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Meeting with Jonas

Places everybody (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 11:53:25 AM

Map coming

A disguised Wynn makes his way down to the Trash Level, followed at a reasonable interval by Angus and Syr.

The bard notes several groups of people making their way up and down the broad Dead Man's Alley. None seem particularly suspicious, and all ignore him.

He cuts up into the alleyway, which appears deserted, and even murkier away from the light of the main street. Inside the building is no light at all, but Wynn is able to get to the second story window he saw earlier. As Wynn verifies the building is indeed empty, Angus and Syr enter after him.

Wynn and Syr are able to remove the iron bars covering the lone glassless window. Everyone can see out OK, but if it comes to missile action, its going to be very crowded around that window.

A while later, Florin enters the alley, trailed by Xenia and Lang.

As the paladin carefully enters the southern arch, he is joined by a motley looking feline, who pads silently behind him.
[Florin - Spot 15 to notice the cat]

It's REALLY dark inside the courtyard, and Florin is going to have a very hard time working his way to the floodlock without some light.

Xenia and Lang and Sunshine proceed down the alley. The rogue hunkers down at the corner, while the ranger proceeds through the western archway and hugs the wall. Like Florin, Lang is going to have trouble without some light.

Just as Xenia gets comfy, a lone dwarf, heavily armed, cautiously enters the alley. He walks straight down the middle of the path toward the southern arch. His head swivels with purpose at the arch, doors, windows, and sides of the alley.
He can be seen by Xenia and those at the window.
[Braxton - Spot 20 to see Xenia down the alley.
Spot 6 to see Angus at the second floor of Building #6.]

Michael, you're on!

Angus  d20+3=16 d20+2=13
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 1:02:30 PM

Angus is getting nervous and excited and the minutes while away. Angus can not wait for someting anything to happen.

Angus notices (spot 16)the armed and armored dwarf coming down the alley and is confused. Angus thinks to himself. A dwarf? Did Jonas send a dwarf? Or is the dwarf part of the local guard? Why would the dwarf be alone, unless he is supremely confident.

Angus whispers to Wynn and Syr. "This does not feel right. Why a dwarf, we have not met a dwarf before and the gang scum have been humans mostly, right? Lets be careful."

Angus will also see if he can spot anyone shadowing the dwarf and will listen (listen 12)for any unusual noise out side of the clanking dwarf.

Braxton  d20+6=14 d20+6=13
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 2:18:15 PM

Braxton strides down the alleyway with confidence, hand on his warhammer, muttering a prayer to Domi (though he doubts the god has time for cowards such as himself).

Noticing Angus in the 2nd floor (Spot roll 13), Braxton gives and obvious nod of his head, and continues on his way, searching slowly for the others he saw enter the alley.

It is obvious that Braxton comes loaded for bear, with a large shield in his left arm, his right hand on his axe and several axes tucked into his belt and a crossbow dangling from his hip.

Lang  d20+10=21 d20+10=20 d20+5=11
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 8:11:47 PM

Lang and Sunshine slowly move towards a spot to hide in the rubbish (move silently 21). Once there Lang has Sunshine lie down. With his bow in his hand, he then proceeds to hide himself (hide 20).

Thinking to himself that it is very dark and he will not be able to see much, he keeps quiet and listens for any noises of movement or fighting (listen 11).

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 8:31:23 PM

Framblation! Now who is this? That's all they need right now. Another distraction.

Wait a framble walking minute! That's just what they need right now. A distraction! This guy wandering around who's not one of them. And he's armed to the teeth.

Xenia stops eating. She freezes. Her eyes and ears scan the area for reactions to this newcomer. With a bit of luck, this little guy will walk right by her.

[[ Same rolls as last post. Unless you need new one's Mike. ]]

Florin Jadenth 
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 9:22:32 PM

Florin thanks Xenia for the concern and kisses her cheek quickly back if she allows, "Thanks for your concern Xenia and after this I will even take you and the others out for a meal with my adopted child, I promise on that as a paladin of Domi you have my word." Florin motions to the pendant Xenia should be wearing and smiles, "Just Domi watches over us all."

Florin when in the court yard area frowns at the darkness in the one area and walks over to it, pulling his lamp out of his backpack and hands it to Lang, "Lang, please try using this on a low light level to give abit of light in here. It should help out."

Florin now waits and watches carefully, whispering a small prayer to himself, "Domi watch over your follower and his comrads...in this hour I hope you give me the strength to fight valiantly and with the honor you would want all your members to have if it comes down to a fight. May you grant my will and body both the temperment of the steal you so often pounded into wonderful objects when you were a blacksmith."

Wynn Brightsong 
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 11:34:22 PM

Carefully placing the bars in a neat pile at the base of the window, the half-elf wonders that they might make a nice bludgeoning weapon in a pinch.

When Angus makes his comment about "things not being right" Wynn elbows the fellow aside and checks the alley below himself. His heart jumps in his chest at the sight of the heavily armed dwarf heading straight towards Xenia. The bard strings his bow and selects an arrow. His eyes never leaving the scene below.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 2:30:12 AM

The elf sees the two others crowded in the window and patiently waits for them to tell him what's happening. Whispering, "Well...? Is Florin okay?"

Tick, tick, tick (DM MikeK)  d20+1=3
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 10:26:59 AM

Florin Spot check to see Lang = 3. Florin doesn't know Lang is in the courtyard.

The entire courtyard is pitch black. Florin pulls out a lantern in order to see better. He finds himself in the middle of the courtyard, some 50' from the floodlock door.

Lang and Sunshine hunker down in a pile of trash.

Xenia stays still as the dwarf approaches. Angus watches the dwarf from the window, as does Wynn. The bard has an arrow nocked to his bow, just in case. Syr waits for someone to tell him what's going on.

Braxton keeps going down the alley. The person at the window has not acknowledged his hail. In fact, he has been joined by another with a bow. The bow is not pointing at the dwarf, yet. Both figures are watching him. As Braxton passes by the southern arch, he sees an armored figure standing in the middle of the courtyard. The figure is carrying a lantern.

Spot and Listen checks from all, please.

Xenia  d20+15=28 d20+11=29
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 11:16:59 AM

Nothing moves but the rogue's eyes. And they see a bow sticking out of the window where the guys are supposed to be.

Oh, no, no, no, no. Crumbcakes. Walking crumbcakes. Please, please, please, please let the dwarf blather around. If there are any Hearts here he'll draw their attention. Too bad telepathy isn't a half-elven gift.

The dark rogue tries to relax, and force herself into a regular pattern of sentry sweeps.

Focus on the Hearts. They've gotta be here somewhere. C'mon you guys, where are you? Show up already.

[[ ROLLS ]]
Spot 28
Listen 29
[[ EndROLLS ]]

Angus - Mage Armor  d20+3=18 d20+2=12
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 1:33:18 PM

In hushed tones, Angus will explain to Syr what he sees "A heavily armed and armored dwarf just sauntered down the alley, but is now out of view. I think he went into the courtyard."

Angus will keep watch and listen carefully (spot 18, listen 12). Angus's hand slips to his flute for comfort, but quickly leaves there as he gets his mind back on the business at hand.

As the time for the meeting approaches and the curiosity of the dwarfs appearance, Angus will cast mage armor on himself.

Angus turns to Wynn and in a whisper asks "Can you see or hear anything or anyone?"

Syr  d20+8=21 d20+4=5
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 2:44:08 PM

Pulling on Wynn's arm gently, "Dwarf? Must be an innocent bystander. None of the Hearts have been dwarvish. Give him the benefit of the doubt and put the bow away for a moment."

(Spot Check 21, listen is a natural 1)

Florin Jadenth  d20+2=4 d20+1=14
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:02:46 PM

Florin keeps a eye out but is unable to see much (spot:4) so he turns the lantern up pretty much as much as the lantern will and places it in the flood lock area so it is some what out of sight and less of a target.

Florin also keeps his ears open, doing a better job of this then he was with seeing. (Listen:14)

(OOC:Short post here. It is really storming here so sorry for not posting for Sunshine tonight, if someone else would like to make a quick post for Sunshine it would be very nice. If storms don't ease up and may have to try emailing someone quickly about posting tomorrow for me.)

Lang  d20+5=9 d20+5=19 d20+5=14
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 11:43:41 PM

Lang stays quiet, hidden in/behind a pile of trash. He gently strokes Sunshine's fur to keep him quiet and glances occasionally at Sunshine's ears to see if he has picked up any noises. While doing this he tries to see and hear what Florin is doing (Spot 9 and Listen 19). Unfortunately, he is too hidden in the pile to see much.

Sunshine listen 14.

Braxton  d20=3 d20=4 d20+4=13
Thursday August 26th, 2004 2:57:26 AM

Braxton stops for a moment at the sight of the individual in the courtyard.

"I know that I saw a group of them enter this alley he tells himself."

He cautiously looks and listens around the courtyard, paying particular attention to the stonework, looking in particular for anyone hidden away, hidden pitfalls and doors, etc.
(Spot check 3, Listen 4, Craft: Stoneworking: 13).

Reaching into the confines of his armor, Braxton pulls out his holy symbol. The shining and polished silver emblem is one of his few extravagances and it is obvious from the way that he looks upon it thathe values his faith in Domi. Making sure that the emblem of his faith is clearly visible, braxton returns his hand to his warhammer and confidently strides towards the lone figure in the courtyard.

Wynn Brightsong  d20+6=21 d20+2=6
Thursday August 26th, 2004 7:56:50 AM

Wynn takes a step back from the window at Syr's urging and shoulders his bow. He keeps a watchful eye over the courtyard and the dwarf in particular.[Spot=21, Listen=6]

Company (DM MikeK)  d20+7=25 d20=9 d20+2=7 d20+2=21
Thursday August 26th, 2004 10:12:21 AM

While Xenia and Lang lay low, Braxton enters the southern archway and approaches the figure standing there with the lantern.

Meanwhile, Florin has made his way over to the floodlock door. Opening it, the paladin shines in the light and looks inside. He sees nothing of note. Looking back over his shoulder, he sees the dwarf approaching.

Wynn, Angus, and Syr watch from the window. The dwarf walks into the courtyard and disappears from view. Shortly thereafter, Syr hears something. The scrape of a boots on stone. At least two sets of feet are quietly climbing the staircase in their building.

About the same time Syr hears the approaching footsteps, five figures break around the corner of alley. In tight formation, they jog purposefully up the alley. The lead figure is a dwarf, and the other four are human. Two of the humans hold sunrods high. All five are encased in full platemail, with shields and swords. The dwarf carries a large axe.
The insignia on their shields is that of a charging tiger.

Xenia, and the trio in the building see the approaching formation.
Lang and Florin and the cat can hear the jangling of approaching armor.
Braxton is totally unaware of the approaching formation.

Buidling 6 interior info.
The building has two floors, each divided into two 30 x 40 rooms by a central hallway. The stairs are in the central hallway and have no railing. The walls and stairs are of stone. There is a single doorway off the hall leading into each room. The doorways are directly across from one another. All interior walls are made of brick. All exterior walls and the stairs are made of stone.

Angus - Mage Armor  d20+2=22 d20+3=7 d20+2=18
Thursday August 26th, 2004 11:59:02 AM

Angus will exclaim quitely "Great, that scum Jonas sent the guard after us."

Angus will also think to himself if he knows the symbol of the charging tiger (Int 22)

Angus will keep watch out of the window, but after he takes a step back so as to be less visible (spot 7). Angus may have moved too far back... but he keeps his ears open (listen 18).

Angus whispers to Syr and Wynn "If need be we can leave invisibly, keep sharp and lets listen for how Florin reacts."

Xenia  d20+3=18 d20+15=28 d20+11=29
Thursday August 26th, 2004 12:30:33 PM

The dwarf turns into the courtyard. Great. There goes my distraction.
Armed and armored turn the corner, right onto her little lane. Great. Furble Walking, Great!

Xenia wills every muscle in her body to stillness. The muscles between her copper brows, none the less, twitch into a frown as she sees the tigers on their shields. She searches her mind for what she knows of group heralds in this city, especially the law types.

Then ... it occurs to her that this might just be a distraction. Or worse yet ... a ruse.

The dark rogue's eyes twitch to the side for a glance up the northern leg of the alley before returning to the armor-boys for a closer look at how they're put together. Are they really what they look to be?

