging. "That was unwise." The King points a finger at Rigging and he feels himself changing and shrinking (Polymorph any object: DC 25 save). Rigging is getting much more sprite like, but on the plus side the wings seem to be working better. "You are not choosing well, how will you vote creature of mine." The Fey King spits at Rigging.

Ashira (AC27, HP 40/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=15 d20+15=24 d8+5=10 d20+10=24 d20+5=17 d20+15=27 d20+7=20 d8+5=13 d8+5=13 d6+3=7 d6+3=8
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:23:35 PM

Ashira is almost oblivious of the four foot tall grasses, moving easily through them (Ref=15). The ranger looks at the fallen Val with contempt. "I probably ought to just kill you...but out of the love and respect that I had for you in the past..." Ashira lances her sword into the barbarian once more, easily making it past her defenses and cutting into her right side (AC 24 for 10). She checks to make sure that Val is unconscious before she swirls, turning on the other traitor, Kirin. (OOC if for some reason, the previous attack does not make Val unconscious, she will use her next attack to do so) "I'm afraid I don't owe you the same courtesy." she snarls, beginning to look enraged herself. Incredible, almost intoxicating power courses through her arms as she feels stronger, more capable than she has all her life. Her longsword snakes out two more times, looking for blood, and finding it. (AC24 for 13, AC17 for 13) She follows up with two quick thrusts of her short sword. (AC27 for 7, AC20 for 8). She calls out to the others, yelling above the din of battle "Go to the treants if you can and cast your vote. It is what the Fae King fears the worst...and it is Mother's last wish."

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Monday December 5th, 2005 2:49:31 PM

Redux will ask Talon to give him a lift towards the trees, while being levitated. Redux expects that Talon will be able to grab his cloak and pull him along. If this will not work he will lower himself to the ground to walk (given, of course that there is not an unfriendly elf around; I haven't heard).

Rigging ac 19, hps 70/70  d20+7=14 d20+7=27 d20+8=21
Monday December 5th, 2005 3:10:41 PM

Rigging will feel himself changing and he will concentrate trying to hold his form. He is able to barely stabilize himself and then sprints over towards the trees. He will grab a piece of fruit from the sleep try and say, "Nighty night" and bite into it. He yells to the others, "Let's put this useless old god to sleep and get back to the ship!"

If he needs to, he will tumble past any foes who might want to get an AOO on him.

first fort save 14
rerolled burning hero point nat 20
tumble roll 21

mage armor lasts hours

Bart Ac 24 hp 76/79  d20=19 d20=19
Monday December 5th, 2005 3:48:53 PM

OOC Bart was jumping around and trying to avoid the grappling attempts from his opponents (bart has ac 26 when fighting defensive and also has the spring attack feat) barts grapple check is (take ten+base attack+strength mod= 10+14+4=28

Bart is getting tired of keeping away from the elves, he moves towards the fea king (+4 to Ac= Ac 28 to AoO)

Valanthe (-24/ 136) 
Monday December 5th, 2005 4:30:52 PM

With the loss of conciousness the rage that was empowering her fades away leaving her corpse hidden among the tall grass, her blood turning the ground crimson.

Appolo Hp 32/59 Ac23 invisble  d20+10=26 d20+14=20 d20+13=29
Monday December 5th, 2005 6:55:58 PM

Appolo watches as Val falls and a truly murderous rage engulfs him.Looking at Ashira you want my vote kill the Fae King.I'm going to let my blades cast my vote,Appolo then moves swiftly and silently toward the Fae king cirling around behind him to line up for a seak attack.

Reflex 26 Hide 20,Move Silently 29

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Monday December 5th, 2005 9:10:21 PM

Seeing the Fey King stomp on the female elf almost pushes him to a boiling point, however, years of training and experience have taught him to always remain in control. Mykael hears Ashira's plea, and states to the Fey King, "I am voting for your death, you deserve worse for all you have caused!"

Mykael turns and runs toward the treant that votes for death and pulls a peice of fruit from that treant and takes a bite.

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 28/65 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 1:00:35 AM

Jagar grimaces at the elven barbarians lethal strike withe the flail and and steps back as Ashira steps in and swings at the prone enraged elf

Somehow the monk hears Ashira's orders thru the pain and with his fleetness afoot he dashes over to the 3 treants and stares momentarily as pain wracks he body and quickly chooses an apple "sleep" grunts jagar as he bites the apple

Jagar is Ln

Nezamil Ac 17 Hp 67/71 Flying,Enlarged!!!  d20+13=25 2d6(2+5)+8=15
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 10:39:16 AM

Nezamil fly's directly at the Fae king charging !!thru the air his shield held steady and mace ready to strike as he attacks the Fae king (d20+13=25)his mace lashes out at the Fey God smashing into his chest with his enlarged weapon (2d6+8=15 dam) " how's dat feel ya murderer " growls Nezamil as he flys past the Fae king and swoops high into the air and turns and ready's himself for another charge

attack bonus for Nezamil base+10,size str bonus+3,-3 for size bonus ,+1 weapon,+2 for charge =+13 total

Nezamil now has a 15 ft reach, let me know what/if i get any AoO's on the fae king if he tries anything

DM Jim 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 1:14:58 PM

Waiting for some clairification before posting. May have to post late.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 2:06:11 AM

OOC graaple check is 24 instead of 28

DM Jim: Vals Death - Combat Round 7  d20+3=13 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 d20+3=16 d20+3=4 d20+3=13 d20+10=29 d20+6=24 d20+9=17 d6+5=11 d20+6=19 d20+6=26 d20+3=16 d20+3=16 d20+5=13 d20+6=9
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 8:36:32 AM

OOC: Sorry for the missed post, but I fell asleep reading last night. I will try to make it up over the weekend.


Upon hearing Mykael's words the Fey King pleads "After all that could be yours if I live and am at full power, you want to diminish yourself in the process, foolish. Think before you eat. You are too young for your Fey Form, were is your wisdom." The Fey King quickly changes focus on the charging form of a very big Nezamil.

Seeing what has befallen Val, a distraught Appolo, retires and takes his healing potion on his way over to seek vengence upon the Fey King.

Rigging shakes of the transmutation spell, barely and gains a growl from the Fey King. Rigging then calls for the Wildcards to eat fruit from the "sleep" treant.

Val get very pale and her blood pours into the ground and she expires. Vals spirit rises from her body and floats toward the battle witht he Fey king. Ashira witnesses Vals death and takes her rage out on Kirin, landing three solid blows (AC 20).

Kirin is rocked by the blows but strikes back with his club (reflex save entangle 17).

AC 29, hit for 11 damage
AC 24, miss

Jager sees Val die and heads for the treants and eats fruit from the "sleep" tree.

Bart easily throws off the two elves that manage to get brief hold on the big man. Bart attempts to move off in the direction of the Fey King, but is pursued by the five elves. All five elves are fast and unencombered by gear and keep up with Bart. They all dive at the warrior in desparation and all miss badly. Bart darts away and leaves them all on the ground.

Talon swoops over to Redux and grabs hold of his cloak at the shoulders and starts flapping over toward the Fey King and the oversized Nezamil.

Nezamil charges over to the Fey King and whacks him in the check with his supersized mace, sending him flying. The Fey King Changes into and eagle on the fly and gains altitude, screeching the whole way. The eagle is watching the ground intently.

Kirk with the help of Hal both extract themselves from the entangle spell.

Mary and Melonie are free of the entangle spell and still mostly hidden by the grass as they battle one another.

John breaks free of the grasses and fires and arrow at Kirin, but the gasses grab the bow just as he fires (Ac9) sending the arrow high.

Ashira (AC27, HP 30/125) Barkskin +5  d20+11=15 d20+15=33 d20+15=34 2d8(1+8)+10=19 d20+10=27 d8+5=10 d20+5=18 d20+15=20 d6+3=4 d20+7=22 d6+3=5
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 5:05:13 PM

The ranger screams in rage and frustration. She had seen Val take worse hits than that and still live. Her eyes lock on the Fae King...him...this is all his fault! Her face contorts with the anger over Val's "death", and Ashira takes it out on the closest thing nearby...Kirin. Her arms shake as she grips the hilts of her swords so hard that her veins begin to bulge with the effort. She thrusts her sword into the ranger's chest and watches carefully to see if the damage is enough to kill him, if not, she presses her attack, slices into the traitor time and time again.. (AC33/34, crit. for 19, AC27 for10, AC20 for 4, AC22 for 5; 38 total damage).

If the additional attacks are not needed, Ashira sprints toward the treant that represents "death". Snatching the fruit, she bites into it. "Death is the only thing you deserve!" she calls out to the eagle.

OOC: Reflex=15

Mykael - HP 40/45 - AC 24 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 7:56:05 PM

Mykael turns toward the battle and moves a little away from the treants. "Come, Wildcards! Make your vote!" he screams at his comrades.

Mykael will hold his action, If there are any charmed individuals chasing wildcards as they come to make thier votes, Mykael will engage one or two. If it is a group giving chase, then he will cast web and try and hold them, making sure to miss any wildcards.

Rigging  6d6(2+2+2+2+3+4)=15
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 9:54:44 PM

Rigging stifles a tear when he sees Val perish. "I hope she comes back as a girl. Appolo is gonna be pissed if she comes back as a boy. Wonder is she comes back as a boy, if she will still like boys or suddenly start liking girls?" Rigging shakes these thoughts from his mind and yells, "Wildcards, come vote! Voting is more important than battle right now! Bart you can't kill a god by fighting. But you might be able to put him to sleep for good! Come vote!"

