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City of Abyr

City of Abyr (DM Dominic) 
Monday March 22nd, 2004 6:36:33 PM

Two hours after sighting land Niner guides the Sword into a small cove and has a launch lowered to take the Wildcards to shore. Niner looks to you and says "this should be about half an hour to an hours walk to Abyr. I will sail back out and keep just out of sight from the shore but where we can see the shore from the lookout. I will come back in to get you every 6 hours starting when you reach shore. Hide the launch and use it when we meet back up. Good luck Captian!"

Rigging pulls out the Wayfinder and starts to use it to find Ashira. After about 5 minutes Rigging sees Ashira on what looks to be a practice field finishing up with a workout routine. Rigging can also see that the rest of her quad is heading back to their quarters to get cleaned up. Rigging sees several areas that Ashira passes by on her way to her quarters that look like good ambush points.

After close to 20 minutes of watching Ashira Rigging returns to himself and stops the viewing of Ashira and feels a slight drain on himself (-3 con.) Seeing Rigging weakened one of the ships clerics casts restoration on Rigging restoring him back to normal.

After you have reached the shore and hidden the launch you see Niner move the Sword back out to sea. As you start your hike to Abyr the air has a strong acidic smell to it reminding you that the forrest around Abyr is called Acid Forrest. Moving through the underbrush is slow going as you have found that getting sap from the trees and other vegetation on you seems to burn as if a small amout of acid was placed on your skin. After hiking for close to 40 minutes you can make out the walls of Abyr and the cities watch towers.

Monday March 22nd, 2004 6:57:42 PM

"Rigging won't they be looking for us? How can we get into a city thats on full alert for our presence? Two of us can become invisible with the rings."

Rigging Battle plans 
Monday March 22nd, 2004 10:37:30 PM

Rigging will gather the Wildcards around him. He will announce, "We need to do some planning.
This is what I am thinking about the assualt itself. Redux, Bart, and I will use the beads of force. Redux and I will cast true strike to get the best effects with ours. Bart, you will just have to do your best throwing yours. Remember we are throwing at her companions, not Ashira herself. Hopefully the 3 blasts will shake up the others. I personally think we should try to take out the fighters personally, but am willing to listen to arguements on that score.

Walker and Nezamil will cast hold persons on Ashira and I will follow suit with my new wand. Hopefully she won't be able to resist all three spells. Now here is the hard part. We need to render Ashira unconcious after the hold person. Either all three of us can beat her around the head very quickly. Does anyone have anything else that might work?

Appolo, Val and Bart will engage any leakers who avoid the beads of force. You will be engaging the spell users so we have to take them out quickly. Don't want them freeing the fighters with dispel magics.

Bart, Val, Appolo, Nezamil and myself will all be hasted. Redux can use his wands to cast greater invisibility and bullstrength on all of us. Walker and Nezamil, what spells do you have to enhance us precombat?

What we need to figure out now is how to get in to the city and once we have stirred up the hornets nest, how to get out. We have to figure that it is a trap. Now I have my wand of fireballs to take out crowds, but I really don't want to do that. Anybody have any ideas on how to get in and more importantly out?

Maybe we could create some kind of distraction..." Rigging voice trails off but he looks each member of the wildcards in the eyes waiting for ideas.

Evil Ashira (NPC, ADM Nellie) 
Monday March 22nd, 2004 11:31:20 PM

Drops of sweat roll off drenched armor as Ashira stretches her arms. It was so amazing...she never felt sore anymore...no matter how hard she worked her body. She rubs her chest where the heartseed was placed and for the countless time wholeheartedly thanked Ga'al for redeeming her. Why in the world did she fight him for so long? Ah, but it was a stupid question...it didn't matter anymore...now she was in Ga'al's loving arms, and that was all that mattered. Sheathing her swords, Ashira looked around at her comrades...all equally tired from their intensive training session. Yes, they were really coming together...just a few more training sessions and they would be ready for their mission. Ashira smiled brightly. Oh...they thought they were so cleaver, those Pirates. And from all the reports, they had been very successful lately. But all that was about to change soon...soon they would be ready. They'd find and neutralize the Wildcards, and then, with the added support, they'd strike deep into the heart of the Jacks. Not for the first time, Ashira prayed fervently to Ga'al that Rigging would see clearly when she offered him Ga'al's redemption. And then, just like the other times, something began to gnaw at her in the back of her head. She couldn't figure out what it was, but it made her slightly nauseous every time her thoughts dwelled on the subject.

A familiar voice broke through her mental fixation. "Hey Ashira...Amat and I are gonna head down to get some grub, you wanna come?"

With a slight blush, Ashira turns toward the temple. "Ummm....no thanks Amun...I've got some things I've got to work though." Gathering up her equipment, Ashira heads to the temple. She walks through the empty entryway and approaches the altar...placing her weaponry on it. "Oh mighty Ga'al...forgive me for my sins...I offer myself wholeheartly to you...please remove this hesitation from me and empower me to do your will." Tears begin to form in her eyes as she fervently prays to her god.

Amat and Amun (NPC's ADM Nellie) 
Monday March 22nd, 2004 11:52:53 PM

As Ashira walks toward the temple, Amun turns to his twin. "What's up with her? You'd think she was an altar girl with the amount of time she spends in there."

Amat soberly watches Ashira's retreating form "Don't know....Vendros seems to think she's ready, but personally, I don't see why he picked her to be the leader. I don't think they've given her enough time to fully heal from the seeding." He smiles wickedly at his twin "I guess he's anxious to show off his trophy....and what a fine trophy that one is too...."

Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 1:32:33 PM

"Hmm lets see " starts Nezamil"I have several hold person and command spells to use vs Ashira "

"Also i have 2 protection from evil spells , very effective vs Ga'als Priests , sheilds your mind from intrusive spells , i think Redux should get 1 ,and the other is up to any of you who wish it" Nezamil surveys the wildcards as he talks

"also helpful is Protection from energy spell, with all the talk of fireballs "Nezamil smiles at that " pro-fire would be a good one on 1 of the fighters , who engaged in battle won't have to worry about Redux or Rigging unloading a fireball "
Nezamil Pauses a second then continues"i use a spell imunnity spell vs some of Ga'als priests favorite weapon, their spirit hammer , really surprises them when they see their hammer useless , plus i have a number of self help spells that Domi grants me , sheild spells and Invisiblity purge which Val suggested will be helpful, and Domi's Prayer spell will help the entire group once in battle"
"And lastly " holds up a wand " my wand of silence , really wreaks havoc with spellcasters"Nezamil glances at Redux " i will be careful not to point it your way" a grin is on Nezamils face
"plus all the cures that Domi grants to help us fight this evil"

Bart  d10=8
Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 2:25:04 PM

It sounds good to me, i have no idear to start a distraction a fire always works for a few moments off course but on the other hand that awakes a lot of people who instead of firefighting fighting us. Maybe some heatmetal spells on fighters?.
I did some training the last two weeks and i feel a lot stronger, with the help of a bull strength spell i think i can handle any opponent.
(does anyone knows how many charges are left on the necklace of missiles i got from the last treasure split?)

Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 4:11:23 PM

Redux accepts Nezamil's protection from evil spell, gladly. In hushed tones to the party he suggests that they go in by twos or threes to keep down suspicion, and meet up inside at a tavern of some sort. Instead of anything rash, let's hold her down and dose her with Alemi's water right away, that way she'll be able to go out under her own power instead of being carried. If we carry her, we may want to form a funeral march. With some rope, we might also use our spider climb and use a wall to escape instead of the main gate. He also compares notes with the other's regarding spell length so as to have as much magic in place as possible before they enter a fight.

Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 4:43:40 PM

Appolo walks along following when they stop he listens to the others.Then puts in his two coins worth."How about we get Ahira and her Quad to come out here to us.I mean if we go in the city there is still 10,000 Aisildurians to worry about including about 1,000 soldiers and sailors,not mention plenty of priests of Gaal and their allies Matreus and Caledora. If we get her to come to us we lessen the chance of having to deal with anyone else besides her and her quad.My armour is Aisildurian and I brought along a naval officers uniform.I could go in drop a note and disappear before anyone gets wise.I'll just invite Ashira and her friends to come out ands join our little picnic."He then goes quite and waits for a response.

Something Starting (DM Dominic)  d20+7=25
Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 6:42:15 PM

As the Wildcards talk amongst themselves Swirl communicates to Rigging that something is starting to happen in the town just off of the training field. Swirl gives Rigging the understanding that there is someone starting to attack Ashira and those with Ashira.

Attack on Ashira (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 6:45:18 PM

Several small explosions rock around Ashira and her companions (Reflex Save DC 16 or be blinded for 6 rounds)

Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 6:51:12 PM

I have bless of course, always usfull, see invisible, I could throw silence on myself after Ashira is imobilized and close on thier spell casters.

Evil Ashira (Blind rd 1/6, Blink, NPC, ADM Nellie)  d20+8=10
Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 7:00:29 PM

Humming a happy tune as she rejoins her companions at the barracks, Ashira never sees the attack coming. She reels backward and rubs her eyes in a vain attempt to restore sight to them. Realizing her vulnerable state, she activates her blink ring.

Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 8:51:03 PM

"We don't have time for any of that." Recklessly Valanthe activates her ring of partner invisibility and breaks into a run for the barracks.

Rigging  d20=19
Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 9:36:12 PM

Rigging cocks an ear to Swirl and his face darkens. He says, "Looks like the grim assassins have started their attack. We need to get there fast or Ashira won't be alive to save." (Swirl can only speak to me telepathically. Val wouldn't know to go off running until I told her.)

Rigging will see Val start running but order, "Val wait!" We need to be smart about this or we won't get through the gate.

Rigging will send Swirl on ahead to find out what the gate looks like.

"Redux, start using that wand of greater invisiblity. Bart, take one of the beads of force. Use it wisely...remember not on Ashira."

Rigging will then cast mage armor on himself and start moving towards the gate.

ooc d20 roll mistake

Tuesday March 23rd, 2004 11:18:01 PM

Appolo yells Val "Get back here.Riggings right we need a plan.Ok let's go try to meld into the general flow of the traffic into the city,but be ready to move."

Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+6=14 d20+4=17 d20+3=17 d20+8=15 d20+9=23 d20+5=22 d20+6=10 d8+3=6 d20+3=5 d20+5=17 d20+2=4 d20+3=23
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 12:34:11 AM

About half of the group of eight are taken aback by the attack and are blinded, including a female dwarf (Torga), Amat, and a male half-orc (Rezrachk).

The female dwarf begins to cast a spell (Aid...6 temp HP).

A male elf looks around (Spot=5) trying to find the source of the attack as he draws his greatsword. "Sound the alarm!" he shouts.

A human male jumps up from his bunk and also takes a look around (Spot=17). He too begins to cast a spell (Protection from Good).

Amat swears long and loud. He begins to cast a spell like the others (Protection from Good).

Amun unsheathes his rapier (Spot=4). "Torga, Amat, Rezrachk, Ashira...move over here. The rest of you, form a circle around them."

A male elf begins to climb the barracks walls and perches on the ceiling. (Spot=23)

The half-orc unsheathes his Orc double axe and moves to the position indicated by Amun.

Redux and Talon 
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 10:19:09 AM

Redux nods and then taps himself with the Greater invisibility wand and then moves over to Bart in order to spend a charge on him next round.

Redux asks Talon to fly above where Ashira is and keep him posted on what's going on. He does make sure to warn the little bird not to get too close to the action.

Wednesday March 24th, 2004 12:12:25 PM

Bart takes one of the beads of force and waits until Redux uses his wand to cast invisibility on him. After that he goes for the gate and the barracks.

Wednesday March 24th, 2004 12:52:46 PM

Walker casts bless.

Wednesday March 24th, 2004 4:29:19 PM

Nezamil steps over to Redux as he starts to use his wand " I'll cast the protection from evil on you as we talked about" Nezamil preceeds to cast the spell

Nezamil will then follow Riggings lead and head towards the gate

Grim Tidings part 1 (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 7:03:04 PM

Swirl reports back to Rigging that the gate is open and that the guards are starting to head towards the fight.
Talon reports to Redux that he can make out what looks to be 6 people attacking Ashira and her companions and that they have vanished from sight. Talon imparts the feeling that Ashira and her companions are clustered in a loose circle.
Val vanishes from sight and makes it just through the gate (1 more round till you reach the combat.)
Redux vanishes from sight as he uses the wand on himself.
Nezamil gets his spell off just as Redux vanishes from sight.
Everyone feels alittle more light hearted as Walker's bless spell takes effect.
Rigging cast his spell on himself then reaches the gate.

Grim Tidings part 2 (DM Dominic)  d20+2=21
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 7:28:10 PM

the male elf climbing the wall spots 2 opponents atop of the next building begining to cast a spell.
One of the attackers tosses a small bead at Ashira and her companions. (will save DC 15 or be silenced for 8 rounds.)

Rigging ac 19 57/57 hps sheld and haste 
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 10:28:49 PM

Rigging will keep moving towards the combat and cast another spell. He will cast haste and it will effect himself, Bart, Val, Appolo and Nezamil.

He will then call out to Redux, "I want a hit of the greater invisibility too please."

