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Rigging ac 19v hps 35/57 bullstrength, shield  d20+10=21
Monday December 29th, 2003 11:23:15 PM

Rigging will pull out his wand of detect magic and activate it looking for any concentrations of magic. (spot check 21) If he sees anything, he will yell it out to the crew and others trying to pinpoint the location.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  3d8(8+3+1)+5=17
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 12:15:29 AM

Walker, hearing Appolo cry out, moves as quickly as possible to Val. When he gets to her he'll burn his water breathing spell to cast cure crit on Val for 17 hp.

Bart hp 24 ac 28 haste 
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 1:36:09 PM

Bart looks around for the captain, he doe3snt see him and decides to go below decks, searching for his quarters

Redux  d20+4=7 d20+6=20
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 3:09:18 PM

Unsure of the success of his last spell, Redux decides to go for the sure thing next time. He readies the spell magic missiles, waiting for an enemy to visualize so he can fire them off. He also keeps an eye out for potential trouble (Spot=7, Talon's Spot=20). To the others, "Spread out, that mage could try an area effect again if he's still in the area."

Clearing the Vengence (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 4:57:09 PM

Not seeing the Captain anywhere Maisey calls out "we need to find the Captain, My crew start searching th lower decks and take her apart! Rigging Get the Sword to search the rigging as he may still be up there some where."

Walker rushes over to and sends a flow of healing energy into Val healing (17) bringing Val back to conciousness.

Rigging and Redux look around for the captain and Rigging spots a concentration of magic near the upper most reaches of the rigging of the ship.

Bart heads down below and finds a series of 6 doors (4on the left and 2 on the right.)

You can see that the battle is starting to wind down with the Pirates of Jack winning by a slight margin from the looks of the Aisildurian ships that are trying to flee.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1,  d20+2=21
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 5:46:51 PM

Appolo smile at WalkeR"Thanks buddy.I am going to taker her back to the ship.Appolo picks Valanthe up and carries her over to the side.he places her in the long boat along with her gear and his he then lowers it into the water and slides down the rope .He rows toward the Sword.Sibnalling for it to come closer.

Rigging ac 19, 35/57 hps shield, bull strength  d20+10=16 d4+1=2 d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 9:38:52 PM

Rigging will shout out, "Up in the rigging! I see a concentration of magic! It might be the Captain! Redux, cast a fireball up there!" He will point out where the spell should go." Follow my darts, and Rigging casts a magic missile spell at the concentration of magic. (If he hits, 9 points of damage)

Rigging tries to keep an eye on things spot check 16

Valanthe: HP 9: AC 23 
Tuesday December 30th, 2003 9:43:21 PM

Valanthe gasps for breath as her life is restored. Tears flow from her eyes as she copes with nearly dying. Only when she sees the ship getting farther away does she realise whats happening. "Appolo we have to go back. They will need our help."

Bart hp 34 ac 28 haste  d8+5=10
Wednesday December 31st, 2003 7:10:11 AM

Unaware of Riggings orders Bart gulps down a potion of cure light wounds and opens the first door on the left, smashing it open, his sword is ready and he expects resistance

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+4=8 7d6(1+5+6+6+3+1+1)=23 d20+6=13
Wednesday December 31st, 2003 3:49:22 PM

Redux looks up where Rigging points to, trying to see if he can make out the form of the Captain (spot=8)...but all he sees is the ships rigging. Sighing, he pulls out a scroll and reads the fireball spell scribed on it. Once again a ball of fire passes from his fingertips and continues growing until it explodes in the upper regions of the rigging (23 hp dam). From his perch on his shoulder, Talon takes a look around (Spot=13) to see if he can spot any sources of trouble.

Clearing the Vengence rd 2 (DM Dominic)  d20+4=10 d20+14=25 5d6(1+1+3+4+4)=13 d20+4=14 d20+4=10 d4+4=6
Thursday January 1st, 2004 7:19:21 PM

King Maisey hearing Rigging pulls out a scroll and reads it sending a ball of fire streaking upto where Redux's fireball exploded. (dmg 13)

A mage from King Maisey's ship cast dispel magic where the fireballs explode. (dispelling Invisability.)

Redux sends his fireball to where Rigging yelled and is greated by the sounds of someone yelling out in pain when his fireball explodes.

Rigging hits the person where the magic is concentrated.

Appolo gets Val back to the Sword and several crewmembers start to try to help Val.

Bart crashes through the door finding what looks to be crew quarters.

The captain of the Vengence stands up and releases a spell causing you to see 6 additional images of the Captain.

Rigging AC 19, hps 35 shield, bullstrength, invisibility 
Thursday January 1st, 2004 7:31:37 PM

Rigging shouts out, "Ari, Hit him with another dispel magic!"

Rigging will then activate his invisibility ring and start climbing towards the Captain of the Vengence.

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+4=6 d20+6=26 d20+6=18 d4-2=1
Thursday January 1st, 2004 10:29:40 PM

Redux tries to keep his eye on which Captain is the real captain, without much success. He casts Web in the area of the Captain, stringing it between as many of the images as possible (ooc: not sure how to direct that burst, lets start at the middle point of all of the images to be the center). Redux has his feathered friend fly up with directions to claw at any image not in the web (and tells him where the web will be). Talon keeps an expert eye out and attacks w/ minimal success (ac=18 dmg=1).

