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DM Jim: Lunch Meeting with the Lords 
Monday May 16th, 2005 4:40:45 PM

The Wildcards put on their best cloths and attitudes and head off to the High Lord Mayor's Manor in the center of Plateau City. It is a nice walk and everyone get to observe the hustle and bustle of a large vibrant land locked city. The Wildcards have not been to too many cities this far from the ocean.

The Wildcards are met by the same self important servant as last time. "The Lords and ladies are on the patio." He then opens the great doors and leads the group through the Manor again. Finally the group is lead out onto a beautiful covered patio that is overlooking cultured and manicured lawns and gards and finally the city itself. There is a light lunch buffet and a variety of wines.

The High Lord Mayor is in converation with several well dressed and appointed men and women. It appears that the Jack and Emperor were waiting for you as they are not in the group, but quickly walk over to you. The servant excuses himself immediately.

The Jack beams "Get some lunch and come join us." as he an the Emperor make for a table that has two places with food already.

Once the Wildcards come and join the Jack and Emperor the Jack wipes his mouth and begins to speak. "Eat up it is too good to let wait. Our meetings have been fruitful, and are almost complete. The Emperor and I have come to several agreements. In order to set up this FREEPORT, your group must be truely free." The Jack hands a scroll to Rigging.

"Then there is discussion of ownership of FREEPORT. Rigging has 2 stakes and all of the other Wildcards one (including Mykael and Redux), and myself (Jack) and the Emperor and the High Lord Mayor each have 3 stakes. This way we all have something at risk for this new venture. After your FREEPORT is up and running you can buy out our stakes or if you need cash we can buy out yours. All parties must agree to the sale of the ship by two thirds vote and on the value of a stake. No one takes a profit from FREEPORT for three years. All of the money will be reinvested into the venture and then we all get stinking rich!" The Jack sits back and takes a sip of his wine. "This helps include the Emperor and the High Lord Mayor more in our new entity. Also the Wildcards can not longer fly the flag of the Pirates. You must set up your own colors for your ships. Please ask the pirate crew if they want to be part of your venture or remain part of the pirate navy. We will send a ship in one month to pick up any that do not want to join you."

The Jack puts his feet on the table and continues by handing over three more scrolls. "These are letters introduction to the three mages that run South Harbor. They form a council and have a two year rotation as head of the council. Philip is the head currently."

The Emperor looks at each of the Wildcards in turn. "This is a fragile new beginning, but you must be independent of each of us. South Harbor is the main port of New Elenna and should be a place to set up contacts. The Jack and myself prefer that you recruit from South Harbor as it will bring New Elenna into the fold more and lessen the pirate hold. The mage council of South Harbor will be instructed to extend you every curtesy on behalf of New Elenna and the High Lord Mayor."

The Emperor pauses a moment. "There is word that some of the killer who escaped the ambush may be in Plateau City. The High Lord Mayor has arranged for other transportation for the Jack and myself, but you must beware."

The Emperor looks around before handing a final scroll case to Rigging. "This contains a crude map of the more unexplored area between or overlapping the naval ranges of the Pirates and my Kingdom. The circled area is where we think you should start your investigation. Our stakes in the venture give you the right to proceed and claim an island for FREEPORT. Choose well and Good luck, this is an important first step in many way." The Emperor shakes everyones hand followed by the Jack.

The Jack whipsers in Riggings ear. "Pick a strong set of colors and don't let your wife pick or I fear you may become a laughing stock."

The servant seems to appear again out of nowhere, waiting for the Wildcards.

Ari  d20=15 d20=2
Monday May 16th, 2005 7:26:48 PM

(ooc internet was down over the weekend, thanks adelphia!!!) (rolled 15 for apartment, 2 for slaves (too big a town)). (Let me know if I need to include anything else)

"Are we to give up our rank and tattoos then, with the Pirates? Are we to have private investors, or well known? How do we contact each of the persons with stakes in this?"

Monday May 16th, 2005 7:27:34 PM

ooc Did we confirm the existance of the crown, or confirm that I have an active imagination?

Rigging  d20+6=26
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 12:00:52 AM

Rigging will look confused and glance at the faces of the leaders. "Sir, I am sorry but I don't understand. You grant us our freedom and want to become partners in our setting up a colony. A colony that will be a freeport for all. You want to share in the bounty of this colony and own shares in it. What are you bringing to the table?

Yes I appreciate the maps, the letters of introduction and your vocal support, but we will need more tangible assistance. The Sword has the best crew on the seas, but this isn't enough for this kind of endeveor.

You are asking for basically an equal share of the colony. We are doing all the work so it makes sense that your supply us, money, materials, skilled artisans, and ships."

Rigging will look to the mayor and say, "From you, I want the people. Artisans from the ship making trade. Shipwrights, sailmakers, ropemakers. Enough people, to make us a port and to be able to service the ships coming in to visit us. I will also want raw materials from you. Lumber, iron stock, and food. Know that these people will be allowed to own their own businesses and reap the rewards for their own hard work."

Rigging will turn his eyes to the Emperor and say, "From you I want a warship. The Sword won't be able to always be there and we need to be able to protect ourselves. Hopefully with tensions lessening between the Pirates and the Empire, you can afford the loss of one ship. Make it fast and sound and I will find a crew for her. I also want 10,000 gps in hard money. I promise it will go into the building of the facilities and not our pockets."

Rigging will turn to the Jack and say, "From you my bucko,(Rigging slips into pirate slang) I want two merchant ships. I happen to know you have a few captured ones. We helped capture a few. We will need ships of our own to ferry supplies for the first couple of years and they can be pressed into defense if they have to. I also want 10,000 gps from you as well.

Rigging will hold up his hands at the looks on their faces and quickly add, "Yes I know the price is steep but think to the future. You Mayor get a possible trading partner. We will need many raw resourses, foodstuffs and eventually luxuries. You proffit on both ends of the deal with your shares." Rigging points to the Jack and the Emperor. You get a freeport where all are welcome, as long as they abide the rules. The chance for both cultures to mix and exchange ideas will only help the peace process along. You both spend 10 times more on the last attack of Safeport.

Finally you get us. We will find a suitable port that will help all of us, clear it of monster and brigand and help design the port, its defenses, and start the building process. This might take the rest of our lives but I see it as a chance for all of us to make real change in the Wold."

OOC diplomacy check 26. Natural 20!

Nezamil  d20+11=16
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 12:50:52 AM

The dwarf enjoys the walk thru the streets of his hometown on the way to the meeting at the High Mayors Mansion.

Nezamil takes the Jack's and Emperor lead and heads over to the tables of food and starts to fill a plate but he catches a glimpse of Ashira out of the corner of his eye and only takes a modest amount " i'll become as thin as an elf with her around " grumbles the dwarf silently

The Cleric of Domi nods at the Jacks words " independence " remarks the the Cleric "that sounds good " Nezamil continues to nods in agreement as the Jacks talks.

Nezamil reaches for some fruit on the table but freezes for a second as he hears about the reported killer stalking them " they were a nasty bunch for sure.... ambushed us good " then takes a bite out of the apple he selected

As Rigging announces his ideas "bold talk from the Captain" thinks the dwarf..... Nezamil will watch the faces of the two leaders for their reaction "Captain Rigging has some good points ....getting some artisans and having the ability to get supplies there with merchant ships would be a boon to a fast start up to Freeport....hopefully we could get a good mix of people from all the intrested investors to balance the politics of Freeport so no one of the investors becomes dominate......that would go a long way to show the region we would indeed be independant of influence" (d20+11=16 diplomacy check)

Nezamil sits back and waits with his breath help slightly hoping they didnt overstep their bounds

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 9:03:34 AM

Ashira chuckles as she sees Nezamil's lunch. Hehehe..got him running scared now!!

Ashira listens to the High Mayor, Emperor, and Jack with growing disbelief. Free of the Pirates?? I'm not sure I like that idea. All my life I've been commited to the Pirate lifestyle...how can I give that up now?! Ashira looks over at Rigging as he wrangles for a sweeter deal. Well, maybe with his administrative skills and leadership this thing will have a chance. Ashira's mind wanders, and she envisions the future... Stuck behind a desk, her swords hanging on the wall, collecting dust...she attempts to resolve some incredibly petty dispute between two wealthy merchants as two young children race around her legs. Ashira shudders. If that was her future, then she wanted none of it. But Rigging wouldn't do that to her, would he?? Her mind caught up in worries of the future, Ashira remains silent.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 10:23:42 AM

Val nearly chokes on her wine when Rigging starts making the deal a fair one. She never knew that he had such a backbone. Val thought that the deal was a bit one sided and not in their favor. Later she would have to buy him a bottle to congradulate his boldness. She would have done such a thing but it would have had the opposite effect.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 11:26:53 AM

Appolo is quietly eating when the conversation begins and nearly chokes on his food when ingependance from the prates is mentioned,as well as setting upa new city stae and nation.Then RIgging says his piece and everyone casn hear Appolo curse under his breath and can tell he is not pleased as he goes back to quietly eating.He ats very large amounts.Attacking his food ferociously and devouring it swiftly you'd think it was the enemy.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:43:37 PM

Mykael is new to the group and just listens. He eats his full, and comtemplates to himself, 'I am happy that I included in this, and Rigging seems to be trying to even out the deal somewhat, but is it worth my time if we dont all have equal shares? Have to comtemplate this longer. Guess I will ride it out for now and see.'

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:47:46 PM

Free from the pirates after all those years, fine with me a major part of my goal, defeating Ga'al is established. I dont think being a pirate wontr help me further to oppose the priest of Gaál. Being on our own is better.

Hmm Nezamil good food aye? and then Bart silently listens to Rigging

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:57:16 PM

The Monk sits queitly soaking in the conversation " operate indpendently ? .....Freeport ?......start our own city?.....this is could be the start of something great" muses Jagar

The fleetfooted monk is just overwhelmed with the magnitude of what might come to bear fruit " helping to build a community would be a great way to return the gift of my freedom ....i'll be honored to do so " chimes in Jagar

DM Jim: The Deal 
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 7:26:01 PM

The Jack slaps his knee and laughs. "Rigging you are no longer a pirate. You are already a fishwife or at least you haggle like one."

The Jack looks to Ari "Yes you will have to give up your rank in the pirates as you will no longer be pirates. Ari do not think that you will have it easy. You will have to find an island, clear it and defend it, not an easy task. The Wildcards and the Sword are not done protecting their own, just beginning."

The Jack focuses on Rigging again and scratches his chin "I think we can arrange three small merchant ships, one every six months, but only after your FREEPORT is deamed safe for transport. The gold will be needed elsewhere by the pirates so you will have to find some income from you endevor."

The Emperor looks from the Jack to Rigging with new found respect. "We can provide a warship, but only, as the Jack indicated, when the FREEPORT is deamed safe. I suggest you hire your own crew for it as it may not be safe to use mine. Ga'alian spys and all. It will be hard to swing in the first place, but I will. Money is out of the question as the priests keep too close a watch, but I will be working on the one." The Emperors give the Jack a knowing look at that.

The High Lord Mayor, Sturdavant wondered over. "We can provide artisans. Please provide a list of skills you require. It will take a year to get the proper training as we can not strip South Harbor of our best. We will provide a recently promoted master, journeyman and apprentice for each skill and pay their first years wages and travel to FREEPORT, but no gold can be spared." The High Lord Mayor shakes Riggings hand "Good luck Captain and Master Merchant." THe High Lord Mayor goes to attend to his other guests.

THe Jack claps his hands and announces. "Well have at it, buckos." He stands and leads the Emperor over to the other guests.

The Servant is waiting not very patiently to escort the Wildcards from the Manor.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:11:28 AM

How do they think we gather money to start up trading post? Attacking merchants?

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:23:02 AM

I know we go to the old city Aisuldur, where we meet the dead emperor and got the faybelle bottle. There is still a lot of melten and poisened gold in the dungeon. We get it out and then search for a good spot. Maybe even the old city itself

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:49:45 AM

Rigging will thank the leaders of the different communities and then lead the Wildcards back out of the manor. He remains silent for a while and then smiles.

"Not a bad deal. Promise of future support, they all have a vested interest in keeping us up and running and some adventure in the future.

Lets head back to the apartments, spend one more night, and then take the gambling ship back to South Harbor. We can make plans along the way, won't have to buy and sell horses and get in some more leisure time.

I want to run by the catacombs to grab some scrolls but lets meet for dinner."

Rigging hears Bart's comments and slaps him on the back. Not a bad plan, but I think the old city is 1000's of miles away. Think we might be able to find some gold a little closer? And if we happen to run across a fat merchant ship...."
Rigging grins an evil grin.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 10:28:42 AM

Valanthe rolls her eyes as she turns away. She raises her goblet to her lips and drinks a bit of wine. The Jack had the gold and so did the Emporer. It amazed her how they wanted triple the profits when they would only help after all the work was done. Well once they had the island up and running perhaps Rigging would feel it was appropriate to renegotiate.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 12:36:05 PM

Appolo listens and although he diapproves he keeps quiet.He quietly leaves.Thinking this is crazy,no way this works. Following along behind the others.

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 3:31:20 PM

Nezamil lets out a deep sigh of relief as the Jack laughs at Riggings bold play and smiles .

"Yeah i like the idea of a riverboat cruise " grins the dwarf "maybe we can even win some gold " adds Nezamil with a chuckle

"what say you to some good ole riverboat gambling guys ? " inquires the dwarf to the boys? (Bart,Ari,Mykael,Jagar) you just know the
married guys will be no fun " laughs the dwarf

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 3:35:29 PM

"Riverboat gambling? that sure sounds fun " chimes in Jagar during the walk back to the apartments.

"Mrs Arrack will you join us at the gambling tables ....i've never gambled before .....and since you've been a pirate for many years you surely must know some gambling tricks that you can teach me " says Jagar enthusiastically

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 6:56:03 PM

Ari is very happy with what Rigging is able to wrangle out of their perspective partners.

Now to ponder how to get the Port started. Ari wanders away with the group trying to ponder what may be next.

As they sit down at the table Ari pipes up, "I think we might want to discuss what kind of goals we wish to achieve with this new possible city. Some kind of an ideal or agreement that we can all strive for. Something that somehow gets us all involved. We have some differences of opinion on what we want to achieve, and we need to make sure we're agreeing on what we want to do. Does everyone get a sphere of influence in the city? Or are we all working together towards one common goal?

We might try seeing how many from the Pirates might want to live in a legitimate city. Or whether our partners might want to suppy pardons for people with light offenses, if they want to come live and work their time off conquering the surrounding area."

Hoping the others will want a discussion, Ari stops for the time being to see how everyone responds.

DM Jim: The River boat 
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 7:57:31 PM

The WIldcards leave the High Lord Mayor's Manor with a mix of excitement and foreboding not sure what track their lives are on. They met up for dinner and further discuss future plans. Ari even start to bring up potential politics of their not yet created city.

The next day the Wildcard find that the "Elenna Queen" the River boat that Nezzamil found leaves at 4 pm. The group packs up their belongings and leave the inn and head for the river docks.

THe Wildcard's say a brief goodbye to the City on the Plateau that they barely got to know. The river docks are a buzzing with activity. It is filled with barges of all manner of goods being unloaded and loaded. The Wildcard's notice the absence of salt in the air and it gives the a slight pain of homesickness for the open seas. The river is large as rivers go, but it is not the sea. The far bank is only 400 yards away.