To the others, "Don't fight the assassins. They are on our side and we need to use them as allies. That being said, if any of them kill my wife, I will kill them all."

Evil Ashira (Blind rd 2/6, Blink, NPC, ADM Nellie)  d100=8 d20+5=13 d20+5=19
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 10:49:30 PM

Ashira fades into the ethereal plane before the bead hits (Dominic, she failed her will save, but if she's in the ethereal plane, would the spell effect her? no). She tries to float toward her companions, but finds it very difficult since she is blind. She focuses on the sound of their voices as she floats through the air (Listen=19).

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 87) 
Wednesday March 24th, 2004 11:23:49 PM

Valanthe doesn't hear Appolo as she runs hard for the battle. All she can think of are those assassins killing Ashira. They can't do that. Ashira belonged with them. How can they rescue her if she is killed?

Nezamil (Ac 21 , Hp 53 ,bless , haste , bull str ) 
Thursday March 25th, 2004 12:39:49 AM

Nezamil keeps pace with Rigging and casts a spell (bull strength ) on himself

"aye Captain will concentrate attacks on the quad members " replies Nezamil to Riggings

Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+11=25 (Thogerd's Will) d20+9=19 (Amat's Will) d20+5=12 (Amat's Will) d20+7=21 (Aramust's Will) d20+7=11 (Rezrachk's Will) d20+6=20 (Torga's Will) d20+3=5 (Aramo's Will) d2=2 (Determination of which potion Torga finds) d20+5=11 (Thogerd's Spot for Val) d20+2=4 (Amun's Spot for Val) d20+3=23 (Aramust's Spot for Val)
Thursday March 25th, 2004 8:49:56 AM

Thogerd (Unblinded, Not Silenced, Protection from Good, Casting Dispel Magic...Dispel check 19)

Coming to his senses, the human male dressed in the clerical robes of Ga'al begins to weave a spell. He attempts to perform an area dispel around his companions (DC 19). He takes a look around to see if he can spot any other combatants, but can not find any.

Aramust (Unblinded, Not Silenced, Casting Greater Invisibility)

The malf elf smiles a thin smile. "Ahh...there you are." he whispers to himself. "They're over there!!!" he shouts out to the rest of the Quad as he also points them out. He takes another look around and spots Val heading toward his friends. "We're about to have more company!!!" he shouts out as he points toward Val. He begins to cast a spell and suddenly winks out of sight. He then begins to move toward the Assassins.

Torga (Blinded 2/6, Not Silenced, Protection from Good)

The female dwarf smiles as she hears Thogerd casting his spell. "It's about time!" She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a potion and quickly drinks it down (Barkskin +3). She grins in eager anticipation of the upcoming battle. Her black full plate armor clanks nosily as she shifts from foot to foot and the grip on her dwarven waraxe leaves her knuckles white.

Aramo (Unblinded, Silenced 1/8)

His uncharacteristically large muscles bulging, the male elf in the splint mail stares up at the attackers, his face a mask that reveals no emotions. Dropping his greatsword, he pulls out a repeating crossbow and takes aim at the figures on the roof.

Amat (Blinded 2/6, Not Silenced)

The half-elf growls at the second attack. "Oh for Ga'al's sake, these training sessions just don't end, do they?! I'm going to talk to Vendros about this...this is ridiculous!!! Alright folks, you know the drill...spread out so that they don't hit us with area affects. Ashira get over here. Let's finish this session up quickly so we can head over to baths!"

Amun (Not Blinded, Silenced 1/8)

Amun opens his mouth to speak, but the words, don't come out. He frowns, but seems uplifted by his brother's assessment of the situation. He moves away from the protective circle they just form and heads toward the attackers, making sure to keep his distance from the other Quad members so that he is not affected by area attacks.

Rezrachk (Blinded 2/6, Silenced 1/8)

The half-orc casts about blindly as he brandishes his double axe. He tries to call out to the others, but finds that he can't speak. He stands next to the dwarf and Amat looking very much like a fish out of water.

Redux (Bless, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil) 
Thursday March 25th, 2004 9:29:41 AM

The invisible form of Redux taps Bart, causing him to be disappear. Then he moves over to Rigging in anticipation of taping him with the wand next round.

Appolo HP:45 Ac:29 Invisible ,Blessed +1  d20+12=23 d20+13=16 d20+7=21
Thursday March 25th, 2004 10:18:53 AM

Appolo folows quickly behind the others but move silently and stays to the shadows.he's going hunting and will find and follow,Ashira and if he gets a chance at a baskstab on one of her Quad members so much the better.

Hide 16, Move Silently 23, Spot check to find Ashira 21 or nearest backstabb oppurtunity.

Bart HP 62 Ac24 Invisible Blessed Hasted 
Thursday March 25th, 2004 5:10:11 PM

Bart goes forward looks around to get an impression of the situation and looking for a target (is Bart in combat range?)

Grim Tidings rd. 2 (DM Dominic)  d20+13=14 d20+8=15 d8=3 d20+11=23 d20+6=23 d6=6 d6=6 d20+9=10 d20+4=15 d20+5=24 d20+10=28 d8=2 d8=7 d20+12=29 d20+7=18 d8=3 d8=7 4d4(3+3+4+3)+1=14 d20+8=15 d8=2 d8=1
Thursday March 25th, 2004 8:20:31 PM

Grim #1 fires two bullets at Thogerd missing with the two shots.

Grim #2 sends two arrows at Thogerd hitting (ac 23 dmg 6 , ac 23 dmg 6.)

Grim #3 cast a spell releasing it catching thoses around Torga (Fort save vs DC 18 or become nauseated.)

Grim #4 fires two crossbow bolts at Aramust missing with both.

Grim #5 fires two arrows at Ashira hitting (AC 28 dmg 2, AC 24 dmg 7.)

Grim #6 casts a spell with no outward effects.

Grim #7 fires two crossbow bolts at Amat hitting (AC 29 dmg 3, AC 18 dmg 7.)

Grim #8 sends 4 magic missles into Amun (dmg 14.)

Grim #9 fires a crossbow bolt at Rezrachk hitting (ac 15 dmg 2.)

Thogerd's spell goes off dispelling the silence. While everyone else moves closer to the attackers.
Ashira blinks back in just after Nezamil's spell goes off.

Rigging successfully hastes those around him.
Nezamil's spell goes off with out any problems.
Val makes it near Torga (dwarf female.)
Redux causes Bart to vanish.
Appolo starts to move towards the battle will make it there next round.

Map will be coming later today or tomorrow

Evil Ashira (AC 19, Blind rd 3/6, Blink, Invisible, NPC, ADM Nellie)  d2=1 d100=52 d20+10=30
Thursday March 25th, 2004 9:49:23 PM

Her hope begining to fade as Thogerd's spell does not remove her blindness, Ashira continues to wink in and out of the material plane. She reels backward as both arrows slice through her armor. If this was a drill, they weren't holding back. Smiling, she activates her partnered ring of invisibility (causing Appolo to appear). At least she doesn't have to make it easy on her attacker as she waits for the blindness to go away. She feels a brief tingling sensation as the nausea spell hits her , but she quickly shrugs it off (Fort=30).

OOC...Dominic...please don't forget that an attacker has a 50% chance of missing Ashira while blinking. ;)

Walker, Bless 
Thursday March 25th, 2004 10:42:59 PM

Walker casts sheild of faith on himself and continues towards the fight.

Rigging mage armor, haste, bless, 
Thursday March 25th, 2004 11:06:42 PM

Rigging will allow Redux to cast greater invisibility on him and then move as quickly as he can towards the battle. He will call out to his troops, "Let the Grim's distract the others, lets get Ashira! She is blinking so dispel magic her ring first! Then the hold persons."

As Rigging runs over he will pull out his hold person wand

Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+8=15 (Dispel Magic) d20+9=26 (Torga's Fort) d20+10=26 d20+5=13 d10=3 d10=10 (Aramo's attacks and damage) d4+1=4 (Number of mirror images of Amun) d20+5=12 (Amat's Fort) d20+7=13 (Rezrachk's Fort)
Thursday March 25th, 2004 11:09:23 PM

Thogerd (AC 14, 16vs Good, Unblinded, Protection from Good, Casting Dispel Magic...Dispel check 15)

Two arrows lodge in Thogerd's side, but he barely seems to notice.

Satified with the success of his last spell, the priest of Ga'al casts dispel magic again, trying to free his companions from the blindness.

Aramust (AC 14, Unblinded, Invisible, Casting Evard's Black Tentacles)

The thin smile re-emerges as the bolts whiz past him. "Oh, you want to play, do you?" he murmurs under his breath. He begins to cast Evard's Black Tentacles at the attackers who shot at him last round. He continues to move in closer to the nearest Grimms

Torga (AC 24,Blinded 3/6, Protection from Good, Barkskin)

The dwarf feels the tingling sensation of magic attempting to invade her body, but likewise shrugs it off.

Still blind, Torga has little choice but to reach into her pack, withdraw and drink her other potion (Shield of Faith +3).

Aramo (AC 19, Unblinded)

The short, muscular elf sights in one of the assassins and fires off a couple of rounds with his repeating crossbow (AC 26 for 3pts, AC 13 for 10pts).

Amat (AC 16,Blinded 3/6, Casting Mirror Image)

As the two bolts slam into his chest, Amat comes to the realization that perhaps this isn't practice. Then the spell takes affect, and he begins to spew his recently eaten meal on the ground nearby.

Amun (AC15, Not Blinded)

Amun grunts as the magical bolts slam into his chest but doesn't seem to be particularly disturbed by them. As if of the same mind as his brother, the twin casts his own Mirror images spell. He continues to move toward the nearest Grimms.

Rezrachk (AC20 Blinded 3/6)

The crossbow bolt bounces harmlessly off his armor, but the spell hammers home...and Rezrachz's vomit soon joins Amat's.

In between heaves, the half-orc stamps his feet in impatience...knowing there is a fight going on out there and knowing there's nothing he can do about it. His voice practically drips sarcasim "Oh brother Thogerd, would you kindly free me from my blindness when you find the time."

Nezamil (Ac 21 Hp 53 bless , haste , bull str ) 
Friday March 26th, 2004 12:14:05 AM

Nezamil continues to follow Rigging into the battle zone staying on his left to protect his flank.
When Rigging mentions to dispel magic ashira's ring , Nezamil will reach into his pouch and pull out a wand (dispel magic 12th level) , as he scans the quad for Ashira he see's two women.

" hmm which one is Ashira " wonders Nezamil to himself " if Rigging had a good eye it would be the dwarven lass , but the sea elf has some exotic qualities too , he is the captain of a ship , must be the sea elf " Nezamil decides"

and with that Nezamil activates the wand and targets Ashira's hands aiming for the ring as Rigging suggested

00C (dispel magic wand is 12th level range should be 220' )(Dom if you can give aprox ranges , so spells could be selected for ranged attacks or other uses , Nezamil would be grateful)

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 87)  d20+13=25 d20+8=15 d6+8=14
Friday March 26th, 2004 12:48:06 AM

Valanthe brings her Rapier across in a quick diagonal downslash at the female dwarf. She was tempted to let her anger loose but she needed to be able to think. Otherwise she might kill Ashira and not even know it.

ooc: hit ac 25 for 14

Bart HP 62 Ac24 Invisible Blessed Hasted 
Friday March 26th, 2004 1:08:53 PM

Bart rushes forward to the batlle selecting the thoughest opponent

Redux (Bless, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil) 
Friday March 26th, 2004 2:55:25 PM

Redux taps Rigging with the wand of greater invisibility and then keeps an eye on the battle. He mentally prepares himself to cast True Strike and thinks that that group of blinded Quad members looks pretty promising about now.

Walker, HP 73, AC 22, Blessed, Shield of Faith 
Friday March 26th, 2004 5:13:54 PM

Walker will cast hold Person on Ashira.

Appolo HP:45 Ac:29 Invisible ,Blessed +1  d20+12=23 d20+13=17 d20+7=21
Friday March 26th, 2004 9:54:49 PM

As soon as he realizes that he is visible agian Appolo reactivates his ring and disappears from view agian.He conyinues to look for any backstab oppurtunity agianst any member of Ashira's quad or Ashira herself.Staying in the shadows and moving silently.

Move silently 23,Hide 17,Spot 21

Grim Tidings rd. 3 (DM Dominic)  d2=2 d20+8=20 d20+8=26 d20+5=11 d10=4 d20+13=33 d20+13=25 d20+8=9 d4=3 d4=1 d20+11=15 d20+6=18 d6=3 d6=6 d20+5=11 d20+7=10 d10=1 d10=10 d20+10=23 d20+5=10 4d4(1+2+2+4)+4=13
Saturday March 27th, 2004 10:28:49 AM

Walker is almost to the battle whwen his shield of faith spell goes into effect.

Rigging arrives at the battle trying to spot Ashira.

Nezamil spots Ashira in the confusion and triggers the wand dispelling one of her rings (invis) causing her and Appolo to appear.

Bart rushes at Rezrachk the half-orc. (able to attack now)

Redux zaps Rigging with the wand causing Rigging to vanish from sight.

Appolo appears for a moment then reactivates the ring while moving in behind Aramo. Appolo appears again when Nezamil dispels the ring on Ashira (partner to his ring.)

