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Wildcard Missing

Rumors abound (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday March 10th, 2004 8:37:56 PM

Some of the crew comes back after going to the tavern for a drink with several bits of information. They tell you "from what we heard the city of Abyr is used for training different groups. They are currently down to 1 training group as the others are out on training exercises. We also heard that the priest we captured in the big fleet action before Ashira was taken escaped from the PoJ and is now training with Ashira." After telling you what they heard they head below to get some rest.
Niner tells you "the crew is at an alltime high for morale as they are wanting to go and get Ashira back."
Quariil tells you "Sir, resupply is almost done, we just need the rest of the food, fresh water and a few minor items to arrive then we will be ready to sail."

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 10:24:43 PM

Rigging will clap Appolo's shoulder and say, "All I can wish is you find the peace your are looking for. I hope you do."

Rigging will head out to the deck holding a hand up to both Redux and Nezamil. "I want all the ships officers, and Wildcards in my cabin in 5 minutes!" He will then say, I think it is better to get everyone's imput directly and make our battle plans together."

When everyone is assembled and comfortable, Rigging will say, "OK we are going to get Ashira back. We know she has joined some kind of super quad. We know her skills and intelligence tells us that the cleric we faced and captured has escaped and joined Ashira's group as well. I believe as it leader. I want a round table discussion on tactics, possible magic items and ways to beat this group and save my wife."

Rigging will place his hands behind his back and start pacing. "I am going to go to the Catacombs and sell some of my items and try to get some speciality items for this mission. One of the things I was thinking of are scrolls of forcecage. We might be able to catch her in one, eliminate Ashira from the fight and kill the others.

We also need to redistribute the magic items that Ari returned to us. I think our clerics should handle the wands. He will give the glass one to Walker and the other to Nezamil. Remember if you cast it on me, I have a ring that will defeat it once.

I would like to hang onto the keen shortsword. I used it in battle before and it felt right. Redux why don't you take the potion of lesser restoration. Who wants the big sword?"

Rigging will look around the assembled group and ask, "Well who has any ideas?"

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 11:26:34 PM

"Some scrolls of dispel magic will be useful. If we are fighting Ashira and the quad, that Cleric will have cover to cast all kinds of spells on us. We need a way to counter that magic."

Thursday March 11th, 2004 2:21:39 PM

I can load up on hold person spells and concentrate on Ashira, Once she's held I can use any remaining on the rest of the quad.

Thursday March 11th, 2004 8:58:09 PM

"Well i think the 1st priorty is protecting ourselves from the enemies capabilities, 1st and foremost is keeping our minds free from intrusive spells, i have a few protective spells that will help in that area "

"also i think the biggest threat is from Ga'als clerics and mages , they wield much power , my favoered tactic is too use a silence spell ,prevent them from casting anything and our skilled fighters will be able to deal with them on favorable terms,i would cast it on an object i carry and then engage said cleric or mage , gives me the upper hand with my mace " a smile appears on Nezamils face "when i need to cast a spell i discard the item"

"another way i do it is if an a closed area or possibly aboard a ship i will just cast several silence spells in the clerics area where they stand , and simply attack "

"the reason i do this is most spells by both divine and arcane spells are they need to be spoken , if they can't talk they can't cast spells effectively , and the advantage goes to those prepared for that "

"i have a few other ideas but i'd like to hear what your opinions are and what tactics you favor ,and i can then tailor Domi's spells to help you all"

Nezamil finishes talking and glances around waiting to hear what is said

Thursday March 11th, 2004 10:59:38 PM

Redux smiles as all the planning is being tossed around....specifically at Walker's mention of Hold Person spells. When offered, Redux gladly accepts the potion. He reiterates his idea about the bead of force, but makes sure to mention that it is limited since they can not move Ashira out of the sphere. He grins..."With a True Strike spell cast in advance, it should be a simple enough thing to catch Ashira in the area of effect. Though we would have to make sure the fighter types don't rush into the fray first." Redux shoots a quick look at Bart and Appolo. "Oh, and no, I'm sorry, I can't do the dispell magic stuff; its one of those tradeoffs I've made."

Redux looks a little worried at Nezamil's discussion of tactics. "Just make sure you don't catch me in the silence spell."

Redux waits a few minutes and then looks Rigging straight in the eye. "Although I think hit and run is the best tactic, I want you to know that I'm willing to throw a few fireballs should things get out of control. I care for Ashira as much as the rest of us, but I'm not going to put the rest of us in danger if things go bad."

Night Falls (DM Dominic) 
Friday March 12th, 2004 5:15:44 PM

As the crew finishes up for the day the Wildcards continue their planning into the early hours of the morning.

Friday March 12th, 2004 5:38:05 PM

Rigging looks on with pleasure at the discussion going on. He asks Redux, "I have heard of forcecages and was thinking of buying a couple scrolls at the Catacombs but what is a bead of force?"

