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Strange Happenings

Strange Happenings

Unexpected Findings -- DM Dominic 
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 4:57:52 PM

As you spend the next week sailing to Safeport on the last night before you would reach Safeport you are awakened (around 2am) by the lookout calling out explosion of the starboard side. As you get out on deck you can see the faint glow of what you would think is possibly a fire out in the distance along with a bright flash.

Swirl and Talon take off to see what is happening before Rigging or Redux can say anything. A short time later they both come back and give you the impression that they saw burning ships, wreckage and people in the water.

Niner calls out to the helm "lay in a course to check for survivors."

As you get nearer you start to see pieces of burning timber and some bodies floating in the water. When you arrive at the remains of the two ships you see that one is what was once a fast raider (approx 25 crew) and the other ship looks to be a merchant ship flying the colors of Safe Harbor. You see a few people on the merchant ship moving about and you do not see any movement on the fast raider.

You hear a voice call out from the merchant ship "Help!! Do you have a cleric!?" After a few minutes looking you spot the person calling out to you, they look to be a young man approximately 20 bleeding from wounds on his right arm and above his left eye.

let me know what you have been doing during the week sailing.

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 7:51:14 PM

Rigging during the week. Rigging will offer a compromise on the languages. He will have Jagar teach the Wildcards his native tongue for them to use a a secret language just among themselves.

Rigging, Val, Ashira, and one of the higher level npcs on board who is an elf speak elvish. All can be utilized as a teacher for the crew and wildcards.

Rigging will turn the navigation of the Sword to Bart and rely heavily on Niner to help run the ship. He wants to spend some quality time alone with Ashira.

When alone after a fine meal and a bottle of wine, he will hold her hand and say, "Dearest, I don't want you to be mad but Val told me about your nightmares. Please tell me about them. I want to help but I don't know what to do. How can I help?"

OOC Rigging is willing to make potions for the crew and wildcards but not willing to absorb all the costs himself. Bad enough I take the experience point hit. I am gonna make 5 potions during the voyage back. First batch will be 4 mage armor potions 1st level and will cost 25 gps. I will also make one fly potion for myself at 6th level. Total cost 550 gps Figure they might help Jagar as he doesn't wear armor. Rigging will try and brew in the evening hours taking advantage of his ring of substance.

Last day when alert is called. Rigging will rush up the stairs from his cabin and look at the wreckage. He will call out "Battle Stations! Everyone to battle stations."

Rigging will then call Nezamil and the other ship clerics to the deck. Wary of a trap, he will call out, "Who are you and where were you bound? What happened here?"

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 8:41:56 PM

Valanthe enjoys the week and is in better spirits than she has been in months. She helps the crew understand elvish as well as try to grasp Jager's native tongue. With her free time she splits between helping Ashira and sneaking off with Appolo to work on that godchild Ashira wants so much.

When the wreckage is spotted Valanthe runs below to grab her gear. Dressed in her elven chain, Valanthe runs up, slinging her quiver over her shoulder. As she approaches the edge of the sword, Val draws and notches and arrow. Her eyes dart about searching for any danger.

Jager  d20+6=8
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:14:13 PM

Jager is enjoying himself greatly this past week as he is not unacustomed to hard work. Jager does like his new freedom as his time is turely his when he is not working or exercising, which he seems to do quite a bit.

Jager is also enjoying working as a seamen and teaching the wildcards his native language, adding customs of the Heit Volken whenever possible. Jager explains the his teaching of his language is half of his Honor Debt to the wildcards, as he also wants to learn something from each of them. Jager will learn to be a seaman for Niner as his teachings from Captain Arrack.

During the week, Jager will approach Mrs. Arrack for some conversation. "Excuse me Mrs. Arrack, if I may have some of your time please. As I seem to have more free time than usual and being new to freedom, I wish to fill more of my time. I am teaching the wildcards my language as my portion of sharing of my honor debt and learning seamship from your husband. May I learn something of you next, if it is not an inconvenience." Jager adds with anticipation in his voice.

Once the explosion is seen and the ship approaches the scene Jager attempts to make out what he can (spot 8) and calls out. "How can anyone see anything with the fires reflection dancing off the water." Jager finishes in frustration as he can not make out much.

"Captain Arrack, do we send a boat to aid them or let them drown?" Jager asks expectantly wonder what type of pirate he is.

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:25:54 PM

During the week Nezamil will spend his day in Redux's workshop , tinkering with creating potions .

At night the dwarf will settle in with elvish teachers " too confusing learning two languages at once so i'll learn elvish to start " remarks Nezamil

Hearing the explosion and alarm the dwarf will equip himself and then head onto deck

Stepping near Captain Rigging " I can grant most (8)of the wildcards waterwalking " says the Cleric quietly " we can surprise them with speed if its a trap also it would speed up the rescue......but with all the damage to both ships it would be too elaborate i think "

if Rigging agrees Nezamil will cast waterwalk on the 1st 7 wildcards(plus himself )he spots

1. 4 cmw potions 600 gp 48 exp
2. 2 resist energy (fire*)potions 300 gp 24 exp
3 1.shield of faith 25 gp 2 exp
total - 925 gp will deduct from character sheet
74 exp
* resist energy is lowest level ( 10 pts )

Jager (second Illegal post) 
Friday December 3rd, 2004 8:48:18 AM

Jager is honored that Captain Arrack would create potions just for him as he was never given potions on his missions or any form of temporary magic as Erik was worried that if not used on the mission Jager would not bring it back. "Thank you Captain Arrack, but all I have in payment is the small amount of gold that was given to me as part of the take from the slaver scum. I will give you my entire share so that you can continue to make potions for me."

Friday December 3rd, 2004 4:27:56 PM

Ari helps out with teaching as many people as are willing, with Elven. Ari will also spend time working on arms training with anyone that is interested, around the normal ship schedule. Ari also tries to create drills for the crew to practice, for repelling borders, rescue at sea, and whatever else he can think of, in order to keep the crew in good training.

When he has time, he'll visit with the other wild cards and find out what has gone on , during his absence.

With the sighting of the wreckage, Ari immediately wonders of the fate of the island. ARi worries whether there's been another attack since they left the area. Ari gets ready to become a sea elf again, in order to come to anyones' aid.

Ashira  d20+16=29
Friday December 3rd, 2004 4:58:18 PM

The week spent in travel is physically demanding on Ashira. What with the Elven lessons to the crew, Jager's language lessons, drilling the crew in combat, and then working on specialized techniques for the Cards, Ashira barely has time to eat, let alone think about anything. Which is actually a very good thing...busy, keep busy...less time to thing about other things.

In amoungst all the hussel and bussel, Ashira does find a few minutes here and there with various Cards...

The half-elf smiles at the man...there was something about him that was...interesting. "Let's get a few things straight... First of all, my name is Ashira. It was Ashira before I was married, and it's Ashira now. Call me anything else and you're being disrespectful. Got it?!" Ashira winks. "Second...as far as I am concerned, you are not honor bound to me. Helping other people is my job and killing scum that work for Ga'al, well, let's just call that my passion..." Ashira briefly reaches up and rubs her chest. "And third...I have no idea what I could teach you...other than how to drink like a Pirate." Ashira laughs as she goes back to drilling the crew on basic combat techniques.

Ashira is greatly comforted by her sister's extra attention. She especially enjoys the sparring sessions with Val...constantly challenged by Val's amazing combat prowess. If she could be half the warrior that Val was... But Ashira does not limit their time to "business matters". She makes sure that at least a couple of nights she and Val sneak off and share a bottle of Elven wine...though she does make sure not to get too drunk. She knew she couldn't afford to disappoint Rigging right now.

Ashira practically glows as Rigging lavishes attention on her. When not busy with the intensive training sessions, Ashira is found in Rigging's quarters wearing a beautiful teal dress of all things!! It was amazing how the simple matter of being with him somehow managed to make life so much...well, so much brighter.

On the night of the dinner, Ashira shows up in a beautiful skin tight black dress. If there was one thing that Rigging knew how to do well, it was fine dining. With the romantic candle lighting and the fine wine warming her blood, Ashira is in quite a mellow mood when Rigging lowers the boom. Her smile fades and she makes a mental note to take up the matter with Val. She forces the smile back in place. "Oh, you know Val, over exaggerating again. Had a few bad dreams here and there... Really, their nothing much... I'm sure they'll clear up soon. Don't worry about me..." Ashira reaches over the table and draws Rigging into a kiss...though instead of comforting her like his kisses usually do, this one makes her stomach turn. Why are you lying to him?! This is your husband...the one you love...the one you trust... Ashira pulls quickly away from Rigging and the kiss, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry my love...I don't mean to lie to you. It's just that being the Captain, you're so busy...and you already have so much to worry about..." With tears freely flowing, Ashira tells Rigging all about the horrify nightmares that she has had most of the nights since her return... of the excruciating torture before her seeding...her dreams of being with the Quad again...of the battle with the family... "Oh Rigging, I don't know why I've been having them. I want to be happy for you. I'm trying, I really am... I just don't understand..." Ashira spends the rest of the night huddled in Rigging's arms...taking comfort in his presence and telling him all about her hopes, dreams, and nightmares.

And now...for the present..
As the call to arms is sounded, Ashira bolts to the deck dressed in her armor and swords. Scanning the wreckage, Ashira tries hard to take in any useful information she can (Spot=29)...leery of a trap, but anxious to assist the merchant ship if it is legitimate.

Friday December 3rd, 2004 5:17:46 PM

Redux is glad to get to his lab but is a bit concerned when others begin to crowd his work. More than once his concentration is lost and he leaves to collect his thoughts before resuming his work. "Rigging, I know you've been working in the evenings, but we need a bigger area to spread out when we begin to work on our potions and scrolls. We may also need some more equipment. By the way, I have several mage armor potions I'm able to share if anyone needs them."

As all the noise breaks out, Redux shows up on the deck. Eyes bleary and hair out of place, Redux stumbles over to Rigging. "What's going on?"

Help Requested -- DM Dominic 
Friday December 3rd, 2004 6:17:57 PM

You hear the sounds of injured people coming from the merchant ship. The young man tells you "My name is Thomas of the merchant ship Delgato carrying a messenger bearing a message to the Jack. We have several injured people and the majority of the crew has been killed in the battle with the pirate ship."