Thorgerd casts Dispel magic again but this time it fails to remove the targeted spell.

Aramust releases his spell on Grim #4 & #5 causing a mass of waiving tentacles to try to grab them catching #5.

Torga drinks her potion as she gets hit by Val.

Aramo fires at Grim #4 and hits with the first shot causing a minor wound.

Amat just gets his spell off as the Grim spells hit him.

Amun gets his spell off.

Rezrachk continues to puke while cursing.

Grim #1 nods to #3 as she sends another 2 sling bullets at Thogerd hitting with the first (crit) (hit ac 33/25(crit check) dmg 4)

Grim #2 fires of another 2 arrows at Thogerd hitting (ac 15 dmg 3 & ac 18 dmg 6)

Grim #3 cast dispel magic upon the black tentacles failing to dispel them (dispel check 11)

Grim #4 tries to free himself from the tentacles and fails.

Grim #5 fires two arrows at Ashira missing with both as Ashira blinks as the first arrow would hit, while the second arrow flies off harmlessly.

Grim #6 casts a spell with no outward effects.

Grim #7 drinks a potion of shield of faith +3

Grim #8 sends 4 magic missles into Amun (dmg 13.)

Grim #9 drinks a potion of shield of faith +3

sorry for the late post busy day yesterday.


Evil Ashira (AC 19, Blind rd 4/6, Blink, NPC, ADM Nellie) 
Saturday March 27th, 2004 12:27:00 PM

Arrows whiz by and Ashira hears a very familiar voice from her past...there was no doubt that was Rigging she just heard. She shouts out to her companions. "This is no drill. Those are Pirates!!! Capture them if you can, but kill them if you must." Ashira feels the arrows whiz by her as she listens to the battle raging around her, feeling very helpless... She tries her best to keep track of what's going on in the battle.

Thogerd was still casting...that was a good sign. Rezrachk was swearing...not a good sign. She hadn't heard Torga's battle cry, so she was obviously incapacitated. Shades! Had she heard Rigging say something about Grim Assassins? That would explain the chaos. She grimaces and does the only thing she can do while she's blinded...listen.

Appolo Bless +1  d20+9=27 d20+5=7 d8+5=6 d6=2 d6=5 d6=2 d6=4 d6=4 d10=3
Saturday March 27th, 2004 3:25:03 PM

Appolo backstabs Aramo after he becomes visible.Swing twice missinf once.

Hit 27, Damage 6+ backstab damage 17=23 + shocking burst 3 for a total of 26 points.

26 points total

After the attack appolo falls back and goes on the defensive.

Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+12=17 d20+7=9 (Torga's attacks) d20+11=17 (Aramo's 1st) d20+6=26 (Aramo's 2nd...crit. threat) d20+6=15 (no crit?) d10+1=5 (dam. from one hit) d4+1=2 (Number of mirror images of Amat) d20+3=10 (Rezrachk's Listen check to pinpoint Bart) d100=81 (Concealment check...failure) d20+14=31 d20+8=23 (Rezrachk's failed attacks)
Saturday March 27th, 2004 11:40:34 PM

Thogerd (AC 14, 16vs Good, Unblinded, Protection from Good, Casting Wind Wall)

Beginning to feel like a pin cushion, the cleric of Ga'al decides that it's time to put the archers out of commission. Tracing invisible lines in the air, Thogerd summons the winds to do his bidding, creating a wall of wind in front of the barracks (80 ft. x 40 ft.)

Aramust (AC 14, Unblinded, Greater Invisibility, Casting Wall of Fire)

The invisible mage's smile broadens as he watches with pride at the success of his tentacles. Hearing the new combatants approach from behind, Aramust spins and begins casting. A wall of fire errupts in front of Rigging and Walker dividing the battle field in half (160 ft x 20ft. high) (dealing 2d4 pts. to people within 10ft. and 1d4 to those within 20ft., pass through it and take 2d6+8 damage).

Torga (AC 27, 29 vs. Good,Blinded 4/6, Protection from Good, Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Blindfighting...Attacking Val)

Torga spins as Val's blade slices into her back (allowing Torga to pinpoint her location). She brings her axe down in two mighty slashes which bounce harmlessly off Val's armor (AC 17 and 9) as she belows "Ga'al's glory and death to traitors!!!

Aramo (AC 19, 20 vs. Appolo, Unblinded, Point Blank Shot, Dodge vs. Appolo...Attacking Appolo)

The elf grunts in pain at Appolo's attack and spins to face his attacker. "Oh, you must be that annoying little thief Ashira was telling me about." he says as he levels his heavy repeating crossbow at Appolo and squeezes of two rounds. The first bolt misses Appolo, but the second connects slamming into the rogue for 5pts. of damage.

Amat (AC 16,Blinded 4/6, Two Mirror Images, Nauseated?)

Amat finishes vomitting and checks to see if his symptoms have disappeared. If so, he casts Haste upon himself....if not, he continues hurling.

Amun (AC15, Not Blinded, 4 Mirror Images...casting Shield)

As the second set of magic missiles slam into the twin, all five of the half-elfs grimace. "Well that's not very sporting." he murmurs to himself as he begins to cast Shield.

Rezrachk (AC16 Blinded 4/6, Nauseated???...attacking Bart)

Hearing the sound of Bart's rushing feet, Rezrachk spins to face him (assuming he's not puking). He swings his double axe in two ferocious attacks that surely would have sliced into Bart had the half-orc been able to determine his location.

Nezamil ( Ac 21 Hp 53 bless , haste , bull str ) 
Sunday March 28th, 2004 12:47:52 AM

Nezamil's eyes go wide at the sight of a wall of flames hmm powerful magic mutters Nezamil too himself

then Nezamil calmly levels the wand towards the flaming wall , aims near where Rigging is charging towards the exotic sea elf and activates the wand .

As the wand discharges it magic Nezamil will take a few steps towards the gap " Domi protect and guide me "

please roll your dispel check 1d20+caster level (max 10)

Nezamil  d20+10=24
Sunday March 28th, 2004 9:44:23 AM

ooc (oops , wand is 12th level )

Sunday March 28th, 2004 10:04:50 AM

Walker will quickly move thru the gap if it appears, otherwise he will run towards whichever end of the wall of fire is closer attempting to get around it.

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 87)  d20+13=32 d20+13=30 d20+8=14 2d6(1+3)+16=20
Sunday March 28th, 2004 10:43:09 AM

Valanthe is pleased with the way her elven chain is holding up. She hasn't had a lot of opportunity to test it.

"You shall suffer for what happened to Ashira. Pain will be something you will be most intimite with." Valanathe says as she slices her rapier through the dwarf's armor.

ooc: critcial hit for 20

Rigging ac 20 hps 57/57 haste 1/5, mage armor, bless, greater invisibility  d20+28=38 5d6(3+2+1+5+6)=17
Sunday March 28th, 2004 10:56:06 AM

Rigging will cast a true stike spell on himself and then thinks, "Ah you are about to shift to the left, winds at 3 miles per hour out of the east, the wall of fire is causing a thermal lift...OK"

Rigging will then throw his bead of force at Torga hitting an ac of 39 (forget to add in the bless.)
DC 17 vs reflex to negate damage otherwise Val, Amut, and Ashira take the damage.

OOC Not sure if I can cast the truestrike spell and throw the bead but since I am hasted, I thought I would try. If not, I apologize in advance.

Appolo Hp;40 Ac:29 Bless+1  d20+9=26 d8+5=9 d10=4
Sunday March 28th, 2004 12:49:38 PM

Appolo smiles a wicked smile"Yes that would be me.I've been trouble for G'aal since they day I was born."He replies then strikes once hodling his second attack as goes back on the defensive.

Hit 26,Damage 9+4{Shocking Burst}=13 points damage.

Bart HP 62 Ac29 Invisible Blessed Hasted  d20+15=34 d20+15=30 d20+10=24 d10+9=19 d10+9=19 d10+9=11
Sunday March 28th, 2004 4:10:29 PM

Bart attacks the blinded orc hitting him hard in the chest(critical for 19+19) his second attack is also well placed (ac 24 for 11). Bart steps a few steps back and tries to avoid the axe of his opponent (dodge feat +1 to ac)

Redux (Bless, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil)  d20+12=16
Sunday March 28th, 2004 11:25:43 PM

Trying to remain focused on the plan, Redux runs forward a double move to get within range to throw his bead; he runs as fast as he can but hesitates when he sees the wall of flames appear. He clutches his scroll keeper, and tries to flip to the page to the right one but is only able to manage the run to within throwing range.

Grim Tidings rd. 4 (DM Dominic)  d4+1=5 d20+5=20 (blink) d20+5=6 (blindness) d20+5=9 (blindness) d20+5=21 (prot good) d20+5=16 (barkskin) d20+5=11 (shiled of faith) d20+5=7 (prot good) 8d6(1+5+3+5+4+6+6+4)=34 d20+5=17 d20+32=40 d20+7=15 d8=4 d20+11=30 2d4(1+2)=3 d4=2 d4=2 d4=2
Monday March 29th, 2004 5:05:48 PM

Grim #1 vanishes from sight.

Grim #2 tosses a small bead at Aramo hitting (AC 30) Area of Darkness 15'radius appears around Aramo also enveloping Appolo.

Grim #8 casts Dispel Magic on Ashira (area effect.) (dispels: Prot vs good on Torga)

Grim #3 casts fireball between Ashira, Torga, and Thorgerd. reflex save DC 18 for half dmg (dmg 34)

Grim #4 vanishes from sight

Grim #5 tries to free himself and fails.

Grim #6 fires 2 arrows at Ashira hitting (AC 40 dmg (fort save DC 23 or Death), Ac 15 dmg 4)

Grim #7 drinks a potion of barkskin +2

Grim #9 casts mirror image (5) copies of her appear.

Nezamil causes a section of the Wall of fire to vanish at the end closest to Rigging.

Rigging casts his spell and tosses the bead of force. (2 dmg from wall of fire)

Redux makes it to within throwing range.

Appolo continues his fight with the Quad member in darkness.

Val Reflex save vs DC 16 or take 17 dmg from the bead of force. (2 dmg from wall of fire)

Bart continues to fight with the Half-orc (2 dmg from wall of fire.)

Walker moves around the Wall of fire. (3 dmg from wall of fire)

Amat and Rezrachk stop feelling nauseated.


Monday March 29th, 2004 6:49:39 PM

Walker casts 'see invisible' and moves forward staying clear of Rezrachk as he tries to move past him he draws his sword as he moves also.

Nezamil (Ac 21 Hp 53 bless , haste , bull str , protection from energy-fire ) 
Monday March 29th, 2004 10:13:19 PM

Nezamil puts the wand back in his pouch as he see's part of the flaming wall disapear , he hears the boom of a blast " hmm somebody like to play with fire"

"Domi bless me from the flames "(casting protection from energy-fire )Nezamil feels Domi's bessing come into him

Nezamil will then draw his mace and move as close to the fight as possible

Rigging ac 20 hps 55/57 haste 2/5 greater invisibility,  d20+8=25 d20+8=26 d6+1=2 2d6(2+5)=7 d4+1=4 2d6(2+3)=5 2d6(4+6)=10 d20+8=14
Monday March 29th, 2004 11:27:00 PM

Rigging briefly thinks about using his hold person wand on his wife but watching the attacks she is coming under, he decides he will get her killed.

He moves forward and engages AM with a backstab attack. (Think it is Amut) Roll to hit with keen shortsword first and follow up with holy dagger, thrusting both home.

OOC ok I am hasted so I am assuming I can reach Am and still get my two attacks. I might still get 4 but was conservative this round.

Rolls to hit ac 25 with keensword. Normally this would be a critical check but ignored because of backstab precludes critical hit. Damage is 9 points total

Rolled to hit ac 26 with my holy dagger. Total damage is 19 points of damage for a total of 27 points of damage if both are backstabs

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 85)  d20+13=27 d20+8=13 d20+8=27 d6+8=10
Monday March 29th, 2004 11:46:29 PM

Valanthe swears loudly as the fireball detonates a little too close and the wall of fire springs up. Yet she slashes at the dwarf through the fire, hoping to connect.

"Crap! The assassins don't seem to care that we are here too. Can somebody put them in darkness or something?" Val asks.

ooc: hit ac 27 for 10

Evil Ashira (AC 19, Blind rd 5/6, Blink, NPC, ADM Nellie)  d20+8=19 (Reflex vs. Bead of force) d20+8=11 (Reflex vs. Fireball) d100=23 (Blink vs. 1st arrow) d100=71 (Blink vs. 2nd arrow)
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 12:00:03 AM

My god...my friends are out there suffering at the hands of the traitors...please free me from this blindness so I can work your pleasing will. Ashira prays fervently.

And then they come. The blast from the bead of force rocks past her as Ashira somehow amazingly manages to avoid it. Then the fireball errupts around her, and Ashira screams in pain as the flames burn her body (17 dmg. thanks to blink). The first arrow whizzes harmlessly through her incorporeal body as she blinks out but the second one lodges in her side.

Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie)  d20+8=24 (secret roll) d20+3=11 (Thogerd's Reflex vs Bead) d20+3=14 (Thogerd's reflex vs. Fireball) d20+8=11 (Amat's Ref.) d20+6=13 (Torga's reflex vs. Force bead) d20+12=24 d20+7=17 (Torga's attacks against the sphere) d100=73 (Aramo trying to find his sword) d2=2 (Determine which wand Amat pulled out) 3d4(4+4+4)+1=13 d6=3 (Determine which way Rezrachk is when he attacks) d20+14=29 d20+8=11 (Rezrachz's failed attacks)
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 1:46:13 AM

Thogerd (AC 14, 16vs Good, Unblinded, Protection from Good, Casting Death Ward)

The blast from the bead of force rips through the clerics body as he watches his companion become trapped in the invisible prison. Seeing the fireball headed his way, Thogerd tries to duck out of the way, but he just can't manage it. The flames engulf him and he screams in pain.

The arrow that missed Ashira lodges itself in the ground near his feet, and with horror, Thogerd recognizes it to be an arrow of slaying. They're after her. he realizes as he watches the pounding that the Grimms attempt to pour onto the sea elf. He begins to cast a spell and then reaches out and touches the half elf, providing her with protection from further death attacks.

Aramust (AC 14, Unblinded, Greater Invisibility, Casting Maximized Fireball)

The invisible mage frowns at the easy dismissal of his wall. "Hmmm...perhaps some serious competition? Let's see you dodge this" he mutters as he steps around the wall of wind (toward the temple) and then begins to cast a spell. A small bead of fire shoots from his invisible fingers and continues to grow until it slams into the ground between Rigging and Nezamil (Ref. vs. 22 for half or 48dam).

Torga (AC 27, Blinded 5/6, Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Entraped in Bead's sphere)

Torga feels magic tingling at her body, but is unable twist out of its way (maybe because she's blind?! ;) and she becomes trapped inside the magical sphere. Torga's attacks which were aimed at Valanthe now smash harmlessly into the magical prison.

OOC Since the bead imprisoned Torga last round (technically), Val is unable to attack her this round. Would you like to apply that attack to someone else?

Aramo (AC 19, 20 vs. Appolo, Unblinded, Dodge vs. Appolo...Looking for sword)

Suddenly immersed in darkness, the short elf drops to the ground and begins groping around to find the sword that he dropped previously. But try as he might, he just can't seem to find the blasted thing.

OOC I did not take Appolo's last post into effect since it is a double post (Chris, go by Dominic's posts, not mine).

Amat (AC 16,Blinded 5/6, Two Mirror Images, Inadvertently Activating Magic Missile Wand)

Wiping the vomit from his mouth, Amat decides that he can no longer wait around. "Hope I'm right about this one." he thinks as he reaches into his pack and withdraws a wand, points it at his chest and activates it. Three green bolts of light shoot out of the wand and smash into his chest. "Well, that's one way to find out." he thinks as he groans in pain.

Amun (AC15, 19 vs. Not Blinded, 4 Mirror Images, Shield, casting Invisibility)

All 5 of the twins begin to cast a spell and then disappear from sight. Amun then heads toward Bart, moving to flank him.

Rezrachk (AC16 Blinded 5/6, ...attacking Bart)

Suddenly feeling much better, the half-orc grips his axe in anticipation of his forthcoming attack. He guess at the location of Bart, but ends up waging his attack slightly to the left of him. He axe makes a menacing "Whoshing" noise as it slices through the thin air.

Bart HP 60 Ac29 Blessed Hasted  d20+15=19 d20+10=17 d10+9=19 d10+9=13 d20+10=30 d20+10=20 d10+9=12 d10+9=17
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 8:43:52 AM

Bart makes another full attack at the halforc hitting him with both of his attacks (hit ac 19/17 for 19+13) (3rd attack because bart is hasted? crit for 12+17)

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 9:29:38 AM

Sorry that I forgot to mention Rigging's attack on Amat...I've have accounted for the damage.

Also forgot that Rigging and Nezamil had moved. Sooooo...that fireball will be aimed so that it hits the maximum number of Wildcards without hitting his own people...primarily wanting to hit Nezamil.

Bart Ac26!! 
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 11:35:33 AM

ooc i just read the DND 3.5 descreption of haste bart can make an extra attack at full base attack bonus (i used the 2nd att bonus) also the ac bonus is +1 instead of +4

Redux (Bless, Greater Invisibility, Protection from Evil) 
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 3:27:57 PM

Sticking with the plan, Redux begins to cast True Strike. As he watches the battle unfold before his eyes he keeps an eye out for prospective Quad targets...thinking that perhaps it might be nice to take out that priest....

Rigging  d20+8=28 d20+8=25 d4+1=2 d6=6 d6=6
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 3:45:57 PM

Rigging sees his opponent trying to grab a wand from his pack and quickly lashes out with his holy dagger slicing at his foe's neck.

Took my attack of Opportunity Rolled critical hit and hit critical roll. Total damage is 16

Appolo in the Dark AC:29 HP: 40 Blessed+1  d20+7=26 d20+5=19 d20+1=18 d8+5=9 d8+4=8 d6=2 d6=1 d6=5 d6=6 d6=3 d6=2 d6=4 d6=5 d10=4 d20+13=32
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 5:58:01 PM

When the lights go out Appolo curses in his mind then listens intently for his opponent.He hears something crawling around at his feet and strikes twice.{Opponent is prone with back to Appolo.So loses dex bonus.I hope.Also I think this also counts as backstab.}After the the attack Appolo goes back on the defensive moving silently,but staying low and in the dark.He will use it to his advantage.Appolo waits.

Listen 26,Hit 19,18 Damage 8,9=17 Backstab 28
Socking Burst 4 Total 49 points of damage or if not a backstab 21 points.
Move silently roll 32

Chris, there are several problems with your attack...
1) You cannot backstab an opponent in total darkness (DMG pg. 302 "
2) In order to locate an opponent in darkness, you must make a Listen check higher than your opponent's move silent (which you succeded at :). This gives you the general location of your opponent.
3) In order to pinpoint your opponent, you must exceed your opponents check by 20...which you didn't :(
4) If you pinpoint your opponent, then if your attack beats your opponent's AC you still suffer a 50% miss chance.
5) If you did not pinpoint your opponent, then IF your attack beats your opponent's AC then you only have a 25% chance to have actually located your target.
6)A shocking burst can only be administered if you score a critical hit. The shock damage of 1d6 happens every hit, but the d10 from the burst only occurs on a critical hit.

Also note that since Appolo is in the darkness, he loses his Dexterity bonus to his AC as well as taking a -2 penalty to his AC...please adjust your AC accordingly. :)
ADM Nellie

Grim Tidings rd. 5(DM Dominic)  d3=3 d10=1 d20+10=24 d20+5=7 4d6(4+3+3+1)=11 d4=2 4d6(3+2+2+6)=13 d4=1 d20+8=12 d20+3=12 d8=7 d8=6 4d4(2+2+3+1)+4=12 d100=34 4d4(4+1+1+1)+4=11 d100=53 d100=39 d20+8=25 d20+3=5 d20+8=19 d20+8=25 d20+8=21 d20+3=21 d10+2=8 d10+2=11 d10+2=3 d10+2=10 d100=47 d100=13 d100=62 d100=7
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 6:13:49 PM

Walker gets his spell off and moves past just out of range. Walker also notices severalforms moving near Bart and Ashira that are invisible.

Val strikes at Torga and hits the sphere of force around Torga.

Bart continues to battle with the Half-orc.

Rigging moves in and attacks Amat causing an image to dissapear.

Redux spots the priest in the thick of the battle while he gets his spell off.

Nezamil gets his protection spell off as he moves in to the battle.

Aramo finds his sword not far from his feet on the ground.

Thorgerd successfully casts death ward on Ashira.

Rezrachk presses on the attack against Bart but misses.

Grim #1 moves in and attacks Aramust from behind hitting (AC 24 dmg 15, AC 7 dmg 16)

Grim #2 moves in and attacks Aramust hitting (AC 12 dmg 9, AC 12 dmg 8)

Grim #8 sends 4 bolts of energy into Ashira (dmg 12) (did not blink in time)

Grim #3 casts magic missle sending the bolts into Thorgerd (dmg 11)

Grim #4 attacks Ashira twice missing with both attacks.

Grim #5 gets free of the tentacles.

Grim #6 casts silence on Thorgerd (Will save DC 16 or be silenced.) (Ashira & Torga need to make the save as well.)

Grim #7 moves in and attacks Ashira with a flurry of blows hitting (AC 19 dmg 8, AC 25 dmg 11, AC 21 dmg 3, AC 21 dmg 10.)(missed with attack 3 due to blink)

Grim #9 casts Charm Person on Rezrachk (will save DC 12)


Everyone post after your characters name the following information.
HP (current/max)
spell effects (with duration)

Example: Rigging ac 20 hps 55/57 haste 2/5 greater invisibility

Walker ac 22 hps 70/73 bless, shield of faith, see invisible  d20+9=18 2d6(6+6)+5=17 d6=2
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 7:06:42 PM

Seeing the invisible forms near bart Walker reverses direction, moving to attack the nearest one while activating his swords flame.

hit 18, dam 17 + 2 flame

[Ooc: don't have book with me will enter durations on next post, sorry]

Rigging..hps 55/57 haste 3/5 greater invisibility 2/7 bless +1? mage armor hours, blinking 1/12  6d6(6+3+4+2+4+2)=21
Tuesday March 30th, 2004 10:52:03 PM

Rigging will see the carnage and pull out his wand of fireballs and activate it. He is centering the blast between the second AM and G4. He is trying to get both grims, both AM's Ashira and TH in the blast. DC 17

He will call out, "Grim Assassin's I am hear to save my wife! You can either help me or fight the Wildcards too. I have her cure with me! Your choice."

Rigging will use his extra movement to activate his blink ring.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 bless , haste , bull str 68/70 , pro-fire 36/84 hp 70 min  d20+4=21 d20+14=31 d20+14=33 d8+7=13 d8+7=14
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 1:49:04 AM

Nezamil scans the battle field for a target, out of the corner of his eye he see's the fireball but even his fancy footwork is to no avail (d20+4=21 reflex save )

Nezamil safe in the knowledge of Domi's protection spots someone staggering from a blast of green magic (Amat) "he will feel Domi's wrath" Nezamil closes and attacks shield tucked under his chin as his mace smashes into his victim twice (d20+14=31 ,d20+14=33 )and watches as the 1/2 elf's body staggers under the blows (d8+7=13 , d8+7=14)

ooc: not sure how long the bless and haste last ,haste gave me 2 swings vs Amat

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 85)  d20+13=28 d20+13=18 d20+8=9 2d6(3+1)+16=20
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 10:34:33 AM

Valanthe moves past the dwarven woman to the nearby Amat. She doesn't know if its the real Amat but there is one way to find out. She raides her blade and attacks the Amat before her.

ooc: critical hit if it is the real Amat for 20. Sorry about yesterday, dsl server went down for maintenece and I was unable to log on.

Walter, don't forget to roll a reflex DC22 for the fireball the went off near Val last round. 48 hp damage if fail...24 if pass check---ADM Nellie

Evil Ashira (AC 15, Blind rd 6/6, Blink, NPC, ADM Nellie)  d100=83 (Ashira's blink vs. Silence) d20+5=25 (Ashira's Will vs. Silence) d100=30 (Ashira's blink vs. Rigging's fireball) d20+9=19 d20+4=9 d20+8=22 d20+5=15 (Ashira's attacks) d100=35 (Ashira's concealment check...success) d8+4=7 d8+4=8 (damage for longsword) d8+2=3 d8+2=6 (damage for shortswor)
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 11:15:07 AM

Becoming increasingly used to the feeling of magic trying to invade her body, Ashira shrugs off the silence spell directed against her. Ashira takes quite the beating at the hands of G7, but on the bright side...now she knows where he is. She lashes out with her swords, somehow managing to find her attacker despite her blindness (AC19 for 7, AC9 for8, AC 22 for 3 and AC 15 for 6). She smiles brightly as she taunts her unseen foe. "You see fool how Ga'al himself empowers me? Come..feel Ga'al's rigteous fury!"

As if to reinforce her point, Ashira blinks out of existence as Rigging's fireball detonates around her.

Super Quad (NPC ADM Nellie)  d2=1 (Rigging's attack on Amat...failure) d100=70 (Appolo's concealment check vs. Aramo...failure) d20+8=16 (secret roll...Thogerd) d20+11=14 (secret roll Theogerd) d20+11=22 (Thogerd's Will) d20+7=18 (Rezrachk's Will) d20+11=12 (Torga's Will) 4d8(4+7+4+6)+7=28 (Aramo's Cure Critical) d20+8=23 (Amat's Reflex) d20+6=9 (Secret roll...Thogerd) 2d8(1+1)+3=5 (Torga's Cure Moderate Wounds) 4d8(4+3+4+4)+7=22 (Amun's Cure Critical Wounds) 4d8(8+8+5+1)+7=29 (Amat's Cure Critical Wounds) d2=2 (Determine what type of potion Rezrachk finds) 4d8(8+7+2+8)+7=32 (Rezrachk's Cure Critical Wounds) 4d8(3+4+4+1)+8=20 (Thogerd's Cure Critical Wounds) d20-5=12 (Aramo's Move Silent)
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 11:57:31 AM

You notice that the after the Grimm's attack, the Quad members all seem to be very weakened.

