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Dark Fae Rising
The Big Dream [CDM Jerry]

The Big Dream [CDM Jerry] 
Saturday March 19th, 2005 11:39:14 AM

The Swords reach out sadly and tentatively to their dead comrade. All is calm for the moment. Her touch is cold. Unwoldly.

Without warning it begins. Ashira begins to glow and with her the party touching her.

The clearing lights up with it. The area begins to sing with the effect.

Some sort of collective elven effect is at work!

As the pirate adventurers struggle to come to grips with these events, their conscious minds fade and a waking dreamlike state begins.

There is then a joining of minds. Elven minds. Minds that look at life in terms of centuries instead of years.

Nearby elves join in with this union. Some join to a lesser extent being half-elves or other relates species.

The pool of collective thought grows until it becomes Woldwide!

The overwhelming thought becomes "Why?"

An ancient being joining the mix replies, "This has happened twice before. This is the third time."

"What has happened before? comes the overwhelming response."

"This. Prepare and listen."

A common Elven Dream begins.


You are floating...in space..?

You can see The Wold turning lazily beneath you, so very far below--slow but steady, the planet rotates, basking blissfully in the light of the bright golden disk hanging above it. Sunlight dapples the large fertile brown expanses of land dotted with areas of green forest...it sparkles across the waves of the blue-green ocean.

The Wold is as it is.

Suddenly you become aware that there are three smaller discs approaching the bright one, also at a slow but steady pace...you realize that the bright disk must be the sun, and the others are the moons of The Wold.

The three new discs align to cover the sun completely, leaving it and The Wold in darkness. But there--right in the middle of the now-black sun-disk--a pair eyes blink open, as though awakened from sleep.

The almond-shaped eyes--the bright, brilliant hue of sky and sea--look down upon The Wold. They widen in surprise, as though viewing the burgeoning world for the first time in a very, very long time...then the expression in the turquoise eyes grows rather sad. A tear forms and falls from one of the eyes as it blinks.

The eyes in the black sun narrow slightly--as though the unseen person to whom they belong has suddenly begun contemplating...and then the eyes blink again, once more brightening with the enlightenment of a great idea..!

The eyes glow warmly--if there were a face to go with them, you just know that it would have a happy, friendly grin in place--and The Wold, turning in its slow, steady pace, begins to grow green. Focusing on the planet, you can see that the forests of The Wold flourish and grow lush once more, spreading their fertile growth across the faces of the both the continent of Yrth and the Fragmented Lands, as the owner of the eyes laughs delightedly.

You swoop down from your lofty perch and find yourself standing in an ancient forest, Culverwood, breathing in the good green scent of the ancient trees. There is a dark, malevolent blot at the edge of your senses whom the collective knows to be Parnoth the oppressor--then suddenly, the blot disappears from sight and you hear the great beast's agonized screams.

More screams and cries ring in your ears now--the voices of those who oppose and harm Nature, the voices of those who would hold back the elves and make them lesser beings, the voices of evil. Too long they have been allowed to run free, but now they face their just reward. Through it all, the owner of the eyes continues to laugh.

The dream ends and the personal you physically awakens with laughter still ringing in your ears.

Jager  d20+6=21
Sunday March 20th, 2005 8:49:44 AM

Jager stops dead in his tracks and drops the leg of the dead assassin (E4) he was dragging and exclaims mostly to himself but loud enough for all to hear. "That was different."

Jager looks to the other wildcards and to Mrs. Ashira's spirit and adds "Did anyone else get a strange vision?"

Shaking his head. "Could this be a further attack or just emotions overtaking me or us."

Jager scans the area just in case, but he doubts it is an attack, just yet (spot 21).

Sunday March 20th, 2005 5:15:35 PM

I too had an sudden and strange vision. About trees and elves and some kind of God the removal of evil. I wonder... did it really happen or was it a dream? Nezamil you know more about the ways of the gods, enlighten us. Once i had a simular experience 2-3 years ago, we even did fight in a kind of dream.

Bart William OOC 
Sunday March 20th, 2005 5:22:38 PM

Can someone take over my char for the next week, leaving for a short divingtrip to Egypt back on next wednesday (29th)

Sunday March 20th, 2005 9:56:37 PM

Rigging will try to absorb the information from the waking dream. "What do you suppose this means? It seemed to include the whole Wold, not just us? I wonder if we are in for cataclysmic times again. Hope we don't have to turn into mummies again."