The "Elenna Queen" is obvious at its moorings. She is three decks as viewed from the outside with ornamental gold, blue and green sails that to professional sailors do not look like they will catch much wind. The ship itself is painted white with red trim and is longer than the Sword and much greater beam. There is one gainplank that several well dress people are crossing and being greated by and overdressed sailor in a gold puffy shirt with green and blue pants. The sailor calls out to you as you approach. "Off to South Harbor! The Elenna Queen is the only way to travel! She treats you first class. Dinner and a show followed by gambling until breakfast. The only way to Travel! Anyone up for a ride? Only 25 gp, although that does not include the tip."

The sailor is wearing a big grin and is waiting to see if the Wildcards are coming aboard

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 11:10:22 PM

Rigging will board the riverboat and pull out the vouchers given to him by the mayor. "Will you accept these? Obviously we would want change."

Once on the riverboat, Rigging will answer Ari's question. "I personally am not ready to become a mayor. I think we help set up the city, and then find capable administrators from among the populace or bring some in. Yes we can have important roles in the beginning but for the people to truly be free, then they must administer the city for themselves.

Now our roles as protecters is where I think we should stay. We have proven to be very effective fighting and working as a team. I don't want to split that apart."

Thursday May 19th, 2005 1:48:44 AM

Ashira remains very quiet while the others discuss the formation of the port. She chuckles at Jager's comment, but seems very preoccupied...and vaguely disturbed as she boards the river boat.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 11:32:12 AM

Rigging at the current conditions i am unsure about attacking merchants, is it still for the good cause we fighting for? Now we have the Emperor on our side. Before every ship we attacked had to do with the priest of Ga'al, I dont think we can still be sure about that. I am not or was a pirate for being a pirate, but it was a way to help me further to my goal. Would you for example want to take over this riverboat, collect the gold and other valuables from the passengers and hold them for ransome? as a true pirate would?

Thursday May 19th, 2005 2:00:33 PM

Jagar absorbs the buzz of activity on the docks......not used to being around this many people and a large city of this caliber it fills him with a sense of adventure and excitment.

"A riverboat ride " exclams the wide eyed Monk "Dinner ! thats good for Nezamil ....but i'd like to see what the show is about "

"As for the Gambling ....the slavers used to bet on us in the fighting arena but looks to be a more civil type of gambling " adds the Jagar

Thursday May 19th, 2005 2:07:32 PM

Bt the time they reach the riverboat Appolo is in very good mood.He still thinks setting up city like that is crazy,.

He boards the boat finds his room unloads his gear.He then finds the dining room and something to eat.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 3:10:23 PM

"Good choice Captain " as the dwarf follows him up the gangplank
to the riverboat.

"heh very funny Jagar " laughs Nezamil " gotta keep up my strength for battle ....can't let Ashira get me too weak i can't wield my Mace " as he winks at the Swords Mistress

" Hey Bart lets see if they got any good dwarven ale aboard this pleasure cruise ....Mykael you with us for an ale ? " adds the dwarf

DM Jim: The Sights and Sounds of the "Elenna Queen" 
Thursday May 19th, 2005 5:56:48 PM

The Wildcards are escorted across the gangplank and to an underdressed boxum blond half elf moneychanger that is showing just enough leg to be tasteful, barely. "Yes your voucher is good here." She gives Rigging change in the form of green painted wood disks. "These are each worth 25 gp each anywhere on the Elenna Queen. Your rooms are on the second level and are double occupancy. I am sorry as that is all that is left. We always leave full from Plateau City. The room numbers are on the keys." She hands Rigging two keys each for four rooms.

The group sees signs in several languages you recognise and some you do not behind the moneychangers booth requesting that all weapons be kept in patons rooms for the duration of the cruise. Safes and lockers are provided in room.

The Wildcards walk though an archway into a grand ballroom full of tables set for dinner. A well dress human male servant stops by to give you directions up to the second level and your room. "Dinner is in one hour. If you hurry you can get a round table. Remember the square table are put together to form a stage. Tonights entertainment is dancing girls. Don't forget to tip your hosts." The servant tap dances away and off to other duties.

The Wildcards observe many groups of well dress patrons of several races. The second and third levels on each side of the ship have a balcony overlooking the dinning area. On the way down to dinner it is overheard that there is an obervation deck above the third level.

Dinner is of good quality, but the group see others getting much better treatment and food. Your human female hostess explains to you that all kinds of extra can be purchased.

There are signs posted all over the ballroom in various languages explaining that the use of magic during gambling hours or cheating is strictly prohibited. Gambling hours are after the evening show until sunrise.

After dinner all of the rectangular table are put together to form a stage. The dancing girls put on quite a saucy show and announce that tomorrow show will be a farce.

After the dancing show the coverings are taken off the round tables reveal many different games of chance and cards, welcome to all.

Everything is new this evening, but very exciting. There is much alcohol flowing and people are very friendly. The Wildcards stay up much too late and the sun comes up much too early the next day.

There is much talk over the evening about the strange wind storms and earthquakes of the past month or two among the patrons and hosts.

OOC:We have had a bad week or two of posting. We have to get better as we are being watched by the High Wold Sherrif.

Also, I am still missing updated character sheets. I need them by Monday folks or I will have to invent punishments.......

Thursday May 19th, 2005 6:08:57 PM

Double occupancy was what she had in mind anyway. A nice river boat ride complete with dancing girls to help warm Appolo up. Valanthe hooks her arm in Appolo's and smiles before giving him a quick kiss.

Rigging  d20+12=30
Thursday May 19th, 2005 8:53:09 PM

Rigging will watch over his friends as they gamble, drink and have a generally great time. He enjoys them being able to relax and just have a good time without having to worry about being attacked, or struck down by a God or something.

Still until he gets the lay of the land, he will abstain from to much fun and keep a thieve's eye on things (spot 30). With his belt of sustenance, he really doesn't need to eat much and getting a couple of catnaps refreshes him.

He helps the others to bed when they are ready and then guides Ashira up to the observation deck where they can watch the stars and the shoreline coast by in peace. He engages her in idle chit chat but as the dawn starts to break, he asks, "Dearest, I get the impression, you aren't to happy about starting a new city? Can I ask why?"

The next day, Rigging will lock himself away in his room and scribe a new spell in his book. "Rary's"

ooc Jim, just waiting for a transaction to go through in the Catacombs and then will send updated sheet.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 10:38:29 PM

Nezamil takes a couple room keys from Rigging "Hey Jagar here's a key to our room ...lets get changed and see whats shakin on board "

" hey guys lets meet for dinner then we can split up to games of chance to our own liking afterwards "

At the Dinner table " Ari and Mykael you two should mingle and see what intresting tidbits you can pickup after dinner....i think we should all keep our ears open ....after all there is still someone out there that doesn't like us "

The dwarf sees Jagar is transfixed by the saucy dancing " eh Jagar i think you should buy the ladies a drink after the show " chimes in Nezamil slyly

Nezamil enjoys the evening relaxing and gambling a little too much but keeps an eye on the fleetfooted but wonder eyed Monks pursuit of the dancers.

Thursday May 19th, 2005 10:46:03 PM

Jagar just nibbles at his dinner to distracted by the showgirls " good idea " replies Jagar to the dwarfs suggestion of buying the dancers drinks .

The monk buys a few ales for the wildcards at the dinner table and tries to induce the dancers to dance with him after the show " this is so much better then the fighting pits " grins the monk " c,mon Nezamil lets dance and drags the dwarf onto the dance floor to dance with the showgirls " this is great "

The monk doesn't pay much attention to the gossip but just enjoys the female company and keeps intrducing the dwarf to all the girls

Friday May 20th, 2005 5:08:55 AM

Mykael shows up well-dressed, clean, and groomed.

Eating and enjoying the sights, Mykael stays away from too much ale and isnt interested in gambling. He is fairly quiet throughout the night other than laughing at the show, others that cant hold thier liqour, or any jokes during conversation. He lets the night pass by, having a good time, but always vigilant.

Mykael will mingle in the crowd doing a little eves-dropping and meeting people. He attempts to hold conversations with those that chat with him about whatever they are discussing. He is politicing, charming, and getting his name known among those with money, influence, power, and information.

OOC: Mykael is keeping his ear to the ground about the weather, anything interesting, the Wildcards, and attempting to make contacts with those that may be able to help him or the group at some future time. He doesnt let it be known that he is a Wildcard, but if its brought up or he is asked about it, he will admit it. He is just trying to keep thier presence low-key.

Appolo  d20+10=19 d20+6=14
Friday May 20th, 2005 11:30:50 AM

Appolo comes downstairs to dinner dressed resplendantly,with Valanthe on his arm<he eats and drinks,but not in excess.After the dinner and show,he says to Valanthe"Come on let's go for a walk on the observation deck,uptop.Should be a wonderful night out.All the while he keeps his wits about him and shap eye out for anything strange,suspisous or the least bit threatening.

OOC:Spot 19,Listen 14.

Bart  d20=14
Friday May 20th, 2005 3:32:28 PM

Well we need another room 9 people 8 bunks. Eya mate do you have spare bed, to put on one of the rooms?

In the vening Bart tries to gain some money with gambling he puts in a max of 200 gold

Friday May 20th, 2005 3:42:24 PM

The half-elf enjoys the show a little, but is quite distracted. She seems to be mulling something over in the back of her mind. During her alone time with Rigging, Ashira smiles at her husband. "You know me too well. I don't know...it's just that starting a new city requires us to stay in one place for a while. And I'm not sure I'm ready to settle down." Ashira stares up into Rigging's eyes. "It seems like so long ago that we got married...and so much has changed. I mean, just look at you...not only are you a Captain, now you're going to be the founding father of a port!! And I'm happy for you...I really am... It's just that I never envisioned my life revolving around pushing papers from one side of a desk to the other and then back again." Ashira rubs her temples. "I don't know...I just don't know. I still have a lot of other business to take care of, and I'm not sure how this recent turn of events fits in with all my plans, that's all." She looks back up at Rigging. "But you're happy, and that means a lot to me. Just promise me you won't allow me to become some old paper pushing, diaper changing whench." Ashira shudders at the mere thought of it all.

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday May 20th, 2005 4:01:12 PM

Rigging laughs at Ashira's concerns. "Are you kidding? I think having to push papers around is years off. Yes I want to do this and I appreciate your support but allay your fears dear wife. I don't see us laying down our swords anytime soon.

First we have to scout the map for the best sight. Then we have to clear the land of any nasty monsters, tribes of orcs, or worse and so on. Then we will have to bring in the builders, stone masons, and other specialists. I can assure you that this will be opposed in several quarters. Merhants not wanting us to compete with them, to Ga'alian priests not liking what we represent and trying to shut us down.

Of course we will need advanced information on what they are planning, so recon missions into their heartlands will be needed." Rigging sighs, "Not to mention pirates, bandits, marauding monsters, slavers and anyone else who is stupid enough to think we are weak and can't defend ourselves. No....I don't think we will be putting down our swords anytime soon."

DM Jim: Floating Down the River  d100=8
Friday May 20th, 2005 7:29:46 PM

Nezzamil and Jager enjoy the dancing show and participate to the delite of the other patrons.

Mykael talks with those milling about gambling, but does not find out much information beyond surface concerns, the weather, were is my drink, and why did I lose that last hand. (Try gather info for a specifc piece of info)

Rigging cases the place and also notices a black haired unshaven bloke in finery that seems to be doing the same thing regarding the Wildcards. Rigging is easily able to keep track of his because of his large gold earings in each ear.

Rigging and Ashira discuss their future among themselves.

Val and Appolo take a nice moonlite walk on the observation deck. The night is beautiful if note a bit warm for the season, maybe more than a bit. They can see the rudder man guiding the "Elenna Queen" expertly downriver using the current. They also observe barges and other boats being pulled upriver by large horses. THe drovers are lighting the way for the horses. There seems to be a downstream and upstream channel in the river.

The next day does not start early on the "Elenna Queen" as most guest sleep in early. People mingle and spend time on the observation deck waiting for the evening festivities to start again. It is curious that today there are now no barges or boats being pulled up river.

Bart gets his private room, but did not do well gambling (8/100) and lost his entire stake.

OOC:Bart Where is your Character sheet?????? Val does yours character sheet need to be updated with the new experience points?

If you want to gamble, the house has an advantage roll a D100 if you are above 59% you win, if not you lose.

Friday May 20th, 2005 11:16:47 PM

It is a time to spend focusing on what is about to happen for the group. When Ari is by himself, he studies his spells, formulates plans, and envisions where he may be headed. During the evenings he'll buy some wine, socialize with those around, watch some shows.

But relative to his friends, he's pretty quiet.

Saturday May 21st, 2005 1:11:24 PM

Val walks with Appolo her body close to his. She holds his hand and turns to face him so they can dance in the moonlight. She sighs happily and rests her head on his shoulder.

Saturday May 21st, 2005 7:30:16 PM

Appolo spends the night with Valanthe in his arms wondering the observation deck until they finda nice beck witha back to sit on"Lot's of river traffic tonight.It is a wonderful night and you are so beautiful.You know if we start this town and make it work,then we can also start a family"He says as the sit and watch the river traffic in the moonlight.

Eventually he takes back down stairs,to the room just as the sun is about to come up,Appolo falls asleep with Valanthe in his arms.Appolo sleeps most of the day past noon.

Rigging  d100=98
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 4:30:13 PM

Rigging will point out the scarred man to Ashira and when Val and Appolo go by to them as well. "This guy has an interest in us. Remember we were warned about an assassin. Keep an unobtrussive eye on him."

The next day, Rigging will scribe the spell into his spellbook and then join his companions on deck. He will go looking for the scarfaced man and see what he is up too.

He will go to the tables and do some gambling surprising himself with a win. Rigging will have used a 100 gps as a stake.

Rolled 98 for gambling

Jagar  d20+6=8
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 9:28:28 PM

Jagar dances till dawn then gets afew hours of sleep .......waking early and before his roomie Nezamil he freshens up quickly and quietly and takes a brisk morning stroll around the deck of the riverboat surbyes the scence (d20+6=8 spot ch) but nothing seems to catch his eye.

"good morning " comments Jagar to the late rising dwarf as he makes an appearence on the deck " beautiful day we have ...nice and quiet"

Nezamil  d20+5=23
Sunday May 22nd, 2005 9:29:11 PM

The dwarf sleeps well after dancing all night " haven't don't that in years......that Jagar sure is light on his feet and he danced till dawn....well it was good to just to have a light hearted evening " muses the dwarf

Slipping out of bed Nezamil notices that Jagar is already out and about " he's full of energy " mumbles Nezamil to himself.

Freshning up he heads out to see whats for breakfast .....spotting the monk leaning on the railing watching the birds "Hey Jagar lets get some breakfast before Ashira wakes up ....i'm starving .... i swear she watches what i eat to see how many miles we have to run " laughs the dwarf as he leans on the railing next to Jagar for a moment checking out the veiw (d20+5=23 spot ch) " hmm slow traffic day on the river today .....thats strange ...think we oughta check that out after breakfast ......lets eat " grins Nezamil " wonder if anyone else is up ?"

Monday May 23rd, 2005 2:09:28 AM

Bart wakes up late, he gets an simple breakfest and walks around the deck

Monday May 23rd, 2005 10:30:22 AM

Ashira nods as Rigging points out the man. Since she doesn't need too much sleep (ring of sustenance), Ashira spends most of her time shadowing the scarred man, making sure not to be too obvious.

DM Jim: Cat and Mouse 
Monday May 23rd, 2005 1:22:12 PM

Rigging has a great night gambling and makes 105 gp!!!

Jager enjoys the observation deck and watches swirl make small water spouts in the river.

Rigging and Ashira shadow the scarred man most of the day. They keep close watch on him and only lose him occasionally. They do seem to be noticed and thoughout the day he contacts and talks with several other men and women he seems to know well of several races (human, elf and gnome). All of the people Rigging and Ashira observe all have at least one gold earing in each ear.