The crew of the Sword stays at arms as they check out the debris and the bodies floating in the water around the wrecks and the Sword. Niner tells you "I think the raider's ship is safe to search. We have not seen any hidden danger on the merchant ship Delgato. Request permission to send a salvage team to the raider ship and assistance to the Delgato?"

Friday December 3rd, 2004 7:47:51 PM

Appolo spends the week practicing with his weapons,with Valanthe and following Ashira around.He knows somethings wrong.He also helps Valanthe teach elven to the crew and learns Jagers language.He also spars with Valanthe during his weapons drills.

The night the wrekage is discovered Appolo is on night watch as is his want.He generally takes night watch.He perfers it.Being on watch he is fully armed and ready to go.

When Rigging and the others arrive Appolo walks over to Rigging"I'll take Jager and lead a team aboard the raider.If that is alright with you."

Yurning to Jager"Hey Jager come on we're going to board the raider."

Friday December 3rd, 2004 9:01:51 PM

Rigging will look at Nezamil and say, "Can you cast a waterwalk on you, the ship's cleric (npc)Ari and Val and walk over to the merchant ship to render aid."

He will look at Niner and say, "Prepare to lower a longboat. Archers to the side. The rest of the Wildcards will check out the raider ship.

Redux, I want you to be a mobile reserve for either group. Do you have a fly spell memorized? If not, I just made a potion, if you trust my alchemy skills.

Rigging will lead the group to the longship and cast a mage armor on himself. He will then help row after mentally instructing Swirl to the air to keep an eye on both groups.

Nezamil waterwalk 
Friday December 3rd, 2004 9:29:38 PM

The Cleric gathers his thoughts to focus on his spell muttering divine words he reaches up to touch his anvil pendant as it glints of light releasing Domi's energy .

The dwarf taps himself on the chest and steps towards the others ( Ari , Val , ships cleric )and taps them on the chest.

" ok lets go help those in need " says Nezamil as he climbs over the ships railing and down to the waters surface . proceeding to the merchant ship and climbs up the wrecked ships side to the young man "Thomas i'm Nezamil of the brotherhood of Domi please show me the ones in need the most and Domi's touch will ease their pain "

Nezamil will tend to the wounded and organize the wounded for the walk back to the Sword , either carrying the merchants sailors or towing them on floating debris from the ship

Friday December 3rd, 2004 10:39:19 PM

With a grim nod to Rigging, Ashira climbs in the longboat with the others. As they row toward the Delgato, Ashira can't help but wonder why someone with a message for the Jack would be traveling in a merchant vessel. A message of that importance should have been on an armed vessel.

Jager  d20+6=26 d20+9=21
Saturday December 4th, 2004 6:41:21 AM

After Jager's talk with Mrs. Arrack, he makes it a point to start calling her Ashira, but with some difficulty that usually comes out as "Mrs. Ashira".

Jager is excited, by the prospect of getting in the longboat and helping the surviors. Jager thinks to himself, tt is very very nice being free, but there was more room at his practice field than on this ship. Jager climbs into the longboat and sits next to Mrs. Ashira and smiles at her as he pull a mug out from under his robes to show her. "Mrs. Ashira, for my lessons later." Jager puts the mug away and laughs.

Jager gets down to business and scans the area (spot 26, nat. 20) while standing in the boat (balance 21) on the row over.

Swirl [chris] 
Saturday December 4th, 2004 10:41:17 PM

Swirl flys out to the raiders ship circling it for signs of life .

If Swirl spots any movement will report directly to Rigging

Sunday December 5th, 2004 10:46:09 PM

While waiting for the waterwalk to be cast on him. Ari points out,"I have a very high distrust of this. We'll have to quiz him very hard about how to find the Jack. As I have to wonder if this is another ploy by the priests to find the island."

With that said, Ari goes over the side to render aid to the merchant ship. (provided the water walk is cast! ;) )

Monday December 6th, 2004 9:57:27 AM

Thankfully Nezamil had the magic handy to allow them to quickly move. Valanthe lowers herself down the side of the Sword and sprints across the water to the merchant vessel.

Redux  d20+4=10
Monday December 6th, 2004 10:54:13 AM

Rubbing his eyes, Redux looks over at Rigging. "Yep. Gotcha boss. Got fly memorized. If things turn south I'll fireball the lot and let Warrd sort em out. Sound right to you?" He smoothes his "bed hair" as he peers out into the dark (Spot=10).

Investigating the Remains (part 1) - DM Dominic 
Monday December 6th, 2004 4:45:40 PM

Ari, Nezamil, Val and Kari (one of the Swords clerics) move quickly across the water to the merchant ship. When they board the ship a young man introduces himself as Thomas, then shows you to an older looking gentleman that has his shirt opened up exposing a nasty sword gash across his abdomen. None of you spot the tell-tale sign of someone that has been heartseeded. Kari quickly begins to bandage the wounds, and then casts Cure Moderate Wounds on the man. Looking at the others you see that the majority of the survivors are non-officer crewmembers.

Rigging, Ashira, Jager, and Appolo quickly board the longboat and then row over to the remains of the raider ship. Once you are there you can see the result of what you would think was a very large fireball. All around you see the remains of burnt and torn bodies. Searching you find no survivors on the raiders ship.

Niner gets several members of the crew to arm themselves with bows then position themselves to where they can cover both groups.

Appolo  d20+5=17 d20+7=24
Monday December 6th, 2004 7:23:21 PM

Appolo quickly boards the raider and begins to search it and the bodies thoroughly.

Search 17,Spot 24

Monday December 6th, 2004 10:59:26 PM

Rigging will cast a detect magic on remains of the raiders and then gather anything that shows magic. Then he will say, "These guys aren't going anywhere. Lets go deal with the living." He will have his group get back into the rowboat and head towards the other vessel.

Monday December 6th, 2004 11:04:48 PM

"Are there any others, or anything of value that needs finding?"

Otherwise Ari will help out in anyway he can.

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 3:20:21 AM

In the meantime Bart stays on the sword and launching a second boat to get the survivors back to the sword.

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 5:31:21 AM

Valanthe knows why she is there and that is to deal with any trouble that springs up. As the injured are being tended to, Valanthe keeps a watchful eye with sword and shield in hand.

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 8:57:29 AM

Jager quickly moves through the wreakage of the burnt raider ship. Since there are no living raiders Jager will attempt to determine their method of attack as he is unsure of naval combat as it is obvious h ow the battle ended,b ut not how it began.

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 9:22:32 AM

The warrior sighs. They shouldn't have gone back to Safeport. Why was it that bad things always seem to follow us?! As they row back to the merchant ship, Ashira calls out "Lets get the survivors on board and get out of here. If there are any amoung you who are heartseeded, be warned...when I find you, you will die a horrible death. This is your last warning."

Nezamil waterwalk 
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 1:26:53 PM

Nezamil turns to Thomas " lets get you all safely aboard our ship so we can tend to all the wounded then you can inform Captain Rigging our what transpired here "

The dwarf will organize the survivors and transport them to the Sword with the other Wildcards

Survivors Gathered - DM Dominic 
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 2:29:12 PM

As the group looks around on the raider ship they find only normal weapons and little in the way of armor. As Appolo is searching he comes across a small box laying just out of the hands of one of the dead raiders. When Rigging casts his Detect magic he catces a faint hint of magic coming from the box that Appolo found. Finding nothing else of intrest you head back to help get the suvivors gathered. Jager does not find anything that shows how this battle started or who started it.

Aboard the Delgato the Wildcards gather the injured into the same area and see that almost none of the survivors are without some sort of battle injury. Severa of them look to be totally exhausted and barely able to move about. When Ashira gives her warning to those that are heartseeded Thomas says "there is none of us that are heartseeded, we are a merchant crew from South Harbor that was hired to deliver this messenger."

Shortly after you get all the survivors over to the Sword you notice that several sharks have started to congregate in the area of the wrecks.

Rigging mage armor 
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 5:27:06 PM

Rigging will help the survivors on board the Sword. He will call for more medical attention and dry and warm clothes.

He will introduce himself to Thomas and say, "My name is Captain Arrack Von Palin. Welcome aboard the Sword of Redemption."

Rigging will look away at all of the staring sailors and yell, "Well what are you all looking at! Lets get this ship moving. Bart summon the winds. Get those sails raised. Best time to Safeport."

Rigging will turn back to his guests. "I have one request. Why don't we all strip out of these wet clothes and into some dry ones. We will be able to check you for heartseeds at the same time."

Rigging will lay his hands on his weapons to show that his order will be obeyed.

"Second, you mentioned you were bringing a messenger to Safeport. Who is this messenger and how were you supposed to find our secret base?

Third, who attacked you and who has the ablity to cast fire spells strong enough to burn a ship so convincingly?"

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 6:58:26 PM

Appolo retrieves the box,grabs another dagger and gets aboard the the boat back to the Sword.

Captian I found this box.It seems to be interesting.He says as presents the box to Rigging.

Rigging (Illegal post) 
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 10:05:13 PM

"Careful with that Appolo. I sensed magic on it before. Why don't you and Redux have a look at it together. Check for traps?"

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 11:33:28 PM

Doing his best to help out, Ari tries his best to help comfort those that are injured. Ari tries his best to coax what happened out of the survivors.

Ari does his best to try to keep his eyes on the horizon, and checking the lookouts to make sure they aren't too tied up with what's going on with the survivors.

Wednesday December 8th, 2004 12:12:47 AM

Ashira waits for the survivors to be inspected for heartseeds. She listens carefully to the answers to Rigging's questions and then poses one of her own. "Where is the messenger for the Jack. I wish to speak with him or her privately with the Captain."

If the messenger steps forward, Ashira moves to a more private area with Rigging. "So, tell me if you can. What is this message that you bear for the Jack?"

Nezamil waterwalk 
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 12:36:30 AM

Nezamil will tend to the injured working together with ships cleric Kari making sure they are healed and comfortable

Nodding to himself as he hears Ari's subtle inquires among the wounded " nice touch he has .....he'll make a fine spymaster indeed " muses the Cleric to himself as he cares for the injured

Redux  d20+2=12
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 12:42:05 AM

Redux yawns again and looks at the box. "Rigging, it's a big ocean. This is probably the toy that allowed that ship to find the merchant ship. What'cha want to bet? a mage armor potion, perhaps? You don't have to, I've got too many of those I'm not going to use; I should sell them to you guys. Appolo, let's have a look at this box, now (spot=12). Looks harmless; nicely made though, pretty color. I'll give you 5 silver for it? Do we have a deal?" Without much warning to check for traps, Redux begins to opens the box.