He will listen a little longer and then say, "I am also concerned that we might be a little light on the fighting side of things. Ashira was one of our heavyweights. Now we have to subdue her. Bart and Val can hold their own against anyone but if they hit us with 4 fighters, we could be in trouble. If they are able to resist the holdspells, we could be run over. We need some tactics that will definitely slow them down.

Do we want to fight onboard ship? Then we are getting the crew involved and could damage the Sword. Is there a place where we could go to draw them to us? Any ideas?"

Saturday March 13th, 2004 11:18:09 AM

"I think we should be ready for magic meant to subdue us. They managed to turn Ashira and that will give them confidence. I believe they will plan on turning more of us to their side. Eventually getting all of us. Is there a way to prevent teleportation magic? Also the quad we fought before had invisibility rings, the same ones we wear now. How about having an invisibility purge handy?"

Monday March 15th, 2004 12:11:03 PM

Appolo speaks up"We should try and isolate Ashira from the rest of the quad.Force them to give chase,this will make it easier.We lead them into a trap,using the crew,we don't go to to toe,stealth speed will be our greatest assets.They will be reinforced greatly with ordinary soldiers so we can't get caught in pitched battle.This has to be a hit and run.If slow down we will be over run by the local garrison.We also need to see if the Jack wouldn't mind having the pirates keep the local AIssildurian Navy busy.Also we only know where Ashira is becuase they want us to know.They want us to come for her.It's an obvious trap.The whole Idea behind kidnapping King Maisey was so they could grab one of us.They could have teleported off that ship with Maisey at anytime,but chose to wait for us.Then they grabbed Ashira and left Maisey.They sacrificed awhole crew and a fine ship just to trap one of us.So I guarrantee that they will have more the Ashira and her quad waiting for us."

Monday March 15th, 2004 5:12:54 PM

Redux grins broadly at the conversation....looks like the others were thinking like him. He looks at Rigging, arching an eyebrow. "Well, I might have heard of a forcecage once...though it was VERY powerful magic from what I heard. A bead of force is small bead which you throw at the bad guys. It captures the nearest person it lands by, and does damage to those around her." He winks. "It could come in very handy. Basically we chuck it at Ashira, let the explosion take down her Quad buddies, and then we can rescue her once their dead. But like I said before, it's limited because we can't move her once she's captured in it...and it will last around 10 minutes. So if we use it, we be commiting ourself to a fight to the death...not something I relish. Also, have you thought of using the darkness spell for us to escape with? We could cast the spell on a rock and then chuck the rock at the Quad members when we're ready to take off."

Monday March 15th, 2004 9:39:15 PM

"Good ideas , but if ya chuck bead of force in the middle of battle you can't be sure to hit her , and some of us will be standing near ashira too" chimes in Nezamil

" Force cage sounds a little better option to isolate Ashira and Val that invisiblity purge is a good idea , i will pray for it "

"as for where the battle will be on land or at sea, on land it will be harder to escape ,for one how to transport the forcecage ? i'm not sure how we can do that , but if any of you have any Fly potions or spells , could be a good way to get back to the ship , i have 2 of those handy , but again what to do about the force cage ?

"If at sea we would have to capture their ship and defeat them either way it will be a difficult battle "

Monday March 15th, 2004 10:34:20 PM

"Maybe we are going about this wrong. Redux your force beads sound like a good idea. Maybe we should buy several of them and not use them on Ashira but her companions. This way will damage some of them, cage others, and isolate Ashira. We can gang up on her with hold persons and brawn until we subdue her. Wisk her away while the her companions are stuck and make good our escape. I have the funds to buy one of them plus a wand of fireballs to give us some added punch against ships and mass attacks. Can anyone else chip in to buy more? I know we have the 2000 gps we just received from the Jack. What else can we afford? I will head off to the Catacombs myself soon."

Monday March 15th, 2004 11:38:20 PM

Redux smiles at Nezamil. "Well, we won't have that problem if the warriors don't charge in before I throw it. Besides...a nice little True Strike spell cast before the bead is thrown will take care of making sure we hit her." Redux rubs his chin. "But I think I like Rigging's plan better. He shrugs his shoulders at Rigging's request for money. "I spent all of my money on supplies and scribing. We do have about 900gp in the party fund though."

Tuesday March 16th, 2004 12:12:52 AM

Yes, I do have 2000 the Jack just gave me to chip in.

Ready to Sail (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday March 16th, 2004 12:27:52 AM

Hawley returns to the Sword asking for a word with the Wildcards, when taken to meet you Hawley tells you "word is that Ashira and the unit she is with is not going to be leaving the City fo Abyr anytime in the forseeable future. I have heard that the Grim team will be arriving in Abyr in the next few days and that there is no way of calling them off." With giving you that information Hawley heads off to leave you to make your plans.