[[ ROLLS ]]
Knowledge Local 18
Spot 28
Listen 29
Hide 20 (From Carla's roll/Still haven't moved.)
[[ EndROLLS ]]

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday August 26th, 2004 7:31:51 PM

Florin turns and sees the dwarf enter the courtyard area and frowns till his eyes light on the holy symbil. Seeing this causes Florin to moves his shield around so the holy symbol of Domi on it can be seen clearly and he speaks up, "Hail there brother of Domi. Not many would dare take on the form of a follower of Domi considering the penalty that the temple would take on them so you must be a ally and not a servant of the anvil heart, am I right?"

Florin watches the dwarf carefully and places his free hand near the silver dragon handle of his longsword, the ruby chip eyes of the dragon even looking like they watch the dwarf, "Excuse my weariness but a meeting was set with the anvil hearts here and I did not expect another, even a servant of Domi. I am Florin Jadenth a paladin of Domi and am maybe only was now..a top student in the temple to become a paladin."

Florin before he can speak more heards the foot steps of heavily armored men and winces in wonder....words ringing in his head like trap or hired enemies. Florin looks to the dwarf and motions with his free hand, "If you value your life I would get to the side, armored men are coming and I doubt this can be good. Like it or not you might be caught up in the fight as one of us. Trust me when I say me and my friends are not enemies as long as your not allied with the anvil heart or bare ill will towards the orphanage that we have tried so hard to help."

Florin waits now, deciding so he pulls his longsword and places it point first on the ground as he places his free hand on the sword, waiting to see what or who comes through the arches.

Wynn Brightsong  d20+8=13
Thursday August 26th, 2004 8:24:33 PM

At the sight of the armed patrol, Wynn readies to jump from the window to the street below. "Another dwarf" mutters the bard. Once the armed patrol has entered the courtyard, Wynn will jump down to the street [OOC Ring of Featherfall] and as quietly as possible sneak up to the archway to see what is going on.[Move silently=13]

Lang  d20+10=12 d20+10=16 d20+5=22 d20+5=19
Thursday August 26th, 2004 10:27:37 PM

Lang hears the approaching sounds of armor and softly whispers to Sunshine, "Be quiet boy". He also hears Florin address someone who is not part of the group. As quietly as possible, (move silently 12) Lang shifts his position so that he can see above the pile and into the courtyard, but remaining hidden (re-hide 16).

Lang sees the short figure in the courtyard that Florin is talking to (spot 22). Lang also realizes that the sound of armor clanging is coming from beyond the archway (listen 19). Not wanting to take any chances, Lang draws an arrow and prepares to fire at the first person that attacks Florin (ready action).

Tionel (Through the animals) 
Friday August 27th, 2004 4:57:12 AM

Sunshine quiets his panting and watches the area, his ears back and alert. Meanwhile, the cat takes no real big notice of the five guards approaching, and like any stray stalks along to the side, glancing at the armored ones with no real concern unless they dart at him.

Heart Battle - rd 2 (DM MikeK)  2d6(5+2)=7
Friday August 27th, 2004 3:10:53 PM

Angus casts a defensive spell on himself as the quintet of tiger guys head into the courtyard. Searching back in his memory, the sorcerer recalls the emblem is used by the Tiger Regiment of the Mailed Fist. The Mailed Fist is a mercenary organization common on the Elennian Peninsula, although he doesn't recall seeing any of them around Floating City before.

Xenia hunkers down and waits.

Lang carefully draws an arrow, and waits.

Florin addresses Braxton, who doesn't answer. The paladin does hear the armored folks coming, and gets a bad vibe. Braxton joins him as the two turn to see what's up.

Wynn bails out of the window, floats to the ground and pads softly toward the southern entrance.

And then things get nasty.

Inside the building, a rolling ball of fire, some 5' in diameter bounces into Angus from the doorway behind him.
[Angus -- Reflex save DC 15 or take 7hp damage]

Syr and Angus turn around to see a robed man (m) in the doorway of their room, some 25' away. A large half-orc (o1) carrying a brutal looking axe grins next to him. He is already in the room, also about 25' away. Another half orc (o2) stands behind the robed man in the hallway. He looks exactly like the first one, and is finishing off a potion.

In the courtyard, the five platemailed fellows (#1 - #5) spread out on a line and jog directly for Florin and Braxton. At a crisp command from the dwarf, they draw an assortment of nasty looking melee weapons. The two carrying the sunrods let the lights drop to the ground. The east side of the courtyard is bright enough for the seven antagonists to easily see one another. The Fist shows no signs of stopping, and is 30' from the two warriors.

As Wynn creeps up on the archway, 6 leather armored figures (#6 - #11) cruise around the alley corner by building #7. Grinning at the sight of the lone bard, two pull out longswords, while the others reach for some small throwing weapon. They close on Wynn and are about 60' away.

Braxton  d20=2 d20+6=23
Saturday August 28th, 2004 7:40:29 AM

Braxton charges up to Florin (spot check to notice if Florin has any symbols of Domi - 23) and plants himself next to the paladin.

"I would be honored to stand besides you against such overwhelming odds" he solemnly says. "Though what help a coward is to you, I know not."

He plants himself to take a charge, readyong his shield and readying his hammer, and awaits the battle.

OOC - Should Florin charge, he is prepared to follow the paladin.

Saturday August 28th, 2004 9:30:38 AM

OOC - I will be away from my PC for a few days and am not sure if I can get access to a PC. Is someone willing to assume control of the cowardly Braxton. Email me at mkhailvw@yahoo.com and I can forward a copy of his character sheet to you so that you can.

Thank you - mike

Al: I'd be happy to, Mike. ^_^

Xenia (AC 20, 21 vs #6, 28/28 hp)  d20+12=26
Saturday August 28th, 2004 11:02:47 PM

Xenia sighs with relief as the Tigers clank in through the archway without noticing her. Then a body comes floating down from the building next-door.


Haha! Turns into Uhoh! As an actual bunch of Hearts turns the corner and sees Wynn. Wynn!

Frambledraft, we're in it now.

The dark rogue tags a seal on her outer thigh. It turns her invisible. She leaves the corner like a shot.

As she passes Wynn she whispers quickly through gritted teeth. "The archway, Wynn. We can hold them to two at a time. And it will give us cover." Then she's past, heading herself east toward the archway.

Activate Seal of Invisibility (Free Action: Given by Jerry)
Double move past Wynn to archway
Move Silently 25
[[ EndACTIONS ]]

Tionel (AC 14, hp 39/39) 
Sunday August 29th, 2004 6:08:50 AM

Suddenly, the somewhat dirty, snobbish cat on the ground begins to transform, growing into a somewhat dirty, snobbish Tionel. He dusts off his clothing and leather outfit and smiles. "What's going on, sirs?"

Wynn Brightsong 
Sunday August 29th, 2004 5:43:32 PM

Wynn spots the leather-clad figures making their way towards him. Their drawn weapons leave little doubt as to whose side they are on! The bard starts to back away when Xenia's voice encourages him to make a dash for it. He spins on his heels and makes for the archway as quickly as he can, wondering all the while where Xenia has herself hidden that she can direct his movements so.

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:52 
Sunday August 29th, 2004 8:01:54 PM

Florin judges the distance that the men are away from him and snaps his sword up since he already had it out and moves his shield infront of him that shows the symbol of Domi on it. Florin speaks quickly as the men close in, "Who are you and why have you come? Some trick of the anvil heart I suppose? I will warn you, I do not wish to fight but if you leave me with no choice then I will meet steel with steel."

(Florin is falling into totall defense while speaking. I believe that is something a paladin can do.)

Angus (AC 14 HP 8/15)  d20+1=13
Sunday August 29th, 2004 10:04:21 PM

Angus, stunned by the appearance of the ball of fire, is a little too slow in getting out of the way and the ball slams into him burning him quite severely.

Realizing that he is in dire straights, Angus quickly casts Invisibility upon himself. He then moves in behind Syr, putting Syr between himself and the enemy.

Angus says softly so that only Syr can hear him, "Syr, hold them off for a round or two, and then I will be able to help you fight them."

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15) 
Sunday August 29th, 2004 10:18:10 PM

Lang keeps his arrow nocked and ready to go, waiting to see if Florin attacks them or if they attack Florin. He does pick his target though, the dwarf that has issued the commands to the armored and now weaponed group with the tiger symbols.

Syr (Ac 18)  d20+9=10
Monday August 30th, 2004 3:12:42 AM

Nodding at the mage, he whispers, "If I go down, jump out the window."

Taking a couple steps forward and displaying his hands at either side open palmed, "Fellas, I didn't know this building was occupied. I sincerly apologize. My friend and I will be on our way." The monk readies himself for combat and sends a foot at the first half-orc that approaches with hostile intent (attack of opportunity - natural miss).

Jim - ADM: Divide and Conquer combat Rd 3  d20+11=31 d20+11=12 d20+11=14 d20+3=19 d20+9=28 d8=4 d8+4=8 d20+11=14 d8+5=6 d20+10=23 d6+4=9 d6=1 d20+4=22 d20+5=9 d20+5=12 d20+5=23 d8+1=5 d8+1=8 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d12+4=6 d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Monday August 30th, 2004 11:08:54 AM

OOC: Please post AC, hit points, and any spells in effect for all future combat posts. I will try to send a map later.

The four humans and one dwarf in full and half plate armor are all large and powerfully built. The dwarf points at Braxton and two of the humans with longswords out bear down on him. The remaining two humans have flails and the dwarf a warhammer. This group of five is displaying the discipline of professional soldiers that have worked together for a long time.

It is now apparent that the Charging Tigers (from their shields) are not friendly as four of the five engage Braxton and Florin with their charge. One of the humans charging Braxton pulls up short and drinks from a small vial. This charging tiger starts to grow to enormous size (F3).

The two humans with flails move to flank Florin as the dwarf takes him head on. The two flail wielders (F 1 & 2) attack Florins legs in an effort to trip him (Nat 20 and 1) as they sweep to his side. The dwarf (F5) swings his warhammer not at Florin but at his longsword (attack roll 14: Longsword DC 19), but only shatters air.

OOC: Improved Trip is a melee touch attack. Florin must make an opposed str roll verses the sucessful trip attack and beat a DC 23 (forgot the +4 bonus for the feat). If not sucessful Florin is prone and F1 gets an AOO (-4 to Florin's AC)to hit AC 28 for 7 damage (forgot the str bonus).

Braxton is engaged by a large sweating human (F4) that takes a mightly swing (hit AC 14 for 6 dam. if sucessfull). The warrior gunts through gritted teeth "Back off or die dwarf! We are hear for the Paladin."

OOC:All of the charging tigers are AC 20 base. The four that charged are AC 18 for the round.

Tionel feels steel pierce his back as the hulking and out of breath Bryton suddenly appears behind him, as it out of nowhere. Bryton exclaims mostly to himself "Find the animals and find the elf.", as he twists the blade: hit AC 23 for 10 damage.

Xenia get to the doorway before the thugs or Wynn, but the thugs do not seem to be heading in as all are intent on the Bard. The front two human thugs (Th 1 & 2) throw tangle foot bags at Wynn at a range of 10 feet, but do not further attack as they want to see the effect of the glue. Each pulls out another bag. One strikes Wynn solidly (AC 22) and the other flys over his shoulder (AC 9).

OOC:Tangle foot-ranged touch attack. DC 15 reflex or be glued to the floor, DC 17 to break free. Even if sucessful still half movement.

Two half elves (Th 5 & 6)muscle in to attack Wynn so the final two human thugs (Th 4 & 5)do not throw their tangle foot bags, yet. Two longswords flash around Wynn (AC 12 and 23 for 5 and 8 if they hit). The two half elves are AC 15.

Xenia also sees another group trot round the corner and comes into the alley and she immediatly recognizes one as Jonas. Jonas is flanked by two half elves and followed by a halfling in half plate. All have missle weapons at the ready: Jonas crossbow, both half elves short bows, and the halfling a sling. Jonas and the half elves eyes roam the alley as the approach the courtyard.

The half orc that is engaging Syr takes a massive two handed swing with his great axe (power attack 3: Roll 20 with critical threat of another 20 for 18 damage plus the 9 for the power atack for a total of 27). The second half orc, which appears to be a mirror image of the first, quickly enters the room and is moving fast even by Syr's standards.

The first half orc withdraws and pulls out as potion as his twin takes his place. It looks like they have fought together before.

The half orcs are in breast plate armor and are AC 17 to Syr.

The wizard is frustrated with Angus's disappearance and moves the flaming sphere in front of the window. Small dust bunnies and trash burn along the way. The wizard then puts away a scroll and moves five feet into the room.

