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Hello, Goodbye (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 7th, 2003 8:03:04 AM

The survivors of the sahuagin imprisonment are mostly healed up, thanks to the efforts of the Sword's ship's cleric as well as those of Akerin and the now-fully-healed Walker. All hands have been working repair shifts to make the battered Sword of the Sea seaworthy for the trip back to Ayorsa Island. Sixteen days of 24-hours-a-day work on the vessel was all it took.

Ten days into the repairs, Coral and all but one of the Ebbtide tribe survivors say their goodbyes to the airbreathers.

"We're going to seek out and gather together whomever may have survived the massacre." Coral explains. "Many of us perished, but if we managed to live, I'm sure there MUST be others...we will gather and settle in a deepwater canyon a few leagues northeast of this island. It has the resources to support us and is close enough for us to help our new allies whenever they need it." One of the females in the tribe clears her throat and arches an eyebrow at him. Coral rolls his eyes and adds:

"...or for the airbreathers to come to OUR aid...NOT that we'll be likely to need it..!"

Before he leaves, Coral gives a small, carved object to Ashira.

"This is the Seal of the Ebbtide Tribe...it symbolizes the confirmation of the pact between the Pirates of Jack and our tribe." He turns to go, hesitates, turns back and quickly kisses Ashira quite passionately before turning away once more and leaping into the water with the others who will be searching the depths for more aquatic elves.

All of the Ebbtiders disappear beneath the water. If Ashira looks down at the carved item, she will smile, no doubt: the Seal of the Ebbtide Tribe is just that--a carved coral figurine of a seal, posing in a most regal manner.

As well as repairing the ship, all hands have also worked hard at cleansing the temple island of all sahuagin elements--spiritual and physical. A small fort of sorts is erected and those who will be remaining have been toiling at making dwellings for themselves within it.

Still, as hard as everyone's been working, the very tropical locale of the islands makes those hours set aside for rest quite pleasant. Everyone has enough time to enjoy the warm breezes, ripe fruit and berries, the idle soaring of seabirds, the cavorting of dolphins near the ship...and the occasional skinnydip in the nearby coves.

Day Seventeen finds the crew of the Sword making ready to cast off and sail home while Akerin leads those who will remain on their New Temple Island in a ceremony to dedicate the completely-cleansed building of worship to Alemi. The Sword has time to stay for the completion of the ceremony...but must then leave or they'll miss the tide, and The Jack will be wanting to know what's happened here as soon as possible.

It's time to say hello to new crewmembers...and goodbye to old friends.

Thursday August 7th, 2003 8:50:15 AM

The half-elf fully enjoys the hard work and the time off. When not repairing the ship, Ashira spends almost all of her time with Rigging trying (perhaps too hard?) to prove her devotion to her new husband.

As the Ebbtide ambassadors prepare to leave, Ashira gratefully accepts the seal and smiles. Her smile fades to anger as Coral steals his kiss. She aims a swing at Coral's jaw, but the slippery sea elf gets away before Ashira's fist can connect. Turning to Val she hands her the seal. "I think you better keep a hold of this."

As they prepare to leave, Ashira approaches Akerin and hugs the cleric tightly. "I know you are doing this for Alemi, but we are going to miss you." She places a small feather token in his hand. "This was my wedding present from you, but I'd like you to have it. If you should ever find yourself in need, send us a message and we'll be here." She hugs the cleric once more, and then turns to leave. Catching sight of Walker, she approaches the new Wildcard. "So...we haven't had much time together. I hear you're a priest of Gargul. Rather rare around here. I couldn't help but notice that sword that you brought back with you.... I thought clerics usually didn't partake of violence."

Thursday August 7th, 2003 1:30:26 PM

Walker answers Ashira, "My path was born in violence, nay I should say rage. I spent a good portion of my first year away from home with nothing but thoughts of vengance in my heart. I have found peace in Gurgul's wisdom since my early days but innner peace does not right outer wrongs."

Thursday August 7th, 2003 7:12:02 PM

Rigging enjoys the hard labor but enjoys the time alone with his wife even more. He will invite her to swim and get her to introduce him to some of the dolphins who always seem to be around.

Rigging notices his wife's discomfort about the Coral situation and finally takes her hand and says, "Beloved. I know you had a past before you met me. I know you might have had other lovers. It doesn't matter to me. I know that you love me now and the others are only fond memories. I don't begrudge you them. Enjoy them. Know that I love and trust you always. Know that you can always trust me. That is what marriage is all about." Rigging hugs Ashira to him and murmers, "Can Sea elves kiss longer than normal airbreathers? I knew those gills had to come in useful."

Friday August 8th, 2003 6:55:54 AM

Ari enjoys himself working out in the forge area. Helping to repair the ship and build other assundary items as necessary.

Knowing that Akerin is going to stay on the island, Ari decides that he should have some kind of statue/statuette of Alemi for the new temple. Trying to guess his time avialable, Ari does his best to build something appropriate for the temple. (taking a 20)(I'm hoping for something roughly humanoid size, based upon Ari's recollections of everything he's seen)(Ari could also put an arcane mark on the piece as an artists signature)

When it's time to cast off, Ari does his best to surprise Akerin with his new item. "Good luck. I hope something good really comes out of all this."

Also during his time on the island, Ari does his best to relax somewhat. When he gets a chance he invites Rigging to relax with him one of these days.

"I wonder if we should investigate what is goign on, on the mainland political wise. Whether it is possible for people with no heart seeds to live on the mainland now or not. With it possible for people to worship our enemy without the seeds. I wonder if a person without a heartseed can be truly kept out of living on the mainland. If this is the case, should we consider finding a place that we might want to defend.

Though the pirate life does help with the War against Ga'al. I wonder if we can really affect change within system that seems so bloodthirsty to me.

Many of us have had some training in castle life, and a basic understanding of taking care of the countryside. Can we consider making our own base of operations from which we can try to affect the country in a different means than the pirates? We still be associated with them through our marks. But if we had a place or port of our own, how many of the pirates do you think might want to become legitamate traders, or sailors, or just dock hands?

I just wanted to present you with the idea. We'll see whether it has any merits or not."

Friday August 8th, 2003 9:18:32 AM

Rigging will give Ari's comments some thought and then reply, "Ari, I agree with you. I am not satisfied with being a pirate either. As we move farther up the ranks, we can see that the pirates are much more political than I originally anticipated. We can try to work in the system, to make them more effective, but that would definitly be swimming upstream.

Your idea of having a landbase has merit. I doubt we have the strength to defend ourselves from the worshipers of Ga'al though. I bet the priests of Ga'al will allow the odd free willed person to exist, but a whole conclave of them would be to much of a challenge to their authority. They would have to crush it and would do so. We would need an army to defend it. We aren't there yet but someday...?

Now having our own port on an unclaimed island, where we could work with the pirates but be seperate appeals to me. We would need our own ship and crew but we could make our own missions. It is something to think about."

Rigging claps the young man on the shoulder and adds, "We have done good work so far. If we keep doing what we are doing, I am convinced that we can make a difference, and in a few years when we have more experience, treasure, and resources, we can move in a more independent direction."

Westward, Ho..! (DM Donna)  d20=14 d20=1 d20=7 d20=4 d20=12 d20=9 d20=10 d20=3 d20=12
Friday August 8th, 2003 11:04:46 AM

Ari's statue--miraculously--is complete only a few hours before the Sword of the Sea is supposed to embark. It's universally-agreed that it's a pretty darn good statue even if it is a bit rough around some edges.

Playtime is always fun with a mate...but Rigging finds that the dolphins don't come too close while he's with Ashira, though they play a combination of "tag" and "keep away" with her when she's by herself.

Bittersweet is the parting of friends--but inevitable, as that Seal must get back to Starr and The Jack as soon as possible, as well as the news of the discoveries the Wildcards have made.

Hawley orders the ship to cast off. The ex-Ironbank crewmembers (and Akerin) line up on the beach to wave goodbye. They wave until the ship is practically out of sight.

The next few days of sailing conditions are nigh on perfect--a fair wind, a partly-cloudy sky, a favorable current...there's even the occasional leap from a dolphin or two that follows the ship now and then.

It's smooth sailing all the way back to Ayorsa, and the Sword weighs anchor a mere six weeks later at Safeport.

OOC: I'll be posting at least once over the weekend, so you may post any projects or errands that you'll have your characters do in addition to the mission they must technically complete.

Friday August 8th, 2003 11:11:01 AM

Walker will gladly bend his back and spells (mending, healing, etc.)to the repair of ship and crew. Any free time will be spent walking about on deck, perferably in the evening/night hours.

Friday August 8th, 2003 11:14:50 AM

Ooc: this should have been before Donna's post but I did it at work and it took me over twenty minutes to make from start to finish.

Friday August 8th, 2003 11:32:27 AM

Appolo spends his time staying out of the way and outof sight.He let's the others repair the ship.He also spends a much time with Valanthe as possible.
When they reach Safe Port he heads out and finds a room for himself and some place to eat.

Saturday August 9th, 2003 12:53:47 AM

At the beginning of the journey, Redux approaches Ari and asks him if he can copy the spell spider climb out of his spellbook. Then, during breakfast, he asks if anyone in the party would be interested in a pair of spider climb slippers, stating that he thinks he can create them. All he asks is that anyone interested pitch in 1000gp/pair of slippers to cover the materials costs.

Redux disappears for most of the voyage spending days at a time in his quarters. Outside the door the sounds of splashing and spellcasting can be heard off and on throughout the days.

OOC: Carl: Adventurer's Repose 
Sunday August 10th, 2003 8:24:46 AM

I'm still in need of an Adventurer's Repose entry for Walker. Please mail me this ASAP to carl_white at zen.co.uk.

If you need any guidance on how to complete these details, please take a look at the online character creation guidelines in the Constabulary Castle (http://www.woldiangames.com/constabulary/character_creation.htm)

Also I still have Bart, Valenthe and Akerin listed for the game. Are these characters still active?


At the Archives (DM Donna) 
Sunday August 10th, 2003 10:05:27 AM

Starr--the King of Coin's representative on Ayorsa Island--is found at her usual haunt: the Archive building. She is very happy to see the party and quite eager to hear the news of the Ironbank and its mission.

(Walker will have seen Starr before; they don't know each other too well, but he knows she's a mid-level official in the Coins hierarchy...and she had a cousin on the 'Banks who was amongst those killed in combat during the initial ambush.)

Sunday August 10th, 2003 10:00:49 PM

Rigging will enjoy the time with his wife. He notices that Appolo is shirking his duties and he will search out and find him and assign him him duties cleaning out the bilges.

He will find Redux and offer his help on his project. Before he donates, he asks, "Who gets the slippers?"

He will spend some time with his spellbooks researching and memorizing his spells and do what ever he can to help speed up the boat with the Nautacolous.

Monday August 11th, 2003 9:20:14 AM

Bart approuches Rogging and Redux and asks are the magic items already identified?

Monday August 11th, 2003 9:29:00 AM

After sneaking away to meet Appolo, Valanthe keeps busy on deck.

Monday August 11th, 2003 5:37:08 PM

The half-elf seems almost blissful on the first half of the journey to Ayorsa. Finally, all seems right with the Wold. Then, as they near the pirate island, Ashira begins having familiar nightmares once more. Once again she stands in front of the Wildcards...strange people at her back. Rigging approaches her, attempting to reason with her. "Kill them!!" she snarls in return "They are unworthy." Stepping forward, she engages Rigging in combat and finally lunges her longsword into his chest. Blood bubbles from Rigging's lips, and he slumps forward to fall dead on Ashira. Ashira awakens several nights cover in sweat and scared out of her wits.

One the day of arrival in Ayorsa, Ashira joins the other Wildcards as they seek out Starr. She looks extremely haggard, as though she has not slept well in weeks, though she keeps her dreams to herself. At the archives, she is surprised that Rigging does not give a report to Starr, and approaches the woman. "Ma'am, we are glad to report that the mission to locate the Ironbanks has been a success! Apparently the 'Banks fell victim to a surprise attack by the sahuagin, and all but a few members where killed in the battle. Some of survivors were kept in an attempt to sacrifice them, but we were able to rescue most of the captives. In addition, we were also able to rescue several surviving members of the Ebbtide community. It seems that the sea devils attacked them also. A companion of ours...Akerin, a priest of Alemi has decided to stay with the community to get it back on its feet. Likewise, all of the surviving members of the 'Banks have decided to stay with the Ebbtide community, except for our new companion Walker." She motions to the cleric of Gargul. "I am sure that Walker can provide you with a more thorough briefing about the attack on the Ironbanks." Ashira pauses and rubs at her eyes briefly before continuing. "The Ebbtide community has relocated to a canyon a few leagues northeast of the island they had occupied before. They send their thanks for our efforts and pledge a continuing alliance. We submit their seal to be given to the Jack." Ashira motions for Val to give Starr the seal, and then her face grows more solemn. "I am afraid that we have some very disturbing information to report as well. The sahuagin have apparently been swayed by Ga'al's bribes and have begun worshiping him. The survivors of the 'Banks indicated that they were waiting for a shipment of heartseeds which never arrived. It would appear that we now have not only the Aisildurian navy to deal with, but also the sahuagin. They are a strong foe indeed, and who knows what benefits Ga'al will grant them with his heartseeds?" Ashira pauses and waits to see how Starr reacts to the report.

Monday August 11th, 2003 6:09:25 PM

Walker steps forward, "My condolences for the lose of your cousin," says to Starr, "All aboard the 'banks fought well, but surprise and numbers lost us the battle." He will fill in any details that she wishes.

No Time for Tears (DM Donna) 
Monday August 11th, 2003 8:16:16 PM

Starr receives Ashira's report, frowning thoughtfully when the half-elf tells of the development between the sahuagin and Ga'al. She is reaching into a nearby desk drawer when Walker tells her of her cousin Sawyer. For a moment, she is silent. Her eyes swim with tears--but they do not fall.

"Died fighting, did he?" she asks the cleric of Gargul, who confirms the fact. "At least he went out the way he wanted." The King of Coins' representative closes her eyes and appears to almost lose her battle with her own tears...but when she slowly opens her eyes once more, the tears are gone.

"Thank you for telling me, Walker." she says softly. "And now..." The dark-haired woman continues to reach into the drawer, removing from it a cash box which she immediately opens. Inside is a pouch that she hands over to Ashira.

"This is the paltry monetary reward that my King authorized for completion of the mission--there should be more than enough there to give Walker a share for having suffered at the hands of those sea devils," Starr explains, returning the box to its drawer, "I am off to report to The Jack and then have a conference with my King. Thank you all once more." Starr hurries off before any of the party can do more than thank her for the promised reward.

Looking into the pouch reveals several scores of gems that--when exchanged for cash (and after the rest of the hammership gets its share)--results in each PC getting 3000gp in additional treasure...even Walker, if the party so desires.

Monday August 11th, 2003 9:40:43 PM

Rigging pats his wife on the back and gives her a kiss. "I am heading off to the catacombs to get this stuff identified and make some purchases. I will meet you at our quarters for some dinner tonight. I feel like some beef!"
Rigging heads on out

Monday August 11th, 2003 10:01:10 PM

Valanthe walks over to Ashira and says quietly, "What's wrong?" Valanthe isn't sure what's wrong but she knows the difference between up all night and up all night with a man.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 12:10:51 AM

Netting his share to the treasure, Ari tries to figure out what to do with his 3000. He finally decides to get a bottle of wine, and just think about it.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 8:43:23 AM

Shocked at the generosity of Starr, Ashira takes her share of the treasure and stores it in her backpack. She then collects another share and hands it to Walker. "Brother, take this...I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get in the future."

The half-elf smiles at Rigging and nods at his comment. "All right. I'll meet you back at the hammerhead. We'll eat wherever you want tonight." She sighs....try as she might she still hasn't acquired a taste for beef yet.

Ashira heads back to the hammerhead when she is intercepted by Val. Looking as if a very heavy weight has suddenly been dumped on her shoulders, Ashira tries to smile at her "little sister". "Would you accompany me back to my quarters?" she asks lamely. "I need you to take a look at my armor." Once they are in the safety of Ashira and Rigging's quarters, Ashira collapses on the bed. Turning away from Val, Ashira begins to quietly sob. "Val, I don't know what's wrong. Everything seems to be going well, but then I started having these terrible dreams." Ashira tells Valanthe briefly about the nightmares she has been having, but holds back the information about killing Rigging in the end. "What's going on with me? I feel like...like. Oh shades, I don't know. I'm really scared Val." Tears streaming down her face, Ashira terror filled eyes connect briefly with Valanthe's.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 7:31:13 PM

Appol finds aplace to stay and then joins the others at the archives. He listens quietly in the back and accepts his share of the payment with a nod,but he is more concerned with Ashira's haggard appearence then anything else. He quietly follows behind her and Valanthe when the two walk off together.After they enter the room, Appolo sits down outside the door and waits patiently and quietly.

OOC:Having problems with staying online do to the recent Microsoft system virus.It cause complete system shut down after a few seconds of being on line. So my posts maybe a little sporadic.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 7:48:14 PM

Walker thanks Ashira and the others for their generosity.
To Rigging he says, "I would accompany you to the catacombs with you permission?".

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 8:11:15 PM

Rigging hears Walker and replies, "Sure feel free."

Several hours later Rigging will come back from the Catacombs with the items taken at the temple. "Folks we have several nice things." Rigging will explain what was identified and give over the magic items and the pearls except his and Ashira's shares.

He will go to their quarters and notice that Ashira looks a little depressed. He will walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her folding her into a hug. "Ready for a night on the town. I think we should do a little shopping and have a nice meal in private. Don't worry, I won't force my beef on you."

He will lead her out and take her to the market. He will find a jewlery booth and start showing her different sets of earrings. He will find one he thinks are flattering and ask,"How about these love? I really think they bring out your eyes and match your hair very well."

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 12:28:58 AM

Valanthe sits close to Ashira and gives her a shoulder to cry on. She isn't sure what to say or do but Ashira needs comforting words.

"I don't think anything is wrong with you. I think you should check for outside influence. If Ga'al is threatened by what we do, his people could try to take us apart from the inside. Either the dreams to keep you from sleeping. Hoping to catch you offguard at some point. Or maybe they are trying to turn you to their side." Val pauses for a moment before coming up with an idea. "Say your elven, well part of you anyway. What about trying reverie instead of sleeping? It might be a little difficult to explain but I believe you could learn."

The Jack Again (DM Donna) 
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 7:26:09 AM

The party has put into port for not quite 24 hours when a runner from The Jack's palace comes with word that The Jack would like them to report to him--now.

Though politely phrased, the messenger conveys an urgency that is picked up by all, and the party goes to see what the leader of the Pirates of Jack wants.

Once at the palace, the Wildcards are ushered straight to The Jack's audience chamber, where they see the man pacing. He looks up upon their entrance, grins and goes to greet you with heart handshake and a slap on the back.

"VERY happy are these old peepers to see ya!" he declares enthusiastically. "Your speedy retrieval of that Ebbtide treaty is just what the healer ordered! I need a crew I can truly depend on for a VERY important mission--" He glances at one of the side doors, "--whose, ah, details I'll have the very capable Rushcant give to you...RUSHCANT!"

His stoic aide appears (using a different door than the one The Jack's been stealing glances at) and comes toward the group.

"I have t'be hurryin' away...there is...ah... pressing business for me to tend to..!" the flamboyant pirate states as he sweeps out of the chamber, using the door he's been eyeing. Between Rushcant's rolling eyes and the swirl of a skirt along with the decidedly feminine giggle just as The Jack closes the door behind him, the Wildcards can just guess at why The Jack's business is so "pressing."

"Hormones aside," Rushcant tells the party in a long-suffering tone, "The Jack IS correct--this is a mission that must be handled by only THE most able and--more importantly--most trustworthy...so that means YOU lot, naturally." Here the woman smiles. Then she continues brusquely:

"As you know, the Pirates of Jack have undercover agents--moles--in place all over Aisildur. They are VERY important sources of information for us. We've just received word that our mole in a specific area of Aisildur passed away recently. There was no foul play--their time had just come. You are needed to transport a replacement mole to Moresto. The mole--for security reasons--will come to the ship at night and go quickly below; they have orders to not be seen abovedecks until your ship reaches Aisildur.

"The mole's ultimate destination is to be known only to you, the mole and Captain Hawley...the rest of the crew is not allowed to know the mole's identity nor where they are going. The fewer who know your true destination, the better."

Moresto is a name that will sounds VERY familiar to Ari and Bart. They originally come from Adorus, which is a slightly smaller village nearby. Moresto is only a league and a half away, though it is a larger town.

"The Jack and I concur that you, as the tried and true Wildcards of the hammership Sword of the Sea, are the only ones who can accomplish this mission in a swift and successful manner." Rushcant says. "You can maintain secrecy, and The Jack trusts you implicitly. Will you escort the mole to Aisildur, please..?"

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 9:49:45 AM

Ari looks at Bart for a moment, as the name Moresto rolls around in his head for a little while longer. The party's last trip in that area resulted in what should be the destruction of the town and the loss of some more friends. Ari is decidely torn as to whether this is a good thing or not.

I wonder if we would see the crazed one that started this whole affair.

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 10:56:12 AM

Slightly in the past
Looking slightly embarrassed, Ashira dries her tears and smiles at Val. "Yeah, that's probably it. Those little son's of Ga'al are trying to soften me up. Yeah, I remember Father talking about reverie...though I never have...it just didn't come naturally to me. Please tell me how if you can." Ashira looks thoroughly relieved.

Present time
Ashira looks amazed at the Jack's behavior, blushing slightly when she hears the girl giggle. Then she is taken aback by Rushcant's description of the assignment. She'd never really thought of her family as "the best". True, they were good, but the best? She hopes that the Jack's trust was not misplaced. She steps forward. "Aye, ma'am you can count on us. When do we set sail?"

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 11:10:27 PM

[Slightly in the past]
"Well I don't think I have ever slept myself so I can't describe the differences but I'm sure we can figure it out."

Valanthe moves onto the bed and lays down with her hands laced and resting on her stomach. Her breathing slows and her head turns to look at Ashira.

"When I go into reverie I make sure that I'm comfortable. Though most elves just use stone. I think that I've gotten spoiled. Anyway, after I'm comfortable I try to slow my breathing, though some nights thats tougher than others. Then I try to remember a good time in my life and lose myself in the memory. Though you can't control what memories you relive. I think you will like reverie once you experience it."

[Present Time]

Valanthe doesn't know if she should be honored or worried that they were the most trusted. Were the other teams not as dedicated or were they simply better? Realizing these thoughts as dangerous, Val pushed them away and focused on the mission at hand.

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 11:42:48 PM

Rigging is aggravated that his romantic plans for Ashira have been disturbed. He senses something is bothering his beloved and vows to get to the bottom of it soon.

When the Wildcards are asked to perform this mission, Rigging will step forward and say, "Rushcant, we are honored by the Jack's and your trust in us. Of course we will accept the mission but I will say that I am not sure of the wisdom of your choice. The Sword of the Seas by its very design is a unique ship. It has enjoyed certain successes lately. If she is spotted, won't it be apparant to the priest's of Ga'al that the pirates are up to something? Wouldn't it make more sense to place your spy on a less wellknown and less obvious battleship? Or are you afraid that the replacement is known about already and we will have to fight our way through?"

Details, Clear and...Strange... (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:19:57 AM

"Let's put it this way..." the right-hand person to The Jack explains, "...the hammership you use is very rare--there is only one other in the PoJ fleet--but it's also the only ship here in the area that has the means of sailing whether or not there's a wind about...and it's devillish important that we get this mole to Moresto as soon as possible. The solution to the possibility that a ship of the Empire sees you is VERY simple:

"DON'T let them see you."

With this Rushcant gestures to a pair of footmen who begin to escort the party out of the audience chamber and the palace itself.

"After it's dark, Captain Hawley will receive a visitor..." Rushcant tells you as you're quick-stepped through the area, "...as soon as the visitor is aboard, you'll sail--good luck!!!"

The palace doors shut tight behind you.


Well, returning to the dock at which the Sword of the Sea is anchored reveals a bustle of activity--obviously Hawley is acting on orders given to him because there are crates of supplies and such being hauled onto the ship.

The dock itself is awash in sailors, a few "working girls", some cats trying to filch the odd fish here and there...and a hunched-over old woman who is nearly knocked off her feet by a rushing deckhand with a wheelbarrow.

"Whippersnapper..!" the old woman shakes a fist at him, then stops short, her attention seemingly arrested by the party--no, wait...not the party, but someone within it...


"You have the aura of destiny about you, woman," the older female says, approaching, "For but a silver and a smile, I'll tell ye of your future, aye..?"

Will Ashira pay..?

Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:30:47 AM

The half-elf is surprised that the woman takes note of her. What could be so interesting about a half-aquatic elf? ;)

"An aura of destiny you say? I happen to believe that destiny just happens to be what you make of life. The gods do not control us as puppets. But..." Ashira fishes out a silver piece and places it in the woman's hand. "I could use a little entertainment. Oh, and if you would, please tell me the sex of my future children...it will make naming them so much easier." Ashira smiles kindly at the old woman, feeling much better after her talk with Valanthe.

Kassandra & Company (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:56:56 AM

The old witch takes the coin from Ashira, a smile reflected in the warm brown depths of her own eyes.

"Let me see your palm, dearie," she says, stretching out her own, "Kassandra must see what your lines of life have to reveal..." The old witch squints closely at the blue-tinged skin, harrumphing.

"Long life line...oh, and I can see that you're going on a sea voy--"

Even as the party begins to groan, moan and/or roll their collective eyes at the standard "palm reading" fare that Kassandra was beginning to mouth, the old witch cuts her "predictions" off with a strange laugh.

It's a laugh that sounds as though there are TWO people laughing--one with Kassandra's old but feminine voice, and a deeper, rumbling...more menacing laugh. A laugh that chills the half-elf to her very soul.

Ashira gasps as Kassandra's grip on her hand becomes painfully strong--then is shocked into inaction when the old witch snaps her head up to look into the paladin's face...

...Kassandra's eyes are now a glowing shade of green...

When the witch speaks, it is in that eerie double voice:

"I look at ye and yet I see
The kernel of catastrophe
Turn ye will, and turn again
Who be foe? Who be friend?
A sacrifice shall ye make
For love, and yet ye shall forsake
A heart ye have--not one, but two
The darker of which shall conquer you
And yet 'tis love of family and friends
That shall be your only way to make amends..."

Suddenly Ashira is free once more.

"My...my goodness..." Kassandra's quavery, single voice gasps, "...I...musta tuned in...to a REAL one..! Wow...I need a drink!"

Kassandra disappears into the crowd before anyone else in the party can act on it.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 9:09:29 AM

As Ari watches the proceedings with Ashira. Ari does his best to watch what the witch is doing and to see if there's any chicanery to what she is doing.

Ari smirks at first to the effect of the double voice. WHen Ashira seems to get uncomfortable, the hairs on Ari's neck begin to raise. Just about the time he's ready to take action, the witch lets go and disappears.

Concern flooding his face, he turns to Ashira to see her first reactions.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 12:16:47 PM

Appolo agian follows silently behind the group bringing up the rear.Watching and listening.Paying close attention nothing about this mission feels right,a,rushed mission,using a ship easily recognized by the enemy,Ahira apparently not herself and not getting much rest.
By the time they reach the ships he is already silently cursing to himself and has his gane face on, he is clearly not happy.

The old fortune teller does nothing to brighten his day,but his gone before evn he could react.

Appolo turns and silently stands there watching the woman disappear. It is clear he can't catch her. So he turns back and watches Ashira trying to gage her reaction. He thinks silently to himself{They already know we're coming.}He then walks past Rigging and whispers what he is thinking"They already know we're coming,I'm afraid." then Silently and morosely boards the ship.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 1:32:50 PM

Ashira stares at her hand as Kassandra disappears. She looks up and spots several of the family members staring at her. She smiles unconvincingly. "Charlatan! Bah!! What is all that rubbish supposed to mean...a seed of catastrophe...hmmph." She takes Rigging's hand as she boards the Sword. "What a waste of good silver, she didn't even tell me the sex of our future children!" Ashira laughs nerviously, but those with keen senses will notice that she is trembling, be it ever so slightly. "Come on, we've got better things to do with our time than listen to some old hag!" Ashira rubs her eyes wearily and whispers to Rigging. "I haven't been sleeping well lately. I'd really appreciate it if we could sneak off and catch a nap. I have a feeling we're not going to be able to rest much on this mission."

Thursday August 14th, 2003 9:25:01 PM

Valanthe doesn't know how much the old woman's words affected Ashira, but she knows they did. She wanted to talk with Ashira privately but that would reveal too much to the others. Hopefully some time with Rigging will give Ashira some comfort.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 11:35:53 PM

Rigging will be led to the cabin by his wife. When they arrive he will grab her by the shoulders and say softly but firmly "Strip" He will then help her unstrap her armor.

When the armor and clothes are off, he will lay his wife gently on the bed and roll her to her stomach. He will then start massaging her shoulders, back, buttocks, legs and feet. As he does this he will say, "Ashira, I know something is bothering you. I wish you would share it. I have seen you tossing and turning in your sleep. You have even cried out in the night. What are you dreaming about that has been getting you so upset? Was seeing Coral again upsetting? Is it the next mission? Did T
the old lady at the wharf scared you? What did she really say? We know that we have dangerous jobs. We know that we have to make decisions that could effect each other and we know that we have to trust and rely on each other and the other members of our family.

Her prophecy said to me that some one you know from the past might betray you. If you trust your current family, you will be ok. This is nothing new. I trust you and the others with my life and even more important to me..your life. Whatever comes we will face together."

Rigging keeps massaging and whispers, "Now sleep and I will keep the bad dreams away this time..Rest and sleep in peace" Rigging lays down next to his bride and pulls her into a spoon hugging her close.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 11:50:47 PM

The time that Redux spent brewing and creating felt good to Redux. It was good to be so productive. Still, he feels like his efforts, no matter how good, aren't good enough for the family to notice. It was a real disappointment when no one wanted to have a matching pair of boots to the ones he now wears, except for Ashira, and even she's not wearing them. They turned out quite well, he thinks. It has made him turn inward even more than he had been before. He stays with the party, when they are called as a group, otherwise he keeps to himself. He had been hatching plans to upgrade everyone's cloaks himself; gloves of storing, hat of disguise, bracers of armor--there were many useful things he could do if they'd only ask. He does all of this introspectively, he doesn't yet get it that he needs to talk to the others more about his research and spells. A wise person once said 'a bird is good friend, but not a worthy counselor.'

Friday August 15th, 2003 8:04:37 AM

The past: Thanks redux for his offer, but currenty does not have enough funds and tells him he already has boots that he finds quite usfull. Asks if the Spder climbing could be added on top of the exsisting enchantment and what it would cost, for future refernce.

Friday August 15th, 2003 8:45:38 AM

Exhausted, Ashira follows Rigging's commands faithfully. Wouldn't want to be accused of disobeying an order from a superior officer. ;) She lies on the bed and slips into a relaxed state as Rigging unknots the tension from the past few weeks. "He's really too good for me." she thinks as Rigging pampers her. Beginning to fade in and out of consciousness as Rigging's massage continues, she listens as attentively as she can to her husband. "It's true...I've been having nightmares. " The tension in her back gets stronger as Ashira thinks about the dreams. "I don't know what they mean, but they scare me. Maybe you're right. Coral really did set me back. I really didn't think I'd ever see him again. I keep dreaming that I'm on the ship and I'm fighting you and the others. I don't understand. And then the hag at the wharf. Rigging, I'm scared that someone's trying to throw me off..." Ashira let's her thoughts trail off and slips back into Rigging's relaxing touch, not knowing what else to say.

As Rigging finishes his massage, he notices that Ashira is sound asleep. Whether it was Rigging's assurance of protection, Val's lessons in reverie, or just simple exhaustion, Ashira slips into unconciousness...and for the first time in a long while, does not dream.

Back to the Sea (DM Donna) 
Friday August 15th, 2003 8:59:31 AM

The Sword of the Sea is supplied and has been re-inspected by the port shipbuilders in order to be completely, 100% seaworthy and up-to-snuff for this very important next voyage. All the extra personnel are gone by the time dusk begins to spread over the dock.

Once it is fully dark, however, a figure comes aboard the hammership, wrapped in an obscuring cloak and quickly disappearing below to preserve their anonymity. Soon after Captain Hawley hollers for the crew to make way and put to sea, or there'll be the devil to pay!

He also calls you into his cabin. When the party gets there, you see that the grizzled half-elf is not alone--the mysterious dark-garbed figure is with him.

"This be Dralinda," the captain says curtly, "She's not to be abovedecks 'til we get where we're going. She'll be staying in the quarters you've been assigned, just t'make sure she stays safe until our...arrival. Her name is not t'be mentioned to anyone else aboard the ship. Any questions..?"

Friday August 15th, 2003 9:35:04 AM

Looking thoroughly rested after her nap with Rigging, Ashira reports to the Captain's cabin. Turning to Rigging, she whispers "Should we give her one of our Invisibility rings? It would make concealing her presence a lot easier." Then she addresses the group as a whole, but still making sure that her tone is quiet enough not to be heard by the casual passer by. "Since our friend here is so important to us, we should post a guard around the clock. But we want to be discreet about it. Any ideas?"

Friday August 15th, 2003 10:10:25 AM

"An invisible guard would be fairly subtle.", says Walker.

Friday August 15th, 2003 12:15:23 PM

"Given time I could set up a mystic alarm around her quarters that would alert me to any problems. We probably need to set up a messaging system so the guards can get in and out without anyone else faking us out."

Friday August 15th, 2003 6:16:34 PM

When Appolo arrives at the Captians office none to happy and all businees.Appolo stands silently and listens.He then speaks"I'll take care of her,I can be rather inconspicuos when I want to be,besides the crew alreadt think I'm strange and are quite used to me moving around at odd hours doing my own thing.So I'll stay with her,until we reach our destination."

Friday August 15th, 2003 6:24:04 PM

"Yes, Appolo, you would make a fine choice. But, you can not stay awake all day and still be in fighting condition." Ashira looks as if she knows from first hand experience what she is talking about. "There needs to be at least two people guarding her."

Friday August 15th, 2003 11:25:45 PM

The young leader listens to the dialoge of the others and steps forward and offers his hand to
Dralinda and says, "Milady it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Rigging and I am in command of the Wildcards on the Sword of the Sea. You have intrusted yourself to the finest ship in the Pirates. We will get you to where you have to go safely or perish trying."

Rigging steps back and thinks for a minute. "I believe that our guest should stay in Ashira's and my cabin. We can juggle our schedules so that one of us is always with her."

Rigging turns to the others and says, "OK I want a search of the ship before we get underway. Redux, I want you to look for invisible creatures and use your magic in any way to try to find stowaways. Ari and Walker, I want you to do the same. We have had a lot of strangers on board lately and I want to make sure they all got off. I don't think we will be able to hide Dralinda's presence from the crew. It is to tightknitt. We won't deny a passenger on the ship but we won't discuss it either.

Val, Bart, and Appolo will have door guard duty. You can adjust your schedules as you see fit but I expect one of you obviously guarding my cabin from intrusion. That will give us one guard in the cabin and one outside. Walker, Ari, and Redux. I want you three plus the ship's magician to get together and look at your spells on concealing the ship if we come across any of the enemy. Walls of Fog, Darkness spells, whatever. Just be prepared to obscure us. Also think about some offensive spells that will wreck other ships rigging and sails. The Sword should be able to outrun most other ships but lets be prepared."

Rigging turns to the Captain and says, "Of course I offer my and Nautacolus' expertise in getting the Sword to our destination as quickly as possible"

Rigging turns to the others, "OK Lets get going. I want this ship searched from biliges to mast."

Walker, see invisible 
Saturday August 16th, 2003 11:29:49 AM

Walker replies to Rigging, "As you wish. I will do a quick check above desk and concentrate my efforts below. I have Darksight so I should be most useful searching below decks." He will give a small bow to the rest of the Wildcards, the Captain and one to Dralinda then leave the room, wisps of fog trailing out from under his robes as he moves. If not already armed and armored he will equip himself.
Just before going on deck he casts see invisible. He will then do a quick sweep of the deck and check the rigging/masts/yards. If he finds nothing, he will search below decks starting as low as possible.

Sunday August 17th, 2003 9:08:41 PM

Unfortunately Val won't have an opportunity to talk with Ashira right now. She wishes she could but discression is important and her duty to protect the passenger takes precidence over all things. While on duty Val makes use of her partner invisiblity ring to keep out of sight.

Monday August 18th, 2003 11:20:07 AM

"We might even want to set up the magic users to keep a scrying eye on the guest from a seperate place."

Looking at the other magic users in the group Ari state, "So what are we to do?"

Dralinda Speaks (DM Donna) 
Monday August 18th, 2003 2:31:06 PM

Dralinda removes the black hooded cloak that kept her from being seen by the other crewmembers. She is a human female with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes and of average height and weight.

"Greetings." she says simply. "I'll cooperate with any arrangements you decide to make."

The Wildcards discuss the options in front of them for securing their passenger. A thorough search of the ship reveals no unauthorized visitors.

"Thank ya, Rigging," Hawley says to the party's leader, rubbing his face tiredly, "I don't think we'll be needin' it--but it's nice to know them items will be there in case we need 'em." The Captain then dismisses you all.

Dralinda--cloaked once more--is escorted to a room near the quarters the Wildcards usually occupy. Once inside, she removes the cloak again and sits on her bunk, sighing.

"I don't look forward to having to spend weeks inside a cabin, but I suppose it's necessary." the spy says. "But, please--tell me a bit about yourselves...apparently The Jack is just pleased as punch about how you've been fulfilling your duties."

Monday August 18th, 2003 9:36:25 PM

Rigging will sit down next to the spy. "Not much to tell really. We have been lucky in some of our missions and been in the right place at the right time.

How about you? Are you allowed to tell us why you are so important? Always nice to know why your sticking your neck on the chopping block."

Talking Shop (DM Donna) 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 6:16:57 AM

"Well, I can tell you that ANY spy or mole that can successfully operate in Aisildur is potentially important--you never know where or when you're going to pick up useful information." Dralinda says. "I had planned on becoming a bard some day, and this is one way to sort of test myself about how good an actress I can be...I'm going to be a Jill who's obsessive about keeping clean."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 8:42:32 AM

Ashira listens with interest to Dralinda's description of herself. "I am curious about your name, though...most Aisildurian's have a name beginning with "A". How did you come by Dralinda?" She rubs her ring of invisibility thoughtfully. Should we give her a ring? she thinks to herself. If we run into trouble, it would be very useful, but what if she's a double spy. Wouldn't be that much fun trying to track down an invisible spy. Ashira decides for right now to keep the ring to herself until she gets to know this "Dralinda" better.

The half-elf turns to her husband. "Well, I guess the honeymoon is over. Shall we accompany our guest to our quarters? I'd feel a lot better if we kept her very close. I'll take the first shift if you want to head up top and help get the ship underway."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 9:19:30 AM

Appolo disappears and returns with a hammock, his gear and some bedding.He quietly places his gear in the corner and sets up his hammock.
He then turns to the"OK I'm ready and no offense lady,but I don't want to know your name or anything about you.I'll be staying with you for the remainer of the voyage.I'm going to be your shadow." he says rather nonchalantly in cold,monotone voice.

When ashirs mentions taking first watch appolo looks at her"That's ok I can take of things.You should go get some rest.You look like you need it and Rigging should go with you.The less attention we draw to her the better so everyone go and do what you normally do. This ship is a relatively small place and sooner or later the word is going to get out,I'd rather it be later.' Almost as an after thought"Redux I think we shall need the services of Tallon. Could you please have him watch the corridor."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 11:35:37 AM

"It is a dangerous thing that you volunteer for. I hope you have the mettle to get through all the fear you are going to deal with. Since leaving my village a long while back, I've had all kinds of fear. But the constant fear of being found out is something I'm not sure I could handle for a long period of time."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 10:26:48 PM

Val keeps to herself and stands in the back. Like Appolo she doesn't want to know anything about the girl. There is a very real chance that she could get captured and heartseeded. Knowing something like who a high level mole is would be damaging to the resistance.

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 11:45:40 PM

Rigging says, "I will leave you in Ashira's capable hands." To everyone else, "Come on we all have duties to perform. Who has first watch?" After Rigging gets his answers he will motion to Redux to follow him up to the deck.

When the get to the top, Rigging will pull out a sack of gold (1000 gps) and hand it to the young mage. "I am sorry I didn't give this to you earlier. Ashira has had me worried and distracted. She has been having a lot of bad dreams and hasn't been sleeping well." The young leader shakes his head and says, "I would appreciate your making me those slippers when you have a chance. Being able to walk on walls would be useful. I wish I was far along enough in my magical studies to make magic items. It must be really great to create things. What else have you been thinking about? If you could come up with a way for the entire group to communicate that would be awesome. I was thinking of some kind of broaches that would allow us to communicate with each other while we were seperated. Could you make those?"

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 8:33:48 AM

Well I will be on watch first. it gives me some time to clean and repair my equipment.

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 3:12:36 PM

Appolo is slightly irritated,he feels like he's being ignored."Rigging I can take of this.I'll be staying with her all the time see I even moved in.Eveyone just go about your business as usual. Ijust need some one to watch the corridor,that's all." He then jumps in the hammock.

Over the Bounding Main (DM Donna)  d20+4=23
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 4:00:17 PM

(OOC: Players will have until Friday to completely straighten out the items purchased from the Catacombs or having been made by Rigging [potions & some Slippers of Spider Climbing, I do believe] added to their character sheets and sent to me in time to be included in this upcoming adventure.)

"Popular naming custom is to name your children according to your rank in society," Dralinda agrees with Ashira when she brings up the subject of Aisildurian names, "My family's rank within the town where I was born isn't as high as yours must have been, since your name begins with the number 1 letter, 'A', and I, as a 'D', must be of lesser social rank than you are."

Dralinda looks suprised and then amused when Appolo must repeat himself several times. She thanks him for his observation of duty and assures him that she does not snore.

The voyage towards Aisildur is largely without problems, although there IS a three-day stretch that has a storm in it bad enough to warrant every PC to make a Reflex Save versus DC15. Those who fail the save lurched into some obstacle that does some bruising (only 5hpd).

Dralinda avoids being forcibly tumbled out of her bed (OOC: made her Reflex Save with a 23 result.)

Three days after the storm, Captain Hawley calls the Wildcards into his cabin once more.

"We be as close as we're gonna get, mateys," says the weatherbeaten skipper of the hammership, "It's getting close to sunset--your best time for getting ashore an' over to Moresto. You'll be catching the tide into shore, an' you'll have only six to eight hours in order to catch the tide comin' back to th' ship. You miss that tide, an' you won't be able to make for the ship until tomorrow night, cuz if'n you try to come out here in broad daylight, you'll lead any coastguards in the area right to the Sword--an' none o' us wants that, now, do we..?"

It's a rhetorical question, but Captain Hawley pauses in order to hear any kind of other questions you have or clarifications you feel the need to make.

Walker  d20+1=2
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 6:56:33 PM

Walker takes a small tumble during the storm.

Walker will make sure his own equipment is together and in shape for the mission. He will then stand by to offer any help needed by the rest of the team.

Valanthe  d20+8=21
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 10:00:47 PM

Valanthe stands ready for battle. Black leather armor and sword at her side. Strands of her coppery red hair peek out from behind the hood.

"We should get moving."

Rigging  d20+8=23
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:20:37 PM

Rigging has no trouble maintain his feet the ship navigates the storm.

He will assemble the wildcards plus their passenger and head over to the longboat which they will use to get them to shore. "Everybody ready? he will inquire. If he gets positive responses he will get his family loaded up and have the ship lowered. He will then have the small sail raised and activate Nautocolus to help them quickly move the boat to the proper destination. He will hand Wayfinder to Ashira and have her scan the horizons for any patrol ships. "Just look through it. I don't want you to do any astral projecting dear."

Redux  d20+5=11
Thursday August 21st, 2003 2:46:37 AM

Redux happily accepts Rigging's bag and takes the appropriate measurements to make a pair of slippers for him. "I'll get back to you on that communications thing; it'll take some researching." He sets up Talon in the hallway for most of the voyage, except for when his friend must be about his chores of cleaning the ship of mice. Caring for his research and creations and potions, the mage takes a tumble during the storm. When the time comes, he joins the group with his things and heads for shore.

All Ashore Who's Going Ashore (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 7:23:44 AM

(OOC: Anyone who failed their save and didn't get healed up either through a potion or by visiting Walker or the ship's cleric starts off with 2hp damage.

Also please note that everyone who emailed me about their equipment changes may now consider their equipment useable in this adventure.)

Dralinda--draped in all-concealing black--is promptly escorted to the longboat and the entire landing party casts off, quickly rowing for shore.

