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Tales of interest (DM MikeK) 
Friday January 14th, 2005 9:47:01 AM

Angus and Wynn look about, and see a few dirty faces cautiously peeking out of now opening doors. They set about calming the locals while at the same time trying to learn if anyone knows the attackers.

The answer is a resounding yes.

"Sure I know 'em," one fellow snorts. "Been living here fer years. Terkal went off couple weeks ago to build that Perimon place. Said he was getting off this boat. Came back when the bugs ate it. Been kinda crazy ever since. Then, he the rest go nuts, screamin an killin an...by Alemi." The man shakes his head.

It turns out that every one of the crazies recently returned from the failed attempt to build Perimon.

Xenia and Lang (and Sunshine) set about tracking the green guys to see where they came from. The ranger and his pet don't get very far, though. All tracks lead to various doors on the street itself. It appears to Lang like the people didn't come from anywhere. They've been here all along.

Tionel and Syr tie up the unconscious men, ensuring they don't cause more harm.

Elvaran halts her troops at the sight of Florin, and mutely takes in his report.
"Somehow, I thought you'd be involved," she replies by way of greeting. Her eyes flick to Ajax. "Nice horse."

"Druids are a good idea." At her quick command, two Guardsmen break ranks and jog quickly back the way they came.
"As for healers," she throws her chin toward a child sized figure in white just now catching up to the tail end of the column. The halfling looks to the front and recognizes the figure on the horse. He's just as Janus described him.

"I don't even have to ask," Elvaran continues to Florin. "They just show up. He was sitting on the stoop of your place when we went by. Been following us ever since. Well, enough standing around. Let's go see your diseased attackers."

"MOVE OUT!" she bellows. And the troop heads off toward the recent fray.

[OOC -- Welcome JohnP and Belkior]

Belkior  d20+5=7 3d8(3+4+5)+6=18 2d8(8+1)+6=15 2d8(4+7)+6=17 d8+5=7 d8+5=8 d20+17=27
Friday January 14th, 2005 12:27:27 PM

Belkior comes to a stop by Florin, breathing heavily from the effort of keeping up with the long-legged Guard. The halfling quickly surveys the scene, seeing the dead and injured lying on the ground and the walking wounded of the party. At first glance he doesn't notice anything unusual about most of the injured (Spot = 7). He thinks to himself, "There is definite need here for the healing that Alemi provides."

"You must be Florin Jadenth, Janus described you to me. I am Belkior Orvisson, a simple Healer of Alemi and student of Janus. Maybe she has mentioned you to me?", Belkior asks.

Glancing at Florin quickly, Belkior determines that the human paladin has been injured. Examining Florin's wounds, Belkior states "That looks like some rather nasty wounds there. Were they caused by these fellows laying about?" While he speaks, the halfling's hands glow with a soft white light while he pauses and mutters a quick prayer. (Cure Serious Wounds - 18 hp).

Moving over to the elf warrior, Belkior continues, "I've been studying with Janus and she suggested that I return to the field, to use my skills and abilities for the good of the city." Again, the halfling pauses and mutters a quick prayer. (Cure Moderate Wounds for Syr - 15 hps).

The halfling then moves to the human ranger. "I haven't been adventuring much lately," Belkior continues as he examines the wound. "If these were caused by human scratches or bites, there's a chance of infection afterwards. I should continue to check all of you." Again, a prayer and the glowing warmth flows into Lang. (Cure Moderate Wounds - 17 hp).

Finally, Belkior moves to the half-elf. "Hmm, more of the same. All of you have taken several bumps and bruises, haven't you?". The halfling considers the wounds on Wynn and twice the half-elf feels a small surge of warmth. (Cure Light Wounds twice - 7 + 8 = 15 hp)

(OOC - I think that is everyone that is injured. If I've missed someone or thing, Belkior will continue to heal.)

After healing the party, Belkior turns to the injured lying on the ground. He examines one of the dead quite closely, (Heal check = 27).

Spells memorized and remaining
Level 0 (
Level 1 (Bless (x2), Sanctuary + Cure Light Wounds)
Level 2 (Hold Person + Aid)
Level 3 (Prayer + Magic Circle Against Evil)

Wynn Brightsong  d20+6=25
Friday January 14th, 2005 7:19:36 PM

Wynn recognizes Captain Elvaran as she enters the street and and calls out to her, "My dear Captain, I see we may be of service to you yet again." He accompanies his words with a smile and a bow before continuing [Diplomacy=25]. "We have determined that these men are all from this part of the City, but recently returned from Perimon. They may have been infected by a disease while there. Perhaps the druids will be able to tell us more. In the meantime, how might we assist you?"

The bard relaxes as the soothing effects of Alemi's gift wash over him. "Thank you, Belkior. I am Wynn Brightsong of the Crimson Shields."

Angus Mage Armor 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 6:38:16 AM

Angus marvels at the healing gifts of the halfling. "Nice job little guy. You are quite handy. We could have used you in this scrap just a few moments ago." Angus finishes with mirth in his voice.

Angus walks over to the halfling and bends over his very tall, but very thin frame and extends his hand to the new comer. " I am Angus Deminof also of the Crimson Shields. What kind of field work do Janus and Alemi have in store for you? Does Alemi have any in at the local laundry and I will have to get my cloak cleaned after this debacle" Angus shows Belkior the small smug of dirt on the bright and colorful cloak he is wearing.

Saturday January 15th, 2005 11:08:57 AM

Whew. Xenia follows Lang out to several doorsteps before giving a sigh of relief.

"Well, at least we can kinda figure it's not something they got down here, huh?" she says to the ranger.

Uh oh ... Xenia's deeply ingrained reaction at seeing "The Guard."

"Um, Ferdol," the girl rogue says, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, "if you wanna stick around and talk to The Guard, I'm sure they'd, you know, appreciate it. But, ah, if you're like me, you'd just rather not be around when they are, you know what I mean? Lest they get to know your face, huh?"

"I gotta stay. But, if you wanna, you know, like, fade, you go ahead." She presses a gold coin into the boy's hand, her dark hand against his, pale from the dark of the Trash Level. "Either way, you were very brave. You didn't run. I'm proud to've worked with you. You spend this good, huh? Maybe we can work together some other time."

Her eyes take one last look at the other boy. Barkal. Battered to death. Then she puts on a professional face for the guards that come streaming up the alley.

Dark of skin and darkly clad, her slim shape makes it's way casually back in the only sensible way, through the shadows of a convenient wall. Her ponytail of bound red curls sways slowly to her movement. And her green eyes take in the scene of increasing order through the lenses perched upon the bridge of her nose.

"Hi!" she waves to the butch Guard Captain, and she smiles a smile that's always somewhat overly self-conscious in the presence of The Guard. Pulling up at Wynn's shoulder, she peers around at the white clad cleric. The rogue pictures in her mind the tall tall Janus with her halfling student. "We just saw Janus," is all she says though. "She's nice."

Gotta remember to go up to Gold and make a donation. she thinks.

"Oh, pleased to meet cha," she waves a gray gloved hand again, this time in the direction of the little cleric. "Alexandria Merryman Next," she adds by way of introduction. "But call me Xenia."

A halfling! They're so cute.

Tionel  d20+2=11
Saturday January 15th, 2005 12:36:09 PM

Looking over the bodies, Tionel straightens himself up when the guard shows up. He approaches them, hands raised to show they're holding nothing, then greets them with a sad nod towards the fellows. He watches the halfling bustle about skillfully mending wounds and shakes his head in dismay at his own ineptitude with such techniques. When the halfling introduces himself and the others begin introductions, Tionel chimes in, "Most people just call me Tionel."
Tionel begins to do the questioning thing, asking anybody if they saw what triggered the event. (Gather info 11)

Florin Jadenth-HP:48/52 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 3:39:43 PM

Florin smiles and nods as he looks to Elvaran, "True, we do our best to keep the city lively."

Florin nods again and pats Ajax's neck, "Yes, he is a great horse. You have yet to except my offer of a drink and meal m'lady. If you except like maybe tonight I will allow you a better look at Ajax here." Florin smiles to her before dismounting and mocing to his friends, leading Ajax.

Florin looks to Belkior and nods to the halfling, "Greetings Belkior, it is nice to meet you. The healing is very useful also and my gratitude." Florin leans down and holds out his hand, "My name is Florin Jadenth, also a member of the Crimson Shield of Hope and currently the leader."

Florin looks to the others and speaks up mainly to Xenia, "The child you had help should be checkout just incase. We do not want him to be infected and turned loose." Florin looks to the others and whispers, "This is part of why I didn't want to involve other people, we risk spreading the disease to others since we have no idea how it can be spread."

Syr (hp 52/57) 
Sunday January 16th, 2005 11:38:53 PM

The elf feels the healing touch and brightens, "Belkior you say? Your aid and your touch are most welcome! My name is Syr." His ponytail bobs up and down with his firm handshake as he smiles at someone shorter than him. "You say you have experience in adventuring? Do you by chance have any immediate plans?"

Lang AC 20 HP 46/46 
Sunday January 16th, 2005 11:46:58 PM

Lang nods in agreement at Xenia's comment on how these guys became infected. Hopefully these guys were all that were infected and that it is not contagious.

"Xenia, isn't it strange that these men became infected, start to do things that are probably against their morals, but yet, they do not attack each other and actually work as a group. Quite perplexing."

Lang heads back with Xenia when the guard shows up. He stands quietly as Belkior heals him, listening to all that the captain may have to say.

"Thank you Belkior for the healing. Normal infection is not what I am worried about right now."

Investigations (DM MikeK) 
Monday January 17th, 2005 8:28:48 AM

Belkior arrives, heals up various party members, and investigates the condition of the infected men. The halfling notes their skin has taken on a light green hue, while the "whites" of the eye is now dark green. Some of the infected fellows have been opened up quite nicely (for medical purposes), and the halfling hovers for some time over one that Lang took apart with those swords. The healer is positive the victim contracted some type of strange virus. Most disconcerting is the man's brain is interlaced with root-like tendrils, almost as if a plant was growing in his head. The internal pressures generated from such an infection would almost surely drive the victim mad.

Wynn makes nice with Cpt Elvaran. The Guardsman can't help but release a slight smile at the bard's charm. Her eyes slip over to Xenia, and she leans in close next to Wynn's ear. "I'd love to discuss it, but I believe your services are spoken for," she whispers. Half smile never leaving her face, she turns back to her troop.
"Quarantine the area. Nobody in or out."

Thanks to Xenia's quick thinking, however, Federol (with gold coin in hand) has already made himself scarce.

Cpt Evaran is still sporting her half smile as nods to Florin.
"I accept your invitation, good paladin of Domi."

The area is quickly cordoned off. Soon enough, several druids appear, all brandishing the emblem of the Guard. None appear to be from the Circle of the Alder. With them are a couple more clerics. One uses a wand on one of the unconscious victims, and is quite upset when nothing seems to happen. One tries to leave, but Elvaran won't let her go. After a heated discussion, the Captain waves over another Guardsmen who breaks out a set of signal flags and flashes some signs down the small alley. A set of flags on the other end wave back. It seems to satisfy the cleric.

Questioning of the neighbors continues. The men are all locals. Some have lived on this road all their lives. All went to Perimon, and all came back a few days ago with the story that giant beetles had eaten the wooden walls and buildings of the town. All were uncommonly agitated upon their return, but it was dismissed as shock from the events. Nothing really triggered the massacre. They just suddenly, and quite independently, erupted from their homes and beat on anybody who had not been to Perimon.

Meanwhile the druids circle up with the clerics to discuss what they're looking at. Any of the party can join without challenge. The group is of the opinion that the men are infected with an especially potent disease contracted during their stay at Perimon. The worrisome part is they can't find an obvious carrier. Some quick inspections of the neighbors shows no sign of infection. News which worries the healers.

Angus Mage Armor  d20+7=9
Monday January 17th, 2005 9:20:36 AM

Angus will work his way over to the cirle of druids and clerics and attempt to get their attention by bringing up the incident at the Giggling Ghost as a possible second outbreak. Angus will attempt to get names and affiliations of the Druids and Clerics, concentrating on the Druids. Angus is very interested in what the Druids relationship is with the Alder Druids that he and his friends have had so much contact with recently. Angus also want the healers opinion on how people can contract a disease that grows in their brain and what can be done once the disease takes hold????(Gather information 9: not Angus's best effort as he still seems to be worrying about the smug on his new cloak)

Belkior  d20+5=22 d20=2
Monday January 17th, 2005 9:50:02 AM

Belkior responds to Syr (?), "I used to be with the militia in Crescent Valley and some of us would make short expeditions from the valley. I have been too busy with my studies here in the city for any adventure, but Janus has suggested that I practice my skills. Would your group welcome a healer?"

Belkior also moves over to the group of druids and clerics discussing the disease. Belkior will provide his insights form examination of the victim, and his examination of these victims. He also contributes what he knows of human physiology and posisble responses to the growth of the plant tendrils (Knowledge: Physiology = 22).

Belkior is interested in the fellow clerics, specifically their names and what temples they serve. He asks the cleric who used the wand what he was trying to accomplish. (Gather Information = 2)

(OOC = no character sheet at work, so I'll get back later with what modifers, if any, apply to the roll).

Oh, and Belkior will ask whether the quarantine applies to himself and the party.

Monday January 17th, 2005 11:30:39 AM

Xenia bristles a bit from behind Wynn's shoulder as The Captain gives him the eye. But, then, what the hey. She shrugs it off. Yeah, Wynn's the best. And other folks see it too. hehe

She wanders over to the circle of cleric guys and druid guys. The rogue's dark lips are pursed together as she mulls Lang's question. Inside her head she chases along the path of facts in the same way she would trace a trap from the trigger to the trap itself.

"We, um, saw some other guys who were kind of green too," she says, kind of half to herself and half to the cleric-druid guys. "It was ... um, well, it was someplace. And the guys that came down to look at them said they had the same green stuff inside their heads. Said it wasn't contagious."

"These guys, you said, were messing around in the Crying Woods too, right?" She directs the question at the rest of the guys. "But, then again, didn't you say they were fighting each other or sum'in?" This she directs at Lang. "And these Greenies here, you're right, Lang. I didn't see any of them hitting each other."

"So, maybe it's a different thing. Or ... maybe it's the same thing, but different parts of the same thing. Like, maybe it makes Greenies fight each other for a while, and then after that, you know, like, after it gets control of them, it makes them work together."

"And," the rogue begins pacing, as though hot on the trail of some invisible quarry. Her voice builds as she nears her conclusion. "If it is the same thing, the green thing that got those adventuring guys and the green thing that took over these folks. If they are the same thing, then whatever it is that's doing this, is probs out there in the Crying Woods."

She looks up at the others for confirmation, eyes bright with the chase. "Right?"

Wynn Brightsong  d20+2=14
Monday January 17th, 2005 6:10:13 PM

Wynn has a careful inspection of the victims, including the one eviscerated by Lang before joining the others in discussion with the druids and clerics.

He first tries to discern from the conversation what relations these druids might have with the Alder Circle, directly asking the question if necessary. He then tries to understand the significance of the failed healing spell from the wand, pulling aside the cleric who used the wand specifically [gather information =14].

Finally, as long as the bard is satisfied that the druids and clerics are not opposed to the Alder Circle he will express another idea, "Perhaps the onset of the disease is tied to the disappearance of the white flowers. Both outbreaks of this madness have occurred very recently, about the same time as the flowers were destroyed. Is there a chance they served as an antidote?"

Florin Jadenth 
Monday January 17th, 2005 10:03:10 PM

Florin looks to the others and can't help but smile when captain Evaran accepts his offer of the drink later he smiles and whispers a quick comment to her before going to buisness at hand, "I will meet you at the GG tonight then m'lady inless you have a prefered place."

Florin looks to the others but lets the more knowledgable go about checking the dead men and such. He does stand in on the talks and looks to Xenia when she speaks up and thinks over abit before talking to her, "I say later at a very soon date we go over and look over the area where the bugs attacked and go from there."

Florin looks to the group and speaks up, "I will tell Jella in the morning that the Shield's are going across to the shore and checking out somethings. So tomorrow we should make our way over to check things out before anything of interest or mainly clues are gone farther then they might already be."

Florin thinks abit and nods, "We should head back if everyone is ready also. We all should enjoy the rest of the night since it looks like things may get abit hectic the next few days and nice hot food and warm beds are going to be harder to find."

Lang AC 20 HP 46/46 
Monday January 17th, 2005 10:05:17 PM

Lang hunkers down next to Sunshine and listens to the conversations around him. He remains silent unless spoken to and will answer any question as truthfully as he can.

He also thinks on what Xenia said about the differences between these guys and the group at the giggling ghost.

Monday January 17th, 2005 10:21:58 PM

Syr's eyes open wide, "Crescent Valley Militia? I've only been to the shores of this lake. You sure travel alot." Calling over his shoulder, "Hey Flo, do we have use for this healing halfling?" The elf rubs his wounded shoulder for emphasis, "He's got my vote!"

Syr raises an eyebrow when Florin gets a date with the Captain when days earlier another member of the group was rejected. Rather than painfully pointing that out he chooses to change subjects instead. Moving up to Florin and whispering, "You know, with all these different temples, druids, and guards involved, we should try to get some sort of legitimate sponsorship to check out this ruined Perimon?"

Tionel  d20+10=27
Monday January 17th, 2005 11:58:11 PM

Tionel wanders over to the discussion with his typical interest in conversation. When they are considering what sort of thing this may be, he pipes up, adding to Xenia's words,
"This is the second time where recently we've seen a weird disease caused by people returning to the Float. Perhaps we should examine other recent returnees, including fishermen and the like? Also, if we're looking for a source, we might be advised to talk to the captains of the boats, or even to go out and investigate the town.
"My friends and I were interested in an excursion towards that area as it was...certain events had already triggered that. Perhaps we can get out of your hair, since we do seem to be tripping in your way of late, and do you a favor as well, captain? I mean, we'd have to discuss it more, but I'm sure my group wouldn't mind going into that area, perhaps accompanied by an Alemite or someone more familiar with diseases so that we can find a root cause for this catastrophe and thus discern a remedy?"
The elf tries to speak softly and gracefully, not intruding into the conversation abruptly but instead just adding his two copper worth.

Some Answers (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 10:35:30 AM

Belkior asks whether the quarantine applies to the party. The Guard Captain looks at him and replies "Definitely. NOBODY leaves until I'm sure we're not infected."