Syr then notices the Anvil heart Fargas at the top of the stairs. Syr remembers that Fargas was the one who accussed the group of stealing the turtle boat. Fargas looks at the bloody gash on Syr and snickers "Looks like we got the easy task."

Braxton (AC20, 52/52 HP) (NPC'd by Al)  d20+7=18 d8+3=8
Monday August 30th, 2004 12:28:10 PM

*Thock* Braxton easily fends the human's blow with the edge of his shield.

"Back off or die, dwarf," the human snarls. Braxton's first instinct is to comply. He takes a single step backwards, and ducks his head in obeisance. *Thock* The sound of the blow echoes through the dwarven fighter's mind.

He struck at me. He struck at me!

"Forget you!" Braxton shouts, his voice colored with anger. A back hand swing of his warhammer catches the man's arm in a blow that he cannot help but feel.

[[ To Hit 18, Damage 8 ]]

Monday August 30th, 2004 12:30:57 PM

BTW, Jim, the name is Byton not Bryton. There's a pun in the name Byton Ashtor. ^_^

Monday August 30th, 2004 1:16:05 PM

That is great. I missed it!

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:45/52  d20+4=5
Monday August 30th, 2004 7:05:03 PM

(OOC:Dang, a DC23 thats like 1 off from Florin's max str, no way he is going to beat that.)

Florin gets ready to swing at the dwarf who treid to smash his weapon only to find himself suddenly tripped and laying on his back. before he can make any move he feels the smashing blow of the other armored man's weapon against his armor and pain splits his thoughts for a moment. (Str:4 natural 1)

Florin bites his lip against the pain to keep from saying anything but warning bells ring through his head as he knows that he is in trouble and most likely so are his friends.

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=27/35]  d20+6=19
Monday August 30th, 2004 8:20:20 PM

Wynn neatly sidesteps the tanglefoot bag as it splashes at his feet. A blade slashes the bard's free arm but he ignores the pain and bolts for the open archway and into the courtyard. He pulls his longsword as he crosses the threshold and looks about for support.

Matt C. 
Monday August 30th, 2004 8:54:25 PM


Being tripped and falling to the ground prone does not provoke an AoO. What provokes the AoO is standing back up.

Also, you can use a dexterity OR strength check against a trip attack - whichever has the higher modifier.


Angus (AC 14 HP 15/15)  d8+3=7 d20+2=17 4d6(1+1+3+1)=6
Monday August 30th, 2004 9:11:32 PM

Angus reaches into his pouch-belt for his Seal of Healing (move action). He then activates the Seal, healing himself up fully (free action for 7 hp's healed). Angus, seeing the mage move into the room, fires off a Scorching Ray at him (standard action).

Scorching Ray -- hitting touch armor class of 17 for 6 points of damage (jeez! 3 freaking 1's, the dice are not falling our way).

Mage Armor -- 5 hours

Spell Slots (remaining/total):
0 -- 6/6
1st -- 6/7
2nd -- 3/5

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+7=24 d20+7=12 d8+2=7 d20-10=7
Monday August 30th, 2004 9:22:17 PM

Lang, from his hidden spot in the shadows and behind a trash pile, shoots his longbow twice at the now oversized human (F3).

Longbow shots hitting AC 24 & 12 for 7 points of damage.

Lang then attempts to re-hide (hide for 7 with a --20 penalty for shooting, but no bonuses for being in the dark and behind cover).

Xenia (AC 20, 21 vs Nearest, 28/28 hp)  d20+10=23 d6=4 3d6(6+5+5)=16
Monday August 30th, 2004 9:40:34 PM

The invisible Xenia stands the archway, and reaches for a potion in her haversack. (CSW)

"Right here, love," she says as the bard slips in beside her.

She tags another seal on the side of her leg, not really sure how this is going to work. A stubborn determination and sense of single-mindedness sets her jaw on edge. She feels her vision tunnel, and as if in slow motion, she makes a cut for the nearest attacker. (One of the half elves, I think. Or one of the humans if they're in range.)

[[ To Hit AC23, Damage 4 + 16 Sneak +1 Focus = 21 ]]
[[ Get CLW=Move, Tag Seal=Free, Attack=Standard ]]


D. Seal of Focus (From Darksun Game)
Declare a goal and then activate the seal. For one minute you gain the dwarven intensity of focus. All skill checks, saves, damage and attack that you roll gains a +1 if it works toward attaining your stated goal. The DM has discretion as to whether you goal is too broad to be allowable. This seal grants its power to the activator only.

Goal: To keep Wynn safe. 5sec/60sec

Jim - ADM 
Monday August 30th, 2004 11:44:22 PM

Matt read the improved trip feat. On a sucessful trip attack you get to follow up with an attack. Maybe not an AOO, but an attack.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 2:01:30 AM

OOC - I will resume control of Braxton. Thank you very much.

Tionel (AC 14, hp 29/39)  d20+3=19 d4=4 d20+6=12 d20+6=12 d20+1=13 d20+6=7 d20+6=17 d20+1=6 d4=2 d20+8=16 d20+8=24 d4+4=6 d4+4=8
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 2:49:48 AM

"Yow!" Tionel says as he gets stabbed in the back. And he was appearing so suave and smooth...Pain and outrage send him spinning to look at the guy who stabbed him and send his fingers in a flurry... He manages to control his motions, despite the pain, and brings into being some friends.
(Dangit...had to spend 2 hero points for this post... Otherwise I think we'd be getting creamed.)
Suddenly, four tough black bears appear right next to Byton. "Say hello to my little animals!"
And they probably start tearing him savagely apart. (Or not, after looking at the rolls.)
(I placed two of them next to him, but the other two probably can't get in, and charge at the flail-wielding dwarf.)
(First bear on Byton: AC 12, AC 12, AC 13. Blah.)
(Second bear on Byton: AC 7, AC 17, AC 6...Man, my bears suck. Did 2+4=6 damage to Byton).
(Third bear on F1: AC 16, does 6 damage)
(Fourth bear on F1: AC 24, does 8 damage)
(Bears are AC 13 (11 for the charging ones), hp 19/19)

Then Tionel gets ready to be hit, which for him consists of mainly cringing and saying, "Not in the face!"

Braxton  d20+8=15 d8=5
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 3:46:31 AM

"Domi's faithful would never abandon each other in their time of need, scum!" Braxton calmly utters to his assailant as he swings his hammer in a viscious arc attempting to push his opponent back so he can aid Florin.
(TO HIT: 15 DAM 5).

"Though I may not be of much use, Domi has chosen to place me here and though I may be a coward, I will NOT let any harm befall those I have chosen to protect. If you chose to leave now, I will hearken to spare your lives."

Syr (AC 18, hp 22/49?)  d20+8=21 d20+8=15 d20+8=22 d8+5=8 d8+5=13 d8+5=9
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 4:15:48 AM

The cries out in agony at the top of his voice as the axe digs deep into his body. (27 pts?? gezz!)

Syr seizes the moment when the two half-orc's switch and takes a swipe at one (attack 21, damage=8, should have an attack of opportunity on the 2nd, Fortitude save vs DC 15 or be stunned for 1 round).

Through clenched teeth, "Angus! Is now a good time to leave?" He focuses on the 2nd half orc near him and unleashes a kick (damage 13 if he failed his save otherwise no damage) and a fist which hits with a meaty thud (attack 22, damage 9). Finally, he slides 5' over so that only half-orc number 2 is within 5' of him.

(OOC: basically either 17 or 30 pts of damage depending on the fortitude save. Also, my computer crashed and I don't have Syr's sheet so I'm going off memory for the most part, do I have his hit points correct?)

Jim - ADM: Combat round 4  d20+1=11 d20+9=26 d6=3 d6=5 d20+9=18 d20+7=8 d20+7=18 d8+3=10 d20+8=15 d20+8=12 d20+8=27 d20+8=13 d6+4=10 d20+5=23 d8+1=4 d20+5=12 d20+6=15 d20+1=6 d20=8 d20+5=21 d20+1=11 d20+1=14 d8=5 d20+7=24 d20+8=9 d20+8=27 d12+4=11 d6=6 d6=3 d4+1=3 d4+1=3
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 11:42:07 AM

OOC: I am glad Braxton is back, but he still only gets one combat post. I will take Al's as it was first and more damage.

The courtyard is filled with the sounds of clashing weapons and clanging armor. The sound is ringing through the alleys.

Lang finds an opening in the plate armor of the now enlarged fighter (F3)to fit one of his two arrows. The huge man grunts in pain and looks in Lang's direction (spot 11)and calls out "We have an archer to worry about." Braxton sees an equally huge long sword stab at him from at least 10 feet away. The now great sword batters the dwarf (AC 26 for 13 damage (str bonus)). The large man turns toward Lang's trash heap and takes a 5 foot step toward him.

F3 is now AC 19.

The warrior (F4)in front of Braxton take the full force of his warhammer with a grunt as it obviously hurt. "That was a mistake!" He yells through gritted teeth. Braxton can see the muscles twitching in the mans face as he swings with his long sword (AC 19)and smashes into Braxton's shield.

Florin is prone (AC15)and the three charging tigers move in for the kill. The first flail wielder is too overconfident and steps on his own flail (nat 1). The second is more sucessful (AC 18) and lands a heavy blow (10 damage). The dwarf again attempts to sunder Florin's longsword with his warhammer, but Florin is able to save the blade (AC 15, DC 19 needed).

OOC: I am assuming that Tionel cast on the defensive with his roll of 19. Please state if casting on the defensive.

As Tionel begins to cast his spell Emilio appears behind him and swings (ready action in an attempt to foil the spell) and yells "No animals for you!" but is horrified that he slashes the air above Tionel's head......and the bears appear.

Emilio is AC 12 and Byton AC 14

Byton and the charging tiger dwarf each take damage from a bear.

Byton groans in pain from the claw raking his back, but takes a stab at Tionel none the less (AC 27 critical threat AC 13, just missed for only 10 damage.) Byton call to Emilio "Remember! Kill the elf and the animals will go away!"

The charging tiger dwarf spins to pace two bear and is clearly not happy. The dwarf call out "I agree, kill the elf and make it quick! Anton forget the archer get the elf!"

OOC: Wynn is not glued to the floor but is moving half speed.

Wynn leaves the two tangle foot thugs (Th 1 & 2) in the dust as they take out more tangle foot bags. The half elf that Xenia backstabbed is too intent on her for an AOO, but the second grazes (AC 23 for 4 damage)him as he runs by.

The two remaining human thugs throw (Th 3 & 4)tangle foot bags at Wynn as he makes it to the archway (Ranged touch attack AC 12 and 15). The two human then draw short swords.

OOC: I do not have Wynn's character so I do not know what his touch AC is? If hit he must make a reflex save DC 15 for each or be glued.

The first two human thugs that threw tangle foot bags at Wynn last round now do so at Xenia (into melee -4). Both thugs were too carefull not to hit the half elves and missed the group completly (AC 6 & 8).

Jonas and his two half elf body guards take shots at Wynn and Xenia in the archway. Jonas fires at Xenia (Hit AC 21 with the -4 for 5 damage) and the half elves fire at Wynn, but both arrows sail into the courtyard. Jonas call out "Get in the courtyard! You two go around!" as he points at the two human thugs that have now thrown two tangle foot bags. Jonas and this three bodyguard move toward the Archway and seem intent on getting inside.

OOC: Syr does not get an AOO for the second half orc attacking, but can on the first half orc leaving.

Syr unleashes a flurry of attacks on the first half orc that slashed him badly and he makes his fortitude save(24), but still is hit by two heavy blows (17 damage). The orc drops his potion and gets ready to resume the attack.

The hasted twin moves in to stop the monk from pummelling his brother. The first two handed swing is buried in the floor (nat 1), but the spinning follow up swing opens up a second terrible wound (AC 27 for 11 damage).

The mage squeals in pain from the firey ray, but seems equally thankful to be alive. The elf directs the flaming sphere into Angus (9 damage reflex of 15 for half)and follows it up with a magic missle spell for 6 damage that is absorbed by his broach.

Fargas is enjoying the show as he draws steel and moves across the room and takes up a position between his prey and the window. Fargas is closing with Angus eyes gleaming with enjoyment at what is unfolding.

The door down to the stairway closes of its own accord......

Xenia (AC 20, 21 vs Nearest, 23/28 hp)  d20+10=21 d6=6
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 12:28:07 PM

Trapped in the depths of focus, Xenia drops her attack on her present target to switch to the half-elf who just put a scar on Wynn. Her strike is made in uncharacteristic silence. The frenetic energy that normally suffuses the rogue is stilled and channeled.

In an eerie way, she seems utterly unlike herself.