When ever the scarred man catches a glimps of Rigging or Ashira watching him or caught watching them his hands immediately dip down to his waist as it going for his weapons, but they are never there as all weapons are suppose to be locked in everyones cabins.

Rigging and Ashira also observe the scarred man talking with the captain of the "Elenna Queen" and he seems to be on good terms with him. An hour later the security personel of the "Elenna Queen" seem to increase and are not so hidden as before. Two very large (over 6.5 feet tall)heavily musculed, unarmed, men in purple and gold finery walk the gambling floor and two wizards each walk the balconies on the second and third floors and they are both dressed in the same purple and gold clothing. Everyone had noticed these six individuals mingling with the patrons the previous day.

The rest of the Wildcards recover from the previous evening and get ready for the Farce. After dinner the crew puts on a comedy with sexual innuendo. The players pull several people from the audience for their skits and all have a merry time.

There is rumblings about the lack of upriver traffic and that the captain had a visitor.

The "Elenna Queen" is sloshed about right after the play. The Captian takes the stage to calm all down and explains to the passengers "What you just felt was an earthquake and there is nothing to worry about. What better place to be than on a ship when the ground is rolling. One drink free for all on board, all paying passengers that is." The is a collective groan from the crew, in fun.

Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:16:44 PM

The dwarf throughly enjoys the show " now that was funny Jagar just glad you didn't yank me up on stage " chuckles Nezamil

" sounds like that is our answer to the no traffic on the river question " remarks Nezamil to the Monk

" hmm who are da big guys in purple and gold ? riverboat security ? looks like something has them spooked lets check in with Captain Rigging" comments the dwarf to Jagar

"heh we get a free drink ... can't be that bad " grins Nezamil as he makes his way over to the nearest bar with Jagar intow " i'll take an ale and one for my friend here ?" as he catches a bartenders eye

Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:25:26 PM

"next time " replies Jagar to the dwarf " i'll make sure you get on stage "threatens the monk in mock serious tones

"not sure who they are but you could be right " replies jagar as he follows the dwarf to the nearest bar

As they are served their ale's " who are those guys in purple and gold " inquires Jagar of the barkeep

Jagar sips his ale as he surveys the crowd "wonder where Mykael and Ari are ?" chimes in the monk " they hiding in their rooms ? we'll get Bart to have a free drink with us he's a good fun guy " as he tries and flag down the big fighter over to enjoy there free bounty ;-)

Ari  d20=5 d20=11 d20=18 d20=10 d20=9
Monday May 23rd, 2005 11:03:24 PM

Not sure if he was really paid attention to while he sat out the first time. Ari comes to his senses and realizes that he needs to keep his ear to the ground for the rest of his family. Ari tries to find nice corner to sip on some wine and be unobtrusive.

While he waits, Ari tries to remember back to when the group 'defeated' the cursed Emporer.

(gave you 5 gather info rolls, which is just straight up for now).

Monday May 23rd, 2005 11:04:38 PM

Rigging will show his gold to Ashira with a delighted smile on his face. "Can you believe that 21 came up on the wheel!"

After the Captain's speech, Rigging will lead his wife up on deck and take a look around to see if he can see anything. He will send Swirl aloft to take a look around.

"I think we should ease off the guy who was checking us out. I think we might have spooked him and that is OK but I don't want to cause any trouble. Be vigilent but let's not get to paranoid."

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 12:30:39 AM

Ashira is absolutely thrilled by Rigging's winnings. "Great! Now what are you going to buy me with it??" she jokes with her husband.

The ranger nods at Rigging's sage advice. She thought she'd been rather covert about her surveillance, but apparently not...going to have to work on that. Ashira sighs...not being paranoid...now that was a novel concept. A sparkle in her eye, she pats Rigging's buttocks. Leaning in close, she murmurs in Rigging's ear "Hey, why don't we go and celebrate your winning...don't want Val and Appolo to be the only ones who have fun on the cruise." With a mischievous wink, Ashira saunters back to their room.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 3:08:22 AM

Bart notices the men in purple also, he feels some tension building up. Well if anything will happen he is ready for it, he is armed and dangerous, his sword is well hidden in his glove of storing. Bart finds a spot near Ari and chat and drinks with him while he looks around.

Rigging Illegal post 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 7:29:49 AM

Rigging gets a grin on his face and follows his wife back to the room for some private entertainment.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 9:52:04 AM

Val really enjoys the little break. Lounging with her man and plenty of good food and wine. She's in such good spirits that the sudden increase in security doesn't bother her one bit. Normally she would inquire about why security was increased but currently she could really care less.

DM Jim: Inquiries 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 5:37:05 PM

The bartender remarks offhandedly to Jager and he gets him his free drink "Those guys are the coolers. They take care of problems." The bartenders quickly goes off to take care of other customers demanding their free drinks.

Ashira and Rigging go and get busy.

Ari does a bit of investigating on his own and finds out that upriver traffic has been halted bacause a roving band of centaurs have been freeing horses. That is what the visitor came to tell the captain.

Late in the evening, Ari is still watching a fairly large crowd gambling and a fairly attractive human brunette in a very low cut dress sits down next to him and makes small take. As she takes her leave, she look back at Ari from around a corner and says "You are nice, but too bad you chose the wrong side." When Ari pursues she is gone. All Ari sees is a group of guest going off to bed. Ari realizes that he forgot to get her name, but will not forget her face or her other ample attributes.

The next day starts late again. It is posted that the evening activities will be a circus and acrobat show.

There are strange goings on. Those on the observation deck see numerous fish kills and Ashira can tell that they died by boiling. The "Elenna Queen" passes by a small fishing village that seems to have been on the wrong end of smoking crater. There are many buildings destroyed.

Evening comes and their seems to be some tension in the air and talk of the strange happenings. Dinner is excellent and the show intriuging. People are just not suppose to bend like that....

Then there is a SCREAM heard by all coming from the observation deck that causes immediate quite during the show. People look at one another, questioning and whispering starts. A bell is sounded and the Captian seems to busy himself with moving toward the stairs to the observation deck. "Everything is Fine. Enjoy the Show. One round on the house!" The Captain does not seem as confident this time around.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 6:23:40 PM

Appolo sleeps through the disturbance and wakes lateHe enjoys the tiem with Valanthe.

Appolo heads down to dinner and is enjoying the show.he ignores most of the talk about strange occrances and relaxes,until the scream and the show stops.Appolo quickly stands and moves toward the exit heading for his room.If anyone says anything he will tell them that he merely wishes to go to his cabin.

Once in his cabin he will suit up and arm himself.Then using his ring of invisibility,he will slip out of his cabin and investigete.He is ready for action.

Ashira  d20+11=30
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 9:53:10 PM

Her hair tossled and a happy grin on her face, Ashira rolls over in her bed as she hears the ringing bell (Listen=30). Nudging Rigging awake she says. "What was that?! I think we better get up and check it out." Ashira rises and clothes herself and then heads out to check things out.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 10:13:57 PM

Rigging wakes and watches his wife dress with a grin on his face. Suddenly his surrounding hit him and he jumps up and says, "I can't believe we stayed in here all day!" He grabs his clothes, quickly pulls them on, slips on his slippers of spider climbing (ya never know) and straps on his weapons. He then follows his wife out on to the deck.

Tuesday May 24th, 2005 10:17:50 PM

Ashira watches Rigging arm himself. "Ummm...dear, you know they asked for us to keep those locked away, don't you?" Ashira grins at her husband as she grabs her own swords and backpack.

Ari  d20=3 d20=11 d20=2 d20=10
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 12:07:14 AM

Intrigued by the comment made by the mystery women. Ari wonders whether there might be a group that is watching the Wildcards. Or whether her meeting him had any chance to it.

When Ari gets a chance, he'll do his best to drop a note, or whisper his findings to Rigging. About the Centaurs and about the intriguing woman.

All the while he'll keep an eye out for the woman that spoke to him the night before. Occasionally he finds that he has to bring himself back from a daydream.

Once the scream is heard, Ari can be heard speculating alound, "I wonder who that was"..."Was that an Elven woman that screamed?" "Was it some poor horse on the far shore here?". As Ari starts all these false rumors, he listens closely to the rumor mongers around him, and tries to pick out if there's any truth. (more rolls as needed.)

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 3:21:08 AM

After the scream Bart isn't interested in teh show anymore, he slips outside and looks for a dark spot on deck where he can observe a major part of the boat

Mykael  d20+1=20 d20+4=19
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 5:51:49 AM

Mykael hasnt been seen much. He has been studing in his room and working on cutting his gems.

Mykael hears the scream from his room. He shoves the gem he was working on back into his chest and slams the lock shut. He heads out the door to the decks to see what is going on.

Listen = 20, Spot = 19

Nezamil  d20+5=6
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 2:47:06 PM

The dwarf takes in the circus show ooohhhing and aaahhhing with the crowd " you'll never get a dwarf to contort like that just aint possible ....we just ain't that limber " chuckles Nezamil.

Nezamil remains calm and awaits to see what comes of the scream from the observation deck " we better have a chat with the riverboat captain about all these strange things " says the dwarf to Jagar "Captain to Captain he might be able to squeeze a little info out him "

Nezamil scans the crowd for the coolers to see how they react to the screams (d20+5=6 spot ch)(nat 1!!) but being shorter then most he cant' see over the crowd " you see whats going on Jagar ??" asks the dwarf

Jagar  d20+6=16
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 2:55:25 PM

Jagar enjoys the show with the dwarf " this is amazing ....i bet i can do some of those things " the monk tries to get up on stage but the dwarf grabs him and yanks him back in his seat " ok maybe later i can try "suggest Jagar to Nezamil

Jagar jumps up at the sound of the scream but seeing the dwarf remain calm stands on his seat to get a better veiw, surveys the room (d20+6=16 spot ch)

" maybe we can get you stilts so you can join in the circus acts " suggest Jagar to Nezamil " then you can also see better " laughs the monk

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 6:33:54 PM

Val found herself watching the dancers and wondering if she could adapt somet of those things for her late night reindevous with Appolo. She was thoroughly enjoying she show but since everybody was heading out Valanthe decided she might as well follow and suit up.

DM Jim: The Crush 
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:35:23 PM

The captain and the "Coolers" all start to head for the stairs up, but it is making the crowd very nervous and they start to move to them also. Movement is difficult for all as everyone is heading for the stairs. The two bulky "Coolers" are attempting to make a path for the captain.

Val and Apollo head for their rooms and begin to suit up. The stairs to the rooms are not as crowded as the one to the observation deck. There are several groups of people that seem to want to head for their rooms.

Rigging and Ashira are roused awake and also begin to suit up.

Mykael almost ruins his gem at the sound of the scream and he to packs up.

Nezzamil, Jager and Bart are all caught in the crush of the crowd as they move with the Captain toward the stairs of the observation deck. Nezzamil and Jager are attempting to get close to the Captain, but Bart is swimming against the crowd to get a better view.

Ari is attempting to spread rumor, but seems to be starting a panic.

Ari spots several cooks coming out of the hold with vines wrapped on them. Ari overhears them "That is unnatural. How can that be. I'm not going back down there."

All of a sudden there is a sudden shift in the "Elenna Queen" as if the sailor at the rudder were drunk.

DC 10 balance check or stumble, fail by 5 or more and you fall. You get +1 for every 2 ranks of sailor you have.

The quick course change does not do well to the crowd as large groups of people fall and drag others down. The panic level can almost be felt by those still on the gambling floor or looking down from the balconies.

Shortly there after there is another opposite rudder correction followed by a CRASH!

Ashira and Rigging can now see Apollo and Val as part of the wall separating their rooms now has a big hole in it. A large firey, very solid object, burst through the two rooms from outside the "Elenna Queen". The object has started several very small fires before it CRASHES through the floor and onto the gambling level. All of this took place in the blink of an eye. Your two rooms feel less than stable than a moment ago. The hole in the outside wall is about 4 feet in diameter and smoking.

Once the flaming boulder stikes the gambling floor and crushes a dealer at a card table, that happened to be milling about, the real PANIC begins. Everyone is now pushing to get to the stairs, any stairs and no one is moving much at all as a result.

OOC: Please post early as I will be posting in the early afternoon the next few days. Thanks in advance.

Ari (using +1 from dex, and +3 from stated sailor)  d20+4=19
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:11:51 PM

(ooc Ari doesn't have the skill, but could the tumblers get bonuses too?)

Not realizing that the scream was a precursor to disaster, Ari quickly does his best to stop any rumors from going on.

I thought that was a good idea, at the time.

IF there's no prohibition against spell casting, then Ari will cast spider climb.

IF not, or either way, he'll still continue to try to get a better look at things going on around him.

(ooc can we get a picture of where you thing everyone is relative to each other? I've have this sinking feeling I'm currently not near anyone in the group. ;) :) )

Rigging  d20+7=22 d20+11=22
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:20:47 PM

Rigging sways with the course changes but is otherwise uneffected by them. (dex roll of 22) He quickly sees the hole and wonders "Catapult?" out loud.

He shakes off the thinking and yells, "Wildcards! To Me!" He looks at Val and Appolo. "I want everyone together and armed. You three start collecting their stuff, especially their weapons. I am gonna take a quick look around!"

With that Rigging will leave his cabin and literally walk up the side of the ship using his slippers of spiderclimb. He will take a good look around from this vantage. (spot 22)

OOC I sent Swirl topside last post. Does he see anything?

OOC George 
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:33:23 PM

Hey folks, Next week I am taking the family down to visit the out-laws in Florida. My mother outlaw does have a computer so I should be ok posting. I only see me missing posts on Monday and Tuesday when we visit Universal Studios. Could someone fill in for me those days if they don't see me posting by 9 pm?

Bart  d20=20
Thursday May 26th, 2005 4:07:36 AM

Bart stays easily on his feet (natural 20. Not aware where the danger is commong from he heads as quickly as possible towards his room to get his chain shirt. Never leave without it

Mykael  d20+5=9 d20+5=16 d20+7=8 d20+4=5
Thursday May 26th, 2005 6:10:44 AM

Mykael is getting to the door when the ship lurches and he is tossed to the floor. "What the hell? That didnt sound like a sand-bar." Mykael decides to get all his stuff together. He loads his pack and throws on his chain shirt. Bow and sword throw over opposite shoulders and finally shield strapped around back over his backpack, he is ready to head out. He can swim now if needed. Mykael notices the huge hole in the hallway and thinks, 'Catapult? Trebuchet? hmmm...'

Mykael will make haste topside, if it looks like he can just run through the hole to the outside decks safely, he will. If not, up the stairs. He will look out the hole either way to try and spot anything. (Arch & Engineering = 16... or Shipwright = 8 (nat 1))(Spot = 4(nat 1)) ooc-killer rolls... wow

Valanthe  d20+9=26
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:05:03 AM

Val barely sways as the ship rocks beneath her feet. It wasn't all that different from a sudden wave rocking the sword out at sea.

Val nods to Rigging and moves out to collect all of her companions gear. After she collects the gear Val moves quickly down the hallways using her far superior strength to push people aside if need be.

Ashira  d20+10=30
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:29:41 AM

Her sea legs so accustomed to the pitch and roll of a vessel under just about any conditions, Ashira easily keeps her feet (Ref+sailor=30...nat. 20). She watches the "thing" crashing through their quarters, her eyes bulging. Not good...not good!! Deciding that Rigging has a good idea, she fishes out her slippers of spider climb and follows after Rigging. She wonders where the others are and how in the world they're all going to get back together with all this mass panic going on.

Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:35:51 AM

As the flaming boulder crashes thru the ship "C,mom Jagar lets get our stuff and find the Captain.

Unlike earlier when a dwarfs short build was a hinderince in veiwing over the crowd ...Nezamil stout lowbuilt frame comes in handy as he bulls his powerful frame thru the crowd cutting a path thru them with ease as he heads to his room " by Domi we'll get to the bottom of this strangeness in the wold " remarks the dwarf outloud to no one in partiucular.

Once making it to the room Nezamil quickly equips himself and heads out to find his fellow wildcards making it topside to get a better understanding of what is happening .

Jagar  d20+9=21
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:44:07 AM

Jagar quickly follows in the dwarfs footsteps easily keep his balance(d20+9=21 bal ch) "remind me to never get in your way " chuckles the monk " as the dwarf plows thru the people to their room.

Once reaching the room Jagar quickly adorns himself of his stuff and again follows the dwarven bowling ball up topside to join the Wildcards

Dc check d20+9=21

Appolo  d20+12=27 d20+7=18 d20+6=11 d20+9=21
Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:33:16 AM

Having already suited up by the time vlanthe got there.Appolo help sher gether her gear.While doing this the ship roles,Appolo easily keeps his feet,hardly noticing it.

Then the fireball smashes through the side of the ship the room and into the next one.Appolo starts grumbling about party crashers."Always some fool has to ruina perfectly good party.By the gods we must attract them like flies to honey!!.'He looks at Rigging and nods,quickly following orders.He follows Valanthe hitting the state rooms of the rest of the wildcards.

He will use his set of lock picks and his skill as a thief to open the others lockers in order to get thier stuff.He also keeps a sharp eye out for anyone folowing them our watching them.

OOC Balance 27,Locksmith 18 Spot 11, Pick lock 21

DM Jim: Pandimonium 
Thursday May 26th, 2005 3:35:35 PM

All of the Wildcards rooms are next to one another off of the second level balcony/walkway (internal to the ship).

There is mass hysteria running rampant among the guests and crew. People are attempting to save themselves by climbing to the observation deck and others are scrambling to their rooms. The stairs up a choked with people as are the internal walkways on the second and third levels.

Rigging barks orders and quickly sticks his head out the smoking hole and takes a look; Ashira dons her slippers to follow her husbands lead.

Rigging feels a very stong breeze and he climbs out the hole and feels another impact as a second flaming projectile CRASHES into the "Elenna Queen". Rigging helps his wife through the hole and they both survey the scene.

It is dark with a full moon, so there is some visibility. The wind is much stonger than expected. The second impact is behind Rigging and Ashira and they make quick calculation and think it might be Bart's room.

The "Elenna Queen" make another correction as it attempts to avoid the incomming projectiles.

DC 10 balance check again. Again add your sailor bonus.

There are several burning buildings of a riverside village that are burning up ahead. Two figures are outlined by the fire and seem to be very close to it. The figures are dwarf like in features but something is wrong in the proportions. Rigging and Ashira realize that it is not the figures but the buildings that are causing the visual problem. The two figures are the same size as the burning building they are standing next to.

Two more flamming projectiles come arcing high overhead. One will surely strike the ship in the prow.

The shore is maybe 75 yards away and the buring buildings 200 yards. The course correction have slowed down the "Elenna Queen" significantly.

Rigging can feel Swirl and he seems envigorated and upset at the same time. Rigging hears Swirl "You brought her again!" in his head as he rounds in front of the ship. Swirl is noticably larger.

Ari realizes that he is far from everyone and his room and casts spider climb on himself.

The three cooks next to Ari back up in horror as a serving girl struggle through vines as she attempts to climbe out of the hold. Ari notices that the planks at his feet seem to be sprouting new growth. The cooks run past Ari and go toward the closed entrance gangplank area on the gambling level.

Val and Apollo collect Mykael and got to work on Nezzamil's and Jager's room. After a short time Apollo opens the simple lock and they enter the room.

Before Mykael follows Val and Apollo into the room he watches the door to Bart's room burst open and fly down into the gamling level, followed by another flaming projectile. This missile finds a crowd of people and does serious damage to the guests.

Mykael notices upon quick inspection of the damage that the "Elenna Queen" has a nice paint job, but looks to have been slapped together quickly and with out much care.

Nezzamil and Jager DC 15 tumble check to avoid the crush of paniced people that are fleeing the flaming boulder, and get to the stairs closest to your room. This is assuming you made your balance check for the last rudder correction, if not the DC is 20.

Bart is half way up the stairs as he watches his door and the boulder go flying. The way to what may be left of Bart's room is mostly clear of people.

Two of the purple and gold clad Wizard "Coolers" cast spells (DC 16 spellcraft check)and many guests appear to fall unconcious around the Captain. The Captain and the two purple and gold clad brusiers are on the move again. One of the brusiers is yelling "Make way for the Captain!" over and over again.

Several of the small fires are starting to grow in Rigging's and Apollo's rooms and on the gambling level.

OOC: I will be posting around 2pm EST tomorrow, so plan accordingly. Thanks.

Ashira  d20+10=15
Thursday May 26th, 2005 10:58:38 PM

Once more Ashira has no problem keeping her balance (Check=15)...probably due to the fact that she's stuck tight to the walls of the ship.

With all the pandemonium going on around her, Ashira is awe struck by the scene presented in front of her. "What in the Wold is that??" she asks Rigging. Then she follows the strike of the other meteor. She swears fervently as she figures out where it landed. "Shades, Rigging, Bart!" Ashira begins to head over to Bart's quarters to check on him, a mild panic setting in.

Ari ( a bonus for spiderclimb?)  d20+4=9
Friday May 27th, 2005 12:58:19 AM

Having a little difficulty with moving around, Ari opts to make sure everyone is getting out okay, and helping wherever he can with this extra footing.

Bart  d20+4=17 d20+3=18
Friday May 27th, 2005 3:32:10 AM

Once again Bart stays on his feet (roll 17), quickly he goes into his room grabs his backpack and his chainshirt and moves out as quick as possible (made second dex check 18)
He sees Ashira, everything ok? What we do strand this thing on a riverbank? We are sitting ducks here

Rigging  d20+7=10
Friday May 27th, 2005 8:23:32 AM

Rigging, midstep, is thrown off stride with the last boulder smash. He grabs a handful of wall and is able to keep his barely is able to keep his balance.

"We need to get everyone together. This tub won't take this kind of punishment for long."

Rigging will look at the distant figures and continue, "Have you ever fought giants before, Ashira? I think you are going to get your chance. The river is to wide for most folks to swim to the other side. (assuming 400 yards still) We will need to take them out if most of the others are going to survive. Get back inside. We need to collect the Wildcards and come up with a plan."

Rigging will start to climb back inside when the boulder smashes into Bart's room. He yells "Bart!" Then more quietly, "That's it, we are getting off this slow moving target."

Valanthe  d20+9=23
Friday May 27th, 2005 10:27:22 AM

Val moves down the hallway, her stride never broken as the ship jerks suddenly. This boat was a flaming deathtrap and she was wearing chain armor. Yes the chain was created by elven smiths and very light but she didn't really want to try and swim in it. Quickly she hands gear out to those which it belongs.

ooc: how long will it take to hand all the gear out? balance check 23

Nezamil  d20=6
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:20:23 PM

The dwarf crashes thru the crowd but gets jostled by an overweight human(d20=6 tumble ch failed)and gets pushed to the sidewall " Ja...gar" shouts Nezamil " get these people off of me...." the dwarf gets elbowed in the ribs by the fatman again " By Domi everyone calm down or we'll get ufff" the fatman gives the dwarf a hard look and just pushes into the wall dropping him on his butt and makes his way thru the crowd "

Nezamil grabs onto the railing and pulls himself up using considerable strength " lets get to the room "as the dwarf continues to fight his way thru the paniced people

Jagar  d20+12=15
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:30:13 PM

The Monk barely stays on his feet (d20+12=15 tumble ch) as the crowd surges to the exits " Nezamil where are you ? " yells Jagar as he looks for the dwarf

spotting the dwarf pinned againist the wall by some fat guy then uncermoniously knocked on his keister " what are you doing taking a break at a time like this ....we gotta get out of here " remarks Jagar to Nezamil as he gives him a hand getting to his feet " lets go as he drags the dwarf forward while taking a moment to trip the fat guy in front of the dwarf " knock my friend over will you " as the monks pushes past him towards their room

Appolo  d20+12=32
Friday May 27th, 2005 1:47:22 PM

After gathering up everyones gear Appolo follows Valanthe quickly topside.Easily staying on his feet,"Hury my darling.it appears everyone has lost thier minds.When I find out who interupted our vacation.I'll be sending them straight to Gargul.With my compliments."

Blance Check 32

Mykael  d20+5=17 d20+5=7 d20+8=26 d20+4=12 d20+10=13 d20+8=25 d20+7=17
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:04:52 PM

Mykael gathers up his stuff and runs through the hole. He manages to stay on his feet(17). As he reaches the railing, he falls during the second impact(7), but a quick reach and he grabs ahold of the railing to steady himself (AC 26) and stands back up and surveys the situation. He looks towards the shore to see who or what is attacking with what. And he attempts to determine how much more of a pounding this well painted raft will take.

spot = 12
Knowledge Arcana = 13
Knowledge Planes = 25
Shipwright = 17

DM Jim: Landing  d20+10=15 d20+9=21 d20+8=26 d6=2 d6=6 d6=5 d6=5 d6=6 d6=1 d6=5 d6=3 d6=3 d6=3
Friday May 27th, 2005 2:52:51 PM

Time is flowing fast. It took the Wildcards a few minutes to get their armor on and break into Nezzamil and Jager's room. A flaming boulder took care of Bart's.

Ari does not fall, as he was aided by his spiderclimb spell.

The cooks are working on opening the forward gainplank, but retreat past Ari as the latest projectile strikes the front of the "Elenna Queen".

The serving girl finally extracts herself from the vines in the hold and gives Ari a scathing look. "Thanks for the help." She too runs to the back of the boat. There is a vine that is starting to curl itself around Ari's boot.

All four purple and gold clad wizards have each cast another spell that seems to have caused many guests and hosts to fall unconcious (DC 16 spellcraft check to determine the spell). There are still plenty of people running around screaming, but the crush is abated for now. All of the "Coolers" are heading up the stairs.

Bart reaches his room with Ashira in tow. Bart puts out a few small fires on his personal belongings and exits his room.

Rigging feels the winds intensify as he head back into the ship. Rigging feels swirl in his mind. "You are going back to HER again. Stay our here and play."

Rigging does notice that the flamming projectiles are not being shot every combat round. There must be a reload period. Rigging also sees two slightly smaller, but still large figures outlined by the burning buildings.

Rigging is pushed inside by the winds, which also helps grow the fires in his room. Rigging quickly reaches the balcony corridor and attempts to rally his crew.

Rigging is surprised to see three crossbow bolts strike him, shot from a downward angle.

AC 15 (2 damage)DC 11 fort save or lose 6 con.
AC 21 (5 damage) DC 11 fort save or lose 5 con.
AC 26 (6 damage)DC 11 fort save or lose 1 con.

Secondary saves are required in one minute for those bolts that hit.

DC 11 or lose 5 con.
DC 11 or lose 3 con.
DC 11 or lose 3 con.

Rigging roll a DC 15 spot check twice, once for the attackers and a second time for the bolts. Everyone else one spot check of DC 20 to see the assaillants.

Val and Apollo are holding all of Nezzamil and Jager's gear on the second level balcony/corridor. Val and Apollo are only 50 feet from the ladder up to the observation level. Bart and Ashira are just in front of them.

Jager is able to extract Nezzamil from the 450 pound sleeping human patron and help him to his feet. Nezzamil and Jager reach the bottom of the stairs to the second level and are only 60 feet from their rooms and Val and Apollo. THe path is mostly clear.

All the Wildcards can see one another but Ari. Ari can see Nezzamil and Jager with a DC 10 spot check and vic versa. The other Wildcards can not see Ari as he is to far forward and obstructed by the second level balcony/corridor. Ari is only 40 feet from Nezzamil and Jager.

Mykael does not remember seeing any lifeboats on this tub, but does see several gold earing wearing guests following the Captian up the ladder to the observation deck.

The Captain is gone from sight as he reaches the observation deck and can be heard to yell. "REVERSE YOUR TURN! REVERSE YOUR TURN! You FOOL there is no channel in the middle of the river!"

There is a grating sound that all sailor know is the "Elenna Queen" hitting a rocky bottom.

DC 20 reflex save or be thrown to the ground. Spiderclimb +5 to save. Add +1 for every 2 levels of sailor profession.

All can feel the stern of the "Elenna Queen" starting to pivot forward.

There are screams from men and women alike. THe fires are starting to catch a nice hold on the ship.

Rigging ac 17 57/70 hps blink  d20+7=19 d20+7=23 d20+7=23 d20+12=19 d20+12=18
Saturday May 28th, 2005 12:23:03 PM

While Rigging is climbing back into the ship proper, he is have a conversation with Swirl. "Swirl you know I love Ashira but that doesn't mean I can't love you too. In many ways you and I are even closer and share more than Ashira. You feel my thoughts, my pains, my joys. We share everything. She could never get it the way of that."

Rigging will suddenly sprout crossbow bolts. Swirl will feel his cry of pain and then here, "See I need you buddy, Please come help me."

Rigging staggers back and looks from where the attack came from. He sees both the attackers and the bolts (spot check of 19 and 18). He feels the effects of a poison but shrugs it off summoning his bodies reserves. He yells pointing, "Wildcards I am under attack! They are over there" and then activates his blink ring.

Appolo  d20+12=20 d20+6=24
Saturday May 28th, 2005 8:50:50 PM

Appolo maintains his footing and heads for the ladder."Come on hurry up."He says as he climbs the ladder while carrying the extra gear.

Balance check 20,Climb check 24

Nezamil  d20+3=9
Saturday May 28th, 2005 10:24:04 PM

Nezamil cataches a glimpse of Appolo and Val " there the are " growls the dwarf to Jagar

Nezamil starts to sprint towards the wildcard duo but suddenly the riverboat lurches and knocks the dwarf off his feet(d20+3=9 reflex ch)but the determined dwarf keeps crawling towards them anyway making his way to the ladder they just climbed up .

"i can hear it already " grimaces Nezamil as he awaits the oncoming barb from the monk

Jagar  d20+9=14
Saturday May 28th, 2005 10:38:03 PM

Hearing the dwarfs gruff announcement of Val and Appolo's sighting the monk turns quickly and follows Nezamil towards the ladder " wouldn't walking be easy " snaps Jagar as Nezamil falls and starts to crawl forward.

The monk sprints up the corridor dodging a passenger " i think walking on two feet is faster" remarks the monk with humour as he passes the dwarf crawling on all fours" as he suddenly trips (d20+9=14 reflex ch) over fallen debris " guess this has some merit too as he continues crawling ahead of the dwarf to the ladder and starts the climb up after the others

Ari  d20+3=18 d20+12=16 d20+9=18
Sunday May 29th, 2005 6:19:29 PM

Having missed his opportunity to help someone out (ooc I should have said that I was going to help the woman, rather than just make a generalized post, sorrya bout that :) ), Ari moves on outside and takes a survey of the surrounding area (spot=18).

Sighing with relief when he sees his team members, Ari begins to call out. But he figures against in when both team members turn away from him. With the choas of the situation, he's not sure whether they'd hear him. So he does his best to follow them just as the recognizable sound of the scraping bottom starts. (reflex roll originally 18 (+5 spider, +3 for sailor +1 for dex. Should have been +5, +3 and +4 for reflex,which makes dc20).