The halfling joins Angus and Wynn with the circle of conferring druids and clerics. The three clerics apparently serve Gargul, Alemi, and Domi respectively, although all also sport the insignia of the Guard. So do the to druids, and Angus determines they're not associated with any group, although both have heard of, and in general agree with, the view of the Alders.

The cleric of Domi with the wand is named Mordeth.
"The wand is supposed to remove disease," he replies to the bard's question. "And if that's not a disease, what is it?" He sighs. "We sent for my Captain. Let's see what he says."

Despite the inability of the wand to cure the unconscious man, the conferring healers (with supporting evidence from The Shields) are of the opinion that it is a disease, it comes from the Woods, and that it is not contracted from exposure to an infected person.
"Otherwise, this whole street would be infected," Mordeth points out. As to Wynn's question about whether the white flowers may be an antidote to the disease, they can only speculate, and not very well at that.

In time, another cleric of Alemi, a Guard Captain, enters the road. He listens to the group, thinks for a moment, walks over to an unconscious man, and casts a spell. The green hue disappears from the man, much to the relief of the gathered healers. The Captain, however, makes a sour face.
"It's a disease, all right. But its resistant. We'll need healers of my power or better to cure them, and of course these wands are made by priests as soon as they're granted the capability." He snorts. "Cheaper that way. Well, this'll keep the Shepherds busy."

He walks up to Elvaran, where Florin and Lang await.
"Everyone's free to leave. Take those four to the Temple of Alemi and request the aid of Janus. The standard healer won't do. Burn the dead, right here, right now. I want nothing growing around inside them that'll turn up later."

Elvaran gives a quick "Yes, sir" and gets her people to work.

The party is free to go.

Angus Mage Armor 
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 10:49:14 AM

Angus is happy to leave and says mostly to himself. " Time for a bath and rest."

Angus attempts to gather up his friends and motions for Belkior to join them. "How about we get cleaned up and go see the Circle of the Alder for their input about this disease and maybe we can get their assistance to investigate Perimon. I do not believe they were thrilled with the idea of the city in the first place."

Angus looks to Florin "If that is alright with you. I do not know how far away Perimon is and do not know how much time you wish to spend away from Jella."

Angus then turns to Xenia and exclaims excitedly "Maybe we can see Max again and go for a ride."

Angus starts to rub filth off his cloak again after his brush with the alley wall.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 12:21:31 PM

Xenia laughs. "I'd love to see Max again. But I don't know how we'd tell one bug from another, you know."

"About this Perimon guy, though. I was talking to Happy about him the other day. Happy says this guy lives up on Open Level somewhere. I mean, all the way on Open. And, the place they were building out there, well Happy says there's some rumor of a lost city somewhere. A lost city built entirely of gold. Maybe the two are connected."

Xenia watches the Guard Captain of Alemi wandering off. "Wonder how high you have to be before you can cure that stuff?"

Poor Barkal, she thinks before following the rest of the guys out of the Trash Level.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 9:05:31 PM

Belkior turns to Angus and Wynn, "I will follow the Guards to the Temple and provide whatever assistance that I can. I might gain some information that is useful."

Before he hustles off, Belkior stops and turns to his recent acquaintances. "If I learn anything that may help with discovering the source of this disease, I will try to catch up with you at the Circle of the Alder. If I don't find you there, I will look for you at the Giggling Ghost, I believe it's called. Oh, and you really should ensure that your armor is still okay after a fight like that. I can look at it for you, if you like."

Since the Guards hauling the bodies of the victims has moved off somewhat, Belkior hustles to catch up.

They seem like good people. I will ask Janus more about them, since they seem to know her. And I must learn more about this disease, especially whether I am capable of curing it.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 10:45:27 PM

Lang joins the rest of the group as they make there way back to the apartment.

"I agree Angus. I could go for a good cleaning for myself and for my clothes. I want to wash all of this battle off of me as soon as possible."

"How are we going to protect ourselves from this disease? That is if we end up going to check out this town that was being built."

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 11:12:47 PM

Syr gives a dismissive glance to the bodies, "Protect? I'm not sure we need protection, as long as we are careful that is. Maybe that halfling, Belkior, will learn the signs of the disease and the curing process to help us?" Impatient to be off, "All signs seem to be pointing us toward a visit back to the woods. What's the holdup?"

Florin Jadenth 
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 11:24:52 PM

Florin smiles and looks to Belkior, "He'll most deffinetly be of help. The more the better in my opinion. Anyway, he looks quite capable and Janus I highly doubt would send someone to meet us that wasn't worth his weight in gold."

Florin nods as he listens to everything and once the group is dismissed he quickly speaks to Elvaran, "I'll look for you tonight at the GG m'lady, if I can be of any assistance before that then do let me know." Florin gives and bow to the lady before going off to his companions.

Florin thinks as he walks along with them, "Yes, a quick stop at the apartment with your guys and then we should see the druids."

Florin gives Syr and gentle push, "Another adventuer into the woods. We'll head off in the morning if nothing delays us. I think one night to prepare, have one last rest in a bed and all will do us all good before setting out." Florin whispers after that mainly to Syr, "Plus I will need some time to talk to Jella and Mort about the next few days that I'll be gone to help defend the city moreless since we are hoping to get rid of this green plant people disease."

Florin also does his best to hide a grin since he can't wait to see what the group says about the things he has waiting for them at the apartment.

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 12:34:59 AM

Standing beside Xenia, Wynn watches the little cleric waddle off after the guards. "He seems the steady sort. It would be good if he could join us on our next adventure," says the bard. Then, he adds in a conspiratorial tone, his lips close to Xenia's ear, "maybe The Lost City of Gold?"

The half-elf nods agreement when Angus suggests a trip to see the Circle of the Alder, and nods again, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiles widely, when Florin suggests they head off the next morning.

"I'm for a bath and some food. Care to join me Miss Next?" The bard offers his arm to the rogue, and leaves it to her to speculate about which activity he means to have her company.

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 1:00:42 AM

"Well, I don't know about all of you, but once we get out of this, I plan on going back and taking a nice long bath. Then a few ales..then we'll go have a nice chat with some of the druids or something." Tionel pats Angus on the back, "Good job back there...I think we all did a good job, right guys?"

Surprises (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 8:31:29 AM

Belkior hurries after the contingent of Guards carrying the four unconscious men to the Temple of Alemi. The Guards hurry, obviously wishing to be free of their burdens as quickly as possible. None of them say much during the trip.

At the Temple, Janus meets them and directs that the four be placed in a side room. She gives the halfling a warm greeting, bids him stay, and sets to work. First, she also attempts using a standard Wand of Remove Disease, getting the same negative results as the Guard's healer. Next, she almost negligently casts the spell herself, instantly curing one of the men.
"Have you prepared Remove Disease today, dear Belkior?" she asks.
Learning he does not, the Paragon calls in various healers of varying experience and asks each to try the spell. At the end, the cutoff appears to be right around where the halfling is (Caster Level 7).


Cpt Elvaran gives Florin a businesslike nod as she marches off.
"The Giggling Ghost then."

The group trudges back to the apartments for some refreshments and a very much needed bath. Once there, a surprise awaits each person. Upon each bed lies a gift, sender unknown:

Xenia - An ash(white or ivory colored) carving of a angel.

Tionel - A walnut(dark colored wood) carving of a bear.

Angus - A masterwork flute with a nice velvet lined case and locking brass clasp.

Wynn - Leather bound blank book, 100 pages, with ink pen.

Syr - An oak carving of Domi in his wrestler form.

Lang - A oak carving of a eagle taking flight.

Additionally, upon the table in the entry room are three gold rings, two large and one child sized. All bear the coat of arms of House Jandeth, embossed in silver and diamonds. A handwritten note accompanies the rings:

For my dear son, granddaughter, and manservant. Wear these well, for the honor and glory of House Jandeth.


Angus  d20+9=12 d20+8=9 d20+8=16 d20+9=26 d20+5=25
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 9:27:10 AM

Angus is excited to see the new flute and immediately takes it out and inspects it. "Wonderful" Is all Angus says for a few moments.

"I wonder who left this for me." Angus muses and then he begins to play first the new flute (perform 12) and then his silver flute (perform 9)and is not satisfied by his attempts. "I need a bath and rest before trying again." As Angus sets his two flutes down and gets cleaned up.

Angus is in a much better mood after his bath and the cleaning of his new cloak and trys the flutes again. This time he starts with his silver flute (perform 16). "Much better, it is amazing what the right attitude can do for my playing." Angus picks up the new flute and plays an exceptional tune (perform 26). "That is more like it" Angus exclaims with deep satisfaction. "A marvelous gift. Ok who made my day?"

After playing with the new flute Angus suggests "Everyone ready to head over to the circle of the Alder now? I think we all have questions for them. Does anyone know anything more about this Perimon character?" (Knowledge local: untrained 25, nat 20) As Angus attempts to recall anything about Perimon from his stay on the big float.

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:46:14 AM

"I would follow you anywhere, Handsome Man," Xenia grins, linking arms with the bard. She lifts up on tip-toes before they move off together. "Gold." hehe she whispers into the shell of his ear.

Back at the apartments the girl rogue pops into her room to toss her haversack. There, cradled in its own small depression in the duvet is a small white object. huh? The rogue lifts the pale wooden carving in her gray gloved hand. Her eyes run over the tiny details that fill the small carving. The fingers on the two hands, clasped together. The face, so delicate, eyes closed in an expression of bliss.

The embodiment of suppressed joy, Xenia skips out of her room and down the hall to Wynn. Throwing an arm around his neck she kisses him soundly. "Thank you, Handsome Mister Brightsong. It's beautiful." And she holds the carving up in the palm of her hand.

Belkior  d20+17=28
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 1:14:41 PM

"Mistress, it seems that removing this disease from the affected is beyond my capability at present." Belkior pauses to gauge the reaction of his mentor.

Belkior goes over to one of the wounded who have now been healed. "I know a little about the disease, having seen the corpses of some others affected. Can you tell me anything more about what might cause it, or how to treat it?"

While speaking, Belkior tends to the wounded and now cured - tucking in sheets, placing arms in more comfortable positions, checking for fever. I know I'm being a fuss-budget, but I can't help it. While doing so, Belkior takes the time to determine if the people have suffered any lasting effect. (Heal = 28)

The thought strikes the halfling and he turns back to his mentor. "Mistress, even though these people have been cured, will there be lasting effects? I saw how the tendrils had grown inside the cranium and affected behaviour. Will there be lasting damage to their intellect?"

Lang & Sunshine  d20=12
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 9:48:58 PM

Lang is glad to be back at the apartment. The killing of these men does not sit well with him. Grabbing some food, water and a brush, Lang goes out into the garden with Sunshine. While Sunshine eats and drinks, Lang will thoroughly brush his coat and try to put the battle into the past.

Once he is finished, Lang will go inside and clean himself and his equipment. Once in his room he finds the eagle carving and admires its detail and skill, all the while wondering where it came from.

Heading downstairs to tell everyone about the carving, before he can say anything he sees and hears each of the other members in the group commenting on their own finds in their rooms.

Sitting down on a couch he listens to Angus compare his two flutes. When Angus poses his question about Perimon, he also tries to remember what he know about the fellow (knowledge local 12; untrained)

"I am ready to fo see the Circle".

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:11:38 PM

Wynn looks up from where he is sitting on the side of his bed when Xenia comes bursting into his room. There is a fine leather bound book in his lap. Looking a little sheepish after accepting the welcomed exhuberence of the rogue, he pulls her down to sit beside him on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry, to disappoint you, but I can not claim responsibility." Holding up the book, Wynn looks quizzically at the half-drow and asks "an anonymous patron?"

There is a sudden flash of white teeth from a quick smile, as the bard takes Xenia's treasure from her, and places it along with the leather bound book, and pen, on a nearby desk. A swift kick with a booted foot sends the door slamming shut, and the half-elf moves in on his companion mumbling,"the baths can wait."


His back to the rogue, Wynn fills a plain sack with a few necessities. "Bath-house, Circle of the Alder, Giggling Ghost, pack for trip," he lists aloud. "You think there will be enough time to pick up some items at the Catacombs?" he asks, turning to face Xenia.

Thursday January 20th, 2005 12:46:09 AM

"A bear!" Tionel grabs it and holds it up high, proudly. He shows it to the others, and when they display their own gifts, he cheerfully has his wooden bear munch on the eagle, wrestle with the Domi, and roll around the Angel, enthusiastically adding sound effects. Afterwards, he goes to take a bath, and then lounges around the garden humming that little tune Angus was playing on.

Florin Jadenth  d20+3=8
Thursday January 20th, 2005 1:35:50 AM

Florin picksup the rings on the tabe and looks each one over before sighing gently and then just pockets them for the momemy and turns back to see his friends.

Florin chuckles when he sees the various reactions and when a comment from Angus comes up on who the gifts our from Florin does his best to look innocent (untrained Bluff:8, wow, poor bluffer), "Maybe the sender wil reveal his or herself later."

Florin glances up when Xenia goes running to Wynn's room with the angel and almost laughs but holds it back before he turns and moves to the door, "I'm heading home to have a bath and will meet you at the druids house." Florin turns quickly after thinking and once again removes the rings, "Ohh Angus you happen to have that detect magic spell handy?"

Florin's main plans at the moment is now heading back to his rented house to wash and check on Jella and Mort, giving the two their ring and then meeting the others at the druid's house. He figures with his poor bluff on who gave the gifts that the cat is surely out of the bag.

Back to Alder House 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 8:48:16 AM

The various members of The Crimson Shields fall upon their gifts with glee. Any who look at Florin and make a Sense Motive check DC8 will note the paladin is insufferably pleased with himself.

Florin takes the rings off the table with much less enthusiasm.
[Though a Detect Magic spell will reveal they are not magical]

Angus and Lang try to remember what they've heard about the noble Perimon. The sorcerer recalls he is part of the Overlord's counselors, and is considered 'new' rich (he made his own money). He is an aggressive risk taker, and confident to the point of arrogance (he named the town after himself after all).

The group splits up for baths and meals and personal errands.


Belkior's mistress shakes her head. "I've not seen this disease before," she admits, "so I can only guess. I'd say the contaminant is inhaled or ingested, and must originate from the jungle. One cure we've established, although if many catch the disease, our healers with the requisite power may be overwhelmed."

"As to the lasting effects..." She sighs. "Again, I do not know. But the point is a good one, Belkior. And we will monitor these four to find out."

The halfling healer leaves to join his new found companions.


Eventually, everyone joins back up at the Alder House. Tarketh is there to meet them.
"You're back? Fantastic! Really, that's just fine! Come in! Come in!"

The druid escorts the group to the side room and bids everyone take a seat. Tea and cakes are served.
Tarketh gazes at Tionel like a kid on Christmas morning. "Did it work?" he asks eagerly. "Are the flowers gone?"

Angus  d20+2=13
Thursday January 20th, 2005 9:17:42 AM

Angus was not paying a great deal of attention to the others as he was playing with his flutes, but suspects that the gifts came from Florin (sense motive 13) and reminds himself to give him a surprise thank you later and see.

As the group walks to the Circle of the Alder Angus suggests. " We should stop by and see that halfling healer, Belkior, and see what he found out. Belkior may have questions for the Alder also."

Just before entering the Circle Angus adds to the group. " We may want to purchase a remove disease or two if we are planning on going into the forest again."

When Tarketh asks his question of Tionel Angus answers. "The flowers are gone, but in there place are roving bands of plant zombies! We were forced to kill 11 of them and brought 4 for the temple of Alemi for curing. It appears that a plant took up residence in the zombies brains, not fun." Angus takes a moment to catch his breath before continuing.

"What can you tell us about Perimon city and any association that the Circle of Alder may have with it? The disease seems to originate in the forest as all of those infected were recently in Perimon's city. Any thoughts?" Angus finishes forcefully.

Xenia  d20+2=5 d20+1=2
Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:28:55 AM

Xenia sighs and looks up from the bed. "Mmmm? Yeah. Bath, Circle of Alder, The Ghost. I'm packed already. And, yeah," the dark rogue pops up and begins throwing on clothes. "Lets take a trip to The Catacombs. I need to resupply."

On the way back down, Xenia pops back into her room for her haversack. She tips her head to one side as she places the carving gently on a shelf. Where is it that this thing could have come from? Coming down with Wynn on the way to the baths she looks at each of the guys in turn, especially Florin. (Sense Motive 5) Last time everybody got something like this, it was Florin what did it. Except, this time he got something too ...

She continues to puzzle over it at various times during the day.


Later at Alder House, Xenia presents the sample of green stuff left by the mysterious white flowers.

"Dunno if this is dangerous or not," she says to the Tarketh, who reminds her a lot of Tionel for some reason, "but there must be piles of it down there. Probs better to check it out, you know," she says with a very earnest face. "I mean, kids could play in it or something."

"Um, yeah," Xenia echoes Angus' question, "can you tell us what might be out there? I mean, you must send guys like us in to the Crying Woods a lot to check things out." Xenia is thinking furiously from the look on her face. "Maybe this isn't just something natural. Maybe those guys out there got attacked. Could be there's maybe another city out there, you know. A city that maybe got Lost. Something nobody knows about yet, huh?" She flashes a wink at Wynn. (Bluff 2 - Nat 1)

Belkior  d20+1=14
Thursday January 20th, 2005 3:19:48 PM

Belkior turns to his mentor, "Thank you, Paragon Janus. May the grace of Alemi travel with you."

With that, the halfling cleric checks his armor, clothing and equipment to ensure that he is properly attired and sets out for the druidic Alder House. Hustling down the street, he thinks to himself, "Now, which way is the best way to get there from here? The Floating City has so many good and bad ways to get there from here."
(Untrained Knowledge: Local = 14)

After making a few twists and turns in his route, mainly to avoid human sized stairs, the halfling finally arrives at Alder House. Belkior glances inside and sees his new met companions inside. It's apparent that he hasn't missed too much of the discussion.

"Excuse me, excuse me. Sorry to be late. I was at the Temple of Alemi, with the infected ones."

Belkior stops to take in the discussion for, while he knows quite a lot about healing and the human body, his knowledge of the area surrounding the city is very limited. This is all new to him.

Lang & Sunshine 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 8:55:50 PM

Lang nods in agreement as Angus explains what has transpired recently. He adds after Angus is done.

"The infected group at the Giggling Ghost acted strangely when we first met them in the bar and acted real crazy when they were killed. it was very chaotic. This group we met recently acted crazy as they attack people, but they did not attack each other and actually worked together."

Lang then looks to the others for anything else to be added.

Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:33:28 PM

Wynn leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, head bowed, listening to what is said. Without changing his position, the bard looks up, and asks, "could there be a link between the removal of the bowl from the temple, the disappearance of the white flowers, and this new disease?"

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:48:52 PM

Florin is happy with the small bath and is glad to see Mort and Jella are doing okay. Florin gives Mort and Jella the ring with his house crest on it and looks to both, "Well, they arrived so he we go. I had them checked for magic of any type and nothing so there safe." Florin kneels by Jella and hugs her tightly, "I have to talk to you alittle later darling. I got to meet my friends at the druid's house for now so Mort here will be watching you. I bet your not done with your lessons yet either."

Once Florin is done spending just abit of time with Jella and Mort to cetchup with what they been doing and just abit of chit chat, he heads out to the druids house. He smiles as he sees Belkior and moves over to give the man and nod in greetings, "Nice to see you again friend."

Florin listens to what is said by the druid and what his friends bring up and thinks to himself to see if there is anything that is being left out but can't think of anything.

Tionel  d20+10=14
Friday January 21st, 2005 2:18:15 AM

The dapper elf smiles at the other druid's question and is about to reply when the others cut in. He lets them have their say, taking a sample of the tea and then trying one of the little breads. "Lightly bitter, with a tang of something dark...fascinating.. Nutmeg, ginger, cinammon, molasses... Quite good." Perhaps he doesn't come off as suave as usual, with his little taste-show. (Diplomacy 14)
Looking to the other, enthusiasm fills his eyes. "No more flowers... it is as though they simply disappeared! All the people seem quite amazed and no more will suffer from their effects. It's excellent! Especially the little brown cracker crispies.
"So, I think what my friends are saying is... some malady has struck several people. Maybe one or two. And it seems connected with weird forest diseases. Though the Alemites can probably heal it, I think that it's disrupting the forces of the natural order. I mean, it makes people become ravenous attackers, without even the simple instincts and sense of regular animals.
"Some were explorers, going after hidden gold...others were failed settlers... In any case, it's the sort of thing that I think could threaten the stability of the area. Not to be serious or anything. This sort of investigation needs calm, rational sort of planning. Tea breaks help." *sip*

Tea with Tarketh (DM MikeK) 
Friday January 21st, 2005 10:55:11 AM

Tarketh physically pulls back from Angus as the sorcerer launches into a series of questions about "plant zombies". Clearly the druid wasn't prepared for an interrogation.

Xenia chimes in, and tries to hand the young man a bag full of goo.

And then Wynn tacks on his theory that the removal of the flowers is a cause of the malady.

Tarketh's slack jawed face flits from one hero to the next. Even Tionel's smoother entry into the business at hand is of little relief to the poor man. Hopelessly out of his element, he looks pleadingly to the manservant. The butler swoops in, takes the bag from Xenia, and asks politely "Shall I inquire after Master Keran, sir?"

Tarketh swallows and blinks a couple times. "Keran? Oh, Keran! Yes, yes. That would be lovely. Uh...ahem...would you be so good as to asking him if he could come down? Thank you." The butler nods and leaves.
Having successfully overcome this latest obstacle, Tarketh has some tea.

After several minutes, which Tarketh fills by being as busy eating as he possibly can, Keran enters the study, shoots the younger druid a sympathetic smile, plops into a chair, and fields questions with a friendly, easy going air.
"I hear you waylaid poor Tarketh", he remarks -- a twinkle in his grey eyes taking any heat out of the comment. "Let's see if I can do any better."

"The goop is just plant matter. Didn't seem dangerous, but we'll give it once over. I doubt that flowers and disease are related, but we'll check that out too.

We've heard of a few more cases of this disease, all coming from folks who've been in the Wood, and particularly Perimon last week. So that place seems a good starting point for anyone who'd be up to investigating it." Keran's face holds an open invitation for volunteers.

"The Circle of the Alder is opposed to the establishment town of Perimon, and, quite frankly, rejoices that it has been abandoned. But, we didn't do it. Nemochloria defends herself." He slams his hand down on the chair. "Which is EXACTLY why we opposed that blasted hovel in the first place!"

The man rubs greying temples, and takes a moment to regain his composure.

"Moving on. Yes, we've sent groups out. And yes, we've tried to talk to other groups who've gone out on their own after the..."
Keran pauses dramatically, bringing his palms up to emphasize his next words, which he delivers like an over-the-top campy tale teller...
"Lost City of Gold!"
The man gives Xenia a playful wink. Clearly, he doesn't believe the stories.

"Most seem to be using a large river a few days sail north of here as a starting point for their explorations. Easier to get deep into the interior, I'd imagine."

"Our position is this: Nemochloria has declared war on Floating City. The flowers and this new disease are just for starters. Its going to get worse. We want, no, we NEED people to go out into the Woods, discover its secrets, and bring back both the information and resources our city requires to defend itself."

"And while...someone...does that, we can work with the Shepherds to help with the victims of this war."

Keran sets down his cup, and looks at the group expectantly.

Friday January 21st, 2005 11:20:23 AM

"Excuse me," the halfling says. "I just realized in the excitement that I have missed my tea time. May I have a cup?"

Barely waiting for the butler to pour, Belkior assembles a towering plate of cookies and other dainties. Without meaning to, Belkior examines the trays and the teacup for cleanliness. After the butler pours, Belkior takes an appreciative sip.

"Ah, an excellent tea. I personally believe that drinking tea or similar boiled beverages is extremely beneficial for a person's digestion. Perhaps it's the slight stimulation provided by the tea, or maybe it's the quiet while you sit and converse with your comapnions. Either way, boiled water is preferable. That's why beer is so good for you, because it's boiled during making."

Pausing to nibble a cookie, the small cleric continues. "Excellent, excellent cookies. Ginger is also very good for the digestion, if I have to say so. And these ones seem to be made with oatmeal. Everyone, especially small people like myself, should ensure that they eat sufficient roughage." Belkior nows spreads some marmalade on a biscuit. "Marmalade is much better for you than jam. It's the citrus, you know. Would you like to know about the research conducted by the Temple of Alemi in the Taur islands? They have successfully treated scurvy with oranges. Amazing, isn't it?"

The halfling is oblivious to the fact that his companions and hosts have stopped paying attention. Still, if anyone pays any attention he will feel free, compelled even, to discuss proper nutrition with them. Seeing that Xenia has slackened a bit, Belkior speaks to her. "Now, not everyone needs to eat as much as a halfling mind you. We're small and have very high metabolisms. My mentor once mentioned that halfling's have the metabolism of a squirrel. And if you think on it, squirrels spend all their time thinking about food, just like most halflings. If we didn't have to work so hard climbing human-sized stairs and the like, we'd get too heavy which is bad. You, you're an acrobatic type so you need to keep your weight down, too. If you like, I can help design a daily nutrition plan to keep you in peak fighting form."

At this point, Belkior paused to take one of the few remaining biscuits. He happened to hear Keran. Unfortunately, he didn't hear all of Keran's statement, so he pipes up, "Certainly, certainly we'll work with you!".

Xenia  d20+3=7 d20+2=11
Friday January 21st, 2005 12:48:00 PM

"Um, yeah." Xenia watches the halfling as he works through the tea stuff. Frange, look at that huge mound of the cookies! She pours herself a cup of the tea for herself. No kaffe. But tea's not bad. The little cups are nice too. Delicte little handles. And so thin you can see light through them, adding luster to the gold trim around the edges. They got the good stuff up here on Gold. Nice stuff.

Tasting the tea, however, brings a whole different reaction. Very politely, she places the delicate cup back onto it's delicate saucer. She swallows the rest of the weird bitter tea without making a *peh* *peh* *peh* face. A cookie. A choco cookie should get rid of the taste.

No Um's and You-know's, alright? Xenia speaks up, trying not to wreck the impression she had set up with Keran before. (I mean he might give them more money!!!) "Excuse me, Keran," she begins, "do you think you might have a map of the area handy? I mean, it could help us get around out there. And, if we find some other stuff, we could add to the map, you know." Ouch. That wasn't so good. (Diplomacy 11)

"Um," she continues, "what's Nemochloria?" (Knowledge Local for both Nemochloria and The Shepards 7, bleh)

"Hey," she whispers to the new guy as a new thought comes to her, "do you cook?"

Friday January 21st, 2005 12:52:01 PM

Angus is glad to see Keran come down to speak with the group. Angus echoes "Nemochloria." When Keran speaks of it. When Keran is done speaking Angus pipes up again. "Thank you for seeing us Master Keran. Please explain to us lay folk what Nemochloria is? I am not sure I grasp your entire meaning and want to be educated on the subjuct. I am very curious why Nemochloria would declare war on a movng city?"

Angus waits patiently for Keran's answer and then asks a further question. "Besides gold, were there any other goals of the adventurers that you sent out into the woods? We may be interested in seeing the woods but are concerned about the rampant diseases we have witnessed. Can you lend us healing magics to prevent there occurance or a way to rid our bodies of them if we become infected? We can return the protection items upon our return to the Floating city."

Again Angus waits for Keran to answer and continues "I wanted to follow up on the question from my wise friend Wynn. Does the bowl we recovered for the Circle of the Alder have anything to do with the attacks on Perimon City or the war that Nemochloria is waging?"

Angus tries the tea while Keran is answering the groups questions. "Very excellent brew."

Florin Jadenth  d20+5=15
Friday January 21st, 2005 8:12:06 PM

Florin nods as he listens and does speak up also, "I have to admit I'm curious if this bowl we found you all might be some cause to this. The forest was quick to move in when we aquired it."

Florin shrugs and looks to both druids now, "I plan to lead the Shields out tomorrow to where the town was to be constructed and have a look around. We can't have this plant disease continuing to spread among the people of this city. Any help you might be able to give us will be of great help though considering." (Diplomacy: 15) Florin thinks and adds just to maybe get more of a reaction on possible help, "Anyway, if we can succeed in helping the city and you druids have helped us in succeeding in that then you all will get some of the benefits. Also your knowledge of such things and guidance and help will be of alot of help to us and help prepare us for the worst case."

Wynn Brightsong 
Saturday January 22nd, 2005 10:22:58 AM

Wynn sits next to Xenia and listens as Keran explains the position of the Circle of Alder and the need for further information about the Crying Woods. His eyes light up at the mention of the Lost City of Gold and when there is a pause in the conversation he asks "Keran, what more can you tell us about the legend of the Lost City. Are their poems or songs about it, perhaps an exerpt from an explorer's journal?"

Sunday January 23rd, 2005 10:14:48 AM

Lang has nothing more to add to the conversation at this point. He stands quietly wondering who this Nemochloria is and how it can be defeated.

Lang also wonders if the Lost City of Gold and this Nemochloria are tied in to each other.

Sunday January 23rd, 2005 1:49:56 PM

"Now, now, Keran. You know that we have no animosity or allegiance towards the destruction of the woods. Obviously there has to be some sort of balance, and I agree that the spread of people to beyond the floating city could be bad for the future of the surrounding environment. Within ten generations, it would all look the same; cultivated and habitable, certainly, but lacking the pristine beauty of nature. Certainly, if we could find settlers willing to live at one with the land it would be best. That is what elves generally do; rather than changing their environment, they adapt themselves to its needs and hazards. in that way, they do not harm that which is around them, but make it greater. Perhaps this is what our order...er, well, not really my order, but what we should look into? I mean, I'm obviously not the sort to make such suggestions, but perhaps you could suggest it to the elder druids?
"In any case, I think we'd like to learn more about the woods themselves. So far, I've seen other groups' reactions to the wild and they seem to come out a lot worse than we do. So, I'd like to think we're more suited to the task."

Monday January 24th, 2005 8:43:58 AM

The elf looks very skeptical at the prospect of a plant being involved in a war but holds his tongue out of politeness. He nudges the paladin and quietly whispers, "Get us a ship?"

The offer (DM MikeK) 
Monday January 24th, 2005 9:37:26 AM

[DM Note -- Common knowledge - "Shepherd of Alemi" is the common title of clerics serving that god.
Floating City is located about 200 yards offshore of the Crying Woods. The colony of Perimon was set up at the closest point. It is visible from the city, and anybody in a boat could easily get there. Heck, you could probably swim it.]

Keran looks about.
"Oh, sorry. I'd assumed you knew that. Nemochloria is the Crying Woods. Same place, different names."
He leans forward, "And by war, I mean. Well, surely you've felt the malevolence of the Woods when you enter. The Circle believes the Woods are alive. There's a consciousness there. And it doesn't like people. And, since we've been chopping down trees and generally making a nuisance of ourselves, it has noticed us. Thus, the flowers. And now this disease. And next? Who knows?"

Keran takes a drink.

"Many of your questions are good ones, but we don't know the answers. By the Wold, we didn't even know where this city was located until several weeks ago."
He sighs.
"The removal of the bowl may have triggered a response. Or not."
"There are no legends or songs about the Woods. We haven't been here long enough to gather any. The Lost City bit is just a rumor" Keran waves his hand dismissively. "People see a huge jungle, and immediately start conjecturing about treasures and all."

"We've sent a couple groups on short excursions into the Woods to see if they could find out anything about whoever it was that built your temple, and to find any Float people messing around in the Woods. We've met minimal success.

What we need is a longer expedition. What dangers exist in the Woods that we must prepare for? What defenses do the indigenous creatures possess that we can emulate? Who built that temple? Where are they? What happened to them?"

Keran sets his cup down.

"We are prepared to fund an expedition. But frankly, you folks have a better idea of what you're going to need than we do. You come up with a list, and we'll fund it."

The man gets up to leave, then thinks a moment about the blank check he just handed the group. A slight smile creases his face.
"Uh, let me amend that. We'll fund up to 5000gp for transportation, protections, and magics and the like. Is that acceptable?"

Monday January 24th, 2005 10:45:26 AM

Belkior realizes the nature of the druid's request, but doesn't feel comfortable with making a commitment for the entire group. Especially after his previous error. His thoughts are, "I must pay attention and stop prattling on about diet and the like. Even if it is important. And I'm definitely not about to commit this group to anything, having just joined them.

He does contribute, "I may be able to ask Janus for some assistance, as well."

Monday January 24th, 2005 11:13:07 AM



Potions, and scrolls, maybe a wand or two.

The wheels turn visibly within the dark rogue's head. Bugs and vines and ... that weird invisible thing. Lizards, ghosts, witches. Wow! How you gonna prepare for all of that?

"Um ... " Xenia says, as usual beginning with some variation of Um, "5000 gold would be pretty good for an expedition." She spreads her hands in a gesture of explanation. "We could get together some ponies, food for the duration, tents, supplies for maps and notes. Stuff like that."

"But, from what we've seen, and you've said it yourself, you know, er, Mister Keran. From what we've seen, this is a war. The Necrochloria Crying Woods doesn't like people, and, for example, every time we've set foot in there, we've been attacked by vines."

"So, what I'm saying here is that 5000 gold is good for an expedition. But it looks more like we're going to be fighting a war. And, you know, it might be nice to have war funding too. 10,000 gold might cover that," she says.

Then she frowns. Not so much at the money, but at something the druid had said earlier.

"Um," that Um again, "you know, what you were saying before about the Crying Woods maybe sicing those flowers on us. I mean, we know that some guys called The Anvil Hearts were bringing the flowers into the city. And, you know, if it's the Crying Woods doing all of this, then ... Well, you know, it's a crazy idea, but, you know, maybe you got people in the city working with the Crying Woods. Whether they know it or not, you know what I mean?"

"I dunno," Xenia shrugs, "Maybe something you might want to look into."

Monday January 24th, 2005 1:04:59 PM

Angus's eyes twinkle when Keran mentions the 5000 gp and then recovers as he listens to Xenia. "Thank you for your kindness, but I have to agree with Xenia. We have already run into quite a few nasties in the Crying Woods and now diseases. We would be most appreciative of remove disease potions or the like for our entire expedition. Maybe a few other trinkets too."

Angus thinks a moment and adds. "Master Keran are there any other temples in the Crying Woods you want us to investigate that may have something to do with the Perimon city? Do you have any idea what might be giving the Crying Woods conciousness as you so described it?"

Angus will nibble a cooking while waiting for Keran answer.

Florin Jadenth 
Monday January 24th, 2005 3:31:42 PM

Florin listens and thinks things over, stopping for only a moment as Syr nudges him and Florin grins and nods, "I will see to the ship. Shouldn't be to hard I wouldn't think."

Florin looks to Xenia and the others and frowns abit as the comments on more money comes up, "First we should look into what we need for sure before going to far. Belkior might beable to get a wand or two from the temple of Alemi for less money or gift since we can always return the wands if not used up." Florin thinks and nods, "I can also ask the temple of Domi for any assistance they can give in this matter."

Florin looks to Syr and Belkior, "Good Belkior, would you like to come with me to the temple of Domi while I ask them for help, and you two of course Syr." Florin looks to the others, "The rest of us should look into the things we need also before continueing on." Florin looks to the two druids, "Can we get back to you on the funds we need and such sirs?"

Florin's mind currently is not on his date later but is keeping track of time in his mind anyway as he notes things the group might need. He also glances to Syr, kind of curious what he thought of the gift of the statue of Domi in his wrestler form that Syr should of found.

Wynn Brightsong  d20+6=15
Monday January 24th, 2005 9:43:15 PM

Wynn smiles as Xenia and Angus negotiate with their potential sponser.

"Perhaps we should retire to the apartments to discuss our needs and plan for the expedition. Once we have determined our needs we can submit a proposal for your approval" Wynn directs his last comment to Keran and awaits his response [Diplomacy=15].

Wynn does his best to restrain his enthusiasm and look professional in the eyes of the Druid. Nonetheless, all he can think about is the 'Lost City of Gold' and the tales he will have to tell upon their return. If he has any thoughts of his own mortality they are quickly brushed aside in his excitement.

Monday January 24th, 2005 9:44:48 PM

Supplies ... hmm, Lang thinks to himself. What will we need for an extended trip into the Crying Woods. We will need a food source and a water source.

"Keran what kind of food and water will be able to find in the Crying Woods? In other forests in my past I was able to hunt and gather food. Will the Crying Woods be able to supply the group with food and water or will we need to bring our own?

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 12:56:43 AM

"Five thousand? Ah..well, that's a great offer, Keran, especially for something we were interested in doing as it is. I'm sure we'll have to come back to talk about the details, like getting some protective measures, but it looks like general interest at the very least." Tionel nods, not sure why most his party seems hesitant at accepting the fantastic sounding adventure. Then he volunteers, "But I, at the very least, will definitely go...these woods are so fascinating to me."