Rigging feels a little guilty so readies an action. If the five elves start to pursue Bart again, he will fireball them with his wand doing 15 or 7.

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 1:59:40 AM

Redux talks to Talon.
"This is really good! You fly well; very good my flying friend. Set me down among the fruit trees, i need to vote. i don't suppose you'd care to have a piece of fruit and vote yourself? You are very smart, and you know what he did to you. i think you should."

Redux prepares for landing, but has never done this--it's a bit hard (not that he'd ever complain to Talon).

He shakes his head, looking at the trees. Any other time of year he'd vote for sleep, at worst. "lowly king." Redux addresses him as though the Fey King did not deserve the title. "You have caused me much grief since my reunification with my friends." He takes a fruit from the "die" tree and eats. The fruit's taste is not sweet; wouldn't have expected it to be, given its purpose.

Appolo Hp 32/59 Ac23 invisble  d20+10=16 d20+10=22
Thursday December 8th, 2005 2:41:47 AM

Appolo seeing the Fae King take flight looks around and sees what the others arew doing he sprints over to the Tree of Death and decomes invisible.He pulls an apple and eats it.Bart over her eat one these.He grabs another one and eats it too."The Fae that would be King should die!!If this don't kill him I wil!!"Pure hatred and Anger drips from every word and everyone knows he means it all.

Nezamil Ac 17 Hp 67/71 flying , enlarged 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:13:57 AM

The dwarf now towering 15+ ft changes direction after the Fae king eagle darts away and he charges across the meadow flying just a few feet off the ground directly at the elves that are attempting to engage any of the wildcards 'GRRRRRRR" growls out Nezamil as he buzz's the elves menacingly buying time for the others to make it to the 3 treants and cast their vote

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 28/65 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:16:31 AM

The monk stands near the Captain by the sleep tree " come on guys " cheers the monk as he see's everyone battle their way over to the trees

DM Jim: The Vote - Combat Round 8 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 4:02:27 PM

The group laments the loss of Val and all hurry toward the treants. THe life treant approached all the Wildcards with proffered branches, that are hanging heavy with fruit.

Ashira needs all of her skills as mistress of the sword to put Kirin down and he seems very close to deaths door.

Mykael takes a piece of fruit from the treant that represents the death of the Fey king and eats. The eagle screeches.

Rigging worries about Val's spirit as it floats off, but is quickly brought back to the battle as the five elves pursuing Bart form up and give chase. Rigging quickly deals with them with his fireball wand. The elves perish quickly. The Fey King changes into a Sprite and yells at Rigging. "You will pay for that." Polymorph any object DC 22 fort - Rigging feels himself changing again (sprite), but the spell is not as powerful this time, why is that?

Jager is close to Rigging and sees him struggle to maintain the shape of his body.

Redux eats from the now dead death treant and the Fey King turned sprite screams in defiance. Talon beams to Redux. "I think I will try fruit of the life tree." After dropping off Redux Talon lands in the upper branches of the Life treant and the treant gives him a big woody smile. The treant offers the giant owl a pear from a nearby branch.

Bart stands dumbstruck as Rigging's fireball's heat washes over him.

Appolo calls Bart over and hold an apple form the treant of death for his fellow Wildcard.

Swirl moves forward tenativly and beams to Rigging. "Can I vote?"

There are several more elves that come forward out of the group of refugees, but the super sized form of Nezamil makes them think twice. The elves are whispering among themselves and one steps forward. "We demand to vote too!"

Hal and Kirk make it to the treants and Hal comments to Kirk. "Nez got Domi's favor in a BIG way."

Redux (AC20, HP50/50) Spectral Hand 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 4:44:29 PM

Redux, while not in agreement with Talon's vote, never-the-less beams at Talon. 'You do have a mind of your own, my smart and feathered friend.'

Redux looks up and around him; he observes the remaining field, both friends and foes. With the announcement by the elves, Redux moves away from the trees to give them room. He does not want their vote, but will not prevent them.

Rigging  d20+7=27
Thursday December 8th, 2005 5:25:04 PM

Rigging easily shakes off the next spell that comes his way. "What's the matter? Losing your touch?" he shouts to the Fey King.

"Wildcards! Finish voting. Refugees and everyone elso on the riverboat! You get a vote too! Come help us put this freak of nature to sleep. All he has brought us is misery. He has sent his minions to attack us and many of your friends and loved ones have perished at his hand. Time to return the favor!"

Rigging turns to Swirl, "Sure you get a vote. Just use it wisely. This creep tried to get between us."

ooc Rolled natural 20 on my save. That is getting a little scary. Stop throwing 8th level spells at me!

Jagar  d20+6=21
Friday December 9th, 2005 12:06:39 AM

Jagar looks about surveying the meadow and encouraging his fellow wildacrds to hurry over to the treants " come on guys "

The monk searches (d20+6=21 spot ch) "Mary !!Mary !! where are you? " shouts Jagar as he thinks he see's some rustling in the tall grass and takes afew steps in that direction

Nezamil ac 17 Ho 67/71 flying enlarged 
Friday December 9th, 2005 12:23:17 AM

"Heh... thats right duck" growls the dwarf as the elves hesitate

Nezamil turns and gains a little altitude and heads over to the three treants ...circling once before landing in the middle of them ...with a look up at the screeching eagle 'Domi teaches us to work out our differences together....something neither side could do here...i truly haven't heard your side of the tale so i cannot choose death even tho i believe you should with all the destruction you have caused....so i will choose the middle ground ....SLEEP....for if that happens it will give everyone another chance to sort out the truth!....which has been hidden all these years growls the Cleric of Domi out to Fae king

Nezamil turns and grabs a piece of fruit from the "sleep" tree and drops it into his mouth whole and chews it slowly as he again looks skyward

Ashira (AC27, HP 30/125) Barkskin +5 
Friday December 9th, 2005 12:15:14 PM

Kirin is down, and that's all that matters. Ashira sprints toward the treant that represents "death". Snatching the fruit, she bites into it. "Death is the only thing you deserve!" she calls out to the eagle. She surveys the incoming elves. "Considering the treachery of the day, and your pathetic attempt to deny all the rest of us our right to vote..." Ashira points at the spirit that was once Val. "You will have your chance to vote, but you will wait until the others have voted." Ashira waves her bloody swords at the elves. "And I promise you, if any of you try and take another's vote away or any other kind of nonsense you will be going home in a different body than you were born in!!"

DM Jim: Combat Round 9  d20+3=10 d20+3=8
Friday December 9th, 2005 1:10:44 PM

Th sprite that is now the Fey King shakes his small fists at Rigging. "You impudent little human. You have no idea what you are doing or giving up. Let them all vote! Or you will your next form not to your liking!" The Fey king seems diminished even more than last round.

A bloodied Ashira comes and cast her vote by eating from the death treant and sends a warning to all those that approach.

The elves, refugees and followers of Domi all keep their distance from Nezamil and Ashira.

Redux move off to the side offering no resistance to those that may want to vote, but there already seems to be much resistance in their way.

Swirl sucks up an orange from the treant of life and it spins so fast inside of him it looks like an orange line until it finally disappears. "Everyone has there good points." Swirl beams to Rigging.

Jager can see mary and Melonie still rolling around in the entangle spell, but at the moment the grasses have pinned the two girls together and they are struggling more against the grass than each other.

Bart, Mykael, and Appolo stare at the Fey King with glassy eyes.

Hal asks Nezamil. "Mind if we take some fruit?" Indicating himself and Kirk.

Friday December 9th, 2005 1:16:09 PM

Appolo continues to eat from the tree of death.He glares harshly at anyone who even thinks about eating from the tree of life it is claer voting that way could get someone killed.

Friday December 9th, 2005 5:29:53 PM

Mykael surveys the surroundings, watching the Fey King and all on the ground.

"Come ALL vote! Any further lethal action towards anyone will be punished by me." Areallex states as he looks upon everyone.

Friday December 9th, 2005 10:46:37 PM

The bloodied ranger looks over at Mykael. "No" she states flatly. "The refugees will vote first, then the elves. The elves have already proved themselves untrustworthy, and I will not suffer any more foolishness. After everyone else has voted then the elves can vote." Ashira looks over at Mykael and chuckles a little. "Present company excluded, of course."

Bart hp76/79 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 6:47:56 AM

Barts intension was to go to Fae King and making him a little shorter then he was. He was very confused by all the actions. Bart sees Nezamil his close friend and spiritual guide eat from the tree of sleep. Bart goes in that direction but he waits (keeping the words of ashira in his mind) with eating from the fruit until everyone else has done so

Rigging illegal post 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 10:24:30 AM

Rigging sees Bart wavering and yells, "Bart make a choice! We are the heroes. They didn't find the acorns. We did! I swear I will just start blowing up elves! Make a choice now!

Saturday December 10th, 2005 6:25:48 PM

Jagar surveys the meadow and does a quick recon run around the 3 treants to make sure nothing else sneaks up on his friends

Nezamil Ac 17 Hp 67/71 flying , enlarged 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 6:30:44 PM

The super sized dwarf takes a few menacing steps towards any approaching elves waving his supersized heavy mace " drop your weapons or suffer the consequences " growls out Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi stops and stares skyward at the screeching eagle with a hard look of defiance " you want some of this ?" adds the dwarf

Sunday December 11th, 2005 2:21:05 AM

Appolo looks at Bart"Over here my firend eat one of these.He caused the death of Valanthe,he deserves death."