The journey to the shore is a lifetime (at least from the perspective of the people in the little boat), but it's relatively quick with no surprises at all.

Rigging's use of the Nautolocus has assured him that if the party heads east-northeast, they'll reach Moresto in as short a time as possible.

Assuming, of course, that nothing...and nobody...encounters the party on their way to the large town.

Ari and Bart become keenly aware that their own native stomping grounds aren't all that far away.

(OOC: a marching order, if you'd please...and let me know where you place Dralinda within your ranks.)

Ari  d20+4=6
Thursday August 21st, 2003 9:23:49 AM

"Rigging, how do we want to do this. What's our story if we get stopped? With Bart and I being from around here, do we want to weave anything in? We can probably come up with some kind of story."

(ooc sorry for missed post. Rolled reflex, down 2 points.)

Thursday August 21st, 2003 9:32:40 AM

Walker asks Rigging."It is dark; are we trying to totaly avoid contact? I will take whatever place in our order you think is best."

Ashira  d20+6=13 d20+8=19 d20+5=18
Thursday August 21st, 2003 10:52:05 AM

Looking remarkably well rested from the voyage, Ashira sets out with her family.

The half-elf returns Wayfinder to Rigging, whispering to the assembled group. "Alright, I suggest that Sunshine (she points to Val) and I use the invisibilty rings. I also suggest that we form a circle around our guest. Does anyone have a potion of invisibility for our guest?" As she discusses tactics, Ashira reaches in her pack and places a barkskin potion, a Cure Moderate Wounds potion, and a potion of Hiding in the pouch on her belt. She also removes an odd looking piece of parchment (Seal of Quickness) and tucks it in her belt. She tries to remain vigilant of her environment as she listens in to the other Wildcards (Spot=19, Listen=18).

OOC Failed reflex. Down by 2 hp.

Walker  d20+6=22 d20+10=25
Thursday August 21st, 2003 12:27:49 PM

Walker also stays alert(Listen=22, Spot=25).

Thursday August 21st, 2003 6:16:57 PM

Appolo spends the voyage attending to thier charges every need including sneaking her up on deck at night and the early morning.He makes sure she comfortable as possib;e during the voyage.

When the captian tells them they have arrived,Appolo gathers all his gear and makes ready to be sneaky.

When Ashira makes her suggestion Appolo speaks up"We shouldn't go invisible right away to easy for us to lose track of each other.Only if we have to. Ashira I'll be point as usaul anyways.May I also suggest that once we reach town that only one or two of us escort her inside,the larger the group the more attention we will draw." Appolo still has his misgivings about this mission and fully expects G"aal himself to be waiting for them.

Thursday August 21st, 2003 11:28:42 PM

"Maybe but there is the chance that somebody knows about this mission. Not who exactly but that wouldn't stop them from looking everybody over. Splitting up, even temporarily, may work but it will also weaken us."

Thursday August 21st, 2003 11:46:58 PM

"I wonder if we all should go. It might be faster for just a few or even 1 of us to travel and deliver our charge to her mission. We could use the rings of invisibility. Our young friend could borrow the other and we should be able to slip in without any problems."

Off We Go...Almost (DM Donna) 
Friday August 22nd, 2003 10:18:09 AM

Dralinda stays inside her cabin except to visit the head a few times a day. She obeys her orders "not to go abovedecks until the destination is reached."

Walker's alertness reveals nothing but beach sand and chirping crickets (so far!)

The Wold turns as the Wildcards carefully discuss their plans. They will be able to head out as soon as they definitively state their marching order (including where Dralinda will be within it.)

Friday August 22nd, 2003 12:47:21 PM

"this could go relatively smoothly. But we could also designate one person in a group to act like we are escorting them and keep Dralinda invisible. So if they do try anything, our escort will have a nasty bite to them."

Friday August 22nd, 2003 2:38:18 PM

"I guess we all should go. Apollo, Will you be so good to take point? Val I would like you to follow him a few yards behind but activate your invisibility ring please. I am sure Apollo will feel better with you behind him watching his back....hmmm I would like the main body to consist of Ashira and Walker, then Dralinda and Redux, followed by Ari and Bart. I will follow as a rear guard a few yards back, also invisible.

Redux, If you would have Talon follow us in the air and watch out for any patrols, that would be very helpful. Anyone have any other suggestions?" If nobody comes up with anything then Rigging will get the company moving in the right direction. He will trail along around 25 yards back, watching for an ambush

Friday August 22nd, 2003 3:24:31 PM

Walker says, "I think that makes sense. I would think it unwise to divide us."

Sunday August 24th, 2003 10:14:27 PM


Val checks one last time to make sure her weapons are secure before activating her ring and becoming invisible.

Redux  d20+6=24 d20+10=25
Monday August 25th, 2003 1:27:45 AM

(down 2 hp)
Regarding Talon: "Will do." 'Talon, fly from tree to tree in that direction (indicating their path) and call out any 2 or 4 legged creatures out there.'

Redux offers an invisibility potion to their guest, along with some additional herbs to keep her heartseed dormant (maybe she should take some now- - after all, a Jill will need to pass a physical test at some point so she must have one). He comments that it is too bad they can't give her some of their Alemi Water to rid her body of the plant. He fills his belt potion-pouch with invisibility, mage armor and curing; he also has his scroll keeper at the ready.

I'll take the rear rank with Ari. May I suggest a more or less group order as the path allows with Ashira & Val in the lead; next rank, Walker, Dralinda and Appolo; third rank Rigging & Bart.

Hiking into Enemy Territory (DM Donna)  d20=8 d20=7 d20=13 d20=16 d20=5 d100=72
Monday August 25th, 2003 7:30:09 AM

Talon, flying ahead of the party as you all make your way in the direction of Moresto, occasionally hoots that there are creatures up ahead--once it seemed to be a pair of wolves, another time it was a farmer who trudged down the road a ways and then turned from the trail the PCs are taking onto a smaller side path that (most likely) led the way to his home.

No other encounters hold up the party at all, and--an hour later--Moresto looms into sight.

It's a sizeable town--perhaps comparable in size to Safeport--but that is where the similarity ends. Right now in Safeport the party all knew that the various taverns and inns were only just starting to crank up their celebrations of the evening...but here, in Moresto, all is sedate. The foot traffic is orderly and not in any particular hurry. Had this been the pirate town, however, the ebbing and flowing of patrons from shop to shop would be raucous chaos.

There is no shouting in Moresto--there is nothing louder than the occasional "oh...excuse me..." when one person accidently jostles another or when two people meet at a doorway.

"This is as far as you should go..." Dralinda whispers, loosening her cloak and checking herself to be sure she has all she needs, "...any closer and the native adults will all realize that you aren't Seeded properly. Thank you for the escort...and good luck on the trip back..!"

She leaves, heading for the outskirts of the village as you watch. One of the people appears to bump into the spy, who then screeches loudly about needing to scrub herself with boiling water now that some dirty old laborer has gotten cooties all over her! You have to smile when the normally-calm populace goes into a bit of a flutter when they realize there's a Jill amongst them. You see Dralinda directed to the local shelter for other Slaags.

You have completed your part of dropping the spy off at Moresto and have four to six hours to make it back to the ship...

...and Adorus is less than half-an-hour away...

Appolo  d20+11=15
Monday August 25th, 2003 11:11:24 AM

Appolo Remains standing during the storm.
He then suits up and and gets into the long boat with the others,prepared to take point. Once ashore he leads the way quietly and efficiently forward.

Once Dralinda is safely in the town and on her own Appolo turns to the group"Ok that was easy,now let's head for the ship." he then starts walking back the way they came.

Monday August 25th, 2003 1:51:29 PM

Rigging will deactivate his ring and say, "OK people, good work. Let's get back to the ship. This mission has gone extremely smoothly. Now that we are heading back, lets not get sloppy. Same marching order as when we a came."

Rigging will activate his ring and assume the rear postition keeping a careful watch.

Monday August 25th, 2003 4:43:00 PM

Pincing himself to make sure he's awake. Ari is amazed at how little effort there was on this particular mission.

With the mission over, Ari wistfully remembers about his home village. Now just over the rise. Remembering that most of the village people were decimated when the temple blew up. Ari wonders what they've done there since.

"Do you want to check out our handiwork on the temple in Adorus on the way back? I know most of the people were killed, I just wonder what shape the temple is in"

Monday August 25th, 2003 5:36:48 PM

Rigging shutters and says, "No, I never want to see that evil place again. Many of us lost friends and family there. I see no reason to go back and tempt Ga'al again. Lets get back to the ship."

Appolo  d20+10=24 d20+11=15 d20+6=7 d20+3=19
Monday August 25th, 2003 6:51:38 PM

Appolo looks at Ari when he suggests going back to Adurus"I agree with Rigging,that was a bad scene ,I also hve no reason to return either."
Appolo then heads out quickly and silently the way they came.He is moving with a certian amount of speed as well.

Hide: Move Silently 24,Hide 15, spot 7,Listen 19

Monday August 25th, 2003 7:00:43 PM

"We should stick to the mission", says Walker.

Monday August 25th, 2003 9:59:57 PM

"I have a bad feeling. I don't know wht but I do. We have plenty of time. Perhaps Appolo could follow Dralinda just to make sure everything is alright. He should be able to make it in and out undetected and we have plenty of time."

Warning from Above (DM Donna) 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 6:25:15 AM

Although there is a pause in the party's progress, it is eventually agreed that they all need to remove themselves from Aisilduran soil as soon as possible, and so the Wildcards continue their trek back to the Sword of the Sea.

Suddenly, however, everyone hears Talon's hooting from high above, where the conscientious owl has been continuing to follow his master's orders.

(OOC: email incoming for Redux...heh heh heh)

Appolo HP:36 AC:21  d20+10=29 d20+11=30 d20+6=11 d20+3=19
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 3:45:40 PM

When Appolo hears Tallon's hooting he drops immediately to the ground and quickly but quitely low crawls into some bushes.

Move Silently 29, Hide 30,Spot 11,Listen 19

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 3:55:47 PM

The mage swears quietly as Talon relays his message...which is oddly the first time the party has ever heard the man utter profanities. "Someone is following us." Redux whispers to Rigging urgently. "Talon says he thinks he is very close to catching us, and thinks he is determined to catch up with us." He pulls out the potion of mage armor from his belt and drinks it down quickly. "You want to try and ambush him, or should we try and outrun him?" Redux quietly asks of the Wildcard leader.

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 7:08:41 PM

Overhearing Redux's report from Talon, Ashira adds in her own profanities. She pulls out her barkskin potion and drinks it. She whispers to her husband "Rigging, I have something here that will allow us to travel quickly, but it will only last for a few seconds (1 round). Somehow I doubt there's only one following us, but I worry about leading anyone back to the ship." Ashira fidgets with her invisibility ring tossing up whether she should activate it soon.

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 9:46:10 PM

Val draws her sword and walks back the way she came. If somebody was following them she would meet this person head on.

Rigging invisible, mage armor 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 9:59:21 PM

When Rigging sees the group gather around Redux, he will dispel his invisibility and go hear the report. He will ponder for a few seconds and then say, "OK Lets see who is chasing us. It might be Dralinda trying to catch up but lets plan for the worst. Ashira, Bart, Walker will be our ambassadors. Appolo, you hide using your skill. Val activate your invisibility ring. Ari, use your woodsman skills to make yourself scarce, Redux, Do you have an invisiblity spell? If so then you go invisible and so will I. If our visitor is hostile then take appropriate actions. Remember some of us will be closing for backstabs so no mass spells.

Rigging will cast mage armor and reactivate his invisibility ring and move an area where he can be sneaky.

Company's Coming... (DM Donna) 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 7:00:07 AM

Now is the time for people to make their specific checks to see how successful they are at hiding, using their skills, etc.

Your party has one more "free" round for making preparations.

Talon's message to Redux remains the same: one person, dressed darkly, determined to catch up to your group.

Wednesday August 27th, 2003 7:29:13 AM

Walker will step to the front (towards the approching person) draw his sword placing it point down on the trail and resting his hands across the pommel and wait.

Ari  d20+6=15
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 8:19:02 AM

Ari moves to where he can cover Walker and any other path blockers, and yet get partial to total cover. Preparing his bow, Ari will plant two arrows in the ground in preparation.

(HS 15)

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23)  d20+8=19 d20+5=14
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 8:49:07 AM

Ashira draws her swords and takes up a position nearby Walker. She too places the blades in the ground, ready for action, but not outright threatening. She scans the darkness for signs of the visitor (Spot=19, Listen=14) hoping against all hope that the visitor is friendly.

Rigging Invisible Mage armor ac 19 hps 50/50 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 11:46:30 PM

Rigging will find a likely spot and then call out in a stage whisper, "Remember. This might not be an enemy. Let's ask some questions before we start hacking."

Redux (Mage Armor) 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 12:41:59 AM

Redux nods at Rigging's plan. He begins the incantations for the invisibility spell as he finds a spot 20 feet away from the others with sufficient cover to protect himself from any forth coming attack. He tells Talon to keep an eye on the person tracking them, but warns his feathered friend not to endanger himself while doing so.

Stranger in Black (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 7:57:43 AM

Hurrying up the trail is that figure in black. Immediately you all realize that it is NOT Dralinda, but a man--a man in a big hurry. He jumps, startled to see that the group has stopped in the road. You see him fumble for something that seems to be worn around his neck--some kind of lens on a stick, from the look of it, which he holds up to his right eye and stares around the area with.

"Ahhhh--you ARE all here--good, good!" he says, his voice sounding cultured and refined. The man drops the lens and holds out both his hands. "I'm not armed...but I have VERY important news for you--something that you MUST tell The Jack right away!"

Thursday August 28th, 2003 9:31:57 AM

Val has her sword drawn and looks the man over. This was just too strange. Nobody was supposed to know about their mission and this strange man knew which way they were heading and the time they arrived. Val hoped that he was an agent of the jack.

Rigging mage armor 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 9:32:14 AM

Rigging seeing the stranger's actions figures that he has some kind of magic that allows him to see the him. He will dispel he invisibility and step forward.

"Sir you claim to have some information for the Jack. Then speak quickly. What is this information? How did you even know that we were here? Most important is who are you and how do we know you aren't an agent for the priest of Ga'al?"

Thursday August 28th, 2003 11:59:48 AM

Appolo is hiding about 75 yards up the trail and has know idea what the others are doing.He just hopes that they went to cover as well.

Thursday August 28th, 2003 8:11:54 PM

Walker will stand and wiat for the strangers answer to Rigging.

Friday August 29th, 2003 4:44:40 AM

Wondering about the stranger, Ari concludes that the lens must be a pretty interesting magic item.

When Riggings asks the stranger about knowing what they are up to. Ari wonders whether the stranger knows about their ship or not, somehow.

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23) 
Friday August 29th, 2003 7:57:32 AM

The half-elf watches the proceedings with cautiousness, ready to strike should it be needed. She too waits for the stranger's response.

Redux (Mage Armor, Invisible) 
Friday August 29th, 2003 8:00:40 AM

The mage's eyes raise in wonder at the stranger's too, figuring that he must have some way of seeing through the invisibility. Watching Rigging step forward, Redux's mind calls up a backup plan, and the spell Web immediately comes to mind. He stands patiently awaiting the stranger's answer, ready to cast his spell if needed.

Monday September 1st, 2003 10:02:06 AM

Bart stays in the back waiting for any problem that comes up

Monday September 1st, 2003 12:24:47 PM

Walker still waits for the strangers reply while staying alert for other threats.

Danger, Will Robinson! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 8:01:09 AM

The human man takes a few steps closer, holding his arms up and out.

"You have to get back to the home island of the ship called the Sword of the Sea--the clerics of Ga'al have managed to trace the ship back to its home island's location...and about one third of the entire Empire's fleet is now sailing for that island with orders to completely obliterate it!"

Slowly the man moves his left hand and reaches into a bulging breast pocket, withdrawing a beaded necklace from within it and holding it out to Ashira (to whom he is more or less closest).

"This is a strand of prayer beads," he says, "I give it to you as a sign of good faith, and to prove that I am telling the truth."

(OOC: Sorry about the nonposting--Labor Day weekend here in the USA, and I was busy, busy! I will post later tonight to make up for it...about 6pm Eastern time.)

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 2:49:42 PM

Walker steps up, "Pardon my Lady," as he reaches for the necklace, "but this is more my purvue." Suspecting a trick of some kind and wanting to shield the others he takes the necklace. Thinking at the first opertunity he will ask Redux to check it and make sure it is only what it seems. He will then let Rigging decide its disposition.

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 5:41:57 PM

Ashira stands aside as Walker takes the necklace. Her eyes frowning slighty, Ashira doesn't say anything, figuring that Walker might know something she doesn't. Still, the whole run in thing was a little too coincidental. She focuses on the stranger, trying to Detect any evil in him.

A Real Warning (DM Donna) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 6:12:27 PM

Walker takes the necklace as Ashira casts her spell--suddenly, the necklace sparkles brilliantly. The cleric of Gargul becomes convinced that he is, indeed, holding a Strand of Prayer Beads, with three very useful beads on it: a bead of healing, a bead of smiting, and a bead of karma.

Ashira becomes aware that--aside from making the necklace sparkle for a moment, her Detect Evil spell has no other effect--it certainly doesn't detect any evil.

(OOC: I've been told to let you know that the above Strand is brought to you by the great good fortune of DM Donna winning the DM Lotto on the DM Board. It also proves that the messenger IS telling you all the truth: if you do not race back to Ayorsa Island with all due haste, there may not be an island to return to..!)

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 10:05:26 PM

Rigging has a gut feeling that this warning is real. Thoughts race through the young mage's mind, "How did they follow The Sword? How many ships are really coming? How do we get ahead of them?" He glances at Walker and sees the look of wonderment cross his face.

Rigging steps forward and lifts his hand to shake the stranger's hand. "Thank you for the warning and the gift. Will you be travelling with us? Speed is obviously very important so let us get to our tasks."

Rigging will turn to Redux and says, "Quickly send Talon ahead with a note. Have the Captain be prepared to cast off as soon as we arrive. Don't tell him anything else because he might be tempted to leave without us. This is a fight I don't want to miss."

Once Talon is winging his way ahead, Rigging will say, "Now we run. Last one back to the ship has to clean the bilges." The mage heads out leading the group in a jog.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:10:43 PM

Wondering about what the man has said so far. Ari is about to ask a question when Rigging states it for him. Ari wonders whether maybe one of the priests got away and tracked the crew through Walker or some other way.

Or did the priests somehow insert someone into the crew that we didn't know of? Thinking about it now, I know we didn't check with the crew members to make sure that everyone was of the crew.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:25:42 PM

If the man is telling the truth then they are in great danger. By returning to the island they could lead Ga'al forces there. Valanthe curses when she realizes that they have no choice. They must return to the island as fast as their ship will take them.

Redux (Mage Armor, Invisible) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 8:32:04 AM

The mage nods invisibly at Rigging's request. Taking out a quill and paper, he jots down a short note to the Captain telling him to have the vessel ready to embark as soon as they arrive. Redux gently ties the note to Talon's leg. "Find the Captain and give this to him. I don't care what you have to do to find him....tap at his cabin door if that's what it takes." Redux smiles at his small joke. "But make sure that only the Captain gets this note. And keep in constant communication with me. Let me know if you get into trouble." Redux adopts a look of motherly concern for the bird as he sends him off, hoping that Warrd will watch over his little friend. As the group heads out, Redux does his best to keep up, but quickly breaks out in a sweat. He is obviously unaccustomed to this kind of prolonged exercise.

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 8:39:46 AM

Eyes wide with terror as the messengers message is confirmed, Ashira sheathes her swords and breaks into a run for the ship. She quickly passes Rigging, reason apparently having been abandoned and replaced with terror. "Come on, no time to loose." she pants over her as she runs into the night.

Shades, we've never had to worry about this kind of problem before. How did those dogs find the island...is there a spy amoung the crew? Does this have something to do with my dreams? A third of the Aisildurian navy! Shades! Do we even possibly stand a chance against those kind of odds? Ashira's mind is filled with terrifying thoughts as the sweat rolls down her back and the scenery races by.

Running, Running--Faster, Faster! (DM Donna) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:28:02 AM

Talon flies off to do his master's bidding and the questions prey on everyone's minds: How could the Empire have discovered Ayorsa's location? WAS there a traitor amongst the crew? Could the hammership reach Ayorsa in time to give warning? And can the Pirates of Jack possibly ward off an attack by one third of the Empire's fleet?

The party is almost to the beach where the longboat is secreted when Talon returns without the note. He lets Redux know that the captain was rather grumpy but the entire ship is now on alert and ready to sail as soon as the party arrives at the ship.

At the beach, the moon shines its pale light over a deserted seascape. Nobody is around and the boat is still there. Pushing off is not interrupted and the trip back to the Sword is featureless save for any discussion between party members.

Once back at the ship, Hawley orders all hands to stow the boat and make sail doubletime. Then he orders the Wildcards into his cabin.

"Can you kindly tell me why the bloody blue sahuagin I wake up to find that blasted owl pecking at me porthole???" he asks, waiting for an explanation.

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 5:20:28 PM

Rigging takes several heavy breaths trying to catch his breath. When he has recovered he will say, "Sorry to rouse the whole ship Captain, but we have gotten news that the Ayorsa"s location has been discovered by the Empire. They have launched a massive assualt consisting of 1/3 of their fleet." Rigging will go one to explain about how they were met and the gift that was given.

"I plan to use Wayfinder to try to locate the fleet and see if they are truely heading for our base. I figured we need to be underway as quick as possible in case the news is true. I will use the Nautocolus to speed the ship if I find the enemey fleet. Do you have anyway to contact the Jack? We need to warn them as fast as possible."

When the discussion is over, Rigging will pull aside Ashira and Redux. "I am going to use the Wayfinder now. Please keep anyone from disturbing me. I want to get some coabiration of our informant's story." Rigging will settle himself comfortable in his bunk and raise the Wayfinder to his eye. "Show me the fleet." he whispers.

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 5:55:29 PM

Redux, Rigging, Walker can we use they wayfinder to sent an storm into the empires fleet when we find them? it can control winds or not?

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:52:20 PM

"No Bart...neither of the artifact's to my knowledge can control the weather. Nice idea though!"

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 10:33:07 PM

Taking up a position besides her husband, Ashira gives Rigging an appraising look. "Love, I do not mean to offend you, but perhaps it would be safer for me to use the Wayfinder?" Should Rigging not accept her offer, Ashira stands by to prevent anyone from interupting Rigging's astral projection.

Redux  d20+9=12
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 11:06:24 PM

Redux, still tired from the fast pace back to the ship gets a stool and joins Ashira beside Rigging. He pulls his boots off and observes his feet, noting the chafing and blisters forming. He realizes that the boots will need some adjustment for this kind of use. His feet also need attention, and he pulls up his pack to see if there might be any herbs available (herbalist check=12); maybe the priest has something better. As he finishes adjusting things, his eyes focus on the scroll organizer and he gasps as the word 'Fly' pop out at him. Lesson learned, the spell will be more in his thoughts if the party must make time quickly ever again.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 4:54:26 AM

Appolo quickly joins the others following behind and covering thier tracks as best he can. He is the last to board the boat doing so in silence.Once back at the ship he heads to his quarters outs his stuff away and gets cleaned up,changes clothes and kicks back.
Appolo then pulls out a bottle of wine pours himself a cup and just relaxes in his hammock putting the wine back carefully.
He doesn't bother to go see the Captian as he has nothing to report or do and is rather tired. He is just happy that everyone got back to the ship unharmed and figures sooner ot later,hopefully later some one will clue him in on what;s going on, but until then he'll sleep.

Sneak Peek (DM Donna)  d20+12=30
Thursday September 4th, 2003 7:08:31 AM

Rigging issues his command, and the Wayfinder activates. The leader of the hammership's Wildcards finds himself drawn up and out of his body, then immediately yanked across the sea...

He is flying...flying...then he sees, much to his dismay, ships...dozens of them--all flying the Empire's flag.

The mysterious informant, Rigging finds, was off in his announcement--but not by much. The number of ships could be more accurately estimated at between a quarter and a third of the Navy...closer to the one-quarter mark.

Still--there are MORE than enough ships here to destroy Ayorsa...and they ARE on a direct course for the island's last known location!

Rigging finds himself drawn to the lead ship--a huge, honkin' warship that is bristling with ballistae and catapults as well as a metal-shod and rather pointy battering ram. It has no less than five masts and is more than twice the length of the Sword of the Sea.

The name of this ship is Ga'al's Unholy Vengeance.

Rigging's astral body is pulled towards the forecastle of this massive dreadnought, where there appears to be a religious ceremony occurring--a rite of some sort that has a trio of priests ripping open the chest of one of the seamen and offering up the bloody, pumping heart to their evil master.

One of the priests looks awfully familiar as she comes forward to ceremonially lick the dripping blade used to kill the sacrifice...

...it's the female priest from the Pride of Ga'al--the one who got away..!!!

The harshly beautiful woman stops, suddenly turning and looking directly at Rigging. He sees her laugh, her bloodied lips turning up in a snide smile, and mouth the words:

"Thank you for your help...fool!"

Then she seems to speak something else and throw some of the blood from the sacrifice in his direction.

Rigging finds himself yanked back to his body--this time very painfully! (Roll a Fort save versus DC19 or suffer 2d10 of damage from the evil cleric magic.)

The divine magic that the survivor of the Pride of Ga'al used did more than attempt to damage Rigging, however--the young man finds that he can't remember exactly where the fleet is in relation to the hammership...but he IS sure that the fleet is only less than a day ahead of the Sword of the Sea--and that they ARE on a heading towards Ayorsa Island!

Rigging  d20+7=24
Thursday September 4th, 2003 10:20:20 AM

Rigging feels the cursed priestess use some kind of force to throw him away from the ship. He feels his body hurtling towards the The Sword. He concentrates and is able to slow himself so he doesn't crash into his own body.

He pulls the Wayfinder from his eye and quickly stands up. Suddenly his arm flies out and grasps Ashira's arm to help steady himself. "This never gets any more fun." he mumbles to himself.

Rigging steadies himself and says, "I guess we need to go back to the Captain. Redux. Gather the other Wildcards. They are going to have to hear this." To Ashira, "Follow me!" It is obvious that Rigging is very upset and disturbed. When the Captain is found and the other Wildcards assembled, Rigging will explain what he saw.

"I can't believe that she got away!" Rigging tells about the grisly sacrifice that he witnessed and that the priestess who escaped from the sunken Pride of Ga'al was on the ship.
"She saw me in Astral form. She was able to hurl my form back to the Sword. I think see tracked us when we went back to our pirate base to find out where Ayorsa Island is. We have disrupted the plans of Ga'al a great deal lately. I think we have gotten them angry with us." Rigging adds with a grin.

He goes on to report on the amount and size of the ships that he saw. "I don't think it is a third of the fleet but if the informants information was right, their might be another fleet ahead somewhere on a different course. A pincer attack or a way to cut off a retreat."

Rigging stands up and starts pacing, "Somehow the witch was able to cloud the exact location of their fleet from me. I do think they are ahead of us by a day. I was able to gather that much. We have to get ahead of them and warn the island. The pirates and everyone else won't have a chance unless we do. Their forces are more than enough to destroy and scatter our forces."

When the conversation is over, Rigging will pull out his magical sextant and use its powers to speed the Sword along at its fastest possible rate.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 11:44:12 AM

Looking very concerned about Rigging's condition, Ashira supports him while he gives his report....only going more concerned as she hears what the Aisildurian's are up to. When the meeting is concluded and Rigging has finished with speeding the ship forward, Ashira pulls Rigging aside. "I can't handle this anymore. I think you should give me Wayfinder. I will be better able to resist it than you. I'm worried that one day it's going to permanantly harm you."

Thursday September 4th, 2003 1:43:32 PM

Appolo half heartedly shows up for the meeting and listens. He thinks to himself{ so that is what all the commotion is about.Well had to happen sooner or later.} He doesn't look particularly surprised or worried. Appolo just yawns and heads back to get some more sleep.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 2:48:47 PM

Is there anyway we can sent an mesage to the base? Maybe with help from a seacreature a dolphin or a whale, or with help from the sea elves?

Thursday September 4th, 2003 3:19:24 PM

Hearing Riggings words Ari starts thinking about his bag of tricks. "I wish there was a way the spell casters could combine together to get word to the island. We have several credible contacts that I think we could contact. Is there any way we can do a sending, or a message, or something. Or something that all of us can co-ordinate on."

Thursday September 4th, 2003 5:41:55 PM

I have no way of sending such a message. If you have any ideas I would welcome them.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 5:42:57 PM

The half-elf rubs her chin thoughtfully as the Wildcard's try to figure out how to get message to Ayorsa. Then suddenly her eyes bolt wide open. She reaches desperately in her backpack and withdraws a small token (Quaal's token, bird). "I think I've got it! We can use this token to deliever a message to the Jack. But we'll have to figure out a way to seal it so that the Jack will know it's not a fake. Any ideas?"

Thursday September 4th, 2003 10:25:28 PM

"What about giving the Jack our position and telling we have an urgent message for him. Then in select places on the boat, or Pinned to the captains chest, or any other likely spot. We attach a written note about the information about the incoming fleet, and how it knows about the Island. Maybe even leave the ships journal open, and direct them there, or something."

Thursday September 4th, 2003 11:23:28 PM

"I'm not sure he would think it was a fake. Outsiders wouldn't know where to send the bird. Even if he had his suspicions I think he would check it out. Put people on alert and be ready just in case. We shouldn't put any sensitive information with the note in case the bird gets intercepted. Maybe we should try to find the position of the fleet again? Ashira could try this time. Whatever spell she used might be the only one she had prepared. If she had two, would she have three or four?"

Friday September 5th, 2003 10:00:01 AM

Redux rubs soothing balm over the blisters on his feet as he listens in on the planning talk. He smiles at Ari's comments. "Yes, Ari, I've heard of such spells, but unfortunately, I am unable to cast them currently. I think Ashira's idea is a good one, but Val is right, we shouldn't give away too much information. Ari, I don't think we want to have the Jack try and scry on us to get the information. I'd hate to think that they wouldn't get the information if for some reason they can't locate the ship or some such problem." A thought suddenly comes to Redux. "Hey, what about the dragon orb we got to communicate with that Valdor fellow? Could we send a message to him asking him to relay it to the Jack?"

Saturday September 6th, 2003 2:37:28 AM

Or we coald seal the message with one of our cloak pins

Tuesday September 9th, 2003 7:05:02 PM

Ashira smiles at Bart. "Yes, Bart! That's a great idea!" She begins scribbling on a little piece of paper. "How about something like this..."

Your home is in grave danger! Many red sharks are circling the waters nearby and will strike in a few days. Rally as many vessels as you can or all will be lost. You're loyal servants will be there as soon as possible to help with the defense.
The Swords of Redemption

Ashira looks over the note contemplatively and then reads it to the others. "What do you think, or is too vague? I want to make sure he gets the point, but I don't want to give out too much information."

Tuesday September 9th, 2003 11:17:35 PM

Walker say,"There is no reason to be vague. The enemy already knows and Jack Should be told clearly. Telling who is sending the message does not tell our location."

Time, Time is Tickin', Tickin', Tickin' Away... (DM Donna) 
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 8:11:25 AM

The Wildcards continue to bicker over what their note to the Jack will say as precious time ticks away and the hammership continues to speed across the water towards Ayorsa.

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 12:51:27 PM

"Why not 'Using the tools that we have, we have confirmed a large fleet of vessels fo Ga'al moving to the KNOWN location of the island. We are returning at quickest speed and hope to join in the battle or the retreat. Please advise.'

We can give other time and information that we have, at this point we're worried about defending or vacating the island. Not who knows about us."

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 2:22:46 PM

Dont hasle just write a clear message!

Rigging  d20+9=23
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 2:56:21 PM

Rigging walks quickly to his cabin and pulls out some charts. He does some figuring and looks up into the sky. (navigation check 23) He feels he has a good handle on where he is and then goes over to Ashira and the others and asks, "Dearest. I think your plan has merit but it also has some holes. Tell me more about this bird token of yours. How long is it active for? How fast can it fly? Is it intelligent to figure out where to go and how to find someone?

The other problem that I see is who to send the message to. The Jack might not even be there. He is starting to do more of his own sailing. We might be better off sending the message to Starr. She is the one who sent us off after the Ironbanks. She is most likely still on the island."

Rigging looks to the spellcasters and says, Does anyone have a way to shrink a person or lighten a person enough so the bird could carry him. Just a thought."

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 3:25:49 PM

Clearly unnerved by the seriousness of the situation, Ashira snaps at Bart. "Hassel, huh. Fine!" She slams the token down in front of Rigging. "You know what, I don't care what you do with this. Give out our names and locations to all of the Aisildurian navy for all I care. I'll be in our cabin." Ashira storms off for a few minutes, fuming along the way.

She returns shortly later, slightly sweaty but more in control of her emotions. "Rigging, I have done the best I can. You write the note. As for the token, all I can say is what the ship's magician told me. "It can be used to deliver a small handwritten message unerringly to a designated target as would a carrier pigeon. It will last as long as needed to deliver the message." Ashira waits in silence, pacing in a corner as the others decide what to do with the token.

OOC (Quaal's Feather token, bird...pg. 264 of DMG).

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 4:10:38 PM

Rigging is a little surprised by his wife's stress level. He knows that the situation is serious but this group is often in tight corners.

"OK hon. I didn't know that the token was so strong. I guess we will have to trust a note to it. Now the question is to where. If the token will go to Jack, he is the man in charge, so we should send it to him. I don't think we need to be as cryptic with the note. We won't give our position away but we can tell him what we saw."

Rigging quickly writes the following note, while doing so says, "Ashira, please activate the token". The note will say, "My Jack, The Sword of Redemption has spotted an armada of empire ships heading your way. They have found the island. Prepare to defend the island or flee. Aproximate strength is dozens of ships, around 1/4 of entire empire's navy. We are coming at best speed. Alemi be with you. The Wildcards"

Rigging pulls off his signet ring and wraps the note around it. "Hope I can get this back." he murmers and ties the note to the bird. "Take this note to the Jack of the Pirates of Jacks as swiftly as possible.

Rigging releases the bird and murmers a quick prayer, "Alemi, guide our feathered friend and keep him safe."

Rigging will peck his wife on the cheek and say, "It was a good plan dear. Pray it works."

Rigging will return to the Nautacolous and speed the ship along.

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 11:07:49 PM

Redux says a short prayer to Waard to get the message to the Jack in time to save the island. He is glad that the message is finally off. With everyone's help, getting the message written and sent was much like having his two grandmothers in the kitchen at the same time when he was younger, except that this was more successful. His thoughts stray to his family and especially his mother; a woman of such character in a world gone mad. It is really her he fights for, though she'll never know it. With the crisis at bay, Redux heads out to find a new piece of leather to add to the insole of his shoes.

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 11:36:02 PM

Val stands on the deck looking out at the horizon. One more person giving their two cents on a simple message would only aggrivate the situation. That and Val wasn't so sure that there will be anything left to save.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 10:55:11 AM

Walker paces about the ship wonderring if they can get back in time and if thier message will get thru.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 1:02:16 PM

Meanwhile Appolo sleeps blissfully unaware of the world around him.

Looming Horizon (DM Donna) 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 3:51:47 PM

Rigging uses all the magic items available to him. The little bird, once animated, picks up the message and flies off.

Wayfinder seems to not work anymore...not when trying to use it for locating the attacking force.

The Nautilocus aids the hammership as well as the crew working feverishly around the clock to make the ship sail faster, further--Ayorsa must be reached! It must be protected!

Finally the ship approaches the coordinates where Ayorsa is supposed to be located--Captain Hawley figures you've all shaved almost three days off the usual time a ship would have taken on the same trip.

You hear it first--sound travels well across the water.

The sounds of missiles screaming through the air. The sounds of men and women in battle, fighting...dying. The sounds of the fate of Ayorsa.

"All hands, battle stations!" roars Captain Hawley. "Catapults, arm for flamers! Ballista--chain the bolt! All speed fo'ard!" The Sword of the Sea never seemed slower than when following those sounds--the horizon was never further out of reach...

...but, finally, the hammership breaks that horizon line--and Wayfinder's extra magnification confirms that all the ships of the Pirates of Jack that were on Ayorsa are now battling the attack force in earnest.

Another sight sends stomachs plummeting and hearts racing: Safehaven is in flames.

The Sword churns through the current--the very closest ships are a PoJ vessel, the Giddy Cup, and an Imperial vessel, the Surestrike. The Cup is a two-hundred foot schooner that used to be double-masted, but one of them is down in flames, and some of the Cup's crew is doing its best to put the fire out. The Surestrike is heavy-prowed warship--a good three hundred feet long. It is about 100 feet away from the Cup, and you can see its crew members are loading two catapults with shots that look to be the same kind that Hawley ordered to load the hammership's own catapults with--flaming missiles. You can tell that the catapult crews are three rounds away from being able to fire. Their most likely target would be the Giddy Cup.

Currently, the Sword of the Sea is a good 250 feet from the two above ships. The max range for the catapults is 200 feet; the ballista is 150 feet. It will take the hammership two rounds to get within catapult range because the hammership travels through the water as 30 feet per round.

Appolo Ac;21 Hp;36 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 5:07:08 PM

Appolo having spent the trip resting and lounging around,appears on deck fully armed and ready for battle.Smiling happily,like wolf closing onit's prey, He is in a rather good mood and relaxed.Thinking well here we go agian.

Walker  6d6(2+5+3+3+6+5)=24
Thursday September 11th, 2003 5:11:14 PM

Walker will use Shadow Conjuration to cast a Fireball at the Surestrike. If the catapults are close enough together he will place it between them. Otherwise he will place it to whichever catapult will cause maximum damage/casulties.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 7:04:44 PM

Speaking so that all the deck hands can hear, "We can not lose heart at the sight we see. We have arrived where there is still fight left, and still fight to dish out. That is more than we could even pray for. We must uplift our bothers, and let them know that the fight is still with in us."

Before Ari says another word, he quickly bows to his knees. Lem, let me words and motivation be felt by all who fight in your name.

As loudly as he can make his voice chant Ari gathers all that are topside to join in with him.

"I am full of life.
MY strength empties the defiled one
And MY efforts give glory to The Dragon.

Ari helps out where he can, but always encouraging others to join in the chant, and to keep the chant going as the ship flies into battle.

(OOC see duncans travels for this famous quote)

Valanthe, Ac 20, 87 Hp 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 10:25:01 PM

Knowing that it could be some time before they board or are boarded by another vessel, Val heads down to her bunk and grabs her composite long bow. In the grand scheme of things one extra bow is not all that important but she has to do what she can, while she can.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 11:54:47 PM

Rigging will look over to the Captain and say, "Sir. Of course this is your battle to direct. Might I suggest that we try and find the Empire's flag ship. If we can sink that, we will take out the leadership of the enemy,and hurt their morale. It will also lift ours and our allies morale. It might also create an opening where we can give some civilians a chance to escape. Remember with the sharks, and I controlling the winds with Nautaocolus we should be one of the most nimble ships in the battle. We need to use it to our advantage."

When Rigging sees the fireball launch, he will yell, "Wildcards and spellcasters to me." When they have gathered. He will order, "If the Captain agrees, we are going to go after the head. We hunt down the flagship and take it out! Save your spells! We are going to need them to take the monstrosity down. She is 3 times our size.

Rigging will turn to Redux and hand him Wayfinder. "Here take care of this for me. You are our main lookout. Help find our target and let us know what activity you see. Don't try to will yourself there. It might work, and you are truly in trouble then. You will come back to weak to fight.

Ashira, you Val and Bart organize the archers. Don't bunch up. Be wary of enemy fireballs and other spells

Ari you are doing great! Keep the chanting going.

Walker, you set up an hospital and help the wounded until we get close. Then do what you can individually.

Appolo when we find the flagship, we will eventually have to board. You and I are going to go invisible and take down the priest. She has a dagger in the back coming. Any other suggestions? Alemi grant you luck"

Rigging will concentrate on the Nautaoculus and summon the winds. "Come on Redux, Give me a course!"

Friday September 12th, 2003 6:33:26 AM

Redux takes the artifact with some awe. Activating his levitation ring, he heads up into the crows nest and scans the battlefield for signs of Ga'al's Unholy Vengence . Upon sighting it, he will shout out the direction to Rigging.

Friday September 12th, 2003 6:40:38 AM

Unsheathing her bow, Ashira nods in answer to Rigging's order. Finding the nearest sailors with some ability in archery, she sends them to the armory to arm themselves, then organizes them facing the Giddy Cup. "Alright, lads, you heard the man, I want this line staggered...no bunching up! Everyone prepare your arrows with oiled rags like I showed you. We may not take down many of their men, but if we're lucky, we'll give them something to remember!" Ashira looks down at the bow in her hand and remembering the previous owner, fires off a prayer to him. "Alemi, guide my arms. Let my arrows fly straight and strike your enemy with a vengence." She avoids using Alemi's arrows for now...too precious, and sticks with using the ship's stores.

Walker, Ac 18 
Friday September 12th, 2003 8:07:12 AM

Realizing Rigging's wisdom in going for the flagship, Walker, though somewhat disappointed in not activley participating in combat, goes to make shure all is ready in the hospital area.
He will then standby to provide first aid to anyone wounded on the way to the flagship. While waiting he will use his crossbow as oppertunity permits.

Halfway to the Cup (DM Donna)  d20+5=12 d20+5=8 d20+15=21 d20+10=16 d20+6=18 d20+6=17 7d6(5+1+6+5+2+4+3)=26 d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+8=21 d20+8=19 5d6(4+4+6+4+2)+6=26 5d6(2+3+4+5+1)+6=21
Friday September 12th, 2003 8:43:24 AM

The hammership's crew follows the orders of Captain Hawley and the Wildcards, as they both coincide with each other.

"Just my thinkin', lad." Hawley tells Rigging. "Just holler out the headin', and we'll make straight for that blasted barge!"

The Sword is now 30 feet closer to the battling duo of the Cup and the Surestrike. Walker lets fly with his Shadow Fireball at the Imperial foe, striking the ship squarely between the catapults and doing 26hp dam/2 st.pt. damage. Everyone aboard the PoJ ships can see the Imperial crew scurry to put out the fires that have sprung up from the hit.

The crewmembers of the Sword continue on their course, awaiting word from Redux, who is topside and using the Wayfinder (regular use, of course!) to attempt to Spot...

...the Vengeance! Redux sees the huge warship (it's 600 feet long!) engaged with three PoJ ships: the Stiletto, the Changebox, and the Pigsticker. Even as Redux recognizes that last ship as The Jack's own ship, he sees the Changebox get fired upon by no less than four catapults from the Vengeance's port side. Two of the flaming shots hit the sturdy mariner vessel, causing a total of 47hpd/4 st. pt. damage. Redux also witnesses the horrible flaming demise of one of the Changebox's two catapults--including its crew of three people.

For the Sword to reach the Vengeance, the ship must pass around the port side of the Cup (thus putting the Cup between it and the Surestrike) and make top speed on a north-northeast course. It will take three rounds to reach catapult range to the Vengeance.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Shield of Faith  d4+1=4
Friday September 12th, 2003 10:07:36 AM

Walker will wait until we are entering catapult range and cast Bull Strength then Sheild of Faith.

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36 
Friday September 12th, 2003 12:24:03 PM

Appolo checks his gear and nods at Rigging"No problem boss,just remember if she can she you when your using the wayfinder then she can probably see invisible things as well.Being invisible might help us avoid most of the crew,but the priests are another matter.Not to mention that there's probably serveral quads aboard that thing considering it's the flagship and all.I hope Jancarriss is pleased with thw name,because business is about to pick up."

Friday September 12th, 2003 6:56:11 PM

Bart mans an catapult loaden with lengths of chain ready to fire when the enemy is in range

Valanthe, Ac 20, 87 Hp 
Friday September 12th, 2003 10:15:12 PM

Looking upon the situation, Val has a thought. At first she is reluctant to share it since it's a guaranteed death sentence.

"Rigging I have a thought. Our vessel will make a bigger difference at long range where it can use it's superior speed and manuverability to maximum effect. When we get the chance, I want to board Vengeance as well. I should be able to cause enough of a distraction to help hide your presence on the ship."

She knows she is putting Rigging in a tough spot but this is war and tough descisions need to be made. The Swords crew is needed onboard the ship and she doesn't want to speak for the other Wildcards. The catapult crews have to be taken out no matter the cost.

Saturday September 13th, 2003 12:49:49 AM

Rigging helps steer The Sword towards the Vengence. He will call out some orders. "Redux to me!" When the mage comes back down. "Redux, I am sorry but I have a dangerous mission for you. I want you to activate your fly spell, turn invisible and use your fireballs against the Vengence. You will have to use your best judgement on where to strike. The catapults are devestating our allies. They can be your first target unless you see massed troops. I plan on leading a boarding party. We have to take out that ship. The wildcard's plus some others are going in. Here let me have the Wayfinder back. I am gonna give him Wayfinder and Nautacoulus for safe keeping. Also let me borrow your bullstrength wand. I will does the boarders just before we attack. Good luck."