Wednesday December 8th, 2004 8:40:47 AM

Jager helps with searching the rescued sailors as he is interested to find out what all this heartseeded business is about.

Jager will look to Rigging "Captain Arrack, what are we going to do with the merchant ship. Is it not seaworthy? Do we not want to also sail it to this place you call safeharbour? I am new at this sailor and pirate business, but it seems that we can put a small crew on it to sail it back for bounty or reward or at least sink it to keep it from the hands of the enemy?"

Wednesday December 8th, 2004 9:58:52 AM

The elven warrior stands behind her Captain and off to the side. She doesn't know or trust these men and if one is crazy enough to think about doing anything the sight of an armed and armored warrior might dissuade them.

Rigging Ilegal post 
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 2:28:03 PM

Rigging will hear Jagar and run his expert eye over the merchant ship. He will see broken masts and holes in the hull. He will add to his group of earlier questions, "Who is the Captain of the merchant ship? Do you wish to retreive any valuable before we sail on? I don't think the ship it self is worth trying to save. The damage is to extensive."

Jager (Second Illegal Post) 
Thursday December 9th, 2004 12:32:53 AM

Jager pipes up again "Captain Arrack. If the damage is too extensive do we sink the ship or let it drift? If it is salvagable, can the Sword tow it? I am unsure of these things as I have not learned enough yet. Does our cause have the ability to repair ships or are ships so plentiful that we can afford to leave this one"

Thursday December 9th, 2004 4:21:49 AM

Bart uses the Nauticolus to start a firm wind that brings them back on the way to safeport

Rigging (yet another illegal post) 
Thursday December 9th, 2004 8:33:04 AM

Rigging will look at Jagar and say, "Nope we are gonna leave it adrift. I don't want to take the time right now and their might be more raiders about."

OOC Jim, Dominic told me it is unsavagable and could be dangerous to the Sword if we try to tow it."

Thursday December 9th, 2004 10:04:26 AM

Valanthe walks over next to Rigging with her eyes on the surviving raiders. She leans close and talks quietly to prevent listening.

"Captain I know this may sound crazy but it might be possible to use these surviving raiders as new crew. They know how to fight and have to sail in tight spots. I'm not sure how easy it will be but it's an option."

Messenger found, Message given -- DM Dominic 
Thursday December 9th, 2004 4:16:36 PM

The survivors from the merchant ship Delgato let the Wildcards check them for Heartseeds and begin to try to recover from the shock of being so close to a possible long and slow death they stay grouped together as one large group. Several of the survivors of the Delgato are female and they look at Rigging with looks of distrust when he mentions striping out of their clothes.

Thomas tells you "the captain had planned on sailing into an area that is know to have PoJ ships frequently and then to try to signal one so that the messenger could deliver the message. 'The large explosion on the raiders' ship was the result of the Delgatos' mage doing a final strike to kill the captain of the raider. Unfortunately this ships mage died in the attack. I have no idea who the raiders were they came upon us quickly and attacked right away."

The man that Kari helped out on the Delgato walks over to Rigging then says "my name is Black Rolf. I carry a message that is for the person known as the Jack. Being that the ship that I have been sailing on is now in ruins would you please deliver me and my message to the Jack? This message is of extreme importance." Black Rolf then stands there calmly waiting to hear Rigging's answer.

When Ashira asks about the message Black Rolf pulls a scroll tube from a pouch on his pants. He then says "this is the message I was asked to deliver."

Bart and Niner get the Sword headed back to Safeport.

Looking over the small box Redux notices that it seems to be a fairly ordinary type. When Redux opens it up he finds a cloth that is about 10"x20" with several strange writings on it.

Looking over the survivors Val and the other Wildcards realize that the crew of the raider ship must have died to the last man.

Thursday December 9th, 2004 5:37:26 PM

While Redux checks the box Appolo wonders over to the survivors and looks them over,"Ok people come let's get you settled in.You can stay in th cargo hold.It's all we got."He then turns to a couple of the crew."Get some blankets,extra hammocks for our guests.Take them to the cargo hold."He then turns back to the survivors"Follow me."He will lead them to thier quarters.

Nezamil waterwalk 
Thursday December 9th, 2004 9:12:43 PM

After tending to the injured from the Delgato and watching Appolo lead them to the cargo hold " good thinking Appolo "

The dwarf will head over to the ships railing facing the damaged raiders ship " anybody see the raiders nameplate too see who she was ? if we figure out the raiders ships name we could possibly find out who was behind the attack " as the dwarf scans thru the wreckage for the nameplate

Rigging  d20+6=25
Thursday December 9th, 2004 9:54:31 PM

Rigging will study this "messenger" very closely and then at the tube. "I can bring you to the Jack, but I must be cautious. The priests of Ga'al have planted scrying focuses on us before.

Am I allowed to read the message? Who is it from? How do I know you aren't a spy? Who attacked your ship? Do you know?" Rigging will listen to the answers intently trying to discern motive (sense motive 25)

Rigging will turn to Thomas and ask,again, Where is your Captain? Did he die in the battle? If so, who is the ranking officer left?

Rigging will listen to Val and acknowledge her point but say to her alone, "I think these were the merchant's crew, but your idea is still valid. We can always use experienced sailors if not fighting men. It also looks like they could handle themselves in a fight judging by all the dead raiders.

Why don't you have Ari and Appolo see what they can find out and maybe do some recruitment for their network, if you can't recruit them outright. Remember they are without a ship, and might be looking for friends."

Rigging will put his hand on her shoulder and compliment, "Good thinking."

Thursday December 9th, 2004 10:33:36 PM

Seeing what Appollo is doing, and hearing Rigging call his name. Ari approaches some of the survivors and helps to direct them to the cargo hold.

"You'll have to excuse a captain. He can sometimes be a little bit of a worrywart." Ari smiles in a rogish way, to try to see if he can get any of the guests to warm up to him.

Getting serious for a moment, "We have had some tough times with the priests of Ga'al. So I can at least excuse him somewhat."

Dropping down to a whisper while looking over his shoulder Ari adds, "though he is married, and I'm not sure what might or might not be happening at night for him." Again Ari flashes his smile, along with providing hidden winks should any of the regulars be paying attention to what he's doing.

( ;) )

Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:29:46 PM

Unable to provide Rigging with any real support right now, Ashira settles for moral support. She sticks around during the questioning of Black Rolf...this whole scenario was, well, odd at best. As she listens in, she looks down at the new ring on her right hand and can't help but flash a quick smile. One week...that's all it would take...then things would get better. No more nightmares and a whole lot of free time. One week...she could survive one week...

Redux  d20+14=25
Friday December 10th, 2004 12:11:12 AM

Redux finds a better light source and clears the fog from his brain. He looks the cloth over to discern if the writing (esp arcana=25). If it looks like a language, he'll show it around to a few others who are multi-lingual. Going over to Rigging he comments on the find, "You found an ordinary box that Appolo seems to have given to me and a rather interesting cloth. You said glowed magical. What do you make of it now that you see the contents? What did the fellow look like that was carrying it? Do you think he had connections to someone with some power?"

Friday December 10th, 2004 7:13:34 AM

Jager lets the wildcards go about their business as he stays to the side and watches the interplay not sure of his place. Jager approaches Niner "Is there any way to sink the wreck before we leave. No sence in leaving anything for our enemy."

Unknown Message and Arrival Home -- DM Dominic 
Sunday December 12th, 2004 8:25:19 PM

The crew of the Sword hop to action as the Sword begins to head home again. The crew help get the survivors settled in down in the cargo hold.

Nezamil spots what looks to be the name of the raider's ship 'homage.'

When Rigging asks about reading the message, he is told that it is for the Jack to read. Black Rolf looks to Rigging and plainly states "I am no spy just someone being paid a good sum of money to deliver this message. The raiders I don't know who they were but I do know they wanted this message scroll." Rigging believes that Black Rolf is telling the truth.

Thomas looks at Rigging ad answers "Captain Arno was killed in the initial attack by some sort of spell. I am the ranking officer of the Delgato. I will tell you this that the Delgato will probably sink in the next few hours due to damage sustained in the battle."

Redux finds that the writings on the cloth and the cloth itself radiate a very faint magical aura. He believes that the cloth and the writings are possibly some sort of map but is not able to discern the location of anything at this moment.

Niner tells Jager "that is true but we don't need to as you can see that it is damaged beyond the point that anyone could tow it and salvage the ship. It will probably sink on its own shortly."

After a few hours (4) you can see the outline of Safeport in the distance. Niner calls out "Safeport ahead captain! Then tells the crew to make ready for port." A short time later the Sword pulls up to the docks and ties off. Other members of the PoJ waive welcome to the Sword as she sails into port.

Monday December 13th, 2004 12:26:06 AM

Jager is amazed that the merchant ship is still afloat and that it may still stay that way for several more hours. Jager feels slightly more comfortable about a possible sea battle (above deck that is), in that he will not find himself with a long swim home. Again, Jager wonders where home is or will be.

During the sail back to the mystical town of Safeport Jager keeps hearing about, he will approach Mrs. Ashira. "Mrs. Ashira, Mame, I will take you up on your offer to teach me the pirate ways of drinking alcoholic beverages as part of my honor debt to you." Jager again produces the mug from the folds of his cloths. "I was taken from my village a year before my age of manhood, so I have not tasted what we called spirits. I was not allowed spirits a a slave, but occasionally saw there results. Please teach me when you have time, as it does seem to be an important pirate skill, according to the crew, and as Captain Arrack requested, I am to learn all pirate skills."

If time permits, Jager will try to get another lesson in his Heit Volken language before landfall, as he is looking forward to his drinking lessons with Mrs. Ashira.

Monday December 13th, 2004 12:32:12 AM

When no new information, or even a reactions comes from the survivors, Ari then moves back with Rigging. When he gets a chance, Ari wonders to Rigging, "I wonder if there's anything in the message about finding a certain daughter that we've met. Dear ole Dad was a merchant of some sort, and I don't know if somehow these two things aren't related."

Monday December 13th, 2004 8:11:51 AM

Rigging will look at Ari and purse his lips, a thoughtful expression on his lips. "I doubt it. I had the impression the girl was only recently captured. They wouldn't have had time to set up another ship to look for her. Rigging will clap a friendly hand to Ari's shoulder and continue, "Still who knows. We have seen stranger thngs in our day, haven't we?"