(Btw, did the flowers growing back in Tionel's garden also go to mush? He was cultivating a few, secretly)

End of Barter town (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 8:46:35 AM

Keran beams at Xenia. His eyes twinkle.
"What am I, a bank?" he asks, half seriously. "No, five thousand is about as much as we can afford. It will have to do."

To Angus, he replies, "no one else has found signs of a local civilization. And, no, we don't what gives the Woods its consciousness." His kindly smile continues. "Maybe that's something you can find out."

Florin, Wynn, and Tionel propose coming back later with a complete list. Keran nods. "Makes sense," he says.

Lang's question causes the man's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. "It's a jungle," he points out. "There should be animals and water all over the place."

The party takes their leave to make plans and write up lists.

[Tionel's secret stash of flowers has also been destroyed]

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 11:56:39 AM

Xenia grins and holds her hands apart in a gesture of acquiescence. Can't blame a girl for trying.

On the way back, the rogue's mind works overtime matching price to need. There's so much spiffy stuff. But in the end, they can all pretty much take care of the day to day stuff with what they got. It's going to be the special situations that are gonna be a problem. And, face it, most of that is gonna fall on the magic guys to deal with. Scrolls are the cheapest. Start with that.

Ok, so that being the case ... When she gets back to the apartments, first thing Xenia does is sit down with pen and paper. Occasionally, she looks up and gives one of her companions an appraising look. Finally, with a sigh that says this could be much better, she puts the pen down.

"Hey guys, what do you think of this?" And she read off her list.

"By the way, Florin, try not to get the old pervy guy we got last time, huh?" Xenia adds in reference to the boat.

See Invisibility x1 =150
Grease x2 =50
Wood Shape x2 =300
Soften Earth and Stone x1 =150
Stone Shape x1 =375
Spider Climb x2 =300
Restoration, Lesser x1 =150
Speak with Animals (Divine) x3 =75
Speak with Plants (Divine) x1 =150
Locate Object (Arcane) x1 =150
Tiny Hut x1 =375
Neutralize Poison (Divine) x1 =375

Other Stuff
Necklace of fireballs type I x1 =1650
Wand of CLW x1 =750

TOTAL: 5000

[[ OoC: Belkinor is a L7 Cleric, right? ]]

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 1:12:54 PM

Angus is pleased with the meeting. It is just great to have a sponsor when you go adventuring. Angus makes a mental note to himself to seek out more sponsers in the future.

Angus listens to Xenia patiently "I am concerned about the need of items we can duplicate already? I am assuming that Tionel and Belkinor can each cure, so why do we need the wand. Also we already have cure wands in the group. The other issue are the spells that Tionel and Lang can perform already, as in speak with animals and plants."

Angus scratches his head a moment. "I like the rest of the list though. We may want to get the see invisibility as a potion. We also need to get some remove diseases, as I think that was only way to be cured once you were infected with the mushroom brain affliction."

Angus turns to Belkinor. "How much will a remove disease of the correct strenght cost the group? Once we decide how many remove diseases we need then we can purchase the rest of the goodies, starting the the fireballs."

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 2:12:33 PM

Belkior has been caught up in the enthusiasm of the group. This is so different from the quiet study and contemplation of the temple. After going to the apartments used by the group, he allows the others to speak and discuss before he contributes much.

Responding to Angus' question, "I am not quite certain what a Remove Disease scroll would cost. My mentor, Janus, has determined that it requires a 7th level cleric to cast the spell. Unfortunately, that is just a bit stronger than what I can cast myself."

"I may be able to request some scrolls from the Temple of Alemi, but I am not certain if they can make many scrolls."

Turning to Xenia, "I should be able to handle most of the healing needs of the party, between my own abilities and my wand of Cure Moderate Wounds."

Taking a moment to consider what they might be facing, Belkior continues, "It may be wise to purchase whatever alchemical supplies or other goods that can provide added resistance to the disease. Preventing infection among ourselves is of first importance, before we can even think of curing anyone we encounter in the Woods."

The little halfling decides that it's undignified to haul himself up onto a chair so instead moves a footstool off to the side and uses it as a stool. "If I return to the Temple of Alemi, Janus may be able to provide some scrolls of the appropriate level. And she may be able to tell me more about this disease. Considering the pattern of infection, I am concerned that this disease may have lasting effects on anyone infected."

[OOC - Belkior casts Curing and Healing spells at 6th level.]

Florin Jadenth 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 4:49:17 PM

Florin returns to the apartment with the others and on the way moves over to Angus, deciding to finally comment to his friend, Florin whispers "Glad you like the flute Angus. I realized gift day was recent so tried getting everyone something they might like." Florin smiles and gives Angus a gentle shove.

Inside the apartment he listens and glances at the list and smiles abit, "I can learn the use of Restoration, Lesser. I currently have the spell bless ready. Of coure my use of magic is extremely limited and I could only cast it once."

Florin does look to Xenia and the others, "I still think it would be a good idea to see if either of the temples our group has members of might be willing to help us out. We might beable to save the druids money or outfit ourselves better then we though. It might be a good idea for those who don't have one to get a tent as to put something between you and the ground, remember those stupid small blood sucking vines. The tent can also be zipped which will make getting to you harder."

Florin looks to Wynn and Xenia thinking and chuckles abit before speaking, "Also it might be a good idea to make sure the tents are more the one person tents. Having a buddy with you might not be a bad idea. Once again we have no idea what to expect so it would be best to have someone else with you at as close to all times as possible."

Florin smiles as he thinks of his comment, "I made the mistake of splitting us all up when we had our last fight against the anvil hearts and such and will not risk splitting us up again and our group and more importantly my friends, getting harmed bad or killed."

Florin looks to Syr and comments to him, "The temples should be seen first and then tonight at the GG some of us should see Happy and see if we might beable to get extra food suplies and such from him." Florin smiles and nods, "Now we actually have alot to work to do before night fall so we can be ready come morning to start out."

Florin moves to the door to head to the temple of Domi, "Anyone wish to join me? Ohh and Belkior, if you join me I can give you a ride to the temple of Alemi which will make you getting there faster. Of course only if you don't mind me having to give you a hand into the saddle and down."

(K, to sum up Florin's plans: Florin plans to go to the temple of Domi and tell them of this new mission he and his fellow Shields are taking and see if they would be willing to give any help to the group (healing equipment, etc.) Next he will seek out someone who can take the group and possibly a pack animal if we need one to the shore in the morning. Lastly Florin will head to the aprtments to check up on the group and head to the GG. I know thats alot of stuff but I don't know what time it is currently in the game or if he will have enough time.)

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 10:14:23 PM

Lang does not share the same opinion with Keran of the amount of food and water the group will find in the jungle.

"I do not expect to find many animals living in the jungle if the vines that attacked the group need meat to survive. But then again maybe the vines only attack humanoids and not the animals. That would kind of verify that the jungle has a purpose in regards to humanoids."

"Xenia, perhaps we should have some everburning torches that we can use at night when we camp. Having a campfire may only induce the woods to attack us more."

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 10:23:23 PM

Syr notices Florin's particular glance at him but does not comment as he has not actually been back to his room yet.

As Xenia presents the list to the group, the elf's eyes glaze over, "Whatever you think is best, O dark one. The only magic that I need is the new guy nearby." With a wink and a smile at Belkior he pats the halfling on the back.

As Angus adds his two cents Syr is about to turn away when he adds a thought, "We may not need the super cure disease immediately. Remember all of those folks made it back to the city after being infected and acted normally. We should have enough time to get back here for the cure. Knowing what we face is half the battle."

Nodding at the paladin he addresses Angus, "Hey roomie, want to get us a tent?"

"Florin you have alot on your plate, want me to arrange the ship for everyone?"

Looking at Lang, "Everyone think we should leave at first light tomorrow?"

(OOC: Sorry guys, this travelling job is really starting to get to me, I'll make sure I post daily.)

Wynn Brightsong 
Tuesday January 25th, 2005 11:03:42 PM

Wynn disappears out onto the balcony for a while and adds the most recent events to his journal. His entry is short and to the point as his mind races ahead to the coming challenge and the requirements of the party.

Upon joining the discussion of what magic to buy he finds himself in disagreement with at least two of the party. "Do you think it is either right or wise to be using fireball in a living forest. Once the spell is cast there may be no way to stop the ensuing conflaguration! Perhaps there is another option, one that has fewer risks." Wynn listens some more before adding "I vote we obtain some higher level remove disease potions or scrolls. I have seen what that disease does. Who knows how long those poor souls were infected, it may have been much less time than we know."

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 2:10:17 AM

Tionel is hard to find for the next while. In the garden, fixing up some plants, writing notes on how to care for others, and wondering who will take care of them, particularly some new sproutlings that will need particular interest. Finally, he decides he can ask Gordo to maybe use a kid or something, perhaps, and so, he heads off to the orphanage for a visit. There, he ends up paying the little kids all a song and hanging around to watch them while Gordo takes this bit of fresh breath to do some chores and get out of his house. Babysitting them proves much more exhausting than he thought, and so he takes a break afterwards at a pub nearby. Scrawling some notes in his journal about what's happened, he meets an old friend or two, and before he knows what's happening, he's entertaining a bar of strangers with some interesting song he's swiped from Angus. Afterwards, by now a bit tipsy, he goes shopping, which is not as smart as it sounds when intoxicated... But nevertheless, by night he comes back into the house.

Plans (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 8:35:25 AM

The group splits up for some fact finding and boat hiring.

Belkior finds the Temple of Alemi will sell him healing type potions and scrolls (including Remove Disease) at 90% market value.

Florin determines the Temple of Domi will sell him protection type potions and scrolls (AC enhancements, Prot vs ..., etc) at 90% market value.

Syr has no difficulty procuring a skiff for the quick jump over to Perimon.

The others take care of personal business. Everyone meets up at the Giggling Ghost that evening. Happy will not give away any grub, but he'll sell you his own version of trail rations for the standard trail ration price. His version tastes much better.

I suggest you do this planning off line, or we might be list making for a while here.

Xenia  d20+2=20
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 10:51:44 AM

"Hokay," Xenia kinda does a little throwing up her hands gesture, "you guys decide what you want. I can price it up."

"Just so you know, though, you can't get a potion up to high enough to cure that plant stuff. Least I've never seen them like that in the stores. And a scroll up that high is gonna run you upwards of 2000 gold a piece. Probably more like 2500."

The rogue smiles when Wynn pulls out his notebook. He's got this kind of peaceful intensity when he writes that she can just watch for hours.

But, there's other stuff to do. Striking out on her own, Xenia starts on the docks, getting names of folks who've gone out to Perimon. How hard could it be to track one or two of them down? Stories of what happened would be nice. Maybe some important stuff too. What they tried to protect themselves with that worked. What they did that didn't work. And a map. Yeah. A map. Kind of out to where they explored to before they left. Yeah. (Gather Information 20)

After a long day of talking to folks, she pulls into the Ghost for maybe a grape drink. Talk to Happy. (He might know something too.) Chat with Daphne. Tell the guys kinda what she found out.

And get a load of what they decided for gear. Guys and shopping. She rolls her eyes.

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 1:04:18 PM

Angus yawns and says he is off for a nap and will me everyone at the GG later. "My only suggestion for the money is to purchase at least one remove disease of the proper strenght, the necklace of fireballs, and camping supplies for the journey." Angus adds that he is unconcerned about stting the Jungle on fire as it was awfully humid on the last two visits and Keran said that their is water everywhere."

Angus sleeps to recover some spells and then does some shopping of his own. Angus purchases a new set of bright yellow and green cloths (5gp)that are tasteful but functional and more wine for his skins (5gp). Angus is hoping that the plant creatures are color blind, because between his cloths and his cloak he will stand out in the jungle. Angus will purchase 10 gp each worth of candy and toys for delivery to the orphanage.

OOC: I will deduct the money for the above purchases from my funds.

Florin Jadenth 
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 3:24:23 PM

Florin nods to Syr and smiles, "Thanks Syr, that will help alot." If Belkior decides he wants to then Florin will summon his horse and take Belkior to the temple of Domi first and then take Belkior to the temple of Alemi, being more then happy to have the company of the small fellow and new friend.

Florin leaves for the temple and gets the info on the protection potions and such and then makes his way to the Giggling Ghost. Once there he awaits the arrival of the others and also talks to Happy. He smiles when the comment on buying food from him comes up and he nods, "Okay, thanks Happy. I'm sure we will buy food from you rather then heading out with normal rations. Your food is to good to pass up if you ask me."

Florin smiles, "Ohh yes, if you happen to notice the female captain of the guard come in here then please let me know. I'm suppose to meet her for a meal and talk."

When people start arriving he smiles and moves over to them, "Well the temple of Domi will sell items for protection at 90% of the normal cost. We just have to make our list and let them know what we need."

Wynn Brightsong  d20+2=10
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 5:59:33 PM

Realizing that he has only succeeded in muddying the waters, the bard announces that he will let more experenced heads prevail and retires back to his room and his journal.

When evening approaches he makes his way to the Giggling Ghost for the evening meal and some company. He will pay extra attention to any discussions about the Crying Woods and Perimon. [Gather Info = 10]

Belkior  d20+17=32 d20+2=22
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 9:19:51 PM

Seeing where the conversation and planning has gone, Belkior thanks Florin for his offer. "Certainly, I will accompany you to the temple of Domi, and then we can go visit my fellow shepherds."

As he and Florin go outside, Belkior waits for the paladin to summon his horse. However, the horse is far too imposing. "Friend paladin, please ride if you like, but your horse is far too large for me. I do not like to be so far above the ground on something so unpredictable as a warhorse. If you don't mind, I will walk alongside."

Following the warhorse to the temple of Domi, Belkior politely waits while the paladin deals with his fellows. After that business is done, Belkior leads Florin to the Alemite temple.

As soon as he enters the temple, Belkior heads to the hospital wards where the once-infected men are being cared for. He acknowledges his fellow clerics there, and checks the patients. (Heal check = 32)

If Janus is not in the wards, he seeks her out and asks if she has any additional information. Then, politely, he asks whether it is possible to get some scrolls of Remove Disease for a donation, and exactly how much of a donation would be required.
(Diplomacy check = 22)

Having got what information and prices he could, he accompanies Florin to the Giggling Ghost. He's heard a great deal about this tavern, but never spent much time there while he has been in the city.

Syr  d6=6
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 10:08:56 PM

Syr returns from the docks and announces to everyone, "The boat is taken care of. I think it's small enough that we'll have to take two trips though. We leave at first light tomorrow." He proceeds up to his room to get some rest for the following day. Opening the door he sees the carving placed on his bed and picks it up carefully. Thinking to himself that he must buy a well crafted table to display the wrestler he smiles happily before going to sleep.

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 10:28:19 PM

"Does whoever is going to buy the supplies need a hand with lugging it back to the apartment, because I will help. While we are getting our supplies we should have that magic black gem we retrieved from that group at the Giggling Ghost identified."

If not, Lang will head off to his room to get some rest before going to the Giggling Ghost.

More planning (DM MikeK) 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:07:37 AM

Xenia does some checking around. She finds most of the previous inhabitants of Perimon are unaware of the disease. A bit of cross checking reveals those that stayed inside the fort were not infected. The Trash Level boys made up a crew that went around the outside of the walls and clear cut the ever encroaching vegetation back from the town.

She's able to get someone to sketch a crude map of Perimon as it used to exist, but thats about it.
[map coming in email]

Belkior can purchase Potions of Remove Disease (CL7) for 945 gp each. He can purchase a scroll of the same type for 475 gp. The patients look like they will make a full recovery.

Happy points Florin at a side table where Cpt Elvaran sits and watches him, a slightly amused expression on her face.

The rest of The Crimson Shields gather at the Giggling Ghost, still making plans.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 10:38:04 AM

"Well, 'k, here's the sitch." Xenia plunks the map down in the middle of the table. "This is the way the compound was. Before the bugs ate it, I mean. Maybe a first thing to do would be to take a sift through the wreckage. Looks like the folks who stayed in the compound didn't get the disease either. And that tells me a couple of things." She takes a seat next to Wynn and tells the guys everything she's found.

"First thing," she says leaning back, thinking while she talks, "is that the compound might still be safe from the disease. It might be a good place to set up some sort of base camp."

"Second thing is that we shouldn't need to go far to find what caused the disease. I mean, the guys who went out to clear cut the brush couldn't have gone too far, right? Wish I could have talked to one of those guys who got the Greenies. But, I guess they're not in much shape to talk, huh?" Xenia directs the last question to the new healer guy, Belkior.

"But, you know," Xenia frowns, "before we jump out into the Crying Woods, I kind of want to ask you all ... what are we trying to do out there?" she asks. "Are we just looking for the disease? Are we exploring? I mean, like, exploring what?"

Xenia nibbles on a bit of tasty pancake stuff and looks into the future. Where would I be if I were a Lost City of Gold?

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 1:11:40 PM

Florin chuckles as Belkior comments on Ajax's size and shakes his head as he pats Ajax's neck and whispers to his friend, "Go on home my friend. A nice lady will be seeing you tonight. She thought you were a nice horse remember." Florin walks along with Belkior and nods to him, "The walk will be good for me. Domi likes his followers to be strong in mind and body." As Florin walks along he chats with Belkior, clearly trying to get to know the man better, "Anyway, may I ask about how you become to be a cleric of Alemi? does it run in the family? sorry to become questioning here, is nice to know who I will be working with. You look like a sturdy sort of guy though and your healing is deffeintly will be of help. Not that I doubt you will be of help either."

Florin is happy to deliver the news on the discount to the group and tells Xenia gently as he looks to her, "Now that we know how much we have to spend or close to it you and the others can plan out what all we need. I added in my two cents on the tents, etc."

Florin leaves that as it is and speaks to Xenia once more before moving off to join his date, "Xenia, think you could drop the maps off at my house for me? I would like to take a small look at them before I get some sleep tonight."

Florin once he reaches Cpt Elvaran's table smiles and bows low to her as he smiles, "Greetings kind Elvaran, I do hope you haven't waited to long for me to come." Florin pulls up a chair and sits down infront of her, "I was thinking after our meal maybe we could take a ride on Ajax, you know the city better then me and we could cetch a nice sunset together or see the night sky." Florin smiles now and glances over to Happy or the nearest person to order from and waves him/her over, "I do not wish to come off as showing off or anything but since I asked you out I must offer to pay for your meal."