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 1:29:21 AM

Appolo replies to Val"No we're not going back your hurt to badly and need some rest.The others can handle the mop up."
When they reach the Sword Appolo takes her to his bunk places her in it then makes sure she gets proper care,whatever healing is avialable.Appolo also makes sure she stays put."You need to take better care of yourself and stop running off chasing every opponent who runs away. Next time stay close to me,I'll cover your back and you cover mine.You need to find away to control your emotions during combat. Be like me become dtached act in a cold ruthles,brutal purely logical fashion."

Friday January 2nd, 2004 4:01:50 AM

Still unaware about the mayhem on deck bart kicks in the secend door

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 8:44:03 AM

Walker will moved towards the captain, staying clear of the web.

Valanthe: HP 9: AC 23 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 11:04:25 AM

"Appolo I was controlling my emotions. I never gave into my anger. Besides you are so full of it. If you were so cold and detatched you would be here with me right now. You would be on that ship and I would be dead." Valanthe says angrily.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Friday January 2nd, 2004 2:20:24 PM

Appolo replies"Your right,now don't be angry with me.It's just that I love you and can't stand to see you hurt and when you went down.Well just get some rest your In no condition to agrue with me about it at the moment.We'll just stay here and I'll take care of you."

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Saturday January 3rd, 2004 3:08:16 AM

Watching the Captain in the rigging, Ari waits to dispel any spell that gets cast.

Clearing the Vengence rd 3 (DM Dominic)  10d6(5+3+4+3+2+5+2+6+3+6)=39 d20+7=20 3d8(1+7+5)+7=20 d20+12=16
Saturday January 3rd, 2004 6:06:05 PM

Captain of the Vengence reaches to his neck and pulls something from his neck then tosses it near Walker (fireball reflex save DC14 for half dmg 39.) The captain then touches himself with a wand and vanishes from sight.

Rigging vanishes and starts climbing. Rigging makes it half way up to the captains location.

Redux releases his web spell in amongst the multiple captains but they continue to move about.

Appolo & Val are getting tended to on the Sword (val healed 20hp.)

Bart enters in to the next room finding what looks to be quarters of some spellcaster.

Walker makes it half way up to where the captain is when he vanishes.

Ari uses the wand of dispel magic trying to dispel the invisibility that the captain just cast. (failing to dispel any of the spells.)

Appolo Hp41 Ac 25 
Sunday January 4th, 2004 5:02:39 AM

When Valanthe recieves more healing and begins to look and feel better Appolo says"Stay here I'm going up top.it's time to get nasty.' Appolo heads quickly upstairs and orders the Catapults and ballistas loaded with the heavist shot they have and then heads for the helm telling the helms man to swing around to the rear of the Vengence at point blank rande. He will then order the catapults and ballistas to rake the Vengence at the water line in turn as they bear and the sword Passes the enemy.This should be sufficient enough to sink the Vengence.

Sunday January 4th, 2004 2:43:43 PM

Bart makes a mental note of the room, to search it later on and opens the next door on th eleft

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+6=23 d20+4=20
Sunday January 4th, 2004 8:25:10 PM

'Talon, fly away and circle back to try to spot this guy.'

"Come on folks! Lets get him before he uses all those charges," Redux says, referring to the wand. He then uses his scroll of Glitterdust at the area around where the Captain was (with the area outside where his web spell is currently in effect).

(ooc: spot -- Talon=23, Redux=20)

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Monday January 5th, 2004 12:31:17 AM

Keeping an eye out to see if the captain tries any other kind of spell effect, Ari will do his best to try to defend using the wand of dispel magic. If there are no obvious spell effects to try to counter, then Ari will try to flush out the captain by dispelling his current spell, hoping that he hasn't moved from where he was last.

Rigging ac 19 hps 35/57 shield, bullstrength, invisible  d20+9=11 d20+9=25 d4+3=4 2d6(4+6)=10 2d6(1+1)=2
Monday January 5th, 2004 11:09:17 AM

Rigging yell down to Ari, "Dispel those images! Ari, Dispel those images now!"

Rigging will climb up the rest of the way and attack the captain with a sneak attack.

OOC forget to give myself any pluses for an invisible attack. Rolled a 11 with my shortsword and a 25 with the holy dagger. Assume the shortsword missed. Holy dagger does 14 points of damage without sneak attack and 16 with. Wow not my best sneak attack.

Valanthe: HP 29: AC 23 
Monday January 5th, 2004 11:16:00 PM

Valanthe holds her side and watches the battle continue. She feels so helpless standing there, injured. She almost wished she died in battle. That way she was there until the end. Now she has to hope everybody makes it back. Otherwise Valanthe may never be able to forgive herself.

Clearing the Vengence rd 4 (DM Dominic)  (rigging save vs glitterdust)d20+6=19 (rigging save vs web) d20+9=16 d100=48 d100=60 3d8(2+7+3)+8=20 d20+4=19
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 6:41:06 AM

Appolo tells Niner to bring the Sword in for a crippling attack and Niner shouts out the order to do so, sending the Sword back in to attack the Vengence at Point Blank range.

Bart finds what appears to be the ships clerics quarters and temple.

Redux releases his spell causing an area of gliterdust to appear. Making Rigging visible.

Ari stands waiting for the captain to appear casting a spell.

As Rigging moves in towards the captain, Redux's spell goes off causing Rigging to become visible again. Riging continues on to where he last saw the captain moving into the Web (relex save made.) Rigging strikes out and hits with his dagger causing one of the images to vanish.

Val feels the warmth of another healing spell wash over her (healed 20 points.)

Seeing the predicament that the Wildcards are in, King Maisey calls out "Drop back Wildcards!!!" King Maisey then nods to a group of her crewmembers.