Focus: 10sec/60sec, Goal: To Protect Wynn.

[[ To Hit AC21, Damage 7 (forgot to add +1 damage for Focus) ]]

[[ OoC: BTW, Jim, I could really use a map. Xenia is a tumble/flanker and I need some pretty clear positioning in order to choose a target. ]]

[[ OoC2: Do Wynn and I get Cover from ranged attacks from attackers outside the arch for being inside the arch, Jim? ]]

COVER: http://geocities.com/sovelior/srd/combatModifiers.html

To determine whether your target has cover from your ranged attack, choose a corner of your square. If any line from this corner to any corner of the target's square passes through a square or border that blocks line of effect or provides cover, or through a square occupied by a creature, the target has cover (+4 to AC).

When making a melee attack against an adjacent target, your target has cover if any line from your square to the target's square goes through a wall (including a low wall). When making a melee attack against a target that isn't adjacent to you (such as with a reach weapon), use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks.

Jim - ADM 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 12:47:14 PM

Al, I was assuming you and Wynn we attempting to block the Archway. If you choose to block the archway then you do not get cover. If you take cover the way will be open for the thugs to enter the courtyard. Your choice. If you take cover, Jonas missed you, but the thugs will have a much better chance of entering the courtyard.

I sent a map to Matt to forward. Apparently he did not. The map I created is too big for me to use my hotmail account for. I will attempt to send a map again.

Matt, did you get the map I sent you to forward?

Jim - ADM 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 1:04:45 PM

Al, Xenia must have been tumbling well as I forgot to attack her.....

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=23/35]  d20+6=19 d20+7=26 d20+7=10 d8+3=7
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 7:45:35 PM

Wynn once again feels another small bag bounce off his armour and splash at his feet, but manages to avoid most of the effect [Reflex=19]. Something grazes his shoulder but he is too concerned about Xenia to notice much. The bard tries to get behind the half-elf that Xenia has engaged and strikes out with his longsword [Hit AC 26, 28 if flanking, critical failed, 7 HP]. "Ela ho! (Flank him!) he calls out to the rogue and looks for the next assailant.

Matt C. 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 9:05:58 PM

Map has been emailed. The email I had did not have any instructions on it to forward.

Angus (AC 14 HP 15/15)  d20+1=15 d20+2=17 4d6(6+4+5+5)=20
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 9:19:07 PM

Angus carefully sidesteps the Flaming Sphere (reflex save 15), in doing so trying to keep Syr between him and the enemy. He then smiles at the mage as his broach absorbs the Magic Missile spell.

OOC -- If it is Flaming Sphere spell, then reflex save will negate the damage not halve the damage.

Angus casts another Scorching Ray at the mage, connecting solidly.

Scorching Ray -- hitting touch armor class of 17 for 20 points of damage (I guess it all evens out in the end!).

Mage Armor - 5 hours

Spell Slots (remaining/total):
0 -- 6/6
1st -- 6/7
2nd -- 2/5

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+7=25 d20+7=19 d8+2=4 d8+2=8 d20-10=9
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 9:29:37 PM

"Forget the archer!", Lang thinks to himself, "Forget this!", as he sinks two more arrows into the large human.

Lang, staying in his spot in the shadows and behind the trash pile, once again shoots at the oversized human (F3).

Longbow shots hitting AC 25 & 19 for 12 (4+8) points of damage.

Lang re-hides (hide roll of 9 with a -20 penalty for shooting, but no bonuses for being in the dark and behind cover).

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:35/52 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 10:29:46 PM

(OOC:I would guess you added in the AOA on Florin?)

Florin stands as he does he looks to Braxton and speaks quickly to him, "There is a sewer pipe behind you fellow follower of Domi, back to it quickly and I'll follow as soon as I can. There we should be able to take these ruffians at a lesser number at a time."

Florin spits blood on the ground as he feels the pain wash over him and whispers a prayer to Domi and also thinks to himself "please don't make me have to call Ajax, I don't want the noble animal harmed".

An idea comes to mind as he stands also and he calls once more to Braxton, "Dwarven friend, if they follow you into the sewer then you must get to the door in there, open, go inside and then shut it behind you. I warn you if you do not my trick if they follow you will not help you as much if your in there." Florin doubts these enemies will think much of his talks since he is a paladin of Domi and has no magic that would cause any area damage to them inside the sewer pipe.

Sunshine (Justin Webber) (AC 16 HP 15/15) 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 10:31:46 PM

Sunshine stays beside Lang for the moment, his hair standing and grring now and then as Sunshine looks to Lang. It is clear the dog is smart enough to know it would be out numbered if entering the combat so is ready to defend his master inless otherwise commanded.

Braxton (AC: 20; HP: 49/52  d20+8=28 d20+8=19 d8+3=9 d8+3=10 d8+3=7 d8+3=7
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 2:38:04 AM

Braxton grunts as he steps back from the jarring blow.

Something in his head seems to snap, as he looks out over the ongoing melee. With an evil smile he taunts his opponents, "Is that the best you can do for one of Domi's chosen."

Braxton swings at F2. (to hit: 28 CRITICAL!!! Critical Threat Roll: 19; Damage: 9 if non critical and if critical 24)

And what a swing it is. "Die screaming," Braxton calmly utters.

Tionel (AC 16 (fighting defensively), hp 19/39, Summon Nature's Ally RD 2)  d20=6 d20+6=23 d20+6=12 d20+6=26 d20+6=12 d20+6=22 d4+4=5 d4+4=6 d4+4=6 d20+1=10 d20+1=17 d6+2=8 d20+6=19 d20+6=18 d4+4=7 d4+4=5 d20+6=12 d20+1=9 d20+6=8 d20+6=7 d20+1=5
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 4:11:09 AM

Figuring that there's no way he's going to get another spell off with two guys surrounding him, Tionel draws his scimitar with a *schnick*. (move action) He half-turns his body and swings at the Byton guy, not a really accurate one, since he's bringing his sword quickly back to try and help parry whatever comes at him. (Standard action: Attacking defensively, that's -4 to hit, +2 to my AC).
Of course he misses...but that's not the point. Tionel just hopes that having a weapon will now keep his enemies back...he's not a really good fighter.
Besides, his two bears attacking the same guy hopefully will pick up the slack.
(Bear 1 against Byton: AC 23, AC 12. 5 damage on the AC 23 claw. Bite: AC 10)
(Bear 2 against Byton: AC 26 (not crit, AC 12), AC 22. 6 and 6 damage on the claws. AC 17 on the bite, 8 damage if it hits)

Meanwhile, the two other bears continue to tear into the opponent they have chosen, or any other enemies of Tionel's that come within range of its claws. (I assume it's the tiger dwarf still, till he falls or another steps closest)
(Bear 3: AC 19, AC 18 claws: 7 and 5 damage, AC 9 on the bite)
(Bear 4: AC 8 and AC 7 on the claws, AC 5 on the bite)
Tionel looks around...usually he can run away and hide behind others to summon monsters, but this time he can't! And he can't yell for help, 'cause the enemy's gonna come running at him if he does! He's in big trouble.

Syr (AC 18, hp 11/49?)  d20+8=26 d20+8=15 d8+5=11 d8+5=10
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 4:28:26 AM

The elf grits his teeth through the pain and glares at the sorceror behind him. "You better be right, Angus. I hope this is going better for the others!"

Continuing his attack, he hits the same half orc again (attack 26, damage 11 save vs. stunning fist DC 15 again, if failed the 2nd blow hits for another 10 points of damage.)

(OOC: Can you please email my latest character sheet to ups2k@hotmail.com)

Jim - ADM Heart Battle Round 5: Things get Serious  d20+7=15 d20+7=26 d8+3=4 d20+7=26 d20+7=22 d20+7=27 d20+7=10 d20+7=8 d20+7=16 d8+3=7 d20+8=13 d6+4=5 d20+9=22 d8+5=8 d20+7=10 d20+8=26 d6+4=9 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=13 d20+5=21 d8+1=3 d8+1=5 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d8=8 d20+4=15 d6+1=5 d20+7=27 d20=18 d20=10 d20=6 d12+11=21
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 11:09:27 AM

The courtyard is overflowing with noise with metal clanging on metal, men grunting with exhertion and pain, and bears growling.

Wynn also notices tendrils of smoke and battle noise coming out of the window he had jumped moments earlier. Xenia is too focused to notice much beside her task at hand.

OOC: The two flail wielding humans get AOO on Florin for him standing.

While Florin stands he meets the flail attack from F1 with his shield (AC 15), but takes a glancing blow from F2 (AC 26 4 damage). Once standing each of the flail wielding charching tigers attempts to sweep out Florin's feet again. F1 and F2 time their sweeps perfectly and Florin crashes hard on the stone floor again (AC 26 and 22 str DC check of 27 and 10). Each follow the sweep attack with a roundhouse swing. F1 is again too overconfident and gets his flail caught in his shield (nat 1). F2 is more sucessful and connects solidly (AC 16, -4 AC for prone for 7 damage). F2 screams at Florin "And stay down!"

The charging tiger dwarf is very happy to be in plate mail as the two bears maul him, but do not penetrate his armor. He swings with his warhammer and just catches Br3 in the leg (AC 13 for 5 damage).

OOC:Braxton took 13 damage last round and not 3

Braxton lands a second terrible blow to his sweaty opponent, but does not drop him (17 dam total) and he retaliates with his sword (AC 22 for 8 dam.). F4 is obviously hurt and grunts "You are going down before me dwarf!"

The overly large human starts to back peddle toward Tionel, but keeps his sheild up as protection against Langs arrows, but to no avial. Two arrows sink deep into F3 and he staggers and falls dropping his sword that those watching sees shrink to normal size (20 dam. to F3) as it clangs on the stone floor.

Byton is reeling from the double bear assualt and is making a last ditch effort to run Tionel through in an effort to dispel the bears, but misses badly as he attempts to avoid the bears (AC 10). Emilio is flanking and determined to kill Tionel following his embarassing miss. Emilio stabs Tionel deeply in the side (AC 26 for 9 dam. Emilio call to Byton "Hang on I kill him!", but the concern in his voice can be heard as he knows his friend may not survive for long.

OOC: Are Wynn and Xenia blocking the archway or taking cover?

Wynn and Xenia see T 1 and 2 take off down the alley way at a dead run and turn the corner. The two half elves (T5 & 6) come out of their funk and attack Xenia (AC 25 & 25 two critical threats AC 13 no and AC 21 yes for 3 and 10 dam.). Both half elves look hurt.

The two remaing human thugs (T3 &4)draw swords and attempt to push their way into the courtyard, since the tangle foot bags have not been as effective as they would have hoped.

OOC: Wynn is still half movement.

The halfling cast a bless spell that effect the four remaining thugs and Jonas and his group. Jonas fires his crossbow at Wynn (another 20 sorry guys AC 25 or 21 depending if you have cover, but critical threat, 20 again!, what is with the dice roller! Max. damage of 24). Jonas commands the half elves "Draw swords and finish them off!"

The elf mage looks at the hole burned through his chest in disbelief and fall foward smoldering. Part of the wall behind him is also smoking. The flaming sphere is starting to go out.

Fargas's expression changes to concern as he engages Angus with his short sword (AC 15 for 5 damage). Fargas whispers to Angus "No more fun and games, you die now".

Syr redoubles his attack on the injured half orc twin (fort save 27, another 20??). The two half orcs take massive swings (powder attack 8 on all three swings, two from the hasted twin)at Syr attempting to end the battle in one blow. The hasted twin can not connect with the quick monk (AC 10 & 6), but the injured half orc get revenge for his broken nose and bruised ribs (AC18 for 21 damage).

Wynn and Xenia hear a cheer from the second story window and are concerned as they do not recognize the voices..........

OOC:I do not have Syr sheet. We need to know Syr's hit points.

Syr (AC 18, hp -3/56?)  d100=52
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 1:31:07 PM

"Run, save yourself!" he utters one last time. With a look of disbelief, his eyes roll up in his head and he falls to the floor (stabilization 52).

(OOC: The only character sheet that I was able to save a character sheet was from November up last year. I'm fairly sure his hps went up to 56. In which case he is sitting at -3 hps right now. Regardless, he still is on the ground)

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=-1/35]  d100=52
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 4:30:21 PM

Wynn watches in horror as the half-elves press forward their attack on Xenia drawing blood from the exotic rogue. The bard moves into position to defend her but finds himself unable to lift his sword arm. A dull pain radiates out from his chest and just before he looses conciousness he looks down to see the shaft of a crossbow bolt protruding from his armour... [failed to stabilize 52]

Xenia (AC 23, 24 vs Nearest, 10/28 hp)  d20+6=20 d6=6
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 5:13:03 PM

Xenia's mind runs through the possible strategies. Her first instinct is to place the potion into Wynn's hand, then grab him and flee. But, with the Tanglefoot goo, she figures they'd be run down pretty quick. The effects of the Seal say do it, but she's not sure if she could live with herself if she ran out and let everyone else die. She's not sure what Wynn would think of her either.