Florin smiles as he uses his natural charm to help the night pass and hopefully get Cpt Elvaran enjoy herself. If the subjects seem suitable then he asks her how she became a guard, if it runs in the family, etc. On his part Florin will talk about adopting Jella, his time at the temple of Domi and such.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 1:12:43 PM

Angus looks to Xenia. "Excellent map. Nice work there carrot top." Angus adds affectionately. Angus drops some large chunks on chocolate on the table for everyone to nibble while pouring over the map.

Angus continues "I agree that we should use the remnates of the city for our base camp, but I do not agree that it is necessarily safe. Trees encroach on a meadow over time and the plants we have seen in the Crying woods move much faster. I think we have to make a sweep of the city to make sure it is safe before going outside. I want to make sure our rear area is secure. No sence returning home from a tough fight only to have a new one spring up."

Angus looks to Syr. "The boats are a nice touch. We should keep their captains in mind, since we are so close to the Floating city, we should be able to resupply ourselves often. Maybe even treat ourselves to a night out at the GG and a bath now and then."

Angus announces to all at the table "I am ready for a little exploring tomorrow. My concern Xenia is keeping the Crying woods and its nasties out of the Floating city and all of the orphans. If we happen to find the lost city of gold on the way, all the better."

Wynn Brightsong 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 8:46:02 PM

Wynn watches Xenia as she explains what she has learned about the fate of Perimon and who did and didn't become infected while they were there. He enjoys the confidence with which she relates her knowledge to the group, and her obvious enthusisasm for the venture.

The bard thinks about his own reasons for going on the expedition before answering the rogue's question.

"I go on this venture, first to honor my pledge to the Clan Corregan, secondly to protect the city from the Crying Woods and just maybe to protect the Crying Woods from the City, and lastly because it would make a great tale. We would be famous across the Wold. Imagine... the Crimson Shields of Hope, protectors of Floating City and discoverers of the Lost City of Gold!"

"Besides" he thinks to himself as he looks at Xenia, "Someone has to keep you out of trouble."

Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:13:47 PM

The halfling cleric sits with his newfound companions, enjoying the ambience of the tavern. He cautiously sips his beer, knowing that it will probably be the safest beverage here.

He smiles slightly, listening to Wynn. Belkior thinks, "I'd rather just get us home safely in one piece. Being famous is all right for some, but it's not what Alemi has called me for."

After Florin steps away, he begins planning with Xenia. Careful preparation is very important for a safe journey. "I would like to get one scroll for each of us, so that's eight scrolls or 3800 gold. But I don't think that we can get the other things that we might need. We may be able to get away with 4 or 5 scrolls."

"We also need food, light sources, and I should probably carry an extra healing kit. Something to protect us from insects or vermin might be good, too."

Lang  d20+6=12
Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:40:23 PM

Lang peruses Xenia's map while he scratches Sunshine's ears. He takes a quick look around the bar for anything unusual, remembering the last time they were here (spot 12).

"Do you think it might be wrthwhile to look up this Perimon character before we leave?"

Friday January 28th, 2005 1:55:32 AM

Yawning, the elf nods at the conversations of the others, wondering what will be awaiting them in the woods...
"I suppose we'll go take the boats tomorrow? We'll need to find someone to take us to the edge..."
(Sorry...really tired tonight)

Friday January 28th, 2005 5:34:27 AM

When Wynn announces what his plans are the elf raises an eyebrow, "Save the grand speeches until we make it back safely O storyteller." He smiles fondly at the bard.

Turning to Xenia, "As for myself, I'm all for finding a hunk of gold like that group from the bar had!"

More Planning (DM MikeK) 
Friday January 28th, 2005 9:47:25 AM

While Florin goes to schmooze with Cpt Elvaran, the remainder of The Crimson Shields continue to discuss the upcoming expedition.

Florin is on his most charming behavior. But Elvaran seems determined to keep the evening on a "just friends" level. She opens up a bit about her day to day life in the guard, but stays away from life history and truly personal stories. She also begs off the evening stroll, claiming a previous engagement.

Friday January 28th, 2005 11:02:05 AM

Xenia cast an eye across the floor of the Ghost to Florin and the Commandress of The Guard. Her eyes lower for a moment of ... sympathy? guilt? Sump'n like that. She scrunches just that little bit closer to Wynn and it goes away. Mostly.

"The tops of carrots are green," she says to Angus, a tone of faux indignity in her voice. "But, uh, yeah. The more legwork we can get done where your safe and dry the less improvising you'll have to do once you get inside. Least that's what my dad always says."

"So, you guys get together a list of supplies? Tents. 'k. That's good. How about four scrolls and one potion?" she says in response to the new halfling guy, who seems to be making lots and lots of sense. "That would leave us pretty much half of the money left for other stuff. And I got light. Everburning torch. I think we got a couple."

"Hey, aren't some folks just kinda, you know, naturally healthy?" She looks at Syr and Florin. Pretty much the sturdiest guys. "I mean, like, you don't get sick, right?"

"If we can get protection cheap from the Temple of Domi, that would be great. But what do you think we'd need? I still think we should go with some Fireballs. I mean, Keran said this is a war, and he's, you know, like, a druid and all."

"Anyway, I was think that if we're going in to protect the City or to protect the Crying Woods or something like that ... Well ... I think we're gonna be out there for a long time. You know, it's just so big and I don't think it's going away. Just thought you might wanna think about how long you wanna be in there. And, if we wanna be in there for a long time, maybe think of trying to build a base somewhere."

"Just, um, well, thinking, you know."

The dark rogue suddenly whirls toward Syr in a wide eyed double-take. "What hunk of gold?!?!?"

Friday January 28th, 2005 4:06:58 PM

Angus laughs with Xenia. "The tops of carrots I am used to are normally shaved. I have not picked any carrots since my days on the farm."

Angus thinks about all the supplies. "I agree with Xenia's division of potions and scrolls and must also put my vote toward the necklace of fireballs. Remember, my spells are not infinite. I just ran out during the last, battle, but if there were a few more greenies, it could have been trouble. A low grade fireball would have been a big help to start that last battle."

Angus looks to Lang "How much do you need for tents and pillows for all of us?"

Angus has all of his belonging and just need a good night sleep before taking the boat trip in the morning. "Hey Syr, lets sleep in a bit and have a good hot breakfast before we leave. How about 9:30 am sailing time?"

Once Florin returns from his date, Angus seeks him out. "Florin do we need any hirlings for our new adventure. Say a cook or guard for the camp. Maybe even a nice massuse for the long days of marching. If we need a massuse, I volenteer my service to go find a good one."

Florin Jadenth 
Friday January 28th, 2005 4:59:10 PM

Florin is happy for the bit of talk, specially after he begins to get the feeling this date isn't going overly well. He does a good job of putting on a happy face though about all of it and after eating a small meal he stands and offers his hand to Elvaran, cutting the date short, "Well, I really don't want to hold you up on your inportant buisness m'lady Elvaran. As I promised though I will escourt you back to the guard house and you may have a ride on Ajax as we go."

Florin escourts Elvaran outside at which time he whispers, "Come to me Ajax." When Ajax appears, armor, saddle and all he pats his frineds neck and speaks to him, "I've offered this nice lady a ride back to the guard house with me coming along of course so be on your best behavior."

With that said and inless Elvaran refuses the ride even Florin will escourt her back to the guard house and then return on Ajax to meet up with the group, stopping along the way for something hard to drink to help ease the date. He goes to the group apartments and knocks on the door before entering and sits down with his bottle of ale, taking a sip of it as he listens to what Angus says, "Well, hmmm....might be a good idea to get a guard or two for the base camp but then we would be risking more people's lives like back in the trash level remember that? I don't really want to get anyone hurt."

After chatting alittle bit and answering questions Florin stands with whatever is left of his bottle of ale, "I better head home. A rather less then good date wasn't exactly how I planned to spend this night." Florin smiles and moves to the door, wobbling just abit from the hard drink he has had but clearly not to the fall down, pass out stage since he wouldn't want Jella to see him like that, if she is up anyway. On his way out Florin looks to Angus, "By the way, I hope to hear some more music on that new flute of yours sometime." Florin winks to Angus, "Hope it was a good gift day present bud."

Xenia (2nd Illegal Post)  d20+11=21
Friday January 28th, 2005 5:46:22 PM

"Hope it was a good gift day present bud."

Xenia stand bolt upright, an accusing gray gloved finger pointing straight at the paladin.

"It was you!!!" (Listen 21) She goes to Florin and gives him a hug. "Thanks," she says, "the angel is beautiful."

Giving him a little sideways look she adds, "I shoulda known it was you. Huh?"

Friday January 28th, 2005 8:59:09 PM

Belkior nods in agreement with Xenia's argument. "We can go purchase the scrolls and potion at the Temple of Alemi. While there, I would like to get some more healing supplies. And it might be useful to spend whatever remaining money we have on protective items."

Wynn Brightsong 
Saturday January 29th, 2005 5:43:51 PM

Wynn leans back and drapes his arm around Xenia's shoulders when she snuggles in. Whatever the group decides re. provisions is fine with him. Images of ancient stone walls draped in foliage run through his mind. He imagines peeling back the vines to discover an expansive and ornate frieze inlaid with gold...

Xenia's outburst brings him back to the present. "I forgot that you weren't there. One of the adventurers from the group we met at the Giggling Ghost had a large hunk of gold, about the size of a skull. It was lost in the explosion, but it does give creedence to the idea of a 'Lost City of Gold', doesn't it?"

When it becomes clear that Forin was responsible for the gifts, Wynn silently mouths "thank you" to the paladin.

Sunday January 30th, 2005 1:01:24 AM

All seems to be in order. After getting supplies and such, they will be leaving on board a ship to the shores of the forest. Tionel wonders what adventures await.
Upon finding out that the gift was from his friend, Tionel pops up and gives his friend a warm hug. "That was a wonderful gift!" he enthuses, and then settles back to take it out and show it off again. And again make little bear growling noises as it tears apart an imaginary finger-monster.

"Since we're leaving tomorrow...a little song to inspire us!

(Sung, btw, to the tune of Old MacDonald had a farm. Suggested by the original lyrics of the actual Renaissance song)

Oh Sally was fine and Sally was fair,
And she wanted me to wed.
And I would marry Sally my love,
But me Father up and Said;
I'm sad to tell you sonny,
What your mother never knew,
But Sally here is a daughter of mine
And so is kin to you!

Then next I met my Jenny fair,
And she wanted me to wed.
And I would marry Jenny my love,
But me Father up and Said;
I'm sad to tell you sonny,
What your mother never knew,
But Jenny here is a daughter of mine
And so is kin to you!

Then next I met my Xenia fair,
And she wanted me to wed.
And I would marry Xenia my love,
But me Father up and Said;
I'm sad to tell you sonny,
What your mother never knew,
But Xenia here is daughter of mine
And so is akin to you!

Oh never did you see a lad
So sorry as I was.
All the girls in town me kin,
And Father was the cause.
If things should keep a-goin' this way
I'll die alone and with no miss.
So, I went to tell my mother and
Complain to her of this.

She said, Well son, haven't I taught you
Forgive and to forget.
Your father sowed his oats tis true,
But doesn't know this yet:
Your father may be father
To all the girls, but still --
He's not the one that sired you,
So marry who you will!"

Tionel grins and downs his last ale, bowing to any accolades.

Sunday January 30th, 2005 11:47:41 PM

Looking startled at Xenia's outburst, "Gold? You know, that hunk those guys were passing around that only that huge minotaur could pick up. Wynn's right about it's disappearance."

Syr grins at the sorceror, "I know you too well Angus, let me just send a runner to the harbor to make sure our boats wait a bit." The elf steps outside for a moment and catches a passing youth giving him a silver to relay the message.

Entering again he catches Tionel's song and gives him a mighty roar of approval at the end. Looking at the dark elf, he tries to gauge her reaction to the composition.

Resolving to thank the paladin later the elf just msiles and nods at him.

Getting closer? (DM MikeK) 
Monday January 31st, 2005 9:42:11 AM

Chatting about provisions goes on well into the night. Most of the Crimson Shields seem happy to let a few take care of all that planning stuff, while they get on with the partying.

Florin is just a bit disconcerted when Ajax doesn't appear.
[A paladin's mount may only be called once per day. You called him earlier to give Belkior a ride]

Morning is approaching quickly.

Monday January 31st, 2005 10:32:54 AM

Belkior looks at the elven rogue and says to Xenia, "This will probably go better if you and I make a list."

The halfling cleric reaches into his belt pouch and finds a scrap of parchment. Making sure that it isn't one that he uses as a spell component, he removes a writing utensil and starts making a list.

"Ummm, let's start with the scrolls and potions." Belkior writes down:

Remove Disease potion 945 gold
Remove Disease scrolls (4) 1900 gold

And then he hurriedly scratchs a total, 2845 gold.

"Hmm, more than half of our seed money. Umm, what else were we considering? Oh yes, you wanted a necklace of fireballs. And that would be how much?"

Waiting for Xenia's reply, Belkior then scratches down a third figure.

Necklace of Fireballs - Type 1 1650 gold

And then figures out the total and writes it down.

4495 gold

Speaking to Xenia again, "We'd have to go down to only two scrolls of Remove Disease if you wanted a Type 2 necklace. Do you think we'll need firepower or healing more? I'd be more comfortable with healing, myself."

Without waiting for her response, Belkior continues, "If you're happy with that, we can spend the balance on things like alchemical devices, small potions, or other essentials."

(OOC - There's a partial list. I'll make a second (illegal) post from home when I can review the e-mails, etc.. Hopefully, by the next GM post we can finalize the list, buy the goods in the morning and head out.)

Angus  d20+8=17
Monday January 31st, 2005 12:54:00 PM

Angus has said his piece and is getting board with the list making and leaves it up to Xenia and Belkior. Angus excuses himself and goes to find his own massuse for the night, even if the group is not interested for base camp.

Angus finds a quite spot at the GG away from the list making and takes our Florin's gift flute and begins to play (perform 17). Angus is attempting to finds some companionship for the evening as one never know what will happen when one goes into the Crying woods......

Monday January 31st, 2005 4:05:49 PM

About the size of a skull. That's a big hunk of gold ...

"Um, yeah, the Type I should be fine for now," Xenia says in reply to little Belkior. "We'll need those tents. That's at least 50 to 80 gold there. Hmmm. Not much left. Maybe some protection stuff from Domi, huh? Shield of Faith maybe, I dunno."

She thinks on it for a bit. "Wonder if the Crying Woods is evil," she muses.

Belkior (2nd Illegal Post) 
Monday January 31st, 2005 9:31:23 PM

Continuing on with the list making, Belkior adds the other items that people have suggested.

"Hmm, Lang suggested some scrolls or potions. I think it was these ...". And he writes some more.

See invisibility 150 gold
Knock 150 gold
Dispel Magic 375 gold
Rope Trick 150 gold

"And you wanted some tents, Xenia, but I have no idea what they would cost."

"Hmm, that puts us way over 5000 gold. In fact," and he makes some furious scribbling, "It comes out to 5320 gold. I suppose that we could go with only three Remove Disease scrolls, and that would leave us with 155 gold to spend on sundry equipment. So our final list looks like this:"

Remove Disease potion 945 gold
Remove Disease scrolls (3) 1425 gold
Necklace of Fireballs I 1650 gold
See Invisibility scroll 150 gold
Knock 150 gold
Dispel Magic 375 gold
Rope Trick 150 gold

TOTAL = 4845 gold

"Now, if that's what we've settled on, we can purchase these items in the morning and set out. I'll leave it up to you to decide."

The little cleric attempts to stifle a yawn then. "But I have to get to sleep. Everyone needs a good night's sleep. Small people, especially halflings, need sleep more than big people. It's our high metabolisms, you know." With that, the halfling healer downs the last of his beer and heads off to his cell at the temple.

Monday January 31st, 2005 9:50:52 PM

"Belkior, that list sounds pretty good to me. About all I would add to it is the Identification of the magic item we recovered last time we were here at the Giggling Ghost."

Lang reaches into his pouch belt and removes the bag containing the gold necklace bearing a ruby pendant and some gold pieces. This is the bag he had retrieved from the devastated room.

After a moment of counting he says, "I guess we could use this money to identify the stone", stating how much there is.

OOC -- "Lang helps search, and finds a smaller bag containing some gold pieces, and a gold necklace bearing a ruby pendant. Neither registers as magical."

Florin Jadenth 
Monday January 31st, 2005 11:29:58 PM

Florin when Ajax doesn't showup aplogizes to Elvaran, "Sorry dear lady. I forgot that Ajax can only be summoned once a day. I promise on my honor that I will let you ride him another day."

Florin in his state of almost drunkedness hugs Xenia when she hugs him in thanks for the angel and after a few moments is able to think clearly enough to speak straight, "Your welcome Xenia. I thought the angel comes the closest to fitting a lady such as yourself."

Florin nods back to Syr and smiles to him before turning. Hearing Tionel's comment though he pats his frined on the shoulder and speaks to him also after getting his words straight in his mind, "Your welcome Tionel. Figured the bear was most fitting for you. Some find a bear cute and cuddly looking while they can also be quite dangerous."

Florin nods to Wynn and gives the man a smal wave gesture meaning, "your welcome." With this pretty much done he heads home now. Wanting to get some rest before the next day of traveling out.

Monday January 31st, 2005 11:46:58 PM

The half-elf gaffaws loudly in appreciation of the risque conclusion to Tionel's song. He gives Xenia a poke in the ribs and attempts a lecherous expression when her name comes up.

Rising, Wynn adds his voice to Lang's, "sounds okay to me, too." The bard gives the half-drow a kiss on the cheek, noting she is fully engaged in negotiating logistics with the little cleric. Giving those of the party still up a salute, he heads for his bed, alone.

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 1:12:56 AM

Syr stands at his towering 4'9" height and looks at the halfing talking about needing sleep. With a frown he thinks to himself that only the lazy need more sleep.

Seeing Wynn and Xenia, his mood immediately improves. With a grin, he kisses Wynn on the cheek and dances nimbly away before he can react.

Wynn (supplemental) 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 1:22:28 AM

Wynn just shakes his head when Syr pulls his stunt. File that one away for future reference he thinks, time we get out of this city and go adventuring!

Preparations (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:13:36 AM

Angus, the charismatic hero with the golden tune, finds plenty of takers for his last night of civilization.

The Crimson Shields take to their beds, and dream of adventure and treasure and fame.