Thogerd (AC 14, 16vs Good, Unblinded, Protection from Good, Casting Cure Critical Wounds)

Thogerd whispers a sigh of relief at the success of his spell. And then the magic missiles thud into his chest and he begins to pale. He feels the tingle of magic attempting to invade his body, but he easily shrugs it off. Then Rigging's fireball explodes all around him. The flames clearly hit the cleric, but he shows no signs of being harmed by the attack.

A smug smile on his face, Thogerd casts a spell and then moves toward the temple, making sure to move so that he doesn't draw any attacks of opportunity from G4 or Neazamil.

Aramust (AC 14, Unblinded, Greater Invisibility, Casting Maximized Fireball)

Having his attention drawn elsewhere, Aramust is caught off guard by the Grimm's attack. Grim #1 slices into him with the first hit, but misses horribly with his second attack. Likewise, Grimm #2's attacks fail to connect with the wily elf. He moves backward (making sure not to draw and AoO from Rigging or G1) and climbs up the side of the temple wall and then begins to cast a spell. A huge fireball explodes around G8 and G9 (48 dam. or Reflex DC22 for 24dam)

Torga (AC 21, Blinded 6/6, Aid, Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Entrapped in Bead's sphere, Silenced, Activating Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds)

Magic washes over the dwarf and she curses but no sound comes from her mouth. Shrugging she reaches into her pack, pulls out a wand and taps herself with it.

OOC Whoops...forgot to post Torga's Aid spell that she cast at the beginning of combat.

Aramo (AC 15 (In darkness), 16 vs. Appolo, In Darkness, Dodge vs. Appolo...Drinking Cure Critical Wounds)

Aramo flinches as Appolo's attack slices harmlessly at the grass by his feet (rolled a 70...Appolo needed a 25 or lower to find Aramo). He smiles as he finds his sword, deciding to use the darkness to his advantage. Reaching into his pack he pulls out a potion and drinks it down (Cure Critical Wounds...drawing and AoO from Appolo).

Aramo's Move Silent is 12

Amat (AC 14,Blinded 6/6, Evasion, Drinking Cure Critical Wounds)

Rigging's attack of opportunity slices into Amat's remaining mirror image and it disappears with a poof. When the fireball detonates nearby him, Amat easily rolls out of the way of the flames. Then Nezamil's mace smashes into the half-elf twice. Grimacing, Amat reaches into his pack and pulls out a potion, gulping it down quickly (drawing and AoO from G4 and Nezamil). Then Val steps forward and hacks into the half-elf viciously.

Amun (AC15, Not Blinded, 4 Mirror Images, Shield, Invisible, Drinking Cure Critical Wounds)

The multiple Amun's grunt as Walker's attack connects. They take a 5 foot step away from the priest of Gargul (to prevent an AoO) and then reach into their packs and pull out a potion and drink it down.

Rezrachk (AC14 Blinded 6/6, ...Drinking Cure Critical Wounds)

Rezrachk feels the tingle of magic trying to invade his body, but he pushes it aside. Looking very pale, he reaches into the sack on his back and pulls out a potion and drinks it down. He smiles as he listens to the battle around him and then he addresses Bart. "You know, Ashira told me that when she was with you she considered herself to be on the side of justice. So, explain to me...how just is it to come into someone's home, attack them with out provocation, and strike at an opponent that cannot see you?"

OOC Sorry, I miscalculated the Quad's previous AC's...the listed are correct. I checked the rest of the attacks to make sure they were accounted for.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 bless , haste , bull str 68/70 ,pro-fire 36/84 70 min  d20+14=29 d8+7=9
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 12:13:10 PM

As the 1/2 elf swiggles the potion Nezamil takes the opening and smashes him again (d20+14=29)and staggers the 1/2 elf yet again (d8+7=9)

ooc this is the AoO on Amat

Bart HP 62 Ac26 Blessed?/? Hasted 3/5 Greater Invisibility 2/7  d20+15=29 d20+15=34 d20+15=34 d20+10=21 d10+9=18 d10+9=19 d10+9=13 d10+9=13 d20+15=21 d10+9=14
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 12:32:52 PM

You are a follower of Ga'al thats why you have to die!! Bart attacks hitting the halforc hard with al his attacks (ac 29 threat34/crit34 ac21) for 18+32+13 dammage. While the halforc looks for and drinks the potion Bart makes an attack of opportunity hiiting him once more (ac 21 for 14 (total damm this round 77)

Appolo AC:29 HP:40/45 Bess+1/? Darkness  d20+7=18 d20+5=20 d8+5=10 d10=3 d10+14=18
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 2:36:59 PM

Appolo is frustrated,but remains silent and swings agian.Then changes positon silently agian.

Listen 18,Move Silently 18 Hit 20 Damage 13

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Greater Invisibility rd.5/8, Protection from Evil 7min?, True Strike)  d20+25=26 d8=7
Wednesday March 31st, 2004 9:57:42 PM

Redux rethinks his target and throws the bead at Amat. With an amazing show of bad luck, Redux's arm veers off course, and he ends up throwing the bead in Ashira's direction. He grimaces at the throw and can't bear to see what follows.

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61)  d20+8=23
Thursday April 1st, 2004 1:37:28 AM

ooc:reflex save 23

Grim Tidings rd. 6 (DM Dominic)  d20=20 d20=17 d20=18 d20+10=29
Thursday April 1st, 2004 4:35:51 AM

Grim #6 Calls out "Wildcards do your duty and slay the traitor Ashira! Look out the town guards are here!" He then casts dispel magic on Ashira targeting the ring of Blinking (dispell check 29: dispelling the blinking.)

Grim #1 hearing her companion she activates a ring and vanishes.

Grim #2 hearing the warning he takes off at a run.

Grim #8 collapses from the explosion of the fireball.

Grim #3 hearing the warning he takes off at a run.

Grim #4 starts screaming and cussing as the bead strikes her and imprisons her in a sphere of force.

Grim #5 hearing the warning he takes off at a run.

Grim #7 hearing the warning he takes off at a run.

Grim #9 is shaken up by the blast from the fireball as 4 of the images wink out of exsistance. She then casts invisibility and vanishes from sight.

As your strikes land you see a faint glow start to suround the Quad members other than Ashira as they start to fade from sight. Your weapons pass through them as they land. You start seeing what looks to be town guards starting to arrive.


Everyone please remember that the DM post is my post not Nellie's. She is just posting for her PC and some of the NPC's.

Bart ooc 
Thursday April 1st, 2004 12:06:30 PM

Just for the record none of our attacks last round has effect?

Rigging ac 20 hps 55/57 haste 4/5,mage armor hours, bless +1 ? blinking 2/12 greater invisiblity ?5/12  d100=65
Thursday April 1st, 2004 3:36:04 PM

Rigging will yell, "Wildcards quickly to Ashira. Now is our chance! Hold person spells! Redux hold off those guardsmen!"

Rigging will pull out his wand and cast hold person on Ashira. He will then move towards her as fast as he can.

Appolo AC:29 /27 HP:40/45 Bess+1/? Darkness  d20+7=8
Thursday April 1st, 2004 4:38:46 PM

Appolo moves out of the zone ofby taking several steps to his right.Helooks around for Ashira,doesn't see her.

Bart HP 60/62 Ac26 Blessed?/? Hasted 3/5 Greater Invisibility 2/7 
Thursday April 1st, 2004 5:06:34 PM

Bart goes forward passes Ashira and faces the guards. His bead of force is ready to throw.

Walker ac 22 hps 70/73 bless 3/50, shield of faith 2/50, see invisible 1/500 
Thursday April 1st, 2004 5:15:33 PM

Walker, hearing Riggings commands steps back and casts hold person at Ashira.

[will save dc 16]

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 bless 3/50 haste 4/5 bull str 67/70 pro-fire 36/84 70 min 
Thursday April 1st, 2004 5:45:36 PM

Nezamil mace whooshes thru the 1/2 elf as he disapates " By Domi what is this " shouts Nezamil

Nezamil spins around at Riggings Voice , a quick scan shows only Val , then he spots Ashira and then Nezamil puts the piece's of the puzzle together , "Hold in the name of Domi" invokes the dwarf (casting hold persom on Ashira )after the spell Nezamil will advance towards Ashira

Super Quad (NPC's ADM Nellie) 
Thursday April 1st, 2004 6:08:33 PM

Disappearing from the battlefield, the Quad members phase back into reality inside the temple of Ga'al. The doors slam shut with a resounding THUD and bar themselves from the inside. Blue electricity crackles around the altar and a faint blue light flows through the Quad members bodies, healing most of their wounds.

The Quad members look around at one another in surprise and joy. Then a look of horror comes over Rezrack's face. "Where's Ashira?" he asks in disbelief as his eyes cast around anxiously to find her familiar form with his comrades. Thogerd's face pales and he lifts his eyes to the altar "My Lord, why have you left our sister behind?" he practically pleads. Amat turns to Amun and whispers "I told you they botched the seeding. Obviously she wasn't ready."

Evil Ashira (AC 19 NPC Nellie)  d20+7=26 (Will vs. Rigging's hold) d20+7=19 (Save vs. Walkers's hold) d20+7=14 (Save vs. Nezamil's hold) d20+11=17
Thursday April 1st, 2004 7:37:03 PM

The blindness finally fades from her eyes, and Ashira looks around the battlefield triumphantly. Finally!!! She would join her brothers and sisters in destroying the Pirates!!!

And then... Energy floods through her heartseed and then suddenly disappates. Then she watches in disbelief as her Quad mates disappear, leaving her alone on the battlefield.

Her heart sinks...knowing that somehow she has been unworthy. Her swords droop. No, he cannot have abandoned me...this is a test! Yes, that's it a test! Oh Ga'al...I will prove myself worthy to you. I will kill them all with my bare hands if a need too!!"

Ashira feels the all too familiar tingling of magic attempting to invade her body. She easily shrugs off the first and second attacks. The last spell, however, grips her mind and body and she freezes in place.... Then a faint glow eminates from her backpack and she throws off the spell (Unconstricting Movement Seal). Looking around she spots Appolo and moves in to engage him. She brings her longsword down in an arc and just misses him.

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Greater Invisibility rd.6/8, Protection from Evil 7min?)  7d6(5+3+2+5+5+5+4)=29
Friday April 2nd, 2004 12:48:37 AM

"By Alemi, what's this?" Redux ponders under his breath as the Quad fades. Quickly, he shouts, "Someone release that Grim in the sphere I just threw; we shall not leave one of our own. Can someone check on that fallen Grim? We should take him with us if there's hope; give him a potion or something to get him on his feet." With that, Redux casts Fireball at the nearest gap between buildings (directly up from his current location on the map) to buy them a little more time.

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61) 
Friday April 2nd, 2004 1:11:48 AM

Valanthe spots Ashira a few feet away and her heart pains for her. This wasn't the Ashira they knew and it was. She was so confused. Valanthe walks over to Ashira, sword in hand but lowered. She doesn't say anything, she doesn't have to. The pain, sorrow, and confusion she feels is visible in her eyes. They shine as tears build as Valanthe can't bear to see Ashira like this.

Grimm Tidings rd. 7 (DM Dominic) 
Friday April 2nd, 2004 5:33:48 AM

Redux's fireball goes off between one building and the temple causing the guards to head back the other way.

Walker and Rigging see their hold person spells just get shrugged off by Ashira.

Nezamil ses his spell take effect then fade quickly.

All of the Grimms except the one trapped in the sphere from the bead of force get away. Grimm #7 takes hold of Grimm #8 and carries her off.

The Town guard starts to move in and moves to protect the Temple of Ga'al from the Wildcards.


Rigging ac 20 hps 55/57 haste 5/5 greater invisibility4/12 mage armor hours bless 
Friday April 2nd, 2004 8:56:21 AM

Rigging will once again use his wand of holding on his wife. He will yell, "Holds once more!"

He will then move to Val, touch her shoulder and say, "Here, you be the hand that brings Ashira back to us." and hand her the Tears of Alemi.

Evil Ashira (AC 19 NPC Nellie...HELD)  d20+7=10 (Save vs. Rigging's Hold)
Friday April 2nd, 2004 9:37:13 AM

The tingling fills her again, and this time Ashira can't repel the invading magic. She freezes in place, a look of fury clearly etched on her face.

No, this can't be happening. Oh my god save me from these infidels! Deliver me from their hands. Terror fills Ashira's heart at the thought of being at the Wildcard's mercy. This was all wrong...she and her friends were supposed to bring the Wildcards into the glory of Ga'al. How could this be happening? Why had Ga'al abandoned her?! Shades!!! Did Rigging just say the "Tears of Alemi"? No!!!!! Ashira struggles against the magic holding her in place, desperately wanting to tear her body free and head back to the temple and her companions. No, don't let them do this to me. Please!!! I don't want to leave your side. Ga'al help me!!! she pleads silently.