Then, the bard drops to the floor of the courtyard.

A high keening wail begins to issue from a place deep in her chest. The red-headed half-elf feels as though her heart is bursting, as she sets down in the archway in a defensive crouch. Her sword flicks out to keep those in front at bay. The dark rogue stands ready to sell her life dearly to protect the bard behind her.

[[ To Hit: 20 at -4 for Fighting Defensively, Damage 6 / Focus 15sec/60sec ]]

OoC: How about Soft Cover? I can't imagine that the crossbow men can fire into a gate through their attacking men without us having some cover.

Soft Cover: http://geocities.com/sovelior/srd/combatModifiers.html
Creatures, even your enemies, can provide you with cover against ranged attacks, giving you a +4 bonus to AC. However, such soft cover provides no bonus on Reflex saves, nor does soft cover allow you to make a Hide check.

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:24/52 
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 7:04:42 PM

(OOC;No rolls done, no way is heck Florin can pass a 27 Str DC.)

Florin once again meets the ground after standing and hurts worse now as the flails have hammers him alittle more. He feels pain wrack his body as he lays there he speaks up, "Thats it, if my friends are fairing just as bad then this battle is most deffeintly going the wrong way."

Florin calls out as loud as his bruised and battered body will let him, "HOLD YOUR WEAPONS, get Jonas in here since you must be working for him. Let me die atleast with some dignity. You all clearly have this battle won." Florin glares up at the two flail weilders, waiting and not trying to get up now, "Get Jonas in here to finish the "talks" even he should know killing us will bring him even more problems that he doesn't want. Like from the royals who might bei nterested in certain members of our group, the city guard, other people."

(OOC:Sorry everyone. The best thing I can see doing would be surrending since we are getting our sorry butts kicked something fierce and I personally see no chances of finishing this battle with anyone standing.)

Angus (AC 14 HP 10/15)  d20+8=16
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 11:13:57 PM

Angus's smile over the mages demise fades to a grimace as he watches his comrade Syr slump to the floor.

Realizing that he is in trouble and that his escape route is blocked, Angus thinks through his resources and picks the one thing that may help him.

He quickly reaches into his pouchbelt and retrieves his wand of Color Spray. From a defensive position, (cast defensive check 16) he activates the wand of Color Spray, enveloping all the remaining enemy in its path. Angus does a quick prayer to his god, hoping that the enemy all fail their Will saves.

See Color Spray on page 210 of phb.

Mage Armor - 5 hours

Spell Slots (remaining/total):
0 -- 6/6
1st -- 6/7
2nd -- 2/5

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=6 3d8(3+2+1)+6=12 d8+2=8 d20-5=12
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 11:38:41 PM

As F3 falls to the ground, Lang wonders if he will forget him now. Looking at the group fighting in front of him, Lang searches for the dwarf leader, but he is behind a bear and another tiger shield. To get to the Dwarf, Lang realizes he will have to create a path by taking out F4.

*** OK, 3 straight 20's then a 1 -- quite weird ***

Lang's first arrow sinks solidly into F4 (critical hit). If this arrow drops F4, then Lang will shoot his second arrow at the dwarf (F5), which also sinks solidly into the Dwarf. If F4 is still up, then Lang's second arrow will hit him.

Longbow shots hitting AC 25(25) & 25(6) for 12 & 8 points of damage.
Longbow +7 normal to hit, -4 from firing into melee and +2 for firing from the dark.

Lang re-hides (hide roll of 12 with a -20 penalty for shooting, and +5 for being in the dark and behind cover).

Tionel (AC 14/16, hp 10/39, RD 3 bears)  d20+6=24 d4=4 d20+6=20 d4=4 d20+1=2 d20+6=10 d20+6=13 d20+6=18 d20+1=9 d20+8=11 d20=11 d20+13=17 d8+10=15 d20+6=10 d20+6=17 d20+1=7 d20+6=14 d20+6=23 d20+1=18 d4=3
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 11:47:25 PM

First, Tionel lets his bears attack for him, hopefully they finish off the guy in front of him.
(Bear 1 vs Byton: AC 24, 8 damage, AC 24, 8 damage, AC 2 bite)
If he's still standing:
(Bear 2 vs. Byton: AC 10, AC 13, AC 9)
If the first bear finishes him,
(Bear 2 charges at Emilio: AC 11. Blah)
If neither bear finishes the first guy, Tionel takes a swing at the guy defensively. (+2 to Tionel's AC, -4 to his attack, AC 11)

If the first guy did fall, then Tionel decides something desparate... He attempts to cast a spell with the guy just inches away. (Provoking an Attack of Opportunity...I gotta put more ranks in concentration. Without any more hero points, I can't risk it :P)
If he doesn't get knocked down, then Tionel manages to get his spell off. A HUGE wolf appears, snarling, at the edge of the alley close by. (Summon dire wolf) It immediately pounces on Emilio.
(Charge attack: AC 17, 15 damage if it hit)

If Tionel manages to survive this round, the bears continue their business on the dwarf. Neither seems to be having much luck.
(Bear 1: AC 10, AC 17, AC 7, all misses if same AC as before.)
(Bear 2: AC 14, AC 23 (might hit?), AC 18. 7 damage if the second one is a hit.)

Braxton (AC: 20; HP: 31/52  d20+5=10
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 2:09:39 AM

Braxton takes a step back upon hearing Florin's statement.

"I would fight to the end with thee, oh protector of Domi, but as you have decreed that we shall parlay, I will accept your judgement."

Braxton casts -Sanctuary- (Concentration 10), to give himself the time to cast curative healing spells.

Heart Battle - rd6 (DM MikeK)  d20=11 d20=8 d20+1=7 d4=2 d6+2=6 d20=18
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 4:52:02 PM

Xenia stands over the fallen bard, her sword flashing as she attempts to hold off a half dozen foes. The blade finds a target, and one of the thugs (T5) falls.

Angus fires off his wand. A wave of color slams into Fargas and the two half orcs. All three recoil from the impact.

Lang's first arrow slams into the face of F4. He drops soundlessly to the floor of the courtyard. The ranger's next arrow finds his mark, but the dwarf remains upright. Tionel's two bears also ravage the dwarf. The first does little damage, but the second slams the Tiger leader with one paw and follows it up by ripping a large hunk out of the back of his head.
[The bears get a +2 to hit flank bonus]
The dwarf, bleeding heavily, collapses.

Another bear rips Byton to pieces, while the fourth moves on Emilio. The nimble thief is able to avoid the ursine, but the bear does give Tionel time to cast his spell. A huge wolf hamstrings Emilio. The screaming thief barely manages to keep his feet.

Meanwhile, Braxton casts his defensive spell and Florin speaks of parlay.

Emilio has seen enough, and tries to outrun bear and wolf toward the north archway.

F1 and F2 also start backpedaling northward, flails at the ready. F1 replies to Florin, "call off the animals and we'll get Jonas."

From the west archway comes a voice, calling loudly, "Tigers are down! Need help inside!"
Two thugs stand uncertainly in the arch, watching the melee in the middle. Neither apparently see Lang.

At the call, Xenia sees Jonas make a face.
"Blast," he mutters.
"You three go help," he says to the thugs in front of her. "200 gold for that paladin's head."
T3, T4, and T7 break off and sprint to the south, as T8 drops his crossbow, pulls a shortswords and steps in to take on Xenia.
"Fargas!" Jonas commands, "Get down here!"

Fargas and his two orc companions don't respond. In fact, they aren't moving at all.

Situation --
F1 and F2 are 20' north of Braxton, in a defensive posture.
Emilio is 60' north, moving rapidly to the north archway.
T1 and T2 are standing in the west archway, 80' from Lang.
T3, T4, and T7 are running around the alley from the south arch to the west arch.
T8, Jonas and the halfling face Xenia.
Fargas and the orcs are stunned.

Everyone one else is dead or dying.

OOC - DM MikeK 
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 4:54:08 PM

Looks like Jim and I posted at the same time.

I deleted Jim's post so as not to confuse everyone.

Thanks for stepping in Jim!

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=-2/35]  d100=34
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 6:57:38 PM


Wynn lies at Xenia's feet, partially on his side. A slow, steady flow of blood makes it's way down the shaft of the crossbow bolt and collects in a small pool under the bard.

[Stabilization=34, failed]

Xenia (AC 20, 21 vs Jonas, 28/28 hp)  3d8(1+1+4)+3=9 3d8(5+8+7)+3=23 d20+16=32
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 8:26:47 PM

"GET UP! FIGHT! DO SOMETHING!!! He's DYING!!!" Xenia wails.

If she fights, Wynn dies. If she stoops to help him, they both die. Then the rogue gets a gleam in her eye.

"FIGHT!" she cries out. She tags a seal on her outer thigh. The first seal she ever got in the whole Wold.

Then she downs the potion, exposing herself to the weapons of her opponents. Through the flashing weapons she dives, right by the feet of the Anvil Heart leader. Rolling to her feet, the dark rogue places her back to the wall, and draws attention by beckoning to the three with a "bring-it-on" gesture of her gloved hand. Hopefully all attention will be on her and away from Wynn as he recovers and stands.

[[ ROLLS ]]
Cure Serious Wounds: Heal 23hp. (Burned Hero Point for Re-roll.) Everyone in party healed 23hp.
Tumble 32 (Tumble through opponent's space.)

Dwarven Focus (from Seal) 20sec/60sec
[[ EndROLLS ]]

-Seal of Liquid Sharing *
When you activate this seal with a free-action, you must also use a Standard Action to drink a potion. The magic of this potion is experienced by every being in your party for a duration of one round. Both the potion effect and the seal effect end after that one round.

OoC: Hopefully, once you're healed, you're healed and the effects don't reverse.

Tionel (AC 14, hp 33/39)  d4=4
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 9:13:08 PM

Suddenly feeling swell, Tionel ignores the blood and carnage. He has no control over his animals, who run and attack the nearest guys...since Emilio ran away, four pairs of black bear eyes direct their attention to the two fighters with flails. The wolf, since the bears are probably in the way, and since wolves are naturally given to chasing after their prey, goes after Emilio.
Tionel, meanwhile, looks around and wonders at where his companions are. Since everyone's scattered over the place, (And I have no map) he will do one of three things. If there are any fallen comrades in sight, he will move towards them and draw forth his wand. If there are no fallen comrades, but an enemy is in sight (neither the fighters with flails or Emilio that is), he will move closer to the enemy, then summon four wolves to charge forth and attack the enemy. (Wolf stats: AC 14, hp 13, bite +3, 1d6+1 damage)
And finally, if there are no enemy in sight other than the two fighters and Emilio, and no comrades that are down, Tionel draws his wand, moves in the direction of where he thinks his friends are, and calls out, "Hello, friends? Tionel here, where are you guys?

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 9:13:39 PM

(Sorry I didn't roll for tionel's bears, but I gotta get going, am busy busy busy)

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:47/52 
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 9:28:55 PM

(OOC: Holy Cow, congradsz to Xenia and Angus for turning the battle around since it wasn't looking good."

Florin stands and looks to the enemies backing off and speaksup, "My friend controls the animals and your men better get Jonas or I can not garantee what will happen from this point. I offer a fair exchance as long as you co-operate with me. Also you better tell you friends to stop attacking or do you wish to risk much more then already has."

Florin feels the surge of healing energy (I figure since Xenia is in the doorway to the courtyard that Florin can see her, he mumbles a soft thank you under his breath and reminds himself to thank Xenia better after this combat.

Florin yells to Lang and Brazton, "Hold yourselves for the moment, Lang keep your bow trained on one of those armored men. Xenia if you can hear me, yell to the others and get them into the courtyard as quick as possible to keep this place defended."

Angus (AC 14 HP 15/15)  3d4(2+4+1)+3=10 3d8(4+3+8)+5=20
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 11:17:48 PM

Angus's smile returns as he sees the power of the Color Spray wand stun the 2 Half-Orcs and Fargas. He also knows that he is not out of trouble as he only has a short time to eliminate the enemy, heal Syr and get the heck out of here before the spell wears off. Hoping to even up the odds, Angus casts Magic Missile spell at the injured half-orc hoping to finish him off (standard action).