Rigging will assemble the Wildcards, the messenger, and Thomas, the ranking officer left from the merchant ship." He will look at Black Rolf and Thomas and say, "I will take you to the Jack now. If you think of any treachery, know you will have my sword in your backs before you finish the thought.

Rigging will tell Niner to keep the other rescued sailors on the ship and under watch. No shoreleave yet but start the reprovisioning process.

Rigging will then head down to his Cabin and quickly change into one of his better outfits, brush and oil his hair and generally clean up his appearance.

He will arrive on deck, hold out the crook of his arm to Ashira and say to everyone, "Well lets go see the Jack!"

Monday December 13th, 2004 9:00:19 AM

Bart follows Rigging to the Jack keping an eye on Thomas and Black Rolf. If there is any sign of treachery Bart is in their back with his sword and dagger

Monday December 13th, 2004 3:41:24 PM

As Safeport comes into veiw the dwarf will wander over to the ships railing and casually lean on it taking in the scenery " ah good to be back " as the dwarf watches the seagulls soar above the ship " wonder what the Jack has in store for us now ?" mentions the dwarf outloud

Staying out of the way of the crews efficent work in bringing the Sword to the dock , Nezamil veiws the harbor of safeport , the hustle and bustle of daily activity " ships docking and undocking .....dock workers loading and unloading the various ships .....merchants hawking their wares ashore....the pubs and taverens full of buzz about recent events ....things are changing fast " muses the Cleric " but everything seems to work in sync here , something the Captain has said we have to be better about as a team or the consequenses could be dire " glancing about the deck observing the wildcards " i know i can heal them physically...Domi see's to that " grins the Cleric " but how can i help heal their anger and tortured souls " thinks the Cleric as his eyes settle on Ashira " she alone could take a dwarfs lifetime to heal " smirks Nezamil

" then the others Val and Appolo....maybe settling down together will help them deal with their emotional issues ....well should be intresting non the less "

" now the new guy whats his name hmm Jagar .... he's gonna have a bunch of emotional
scars from his years of slavery ....gonna have to keep an eye on him too "
grimaces the dwarf

" well hopefully with Ashira training us in team tactics will bring everyone a little closer together and learn to trust each other more then just in combat and more as in good friends " ponders the Cleric " just need time for that to bear fruit "

The dwarfs thoughts are intrupted as he hears Rigging's call to head out to pay the Jack a visit , the dwarf steps away from the railing and follows the Wildcards

Monday December 13th, 2004 5:31:11 PM

When pulled aside by Jager, Ashira beams a wide smile...perhaps too wide. Poor fool...doesn't know what he's getting into... I'm fairly certain Rigging will forgive me if I'm hung over tomorrow, but he doesn't stand a chance... This ought to be interesting. "I would hate for you to be honor bound for too long...we'll begin our lessons tonight...after we've met with the Jack." Ashira winks at the man and makes a mental note to dust off that nasty bottle of Lick of the Salty Dog they got from that weird dwarf at her wedding...that ought to do just the trick...

Smiling warmly at Rigging, Ashira makes sure that she is presentable and then takes Rigging's arm. Keeping a Pirate's eye out for trouble as they go, Ashira can't help but think of how wonderful the last few days have been. She's never felt so useful. She looks over at Rigging as they walk over to the Jack's palace...admiring the view so to speak. She sighs. It was good to get her confession to Rigging over with... Ever since then it seemed like everything in life had fallen back into place. She shoots her husband a lustful look and playfully begins to saunter as she walks. Yep...everything was better lately.

Monday December 13th, 2004 5:36:22 PM

Redux walks along with Nezamil as they head over to the Jack's. Since they were going to be battle buddies, he might as well get to know the fellow a little better.. As they walk, Redux tries to strike up a conversation about the only thing that really interests him in life...magic. "So...Nezamil...what kind of potions you been working on lately? Whatever that last one was, you sure made a mess... It must have taken me a couple of hours to scrape that green goop off the counter. We've really got to talk to Rigging about getting a bigger laboratory space. With all three of us working on stuff at the same time, things could get tricky...wouldn't want to mix things up on accident."

Rigging Illegal post 
Monday December 13th, 2004 7:05:34 PM

Rigging overhears Redux's complaints and smiles. He shoots over his shoulder, "Redux, I know! We can buy a barge and tow you and your labratory behind the Sword."

Monday December 13th, 2004 10:54:19 PM

Well this should be interesting, Valanthe thinks as she readies her gear. She can see it now as they walk into the Jack's meeting chamber. Oh hey we found out what happened and we are quitting the pirates. The Jack is not going to be happy. Valanthe doesn't know about the other ships but they get the job done no matter what it is.

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 10:15:54 AM

Appolo follows along behind Rigging staying close to Valanthe.

Strange Message and Request -- DM Dominic 
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 3:18:50 PM

Niner tells Rigging "I will see to it that the resupply will be underway immediately." Niner then calls out "There will be no shore leave until further notice. Kari, make the guests comfortable. Quariil get the ship resupplied as quick as possible the Captain wants us ready to sail right away."

With the Wildcards escorting Black Rolf and Thomas to see the Jack other Pirates of Jack start following along to see what is going on. When you arrive at the Jack's Palace, Rushcant greets you at the entry hall. Rushcant tells you that if you give him a few minutes he will see if the Jack is available for a meeting. Rushcant gives you no time to reply as he turns and heads off to find the Jack. A few minutes later Rushcant comes back to where the Wildcards are and tells them that the Jack will see them now in his office.

Upon entering the Jack's office Black Rolf pulls out the message scroll then sets it upon the Jack's desk while saying "I, Black Rolf complete my appointed task. Would you please sign this showing that you received the scroll tube from me?" He then lays a small parchment on the table next to the scroll tube and waits quietly.

The Jack picks up the parchment that Black Rolf asked him to sign and writes on it quickly then hands it back to Black Rolf. Black Rolf looks at the parchment then nods to the Jack. Black Rolf then turns to Rigging and the other Wildcards and says "Thank you for helping me complete my delivery to the Jack. This is for you." Then hands Rigging a scroll tube. Black Rolf then does a slight bow and vanishes with the faint rush of air filling a vaccume.

When Black Rolf vanishes Thomas looks to the Wildcards then the Jack and asks "where did he go?" Rushcant and the Jack look around while keeping a hand on their weapon at their hip. A few moments later The Jack picks up the scroll tube and opens it. He slowly takes out a parchment and begins to read. You see him get a look of surprise across his face and he quickly sits down in his chair. The Jack looks to Rushcant then says "please bring me a bit of brandy, I need a drink to recover from the shock that I just received." The Jack then looks up at Rigging and the Wildcards and says "it looks like we are in for some interesting times ahead. Please read the message Black Rolf gave you and let me know your answer as soon as possible so that I can contemplate my next actions."

Sorry for miissing the post yesterday got side tracked so I will post on Saturday a makeup post .

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 4:31:48 PM

Rigging is surprised by the quickness of Black Rolf's departure. "Hmmmm teleportation, that would be nice to know."

Rigging then pulls open the scroll and reads it aloud to the others.

Redux  d20+9=24
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 10:22:22 PM

Redux just catches what Black Rolf did before leaving. He makes a mental note for his magical studies. He then listens to Rigging and wonders how much its going to cost and what is the likely payoff compared to a life on the mainland (which he knows to be quite dangerous).

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 11:05:47 PM

Surprised by the abrupt departure of the messenger. Ari's breath catches as he hears that the Jack received some not so good news, and begins to wonder about the message that was delivered to Riggin.

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 11:55:30 PM

Jager waits to hear the entire message, before commenting, but is thinking mostly of the departure of Black Rolf. Why would one who can move as he showed bother to travel by boat? These are strange and powerful folk if their messangers exhibit so much power......

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 2:26:08 AM

the quick departure of Black Rolf surprises the dwarf but he remains calm as he listens to Rigging read the scroll that was given to him " not sure if it was teleportation i think it was more of a divine spell .....i'm thinking since he completed his service it triggered his departure " interjects the Cleric " wonder what other forces are inplay here "

" are both scrolls similar ? " asks Nezamil " The Jacks certainly seemed to be a doozy by his reaction "

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:37:10 AM

The moment Black Rolf vanished Bart sword was in his hands seeing no other dangers the sword disapears after a few moments Bart listens with interest to the message Rigging is reading aloud

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 11:23:05 AM

Appolo is a bit concerned when the man disappears,but remains silent and stil.Watching and listening.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:08:07 PM

Valanthe can't help but sigh. "I'm guessing that it's either an army coming to wipe us out or some ritual the priests of Ga'al are doing that will end us all."

Intersting Request -- DM Dominic 
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:45:57 PM

Everyone watches as Rigging opens the scroll and reads the message contained with in.

Captain Arrack Von Palin of the Pirates of Jack,

It is requested that you and your fellow companions the team named the Wildcards come to Emperor City for an audience with his royal majesty the Emperor. The Emperor requests that you meet with him in two weeks time at the height of the new moon. You will be allowed to sail unmolested into Emperor City and dock safely by imperial decree. Once in Emperor City you will be given suitable safe housing and attire for the time you spend in Emperor City.

In the name of the Emperor
Admiral Von Palin

As Rigging reads the letter Rushcant and the Jack both look extremely surprised at the contents of the letter. You can just make out the Jack muttering 'interesting times indeed.'

A few moments after Rigging finishes the letter the Jack says to everyone "talk amongst yourselves and let me know what your answer is to the Emperor's request. I will let you know what I think and how I feel when you let me know what you decide. I expect to hear from you the morning after tomorrow." With that Rushcant leads you out of the Jacks office.

After you leave the palace Thomas looks to Rigging then says "this is a great honor. I guess that you will need to offload us so that you can set sail to make the audience with the Emperor. Do you know of any ships that might be needing some additional crew?"

When you arrive back at the Sword you find that Niner has the ship well underway of resupplying. Niner asks "Captain, the crew needs some shore leave. May I begin the shore leaves?"

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 7:22:17 PM

Appolo is more then a little shocked,when the contents of the letter are read.He looks at the others"Never heard of anyone getting a formal invitation to thier own execution before,but what the G'aal.Let's go.Guess Riggings dad wants to see his boy one las time before they hang him."

