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Sea Hunt
Imperials Approach

Alert Sounding (DM Dominic) 
Monday December 1st, 2003 6:53:24 PM

Bart finds that the costume is ready just before he needs to leave for the dinner with Maisey. As Bart arrives at the palace of King Maisey he is greeted and shown to a small but comfortable dinning room, where he finds a comfortable dinner waiting to be served. As Bart arrives, Maisey comes up from behind Bart dressed in a matching costume with her hair done in intricate braids. Maisey asks "shall we eat?" Bart and Maisey sit down and start to eat a wonderful dinner. As the desert is being served you hear the sounds of the ports alarms sounding. Maisey looks to Bart and says "lets go see the Jack!"

Rigging, Appolo, and Ari head over to Jack's palace and are shown right in when they arrive. Jack gives Rigging his condolences for the loss of Ashira and says "everything possible is being done to rectify the situation." As you are getting ready to say something you hear the ports alarms sounding.

Redux, Walker, and Val hear the port alarms the instant they go off. As they start sounding you see that all of the ships in port are starting to make ready to sail on a moments notice. Niner comes running up and says "I will order the crew to start making ready to put out as soon as the rest are aboard.

A short time after the alarms go off Bart and Maisey arrive in the room where The Jack is meeting with Rigging and company. There are several messengers running in and out of the meeting room whit the Jack calling out to everyone "make ready to sail the Imperial fleet has been sighted approaching the island. We must drive them off!" Then the Jack rushes off towards the port and his ship.

the ship can only handle a crew of 65 persons plus the wildcards when fully crewed.
The Sword is fully crewed at this time and the repairs have just finished being completed a couple of hours prior to the alarms going off.
Most of the crew is fairly tired from doing repairs.

Monday December 1st, 2003 9:56:20 PM

Valanthe utters a string of curses, not uncommon on a pirate ship, and heads down to slip into her armor. She hopes the alarms aren't serious but lately everything is serious.

Monday December 1st, 2003 10:30:36 PM

Redux is quite startled when he hears the port alarms going off. He quickly gathers all the scrolls he been scribing and heads above the deck, looking as if he hasn't attended to personal hygiene in days. He asks Niner "What's going on?" and then goes back down to his quarters and begins gathering up items for battle.

Rigging  d20+10=18
Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 12:09:50 AM

Rigging will say, "Prepare the Sword for battle, I will be right behind you."

Rigging turns to Jack and says, "You must promise me that no assassins will be sent after Ashira. Promise me!" Rigging will stare intently at the Jack and then race back to the ship.

When he gets aboard he, he will order the others to cast off. He will pull out Wayfinder and using the normal powerful eyeglass to scan the enemy and scan his own ships. spot check of 18. "Signal the other ships and see if we are having any kind of group strategy."

He will then pull out Nautaocolus and start to work its magic to help speed the ship by controlling winds into its sails.

"Redux hand out those magic items we found..this isn't a permanant split but we should use them. Appollo takes the bracers, Bart takes the protection ring, Walker take the cloak of protection, I'll take that keen sword and the cure potion. Never seem to have time to get more. Give Ari the wand of dispel magic, Redux you hold onto the scrolls and spellbooks. Would like a chance to peruse them more but if you need to use them as a scrolls during the battle, go ahead. Val you take this other Shortsword and the Barkskin potion. Sound like it could be shocking. Hand out those masterwork blades we captured to some crew members."

Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 8:49:33 AM

Walker boards with the others, takes the cloak with a breif nod, and readies the rest of his equipment for the coming conflict.

Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 11:03:01 AM

When the alarms go off, and Ari hears that Jack call for manning the ships. Ari follows Rigging out of the castle and back to the ship.

Once Rigging gives out the instructions Ari asks, "Do you want the Wildcards to act on their own, or with the ship? Do we have anyway to communicate with the Jack directly, in order to co-ordinate plans?"

Ari will then take the wand of dispel magic when it is handed to him.

(ooc So the repairs got done extremely early, or 5 days have passed?)

Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 2:43:38 PM

I'm sorry to leave Maisey but if Domi will help us we will meet again after the battle, I wish you good luck. After a little bow and a sway with his hat he rushes to The sword and put on his chain and grabs his sword

Setting Sail (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 6:21:53 PM

Replying to Rigging , the Jack says "it is out of my hands as you know, but I will try to delay any actions taken" as the rushes to his ship.

Once everyone has returned to the Sword, the crew begins the process of leaving port at an increased pace. As you pass out the masterwork weapons you notice that the ones taking them are the same ones that had aided you on the Pride during the last battle.

Using the Wayfinderyou do not see any ships other than the ones from the Pirates. You noticce that it seems like the pirates are forming into a loose collection of battlegroups of 3 ships per group. You see that the ship flying the flag of the King of Swords has pulled into position along side the Sword and is signalling another ship to join with you as a battlegroup. The King of Swords ship is able to maintain speed with the Sword as you use the Nautaocolus to enhance your speed.
Niner comes over to the wildcards then says "Message from the Jack, We are to try to aid him in taking out the Aisilurian flag ship once it has been sighted." Niner then walks towards the main deck and calls out "Action stations!! Attack group ready for strike orders. Remaining crew Defend the Sword and man the catapults. Use fire and chain loads!" After a moments break Niner calls out "For Captain Rigging and the Wildcards! Lets show them what we are made of!"

Appolo HP:45 AC:25 
Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 7:06:42 PM

Appolo sprints back to the Sword,slaps on the bracers checks his gear and takes position next to Valanthe"Yes if we are to have children,we must leave the pirates,but not until we get Ashira back." he says to her.

Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 8:38:17 PM

Valanthe politely deciles the short sword. She's dressed in her newly purchased elven chain and a matching enchanted shield.

Instead of checking her elven chain, Valanthe is just looking at it. This is her first opportunity to try it out and she is delighted in its light weight and the unbelivable flexibility and mobility it allows her.

"We will see what fate has planned for us. For us to be sure that children won't come into our life early, you would have to be a good boy for a very long time." Valanthe says with a smile.

Captain Rigging :sorry couldn't resist  d20+10=23
Tuesday December 2nd, 2003 9:53:53 PM

Rigging will say, "OK we are going after the flagship again. We did such a good job last time, it is now our permanant duty! Let's show the other pirates how it is done."

Rigging will then scan the horizen again with the Wayfinder.

ooc spot check 23, remember that the Wayfinder is 10 times more powerful than a normal spotglass.

Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 2:41:48 AM

Appolo speaks up,loud enough for everyone to hear"My friends!There is a chance however remote that our beloved Ashira will be aboard th enemies flagship,waiting for us.If she is,then that means she is the enemy and has been heartseeded.Leaving us with two options.Take her alive or kill her.Redux and the other magic users need to use some mgic like web or something should she put in an appearance.Just remember she will not be herself and will try to kill you." He then goes silent and mentally prepares himself for another battle.

Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 7:52:42 AM

Standing near Rigging for receiving directions Ari asks, "Do we have any clue how far out the fleet was when the alarm came in? Who delivered the alarm? Are there any ships staying in port in case this is a diversion of some sort? Do you think we have any way of bringing down any magical protection from scrying? Should we have Redux or someone fly out invisibly and scout out the area?"

When Appolo speaks, Ari looks over to him and then asks, "Captain, are those your orders in regards to our team member Ashira?"

Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 9:37:17 AM

Rigging will listen to both Appolo and Ari's comments. He will go over to Appolo and grab his shoulder and give it a squeeze murmering "thanks". Only the young thief can see the anguish in his eyes.

He will then turn to the others, his face stern and unyielding and order, "If my wife is found among our enemy, try to capture her if possible. If she is attacking you, strike hard and true without mercy. You will find none from her. I want to be clear, bring her down with magic if possible. No heroics! I know she would rather die than hurt one of her friends."

Rigging will then head over to the mast, run up it with his boots of spiderclimb, and use the telescope to scan the horizen.

Enemy Sighted (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 4:23:06 PM

After approximately 45 minutes sailing Rigging makes the first sighting of the Aisildurian fleet. By a quick count Rigging thinks that the battle will be slightly in the Aisildurian fleet side from the number of ships that he can see (roughly 30 Aisilduran ships to 21 Pirate ships.) Shortly after Rigging sights the enemy a signal goes up from the Jack's ship to attack.

Seeing the signal you see that the crews for the catapults start to load and take aim at the enemy. Niner calls out "your orders captain?"

Everyone make an Intellegence check.


Bart  d20+1=10
Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 5:15:52 PM

Bart helps with loading and readying the catapults. He also prepares a bow and a lot of arrows
Int check 10

Appolo HP:45 AC:25  d20+2=5
Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 6:12:13 PM

Appolo stands ready and looks over at Redux"Hey buddy you got anything that will increase my fighting prowess?"

Appolo Knows NOTHING!! 5

Rigging ac 20 hps 57, mage armor  d20+4=15
Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 10:35:29 PM

Rigging orders, "Make ready all catapults, snipers into the rigging." Rigging tries to pick out the flagship. Rigging starts to study the formation of the enemy looking for ways to isolate smaller groups of ships for quick distruction. He realizes in a stand up fight they are at a disadvantage.

Rigging will call out, "Walker, Ari, Redux, start casting any spells you think will help the ship and will last long enough.

He will then cast a mage armor on himself.

OOC made 15 intelligence roll. Dominic could you let us know how far we are from the enemy in terms of rounds...Gotta start thinking about spell casting but don't want to do it to soon

Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 11:04:50 PM

Redux has a dream. One that is quite unusual, and very disconcerting for a single male of Aisildur. He is witnessing the birth of a child; a girl. The process is amazing, taking his breath away many times. Someone is assisting the mother--no, 4 people are. The one in the middle is working so fast and seems to know what is to be done even as the woman does (though they are unrelated). The baby is healthy: 9 lbs. 2 oz; 21" (what was that!). The mother is doing so well. As the dream fades, Redux thinks of Ashira. That she is away from the group doesn't seem to matter.

Redux  d20+2=17 d20-1=17
Wednesday December 3rd, 2003 11:33:39 PM

Redux shakes his head at the daydream. He thinks something is amiss, but isn't sure (int=17); Talon gives a similar thought and squawks (int=17, almost outclassed by a bird!). Redux nods at Appolo and taps him with the Bull Strength wand.

Valanthe  d20+1=16
Thursday December 4th, 2003 12:00:55 AM

Valanthe watches the horizon wondering if Ashira is on one of those vessels, could she actually strike her.

ooc: int check 16

Ari - spider climb  d20+3=21
Thursday December 4th, 2003 1:42:36 AM

(assuming we're closing in 20 minutes or less) Ari quickly casts spider climb on himself.

"I do not have any real specialty spells ready at this point, other than to aid myself. We might want to consider making someone in charge of the magic circle. Meaning that whoever it is, might co-ordinate how we put our spells together, or some such."

As Ari is speaking he'll climb up the forwardmost mast to a point where he can be useful with the bow. He'll also try to have all the catapult crews in sight, so that he might be able to give some covering fire should the ship be boarded.

Int check = 21

Walker  d20=4
Thursday December 4th, 2003 8:44:49 AM

Walker will help as needed.
[int check=4]

Closing in on the Fleet (DM Dominic) 
Thursday December 4th, 2003 5:49:52 PM

Ari thinks out of the corner of his ey he sees what looks like a disembodied eye watching the Sword.

Watching the enemy fleet and judging the speed of their ships Rigging thinks that you will be within catapult range in 5 minutes (1 rounds.) From prior experience you realize that you have 10 minutes until you can try to board another vessel (2 rounds.)

Off in the distance you see the first few ships of each fleet starting battle with each other. You can see what looks to be fireballs and other combative magic being used by both sides.

You can see thaton the ships of the Jack and King Maisey spellcasters have started to put up protective spells.

the full amount of time was completed for all the repairs so yes 5 days passed by.


Rigging ac 20 hps 57 magearmor, haste held. 
Thursday December 4th, 2003 6:38:42 PM

Rigging will direct the helmsman to start weaving the ship from side to side to make it more difficult for catapults to hit the Sword. He will direct his own catapult crews to hold off firing until we are on are ramming run.

He will have the sharks engage now and speed the Sword up even more.

He will summon Ari, Walker, Bart and Val over and cast a haste spell on them and himself but hold it until they board.

Thursday December 4th, 2003 11:16:50 PM

Pulling Redux to himself and trying to keep his mouth out of sight of the disembodied eye Ari whispers to him, "I believe we are either being watched, or being scried upon. When you get a chance, discreetly see if you can confirm." Ari then describes using clock positions and other references, to give Redux a good idea of where to look.

When Rigging pulls the others together, Ari will inform him undercover that he has Redux looking into a phenomenon and describes for Rigging where it is.

Trying his best to time his spell delivery, Ari will add his own Cat's grace, and Bull Strength, along with shield, for best effect. (if we don't have 3 rounds or more, let me know)

Friday December 5th, 2003 6:34:40 AM

Valanthe regulates her breathing and tries to clear her mind of all distractions. There are so many right now and she can't afford a stray thought.

Friday December 5th, 2003 8:41:54 AM

Walker will stand calmly with other swords waiting for the boarding action.

Friday December 5th, 2003 11:25:03 AM

Bart is waiting until the enemy ship is in shooting range his bow is ready

Closing the Distance (DM Dominic) 
Friday December 5th, 2003 5:29:10 PM

As the Sword continues to close the distance with the Aisildur fleet the Swords helmsman heeds Riggings order to start evesive manuvering. Almost immediately you see 2 catapult shots hit the water where the Sword would have been if it had not been for the course change. Following your evasive manuveers other ships from the pirates start to follow suit. Unfortunately fo 2 ship it was not in time as they are hit with burning catapult shots. You can make out that the pirates are giving the Aisildur fleet a bloody fight as you spot 4-7 Aisildur ships a flame.

Rigging spots what he belives is the enemy flagship and it looks to be the ship called Vengence, the sister ship to the Pride which you last sunk in battle. Rigging can see that the Vengence is turning towards the Jack's ship and firing what looks to be 3 catapults every few minutes.

As you continue your course you come within bow range of 3 other Aisildur ships. You can get 2 shots off at one of the three (let me know what ship and what kind of arrow you are using if you shoot.)

next post you are with in boarding manuvers of the flagship if you want to board then or you can give orders to hold off 1 round.

Rigging ac 27, hps 57, mage armor, haste , cats grace, shield, resist elements fire 
Friday December 5th, 2003 9:57:14 PM

"Redux or Ari, dispel that scrying eye!"

Rigging will start barking orders, "Start the ramming run! Archers take out snipers and officers on the Vengence. Catapults fire at will at the Vengence. Lets take out their flag ship.

Prepare to board! Walker do you have a bless spell or something that will help the boarders?

Nine! You are in command when I join the boarders. I want you to disengage as quickly as possible and protect the Sword from ramming. Stay close! We might need a quick pick up.

Bart, Val, Ari, and Walker. You all will be moving faster when we board. I cast a haste spell on you!

Wildcards we need to take out the ships officers and spell users first. Redux, priest and spellusers first. They will be targeting you.

Appolo you and I will start invisible and try to take out the Captain or other spellusers.

Redux hit who ever you can with that wand of bullstrength. I would like a dose. Remember we are gonna avenge Ashira today!"

Rigging will start casting spells on himself as they start the ramming run. He will forgo shooting at anyone while barking orders and spell casting.

CDM Jerry [out of character] 
Saturday December 6th, 2003 12:50:41 PM

Friend Dana,

I'm having continual problems getting emails to you. Most times it's bouncing back. Please see what you can do about this, my new friend. One of the unstated responsibilities of all Woldians is to be reachable via email.

Please empty your box, increase it's size allowance, or change addresses so that we can contact you on a reliable basis. Whatever you need to do.

You should also be able to receive attachments. Most of our documents sent via email are done with attachments.

Please contact me about this via email if you would please.

Yep, just tried to send a copy of this to you Dana via email and it shot back at me as well. Please take care of this.

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste 
Sunday December 7th, 2003 11:03:06 PM

Valanthe takes a deep breath and redies herself for battle.

"Any specifics for me Captain or should I just go with the usual?"

Ari  d20+4=6 d20+4=21 d8+1=9
Monday December 8th, 2003 12:46:15 AM

Not sure what the distance is to the scrying eye, Ari will try to dispel it with either wands if he feels that the wand is usable. If nothing else presents itself, Ari will fire a round of darkwood arrows at ship 1. Ari will be firing his arrows at the catapult crews. (AC 21 for 8 points damage)

Appolo HP:45 AC:25 
Monday December 8th, 2003 1:42:45 AM

Appolo acts like he doesn't hear Rigging it is clear that by his demeanor and the way he is standing close to Valanthe,that he has no intention of leaving her side. He is ready for battle.

Monday December 8th, 2003 8:42:26 AM

Walker will cast bless.

Monday December 8th, 2003 3:42:16 PM

Redux waits to see the outcome of Ari's dispel. If Ari does not succesfully dispel the eye, then Redux casts flare directed at the eye.

If the eye has been dispelled, Redux concentrates on getting the Wildcards ready for the impending battle....tapping them with the wand of Bull's Strength. Beginning with Rigging, Redux empowers as many of the Wildcards as he can before they are engaged in battle.

Bart  d20+10=26 d20+5=19 d8=4 d8=4
Monday December 8th, 2003 3:58:57 PM

Bart shoots at the nearest vessel, shooting with normal arrows and aiming at the helmsman (ac 26/19 for 4+4)

Ships meet (DM Dominic)  d20+10=29 d20+10=22 d20+7=12
Monday December 8th, 2003 5:16:08 PM

Ari hits the eye that is watching the Sword with the dispel and causes it to wink out.

Redux is touches all of the Wildcards before the ships meet.

Walker is able to get all of the Wildcards in the area of effect for the bless spell.

Bart hits the helmsman of the Vengence just before the ships meet.

As the Sword gets with in range the archers on the sword let loose with 2 vollys of arrows hitting several of the crew on the Vengence (3 crew drop.)
The catapult crews swing into action as the Vengence comes into aim. The catapults launch chain and firepots at the Vengence, hitting the main mast with the chain taking out part of the Vengence's sails and hits with the firepots on the aftdeck catching the aft catapult as it launches another attack at the Sword (misses.)
The crew of the Sword swings into action tossing grapples to the side of the Vengence and tying them off locking the two ships in battle. At the same time King Maisey's ship does the same maneuver with the ship accompanying the Vengence.

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,Bulls Stength +5 
Monday December 8th, 2003 7:26:22 PM

Appolo stands at the ready. He nods and thanks Walker and edux for thier assitance,
He will stay close t Valanthe and will not leave her side."Don't worry my love I got your back."

Rigging ac 27 hps 57 mage armor, shield , cat's grace, bull strength, resist elements fire, haste, bless,Invisible  d20+10=23
Monday December 8th, 2003 9:51:54 PM

Rigging will call out, "Boarding party attack. For the Pirates of the Jack. Revenge Ashira!"

Rigging will then activate his invisiblity ring and jump to the other ship's side wall, using his slippers of spiderclimb he will move down the wall around 10' away from both ships before climbing over the wall. He is hoping to get some space from the enemy crew rushing to repel boarders. He will then look for ship officers, priests and magic users to back stab.

Spot check 23

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste  d20+8=28
Monday December 8th, 2003 10:44:52 PM

Valanthe grabs one of the lines attatched to the Vengence and climb up to the deck.

[climb check 28]

Walker, Hp 73, Ac 19, Bull Strength 
Tuesday December 9th, 2003 8:52:59 AM

Walker will cast Sheild of Faith and then move forward to board.

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,Bulls Stength +5 
Tuesday December 9th, 2003 10:30:39 AM

Appolo follows Valanthe on board the enemy ship.

Bart, bless haste bulls strength+5? 
Tuesday December 9th, 2003 2:21:27 PM

Bart swings to the other ship with his sword in his hand

Ari Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste  d20=14 d20=13 d20=9
Tuesday December 9th, 2003 2:42:58 PM

Waiting for as long as he can, Ari launches 2 (or 3) more arrows before beginning to move into the ship. If possible Ari will jump across from the rigging, and use his spider climb to his advantage.

(character sheet not on me)

AC 14 13 and 9 with no adjustments.

Battle for the Vengence (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday December 9th, 2003 4:32:05 PM

Appolo and Valanthe cross over to the Vengence using ropes, arriving at the mid dle of the fore deck (front 3rd of the ship.)
Rigging vanishes from sight then makes it over to the Vengence and moving to the aft of the main deck. Spotting what looks to be 6 individules vanishing from sight. One of which had been giving orders just before vanishing. Rigging is 20' from where the people vanished.
Bart and Walker board the Vengence at the middle of the main deck with the boarding party from the Sword's crew.
Ari fires off 3 more arrows at crewmembers of the Vengence missing with al 3 arrows.

The crew of the Sword sends over the boarding party that assited with the battle of the Pride. As they board the Vengence they group in to teams of 3 and stay in a loose formation as they advance on the crew of the Vengence that is charging at them.

The crew of the Vengence rushes at the boarders to try and repel them.
4 head towards Val and Appolo.
4 charge after Bart and Walker
a total of 20 are attacking the crewmembers of the Sword that boarded the Vengence (2:1, Vengence:Sword crewmem.)

you will get an AoO on the crewmen as they approach you.

Rigging, ac 27, shield, mage armor, invisible, bless, haste, cat's grace, bull strength, resist elements fire  d20+10=24
Tuesday December 9th, 2003 5:18:25 PM

Rigging will yell out, "Beware! 6 individuals just went invisible!" Rigging will then dart 5 feet towards where he saw them, pull out his wand of magic detection and activate it. He is hoping he will notice where the group of invisible enemies is headed.

spot check 24

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste  d20+14=33 d20+14=29 d20+14=18 d20+9=24 2d6(1+1)+12=14 d6+6=9 d20+14=26 d6+6=10
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 12:12:32 AM

Valanthe holds her ground and lets the group of enemy sailors move within striking distance. Her blade flashes and cuts at speeds only capable with magical enhancement.

(crit hit, ac 29 for check, for 14)
(missed ac 18,AC 24 for 9, AoA AC 26 for 10)

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,Bulls Stength +5  d20+13=27 d8+8=10 d20+9=10 d20+13=22 d8+8=16
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 2:31:52 AM

Appolo slashes three times at the first enemy to approach him,using his short sword and dagger.Hitting twice missing once.

Attack 27,10,22 Damage 10,16

Walker, Hp 73, Ac 20, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith  d20+13=15
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 11:03:48 AM

Walker defensivly casts see invisible.

Bart hp54 ac 28 bless bulls strength haste  d20+16=30 d10+9=11 d20+16=27 d20+16=32 d10+10=12 d10+10=19 d20+16=27 d10+10=18
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 12:57:23 PM

Bart attacks the crewman that rushes in (ac 30 for 12). Acting as a living blade barrier he attacks the crewmen around him (ac 27 for 12 and ac 32 for 19 ac 27 for 18).

Redux (AC 15 HP 46) Greater Invisibility 
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 3:14:19 PM

OOC Double post per DM's mercy. ;)
Alright, time to get down to business." thinks Redux as the boarding action begins. He casts Greater Invisibility on himself, lest he present too tempting of a target for the enemy spellcasters.

As the rest of the Wildcards climb aboard the ship, Redux readies himself for take off, casting Fly. He looks around for any spellcaster types that might not have had the sense to make themselves invisible. As he readies himself, he fishes in his backpack for a Mage Armor potion. His invisible face has a small grin as he thinks about some of the nasty little surprises he has in store for the opposition.

Battle of the Vengence rd. 1 (DM Dominic)  d12=7 (attacking bart) d20+7=16 (attacking appolo) d20+6=23 (attacking val) d20+8=16 (attacking walker) d20+8=27 (dmg on walker) d8+3=6 (attacking walker) d20+7=24 (dmg on walker) d8+2=7
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 6:38:31 PM

Appolo drops one of the two crewmen that charged in to attack him.
Val dropped one of the two attacking her.
Bart dropped one of the two attacking him and severly wounded the other one.
Walker gets the See inveisible spell off just before the enemy attacks.
Rigging sees the 6 scatter and leave his field of view.
Redux does not find any possible spellcasters that are visible.

The Crewmem from the Sword attack the crew of the Vengence in a very organized manner. They successfully strike several of their opponents dropping 3.

The crew of the Vengence attack hitting 7 of the swords crew injuring them.

Vengence crewman attacking Bart swings with her short sword and misses.

Vengence crewman attacking Appolo swings just missing with a rapier.

Vengence crewman attacking Val swings with a short sword missing.

Vengence crewman attacking Walker with a longsword hitting (dmg 6)

Vengence crewman attacking Walker with a warhammer hitting (dmg 7)

Rigging ac 27 hps 57, magearmor, shield, haste, bless, invisible, cat's grace, bullstrength, resist elements fire  d20+10=24 d20+10=21 d20+10=20 d20+10=26 d20+10=28 d20+3=10 d6+3=8 d6+3=5 d4+3=6 d4+3=4 2d6(2+3)=5 2d6(1+1)=2 2d6(4+4)=8 2d6(2+1)=3 2d6(5+5)=10 2d6(2+6)=8
Wednesday December 10th, 2003 10:01:45 PM

Rigging will look for a leader or officer directing or leading the attack against the boarding party. If an opponent looks worthy he will attack them. If not, he will move to an opponent who looks worthy for next round (hasted so can move 120' with a double move)

He will be using the new keen edge shortsword and holy dagger.