Rigging turns away, his eyes moist. He knows that after the first fireball his friend is gonna be a major target.

"Bart and the other heavy weapon's crews! You have one shot as we cross around the Cup. Try to help her out against the Surestrike. I expect the quickest reload time we have ever achieved!

Val and Ashira, Take some bowshots against the sure strike and then organize a boarding party.
If any one has some ideas on how to get aboard that ship I am all ears."

OOC Does the Sword have a ram?

Saturday September 13th, 2003 4:18:26 PM

Hoping the chant will keep going, or at least have an effect. Ari stops long enough to remind Rigging, "I can join Val and Ashira at least for some long range strafing."

When Rigging asks for ideas on boarding Ari adds, "If we have levitation, I would imagine you could use the catapults to launch a small force towards the ship. You might be able to get the wildcards as one on the ship and let the hammerhead continue on. Or we could all launch towards the Vengenece."

Redux (hp=46, ac=15)  6d6(1+5+3+3+6+3)=21 d20+4=20
Saturday September 13th, 2003 11:03:27 PM

A very cross look forms on Redux' face as he witnesses the strike against the Changebox. He pulls out a 6th level fireball scrolls and aims it at the Vengeance, using the scope to assure his aim at a catapult or two. His first target would be any catapult about to fire, but will otherwise take out the ones that just fired upon the Changebox. Satisfied at the results, another plan forms in his mind as he spots the steering wheel and the captain. Having heard his name, he jumps out of the nest and levitates down to Rigging.

I'd rather stay in the nest for as long as possible. I have an improved invisibility spell that allows me to attack without becoming visible but with the scope, I can aim the fireballs very well. Neither improved invisibility nor fly last very long, though I can levitate down to the water, drink a potion of invisibility and have a little more time.

Anyways, I have a plan that might cripple the Vengeance. If we take an arrow, I can cast darkness upon it, you cast true strike. One of our best archers (nodding towards Ashira & Val) could then shoot it at the wheel room or wherever the captain is, depending on your opinion, of the Vengeance; thus they would be unable to see and keep it from being able to maneuver/target.

Ashira  d20+2=19 d20-3=17 d20-3=9 d8+7=9 d8+7=13
Saturday September 13th, 2003 11:45:29 PM

Feeling the heat of battle boil in her veins, Ashira decides to let her archers loose. "Alright men, we're not close enough to make them really worry, but let's get warmed up. Everyone light their arrows....aim....loose!" Praying for guidance and good winds, Ashira looses two arrows of her own, aiming at the helmsman on the Surestrike, hoping she might be able to take out the ship's guidance (Attack=19 and 17...holy cow, that last one was a natural 20!!!! No crit, though :( Damage=9 and 13) She keeps an eye on the Surestrike as she listens to Rigging's commands.

OOC (I applied the following penalties to my attack...-6 range penalty (we're about 220 feet out, right?) and then a --2 penalty for using the composite bow without the prerequisite strength. Total combined penalty= -8. Damage includes favored enemy bonus of +4 to heartseeded individuals...a safe bet on an Aisildurian vessel ;). Did not include any damage for using lit arrows.)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 1 (DM Donna)  d20+5=20 d20+5=24 5d6(1+6+2+2+1)=12 3d6(6+3+1)=10 5d6(5+4+3+4+4)=20 3d6(6+2+4)=12 d20+5=24
Monday September 15th, 2003 8:21:33 AM

Walker: since the Sword is changing their target to taking out the Vengeance, I assume you'll be waiting to get within catapult range of the second ship before buffing yourself up.

Bart: there are two catapults on the Sword: fore and aft. Which one are you helping with? (And neither fire chains--they are currently being primed with flaming missiles...which are large, heavy, tar&kerosene-coated balls about four feet around. They're set on fire and then hurled through the air at a target.)

Val: you've made your offer, we'll have to wait and see if your fearless leader takes you up on it.

Rigging: the leader of the Wildcards sees the two catapults of the hammership fire up their missiles and launch them over the Cup--both of them are direct hits on the Surestrike! (OOC: both hits total 27hpd; 25 st. pt.) That's one Imperial ship that won't make it back to Aisildur again, since she is taking on water now.

It will take the catapult crews six rounds to reload.

And, yes, the hammership's "head" is strucuturally re-inforced and metalclad--it is made for ramming.

Redux: The fireball launched at the Vengeance does 2 st.pt. damage and has started a fire very near one of the catapults...but not near enough to directly destroy/damage it.

Ashira: the archers let loose their arrows, felling many on the deck of the Surestrike...in fact, one of the fallen tumbles into the stash of flaming shots, and soon there is a fire aboard the ship!

The flaming missiles from the Sword of the Sea causes the beleaguered Cup to rally and cheer. Their own archers bring more devestation to the crew of the evil ship.

The Surestrike starts to sink faster.

The hammership is now two rounds away from the Vengeance; the catapults need six rounds to be loaded.

Monday September 15th, 2003 4:12:36 PM

Appolo feels he is being ignored agian,but is quite used to it as he takes a seat next to the mast staying low,Appolo quietly munches on an apple as he waits for the order to board the Vengence.He quietly thinks{Yeah Grgul and Jancariss are going to be doing alot of busines today.}A wicked smile comes across his face,as he laughs out loud.

Monday September 15th, 2003 5:23:59 PM

Rigging shouts, "Ramming speed! Captain aim for front or the rear. Less crew will be there to meet us!

Redux soften them up for us with some fireballs!

Apollo, You and I are gonna do some invisible priest hunting. If it gets to hot, strike and dive overboard.

Bart, take your catapult shot when ready and the prepare to board.

Val, Try to take out their bowman and sharpshooters.

Walker, Do you have any fire resistance spells? Give them to the fighters and yourself. Then join the boarding party

Ari, To the boarding part. Any spells that will be of use, now is the time to use them."

Rigging will cast a mage armor on himself.

Valanthe  d20+6=24 d20+1=11 d8=3
Monday September 15th, 2003 6:51:48 PM

Valanthe notches an arrow and pulls it back. Her small arm trembles slightly as she holds the arrow for the right moment. When a deck officer comes into sight Val lets her arrow fly. Quickly she fires another arrow hoping to catch the man next to him.
[hit ac 24 for 3 dmg. -4 penalty due to two full range incriments]

ooc: are we officially 3.5 yet? I see they dropped mighty bows and made composite ones better.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Shield of Faith 
Monday September 15th, 2003 9:27:41 PM

Walker will also use this time to cast See Invisible. He will then draw his sword and wait for boarding orders.

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+4=9 d20-1=13
Monday September 15th, 2003 9:44:00 PM

She allows a few seconds of celebrating from her archers before Ashira refocuses them. "Switch targets....Vengenance! Aim for the catapult crews! Light....Aim...Loose." Ashira releases two arrows toward her new target, but finds that Warrd is not on her side this time (AC 9 and 13).

Redux (hp=46, ac=15)  5d6(6+5+1+6+2)=20
Monday September 15th, 2003 10:46:28 PM

Rigging, Captain, get me within 120 feet so I can send a lightning bolt at their waterline. He looks for a possible line of mages/clerics making trouble and then Redux sends another fireball towards the Vengeance.

DM Donna 
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 6:54:17 AM

I have to resolve a combat issue before posting Round 2; I will post Round 2 as soon as possible.

Ari AC 17 or 21 50 hps  d4=4 d4=1
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 8:36:49 AM

Preparing for the upcoming battle, Ari quickly casts Bulls Strength, Cats grace and shield.

Once the spell casting is done, Ari will man the rails with his bow in hand.

(ooc hoping to get one action free, ;) If not, then shield is not cast by the time boarding starts)

Bart  d20=19
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 2:33:39 PM

Bart is ready to fire a catapult. and orders the man to ready the lengths of chain (far better against crew and rigging. (hit roll 29)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round Two (DM Donna)  d20+15=22 d20+5=19 5d6(1+4+3+4+4)=16 3d6(6+4+1)=11 5d6(5+4+1+4+5)=19 3d6(3+4+3)=10 6d6(6+5+2+3+6+6)=28 6d6(4+1+1+1+1+6)=14 6d6(4+4+2+6+4+1)=21 6d6(3+5+2+5+5+6)=26 6d6(3+1+4+6+5+1)=20 6d6(3+1+1+6+5+4)=20
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 7:34:50 AM

Appolo is chortling over the thought of payback.

Rigging's order for ramming speed and a direct course for the Vengeance now propels the Sword half again as fast as it had been going before. The ship technically reaches catapult range at the very end of this round--however, neither of the two catapults on the PoJ ship will be ready to fire anything for another four rounds.

The hammership makes straight for the rear of the huge dreadnought.

Val can feel a certain satisfaction to see one of her arrows hit some officer. (OOC: we officially went to the 3.5 rules as of September 1st.)

Ashira sees that one of her arrows does, indeed reach the Vengeance, sending one of the crewmembers reeling.

Redux's newest Fire Ball smacks into the ammo supply that he'd barely missed before, doing 20hpd and 2 st.pt. damage to the Vengeance. An ominous plume of smoke rises from behind that one particular catapult.

Ari begins to cast his spells, one spell per round.

Bart may be ready to fire "a" catapult, but he should first:

a) tell the DM which catapult he is helping to man--either the fore or the aft catapult.
b) remember that it takes SIX WHOLE ROUNDS to load a single catapult, and
c) be a bit put out that the catapult ammo does NOT include chains, unfortunately--only regular missiles or flaming missiles. (This is obviously a suggestion to be made to the captain later...IF you survive the battle, that is!)

The Pigsticker and the Stiletto both loose catapults upon the Vengeance, which is concentrating its attacks on the very damaged Changebox...which is slowly but surely sinking. (OOC: 25hpd total + 22 st.pt.dam. to the Vengeance.)

The mighty armored dreadnought seems to shrug off the damage done to it by any of the PoJ ships...suddenly a barrage of Lightning Bolts strikes the Pigsticker, the Stiletto and the Changebox.

The Pigsticker, which is The Jack's ship, suffers 42hpd and 4 st.pt.dam.; the Stiletto is zapped for 47hpd and 4 st.pt.dam.

The Changebox simply explodes, its blasted, burnt hull immediately getting sucked under the unforgiving water, which was already full of debris and blood.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The Sword of the Sea is now 195 feet from the rear of the Vengeance (and about 300 feet away from the Pigsticker). The hammership is now at "ramming speed", which is your top speed plus some extra "push" thanks to your ship's magic tail--the hammership is now travelling 40 feet per round, which means the PoJ will ram the back of the Imperial dreadnought in about 5 rounds.

Meanwhile, the hammership is within catapult range--but there are four more rounds until the catapults may be fired. By that time, the Sword will probably have to target other ships with their catapults, because the minimum effective range for a heavy catapult is 100 feet, so the hammership will be too close to make effective shots against the dreadnought.

However, in the very next round, that handy-dandy ballista that has its chained missile (suitable for grappling a ship for boarding!) will be within range to fire upon the Vengeance...and--being an oversized crossbow and all--ballistae don't have a minimum range...it'll damage anything in its path up to 150 feet away.

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 1:47:47 PM

Bart is at the front catapult waiting to be in range

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+6=19 d20+3=9 d8+7=9
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 3:28:59 PM

Ashira continues to direct the archers under her care. "Continue to aim for the catapult crew of Vengence! Prepare to board after ballistae have been fired!" As Ashira nocks and fires her arrows, she notices that the motion is begining to become second nature to her. It is as though Alemi is strengthening her very arms as they go through the motions of nock, aim, draw, release and follow through. She smiles as her first arrow strikes one of the intended targets (AC 19, 9hp dam), but frowns slightly as her second missile goes astray.

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 5:56:50 PM

Walker will stand ready with his sword drawn.
He will ast the previously mentioned spells after one round, leaving one round to get into boarding position.

Valanthe  d20+8=11 d20+3=9
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 10:00:04 PM

Hastily, Valanthe fires off two more arrows but misses her mark.

Appolo Ac21 Hp36 
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 10:32:23 PM

Appolo stands up and walks over to Ari"Hey buddy you got a spell that can help me get across to the enemy over there." He has his game face on is deadly serious.

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 11:13:52 PM

Rigging will use the Wayfinder to look at the Vengence. (OOC When you say armored, what do you mean? Does the ship have armor plating?)

He will call out to Bart, "Use your lightning bolt to weaken the area that we are going to strike. I want to put a big hole in the Vengence's side."

Rigging will yell out to Ari, "Do you have any spells that will warp wood? If so be prepared to use them on the Vengence."

Rigging will then activate his invisiblity ring.

Redux (hp=46, ac=15)  5d6(6+5+5+1+6)=23
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 11:59:17 PM

Redux continues with his onslaught, sending another 5 hd fireball at the Vengeance, wanting to soften them up as much as he is able for 23 pts dmg.

Thursday September 18th, 2003 12:21:30 AM

Ari finishes casting Bulls Strength on himself, and starts casting cats grace. Caught up in his spelling, Ari misses the comments directed at him.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round Three (DM Donna)  d20+7=20 6d6(4+4+4+1+2+6)=21 d20+15=25 d20+15=16 d20+15=27 d20+5=11 d20+10=20 3d6(4+3+4)=11
Friday September 19th, 2003 7:28:18 AM

(OOC: My apologies for not posting yesterday; we were all in a frenzy preparing for Hurricane Isabel...and then the danged storm passes south of us! ::sigh:: I will be posting Saturday about 4pm to help make up for it, though.)

Bart feverishly helps the other two hands load the fore catapult with another flaming missile shot. They are about halfway done with their task. (3 rounds down; 3 rounds until the catapult can be fired.)

Ashira and Valanthe continue to pepper the decks of the dreadnought with arrows, as does the rest of the archer contingent aboard the Sword of the Sea. (HP damage total to crew of Vengeance for this round: 30hp.)

Appolo seeks out Ari, who is too busy casting to even realize that his teammate is requesting any spells that will help out in the intended boarding action about to happen in another four rounds. Ari now has Bull's Strength.

Rigging can see through the lens of the telescope that there are heavy metal plates bolted onto the sides of the dreadnought, making it that much more formidable as a fighting ship...it's really lucky that the hammership's prow is clad in metal as well, or else ramming the huge Imperial warship would be a bad idea. Rigging is now invisible.

Walker now has Bull's Strength.

Redux's magic does 23hpd and 2 st.pt. damage to the Vengeance.

There is a commotion in the rigging of the Pigsticker's mainsail: The Jack has ascended to the crow's nest and is now braced up there with an especially large crossbow, which he now aims at the Imperial ship his vessel is engaged with. He fires amidships three times--and all three shots seem to hit...but nothing seems to happen. Everyone in the party should roll an Intelligence check or a Knowledge, Arcana check (whichever gives your PC a greater bonus) versus DC15 to recognize the legendary magic crossbow called Spitfire...recognizing the weapon will mean that your character realizes that The Jack has just fired off three Delayed Detonation Fireballs into the middle of the dreadnought, which will go BOOM in another three rounds.

The Stiletto fires its ballista at the dreadnought--but the chained missile simply bounces off the armored hull! (The Stiletto is almost directly in front of the dreadnought, while the Pigsticker is just off the Imperial ship's port bow.)

The Vengeance is still loading its own catapults...one of which has now started to catch fire (yay, Redux!)--crew members hurry to put it out. However, what Rigging feared earlier seems to be taking place: a half-dozen armored people in the cleric garb of Ga'al have assembled in the forecastle and are casting spells. Spellcraft check of 15 or higher will reveal that they are all casting a Summoning spell.

Six Huge Fiendish Dire Wasps appear--and head straight for the Pigsticker...obviously heading for The Jack himself! They will reach that ship in two rounds.

"FIRE BALLISTA!" screams Hawley at the top of his lungs. The ship's crossbow is fired--and the chained missile flies true, hitting the Vengeance on the starboard side of its aft. (OOC: 11hpd; 1 st.pt.dam.) The hammership now has a lock on the dreadnought.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 145 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; the Imperial ship seems to not have noticed the Sword--or else not have deemed your ship as much of a threat. Your ship's ballista hit the Imperial ship with a solid shot and now has a chain in place to help with boarding after the two ships resolve the ramming action, which is now four rounds away.

Walker  d20+2=18
Friday September 19th, 2003 10:16:18 AM

Walker recognizes the legendary magic crossbow called Spitfire.

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+6=9 d20+3=11
Friday September 19th, 2003 11:08:40 AM

Spotting the Jack in dire trouble, Ashira directs her archers to switch targets again. "Switch targets...wasps!" Ashira releases her arrows in rapid succession, but forgets to adjust the change in range and watches as her arrows plumet prematurely.

Friday September 19th, 2003 4:44:33 PM

Appolo seeing the chain firmly lodged into the Vengence,he comes up with a plan. Appolo grabs Ari a and shakes him"Ari I need a climbing spell someting to help me use the chain to cross to the Vengence now befor they notice us. Can you help me!!" He then looks around for Rigging"Rigging I'm crossing over via the chain and hopefully you can follow!! I want to be in position before they take notice of the Sword."
he then rechecks his gear weapons,thieaves tools rope grappling hook.

Valanthe  d20+8=11 d20+3=21 d20=6
Friday September 19th, 2003 10:45:22 PM

Valanthe turns her attention away from the ship and lets two arrows fly at the Dire Wasps.

Rigging invisible, mage armor  d20+4=24 d20+4=15
Friday September 19th, 2003 11:19:11 PM

Rigging is amazed as he watches the different actions of everyone. When he sees the clerics gather he will yell, "Redux, Fireball centered on the clerics in the forecastle! Now!"

He notices the shots and immediately knows what is coming. "Captain! There is gonna be some serious fireworks in the middle of that ship in a few seconds. Make sure we hit in the rear or we might get caught in it!"

"Apollo, Wait to we ram. The ship is moving faster than you can climb and you will end up in the water or worse crushed between the ships."

"Walker, do you have any bless spells you can cast on the crew?"

"Ari, Where is my warp wood spell!? That ship has metal plating on it and I want it out of the way!"

Rigging also sees the summoning and yells, Archers, One shot at those beasts!"

Rigging is so caught up in giving commands he has no time to make any actions for himself but keeps using Wayfinder to study the situation."

OOC 24 intelligence roll to understand crossbow, 15 to understand summoning. Sorry I missed a post but hurricane's eye past right over my head yesterday. No power"

Redux  d20+2=14 d20+8=21 7d6(4+5+2+4+2+6+4)=27
Saturday September 20th, 2003 12:06:56 AM

The nature of the weapon and the intent of it's user elude Redux, though, once the fireballs go off, he is sure to remember the lesson (finding them such a lovely weapon). Being able to witness the spellcasters, however, gives him an edge and hones in on what they are doing. Focusing on their location, he casts his 7 hd (and last) fireball for 27 pts of dmg.

Walker , bull strength 
Saturday September 20th, 2003 7:51:13 AM

Per Rigging's request Walker will cast Bless this round.

DM Donna 
Saturday September 20th, 2003 4:49:31 PM

Waiting for Ari to post what he does.

Ari  d20+4=8 d20+4=5
Sunday September 21st, 2003 10:37:23 PM

(ooc apologies, out for two football games yesterday, bells today, and computer troubleshooting.)

Stopping briefly between spells, "I do not have warp wood available. Sorry Rigging."

Responding to Apollo, "I do not have spider climb memorized right now" (ooc at least I don't think so. I don't have access to my character sheet. Donna can you double check).

Hearing the call for the Jack, Ari whips out his bow and fires off two shots. (if in range.) Due to the disraction of coming out of spell casting, Ari's shots aren't that precise and they miss by a long shot.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 4 (DM Donna)  d20+5=13 6d6(6+4+3+6+3+1)=23 d20+10=11 d20+10=29 6d6(2+3+1+6+1+2)=15 d20+5=18 6d6(6+6+5+2+6+6)=31 d20+17=18 d20=18 d20=8 d20=11 d20=11
Monday September 22nd, 2003 3:01:45 AM

(OOC: Everyone can be considered Blessed as per this round; please remember to post your AC, Normal HP/Battle HP, and Spells In Place when posting for your character.)

Out of all the arrows fired by the Wild Cards, only one of Val's actually hits a Fiendish Dire Wasp.

Redux lets fly his final Fireball spell; the evil clerics are so absorbed in the second summoning spell they are attempting that they don't notice it until it's too late; each of them suffers 27hpd; the Imperial ship suffers another 2 st.pt.damage.

Off the Sword's starboard bow, there is a sizzle and a flash--a spell caster somewhere has cast Lightning Bolt--but not at the Sword herself...it is the Cup that gets hit, suffering another 23hpd & 2 st.pt.dam. The smell of ozone is heavy in the smoky air, however, an olfactory reminder of the hammership's close call.

The clerics aboard the dreadnought are scattered and too shaken to resume casting this round.

The archers of the Sword take aim and loose their single fullisade at the Wasps threatening The Jack. The majority of them hit the summoned creatures for 15hpd.

Archers from the Stiletto also target the flying horrors that threaten The Jack; their shots hit and do another 31hpd to the giant insects. Two of the wasps are now gone.

Aboard the Pigsticker, The Jack draws his cutlass, barking out some orders and giving a rallying whoop that can be heard by the crews of all three PoJ ships now engaging the Vengeance. The heartening confirmation that your ultimate leader is still hale and hearty adds a +2 morale bonus to everyone's combat rolls for as long as The Jack remains actively fighting. (OOC: please remember to add this to your hit & damage rolls until further notice.)

The Pigsticker's own archers add their missiles to those of her sister ships in attempting to get rid of the Wasps; most of their shots miss, in spite of The Jack's rallying cry.

On the deck of The Jack's flagship, however, can be seen a female figure dressed in red and white: it's Rushcant. She casts a spell, targeting the remaining Wasps (roll a Knowledge Arcana check vs. DC18 to recognize the Deep Slumber spell). Three of the giant Wasps fall to the water, asleep. Only one threatens The Jack now.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 105 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; you have 3 rounds until impact; 2 rounds until the ballista is reloaded; 2 rounds until the catapults may fire.

(OOC: I will post again at about 5pm or so Eastern time, as this particular post was one I had been anticipating to make on Saturday, and so doesn't count as the "Monday" post for me;
I also realized something important--the fore catapult will be able to fire into the dreadnought after all--the Imperial ship is over 600 feet long, and there will be nothing impeding the hammership's aim. HOWEVER, the aft catapult cannot fire at the dreadnought since its own mast will be in the way, fouling the shot.)

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+9=25 d20+6=21 d8+5=8 d8+5=6
Monday September 22nd, 2003 9:05:19 AM

"Take down the last wasp!" Ashira belows at her archers. Rallying under Walker's blessing and the Jack's war cry, Ashira takes aim at the beast and once more feels Alemi's strength flowing through her. She smiles with satisfaction as both arrows lodge into the wasp's body (AC 25 and 21 for 14 combined damage).

Walker, Ac 18, Bull Strength, Bless 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 9:12:10 AM

Walker will cast Shield of Faith.

Monday September 22nd, 2003 2:22:23 PM

Bart is stiil working at the front balista. He asks for the archers to ready a bow and some arrows for him.

Ari AC 21 50 hps BS +4, CG +1, Hasted, The Jack's bonus 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 3:23:49 PM

Confident the Jack is temporarily out of danger, Ari continues on his casting and casts haste on himself.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 4:32:37 PM

A triumphant smile sets on Redux's face as he sees that he has disrupted the spells of the sizzled clerics. The battle is brought home to Redux as the lightening bolts crackles by. "Hmmmm...time for a change in tactics." Redux mumbles to himself as he removes a Mage Armor potion from his belt and drinks it down. He then begins rummaging in his backpack for his wand of Bull's Strength. "Anybody need Bull's Strength? he shouts out to the Wildcards as a group.

Ashira (AC20, HP71) 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 4:34:14 PM

At Redux's offer of spellcasting, Ashira shouts out to the mage "Redux, I would like to be strengthened...get Val and Bart too. Appolo if he'd like it."

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 20, Blessed)  d20+12=21 d20+7=23 d8=8 d8=7
Monday September 22nd, 2003 10:06:46 PM

"I'll take one Redux. It will come in hand once we board the Vengeance." Valanthe says as she fires off two more shots at that last wasp.

[hit ac 21 for 8]
[hit ac 23 for 7]

Rigging, hps 52, ac 18 invisible, blessed, mage armor 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 11:17:09 PM

Rigging yells to the crew, "Boarding party forward, ready your weapons, all missiles concentrate on the area that we will be impacting and boarding. Look and take down any snipers in the rigging."

Rigging will then concentrate on the Nautocolous summoning the winds to speed the boat along as fast as possible.

Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 2:29:46 AM

Bart hears redux shouting, "over here Redux" he shouts back

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 5 (DM Donna)  d20+12=31 6d6(3+6+6+4+4+5)=28 d20+5=21 d20+5=22 d20+5=6 d20+5=19 3d6(3+4+3)=10 3d6(3+1+3)=7 3d6(6+1+5)=12 3d6(5+1+1)=7 d100=80 d20=19 d20=2
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 7:08:39 AM

(OOC: So much for trying to sneak in an extra post. Oh, well--prepare to die. ;D)

Ashira and her archers as well as Val fire upon the last Fiendish Dire Wasp, killing it just as it dives at The Jack for a deadly sting! The Jack turns and gives his saviors a cheeky salute before leaping onto the rigging and sliding down to the deck.

Walker now has Shield of Faith as well as all his other spells in place.

Bart finds a bow and arrows laid out for him within easy reach.

Ari is now Hasted.

Redux offers Bull's Strength to those who don't have it yet.

Rigging readies his boarding party and continues to help the ship along.

There is a horribly familiar screaming sound whistling through the air--some surrounding Imperial ships on the far side of the Vengeance are attempting to fire their catapults at the Pigsticker, the Stiletto and the Sword of the Sea!

"INCOMING!" screams Rushcant.

Two missiles strike the Pigsticker for 14st.pt.dam.; one missile crashes into the water between The Jack's ship and the hammership, and the fourth missile hits the Stiletto for 12 st.pt.dam., shattering its main mast...as well as likely killing the three sailors that had been in its rigging, attempting to get into sniper positions against the Vengeance. The remains of the mast and the men fall into the churning, blood-bespattered waves.

Suddenly several of the crew of the Sword start to take swings at their fellow sailors! Everyone in the party must roll a Will save versus DC18. Failing means you have been successfully Confused by some of the mage/clerics aboard the Imperial ship and will attack the person closest to you for the next 8 rounds (for the sake of brevity, each party member is considered to be standing closest to an NPC sailor). Those who save may roll a Spot check versus DC20 to see where the spellcasters are aboard the ship.

"Stand down, there! STAND DOWN!" Hawley (who made his saving throw) bellows at the brawling pirates, to no avail. Magic is at work, and will either have to be countered or allowed to run its course.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 65 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; you have 2 rounds until impact; 1 round until the ballista is reloaded; 1 round until the catapults may fire. The hammership also has a problem in that about 1/3 of the crew (18 people) failed their Will Save versus the Confusion spell.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Sheild of faith, Bless  d20+8=20 d20+10=27 d20+10=11
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 8:40:22 AM

Walker feels a momentary disorientation as he shrugs off the spell effects (will 20). He quickly spots the enemy spellcasters (spot 27).
If any of the confused crew are near he will smak them with the flat of his blade to knock them out (hit ac 11). Then he will move forward to boarding positions.

Ari AC 21 50 hps BS +4, CG +1, shield, The Jack's bonus  d20+7=10 d20+7=21 d20+3=8
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 12:57:41 PM

(ooc Donna. I mixed up characters. Ari does not have haste, it was shield he was trying to cast)

Ari's eyes start to wax as the effects of the spell begin to take place. Realizing what's about to take place Ari shouts into his mind NOOOOOO

(hero point used)

Shaking off the effects of the spell, Ari looks around for the source of the spell. Not able to recognize where the spell casters are, Ari pulls out his wand of dispel magic. (lvl 12 with 10 charges).

(Can you use area dispel and only target the confusion spell? If you can Ari will figure out the best placement for the 30 foot dispel circle. If not he'll start picking targets)

Ashira (AC20, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus--------Confused  d20+8=14
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 1:28:12 PM

Ashira is just preparing to begin her next volley of arrows when her eyes bolt in disbelief (Will=14)! Somehow the enemy has managed to board the Sword and there is an Aisildurian sailor standing right next to her where an archer had stood moments before! The half-elf drops her bow quickly and begins unsheathing her swords in preparation to attack her enemy. "The enemy has boarded, repel the invaders!" the confused paladin shouts to her archers.

Rigging AC 19, mage armor, bless, invisible, jacks bonus  d20+7=22
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 9:37:29 PM

Rigging checks around him and notices the confusion. He sees Ari pulling out his wand and breaths a sigh of relief. "Ari concentrate on ship's officers and wild cards first! They can do the most damage!"

Rigging then casts a protection from arrows spell on himself

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 20, Blessed, Bull Strength)  d20+8=23 d20+4=20 d20+12=27 d20+7=8 d8=3
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 9:42:29 PM

Valanthe hears Ashira's shouts of alarm and whirls to see an enemy force of zero. "Ashira what are you talking about? There aren't any enemy's on . . ." Valanthe stops speaking as she sees the enemy spellcasters.

"Very clever." Valanthe says to herself as she fires two arrows off at the spellcasters. After the arrows are away Val drops her bow and quiver. There are only a few moments before they are able to board. A few moments is all she needs.

[hit ac 27 for 3 and missed ac 8]

ooc: will save 23, spot check 20. What is the bull strength bonus?

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+9=26 d20+8=11 d20+6=9 d20+8=16 7d20(14+16+17+19+9+18+17)=110 7d6(1+5+5+4+2+5+4)=26
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 10:02:47 PM

Redux makes his save, however Talon doesn't. The bird takes to the air and begins to dive and swoop at those around him. The silly bird is too confused to hit anything nearby, but a few feathers do swirl about. Redux looks across the ship but doesn't spot where the confusion blast came from. He frowns at those around him, recognizing that Bull Strength would only make matters worse here on the ship. Looking down the deck of the Vengeance, Redux casts Lightning Bolt, directing it to run across 100 feet of the deck (more if the ship gets closer as he casts, he'll wait till the last possible second this turn to release the strike) for 26 pts of dmg (ignore the 7d20 roll--that would have been soooo cool :) ).

Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 10:04:28 PM

(ooc Sorry Val, i was writing and didn't see you had posted. i'll tag you the next round)

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36  d20+6=23
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 5:13:05 AM

Appolo shakes off the efects of the spell and move over to Rdux"He buddy you happen to have
anything that canhelp me get abord the enemies ship with out being noticed would ya?"He says as he easily sidsteps a couple posessed sailors.
Will save 23

Wednesday September 24th, 2003 1:03:41 PM

Bart is still helping to ready the catapult

ADM Nellie 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 8:19:11 AM

Okay folks....ya'll should have gotten the email by now that Donna's system is down. :( I'm gonna take over for a little while. I will post today as soon as I get a copy of the module. Hang tight until then. I will post again today if everyone can make your post before say 10 pm EST so that the game doesn't drag. If not, we'll try for tomorrow.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 6 (ADM Nellie)  d6=6 d20+5=15 d20+1=19 3d8(2+5+3)+8=18 d2=2 d2=1 d2=2 d2=1 d2=2 d2=1 6d6(1+5+1+6+5+2)=20 6d6(2+3+2+3+5+4)=19 6d6(5+5+6+1+1+5)=23 d20+1=3
Thursday September 25th, 2003 11:17:13 AM

Mayhem rules aboard the Sword as a third of the crew begins brawling with one another. Captain Hawley turns an unnatural shade of red and the veins on his forehead begin sticking out as he vainly attempts to restore order on his ship. "Of all the bloody blazin times to start a fist fight! Screw your heads on tight and prepare to board that ship!!!!!!" Hawley begins screaming for the ship's mage to restore order, but the poor gnome is currently busy trying to control the massive sharks which are propelling the Sword toward the Vengence.

Walker does the best he can not to damage the crew, but not allowing the mayhem to get out of control. A raging cabin boy emerges from the galley with a frying pan...intent on attacking the first mate. Acting quickly, Walker takes the lad down with little effort.

Ari pulls out his wand and looks around for the best place to begin dispelling the magiced crew (According to the PHB 223 you may cast an area dispel with a radius of 30 feet. You may not specifically try and dispel ONLY the confusion, but since magical equipment isn't effected and the only other spell cast was bless...this looks like Ari's best option. Roll d20+12, must succeed vs. DC 16 to dispel the confusion in an area. I'll let you know about the Bless later.) About this time, Ashira begins shouting something about Aisildurian sailors being on the ship. She draws her swords and begins to move menacingly toward the nearest archer. Shocked, the small man drops his bow and raises his arms in a defensive manner as the crazed paladin begins to stalk him.

The loss of their leader seems to take some steam out of the archers until they see Val pincushion one of the spellcasters on the Vengence. Following suit, they take aim in the same general direction, but failing to have pinpointed the spellcasters, their arrows cut down a few nearby sailors.

Rigging, Bart, and Appolo each find their own ways to prepare for the upcoming combat as Redux throws his lightening bolt. With a blinding flash of light and a deafening crack, the bolt hits the back half of the Vengence. An ominous creaking sound is emitted as a large crack begins to form on one of the juggernaut's masts. Amazingly, Redux's bolt has also managed to hit all six of the clerics who had dispersed themselves among the crew in a vain attempt to escape from the rampant mage in the black robes. Managing to dodge out of the direct path of the bolt (Made Reflex, only take 1/2 dam), the clerics are definitely looking worse for the wear as their burnt and sizzling cloths can attest. Val and Walker watch as they begin muttering moving their hands in a manner which leaves no doubt that they are casting spells once again. The burnt skin on their bodies fade to a light pink and the clerics once again try to hide themselves among the crew of the Aisildurian ship (Spot DC 20 to find them again).

Meanwhile, Redux's crazed owl begins to peck at the heads of some of the men manning the ballistae. They bat at the circling bird above their heads in annoyance, but can't touch the pesky avian.

And then you hear it....the sound of the Jack's delayed fireball's exploding on the Vengence! Three brilliant flashes of blinding light wash over you like a wave feeling like a stifling breeze on a summer day. The smell of burning flesh fills the air, and when your eyes finally adjust you see that three massive fires have erupted on the deck of the Vengence! Those who make their spot checks also notice three of the clerics are now busy doing the "Stop, drop, and roll"!

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 25 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; you have 1 rounds until impact; the ballista and catapults are loaded and may fire.

Ari  d20+12=17 d20+12=24
Thursday September 25th, 2003 2:10:45 PM

Concern flashing across his face, Ari pays no heed to any action outside of his ship.

Doing his best to place his dispel in the best places, Ari quickly dispels the confusion effects. (17 for last round, 24 for next round)

(ooc let me know when he has most of the crew covered, otherwise will keep dispelling. BTW no e-mail as of yet)

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith  d20+10=24
Thursday September 25th, 2003 4:25:38 PM

Walker keeps sight of the enemy clerics (spot 24). He casts Shield of Faith on himself (+2 Ac).

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 6:20:22 PM

The half-elf shakes her head in confusion as Ari's dispel magic takes affect. Slowly she lowers her swords as a blush colors her cheeks. "Sorry mate!" she says to the short man before returning to the archer area. Reaching in her pack, Ashira pulls out a Barkskin potion and drinks it down...knowing that all too soon they will be immersed in combat. "Brace for impact. Prepare to board!" she shouts to her archers.

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 20, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus) 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 9:19:24 PM

Valanthe looks around at the destruction the Aisildurian navy is inflicting. Valanthe draws her sword and lets loose a primal scream signifying the release of her rage.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+7=17
Thursday September 25th, 2003 10:13:40 PM

Things move fast and Redux loses the Clerics in crowd. He remembers his promise and he taps Val with his Bull's Strength wand, giving her a +4 strength to her rage. "Hold on Appolo, I'll tap you before you board."

Rigging AC 19 Hps 50 invisible, mage armor, Jack inspiration, 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 10:43:36 PM

Rigging will use Nautaoculus to speed the Sword forward,"Before they make contact he will stow the artifact away and grab something to hang on too. " Fire the balastia, fire catapult! Brace for impact! Prepare to board!" Then Rigging hangs on.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 7 (DM Donna)  d20+12=15 d20+12=32 3d6(6+1+1)=8 3d6(4+6+1)=11 3d6(6+3+1)=10 d20+17=30 3d6(5+5+4)=14 d20+12=27 4d10(6+9+4+1)=19
Friday September 26th, 2003 7:18:18 AM

"All hands--brace for impact...!" Hawley screams at the top of his lungs.

Ari's well-aimed and timely use of his wand dispels the effects of the Confusion from everyone on deck.

Walker sees a female cleric who looks particularly determined heal herself of all damage that she's taken so far. If Rigging described the cleric who'd turned his astral self away, Walker will logically assume that she is the cleric that Rigging saw via Wayfinder.

Ashira shakes off the Confusion (again thanks to Ari's wand) and braces for impact with the back end of the dreadnought, along with her corps of archers.

Val prepares for hand-to-hand fighting and is boosted by Redux's wand of Bull Strength.

Rigging's orders for the ballista and the fore catapult are followed through: the ballista's giant bolt tears through the wall of a topside cabin, causing 8hpd. The fore catapult fires, its flaming missile joining the tail end of the blazing mess amidships of the dreadnought, adding a total of 21st.pt.damage. The armored ship shudders with the incredibly accurate shot! The very middle of the top cabins of the Imperial ship are very much ablaze (flames are approximately 150 ft. long by 60 ft. wide by about 30 feet or so high from the very center of the ship.)

The hammership's sister ships are busy reloading their own catapults, but the Pigsticker fires off its own ballista...adding 14hpd and snagging the Vengeance with its own chain to help in boarding the vessel. Once more the flamboyant Jack scrambles nimbly up the rigging of his ship's tallest mast.

"Prepare t'board! Prepare t'board!" crows the leader of the Pirates of Jack for all to hear.

The clerics that had cast the summoning spells are now busy healing themselves of their damage.

"IMPACT IN 5...4...3...2...1..!" Hawley'a voice counts off the seconds as the back of the Imperial ship looms ever larger, ever closer...

CRASH!!! (OOC: impact damage to Imperial ship is 19 st.pt.)

The hammership is wrenched violently because of the sudden stop. Only Rigging stated that he braced himself for impact, so everyone else in the party must roll a Strength check versus DC15. Failing means your PC didn't grab onto anything solid in time, and thus you have to roll a Reflex Save to keep from being knocked off your feet and suffering embarrassment, 3hpd, and taking a partial action to get back to your feet before you can do anything else.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now solidly wedged into the back of the Vengeance; people who are on their feet may climb onto the Imperial ship by making a successful Climb check versus DC15. Success means you take one round to climb up and onto the deck of the dreadnought (it's a bit taller besides being longer than the hammership). Failure means your PC rolls a d100--33 or less means the PC has fallen into the sea. 34 or more means the PC fell back onto the hammership. The ballista will be reloaded in 3 rounds; the fore catapult will be reloaded in 6 rounds. The Aft catapult is ready to fire, but it needs an Imperial target within its range...and there are none so far.

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's bonus)  d20+3=20 d20+3=7 d20+3=19
Friday September 26th, 2003 8:03:12 AM

Glad to see that the effects of the spell has been countered, Ari quickly grabs a hold of the rails as the ships collides with the enemy. (Strength=20)

Once the ship hits, Ari decides he wants to get a vantage point from which he can fire his bow. Climbing up into the Rigging, or onto the Vengence (whichever is faster). Ari begins to slide as he begins to climb into position (climb=7). Quickly regrasping, Ari gets a better grip on things, before he can fall (hero point used, climb=19). Ari places himself in such a way that he can give covering fire over the Vengence.

(ooc Donna I didn't realize that all stat enhancements BS, CG etc, are all flat +4 in 3.5. So I've adjusted AC and such accordingly. I can give you a character sheet just for the current battle.

Also, do characters get a synergy bonus from Profession Sailor? Since Ramming tactics could be a part of the profession?

Is Bless still in effect? Nellie didn't get a chance to deal with that.)

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin  d20+2=5 d20+8=28
Friday September 26th, 2003 9:07:29 AM

Even though she isn't able to grab onto anything before impact (Str=5), Ashira barely notices the lurching (Ref=28). Sheathing her swords, she pulls her Slippers of Spider Climb out of her backpack, puts them on. Then she tries to capture Redux's attention. "Hey, I could use a tap from that wand!"

Rigging AC 19 HPs 50 Invisible, mage armor, bless, protection from arrows, jacks inspiration +2 
Friday September 26th, 2003 9:39:01 AM

Rigging will run over to the boarding party, while pulling out his seal of quickness. When he gets to the group, he will break it and then grab Apollo's arm saying, "Apollo It's Rigging. Let's do some hunting. I have my slippers of spider climb on. I will help you quickly up the wall. He will then really quickly climb up the wall of the Vengence towing Apollo.

OOC seal of quickness is a seal when broken, gives everyone in the party a base speed of 100' for one round. It pays to say hello...have a couple more that might come in handy.

Apollo Ac21 Hp 36 Invisible, Bullstrength +5  d20+2=20 d20+6=20
Friday September 26th, 2003 10:19:45 AM

Appolo easily remains standing and replies to Rigging"Sure boss just as soon as Redux taps with his wand,I'll be ready for some good old low down backstabbin and throat cutting.Besides
I let let one get away last time and looks like she wants another turn on the dance floor.You know me never one to turn a lady down." He then turns to Redux"I'm ready for you to zap me anytime now." While waits he readies his gear checks his rope and grappling hook.Once Redux zaps him he will hand part of the rope to Rigging here we'll use this make, things easier.
Then move forward to climb up to the The Vengence.

Strenght check 20,Climb check 20 with rope.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  d20+5=17 d20+7=24 d20+15=21 2d6(3+1)+9=13 d6=6
Friday September 26th, 2003 10:44:41 AM

Walker uses the momentum from the impact to move forward (Str=17) and climbs up to the deck of the Vengeance(climb=24). If he has any move left (seal)he will move toward the cleric he spied earlier if he can do so without drawing any attacks (Aoo).Whatever else he will draw his sword and activate its flame. If he has enough time to attack anyone he will attack the cleric or whatever sailor gets in his way.[Hit ac21, dam:13 reg + 6 flame = 19 total]

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Friday September 26th, 2003 10:04:14 PM

Sensing the urgency, Redux taps Appolo for a +4 strength bonus."Just a second, Ashira, wasn't sure about you for a bit there. Let's let these two get over there with their invisibilty and get to the spell casters first. i don't think they like me much, so i'll stay behind a bit and cast some magic on myself after you leave." Calling after Appolo & Rigging, "Don't forget to activate your rings!"

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+8=21 d20+12=28
Sunday September 28th, 2003 10:17:59 PM

Valanthe grabs the railing with one hand and doesn't move as the two ships collide. Her breaths are deep and her gaze is locked on the deck of the Vengence. The desire to kill is almost overwhelming as Valanthe climbs up as fast as she can.

ooc: str check 21, climb check 28

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 8.5 (DM Donna) 
Monday September 29th, 2003 6:51:49 AM

Thanks to the quick thinking of Rigging, those party members who climbed aboard the Vengeance are now fast enough to take that action as though it were a five-foot-step.

In other words, some of you are entitled to attack the closest Imperial seamen.

People who may NOT attack: Bart (who didn't post and so I assume he's still with the fore catapult crew), Ashira (she's still aboard the Sword), Walker (who is drawing his sword and activating its flame), and Redux (who is also still on the hammership).

People who may attack: Ari, Rigging, Appolo, and Val.

The closest targets to any of those aboard (so far) are the regular crewmembers of the dreadnought, each of whom are armed with short swords.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Monday September 29th, 2003 10:13:38 AM

Noting Ashira's anticipation to get into the fight, Redux taps her with the Wand of Bull's Strength as soon as he is able to.

Bart  d20+3=16 d20+12=19 d10+7=16
Monday September 29th, 2003 2:05:41 PM

After the impact Bartr helps a few of the catapult crew on their feet and then readies himself to board the imperial ship he attacks the nearest enemy he sees (using spring attack feat hit ac 19 for 16)

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's bonus)  d20+10=15 d20+10=15 d8+5=13 d8+5=11
Monday September 29th, 2003 10:22:32 PM

Doing his best to let the other fighters get in front, Ari quickly scans the crowd and tries to find an archery target.