Sunday December 11th, 2005 4:04:46 AM

Sleep or death which should i choose? Should i follow the example of Nez or of my old and best friend Appollo. What shoud domi do? Domi only would kill if he has to defend someone. No sorry Appolo i choose for sleep

DM Jim: Combat Round 10 - Final decisions  d20+3=21 d20+3=13
Sunday December 11th, 2005 12:54:21 PM

At the group's urgings Bart finally makes his choice and eats fruit of the now dead treant of sleep, even though his shipmate of many years, Appolo, pleads with him to choose death.

Ashira and Mykeal debate those others that request a vote. All the while Nezamil threatens bodily harm to all of the elves and the Fey King himself. Most of the elves drop their weapons.

Hal clears his throat and attempts to get Nezamil's attention. "So, can we boss?" Several of the followers of Domi seem interested in Nezamil's answer.

Jager does not see anything else potentially nasty sneaking up on the group, but does observe the two you ladies rolling around in the mud and grasses still. Mary almost got the upper hand, but Melonie broke free of the grasses.

John wanders over to Ashira and asks in a very tired voice. "Mind if I vote?"

The Fey King circles above everyone in sprite form. "Come and vote for the Glory of Nature, for greater harvests and an easy life." The Fey King has out a very small bow and a crystalline arrow of some sort. The Fey King has a bead on Rigging, but holds his arrow, the comment about "blowing up elves" seems to have gotten his attention.

Monday December 12th, 2005 11:54:16 AM

Behind the crowd of elves a woman sat up in the tall grass. Her eyes opened and struggled to focus, her vision staying blurred for a few long moments. She holds her hands up and stares at the long slender ebony fingers. The hands turn and fingers move like they were her own but they aren't hers, are they? Valanthe tries to remember what happened but finds her memory hazy at best. She remembers the anger, the conviction to fight for what she believed to be right. She fought... fought harder than she had before. Against Ashira, against Jager, against others. As strong as she was and even with the element of suprise she had failed to destroy the two treants.

Valanthe rose to her feet, wobbling like a newborn calf. She never gave thought to walking before nor how difficult it actually was. The body she was in wasn't her own that much was clear. Her spirit must have found another in the same way Mykael did. Her new legs were longer and slimmer. Valanthe looked down at herself. Her new body was shaplier. Longer legs, a slimmer waist, and larger breasts. Valanthe thought the body was quite beautiful. Moreso than she had been before. Her hands smoothed out the white wilk gown and stopped when her long hair fell over her shoulder. It was golden like the sun with a red tingle that reminded her of a sunset. Valanthe took a few steps, quickly adapting to the differences between her old body and her new one. Taller, stronger, though slightly less graceful than she had been before. But all that didn't mean anything. She was glad to be alive, albeit weak and tired.

The crowd of elves parted and an elven woman with skin as black as night and long golden hair with a red tinge walked through. Her eyes, one gold with green specs, the other green with gold specs seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. A long white silk gown clung to her beautiful body, the end flapping in the soft breeze. Slowly she walked toward the tree of life and took a pear from its branches. She raised the fruit to her full lips and took a big bite. The sweet juice tasted wonderful and Valanthe quickly devoured the fruit. Her vote cast, Val ate more fruit to quench the rumbling in her stomach. It was finally over. The ordeal through the woods. The struggle to survive and the fight for belief was over. She felt a great weight lift from her shoulders, a weight she didn't know was there. She did everything she could, even giving her life in the process. Only the magic of this valley saved her from meeting Gargul. Val leaned against the tree as fatigue set in. Her legs grew weak and she slid down into a sitting position. No matter what happened next Val knew that she would do the same thing again if she had to do it over again. She felt a father's love in her heart and knew a parents approval for the first time in her long life.

DM Jim: New Beginings 
Monday December 12th, 2005 4:47:54 PM

The mother of the valley rises, but has a different look or aura or presence to her that the brief view the group had of her during the battle with the Fey King. There is just something different about her.

Val also rises and even though she is battered and bloodied, she is breathing. Val drops the flail and holds out her hands palms up to Ashira. "Come here my daughter." Val pleads to Ashira. There is something different about Val also, there is a great strenght there and her eyes are far away somehow.

Mary and Melonie stop wrestling in the grass and just watch Val. The entangle spell ends.

The mother of the valley bites a pear from the treant of life and the Fey King shouts triumphantly. "My General has choosen and you will be rewarded for your support of Nature."

The mother of the valley grabs her neck with both hands as smoke can be seen rising between her fingers. The dark skined elf grits her teeth in pain and then feels the two tatoos, one on each side of her neck. Both tatoos are white against her dark skin and are of a screaming elf.

Val looks up at the Fey King and shouts "You have lost favor here, be gone."

The Fey King smiles broadly. "I may have lost some disciples here, but this is a big Wold. I have favor elsewhere and will be back." The Fey King disappears, but his laughter remains.

Val looks to the Wildcards and smiles. "Thank you for the rescue and for freeing my valley from its blight."

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 12:25:56 AM

The ranger growls as Val rises back up, her swords held at the ready. But then she remembers the occurrence with Mykael, and she lowers them once more. Her body trembles with an odd mixture of fatigue, pent up anger and exhaustion. She staggers over to Val and bows her head. "Mother, we have fought long and hard. May we please go home now?" she asks simply.

Ashira looks over at the dark elf and spits in disgust. To be the puppet of evil was one thing, but deliberate betrayal... that was something that went beyond forgiveness.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 2:45:35 AM

Well is it over now? As everything back to normal? Bart is still very confused, unsure if he did the right thing

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 7:25:21 AM

Rigging looks at the old Val and then back at the new Val. He slumps to the ground holding his head. "I am so confused. Can we just go back to the ship?"

He then remembers his new wings and cranes his next to see if they are still there. If they are, he will stand up and walk over to Ashira and this mother person and say, "I am glad to see that you weren't killed by the crazy old nature king. My name is Arrack Von Palin. It is nice to meet you."

Rigging then slips his arm around Ashira's waist and gives her a peck on the cheek.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:32:59 AM

The giant sized dwarf turns and looks down to see the bouncers " of course you may vote ....please hurry tho " grins Nezamil at the two brothers

Nezamil slowly spins around taking in the scene unfolding with Fae king and Mother earth in the meadow.....burning it into his memory so this will not be lost

"what's next Captain ?" adds Nezamil

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:35:10 AM

Appolo walks over to the beautiful darkskinned Elf"Valanthe.Sunshine is that you?"Realizing it is her,he throws his arms around and hugs her claerly over joyed to have her back in any form.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:35:39 AM

Jagar watches as the Fae king disappears and observes everyones reaction for a moment ....then walks slowly over to where Mary is laying in the grass and helps her to her feet " are you ok ?" inquires the Monk

DM Jim: Rewards and Decisions?  d8+5=6 d8+5=7
Tuesday December 13th, 2005 7:15:03 PM

Jager helps Mary rise and sees that she is battered and brusied, but none worse than Melonie.

The Mother of the Valley is relieved that she is recognized. THe elf that was Val steps toward Ashira and takes her hands. "You were wonderful my daughter, and of course you may leave my valley at any time. THe way is clear for you. One day of travel to the south and over the rim and then three days to South Harbor. The way is open to you now, thanks to you valiant efforts. These are gifts for you as a bearer of one of my children." The Mother of the Valley removes her hands from Ashira's and there is a green tatoo of a tree on her right hand and that of an elf on the left. Ashira also feels healing enter her body (Cure 13)

OOC: One time use tatoo. Tree - Barksin as cast by a 20th level druid. Elf - Ranger spell enhancement to be cast as a 20th level druid and has maximum effect (max. healing or max. summoning, etc.). A free action to release both or either.

The Mother of the Valley then goes to Mary and John and thanks them and gives them each two tatoos.

The Mother of the Valley then comes to Rigging. "Your heart says that you are a good husband and your crew thinks of you as a good leader. I can help you in one of three ways. Complete your transition to pixie, remove your wings or give you your strenght back. Please choose."

Mother then approaches Nezamil. "Follower of Domi, I am sorry but the Fey Kings magic was not designed for dwarves and has made an abomination of you. I can only help in one of two ways. Remove your wings or your size."

Mother then approaches Jager and Appolo and she tilts her head as if recognizing Appolo, but is unsure or not giving away the game. Val's vessel then takes one hand each of Jager and Appolo "To you two I give quickness." and a green cat tatoo is left on both of their right hands.

OOC: One time use tatoo to give cats grace as cast by a 20 level druid. Free action to release.

Mother then approaches Mykael and Redux and takes their right hands also. "I give each of you enhancement." and a green hourglass appears on the right hand of each mage.

OOC: One time use tatoo: The next personal transmutation spell of your choice will have 20x normal duration or the next summoning spell will have 20x normal duration. A free action for spell enhancment.

OOC: Val's one time use tatoos: Left side allows her to rage as if she were 17th level. The right side as if she were 20th level. Each is effective for one day.


OOC: The Nature gone Wild adventure is over, pending Nezamil's and Rigging's decisions.

Everyone gets 3000 experience points.

Ashira and Val get and extra 1000 experience points for their excellent play as advocates and each gets one hero point.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:37:02 PM

The mage sits down on the grass. He shakes, he thinks about all the times they have been pawns. At least this nightmare should be over. they will be able to get a good nights sleep; he's sleeping in tomorrow.

Tuesday December 13th, 2005 10:47:28 PM

Mykael states, "Thank you," to the lady elf called mother that is in Val's old body.

He now sits down and takes a break, until the group is ready to move on.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 12:21:12 AM

Ashira nods wearily at Mother. "It was the least we could do." As Rigging comes by, Ashira leans heavily on him. "You are right my love...leadership is a terrible burden..." Ashira whispers into his ear. Ashira shoots a venomous look at the dark elf. "Please, keep me away from her. I'm afraid I might kill her again."