OOC rigging gets four attacks, lowest ac hit was a 20( remember this is an ivisible backstab so no shield or dex) misrolled a damage roll and rolled an extra 20 first shortsword 13 pts of damage, second shortsword 7 pts of damage, assuming enemey first holy dagger does 17 pts of damage, second does 22 hps of damage for a total of 59 points of damage. Don't want to meet me in a back alley! :-)

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste  d20+14=17 d20+14=27 d20+9=24 d6+6=7 d6+6=12
Thursday December 11th, 2003 1:05:26 AM

Valanthe turns her attention to the other crewman that intends to do her harm. She attempts to bring her shield up, blocking the sailors view for a moment, and bringing her rapier quickly inside.

[miss ac 17, hit ac 27 for 7 and ac 24 for 12]

ooc: Round 3 of Haste

Walker, Hp 60/73, Ac 20, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=23 2d6(6+5)+6=17 d6=5
Thursday December 11th, 2003 8:59:51 AM

Walker calls flame to his sword and strikes back defensively.
[hit ac 23, dam 17 + 5 fire]

Redux (AC 15 HP 46) Greater Invisibility, Fly  d20+4=8 d20+6=19
Thursday December 11th, 2003 3:38:53 PM

Shrugging his invisible shoulders, Redux flys toward the enemy ship as he continues to scan for potential magic user targets (Spot=8). He quickly drinks the Mage Armor potion he had readied. With his familiar Talon on his shoulder, the bird scans the area, hoping to help his master spot the enemy (Spot=19).

Bart hp54 ac 28 bless bulls strength haste  d20+10=29 d20+10=26 d20+10=30 d20+10=28 d20+10=28 d10+15=23 d10+15=18 d10+15=18 d10+15=16 d10+15=17
Thursday December 11th, 2003 5:06:39 PM

Bart attacks the crewman in front of him and walker using more power than skill (powerattack+5) Burt jumps around like a madman (springattack), a man with vengeance in his heart. (threat 29 crit 26 for 23+18, threat 30 crit 28 for 18+16, hit 28 for 17)

Battle of the Vengence rd. 2 (DM Dominic)  (fball dmg) 8d6(2+5+4+4+4+6+4+1)=30 (reflex save sword crew) d20+5=6 (reflex save vengence crew) d20+4=7 d10=3 (attacking bart) d20+7=15 (attacking appolo) d20+6=22 (attacking val) d20+8=23 (attacking walker) d20+8=24 (dmg on walker) d6+3=6 (attacking walker) d20+7=22 (dmg on walker) d8+2=6
Thursday December 11th, 2003 5:30:56 PM

Rigging appears as he attacks a person directing several attackers. Riging drops the opponent in a flurry of blows.

Bart attacks like a madman dropping the opponent he injured last round, then dropping one of the opponents attacking Walker with one attack. With his last attack he hits but fails to drop the last attacker on Walker (critically injured.)

Walker strikes back at one of his attackers hitting and doing serious damage. Walker sees 2 people that he thinks are invisible casting spells over near where Val and Appolo are at.

Valanthe strikes at the lone opponent facing her and seriously injures them.

Redux does not see any one that looks like they are leading, but his familiar Talon relays that he has spotted a brief shimmering . As Redux looks to that location Redux spots a fireball flying towards the main group of crewmen from the Sword. the crew from the Sword take full brunt of the fireball (save failed, rolled nat 1) dropping 4 of the crewmembers. At the sametime the attacking members of the Vengence crew that are in the fireball's area take its full fury dropping 6 of the Vengence crew. Bart & Walker make Reflex save DC 16 (fball dmg 30, half dmg 15.)

The crew of the Sword press on the attack injuring 3 more of the Vengence crew.

The crew of the Vengence continues to attack striking and injuring 2 of the swords crewmembers.

Vengence crewman attacking Bart swings with her short sword and misses.

Vengence crewman attacking Appolo swings just missing with a rapier.

Vengence crewman attacking Val swings with a short sword missing.

Vengence crewman attacking Walker with a longsword hitting (dmg 6)

Vengence crewman attacking Walker with a warhammer hitting (dmg 6)

Rigging is now visible and next to 2 opponents that will atack next round.

Redux now has an approximate location of a possible invis opponent. approx 30' from Rigging.

Walker can see 2 possible invis opponents casting. Approx 20' from Val and 70' from Rigging (several opponents between Rigging and the opponent.)


Rigging, ac 27 hps 57, mage armor,shield,haste, cats grace, bless,resist elements fire, bull strength invisible 
Thursday December 11th, 2003 7:15:15 PM

Rigging will activate his invisiblity ring and move as quickly as he can towards the area where he saw the fireball launch from. As he is moving, he will pull out his wand of detect magic and activate it, trying to zero in on the spell caster.

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,Bulls Stength +5  d20+13=33 d20=17 d8=4 d4+8=12
Thursday December 11th, 2003 7:16:27 PM

Appolo counterattacks viciously striking his opponent.

Attack 33,17+8 25,Damage Crtical 4+9 =13x2=26
12 =38 total

Rigging  d20+10=28
Thursday December 11th, 2003 7:16:57 PM

ooc forgot my spot roll

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste  d20+14=15 d20+14=27 d20+9=16 d6+6=12
Friday December 12th, 2003 12:25:20 AM

Pressing the advantage, Valanthe gets sloppy and two of her strikes miss horribly.
[hit ac 27 for 12]

Bart hp39 ac 28 bless bulls strength haste  d20+6=18 d20+10=16 d20+10=30 d20+10=29 d20+5=18 d10+15=21 d10+15=21 d10+15=19 d10+15=16
Friday December 12th, 2003 2:38:11 PM

Bart manages to dodge the biigest part of the fireball, but he cant prevent that he is a bit toasted Dipate that bart hops around and attacks where he can (3 attacks ac 16 for 21, threat crit 29 for 21+19, ac 18 for 16)

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Greater Invisibility, Fly, Mage Armor  7d6(5+2+5+4+3+6+6)=31
Friday December 12th, 2003 6:05:30 PM

Redux praises his feathered friend for a fine job spotting and makes his best guestimate as to where the spellcaster is. He then casts a fireball centered on that region (31 HP of damage, save DC 15). Though he does make sure to center it so that neither Rigging nor any of the other crew are in the spells area of affect.

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste, shield)  d20+7=8 d20+7=12 d20+7=19 d8+3=11
Friday December 12th, 2003 6:32:48 PM

Doing his best to keep the catapult crews busy for when the Sword pulls away, Ari reigns down arrows from above. Something to do with the rolling of the sea seems to upset his first shot (AC 8). The next arrow doesn't find a target either (AC 12). The third finds a mark and does its full effect of 11 points of damage.

Battle of the Vengence rd. 3 (DM Dominic)  (reflex save walker) d20+1=16 (attacking walker) d20+8=17 (attacking val) d20+8=14 (attacking appolo) d20+6=7 (dispel check area - elven) d20+8=9 d20+8=22 d20+8=15 d20+8=28 d20+8=18 d20+8=17 (dispel check area - halfling) d20+8=21 d20+8=18 d20+8=12 (attacking rigging) d20+8=22 d20+8=12 d20+8=28 d20+8=16 (dmg on rigging) d8+3=10 (falling dmg on redux) 3d6(5+1+3)=9
Friday December 12th, 2003 7:47:46 PM

Vengence crewman attacking Appolo swings missing with a rapier.

Vengence crewman attacking Val swings with a short sword missing.

Vengence crewman attacking Walker with a longsword missing.

Walker is able to avoid part of the fireball (dmg 15.)

A halfling cleric appears as she releases her spell (dispel magic - area) in the area near Redux. (dispeled - Greater invis. & fly)

An elven cleric appears as he releases his spell (dispel magic - area) in the area near Appolo & Val. (dispeled - bull str (appolo), bless & bull str (bart))

Vengence crewman attacking Rigging with a longsword missing.

Vengence crewman attacking Rigging twice with a longsword hitting once (dmg 10.) just before Rigging vanishes.

Redux and Rigging see a shimmering for a moment about 10' from where the enemy fireball started from then Redux's fireball fizzles out just as it gets going.

Rigging vanishes and heads off towards the shimmering and detects an individual that is invisable 20' from him.

Redux sees his fireball fizzle just after completing casting it as he falls the 30' to the ships deck (dmg 9.)

Ari drops the catapult crewman that he hits with the last arrow.

Bart strikes at the opponent facing one of the Swords crewmen hitting with one attack dropping him.

Val strikes out and seriously wounds the opponent facing her.

Appolo connects with his viscious swing and drops his opponent.

the crew of the Sword are starting to even out with the vengence crew into a stalemate.

the Fireball was counterspelled by the enemy using improved counterspell feat.

map will be up this weekend.


Rigging ac 27, hps 57, mage armor, invisible, shield, cats grace, bullstrength, bless, haste, resist elements fire  d20+10=26 d20+10=29 d20+10=26 d20+10=27 d20+10=22 d6+3=8 2d6(3+2)=5 d6+3=8 2d6(6+5)=11 d4+3=5 4d6(6+1+2+4)=13 d4+3=5 4d6(2+1+4+5)=12
Friday December 12th, 2003 11:10:36 PM

Rigging sees that shimmering and focuses in on it. He ignores the sword slash and bolts to the shimmering keeping an eye on it. spot check 28 (should be +12)

Rigging slashes with both keen shortsword and dagger plunging both into the body of the mage. A thought crosses his mind about fire shield but he disregards it.

OOC not sure if I can get all four attacks and the movement. Normally can move 60 with haste.
Rolled four attacks and damage for each. (remember no dex modifiers) Assuming since I am invisible, I get backstab damage. First shortsword attack does 13 hps, second shortsword does 19 points of damage, first holy dagger strike does 18 points of damage, second does 17 points of damage. If for some reason I don't get my back stab, I had a possible critical strike with the first shortsword attack. If all hit, 67 points of damage

Rigging 47 hps 
Saturday December 13th, 2003 2:53:12 PM

Sorry correcting Rigging's hitpoints

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=25 d20+5=23 4d6(4+1+4+3)+5=17 d6=1
Sunday December 14th, 2003 11:19:04 PM

Walker strikes at whichever sailor is between himself and the invisible enemies he sees.
[hit ac 25 (crit confirm hit ac 23) dam 11(17) + 1 flame]

Ari HP 50 AC 24 (Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste, shield)  d20+7=12 d20+7=25 d20+7=15 d8+3=10 d8+3=4 d8+3=8
Monday December 15th, 2003 12:36:24 AM

Seeing what appears to be some kind of spell caster appearing out of nowhere. Ari turns his attention to the closest one and releases his arrows. (AC 12 for 10, 25 for 4, 15 for 8). Once he releases, he tries to gain some cover by using the Rigging for cover.

Bart hp39 ac 28 haste  d20+12=27 d10+7=11
Monday December 15th, 2003 12:51:34 AM

Bart feels the change of the dispel he feels less powerfull. He sees an elven cleric and makes a spring attack to him. (ac 27 for 11)

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,Bulls Stength +5  d20+13=25 d20+8=26 d8+7=10 d8+6=12 d4+6=8
Monday December 15th, 2003 11:22:09 AM

Appolo wil follow Valanthe attacking the nearest enemy if possible,with shortsword and dagger.

Attack 25,26 Damage 10,8 Please ignore extra Die 8 roll thank you.

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste  d20+14=33 d20+14=26 d20+14=19 d20+9=10 2d6(1+1)+12=14
Monday December 15th, 2003 1:02:10 PM

Valanthe looks over at the mage. Believing he is the real threat, Val wants to dispatch him as soon as possible but turning her back to an armed opponent would be extremely careless. A little ticked by her opponents reluctance to die, Valanthe presses the attack.

[crit hit for 14]

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor  4d4(2+3+4+2)+4=15 d20+4=5 d20+6=25
Monday December 15th, 2003 3:45:15 PM

Redux lands on the deck with an "OOF". Picking himself up and brushing off his spotless black robes, Redux surveys the battlefield. If he spots any enemies within 60 feet of his current location on the deck, he activates his ring of levitation, floating up above the battlefield, and hopefully finding some place where he can perch....like the rigging for example. If there are no enemies in the immediate area, Redux casts Magic Missles at the annoying cleric that just dropped him to the deck (15 HP dam). Redux keeps a wary eye on the battlefield, anxious to spot any invisible attackers (Spot =5!!!! Obviously it's not too wary of an eye!). Talon's keen eyes, however miss nothing as they scan the deck (Spot=25).

Battle of the Vengence rd. 4 (DM Dominic)  d100=54 d100=35 d100=78 d100=16 d6+3=9 d6+8=14 d6+8=13
Monday December 15th, 2003 5:54:28 PM

Rigging appears as he strikes at where he thinks is the invisable opponent hitting with his 1st and 3rd attacks (dmg 29(cold.)) Each time as Rigging hits he feels what he thinks is a cold fire wash over him (fire shield dmg 27.) Rigging hears the sound of a body hitting the ground after his second hit.

Walker moves towards an invisible enemy striking at a crewman as her moves seriously injuring the opponent.

Ari fires at the Elven cleric and hits with his second arrow causing him to look up at where the arrow came from.

Bart springs at the elven cleric and hits causing the cleric to become moderately wounded.

Val and Appolo advance towards the nearest spellcaster that they can see (halfling cleric) not making it to her this round.
Appolo strikes out at the nearest crewman from the Vengence hitting him and moderately wounding him.
Val follows up with Appolo's strike and critically wounding him. (applied the attack on the nearest opponent as you did not reach the spellcaster this round.)

Redux sends off his magic missles into the halfling cleric as he once again floats up into the rigging. The missles strike moderately wounding the halfling.
Talon comunicates to Redux that there are still 3 invisible creatures moving about that he thinks he detects.

The elven cleric vanishes from sight.
The halfling cleric starts blinking.

The crew of the Sword is starting to rally amongst themselves and trying to heal the wounded crewmembers. (4 unconscious (1cleric, 1ranger, 1rogue, 1sorcerer.)

6 Vengence crewmembers still fighting.
5 Vengence officers still alive (4 invis or 1 blinking)

Rigging ac 27, hps 32? mage armor, shield, resist elements fire, haste, bless, cat;s grace, bull strength, invisible  2d8(4+8)=12 2d20(7+12)+10=29 d20+10=25
Monday December 15th, 2003 10:13:23 PM

Rigging will activate his invisibility ring again and move a few feet from his current location. He will then pull out a potion of moderate healing and drink it down. All the while he will be looking around to see where his services can best be used next.

OOC only rolled 2d8 for the potion, not sure how much more it does. Please let me know. Ignore second roll, rolled 2d20 instead of one.
Spot check 25

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=24 d20+5=20 4d6(3+6+1+3)+6=19 d6=1
Monday December 15th, 2003 11:34:58 PM

Walker strikes at the sailor again.

[hit ac 24(crit ac 20?), dam 15(crit 19)+ 1 flame]

Bart hp 39 ac 28 haste  d20+12=31 d20+12=29 d10+7=17 d10+7=11 d20+7=9 d20+7=15
Tuesday December 16th, 2003 12:42:03 PM

bart slashes at the point where the cleric was before if he doesnt hit he will change to the nearest target (crit for 17+11, 2nd attack misses)

Battle of the Vengence rd. 5 (DM Dominic)  (attack on rigging) d20+8=26 d20+8=22 (attack on val) d20+9=15 (attack on appolo) d20+8=21 (attack on bart) d20+8=22 (touch attack on bart) d20+8=22 (attack on bart) d20+4=23 (mm dmg) 5d4(4+2+4+3+3)+5=21
Tuesday December 16th, 2003 7:11:51 PM

Two of the Vengence crewmen attack Rigging just missing with their attacks.

The crewman attacked by Val and Appolo strikes back at Val missing.

A crewman steps up and attacks Appolo missing.

crewman attacking Bart misses.

Halfling cleric casts Bestow Curse on Bart (will save dc 17 or have 4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks.)

Elven cleric apears 20' from where he was and finishes casting a spell. Ari make a fort save DC 17 or be blinded

For a split second Redux sees a shimmer near him in the rigging.

Redux will save dc 18 or takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Ari feels the impact of 5 magic missles slam in to him (dmg 21)

Rigging will save dc 17 or be held for 10 rds.

Rigging feels the healing effects of the potion flow through him (healed 15 hp). Rigging thinks that there is an invisible person at his feet and another off towards Val and Appolo.

Walker strikes and drops his opponent with a critical blow.

Bart strikes back at the crewman that just attacked him wounding her severly.

Rigging ac27 hps 35, mage armor, shield, haste, bless, resist elements, cats grace, bull strength  d20+7=21 d20+10=17
Tuesday December 16th, 2003 8:43:17 PM

Rigging quickly decides to hunt officers instead of getting into melee with the crewman. He takes a double movement to get to the rigging and start climbing to where he saw the shimmering near Val and Appolo. He will use his boots of spiderclimb to his advantage.
He will keep and eye on the area watching for shimmerings and to see if the rigging moves in a random manner, like an invisible person climbing it.

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 24: Haste  d20+14=24 d20+14=19 d20+9=11 d6+6=9
Tuesday December 16th, 2003 10:35:27 PM

Val steps back to avoid the crewmans slashes. Her counterattacks are clums and off balance since her feet are out of position.

[hit ac 24 for 9]

Ari HP 29 AC 24 (Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste, shield)  d20=16
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 12:01:05 AM

Realizing that there's too much going on, Ari does his best to couterspell by using his dispel magic wand. (free action to grab, or use one of two from haste to grab?)

If Ari can get a 2nd dispel magic, and it makes sense to try without interfering with his own party's magic. Ari will try to aim the wand back the way of the missles. (Line of sight, I believe?!)

With concern for his own safety, Ari looks around to see if he can find any cover from inside the rigging.

(ooc character sheet not with me. rolled unmodified 16)

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,Bulls Stength +5  d20+13=23 d20+8=14 d8+8=16
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 1:48:28 AM

Appolo counterattacks his opponent. Hitting once. Attack 23,Damage 16

Bart hp 39 ac 28 haste  d20+3=22 d20+12=30 d10+7=12
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 1:06:15 PM

Bart feels some tickling an his neck, but he feels no effect (will save 22). Bart makes an spring attack towards the elven cleric he attacked a few moments before (hit ac 30 for 12). (bart has also the mobilty feat +4 dodge bonus on attack of opp = ac 32)

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor  d20+8=12 d20+8=18 4d4(4+1+1+3)+4=13
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 5:24:41 PM

Redux almost succumbs to the enemy magic, but manages to shiver it off at the last second (Will=12, Hero point=18). Calling down to Ari, he shouts "There's someone in the rigging...dispel his magic!" as uses his slippers of spider climb to skitter around to a hopefully more secure area in the rigging. He looks around and spots the halfling cleric that caused him so much trouble just a few seconds ago. He launches more magic missles at the halfling cleric (14 Hp dam), hoping at the least to distract him...if not kill him.

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=7 d20+10=11
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 5:43:09 PM

If any sailors are still in frot of Walker he swings and misses. Otherwise he will move towards any invisible opponents or officers that he can see.

[hit ac 7, spot 11]

Battle of the Vengence rd. 6 (DM Dominic)  d20+10=24 d20+8=11 d100=21 (attack on walker) d20+5=16 d20=18 (attack on appolo) d20+8=12 (attack on bart) d20+8=21 (attack on ari) d20+6=15 d20+7=8 (attack on ari) d20+7=26 d20+7=26 (dmg on ari) d8=7 d8=7 (dispel area) d20+8=25 d20+8=16 d20+8=27 (casting check) d20+10=13
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 8:39:48 PM

Rigging starts to move up into the rigging trying to find the invisible person attacking the group.

Val attack drops her opponent.

Ari shrugs off the blindness spell cast at him. Ari tries to counterspell using the wand but fails (needs to see the caster who is invisible.)

Appolo strikes his opponent and moderately wounds him.

Bart springs at the elven cleric hitting him severly wounding the elven cleric.

Redux sends his magic missles at the halfling cleric but the missles do not strike her as she blinks out just before the missles hit. (blink spell)

Walker swings at his opponent but misses badly.

Crewman attacks Walker missing.

crewman attacks Appolo missing terribly.

crewman attacks Bart missing.

crewman attacks Ari missing with both arrows.

crewman attacks Ari hitting with both arrows (dmg 7+7=14)

Halfling cleric releases a spell (dispel magic area) centered on Val and Appolo. (dispeling Haste on Val, and Bull Str on Appolo)

The elven cleric vanishes from sight.

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 23  d20+13=26 d20+8=18 d6+6=9
Wednesday December 17th, 2003 10:47:27 PM

Valanthe turns her attention to the halfling cleric.

"You should have run away. If you had done that you would live beyond today." Valanthe said just before attempting to gut the little man.
[hit ac 26 for 9]

Rigging, ac 27 hps 35/57 mage armor, shield, haste, bull strength, cats grace, bless, resist elements fire  d20+10=29 5d6(2+3+5+4+3)=17
Thursday December 18th, 2003 8:30:03 AM

Rigging will stay still and look around himself carefully. He wants to find that magic user. If he spots him, he will cast a lightning bolt at him as long as it doesn't endanger any of his crewmates. (dc 17 vs reflex) If he can't he will move to engage the magicuser.

ooc spot check 29, damage 17 for lightning bolt

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=25 d20+5=22 4d6(4+4+5+6)+5=24 d6=2
Thursday December 18th, 2003 8:37:52 AM

Walker swings at the sailor in front of him again.
[hit ac 25 (crit ac 22), dam 13(crit24)+ 2 flame]

Ari HP 15 AC 24 (Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste, shield)  d20+7=17 d20+7=15 d8+3=8 d8+3=9
Thursday December 18th, 2003 1:24:52 PM

Getting a little worried, Ari tries to return two arrows towards the archer that got him. Then he'll turn towards where the elven cleric was just at, and try to hit him with dispel magic from the wand, without hitting Bart. (any maps?) AC 17 & 15 for 8 and 9 points

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,  d20+9=24 d20+5=18 d8+4=10 d4+3=4
Thursday December 18th, 2003 2:43:35 PM

Appolo swings twice.
Attack 24,18,Damage 10 and 4

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor 
Thursday December 18th, 2003 6:14:13 PM

More than slightly annoyed at the results of his previous spellcasting, Redux decides it's time to play hardball. He casts spectral hand in anticipation of doing a touch attack next round.

Battle of the Vengence rd. 7 (DM Dominic)  (attack on ari) d20+6=8 d20+6=8 d20+7=26 d20+7=18 (dmg on ari) d8=2 (attack on appolo) d20+8=11 (attack on bart) d20+8=27 (attack on walker)d20+5=10 (dmg on redux) 5d4(4+3+3+2+1)+5=18 (attack on redux) d20+5=13 d6=6
Thursday December 18th, 2003 7:43:27 PM

Crewman V10 shoots at Ari missing with both arrows.

Crewman V17 shoots at Ari hitting with one arrow (dmg 2)

Crewman V11 attacks Appolo missing.

Crewman V13 attacks Bart just missing.

Crewman V5 attacks Walker missing.

Halfling cleric finishes casting. Bart make a fort save DC 17 or be blinded.

Ari will save dc 17 or be held for 10 rds.

Redux feels the impact of 5 magic missles slam in to him (dmg 18)

Redux feels the slightest touch upon his forehead. Redux takes -6 to INT, WIS, and CHA for 80 minutes.

Val starts to climb up into the rigging after the halfling cleric.

Rigging moves closer to the invisible person (m2) by Redux.

Walker criticaly hits his opponent and drops him.

Ari misses with both arrows fired at the archer. Ari relizes that he would catch Bart in the Dispel Magic area.

Appolo hits his opponent(v11) with his first swing severly wounding him.

Redux now has a spectral hand floating next to him.

Battle Maps

Rigging, ac 27 hps 35, haste, shield, mage armor, bless, cats grace, bull strength, resist elements fire, Invisible  d20+7=24 d20+7=22 d20+10=23 d6+3=4 d4+3=5 2d6(4+3)=7 d20+10=28
Thursday December 18th, 2003 8:41:40 PM

Rigging will see that Redux is in trouble and climb over to him and attack the mage who is attacking Redux. He makes a note to himself as he climbs over to always carry a detect invisible spell when attacking these flagships.

He will stab out with keen shortsword first and then holy dagger. Rigging winces in aniticipation of the fireshield to come.

OOC made an error when rolling with shortsword.
should have +10 instead of +7, so I rolled a 27 and 25 ac to hit with shortsword. If critical hit then I did 8 points of damage. If holy dagger hits then I do 12 points with it. Remember I am invisible so hopefully he doesn't know I am coming and is caught flatfooted.

Rolled a 28 spot check to keep an eye on this unpleasant fellow.

Valanthe:HP 87: AC 23 
Thursday December 18th, 2003 10:15:32 PM

Valanthe keeps climbing up after the halfling.