Picking his darkwood arrows from his quiver, Ari releases two arrows. (AC 15 and AC 15 for 13 and 11 points respectively)

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=29 d20+14=20 d6+10=11 d6+10=16
Monday September 29th, 2003 10:30:03 PM

Valanthe isn't sure why she moves so fast but only for a moment. Before she knows it, she's over the railing and driving her sword into the nearest enemy.

[hit ac 29 for 11 and hit ac 20 for 16]

Rigging, AC 19, HPs 50/50 invisible, mage armor, bless,protection from arrows, Jack's +2 
Monday September 29th, 2003 11:44:51 PM

Still holding onto Apollo's invisible arm, he will whisper, "Lets take down some priestess'. A double backstab will put a big crimp in her style. Then we fight back to back til our women pull our fat out of the fire." Rigging will keep a hand on Apollo's shoulder and start to move towards the priestess.

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin 
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 12:09:25 AM

Ashira thanks Redux quickly and then clamors over the side of the ship, anxious to join the others. She is amazed at the versatility of the slippers as she literally walks up the side of the enemy ship.

OOC Not sure about how the slippers work...if you don't need to use your hands to steady yourself. If not, then Ashira will draw her swords on the way up.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 9---ADM Nellie  d20+8=20 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=8 d20+5=13 d6=1 d20+5=10 d20+5=21 d20+5=8 d20+5=18 d20+5=22 d20+5=16 d6=4
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 10:58:03 AM

Please note that round 8.5 is a round and a partial round. Since they were not moving at the time the seal was activated, Redux, Ashira, and Bart are unable to perform an extra action this round. All those aboard the ship are only allowed to make one attack this round.----ADM Nellie

Most of the Wildcards lead the boarding party as they quickly clamor up the ship, and thanks to Rigging's seal, are able to make a surprise attack. Appolo (don't forget that Bull's Strength!) and Rigging opt for stealth, and keep moving toward the last known location of the priestess (Spot DC 20 to find a priest amid the plethora of sailors).

Valanthe is unable to constrain her rage any longer, and plants her sword into the nearest Aisildurian sailor. Grabbing his gut, the young man (goodness, he can't be that much older than the cabin boy on the Sword) stares at the beautiful deadly maiden as he grapples for his sword.

Ari hangs back a bit and then makes it to the top of the deck of the Vengenance. Finding more than a few choices of archery targets, he settles on a tall, gangly looking fellow with stringy hair about 50 feet away. His loosed arrow flies through the air and lodges itself firmly in the man's neck. The man quickly disappears in the sea of sailors, several of whom seem to have taken notice of Ari.

After tapping Appolo with the wand, Redux is unable to tap Ashira. The half-elf warrior waits impatiently to begin climbing aboard the enemy vessel.

Bart manages to keep his footing after the jarring impact and helps out a few of the other Pirates around him. He then heads over to the Vengenance and begins climbing aboard the vessel. Working slowly and steadily...hand over hand, Bart finds it no problem to board the vessel. Making it to the top, Bart surveys the massive battle in front of him. Unfortunately, he is unable to attack this round.

About 20 other crew members of the Sword begin climbing up the side of the ship. One particularly "well feed" Pirate looses his grip on the rope and goes plummeting into the depths of the waters below.

Meanwhile, on the Pigsticker....
Those of you not involved in hand to hand combat notice that Jack has managed to climb the rigging of the mainsail and is continuing his rallying cry. With a loud "Whoop" he grabs a rope and launches himself toward the Vengenance. He lets go of the rope while he is about 50 feet from the Vengenance. You watch expectantly, knowing that there is no way the Jack has enough lift to avoid the water between the two ships. Amazingly, though, the Jack is able to defy the pull of gravity and continues sailing through the air towards the enemy dreadnought. He tucks his feet into his chest and cannonball's into several nearby awestruck Aisildurian sailors on the Vengenance, bowling them over. Waiting until the last second to unfold his legs, the portly leader of the Pirates pulls off a feat that seems physically impossible, and lands with precision and grace right in the middle of the enemy ship! He smiles roguishly as he brandishes his scimitar in a stage bow!

Noting the arrival of the newcomers, several sailors move to intercept Valanthe, Ari, and Bart.

Val finds herself with a welcome party of four sailors who quickly surround the maiden...including the young man she speared last round. The lad somehow works up enough energy to attack the feriocious barbarian in front of him and his sword slices through her armor, cutting a tiny gash in her side (1 hp dam).

Ari and Bart are likewise quickly surrounded. Ari's opponents have a rougher time of it, and not a single blow manages to touch the young man, though one comes very close, bouncing off the invisible shield surrounding Ari.

Being closest to the area of impact between the two ships, many of the sailors around Bart are trying to make their way to their feet. Three lucky (or unlucky as the case will be!) Aisildurians take up positions to block the stocky fighter, lashing out at Bart with their shortswords. A particularly well groomed sailor takes advantage of his partner's ill timed blows and slices into Bart's leg with his sword (4hp dam). Bart, please include your AC, HP and any spells affecting Bart in the post name. Thanks!----Nellie

Those not involved in hand to hand combat who have managed to spot the clerics notice that they once more seems to be casting spells....though at this distance it is extremely difficult to tell which type of spell (Spellcraft check DC 15 to recognize it as a Evocation spell). Ominously, there are no explosions, lightening bolts, or any other physical manifestation of the spell.

I am going to rule that the bless is still in effect for those who had magic dispelled on them, since the Confusion spell was a higher level spell and was dispelled first.---ADM Nellie

Rigging Hps 50/50 AC 19, mage armor, bless, Jacks +2, invisible, protection from arrows  d20+10=30 d20+10=27 d6+3=6 2d6(3+3)=6 2d4(3+3)+3=9 2d6(5+1)=6 2d6(3+6)=9
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 1:51:56 PM

Rigging calmly walks up and to the female priestess that he has seen before and backstabs her twice with rapier and holydagger. As he probes her vitals, he will whisper in her ear, "You should have stayed away friend...Now you can sit on Ga'al's own lap.

OOC ok made a couple of mistakes while rolling. First off should have been plus 9 not 10. Didn't bother rolling for critical hit because it was a back stab. Second mistake was I should have rolled 1d4+3 of damage for holydagger not 2d4. First hit does 12 points of damage, second holy dagger does 21 points of damage for a total of 33 points.

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 4:49:31 PM

Ok....that was my bad. I didn't give you a perspective. This ship is 600 feet long...and just crawling with Aisildurian soldiers. There are tons of distractions (fires, archers, etc.). Thus the Spot DC 20 each round to find the priests. The nearest 3 priests (unfortunately not the chick Rigging was hoping for)are 55 feet from the spot where the party landed on the ship. The other 3 priests are approximately 250 feet away. Rigging, I fully realize this might change your post. Please feel free to write a different post and you may keep your rolls for when you do encounter that pesky little chick!

Walker, Ac 20, Hp 73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  d20+10=30 d20+17=30 2d6(4+3)+9=16 d6=4
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 5:33:32 PM

Walker will make a normal move towards the priests [spot 30]while doing his best to aviod provoking any Aoo. He will angle his last steps to be within reach of an officer or sailor and swing at them. [hit ac 30, dam 20=16 base + 4 fire]

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=33 d20+14=31 d6+10=15 d6+10=12
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 6:47:06 PM

Valanthe eyes the sailors with the eyes of a predator. She growls before letting out a primal scream. Without thinking her sword tears into the sailors.

[hit ac 33 for 15 and ac 31 for 12]

Rigging AC 19 hps 50/50 Invisible, mage armor, bless, protection from armor, Jack's +2  d20+8=25
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 11:58:12 PM

Rigging spots some of the priest that are closer. He will tug on Apollo's arm and say, "Priests buy the third mast. Let's go cause some damage. I will take the tallest one. You pick one of the others. We need to put them down fast." Rigging will use his movement to avoid running into combatants and close on the priests. He will jog if nessecary but he wants to be able to attack next round.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 7:54:35 AM

Frustrated at the time all the preparations are taking, Redux finally manages to tap Ashira with the Bull's Strength wand and wishes her good luck.

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 7:57:12 AM

Moving as quickly as she can with great anticipation, Ashira climbs up the side of the ship. Anxious to get in the fight, Ashira takes a double move in an attempt to get topside.

Bart (Ac24 hp 50) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+12=21 d20+7=19 d10+7=11 d10+7=10
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 2:52:39 PM

Bart attacks his opponent with his bastardsowrd in both of his hands (hit Ac 24/22 for 13+12). If he feels and sees that he can hit his opponent easily he will use more in his next blows, giving up some accuracy.
(can you give me some info on that so bart can use his power attack feat)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 10---ADM Nellie  d20+11=22 d20+11=14 d20+11=12 d8+2=10 d20+5=7 d20+5=15 d20+5=16 d20+5=20 d6=5 d20+5=10 d20+5=11 d20+5=6 d20+5=18 d20+5=17 d20+5=14 d20+5=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=9 d6=2 d6=3 d20+5=7 d20+5=24 d20+5=20 d20+5=14 d20+5=9 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d6=5 d20+5=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=17 d6=5 d6=3 d6=3
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 4:14:36 PM

Somehow managing to avoid the notice of the Aisildurian sailors, Walker moves further onto the ship. He hacks down a sailor who gets in his way and is beginning to approach the position of the priests. His keen eyes notice that the officers seem to be congregated on the other end of the ship about 400 feet away from his present location. Finally taking note of Walker, four sailors emerge from the crowd to surround the cleric. One of the sailors attacks manages to connect and Walker takes 5 hp of damage from the man's sword.

Val continues to rage against the poor souls who press in around her, killing the young man she injured before and his partner to the right. The other two sailors gasp at the killing prowess of their opponent. Clearly unnerved, both of the remaining sailors attacks miss Val by a mile. Oddly enough, none of the plethora of surrounding Aisildurian soldiers seem in any hurry to engage the elven warrior!

Deciding to take out the biggest source of trouble first, Rigging and Appolo press forward, dodging and weaving around the sailors that swarm around them. A strange thing happens as the two Wildcards approach the priests. Rigging notices that when they get within about 40 feet of the nearest priest, Appolo suddenly becomes visible!!!! Oddly enough, Appolo notices the same thing about Rigging!!!!!! All of the rest of the Wildcards notice that both Rigging and Appolo suddenly become visible. Not a few Aisildurian sailors notice the appearance of the two strangers also! Both Rigging and Appolo find themselves within 5 feet of the priests.

A wicked smile forms on the tallest priests face as he notes the sudden appearance of Rigging and Appolo. "Well, well, well...we were wondering when you would show up! Certainly took your time, didn't you. No matter...you won't be a bother much longer!" All three of the priest begin to cast spells. A large, glowing battleaxe appear on the right side of each of the priests. Two of the axes float toward Rigging, and one floats toward Appolo. The axes swing themselves at their targets, but only one of the attacks aimed at Rigging manages to connect, doing him 10hp of damage. The axe threatening Appolo misses its attack by a mile. After casting their spells, the priests move further away from Appolo and Rigging (they are now approx. 35 feet away. Several Aisildurian sailors swarm forward and surround Appolo and Rigging. All of the sailors attacking Appolo time their blows clumsily and are unable to connect. Two of Rigging's opponents, however manage to cut through his defenses, inflicting a total of 5 hp of damage on the Wildcard's leader.

Not expecting the sailors to surround him so quickly, Ari takes up a defensive posture, weighing his options. One of the sailors attacking him manages to connect this round, inflicting 5 hp of damage.

Bart slices into two of the sailors that surround him, easily taking their lives (AC 14 for the sailors). The sole sailor opposing Bart times his blow poorly and smack the deck with his blade.

Finally able to empower Ashira, Redux taps her with his wand, and her muscles immediately bulk up under her armor. Swords in hand, she begins to climb up the side of the ship. Finding it absolutely no problem to skitter up the side of the ship, Ashira notices something very strange during her ascent. She begins to see lots of movement in the waters below her. At first thinking that it is just a few unlucky sailors who have been thrown overboard, Ashira thinks sets the vision aside. However, she glances down over her shoulder as she continues to climb and this time she makes out the distinctive forms of sahuagin!!!!!!! Hordes of them are emerging from the blood stained waters below and are beginning to climb up the sides of all of the ships...by the looks of it, they be on top of the ships in another two rounds or so. Ashira reaches the top of the Vengeance and begins to sound the alarm at the top of her lungs. "Sahuagin climbing from below!!!!" Three sailors rush from the fray and engage Ashira as she reaches the deck. In an amazing show of swordsmanship, all three of Ashira's opponents connect with the well armored paladin, inflicting a total of 11 hp of damage!

Meanwhile, in the middle of the ship, the Jack begins to beat back the swell of sailors who begin to pack in around him. Waves of Aisildurian's fall as the Jack sweeps his sword back and forth. He is now beginning to beat a path toward the officers of the Vengeance as easily as though he were slicing through vegetation. Hooting and hollering at the sight of their leader pressing the battle, the few common Pirates who boarded with the Wildcards last round begin surging forward, and the din of sword against sword is almost deafening.

In the meantime, several of the horde of Aisildurian sailors take note of the vulnerable position of the Sword. Arming themselves with grappling hooks, the sailors place them over the railing and begin lowering themselves toward the Sword! Noting the action, Captain Hawley orders the ships mage to move the Sword out of harms way. The large sharks propelling the ship do their best to seperate the two ships, and the Sword soon moves out of boarding range, leaving the poor Aisildurian soldiers literally hanging by a thread over the side of the Vengeance!

Walker, Ac 25, Hp 68, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus, Expertise  d20+12=23 2d6(6+4)+9=19 d6=5
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 4:41:07 PM

Walker moves forward whirling his sword in a defensive arc around himself. He smashes down the sailor firectly in his path and tries to move 30 feet closer to the priests. Now that he is about Garguls business, mist flows from under his clock as he moves forward.
[hit Ac 23, dam 19 base + 5 flame = 24 total]

Appolo Ac:21 Hp:36 Bless+1,Jack's+2,Bulls Strenght +4  d20+12=18
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 4:56:21 PM

Appolo goes completely defensive and indtead of engaging the sailoirs he ducks low and tumbles through them pursuing his quarry and is not really surprised that his ring failed.He expected it it to.He comes up looking at the priests"I was wondering have you seen a certian priestss,she's from the former Pride of G'aal.You sees she kind of ran out on me.Never finished our dance,didn't even give me a name you know.I think she owes me one."

Tumble role 18,run feet to close with priests.

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's bonus  d20+10=18 d20+10=16 d8+5=10 d8+5=6
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 8:29:53 PM

Noting that the sailers of the Vengence are the most experienced of fighters. Ari fires a shot at the sailor between him and the priests. (Point Blank)(AC 19 (forgot +1 for point blank) AC 17 for 10 and 6 point if they hit). If the sailor drops, the second arrow will be for priest 2.

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=27 d20+14=28 d6+10=16 d6+10=14
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 10:22:52 PM

Discouraged by her weak opponents, Valanthe screams at them again before turning and running over to P2. Consumed by her rage Val uses no particular stratedgy other that put sword through priest.

ooc: 40' base move to get to P2. Val hit Ac 27 for 16 and Ac 28 for 14.

Ashira (AC23, HP60/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 10:34:45 PM

Spotting Rigging and Appolo in trouble, Ashira passes up the opportunity to attack some of Aisildur's finest, and squeezes past the sailor in front of and to the left of her, drawing attacks of opportunity from them. She then skirts around the soldiers surrounding Ari and those hemming in Rigging. Making a double move places her about 5 feet from one of the priests, and 10 feet from the soldier on Rigging's right. As she watches the combat around her, Ashira decides that it would probably be best to concentrate on the priests, since Rigging doesn't seem particularly threatened by the sailors.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 11:06:31 PM

Redux casts Improved Invisibility on himself as he watches the two ships part. He's somewhat taken aback by the news that those smelly sahuagin are about to try boarding.

Rigging ac 19, hps 35/50 bless, invisible, jacks +2 , mage armor, protection from arrows(ADM Nellie)  d20+6=11 d20+6=19 d20+11=18 d6+3=9
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 2:55:26 PM

Like Appolo, Rigging is not surprised by the ineffectiveness of the invisibility rings. Wincing under the combination of the blows, Rigging calls out to the group. "Don't get distracted by the sailors! Focus on the priests!" Rigging tumbles past the two sailors in front of him, deftly dodging one, but drawing an attack from the other. Continuing forward, Rigging engages with P2, attacking with his rapier (AC18 for 9 dam).

Bart (Ac24 hp 50) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+10=24 d20+5=24 d20+5=18 d10+14=22 d10+14=21 d10+14=22
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 4:43:17 PM

Bart attacks the sailor in front of him using more strength than accuracy (powerattack +5) His first attack does his opponent quite a lot of dammage (ac 34 for 22, i asume he is dead) Bart steps forward and attacks the sailor whos is flanking ashira his attack on him is even better he cuts his opponent in two (critical 24/18 for 21+22)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 11---ADM Nellie  d20+12=23 d20+5=8 d20+5=22 d20+5=8 d20+11=21 d20+6=21 d8+2=8 d8+2=5 d20+11=30 d20+6=22 d8+2=5 d8+2=6 d20+11=23 d20+6=25 d8+2=7 d8+2=8 d20+5=20 d20+5=11 d20+5=7 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 2d6(2+2)=4 d20+16=19 d20+16=22
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 5:23:29 PM

The battle on the Vengeance grows in fervor as the Wildcard's move in for the kill with the priests. Walker easily rids himself of the puny sailor in front of him and easily engages with P3.

Both Appolo and Rigging easily blow off the resistance surrounding them. One of the sailors takes a swipe at Rigging, but misses the wily Pirate by a mile. Appolo easily moves forward into striking distance of P2 and then begins inquiring about that pesky female cleric. Rigging uses a different tactic with the same priest, and goes in for the kill. He times his blow well, but his blade bounces off of some kind of invisible barrier. The glowing axes following Rigging and Appolo as they move, and once more attack the pair. One axe swings twice at Rigging, hitting him both times and doing a total of 13 hp of damage. The second axe takes a couple of swings at Rigging which also connect (11 hp of damage, total). The final axe swings two times at Appolo and this time slices two jagged lines on the rogue's arm (15 hp damage total).

With a skill and precision scarcely seen in archers, Ari fires two arrows into the neck of the sailor blocking his view of the priest, killing the man before he can even raise his sword in a defensive move. The three remaining sailors thrust their shortswords at Ari, but they bounce off the invisible shield surrounding him.

Shrugging off the wimpy soldiers around her, Val moves forward to engage the very popular P2. She rams her sword into his side and is happy to find quite a bit of blood on the blade as she pulls it back. Sorry Val, if you move then you only get one attack.

Ashira squeezes past the Aisildurians surrounding her. The two sailors up front take a stab at the paladin as she departs, but both of them miss. Choosing a careful path, Ashira makes her way forward to engage the priests next round.

Bart slashes into the sole sailor, hacking the man in half before he can draw his next breath. Taking a step, he hacks into the sailor who was flanking Ashira and quickly dispatches him to Ga'al.

The tall priest in the center (P1), finding himself currently unopposed begins to cast a spell (Ashira must make a will save DC16 or be held). He chuckles at Appolo's comments, as if listening to a child's joke. "Yes, I do certainly know the woman you are speaking of....she is my wife. As yes, I know all about your "dance", though as Noxia tells me, you're not that much to talk about. Oh yes, my sweet little wife has told me quite a bit about your little "family"." The tall, good looking priest turns to face Rigging. "Tell me, Rigging, is it...how is that lovely little wife of yours? Ahh...there you are Ashira. Now...I'm feeling rather generous today. If you surrender now, I will see to it that you are properly heartseeded and placed in quads where I'm sure you'll be quite happy." The man smiles warmly. "If you insist on this child's play, then I'm afraid that Noxia will be rather less liberal. Now Damian here (he points to P2...a short, scrawny looking man with stringy black hair and very crooked teeth) has expressed an interest in the elven woman Valanthe. Basil (he points to P3...an average size human with rather nondescript looks) has a taste for half-elves, though I can't understand his taste for half-breeds. So, if at all possible, we will take the women alive, but I'm afraid the rest of you are disposable."

"Damian" (P2) begins casting defensively as he licks his lips hungrily at Valanthe. Valanthe's limbs begin to feel very heavy (Will save DC 16 or be held). "Basil" (P3) also cast defensively, bobbing and weaving as Walker presses in on him. Walker also begins to experience the strange sensation of attempting to be held (Will DC16 or be held).

Those with sharp eyes (Spot=20) will notice that the three other priests, including the former member of the Pride of Ga'al are slowly making their way toward the Wildcards...though it will take them another two or three rounds before they will be in striking range.

Steadily gaining ground, the Jack continues to pave the way toward the officers. The other Pirates surge forward by the Wildcards, anxious to join with the Jack. Finding the Aisildurian sailors that had engaged the party, the lower ranking Pirates can no longer contrain their battle lust, and then slice into the enemy, drawing their attention away from the Wildcards.

Meanwhile, back on the Sword, Redux suddenly disappears from view. He finds that the Sword is now 10 feet away from the Vengeance. A quick glance over the railing confirms Redux's fears. Those nasty, smelly sahuagin are still climbing up the side of the ship. Looks like they'll be going over the railing in the next round. Captain Hawley notes the sahuagin's progress also and orders all the remaining Pirates in a defensive perimeter around the railing.

All of the remaining sailors on the combat map are now engaged with the lower level Pirates. You need not engage them unless you wish to.----Nellie

Bart (Ac24 hp 50) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+15=29 d10+9=18
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 7:19:32 PM

Bart rushes forward towards the priest dodging away when he needs too (dodge&mobility feat) In front of priest 1 (spring attack Ac 29 for 18)

Ok, normally you can either move before or after your attack. With spring attack you can move both before and after your attack. So, for example, Bart could move 20 feet, hack at a sailor (of course he could only make one attack) then move another 10 feet and be in position to attack another sailor next round. Since you want to get to P1, Bart will have to make a double move (60 feet). If you make a double move, you cannot attack.----ADM Nellie

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+10=18 d20+19=28 d20+14=27 d6+10=16 d6+10=13
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 7:23:09 PM

Her eyes narrow and focus on Damian. As her limbs begin to feel heavy, Valanthe snarls and shrugs off the spell. [will save 18] If anything the attempted binding made her madder. Raising her sword, she brings the blade down savagely on Damian.

[hit Ac 28 for 16 and Ac 27 for 13]

Rigging ac 19 hps 12/50 protection from arrows, jacks +2, mage armor, bless  d20+9=13 d20+9=29 d20+9=27 d4+3=7 2d6(5+1)=6 2d6(5+5)=10
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 9:47:13 PM

Rigging feels great pain as the axes bite into his body. The idea of retreat quickly enters his mind but he just as quickly realizes that the axes could follow him. No he will stay and fight. He thrusts with his rapier which the priest avoids but his follow up with the holy dagger sinks deep into the evil priests body.
He snarls, "I will never quit..you will die."

OOC rolled natural 20 and made critical hit roll dagger does 23 points of damage. I am assuming the priests are evil.

Walker, Ac 25, Hp 68, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus, Expertise  d20+8=22 d20+12=25 2d6(2+6)+9=17 d6=5
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 10:01:37 PM

Walker shrugs off the spell [will=22], strides purposefully to priest 3, his face as expressionless as some just clearing out weeds and strikes. [hit ac 25, dam 17 regular + 5 fire]

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+4=24
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 10:59:28 PM

Redux screws up his nose from the stench of the sahuagin as they get closer and casts Fly upon himself. Jumping over the edge of the boat, he flies at his fastest rate towards the fray. From his vantage point slightly above the crowd, Redux easily spots the female priest as well as her companions. He modifies his course slightly and flies at them, being careful to keep them in his sights.

Ashira (AC23, HP60/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+8=17 d20+16=30 d8+14=15
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 11:12:00 PM

Ashira manages to shrug off the spell and moves forward into the fray. Seeing that Damian is probably under control, she joins with Bart to attack the tall priest (P1). Thrusting her longsword into his chest (AC30 for 15 dam) she smiles at the man. "For someone who sounds so sure of himself, you sure bleed alot."

OOC (What a lousy stinking time to roll a 1 for damage!!!!!!!!!!)

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's  d20+6=23 d20+6=25 d8+5=9 d8+5=10
Thursday October 2nd, 2003 11:41:13 PM

Concern radiates from Ari as he worries about area effect spells. Praying to Alemi to guide his shots, Ari sends an arrow P2 and P3 to help out his friends and to try to distract their spell casting. He concentrates in order to not put in arrow in any friend. (-4 for firing into melee included) (AC 23 for 9 points, AC 25 for 10 points)

Appolo  d20+13=16 d20+9=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=18 d20+12=13 d20+12=24 d20+12=26 d20+12=18 d20+12=24 d20+12=27 d4+5=6
Friday October 3rd, 2003 6:14:40 AM

Appolo takes the hit with a grunt and notices Riggings blade bounce off and invisible barrier.
He thinks interesting,looks at the priest"Wellit's kind of hard ti discuss which one of us your wife perfers right.So I think I'll leave it to another time.Besides if I was so lousy,why'd she bother mentioning me at all.Sounds like she perfers younger men too me or maube you just don't do it for her.See ya."Appolo then goes on the defensive,pulls apotion of cure moderate wounds,drinks it and tumbles away,coming upmakes a beline stright for the bozos wife Noxia. Hurling his assina dagger at her as he does so.

OOC:Spot 26,Tumble 16,Attack 26,Damage 6 Assassins Dagger as per DMG

Please ignore extra d20 rolls my bad.Thank you.

According to the PHB, to retrieve an item (like a potion) is a move action. To drink a potion is a standard action. So retrieving and drinking the potion will be all that Appolo can do this round. Sorry. :(----ADM Nellie

Friday October 3rd, 2003 4:36:32 PM

instaed of the priest bart attacks a sailor when he moves towards the priest

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 12---ADM Nellie  2d8(7+3)+2=12 4d8(2+1+1+3)+8=15 d20+11=25 d8+2=4 d20+11=29 d8+2=3
Saturday October 4th, 2003 2:50:52 PM

As the massive battle to save Ayorsa continues, the Wildcards find themselves immersed in a life or death battle of their own.

Bart moves forward toward the priest and ends a sailors life along the way. He finds that he is now 30 feet away from P1.

Val easily blows off the priests spell, and hacks viciously into the leering pervert. Blood streams out from underneath his robes, and a large gash in his robes reveals a well rended suit of splint mail under his robes. Giving the "tempting" invitation by P1 absolutely no thought, the badly injured Rigging strikes with lethal accuracy. Screaming in pain, the man grasps the now gaping hole is side...trying to keep his innards from falling out. Blood trickles out of his mouth, and he collapses in a heap at the hero's feet. One of the axes which was attacking Rigging floats and remains hovering by the dead priests body.

Walker, takes a 5 foot step and engages P3 (Dana, are you getting my combat maps?). Working very matter of factly, he hacks into the man, creating a nasty looking gash on his neck. Strangely though, the flames on his sword do not seem to burn the priest.

Ari notices that Val and Rigging have polished P2 off and switches his target to Basil (P3). With amazing prowess, he avoids hitting Ashira. His arrows lodge themselves in the priests shoulder with deadly accuracy. A shocked look on his face, Basil takes a 5 foot step backwards (avoiding an attack of opportunity from Walker) and then begins casting a spell. The wounds recently inflicted by Walker heal almost completely, but Basil looks quite frustrated about the results.

Redux reads his scroll and activates the fly spell. The three distant priests in his sights, Redux begins to wing his way toward him. He is amazed at how quickly he can travel in this manner, and by the end of the round, his invisible form is just a step behind Ari.

Ashira steps forward and takes a swing at P1. Her longsword slices deep into the man's leg, and though the wound bleeds freely, his face remains impassive as ever. He too takes a 5 foot step backwards and begins casting a spell. Ashira begins to feel that strange twinge as magic tries to invade her body (Fort DC 16 or be blinded).

Setting his eyes on the female priestess, Appolo pulls out a healing potion and drinks it. The wounds on his arm begin to close up and he feels much better (12 hp healed).

The glowing axes attacking Rigging and Appolo begin to float away. One moves over to Ashira and takes a swipe at the paladin, while the other floats over to confront Walker. Both axes connect with their intended victims, but inflict little damage on the heavily armored warriors (Ashira=4 dam, Walker=3 dam).

The three non-combatant priests on the other side of the ship move 30 feet closer and then begin to cast spells (again, Spot DC 20 to see them). Appolo, Rigging, and Valanthe feel the tug of magic trying to control their bodies (Appolo and Rigging Will DC 15 or be held. Val Fort. save DC 16 or be blinded).

As the Wildcards focus on all the action around them, they suddenly become aware of some newcomers on the deck of the Vengeance. Several very muscular looking sahuagin vault over the railing and begin surveying the battlefield as they ready tridents. From his observances on the Sword, Redux reasons to himself that these must be the cream of the crop and that the many, many others he saw climbing the Vengeance must be having a tougher time of climbing the ship.

On the other end of the ship, the battle begins to rise in fervor as the Jack begins to close the distance with the officers. It's really hard to tell any specifics due to all the commotion around the Wildcards, but from the hoots and hollers of other Pirate ships, its pretty easy to assume that the Jack has just done something rather impressive.

The Sword continues to widen the gap with the Vengeance. The sahuagin boarders of the Pirate vessel seem quite surprised at their welcoming party of bloodthirsty Pirates, and several of the sea devils are cut down before they can even purchase footing on the ship! It would appear that Ashira's warning was well heeded.

Rigging ac 19, hps 12 of 50, protection from arrows, mage armor, bless, +2 jacks inspiration  d20+6=17
Saturday October 4th, 2003 3:47:36 PM

With the defeat of the priest at his feet, Rigging notices he is in a lot of pain. He then feels a spell enter his mind and fights it off. "Yes time for a little caution" Rigging decides to use some of his magic. He will leave the battle of the priests in his companions capable hands and run towards the left of S4. He will activate his ring as he does so, turning himself invisible. Once he reaches the rail, hw will use his slippers of spiderclimb to go over the rail and attack some of the climbing nasties.

Walker, Ac 25, Hp 65, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus, Expertise  d20+12=21 2d6(2+6)+9=17 d6=6
Saturday October 4th, 2003 7:39:32 PM

Walker moves forward between both priests trying to put p3 between himself and the sahuagin and then swings on priest (p3).

[hit ac 21, dam 17 reg + 6 fire]

Bart (Ac24 hp 50) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+15=21 d10+9=17
Sunday October 5th, 2003 11:31:00 AM

Bart sees some seadevils boarding the ship. He ignores them for now, and opts to attack the priest nearest to walker (p3) (ac 21 for 17)

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's  d20+10=20 d20+10=11 d8+5=13
Sunday October 5th, 2003 5:35:50 PM

(no sailors noted on new map. Free to move then?)

Noting that his friends have things in had with the now two priests. Ari decides to focus on the new threat of the Sanguin. Ari decides to move towards higher ground, if he can. But he's watching to see for the first signs of aggression from the Sanguin. If (S6) moves towards Walker in a threatening way, Ari will loose on him. (AC 20 for 13 points, and a natural 1 (drat!))

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+15=26 d20+14=15 d20+9=12 d20+13=28 d6+10=16
Sunday October 5th, 2003 6:44:10 PM

Easily blowing off the priest's spell, Ashira moves in for the kill. Taking a 5 foot step toward the priest (P1), Ashira unleashes a full attack. She bobs and weaves, but can't find an opening. Her first two attacks with her longsword bounce harmlessly off the mans armor, but her shortsword finds the nice unprotected spot under his arm. Cutting deep, Ashira smiles as blood pools on his robe. "So tell me...all powerful one, what will you ask Ga'al when you are face to face with him? I'd say you have a few more seconds to think about your question."

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Greater Invisiblity, Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d4+4=6 3d4(2+2+1)=5
Sunday October 5th, 2003 10:40:18 PM

Redux sends a volley of magic missiles towards the 'so famous' female priest (11pts dmg total). After he does so, he continues to fly towards P1-P3, changing his angle towards the priests and altitude.

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+9=17 d20+4=14 d20+4=22
Sunday October 5th, 2003 11:30:28 PM

Once again Val shrugs off the magic with a savage growl. She scans the deck looking for the soon to be dead spellcasters and almost misses them. Spotting them farther down Val runs after them.

ooc: fort save 17. Used 1 hero point to reroll spot check for a 22. Valanthe is using a full round action to get to the priests (base move of 40)

Appolo Ac21 HP:33/36 Bulls Strength+4,Bless,Jack's Bonus Invisible  d20+7=23 d20+13=19 d4+2=4
Monday October 6th, 2003 6:16:25 AM

Appolo feels much fights of the spell and makes a beeline for Noxia.As soon as he is with in thirty feet of her he hurls his assins dagger at

Will Roll 23,Attack Roll 19,Damage 4,Assins Dagger as per DMG.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 13(Or....In Over Our Heads)---ADM Nellie  d20+11=24 d20+6=16 d8+2=3 d20+11=19 d20+6=25 d8+2=4 4d8(4+2+1+4)+8=19 d20+8=22 d20+12=19 d10=1 d20+11=29 d20+11=26 d20+11=28 d8+4=8 d8+4=6 d8+4=9 d20+11=22 d20+11=28 d20+11=15 d8+2=7 d8+2=4
Monday October 6th, 2003 4:56:48 PM

Just as things were beginning to pick up for the Wildcards, things are beginning to look a little bleak with the arrival of the sahuagin reinforcements.

Having had enough of the priests for the moment, Rigging trys to activate his ring and then heads off toward the left side of the ship. He remains visible for all to see until he reaches the end of his move and then **POOF** he suddenly becomes invisible again!

Walker moves to a much better place strategically and takes another swipe at P3 with that nasty sword of his. He manages to just barely connect. He cuts a nasty looking wound in the priest's shoulder, but once again, the flame on his blade does not seem to affect the man. Looking shaken at Walker's tenacity, the priest begins to cast a spell. He draws an attack of opportunity from Walker, but Walker's blow goes wide (Hit AC 19....priests AC are 21). Smiling, the priest reaches out and tries to touch Walkers arm (Touch attack. Hit AC 22...Walker gets no AC bonus from armor, natural armor, or shield. I don't have a sheet for Walker, but I am assuming this hits...if not, email me.) A horrid feeling fills Walker as his body is invaded by a horrible poison (Fort. save DC 17 or lose 1 Con. point).

Bart decides to focus on P3 and moves as far as he can to engage the priest. He finds that he is unable to strike this round, but he'll definitely be ready to kick some Ga'alian butt next round.

Ari climbs up into the Rigging area and concentrates on the sahuagin threat. Unfortunately, he had to sling his bow in order to climb, so he is unable to attack this round, since his bow is still slung.

Ashira does indeed hack into P1 with her last attack as she continues to taunt the cocky priest. The blood flows freely from his wound, but the priest maintains his calm demeanor. "You would be wise to watch your tongue, foolish woman. I can that heartseeding you will bring about a vast improvement in your attitude." Despite his haughty words, the priest seems to go on the defensive. He takes a 5 foot step backward and begins casting a spell. Almost all of his wounds heal.

Finally within striking range, Redux fires off a volley of those wondrous magic missles. The bolts streak from his hand and smash into the female cleric's unsuspecting body. Searching in vain, the priestess begins to swear loudly. Though you can't quite make out the words from this distance, it's all too clear that she is not a big fan of Redux at this moment!

Val and Appolo shrug off the priest's magic and make pursuit of those pesky priests that are further towards the bow. Though Appolo had a slight lead to begin with, Val quickly moves past him. Though neither Pirate is able to attack this round, they can see that they will probably be able to engage in a round or two.

The axes continue to strike at Ashira and Walker, this time making two attacks each. The first attack wings Ashira for 3 hp of damage and the other misses by a mile. The other glowing axe has just the opposite results as its first attack bounces off Walker's armor, but its second attack nicks Walker for 4 hp of damage.

From their positions further up front in the battlefield, Val and Appolo see that the three priests including "Noxia" have stoped moving forward, and are once again casting spells. Three glowing axes appear by their sides, and float toward the couple. Two begin to attack Valanthe and connect very solidly with her, inflicting a total of 11 hp of damage. The axe attack Appolo can't seem to connect with the sneaky young man.

Having picked out their intended targets, the sea devils move in for the kill. They are fairly standard in appearance to the traditional sahuagin, but are MUCH more muscular than their mundane cousins, appear to be heartseeded, and are dressed in some form of light chain mail. S1 makes a bee line for Appolo, but is unable to attack this round. S2 moves toward the center of the battlefield, his target is unclear. S3 and S4 move toward Ari. They make it to the rigging, but are unable to climb up after Ari yet. S5 moves into striking range with Walker and takes a stab at the cleric of Gargul. He connects and does 8 hp of damage. S6 and S7 move to surround Bart. They too thrust their tridents toward Bart. Their attacks are also well placed, and they do a total of 15hp of damage to Bart.

The massive battle continues to rage around the Wildcards, though everyone is too distracted with the current battle to investigate what might be happening with the Jack or the other Pirates around them.

Valanthe (HP 92/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus) 
Monday October 6th, 2003 6:08:44 PM

Valanthe grunts with the two axe hits and keeps moving forward.

ooc: moving up as much as possible.

Bart (Ac24 hp 35) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+15=26 d20+10=21 d10+9=17 d10+9=19
Monday October 6th, 2003 6:23:29 PM

Bart ignores the devils for now and attacks the priest. Both of his attacks hit him for a lot of dammage (ac26/21 for 17+19). In the meantime he keeps an an eye for one of the sahuagin and trys to dodge his attck (+1 Ac dodge feat).

Walker, Ac 25, Hp 53, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus, Expertise  d20+13=19 d20+12=24 2d6(3+3)+9=15 d6=3
Monday October 6th, 2003 6:37:22 PM

Walker shrugs off the poison [fort 19] and with a small smile says, "Gargul protects me."
Then chops at P3 again.
[hit Ac 24, dam 15]

Rigging 12 out of 50 ac 19 mage armor, bless, +2 Jack bonus, invisible, mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+9=19 d20+9=29 d6+3=7 2d6(1+1)=2 d4+3=5 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(5+6)=11
Monday October 6th, 2003 10:35:48 PM

Rigging is feeling his wounds but when he sees 2 possibly 3 sahaugin surrounding Ari, he knows he can't leave his friend to these evil foes. He will run past them for a step then cut back and slice both his rapier and dagger into S4 hoping to take him down quickly. He will then dart away heading southwest again hopefully out of the range of the other 2 sahaugin.

OOC both rapier and dagger hit...rapier for a total of 9 pathetic but the holy dagger makes up for it with a total of 23

Ashira (AC23, HP53/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+14=21 d20+9=20 d20+13=32 d20+13=14 d8+12=17 d6+10=13
Monday October 6th, 2003 10:42:23 PM

Ashira's face becomes a mask of fury at the priest's words. Almost hurling herself at the man, she wages a particularly nasty full attack. She manages to connect with her first longsword (AC21 for 17)and her shortsword blow (AC32 for 13)...her second longsword blow barely misses. She barely notices all of the blood on her blades as she takes her anger out on the man's body.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Greater Invisiblity, Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  4d4(1+3+3+2)+4=13
Monday October 6th, 2003 11:11:44 PM

(ooc Redux' fly rate is 60. given a position slightly further out than on the credit given on the map, Redux might be directly in front of P6--the third in the 2nd row of priests.)

Redux again casts magic missiles at the beginning of his move, targeting P4 for 13 pts of dmg. He then flies straight towards P6 sixty feet.

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's )  d20+10=26 d20+10=18 d8+5=7 d8+5=9
Monday October 6th, 2003 11:40:36 PM

Now that he's up off of the deck, Ari quickly locks himself up in the rigging and draws his bow. (Profession Sailor should help somewhat, right?)

Hoping he can take down his pursuers fast, so that he can help out his team mates, Ari waits for the first one to start climbing up the rigging. As soon as someone decides, he'll let loose with two arrows. (AC 26 and 18 for 7 and 9 points)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 14(Or....Turning Tides)---ADM Nellie  d20+11=13 d20+6=12 d20+11=31 d20+11=22 d8+4=11 d20+11=14 d20+6=15 d20+11=17 d20+6=19 d20+13=24 d20+8=10 d8+4=10 d20+11=27 d20+6=7 d8+2=5 d20+11=20 d20+6=19 d8+2=3 d8+2=5 d20+11=26 d20+6=10 d8+6=10
Tuesday October 7th, 2003 9:40:19 PM

Val and Appolo continue to move forward through the huge crowd of sailors, bent on dealing justice to those pesky priest midship. Val makes a double move and reaches the priests, ready to engage with P5 next round. Appolo also makes a double move, but stops 30 feet short in anticipation of throwing his dagger at the female priest next round. Meanwhile, the sea devil S1 follows Appolo's every step, threatening to attack the rogue as soon as the opportunity should present itself.

The glowing axes continue their assault on Val and Appolo. The first axe swings twice at Val, hitting once, but missing on its second swing. The second axe also takes two swipes....both of them slicing into Val (making a total of 13 hp of damage to Val from all of the attacks from the axes). The third axe makes its two attacks against Appolo....hitting with the first and missing with the second (for a total of 10 hp of damage to Appolo).

Unnerved at the rage exhibited by Val, the small halfling priest (P5) moves backward 30 feet and casts a spell. Val feels the familiar tug of magic at her body (Will DC 15 or be held). From his position of safety, a rather weak looking human cleric (P6) also begins casting. Once again magic washes over Val (Another will DC 15 or be held). The female cleric Noxia looks a little put off by the actions of her comrads. "You fools, quite toying around with them, finish them quickly or you'll end up like that fool husband of mine!" Noxia begins to cast a spell...with no noticeable results by Val or Appolo.

Meanwhile, an invisible Redux flys over the top of the action. Weaving his magic with anonymity, the mage watches with satisfaction as the bolts slam into Noxia's body once more. Not wanting to get caught red handed, Redux moves forward toward P6.

Pressing his attack with P3, Bart slices through the evil cleric's armor with ease. Blood gushes from the man's wounds and he slumps lifelessly to the ground. The axe which was attacking Walker floats uselessly by his side.

Walker notes that Bart has taken care of P3 and switches to P1. Turning, he hacks into the tall man mercilessly, cutting a nasty looking gash in his leg. Then Ashira turns her righteous anger upon the man, piercing his armor and opening his chest cavity. With a rather unhealthy gurgle, the man collapses at the feet of the paladin, his haughty eyes permanently set in a gaze of disbelief. The glowing axe which was attacking Ashira returns to his dead side floating pointlessly. Seemingly unphased by the death of their ally, the sahuagin continue to press their attacks against Walker and Bart. S5 bobs and weaves and finally slashes twice at Walker, but the cleric is too fast for him, and his blows go wide. S6 and S7 decide to continue teaming up on Bart. S6 takes a 5 foot step putting S7 in flanking position. Then both of the sahuagin unleash a full attack on the big warrior. S6 finds it a very difficult thing indeed to get past Bart's defenses and both of his attacks are fruitless. S7 finds things a little easier and spears Bart with his first attack, doing 10hp of damage. The nasty muscular freak jabs a second time but Bart's sword parries the blow.

Unwilling to abandon his friend in need, Rigging sneaks up on S4 and stabs him in the back....literally. The sea devil jerks around in pain just in time to see Rigging reappear. A snarl on his lips, the creature curses Rigging in a tongue known only to Ashira. Unfortunately, Rigging is unable to backpeddle away from the creature, since he made a 5 foot step to engage. The sahuagin (S4) smiles brutally as he thrusts his trident toward Rigging. Amazingly both blows bounce harmlessly off Rigging's magical armor.

From his nice, safe position in the rigging, Ari watches as S3 begins to climb up after him. Taking his time, Ari waits for the right opportunity and then sends his arrow straight into the head of the sea devil. The beast snarls in pain and defiance, making good time climbing up the rigging toward Ari. He finally reaches Ari's snipers roost, but is unable to attack the archer this round.

S2 moves forward and engages Ashira. He jabs his wicked looking trident toward the side of the paladin, hoping to catch her by surprise. Three bloody holes appear in Ashira's armor as the sea devils strike hits home, doing 11 hp of damage.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Greater Invisiblity, Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+8=20 d20+5=24 d4=1 d4=4
Tuesday October 7th, 2003 10:42:01 PM

Redux flies in an arc up and to his left, more or less lined up with P4 & P5, but greater than 35 feet above them. He takes note of her spellcasting and believes he recognizes what she just did (spellcraft =20). At the very end of the round, Redux decides to delay his action. Once he sees Noxia begin to cast or move, Redux lowers himself the 5 feet or so to be close enough to cast Enervation (hit dc=24) giving her FOUR (ouch, it was worth the hero point re-roll) negative levels.