In the morning, the group reforms, and makes their way to Alder House, where they present their list to Keran:

Remove Disease potion (CL7) 945 gold
Remove Disease scrolls (CL7) (3) 1425 gold
Necklace of Fireballs I 1650 gold
See Invisibility scroll 150 gold
Knock scroll 150 gold
Dispel Magic scroll 375 gold
Rope Trick scroll 150 gold
2 man tent, with floor (4) 44 gold

By mid morning, the group is equipped.

[DM Note - Last chance to change the list. I'm cheating, and bypassing the Catacombs on this one since its taken so long, and I adjusted pricing. However, if you want to ID the pearl, you need to do that through the Catacombs.]

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 10:36:39 AM

Xenia frowns at the list. "I can do this," she says and crosses the Knock scroll off the list. "How about something more like Glitter Dust? Or Detect Thoughts? Or maybe some oils of Magic Weapon or potions of Shield of Faith?"

"Anyway ... " the rogue returns Wynn's kiss with one of her own and a quiet "Night." "Anyway, I'm gonna run down to the Catacombs and see if they can tell me what that black pearl thingie is."

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." She grabs the pearl and dashes out of the front door and down the street.

OoC: On a Take20 Xenia has an Open Lock of 33.

Angus  d20+8=11 d20+6=23
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 10:55:20 AM

Angus is getting board with the shopping and says to the group. "Pick me up at the GG when we are ready to shove off. I agree with Xenia and Lang, lets get the pearl ID'ed and lets save the money from the knock spell and get an oil of magic weapon."

Angus waves to all as he heads out to the GG for lunch. Angus attempts to play Florin's flute for his lunch and drinks (perform 11), but seems much too overconfident and tries his silver tounge (diplomance 23), if not he pays for his own.

Angus second Illegal post 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 1:22:37 PM

OOC: Did not read the first line of your post Mike.

Angus will say the above and then go back into his room to finish the massause interview. It is exhaustive and with many level. Later that morning, Angus will take his female companion to brunch, while others shop.

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 8:14:32 PM

Lang has nothing more to add to the list of supplies to be purchased.

OOC - Mike, how much gold was in that small bag?

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:02:01 PM

Belkior meets up with the group outside their apartments before their expedition.

During the last minute shopping, Belkior adjusts their list of purchases using the input from Xenia and Angus. So it finally ends up looking like:

Remove Disease potion (CL7) 945 gold
Remove Disease scrolls (CL7) (3) 1425 gold
Necklace of Fireballs I 1650 gold
See Invisibility scroll 150 gold
Magic weapon oil (3) 150 gold
Dispel Magic scroll 375 gold
Rope Trick scroll 150 gold
2 man tent, with floor (4) 44 gold

"Hmm, that comes to 4849 gold. Plus some for the rations, and other things and it should all be spent."

After the group has assembled all of the items, Belkior turns to his companions. "We'll divide the items up after we cross over in the boats. It's probably best if we give the scrolls to the people who can use them, but we'll have to decide about the necklace and the potions."

JohnP (Second illegal post) 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:03:36 PM

(OOC - Or, we could buy a second Rope Trick scroll to use up the cash.)

Florin Jadenth 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:31:57 PM

Florin sleeps at his home after bidding all his friends goodnight. Since Jella and Mort will most likely be slips in pretty well unnoticed and falls asleep shortly after he hits his bed. His dreams though are filled with a city of gold and nasty plant creatures trying to eat him and his companions.

In the morning Florin wakes and stretches before quickly getting dressed and grabbing his gear. He exits his room and sees to Jella, taking the time to fix a breakfast for both Mort and her before kneeling and hugging Jella tightly, speaking to her afterwards, "Now Jella. I told you yesterday that I have to go across the lake to the shore and see about protecting the city from nasty plants. I want you to be a good girl now and Mort will watch over you. My sister should come by to see you also and you always have the temple of Domi to visit and the orphanage and of course my parents house if you must."

Florin pats Mort on the shoulder and whispers to his friend and servant, "If a rent comes up then you get a message to my parents about it and I will deal with the rest when I return. I hope to be back sometime soon but don't know when. You be safe and take care of Jella for me."

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 11:18:45 PM

The elf watches as everyone picks up the scrolls and potions. "No scrolls or necklaces for this elf. For caution's sake, I will carry any cure disease potion to split the items up? Just let me know Belk?"

After everyone is assembled, he leads them down to the docks and looks for the two skiff captains to get them ashore. Spotting the boats he waves enthusiastically, "All aboard!"

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 11:41:29 PM

Tionel, in his usual compliant way, goes with the others' shopping list and queries. When they finally come to the ship, he hops on eagerly, then offers a hand to anyone else who might need it.
"It's off to the sea, then to the woods... The beginning of a marvelous adventure, I think."

Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 12:15:23 AM

The bard prepares for bed, but the clean pages of the new journal call to him. He sits at the table that serves as his desk and writes until the candle burns down and starts to sputter. With a yawn and a stretch, he rises, finds his bed and crawls under the covers. The half-elf falls into a deep and dreamless sleep.


The next morning Wynn dresses, packs the last of his equipment and lays his weapons out neatly on his bed. He heads for the kitchen to see what's cooking for breakfast since it could be the last hot meal he has in a while. The half-elf will pour a second cup of Xenia's brew into his cup with the dancing halflings on it, and savour it while he waits for the rest of the party to assemble.

Perimon (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 8:58:07 AM

While Angus attends to some personal business, the party presents their final shopping list to the Circle of the Alder, and end up with the following:

Remove Disease potion (CL7) 945 gold
Remove Disease scrolls (CL7) (3) 1425 gold
Necklace of Fireballs I 1650 gold
See Invisibility scroll 150 gold
Magic weapon oil (3) 150 gold
Dispel Magic scroll 375 gold
Rope Trick scroll 150 gold
2 man tent, with floor (4) 44 gold

[Please split up onto your various character sheets]

The party awakes the following morning to a day promising excitement, adventure, and possibly riches. Adrenaline flows through bodies. Today is going to be different, new, exciting.

Most of the group gets breakfast at the apartments.
Up a couple Levels, Mort assures Florin that he will take care of little Jella.

And, after what seems like an eternity, but is really no more than an hour, The Crimson Shields of Hope arrive at the docks. Swiftly, they load and board two fishing skiffs, and are hopped across the small interval of water separating them from a foreign world.

The dock of Perimon is still intact, an unassuming 10' wide wooden platform pushing maybe 25' into the lake. The boats pull up, one to each side, and quickly disgorge their passengers.

The dock ends at a sandy beach, which in turn extends about 20' before ending at what used to be a clearing and the town of Perimon. The space is rapidly becoming part of the jungle. The town walls are but a memory, with knee high ferns and twisting vines growing where walls stood mere weeks ago. Full grown trees stand in places, and dark green, eye high bushes grow throughout the former clearing. Of the town, nearly nothing remains to so much as hint at its existence. Only in the center of the area does a man made structure still stand. Concealed by trees, and at a distance of several hundred feet, its hard to make out. But, it appears at least one building still marks the colony of Perimon.

[The small bag of gold recovered from the adventurers at the Giggling Ghost contained 455gp]

Xenia  d20+15=24 d20+11=29 d20+11=12 d20+12=15
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 10:38:55 AM

Could get to like this boating thing. Xenia snuggles in close to Wynn for the trip across the lake. The lulling motion of the boat is a balm that belies the danger into which they will soon be going. Sure could get used to this boating thing, yes sir.

"Oh, by the by guys, the Catacombs says the pearl thing is a Bead of Force. Guess the way it works is you throw it and it blows up. Then after it blows up, there's this force thing that holds whoever's there inside."

"Mighta come in handy," she says in a languid voice, "with those greenies back on Trash. Oh well."

"Who wants to hold it?"

Things change as the boats draw near the dock. Xenia kneels in the ... whaddya call it? ... the front of the boat scanning the forest where it meets the beach. Gotta get your eyes used to how things are here. Things move here different than in the city. Leaves and stuff blow in the wind. It's hard to tell what's dangerous and what's not. Go figure.

Armored and ready, Xenia leaps to the wood planks of the dock and pads softly to the sand.

"Maybe we'd better make camp on the beach first while we check out what's left of the town," she says, holding a hand to shade her eyes while surveying the woods through the lenses perched on the bridge of her nose.

"Remember the creepy feeling you get when you, you know, get into the Crying Woods?" Xenia strides with a quiet watchfulness up the slope of the beach. "I'm gonna see if the same feeling is up there in the town. I'm not going in, just to the edge. I'll be right back," she says.

Spot 24
Listen 29
Hide 12 (Nat 1. Yeah, hide on a beach. Right.)
Move Silently 15

Xenia paid for the ID out of her own pocket.
And sorry Mike, thought I'd speed this along. I'll send you the requisites for Xenia's character sheet once the transaction is done.

With regard to the Necklace of Fireballs and the Bead of Force, Xenia has a Base Range Attack of +8 that would go toward any thrown weapons.

Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 12:13:10 PM

Angus watches as the City of Perimon approaches, or what is left of it, and thinks, the Crying Woods is not wasting any time in reclaiming her own. Woods do not work that fast, something nasty is behind this.

To answer Xenia questions "I certainly do not want to hold the necklace or bead. I do think either you or Wynn should each hold one. We can try to keep you two as secondary fighters to Syr, Florin and Lang and I expect you each are good at throwing things. Wynn was excellent in his bowling match with Faddle."

Angus continues. "I suppose I should hold the arcane scrolls. Which ones were arcane, besides rope trick?"

As the group unloads the supplies, Angus calls over to Florin. "Are we going to set up camp or recon? Should we recon in force or should our stealthy woodsy types give it a try first?" Angus awaits an answers as he watches everyone else unload the boats.

Belkior  d20+5=6
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 12:49:28 PM

The halfling cleric hurriedly clambers out of the small boat. Despite what the others say, he doesn't trust the craft. As he does so, he casts a cautious eye over the dock, beach and clearing. (Spot = 6, with natural 1)[/]

Confident that there is no danger lurking nearby, he carefully lifts his packs and armor out of the boat. Stepping lightly on the dock, Belkior moves onto the beach and begins donning his armor. There was absolutely no way that he was going to compound the dangers of boating with wearing armor at the same time.

After he is properly dressed for an expedition into the wilds, he moves over to the newly purchased supplies. Taking out the three scrolls of Remove Disease, he says to the group, "I'll hold onto these, since I have a better chance of using them than anyone else." He searches for a good place to keep the scrolls, then shrugs and tucks them into his backpack. [i]Well, we aren't likely to need these in a hurry. I should have brought a scroll case, however.

"Angus, you should probably carry the rest of the scrolls since they're all arcane. Well, the Dispel Magic could be either and I don't remember specifying."

"The warriors should probably carry the Magic Weapon oils. I don't know who should carry the potion of Remove Disease, however."

After saying his piece, the halfling carefully studies the surrounding jungle. Mentally, he runs through the list of misfortunes that could befall the party. This time, however, he stifles the urge to lecture anyone on the dangers of drinking unboiled water, or eating seemingly harmless fruit or other food found in the jungle.

Florin Jadenth  d20+2=6
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 7:00:42 PM

Florin follows the others and also moves onto one of the boats. He though in his armor and everything. He looks to Belkior and chuckles, even more so when they reach the other side of the lake and he moves off the boat just alittle bit behind the man.

As he watches Belkior a moment he shakes his head, "I never met someone as careful as you Belkior my friend. Maybe it will rub off on the rest of us."

Florin hear's the comment on the magic weapon oils but shakes his head as he slides his longsword from it's sheath, the high woldian runes along both sides of the blade which spells the sword's name glows faintly as he moves to follow Xenia, "I will go with you Xenia. As I said, no one moves out here along. Everyone stays in atleast pairs."

As he begisn to follow he hears Angus's questions and he glances around abit (spot:6 wow), "We should set up camp atleast for today here and I say we check out the place more together after camp is pretty well made and ready." Florin has clearly learned his lesson from the fight with the anvil hearts and tiger shields.

Lang & Sunshine  d20+6=19
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 9:49:26 PM

Lang enjoys the short boat ride with Sunshine and the rest of the Shields. The open air, even if it is sea air, feels good after being confined in the Floating City.

Lang grabs one of the 2-man tents and attaches it to his backpack. He gives the other items the once over.

"I cannot use any of the scrolls as they are above my ability. I already have some Magic Weapon oil so I will not carry any of that. In regards to the necklace and the bead my throwing ability is pretty good, but if I am not fighting hand to hand then I will be using my bow so I may not be the best person to carry either of them."

When the boat pulls along side the dock, Lang jumps out and calls Sunshine to him with a quick "Heel".

As Xenia and Florin move towards the woods, Lang will pull his bow and an arrow out of his quiver. He will pace a short distance behind the two of them while he scans the area (Spot 19/23; second # is for favorite enemy plants +4 bonus).

OOC #1 - I know we talked about it and asked Happy about it, but did we ever decide on how much food to buy?

OOC #2 - What is the weather like? If it is cold then I will switch my spell to Endure Elements. Otherwise, I will switch it to Longstrider.

Wynn  d20+3=22 d20+6=12
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 12:18:22 AM

"Her name was Fiddle, Angus," corrects Wynn.

Recognizing the blunder, Wynn busies himself unloading the gear from the boats and making camp. He shoots an angry look at the sorcerer, as he passes by.

"If no one claims it, I'll hold on to the Bead of Force, but someone else should claim the necklace."

Once the tents have been set up and gear stowed, the half-elf marks a neat circle with stones collected from around the dock. Searching for deadwood between the shore and the edge of the clearing, Wynn keeps his eyes open for any signs that the Crimson Shields might not be alone. (Search=22, Spot=12)

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 4:19:54 AM

Along the trip, Tionel was somewhat curios about their new halfling companion and asked him a few questions... How old is he, how long has he been at the temple, what sorts of skills he has, and so on.
When they arrive, Tionel hops off and onto the beach and looks around excitedly. He's wearing an explorer's outfit, "Ah, the wild." He takes a deep breath. "I do so love a little jaunt into the woods... I'll go along with you, Xenia." He quickly heads forward before the half-elf girl can respond, moving very fast and somehow shuffling his feet so as to not leave any tracks along the sandy shores.

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:40:43 AM

Syr hops out on the dock and follows Lynn's action by grabbing a tent. He waits patiently while the trio heads out scouting.

Turning to the others, "How about Tionel for the necklace? While he does have magic, it isn't generally offensive."

Anybody Home? (DM MikeK) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 8:13:17 AM

Xenia, Florin, and Tionel traipse up the beach toward the clearing.
Lang sets himself up to provide cover.

The weather is mild and sunny.

Meanwhile, the others unpack gear and prepare to camp on the beach itself. Wynn cannot find enough stones on the sandy beach to create a fire circle. Which is fine, because he can't find enough driftwood to make a decent fire, either. The bard comes up with only a few pieces, which he estimates won't last more than 4 hours or so.

The jungle is just that. At the edge of the beach, tall trees and thick vegetation create a green wall punctuated by oranges, reds, blues, and purples of flowers. Only where Perimon existed is there any break at all to the thick foliage. No animals can be seen, but ears pick up the buzz of insects, and yowls, shrieks, and cries that must belong to far off animals.

Nothing sounds particularly close, and the scouting trio steps up the line separating beach from plant life. Xenia takes a breath, and crosses that line. For about half a second - EVERYTHING in the jungle goes completely silent, and then starts up again as though nothing happened.

Florin and Tionel follow the rogue. No one goes more than a couple steps into Perimon.
All three feel it. Like before, they can't see anything, smell anything - but coming from somewhere is a gut feeling of shock, hostility, and someone or something watching.
[Survival check DC14 -- feeling is acute, kicking the fight/flight instinct into high gear. Take +2 bonus for having been in Woods before. Take +4 bonus if have been exposed to the acute feeling before.]

Xenia  d20+6=23
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 10:49:05 AM

Fiddle Faddle, Xenia thinks as she walks up the beach. The thought dampens with the realization that, whichever is which, they are both now dead. As every footstep brings the Crying Woods that much nearer, the feeling of solemn respect for the dead, mingles with that peculiar prickly sense of heightened awareness always brought on by danger.

Then she crosses that invisible line ... and it's there.

Hoo-boy ...

Having had it in her brain before, the dark rogue is pretty much ready for it. Still, doesn't make it any nicer. (Survival 23)

"Um, that's all I wanted to know," she says out loud, turning to head back down the beach. "It's there. The Crying Woods," she calls back to those still out in the sand. "You can feel it."

"Nice camp," half to make herself feel better after walking into the Crying Woods, she lifts up on tip-toes and gives Wynn a peck on the cheek, "I think we're gonna need it."

Looking up at the sun to figure the time of day, Xenia looks again out to Perimon.

"Whaddya say we take a look at that building out there while there's still some light." She thinks back to the map. "Looks like that's the Smith and Headquarters building."

Angus  d20+8=19
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 11:57:32 AM

Angus takes off his leather traveling hat and soaks up the suns rays, but not for long as his fair skin can not take too much of a good thing.

Angus thinks to himself, Wynn is correct, I got the girls mixed up. Angus wonders to himself that a little chaos is never a bad thing as he watches Xenia shrug off the comment.

Angus strolls the beach, all the while sizing up the Crying woods. "I agree Xenia, lets have a look around while it is still light. Maybe we can find more firewood also. What is the best order for us to trek into the forest? I suggest the middle for me. What should be our spacing also? Any thoughts Florin." At the mention of Florin's name, Angus takes out his flute and tips his hat in Florin's direction and begins to play (perform 19), attempting to lighten the mood of the forest and setting up camp.

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 9:40:26 PM

Belkior glances about at the nearby jungle. This is his first expedition to the jungle so he has no idea what to expect.

Belkior responds to Tionel's questions while he is checking his pack and other supplies. "I've been at the temple in the Floating City for just under two years. Before that I was in the temple where I grew up, in the Crescent Valley. I came here to Floating City to study with Janus, since she's renowned within the Shepherds. I've learned a lot with her. I've focused on healing, but I've also spent a lot of time learning other things useful to a field healer. I used to adventure in the Crescent Valley, so I've picked up a few otehr skills also."

After Angus mentions marching order, Belkior volunteers, "I'd feel better being in the middle of the group also." With that, he shoulders his pack and moves to stand near Angus. Then he waits for the group to move towards the ruins of Perimon.

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 10:49:02 PM

Florin thinks over Angus's comment and nods and he spins his sword once but keeps ahold of it just incase, "Xenia would be alot of help towards the front with her lens, Lang why don't you come up here and take to the front also, I and Syr will follow off to either side and Wynn I hate to do this but can you take towards the back leaving Belkior and Angus in the center of us. Kind of like a circle with those to in the center. Tionel you can also be in the back if you like or towards the center with Angus and Belkior...this sound good to everyone?"