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=15 2d6(1+1)+5=7 d6=4
Friday December 19th, 2003 1:01:04 AM

Walker srikes at the next nearest crew (v5?).

[hit ac 15, dam 7 + 4 flame]

Bart hp 39 ac 28 haste  d20+6=20 d20+12=29 d20+7=13 d10+7=14
Friday December 19th, 2003 2:25:56 AM

Bart ignores the crewman in fornt of him dodging away (mobility +4 to Ac) and makes an spring attack on the halfling clerk, who just did cast an spell on him. Luckily the spell takes no effect. Bart hits the clerc (ac 29 for 14)

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor, Feeling slightly less than hero status  d20+8=11 d20+4=22 d20+4=11
Friday December 19th, 2003 12:12:19 PM

Redux smiles as once again his Broach of Shielding comes in handy, absorbing the magic missiles. He feels the touch and can't quite believe what he is feeling: like he's all of the sudden very...stupid. He remembers doing some very incredible things before, especially with this hand floating with him. He tries to determine if this is truly the case (Will = 11). If he knows that he's unable to cast spells, he calls down to Ari to cast dispel magic on him and his area (urgently). He then draws his dagger and prepares to defend himself (Spot = 22). 'Talon, you better take flight, I don't understand this.' If he knows he can cast spells, he will cast Vampiric Touch and look for a target (Spot = 11).

OOC Redux is in disbelief of the spell, thinking it might be some kind of an illusion.

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,  d20+9=23 d20+5=6 d8+6=14
Friday December 19th, 2003 4:04:50 PM

Appolo jumps out the way of his opponent dances around the attacks agian. Seeing Valanthe fool hardedly chasing a blinking cleric he curse as he misses badly with his dagger.

Attack 23 Damage 14

DM Dominic 
Friday December 19th, 2003 5:31:28 PM

I have had a busy day at work today and am just wore out. I will make my post tomorrow and will have updated maps posted.

Ari HP 13 AC 24 (Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste, shield)  d20+7=14
Friday December 19th, 2003 6:17:08 PM

With no luck on his side, the spell takes its effect against Ari. (will save =14)

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor, Feeling slightly less than hero status  d20+1=21 d3+1=4
Friday December 19th, 2003 7:35:50 PM

Attack roll for dagger.

Battle of the Vengence rd. 8 (DM Dominic)  d100=76 d100=23 (attack on bart) d20+6=25 d20+6=21 (attack on rigging) d20+7=17 d20+7=14 (attack on rigging) d20+8=19 d20+8=19 (attack on walker) d20+5=23 (cmw) 2d8(3+6)+8=17 2d8(8+4)+8=20 (attack on Val) d20+14=23 d20+9=17 d8=8
Saturday December 20th, 2003 3:41:29 PM

Rigging makes it over to where he believes the mage is and lashes out twice hitting with the shortsword causing him to scream out in pain. Rigging sees the mage fade into view just after his miss with the dagger.

Redux tries to recall his spell but feels it slip form his memory with all of his other spells. Redux strikes out and hits the mage with his dagger criticaly wounding him.

Val arrives beside the blinking Halfling Cleric.

Bart makes it almost to the Halfling Cleric (in the rigging.)

Appolo hits his opponent criticaly wounding him. Appolo sees that his opponent drops his weapon from his grip as the arm goes limp.

Ari feels himself freeze up just before he can trigger the wand.

Walker misses with his attack on his opponent (V5.)

King Maisey and her crew along with the crew from the Sword meet as they defeat the rest of the Vengence crew that is not fighting the Wildcards.

Crewman V10 shoots at Bart missing with both arrows.

Crewman V17 shoots at Rigging missing with both arrows.

Crewman V11 tries to pick up his weapon but is unable to as he can't get a good hold of it.

Crewman V13 attacks Rigging missing with both sling stones.

Crewman V5 attacks Walker missing.

Halfling cleric screams as his spell fails to effect Bart and Val reaches his location. The halfling cleric releases another spell at Bart (will save DC 16 or be held for 8 rounds.)

The elven cleric moves over and heals V11 (17 hp.)

Mage(m2) drinks a potion (heals 20)

The Captain of the Vengence releases a spell. Rigging Will save dc 17 at -4 or Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1 (feeblemind spell.)

the First mate shoots at Val hitting with one arrow (dmg 8.)

Battle Maps

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=25 d20+5=10 2d6(6+1)+5=12 d6=4
Saturday December 20th, 2003 10:43:47 PM

Walker strikes at V5, if he goes down then he steps forward ready to attack the Elven cleric next round.

[hit ac25,(failed crit) dam 12 + 4 flame]

Rigging ac 27, htpts 35 mage armor, shield, cats grace, bull strength, bless, resist elements fire haste, inivisble  d20+7=20 d20+13=14 d20+13=27
Sunday December 21st, 2003 12:25:15 AM

Rigging feels the spell take hold but is able to fight it off. He briefly thinks about going offensive but realizes he is better off defending his friends. He activates his invisibility ring and climbs over to Redux and tries to grab his wand of dispel magic.

ooc Rolled a 20 to make a save. Rolled a pickpocket rol, my first ever in 3 years of play and roll a natural 1. Rerolled using a hero point and got a 27.

Bart hp 39 ac 28 haste  d20+3=23 d20+12=24 d20+7=16 d10+7=15 d10+7=16
Sunday December 21st, 2003 10:39:27 AM

Bart climbs rowards the halfling cleric the spell the cleric did cast on him has no effect. With one hand holding the rigging Bart attacks the cleric ( ac 24 for 15 ac 16 for 16)

Redux (ooc) 
Sunday December 21st, 2003 10:52:31 PM

Dispel magic is forbidden spell for Redux, therefore he's been giving those to Ari (sorry). He knows there value, but gave it up in order to specialize. Dominic, please allow Rigging to keep his hero point for future use; Rigging, you may want to try something else (sorry).

Valanthe:HP 79: AC 23  d20+13=31 d20+13=18 d20+8=24 d6+6=9 d6+6=9 2d6(6+2)+12=20
Sunday December 21st, 2003 11:38:47 PM

Feeling some small satisfaction at catching the elusive halfling, Valanthe brings her sword about in a quick double cut.
[poss crit ac 18- 9 if no, 20 if yes]
[hit ac 24 for 9]

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor, Idiot  d20+5=10
Sunday December 21st, 2003 11:44:42 PM

Redux does his best to keep up the attack but isn't lucky twice in a row fighting in the rigging. (OOC: forgot to use attack bonus to attack roll-didn't need it anyways; also forgot to add strength to dmg roll +1)

Battle of the Vengence rd. 9 (DM Dominic)  d100=69 d100=98 d100=31 d20=13 (attack on bart) d20+6=8 d20+6=23 (attack on rigging) d20+7=16 d20+7=14 (attack on appolo) d20+8=14 (attack on rigging) d20+8=13 d20+8=11 (attack on walker) d20+5=9 10d6(5+2+3+6+6+3+4+6+6+4)=45
Monday December 22nd, 2003 5:55:37 PM

Walker hits his opponent seriously wounding him.

Bart climbs up and strikes at the blinking Halfling cleric hitting with his first attack moderately wounding her.

Val strikes at the blinking Halfling cleric hitting with her first swing seriously wounding the halfling.

Rigging vanishes from sight. (ooc. you can make an extra action and get your hero point back as Redux suggested.)

Redux swipes at the mage missing.

Mage2 steps back to avoid Redux's attack and looses his balance and falls from the rigging. He lands on the deck in a heap dying.

Halfling Cleric blinks out then reappears over by the captain of the Vengence. (60' away on the deck of the ship.)

Elven cleric releases a spell (invisiblity purge)(40'radius)(causing Rigging to become visible)

Crewman V10 shoots at Bart missing with both arrows.

Crewman V17 shoots at Rigging missing with both arrows.

Crewman V11 picks up his weapon and swings at Appolo missing.

Crewman V13 attacks Rigging missing with both sling stones.

Crewman V5 attacks Walker missing.

The Captain of the Vengence releases a lightning bolt at Redux and Rigging (reflex save DC17 for half dmg or take 60 dmg.)

The First mate releases a spell (flame strike) at Val. Reflex save dc 20 for half dmg. (dmg 45)

Battle Maps

Walker, Hp 45/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+5=20 2d6(2+6)+5=13 d6=1
Monday December 22nd, 2003 6:38:17 PM

Walker swings at the sailor again.

[hit ac 20, dam 13 + 1 flame]

Rigging ac 27 hps 35/57 mage armor, shield, haste, resist elements fire, bull strength, cats grace, bless  d20+12=30 d6=3 d6=5 d6=3 d6=6 d6=1
Monday December 22nd, 2003 6:45:56 PM

Rigging starts climbing down, as he free action from last turn. He was climbing down the Rigging when his invisibility suddenly comes off. He dodges the arrows and stones and thinks, "What did I do to merit all this attention." He sees the lighning bolt come crashing in and lets go of the rigging and drops 10 feet recatching it and avoids the bolt all together (evasion feat).

He thinks to himself one good lightnig bolt deserves another and launches one back at the Captain and the blinking cleric if possible. (19 points of damage or saves vs reflex a dc of 17 for half.)

He will then use the rest of his movement to get back to the deck.

Appolo HP:45 AC:25Bles +1,  d20+9=14 d20+5=9
Monday December 22nd, 2003 7:16:33 PM

Appolo attacks agian his momentay confusion gone,but misses both times.

Redux (AC 19 HP 24) Mage Armor, Idiot  d20+5=21 2d8(6+8)+3=17
Monday December 22nd, 2003 11:48:40 PM

Redux still has some dexterity in him as he is able to stay away from the worst of the lightning bolt. With a cloak that has that 'fresh from the dryer' warmth still in it, Redux pulls out a CMW potion and heals 17 pts of that dmg back. Redux then moves as fast as he can in the spider climb slippers to towards the mast, possibly to the other side of it yelling at the crew of the Swords to attack the Capt of the Vengence.

Bart hp 39 ac 28 haste  d20+12=27 d10+7=13
Tuesday December 23rd, 2003 8:35:34 AM

bart drops down from the rigging and makes an springattack at the elven cleric (ac 27 for 13)

Ari (held)HP 13 AC 24 (Bless, Cats grace, bull strength, haste, shield) 
Tuesday December 23rd, 2003 12:15:00 PM

Contemplates the meaning of life. He gets this feeling that there's a number involved.

Battle of the Vengence rd. 10 (DM Dominic)  d100=40 (attack on walker) d20+4=15 4d8(7+1+1+7)+8=24 (attack on bart) d20+8=21 d20+8=24 (attack on val) d20+7=23 d20+7=12 d8=8 (attack on appolo) d20+8=27 d20+8=13 d8+3=4 (attack on bart) d20+8=9 (attack on walker) d20+5=15 (dispel) d20+10=16 d20+10=14 d20+10=17 d20+10=28 d20+10=13 d20+10=22 d20+10=29 (dispel on Ari) d20+9=28 d20+9=20 d20+9=26 d20+9=12 d20+9=25 d20+9=18 (save for Val) d20+8=24
Tuesday December 23rd, 2003 6:48:30 PM

Halfling Cleric tries to cast a spell but blinks out as he releases it.

Elven cleric (invisiblity purge)(40'radius)(causing Rigging to become visible)casts another spell then touches Walker. Walker feals agony lance through him where the cleric touched (inflict critical wounds dmg 24, will save for half. DC 17)

Crewman V10 moves it and attacks Bart missing with both attacks.

Crewman V17 shoots at Val hitting with the first arrow (dmg 8)

Crewman V11 swings at Appolo hitting with his first swing (dmg 4.)

Crewman V13 attacks Bart missing.

Crewman V5 attacks Walker missing.

The Captain of the Vengence dispel magic at Rigging (dispelling - mage armor, haste, resist elements fire, cats grace, bless.)

The First mate casts hold person on Val. Will save dc 17 or be held for 10 rounds.

Val feels part of the burning from the spell as Val leaps to the side as it hits. made the save(dmg 22)

Walker strikes V5 dropping him.

Rigging - Halfling Cleric blinks out just as the lightning bolt hits taking some damage (9 points.) The captain is not hit by the lightning as it seems to be absorbed as it gets with in a few feet of the captain.

Appolo misses with both attacks.

Redux feels the warmth spreading through him as the potion heals him. Redux now has the mast between him and the captain.

Bart springs over and strikes at the elven cleric seriously wounding him.

Ari feels some magic wash over him (dispeled - Hold Person, Bless, Cats grace, haste, shield)

Battle Maps
You see the remaining members of the special squad on the Sword start to attack the Vengence crew that is engaged with the Wildcards. A cleric from the Sword dispels several spells on Ari when he dispels the hold person.

Crew from King Maisey's ship and Maisey also join in the battle. maisey charges in and moves to cover Bart's back.

Rigging ac 20, htpts 35/57  d20+7=11 d20+7=19
Tuesday December 23rd, 2003 7:23:19 PM

Rigging will take 2 quick slices at the elven cleric and then disengage and move 5' away. He yells, "The Captain has a globe of invulnerbility on! Don't waste the spells unless he moves! It can't move with him."

Rigging sees Ari become more mobile and says, "Ari quick! Use your wand of dispel magic on the Captain."

Valanthe:HP 49: AC 23 
Tuesday December 23rd, 2003 10:57:29 PM

Groaning with pain of the burning variety Val tries to move towards the first mate without falling to the deck.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1,  d20+9=19 d20+5=20 d20+4=8 d8+4=9 d6+4=9
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 1:03:52 AM

Appolo attacks twice agian. He looks up at Valanthe and curse fool woman.He is far more worried about her then anything else.

Attack 19,20 bamage 8 and 7 please ignore extra d20. D6 dhould be d4. Thank you
Marry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All.

Bart hp 39 ac 28 haste  d20+12=30 d20+7=25 d20+7=9 d10+7=14 d10+7=14 d10+7=17
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 4:44:10 AM

Bart sees that the elven cleric is sverly wounded and attacks him once more (ac 30 for 14m ac 25 for 14), his third attack misses

Redux (AC 19 HP 37) Mage Armor, Idiot 
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 10:12:21 AM

Redux briefly considers activating the ring of levitation and diving towards the captain with his dagger out...but he's not that much of an idiot! Seeing that Ari has been freed, he calls out urgently for him to come and dispel magic on him.

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 11:55:48 AM

Hearing the calls for help, Ari waves the wand of dispel at the Captain. Noticing that the other spell effects are gone, Ari wonders whether it was a friend, or foe that helped out. Ari secretly hopes it was a foe who didn't know he was held.

Walker, Hp 33/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+8=17 d20+5=13
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 1:07:39 PM

Walker steps up and swings on the cleric missing.
[made spell save 17]

Battle of the Vengence rd. 11 (DM Dominic)  d20+10=17 d20+10=30 d20+10=11 d20+10=29 (fball dmg) 10d6(2+5+2+5+4+6+2+3+1+1)=31 (attack on val) d20+8=24 d20+8=13 d8=8 (attack on bart) d20+8=17 d20+8=18 5d8(8+7+3+6+5)=29 d4=3 (val save for hold person) d20+6=15 d100=16
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 5:59:19 PM

Rigging misses with both attacks on the elven cleric.

Val makes it to melee range with the first mate just as the hold person spell takes effect (failed save.)

Appolo hits with both attacks and finally sees his opponent fall to the deck dying.

Bart slices the Elven cleric with two of his attacks dropping the elven cleric.

Ari uses the wand of Dispel Magic on the Captain. (dispeled fire shield, bless)

Walker misses with both attacks on the cleric.

King Maisey strikes out and hits V10 dropping him.

Several members of the Swords crew attack the first mate missing.

Crewmembers from King Maisey's ship attack V13 critically wounding her.

Crewman V17 attacks Val hitting with the first attack (dmg 11)

Crewman V13 attacks Bart missing.

The Captain of the Vengence sends a fireball into the middle of the group centered upon Bart. (dmg 31 Reflex Save for half DC 19. Bart, Walker, Rigging, and King Maisey need to make saves.)

The First mate casts unholy blight on Val. (DMG 29 and sickened for 3 rounds. Will save dc 19 for half damage and no sickness.)

Halfling Cleric tries to cast a spell but blinks out as he releases it.

Please roll your saves.

Battle Maps

Rigging hps 35/57 ac 19 shield, bullstrength  d20+9=25 d4+1=2 d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Wednesday December 24th, 2003 11:41:28 PM

Rigging rolls away from the blast, comes up and casts a spell at the first mate. 3 darts leap from his hand and thud into him.

He will then yell up to the Captain, "You cowardly billage rat! Your magic is weak! I am to quick for you. Why don't you come down and try some hand to hand!?"

used evasion feat to evade the fireball. 9 pts of damage magic missile to the first mate.

Walker, Hp 18/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, Expertise  d20+1=19 d20+5=11
Thursday December 25th, 2003 1:14:38 AM

Walker swings at the cleric, missing again, then steps back 5 feet.

[save 19]

DM Dominic 
Thursday December 25th, 2003 2:32:15 PM

Merry christmas everyone. As only 2 posted I will post tomorrow and hopefully get back on track with posting.

Bart hp 24 ac 28 haste  d20+6=24 d20+12=27 d20+7=20 d10+7=15 d10+7=13
Friday December 26th, 2003 9:34:03 AM

Bart Dodges the fireball and makes an spring attack on the captain (ac 27 for 15 ac 20 for 13)

Redux (AC 19 HP 24) Mage Armor, Idiot  d20+5=7
Friday December 26th, 2003 9:51:32 AM

Activating his ring of levitation, and jumping down to where Ari is (Tumble=7...if needed), Redux makes sure that Ari can't ignore him this time...dagger in hand. "Ari, I need you to dispel magic on me. We need more magic to even up this fight!"

Friday December 26th, 2003 3:26:52 PM

saying to Redux, " I am working on it. Without the haste spell, I could only to respond to Rigging first."

With that said, Ari points the wand of dispel at Redux.

Battle of the Vengence rd. 12 (DM Dominic)  5d4(1+4+3+2+1)+5=16 d10+11=21 d10+6=16 4d6(5+5+5+4)=19 4d6(3+2+3+4)=12 d20+10=17 d20+10=18 d20+6=22 d20+6=17
Friday December 26th, 2003 5:52:32 PM

Crewman V17 attacks Val hitting with the first attack (dmg 11)

Crewman V13 attacks Bart missing.

The Captain of the Vengence sends 5 missles into Rigging (dmg 16) then vanishes from sight with a smile.

The First mate attacks Val hitting with both attacks (dmg 19 & 12.)

Halfling Cleric casts hold person on Rigging (will save DC 17 or be held for 8 rounds.)

King Maisey attacks and drops V13 while evading the firebal blast.

Crew for Maisey's ship attacks the Halfling cleric moderately wounding her.

Crew from the Sword attacks V17 moderately wounding him.

Rigging hits the first-mate giving him a minor wound.

Ari uses the wand of Dispel on Redux dispelling (mage armor and touch of idiocy.)

Redux moves over to Ari and feels the unclouding of his mind after Ari uses the wand on him.

Bart moves halfway to where the captain was before the captain vanished.

Walker misses his opponent (v13).

Val starts to feel sick then shakes it off (dmg 14, made save.) Val is still held.

Battle Maps

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1,Invisible  d20+9=17 d20+5=12 d8+5=11 d6=3 d6=6 d6=5
Friday December 26th, 2003 7:20:23 PM

Appolo sprints through the smoke cloud and disappears from sight.He rushes to Valanth's side. Back stabbing V17.

Backstab Attack 17,Damage 11+14=25 If allowed if not Appolo will wait until next rnd.

Rigging AC 20 hps 35/57 shield, bullstrength  d20+6=21 d20+10=16
Friday December 26th, 2003 7:20:39 PM

Rigging feels a voice in his head telling him to be still...don't move...he struggles against it and is able to defeat the voice.

He looks around (spot check 16) and sees the crews starting to mop up. He decides to get a handle on the stategic side of things and looks at the rest of the battle to see how it is coming along. How is the Sword handling things? He will move towards King Maisey to confer with her.

Valanthe:HP -7: AC 23 
Friday December 26th, 2003 10:50:26 PM

ooc: sorry for my absence of late. X-mas and work has kept me occupied.

Valanthe curses her own foolishness as the magical spell freezes her body in place. She was about to strike the first mate and her sword was in mid swing. She tries to withstand the magic and the stabs but it is too much and blackness overcomes her.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  3d8(1+8+7)+5=21 d20+10=24
Saturday December 27th, 2003 7:49:09 AM

Walker burns his water breathing spell to cast cure crit on himself.Then looks to seee if he can spot the elven cleric.

[21 hp back, spot +24]

Bart hp 24 ac 28 haste  d20+12=23 d20+7=8 d10+7=16 d10+7=10
Sunday December 28th, 2003 1:15:11 PM

When the captain disapears Bart attacks the halfling cleric (spring attack ac23 for 16)

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  7d6(1+6+2+4+6+1+4)=24
Monday December 29th, 2003 4:34:18 PM

Redux beams his thanks to Ari. "Now...time to even the tables..." Redux begins to make the intricate hand signs required for the spell fireball. The tiny bead of fire shoots from his finger tips...growing in size until it explodes in the rigging, centered on the last spot Redux saw the Vengance's captain (24 hp of dam).

Battle of the Vengence rd. 13 (DM Dominic)  d100=85 d100=77
Monday December 29th, 2003 5:01:17 PM

Appolo moves in and backstabs V17 dropping him.

Rigging sees that the Crews from the Sword and King Maisey's ship are wrapping up the battle fairly well. King Maisey tells you "Let us find the Captain!"

Walker feels the surge of healing energy flow through him. Walker sees that the elven cleric is on the deck dying.

Bart springs down to the deck from the rigging and towards the Halfling cleric getting 10' from the cleric. (you were up in the rigging about 35' up and 40' in addition to the height from the cleric)

Redux sends a fireball to where the Captain was last seen and watches it explode.

Cleric from the Sword rushes over to Val and bandages Val stopping the bleeding (Val's current HP is -8)

Crew for Maisey's ship attacks the Halfling cleric dropping her.

Crew from the Sword starts to look for straglers from the Vengence's crew.

Battle Maps

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Monday December 29th, 2003 6:22:24 PM

Appolo goes white with fear and anger as Vall falls to the ground after the cleric helps stabilize her.Appolo yells"Walker get over here.Valanthe needs you!!" He drops to his knees and picks up her head"Don't leave me,Sunshine,don't!!"He says as he hold her.

Rigging ac 19v hps 35/57 bullstrength, shield  d20+10=21
Monday December 29th, 2003 11:23:15 PM

Rigging will pull out his wand of detect magic and activate it looking for any concentrations of magic. (spot check 21) If he sees anything, he will yell it out to the crew and others trying to pinpoint the location.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  3d8(8+3+1)+5=17
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 12:15:29 AM

Walker, hearing Appolo cry out, moves as quickly as possible to Val. When he gets to her he'll burn his water breathing spell to cast cure crit on Val for 17 hp.

Bart hp 24 ac 28 haste 
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 1:36:09 PM

Bart looks around for the captain, he doe3snt see him and decides to go below decks, searching for his quarters

Redux  d20+4=7 d20+6=20
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 3:09:18 PM

Unsure of the success of his last spell, Redux decides to go for the sure thing next time. He readies the spell magic missiles, waiting for an enemy to visualize so he can fire them off. He also keeps an eye out for potential trouble (Spot=7, Talon's Spot=20). To the others, "Spread out, that mage could try an area effect again if he's still in the area."

Clearing the Vengence (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 4:57:09 PM

Not seeing the Captain anywhere Maisey calls out "we need to find the Captain, My crew start searching th lower decks and take her apart! Rigging Get the Sword to search the rigging as he may still be up there some where."

Walker rushes over to and sends a flow of healing energy into Val healing (17) bringing Val back to conciousness.

Rigging and Redux look around for the captain and Rigging spots a concentration of magic near the upper most reaches of the rigging of the ship.

Bart heads down below and finds a series of 6 doors (4on the left and 2 on the right.)

You can see that the battle is starting to wind down with the Pirates of Jack winning by a slight margin from the looks of the Aisildurian ships that are trying to flee.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1,  d20+2=21
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 5:46:51 PM

Appolo smile at WalkeR"Thanks buddy.I am going to taker her back to the ship.Appolo picks Valanthe up and carries her over to the side.he places her in the long boat along with her gear and his he then lowers it into the water and slides down the rope .He rows toward the Sword.Sibnalling for it to come closer.

Rigging ac 19, 35/57 hps shield, bull strength  d20+10=16 d4+1=2 d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 9:38:52 PM

Rigging will shout out, "Up in the rigging! I see a concentration of magic! It might be the Captain! Redux, cast a fireball up there!" He will point out where the spell should go." Follow my darts, and Rigging casts a magic missile spell at the concentration of magic. (If he hits, 9 points of damage)

Rigging tries to keep an eye on things spot check 16

Valanthe: HP 9: AC 23 
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 9:43:21 PM

Valanthe gasps for breath as her life is restored. Tears flow from her eyes as she copes with nearly dying. Only when she sees the ship getting farther away does she realise whats happening. "Appolo we have to go back. They will need our help."