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:39:52 PM

Rigging feels tears enter his eyes as he sees his father's signature. He is amazed at the relief he feels knowing his father is still alive and well.

Rigging will bow to the Jack and say, "We will see you in the morning Sir with our answer."

Rigging leads the Wildcards to the ship and tells Niner that he may begin shoreleave. "We will be in port for a couple of days but I want the entire crew here in the morning at 9am for an announcement. If they aren't here,sober, they better think of getting yourselves a new berth."

Rigging will turn to Tomas and say, "Good sir, I would love it if you would consent to ship with the Sword. My first mate Niner is always looking for good seaman and officers. We might be able to take some of your crew as well and we will help find bunks for the others. Before you make your decision, know that we are a warship and see more than our fair share of battle. While the loot is good, I won't sugarcoat the risks. Think about it and give me an answer in the morning."

Rigging will turn to the Wildcards and say, "Attention friends. I have a surprise for my wife that I would love for all of you to share. I will need your trust and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Ashira, I believe we have an anniversary coming up. I hope you like your present."

Rigging holding Ashira's hand will lead the way.
He will stroll through the market and say, "Nezamil, Val, Appolo please buy some wine, ale and vituals for tonight. Enough to feed all of us. Don't worry we will have a place to cook."

After the quick shopping is done, Rigging will lead his family away from Safeport, deflecting the questions that come his way. He is walking towards the beach and soon reaches the shore. He heads south pointing out various birds and wildflowers.

After around a two mile walk, the will come upon a nice little cove. A wooden jetty can be seen extending out into the water. Around 200' up a hill you will see a beautiful house. It is made of wood and has a slate roof. Multiple stone chimneys can be seen piercing the slate. Several outbuildings can be seen around it the house on the grounds. Gardens encircle it, with blossoming flowers putting forth their color and scent.

Rigging will turn to Ashira and say, "Welcome home. This is ours. I had it built for you. I hope you like it." It is plain to see that Rigging's heart is in his eyes and he is praying she is pleased.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 12:29:31 AM

Ashira is a little confused by Rigging's actions but plays along. She patiently follows him as he leads her and the others. Upon arriving at the building, Ashira stares at the house, a blank expression on her face. Then she looks at Rigging...the house...Rigging...the house. She remains silent for several long minutes, not sure what to think, let alone say. Finally she turns back to Rigging. "Oh Rigging, it's beautiful!! I don't know what to say..." She takes another look at the house and then draws a long breath, squaring her shoulders and bracing herself for Rigging's answer. "You've talked about leaving the Pirates. Does this mean you want to settle down?" Ashira's mind races with mental images of a life without swords and armor, constant threat of death,and the open seas. She pictures a small infant cradled in her arms as she lovingly strokes it's cheek while it peacefully slumbers. Then she envisions scrubbing endless piles of Rigging's laundry and she shudders unconsciously. Conflicting emotions fill her head as she waits for Rigging's answer.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 12:44:18 AM

Redux tries everything, shy of zapping Rigging with the MM wand to get him to talk about the trek they are making. A slight whistle escapes as he nods his head. "So, what do all these out-buildings do? One's the privy, that's obvious; that makes this over here the crew quarters? And that one a 'Mother-in-Law's cottage'?" There is satire in his voice, but at the same time, you can tell he's impressed. "You got magic herbs growing in those gardens, too? We could use them to grow our own potion 'stuff.' I here there's one that makes a good substitute for the cloth worn by a Ghoul; I also here it has the smell of one. ... Well, we didn't walk all this way for nothing."

Thursday December 16th, 2004 7:49:06 AM

Appolo did as he was told and then rejioned the others following along with the food and such in tow. When he sees the house his jaw drops in amazement."What?How?WOW!" is all he can say.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 8:44:47 AM

Jager is initially excited for Captain Arrack and exclaims "We get to see your father, that is excellent." as Jager is still hurting from the lost of family and clan. Meeting relatives is suppose to be a joyous occasion at least from his limited experience, so Jager is confused by the groups reaction.

Jager pulls Val aside. "Why is it not good to visit Captain Arrack's Father?"

Rigging Illegal post 
Thursday December 16th, 2004 9:03:17 AM

Rigging hears Ashira's question and suddenly he looks nervous. This wasn't going the way he expected. "Ahhhh I want to settledown someday.....I just don't want to settle down yet. I was thinking of this place as a retreat for us. A place for some alone time. A hideaway from the violence and horror of the wold. Here let me show you something."

Rigging leads the group up the hill and into the house. The main part of the house is a huge kitchen adjoining a large greatroom dominated by a large fireplace. He leads her to a side room and shows he a cozy little apartment. "These are the servant's quarters or more like the caretakers quarters. I want this place taken care of when we are off adventuring.

He quickly shows the others around. Redux's eyes pop when he sees the room that will be dedicated to the labratory. It is lined with work tables and bookshelves.

The masterbedroom has windows looking out onto the ocean and is very cozy with its own fireplace. It is also has an area which could be a sitting area or a nursery.

Their is a big guest room with two large beds for visitors or the Wildcards when they come to visit.

A small stable with a corral is one of the outbuilding. A bathhouse is the other. A well is near the bathouse. The other is an outhouse.

After the group wanders around a little, Rigging will sit at the kitchen table and gesture for the others to find room along the large oak tabel. "We need to discuss if we want to go see the emperor. I have to admit I am biased in this matter. Getting a letter from my Dad almost insures that I would want to go. I might be even able to give my father a cure. He could be a powerful ally. It means going into the heart of the empire. Do we want to risk this. We have made some bitter enemies and as Appolo said, it could be a trap."

Thursday December 16th, 2004 10:09:59 AM

Val looks to make sure that nobody is really paying attention before saying, "It's not something that the Captain speaks about. But some time ago Rigging's father was implanted with one of Ga'al's mind controlling heartseeds. Considering that Ga'al wants us dead, it's a really bad thing. To simplify things Jager think how you would feel if your father was turned into a mortal enemy."

Val leaves Jager to think about what she said. She claps loudly at the cottage and even whistles as well. She's thrilled that Rigging took her advice because she didn't really want to beat the tar out of him.

"This is a cause to celebrate. I'm going to see if I can find any old elven wine for this occasion. This way nobody stays conscious."

Thursday December 16th, 2004 10:26:19 AM

Tjee looks good Rigging

Thursday December 16th, 2004 2:11:29 PM

Nezamil is surprised about the news of possibly visiting the Emperor " By Domi things are getting intresting " remarks the Cleric

Nezamil enjoys the leisurely walk along the shoreline stopping for some shopping for tonights meal selecting lamb and pork chops for the main course with green beans and corn as side dishes .

Surveying his companions a thought comes to the dwarf " hmm they nned a little variety some good dwarven ale will go nicely with the meal " as the dwarf adds up a small barrel of the dwarven ale to the list of purchases [i] " and maybe a nice bottle of wine for those with less refined taste " muses Nezamil

Packing all his purchases in a chest for carrying the goods Nezamil vounlteers Jagar to help carry the chest " young man grab the handle on one side and i'll grab the other and we can chat on the way " the stout dwarf easily carries his burden

Once Rigging unveils his surprise "wow that is a beautiful house and the veiw is amazing " as the Cleric scans the seascape .following the others thru the house Nezamil stops in his tracks at the sight of the labratory " Hey Redux we could work up a storm in there " remarks the dwarf with zeal and a sly grin

As the companions settle in at the kitchen table the Cleric listens to the others talk 1st " I know it might be dangerous but i think this is too good of a oppurtunity to pass up , the chance to see 1st hand the situation in Asildur and evaluate things there could help us better formulate strategy that we can use to help free the Asildurians of Ga'als stranglehold on them " adds the Cleric to the converstion

Thursday December 16th, 2004 4:29:29 PM

The half-elf grins at Rigging viciously. "Oh, that's ok. I like my life on the wild side."

As talk turns to the potential trip to Aisildur, Ashira grows quiet and withdraws physically and emotionally. Emporer city...the last time she was there... Better not to go down that road. Shaking her head, she tries to force a smile. "How could I give up a chance to met the father of my beloved?" Pulling Rigging in close so that only he can here, Ashira murmurs in his ear. "This whole thing has trap written all over it. And how does your dad know you're a Captain know... Still, I have this strange feeling that this is something we should do. And you know I'll always be your side." She raises her voice so that the others can here her should they desire. "Now...who's up for a swim? The water looks beautiful." She looks over at Redux. "We might even be able to find a few pearls for your identifications..." This time Ashira's smile is genuine.

Decision Time -- DM Dominic 
Thursday December 16th, 2004 6:02:11 PM

Each of you has a fairly relaxing evening even though your minds keep coming back to the fact that you have been invited to meet with the Emperor and have been given safe passage. Each of you also wonders what the Jack's message said and what he will be telling you come morning.

In the morning Niner and your old Captain Hawley arrive at Rigging and Ashira's home. Niner tells you that the crew is currently getting some much needed shore leave and that the ship will be ready to sail with in half a day. Niner informs you that Thomas and the other survivors held a meeting last night and have decided to join the crew of the Sword. Hawley says to the gathered Wildcards "rumours abound right now. One rumour is that Ga'al was forced to release the Emperor from the heartseed and that only volunteers can be heartseeded now. Another rumour is that the followers of Ga'al are under going a major restructuring after your last big fight with them." After a few moments Hawley and Niner ask "what was in the message that Black Rolf brought for the Jack?"

A couple hours later when you arrive back at the Jack's you are ushered into his office quickly an Rushcant leaves you to meet with the Jack alone. Once all the Wildcards are situated The Jack asks "Will you be taking the Emperor up on his invitation?"

Thursday December 16th, 2004 8:50:08 PM

Rigging will sit down and offer the two gentlemen breakfast. "We don't know what the contents of the Jack's message was. I expect he will inform us this fine morning."

Rigging will turn to Ari and Appolo and say, "I want you to watch our new crewmembers closely. They could be a plant. Counter espionage is also in your assignment. In fact that might be a way for you to split duties. One be in charge of espionage and the other counter espionage."

Rigging will then go to the Sword and the assembled crew. He will welcome Thomas onboard with the others. He will sit down with the crew and say, "Gentlemen, We have been invited to dinner by the Emperor of Alsidur. I mean to take him up on his invitation. I will understand if you don't want to join me and not hold it against any man who wished to leave the ship for a few months. Tell Niner of your decision."