Sunday March 20th, 2005 11:59:43 PM

Nezamil's mind staggers under implications of what he dreams " such power " wonders the stunned dwarf

" what does this do to the power and balance of the gods ......the balance of life in the wold " such thoughts and more race thru the Clerics mind

As Nezamil awakens and the echos of the Elven music ringing in his head he drops to his knees and raises his arms skyward " Domi guide us in these times of peril ....watch over us ....grant us the courage to carry forth and make the wold a better place for all " cries out the dwarf in prayer

With a look at the mists of Ashira floating about the Cleric continues his prayer

" guide our mistress of the sword Ashira to a place of peace.... her journey is shrouded in mystery and uncertainty....dont let her spirit wander lost " the dwarf touches his Anvil pendant the symbol of Domi as a tear runs down his cheek

Nezamil stares around in wonder at the forests around seeing it with fresh eyes..... too stunned at the revelations to say anything else

Ari  d20+8=21
Monday March 21st, 2005 6:45:43 AM

twice before..... twice before....
Ari tries to wrack his brain and try to match up what he might know about such things. (knowledge religion=21)

Looking around at the other group members, Ari tris to judge who might have participated in the dream.

As he looks across the faces of the group, he realizes that there is one face short. Ari does a double take as he realizes how the dream started. Ashira has fallen?!

Appolo Hp 13 Ac 23 
Monday March 21st, 2005 10:24:09 AM

Appolo follows Ashira and experiances the vision.When they come down.He walks over to Ashira's body."My friends I think Ashira's death triggered something or awoke it.That is an ancient power long forgotton.Older then the gods.We left the wold and veiwed it from above.No something is now awke that hasn't been awke for millenia.Did you hear the screams of those who would harm the elves.No I think that wasancient elven god.Not a gos of men or dwarves,but elves.>"he then turns his attention back to Ashira's body ang waits.

That Was...Weird---ADM Nellie 
Monday March 21st, 2005 11:36:38 PM

As the vision ends, Ashira fades drastically, as though it took all of her strength to allow the Card's to witness the vision. And then, suddenly, Ashira begins to glow and take on color...looking almost alive (though she is still very dead as Appolo's examinations attest to). She beams a radiant smile, and it is apparently easier for her to talk now. She floats over to Rigging's side once more. "Isn't it glorious? Something is coming to set things right. The elves oppressors will be crushed to the ground! Finally we will no longer be outcasts in the lands of men." Ashira's ghost looks over at her husband and shrugs as she chuckles. "Not that all men are the same..."

The day progresses, and the sun begins to set. Taking stock of things, you note several very important facts... First, the horses are very dead. Second, the group must either risk traveling by night or set up camp. And of course, there is the hostage.

OOC: Dominic will be taking over tomorrow. It's been real fun. :)

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 9:12:32 AM

Valanthe staggers back and falls on her bottom as the dream overwhelmed her. She has never dreamed before and couldn't hope to understand what dreams were...until now. Val sits there and recounts the dream over and over again in her mind so she never forgets it. When she regains her composure Val slowly recounts the dream for those of non-elven blood. Partly because something of this significance has to be shared and partly to make sure that it really happened.

ooc: I was under the impression that only those with elven blood had the dream.

Jager  d20+4=22
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 9:12:59 AM

Jager watches Mrs. Ashira's spirit in awe and thinks to himself, she must have been something special if she became a spirit.

Jager awe turns to seething and he turns to the prisoner. "Your turn. I have several questions for you and I expect answers or you can expect pain." Jager finds a nice nerve cluster in the back on the assassins arm and applys pressure.

Jager looks the captive in the face. "That was just a nice sample. Question 1, who sent you and why? Question 2, how were you contacted and paid? Question 3, Why were you sent and how did you find us? Question 4, Who escaped and should we expect them to return?"

Jager will warn the scum "Be ware of your answers as if I do not like them our fallen comrade husband will deal with you directly."

Jager will await answers before dealing out an more pain and attempt to detect if the assassin is lying (sense motive 22).