Ashira slides down to the ground and lies in the grass. She closes her eyes and tries to remember more peaceful times.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:40:16 AM

Val glances at Ashira and Rigging before looking away. She can only guess at what they are saying but she has a good idea of what that was. There was no way they could understand any of it so she wpouldn't waste her breath in trying. Val was glad about one thing, well two actually. One she was alive, and two when she let the rage take hold she had enough presence to stay focused on the mission. She didn't want to hurt any of them. She wanted to destroy the treants. If she wanted to she could have killed Ashira, Jager, and probably others before falling. But she didn't which was something else that would be easily forgotten.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 11:57:13 AM

Rigging is to pre-occupied with the choices outline to him. He looks over at Ashira and asks "So will you still love me if I was a pixie? I would be shorter, but I could fly! OK a lot shorter but I would be nimble. Rigging ponders his choices. I would end up losing a lot of stuff. It wouldn't fit or be to big for me. Have to give this some thought." He waits for Ashira's comments.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 12:51:15 PM

The exhausted ranger looks up at Rigging with bewildered and exhausted eyes. "I will love you in any form...but I'm kind of partial to your old one." Ashira puts her head between her hands and closes her eyes. Her thoughts are a swirl, and she desperately needs to sort them out...someplace where there are no distractions. Panic begins to grip her gut and she suddenly gets the almost overwhelming urge to bolt for the woods.

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:55:34 PM

The monk thanks mother wold " wow this is a magnificient tattoo" marvels Jagar " thank you i will use it wisely "

Jagar compares his tattoo's with Mary's and takes a seat in the grass taking a deep breath " it's finally over " whispers the monk

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 1:59:21 PM

Nezamil bows to Mother wold " this is an intresting choice i have here " as he looks down to the normal sized moether wold " will these wings enable me to fly ?"questions the dwarf "being 15' tall will add some intresting moments but so will the wings especially if i can use them to fly "

Nezamil sits down slowly and ponders his choices

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 3:57:52 PM

Appolo looks at the mother"Thanks."He then looks around and takes Vlanthes hand"Come on sunshine."He leads her over to Ashira and Rigging"Well boss.Time to go see if we still have a ship and crew waiting for us.You know we're going to have to deal with that Fae King guy agian.He's still out there,but for now let's just go home."

Wednesday December 14th, 2005 4:57:24 PM

Val pulls her hand from Appolo's when he starts moving towarg Rigging and Ashira. She's in no condition to fight right now physically or verbally. So she keeps her distance for now. Best to give everybody time to distance themselves from what just happened.

Rigging Illegal post 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 6:32:58 PM

Rigging sees both Val's reaction and knows Ashira's feelings. As he ponders his decisions with one portion of his brain, he thinks about the group dynamic and says mainly to his wife but to Val as well, "Ashira, you need to let this go. I am assuming that the Fey King was affecting Val and talking to her, as much as mother was talking to you. None of the rest of us heard these conversations. Val has been a valued member of our band for years and we can't let one piece of bad judgement color our entire relationship."

He looks at his wife and says, "Remember you to once were controlled by a god. You attacked the family. We forgave you and welcomed you back with open arms. Even if Val wasn't controlled, she was influenced and has paid a steep price. She has lost her old body. Lets try and let this go. Sometimes family drive us crazy but we always love them, because they are family."

DM Jim: Choices? 
Wednesday December 14th, 2005 7:57:08 PM

As the group rests and ponders their next move, Nezamil and Rigging weight the offer each of them received.

The mother of the valley in Val's body takes of Val's possesions and only keeps on Val's cloths. Mother calls a squirl over and talks with it and sends it away. "You will all have food soon." She then moves over to the treant of life and they take the short walk over to the lake and talk together. Mother seems to be waiting.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:14:15 AM

Sitting in the grasses the dwarf ponders his choices " the wings would be great if they helped me fly but don't think they will be powerful enough to lift me off the ground even if i was normal sized "

Nezamil looks about the meadow as he thinks " but being 15" tall would be great in battle " grins the dwarf "but being giant sized will have some intresting side affects in town and dealing with others "

" what to choose ? muses Nezamil as he sits crosslegged in the meadow

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:17:26 AM

Jagar's stomach growls as mother wold mentions food will soon arrive " i'm starving " states the monk as he sits near Mary as he watches mother wold walk with one of the treants

Thursday December 15th, 2005 1:42:14 AM

Val walks over to her dropped gear. Somehow it doesn't feel like hers anymore. Soon she would have to get to the Catacombs and trade it in. It was time for a fresh start. Wether that meant on the Sword or alone had yet to be determined.

Even the simple act of walking felt abnormal. While she was glad to be alive, Val constantly wondered why she awoke in this body? The jet black skin that stared back at her. Dark elves were not nice people. Perhaps that is why she woke in this body. She wasn't a nice person either. Perhaps the body she now wore was a permanent reminder of this day. One the gods made sure she would never forget.

Valanthe picked up the finely crafted elven chain. It's mystical enchantments had allowed it to remain virtually unmarred through this intense ordeal. The elven chain fit snugly around her body. This form was larger than her old one and the armor barely fit. Once it was on Val thought she looked rather sexy. As Val re-equipped her former gear she took a moment to examine each piece. As if she asked herself is this really mine?

Val once again looked like a warrior. Albeit a dark elf with hair the color of sunset and weaponless, but still a warrior. She looked over at her old self. The body who now belonged to the mother of the valley. She looked terrible, bruised and bloody. She died, that much she knew. The more time passed the more Val believed that by choosing to side with Father she became somebody else. Which was why the face that now stared back at her when she looked in a mirror was not her own.

Staying away from Ashira, Valanthe walks over to Melonie and tends to the girls wounds. Like herself, Melonie had ended up on the losing side of the battle. As did Kirin who paid with his life. Perhaps Melonie will come aboard the Sword. She has nothing and with Father gone, probably feels as empty inside as Val does.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 1:48:18 AM

The battle weary elf stares at her husband as if he had just lost his head. A very unhealthy looking flush works its way to her face when he mentions her attack against the family. "Arrack von Palin, you have no idea what you are talking about." she states flatly, anger burning in her eyes. Pulling away from her husband, Ashira grabs her pack. "You do what's right for the family. You are the Captain, and they will follow you...maybe. As for me, I think it might be best for me to leave. As you have so wisely observed, I have issues, and I'm beginning to think it might be best for me to work them out on my own." Matter of factly, Ashira gathers her belongings and prepares to head out on the long journey to the sea.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 12:35:07 PM

Bart walks over to Nezamil "Nez a word of advise get rid of those wings, i think the look ridicoulos on you. Being big had pro and cons but you could always cast an reverse enlarge or not?"

Then bart sees that Ashira is leaving. "Ashira wait don't leave at least not now we need you I need you I dont wanna loose a friend who did become a member of my family. I always believed in you.

Thursday December 15th, 2005 8:46:18 PM

Rigging watches his wife stomp off. Before she is out of hearing, he yells, "Hey you are in charge of these people. Your just gonna leave them!"

He then looks over at Val and sighs, "Women are gonna be the death of me." He looks at his wife and realizes that their is no sense in chasing after her. He goes over to Jagar and says, "My friend. I need a favor. Could you watch over my wife. She is acting headstrong again. Follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble. You might try to stay out of her sight or you could end up in trouble yourself." He pats the monk on the shoulder and turns away.

He walks up to Val and grabs her by the shoulder. He tries to pull her up and then turns her around. "Nice figure. I think your breasts are bigger. Appolo will like that I am sure." He stares into her eyes and after a thoughtful moment asks, "What happened? Why did you attack your family? I have to know."

Thursday December 15th, 2005 10:05:45 PM

Val crosses her arms and looks at Rigging. After a moment she turns and looks away. The wind blows, her silky golden hair blows softly in it.

"You wouldn't understand Rigging. None of you would. My true family was slaughtered when I was ten winters old. I was so young I hardly have memories of that time. I grew up alone in the deep forests with only myself for company. I raised myself, taught myself everything. I thought I was fine until the Fae King whispered in my ear. You know what I found I needed at that point. It was something that I could never get no matter how many years I looked. For the first time in a hundred years I knew a father's love. A father's approval. A father's pride in me. Never did I believe that if I tried to explain things. If I begged and pleaded with everybody to vote life would any of you have voted life? With Ashira voting just the opposite? I knew she was chosen by the Mother. I've learned that the term for our group, the term family is best used in convenient times. I would be lying if kinship didn't have something to do with it. You don't know what its like to feel alone in a group of people. To always feel like an outsider. These last couple days with the other elves made me realise that too. Ashira may be half elf but she denies her elven blood. She may as well be human. I knew what I was doing. My task was to destroy the treants, not kill any of the others. I turned on them because they drew my blood when I was lost in rage. I could have used the suprise to kill any one of the others before the confusion faded."

DM Jim: Lunch 
Thursday December 15th, 2005 11:36:49 PM

The group still ponders its choices and all that has happened to them since they left Plateau City. Val attempts to get to know her new body and for that matter so does Mykael.

Bart offers helpful advice to Nezamil.

The strain seems to be too much for Ashira and she stomps off into the woods in the direction that Mother Wold pointed as the way out of the valley and toward South Harbor.

Dozens of squirels and birds come by and drop of fruits and nuts for the entire group. There is plenty of food to be had, even for the supersized Nezamil.

Friday December 16th, 2005 1:56:18 AM

Mykael listens to the comments going around, mostly between Ashira, Rigging, and Val. He shakes his head.

