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Flotsam and Jetsam
In the Thick of It

Substitute DM Carla 
Thursday July 1st, 2004 9:05:15 AM

Not knowing if the depths are sufficient to accept the vessel, and fearful of scraping its bottom, or worse, running it aground, the first mate steers carefully for the mouth of the river as some early plans for reconnaissance of the area are proposed by Rigging. The Wildcards join their captain on deck to witness the coming of the dawn, only to be greeted by a feeble light in a rather grey day foreboding of mist and rain. The ship moves little in the calm waters of the bay as slowly it is engulfed by the grey fog.

"Might I suggest we haul up the courses and drop anchor?" asks Niner, adding "best to ride this one out."

(OOC: Hello all! Nellie's computer is down and I've volunteered to pop in for 2 weeks or until either your regular ADM or DM is up and running. Lets keep this great game going...)

Thursday July 1st, 2004 5:42:04 PM

Nezamil comes topside joining Captain Rigging and Niner "hmm not much visablity this morning is there " comments the dwarf

The Cleric slowly scans the horizen towards shore " but we might be able to take a long ship up the river and sound out the depths of the channel under cover of the fogbank" suggests Nezamil

turning to Rigging " i must attent to my prayers this morning , i'll be ready to go shortly if you decide to follow that course of action "

The Dwarven Cleric heads to the bow of the ship and will await Bart and then begin his morning ritual

OOC : welcome aboard Carla !! glad yout taking the time to help us out , it's appreciated !!

Thursday July 1st, 2004 9:38:51 PM

Rigging pulls out his artifact Nautoaculus and uses the commune with nature ability. He will commune with it for 10 minutes getting a feel for the surrounding area. He will pay close attention to the river and the surrounding shorelines.

Rigging's 3 pieces of information will be the depth and width of the river, if any ships are travelling on it and if any unnatural creatures are around.

Substitute DM Carla 
Friday July 2nd, 2004 1:21:12 AM

Anxious to recon the slavers, Nezamil and Rigging ponder the relative merits of getting up an expeditionary force to explore the bay and the mouth of the Peaseblossom. As the rest of the Wildcards slowly assemble, the cleric performs the morning rites, and the captain consults his artifact.

Rigging learns that the depth and width of the river would permit navigating the Redemption up the South Peaseblossom a little way, but the relative proximity of the embankments could make her an easy target from the land.

Of greater interest to him is a smallish blind spot that registers on his conscious, along with the knowledge that the Swords are not the only creatures in the vicinity. Rigging is not alone in this knowledge for long, as those aboard with keen hearing will make out the strains of a song coming through the fog,

Red sails in the sunset, 'way out on the sea,
Oh! carry my loved one home safely to me...

(OOC: Please note Carl White's post in the L&B. He has volunteered to update the PC histories in the Adventurer's Repose. These PC histories are a great resource for DM's and players in the games. 'Nezamil' needs to be added, and this is an opportunity for anyone else to update their sheet. Carl's e-mail is carl_white@zen.co.uk)

Friday July 2nd, 2004 6:56:00 PM

Nezamil cocks his head to one side " anyone else hear that ?"

" sounds like someone singing a melody "comments the dwarf

"anyone know that melody ?"asks the Cleric

Nezamil peers at Captain Rigging " so what did you find with the Nautoaculus?"

Friday July 2nd, 2004 7:14:28 PM

Valanthe stands ready for battle. Her armor is polished and clean. Her rapier hangs ready at her side. The only difference is now her shield is on her back and she holds Ashira's bow in her hands. She spent the morning cleaning the beautiful weapon. It has been the only thing to bring a smile to her face all week.

Substitute DM Carla 
Saturday July 3rd, 2004 10:11:13 AM

He sailed at dawning, all day I've been blue,
Red sails in the sunset I'm trusting you.

Swift wings you must borrow make straight for the shore,
We marry tomorrow and he goes sailing no more.

The words carry more clearly as whatever are out there approaches through the fog. The water is smooth and silver grey, resembling liquid mercury. The sound of muffled conversation is heard above the slapping of water against the sides of the Redemption.

Approaching well out from the shoreline in the direction opposite from that taken by the Swords are several figures that actually appear to be in the water. They are spread out around a rather awkward mass of wreckage about 100 ft. away from the Swords. Large pieces of lumbar, broken spars, rigging, and ripped shrouds lashed together with odd bits of furniture, barrels, and sea chests. In the midst of this mess, a small boat such as is often found on board larger vessels and used to row from ship to shore, or launched in times of distress.

The singing stops and the people in the water cease conversing.

A male voice calls out in Aquan, "Shediea shar shelnea, duish!" After a short pause, the voice calls out again, this time in heavily accented Elvish "Ediear ar elenea, vedui!"*

*Highlight to display spoiler: {By the sea and stars, greetings!}

Rigging and Swirl 
Sunday July 4th, 2004 9:43:54 AM

Rigging will call out to the voices in elven, "Hello! Who is that?"

He will turn to Niner and say, "Prepare to pick up survivors. It looks like they had some trouble but rouse the crew quietly and have them standby to repel boarders in case this is a trap."

OOC "What did they say in elvish? Rigging understands it. Ashira has taught him over the years."

Swirl will swoop out and have a quick look.

(OOC: DM Carla, if you understand Aquan or Elvish, highlight the spoiler for the translation!)

Ashira (George) 
Sunday July 4th, 2004 9:45:29 AM

Ashira's heart jumps when she hears the language of her underwater ancestry. She will call back in the same language. "Hello! Where are you? Do you need help?

Substitute DM Carla 
Sunday July 4th, 2004 10:58:57 PM

The redheaded warrior displays little emotion as she stands at the rail in immaculate amour while her dwarven compatriot acknowledges the tune that comes wafting over the water. Redux and Bart keep their own counsel while Ashira whispers to her husband a translation of the greeting. "They are hailing us with a traditional welcome, by the sea and the stars, greetings!" she says surprise registering on her fiercely handsome face.

Niner silently rouses the crew in response to his captain's command.

There is laughter from the water as the figures emerge from the fog. At the front of the mess of wreckage is a fierce looking monster with some sort of harness about its mighty, almost feline, head. A man covered by water up to his chest has one hand firmly entwined in the harness, while in his other he carries a sharp three pronged trident. An enormous shell, like a shield is strapped to his back. He pushes a dented helm up over his head, to reveal grey eyes the color of the water set in a fine face marred only by a jagged scar running from temple to lower jaw. He looks up at those assembled on deck, and then gestures over his shoulder, "Asterina, Cirrepeedia, Branchiura, and Solaster." Shaking his fist that holds the harness, he continues, "this is Copepoda." At this, there are laughs from his companions. The leader continues, "and I am Malacostraca."

The female, Asterina and male, Cirripeedia each have a rope slung across their chest that is in turn attatched to the wreckage. Another male, Branchiura, appears to be pushing at it from behind. Solaster is also near the back, her long matted tendrils of hair covering one eye. She treads water at a spot nearest where the small boat is entangled, her gaze covetously on the unconscious form of a tall well muscled young man. He is wrapped in a shroud as if prepared for burial, the work of sewing it up left incomplete. The second figure* in the boat momentarily opens his eyes, blue as the sea on a sunny day, before closing them again a groan escaping his lips.

*Welcome to player Ian, and his PC 'Tanen'.

Monday July 5th, 2004 12:01:16 AM

The dwarf eyes the wreckage taking in the scene wondering what has transpired, taking note of Ashira's excited response.

Nezamil gives a perplexed look to Rigging. "What they say Captain?"

The Cleric says to Captain Rigging, "Captain, I can render them the healing of touch of Domi if needed, by the looks of that one points to the blue eyed one that groaned he could use some healing."

Stepping near the Captain, Nezamil says in a soft tone, "I can cast a water walk spell to help assist the situation if you think it is needed."

Monday July 5th, 2004 3:08:53 AM

Hmm aquatic elves, I hope that they are as kind as Ashira. Bart looks to Rigging to folow up any command, and keeps an eye on the Elves, ready to react in case they have hostile intentensions.

Monday July 5th, 2004 1:48:51 PM

Rigging will see the wounded and yell in Elven while beckoning the elves forward, "Welcome, Malacostraca. Welcome to all. Are you in need of aid? We have healers aboard who can help the wounded.

I am the Captain of The Sword of Redemption. My name is Arrack Von Palin." He will point to his wife and say, "This is my wife Ashira Von Palin. It looks like you have a tale to tell. Will you join us on the ship?"