Rigging will then lead the Wildcards to see the Jack. Rigging will look around at his family and see if they consent and then say, "Jack, We have decided to beard the lion in his den. Many think it is a trap, and I can't really disagree with that, but we have knowingly walked into traps before. The Sword will sail to see the Emperor."

Especially now that he might not be heartseeded. How did this rumor come about? What can you tell us of the new choices the priest are giving? Why must you consent to be heartseeded?

Thursday December 16th, 2004 9:18:22 PM

The dwarf enjoys a leisurely breakfast and the pleasant surprise of Captain Hawley's visit.

The Cleric is particularly intrested in Captain Hawley's remarks " released from his heartseed the Emperor was? " interjects the dwarf " that would be a big blow to Ga'als influence any idea of how that was accomplished ?" inquires the Cleric "maybe we will learn more from the Jacks message "

Nezamil strolls at the back of the wildcards walk back to the Sword enjoying the veiw " By Domi Ashira you will enjoy this walk to do a little shopping in town once you get settled in your new house ? " mentions the Cleric " the veiw is awesome! "

After reaching the Sword and Rigging informing the crew of their next mission , Nezamil will go with his fellow Wildcards to visit the Jack and eager to learn more of the possible changes happening in Asildur and Ga'als Clerics in that region

Thursday December 16th, 2004 11:09:21 PM

(ooc sorry for missed post. working on replacing a car).

Responding to Rigging and his inquiry, "Apollo and I will figure something out and go from there."

When Rigging tells the jack of their decision, Ari will nod his head to show his support.

He too believes that this might be a trap. But is the Emporer heard or stomach seeded?

When he gets a chance, Ari will check in to see if his network reporst any usual activity.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 11:54:05 PM

The not-as-young-as-he-used-to-be mage spends the evening considering a trip to the heart of their enemy. All kinds of red flags are flying around. He considers his surroundings, the house, and the relative safety of the island and wonders where his life is headed. Sometimes it's just the flow of the Wold that takes him from place to place. He wonders of the life he gave up with his family business. Then he considers all the exciting things he's seen and learned going out. There's no doubt he's learned more about his magic and its possibilities so there's no reason not to continue. "Rigging, let's go and see the sights."

He enjoys the sleep on a non-moving boat in a real bed and enters the morning relaxed and ready for the meeting. Breakfast was good.

The trek back was shorter than it seemed yesterday. Redux settles in and awaits what the Jack has to say.

Friday December 17th, 2004 12:02:01 AM

Ashira beams at the Wildcards as they come down for the breakfast she has cooked. It probably wasn't the prettiest...with the toast being on the burnt side and the eggs being over salted...but it was the thought that counts or so they say. She hums happily as she piles the dishes into the sink for Rigging to wash. Yep, that ring was worth its weight in gold. Oh, she still had horrendous nightmares, but at least she only had to deal with them two hours a night. And they seemed to be getting better. Need to take Valanthe up on the offer for Reverie lesions...

With a happy smile, Ashira listens in to the gathered conversation with Hawley and Niner. She sombers a little at the news about the Emperor. "If this is true, perhaps there really is hope for Aisildur. I wonder how the priests are taking the news?" Ashira scoffs as mention is made of "volunteers for heartseeding". She rubs her chest absently "There is more than one way to coerce volunteers as we just witnessed. Ga'al will never truly offer free choice."

Ashira does indeed enjoy the walk to the Jack's palace...taking in the sites and breathing the fresh air in deeply. She laughs at Nezamil. "I doubt we will ever settle in, dwarf. I fear that we won't spend much time in this house. Besides, don't get too comfortable...I have training plans for all of us that involve several brisk runs up and down this hill. "There is no such thing as down time, proper physical training is essential for the warrior." That's what we learned in the Qua..." Ashira looks down at her feet for a few minutes, ashamed at the slip. "Now that Rigging has put me in charge of combat training, I'm afraid you're going to work a little harder master dwarf... Rigging's not the only one around here who runs a tight ship." Ashira chuckles.

At the meeting with the Jack, Ashira nods her accent to the decision to head into the heart of Aisildur. They were crazy, all of them...but if the rumors were true... She anxiously listens to what the Jack has to say, curious as to what kind of information the leader of the Pirates would give them.

Friday December 17th, 2004 8:23:06 AM

Jager is confused at the rapidity of the decisions and moreso the nature of them. Since he is new to the group he is unsure of their enemies and how they became so.

After the wonderful breakfast, Jager will approach Ashira "Mrs. Ashira that was a wonderful breakfast. Thank you. Since we are leaving soon, I will ask the crew to pick up supplies for my pirate drinking lessons, as you appear busy. Also, if I may be so bold to ask, if your father in law is the enemy, please tell me what you can of the man. I wish to learn of our enemy and you should know being part of his family. Daughter in laws hold a special place in our culture as they pass from the protection of their birth fathers to that of their husband and father in law. You must have had an interesting wedding. What kind of gift did your father in law present to you?"

Friday December 17th, 2004 10:37:29 AM

Appolo comes down to breakfast with Valanthe.He is all smiles and appears to be in good mood.He eats listens and watches."Ashira Jager is right,this is a magnificent breakfast."He beams.When done he helps her with the dishes.When they are at the sink,he whispers to her"So how are you doing.I've noticed you seen to fear fire amongst otyher things.Are you sure you want to go back to Asildur.If you don't say so and I'll back you up.I don't wish to go either.The only reason Rigging is considering this is back of his father.So just say the word and I'll second the motion." Once the dishes are done Appolo returns to his seat next to Val."Rigging I don't think we should go.It's to big a risk and we have to trust our sworn enemy.I don't like it."

Jack's Decision - DM Dominic 
Friday December 17th, 2004 4:57:08 PM

As Rigging tells the Jack that you will be heading to Asildur the Jack looks at each of you directly making eye contact as if he is verifying that each of you are behind Rigging in this decision. After Rigging is finished speaking the Jack opens a drawer in his desk and hands Rigging a scroll tube and says "I would like you to deliver this to the Emperor when you see him. I was asked to participate in a meeting with the Emperor and Lord High Mayor Sturtavent in Plateau City. It confirmed one of the rumours that we have been hearing lately that the Emperor is no longer heartseeded. It goes to say that the Followers of Ga'al and the priesthood of Ga'al is trying to keep it from becoming general knowledge." Pausing a moment for what he has just said to sink in he then continues "Our war has not been with the nation of Asildur but with the Followers of Ga'al and the priesthood for the most part. Please let me know when you are ready to leave as I would like to have another short meeting with you before you leave."

Friday December 17th, 2004 7:30:24 PM

Val is glad that Rigging has decided to meet with his father even though she's afraid it will end badly. Just when Ashira looked like she was moving on this happened. There was no way she would stay behind so Val won't even ask even though it might be better for her in the long run.

Friday December 17th, 2004 11:03:18 PM

Redux keeps calm and cool during the meeting with the Jack. With his mind made up, it makes things so much easier. The trip will give him time for some serious magic research with some old captured spell books and some miscellaneous brewing. He might be able to get some supplies or something so he plans to look into his current available balance back at the ship quarters latter on.

Friday December 17th, 2004 11:54:14 PM

Ashira smiles as the meeting with the Jack is brief. That meant more time at home...home...what a novel idea. She makes a few mental notes about a few very creative ways to show Rigging how much she loves her new house. I wonder if any of the local merchants have any scented oil. Hmmm...a feather boa...that might be kind of hard to come buy around here. Wait a minute...what about that place that the guys went to during the scavenger hunt. Yeah...I'll bet they have all kinds of interesting toys there... Ashira grins impishly at her mental preparations for the coming night. If there was one thing that life taught her it was to live for the moment...you never know when you're going to wake up with a knife in your back. She forces all thoughts of the impending trip out of her mind, focusing on the shear pleasure at hand.

Not having time to have answered Jager's question before, Ashira chooses to do so as they walk back home. "Jager, you asked earlier about Rigging's father. The truth is, I can't really tell you much about him. I know that he is an Admiral in the Aisildurian navy and that he is heartseeded. Other than that, you'd have to ask Rigging. Somehow it didn't come up." Ashira smiles at the mention of her wedding. "Ahhh...our wedding. Well, that too was unique, but I don't want to bore you with the details right now." Ashira's thoughts turn to her own father. It had been so long since she had seen him. Sometimes she wondered how he was doing. Then again, they hadn't exactly parted on the nicest of terms... Wonder how that sea devil of a woman he married is doing. Hope she died. He mental musings bring her back to her rendezvous with Coral not that many years ago. If things had been different, it could have been an very interesting visit. Not that she was unhappy with Rigging... Or that her affair with Coral had been that long... Shades that was a long time ago! Ashira shakes her head. Those were not the thoughts that she should be thinking right now. Feather boas, now that was the ticket...

Saturday December 18th, 2004 12:34:39 AM

The Cleric listens intently during the meeting with the Jack "Ga'als Priests in Asildur are losing influence ....by Domi that is good news to hear "

" The Priesthood og Ga'al will be on edge during our visit to Asildur... we must be vigilant as they try keep the news of the Emperor's unseeding from spreading "

{i] "The Wildcards would make an inviting target and quite a coup for the Ga'alian Priests to try to maintain they're stranglehold in Asildur " [/i]

These thoughts swirl across Nezamils mind as he starts to make mental notes for the upcoming journey

Saturday December 18th, 2004 6:38:15 AM

Jager now approaches Nezamil with history questions "Stout one if I may have a moment of your time. Let me get this straight. We plan on meeting with Captain Arrack's father in the heart of enemy territory. The ruling priests of this land, Asildur, should be out to kill us and they control most of the ruling class. These priest also do not know that Captain Arrack is no longer under their control and we can not reveal this."

Jager scratches his head for a moment, thinking. "If I have this straight, count me in, it sounds like a challenge and most likely fun."

Jager will steal away and seek out one of the crew members so that he can acquire some spirts for his first drinking lesson with Mrs. Ashira.

Saturday December 18th, 2004 11:03:35 AM

Appolo just follows along to meeting with the Jack having voiced his disapproval and having been ignored agian,
He is listening when Jager questions Nezamil and steps in"Actually my friend.Riggings father still has his heartseed.The rumour is the Emperor is the one who has lost his seed and is no longer under G'aals direct influence and yes there are going to be plenty of people there who want our heads.We've killed plenty of thier sons and daughters over the years."He then slides back alongside Valanthe.Appolo personally thinks this is stupid.