Friday April 2nd, 2004 10:02:05 AM

If Riggings hold fails walker will cast again himself.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 bless , haste 5/5 bull str 66/70 pro-fire 36/84 70 min 
Friday April 2nd, 2004 11:16:47 AM

Nezamil see's Ashira finally fall victim to a hold spell , then Nezamil glances around the battle field , his eyes settle on the lone remaining grim held in the bead of force we cannot leave him , they will torture him " and Nezamil reaches for the wand he used earlier , points it at the Grim's magical prison and activates it (dispel magic 12th level )" now join your fellow grims in their escape" yells Nezamil to grim #4 and turns and steps towards Ashira

Appolo AC:23 HP:40/45 Bess+1  d20+8=27 d20+2=10
Friday April 2nd, 2004 11:43:27 AM

Appolo doges Ashira's attack then watches as she frezes"Hello sister.I hope you don't mind but I'm going to have to strip and tie you.Consider yourself lucky you know I don't normaly take prisoners."He then proceed to cut her armour and clothing from her body as well as completely disarm her.He then ties her up very tightly and throws her over his shoulder fireman carry style,.

Rope use 27.Please ignore extra d20 roll mistake.

Friday April 2nd, 2004 12:20:53 PM

Rigging sees Appolo start to cut Ashira out of her armor and says, "Appolo no...we are going to apply the cure right now. She might want her belongings when we fight our way out of here.

Val, Give her the cure now."

Bart HP 60/62 Ac26 Blessed?/? Hasted 5/5 Greater Invisibility 4/7  d20+11=23
Friday April 2nd, 2004 12:29:22 PM

Bart goes forward en throws his bead of force towards the townguards, aiming on the 3rd of the left (hit ac 23). He waits to see what effect the bead has on the townguards and he decides to wait a moment before he attacks

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Greater Invisibility rd.6/8, Protection from Evil 7min?)  7d6(1+6+4+1+6+1+5)=24
Friday April 2nd, 2004 3:25:25 PM

Hearing the commotion going on behind him, Redux realizes with a sigh of relief that Ashira must be under control. Feeling more than a little miffed that the guards dodged his first fireball, Redux casts the spell once more. He targets the group of guards that is closest to him, hoping to catch them all in the fireball. Then he moves back toward the rest of the Wildcards, not wanting to be stranded as the guards advance.

OOC (DM Dominic) 
Friday April 2nd, 2004 3:38:47 PM

it takes longer than 1 round for the 'Tears of Alemi' to work so I would suggest you just carry her someplace a little more quite than here to cure her. Remember you have all those guards moving in.

Friday April 2nd, 2004 4:12:02 PM

Appolo has Ashira over his shoulder"Sorry boss,but it took quite a bit of time for the cure to work on Ari and Redux last time.Afterwards they where in no condition to go anywhere.May I suggest we get out of here."Appolo the walks past Rigging carrying Ashira."You can grab her stuff and bringi tif you like.Come on people let's get out of here."

Friday April 2nd, 2004 10:53:48 PM

Valanthe takes the vial and breahtes deeply. Maybe they will succeed. There is the chance but they have to escape the city. She walks over to Ashira and kisses her forehead.

"Appolo let me carry her. With my belt and gauntlets she will be no trouble. I think your blade will be better served up front."

Saturday April 3rd, 2004 1:55:28 AM

"OK Appolo, maybe your right. Make sure that she is tied tightly. That spell won't last long."

Rigging will quickly gather up Ashira's things and stow them. OOC not sure how much Appolo could have gotten rid of in 1 combat round.

Sunday April 4th, 2004 12:21:35 AM

Walker will walk along with the other ready to cast hold again if it appears to wear off before we get away.

Flight with Ashira (DM Dominic) 
Monday April 5th, 2004 5:24:16 PM

Rigging picks up the weapons that Ashira was carring as Appolo ties up Ashira and hoists her up onto his shoulder to carry her.

Bart tosses the bead at the guard and encloses him in a sphere of force. the Guards closest to him are knocked back by the blast caused by the bead.

Redux releases a fireball again into the guards catching three of the guards in it then moves towards the rest of the Wildcards as the Guards start to advance slowly as if they are waiting for support to combat the magical attacks that the Wildcards have been using.

Nezamil dispels the sphere around the Grimm Assassin and the Grimm takes off quickly after his team.

You can make out that the main gate has been shut and barred.


Rigging ac 19 greater invisibility 4/12 mage armor bless 
Monday April 5th, 2004 10:19:43 PM

Rigging will move with the group ready to use his wand of fireballs at any large group of soldiers or enemy he sees. "Keep going to the gate, They are made to keep people out, not in!"

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 ( bull str 65/70 , pro-fire 36/84 70 min ) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 12:33:39 AM

Nezamil hears Riggings voice as he tucks away the wand " did Rigging just say head to the gate ? " yells out Nezamil " we have to go back the way we came , back towards the shoreline , let's all escort Appolo back as he carries Ashira " Nezamil will wave Walker , Val over to help escort , hoping that the unseen wildcards will follow suit

Evil Ashira (NPC ADM Nellie) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 1:49:59 AM

Still frozen in silent fury, Ashira struggles to break the magical chains that bind her in place. She fumes silently as she is striped of her armor and weaponry and then slung like a sack of potatoes over Appolo's shoulder. She calls down unspoken curses on each of the Wildcards as she is carried away from her friends and brother and sisters in arms.

Bart hp 60/62 ac 24 gr invis 5/7  d20+14=24 d10+9=14
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 3:23:22 AM

Bart retreats to the gate keeping himself between the guards and the rest of his family (so far he can see them). I f the come to close he will attack them (ac 24 for 14)

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 3:43:32 AM

As Valanthe runs with the others she finds herself wishing she had her bow with her. It has been the first time that she wished she had it. Unfortunately her enchanted shield prevented the use of a bow and she needed the enchanted steel.

Flight with Ashira rd 2 (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 5:55:44 PM

As you continue fleeing with Ashira you arrive at the gate to find it shut and barred by 2 very large bars that you think took 4 large men to put in place as well as the porticulace is down keeping you from reaching the bars across the gate.

You can see the Town guard is starting to form up into ranks of 4 across and 3 deep.

Swirl and Talon both impress upon Redux and Rigging that the Grimms have fled into the town and have vanished from sight.

Tuesday April 6th, 2004 8:32:30 PM

Appolo carries Ashira to the gate.He then looks at Val"Val you better carry her."He looks around"Ok people looks like we're going over the wal,does anybody have any ideas."Appolo silently thinks.Yep I knew this was going to happenMight have kill ashira after all.

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Greater Invisibility rd.7/8, Protection from Evil 7min?)  d20+2=22
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 10:19:03 PM

Redux decides to use his invisibility to directly attack the forming ranks. He casts Ghoul touch, enters their midst and touches a guard in the middle. Once he delivers the strike, he hustles as quickly as possible to join up with the rest of the Wildcards.

Rigging AC 19, hps 55/57 greater invisibility 6/12 bless, mage armor  6d6(2+4+6+2+3+6)=23
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 10:58:19 PM

Rigging will say, "Can we find a way around the gate or over it? Otherwise get that bar off and porticullus up." He will take a quick look around and then launch a nice fireball from his wand at the nicely bunched up town guards, hoping to scatter them.

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61) 
Tuesday April 6th, 2004 11:48:57 PM

Valanthe took Ashira and hefted her easily over her shoulder. She looked at the bar and was tempted to try and lift it. She was strong now, incredibly strong.

"I want to try and lift it." Valanthe said aloud.

Evil Ashira (NPC ADM Nellie) 
Wednesday April 7th, 2004 1:59:00 AM

From her frozen position, Ashira watches as she is transfered from Appolo to Val...and then once gets a bird's eye view of the ground. Unable to do much more, Ashira formulates a plan as to how to escape once the spell wears off. Even though she wanted to finish off Appolo first, that might not be wise, since he wasn't the biggest threat. No...it'd probably be best to remove Rigging from the picture. After all, the others did tend to look to him for the battle plan. Yes, that's what she'd do. She watches as the ground passes beneath her, trying to gauge how far they're traveling. She listens to the sounds of the approaching guards and mentally smiles. Hopefully Vendros would be with them and he could free her from this magical prison. Then the fools would suffer! Not for the first time she wonders which of them has her armor and weapons...she'd need to get to them first...

Bart hp 60/62 ac 24 Blessed ?/? Gr Invis 6/7  d20+15=30 d10+9=18
Wednesday April 7th, 2004 1:03:45 PM

Hoping to start a diversion Bart makes an spring attack into the frontranks of the guards (ac 30 for 18)

Bart OOC  d20+15=25 d10+9=19
Wednesday April 7th, 2004 1:06:26 PM

Forgot to roll for critical (bart goes for crit with a roll 15-20 due to keen sword and improved critical feat)
crit roll 25 for additional 19 dammage

the two do not stack as per PHB pg 95. "This effect doesn't stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon (such as the keen edge spell)."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 ( bull str 64/70 pro-fire 36/84 70 min  d20+5=22
Wednesday April 7th, 2004 3:13:18 PM

Nezamil takes up rear guard as the the group heads to the gate , upon seeing Rigging scorch the guards with a fireball Nezamil will look for the device that raises the porticulis (spot ch d20+5=22) upon seeing it Nezamil will head directly towards it and say " that device will raise the porticulis and allow us to get to the bars and escape out the gate " Nezanil points to it as he speaks

Flight with Ashira rd 3 (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday April 7th, 2004 4:59:22 PM

The Town Guards stop 100 feet from you staying in formation. In each of the 3 groups you see what looks to be 3 or 4 officers at the back of the groups.

Appolo sees that the closest entrance to the gateroom is approximately 200 ft down the wall to the right of the gate.

As Redux moves into attack one of the guards he feels the spells on him disapate with him appearing infront of the front rank of the guards who look surprised. (spellcraft check DC 26)

Rigging sends a fireball at the middle group of guards and sees the fireball vanish as it is about to hit the front ranks of the group of guards. (spellcraft check DC 26)

Bart moves towards the nearest group of guards making it halfway to them.

Eyeing the gate and the porticulas Val thinks it would take her and one other a few rounds to get them open.

Nezamil looks for the mechanism to open the porticulis and thinks that it is inside of one of the towers next to the gate.

Ashira can feel the ever so slight beginings of the spell wearing off


Rigging  d20+10=17
Wednesday April 7th, 2004 9:54:52 PM

Rigging says some bad words as his spell gets countered or dispelled. He takes a quick look at Ashira and thinks, "Well I don't want to fight her too."

He kneels by her side, prys open her mouth and gives her a dose of Alemi's blessing.

Rigging isn't sure what countered his spell. spellcheck 17

Wednesday April 7th, 2004 11:56:56 PM

Valanthe looks at the gate and then at the others. This looked bad, really bad. She could toss them over the gate, or at least high enough where they could climb.

"Rigging, with my help I can get everybody to the top of the gate. It's more like assited jumping but everybody should be able to get over."

Once Alemi's blessing was in her system, Valanthe gave Ashira to Rigging. She walked over to the gate and laced her fingers together. If they jumped and she lifted, they should make it.

ooc: this is assuming the gate isn't 20ft high and sheer. I looked for a description of the gate and couldn't find it.

Gate Description 
Thursday April 8th, 2004 4:15:51 AM

The gate is 20' tall and is 15' wide. The gate is made out of Darkwood and bound in iron with a porticulis that is 4' in front of it (between you and the gate) Made out of iron and is 2" diameter bars. There is 25 bars total with iron bands reinforcing the bars every 4'. On each band and bar you can make out what looks to be some sort of oil or grease lightly coating them.

Walter OOC 
Thursday April 8th, 2004 7:26:02 AM

Okay there goes that idea. If we weren't pinned against it I wouls ay lets light it on fire and let it burn. I guess we can surrender or fight.

Dominic ooc 
Thursday April 8th, 2004 7:44:35 AM

You can always flee into the city and loose the guards in the buildings.

Nezamil ac 21 hp 53/53 bull str 63/70 pro-fire 36/84 70 mins 
Thursday April 8th, 2004 12:13:30 PM

Nezamil eyes the door to the tower next to the gate and rushes thru the door , hoping to see some type of wheeled contraption with gears, if there is one Nezamil immediately tries and work the contraption

Appolo AC:23 HP:40/45 Bess+1 
Thursday April 8th, 2004 3:05:37 PM

Appolo watches as Rigging gives Ashira the dose."Give her another one,just to make sure."
He then looks around."Rigging how much weight can Swirl handly.I saw him giving rides in the Giggling ghostCould he get one or more of to the top of the gate tower/I mean the only way out of here looks tobe over the wall."He watches as Nezamil enters the gatehouse."Bart go with Nezamil.He'll need some help."

Bart hp 60/62 ac 24 gr invis 7/7  d20+15=18 d10+9=10
Thursday April 8th, 2004 6:47:32 PM

Bart waits for the reaction of the guards, and makes a springattack towards them if they are close (ac 18 for 10)

Thursday April 8th, 2004 11:35:59 PM

Valanthe holds Ashira and wonders what they are going to do. It doesn't look like they will be making it out of this one. Maybe alive but that fate will be worse than death.

ooc: the way I see it, fleeing into the city would be certain death. We are facing the temple guards only. There is still the city watch. I think Apolo could escape but Val is doomed. We don't know the city or where to run to. Sure we can blindly run through the streets hoping to avoid a city watch that knows the city extensively. Oh yeah, isn't everybody in this city slaves of ga'al as well? Sorry but I think we are all dead.