If Ari catches up with the 2 other team mates, he'll do what he can to help them recover their balance.

Passing some of the passengers Ari thinks about what the wizards are doing (spell check 16).

Ashira (AC25 96/96HP) Barkskin  d20+12=13 d20+10=28
Monday May 30th, 2005 12:25:45 AM

As she travels with Bart, Ashira is caught completely flat-footed by the attack on Rigging, and despite the moonlight, she hasn't a clue as to the location of the attacker (Spot=13). Reaching over, she gently pulls off her ring of sustenance and slips it into her backpack. As she does so, she pulls out a barkskin potion and drinks it down. As the ship lurches underneath her, Ashira has absolutely no problem keeping her footing...which, at the present moment is the least of her worries (Ref.=28).

Bart (ac24 71/71hp)  d20+4=14 d20=10 d20+4=11
Monday May 30th, 2005 3:29:30 AM

Bart rushes forward in the direction Rigghing has pointed out, but he he doesn't see someone (beat dc14). BArt tries soem bluff "STAND UP SLOWLY AND LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS KEEP YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM" Suddenly BArt is caught by the bump of the ship, he doesn't manage to stay on his feet. "Damn,.."

DM Jim: Confusion 
Monday May 30th, 2005 9:43:05 AM

Rigging is nicked by the three bolts, but it is not the damage that is worrying him, it is the poison his body feels. Rigging blinks out to protect himself, but not before noticing that the attackers are on the balcony/corridor above and across the gambling hall. Rigging also notices that it appeared that there was something metalic at the end of the bolts, but where did they skid off to....

Apollo takes half of Nezzamil's and Jager's gear and heads to the stairway to the third floor. No one follows him though.

Apollo can go to the third floor if he likes. No spot check from Apollo so he does not see the attackers or where Rigging pointed. Apollo is very close to the stairs to the obervation deck if he chose to go to the third level.

Val stands with the bulk of the Wildcards holding the balance of the groups equipment with Mykael right next to her.

Ashira scans the area but does not notice the attackers and drinks a potion as he watches over her husband (at least before he blinks out). Ashira is inside the ship and it is lit by torch lite and out of control fires....

Ari watches the spellcaster clear a path for the Captain using sleep spells and it has also helped the Wildcards movement too. Ari spts Nezzamil and Jager struggling up the stairs to the second level and easily catches up as he does not have the balance or crowd problem they are experiencing. Ari is also on the indise of the ship.

Jager and Nezzamil with Ari in tow finally reach the top of the stairs and are on the second level and are only 20 feet from Ashira, Rigging, Val, Bart and Mykael.

Bart yelling may or may not have had an effect as the three assailants duck into one of the third floor cabins.

Screams can be heard from the gamling level as the fires take hold, but also from the observation deck. No more firey impacts as of yet.

The stern of the "Elenna Queen" is now facing down stream, but she is holding firm to the bar she hit.

Rigging ac 17 57/70 hps blink  d100=80 d20+12=30 d100=64
Monday May 30th, 2005 5:08:14 PM

Rigging waits until he blinks back to the material plane and yells, "They went into the cabin! He points at the cabin and says, "That one!" (rolled 80% so everyone can see me do it)

He glances around for the tips of the bolts and thinks he sees one. He willreach down and pick it up still on the material plane (rolled 64)

OOC I will miss tomorrows post so Jim either have someone play Rigging or do what is appropriate.

Jagar  d20+6=25
Monday May 30th, 2005 11:03:41 PM

Jagar leading the charge to support his fellow releaves Val of her extra burden ...quickly sorts his and Nezamils equipment then glances around to where the others are looking (d20+6=25 spot ch)

now equiped and ready for action the monk readies himself for the climb to the observation deck and help Appolo "hurry up Nezamil you'll miss all the fun " quips Jagar over his shoulder

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible 
Monday May 30th, 2005 11:31:09 PM

Deciding it's time to even up the score, Ashira activates her invisibility ring and heads up the side of the ship toward the cabin.

Monday May 30th, 2005 11:32:12 PM

The dwarf rushes behind the fleetfooted monk " just wait till he see's my new boots in action " grins Nezamil

Jagar's sorting of the equipment makes it easy to gather some of his gear "heh i'm right behind ya " replies the dwarf to Jagar's quip " you can barely stay ahead of me ...thought you wuz faster then that " chuckles Nezamil

The dwarf doesnt spot anything up top but instead decides to help save the passengers.....looking thru one of the holes one of the flaming boulders bulldozed thru the ships decks he see's the fire catching on the gambling deck " gonna help try and put those out"remarks Nezamil outloud

The Cleric looks skyward and murmers a pray "quench the thirst of these fires save the souls of the fallen " Nezamil touches his Anvil pendant and it gives off a faint glow in response (casting create water 45 ft range 16 gallons)

The cleric centers the spell on the fire and a large group of nearby fallen passengers in hopes any residual water will splash on some of the spell bound passengers and hopefully awaken them

"By Domi wish i could do more for them "lamants the Cleric

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 18)  d20+3=8
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 1:20:11 AM

Hearing Rigging call out something about attackers, Ari tries to pick up where he's pointing. (spot =8 with no other mods other than caracter)

As Ari looks about, he attempts to pick up his missing equipment. Focusing on his bow and arrow, plus his Dagger and Sword, if he has to choose.

Bart (ac24 71/71hp) 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 4:37:21 AM

Bart rushes forward to the cabin and have a quick look around the corner

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:17:06 AM

Appolo jions the others and makes sure his friends gets thier gear.He pases the stuff out.

DM Jim: Gathering 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 1:04:17 PM

The Wildcards are starting to regroup.

Val is still standing motionless holding equipment, but Ari, Nezamil and Jager, quickly take their arms and armor from her. Apollo comes back to the group from the stairs and passes out the balance of the equipment and helps people get ready for action.

Rigging blinks back and yells more orders and grabs a bolt. Rigging notices a black substance on the tip that is now mixed with his blood. There is also a metal fletching holder that is stamped with the symbol of Ga'al.

Rigging must roll secondary poison saves DC 11 (3) or lose 5, 3, and or 3 con.

Jager see which room the three attackes entered and watches them slam the door as he dons his weapons.

After putting on his armor and weapons, Nezzamil douses on on the fires and wakes up two sleeping guests with his water drop.

Bart watches the area and his friends as they get ready.

Ashira begins climbing the inside of the ship and reaches the third level balcony/corridor. The room that Jager pointed out is directly across from her. Ashira can either attempt to climb on the ceiling or run around on the balcony/corridor.

The screams seem to have abated somewhat, especially with Nezzamil's firefighting skills, but they renew when another firey boulder slams into the ship and comes through the roof. Several people fall in with it including one burning purple and gold clad wizard. The boulder takes our a gaming table and crashing through the floor and into the hold. The screaming resumes in earnest.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+12=18 d20+12=15 d20+6=22 d20+5=11
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:04:39 PM

After handing out the equipment and checking on Rigging"Nezamil Rigging needs some of your magic.I think he's been poisoned.Boss I'm going after those clowns."He then quickly and as silently as possible follows Ashira up the ladder to the third floor.He will hunt down the assassins.

Move silently 15,Balance 18 Spot 22 Listen 11

DM Jim: Remember Apollo, Ashira is also invisible, can you see her to follow?

Bart (ac24 71/71hp) 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:15:47 PM

Appolo wait, dont kill them, maybe they are on our side and are confused. I'm not sure ther are attackers already on board. We need someone to go to the captain and offer our help.

DM Jim: Bart you are attempting to talk to Apollo, while he is invisible. Can you see invisible people?

Mykael  d20+4=22 d20+4=6
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 2:28:43 PM

'Where are the projectiles coming from?!? Are they being thrown? or are the catapults just that hard for me to see?' Mykael thinks to himself while getting up from the catwalf floor that he was tossed on to when the ship ran aground. 'And some coolers, havent seen much out of them so far...'

Mykael is trying to get a fix on the location of the catapults or verify if those are giants or something silimar that are tossing missles(spot 22). And Mykael starts his way up the ladder to the observation deck carefully and quietly as possible. He heard the commotion up there and wants to becareful. He will just peak over the to the 3rd deck and take a quick look at what is going on(spot 6).

OOC - As for the projectiles Mykael is trying to determine the origin and distance to that spot.

DM Jim: Mykael is on the inside of the "Elenna Queen" and can not see outside from the catwalk. Also, in previous posts the "cooler" are the ones wearing Purple and Gold.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 4:36:51 PM

OOC - In Mykael's post on Friday I stated that Mykael went through the hole to the outside of the ship. Then in the DM post you said that Mykael could see the captain going up the ladder to the observation decks with earring wearing people, those are the ones I was refering too. SO... I am assuming that Mykael on the outside of the ship. If not... please explain where the hole that he went through lead to.

DM Jim: I missed that you went out the hole. Do you have the ability to climb or have a spiderclimb spell on as you will need it. There are no balconies etc. on the outside of the ship, just ornamentation. What I listed all could see from the inside of the ship, not outside. Remember the hole you looked out of, either from Riggings or Barts room is on the second level, there is a third level and then the observation deck.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 5:04:04 PM

Val starts to get frustrated. The ship is under attack and she's standing there holding gear. She should be out there looking for whoever did this.

ooc: who still has to gear up?

Rigging ac 21 52/70 mage armor blinking  d20+7=16 d20+7=17 d20+7=23
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 10:02:08 PM

Rigging doubles over for a second as the poison once again flows throw his body. He is able to fight it off and stands straight up again.

He yells, "Ashira! They are Ga'alian assassins! Maybe a Quad! Be careful!"

Rigging will cast mage armor on himself and start moving forward to support his wife and other companions as they put themselves in peril. He pulls some components out to have haste ready to cast.

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 18)  d20+9=10
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:09:15 PM

Hearing Rigging espouse what he believes, Ari adds, "I'm betting there's at least one very charming lady in that group. But I have to wonder whether the possible catapult attack is some sort of either co-ordinated attack to keep things off balance in the ship. Or is a secondary way to take us out of the picure. I have to wonder whether us staying on this ship is useful for the other passengers. The Captain has his mages putting the passengers to sleep."

Looking over at Rigging, Ari tries to figure out what type of poison was used. (knowledge nature(10)).

Ari will then ready his bow with the sleep arrows, in case he gets any chance to fire at the assasins.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible  d20+12=22
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 11:41:53 PM

A huge smile on her invisible lips, Ashira climbs over to the room with the assailants and kicks the door in. Quad, huh? Well, that would be a nice turn of events. Let's just see how they stack up to an old pro. As she opens the door, Ashira uses her position being crouched upon the door frame to take a quick look see into the room(Spot=22).

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58  d20+6=13
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 12:57:51 AM

"They ran into that room " yells Jagar as he points to the room " lets get'em "

The Monk climbs up the ladder with zeal making his way to the roomfull of assailants (d20+6=13 listen ch) mentally coordinating the sounds of the the suddenly invisble wildcards so they don't get in each others way as he advances upward

"c,mon Nezamil your missing out on all the fun "retorts the monk " i'm gonna get that mage "

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60  d20+5=8
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:09:34 AM

The dwarf finshes donning his equipment and cringes slightly as the next flaming boulder crashes thru the ship "By Domi somebody has to stop that " growls Nezamil as he tries to follow(d20+5=8 spot ch) the boulders trajectory back to its source without much luck.

Hearing Jagar ...Nezamil hustles after Rigging with his shield slung over his back climbing upward to cover the wildcards backs as they engage the Ga'alian assailaints " you ok Captain ?" inquires Nezamil as he follows Rigging

Bart OOC 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 3:38:48 AM

While Appollo is talking to Rigging I know he is there so i can talk to him as well

Mykael  d20+1=9 d20+4=8
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 6:16:36 AM

OOC - Ok... I mis-understood that there was not a catwalk or walkway on the outside of the ship on this level.

IC - Mykael is trying to get to the observation deck. If there is a second set of stairs going up, he will go up that way, being careful, (listen = 9, spot = 8)(rolls must be fixed by the DM :-P) If there isnt a second way, then Mykael will just follow the crowd up the ladder, guess he would be behind the dwarf.

DM Jim: The Chase  d20+4=7
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 1:21:45 PM

OOC: Please note there are not ladders, but stairs connect the various levels.

Bart offers advice to the invisible Apollo as he takes off after the assailiants. Bart is still on the second level watching.

Invisible Ashira and Apollo take various tracks to get to the third catwalk (the wall and stairs) and race over to the room that the attackers went into. Ashira bounces off the door (DC 7 str. check).

DC 21 str. check to break down the door.

There is a note on the door to the maid. "DO NOT MAKE UP ROOM"

Mykael attempts to figure out where the firey missile are coming from. All he can determine is that they are only coming from one side of the "Elenna Queen", the near side. Mykael can not see the launch point from inside the ship, but when he looked out the hole made by one of the projectiles eariler he could see the burining buildings a 100 - 150 yards away, maybe more, it was dark and only a brief look.

Mykael can also got up the stairs to the third or even the observation deck as the way is mostly clear.

Val passes out the last of the gear to her ship mates and waits for them to get ready, annoyed at the delay.

Jager and Nezzamil finish getting geared up and are ready for action.

Ari checks on Rigging and speculates about the nature and origin of the attacks. Ari also readies his bow and takes aim at the Door on the third level that seems to have repelled an invisible force of some sort.

Rigging fights off the last effects of the poison and warns his crew of a Ga'alian plot. Rigging also get the spell components ready for HASTE.

Most of the unconcious people have been woken up by associates. The guests and crew have mostly all worked their way up to the observation deck. There are some stragglers coming out of rooms carrying bundles of possessions.

There are several people looking down at the fires on the gambling level from the hole in the observation deck.

No new projectiles strike the ship although a chorus of "DUCK!" can be heard from the observation deck.

The "Elenna Queen" is still stuck fast.

Mykael  d20+4=23
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 3:27:42 PM

Mykael surveys the scene on the observation deck and on shore from his new vantage point(spot 23).

'Hmm.... attack over? got to be on the look out. What is that dang Captain doing? He needs to get his crew working on these fires. Wonder if the hull is ok...' Mykael contemplates the situation looking to see where he can best help out.

Rigging 52/70 ac 21 blinking, mage armor 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 9:45:42 PM

Rigging will sprint after the others trying to catch up to his wife. "Be cautious opening that door! It might be a trap. Appolo check it out!"

Rigging then tries to connect with Swirl, "What is happening out there my friend?"

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58 ?  d20+9=26 d20+3=8
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:56:26 PM

Jagar is primed for action with his doned equipment and takes immediate action.....bounding up the stairs at full steam heading straight for the door the three attackers entered " i'm coming for you wizard!! " shouts the monk " no escaping now "

As Jagar approaches the door he prepares to break the door down with a flying kick (d20+9=26 1st swing) followed up with a punch(d20+3=8 2nd swing) his body stretched out as he arcs thru the air to slam into the door.

If the door breaks open Jagar steps aside to allow The swords mistress to lead the charge into the room " Mrs Arrack i'm with you " cries the monk with zeal

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:13:18 PM

Feeling better with his chainmail on and weapon in hand Nezamil quickly follows Rigging up the stairs covering the Captains back from futher ambush .

With a shout over his shoulder " follow the Captain ....Mykael and Ari .....lets storm that room and take control of the observation deck " as the dwarf pounds up the stairs.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible  d20+12=25
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 12:29:58 AM

Grinning even further after Jager's display of force, Ashira climbs into the room and onto the ceiling...taking a look around. (Spot=25) Should she locate one of the attackers, Ashira moves into position to attack next round.