Mykael ponders on the actions of the day, and the mass death, and shakes his head.

He eats his full in silence, distancing himself, from Val, Rigging, and Ashira if she returns.

Friday December 16th, 2005 5:42:03 AM

Appolo stands listening to the others especially Vlanthe,Ashira and Rigging.Then walks over to Vlanthe"You know if you leave me becuase of this then I will dedicate my life to hunting thge Fae who would be King down and utterly destroying everything he loves.Oh incase you've forgotton,I never new my family.I'm an orphan and Ashira was cast out by the elves becuase her mother was human and was savagely killed in the name of g'aal.We are all out casts and all we have are each other.We need to forgive one another and lookout for each other.When your family was killed whre was the rest of the elven community.Wht didn't they ever take you in.We took you and I love you know matter what.Does it sound like this father you speak of is kind,just and compassionate.Killing people sending monsters agianst telling you to kill those who have done you or him know harm.Trying to deny us the right to choose.You know if he hadn't turned you against us and just allowed us to make a choice and you had asked me I would I have voted with you.He didb't did he he sent monsters agianst us and turned us agianst each otherWe never said you couldn't side with the Father,but we couldn't let you harm the trees.Now please I love you amd forgive you.I hope you love and forgive us."

Friday December 16th, 2005 7:34:18 AM

"Perhaps other elves came after the attack. I didn't stick around to find out. I was too afraid the orc hordes would turn back. I was the only survivor of that attack. I'm not seeking forgiveness Appolo nor do I think there is anything I need to forgive. Honestly I don't care what everybody else thinks. I did what I did and I would do it again. What's done is done and I just want to be out of this valley. The Fae King wasn't all powerful like you believe. He didn't send those monsters. If he did then why did I almost die from the raptor and elemental attacks? If they were his then why kill your own people?"

Val sighed and held Appolo, resting her head on his shoulder. "You know those times where your infiltrating a ga'al city. Where you are around dozens of people but know that you aren't one of them because they have a heartseed. How isolated and alone you feel just for that moment. I feel like that sometimes. And I know that if the Fae King had lived I would never feel that again. I believe that he would have made the world a great place to live. I think he could have done great things to remove ga'al's taint from this world."

Friday December 16th, 2005 8:11:51 AM

Rigging looks at Val and smiles. He pulls her into a hug and softly says, "Yes you are alone. Everyone is ultimalely alone, but we are also together. You have people here who love you and care about you. Appolo cares for you above his own welfare. I think of you as a my baby sister. Yes I know you are older but..." He grins at her and taps his head, "I am older up here. "Ashira is so mad at you because she loves you like a sister. Only a family member can piss you off like that. We can never truly replace your family that was killed so long ago, but we can still be your family for now."

Rigging gives her another squeeze and then lets her go and sighs, "I need to make my own decision. It sounds like being a pixie could be fun. I would be able to fly, but I don't think it is the best for our family. Not sure the men would respond well to having a Pixie Pirate Captain. I think I would have to resign as Captain if I do this. Do you want to be the Captain? Maybe Appolo." He looks over at Nezamil and giggles, "Maybe a 15' dwarf could make a good captain. He would be intimdating enough. Course he might tip the ship over in a storm if he stands on the wrong side."

He looks back to Val and says in all seriousness. "So you want to be Captain?"

Friday December 16th, 2005 8:28:59 AM

"At one time I would have said yes. But now after what just happened, I think I would put too many people at risk. Losing ones sense of identity is hard to deal with. If my old self was dead then I don't think it would be so bad. But to see my face on another, walking and talking. It's a very disturbing feeling. While I have no regret over what I have done, I do not think the others are so quick to let it go. A captain needs the full support of the majority of the crew at the very least. The crew has to trust in their captain not feel oblidged to follow orders. I can see how being a pixie would greatly help us at times. But if you are serious about stepping down as Captain I think the one you should be talking to is walking away right now."

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday December 16th, 2005 9:29:48 AM

Rigging looks at Val and smiles, "Normally I would agree with you in a second. Ever since Ashira was heartseeded though, she isn't the same person. Emotionally she is a wreck. I don't know how to help her. I am trying to be patient and let her work things through but not sure if it is helping. Yes she has the skills to be a fine Captain but not sure she has the temperment for it right now."

Friday December 16th, 2005 9:37:17 AM

Val laughes. "Oh and you think my temperment is right? Remember I'm the one that looses her cool and makes things worse. If you want me to take the position I will but don't say that I didn't warn you."

Friday December 16th, 2005 9:40:36 AM

Rigging sighs, feeling he still stuck with it and purposely marches over to Mother and asks, "Though being a pixie has great temptation for me, I don't think I will be able to effectively lead this group or the Sword of Redemption's crew. We are such a scarred group at this point, I don't know who is better suited for it. I guess I am burdened with it now though I tire of the role. Can you please remove the wings. I was tempted to just cut them off but find that the thought seems mightily painful."

Friday December 16th, 2005 9:43:30 AM

"Not yet I won't. If you truly feel that your time as Captain is over then keeping the position anyway is just as dangerous to the rest of us. If you don't want to be Captain I will take the position and do the job as best I can."

Val- post addition 
Friday December 16th, 2005 9:54:12 AM

Val thinks back to how things were before this trek through the valley. How difficult they were, how much Rigging's extra duties wore on Ashira.

"Well that's settle then. My first duty as Captain is to send you off after your wife. She needs you now as she has before. When your duties kept you from her."

Friday December 16th, 2005 10:10:24 AM

Rigging smiles at Val and says, "Sorry, I wish it were that simple. You will have to get a vote of confidence from the crew and the rest of the Wildcards first. No I will retain the Captainship for a while longer anyway. I want to see us settled into our new island at least. Then I will talk to you about the taking over of the Sword. Still if you want them, additional duties will be yours. First, I am putting you in charge of these little excursion. Take over where Ashira left off. Get this group organized and ready for the march. I have had enough of this valley."

Friday December 16th, 2005 10:26:11 AM

"Done. Now get after your wife before she goes too far. Don't listen to her words, listen to her heart and give her the comfort and compassion she needs right now. At least those wings of yous will get some use." She says and pushes Rigging off in Ashira's direction. Then the turns and walks back toward the refugees, whistling loudly to get their attention.

"Alright people listen up. Believe it or not, I don't really care which, but I am Val. I may look and sound a bit different but I assure you that's who I am. The conflict and hardship that has plague us in this valley since we started this nature hike is over. We will have a nice peaceful hike back to south port. So get everything together. The sooner we start the sooner we get back to the city where we all can eat and sleep the next few days away."

It felt good to stay busy. To keep her mind off what just happened. For a time she even forgets that the body she wears is not her own.

Friday December 16th, 2005 11:48:03 AM

Nezamil listens to Barts advice " i'll consider it my friend "

Nezamil looks down towards Motherwold for a few moments then stares skyward into the blue sky as he gathers his thoughts for his choice as he listens to Riggings and Val's banter

"yeah those wings make me look silly" growls the dwarf to Bart " stupid fey creatues "

The dwarf rises up to his feet and walks calmly over to Motherwold "i've made my choice ...please get rid of these wings please "

" The Fey influence will grow in the wold i fear and us dwarves might as well have a bigger influence too " adds the dwarf with a smile at Motherwold .

Stepping away from Motherwold Nezamil walks over to Val and Rigging "if i can add my two copper pieces " interjects the dwarf " we all walk different paths in life ,our paths have crossed and allowed us to work together as friends and family, we might not always see eye to eye but we have done many good things together as we all work to make the wold a better place to live "Nezamil turns to Val " i don't hold it againist you for standing up for what you believe....i don't agree with the Fae kings veiw because i fear my fellow dwarves values will suffer under the Fae kings rise to influence....but i will glady work to come to an understanding between dwarves and fey to help foster peace in the wold "

Friday December 16th, 2005 11:53:02 AM

The monk quietly enjoys the bounty of food provided by motherwold's creatures ,sitting near Mary he surveys the meadow enjoying the quiet of the forest

DM Jim: Final Parting 
Saturday December 17th, 2005 7:39:28 AM

Rigging and Val discuss a change in leadership of the Sword of Redemption and the Wildcards. Rigging sets Val's first test of leadship as the march back to South Harbor.

Appolo shows his support for Val in her new form and in anything she does.

Val checks Melonies wounds, but they are mostly minor as her grappling match with Mary was constantly interupted by the entangling grasses. Melonie comments to Val under her breath "It is about time the others recognized your talents. Did the transformation hurt?" Melonie stand proudly next to Val.

Rigging requests that his wings be removed and Mother Wold comments. "As the Fey King decreed, someone must have your wings so I will take them." In moments Rigging's gosommar wings disolve and they reappear on Val's former body.

Rigging still feels the loss of the strenght he experienced a few days ago.

Rigging considers going after Ashira as she is not too far ahead. Ashira just entered the trees 400 yards away.

Mother Wold also grants Nezamil's request to lose his wings and again they disolve off his body and she absorbs them. The gossomar wings on Mother WOld's back grow into eagles wings.
Mother WOld lays a hand on Nezamil's knee. "As I mentioned before, you are an obomination to the Fey King and although his magic is strong it will not last forever. The magic will last a long time, mind you and may have other effect on your dwarven body."

OOC: Nezamil will lose one inch of height and some associated weight each day for a period of time that is not known. I will inform you of when the reduction stops and any conequences.

Jager sits with a very quite Mary, who jumps up when Val suggests that Rigging follow Ashira. "Can I go Too?"

Hal and Kirk eat their fill.