Magic missile spell for 10 points of damage.

*** If Xenia's healing activity works:
Angus then feels a healing power sweep through his body, healing all his wounds. As he wonders who the unknown benefactor was, he sees a few of Syr's wounds heal and the Monk stirs back to consciousness. Thinking quickly, Angus says to Syr, "Grab the half-Orcs' weapons and throw them out the window." Angus then moves over to Fargas's weapon, picks it up and tosses it out the window (move action).

*** If Xenia's healing activity does not work:
After casting the Magic Missile spell, Angus reaches into his pouchbelt and removes a healing potion and administers it to Syr (Potion of Cure Serious Wounds healing 20 points. I think it is 3d8+5).

Mage Armor - 5 hours

Spell Slots (remaining/total):
0 - 6/6
1st - 5/7
2nd - 2/5

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+7=26 d20+7=17 d8+2=6 d8+2=7 d20-5=7 d20+5=13 d20+5=8
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 11:39:11 PM

"Excellent", Lang thinks to himself as he sees the Dwarf, Byton and F4 fall to the ground from the various attacks of his companions. "The odds are evening up Sunshine", Lang says softly to his faithful dog.

Lang then sees Emilio and the two flail-wielding thugs break off from combat and move towards the north opening. Lang sees Tionel direct the large wolf to chase down Emilio so his attention falls to the slower moving enemy. Lang promised Florin that none would escape his bow. Lining one enemy up in his sights, he lets loose 2 arrows at one of the flail-wielders.

Longbow shots hitting AC 26 & 17 for 6 & 8 points of damage (if the 17 hits).

Lang takes a quick look to his right (spot 13) to see who yelled out that tigers were down (not sure if the wall blocks my view of them). He listens for more talking (listen 3 after --5 distracted), but does not here much from his position.

Lang re-hides (hide roll of 7 with a -20 penalty for shooting, and +5 for being in the dark and behind cover).

Syr (AC 18, HP 40/56 or 54/56 
Friday September 3rd, 2004 3:05:05 AM

Jolted awake he hears the urgency in Angus' voice. The elf feels a renewed sense of energy in his chest and awakens with a start. Getting slowly to his feet, he thanks Florin's god, Domi for interceeding on his behalf. Vowing to hug the paladin when he sees him he turns to his opponents and wrests their weapons away beginning with the half-orc moving unnaturally fast.

(OOC: If he can't throw at least the hastened half orc's axe away then he heals himself)

Still wincing with pain, he touches a hand to the first wound that he received and wills it to health (Wholeness of Body heal 14 more). Marvelling at how the wound closes shut he prepares to take on his foes once again.

(OOC: Nice save Xenia!)

Heart battle rd7 (DM MikeK)  d20+10=11 d4=2 d4=1 d20+3=5 d20+11=31 d20+11=15 d20+5=11 2d6(1+5)+2=8 2d6(1+3)=4 d20+7=13 d20+7=11 d8+3=10
Friday September 3rd, 2004 4:02:03 PM

Wynn's body lies in the southern arch, his lifeblood quickly ebbing away, until...

Xenia activates her seal [Move Action] and downs a potion [Standard Action]. Everybody feels a whole lot better, and Syr and Wynn return to consciousness.

Tionel lets the animals pursue the bad guys, and steps over to join Braxton and Florin in front of the floodlock door.

The four bears attack the two fighters. One bear manages to claw F2 twice.

The wolf keeps after Emilio, but the thief manages to evade the huge jaws.

Florin calls to the two fighters to give up and get Jonas, but both are far too occupied with the bears to give him much notice.

Angus blasts O1 with a series of magic missiles. The half orc crumples to the floor. The sorcerer scoops up Fargas' sword, intending to chuck it out the window.

Despite Florin's call to hold off, Lang continues to fire. One of his arrows slams through the armor of F1, while the other bounces away. From his position, the ranger cannot see the western arch.

Syr grabs the fast O2's weapon from the floor and then pauses to heal himself.

The two fighters strike at the bears, one connecting with a solid blow.
[hit ac 13 for 10 hp]
The two continue to retreat. However, with that enormous wolf now in the way, they both pivot and withdraw toward the west.

Emilio sprints away from the wolf, disappearing through the north arch and out of site.

The five men in the west arch see Florin and company by the flood lock door and vice versa.
" There's too many!" one calls.

Jonas looks like he just ate an under ripe lemon. But that doesn't prevent him from making the right decision.
"We're leaving in ten seconds!" he bellows. "Anybody not with me by then is on their own."
The Anvil Heart leader glares at Xenia.
"I really wish you'd kill that girl," he remarks irritably to the thug facing her.

The armored halfling casts a spell, and Xenia feels herself stiffening.
[Hold Person - Will Save DC 15]
The thug attacks the rogue as well, but fumbles his grip when he sees Wynn start to get up.

A searing pain blasts into Angus' brain. Appearing next to him, Specialty Johnson finishes off the back swing of her sneak attack. The wound from her first attack gushes a fountain of blood.
Somehow, the mage moves just enough to avoid the blow.
[Hit ac 31 crit threat. hit ac 15 crit for 8 hp damage. Sneak attack damage - 4.
Missed second attack - ac 11
12 hp total damage - you lucky SOB]

Johnson is incredulous. "No way." She looks at Syr, her face pleading, almost as if she's asking for confirmation that by all rights Angus' guts should be splattered all over the wall.

Neither Fargas nor O2 move.

map coming

Saturday September 4th, 2004 9:35:56 AM

Angus howls in pain from Specialty Johnsons attack. Angus acts on instinct and whirls to face his attacker and fires the wand (color spray) in his hand into her face.

Angus then decides to fall back behind Syr. Angus pleads with Syr. "I need help taking out the trash" as he points to Specialty Johnson. "I will back you up, lets clean up this mess!" and Angus reviews his ample spell potential left....

Lang and Sunshine  d20+5=22 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d8+2=6 d8+2=5 d8+2=10 d8+2=8 d20-5=11 d20+6=16 d20+6=16
Saturday September 4th, 2004 9:41:46 AM

Lang yells to Tionel "Great job! Now check out Florin, something is wrong with him! He surrendered to the hearts and has forgotten how to use his sword! Be careful as he may be under possession!" Lang the fires off two arrows one at F1 and one at F2(AC 22 and 25 critical treat hit, assuming 18 AC -4 to fire into melee and +2 for flanking. Damage 6 and 23)

Lang then rehides in the shadows (Hide 11 -20 +10+5). Lang keeps his eyes and ear alert (spot and listen 16,16)

Xenia (AC 14 - Maybe 15 with buckler, 28/28 hp)  d20+4=6 d20+4=11
Saturday September 4th, 2004 12:02:46 PM

Xenia stands ready to defend Wynn as he rises. Even in the depths of the dwarven focus, however, she is oddly still. One might even say, frozen in place.

[[ ROLLS ]]
Will Save 6, Burned Hero Point Save 11 Still failed
Dwarven Focus (from Seal) 25sec/60sec
[[ EndROLLS ]]

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=21/35]  d20+2=8 d20+7=9
Saturday September 4th, 2004 1:43:57 PM

Wynn struggles to his feet and pulls the crossbow bolt from his chest as the wound begins to heal around it. He is surprised at how easily the bolt comes free and a weak smile crosses his lips. "I don't think you'll be killing anyone just yet" he says as he brandishes the bloodied bolt in the direction of the thug attacking Xenia [Hit AC=8]. "Besides, your ten seconds are up, and my patience is just about finished"[Bluff=9].

Wynn will step towards the thug and shield Xenia in the process.

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:47/52 
Sunday September 5th, 2004 1:13:51 AM

Florin looks at the tiger shields backing off and calls to Lang after hearing his comment, "I'm fine Lang, I can't fight from the ground is all and I was hoping the offer of parlay would atleast give me a chance to stand. Not to mention we are thinnly spread so we have no idea how the others are fairing."

Florin quickly moves to help Wynn and Xenia in the door way to the courtyard, ignoring the two armors tiger guards as they have their hands full with the bears, he calls back as he does, "Try to keep one of the anvil hearts alive for questioning."

(OOC:I figure it is to far away to move in a single round but if not then Florin plans to move over and pull Xenia into the courtyard where she has more cover.)

Tionel (AC 14, hp 33/39, Summon spells: Rd 5 bears, Rd 3 Dire wolf, Rd 1 wolves)  d4=4 d20+6=18 d20+6=26 d20+6=14 d4=2 d4=3 d4=1 d20+1=16 d6=5 d20+6=17 d20+6=16 d4=2 d4=4 d20+1=20 d6=5 d20+8=19 d4=3 d20+8=26 d4=3 d20+6=9 d20+6=8 d20+11=28 d8=6 d20+5=9 d20+5=23 d6=4
Monday September 6th, 2004 12:09:34 AM

"I guess you guys are okay. No need to stop fighting, Florin, we've got them on the run!" Tionel comments, then glances over and sees Xenia and Wynn holding their own. "I'll go help them!" He moves towards Xenia and Wynn (30 feet or to 5' behind them), then waves some mistletoe at the enemies to the west. Four hungry wolves materialize thirty feet towards them, and immediately begin baying and charging at them.

(Bear 1 vs. F1, claw 1 AC 18 and 6 damage if it hits, claw 2 AC 26 (crit threat 14) and 7 damage if that hits or 12 if it crits, then bite AC 16 damage 7).
(Bear 2 vs. F1, claw AC 17 (6 dam), AC 16 (8 dam), bite AC 20 (7 dam)).
(On looking at the map, I suddenly realized that the bears were not in full attack range to the fighters, so ignore those above rolls)
(Bear 1 charges F1: AC 19 and 7 damage)
(Bear 2 charges F2: AC 26 and 7 damage)
(Bear 3 and Bear 4 are probably unable to charge, so they lumber up into attack range and just take a swing: AC 9 and AC 8).
Then, the bears suddenly disappear. (The spell would either end after their fifth attack or at the beginning of my next one...I'm unsure, so I'll just posit that they do so at this time)
The wolf turns from the rogue who has vanished from view and growls at the fighters. It launches forward and bites at the one closer to it. (#2 I think. AC 28, 16 damage to him)

Meanwhile, the four wolves rush towards the enemy at the west side. Probably only the first two can attack thieves 1 and 2, the second move forward and edge to the side this round, so that next round they can move in and bite.
(W1 vs. T1: AC 9 charge)
(W2 vs. T2: AC 23 charge, 5 damage)
(Wolf stats: AC 14, hp 13, +3 melee (1d6+1 bite))

Syr (AC 18, HP 54/56)  d20+8=9 d20+8=11
Monday September 6th, 2004 3:40:01 AM

The elf sees the familiar face of Specialty Johnson and screams with rage, "YOU are the reason, mother is dead, you are the reason the orphanage is gone." He turns to attack her visibly loses his combat stance as his off balance swings are wide of their mark. (Attack 9 and 11)

Braxton (AC: 20; HP: 31/52)  d8=4
Monday September 6th, 2004 10:30:51 AM

Braxton casts CLW on himself (4 HP's restored)

Heart Battle rd8 (DM MikeK)  d20+3=4 d6=5
Monday September 6th, 2004 4:43:14 PM

Don't have access to my map-maker today. Hope you don't get too confused.

Angus blasts Specialty point-blank with his wand. A band of color slams into her face, but she shakes it off with a cold smile. The mage retreats to the safety of the monk's back.

Lang fires a couple arrows at the beleaguered Tigers. Both arrows hit, although not as cleanly as the ranger would like [Ac 20, so damage is 6 and 5].

Xenia can't fight off the spell, and is frozen in place. Wynn steps between her and T8.

Florin moves to help Wynn and Xenia. He ends the round 30' away from them.

Tionel moves with Florin, but pulls up 60' short of Wynn and Xenia to cast a spell toward the west arch. Four wolves appear, well short of the archway. But, they make up the ground in a hurry, howling ferociously as they lope toward the five thugs.

The first group of four bears charge F1 and F2. One gets in a good swipe, and then all four disappear into thin air. The relief of the Tigers is apparent.

The dire wolf continues to chase Emilio. The baying wolf is last seen running through the north arch.

Syr launches a half-crazed assault on Specialty. He misses.

Braxton pauses to heal himself.

The two Tigers turn toward Lang, throw down their flails, and raise their hands high over their heads.

The five thugs in the west archway turn as a group and flee down the alley back toward the south arch.