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:45:20 AM

Appolo hears Rigging ,then sees Jager coming and quickly steps out of the way moving to the side of the door.He waits to see what happens.Thinking fool is going to get killed,doing that.

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 4:07:15 AM

With the bundle of equipment gone from her arms Val maked her way to the deck. Either to fight or to abandon ship.

DM Jim: The Chase Continued  d10+3=4 d10+3=12 d20+20=26 d20+18=19 d20+17=36
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 1:02:43 PM

Ari stands on the second level catwalk and watches the Wildcards spring into action. The fires from Bart's and Rigging's room now flank him on the catwalk. What will he do? There is a steward motioning for Ari to make a run for it, but he gives up and saves himself.

Smoke is starting to roll up from the gambling floor, making breathing and sight difficult. It would be more of a problem if it were not for the big hole in the obervation deck floor.

Apollo and Ashira deftly step out of Jagers way and he flys by. The flying side kick only cracks one board on the door, but the reverse punch follow up is impressive as it snaps one whole board.

Jager, Ashira and Apollo can open the barred door. There are also two beds a dresser and the room locker piled up against the door. Once all of the furniture is moved the room is empty, except for the hole cut in the side of the room.

Ashira notices a knotted silk rope leading down to the water. This side is less illuminated as the fires did not start on this side and it is not face the shore where the buildings are burning.

DC spot check of 26, 19 and 36 to see swimmers

Ashira (spot 25) sees one swimmer 150 yards down stream, just before he leaves her field of vision and crosses in front of the ship, heading for the nearer shore and the source of the projectiles.

Rigging connects with Swirl as he catches up to the Wildcards on the third level. "The wind is divine, must be 20 knots tonight. Come out and play. Got to move, another pair of hot rocks coming in."

Ashira sees two firey projectiles fly over the ship and land 20 yards away. The towers of water are mixed with steam that hisses at the night.

Nezzamil catches up to Rigging and checks on him, panting, clearly not used to his new speed.

Val and Mykael head up to the observation deck and see mass confusion.

The Captain and several crew members are attempting to work the rudder in an effort to free the beached ship. The remaining three purple and gold clad wizards and the two brusiers are trying to maintain order of the paniced guests. People are upset that there is only one life boat and it only holds ten! There must be over 100 people on the obervation deck already and more piling on.

Mykael can see the life boat leaving from the fantail of the ship. There is a long ladder down to the back of the ship and there are over 20 people down there already.

Val and Mykael have a clear view of the burning village. There also appear to be a steam cloud a few hundred yards in shore also. Val is sure she saw a big red dog and its mouth appeared to be wreathed in flames.

The projectiles are be shot in pairs every 30 seconds or so. There seems to be much whooping and celebration after each pair of shots.

OOC: Remember that I will not be posting again until Monday. Thanks.

Thursday June 2nd, 2005 5:02:09 PM

Rigging i gonna see if there is a boat ore something to go to those boulder throwing monsters. We have to stop them we are sitting ducks here. Or do you have a waterwalk or fly spell? Bart walks away and goes to deck and searches a raft or small boat.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60 waterwalk 80 mins 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:14:54 AM

The dwarf surges past Rigging up the stairs and into the room with the broken down door and stops behind Ashira,Appolo and Jagar.

" what happened to them ?" asks Nezamil as his gaze settles on the hole in the wall" can anyone see them ?......we can give chase i'll just call on Domi's power to cast a water walking spell "

"after all running should be faster then swimming " grins the Cleric of Domi " even for me "

Nezamil then will quickly touch his anvil pendant bringing forth a faint glow and bark out several words and finshes with touching each nearby wildcard on the shoulder " lets get'em grins Nezamil

Nezamil will touch on the first 7 wildcards who enter the room then tap himself on the chest ....following anyone who has left thru the hole in the wall of the cabin

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58 ? waterwalk 80 mins 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:20:20 AM

The monk looks perplexed for a moment as Nezamil tells him he can walk on water " you mean just like running on dry land ?"

With the realization dawning on him that it was true he smiles broadly " here i come wizard you not escaping that easily " yells the monk out thru the hole and then quickly scampers down the rope and chases after the escaping swimmers with his blazing speed

Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:49:01 PM

Appolo reapears next to jager"Thanks my friend."He says witha smile to Nezamil as goes invisible a agian and dashes through the hole in pursuit.He goes in the opposite direction of the assin swinging around the otherend of the boat hoping to cut them off.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Spider Climb, Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk  d20+12=30 d20+12=28 d20+12=17
Friday June 3rd, 2005 11:51:17 PM

Ashira catches sight of two of the swimmers. Oh no you don't!

"They're in the water, swimming to the shore! Rigging, cast that haste now!!" Ashira pulls off her slippers and slips them in her backpack. From her position on the ceiling, Ashira secures her weapons and backpacks and then gets ready to climb down and walk across the water.

Saturday June 4th, 2005 4:25:41 PM

Ari comes out of his trance like state to realize that he's being left behind. Following the rest of the group, Ari looks over the scene in the now opened room.

Ari wonders about the wisdom of giving chase, especially with the damage that been done to the ship.

Saturday June 4th, 2005 9:18:34 PM

Rigging accepts the waterwalk spell but yells for Jagar to stop. "Let them go! They are to faraway at this point and can to easily ambush from the darkness. Besides, we have foes killing innocents on this ship and not enough lifeboats. We need to take care of those giants before they kill all the passengers."

Rigging will look around and ask, "Where is Ari?" He then sees him and waves him over yelling, "Come on! We are getting off this tub!"

He then looks to Nezamil, "We are fighting creatures of fire. Do you have any protection against them? I want us to get over to the otherside and try to engage one of them. We want to bring down one of them fast or they will be to strong for us.

I will hit it with a Lightning bolt, Bart, Val and Ashira engage in hand to hand along with Jagar. Mykael, either engage with sword or some kind of spell. Nezamil, if you can do a distance spell, like spiritual hammer and then be prepared to heal. I think we are gonna need it. Ari can pepper it with arrows. Appolo swing in invisible for a backstab. Hopefully we can take it down quick. I will save my haste for when we are on shore and we will chop that sucker down. Now lets get to the shore quickly before this boat is kindling."

Rigging will then turn and look to Ari to see if he needs help in getting over here. "Swirl, Please scout those two rock throwers and see if they have any friends. Please be careful my friend. I think these are very dangerous foes."

Mykael - AC 23  d20+5=17 d20+10=30
Monday June 6th, 2005 2:24:42 AM

"You have two choices, SWIM!?! or get buckets and put out the fires!" Mykael screams at the crew and passengers. "Dont Panic and do something to save yourself and the others!"

"My friends and I will handle the attackers." Mykael turns and moves down the ladder to the water level as quick as he can(climb 17).

Once at the water level, Mykael starts swimming for the shore(swim 30), but at an angle to come out about 100 yards from the two big guys on the shore.

DM Jim: Leaving the Ship  d20+2=14 d20+2=15 d20+2=12 d20+10=13 d20+10=26
Monday June 6th, 2005 1:20:17 PM

Bart leaves the assassins room and heads for the observation deck. Bart quickly locates Val over by the stern of the ship and hse is watching the commotion as people jostle each other for postion to climb down the ladder in anticpation of evacuation.

Bart notices the ships flags are being whipped by a strong wind. He and the rest of the passengers and crew are shielded from most of the wind by the soild sides of the observation deck railings.

Mykael works his way through the crowd and down the ladder and slips into the water and starts his swim to shore. Three men follow his lead into the water and all seem to be making progress following Mykael.

The current does carry him down stream faster than anticipated and he will beach himself ony 50 yards from the fire throwers, in a small cospe of trees. The trees look singed, but not burning. On Mykael's approach he does notice several humanoids among the trees.

OOC: Mykael, did you calculate you swim check after your armor penalty?


The remaining Wildcards in the assassins room discuss plans and courses of action: Tackle the missile throwers or save passengers.

Rigging does not cast Haste as his wife requests.

Swirl connects with Rigging: I am over by the burning village. There are four or six real big two leggers and several smaller ones. The smaller ones are a good distance from the bigger ones. There are also two, no make that three big red dogs. There is a whole bunch of human men lined up on top of a porch of one of the burning houses that do not appear alive.

Come out and play, just watch what I can do to this fire......

Ashira changes shoes on the ceiling??? Also, from what Ashira saw of the swimmers, they are out of view now.

OOC: How does Ashira stay on the ceiling once she takes off the slippers?

Rigging watches Ari deftly jump and avoid several fires on his way up to the third level and the Wildcards.

Nezzamil cast water walk on, himself, Jager, Ashira, Rigging, Apollo, Ari, in preparation of action.

Jager starts down the rope to the water 30 feet below.

Apollo follows Jager down the planning on heading the opposite direction around the ship, and upstream, in a effort to cut off the assassins swiming downstream.

Apollo and Jager can feel the wind when they are on the outside of the ship as it buffets them on the rope.


It seems the missile throwers have changed targets and fire at the rescue boat filled with people. There is one piller of water and steam that erupts next to the boat as a firey projectile land right next to it. The people screaming can still be heard by all. The oarsman seems to have saved the boat at the last instant, with a quick direction change.

Mykael  d20+10=29 d20+4=16 d20+4=5
Monday June 6th, 2005 3:51:09 PM

OOC - Mykael has no armor check penalty. Both his shield and chain shirt are mithril, as per DMG. And forgot to post that his swim check in his last post was a nat 20... in case you didnt notice and it mattered.

(Swim 29)
Mykael notices the swimmers behind him, 'Idiots... cant believe they are following me. I told them I was heading toward danger.'

(Spot 16)
Mykael looks at the humanoids in the clump of trees on shore and trys to figure out if they are friend or foe? Possible hiding townsfolk? soldiers to help? OR marauders with the attackers?

If Mykael is can tell the humanoids are friendly, then he will head in land at that point as quietly as possible.

IF Myakel is unsure or figures them for the enemy, he stops swimming and treads water with as little motion as possible. He lets the current take him down-stream past the Big Brutes and about 50 yards more, then he starts swimming again to come out on shore about 150 yards down stream from the Big dudes.

(Spot 5) Mykael trys to keep an eye on the swimmers behind him. Passengers? Crew? or Danger? And do they follow his lead?

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 58? waterwalk 80 mins  d20+6=23
Monday June 6th, 2005 4:27:52 PM

As the Jagar climbs swiftly down the rope to the waters surface he hears Rigging bark out orders " aye aye Captain i'll go backup Mykael and recon the postion while awaiting your arrival there "

The Monk sprints across the waters surface towards the riverbank to which Mykael is heading ....once ashore he will take up cover behind some trees and and quickly scans (d20+6=23 spot ch) for targets to help in Riggings attack plans

Rigging waterwalk 80 mins 
Monday June 6th, 2005 4:44:33 PM

"lets get ashore quickly .....follow Jagar, we'll regroup there and start our attack "barks out Rigging

" Val ..Bart your gonna have to be helped across the river......honey you carry Val and Nezamil you carry Bart to shore .....head towards Jagar"

"i'll cast the haste when we're all ashore and start the attack ...we'll need it then " replies Rigging to his wife " lets go " and Rigging climbs down the rope and quickly makes hi way towards Mykael and Jagar's postion

With a thought to Swirl " watch over us so we don't get ambushed "

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 60 waterwalk 80 mins 
Monday June 6th, 2005 4:57:10 PM

The dwarf watches as the others climb down the rope to the waters surface as he awaits Val's and Barts arrival "Ashira once they reach the shoreline they most likely will come under fire quickly so since we're going last we can angle our landing ashore to help flank anyone attacking the others ashore , if not we can join them "

"And with the 3 of you sword swingers prowess with the blade that should be a dangerous flanking attack " grins Nezamil to the sea elf

Once Bart arrives " just hang on tight " as the dwarf motions the big warrior to piggyback him to shore

Once (and if ) Bart complies the dwarf simplies jumps out the hole in the wall and floats (feather fall ring) to the waters surface then waits for Ashira and Val so they can move forward together

Appolo HP39/45 AC23 
Monday June 6th, 2005 5:25:03 PM

Hearing Rigging and notcing what the others are doing the invisible Appolo makes for a spot upstream from the others.When reaches shore he will be a few dozen yards upstream from the rest of the wildcard looking to flabk and backstab his enemy.He silently stands still in the shade os a smoldering tree waiting for his opputunity.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk  d20+3=14 d20+12=27
Monday June 6th, 2005 10:48:00 PM

Still invisible, Ashira walks over to Val and attempts to heft her (Str.=14)...but the elven barbarian is pretty darned heavy. Grunting and straining, Ashira decides Nezamil's idea is a pretty darned good one...though it does make a nice big target out of the sea-elf. Ashira coaches Val onto her back and then slides down the rope and hops onto the water. "Alright then," she murmurs in Elven to Val...lets go kick some Ga'alian butt!" as she heads toward Jager's location (Spot=27)

OOC (LOL...yeah, that's pretty funny, isn't it Jim? I was in a hurry...I believe I meant to say that Ashira climbed down and then took off the slippers...otherwise things would be hmmmm...challenging. ;)

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield)  d20+5=11 d20=13 d20+5=9
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 12:22:00 AM

Knowing they are headed for the water, Ari will cast shield on himself as he walks over and down the side of the ship to the water. Ari will have his bow and the sleeping arrows ready in case any targets are in range.

Once Ari is able, he'll make a judgement whether he'll be able to use his sleep arrows because of the winds. (as if the winds are defending the attackers)

(rolled in case Ari could attack any targets. ONe arrow for each target, if given a chance. Trying to put targets to sleep, until the group closes)

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 2:19:23 AM

In a bad mood thats getting worse Val breaks off a piece of the ship to assist her and Ashira across the river.

ooc: Swimming in D&D is the biggest croc in the system. They penalize not for total wieght compared to strength but total gear carried. Val would have to tripple the weight of her gear carried to get above a light load. With her body weight and the weight of her gear doesn't put her above a light load yet there is a penalty on swimming. All in all she doesn't weigh more than 150lbs. Yet a 250 lb human in no armor thats a lot weaker has no penalty on swimming.

DM Jim: The Crossing  d20+1=18 d20+1=3 d20+4=13 d20+9=18 d20+9=25 d20+20=28 2d10(3+7)+16=26
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 1:27:25 PM

The night is dark, but the moon is full. There are not many clouds and they pass quickly in the high winds. The fires of the village and the "Elenna Queen" cast a ghostly light over the river.

Ari know that the wind will effect his bow play. Ranges are halved for his bow and the like.


Ashira and Nezzamil have to go up to the observation deck to retrive Val and Bart. The smoke is very thick and the two soon to be beasts of burden can see down two levels that the fire has caught a good hold of the gambling floor, but has slowed its advance as it appears to now be consuming live wood and not dead planks.


Mykael starts to tread water and watch the humanoids. It only takes a few moments to realize that they are orcs. Some of the orcs are watching the rescue boat, some the burning ship and others the burning village. Mykael can tell there are at least a dozen of them spread out in the trees.

As Mykael floats closer to the burning village the water starts to increase in temperature, a very disturbing trend.

According to plan, Mykael attempt to exit the river by the humanoids (hide 13, I rolled it for you). There are two orcs looking in your direction (Spot 18 and 3). The one that spots you speaks in Orcish to his buddy and several behind him "The swimies is coming, remember we only kill the mens"

OOC: Only Mykael can hear the Orcs and can only understand if he speaks Orc.


Jager works his way down the rope and starts to run around the ship. There is much more light on the village side due to the fires on that side of the ship and the burning village. The winds are whipping away the smoke rapidly and fueling the fires.