He will turn to Ashira and ask, "Dearest, could you find some refreshments that our guests will like?"

Monday July 5th, 2004 6:46:07 PM

The second figure is a weatherbeaten man in leather armor, tightly clutching a short bow to his chest. He forces his eyes open again, obviously exhausted, yet wary. He is a man somewhere past the energy of youth, yet before greying.

He watches the interactions on the nearby ship with searching eyes, his gaze moving from person to person as if seeking something in particular.

Other than his short bow, and quivers at his belt, a single handed military pick lays limply from the right side of his belt. In addition to several pouches on his belt, onlookers can also see several knives tucked in belt and boot. There are no open symbols or adornments on his clothing that might reveal group, religious, or national association.

Monday July 5th, 2004 8:02:09 PM

If any of the creatures in the water are close enough (60 ft), Ashira will use her ability to detect auras of evil.

Detect Evil

Redux  d20+2=23
Monday July 5th, 2004 8:15:40 PM

Redux stands at the rail, a far away look on his face as he studies the strangers and the bodies in the wreckage. Suddenly his eyes come into focus and he looks long and hard in order to discern some unusual detail the others may have missed. (Search=21)

Substitute DM Carla 
Monday July 5th, 2004 11:55:48 PM

The Wildcards keep a wary eye on the advancing strangers and their strange craft while Rigging tenders an invitation. Bart formulates an opinion based on his friendship with Ashira, while the half-elf does not sense the presence of evil on either those hauling the wreckage or those caught up in it. Nezamil and Redux check things out more thoroughly and note the boat which contains the two men appears full of gear. Various weapons, two small chests, packs, duffle bags, and the shrouded figure make the boat quite snug for Tanen as he fights for consciousness, the gaze of several strangers behind the rail of a sleek vessel with the inscription Sword of Redemption looming above him.

Malacostraca looks up at the captain, a grin lighting his fair face, as those behind him smile, and the one identified as Solaster giggles. "I do not think we will join you," he says changing to common. He reigns in the sea lion and the group comes to a halt about 50 ft. from the ship. "We thank you for your invitation, just the same," he adds, inclining his head slightly. "We are adventurers!" calls out the smaller female. Brushing back the matted tendrils of her hair, she reveals a single delicate pink shell covering one eye, bound round her head with a silken cord. Before the little one can say another word, Malacostraca silences her with a disapproving look.

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 1:23:48 AM

The sight of other elves brings some joy to her heart. She's comfortable around Ashira but sometimes she feels out of place among the crew. She didn't remember feeling this way when Appolo was around.

As the elves bring the shipwreck survivor to the sword, Valanthe clutches her bow tightly. It hangs at her side, her other hand hanging limp ready to draw an arrow.

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 5:11:20 AM

Bart notices that spellcating part of his family react openly to the strangers, he asumes that they have detect the intententions of the strangers and see no harm. Bart goes forward. And says in common to the elves "Welcome elves my name is Bart and i'm an adventurer too, do you need any help? It looks like 2 of you need it. What did happend with you, was your ship attacked or was it smashed on a reef?

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 8:38:00 AM

Rigging will order a longboat launched. "Ashira, take Val and Nezamil plus 4 regular crewmen to act as rowers and see if you get those wounded taken care of."

In a lower voice, "See if they are more willing to talk to you or Val. Try and find out what happened."

He will cross over to Redux and say in low tones, "Be ready to cover them. I think they are alright but who really knows."

He will then call out to the sea elves, "I am sending a longboat to retrieve the wounded. Can you tell us what happened to them?"

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 3:20:46 PM

Nezamil observes the adventurers of the sea. "Hmm, they seem friendly enough - at least no visible threats. Let's see if we can make some new friends," thinks the Cleric to himself.

Upon hearing Rigging order the lowering of the longboat the Dwarven Cleric will release Domi's power within him to himself and the four crew members and to Val and and Ashira if they are willing (casting water walk). "This will help you traverse the waters surface to help bring the wounded aboard," says the Cleric of Domi.

Nezamil will then climb down the side of the ship and walk calmly towards the sea adventures stopping in front of Malacostraca, "Good day and well met my friends, I'm called Nezamil. May I attend to the men?" pointing towards the small boat with the 2 men.

Nezamil has a calm and friendly attitude.

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 6:07:27 PM

"We should take the longboat to transport the injured. They may not be able to walk," volunteers Ashira as she climbs down the side of the ship. The half-elf smiles to herself at the drawf's enthusiasm.

Redux  d20+2=5
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 6:12:47 PM

Redux nods silently at Rigging's words. Something isn't quite right with these laughing 'elves', but he can't put his finger on it. He continues his examination of the strangers in the water. (Search=5)

Tuesday July 6th, 2004 6:31:54 PM

The leather-clad archer seems content with his look over the crew of the nearby ship, and slumps again, perhaps unconscious.

Substitute DM Carla 
Tuesday July 6th, 2004 11:29:31 PM

Rigging, Redux, Bart, and most of the crew watch as Val, Ashira, Nezamil and a few crew members, climb over the side of the ship. Treading the water as if it was solid ground, the long boat in tow, they make their way towards the aquatic adventurers.

At their approach, the group's leader drops the sea lion's harness, and brings his shell-shield over to his front. Raising the trident, he signals the cleric to cease his advance. "We are not elves and our party does not need healing. As for those two," he signals the two men in the boat, they will be our gift to he-who-rules-the-dead." At this comment, the female with the eye-patch calls out, "No! He is mine!" With a graceful arc of her body, she dives into the water, sending a spray of water when her scaled tail clears the surface, and then disappears. Solaster reemerges next to the boat containing the two men. Holding onto the edge, she peers over at the one wrapped in the shroud. "I found him, and he is mine!" she cries, adding, "Do what you wish with this other one." Tanen appears to be oblivious to what is going on.

Malacostraca continues, "We were scouting the far banks when we were swept off course by a great storm. Many ships were damaged or wrecked. This is what we have claimed, as is our right."

Wednesday July 7th, 2004 3:51:53 PM

Off course it is your right it is the law of the sea, but you have at least one living man in that boat sending him to the dead god is murder, or have they done a crime and has justice to be done?

Wednesday July 7th, 2004 4:53:36 PM

Glad she had chosen wisely with leaving her shield on her back, Val draws and knocks an arrow. Her deceptively strong arm pulls the bow string back with ease, tension filling the string and the bow itself.

"The living man shall be released. Claiming a living man is slavery and sending him to the dead god is murder. Neither shall be tolerated. I don't want to shoot so please step back."

Wednesday July 7th, 2004 5:54:29 PM

The half-elf winces at Val's precipitous action. The she-barbrian had been on edge since Apollo's abrupt departure, and now this mer-man had just stepped on the elf's last nerve, so to speak.

Moving into position beside Val, Ashira holds out a hand, palm out, and says, "Val is right, you can not send innocent men to their death. Is their fate negotiable?"

Wednesday July 7th, 2004 10:35:08 PM

Rigging can only watch and be ready to support the others. He will pull out some components, preparing if things get ugly.

He has to trust his friends to negotiate well..."Better get my weapons ready." he thinks to himself

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins ) 
Wednesday July 7th, 2004 11:50:12 PM

The stout dwarf stands calmly but firmly in front of Malacostraca in a firm voice. "No living being shall be given to the god of the dead! It is not your place to call a living being to he who rules the dead but that god himself to call them.

"So I ask you to allow us to take the still living man aboard and let him live his life till his time has come for he who rules the dead to call him," says the Cleric.

"As for the wreckage of the ships well that is yours to claim we ask only for the living and ask so peacefully and respectfully." Nezamil's eyes lock on Malacostraca's.

As Nezamil speaks his hands are visible and empty.

Thursday July 8th, 2004 12:29:30 AM

Redux nervously takes in the scene. He is not anxious for a fight. Not yet.

Substitute DM Carla  (Secret DM Roll) d100=94
Thursday July 8th, 2004 1:08:53 AM

Val's action is met with swift response, as the three mer-folk who had up to now kept their hands below the surface of the water raise three heavy crossbows of shell and coral, equipped with bolts made from the spines of blowfish. These they fix on the three party members advancing towards their leader.

In a show of restraint, Malacostraca raises his trident once again, but this time in a signal to his people to hold their actions. In response to the challenges thrown at him by Bart and Val he says, "Men have an immortal soul which lives forever, even as the body turns to corruption. Greyhand collects the souls and spirits of the dead. We are bringing these two to him. You should not interfere with what is intended."