After a couple of days of supplies arriving Niner comes and reports "Sir, all supplies aboard and all hands ready to sail." After a few moments Niner asks "Where shall we set sail for Captain?"

Tuesday March 16th, 2004 8:55:46 AM

Rigging says, "OK we leave on the evening tide. I am off to buy as many beads of force I can and a fireball wand."

Tuesday March 16th, 2004 3:59:33 PM

"I'll make sure to wait for ya to throw them Beads 1st " replies Nezamil with a grin

" How long of a journey is abyr from here ? "

"if i may take a sec and ask a question concerning the grim team , as captain Hawley mentioned the other day , the Jack didn't send them , then who ordered them to go ?"

" well looks like a battle on solid ground , i've never been to abyr , can any of you describe abyr ? ,how heavily populated is abyr?
what type of terrain is there ? just want to know what we are walking into a little better , this way i can prepare Domi's prayers to suit our needs "

Redux  d20+2=13
Wednesday March 17th, 2004 12:53:17 AM

Redux racks his brains trying to see if he can come up with anything about Abyr (Wisdom=13)...but he can't seem to come up with more than they've already heard from the crew. As Rigging heads off for the Catacombs, Redux flags him down. "Make sure you give me access to your spellbook before we set sail so I can copy the True Strike spell into my book. We should both throw those beads so that we can hit the Quad as many times in as short a time as possible."

Wednesday March 17th, 2004 7:10:37 AM

Rigging will go to his cabin and pull out his spellbook. He will hand it to Redux and say, "Watch out for the delayed blast fireball trap on page 2."

He then adds, "I was thinking that you, Bart and Val should throw them. If I can afford that many. Appolo and I will be backstabbing the cleric if at all possible."

Wednesday March 17th, 2004 12:03:27 PM

Valanthe uses the time to clean her armor. The enchanted elven chain doesn't require the amount of detail she puts into the armor but its what she does before a big battle. The simple task of cleaning her armor allows Val to focus and clear her mind. Today its not helping any.

Wednesday March 17th, 2004 8:08:25 PM

"Sailing should be fun"remarks Nezamil

"Now all i need is a place to sleep, can anyone direct me to my quarters ? so i can slip out of this armor "

" this way i can prepare for my prayers in the morning , also if ya need me to take a watch just inform of which"

Wednesday March 17th, 2004 10:45:15 PM

Appolo just listens to everybody having put in hi two coins worth.When the meeting breaks up he stays near Valanthe.He is as always quite prepared for battle. So just sits and silently watches her.

Setting Off (DM Dominic) 
Thursday March 18th, 2004 5:44:44 PM

Niner shows Nezamil where he can sleep and stow his gear when Nezamil leaves the meeting.

Redux thinks that Abyr is about 3 days sailing from the capital of Aisildur where the West Acid river meets the Kings Channel.

As the Sword leaves Safeport several PoJ ships signal 'Good Hunting' to the Sword and her crew. The first night and day out the sea is fairly calm with good winds. On the second night out the seas seem to pick up with roughness.

OOC: Dominic 
Thursday March 18th, 2004 5:45:55 PM

Sorry about the last couple of days everyone I got busy with RL and have now just gotten it back under control.

Thursday March 18th, 2004 9:58:14 PM

Rigging helps get the Sword moving and then calls the Wildcards together. "OK I sold a lot of stuff and used up the Jack's money and the 900 gps in the ship's fund. I was able to purchase a wand of fireballs 6th level with 25 charges, a wand of hold person with 25 charges and 3 beads of force. Thought the wand of hold person would be helpful in subduing Ashira and the fireballs would help if we are chased."

Friday March 19th, 2004 1:31:03 AM

Nezamil listens to Riggings report of his shopping spree " thats an impressive collection of power , now we just need to work out the details of the battle plan , of who does what with what, always good to walk thru a plan so we can all be on the same page so too speak"

"I'll pray to Domi in the morning and ask Domi for invisibility purge , as suggested by Val , that was an excellent idea "

" since this is the 1st time we will battle together just assign me to what task you deem my abilities will be best suited for "

Nezamil leans againist the wall and listens intently to reponses

Friday March 19th, 2004 10:00:43 AM

Walker will also wait for suggested assignment in the coming battle.

(he wonders at the ghostly image of a monk attacking someone that appears briefly)

Friday March 19th, 2004 10:20:24 AM

Valanthe returns from the Catacombs at the same time Rigging does. Her blade as a differnet shine to it but otherwise looks normal. She was eager to test it out and see what it could do. She smiled as she walked across the deck with no destination in mind. She is still getting used to the magical strength that now flows through her body.