Bart watches the seemingly endless line of squirrels and other aminals that keep bringing Nezamil food.

Mykael just ponders the events of the last few days.

Mother Wold takes flight and calls out to the survivors. "May nature always be on your side." and she flys off.

The lone live treant follows Mother Wold's flight deeper into the valley and opposite the direction Ashira went to leave the valley.

OOC: Swirl and Talon are now larger than normal. Your familiars now have 2/3 your hit points and 3/4 your level, both are rounded down and the effect is permanent. Please update your familiars on your character sheets.

Saturday December 17th, 2005 10:21:15 AM

Appolo remains quiet and listens to the others as he follows Valanthe around.He is quite relaxed and happy.

He looks at Rigging"Go after her,you fool.If need be carry her back to South Harbor,but go after her."

He then resumes following Vlanthe around,When Melonie mentions Valanthe's talents'Oh we rcognize he talents alright.She has lots of talent that's for sure.Like making me exceedingly happy.Now shall we get out of here.Need to find out what's left of the Sword>"

Saturday December 17th, 2005 2:11:40 PM

"You hush." Val says to Appolo with a smile on her face. She turns back to Melonie and continues to wrap the worst of her wounds. "It didn't hurt. I simply woke up. I want you to come with us Melonie. On our ship when we sail from South harbor."

Val turns to Mary and says, "I think you should come with us too, on our ship when we sail. When things got bad you didn't hesitate to fight for what you believed in. We are in the process of trying to colonize and island. We need people like you with us and I'm sure that Ashira would love to have you around. But now she needs to work some things out with her husband. If your not hurt to badly I would like you and Melonie to move through the crowd and make sure that everybody is up and ready to depart. We lost enough people already and nobody else is getting left behind."

After giving Mary and Melonie time to move through the crowd, and forcing them to work together, Val will start the march back to South Harbor.

Saturday December 17th, 2005 6:54:17 PM

Rigging still feeling weak, thanks the Mother and after a moments indecision, sprints off after his wife. He is puffing a littl when he catches her but smiles shyly and grabs her hand. "I am not letting you go alone. I love you to much to let you go alone. If you have a problem with that, your just gonna have to knock me unconcious and leave me for some raptors, wolves, or horny elf maidens.

Rigging gives her a kiss on the cheek and lets go of her hand knowing that she just might take a swing.

Sunday December 18th, 2005 5:43:35 PM

Bart gets things started for the travel back to South Port. He asks people to collect some food and water he assist Val in as many ways he can

Sunday December 18th, 2005 9:12:16 PM

Mykael walks over to Nez, "With most of the danger over, we have time, whether we like it or not, to take care of the dead properly."

"Will you help me?" Mykael asks. Then he moves and starts to collect the dead bodies that are left, with reverence.

Monday December 19th, 2005 12:12:12 AM

"absolutely" replies Nezamil to Mykael

"brothers and sisters of Domi come let us bury our dead with respect and honor " preaches the Cleric of Domi to Domi's remaining faithful

Nezamil will use his new size to advantage by digging graves for the dead and will oversee a ceremony afterwards

After the burial prayer Nezamil will shepard all the refugees to start after Val on their way to South Harbor

Monday December 19th, 2005 12:15:03 AM

The monk joins the dwarf and Mykael in burying the dead before marching towards South Harbor

DM Jim: Traveling again 
Monday December 19th, 2005 12:56:51 PM

Rigging takes off after Ashira and mary follows too. Rigging and Mary catch up to the brooding Ashria after not too long. Ashira complains that she wants to be alone, but relents to her husbands and Marys company. The three set off to cut a trail for the refugees to follow.

Nezamil, Jager and Mykael start to bury the dead when one of them pop up and yells at them. "Stop throwing dirt on my you idiots! I am not dead!" The elf seems very surprised at the last statment himself. "Wait, I was dead. There was a huge painful blast of fire."

Another scorced elf jumps up and paws the ground and runs off into the woods.

There were several refugees helping Mykael, Jager and Nezamil bury the dead, but they stop and one comments. "I think this is a bad idea."

Appolo sees to Val and Val sends out some instruction. Melonie and Bart start to get the refugees organized and everyone is still collecting food being brought by the forest creatures.

Kirk comes over to Nezamil and comments. "How is the weather up there?"

Hal picks up on the mirth and adds. "I do not think we can call you a dwarf any longer. I think you are a TALL." The brother break down into fits of laughter.


The refugees and the remaining Wildcards pack up as much food as they can carry and follow the trail cut by Ashira. The going is quick at first but again the undergrowth gets thicker. The ridge of the valley is closer on this side and the trail gains elevation quickly. The refugees will have to camp below the summit of the ridge today or attempt to follow the trail in the dark.

Ashira, Rigging and Mary stumble onto an occupied campsite at the top of the ridge before nightfall. There are two elves, two humans, a half elf (all male) and a dwarf roasting a deer on a spit. They all stand and put a hand to there weapons. One of the humans comments "We though you were more forest creatures on the rampage. Care to join us in eating one? We can swap storys of why we are in this infernal land." Several of the men view Mary and even Ashira with appraising eyes.

It turns out this is the relief column sent by the govenors of South Harbor. They have a train of 20 mules carrying food for the refugees. These six are just getting used to being in the woods as they have spent the good life in South Harbor the last few years taking care of problems for the Govenors.

Monday December 19th, 2005 10:15:40 PM

Rigging calls to Swirl to keep a lookout has he proceeds into camp. "I am Captain Von Arrack and this is my wife Ashira Von Arrack. The pretty lass is Mary. We are scouting ahead for the party and breaking the trail. I would be glad to have a meal with you. How are things in South Harbor. Can you tell me anything of the ship the Sword of Redemption. I have been away to long."

After trading some stories, Rigging adds,"We are going to march on in the morning. I am anxious to have word of my crew. The refugees are gonna be very happy to see you. We have been short on supplies and suffered many strange attacks."

After filling his belly and drinking a little to much beer, Rigging sits back and relaxes for a few minutes. "Thank you for the kind hospitality. That was very good."

Rigging will spend the night and then give directions towards the refugees in the morning. He will then move forward with the the ladies towards the city, marking the trail or at least watching Ashira do it.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 12:01:56 AM

Nezamil quickly takes action " uncover them " shouts the dwarf as he energeticly helsp uncover the refugees

"hehehe..... very funny guys " as Nezamil laughs heartily at the brothers jokes

" now lets get moving after the Captain " growls the dwarf to all the refugees

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 12:07:10 AM

Jagar helps dust off any refugees and then takes the point position scouting slightly ahead of the main group of refugees

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 6:40:21 AM

Val enters the occupied campsite and sighs in relief when she spies the packed supplies. Her red-gold hair almost glows in the firelight as it clashes with her jet black skin. With all those hungry and tired people Val doesn't stick around to chat. She takes a log from the fire and begins dividing the refugees into many smaller camps with plenty of fire to keep everybody warm.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 10:02:16 AM

Appolo brings up the rea and continues to herd the refugees along until they reach the campsite then prepares a capsite for Valanthe and himself.He is very tired,but happy to have Valanthe back.

DM Jim: On to South Harbor 
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 10:27:26 AM

Rigging, Ashira and Mary break bread with the relief party, but leave early for South Harbor. Rigging is told that South Harbor is 3 days march for a party thier size if they push. It will take the refugees five days. Rigging's party is given three days food and water for the trip. Rigging gets some down cast eyes when the Sword of Redemption is mentioned. "The ship was under attack by what is called a quad. They were picking off the crew. It was not just the Sword that was being attacked, but she was taking the brunt of the damage. We were hunting the quad, when the Govenors abruptly called us off and had us set up the relief column. We have been gone several days. I trust the Govenors made other arrangements."


In the morning Val leads the refugees and the balance of the Wildcards into the camp of the relief column. All are fed and the column quickly moves off the ridge toward south Harbor.

One of the humans a warrior by his armor and swords comes up to Nezamil "By the stars what are you, or what happened to you? My name is Quinn and I have been instructed to bring you back to South Harbor. Your trailblazers on forged on ahead." In a lower voice he whispers to Nezamil "Where did you get all these high quality females?" Quinn adds with an appraising eye.

THe next three days are uneventful travel through overgrown farmlands. There is plenty of food to be had for all even Nezamil and farmers are practically giving away some of their surplus. Quinn pay generously for the extra food with a friendly eye on the strange giant.

Rigging's group makes it to South Harbor, but the refugee group is still on the trial.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 12:13:01 PM

Bart gives an helping hand during the walk, helping where he can. When the make camp Bart prepares a meal

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 6:02:43 PM

Mykael stays on constant guard except when he is sleeping. He will circle the camp, walk through it, and scout a ways out away from the camp in all directions.

He doesnt say much, other than when spoken too. He may smile or nod a hello, as he passes all, but sometimes he doesnt. His eyes seem ever alert, but his mind may be spinning out of control.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 8:27:31 PM

The Monk continues to scout ahead as the refugees advance towards South harbor during their march.

Tuesday December 20th, 2005 8:34:00 PM

With a look down at Quinn the dwarf replies "terrible fey magic has touched me and has twistedme to this size but i hope in time it will weaken and return me to normal at some point "

With a little grin Nezamil adds " these fine women were lured and deceived by fey magic and now we are helping them back to south harbor and safety...which i'm sure you will help accomplish "

The Cleric of Domi herds his faithfull followers along and urges them to help other refugees who seem to be struggling during the march to safety

Rigging and Ashira 
Tuesday December 20th, 2005 9:35:44 PM

Rigging turns to Mary and says, "I am sorry dear but Ashira and I need to push our pace. We both have magic that will allow this but you won't be able to catch up. Stay with these men and lead them to the others.