Bart hp 34 ac 28 haste  d8+5=10
Wednesday December 31st, 2003 7:10:11 AM

Unaware of Riggings orders Bart gulps down a potion of cure light wounds and opens the first door on the left, smashing it open, his sword is ready and he expects resistance

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+4=8 7d6(1+5+6+6+3+1+1)=23 d20+6=13
Wednesday December 31st, 2003 3:49:22 PM

Redux looks up where Rigging points to, trying to see if he can make out the form of the Captain (spot=8)...but all he sees is the ships rigging. Sighing, he pulls out a scroll and reads the fireball spell scribed on it. Once again a ball of fire passes from his fingertips and continues growing until it explodes in the upper regions of the rigging (23 hp dam). From his perch on his shoulder, Talon takes a look around (Spot=13) to see if he can spot any sources of trouble.

Clearing the Vengence rd 2 (DM Dominic)  d20+4=10 d20+14=25 5d6(1+1+3+4+4)=13 d20+4=14 d20+4=10 d4+4=6
Thursday January 1st, 2004 7:19:21 PM

King Maisey hearing Rigging pulls out a scroll and reads it sending a ball of fire streaking upto where Redux's fireball exploded. (dmg 13)

A mage from King Maisey's ship cast dispel magic where the fireballs explode. (dispelling Invisability.)

Redux sends his fireball to where Rigging yelled and is greated by the sounds of someone yelling out in pain when his fireball explodes.

Rigging hits the person where the magic is concentrated.

Appolo gets Val back to the Sword and several crewmembers start to try to help Val.

Bart crashes through the door finding what looks to be crew quarters.

The captain of the Vengence stands up and releases a spell causing you to see 6 additional images of the Captain.

Rigging AC 19, hps 35 shield, bullstrength, invisibility 
Thursday January 1st, 2004 7:31:37 PM

Rigging shouts out, "Ari, Hit him with another dispel magic!"

Rigging will then activate his invisibility ring and start climbing towards the Captain of the Vengence.

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+4=6 d20+6=26 d20+6=18 d4-2=1
Thursday January 1st, 2004 10:29:40 PM

Redux tries to keep his eye on which Captain is the real captain, without much success. He casts Web in the area of the Captain, stringing it between as many of the images as possible (ooc: not sure how to direct that burst, lets start at the middle point of all of the images to be the center). Redux has his feathered friend fly up with directions to claw at any image not in the web (and tells him where the web will be). Talon keeps an expert eye out and attacks w/ minimal success (ac=18 dmg=1).

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 1:29:21 AM

Appolo replies to Val"No we're not going back your hurt to badly and need some rest.The others can handle the mop up."
When they reach the Sword Appolo takes her to his bunk places her in it then makes sure she gets proper care,whatever healing is avialable.Appolo also makes sure she stays put."You need to take better care of yourself and stop running off chasing every opponent who runs away. Next time stay close to me,I'll cover your back and you cover mine.You need to find away to control your emotions during combat. Be like me become dtached act in a cold ruthles,brutal purely logical fashion."

Friday January 2nd, 2004 4:01:50 AM

Still unaware about the mayhem on deck bart kicks in the secend door

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 8:44:03 AM

Walker will moved towards the captain, staying clear of the web.

Valanthe: HP 9: AC 23 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 11:04:25 AM

"Appolo I was controlling my emotions. I never gave into my anger. Besides you are so full of it. If you were so cold and detatched you would be here with me right now. You would be on that ship and I would be dead." Valanthe says angrily.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 2:20:24 PM

Appolo replies"Your right,now don't be angry with me.It's just that I love you and can't stand to see you hurt and when you went down.Well just get some rest your In no condition to agrue with me about it at the moment.We'll just stay here and I'll take care of you."

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Saturday January 3rd, 2004 3:08:16 AM

Watching the Captain in the rigging, Ari waits to dispel any spell that gets cast.

Clearing the Vengence rd 3 (DM Dominic)  10d6(5+3+4+3+2+5+2+6+3+6)=39 d20+7=20 3d8(1+7+5)+7=20 d20+12=16
Saturday January 3rd, 2004 6:06:05 PM

Captain of the Vengence reaches to his neck and pulls something from his neck then tosses it near Walker (fireball reflex save DC14 for half dmg 39.) The captain then touches himself with a wand and vanishes from sight.

Rigging vanishes and starts climbing. Rigging makes it half way up to the captains location.

Redux releases his web spell in amongst the multiple captains but they continue to move about.

Appolo & Val are getting tended to on the Sword (val healed 20hp.)

Bart enters in to the next room finding what looks to be quarters of some spellcaster.

Walker makes it half way up to where the captain is when he vanishes.

Ari uses the wand of dispel magic trying to dispel the invisibility that the captain just cast. (failing to dispel any of the spells.)

Appolo Hp41 Ac 25 
Sunday January 4th, 2004 5:02:39 AM

When Valanthe recieves more healing and begins to look and feel better Appolo says"Stay here I'm going up top.it's time to get nasty.' Appolo heads quickly upstairs and orders the Catapults and ballistas loaded with the heavist shot they have and then heads for the helm telling the helms man to swing around to the rear of the Vengence at point blank rande. He will then order the catapults and ballistas to rake the Vengence at the water line in turn as they bear and the sword Passes the enemy.This should be sufficient enough to sink the Vengence.

Sunday January 4th, 2004 2:43:43 PM

Bart makes a mental note of the room, to search it later on and opens the next door on th eleft

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+6=23 d20+4=20
Sunday January 4th, 2004 8:25:10 PM

'Talon, fly away and circle back to try to spot this guy.'

"Come on folks! Lets get him before he uses all those charges," Redux says, referring to the wand. He then uses his scroll of Glitterdust at the area around where the Captain was (with the area outside where his web spell is currently in effect).

(ooc: spot -- Talon=23, Redux=20)

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Monday January 5th, 2004 12:31:17 AM

Keeping an eye out to see if the captain tries any other kind of spell effect, Ari will do his best to try to defend using the wand of dispel magic. If there are no obvious spell effects to try to counter, then Ari will try to flush out the captain by dispelling his current spell, hoping that he hasn't moved from where he was last.

Rigging ac 19 hps 35/57 shield, bullstrength, invisible  d20+9=11 d20+9=25 d4+3=4 2d6(4+6)=10 2d6(1+1)=2
Monday January 5th, 2004 11:09:17 AM

Rigging yell down to Ari, "Dispel those images! Ari, Dispel those images now!"

Rigging will climb up the rest of the way and attack the captain with a sneak attack.

OOC forget to give myself any pluses for an invisible attack. Rolled a 11 with my shortsword and a 25 with the holy dagger. Assume the shortsword missed. Holy dagger does 14 points of damage without sneak attack and 16 with. Wow not my best sneak attack.

Valanthe: HP 29: AC 23 
Monday January 5th, 2004 11:16:00 PM

Valanthe holds her side and watches the battle continue. She feels so helpless standing there, injured. She almost wished she died in battle. That way she was there until the end. Now she has to hope everybody makes it back. Otherwise Valanthe may never be able to forgive herself.

Clearing the Vengence rd 4 (DM Dominic)  (rigging save vs glitterdust)d20+6=19 (rigging save vs web) d20+9=16 d100=48 d100=60 3d8(2+7+3)+8=20 d20+4=19
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 6:41:06 AM

Appolo tells Niner to bring the Sword in for a crippling attack and Niner shouts out the order to do so, sending the Sword back in to attack the Vengence at Point Blank range.

Bart finds what appears to be the ships clerics quarters and temple.

Redux releases his spell causing an area of gliterdust to appear. Making Rigging visible.

Ari stands waiting for the captain to appear casting a spell.

As Rigging moves in towards the captain, Redux's spell goes off causing Rigging to become visible again. Riging continues on to where he last saw the captain moving into the Web (relex save made.) Rigging strikes out and hits with his dagger causing one of the images to vanish.

Val feels the warmth of another healing spell wash over her (healed 20 points.)

Seeing the predicament that the Wildcards are in, King Maisey calls out "Drop back Wildcards!!!" King Maisey then nods to a group of her crewmembers.

5 crewmembers from King Maisey fly up to where the images of the captain and land amongst them. 4 of them draw swords and the 5th on releases an Enlarged Anti-Magic field spell. Causing the web spell to vanish, all of the images to vanish, and the captain to re-appear.

The captain appears 20' to Riggings left and has the look of surprise on his face as he tries to cast another spell and it not happen. At this point he tries to swing from where he is to another location in the rigging. Barely making his landing the captain is now standing on some rigging 30' from where he was away from Rigging and the crewmembers of King Maisey's ship.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 1:31:05 PM

Appolo continues to direct the ship ordering archers to prepare to sweep the enemys deck if necessary.When the bow catapults and balista's are at piont blank range with the stren or rear of the Vengence he orders them to fire,Appolo does the smae when the stern catapults at ballistas pss the enemy ship. He notices Valanthe standing on deck"Val you are stubborn,don't worry the others will be just fine."

Rigging ac 19 hps 35/57 shield, bullstrength  d20+10=23
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 1:49:03 PM

Rigging looks down from the Rigging and sees the Sword starting to make its attack run on the flagship. He stares for a second and then starts cursing. He will start waving and shouting trying to get the Sword's attention.

"Stop! Cease fire! Stop! Cease fire!" He will call down to the crewmen on deck. "Stop the Swords attack! Wave them off! This ship is a prize and that fool is gonna sink it! Hurry and wave them off!"

Rigging is so distracted by the Sword's idiotic behavior he doesn't try to close on the Captain this round.

Rolled spot check of 23

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+5=8
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 5:07:40 PM

Desperately wanting to take someone down, Redux smiles a wolf grin as the Captain appears...without his six mirror images. "Goodbye." he murmurs as he begins the incantation for the spell enervation. A jet black ray shoots from his hand (range touch=8)....and promptly misses his target of the Captain, smashing instead into the rigging. Redux screams in frustration...the pain of failure so tangible that it's almost as if the ray had hit his own body.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 11:32:44 PM

Walker continues towards the captain.

Valanthe: HP 49: AC 23  d20+4=22
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 1:04:48 AM

Her physical pain lessens but her inner turmoil does not. The flash of magic and the ring of steel hold her attention. She looks for a final moment of a life snuffed out by violence and hopes it isn't one of her friends. Her eyes widen as she spots Rigging waving franticly at them.

"Appolo I think he wants you to cease fire. He looks really mad."

ooc: spot check 22

Bart haste  d20+12=31 d20+12=15 d10+7=13 d10+7=8
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 2:44:37 AM

While Bart spits on the altar he does one big smash with his sword on the altar (threat ac 31 crit? ac15 for 13+8). He the opens the other door stiil searching for the captain

Bart ooc 
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 2:46:05 AM

I presume the altar is consecrated to Ga'al otherwise bart doesnt spit on the altar and dont smash it

Appolo  d20+6=23
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 3:53:04 AM

Appolo is looking at Valanthe when she mentions something about holding fir.He then looks in the direction she is pointing and sees Rigging."Ok men the Captian wants us to hold fire.Just make the pass then come around for the pick up,but stay alert."

Clearing the Vengence rd 5 (DM Dominic)  d20+8=26
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 6:08:58 AM

The captain of the Vengence releases a spell but finds that it fizzles as he releases it. (Ari counter spell with wand.)

Rigging rushes to where he can wave off the Sword from their attack run.

Val notices Rigging waving them off.

Appolo calls off the attack run just in time. Niner heads Appolo's words and vears the Sword away just as the catapults and ballista fire causing them to jus tmiss the Vengence.

Walker makes it to just outside of the Captains reach. (can attack next round)

Bart destroys the alter to Ga'al, then walks into what he believes is the captains cabin.

King Maisey's crewmembers fire arrows at the captain critically wounding him.
The mage with the anti-magic field moves closer to the captain placing the captain and Walker in the anti-magic fields area of effect.

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  4d4(3+1+2+2)+4=12
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 9:02:18 AM

Redux points at the spellcaster and yells "Finish him!" as he fires magic missiles into his body (Dam=12).

Bart Haste 
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 1:05:31 PM

Bart looks around and makes sure the captain isn't in his room after that he decides to go to the upperdeck to look if he is there

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 2:25:00 PM

Relieved to see King Maisley's crew moving in to finish off the Captain of the enemy vessel. Ari slumps and watches as the battle seems to begin to wind down.

Looking at his clothing Ari mumbles, "This cannot be all my blood!"

(ooc sorry for missed post, didn't see what time you try posting for DM, Ian! BTW everyone, we'll start keeping track of posts again as of this week. My first report will come out this next monday)

Rigging hps 35/57 ac 19 bull strength and shield  d20+10=26
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 3:04:54 PM

Rigging will pull out Wayfinder and scan the horizen looking for other threats and to see if other ships need assistance. Spot check 26.

He will then climb down the rigging and check in with his boarding party. He will call on clerics to heal any of the badly injured and count the death toll.

He will then pull out his wand of detect magic and activate a charge, looking for any useful magic. He will take hard looks at the people he personally fought and any of the priests and magicusers. Any magic he sees, he will descreetly point out to Redux, Ari, and Walker to collect.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+5=13
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 7:11:28 PM

Wallker swings at the captian missing him.

Capture of the Vengence (DM Dominic) 
Thursday January 8th, 2004 5:49:24 AM

The captain of the Vengence feels none of the impact from the magic misles as they are absorbed. Several arrows impact into the body of the Captain. The captain falls from his place in the rigging and lands on the deck with a dull thud.

Bart arrives at the upperdeck as the captain lands.

Rigging using the wand of detect magic finds several items that show magic and he carefully points them out to Redux and the others.

King Maisey's crew starts to go to work getting the Vengence ready to take it back to port as prize.

King Maisey walks over to Rigging then says "we shall claim the ship in the name of The Jack, while the Sword and her crew can claim the posessions of the officers and crew.

treasure list will be emailed by this weekend.

Thursday January 8th, 2004 9:30:00 AM

Redux smiles weakly as the Captain's body comes crashing down lifelessly to the deck. This was a nasty battle, but it's over now. He approaches King Maisey and bows low. "King, thank you for your generosity. We will make sure that these items are put to good use in our struggle against Ga'al." He then rejoins Rigging and begins gathering up the items that he points out. With a small smile and a nod toward the items, Redux says "Looks like it's going to be another all nighter."

Thursday January 8th, 2004 12:07:44 PM

Valanthe sighs. The battle was winding down and nobody over there looked paniced. Maybe that means nobody got hurt and she was the closest to death. Valanthe has not failed to notice the late push the reaper of souls is making for hers. Is her time closer than she thought? Val imagined dying in a couple hundred years, not months.

Thursday January 8th, 2004 2:02:54 PM

Rigging will bow to the King and thank her for her efforts in the battle. "That was to close. We need to find a new base. The pirates are no longer safe here."

Rigging will assemble the boarding party and say, "Pirates of the Sword, you have done a masterful job once again and I salute you. We have been given the crew's and officer's belongings and treasure as our part of the loot. Go assemble it as quickly as possible and bring it here, so I can detect magic.

Redux and Ari, why don't you two search the officer's quarters. We might be able to find some more spellbooks."

Rigging will turn to Walker and ask him to check all the boarding party for wounds and give him a report on the wounded and killed.

Rigging will then go over to the fallen Captain's body and start searching it, looking for magic and treasure.

Once all the treasure has been collected, and the Sword ties along side, Rigging will return to his own ship. He will jump to the other ship and yell for everyone's attention, a look of joy on his face. "Once again through your skill, bravery, and courage, the Sword has proven victorious! You have made me, the pirates, and the Jack himself proud this day!"

Rigging turns to Appolo and Val. "Val are you OK now? Would you both please accompany me to my cabin?"

When they arrive, Rigging will turn to them with a look of fury on his face. "Appolo you dog! What were you thinking! You abandoned your post and your crewmates during the battle. I know you are in love with Val, but that is no excuse to endanger the lives of the others and the crew. You need to make a decision right now. You must either be part of this crew subject to my orders, or I am letting you off at the next port and you are gone. If you decide to stay, you will except whatever punishment I give you."

Rigging will turn to Val and his expression will soften. He will say, "Val, you in the past have acted with honor and bravery. I have included you in this conversation because you and Appolo are involved. Your are welcome aboard this ship and I value you as a companion and sister."

Rigging will turn back to Appolo and his look will harden again. "I love you brother, but as Captain I can not allow you to endanger this ship, her crew, or its missions again. I will give you ten minutes for you to decide on what you want to do."

Rigging will then stalk out of his cabin.

Ari HP 15 
Thursday January 8th, 2004 3:19:56 PM

Ari does his best to search the rooms as quickly as he can with Redux. As soon as their search is over, Ari will join Walker in taking an inventory of the injured and the dying of the Sword.

With each person that they come to whether they are injured or dying, Ari says "Good Job, Thank You, Rest for now" as appropriate for the occasion. Having not worried about the crew before, Ari finds himself getting a little worked up as he sees the injuries and the chaos that this battle has created. Should there be any dead from the ship, Ari will take a second or two to compose himself. Then he will move on, doing his best to keep a straight face.

Should any ask, or point out his own injuries, he will downplay them, and make the injured feel as if it is their time.

Friday January 9th, 2004 2:58:56 AM

Sorry guys that i wasn't here to fight the captain I thought the captain teleported himself belowdecks. I searched a few rooms there one of them of the captain on of a wizard and one of priest of Ga'al with a shrine consecreted to this foul god. I destroyed the shrine. And i thought i saw some spellbooks in the wizards room and some other usefull things as components, scales and small bottles. I will help Ari and Redux, I still haven't searched all the rooms maybe there are still some foes below decks

Heading Home (DM Dominic) 
Friday January 9th, 2004 6:30:26 AM

Once the ship has been stripped of any and all loot that the crew of the Sword can use, you head back to port. Off in the distance you can see the few ships that the Aisildur navy sent has left fleeing the area. You can make out what looks to be 8 or 9 ships in tow by the Pirates of Jack. Sailing back to port takes you around 12 hrs as you help with the towing of the Vengence.


next weeks posts will be approximately 24 hrs worth of time in each post. Take in to account of this when you do actions such as scribe scrolls.
list of the loot will be posted this weekend.


Friday January 9th, 2004 7:29:21 AM

Walker will triage the crew using his reamining spells for the most badly wounded.

Bart ooc 
Friday January 9th, 2004 5:04:13 PM

I want to roleplay the dividing of the loot from the 2 last battles

Saturday January 10th, 2004 2:26:54 AM

Appolo stands there completely flabergasted.he can't believe what just happened>He turns to Valanthe"what in the wold was that?Did he jsut say what Ithink he said.Saving your life was the wrong thing to do.That argh son***.Appolo head through the opening it so violently it splinters with aloud crash as it hits the wal."Rigging get back here!!"Appolo is enraged.

Sunday January 11th, 2004 10:46:53 PM

Rigging calmly walks back into the room after looking at the splintered door. He will look at the enraged thief and say, "Appolo was it wrong to save Val? Of course not. The question is...Did she need saving? Walker had gotten to her and cured her past the danger point. You by your actions took her and more importantly yourself out of the fight. Before we went on to that ship, I gave you a direct order. I told you to come with me and go head hunting. We were supposed to take out the leadership of that ship. You disobeyed that order. I can't say for sure, but you may have prolonged that battle and cost people their lives."

Suddenly Rigging is shouting. "You got lucky! No one died of your actions! We got close. Ari was magically held and Redux was incapacitated. Bart was cursed and I was the target of several spells also. Walker had Val healed and could have healed her more and put her back into the fight if you hadn't whisked her off.

You disobeyed orders, you acted with your heart, not your head. Then after we capture that prize, at the cost of several of this crew's lives, you order an attack with the Sword to sink our prize! That was really stupid. Your lucky your grandstanding didn't get anyone killed or you and I would be dueling right now!"

Rigging visibly tries to calm down. "Your not a little scared kid anymore who is all by himself. You are an important part of this crew. We need you, but not like this. Right now you are more a liability than an asset. As I said before, you have to decide and convince me that you want to be here. You need to discuss it with Val. If you want to stay, then I will put you on probation. If you disobey even the slightest order without a damn good reason, then I will have you off this boat."

Rigging looks at Val, "I hope you understand where I am coming from. I can't look to just one life anymore but must look to the whole."

Rigging will turn and leave the room again. He will say over his shoulder, "Discuss it and then find me with your decision."

Monday January 12th, 2004 7:05:22 AM

Was i cursed Rigging? No i don't think so, I believed the captain was teleported below decks. Your action towards Apollo is to hard, yes he acted with his heart not with his head. Can he be blamed for that?... Maybe, but put him on probation? ... No. I think you are not acting with your head now you let your anger rule. Your anger is probally right for at least the part that concerns the order to shoot at the Vengeance, that almost was concered by us. I know Appolo almost al my live we where and still are friends since we could walk and talk. If you push Apollo out of our family I will consider my position also. It is not that i choose a side in this misunderstanding. I'm not sure if I want to be part of this crew anymore.
Have a armfight with each other and workout your problems but don't split up this family

Monday January 12th, 2004 7:55:53 AM

Rigging is correct. Val was out of immediate danger. Appollo and myself were both there to protect her from any additional attacks if needed and a short amount of time could very well hve put her back into fighting trim.

As to the punishment, I do feel something is warranted, I again feel I have not been with the Sword long enough to feel justified on giving any input in that area.

Monday January 12th, 2004 8:31:54 AM

"Bart I understand your concerns. I think of Appolo as part of this family as well. I want him here. It is his decision. If he stays, he will have to follow orders like everyone else. If one is exempt from them, why should anyone follow them?

I am less concerned with his order to attack the Vengence. I believe he realized, in his heart, that he was wrong to leave the battle and was trying to make up for that mistake. It was dumb, but he didn't follow through and that can be forgiven.

If Appolo chooses to leave, then several members of the crew might chose to follow him. I hope not. I hope you stay, but I was voted Captain and I will be Captain. A Captain can't always base his decisions on popularity, but on what is best for the ship and entire crew."

Ari HP 15 
Monday January 12th, 2004 9:50:09 AM

(ooc before we lose sight of it. The previous post for Rigging puts Rigging, Val, and Appollo in a private conversation in Rigging's quarters)

Ari HP 15 
Monday January 12th, 2004 9:51:23 AM

Working with Niner, Ari gathers up the wounded, dead, and repairs list, and waits to speak with Rigging at his convenience.

Monday January 12th, 2004 12:39:40 PM

ooc ari you are right with that it was private (think bart heard it later on)

Monday January 12th, 2004 3:57:03 PM

(ooc that's assuming anyone shares it, and you did not share your assumptions when you made your post, which is why I made the point.)

Monday January 12th, 2004 4:01:54 PM

Knowing his job, Redux begins the process of identifying the items and scribing scrolls for future use.

Vengence loot (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 12th, 2004 4:22:07 PM

Vengence battle loot:

Normal Weapons --
200 arrows

Masterwork Weapons --
10 longswords
5 shortswords
5 heavy flails
2 rapiers
1 dire flail
1 greatsword
1 scimitar

Masterwork Armor --
15 chain mail
3 studded leather
5 scale mail
2 breastplates

Detects as magical --
Heavy flail
2 Quarterstaffs
Elven chainmail
2 sets of Bracers
Scalemail with knot work design etched into it
2 rings
4 scrolls
3 spellbooks

Monetary --
2000 GP
1000 SP
8 pearls
6 sapphires
4 opals
2 alexandrites

Arrival Back in Port (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 12th, 2004 6:32:34 PM

The ships of the Pirate's of Jack arrive back in port over the next several hours with some of them seriously damaged. You also notice that there are approximately 8 ships taken as prize from the battle with about 12 of the Pirate's of Jack ships not surviving the battle. The Sword arrives back around dusk.

As you all start to wind down for the evening following the battle you feel as if a great weight was just placed upon your shoulders. The crew secures the ship once back in port and then Niner tells them to go get some R&R for the night. Most of the crew heads in to town and to the taverns to drink in remembrance of their fallen shipmates.

As the night wears on each of you try to get some much needed rest.
Rigging awakes to the sounds of someone standing beside where he is laying. Rigging tries to get up but finds that he is bound at both feet and wrists to a wooden tablestripped down to the waist. Looking around as best he can he sees that he is looking through the eyes of Ashira. Rigging hears the person to his right say "ah, she is awake finally. We can begin." You see what looks to be several people in the clerical robes of Ga'al in the room with you. Some of them are busy in prayers to Ga'al while a couple of them are readying what loks to be something. One of the persons not praying walks slowly over to you with a smile that makes your skin crawl. You start to feel what you think is many small neeedles being driven into your abdomen just above the hip. As each needle is pushed into you, you feel this sharp burning radiate outward from the point of insertion. As you try to endure the pain your body starts to feel as if someone is starting to peel your skin away from your chest and arms. You start to scream out. Rigging sits straight up in bed sweating and screaming "No!!! Stop!!!" Rigging glances at his chest and abdomen and sees very faint red marks starting to fade away. The marks are in the exact location of where you felt the pain.

Everyone of the Wildcards are awoken from fitful sleep by Rigging screaming.

Identified Items (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 12th, 2004 6:37:06 PM

Redux begins the long process of identifying the items recovered from the battle. Starting with the wand the he finds when examining the glove. Redux identifies the following:
Wand of Greater Invisibility (12th lvl caster) (28 charges)
Glove of Storing

Cost: (deduct from party treasure) 2 pearls.