5 crewmembers from King Maisey fly up to where the images of the captain and land amongst them. 4 of them draw swords and the 5th on releases an Enlarged Anti-Magic field spell. Causing the web spell to vanish, all of the images to vanish, and the captain to re-appear.

The captain appears 20' to Riggings left and has the look of surprise on his face as he tries to cast another spell and it not happen. At this point he tries to swing from where he is to another location in the rigging. Barely making his landing the captain is now standing on some rigging 30' from where he was away from Rigging and the crewmembers of King Maisey's ship.

Appolo HP:41 AC:25Bles +1, 
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 1:31:05 PM

Appolo continues to direct the ship ordering archers to prepare to sweep the enemys deck if necessary.When the bow catapults and balista's are at piont blank range with the stren or rear of the Vengence he orders them to fire,Appolo does the smae when the stern catapults at ballistas pss the enemy ship. He notices Valanthe standing on deck"Val you are stubborn,don't worry the others will be just fine."

Rigging ac 19 hps 35/57 shield, bullstrength  d20+10=23
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 1:49:03 PM

Rigging looks down from the Rigging and sees the Sword starting to make its attack run on the flagship. He stares for a second and then starts cursing. He will start waving and shouting trying to get the Sword's attention.

"Stop! Cease fire! Stop! Cease fire!" He will call down to the crewmen on deck. "Stop the Swords attack! Wave them off! This ship is a prize and that fool is gonna sink it! Hurry and wave them off!"

Rigging is so distracted by the Sword's idiotic behavior he doesn't try to close on the Captain this round.

Rolled spot check of 23

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  d20+5=8
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 5:07:40 PM

Desperately wanting to take someone down, Redux smiles a wolf grin as the Captain appears...without his six mirror images. "Goodbye." he murmurs as he begins the incantation for the spell enervation. A jet black ray shoots from his hand (range touch=8)....and promptly misses his target of the Captain, smashing instead into the rigging. Redux screams in frustration...the pain of failure so tangible that it's almost as if the ray had hit his own body.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Tuesday January 6th, 2004 11:32:44 PM

Walker continues towards the captain.

Valanthe: HP 49: AC 23  d20+4=22
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 1:04:48 AM

Her physical pain lessens but her inner turmoil does not. The flash of magic and the ring of steel hold her attention. She looks for a final moment of a life snuffed out by violence and hopes it isn't one of her friends. Her eyes widen as she spots Rigging waving franticly at them.

"Appolo I think he wants you to cease fire. He looks really mad."

ooc: spot check 22

Bart haste  d20+12=31 d20+12=15 d10+7=13 d10+7=8
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 2:44:37 AM

While Bart spits on the altar he does one big smash with his sword on the altar (threat ac 31 crit? ac15 for 13+8). He the opens the other door stiil searching for the captain

Bart ooc 
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 2:46:05 AM

I presume the altar is consecrated to Ga'al otherwise bart doesnt spit on the altar and dont smash it

Appolo  d20+6=23
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 3:53:04 AM

Appolo is looking at Valanthe when she mentions something about holding fir.He then looks in the direction she is pointing and sees Rigging."Ok men the Captian wants us to hold fire.Just make the pass then come around for the pick up,but stay alert."

Clearing the Vengence rd 5 (DM Dominic)  d20+8=26
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 6:08:58 AM

The captain of the Vengence releases a spell but finds that it fizzles as he releases it. (Ari counter spell with wand.)

Rigging rushes to where he can wave off the Sword from their attack run.

Val notices Rigging waving them off.

Appolo calls off the attack run just in time. Niner heads Appolo's words and vears the Sword away just as the catapults and ballista fire causing them to jus tmiss the Vengence.

Walker makes it to just outside of the Captains reach. (can attack next round)

Bart destroys the alter to Ga'al, then walks into what he believes is the captains cabin.

King Maisey's crewmembers fire arrows at the captain critically wounding him.
The mage with the anti-magic field moves closer to the captain placing the captain and Walker in the anti-magic fields area of effect.

Redux (AC 15 HP 37)  4d4(3+1+2+2)+4=12
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 9:02:18 AM

Redux points at the spellcaster and yells "Finish him!" as he fires magic missiles into his body (Dam=12).

Bart Haste 
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 1:05:31 PM

Bart looks around and makes sure the captain isn't in his room after that he decides to go to the upperdeck to look if he is there

Ari HP 13 AC 22 (bull strength) 
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 2:25:00 PM

Relieved to see King Maisley's crew moving in to finish off the Captain of the enemy vessel. Ari slumps and watches as the battle seems to begin to wind down.

Looking at his clothing Ari mumbles, "This cannot be all my blood!"

(ooc sorry for missed post, didn't see what time you try posting for DM, Ian! BTW everyone, we'll start keeping track of posts again as of this week. My first report will come out this next monday)

Rigging hps 35/57 ac 19 bull strength and shield  d20+10=26
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 3:04:54 PM

Rigging will pull out Wayfinder and scan the horizen looking for other threats and to see if other ships need assistance. Spot check 26.

He will then climb down the rigging and check in with his boarding party. He will call on clerics to heal any of the badly injured and count the death toll.

He will then pull out his wand of detect magic and activate a charge, looking for any useful magic. He will take hard looks at the people he personally fought and any of the priests and magicusers. Any magic he sees, he will descreetly point out to Redux, Ari, and Walker to collect.