Solaster ducks down from her spot and with a spray of water shows up beside and slightly behind the leader. "Brother," she says in a small voice, "at first I thought he could come and be with me, but human beings can not live where we make our home. I might bring him there, but his soul would go to be with Greyhand until it was his time to be born again." The smallest mermaid heaves a heavy sigh, "Let them have him. Let them have both of them."

"Aye little one," responds Malacostraca, "but we must have something in exchange, and no trifle."

Thursday July 8th, 2004 2:52:42 AM

The nearly unconscious man groans, and tries feebly to twist in the boat. Those nearest to him can make out a rough voice mumbling in common.

"Free... must... do more. Fight... free."

Rigging  d20+2=18
Thursday July 8th, 2004 3:20:41 PM

Rigging will call out from the ship, "Are they both alive? One looks already dead. If he is, you can keep him and do what you will with him. He is an empty vessel and his soul has gone on to better places."

Rigging will then look to the leader of the seafolk. "What would you be wanting for them?
How about some wines and spirits made on the land? Foods you wouldn't normally get to taste? Friendship perhaps? All of the above shared together? Isn't that what adventuring is really about? Experiencing new things and finding out about new people. We have plenty of stories to tell and would like to hear yours as well. Come let us take care of these two hurt ones and share some time with you."

(Diplomacy roll of 18)

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins )  d20+7=15
Thursday July 8th, 2004 8:02:36 PM

The Dwarven Cleric continues to eyeball Malacostraca " something in return huh ?"

"well as well traveled adventurers from different realms of the wold we could trade infomation and contacts so you can aquire goods that you seek and what we seek to fufill each others goals "

" what say you ?"

" An alliance of adventurers !"

"Think of the possiblities "

"Greyhand believes in free will(d20+7=15 knowledge of religion check ) , give that man (points to the moaning human in the boat)his free will to choose ...Greyhand will one day claim him but today is not that day" says Nezamil firmly

Nezamil takes a step towards the boat but awaits a reply

Friday July 9th, 2004 3:16:16 AM

Bart waits quietly for the reaction of Malocostra, while the tension is gone he is still ready to react if the scale is going to the other side

Valanthe (Water Walk 70 min) 
Friday July 9th, 2004 6:38:12 PM

Valanthe eases the bowstring back but leaves the arrow notched. She didn't trust them at all. Faith in your god was one thing. Religious zeal was somthing totally different.

"You are incredible you know that. You are no better than slavers in the way you put a price on life."

Friday July 9th, 2004 11:18:20 PM

The half-elf puts a hand on Val's shoulder, "easy there" she whispers, "they seem ready to surrender their captives, and no matter what the price, you know we would not hold them as slaves."

Friday July 9th, 2004 11:21:19 PM

Redux racks his brain for what might be a suitable offering to the merfolk. He keeps a wary eye on the sea lion.

Substitute DM Carla  Bite attack on Val d20+2=20 d8+2=6 (Val-1, Solaster-2, Sea Lion claw attack d2=2) d2+7=9 d2+7=8 Sea Lion AC 18
Saturday July 10th, 2004 12:03:20 AM

Bart and Redux watch as Rigging and Nezamil try diplomacy. The merfolk appear intrigued by the offers and lower their weapons. The leader flips his shell-shield over his shoulder and moves a hand up to rub his smooth chin. "Friendship! Information! An alliance! Aye, a rich ransom indeed!" Propelled by his great fish's tail, Malacostraca rises slightly in the water and moves towards Nezamil, his shield hand outstretched when Val utters a stinging remark. Sensing aggressiveness in the barbarian's tone, the sea lion, no longer held in check by the merman, lunges for the elf and savages her with its teeth. (Hit AC 20 for 6 dmg.)

"Copepoda, no!" yells little Solaster as she dives into the water and re-emerges between Val and the fearsome aquatic creature with the head and forepaws of a lion and the tail of a fish. In the excitement, the beast lashes at the little mer-maid with it's claws, but misses. (Hit AC 9 and 8.)

In the boat, Tannen is regaining consciousness.

Saturday July 10th, 2004 1:34:38 AM

Letting out a hoarse cough, the reclining man forces himself up to one knee, balancing his short bow before him in his left hand. He makes no move to reach for an arrow, however, instead taking in the scene with narrowed eyes.

When he raises his voice, its just as weathered as the rest of his appearance.

"There should be no fight here. I'm no slave to be bought or sold, but I'd offer compensation for kindness", he says, nodding to the aquatic beings around him, "and the price of passage, should the ship be under a free crew and captain."

Saturday July 10th, 2004 8:10:09 PM

Hey all...trying to get my system all up and running...should be able to post tomorrow. Thanks for being patient. :)

Sunday July 11th, 2004 1:06:19 PM

Rigging sees the attack on Val and mutters a curse and starts to pull out components for battle. Then he sees it seems to be an honest accident and relaxes for a brief instant.

Then he thinks about Val, and starts worrying again. He will yell, "Everyone stand down now! "Val relax, it was the animal, not the creature's master's intent. You have been bitten by a horse before. This is no different."

He will look back to the strangers and the new man's words will register on him, "If you can prove to us that you aren't heartseeded, you will be welcomed aboard The Sword of Redemption. If you have a heartseed, then you will find no compassion or kindness here. You would be better to stay with your new merfolk friends." he will call to the stricken man.

He will turn his attentions back to the merfolk leader, "Yes, I would like a friendship with you and your people. We might be able to benefit each other. How does your kind seal this kind of bargain?"

Sunday July 11th, 2004 5:48:36 PM

Bart looks with interest to the scene below him, he believes the good intensions of the merfolk, but some of is more hot tempered family members may act differently.

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins ) 
Sunday July 11th, 2004 10:16:40 PM

Nezamil smiles when Malacostraca starts to extend his hand and starts to extend his own when the seabeast snaps at Val , the dwarf takes a step back and starts to reach for his mace in it's ring holster at his side but hears Captain Riggings call for restraint and doesn't draw his weapon.
Giving a quick glance around to assess the situation, the Cleric eyeballs Malacostraca " So what will it be ? what answer will you give the Captain ? " says Nezamil in calm but firm voice

Sunday July 11th, 2004 11:58:43 PM

As the sea-lion attacks, Ashira cringes. Not good...not good she thinks. Muttering a few words, she casts a spell and places a gentle hand on the sea lion (Cast Calm Animal) Peace, be still she murmers to the beast. Looking up at Malacostraca Ashira speaks in Aquan "Please, forgive my friends words. We wish an alliance and friendship, but the humans must be freed. We will pay whatever price you deem necessary, but they must be freed." The look on Ashira's face is friendly yet resolved.

Monday July 12th, 2004 12:03:29 AM

As tensions mount, Redux winces at the verbal exchanges and then watches in shock as the sea lion attacks. He readies a spell, prepared to cast it should things get out of hand (Ray of Frost).

Substitute DM Carla 
Monday July 12th, 2004 12:13:48 AM

The stranger in the boat regains consciousness and calls a halt to the fighting. Discretion is the better part of valor, as the Wildcards and the mer-folk alike heed Rigging's call and stand down. Malacostraca tosses his trident to Branchiura, and intercepts the sea-lion, grabbing the harness about its head in both his hands. "Tessash! Shampat shanyat! Nndenguiash shta!"* he shouts as he struggles with it. Ashira casts her spell and the beast calms down. As the leader of the mer-folk leads the sea-lion away from the conflict, Branchiura moves to take his place in front of Nezamil.

The young mer-man is slim, yet muscular. He wears a suit of faded leather and carries the trident in one hand, his heavy crossbow awkwardly in the other. Around his neck are loops of intricately knotted rope, along with several chains holding various medallions, trinkets from the fellow's scavenging.

"Heart seeded!?" he cries, and visibly blanches. Solaster gasps as she swims up beside Branchiura, and one of the other mermaids moves away from her spot beside the wreckage as it trying to get as far away from the men in the boat as possible.

"You may have him. Heart seeded or not, he needs healing " responds Malacostraca, returning to the front of his small company of scouts, "and we would have your friendship." The leader of the group reaches out his left hand and places it on Nezamil's right shoulder, gripping it firmly. He takes his hand away, places it on his own right shoulder, and inclines his head towards the dwarf, saying "By the sea and the stars!"