Ashira (ADM Nellie)  d20+15=18
Monday January 12th, 2004 7:04:45 PM

Ashira's mind reels with pain and her body shudders. She begins to pass out, but her mind snaps her back into focus. Don't give these sons of Ga'al the pleasure of seeing you folding. Rigging will be here soon....hold on...he'll be here soon. Another pin and then another is inserted as Ashira can no longer hold back the screams...though she does retain enough self control to keep from crying out for mercy. Hours pass and the torture continues like one long abhorrent nightmare. Another pin is inserted and Ashira's retches as her resolve begins to break. Oh Alemi, where are you?! I thought I was your chosen one. How can you let them do this to me?! Ashira's eyes scan the room frantically....knowing that any minute Rigging and Val will burst through the door.

Monday January 12th, 2004 10:23:25 PM

Rigging will bolt from the bed. He will scramble into his clothes, tears running down his cheeks. He will stumble on to the deck almost crying out of control.

He will be on his knees when the others gather around him, the sobs wracking out of his chest.
"It....It was Ashira....They were torturing her.
I could feel her pain." Rigging will pull up his shirt to show the fading red marks.

Rigging will lurch to his feet and grab Val by the arms. Spit will spray into her face as he says, "She is waiting for you and me. She is praying that we will come to her. They are sticking needles into her stomach...Oh Alemi! Why!!!!"

Suddenly Rigging will straighten and walk over to Appolo. He will throw his arms around his shoulders and whisper, "I am sorry my brother. I understand what you were feeling. Please help me save my wife."

Riggings face will turn into steel. "I am going after her. She summoned me. Are you with me my family?"

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 4:58:23 AM

I'm Rigging, I'm ready as always to help a member of the family. I will go through fire for all of you

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 5:08:34 AM

Appolo says to Rigging"I was going to go after one way or another.Rember I care about her two. Iwas two steps away from her when she was taken,I just couldn'r bare to lose val.So yes I acted with my heart.I wasn't going to leave anyways.So let's go get Ashira,it's payback time."

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 7:47:19 AM

By all means, they should lean they cannot take one of us with impunity.

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 1:00:46 PM

Val has been quiet these last few days. Rigging had a point but so did Appolo. She didn't know what to say and who to side with. If Appolo was dying would she do any different?

"Rigging of course I will go to save her but be warned. She could have heartseed by the time we get there. Before she got taken, Ashira told me about some nightmares she was having. Where she stood against us with Ga'al. I tried helping her by teaching her to use Reverie but the dreams could have been visions."

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 1:24:53 PM

Rigging will give a slight smile. "I appreciate you support in this. I want to leave as quickly as possible. We will need to gather the crew and recruit for our loses. We should be good on provisions but I want to make a quick stop at the Catacombs and get some healing potions.

Val and Appolo, would you too gather the crew? I hate to limit their shoreleaves but something tells me we don't have any spare time.

Val, I know that she might be heartseeded. It is a good thing your carrying some of that cure with you. I will get my wife back.

Ari, round up Nine and between you and him, split the money into the normal shares and give out the fine armor and weapons we captured to the crew.

Redux, I want you to keep identifing and classifing what we captured from the Vengence. I want to be able to do a split between the Wildcards while we are sailing. We might need those items to help rescue Ashira.

Walker and Bart...please go over the ship stores and weapons to make sure nothing happened to things during the battle.

Does anyone need anything from the Catacombs? OK I am off. I want to sail with the afternoon tide."

When Rigging gets back from his shopping, he will pull Wayfinder out and say, "Walker, please makes sure no one disturbs me."

He will the place the telescope to his eye and say, "Show me Ashira. Where is she? Take me to her."

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 4:02:55 PM

Woken with start, it takes Ari a second or two to figure it that it's from Rigging screaming. Quickly he dresses himself and finds Rigging to find out what is going on.

Once there Ari's face quickly turns into one of determination. When Rigging suggests that the group go after Ashira Ari says, "I will of course support the chase for your wife. We should be able to use your marriage daggers, or something else like that, to be able to track her."

As Rigging announces his intention, Ari pipes in, "Should you let the Jack know what we're intending, and see whether he might have addional info, or suggestions."

Replacing and Refitting (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday January 13th, 2004 6:19:42 PM

Recovering from the nights shocking revelations you jump to action on the replacing of the lost crewmembers and the refitting of the Sword. Upon hearing of what happened to Riggging the crew moves into action trying to get the refitting of the Sword done as quickly as possible. Niner, Ari set about doing the splitting of the loot to the crew. Quariil sets to getting the local provisioners to get the provisions for the Sword quickly while at a fair price.

Rigging tries to use the Wayfinder to locate Ashira but for some reason is not able to find her. It seems like it is being blocked somehow.

Around mid-day Rushcant arrives at the Sword looking for Rigging and the other Wildcards. When Rushcant finds you she tells you that the Jack needs to see them immediately.

Redux identifies the following:
Rod of Lesser Metamagic (maximize)
Ring of Blinking
Cost: (deduct from party treasure) 2 pearls.

Refitting costs: 1500 gp.

Need to know what the current party funds is.

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 10:20:12 PM

Rigging puts down Wayfinder, he mood very foul.
"It isn't working! Strong magic must be employed to block an artifact as strong as the Wayfinder."

Rigging is about to yell for the others when Rushcant arrives. He listens to the Jack's summons and says, "Good. I need to speak with him as well. Rushcant, do you know if any prisoners were taken? I need to find out where they are holding my wife."

Rigging will gather the other Wildcards and say to Nine, "Keep the work up. I want to be able to get out of here as soon as possible."

Rigging will then lead the others off the ship following Rushcant.

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 11:08:40 PM

Walker will check store and weapons with Bart, then guard Rigging while he tries to use the Wayfinder. Later he will accompany the other off the ship with Rushcant.

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 3:33:10 AM

I also want to visit the catacombs i want to trade in my bastard sword for a better one. I dont have enough gold for it, i was jhoping that i could get some loot , preferable weapons, from the last two raids to trade in as well

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 7:11:03 AM

Armed and ready, Valanthe follows Rigging. Hopefully the Jack will know where Ashira is being held.

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 2:34:55 PM

Seeing Rushcant and then hearing Rigging comment about seeing the Jack. Ari sighs an unnoticeable sigh of relief. At least we won't leave without keeping in touch with the Jack.

As the group starts to head out Ari will say to Rigging, "I will stay and supervise the loading of the ship, unless you say otherwise.

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 3:26:46 PM

"No Ari, I want you to come with us. Nine can handle that. The Jack said he wanted the Wildcards there and you are an important member of them. I want your eyes and ears there. I trust them. I don't necessarily trust the Jack right now. Remember the assassin might be after Ashira as we speak."

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 5:05:37 PM

Appolo does as ordered,he also loads on more supplies and 10 extra crewmen.
He then follows Rigging and the others to meet the jack.Hearing Riggings last comment to Ari,Appolo says loud enogh to be heard by both of them"They are."

Urgent Mission (DM Dominic) 
Thursday January 15th, 2004 5:54:15 AM

Once the Wildcards arrive at the palace to see Jack, Rushcant quickly leaves. You walk into a meeting that is in progress between Jack and some of the other ship captains. Upon seeing you the Jack calls you over to the table they are standing beside.

"I have an urgent mission that needs to be taken care of. I know that you are wanting to go and try to rescue your team mamber Ashira. Unfortunately this must be taken care of first. Let me say this none of the Pirates have been able to locate Ashira's location as of yet." The Jack waits a moment then says "We have gotten word that somehow Aisildur can track the island. One our spies has information about it but for safety reasons they have asked for your team to meet them. Rushcant has the location of the meeting and will give it to you. We must get that information. We will not be able to hold off another determined attack. As soon as we have dealt with this problem I will let you go hunting for Ashira."

After a few minutes Rushcant comes over to you and tells you "you will be met at the Rusty Scupper. It is a tavern on the outskirts of the capital. Be very carefull and wind in your sails."

Thursday January 15th, 2004 3:23:22 PM

Ari nods in understanding as the Jack gives out the mission information. Ari looks to Rigging as the news is given, knowing that Rigging is not going to take the news well. Hoping that Rigging can keep it together until they leave the Jack, Ari holds his words until a private moment can be gotten.

"I offer my view, because I know sometimes we all lose the bigger picture.

I have just now realized myself that we have a relatively impressive record as a group. We've been relatively dependable when it comes to getting things done for the Jack. I can at least see the sense in this mission, even though our personal goals might be different at this time.

It is also hard to judge whether our involvement over the last month or so, is a singling out of our group because of our success. Both for the Jack, and for those enemies that stand in the Jack's way. Other than ourselves, it hard for us to find anyone to trust. I am of the opinion that we need to start recruiting people we can trust to be our eyes and ears. People with their strongest loyalties to us. I'm wondering whether our retired Captain might like a little wealth so that he could attend all the parties and such, and just hear what's going on, and what can be spilled over a cup of ale.

I don't have any other ideas for anyone else that we could work with right now.

If you want I could start developing these contacts, but not let you know who these people are. Just try to find our own source of information."

Thursday January 15th, 2004 4:32:11 PM

Redux has been so absorbed with the identification process of late that he takes little note of what has been going on around him....though he is concerned about Rigging and his quest for Ashira. Redux tags along on the meeting with the Jack but doesn't chime in. He sighs heavily as their new assignment is handed out, knowing that he really needs a months vacation or so to fully prepair for battle. Doesn't look like he would be getting a vacation anytime soon.

Thursday January 15th, 2004 4:59:29 PM

Rigging hears the mission and slumps. "Sir, I understand the mission and we will undertake it.

Do you know why they requested my team? Is it someone we know? How do we recognize this spy? Does my entire team need to be there?"

Rigging will pause in his quick questions and sigh, "Sorry sir, sometimes my mind jumps ahead of my mouth. Is there any information you can give me?"

After Rigging hears his answers, he will say,
"Sir have you given any thought on resettling Isildur? It is an entire hidden city. Obviously this base is no longer safe for us.
Just a suggestion."

Rigging turns to go and starts to leave the room, he quickly turns and says, "Oh one more thing Jack. When I get to my wife and if I find that the grim assassins have been their before me, you won't look forward to my homecoming."

Rigging then leaves the throneroom and recieves the instructions from Rushcant. "When are we supposed to be their?"

Thursday January 15th, 2004 5:42:04 PM

I would like to visit the catacombs myself but also need to know what my share of the last two missions will be.

Rigging,I understand your desires, I will happily do everything in my powers and within Gargul's will to aid you when the time comes.

Friday January 16th, 2004 6:44:08 AM

Valanthe stays quiet instead of telling the Jack to stuff it, which is what she wants to do. She was suprised that the Jack needed information to know that they can find the Island. She thought that was perfectly clear by the pirates near extinction.

Friday January 16th, 2004 6:51:09 AM

Same with me Walker, I also want to go to the catacombs but i have not enough money to upgrade my stuff. What do you want to buy there, maybe we can go together and if we buy together we maybe can make a better deal. I wish we had more time before we will leave for the new mission. You still aren't an official member of our family, we still need to organize a ceremony.

Friday January 16th, 2004 7:56:04 AM

Well Bart, I'am not really sure what to buy. It would depend a lot on what my resources are, thats why I need the listing from the last missions. I certainly wouldn'd mind you coming along. The possibility of a better deal would be great and I would never refuse to listen to any advise.
As for the joining cermony, we just have not seemed to really have had much free time. And time more than any ceremony is what will make me part of the family.

Friday January 16th, 2004 12:38:29 PM

Understanding that the situation is pretty grim, Ari tables his idea for the moment. He the prepares to leave on yet another mission.

Friday January 16th, 2004 1:21:50 PM

Rigging will say to Ari, "I think your idea has merit. I had broached it with our former Captain before he left the ship. He was cool to the idea but was willing to help. You might want to reapproach him when we get a chance."

OOC sorry for the double post but wanted to answer Ari's question. We can make this conversation with him after our meeting with the Jack and Rushcant

Outfitting the Sword (DM Dominic) 
Friday January 16th, 2004 7:23:39 PM

Niner tells you when you arrive back at the ship "Captain Hawley stopped by and said that there will be additional workers helping to get the Sword ready to sail." Niner then says "Captain Hawley also said that the rumor is that we were asked for specificaly and that they would meet with no one but you."

Replacements for the fallen crewmembers arrive later that afternoon, a couple of them look as if they have seen better days. They each say "captain Hawley sends them."

Redux continues working on the items recovered from the last battle. he finds the following:
Ring of Protection +2
Cloak of Resistance +2
Brooch of Shielding (79pts left)
Necklace of missles type 7 (remaining globes(9hd, 7hd, 5hd, 3hd, 3hd))
Cost: (deduct from party treasure) 4 pearls


4 Replacements are (1 - fighter lvl6, 2 - rogue lvl7, 3 - cleric lvl8, 4 - fighter lvl7)

Sorry for no post yesterday was very busy and not able to post.

Sunday January 18th, 2004 6:28:58 PM

That was strange news. If they were the only ones the Jack would speak with then he must suspect spies in the orginization. If that was true their job would that much harder.

Monday January 19th, 2004 1:15:53 PM

Rigging how do we sail to the capital? I think there will be a lot of Aisuldurian vessles in the neighborhood. I think we can better go with one of the captured vessels. Or otherwise we can tow a small fishingboat and sail with it from our ship to the coast.

Monday January 19th, 2004 2:33:26 PM

Redux does his best to keep everyone abreast of his progress. He explains what items he knows and how he thinks things should break down. Walker, Bart and Appolo look like they could use some better equipping. The books are party treasure for future research & sale. He sets aside the rod, glove, wand, a set of bracers (+5), the scrolls and the money commenting that if it's equitable, he'd like to keep those. He continues to identify items and scribe scrolls per normal standards. He knows his time is short to try to be ready for this next battle. He doesn't appear to be taking any leisure time beyond feeding sessions with Talon.

Monday January 19th, 2004 3:34:12 PM

Knowing that time is of the essence, as usual. Ari double checks all the preperations for getting underway. Looking at the new recruits, Ari relaxes a little bit and smiles at them when he hears that Captain Hawley found them. "Welcome to the Sword. Rigging is the Captain, and I'm Ari, his second. Niner here will fill you in on what's going on. I hope you're ready for your new assignment, we don't sit still for very long."

Rusty Scupper or Bust

Preparing to Leave (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 19th, 2004 8:17:13 PM

As you refit the Sword Niner tells you that they are making a few changes to the look of the Sword so that they will look like one of the captured ships. The crew works quickly on trying to make the Sword ready as fast as possible. The estimate time that you get is 3 days for all work to be done. Each of you work on helping get things done so that you can sail quickly.

Redux continues with identifying the items recovered and ids the following:
Heavy flail +1
Longsword +1
2 sets of Bracers of armor +5

cost: 4 pearls or 400gp

Spellbooks Recovered (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 19th, 2004 8:23:23 PM

Spellbooks recovered from the Battle of the Vengence:
1) 0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue. 1st -- Detect Undead, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Magic Missile, Mount, Shield, Ventriloquism. 2nd -- Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, False Life, Knock, Mirror Image. 3rd -- Arcane Sight, Blink, Daylight, Secret Page, Slow, Tongues, Wind Wall. 4th -- Charm Monster, Detect Scrying, Rainbow Pattern, Scrying

2)0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Charm Person, Detect Secret Doors, Enlarge Person, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Identify, Sleep, Summon Monster I, Ventriloquism. 2nd -- Daze Monster, Hideous Laughter, Knock, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Touch of Idiocy. 3rd -- Displacement, Greater Magic Weapon, Rage, Suggestion. 4th -- Black Tentacles, Crushing Despair, Detect Scrying, Locate Creature.

3)): 0th -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue. 1st -- Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Floating Disk, Grease, Identify, Protection from Good, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Sleep. 2nd -- Fog Cloud, Knock, Levitate, Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics, Spider Climb. 3rd -- Daylight, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Chaos, Magic Circle against Good, Magic Circle against Law, Major Image, Nondetection, Slow. 4th -- Crushing Despair, Hallucinatory Terrain, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Mass Enlarge Person, Shadow Conjuration, Shout, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice. 5th -- Animal Growth, Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment, Fabricate, Feeblemind, Prying Eyes, Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Sleep

Monday January 19th, 2004 10:24:14 PM

Rigging will get up in the morning and renew his spells. He will then spend part of the day supervising the refitting of the ship. He will spend the afternoon helping Redux do identify's.

On the next day, he will summon his new familiar, and spend the day getting to know him. He summons a small air elemental and names him/her/it? Swirl. After he gets comfortable with Swirl, he will introduce it the Wildcards, crew and ships officers.

On the third day, he will ask the crew and Wildcards if anyone can do disguises? If they can, he will send that person into town for supplies. Might be helpful to go into the Rusty Scubber looking like some other people.

He will spend the remainder of the day, helping finish up those items with Redux, checking on the progress of the ship resupply and generally getting everything ready.

Monday January 19th, 2004 11:28:48 PM

Valanthe is in better spirits than she has been in a while. Her descision to quit worrying about the future and just live as lifted a great weight from her shoulders. She works hard trying to finish the refitting ahead of schedule. She dresses a bit sexier for Appolo's benefit and to gauruntee that he takes her to his bed.

Tuesday January 20th, 2004 3:37:43 AM

Appolo leaves the Jack's office in a even worse mood,mumbling barely audible curse and such as he heads back to the ship.

Once back aboard Appolo heads below with Valanthe.Apolo also has picked up a new longsword finely made and shiney.He strips down to his under clothes.then sits on the edge of the bunks cleaning and sharpening his weapons.He is just plain pissed.

OOC:Appolo has picked up the plus 1 longsword.

Tuesday January 20th, 2004 7:07:02 AM

Rigging a few things Redux has indentified a few magic items, we gained quite a lot of them from the last two missions. I want to have some of it enough to buy me a better sword, I have a good one but i want one with more powers and more magic enchantment. I don't know the exact cost, but i estemate 4000 gold after i trade in my sword. I can trade in some of the magic weapons we gained, or use cash. I think the magic weapons and items we dont need we can divide among our crew, we have some good fighters among the replacements.
(ooc i have a +1 bsword upgrade to a +2 keen bastardsword)

Second we have to install Ari as an official member of our family, we all have a cloak of resistance, we have a cloak of resistance in the loot we only need a family brooch, i can buy that too in the catacombs.

Tuesday January 20th, 2004 3:09:41 PM

Ari does his best to help out with the refitting of the ship. Ari looks in on the new recruits occasionally as they break into shipboard life with the Sword. As he gets time, he stops by to help Redux do some further identifying.

When Rigging introduces his new familiar, Ari takes time to say hi and to study it for a bit. Having seen a 2nd familiar within the unit, Ari starts having his own concerns about whether he should look into a familiar or not.

Finishing Touches (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday January 20th, 2004 7:19:40 PM

The crew works diligently over the next 3 days with the yard workers on getting the Sword prepared for sailing along with the few minor appearance changes as to make the Sword look like another ship. On the third day as the job is finished Rushcant comes aboard and tells you that when you get to the Rusty Scupper the contact will locate you.

Rigging and Redux finish identifying the items taken from the battle with the vengence.
Shortsword +2
Quarterstaff x2 +1
Scalemail +1
Elven chainmail +1
Scalemail with knot work design etched into it (mitheral,+2)

cost: 5 pearls or 500 gp

Second night:

You awaken to see 4 priests of Ga'al standing over you getting ready to use the items on you. When you try to move you find yourself bound to an alter stripped down to your waist. As you look around you notice that you are looking through the eyes of Ashira.
You feel the skin start to tingle as if a lightning bolt hit just beside you. A few seconds later you feel as if your entire skin is starting to burn and melt like a candle. As you try to scream out you notice that no sound comes from you.
After what seems like an eternity you feel the insertion of a knife into your chest. As this is happening you cna make out a chant to Ga'al is being said by every priest in the room. You feel something being placed into the insision then you feel nothing at all.
All of you wake up with a burning sensation all over your bodies. When you look you see a faint red mark fading on your chest exactly where you felt the insision.

Tuesday January 20th, 2004 11:08:07 PM

Rigging will wake in a cold sweat, throw off his blanket and stalk up the stairs from his cabin to the deck. No tears stream from his eyes. Only a scary determination blares forward from his cold glance.

He will walk with purpose over to Val's cabin and knock on the door. When she answers, he will say, "Val, I am gonna need some of Alemi's blessing for Ashira. I just had another dream and I think she has been heartseeded. I hope and pray that I am wrong and these are just dreams and not visions that I am having. If they are true visions, then we will need to fight her to save her."

Rigging will then head over to the ships bell and start ringing it. When the crew assembles on deck, he will order, "We make sail now! Everyone to their posts! Day watch up! Night watch...Stand down! Get some rest boys! We are going to beard the lion in his den and we are going to need everyone to perform at there very best!"

Rigging will start yelling orders, "Get the jib up! Cast off those lines! Lets go!"

Rigging George 
Tuesday January 20th, 2004 11:10:20 PM

OOC Hey guys, we now have a complete list of the items from the last two battles. I have a new email service and need all of your email address again please. We can roll play some of this but it will take to long and we should do some of it by email.

Rigging George 
Tuesday January 20th, 2004 11:25:58 PM

ooc oops I guess it helps to give you the address...nemethg@adelphia.net

Wednesday January 21st, 2004 3:00:30 PM

Ari hits his head, as he wakes from the dream trying to scramble away from whatever was being put in his chest. Having felt something similar, Ari recognizes the implantation (assumed). Understanding it's significance, Ari dons his clothes in order to find others in the family. As he reaches the door, the bell starts to sound. Hurrying upstairs to see what the ruckus is, Ari suspects that the others had the dream to. For what would cause Rigging to stir up such a hornets nest?

Wednesday January 21st, 2004 4:15:36 PM

Sorry Dominic,

Didn't want to do this on the board but having problems getting the email to folks. I am having Dominic forward an entire list of the magic and other loot to you.

We need to figure out how to divide the loot.

We have some major ticket items. The highest value are the bracers of armor +5 which sell for 36,000 gps each.

One of the things we can do is sell everything at the Catacombs. I roughly figure we have 319,250 gps worth of loot in permanant magic. I did not figure in potions, scrolls, spellbooks, or master work items in this list. I also haven't figured any actual money we will recieve from gold and gems taken.

The Catacombs charges a 10% fee to buy magic items back. Our rough totals would then be 287,325 gps. Ouch almost a 32,000 gps hit. Anyway if we give Ashira a 1/2 share, each of us would get 38,480 to spend as they wished. Ashira would get 17,957.

Or we could try to talk it over and reason it out amongst us. Everyone post what the top 3 items they want are. Then work it out from there. We each should get around 3 items.

Another method is to roll a 20 sided die. High roller would get first choice on down the line. Then you reverse the line and work you way back up. We could give Ashira one pick in the first round.

To give an idea of the value of things:
bracers +5 36,000
ring of protection +3 32,000
cloak of protection +3 not in DMG but assuming 32,000
Ring of blinking 27,000
Bracers +4 25,000
Nope don't ask, have know idea why +3 ring and cloak cost more than the +4 bracers
Wand of Greater Invisibility 21,000 (might want to keep that as party treasure as it can help everyone)
Ring of protection +2 18,000
mitheral scalemail +2 5,300 again don't have a clue.
Most of the weapons are 8000
Cloak of resistnce +2 9000

I haven't listed everything but you get the idea. Tell me what you think. George

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday January 21st, 2004 6:45:34 PM

May I suggest we take the rest of the week to sort this out and update our charactor sheets.I am a little behind and I have some Items from the Giggling Ghost to add as wel.Appolo wants the ring of protection+3,Short Sword +2.Long Sword +1. Iwould also suggest that we pick up some healing potions and each of us carry a couple.

Wednesday January 21st, 2004 6:50:15 PM

Appolo awakes from a nightmare and just lies there with Valanthe in his arms,gently stroking her hair.
When Rigging arrives he finds Appolo with her.

Strange Day (DM Dominic) 
Thursday January 22nd, 2004 3:59:08 AM

After the previous nights you each feel abit run down through the day. The crew makes ready as quickly as possible sensing the uneasyness in the wildcards.

use the rest of this week to get the loot divided and any catacombs business taken care of. Monday the ship will leave port and sail for the capital. Everyone get me your updated character sheets with all changes that are made from recieving your portion of the treasure.

Thursday January 22nd, 2004 7:07:49 AM

Will assist as neeeded in getting rready to sail.After the horror of the dream he is eager to get going.

Ooc:Walker will be happy with an eqitable share he can take to the catacombs.

Thursday January 22nd, 2004 10:04:00 AM

Valanthe lays in Appolo's arms, resting her head on his chest. She hoped they could save Ashira. It doesn't feel right without her here.

"Rigging if you didn't want some of the tears for Ashira I would have smacked you across the head."