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Protection from Evil 7min?)  d20=11
Friday April 9th, 2004 1:26:35 AM

Redux flinches as he reappears suddenly. Not good. he thinks. He moves backward quickly joining his fellow Swords. He wonders what spell the others have cast on them (Spellcraft=11+ modifier...probably not enough) but can't seem to figure it out. Once reunited with the others he tries to activate his ring of levitation...hoping to gain some altitude. He quickly searches through his scroll organizer for Fly scrolls. Knowing that he doesn't have enough spells to get all of them out, but he can at least get a few out...if he can cast the spells.

Flight with Ashira rd 4 (DM Dominic) 
Friday April 9th, 2004 4:58:50 AM

The guards that Redux appeared in front of look a little confused as one moment Redux is standing there infront of them then the next moment he is gone again.

The guards that Bart moved towards tighten up their ranks and lower their spears setting up a wall of spear points.

The guards that had the fireball head towards look as if they let out a collective sigh of relief.

All 3 groups of the guards do not advance towards the Wildcards as you can hear some one in the back of each group calling out for them to hold.

Nezamil takes off towards the door and makes it alittle over halfway there (run 120 per round. door was 200 feet from the group).

Rigging gives Ashira a dose of 'Tears of Alemi'. With in a few moments of gibing Ashira the 'Tears' she starts to have muscle spasms uncontrolably causing Val to loose hold of her and dropping her to the ground.

Appolo sees Ashira starting to spasm and notices that there seems to be something wiggling around on Ashira's chest.

Bart sees Nezamil running for the door and the guards turning slightly to face Nezamil while still facing Bart.

Redux starts to levitate up above the Wildcards. While levitating Redux can see clearly the officers at the back of each group of guards. In each group Redux sees one officer concentrating very hard like they are trying to maintain a spell.

Talon gives Redux the impression that the way the Grimms fled is clear of any people.

Swirl comes swooping down and lifts Appolo about 5' off the ground then drops him back down. Then gives Rigging the impression that he could only lift Appolo a short distance.


Nezamil  d20+5=11
Friday April 9th, 2004 4:41:21 PM

Nezamil continues to run towards the door , his sturdy dwarven legs churning with powerful steps if i can can open the Porticulis they can dislodge the bars and push the gate open Nezamil thinks to himself

Upon reaching the door Nezamil enters and looking for the contraption that will raise the Porticulis (d20+5=11 spot ch )

Rigging  d20+5=20
Saturday April 10th, 2004 12:46:44 AM

Rigging will do a quick communication with Swirl asking him to go into whirlwind form and attack the officer's in the center group. He will cause a huge cloud of debris and dust to form by touching the ground in whirlwind form and try to capture the concentrating officer. He is trying to break the concentration of the spell users.

Rigging will then follow up with another fireball in the front of the group trying to avoid Swirl.

OOC Rolled 20 for swirl to affect the officer in question.

Appolo AC:23 HP:40/45 
Sunday April 11th, 2004 10:56:31 AM

Appolo looks down at Ashira"Rigging I think that stuff is starting to work.Give her another shot just to make sure." He then studies the situation."Look it's either follow
Nezamil or go over the wall.We better make a move soon."

Monday April 12th, 2004 1:42:55 AM

Val drops to her knees and holds Ashira down. "It looks like it is working just fine. This stuff is rare so we should only give her another dose is if it fails completely."

Flight with Ashira rd 5 (DM Dominic)  d20+14=28
Monday April 12th, 2004 8:41:38 AM

Nezamil makes it into the corridor that leads to the gateroom and can hear some people talking further down the corridor in what you believe is the gateroom.

Rigging sees Swirl's whirlwind form surround the officers in the back of the one group causing the concentrating officer to waver in his concentration for a moment then picks up with out letting it go. one of the officers is knocked down to the ground and the third officer is knocked into the rear of the back rank of the guards causing 3 guards to fall to the ground. Rigging's fireball winks out about 5' infront of the front of the guards. (spellcraft check DC 26)

Val and Appolo see Ashira spasming badly then Val grabs hold of Ashira pinning her to the ground.

Ashira is showing signs of extreame pain and agony. (fort roll vs DC 20. if you make it you become concious otherwise you are out cold. if successful make a second fort save DC 15 to be able to get up and start to move about. Any actions attempted are at -15.)

The Guards start to slowly advance in formation.

Transitional Ashira (Out Cold)  d20-5=13
Monday April 12th, 2004 3:09:48 PM

As the heartseed rips its way out of her body, Ashira screams in pain. It wasn't so much the physical pain...though that was excruciating. The truly horrifying part was the sudden separation from her god and her Quad. Suddenly Ashira's wounds look much worse than they did before. Ashira's mind reels in pain and terror. Lost...lost...she was so lost. Where was he...since her seeding Ga'al had always been with her. And now...nothing...horrifying absence. Then the merciful darkness closes in around her as she passes out.

Appolo hp:40/45 AC:23 
Monday April 12th, 2004 3:58:01 PM

Appolo watches Ashira then turns to looks at the enemy"OK folks what's it going to be.Their on the move." He thentakes out his wand of cure light wounds and uses it twice on Ashira and once on himselfe.

OOC:NOt sure how much that heals.2 Charges Ashira,1 charge Appolo.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 pro-fire 36/84 70 min , bull str 61/70 , flying 
Monday April 12th, 2004 4:15:33 PM

Nezamil approaches the corridor to the gate house " hmm " thinks Nezamil " i don't have time to fight them as he hears voices in the gatehouse
An idea pops into the dwarfs head and a grin shows itself on his face , he reaches into his pouch on his belt and pulls out a vial (potion of flying) and quickly gulps it down like a shot of dwarven spirits and starts to sprints back to Wildcards, as he runs his feet leave the ground as he takes flight , staying low to the ground and heads directly for the gate

OOC Flying is a 3rd level spell need to be 5th to cast it , so i assume it's duration is 5th level (5 mins ) , let me know if this is correct so i can post it correctly

Rigging ac 19, hps 55/57 greater invisiblity 8/12 mage armor. bless, blink 1/5 
Monday April 12th, 2004 4:25:39 PM

Rigging feels panic start to close in on his heart. He feels helpless. How can he save his family and his wife from the doom that is fast approaching. Should they flee towards the city?

He looks over at their newest companion Nezamil and snaps a finger. "That dwarf is a genius. Why didn't I think of it before!?" he thinks to himself.

Rigging will call out to his family, "Fall back! Everyone to the gate! Redux cast a fly spell on Val and she can carry out Ashira. If you have another, cast it on Bart and he can take Walker. Nezamil can take you. Don't worry about me, I have my own way out. Appolo start climbing the wall! We will not die here or be captured. Let's go people.

Rigging activates his blink ring.

Bart hp 60/62 ac 24 
Monday April 12th, 2004 6:22:32 PM

Bart falls back to the gate and sways with his swords. He doesnt dare to start a fight , he is afraid they guards gonna attack en masse

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61) 
Monday April 12th, 2004 6:59:13 PM

Valanthe crushes the heartseed beneath her boot and scoops Ashira up. She takes a few steps back until she is near the gate. Valanthe feels the urge to charge into battle and take as many with her as she can but that won't save Ashira.

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Protection from Evil 7min?) 
Monday April 12th, 2004 10:42:41 PM

Floating in the air, Redux nods at Rigging's suggestion. Deactivating his ring, he drops to the ground and then moves over to the gate by Val. He pulls out one of his Fly scrolls casts it and lightly touches Val on the shoulder. "Get her out of here." he says simply as he begins to pull out another Fly scroll.

Flight with Ashira rd 6 (DM Dominic)  d20+5=16 d6=1 d20+5=14 d6=1 d20+5=7 d6=1 d4=2 d4=2 d4=1
Tuesday April 13th, 2004 6:41:39 PM

The guards continue to move in closer as you fall back closer to the gate. When Val crushes the heartseed that had been in Ashira you can hear a loud multi-voice scream coming from the direction of the temple.
As Val takes to the air with Ashira a few of the guards in the back ranks pull out bows starting to aim at Val and Ashira. Three of the guards get shots off at Val and Ashira.
guard #1: hit AC 16 dmg 1 (ashira)
guard #2: hit AC 14 dmg 1 (ashira)
guard #3: hit AC 7 dmg 1 (val)

Nezamil is next to the gate at about 20' up.
Val and Ashira is 20' up and next to the gate.
Bart, Appolo, Walker and Redux are standing next to the gate.
Rigging is standing next to the gate blinking.

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61) 
Tuesday April 13th, 2004 7:24:06 PM

Valanthe wills herself up and over the gate and hopefully to safety. She knows she should depart but she can't just leave while everybody else could die.

Bart hp 60/62 Ac 24  d20+10=25 d20+4=24 d20+4=18 d10+14=20 d10+14=21 d10+14=16
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 6:58:26 AM

Bart attacks a gaurd in front of him yelling and with a lot of movement and jumping he looks like an whirlwind. Slashing his opponent almost in 2 (power attack +5, ac 25 for 20, 2nd att threat crit 18? for 21+16)> he hopes he scares off the guards giving his friends some air to escape

Rigging and Swirl ac 19 hps 55/57 greater invisibility 9/12 blink 2/5 mage armor, bless 
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 8:46:33 AM

Rigging summons Swirl and tells him its time to get over the wall. "Look for any other resistance from that side of things." he adds mentally.

"Redux use your spell on Bart and he can carry you. Nezamil, give your potion to Appolo and then carry Walker over yourself. Lets get out of here!"

Rigging then launches another fireball from his wand but has it explode 10' in front of the farthest group. He makes sure non of his family will be caught up in the blast. He is hoping the fireball will be able to explode and the heat and flame will effect the first rank or so without triggering the antimagic sphere.

Wednesday April 14th, 2004 1:11:03 PM

Wrapped in blissful unconsciousness, Ashira's mind drifts to various times in her life. She watches in mute horror as her mother is murdered before her young eyes... Then she swims in joy with her new friend Taker... She remembers back to the day she first met Smiley Jim, rescuing him from a shipwreck... The day she met Rigging...

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Protection from Evil 7min?) 
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 1:13:37 PM

Redux is sorely tempted to cast his last remaining Fly spell on himself and get out of Abyr. But Rigging did have a point...Bart could easily carry him out, and he sure was handy to have in a fight.... Pulling out the Fly scroll from his organizer, Redux casts the spell and then goes over and touches Bart on the back.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 53/53 pro-fire 36/84 bull str 60/70 flying 48/50 
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 1:17:15 PM

Nezamil swoops down to Walker and grabs him around the waist in a bear hug and then takes flight over the gate and lands releasing the quiet warrior and launching himself to the top of the gate to see if anyone else needs to be rescued

Appolo AC:23 HP:40/45 Fly 
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 1:35:44 PM

Appolo looks at Val"Get out of here.Take her to the rendevous point and strip search her completely."Later when Nezamil come back Appolo waves to him"Hey buddy down here quick !!Rigging let's go and somebody fireball the gate on the way out."He waits for Nexamil to come and collect him.

Flight with Ashira rd 7 (DM Dominic)  d100=13 d10=6 d20+5=17 d20+5=19 d20+5=18 d20+5=11 d20+5=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d6=6 d6=4 d6=4 d6=4 d6=6 d6=5 d6=4
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 5:00:34 PM

Val carries Ashira up and over the gate and wall.
Rigging blinks out as he activates the wand.
Bart causes the guards to stop just outside of his reach.
Redux gets his spell off causing Bart to begin to lift into the air.
Nezamil picksup Walker and starts up and over the gate and wall.
Appolo waits nervously for Nezamil to return for him.

Additional guards ready bows as the group starts to fly over the gate and wall.

guard #1: hit AC 17 dmg 6 (ashira)
guard #2: hit AC 19 dmg 4 (redux)
guard #3: hit AC 18 dmg 4 (val)
guard #4: hit AC 11 dmg 4 (nezamil)
guard #5: hit AC 19 dmg 6 (walker)
guard #6: hit AC 25(poss crit ac 16) dmg 5/9(crit) (ashira)

Ashira (AC 17, HP 8/71)  d8+1=8 d8+1=6
Wednesday April 14th, 2004 11:56:31 PM

Her body pale, burned and badly damaged lies limp in Val's arms...

Ashira continues to float aimlessly through her memories. She remembers the first time she wrapped her hands around a longsword... She smiles as she watches Blue trying to hustle around the battlefield, his chunky body slowing him down... She hears the satisfying crunch and feels the pop as her fist connects with Redux's jaw as he proclaims his misguided love to her... She sings with unbridled joy in Alemi's sanctuary... She feels knots in her stomach the night before her wedding, and then smiles as Val and she enjoy the night with hot baths and a bottle of Elven wine... She screams in horror as she watches Taker dart in front of the hearseeded sharks to save her life, giving his own in the process...

Valanthe (Ac 23, HP 61) 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 9:20:07 AM

Seeing Ashira's condition Val has no choice but to flee. She turns from the gate and flies as fast as the spell will allow to the pickup point.