Walker, Hp 39/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength,Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+5=13
Wednesday January 7th, 2004 7:11:28 PM

Wallker swings at the captian missing him.

Capture of the Vengence (DM Dominic) 
Thursday January 8th, 2004 5:49:24 AM

The captain of the Vengence feels none of the impact from the magic misles as they are absorbed. Several arrows impact into the body of the Captain. The captain falls from his place in the rigging and lands on the deck with a dull thud.

Bart arrives at the upperdeck as the captain lands.

Rigging using the wand of detect magic finds several items that show magic and he carefully points them out to Redux and the others.

King Maisey's crew starts to go to work getting the Vengence ready to take it back to port as prize.

King Maisey walks over to Rigging then says "we shall claim the ship in the name of The Jack, while the Sword and her crew can claim the posessions of the officers and crew.

treasure list will be emailed by this weekend.

Thursday January 8th, 2004 9:30:00 AM

Redux smiles weakly as the Captain's body comes crashing down lifelessly to the deck. This was a nasty battle, but it's over now. He approaches King Maisey and bows low. "King, thank you for your generosity. We will make sure that these items are put to good use in our struggle against Ga'al." He then rejoins Rigging and begins gathering up the items that he points out. With a small smile and a nod toward the items, Redux says "Looks like it's going to be another all nighter."

Thursday January 8th, 2004 12:07:44 PM

Valanthe sighs. The battle was winding down and nobody over there looked paniced. Maybe that means nobody got hurt and she was the closest to death. Valanthe has not failed to notice the late push the reaper of souls is making for hers. Is her time closer than she thought? Val imagined dying in a couple hundred years, not months.

Thursday January 8th, 2004 2:02:54 PM

Rigging will bow to the King and thank her for her efforts in the battle. "That was to close. We need to find a new base. The pirates are no longer safe here."

Rigging will assemble the boarding party and say, "Pirates of the Sword, you have done a masterful job once again and I salute you. We have been given the crew's and officer's belongings and treasure as our part of the loot. Go assemble it as quickly as possible and bring it here, so I can detect magic.

Redux and Ari, why don't you two search the officer's quarters. We might be able to find some more spellbooks."

Rigging will turn to Walker and ask him to check all the boarding party for wounds and give him a report on the wounded and killed.

Rigging will then go over to the fallen Captain's body and start searching it, looking for magic and treasure.

Once all the treasure has been collected, and the Sword ties along side, Rigging will return to his own ship. He will jump to the other ship and yell for everyone's attention, a look of joy on his face. "Once again through your skill, bravery, and courage, the Sword has proven victorious! You have made me, the pirates, and the Jack himself proud this day!"

Rigging turns to Appolo and Val. "Val are you OK now? Would you both please accompany me to my cabin?"

When they arrive, Rigging will turn to them with a look of fury on his face. "Appolo you dog! What were you thinking! You abandoned your post and your crewmates during the battle. I know you are in love with Val, but that is no excuse to endanger the lives of the others and the crew. You need to make a decision right now. You must either be part of this crew subject to my orders, or I am letting you off at the next port and you are gone. If you decide to stay, you will except whatever punishment I give you."

Rigging will turn to Val and his expression will soften. He will say, "Val, you in the past have acted with honor and bravery. I have included you in this conversation because you and Appolo are involved. Your are welcome aboard this ship and I value you as a companion and sister."

Rigging will turn back to Appolo and his look will harden again. "I love you brother, but as Captain I can not allow you to endanger this ship, her crew, or its missions again. I will give you ten minutes for you to decide on what you want to do."

Rigging will then stalk out of his cabin.

Ari HP 15 
Thursday January 8th, 2004 3:19:56 PM

Ari does his best to search the rooms as quickly as he can with Redux. As soon as their search is over, Ari will join Walker in taking an inventory of the injured and the dying of the Sword.

With each person that they come to whether they are injured or dying, Ari says "Good Job, Thank You, Rest for now" as appropriate for the occasion. Having not worried about the crew before, Ari finds himself getting a little worked up as he sees the injuries and the chaos that this battle has created. Should there be any dead from the ship, Ari will take a second or two to compose himself. Then he will move on, doing his best to keep a straight face.

Should any ask, or point out his own injuries, he will downplay them, and make the injured feel as if it is their time.

Friday January 9th, 2004 2:58:56 AM

Sorry guys that i wasn't here to fight the captain I thought the captain teleported himself belowdecks. I searched a few rooms there one of them of the captain on of a wizard and one of priest of Ga'al with a shrine consecreted to this foul god. I destroyed the shrine. And i thought i saw some spellbooks in the wizards room and some other usefull things as components, scales and small bottles. I will help Ari and Redux, I still haven't searched all the rooms maybe there are still some foes below decks

Heading Home (DM Dominic) 
Friday January 9th, 2004 6:30:26 AM

Once the ship has been stripped of any and all loot that the crew of the Sword can use, you head back to port. Off in the distance you can see the few ships that the Aisildur navy sent has left fleeing the area. You can make out what looks to be 8 or 9 ships in tow by the Pirates of Jack. Sailing back to port takes you around 12 hrs as you help with the towing of the Vengence.


next weeks posts will be approximately 24 hrs worth of time in each post. Take in to account of this when you do actions such as scribe scrolls.
list of the loot will be posted this weekend.


Friday January 9th, 2004 7:29:21 AM

Walker will triage the crew using his reamining spells for the most badly wounded.