Thursday January 22nd, 2004 2:40:14 PM

Ari continues to help out with the crew. Sensing the crews uneasiness, Ari relates to Niner what dreams he's been having in regards to Ashira. Ari will then let him know that he suspects others of the group have been having similar dreams. No one is sure whether it's something to unnerve the group, or whether it's to let us know what is happening. Ari then says to Niner, "I want to know about any unhappiness with the crew. We share a lot with outselves, but we forget that there are others that are watching us, or are interacting with us. I know I forget about this sometimes. So please let me know so that we can know we're not keeping the crew too far in the dark."

Thursday January 22nd, 2004 4:39:03 PM

00C Dana, I have been trying to include you in some emails about the loot split. They keep getting bounced back. Please email at nemethg@adelphia.net what 3 items you would most like.

Crews Reaction (DM Dominic) 
Friday January 23rd, 2004 7:07:03 AM

Niner calls a meeting of all crewmembers other than the wildcards. Afterwards you notice that the crew seems to be trying to make everything as perfect as they possibly can.

Looking at the ship from the docks you don't recognize the Sword. With the work that has been done you feel that you will get past any casual look over done by passing ships.

Friday January 23rd, 2004 3:42:03 PM

Rigging will gather the Wildcards together and distribute the items and money (as I discussed in the emails. To long to rewrite it all.)

He will have Quariil, the quartermaster, hand out the crew's shares and have the ship's carpenter expand the armory closet. He will show the crew all the masterwork armor and weapons. "This is now common Sword property or ship's property. You will be able to use it during battle to better smite down our foes!
We might be the ugliest crew on the seas but we will be the best equipped!"

He will pull the Wildcard's aside and say, "You have the afternoon off. Who ever is going to the Catacombs, do so now. I want to sail on the evening tide."

Sunday January 25th, 2004 11:48:21 PM

Redux sees the organized chaos going on around him. With the loot split up he turns his attention to finishing his scrolls. He's felt sorely underpowered in the last battles and doesn't want to lose control like that again. To that end he consolidates his wealth and smiling, takes his leave of the ship and heads to the catacombs prior to departure.

Once back, he finishes accounting for party treasure and stowing the items in his care. He has some new jewelry and an odd item for someone in his line of work, a grappling hook on silk rope. He approaches one of the special backup members and asks for a moment of his time. Redux requests a quick lesson in keeping from wrapping himself up in the hook and rope while swinging it at a target (seen or unseen).

Monday January 26th, 2004 3:07:56 PM

Ari does his best to help out where he can around the crew. Learning more about working with the ship as they repair and refit the ship. When Ari has any downtime, he'll start to study the scroll books that the group has recently aquired.

(ooc should we have the spell casters go through in e-mail what they can pick up from the spell books?)

Setting out (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 26th, 2004 4:55:38 PM

As you cast off you see Hawley wave fairwell to you. The crew quickly gets the Sword underway and starts to head out of port. When you sail past the ships on picket duty you recieve messages from them saying "Good Luck, Safe and Speedy Journey.."

The crew sets up a steady routine of watches making sure that they spot any possible ships before the Sword is sighted. Quariil calls out "All Hands to the Quartemasters cabin!" As each crew member arrives Quariil hands them a couple sets of clothes (Aisildurian Navy outfits) and says to change into these clothes. When the Wildcards and the members of the boarding team arrive Quariil hands them Aisildurian officer uniforms and says "this should help with the few checks we will recieve. Sorry for not clearing it with you first Captain Rigging, Captain Hawley suggested it to me."

The first 3 days of sailing goes by without any problems. You spot 2 Aisildurian ships but they continue without checking you out.

Rigging and Swirl  d20+10=19 d20+10=18 d20+12=18
Monday January 26th, 2004 10:31:25 PM

Rigging will take his new clothes with a smile. He will go below and put them on and then come back on deck and use Nautacolous to determine the best/shortest course to get them where they are going. He will not summon the winds as he doesn't want the ship to look out of place to other ships.

Rigging will spend 2 of his days down in his cabin copying 2 new spells into his spellbooks
The first is suggestion, and the second is touch of idiocy.

When they spot the other ships, Rigging will take out Wayfinder and get a close look at them. (rolled spot check of 18 plus whatever Wayfinder does for me.) He will say to the crew, "After we see to our mission, we should use these uniforms to get close and capture a prize. The pirates need more ships."

The rest of the time will be spent on ships business and getting to know Swirl better.

During one of the meals, Rigging will call the Wildcards together and say, "I have found a small bag of gems that we haven't split up yet.
We took them on the Pride during our first battle. I suggest we give them to Ari as seed money in starting an independent intelligence network for us. The total runs to around 1000 gps approximately. Figure this will be a good start for him. Anyone have a problem with this?"

If no one speaks up, Rigging will toss the sack to Ari and lift his goblet. He will toast Ari and say, "To our new spymaster!" Rigging will then turn to Appolo and say, "Appolo I want you to assist Ari in this. He is smart but you know how the back streets work. Will you take this assignment too?"

Swirl will constantly buzz around the ship. He will constantly nag Rigging on his poor penmenship as he works on his spellbooks. He will spend most of his time in the rigging darting about. He will chase Talon a little but only in good fun.

19 and 18 were spellcheck rolls

Tuesday January 27th, 2004 12:27:19 PM

Glad to have the hair in his wind again. Ari does his best to help out with the ships routine while he waits for the next step in his life. Ari watches as the Rigging gets use to having his familiar around. Ari wonders what it might be like to have a familiar around. He's not sure that he would want to have a familiar invovled in the middle of the life that he lives.

Tuesday January 27th, 2004 7:26:11 PM

Her time with Appolo recently made her glad he was patient. She was distant for a while but Appolo never left. He could have but didn't. After the meeting Valanthe is quiet and a bit nervous. She pulls Appolo aside so they could speak in private. "Appolo I was wondering if you would marry me?"

Ship Approaches (DM Dominc) 
Wednesday January 28th, 2004 6:52:08 AM

You continue to sail on. During the 5th day out you see a ship start to approach. The ships lookout calls down "Aisildurian ship approaching!"
Hearing this the crew takes to acting like typical Aisilduran crewmembers.

Wednesday January 28th, 2004 12:38:59 PM

Redux spends most of the journey locked in his quarters, trying to catch up on all the scribing that needs to be done before the mission.

During the meeting, Redux nods his approval of Ari's new assignment.

Redux stands by on the deck and watches as Swirl and Talon play together. Perhaps a little overprotective, Redux is ready to "zap" swirl should the little elemental's play get out of control.

Redux starts at the announcement of the approaching Aisildurian vessel. He heads down to his quarters to gather some of his freshly scribed scrolls...just in case.

Wednesday January 28th, 2004 1:10:23 PM

Bart goes to deck when he hears the calling of the lookout. He is ready for combat but he conceals his sword in his glove of storing

Wednesday January 28th, 2004 3:07:38 PM

Rigging will call Nine over and ask, "Do we know if they have any typical greetings for each other?" He will wait for the response and then yell out,

"Everyone remain calm but be prepared. If they spot us acting strange, we will have to sink them and that could endanger the mission!"

Rigging will call to the helmsman. Get no closer than 25 yards to them, unless I order differently."

Rigging will then put Wayfinder to his eye and take a good look at the ship. "Don't be anyone I know." he murmers to himself.

Wednesday January 28th, 2004 3:57:45 PM

"Are the officer normally on deck? Or can we get away with them being below."

Wednesday January 28th, 2004 5:05:24 PM

Appolo shows for dinner and accepts his assingment to help Ari with thier own spy network.
Later when Valanthe asks him if he will her.He givesher a big hug"Yes,I thought you'd never ask.Just one thing though after we free Ashira,we leave the pirates of Jack.I am not going to spend the rest of my short life trying to accomplish something that can't be accomplished.IF Alemi couldn't get rid of G'aal,then we have no chance."

That afternoon when the ship is sighted approaching them appolo puts on his Aisildurian Navl Uniform and takes his position on the main deck quite calm cool and collected.

OOC:I appologize for being absent.I was ina an accident,fractured leg.

Thursday January 29th, 2004 12:14:30 AM

"Alright. Once Ashira is freed." Valanthe says happily.

When the ship approches Valanteh stasy below deck, armed and ready.

Ship Signals (DM Dominic) 
Thursday January 29th, 2004 5:56:06 AM

As you start to ask Niner what if they signal, you notice that the ship signals that they would like to talk. Niner says to Rigging "Captain Let us talk with them and we may get some info."
Rigging scans the faces of those on the deck of the other ship but does not find anyone that he recognizes.

Thursday January 29th, 2004 10:45:10 AM

Walker changes with the others and stands ready to help as needed.

Thursday January 29th, 2004 2:26:12 PM

Rigging will tell the helmsman to keep on his intercept course and yell up to the rigging, "Slacken the sails, but be ready for a quick getaway.

Bart quietly form a boarding party, don't let them look like a boarding party."

When the ship gets in hailing distance, Rigging will yell, "Helllooooo!"

Redux  d20=1
Thursday January 29th, 2004 11:26:29 PM

Redux understands this could be a formidable trial for the outfitting of the ship. He looks over the oncoming ship for signs as to where it's home port is or something else familiar (knowledge=nat 1!) but is totally stumped. He whispers to Rigging 'Good Luck' and steps to the side hoping to draw Appolo and Val to the side as well. To them he whispers, "This will be a trial faster won by diplomacy than by steel."

Thursday January 29th, 2004 11:44:13 PM

"I will keep out of sight and refrain from starting anything. I will only act if it is to defend myself."

Ships Meet (DM Dominic) 
Friday January 30th, 2004 6:28:14 AM

As the two ships near each other you can see several officers moving about on the deck and the crew doing normal ships work.
The captain of the ship calls back after hearing Rigging's greetings "Hello, see any strange ships in the last couple of days?"

Friday January 30th, 2004 8:18:49 AM

Rigging will shake his head in the negative and yell out, "No." He will then say, "I saw two ships with Aisilduran flags 2 days ago but we didn't get that close. Why do you ask?"

Friday January 30th, 2004 2:24:14 PM

Ari does his best to be non-chalant about looking over the crew of the other ship while the talking is going on.

Monday February 2nd, 2004 12:04:05 AM

Inwardly Redux grits his teeth. He knows why the other ship asked--they are trying to locate the Pirates base and/or any of its ships. He outwardly continues to smile and act the part of a ship officer; at least he doesn't have to actually know how to run a ship, just pretend like it. Well, managing people is managing people, doesn't much matter if its ships or trade ships. We'll just have to write 'Supervisor' on his hat and not worry about any real maritime knowledge.

Monday February 2nd, 2004 6:33:32 AM

Bart is ready for action but he tries to act as a normal sailor

Strange Information (DM Dominic) 
Monday February 2nd, 2004 6:52:41 PM

The captain calls back "we have heard there have been no word from a couple of the pickets in the last couple of days and they have not been found by the mages. By the way I am Captain Pritchard of the Wing of Fury and you are?"

Monday February 2nd, 2004 10:24:13 PM

Rigging will think quickly and say call back, "I am Captain Arutha Von Palin of the Sea Swift." Rigging will use the name of one of his father's newer ships and try to pass himself off as his younger brother. The ship named will be one from the southern fleet.

He will quickly add, "I haven't seen the pickets unless they were the ships we saw from a distance a few days ago. I have heard the accused pirates have been more active lately. They may have had a run it with them!"

He will continue, "We are bound for the Capital but we will keep our eyes open! Good sailing to you Captain and good luck with your mission!"

Monday February 2nd, 2004 11:11:05 PM

He stands at the ready in his new Armour and uniform.He walks around checking on things letting Rigging do the talking,shouting a couple of orders,here and there.

Redux  d20+2=15
Monday February 2nd, 2004 11:36:47 PM

Redux looks across the deck of the Wing of Fury looking especially for mages. He might think it odd that none are spotted, thinking they may be invisible. As he listens to Rigging, he is impressed and thinks the ruse to be a very good one.

Tuesday February 3rd, 2004 7:17:54 AM

The elf listens the the conversation with much nervousness. Her hand continuously regrips her sword. She says nothing for fear that it will be heard.

Tuesday February 3rd, 2004 10:38:26 AM

Bart walks away, it seems he goes below decks, but he waits on the stairs he is ready if anything happens. Bart thinks it is not wise to stare to the ship with to many people, they might think somethng about it.

Ships Part (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday February 3rd, 2004 7:48:50 PM

Captain Pritchard calls out "I better go try and find the ships before the Pirates find them. Tell your father the admiral I said he owes me a drink when I get back!"

Captain Pritchardmoves off to near his helmsman and the Wing of Fury breaks off headed in the direction you came from.

While scanning the Wing you did notice that there was one mage seaming to be in a trance with a cleric standing near him.

Rigging and Swirl 
Tuesday February 3rd, 2004 11:23:10 PM

Rigging will call up to the sailors in the mast,
"Unfurl the sails, best time to the Capital!"

He will hand Wayfinder over to Redux, and quietly say, "Keep an eye on that ship, but don't be obvious about it."

Rigging will walk up to Nine and say, "Keep the men looking sharp and leave the uniforms on. We might be scried for a while."

Wednesday February 4th, 2004 12:23:53 AM

Valanthe breathes a sigh of relief as the ship moves under way. They were still too close so she stays below deck for now.

Wednesday February 4th, 2004 4:00:14 PM

As the ship moves on, Ari begins to relax.

While waiting for hte ship to disappear over the horizon, Ari will make an inspection of the ship just to make sure they didn't pick up any sneaky types somehow.

Arrival in Aisildur (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday February 4th, 2004 4:17:33 PM

After leaving the Wing of Fury behind you continue to sail for Aisildur. Using the Wayfinder to keep an eye on the Wing of Fury, you notice that they are sailing off normally.

The ship sails on another day and a half before you spot the outskirts of the Capital of Aisildur. Niner tells the crew to head for the port on the outskirts of the capital. An hour later the Sword ties up at the docks amongst several merchant ships.
Upon securing to the dock Quariil walks over and says "going to get some fresh supplies captain. Will take 3 crewmembers with me to help out. We will be as quick as we can and blend in while we get the supplies." Quariil signals to 3 crewmembers, then Quariil and the crewmen head out to gather the supplies needed.

Niner asks "The Rusty Scupper should not be that far from here. Any orders Captain while you and the others are away?"

Rigging and Swirl 
Wednesday February 4th, 2004 10:58:33 PM

Rigging will pull Nine into his cabin and pull out a map. Together they will pick a cove around 10 miles away from the capital as a point to meet if something goes wrong.

Rigging will say, "If things don't seem right, get the ship out of here. We will meet you in 3 days at this cove."

Rigging will continue on and pick another cove around 25 miles away. This will be our secondary site. If you can't get back, to the first one, we will meet you at this cove in a week. That should give you enough time to get away and then double back if you need to.

I want you to wait 2 days for us in port. If you don't hear from us, head out and go to the first cove for the day 3 meeting."

Rigging will gather the Wildcards and say, "OK we are off to our meeting. Let's be ready for anything. I want you guys to think of a plan on who goes into the Rusty Scupper and who will be backup. I think I have to go in but who else should go with me?"

Rigging will say to Swirl, "Ready for you first mission? This should be exciting. Nothing like sneaking around your enemies capital."

Thursday February 5th, 2004 12:06:44 AM

"If Ashira is there then I will be too. I need to be there for the good and the bad. Besides I have the medicene."

Thursday February 5th, 2004 5:27:52 AM

I would like to go in and hear first hand wat is going on, but i think i can better serve as backup. I will hang around the Rusty Scupper and rush in if something goes wrong.

Thursday February 5th, 2004 3:34:30 PM

Ari has no comment on the current plans. There seems to be no comment needed. He'll tend to his spells and prepare to get ready.

Thursday February 5th, 2004 7:02:06 PM

Walker will do as suggested by Rigging.

Rusty Scupper (DM Dominic) 
Thursday February 5th, 2004 7:24:08 PM

Niner tells Rigging "will do captain."

As those of you that decide to head out to the Rusty Scupper you notice that most of the other ships in port have most of their crews keeping the ships ready to sail at a short notice. When you eventually find the Rusty Scupper you see that htere is almost no one inside wearing uniforms from the Aisildur navy. A short time after you arrive at the Rusty Scupper a familiar looking gentleman comes over to your table and takes a seat.

"Good to see that you made it, 'J' will need to read this as quickly as possible" the mysterious man says as he hands a scroll case and a pouch to Rigging. "Make haste and take this to him. I have heard of a rumor that a certain lady was taken and is under guard by the priesthood. I will pass on any more news to you on her as I hear it. Good luck and watch out for patrols." the mysterious man says quietly then gets up and leaves.

Rigging and Swirl 
Thursday February 5th, 2004 11:06:26 PM

Rigging will tell the others, "Let's get back to the ship." He will pay for the drinks and food they might have ordered and leave a silver as a tip.

He will then, hurry back to the ship, keeping an eye and ear out for trouble. He will ask Swirl to fly 40' above them and look for patrols and ambushes.

When they get back to thw ship, he will order her to prepare to castoff. He will then open the scroll case and see what is inside. He will also look into the pouch to see what it holds.

Thursday February 5th, 2004 11:12:48 PM

Appolo follows along quite as ussaul.He thne heads back to the ship with the others,So far so good.Once back on the ship,Appolo walks up to Rigging"Rigging can I talk to you?"He is rather sober and serious.

Friday February 6th, 2004 12:28:30 PM

Valanthe makes haste with the thought that they might not be too late. Why guard somebody that is hearseeded?

Friday February 6th, 2004 2:32:50 PM

Slightly surprised at the quickness of the meeting. Ari is glad to return back to the ship and prepares for the next stage of the journey.

Hoping that Rigging will share with the others what the letter contained. Ari does his best to contain his excitment.

Redux  d20+2=19
Friday February 6th, 2004 3:05:13 PM

Redux is relieved to have passed inspection by the Aisildur navy ship. He finds a place in his gear to carry the grapple hook with him and accompanies Rigging to the meeting. He examines the doorway to the establishment on the way in and rubs his chest remembering the trap the priests sprung on them so long ago. He tries to remember who this figure is that came and went so fast (Wis=19). He agrees with getting back to the ship and sends Talon up, as well, to fly around.

Rush back to the Sword (DM Dominic) 
Saturday February 7th, 2004 5:53:32 AM

As you head back to the ship you all have the uncanny feeling that someone is watching you and that someone else is following you. Swirl and Talon don't spot anything out of the ordinary as they are traveling along ahead and around the party.

About half way back to the ship you see some sort of confusion ahead with what looks to be 30-40 people all gathered in the street and soldiers supported by clerics and mages looking over the people.

What do you do???

Saturday February 7th, 2004 10:29:51 PM

Rigging will put his hand up and say to the group, "We need to try to go around them. Redux, Ari..do you have any invisibility scrolls or spells handy? All I have is my ring."

Rigging will ask Swirl if he can find them a way around the mages and clerics.

"Come on, lets backtrack before they notice us."

Rigging will lead the group away from the commotion.

Monday February 9th, 2004 3:16:45 PM

Keeping his voice low and lips covered, Redux talks to Rigging. "My impression is that we are being scryed. These folks know the city better than we, so better not to draw attention to ourselves and run. We may be able to get around, but we might also try to go parallel to them, and begin heading to our alternate pickup site. They probably have alarms to activity but don't know the specifics as to who/where so they have to look at every person. What if we can wait them out and then get to a pick up point, we'd be safer. I'll send Talon to loop around and check to see if our ship is leaving port, as directed."

'Talon, have you been listening to Swirl? Go find our ship, but don't land, just circle back to wherever we are at.'

Side-Street Arrival (DM Dominic) 
Monday February 9th, 2004 4:56:29 PM

Backtracking a little ways you find several side streets that look to be clear of any obstructions. Swirl shows you a route using side streets that are not busy getting you back to the ship just as the ship is starting to get ready to set sail. Niner spots you and has the crew hold up for a few moments allowing you to get aboard the ship.

Once you are all on-board, Niner has the crew cast off and set sail heading out to sea in a random direction in case you are followed. Niner then comes over and says "we have had 4 seperate inspections from different groups of soldiers and clerics of Ga'al. They said they were looking for escaped prisoners. I was just setting sail to go to the first meeting place when I spotted you approaching the docks. Where to now Captain?"

When you look at the scroll that the Mysterious man gave you, you see that it is sealed. The pouch that he gave you contains miniture copies of a silver comb, a dagger and a carved lady.

Monday February 9th, 2004 10:15:54 PM

Rigging has the ship cast off and tells them to head out to sea for now. "Keep away from other ships unless we are hailed but don't be to obvious about it."

Rigging stops and looks up at Nine suddenly. "Did you say escaped prisoners? Did they give a description of the escapees? I wouldn't put it past Ashira. She has always been resourceful and determined."

Rigging pulls out Wayfinder. He calls out to Redux and Val. "Keep a watch on me. If Ashira has been freed, I might be able to scry her."

Rigging will bring the artifact to his eye and direct it by saying, "Show me Ashira." If this doesn't work, then he will direct it to show him the escaped prisoners.

Tuesday February 10th, 2004 1:27:28 AM

Valanthe watches Riging hoping for the best but expecting something like a violent seizure. Val hopes Ashira has been freed but doubts it. She remembers the details of Ashira's dreams and notices the circumstances. Maybe Ga'al's people know she will not reaise her blade against her.

Strange Vision (DM Dominic)  d10=9
Tuesday February 10th, 2004 7:07:32 PM

Niner says "yes Captain!" Then Niner calls out to the crew "head for open sea, let us be away from here. Look out keep a sharp eye out for ships!"

Rigging heads below then starts to use the Wayfinder.
Ashira sparring with another female warrior. Ashira is wearing a black leather breastplate with the symbol of Ga'al embossed on it. A short time later you see Ashira and 5 others listening to someone talking to them. You think you have seen this person before.
All of a sudden you feel yourself flung back into your body (Rigging 9pts of Con dmg.)

Redux and Val see Riogging spasm for a few seconds then slump to the ground weakly maintaining conciousness.

Tuesday February 10th, 2004 7:28:29 PM

Walker paces the deck for while, then pitches in with regular shipboard duties to keep his skills honed.

Rigging  d20+4=20
Tuesday February 10th, 2004 9:48:06 PM

Rigging winces in agony as he is thrust into his body. He will look weakly around and whisper to Val, "Get the others." When they have gathered he will look up with tears in his eyes.

He gasps out obviously sick and in pain, "Ashira is alive. It is as we feared. They have taken her. They have heartseeded my wife. I saw her training with others. It looked to be an enlarged quad. I saw six members.. I saw someone, I have seen before. I am not sure who it was..." Rigging's eyes roll up into his head and he falls unconcious.

OOC rolled an intelligence roll to she if I could remember who it was. Rolled a 20

Tuesday February 10th, 2004 11:36:43 PM

Valanthe sighs. "I cannot raise my blade against her Rigging. The others I will kill gladly but her, I cannot fight her."

Wednesday February 11th, 2004 12:58:34 AM

Appolo followed along silently and had stayed by Valanthe's side the whole time.He is standing next to her now"He looks at them both,don't worry niether of you have.I already told her I was coming for her.I'll free her one way or the other.Rigging you need to go get sme rest.When we find her or she finds us just leave her to me and both of you stay away from her."

Wednesday February 11th, 2004 1:20:39 AM

Feeling for his friend and captain, Ari asks, "do we then look for these escaped prisoners, or head back? We still haven't a basic clue where to look for her, as of yet."

Wednesday February 11th, 2004 8:32:42 AM

Rigging regains conciousness for a few seconds. He will beckon Ari over. He whispers "Get us home. Get the scoll to the Jack. You are in commmand. Have Redux look at the figures in the sack. mag...."

Rigging slumps back into unconciousness

Redux  d20+2=9
Wednesday February 11th, 2004 2:56:38 PM

Redux is troubled at the news of having to face the quad and Ashira together. They've only been able to beat a quad one time, though they have been given one draw. He goes back to his study to review the scroll books and think about how to remove Ashira from the curse and not get himself killed for being nice. Talon pecks at his ear, getting his attention that someone is coming. He accepts the figurines and inspects them from all sides. "Can we open the scroll, they likely go together. Not sure of any special value a small silver comb would have without a clue." He looks further at the lady and tries to remember if it reminds him of anyone he's seen or a god. (Wisdom=9....bummer) Having no luck himself, Redux passes the figure around the Wildcards asking if any of the others might recognize the lady.

Walker  d20+7=24
Wednesday February 11th, 2004 3:21:54 PM

Walker studies the figurine with the others.

[knowledge, religion +7=24]

Sailing for Home (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday February 11th, 2004 4:30:09 PM

As you sail for Safeport you each examine the items from in the pouch. You find that each item is extreamely high quality work and have a faint magical aura to them like they have been used for some sort of ritual or spell at one point. When examining the scroll you find that it is sealed with a wax seal with a symbol imprinted in the seal.

On the second day out Rigging regains conciousness again but is extreamely tired and weak. Rigging thinks that the person that was talking to Ashira in his dream was the priest that the Wildcards captured during the battle before Captain Hawley retired and Ashira was captured.

The lookout spots what looks to be a ship off in the distance headed towards your ship and they can make out some sort of flashing coming from the approaching ship. Niner calls out "all hands action stations!! Pour on the sails we need all the speed we can manage they seem to be catching us!"