*(For those who understand aquan Highlight to display spoiler: { Halt! Stop that! Don't kill it!}

Tannen  d20+8=14 d20+6=9
Monday July 12th, 2004 6:33:54 PM

Remaining kneeling, his bow held in his left hand, the man uses his right hand to open a series of three buckled straps on the right side of his leather armor. He then pulls open his armor and padded gambeson to reveal his naked chest. While he is not clean or especially muscled, there is no sign of heartseed.

The kneeling archer remains as such for a few moments, his gaze sweeping the shipboard for details or reactions. He seems poised for action.

(Sense Motive: 14, Spot: 9)

Monday July 12th, 2004 8:06:36 PM

When the sea lion lunged at her, Val drew the arrow back and nearly let it fly. Times have been tough lately and she has been itching for a good fight ever since Appolo left. She heard Riggings shout to stop and watched the mermaid move to intercept the creature. That put enough sense into her to ease the string forward and lower the bow.

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins ) 
Monday July 12th, 2004 8:39:39 PM

Nezamil breathes a sigh of relief as the incident with Val doesn't escalate "sigh"

The dwarf copies Malacostraca and reaches out and touches the merfolk leader's shoulder giving a quick squeeze , dropping his hand away and a quick nod of the head "By the sea and the stars!"

"I'm glad that you have accepted our friendship , let me intoduce you " Nezamil sweeps his arm wide" this is Val and Ashira both are couragous and honorable friends"

Turning towards the ship " there is our Captain Rigging, a leader of intregity and the best crew on the high seas , please go up and meet him and let him introduce the others while i attend to the water logged man in the boat " with a wink to malastraca and a chuckle

The dwarven Cleric walks over the flowing waves to the boat calling out as he goes to the 4 crewmen standing near him "come help bring the boat to the sword and help the man aboard "

upon reaching the small boat Nezamil looks over the man " well met i'm Nezamil let us help you aboard and so we can tend to any injuries and hear your tale "

Nezamil will help push the small craft towards the ship

OOC welcome aboard Ian ;)

Monday July 12th, 2004 9:53:46 PM

Rigging will examine the man's chest and then call out, "Yes please come aboard. Nezamil will take good care of you."

He will turn his attentions to the Merfolk's leader. "We are looking for slave ships in this area. We have had reports that Ga'al priests are converting by taking slaves and making the slaves choose either the heartseed or slavery.

We prefer to give them a real choice. Have you seen any ships?"

Monday July 12th, 2004 11:08:43 PM

Ashira smiles at Val's restraint...the elf had really come a long way. As the wounded man bares his chest, Ashira looks away...somehow the thought of examining the man for a heartseed made her slightly nauseous...it was still too soon.

Ashira grimaces slightly as Nezamil proclaims her to be his friend... She didn't doubt the cleric had good intensions, but she'd be bound and gagged before she put herself at the whim of Domi. Still, she tries to put on a good air for the company...

Seeing that the wounded have been taken care of by Nezamil, Ashira turns to the sea folk. Truth be told, it warmed her heart to see them...even if they weren't elves. She moves over toward Solaster and smiles at the young maiden. Motioning toward the sea lion, she addresses her in Elven. "That one is quite spirited, but no doubt a strong and faithful companion. Is he a friend of yours?"

Redux  d20+4=9
Monday July 12th, 2004 11:21:32 PM

Releasing his spell with a flick of his wrist, Redux grins at new alliance in the making. Wouldn't hurt to have a few friends who could keep an eye out for trouble. Speaking of trouble....Redux eyes the coast nervously (Spot=9). He speaks in low tones to Rigging...trying not to cause too much of a scene. "Ummm...Rigging...seeing as it's daybreak and all...shouldn't we start scouting soon before we attract the attention of less friendly locals?"

Substitute DM Carla 
Monday July 12th, 2004 11:53:56 PM

Tannen bares his chest, putting most of the Wildcards at ease. Nezamil helps the newcomer aboard, while Rigging questions the leader of the mer-folk scouting group. Val keeps her cool, and Ashira makes a friend. Redux sees little, since the fog that came with the morning hasn't lifted. He can be reasonably sure that the Redemption hasn't been spotted from shore.

Frown lines crease Malacostraca's brow when the captain asks about slave ships. "We are not familiar with this part of the coast. We were thrown off course by the storm that shipwrecked these unfortunates." Rubbing his chin in thought, he adds, "There have been a few ships, though. Would they have had any identifiable markings?"

Solaster smiles warmly at Ashira, putting a finger up under the tiny pink shell to rub at the spot of her missing eye. "I know Copepoda, but he only listens to my brother." The littlest mermaid nods in the direction of the group leader. Moving closer to the half-elf, Solaster whispers, "Is it true that up on the earth the flowers are scented?" Moving a little closer, she adds, "and that the woods are green, and that the little fishes in the branches can sing?"

On his way to return the trident to the leader of his group, Branchiura shyly removes one of the curiously knotted strings from around his neck, and reaches out to hand it to Val.

From beside the boat, Asterina addresses Nezamil and Tannen. "Don't forget your stuff." She gestures towards the gear that remains in the boat.

Tuesday July 13th, 2004 3:28:01 AM

Valanthe decides that the threat is over and returns the arrow to the quiver and lowers the bow completely. She reaches out and takes the knotted string and says, "Thank you." in elvish. She glances to Ashira for some explination as to what this meant.

Tuesday July 13th, 2004 3:31:02 PM

The weathered man gathers his things slowly, being careful with his balance in the small boat. Its not a gesture you would expect from a professional sailor. He girds onto his belt a knife that he had hidden under his seat, and a war pick that was laying at his feet. He then shoulders his pack, slings his shortbow, and bows to the merfolk.

"Thank you for rescuing me. Regardless of what passes between you and the people of this ship, should you need, call on me."

With this he turns to Nezamil, and introduces himself, glancing down at the newcomers holy symbol.

"My name is Tannen. I thank you for your offer, but I have mended all my wounds but my hunger. Thank you for your assistance."

Once the small boat is pushed to the edge of the ship, Tannen hauls himself up the side, and rolls over the ships railing to land easily on his feet. He keeps his hands away from his weaponry, and bows to the captain. His eyes never stop searching the deck, however.

"My name is Tannen. I am a hunter of men. Before we go further, I must ask of you as well. What are the seed-slavers of Ga'al to you?"

Tuesday July 13th, 2004 4:33:25 PM

Bart walks to the stranger, Hi Stranger my name is Bart im the cook on this ship, I heard you said you where hungry. I think we have some soup and seabiscuits down below

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins ) 
Tuesday July 13th, 2004 5:40:15 PM

Nezamil's eyes follow the newcomer's to his holy symbol, touching the small silver anvil, Nezamil gives him a cheerful grin. "Domi's," is all he says.

"Ah yes thank Asterina -- very kind of you to remind us," says the Cleric to the mermaid.

Turning to the 4 crewmen with him, he says, "Get some others to help haul the small boat up and set it next to the longboats."

"It will replace the longboat we lost recently at least temporaily," muses the Dwarf.

Tuesday July 13th, 2004 9:13:09 PM

Rigging looks at Tannen and back to Malacostraca and sighs, "I wish I had a way to help you identify the ships. Most likely they will be merchant ships but I am not even sure of that.

They might be flying the Aisildurian flag. Rigginng will go on and describe it. "If you can give us any word on these ships, I would be grateful."

Rigging will turn back to the new man. He will look sternly at him, appraising. "I am Arrack Von Palin of the house Von Palin. I come from a old and noble Aisildurian family. I gave that up to join the Pirates of the Jack, who resist Ga'al and his priests whenever and however possible. We are dedicated to freeing the common citizen from Ga'als evil influence. That is who I am and who my crew is.

Who are you? Do you follow Ga'al? If you do, I am sorry to say, you will soon be joining him at his side."

Rigging puts his hands on his weapons.

Substitute DM Carla 
Wednesday July 14th, 2004 12:20:23 AM

Tannen climbs aboard the "Redemption" and is offered a sincere if not warm reception by the crew on board. Nezamil suggests claiming the boat; however there is still the problem of the shroud wrapped body. Val doesn't get an immediate answer to her question about the merman's gift of a knotted string necklace, while Rigging discusses ships with the scouting group's leader.

Malacostraca frowns, "I fear I can not help you regarding the ships you seek."

Wednesday July 14th, 2004 1:12:21 PM

Malacostraca is that man who is lying in the boat and is wrapped in linnen still living? Was it a mate of yours Tannen?