T8 swings at Wynn. He is definitely flustered by the turn of events, and misses badly [nat 1].

Jonas waits impatiently.
"We're leaving, people," he tells his group.

Specialty's smile would freeze a statue.
"I guess I did," she replies matter-of-factly.
But the Heart leader has already learned about attacking Syr one on one. The blond woman retreats from the monk, throwing herself out the window. Stepping to the window, Syr sees she didn't land with much style, but she's not seriously hurt either.
The monk also notes the five thugs turning the corner.

Angus and Syr both make Spot rolls DC 12 to note the eyes of Fargas and O2 are clearing, although they are not yet moving.

Xenia (AC 14 - Maybe 15 with buckler, 28/28 hp)  d20+3=14
Monday September 6th, 2004 5:35:53 PM

Coward!!! Bean-pole beet farming crumble making lolly liver son-of-a-toad gagger #%$*&@!% ...

And the list goes on and on. But Xenia can't move. And, in the back of her mind, she's not sure the seal will let her leave Wynn's side anyway.

Not that she wants to.

[[ ROLLS ]]
Will Save 14
Dwarven Focus (from Seal) 30sec/60sec
[[ EndROLLS ]]

Florin Jadenth-AC:19-HP:47/52 
Monday September 6th, 2004 6:21:02 PM

Florin frowns at the retreating Anvil Heart's and shakes his head no as he calls out, "Ajax, I need you now."

Florin will wait for Ajax to appear and then quickly pull himself into the saddle, speaking to the horse now softly, "Follow them my friend, I want Jonas's head after this if at all possible." Florin grips his sword tight as he hopes his combat skills on horse back will hold well.

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+9=21 d8+2=6 d20+3=20 d6+3=9
Monday September 6th, 2004 7:21:02 PM

"Heel Sunshine".

Lang, with an arrow knocked in his bow, and Sunshine move out from behind the trash pile towards the 2 prone tigers.

"Face down on the ground and maybe you will live to see tomorrow", Lang says to the enemy as he approaches. After they comply, Lang and Sunshine will move closer and Lang will kick away their 2 flails.

Lang and Sunshine will then move to a position slightly north of the 2 tigers so that he can keep an eye on them and also on the west and south arches.

Looking around, Lang only sees the dwarf who fought beside Florin left near him. "Follower of Domi, do you, by chance, have some rope to tie up these fellas while Sunshine and I keep them from any mischief?"

*** If the tigers do not lie down or attempt to attack Sunshine, me or the dwarf then I will shoot the most injured looking one with my bow once (standard action) and draw my 2 shortswords (move action). If they come within range Sunshine will bite one of them.

Bow attack hitting ac 21 for 6 damage.
Bite attack hitting ac 20 for 9 damage.

Syr  d20+8=18 d20+8=19 d8+5=13 d8+5=10
Monday September 6th, 2004 11:19:50 PM

Syr growls in frustration as Specialty escapes once more. Turning to the sorceror, "Angus, let's finish here. Stay behind me. Remember, we want Fargas alive."

He attacks the uninjured half-orc landing two solids blows on the creature's chest. (Attack 18,19, damage 23 points)

Braxton (AC: 20; HP: 35/52) 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 1:25:27 AM

Braxton will run after his fellow compatriot of Domi.

"Wait for me my friend. Someone needs to keep you on your feet, and who better then one low to the ground, such as myself!!!!"

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 5:56:25 AM

Tionel's ears quiver... he can hear that guy's voice! He's just around the corner, near Xenia and ... leaving.
Tionel realizes they won this battle, since everyone's fleeing, except for them. And yet, he just knows that since Jonas got away, it doesn't end.
"Jonas!?!" he yells out as loudly as he can, towards the fleeing sounds. "You coward! Hiding behind others! Killing those we love! Why?? You know we cannot stop hunting you till you come out, till justice is served or we die! You know it will just lead to further suffering, that everything that we do just hurts us all!" Perhaps he's no longer talking to Jonas. Tionel just seems to lose it, still shouting and in a fury of rage, throwing his scimitar at the ground. "This isn't about a stupid turtle, or even the death of children, to you, is it? It's all about your idiotic pride! People are fighting each other and dying, are you happy?? Are you?"

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=-1/35]  d20+6=24 d20+9=29 d20+9=19 d8+3=8 d8+3=9
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 7:28:45 AM

If Wynn sees Specialty Johnson leap from the window and land on the street [Spot=24] he will charge and attack [Hit AC 29; Nat 20, & AC 19 for 8 HP, 17 if critical]. Otherwise, the bard maintains a defensive stance near Xenia

Angus AC 14, 3 HP  d4+1=2 d4+1=2 d4+1=3
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 9:07:04 AM

Angus heads Syr's words and stowes his wand (move action) and lets off a stream of three magic missles at Fargas (7 damage). "Surrender and live, move and die." Angus growls at Fargas, having had enough of the Anvil hearts, "Believe me, I want you to move...."

Angus yells after Specialty Johnson "There goes the Faint of Heart leader!!!!! All orphan killer will will taste vengence!!"

Heart battle rd9 (DM MikeK)  d20+3=21 d6+1=3 d20+3=21 d6+1=7
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 10:12:39 AM

Xenia can't break the Hold spell.

Florin calls for Ajax, and the horse appears. However, the horse wears no saddle, or bridle, or any other equipment. Florin can mount with a Ride DC 5, stay on the horse with a Ride DC 10, and fight on the horse with a Ride DC 15.
[You never equipped Ajax]

Lang approaches the two Tigers, calling for them to throw their weapons away and lie down. The two fighters comply. As Lang and Sunshine approach, one looks up and says, "Look, you guys won. Let us tend to our Fist Leader and comrades. They might be alive."

Syr takes his frustrations out on O2. The pounded half-orc crumples to the ground under the monk's blows.

Braxton runs up to Florin, imploring the paladin to wait.

Tionel, realizing the battle is just about over, and Jonas is just about to get away, goes a little looney.
The wolves continue to pursue the 5 thugs.
A horrible scream is heard from the northwest section of the alley. It is suddenly cut off .

Wynn runs over to attack Specialty. T8 takes a swing at him as he dashes by.
[AoO - Hit ac 21 for 3 hp damage]

The bard scores two very nice blows on the Heart.

Angus blasts Fargas, and then calls on him to surrender.

Specialty and the five thugs all dash by Wynn in response to Jonas's command. He can take an AoO on one of them. The bard then finds himself surrounded by a pack of wolves. Fortunately, they don't appear interested in him as they dash by.

T8 can't resist taking another swing at the defenseless Xenia.
[hit ac 21 for 7 hp damage]
But, he also pulls back before he can get serious about it.

The thugs meet up with Jonas, and the group of 8 begins to pull back down the alley. However, they are met at the corner by the City Guard. A dozen guardsmen stand in two tight lines, facing down the alley with bows drawn. Behind them stands Captain Elvaran and a whole lot more Guards.
"Everyone is under arrest!" she calls. "Drop your weapons. Now!"

Fargas comes to his senses and sprints out the door to the stairwell. Angus and Syr hear a surprised "Eep!" and the clanking of chain mail of a large group of individuals clomping up the stairs.

Xenia (AC 14 - Maybe 15 with buckler, 21/28 hp)  d20+3=10
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 10:49:19 AM

Wah!!! #%$*&@!% ...

And the mental list of invectives goes on and on, broken only temporarily when the flame headed rogue is struck pretty darn hard as she stands frozen in place.

[[ ROLLS ]]
Will Save 10
Dwarven Focus (from Seal) 35sec/60sec
[[ EndROLLS ]]

Angus AC 14 - HP 9  d8+1=2 d8+1=2 d8+1=6
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 1:03:20 PM

Angus is excited to hear the local guard approach and yells to Fargas "Now you will get yours, you faint hearted scum! You can't go around murdering kids and back stabbing people and think you can get away with it."

Angus will drink his cure light wounds potion so that a strong breeze does not knock him unconcious. (I rerolled the two 1's and go 6 hp restored.) Angus now feels more like is normal weak self.

Angus stays behind Syr and whispers "Make sure the orc stays down."

Syr  d20+4=11 d20+8=24 d20+8=14 d20+5=16 d8+5=9
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 1:14:40 PM

Hearing the Captain and recalling the last words she said, the elf searches around for a place to hide. Seeing nothing he does a quick search of the half-orc's bodies.

He whispers to Angus, "Since they started the fight, we are probably okay but it wouldn't hurt if you did your disapearing act now? Also", gesturing to the body of O1, "see if you can find out why this one was moving so fast?"

Braxton (AC: 20; HP: 35/52) 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 4:12:09 PM

Braxton holsters his weapon and reaches around to his pack and thinks to himself, "Wand" as he pulls out his Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

"Are you in need of healing my friend?" he asks Florin. "Or doth any of thy companions need help?"

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=21/35]  d20+7=23 d8+3=7 d20+9=19 d8+3=4
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 7:22:17 PM

Wynn slashes again at Specialty Johnson as she runs past him [AoO Hit AC 23 for 7 dmg] and to his horror sees one of the thugs attacking Xenia with a shortsword. She stands unable to move and absorbs the attack before his eyes. Cursing himself for leaving Xenia unprotected the bard charges back towards her and slashes at T8 with unbridled ferocity [Hit AC 19 for 4 dmg] "Gurtha gorgaer!" "Die you coward" he screams in elvish as he slashes across the human's midsection.

[OOC#1 - AoO from T8 misses due to mobility feat granting Wynn AC 22 vs AoO]

[OOC #2 - Sorry Al - thought Florin was pulling Xenia into the courtyard for cover - didn't realize she was still under threat.]

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 7:41:15 PM

At first it doesn't sink in...then, Tionel blinks in confusion. The law! Surely now...but, there's no making sure of anything. The law could let Jonas go and take them all captive. And in any case, they haven't seen Tionel yet...
But on the other hand, he wants to be captured. He wants to tell the truth, and make sure at least one person hears it.
So, with no weapons in hand anyways, he moves towards the guardsmen. Silently, he also dismisses the dire wolf and the wolf pack he's sent out, and they dematerialize.

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+5=13
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 9:36:16 PM

"Stay down!" Lang orders the tigers. Lang will gather up the 2 flails and stow them in his backpack. He and Sunshine will then move over to the dwarf and the other down tigers to see if any are alive/moving (spot 13).

OOC -- probably pretty hard to tell if a person is alive in Full Plate armor by only visual means but that is all I am doing.

Lang will pick up the dwarfs hammer, put it in his backpack and then he and Sunshine will move north towards the north archway.

Addressing the 2 prone tigers Lang will say, "You may attend to your down comrades if you promise that you will not leave the area or attack anyone. If you can save your comrades, you must also prevent them from leaving or attacking."

Positioning Sunshine behind him, Lang says "Defend" to him.

Lang and Sunshine will take up a position about 40' north of the tigers, with his bow in his hand still.

Florin Jadenth 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 12:05:32 AM

(OOC: Sorry Mike, forgot that Ajax has no saddle, etc.)

Florin pats his horse on the neck when it appears and stays on the ground for the moment, he looks to Xenia and sighs as he forgot about helping her and gently touches her arm, using his lay on hands ability to heal her of all her damage before whispering, "Sorry Xenia, I should of pulled you out before you got hit. You have good agility so I will let you ride Ajax back home while I guide him if you like."

Florin awaits to see what the guard ends up doing to them as he sheathes his sword and stands by his friends standing, he does glance back at Lang and mouths a silent, "sorry" for the surreder earlier and hopes his new friend will understand that Florin was only trying to pull something to get himself off his back and possibly help. He does whisper mainly to himself, "On my back during the whole fight almost, some help I turned out to be."

Florin looks to Braxton also when he hears the dwarf's voice and smiles, "I will be fine good friend, some bruises mainly and maybe some minor wounds but nothing I haven't lived through before. They will probably leave me limping for abit though."

Florin looks to those people present in the open and calls out, "Everyone okay? Injury check everyone." Florin sighs wondering what the guard will pull here and then nods, "The anvil heart and these new guys with tiger emblems, might be interesting to see if they both share some cheap story to get us in trouble."

Cleaning up (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 9:39:09 AM

Xenia still can't break the Hold spell. Florin walks up to her and heals her. He offers her a ride, but she can't answer.

Wynn takes a swing at Specialty, and then launches himself at T8. However, his brain registers that he'd have to go past five thugs and Specialty to get to the creep, and that is not a very good idea. The bard pulls up next to Xenia and Florin instead.

Lang gives the three down Tigers a visual once-over, but can't make a determination about which ones still live. He moves to get a good covering position on the two prone Tigers.