Lang  d20+9=17 d20+1=9 d20+11=20
Friday February 4th, 2005 12:38:40 AM

Well that was interesting, Lang thinks to himself when the jungle becomes silent for a split second.

Lang & Sunshine move into position per Florin's instruction. He will take up position on Xenia's left with Sunshine on his left.

With his bow still out, he will nod towards Florin to let him know he is ready to move out, looking for tracks as they move.

Survival - 17 without FE plant bonus
Survival Sunshine - 9
Survival tracking - 20 without FE plant bonus

Wynn  d20+6=9 d20+2=5
Friday February 4th, 2005 12:53:57 AM

"Wherever I can help the most" the bard replies when Florin suggests he take the rear of the column. The bard does his best to keep his eyes open and his ears tuned, but the noise of the others distracts him, and memories of the green tendrils invading the diseased men's brains dull his senses [Spot=9, Listen=3]

Tionel  d20+10=22
Friday February 4th, 2005 1:31:57 AM

(oh, and that's another +4, so it'd be 26...)
Having been in this forest before and being used to woods of all types, Tionel barely even stops at the feeling. But he does notice it..
"These woods are strange. You know, so far, not even the druids really understand it? And they're druids, I mean, REAL druids, unlike me. I'm more of a city druid, y'know? But anyways...and then there's those weird ruins that we saw. Druidic runes...but who made them, and how long ago? Is it tied in with that disease, with those flowers, with the Jack?
"Well, I doubt we'll find any real answers. But maybe we'll have fun..."

Syr  d20+10=28
Friday February 4th, 2005 5:13:06 AM

Syr falls into place on the right side of the formation with a whispered comment to the paladin, "Swap Lang and Wynn? eye's bow will be more effective from the rear and you recall what berzerk woman up there did when Wynn was in danger? Best to keep those two close..."

Angus (second illegal post)  d20+6=15
Friday February 4th, 2005 8:12:19 AM

Angus needs all the bonuses he can as he barely shakes off the effects of the Jungle. "Strange place" he mumbles to himself.

The Smithy (exDM MikeK) 
Friday February 4th, 2005 10:09:01 AM

The Crimson Shields gear up, and head into Perimon.

As before, as soon as Xenia crosses an invisible line - for about half a second - EVERYTHING in the jungle goes completely silent, and then starts up again as though nothing happened.

Everyone is again subjected to the feeling - coming from somewhere is a gut feeling of shock, hostility, and someone or something watching.
[Survival check DC14 -- feeling is acute, kicking the fight/flight instinct into high gear. Take +2 bonus for having been in Woods before. Take +4 bonus if have been exposed to the acute feeling before.]

Regardless, the heroes move forward, intent on exploring this last remaining structure.
Xenia, Lang, and Sunshine move forward as a unit. Some 15' behind come Tionel, Angus, and Belkior. Florin splits out from this trio about 15' to the right. Syr does the same 15' to the left. And 15' to the rear is Wynn, silently taking up the rear guard.

The group moves in and around vines, jungle plants, and tall trees. Nothing moves. Nothing is seen.

Perimon was not a big colony, and in a few minutes the group is approaching the lone building. It was apparently the smithy. The building is about 90' wide and 40' deep. The entire south wall (the side the party is approaching) has collapsed, while the other three walls and most of the roof remains intact. The rubble of the south wall, the rest of the structure, and the interior of the two visible rooms are coated in grasses and vines, obscuring the floor.
Map coming

The larger room on the west side contains a forge and a long shelf along the back wall. The smaller room on the east side appears totally empty. Vegetation and shadow make the assessment difficult, however.

Spot checks, please.

Belkior  d20+4=16 d20+5=20
Friday February 4th, 2005 11:45:20 AM

Belkior flinches when he first experiences the feeling of hostility emanating from the jungle, but he manages to withstand it and press on. (OOC - Survival check = 16)

Still, he unconciously moves closer to Tionel and Angus and clutches his quarterstaff more tightly. He's never been into the jungle before and doesn't know what to expect. There could be any sort of enemy hidden in the undergrowth, watching and plotting. Not to mention poisonous snakes, insects or other hazards.

As the party approached the ruins of the smithy, the halfling cleric peers into the gloom and vines. (OOC - Spot = 20)

Spells Memorized
0 - Detect Magic (2), Detect Poison, Mending, Read Magic
1 - Bless (2), Command, Sanctuary (D - Cure Light Wounds)
2 - Bull's Strength, Delay Poison, Hold Person (D - Aid)
3 - Dispel Magic, Prayer (D - Cure Serious Wounds)

Xenia  d20+11=26 d20+6=14 d20+15=30 d20+11=19 d20+12=16
Friday February 4th, 2005 12:04:58 PM

"Syrdeth Redbow," Xenia says in a very lowish sort of voice. (Listen 26) "I heard that. You don't want me to come back there and punch you one, do you?"

Yeah. As if. Still, you know, you wouldn't say that sort of thing unless you kinda sorta thought they'd play along with it. For a moment, the girl rogue wonders, in one of those off hand kind of wondering ways, if this is what it's like to have a big brother.

The new shortbow comes out of the haversack, and Xenia nocks her first arrow, testing the tensile strength of the bowstring with an experimental pull. Feels good.

For some reason, the Woods feels worse the second time. Stronger memory of the feeling, maybe. Dunno. Xenia gives a mental shrug and shakes it off. Don't like it.

Bow at the ready, the rogue moves out with Lang and his pup. This is different. This is The Woods. She keeps her eyes peeled and her head down.

Listen 26
Survival 14 (Whew)
Spot 30
Hide 19
Move Silently 16

ADM Jim 
Friday February 4th, 2005 1:00:13 PM

OOC: Great Job Mike. Good luck with your new assignment.

A posting note: Please provide spells memorized on a list at the bottom of your character post: similar to what Belkior provided, that would be Tionel, Florin, Lang and Wynn in addition to Belkior. Angus will post spell slots as he uses spells.

Thank you and now lets have some fun

Florin Jadenth  d20+2=7
Friday February 4th, 2005 7:22:18 PM

Florin looks to Syr and nods, making a quick comment to the group lineup, "Didn't think of that, Wynn you should change places with Lang."

With this said Florin begins to move foreward with the others and also laughs and comments over to Syr, not lowering his voice either, "Yeah, an you said I acted like a raging barbarian against that wood like creature. I think she had me beat with that fight." Florin grins at his comment and continues moving foreward and keeping his eyes open. (spot:7 wow, another bad roll)

1st level: Bless (1)
(OOC:Only listing the spell my character has loaded up and he only has one spell currently)

Wynn Brightsong  d20+3=15 d20+6=26 d20+2=17
Friday February 4th, 2005 8:22:32 PM

Wynn moves forward in the group, exchanging positions with Lang. The Crying Woods are a strange place, and they seem to invade his thoughts. The bard pushes his fear aside [Survival=15] and draws his sword in anticipation. He peers into the smithy, looking for any movement or other obvious danger and keeps his senses focused on his surroundings [Spot=26, Nat 20, Listen=17].

Spells 0-Level; Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic. Level-1; Cure Light Wounds,Disguise Self, Sleep

Angus  d20+6=23 d20+3=10
Friday February 4th, 2005 8:53:38 PM

Angus remains in his customary spot in the middle of the group, surrounded by the capable members of the Crimson Shields.

Once again he is able to cope with the Crying Woods's presence. He is even able to look around as they move towards the building.

Survival - 23
Spot - 10

Spell Slots (unused/total):
0 - 6/6
1 - 8/8
2 - 5/5

Lang & Sunshine  d20+9=20 d20+1=19 d20+6=19
Friday February 4th, 2005 9:03:16 PM

Lang & Sunshine let the rest of the group pass as Wynn moves up next to Xenia. They fall in slightly behind the group and follow them as they move towards the decaying building.

The presence of the woods makes itself known and both Sunshine and Lang are able to withstand its effects (survival 20 & 19).

Keeping a sharp eye out for any possible enemies, Lang maintains covering the group with his trusty longbow (spot 19/23).

As the group enters the building, Lang and Sunshine will stay outside and keep lookout.

OOC - I will split the rolls (like the spot check above) where the favorite enemy bonus may be applied.

Tionel  d20+7=12 d20+10=18
Saturday February 5th, 2005 1:12:48 PM

Tionel walks fearless of the woods (+14 with bonus to survival). Even so, he keeps a sharp lookout, not feeling at all natural around these strange woods. But perhaps it's all the strangeness, he doesn't see very much sticking out of the vegetation. (Spot 12)
He keeps an eye out for any strange plants as he goes along, especially dangerous ones. And if so, he describes them to his pals, hoping to avoid any catastrophes. (Knowledge: Nature roll of 18) Other than that, he keeps silent, as the forest has simply unnerved him slightly.

Tionel (Spell List) 
Saturday February 5th, 2005 2:23:25 PM

[0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Cure Minor Wounds, Know Direction, Purify Food and Water.
1: Pass Without Trace, Entangle, Charm Animals, Speak W/Animals.
2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Hold Animal.
3: Neutralize Poison, Diminish Plants, Dominate Animal. ]

Lang (spell list) 
Saturday February 5th, 2005 6:48:47 PM

1st level: Longstrider

Smithy  d20+12=15 d20+12=16 d20+12=30 d20+12=32
Monday February 7th, 2005 9:50:32 AM

The group of adventurers each shake off the effects of the strange woods, but are still cautious as they approach the only structure they can see. Everyone passes through ferns and broadleaf plants that are 5 feet high. The ground is moist and squishes underfoot. The undergrowth reduces in height as everyone starts to get close to the smithy to a general height of 3 feet high.

OOC: The group is arranged at this point as follows, Xenia is in the square "e" in the word forge. Angus is 15 feet back at the square maked "f" for forge. Tionel is 5 feet to Angus's right and Belkior is 5 feet to his right, just off the map. Florin is 15 feet further off the map to Belkior's right. Syr is 15 feet to Tionel's left in the "q" for square. Lang and Sunshine are 15 feet in back of Angus.

Xenia notices a large bit mark in the top of the smithy that resulted in the wall falling and causing the wood and stone rubble pile to the groups left. The bite mark seems incomplete in the tar covered roof. Roll DC 17 survival or Knowledge nature to indentify the bite mark.

The sharp eyed and eared Xenia is also positive that she heard and saw the bush in the back of the smithy move five feet.

Wynn is also very observant as he spots a pot of brilliant purple tulips on what appears to be a wide stump 100 or so feet in front of him. What also catches his eye was what appeared to be a large vine that just stop moving as soon as the group stopped in front of the smithy. The vines loops dropped back under the ferns 70 feet in front of Wynn's postion.

Lang and Belkior each see a large vine attempting to creep up on an unsuspecting Florin, but it is still at least 30 feet from his position.

Smithy Continued 
Monday February 7th, 2005 9:54:10 AM

Group positioning update:

Tionel is to Angus's left not right and Wynn is to Xenia's right.

Xenia  d20+2=3 d20+15=33 d20+11=25 d20+11=31 d20+11=12
Monday February 7th, 2005 12:10:14 PM

On the job. Serious business brings out the business end of the dark rogue. Senses come into full play. An instinct for the physical gained through years of training take it's place at the forefront of her mind. That instinct doesn't like the ground. Too soft. The grass too high. Movement will be difficult.

Without a word, Xenia points to the half bite mark at the top of the roof. She says nothing about the implications of a creature that could make such a visible bite. Nor does she mention how high it is up on the wall. Business time is not the time to state the obvious. In the back of her mind, however, she stores the notion that whatever took that bite might not like something in that tar roof. (Survival 3 nat 1)

Then the bush moves. It picks up and walks. Her hand shoots straight up in the air and closes into a fist. This before the thought that the others might not know what the gesture means. Instincts work quickly in business time.

"That bush is walking," she says, plain, simple, and quiet. "Moving in on us." (I assume that it moved 5 feet in our direction. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

"Anyone see any of those vines?"

OoC: Is the beach to the west or the south? BTW, who has the Necklace of Fireballs? Tionel or Xenia?

Survival 3
Spot 33
Listen 25
Hide 31
Move Silently 12 (Nat 1)

Active Effects
Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.

Ready Action: If a killer vine shows up, shoot it.

ADM Jim Position Update 
Monday February 7th, 2005 1:01:39 PM

The group was moving north so the beach is due south of their current position, by a 300 feet.

The smithy is West of the group, albeit only 40 or so feet west.

Syr  d20+7=27
Monday February 7th, 2005 7:19:50 PM

Having been here before, Syr shows a little less hesitancy as he steps through the grass. Showing even less regard for the silence of the place, he calls out to the halfing, "Hey Belkior, think the creature that made that mark would even notice you? I think anyone less than half a bite would be safe." Keeping an eye out for any moving plants he looks ahead of the group (spot natural 20, what a waste).

Florin Jadenth  d20+2=4
Monday February 7th, 2005 8:05:30 PM

Florin looks around and frowns as he doesn't really see the stupid plant move (spot:4), he does hold his longsword at the ready and swings his shield around and into his free hand just incase and frowns, "Dang plants. Here for two mins and they already want to eat us."

1st level: Bless (1)

Belkior  d20+5=19 d20+5=15
Monday February 7th, 2005 9:09:16 PM

Trying to pitch his voice so it doesn't carry more than necessary, Belkior calls out to Florin. "Ware, Florin. There's a vine moving towards you out there, beyond you." (OOC - Survival = 19)

Hearing Syr's attempt at humour, Belkior looks nervously at the size of the bite mark in the smithy. Hopefully, the beast that made that mark would be too big to notice him.

Seeing the other movements, Belkior draws his sling and loads a bullet. Still, he won't act until the group is attacked.

(OOC - I didn't roll for identification of the bite mark since I didn't think that was directed at the entire group. If it was, Survival roll is 15.)

Wynn  d20+6=20 d20+2=15 d20+3=9
Monday February 7th, 2005 9:36:00 PM

Moving up a little closer to the dark rogue, Wynn silently points out the bizarre purple flowers in a pot on the stump, and then waves his hand in the direction of the disappearing vine 70 ft. away. In a whisper he confides, "I saw it too, Xenia. Best to be on our guard."

The bard selects a potion from his pouch, and prepares to take it.

Ready action -- quaff potion of Bull's Strength


Angus  d20+2=11 d20+3=16
Monday February 7th, 2005 10:44:04 PM

Angus peers at the bite mark in the top of the smithy trying to account for its origin, but is not able to (survival 11). Shrugging his shoulders in bafflement, his attention is drawn towards the moving bush that Xenia points out (spot 16).

Glancing around at his companions, Angus holds his position and casts mage armor.

Spells cast:
Mage Armor

0 - 6/6
1st - 7/8
2nd - 5/5

Lang & Sunshine  d20+6=24 d20+9=23 d20+10=20 d8+2=10
Monday February 7th, 2005 11:13:37 PM

Lang & Sunshine stop when they see the Shields in front of them stop moving. A movement over by Florin catches his eye and he becomes concerned when he sees a large vine attempting to creep up on Florin. Lang sees Florin move his sword and shield into position to defend himself, so he does not call out to him.

Lang turns himself slightly to try to keep an eye behind the group as well as in front (spot 24/28). He notices the bite mark in the smithy and wonders what made a bite mark that big and that far off the ground (survival 23/27).

Readying himself he waits to see if the vines/plants attack and if they do he will shoot them with his bow (ready action bow; hit ac 20; damage 10/14).

In a low voice to Sunshine he says, "Defend".

1st level: Longstrider

OOC: If anyone would like to play Sunshine, please let me know.

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 12:33:29 AM

"Guys, can't we just avoid this plant...?" Tionel looks at the thing and ponders his knowledge of plants. "Let's just edge back, and then to the right around it, if it keeps after us, we'll do something. But we can't afford to fight every plant in this woods...and we don't want to anger it by burning stuff unneccessarily."
(Xenia has the necklace, btw. At least, Tionel would give it to her...)

ADM Jim: The Smithy  d20+4=18 d20+4=9
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:17:25 AM

Xenia is getting concerned as she sees a second bush move, or at least the roots around it twitched. This bush is on the right side (north) of the front entrance of the Smithy, just over the rubble pile. The red headed rouge also sees some of the lower branches of the bush by the forge lean toward the group. No one else has seen any movement (DC 30 and 32 spot required) and Xenia realizes that she must concentrate hard to catch any movement at all from the two srubs. Xenia is now wary of the other srubs in the Smithy as she points with her loaded bow for any of her friends that will look into the Smithy.

Wynn is able to track the movement of the vine approaching the group from the north (DC 18 spot check to contine tracking next round from anyone looking that direction). The vine is still a ways off as it is not making much headway (65 feet from Wynn's position).

Lang takes a quick glance at the roof of the Smithy and thinks the bite mark looks like an oversize mandible bite from an REALLY big beetle. Lang thinks he remembers Angus and Xenia talking about a big bug named Max they met in the Crying Woods.

Lang is also able to track the vine coming in from the east toward Florin even though it is doing its best to hide itself in the ferns (DC 9 spot check next round to continue tracking).

Florin still is unsure what everyone is worried about until the grasses start entwining his boots, the ferns and broadleaf plants grab his thighs, a small bush to his left starts grabing at his shield and a low lying branch of a tree reaches for his sword arm. (Reflex save DC 13, wis based vs entangle: sucessful save means Florin can move at half speed). The vine is 20 - 25 feet from Florin.

Angus coats himself in mage armor, knowing from bitter experience what nasty plants can do to his body.

Tionel is expressing caution. Sunshine does not agree as he lets out a low growl and raises his hackles.

Syr speaks to Belkior and also notices the vine that Lang pointed out sneaking up on Florin.

Belkior eyes the bite mark and readies his sling. Belkior is concerned about possible large nasties and what they could do to a halfling, at least he is not alone in the woods.

Xenia (AC20, HP 28/28)  d20+15=34 d20+11=28
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 11:20:14 AM

Potted plants!!!

"We got movement!" Xenia drops all pretense of stealth. "That bush and that bush." She points them out explicitly and with emphasis.

"And something out here is putting up potted plants."

"If you wanna die, you just keep this up," she shouts out into the grass. "Ti'nel! Talk to them."

"Vine!?!" The dark rogue whirls as the new halfling guy says something about vines. Eyes wide, she positions herself back to back with Wynn.

"Talk to them, Ti'nel or I'm gonna start burning."

Spot 34
Listen 28

Active Effects
Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.