Rigging organizes his crew of water walkers and those that carry the non water walkers.

Jager spots Mykael ahead of him as he starts to leave the river. Jager also sees one swimmer well downstream, now swimming away from the burning village.

The invisible Apollo also takes over across the now resilliant river, easily stepping over the eddys and currents. Apollo heads 40 or so yards upstream of where Mykael and Jager appear to be heading.

Ari casts his shield spell and takes off across the water with Rigging.

Rigging and Ari sees two more fiey projectiles fired at the rescue boat. The boat is now full and one of the two projectiles lands too close for comfort again.

Rigging can feel swirl, "The big ones have noticed you"

OOC: If you are not carrying anyone, it takes 8 combat rounds of time to cross the river or 6 if you run, 11 rounds if you are carrying someone. Also, it has been several minutes on Ashira's Barkskin potion. Duration? lets say 3 minutes have elapsed since you took it, prior to leaving the ship, so just over 4 minute in total.

Nezzamil and Ashira take Bart and Val on their backs for the journey across the river. It takes Nezzamil and Ashira a few tries to get walking with a load correct as the ground/water is everchanging.

Ashira can feel the heat as she gets closer to shore.

Nezzamil feels a sudden shock as a javilin sized crossbow bolt slams into his side.

AC 28 for 26 damage.

Roll a Reflex save DC 16 or drop Bart in the middle of the river.

There is more whooping and hollering going on from the large humanoids, even more so if Nezzamil drops Bart.

OOC: Please post AC, Hit points and spells in place and memorized from now on. Combat may be comming.

I will send a crude map later today.

DM JIM: Update - I will send the map tomorrow morning.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 4:45:40 PM

Bart's animated shield protects both Nezamil and Bart (ac+2), hold on Nezamil! If Nezamil manages to hold him. Bart puts an cure light wounds potion against Nezamils lips

Nezamil Ac 18 (20 w/Barts shield) Hp 34/60 waterwalk  d20+3=5 d20+8=13
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:24:44 PM

The dwarf staggers(d20+3=5 reflex ch) from the the giant bolt slamming into him and almost falls to his knees under the added weight of the big warrior but loses his grip on Bart


Nezamil grabs the suddenly wet warrior "By Domi you won't sink"(feat of str-domain power-free action) and lifts (d20+8=13 str ch) him out of the water and onto his shoulder and starts to move forward again towards the shore as blood trickles down his sides and reddens the water slightly as he walks.

OOc (hoping Bart can use his str too to help climb up since we will be working together on it )

OOC if your not gonna alow us to move Nezamil will drink the offered potion , it was a captured potion so not sure of its str

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 65 waterwalk 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:32:04 PM

Jagar continues his way over the river towards Mykael at full out sprint upon reaching the shoreline he will take cover behind some trees and scan for the enemy honing in on the shouts of hollering and whooping

DM JIM: Jager can see the Orcs among the trees

Rigging ac 21 hps 70/70 blink and mage armor 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 8:56:40 PM

Rigging will sprint 4 x his normal speed to get to the other side. He yells "Hurry up! we are sitting ducks out here!"

He says to Swirl, "Try to buy us some time buddy, Kick up some dust in whirlwind form and try to blind them. Then get out of there. They are gonna be tough foes."

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 22, waterwalk, shield) 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 10:30:49 PM

Ari does his best to stick with the Struggling Dwarf. Looking over his shoulders, Ari worries for the passengers in the raft. But with the wind, anything Ari might be able to do, wouldn't help.

Concentrating on the task at hand. Ari times the placement of Cats grace and Bull strength on himslef for best effect. Once Ari judges he has a good chance of hitting something on the shore, he'll open fire.

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, *cats grace, *bulls strength

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 12:04:30 AM

The half-elf sprints across the water as quickly as possibly (sprinting) though it's tough going with Val on her back. She gasps as Nezamil takes one in the side and is about to change course and lend aid when she sees him get back on track. "Huh...you're going to need to loose a little weight if we ever do this again!" she calls out to Val as she runs across the river toward the enemy. A small trickle of sweat forms on her brow as she notes the increasing temperature. "Watch it Val, we're going in hot." she calls out as she reaches the shore.

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (34/60 rounds)

Bart  d20+6=24 d20+12=25
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 3:21:35 AM

Bart tries to hold on to Nezamil (reflex save 24) and tries to climb up (climb check 25 or str check 17)

Mykael - AC 23  d20+4=7 d100=77 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 6:16:19 AM

Mykael realizes the orcs notice him and hears them grunting back and forth, but doesnt understand a word. He does make a quick scan of the area (Spot 7), looking for the catapults and/or other enemies.

OOC: I stated that Mykael was attempting to exit the river about 150 yards from the two standing on the shore. I am not sure of the distance so I dont know what attack options I have avaliable for sure. LOL

Since he has been noticed Mykael slips his shield off his back and onto his arm, preparing for battle as he slips into the tree line to be less visible. He keeps a look out for any approaching enemies and waits for the group.

If Mykael is within the 160 ft range of his Magic Missle spell, but farther away than one round of movement for them to reach him, then Mykael will cast a Magic Missle at the Orc that noticed him, instead of readying his shield (77% for spell failure of armor, made it / 15 dam (max! wow!))

OOC : Memorized spells
0 lvl - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Mage Hand

1 lvl - Alarm, Comp. Lang., Magic Missle x2

2 lvl - See invisibility, Scorching Ray, Invisibility, Web

3 lvl - Fireball, Haste, Vampiric Touch

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:36:49 AM

"I don't weigh anything at all even in armor. Your just weak. I thought about getting some of those slippers but they really look silly." Val jibed. Upon reaching the shore she drew her bow and notched an arrow.

DM Jim: Under Fire - Combat Round 1  d20+5=20 d20+7=16 d20+7=25 d12+4=9 d20+5=14 d20+7=21 d20+7=27 d12+4=10 d8=2 d20+4=17
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 12:56:49 PM

OOC: We are now in combat rounds - Please post AC, HP, spells in effect and spells memorized. So, am I to assume that Rigging did not memorize any spells; Please list them George.


Bart is knocked off of Nezzamil when the gaint sized blot slams into his body. Working together, the two heros manage to wrest Bart out of the river and back on to Nezzamil's back.

The two feel alone an exposed on the wind swept river, as they are 30 yards from shore.


Mykael gets off an awesome three round magic missile spell that drops one of the approaching Orcs, as he is now headless.

Three orcs with great axes move in to attack Mykael on the beach and three with great sword move in on Jager. Two orcs each flank the heros.

Orcs are AC 15


AC 20 miss, Clangs off of Mykael's shield.
AC 16 miss
AC 25 damage 9, The orc smiles at the satisfying THUNK.


AC 14 miss
AC 21 miss, so close: Jager is just too fast.
AC 27 damage 10, The Orc licks his lips as if hungry and in anticipation of food, after hitting Jager.

There are two set of two orcs coming to meet Ari and Rigging each as they reach the shore. The Orcs will be in position next round

Rigging is 2 rounds from shore and Ari 3.

Apollo is also 3 combat rounds from shore, 40 yards upstream of the orcs.

Ashira and Val and chugging alone, helped or hindered by Val's comments. They are 4 rounds away from shore.

Ashira get the feeling it is goig to be hot where she is going, much to the dismay of her aquan half.

At Rigging's behest, Swirl moves in on the large humanoids by the burning buildings and creates a whirlwind as a distraction. Only one firey pitch covered boulder comes flying out at Nezzamil and Bart as a result.

Swirl beams back to Rigging "I'm done. Its your WIFE's turn to distract them for you."


AC 17 near miss (gave -16 to hit for range and size modifiers)

A huge geyser of water and steam erupts by Nezzamil and Bart just as they start moving again. The heros are buffeted by the explosion of water.

Nezzamil must make a reflex save DC 17 or drop Bart, again. Since Nezzamil and Bart can see the rock coming I will give Nezzamil +2 for half of Bart's Str. bonus to the save.


The "Elenna Queen" continues to burn and the rescue boat keep rowing the second set of survivors to shore.


As the heros approach shore, they can see the outline of what appears to be two crude, but very large, lever and weight based catapults.

There are four large humanoids between 75 - 100 yards from the Wildcards shore landing area. The humanoids are of two sizes and are also outlined by the building fires.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 59 Invisble  d20+12=32 d20+11=15
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 1:29:25 PM

Appolo spots the catapults and the giants.He heads for shore swings around and moves toward Mykael and Jager.He knows he's no match for the giants so he moves to flank the orcs engaging Mykeal.He moves silently and quickly through the shadows.

Move Silent 32,Hide 15

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 44/53  d100=62 d20+8=16 d20+4=22
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 3:23:04 PM

Shrugging off the hit he took and spotting the catapults, Mykael begins casting. "Be ready Jager, this is going to get their attention, but those catapults have to be put out of commission." Mykael yells, "It should be enough."

Mykael points at the catapults as he completes his casting and a small bead of fire streaks toward them. Centered between the catapults so as to include them both in the area of effect the bead erupts into a fireball. (spell failure 62%, made / Contentration check 16, hopefully)

(spot 22)
In between blocking swords swings from the Orcs, Mykael looks to see what effects his spell casting has done, and for more incoming enemies.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 3:36:43 PM

Ashira chuckles. "Well, you're lucky I'm strong enough to keep ahold of you...look at poor Bart. But I see your point...looks like we'll need to do a lot more intensive training when we get back home..." Ashira is really beginning to sweat now that she knows how hot it's going to be where they're going. She looks around to see if she can find a different course which might be cooler as she continues to sprint toward the shoreline (moving 4x speed).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (35/60 rounds)

Nezamil Ac 18(20 w/Barts shield) Hp 34/60 Waterwalk  d20+5=7
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 4:31:47 PM

Once Nezamil and Bart secure their grips the dwarf surges to the nearby shore ....loosening his grip on Bart as they reach dryland.

"Bart i can enlarge you if you think it will help you in the battle ?" inquires the Cleric of the Warrior (will cast it beginning of next rd if you want)

The dwarf scans(d20+5=7 spot ch) the shoreline for the other wildcards but the chaos of the battle prevents him getting his bearings at the moment

"Bart lets keep together with Ashira and Val....strength in numbers " growls the dwarf as he readies himself for action

Nezamil  d20+5=17
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 4:41:32 PM

The sturdy dwarf maintains his balance (d20+5=17 reflex ch) phew made it!!

Jagar Ac 22(23w/dodge) Hp 55/65 waterwalk  d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+3=19 d10+3=9
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 5:04:00 PM

The monk doesn't even wince at the blow by the orc ...showing no pain to the enemy even tho it hurts his training takes over " my turn " grins Jagar his hands and feet a blur (flurry of blows)as he seeks retribution for the damaging blow (1st swing d20+8=11 miss)but in his eagerness misses wildly(2nd swing d20+8=9) with his intial attacks but focuses more with a front kick to the mid section on his last (3rd swing d20+3=19 )(d10+3=9 dam)

"Captain we've got 6 of him over here , come join in the fun " shouts out the Monk over the din of the battle with "its just Mykael and myself "

Rigging mage armor, blink ac 21 hps 52/70 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:12:01 PM

Rigging keeps running towards the shore as his comrades are attacked. "Hurry up and get out of the line of site. Form into your combat teams. Don't worry about those catapults. The ship is lost and they aren't accurate enough to hit individuals. The giants and the orcs are our primary concern."

Rigging will try to get to land and into some cover. He will try and get his teammates to gather together and get organized.

OOC Jim, are we in combat rounds yet? See that you are skipping ahead a little but it might effect spell casting.

: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 44/53  6d6(2+4+5+6+3+4)=24
Thursday June 9th, 2005 5:13:46 AM

OOC: Forgot to roll damage for my Fireball and whether it will hurt them or not, I hope to include both catapults and as many operators in the blast as possible. (Damage = 24)

Ari (spider climb 60hp, AC 24, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght, cats grace)  d20+7=15 d20+2=10 d20+7=19 d8+3=5 d8+3=10 d8+3=5
Thursday June 9th, 2005 7:21:24 AM

Having gotten off his two other spells, Ari concentrates on trying to put any one of the 4 orcs to sleep with three shots of his sleeping arrows. (Firing arrows at the same target, until he goes to sleep)

AC 15, 10, and 19 for 5, 10, and 5 repectively.

Will DC11 or sleep...nonlethal damage

0-level (6)
*Resistance, *Detect Poison, *Daze, *Disrupt Undead, *Detect Magic, *Read Magic

1-level (5)
-Shield, *Magic Missile, *Burning Hands, *Obscuring Mist, -Spider Climb

2-level (4)

*Alter Self, *Resist Elements, -cats grace,
-bulls strength

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Thursday June 9th, 2005 9:46:02 AM

OOC: since they are still on the water Val didn't have an opportunity to draw her bow. The last thing she wants to do is cause Ashira to stumble and fall.

"I'm not the one laboring from carrying barely any weight at all. Now get your butt movin before those orcs get a lucky hit or two. Giddyup!" Val adds at the end hoping tht Ashira won't drop her for it.

DM Jim: Combat Round 2  d20+5=13 d20+5=10 d20+5=22 d20+7=24 d20+7=27 d12+4=8 d12+4=16 d20=5 d20=20 d20+4=14 d20+4=8 d20+1=12 d20+26=46 d20+26=34 2d20(2+9)+16=27 2d20(1+9)+16=26
Thursday June 9th, 2005 6:34:15 PM

OOC: I am adjusting the speed that everyone is traveling upwards and as a result it will be fast to get to the beach. It will not effect combat or time in any way.


Apollo just reaches the beach and considers slinking up on the Wildcard battle with the orcs 40 yards down the beach.

Apollo though he saw a blur of something four foot in the bushes not too far (20 feet) from his position. (Spot and listen checks DC 15).

OOC: Note if you take your normal hide and move silent bonuses, I will have to reduce your speed accordingly.


Jager is a blur as he move among the three orc that surround him, two after his front kick connects and breaks enough ribs to knock the orc unconcious. His breathren do not take kindly to the assault and retaliate.

AC 13 miss
AC 10 miss, The orcs fought too angry to be effective.

Mykael is also surrounded, but chooses a different course of action and fires off a spell under duress. Mykael is sucessfull and watches his fireball streak toward the catapults only to see a firey projectile leave one of them. There is a large explosion that engulfs the two larger black gaints in plate armor. The gaints seem to revel in the flames and one levels a crossbow at those running on the water.

The orcs close in for the kill on Mykael.

AC 22, miss, bounces heavly off your shield.
AC 24, 8 damage, solid hit.
AC 27, 16 damage, crushing blow to the back.

Ari stops in the middle of his run to the beach to fire his bow and sleep arrows. Two shots at the orcs attempting to meet him and one at the two trying to cut off Rigging.

Two solid hits, does not do damage.

Saves 5 and 20

One of the orcs waiting for Ari, falls backwards, asleep.

The two orc with great axes meet Rigging on the wet sand, their hair is whipping in the wind.

AC 14, Too Surprised his is alive after the arrow attack.
AC 8, Way to overconfident in his attack.

Ashira makes the beach and drops off the smart mouthed Val, who promptly come visible.


Bart and Nezzamil watch as the firey boulder arcs toward them. It is apparrent that their aim is not true and the two do not have much to worry about besides running. This piggy back team will make the beach next round.

A crossbow bolt comes screaming across the river at Ari and rips into his still body as his last arrow flys from his bow.

AC 46, critical AC 34 - 53 damage

Ari is one combat round from the beach if he dares to go.