Rigging will then quickly release some of his spells and study mount x2. He and Ashira will then push themselves to get back to Safe Harbor as fast as they can. Both only need 2 hours a night because of the sustenance magic. They don't even need to stop for food.

Once they get back to the town, they will hurry to the docks and find the Sword of Redemption. They will board, find the highest ranking crew member on board and find out what is happening.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 1:52:46 AM

Over the next few days her body feels less and less strange and more normal. Her reflection doesn't shock her and its hard to remember the way her voice used to be. Val begins to appreciate the beauty her body has, developing a vanity that wasn't there before. During the days she spends her time keeping everybody marching along. At night she relaxes in Appolo's arms.

DM Jim: South Harbor and the Trail 
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 1:04:08 PM

Rigging and Ashira leave Mary inthe dust as they ride to South Harbor. Mary catches up with the other WIldcards and refugees and the relief column.

OOC: We only made two days of travel as Rigging and Ashira made it to South Harbor a day early.

There is not much to do on the trial bu push on. There is a road and the travel is easy. Quinn even rents a famers barn for the second night so everyone can stay indoors, even Nezamil.

Farmers and homsteaders are cutting off growth from their homes and attempting to tame unrully fields. All are friendly and wave as you pass.


A day before Rigging and Ashira get to South Harbor they can smell the salt air and see the sea gulls soaring. Swirl is riding top cover for the couple as they push hard.

Once at South Harbour, it is obvious that Nature had an effect here too, but it must be waning. People are out and repairing their homes and businesses by cutting off the extra unwanted new growths. All business seem open and it looks like there are deals to be had at most of the pubs and resturants.

The shipyard is another matter. Sailor are working on all the ships it get them in proper order. There are many sailors in the water working on the hulls of the ships. Rigging can see the top mast of the Sword, but it is missing its colors, very strange.

Rigging and Ashira get to the Sword and find it a mess. There is very little that has been done to clean it up and there is blood on the deck. Even worse the two are challenged by someone they do not recognize. A human of maybe 25 years, but he has the swagger of a sailor and his armed with sword and dagger, although his hands are nowhere near them. "State your business." as the man comes forward.

Roll a DC 20 intelligence check to determine something about the lad.

Rigging and Ashira notice less than one dozen sailors working to clean up the Sword. They also notice an arm nailed to the mast about 15 feet up. The arm is mangled up toward the shoulder, but looks almost normal by the hand.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 5:55:06 PM

Unaware of the events in South Harbor Bart travels with the refugees to South Harbor. Bart chat with several people and asks Nezamil about his ecpierence with his new form.

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 8:09:52 PM

The dwarf towers over all the refugees as he marches along the trail towards South harbor and replies to Bart " feels sorta strange just so unnatural ...but it does have a few intresting perks....i feel stronger but not as quick....hehehehe.....but i can reach the fruit on top of the trees " laughs Nezamil

Nezamil thanks the farmer for the use of the barn for the refugees and settles into a corner and looks about for Quinn " so whats happening in South harbor the last week or so ?" inquires Nezamil

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 8:16:20 PM

The monk patrols ahead of the refugees leading them towards South harbor by tracking the Captains footprints and reports any new info to Val who has taken command of the march

Jagar keeps an eye out for Mary's footprints secretly hoping he will see her again

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 9:29:01 PM

Mykael climbs to the roof of the barn and keeps watch. When its finally time for him to sleep, he sleeps in the loft. He awakes with the group and continues to make his rounds and keep watch on the group through out the day.

Rigging  d20+4=12 d20+11=31 d20+7=20
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 11:08:37 PM

Rigging is too shocked at the condition of his ship for clear thinking as a rage builds up in him, (intelligence check 12)but he does realize that caution is in order. He looks around for any faces that he might recognize from the crew (spot 31, natural 20) and then asks the crewmember in front of him, "Permission to come aboard. I need to speak to your Captain or one of your officers. I might want to hire your ship if possible."

Swirl goes on high cover watching for any trouble. (spot check 20)

OOC Jim, I know that Swirl has changed. Can you send me his new stats so I can update my character sheet

Ashira George  d20=10
Wednesday December 21st, 2005 11:10:41 PM

Ashira also is shocked at the condition of her ship and gazes around in horror. Where is everyone? She casually puts her hands to the hilt of her weapons, preparing for danger.

Int check 10, don't know her pluses

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 2:08:19 AM

Appolo continues to stay close to Vlanthe and herd the refugees a;ong back to Sourg Garbor.He walks up to Val"You know Sunshine when we get back to South Harbor,thre's a couple of Quads waiting for us and we may not have a ship or crew.Boy if I ecer meet that Fae King agian I'm going deliver him personally to Gargul."

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 10:02:35 AM

Val laughs. "That would be an interesting sight. You know I thought that he would have been able to drive out Ga'al and his taint upon the land. You know it figures that there is a quad or two back there since my weapon was destroyed by those fire giants. At least I have my bow still. Regardless of how things are in South Harbor they can't get any worse than the last couple days."

DM Jim: The Swords sad Tale 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 1:54:48 PM

Rigging and Ashira board the Sword and do not notice anything familiar about the young sailor that challenged then. The young sailor puts his left hand to his belt and fingers a thunderstone, but keeps his hands from his weapons. "Why would you want to rent this mess of a ship? This ship will not be ready for sea until it can get cleaned up and a proper crew sought. There is but one officer left alive. I will call him, TOMAS!"

After a few moments, Tomas arrives looking the worse for wear as he is dressed in rags and is missing one arm. Tomas rushes over and the words just fall from his mouth. "Thank goodness you have not been killed Captain. Are the rest of the Wildcards still alive? It has been terrible. This double quad started to prey on us and a few other ships in the harbor, but mostly the Sword. We were no match and if fact there would be none of us left if it were not for Cantera here and his father, Captain Marlin." Tomas motions to the young sailor.

Cantera spits "Captain Rigging I presume." seeming not to like the deception.

Tomas takes a deep breath and continues. "The quad got bold after Appolo, Redux and Mykael left and assulted the ship. There leader is not a priest of Ga'al, although there is a priest with them. The leader cut off my arm and then beat many of the crew to death with it. Only Captain Marlin saved us and even killed one of the double quad to boot. Cantera has been guarding us since."

In lower tones, Tomas adds. "Captain Marlin took our Pirate of Jack colors and said we were not of the Jack anymore. Is this true? The quad took the rest of the colors and the leader said they would be back for Captain Riggings carcass. The scum is the one that nailed my arm to the mast and said that if it is remove the Sword would be sunk. Captain marlin suggested that we leave it for now until more strenght can be brought to bear."

At that, Cantera interupts and says. "You need to see my father and get away from the Sword as it is being watched. Follow me." Cantera leaves and does not look back.


The refugee column clears up after breakfast.

Jager notices that Mary stayed behind and merged with the refugee group.

OOC: I want to keep the separate groups on the same time so no movement of the refugee group yet. Please feel free to go to the Catacombs as there is a major branch office in South Harbor.

Ashira (George) 
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 4:43:36 PM

Ashira feels rage build in her heart, but then looks at the battered crew and the one armed Thomas and pity takes over. The half elf pulls him into a hug and whispers into his ear, "The rest of the Wildcards are fine. They are escorting some refugees and should be back in a couple of days. We will take our revenge then."
She looks at his arm and then into his eyes. "I promise you, you will be restored. You have my word."

She then turns and leaves following the stranger.

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 4:50:10 PM

Rigging will put his hand on Thomas's good arm and says quietly, "We aren't part of the pirates any more. The Jack has given us our freedom. We are still allies and friends though and we are charged to start another arm of the pirates. Another suit that isn't so bound up politcally. That is why we have been attacked. The Ga'alians fear us. Have the crew start making repairs. We will need the Sword at full capacity. We will be on our way soon"

Rigging starts after the young Cantera and says, "I must thank you for your protection of my crew. It grieves me that I wasn't here myself to look after them. Someone is going to pay dearly for this. Pay in blood."

Rigging will then take his wife's hand and give it a hard squeeze. "Pay in blood." he murmers almost to himself.

Nezamil  d20+12=29
Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:51:17 PM

The supersized dwarf keeps trekking towards South harbor keeping the brothers Hal and Kirk company chatting and getting to know them more " so what will you do when we reach South harbor ? " inquires Nezamil " i'm sure we could find a place for you with us aboard our ship the Sword ...men of you impressive skills and talent would be most welcome "(d20+2=29 diplomacy ch) adds the Cleric of Domi with as much sincerity as he can muster

Thursday December 22nd, 2005 11:56:10 PM

The monk keeps his position ahead of the group blazing the way after Captain Riggings trail.

Jagar gives the thumbs up signal to Mykael as he loops upfront while he circles the marchers in his rounds

DM Jim: Captain Marlin 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 1:33:14 PM

Cantera leads Ashira and Rigging away from the Sword and off the docks. The path he takes is a circular one with many stops and starts. Once in the heart of the South Harbor fish market Cantera comments "Trying to throw them off our trail." A few minutes later the trio is back at the docks, but much farther down and Cantera speaks up again. "There she is The Razors Edge."

The Razors Edge is a slightly longer and broader ship than the Sword and set up for war. The ship also has one more mast than the Sword and looks fast. There are many look outs in the Rigging and on Deck. Those that are not on lookout are removing the added growth from the last week and sanding the cropped area smooth. The ship and her crew are ready action.

The watch acknowledge Cantera and he lead Rigging and Ashira on deck. "It is best that you two remain below deck and out of sight until my father returns in the morning."