Wednesday February 11th, 2004 11:11:21 PM

Rigging tries to get up but collapses back into the bed. He summons Ari and hands over both artifacts. "Check it out with Wayfinder, don't visit them. Just look at them. Use Nautacolous to summon the winds and use the ship's magic to get the sharks going. We should be able to out run them."

Wednesday February 11th, 2004 11:37:03 PM

Valanthe readies herself for battle then heads up to help where she can.

Thursday February 12th, 2004 2:45:57 PM

Having received his instruction, Ari mutters, "Rest friend, while you can."

Ari then heads topside with the Nautacoulous and examines the ship as he best he can with the normal settings. Ari tries to find who is looking the ships way with their own viewfinder.

Should the assement prove true, Ari will then turn to the crew and say, "be prepared for the full effect of the winds. I'm going to add the aid of our friend here in order to try to pull away."

Thursday February 12th, 2004 5:02:53 PM

Appolo arrives on deck ready for battle.He heads over to Ari."Make sure its Aisildurian first though.It could be one of ours."

Rigging and Swirl 
Thursday February 12th, 2004 10:06:41 PM

Though he is bed ridden Rigging will send Swirl zipping up and back to give him reports.

As he waits for information, he will start thinking about how to capture Ashira. "Spells start going through his mind...hold person, web, ray of enfeeblement. Maybe he should go buy something at the catacombs to help."

He drifts off to an exhausted sleep

Enemy Sighted (DM Dominic) 
Friday February 13th, 2004 3:32:52 AM

As Ari checks out the Approaching ship the lookout calls out "second ship sighted!!" Ari recognizes the first ship as the Wing of Fury and that its sails are full of wind like the Sword normally is when Rigging uses the Nautaoculus. Quickly using the Nautaoculus Ari causes the winds to start to fill the sails and the Sword puts on additional speed.

The second ship sighted is on a course that would cause it it intercept you while trying to flee the other ship.

Niner asks Ari "shall we try to sail past the second ship at full speed and give them ashot as we pass?"

Friday February 13th, 2004 8:24:50 AM

Walker will help ready the ship for battle.

Friday February 13th, 2004 5:29:16 PM

Rigging lays unconcious in bed. He dreams of wonderful clerics with restoration spells. Nice people who cure him of this horrible injury. He dreams of how lavishly he will reward them, praise them....not keelhaul them.

Saturday February 14th, 2004 4:33:50 AM

Hmm 2 ships i hope we can outrun them, but better prepare the ship for battle. Ari do what you can with the Nautacoulous, while i help Walker.

Saturday February 14th, 2004 8:31:48 AM

Walker will tend Rigging using whatever spell may be needed to retore him to health.

[Ooc: Sorry real life worries lately]

Narrow Passing (DM Dominc) 
Saturday February 14th, 2004 1:09:40 PM

As the Sword sails past the second ship the first one starts to fall back not able to keep up with the fleeing Sword.
The second ship launches 2 shots from its catapults narrowly missing the Sword due to the sudden increase of speed. The crews from the Sword accustomed to the speed of the Sword let loose with shots from the catapults and hit with both shots causing moderate damage to the second ship. As you pass you notice that the name on the ship is "Rath of Aisildur."

Saturday February 14th, 2004 11:30:31 PM

Appolo stands on deck watching and waiting.He yells to Redux"Use some magic and take out thier mast,by the time they recover we'll be gone.Quickly now!!"

Sunday February 15th, 2004 8:15:10 PM

Valanthe watched as the enemy ship came very close to hitting them. They needed to get away so they can rescue Ashira.

Redux  7d6(5+3+6+5+6+2+4)=31
Sunday February 15th, 2004 9:23:44 PM

"Appolo, that's one of your better ideas," says Redux, casting Fireball on the deck and sails of the passing ship. (dmg=31)

Sunday February 15th, 2004 10:25:52 PM

OOC Not sure if I was healed or not so holding off posting

Monday February 16th, 2004 8:27:38 AM

OOC Walker would have used as many spells as needed!

Monday February 16th, 2004 1:29:53 PM

Bart orders that the catapults must be loaded with heavy chains in that way he hopes to dammage the rigging and sails, so the mast will break or at least the sails will ripp

Monday February 16th, 2004 3:16:56 PM

Ari weighs the measure of the words of advice he's given.

"I wish there was a way to figure out if they were chasing us because of who we are. Or whether someone at the port thought we were escaping from there."

"We must assume that this message is of some import. With our added worries about Ashira, we must make as much haste as possible. Do what you can to the other ships, but do not put our speed in jeopardy. We must get back to port as soon as possible."

Monday February 16th, 2004 7:15:10 PM

Appolo looks at Redux and says"Very good.Hopefully that slows them some.Ari get us out of here."

Rigging  d20+12=30
Monday February 16th, 2004 10:07:08 PM

OOC This post assumes Walker was able to cure me.

Rigging comes up on deck and looks at what the crew is doing. He will check the rigging and crew movement with a critical eye.

He will come up behind Ari and clap a hand on his shoulder. "Nice work. Let me see Wayfinder please. Don't worry...I just want to look at that ship for a couple of minutes."

Rigging will scan the ship looking for Ashira or any others he might recognize.

Spot check 30 plus whatever Wayfinder does for me.

Voyage Home (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday February 17th, 2004 5:32:49 PM

As the Sword rushes past the other ship Redux lets loose with a fireball catching the sails in the blast burning and shredding them.
The Wing of Fury you pull further and further away from as they are unable to keep up with the Sword.

One of the Crewmembers that is also a cleric casts lesser restoration on Rigging bringing Rigging back to being able to move about the ship. Once Rigging looks over the other ships with the Wayfinder he recognizes the captain of the Wing of Fury as the same captain that he spoke with on the way to the meeting. On the second ship Rigging sees that it is disabled for now and that it will need a few weeks in port to repair all of the damage that it just took.

After several hours of sailing night falls and you have seen no further signs of other ships or pursuit the crew relaxes somewhat. Sailing for the next two days at full speed you start to approach where Safeport is and see that the PoJ has several picket ships out watching for the Aisildurian navy. During the time sailing Redux, Ari and Rigging have all had the feeling that someone was trying to find them.

The night before you approach Safeport while sleeping you see who you think is Ashira and the priest that you had captured in the battle before you where awarded ownership of the Sword.

"Ashira what is the status of your team? Are they ready to start the hunt? Vendros you are to be the overall leader of the team with Ashira as your aide. The Wildcards have been sighted outside the capital." a richly clothed priest of Ga'al says.

Tuesday February 17th, 2004 6:57:38 PM

Rigging will use the time on board to rest and work on his spellbook, when he has a chance. During the voyage back, his belt of sustenance activates, which allows Rigging only to need 2 hours of sleep a night.

The crew will be kept on their toes during the night shift now as well as Rigging appears at all odd hours.

When the ship comes into port, Rigging will yell to his ship's officers, "Get her reprovisioned. No leave yet until you hear back from me."

To the Wildcards, "Let's go visit the Jack!" Rigging scoops up the parchment and the figurines and heads to the castle.

Wednesday February 18th, 2004 9:06:04 AM

Redux looks a little disgruntled when Rigging calls the Wildcards together. All these dreams about Ashira have been disturbing. He had hoped that it wouldn't come to a fight, but if the dreams were true, that's where this was heading. He thumbs through his scrolls and his eyes catch one titled "Fireball". "Let's hope I don't have to use too many of those on her. Still....better safe than sorry." he thinks to himself.

Wednesday February 18th, 2004 5:08:42 PM

Feeling unnerved from the dream. Ari quickly falls in step with Rigging as they make their way to see the Jack.

"I think we should look into trying to make the ship scryproof somehow. It seems we have garnered much attention by the Priesthood."

Ari then relates his dream to Rigging. When Rigging responds that he's had the dream too, Ari begins to ponder about the reason for these dreams to keep happening to the team.

Wednesday February 18th, 2004 10:27:24 PM

Rigging turns to Ari and says, "Great minds think alike. I was going to request from Jack a magic item that would help in that regard. The pirates must have something or they would have been destroyed long before. If not an item, then funds to purchase something at the Catacombs."

Rigging strides along ands adds, "Yes I have sensed alien eyes on us to many times. It has to stop."

Thursday February 19th, 2004 1:16:37 AM

Appolo suits up and follows the others.When Ari mentions Scrying Appolo steps forward"They can Scry us becuase of Ashira,she has gifts from all of us and intimate knowledge of us.Riggings wedding band for instance would allow a novice mage to Scry and follow him considering Ashia has the same one as well,So as long as the have Ashira they'll be able to scry us.Why do you think we all keep having the same visions involving her.The sooner we find her the better."

Meeting with The Jack (DM Dominic) 
Thursday February 19th, 2004 4:27:49 AM

Gathering up the scroll and small items you leave to go see the Jack. When you arrive there you are informed that the Jack is in the main hall and that you can go in and wait for him till he is available.
When you enter you see that the Jack is getting ready to start an award ceremony for a sailor. (everyone make a spot check DC 20) Upon the completion of the ceremony the Jack tells the young man to wait a few minutes as he would like to talk to him. The Jack sees you waiting and waves for you to approach.

Rigging and Swirl  d20+12=32
Thursday February 19th, 2004 9:56:41 AM

Rigging looks around the room. He seems to notice everything. That sailor looks familiar..wow the Jack spilled gravy on his shirt at lunch...hmmm is that a secret door? Interesting medal...hey I haven't gotten any medals!

When the Jack beckons to them, Rigging will perform a quick bow, "Sir, I would like to report that we were successful in our mission.
Rigging will hand over the scroll with the figurines and say, "I was tempted to open that but refrained. The figurines are magical but that is all we know about them."

The young Captain will continue, "Sir I would also like to report that the Wildcards and myself have been experiencing vivid dreams about Ashira. They have all been the same dream which is strange."

He will go on to relate some of the dreams he and the others are having. "Another problem we are having is we are being scryed quite often. I think our recent successes have angered the priesthood of Ga'al and we are becoming a target
for their retribution. We had several ships chasing us on the way out. We almost didn't make it.

Now with Ashira assisting them, we can be scried even more easily. Not to mention she has joined a quad with the mission of destroying us. Before we take on another assignment we need to deal with that. Does the Pirates have a way with dealing with scrying?"

Appolo  d20+6=21
Thursday February 19th, 2004 12:23:20 PM

Appolo follows the others stays in the rear and keeps his mouth shut. Hood up scarf and cloak on.He watches the ceremony and let's Rigging do the talking.

Bart  d20=18
Thursday February 19th, 2004 12:49:46 PM

Bart is interested in what the Jack has to say. He is also worried about the strange dreams he has about Ashira, fighting with her doesn't seem right. She must be heartseeded, with the holywater from the flask we can cure her. But in the state she is now we must capture her somehow

Redux and Talon  d20+4=14 d20+6=18
Thursday February 19th, 2004 3:09:21 PM

Redux keeps to himself as he enters the Jack's audience. He never was too great in these types of situations. He takes a look around (Spot=14) and is once again impressed by the Jack's lavish lifestyle, but sees nothing unusual. He makes a mental note to examine the newly acquired spellbooks for anything that might block scrying.

Talon, clearly bored takes a quick fly by over Rigging's head and lets out a playful hoot. For just an instant, Talon thinks he sees something interesting (Spot=18) but then he feels Swirl pushing him away from Rigging. He quickly flies back to the safety of Redux's shoulder. "I don't think I like Rigging's new friend much." Talon relays to Redux.

Thursday February 19th, 2004 11:22:08 PM

Walker keeps his own counsel in the presence of the Jack, keeping his eyes open and his mouth shut.

Meeting Ends (DM Dominic) 
Friday February 20th, 2004 12:00:15 AM

The Jack takes the scroll and the items from you and immedeately opens the scroll, starting to read it. After reading for a couple of moments he looks to the items then back at the scroll. The Jack then looks up at each of you and says "Your services are still needed here first. These items are links to items somewhere here on the Island that the Aisilurian mages are using to scry the location of the island. This scroll has a simplle spell for you to help locate the items. It also tells me that they are going to launch another attack soon using the items to locate us again. As for the scrying of you there is not much we can do as Ashira is linked to each of you in someway or another."
After a couple of moments The Jack hands you the items back and the scroll then says "Find and destroy the items quickly!"

You notice that the young sailor that recieved the award is standing by the door and is looking at a statue that looks to be a larger version of the statue that is one of the items. You notice that the statue the sailor is holding starts to faintly glow blue. You also notice that the little statue you have is faintly glowing blue as well.

Friday February 20th, 2004 8:22:15 AM

Rigging will quickly cross over to the sailor and say, "I am sorry, but may I see that statue you are holding?"

He will take it and bow murmering, "Sorry for the inconvience." He will stand upright and say to Jack, "Sir where did this come from. I assume it is one of the items we need to destroy and it might be helpful to know its history in finding the other items."

Friday February 20th, 2004 4:05:37 PM

Letting Rigging do all the talking. Ari quickly chimes in when the Jack says to destroy all things identified, "Is there anyway we could move these ships to a fast courier, and lure the Aisilurian fleet into a trap or ambush?"

Friday February 20th, 2004 11:22:20 PM

Appolo is quite pissed to find that now they have to waste thier time on stupid scavenger hunt.He let's out alow growl,turns and stomps back out and to the ship muttering something.

Friday February 20th, 2004 11:50:24 PM

Valanthe was quiet for the last several days, so much that she hasn't said a word. She has thought about Ashira with the enemy time and time again and always comes to the same conclusion. She can't raise her blade against her. She just can't do it even if it means her own life. Valanthe comes close to cursing the gods for allowing this to happen but doesn't got aht far just yet.

Saturday February 21st, 2004 12:04:46 AM

Vlanthe's keen elven hearing picks up a few curses from Appolo.Apparently Appolo has no trouble cursing the gods.

Saturday February 21st, 2004 8:55:45 AM

Walker, while not happy about the scavenger hunt, realizes its importance and follows along with Rigging.

Saturday February 21st, 2004 9:52:44 AM

Rigging destroy the damn thing!

One Down, Two to go (DM Dominic) 
Sunday February 22nd, 2004 1:59:30 PM

The sailor looks to you as you ask about the statue and he tells you "I found this the other day floating in the water by the docks. This is the first time it has glowed like this, what is happening??"

You recognize that some one is starting to scry the location of the item.

The Jack says "if you don't find the items and destroy them all will be lost and saving Ashira will be useless as there will be no safe place to hide from the Followers of Ga'al!"

Redux  d20+2=20
Monday February 23rd, 2004 2:52:42 PM

Redux examine the sailor closely to see if he can spot (20) anything fishy about the man. He asks the Jack to verify that the young man is indeed a Pirate (better safe than sorry!) and then invites the young man to join them in their search for the scrying items. After all, the young man found the first item...maybe his luck will hold out!

Monday February 23rd, 2004 4:40:48 PM

Rigging will toss the statue on the ground and say, "Bart, smash this thing will you please?"

After he has done that, Rigging will say, "OK, lets split up into 2 teams to search. Redux, Val and Appolo will form one team. I will go with Walker Bart and Ari. Redux do you have any means of scrying for the items or the locate object spell. How about you, Ari and Walker?"

Monday February 23rd, 2004 8:15:19 PM

Sory, nothing ready that would help with this.

Monday February 23rd, 2004 9:35:09 PM

Give the statue here man bart syas. He tries to smash it on the ground with all the force he has

Monday February 23rd, 2004 10:09:02 PM

Rigging snaps his fingers and pulls open the scroll again. "Yep there is a location spell for each one written here."

He hands the statue over to Bart and the scroll over to Redux.

Hunting We shall Go (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday February 24th, 2004 5:49:41 AM

When Bart tries to smash the statue it does not break from his blow. Examining it afterwards you notice that it is made of very strong wood that you think would require a very hot fire to destroy it.

The Jack looks at the sailor and then replies "he is one of King Maisey´s crewmembers."

The glowing gets to be a steadier glow now on the statue.

Tuesday February 24th, 2004 10:12:31 AM

This time Valanthe cursed the gods as well. How much worse can things get. First they take Ashira away and now they could all be killed or enslaved. Things couldn't get any worse. Valanthe stands there waiting to begin the search and suddenly looks very tired.

Tuesday February 24th, 2004 4:37:13 PM

After a few minutes Appolo returns still in a bad mood,he walks up besides Valanthe.He notices she looks tired.Appolo whispers in her ear"Are you ok?"

Redux and Talon  d20+6=14
Tuesday February 24th, 2004 5:21:42 PM

Alright Talon, time to get to work. Redux mentally relays to the little owl. He asks him to circle the island searching for anything that might be glowing (Spot=14).

Redux takes the scroll from Rigging and examines it carefully. "Alright...here we go..." Redux begins to read the first scroll. He begins focusing on the first item listed in the scroll to the Jack.

Rigging  5d6(5+4+2+2+3)=16
Tuesday February 24th, 2004 10:17:50 PM

Rigging will order, "Bart take it out into the courtyard, and throw it on the ground. Everyone stand back. I am gonna fireball it!"

Rigging will make sure everyone is clear and launch his fireball at it.

Tuesday February 24th, 2004 11:14:57 PM

If the fireball doesn't work we could take it to a smithy or metal worker. They should have a very hot fire that lasts more than a second or two.

Tuesday February 24th, 2004 11:35:32 PM

"How many objects do we have to find? Do you have that many fireballs? What about using a Blacksmiths forge to melt or burn it?"

Searching for the others (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday February 25th, 2004 10:06:04 AM

Just before using the scroll Redux remembers 'casting from the scroll will use up the spell and there is only 1 copy of it. better make copies.' Redux makes 1 additional copy of the spell then casts it.

Rigging and the others take the statue outside and casts fireball on the statue. The statue bursts into flame and burns to ashes as a result of the fireball. Where the statue burned is a heat crack in the stone it was lying upon.

The Jack tells you "there are 2 other items to be found."

Redux casts the spell trying to locate the silver comb. Talon spots a blue glow a quarter hours walk outside of Safeport and starts to circle the location.

Wednesday February 25th, 2004 11:22:36 AM

Well of we go then, Redux do you got any idear where we have to go? I wonder how they planted these items on trhe island, there must be a traitor

Wednesday February 25th, 2004 4:35:09 PM

Rigging will follow what ever directions that Redux gives in finding the comb and other item.
"Come on and hurry. Let's get this job done quickly, so we can turn our minds to hurting the enemy and getting my wife back."

OOC Question, how do we find the floating home port. Do our tattoos show us the way?

Redux (Locate Object) 
Wednesday February 25th, 2004 5:35:34 PM

Redux grins at Rigging's fireball. "Don't ya think that was a little bit of overkill...I mean..there's got to be a smithy on the island." He winks mischievously. He rubs his chin in thought "If we can't find a smithy, maybe we could just sail the remaining artifacts off the island and sink them in the ocean?"

Redux begins to direct the others toward the comb. "Okay...Talon says head this way...". he turns down a side street. Then the spell begins to kick in and Redux begins to direct the party on his own. "No Talon, I think this is a better route...down this alley." He hurries the others along, caught in the urgency of the situation.

Wednesday February 25th, 2004 11:41:13 PM

Valanthe shakes her head. "I'm tired of all of this Appolo. It was different when Ashira was here. It was like all the bad stuff didn't happen to us, but now she has a heartseed. It kinda changes everything."

Thursday February 26th, 2004 10:17:28 AM

Perhaps the flame of my sword would be hot enough?

Load of Fun (DM Dominic) 
Thursday February 26th, 2004 4:11:45 PM

After several minutes of weaving through foot traffic you eventually arrive at a farm on the outskirts of Safeport and find Talon circling a pile of manure. Redux gets the feeling from Talon that the glow was coming from the pile. This pile is about 3'x4'x5' (HxWxL) consisting of several days worth of manure.
Seeing you around the pile the farmer comes over and asks "what do you want with his manure?"

Rigging  d20+6=16
Friday February 27th, 2004 8:30:50 AM

Rigging pulls out a gps and says, "OK everyone chip in a gold piece. Who ever finds the item, gets to keep them all, and they will be able to pay for the cleaning bill or just buy some new clothes."

Rigging rolls ups his sleeves and digs in, searching through the pile.

OOC 16 search roll

Friday February 27th, 2004 10:58:43 AM

Redux wrinkles his nose in disgust at the pile. He sighs at Rigging's crude method of recovering the comb. Turning to the farmer, he smiles. "Hello there friend...my friends and I are looking for a very important item, and fortunately for you, it appears to be located in your pile of fertilizer." Redux pulls out 10 gp from his pouch. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to dig through the pile and look for it for us?" Redux holds out the gold in front of the farmer. "We'd make it worth you while. Oh yes, it might help if you know what it is...it's a silver comb."

Rigging  d20+8=21
Friday February 27th, 2004 4:56:39 PM

Rigging will grab a handful of the squishy manure and toss it at Redux trying to splatter it on his chest. If he is successful, he will say, "Now that you are already messy Mr. Mage dig in. We need to find this quickly or would you rather be be cleaning the Sword's biliges for a month. No time to be squeamish. The whole island is at stake."

Redux (Locate Object) 
Saturday February 28th, 2004 12:24:20 AM

As the filth glides off his robes, Redux looks at Rigging with surprise. "You didn't even ask this poor farmer what his thoughts were on the subject. Would it not be a more efficient use of our time to fireball the entire pile and move on to the next object?"

Saturday February 28th, 2004 4:55:25 AM

Appolo stands behind Valanthe and wraps his arms around her"I know.I'm getting tired of this as well Why don't we go back to the ship and let Redux and Rigging handle this>"He makes no move toward the manure in fact he takes a couple of steps back pulling Val with him.

Saturday February 28th, 2004 9:56:41 AM

Rigging sighs as he remembers the magic of Redux's robes. He straightens up and grabs some grass. He drops it, testing the wind. He then moves up wind and says, "OK Redux, Let her rip."

Rigging sees Val and Appolo edging away and beckons a finger at them. "OH no you don't.
The next object might be in the bottom of a cesspool. Will need you to retrieve it. Your not going anywhere."

Second Found (DM Dominic) 
Saturday February 28th, 2004 3:25:45 PM

"I will give you folks a hand for that gold." answers the farmer. A few seconds later the farmer yells "Boys!! get over here and give these folk a hand!" He then turns to Redux and says "I am Jed. We will find that comb right quick now."

After a few moments two large boys come running and start to give you a hand in searching the manure pile. After close to 15 minutes pass you find the comb and it is faintly glowing.

Sunday February 29th, 2004 4:57:51 PM

As the others turn back to the manure Appolo continues to slowly withdraw,gently pulling Valanthe with him.

Rigging  d20+12=25
Sunday February 29th, 2004 7:22:50 PM

Rigging will grab the comb from the farmer while saying "Thanks. Now stand back." He will toss the the comb into a nearby empty field and say, "OK Redux, your turn to destroy that thing. I am out of fireballs myself."

Rigging spots Appolo trying to lead Val quietly away. (spot check 25) A sudden rage enters his heart. He literally sees red. He realizes that he is about to launch a spell at the stupid thief and stops himself.

He counts to 10 and then counts to 10 again. Once he is calm enough, he will call out. "Val Could I see you for a moment." As she comes over, he will say, "Redux please locate that last object."

When Val comes up, Rigging asks, "May I please have Alemi's tears? I see that Appolo is horny and cares more for fullfilling his carnal desire than helping to save this island and finding and freeing Ashira. Once you give me the tears, you both can go and collect your belongings from the Sword, find an inn and fool around to your hearts content."

Rigging then holds out his hand for the vial. "Hand it over please."

Sunday February 29th, 2004 11:33:56 PM

Valanthe hands over the tears. "Its not that Rigging. Its everything but that. I...I....the odds are so overwhelming. We can't win. No matter how many we kill. No matter how many times we prevent them from enslaving people. More come and more get enslaved. We have been at this for a while now and we haven't made any progress. In fact it looks like we have lost ground. Ashira was one of the strongest of us all. She was chosen by the gods to fight on their behalf. Yet they let her get taken. They let all that stuff happen to her. If they don't give a dam why do we? I don't know what you will do when we finally see Ashira but I know what I will do. I'll cry and my sword will hang low. In this world if bad things happen to somebody like Ashira I'm not sure if I want to be a part of it. I...I..." Valanthe couldn't talk anymore as tears streamed down her cheeks and she sobbed uncontrollably.

Monday March 1st, 2004 12:33:11 AM

Appolo follows quickly"Rigging you jerk,you in sensitive jerk.See what you've done.She's been terribly upset ever since they took Ashira and now you accuse us off not wanting to find herA;; I'm trying to do is comfort her.I tryrd to talk to you but just ignored me. You still don't get it do you .ArghYou know she cares about you and Ashira especially Ashira and you attack her like that and falsely accuse us.."Appolo is angry very angry.He picks Va;anthe up and hold her while he walks off."It will be ok.I won't let anything happen to you.

Redux and Talon  d20+6=19
Monday March 1st, 2004 3:29:22 PM

Redux watches the goings on with Rigging, Val, and Appolo with a slight amusement. Some people just never learn. He wonders briefly how Appolo plans on "comforting" Val, but decides it better for his mind not to go there.