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's )  d20+11=21 d20+11=25 d8+5=7 d8+5=7
Tuesday October 7th, 2003 11:30:54 PM

Seeing that he has only one opponent, Ari let's fly with two more arrows. (AC 21 and 25 for 7 points each). Once his shots are released, Ari quickly starts shifting in the rigging in an attempt to dislodge the Sanguin. (attack is more important if I cannot do both)

Walker, Ac 25, Hp 53, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus, Expertise  d20+12=21 2d6(1+5)+9=15 d6=3
Tuesday October 7th, 2003 11:46:17 PM

Walker takes a five foot step, placing himself between S5 and Bart, Pivots and calmly slashes at S5.
[hit Ac21, Dam 15 reg + 3 flame]

Valanthe (HP 82/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+10=12 d20+10=21 d20+10=18 d20+19=35 d6+10=16
Wednesday October 8th, 2003 12:16:47 AM

Valanthe has become very annoyed with the priests and their petty magic. Even more so when one of the spells almost take hold. Picking the closest priest (P6), Val moves over to him and swipes savagely with her sword.

[Hero point used to reroll 1st will save. resisted both spells with a 21 and 18.
Hit Ac 35 for 16 dmg]

Ashira (AC23, HP42/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+16=19
Wednesday October 8th, 2003 9:09:48 AM

Catching sight of Rigging once more, Ashira notes that he is in a dire situation and moves to help out her hubby. She moves toward the back of S3 and S4, drawing an Attack of Opportunity from S2...but also putting her in a flanking position with S4. She strikes at the sea devil with all the strength she can muster...hoping to draw its attention to herself. "I might have known that the filth of the sea would come to the aid of the filth of the land!!!!!" Ashira taunts the creature as her sword misses its mark.

Rigging AC 19, hps 12/50 mage armor, bless, protection from arrows, jacks +2  d20+9=13 d20+9=25 d4+3=4 2d6(3+1)=4
Wednesday October 8th, 2003 10:48:28 AM

Rigging sees his wife come to his aid and smiles a greeting. He then jabs his rapier at the sahaugin's face which misses but distracts the beast and allows him to sink his dagger into the sahaugin's slimy thigh.

OOC hit with 25 8 measly points of damage out of possible 19..grrrr

Bart (Ac24 hp 25) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+15=33 d20+10=28 d10+9=16 d10+9=18
Wednesday October 8th, 2003 3:21:30 PM

Bart is bleeding badly but he stand still firm on his feet an tries to slash his opponent (s6)in two (ac 33/28 for 16+18) he tries to step away so he has both of his opponent in front (almost standing back to back with walker). His dodgy moves makes it harder for s7 to hit him (+1 ac dodge feat)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 15(Or....Alemi's Blessing)---ADM Nellie  d20+13=23 d20+11=25 d8+4=7 d20+11=12 d20+11=25 d20+6=9 d8+2=7 d20+11=15 d20+6=15 d20+11=28 d20+6=10 d8+4=7 d20=6 d20+13=18 d20+11=22 d20+6=20 d20+11=17 d20+9=12 d20+8=13 3d6(4+5+5)=14 d20+3=10 d20+11=16 d20+6=13 d20+11=23 d20+6=12 d20+13=27 d20+8=14 d8+4=10 d20+16=26 d20+8=25 d10=1
Thursday October 9th, 2003 12:02:10 AM

Gaining a little altitude, Redux heads in for a major strike....when *POOF* he suddenly becomes visible! Noxia grins a particularly nasty smile and begins casting a spell. Redux takes his cue, and a ray of purest darkness extends from his palm and explodes into the evil cleric's chest. Taken completely by surprise, Noxia prematurely aborts her spell as she doubles over in pain. From his position in the sky, Redux can't be sure, but that just may be a look of fear on the woman's face. Looking up at Redux, Noxia begins to concentrate, and one of the glowing axes that was attacking Val floats over and attacks Redux. Obviously the pain inflicted on the priestess made her concentration less than crystal clear since the axe misses Redux by a mile!

Even for an outstanding archer like Ari, it's a difficult feat indeed to keep your balance and fire at a rapidly advancing enemy. Ari's first arrow misses and sticks into the deck of the Vengenace. His second arrow is much better placed, and sticks itself in the sea devil's shoulder. Climbing a little further into the rigging, the sahuagin reaches up and tries to grab Ari's leg. Though he tries a couple of times (thus drawing an attack of opportunity from Ari), the sea devil just can't connect. All the struggling proves too much for the unbalanced critter, and losing his balance, he falls 30 feet to the deck of the Vengenace with a thud (taking 14 hp of damage).

Once again showing a warrior's finese on the battleground, Walker moves to help out Bart...preventing him from being flanked. He takes a swipe at the sahuagin (S5) who has been hounding him, but his sword clangs against the chain mail its wearing. (AC of 25 for the sahuagin). The sea devil has an even worse time of it as both of his attacks don't even manage to get past Walker's blade.

Thoroughly ticked, Val takes her rage and frustration out on poor old P6's body. The man raises his arms in a defensive manner, trying vainly to minimize the damage done from the incredible blow....and for his efforts Val cuts deep wounds in his arms! In desperation, the man begins casting defensively (made his conc. check) and then reaches out and touches Val's arm (Made touch attack DC25). Val feels a hideous poison attempting to invade her body (Fort. save DC 17 or lose 1 temp. Con point).

Appolo seems uncertain as to what to do, and goes on the offensive. The sea devil (S1) squaring off with Appolo licks his lips in eager anticipation of the attack he has waited so long to launch against the young rogue. Thrusting his trident with all his might, the scaly mean nasty connects with his first attack (doing 7 hp of damage) but can't get past his defenses to get in a second blow.

The two remaining axes continue their unending attacks on Val and Appolo. The first attack on Val connects, inflicting 7 hp of damage....the second swipes past her head. Both of the axes attacks on Appolo come to no avail.

Seeing Val hack into his ally so effectively, the little halfling priest (S5) casts a spell of his own. Val feels the ever so familiar tingle of magic trying to invade her body (Will save DC 16 or be blinded).

Ashira scoots around the sea devil confronting her (S2), wanting to lend a hand to her badly injured hubby. S2 puts his attack of opportunity to good use and plays "spear the paladin" quite well, inflicting 7 hp of damage on Ashira. Though Ashira's attack on S4 doesn't even come close to hitting the mark, her taunting seems to be working. It provides just enough distraction for Rigging to cut a large hole in the monster's leg. The sea devil snarls, showing all of its nasty sharp teeth and then whirls to face Ashira. "I might have known that you'd show up here you little filthy half breed whore!" the devil gurgles in Aquan. "At least I get the chance to give you a torturously slow death! Might even have some fun with you in front of your pathetic human husband!" Though his talk is impressive, his actions certainly aren't and both of his attacks are easily countered by Ashira's defenses.

Not wanting to give up so easily, the sea devil (S2) that Ashira had previously engaged with follows her and moves into flanking position. Getting caught up in the heat of battle, he thrusts too early and his trident glances harmlessly off of Ashira's armor.

Bart finds it difficult to maneuver with Walker already at his side. Though badly wounded, Domi strengthens him, and he hacks into one of the sea devils (S6) viciously. The sahuagins legs buckler underneath him, but it's clear that there's a little bit of fight left in the foul creature. Clearly shaken by its recent wounds, the nasty smelling sea crusty misses both of his attacks. His flanking buddy (S7) has a little better time of it and lunges his weapon into Bart's side (doing 10 hp of damage).

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's )  d20+11=12 d20+11=25 d8+5=9
Thursday October 9th, 2003 12:29:58 AM

Breathing a small sigh of relief that there are no Sanguin in the rigging with him. Ari now concentrates on helping out his friends. Doing his best to help from above, Ari fires death down on S4. As Ari loads his bow Ari gurgles in frustration as the swinging rigging fouls his shot, and he drops his first arrow to the deck. (ooc probably bouncing off of Ashira's head to no effect, but I didn't want to add that just yet. ;) )

Taking a calming breath, Ari then slowly works on reloading his bow. When he lets his second arrow go, he whoops in happiness as the arrow connects this time for 9 points of damage.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Greater Invisiblity, Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  4d4(1+1+3+3)+4=12 d20+2=16
Thursday October 9th, 2003 12:37:19 AM

Redux is shocked to have become visible as evidenced by the attacking axe. However, seeing the look on her face gives the mage the strength to sneer back at her "You are not as formidable as you once were." He begins flying to the left, seeking to escape, and casts his final magic missile at the cleric as he passes her for 12 pts dmg. Feigning a hasty retreat, on a hunch, Redux zig zags up and to the left(dc=16) anticipating becoming invisible again. He then turns to hover and try to devise a plan against the remaining clerics.

Valanthe (HP 76/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+11=26 d20+10=23 d20+19=20 d20+14=25 d6+10=15 d6+10=13
Thursday October 9th, 2003 6:11:55 AM

Valanthe pauses for a moment as she once again fights off invasinve magic. "You have to do better than that." Valanthe says before cutting into the man once more.

[fort save 26, will save 23]
[hit ac 20 for 15]
[hit ac 25 for 13]

Ashira (AC23, HP35/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+14=33 d20+9=19 d20+13=16 d20+14=20 d8+12=16
Thursday October 9th, 2003 8:31:10 AM

The half-elf turns purple with rage at the sea devil's words. "Fool, you just signed your own death warrant!" she says in Common. Her swords whirl and plunge, but the fury she exhibts clouds her mind and she is only able to connect with her first blow (AC 33 for 16dam).

Rigging ac 19 hps 12/50 bless, mage armor, protection from arrows, jack's +2  d20+9=29 d20+9=14 d20+9=27 d20+3=12 d6+3=7 d4+3=7 2d6(5+6)=11 2d6(5+4)=9 2d6(2+1)=3
Thursday October 9th, 2003 2:07:01 PM

Rigging sees the sahaugin fall from the rigging and his wife chop into S4. He decides that she can handle it and to strike at the other before it can get up and do battle again. He jumps forward and sticks both rapier and dagger into the beast.

OOC ok was not sure if this was considered a back stab so I made several different rolls. If it isn't a back stab, I rolled a second roll to see if it was a critical hit with my rapier. I don't think it was unless, I get a lot of pluses. Holy dagger hits with a 27. Please disregard the 4th d20 roll. It was supposed to be a d6+3 but goofed. Total damage if wasn't a back stab is 7 from rapier and 19 from dagger. If considered backstab, then total damage is 16 from rapier and 22 from holy dagger. 26 or 38 total damage :-)

Appolo Ac21 HP:21/36 BullsStrenght+4 Jacks Bonus,Bless 
Thursday October 9th, 2003 2:10:54 PM

Seeing Noxia go down in pain Appolo ignores everything else and tumbles away from the monster, closing with her quickly,slicing into her with his sword.

Appolo Rolls  d20+10=28 d20+11=29 d8+10=17
Thursday October 9th, 2003 2:14:19 PM

Attack Roll 28,Tumble 29,Damage 17
Sorry about double post.Forgot to roll.

Bart (Ac25 hp 25) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+15=29 d20+10=26 d10+9=13 d10+9=19
Thursday October 9th, 2003 4:46:02 PM

Bart is bleading heavier and heavier his first attack is on the dying devil, finishing him off (ac 29 for 13) his second attack is focused on the other devil. Bart hit him in the belly doing him a lot of dammage (ac 26 for 19). Bart is focussed on this opponent what makes him more difficult to hit.

Actually, Bart is at 10hp since one of the devils tagged him for 10 hp last round.---Nellie

Walter ooc 
Thursday October 9th, 2003 10:20:08 PM

If Bart was hit for 10, where did the other 5 damage come from? Isn't he at 15?

Yep, my bad...he's at 15.---Nellie

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 16(Or....The Death of Noxia)---ADM Nellie  d20+11=16 d20+6=19 d20+11=21 d20+6=11 d8+4=10 d20+11=25 d20+6=12 d8+4=10 d20+11=14 d20+6=10 d20+13=23 d20+8=26 d8+4=6 d8+4=10 d20+9=19 d20+11=13 d20+11=12 d20+6=7 d20+11=31 d20+11=30 2d8(8+5)+8=21 d20+6=9 3d8(3+8+8)+8=27
Thursday October 9th, 2003 10:32:48 PM

Settling in to a nice comfortable position, Ari finds high wire archery a little more complex than he first thought. His first shot does indeed come dangerously close to Ashira, whizzing by her shoulder. Ari refocuses and sure enough....thwack! His arrow buries itself in S4's chest.

Redux begins to taunt Noxia as he casts his magic missiles spell. The bolts streak from his hand and slam into the female cleric's already badly wounded body. After having her life force forcibly sucked from her body, the shock proves to be too much for Noxia, and her body crumples lifelessly on the deck of the Vengeance. The axe attacking Redux floats back to her lifeless side. Making for a fast escape, Redux flys off to the side where sure enough, his invisibility kicks in again. He thinks he recognizes the effect as being the Purge Invisibility spell.

Val continues her assault against the poor little halfling priest, blowing off his magic like smoke in a breeze. Her first attack barely misses the slippery little sucker, but she nails him good with her second attack.. Blood pours freely from a large gash in his side.

The two remaining priest (P5 and P6) gasp at the demise of Noxia. P5 casts a spell with no immediate consequences. Apparently having had enough of his battle with Val, the halfling priest moves back 30 feet away from the barbarian and casts a spell on himself. Almost all of his wounds heal.

Infuriated by her exchange with the sea devil S4, Ashira goes off the deep end. However, it would seem that her rage does nothing but waste her energy as she only manages to get in one attack. The sahuagin grunts and seems desperately close to passing out...but he apparently decides to go down swinging. His weakened state leave his attacks feeble at best...definitely not threatening Ashira. His flanking partner proves to be the major threat as he hacks mercilessly at Ashira's back. Blood trickles down Ashira's back as both of his blows connect (16 hp of damage to Ashira).

Spotting an opportunity to take out the trash, Rigging closes with the prone S3. Unfortunately, he is only able to attack once this round....and he chooses his dagger. ;) From his position on the deck, the sahuagin is unable to repel Rigging's thrust and Rigging comes close to opening his throat! (Sorry Rigging, this isn't considered a back stab.). Though badly injured, the sea devil rises to his feet, drawing an attack of opportunity from Rigging, who just barely misses him. The fiend snarls and lunges his trident at the Wildcard's leader...and promptly misses him.

Appolo notices that his wounds are worse off than he thought (I have him down to 16hp!!!). Then he sees that Redux has apparently taken care of the female cleric. At least that axe isn't attacking anymore..... Appolo, you can retrieve and drink a healing potion this round if you want too (I will assume this is what Appolo does....email me if otherwise). The sahuagin tailing him unleashes another full attack and spears him once, doing 10 hp of damage.

Bart wages a particularly nasty attack on S6, fully expecting the devil to drop...unfortunately, it doesn't prove to be enough. He hacks the monster once more and this time manages to severe its head. Yep...that'll do it...he won't be coming back again. As to why these sahuagin are so nasty....Bart comes up with a couple of ideas....they are wearing that armor...and then there's those heartseeds...wonder if that has anything to do with it? The sea devil flanking him (S7) pounces twice, lashing that nasty looking trident at Bart. But just like most of the rest of his brothers, his attacks are futile.

Walker sizes up the competition going defensive. His opponent takes the lull to time his attack just right. He plunges forward and plants his trident deep in Walkers chest (scored a critical....21 hp of damage). He strikes a second time, but doesn't have the timing right and bounces off of Walker's armor. He snarls at the cleric of Gargul...his trident dripping Walker's blood across the deck. "Ha!! Looks like Gargul failed you this time!"

The radiant axes continue attacking Val and Appolo. Both of the attacks on Appolo fail. One of the attacks from Val's axe connects, and metes out 8 hp of damage to the raging barbarian.

Walker, Ac 20, Hp 32/73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  d20+17=27 2d6(5+2)+9=16 d6=5
Thursday October 9th, 2003 11:23:18 PM

Irritated at his momontary loss of concentration Walker drops his defensive posture and makes an all out attack on S5.
[hit ac 27, dam 16 base + 5 flame]

[Ooc: sorry could not get online till now.]

Bart (Ac25 hp 15) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+12=32 d20+12=25 d20+8=25 d10+12=19 d10+12=18 d10+12=17
Friday October 10th, 2003 12:05:22 AM

Bart does a quick prayer to Domi for help. Inspired he attacks the devil furiously (powerattack+3). Inspired by Domi he hits the devil with an critical blow (ac 32 for 37) his second attack hopefully finishes the devil off (ac 25 for 17)

Valanthe (HP 69/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=39 d20+19=29 2d6(5+3)+20=28
Friday October 10th, 2003 6:30:17 AM

Valanthe stomps her foot in frustration. The little priest wouldn't die. Val follows P6 and tries to skewer the priest on her blade.

[crit hit for 28 damage]

Ari AC 27 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's )  d20+11=14 d20+11=24 d8+5=11
Friday October 10th, 2003 7:21:30 AM

No Fair Ari thinks as he sees S2 strike Ashira from behind. Hoping he can help her out better, Ari brings his attacks to bear on this other Sanguin. Feeling like a beginning archery student, Ari barely getst he arrow on the string before he looses. The arrow flies only slightly better than his dropped arrow. Once again Ari has to calm himself down and find his focus. When he lets the 2nd arrow go, once again he does much better. (AC 14 and AC 24, if 24 hits, 11 dam.)

Added Seal effect

Ashira (AC27, HP19/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Friday October 10th, 2003 9:36:48 AM

Knowing that she can't handle this kind of abuse much longer, Ashira takes a 5 foot step towards S2 and then reaches into her backpack, pulls out a seal and breaks it quickly (drawing an attack of opportunity from S2). Magic washes over the immediate party and everyone feels more secure.

OOC Activated Seal of goodness. +4 to AC for Ashira, Rigging, Ari, Walker, and Bart for the next two rounds.

Rigging ac 23 hps 12/50 mage armor, protection from arrows, bless, jacks +2, seal of ac  d20+9=29 d20+9=14 d20+9=28 d20+9=11 d4+3=7 d6+3=4 2d6(5+1)=6
Friday October 10th, 2003 1:10:16 PM

Rigging briefly thinks about backing off but looks quickly at his wife. She is bleeding from several wounds and looking very tired. He can't abandon her to fight two sahaugins alone. Suddenly he springs forward with both rapier and dagger plunging both into the S3's body. "You chose the wrong god." he shouts as he closes with the beast.

OOC rolled two critical hits but failed on both rolls for critical damage. 17 points of damage total

Appolo Ac:21HP:?/36Bless Jacks Bonus Bulls Strength Invisibility  d20+11=13 d20+14=22 d20+15=16
Friday October 10th, 2003 6:14:53 PM

Appolo seeing his quarry fall abruptly changes course and heads away from the area,going completely defensive he tumbles away from the axes and the sea deavil agian. once he is out of the area he activates his ring of invisiblity
and disappears. Moving silently and quickly he avoids contact with everyone and pulls out another cure moderate wounds potion.Drinking it.

OOC:This probably takes two rounds so that is what Appolo is doing for this round and the next
Resting and hiding.

Tumble 13,Move Silent 22,Hide 16

I assumed that you'd want to heal yourself last round. I will consider that you drank the potion already. :)----Nellie

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Greater Invisiblity, Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Friday October 10th, 2003 11:39:05 PM

Redux stays put, remaining invisible and casts web centered upon P5, covering the cleric with a mound of gooey material. Noting his shipmate closing with P6, he will allow the webbing to extend behind P6 slightly to cut off any further withdrawal.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 17(Or....Love and War)---ADM Nellie  d20+11=26 d8+4=5 2d8(5+4)+3=12 d20+11=30 d8+4=10 d20+11=24 d20+6=21 d20+13=19 d20+11=31 d20+11=17 d20+6=11 d8+4=11 d20+11=14 d20+6=14 d20+1=3 d20+4=18 d20+11=12 d20+6=24 d8+2=5 d20+9=15
Saturday October 11th, 2003 4:20:57 PM

Snapping back into the reality of things (probably due to the damage inflicted on him by the sea devil!) Walker goes all out and bring his sword down mercilessly upon the sahuagin (S5). His blade comes down hard on the creature's shoulder, piercing the armor. The flames from his blade begin to burn at the devil's face, and the monster is forced to jerk its head back in pain and fear. Quickly recovering, the scaly creature squares off with Walker, thrusting his weapon toward the cleric's face. Just barely missing Walker's jugular (crit. threat...no crit.), the sea devil does manage to impose 11hp of damage as his first attack rakes Walkers face. However he is caught slightly off balance by Walker's defense and misses with his second blow.

Both of Bart's devastating blows slice into his foe (S7) and the sahuagin begins to bleed freely. Taking enough damage to kill the average man, the devil looks to be in dire shape, but does not drop....yet. Slipping in a pool of its own blood, the creature doesn't even come close to hitting the walking human blade barrier (Bart) with his two blows.

Val pursues the sneaky little halfling priest and plants her sword firmly in his stomach. Meanwhile, Redux, spotting the conundrum his shipmates face decides to lend a hand and covers the area around P5 in gooey, nasty, sticky spider's web. His web extends out to the side, partially blocking P6's route of escape (and catching quite a few unsuspecting catapult operators too!). Never even seeing it coming, the priest of Ga'al shrieks in disgust as he is covered in a mound of sticky grey goop. From his "eye in the sky" position, Redux sees the man struggling to rip himself out of the web to no avail. The axe that had previously been attacking Appolo floats back to the priest's side.

Gasping in pain, the little guy clutches the wound as Val pulls out her sword terror clearly written on his face. He searches desperately for a way away from the murderous elven woman, but the choices are rapidly declining due to Redux's freshly cast web. Looking as if he is going to bolt for the side of the ship, his eyes suddenly take on a dull look. He pulls out a rather wicked looking battle axe from out of his belt and takes a swing at Val. His movements are jerky and awkward, rather like a puppet on a string, and Val finds it an easy takes to beat off his attack.

The floating axe opposing Valanthe takes another couple of swings and manages to connect with it second blow, doing 5 hp of damage to Val.

Ari analyses the judicial aspects of the sea devil's combat techniques and decides that maybe they need a lesson in fair play. Up in his safe and secure sniper's nest, Ari fires off a couple of arrows toward Ashira's bully (S2). His first arrow misses the mark entirely, and comes awfully close to hitting Ashira. His second shot proves better aimed, and whizzes very close to the sahuagin's shoulder (but still doesn't connect).

Ashira takes in the battle around her and decides that the Wildcard's could use a little pick-me-up to even things out a little. She steps away from the devils surrounding her and fishes in her backpack for that handy little seal. Meanwhile, the bully (S2) takes advantage of Ashira's guard begin down and spears her in the leg, inflicting 5 hp of damage. Even in her weakened state, Ashira manages to activate the seal, and those in her immediate vicinity are suddenly a lot more secure. Sensing that Ashira is not that far away from Gargul's gate, S2 continues to press his attack against the paladin. He thrusts his trident toward her weakened body with great strength, but both of his attacks bounce off the newly created barrier around Ashira's body. The very damaged sahuagin (S4) that had previously been so confident about his abilities decides to help out S2 by moving into flanking position with Ashira. He weakly propels his weapon toward her back but can't find the energy to connect with his target.

Rigging tosses up getting out of Dodge, but with his wife in such a dangerous position decides that this is the stuff that hero's are made of. He lunges quickly catching his opponent (S3) off guard and thrusting his weapons into its vital organs. With a look of surprise, the devil's limp, quite dead body slides off of Rigging's blades.

Having drunk a potion last round (and healed 12 hp, bringing Appolo to a total of 18 hp), Appolo decides to change tactics. Appolo tries to tumble past the sahuagin (S1), but given his weakened state, he can't pull off the move (must beat DC18 to avoid AoO). The devil spears Appolo on his way out for 10hp of damage (Appolo is now down to 8 hp). Deciding to give his ring a try again, Appolo activates it and is very pleased indeed when he disappears from sight. The sea devil beats his trident against his chest in fury at Appolo's escape, but his eyes brighten when he sees Val. He snarls in Common as he heads toward Val "Well, if you're too scared to come and fight me...I guess I'll just have to go and kill her." It takes him all of the round to reach Val's position, but he locates himself to be in flanking position with the priest next round.

Bart (Ac29 hp 15) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+15=29 d20+10=11 d10+9=16
Sunday October 12th, 2003 4:27:37 AM

Inspired by the powers of the broken seal, and the look of his opponent Bart decides to make an other attack, die you bastard! (ac 29 for 16). His second attack slices only the air

Rigging ac 23 hps 12/50 bless, magearmor, prot from arrows, Jack's +2, seal of +4 ac  d4+1=3 d4+1=5
Sunday October 12th, 2003 10:31:24 AM

Rigging breaths a sigh of relief when S3 dies on his blades. Seeing Ashira's tactical situation he decides to rely on some magic to help her out. He murmers a few words and 2 darts leap forth from his hand and strike s4 in the chest. He hopes he can take the devil out and Ashira only needs to face one this round

OOC magic missile does 8 points of damage

Walker, Ac 24, Hp 21/73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus,seal of +4 ac  d20+17=32 2d6(6+2)+9=17 d6=2
Sunday October 12th, 2003 5:04:29 PM

Walker again slices into S5.

[hit ac 32, dam 17 + 2 flame]

Valanthe (HP 65/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=31 d20+14=33 d20+14=18 d6+10=16 d6+10=16
Sunday October 12th, 2003 8:43:01 PM

With the priest posing less of a threat, Val spins around and slices into the sahuagin.

[hit ac 31 for 16]
[hit ac 33, crit threat but no crit for 16]

Ashira (AC27, HP13/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+14=17 d20+9=10 d20+13=28 d6+10=12
Monday October 13th, 2003 9:20:22 AM

Ashira breathes a sigh of relief as Rigging comes to her aid. She focuses all of her energies on S2, feeling him to be the bigger threat. Panting and feeling the blood trickle down her back, Ashira wages a full attack. In her weakened state, Ashira only manages to connect with the blow from her shortsword, doing 12 hp of damage to the scaly horror.

Ari AC 27 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's  d20+11=23 d20+11=30 d8+5=12
Monday October 13th, 2003 9:55:12 AM

Continuing his sniper assault on S2. Ari continues to try to bring him down. (AC 23 and 30. assuming 30 is only hit for 12 points)

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d4=3
Monday October 13th, 2003 7:32:44 PM

Suddenly reappearing, Redux has a big grin on his face. He is actually enjoying himself. Floating in his place above the combat, Redux begins to cast Spectral Hand. He chuckles as the hand appears floating inside the web to the left of the priest, knowing what an unpleasant surprise is in store for the man next round.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 18(Or....Somebody Up There Likes You)---ADM Nellie  d20+11=16 d20+6=13 d20+11=20 d20+6=20 d20+11=16 d20+6=18 d20+11=17 d20+6=7 d20+4=19
Monday October 13th, 2003 8:14:08 PM

Things are beginning to look up for most of the party as slowly but surely they begin to thin the ranks of the competition.

Bart unleashes a very powerful blow against his opponent (S7) and literally takes the legs out from under the sahuagin. It is very plain to see that the severed body of the beast won't be a problem any longer.

Walker too strikes his opponent with skill and force, but it seems to him like the sea devil will be able to hold out a little longer. Perhaps Bart will be coming soon to help him out? The sahuagin (S5) seems to be having a hard time gauging Walker's defenses and snaps its sharp, nasty teeth in rage as Walker once again beats back his advances.

On the other end of the deck, Rigging, and Ari team up against the Ashira's opponents as the paladin struggles for her life.. Rigging tags the very weakened S4 with several magic missles which open the creature's chest cavity and promptly end its life. Ari has mixed luck with his sniping....missing with the first arrow and striking solidly with the second. Though he's too high up to hear the creature, it snarls in annoyance. Ashira, for her part, is finally able to get up enough strength to slice into S2...though she knows the creature still has quite a bit of fight left in it. It lunges its weapon at Ashira, intent upon spearing her to the deck but over shoots and throws itself off balance...missing with both its attacks.

Almost just as quickly as it came, the magic from Ashira's seal fades. The force surrounding Ashira, Rigging, Bart, Ari, and Walker disappears after the attacks from the creatures.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the deck, things are looking a little more tricky for Valanthe and Appolo. Appolo is put in a truly difficult spot as he watches the sea devil move in against Val. He knows that she can hold her own...but against three opponents? But then again...he's not exactly in a great spot to lend assistance.....

Val wisely chooses the sea devil as the source of her primary threat, and slices at him viciously twice, ripping into his body like so much paper, but not downing the foul creature. It confidently lashes its trident at the Elven woman, but both of its attacks are easily repelled by her defenses.

The axe attacking Valanthe comes very close to hitting her with its first attack, but both attacks ultimately prove useless.

The little halfling smiles mechanically as Val is successfully distracted by the sea devil. He begins casting a spell, but their are no obvious results.

Redux casts his spell, and the hand appears floating eerily to the side of the priest inside the web. Apparently finding something particularly funny, Redux laughs at the stuck priest from his nice and safe position up in the sky. The priest, on the other hand, doesn't seem to find the humor in the situation, and tries once again to rip himself away from the strands that hold him in place. He comes dangerously close but just can't free himself.

Valanthe (HP 51/ 87, AC 19,Fatigued, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+16=29 d20+11=22 d6+7=13 d6+7=9
Monday October 13th, 2003 10:53:43 PM

The red haze clouding her vision fades away and Val's sword arm lowers. If it wasn't for the magical strength flowing through her she wasn't sure if she could keep her arm up let alone fight. Even now she can feel the fatigue slowling her reflexes. Her time was short.

[hit ac 29 for 13 and ac 22 for 9]

Ashira (AC23, HP13/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  d20+14=21 d20+9=27 d20+13=16 d6+10=16
Monday October 13th, 2003 11:38:44 PM

The paladin prays fervently for Alemi's help as she tries another full attack. "Lord Alemi...do not fail me. So many are counting on me....Be my strength and my shield." Ashira parries and lunges but once again it is her shortsword that bites the sea devil for 16 hp of damage.

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's  d20+8=11 d20+8=12
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 12:05:58 AM

Seeing that things are a little bit more on the even side on this side of the ship. Ari decides to look in on the other side of the ship and see how everyone is doing over there.

Seeing Val with no close support nearby, Ari decides to lend his support from where he is. Pulling back on his bow he takes careful aim and fires off two shots to S1 (he's in the 2nd range increment, so -2 to abilities). Wincing as his shots don't find his target. Ari wonders about his abilities. (if there is too much 'stuff' in the way for Ari to really see, or to get an effective shot off. He'll then spend the turn climbing down from the rigging.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+6=15 d6+2=8
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 12:29:55 AM

Redux uses his third hand to good effect; casting Ghoul Touch he hits ac=15 (removing armor, and now, dexterity bonuses). He will leave P5 paralyzed for 8 rounds, stinking up the area for 10 feet around.

Walker, Ac 24, Hp 21/73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus,seal of +4 ac  d20+17=31 2d6(1+6)+9=16 d6=3
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 6:58:21 AM

Walker swings on S5 again.
[hit ac 31, dam 16 + 3 flame]

Rigging ac 19, hps 12/50 bless, mage armor, protection from arrows, jacks +2  d20+11=25 d4+3=6 2d6(6+5)=11
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 9:41:48 AM

Rigging quickly closes the distance and stabs the devil attacking his wife with his holy dagger. He whispers, "You should never attack my wife when I am behind you."

OOC Only took one attack because I had more than 5' to cover. Gave myself +2 for flanking attack but didn't give myself backstab damage.
Total damage from holy dagger is 17.

Rigging  2d6(6+3)=9
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 9:50:04 AM

ooc might get backstab damage so I rolled it seperately.

Appolo Hp:8/36 Ac21 Invisble,Bulls Strentgh,Bless,Jacks Bonus  d20+10=26 d8+3=10
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 12:03:37 PM

Appolo is badly wounded and in no shape for mele.So he takes his Short bow and nails the Seadvil that just tuanted him and theatened t kill Valanthe in the back. Coming visible breifly before going invisible agian and moving ten feet to the right and twenty feet closer.

Attack26-4 for difficulty =22 Damage 10

Bart (Ac24 hp 15+14) Jack's inspiration, Bless  2d8(8+3)+3=14 d20+15=33 d20+10=24 d10+9=11 d10+9=17
Tuesday October 14th, 2003 3:57:47 PM

Bart takes out an potion of cure moderate out of his beltpoch and quickly gulps it down. (restore 14hp)

(i guess Walker finished "his" devil by his own if not Bart will aid Walker and attacks S5 hit ac 33/24 for 11+17)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 19(Or....Finishing Touches)---ADM Nellie  d20+8=12 d20+11=23 d20+6=22 d8+4=9 d8+4=10 d20+11=16 d20+6=14 d20+14=17 d20+9=25 d8+4=7
Wednesday October 15th, 2003 9:57:43 AM

The action continues as the Wildcards eliminate their competition.

Things are looking very good indeed on the back end of the ship as the deadly tag team of Walker and Bart slice into the sahuagin confronting them. Walker strikes first, cutting through the scaly hide of the monster and feeling the nice, satisfying crunch as his blade cuts through the rib cage. The sea devil, though looking critically wounded, does not drop, so Bart steps forward and lends a helping hand. His first blow easily slices through the beast's skull and drops it like a sack of potatoes.

Ashira and Rigging make quite a tag team themselves....proving to be too much for the sea devil confronting Ashira. Even in her weakened state, Ashira connects with her shortsword bringing the devil a little more down to size. Then Rigging backs up his wife with an amazing backstab (You do indeed get the backstab damage if you are flanking :)). The dual attack proves too much for the sea devil and it slumps lifelessly to the deck.

Ari sizes up his situation, and determines that he has a better "shot" at the sea devil confronting Val if he stays in the rigging. He fires off a couple of arrows but finds that he needs to adjust his elevation slightly. His arrows fly through the air an cut down a couple of Aisildurian sailors.

However, in the middle of the ship, things are looking more dire. In a desperate situation, Val strikes out at the sea devil threatening her, cutting into him with her first strike but missing with the second. Appolo decides to back her up and pulls out his bow. He fires a shot, being careful to try not to hit Val (and becoming visible in the process). He finds firing into a combat situation a little more tricky than it looks, and his arrow whizzes past the sahuagin harmlessly. Pulling out your bow and firing the shot are the only actions allowed this round.

Not even noticing the new threat from Appolo, the sea devil smiles with his wickedly sharp teeth and launches a full attack..this time connecting with both of his lunges. A bleeding wound opens in Val's side (19 hp damage total). Meanwhile, the axe confronting Val swings at her but its blows bounce harmlessly off her armor. From behind her, Val hears a deep, hollow laugh. "Fools! All of you...your efforts are useless! It is only a matter of time before I take over the Wold!" Val gets the distinct impression that the voice is coming from the priest's heartseed! She doesn't have long to ponder the thought as she feels the priests axe cut into her back (first attack missed, second hit...7hp of dam).

Redux decides to try and take the priest further out of commission and sends his hand to tap the man's shoulder....a task easily accomplished (especially since he's stuck in the web!). The man's face immediately freezes in a mask of fury....and oh the smell!!!!!!! Good thing nobody is near enough to get a good wiff!

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's  d20+8=14 d20+8=14 d8+5=8 d8+5=12
Wednesday October 15th, 2003 1:08:48 PM

Seeing how his arrows flew last time. Ari does some minor adjustments to his perch, and fires again on S1. Ari continues to pepper the area with arrows, as he tries to find his range mark. (Damage rolled just in case ;) )

Bart Ac 24 Hp 15+17  2d8(8+6)+3=17
Wednesday October 15th, 2003 1:33:12 PM

Bart takes an cure moderate potion out of his Belt poch and offers Walker another one. It looks like you need one too!
Bart gulps down his potion and feels better at the instant!

Rigging hps 12/50 ac 19, protection from arrows, bless, jacks +2, mage armor  d20+8=15 d4+1=2 d4+1=2
Wednesday October 15th, 2003 4:08:07 PM

Rigging will look to his wife and say, "Time for some healing potions beloved. If you can spare one, I would like to borrow one as well."

Rigging will take this time to reaccess the battle. He will look for his wildcards and for Jack. When he sees Val in trouble, he will launch a magic missile spell at the sauhagin she is fighting.

Rolled spot check of 15

Appolo HP:8 Ac:21 Bless,Jack's Bonus,Bull's Strenght  d20+10=21 d8+3=5
Wednesday October 15th, 2003 8:34:58 PM

Appolo closes to with in thirty feet of the monster and fires agian."Hey where'd you go I'm right here"He yells at the Sea Devil.

Attack 21 Damage 5 From 30 feet away

Valanthe (HP 28/ 87, AC 19,Fatigued, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+16=24 d20+11=29 d6+7=13 d6+7=9
Wednesday October 15th, 2003 10:43:09 PM

Valanthe staggers from the three pronged assault. Her wounds were bordering on grievous and her strength was fading. Appolo was in worse situation and the others would have to cross a battlefield to reach her. This time Valanthe didn't have the rage to fall back on. This time she was alone. Determined to take one more foul smelling sea creature with her, Valanthe gripped her sword a little tighter and attacked.

[hit ac 24 for 13 and ac 29 for 9]

Walker, Ac 24, Hp 21+12/73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  2d8(7+2)+3=12 d20+10=17
Thursday October 16th, 2003 6:55:22 AM

Walker will take the potion from Bart. "Thanks, I am feeling a bit worn down." He then looks around [spot 17]and seeing Val & Appolo's situation will move towards them if able while drinking the potion. [30'?]

Ashira (AC23, HP26/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength  2d8(6+4)+3=13 d20+8=12
Thursday October 16th, 2003 9:41:45 AM

Ashira fishes out a couple of cure moderate wound potions out of her backpack. She smiles weakly as she hands one to Rigging. Drinking her potion down, some of Ashira's minor wounds heal. She looks concerned as her husband surveys the massive ship. "Where are the others? Val, Appolo and Redux..." Ashira takes a look around, but can't spot the combatants herself.

Redux (hp=58, ac=19), Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+6=15 3d6(5+6+4)=15
Thursday October 16th, 2003 10:03:28 AM

His smile broadens further at the success of his last spell. Then he notices Val's flaging strength. He casts Vampiric touch and directs his ghostly hand to float over to P6 and tap him on the shoulder.

OOC (Hit AC=15 for possible 15 hp of dam).

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 20(Or....Fight to the Death)---ADM Nellie  d20+11=15 d20+6=19 d8+4=8 d20+11=26 d20+6=19 d8+2=6 d8+2=9 d20+14=17 d20+9=18
Thursday October 16th, 2003 10:39:46 AM

Taking some much needed time for healing, the bulk of the Wildcards size up the battle field. There are still plenty of enemy sailors in the way, but with the help of the lower ranking Pirates, their numbers are thinning.

Rigging and Walker have no problem spotting Val, Appolo, Redux and their foes...though Ashira can't seem to spot them in the crowd. Rigging also spots the Jack on the far end of the vessel. His motivating holler still going, the Jack seems to be taking on the Vengeance's three top officers all at the same time...and he looks like he's doing just fine. The officer's, on the other hand, aren't looking so good. A few of the lower ranking Pirates have made their way to the Jack's position, and are doing a good job of keeping the ranks of Aisildurian sailors away from their leader.

Ashira hands Rigging a potion, and Rigging fires off his magic missiles which slam into the back of Val's sea devil. Ashira, Walker and Bart drink their potions. Walker moves as close as he can get this round, pushing and shoving the enemy sailors out of the way.

Ari fires of a couple of arrows, but hasn't quite figured out the range adjustment yet.

Appolo moves in a little closer and tries to help Val out, but it's still too tricky to nail the sea devil without pegging Val (the devil's AC is 26).

Meanwhile, Val continues to fight for her life...finding it harder and harder without the aid of her rage. Her first strike misses, though she carves into the sahuagin with the second blow. Her opponent looks to be in an equally dire situation as Val as he continues to strike at the elf. The devil's limbs tremble slightly as he makes his first attack and he misses. But just like Val, he connects with the second blow (8hp damage). Then the nasty floating axe smashes down twice, hacking savagely into Val's shoulder (15 hp total).

Redux's spell goes off without a hitch, and his spectral hand easily taps the little priest. The halfling shudders involuntarily as some of his life force is ripped out of his body and channeled to Redux. Redux on the other hand feels goooooood! However, the attack is not quite enough to take the priest down and he continues his attack on Val...but somehow he just can't connect with the dodging and weaving barbarian.

Rigging ac 19, hps 29/50 mage armor, jacks +2, protection from arrows, bless  d8=7 d8=7
Thursday October 16th, 2003 12:17:50 PM

Rigging will point out Val to Ashira and say, "We need to help her." Rigging will then gulp down the potion and start running in Val's direction.

OOc 17 points of healing

Walker, Ac 24, Hp 33/73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus 
Thursday October 16th, 2003 12:25:25 PM

Walker moves as quickly as he can towards Val.

Appolo HP:8 ac21 Bless ,Bulls Strength,Jacks Bonus  d20+17=27 d8+12=19 3d8(8+1+5)=14
Thursday October 16th, 2003 1:32:38 PM

Appolo still Bleeding badly throws his bow to the ground and draws his sword,then he charges up behind the big nasty amd stabs it right in the back.Full charge.{Charge-2 to AC}

Attack roll 27,Damage 19+14 for backstab=33

Valanthe (HP 8/ 87, AC 19,Fatigued, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+16=27 d20+11=22 d6+7=11
Thursday October 16th, 2003 6:57:44 PM

As blood soaks through her armor and pours to the ground in seemingly endless streams, Val struggles to remain standing. Now two hands are holding the normaly light sword and her attacks are desperate and sloppy. One last time Val tries to end the sea devil.

[hit ac 27 for 11]

Ashira (AC23, HP26/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Friday October 17th, 2003 8:56:47 AM

The half-elf startes when Rigging points out Val. "Shades, we've got to do something to help her. Rigging, I don't know how much longer she can last." Ashira reaches in her backpack and pulls out another seal, breaking it quickly. Suddenly everone feels like they can move much more quickly than they have in a while.

OOC Activated Seal of Quickness....everyone can move 100 feet for one round.

Redux (hp=58, ac=19), Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+6=26 d6+2=4
Friday October 17th, 2003 9:11:19 AM

Amazed that his last attack didn't take down the priest, Redux runs through the mental list of his spells...which are rapidly dwindling. He begins casting once more, hoping that he can lend some more assistance to Val. He directs his ghostly had to attack the halfling priest once more. The hand smacks the priest on the forehead (Wow...a natural 20!!!!!) discharging his Ghoul Touch spell on the priest. "Sorry Val!" he calls down on his shipmate...knowing full well that she might become very sick, very fast!

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 21(Or....The Heroic End???)---ADM Nellie  d20+8=19 d20+19=23 3d6(6+2+4)=12 2d6(5+3)+9=17
Friday October 17th, 2003 10:01:39 AM

Redux's spell goes off without a hitch, but the sneaky little priest shrugs it off.

Things grow ever more desperate as Val's strength fades. Struggling with her weapon, she somehow manages to slice him once. The devil snarls an evil, pointy smile as it lifts its trident for a killing blow....

In a desperate attempt to save Val's life, Appolo draws his sword, and rushes in. Lowering his sword at just the right moment, Appolo rams his sword through the back of the sahuagin and out through its heart (Please note the damage on a sneak attack is 3d6..not 3d8). The sea devil collapses in a very dead heap on the deck!

On the other end of the ship, Ashira activates her seal, and everyone moves much more quickly than before. Walker, being at the head of the pack, uses his new found speed to good advantage and closes with the priest (P6). He brings his sword down hard and slices cleanly through the little priest's body, cleaning cutting off his head. The glowing axe floats back over to the priest's lifeless body and then winks out of existence.

The other Wildcards (except Ari and Ashira) close in but find that there are no more foes to be found nearby...except for the ever present sailors and that stinky, smelly priest stuck in the web.

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's 
Friday October 17th, 2003 10:16:03 AM

(ooc sorry for missed post. Got taken out by a Migraine headache last night)

Ari takes a quick look around for other enemy's. When Ari finds no others that can be counted, he quickly climbs down the rigging back to the deck.

Seeing that all the other Wildcards have converged on Val's position. Ari prays that she's okay and begins to help any woulded that he finds of the pirates.

Keeping an eye and ear out for the activity going on around him. Ari tries to take inventory of the ship, to see if the ship is in good enough condition to either be sailed away from the island, if needed. Or to be claimed by the Jack for the use by Pirates.

Appolo HP:8 ac21 Bless ,Bulls Strength,Jacks Bonus 
Friday October 17th, 2003 3:40:50 PM

Appolo badly injured himself sprints by the dea beast with hardly a thought.He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his last healing potion and hands it to Valanthe."Here my sunshine drink this.It will make you feel better"{Cure Critical Wounds}Hethenen staggers and collpse from exhuastion."Oh someone finish off stinky over there."