Florin Jadenth  d20+5=14 d20+11=15 d8+5=7
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 7:30:32 PM

Florin frowns when the vine tries to entangle him and this makes it deffinetly stand out to him.

Florin not liking the fact that the plant just tried to feel him up growls, "Forget this noise." Florin spins his sword and slashes at the vine that tried to entangle him. (Can hit AC:15 Damage:7)

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 7:58:24 PM

Syr moves closer to the front preparing to aid Florin. "Fight or Flight?" (If possible, aid another helping Florin attack).

Belkior  d20+5=6
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:46:52 PM

Belkior sees the plants moving towards his companions and doesn't think that standing in the jungle is such a good idea. He moves 5' to stand beside Angus in the clearing.

(OOC - into the square with the o & r)

Once he's out in the clear, he continues to glance about looking for any other plants creeping up on himself, or his companions. But he's too nervous to notice much of anything. (OOC - natural 1 on the Spot roll)

Otherwise, he holds his action.

Wynn  d20+6=13 d20+2=21
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 11:44:29 PM

Standing with his back to Xenia, he tries to track the shrubbery but looses sight of the distant vine. "I have a funny feeling about this," he says as he grips the potion tighter, but holds his action. "Do we stay or do we leave?" he asks.


Angus  d20+8=27
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 12:01:52 AM

Angus wonders if all this plant and vine activity is magical in nature. He casts Detect Magic while looking at the plant life trying to wrap itself around Florin.

Cast Detect Magic (defensively with concentration check of 27).

Angus will state to the group the results of the Detect Magic spell.

"Should we move back to the beach and re-group and re-plan? We do not want to get separated and attacked from all sides."

Spells cast:
Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Detect Magic (60 foot cone shaped emanation; lasts 5 minutes)

0 - 5/6
1st - 7/8
2nd - 5/5

Lang & Sunshine  d20+6=17 d20+10=29 d8+2=8 d20+3=18 d6+3=9
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 12:17:26 AM

Echoing Angus & Syr, "We should move back to the beach and decide a course of action that can deal with these threats."

Keeping a wary eye around him (spot 17/21), Lang holds his position and keeps his bow ready to shoot (ready action bow; hit ac 29; damage 6/10).

Sunshine remains defending Lang's back ready to attack anything that tries to get his master (ready action bite; hit ac 18; damage 9).

1st level - Longstrider

Wednesday February 9th, 2005 1:36:23 AM

"I'm going to do something to make most of the regular vegetation back up...hopefully this will scare it back. If not, then get ready to put up a little fight, guys..."
Tionel waits till the vegetation is at about 50 feet, then holds forth a bit of mistletoe and dirt and murmurs some words...Suddenly, all the vegetation before him in a semi-circle (180 degrees) shrinks down, appearing to suddenly have been pruned and shortened. Except for any plant-creatures or whatnot...
Hopefully, this ruining of cover and slight brush against nature will cause the plants to withdraw their advance, but Tionel is also pretty sure that they will continue on heedlessly.

ADM Jim: The Smithy  d20+3=5
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 10:54:21 AM

OOC: Please post the spells you have memorized and list any spells you cast, in this cast Diminish Plants, so that I do not have to look everything up on your character sheets. Also, Florin you forgot to roll you entangle save, which I did for you, which you failed (I gave you a +2 bonus for wis modifier, a larger bonus will not matter as I rolled a 2 for you).

The grasses and ferns anchor Florin's legs and he feels his feet compressed into the soft wet ground. The bush next to Florin has a good grasp on his shield arm. Florin shortens the tree branch attempting to hold his sword arm only to have a second branch grap his arm and hold him fast.

Syr moves over to aid Florin and passes Belkior, Angus and Tionel, but realizes to do so will subject him to the entangle also (DC 13 reflex save wis based, sucessful save results in half movement).

Xenia and Wynn are back to back and are keeping watch on the Smithy as Xenia pointed out two bushes that she suspects are more than bushes, even though Wynn can not tell any different. Wynn has temporarially lost sight of the northern vine, but Xenia has a bead on it.

Lang is watching the eastern vine as it is approaching Florin and now it is 15 - 20 feet away from Florin, possible striking distance.

Tionel casts his Diminish plant spell and the grasses, ferns and bushes all become nicly cropped. This exposes the eastern vine for all to see and gives Florin another attempt to resist the entangling plants (DC 13 relex save, wis based). The northern vine is now just making its way into the Diminsihed zone and is partially visible to all, but is still over 50 feet from Wynn.

OOC: The smithy was uneffected as Tionel did not describe what areas he wanted to target, so I targeted the areas with the vines.

The sun is beating down on the hero's and several begin to sweat and maybe not from the heat...

Belkior, Xenia and Lang have missile weapons at the ready and Wynn has his potion in hand.

Angus casts his detect magic, but all he can detect that is magic is on his friends and the work of the Diminish plants spell as it washes over the area.

ADM Jim: The Smithy addition 
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 11:50:41 AM

OOC: In reviewing Florin's posting (Thanks Matt), it appears that he may have made his saving throw(14), but it was not listed in the post. I apologize for missing the roll, but in the future please put the explaination of all rolls in the body of your post, so I do not miss anything. Thanks.

If Florin made his saving throw he can attempt to move at half speed and does not need to make a new saving throw.

Xenia (AC20, HP 28/28)  d20+15=31 d20+11=13 d20+9=19 d6=6
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 12:52:54 PM

Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!

"Me too," she replies to Wynn at her back.

"Hey you!" Xenia shouts out. "You bushes! We're not here to fight. We want to talk. But if your vine guys keep coming, I'm gonna peg 'em with an arrow."

Spot 31
Listen 13

Active Effects
Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.

Ready action. If *any* of the vines come closer, peg the Eastern Vine.
Hit AC19, Damage 6hp

Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15)  d20+3=15
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 8:57:00 PM

Angus turns away from the area spell cast by Tionel. He turns towards the Smithy and uses his Detect Magic while looking at the plant life near the forge. He also tries to discern any movement from the plant life there (spot 15).

If anything magical comes up, Angus will tell the group.

"Florin what do you want to do? Stay and fight or re-group?"

If the group moves back towards the beach then Angus will move with the group and not scan the forge area with the detect magic spell.

Spells cast:
Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Detect Magic (60 foot cone shaped emanation; lasts 5 minutes)

0 - 5/6
1st - 7/8
2nd - 5/5

Belkior (AC 21; HP 34/34)  d20+5=15 d20+5=24
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 9:23:12 PM

Belkior keeps close to Angus, peering about nervously. (OOC Spot roll = 15)

Hearing Angus' question to Florin, the halfling cleric turns towards the paladin. He studies the plants twining about his companion and may recognize the effect.
(OOC Spellcraft roll = 24, which should be enough to identify existing spells up to lvl 4)

If he does recognize the effect, Belkior calls out to the group with the possible class(es) of caster.

Having done that, he waits with his loaded sling in case anything larger moves to attack Florin.

Spells Memorized
0 - Detect Magic (2), Detect Poison, Mending, Read Magic
1 - Bless (2), Command, Sanctuary (D - Cure Light Wounds)
2 - Bull's Strength, Delay Poison, Hold Person (D - Aid)
3 - Dispel Magic, Prayer (D - Cure Serious Wounds)

Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15)  d20+3=19 d20+8=26 d20+8=20 d8+2=6 d8+2=5 d20+6=24 d20+3=9 d6+3=8
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 9:24:34 PM

Lang thinks into his past to try to determine what kind of plant creature or creatures they are fighting (knowledge nature 19).

He also decides that a couple well placed arrows may deter the creature or creatures from attacking any further. He fires one arrow at the east vine and one arrow at the north vine (Spot check on the north vine 24/28).

East - Hit AC 26; damage 6/10
North - Hit AC 20; damage 5/9

Sunshine remains defending Lang (ready action bite; hit ac 9; damage 8).

1st level - Longstrider

Wynn Brightsong  d20+6=17
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 10:45:58 PM

Wynn continues to keep an eye on the vines, a task made much easier by Tionel's spell. He maintains his position by Xenia, sword in one hand and vial in the other. "You've fought these before, what can you tell me about these vines?" he asks his companion.

Florin Jadenth 
Wednesday February 9th, 2005 11:48:23 PM

(OOC:Jim, sorry about not posting Florin's relfex roll. I honestly completely forgot about it. If I'm suppose to use a ref save, adding Florin's will instead of dex then the ref save would of been a 16 or so.)

Florin frowns and looks to his friends as he speaks up, "Fall back everyone. Let us get into atleast a area where we can see these stupid vines coming in easier."

Florin begins falling back, since the vines are only trying to grapple him he doesn't drop into a defensive fall back though. He does keep his sword ready and shield, "Also we don't want to use all of are fire stuff yet so everyone should probably hold onto that for a last resort or a dire needed area."

Tionel  d20+8=24
Thursday February 10th, 2005 12:33:32 AM

Tionel tries something a bit desparate, perhaps... Most druids seem to have an intuitive connection to animals and creatures of nature, able to befriend them without words to a degree. Usually, in doing so, one can make them at least a little less violent, if not nicer. These plants seem a bit far gone in their malice, but perhaps he can soothe them... he knows they can't fight every step of their way into the forest, especially if they wish to sleep at night.
He tries to be soothing towards the plants, and speaks/hums to them a gentle tune... (Druid friendship roll of 24)

ADM Jim: The Smithy 
Thursday February 10th, 2005 11:03:04 AM

The eastern vine coils to strike as Florin retreats and is struck by two arrows (Xenia's and Lang's, ready action). The vine recoils from the arrows and has smaller vines pull the protruding arrows out of its main stalk. The eastern vine is no longer moving toward Florin and turns north, slowly dripping sap from two wounds.

Lang also sends an arrow into the northern approaching vine and it also has smaller branching vines remove the arrow. The vine adjusts it movement slightly and is slowly edging toward where Florin was and Tionel now is standing attempting to communicate with the eastern vine. The northern vine is completely visible now and seems to be larger than the eastern vine.

Florin has moved 20 feet back toward the beach putting him next to Land and Sunshine.

Tionel has moved forward in an attempt to communicate with the eastern vine. As Tionels footfall start in the direction of the eastern vine it stops and redirects itself toward the group again, specifically Tionel. Tionel's humming does not seem to be getting through to the vine in any positive manner. Tionel is still out of what the group percieves as the vines striking distance, but not by much.

Xenia gets no response from the Smithy, but does notice that a large root by the shrub near the forge moved slightly. No one else notices any movement in the Smithy.

Wynn is remaining vigilant by Xenia's side.

Angus does not notice any magic in the Smithy.

Belkior sees the natural rendition of an entangle spell effect in the area that Florin left. The entangle stopped when Florin left the area, but seems to be starting up again as Tionel is advancing.

ADM: Jim 
Thursday February 10th, 2005 11:05:22 AM

OOC: Belkior, Lang and Angus are posting spells. Florin, Wynn and Tionel please post spells in memory each round. Everyone Post AC please. The vine AC is 15

Xenia (AC20, HP 28/28)  d20+15=33 d20+11=28 d20+9=24 d6=4
Thursday February 10th, 2005 11:59:06 AM

Xenia draws another arrow.

"They wrap you and squeeze," she replies over her shoulder to Wynn. "You can ask Angus about that. Lifted him up into the air. Last time they hit too. Kind of like a snake."

"I hate these things, Wynn. I really do," she whispers.

"Bush is still moving over by the smithy!" the rogue shouts out to the others.

"Pull back? Xenia whispers over her shoulder again. She takes a tentative step. Feeling Wynn's presence at her back, she takes cues from him, withdrawing should he go, staying if he does not, turning with his movement, syncing her action to his.

The dark rogue's eyes and ears monitor the surrounding greenery. She makes a brief motion to peg an arrow at the vine to the east. Then she returns to her synchronous movements, following Wynn's lead.

Spot 33
Listen 28
Hit AC24, Damage 4hp

Active Effects
Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.

Pull back if Wynn does.

Thursday February 10th, 2005 6:53:19 PM

Syr stays far enought away from the vines to give anyone closer an exit. "I really want to get into that smithy to see if there are any clues... Do you guys think we can take one of these vines one at a time and clean this place out? Plus we still need a basecamp..."

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday February 10th, 2005 8:56:03 PM

Florin stops where he has backedup by Lang and Sunshine. He stays there and frowns when he sees Tionel move foreward, "You better start backing off Tionel or we might have to dice in there to help you out."

Florin readies to charge back in if Tionel doesn't fall back.

Wynn Brightsong [AC=19, HP=46/46]  d20+6=26
Thursday February 10th, 2005 9:20:11 PM

Wynn slowly turns through 360 degrees to scan the area, careful to maintain contact with Xenia as he does so[Spot=26, Nat 20]. Sizing up the situation, the bard Wynn nods at Syr. "I think we should be able to hold them off, it's the plants inside the structure that have me worried. How about it friends, do we make for the smithy as Syr suggests?"

Wynn prepares to make for the building if the group agrees and will dodge the nearest vine should it lash out [effective AC=20]

Spells 0-Level; Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic. Level-1; Cure Light Wounds,Disguise Self, Sleep

Lang (AC 20; HP 46/46) & Sunshine (AC 16; HP 15/15)  d20+6=19 d20+8=15 d20+8=28 d20+8=21 d8+2=5 3d8(6+8+7)+6=27 d20+3=5
Thursday February 10th, 2005 10:24:26 PM

Lang holds his ground and takes a quick look around for any more approaching vines (spot 19/23). He then reaches into his quiver and grabs some arrows to provide more missile support for Tionel so that he can get out of the combat zone.

Fire one arrow at the east vine and one arrow at the north vine.

East - Hit AC 15; damage 5/9.
North - Hit AC 28(21); critical damage 27/31 or 39; not sure if this + is tripled.

Sunshine remains defending Lang (ready action bite; hit ac 5; damage N/A).

1st level - Longstrider

Angus (AC 14; HP 15/15)  d20+3=11
Thursday February 10th, 2005 10:27:38 PM

Angus rotates away from the Smithy and uses his Detect Magic in an area that he has not looked at yet.

He also looks for any movement from the plant life where he is trying to detect magic (spot 11).

Spells cast:
Mage Armor (+4 to AC; lasts 5 hours)
Detect Magic (60 foot cone shaped emanation; lasts 5 minutes)

0 - 5/6
1st - 7/8
2nd - 5/5

Tionel (AC 16) 
Thursday February 10th, 2005 10:46:19 PM

"Yes, let's back up...Whatever this thing is, there's no need to fight it if we can." Tionel backs up swiftly, keeping an eye on the vines. He even backs up past the rest of the group, in a little bit of a rush to get away from these menacing vegetables.

[0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Cure Minor Wounds, Know Direction, Purify Food and Water.
1: Pass Without Trace, Entangle, Charm Animals, Speak W/Animals.
2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Hold Animal.
3: Neutralize Poison, Diminish Plants (Cast), Dominate Animal. ]

Belkior (AC 21; HP 34/34)  d20+5=18 d20+7=20 d3=2
Thursday February 10th, 2005 11:01:38 PM

"Whatever we do, we should keep together. There's more advantage to fighting as a group than spread across the clearing."

The halfling cleric stays with Angus, keeping an eye out for anything approaching the mage. (OOC Spot = 18)

If any vine moves to attack a party member, Belkior will fire his sling.

Ready Action
Fire sling, hit AC 20 for 2 damage

Spells Memorized
0 - Detect Magic (2), Detect Poison, Mending, Read Magic
1 - Bless (2), Command, Sanctuary (D - Cure Light Wounds)
2 - Bull's Strength, Delay Poison, Hold Person (D - Aid)
3 - Dispel Magic, Prayer (D - Cure Serious Wounds)

ADM Jim: The Smithy 
Thursday February 10th, 2005 11:53:28 PM

The group of heros is starting to consolidate with Tionel moving back toward Belkior and Angus.

Lang and Xenia's arrows find their mark on the east vine and it again pulls them out. As Tionel move back, the east vine takes notice of his footfall and seems to think of pursuing, but then starts heading for cover, slowly, in the direction away from the arrows, northeast. The east vine is several rounds from full cover, as a result of Tionel's fern grooming.

The north vine takes a direct hit in the middle of it center stalk and is pinned to the ground by Lang's well placed arrow. It takes a few moments of wiggling and yanking, but the vine frees itself and heads due north away from the party, slowly, toward the potted purple tulips on the rough stump. The secondary vines attempt to extract the arrow but are unsucessful, at least so far.

Xenia sees both of the bushes in the Smithy carefully pull up more roots and vines and other vegetable matter. Wynn tries hard, but can not see what Xenia is seeing for all his efforts.

Wynn and Belkior do notice that the area of ferns and broadleaf plants that Tionel cropped contains some real BIG insect tracks in the soft earth. More disturbing is the fact that Wynn and Belkior notice very slow growth of the cropped plants and each think that you are not suppose to see plant grow.....Although it only took a fortnight for the jungle to reclaim Perimon City or so say the survivors.

Angus does not notice anything magical to the south.

Syr and Wynn toss out two possible courses of action for the group: The Smithy or the Beach and basecamp.

Xenia (AC20, HP 28/28)  d20+15=28 d20+11=20 d20+9=21 d6=4
Friday February 11th, 2005 8:35:02 AM

Wynn begins to turn, and Xenia matches his rotation, even unconsciously syncing her footfalls to his to confuse the casual or not so casual listener. As they turn, the rogue takes in the situation.

"I say we go," she votes. "It's not going to be any different if we go away and come back. We already know nighttime is bad." The rogue barks out ideas as she moves with Wynn.

"Looks like that tangly area is just over in that spot. We know not to go there. Lets pull into tight formation and move toward the smithy. If the brush starts tangling, we move away. Move around. Three pairs. Triangle around a center. Ranged and Melee. Me and Wynn. Tionel, Lang and his pooch. Syr and Florin with his glaive. Angus and Belkior in the center."

"Keep the vines away, and keep a sharp eye out for the tangly areas. If we spot a tangly area, we move away in formation."

"When we get to the smithy, watch for the bushes. They're picking their ... um, whacha-call-em ... roots up out of the ground. I think, maybe, they can walk."

"Hey Angus. If that hands thing you're doing is magic, see what's up with the potted plants over on the stump there. Weird thing."

"Knowing weird things can be useful."

With a quick movement, the rogue fires another arrow, this time at the wounded northern vine.

Spot 28
Listen 20
Hit AC21, Damage 4hp

Active Effects
Seal Against Surprise Attack. Activated earlier. Lasts entire module. Allows action on surprise round as though not surprised.

Move with Wynn.

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