Wednesday July 14th, 2004 2:22:26 PM

Rigging continues his conversations with the Merfolk leader. "You did say you saw some ships. Which way were they heading? Were they sleek ships like ours, outfitted for war? Or did they seem broader of beam to carry cargo. How long ago did you see these ships?"

Rigging flushes and apologizes, "I am sorry for all the questions. I hate slavery of anykind. I would strike these slavers down and sting Ga'al and his priests in the process."

Wednesday July 14th, 2004 5:35:46 PM

The half-elf smiles at the little mermaid warmly, but with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "There are many beautiful things about the world above little one... But also many unspeakable evils..." Ashira leans over and whispers conspiritorially to the girl. "I have even heard of a horrible monster called a konputer. It pretend to be a friend and when your back is turned, it can suck the very life from your body!" Ashira takes a more serious tone as she continues. "Take my advice...be content with your life as it is. If you choose adventuring as a career, then your life may very well be short, so live it to the fullest."

When Val askes her about the necklace, Ashira shrugs. "These are not sea-elves, so I don't not know all of their ways... but I think it is a token of friendship." Ashira grins evilly as she turns to look at the necklace again. "Either that, or I think you've got a new suitor." She winks mischievously at Val as she moves back toward the Sword.

Wednesday July 14th, 2004 5:59:50 PM

Not wanting to appear insulting or ungrateful, Valanthe puts the knotted rope necklace around her neck.

"It's lovely." Valanthe says to Branchiura, wondering exactly what was going on.

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins )  d20+7=15
Wednesday July 14th, 2004 6:55:20 PM

Nezamil still standing on the flowing waves turns to the merfolk and proceeds to cheerfully introduce himself to each folk of the sea and make polite conversation but looking quietly for signs or symbols of any the woldian gods (knowledge of religion check d20+7=15 )if he spots any Nezamil will inquire about such symbol or sign

Thursday July 15th, 2004 12:36:50 AM

Redux smiles as the others go about making friendships. He thinks about the slavers and their mission and tries to come up with a way to find the ships...but just can't come up with any ideas at the moment.

Thursday July 15th, 2004 2:54:28 AM

Tannen seems to relax just a bit with Riggings' words, replying, "Then all should be well between us. I am a hunter of the priests of Ga'al. They have a great deal to answer for, as you well know. It fact, I had purchased a small vessel to navigate this waters, and have been robbed of my opportunity to strike at the followers of Ga'al by the simple vagaries of sea and weather."

With this, he extends a hand to Riggings, as if to shake.

"If you like, I'd offer to repay you for travel with my services as an archer and scout."

Tannen continues in his rough voice, saying, "I do not know this unconscious man. The merfolk rescued us both it seems. I have been many days upon the waves before they found me. I'd be happy for some water and warm food, though, for that reason. Dry tack only goes so far."

Substitute DM Carla 
Thursday July 15th, 2004 7:26:11 AM

Bart asks a good question while Rigging presses his enquiry about ships. Ashira offers advice from the heart to Solaster, and Tannen offers his services to the captain of the "Swords". Val accepts a token of friendship, from the young mer-man, Branchiura. Nezamil notes one of the pendants on the fellow's many necklaces is that of a hand carved from dull grey stone. He remembers that one of the manifestations of Gargul, the god of death and life, is a grey hand emerging from shadow.

"In the weeks since we left our home, we have seen many ships of all descriptions, but we have seen no sailing vessels in the past two days," Malacostraca reports in a voice that conveys his regret that he is providing disappointing news.

Pointing into the boat, Asterina volunteers, "that one is at Greyhand's door, but he has not crossed over yet. If you claim him, he will be of no use to you for a while. Even if he is healed of his hurts, he will not wake for some time."

Thursday July 15th, 2004 7:13:01 PM

Valanthe walks across the water over to where the injured man layed. She gently and easily lifts him and heads back over to the Sword.

"Captain we need a healer. Maybe he can tell us who did this to him once he comes around."

Thursday July 15th, 2004 9:27:55 PM

Smiling at the merfolk, Ashira bows and speaks in Aquan "I regret it deeply, but my family needs me, so I must go. Me he who rules over the sea and the stars watch over you and guide you to sheltered waters." Ashira heads back to the Sword and checks on the status of the unconcious man.

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins ) 
Thursday July 15th, 2004 9:33:20 PM

Nezamil ponders what Asterina says. "We shall do what we can for the fellow, if greyhand hasn't claimed him yet, there is still a chance for him ... slim, but a chance."

The dwarf turns to the 4 crewmen standing on the water. "I think we should raise up the small boat since it has all their belongings in it, get some help from those on deck, winch it up."

Thursday July 15th, 2004 9:36:37 PM

Having thought a long time about the mission, Redux steps forward to address Rigging. "Maybe a little old fashioned sluthing would prove useful. We could have Talon scout up the river while the fog is still here and see if he spots any ships. I mean...after all...that thing of yours (he points to the artifact) only works on the sea, right? Maybe it can't pick up the presence of ships on a river."

Thursday July 15th, 2004 10:24:25 PM

Rigging will listen to Redux's requests and questions. "Yes I agree with you and will send Swirl as well.

The artifact works at sea but can find things on land. It just has to start on the water. Let no one disturb me for a while."

Rigging will then ask the ship's cleric to stand by with a restoration spell and brings Wayfinder to his eye. He will send his astral self up and out and start searching both the river and then if he doesn't find anything the coast.

Friday July 16th, 2004 5:08:19 AM

Val can you lift that man up i will get him on deck and bring him to a bunk where he can be healed. He will be better off there than in that small boat.

Substitute DM Carla 
Friday July 16th, 2004 7:37:13 AM

The unconscious man is brought aboard and then below decks where he is safely ensconced in a hammock. Healed of any wounds, he appears to be in a deep peaceful sleep. Only time (and getting his PC sheet approved!) will wake him from his coma. His gear, and that of Tannen is also brought aboard.

The merfolk re-secure the mass of their wreckage, and then salute the Wildcards with their distinctive acknowledgement: first reaching out an arm, and then bringing it back to grasp the opposite shoulder, then inclining of the head. "By the sea and the stars, safe passage to do your god's bidding." With that the foreign scouting group disappears into the fog.

Red sails in the sunset, 'way out to sea,
Oh! Carry my loved one home safely to me."

The sun's first weak rays break through the fog bank, and the mists dissipate revealing the coast of Aisildur and the mouth of the South Peaseblossom River.

(OOC: This is my last post as substitute DM. ADM Nellie will resume your regular game. It has been a pleasure playing with you!-Carla)

Friday July 16th, 2004 8:23:01 PM

Rigging drifts astrally to help scout the area.

OOC Hey folks, I will be gone all of next week and Chris Jensen will by subbing for my character. Have fun and don't get me killed!

Nezamil (water walk 70 mins ) 
Friday July 16th, 2004 9:01:33 PM

Nezamil still standing on the flowing waves salutes the merfolk in return "By the sea and the stars, safe passage to do you" and watches them disappears into the fog bank

Seeing the sun break thru the overcast morning the dwarf does a lap around the sword and then finally climbs aboard " whats next Captain Rigging ?"

THanks Carla was enjoyable

[i] don't worry george i won't kill him , but he will be a little more adventuress ;-)

Tannen  d20+6=11
Saturday July 17th, 2004 1:20:05 AM

Tannen salutes the merfolk as they leave, a curious gesture of shortbow to heart, and a bow. He then stows his gear out of the way, and finds a place towards the fore of the ship. This situated, he begins checking his weaponry, oiling his bow, checking the fastenings on his four quivers, and sharpening his pick.

(spot check watching the surrounding waters - 11)

Over the next few days, Tannen blends in with the other crewmen, no more, no less.

(Sorry all. Life has happened in a large way, and I will be leaving the Wold. Its been fun.)

Monday July 19th, 2004 2:49:18 AM

Greetings my friends mat Domi watch over you.

Monday July 19th, 2004 11:47:55 PM

The half-elf watches with some anxiety as the fog lifts. She never did like being in enemy territory...even more so since she had been in a Quad. This smelled like a trap. A slight sweat begins to form on Ashira's brow as she watches over Rigging's body as he travels abroad with his mind.

Monday July 19th, 2004 11:54:52 PM

As is customary, Redux watches over Rigging as he projects himself out. He too scans the area looking for signs of trouble.

Meanwhile, Talon takes to the air and begins following the river, looking for vessels or any other sign of trouble.