Rigging ac 19 hps 29/50 mage armor, bless, jacks +2, protection from arrows 
Friday October 17th, 2003 11:28:43 PM

Rigging comes running up much faster than he expected. He hears Apollo's orders to kill the priest and countermands them. "No I want that priest captured and neutralized for now. I don't think we have ever captured a priest before and I want some information. We might even be able to cure his heartseed and gain a new ally. Let's leave it up to the Jack."

Thinking of the Jack, Rigging turns in his direction and looks to see if he needs aid.

Bart  d20+15=32 d10+9=12
Sunday October 19th, 2003 2:50:04 AM

With no more foes around him Bart rushes forward to aid Val and the other wildcards, dealing a blow towards an enemy on his way (spring atack ac32 for 12)

Walker, Ac 24, Hp 33/73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  2d8(7+7)+5=19
Monday October 20th, 2003 12:07:03 AM

Walker spend his "Make whole" spell to cast cure moderate on Appolo. Then stands ready with his sword.

Valanthe (HP 8/ 87, AC 19,Fatigued, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus) 
Monday October 20th, 2003 7:57:29 AM

Her sword clattered to the deck as Valanthe took the potion. With the fighting over and the adrenaline gone, Val falls to her knees and then forward onto the deck. With great effort Val rolls onto her back. Her teeth quickly remove the stopper and Val drinks the potion down.

ooc: No dmg handy. Anybody know how much a potion of CCW heals?

Ashira (AC23, HP26/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Monday October 20th, 2003 10:20:58 AM

Ashira makes her way to were the rest of the party is slowly (without the aid of the seal) but surely (she'll get there next round). She makes sure to avoid engaging with any of the Aisildurian sailors along the way...not feeling exactly up to snuff right now.

Redux (hp=58, ac=19), Fly, Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Monday October 20th, 2003 10:25:30 AM

Redux positively beams at Rigging's decision to capture the priest alive. Took down one priest and neutralized another....not bad for a wizard! he thinks to himself. He mentally leafs through the remaining spells he has but can't think of anything to use to secure the prisoner. From his "eye in the sky" position, Redux makes sure that none of the Aisildurian saliors try and sneak up on his shipmates.

Battle for Ayorsa, Finale---ADM Nellie 
Monday October 20th, 2003 5:45:14 PM

Though it takes some a lot longer to rejoin the group than others, the Wildcard's are eventually reunited. Rigging notices that the Jack has quickly cut down the two lower ranking officers and is now in the process of finishing up the Captain of the Vengeance. Even from this distance, it's very obvious that it's a one sided battle! The Jack quickly dodges the Captain's flurry of blows and with a spinning move that would make many a professional dancer green with envy, pins the Captain to the main mast of the ship!!! Then, with a flick of his rapier, the Jack disappears!

Healing is performed and then it's back to work. The ship is still swarming with sailors, and though they're not particularly challenging, it does take quite a bit of time to slaughter them and gain control of the ship.

Redux quickly becomes earth bound once more, and lacking the warrior's skill with the blade, sets himself to work cutting the stinky priest free and making sure he is firmly bound and gagged.

After what seems like hours (but is actually more like minutes), the ship is secure and a victory shout goes up from the Pirates on the Vengeance. The few remaining Aisildurian vessels beat a quick retreat from the island. But looking around the Wildcard's are quickly sobered. More than half of the Pirate's ships engaged in the battle are either actively sinking or are beyond repair. About a dozen ships look to be repairable, but are too damaged to give chase to the retreating enemy ships. A quick survey shows that the Sword appears to be the only vessel currently sea worthy.

Monday October 20th, 2003 11:42:20 PM

The bloodied elf lays motionless on the deck looking up at the sky. With the battle over she was in no particular hurry to move.

"So how did we do? I'm not sure on all the details of the fight but I feel like a pin cushion." Val laughs and then groans from the shooting pain.

Walker  3d8(5+1+8)+5=19
Tuesday October 21st, 2003 7:27:15 AM

Walker will convert his water breathing to cure critical?(sorry do not have book handy) for Val.

Tuesday October 21st, 2003 7:42:48 AM

Not looking much better than the rest of the Wildcard, Ashira sits down next to Valanthe. She looks at her blood covered armor and then the stacks of corpses around her. "War is bloody, dirty business." she says to no one in particular.

Ashira looks over wearily at Valanthe. "Are you going to be ok?" she mumbles in Elven. "You had me really scared back there."

After a few minutes of rest, the half-elf gets wearily to her feet and shuffles over to Rigging. She looks at the bound and gagged priest with disgust. "I suppose we should do something with that piece of garbage. I don't like the idea of keeping him around any longer than we have to. Shall we try and go find the Captain, or maybe the Jack?"

Tuesday October 21st, 2003 7:44:50 AM

Rigging will help mop up and make sure that priest's bonds are secure. He will blindfold the priest as well. After that, he will inspect the ship and make sure that it is sea worthy. If the ship is salvagable he will give orders to do so, otherwise he will have the Sword come along side and begin evacuating the ship.

Ari (down 5 hp) 
Tuesday October 21st, 2003 8:31:42 AM

Ari wanders around the ship to collect all his arrows. As he moves about the ship he looks at all the lives lost. Sighing, Ari wishes that there wasn't a need to kill so many people. It is a good day for the Pirates. But a sad day for the people of his land.

Appolo HP:25 
Tuesday October 21st, 2003 3:02:14 PM

Appolo staggers over to Valanthe and sits down thoroughly exhuasted.He lifts her up and hugs her"I so glad you made it.How are feelimg?"
He looks around a spots Walker"Hey Walker!! Valanthe could use some healing here!!"

OOC:I gave Val a cure critical wounds potion.
She should have got back a good amount of HIt Points.

Tuesday October 21st, 2003 11:01:50 PM

Redux finishes looks over his binding of the priest. "Appolo, come over here and make sure I did this right." "Rigging, I think I'll head over to the bridge of the ship. We may want to start organizing parties to collect weapons and anything useful. Probably be a good, also, to have them search below decks, especially the captain's quarters. This was an epic battle. Anyone know a good bard to memorialize our gallant and noble effort?"

It's Miller Time----ADM Nellie  4d8(8+5+6+8)+7=34 3d8(6+6+8)+6=26
Tuesday October 21st, 2003 11:27:27 PM

Truly exhausted from the battle's rigors, various Wilcard's enjoy some well earned rest while others find different ways to occupy their time.

Walker lays holy hands on Valanthe and heals her wounded body (34 hp from CCW, 26hp from CSW).
Val begins to feel much better.

Redux motions Appolo to check the priest's bindings....but Rigging beats him to the punch. Good thing he checked, too, because despite his years with the Pirates, Redux's skill with bondage seems to be lacking. Rigging adjusts the ropes, and though the bound, gagged, and blindfolded priest squirms uncomfortably, he looks quite secure for the time being.

Redux heads to the bridge, gathering weapons awkwardly as he goes. Arms full of bloody swords and tridents, Redux makes a quick search of the bridge, but finds nothing extremely interesting. Though he does spot a large nautical map on a table in the middle of the room. Scrawled in bright red lettering is the exact coordinates of Ayorsa island!!!

Ari scavenges the deck for usable arrows. He manages to find a dozen of missiles that can be reused.

Rigging examines the Vengeance. Other than the obvious duties of having to clean off the literally hundreds of corpses spread across the deck, Rigging notes that the ship has taken extensive damage. Though she could eventually be sea worthy, it's going to take a lot of time in port. After a little effort, Rigging manages to hail the partying crew of the Sword and signal her to come along side.

All of the Wildcard's and lower ranking Pirates rejoin and shimmy down ropes to the deck of the Sword. They are greeted by a cacophony of cheers from the remaining Pirates who heartily slap the returning crew on the shoulders and push bottles of various forms of rot gut toward the Wildcards. Captain Hawley pushes and shoves his way toward the Wildcards, grinning from ear to ear. "Gave 'dem a royal screwing, didn't we mate?" He motions toward the Vengeance. "And looks like we earned a little booty to boot!" The Captain eyes the captive priest and gives Rigging a curious look. "Isnt' it a little early for presents this year?"

Valanthe (down 45)  4d8(2+4+3+6)=15
Tuesday October 21st, 2003 11:41:38 PM

The healing potion combined with Walker's magic helps greatly. While still hurt pretty bad, but no worse than anybody else, Val was in no danger of dying. She would just hurt for a couple weeks.

"I'll be alright Ashira, just a little tired. I wasn't totally aware of my situation until my anger left me. Those priests were hurting me pretty bad and that sauhagin didn't help any. I won't lie, I thought that was it for me. I thought the priest was finished and turned my attention to the sauhagin. That mistake nearly killed me. Thankfully you guys pulled my butt out of the fire once again."

Valanthe looks at the others. They survived this day but was it really a victory? None of the wildcards died but that was a small concelation.

"Hey Appolo you look how I feel. Make sure you take it easy. I'll feel terrible if you collapse because you gave me your healing potion." She says with a weary smile.

"So now that we lived is anybody strong enough to do some looting? The potions and wands cost gold and it is only fair that we come out even. I'm sure the Jack will use most of the loot to rebuild all that has been lost."

Tuesday October 21st, 2003 11:51:11 PM

Rigging will shake the Captain's hand..."Yes sir...please hold off on killing him or interagating him. I want to discuss maybe using our cure on him. If he is freed of the heartseed, he might be willing to work with us."

Rigging will call all of the Wildcards in for a meeting. He will start by shaking everyones hand and giving Val a kiss on the cheek and his wife one on the lips. As he is kissing Val, he will murmer, "Nice job...cut it a little close but I knew you could handle those vermin."

"He will especially congradulate Redux. "Nice work with those spells. I can't wait until I can learn some of them. Webbing the priest was an act of genius."

To the others, "Though this was a victory, it was also a devasting blow. Most of the pirates are going to be landlubbers for a long time. The Ga'alians now know where our base is. We have some hard times ahead. This is why I am going to propose this."

Rigging pauses and takes a big breath and quickly says, "I think we should try and use Alemi's blessing on our captured friend over there. If we can free him from Ga'al's taint, he might be willing to work with us. I think he will still be evil, but he will be able to think for himself. Being a priest of Ga'al, he will know some of the plans that the leadership of the Empire is hatching. We might be able to stick a belaying pin in Ga'al's spokes."

Rigging pauses and looks at all the faces of his family trying to gauge the response to his suggestion. "I can't order this. We all worked hard in obtaining that cure. I am throwing it out there for discussion. What do you think?"

Appolo HP:25 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 2:36:58 AM

Appolo wipes the grime away from her face"Aye that maybe true,but your still beautiful."He says with a smile.The Appolo limps over to Rogging. When Rigging makes his suggestion he just spets turns and walks away heading for his quarters,strps off his armour gear and clothing,then collapses into hi hammock.By his reation it is clear that Rigging shouldn't let Appolo get too close to the prisoner or an accident might happen involving sharp metal objects.

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 7:04:34 AM

Walker will offer to use his remaining spells (cure lite 1d8+5, cure seriousx2 2d8+5, and cure crit 3d8+5) to whomever needs them most among the Wildcards and crew.
As for Riggins suggestion he states,"all beings deserve free choice, but I was not with you when you secured Alemi's blessing so I do not feel the right to a vote on its use. Do what you feel best for all."

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 10:11:00 AM

Responding to Redux, "Epic battle? Epic Battle? This was mostly wholesale slaughter of both the pirates, and our kinsfolk. The only joy in the telling of this story is that we over came the priests designs for us. Though I have to wonder why the Sea Devils did join in this." With some disgust on his mind, Ari walks away until Rigging brings the group together to discuss options.

"What about trying to use the priest to identify a likely ally that might benefit more from the freeing than him?"

Bart still wounded 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 2:05:33 PM

Redux i saw yoy carrying swords and other stuff did you also get the armors of the seadevils? They are of a good brand maybe magical. We have to check for other items as well.

After Bart gets the armor, he goes below decks to check the quarters there.

As he wants to go below deck he hears Rigging talking about the pirates fleet, why dont we use the better ships of aisuldurian navy or use them to repair our own

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 10:38:26 PM

When Ari poses his question, Rigging will say, "I doubt that Ga'al would allow the priest to answer any questions truthfully. Now you can glimmer information from a lie but I don't think that is wise in this situation."

Rigging gets up and starts to pace again. Now everyone in the party knows a lecture is coming from his body language. "I have been giving this a lot of thought. We only have 6 doses of Alemi's blessing. Who should we use it on? The first person I thought of was my father. He is an important noble in the empire and knows much about the empire's navy. He is an admiral in it.

In fact he might have been in on this attack. I hope not and hope that he is still alive" Rigging pauses and shakes his head. "Sorry I digress. If we choose my father, what have we accomplished? Yes he is a good fighter in his own right and could tell us valuable information on the disposition of the navy, but even that information would be quickly outdated.
He won't be an admiral anymore. He could command a boat, but he couldn't become a spy for us or sway others to join our cause.

I guess my point is we are never going to find a worthy person to give this gift too. The pirates are going to be in tough times ahead and finding out any information about Asidurian plans might be helpful for the Pirates survival. I vote that we give it to the priest and then question him with our best clerics and spellusers in attendance. We need to know what we are up against."

Rigging stops pacing, sits down, pours himself a glass of wine and downs it. His eyes seem to be off a million miles away

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 11:38:39 PM

The half-elf watches wearily as the Wildcard's discuss the fate of the priest. Her wounds ache, and her arms are pounding. "Should have chosen an easier profession."she thinks to herself. The blood covering her armor doesn't make things much easier, and she longs to go wash herself and curl up for a nap.

Ashira listens as various opinions are discussed and then finally adds her own thoughts. "Ari, I think Rigging is right. I don't think we can get too much out of the priest while he is still heartseeded, though I'd be glad to give it a try." Ashira smiles ruthlessly. Her eyes tenderly seek out Rigging's and she notices his mental distance. "It's been a tough battle for him too." she thinks. Her voice is soft as she voices her opinion. "I really don't like the idea of "curing" the priest. His profession in almost undoubtedly a chosen one, and I despise the idea of using our precious resources on him. I think he'd be put to better use as bait...preferably chum. I doubt even after he was "freed" that he would give us much information. I say the sooner we are free of the dung heap, the better. Let the Jack decide what to do with him. They could always use him to test various of the concocted test samples. Maybe we'll get lucky and one of them will be really poisonous..." Ashira let's the thought linger, too tired to put much thought into the matter.

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 11:49:39 PM

"We don't even know if he would survive the treatment. Ga'al is a god. He must know of the cure or a potential one. It is possible that all the important people won't survive the treatment. One thing Ga'al is not is stupid. why don't we just hand him over to the Jack? I'm sure he would have a few ideas that won't involve the treatment."

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 11:55:48 PM

Rigging sees that most of the family seems to be against the idea of curing the priest. Truthfully he didn't really want to either. Tactically it might be sound but morally it seems repugnant to waste some of the potion on someone who didn't really want or deserve it.

"OK we will hand him over to the Jack." he says to the group

Wednesday October 22nd, 2003 11:56:04 PM

Redux rubs his chest just a bit and chimes in on the conversation. "Well, before we go giving this guy any of our special water, lets just use the herbs that Ari & I used for so long. This will free his mind of the power of ga'al and give us an opportunity to evaluate if he deserves the water--let him prove that he is a worthy candidate. I'm sure our Paladin member wouldn't object to finding out if there are any redeeming qualities in the man." Smiling a bit, "She could even cast detect evil on him to see for the rest of us."

To Free or Not to Free....ADM Nellie 
Thursday October 23rd, 2003 12:02:56 AM

Just as the discussion looks like it has come to a consensus, Redux chimes in with a very important idea. All eyes look to Rigging, though it would seem that most would like to hand off the trophy to the Jack.

Meanwhile, Bart ponders the armament of the sea devils. He begins making plans to reboard the Vengeance and loot the bodies...a point mentioned earlier by Valanthe.

OOC Feel free to enjoy/wrap up the conversation tomorrow. I'll be moving the storyline again tomorrow night. Sorry my posts have been so late.----Nellie

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 1:03:19 AM

I don't mind what you do with that priest, look if he can say something usefull otherwise hang him. Val do you want to come with me to the Vengeance and see if we can find some loot or other usefull stuff?

I also guess there is a shrine devoted to Ga'al, no matter what we do with the vengeance I want to destroy it. Irf anyone else is interested to search the vessel consider yourself invited.

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 7:03:27 AM

"Sure. I'm well enough to do a bit of looting. If we don't get to them somebody else will. Anybody with a spell that can detect magic is more than welcome to come along."

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 7:20:15 AM

I'll come along. I can detect magic if needed.

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 12:14:16 PM

"if we're going to try to find people that this stuff is useful for. Why not talk to the Jack, and whatever information he can get from our network on the mainland. If the Jack has any inkling of the politics in our land. Don't you think him or his contacts might have an inkling as to who might be important.

Then if we couple that with Reduxs' idea, we could save the cures as a final reward of good deed. We could clear up the person's mind for a short time with our concoction. Get them to do some things on good faith. If their conversion seems fruitful, then we offer the final solution and welcome them to the pirate ranks.

or some such plan that might be similar to that."

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 1:00:24 PM

"Hmmmm I forgot about those herbs. Good idea Redux. Ok enough gloomy thoughts. Let's have a look at some looting. I happen to have my handy dandy wand of magic detection. Let's find some reward for our efforts."

Rigging will quickly pull out his wand and use it on the captive priest. "Can't be to careful." he murmurs. He will then go back to the Vengence and have everyone pull the dead clerics and mutant sahaugin together and use his wand again.

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 4:28:53 PM

Let see what is in store Val and Walker

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 10:15:20 PM

The half-elf smiles at the zeal of her shipmates and the wisdom of their thoughts concerning the herbs and the cure.

She joins the party on their return to the Vengeance, sorting though the personal affects of the sailors with little interest. It had been such a long, hard battle, and although the idea of a little loot was appealing, rest was even more so.

Thursday October 23rd, 2003 11:03:41 PM

Loot is fine, and he trusts his fellow Wildcards, but Redux is more curious to survey the ship. The only body he cares to inspect is that of the female priest they fought for the second time. Noting her belt, he removes it as a trophy to hang next to the burnt plate he took from the battle with the constructs.
He is interested in below decks. He has a curious thought, there were no mages, that he saw, in the battle other than himself.

Let's all go to Loot Mart----ADM Nellie 
Thursday October 23rd, 2003 11:28:18 PM

The party, and several others from the Sword gather large sacks and then head back to the Vengeance. Through a few hours of painstaking searching, the Pirates remove all of the items that look promising and throw them into a big pile. Using his wand, Rigging is shocked to find that none of the items in the pile have magical properties...though there are some residual auras as if temporary magic was used to augment some of the weaponry and armor. He also spots some mild auras on a several pieces of paper (hmmmm...kinda look like used up scrolls) and a few small smashed glass containers.

Aside from not being magical, there are several very nice items in the pile, not the least of which are the sahuagin tridents, the armor on the priest's bodies, and the armor on the sea devil's bodies. They look to be master work items. The rest of the items in the pile look as if they could go a long way toward arming future Pirates....

As you sort through the loot, a cry sounds out from the Sword. "Ahoy there Cards!" Why...it's Captain Hawley. "Hate to break up the party, but you be needed at the Palace." The Captain waves a piece of paper and points to a finely dressed young man.

OOC Sorry guys, but I'm going to let DM Dominic handle any loot you might get from the battle.

Friday October 24th, 2003 9:06:20 AM

Rigging will head over to the well dressed man and introduce himself. "How did the palace fair in the battle? Were there a lot of civilian deaths?" Concern is etched on Rigging's face.

When the Wildcards have gathered, Rigging will head over to the man's boat and get in. He will then try to clean himself up a little. At least get some of the blood off him,

Saturday October 25th, 2003 2:49:05 AM

Bart follows Rigging try to clean himself as good as it goes and introduce himself to the man

Saturday October 25th, 2003 4:01:16 PM

Walker will follow along with the rest.
He does not much care what he looks like. He's not in the mood to get cleaned up for anyone.

Sunday October 26th, 2003 11:45:13 PM

Ashira looks a little surprised at the summons, but joins her husband and the others in the boat with the young man. She too does her best to spot clean her armor, but makes sure that Rigging is cleaned up first. You never get a second chance for a first impression (or third, or fourth...) and since Rigging is the leader, Ashira decides that he needs to look as presentable as possible.

Monday October 27th, 2003 2:38:33 AM

After short nap and a change os clothes Appolo jions the others for the trip to meet the Jack and he is none to pleased about still looking the worse for wear,he stays in the back the hood of his extra cloak pulled up over his head.

Palace Interlude & Emeging Problems (DM Dominic) 
Monday October 27th, 2003 1:46:00 PM

As you are greeted by the finely dressed young man you read the paper that Captain Hawley hands you.

Wildcards please return at once to my palace in Safeport.


The young man introduces himself as John Blake, then continues to say "How would you like your share of the bounty from this prize ship paid?" Once you inform John, he suggest that you hurry to the palace and that he will see to it that you are paid your bounty.

Setting back out for the palace aboard the Sword, Captian Hawley comments with you on how close that battle came to turning into a victory for the Aisilduran navy. He goes on to say that if it had not been for the Jack and the wildcards it had a good chance of the Aisilduran's winning. After a couple of quiet days of sailing you arrive in Safeport.

When you arrive at the palace you are ushered to a side office. You see Rushcant looking very flustered. She greets you and reports that the Jack is gone, but shall be returning in a couple of days. Rushcant then signals for you to take a seat. Once everyone is seated she tells you that afteryou had sailed off with the fleet, several Aisilduran strike teams landed on the island and started setting fires and causing mayhem. They were eventually driven back to their ships by the King of Swords and her forces. A runner comes in and quickly moves over to Rushcant, then whispers to Ruschant. You all see Rushcant go deathly pale. Rushcant looks up from her desk to the everyone, then she says "you MUST get the King of Swords. Rescue her if at all possible or kill her if you can't. She must not be allowed to stay in Aisilduran captivity. King Maizey is being held on the Aisilduran ship 'Pride of Aisildur'. Your only hope is to catch her with the 'Sword'." A couple of breaths later Rushcant looks at you and says "What are you waiting for Go get her!!!"

OOC: Hi everyone it is a great honor to be DM'ing you all. To make it go smoothly I need the following things from you all. First, I need the most current Character sheets from you. Second, I would love to get any ideas and things you would like to see in the game.

My email address is: kngtfall@rpg-r-us.com

Monday October 27th, 2003 2:06:30 PM

What the King is held on the priPride od Aisuldur???!! How? When? Are you sure? How do you know that Any idear where the ship is now

Monday October 27th, 2003 2:48:40 PM

Valanthe rises and heads for the door. "They will be expecting us. This will be a nice opportunity to put some of Ga'al's important people to the sword."

Monday October 27th, 2003 2:55:23 PM

Rigging will run back to the ship, leading the
Wildcards with him. As fast as possible he will help get the ship underway. He will turn to Ashira and Redux. "Here.." He hands Nautacoulus to Redux and tells him, "Get the ship up to speed as fast as possible on a course out of the harbor."

He turns to his wife and says, "I know you don't like me using Wayfinder but speed is of the essense and I need to find the King. I hope they don't heartseed him! Think of the information they will get out of him. Don't let anyone disturb me."

Rigging then sits down with his back against the mast and brings the telescope to his eye. Show me the ship called "The Pride of Aisuldur. Show me the King of Swords."

Monday October 27th, 2003 3:47:07 PM

"though it might pose an interesting commodity if they did seed her. What could or would we get back from her if we converted her back?

Though I don't think I would want to let her go through that, at all."

Ari shudders as he thinks of what he has gone through with his seed.

Monday October 27th, 2003 6:39:50 PM

Walker hurries back to the ship with the rest of the cards.

Monday October 27th, 2003 10:42:19 PM

The greenish color from the half-elf's face fades to an odd white as she hears the news about King Maizey. She sprints along side her husband and takes up a defensive stance by her husband as he takes on the risky job of using the Wayfinder....ready to support him should the artifact drain him severly.

Monday October 27th, 2003 11:14:43 PM

Redux looks at the tool he has been handed. He was about to smile but it doesn't quite form. He remembers that the devise is to help to control the wind. 'It does rather look like a pan pipe,' he thinks to himself, 'so this must be the mouth piece.' Hmmm..., no, that's not what he's seen Rigging do. Holding it aloft he faces the sails and blows at them. When nothing happens, he points in the direction Rigging obviously meant for the ship to start out, "That way," he commands. He then remembers about looking thru it and reconsiders the devise and reorients it in his hands. Finding the eyepiece, he begins to look thru it, but to no immediate effect. He looks in most every direction for a few moments before he sees any real effect. The tools functionality becomes more obvious as he sees the correct route to take to begin the journey. Wind begins to collect in the sails and he finds himself controlling it to propel the ship in the desired route.

Tuesday October 28th, 2003 10:07:14 AM

Valanthe joins the rest of the crew in the frantic rush to get the ship ready for sailing.

Tuesday October 28th, 2003 10:46:41 AM

When Appolo hears the news and their orders,he more or less stomps back to the ship muttering various curses along the way.Once aboard the sword he heads back to his bunk and crashes,back to slepp.Thinking looks like I'm going to need the rest.

Tuesday October 28th, 2003 3:33:12 PM

After the first shock Bart goes back to the ship helping the crew to get some new provisions onboard

Setting off (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday October 28th, 2003 4:32:55 PM

When you arrive back at the Sword, Captain Hawley asks "What is going on? I just saw a messenger ship come racing in and a runner head for the palace." When He hears Rigging tell Redux to get the ship up to speed and out of port, Hawley calls out "Make way to leave port!! Double time on loading those supplies men!" Once all the supplies are loaded Capt. Hawley gets the Sword out of port and heading to sea quickly with the aid of Redux and the Nautacoulus.
Rigging feels himself being pulled to the SSE when he asks about the Pride of Aisildur. After several minutes Rigging can make out what looks to be a fast frigate making top speed heading W by NW. Rigging thinks that they are just over a day and a half from the Sword's current location. At this point Rigging's vision snaps back to where he is sitting and is feeling extreamely exhausted.
Each of you hear over the next couple of hours the crew talking about what is happening and are concearned for the Kings' safety. Capt. Hawley asks each of you what are your intensions?

Tuesday October 28th, 2003 9:16:48 PM

Rigging will call the ship officers and wildcards together. He will explain what he saw, the kind of ship they are chasing and the direction it is going.

"I am going to take a nap in a few minutes. We need a way of transporting aboard that ship without them seeing us. If they see us, they can kill the king before we can grapple. We need a plan to sneak aboard, rescue the king, and make our getaway."

Rigging stifles a yawn. "I want you guys to come up with a plan for me. Invisibility...flying...something to get us on that ship and away befoe they can react. We have a couple of days to prepare as they are a day and a half ahead of us."

Rigging then stumbles down to his bunk and falls asleep.

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 9:19:24 AM

The half-elf listens silently as Rigging gives the status report. She can't think of any stratagies, so she remains quiet for the moment. When Rigging stumbles into their quarters, she joins him, checking all of his wounds as he undresses to make sure that they don't look too serious. Then she asks for help removing her armor, and gives herself a quick sponge bath before curling up beside her husband. Ashira gently rubs Rigging's back as he drift off to sleep, knowing that this very well may be the last time they get "couple time" in a while. Not for the first time, she wonders whether she should give up the adventuring life and just settle down to a nice, safe, comfortable life with Rigging.

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 9:26:24 AM

More at home with the use of the artifact, Redux adjusts the sights of the Nautacoulus to match the course indicated by Rigging. As the ship cuts through the waters, Redux finds that he no longer has to concentrate like he had to in the beginning. He carefully stores the artifact in his backpack and heads down to his quarters, where he begins to work on scribing scrolls. That last battle was quite expensive, and the next one looked to be just as nasty. Like his father said "Better to be prepared."

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 12:31:09 PM

"How many people do we want to send, everyone? Or just a couple?

Do we have a way to get through the water? I can probably prepare spiderclimb for upto 5 people.

Or I might be able to turn into some kind of swimming creature and catch upto the ship. But I'm not sure what I as one person could do onboard the ship.

I wonder if we can find out whether they know we are coming or not? If they think they got clean away, it could make our job easier.

Do we want to intercept the ship as it currently sails? Or do we want to have the Sword intercept the ship like one day after we get on board the ship. So that way if we fail, they can sink the ship?"

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 12:33:27 PM

Appolo just sleeps,he'll spend most of the next day either resting or with Valanthe.

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 1:46:00 PM

Hmm I have thought about it and found some solutions to our problem
1 We try to get in front of the pride. Drop a small raft or boat and we presume we are shipwrecked. There is of course a danger that Pride is not at the course we suspect her to be.
2 We try to get contact with an underwater animal like an whale, giant turtle or dolphins to transport us to the ship. Where we under protection of invisibilty spells and rings board the ship.
3 We fly towards the ship I dont know if Redux or any other mage can make us fly
4 we put the flag of the Aisuldurian navy in top en sail towards the pride and pretent we have conquered this ship.
5 we risk the death of the king and attack the Pride

I think sailing as an by the aisuldurian conquered navyship is the best We attack from close range and they don't know what hit them.

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 2:18:37 PM

Walker has no suggestions per stratigies. During the trip he will tend to any remaining injuries of himself, the other 'cards and the rest of the crew as best he is able.

Chasing Pride (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday October 29th, 2003 3:58:28 PM

When the idea of flying the Aisildurian flag and acting like a captured ship is said Capt. Hawley says "we can try that but I'm not so sure that it would be believed being we are in to good of condition and moving way to fast."

Sailing through the night Capt. Hawley calls all hands on deck shortly before first light waking all of you from a deep sleep. When everyone is on deck Hawley says "by my figuring we should spot the Pride in a couple of hours. I say we follow them just out of sight then take it to them hard and fast at the end of mid watch when they are lax. What say you Wildcards?"

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 4:07:57 PM

Having already been awake Appolo arrives and listens to the Captian"Sounds good,but I do have a suggestion.I suggest that I go aboard thr Pride first nice and invisible,Redux can cast fly on me and I can use my ring once aboard I'll locate the King as fast as I can and spring her.Redux do you have a invisibility scroll It would help. Give me10 minutes to get aboard and start my search,then
attack.Oh and Rigging could you use that Wayfinder of yours to locate the exact place she is being held." Appolo stands at the ready fully prepared and eqipped.

Wednesday October 29th, 2003 10:46:36 PM

Rigging gets up from his nap and shakes his wife awake. He will head up on deck and hear Bart's suggestions. "I like the fly one." He will turn to Redux, "Can you cast enough spells to get a team on board? How much weight can you carry?"

Rigging will turn Ari and ask, "You said you could turn into a sea animal. How big? If we get close enough, could you tow some people to the ship. I and Appolo could then climb up the side."

Rigging will look at both spell users, "Between the two of you we might be able to get most of the Wildcards on the ship. We can then pursue a couple of tactics. We could possible free the King outright. Or we could disable the ship to let the Sword attack to advantage and bodyguard the King while it does so. That is the biggest problem. Once we attack, if we aren't in place to protect the king, they will just kill her. Saves the Pirate's secrets but we need to try to rescue her first.

Rigging will start pacing. "Redux do you have levitate in your spellbook? We could lighten a few people and you can fly them over on one spell."

Rigging will head over to the chart table and ask Captain Hawley, "Where do you think they are heading, and how much time do you think it will take them to reach the destination?"

OOC OK I am a landlubber...when is mid watch?"

Thursday October 30th, 2003 12:07:35 AM

"Unless the ship is still in the water we won't be able to sneak up on them. They will surely spot us long before we get close enough to use magic and sneak aboard. Getting in front of them will take way to much time. This doesn't even take into consideration the fact that they are probably magicaly searching for this ship. They must know we will come after them. I think the only thing we can do is hope the King is worth too much to kill outright. Unfortunately I am afraid we will have to storm the pride and get to the King before it is too late."

Thursday October 30th, 2003 1:23:43 PM

Ashira rubs her eyes wearily when awakened so suddenly. She hastily dresses in her explorers outfit and joins the conference. "Aye Captain" she muses "would seem best to attack them at night. They will be less vigilent then. But, we really do need to know the location of the King. I volunteer to use Wayfinder to try and locate exactly where she is on the ship. Even though it's dangerous, we should wait until the last minute to use the artifact to make sure that our information is as up to date as possible." Ashira turns to her husband as he considers different tactics. "Well, a small boat is probably out of the picture, unless someone can summon an obscuring mist to surround us. Using animals would be fine, but there is still a good chance of detection. I like the idea of flying over to the ship while invisible. Then, we could all hide out on the ship and Appolo and Rigging could go in as first strike. We'd be there to back you two up in case of trouble. Other than that, I suppose we just have to trust Alemi to guide us."

Thursday October 30th, 2003 1:52:53 PM

Awakened by the call, Redux arrives up top after a few minutes of laying in the bed trying to get back to sleep. He arrives a few minutes into the meeting. He listens carefully to Rigging's querys of him. "Well, we might have a problem.... I just scribed Fly into my spellbook. I might be able to scribe a scroll before we set out. So that means at most, I can make three people fly. Probably the best idea is to cast fly on the stronger members of the party...say Bart, Walker and Valanthe and have them ferry the rest of us over to the ship." Redux pauses for a few minutes in contemplation. "I have six invisibilty potions, so that won't be a problem. I can only cast Greater Invisibility once. I have one potion of levitation, and of course, my ring of levitation. Other than that, I'm pretty well tapped of scrolls...that last battle depleted my supplies pretty badly. Ohh...I also have quite a few Mage Armor potions in case anybody wants one."

Thursday October 30th, 2003 3:02:02 PM

We go for the fly option then. But just in case lets fly the Aisuldurian Navy Flag in top

Thursday October 30th, 2003 3:05:33 PM

"I'm thinking probably the best thing I can do is turn into merman. Though I'm not sure how many people I would be able to pull.

Maybe with the flying spells, I could be the odd man out and come up from the bottom of the ship using spiderwalk."

"If we're going to fly anything, let's check the other ship out, or see if they've been scrying on us somehow. If they don't know about us, it's an advantage. But if they expect chase, they we could be going into an ambush. I don't know if having an owl do reconnasaince will tip our hand or not. Though I'm thinking that we need more than one animal with us, because I don't want to be the suggesting someone else's animal doing something." With that Ari smiles at Redux.

Thursday October 30th, 2003 4:40:07 PM

An Invisible approch by air seems the best bet to me.

Decision Time - (DM Dominic) 
Thursday October 30th, 2003 6:50:33 PM

Captain Hawley llistens to each of your options then says "You all have come up with some good plan. Each one of them is viable in my eyes. So which shall it be, the Sword will play the captured ship if you want or we can hang back and trail while you try to get on board unnoticed."
A few moments later Hawley continues "going on what information I recieved earlier from you we should be within sight of the Pride in then next hour or so. Shall I slow us down and wait till night to get in closer or what? I do not think they would kill King Maisey if they spot us as she is much more valuable to them alive and worthless dead."

Friday October 31st, 2003 12:21:49 AM

The elf has said her piece so she waits quietly for Rigging to think about everything and make a descision.

Friday October 31st, 2003 1:07:04 PM

Ashira runs her fingers through her hair as she considers her options. "Unless Rigging says differently, I say we should fly an Aisildurian flag, just in case they should spot us. Our primary plan should be to hang back until mid-watch and then attack using invisible flyers to ferry us to the ship. I will scout out the kings location before we strike. Then I suggest sending in Appolo and Rigging to perform the rescue with the rest of us help in reserve. Anyone got any ideas on how they can signal us for help....other than screaming?" The half-elf winks mischieviously at her husband.

Friday October 31st, 2003 1:08:57 PM

The mage waits to see if Rigging should agree with Ashira's plan. If he does, then he heads over to his quarters immediately and begins scribing a Fly scroll.

Friday October 31st, 2003 2:35:02 PM

"The only other thing I can think of. Since we have the ability to keep an eye over them. I wonder if there's anyway that we can make ourselves look like a fleet of ships chasing after this ship. We always just miss seeing them. But they have to sail back towards the island, because of rations and water or something. The only problem with that, is whether we could outlast them or not.

Barring that, I'll do whatever Rigging would want me to do.

Friday October 31st, 2003 2:38:07 PM

I have no idear Ashira. Right after the moment i'm on the pride, I will drink a potion of Bull Strength. I also have o potion of endurance. If someone can use it you can use it maybe you Ari?

Friday October 31st, 2003 2:57:54 PM

Walker will wait to see what Riggins decides.

Rigging  d20+28=30
Friday October 31st, 2003 3:59:59 PM

Rigging will get the Nautaucolus back from Redux and spend a few minutes getting used to it again. He will keep the ship in motion at full speed but also use the ability of improved navigation to figure out where they were in relationship to the Pride. He is trying to make sure that the Pride won't make any ports until tomorrow. He wants to creep up on them at night.

Rigging will gather the others around him and say, "OK I would prefer to attack at night. It will give us more time to prepare and we should be able to get closer without them seeing us.

I want the Wildcards to lead the attack, try and secure and bodyguard the king. Ashira, Val and Bart, that is your assignment. The rest of us are to attack the ship and try to slow it down so the Sword can take her more easily. Redux I want you to loan your levitation ring to one of them and cast 2 fly spells on the others. The two with fly spells can tow the levitating one. The reason I am picking you three is your armor. I am assuming you will want it on for the battle.

Redux, you will then use your standoff spells to damage the ship and kill her officers.

Ari, I want you to change yourself into a merman. You will tow Appolo and myself to the ship early. Once we get there, we will all climb up the sides and start looking for the king. We can use bullstrength spells and spiderclimbs to make the towing and climbing more easy. I won't have any problems climbing the side due to my skills and slippers of spiderclimb."

Rigging turns to Walker and says, "I don't know how to include you on this. Do you have any magic that will help or can you fly? How are your swimming skills? I want to get you on board as quickly as possible. I have a feeling that we are going to need your healing and your good arm. I was thinking of letting you have my spot and loaning you my slippers.

I would have to stay behind, but I could use my spells as best as I could and wait for the ship to close. I will also be able to watch with the Wayfinder and try to pull anyone out of trouble with my braclet of friendship. I just don't feel right sending you guys into danger and staying behind myself.

Speaking of Wayfinder, I don't know if I am comfortable with anyone else using its powers before a battle. I definitely wears you down and weakens you. I will allow it but think hard before you make that decision."

Rigging glances meaningfully at his wife..."OK everyone go get ready."

Rigging will spend some time with his spellbooks changing some spells that he thinks he will need

OOC made navigation roll

Approaching the Pride (DM Dominic) 
Friday October 31st, 2003 6:42:19 PM

With hearing everything that Rigging said Captain Hawley calls to the crew "half watches till night fall, then all hands prepare for stealthy approach on the Pride." The crew of the Sword raise a cheer upon hearing the orders.

Using the Nautaucolus Rigging figures that you will have to attack this night otherwise the Pride will reach several other ships around mid morning tomorrow. Captain Hawley informs you that any ships in the area would be Aisilduran navy pirate hunters. Hawley also asks that in the initial rounds of combat or just before that the wildcards please deal with any catapults that they find on the deck of the Pride.

During the day the crew goes about work with half of the crew resting and the other half working then they shift so that the entire crew is well rested come night fall.

At night fall the crew all start readying the ship for combat by keeping the decks clear of any loose items. They also change the sails to a dark grey colored sails so that the moon light does not reflect off of them. Around the begining of mid-watch (ca. 12-1 am) the look out signals the sighting of the Pride. At this point Capt. Hawley steers a holding (500 yards distance) approach and has the crew ready the two small catapults. Capt. Hawley issues orders that only chain in the fore catapult and stone in the rear catapult is to be launched at the Pride. Capt. Hawley says "signal us with a fire arrow when you want us to attack" then he wishes you good luck.

Friday October 31st, 2003 11:59:10 PM

Valanthe checks her gear one last time. She makes sure her armor is oiled and the buckles won't give. Next Val secures her two throwing axes and the daggers in her boots. Lastly Valanthe sheaths her sword and slips on her ring of partner invisibility. Valanthe heads up to meet with Ashira and Bart. They would be leaving soon and the sea will run red this night.

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 9:54:37 AM

I have darkvision for one thing, god granted ability, not a spell. I also have water walking spell. If someone were to cast spider climb I could reach the pride over the surface. I will put myself at at your disposal.How would you like to use me.

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 5:25:12 PM

Bart prepares for battle checking his armor and weapons for the last time. Making sure he has his potion of bullstrength and healing ready

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 11:13:16 PM

Rigging says to Walker, "Excellent, You have waterwalking. We will have Redux cast a spiderclimb on you before you go over the side. You can join the watergroup. Only thing I am worried about is sahaugin but you can't have it all."

Sunday November 2nd, 2003 11:14:43 PM

ooc could you tell us the conditions of the weather, what the moon is, wind etc?

Monday November 3rd, 2003 3:22:32 PM

The paladin quickly gathers all her equipment needed for the mission and then checks and double checks her armor to make sure it is well oiled. She joins up with Bart and Val and checks them over, making sure everone is ready to go. Then she calls Rigging over and askes for Wayfinder. Once the others are ready, Ashira puts Wayfinder to her eye and says "Show me King Maisey."

Monday November 3rd, 2003 3:28:45 PM

After working hard all day scribing his fly scroll, Redux is surprised to hear that Rigging only wants him to cast the spell twice. Shrugging his shoulders, he hands the levitation ring to Ashira, figuring she is probably the weakest of the three. He then begins to cast Fly (first from the scroll, then from memory) on Bart and then Val. He then removes his wand of Bull's Strength in preparation to tap the exiting Wilcards before they leave.

Boarding the Pride (DM Dominic) 
Monday November 3rd, 2003 6:12:30 PM

Using the Wayfinder Ashira sees that King Maisey is being held in a room below decks and only sees 3 guards with him. Ashira is unable to make out any details about the guards. Ashira sees that King Maisey is tied to the bed with what appears to be chains.

Captain Hawley waves to the Wildcards to begin their boarding action as the crew of the Sword goes about folowing the Pride silently.

You notice that the sea is very calm and that there is only a light wind. There is a light cloud cover and there is a new moon this night.

**** OOC:
I need to know who is going via air and who is going via water to the Pride and what spells are currently in effect. Also is any of the Wildcards staying on the Sword?

Everyone is at full HP at this moment.

Monday November 3rd, 2003 10:36:44 PM

Rigging will go over to Redux and say, "Did I see you put away a scroll of flying? I misunderstood. I didn't think you could pull off 3 spells even with a scroll. This is great. Why don't you go with the flying group. So in the flying group we will have Ashira, Val Bart and you Redux. Get to the king as fast as possible. In the water, we will have Me, and Appolo being pulled by Ari and Walker doing a water walking spell. I think we should does Ari with the bullstrength wand to help him pull the load."

Rigging will becken the wildcards to follow and go over to the Captain and say, "I think you should order lights out. We should try to get as close as possible so our boarding parties have less distance to travel and less exposure. Of course, we don't want to be spotted or heard so we need to be careful. The swimmers will leave first. I expect it will take us longer to get over there and then we will have to climb on board. I figure we will need around a 5 minutes head start. Then send the the flying group. If you hear us screaming in pain, please feel free to come to our rescue. I am worried about sahaugin swimming guards." Rigging will then hand the Captain a seal. "Sir this is a spell of night flying. When the Sword gets close, you can break it and give the crew or a least a portion of the crew flying for one minute. Might be a nasty surprise for our enemies to see a huge boarding party flying at them but remember it will only work for a minute."

Rigging will turn to Redux and Ari and asks, "Can you cast spiderclimb spells on Walker, Appolo, and Ari? Do you know that spell Ari?"

As the ship starts to close in, Rigging will start casting spells at the appropriate periods.
He will cast mage armor, protection from arrows,cast invisibility(not activate his ring) ship because they last a while, when they get to the enemy ship he will cast cats grace on himself.

"OK last pep talk before we go, the flyers will get to the king as fast as possible, the swimmers will take out ships officers and catapult crews to help soften up the ship while we wait for the Sword to engage. Any questions?"

Monday November 3rd, 2003 11:06:01 PM

"Rigging there is a chance we can board the ship unnoticed. Do you want us to try and sneak below deck or start tearing things up?"

Redux (mage armor) 
Monday November 3rd, 2003 11:43:05 PM

(ooc Rigging, you are correct. In checking my math, I only have 2 fly spells, none scribed, it seems pointless to waste the paper & time when they get used immediately and the spell slots are used up (now if I had a day in between, that would have been good).)

Redux will stay behind on the ship awaiting the breaking of the fly seal. As his fellow wildcards leave the ship, he will cast fly on the 2 that need it, and tap them all for bull's strength. He drinks a potion of mage armor himself.

Tuesday November 4th, 2003 7:53:52 AM

Responding to Rigging, "I will have Alter Self, Cats grace, bull strength, Spider Climb, shield available. I had planned on covering myself with these. I have a couple of other assundry spells that I've thrown together.