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 1:47:55 PM

Rigging will look at his spirit wife and wonder aloud at her statements, "I didn't know the elves were oppressed anymore than any other race in the Wold. This force coming seems to be a force of nature. Nature can be one of the most capricious and demanding of masters. Consider the tornado...it destroys all in its path..not just evil.

Rigging's mind will turn to other matters, "Are you still alive? How is it your still with us? Do you wish to be reconnected with your body? The emperor has offered to raise you. Is this your wish?"

Rigging will give his shade of a wife a chance to consider and say, We can't camp here. We also aren't in shape to move very far today. Let's find a suitable campsite that we can defend and rest in. Val and Appolo, can you take care of that?

Everyone else salvage what you can and lets get ready to move. Rigging suddenly glances at the Jack and the Emperor and adds..."ahhhh if that is OK with you that is."

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:12:14 PM

The dwarf struggles to his feet staring upward seemingly searching the heavens for the almond shaped eyes of the dream.

With a shake of his head the Cleric turns and looks for there charges the Emperor and Hegna "good to see you alive sir" remarks the dwarf to the Emperor

"good idea Captain we should at least move a little but from here , lets salvage some food stores from the carriage while Val and Appolo scout ahead "

Taking a few steps towards Bart " we will count on your strength and courage more then ever , with Ashira's loss it's just you and Val as our leading warriors" pausing a moment " i have faith that your courage will guide us to our destination " Nezamil slaps the big fighter on the back

"As for what the dream pertains too , i don't know it is beyond me , i know of gods and people this...this force of nature as Rigging described is not my realm of knowledge " replies the dwarf to Bart " but it is mighty indeed and we best beware of its wrath "

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:36:48 PM

Bart nods at Nezamils's reply about the dream

Taking his cue the big warrior helps to salvage some food stuffs from the carriage , also salvaging a couple of pole or boards useable to make for a litter to carry Ashira's body .

Once the litter is completed the big warriors eyes settle on the Sword mistress's still form and his eyes flash with fire ......a dangerous fire.....fire burns those it touches.....a firestorm is brewing......and that storm has a name......Bart!!!

OOC this is chris i posted for Bart since he is away

Appolo HP13 Ac 23 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 11:06:35 PM

Still hurting and emotionally distruaght Appolo moves of into the woods with Valanthe to find a place to make camp.

OOC:Did anyone heal Appolo.I think he is still hurt quite badly.

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 11:21:38 PM

The silent mage has been contemplating their situation and the available means of transportation. He reaches into his sack and pulls out a scroll that he was given to study and copy. "Rigging, allow me to provide for the groups needs in transportation to the next town. Rather, let me be plain, I don't want to walk. Those horses you have just need a bit of animation to get them going. I'm going to need to replace this once we get back, but I'm just going to animate these 4 horses here. Someone'll need to help get them hitched to the wagon, it looks like a lot of the tack also was burnt. This will be so much fun, riding into the next town with undead horses."

Ashira's spirit 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 11:47:15 PM

Ashira's ghost shrugs at Rigging's questioning. Her laugh is hollow, like a long winter wind. "No, I am not among the living. I'm not sure what has given me the strength to resist the Realm of Shadow, but somehow I do. But I cannot resist it much longer... I feel that somehow it is safer there now. Perhaps I shall rest...but not for long. There is so much left to do." Her ghostly hands move to caress her husband, but move right through him. Sadness mixed with resolve fills Ashira's eyes. "Yes, I wish to rejoin my body...should Gargul approve."

Pulling Together and Setting up Camp -- DM Dominic 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 2:53:53 AM

All of you slowly shake off the last bit of fuzz headedness that you have from the dream. As this happens you recall in the back of you conscious thoughts that you all shared this dream because a member of you family just died but remained with you somehow tying you all together.

The Jack and the Emperor look about the battlefield then both look to Rigging. Both tell him "it would be good to move on and find a different location to rest. We will help you with the costs of bringing your lost back to you."

Bart and Nezamil with the help of Hegna recover enough food and supplies to last a couple of days for the group. They also find that the carriage is damaged but if they had horses again that it would be usable.

The prisoner looks at Jager with calm eyes as Jager questions him. The prisoner says "1) I have no idea who hired us. 2) contact and payment was taken care of by one of our clerics. 3) I only know that we were sent to kill whom ever was in the carriage. 4) I am not sure who may have escaped but with the loss of the two golems I doubt that they will return."