Rigging and Ashira are shown to a small but comfortable cabin and are given food and wine.


Morning arrives and after their Breakfast, Rigging and Ashira are greeted by Captain Marlin, a middle aged woman that is armed with rapier and dagger and Cantera. Captain Marlin starts out in a booming voice. "So Captain Rigging, how does it feel to be a wanted man." The question seems retorical because the salt and pepper bearded Captain Marlin continues. "You have been very sucessful in your war with the Ga'alian priests and for that I am greatful. You have earned their ire and a special assassin squad. You have also left the pirate of Jack, which puzzles me, but then again the jack and I do not see eye to eye on all things. The Jack has instructed me to take possession of your two artifacts for the good of the pirates. I will take them now before they fall into the hands of the Ga'alian priest. Once you are ready to sail. We will escort The Sword of Redemption a safe distance from South Harbor so you can be on your personal adventure." The last inflection from Captain Marlin shows his disaggrement with that decision.

Captain Marlin slaps his head and then continues "Where are my manners. I know you have met my olderst son Cantera, but this is my wife Phyllas." Phyllas pokes the large captain in the ribs and says "About time you old cod fish."

Captain Marlin clears his throat "The Sword of Redemption will be under my protection until you are ready to sail and you turn over the artifacts. In the mean time I have business in Plateau City and with the Govenors of South Harbor. I request that you stay on board my ship for your own saftey. I will return in three days and we can attempt to root out this quad that wants you dead."

OOC: Roll a DC 15 int check to determine somthing interesting: Rigging and Ashria Only.


The balance of the WIldcards and refugees travel for an uneventful day.

Only two days from South Harbor.

Rigging  d20+4=19
Friday December 23rd, 2005 2:37:18 PM

Rigging wakes in the morning and feels very refreshed. He makes contact with Swirl to check on him and then pulls open his spell books, replaceing his spells.

Rigging looks at the Captain Marlin and then the rest of his family. It dawns on him tha
they all look a lot like the pirate scout that Appolo killed. (int check 19) He wonders if they know and are part of a conspiracy to take some revenge. He must play this cautiously.

Rigging will greet the wife and son graciously but when he turns away from them, he will flash a look at his wife trying to warn her of danger.

"Captain, I appreciate your concern for our well being but don't worry, both my wife and I can take care of ourselves. I will not stay on your ship for 3 days hiding. I have to much to do.

Fear not, though the Sword of Redemption is leaving the pirates officially, we still believe ourselves to be pirates and will keep working towards the ends of freeing our people from Ga'als slavery.

The pirates have gotten very political lately and the in fighting has made the organization less effective. Recent attacks on our homebases have driven that point home. The Jack wants us to start another family. It may take a few years but hopefully we will quickly become a new ally that can help support the pirates in this part of the Wold in fighting Ga'al and his evil influences.

Rigging then looks at his wife again flashing another look, and then says, "I think we should try and slip off your ship now. We have the means to make ourselves invisible so we should be able to slip off without been noticed. I do want to thank you again for your help again. It is much appreciated."

Rigging replaces his protection ring with his invisiblity ring and looks at his wife. "Shall we go?"

Ashira  d20+2=16
Friday December 23rd, 2005 2:44:33 PM

Ashira also makes the connection from the family resemblence and inwardly winces. "Appolo seems to have a knack of getting her in trouble." she thinks to herself.

She listens to the speech and is shocked at the suggestion that they turn over their artifacts. They will be needed to help insure the success of the new base. Knowing her husband, he won't easily turn such a powerful item over.

She supports her husband and smiles, "I also wish to thank you for your help. We have dealt with quads before. Myself very personally and we know what to expect. If they suspect that we are here, we would only be putting your crew in danger. My husband the Captain is right. We need to blend into the city and try to get some information on what is going on."

Ashira also starts moving towards the stairs up and prepares herself for possible trouble.

Friday December 23rd, 2005 5:08:26 PM

The pleasent journey is startng to wear on the dark skinned elf. The refugees seem to be eager to make it back to South Harbor but a group this size can only travel so fast. The sceanery has long ago lost its appeal. Every now and then her thoughts turn to the catacombs and what weapon she should purchase to replace her long destroyed one. The unholy flail hung on her back though it was useless to her now. Perhaps she would take another flail.

Friday December 23rd, 2005 9:40:58 PM

Appolo continues to try move the group along as fast possible.He stays with Val most of the time.Appolis quite happy an d relaxed.The trip though is ardous and boring.He is also concerned about the Sword and it's crew.

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday December 23rd, 2005 11:36:56 PM

As the young Captain follows his wife out, he will look back at Captain Marlin and ask, "When was the last time you saw the Jack anyway?"

Saturday December 24th, 2005 6:48:20 AM

Bart does his normal duties en helps where he can. He hopes they will arrive in south harbor fast so the group is reunited and sail out to sea as soon as possible

(rembember the artifacts or not in riggings posession, Bart has both of them)

DM Jim 
Saturday December 24th, 2005 9:24:11 AM

OOC: I am posting again today to get the story moving and to give people more time over the weekend and Monday to post. Have a great Christmas everyone.


Captian Marlin cocks his head and responds to Rigging. "I am offering you protection. You are 2 against 7, not good odds. I was only able to drive them from the Sword and we were lucky to kill one. You are free to leave if you like, but I do not suggest it as you are a marked man and the assassin have many spys out watching."

As the Marlin family turns to leave the Captain answers Riggings final question. "I saws the Jack yesterday. We had lunch with the High Lord Mayor. The wonders of being able to Teleport. If you leave the Razors Edge, do not come back unless you turn over the artifacts. The Jack has other plans for those valuable items. You will also be on your own to guard what is left of your ship if you leave, and know that the docks are watched carefully."


The balance of the Wildcards and the refugee trudge on. The smell of the sea drives them on. Still 2.5 days to go.

Saturday December 24th, 2005 9:43:25 AM

Val keeps moving along the trail.

Rigging and Ashira  d20+12=21 d20+7=27 d20+10=28
Saturday December 24th, 2005 11:41:42 AM

Rigging smiles at the other Captain. "Again I thank you for your help. You say you killed one of the quad and fought the others? Can you give me a description of the others? Any insights to their fighting skills? They seem to know all about us. A little information can go a long way sometimes. That's the problem with success sometimes. Brings you more notority than you want.

The Jack is still in town? I will have to look him up. Need to see the Lord Mayor anyway. Strange that the Jack gave me papers to deliver to the Mayor and then teleports in himself. Still rulers have strange and quirky whims sometimes. Like the artifacts. He never mentioned that he wanted them? I suppose I might be willing to sell the to the Pirates of the Jack. The money will be useful to buy ships and get our venture started.

Rigging then nods to his wife, and slips on his invisibility ring. He leaves the ship and starts walking off the docks but taking a good look around, one to see if they are followed and two to see if the ship is being watched.

He will call up to Swirl, "Keep a good eye out my friend. There are hunters hunting us and I am not sure our friends are really our friends."

Swirl responds, "No problem my friend. I am keeping an eye on you both."

Rigging will hold Ashira's hand since they will both be invisible, moving through the crowd. He will slide into a store that sells clothes and deactivates his ring. Time to purchase some cloaks with deep hoods he says to his wife when she reappears.

After the purchase, Rigging will then lead his towards the Mayor offices, both will reactivate their invisiblity rings as they move along as needed.

Rigging spot check 21
Swirl nat 20 (27)
Ashira 28 spot

Monday December 26th, 2005 6:44:10 AM

Bart hoeps he will see the sea reaaly soon, to long he has lived as a landdweller

(happy christmas everyone)

DM Jim: More Information 
Monday December 26th, 2005 3:36:07 PM

Captain Marlin just smiles at Captain Rigging. "You are mistaken. I teleported to Plataeu City, the Jack did not Teleport here, he just does not have the skills. I would gladly give you information on the quads and even the body of the fallen foe, for the two artifacts......." The Captains smile just broadens and he adds. "The Jack did authourize me to compensate the Wildcards 25,000 gp for the two artifacts. I feel it is much too much for items that are rightfully the pirates, somemthing that you have disassociated yourself from."

Captain Marlin calls out to the now invisible Rigging and Ashira. "We will be putting to sea in 2 days as a block. Please see us with the artifacts before then."

Monday December 26th, 2005 5:41:30 PM

Ashira joins Rigging in his invisible jaunt. Though she is worried by the idea of having to guard the Sword by themselves. She hopes that Rigging has made the right decision, but considering her recent bought with leadership, she doesn't say a word.

After the purchase of the cloak, Ashira heads through the streets with Rigging, making sure to take a very indirect route to the docks. "Well love" she whispers to Rigging. "Do you have any plans regarding the next few days? Or are we just going to wing it like usual?" Ashira's hands float down toward her swords as she feels anger over the Quad boiling through her. She is half tempted to pull the arm off the mast in order to bring the Quad in, but she realizes that without the other Cards the fight wouldn't last long. Soon, soon. she consoles herself. Soon there will be heads hanging from our mast, not an arm! As she continues on, an idea comes suddenly to her and she smiles. "Rigging" she whispers "I have heard of a magical item that might be of great use to us...I believe it was called a Hat of Disguise. Perhaps we should head over to the Catacombs and pick up a couple. That way we could disguise ourselves while we wait for the others to get here."

Monday December 26th, 2005 7:30:50 PM

Mykael continues his rounds. He starts to relax some and smiles a little and makes small talk with everyone, especially the elves.

He is using all his walking to get used to his new form, the way it moves, his added agility, and lighter frame. While still being alert for danger.

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