Let me know if you want me to start carrying things like spider climb in the future, or whether Redux will be the person to do that."

Tuesday November 4th, 2003 8:11:17 AM

"Val, Your group contains our strongest fighters. I wish Redux was going with you but hopefully he will get there soon enough. I want you to get to the king. If you can rescue him and get off the boat if possible. If not, hole up and the second group will try and join you.
The second group is gonna take some quick swings at ships officers and catapults. This will hopefully slow down reaction time and clear the Sword to move in. Then if we don't see you, we will be coming your way.
Remember, I know this is hard to say, but we have orders to kill the king if we can't rescue her. It's tough but she has to much information about the pirates to be allowed to be heartseeded."

Tuesday November 4th, 2003 9:20:59 AM

can someone cast invisibility on me?

Appolo HP:36AC:21 
Tuesday November 4th, 2003 12:19:20 PM

Appolo has put his two cents and stands silently at the ready, awaiting final orders. He then walks over to Val"Remember keep your temper under control,the mission is rescue the King not kill everyone one you come across.Oh please be carefull."He says with asmile.
He then walks over to stand next to Rigging"I still think I should go alone and invisible."

Boarding Action - rd. 1 (DM Dominic)  (dispel attempts) d20+10=20 d20+10=11 d20+10=21 d20+10=21 d20+10=29 d20+10=22 (attack on Ashria)d20+6=22 (attack Val)d20+6=19 (attack Bart)d20+6=21 (dmg ashira) d8+2=4 (dmg Val) d8+2=10 (dmg Bart) d8+2=8
Tuesday November 4th, 2003 6:53:13 PM

Upon completing all of your spellcasting and planning you head off towards the Pride. The water bound group heads off and after about 15 minutes they arrive at the Pride's waterline and start up the side. Atthis point the airbound group leaves the Sword for the Pride. As you start to get near the Pride you feel the winds start to pickup around the Pride.
As you get closer to the deck you have the feeling that it is strangely quiet on the deck of the Pride. Team 1 (flyers) starts to head below deck for where King Maisey is being held. Just after the last of Team 1 reaches the lower deck, you feel a strange tingling feeling pass over each of you. (Dispel Magic 30' r.)(Fly is dispelled from all, Bull Strenght is dispelled from all but Ashira)
At that moment 6 crew members, 2 Sea Devils and 1 mage attack.
Crewman 1 attacks Ashira hitting ac 22 dmg 4
Crewman 2 attacks Val hitting ac 19 dmg 10
Crewman 3 attacks Bart hitting ac 21 dmg 8
Crewman 4-6 holds ready
Sea Devil 1 - holds ready
Sea Devil 2 - starts casting
Mage - starts casting

Team 2 makes it up to the railing as Team 1 starts to head below decks. You do not see any movement on the deck other than Team 1.

Team 1 (flyers) -

Team 2 (water) -

Team 3 (on Sword) -

OOC: please list your ac and any spell effects with your name.

Valanthe (AC 19, 78 HP)  d20+13=19 d20+8=20 d6+6=9 d6+6=12
Tuesday November 4th, 2003 11:06:36 PM

Valanthe turns with the slash, trying to avoid the incoming blade but still gets cut. Growling Val savagely attacks the crewman before her.

[hit ac 19 for 9 and ac 20 for 12]

ooc: Valanthe has a damage reduction of 1. Can you please tell me how many times Valanthe gets hit with the damage total?

Ashira (AC20, HP 67) Bull's Strength  d20+13=16 d8+8=10 d20+11=29 d20+6=24 d20+10=28 d8+8=14 d8+8=12 d6+5=7
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 2:51:14 PM

Ashira smiles humorlesly at the opponents facing her. "Knew this was too easy." she thinks to herself. She checks how far she is away from the spellcaster. If she can close ranks with him without drawing more than two attacks of opportunity, then she does so (attacking AC16 for 10 hp of damage if she gets an attack). If not, then she works the battle the old fashioned way, attempting to hack down Crewman #1 with a full attack (AC 29, 24, and 28 for 14, 12, and 7 dam). If at anytime in her attack she should kill the Crewman prematurely, she will switch targets to the next closest crewman.

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS CG) 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 2:53:57 PM

Causing the change to come over him. Ari feels a new sense of intrigue after casting the alter self spell. This is a different type of magic, that he's not used before. Careful not to lose him in the sensations of the Merman, he keeps himself centered on getting to the ship. Quickly he casts Spider climb on himself, and climbs over the edge of the ship into the water, to wait for his companions. When they join him he quickly transverses the distance between the two ships. Climbing aboard, Ari quickly casts his two enhancement spells.

Feeling nervous about finding no one on top, Ari puts his hand on the sword of Alemi, to give him comfort of ALemi's presence.

Walker Ac 20, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 3:20:52 PM

On seeing the appaerently empty deck Walker will draw his blade and cast see invisible.

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=23 d20+12=17
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 4:43:28 PM

Appolo climbs aboard looks around,then goes invisible,activating his ring.Moving silently and quickly toward the hatch and staying close to the shadows Appolo makes his way below decks and toward where the King is being held.

Move silently 23,Hide 17

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 5:02:24 PM

As Redux watches his friends fly and swim through the night, he can't help but feel a little helpless. He prays that Waard will watch over them, and constantly scans the enemy ship to see if he can lend any long distance assistance.

Bart (Ac24 HP 54)  d20+12=24 d20+7=23 d10+7=16 d10+7=17
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 5:36:49 PM

Bart avoids being hit and returns the attack (hit ac 24+23 for 16+17)

Boarding Action - rd. 2 (DM Dominic)  (attack on ashira) d20+10=29 d20+10=29 d20+5=11 (dmg on ashira) d8+2=7 d8+2=9 (attak on val) d20+10=23 d20+10=16 d20+5=15 (dmg on val) d8+2=10 (attack on bart) d20+10=14 d20+10=13 d20+10=13
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 7:18:23 PM

As Team 2 starts to look about the deck and Appolo starts towards the hatch to the lower deck, Walker notices that there is several forms moving about the deck that appear to be invisible. Appolo is half way to the hatch at this moment.

Team 1 sees that they score hits on the crewmen but none of them drop. Each of the crewmen look to be severly wounded but continue to fight the Wildcards keeping it to tight to move to attack those in the back.
Sea Devil 2 casts Hold person on Val (Will Save DC 16)
Mage finishes casting his spell and smiles when finished casting.
Crewman 1 attacks Ashira - hitting 2 times for 16 points
Crewman 2 attacks Val - hitting once for 9 points (dr is included)
Crewman 3 attacks Bart - missing with all attacks
Crewman 4-6 holds ready
Sea Devil 1 - holds ready

Val, I have a AC of 20 for you.

Ashira (AC20, HP 51) Bull's Strength  d20+11=26 d20+8=16 d20+10=21 d8+8=9 d8+8=9 d6+5=10
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 10:10:38 PM

Ashira grunts as she takes the blows. "We should have never split the team." she thinks as she unleashes another full attack on Crewman #1. She swings her swords in a blur of motion as she tries to end the battle quickly. (AC 26, 16, and 21 for 9, 9, and 10 dam).

Rigging hps 50/50 ac 20 cats grace, mage armor, invisible 
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 10:41:59 PM

Rigging will whisper "Let's take out the catapults and get below."

He will then cast a flaming sphere and center it on one of the catapults hoping to catch it on fire.

Valanthe (AC 19, 69 HP)  d20+8=19
Wednesday November 5th, 2003 11:09:47 PM

Crewman 2 manages to slice into her flesh and draw blood. Valanthe traces her index finger across the wound and smiles wickedly.

"Oh I see you want to play." Her gaze shifts to the sea devil (2). "I'll be with you in a second."

Valanthe's eyes turn a shade of red as the anger takes over. She knows that Appolo told her to keep calm but there was blood that needed to be spilled.

ooc: Val will rage this round. If you look on her sheet I made the mistake of including bracers in her ac total. Also Val has a couple of thrown weapons on her person. Could she attack once with her sword and throw a hand axe?
Dominic - you could attack once with the sword then throw a hand axe as you get 2 attacks/rd at your level. the thrown weapon attack would cause and AoO as you would be using a missile weapon in melee.

Wednesday November 5th, 2003 11:10:32 PM

OOC: btw will save of 19

Walker Ac 20, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible 
Thursday November 6th, 2003 12:52:08 PM

If Walker can hit the invisible beings without endangering the other cards he will cast shadow conjuration (fireball, 5d6) at them.
Otherwise he will activate his swords flames and move to engage them in melee combat.

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS CG) 
Thursday November 6th, 2003 1:44:54 PM

Doing his best to whisper with a voicebox he's unfamiliar with Ari croaks, "Where are you going Walker?"

Ari tries to watch both what Rigging is doing and what Walker is doing. Unsure of what to do, Ari waits for something happen.

Bart (Ac 24 Hp 54)  d20+12=32 d20+12=29 d20+7=13 d10+7=17 d10+7=10
Thursday November 6th, 2003 4:58:39 PM

Bart makes a big swing with his sword cutting his foe in half ( threat crit 29 for 27). Hie steps forward to ataack another sailer but he misses (hit ac 13)

Appolo HP:36 AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=29 d20+12=17 d20+6=13 d20+3=4
Thursday November 6th, 2003 6:55:57 PM

Appolo continues silently an swiftly toward the hatch,watching for any unusaul shadows and listening for any unusaul noises.

Move silently 29,hide 17,listen 4,spot 13

Boarding Action - rd. 3 (DM Dominic)  (attacking val) d20+10=24 d20+10=21 d20+5=20 (dmg on val) d8+2=4 d8+2=4 d8+2=9 (attacking ashira) d20+10=19 d20+10=25 d20+5=14 (dmg on ashira) d8+2=6 (attacking bart) d20+10=23 d20+10=17 d20+10=27 (dmg on bart) d8+2=7 d8+2=5 (attack on val) d20+9=28 (attack on ari) d20+10=27 d20+5=22 (dmg on ari) d8+3=6 d8+3=10 (attacking walker) d20+10=11 d20+5=24 d20+10=20 d20+5=23 (dmg on walker) d8+3=7 d8+3=9 d8+3=6 (attacking rigging) d20+10=11 d20+5=22 (dmg on rigging) d8+3=10
Thursday November 6th, 2003 7:21:30 PM

Team 1 continues to fight the crewmen below decks. Ashira hits causing the crewmember to drop to the ground dying. The other crewman steps in and attacks. Bart connects with his opponent killing him outright, then steping towards the next crewmember and missing with his attack. Valanthe begins her rage this round.
Sea Devil 2 casts Hold person on Bart (Will Save DC 16)
Mage hits Val with Ray of Exhaustion (Fort save DC 17) (failure - exhausted state, success - fatigued state)
Crewman 1 - dying
Crewman 2 attacks Val - hitting with all 3 attacks dmg 14 (dr is included)
Crewman 3 - dead
Crewman 4 - holds ready
Crewman 5 attacks Ashira hitting with one attack dmg 6
Crewman 6 attacks Bart hitting twice dmg 12
Sea Devil 1 - holds ready

Team 2 -
Walker's sword bursts into flames as he starts heading towards Appolo.
Appolo reaches the hatch to the lower decks and hears fighting going on below decks.
Rigging directs his flaming sphere to hit the main catapult damaging it slightly, unfortunately the catapult does not catch fire.
At this moment you all see 4 crewmen appear as they strike at Ari, Walker, Rigging.
Crewman 7 attacks Ari hitting twice dmg 16
Crewman 8 attacks Walker hitting once dmg 7
Crewman 9 attacks Walker hitting twice dmg 15
Crewman 10 attacks Rigging hitting once dmg 10

Rigging ac 20 hps 50/60 mage armor, cat's grace  d20+6=26 d20+6=19 d20+6=23 d6+1=6 2d6(5+1)=6 d4+1=3 2d6(2+5)=7
Thursday November 6th, 2003 7:43:48 PM

Rigging feels the bite of steel and tries to dodge away from it. He quickly pulls his weapons and launches into a counter attack. He stabs low with his rapier and follows up with an attack with his holy dagger to his foe's chest.

OOC flaming sphere is still burning at the catapult. Rolled critical hit for rapier and evil damage for holy dagger. Bonus should be +7 but forgot to add in dex pluses for Cat's grace spell. Helps out with weapon finesse feats

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=20 d20+12=13 d20+6=22 d20+3=15
Thursday November 6th, 2003 8:25:07 PM

Appolo silently moves below,heading swiftly to were the king is being held.Stcking to the shadows as much as possible watching and listening for anything suspicious.

Move silently 20,Hide 13, Spot 22, Listen 15

Walker, Hp 51/73, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible  d20+11=27 2d6(4+5)+5=14 d6=5
Thursday November 6th, 2003 9:40:55 PM

Walker swings on crewman 9.
[hit ac27, dam = 14 + 5 flame]

Ashira (AC20, HP 38) Bull's Strength  d20+11=29 d20+8=26 d20+10=17 d8+8=11 d8+8=10
Thursday November 6th, 2003 10:24:51 PM

Looking very determined, Ashira presses the attack with her newest opponent. She manages a couple of good blows with her longsword, but her shortsword blow is easily parried. (Hit AC 29, 26, 17 for 11 and 10 dam).

Redux (mage armor) 
Thursday November 6th, 2003 10:55:49 PM

Redux, looking thru the eyeglass, spots the trouble the Wildcards are in. "Captain, i believe it important for you to close with that ship. We may need to pull those guys from the water. Have the balista ready once in range. i'll take out any catipult that tries to fire upon us with a fireball."

Valanthe (AC 17, 69 HP, Raged)  d20+9=21 d20+13=22 d20+8=26 d20+8=14 d6+10=11 d6+10=11
Thursday November 6th, 2003 10:59:02 PM

Getting extremely annoyed with spellcaster, Val savagely attacks the crewman before her. Her sword, a rapier, a noted weapon of grace and style. In Valanthe's capable hands the style and grace are replaced by savage brutality.

[power attack -2 to hit/ +2 to dmg.]
[hit ac 21 for 11, crit threat- no crit for 11]

Bart  d20+12=32 d20+12=28 d20+7=25 d10+7=14 d10+7=11 d10+7=13 d20+2=7 d20+2=20
Friday November 7th, 2003 5:34:01 AM

Bart shivers of the spell (save 7 used heropoint 20). He attacks the crewman in front of him slashing him almost in two (crit for 24). His second attack hopeley kills the bastard (ac 25 for 7). After his attacks Bart steps toward the seadevil who did cast a spell on him (dodge & mobility feat)

Boarding Action - rd. 4 (DM Dominic)  (attacking bart)d20+10=27 d20+10=22 d20+5=21 (dmg on bart) d8+2=5 d8+2=6 d20=5 (attacking val) d20+10=14 d20+10=28 d20+5=16 (dmg on val) d8+2=5 d8+2=8 d20=20 (attacking ashira) d20+10=23 (dmg on ashira) d8+2=4 d20=14 (attacking ari) d20+10=28 d20+10=30 d20+10=14 d20+5=25 d20+5=22 (dmg ari) d8+3=8 d8+3=11 2d8(1+2)+3=6 (attacking walker) d20+10=22 d20+10=24 d20+5=23 d20+5=20 d20+10=27 d20+10=19 (dmg on walker) d8+3=11 d8+3=4 d8+3=6 d8+3=9 d8+3=5 (attacking rigging) d20+10=29 d20+5=13 (dmg on rigging)d8+3=11
Friday November 7th, 2003 6:41:15 PM

Team 1 -

Val gets hit by a sickly green ray of light causing Val to become fatigued (-2 STR and -2 DEX, cannot run or charge.) The ray comes from the door way behind Ashira's attacker.

Bart's opponent continues to stand and gives another flurish of blows at Bart hitting twice (dmg 11.)

Valanthe sees her opponent absorb the blows, then attacks hitting twice (dmg 11.)

Ashira sees that her blow does not kill her opponent. The crewman swings at Ashira with one attack then steps back. hitting (dmg 4)

Crewman 4 steps up towards both Ashira and Val with 2 short swords drawn.

Sea Devil 1 starts to move closer to Val readying its Trident.
Sea Devil 2 casts Calm Emotions at the Wildcards (Will Save DC 16)
Mage casts Charm Person on Ashira (Will Save DC 15)

Team 2 -
Appolo starts to head down to the lower deck reaching half way down then spots the battle going on between team 1 and the crewmen.

Crewman 7 attacks Ari hitting with two strikes and one critical hit (dmg 25.)
Crewman 8 attacks Walker hitting with all three swings (dmg 21)
Crewman 9 attacks Walker hitting with 2 slashes (dmg 14)
Crewman 10 attacks Rigging with his warhammer hitting once (dmg 11)

Rigging's flaming sphere catches the catapult on fire and the deck is starting to catch fire.


Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Ashira (AC20, HP 34) Bull's Strength  d20+7=11 d20+7=9
Friday November 7th, 2003 9:47:26 PM

Ashira smiles as the Crewman's blow barely nicks her and raises her swords to deliver a killing blow just as the magic washes over her. She hesitates, and then lowers her blades. She looks around at the other Wildcards in disbelief. "For the love of Alemi, why are you attacking our allies? Val, Bart....stand down!"

Valanthe (AC 16, 58 HP, Raged, Fatigued)  d20+13=27 d20+8=9 d6+8=14
Friday November 7th, 2003 9:51:28 PM

Frustrated by her opponents refusal to bleed Valanthe tries again, hacking her opponent.

[hit ac 27 for 14. power attack -1/+1]

Redux (mage armor) 
Friday November 7th, 2003 10:17:04 PM

Redux continues to spy the action on deck and can only imagine what is happening below deck. "Captain, this ship isn't moving fast enough. Activate the seal and let's send a party over there. A few with me should be able to tip the scale back in our favor." Redux adjusts his things in preparation to fly to the ship.

Rigging ac 20, hps 29/50 mage armor cat's grace  d20+7=27 d20+7=25 d20+7=16 d6+1=4 2d6(5+3)=8
Friday November 7th, 2003 11:14:00 PM

Rigging grunts with pain as the blow strikes into his body. He stabs out and sinks his rapier deeply into his enemies body but misses with his dagger.

ooc rolled critical hit with rapier 12 points of damage

Bart (Ac24 HP 31)  d20+12=25 d20+7=17 d10+7=9 d10+7=10
Saturday November 8th, 2003 3:36:03 AM

Bart ignores Ashira and attacks the crewman once more (hit ac 25 for 9). He steps towards the crewman Ashira was fighting with and attacks him (ac 17 for 10)

Walker, Hp 16+19/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+13=26 3d8(7+6+1)+5=19
Saturday November 8th, 2003 10:56:02 AM

Walker steps back 5' going defensive and spotaniously spending his water breathing spell to cast cure critical on himself.
[concentration check = 26, healed 19 hp]

Saves Reminder (DM Dominic) 
Saturday November 8th, 2003 2:05:46 PM

Val, Bart Please roll your Will saves. If you don't I will consider you failing it.

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+11=12 d20+6=20 d8+3=6 d6=6 d6=2 d6=5 d6+12=16
Saturday November 8th, 2003 6:33:21 PM

Appolo move silently and quickly toward the Sea Devil Cleric,back stabbing it, with his shortsword.

Move Silently 12,hide 16,attack 20,damage 6+ Back stab 6 2 5=19

Bart  d20+2=7 d20+2=21
Sunday November 9th, 2003 7:45:58 AM

OOC will save roll (used heropoint)

Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG)  d20+8=27 d20+8=12 d20+8=22 d6+5=8 d6+5=10 d20+9=26 d6+5=6 d6=3 2d6(3+2)=5 d20+8=22 d6+5=7 2d6(2+3)=5 d20+9=13 d20+9=22 d6+5=10 2d6(5+6)=11
Monday November 10th, 2003 5:18:35 PM

(ooc doing two posts/rounds, as directed by DM. Sorry for delay. Motorcycle accident on Sunday. I'm okay. Little sore, no major hospital bills)

Having been caught relatively unawares by the attacking party. Ari responds in kind to his attack without thought about other solutions.

(AC 27 (poss crit (12) use hero point? (22) for 8 pts no crit, 18 points with crit +5 points if evil)
(AC 26 for 6 points + 3 points of fire)

(AC 22 for 7 points + 5 points if evil)
(AC 13 Hero points used, AC 22 for 10 points plus 11 points of fire)

Bleeding heavily from his cuts, Ari looks around when finished, to assess what is going on.

Boarding Action - rd. 5 (DM Dominic)  d20+8=14 (will save val)d20+8=14 (concentration roll) d20+13=28 (teleport roll) d100=39 (morale roll) d20=14 d20=12 (attacking val)d20+10=21 d20+5=9 (dmg on val) d6+3=6 (morale) d20=20 (atacking walker) d20+10=13 d20+5=8 d20+10=18 d20+5=14 (attacking rigging) d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+10=18 (dmg on rigging) 3d8(4+4+7)+9=24
Monday November 10th, 2003 7:48:48 PM

Hearing Redux recommending use of the seal of flying Capt. Hawley breaks the seal activating it. 10 crewmen, Hawley and Redux are effected by it. Hawley,crewmen and Redux fly towards the Pride swiftly. (will be able to melee attack next round unless otherwise directed.)
Letting loose with the first shot from the main catapult (hit the sails) the remaining crew of the Sword pilot the Sword towards the Pride with full speed.

Team 1 -

A wave of calming emotions spreads through Team 1. Bart feels the effects just roll off of him with no effect. Valanthe feels the effect bring her out of her Rage early (failed save, nolonger raging, and is now exhausted.) Appolo makes it to the foot of the stairs and next to Bart and Ashira.
The Mage tells Crewman 5 to ignore Ashira and to attack Bart. Then the mage steps up near Ashira as the Sea Devil 2 steps next to Ashira. The mage then cast a spell and touches Ashira and Sea Devil 2 as he completes the spell. You see Ashira, Sea Devil 2 and the mage vanish with a flash and the sound of a pop (teleport.)
Crewman 2 staggered from the blows turns and runs away from Val (AoO)
Crewman 4 attacks Val with his short swords landing a slice across the chest (dmg 6)
Crewman 5 seeing the mage leave and the bodies of his fallen crew members he decides to turn and run for the upper deck (AoO Appolo and Bart)
Sea Devil 1 moves towards Bart wtih an evil twinkle in its eyes.

Team 2 -
Ari drops the crewman that had been attacking him with a flurry of blows.
Rigging sees that his opponent is now staggering from the repeated blows from Rigging but remains standing.
As Walker feals the healing energy flow through his body, Walker can see 4 invisible forms moving about the deck.
Crewman 8 attacks Walker missing with both of his swings.
Crewman 9 attacks Walker missing with both of his swings.
Crewman 10 attacks Rigging connecting with a massive blow to Riggings chest (dmg 24.)


Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Rigging ac 20 hps 5/50 mage armor,  d20+7=11 d20+7=20 2d6(5+5)=10 d4+1=3
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:04:29 AM

Rigging rocks back in agony from the blow to his chest. Tears of pain fill his eyes. He is tempted to just lay down and quit. He quickly thinks about activating his invisibility ring and curling up into a fetal ball. "No!" he thinks. Others depend upon him. He awkwardly lashes out with his rapier but his assailent dodges away. The follow up with his dagger finds his foe and drinks his life.

OOC 13 points of damage

Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG) 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:09:34 AM

With a temporary reprieve from defeating his foe. Ari realizes that they've not done anything to the catapults. With that in mind, Ari spells out animate rope on the nearest catapult and issue's "untie/unmake". Looking for a command that will hopefully cause the catapult to release it self, and either destroy it, or anything else that foils the catapult.

Valanthe (AC 17, 38 HP, Fatigued -4str/-4dex)  d20+11=15 d20+6=12
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:11:08 AM

Valanthe has no idea what came over her but the sudden loss of anger left her momentarily confused. Stranger still was the fact that she stood there while her opponent cut into her flesh. Her limbs devoid of strength, Val attacks are anything but effective.

ooc: two misses. I see this is where Ashira gets a heartseed or thats what it looks like.

Valanthe ooc 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 12:13:38 AM

no AoO roll because when the crewman runs Valanthe cannot attack. After he leaves is when Val gets injured and the spell is broken.

Bart (Ac24 HP 31)  d20+12=17 d10+7=15 d20+12=29 d20+7=26 d20+7=19 d10+7=13 d10+7=14 d10+7=8
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 4:55:18 AM

Bart sees the crewman leave and attacks him (ato ac 17 for 15) He then turns his attention to twinkling seadevil. Attackling him his first slash connects and hit the devil hard (ac 29 for 13) His second attack is even better maybe critical to the devil (threat 26 crit? 19 for 14+8). He looks around if he can see Ashira, he shouts Ashira where are you?

Appolo HP:36AC:21 Invisible  d20+6=17 d20+6=17 d8+3=5 d8+3=4 d6=2 d6=3 d6=5 d6=3 d6=1 d6=2
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 6:53:17 AM

Being invisible when enters the hall just in time to seethe capture of Ashira Bart strikes afleeing crewmen and Appolo quickly moves into position and backstabs the sailor twice with his sword."ASHIRAAA!!He yells and quckly becomes a merciless savage.

Attack 17,17 Damage 5,4 Backstab 16

Redux (mage armor)  4d4(4+4+4+3)+4=19
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 9:21:52 AM

As the night wind whistles through Redux's ears he spots Rigging's dire situation and tries to do something to remedy it. He fires off a volley of magic missiles toward Rigging's opponent, should he still be alive, or Crewman #10 (19 hp of damage).

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=17 2d6(4+2)+5=11 d6=5
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 4:36:56 PM

Walker will swing at crewman #9, staying defensive.
[hit ac 17, dam = 11 + 5 flame]

Boarding Action - rd. 6 (DM Dominic)  (attacking val) d20+10=24 d20+10=12 d20+5=12 (dmg on val) d8+3=8 (attacking val) d20+10=12 d20+10=20 d20+5=12 (dmg on val) d6+3=6 (attacking bart) d20+12=29 d20+12=23 d20+7=24 (dmg on bart) d8+3=4 d8+3=11 d8+3=5(attacking cs7) d20+12=22 d20+12=13 d20+7=20 d8+3=7 d8+3=5(attacking cs8) d20+7=19 d20+12=24 d20+12=19 d8+3=11 d8+3=4 d8+3=4 (hawley save) d20+8=26 (attacking walker) d20+10=13 d20+10=11 d20+5=18 d20+5=13 (attacking SD5) d20+9=24 d20+4=11 d6+4=10 4d8(5+3+4+3)+7=22 d20+6=17 d20+9=26 d10+4=5 d20+8=13 d20+3=16 d20+5=14 d20+6=12
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 8:35:51 PM

Team 1 -

Appolo appears out of nowhere screaming and attacking the crewman that was running from Bart, killing the crewman with a quick flurry of blows to the back.

The Sea Devil attacked by Bart screams from pain caused by Bart's attacks.

Val is currently Exhausted (-6 to STR & DEX, half movement)

Crewman 2 noticing the lack of attacks from Val he turns and joins in the attack with #4 attacking Val hitting once (dmg 7)
Crewman 4 attacks Val with his short swords landing a slice across the chest (dmg 5)

Sea Devil 1 attacks Bart with its trident hitting rapidly 3 times (dmg 4+11+5=20)

Team 2 -

Redux and the others from the Sword arrive and join in the combat.
As Redux is flying over he hits the crewman that had been attacking Rigging dropping him.

As the reinforcements arrive from the Sword you see 3 Sea Devils attack the reinforcements and a humanoid in finely cut leathers finish releasing a spell.
Mage 2 casts web catching CS10, CS4, CS5, CS3 in the area of effect.
Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 hitting twice (dmg 12)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS8 hitting with 3 blows (dmg 19)
Sea Devil 5 casts at Capt. Hawley Hold person (will save dc 16)
Crewman 8 attacks Walker missing with both swings.
Crewman 9 attacks Walker missing with both swings.

Swords Crewmen -
#3,4,5 & 10 are trapped in the web spell.
#1 attacks S4 and misses
#2 attacks S3 hitting with his hvy flail (dmg 5)
#6 attacks C9 missing with both swings.
#7 attacks S3 misses
#8 attacks S4 misses
#9 casts CCW on Rigging (heals 22hp)
Capt. Hawley shrugs the spell off and swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword hitting with one blow (dmg 10)

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Valanthe (AC very low, 26 HP, Exhausted -6str/-6dex) 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 9:47:07 PM

Totally exhausted Val tries to back away from the fight.

ooc: If Val is now exhausted what was the purpose of the saving throw from before? I would like to know where the rules are that combine fatigue from rage and the spell. All of a sudden the spell kicks in again and increases from the former -2 to the full -4 and adds to her normal fatigue. Since Val cannot attack she will attempt to retreat for the rest of combat. That is pointless since the enemy sailors can easily keep up and hack me to pieces. I will post again if Valanthe survives which I seriously doubt. Honestly it looks like we will have a few new crewman after this battle.

Dominic - the reason that Val is exhausted and not fatigued is the fact that you become fatigued from leaving the rage and the ray of exahustion spell already had you at fatigued. It states it in the phb how if you are fatigued then you have something cause fatigue you become exhausted.

Rigging ac 20 hps 29 mage armor, cat's grace 
Tuesday November 11th, 2003 10:41:52 PM

Rigging will pull out a seal and break it.

OOC changes his comrades weapons into holy weapons for one round

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor  7d6(6+6+5+6+4+5+6)=38 4d4(1+3+2+1)+4=11
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 12:05:55 PM

Using his flying spell to good advantage, Redux maintains an altitude of about 20 feet above the top of the combatants. He begins casting fireball at M2 (38 hp dam. Reflex save DC 15 for 19 hp dam.), aiming the spell carefully to avoid catching any of the crew in its path. If he does not have the space to aim the fireball without injuring his shipmates, Redux will cast magic missiles at M2 instead (11 hp dam if used).

Bart (Ac25 HP ??)  d20+12=23 d20+7=23 d10+7=14 d10+7=15
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 12:48:17 PM

Bartr is screaming from pain, he manages to stay on his feet and attacks his foe (hit ac 23 for 14), if he is dead he will attack the nearest crewmember otherwise his second attack is once more at the devil (ac 23 for 15). He keeps his eye o his nearest foe dodging away his attacks (+1Ac = Ac25 dodge feat)

I noticed you rolled a 23 to hit while bart has ac 24, i guess it is 9 dam instead of 20)

Appolo HP:36AC:21  d20+2=7 d20+2=13
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 4:34:21 PM

Appolo moves quickly past Bart and the Sea Devil Blitzing through to stand between the enemy aand Valanthe.He Does this by taking a step back then sprinting around behind Bart as passes Val Appolo pulls her back and steps in front of her.He will then fight defensively.
He says"Don't worry Sunshine I"m here."

OO:Please ignore d20 rolls,my bad.

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=13
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 6:52:18 PM

Walker swings at crewman #9 and misses.

Boarding Action - rd. 7 (DM Dominic)  (save M2) d20+8=14 (sd3 attacks) d20+12=19 d20+7=26 d8+3=7 d8+3=4 (sd4 attacks) d20+12=14 d20+7=27 d8+3=7 (sd5 attack) d20+10=16 (cs1 attack) d20+6=14 (cs2 attack) d20+9=28 d20+9=12 d10+4=9 (cs6 attack) d20+8=15 d20+3=17 (cs7 attack) d20+5=10 (cs8 attack) d20+6=8 (cs9 spell) 3d8(3+4+7)+7=21 (capt hawley attack) d20+9=14 d20+4=10 (attacking appolo) d20+10=11 d20+5=17 d20+10=14 d20+5=11
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 7:05:37 PM

Team 1 -

Bart sees the Sea Devil1 drop from his blows.
Appolo gets between Val and the opponents.
Val catches her breath and backs towards the stairs leading up.

Crewman 2 attacks Appolo missing with both attacks
Crewman 4 attacks Appolo with his short swords missing with both attacks.

Team 2 -

Redux sends a fireball at the mage that cast web on the Swords Crewmen (dmg 38).
You see the catapult #2 go slack as the rope causing tension goes slack.
Immediately upon Rigging breaking the seal everyones weapons glow for a brief moment. (they are considered Holy for this round.)

Mage 2 staggers from the blast of the fireball, he then calls out 'Regroup' then casts a spell and vanishes.
Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 while taking a 5' step hitting twice (dmg 11)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS8 hitting with 1 blows (dmg 7)
Sea Devil 5 attacks Capt. Hawley and misses
Crewman 8 moves towards catapult 2. (AoO walker)
Crewman 9 moves towards catapult 2. (AoO walker)

Swords Crewmen -
#3,4,5 & 10 are trapped in the web spell.
#1 attacks S4 and misses
#2 attacks S3 hitting with his hvy flail (dmg 9)
#6 attacks C9 missing with both swings.
#7 attacks S3 misses
#8 attacks S4 misses
#9 moves over to Ari and casts CSW on Ari (heals 21hp)
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword missing.

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps

Current HPs that I have including healing done by NPc's this round:
Bart - 22hp
Ari - 30hp
Val - 35hp
Appolo - 36hp
Rigging - 27hp
Redux - 46hp
Walker - 35hp


Rigging, ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cat's grace, holy weapons, invisible 
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 8:43:56 PM

Rigging will activate his ring of invisibility and head north towards where he last saw the mage.

Walter OOC 
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 10:52:02 PM

Unless there was some unspecified healing Valanthe has 26 hp. Because of her rage she gained 14 and lost 14 which might have thrown off your numbers.

Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG)  d20+8=11 d20+9=10
Thursday November 13th, 2003 11:25:05 AM

Thanking his healer, Ari does his best to defend the catapult, and keep it from being used against the Sword.

(AC 11 and AC 10)

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor, Invisible  d20+4=24
Thursday November 13th, 2003 1:14:40 PM

Redux smiles wickedly as the spellcaster is toasted by his fireball, but his smile quickly fades to a frown when the man disappears. He shouts out to Ari "Ari...we need all the hands we can get...dispel the web."

Floating in the air, Redux considers his options. Figuring that the mage won't be too thrilled with him, Redux reaches in his backpack, pulls out an invisibility potion and downs it. Knowing that he's going to need some help locating the now invisible mage, Redux summons Talon (his owl familiar) mentally. "Talon...get over here. I need your help finding someone." Redux begins flying toward Catapult 2, searching as he goes (Spot=24!!!! Holy cow...may not need Talon after all).

Bart (Ac24 HP 22)  d20+12=26 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 d10+7=11 d10+7=14 d10+7=13
Thursday November 13th, 2003 1:28:42 PM

Bart attacks th crewman in frot of him (ac 26 for 11. It looks like his second attack ihas done some critical dammage (threat crit 21 for 14+13) Bart moves around his opponent giving him better protection (+1 Ac dodge feat)

Appolo HP:36AC:21 
Thursday November 13th, 2003 5:56:21 PM

Appolo continues to fight defensively as he watches the sea Devil fall.he fighting with witha rather eerie calm as waits for his opponents to make a mistake.

Boarding Action - rd. 8 (DM Dominic)  (attacking bart) d20+10=17 d20+10=12 d20+5=13 (attacking appolo) d20+5=22 d20+10=12 d20+10=12 (dmg on appolo) d8+3=10 (attacking cs7) d20+12=21 d20+7=14 d8+3=11(attacking cs8) d20+12=13 d20+7=13 (attacking hawley) d20+10=21 (save hawley) d20+6=19 (attacking cs2) d20+10=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=6 (dmg on cs2) d8+3=6 (attacking cs3) d20+10=18 d20+5=15 (dmg on cs3) d8+3=7 d8+3=11 (save for cs4,5,10) d20+5=25 d20+4=17 d20+4=9 (attacking s4) d20+6=8 (attacking c9) d20+8=26 d20+3=9 (dmg on c9) d8+2=3 (attacking s3) d20+5=15 (attacking s4) d20+6=18 (attacking s5) d20+9=23 d20+4=10 (dmg on s5) d6+4=5
Thursday November 13th, 2003 6:34:10 PM

Team 1 -

Bart delivers two telling blows to the crewman who barely keeps to his feet.
Crewman 2 attacks Appolo cutting a slash across the toroso (dmg 10)
Crewman 4 attacks Bart with his short swords missing with all attacks.

Team 2 -

Rigging fades from view.
Redux vanishes and flies towards catapult 2. Redux thinks he detects something moving to his right over near the hatch going to the lower decks but is unsure.

Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 hitting once (dmg 11)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS8 missing with both attacks
Sea Devil 5 casts bestow curse on Capt. Hawley (dc 17)
Crewman 8 swings and hits once CS2 (dmg 6)dropping him.
Crewman 9 attacks CS3 hitting with both attacks (dmg 7+11=18) dropping her.

Swords Crewmen -
#3 (dying) & 10 are trapped in the web spell.
#1 attacks S4 misses
#2 (dying)
#4 moves out of the webbed area.
#5 moves out of the webbed area.
#6 attacks C9 hits with his first swing (dmg 3)
#7 attacks S3 misses
#8 attacks S4 misses
#9 cast see invisible
Capt. Hawley saves vs the spell
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword hitting once (dmg 5)

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps

Val at the end of next round you will go from Exhausted to fatigued.


Ari AC 23 HP 9 (BS CG) 
Thursday November 13th, 2003 6:47:48 PM

Hearing Redux's call, Ari is pained to realize that he might have caused some crew members deaths. Quickly he pulls out his wand of dispel and zaps a charge off at the web entangled crewmates. (lvl 12)

Rigging ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cats grace, holy weapon seal  d20+6=25 d20+6=15 d20+6=7 d6+1=6 2d6(5+3)=8 2d6(2+6)=8 d20+8=10
Thursday November 13th, 2003 7:56:15 PM

Rigging sees a cs3 get hacked down and a rage overtakes him. He will plunge his (holy) rapier into the cad's back sinking it deeply. He is so pleased with the result that he complete flubs the follow up dagger attack.
Rigging will take a quick look around, but I doubt he sees much in the smoke and confusion.

OOC sorry with cats grace Rigging should get a extra plus 1 to hit. Rolled critical and being behind my opponent I hit ac 19 damage 22. rolled a 10 for my spot check

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=11
Thursday November 13th, 2003 11:19:27 PM

Walker looks to see if he can see the mage that disappeared earlier. If he can reach him he will move to attack, otherwise will attack c9.

Bart (ac24 hp 22)  d20+9=24 d20+4=21 d10+10=14 d10+10=20
Friday November 14th, 2003 2:44:38 AM

Angry that the crewman is still standing before him Bart uses more strenth than accuratesse to his blows (powerattack 3). His first attack blows his opponent from his feet (ac 24 for 14). APPOLLO! atttack him we care about Val in a moment He steps forward and joins the fight with Appollo. Attacking once more (ac 21 for 20)

AppoloHP:26/36 AC:21  d20+7=23 d20+2=16 d6+2=7 d8+3=6
Friday November 14th, 2003 5:24:59 AM

Appolo grimaces then strikes back visiuosly and silently twice,once with his shortsword and once with his dagger.

Attack 23,16 Damage 7, 6

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor, Invisible? 
Friday November 14th, 2003 9:28:56 AM

Spotting the movement to his right, Redux pulls out a scroll of Glitterdust. "Not so fast big guy...I need to shed a little light on this matter. Redux thinks to himself. He centers the spell at the place where he last saw the movement and then flys toward the hatch...wanting to finish this matter quickly.

OOC Will save DC14 or be blinded for 7 rounds. Sparkling continues for 7 rounds.

Boarding Action - rd. 9 (DM Dominic)  (save mage) d20+7=16 (attacking cs7) d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d20+12=27 (dmg on cs7) 2d8(3+4)+6=13 (attacking cs1) d20+12=30 d20+12=25 d20+7=27 d20+7=11 (dmg on cs1) d8+3=10 d8+3=6 (attacking hawley) d20+10=25 (dmg on hawley) d8+5=13 (attacking cs5) d20+10=13 d20+5=22 (dmg on cs5) d8+3=9 (fireball dmg) 8d8(8+4+8+2+2+5+6+6)=41 (reflex saves) d20+2=21 d20+3=6 d20+3=21 d20+4=7 (attacking s4) d20+6=25 d20+3=11 d8+2=10 (attacking s3) d20+9=27 d8+4=5 (attacking s5) d20+4=9 d20+9=16 (attacking c8) d20+7=16 d20+2=18 d8+2=9 (attacking c8)d20+9=14 d20+4=16 (attacking s5) d20+4=20 d20+9=27 d6+3=4
Friday November 14th, 2003 7:01:07 PM

Team 1 -

Bart and Appolo finish off the remaining opponents. Valanthe recovers some of her energy (now fatigued not exhausted.)
You see 3 open doorways and the stairs going up.

Team 2 -
Ari uses his wand and dispels the web freeing everyone.
Rigging appears behind C9 and drives his rapier through C9's toroso killing him.
Walker starts to move to where he sees what he thinks is an invisible creature.
Redux moves towards the hatch and causes an area to start to sparkle (missed the mage.)

Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS7 hitting with the second attack (crit) (dmg 13) dropping CS7
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS1 hitting with both attacks (dmg 16)
Sea Devil 5 swings at Capt. Hawley hitting (dmg 13)
Crewman 8 swings and hits once CS5 (dmg 9)
The Pride's mage appears as he completes his spell. you see a ball of flame streak out from him and explodes next to Rigging (dmg 41, reflex save DC 17 for half.) Fireball catches Rigging, Ari, CS3 (failed, killed), C8 (failed), CS6 (made took 20hp dmg), CS2(made took 20hp dmg)

Swords Crewmen -
#3 (dead)
#10 attacks c8 missing
#1 attacks S4 hitting (dmg 10)
#2 attacks s3 hitting (dmg 5)
#4 attacks s5 missing
#5 attacks c8 hitting once (dmg 9)
#6 moves towards the mage
#7 (dying)
#8 (dead)
#9 begins casting
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword hitting once (dmg 4)

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps

Val is now fatigued.


Valanthe (AC 17, 26 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex) 
Friday November 14th, 2003 8:52:39 PM

Val hobbles forward and checks the northern room.

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Friday November 14th, 2003 10:10:30 PM

Appolo moves to support Valanthe"Take it easy Sunshine,your not looking to good,niether are we for that matter.Just sit down and rest we're out of the gane for the moment.Here have some water."He oofers her his waterskin. He looks around at he hallThen adds"We've lost Ashira,we're not going to lose you too.This is a bloody disiaster."

Rigging ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cat's grace  d20+9=18
Saturday November 15th, 2003 12:08:13 AM

Rigging will see the mage's ball zipping towards him and run towards it diving into a roll. He will roll to his feet and activate his ring again turning himself invisible. Rigging will then sprint towards the magicuser thinking very bad but somehow pleasing thoughts of sharp pointy objects piercing his enemies' body.

OOC made saving throw, have evasion feat so don't take any damage. Not sure if activating the ring will take up my movement or not.

Walker, Hp 35/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise  d20+6=24 2d6(1+4)+5=10 d6=1
Saturday November 15th, 2003 2:02:07 AM

Walker moves towards m2 and swings.
[hit ac 24, dam 11 + 1 flame]
{Ooc: plus should be 6 not 5)

Sunday November 16th, 2003 2:22:51 PM

Wait Val i have a potion of endurance i dont know if it works, but it cant be going worse than now I think

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor  d20+4=19 d4=2
Sunday November 16th, 2003 10:12:51 PM

Spotting the mage come into view and the fireball pass below him, Redux casts Enervation at the Mage, hitting him squarly (dc=19) for 2 lost levels. Now being visible, Redux moves down to the deck and north, but around the area affected by the glitterdust.

Ari AC 23 HP 10 (BS CG)  d20+8=21 d20+6=14 d20+6=9 d8+3=9
Sunday November 16th, 2003 10:28:10 PM

Not having been on the receiving side before, Ari cries out in pain as he gets singed from the fireball (saved). Feeling the blisters spread thruout his body, Ari backs away from the fighting and pulls out his bow and arrows from his Quiver. Ari takes aim at the mage and lets his arrows fly. (assuming not close range, but in first range increment) AC 14, and 9, for 9 points if hit.

Boarding Action - rd. 10 (DM Dominic)  d6+8=11 (attacking CS2) d20+12=28 d20+7=9 (dmg on CS2) d8+3=10 (attacking CS1) d20+12=29 d20+7=26 (dmg on CS1) d8+3=4 d8+3=9 (attacking hawley) d20+10=27 d8+3=4 (attacking CS5) d20+10=15 d20+5=23 d8+3=4 (mm dmg on redux) 4d4(4+3+3+3)+4=17 (attacking c8) d20+4=9 d20+9=15 (attacking s4) d20+6=23 d20+3=4 (dmg on s4) d6+2=4 (attacking s3) d20+9=11 (attacking s5) d20+9=10 d20+4=24 d20+4=21 2d6(5+5)+2=12 (attacking c8) d20+7=21 d20+2=18 d8+1=9 d8+1=9 d8+7=14 (attacking s5) d20+9=23 d20+4=6
Monday November 17th, 2003 7:13:08 PM

Team 1 -
Checking the northern room Val, Appolo and Bart see King Maisey chained to the bed unconscious and stripped of all clothes.