Redux watches to see if Walker's sword is able to destroy the comb. If not, he clears out an area, sets the comb in the middle, and lets loose with a fireball...being careful not to catch any structures (like farmhouses, barns, etc.) in the blast. While Redux sets about his work, he asks Talon to continue to search for another glowing item (Search=19) somewhere on the island.

Monday March 1st, 2004 3:57:50 PM

Rigging will take the vial from Val and carefully stow it away. He will then grab Appolo's arm and hold him in place. His voice sounds like like the grave as he says, "No Appolo. You don't get it. I trust and respect Val. It's your childish and stupid behavior I will no longer tolerate.

I am getting ready to kill my wife if I have to. I know deep down somewhere that is what she would want of me. As my blade sinks into her heart, my own heart be broken as well. Yet I am willing to do this rather than see her a slave to Ga'al.

The difference between you and me Appolo is I care for everyone. You care for only yourself and maybe Val. I will see this land and its people free, or I will die trying. If I have to kill Ashira, rip the heartseed from her chest, and then resurrect her to save her I will or I will die trying. Now playtime is over. You will give me a choice now. You will abide by my rules as your Captain both by the letter and the intent." Rigging holds up a second finger, "You will leave the Sword now or you draw your blades and one of us doesn't leave this farm alive. Be warned, if you stay and don't follow my orders, I will have you executed! I just don't have the time for your antics anymore."

Rigging will turn to Val and say, "I understand you are upset. So am I. The war looks bleak right now but I look at this as a sign of positive things. Ga'al is powerful but he is starting to run scared. We are having an effect on him. He is actually looking to destroy us...our family. I ask you why? Why? because we have hurt him. We...Us the few members of a select group...our family."

Rigging's tone softens, "We have raided his temples and killed his priests, sunk his flag ships, destroyed his heartseeds, found our ancient home, been blessed by Alemi himself and given a cure. A limited one I admit but at least it means we can have hope.

It is this hope that is the strongest weapon we have. If we lose it, Ga'al wins. Do you want your childern to be heartseeded? Sure you can run. It would be easy. You could leave Ga'al's lands but you would never be safe. If we don't stand up to him now, then we imperial all the future generations. I would rather die fighting then see that. You have a choice to make. Are you with me and the rest of the family? Or are you going to run and stick your head in the sand and hope the nightmare goes away?"

Rigging will spin back to Appolo, pull his weapons and ask, "Well what is your decision?"

Last one Spotted (DM Dominic) 
Monday March 1st, 2004 4:52:37 PM

As Rigging and Appolo start to go at each other a familiar face approaches with a dwarf. You recognize Captain Hawley as the person traveling with the dwarf.
Seeing the two getting ready to go at each other Hawley calls out "Appolo, Rigging this is not the time or place to be at eachothers throats. You have a task that the Jack gave you and you have a missing member to save!" Calming down a bit Hawley looks to everyone then says "I would like you to meet Nezamil. I have been taking the liberty of keeping an eye out for suitable recruits for your group. I think you need some more support from the divine magic. I talked with the Jack and King Maisey and they both agreed with me on that Nezamil would make a fine addition to the team."

Redux and Walker see that the sword does not damage the comb at all. Redux clears the area and then hits the comb with a fireball causing the comb to melt. The comb reacts the same way as the statue did when it was destroyed leaving a burned area that shows signs of extreamly high heat. A short time later Redux hears from Talon that a glowing blue was sighted about a quarter of a mile away from the Wildcards current location.

Monday March 1st, 2004 6:16:41 PM

Nezamil takes in the scene , fireballs booming , fiery blades and fiery tempers "

" A Lively bunch if i do say " to captain Hawley " this could be intresting and fun "

" Captain Hawley has spoken highly of you all,i think i can be of great help in your battles with Ga'al "

"as the young man says (points to rigging)we can not allow Ga'al to win , by Domi's wisdom and strength i will do what i can to see that never happens "

"i'm Nezamil, a pleasure and an honor to meet yoo all " Nezamil will will offer his hand to the nearest person and will firmly shakehands with any who are willing

Nezamil seems to be in a cheerful mood

Monday March 1st, 2004 11:06:24 PM

Valanthe lowered her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. Rigging was right but how could she tell him that she no longer cared if she lived or died. When she was on her own things were simple. It was her against the world. Now she had people she cared about. People that were being hurt and tortured.

"I just don't see how we won't die fighting. How do you stop a god? Ga'al is getting serious. He's hit us harder in the last few months than he ever has. We don't have the resources or the manpower to fight a direct war and thats what this is turning into. I'll fight but not against Ashira. That I just can't do."

Monday March 1st, 2004 11:11:07 PM

Walker thinks to himself, "I hope we have enough fireballs to do the job."

Tuesday March 2nd, 2004 10:51:43 AM

Appolo steps away from Val"Looks like G'aal has already won.I mean he's taken Ashira,we're demoralized and now it looks like Rigging waants to drive me off or kill me.Well it looks like Tallon has found the other item,perhaps someone should go collect it.I guess I'll head back to the ship.Rigging are sure you want to do this.I'll wait back at the ship for you and perhaps we can work this out in private without drawing weapons."With that Appolo turns and walks away activating his ring of invisibility as he does so and disappears.

Redux and Talon 
Tuesday March 2nd, 2004 5:15:02 PM

Using Talon's guidance, Redux tries to lead the dwindling part to the last item. As he walks along, Redux pulls Rigging aside. "Ummm...not to be tacky, but if Appolo decides not to stay with us, I think we should reclaim his treasure. I mean...after all, if he's not going to join in the fight against Ga'al, he should at least contribute to it." The mage winks at Rigging, making it difficult to determine whether he's serious or not.

Tuesday March 2nd, 2004 5:19:07 PM

Nezamil will watch the exchange of words ,arches an eyebrow at the drawn weapon .

Gives Captain hawley a look of "what have you gotten me into" and watches as one of the group just disappears before his eye.

Nezamil will say out loud " well well , looks like i'm joining at a time when the group has reached a crossroad " then waits for a response from any of the remaining members, thinking to himself , this group can use Domi's wisdom to resolve their issues and Domi's strength to continue there battle vs Ga'al , i have my work cut out for me here . and a smile appears on the Dwarfs face,

OOC Nezamil is dressed in chainmail and carries a heavy mace , stands about 4'6"

Amusing Sight (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday March 2nd, 2004 6:41:19 PM

With Appolo heading back invisible the rest of the group heads out to try and find the last item. Following the directions Redux gets from Talon the group comes upon a group of kids playing pirates. One group you can tell is who you think is the Followers of Ga'al and the other group you think is the Wildcards. They are acting out an attack by the Followers of Ga'al upont eh Wildcards. The one pretending to be Ashira is wielding a dagger and you can see that it is faintly starting to glow blue.

Tuesday March 2nd, 2004 6:52:44 PM

Rigging will shake the new dwarf's hand and say, "If the Captain vouches for you, then you must be a good crewmate. I apologize for what you had to witness. The stress is getting to us a little. Excuse me for a minute, will you kind dwarf?"

Rigging watches as Appolo disappears. He will sheath his weapons and hold out a hand to Val. Come talk to me as we head to the next site.

Rigging won't let her hand go, as they walk. "Val you are right. We very well might die in this battle. That was always a possiblity. I have been fighting against Ga'al and his cursed priests for the last 6 years and that was always a possiblity. Yet I am still here. I hope to be here tomorrow as well. I hope even more to have you at my side. I value you as a swordmate but even more as a friend and sister. I know you are scared, depressed and confused. So am I. I find myself falling into rages for no reason." He will smile at the beautiful elf and continue, "Maybe I am becoming a barbarian!

Don't worry about me and Appolo. We will work it out. I just want him to act more responsibly and be more of a team player. By Alemi, I believe he spends more energy avoiding responsiblity than the responsibility would take."

When Rigging is pulled aside by Redux, he will listen to what he says and say, "No Apollo earned those items by past deeds. They are his. Besides somehow I think if Appolo leaves us he will still use them against Ga'al."

Tuesday March 2nd, 2004 11:07:54 PM

Walker follows along silently, not feeling comfortable enough to comment on the stress affectig the other 'cards.

Wednesday March 3rd, 2004 2:36:37 PM

Redux gives a broad smile at the children at play. He claps in applause at their efforts and then opens his arms, palms up, and exclaims how well the children are doing. He sizes them up, trying to determine which one is playing his role (or Rigging's) and introduces himself. As the children gather, hopefully excited at seeing them, he bends his knees to be down at their level. Gathering "Ashira" he shows her the miniature glowing dagger and explains, "There are some folks who want to find that dagger and especially this place." He continues, trying not to scare them, "Do you remember that last ocean battle, it could happen again. To help keep that from happening, our group needs to take that dagger you have away, maybe we could trade. We also have this small silver comb I could give to you as well." Then with a smile he looks around, "You all are having such a wonderful time, how would you like a tour of our ship?"

OOC I am assuming the miniatures don't disappear when the full sized items are destroyed.

Dagger Retrieved, Missing Items (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday March 3rd, 2004 4:21:13 PM

When the kids see the Wildcards standing there watching them they all breakout in cries of joy and praise. You hear the kids cry out "look there is Rigging, Valanthe, Redux, and Bart. Where is Ashira Rigging?" The young girl pretending to be Ashira comes over to Redux and listens to what each of you says then slowly hands Redux the dagger and says "you can have it only if you take us all and show us the Sword of the Sea for a tour."

When you go and destroy the dagger like the others. This time you see the miniture replicas of the items glow brightly for a moment then they melt away when the final item is destroyed. The kids all jump back when the items are destroyed.

Wednesday March 3rd, 2004 4:26:17 PM

"You are wrong about Appolo. He doesn't avoid responsibility. He just has them in a different priority. I haven't been well since Ashira was taken. Appolo is...he just worried about me. He doesn't say anything but I can tell. I think he's afraid that I'll be taken next."

Wednesday March 3rd, 2004 4:55:07 PM

Rigging puts his hand on Redux's shoulder and gives him a gentle squeeze. "Well done" he simply says.

To the children, "Why don't we head to the ship right now? A promise is a promise! You will get your tour today. Most likely we will have to sail tomorrow on important pirate business so we should show you the Sword today!"

Rigging will start leading the children back with the others. "Walker? Could you please go ahead and find the Jack and tell him the mission has been accomplished? I am sure he would want to know. Thanks. You need to start hobnobbing with the brass more anyway."

As they go back, Rigging will continue his conversation with Val. "You see, we are also symbols for others. We bring hope to these children and their parents and many more. When there is hope and love, we will never be defeated.

I know Appolo has been worried about you. Frankly so have I. His actions haven't always been the best though. His worry for you has already endangered others once. His abandoning the others to help "save" you, during the last battle put them at risk. You were in danger but had been cured by Walker. He took you out of the fight and himself. It is those kinds of actions that I will not tolerate."

Rigging smiles as he sees the children flocking around the group. He continues, "So why is Appolo so worried about you? Are you sick? Pregnant? What is the problem? Please tell me. I only want to help."

As the group gets closer to the ship, "Rigging will pull Val into a general store and buy some candy for the children as a surprise.

Wednesday March 3rd, 2004 7:02:22 PM

During the walk to the ship , Nezamil will say " You all have much to be proud of in the battle againist Ga'al , the fight will not be easy , but as you can see with the children , you have given them hope of a better life , stories are being told and retold of your bravery and courage in this war upon Ga'al , these stories are being heard far and wide across the wold ,people are rallying to fight Ga'al , I for one have come to help banish Ga'al's evil from the wold , so take heart that you are succeding in this war On Ga'al , people do care that you are standing up for them , and as time goes by more will rally to this just cause .

and Nezamil will walk with the wildcards into town

Thursday March 4th, 2004 1:06:18 AM

Appolo sits on his bunk awaiting the return of the others.

Thursday March 4th, 2004 10:57:29 AM

Valanthe's hands wander down to her stomach. "I don't think I am with child but I can't be certain. Rigging we are planning on leaving after we rescue Ashira. We want to start a family but this isn't the life for that. I didn't know how to tell you. I think that he's worried that this dream won't be a reality."

Thursday March 4th, 2004 3:52:15 PM

Redux smiles in grim satisfaction at the destruction of the last item. The island was safe....for now anyway. He happily joins the crowd heading back to the Sword, though he is very disappointed that the children demanded a tour when he had already offered one. Kids....

Redux smiles at Nezamil's words, thinking that they have more truth to them than the dwarf could possibly realize. He claps the dwarf on the back. "Thank you my new friend. In times like this, it's important to be reminded of the grander scheme of things." "A cleric of Domi....hmmm...might want to stick close to this one." he thinks to himself as he walks along with Nezamil, asking of his time with the Pirates thus far. As he journey's on, something gnaws in the back of Redux's mind....just how exactly did all of those items get onto the island in the first place?!

Thursday March 4th, 2004 10:42:22 PM

Rigging looks at Val in shock and dismay. "I don't know what to say. I want only what is best for you and Appolo, but I also want you to stay. I need you. I need him. We are a family. Families fight and disagree but tney love each other. We would be lessened by your leaving but I think I understand why you feel you need to go. I will support whatever decision. Know that you will always be welcomed back." Rigging puts his arm around her and pulls her in. He whispers, "Know that you are always loved."

Rigging will disengage and wipe a tear from his eye. He will listen in on the dwarf's comments and say, "I never realized we were getting so famous. Nezamil, Why don't you tell us your history?"

Message From the Jack (DM Dominic) 
Friday March 5th, 2004 4:58:30 AM

While waiting back at the ship Appolo is asked by Niner if there is anything that he can help Appolo with. A short time later a messenger arrives at the ship with a message for the Wildcards and hands the sealed scrolll tube over to Appolo then leaves.

About 1 hour later the rest of the Wildcards arrive with the children. Several crewmembers come over and ask if they can help with the children.

When Walker arrives at the Jack's palace Walker is immedeately taken to the Jack. The Jack looks to Walker and asks "How goes the hunt for the items? I hope that everything is going alright in finding them."

Friday March 5th, 2004 11:12:20 AM

Appolo tells Niner to just make the ship ready and that he will be ok.Appolo seems rather sad a despondent.

When the messanger arrives Appolo takes the Scroll with scrowl,snathing it from the messanger.The man can tell Appolo is pretty upset about something.

The the others arrive he walks over to Rigging "This came for you.I think we're wanted at the Jack's Palace agian.Probably some other last minute rescue mission that has nothing to do with us>"He hands the scroll to Rigging and slides backward.

Friday March 5th, 2004 7:53:36 PM

All the items we were told of have been located and destroyed. We are all hopeful that this will end the threat, at least for the time being.

Friday March 5th, 2004 9:59:20 PM

Rigging will take the message from Appolo. He will say, "We need to talk, but later. To many young eyes around right now."

Rigging will go down to his cabin and read the message from Jack with a little less noise and distractions around.

Friday March 5th, 2004 10:36:23 PM

Nezamil will chat with his new shipmates on the walk back to the ship , trying to get to know them a little (Nezamil has cheerful and postive way of conversation)

"Famous " chuckles Nezamil " yes indeed , in my travels doing Domi's work , i have continued to hear of your deeds and battles , i felt drawn here to help carry the fight to Ga'al "

As the party arrives at the ship escorting the children aboard Nezamil will say " ah this is the Sword of the Seas , home to the Wildcards , impressive sight"

" i would like to sit and chat with you all to get to know you and to learn how my abilities can work effectively with each of you in the battles ahead"

"who should i see about my sleeping arrangments ?"

"but in the mean time i think i will take the tour with kids to see this beatutiful ship and see my new home " and Nezamil cheerfully tags along after the kids and sailors giving the tour

Friday March 5th, 2004 11:38:58 PM

Valanthe spends her time with the children. She helps them look like pirates and shows them various things on the ship. The more time she spends with them the more she wants some of her own.

Monday March 8th, 2004 9:37:29 AM

Since Rigging is busy with ships business, Redux guides the children to Niner and has him lead them through the tour. He'd do it himself, but to be honest, he doesn't know half of the stuff on the ship anyway. When the tour is concluded, Redux entertains the children by performing various cantrips, and even casting a web on part of the ships rigging for the children to climb on/play in.

Monday March 8th, 2004 3:16:51 PM

When the time is right, Ari will pull the Wildcards aside to have a quick conversation.

"I empathise with Val, I sometimes wonder about what we're doing. I also wonder whether there is any other way that we could accomplish the same thing. I need to go in search of some answers. I need to see the world, other than what Ga'al and the priests have taught us. I want to see other parts of the world. I want to find companionship somewhere out there in the world. I promise that I'll return some day, but I cannot stay here any longer. I am sorry if that is a disappointment. I will keep my ear to the ground and see what I can find. I will try to provide eyes and ears, or find more, as I search around. While I'm gone, I must let the group have these items. A wand (Wand of Dispel Magic, Made of Glass and is Painted with designs, 27 charges) a Potion of lesser restore, another Wand of Dispel Magic (level 12, 8 charges remaining) and a shortsword
(+1 keen shortsword). These things I will not be needing. I also turn over my Father's hand-crafted Greatsword (masterwork). It is all that I have left of my family, and of our village. Find a good place or use for this sword, and may it honor the memory of where we came from."

Not wanting to look too many of the family in the eye. Ari picks up his pack after distributing the items. Just as he's about to put his pack on he remembers something and puts his pack down. Digging in it he pulls out an amulet for each member. The Amulet shows the picture of a fire in a hearth. "Though there is nothing magical about these amulets. I've made them to remind each other that we must keep the fire alive within ourselves. How we choose to do that, is left to each of us."

As an afterthought Ari adds, "Plus it might be an easy way to get in contact with me, if you really need to."

With everthing said and done, Ari dons his pack and with a half a second to look back, leaves the ship.

Monday March 8th, 2004 3:19:08 PM

Real life concerns pull me away. I think most have know of this. I will still be around, just have to drop down to one game. Hopefully I can return sometime later this year.

Wildcards Get Leave (DM Dominic) 
Monday March 8th, 2004 4:34:33 PM

As Rigging opens the message from the Jack he feels as if a great weight was just placed upon his heart. Reading the message Rigging reads:

We the people of the Pirates of Jack would like to give the Wildcards a leave of absence from regular duties so that they can proceed on personal business.

The Jack

During Rigging's reading of the message the children are shown around the Sword by Valanthe and Redux. Niner begins the preparations for the Sword to set sail at a moments notice.
The Jack tells Walker "Thank you all for your great service to the Pirates of Jack in this time of need. Please take this as our appreciation" as the Jack hands Walker a small pouch. When Walker looks inside the pouch you see 2000gp.

Experience will be sent to each of you in the next couple of days. I will want your updated sheets by next monday as we will be starting the next module in the next couple of days.

Monday March 8th, 2004 10:44:33 PM

Rigging will listen to Ari, solemnly take the magic items and put them aside. He will then take his oldest family membet in his arms and squeeze the air out of his lungs in a rib crushing hug.

"You have been here longer than anyone else. Your wisdom and intelligence will be missed. My fortune favor you."

After the others have said their farewells, Rigging will annouce what the note said. We are now free to find my wife Ashira and free her. I think we should head out to sea. I feel that she will be coming to us with her new friends, so we can pick the battleground to our advantage. Anyone have any ideas? Should we fight at sea or on land? Anyone have any nasty surprises in mind? Gonna be different fighting a defensive fight. We are used to being the aggressors."

Tuesday March 9th, 2004 12:26:12 AM

Walker tells the Jack, "My thanks for this, I will put it to use in our battles against Ga'al."
Walker then takes his leave of the Jack and goes in search of the Wildcards.

Tuesday March 9th, 2004 12:44:32 AM

She hates to see Ari go but she can emphasize. She and Appolo may be doing the same thing in a short amount of time. It will be hard but it will be worth it. They can go away somewhere and raise a family.

Tuesday March 9th, 2004 1:26:29 AM

Nezamil watches and listens to Ari's emotion filled speech to his fellow wildcards and their reaction to him leaving " they are a close bunch "thinks Nezamil to himself " the warmth they show to each other is plain on all their faces as they watch Ari leave and yet they the tension he saw between Appolo and Rigging shows what trust they have for each other despite differences between them "

"No wonder they are called the Wildcards" that thought brings a smile to the Dwarfs face

Sword Status (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday March 9th, 2004 6:10:49 PM

After the children have been given a long tour of the Sword and have left, Niner comes over and says the Sword will be ready to sail the morning after next due to waiting on some supplies. Niner then says "we will have everything in top order for you sir. Everyone in the crew is wanting to go save Ashira."

While waiting for the ship to be ready you hear rumors that Ashira has been sighted in the city of Abyr. You also hear that Ashira has been seen leading a group of Aisildurian soldiers in training sessions. Hawley comes to the Sword and says "I have found out that a team of Grim Assassins has been sent to deal with Ashira. I have heard that they were sent with out the Jack knowing it."

Everyone if you have any catacombs business take care of it this week as the ship will be leaving port with Thursday's post. If you have any scrolls that you are wanting to scribe you will have a total of 5 days game time for scribing. Include the scrolls that you scribe if any in your updated sheet.

Tuesday March 9th, 2004 7:49:34 PM

Appolo says good bye to Ari and gives him his black assins dagger.He wishes Ari well."Good luck and maybe I'll see you in the Giggling Ghost sometime."
He is elated to hear that they are finally going after Ashira and pissed as hell that some fool sent the Grim Assassins after her. he then seeks out Rigging"Boss we need to talk."

Tuesday March 9th, 2004 9:19:03 PM

Valanthe continues to spend her time with the children. She should be training or helping to prepare the ship but she can't help it. She is rather young to think about a family but Valanthe feels that she is ready. Though Ashira comes before any of that. She is the priority now.

Tuesday March 9th, 2004 9:39:26 PM

Rigging will hear Appolo and beckon him to his cabin. He will close the door, go over and pour the rogue and himself a glass of brandy and gesture him into a seat.

"Before you start Appolo, I have something to say. I think you could be one of the finest officers in the Pirate fleet. You are courageous, intelligent, and resourseful. When I see you making questionable decisions, It drives me crazy. For some reason, you bring out the worst in me. For that I apologize. You get under my skin, just like me little brother used to do. You remind me a lot of him. Of course it won't stop me from screaming at you again next time."

Rigging pauses and says, "If there is a next time. I hear that you an Val are going to be leaving the nest and starting a family. I will miss both of you terribly. Feel like all my old friends are leaving. First Ari, then Ashira and now you and Val. Still I understand the reasons. Ashira is a perfect example of why you would want to leave."

Rigging looks up, "I am sorry. I started to ramble. What did you want to say to me?"

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 12:19:50 AM

Walker watches the children haveing agood time playing at 'pirates' and wonders at how long it's been since he's felt that carefree.

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 11:26:28 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging with saddness in his eyes"Well ever since we found out that G'aal survived the Gods War and is stronger then ever.Well I just don't want to spend my life fighting a war that can't be won. I want a family and to raise my children in safety and I can't do that and fight G'aal's minions at the same time.Your right I don't want anything to happen to Valanthe i can't stand it when she's upset or hurt,this business with Ashira has really affected her and me.I was two feet away from Ashira when they grabbed her and disappeared.I haven't been able to sleep right since.Two or three hours aday is all I can manage. So I stick to Valanthe like glue.Whereever she goes I go. I tried to talk to you about this before,but you just ignored me. And also I don't think it's good that children sing songs about us killing people as if it's a good thing. I am becoming exactly what G'aal wanted me to be a killer of men."

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 3:28:10 PM

Redux watches the children with an interesting mix of joy and suspicion...those items didn't just walk onto the island on their own... After the tour, Redux makes sure that all of the children are off the ship and then he goes looking for Rigging. Seeing that he and Appolo are busy, he waits until the meeting breaks up, and then enters Rigging's quarters.

The mage approaches the Captain and plops down in one of the chairs. He seems quite contemplative. "Rigging, I've been thinking a lot about Ashira... If the dreams are true...then she's been heartseeded...which I don't doubt. You want her back, of course...but she's going to fight us tooth and nail..." Redux sighs "If, as we've seen in our dreams, she really is a part of a Quad, I think our best course of action is a hit and run. We don't need to kill all the Quad members, just capture Ashira and get out of there. So, I was thinking maybe a few well placed Hold Person's. We could use a bead of force to immobilize her, but then we wouldn't be able to move her, so I suppose that wouldn't work..." Redux lets the sentence trail off as he is once more caught up in thought.

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 3:54:36 PM

Walker watches the last of the children leave the ship then paces the deck for serveral hours deep in thought.

Wednesday March 10th, 2004 7:34:11 PM

After the kids leave the ship Nezamil observes the crew " very well trained and enthusiastic crew" Nezamil thinks to himself

Seeing that all the Wildcards are busy Nezamil approaches Niner " Hello i would to discuss how i can help work with the crew in treating the wounded after the upcoming battles , sorta of an after action plan if ya know what i mean , i will help any way i can "

After Nezamil will head to see Rigging .knocks on the door and enters " excuse me " as he hears Redux mention hold person spells " ah yes that is a good idea , that is one thing i would like to discuss , battle plans and how we can carry them out effectively together , i have few ideas on that subject"and smiles " but i would like to hear a little of how you fought them in the past before i expand on my ideas "and waits for a reply

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