OOC: Ari how did you cast Bull strenght and Cats grace? At this time, I only have shield and spider climb on you. Please explain, as I may have miss something.


There is a ring of metal on metal as two great swords a drawn and the large black gaints stride forward. One of the gaints drops his cross bow and pumps his fist at his shot, throwing back his stingy fire red hair. These two are 180 feet from the beach combat.

The strange smaller gaint types, behind the two fire gaints, pick up weapons from an over size cart and also come forward. (Spot 15 for all but Val and Ashira (DC 10) to notice something different about them.) These two are at least 40 feet behind the fire gaints.

Rigging ac 21 mage armor, blinking  d100=8 d100=73 d20+10=16 d20+10=28 d4+1=5 2d6(6+3)=9 2d6(2+3)=5
Thursday June 9th, 2005 10:10:40 PM

Rigging draws his weapons and slashes at with his shortsword but blinks away just before he was going to hit. He appears to the side of the other and sinks his holy dagger into the orc.

ooc drawing weapons is a free action if Base attack is +1 or more.

5 points of damage with dagger + 9 for backstab damage and another 5 for holy dagger damage assuming the orcs are evil. 19 points of total damage.

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10)  d20+12=25
Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:35:12 PM

Once upon the shore, Ashira unsheathes her swords (free action). "C'mon Val, let's take down those giants...I have the feeling they're at the heart of this..." Ashira whispers to Val. With a quick whisper and a few small hand movements, Ashira casts Resist Energy, hoping to reduce the damage that she knows awaits her. As she begins to move toward the giants, Ashira notices something odd (Spot=25). "Hmmm...that's strange. Val, this is gonna be tough let's hook up with Bart and Nezamil." she continues to whisper as she goes.

Jagar Ac 22(23w/dodge vs opp) waterwalk  d20+8=20 d10+3=5 d20+8=16 d10+3=8 d20+3=15 d10+3=5
Friday June 10th, 2005 12:00:03 AM

The fleetfooted Monk continues his assault on the angry orcs dodging their great swords (1st swing D20+8=20)(d10+3=5 dam) snaps a quick couple punches to the mid section of the orc(2nd swing d20+8=16)(d10+3=8 dam)(2nd swing might be a miss but rolled just in case)Jagar tries to finsh the orc with a spinning kick (3rd swing d20+3=15)(d10+3=5 dam)?

" C,mon Mykael there is only 3 of them attacking ya ....hurry up and slay them so we can help attack them big giants " remarks the Monk as he whirls about the orcs

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 34/60 waterwalk  d20+5=7
Friday June 10th, 2005 12:40:28 AM

As Nezamil and Bart make landfall " we made it " huffs the dwarf" seemed like we were never gonna make it here dodging them boulders " remarks the dwarf to the warrior as he releases his grip on him " so you want to fight them enlarged ?" adds the Cleric

if Bart accepts then the Cleric reaches into his belt pouch and retrieves a pinch of powder and sprinkles it on the warrior then touches his anvil pendant which gives off a faint glow of light " rise up to the height of Domi's courage " murmers the Cleric as he touches the warrior and the Barts stature doubles

( enlarge gives +2 to str, -2 to dex, and -1 to attack roll, -1 to ac)(and reach of 10 ft equal to the giants so no free swings(AoO) for the giants)(pg 114 phb check for weapon size damage for enlarged weapon)

If Bart declines then Nezamil will cast shield of faith upon himself(+3 to ac)

" lets work together with Ashira ....can you see her and Val " asks Nezamil as he scans(d20+5=7 spot ch) for the two valiant elven warriors " they should be close by"

OOC will adjust Nezamils variables as per Barts decisions in next post

Bart Ac24 hp71 
Friday June 10th, 2005 3:21:47 AM

Enlarge me Nezamil as soon as we reach the beach i will rush forward Orcs or Giants Nez? As soon as he is on shore Bart activates his glove of storing, his sword apears in his hands.

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 24/53  d20+8=18 d20+8=18 d100=28 3d6(4+4+1)=9
Friday June 10th, 2005 6:32:08 AM

Mykael grits his teeth in pain and concentrates(18), and casts Vampiric Touch on the orc in front of him (28% spell fail, made)(touch attack AC 18, for 9 damage = 9 pts healing for Mykael if attack succeeds).

"I am working on them now, Jager, but those catapults needed to be taken down," Mykael yells over to him.

spider climb 7hp, AC 24, waterwalk, shield, bulls strenght, cats grace  d20=18 d20+5=20 d20=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=19 d8+1=8 d8+1=5 d8+1=8
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:13:44 AM

Gasping in pain and shock, Ari momentarily comes to a stop. Becoming white as a ghost, Ari realizes that he just missed death's door (made massive damge roll).

Ari attempts to hit the crossbow owner with his own arrows. (AC 20, 19, 25 (crit with 19 as follow up for 8, 5, 8 (x3 if crit. Add +2 for ea if I get to keep bull strenght).

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp  d20=13
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:19:06 AM

"I see them. It's hard to resist the urge to draw my bow and turn them into giant red pincushions but arrows against spear launchers isn't my idea of a great battle. Let us find cover before advancing." Valanthe replies. She moves back to meet Bart and Nezamil while trying to move to the side and put the trees between her and the giants.

ooc: spot check 13

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+6=14 d20+7=10 d20+12=16 d20+11=29
Friday June 10th, 2005 1:57:48 PM

Appolo continues on toward Mykael and Jager.Moving as quickly silently as possible swords drawn ready fro action.

Spot 14,Listen 10,Hide 16,Move silently 29

Rigging Illegal post 
Friday June 10th, 2005 6:04:07 PM

Rigging says over his shoulder as he battles orcs, "If I can get freed up, I will cast haste on you."

DM Jim: Combat Round 3  d20+5=14 d20+5=11 d20+5=13 d20+7=10 d20+5=13
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:31:17 PM

The Captain joins the battle with the orcs and severs the spin of one with his dagger. He will be going nowhere ever again. His friend seems determined to run Rigging through for his afront.

AC 14, miss - Rigging is just too well protected for the Orc to damage.

Jager is doing well as he drops another orc with three well placed strikes. This one will never raise again. His last remaining opponent looks concerned, but one glance down the beach at the gaints and he renews his attack.

AC 11, miss - This orc looks too concerned on who the enemy is and misses the monk badly.

Mykael tries a new tactic and literally sucks the life out of an orc. Mykael feels a bit refreshed after, but his two remaining foes seem to want to even the score.

AC 13, miss
AC 10, miss - Both orcs are looking agasht at fighting a mage

Val moves laterally up the thin beach and into the edge of the light woods. Val is now 30 feet from the orc battle and realizes that the three will offer some concealment, but not much from the gaints.

Nezzamil casts enlarge on Bart and he grows almost to the size of the fire giants. Bart and Nezzamil look to hook up with the invisible Ashira. Bart and Nezzamil hear Ashira say she is going after the gaints and move in that general direction, unsure of Ashira exact location.

Bart notices that his animated shield did not increase in size with him.

Ashira casts resist energy on herself and attempts to rally her battle group for combat with the gaints. Ashria notices that the smaller gaints 40 feet behind the fire giants have TWO HEADS each. The creatures are stripped to the waist in the heat, but are carrying what look to be throwing spears in each hand and have morning stars on their belts, on each side.

Ashira also notices the giants talking to one another as the stride confidently forward (Listen check DC 15 to pick up parts of the conversation, if you speak giant, as you or they get closer the DC will decrease). They rest their great swords on the shoulders and balance them with one hand as they reach into belt bags and each retrive a hefty sized rock. The rock are not as large as those from the catapults, but look nasty just the same.

The giants are 120 feet from Bart and Nezzamil and the invisible Ashira and 150 feet from those in the orc battle and Val.

A shaken Ari makes shore and attempts retribution on the fire gaint that shot him. Ari hits once with two of his arrows bouncing harmless off the gaints armor. Ari now has his full attention!

The one orc that Ari did not put to sleep take a swing at him with a great axe, attempting to finish the woounded foe.

AC 13, miss - He was to happy to see Ari's blood.

OOC: Ari I requested that you pick either one or the other of bull str or cats grace. You now have bull str. on. Don not post cats grace any longer. I assume this will drop your AC by 2, please make adjustments.


The invisible Apollo slinks slowly toward the orc battle, but he is very quite and hidden. Apollo made 15 feet during the combat round and is now 105 feet from the orc battle and 255 feet from the fire gaints.

Apollo just feels their is something in the woods, but can't quite place it. Spot 15 and listen 15 rolls again. A second spot 20 roll for the beach.

Ashira (AC28 96/96HP) Barkskin, Invisible, Waterwalk, Resist Energy Fire(10) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:47:12 PM

"C'mon guys, let's go get us some big uns." Ashira calls to Nezamil and Bart as she moves rapidly toward the giants (double move).

Active spells
Barkskin (4min/20min)
Invisibility Ring
Waterwalk (33/60 rounds)
Resist Energy Fire (10min/10min)

Jagar Ac 22 Hp 55/65 waterwalk  d20+8=28 d10+3=10 d20+8=11 d20+3=5
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:48:53 PM

The Monk is just a whirling dervish as he pummels the last of the trio of orcs that attacked him (1st swing d20+8=28)(d10+3=10 dam) throwing a punch to the head (2nd swing d20+8=11) but over compensates trying to finish the orc off quickly (3rd swing d20+3=5)

" I'm coming to help ya Mykael " blurts out the Fleet footed Monk as he battles the last of the trio of orcs

Nezamil Ac 25(29vs giants) (Hp 34/60 waterwalk 53/80 rds Sof 79/80  d20+5=15 d20+5=11
Saturday June 11th, 2005 12:39:53 AM

The Cleric of Domi gives a smile as Bart grows taller "allright lets make some noise " growls out the dwarf

Nezamil deftly pulls out a small piece of paper "Domi shield your humble soldier" again he touches his Anvil holy symbol causing it to faintly shed light(casting shield of faith)

Nezamil hears Ashira voice and follows the sound (d20+5=15 listen ch) and looks for Ashira's footprints and sand being kicked up from her running (d20+5=11 spot ch)

"This way Bart i heard her call us " as the dwarf yanks his mace out of his ring holster and slides his shield off his back heading off after the sea-elfs voice "Lets cut these overgrown mongrels down to size " growls out the dwarf

OOC : Nellie waterwalk is 80 rds not 60

waterwalk 53/80 rds
Sof 79/80 rds Ac +3

Mykael - AC 23 - HP 33/53  d20+10=14 d10+3=12
Saturday June 11th, 2005 5:45:21 AM

Mykael smiles at the two remaining orcs, "Why should I waste good spells on dirt like you?" He draws his sword and takes a good swing(AC 14)(12 dam, if it hit).

"Hmm... 7 minus 4... equals you 3... and 2 minus 0, still equals us two. That was your math lessen for the night!" Mykael berates them. "Are you sure you want to continue this?"

Rigging ac 21 52/70 blinking magearmor  d100=20 d100=26 d20+10=22 d20+10=23 d4+1=2 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(5+2)=7 d20+11=27
Saturday June 11th, 2005 8:06:34 AM

Rigging slashes at the remaining orc frustrated that his companions didn't take it out for them. Again he blinks away with shortsword thrust, much to his frustration, but still stabs the orc for 18 points of damage with his holy dagger.

He scans the area and looks for possible other danger, his mind on those crossbow wielding assassins who attacked him on the ship.

Spot 27

blinking 3/6
mage armor hours

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, charm person, mage armor, shield
Second level spells: Glitterdust, Cat's grace, Flaming Sphere, Resist elements
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Monster Summon 4

Appolo Hp:59 Ac: 23 Invisible  d20+6=10 d20+7=17 d20+7=15 d20+11=13 d20+12=13
Saturday June 11th, 2005 11:17:28 AM

Appolo stops for a second and scans the near by area.Looking for something he;s not sure is there.Just being cautious though.

Move Silently 13,Hide 13,Listen 10 Spot 17 Second Spot for Beach 15.

Enlarged Bart AC22 hp 71/71  d20+15=26 2d8(3+6)+10=19 d6=3
Sunday June 12th, 2005 5:53:29 PM

Bart's sword glimmers electric blue he makes an spring attack towards the giants hitting one of them (ac26 for 19 +3 shock dammage)

Valanthe ac 23, 114 hp 
Monday June 13th, 2005 4:27:51 AM

Unsure about what path to take Val hesitates for a moment. The orcs are a threat but the giants are far worse. She's not sure what she can do against giants but she needed to do something to save her companions. She takes a deep breath and runs toward the giants.

DM Jim: Battle at the Beach - Combat Round 4  d20+5=23 d12+4=12 d20+5=18 d20+10=22 d20+10=15 2d10(3+2)+10=15 2d6(5+6)=11
Monday June 13th, 2005 1:22:13 PM

Ari is stunned into inactivity as he watches the Giants approach. The orc in front of him attempts to take advantage.

AC 23, damage 12 - a vicious cut over the crossbow wound. The orc seems torn as to finish Ari, go to another opponent or flee.

Not far away (15 feet) is Captain Rigging and again he uses the same spine severing move and drops his final orc opponent.

Jager is also sucsessful and he repeatily pummels his final orc into a bloody mess. It is very dead. jager is 10 feet from Ari.

Mykael is doing better as he runs one of his orcs through. His opponent seems bouyed by the felling of Ari and strikes out.

AC 18, miss -The orc only finds Mykael's shield

Ashira (invisible) takes off after the giant and closes the distance.

Bart (enlarged) is too far away to do a spring attack and move forward. Bart is joined by Val who comes out of the woods and meets Bart on the beach. The woods end at this point and clear if not scorched ground can be seen leading from the beach to the village.

Nezzamil casts a protective spell on himself and then attempts to catch up to the others confronting the giants.


Apollo creeps forward, silent and invisible and is now 90 feet from the orc battle on the beach. Apollo does notice a large black and red dog 40 feet from him in the wood. There seems to be standing in small fire that erupted around it. The hound is sniffing the air.

Apollo sees another hound deeper in the woods racing toward the orc battle. It will not take long for it to get there.


The giants and the ettins stride forward. The fire giants rub the pitch covered boulder across their armor and each ignites. The smell of sulfur is heavy in the air. The blocky giants then each lift a leg and power a boulder at Big Bart.

AC 22, SLAM! damage 15 for the impact and 11 for fire, 26 total.

AC 15, miss - the flaming rock hit early and bounces over the orc battle and lands in the river with a sizzle.


The giants are now only 30 feet from Ashira and 60 from Bart, Val and Nezzamil and 90 from those in the orc battle. Apollo is 210 feet from the fire giants. The two Ettins are still 40 feet in back of the giants.

The giants grab hold of their great swords with two hands and their big grins seems to say the are ready for some fun. The Ettin's each have two throwing spears at the ready, but apparently little armor.

Rigging 52/70 hps ac 21 mage armor, blinking  d3=2 d100=68
Monday June 13th, 2005 2:20:17 PM

Rigging will look at Ari and yell to Jagar, "Jagar help him while I try to help our other friends.Kill that orc and give him a healing potion." (ooc I believe we all have 2 of them, from Nezamil as part of our tactics)

Rigging will then cast a Summon Monster 4 spell but summon 1d3 Celestial Bison from the 3rd level chart. OOC He gets two bison but they won't show up until the beginning of next turn.

I want them to show up and attack the fire giants. The spell has a range of 50' for me but not quite sure where the giants are in relation to Rigging.

OOC the 68 roll was for my blinking ring. The spell gets off this round.

DM JIM: Rigging is part of the orc battle, so as stated he is approximately 90 feet from the fire giants....the distance is lessening by the moment.

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