Nice View-----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 20th, 2004 12:35:33 AM

As the first few rays of sunlight begin to burn their way through the fog, you are caught by the sheer beauty of this place. The ocean rapidly changes color from lead gray to an almost emerald green. Up ahead, the coast of Izen sports a landscape that could be one of the most beautiful sights your eyes have spied... if you didn't know that it was a breeding ground of unspeakable evils. The fog burns off quickly and you are just able to make out the dense forest of trees that compose the Blackbird Forest.

Meanwhile, back on the Sword, Rigging attempts to will himself out of his body to do a little ethereal scouting, but he finds himself unable to do so. Rigging gets the feeling that he needs to be looking for a specific person or thing in order for the artifact to work its magic.

Talon and Swirl take flight and soar above the coast, following the river, but taking all precautions to make sure that they are not easily spotted. After several long minutes, both Talon and Swirl convey to their masters that they see a small ship up ahead. They inquire whether they should investigate further or return.

Meanwhile, the fog lifts, and the cities of Abderus and Adores are clearly visible from the Sword's coastal mooring. Several guards can be seen on the cities' fortifications. Those with keen eyes (Spot DC 10) notice something unusual. Highlight to display spoiler: {Namely that though the guards clearly have spotted the Sword, they do not appear to be particularly surprised or disturbed at its presence.}

Rigging (Chris) 
Tuesday July 20th, 2004 1:09:05 PM

After trying the Nautoculus to no avail Rigging directs Swirl with their telepathic link to investigate the small ship discreetly as possible

"Redux i just sent Swirl to check on a small vessel they spotted send Talon to help if you can but be discreet as much as possible "

" looks we have been spotted hopefully they will just think of us as another trading ship "remarks Rigging

Turning to Niner "we've been spotted ,pass the word to the crew to look relaxed ....act like we supposed be here " says Rigging with a sly grin

Seeing Ashira a little nervous Rigging will step next to her and give her hand a little squeeze

Nezamil (water walking 70 ?mins )  d20+5=14 d20+7=26
Tuesday July 20th, 2004 1:22:07 PM

The dwarf watches the fog bank burn away from the sun " By Domi thats a beatiful view and just as dangerous "

AS the Cleric looks over towards the coast he notes the guards(d20+5=14 spot ch ) on the city defensive towers "

Stepping over to the ships railing the dwarf leans on it comfortably "what do we know of cities of Abderus and Adores?" (knowledge of geography ch d20+7=26 knowledge of geography ch )asks Nezamil out loud "i'm trying to search my memory"

OOC gotta use those skill checks when i can ;)

OOC will read the library for info ;-)

Valanthe  d20+4=22
Wednesday July 21st, 2004 3:10:59 AM

Valanthe stood there, leaning on the railing looking out at the coastline before her. She was seeing it and yet she didn't. Valanthe's eyes darted here and there while her fingers idly toyed with the knotted rope knecklace that she now wore. Valanthe cursed and went down to retrieve her bow and quiver. She couldn't help but wonder if the merfolk sold them out for some reason.

ooc: spot check 22

Wednesday July 21st, 2004 1:08:32 PM

What do we do do we launch a boat to go to the harbour?

Wednesday July 21st, 2004 11:50:28 PM

The half-elf smiles at Rigging's touch and tries to follow orders...putting herself to work triming the sails. She shrugs at Nezamil's question, not able to come up with any useful information about the cities herself. "We don't usually come out this far." is the best that she can offer.

Redux  d20+2=8 d20+2=16
Wednesday July 21st, 2004 11:53:26 PM

The mage racks his brain about the cities, but like Ashira can not come up with any useful information. Watching the guards on the shore, Redux tries to determine whether they might be trying to sound a alarm or any other types of aggressive behaviors.

Ship Ahoy----ADM Nellie 
Thursday July 22nd, 2004 12:19:53 AM

Nezamil searches his memory about the area and seems to remember hearing something about a shipping route has been opened up in this area within the last few years. Wasn't there a trading post somewhere in Culverwood that linked up with Cinnamon Valley???

The crew do a very convincing job of looking like they belong, as several of the Wildcard's get antsy about the guards in the cities. Search as you may, you notice that the guards in the towers don't seem to give the Sword a second glance.

Talon and Swirl move in cautiously for a closer look at the vessel and report back that the ship seems to be heavily damaged and "sits funny in the water". Talon sends a mental impression back about the trees being too close and in intense desire to leave the area and return to Redux. Both familiars indicate that there appears to be no humans nearby the boat.

Bart asks a very important question and Niner looks to Rigging to determine whether they will proceed as planned to travel up the Peasebottom by longboat or take the Sword after all.

Thursday July 22nd, 2004 4:09:05 AM

Valanthe relaxes slightly as the city guards don't seem to care that they are around but something doesn't feel right. Like they are walking into the biggest trap that has ever been sprung on them. The problem with traps is that most of the time knowing about one doesn't help much.

Rigging (Chris) 
Thursday July 22nd, 2004 5:12:46 PM

Rigging ponders the infomation that he has gathered from swirl and Talon "from the looks of that it's a shipwreck out there , must of been the recent storm "

Turning to Niner "I'll take one of the longships with a few crewmen and head in with the wildcards to see what news we can gather from the harbor master and peruse a a few taverns " a grin shows on Riggings face "to hear what the locals say "

Rigging gathers the wildcards together " we're gonna scout out the city for any news and rumours of recent happenings "

"in any converstaions just hint that we are merchants and looking to contact someone to pickup some cargo , maybe we can pickup some info on the slavers "

"I'll head in and chat with the harbor master and ask about the viablity of sailing the sword up the peaseblossom river, and few of you hit the open markets and taverns to hear what the locals say "

" Niner keep alert and be ready to take the sword out to sea if there is trouble , if that happens sail back in at night and we will find a way to get to the sword , otherwise just act like we are merchants"

Thursday July 22nd, 2004 5:18:20 PM

the dwarf listens as the Captain directs the plan of action

"Taverns! hehe" remarks Nezamil with a chuckle

"open markets well we could use that as a cover to help supply the ship with food stuffs and such , should give us a chance to gather some local news i would think " comments the Cleric

Thursday July 22nd, 2004 9:34:02 PM

The half-elf shudders at the thought of entering an enemy town with such reckless abandon. She does, however, manage to keep her thoughts to herself, not wanting to make Rigging look bad in front of the crew. She heads downstairs and changes out of her armor. They were supposed to be merchants and she didn't figure that merchants would be wearing a fortress's worth of armor. She does however make sure that she's got her longsword strapped on. Pretending was one thing, but being completely unarmed was well...stupid.

Thursday July 22nd, 2004 9:36:37 PM

The mage smiles at Rigging's plan...not looking forward to entering into Blackbird Forest anytime soon. He instructs Talon to return to him and gathers up a few scrolls, just in case. Then he boards the longboat with the other and heads into town.

Rumors Abound---ADM Nellie  d10=6 (super secret DM roll)
Thursday July 22nd, 2004 10:31:02 PM

The Wildcards board the longboat and soon enough row over to Abderus. The gleaming white embankments of the city glow a soft pink in the early morning light. Approaching the harbor, Rigging finds it quite a chore to find a place to dock, seeing as there are there are an abundance of ships moored there currently. After a little more searching, the crew are able to guide in the vessel and tie her off. A quick inspection of the surrounding boats indicate that very few of them are Aisildurian. As a matter of fact, most of them look to be from various regions of the Wold...and from the looks of it, they've probably moored to avoid the storm which befell Tannen's ship.

Rigging heads off with a couple of crew members to find the harbor master, while the rest of the Wildcards search for suitable Inns and taverns.

A large, elaborate building at the end of the Abderus's docks, the harbor master's station is an exquisite structure that attests to the immense profitability of the newly opened trade route. Upon entrance into the building, Rigging and his escorts are met by a small, well groomed looking man. Clearly at a loss from the recent influx of foreigners, the man gives Rigging a steely look. "Hmmph...more of your kind, eh? Well, the harbor master has no time for your likes. Just get your vessel refitted from the storm and be on your way...the less time you spend on our docks the better!"

After a short tour of the extensive market area, Bart locates a couple of taverns that look like they might have the right kind of clientele to solicit useful information from. The Snake's Fang is really little more than a shack on the outskirts of the market square. But it seems to be bustling with the out of towners. On the other end of the extreme, the Seed of Joy is a tidy establishment that appears to be a favorite of the locals. Even at this early hour, the dinning area is beginning to fill.

