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Tarketh Returns

Tarketh Returns (DM MikeK) 
Sunday December 12th, 2004 9:27:06 PM

Happy shrugs at Xenia's questions.

"I dunno. Big ol jungle out there, you figure its gotta have something in it. Then the rumors just started circling about a Lost City out there made entirely out of gold. Don't know who started it. Don't know if I even believe it. But some do."

The bartender waves for a server to come over and clean off the table. A boy starts clearing dishes.

"Perimon's place? Oh, up on the Open Level somewhere," Happy answers distractedly. He heads off to another customer.

Meanwhile, the boy hands Florin the bill.
[OOC -- We'll handle cost of living stuff offline]

After lunch, the group, with Tionel in tow, heads on up toward the Gold Level.

Halfway up the grand staircase, they hear a familiar voice hailing them.
"Tionel! Fellows! Fancy running into you here!"
Its Tarketh, the bouncy fellow from the Alder House.
"I was just on my way to your place! Where are you bound?"

On hearing the group's destination, Tarketh laughs.
"Oh that's marvelous! A delightful coincidence!"
Recovering his composure, the man continues with a smile, "Well, I've much to tell you, and your place is so much nicer. Not as stuffy, really......"
He looks at Tionel hopefully.

Sunday December 12th, 2004 10:49:50 PM

"How about we talk about it inside of our house? I mean, over a glass of wine or cup of tea..." Tionel offers, smiling. "Follow me!" Taking the lead, Tionel leads the group to their apartments, whereupon he immediately begins heating a pot of tea. "Have a seat, Tarketh, everyone!"

After they make themselves comfortable (and anyone makes any comments suitable), Tionel passes out cups of tea. "You say you were on your way to see us? Was there something important the druids wished to ask us?"

Monday December 13th, 2004 12:36:55 AM

Angus takes a cup of tea and makes himself comfortable and waits for Tarketh to have a sip of tea also before begining "Kind Tarketh, how is the Alder House? Any word on what happened to the bowl we dropped off to you or who's temple we took it from? We just need to be sure, if we did get someone upset at us, who to watch our backs for? Anyone or sect in particular?"

Angus will let Tarketh answer and sip his tea before begining again. "You have heard about or recent problems at the GG, you know the strange disease and all. Thankfully, we appear not to be infected. Has Alder house found out what it is or what caused it and how to counteract it?"

Again Angus will see how Tarketh answers before continueing "What is the relationship between Alder House and Perimon? Is there some dispute over the Crying Woods? By the way, why are they called the Crying woods anyway?"

"I think I have talked too much again. Anything to add friends" Angus will finish with a sweep of his hand to those in attendance.

Monday December 13th, 2004 8:11:54 AM

Xenia takes a cup of Tionel's tea and gives it an experimental sip. Her eyebrows raise and her mouth dimples in a small gesture of approval. It's not kaffe, but it smells good. And it has a clear-ish sort of warm-ish taste.

The druids are nice enough. And she gives Tarketh a smile, a sort of an I-met-you-before-remember-me smile, and she says, "hi" in am I'm-not-sure-if-you-remember-me-but-here-I-am sort of way. Certainly a casual enough sort of greeting around the tea tray.

Then she sits on the couch and watches. Watches and listens. Maybe that's what Baronell meant by 'using the other organ.' Watching and listening. Helps to have a cup of something in your hands, though.

Monday December 13th, 2004 9:28:38 AM

Syr sits quietly while Angus rambles on. He is very curious about the Crying Woods but allows Tarketh time to finish what he came here for.

Florin Jadenth 
Monday December 13th, 2004 3:19:22 PM

Florin nods and follows the others to the group apartment and listens to what Tarketh might have to say, he does greet the man nicely and smiles, "Nice to meet you again Tarketh."

Florin glances to Xenia while she sits and drinks her tea, thinking of something but then turning his attention back to Tarketh before saying or possibly saying anything.

Wynn Brightsong 
Monday December 13th, 2004 5:13:37 PM

Wynn greets the young druid who he had previously met through Lang. Curious, he sits next to Xenia and listens as Angus rambles on with his stream of questions. Pen and journal at hand, the bard readies to write down anything of importance that Tarketh might reveal. He has already tentatively titled the next chapter of his journal, "The Lost City of Gold"

An Offer (DM MikeK) 
Monday December 13th, 2004 8:44:01 PM

"Fantastic!" Tarketh cheers, and quickly accepts Tionel's invitation.

Back at the apartments, he takes the tea and happily sips it. "Oh, marvelous stuff," he sighs, lounging back in the chair and quietly enjoying the moment.