Appolo and Val find a place to setup camp not far from the battlefield but well covered by trees and bushes.

Ari (12 hp) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 7:02:02 AM

"does anyone know how close we are to the city? Since the carriage seems to have been a target, would it be any faster to have the all the leaders ride, and the rest protect. Then if another attack happens, we could potentially have the leaders take off towards the city?"

Looking at Ashira Ari prays, Alemi, let the rest of my family and friends watch over Ashira while she is near Gargul's realm.

Jager 43/57 Hp 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 7:57:53 AM

Jager looks from the assassin to Captain Arrack and says in Heit Volken. "Captain Arrack, the prisoner is at your mercey, shall I dispatch him for you?"

After the prisoner is dealt with, Jager will attempt to salvage what he can of the supplies and ask Captain Arrack. "Do we attempt to pull the carriage ourselves or burn or hide it, before we move off?"

Ashira's spirit 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 8:52:59 AM

Watching the exchange between Jager and the captive, Ashira looks intently at Rigging, and then respons in none other than Heit Volken. "Enough blood has been spilt today. Let's just take him to the authorities in the city. I don't want to have to travel to the Shadow Realms with the likes of him!"

Ashira's spirit chuckles at Redux's solution. She wonders what the local populace will think of a carriage drawn by undead horses and trailed by a ghost.

Valanthe Ac 23 HP 28/ 100 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 9:42:23 AM

Valanthe is silent as they looked for a suitable camp. Her body hurt all over but right now she felt no pain. Blood soaked into her clothing at several places, turning some of the links of her elven chain red. The pain of her body was irrelivant to what she felt inside. Even now she still can't get a grip on what she felt during that dream. While the others talk and plan Val makes a slow and steady patrol around the camp.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 11:42:43 AM

Rigging remembers the slaying of the slaver with sadness. He is getting to bloodthirsty and it is going to cost him his soul if he isn't careful. He knows the fighter isn't evil, since his holy dagger didn't seem to do much to him.

Rigging looks up to the Emperor and the Jack. "Sirs, I believe this man is telling the truth. He has a sound blade but was only a lacky. It is your choice. We can slay him here, take him with us, which means we have to guard him, or just let him go.

We will claim his magic and money as a penalty, for attacking us but I would give him provisions and some small weapon to defend himself. I am tired of the blood. I think he was just a mercenary hired to do a job. What do you want. You were his intended targets."

Rigging will agree to Redux's plan and then give the mage a quizzical look and ask, "So how did you get here anyway? Not that I am not happy to see you but are you scrying on us or something?"

Rigging will finally pull out his wand of detect magic and burn a charge to look at the loot gotten from the fallen enemies.

Jager (second illegal post) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 1:17:38 PM

Jager just beams when Mrs. Ashira responds in Heit Volken.

Jager is a bit distrubed and appeals to Captain Rigging, The Emperor, and Jack. "This assassin took money to kill you and you wish to let him live to do it again. This scum does not seen the remorseful type and he was an indirect cause of Mrs. Ashira's death. He does not deserve your mercy." Jager looks to Mrs. Ashira's floating spirit.

Jager places his hands on the sides of the assassin head waiting for the signal to end his existance.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 7:08:58 PM

Appolo helps set up camp.Then finds Valaanthe and walks beside her,"Don't worry it's not your fault.We'll bring her all the way back.She obviously wishes to stay with us."He then gives her a kiss and holds her.Grunting with pain as he does so.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 8:30:40 PM

The dwarf smiles at Redux's idea " sure beats walking " chuckles Nezamil " i'll help harness the horses to the carriage "

Turning to Bart " c,mon big fella give me a hand hooking up the horses"

Nezamil leaves the prisoner to the Captain but suggests " maybe we can turn him into the authorities in Plateau city "

"lets get moving to a safer campsite "

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 8:43:25 PM

Bart likes the idea of not walking the rest of the way and by helping the level headed dwarf it takes his mind off of Ashira's loss.