Rigging  d20+12=21 d20+6=26
Saturday December 18th, 2004 11:16:15 AM

Rigging will look up at the ceiling and do some mental calculations in his head. "Normally it would take around 2 weeks sailing to get to the Capital. Using Nautacolus we can cut that in half. Leaving a little leeway, I say we leave in 5 days.

Enjoy yourselves for those days my friends. They might be our last."

He will turn to the Jack, "I suggest our meeting takes place the night before, as we will want to leave on the morning tide. Might I invite you to the Sword for a feast with some humble sailors? I know my crew would look on hosting you as an honor and a sign of good fortune."

Rigging looks at his wife and sees her grinning at him and smiles. (Sense motive 26 natural 20.)

He will look to the other Wildcards and say, "Guys enjoy your shoreleave but please leave Ashira and I alone tonight. We have an anniversary to celebrate."

Navigation roll 21

OOC Confession time....I made some potions on the way home and now realize that I don't have the brew potion feat...oops shuffle feet and blush. Could have swore I took it as my last feat. Took craft wand instead. Can I just say I bought the potions at the catacombs? I will adjust the costs to my sheet or I can remove the potions. I had made 4 mage armor and flying. Gave 2 of the mage armors to Jagar.

Sunday December 19th, 2004 11:57:01 AM

Interesting times, meeting the Emperor. Riiging why didn't ypu teel me your father is an admiral in the navy. It is the first time i hear that. I did know he is an nobleman.

But anyway first party and then to the capital.

On our way there we can work more on our combat tactics. By the way do we have some money to buy stuff from the catacombs. I would like to have an better shield to improve my protection

Bart  d10=9
Sunday December 19th, 2004 12:13:47 PM

hp roll

Jager (Second Illegal Post) 
Monday December 20th, 2004 9:56:26 AM

Jager just beams as Rigging gives him the potions. "Thank you Captain Arrack. How do they work and how long do they take to activate? Will the potions work with other magic protections too?" Jager is just overflowing with excitment at the potions he is holding.

OOC: Jager gave one of the crew 100 gp to purchase spirits for he and Ashira and to make sure the crew has some too (50 gp worth).

Jager (Second Illegal Post) 
Monday December 20th, 2004 9:56:53 AM

Jager just beams as Rigging gives him the potions. "Thank you Captain Arrack. How do they work and how long do they take to activate? Will the potions work with other magic protections too?" Jager is just overflowing with excitment at the potions he is holding.

OOC: Jager gave one of the crew 100 gp to purchase spirits for he and Ashira and to make sure the crew has some too (50 gp worth).

Setting off -- DM Dominic 
Monday December 20th, 2004 4:50:14 PM

Each of you spends the 5 days after your meeting with the Jack living it up in various ways. Jager gets a quick and rough drinking lesson from Ashira and a few of the other crew members from the Sword. Jager finds that the next day is extremely hard to keep up with his normal routines. Ashira finds a few moments with Rigging by themselves with both of them enjoying it very much. Redux finds that his supplies are definitely in the need of restocking. When Redux is making his list of supplies Niner tells him to give him the list and that it will be done with the ships supplies. Ari hears from some of his network that there have been several unconfirmed reports that the emperor is indeed no longer heartseeded. Ari is also informed that there have been reports that a few other people have been freed of their heartseeds but this is unconfirmed and they are not sure who has been freed.

Shortly before you are set to cast off the Jack arrives at the Sword. After a few moments of looking around the Jack boards the Sword and moves to the captain's quarters urging the Wildcards to meet with him. When everyone is there and settled in the Jack tells you "I would like you to watch for any signs that there is any sort of change going on in Emperor City. I need to know if the church is trying to hide something or if they are just going about business as usual. I will expect to see all of you in a few weeks." After a short breath the Jack sets a small scroll on Rigging's desk and says "open this after you have met with the Emperor. I wish you best of luck and speed." The Jack then walks out of the captain's quarters and disembarks from the Sword then continues on as if he is headed into town.

Niner knocks on the door then opens it and says "Captain the ship is ready to set sail with the tide. All hands are onboard and at their stations. We have 2 months of supplies onboard with another months worth of hard tack if necessary." Niner then closes the door leaving you to talk.

Rigging  d20+16=30
Monday December 20th, 2004 5:31:35 PM

OOC Hey guys, I made a mistake. Rigging doesn't have brew potion so we are going to have to get them from Redux. Sorry Jagar, take your gold back and get Redux to give you some of his spare ones. I have craft wand so I made a mirror image wand during the voyage back. Keep it in mind as you formulate battle ideas.

Rigging will spend his 5 days puttering around his new home, enjoying Ashira's company. He will take time out to craft a couple minor wands and spend some time adding to his spell books. He uses the captured spellbooks to help with this. Since both Ashira and Rigging only need 2 hours sleep each, they have plenty of time to enjoy each other.

Rigging creates a light wand and a enlarge person wand.

He adds summoning monster III to his book. (spell craft roll 30)

Rigging will call for the lines to be cast off and then pick up the scroll tube, tapping it against his chin. A hungry curious look is in his eyes, but he then shrugs and locks it in his desk.

"Bart or should I say, Sailing master, summon the winds and find the quickest course to the capital city.

Ashira or should I say Mistress of the Sword, what kind of drills do you have for us today? I think we are going to need our wits and skills about us."

Monday December 20th, 2004 6:55:56 PM

Jager spends his first night of spirits drinking with Mrs. Ashira and several crew members and he regales many times of "Wow this stuff is great! I surely have missed out on some of the finer things."

The next day is one of dread and of wishing for it all to end. Jager crawls over to Mrs. Ashira and croaks, his breath smelling of somthing dead. "Is it always like this, the next day that is, after pirate drinking?" Jager holds his head in both of his hands.

Jager will go see Nezamil and beg. "I'm dying, please cure me. I have been pirate drinking with Mrs. Ashira and my head is three times too large and feels as if it must split open."

After his day of recovery, Jager will begin training the Wildcards again in his native tounge of Heit Volken.

Later in the week, Jager will approach Redux with a question. "Redux, Captain Arrack says that you are adept at creating magical potions that protect ones body as if encased in armor. If possible, can you please manufacture several of these wonderous items for me. I have the 200 gp that the Captain returned to me to defray your costs." Jager waits patiently for Redux to answer as he holds the purse out to him.

Monday December 20th, 2004 11:22:28 PM

Redux smiles at Jager's offer for gold for some of his potions. "Yes, I have some of those already made up. They are normally 50 gp each, since I can make them for less and you are joining our group, I probably should think of a discount for family. How about I charge you 75% of market price? That'll make 5 of them cost 187 gp and 5 sp." Redux is happy for the cash, he's been a little short and these things have been extra since his upgrade of the bracers. "They give you a +4 to your AC but that doesn't help if you already have good armor that brings it up to that level. We gotta have barkskin or a shield to help beyond that."

Redux scribes a scroll, but otherwise enjoys the time on land, especially the beach. He is often seen without his characteristic black spotless robe and might not be as pale as you once thought. He is ready to sail when the time comes and has all his things in order. He approves of Niner's stocking of the lab and believes there won't be any unfortunate mixing of potions.

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 12:52:42 AM

The dwarf smiles at Jagar's plea's of help for his condition " well the best cure for that particular condition is plenty of water and lots of hard work to sweat out the spirits " says the dwarf with a sly grin " so i would stay up on deck and get Ashira to give you some training routines to practice under the sun "

For the 5 days before sailing Nezamil will spend the afternoons down in Redux's lab brewing a few potions :) spending the nights relaxing and preparing for the journey

Potions brewed 1. cmw (2) 2. magic weapon (2) 3. protecion from evil (1)
total cost 375 gps 36 xp (will deduct from character sheet)

Nezamil knowing Redux's penchant for a clean working enviroment does his best to keep things tidy " not quite up to his standards but thats the best i can do " says the Cleric to himself
Nezamil leaves a note on the work bench sticking out of a cup for the mage Highlight to display spoiler: { " Here's a little token of thanks for the use of your lab , this will help defend your mind in time of need .....Nezamil " }

Highlight to display spoiler: { " Protection from evil potion " }

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 2:15:29 AM

Valanthe has a wonderous five days. Her body greatly appreciates the extended time not weighed down by armor. While her enchanted elven chain is among the finest in excistance it can make her sore at times. She rarely let Appolo from her bed, using the intense fire and lust he had for her to fuel her own. It was one of the things she liked most about him. She was greatly dissapointed when the five days were up and it was time to return to the sword.

Jager (Second illegal post) 
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 9:38:03 AM

At Redux's question about protections with the mage armor he adds. " I have a ring that offers a deflection benefit, will the potions work with my ring?" Jager holds up his ring for Redux to inspect (on his finger).

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 11:00:31 AM

Appolo spends five days with Valanthe in hiding on the otherside of the Island.No one sees them for five days as the work hard on giving Ashira something else to wory about. They return to the Sword at the las tpossible minute.

Appolo will spend the voyage practicing furiosly on all of his skills.Especially those involving stealth and backstabbing.Sneaking up on the crew and suck freaking them out whenever possible.

Bart  d20+24=28
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 4:53:07 PM

With help of the Nautuvoulus Bart sets out an course to capital city (nav 28), Working with the artefact is very unfamiliar for him. After the shortest route is set, he usues the artefact once more to control the winds and give the ship a nice speed.
When reaching their destiny Bart uses Nauticoulus again and now he uses the other power of it, through the artefact he gains knowledge about othr ships in their surrounding and the general state of the shoreline and the depths of thew water sourrounding them. Bart is hoping to find a good route possible near hazordous cliffs and rifs in the case they have to flee.

If they lookout is yelling that he sees land BArt climbs up the mast with Wayfinder and looks through it at the shoreline

Greetings -- DM Dominic 
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 6:49:24 PM

The first 4 days go by without any sightings or mishaps. On the final day you are met by 3 Imperial Navy ships. The lead ship signals that they are to escort you into Emperor City. One of the ships takes a lead position ahead of the Sword while the other two take positions that are to each side and behind slightly from the Sword. The captain of the lead ship signals that you are to follow him into the harbour and dock next to him once you reach the docks.
When you arrive at the docks and finish tying up you see what looks like a welcoming committee. You can see that the captain of the lead ship disembarks then heads over towards the Sword. When he arrives at the Sword he calls out "permission to come aboard?"