Angus' many questions shatter his reverie.
"Ah yes," he says, quite unperturbed. "I did show up to give you the news, didn't I? Where to start, where to start."

The man cheerily sets down his cup. None of the group recalls him doing anything uncheerily.

"Well, the Circle sent me here to tell you we've cracked the secret of the bowl and activated the magic. Every flower on the Big Float should be history. Now, uh, we just need someone to go through the Trash Level and, uh, check." Tarketh's looks around the room leave little doubt as to who that 'someone' ought to be.

"The Temple...Well, they're stumped. We believe its the product of some kind of civilization out in the Crying Woods. In fact, The Circle is offering a reward for any information that can be found concerning its builders."

"Those poor souls at the Giggling Ghost were infected with some kind of plant. We guess they contracted it out there (Tarketh waves a hand in a general 'outside' direction). The plant takes root in the victim's brain and grows." The druid shudders. "It must be terribly painful. At the end."

The Crying Woods - "Well, I don't know actually." Tarketh grins and chuckles. "I've never actually heard anyone ask before. Remarkable."

"Anyway," Tarketh takes on a comical Important Voice, although his twisted grin gives away he's teasing, "The Official Purpose of my visit is to ask you, on behalf of the Circle of The Alder, to inspect the Trash Level and verify it is, in fact, free of those little white flowers."

"Quite a mouthful there, wasn't it?"
Tarketh takes some more tea while awaiting the group's reply.

Lang & Sunshine 
Monday December 13th, 2004 11:41:36 PM

Back at the apartment, Lang lets Sunshine out into the garden to do his business. He will also get Sunshine some food and water.

Lang will then join the group and listen to Tarketh's proposal of searching the Trash Level for white flowers.

"Tarketh, do you know what has happened to Jonas and his group? Will we have to worry about the Anvil Hearts when we are down on the Trash Level?"

"Hmmm, searching the Crying Woods for some info on the bowl sounds interesting. We could possibly find out the origin of the plant disease. At the very least we can check out this village that this guy is trying to build."

"What kind of reward is being offered?"

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 1:31:26 AM

Just as chipper as the other druid, Tionel pipes up "We'll be glad to go check out the trash level. And then...well, as you can see, we have a little urge to go poking around in the forest as it is...your plan for us to find info on it matches perfectly! In any case, try some of these little biscuits dipped in the tea, they're simply marvelous." Tionel passes out a plate of little interesting crackers and treats. "I added a few little spices I've been cultivating in my garden to the basic recipe mama flaust taught me. It's quite interesting."

Wynn Brightsong 
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 6:35:04 AM

"Checking out the trash level is fine Tarketh, and I'm sure we will agree to perform this task, but it is hardly the stuff of epic tales. What can you tell us of this Lost City of Gold".

Wynn leans forward in his seat in anticipation of the young man's answer.

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 11:34:14 AM

Xenia pulls her legs in side-saddle and shifts a little closer as Wynn settles next to her. She watches covertly the intensity in his blue eyes. It's a light, kinda like, well, like getting an idea ... Inspiration. That's what it is.

Lost City of Gold. She can see it in his eyes.

First the Trash Level. Then ... Xenia reviews a mental list of what they might need for the next expedition into The Crying Woods. With inward eyes, she sips her tea.

After all discussion of business is said an done, the girl rogue asks off-hand. "You know how momma-seamonster is? You settled her and her babies in a safe place, didn't you?"

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 1:03:04 PM

Angus reflects on the Tarketh's responses and his friends questions and adds more of his own after a big sip of tea. "What can you tell us Tarketh, about the magic of the bowl and the people who may have made it? we just need to know what we are up against. Also is there a cure you can supply us with so that we do not contract the plant disease?"

Florin Jadenth 
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 8:37:06 PM

Florin shrugs and looks to Tarketh, "I think we can handle a check of the trash level with no problem. Can you give us any info on the city that my friends here are curious about?"

Florin is interested but wonders why this rumor reminds him alot of a city in a book he read that had a city called El Dorado in it.

Beginnings of a Plan (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 8:53:12 PM

"Really excellent biscuits, Tionel," the other druid gushes. "What is that flavor?"
Tarketh gazes upward, concentrating hard. "Sarsaparilla?" he guesses.

"Oh, the reward. One of those 'depends on the value of the information' things I'm afraid," he responds to Lang.

"That's just it," he replies to Angus. "We've got no idea who built the bowl or the temple. The markings on the bowl don't relate well to any work of art any of the known races produce. The bowl itself is extraordinarily old, possibly thousands of years. The whole mystery of it and the Temple you found has the Council members aflutter."