Bart ooc 
Friday January 9th, 2004 5:04:13 PM

I want to roleplay the dividing of the loot from the 2 last battles

Saturday January 10th, 2004 2:26:54 AM

Appolo stands there completely flabergasted.he can't believe what just happened>He turns to Valanthe"what in the wold was that?Did he jsut say what Ithink he said.Saving your life was the wrong thing to do.That argh son***.Appolo head through the opening it so violently it splinters with aloud crash as it hits the wal."Rigging get back here!!"Appolo is enraged.

Sunday January 11th, 2004 10:46:53 PM

Rigging calmly walks back into the room after looking at the splintered door. He will look at the enraged thief and say, "Appolo was it wrong to save Val? Of course not. The question is...Did she need saving? Walker had gotten to her and cured her past the danger point. You by your actions took her and more importantly yourself out of the fight. Before we went on to that ship, I gave you a direct order. I told you to come with me and go head hunting. We were supposed to take out the leadership of that ship. You disobeyed that order. I can't say for sure, but you may have prolonged that battle and cost people their lives."

Suddenly Rigging is shouting. "You got lucky! No one died of your actions! We got close. Ari was magically held and Redux was incapacitated. Bart was cursed and I was the target of several spells also. Walker had Val healed and could have healed her more and put her back into the fight if you hadn't whisked her off.

You disobeyed orders, you acted with your heart, not your head. Then after we capture that prize, at the cost of several of this crew's lives, you order an attack with the Sword to sink our prize! That was really stupid. Your lucky your grandstanding didn't get anyone killed or you and I would be dueling right now!"

Rigging visibly tries to calm down. "Your not a little scared kid anymore who is all by himself. You are an important part of this crew. We need you, but not like this. Right now you are more a liability than an asset. As I said before, you have to decide and convince me that you want to be here. You need to discuss it with Val. If you want to stay, then I will put you on probation. If you disobey even the slightest order without a damn good reason, then I will have you off this boat."

Rigging looks at Val, "I hope you understand where I am coming from. I can't look to just one life anymore but must look to the whole."

Rigging will turn and leave the room again. He will say over his shoulder, "Discuss it and then find me with your decision."

Monday January 12th, 2004 7:05:22 AM

Was i cursed Rigging? No i don't think so, I believed the captain was teleported below decks. Your action towards Apollo is to hard, yes he acted with his heart not with his head. Can he be blamed for that?... Maybe, but put him on probation? ... No. I think you are not acting with your head now you let your anger rule. Your anger is probally right for at least the part that concerns the order to shoot at the Vengeance, that almost was concered by us. I know Appolo almost al my live we where and still are friends since we could walk and talk. If you push Apollo out of our family I will consider my position also. It is not that i choose a side in this misunderstanding. I'm not sure if I want to be part of this crew anymore.
Have a armfight with each other and workout your problems but don't split up this family

Monday January 12th, 2004 7:55:53 AM

Rigging is correct. Val was out of immediate danger. Appollo and myself were both there to protect her from any additional attacks if needed and a short amount of time could very well hve put her back into fighting trim.

As to the punishment, I do feel something is warranted, I again feel I have not been with the Sword long enough to feel justified on giving any input in that area.

Monday January 12th, 2004 8:31:54 AM

"Bart I understand your concerns. I think of Appolo as part of this family as well. I want him here. It is his decision. If he stays, he will have to follow orders like everyone else. If one is exempt from them, why should anyone follow them?

I am less concerned with his order to attack the Vengence. I believe he realized, in his heart, that he was wrong to leave the battle and was trying to make up for that mistake. It was dumb, but he didn't follow through and that can be forgiven.

If Appolo chooses to leave, then several members of the crew might chose to follow him. I hope not. I hope you stay, but I was voted Captain and I will be Captain. A Captain can't always base his decisions on popularity, but on what is best for the ship and entire crew."

Ari HP 15 
Monday January 12th, 2004 9:50:09 AM

(ooc before we lose sight of it. The previous post for Rigging puts Rigging, Val, and Appollo in a private conversation in Rigging's quarters)

Ari HP 15 
Monday January 12th, 2004 9:51:23 AM

Working with Niner, Ari gathers up the wounded, dead, and repairs list, and waits to speak with Rigging at his convenience.

Monday January 12th, 2004 12:39:40 PM

ooc ari you are right with that it was private (think bart heard it later on)

Monday January 12th, 2004 3:57:03 PM

(ooc that's assuming anyone shares it, and you did not share your assumptions when you made your post, which is why I made the point.)

Monday January 12th, 2004 4:01:54 PM

Knowing his job, Redux begins the process of identifying the items and scribing scrolls for future use.

Vengence loot (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 12th, 2004 4:22:07 PM

Vengence battle loot:

Normal Weapons --
200 arrows

Masterwork Weapons --
10 longswords
5 shortswords
5 heavy flails
2 rapiers
1 dire flail
1 greatsword
1 scimitar

Masterwork Armor --
15 chain mail
3 studded leather
5 scale mail
2 breastplates

Detects as magical --
Heavy flail
2 Quarterstaffs
Elven chainmail
2 sets of Bracers
Scalemail with knot work design etched into it
2 rings
4 scrolls
3 spellbooks

Monetary --
2000 GP
1000 SP
8 pearls
6 sapphires
4 opals
2 alexandrites

Arrival Back in Port (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 12th, 2004 6:32:34 PM

The ships of the Pirate's of Jack arrive back in port over the next several hours with some of them seriously damaged. You also notice that there are approximately 8 ships taken as prize from the battle with about 12 of the Pirate's of Jack ships not surviving the battle. The Sword arrives back around dusk.