The strong warrior hooks up the horses with ease , using his strength to guide the horses into postion "good thinking Redux " chimes in Bart

[i] this is Chris posting for Bart again

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 11:09:25 PM

The mage mumbles, "...good...good..." as the others get on board with his plan. He instructs the 'horses' as needed since no one else seems to be able to control them. He is also a bit surprised that no one objected to having undead horses. To Rigging, "Yes, I was scrying. There are a few benefits to the organization the Jack set me up with. The problem I have now is that the scroll I used to raise these horses wasn't meant for this use; they should understand and I should be able to replace it anyway, soon. Don't forget to load Ashira's body somewhere. I don't have another scroll to have her walking behind us." Ya' know? From anyone else this would be a very weird, matter-of-fact conversation.

Nights Camp, Arrival in Plateau City -- DM Dominic 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 5:53:41 AM

Hegna seeing Appolo and Valanthe still seriously wounded walks over to them and hands them each 2 potions of CMW. He then asks "I hope this will help?"

After Redux gets the horses animated and into position Hegna helps Nezamil and Bart hook them up into the harness for the carriage.

"Give him a weapon then send him on his way. He is only a mercenary paid to do a job. He may have a change of heart on what he does for a living with us setting him free." The Emperor says to Rigging. The Jack nods in approval.

The Jack walks over to Ashira's body then carefully picks her up in his arms and carries her to the carriage and places her inside. The Emperor follows suit and carefully gathers up any of Ashira's equipment and places it with her inside the carriage.

After a couple of hours of resting The Jack says to the Wildcards let us get to Plateau City. He then turns and climbs into the carriage with the Emperor and Ashira's body. When everyone has climbed aboard Hegna starts the carriage out as fast as it will move with the damage it has acquired.

After approximately 2 hours you can see the main gates to Plateau City. As you approach the city guards at the gates call out "Halt!"

Hegna stops the carriage then one of the guards comes over and asks "Who are you? Why are you using undead horses? What is your business in Plateau City?"

Ashira's spirit 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 8:44:41 AM

Not wanting to draw too much attention to the group, Ashira hovers high in the air above the group. Since she can, she also scouts out the area for the Wildcards, making sure that there are no ambushes waiting up ahead for her family.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 12:45:13 PM

Jager is somewhat disappointed that he is not instructed to kill the prisoner and even more so when the emperor suggest that he let him go.

Jager will untie the assassin feet but not his hands and will strip him of any gear, specifically any magic pointed out by Captain Rigging. Jager will then kick him in the hindquarters and send him on his way (no weapon).

Before leaving Jager will help gather up the gear from all of the foes of the wildcards for later inspection.

Jager will jog along side the reamimated horses intrigued by Redux's magic.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 6:29:04 PM

Redux, who's been up on the driver's seat, stands up to address the guards with his hands out and his palms up. "Gentlemen, these are of my creation to expedite our haste away form the scene of a battle. A group of mercenaries and mages were in hiding in wait for the blood of two of the members of our party. Thankfully, we were able to hurt them into retreat, but not before one of our own had fallen. In the battle, an attempt was made to destroy our carriage by fire. If it were not for my humble magic, we would be still on the road walking, instead of finishing a two hour travel by carriage." Redux sits, satisfied about his explanation then calls down for Rigging to come respond to the guard's challenge.

Valanthe HP 28 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 9:12:13 PM

Valanthe thanks Hegna and drinks down the healing potions. The magical wave that fills her body and eases her pain causes Val to sigh in relief.

ooc: please roll up the healing for me. I'm not sure the exact numbers on a potion of CMW

Thursday March 24th, 2005 9:22:04 PM

Rigging will listen to Redux's explanation and add, "We are visiting this fine city for some shopping, study and rest. Is there any special laws we should know about? Is there a fee or toll to enter your fine city. No worries, my companion will be glad to send these poor beasts back to their rest, now that we have reached our destination."

OOC Did Rigging detect any magic on the bodies of the fallen?

Friday March 25th, 2005 12:40:19 AM

Nezamil settles in on top of the carriage for the last several hours of the trip to Plateau City " will be good to be home and visit " muses the dwarf as they approach the gates to his hometown

" this meeting between all the powers to be ought to be intresting in itself just to see who else shows up "

Checking out the guards at the gate to the city Nezamil just waits patiently for entrance to the great city

Friday March 25th, 2005 12:43:17 AM

Tthe big warrior rides atop the carriage quietly contemplating the dream.