Nezamil ac 21 Hp 53/53 pro-fire 36/84 70 min bull str 59/70 flying 47/50 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 12:59:39 PM

Nezamil upon dropping Walker on the other side of the gate , fly's up and over the gate and swooshes down to the awaiting Appolo " grab on and hang on lad" yells Nezamil to the awaiting Appolo , Nezamil grips Appolo's torso and takes flight up and over the gate to the awaiting Walker

Thursday April 15th, 2004 1:36:12 PM

Come here Redux i will carry you out, do you have more fly spells? How much weight can i cary can i carry Apollo too?

Rigging ac 19, 55/57 hps greater invisibility 10/12 blinking 3/5 mage armor, bless 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 2:14:23 PM

Rigging seeing Nezamil coming back for Appolo decides its time to escape. He runs towards the gate, grits his teeth and tries to blink through, hoping the gate isn't very thick.

Appolo AC:23 HP:45/45 Invisible 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 4:13:14 PM

Appolo grabs hold of Nezamil and as the take off he activates his ring.Hopefully turning them both invisible.

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP46/46, Bless 7min?, Protection from Evil 7min?) 
Thursday April 15th, 2004 4:15:35 PM

Redux heads hastily toward Bart. He breathes a sigh of relief as they take off and head toward the rendezvous spot. He watches as Rigging attempts to blink through the gate. Interesting idea....I wonder if it will work. For his sake, I sure hope it does. he thinks.

Flight from Abyr (DM Dominic)  d20+5=22 d20+5=19 d20+5=22 d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=23 d6=5 d6=1 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=1
Friday April 16th, 2004 12:49:55 AM

The guards let fly with a final volley as the rest of the Wildcards fly out of Abyr.

guard #1: hit AC 22 dmg 5 (Bart)
guard #2: hit AC 19 dmg 1 (Redux)
guard #3: hit AC 22 dmg 5 (Nezamil)
guard #4: hit AC 13 dmg 4 (Bart)
guard #5: hit AC 17 dmg 6 (Redux)
guard #6: hit AC 23 dmg 1 (Bart)

Rigging reappears about 1' from the Gate on the outside of the city.

Val continues on towards the pickup point entering the forest about one minute after leaving the city.

Bart takes hold of Redux and flies up to the top of the gate then quickly down out of the archers view.

Nezamil grabs Appolo's hands at the same time as Appolo grabs his hands and then Nezamil heads up and over the gate as quickly as possible. Appolo activates the ring causing himself to become invisible.

Once everyone is on the outside of the gate you can hear guards yelling to open the gate and porticulis. (it will take 4 rounds for the gates to open)

You can see Val carrying Ashira into the forest and realize that it will take you about 1 minute to reach the forest then approximately 45 minutes to make it to the pickup point.

Friday April 16th, 2004 3:59:54 AM

Val wants to look back but she doesn't. She can't afford to when Ashira needed a cleric and fast. Unfortunately fast wasn't an option.

Ashira (AC 17, HP 8/71) 
Friday April 16th, 2004 1:44:23 PM

The ragged hole in her chest trickling blood, Ashira appears to Val's eyes to be in stable, but critical condition.

She continues her mental explorations of her life. She remembers the day that they rescued Bart's farther from the clutches of the Quad. She remembers the long trip to the Jack's hideout with Amat and Amun. It had been a long, hard journey, but she had grown very close to Val during the journey. A thin smile forms on Ashira's pale lips as she remembers her wedding day... Rigging had never looked more handsome! And then there was the angelic singing... And then...the long awaited honeymoon!!! She would never forget the goofy look on Rigging's face as she......... As she drifts through her memories, Ashira hears a distant voice. She tries to focus in on it, but it floats in the air just out of her reach...

Friday April 16th, 2004 1:46:05 PM

Appolo hits the ground becomes visible,looks around and makes sure everyone is there.Then sprints oof after "OK people move.Val Wait I can help her."He yells while racing at a full sprint.{Run Feat}

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 48/53 pro-fire 36/84 70 min , bull str 58/70 , flying 47/50 
Friday April 16th, 2004 3:08:40 PM

After releasing Appolo near walker , Nezamil takes flight again , gaining altitude to see what is happening inside the city walls " hmm flying is always fun, sometimes i wish i had wings muses the dwarf" making sure to stay out of bow shot range

Nezamil fly's overhead of his shipmates on the ground , keeping track of their progress and continues towards the forest , gaining altitude as he goes peering back towards the city for anyone giving chase

Friday April 16th, 2004 3:53:10 PM

Rigging uses his legs to his advantage and he runs and blinks his way towards the forest. He will look around to make sure all his family is with the group and summon Swirl to his side. "Nice moves in there." he says to his new friend.

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP35/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min) 
Saturday April 17th, 2004 1:01:08 AM

Redux pauses looking forward and looking back at the gate; an idea pops into his head. Pulling out a scroll of Grease, he casts it to form a messy patch directly in front of the gate the enemy is about to come out of (stretching it as far across the exit as possible). Satisfied with the result, Redux turns and begins to hoof it up to the group. As he starts to run, it occurs to him that he is now visible (hmmm... he thinks to himself, that is something we shall have to remedy).

Saturday April 17th, 2004 1:31:54 PM

Who wants a ride Bart yells as he flies above his comrades

Into the Forest of Acid (DM Dominic)  5d4(3+3+4+4+2)+1=17 3d4(3+3+3)+1=10
Monday April 19th, 2004 6:02:59 PM

Carring Ashira, Val flies into the forest and after a few moments realizes that it is to dangerous to be flying in the forest. Val hears Appolo telling her to wait and sees Appolo gaining on her as he runs towards her.

Nezamil flies up to see what is happening with the town guards. As Nezamil gets up to where he can see inside the town he feels several impacts. (dmg 17 & 10 magic missle.) Nezamil can see that the guards are having a difficult time in opening the gates, estimating 5 minutes to get them open.

Rigging and Bart make it to the forest a few moments after Appolo.

Redux causes an area of grease infront of the gate then makes it to the forest edge shortly after Rigging and Bart.

Rigging  2d8(3+2)+3=8
Monday April 19th, 2004 10:09:23 PM

Rigging will rush up to Ashiria and Val. He will drop to his knees and cradle his wife's head in his arms. "Ashira, can you hear me? Are you ok?"

Rigging will pull out a cure serious potion and give it to her. He cured 8 points of damage

Tuesday April 20th, 2004 1:11:12 AM

Is someone else wounded? I have a healing potion. Rigging do what you can for Ashira, but we have to hurry. We don't have much time we have to go further, soon the guards will chasing us. Any idears to slow them down? I saw that Redux has cast an grease in front of the gate, good work Redux

Tuesday April 20th, 2004 2:49:43 AM

Nervous about pursuit, Valanthe draws her blade and shifts her weight nervously from one foot to another.

"This is all great but we need to move immediately."

Tuesday April 20th, 2004 5:27:03 AM

Appolo catches up to Val and the others,pulls out his wand of cure light wounds and uses two charges on Ashira"Ok Val pick her up and get going.Everyone else get going as well.I'm going to start a rather large forest fire.These plants leak acid and are quite flammable.Get moving we only have about 10 minutes before the enemy gets organized and pours through those gates."

OO:Two Charges Used on Ashira Wand of Cure Light Wounds.Not sure how much.

Ashira (AC 17, HP 22/71)  d8+1=6
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 8:21:13 AM

After the combined healing from Rigging and Appolo, Ashira's eyes flutter. The wound in her chest slowly closes and she stirs. Her eyes finally open and fix on Rigging. She smiles weakly and tries to get to her feet. "I knew you'd come back for me." She kisses Rigging softly and gently. She desperately wants this moment to last forever, for time to stop...

She looks around and catches sight of the forest and she pales. "Rigging, we have to get out of here. They'll be coming for us. We were wrong all along...they weren't after us, they were after the Tears..." Ashira tries to follow along after the others, though she is still weakened and very disoriented.

OOC...I think you can only tap someone once per round with a wand.

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 31/53 pre-fire 36/84 70 min bull str 57/70 flying 46/50 
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 12:00:19 PM

Nezamil see's the missile's heading his way , trying to dodge them to no avail they slam into his sturdy frame , " that wasn't very smart , sure just put a big target on yourself " mutters Nezamil ti himself grimacing with pain Nezamil turns and flees towards the forest with all possible speed , heading towards his new shipmates

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP35/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min) 
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 4:50:58 PM

Redux takes a few minutes to check out the situation they're in and then goes forward to Rigging. "Rigging, Val and the others are right. We need to get out of here, fast. They'll be coming after us soon. I hate to say it, but we might be better splitting up. Let those that can fly get the others to the ship by flying above the trees and then you, Appolo and I will make our way back on foot. We can leave lots of tracks to confuse their efforts to track us. And of course, I'd be willing to provide a few distractions..."

ooc: what can Redux remember about the path they took-thinking of open areas, narrow passes & etc?

Forest of Acid (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 7:59:06 PM

As the Wildcards heal Ashira of some of her wounds a strange figure in grey approaches Walker then says to Walker "Gargul needs your services immeadeately." With that Walker's holy symbol begins to slowly glow then Walker and the stranger seem to fade from view.

Rigging and Appolo succed in rousing Ashira with the healing while the rest wait to start out for the pickup point.

Everyone can hear that the normal noises in the forest seem to vanish not long after Ashira awakens. Ashira sees the ring of Blinking that she had gotten from the high priest of Ga'al crumbles when she awakens. along with all of the other gear that was from the Quad.

Walker has gone inactive.

Tuesday April 20th, 2004 9:37:10 PM

Rigging is happy to see his wife back to normal. He will hand her back her weapons and help her to her feet. When he listens to the suggestions he says, "No I want us to stick together. We fight more effectively as a team and I don't want to have to go through this again."

When Walker fades from view, Rigging will look on in surprise and say, "Wow, Glad I am not a priest. Being summoned by Gargul must be intimidating."

Rigging then looks around and says to the others, "OK lets move!"

Rigging will start leading the others at a slow jog. He is heading back towards the ship. "Val and Bart, you are are back force. Swirl and Talon should watch above for us but no others. I don't want a obvious target up there as a beacon leading them to us."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 31/53 pro-fire 36/84 70 min , bull str 56/70 flying 45/50 
Tuesday April 20th, 2004 10:32:05 PM

Nezamil glides down to the group , hears Riggings orders , Nezamil will keep near the back but in front of Val and Bart as per Riggings orders , keeping pace with the group Nezamil will continue flying (beats marching :-) ) but stays only a couple feet off the ground , not wanting to be a beacon for the Ga'alian's who no doubt are giving chase.

as Nezamil flys low in formation he asks " everyone ok ? anyone needing a little bit of Domi's healing touch ?"

Wednesday April 21st, 2004 12:42:55 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"Ah boss I like Redux's idea better.This is a rearguard action,it's based on speed.Bart ans Vak should take the lead,while I cover our tracks and set this forrest ablze,don't worry those morons won't catch me.Now please have everyone move out at best possible speed,I'll catch up.. and try to stay together."Appolo then lights a torch."Yes this place should burn nicely."

Valanthe HP 87, AC 23 
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 1:11:38 PM

Val stays in the back like Rigging ordered. "Appolo that won't help. They will be tracking us magicly. They planned on this happening. I'm sure they had a plan if we got out of the city. Now perhaps you should scout ahead for ambushes. Besides its not about what plan any of us like best. He's the captain."

Wednesday April 21st, 2004 1:33:45 PM

Walker??!!! Bart tries to reach him, but he feels that this is not an evil trick of Ga'al. "Bless you Walker come back safely"

To Nezamil "No Nezamil i dont need healing i have some smal bruises but nothing that time won't heal."

Regulary Bart looks over his shoulder to see if they are followed

Ashira (AC 19, HP 22/71) 
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 5:18:06 PM

Though she is seriously wounded, Ashira does not ask for healing from Nezamil. Ashira follows along with Rigging, trying not to slow the others down. Her swords feel like lead in her arms. She looks over at Rigging. "Rigging we need to protect the Tears at any cost. They're afraid of them." She reaches into her pack and pulls out a seal with a unicorn printed on it. She faces in a direction 90 degrees from their actual direction and breaks it (Seal of False Tracks). "Val's right...the Quads will track us magically, but this should take care of the other guards." Ashira looks over at her husband. "You know you shouldn't have come." she says simply.

OOC (Seal of False Movement - When the user breaks this seal, it immidiately creates produces false tracks for the user and up to 4 companions. The tracks head straight in the direction that the user was facing when they broke the seal. The tracks head 500 feet and then cease, wherever they are. If an immovable object blocks the path, the tracks also cease. Any tracks produced will be worn away or covered at the normal rate, but will also completely disperse after one day, regardless of the terrain and weather. A Wilderness Lore skill check, made at DC 30, will show that the tracks are false.(Gold Tap. 8/7/03)

Redux (AC20, 22 vs. Evil HP35/46, Bless 6min, Protection from Evil 6min) 
Wednesday April 21st, 2004 5:29:09 PM

Redux shrugs at Rigging's order. "Hope you know what you're doing." he says softly. He begins to jog along with the others, trying to stay toward the front. He pulls the wand of greater invisibility, prepared to tap himself should they encounter any trouble, which he's sure will happen.

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