As you all start to wind down for the evening following the battle you feel as if a great weight was just placed upon your shoulders. The crew secures the ship once back in port and then Niner tells them to go get some R&R for the night. Most of the crew heads in to town and to the taverns to drink in remembrance of their fallen shipmates.

As the night wears on each of you try to get some much needed rest.
Rigging awakes to the sounds of someone standing beside where he is laying. Rigging tries to get up but finds that he is bound at both feet and wrists to a wooden tablestripped down to the waist. Looking around as best he can he sees that he is looking through the eyes of Ashira. Rigging hears the person to his right say "ah, she is awake finally. We can begin." You see what looks to be several people in the clerical robes of Ga'al in the room with you. Some of them are busy in prayers to Ga'al while a couple of them are readying what loks to be something. One of the persons not praying walks slowly over to you with a smile that makes your skin crawl. You start to feel what you think is many small neeedles being driven into your abdomen just above the hip. As each needle is pushed into you, you feel this sharp burning radiate outward from the point of insertion. As you try to endure the pain your body starts to feel as if someone is starting to peel your skin away from your chest and arms. You start to scream out. Rigging sits straight up in bed sweating and screaming "No!!! Stop!!!" Rigging glances at his chest and abdomen and sees very faint red marks starting to fade away. The marks are in the exact location of where you felt the pain.

Everyone of the Wildcards are awoken from fitful sleep by Rigging screaming.

Identified Items (DM Dominic) 
Monday January 12th, 2004 6:37:06 PM

Redux begins the long process of identifying the items recovered from the battle. Starting with the wand the he finds when examining the glove. Redux identifies the following:
Wand of Greater Invisibility (12th lvl caster) (28 charges)
Glove of Storing

Cost: (deduct from party treasure) 2 pearls.

Ashira (ADM Nellie)  d20+15=18
Monday January 12th, 2004 7:04:45 PM

Ashira's mind reels with pain and her body shudders. She begins to pass out, but her mind snaps her back into focus. Don't give these sons of Ga'al the pleasure of seeing you folding. Rigging will be here soon....hold on...he'll be here soon. Another pin and then another is inserted as Ashira can no longer hold back the screams...though she does retain enough self control to keep from crying out for mercy. Hours pass and the torture continues like one long abhorrent nightmare. Another pin is inserted and Ashira's retches as her resolve begins to break. Oh Alemi, where are you?! I thought I was your chosen one. How can you let them do this to me?! Ashira's eyes scan the room frantically....knowing that any minute Rigging and Val will burst through the door.

Monday January 12th, 2004 10:23:25 PM

Rigging will bolt from the bed. He will scramble into his clothes, tears running down his cheeks. He will stumble on to the deck almost crying out of control.

He will be on his knees when the others gather around him, the sobs wracking out of his chest.
"It....It was Ashira....They were torturing her.
I could feel her pain." Rigging will pull up his shirt to show the fading red marks.

Rigging will lurch to his feet and grab Val by the arms. Spit will spray into her face as he says, "She is waiting for you and me. She is praying that we will come to her. They are sticking needles into her stomach...Oh Alemi! Why!!!!"

Suddenly Rigging will straighten and walk over to Appolo. He will throw his arms around his shoulders and whisper, "I am sorry my brother. I understand what you were feeling. Please help me save my wife."

Riggings face will turn into steel. "I am going after her. She summoned me. Are you with me my family?"

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 4:58:23 AM

I'm Rigging, I'm ready as always to help a member of the family. I will go through fire for all of you

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 5:08:34 AM

Appolo says to Rigging"I was going to go after one way or another.Rember I care about her two. Iwas two steps away from her when she was taken,I just couldn'r bare to lose val.So yes I acted with my heart.I wasn't going to leave anyways.So let's go get Ashira,it's payback time."

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 7:47:19 AM

By all means, they should lean they cannot take one of us with impunity.

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 1:00:46 PM

Val has been quiet these last few days. Rigging had a point but so did Appolo. She didn't know what to say and who to side with. If Appolo was dying would she do any different?

"Rigging of course I will go to save her but be warned. She could have heartseed by the time we get there. Before she got taken, Ashira told me about some nightmares she was having. Where she stood against us with Ga'al. I tried helping her by teaching her to use Reverie but the dreams could have been visions."

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 1:24:53 PM

Rigging will give a slight smile. "I appreciate you support in this. I want to leave as quickly as possible. We will need to gather the crew and recruit for our loses. We should be good on provisions but I want to make a quick stop at the Catacombs and get some healing potions.

Val and Appolo, would you too gather the crew? I hate to limit their shoreleaves but something tells me we don't have any spare time.

Val, I know that she might be heartseeded. It is a good thing your carrying some of that cure with you. I will get my wife back.

Ari, round up Nine and between you and him, split the money into the normal shares and give out the fine armor and weapons we captured to the crew.

Redux, I want you to keep identifing and classifing what we captured from the Vengence. I want to be able to do a split between the Wildcards while we are sailing. We might need those items to help rescue Ashira.

Walker and Bart...please go over the ship stores and weapons to make sure nothing happened to things during the battle.

Does anyone need anything from the Catacombs? OK I am off. I want to sail with the afternoon tide."

When Rigging gets back from his shopping, he will pull Wayfinder out and say, "Walker, please makes sure no one disturbs me."

He will the place the telescope to his eye and say, "Show me Ashira. Where is she? Take me to her."