Team 2 -

Rigging vanishes from sight as he starts towards the mage.
Walker swings at the mage connecting with his blow. As Walker hits you see bluish flames flare up around the mage (dmg to Walker 11.)
Ari fires at the mage two arrows and misses both the mage and Walker.

Sea Devil 3 stabs at CS2 hitting once (dmg 10)
Sea Devil 4 stabs at CS1 hitting with both attacks (dmg 13)
Sea Devil 5 swings at Capt. Hawley hitting (dmg 4)
Crewman 8 swings at CS5 hitting once (dmg 4)
The Pride's mage sends 4 bolts of force into Redux (dmg 17)

Swords Crewmen -
#3 (dead)
#10 attacks c8 misses
#1 attacks S4 hits once stunning S4 (dmg 4)
#2 attacks s3 misses
#4 attacks s5 hit with his second attack (crit)(dmg 12)
#5 attacks c8 hitting with both attacks (dmg 18)dropping him.
#6 moves towards the mage
#7 (dying)
#8 (dead)
#9 casts clw on CS2 (heals 14)
Capt. Hawley swings at Sea Devil 5 twice with his short sword missing both times.

After seeing the fight is hopeless the Mage calls out "Drop your arms men!"

Maps of each teams battle areas: Pride of Aisildur battle maps


Rigging ac 20 hps 29/50 mage armor, cat's grace, inivisible  d4+1=5 d4+1=2
Monday November 17th, 2003 11:29:19 PM

Rigging will hear the call for surrender and notice the fire shield spell the mage has. He will release his invisibility spell and call out. "Stand down! Everyone standdown. They are surrendering!"

He will motion for the mage to come forward and say, "Hands behind your head. Down on your knees! If the mage and the others don't immediately obey, Rigging will unleash a magic missile spell at the stubborn ones. "Be careful, the heartseeds might take over."

OOC Rolled 7 points of damage if necessary for magicmissile

Valanthe (AC 17, 26 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex) 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 12:30:58 AM

"Thanks for the offer Bart but we don't know if the potion will counter whatever that magic did."

Valanthe hobbles over to King Maisey and looks for some type of new scar.

"How can we tell if she has been implanted with a heartseed?"

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21  d20+3=23 d20+8=21 d20+6=10 d20+6=17
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 3:18:18 PM

Appolo moves up besides Valanthe"it should be between the navel and the heart,Here let me search.Appolo beaks out his thieves tools and a magnifying glass and gives King Maiseys body a thorough inspection.He then picks the locks.

Search 23, Pick lock 21,Disable Device 10,used hero piont on disable device 17.

Redux (AC 19 HP 46) Mage Armor 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 6:27:39 PM

Redux smiles as the mage's magic missiles are absorbed by his Broach of Shielding. He gives Rigging a funny look when the surrender is accepted. "Don't think it's right to attack and then surrender." he mutters under his breath. He keeps close tabs on the mage, ready to fire off a few magic missiles if needed.

Capture of the Pride (DM Dominic)  3d6(4+4+4)=12
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 6:28:48 PM

The Crew of the Pride do as the Captain ordered and dropped their weapons. While the Sea Devils stopped attacking, they still hold thier weapons in a defensive manner. The Captain (mage) asks "My name is Araon, I would like to speak with your captain about the terms of surrender." Araon then tells his men to gather together and get the fire out that is burning on the deck. Araon will allow himself to be escorted where ever he needs to go. Hawley walks over to Rigging and asks Redux to join him. When everyone is gathered Hawley asks "how do we want to play this? I command the ship but I act under your orders per mission requirements."

Down below in the lower decks -
Appolo starts to examine Maisey but does not find any signs of her being heartseeded. When Appolo starts to work on the manacles on Maisey's wrists Appolo sees a rune appear then it flashes and vanishes. Immedeately after it flashes everyone feels a wave of sleepyness wash over them. (Will save DC 21 or fall into a catatonic slumber for 120 minutes)

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21  d20+3=22 d20+8=19 d20+8=17
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 8:05:50 PM

Appolo is momentarily blinded an stunned by the flash,but shakes his head and fights off the effects and continues to work on the locks.

Will 22, Picklocks 19,Disable device 17

Tuesday November 18th, 2003 9:38:53 PM

Rigging says, "Our primary mission is to save the King. I suggest we take the King and their Captain with us. We loot their ship for magic and treasure and damage their rudder so they can not follow us. We need to get out of here before we come across any of their other warships. We have a high level hostage, who might be able to give us some information. Who knows, we might even be able to turn him to our side.

Otherwise we would have to kill everyone and I have seen enough bloodshed for one day."

Rigging will have his say and then decide to go check on his wife and the others. "Ashira! Is everything ok down there!?"

Rigging will start moving towards the hatch going down.

Redux (mage armor)  4d4(4+2+3+4)+4=17
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 10:43:24 PM

Redux growls at Riggings suggestion. "We should kill the sea devils outright, they're evil and always will be. Then we should throw the bound, gagged and blindfolded crew, including this 'captain' overboard. The ship can then be sailed back by our own crew. We can have our mages give it a complete examination before it goes into service. This is a magic user, for Pete's sake," pointing at the captain, "at least blindfold and gag him now. As for terms of surrender: what terms have you ever given to those on our side? Someone gag him before I send my own volley of magic missiles at him. He should have no say in what we do." Redux begins casting (dmg from missiles, if used=17).

Valanthe (AC 17, 26 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex) 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 10:59:22 PM

Feeling no effect, Valanthe doesn't react to the sleepyness. She removes her cloak and drapes it over King's body.

"I don't think she would like to wake up without any clothes on. Maybe we will get lucky and find her equipment somewhere."

ooc: I believe that Valanthe is immune to magical sleep effects.

Walker, Hp 24/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Tuesday November 18th, 2003 11:08:19 PM

Walker will stand ready to help as needed.

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 12:44:46 AM

(ooc phooey, sorry for missed post)

Ari helps to bind up the opposing crew, and help bind the wounds of the sword crew members. Hoping the members below are okay, Ari then waits for any word as to what to do.

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 10:19:12 AM

Rigging is taken aback by Redux's strong statement. He will stop and order, "Redux stand down."

He realizes that some of what the mage says is true and will turn to Walker and say, "Walker tie up the mage and gag him. Watch him closely and if he gets out of hand, take appropriate actions."

He will turn back to the Redux and say, "Satisfied. You know it doesn't hurt to take the occassional prisoner."

He will take Redux by the arm and lead him away from the others and whispers. "I agree that the sahaugin have to go. Let's get them seperated from the others and then we can deal with them. I am thinking about using a cure on the Captain. He is a powerful mage and might know something of the enemies plans but isn't a priest. He might be salvagable. Who knows...he might even be able to teach you a spell or two. He showed decency in surrendering and seems concerned for the welfare of his crew. Doesn't sound evil to me."

Rigging will pat the mage on his back and finish by saying, "Start seperating the sea swine from the others. I want to check on the king and the others below."

Rigging will continue towards the hatch to go down.

Bart  d20+2=22 d20+5=11
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 3:13:00 PM

Bart sees also the flickering of the rune, but hit has no effecton him. Appolo i will help ypoyou Bart pulls at the chains trying to pull them out of the floor (strength check 11)

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 4:41:19 PM

"Bart if you want to help go get an axe and start chopping away at the wood around the bolts." Appolo says as he continues to work on the locks.

Vanishing Prisoners (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 5:36:35 PM

When you turn to deal with the Sea Devils you do not see any of them. The only prisoners you see are the crewmen that are trying to put out the fire on the deck and the captain who has moved over to help with the fire.

After much fighting with the manacles Appolo and Bart succeed in freeing King Maisey. King Maisey remains in an unconcious state.

Redux and Rigging head down to the lower deck not hearing any reply from Ashira.

Walker, Hp 24/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible, Expertise 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 5:42:12 PM

Walker follows Riggings directions in handling the mage.

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Wednesday November 19th, 2003 6:13:54 PM

Still bleeding from his wounds Appolo turns to Bart"Take care of her.Becareful.I have a report to make."He looks rather sad and defeated,with tears forming in his eyes. Appolo hears Rigging and turns heads out of the room.

Meeting Rigging at the bottom of the stairs"Rigging my friend,I have some very bad news.I am sorrysssniffle sigh we lost Ashira.They captured her and teleported off the ship."Tears are now streaming down his face."i am so sorry,it happened right before I could get to her.""Oh we got the king back,not that it matters."

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 10:27:06 PM

Appolo can visibly see the blood drain from Rigging's face. Rigging knees will buckle but with a force of will he will straighten them. "See to the king's safety. Ashira would want that."

Rigging will stalk out of the room and bound up the stairs. He will head over to the Captain of the Vengence and grab him by his hair, pulling his head sharply back. He will put his holy dagger to the man's thoat and say in a deadly quiet whisper, "Where is my wife? Who took her from this ship and where would they have taken her? Be warned...if I even think you might be lying to me, I will feed your carcass to your sahaugin friends."

Wednesday November 19th, 2003 11:09:06 PM

Valanthe remembers the rough times and some of the mean things she has said to her dear friend. Things got better and Valanthe found herself cherishing Ashira's friendship. Filled with pain, Valanthe wants the anger to come. Wishes for it, but come it will not. Recent events have caused Valanthe to realize her own mortality. Ga'al is fighting harder than before and the war is becoming deadlier day by day. If she died tomarrow, what mark has she left on the world?

With a voice filled with fatigue, sorrow, and anguish Val asks Appolo, "Can we talk later? After we get back to the ship?"

Ari (HP 9, Just a man) 
Thursday November 20th, 2003 6:28:16 AM

As time whittles away, the remaining spells effecting Ari expire. Ari returns to being just a human who has been severely burned. Starting to feel the extent of his injuries, Ari starts poking around for any ointments to ease the pain of his wounds.

When Ari hears and then sees Rigging get very hostile with the mage. Ari understands Rigging's concern as he realizes that one of the groups members seems to have disappeared. Wanting to find out what has happened, Ari gingerly makes his way over to where Rigging's has the knife to the mage's throat.

Unsettling News (DM Dominic) 
Thursday November 20th, 2003 4:19:13 PM

Captain Araon allows Walker to tie him up. As Walker starts to gag him he tells Walker "Let me finish helping them get the fire under control, please?"
Araon goes dead still when Rigging puts the knife to his throat. He then asks "Describe the person that took your wife? If it was the wizard below with the prisoner then they have probably teleported to his home. Your wife will probably be safe for a short while then he may start to fquestion her on who you are and where you live. I am not his commander, he is used when there is a captive that is important."

Captain Hawley walks up to Rigging and whispers "this ship is not going anywhere untill the masts and riging can be repaired. We don't have the supplies to fix her here, but we could tow her back with us, if we get rid of her crew. I will not bring them back to home port."

After several minutes you hear a loud commotion comming from the Sword. What you can make out is that a Sea Devil was found below deck and had damaged the Sword to the point of her taking on water before it could be killed.

A crewman from the Sword walks around asking if anyone needs some healing. If anyone says they do the crewman will hand you a potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1) and tell you that he is out of spells but has a few potions left.

Rigging and Walker make a spot check DC 25

Redux  d20+4=21
Thursday November 20th, 2003 4:34:51 PM

The mage lets out another growl as he discovers that the sea devils have escaped. "I should have killed them while I had the chance." he thinks to himself. Redux briefly considers disobeying Rigging's order and firing off the magic missiles, but ends his spell at the last minute and follows Rigging down stairs.

Redux loses all his zeal as he finds out about Ashira's disappearance. His fingers reach underneath his robes where Ashira's shell whistle lies and thinks about pulling it out and blowing it. "You said you'd be here if I ever needed you... Redux is depressed for a few seconds and then is brought back to reality as Rigging bounds up the stairs. As quickly as he can, Redux follows and approaches Rigging and the Aisildurian captain. As he approaches, Redux speaks in low tones to Rigging. "If they went to all the trouble to capture her then there's still hope.... Perhaps these swill will be useful after all. Maybe a trade can be arranged." Redux raises his tone of voice slightly, enabling the "Captain" to hear him. "Or, at the very least, we can torture a bit of information out of them. It's been a long time, but I can whip up a bunch of the herbs used to control the seeds. We can force it to them and see where to go from there." Redux looks around and thinks he spots something suspicious, but he can't put his finger on what it is. (Spot=21)

Rigging ac 20 cat's grace, mage armor  d20+8=28 d20+11=28
Thursday November 20th, 2003 5:22:50 PM

Rigging's eyes go wide as he see a small orb drop from the mage's hand. His mind flashes to his studies and he immediately knows it is from a necklace of missiles. Without thinking he bats at it with his dagger, connecting solidly with it and sends over the side of the ship.

Rigging will look down at the mage and say, "If it is death you want? I will oblige you." He then neatly cuts the Captain's throat, letting him drop to the deck. "Redux finish the other one please. Then find his cabin," he will point at the dead captain, "and see if he had any interesting spellbooks or other treasure in there"

Rigging will then pull out his wand of magic detection and activate it scanning the crew but especially the captain.

As he does this, he will say to the Sword's Captain, "Sir, I would get the Sword along side so we can make the transfer and then be ready to shove off. Let's forget about this wreck and get the king home."

Thursday November 20th, 2003 5:24:25 PM

OOC sorry forgot to explain my rolls, first was a natural 20 for spot, Used 2 hero points to get +4 to swing at the bead.

Appolo HP:26/36AC:21 
Thursday November 20th, 2003 5:41:08 PM

Appolo turns to Valanthe tears in his"It's ok,she'll be alright.I'll take care of it."He saysjust then the old crones warning comes back to him.He pulls Valanthe close to him and holds shaking"I thought that I'd lost you as well.Your everything to me.We can talk furhter when we get to the ship.as I said I"ll take care of it,I'll do whatever is nessecary."He then picks Val up carries up on deck. seeing the dead captian he looks at Rigging and smile a wicked smile,As the crewman from the sword hands out healing potions he collects two and gives them both to Val"Here drink these you'll fel better.He says he sits down next to the side of the ship with Val in his lap.He is furious with himself,G'aal and Alemi.He sits there holding Val and silently fuming his face white as ash and his mercilless as he clutches her tightly.

Walker, Hp 24/73, Ac 25, Bull Strength, Water Walking, Shield of Faith, See Invisible  d20+10=30 2d8(6+8)+5=19
Thursday November 20th, 2003 6:22:28 PM

Walker spontaniously casts cure moderate on Ari.
[spending Bulls strength]
[spot=30 natural 20, heal 19 points]

Thursday November 20th, 2003 7:19:53 PM

Bart looks around to find a blanket to cover King Maisly. He also looks around in the room for her clothes, if he dont sees them he will have a quick look in the other two rooms. He then returns to Maisley and carries her to the upperdeck

Valanthe (AC 17, 40 HP,Fatigued -4str/-4dex)  2d8(6+6)+2=14
Thursday November 20th, 2003 11:34:12 PM

Valanthe offers no resistance as Appolo carries her up to the deck. Instead of being stubborn and refusing to drink the healing potions, Valanthe drinks these without muttering a word. She rests in Appolo's embrace physically and mentally broken all but oblivious to the events going on around her.

Redux  d20+4=23
Friday November 21st, 2003 11:16:51 AM

Redux smiles a small smile with grim satisfaction at Rigging's order. Locating the crewman who is busy fighting the fires, he lets loose 4 magic missiles at the man (using 17 hp from previous roll). He waits to make sure that his missiles take down the man. If they don't Redux will continue flinging his magic until the man hits the deck. Then he heads to where he assumes the captain's quarters are and begins his search (Spot=23).

Ari (31)  d8+1=3
Friday November 21st, 2003 2:17:16 PM

Ari pipes up for the healing from the Sword crew member, and then thanks Walker as they both help ease the pains of his burns. There are still somes signs of damage, but you can now see that Ari is wearing his clothes more comfortably (what remains of them).

When Rigging reacts to the bead, Ari will jump as if preparing for an attack.

When Rigging then pronounces death on the Captain, Ari clenches his teeth together. From his clenched teeth Ari says, "Did we even find out if he was seeded? Just when are we going to start helping our country folk?"

With that Ari turns his back on the proceedings, and goes over to the ships rails.

Friday November 21st, 2003 2:26:47 PM

Rigging gives a sharp glance at Ari's comment and his face becomes stormy. "I was going to use one of the cures on him. His eyes didn't become glazed. He was acting normal. He as a person chose to try to kill me and you and maybe more of my friends! His wasn't acting possessed when he palmed that fireball bead. It's bad enough that they could be torturing my wife as we speak. They could be appling a heartseed to her chest right now!" Rigging's voice breaks into a sob and he turns away suddenly wiping at his eyes. He breaths a deep ragged breath and goes on activating his wand of magic detection.

Picking Up and Heading Home (DM Dominic) 
Friday November 21st, 2003 6:36:23 PM

Seeing the Captain toss a small bead like item at his and Rigging's feet, Riggning knocks the bead away from his immeadiate area and over the side of the ship. A few seconds later you see the flash and the sound of a fireball going off between the two ships. As Ari reaches the railing he sees the explosion and notices that there are new scorch marks on the Sword.
Captain Hawley calls out "lets be quick, we need to be going before someone comes a looking for the Pride. Men return to your posts on the Sword and prepare to head home." Hawley then looks to the Wildcards on deck and says "be quick my friends, I want to be away from this sad place." hawley then heads back to the Sword.

The crewman that had been passing out potions goes over to Bart and says "let me help you there with King Maisey and get her aboard the Sword." He will then help with getting Maisey aboard the Sword.

With the one spell Redux kills the remaining crewmember of the Pride. When Redux finds the Captains cabin he finds that the door is not locked and goes in. looking around Redux finds in a hidden compartment in the bunk several items (see below.) When Redux uses the wand he finds an outline of a door on the wall beside the bunk. Going through it Redux finds what looks to be a small sleeping quarters with a door on the opposite wall. Searching through this room Redux finds a spellbook.

Checking the Captain's body Rigging finds 6 items that detect as magic.

After gathering up the loot you return to the Sword.
Once everyone has returned to the Sword Captain Hawley skillfully moves the Sword away from the Pride. Once away and at short range for the catapults and ballista Captain Hawley asks "shall we sink her?"

Items found:
Captains cabin -
3 vials
2 arcane scrolls
1 divine scroll
sack (magical) w/ 10 gems

Captains body -
ring (golden)
ring (onyx)

crew bodies -
6 longswords (masterwork)
trident (masterwork)
warhammer (magical)
2 shortswords (masterwork)
2 shortswords (magical)
Hvy. Flail (masterwork)

will email the spellbooks listing

Friday November 21st, 2003 10:22:41 PM

Walker joins the rest of the crew back aboard the Sword. He will offer his make whole spell to help with the damage. Then he will help any of the wounded.

Friday November 21st, 2003 10:53:40 PM

Rigging will say, "Yes lets sink her. I never her want to see that ship again." Rigging will then take out the Nautacolous and summon its powers. He will do a reading around the ship to find out what is below the Sword. He is looking for any sahaugin that might be tagging along for the ride.
After the Pride is sunk, he will speed the Sword of Redemption on its way. He will hand the magic items he found over to Redux and head to his cabin. "I want to be alone for a while."

Saturday November 22nd, 2003 11:10:16 AM

Appolo carries Valanthe aboard the Sword his heart heavy.He carries her down to her quarters and makes her comfortable helping her outof her armour and clothes.Appolo then collects some hot water and strrpis down himself,he washes up,then helps Valanthe do the same.He also puts a bandage on his still festering wound.He will climb into bed with her and hold her.Pity the fool that interupts them.Appolo's in no mood to be bothered right now.

Saturday November 22nd, 2003 12:30:03 PM

Valanthe lays in Appolo's arms enjoying the embrace. Her eyes are closed as she comes to a descision on the things that have been bothering her as of late.

"We live dangerous lives. I don't believe that I will die of old age. Just like everybody who leads this life sooner or later an enemies blade will strike true. I want to leave something besides a story or two for bards. I want children."

Sunday November 23rd, 2003 3:39:40 PM

Bart says to the crewmen Thank you for you help, I will bring her to a cabin now where she can rest, can you get an healer she is still unconcious"

Sunday November 23rd, 2003 10:29:35 PM

Quietly Redux takes all of the loot to his cabin with whatever help may be given. He tells the others, "I'm going to look over the scrolls and spell book for anything useful. Maybe this captain had an identify spell I can use after copying it into my spell book or I'll find someplace to buy it. I'd like to keep as much of that type of work to ourselves to keep costs down."

The next morning, Redux uses Read Magic to sort thru the spell book and scrolls. After he's had some time with it all, he sorts out the questions he has for the others. "Walker, this scroll is something I can't read, what type of divine spell is it?"
"Appolo, are you able to appraise gems or do we need to have someone outside the party do this?"

"I may want to keep the bracers myself, but I will let everyone know of their value when we go to make a split. I thought that at least these long swords should be kept on board for our crew to use; they were a great help back there. By my count we are going to need to identify at least 13 items; that's not a problem, I'll just need more that one day. We can sell the trident, short swords and heavy flail now to get what is needed to identify the rest of the items. Once we've finished with all of that, we can see who wants what. Out of respect for Rigging and Ashira, lets put some portion aside for Ashira. I'm sure that with some careful scrying, we can find where that mage went."

(ooc Feel free to post replies or use the game. Dominic, how much game time may we use in getting back to port? Were you going to send out a list of spells for the book & scrolls?)

Sunday November 23rd, 2003 11:02:54 PM

Not wanting to be around anyone himself, Ari goes off to his cabin to meditate and be by himself.

Arrival Home (DM Dominic) 
Monday November 24th, 2003 7:52:09 PM

Over the next couple of days you slowly recover from the shock of Ashira being taken and the physical wounds begin to heal with the aid of the clerics on board the Sword.
Sorting through the scrolls Redux and Walker find that they have the following spells (arcane: ray of exhaustion, teleport, dimension door, invisibility, divine: mass heal, mass cure serious wounds.)
Redux discovers that the 2 spellbooks contain the following spells (spellbook #1 (0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Burning Hands, Charm Person, Identify, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep. 2nd -- Alter Self, Blur, Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Web, Whispering Wind. 3rd -- Blink, Haste, Invisibility Sphere, Lightning Bolt, Summon Monster III, Water Breathing. 4th -- Bestow Curse, Confusion, Minor Globe of Invulnerability.),
spellbook #2 (0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Charm Person, Feather Fall, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, Summon Monster I. 2nd -- Blur, Levitate, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Spectral Hand, Summon Monster II, Web. 3rd -- Dispel Magic, Fireball, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Good, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Ray of Exhaustion, Secret Page, Sleet Storm. 4th -- Fire Shield, Minor Creation, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self. 5th -- Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Hold Monster, Teleport, Wall of Force))

After sailing for 3 days you arrive back at Safeport. When you arrive you see who you think is Rushcant waiting for you at the dock. One of the crewmen from the Sword hops across to the dock and tallks to Rushcant. When the crewman is done talking, you can see that Rushcant has a look of deep sadness and concearn.
As soon as the Sword has tied to the dock King Maisey leaves the Sword calling out that she is headed to the palace. When the Wildcards leave the Sword Rushcant comes over to them and says "I am glad to see that King Maisey was recovered, and I am deeply saddened to hear that Ashira was lost in the attack." A few moments later Rushcant says "come,you need to report to Jack on what happened." Following Rushcant to the palace you see several people look at you and then lower their heads with sadness.
When you arrive at the palace you are shown to Jacks recieving room where you see King Maisey talking to Jack. After a few moments Maisey finishes talking with Jack and Jack looks to the Wildcards.
"I am deeply proud of the Wildcards for they have helped the Pirates. I am saddened by the fact that one of you has been lost in rescuing King Maisey. In reward for the rescue of King Maisey I give you the ownership of the ship 'The Sword of the Sea'." announces The Jack so that everyone can hear. "Rest up for I fear that you will be needed before to long. says The Jack.
After the annoucement Rushcant comes over to you and tells you "you can rename the Sword if you like. I am sorry to tell you this but, Captain Hawley has been wanting to retire. So you will need to talk him into staying on or find a replacement for him as the captain of the Sword."

you have until thursdays post to take care of the issue of a captain of the sword and any other business that you have in port.


Monday November 24th, 2003 11:46:51 PM

Rigging stays in his cabin most of the voyage home. When the ship is docked, he will take the condolences from the Jack and Rushcant. "Sir please don't speak as if my wife Ashira is dead. She is only captured and I hope to one day soon rescue her. Even if she is heartseeded, we have Alemi's blessing to restore her.

Thank you for the ship. I am sorry to hear about Captain Hawley. He is an incredible Captain. I could see letting him retire from the Sword if you were promoting him to admiral or some position of greater responsibility. We still need him, and I am going to try to persuade him to stay. If not, I will becoming to you for a recommendation for another Captain.

Rigging will turn to the other wildcards and say, "Now that we are the Sword's owners, we need to see to her refitting and repair. Ari, you and Bart will be in charge of the repairs. Redux, I want you to spend your time accessing the magical loot we got and give me a recommendation on the best distribution of it, to our team members for greatest efficiency. Apollo and Val, I am gonna put you in charge of ship stores. Please take an inventory of all the weapons, food and supplies and let me know what it take to get us reoutfitted. We will need to have a ships meeting and see to the crew. Many might want to leave now that Captain Hawley might be departing."

Rigging will stop, look a little sheepish and say, "I am sorry...Listen to me giving orders. I don't have that right anymore. We are all equal owners in the Sword. You need to decide if I am still the person you need and want to lead you. I will understand if you don't. I haven't always made the best decisions, especially of late."

Rigging will turn and quickly wipe his eyes. He will say over his shoulder and he walks away. "I will abide any decision you make and try to help out the new leader as much as possible if that is what you decide. I am gonna try and find Captain Hawley and talk some sense into him."

OOC Dominic, we have never been clear on the crew, its officers, and other special personal on the Sword. I know we have a cleric, a magic user, Hawley, some drunken gnome who helps run the magic of the ship and other officer. Could you give us a quick run down on this...thanks

Tuesday November 25th, 2003 10:13:06 AM

Riggiong you are a leader for a longtime you are doing fine. You can stay on as our leader if you still want the job. But i don't agree with your latest order, I know my way in the ships alley and the storage rooms, i also have some idears in the ships armament. So i want to do tht instead of refiting and repair her.

Tuesday November 25th, 2003 12:05:56 PM

When the group comes back into to port, Ari finally emerges from his stateroom. Having not slept very well, his appearance is a little disheveled. Slicking back his unkempt hair, Ari then runs his hands over his three day growth.

I guess I should shave that.

Ari joins the rest of the party as they get shuffled ashore to the pronouncment of the Jack. Once Rigging says his orders Ari speaks up. "I am sorry for your loss Rigging. I am sorry that I spoke so harshly after the incident with the enemy Captain. I was not thinking when I reacted. My sentiments still match what I said though. Sadly, I don't think anyone else seems to agree. So I think having you step down from the leadership should not happen. Maybe I should take a new name, and call myself Thorn. Since I seem to always be a thorn in your side. " Ari smiles at Rigging when he states his imagined name. The smile takes away some of the frostiness from the proceedings.
"If Captain Hawley does not want to stay on with the Sword, I would recommend that you recruit him as our eyes here on the island. Maybe offer him one percent of all treasure in order to watch out for our affairs here on the island. Maybe have him start a retirement house, either for the Pirates, or just for the crew of the Sword. I don't know what he might be intersted in.

If we are taking over the operation of the Sword, do you think we should maybe ask the crew what they want? Or what about maybe starting to implement those changes we talked about? Think of our ship as a small kingdom, in which we try to enrich all the people's lives? Just some things to think about."

When Rigging orders Ari to take care of the ship's repairs, he heads to the ship to get an inventory of any repairs the ship needs. When Ari gets back to the ship, he'll try to approach the most knowledgeable person about the ship and it's needs. (the quartermaster?)

Ari will then proceed to clean himself back up to respectfulness.

Reluctant Captain (DM Dominic) 
Tuesday November 25th, 2003 7:24:40 PM

When each of you start to check on getting the Sword repaired and stocked you find out that Captain Hawley placed orders for it to be done. You are told that the bounty from the fleet battle that was the Swords/Wildcards share will be used to pay for the cost of repairs and resupplying of the Sword.

When you find Captain Hawley you see that he is packing up his belongings. When you approach him he looks to you then says "I feel that it is time for me to retire as I have been at sea to many years. I want to just retire and relax for a while. I think that the Sword will be in good hands with your bunch. If everyone feels that I should remain I will think on it, but I would leave the command of the overall mission to your bunch. Let me go and say something to the crew before you ask me anything." He then walks out and out on to the main deck. Standing there he looks about and then calls out "Galant crew of the Sword of the Seas, as you all know, I have been thinking of retireing from active duty. Shall I find the quiet life or shall I stay? If you say that I can follow my heart and retire, who shall Captian the Sword. Shall it be one of you or shall it be one of the Wildcards? Please think on it and let the Wildcards know." He then walks back to his cabin.

Tuesday November 25th, 2003 11:58:42 PM

Rigging is about to say something to the Captain and opens his mouth but the Captain walks off and addresses the crew. He will follow and try to say something again, but the captain will head into his cabin. Rigging thinks to himself, "I am begining to understand how a blowfish feels."

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 2:19:44 AM

Appolo replies to Valanthe"Sure sunshine,but will have to leave the pirates and get married.' he then hugs tightly and kisses her.
Appolo spends most of the trip back with valanthe going where ever she goes,he doesn't sleep or even eat much.When he does sleep he has nightmares and wakes up in acold sweat.So he doesn't.

When they arrive back at the Island and are sommoned before the Jack Appolo just walks silently and morosely behind the others with his hood up and scarf covering his face.
He says nothing keeping his thoughts to himself.If one were to look it his yes one would see anger,hatre and frustration along with a healthy dose of self loathing.

After they reach the sword Rigging questions wether or not he should be leader and Appolo walks over grabs by the shoulders skes,then saysloud enough for everyone to hear"Your the leader,that's the end of this and secondly we're going to get her back.I'll do whatever needs to be done." his vpoice is cold merciless and commanding ,Appolo then adds"it also look like yor Captian now." he then heads back to his quarters. Where he morosely starts throughing is daggers at the wall hitting the smae place almost everytime.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 7:57:44 AM

"Rigging, you have long been this groups leader and they have done well under your guidence. I would suggest you remain so."

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 3:52:44 PM

During the voyage back to the port, Redux notices everyone's depression and stears clear of everyone, trying to give the wounds time to heal. He carefully examines the items recovered from the Aisildurian ship and prepares them to be identified. He is secretly amazed at the spell books they have captured, and spends almost all of the time scribing the new spells into his own spell book. He is amazed at the complexity of some of the spells and looks forward to the day when he can try and unlock them.

At the meeting with the Jack, Redux breaks out into a huge grin as he finds out that the Sword. He notes Rigging's continued bad mood, and tries to control his enthusiasm. Then, when Rigging questions his leadership role, Redux moves forward and puts a hand on his shoulder. "As the others have already said, we all respect and value your leadership. The things that happened back there aren't your fault....it was just bad luck." Redux moves in closer to Rigging and whispers "Besides...I'm looking into some ways to find her and get her back." Redux watches the exchange between the Captain and the crew with interest, wondering what the crew will say.

As soon as the crew have made their decision, Redux heads into town and makes his way to that magical store called the Catacombs and purchases the items he will need to identify the magical treasure they just found. He spends the rest of the time in town isolated in his quarters as he goes about the identification process. If he has a little extra time, he begins scribing some scrolls, knowing that dark days are sure to be ahead.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 4:49:03 PM

When Ari hears of Captain Hawley and his request to the crew, he comes topside to see what the crew's response his. Anxiety about what this all could mean, is clearly etched upon his face.

Crews Answer (DM Dominic) 
Wednesday November 26th, 2003 7:10:06 PM

After a couple of hours Niner comes in to the captain's cabin and asks everyone to come on deck as the crew has made a decision. When everyone is assembled on deck the crew look to Captain Hawley and then Niner says "Captain, we the members of the crew would like you to follow your hearts wishes and retire. In your place we choose Arrack Von Palin, know to most of us as Rigging to be the next captain of the Sword of the Seas. We hope that you agree with our choice of replacement as well. You will allways be a part of this crew Captain Hawley." When Niner finishes the crew calls out "Long live Captiain Hawley!"
Captain Hawley then steps up and says to the crew "I am honored to have served with each and everyone of you. I will support your choice of Arrack Von Palin 'Rigging' as the new captain of the Sword of the Seas. Captain Rigging, Please accept the command of the Sword and hold every member of her crew dear to your heart as they will aid you in every trouble to their best ability." Captain Hawley waits to see if Rigging or the other Wildcards has anything to say then heads back to the captain's cabin and retrieves his gear. As he leaves the Sword hawley stops and tells you all "if you need my help getting her ready to sail just ask and I will see what I can do. I have given the orders to get her repaired, refit and restocked for a quick turn around for you. They will use our bounty from the fleet battle to pay for the costs. See Quariil the ships quartermaster to find out what is left in the ships account after the bills are paid. She keeps the best acounting of ships expences as I have ever seen. Good Hunting Wildcards."
After Hawley leaves work gets going at a rapid pace on the Sword.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 7:45:44 PM

"I know. Maybe once we find Ashira. It wouldn't feel right to walk away now." Valanthe says to Appolo.

Valanthe spends her free time in her cabin, resting in Appolo's arms. She's happy that the Sword was theirs and Rigging was captain but it didn't feel right without Ashira there. Valanthe couldn't help but wonder about the dreams Ashira had. Were they visions of the future? One thing that plagued her more than anything was the descision to keep them a secret or tell Rigging.

Wednesday November 26th, 2003 9:24:05 PM

Rigging will stand forward and with his head held high say, "I will be honored to take command of this fine vessel and this wonderful crew. I can only hope,in some small way,to fill the huge shoes that Captain Hawley has left me. It has been an honor and a priviledge to sail and fight at his side. We wish him only the best in his retirement."

Rigging will turn to the Captain and hold out his hand, "Sir please honor me and your loyal crew with allowing us to throw a feast in your honor in two days time. I think everyone here would like one more chance to dine with you before we cast off."

He will then turn to the others and say, "As it stands now, there will be no changes in the chain of command! Everyone else has his same position until I say otherwise. Now lets get this fighting ship back into shape!"

OOC I again ask, please list the ships officers, enlisted men and other notables. My old rank was a 7. What is it now? I see we have a nine. Was he the first mate or second in command? I am so confused. Happy Turkey day everyone

Dominic - I will get the list to you as soon as it is put together. Niner is the ships navigator..

Thursday November 27th, 2003 12:49:14 PM

Bart goes ashore and seeks for an flowershop and orders one white rose. He also writes a smallcard. It says beacause you are so special. He asks the flower to be delivered at the palace of King Maisley

Thursday November 27th, 2003 5:08:57 PM

Walker just helps out in general as needed.

Refitting Report & Readiness (DM Dominic) 
Thursday November 27th, 2003 7:36:24 PM

The next morning the ships quartermaster, Quariil comes up to you when you are all gathered then says "The Sword shall be finished repairing and restocking in 5 days time. The total cost of the repairs and restocking used all of the bounty from the fleet battle except 4500gp. The Sword will be fully stocked and crewed by the end of the 5 days. How do you want me to disberse the remaining gold in the ships account?"

Later in the afternoon Niner comes over to Rigging then says "I have found replacements for the crewmen that were killed in the fight aboard the Pride. They will be reporting aboard the Sword in the morning for duty."

That evening a messenger comes to the Sword bearing a message for Bart from King Maisey.
Thank you for the beautiful flower and helping rescueing me. Please come and join me for dinner one night.

you can use untill monday for in party planning while the ship is being repaired. Monday we will be starting the next module. XP will be emailed to each of you later today.

Friday November 28th, 2003 12:22:11 PM

Rigging will ask Quariil to come to his quarters and bring the books with him/her? When they sit down, Rigging will ask for an explaination of the books and how loot is normally divided by the crew. After this is explained to him, he will tell Quariil to divide the gold among the crew as normal but to make sure that any families of slain crewmembers are given their shares. "It is bad enough they have lost their loved ones, we should help them get on their feet.

He will bring in Niner next and ask him to report on the statis of the existing crew and what quality of recruits that are coming on board?

Rigging will work his way through all the ships officers, trying to get a feel for them. He will ask all for recommendations on making the ship a better fighting vessal or ways to improve morale.

Rigging will then ask the members of the Wildcards to come in. After they do, he will say, "I want to thank you on your vote of confidence in me. I am not sure that I am ready to be Captain of this ship, but I am going to try my best. On to business. This leads me to a more ticklish subject. Though you account me leader of the wildcards and I will assume that leadership role when I am with you on missions, I will be busy with the day to day operations of the ship. We need to elect a new leader for the Wildcards. Normally I would nominate my wife Ashira. Unfortunately she isn't available just now. I would like to nominate Ari. He is the oldest member of our family and one of the wisest. What do you say Ari? Will you take it?

Redux, I know you have been working on those spell books and to get some of the other magic items identified. What have you found so far. I would like a crack at the spell books as well. I believe Ari, would like to see them also."

Rigging will then turn to Bart. "I hear you got an invitation to dinner. I officially order you to take it up. We could use friends in high places. Besides the king is a handsome women, and you could use some taming."

Rigging will spend some time scribing some spells into his spellbooks. He will have a good time at the party for Captain Hawley and talk to him about his plans. He will follow advice and recruit him to be their eyes and ears on the shore.

Friday November 28th, 2003 2:23:17 PM

Ari's jaw drops when Riggings suggests that he take the leadership of the group.

Slowly, Ari works on getting his teeth to come together again. Thinking about what Rigging has said Ari asks,"From what you say, would I be the the leader when there is no-one else around to take it? Or are you giving me full leadership with no strings attached?

If anything, I think I would be comfortable with calling me leader-in-training. I'm not sure that I have the right frame of mind for being a leader. So I'd like to still take input from you whenever possible. Along with Ashira after we get her back.

This dilemma reminds about some of the stuff we've talked about before. I don't know if we want to some how incorporate using the terms Prince, Baron, and some of those other titles to describe what we're doing. I could see you being called Prince at this point, with everything that is happening. I could then be comfortable with being called Baron, because everyone would know that they could still go to you, if they thought I wasn't doing my job.

Just something to think about.

I would also hear what the others would say about my appointment. I have never been afraid to voice my opinion, I would hope that the others would not feel afraid to state their opinion now."

Friday November 28th, 2003 3:57:26 PM

"Ari, I apologize because I was unclear before. I guess I am looking for a second in command for the Wildcards. What happens if I die, am captured, or put out of commission. The Wildcards would be leaderless and I believe less effective as a team.

Now I am not planning on missing out on the Wildcard's missions. I still consider myself part of the family and as Captain would outrank you. What I need from you, is someone to keep us trained, organized, equipped and so on while I am consumed with running The Sword of the Seas. It really is a thankless job. You will get the grunt work without the glory. Can you do that?"

Rigging starts pacing, a sure sign to the others that his mind is going a mile a minute.
"I need to evaluate the rest of the crew. They have always been important to me, put I don't consider them family. Not the way I think of the Wildcards. I might want to make one of you my overall second in command of the ship, but need to think of the whole crew before I make that decision. I have to evaluate the whole crew, find out the strengths and weaknesses of them before I can make that determination."

Rigging will turn to the others, "If you see my about to put my boot in my mouth, feel free to point it out."

Rigging  d4+3=7
Friday November 28th, 2003 5:12:53 PM

Rolling hitpoints

Crew meetings (DM Dominic) 
Friday November 28th, 2003 5:41:36 PM

When Quariil comes in and sits down with Rigging, she sets her books on the table and then says "the current method of dividing up the treasure is as follows. 25% of the total (gross) treasure would go to the ships funds, then 20% would go to the crew, with each member getting an equal share. The captain would then get 5% and the remaining 50% would be turned over to the Wildcards. I will see that the families of the dead crewmen get 4 shares each. This formula is adjustable by you the captain but I would advise against changing it as it has been good for ships morale." After a few moments she then asks "is there anything else you need Sir?" Quariil will wait a few moments to see if there is anything else then will leave taking her books with her.

A short time later Niner comes in to see Rigging. "you wanted to see me Sir?" After hearing the question about the crew, Niner says "the Sword is fully crewed with 65 members of which the special squad of 10 is just replacing their losses from the last battle. If you give my the day I will have the complete crew manafest for you (will email it to you)." After a few moments Niner tels you "the crew is at the finest I have seen it in many years, and I think it is one of the best in all of the fleet." After a few minutes of talking with Rigging Niner gets up and returns to his duties.
After meeting with the ships officers you have the feeling that the ship is a finely tuned weapon for the Pirates of Jack. You also get the understanding that the Wildcards are considered a special part of the crew (advisors to the captain) of the Sword by the rest of the crew.

Rigging  d20+10=14 d20+10=25 d20+10=18 d20+10=27 d20+10=28 d20+10=19
Friday November 28th, 2003 8:56:04 PM

Blink failed, invisibility sphere successful, just got fireball (phew), burning hands successful, dispel magic successful.

that's all I could do in 5 days

put into my character sheet...took haste and lighning bolt as my freebies

Appolo  d8+3=9
Saturday November 29th, 2003 12:05:32 AM

When Rigging call the wildcards together Appolom is the last to enter.He closes the door behind him and listens to whar Rigging has to say.Appolo then speaks up"I think we should take aboard some extra crewmen and take the total number up to 100.That wau we could capture more ships and have enough extra crew to sail the ships back to here.Secondly we should find out where the Son's of G'aal are holding Ashira and go get her. With the extra crew we would have some cecent back up.One other thing you all know that the Grim Assins have probably been dispatched to deal with Ashira.If I were the Jack that is what I would do."Having said his piec Appolo fades into the back ground Heis going to wait for the others to leave then have aprivate chat with Rigging.

OOC:Appolo's hit point roll 9

Saturday November 29th, 2003 11:35:49 AM

Rigging stomach does a flip flop when he hears Appolo mention the Grim Assassins. His mind jumps back to his orders to rescue the king and realizes that they were ordered to kill her if they couldn't free her.

Rigging leaps to his feet. His face looks like death. "I need to see the Jack!" Rigging will stride from the room, adjusting his weapons as he goes.

Saturday November 29th, 2003 1:59:13 PM

A second in command, that's more what I thought you had meant. Though you might want to think more on when you're going to have to stay with the ship, and when you're going to go with us. Unless you have a 2nd in commmand with the ship, that is seperate from us.

If we take on the extra crew, then we won't be able to stay at sea as long. We can also take on extra food, and stay to sea longer if we keep at the same crewing level.

Do we want to take extra ships, which could have secret places that someone could stow aboard, and the report whatever back to G'aal and his minions? These ships might also be able to be tracked magically, because a mage has done some teleporting, or somesuch with the ship.

How many ships of the fleet are down for the count right now? Do we have a proper amount of ships to defend the island? Because if we don't, I don't really see the Sword going to too many places that leaves the island undefended.

Rigging. Do you want to try the Nauncauntalus (ooc sp? on my part) with Redux? Because if he can cast Teleport, do you think we might be able to find the area where she is, and get the Wildcards there to rescue her? We may or may not be able to come back right away, if they track Ashira with magic. We could do all of this while we wait for the ship to be repaired. I also might be able to work with Redux to locate Ashira by the dagger I made her, if she's got it on her?" Ari looks to Rigging to see if he nods yes or no.

"Do you two share anything else between each other?"

When Rigging announces that he must see the Jack Ari pipes up, "As 2nd, unless others protest, I should go with you."

Saturday November 29th, 2003 11:07:13 PM

Appolo says"No I'll go,Ari you crack the whip and get the crew to work around the clock,we can't wait 5 days we have to get moving as soon as possible."With that said Appolo follows right behind Rigging."Hey Rigging wait up,it's probably to late anyways>'

Monday December 1st, 2003 2:34:42 PM

Bart says to Rigging. Don't you think it's time to install Walker as an official member of our family, giving him a cloak and brooch as we all have?

Rigging why do we need a second in command for the Wildcards, can't Quarill or Niner run the ship for you, let one of them run the ship in your name let them worry about all the details. Off course you still have the overall guidance of the vessel and make the major rulings, but give both of them some freedom. They also are on their own when we have a mission on shore!

After he talked with Rigging Bart sents a note to king Maisley that he gladly accepts her invitation and that he hopes to see her at this evening dinner. He asks a messenger boy to deliver this note to the palace. He goes into town a buys himself a new costume made of a dark blue velvet and white lace. Bart decides that another flower or present is overdone and he arrives at around seven at the palace

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