Bart casually obesrves the guards sensing that they're no danger to the group

OOC : Chris

Crowded and Busy Streets -- DM Dominic  (cmw potion val) 2d8(5+7)+3=15 2d8(2+7)+3=12
Friday March 25th, 2005 4:08:39 AM

The guard listens to your explanation about the horses then says "if you need to be getting anyone brought back you will want to go to the temple of Gargul in the Hindquarter. You will need to leave the carriage here with the undead horses as I can not allow them into the city." He then waves you into the city.

Val feels warmth spread throughout her body as she drinks down the two potions (heals 27.)

Nobody spots any form of threat to the group only a general threat to the animated horses.

You enter into Plateau City's Shanty town quarter.

As you enter into Plateau City you find that the road is packed with people moving about doing their daily routines.

The Jack looks to everyone then suggests that you quickly head to the temple of Gargul like the guard said.

The Emperor pulls his hood over his head covering his face some what.

Hegna tells Rigging "I will help you carry Ashira's body."

Treasure found on bodies:
Masterwork Scalemail
Warhammer (magical)
Halberd (magical)
Masterwork Banded Mail
Masterwork Chainmail
Heavy Flail (magical)
light steel shield (magical)
Ring (magical)
Studded Leather (magical)
arrows (16) (magical)
19 potions (magical)

Friday March 25th, 2005 6:06:11 PM

Jager is excited to see a new city, but not under the current circumstances, as he takes a look over his shoulder at Mrs. Ashira spirit, and smiles up at her.

Once inside the gate, Jager insists on helping escort Mrs. Ashira body to the temple in order to join body and spirit again. "Lets use my cloak to carry Mrs. Ashira, it will be easier and more dignified to the great lady."

Jager looks to Captain Rigging. "What of our charges?" glancing at the Emperor and the Jack. "Do they come with us or do we split the group? We must take care of Mrs. Ashira first."

Saturday March 26th, 2005 11:37:47 AM

Rigging will repy to the monk's question, "I think we all need to go to the temple. I think it might do the Emperor well to see the handiwork of other Gods.

Besides I want my wife alive and well and holding my hand as soon as possible. They will just have to wait."

Sunday March 27th, 2005 9:22:37 PM

The dwarf nods at Riggings wise words " i agree....we should head directly to the Temple of Gargul and see about the mistress of the Swords soul "

" I think we should stick together, theres safety in numbers " interjects the dwarf " plus its important for us to see that this meeting takes place for the sake of bringing peace to this area of the Wold "

"and not to mention finding out what in the wold is happening with the strage dream we've had "

Sunday March 27th, 2005 9:29:08 PM

The big warrior silenty nods his agreement with Cleric of Domi " wise words indeed " adds Bart

With a look at Ashira's still form "yes we should all go together, we'll be better off incase we get ambushed again "

The big warrior's gloved fist clenches and unclenches reflexively waiting to unleash the steel within as a smoldering spark glints in his eye.

Ooc : Chris

Sunday March 27th, 2005 9:52:43 PM

Redux protests with a "...but my horses...but..." He stops sputtering, clearly outnumbered in the decision to just leave his horses. He calls back to the guard, not wanting to be separated from the group, "You will keep them safe for me, right?" Bringing up the rear, Redux hustles and rejoins the group as they walk to the temple.

ooc: Redux could use some of the treasure to sell for his magic supplies, but its fine for him to get a smaller cut. He just has a 'borrowed' scroll of Animate Dead to replace. ;)

Monday March 28th, 2005 1:41:46 AM

Appolo climbs on to p of the Carriage for the ride to platue city.He then slam the potion down after thanking Hagna and sleeps during the ride.

Once they rach the city he follows behind the group silently watching as they move to Gargul's Temple.He is still in a bad mood.

Monday March 28th, 2005 7:03:36 AM

Ari climbs up onto the carriage for the rest of the ride. Ari doubts he'd be able to keep up with the carriage in his current condition. When they talk about going to the temple Ari pipes, "Let's get to the temple and restore our party, it seems obvious that someone is watching or waiting for us."

Valanthe 55hp 
Monday March 28th, 2005 7:53:15 AM

The magical healing helps a great deal but Val hopes for a week of peace and quiet so her body can mend. It's been a long time since she was this busted up but at least she's alive. Which is more than Ashira can say.

"It's a good start. We can regroup and clear our heads at the temple."

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