Friday March 19th, 2004 12:39:43 PM

Bart wakes up after a long sleep, he stands up putting on his clothes and he goes on deck. He sees two new crewmembers. Hi there my name is Bart welcome on board. Sometimes i cook, but fighting priest of Ga'al is wath I like most.

Friday March 19th, 2004 5:23:14 PM

OOC Sorry guys, I can't believe I posted game 4 on game 5. I deleted the post. What is worse, I lost a natural 20! arrrrggghhhh I need to get more sleep

Getting Close to Abyr (DM Dominic) 
Friday March 19th, 2004 6:55:28 PM

Sailing for several days the crew shows Nezamil how to move about the ship in case of severe weather and what to do incase of an emergency. during this time you do not sight any other ships, which is fairly strange as the last several times out you have seen other ships. When the lookout spots the coastline Niner asks "Captain, do you want me to find a place to drop you all off at or shall we sail into Abyr's port openly?"

Saturday March 20th, 2004 1:07:24 AM

Valanthe stands at the railing, watching the horizon. She looks for anything but sees nothing. She almost wants a ship to attack with Ashira leading the charge. That way they get it overwith.

Saturday March 20th, 2004 9:46:34 AM

Walker spends most of his free pacing the decks, waiting.

Saturday March 20th, 2004 7:22:18 PM

Appolo follows Valanthe and stands next her.Appol looks at her"I want you to stay away from Ashira becuaes if you hestitate she will kill you and you have stated that you can't do the same so let me deal with her.I have no such weeknees.To me she's the enemy and I will treat her as such."He is rather grim and sad as he says these things."I am going to go get some rest and relax ofr awhile.I suggest you do the same.I told I'd take care of things and I will."

Rigging and Swirl 
Sunday March 21st, 2004 10:33:22 AM

Rigging never seems to sleep and his eating is irregular as well. He is all over the ship, talking to the crew, checking his navigation, using his artifacts to help speed the ship along.

He will talk to Redux, "I used all my resourses to buy these beads of force and wands. I want you to take one of the beads to use with your truestrike spell. Not sure if I should keep one or give them to the fighters. I have a true strike spell as well but it might be better tactic to backstab one or use the holdperson wand."

Rigging hands the bead to Redux. "Have you been making any scrolls. I don't have enough money to make much. What have you been preparing?"

Swirl has been spending a lot of his time getting to know the crew better. He spends most of his time flitting around the rigging and chasing Talon in fun.

Sunday March 21st, 2004 6:19:00 PM

Hi Rigging, I was a liitle bit busy with soemthing, havent seen you much lately, It looks like Talon don't like to be chased by Swirl

Sunday March 21st, 2004 8:03:20 PM

Nezamil introduces himself to Bart "Howdy good to meet ya "

Nezamil is very appreactive of the crew for showing him the ropes of sailing on this ship of the sea , and will entertain them with stories of his travels and work in Domi's name , hoping to get to know them better and them him (he tells his tales with deprecating humor )

Nezamil will speak to Rigging " My good Captain ,i think we should talk about some of the plans of the upcoming battle , all of your purchases and how we plan on using them in battle , good to know what each member will doing so we can support each other if something goes wrong , i like to be prepared for that as much as possible "

after discussing that Nezamill will enjoy gazing at the stars and sights and sounds of the sea

Sunday March 21st, 2004 9:49:55 PM

Rigging will greet say to Bart, "I am glad you are back with the living. We are going to need everyone back and at peak performance for this next mission. I think we are walking into a trap....again."

Rigging will then ask Nezamil, Walker, and the ship's cleric to prepare lesser restoration spells for tomorrow. "I am gonna try to locate Ashira with Wayfinder. Last time it really kicked my backside. We need the information though."

Monday March 22nd, 2004 9:45:46 AM

Walker will pray for lesser restoration per Riggings request.

Monday March 22nd, 2004 3:06:46 PM

It's the same old story again Rigging.. any idear how we gone solve this one?

Monday March 22nd, 2004 4:57:55 PM

Redux is happy to respond to Rigging. "Well, I have only scribed the True Strike spell. My funds have been low recently, too. Here's what I've scribed in the past..."
1 Fox's Cunning
1 Detect Magic
1 Read Magic
3 Bull Strength
2 Darkness
2 Daylight

1 Bestow Curse
1 Ray of Exhaustion
3 Fireball
2 Levitate
1 False Life
2 Grease
2 Ligtening Bolt
2 Fly

"I had thought of a variant on our deal with the beads, however. What if I send a spectral hand over to her just prior to throwing the bead. It would let me attack her thru the shield. But, then again, it isn't very strong and she'd probably start attacking it. Great if it works, but no guarantee. Also, what alternate targets did you have in mind if the first one succeeds in capturing her? With everyone back on board and full strength, I think we will fare quite well. Oh, and could you talk to Swirl. He needs to let Talon win sometimes. Thanks."

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