The captain introduces himself as "Luke." He then tells you that he is to show you to the safe home for all of you. Luke then asks "Shall we?"

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 8:48:31 PM

She knows that she initially thought that meeting with the Emporer was worth the risk but now she's not so sure. If it was a trap there was little they could to stop it. Now that they docked it was even worse. At least at sea they could use the swords speed and manuverability to make a break for it. Now they were pretty much doomed if something went wrong.

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 9:53:05 PM

Rigging isn't happy. He looks around at the ships and says, "Well we are committed now. This might be interesting getting home."

After the ship docks, he will meet the other Captain at the gangplank. He doesn't want him getting to good of a look at the Sword.

"Hello Captain Luke. My name is Captain Arrack Von Palin. Thank you for your kind escort. Do you wish for my entire crew to come ashore? Or just the Wildcards? I am not comfortable leaving my ship abandoned by itself. She gets lonely without some of the crew, who love her, tending to her.

If Captain Luke indicates that it is just the
Wildcards, then he will lead the way after a brief pause to whisper to Niner, "If you smell trouble, get the ship out of here. Don't try and fight, just use her speed and agility to bring her safely home.

Send the men on shoreleave in groups of 4 only. Make sure they use common sense and have them keep their eyes open.

As they walk down the wharf, he will ask, "So when do we see the Emperor?"

Swirl [Chris] 
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 10:26:13 PM

Swirl enjoys the voyage swooshing up among the sails surfing the air currents and on occasion playing tag with talon.

As Rigging prepares to disembark the Sword ...Swirl speaks to him in their shared link....... Highlight to display spoiler: { " be careful" }

Swirls tone is of nervousness as the elemental hides up by the crows nest looking down on the departing Captain

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 11:30:06 PM

Ashira drills the Wildcards and the crew more and more intensely as the voyage progresses. It's almost as if she's trying to overcompensate for a deep seeded fear. Her ring helps greatly with this, and she is often found among the crew at odd hours drilling emergency combat techniques.

As the ship is docked and Captain Luke arrives, Ashira arrives on top of the deck dressed in a long black cloak. The hood of the cloak is pulled tightly around her head, concealing her face. Two large bulges at her side show that she is fully armed, and the slight clicking heard every once in a while tells the other Wildcards that she is armored as well. Not speaking a word, she stays close to Rigging, nervously fingering her ring of invisibility.

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 12:04:50 AM

Redux spends his days at sea scribing a few scrolls. No sense in not being prepared for the booby trap the were walking into.

The mage smiles at the potion and gently places it in his backpack. Who knows, it might come in handy. He hoped not, but they were in enemy territory.

When asked by Jager about the ring, Redux smiles. "Yes, I think they will probably work well togther."

When the Aisildurian boards, Redux joins the others, dressed in his all too familiar spotless black robes. He wears a backpack and has his scroll organizer close at hand...just in case.

OOC Scribed 2 Fly scrolls 375gp, 30Xp

Nezamil  d20+5=14
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 12:29:19 AM

When the ships of the Imperial Navy are spotted Nezamil takes up station by the stern leaning on the railing and observes(d20+5=14 spot ch) the 2 trailing ships looking for active signs of the Priesthood of Ga'al aboard.

As the Sword docks and the two Captains exchange pleasantries " a safe house huh " smiles the dwarf

Nezamil will calmly head to his quarters and grab his already packed gear and head back topside and head over to Rigging.

Once all the Wildcards are gathered and ready to go " if i may say a few words " comments the Cleric " this may sound a little strange but i think it is important " the cleric pauses a moment " these people know of no other life but under the influence of Ga'als Priesthood so the knowledge of the Emperors unseeding will no doubt send shock waves thru the population and put them on edge so lets appear to be friendly and act as ambassadors for the Jack " with a look at Ari and Appolo " might be helpful in getting a few people to be informants for you "

As the Cleric follows Rigging down the gangplank to shore he makes sure his anvil pendant is visible " lets see what reaction this gets here " grins Nezamil

Appolo  d20+7=24
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 3:02:02 AM

Appolo follows the others to the safe house.He nods his approval to Nexamil and remains silent and vigilent as they walk through the city.He is looking for anything supsious.

Spot 24

Talon (George) 
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 8:01:26 AM

Talon lands on Redux's shoulder and nuzzles into his neck both seeking reassurance and giving his own. "Don't worry boss, I will protect you."

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 9:20:13 AM

During the voyage, Jager gives Redux the 200 gp for the 5 mage armor potion and asks Redux. "Please use the extra gold to develop a potion that will remove or lesson the effect of pirate spirit drinking."

Jager works hard during the voyage teaching the wildcards his native language and learning combat techniques from Ashira. Jager asks Ashira a naval question during a break in their training. " Can we take three to one odds in ship to ship combat if we had to?" Jager points to the escort vessles.

As the group prepares to disembark, Jager comes attired in his simple cloths, but is carrying his quarterstaff and has his hand axe in his belt. Jager nugges Appollo "Now we step into the belly of the beast. Do you figues we will be watched at every turn?"

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 12:46:41 PM

Appolo replies to Jager"Yes and keep your eyes and ears open.Stay on your toes."

Safe House -- DM Dominic 
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 7:43:13 PM

Nezamil is not able to spot any clerics of Ga'al in the group escorting the Wildcards. Everyone sees that the escorts are very nervous and cautious.

When Rigging asks Captain Luke his question about who is going the Captain tells Rigging "it is only the Wildcards that are to come with us. The crew is recommended to stay on the ship while it is docked." As the Wildcards leave the Sword Niner tells them "good luck and safe return." Captain Luke escorts the Wildcards from the Sword to the main area just off of the dock where the Sword is tied up. When you arrive you see what looks to be a group of 8 people of varying military and social rank. As you approach you notice one of them has the same looks as Rigging but several years older. When you reach them Captain Luke says "Admiral I would like to present to you the infamous Wildcards." The Admiral looks at each of you with a critical eye then says "come with us." As you leave the dock area the admiral and the others are very quiet and do not talk with any of the Wildcards. When you try to ask any questions the Admiral says with a calm voice "all your questions will be answered shortly.
After several minutes of walking at a fairly quick pace you arrive at a very nice home made of finely cut stone and wood. You are shown quickly into the home and the doors quickly closed. The Admiral then tells you "Welcome to the Von Palin home. I am Arin Von Palin." Looking at Rigging the Admiral says "Welcome home Arrack, it has been along time. It is nice to see that you have taken up the family trade of the Sea. Please introduce your compatriots."

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 8:37:05 PM

Rigging will step up and throw his arms around his father. "I have missed it more than you know." He then steps back and holds his hand out to Ashira.

"Father, I would like you to meet my bride Ashira. She is my soulmate father. I think I have found the same happiness that you have with Mother.

These are my good friends and shipmates. The fussy looking one with the owl is Redux. The one fingering his weapons is Appolo. The pretty elf next to him is Val. The broad one is Bart."

Rigging will stop to breath for a second and then continue, "The dwarf is Nezamil, our spiritual leader. Ari is standing next to him and lastly Jagar is the newest member of our group."

Rigging will turn to the Wildcards and say, "Everyone this is my father Admiral Arin Von Palin. Beware of him, he is sneakier than me and a much better captain."

Rigging will turn back to his father and say, "OK sir, the nicities are done. You invited us, and we were either brave enough or crazy enough to take you up on your offer. When do we meet the Emperor? Why are we here?"

Redux  d20=2 d20=9
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:24:18 PM

Redux accepts his bird's assurance with a coo. He follows along thru the streets trying to keep track of where they are going and have been (survival=2). He feels a mixture of novelty and dread as they are walking. It has been a long time since he's been so deep into enemy territory. He wonders if his family has ever been here; being merchants, it is possible. He smiles a bit as he thinks of his older brother--he could sell glasses to a blind man. As they walk, he can see their chances for retreat become slimmer and so tries to take comfort that there is some purpose to all of this; they just didn't know what it was. He begins to hum the tune of "Off to See the Wizard" nervously (perform=9).

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:58:41 PM

Her stomach churns with anticipation and there is a slight tremor to her hands as Ashira throws back the hood of her cloak. She knew how much this meant to Rigging. Ashira bows low to Rigging's father. "Admiral, it is an honor and a priviledge to finally meet my husband's father." Ashira gulps and falls silent, not knowing what more to say. Formality wasn't her strong suit. Ashira looks over at Rigging with something akin to stage fright written all over her face.

Thursday December 23rd, 2004 12:47:27 AM

As the dwarf follows the Admiral and associates thru the streets to the safe house several thoughts swirl thru his head " hmm hard to hide 3 ships escorting us to the dock and now the Admiral himself comes to greet us with what i must assume to be trusted allies .....hmmm.....but they act nervous about being seen but by the same token they are here to be seen "

" a very dangerous cat and mouse game of politics " thinks the dwarf

" Well met sirs" nods Nezamil when introduced as he calmly eyes the Admirals associates.

Thursday December 23rd, 2004 8:30:30 AM

Before the leave the ship Bart dresses in his finest clothing underneath he is wearing his chain shirt. It looks like he is unarmed but he his wearing his magical glove that conceals his mighty sword.

"Good day Sirs, my name is Bart, and espescially to you Sir Von Palin it is allways good to meet the father of a man who I consider as my brother"

Thursday December 23rd, 2004 8:43:33 AM

Jager takes in the sights and sounds of the big city as he has nover been in one so large. It sure beats the crowdedness of a slave cell, but smells about the same.

Once in the Von Palin house, Jager will nod to the Admiral as Captain Arrack introduces him, but say nothing. Jager just thinks to himself as the doors to the house close, Is this another cell with nicer furniture?

Thursday December 23rd, 2004 10:07:45 AM

Val walked through the streets with her enchanted elven chain in full view. Her slender blade lay sheathed at her side and her shield was strapped to her back with the enchanted quiver resting below it against the small of her back.

When Val met Rigging's father she was polite. Meaning she kept her mouth shut and just looked pissed off. Though hearing that they were imfamous brought a smile to the right side of her mouth.

Thursday December 23rd, 2004 10:20:54 AM

Appolo stands silently at ease watching and listening as intro ductions are made and the others say the piece.He then steps forward hand extende"Glad to meet the father of such a fine Captian and leader.Now that the pleasentries are over you wouldn't have a bottle of Aisildurian Red around,to quench the thirstof some thirsty Pirates?"

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