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 4:02:55 PM

Woken with start, it takes Ari a second or two to figure it that it's from Rigging screaming. Quickly he dresses himself and finds Rigging to find out what is going on.

Once there Ari's face quickly turns into one of determination. When Rigging suggests that the group go after Ashira Ari says, "I will of course support the chase for your wife. We should be able to use your marriage daggers, or something else like that, to be able to track her."

As Rigging announces his intention, Ari pipes in, "Should you let the Jack know what we're intending, and see whether he might have addional info, or suggestions."

Replacing and Refitting (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday January 13th, 2004 6:19:42 PM

Recovering from the nights shocking revelations you jump to action on the replacing of the lost crewmembers and the refitting of the Sword. Upon hearing of what happened to Riggging the crew moves into action trying to get the refitting of the Sword done as quickly as possible. Niner, Ari set about doing the splitting of the loot to the crew. Quariil sets to getting the local provisioners to get the provisions for the Sword quickly while at a fair price.

Rigging tries to use the Wayfinder to locate Ashira but for some reason is not able to find her. It seems like it is being blocked somehow.

Around mid-day Rushcant arrives at the Sword looking for Rigging and the other Wildcards. When Rushcant finds you she tells you that the Jack needs to see them immediately.

Redux identifies the following:
Rod of Lesser Metamagic (maximize)
Ring of Blinking
Cost: (deduct from party treasure) 2 pearls.

Refitting costs: 1500 gp.

Need to know what the current party funds is.

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 10:20:12 PM

Rigging puts down Wayfinder, he mood very foul.
"It isn't working! Strong magic must be employed to block an artifact as strong as the Wayfinder."

Rigging is about to yell for the others when Rushcant arrives. He listens to the Jack's summons and says, "Good. I need to speak with him as well. Rushcant, do you know if any prisoners were taken? I need to find out where they are holding my wife."

Rigging will gather the other Wildcards and say to Nine, "Keep the work up. I want to be able to get out of here as soon as possible."

Rigging will then lead the others off the ship following Rushcant.

Tuesday January 13th, 2004 11:08:40 PM

Walker will check store and weapons with Bart, then guard Rigging while he tries to use the Wayfinder. Later he will accompany the other off the ship with Rushcant.

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 3:33:10 AM

I also want to visit the catacombs i want to trade in my bastard sword for a better one. I dont have enough gold for it, i was jhoping that i could get some loot , preferable weapons, from the last two raids to trade in as well

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 7:11:03 AM

Armed and ready, Valanthe follows Rigging. Hopefully the Jack will know where Ashira is being held.

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 2:34:55 PM

Seeing Rushcant and then hearing Rigging comment about seeing the Jack. Ari sighs an unnoticeable sigh of relief. At least we won't leave without keeping in touch with the Jack.

As the group starts to head out Ari will say to Rigging, "I will stay and supervise the loading of the ship, unless you say otherwise.

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 3:26:46 PM

"No Ari, I want you to come with us. Nine can handle that. The Jack said he wanted the Wildcards there and you are an important member of them. I want your eyes and ears there. I trust them. I don't necessarily trust the Jack right now. Remember the assassin might be after Ashira as we speak."

Wednesday January 14th, 2004 5:05:37 PM

Appolo does as ordered,he also loads on more supplies and 10 extra crewmen.
He then follows Rigging and the others to meet the jack.Hearing Riggings last comment to Ari,Appolo says loud enogh to be heard by both of them"They are."

Urgent Mission (DM Dominic) 
Thursday January 15th, 2004 5:54:15 AM

Once the Wildcards arrive at the palace to see Jack, Rushcant quickly leaves. You walk into a meeting that is in progress between Jack and some of the other ship captains. Upon seeing you the Jack calls you over to the table they are standing beside.

"I have an urgent mission that needs to be taken care of. I know that you are wanting to go and try to rescue your team mamber Ashira. Unfortunately this must be taken care of first. Let me say this none of the Pirates have been able to locate Ashira's location as of yet." The Jack waits a moment then says "We have gotten word that somehow Aisildur can track the island. One our spies has information about it but for safety reasons they have asked for your team to meet them. Rushcant has the location of the meeting and will give it to you. We must get that information. We will not be able to hold off another determined attack. As soon as we have dealt with this problem I will let you go hunting for Ashira."

After a few minutes Rushcant comes over to you and tells you "you will be met at the Rusty Scupper. It is a tavern on the outskirts of the capital. Be very carefull and wind in your sails."

Thursday January 15th, 2004 3:23:22 PM

Ari nods in understanding as the Jack gives out the mission information. Ari looks to Rigging as the news is given, knowing that Rigging is not going to take the news well. Hoping that Rigging can keep it together until they leave the Jack, Ari holds his words until a private moment can be gotten.

"I offer my view, because I know sometimes we all lose the bigger picture.

I have just now realized myself that we have a relatively impressive record as a group. We've been relatively dependable when it comes to getting things done for the Jack. I can at least see the sense in this mission, even though our personal goals might be different at this time.

It is also hard to judge whether our involvement over the last month or so, is a singling out of our group because of our success. Both for the Jack, and for those enemies that stand in the Jack's way. Other than ourselves, it hard for us to find anyone to trust. I am of the opinion that we need to start recruiting people we can trust to be our eyes and ears. People with their strongest loyalties to us. I'm wondering whether our retired Captain might like a little wealth so that he could attend all the parties and such, and just hear what's going on, and what can be spilled over a cup of ale.

I don't have any other ideas for anyone else that we could work with right now.