Tarketh has another biscuit. "Mint," he says, sure of his answer.

"I'm afraid we don't have anything solid on the Lost City. Frankly it sounds a bit farfetched."

"Momma sea monster should be fine. They took her and the eggs to the east side of the lake. Everybody here is trying to go west, so she's out of the way," he tells Xenia.

He looks curiously at Angus when the sorcerer asks about cures to the disease.

"I'm not sure what the cure is, and I really can't promise any provisioning like that."
He thinks a while, slowly munching on another biscuit, and then grins.

"How about you come to Alder House after you go to the Trash Level to give your report on the flowers yourself? And then as long as you're talking to the boss people anyway..." Tarketh lets the sentence hang with a conspiratorial grin.

"Tomorrow afternoon? The next day? How long do you fellows need?"

Wynn Brightsong  d20+7=25
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 10:25:33 PM

The bard slumps back in his chair, realizing that the young man has little information to offer and that any trip to the Crying Woods will have to wait.

Wynn then turns his mind to the task of confirming the demise of any of the flowers in the trash level. He tries to recall if he has ever heard what the flowers were actually being used for, what they were called, and if any specific individuals in the trash level were associated with the smuggling or cultivating of the flowers, other than Jonas and the Anvil Hearts. [Bardic Knowledge = 25]

"Tarketh, will evidence of dead and dying flowers be sufficient? I cannot imagine being able to conduct a door-to-door search of the entire trash level, but if the Alder Circle has some clue as to where to start our search we might be able to infiltrate a specific group and find out what has become of the flowers". Wynn looks across to Syr and the others for further ideas about how to proceed.

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 11:16:14 PM

Xenia's copper brows come together in a frown upon her dark face when she Wynn's words bring a full appreciation of the what they'd need to do to tell if *all* the flowers were really gone.

"Yeah, um, we were down there earlier in the place where we found a big patch the first time we went down. They weren't there anymore. It was ... down by the lock where the momma seamonster was."

"I mean, they were gone. Would that be enough?"

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 12:01:55 AM

Angus thinks to himself before speaking (which is rare)"Flowers should be no problem compared to the other problems we have rooted out down there recently. How do we collect these flowers, dead or alive for you Tarketh?"

Angus goes to try one of the biscits Tarketh is raving about. "Not bad" Angus exclaims, mostly to himself.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 12:29:30 AM

Taking a nip at one of the crackers for himself, Tionel ponders. Munch, munch...quite good. Really just not too much of that spice.
"Yes, yes... We'll go check it, and after cleaning ourselves, tell Alder House of how things fared down below. And then we'll see what happens." Tionel takes another nibble. "I imagine we should watch out for any trash gang members still wishing to bother us...but we shouldn't attack them first, and we should come prepared for some unwelcome missiles." Like rotten tomatoes, he thinks to himself. Already, he can picture trash gang supporters, urchins and the like, heaping abuse upon them from the shadows. "Perhaps we can go disguised somewhat..."

Florin Jadenth 
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 11:21:03 AM

Florin chuckles at the diguise thing and looks to Tionel, "I know Wynn is good at that stuff but how is he going to disguise my armor or me? I'm born to stand out since becoming a paladin of Domi." Florin gently slaps Tionel on the sounder as a friendly gesture and smiles, "Anyway, should be a quick search all and all."

Florin looks to Tarketh, "I agree with the search comments here. I am more then willing to go but searching the whole Trash Level is going to take some time and not practicle in the sense of how the people living their react to us, or probably anyone."

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 1:35:13 PM

Leaning forward from the couch, "I could be wrong but I don't think the druids actually expect us to search EVERY building down there? I mean if that was the case, the city guard would be mobilized. Tarketh, am I correct that they just want us to search all the public areas, streets, and alleys? That shouldn't take more than a couple days." Under his breath he adds, "and another day to bath afterwards." Putting on an false enthusiastic smile, "It could go faster but I think we've all learned what happened last time we split up."

Rising he lingers with the others but is obviously impatient as he whispers to Florin, "No time like the present!"

Mission Accepted (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:08:08 PM

Wynn can't come up with any groups who might be in line for smuggling flowers. Now, there are a couple rather unscrupulous groups down there, so you never know.

Tarketh's face falls as the objections come pouring in.
"No, no. Of course not," he answers. "They grow in patches, so if you make a circuit or two of the byways, and don't see anything, that would be good enough for us. They should either be all over the place, or gone."

General agreement seems to be in order, so the druid rises to leave.
"Well, fantastic talking to you all again as always. Really fine cooking, Tionel. I'll tell the Council you'll be at Alder House the day after tomorrow. Say mid-afternoon?"