Friday July 23rd, 2004 10:32:01 AM

There was no way that Valanthe was going to leave her armor behind. No amount of talking or pleading could make her remove it. So she stood in the market place in her elven chain with a shield on her arm.

"I still have a bad feeling about all of this. It just doesn't feel right."

Friday July 23rd, 2004 2:39:39 PM

Nezamil do you come along with me to the Seed of You, it seems there are a lot of locals hanging out there maybe we hear some local rumours about slaverers

Sunday July 25th, 2004 9:20:32 PM

Rigging will try to guage the official's title and intent. "Good sir, I apologize...I didn't mean to give offense. When you say, your kind, what do you mean? We are new to these parts and wish to know the local customs and laws?

We didn't encounter the storm, though we did pick up some survivors from its aftermath. It must have been a bad one."

Rigging will eye the man's fine clothing and decide that a little flattery might go a long way. "Perhaps you can offer me some advice. Where is the best place to rent a room, and get a decent glass of wine or brandy. A bath and a barber is a must as well. A man of your fine standing surely knows?"

Sunday July 25th, 2004 9:37:35 PM

"Sure thing young man, let's mingle with the locals and get a taste of the local brew," says the dwarf good-naturedly to Bart. "But let's keep our beliefs to ourselves this far from home."

Nezamil turns to Redux. "Shall we taste some local fare?" <grin> and Nezamil will follow Bart to the tavern.

Sunday July 25th, 2004 10:25:04 PM

The half-elf shrugs and turns to Val. "I guess we should stick with the boys...no sense in splitting our resources further." She joins the others as they head over to the Seed of Joy.

Sunday July 25th, 2004 10:29:30 PM

The mage grins. "Sure...I'm up for a glass of Aisildurian red if you are." Redux keeps his thumb on his scroll case...just for good measure...and then heads into the Inn with the others.

The Local Report---ADM Nellie 
Sunday July 25th, 2004 11:17:06 PM

Back at the harbor master's
The well groomed man sneers at Rigging. "Please...don't try and be coy with me. Obviously you and your crew are not Aisildurian...and though you've given it a good try, trust me...your manner and, shall we say your friend's garb clearly indicate your true profession." The man briefly touches the place on his chest where his heartseed doubtless lies. "Though the priests say it is all for the glory of Ga'al, you'll find that neither myself nor the harbor master have any love for slavers like yourself. So, stow your sweet talk...just get the equipment you'll need and move on." Motioning toward the door, the man's body language leaves Rigging with no doubt that their brief conversation has concluded.

Over at the Seed of Joy
Bart, Nezamil, Redux, Val and Ashira enter the Inn just as the breakfast rush has reached it's height. Several Aisildurian merchants line up methodically to place orders for some kind of local delicacy called "grits". Looking suspiciously similar to some form of gruel, the whiteish substance smells vaguely intriguing. Whispers fill the air as you enter the Inn, and several open jaw stares are leveled at Val, Ashira and Redux.

Listen Check DC 15 reveals the following whispered conversation between a nearby couple. Highlight to display spoiler: {Man "Hmmph...really... more of their kind...I would have thought that the way that last ship of theirs was found would have slowed them down a bit." Woman "Well, you know those unbelievers...anything for money. Ga'al be praised that he removes such selfishness from our hearts. But to be honest...I'm just as glad that they're civilizing those elves. I mean...if we have to have them on our border, at least we now that Ga'al's glory is being promoted among them."}

Monday July 26th, 2004 4:16:49 PM

Rigging will say in a pleasant but steely voice,
"Hey we are providing for a need that you have, you don't have to get rude with me. I will take my leave but remind you of this. Aisidurians aren't the only people paying for slaves and some of those buyers will buy a Ga'al worshipper as quickly as any other. You shouldn't be rude, others might not be so understanding."

Rigging will leave and try and head towards the market part of town. He will say to the other crewmen with him, "Watch my back but drift farther away. I want to do some shopping and look for the other Wildcards. I don't think we should stay here. I want to find out some information as well and don't want to be to obvious."

Nezamil  d20+5=17 d20+11=21
Monday July 26th, 2004 10:32:37 PM

As Nezamil makes his way thru the patrons he over hears some converstion (d20+5-17 listen check)a frown comes to his face momentarily but vanishes just as fast

with a look at Bart " c,mon young man lets head to the bar "and the dwarf makes his way to the bar catching the eye of the barkeep " a couple of pints of ale for my friend and i " as he nods towards Bart

" that was some storm the other night huh" as Nezamil chats with the barkeep" a fine place ya have here , good ale and good folks " says Nezamil to the barkeep" as the dwarf drops the a gold piece on the counter to pay for the drinks "(d20+11=21 diplomacy ch) we're a little hungry , whats the special tonight ?" as he slides into a bar stool
glancing around the taveren

Ashira  d20+16=27 d20+16=32
Monday July 26th, 2004 11:22:52 PM

Taking note of the stares and the whispered conversation (Listen=27), the half-elf pulls her cloak around her...seeking the solitude of its shadows. Smiling she drifts toward the back of the establishment, keeping an eye out for trouble (Spot=32). Just the thought of being in the Inn begins to make her stomach turn and suddenly the even the air seems to crowd around her as her mind screams trap.

Valanthe  d20+8=19
Monday July 26th, 2004 11:42:16 PM

When Valanthe hears the hushed words she stops where she stands. Her hands tremble in anger and she envision taking her sword and carving them into one large bloody mess. She doesn't even notice that her companions keep moving.

ooc: listen check 19

Redux  d20+14=24 d20+7=22
Tuesday July 27th, 2004 12:13:56 AM

Redux smiles at those who stare at him...as if he hasn't a care in the Wold (Listen=24). Joining the dwarf at the bar, Redux orders an Aisildurian red and sips it as he listens in to the cleric's smoozing. Smoothing out his black robes, the mage pushes up his spectacles. He too lays down a gold coin on the bar. Then he reaches into the sack and pulls out 10 more and stacks them on the counter. He leans in to the barkeep as he too turns on the charm (Diplomacy=22), but makes sure he keeps his voice at a whisper. "My good sir, my friends and I are in a bit of conundrum...it seems that before the storm, we lost track of some friends of ours. They were headed to Culverwood. I'm not sure whether they stopped here or not, but I'm sure you would have remembered them if you had seen them. They would have been well equipped like we are..." He slides the gold toward the keep, smiling at him as he continues to sip his wine.

Sights and Sounds----ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 27th, 2004 12:40:21 AM

After his parting words, Rigging and his mates head out in search of the other Wildcards. They too quickly narrow the choices down and it takes only a few minutes to find the Seed of Joy.

Meanwhile, the crowd literally parts as Ashira moves toward the back of the room, though the gawkers seem to find some sort of manners and manage to busy themselves once more with breakfast. Though several of the occupants now shoot worried looks in Val's direction. As Ashira expertly scans the room, she notices a figure by the mantle place sporting a very familiar looking cloak... if she's not mistaken, it's the very same fabric that all of the family's cloaks are made of. All right everyone, please welcome back Ari... aka the figure at the mantle place. ;)

The bartender smiles warmly at Nezamil and Redux's charms, though he pushes the 10 coins back to Redux. "Yes, very terrible storm... why I must have lost half a dozen shingles off the roof. Gotta get someone to tend it before it rains again..." The man wipes down the bar after sliding the pitcher over to Nezamil. "Well, our specialty this morning is grits... you're more than welcome to try some. But, if you're willing to stay around until tonight, we'll be serving our famous beans and rice..." The man leans in to address Redux. "Please sir... there is no need for your money... I am a simple man. I am willing to tell you what I can, but I'm afraid it's not much. My brother, who owns the Snake's Fang usually tends to your ummm... associates. I spoke to him just the other day, and he said that he hasn't seen any... traders headed into town in a couple of weeks. But that ship that got smashed up pretty bad... well, he was saying it looked a lot like the one that left port a while back. Said almost looked like the thing had been torn apart by monsters... but then, that's Shegol for ya... got quite an imagination that one does!"

Tuesday July 27th, 2004 10:32:24 AM

Her attention caught by the figure in the familiar cloak, Ashira forgets her paranoia for the moment and goes over to approach the man. Placing a hand on the figure's shoulder she taps it gently. "Excuse me, but that's quite a cloak you've got there. Beautiful cloth. Where in the Wold did you get it?"

Tuesday July 27th, 2004 2:31:22 PM

Well Sir cab i have a bowl of your famous grits and if God is willing I wil come this night to eat your famous beans and rice.