If you want I could start developing these contacts, but not let you know who these people are. Just try to find our own source of information."

Thursday January 15th, 2004 4:32:11 PM

Redux has been so absorbed with the identification process of late that he takes little note of what has been going on around him....though he is concerned about Rigging and his quest for Ashira. Redux tags along on the meeting with the Jack but doesn't chime in. He sighs heavily as their new assignment is handed out, knowing that he really needs a months vacation or so to fully prepair for battle. Doesn't look like he would be getting a vacation anytime soon.

Thursday January 15th, 2004 4:59:29 PM

Rigging hears the mission and slumps. "Sir, I understand the mission and we will undertake it.

Do you know why they requested my team? Is it someone we know? How do we recognize this spy? Does my entire team need to be there?"

Rigging will pause in his quick questions and sigh, "Sorry sir, sometimes my mind jumps ahead of my mouth. Is there any information you can give me?"

After Rigging hears his answers, he will say,
"Sir have you given any thought on resettling Isildur? It is an entire hidden city. Obviously this base is no longer safe for us.
Just a suggestion."

Rigging turns to go and starts to leave the room, he quickly turns and says, "Oh one more thing Jack. When I get to my wife and if I find that the grim assassins have been their before me, you won't look forward to my homecoming."

Rigging then leaves the throneroom and recieves the instructions from Rushcant. "When are we supposed to be their?"

Thursday January 15th, 2004 5:42:04 PM

I would like to visit the catacombs myself but also need to know what my share of the last two missions will be.

Rigging,I understand your desires, I will happily do everything in my powers and within Gargul's will to aid you when the time comes.

Friday January 16th, 2004 6:44:08 AM

Valanthe stays quiet instead of telling the Jack to stuff it, which is what she wants to do. She was suprised that the Jack needed information to know that they can find the Island. She thought that was perfectly clear by the pirates near extinction.

Friday January 16th, 2004 6:51:09 AM

Same with me Walker, I also want to go to the catacombs but i have not enough money to upgrade my stuff. What do you want to buy there, maybe we can go together and if we buy together we maybe can make a better deal. I wish we had more time before we will leave for the new mission. You still aren't an official member of our family, we still need to organize a ceremony.

Friday January 16th, 2004 7:56:04 AM

Well Bart, I'am not really sure what to buy. It would depend a lot on what my resources are, thats why I need the listing from the last missions. I certainly wouldn'd mind you coming along. The possibility of a better deal would be great and I would never refuse to listen to any advise.
As for the joining cermony, we just have not seemed to really have had much free time. And time more than any ceremony is what will make me part of the family.

Friday January 16th, 2004 12:38:29 PM

Understanding that the situation is pretty grim, Ari tables his idea for the moment. He the prepares to leave on yet another mission.

Friday January 16th, 2004 1:21:50 PM

Rigging will say to Ari, "I think your idea has merit. I had broached it with our former Captain before he left the ship. He was cool to the idea but was willing to help. You might want to reapproach him when we get a chance."

OOC sorry for the double post but wanted to answer Ari's question. We can make this conversation with him after our meeting with the Jack and Rushcant

Outfitting the Sword (DM Dominic) 
Friday January 16th, 2004 7:23:39 PM

Niner tells you when you arrive back at the ship "Captain Hawley stopped by and said that there will be additional workers helping to get the Sword ready to sail." Niner then says "Captain Hawley also said that the rumor is that we were asked for specificaly and that they would meet with no one but you."

Replacements for the fallen crewmembers arrive later that afternoon, a couple of them look as if they have seen better days. They each say "captain Hawley sends them."

Redux continues working on the items recovered from the last battle. he finds the following:
Ring of Protection +2
Cloak of Resistance +2
Brooch of Shielding (79pts left)
Necklace of missles type 7 (remaining globes(9hd, 7hd, 5hd, 3hd, 3hd))
Cost: (deduct from party treasure) 4 pearls


4 Replacements are (1 - fighter lvl6, 2 - rogue lvl7, 3 - cleric lvl8, 4 - fighter lvl7)

Sorry for no post yesterday was very busy and not able to post.

Sunday January 18th, 2004 6:28:58 PM

That was strange news. If they were the only ones the Jack would speak with then he must suspect spies in the orginization. If that was true their job would that much harder.

Monday January 19th, 2004 1:15:53 PM

Rigging how do we sail to the capital? I think there will be a lot of Aisuldurian vessles in the neighborhood. I think we can better go with one of the captured vessels. Or otherwise we can tow a small fishingboat and sail with it from our ship to the coast.

Monday January 19th, 2004 2:33:26 PM

Redux does his best to keep everyone abreast of his progress. He explains what items he knows and how he thinks things should break down. Walker, Bart and Appolo look like they could use some better equipping. The books are party treasure for future research & sale. He sets aside the rod, glove, wand, a set of bracers (+5), the scrolls and the money commenting that if it's equitable, he'd like to keep those. He continues to identify items and scribe scrolls per normal standards. He knows his time is short to try to be ready for this next battle. He doesn't appear to be taking any leisure time beyond feeding sessions with Talon.

Monday January 19th, 2004 3:34:12 PM

Knowing that time is of the essence, as usual. Ari double checks all the preperations for getting underway. Looking at the new recruits, Ari relaxes a little bit and smiles at them when he hears that Captain Hawley found them. "Welcome to the Sword. Rigging is the Captain, and I'm Ari, his second. Niner here will fill you in on what's going on. I hope you're ready for your new assignment, we don't sit still for very long."

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