Tarketh leaves.

Everyone does remember the Trash Level is a dark, dank, dreary, smelly place. Each adventurer makes their preparations, and then come together for a quick planning session.

[So, what's the plan?]

Angus  d20+8=20
Thursday December 16th, 2004 8:48:27 AM

Angus stands after Syr rises. " I am ready. Lets get this over with, so I can get back home and take a bath. I say early is better than late as the nastier elements may be sleeping off the nights activities."

Angus takes out his silver flute and starts playing a happy marching tune in preparation (perform 20). Angus is pleased with his tune and thinks to himself, It is good not to be cursed.

Xenia  d20+3=10
Thursday December 16th, 2004 12:33:51 PM

Hokay, the rogue thinks, just outside in the streets. And they grow in patches. If they're the size of the patch we saw before, shouldn't be too hard to spot. She thinks about what she knows about Trash ... (Knowledge Local 10)

The wheels start to turn.

"Ya know," the dark rogue says from her place on the couch, "we could maybe hire a bunch of guys to help us with this." Xenia rises to her feet, still talking as she thinks. "I mean, remember all those guys that the Hearts hired to take us out in that alley? I mean, they couldn't have had more than a couple of silver a piece on them. And, if that's how much it cost to put their necks on the line, I bet they'd jump at the chance to make two silver a guy just looking for flowers."

She begins walking back and forth in this small space, kind of forming her ideas with her hands as she speaks. "Ten guys. We could all start in one corner of Trash and work our way along the side. We go up the center and send these guys up the little byways to have a look. That way we can take a bigger bite out of each sweep as we search."

"Ya know," she says spinning on a tight dime, "we could even tell them they get a bonus for spotting a patch of flowers. Another silver. Then, you know, if we don't find any, maybe give them an extra silver a piece anyway."

"Couldn't hurt our rep, huh? Give some guys some good honest work. Pay 'em well. Could it?"

Thursday December 16th, 2004 1:03:50 PM

The elf shakes his head slowly at Xenia, "I dunno, while it could be good with the people on trash level. It also means we are staking our reputation with the druid's on someone elses work. What's to say they take the silver and sit drinking ale for an hour then report back that they found nothing. I suggest we buy some clothes pins for our noses and do the dirty work ourselves. Heck, with Florin out front riding point in his nice armor that should scare most of the troublemakers away."

Xenia (2nd Illegal Post) 
Thursday December 16th, 2004 1:20:29 PM

"Well, I didn't mean we just hire 'em and let them do the work," the rogue replies. "We go with them. We go as one big group. Send them running down short alleys to check them out and report back to us. Maybe send them in pairs. If they have to be gone more than a minute or two it's something we should all check out together."

"Use them to extend our reach, like, you see. Still plenty of work for us, but a lot more coordinating. We can cover more ground without splitting up. And we get to get to know some Trash folk by working with 'em."

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday December 16th, 2004 3:51:27 PM

Florin shakes his head at the idea and looks to Wynn, Tionel and the others as he walks out of the apartment with Syr, "First off let's get down there and some of us can look around while a few others ask around abit. I say the best talkers go and ask around to see if the citizens of the Trash Level have seen anything so moreless Wynn, Tionel and Angus of course Xenia should probably go with Wynn. The rest of us can look about and we can meet up and see what we come up with before deciding on anything else."

Florin smiles and gives Syr a gentle shove, "Ready to get dirty?" Florin now leads on to the Trash Level.

Wynn Brightsong 
Thursday December 16th, 2004 4:19:31 PM

Wynn prepares to follow the Crimson Shields out of the apartment. His pack and bow shouldered for the journey, he pulls on his gloves and dons his hat. A quick check that his longsword and daggers are in place and he is ready to go.

As he walks, the bard makes a mental note of the street names, shops and businesses he passes. There is still much to learn about this new city.

Friday December 17th, 2004 1:42:32 AM

Tionel says goodbye to the leaving Tarketh and gives him a good handshake. Rushing up to his room, he puts on his 'trash clothes' as he thinks of them now... the same outfit he wore before down into the underlevel. He's washed it at least three times, but the mud and other stains will just never leave, he knows. Still, it makes a good 'getting down and dirty' outfit, he thinks to himself. He combs out his hair, and grabs a few other items he just might need. Almost belatedly, he dons some of that leather armor and grabs a huge wooden shield he'd recently acquired. There might just be some trouble, he thinks to himself. Lately I've become such a troubleseeker, he thinks as well...pondering how much he enjoys adventuring now..

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