Tuesday July 27th, 2004 2:49:36 PM

Keeping an eye on things and passing by the time. Ari is a little expectant in waiting for his friends to show. Having heard the rumors, he's still not sure as to whether the Wildcards are headed this way. When several of the group step into the bar, Ari does his best to not jump up and down, and hoop and hollar like they use to back home.

When Ashira begins to approach, Ari unconsciously holds his breath. He hopes the rumors are true, and that she is free from the seeding. Seeing that the others are with her, and there seems to be no problem, Ari quickly grabs her hand and kisses the back of it. "It is something of a rare item. It has more sentimental value than much else. " Looking Ashira in the eye Ari asks, "One wonders whether such a creature travels alone or not. One wonders whether this creature is so wedded to the sea, that she would join one in a drink. My eyes thirst for the sight of one such as yourself."

With that Ari gives a squeeze to her hand, and a wink in his eye. He then tries to lead her to a place where they might have something more private.

Tuesday July 27th, 2004 4:46:20 PM

Rigging walks into the bar and sees Ashria being hit on by some stranger. He strides over with his hand on his holy dagger and says, "Hey buddy...that is my wife whose hand your kissss..." Rigging voice comes to a stop as he recognizes Ari. He voice cracks and he says, "Ari, is that you?" in a small quiet voice.

The louder, he exclaims, "Ari it is you! He folds his friend in a hug."

Nezamil  d20+11=25
Tuesday July 27th, 2004 5:05:23 PM

"Good idea Bart ..yeah i'll have a bowl of the grits too ..i'm hungry as a fox in a hen house " jokes the dwarf

"No traders in weeks your brother says huh ,i would think traders would come here all the time to this wonderful city , what do you think is the reason for that ?" asks Nezamil to the barkeep "anything strange happen lately ?"

"After we finish breakfast we'll head over and pay your brother shegol a visit and your name is ? "inquires the dwarf

"this way my ...umm...associates won't disturb your regular clients ...you know keep the peace so to speak (d20+11=25 diplomacy ch)

Nezamil stays at the counter and enjoys his breakfast with Bart and Redux

Valanthe  d20+6=15
Tuesday July 27th, 2004 7:05:33 PM

Valanthe knows that any trouble in here would be bad for everybody. Still part of her wishes they would start something so she can work out her anger. Valanthe shoots them an angry glare before she moves over to the bar.

ooc: intimidation check 15

Tuesday July 27th, 2004 11:18:32 PM

Smiling at the barkeep's honesty, Redux pockets the money. He pretty much knew that was going to happen, but it didn't hurt to try. That was one of the few nice things about Aisildur...no greed. No crime for that matter. Redux sips his wine as he considers the small information that the man has given them. He makes a mental note that it might be a good idea to check out that shipwreck...who knows...maybe at the least they might find something to scavenge.

Sweet Reunions---ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 27th, 2004 11:50:57 PM

Val is quite successful indeed in her attempt to intimidate the locals, who shuffle out of her way as is if the elves mere touch could bring death. The couple sharing the overheard conversation manage a quick glance at the obviously perturbed elven warrior and quickly exit the Inn, leaving two plates of mostly untouched grits.

The barkeep smiles at the exchange between Ari, Ashira and Rigging. "Well, maybe your friends aren't lost after all.." he offers. Two orders of grits are quickly prepared and served to Bart and Nezamil. Though mostly bland and slightly gritty, the soupy substance does taste remotely like some distant relative of corn. Bart finds that the stuff tastes like whatever he flavors it with. The shop owner/barkeep beams at the two as they taste the grits. "Delicious, aren't they?" Smiling at Nezamil, the man adds "My name's Wallace...but most round here call me Wally." Wally drops his tone of voice so as to be heard only by Nezamil and his companions. "Well, we've had plenty of merchants, just not those employed in your profession ... From what I've heard, your line of work tends to be ummm....inconsistent. But then you'd know more about that, than I would." Wally nods his head in the direction of Val and Ashira, then lowers his voice once more. "So is it true that they live hundreds of years? And how in the Wold did you convince them to ummmm....help you with your merchandise?"

Wednesday July 28th, 2004 3:28:13 PM

"yes delicious indeed" comments the dwarf as he slurps up the grits

" yeah our profession can be inconsistant but lucrative , that should answer your last question" adds Nezamil as he jabs his spoon in the direction Wally nodded too

"but what have you heard about our profession?" whispers Nezamil quietly " like to know what our competition is up too if ya know what i mean " grins the dwarf at Wally

" be helpful to keep one eye on them and a step ahead " whispers Nezamil with a wink at Wally "

Wednesday July 28th, 2004 6:28:22 PM

Bart says nothing and follows the conservation between Nezamil and Wally, but he he lays down a gold piece on the counter. If Wally looks too him his slide te goldpiece to him saying "We haven't paayed yet will this cover your expenses?"

Wednesday July 28th, 2004 6:55:09 PM

Valanthe didn't order anything from the bar. She didn't trust that her drink would be clean. She kept scanning the room looking for those stupid enough to actually try something.

Wednesday July 28th, 2004 7:09:20 PM

Not expecting the friendly attack, all Ari can say is 'ooohf'. As his rib cage gets squeezed.

When he gets a chance, he'll return the squeeze breifly. Quickly dusting himself off Ari comments, "One appreciates the fervor for which you have expressed yourself. But One must remember One's manners when in public." You can see the smile and warmth come over Ari's countenance. As he continues to talk, he looks for as many of the crew that he can recognize.

"One has plenty to share, if One cares to join us at a table."

Waiting for the others to join him at the a table. Ari tries to move the party over to a 'private' table. Ari will then wait to see who is able to join him.

Wednesday July 28th, 2004 11:30:13 PM

The half-elf smiles ear to ear as Ari takes and kisses her hand. Shades it was good to see him again!!! She laughs at Rigging's reaction. "Yes dear, mind your manners." Ashira jabs Rigging in the side as she follows Ari to the table. In a low whisper she says in Elven "It is most likely best to continue our conversation in the mother tongue...I doubt few here speak it." Turning to Ari, she gives the man a quick once over. "It looks like things have been treating you well."

Wednesday July 28th, 2004 11:38:29 PM

Having finally taken note of the situation near the mantel, Redux turns his attention there. As he sees the others head to another table with someone, he decides to check up on them. Rising, he walks over to the table. "Mind if I join..." Redux suddenly recognizes Ari and begins to grin. "Well you old dog, we meet again. Have any news for us?"

Rigging and Swirl  d20+12=24
Thursday July 29th, 2004 12:27:10 AM

Rigging will sit down at the table and then take a long look at his old friend. He will look at Ashira and then back to Ari and sigh, "I am sorry to ask this my friend, but are you still free of the heartseed?" he will whisper.

He will scan the room trying to smell out a trap. He will think to Swirl, "My friend, please take a look around out side and see if you can see anything important. Be safe and stay high."

No News...ADM Nellie 
Thursday July 29th, 2004 12:32:37 AM

Wally smiles at Nezamil and Bart. "You know, I don't care what some of the others say about your kind...you two are alright." Wally pushes Bart's gold piece away. "No, my friend, 2 gold pieces is more than enough to pay for your drinks and the food." He shrugs his slim shoulders as Nezamil queries him further about the "competition". "Well, most of the folk around here don't care much for your likes....no offense. So, I can't say as I've heard much about them. Though I hear they give you a small amount of lip service at the worship services at the temple. Wouldn't know...haven't been myself. I'm more of a free thinker, if you will. Maybe that's why I like you so much..." Wally lowers his voice. "Since both of us like to make our decisions for ourselves."

Val's and Swirl's vigilance appears to be in vain as the locals busy themselves with eating and pretending not to see the Wildcards.

Thursday July 29th, 2004 2:57:33 AM

Lowering his voice so that only those at the table can hear. Ari does a quick visual sweep to make sure no one else is trying to listen in on what's being said.

"No my friends, I have not been seeded. It also looks like our friend here has been freed from her prison." Sweeping back his hair, "My time has been spent setting up our network. I've gotten it started, but as expected it can be a little hard to navigate.

We should start developing identities, rather than calling by names. That's what I was doing, and referring to.

There is a small band of slavers working out of the Culverwood area. It seems some of the Elven children have come up missing. That's what my new sources have had to say so far."

As quick as he's done, Ari salutes those around him, and takes a quick swig of the drink that he has.

"One wonders what news you might have."

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