Tionel dismisses the Dire Wolf and the wolf pack, and waits.

Braxton follows Florin, offering the use of his healing wand.

Angus happily listens to the Guards grabbing Fargas in the hall, while Syr checks out the orcs. The monk finds a potion next to O1, and keeps searching.

Jonas gives a crisp command, "Drop 'em", and raises his hands. Swords clatter on stone as the Hearts all drop their weapons and lift their hands high.

The double line of Guards split apart, arrows now pointing at Wynn, Xenia, Florin, and Braxton. Other Guards emerge, grab the Hearts, and hustle them behind the line. The line closes in front of them, giving the dozen Guardsmen archers a good field of fire. The four party members can see the second group of Guards search, disarm, and manacle the Hearts.

Elvaran turns her attention to the group. She is still all business.
"Drop your weapons, and lie down," she commands.

Up in the building, 4 Guardsmen burst into the room.
"Weapons down, hands up, turn around!" they command to Angus and Syr. It occurs to Angus that he is still holding a short sword.

Xenia (AC 20, 28/28 hp)  d20+3=23
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 11:20:27 AM


The flame headed rogue breaks her invisible bonds, quite unexpectedly, and her mouth runs free.

Grinning sheepishly, Xenia waves a little 'hi' to the guard captain woman.

But what to do now? The dark rogue frowns at the idea of giving up her sword. She just got this sword. And who knows if she'd get it back after those guard types start pawing through all this loot? Still, with a sigh, she lets it go, and the blade goes clattering to the ground.

"You ok?" she asks Wynn, turning to lightly touch his arm.

[[ ROLLS ]]
Will Save 23
Dwarven Focus (from Seal) 40sec/60sec
NOW I get the roll. Darn, would have been funny if they'd had to carry Xenia out or something.
[[ EndROLLS ]]

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 1:04:43 PM

Angus relaxes "Finally the guard has come to rescue us. You do realize that you are a bit late. Several of them slashed me with their sword, this bein one of them." Angus indicates the sword he is holding. Angus says conversationally "Here you can have it." and he tosses the sword a few feet in the direction of the guard. Angus indicates "These three and two others attacked us. One jumped out the window and one ran down the stairs, but it sounds like you caught him. Good Job for you! These three are in less than stellar shape. If you have curative power, I think you may be able to save them. The elf there seems beyond help." Angus points to the elven wizard with the smoldering hole in his chest.

Angus looks to Syr "If it were not for my brave friend here, I most certainly would be dead"

Angus again looks to the guards and spreads his hands "Thanks again for the rescue it is most appreciated. How about I treat all of you to dinner, does the Giggling Ghost sound good. Happy creates wonderful meals..."

Angus seems prepared to rattle on for hours......

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 1:32:06 PM

Syr looks at the guards and raises his hands showing that they are empty. Looking down the stairs for Fargas he smiles slightly as he realizes the creep was caught.

As Angus praises him, he bows his head humbly, "If not for Domi's intervention reviving me then we both would surely be dead."

Trusting the guards to get things right he complies meekly with their demands.

Florin Jadenth 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 1:52:30 PM

Florin steps forward, his sword having been sheathed and looks to Elvaran, "We offer to go with you without resistence of course but I refuse to go looking like I am guilty of anything. Once we are taken where ever you lead us then I'll giveup my weapons or when you listen to the details and decide rather we truely need to give them up."

Florin's hands are well away from his weapons as he looks to the lady guard, "Would you like to take our statement here? I can give you the details and even the name of a couple people who will beable to backup what I said. You also were searching for the ancil hearts and now have them."

If Elvaran agrees then Florin will tell her about this was all suppose to be a meeting to call a truce and that he had his friends hidden during the meeting just incase. He will explain on how the group was attacked by the men with tiger shields and the anvil heart instead of any talks of truce. If they wished to backup their story then the guard could check on it by asking Happy and Daphne at the Giggling Ghost.

Wynn Brightsong [AC=18, (22 vs AoO Mobility); HP=21/35]  d20+6=24 d20+16=27
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 5:47:22 PM

Wynn sheathes his longsword, gives Xenia a surreptitious wink and walks calmly towards Captain Elvaran and the assembled guard.

"Good Captain, again you come to our assistance. I am personally most grateful for your timely intervention here. Alas, despite our best intentions to understand why the Anvil Hearts might want to burn down the orphanage and further persecute me and my new friends, things have turned out badly. The man they call Jonas appears to have further ill wishes towards us and plotted to kill us. We were forced to defend ourselves."

If Wynn is allowed to approach the captain close enough to whisper he will, "Please excuse my friend with the horse, he can sometimes seem a bit caught up with himself. He really is a good man." Wynn adjusts his hat [disguise = 27] and gives the captain his most innocent and hopefully beguiling smile before continuing. "It would be my pleasure to fill you in on all of the details over a bottle of wine..." [Diplomacy=24]

[OOC Wynn uses the hat of disguise to cover up any signs of battle and to look his best for the Captain of the Guard]

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 8:07:00 PM

Tionel lowers his arms halfway, then speaks in a calm, even voice. "I am a healer...please, allow me to check to see if I can save any of these lives." He points at the nearest body, and holding his hands still slightly up, he waits for permission. "I assure you, I heal, not kill."

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+10=30 d20+5=20
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 10:35:19 PM

Lang begins to wonder where everyone has gone. They have all left through the south arch. It has become eerily quiet in the courtyard now that combat has ceased, and very little noise is coming from the alleyway.

Lang watches as the 2 injured tigers tend to their downed companions. "Do not forget I am still watching you", he warns them. Not wanting to be the only person around if the 2 are able to heal their comrades, Land decides to move farther away.

Lang and Sunshine retreat back to the north archway. Stationing Sunshine in the archway, Lang whispers "Guard" to Sunshine.

Lang then crouches down, places his longbow on the ground and slides his backpack and quiver off his back. He quickly pulls out the confiscated Tiger weapons from his backpack. He then stores them along with his shortswords in the quiver, preparing for a quick getaway.

Lang then slinks along the wall and melts into the darkness, waiting to see what happens (hide 30; natural 20! & spot 20).

Lang (cont.) 
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 10:37:51 PM

Lang picks up his bow and puts his backpack and quiver back on before he hides!

He is hiding along the wall inside the courtyard.

Braxton (AC: 20; HP: 35/52) 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 2:07:59 AM

Braxton finds a wall to lean up against and with a dour look upon his face leans up against it, wand still in hand, watching as the everything is sorted out.

"If only I was braver and not so much of a coward, maybe we could have done more." he mutters to himself in disgust. "Why Domi, continues to bless me, I shall never know,"

(OOC - who is in need of healing)

Deaf Ears o' the Guard (DM MikeK) 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 9:59:43 AM

Xenia breaks out of the Hold spell in embarrassing fashion, and lets her sword fall. Florin, Braxton, and Wynn do not comply with the order, instead attempting various forms of parlay.

Tionel joins the group, asking to be allowed to heal the fallen.

As Wynn approaches with hands up, the line of Guard archers again parts. Two Guards emerge from the rear, and attempt to grab each arm of the bard. Should he allow it, Wynn is hustled to the rear of the arrow line, and his hands are manacled behind him.

Elvaran responds to the various speeches, reciting almost from rote:
"In the event of combat in the City, all combatants will be subdued, restrained, and transported to the Guardhouse. All mitigating circumstances will be determined at that time. The most important task is security of the area by elimination of combat."

The group can almost read the page she memorized that line from. Breaking from her recitation, the Guard Captain addresses Florin.
"To ensure the safety of the area, everyone...EVERYONE...will be disarmed, manacled, and taken to the Guardhouse. To preserve your dignity, we can cover the wagon so no one can see you as we transport you. We have healers with us. They will tend to the fallen as soon as the area is secure. But, the area won't BE secure until you surrender to us."

"So, you can drop weapons AND wands, and approach with raised arms, or we can talk some more while the rest bleed to death."

In the building, the Guards quickly approach Syr and Angus, manacle their hands behind them, relieve them of any weapons and wands, and march them downstairs.

Lang finds a good hiding spot, and lays low.
The Tigers seem to be working feverishly on their dwarf leader.

Thursday September 9th, 2004 12:43:56 PM

The city swords move on Wynn, and flame head feels her hackles rise well above and beyond her usual flares of temper. Something makes her want to run over and start hacking away at them until they let Wynn go.

Whoa! Weird stuff, this Seal.

Still, her experience and common sense, tell her that this would probably be bad for both of them. And, after this realization, the impulse to pound the guards goes away.

The guard captain woman says some stuff about being arrested or watching the Hearts bleed to death. Not a hard choice. Still, they're taking Wynn.

Pursing her lips with distaste at the thought of being arrested, Xenia still gives in and, wrists together, presents herself for manhandling and chaining. Still, it's hard to resist old habits. The dark rogue tries every trick in the book, expanding her wrists, trying to catch a piece of clothing in the clasp of the manacles, everything, to allow for a possible escape. (Escape Artist 23 (Focus not applied)) Not that escape is a good idea right now. But it's always nice to have something, even if you're not going to use it. (A girl's Pack-rat Rule #1)

Xenia pushes quite boldly to take a place next to Wynn. Bumping him affectionately with her hip, she gives him a brave little smile.

[[ OoC: Dwarven Focus (from Seal) 45sec/60sec ]]

Angus  d20+6=26
Thursday September 9th, 2004 1:08:34 PM

Angus is taken aback by the guards boldness "Now wait one minute. We were attacked. We did not start this scrap, the Anvil heart scum did. Just look at the rents in my cloak, and see that red stuff, that is my blood. I was stabbed by that scum that you caught on the stairs and the witch that jumped out of the window."

Angus will resist feebly or until Syr gives in. Angus will do his best to talk his way out of the situation (Diplomancy 26, nat 20). "Unhand me you brute, can't you see I am injured. We were here for a peaceful meeting and this ruckus broke out"

Angus will prattle on and on with the goal of not be manacled.

Thursday September 9th, 2004 2:03:10 PM

Braxton will return his wand to his pack, and begrudingly drop his weapons to the ground, complying with the city guard's request.

Florin Jadenth 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 5:02:28 PM

Florin looks to Elvaran and slowly unstraps his swordbelt and also takes off his backpack which his glaive, bow and arrows are in. He personally hands it over to her before pulling a dagger from his left boot and holds it out to her also, not handing his stuff over to anyone else and whispers, "I do expect those back."

Florin looks to the other guards and frowns before shaking his head, "Your leader here manacles me, no one else." Florin looks to Elvaran and turns his back to her, placeing his hands behind him and in a almost growl from bruises and hurting bones, "Try not to make them to tight, this half playe doesn't give that much and I was just in a fight. Lets try to make this quick, I have a kid waiting on me to get back home."

Florin also looks to Ajax and whispers, "Go home my friend, there is no need for you to be here now."

Florin waits now, seeing no reason to banter words, let alone figures what the out come of all this will be. If offered to be healed by any of the guard he grunts lightly and tells them, "Save the healing for those who need it."

Wynn Brightsong 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 7:01:26 PM

Wynn allows himself to be manacled by the guards and gives Captain Elvaran a wistful look before being dragged away. "Perhaps another time then." he calls back to her.

When Xenia approaches he returns her smile and stands next to her. "Don't worry, these things have a way of working out". Wynn adjusts his arms to prevent the manacles from bruising his wrists and shows Xenia how to do the same.

Lang (AC 18 HP 36/36) Sunshine (AC 16 HP 15/15)  d20+5=19 d20+5=17 d20+5=20 d20+5=22
Thursday September 9th, 2004 9:19:33 PM

Lang remains hiding in the courtyard, near the north archway (hide 30 from last post). He continues to watch the actions of the tigers in their attempt to revive their leader. He also maintains surveillance of the other archways to see if any of his companions, any of the anvil hearts or anyone else enters the courtyard (spot 19). Lang also glances occasionally at Sunshine to see if he has heard or seen anyone approaching from down the alleyway (listen 17, Sunshine listen 20 & Sunshine spot 22).

Friday September 10th, 2004 3:12:14 AM

Looking at the situation around him he mutters out of the side of his mouth, "C'mon Angus. Now is not the time to protest. I'm sure that our actions will prove that we were not the aggressors today."

Syr complies with the guard's request and quietly accepts being shackled.

Friday September 10th, 2004 7:15:00 AM

Complying with the request of the guard, Tionel frowns at some of his companions' words. "Angus, this is no time to try to explain. Later. And Florin, no time for paladin pride... let them go to save lives."

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